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2021-06-23 Agenda Packet
CITY OF ■ . CUCAMONGA HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA June 23, 2021 7:00 p.m. A. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance B. Public Communications This is the time and place for the general public to address the Commission on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. The Commission may not discuss any issue not included on the Agenda but set the matter for a subsequent meeting. C. Consent Calendar C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of June 9, 2021. D. Public Hearings D1. LOCATED AT 6386 SAPPHIRE STREET— GEORGE BOTROS FOR SAINT JUSTINA ORTHODOX CHURCH — A request for site plan and architectural review of a proposed 18,506 square foot Sunday school and social hall facility in the Very Low (VL) Residential District. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, this project qualifies as a Class 32 exemption, Section 15332—In-Fill Development Projects APN: 1062-332-25; Design Review and Conditional Use Permit Modification. (DRC2020-00199, DRC2020- 00471) E. General Business E1. PROGRESS UPDATE ON PROPOSED CAMINO PRADERA DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. E2. ANNUAL SELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR THE COMMISSION AND APPOINTMENTS TO OTHER COMMITTEES. F. Director Announcements G. Commission Announcements H. Adjourn If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the Planning Department at(909)477-2750. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. The Planning Commission encourages free expression of all points of view. To allow all persons to speak, given the length of the agenda, please keep your remarks brief. If others have already expressed your position, you may simply indicate that you agree with a previous speaker. If appropriate, a spokesperson may present the views of your entire group. To encourage all views and promote courtesy to others, the audience should refrain from clapping, booing or shouts of approval or disagreement from the audience. The public may address the Planning Commission on any agenda item. To address the Planning Commission, please come forward to the podium located at the center of the staff table. State your name for the record and speak into the microphone. After speaking, please sign in on the clipboard located next to the speaker's podium. It is important to list your name, address and the agenda item letter your comments refer to. Comments will be limited to 5 minutes per individual. If a large number of individuals wish to speak on an item, the Chairman may limit the time to 3 minutes in order to provide an opportunity for more people to be heard. Speakers will be alerted when their time is up, and no further comments will be permitted. If you wish to speak concerning an item not on the agenda, you may do so under"Public Communications." Any handouts for the Planning Commission should be given to the Planning Commission Secretary for distribution to the Commissioners. A copy of any such materials should also be provided to the Secretary to be used for the official public record. As an alternative to participating in the meeting, you may submit comments in writing to Elizabeth.Thornhill@cityofrc.us by 12:OOpm on the date of the meeting. Written comments will be distributed to the Commissioners and included in the record. All requests for items to be placed on a Planning Commission agenda must be in writing. Requests for scheduling agenda items will be at the discretion of the Commission and the Planning Director. AVAILABILITY OF STAFF REPORTS Copies of the staff reports or other documentation to each agenda item are available at www.CitvofRC.us. APPEALS Any interested party who disagrees with the City Planning Commission decision may appeal the Commission's decision to the City Council within 10 calendar days. Any appeal filed must be directed to the City Clerk's Office and must be accompanied by a fee of$3,206 for all decisions of the Commission. (Fees are established and governed by the City Council). Please turn off all cell phones while meeting is in session. Copies of the Planning Commission agendas, staff reports and minutes can be found at www.CitvofRC.us. I, Elizabeth Thornhill, Executive Assistant of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on Thursday, June HPC/PC Agenda —June 23, 2021 Page 2of3 17, 2021, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. HPC/PC Agenda —June 23, 2021 Page 3 of 3 Historic Preservation Commission and Planning Commission Agenda June 9, 2021 MINUTES Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 7:00 p.m. The regular meeting of the Historic Presentation Commission and Planning Commission was held on June 9, 2021. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Guglielmo at 7:01 p.m. A. Roll Call Planning Commission present: Chairman Tony Guglielmo, Commissioner Bryan Dopp, Commissioner Tony Morales and Commissioner Diane Williams. Vice Chair Oaxaca—Absent Staff Present: Nicholas Ghirelli, City Attorney; Anne McIntosh, Planning Director; Dat Tran, Assistant Planner; David Eoff, Senior Planner; Mike Smith, Principal Planner; Brian Sandona, Principal Civil Engineer; Sean McPherson, Senior Planner; David Eoff, Senior Planner; Mena Abdul-Ahad, Assistant Planner. B. Public Communications Chairman Guglielmo opened for public communications and hearing no comment, closed communications. C. Consent Calendar C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of May 26, 2021. Motion by Commissioner Williams; second by Commissioner Morales to approve Consent Calendar. Motion carried, 4-0. Absent—Oaxaca. D. Public Hearings D1. LOCATED AT 9910 6TH STREET - CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL - BROOKFIELD PROPERTIES -An appeal of a Planning Director denial of a request to operate an auto and vehicle storage facility located at 9910 6th Street in an existing industrial building within the General Industrial (GI) District - APN:0209-211-42 and 43. This item is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(4) as a project which is disapproved by the City. (DRC2021-00159) Sean McPherson, Senior Planner, presented Commissioners with a Staff Report and presentation (copy on file). Chairman Guglielmo asked the Commission if there were any comments for staff on this Public Hearing Item. Commissioner Dopp requested clarity on Helms Avenue location on map. He asked if it was a storage facility. Sean McPherson answered it is Fox Transportation, a truck facility. Commissioner Dopp reported that the Land Use Policies under the General Plan, it is up to us, as a Commission, to weigh the pros and cons of those competing policies. Nick Ghirelli, City Attorney, concurred and explained as a Planning Commission, you have a duty to balance and weigh all the policies in the General Plan as you reach your consistency determination tonight. Chairman Guglielmo inquired about the Staff Report referencing it was an Auto and Vehicle Storage facility. Requested clarity. Sean McPherson explained the definition of Auto Vehicle Storage includes Fleet Services. Chairman Guglielmo stated they are not storing cars to have them sit there. They are operating a trucking company. Sean McPherson mentioned the primary use would be the operation of the fleet. He said the applicant can clarify but it is a storage facility as well. Adam Schmid, V.P. Development, Brookfield Properties, speaking on behalf of potential tenant H.E.R. Trucking, requesting Planning Commission overturn Staff's denial of the CUP application for this site. Highlighted key points: 1) Zoning is General Industrial — Site is located in center of industrial pocket. Mentioned in Exhibit D, H.E.R. Trucking only anticipates 18 daily trucks between hrs. of 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. He said General Plan Goals LU-1 and LU-6 justification for denial, these goals have no relationship to the relevant findings for granting a CUP for an industrial project with industrial zoning. Mentioned benefits of the tenant; approximately 97 people will be employed. He said overall, this is a creative repurpose of an existing property and an upgrade from the previous use as a recycling center that went bankrupt. Tracy Inscore, Land Use Attorney, Appellant Brookfield properties, said we are not claiming the Planning Director does not have discretion to determine whether the CUP findings have been met but there are limits to that discretion and believe those limits have been exceeded. She said the code and General Plan have been stretched, misinterpreted and misapplied, in such a way the denial of this project is abusive discretion that violates property owner's legal rights. Exhibit C in the Staff Report, they provided evidence to make each and every one of the CUP findings for the project. They addressed all of the relevant General Plan policies and demonstrated how the project advances and promotes each one. They believe the failure to analyze any of the relevant standards, code requirements and policies that do apply to the project shows that this denial was prejudicial and based on other inappropriate reasons, perhaps a general dislike of the project rather than any of the required findings. She trusts the Commission make the right decision and requests the project move forward. Commissioner Morales asked question regarding letter from Matthew at Gresham regarding 90 jobs but in the original architect letter on page 35, it states there will be 25 — 30 jobs, there seems to be a discrepancy. Asked for clarity how many jobs should be expected. Adam Schmid responded the most recent email he received from tenant says directly employ 97. He referred to Asset Manager Joonas Partanen, who may have more information available. Joonas Partanen explained the tenant's business has grown and said there will be more jobs than originally planned which explains the discrepancy. The information he received from tenant two weeks ago is that 90 jobs is more accurate. HPC/PC Regular Meeting MINUTES—June 9, 2021 Page 2 of 4 FINAL Commissioner Dopp stated the salary range is really wide. He asked if they know what the ratio of lower wage jobs to higher wage jobs. Adam Schmid answered he does not but assumes probably in general they are higher to medium of San Bernardino County. Does not have breakdown. With no further discussion from Commissioners, Chairman Guglielmo opened public hearing. With no comments from the Public, Chairman Guglielmo closed public hearing. Nick Ghirelli explained the three findings the Planning Director had to make, in which the Commission is evaluating as part of this appeal as follows: 1) Whether the proposed use is allowed within the applicable zoning district, we all agree it is. 2) It also has to comply with all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Code, Municipal Code, General Plan and any other specific plan or City regulation or standard. The suggestion was that's limited to only quantifiable or objective standards and that is not how it reads. He said this is a traditional General Plan consistency and compliance requirement. You can discount certain General Plan policies and elevate the importance of certain General Plan policies as it applies to a particular project. He said the law is clear, no project is ever going to be consistent with every single General Plan policy in the General Plan. That is why you have some discretion to determine which ones are most important for this project. 3) The granting of the permit would not be judged from the public interest, health safety, convenience, welfare or materially injurious to persons property improvements in the vicinity in which the project is located. That is a quintessential CUP finding that includes land use principles that are both objective and subjective. He did not want Commission to feel like they are constrained to only apply the objective development standards in the General Plan or Development Code. The findings give you more flexibility than that. After careful consideration, all Commissioners concur the trucking company does not meet criteria for the required findings for the CUP. Expressed the following concerns: Compatibility issues with neighboring business; not consistent with General Plan; believe something better could be done that could be stronger in that part of the city; wants something that advances the community; does not see how a trucking company would advance the local economy and the needs of local restaurants; does not do anything for the good of the community; does not belong in that particular place. With all those factors considered, they cannot make the findings and therefore cannot approve the request. Motion by Commissioner Dopp; second by Commissioner Williams. Motion carried 4-0 to approve Resolution of Denial 21-38. Absent—Oaxaca. E. General Business - None F. Director Announcements Anne McIntosh mentioned the next PC meeting on June 23rd, will be held in the Council Chambers and only one item is on the agenda. HPC/PC Regular Meeting MINUTES—June 9, 2021 Page 3 of 4 FINAL G. Commission Announcements - None H. Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Williams; second by Commissioner Morales to adjourn the meeting, motion carried 4-0. Absent—Oaxaca. Meeting was adjourned at 7:57 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Thornhill Executive Assistant, Planning Department Approved: HPC/PC 06/23/2021 meeting. HPC/PC Regular Meeting MINUTES—June 9, 2021 Page 4 of 4 FINAL 01 � CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA�Pw DATE: June 23, 2021 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Anne McIntosh, AICP, Planning Director INITIATED BY: Mena Abdul-Ahad, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: LOCATED AT 6386 SAPPHIRE STREET— GEORGE BOTROS FOR SAINT JUSTINA ORTHODOX CHURCH —A request for site plan and architectural review of a proposed 18,506 square foot Sunday school and social hall facility in the Very Low (VL) Residential District. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, this project qualifies as a Class 32 exemption, Section 15332—In-Fill Development Projects APN: 1062-332-25; Design Review and Conditional Use Permit Modification. (DRC2020-00199, DRC2020-00471) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Design Review DRC2020-00199 and Conditional Use Permit Modification DRC2020-00471 through the adoption of the attached Resolution of Approvals with Conditions. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request to develop a 18,506 square foot Sunday school and social hall building located at 6383 Sapphire Street in the Very Low (VL) Residential District. The 4.9-acre (217,715) project site is located on the west of Sapphire Street and south of Lemon Avenue. Design Review Committee forwarded the project to Planning Commission without correction on May 4, 2021. Planning commission review is required because the proposed development is greater than 10,000 in size pursuant to Development Code Section This item is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA guidelines under CEQA Section 15332 — In-Fill Development Projects, which permits the construction of assembly uses in a residential zone. BACKGROUND: The project site is located at 6383 Sapphire Street in the Very Low (VL) Residential District. The site is improved with an existing 7,239 square foot church building. The dimensions of the rectangular shaped project site are approximately 662 feet from north to south and 328 feet from east to west. The building will face Sapphire Street and will be setback 165 feet from the street. Access to the project site will be from the existing driveway off Sapphire St. The project also proposes to construct a 117-stall surface parking lot and a soccer field used for youth soccer activities, located to the north of the proposed building. New landscaping and 44 new drought- tolerant trees will be provided. PROJECT ANALYSIS: The existing Land Use, General Plan and Zoning Designations for the project site and adjacent properties are as follows: Land Use General Plan Zoning Site Church Very Low Residential Very Low (VL) Residential District North Single-Family Very Low Residential Very Low (VL) Residential Residential District South Single-Family Low Residential Low (L) Residential District Residential East Single-Family Low Residential Low (L) Residential District Residential West Single-Family Very Low Residential Very Low (VL) Residential Residential District A. Architectural and Site Design: The proposed Sunday school and social building is designed with a Mediterranean architectural design theme that includes the use of smooth stucco, stone veneer, cast stone accents, and "S" the roof. The new building matches the design theme of the existing church and will have a maximum height of 31-feet. The ground-level floor plan for the building (10,069 square feet) includes the classrooms for the Sunday school, a study area, library, a recording studio, bathroom facilities, a meeting room, and an office for the priest. The second floor (8,437 square feet) includes a kitchen and an eating area. B. Very Low (VL) Residential District Compliance: The project complies with each of the related development standards for the Very Low (VL) Residential District as shown on the following table: Required Provided Compliant Building Front Setback 42' 164' Yes Building Side Setback 10' / 15' 168' / 390' Yes Building Rear Setback 60' 60' Yes Parking Setback 15' 20' Yes Lot Coverage 25% 7% Yes Building Height 35 feet (30' 31 feet Yes Maximum Landscaping 18 minimum 15 20' Yes C. Parking: Parking for churches is based on the number of fixed seats in the main sanctuary. In this case, there will be 340 fixed seats in the main sanctuary, which translates into a parking requirement of 114 parking spaces. The project will result in 167 parking spaces, 53 parking spaces in excess of the minimum requirement. Parking Ratio Required Parking Provided Parkin Churches 340 seats 1 Per 3 Seat in Sanctuary 114 Spaces 167 Spaces D. Conditional Use Permit DRC2020-00471: The applicant has an existing Conditional Use Permit to operate a church facility (CUP 83-04). Because of the development of the new Sunday school and social hall facility, an application for a modification of the original Conditional Use Permit is required pursuant to Development Code Section Chapter 17.16.120. This requirement is further explained in one of the Planning Department's standard conditions for Conditional Use Permits which reads as follows: Page 2 Any modification or intensification of the approved use, including revisions in the operations of the business including changes to the operating days/hours; change in the location on-site or within the building of the use/activity that is approved by a Conditional Use Permit; improvements including new building construction; and/or other modifications/intensification beyond what is specifically approved by this Conditional Use Permit, shall require the review and approval by the Planning Director prior to submittal of documents for plan check/occupancy, construction, commencement of the activity, and/or issuance of a business license. The existing operational schedule for Saint Justina Orthodox Church includes church services on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and Saturday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. These hours will remain the same. The Sunday school and social hall facility will operate on Sundays from 11:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. and a fellowship lunch gathering from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. The proposed building will not operate the same time as the church services. The Sunday school will offer classes about the Bible, Christian values, and Church history every Sunday. The building will also be used for special occasions such as Christmas celebrations, tutoring sessions, and play recitals. The proposed soccer field will be used for youth soccer activities. E. Conditional Use Permit Findings: The findings of facts below support the necessary Conditional Use Permit Modification findings, where are required by the City's Development Code Section 17.16.120(D): Finding: The proposed use is allowed within the applicable zoning district and complies with all other applicable provisions of this zoning code, Municipal Code, general plan, and any applicable specific plans or city regulations/standards. Fact: Within the Very Low (VL) Residential District, churches are a permitted land use, subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The proposed Sunday school and social hall facility was designed to be compatible with all applicable development standards of the Development Code, including parking, building setbacks, and building height. Finding: The site is physically suited for the type, density, and intensity of the proposed use including access, utilities, and the absence of physical constraints and can be conditioned to meet all related performance criteria and development standards. Fact: The southernly portion of the 4.9-acre project site is currently developed as a church, the remainder of the site will be developed with the Sunday school, social hall facility, soccer field for exclusive use by members of the church, and a 117-stall surface parking. The project site is suitable for the proposed development and has sufficient project area to accommodate the 18,506 square foot building. Finding: Granting the permit would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare, or materially injurious to persons, property, or improvements in the vicinity in which the project is located. Fact: The project site has been utilized for a church land use since 1983 and its expansion and continued operation will not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare, or materially injurious to persons, property, or improvements in the vicinity in which the project is located. Page 3 The project was designed to meet all applicable Development Code standards and performance criteria and can be conditioned appropriately to minimize any potential impacts to adjacent residential properties. F. Design Review Committee: The project was reviewed by the Design Review Committee (Guglielmo, Williams, and Smith) on May 4, 2021. The Committee recommended that the project move forward as presented to the Planning Commission for final review and approval. G. Neighborhood Meeting: A neighborhood meeting was conducted to gather input and comments from the owners of the surrounding properties located within 660 feet of the project site. The meeting was held via zoom on March 30, 2021. No neighboring property owners attended the meeting, and no comments or concerns were presented to staff during the meeting. H. Public Art: Per Development Code Section 17.124.020 (Public Art Required), places of worship are exempt from the public art requirement. I. Environmental Assessment: The Planning Department staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies as a Class 32 exemption under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 - In-Fill Development Projects for the following reasons: (1) the project is consistent with the applicable General Plan designations and all applicable General Plan policies as well as with the applicable zoning designation and regulations, (2)the proposed development occurs within the City limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses, (3) the project site has no value as a habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species, (4) approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality, and (5) the site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. The General Plan Land Use and Zoning designation for the project site are Very Low Residential and Very Low Residential (VL) District, respectively, which permits the development and operation of an assembly use which includes a worship facility. The project complies with the City's development standards and design guidelines, including setbacks, height, lot coverage, and design requirements. The project site is located within the City limits, is under five acres, and is surrounded by existing residential developments and City infrastructure. The following five environmental factors were analyzed in order to determine that the project, respectively, qualifies for the Categorical Exemption: Air Quality: An Air Quality and a Green House Gas Analysis (BPG, Birdseye Planning Group, May 2021) were prepared for the project. The analysis determined that emissions associated with construction and operation of the project would be below South Coast Air Quality Maintenance District (SCAQMD) thresholds for both Air Quality and Green House Gases. No GHG mitigation measures are required. The project supports applicable Sustainable Community Action Plan policies intended to reduce GHG emissions generated within the City. Biological: A Biological Resource Assessment (BRA) (ELMT Consulting, May 19, 2021) was prepared for the project site. The project site does not include any natural habitats and is surrounded by development. The BRA determined that none of the special-status plant or wildlife species known to occur in the general vicinity of the project site are expected to be directly or indirectly impacted from the proposed project. Noise: A Noise Impact Analysis (BPG Birdseye Planning Group; May 2021) was prepared for the project. The analysis determined that the construction and operational noise levels would not exceed the City's noise thresholds and no mitigation measures were necessary. Page 4 Traffic: Traffic was analyzed by the City's Traffic Engineer and determined the project has no significant impacts on existing traffic. Based on the change in square footage by the proposed project, the threshold for requiring a traffic study was not met during the typical hours of operations and the primary use is not being changed, therefore, no new trips are anticipated. Water Quality: A Water Quality Control exhibit (Plump Engineering, Inc. January 1, 2021) was prepared for the project. It was also determined through the review of the project's preliminary water quality plan that the project would not result in a significant impact related to water quality of the site or surrounding properties. FISCAL IMPACT: The project site is currently assessed an annual property tax. A percentage of this annual tax is shared with the City. The proposed development will increase the value of the project site and the City's annual share of the property tax will increase accordingly. The project proponent also will be responsible for paying one-time impact fees. These fees are intended to address the increased demand for City services due to the proposed project. The following types of services that these impact fees would support include the following: transportation infrastructure, drainage infrastructure, and police services. COUNCIL MISSION /VISION / GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: While no specific City Council goals are addressed, General Plan Policy LU-2.4 encourages complementary infill development, rehabilitation, and re-use that contribute positively to the surrounding residential neighborhoods. The project is for a new Sunday school and social hall facility on an existing developed parcel. The proposed development will improve the compatibility of the church with the surrounding residential neighborhood and enhance the vacant portion of the parcel. The new building will be designed with the same architectural style and theme as the existing church on site. Permitting the applicant to further improve the property in such a manner meets the City Council's Core Value of"Continuous Improvement". CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised as a public hearing with a regular legal advertisement in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper on June 9, 2021, the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners within a 660-foot radius of the project site on June 8, 2021. To date, no comments been received regarding the project notifications. EXHIBITS: Exhibit A— Site Location Exhibit B —Architectural Plans Exhibit C — Environmental Reports Exhibit D — Design Review Committee Comments (May 4, 2021) and Action Agenda Exhibit E — Draft Resolution of Approval 21-39 for Design Review DRC2020-00199 Exhibit F — Draft Resolution of Approval 21-40 for Conditional Use Permit Modification DRC2020-00471 Exhibit G — DRC2020-00199, DR COA Exhibit H — DRC2020-00471, CUP COA Exhibit I —Statement of Agreement DRC2020-00199 Exhibit J — Statement of Agreement DRC2020-00471 Page 5 411� IL t ie in 1a e:Ave Lemon Ave Lerxtorr A're y or . IL r mom f � r. PROJECT �.. SITE 46 �i ,, b- } f I Hairston otOrS "' i and R t _ _ Temporarily SaintJustinaCoptic . _ 4 Ortodox�Chufch Orange St _ Orange St 1L 1 � •' � ,_fir 4, 000- 1" CEMENT 6" WIDE CONC — 4" CONCRETE SLAB WITH # 4 24" D.C. E&W CURB #4 DWOELS 16" D.C. AVERS VIU'__" l NIT Y MAP k0HURCH ST . 