HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-02-10 - Minutes - PC-HPCHistoric Preservation Commission and
Planning Commission Agenda
February 10, 2021
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
7:00 p.m.
The meeting of the Historic Presentation Commission and Planning Commission was held on February
10, 2021. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Guglielmo at 7:01 pm.
A. Roll Call
Planning Commission present: Chairman Guglielmo, Vice Chair Oaxaca, Commissioner Dopp,
Commissioner Morales, Commissioner Williams.
Staff Present: Darrelle Field, City Attorney; Anne McIntosh, Planning Director; Sean McPherson, Sr.
Planner; Dat Tran, Assistant Planner; David Eoff, Sr. Planner; Elizabeth Thornhill, Executive Assistant;
Jason Welday, Engineering Director; Mike Smith, Principal Planner; Brian Sandona, Senior Civil Engineer.
Chairman Guglielmo announced a change in the agenda order: Following the Roll Call, Section E. General
Business, Item E1 (Renew Appointment to Public Arts Committee to Align with the Official Term) will be
B. General Business
Commissioner Dopp was re -appointed unanimously as a continued member of the Public Arts Committee
for 2-year term (2021- 2023).
Motion by Commissioner Williams, Second by Vice Chair Oaxaca. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0 vote.
C. Public Communications
Chairman Guglielmo opened for public communications and hearing no comment, closed communications.
D. Consent Calendar
D1. Consideration to adopt Regular meeting Minutes of January 27, 2021.
Motion by Commissioner Williams, second by Commissioner Morales. Motion carried 5-0 to adopt
minutes as presented.
E. Public Hearings
BOULEVARD) — DIAMONDBACK LAND SURVEYING - A request to subdivide an existing
7.97-acre lot containing two industrial buildings into two lots within the Minimum Impact
Heavy Industrial (MI/HI) District; APN: 0209-143-19. This item is exempt from the
requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA
guidelines under CEQA Section 15315 — Minor Land Divisions.
Vince Acuna, Associate Planner, presented Commissioners with a Staff Report and oral presentation
(copy on file).
Chairman Guglielmo opened the public hearing.
With no public comments. Chairman Guglielmo closed public hearing.
Commissioners expressed general support of the project.
Motion by Commissioner Dopp, second by Commissioner Williams. Motion carried 5-0-0 vote to adopt
Resolution 21-05.
Chairman Guglielmo recused himself due to being involved with the sale of the land in Item E2 and
handed the remainder of the meeting over to Vice Chair Oaxaca to run.
CONSULTING, INC. - A request for site plan and architectural review of an industrial building
totaling 13,116 square feet on 0.72 acres of land located on a vacant parcel addressed 8281
Utica Avenue in the Industrial Park (IP) District; APN: 0208-062-10. This item is exempt from
the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA
guidelines under CEQA Section 15332 — In -Fill Development Projects
Sean McPherson, Senior Planner presented Commissioners with a Staff Report and oral presentation
(copy on file).
Commissioner Williams asked about the one inquiry received by the school and asked if they indicated
in favor or against the project.
Sean McPherson answered the school did not indicate any support or opposition to the project. It was
a general inquiry.
Commissioner Dopp asked about the parcel buildings to the south, next to the street and asked if there
was a discussion aligning the office building more towards the street as opposed to being in the back.
Sean McPherson answered yes. Staff inquired as to the possibility of bringing that building to the front.
However, the layout of parking lot and access across the parcels is shared parking/access. Staff
realized and therefore are recommending approval of the project with the building in its current location
in order to facilitate access across parcels.
HPC/PC Meeting MINUTES — February 10, 2021
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Vice Chair Oaxaca opened the public hearing.
Angel Cesar, Applicant, Blue Engineering, thanked the Commissioners for reviewing their project and
is available to answer any questions.
Commissioner Dopp stated looking at the floorplan, building is designed to be a professional building
and asked if they plan to put 3 or 4 firms/clients in building.
Mr. Cesar answered that his client, who purchased the property and is developing it, wanted the
option to lease out to multiple professional services, but the ultimate idea is to occupy both floors.
Michael Seffinger, owner of building at 8291 Utica Avenue, asked will the development extend to the
to the street with sidewalk and will there be a driveway entrance.
Sean McPherson answered yes and explained the current sidewalk will be extended along with the
landscaped parkway frontage of the vacant parcel. He said access to that parcel will be through shared
driveway, along north of the subject parcel that exists now.
Mr. Seffinger asked how long will it take to develop the land.
Mr. Cesar, Applicant, answered more or less 6 months with minimal disruption to any of the adjacent
Lori Isom, Central School District, 8316 Red Oak located directly adjacent to the proposed parcel,
asked how much footage will there be between back of the proposed structure and sidewalk along
school property.
Sean McPherson answered about 10 feet along meandering sidewalk to the back of the proposed
With no more public comments, Vice Chair Oaxaca closed public hearing.
Commissioner Morales expressed he liked the modern design and it meets the City's architectural
guidelines and goals of continuous improvement.
Commissioner Williams agrees with Morales and added it would complement that part of land and
other buildings.
Commissioner Dopp expressed his approval and thanks applicant for choosing Rancho Cucamonga.
Vice Chair Oaxaca concurs with his fellow commissioners.
Motion by Commissioner Morales, second by Commissioner Dopp. Motion carried 4-1-0 vote to adopt
Resolution 21-09. Recuse — Chairman Guglielmo.
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F. Director Announcements
Anne McIntosh, Planning Director, reminded Commissioners of a Special Study Session on Wednesday,
May 1211 @ 4:OOpm. To please make sure this important date is on their calendars. It will be on the General
Plan and will have a draft document to over with Commissioners.
G. Commission Announcements
Vice Chair Oaxaca thanked staff for making the agenda available on the PrimeGov platform.
H. Workshop - None
I. Adjournment
Motion by Commissioner Morales, second by Vice Chair Oaxaca to adjourn the meeting, motion
carried 4-0-1. Absent — Chairman Guglielmo. Meeting was adjourned at 7:42pm.
Respectfully submitted,
lbeth Thornhill
Executive Assistant, Planning Department
Approved: HPC/PC Regular Meeting February 24, 2021
HPC/PC Meeting MINUTES — February 10, 2021
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