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2021-04-20 Agenda Packet
CITY OF ■ . ■ * ■ Design Review Committee Meeting AGENDA April 20, 2021 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 7:00 p.m. PURSUANT TO GOVERNOR GAVIN NEWSOM'S EXECUTIVE ORDER N-29-20 THIS MEETING WILL BE HELD AS A TELECONFERENCE MEETING In response to the Governor's Executive Orders, the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health requirements, and to ensure the health and safety of our residents by limiting contact that could spread the COVID-19 virus, there will be no members of the public in attendance at the Design Review Committee meetings. Members of the Design Review Committee and staff will participate in this meeting via teleconference. In place of in-person attendance, members of the public can observe and offer comment at this meeting via Zoom: VIEW MEETING VIA ZOOM APP OR ZOOM.COM AT: zoom.us/join using Webinar ID: 926 8902 1668 -or- YOU CAN DIAL-IN USING YOUR PHONE UNITED STATES: + 1 (669) 900-6833 Access Code: 926 8902 1668 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING April 20, 2021, DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING As an alternative to participating in the teleconference, you may submit comments in writing to Elizabeth.ThornhillCa)CitvofRC.us by 12:00pm on the date of the meeting. Written comments will be distributed to the Committee and read into the record. A. Call to Order B. Public Communications C. Consent Calendar C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of April 6, 2021. D. Project Review Items D1. LOCATED AT 12322 and 12434 4tn Street— BRIDGE POINT RANCHO CUCAMONGA, LLC — A request for a General Plan Amendment, Zoning Map Amendment, Tentative Parcel Map, Design Review, Tree Removal Permit and Development Agreement to allow for the development of two industrial warehouse buildings on certain property located approximately 1,000 feet east of Santa Anita Avenue and 2,300 feet west of Etiwanda Avenue, north of 4tn Street and south of 6t" Street; APNs: 0229-283-50 and -51. File Number: DRC2020-00202. D2. LOCATED AT 9251 EIGER WAY— MANDIP KAUR —A Hillside Design Review of a request to construct a 3,828 square foot two-story single-family residence, a 495 square foot attached covered patio and two separate attached garages totaling 1,928 square feet on a vacant property of 13,939 square feet (0.95-acres) within the Low (L) Residential District and the Hillside Overlay District— APN: 0208-162-39. The project qualifies as a Class 3 exemption under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15303 — New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. File number: DRC2021-00090. D3. LOCATED ON A VACANT PARCEL WITHIN THE TERRA VISTA SHOPPING CENTER - SITE PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW — RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT - A request to construct a two-story fire station and additional site improvements, including parking and landscaping, located roughly 400 feet east of Haven Avenue along the south side of Town Center Drive. APN:107742301. A Mitigated Negative Declaration is being prepared for this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. File number: DRC2020-00432. E. Adjournment The Design Review Committee has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11:00 p.m. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, they shall be heard only with the consent of the Committee. If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting,please contact the Planning Department at(909)477-2750. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. I, Elizabeth Thornhill, Executive Assistant of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on Thursday, April 15, 2021, at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California and on the City's website. Design Review Committee Meeting Agenda —April 20, 2021 Page 2 of 2 j Design Review Committee Meeting AGENDA April 6, 2021 MINUTES Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 7:00 p.m. A. Call to Order The meeting of the Design Review Committee was held on April 6, 2021. The meeting was called to order by Mike Smith, Staff Coordinator, at 7:00pm. Design Review Committee members present: Francisco Oaxaca, Diane Williams, Mike Smith. Staff Present: Mena Abdul-Ahad, Assistant Planner, Vincent Acuna, Associate Planner. B. Public Communications Mike Smith opened the public communication and, after noting there were no public comments, closed public communications. C. Consent Calendar C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of March 16, 2021. Motion carried 2-0 vote to adopt the minutes as presented. D. Project Review Items D1. HILLSIDE DESIGN REVIEW DRC2019-00973 — MOLINAR DESIGN, INC. - Site plan and architectural