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TREES NG�� CEMENT BORDER TONE EXISr.EASMENT 12 CEMENT PAVING 9),(m;TGjt�NG w ONE EXISTING REKTIN W_ALL� NUMBER OF PARKING REQUIRED: 7 FIRE TRUCK ROUT_ HIGH SLUMP STONE ISTING 142' FIRE TRUCK ROUTE 20' RADIUS TOTAL SEATS 360 7 FIR PARKING ATALLS REQUIRED: 328/3 =107 STALLS E — — — — — — ASPHALT— — — — — — — — — — - E N LAWN V 0 L E TNPA PARKIN �K�IN '0 PARKIN 20 RADIUS J6L------LALL-------�---_WJU--------LL ADA ROUTE RED PANTED CURB LINE OF SECOND FLOOR 20' RADIUS z LANDCAPING — EXIST. PARKING STALL 50 EXISTING it LINE OF FIRST FLOOR— NEW PARKING STALLS 117 REEES 1z' RAMP I— — TOTAL PARKING STALLS PROVIDED 167 1 Hll_ M NEW SIDE�W CURRENT CODE: EXISTING CONCRETI/ LAWN PAVING 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE - ' i 2019 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE ) DRIVa�1 2019 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL S D S 0 FUTURE SOCCER DiPMAT) 2019 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE EXISTING EXIST. 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HOUSE U9 E NG_ (Z) ROKIING 20' RADIUS/ 0 46' RADIUS / 20' RADIUS NEW PARKING AREA EXIST. 7 RAISED ASPHALT FIRE TRUCK ROUTE 46' RADIUS DRIVEWAY _E_D CONC._N,FR B_ — — — — — — --- —C3 RED PAINTED CURB — — - SLOPING-DOWRY — -- 12 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — " CEMEN-VBORDER NO PARKING 6" RAISED CONC. CURB �DECORATIVE PAVING NO PARKING i Q,-rf i '-a'. 9--o' g'-e i w-n' i g' i a,-n* i q'_n* i Q,-rf i Q'-n' 1 11[ 921-01 12" CEMENT B RDo F�-� 0 NEW XIS 20 RADIUS RADIUS 1 20'RADIO WALKWAY • EXISTING --------- Jl N RE TING 35'-0" EXISTING TREEES TREEES vnrrreGC�_ L EES 11 a - hry' - - - - - - :o: 5 01 1 FYIqTlNr P - - TREEES REES— DRIVEWAY SIDW WALK DRIVEWAY EXIST. 6' HIGH AULIbb ACCESS EXIST. 6' HIGH CONC. BLOCK EXIST. REES L—SLIDING CONC. BLOCK WALL SLMP GATE WALL SLMP STONE STONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - E 6386 SAPPH RE St * S ITE PLAN & OWNER: St Justina Coptic FIRE LANES Orthodox Church C-22961 SffE PLAN 6386 SAPPHIRE St. RANCHO CUCAMONGA, GB ARCHITECTS CA, 91701 9P0 CAti / ,3 2 1 ' _ 0 " ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING . ENGINEERING PROJECT# SCALE 400 N. MOUNTAIN AV. # 208 AS SHOWN UPLAND, CA, 91786 DATE: A 0 (909) 949 - 6999 FAX (909) 949-2928 1-18-21 1 1 WINDOW SCHEDULE 71 u NUMBER WIDTH HIGHT TYPE FRAME GLAZING NOTES FACTOR SHGC .30 .23 5080 F 5'-0' 8'-0" FIXED VIYNEL DOUBLE 5070 F 5'-0' 7'-0' FIXED VIYNEL DOUBLE 5060 F 5'-0' 6'-0' FIXED VIYNEL DOUBLE 4070 F 4'-0' 7'-0" FIXED 4050 F 4'-0' 5'-0' FIXED 4040 F 4'-0' 4'-0" FIXED a� 9'-0" DOOR SCHEDULE 9'-0" 5'-6" 29'-0" 5'-5" 20'-6" 5'-6" 29'-0" 5'-6° SYMBOL WIDTH HEIGHT TYPE FRAME 1 C3) V J 3080 3'-0" 8'-0" DOOR WD LINE OF WALLS ABOVE 3680 3'-6" 8'-0" DOOR - --- LINE OF WALLS ABOVEGLASS 3690 3'-6" 9'-0" DOOR WD/GLASS L----- --I L- -----J O 6080 6'-0" 8'-0" FRENCH DOOR WD/ GLASS CONC. BLOCK WALL CONC. BLOCK WALL L - - 7080 7'-0" 8'-0" FRENCH DOOR WD/ GLASS 7090 7'-0" 9'-0 FRENCH DOOR WD/ GLASS unisex/ STUDY AREA LINE of WALLS ABOVE STUDY AREA ' unisex CONC. BLOCK WALL I O SITTING 3080 -s" r J SUNDAY 3080 SCHOOL RECORDING ,''" 7 "- 4'-6., SUNDAY SUNDAY 4'-8• ' SCHOOL /_7- SCHOOL L 3080 � 9' HEIGH � - I + 3080 308 J h 0 o — - - - - - -0 5 3080 16-6 — SUNDAY WOMEN 6 s. SCHOOL I MEN , I 0 SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY L--- - stor. SCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL L LINE OF WALL ABOVE SECOND FLOOR TOTAL OCCUPANT LOAD 3080 I 3080 3080 3080 3080 N ROOM SIZE FLOOR AREA IN SUNDAY I � SQ ET PER OCCUPANT SCHOOL 12 SUNDAY SCHOOL 2500 SF GROSS COFFE SUNDAY SUNDAY 3' ARCH 2O00 SF NET 20 NET 100 LIBRARY SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHOOL 51 L SCHOOL NE OF WALL ABOVE 2 OFFICE AREA 425 SF GROSS 100 GROSS 5 _� OCCUPANT LOAD 10 �J1 E MIFFING ROOM 290 SF GROSS 3080 3080 3�87 O 200 SF NET 15 NET 14 3080 LINE of ALL ABOVE M RECORDING 700 SF GROSS 100 GROSS 7 M 644 SF GROSS 6080 LIBRARY 50 NET 8 6080 LINE OF WALL ABOVE 400 SF GROSS 6080 3080 STUDY PLAY AREA 1189 SE GROSS ————————— — --- -------- ------------- ------- — — — -------- ------- _ _ _ _ _ STUDY/PLAY AREA 900 SF NET 20 NET 45 5'-10" 5'-0•' 1 III N O N 111 2 HR FIRE RATED ELECTRIC �11 RM MEETING RM 2680 3080 308o OFFICE TOTAL PERSONS AT FIRST FLOOR 179 PERSONS 3' DIAVI ONE HR FIRE E � III TOTAL SECOND AND FIRST FLOOR 328 PERSON III 6080 507 X.2 = 102 INCHES = 8.5 FEE WIDE I III I III 1 HR FIRE RATED DOOR 3080 4040E 4040E 4040E 15 FEET TOTAL EXIT WIDE PROVIDED I III I - 'I REC ION s 0 III ONE HOURES III FIRE RATED PRIE T OFFICE III w_' �I SECOND FLOOR: TOTAL OCCUPANT LOAD 360 2 HR FIRE RATED 4040E i FIRST FLOOR: TOTAL OCCUPANT LOAD 278 EL E OR 1 IIII 2 HR FIRE ATED'° I 2' DAIM. I BUSSINFSS SCHEDULE: EVERY DAY FROM 9AM TO 2PM I 3690 7090 3690 40 OF i - — — — — — -� AND AROUND 3 DAYD A WEEK FROM 5PM TO 1OPM --- 2' DAIM. I o I I I I OI I I I I 5'-0" 5'-1" 20'-1" 15'-0" 9'-6" 11'-8" 4'-9" 3'-5" 4'-3" 7'-11" 7'-2" 3'-10" 1 7'-8" 3'-11" 2'-11" 12'-6° FIRST FLO OR PLAN I 8'-8° 3'-5" 12'-2" 7'-2" I 15'-4" 2'-11" 12'-6" ^ / 4 9 9 1 9 O 9 9 62'-1" I I I I I OWNER: FIRST FL R PLAN 0��� St Justina Coptic � 0, Orthodox Church * C-22961 6386 SAPPHIRE St. 1p RANCH GB ARCHITECTS CA, 910 1UCAMONGA, op0CA�1�p4 ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING . ENGINEERING PROJECT# SCALE 400 N. MOUNTAIN AV. # 208 e UPLAND, CA, 91786 DATE: A TEL: (909) 949 - 6999 FAX (909) 949-2928 1-18-21 A WINDOW SCHEDULE I O2 3 j l4 J l J b ) NUMBER WIDTH HIGHT TYPE FRAME GLAZING NOTES FACTOR SHGC .30 .23 100'-3" I 9'-2" 5080 F 5'-0' 8'-0' FIXED VIYNEL DOUBLE 29'-0" 5'-6" 20'-6" I 5'-6" 29'-0" 5070 F 5'-0' 7'-0' FIXED VIYNEL DOUBLE 5-6" 4'-6" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-6" 5-6" '-2" 8'-4" 7'-10" I 2'-3" 5'-6" 4'-6" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-6" 5'-6" 9'-1" 5060 F 5'-0' 6'-0' FIXED VIYNEL DOUBLE 5050 F 5'-0' S'-0' FIXED VIYNEL DOUBLE 4070 F 4'-0' 7'-0' FIXED O I / I I I ` r I RAM P \V / RAMP / \ I -4— - - — - - I 5080E+ARCH 508 F+ARCH I DOOR SCHEDULE TEMP TE P � O — ILi — — 5080PF+ARCH 5080F+ARCH J- _; SYMBOL WIDTH HEIGHT TYPE FRAME TEMP I / \` SOFFIT 14' / 0 4080 3'-0" 8'-0" DOOR WD V A / \ \ / // - 3080 3'-0" 8'-0" DOOR WD 4070F+ARCH V A / TEMP \ TEMP (TEMP / TEMP \ / \ / / / o 3680 3'-6" 8'-0" DOOR WD/GLASS u'-o" ` ` \ / ` 3690 3'-6" 9'-0" DOOR WD/GLASS WALL LINE BELOW s-s° \\ \V A / A\ // // 070F+ARCH 6080 6'-0" 8'-0" FRENCH DOOR WD/ GLASS �� 7080 7'-0" 8'-0" FRENCH DOOR WD/ GLASS �Q/ 7090 7'-0" 9'-0 FRENCH DOOR WD/ GLASS O 2.5'1 DAIM. 1 LOCKERS ` ` � ��TOILET �� 306 A A y" ROOF LINE ABOVE / // / / 0 3068 \ EATING AREA EATING AREA / // DRESSIW V 16' HIGH 16' HIGH // 14• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — A_4 ---------------------- FREEZ 3068 068 / _ — �B Y R / \ 508�F+ARCH ------------------------ `v B 12 long 2._6. THEATER EATING AREA vSKY LIGHT ABOVE COOLER ROOF ACCESS ABOVE \ \ 3068 OCCUPANT TOAD 360 / o pot v // ash. I m ` 20' Ion 3068 DISH WASHING 2.5' D IM. SIANK[If I II z / -4 , 508J+ARCH 0° _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ \ OWALLLIN BELW w SOD — \ \\ \wl o SECOND FLOOR TOTAL OCCUPANT LOAD / WALL LINE ABON- \ m / EATING AREA \ \ DRs\c o -4. / V A v FLOOR AREA IN 4 / 1s' HIGH v v E ROOM SIZE SO FT PER OCCUPANT Of CD CD Ld CD af z._o. / / \ \\ 8 o KITCHEN 1176 sf 300 gross 4 m z o HAN sINK / / ` \\ EATING AREA 5850 sf gross K'-'-' / / \ \ 4800 sf net 15 net 320 p 407 F+ARCH / I KITCHEN 2.5 DAIM WOMEN\1 5" 5050E+ARCH 5050F+ARCH 5050F+ARCH 5050F+ARCH 5050F+ARCH 5050E+ARC4\ TOTAL PERSONS AT SECOND FLOOR 328 PERSONS _ _ OF TOTAL WIDTH OF EXIT — 328X.3-99 INCHES =8.2' 2.5' DAIN. — - - - - - - - — — — — — — — - - - - - 4 3080 3080i F TOTAL WIDTH OF EXIT PROVIDED 18 SF I I I I I 3080 I I I I 9,_,• I _ OPE / I I I WALL LINE BELOW 71 - / E 0 DAIM. \ / \ I G � I 2.5' DAIM. I o ROOF LINE ABOVE I I I I I I I SE C 0 N D FLOOR PLAN I I_A O 499 1 9 — O " OWNER: SECOND FLOOR PLAN St Justina Coptic °, Orthodox Church * C-22961 6386 SAPPHIRE St. GBg TR C H I T E C T S CAA, 9H0 01 UCAMONGA, op CALF � ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING . ENGINEERING PROJECT# SCALE 400 N. MOUNTAIN AV. # 208 o UPLAND, CA, 91786 DATE: 2 TEL: (909) 949 - 6999 FAX (909) 949-2928 1-18-21 100'-0' CONIC. TILES MATCH EXIST. AND SLOPE 4:12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STUCCO MATCH EXI 5'-6" � MATCH MATCH EXIST FIBER GLASS AND STUCCO MATCH EXISTING N LIGHT FIXTUR MATCH EXIST p R LIGHT FIXTUR Q o 0 U MATCH EXIST I U LIGHT FIXTUR GRANIT MATCH EXIST o I I � llk MATCH EXISTING SECOND FLOOR o SECOND FLOOR MATCH EXISTING FIBER GLASS AND STUCCO TRIM FIBER GLASS AND STUCCO TRIM MATCH EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION 1 /8"= 1 '-0" CONC. TILES MATCH EXIST. COLOR AND SLOPE 4:12 EXISTING CHURCH FIBER GLASS AND STUCCO MATCH EXISTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD I I SMOOTH STUCCO o 0 II ® I I ® MATCH EXIST o N o II IIII � � I ® ® I I I ® GRANIT MATCH EXISTING FIBER GLASS AND STUCCO I I I I I I I I MATCH EXISTING I I I I I I I I I I I I I ] qLL- -11�11- 1- ------------- --- EXIST. CHURCH NEW CONSTRUCTION EAST ELEVATION 1/8„=1 ,_0„ EAST ELEVATION 1/8"=1 '-0" CONIC. TILES MATCH EXIST. COLOR AND SLOPE 4:12 FIBER GLASS T MATCH EXISTI g � 9,-0. CD CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ SECOND FLOOR --- -------- I I I I II II OWNER: s L. s �— IE ILIE VAT� N S a P ��o 0�� a -- FIRST FLOOR Orthodox Church * N C-22961 * 6386 SAPPHIRE St. CAAN 9H0 O�UCAMONGA, �?�opo CA GB ARCHITECTS R C H I T E C T SOUTH ELEVATION ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING . ENGINEERING PROJECT# SCALE 400 N. MOUNTAIN AV. # 208 � o UPLAND, CA, 91786 DATE: TEL: (909) 949 - 6999 FAX (909) 949-2928 1-18-21 0 I I Ll o� Ll CONIC. TILES MATCH EXIST. COLOR AND SLOPE 4:12 — SECTION A—A \ \ . . . . . . \ \ . \ \ �44'4- N O ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ \ \ \ \ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ \ \ \ \ ♦ ♦ \ \ O E - - - - - - - - - ,0 � I GRANIT MATCH EXIST. F- - - - - filo - - - - � 1 � \\\ \/ / CONIC. TILES SLOPE 4:12 L ROOF LINE ABOVE - - - - - - - - - -WEST ELEVATION ROOF HATCH � — — 1 8 —1 —0 FAT ROOF \�\ SKY—LIGHT— / FLAT ROOF MECHANICAL `\ // MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT - LL — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lower roof WALL LINE ABOVE MECHANICAL HOOD // // \\ CONC. TILES SLOPE 4:12ji \\ I I II I I lower roof ROOF ACCESS A/C UNITS A/C UNITS A/C UNITS A/C UNITS /I� �0 �0 SKYLIGHT _2 \� � / ROOF NNE ABOVP `Q I 0 I ROOF PLAN 6'-3" 1/1 6"=1 '—0" I ELEVATION AND OWNER:r'r���7rKr*rC-2296)1 * . n St Justina Coptic SECTION AND ROOF P LA Orthodox Church SECTION R —RN. o 6386 SAPPHIRE St. �B ARCHITECTS CA9 A, 1 01 UCAMONGA, � pF�CA11� ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING . ENGINEERING PROJECT# SCALE 400 N. MOUNTAIN AV. # 208 o UPLAND, CA, 91786 DATE: A4 TEL: (909) 949 - 6999 FAX (909) 949-2928 1 -18-21 A n n I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5080E+ARCH 5080F+ARCH TEMP TEMP ' O ' A ' 5080F+ARCH SOFFIT 14' ' TEMP SOFFIT 14' 5080F+ARCH =q TEMP o O O I O SOFFIT 14' O 3690 SOFFIT 14' IF SOFFIT 14' O O TEMP TEMP TEMP TEMP —1—1 IL4070E+ARCH O� - - O - - � - - � 0 - - � o° 4070F+ARCH I I F- SOFFIT' 141 EATING AREA ISOFFIT 14' EATING AREA 9' kk 16' HIGH V�V /�� 16' HIGH 7 4° L � F � B ROOF ACCESS L 5080E+ARCH B A_4 ---------------------- I - J - - ------------------------ -4 � - O O L - SKY LIGHT ABOVL 1 L I EATING AREA C I I O SOFFIT 14' OCCUPANT LOAD 360 SOFFIT 14' SOFFIT 14' FOOD _ O O - - 1 _ _ � - - PREP. O - O L - - � O� -1 L --I O114 9' IOGIE SOFFIT 14' 5080F+ARCH KITCHEN /// \ EATING AREA / 16' HIGH O — \ — — 4070F+ARCH O — O -J O O SOFFIT 14' Yi 5060F+ARCH 5060F+ARCH 5060F+ARCH 5060E+ARCH 5060F+ARCH 5060F+ARCH 3080 3080i WOMEN O I I I I � � I I 3080 I I I I I I OPFX BELOi\ I I I I , � I I MEN E 0 G I I I I I I ' O H I I I I I SEU" OND FLOOR C' EILING-T PLAN I I I I / 499 V - 0 " A � OWNER: �w5 L. CEILING PLAN St Justina Coptic s 4 0 Orthodox Church C-22961 6386 SAPPHIRE St. RANCHO1 UCAMONGA, �?�0 C G ARCHITECTS A, 10 AtiZ�O ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING . ENGINEERING PROJECT# SCALE 400 N. MOUNTAIN AV. # 208 A - 5 UPLAND, CA, 91786 DATE: TEL: (909) 949 - 6999 FAX (909) 949-2928 1-18-21 • A • T 1 - AL i Af � ' ` ��. a y • - • ' I / - dri ; k - ■ ollicillill Ao F r dbp7 r r - .k 1 � F i - IF •� = 1 ' A* •�� - isFp- ► ' 4 lit T +i Ar.- 4 JrJML 1 - Ip Rp M lop ��� • w II r A dimir , '""� r % XM16W - (Do I al I r RESIDENTIAL NE - ERESIDENTIAL ZONE - / I + 4 ow / i 7 yy •,L do IT MI _ 7 _ _ .3 - i — qq- WWI - _ r pq ilp : I II i } MIA" _ i ; li r W� 1 to r J BENCH MARK: PLUMP ENGINEERING INC. DRAWING NO . BENCHMARK NO. 10096 DESIGN BY: TT • • •' FESSLOCATION: 41 CONSULTING ENGINEE IN 2" BRASS DISK IN CONCRETE1 1 . • . • `�- CG05 RANCHO CUCAMONGA BM 10096 1987" AT SOUTHWEST AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 44; CORNER OF BANYAN AVE. AND SAPPHIRE1 FEET —■ ■■■ DRAWN ; • • • • z SITE UTILIZATION . • • WEST BEGINNING OF CURB RETURN AT EASTERLY END 1 �_■ ■■■ , �■ ■■■ TRYFONOPOULOSRANCHO . . . • 1707031 UTILITY INFORMATION: CONCT ALSITLAN si Banyan St Banyan Si pie u� m W a ��p � ��` et.,e Mandarin Ave (ELECTRICITY) ro Qe `eg`,�� � m y a � SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Leman Ave Q D Alta Loma Junior PH: (800)655-4555 APN : 1062-332-25 Lemon Ave High School �Pr)- RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPALITY UTILITY PH: (909)919-2612 Orange St orange SI Orange St RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA SITE fi (GAS) Alta Lorry°r Ella L LOCATION �tf•�: Q ARCO h{pghland Ave Ilighland Ave Hunter Or Beryl Park West O H4hland Ave SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS ® O Foothill Fwy 1179 PH: 800 427-2200 SO © The Home Depot Q Garden 5t (WATER) CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT G o V ��f Toys'R"us Hawthorne � 0 �5 St E T 91h 5; 14t1r SS 1 9tn St PH: (909)987-2591 9rh ° ^ St p a � Hamilton St '�?. Hamilton St r„ (CABLE TV Holly St Q My Jasper School Q ) Pkw`Y a 181h SI m ty d TIME WARNER CABLE PH: (888)892-2253 ;$ �¢ Avalon Cl G a� Monte Vista St YlerlJl CWPr 1'arrrldgr_, n LaYineSt c cielnoSt CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS PH: (866)499-8080 T ca�Onies pkNY int sL La Grande St La Ronda! VERIZON Carnellan PH: (800)VERIZON D �\ ��� d ry n La Pa1x st Elements School n lo G) \ o \ \ �by,te T3onc!Dr HrIV GoH G1a5�, m` v @o c4 t) (REFUSE) _ s \ \ pland Hills UularndHJlstkp a Alta Loma High School Q m BURRTEC DISPOSAL 7LOInret EXIST.TPH: (909)987-3717 �"""a '�\\ _ VICINITY MAP .� N.A. 0 `\ / N.T.S. I EXISTING SHEET INDEX: CHURCH — — 3.73% 2.5% \ 0 \ LEGEND: AQUAMARINE AVE. I \\\ 1 CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN ,685.75FF 1ST FLOOR ll \ \I 2 - CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN EXISTING FLOW DIRECTION NG n ° 1 3 CUT AND FILL EXHIBIT NING WOOING \ I 4 SECTIONS PLANS / DETAILS \WOOING 1 \ , araNNc II \ BUILDING ADDITION 11 I 11 5 SITE UTILIZATION MAP a ADA PATH OF TRAVEL 4' 1 6 PRELIMINARY WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN EXISTING 1ST FLOOR FF=1685.75 II 1S FLOOR 1 II 1 CHURCH I �, 1 1 1 LIGHT POLE Eztsr. 2ND FLOOR FF=1695.75 s�1 1 I l FF:1685.68 EXISTING C04 1 I INRL7�TI -TRENCH B cco FEMA FLOOD DATA: LEGAL DESCRIPTION : I I I WALK — NOX. 11 e \ i FLOOD ZONE: ZONE X \ JOIN EXISTING g CONTRACTOR TO COMMATE 01H OIYRIER w 1\ MAP N0. : 06071 C7870J PARCEL A \` REGARD ro THE FINO SURFACE MATERIAL \ \\\ S,DEWA J(_ \'� $e (POROUS MATERIAL SURFACE) OF SOCCER \ \ r �\\ --- \ --r---- 13TFLOOR 1 gc FIELD.-------- \\\ \\ BENCHMARK: THE NORTHERLY 360.00 FEET, MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES { BUILDING €TawNG \\ \\ \ BENCHMARK NO. 10096 OF THE EAST 5 ACRES OF LOT 9 BLOCK 23 CUCAMONGA BU "00�M,TS T1111 T ° 'STFL°°R I \\ \\ o \\ LOCATION: HOMESTEAD ASSOCIATION, IN THE CITY OF RANCHO STFLGGR \\ \ m \` 2" BRASS DISK IN CONCRETE CURB STAMPED CUCAMONGA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF BUILDING U is == "CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BM 10096 CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 6, PAGE STRGCR s= \\ \ 1987" AT SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BANYAN 46 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF awG cavc I ga 1\ j AVE. AND SAPPHIRE ST. 30 FEET WEST SAID COUNTY. o✓ BEGINNING OF CURB RETURN AT EASTERLY e I END OF CATCH BASIN. PARCEL B \ li 11 , ELEVATION: 1777.264 THE EAST 5 ACRES OF LOT 9 BLOCK 23 CUCAMONGA s 1 HOMESTEAD ASSOCIATION, IN THE CITY OF RANCHO it ® 111 111 PROJECT INFORMATION : CUCAMONGA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF { \ 1 CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 6, PAGE '\ \\ 1 46 OF MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDED OF 1 \ 1 1 XIST PROJECT NAME: ST. JUSTINA CHURCH ' 1` 11 DRI WA Y PROJECT ADDRESS: 6386 SAPPHIRE ST. SAID COUNTY. RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91701 \ i ---� ` s I EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE NORTHERLY 360 FEET, MEASURED \ ��� 6 \\ �� `� it APN: 1062 332 25 AT RIGHT ANGLES. 1 \ I TOPOGRAPHY SOURCE: LANE AND ASSOCIATES IN LTRATIO TRENCH \�� 6� `� 1 WQMP PROVIDED SWPPP WDID# 836C371293 1 IH° I LEGEND: �� II SITE AREAS. LANDSCAPE AREA EXISTING o oc� LIGHT POLE 11 GROSS PROPERTY AREA: 217,799.13 SF -W W-W IS NG\\ O \/ --------------- y OU D R U —A .� 11 NET PROPERTY AREA: 217,799.13 SF N LIGH POLE \ DISTURBED AREA: 112,664.12 SF PROPOSED BUILDING o N i 1 TOTAL EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 41 ,938.16 SF 6 35.00' DRIVEWAY EXIST. TOTAL NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 39,446.61 SF co \--is—XIST EXIST EXIST. EXIST. EXIST. PROPOSED y PER CITY SID,233.57' CURB &GUTTER REMOVE IMPERVIOUS AREEA & REPLACE WITH PERVIOUS AREA:1,255.63 SF PCC SIDEWALK 0) DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY SIDEWALK SAPPHIRE STREET DRIVEWAY L_ Q CURBSIDE 07 A DRIVEWAY SPACING PER STD. 107—A PROPOSED PERVIOUS AREA: 73.217.51 SF EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST. EXIST EXIST. EXIST EXIST. EXIST EXIST EXIST. EXIST EXIST EXIST RlV WAY DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY EARTHWORK: POROUS AC PAVEMENT Lu CURB &GUTTER SIDEWALK DRIVEWA Y DRIVEWA Y DRIVEWA Y ®® ° ° _ _ � _P _. _P FILL : 2,435 CY �° — — ° CUT: 7, 040 CY AC PAVEMENT a EXISTING EXISTING EXISTINGNG EXIST. UTILITY POLE EXPORT: 4, 605 CY UTILITY POLE UTILITY POLE UTILITY POLE SIDEWALK CD W W Q EARTH WORK QUANTITIES ARE RAW ESTIMATES ONLY. THEY DO NOT Z REFLECT SUBSIDENCE, OR ANY MATERIAL GENERATED BY UTILITY j TRENCHING AND BUILDING FOOTINGS. THE QUANTITIES SHOWN c� ABOVE ARE INTENDED FOR USE IN ESTABLISHING GOVERNING s EXIST. m Q EXIST AGENCY FEES. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR co DRIVEWA Y j p RIVEWA Y DETERMINING THE QUANTITIES FOR BID PURPOSES. ANY EXPORT OR IMPORT REQUIRE TO BALANCE THE SITE SHALL BE THE SOLE EXIST. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. SIDEWALK NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE LETTER NOTING WHERE THE EXPORT WILL BE SEND TO PRIOR TO PULLING GRADING PERMIT. 0 rz 0 1-- co c RW EXISTING RW CURB & GUTTER EXISTING EXISTING 11 .01 11 .0 CURB & GUTTER SAPPHIRE ST. o 4.0' 7.0' 22' 22' 6.5' 4.5' =III III III=1 EXISTING a I I I—I —I �_ a 1=1I —I =1 I I— I— — — —__ __ =— —I—_ =1 I III-1 I-1 h LANDSCAPING a 11=III-III=III III-III-1 —_— III=III=III=III III=III—III—III= — — — 11=III-III III=III=III=III °' EXISTING I I=1 EXISTING III-1 I I—III=1 I=1 I=1 I=1 I—I 11=1 1=1 11-1 1-1 11-1 1=1 I I="'EXISTING '=1 I=1 T SIDEWALK LANDSCAPING I III-1 I-1 I-1 I=1 I I SIDEWALK 40' 0 40' 80' 120' z CO od SAPPHARE STREET — SCALE: 1" = 40' SECTION : NTS a BUILDING PERMIT NO . : 2018-03063 WDID# 836C371293 DRC N0: 2013-00230 PGR N0: 2018-00010 �- BENCH MARK: R E V I S 1 o N S =�_ PLUMP ENGINEERING INC. c T c I DRAWING N O . -- BENCHMARK NO. 10096 DATE NO. DESCRIPTION BY CH'K APP DESIGN BY: TT �QFESS,�Q J �JU JTI N A CHURCH - • LOCATION: rr CONSULTING ENGINEERS IN Q N o 2" BRASS DISK IN CONCRETE CURB STAMPED "CITY OF CIVIL, SURVEYING, ARCHITECTURAL ��O Q. TRYFD�o�� 1 =po RANCHO CUCAMONGA BM 10096 1987" AT SOUTHWEST AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING tz CORNER OF BANYAN AVE. AND SAPPHIRE ST. 30 FEET DRAWN BY: AA/JT/AT G z CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN 914 E. KATELLA AVENUE w NO. 65859 o m WEST BEGINNING OF CURB RETURN AT EASTERLY END OF ~ co ;;0CATCH BASIN. =�3 ,� ANAHEIM CALIFORNIA 92805 EXP.12/31/21 ® PLUMP ENGINEERING INC 714 385-1835, FAX 714 385-1834 ELEVATION: 1777.264 CHECKED BY: TT �9T _ CIVIC �Q' SHEET: 1 OF 6 F OF CA��Fp� DATE: 10-24-2018 01-20-2021 6386 SAPPHIRE ST. PROJECT NO. f o TRYFON TRYFONOPOULOS DATE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91701 1707031 c� \ - - - 1688.88TC c> � \ - - - - -\ - - _ - - - - -- - - - - - 1691.68 FS o � \ \ \ NO:35'17"W (1686.00)FS 662. 18 - - - - - - - \ \ \ \ \ \EXIST. 8" \ \ \ \ \ \ I \� 1695.75T i I 696.95TC \ 03.30TC \ 17a4.50TC \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I 1684.E F� \ 6 \ANNEL RATE \ \\ \ j I 1695.25E i I 169 .45FS/RL \ \ \\ 1 2.80FS \\ 1704bOFS \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ 1Lr \\ \ \\ I \ \ o \ N I can \ I I 8 1636.1E TC - \ \ I "' \ ;r, \ o J \ 1701. 5 \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ I a, I I " \ V 00 ' \ \ 705.50TC \ \ I \ I 1 (168_66)F-S- - - - - - - \ I I 1 �, \ g \ 699.90 FG - - - - - - - - , 6.65 ° \ \ \ \ \ \ 1706'.65FG \ \ 1 I I I 1 \ - - - - - - - - \ I 1693.13TC I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I EXISTING 1 1 ss. 1690.10 1 w 11690.18 1692.5o I 1 93.63FS I \ \ 169 85TC \ 170 .1 TC \\ 1701.5) C \ \ \ \ SITE AREAS: \ \ 1 I I \ \ I Fs B c< Fs - `� 8. °cp s ,l KGB s. , s oq I 169 .50TC 169 35FS 169 .6 FS \ 1701.00 S \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ CHURCH \ Q / - �� °� II 69 .00FS 2 5 % \o GROSS PROPERTY AREA: 217,799.13 SF 1 \ 6.25TC 3.73% \ \ � \ \ \ \ I 16s2.5s 16s3.1s \ \ \ NET PROPERTY AREA: 21K,799.13 SF 1 I Al 41685.80 FS/GB FS/GB 1693.25FS 1 5.75FS/RL J \ \ \ 66 12 SF6 5.25 FS/GB 0 10TC \ \ DISTURBED AREA: 112, 1 \ Q '� I 5 �I .''�(/ 1696.50TC \ 17Q1. OFS \ \ \ \ TOTAL EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 41 ,93 .16 SF 1 I I I 1685�5H� 0 80/ (� ) I \ \ \ \ TOTAL NEW IMPERVIOUS ARE, : 39,446.61 Sf \ I I I I PROPOSED BUILDIN C T 5. 8 FS 16s3.8s 1 1 1 \ ° 6 \ 02.06 \ \ \ REMOVE IMPERVIOUS AREEA &\REPLACE WITH PERVIOUS AREA:1 255.63 SF I I I TO EXISTING SEWER P N U DI L FS/GB 1695.70TC 1 \ 'FF 1 PROPOSED PERVIOUS AREA: 71.217.51 SF I SERVICE TO EXISTING CH H UI I 6 E All 1 1695.20FS/RL I 169�6.45 \ \ \ 1 \ \ 1 I I I I PROPOSED BUIDING ELEVATION 5 \ I \ \ \ \ FS 1 0 1 I \ I I I EXISTING CHURCH EKEVATTON IS (168 . Q 1 I I I of �'�l698.80 I \ \\ 1698.80 \ 1 1 I 1 11 II \ \ 1 I BUILDING ADDITION 1 F s 4.50' ' I FG 12793' \\ FG \ \ I \ 32.3 \ I I II I ► EXISTING H g� L - - - 1ST FLOOR FF=1685. 75 1 II 0 1695.50TC I \ \\ \ 1 \ \ II II II \\ II I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 .18 Fs I \ \ \ \ 1 1 I 1 I :'�--- EXIST. 2ND FLOOR FF=1695 . 75 I \ 1695.00FS o1�95.88FS \ \ \ \ 1 I 1 I I I \ \ FF:1685.68 I \ \ \ 1695.60 pp 20% 1 \ \ \ 1 I 1 I I I I I i l I I I \' \ \ \ I \1695.35TC s 9 I \ 16\ 8.50 F \ 1701.301C 1 I 1704.50TC I I I I \ \ 1 I 168 51 FS ! i I I EXISTING 0e CO4 L - \ \ \ 694.85FS \ 5.0% I 1704.00FS I I ACGO I I \ \ I �\� INFILTRAII N TRENCH ° e B ° I � \ � 1.82% � o=169$.18TC \ I I I I B II 17 5.60 FG I\ \\ I i ! ARE =549 SF EXISTI G WALK Y - - _ - \ \ 169S.GB O 0 20� ��1695\68FS \\ NOTE: \ II 1 I I\ \ \ \ \ \ JOIN -EXISfiIN� - B � I CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH OWNER IN \ o \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ SIDEWALK \ Q REGARD TO THE FINISH SURFACE MATERIAL \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (POROUS MATERIAL SURFACE) OF SOCCER \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ VW os FIELD. \ \ \ \ \ \ OOR I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ 1 \ Qn y� I 1 !! I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Op BUILD NG LIMITS 1695.57 9 I 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ o FS/GB �(1694.35FS 1694.85TC 695.73T� \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N,i 20% 1 1 I \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \ oa ❑ c 1 \ ll 1694.20T \ 0 E 1695.35TC1 I I 1700.50TC \ \ \ \ c- _ �Q� I hST I'LOOR 1693.8OFS � 1694.85FSI I I 1700.00FS \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 I I 1693. 8 I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I GUILD NG FS G \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I f ETAkNG o / 1694.0 \ \ / / / 1703.30TC I \ \ \ \ 1\ 1702.8OFS \ \ \ O \ \\ I 1 7�WI--I l ' �= F i 1693.65�� 16 \ I N I I I i \ \FS/GB 1694.5�FS \\ \\ \\ 1698.10 \ / II I I II 1703.80 FG I I \ �� 168Q 15 FS 1 N 16 i I I it \ 1693.80TC \ 1 3.0 \ � � � \ \ I "125 I I I I (16 19)Fsl 1 1 I \ I I I \ 1 � O °o I Q° iI 1 \ i 1693.30FS I I 6� PROPOS D \ \\ 1697.70 J \ \ 1698.20 \ g I I I I I I I \ 1 I I I Q0 INFILTRATION \ FG \ FG \ I I I I I I I I l I 1_ O TREN H \\ \\ \ \ \ I I I I I 1 I \ Q I I I I \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ I I I I II I I \ I I 1 I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 9.80TC \ 1 I I I \ I Q I 16� AOTC 1694. 0 \ 1696.00 FG 1699.85 16 .30FS \ \ I I 1703.25 FS I 12 1 I \ \ \ \ I I \ \ I I \ \ 1692.30TC \ 1693. FS F� - \ FS \ I I I \ I \ 1 II JOINT EXIST. I 1 Q I I\ \ \ \\ 1611.80FS \\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ II I I I II \\ \ Q (168 . I 1 p l \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I \ 1 I (1683.22)FS \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I I 1 � I \ \ \ \ \ FILL: 2 435 CY' \ N \ ------- \ 169E 0 1699.5 TC \ I I \ I O I I I l I I \ \\ k166 65TC \ \ \ I \ I \i \\ \\ \ 1 .40TC 169E OFS 9.0 FS \ I I I CUT: 7 040 CY N JOINT EXIST. ®I 15FS \ \ I EXPORT: 4,605 CY W \ I \ 1 I (1683.67)TC 1 I Q( I I I \ _- \ \ 16 .90FS \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ I \ 1 I co (168311)FS I ---�-- \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ I EGEND: \ \ \ \ \ S \ � V / \ i V A\� \\ \V A \ V �� 1 9.15TC A� \V A \\ \V I���-���-���� \ I 1 \ i \ �� o� \ \ \rn ` 169 65FS \ C a) 4 ° \ \ 1691.15TC L \ \� o LANDS APE AREA � � I I \ \ 1 �. F ° ° I o 1 j � \ � o� � I I \�690.65 S \ rn \ \ ns p I \\i 1690. TC \ `' \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \�` oc9� \\ \ \ \\ \ \ PROPOSIED BUILDING \ Q I \ I 168 60FS I I i\ 1689.85 \ \ \ cl, 60 \ 170 95TC \ \ 1 \ \ 1679.66NG I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 6 \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ 1 I I \ I� L \ 16 AOTC \ \ \ �\ \ �701. 5FS \ \ \ \ \ LEVEL 1684.00TC I I p o I \\ I \ SUBGRADE 168 .5OFS o I I I\ \\ 1 00� \ \\ 169 40FS \ \ \ \ 1 I 679.90 FS I I ELEVATION ° \ \ \ \ o \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ PCC SIDEWALK \\ \ 1698.5 C \ \ \ \ \ I I M 1692. O1C 169 .45T� 1698.0 FS 9 50TC \ \ \ \ 1 0 \� \\ 1691. OFL� 169 .95FL 695.35 C 1697.32TC \ 1 nFL / / 1 POROUS AC PAVEMENT T 3'95TC / / /1685.7 -I \ 1685.50FG \ \ \\ 694.85 L \ 1 5 1696.82FS \ I / 3.45FS \ \ AC PAVEMENTro I 0 / \ _ __/ 1690.55F\ 5. o / 97.00E / / �- --�- \\ \ \ 1 5 - - ------------------- - -- - - - - - - - \1690. \ 694.00FL / / \ I \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ 1684.17 / \ ! 1687.59TW NO 35 17 W \ 1688.5 \ 1689. 5TG \ 663.9E FS \ 96.74TG / / I \\ \ 3 \ 1683N .77 TC S \ l 1700. IFS \ 1694.2E FS 1696.7� F \ l \ \ o \ \ \ \ \1685.91 1690.37 8S 691.72 FS / \ / \ \ \ (�81.01 FL) \ 16831�1-F� PROPOSED CURBSIDE �1700.09)TC JOINT EXIST J)I T EXIS . 1684.78 FL INFILTRATION TRENCH D no (1693.31) FL (1695.69) FL OUTLET PER STD. 107-A (1699.36) FL SIDEWALK DEWALK PROPOSED CURBSIDE (1684.50)FS 6 4.68)FS OUTLET PER STD. 107-A SAPPHIRE ST. 35.00' DRIVEWAY NOTE : ALL EXISTING MONUMENTS TO BE PROTECTED IN PLACE & RESET AFTER 233.57' PER CITY STD. N F.G. OF DRIVEWAY SPACING CONSTRUCTION BY PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR. BUILDING FF ~ CD LANUbUArt WEEP 1685.68 FF (TYP.) NOTE : ALL WALL OVER 3 FEET PER SEPARATE PERMIT o 6 WITHIN a BUILDING SECTIONS MEET (MEASURE FROM LOWER GROUND SURFACE TO TOP OF THE WALL) g SCREED \ THE FIRST 8" a FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS : P.0% N H 10 FEET MIN . \ \ ° \ \\/\\\\\ 20' 0 20' 40' 60' z - CBC1804.3/CRCR401 .3 NOTE : NO COMPACTION ALLOWED ON PROPOSED INFILTRATION TRENCH CBC2304. 11 .2 .2/CRCR317 . 1 (2) AND LANDSCAPING AREAS. HEAVY EQUIPMENT PROHIBITED. TYPICAL SECTION \\\\\\\\\\\ TYPICAL SECTION TYPICAL LANDSCAPE AREA CBC2512 . 1 . 2/CRCR703 .6 .2 . 1 SCALE: V 20' AROUND BUILDING & SIDEWALK /,��/.