HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-02-02 Minutes— lqw- Design Review Committee Meeting
February 2, 2021
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
7:00 p.m.
A. Call to Order
The meeting of the Design Review Committee was held on February 2, 2021. The meeting was called to
order by Mike Smith, Staff Coordinator, at 7:00pm.
Design Review Committee members present: Francisco Oaxaca, Diane Williams, Mike Smith.
Staff Present: Sean McPherson, Senior Planner; and Vincent Acuna, Associate Planner.
B. Public Communications
Mike Smith opened the public communication and, after noting there were no public comments, closed
public communications.
C. Consent Calendar
C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of January 19, 2021.
Motion by Oaxaca, second by Williams. Motion carried 3-0 to adopt the minutes as presented.
D. Project Review Items
D1. DESIGN REVIEW DRC2019-00766 - 11298 JERSEY BLVD, LLC - A request to construct a
159,580 square -foot industrial/warehouse building on a vacant 7.39-acre parcel within the
Minimum Impact/Heavy Industrial (MI/HI) District, located at the northwest corner of Jersey
Boulevard and Milliken Avenue - APN: 0229-111-60. Staff is preparing an Initial
Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration.
Staff presented the project to the Design Review Committee. Commissioners Williams and
Oaxaca liked that the building looks like an office building and expressed support for the design.
The Committee voted to advance the project to the full Planning Commission.
The Committee took the following action:
is Recommend approval to PC/PD.
CO. - A request for site plan and architectural design for the development of two industrial
warehouse buildings, parking, and landscape improvements on vacant parcels located east of
Etiwanda Avenue on the north of Napa Street; APN: 0229-291-54 and -46. An Environmental
Impact Report is being prepared for this project.
Staff provided a powerpoint presentation providing the facts of the project relative to the Design
Review Committee's review. At the end of the presentation, staff noted that there were two
items for which staff sought the DRCs input (employee break area in front setback, and chain -
link fence along existing rail spur). In addition, the project applicant also expressed concerns
regarding the relocation of an existing Southern California Edison (SCE) easement and related
First, the project plans illustrated an employee break area shelter structure within the front
setback. Staff noted that structures are not permitted within the 25-foot front yard setback.
Discussion ensued on this item, with input from the applicant and applicant's architect.
Committee members Oaxaca and Williams both suggested that the applicant work with staff to
relocate the structure outside of the front setback. The applicant and applicant's architect
indicated that they would relocate the structure outside of the front setback.
Second, staff solicited the opinion of DRC members related to the proposed construction of a
chain -link fence along the existing rail spur, behind the front setback, and not visible from the
public right-of-way. Both Committee members Oaxaca and Williams indicated that a chain -link
fence in this location did not present a concern, provided that the fencing include slats for
screening as required by the Development Code.
Commissioner Oaxaca asked about the applicant's concerns related to the relocation of the
SCE easement and related infrastructure. Staff members Smith and McPherson both respond
stating that this was not a topic related to the Design Review Committee's purview, adding that
this will be discussed with the full Planning Commission. No, other discussion was held on this
item. Lastly, Commissioner Oaxaca asked staff to explain the annexation process relative to
this project. Staff member Smith briefly highlighted the annexation process in general terms
and concluded remarks by stating that this topic too would be discussed in detail with the full
Planning Commission.
The Committee took the following action:
AN Recommend approval to PC/PD.
E. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm.
Respectfully submitted,
1 �
abeth Thornhill
Executive Assistant, Planning Department
Approved: DRC meeting February 16, 2021
Design Review Committee Regular Meeting Minutes — February 2, 2021
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