review of a 6,871 square foot two-story single-family residence with an attached 4- car garage on a 18,924 square foot lot within the Very Low (VL) Residential District within the Hillside Overlay District and Equestrian Overlay District at 10839 Carriage Drive - APN: 1074- 531-09. This item is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA guidelines under CEQA Section 15303 — New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. Staff presented the project to the Design Review Committee. The committee stated that the project was well designed and recommended that the project move forward to the Planning Commission for final review. The Committee took the following action: X Recommend approval to PC/PD. D2. DESIGN REVIEW DRC2019-00558 — M&A HOLDINGS, LLC -A request to construct 10 single- family homes on a previously approved Tract Map (SUBTT19917) within the Very Low (VL) Residential District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan, located north of the 210 Freeway and east of East Avenue at the easterly extension of Wilshire Drive and Copley Drive; APNs 0226-572-01 to -10. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, no subsequent or supplemental EIR or Negative Declaration is required in connection with subsequent discretionary approvals of the same project. Staff presented the project to the Design Review Committee. The Design Review Committee had no questions and recommended that the project as proposed, be forwarded to the full Planning Commission. The Committee took the following action: X Recommend approval to PC/PD. E. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Thornhill Executive Assistant, Planning Department Approved: Design Review Committee Regular Meeting Minutes—April 6, 2021 Page 2 of 2 Draft DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS April 20, 2021 7:00 p.m. Sean McPherson, AICP, Senior Planner LOCATED AT 12322 AND 12434 4T" STREET — BRIDGE POINT RANCHO CUCAMONGA, LLC — A request for a General Plan Amendment, Zoning Map Amendment, Tentative Parcel Map, Design Review, Tree Removal Permit and Development Agreement to allow for the development of two industrial warehouse buildings on certain property located approximately 1,000 feet east of Santa Anita Avenue and 2,300 feet west of Etiwanda Avenue, north of 4th Street and south of 6th Street; APNs: 0229-283-50 and -51. File Number DRC2020-00202. Site Characteristics: The project site totals approximately 91.39 acres and is comprised of two adjacent parcels (APNs: 0229-283-50 and -51). These parcels are generally located between Santa Anita Avenue to the west, Etiwanda Avenue to the east, 41h Street to the south and 61h Street to the north. Both parcels have "double" street frontage along 6th Street and along 4th Street. A rail spur running east to west is present along the north side of the project site. It is aligned parallel to 6` Street. At the northeast corner of the project site this rail spur turns south into the property, running north to south parallel to the easterly property line of the project site. Staff notes that there is an approximate 40-foot elevation difference between 4th and 6th Streets which spans the site from north to south - a distance of approximately 3,200 feet. The site is currently improved with two buildings: a large industrial warehouse building addressed 12434 41h Street totaling approximately 1,431,000 square feet and a smaller concrete tilt-up building addressed 12322 4th Street totaling approximately 23,240 square feet. Both existing buildings were built in 1984. The larger building served as a distribution center and the smaller building served as a retail store for Big Lots until this tenant vacated the site in February 2020. Currently, the large warehouse building is occupied by Geodis Logistics and is being used as a temporary distribution facility. This tenant plans to vacate the site in May 2021. The smaller concrete tilt-up building formerly housing the Big Lots retail store is currently vacant with no plans for a future tenant. The remainder of the project site comprises landscaped areas, drive aisles, parking areas and trailer parking and loading areas. A portion of the project site along 61h Street comprises approximately 11 acres of vacant land which was previously a vineyard. All existing improvements are proposed to be demolished as part of the proposed project. Staff notes that the project site is currently divided between both the General Industrial and Heavy Industrial General Plan land use designations. Similarly, the project site is also split between the General Industrial (GI) and Heavy Industrial (HI) zoning districts. The Committee should note that the subject development application involves a request for a General Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment to convert the entire project site to the General Industrial land use designation and General Industrial (GI) zoning district. The existing land use, General Plan, and Zoning designations for the project site and adjacent properties are as follows: Land Use General Plan Zoning Site Industrial Heavy Industrial and General Heavy Industrial (HI) and Warehouse and Industrial General Industrial GI Districts DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2020-00202 — BRIDGE POINT RANCHO CUCAMONGA, LLC. April 20, 2021 Page 2 Commercial Retail North Industrial Heavy Industrial Heavy Industrial HI District South Industrial Industrial Industrial (Crossroads Business (City of Ontario Park Specific Plan West Industrial General Industrial Heavy Industrial (HI) and General Industrial GI Districts East Industrial and Heavy Industrial and Heavy Industrial (HI) and Public Facility Civic/Regional General Industrial GI Districts Project Overview: The applicant proposes to subdivide the project site into two new parcels, Parcel 1 and Parcel 2, in order to accommodate the construction of two new industrial warehouse buildings totaling a cumulative 2,175,000 square feet in size. Parcel 1 is proposed to have an area of approximately 55 acres with street frontage along 4th Street and will be improved with Building 1 totaling 1,422,500 square feet. Parcel 2 is proposed to have an area of approximately 30 acres with street frontage along 611 Street and will be improved with Building 2 totaling 752,500 square feet. As a result of this project, a new public road (labeled as "Street A" in the attached plan set), is proposed to be constructed. Street A will run parallel to the east property line of the project site, aligned north to south, and will connect 41h Street and 61h Street. Building 1 will have office and mezzanine areas not to exceed 25,000 square feet and a maximum height of 54 feet. Building 2 will have office and mezzanine areas not to exceed 16,000 square feet and a maximum height of 50 feet. Access will be provided to Building 1 from 4th Street and the new Street A. Access to Building 2 will be provided from 6th Street and the new Street A. The applicant is proposing this project as speculative development and no tenants have been identified for either building at this time. As the project site is bounded to the north and east by an existing rail spur, the project is required to demonstrate that rail service is possible pursuant to Development Code Section 17.36.040.D.6. The applicant is not required to construct rail-related improvements on the property. However, the plans must demonstrate that the site could have a functional/practical rail service if any future owner/tenant decides that rail service is required/desired. Accordingly, the applicant has provided an Alternative Rail Serve Plan (Sheet A1-5P of the attached plan set). The applicant's Alternative Rail Serve Plan demonstrates that both buildings can accommodate rail pursuant to Development Code standards. The proposed industrial warehouse buildings meet the City's 360-degree architectural standards. Each building provides well-defined articulation and a varied use of architectural features creating an attractive aesthetic. For example, the long span of each fagade facing both 4th and 6th Streets provides a well-articulated wall plane. Further, the street facing corner of each building provide office tower elements which exhibit a vertical concrete accent feature. These corner elements also provide an aluminum storefront system framed by an aluminum panel cornice. Throughout each elevation, the typical concrete tilt-up fagade is punctuated by panel joints, reveals and windows. The project also provides an attractive and varied color pallet to break up the expanse of the fagade which includes "Pure White Field Color" (Sherwin Williams SW 7005), "Network Gray" (SW 7073), "Cyberspace" (SW 7076), and "Dignity Blue" (SW 6804). DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2020-00202 - BRIDGE POINT RANCHO CUCAMONGA, LLC. April 20, 2021 Page 3 The proposed project complies with all applicable development standards for the General Industrial (GI) District, as shown in the table below: Development Required Proposed Complies? Standard Maximum 35 feet (at front setback) and Building 1: 54 feet; Building 2: Building Height 75 feet (1-foot increment 50 feet YES from the front setback line Floor Area Ratio 50-60% Building 1: 59.2%; Building 2: YES FAR 57.8% Front Building 45 feet (4th Street); Building 1: -118 feet Setback 35 feet (6th Street) (4m Street); Building 2: -215 YES feet 611 Street Street Side 25 Feet (Street A) Building 1: -r185 feet; YES Setback Building 2: -93 feet 45 feet (41h Street); 45 feet (4th Street); Average Depth of 35 feet (61h