���` � AROUND BUILDING & LANDSCAPE NEXT TO SIDEWALK/PAVEMENT AREA BUILDING PERMIT NO . : 2018-03063 WDID# 836C371293 DRC NO: 2013-00230 PGR NO: 2018-00010 BENCH MARK: R E V I S I o N S =._ PLUMP ENGINEERING INC. DRAWING N O . M. -- TOP OF CURB �„ F.G. OF BENCHMARK NO. 10096 DATE NO. DESCRIPTION BY CH'K APP DESIGN BY: TT QFESS S T. J U S TI N A CHURCH - } LOCATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS IN QR �0 -o T ~ LANDSCAPE • �,-,0 P TRYFO�'x 2" BRASS DISK IN CONCRETE CURB STAMPED "CITY OF CIVIL, SURVEYING, ARCHITECTURAL CG02 (TYP.) RANCHO CUCAMONGA BM 10096 1987 AT SOUTHWEST AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING �� O� �p CORNER OF BANYAN AVE. AND SAPPHIRE ST. 30 FEET DRAWN BY: AA/JT/AT G Z E \ \ , WEST BEGINNING OF CURB RETURN AT EASTERLY END OF 914 E. KATELLA AVENUE NO. 65859 O m CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN \ CATCH BASIN. ,� ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 EXP.12/31/21 ' 3 7PLUMP ENGINEERING INC. (714) 385-1835, FAX (714) 385-1834 = �% �% % CHECKED BY: TT s CIVI\. �P SHEET: 2 OF 6 a 3 TYPICAL LANDSCAPE AREA ELEVATION: 1777.264 y� & CURB LOCATION 01-20-2021 6386 SAPPHIRE ST. aw1 DATE: 10-24-2018 PROJECT NO. I.pm TRYFON TRYFONOPOULOS DATE RANCHO C U C A M 0 N G A, CA 91 7 01 1707031 \ - - - - - - - - - - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I - - 4- -- — — — — — — — — — —\- - — — — — — — — — — I — — — — —\ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —\— — \ \ + + \ + + + \FILL \ \ �, - - - - - - �� - - �;I - - �;I - - - - - - - - — � - - - - � - - - - - - - - - - - � - - -\ — — \ I DD L — — — — — — — — + ___= - = CUT\ I + + + — — — - - � - - - - \ 1 \ \ EXISTING 1 /� — — — — 1— I lit — _ — — _ — — — + + \+ + — _— �\ — — — _— — rt —I — — — — \ — — — — — — I \ \ \ CHURCH \\ II I - - - — — - - - - - - - - - - \\� \ — - - - - - - - - - -- �— _\ - - � \ \ \ II I I \ \ _ �I — f)FIST�N6 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — \ \ FILL: 2,435 CY I I \ _ I — -STRICTURE- — — — — — — — — — — — — \ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — \ \ \ CUT: 7,040 CY I 1 I \ — — — — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — �- \ \ EXPORT: 4,605 CY I I - - — — - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + - - - — — — — — — — — — - - - 1 - - - - - 1 \ 1 1 II II II I — — — — — — — — — — I + + \ + - - -\ - - - - - 4 — - - - - _ - - -1 —1 — — — — — \ 1 GROSS SITE Af EA: 217;799.13 SF I I I _____—_ \ _ —\— ____ \— — __ ___ __moo= 1 \AREA OF DISTU�iBANCE: 112,664.12 SF I / — — + I + + + \+ + — — \ — — — — — + + + + + -- � — - -- - \- - - - - -- - - - - 1 1 1 1 I I 111 � — I \ II II I III — RsTrr I — — — — — — — — — — + I+ + + + + — — —� I I III - - - — — - - - - - - - - - \ + + + \+ + + - - - - — — — — — — — I I I EXISTING I I I I — I— — + + + + \ + + CHURCH — — — — — — — — — \ + + + \ + + + \ + + + \ + + + + + + + \ + + + + 1 — + + \\ + + + + \\ + + + + \ — — — — — — + +\ + + + +\\ + + + T - - - - - - - + + II+ + + + 4 + + + \ - - - - -_� - - - \\ \ \ \ \ + + I + + + + 1 + + + +\ + ►- \ — — — — — — _ _ _ _ _ _ + + + + + 1 + + + \ + +\ + _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I \ r - - - - - - - - - - - \ II + + I + + + + + + + + \ + \ - + + I + + + + + + + \ +\ + + — — — — — — — + + + + + + + + + + \ + \ \ \ + + I + + + + 1 + + + +I + \\ + + + — — — __ — L ____ — + I + + + + + + + I + +\ + \ \ - - - - - - - \ \ \ - - I —I — �� — - - - —\- - - - - - + +I + + + + + I + + + + II + \ + + \ \ \ �— I --I I — - - - - \ - - - - - + \+ + + + + I+ + + I + \\ + +loo \ I I — I — 1 — — — — —� — — — — + + \+ + + + + �+ + + +/ + + r — I— I- - \ - - - � — — — \\ \ i 0 I — - - - - - � - - - + + + + + \+ + + + / + + I I 0 � T r _ � � � _ + + + + + + + +\ + \ + �+ + I I -! - - - - � - - - - - - � - \ \ - - I I I I \ + + + + + + + + +\ + + + - 1 I - I— I- - - - -\- - - - - -� - - - - - � \ + + + + + \ + + + + + \ + + I— - \ \ I I I 1 I t—� - - - - - - - - � — \ \ \ \ ��— — — — — — — — — — — -\ — + + + + + + + \ + + \ + \+ + Ij L- � — 04 � — — — +�� I — — — � — \ + + + + + \\ + + + \ + \ + + + + + + + + + \ + + \+ + \ + + + + +\��+ + + \ \ + \\ + + Z + + + + \ + \ + + + + + \ + + + + \ + + + — I I I \ \ IL + \ + + + \\ + + + \ + + + + + \ + + \ + + \+ + + + — \ \ I \ \ o I _ _ _ \�\ I 1 I — — — + \ + + + \\ + \+\ + +\\ + + +\\ + + \\ + + ��b \� + _ \ \ \ \ Z LLJ \ II I \ —\ —I — — — — +\ + + \�� + + \+ + +\ �6'+ + + + + + +\ + +\ + \ + + + — — \\ \ \ I 1 \ o I °° — — — — o\— — — — — — cP \ 4 0° a \ \9� \ \ 9�s \ \ s� \ \ _ \ \ I I rn I \ eCIO °� I �T� — )_ — — — — — — —\— + + + + \ + + + + + �� \+ + + + + \ + + \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I a I—� � ,— -� - - co — — + \ + + +\ + + + + \ + — — — \ \ \ \ I \ 4 4 ° + \� + \ + + + + + + + �� — — — l / l \ co + + + + + I �+ + I — — — — — — - - - - - - - - + I + - —I - - -—/- - — — — — — — — CL I \ �/ / - -- - - - � - -� - - - - - - - - - - - \ — � — - - + + + I - - /- - � - - - -- — — — — — \ / - - - - - - - — - - - — — — — — — - - - - - - — ^—� - - T —/ - - — — — — — — � � \ \ N� �,W — — — — ��� \ \ 663.96 \ 1 N o U N O SAPPHIRE ST. T 601 Z 7 co od SCALE: 1" = 20' U a BUILDING PERMIT NO . : 2018-03063 WDID# 836C371293 DRC N0: 2013-00230 PGR N0: 2018-00010 BENCH MARK: R E V I S 1 o N S PLUMP ENGINEERING INC. c T c T I DRAWING N O . -- BENCHMARK NO. 10096 DATE NO. DESCRIPTION BY CH'K APP DESIGN BY: TT �pFESS/Q S �JU S I I I V A CHURCH - • LOCATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS IN Q ry o 2" BRASS DISK IN CONCRETE CURB STAMPED "CITY OF CIVIL, SURVEYING, ARCHITECTURAL TRYFD�o�� CG03 =po RANCHO CUCAMONGA BM 10096 1987" AT SOUTHWEST AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING �� O� p �� DRAWN BY: AA/JT/AT LL m CORNER OF BANYAN AVE. AND SAPPHIRE ST. 30 FEET G z CUT/FILL 9147 KATELLA AVENUE w NO. 65859 o m WEST BEGINNING OF CURB RETURN AT EASTERLY END OF � ~ NO.12/31/21 u' ,� ANAHEIM CALIFORNIA 92805 ® CATCH BASIN. PLUMP ENGINEERING INC 714 385-1835, FAX 714 385-1834 ELEVATION: 1777.264 CHECKED BY: TT �9T _-_ CIVI\- �Q SHEET: 3 OF 6 F OF CAS\Fps DATE: 10-24-2018 01-20-2021 6386 SAPPHIRE S T. PROJECT NO. o TRYFON TRYFONOPOULOS DATE RANCHO C U C A M O N G A, CA 91701 1707031 PROPERTY LINE 1702 7.00' 44.25' 4.50' 6.50' 16.20' 150.67' PROIIECI 1701 PROP o 1700 1P.-Mm 1698FENGE .30TC PROP. LAND APE f 1699 uumo PROP. AC 1697.80FSPROP m 1698 SIDEWALK Q 1697 —I I 1696 I—I I I—I I I - 1695 - - - IIIIIIIII-III- - - - - 1694 _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - I I I I-III-III-I - _____ - - - -•i�--�1�--�1i---11��11 L��i1 L��i1 L��i1 L��11 L�11 L�11 L_11L_11L_11L_11L_11L_11L_11L_11L_11L-11L=11L=�1L=11L_11L_11L_�1L_�1L_�� S E C T I O N -11121 I-I I I-I I I-I I II I I-I I II I II I I I-I I I-I I w 1693 -xrnvr - - - _ _ _ ____ - - - - - - _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ - Lu - - - - _=I I I=III=III=III=III=III=III=III=I I = __ _ 1692 � Inerno� q q ��1L- - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _J1L_J1L-J1L=J1L=J1L-J11=J11=J11-J1L=J11-J11-J11=J11-J11-J11=J11-J11-J11- w 1691 1690 SCALE: 1" = 5' 150.67' 14.43' 7.00' 62.42' 15.50' 4.45' 6.67' 1702 1701 1700 w LANDSCAPE 1699 1698 PROP. 1697 PROP. 1696 Q - _ Q =III=III=III=III=I = _ _ _ L_= L _ AC PAV PROP. 1695 _ - - - - - - LANDSCAPE _ _ _ 0 1694 - 1 ___ —_ z - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — o =III=III=III=III=I _ I III III III III 1693 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________ = _ = = = = uu = - SECTION --- - � —_______ = I I—III—III—III—III—III—III—III—I I 1=1 I 1=___________— —_—______ _______ __ __ _ _ __— __— IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII—III—I I 1=1 I 1=1 __ S • __ - - _ _ _ _ = PROP. _ _ _ _ -  ___ - - _- _-- 1691 w - _ --=��=L=�1L==iL=�TLJ11�_ === _ __——— =III=III=III=III=III=IIIIIIIIIIII=III= _=____ c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - =_ iu_==FIST. 1689 - =�'11-'=L-J1L-J1L=�1L_I11= - _===——_=III=III=III=III=III=III=III= LANDSCAPE w = J--11- 1=L1=J11=J1�11��11==__=__ = _SCALE: 1" = 5' __= 1=III=III=III—I I I=III=111.=-111 111-_I�1-_ul=_1 1 --�1=-�1=-�1 - -- -- -- _ _ SAPPHIRE ST. - - - - _ _ - - - - 1688 1704 1703 1702 1701 1700 1699 LANDSCAPE PROP. 1698 PROPOSED 1697 PROP. 1695.70FS SIDEWALK o J SIDEWALK AC PAVEMENT — — — — _- w _ m 1696 1695 1694.85FS -- - 1694 — =1-1_ — — — _ _ _  — -- --rn==T = n=_______= I=III=III=III=III=III=III=I = _ _ _ _ — — — — — _ _ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII= - °� =r =rnT�=r �= L1 �rI=III= = - - - - - III=III= - - 1692 1691 ------ _ - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - =�1_�-�--�--�---- 1690 __I I I=I I I=III=I I I=I I a I I=III=III=III=I I I _ �11-J11�111-_I�� r� 1689 _ -"'" _-Lam= � - �-- SECTION PROPOSEDPROPOSED _ _ w 1687 ____ ---"" Lu cn 1686 - 6 - 6 - =.---r----------- ----- ----------------- _- -b -- _ _ - _ _ _ - - _ - - - - - - - _ = SCALE: 1" = 5' - 1684 I=III=I I I I I I=1683 - - - — — — _ — 1=u1=u1=u1=u1Ll1-LI1-IIIIII-_III- _ 1710 1709 62.50' 59.23' 1708 PROP. 1707 j 7.00' 1704.40TC PH. LANDSCAPE 1706 m 1703.90FS -- ---- 1705 Q PROP. PROP. i�--=4 r=r = Tr` =�T�= �_�= I I=III=III=III-y 1704 E m PROP. CURB1701 45TC PAVEMENT = — _ — =I — — Fr�_ - - _ =-Trr== _ _ _ _ _______ ___ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1703 _ �_Li I Lam,-== ri 1TT- =T = ___ -1 I =1 I =1 I =1 I =III=1 I =1 I =1 I =1 I = — — — — — � _ - - - - _ - - - - - _ - 1702 102.94 SIDEWALK — — - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -III=III=III=III=III=I N m — _—_ —_ _ n -rn fl nfl �I=I I I =_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______==_=__ - - - _ 1701 � _ i N LANDSCAPE —Ll �-- _ _ _ -r-n=_______Ill __I I I=I I I=I I a I I=I I I=I I I=I I I=I I I=I I I =_ __ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___-i1-L=J- 1700CIS SECTION IL- III III I (n L.11rn-�T1,1Trlr r 1 I I-III=III=III=IIIIIIIII=IIIIII-III- 1�111=J11�1i=J1'-�"y- T - B - R Y 1698 3 w _ _==—— =III=III=III=III=III=III=III=III=III=II = ___________-_ __ _— _ - -—_ - w _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — J1L—�=r-_ - - _ _ - - - - - =_____ - - = I=IIIIIIIIIIIIIII=III II I I=I I I= LL=11L=11L-11L-1��- - SCALE: 1" - 5' 1697 Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1696 III=III=- 11=III=III=III=III=III=III - - - - - - _ - - - - - _— —1L— U III-III-III-III-1 - = �l u—uTL�-=L�- 5 1694 0 U CM O O C O 1699 1699 1698 PROPOSED 1698 a 1697 1697 1696 LINE 1696 f0 a 1695 PROP 1695 E 1694 PROTEeT PLANILK bux 1694 1693 PROP. 1693 0 IN PLACE --------------------------- 1689.70FS RB 1692 1691 _ _ ---- 1691 1690 - 1689.85FS 1690 1689 II=11 III= _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - _ 1689 - - Ill 1688 �- _ _ _ - _ __ _ _ _ - - ROP.47—1 I I _ ------- ___ M - -n=rnr -------------------- __ 1688 1687 PROP. —III=IIIIII=III=III=III=III=III= =u1-u�u1 �l = - _ __ - - 1687 1686 LANDSCAPE - PROP. u�I I I=III=III=III= = 1685.75 FF 1686 LANDbUAPE 1685 =14= 414 _111=111_ _ _ = GROUND 1685 ° 1684 - __ = _ =Lu-L __ 1684 SECTION 1683 1683 1 5' 0 5' 10' 15' z 1682 — C - C - 1682 U) 06 1681 - SCALE: 1" = 5' 1681 SCALE: 1" = 5' .5 U a BUILDING PERMIT NO . : 2018-03063 WDID# 836C371293 DRC NO: 2013-00230 PGR NO: 2018-00010 BENCH MARK: R E V I S 1 o N S PLUMP ENGINEERING INC. DRAWING NO . -- BENCHMARK NO. 10096 DATE NO. DESCRIPTION BY CH•K APP DESIGN BY: TT pFESS/ S T. J U S TI N A CHURCH - • LOCATION: f■ti CONSULTING ENGINEERS IN QR E. 2" BRASS DISK IN CONCRETE CURB STAMPED "CITY OF CIVIL, SURVEYING, ARCHITECTURAL ��� P TRYFOiL9/� CG04 =po RANCHO CUCAMONGA BM 10096 1987" AT SOUTHWEST AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING �� O� �p DRAWN B Y: AA/JT/AT � LL m CORNER OF BANYAN AVE. AND SAPPHIRE ST. 30 FEET G Z SECTIONS 0- WEST E. KATELLA AVENUE w 'o Lr WEST BEGINNING OF CURB RETURN AT EASTERLY END OF rl � � NO. 65859 O � 25 ® CATCH BASIN. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 EXP.12/31/21 ' _ 3 PLUMP ENGINEERING INC. (714) 385-1835, FAX (714) 385-1834 -� ELEVATION: 1777.264 CHECKED BY: TT 9T �� ClVlL �P SHEET: 4 OF 6 - F OF CAUL DATE: 10-24-201 s 01-20-2021 6386 SAPPHIRE S T. a w PROJECT NO. o TRYFON TRYFONOPOULOS DATE RANCHO C U C A M 0 N G A, CA 91701 1707031 U � SOURCE CONTROL BMP'S: POST CONSTRUCTION BMP NOTES 662. 18' LEGEND SD10 SITE DESIGN &LANDSCAPE PLANNING NO35'17"W B A�PLANTER BOX xOT1YTw D12 S EFFICIENT IRRIGATION B EFFICIENT IRRIGATION SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE DESIGN N C , P CONCRETE C SITE AREA cc BIORETE TION WATER CONSERVATION, SMART CONTROLLERS AND SOURCE PLAN R BOXLWITH DOES SOT REQ IRE CONTROL. L�3RAIN N w TREATM NT. 'g GROSS PROPERTY AREA: 217,799. 13 SF LANDSCAPING (APPLIES TO ALL LANDSCAPING AREA) Im THE CH DR IN RF g t NET PROPERTY AREA: 217 799. 13 SF NON STRUCTURAL CONTROL BMP'S: INFILTRATION TRENCH DISTURBED AREA: 112,664. 12 SF ExrsTING TOTAL EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 46 054. 16 SF AC PAVEMENT � N4 EDUCATION FOR PROPERTY OWNERS, BMP: CHURCH NG TC11 TOTAL NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 39,446.61 SF _ _ _ OWNER TO MAINTAIN PROPOSED BMP MAINTENANCE EA PAVERS SCHEDULE BEFORE THE RAIN SEASON EVERY YEAR. TENANTS AND OCCUPANTS(ENTIRE SITE) iN 06 POROUS AC PAVEMENT EXISTING TREATMENT CONTROL BMP'S: I FILTRATION TRENCH DA BOUNDARY DEPTH:5 FT 6 F AREA:549 SF EXISTING 0.10 A DA TC10 INFILTRATION TRENCH . _ CHURCH �E X,XXX SF DA INFORMATION TC1 1 PLANTER BOX WITH UNDERDRAIN I t����Eq�` XX.XX AC I II II EXISTING NATIVE No. Type QTY GPS LATITUDE GPS LONGITUDE I� II 1 FOSSIL FILTER 1 UNIT 34.138283 -117.626264 ') B ` ga g 2 FOSSIL FILTER 1 UNIT 34.138797 -117.625603 ga 3 FOSSIL FILTER 1 UNIT 34.138797 -117.625448 4 FOSSIL FILTER 1 UNIT 34.138727 -117.625392 5 INFILTRATION TRENCH 820 SF 34.138811 -117.625444 s 6 INFILTRATION TRENCH 2,330 SF 34.138800 -117.625656 LIMITS OF EXISTING SD1 m IMPERVIOUS AREA CSD1 B u ® NON - STRUCTURAL & STRUCTURAL BMP ,054.16 SF `------ FROM WQMP FORMS 4 . 1 - 1 & 4 . 1 -2 E.E. .E.t. . .t., 8. WQMP BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES INSPECTION/MAINTENANCE MINIMUM FREQUENCY FILTRATION TRENC C REFERENCE (BMP) ACTIVITIES REQUIRED OF ACTIVITIES DEPTH:2.5 FT g IDENTIFIER ARE •2330.79 SF INSPECTION: INSPECT IF ENOUGH INFORMATION MATERIALS ARE READILY AVAILABLE THROUGH PERMITTEES' EDUCATION PROGRAM. PER DETA HEREON. EDUCATION FOR PROPERTY OWNERS, MAINTENANCE: PROVIDE, TO FIRST RESIDENTS/OCCUPANTS/TENANTS PRACTICAL INFORMATION MATERIALS ON GENERAL HOUSEKEEPING N1 PRACTICES THAT CONTRIBUTE TO THE PROTECTION OF STORMWATER 6UALITY. MAKE SUCH MATERIALS AVAILABLE THROUGH ONGOING. " DR INLET W TENANTS AND OCCUPANTS 1. f� ' PERMITTEES' EDUCATION PROGRAM. DMA-2 �I WITH FOSSIL LTE N l� ± N INSPECTION: IDENTIFY ON-GOING LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS THAT ARE CONSISTENT WITH THOSE IN THE COUNTY 6 S F PERVIOUS AREA O WATER CONSERVATION RESOLUTION OR CITY EQUIVALENT) THAT INCLUDE FERTILIZER AND/OR PESTICIDE USAGE CONSISTENT ;`) N3 COMMON AREA LANDSCAPE WITH MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES FOR USE OF FERTILIZERS. INSPECT AND MAINTAIN 0 0.0544 AC �I - L'r DOES NOT C LANDSCAPE AREAS ON (SC 73) MANAGEMENT A REGULAR BASIS. REQUIRE DO MAINTENANCE: REMOVE DEAD LEAVES, TREE TRUNKS, ETC. REMOVE AND REPLACE PLANTS THAT ARE SHOWING SIGNS OF °r �.E.t. . .t.E - B TREATMENT. DYING. INSPECTION: REGULARLY CHECK FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF NON-STRUCTURAL BMP AND SCHEDULED CLEANING AND/OR 00 EXISTING NATIVE MAINTENANCE OF ALL STRUCTURAL BMP FACILITIES. POROUS AC INFILTRATION TRENCH �p ��� �� N4 BMP MAINTENANCE ONGOING. II 8" SD PIPE C MAINTENANCE: IMPLEMENT AND MAINTAIN BMP ACCORDING TO SCHEDULE. DEPTH:2.5 FT DEP :2.5 FT '°� II LIMITS OF EXISTING AREA:418 SF AREA: 0 SF " �� 1 "X12" DR INLET INSPECTION: NOTE TRASH DISPOSAL VIOLATIONS BY TENANTS/HOMEOWNERS OR BUSINESSES AND REPORT VIOLATIONS TO THE IMPERVIOUS AREA PER DETAIL 1A ON 12 x12 D AIN INLET OWNER/POA FOR INVESTIGATION. ° � P �DETAIL HE ON. WINtiNL N11 LITTER/DEBRIS CONTROL PROGRAM SHEET C04. " l WIT FO �-ILTER. (SC 60) (HOUSEKEEPING PRACTICES) MAINTENANCE: PROVIDE LITTER PATROL EMPTYING OF TRASH RECEPTACLES IN COMMON AREAS, AND NOTING TRASH DISPOSAL EVERY TWO WEEKS. 12 2 RAI I T VIOLATIONS DURING REGULARLY SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE. SSIL FILT fix B D1 - INSPECTION: TC10 :f SD10 BE AWARE OF NEW AND FUTURE EMPLOYEES WHO NEED TRAINING THROUGH EDUCATION PROGRAM. WITHIN 6 MONTHS AFTER OCCUPANCY EP N12 EMPLOYEE TRAINING MAINTENANCE : . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . : : : : SD12 . AND ANUALLY TRAIN ALL EMPLOYEES MANAGEMENT OFFICE YARD MANUFACTURING FIELD AND CLERICAL IN BMPS AND POLLUTION ® ® PREVENTION AND MAKE'THEM AWARE aF THE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS OF ALL BMPS. THEREAFTER. g INSPECTION: INSPECT ALL DRAINAGE FACILITIES FOR DEBRIS, GARBAGE, AND CLOGGING. INSPECT ANNUALLY CLEAN , . <„t f �� 9€, AT MINIMUM PRIOR TO / t N14 COMMON AREA CATCH BASIN MAINTENANCE: REMOVE DEBRIS AND GARBAGE TO AVOID CLOGGING OF THE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM. OCTOBER 1Sf OR MORE ! t a OFTEN AS NEEDED WHEN CURB DRAIN OUTLET (SC 74) INSPECTION DEBRIS IS PRESENT. CURB DRAIN OUTLET AFTER EVERY STORM EVEN SAPPHIRE ST. PER CITY OF RANCHO INSPECTION: INSPECT PAVEMENT SURFACE AND GUTTER FLOWLINES FOR TRASH, DEBRIS, AND WASHED OUT SOIL. PER CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STD PLAN 107-A N15 EVERY TWO WEEKS E CUCAMONGA STD PLAN 107-A (SC 43) VACUUM SWEEPING OF PRIVATE MAINTENANCE: CLEAN AND REMOVE TRASH, DEBRIS AND WASHED OUT SOIL FROM THE PAVEMENT SURFACE AND ALONG GUTTER AND ONCE BEFORE ON SHEET (SC-70) STREETS AND PARKING LOTS FLAW LINES. OCTOBER 1ST. INSPECTION: INSPECT IF ALL REQUIRED PERMITS ARE IN COMPLIANCE AND INCLUDE BMPS THAT ARE REQUIRED AS PART OF A c� COMPLY WITH ALL OTHER SWPPP. AREA TABLE `" TOP OF CURB = "' N17 AS NEEDED. c SIDEWALK PAVEMENT T F.G. OF "j F.G. OF APPLICABLE NPDES PERMITS MAINTENANCE: COMPLY WITH OTHER NPDES PERMITS TO INCLUDE BMPS THAT ARE REQUIRED AS PART OF A SWPPP. co INFILTRATION LANDSCAPE r rAYNDSCAPE BED TYP. ) P.) INSPECTION: REGULARLY CHECK LEGIBILITY OF STENCILING. 3 (SF AREA DCV CAPTURED BY a a ( S1 PROVIDE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: POST AND MAINTAIN LEGIBILITY OF SIGNS AND PROHIBITIVE LANGUAGE FOR ALL STORM DRAIN INLETS AND AT A MINIMUM a DA TOTAL DA IMPERVIOUS AREA PERVIOUS AREA IMPERVIOUS % PERVIOUS % DCV BY LOT SEE DETAILS 22-24 INFILTRATION a (SD-13) STENCILING AND SIGNAGE CATCH BASINS. OF ANNUALLY. 2 AREA (SF) (SF) HEREON. CY BMP ° �������� a ` �������� �� INSPECTION: `L \/\ \ \ \ CHECK IF WATER SENSORS, IRRIGATION HEADS, AND TIMING IS WORKING PROPERLY WITHOUT CAUSING EXCESS IRRIGATION a DMA-1 4,479.06 SF 4,065.48 SF 413.58 SF 90.7% 9.30 % 555.4 CF 413 SF 619.5 CF TYPICAL LANDSCAPE AREA //7�Y/PICAL LANDSCAPE AREA (Sp 4 2) EFFICIENT IRRIGATION WATER RUNOFF. MONTHLY MAINTENANCE: J NEXT TO SIDEWALK/PAVEMENT AREA & CURB LOCATION REPLACE BROKEN EQUIPMENT. EMPLOY RAIN SHUTOFF DEVICES TO PREVENT IRRIGATION AFTER PRECIPITATION. INSPECTION: DMA-2 2,371.46 SF 1,953.46 SF 418 SF 82.37% 17.63 % 248.83 CF 418 SF 418 CF ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS SHOULD BE AT A MINIMUM OF 1-2 INCHES BELOW TOP OF CURB OR SIDEWALK FOR INCREASED U S5 FINISH GRADE OF LANDSCAPED AREAS RETENTION/INFILTRATION OF STORMWATER AND IRRIGATION WATER. AS NEEDED. AT MIN. 1 "-2" BELOW TC & FS o 64 INCH OVERFLOW PIPE MAINTENANCE: r` 0 o N CURB 6" RETAINING 4-6 INCH PERFORATED DRAIN TO PARKWAY DRAIN) DURING GRADING BY CONTRACTOR. DMA-3 68,593.70 SF 33,549.81 SF 35,043.89 SF 48.91 /° 51.09 /° 3,799.50 CF 3,150.79 SF 4,725 CF ( WATER BASIN REMOVABLE WELL DIAMETER PVC INSPECTION: c `3 rn (1 .6' MAX.) CAP •1 /\\/\\ \\/�\\j\�j�\\j\'�j\\j�j� S13 SITE DESIGN AND LANDSCAPE OBSERVE IF HILLSIDE AREAS ARE DISTURBED BY PROJECT DEVELOPMENT. AS NEEDED. a DMA-1 VOLUME DMA-2 VOLUME DMA-3 VOLUME \\\\\ \\//\\//\\// /\\//\\//\\/ (SD-10) PLANNING MAINTENANCE: cu DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE LANDSCAPED WITH DEEP-ROOTED, DROUGHT TOLERANT SPECIES SELECTED FOR EROSION CONTROL. o DCV= DA x C x a2 x P, /12 a, = 1 .4807 a2= 1 .963 DCV= DA x C x a2 x P, /12 a,= 1 .4807 a2= 1 .963 DCV= DA x C x a2 x P /12 a, = 1 .4807 a2= 1 .963 a INSPECTION: THE FILTER MEDIUM POUCHES SHALL BE INSPECTED FOR DEFECTS AND CONTINUED SERVICEABILITY AND REPLACE P = P2yr,,,,x a, I=0.907 P g =0.9 IN/HR = 3.6 FT (48 HR) P = P x d I=0.8237 Pdesign-0.9 IN/HR = 3.6 FT (48 HR) P = P x a I=0.4891 Pdesi n=0.9 IN/HR = 3.6 FT (48 HR) \!��/ / ii� i i i \\��� AS NECESSARY. PRIOR TO, DURING deli n 6 2yr,,h 6 2yr,lhr g N CONC. i \ ��\���i��������������i��\ � �i \\jam 3" MULCH AS MP-52 DRAIN INSERTS (FOSSIL FILTERS) AND FOLLOWING THEcu / MAINTENANCE: USING THE INDUSTRIAL VACUUM THE COLLECTED MATERIALS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE LINER. RAINY SEASON APRIL 0 P =0.691 x 1 .4807 = 1 .023 P =0.691 x 1 .4807 = 1 .023 P =0.691 x 1 .4807 = 1 .023 /\� PRE-TREATMENT PRIOR ' 6 6 6 \\jam OF EACH YEAR. E 3 2 3 2 3 2 // o 0 0 0 0 0 0 \/� TO INFILTRATION C =0.858I 0.78I + 0.774I +0.04 C =0.858I - 0.78I + 0.774I +0.04 C =0.858I 0.78I + 0.774I +0.04 \ 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 c /\\ INSPECTION: PRIOR TO DURING -° C =0.858(0.907) - 0.78(0.907) + 0.774(0.907) +0.04 =0.741 C =0.858(0.6237) 0.78(0.8237) + 0.774(0.8237) +0.04 =0.627 C =0.858(0.4891) 0.78(0.4891) + 0.774(0.4891) +0.04 =0.331 GEOTEXTILE / /\ o o \\/�� 12" SOIL FOR INSPECT TRENCH TO ENSURE THAT IT DRAINS BETWEEN STORMS, AND WITHIN 5 DAYS AFTER RAINFALL. CHECK OBSERVATION i / // /// WELL 2-3 DAYS AFTER STORM TO CONFIRM DRAINAGE. INSPECT FILTER FABRIC FOR SEDIMENT DEPOSITS BY REMOVING A AND FOLLOWING THE o DCV = 4,479.06x 0.741 x 1 .963 x 1 .023/12 = 555.41 CF DCV = 2,371 .46 x 0.627 X 1 .963 x 1 .023/12 = 248.83 CF DCV = 68,593.7 x 0.331 X 1 .963 x 1 .023/12 = 3,799.50 CF FILTER FABRIC i /\ o 0 0 0 0 0 \\jam LANDSCAPE PLANTING SMALL SECTION OF THE TOP LAYER. MONITOR OBSERVATION WELL TO CONFIRM THAT TRENCH HAS DRAINED DURING DRY RAINY SEASON, APRIL INFILTRATION TRENCH POROUS AC INFILTRATION TRENCH \\/� \\j/� 40% POROSITY SEASON. OF EACH YEAR. C TC-10 INFILTRATION TRENCH A1=DCV/((nt x dt) + dp)=555.41/((0.4x2.5)+0.5)=370.27 SF(MIN.) A1=DCV/((nt x dt) + dp)=248.83/(0.4x2.5)=165.88 SF (MIN. ) A1=DCV/((nt x dt) + dp)=3,799.5/((0.4x2.5)+0.5)=2,533 SF (MIN.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 \// MAINTENANCE: A2=DCV/Pdesi n = 555.41/3.6 = 154.28 SF A2=DCV/Pdesign = 248.83/3.6 = 69.11 SF A2=DCV/Pdesi n = 3,799.5/3.6 = 1 ,055.42 SF 6" PERFORATED PIPE \\� REMOVE TRASH AND DEBRIS. CHECK FOR SURFACE PONDING. IF PONDING IS ONLY ABOVE THE TRENCH, REMOVE, WASH AND g // \ REPLACE PEA GRAVEL. MAY BE NEEDED EVERY 5-10 YEARS. CHECK OBSERVATION WELL FOR PONDING. IF THE TRENCH BECOMES U) SABMP = 413 SF SURFACE AREA PROVIDED BY DESIGN SA = 418 SF SURFACE AREA PROVIDED BY DESIGN SA = 3,15g0.79 SF SURFACE AREA PROVIDED BY DESIGN / \ PLUGGED, REMOVE ROCK MATERIALS. PROVIDE A FRESH INFILTRATION SURFACE BY EXCAVATING AN ADDITIONAL 2-4 INCHES V = 413((0.4x2.5)+0.5) = 619.5 CF V = 418(0.4x2.5) = 418 CF V = 3 150.79((0.4x2.5)+0.5) = 4 725 CF o 0 0 0 0 0 0 %\/. OF SOIL. REPLACE THE ROCK MATERIALS. o capacity capacity capacity j //\ \\j/� 30 DEEP TRENCH o Vretention 12 IN/FT Vretention 12 IN/FT Vretention 12 IN/FT i \ \\\� FILLED WITH 1 .5-2.5 INCH DRAWDOWN TIME = X (FORM 4.3 3 VALUES) DRAWDOWN TIME = 44 X (FORM 4.3 3 VALUES) DRAWDOWN TIME = X (FORM 4.3 3 VALUES) / /// ////. RESPONSIBLE PARTY FOR ALL ACTIVITIES: N S4gMP Pdesign S^BMP (FORM SA BMP Pdesign % /\ j/// DIAMETER CLEAN STONE FATHER JOHN \\� 40% POROSITY o DRAWDOWN TIME = (877.62/413) "(12/0.9) = 28.33 HR DRAWDOWN TIME = (512.0/418)"(12/0.9) = 16.3 HR DRAWDOWN TIME = (6,695.42/3,150.79)"(12/0.9) = 28.33 HR \ \/j 6386 SAPPHIRE ST. \/\\/\\/\\/\\j\\j\\j\\j\\j\\j\\j\\j\\j\\j\\j\\j\\j\ \/ SQUARE STEEL RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91701 0 909 786-9932 NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: 6" SAND FILTER FOOT PLATE WITH ( ) THE MINIMUM SURFACE AREA AND DEPTH OF THE INFILTRATION TRENCH THE MINIMUM SURFACE AREA AND DEPTH OF THE POROUS AC IS 248.83 SF THE MINIMUM SURFACE AREA AND DEPTH OF THE INFILTRATION TRENCH WIDTH PER PLAN REBAR ANCHOR 30' 0 30' 60' 90' z IS 370.27SF AND 2.5 FT PER TGD STANDARDS, BUT THE DESIGN PROVIDED AND 2.5 FT PER TGD STANDARDS, BUT THE DESIGN PROVIDED 418 SF IS 2,533 SF AND 2.5 FT PER TGD STANDARDS, BUT THE DESIGN PROVIDED co 413 SF WITH 2.5 FT DEPTH & 0.5 FT PONDING DEPTH, SO THE CAPACITY WITH 2.5 FT DEPTH, SO THE CAPACITY PROVIDED IS 418 CF. THEREFORE, 3,150.79 SF WITH 2.5 FT DEPTH & 0.5 FT PONDING DEPTH, SO THE CAPACITY NITS IN FILTRATION TRENCH 1 SCALE: 1" - 30' ' PROVIDED IS 619.5 CF. THEREFORE, THE DESIGN MEETS THE THE DESIGN MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS. 418 CF>248.83 CF. PROVIDED IS 6,695 CF. THEREFORE, THE DESIGN MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS. 619.5 CF>555.41 CF. REQUIREMENTS. 6,695 CF>3 799.50 CF. a BUILDING PERMIT NO . : 2018-03063 WDID# 836C371293 DRC N0: 2013-00230 PGR N0: 2018-00010 BENCH MARK: R E V I S 1 o N S PLUMP ENGINEERING INC. c T c T I DRAWING N O . -- BENCHMARK NO. 10096 DATE NO. DESCRIPTION BY CH'K APP DESIGN BY: TT OFESS/ S . �JU S I I I V A CHURCH - LOCATION: CONSULTING ENGINEERS IN Q� Ory o 2" BRASS DISK IN CONCRETE CURB STAMPED "CITY OF i CIVIL, SURVEYING, ARCHITECTURAL ��li� Q. TRYFD�o�� PRELIMINARY CG06 =po RANCHO CUCAMONGA BM 10096 1987" AT SOUTHWEST AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING �� O� p �� F m CORNER OF BANYAN AVE. AND SAPPHIRE ST. 30 FEET DRAWN BY: AA/JT/AT G z WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN 914 E. KATELLA AVENUE w NO. 65859 o m WEST BEGINNING OF CURB RETURN AT EASTERLY END OF ~ EXP.12/31/21 u' =.13 ,� ANAHEIM CALIFORNIA 92805 ® CATCH BASIN. PLUMP ENGINEERING INC 714 385-1835, FAX 714 385-1834 ELEVATION: 1777.264 CHECKED BY: TT �9T _-_ CIVI SHEET: 6 OF 6 F OF CA1.�Fp� DATE: 10-24-2018 01-20-2021 6386 SAPPHIRE S T. PROJECT N O. o TRYFON TRYFONOPOULOS DATE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91701 1707031 i I ------------'°' I ------- EXIST NG i POWER POLE i ------------ EXISTING LIGHT POLE i I 0%) i I ■ I i EXISTING /POWEr POLE i EXI TING -OVERHEAD UTILITY HT PROJECT YSITE � i - - i ' EXI TING W TOWER POLE ❑0 • � •i i i i i ISTIN EXIS LIGHT P ' OWE P i -_---- ----- i ORANGE STREET i i I SCALE: 1 " = 80' PLUMP ENGINEERING INC. P!ng--ANAHEIM, CONSULTING ENGINEERS IN SHEET CIVIL,AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEARCHITERING OVERHEAD UTILITY PLAN C00 AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 914 E.KATELLA AVENUE CALIFORNIA 92805 -..,. (714)385-1835,FAX(714)385-183a 6386 SAPPHIRE STREET, RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 SPAIIIINTJUSTINA COPTIC ORTHODOX CHURCH EXPANSION PROJECT Noise Study Prepared for: GB Architects, Inc. 400 North Mountain Avenue, Suite 208 Upland, CA 91786 Prepared by: 49160 BIRDSEYE PLANNING GROUP May 2021 Exhibit C Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Noise Study SAINT JUSTINA COPTIC ORTHODOX CHURCH EXPANSION PROJECT RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA Noise Study Table of Contents Page ProjectDescription...........................................................................................................................1 Setting................................................................................................................................................4 Overview of Sound Measurement.................................................................................................4 SensitiveReceptors ..........................................................................................................................6 ProjectSite Setting............................................................................................................................6 RegulatorySetting............................................................................................................................8 VibrationStandards....................................................................................................................... 10 ImpactAnalysis.............................................................................................................................. 