HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-27 - Minutes - PC-HPCHistoric Preservation Commission and
Planning Commission Agenda
January 27, 2021
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729
7:00 p.m.
The meeting of the Historic Presentation Commission and Planning Commission was held on January 27,
2021. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Guglielmo at 7:03pm.
Planning Commission present: Chairman Guglielmo, Vice Chair Oaxaca, Commissioner Dopp,
Commissioner Morales, Commissioner Williams.
Staff Present: Darrelle Field, City Attorney; Anne McIntosh, Planning Director; Matt Burris, Deputy City
Manager; Jennifer Nakamura, Analyst II; Dat Tran, Assistant Planner; David Eoff, Sr. Planner; Elizabeth
Thornhill, Executive Assistant; Jason Welday, Engineering Director; Mike Smith, Principal Planner.
B. Public Communications
Chairman Guglielmo opened for public communications. Received one comment regarding trees the City
planted and is concerned they will fall over due to the high winds and damage properties. Requesting to
have them removed.
Mike Smith, Principal Planner, provided his contact information to discuss further.
Chairman Guglielmo hearing no other comments, closed communications.
C. Consent Calendar
C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2021
Motion by Vice Chair Oaxaca, second by Commissioner Morales. Motion carried 4-0 to adopt the
minutes as presented. Commissioner Williams abstain.
D. Public Hearings
design review modification to SUBTPM19762, SUBTT20032, DRC2016-00449, DRC2016-
00450, DRC2016-00451, DRC2016-00452, DRC2016-00508 by modifying the current
conditions of approval with the removal of Condition #13 that places restrictions on the
residential occupancy of the community. The project site is located at the southwest corner
of Day Creek Boulevard and Base Line Road — APN: 1090-695-90. Pursuant to the
California Environment Quality Act (CEQA), a Mitigated Negative Declaration was adopted
and approved in 2017 as part of the original project approval and was determined that the
project would not have any significant impacts on the environment. The request to modify
a condition of approval will not result in any significant impacts or additional impacts that
weren't previous addressed by the Mitigated Negative Declaration. Therefore, no further
environmental review is required.
David Eoff, Sr. Planner, presented Commissioners with a Staff Report and oral presentation (copy on
file). He noted a modification to the current conditions of approval with the removal of Condition #13,
that places restriction on the residential occupancy of the community.
Vice Chair Oaxaca stated with the conditions as it stands now serves as a guarantee for the City that
the project will be built out as it was approved. He said the condition connected everything together so
when the project was done, we would have a complete development but removing this condition seems
it will disconnect from the hotel portion of project from the rest of the development and his concern is
are there any other guarantees it will ever be completed the way we expect it to be if that condition is
David Eoff answered there is no guarantee with this condition being. removed because the hotel
property is under a separate ownership. He said the hotel owner remains excited about the project, but
we really do not have a guarantee.
Anne McIntosh, Planning Director, mentioned there is an incentive because it's entitled. She said
because the project has already started construction that entitlement adds value to the property.
Chairman Guglielmo asked what type of condition is the lot in currently. Are there any plans to beautify
the parcel should it remain vacant for a length of time.
David Eoff answered the lot is currently rough graded. There are separate requirements in place just
from a code enforcement standpoint for maintaining vacant property. He said there is nothing specific
to improve that site to accommodate the timeline while waiting on the hotel.
Chairman Guglielmo opened the Public Hearing.
Phil Burum, Applicant, said site is builder ready. "unintelligible*"
Megan Kay Whieldon, Applicant, stated the hotel issued a building permit to proceed with building that
pad but due to COVID it is the reason why they did not proceed. She said they do have an active HOA
on site at all times which helps with management of the area.
Karen H., resident, state she understands the owners of the hotel, commercial and residential areas
are separate and would like to know if they are all owned by a corporation.
David Eoff answered no, they are all under separate ownership.
With no more public comments. Chairman Guglielmo closed public hearing.
Commissioner Dopp mentioned it is a project we would like to have seen done all at once. He does not
have a problem to remove the request in the condition. He said for the record, he is disappointed it
had to come to this.
Commissioner Williams agrees with Dopp of being disappointed. Her concern is that the site will end
up looking bad but believes the commercial company will keep up with the management of the property.
She does not have a problem removing the condition.
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Commissioner Morales stated the hotel is making all reasonable efforts to get financing. He said to
approve and recommend is the right thing to do considering all the circumstances.