Street); -r72 feet (6th Street); YES Landscape 25 feet Street A 25 feet Street A 25 feet (41h Street); 46 feet (4th Street); Parking Setback 20 feet (61h Street); -72 feet (61h Street); YES 15 feet Street A 25 feet Street A Interior Side Yard Min. 5 feet Building 1: 136 feet YES Setback Building 2: 45 feet Rear Yard Setback Min. 0 feet Building 1: 77 feet YES Building 2: -90 feet Open Space/Landscape 10% 10% YES Standards Pursuant to Development Code Section 17.64.050, 17.64.090 and Table 17.64.050-1, auto parking for warehouse/storage uses is based on a tiered ratio as illustrated in the table below. In addition, office areas require parking at 1 stall per 250 square feet. Further, the development code requires 1 trailer loading stall for each dock door proposed. As such, the proposed project is required to provide 469 auto parking stalls and 184 trailer loading stalls for Building 1, and 268 auto parking stalls and 91 trailer loading stalls for Building 2. The table below demonstrates the project's compliance with all parking standards: Parking Ratio Required Provided Complies? Parking Parking 1 per 1,000 sf for the first Building 20,000 sf; 1 per 2,000 sf for 1: 469 Building 1: Warehouse/storage the next 20,000 sf, and 1 per stalls; 478; YES and office 4,000 sf for remaining sf Building Building 2: 2: 268 268 Office requires 1 per 250 sf stalls DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2020-00202 — BRIDGE POINT RANCHO CUCAMONGA, LLC. April 20, 2021 Page 4 Building Building 1: Trailer Loading 1 per loading dock 1: 184; 221; YES Stalls Building Building 2: 2: 91 91 The project also meets all relevant landscape standards, as noted in the table above. 589 trees exist onsite which include 125 heritage trees. The project will result in the removal of 464 non- heritage trees and 101 heritage trees. 24 existing heritage trees will remain in place. In addition to these heritage trees remaining in place, and pursuant to the Development Code, the project will also result in 712 onsite trees, including 229 new street trees and 107 replacement heritage trees. Ornamental ground cover and shrubs make up the balance of the landscaped area. Staff Comments Major/Secondary Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding the project: None. Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be incorporated into the project design without discussion: 1. All Double Detector Checks (DDC) and Fire Department Connections (FDC) required and/or proposed shall be installed at locations that are not within direct view or line-of-sight of the office corner of the building. The specific locations of each DDC and FDC shall require the review and approval of the Planning Department and Fire Construction Services/Fire Department. All Double Detector Checks (DDC) and Fire Department Connections (FDC) screened behind a 4-foot high wall. For this project, these walls shall be constructed of poured in-place concrete with design elements incorporated to match the building. 2. Decorative paving shall be provided at each vehicle entrance to the site, behind the public right-of-way. These decoratively paved areas shall extend from the front property line to the building setback line and have a width equal to that of the driveway. 3. Downspouts shall not be visible from the exterior on any elevations of the building. All downspouts shall be routed through the interior of the building walls. Staff Recommendation: Staff requests that the Design Review Committee consider the design (building architecture, site planning, etc.) of the proposed project and recommend the selected action below to the Planning Director/ Planning Commission: QRecommend approval of the design of the project as proposed by the applicant. ❑Recommend approval with modifications to the design of the project by incorporating revisions requested by the Committee. Follow-up review by the Committee is not required. The revisions shall be verified by staff prior to review and action by the Planning Director/ Planning Commission. DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2020-00202 — BRIDGE POINT RANCHO CUCAMONGA, LLC. April 20, 2021 Page 5 ❑Recommend conditional approval of the design of the project by incorporating revisions requested by the Committee. Follow-up review by the Committee is not required. The revisions shall be Conditions of Approval and verified by staff during plan check after review and action by the Planning Director/ Planning Commission. ❑Recommend revisions to the design of the project by incorporating revisions requested by the Committee. Follow-up review by the Committee is required prior to review and action by the Planning Director/ Planning Commission. El Recommend denial of the design of the project as proposed by the applicant. Staff Planner: Sean