11 Methodology and Significance Thresholds................................................................................11 TemporaryConstruction Noise....................................................................................................11 Temporary Construction-Related Vibration..............................................................................14 Long-Term Operational Noise Exposure....................................................................................16 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................18 References........................................................................................................................................20 List of Figures Figure1 —Vicinity Map...................................................................................................................2 Figure2—Site Plan...........................................................................................................................3 Figure 3—Noise Monitoring Locations.........................................................................................7 Figure 4—Noise Receiver Locations............................................................................................17 List of Tables Table 1: Sound Levels of Typical Noise Sources and Environments........................................5 Table 2: Noise Monitoring Results.................................................................................................8 Table 3: Typical Construction Equipment Noise Levels...........................................................12 City of Rancho Cucamonga Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Noise Study Table 4: Typical Maximum Construction Noise Levels at Various Distances from Project Construction....................................................................................................................................13 Table 5:Vibration Source Levels for Construction Equipment...............................................16 Table 6: Modeled Noise Levels.....................................................................................................16 Appendices Appendix A -Monitoring Sheet and Modeling Files City of Rancho Cucamonga Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Noise Study SAINT JUSTINA COPTIC ORTHODOX CHURCH EXPANSION PROJECT RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA NOISE STUDY This report is an analysis of the potential noise impacts associated with the proposed construction and operation of a new Sunday school and social building on the existing Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church complex located at 6386 Sapphire Street in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. This report has been prepared by Birdseye Planning Group (BPG) under contract to the project applicant to support preparation of the environmental documentation pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA). This study analyzes the potential for temporary impacts associated with construction activity and long- term impacts associated with operation of the proposed project. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project would construct and operate a new 17,731 square foot Sunday school and social building with parking on a vacant portion of the existing Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church complex at 6398 Sapphire Street in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The site is located at the northwest corner of Sapphire Street and Orange Street(APN 1062-332-25). The site is 4.9 acres in size and zoned Low Density Residential. Thus,the project is subject to standards and policies within the City of Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code for that zoning designation. The project site is developed with an existing 6,500 square foot church building and related landscape and hardscape improvements and 50 parking spaces. The area proposed for development of the new building is occupied by two mobile classroom trailer units. It assumed these units would be relocated rather than demolished as part of the project. The project would provide a new 17,731 square foot, two-story accessory building for use as a Sunday school and social area. The building would include 12 classrooms, restrooms, a library, recording room, office,reception area,kitchen and dining area and 117 new parking spaces. The new parking spaces would be located around the perimeter of a future soccer/play field site north of the existing developed area. The building would be located adjacent to and north of the existing church building. Access to the new facility would be from the existing developed area. The new parking area would be accessed via Sapphire Street. The project is anticipated to serve existing church members. Additional parking is provided to bring the existing church into compliance with the City's parking requirements for the existing and proposed capacity. Any cut and fill required during grading would be balanced on-site. No off-site import or export of soil material would be needed. In addition to use on Sunday's, the building would be used throughout the week to support church operations, educational programs and social events. Construction of the proposed project would begin in late 2021 and be completed in mid- 2022. The project site is shown in Figure 1. The proposed site plan is shown in Figure 2. City of Rancho Cucamonga 1 ti �: f - lie 1 � �d A +dam[ r�-y_ i 1 '� r ^•; 'LL �d f J r r QV N; rt ` 5 .- angeMW 5t.. lie it _. . ALMi Ind v - i �a� ', � +• t - �� tom' r•. `���• � ��•� �. Trip. I Aw 4 . d6i T ---- VICINITY MAP ST. YOSTINA CHURCH ❑❑LflL rr.rlN.rn..rra..Irr�emrr�rrml�r�aetrn�Er ❑ �' �° 6386 SAPPHIRE St. p � 1.mn.mr xR mm 6 4 � ❑❑ ❑ O.ow�. oa,.�......,w o:T... CS C7 9 ❑ ❑ ❑ scope of work: '1 CS d � ❑[+ ❑❑ h❑o p 1-12 SUNDAY SCHOOLS ❑ ___— g °."`umTlxe""`Naoxns Yi"'""° 2-RESTRLIBRARY OMS L a im �N lo..r.Noc,r.xa J-LIBRARY 4-RECORDING ROOM 5-PRIEST OFFICE 8-ADMINISTRATION OFFICE QR cme xrua 7-RECEPTION 8-EATING AREA 9-KITCHEN A. -- r--- --- ------ Y PLANING INFORMATION \�\ EER CXOWNF:RJDA N SFWND N. FACR:9)JI EF EY RFSf FLWR B00G SF — MK NFN IBM Ina)4 � 7R,� /: � ® � I ProA9�iNEEnTR.WS�REGJMD:M5/J.141 SINIS MIR ®r. / scan I RRD NRu Ev ® : 6500 SF I i Dm'I.PYWxC SINL b NEW PYRWG JI: In )GILL RI%JxC NnLS RRp10ED 1E7 uu xxR x®� I CURRENT CGDE. I RnA�I D ® )019 CILFCFNN YECNNIX%l WOE -- I i )OlO rAUFGAxu EIECGYfI1 WOE P : )GIs W1FOAxY PIUNRNG WOE * * I I rau mE WOE * µop-n-xwds 11 WR 1� I A�+c OR O �p xrP.,i N FOR Nlm+rIO r e "VU A.wY)roR xFP.a nRc sPRNuaR ERE R/A-W : Wx�IN.N.ON rmEv- � O, ® M RAE S'RNNIRD.YES x `� P RaNCGIT j WCUPAvtt CWUP xJ 7 I GaRIPIM Lom)oT4 JW PU6a6 ® Iml m n Runrc mm� �min : 6386 SAPPHIRE St. OWNER: SITE PLAN SITE PLAN „pm; GB ARCHITECTS IA RI7GI °"� ' 1/32))-1'—O)) ARCNITECNRE.PLANNING.ENGINEERING PRG.T# SCALE A-01 DATE: (aox)e.a�—Gwxx YI Fss(wRl Nw—Rxxa Figure 2—Site Plan Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Noise Study SETTING Overview of Sound Measurement Noise level (or volume)is generally measured in decibels (dB)using the A-weighted sound pressure level(dBA). The A-weighting scale is an adjustment to the actual sound pressure levels to be consistent with that of human hearing response,which is most sensitive to frequencies around 4,000 Hertz (about the highest note on a piano) and less sensitive to low frequencies (below 100 Hertz). Sound pressure level is measured on a logarithmic scale with the 0 dB level based on the lowest detectable sound pressure level that people can perceive (an audible sound that is not zero sound pressure level). Based on the logarithmic scale, a doubling of sound energy is equivalent to an increase of 3 dBA, and a sound that is 10 dBA less than the ambient sound level has no effect on ambient noise. Because of the nature of the human ear, a sound must be about 10 dBA greater than the reference sound to be judged as twice as loud. In general, a 3 dBA change in community noise levels is noticeable, while 1-2 dB changes generally are not perceived. Quiet suburban areas typically have noise levels in the range of 40-50 dBA, while arterial streets are in the 50-60+dBA range. Normal conversational levels are in the 60-65 dBA range, and ambient noise levels greater than 65 dBA can interrupt conversations. Noise levels typically attenuate (or drop off) at a rate of 6 dBA per doubling of distance from point sources (i.e., industrial machinery). Noise from lightly traveled roads typically attenuates at a rate of about 4.5 dBA per doubling of distance. Noise from heavily traveled roads typically attenuates at about 3 dBA per doubling of distance. Noise levels may also be reduced by intervening structures; generally, a single row of buildings between the receptor and the noise source reduces the noise level by about 5 dBA,while a solid wall or berm reduces noise levels by 5 to 10 dBA. The manner in which older homes in California were constructed (approximately 30 years old or older) generally provides a reduction of exterior-to-interior noise levels of about 20 to 25 dBA with closed windows. The exterior-to-interior reduction of newer residential units and office buildings construction to California Energy Code standards is generally 30 dBA or more (Harris, Miller,Miller and Hanson,2006). In addition to the actual instantaneous measurement of sound levels, the duration of sound is important since sounds that occur over a long period of time are more likely to be an annoyance or cause direct physical damage or environmental stress. One of the most frequently used noise metrics that considers both duration and sound power level is the equivalent noise level(Leq). The Leq is defined as the single steady A-weighted level that is equivalent to the same amount of energy as that contained in the actual fluctuating levels over a period of time (essentially, the average noise level). Typically, Leq is summed over a one-hour period. Lmax is the highest RMS (root mean squared) sound pressure level within the measuring period, and Lmin is the lowest RMS sound pressure level within the measuring period. The time period in which noise occurs is also important since noise that occurs at night tends to be more disturbing than that which occurs during the day. Community noise is usually measured using Day-Night Average Level (Ldn),which is the 24-hour average noise level with City of Rancho Cucamonga 4 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Noise Study a 10-dBA penalty for noise occurring during nighttime (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.) hours, or Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL), which is the 24-hour average noise level with a 5 dBA penalty for noise occurring from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. and a 10 dBA penalty for noise occurring from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. Noise levels described by Ldn and CNEL usually do not differ by more than 1 dB. Daytime Leq levels are louder than Ldn or CNEL levels; thus, if the Leq meets noise standards, the Ldn and CNEL are also met. Table 1 shows sounds levels of typical noise sources in Leq. Table 1 Sound Levels of Typical Noise Sources and Noise Environments Human Judgment of Noise Source A-Weighted Noise Loudness (at Given Noise Environment Sound Level (Relative to Reference Distance) (Decibels) Loudness of 70 Decibels*) Military Jet Takeoff with Afterburner Carrier Flight Deck 140 128 times as loud (50 ft) Civil Defense Siren (100 ft) 130 64 times as loud Commercial Jet Take-off(200 32 times as loud ft) 120 Threshold of Pain Rock Music Concert Inside Pile Driver(50 ft) Subway Station (New York) 110 16 times as loud Ambulance Siren (100 ft) Newspaper Press (5 ft) 100 8 times as loud Gas Lawn Mower(3 ft) Very Loud Food Blender(3 ft) Boiler Room Propeller Plane Flyover(1,000 Printing Press 90 4 times as loud ft) Diesel Truck(150 ft) Plant Garbage Disposal (3 ft) Noisy Urban Daytime 80 2 times as loud Passenger Car, 65 mph (25 ft) Reference Loudness Living Room Stereo (15 ft) Moderately Loud Vacuum Cleaner(10 ft) Commercial Areas 70 Normal Speech (5 ft) Data Processing Center Air Conditioning Unit Department Store 60 1/2 as loud (100 ft) Large Business Office Light Traffic (100 ft) Quiet Urban Daytime 50 1/4 as loud 1/8 as loud Bird Calls (distant) Quiet Urban Nighttime 40 Quiet City of Rancho Cucamonga 5 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Noise Study Library and Bedroom at Soft Whisper(5 ft) Night Quiet Rural Nighttime 30 1/16 as loud Broadcast and Recording 1/32 as loud Studio 20 Just Audible 0 1/64 as loud Threshold of Hearing Source:Compiled by dBF Associates, Inc.,2016 Sensitive Receptors Noise exposure goals for various types of land uses reflect the varying noise sensitivities associated with each of these uses. Urban areas contain a variety of land use and development types that are noise sensitive including residences, schools, churches,hospitals and convalescent care facilities. The closest existing properties defined herein as sensitive receptors are single-family residences located along the east side of Marble Avenue adjacent to the west the development site. Project Site Setting The project area is located in a residential area of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Residenital uses surround the site. The dominant source of noise in the project site vicinity are motor vehicles (e.g., automobiles and light trucks) on Sapphire Street and Orange Street. Traffic noise is of concern because where a high number of individual events occur, it can create a sustained noise level. To gather data on the general noise environment at the project site, one weekday morning 15- minute noise measurement was taken on May 19, 2021.At the time monitoring took place, Sapphire Street fronting the project was closed for overhead utility work. Thus, monitoring took place one block south at the intersection of Sapphire Street and Alta Loma Drive (Figure 3). This location was determined to have noise characteristics similar to the project site if the street were open to through traffic. The measurement was taken using an ANSI Type II integrating sound level meter. The predominant noise source was traffic on Sapphire Street. The temperature during monitoring was 62 degrees Fahrenheit with no perceptible wind. The Leq during monitoring was 60.0 dBA. During monitoring at Site 1, the only audible noise was from traffic operation on Sapphire Street. A total of 47 cars/light trucks,zero medium (two-axles and six wheels) and one heavy (18-wheel) trucks passed the site. Table 2 identifies the noise measurement locations and measured noise levels. The monitoring data sheet is provided as Appendix A. City of Rancho Cucamonga 6 ti �: f - lie 1 � �d A +dam[ r��-yy_ i 1 rQV �. N; 5 ._ angeMW St.. lie i r� - i �a ', � +• t - �� W tom' r•. `���• � ��•� �. ---- Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Noise Study Table 2 Noise Monitoring Results Measurement Location Primary Noise Sample Time Leq (dBA) Source 1. Single-family residence at 8269 Alta Loma Traffic Weekday morning 60.0 Drive Source:Field visit using ANSI Type 11 Integrating sound level meter. Regulatory Setting The Federal Noise Control Act(1972) addressed the issue of noise as a threat to human health and welfare. To implement the Federal Noise Control Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)undertook a number of studies related to community noise in the 1970s. The EPA found that 24-hour averaged noise levels less than 70 dBA would avoid measurable hearing loss, levels of less than 55 dBA outdoors and 45 dBA indoors would prevent activity interference and annoyance (EPA 1972). The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD) published a Noise Guidebook for use in implementing the Department's noise policy. In general, HUD's goal is exterior noise levels that are less than or equal to 55 dBA Ldn. The goal for interior noise levels is 45 dBA Ldn. HUD suggests that attenuation be employed to achieve this level,where feasible,with a special focus on sensitive areas of homes, such as bedrooms (HUD 2009). Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) establishes standards governing interior noise levels that apply to all new single-family and multi-family residential units in California. These standards require that acoustical studies be performed before construction at building locations where the existing Ldn exceeds 60 dBA. Such acoustical studies are required to establish mitigation measures that will limit maximum Ldn levels to 45 dBA in any habitable room. Although there are no generally applicable interior noise standards pertinent to all uses, many communities in California have adopted an Ldn of 45 dBA as an upper limit on interior noise in all residential units. In addition,the State of California General Plan Guidelines (OPR 2017),provides guidance for noise compatibility. The guidelines also present adjustment factors that may be used to arrive at noise acceptability standards that reflect the noise control goals of the community, the particular community's sensitivity to noise, and the community's assessment of the relative importance of noise pollution. Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans (Public Utilities Code,§21670,et seq.) The Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans (ALUCPs)promote compatibility between public-use and military airports and the land uses that surround them to the extent that these areas are not already devoted to incompatible land uses. Cities and County's are required to modify its land use plans and ordinances to be consistent with the ALUCPs or to take steps to overrule the Airport Land Use Commission. City of Rancho Cucamonga 8 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Noise Study California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) CEQA considers exposure to excessive noise an environmental impact. Implementation of CEQA ensures that during the decision-making stage of development, City officials and the public will be informed of any potentially excessive noise levels and available mitigation measures to reduce noise to acceptable levels. California Noise Insulation Standards (California Code of Regulations,Title 24) Title 24 establishes an Interior Noise Standard of 45 dBA CNEL for multiple-unit and hotel/motel structures. Acoustical studies must be prepared for proposed multiple unit residential and hotel/motel structures within the CNEL noise contours of 60 dBA or greater. The studies must demonstrate that the design of the building will reduce interior noise in habitable rooms to 45 dBA CNEL or lower. California Airport Noise Standards (California Code of Regulations,Title 21) Division 2.5, Chapter 6, Section 5012 of Title 21 establishes that 65 dBA CNEL is the acceptable level of aircraft noise for persons living near an airport. Caltrans Project Development Procedures Manual (Section 2 of Chapter 30:Highway Traffic Noise Abatement) and 23 CFR 772 These documents specify the Noise Abatement Criteria (NAC) for noise-sensitive land uses. These criteria are presented in Table NS-2 of the General Plan Noise Element. The NAC are applicable to new highways and changes to the horizontal or vertical alignment of existing highways and are required for Caltrans and local agency projects that receive Federal funding or require Federal Highway Administration(FHWA) approval action. City of Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code Noise within the City of Rancho Cucamonga is regulated per Municipal Code Section 17.66.050. The proposed project site is a Zone 1 noise receptor;thus, regulations applying to Zone 1 properties apply to the proposed project. Section 17.66.050(D)(4) exempts sources of noise associated with, or vibration created by, construction, repair, remodeling or grading of any real property or during authorized seismic surveys,provided when adjacent to a residential land use, school, church or similar type of use, the noise generating activity does not take place between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on weekdays, including Saturday, or at any time on Sunday or a national holiday, and provided noise levels created do not exceed the noise standard of 65 dBA when measured at the adjacent property line. Section 17.66.050 (F)(1) of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code Table 17.66.050-1,establishes standards concerning acceptable noise levels for residential areas. For residential uses, code allows an interior noise level of 45 dBA from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and 50 dBA from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Exterior noise levels are 60 dBA from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and 65 dBA from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. For the purpose of this evaluation, a threshold of 45 dBA Leq is used to determine impact significance for interior noise levels. City of Rancho Cucamonga 9 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Noise Study For CEQA review purposes, it is necessary to determine whether the project would create a substantial permanent noise increase. A noise increase greater than 3 dBA is readily perceptible to the average human ear. Thus, 3 dBA is the level that is considered a substantial noise increase. Properties surrounding the site are zoned residential; and thus,have the same operational standards as the project site. Operational noise associated with the proposed project would be primarily related to traffic;however, as stated, the project is not expected to increase the number of congregants attending services and events at the church. Rather, the project would provide new classrooms, offices and social areas for existing employees and church members. However, volumes associated with the new church building are added to existing counts along Sapphire Street to conservatively quantify traffic noise associated with church operation. Vibration Standards Vibration is a unique form of noise as the energy is transmitted through buildings, structures and the ground whereas audible noise energy is transmitted through the air. Thus, vibration is generally felt rather than heard. The ground motion caused by vibration is measured as peak particle velocity(PPV) in inches per second and is referenced as vibration decibels (VdB) for the purpose of evaluating the potential for adverse construction-related impacts. The vibration velocity level threshold of perception for humans is a PPV of approximately 0.01 inches/second which equates to 65 VdB. A vibration velocity of 75 VdB is the approximate dividing line between barely perceptible and distinctly perceptible levels. Section 17.66.050 (D)(4) of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code requirements related to construction noise and vibration are referenced above. Because no specific quantitative vibration standards are provided in the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, thresholds established in the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment(September 2018) are used to evaluate impacts. A threshold of 65 VdB is used for buildings where low ambient vibration is essential for interior operations. These buildings include hospitals and recording studios. A threshold of 72 VdB is used for residences and buildings where people normally sleep (i.e.,hotels). A threshold of 75 VdB is used for institutional land uses where activities occur primarily during the daytime (i.e., churches and schools). The threshold used for the proposed project is 72 VdB because, other than the church, single-family residences are the only sensitive receptors in the area. With respect to potential ground-borne vibration impacts on structures, the FTA states that ground-borne vibration levels in excess of PPV 0.2 inches/second (100 VdB) could damage fragile buildings and levels in excess of PPV 0.12 inches/second (95 VdB) could damage extremely fragile historic buildings. No historic buildings occur on the site or are known to occur near the site. The closest structures are single-family residences located adjacent to and west of the site along the east side of Marble Street. These appear to be modern residences constructed consistent with applicable California Building Code and seismic standards. However, to conservatively estimate potential vibration impacts on neighboring residences, a PPV of 0.2 inches per second (100 VdB) is used herein. City of Rancho Cucamonga 10 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Noise Study Construction activities such as blasting,pile driving, demolition, deep excavation and drilling have the potential to generate the highest level of ground vibration. The proposed project will not require blasting, pile driving, demolition of any existing structures or drilling. Excavation and compaction of soils to a depth of 2-3 feet below grade will be required for building slabs and foundations. Grading for parking lot improvements and stormwater facilities will be required to a depth of 12-24 inches below grade. Thus, potential impacts are identified based on the use of typical grading equipment and distance from the neighboring structures. IMPACT ANALYSIS Methodology and Significance Thresholds Construction noise estimates are based upon noise levels reported by the FTA, Office of Planning and Environment, and the distance to nearby sensitive receptors. Reference noise levels from that document were used to estimate noise levels at nearby sensitive receptors based on a standard noise attenuation rate of 6 dB per doubling of distance (line-of-sight method of sound attenuation). The proposed project building is expected to accommodate existing church members rather than attract additional members. Thus, it is not anticipated to generate new vehicle trips. Further, trips generated by church facilities are concentrated before and after services and other events rather than occurring throughout the day. For the purpose of estimating traffic noise, estimated trips associated with the existing 6,500 square foot church were calculated based on trip generation rates by the California Emission Estimator Model version 2016.3.2 to determine whether existing conditions caused noise levels at adjacent residential receivers to exceed the noise ordinance standards described above. Based on the existing square footage, the church generates approximately 1,026 daily weekday trips. Peak hour weekday trips would be approximately 10 percent of the total, or 103 trips. Because the existing Leq at the project site is less than the 65-dBA exterior standard for residential zones, potential impacts are determined based, in part, on whether project traffic would cause the current Leq at neighboring properties to noticeably increase (i.e., increase by 3 dBA or more). Temporary Construction Noise The main sources of noise during construction activities would include heavy machinery used during clearing the site, as well as equipment used for construction. Initial construction activities would be associated with clearing and grading the site. Table 3 shows the typical noise levels associated with heavy construction equipment.As shown, average noise levels associated with the use of heavy equipment commonly used at construction sites can range from about 80 to 88 dBA at 50 feet from the source, depending upon the types of equipment in operation at any given time and phase of construction. City of Rancho Cucamonga 11 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Noise Study Table 3 Typical Construction Equipment Noise Levels Range of Maximum Maximum Sound Type of Equipment Sound Levels Levels for Analysis Measured (dBA at (dBA at 50 feet) 50 feet) Pile Driver 12,000 to 81-96 93 18,000 ft-lb/blow Rock Drills 83-99 96 Jack Hammers 75-85 82 Pneumatic Tools 78-88 85 Pumps 74-84 80 Scrapers 83-91 87 Haul Trucks 83-94 88 Cranes 79-86 82 Portable Generators 71-87 80 Rollers 75-82 80 Dozers 77-90 85 Tractors 77-82 80 Front-End Loaders 77-90 86 Hydraulic Backhoe 81-90 86 Hydraulic Excavators 81-90 86 Graders 79-89 86 Air Compressors 76-89 86 Trucks 81-87 86 Trencher 73-80 80 Source: Bolt, Beranek&Newman, Noise Control for Buildings and Manufacturing Plants, 1987. dBA=A-weighted decibels,ft-lb/blow=foot-pounds per blow As referenced above, Section 17.66.050(D)(4) of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code exempts noise or vibration created by construction, repair, remodeling, or grading of any real property or during authorized seismic surveys,provided that when adjacent to a residential land use, school, church or similar type of use,the noise generating activity does not take place City of Rancho Cucamonga 12 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Noise Study between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on weekdays, including Saturday, or at any time on Sunday or a national holiday and provided noise levels created do not exceed the noise standard of 65 dBA when measured at the adjacent property line. Noise-sensitive uses nearest the project site are existing one-and two-story single-family residences located adjacent to and west of the site. The average distance from the center of the site to the nearest receiver property line is approximately 70 feet;however, construction could occur as close as 10-20 feet from the neighboring properties during clearing and grading. It is assumed grading and site preparation work would require the use of heavy equipment. Building construction and finishing would utilize hand tools;however,equipment would also be required to deliver materials to the project site and work areas. Based on EPA noise emissions, empirical data and the amount of equipment needed for construction of the proposed project, worst-case noise levels from the construction equipment would occur during demolition and grading activities. The anticipated equipment used on-site would include a bulldozer/bobcat,backhoe/tractor and a dump truck. Due to