Vice Chair Oaxaca asked the property owner, where the hotel is planned to make sure as the other
property advance and new residents move -in they keep the parcel aligned with all that is going on
around them. He said he is comfortable with staffs recommendation to remove the condition.
Chairman Guglielmo stated it is going to be a huge asset for the City. He believes the HOA will keep
an eye on things and hope the owner of hotel will be a good neighbor and shortly we will be able to
utilize the hotel.
Motion by Commissioner Dopp, second by Commissioner Morales. Motion carried 5-0 vote to adopt
Resolutions 21-8, with the modified condition.
CONTROL DISTRICT -A review of a proposed subdivision of a property of about 1,166
acres into twelve (12) lots for sale and three (3) lettered lots to be retained by the project
proponent, located within the Etiwanda Heights Neighborhood and Conservation Plan,
located north of Banyan Street, east of Milliken Avenue, and west of Day Creek Boulevard
-APNs: 0201-191-27; 0201-272-15, -16, -17, and -18; 0225-091-05 and -06; 0225-092-01;
1074-351-01, -04, -05, and -06; 1087-071-01, -02, -03, -04, -05, -06, -07, -08, -09, -10, -11,
-12, -13, 14, 18, -19, and -20. Pursuant to the California Environment Quality Act (CEQA),
the City certified and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on October 2, 2019 in connection
with the City's approval of Environmental Impact Report and General Plan Amendment
DRC2015-00749, Etiwanda North Specific Plan Amendment DRC2015-00750, Zoning, Map
Amendment DRC2015-00752, Etiwanda Heights Neighborhood and Conservation Plan
(EHNCP) Specific Plan DRC2015-00751, Annexation DRC2015-00732, and Development
Code Amendment DRC2019-00459. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, no
subsequent or supplemental EIR is required in connection with subsequent discretionary
approvals of the same project.
Jason Welday, Engineering Director, presented Commissioners with a Staff Report and oral
presentation (copy on file). Noted two minor things for the record: 1) Notices that were mailed reference
the 12 lots that would be for sale however, the three letter lots were not included in the notice. Minor
omission and it does not affect the nature of the subdivision or lots. 2) Copy of the Tentative map
provided with Staff Report, the ownership was listed as County of San Bernardino and it should have
been San Bernardino Flood Control District. The written Staff Report is correct, and we have updated
Cities copy that is on file to reflect that change.
Commissioner Oaxaca asked regarding the "Location" slide of presentation, the area was outlined in
red. It encompassed all the neighborhood area except for a section in the southeast corner. He asked
what the fate for that portion of the neighborhood area is and will there be a separate action considered
for that section.
Jason Welday explained there is a small amount of residential in that area under Etiwanda Heights
Plan and there is also park space and other uses. The County Flood Control District's ownership is
mostly the flood control area and area that is shown in the Plan as park area, however there is a small
amount of planned residential areas that are owned by the District. These areas would still need to be
developed in the plan as it was approved by City Council.
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Vice Chair Oaxaca asked regarding Page 8 the sizes of'different parcels and noticed Lot 8 - Acreage
185, the size is different from what shows on Exhibit B with respect to an area of 3 acres. There is
inconsistency and wanted to confirm if it should be listedon the Tentative Map as 3 acres.
Jason Welday responded it is a typo and should be listed as 3 acres for Lot 8.
Commissioner Williams asked who will maintain and take care of the mitigation and make sure it's
preserved in proper form.
Jason Welday answered the requirements for the mitigation will be set up as part of the permitting
process. He said it would have to go to an organization that's approved by the resource agencies to
manage the plan and was not sure if it will be County Flood. His understanding was that it will be a
separate entity.
Commissioner Williams asked if big parcels could be broken down to small parcels and sold off to
different developers.
Jason Welday replied they would be subdivided further. The purpose of this map is more for phasing
of the development. There is a lot of infrastructure that is required for this development. He said that
further subdivisions would still have to be consistent with the Etiwanda Heights Plan.
Commissioner Morales asked if the west set of powerlines are included in Lot A or are they outside of
it running through Lots 4 and 6 and if they are, will it be planned out in the subdivision when it gets
down to a more detailed level. He asked how that will work and where does if line up in the map.