McPherson, Senior Planner Staff Coordinator: Mike Smith, Principal Planner Attachment: Exhibit A: Project Plans LEGAL DESCRIPTION: VICINITY MAP SHEET INDEX SITE PLAN GENERAL NOTES: KEYNOTES: oo PROJECT DATA THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RANCHO Al-OP SITE PLAN & PROJECT DATA 1. TYPICAL 90 DEG. PARKING STALLS SIZES ARE 9'W X 18' LONG INCLUDING A 1. PROPOSED PAINTED CONCRETE TILT-UP 40' CLEAR INDUSTRIAL BUILDING. GENERAL PLAN: GENERAL INDUSTRIAL & HEAVY INDUSTRIAL RGA DESCRIBED /N THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND lS Al-1 P EXISTING REFERENCE SITE PLAN 1' LANDSCAPE OVERHANG TYPICAL EXCEPT AT ACCESSIBLE STALLS. EXISTING ZONE: GENERAL INDUSTRIAL (GI) AND HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (HI) DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 2.TYPICAL PARKING STALL-9'X 18'. MAY BE REDUCED TO 9'X 17'W/1'-0" OVERHANG.STRIPING PER PARCEL 1: A1-2P WALL AND FENCE PLAN PROPOSED ZONE: GENERAL INDUSTRIAL (GI) CITY STANDARDS. PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAP N0. 6658, IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, COUNTY • Al-3P BUILDING 1 ENLARGED SITE PLAN 2. PARALLEL STALLS ARE 9' X 24'. SITE AREA: OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED /N BOOK 64, A1-4P BUILDING 2 ENLARGED SITE PLAN 3.TYPICAL LOW EMITTING/FUEL EFFICIENT/CARPOOL/VANPOOL PARKING STALL-9'X 181. MAY BE LEGAL DESCRIPTION FEE: 3,981,084 SF / 91.39 AC PAGES 51 AND 52 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF REDUCED TO 9'X 17'W/V-0" OVERHANG. STRIPING PER CITY STANDARDS. MINIMUM 8% OF ALL PARKING SAID COUNTY ('7HE PROPERTY). Al-5 ALTERNATE RAIL-SERVE SITE PLAN 3. SETBACK REQUIREMENTS: SPACES PROVIDED PER BUILDING.A MINIMUM OF 6% OF ALL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED PER BUILDING EXISTING 6TH STREET AREA: 58,562 SF / 1.34 AC Office of Architectural Design PARCEL 2: I 1A2-1 P BUILDING 1 FLOOR PLAN SHALL BE EQUIPPED FOR FUTURE EV CHARGING CAPACITY. PROPOSED STREET "A": 212,968 SF /4.89 AC A NON—EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY, TO BE USED IN COMMON WITH 1A2-2P BUILDING 1 FLOOR PLAN ENLARGEMENTS BUILDING SETBACK: 45 FEET FROM CURBFACE LOT A REMNANT LOT (SEE PARCEL MAP) 5,031 SF /0.11 AC OTHERS, TO CONSTRUCT, USE MAINTAIN AND REPAIR TWO RA/LROAD SPUR TRACKS, i 1A2-3P BUILDING 1 ROOF PLAN PARKING SETBACK: 45 FEET FROM CURBFACE 4. 7"THICK CONCRETE YARD W/GRADE LEVEL TRUCK DOORS AND AUTO PARKING AREAS. NET SITE AREA FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: 3,704,522 SF / 85.04 AC EACH 30 FEET WIDE, EXTENDING IN A GENERAL WESTERL Y AND EASTERLY DIRECTION, IN ON, OVER AND ACROSS THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LAND- 1A3-1P BUILDING 1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS AVE. LANDSCAPE SETBACK: 45 FEET FROM CURBFACE • '• - � 5. FULLY IRRIGATED LANDSCAPE AREA BOUNDED BY 6 CONCRETE CURB-SEE CONCEPT LANDSCAPE BLDG 1 BLDG 2 TOTAL 100 THE WEST 400.00 FEET OF THAT PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST off 1A3-2P BUILDING 1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS PLAN. QUARTER OF SECTION 17 TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 6 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO 1A3-3P BUILDING 1 EXTERIOR RENDERINGS GROSS SITE AREA 2,484,027 SF 1,484,596 SF 3,981,084 SF Irvine, CA 92618 BASE AND MERIDIAN, LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE LAND 6. PRIMARY BUILDING ENTRANCE W/DECORATIVE CONCRETE ENTRY WALK. NET SITE AREA 2,402,411 SF 1,302,112 SF 3,704,522 SF CONVEYED TO VERNE COX AND HODGE L. DOLLE, BY DEED RECORDED APRIL 6, 1964 2A2-1 P BUILDING 2 FLOOR PLAN • /N BOOK 6122, PAGE 329 OFFICIAL RECORDS. 2A2-2P BUILDING 2 FLOOR PLAN ENLARGEMENTS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL NOTES: 7. LOCATION OF 8'-0" HIGH TRASH AND RECYCLABLE BINS. SEE SHEET A2-1 FOR ELEVATION AND • . • 22 EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE SOUTH 60 FEET, CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN I 1 . . 2A2-3P BUILDING 2 ROOF PLAN SECTIONS. BUILDING AREA BERNARDINO, FOR ROAD PURPOSES, BY DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 29, 1969 IN 1. FIRE ACCESS LANES SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING: FOOTPRINT AREA: 1,403,500 SF 738,270 SF 2,141,770 SF BOOK 7361, PAGE 705 OFFICIAL RECORDS 2A3-1P BUILDING 2 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS MIN. WIDTH: 26 FEET 8. NEW 8'-0" HIGH BLACK TUBE STEEL FENCE. MEZZANINE (WHSE OR OFFICE): 19,000 SF 14,230 SF 33,230 SF ' 2A3-2P BUILDING 2 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SAID EASEMENT IS SET FORTH BY EXCEPTION AND RESERVATION ON THAT CERTAIN r� 2A3-3P BUILDING 2 EXTERIOR RENDERINGS MIN. CLEARANCE: 14'-6" GROSS FLOOR AREA: 1,422,500 SF 752,500 SF 2,175,000 SF DEED CONVEYING LAND TO MONO POWER COMPANY, A CORPORATION, RECORDED , ' INSIDE RADIUS: 20 FT. 9. PROPERTY LINES. CONSULTANT AUGUST 7, 1972 /N BOOK 7993, PAGE 712 OFFICIAL RECORDS. , PARCEL 3.