size and location of the site and normal site preparation operations, the equipment will likely be confined to specific areas of operation. Construction nearest the western portion of the site would be closest to the neighboring residences. Construction of the proposed improvements may utilize, dozers, tractors, loaders, trucks and a variety of other types of equipment as individual phases of the construction process progress. A doubling of sound energy yields an increase of three decibels, so multiple pieces of equipment operating together may cause relatively small but noticeable increases in noise levels above that associated with one piece of equipment. For reference purposes,noise levels are shown at varying distances in Table 4. As shown,noise levels at 25 feet from an active construction area would be approximately 88 dBA and would attenuate to 72 dBA or less at 100 feet or more. Thus,noise levels are likely to exceed 65-dBA at the property line. Table 4 Typical Maximum Construction Noise Levels at Various Distances from Project Construction Distance from Maximum Noise Level at Construction Receptor (dBA) 25 feet 88 50 feet 85 100 feet 72 250 feet 66 500 feet 60 1,000 feet 54 City of Rancho Cucamonga 13 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Noise Study The potential for this impact to occur was identified in the City of Rancho Cucamonga General Plan Update 2010 Environmental Impact Report and specific mitigation measures were identified to address temporary construction impacts. The mitigation measures in the General Plan Update are included herein as Standard Conditions N-1 to N-3. Assuming these measures from the City of Rancho Cucamonga General Plan Update 2010 Environmental Impact Report are incorporated as standard conditions and implemented if needed, temporary construction noise levels would be less than significant. Standard Condition N-1: Prior to the issuance of any grading plans, the City shall condition approval of subdivisions that are adjacent to any developed/occupied noise sensitive land uses by requiring applications to submit a construction-related noise mitigation plan to the City for review and approval. The Plan shall depict the location of the construction equipment and how the noise from this equipment would be mitigated during construction of the project. Standard Condition N-2: Construction or grading noise levels shall not exceed the standards specified in Development Code Section 17.02.120-D, as measured at the property line. Developer shall hire a consultant to perform weekly noise level monitoring as specified in Development Code Section 17.02.120. Monitoring at other times may be required by the Building Official. Said consultant shall report their findings to the Building Official within 24 hours;however, if noise levels exceed the above standards, then the consultant shall immediately notify the Building Official. If noise levels exceed the above standards, then construction activities shall be reduced in intensity to a level of compliance with the City's noise standards or construction halted. Standard Condition N-3: The construction-related noise mitigation plan required as part of the previous noise mitigation measure shall specify that haul truck deliveries be subject to the same hours specified for construction equipment(i.e., Monday through Saturday, 6:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. and not allowed on Sundays and national holidays). Additionally, the plan shall denote any construction traffic haul route where heavy trucks would exceed 100 daily trips (counting those both to and from the construction site). To the extent feasible, the plan shall denote haul routes that do not pass sensitive land uses or residential dwellings. The construction-related noise mitigation plan shall also incorporate any other restrictions imposed by City staff. In addition to the measures state above,the following standard noise reduction measures should be reviewed and incorporated where temporary construction noise levels require further reduction: • Construction Equipment. Electrical power shall be used to run air compressors and similar power tools. Internal combustion engines should be equipped with a muffler of a type recommended by the manufacturer and in good repair. All City of Rancho Cucamonga 14 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Noise Study diesel equipment should be operated with closed engine doors and should be equipped with factory-recommended mufflers. Construction equipment that continues to generate substantial noise at the project boundaries should be shielded with temporary noise barriers, such as barriers that meet a sound transmission class (STC) rating of 25, sound absorptive panels, or sound blankets on individual pieces of construction equipment. Stationary noise-generating equipment, such as generators and compressors, should be located as far as practically possible from the nearest residential property lines. • Neighbor Notification. Provide notification to residential occupants adjacent to the project site at least 24 hours prior to initiation of construction activities that could result in substantial noise levels at outdoor or indoor living areas. This notification should include the anticipated hours and duration of construction and a description of noise reduction measures being implemented at the project site. The notification should include a telephone number for local residents to call to submit complaints associated with construction noise. Working consistent with the code limitations referenced herein would avoid temporary noise impacts. Temporary construction noise impacts would be less than significant. Temporary Construction-Related Vibration Activities associated with church buildings do not generate vibration. Thus, this discussion focuses on temporary vibration caused by construction. The closest residential structures are located approximately 80-100 feet west of the closest area of disturbance on the project site. Table 5 shows that construction equipment vibration would attenuate to 77 to 75 VdB at 75 and 100 feet from the source respectively, assuming a large bulldozer is the heaviest piece of equipment used during grading. As referenced, 72 VdB is the threshold for human perception;thus,while construction activities would be temporary, vibration may be perceptible at adjacent receivers depending on the location and type of equipment in operation. With respect to ground-borne vibration impacts on structures, the FTA states that ground-borne vibration levels in excess of 100 VdB would damage fragile buildings and levels in excess of 95 VdB would damage extremely fragile historic buildings. No historic buildings are located within the project area nor are construction activities that would generate significant vibration levels (i.e.,blasting, pile driving, deep excavation) required for the proposed project. Further, construction would occur during daytime hours which would minimize disturbances to adjacent buildings. No residences or other sensitive properties are located close enough to the site to be affected by construction vibration. Temporary vibration impacts would be less than significant. City of Rancho Cucamonga 15 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Noise Study Table 5 Vibration Source Levels for Construction Equipment Equipment Approximate VdB 25 Feet 50 Feet 60 Feet 75 Feet 100 Feet Large Bulldozer 87 81 79 77 75 Loaded Trucks 86 80 78 76 74 Jackhammer 79 73 71 69 67 Small Bulldozer 58 52 50 48 46 Source:Federal Railroad Administration, 1998 Long-Term Operational Noise Exposure Long-term operation of the proposed project was evaluated for potential exterior traffic related impacts caused by traffic volumes associated with the project as well as interior noise levels caused by existing traffic on Sapphire Street. In addition, a discussion regarding potential noise levels associated with roof top Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) is provided. Exterior Traffic Noise.Traffic is the primary noise source that would be generated by the proposed project. Existing measured noise levels are lower than daytime exterior residential standard (65 dBA) at the project site. The residences along the western property boundary are the closest to the project site (Figure 4). Thus,whether a traffic-related noise impact would occur is based on whether project traffic, when added to the existing traffic, would cause a noticeable (i.e.,+3 dBA)increase in the Leq. As stated,the project is not expected to increase traffic, rather it would accommodate existing church members. However, to establish baseline traffic noise levels along Sapphire Street,the segment between Alta Loma Drive to the south and Marble Avenue to the north was modeled using the Federal Highway Administration Traffic Noise Model (TNM)version 2.5 software. The model calculates traffic noise at receiver locations based on traffic volumes, travel speed,mix of vehicle types operating on the roadways (i.e., cars/trucks,medium trucks and heavy trucks) and related factors. As stated above, the existing church generates approximately 1,026 daily trips (e.g., 103 peak hour trips)based on the generation rates for the 6,500 square foot building. Traffic counts obtained during monitoring indicate existing hourly volumes along Sapphire Street in proximity to the site are approximately 200 vehicles. Modeled noise levels are shown in Table 6 for two receivers-6387 Sapphire Street and 6347 Sapphire Street. As shown, the 60 dBA measured noise level is identical to or within 1 dBA of modeled noise levels at the two representative receivers along Sapphire Street. Assuming an attenuation rate of 3 dBA per doubling of distance from the source, traffic noise at the residences located west of the project site are less than 40 dBA under baseline conditions. City of Rancho Cucamonga 16 ti �: f - lie 1 � �d A +dam[ r�-y_ i 1 '� r ^•; 'LL �d f J QV RIF All m MW - i �a ', � +• t - �� tom' r•. `���• � ��•� �. r Oip op 10 ---- . f it JUV IL • • • � . Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Noise Study Existing noise levels along Sapphire Street and at residential properties located west of the site along Marble Avenue are less than the 65 dBA daytime exterior noise standard. The proposed project would not generate additional traffic;and thus,would have no impact on sound levels at existing residential properties neighboring the project site. Table 6 Modeled Noise Levels Receptor Existing Exceed With Project dBA Change Significant Leq Standard? Leq Impact R1 —6387 Sapphire Street 60.0 No 60.0 +0.0 No R2—6347 Sapphire Street 60.6 No 60.6 +0.0 No Exterior Use Noise (HVAQ. The HVAC system proposed for use on the site has not been specified and noise levels vary depending on the size of the system. However, multiple HVAC systems would likely be installed on the roof-tops of the office area. HVAC noise levels can be expected to range from 60 to 70 dBA at 5 feet from the roof top equipment and ventilation openings (Illingsworth&Rodkin,2011). For the purpose of this evaluation, it was assumed that HVAC units would be installed at the center of the roof top, or approximately 50 feet from the western property line. Per the inverse square law, stationary noise attenuates by approximately 6 dBA per doubling of distance from the source. Using a 70-dBA reference noise level, HVAC noise would attenuate to approximately 50 dBA at 50 feet from the source. Noise levels from HVAC equipment would less than the 60 dBA criteria at the western property line. Interior Traffic Noise. California Energy Code Title 24 standards specify construction methods and materials that result in energy efficient structures and up to a 30-dBA reduction in exterior noise levels (assuming windows are closed). This includes operation of mechanical ventilation (e.g. heating and air conditioning),in combination with standard building construction that includes dual-glazed windows with a minimum Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating of 26 or higher. When windows are open, the insertion loss drops to about 10 dBA. Assuming windows are closed, interior noise levels at receivers along Sapphire Street would be approximately 30 dBA which would be below the 50-dBA daytime interior standard and 45-dBA nighttime standard. Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan Compatibility. Cable Airport is the closest airport and is located approximately 3.7 miles southwest of the project site.Based on the planning area boundary maps provided in the Cable Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (Figure 6) (San Bernardino County, 1981), the project site is located outside the noise impact zone and is not affected by airport noise. For this reason, the project site is not located in an area that is affected by aircraft noise; and thus, compatibility with an adopted Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan is not required. CONCLUSION The proposed project would not have a significant or adverse impact cause by construction noise and vibration. The existing 65 dBA Leq exterior standard is not exceeded under existing City of Rancho Cucamonga 18 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Noise Study conditions at the nearest sensitive receivers modeled along Sapphire Street. The project would not generate new traffic;thus,no project-related traffic noise impact would occur. Assuming a 30-dBA reduction in noise levels between exterior and interior levels, the interior standard would be met at all residential receivers modeled with operation of the proposed project. Thus, a less than significant operational noise impact would occur. City of Rancho Cucamonga 19 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Noise Study REFERENCES California Office of Planning and Research. OPR General Plan Guidelines,2017. Cable Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan,December 1981 httl2://www.sbcounty.gov[UI21oads/lus/Airl2orts/Cable.12d City of Rancho Cucamonga, General Plan Environmental Impact Report, February 2010. City of Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code Section 17.66.050, Noise Standards, 2012. dBF &Associates, Inc.,Reference Noise Level Compilation Table,2016. Federal Highway Administration. Roadway Construction Noise Model. 2006. Users Guide Table 1. Federal Highway Administration, Transportation Noise Model Version 2.5, 2004. Federal Transit Administration. Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment. September 2018. Federal Rail Administration(FRA) Guidelines (Report Number 293630-1), December 1998. Hanson, Carl E.,Towers, David A., and Meister,Lance D. (2006, May). Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment. Federal Transit Administration, Office of Planning and Environment. http://www.fta.dot.gov/documents/FTA Noise and Vibration Manual.pdf Harris Miller Miller&Hanson Inc.Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment,Final Report.May 2006. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Federal Noise Control Act of 1972,42 U.S.C. §4901 et seq., 1972 United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.Noise Control Guidebook,2009. City of Rancho Cucamonga 20 Appendix A Monitoring Data Sheet and Modeling Results f lIZLLJ NUIOC !`,I -IP UrCC1VIt=Im I 1JH 1 f-t - {: I' - i - ! Pro)ec i me" ' !,_- `J� ,�� Page f s 4 'Projeci -_ Day f Dem -?-0 GA ( My Name. Sound Lev i�ilaiar GGl:kyrzi r - x laaiher.MeierTr i model - 'Model=' Model-4 Serial h L es- dB,z SPL - !'1 errain: a 1 Soitr �t�e `[ I Faet Im I 'Post-Test. =--`__F n i itt' p --�t�`b-'r_-S J- `2 opo-- _ i _ i�T�lj� eSCI7 v} j;— T]O VIItnd: _5ceady/ CushI ime tEFF c^t„ J�a L9GWind Spol Temp P.H Bar Psr' Cloud5iar;= ( CEODir(mph) (in FIG,) Cover C°f Roadway i arne i�ca�ion(s)l C1�S Peadinn(s): 'pead 1pos�lobs - Ktu:;►baraE Lanes �. -or 22,i„jakr Grade ( -s Bits Stops - FVI=lium[-F=ucnL 01 Heavy 01 (060 APt Diner Noise sources:dicta '. c(rG,ct�L,a£C>s:'=if"�c1°:resins;�=�_d_a-Dine J rus 3irg l��vas f chiEdran�IBj1L?_j Q-•^„�= �-�-_-;. ._.� Site 1 - Sapphire Street/Alta Loma Drive Start Date 5/19/2021 Start Time 8:37:42 AM End Time 8:52:41 AM Duration 00:14:59 Meas Mode Single Input Range High Input Type Mic SPL Time Weight Slow LN% Freq Weight dBA Overload No UnderRange No Sensitivity 18.44mV/Pa LZeq 70.8 LCeq 68.7 LAeq 60.0 LZSmax 86.3 LCSmax 85.3 LASmax 73.5 LZSmin 61.5 LCSmin 57.8 LASmin 48.4 LZE 100.3 LCE 98.2 LAE 89.5 LZpeak 103.2 LCpeak 100.0 LApeak 91.1 1% 71.7 2% 68.2 5% 65.8 8% 64.8 10% 64.0 25% 59.3 50% 53.4 90% 49.8 95% 49.5 99% 49.1 RESULTS: SOUND LEVELS <Project Name?> <Organization?> 20 May 2021 <Analysis By?> TNM 2.5 Calculated with TNM 2.5 RESULTS: SOUND LEVELS PROJECT/CONTRACT: <Project Name?> RUN: Saint Justina Church Existing BARRIER DESIGN: INPUT HEIGHTS Average pavement type shall be used unless a State highway agency substantiates the use ATMOSPHERICS: 68 deg F, 50% RH of a different type with approval of FHWA. Receiver Name No. #DUs Existing No Barrier With Barrier LAeglh LAeg1h Increase over existing Type Calculated Noise Reduction Calculated Crit'n Calculated Crit'n Impact LAeg1h Calculated Goal Calculated Sub'I Inc minus Goal dBA dBA dBA dB dB �dBA dB dB dB Receiver1 1 1 0.0 60.0 66 60.0 10 ---- 60.0 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiver2 2 1 0.0 60.6 66 60.6 10 ---- 60.6 0.0 8 -8.0 Dwelling Units #DUs Noise Reduction Min Avg Max dB dB dB All Selected 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 All Impacted 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 All that meet NR Goal 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 C:\TNM25\Program\Saint Justina Church Expansion 1 20 May 2021 SPAIIIINTJUSTINA COPTIC ORTHODOX CHURCH EXPANSION PROJECT Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas Study Prepared for: GB Architects, Inc. 400 North Mountain Avenue, Suite 208 Upland, CA 91786 Prepared by: 49160 BIRDSEYE PLANNING GROUP May 2021 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study SAINT JUSTINA COPTIC ORTHODOX CHURCH EXPANSION PROJECT RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA AIR QUALITY and GREENHOUSE GAS STUDY Table of Contents Page PROJECT DESCRIPTION.....................................................................................................................1 SETTING.................................................................................................................................................4 AirPollution Regulation..........................................................................................................4 Regional Climate and Local Air Quality ...............................................................................8 Air Quality Management Plan................................................................................................9 SensitiveReceptors...................................................................................................................10 AIR QUALITY IMPACT ANALYSIS..................................................................................................11 Methodology and Significance Thresholds...........................................................................11 ConstructionEmissions............................................................................................................12 Long-Term Regional Impacts..................................................................................................16 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSION DISCUSSION...............................................................................17 CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACT ANALYSIS.......................................................................................29 Estimateof GHG Emissions ....................................................................................................30 REFERENCES.........................................................................................................................................35 List of Tables Table 1 Current Federal and State Ambient Air Quality Standards ..............................4 Table 2 Ambient Air Quality Data ....................................................................................10 Table 3 Estimated Maximum Daily Construction Emissions........................................13 Table 4 SCAQMD LSTs for Construction.........................................................................15 Table 5 Estimated Maximum Daily On-Site Construction Emissions and LSTs........15 Table 6 Estimated Operational Emissions........................................................................16 Table 7 Estimated Construction Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions..........................31 Table 8 Estimated Annual Energy-Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions.....................32 Table 9 Existing and Proposed Estimated Annual Solid Waste and Water Use Greenhouse Gas Emissions............................................32 Table 10 Estimated Annual Mobile Emissions of Greenhouse Gases............................32 Table 11 Combined Annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions.................................................33 City of Rancho Cucamonga Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study Appendices Appendix A CaIEEMod Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Model Results - Summer/Annual, and N20 from Mobile Emissions Sources City of Rancho Cucamonga Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study SAINT JUSTINA CHURCH EXPANSION PROJECT RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA AIR QUALITY and GREENHOUSE GAS STUDY This report is an analysis of the potential air quality and greenhouse gas impacts associated with the proposed construction and operation of a new Sunday school and social building on the existing Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church complex located at 6386 Sapphire Street in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. This report has been prepared by Birdseye Planning Group (BPG)under contract to the project applicant to support preparation of the environmental documentation pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This study analyzes the potential for temporary impacts associated with construction activity and long-term impacts associated with operation of the proposed project. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project would construct and operate a new 17,731 square foot Sunday school and social building with parking on a vacant portion of the existing Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church complex at 6398 Sapphire Street in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The site is located at the northwest corner of Sapphire Street and Orange Street(APN 1062-332-25). The site is 4.9 acres in size and zoned Low Density Residential. Thus, the project is subject to standards and policies within the City of Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code for that zoning designation. The project site is developed with an existing 6,500 square foot church building and related landscape and hardscape improvements and 50 parking spaces. The area proposed for development of the new building is occupied by two mobile classroom trailer units. It assumed these units would be relocated rather than demolished as part of the project. The project would provide a new 17,731 square foot,two-story accessory building for use as a Sunday school and social area. The building would include 12 classrooms, restrooms, a library, recording room, office,reception area,kitchen and dining area and 117 new parking spaces. The new parking spaces would be located around the perimeter of a future soccer/play field site north of the existing developed area. The building would be located adjacent to and north of the existing church building. Access to the new facility would be from the existing developed area. The new parking area would be accessed via Sapphire Street. The project is anticipated to serve existing church members. Additional parking is provided to bring the existing church into compliance with the City's parking requirements for existing and proposed capacity. Any cut and fill required during grading would be balanced on-site. No off-site import or export of soil material would be needed. In addition to use during Sunday services, the building would be used throughout the week to support church operations, educational programs and social events. Construction of the proposed project would begin in late 2021 and be completed in mid-2022.The project site is shown in Figure 1. The proposed site plan is shown in Figure 2. City of Rancho Cucamonga 1 ti �: f - lie 1 � �d A +dam[ r�-y_ i 1 '� r ^•; 'LL �d f J r r QV N; rt ` 5 .- angeMW 5t.. lie it _. . ALMi Ind v - i �a� ', � +• t - �� tom' r•. `���• � ��•� �. Trip. I Aw 4 . d6i T ---- VICINITY MAP ST. YOSTINA CHURCH ❑❑LflL rr.rlN.rn..rra..Irr�emrr�rrml�r�aetrn�Er ❑ �' �° 6386 SAPPHIRE St. p � 1.mn.mr xR mm 6 4 � ❑❑ ❑ O.ow�. oa,.�......,w o:T... CS C7 9 ❑ ❑ ❑ scope of work: '1 CS d � ❑[+ ❑❑ h❑o p 1-12 SUNDAY SCHOOLS ❑ ___— g °."`umTlxe""`Naoxns Yi"'""° 2-RESTRLIBRARY OMS L a im �N lo..r.Noc,r.xa J-LIBRARY 4-RECORDING ROOM 5-PRIEST OFFICE 8-ADMINISTRATION OFFICE QR cme xrua 7-RECEPTION 8-EATING AREA 9-KITCHEN A. -- r--- --- ------ Y PLANING INFORMATION \�\ EER CXOWNF:RJDA N SFWND N. FACR:9)JI EF EY RFSf FLWR B00G SF — MK NFN IBM Ina)4 � 7R,� /: � ® � I ProA9�iNEEnTR.WS�REGJMD:M5/J.141 SINIS MIR ®r. / scan I RRD NRu Ev ® : 6500 SF I i Dm'I.PYWxC SINL b NEW PYRWG JI: In )GILL RI%JxC NnLS RRp10ED 1E7 uu xxR x®� I CURRENT CGDE. I RnA�I D ® )019 CILFCFNN YECNNIX%l WOE -- I i )OlO rAUFGAxu EIECGYfI1 WOE P : )GIs W1FOAxY PIUNRNG WOE * * I I rau mE WOE * µop-n-xwds 11 WR 1� I A�+c OR O �p xrP.,i N FOR Nlm+rIO r e "VU A.wY)roR xFP.a nRc sPRNuaR ERE R/A-W : Wx�IN.N.ON rmEv- � O, ® M RAE S'RNNIRD.YES x `� P RaNCGIT j WCUPAvtt CWUP xJ 7 I GaRIPIM Lom)oT4 JW PU6a6 ® Iml m n Runrc mm� �min : 6386 SAPPHIRE St. OWNER: SITE PLAN SITE PLAN „pm; GB ARCHITECTS IA RI7GI °"� ' 1/32))-1'—O)) ARCNITECNRE.PLANNING.ENGINEERING PRG.T# SCALE A-01 DATE: (aox)e.a�—Gwxx YI Fss(wRl Nw—Rxxa Figure 2—Site Plan Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study SETTING Air Pollution Regulation The federal and state governments have been empowered by the federal and state Clean Air Acts to regulate emissions of airborne pollutants and have established ambient air quality standards for the protection of public health. The EPA is the federal agency designated to administer air quality regulation,while the California Air Resources Board (ARB) is the state equivalent in California. Federal and state standards have been established for six criteria pollutants,including ozone (03), carbon monoxide (CO),nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (S02), particulates less than 10 and 2.5 microns in diameter (PM10 and PM2.5), and lead (Pb). California has also set standards for sulfates,hydrogen sulfide,vinyl chloride, and visibility- reducing particles. Table 1 lists the current federal and state standards for each of these pollutants. Standards have been set at levels intended to be protective of public health. California standards are more restrictive than federal standards for each of these pollutants except lead and the eight-hour average for CO. Table 1 Ambient Air Quality Standards POLLUTANT AVERAGE CALIFORNIA STANDARDS' NATIONAL STANDARDSz TIME Concentration3 Method' Primary3,5 Secondary3.6 Method' 1 hour 0.09 ppm Ozone8 (180 µg/m3) Ultraviolet — Same as Ultraviolet Primary (03) 0.070 ppm Photometry 0.070 ppm Standard Photometry 8 hours (137µg/m3) (137 µg/m3) 8 hours 9.0 ppm Non-Dispersive 9 ppm Non-Dispersive Carbon (10 mg/m3) Infrared (10 mg/m3) Infrared Monoxide Spectroscopy -- Spectroscopy (CO) 1 hour (230mg m3) (NDIR) (405mg m3> (NDIR) Annual 0.030 ppm 0.053 ppm Same as Nitrogen Average (57 µg/ms) Gas Phase (100 µg/m3) Primary Dioxide Chemiluminescen Standard Gas Phase io Chemiluminescence (NO2) 1 hour 0.18 ppm Ce 100 ppb _ (339 µg/m3) (188 µg/m3) Annual 0.03 ppm Average (80 µg/m3) 24 hours 0.04 ppm 0.14 ppm Sulfur Dioxide (105 µg/m3) Ultraviolet (365 µg/m3) (SOz)" Fluorescence Pararosaniline 3 hours -- 0.5 ppm (1300 µg/m3) 1 hour 0.25 ppm 75 ppb(196 (655 µg/n'3) µg/M3) Respirable 24 hours 50 µg/m3 150 µg/m3 150 µg/m3 City of Rancho Cucamonga 4 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study POLLUTANT AVERAGE CALIFORNIA STANDARDS' NATIONAL STANDARDSz TIME Concentration3 Method4 Primary3,5 Secondary3,6 Method' Particulate Annual Inertial Separation Matter Arithmetic 20 µg/m3 Gravimetric or and Gravimetric (PM10)9 Mean Beta Attenuation Analysis Annual Fine Arithmetic 12 µg/m3 12 µg/m3 15 µg/m3 Particulate Mean Gravimetric or Inertial Separation and Gravimetric Matter Beta Attenuation sis Same as Analysis (PMz.5)9 24 hours -- 35 µg/m3 Primary Standard Sulfates 24 hours 25 µg/m3 Ion Chromatography 30-day 3 AverageLea 1.5 µg/m -- -- Calendar High Volume (Pb) Absorption,l3 Quarter -- Atomic 1.5 µg/m3 Same as Sampler and Atomic (Pb) 3-month Primary Absorption Rolling -- 0.15 µg/m3 Standard Average Hydrogen SSulfide 1 hour 0.03 ppm Ultraviolet u -- -- -- Sulfi (42 µg/m3) Fluorescence Vinyl 24 hours 0.010 ppm Gas -- -- -- Chloride12 (26 µg/m3) Chromatography Notes: ppm=parts per million µg/m3=micrograms per cubic meter mg/m3=milligrams per cubic meter Source: California Air Resources Board 2017 1. California standards for ozone,carbon monoxide(except 8-hour Lake Tahoe), sulfur dioxide(1 and 24 hour), nitrogen dioxide,and particulate matter(PM10,PM2.5,and visibility reducing particles),are values that are not to be exceeded.All others are not to be equaled or exceeded.California ambient air quality standards are listed in the Table of Standards in Section 70200 of Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations. 