Jason Welday answered there are two corridors on the east side that shows as Lot A, which is the
Flood Control District's property, and east of that is the Edison corridor. There is an easement for Edison
over a portion what is being shown as Lot A as well as what Edison owns east of that. That would all
be taken into account. The specific plan kept those areas as corridors. They butt up to it butdo not cross
Returning to Commissioner Oaxaca's question about Lot 8, Jason Welday confirmed that there is a
missing line in the table on the Tentative Map. This will be corrected on the final version for the record.
Chairman Guglielmo opened the Public Hearing.
Terry Thompson, Director of Real Estate Services on behalf of the County Flood Control District. He
mentioned this tentative tract map is in support of the City's specific plan. He stated their intention is
not to sell to a number of developers but sell it to one master developer who will handle all the matters
including conservation areas.
Commissioner Dopp asked to confirm that the County does not have one specific buyer in mind but
rather, that it be put up for auction for multiple developers to bid on.
Terry Thompson replied it is a requirement to put it up for auction and anitem is now being prepared
for it to go in front of their board for approval and then it will go through the process to go to auction.
Chairman Guglielmo asked what is the estimated timeline.
Terry Thompson answered they anticipate it would go to auction the first part of June this year
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Lee Sun, resident, asked a question regarding the lots if there is a limit of how many dwelling units per
acre and will that be a requirement for the developer. He also asked if there will be a connection for
Jason Welday answered there will be a connection for Wilson between Milliken and Day Creek to
properly circulate traffic. Regarding the question on zoning and dwelling per acre, the Etiwanda Height
Plan outlined those details and that one of the Planners may be able to assist with more details.
Anne McIntosh, Planning Director, placed a link of the website in the Chat box. She said all the
information about the development plan and roads are in the actual planning documents and can be
referred to on our website.
Clay Sampson, resident of Haven View Estates, expressed his concerns of the development blocking
his view and mentioned the value of homes will go down.
Jason Welday mentioned a lot of the detail is in the specific plan and can see where it will line up in the
Anne McIntosh clarified the item being presented tonight and if needed can follow up with people
separately. She explained the proposed developments do not have any bearing on how this map is
subdivided and are not talking about the developments themselves tonight. She expressed we do want
to talk to the public if there are questions on developments in the future.
Mike Smith, Principal Planner, provided his contact information to Mr. Sampson to discuss further.
Victor Fuentes, resident of Haven View Estates, asked if Parcel 8 and Parcel 10 would be sold to a
developer or be part of the wilderness plan. He expressed his concern the development will block his
view and the value of his property.
Jason Welday answered Parcel 10 is part of the conservation area. Parcel 8 has the potential to be
conservation or flood control depending on the ultimate needs of the flood control infrastructure in that
With no more public comments. Chairman Guglielmo closed public hearing.
Commissioner Morales mentioned the importance of Lot 10 and 11 being set aside for the conservation
area buffer. He expressed his excitement for Etiwanda Heights, and this is the first step of the
development of the master plan community.
Commissioner Dopp stated it is a straightforward process and he approves this project.
Commissioner Williams concurs and is also excited to move on with this project.
Vice Chair Oaxaca concurs and has no issues.
Chairman Guglielmo agrees and recommends for the public to refer to the planning documents for
further clarification, especially the specific plan. It is detailed and specific. He does not see any issues
with moving this project forward.
Motion by Vice Chair Oaxaca, second by Commissioner Morales. Motion carried, 5-0 vote to Adopt
resolutions #21-6.
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- A request to amend Title 17 (Development Code) of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal
Code to defer payment of public art in lieu fee from building permit issuance to final
inspection. This item is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA guidelines under CEQA Section 15061(b)(3). This
item will be forwarded to City Council for final action.
Jennifer Nakamura, Management Analyst, presented Commissioners with a Staff Report and oral
presentation (copy on file).
Chairman Guglielmo opened the public hearing and hearing no comments, closed public hearing.
All Commissioners concurred and are in favor of moving it forward to Council.
Motion by Commissioner Williams, second by Commissioner Morales. Motion carried, 5-0 vote to Adopt
resolutions #21-7.
E. General Business - None
F. Director Announcements — Anne McIntosh, Planning Director, reminded the Commissioners there will
be items on the upcoming February 10t" PC Agenda.
G. Commission Announcements - None
H. Workshop — None
I. Adjournment
Motion by Vice Chair Oaxaca, second by Commissioner Williams to adjourn the meeting, motion carried
unanimously, 5-0 vote. Meeting was adjourned at 8:41 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Eliz h Thornhill
Executive Assistant, Planning Department
Approved: HPC/PC Regular Meeting 2/10/2021
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