• � 1 CONCEPT GRADING TITLE SHEET OUTSIDE RADIUS: 46 FT. 10. PROPOSED TRANSFORMER LOCATION. BUILDING AREA BY USE: A NON—EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY, TO BE USED IN COMMON WITH 2 - 7 CONCEPT GRADING PLAN WEIGHT CAPACITY: 80,000 LBS. OFFICE AREA 25,000 SF 16,000 SF 41,000 SF OTHERS, FOR UNDERGROUND PIPE LINES OVER THE SOUTHERLY 5 FEET OF THE � 11. 14'X 50'TRUCK TRAILER PARKING AREA. FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LAND AND THAT CERTAIN EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY TO SUBJECTS 8 - 13 CONCEPT SITE UTILITY PLAN WAREHOUSE AREA 1,397,500 SF 736,500 SF 2,134,000 SF CONSTRUCT, USE MAINTAIN AND REPAIR AND RAILROAD SPUR TRACK, 30 FEET WIDE, 2. ALL GATES SHALL BE INSTALLED PER THE FIRE DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS. 12.ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLS 9'x 18'-0" MIN. 14 - 17 CONCEPT STORM DRAIN PLAN EX TENDING IN A GENERAL WESTERLY AND EASTERLY DIRECTION, IN, ON, OVER AND SITE AREA GROSS COVERAGE: 56.50% 49.73% 53.80% ACROSS THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LAND: 18 - 19 PRELIMINARY SITE AND DRAINAGE MAP 20-21 RETAINING WALL PROFILES 3. SIGNAGE STANDARDS PER RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION 13. DASHED LINE INDICATES : NEW 5'-0"WIDE SURFACE WALK ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL FROM GROSS F.A.R.: .573 .496 0.546 THE WEST 355.00 FEET OF THAT PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST + DISTRICT DECEMBER 2016. �•" PUBLIC SIDEWALK& PARKING STALLS TO PRIMARY BUILDING ENTRANCE-CONSTRUCT NEW CONCRETE QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 6 WEST- SAN BERNARDINO I _ SIDEWALK. MAX SLOPE OF SURFACE WALK IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL 4.9%. MAX CROSS SLOPE 2%. BASE AND MERIDIAN, LYING NORTHERLY OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE LAND l-2 CONCEPTUAL RAIL PLANS LANDSCAPE: CONVEYED TO VERNE COX AND HODGE L. DOLLE, BY DEED RECORDED APRIL 6, 1964 ; 14. PROVIDE BREAK AREA/LUNCH PATIO WITH SEATING. SEE PROJECT DATA ON A1-0 FOR MIN SF AREA PROVIDED: IN BOOK 6122, PAGE 329 OFFICIAL RECORDS, AND LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE M SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE LAND CONVEYED TO CURTIS WAYNE GATES AND TORRIE GATES I AND NUMBER OF SEATS. COVERAGE: 9.8% 10.3% 10.00% BY DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 9, 1966 /N BOOK 6740, PAGE 455 OFFICIAL RECORDS. ` 1-3 CONCEPTUAL STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS ASSESSORS NUMBERS: AREA: 236,200 SF 134,400 SF 370,600 SF SAID EASEMENTS ARE SET FORTH BY EXCEPTION AND RESERVATION ON THAT CERTAIN F '� t 15. PROPOSED LOCATION FOR FIRE WATER METER AND 2 SUPPLY LINE INTO BUILDING. ABOVE GROUND DEED CONVEYING LAND TO MONO POWER COMPANY, A CORPORATION, RECORDED ' 1-6 DEMOLITION PLAN SHEETS APN: 0229-283-50, 0229-283-51 BACKFLOWS AND DETECTOR CHECK ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE SCREENED BY A 3' MIN./4' MAX. CMU WALL (INCLUDES PARKWAYS) OCTOBER 17, 1972 IN BOOK 8042, PAGE 23 OFFICIAL RECORDS L� s i ON 3 SIDES, 3' CLEAR TO THE ASSEMBLY. SEE PLAN VIEW. AUTO PARKING: 7 EROSION CONTROL PLAN REQUIRED PARKING: PARCEL 4: 8 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 16. PROPOSED SEWER LATERAL FROM PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY SERVING BOTH BUILDINGS 1 &2. OFFICE IN 1/250 100 STALLS 64 STALLS A NON—EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY, TO BE USED IN COMMON WITH I OTHERS, FOR UNDERGROUND PIPE LINES OVER, THE SOUTHERLY 5 FEET OF THE 17. EXISTING DRIVE WAY APRON TO BE REMOVED. WAREHOUSE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LAND AND THAT CERTAIN EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY TO L-0 LANDSCAPE PLANTING OVERALL CONSTRUCT, USE, MAINTAIN AND REPAIR A RAILROAD SPUR TRACK, 30 FEET WIDE, 1-20K SF @ 1/1000 20 STALLS 20 STALLS EXTENDING IN A GENERAL WESTERLY AND EASTERLY DIRECTION, IN, ON, OVER AND ti L-1 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN 18. NEW CURB AND GUTTER PER CITY STANDARD. ACROSS THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LAND. — 20K - 40K SF a@ 1/2000 10 STALLS 10 STALLS L-2 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN > 40K SF �a 1/4000 339 STALLS 174 STALLS THE WEST 355.00 FEET OF THAT PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST .7 L-3 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN 19. PROPOSED ONSITE FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS. QUARTER AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOTAL 469 STALLS 268 STALLS 737 STALLS PROFESSIONAL SEALS TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 6 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, LYING L-4 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN 20.ALL UTILITY STRUCTURES SUCH AS TRANSFORMERS AND BACK FLOW DEVICES SHALL BE SCREENED NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE LAND CONVEYED TO CURTIS WAYNE L-5 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN BY LANDSCAPE, SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN. GATES AND TORRIE GATES, BY DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 9, 1966 /N BOOK 6740, L-6 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN PROVIDED PARKING: 478 STALLS 268 STALLS 746 STALLS PAGE 455 OFFICIAL RECORDS. 21. CONCRETE LANDING AND BICYCLE RACK FOR BIKES. SEE PROJECT DATA FOR SPACES REQUIRED. SAID EASEMENTS ARE SET FORTH BY EXCEPTION AND RESERVATION ON THAT CERTAIN DOCK LOADING POSITIONS: 184 DOCKS 91 DOCKS 275 DOCKS DEED CONVEYING LAND TO MONO POWER COMPANY, A CORPORATION, RECORDED S L 1 SITE LIGHTING OVERALL PLAN FEBRUARY 28, 1973 /N BOOK 8129, PAGE 111 OFFICIAL RECORDS � - 22. LONG TERM MOUNTED BICYCLE RACK. (NOTE LONG TERM RACK TO BE INSTALL ADJACENT TO _ SL2 BLDG 1 NORTHEAST PHOTOMETRIC ELECTRICAL ROOM TO COMPLY WITH CALGREEN). SEE PROJECT DATA FOR SPACES REQUIRED. TRAILER PARKING PROVIDED: 221 TRAILERS 91 TRAILERS 312 TRAILERS PARCEL 5: SL3 BLDG 1 SOUTHEAST PHOTOMETRIC A NON—EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY, TO BE USED /N COMMON WITH SL4 BLDG 1 NORTHWEST PHOTOMETRIC 23.TYP. 8' HIGH PAINTED CONCRETE SCREEN WALL ELEVATION W/ACCENT REVEALS AND PAINTED OTHERS, FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS, 30 FEET WIDE, THE CENTERLINE OF WHICH IS ACCENTS TO MATCH BUILDING ARCHITECTURE. BICYCLE PARKING: DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SL5 BLDG 1 SOUTHWEST PHOTOMETRIC SL6 BLDG 2 EAST PHOTOMETRIC 24. CONCRETE TILT-UP FIRE PUMP STRUCTURE- 15' HEIGHT, PAINTED TO COORDINATE W/BUILDING SHORT TERM 24 REQ. / 24 PROV. 14 REQ. / 14 PROV. 38 REQ. / 38 PROV. BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST LONG TERM 24 REQ. / 24 PROV. 14 REQ. / 14 PROV. 38 REQ. / 38 PROV. QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 17 DISTANT ALONG SAID WEST LINE AND THE WEST LINE SL7 BLDG 2 WEST PHOTOMETRIC ARCHITECTURE. OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SLS LUMINAIRE SPECIFICATION SHEETS SAID SECTION 17, SOUTH 0' 14' 23'" WEST 732.00 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST EMPLOYEE OUTDOOR AREAS CORNER OF SAID SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 89- 55' 10" EAST, 355 FEET. F REQUIRED 1,000 F 500 F ,500 SF APN(S):0229-283-50-0-000,• 0229-283-50-1-000,• 0229-283-51-0-000 SF PROVIDED 1,000 SF 540 SF 1,540 SF SEATING REQUIRED 43 SEATS 28 SEATS 71 SEATS BRIDGE POINT I I I I III _ _ �I ` I I IC ���J� SEATING PROVIDED 48 SEATS 32 SEATS 80 SEATS RANCHO CUCAMONGA EXISTING EX _PRI I N FA ILITY INDUSTRIAL BUILDING 8 7 23 14 \\\ p „ „ a a 12434 4TH STREET III LOT A (SEE — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, QIII I I PARCEL MAP) O - - � - - - - � F- - - - - - - - PROPERTY LINE 3214.24' - - - - i �' CALIFORNIA 17 14 — - 1-0 - �E W 1R E L I A- - - - - � - © GATE _ - - / 123 STALLS � a ] O I m E1 n i i n i i i i i i n i n i i i m mom 33 STALLS 11 (90) 50' TRAILER POSITIONS 11 (34) 50' TRAILER POSITIONS 33 STALLS ' -- -- - - -- - m m , ILLJ a &I I ' ' - IIIIIIIIIIIIIII YO (n I LLJ Q AlCD 0 POTENTIAL OFFICE POTENTIAL �, I ' AREA OFFICE �' 4 a ' 2.1 � M � is MEZZANINE AREA 7 m It/ POTENTIAL . L. L. . L. " " " " , " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 1, " " " " " " °, " " " " " " " " " 1, " " 7771- " " " " " " " " L, L, L, L POTENTIAL OFFICE 6 I OFFICE 92 DOCK DOORS AREA W/ 0 I / GATE AREA MEZZANINE I I 1 APPLICANT: I GATE - - - - - - - , �' BRIDGE POINT RANCHO CUCAMONGA, LLC 1 I � � 11100 SANTA MONICA BLVD., SUITE 700 II _ _ _ _ ;I LOS ANGELES, CA 90025 i TEL: 213-805-6667 II 0 I CONTACT: BRENDAN KOLTER • � II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I I - - - - - - bkotlera�bridgedev.com I I II i I I I I � I I I I I I I I I I I d I I I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - ,, � a 5 OWNER: IBRIDGE POINT RANCHO CUCAMONGA LLC © I I I I I � I II I I I �I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I ' ' , 9 94 185-0 68 -0 185-0 ; 77 1,91 -0 106' 11100 SANTA MONICA BLVD., SUITE 700 LOS ANGELES, CA 90025 11 4 I I I BUILDING 2 I 4 11 �19 40' ' 35' ' TEL: 213-805-6667 = _ ;, = BUILDING 1 CONTACT: BRENDAN KOLTER o Q - - SINGLE TENANT � - J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' = bkotleraabrid edev.com o Q o ' SINGLE TENANT CO� g � ' �� WAREHOUSE BUILDING o o WAREHOUSE BUILDING I ' J I � - - FOOTPRINT. 