2. National standards(other than ozone,particulate matter,and those based on annual arithmetic mean)are not to be exceeded more than once a year.The ozone standard is attained when the fourth highest 8-hour concentration measured at each site in a year, averaged over three years,is equal to or less than the standard. For PM10,the 24-hour standard is attained when the expected number of days per calendar year with a 24-hour average concentration above 150 µg/m3 is equal to or less than one.For PM2.5,the 24-hour standard is attained when 98 percent of the daily concentrations, averaged over three years, are equal to or less than the standard. Contact the U.S.EPA for further clarification and current national policies. 3. Concentration expressed first in units in which it was promulgated. Equivalent units given in parentheses are based upon a reference temperature of 25°C and a reference pressure of 760 torr. Most measurements of air quality are to be corrected to a reference temperature of 25°C and a reference pressure of 760 torr;ppm in this table refers to ppm by volume,or micromoles of pollutant per mole of gas. City of Rancho Cucamonga 5 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study 4. Any equivalent measurement method which can be shown to the satisfaction of the CARB to give equivalent results at or near the level of the air quality standard may be used. 5. National Primary Standards: The levels of air quality necessary,with an adequate margin of safety to protect the public health. 6. National Secondary Standards:The levels of air quality necessary to protect the public welfare from any known or anticipated adverse effects of a pollutant. 7. Reference method as described by the U.S. EPA. An"equivalent method" of measurement may be used but must have a"consistent relationship to the reference method"and must be approved by the U.S.EPA. 8. On October 1, 2015,the national 8-hour ozone primary and secondary standards were lowered from 0.075 to 0.070 ppm. 9. On December 14,2012,the national annual PM2.5 primary standard was lowered from 15 µg/m3 to 12.0 µg/ m3.The existing national 24-hour PM2.5 standards(primary and secondary)were retained at 35 µg/m3,as was the annual secondary standard of 15 µg/m3. The existing 24-hour PM10 standards(primary and secondary)of 150 µg/m3 also were retained. The form of the annual primary and secondary standards is the annual mean, averaged over 3 years. 10. To attain the 1-hour national standard, the 3-year average of the annual 98th percentile of the 1-hour daily maximum concentrations at each site must not exceed 100 ppb. Note that the national 1-hour standard is in units of parts per billion(ppb).California standards are in units of parts per million(ppm).To directly compare the national 1-hour standard to the California standards the units can be converted from ppb to ppm. In this case,the national standard of 100 ppb is identical to 0.100 ppm. 11. On June 2, 2010, a new 1-hour SO2 standard was established and the existing 24-hour and annual primary standards were revoked.To attain the 1-hour national standard,the 3-year average of the annual 99th percentile of the 1-hour daily maximum concentrations at each site must not exceed 75 ppb. The 1971 SO2 national standards(24-hour and annual)remain in effect until one year after an area is designated for the 2010 standard, except that in areas designated nonattainment for the 1971 standards,the 1971 standards remain in effect until implementation plans to attain or maintain the 2010 standards are approved. Note that the 1-hour national standard is in units of parts per billion(ppb).California standards are in units of parts per million(ppm).To directly compare the 1-hour national standard to the California standard the units can be converted to ppm.In this case,the national standard of 75 ppb is identical to 0.075 ppm. 12. The CARB has identified lead and vinyl chloride as'toxic air contaminants'with no threshold level of exposure for adverse health effects determined.These actions allow for the implementation of control measures at levels below the ambient concentrations specified for these pollutants. 13. The national standard for lead was revised on October 15, 2008 to a rolling 3-month average. The 1978 lead standard(1.5 µg/m3 as a quarterly average)remains in effect until one year after an area is designated for the 2008 standard,except that in areas designated nonattainment for the 1978 standard,the 1978 standard remains in effect until implementation plans to attain or maintain the 2008 standard are approved. 14. In 1989, the CARB converted both the general statewide 10-mile visibility standard and the Lake Tahoe 30- mile visibility standard to instrumental equivalents,which are"extinction of 0.23 per kilometer"and"extinction of 0.07 per kilometer"for the statewide and Lake Tahoe Air Basin standards,respectively. Local control in air quality management is provided by the ARB through county-level or regional(multi-county)Air Quality Management Districts (AQMDs). The ARB establishes air quality standards and is responsible for control of mobile emission sources,while the local AQMDs are responsible for enforcing standards and regulating stationary sources. The ARB has established 15 air basins statewide. The project site is located within the South Coast Air Basin (Basin),which includes portions of Los Angeles, Orange and Riverside Counties. Air quality conditions in the project area are under the jurisdiction of the South Coast Air Quality Management District(SCAQMD). The SCAQMD is required to monitor air pollutant levels to City of Rancho Cucamonga 6 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study ensure that air quality standards are met and, if they are not met,to develop strategies to meet the standards.Depending on whether the standards are met or exceeded, the local air basin is classified as being in"attainment" or"non-attainment." The Basin, in which the project area is located, is a non-attainment area for both the federal and state standards for ozone and PM2.5. The Basin is in attainment for the state and federal standards for PMio,nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide. Characteristics of ozone, carbon monoxide,nitrogen dioxide, and suspended particulates are described below. Ozone. Ozone is produced by a photochemical reaction(triggered by sunlight)between nitrogen oxides (NOx) and reactive organic gases (ROG)'. Nitrogen oxides are formed during the combustion of fuels,while reactive organic compounds are formed during combustion and evaporation of organic solvents.Because ozone requires sunlight to form,it mostly occurs in concentrations considered serious between the months of April and October. Ozone is a pungent, colorless,toxic gas with direct health effects on humans including respiratory and eye irritation and possible changes in lung functions. Groups most sensitive to ozone include children, the elderly, people with respiratory disorders, and people who exercise strenuously outdoors. Carbon Monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a local pollutant that is found in high concentrations only near the source. The major source of carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas, is automobile traffic. Elevated concentrations, therefore, are usually only found near areas of high traffic volumes. Carbon monoxide's health effects are related to its affinity for hemoglobin in the blood. At high concentrations, carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood, causing heart difficulties in people with chronic diseases, reduced lung capacity and impaired mental abilities. Nitrogen Dioxide. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)is a by-product of fuel combustion, with the primary source being motor vehicles and industrial boilers and furnaces. The principal form of nitrogen oxide produced by combustion is nitric oxide (NO),but NO reacts rapidly to form NO2,creating the mixture of NO and NO2 commonly called NOx. Nitrogen dioxide is an acute irritant. A relationship between NO2 and chronic pulmonary fibrosis may exist, and an increase in bronchitis in young children at concentrations below 0.3 parts per million(ppm) may occur. Nitrogen dioxide absorbs blue light and causes a reddish-brown cast to the atmosphere and reduced visibility. It can also contribute to the formation of PMio and acid rain. Suspended Particulates. PMio is particulate matter measuring no more than 10 microns in diameter, while PM2.5 is fine particulate matter measuring no more than 2.5 microns in diameter. Suspended particulates are mostly dust particles,nitrates and sulfates. Both PM10 and 'Organic compound precursors of ozone are routinely described by a number of variations of three terms:hydrocarbons(HC), organic gases(OG),and organic compounds(OC). These terms are often modified by adjectives such as total,reactive,or volatile, and result in a rather confusing array of acronyms:HC, THC(total hydrocarbons),RHC(reactive hydrocarbons), TOG(total organic gases),ROG(reactive organic gases), TOC(total organic compounds),ROC(reactive organic compounds),and VOC(volatile organic compounds). While most of these differ in some significant way from a chemical perspective,from an air quality perspective two groups are important: non-photochemically reactive in the lower atmosphere,or photochemically reactive in the lower atmosphere(HC,RHC,ROG,ROC,and VOC). City of Rancho Cucamonga 7 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study PM2.5 are by-products of fuel combustion and wind erosion of soil and unpaved roads, and are directly emitted into the atmosphere through these processes. Suspended particulates are also created in the atmosphere through chemical reactions.The characteristics, sources, and potential health effects associated with the small particulates (those between 2.5 and 10 microns in diameter) and fine particulates (PM2.5) can be very different. The small particulates generally come from windblown dust and dust kicked up from mobile sources. The fine particulates are generally associated with combustion processes as well as being formed in the atmosphere as a secondary pollutant through chemical reactions. Fine particulate matter is more likely to penetrate deeply into the lungs and poses a health threat to all groups,but particularly to the elderly, children, and those with respiratory problems. More than half of the small and fine particulate matter that is inhaled into the lungs remains there. These materials can damage health by interfering with the body's mechanisms for clearing the respiratory tract or by acting as carriers of an absorbed toxic substance. Toxic Air Contaminants/Diesel Particulate Matter. Hazardous air pollutants, also known as toxic air pollutants (TACs) or air toxics, are those pollutants that are known or suspected to cause cancer or other serious health effects, such as reproductive effects or birth defects, or adverse environmental effects. Examples of toxic air pollutants include: • benzene, which is found in gasoline; • perchloroethylene,which is emitted from some dry-cleaning facilities; and • methylene chloride,which is used as a solvent. Transportation related emissions are focused on particulate matter constituents within diesel exhaust and TAC constituents that comprise a portion of total organic gas (TOG) emissions from both diesel and gasoline fueled vehicles.Diesel engine emissions are comprised of exhaust particulate matter and TOGs which are collectively defined for the purpose of an HRA, as Diesel Particulate Matter(DPM). DPM and TOG emissions from both diesel and gasoline fueled vehicles is typically composed of carbon particles and carcinogenic substances including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,benzene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, and 1,3- butadiene. Diesel exhaust also contains gaseous pollutants, including volatile organic compounds and oxides of nitrogen(NOX). Information on TAC and DPM is provided herein for reference only. Regional Climate and Local Air Quality South Coast Air Basin.The combination of topography, low mean mixing height, abundant sunshine, and emissions from the second largest urban area in the United States gives the SCAB the worst air pollution problem in the nation. Climate in the SCAB is determined by its terrain and geographical location.The SCAB consists of a coastal plain with connecting broad valleys and low hills. The Pacific Ocean forms the southwestern border, and high mountains surround the rest of the SCAB. The SCAB lies in the semi-permanent high-pressure zone of the eastern Pacific. The resulting climate is mild, and is tempered by cool ocean breezes. This climatological City of Rancho Cucamonga 8 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study pattern is rarely interrupted. However, periods of extremely hot weather,winter storms, or easterly Santa Ana wind conditions can occur. Annual average temperatures vary little throughout the SCAB, ranging from the low-to-middle 60s, measured in degrees Fahrenheit.With a more pronounced oceanic influence, coastal areas show less variability in annual minimum and maximum temperatures than inland areas. The majority of annual rainfall in the SCAB occurs between October and March. Summer rainfall is minimal and generally limited to scattered thundershowers in coastal regions and slightly heavier showers in the eastern portion of the SCAB and along the coastal side of the mountains. Average temperatures in winter months in the project area range from a low of 34 degrees F to a high of 68 degrees F. In the summer, average temperatures range from a low of 59 degrees F to a high of 98 degrees F. During an average year, the greatest amount of precipitation, 2.86 inches, occurs in February. The SCAQMD operates a network of 38 ambient air monitoring stations throughout the South Coast Air Basin.The purpose of the monitoring stations is to measure ambient concentrations of the pollutants and determine whether the ambient air quality meets the California and federal standards. The air quality monitoring station located nearest to the project site is the Upland station, located approximately 5 miles southwest of the project site. Table 2 provides a summary of monitoring data at the Upland Station for ozone and PM1o. As referenced, the SCAB is a nonattainment area for these two pollutants. As shown,both the federal and state ozone standards were exceeded at the Upland monitoring station during each of the last three years. The federal PM10 standard was exceeded one time during the last three years. Insufficient data was available to determine whether the state standard was exceeded or whether the PM2.5 standard was exceeded. Air Quality Management Plan Under state law,the SCAQMD is required to prepare a plan for air quality improvement for pollutants for which the District is in non-compliance. The SCAQMD updates the plan every three years. Each iteration of the SCAQMD's Air Quality Management Plan(AQMP)is an update of the previous plan and has a 20-year horizon. SCAQMD adopted the 2016 AQMP in March 2017. The 2016 AQMP incorporates new scientific data and notable regulatory actions that have occurred since adoption of the 2012 AQMP. City of Rancho Cucamonga 9 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study Table 2 Ambient Air Quality Data Pollutant 2017 2018 2019 Ozone, ppm-Worst Hour 0.127 0.111 0.107 Number of days of State exceedances(>0.070 ppm) 87 52 52 Particulate Matter<10 microns,µg/m3 Worst 24 Hours 106.5 156.6 125.9 Number of samples of State exceedances(>50 µg/m3) Number of samples of Federal exceedances(>150 µg/m3) 1 0 Particulate Matter<2.5 microns,µg/m3 Worst 24 Hours 73.4 44.9 91.1 Number of samples of State exceedances(>12 µg/m3) Number of samples of Federal exceedances(>12 µg/m3) Upland—1350 San Bernardino Road Monitoring Station 'Data insufficient to determine the value Source:California Air Resources Board,2017, 2018, 2019 Annual Air Quality Data Summaries available at htto://www.arb.ca.qov/adam/toofour/topfour1,Dhp The 2016 AQMP was prepared to ensure continued progress towards clean air and comply with state and federal requirements. This AQMP builds upon the approaches taken in the 2012 AQMP for the South Coast Air Basin for the attainment of State and federal ozone air quality standards. The 2016 AQMP incorporates the 2016 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy and updated emission inventory methodologies for applicable source categories. The 2016 AQMP also includes the new and changing federal requirements, implementation of new technology measures, and the continued development of economically sound, flexible compliance approaches.The 2016 AQMP is available to download at http://www.agmd.gov/home/library/clean-air-plans/air-quality-mgt-plan/final-2016-aqml2. Sensitive Receptors Sensitive receptors include,but are not limited to,hospitals, schools, daycare facilities, elderly housing and convalescent facilities. These are areas where the occupants are more susceptible to the adverse effects of exposure to air pollutants. Ambient air quality standards have been established to represent the levels of air quality considered sufficient, with an adequate margin of safety, to protect public health and welfare as well that segment of the public most susceptible to respiratory distress, such as children under 14;the elderly over 65;persons engaged in strenuous work or exercise; and people with cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases. The closest existing properties defined herein as sensitive receptors are single-family residences located along the east side of Marble Avenue adjacent to the west the development site. City of Rancho Cucamonga 10 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study AIR QUALITY IMPACT ANALYSIS Methodology and Significance Thresholds This air quality analysis conforms to the methodologies recommended in the SCAQMD's CEQA Air Quality Handbook(1993). The handbook includes thresholds for emissions associated with both construction and operation of proposed projects. All emissions were calculated using the California Emissions Estimator Model (CaIEEMod) software version 2016.3.2. Construction activities such as clearing, grading and excavation would generate diesel and dust emissions. Construction equipment that would generate criteria air pollutants includes excavators, graders, dump trucks, and loaders. It was assumed that all construction equipment used would be diesel-powered. Construction emissions associated with development of the proposed project by estimating the types of equipment(including the number)that would be used on-site during each of the construction phases. Construction emissions are analyzed using the regional thresholds established by the SCAQMD and published in the CEQA Air Quality Handbook. Operational emissions include mobile source emissions, energy emissions, and area source emissions. Mobile source emissions are generated by motor vehicle trips associated with operation of the project. CaIEEMod default trip rates were used for the new building. Emissions attributed to energy use include electricity and natural gas consumption for space and water heating. Area source emissions are generated by landscape maintenance equipment, consumer products and architectural coatings (i.e., paints). To determine whether a regional air quality impact would occur,the increase in emissions would be compared with the SCAQMD's recommended regional thresholds for operational emissions. Regional Thresholds. Based on Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines, a project would have a significant air quality impact if it would: a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan; b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation; c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is in non-attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard (including releasing emissions that exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors); d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations; or e) Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people. The SCAQMD has developed specific quantitative thresholds that apply to projects within the SCAB. The following significance thresholds apply to short-term construction activities: City of Rancho Cucamonga 11 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study • 75 pounds per day of ROG • 100 pounds per day of NOx • 550 pounds per day of CO • 150 pounds per day of SOx • 150 pounds per day of PMio • 55 pounds per day of PM2.s The following significance thresholds apply to long-term operational emissions: • 55 pounds per day of ROG • 55 pounds per day of NOx • 550 pounds per day of CO • 150 pounds per day of SOx • 150 pounds per day of PMio • 55 pounds per day of PM2.5 Construction Emissions Project construction would generate temporary air pollutant emissions.These impacts are associated with fugitive dust(PMio and PM2.5) and exhaust emissions from heavy construction vehicles, in addition to ROG that would be released during the drying phase upon application of paint and other architectural coatings. Construction would generally consist of demolition, site preparation, grading, construction of the proposed buildings, paving, and architectural coating(i.e., paint) application. This analysis assumes that graded soils would be balanced on the project site and that no soil import or export would be required. The project would be required to comply with SCAQMD Rule 403, which identifies measures to reduce fugitive dust and is required to be implemented at all construction sites located within the South Coast Air Basin. Therefore, the following conditions, which are required to reduce fugitive dust in compliance with SCAQMD Rule 403, were included in CalEEMod for site preparation and grading phases of construction. 1. Minimization of Disturbance.Construction contractors should minimize the area disturbed by clearing, grading, earth moving, or excavation operations to prevent excessive amounts of dust. 2. Soil Treatment. Construction contractors should treat all graded and excavated material,exposed soil areas, and active portions of the construction site, including unpaved on-site roadways to minimize fugitive dust. Treatment shall include,but not necessarily be limited to, periodic watering, application of environmentally safe soil stabilization materials, and/or roll compaction as appropriate. Watering shall be done as often as necessary, and at least twice daily, preferably in the late morning and after work is done for the day. The analysis provided herein assumes watering would occur two times daily. City of Rancho Cucamonga 12 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study 3. Soil Stabilization.Construction contractors should monitor all graded and/or excavated inactive areas of the construction site at least weekly for dust stabilization. Soil stabilization methods, such as water and roll compaction, and environmentally safe dust control materials, shall be applied to portions of the construction site that are inactive for over four days. If no further grading or excavation operations are planned for the area, the area shall be seeded and watered until landscape growth is evident, or periodically treated with environmentally safe dust suppressants,to prevent excessive fugitive dust. 4. No Grading During High Winds. Construction contractors should stop all clearing, grading,earth moving, and excavation operations during periods of high winds (20 miles per hour or greater, as measured continuously over a one-hour period). 5. Street Sweeping.Construction contractors should sweep all on-site driveways and adjacent streets and roads at least once per day, preferably at the end of the day, if visible soil material is carried over to adjacent streets and roads. Construction emissions modeling for demolition, site preparation, grading,building construction, paving, and architectural coating application is based on the overall scope of the proposed development and construction phasing which is expected to begin early 2021 and extend through early 2022, a duration of approximately 12 months. For dust control, it was assumed the disturbed area would be watered twice daily. In addition to SCAQMD Rule 403 requirements, emissions modeling also accounts for the use of low-VOC paint(100 g/L for non- flat(non-residential) coatings and 100 g/L for pavement coatings) as required by SCAQMD Rule 1113. Table 3 summarizes the estimated maximum mitigated daily emissions of pollutants occurring during 2021 and 2022. Table 3 Estimated Maximum Mitigated Daily Construction Emissions Maximum Emissions (Ibs/day) Construction Phase ROG NOX CO Sox PM10 PM2.5 2022 Maximum Ibs/day 2.0 19.7 15.0 0.02 3.5 2.0 2023 Maximum Ibs/day 17.5 13.5 13.9 0.02 0.9 0.6 SCAQMD Regional 75 100 550 150 150 55 Thresholds Threshold Exceeded 2022 No No No No No No Threshold Exceeded 2023 No No No No No No City of Rancho Cucamonga 13 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study As shown in Table 3, construction of the proposed project would not exceed the SCAQMD regional thresholds. No mitigation in addition to compliance with SCAQMD Rule 403 and Rule 1113 would be required to reduce construction emissions to less than significant. Localized Significance Thresholds. The SCAQMD has published a"Fact Sheet for Applying CalEEMod to Localized Significance Thresholds" (South Coast Air Quality Management District 2011). The following describes the methods used to apply the fact sheet methods to the CalEEMod output data for comparison with the Localized Significance Thresholds (LSTs). CalEEMod calculates construction emissions based on the number of equipment hours and the maximum daily disturbance activity possible for each piece of equipment. Construction-related emissions reported by CalEEMod are compared to the localized significance threshold lookup tables. The CalEEMod output in Appendix A shows the equipment assumed for this analysis. LSTs were devised in response to concern regarding exposure of individuals to criteria pollutants in local communities. LSTs represent the maximum emissions from a project that will not cause or contribute to an air quality exceedance of the most stringent applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard at the nearest sensitive receptor, taking into consideration ambient concentrations in each source receptor area (SRA),project size, distance to the sensitive receptor and related factors. However, LSTs only apply to emissions within a fixed stationary location, including idling emissions during both project construction and operation. LSTs have been developed for NOx, CO, PM10 and PM2.5. LSTs are not applicable to mobile sources such as cars on a roadway (Final Localized Significance Threshold Methodology, SCAQMD,June 2003). As such, LSTs for operational emissions do not apply to the proposed development as the majority of project emissions would be generated by cars on roadways traveling to/from the facility. LSTs have been developed for emissions within areas of one, two and five acres in size,with air pollutant modeling recommended for activity within larger areas. While emission modeling was performed for the project, an LST evaluation was also performed to conservatively address potential short-term construction impacts. The project site is located in Source Receptor Area 32 (SRA-32, Northwest San Bernardino Valley). According to the SCAQMD's publication Final Localized Significant (LST) Thresholds Methodology,the use of LSTs is voluntary, to be implemented at the discretion of local agencies. LSTs for construction related emissions in the SRA 32 at varying distances between the source and receiving property are shown in Table 4. The area disturbed during daily grading based on the default equipment mix generated by CalEEMod is 1.5 acres. To conservatively evaluate potential LST impacts,the thresholds for a one-acre site are shown below in Table 4. As referenced, the nearest sensitive