738,270 SF - - C CD C - - - - - - - - - - - - BRIDGE I ;II CD FOOTPRINT: 1 ,403,500 SF Al 00 I MEZZANINE: 14,230 SF MEZZANINE: 19,000 SF o I ' - I �- G.F.A.. 752,500 SF _� ;I - - - - - - - G.F.A.: 1 ,422,500 SF�_ :� © w �— OCCUPANCY: B/S-1 II _ CONSTRUCTION TYPE. III B OCCUPANCY: B/S-1 NUMBER OF STORIES: 1 d CONSTRUCTION TYPE: III-B ' I MAX. HEIGHT: 50 FT. ;I NUMBER OF STORIES: 1 ' o I I i - - - - - - - I � MAX. HEIGHT: 50 FT. I ,III I I 1 - - - - - - - - SD 1/15/21 PLANNING RESUBMITTAL o .I 92 DOCK DOORS POTENTIAL I I SD 12/18/20 PLANNING RESUBMITTAL GATE OFFICE 6 I I SD 12/10/20 PLANNING RESUBMITTAL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AREA a i SD 10/22/20 PLANNING RESUBMITTAL II I Q A 4 R R R I SD 8/25/20 PLANNING RESUBMITTAL o O w SD 4/10/20 PLANNING RESUBMITTAL POTENTIAL J �I Q M I SD 1/8/20 PLANNING RESUBMITTAL CD SD 11/1/19 SCHEMATIC DESIGN © i i OFFICE I I I I I I I I I I I � ' 15 MARK DATE DESCRIPTION AREA i 59 STALLS 1. 11 (97) TRAILER POSITIONS 57 STALLS I ,III II 1 3-H WALL I o o 8'- "H TUBE PROPERTY LINE 1797.03' RGA PROJECT N0: 19134.01 CD � � OH ST EL FENCED _° OWNER PROJECT NO: 00000.00 -- PROPERTY LINE 1419.72' 7 23 14 =g © 1, 57' 303' 1,430' CAD FILE NAME: 19134-01-A1-OP ® o DRAWN BY: DR ... .. . . ....��O a8'-0"H TUBE STEEL FENCE �•D1 8'-0"H TUBE STEEL FENCE 8 8 -0"H TUBE STEEL FENCE 8 ° IIII ❑ EXISTING INDUSTRIAL ° V COPYRIGHT cs BUILDING WITH OPEN O el X I RGA, OFFICE OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN TRAILER DROP LOT EXISTING EXISTING 0 SHEET TITLE 0 INDUSTRIAL BUILDING INDUSTRIAL BUILDING ® 1 U III IIII I I I Li o0 0 SITE PLAN I III I ............ . .................._ o ,. ,. SITE PLAN ttac ment SCALE: 1" = 100'-0" 0' 20' 50' 100' 200' SHEET: Al -OP DRC 2020-00202 EXISTING PROJECT DATA GENERAL PLAN: GENERAL INDUSTRIAL & HEAVY INDUSTRIAL RGA ZONE: GENERAL INDUSTRIAL (GI) AND HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (HI) SITE AREA: LEGAL DESCRIPTION FEE: 3,981,084 SF/91.39 AC Office of Architectural Design EXISTING STREET AREA: 54,824 SF/ 1.259 AC EASEMENT AREA 52,339 SF/ 1.202 AC STREET AREA: 3,738 SF/0.086 AC NET SITE AREA: 3,870,183 SF/88.846 AC 15231 AltonParkway, Irvine, CA 92618 EXISTING BUILDING AREA: MAIN BUILDING FOOTPRINT: 1,373,000 SF T 949-341-0920 MAIN BUILDING MEZZANINE: 58,000 SF FX 0. 22 ACCESSORY BUILDING: 23,240 SF GROSS FLOOR AREA: 1,454,240 SF LOT COVERAGE (NET): 36.08 % CONSULTANT F.A.R. (NET): 37.58 % EXISTING AUTO PARKING PROVIDED: 558 STALLS EXISTING LOADING DOCK DOORS: 76 DOCK HIGH DOORS 4 RAIL SERVE DOORS EXISTING TRAILER PARKING 373 STALLS EXISTING LANDSCAPE PROVIDED: 434,631 SF (PER ALTA SURVEY) PROFESSIONAL SEALS BRIDGE POINT RANCHO CUCAMONGA — EXISTING I INDUSTRIAL BUILDING EXISTING PRISON FACILITY ® / 12434 4TH STREET o � CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA WIM - - - 0 4� - ' WtDttW3TI N G ACCESS-RaA - - - - ® - - - - ° Olp S 0 , EXISTING VACANT LAND I a ° ° EXISTING RAIL SPUR - - - - 0 ° o ,I III - ° - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - 202 AUTO STALLS 215 AUTO STALLS El • °g ° APPLICANT: BRIDGE POINT RANCHO CUCAMONGA, LLC 11100 SANTA MONICA BLVD., SUITE 700 LOS ANGELES, CA 90025 i ° TEL: 213-805-6667 ° CONTACT: BRENDAN KOLTER ° ° ° °, o — _ _ _ bkotler@bridgedev.com p J Q O ° °Q � ° OWNER: u J © I o BRIDGE POINT RANCHO CUCAMONGA, LLC ° 11100 SANTA MONICA BLVD., SUITE 700 16o III II ° ° J o LOS ANGELES, CA 90025 ILJIa III - z EXISTING ONE STORY CONCRETE TILT-UP BUILDING CONTACT: BR6 D J 67 ° _ ill 0• �y . CONTACT: BRENDAN KOLTER � ° `� WITH TWO-STORY OFFICE TO BE DEMOLISHED _ � I bkotler@bridgedev.com CD FOOTPRINT AREA: 11 3731 000 SF III ° MEZZANINE AREA: 58,000 SF 0 Al BRIDGE EXISTING TRAILER ,�, o W PARKING TO BE TOTAL EXISTING FLOOR AREA: 1 ,431 ,000 SF 1 DEMOLISHED I 116 AUTO STALLS o a o I i ° ° - � Y' - -I IIIII - - IL o - I ® e ■s s I =® EXISTING ONE STORY d III I I CONCRETE TILT-UP 0 BUILDING TO BE I DEMOLISHED © I III FOOTPRINT AREA: SD 4/10/20 PLANNING RESUBMITTAL i 23,240 SF 01 i D SD 1/8/20 PLANNING RESUBMITTAL SO 11/1/19 SCHEMATIC DESIGN © I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o go MARK DATE DESCRIPTION O G.. I °_ _ - - - - - - - - -rt - 5'BUIL°ING Q o RGA PROJECT NO' 19134.01 ° ® o - " OWNER PROJECT NO: 00000.00 3 CAD FILE NAME: 19134-01-A1-1P ° 4 a° DRAWN BY: DR O I I cHK'D BY: CS EXISTING INDUSTRIAL = ° o: � BUILDING WITH OPEN o I' vI X V COPYRIGHT RGA, OFFICE OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN TRAILER DROP LOT C EXISTING EXISTING 0 SHEET TITLE ® III IIII I u 0 INDUSTRIAL BUILDING { m INDUSTRIAL BUILDING III II = I � ®I, o EXISTING SITE PLAN ............. ............................ . .................. FFFM _ o ' o EXISTI NG SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 100'-0" 0' 20' 50' 100' 200' SHEET: A1 - 1P DRC 2020-00202