receptors to the project site are residences located adjacent to and west of the site; thus, the 25-meter LST values are used. As discussed,LSTs apply to on- site uses only and do not include off-site vehicle trips and emissions. LSTs are compared to estimated project emissions in Table 5. City of Rancho Cucamonga 14 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study As shown in Table 5,no LST's would be exceeded during construction at the receivers located within 25 meters of the active construction area. No mitigation measures are required. Table 4 SCAQMD LSTs for Construction Allowable emissions as a function of receptor distance in Pollutant meters from a two-acre site(lbs/day) 25 50 100 200 500 Gradual conversion of 170 200 263 378 684 NO.to NO2 CO 1,232 1,877 3,218 6,778 24,768 PM10 6 19 34 66 160 PM2.e 5 8 14 36 150 Source:http://www.aamd.aov/CEQA/handbook/LST/appC.pdf, October 2009. Table 5 Estimated Mitigated Dail On-Site Construction Emissions and LSTs On-Site Construction Emissions NOx CO PM10 PM2.5 Demolition 19.6 14.4 1.04 0.9 Site Preparation 17.4 7.5 3.4 2.0 Grading 14.3 6.3 2.8 1.7 Building Construction 12.5 12.7 0.5 0.5 Paving 6.7 8.8 0.3 0.3 Architectural Coating 1.4 1 1.8 1 0.8 1 0.8 Local Significance Threshold—25 meters on-site only)' 170 1,232 6 5 Threshold Exceeded No No No No Notes:All calculations were made using CalEEMod.See the Appendix A.Grading,Paving,Building Construction,and Architectural Coating totals include worker trips,construction vehicle emissions and fugitive dust. Site Preparation and Grading phases incorporate anticipated emissions reductions required by SCAQMD Rule 403 to reduce fugitive dust. 1-LSTs are for a one-acre disturbance area in SRA-32 within 25 meters of sensitive properties boundary. Construction-Related Toxic Air Contaminant Impacts The greatest potential for toxic air contaminant emissions would be related to diesel particulate emissions associated with heavy equipment operations during construction of the proposed project. According to SCAQMD methodology,health effects from carcinogenic air toxics are usually described in terms of"individual cancer risk". "Individual Cancer Risk" is the likelihood that a person exposed to concentrations of toxic air contaminants over a 70-year lifetime will contract cancer,based on the use of standard risk-assessment methodology. Given the short-term construction schedule, the proposed project would not result in a long-term (i.e., 70 years) substantial source of toxic air contaminant emissions and related individual cancer City of Rancho Cucamonga 15 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study risk. Therefore,no significant short-term toxic air contaminant impacts would occur during construction of the proposed project. Construction-Related Odor Impacts Potential sources of odor during construction activities include equipment exhaust and activities such as paving. The objectionable odors that may be produced during the construction process would occur periodically and end when construction is completed. No significant impact related to odors would occur during construction of the proposed project per threshold (e) referenced above. Long-Term Regional Impacts Regional Pollutant Emissions Table 6 summarizes emissions associated with operation of the proposed project. Operational emissions include emissions from electricity consumption(energy sources),vehicle trips (mobile sources), and area sources including landscape equipment and architectural coating emissions as the structures are repainted over the life of the project. The majority of operational emissions are associated with vehicle trips to and from the project site. As shown in Table 6, the net change in emissions would not exceed the SCAQMD thresholds or LSTs for the pollutants evaluated. Therefore, the project's regional air quality impacts (including impacts related to criteria pollutants, sensitive receptors and violations of air quality standards)would be less than significant. Table 6 Estimated Operational Emissions Estimated Emissions(Ibs/day) ROG NO. CO SO. PM,, PM2.5 Proposed Project Area 0.4 0.01 0.01 0.0 0.01 0.01 Energy 0.01 0.5 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.01 Mobile 1.04 5.7 9.9 0.04 2.9 0.7 Maximum Ibs/day 1.4 5.8 10.08 0.04 2.9 0.8 SCAQMD Thresholds 55 55 550 150 150 55 Threshold Exceeded? No No No No No No See Appendix for CaIEEMod version.2016.3.2 computer model output for operational emissions. Summer emissions shown. Note-totals may vary slightly due to rounding. City of Rancho Cucamonga 16 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study Operational Toxic Air Contaminant Emissions As referenced above, transportation related emissions are focused on particulate matter constituents within diesel exhaust and TAC constituents that comprise a portion of total organic gas (TOG) emissions from both diesel and gasoline fueled vehicles. Diesel engine emissions are comprised of exhaust particulate matter and TOGs which are collectively defined for the purpose of a health risk assessment, as Diesel Particulate Matter(DPM). DPM and TOG emissions from both diesel and gasoline fueled vehicles is typically composed of carbon particles and carcinogenic substances including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,benzene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, and 1,3-butadiene. Diesel exhaust also contains gaseous pollutants,including volatile organic compounds and oxides of nitrogen(NO.). The project is not expected to generate truck trips;thus,project-related truck traffic would not pose a health risk or justify further evaluation in a health risk assessment. Objectionable Odors The proposed building would provide classrooms, offices, a kitchen and dining area. The facility is not expected to create or emit objectionable odors. Therefore, this impact would be less than significant per threshold (e). AOMP Consistency A project may be inconsistent with the AQMP if it would generate population,housing, or employment growth exceeding forecasts used in the development of the AQMP. The 2016 AQMP, the most recent AQMP adopted by the SCAQMD, incorporates local city General Plans and the Southern California Association of Government's (SCAG)Regional Transportation Plan socioeconomic forecast projections of regional population,housing and employment growth. The proposed project involves the construction of a new church accessory building on the existing church site. The project would not create housing nor is it expected to increase housing demand to the extent that new housing would be needed for the workforce.The proposed site is zoned Low Density Residential and project is being processed as permitted use within the zone. The proposed project would be consistent with current planning documents;thus, it would be consistent with the AQMP and not cause an adverse impact under threshold (a). GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS Gases that absorb and re-emit infrared radiation in the atmosphere are called greenhouse gases (GHGs).GHGs are present in the atmosphere naturally, are released by natural sources,or are formed from secondary reactions taking place in the atmosphere.The gases that are widely seen as the principal contributors to human-induced climate change include carbon dioxide(CO2), methane(CH4),nitrous oxides(N20),fluorinated gases such as hydrofluorocarbons(HFCs)and perfluorocarbons (PFCs),and sulfur hexafluoride(SF6).Water vapor is excluded from the list of City of Rancho Cucamonga 17 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study GHGs because it is short-lived in the atmosphere and its atmospheric concentrations are largely determined by natural processes,such as oceanic evaporation. GHGs are emitted by both natural processes and human activities.Of these gases,CO2 and CH4 are emitted in the greatest quantities from human activities.Emissions of CO2 are largely by-products of fossil fuel combustion,whereas CH4 results from off-gassing associated with agricultural practices and landfills.Man-made GHGs,many of which have greater heat-absorption potential than CO2,include fluorinated gases and sulfur hexafluoride(S176) (California Environmental Protection Agency[CaIEPA],2006).Different types of GHGs have varying global warming potentials (GWPs).The GWP of a GHG is the potential of a gas or aerosol to trap heat in the atmosphere over a specified timescale (generally, 100 years).Because GHGs absorb different amounts of heat,a common reference gas (CO2)is used to relate the amount of heat absorbed to the amount of the gas emissions,referred to as"carbon dioxide equivalent" (CO2E), and is the amount of a GHG emitted multiplied by its GWP. Carbon dioxide has a GWP of one.By contrast,methane (CH4)has a GWP of 21,meaning its global warming effect is 21 times greater than carbon dioxide on a molecule per molecule basis(IPCC, 1997). Total U.S.GHG emissions were 6,676.6 MMT CO2E in 2018(U.S. EPA,April 2020).Total U.S. emissions increased by 3.7 percent from 1990 to 2018.Overall,net emissions increase 3.1 percent from 2017 to 2018 and decreased from 10.2 percent from 2005 levels.The decline reflects many long-term trends,including population, economic growth, energy market trends, technological changes including energy efficiency, and energy fuel choices. Between 2017 and 2018, the increase in total greenhouse gas emissions was largely driven by an increase in CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion.This resulted from many factors including increased energy use from greater heating and cooling needs caused by a colder winter and hotter summer in 2018 compared to 2017. The primary greenhouse gas emitted by human activities in the United States was CO2, representing approximately 81.3 percent of total greenhouse gas emissions. The largest source of CO2, and of overall greenhouse gas emissions,was fossil fuel combustion. Methane emissions (CH4) account for nearly 10 percent of emissions and have decreased by 7 percent since 2005 and 18.1 percent since 1990. The major sources of methane include enteric fermentation associated with domestic livestock,natural gas systems, and decomposition of wastes in landfills.Agricultural soil management, stationary fuel combustion, manure management, and mobile sources of fuel combustion were the major sources of N20 emissions. Based upon the California Air Resources Board(ARB)California Greenhouse Gas Inventory,2019 edition,California produced 424.1 MMT CO2E in 2017.The major source of GHG in California is transportation, contributing 41 percent of the state's total GHG emissions.The industrial sector is the second largest source,contributing 24 percent of the state's GHG emissions(ARB,June 2019). California produced 441.5 MMT CO2E in 2014.The major source of GHG was transportation, contributing 37 percent of the state's total GHG emissions.The industrial sector was the second largest source,contributing 24 percent of the state's GHG emissions(ARB,June 2016). City of Rancho Cucamonga 18 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study California emissions result in part to its geographic size and large population compared to other states.However,a factor that reduces California's per capita fuel use and GHG emissions,as compared to other states,is its relatively mild climate.The ARB projected statewide unregulated GHG emissions for the year 2020 would be 509 MMT CO2E (ARB,May 2014).These projections are based on Business As Usual(BAU)conditions and represent the emissions that would be expected to occur in the absence of any GHG reduction actions. California Regulations In 2005, former Governor Schwarzenegger issued Executive Order(EO)S-3-05,establishing statewide GHG emissions reduction targets.EO S-3-05 states that by 2020,emissions shall be reduced to 1990 levels;and by 2050,emissions shall be reduced to 80 percent of 1990 levels (CaIEPA,2006). In response to EO S-3-05, CaIEPA created the Climate Action Team (CAT), which in March 2006 published the Climate Action Team Report (the "2006 CAT Report") (CaIEPA,2006). The 2006 CAT Report recommended various strategies that the state could pursue to reduce GHG emissions. These strategies could be implemented by various state agencies to ensure that the emission reduction targets in EO S-3-05 are met and can be met with existing authority of the state agencies. The strategies include the reduction of passenger and light duty truck emissions,the reduction of idling times for diesel trucks, an overhaul of shipping technology/infrastructure, increased use of alternative fuels, increased recycling, and landfill methane capture. Assembly Bill 32 and CARB's Scoping Plan To further the goals established in EO S-3-05, the Legislature passed Assembly Bill (AB)32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. AB 32 requires California to reduce its GHG emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. Under AB 32, CARB is responsible for and is recognized as having the expertise to carry out and develop the programs and requirements necessary to achieve the GHG emissions reduction mandate of AB 32.Under AB 32, CARB must adopt regulations requiring the reporting and verification of statewide GHG emissions from specified sources. This program is used to monitor and enforce compliance with established standards. CARB also is required to adopt rules and regulations to achieve the maximum technologically feasible and cost-effective GHG emission reductions. AB 32 authorized CARB to adopt market- based compliance mechanisms to meet the specified requirements. Finally, CARB is ultimately responsible for monitoring compliance and enforcing any rule, regulation, order, emission limitation, emission reduction measure, or market-based compliance mechanism adopted. In 2007, CARB approved a limit on the statewide GHG emissions level for year 2020 consistent with the determined 1990 baseline (427 MMT COzE). CARB's adoption of this limit is in accordance with Health and Safety Code, Section 38550. Further, in 2008, CARB adopted the Scoping Plan in accordance with Health and Safety Code, Section 38561. The Scoping Plan establishes an overall framework for the measures that will be adopted to reduce California's GHG emissions for various emission sources/sectors to 1990 levels by 2020. The Scoping Plan evaluates opportunities for sector-specific reductions, City of Rancho Cucamonga 19 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study integrates all CARB and Climate Action Team early actions and additional GHG reduction features by both entities,identifies additional measures to be pursued as regulations, and outlines the role of a cap-and-trade program. The key elements of the Scoping Plan include the following(CARB 2008): 1. Expanding and strengthening existing energy efficiency programs, as well as building and appliance standards; 2. Achieving a statewide renewable energy mix of 33%; 3. Developing a California cap-and-trade program that links with other Western Climate Initiative partner programs to create a regional market system and caps sources contributing 85% of California's GHG emissions; 4. Establishing targets for transportation-related GHG emissions for regions throughout California, and pursuing policies and incentives to achieve those targets; 5. Adopting and implementing measures pursuant to existing state laws and policies, including California's clean car standards, goods movement measures, and the Low Carbon Fuel Standard; and 6. Creating targeted fees, including a public goods charge on water use, fees on high GWP gases, and a fee to fund the administrative costs of the State of California's long-term commitment to AB 32 implementation. In the Scoping Plan(CARB 2008), CARB determined that achieving the 1990 emissions level in 2020 would require a reduction in GHG emissions of approximately 28.5%from the otherwise projected 2020 emissions level (i.e.,those emissions that would occur in 2020) absent GHG reducing laws and regulations (referred to as Business-As-Usual (BAU)). To calculate this percentage reduction, CARB assumed that all new electricity generation would be supplied by natural gas plants,no further regulatory action would impact vehicle fuel efficiency, and building energy efficiency codes would be held at 2005 standards. In the 2011 Final Supplement to the AB 32 Scoping Plan Functional Equivalent Document (CARB 2011a), CARB revised its estimates of the projected 2020 emissions level in light of the economic recession and the availability of updated information about GHG reduction regulations. Based on the new economic data, CARB determined that achieving the 1990 emissions level by 2020 would require a reduction in GHG emissions of 21.7% (down from 28.5%) from the BAU conditions.When the 2020 emissions level projection was updated to account for newly implemented regulatory measures, including Pavley I (model years 2009- 2016) and the Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) (12%to 20%), CARB determined that achieving the 1990 emissions level in 2020 would require a reduction in GHG emissions of 16% (down from 28.5%) from the BAU conditions. In 2014, CARB adopted the First Update to the Climate Change Scoping Plan:Building on the Framework(First Update;CARB 2014).The stated purpose of the First Update is to "highlight California's success to date in reducing its GHG emissions and lay the foundation for establishing a broad framework for continued emission reductions beyond 2020, on the path to 80%below 1990 levels by 2050" (CARB 2014). The First Update found that California is on track City of Rancho Cucamonga 20 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study to meet the 2020 emissions reduction mandate established by AB 32 and noted that California could reduce emissions further by 2030 to levels needed to stay on track to reduce emissions to 80%below 1990 levels by 2050 if the state realizes the expected benefits of existing policy goals. In conjunction with the First Update, CARB identified "six key focus areas comprising major components of the state's economy to evaluate and describe the larger transformative actions that will be needed to meet the state's more expansive emission reduction needs by 2050" (CARB 2014). Those six areas are (1) energy, (2)transportation(vehicles/equipment, sustainable communities,housing, fuels, and infrastructure), (3) agriculture, (4)water, (5)waste management, and (6)natural and working lands. The First Update identifies key recommended actions for each sector that will facilitate achievement of EO S-3-05's 2050 reduction goal (CARB 2014). Based on CARB's research efforts presented in the First Update,it has a "strong sense of the mix of technologies needed to reduce emissions through 2050" (CARB 2014). Those technologies include energy demand reduction through efficiency and activity changes;large-scale electrification of on-road vehicles,buildings, and industrial machinery; decarbonizing electricity and fuel supplies; and the rapid market penetration of efficient and clean energy technologies. As part of the First Update, CARB recalculated the state's 1990 emissions level using more recent GWPs identified by the IPCC. Using the recalculated 1990 emissions level (431 MMT CO2E) and the revised 2020-emissions-level projection identified in the 2011 Final Supplement, CARB determined that achieving the 1990 emissions level by 2020 would require a reduction in GHG emissions of approximately 15% (instead of 28.5%or 16%) from the BAU conditions (CARB 2014). In January 2017, CARB released, The 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan Update(Second Update; CARB 2017b), for public review and comment. This update proposes CARB's strategy for achieving the state's 2030 GHG target as established in Senate Bill (SB) 32 (discussed below), including continuing the Cap-and-Trade Program through 2030, and includes a new approach to reduce GHGs from refineries by 20%.The Second Update incorporates approaches to cutting short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs)under the Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy (a planning document that was adopted by CARB in March 2017), acknowledges the need for reducing emissions in agriculture, and highlights the work underway to ensure that California's natural and working lands increasingly sequester carbon. During development of the Second Update, CARB held a number of public workshops in the Natural and Working Lands,Agriculture, Energy, and Transportation sectors to inform development of the 2030 Scoping Plan Update (CARB 2016). The Second Update has not been considered by CARB's Governing Board at the time this analysis was prepared. Executive Order S-01-07 was enacted on January 18,2007.The order mandates that a Low Carbon Fuel Standard("LCFS")for transportation fuels be established for California to reduce the carbon intensity of California's transportation fuels by at least 10 percent by 2020. City of Rancho Cucamonga 21 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study Other regulations affecting state and local GHG planning and policy development are summarized as follows: Assembly Bill 939 and Senate Bill 1374 Assembly Bill 939 (AB 939) requires that each jurisdiction in California to divert at least 50 percent of its waste away from landfills,whether through waste reduction, recycling or other means. Senate Bill 1374 (SB 1374) requires the California Integrated Waste Management Board to adopt a model ordinance by March 1, 2004 suitable for adoption by any local agency to require 50 to 75 percent diversion of construction and demolition of waste materials from landfills. Senate Bill 1368 Senate Bill 1368 (SB 1368) is the companion Bill of AB 32 and was adopted September,2006. SB 1368 required the California Public Utilities Commission(CPUC)to establish a performance standard for baseload generation of GHG emissions by investor-owned utilities by February 1, 2007 and for local publicly owned utilities by June 30, 2007. These standards could not exceed the GHG emissions rate from a baseload combined-cycle,natural gas-fired plant.Furthermore, the legislation states that all electricity provided to the State,including imported electricity, must be generated by plants that meet the standards set by California Public Utilities Commission(CPUC) and California Energy Commission (CEC). Senate Bill 97 Senate Bill 97(SB 97)was adopted August 2007 and acknowledges that climate change is an environmental issue that requires analysis under CEQA.SB 97 directed the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR),which is part of the State Natural Resources Agency, to prepare, develop, and transmit to CARB guidelines for the feasible mitigation of GHG emissions or the effects of GHG emissions, as required by CEQA,by July 1, 2009. The Natural Resources Agency was required to certify and adopt those guidelines by January 1, 2010.Pursuant to the requirements of SB 97 as stated above, on December 30, 2009 the Natural Resources Agency adopted amendments to the state CEQA guidelines that address GHG emissions. The CEQA Guidelines Amendments changed sections of the CEQA Guidelines and incorporated GHG language throughout the Guidelines. However,no GHG emissions thresholds of significance were provided and no specific mitigation measures were identified.The GHG emission reduction amendments went into effect on March 18,2010 and are summarized below: • Climate action plans and other greenhouse gas reduction plans can be used to determine whether a project has significant impacts,based upon its compliance with the plan. • Local governments are encouraged to quantify the greenhouse gas emissions of proposed projects,noting that they have the freedom to select the models and methodologies that best meet their needs and circumstances. The section also recommends consideration of several qualitative factors that may be used in the determination of significance, such as the extent to which the given project complies with state, regional, or local GHG reduction plans and policies. OPR does not set or City of Rancho Cucamonga 22 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study dictate specific thresholds of significance. Consistent with existing CEQA Guidelines, OPR encourages local governments to develop and publish their own thresholds of significance for GHG impacts assessment. • When creating their own thresholds of significance, local governments may consider the thresholds of significance adopted or recommended by other public agencies, or recommended by experts. • New amendments include guidelines for determining methods to mitigate the effects of greenhouse gas emissions in Appendix F of the CEQA Guidelines. • OPR is clear to state that"to qualify as mitigation, specific measures from an existing plan must be identified and incorporated into the project;general compliance with a plan,by itself, is not mitigation." • OPR's emphasizes the advantages of analyzing GHG impacts on an institutional, programmatic level. OPR therefore approves tiering of environmental analyses and highlights some benefits of such an approach. • Environmental impact reports (EIRs) must specifically consider a project's energy use and energy efficiency potential. Senate Bills 1078, 107, and X1-2 and Executive Orders S-14-08 and S-21-09 Senate Bill 1078 (SB 1078) requires retail sellers of electricity, including investor-owned utilities and community choice aggregators,to provide at least 20 percent of their supply from renewable sources by 2017. Senate Bill 107(SB 107) changed the target date to 2010. Executive Order S-14-08 was signed on November 2008 and expands the State's Renewable Energy Standard to 33 percent renewable energy by 2020. Executive Order S-21-09 directed CARB to adopt regulations by July 31, 2010 to enforce S-14-08. Senate Bill X1-2 codifies the 33 percent renewable energy requirement by 2020. California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 24, Part 6 CCR Title 24,Part 6: California's Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Nonresidential Buildings (Title 24)were first established in 1978 in response to a legislative mandate to reduce California's energy consumption.The standards are updated periodically to allow consideration and possible incorporation of new energy efficiency technologies and methods. Although it was not originally intended to reduce GHG emissions,electricity production by fossil fuels results in GHG emissions and energy efficient buildings require less electricity. Therefore,increased energy efficiency results in decreased GHG emissions. The Energy Commission adopted 2008 Standards on April 23, 2008 and Building Standards Commission approved them for publication on September 11, 2008.These updates became effective on August 1, 2009.All buildings for which an application for a building permit is submitted on or after July 1, 2014 must follow the 2013 standards. The 2013 commercial standards are estimated to be 30 percent more efficient than the 2008 standards;2013 residential City of Rancho Cucamonga 23 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study standards are at least 25 percent more efficient. Energy efficient buildings require less electricity;therefore,increased energy efficiency reduces fossil fuel consumption and decreases greenhouse gas emissions. Senate Bill 375 Senate Bill 375 (SB 375)was adopted in September 2008 and aligns regional transportation planning efforts,regional GHG emission reduction targets, and land use and housing allocation. SB 375 requires Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) to adopt a sustainable communities strategy(SCS) or alternate planning strategy (APS) that will prescribe land use allocation in that MPOs Regional Transportation Plan(RTP). CARB, in consultation with each MPO,will provide each affected region with reduction targets for GHGs emitted by passenger cars and light trucks in the region for the years 2020 and 2035. These reduction targets will be updated every eight years but can be updated every four years if advancements in emissions technologies affect the reduction strategies to achieve the targets. CARB is also charged with reviewing each MPO's sustainable community's strategy or alternate planning strategy for consistency with its assigned targets. SCAG's 2016-2040 RTPISCS SB 375 requires that Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) prepare a sustainable communities strategy as part of the their regional transportation plan. For the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) region, the 2016-2040 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS)was adopted on April 7, 2016 and is an update to the 2012 RTP/SCS (SCAG 2016). In general, the SCS outlines a development pattern for the region,which, when integrated with the transportation network and other transportation measures and policies,would reduce vehicle miles traveled from automobiles and light duty trucks and thereby reduce GHG emissions from these sources. The 2016-2040 RTP/SCS projects that the SCAG region will meet or exceed the passenger per capita targets set in 2010 by CARB. It is projected that VMT per capita in the region for year 2040 would be reduced by 7.4 percent with implementation of the 2016-2040 RTP/SCS compared to a no-plan year 2040 scenario. Under the 2016-2040 RTP/SCS, SCAG anticipates lowering GHG emissions 8 percent below 2005 levels by 2020, 18 percent by 2035, and 21 percent by 2040. The 18 percent reduction by 2035 over 2005 levels represents a 2 percent increase in reduction compared to the 2012 RTP/SCS projection. Overall, the SCS is meant to provide growth strategies that will achieve the regional GHG emissions reduction targets. Land use strategies to achieve the region's targets include planning for new growth around high quality transit areas and livable corridors and creating neighborhood mobility areas to integrate land use and transportation and plan for more active lifestyles (SCAG 2016). However, the SCS does not require that local general plans, specific plans, or zoning be consistent with the SCS;instead, it provides incentives to governments and developers to achieve consistency with the SCS. However, CEQA incentivizes, through streamlining and other provisions, qualified projects that are consistent with an approved SCS or APS and categorized as "transit priority projects." City of Rancho Cucamonga 24 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study Senate Bill X7-7 Senate Bill X7-7(SB X7-7), enacted on November 9,2009, mandates water conservation targets and efficiency improvements for urban and agricultural water suppliers. SB X7-7 requires the Department of Water Resources (DWR)to develop a task force and technical panel to develop alternative best management practices for the water sector.Additionally,SB X7-7 required the DWR to develop criteria for baseline uses for residential, commercial, and industrial uses for both indoor and landscaped area uses. The DWR was also required to develop targets and regulations that achieve a statewide 20 percent reduction in water usage. California Green Building Standards Title 24,Part 6. Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations was established in 1978 and serves to enhance and regulate California's building standards. While not initially promulgated to reduce GHG emissions,Part 6 of Title 24 specifically establishes Building Energy Efficiency Standards that are designed to ensure new and existing buildings in California achieve energy efficiency and preserve outdoor and indoor environmental quality. These energy efficiency standards are reviewed every few years by the Building Standards Commission and the California Energy Commission(CEC) (and revised if necessary) (California Public Resources Code, Section 25402(b)(1)). The regulations receive input from members of industry, as well as the public,with the goal of"reducing of wasteful,uneconomic, inefficient, or unnecessary consumption of energy" (California Public Resources Code, Section 25402). These regulations are carefully scrutinized and analyzed for technological and economic feasibility(California Public Resources Code, Section 25402(d)) and cost effectiveness (California Public Resources Code, Sections 25402(b)(2) and (b)(3)). These standards are updated to consider and incorporate new energy efficient technologies and construction methods. As a result, these standards save energy, increase electricity supply reliability,increase indoor comfort, avoid the need to construct new power plants, and help preserve the environment. The 2016 Title 24 standards are the currently applicable building energy efficiency standards and became effective on January 1, 2017.In general, single-family homes built to the 2016 standards are anticipated to use approximately 28%less energy for lighting,heating, cooling, ventilation, and water heating than those built to the 2013 standards, and nonresidential buildings built to the 2016 standards will use an estimated 5% less energy than those built to the 2013 standards (CEC 2015a). Title 24,Part 11. In addition to the CEC's efforts,in 2008,the California Building Standards Commission adopted the nation's first green building standards. The California Green Building Standards Code (Part 11 of Title 24) is commonly referred to as "CALGreen," and establishes minimum mandatory standards and voluntary standards pertaining to the planning and design of sustainable site development, energy efficiency (in excess of the California Energy Code requirements), water conservation,material conservation, and interior air quality. The CALGreen standards took effect in January 2011 and instituted mandatory minimum environmental performance standards for all ground-up,new construction of commercial, low- rise residential, and state-owned buildings and schools and hospitals. The CALGreen 2016 City of Rancho Cucamonga 25 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study standards became effective on January 1,2017. The mandatory standards require the following (24 CCR Part 11): • Mandatory reduction in indoor water use through compliance with specified flow rates for plumbing fixtures and fittings; • Mandatory reduction in outdoor water use through compliance with a local water efficient landscaping ordinance or the California Department of Water Resources' Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance; • Diversion of 65%of construction and demolition waste from landfills; • Mandatory inspections of energy systems to ensure optimal working efficiency; • Inclusion of electric vehicle charging stations or designated spaces capable of supporting future charging stations;and • Low-pollutant-emitting exterior and interior finish materials,such as paints,carpets,vinyl flooring, and particle board. The CALGreen standards also include voluntary efficiency measures that are provided at two separate tiers and implemented at the discretion of local agencies and applicants. CALGreen s Tier 1 standards call for a 15%improvement in energy requirements, stricter water conservation, 65%diversion of construction and demolition waste, 10% recycled content in building materials,20%permeable paving, 20% cement reduction, and cool/solar-reflective roofs. CALGreen's more rigorous Tier 2 standards call for a 30%improvement in energy requirements, stricter water conservation, 75% diversion of construction and demolition waste, 15%recycled content in building materials, 30%permeable paving, 25% cement reduction, and cool/solar-reflective roofs (24 CCR Part 11). The California Public Utilities Commission, CEC, and CARB also have a shared, established goal of achieving zero net energy (ZNE) for new construction in California. The key policy timelines include the following: (1) all new residential construction in California will be ZNE by 2020, and (2) all new commercial construction in California will be ZNE by 2030 (CPUC 2013)2 As most recently defined by the CEC in its 2015 Integrated Energy Policy Report (CEC 2015b), a ZNE code building is "one where the value of the energy produced by on-site renewable energy resources is equal to the value of the energy consumed annually by the building" using the GEC's Time Dependent Valuation metric. Title 20.Title 20 of the California Code of Regulations requires manufacturers of appliances to meet state and federal standards for energy and water efficiency. Performance of appliances must be certified through the CEC to demonstrate compliance with standards. New appliances regulated under Title 20 include refrigerators, refrigerator-freezers, and freezers;room air conditioners and room air-conditioning heat pumps; central air conditioners;spot air conditioners;vented gas space heaters;gas pool heaters;plumbing fittings and plumbing 2 It is expected that achievement of the ZNE goal will occur through revisions to the Title 24 standards. City of Rancho Cucamonga 26 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study fixtures;fluorescent lamp ballasts;lamps;emergency lighting;traffic signal modules; dishwaters;clothes washers and dryers; cooking products; electric motors;low voltage dry-type distribution transformers;power supplies;televisions and consumer audio and video equipment;and battery charger systems. Title 20 presents protocols for testing for each type of appliance covered under the regulations and appliances must meet the standards for energy performance, energy design,water performance, and water design. Title 20 contains three types of standards for appliances: federal and state standards for federally regulated appliances, state standards for federally regulated appliances, and state standards for non-federally regulated appliances. Executive Order B-30-15 EO B-30-15 (April 2015) identified an interim GHG reduction target in support of targets previously identified under S-3-05 and AB 32. EO B-30-15 set an interim target goal of reducing statewide GHG emissions to 40%below 1990 levels by 2030 to keep California on its trajectory toward meeting or exceeding the long-term goal of reducing statewide GHG emissions to 80% below 1990 levels by 2050 as set forth in EO S-3-05. To facilitate achievement of this goal, EO B- 30-15 calls for an update to CARB's Scoping Plan to express the 2030 target in terms of MMT CO2E. EO B-30-15 also calls for state agencies to continue to develop and implement GHG emission reduction programs in support of the reduction targets. EO B-30-15 does not require local agencies to take any action to meet the new interim GHG reduction target. Senate Bill 32 and Assembly Bill 197 SB 32 and AB 197(enacted in 2016) are companion bills that set new statewide GHG reduction targets,make changes to CARB's membership, increase legislative oversight of CARB's climate change-based activities, and expand dissemination of GHG and other air quality-related emissions data to enhance transparency and accountability. More specifically, SB 32 codified the 2030 emissions reduction goal of EO B-30-15 by requiring CARB to ensure that statewide GHG emissions are reduced to 40%below 1990 levels by 2030. AB 197 established the Joint Legislative Committee on Climate Change Policies, consisting of at least three members of the Senate and three members of the Assembly, in order to provide ongoing oversight over implementation of the state's climate policies. AB 197 added two members of the Legislature to CARB as nonvoting members;requires CARB to make available and update (at least annually via its website) emissions data for GHGs, criteria air pollutants, and toxic air contaminants from reporting facilities; and requires CARB to identify specific information for GHG emissions reduction measures when updating the Scoping Plan. Local Regulations and CEQA Requirements As referenced,pursuant to the requirements of SB 97,the Resources Agency has adopted amendments to the State CEQA Guidelines for the feasible mitigation of GHG emissions or the effects of GHG emissions.The adopted CEQA Guidelines provide general regulatory guidance on the analysis and mitigation of GHG emissions in CEQA documents,but contain no suggested thresholds of significance for GHG emissions.Instead,lead agencies are given the discretion to set quantitative or qualitative thresholds for the assessment and mitigation of GHGs and climate City of Rancho Cucamonga 27 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study change impacts.The general approach to developing a Threshold of Significance for GHG emissions is to identify the emissions level for which a project would not be expected to substantially conflict with existing California legislation adopted to reduce statewide GHG emissions needed to move the state towards climate stabilization.If a project would generate GHG emissions above the threshold level,its contribution to cumulative impacts would be considered significant.To date,the Bay Area Air Quality Management District(BAAQMD),the South Coast Air Quality Management District(SCAQMD),and the San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD)have adopted quantitative significance thresholds for GHGs.However, in March 2013 the Bay Area's thresholds were overruled by the Alameda County Superior Court (California Building Industry Association v. Bay Area Air Quality Management District), on the basis that adoption of the thresholds constitutes a "project" under CEQA,but did not receive the appropriate environmental review. As a result,BAAQMD has elected to not recommend specific GHG thresholds for use in CEQA documents. The SCAQMD threshold,which was adopted in December 2008,considers emissions of over 10,000 metric tons CO2E/year to be significant.However,the SCAQMD's threshold applies only to stationary sources and is expressly intended to apply only when the SCAQMD is the CEQA lead agency.Although not formally adopted,the SCAQMD has developed a draft quantitative threshold for all land use types of 3,000 metric tons CO2E/year(SCAQMD,September 2010).Note that lead agencies retain the responsibility to determine significance on a case-by-case basis for each specific project. Sustainable Community Action Plan.Adopted in April 2017, the Sustainable Community Action Plan serves as a roadmap for advancing environmental sustainability and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and identifying long-term actions that can be implemented to reduce city-wide GHG emissions beyond 2020.It is intended to serve as a vision for sustainability in Rancho Cucamonga and identify initial steps the City can take to begin implementing sustainability initiatives. The Sustainable Community Action Plan: • Describes a vision for Rancho Cucamonga's desire for a sustainable future. • Articulates the community's values and priorities as guiding principles for the Plan. • Confirms greenhouse gas reduction goals. • Highlights recent accomplishments and projects undertaken by the City and community. • Identifies new policy and program opportunities to achieve environmental sustainability goals; and • Expresses the sustainability,economic, and health co-benefits through a triple-bottom line evaluation. Project consistency with the Sustainable Community Action Plan is described below. City of Rancho Cucamonga 28 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACT ANALYSIS Thresholds of Significance Pursuant to the requirements of SB 97,the Resources Agency adopted amendments to the State CEQA Guidelines for the feasible mitigation of GHG emissions or the effects of GHG emissions in March 2010.These guidelines are used in evaluating the cumulative significance of GHG emissions from the proposed project.According to the adopted CEQA Guidelines, impacts related to GHG emissions from the proposed project would be significant if the project would: • Generate greenhouse gas emissions, either directly or indirectly, that may have a significant impact on the environment; and/or • Conflict with an applicable plan, policy or regulation adopted for the purpose of reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases. The vast majority of individual projects do not generate sufficient GHG emissions to create a project-specific impact through a direct influence on climate change;therefore,the issue of climate change typically involves an analysis of whether a project's contribution towards an impact is cumulatively considerable. "Cumulatively considerable"means that the incremental effects of an individual project are significant when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects,other current projects,and probable future projects(CEQA Guidelines, Section 15355). For future projects,the significance of GHG emissions may be evaluated based on locally adopted quantitative thresholds, or consistency with a regional GHG reduction plan(such as a Climate Action Plan). The proposed project is evaluated herein based on 3,000 MT CO2E annual significance standard suggested by the South Coast AQMD as well as compliance with applicable elements of the Rancho Cucamonga Sustainable Community Action Plan (April 2017). Methodology GHG emissions associated with construction and operation of the proposed project have been estimated using California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod) version 2016.3.2. Construction Emissions Construction of the proposed project would generate temporary GHG emissions primarily associated with the operation of construction equipment and truck trips. Site preparation and grading typically generate the greatest emission quantities because the use of heavy equipment is greatest during this phase of construction. Emissions associated with the construction period were estimated based on the projected maximum amount of equipment that would be used onsite at one time. Air districts such as the SCAQMD have recommended amortizing City of Rancho Cucamonga 29 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study construction-related emissions over a 30-year period to calculate annual emissions. Complete CaIEEMod results and assumptions can be viewed in the Appendix. Operational Emissions Default values used in CaIEEMod version 2016.3.2 are based on the California Energy Commission (CEC)sponsored California Commercial End Use Survey(CEUS)and Residential Appliance Saturation Survey(RASS)studies.CaIEEMod provides operational emissions of CO2,N20 and CH4.This methodology has been subjected to peer review by numerous public and private stakeholders, and in particular by the CEC;and therefore,is considered reasonable and reliable for use in GHG impact analysis pursuant to CEQA.It is also recommended by CAPCOA(January 2008). Emissions associated with area sources(i.e., consumer products,landscape maintenance,and architectural coating)were calculated in CaIEEMod based on standard emission rates from CARB, USEPA, and district supplied emission factor values(CaIEEMod User Guide,2016). Emissions from waste generation were also calculated in CaIEEMod and are based on the IPCC's methods for quantifying GHG emissions from solid waste using the degradable organic content of waste (CaIEEMod User Guide,2016).Waste disposal rates by land use and overall composition of municipal solid waste in California was primarily based on data provided by the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery(CalRecycle). Emissions from water and wastewater usage calculated in CaIEEMod were based on the default electricity intensity from the CEC's 2006 Refining Estimates of Water-Related Energy Use in California using the average values for Northern and Southern California.Emissions from mobile sources were quantified based on trip generation estimates included in CaIEEMod version 2016.3.2. Estimate of GHG Emissions Construction Emissions Construction activity is assumed to occur over a period of approximately 12 months beginning in late 2021 and concluding in late 2022. Based on CaIEEMod results, construction activity for the project would generate an estimated 268 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent(CO2E), as shown in Table 7. Amortized over a 30-year period (the assumed life of the project), construction of the proposed project would generate 9 metric tons of CO2E per year. Operational Indirect and Stationary Direct Emissions Long-term emissions relate to energy use, solid waste,water use, and transportation. Each source is discussed below and includes the emissions associated with existing development and the anticipated emissions that would result from the proposed project. City of Rancho Cucamonga 30 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study Table 7 Estimated Construction Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions Year Annual Emissions (metric tons CO2E) 2021 72 2022 196 Total 268 Amortized over 30 years 9 metric tons per year See Appendix for CaIEEMod software program output for new construction. Energy Use. Operation of onsite development would consume both electricity and natural gas (see Appendix for CaIEEMod results). The generation of electricity through combustion of fossil fuels typically yields CO2, and to a smaller extent, N20 and CH4. Natural gas emissions can be calculated using default values from the CEC sponsored CEUS and BASS studies which are built into CaIEEMod. As shown in Table 8, the overall net increase in energy use at the project site would result in approximately 90 metric tons of CO2E per year. Water Use Emissions.The CalEEMod results indicate that the project would use approximately 1.1 million gallons of water per year. Based on the amount of electricity generated to supply and convey this amount of water, as shown in Table 9, the project would generate approximately 5 metric tons of CO2E per year. Solid Waste Emissions.For solid waste generated onsite,it was assumed that the project would achieve a 75% diversion rate, as required by the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (AB 939), as amended by AB 341. The CalEEMod results indicate that the project would result in approximately 12 metric tons of CO2E per year associated with solid waste disposed within landfills. Transportation Emissions.Mobile source GHG emissions were estimated using the annual vehicle miles traveled (VMT) calculated by CalEEMod for the proposed project. Table 10 shows the estimated mobile emissions of GHGs for the project based on the estimated annual VMT of 488,709.As shown in Table 10, the project would generate approximately 232 metric tons of CO2E associated with new vehicle trips associated with use of the proposed facility. Combined Construction, Stationary and Mobile Source Emissions Table 11 combines the net new construction, operational, and mobile GHG emissions associated with the proposed project.As discussed above,temporary emissions associated with construction activity (approximately 268 metric tons CO2E) are amortized over 30 years (the City of Rancho Cucamonga 31 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study anticipated life of the project). The combined annual emissions would total approximately 349 metric tons per year in CO2E. The majority (66%) of the project's GHG emissions are associated with vehilce trips. As noted above, neither the SCAQMD nor the City of Rancho Cucamonga has adopted GHG emissions thresholds that apply to land use projects. Therefore, the proposed Table 8 Estimated Annual Energy-Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions Emission Source Annual Emissions (CO2E) Natural Gas 30 metric tons Electricity 61 metric tons Total F 91 metric tons See Appendix for CaIEEMod software program output. Table 9 Estimated Annual Solid Waste and Water Use Greenhouse Gas Emissions Emission Source Annual Emissions (CO2E) Water 5 metric tons Solid Waste 12 metric tons Total Water and Solid Waste 17 metric tons See Appendix for CaIEEMod software program output(demolition and new construction). 'Based on a 75%diversion rate, as required by the California Integrated Waste Management Act(AB 939). Table 10 Estimated Annual Mobile Emissions of Greenhouse Gases Emission Source Annual Emissions (CO2E) Proposed Project Mobile Emissions(CO2&CHa) 232 metric tons Total 232 metric tons See Appendix for CaIEEMod software program output. City of Rancho Cucamonga 32 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study Table 11 Combined Annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions Emission Source Annual Emissions (CO2E) Construction 9 metric tons Operational Energy 91 metric tons Solid Waste 12 metric tons Water 5 metric tons Mobile 232 metric tons Total 349 metric tons See Appendix for CaIEEMod software program output(demolition and new construction). project is evaluated based on the SCAQMD's recommended/preferred option threshold of 3,000 metric tons CO2E per year for all land use types referenced above. Project-related annual GHG emissions would not exceed the threshold of 3,000 metric tons per year;therefore,no measures are needed to reduce GHG emissions to below CEQA thresholds. GHG Cumulative Significance. As discussed, a proposed project exceeding the 3,000 annual MT screening threshold could have a significant environmental impact under CEQA. The calculations presented herein show emissions would not exceed 3,000 MT CO2E annually. No GHG mitigation measures are required. Sustainable Community Action Plan The Rancho Cucamonga Sustainable Community Action Plan(April 2017) summarizes the direction and future goals for sustainability in Rancho Cucamonga and is the result of a collaborative effort between residents, local businesses, community organizations, students, City staff and elected officials, and regional agencies. The Land Use, Open Space Goals and Policies section supports City Council mid- and long-range planning goals regarding sustainable land use decisions, open space enhancement and revitalization. The Green Building Performance section addresses the construction of energy efficient buildings that reduce overall demand for conventional forms of electricity and use of natural gas. The Water+Wastewater section addresses policies and methods to reduce potable water use and generation of wastewater. A directive incorporated into the Sustainable Community Action Plan focuses on developing standards to address mixed use,high density, Transit Oriented Development in underperforming or underutilized areas. Specific components of the project that would incorporate goals and policies within the Sustainable Community Action Plan focus on energy conservation, construction of buildings that are consistent with green building standards, reduced demand for potable water and achieving a 75%reduction of solid waste generated by the project that enters area landfills. The proposed site is zoned Low Density Residential and the proposed project is permitted outright within this zone per the zoning code.The project would be constructed on a vacant City of Rancho Cucamonga 33 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study portion of the existing Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church site. The building would be designed consistent with Title 24 of the California Energy Code and applicable elements of the CalGreen green building standards code. The project would implement a water reduction program designed to reduce water consumption by 20% as required by Executive Order B-25-15 and implement a recycling program with a goal of recycling 75% of all waste material consistent with AB 341. Consistent with the Sustainable Community Action Plan,the project would facilitate use of an underutilized portion of the existing church property industrial site located in proximity to alternative transportation options. Based on these project characteristics, the project supports applicable Sustainable Community Action Plan policies intended to reduce GHG emissions generated within the City of Rancho Cucamonga. City of Rancho Cucamonga 34 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study REFERENCES Association of Environmental Professionals. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Statute and Guidelines. 2012 California Air Pollution Control Officers Association. CEQA and Climate Change:Addressing Climate Change through California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).January 2008. California Air Resources Board.Ambient Air Quality Standards. Updated February 2016. http://www.agmd.gov/docs/default-source/clean-air-plans/air-quality-management- plans/naaqs-caags-feb20l6.pdf California Air Resources Board. 2017, 2018, &2019 Annual Air Quality Data Summaries. http://www.arb.ca.gov/adam/tol2four/tol2fourl.12hl2. Accessed May 2021. California Air Resources Board.June 2019. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Data Inventory Program. Available:https://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/inventory/inventory.htm California Air Resources Board. April 2012. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Data—2020 Emissions Forecast. Available: http://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/inventory/data/forecast.htm California Air Resources Board.May 2014. 2020 Business As Usual Emission Projection,2014 Edition. Available: http://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/inventory/data/tables/2020—bau—forecast—by—scopmg—categor y-2014-05-22.pdf California Air Resources Board. April 2005.Air Quality and Land Use Handbook, A Community Health Perspective.httl2s://ww3.arb.ca.gov/ch/handbook.pdf California Climate Action Registry General Reporting Protocol, Reporting Entity-Wide Greenhouse Gas Emissions,Version 3.1,January 2009. California Environmental Protection Agency,March 2006. Climate Action Team Report to Governor Schwarzenegger and the Legislature. http://www.climatechange.ca.gov/climate—action—team/reports/2006-04- 03—FINAL—CAT—REPORT—EXECSUMMARY.PDF City of Rancho Cucamonga. Sustainable Community Action Plan.April 2017. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC]. Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. [Kroeze, C.;Mosier,A.;Nevison, C.;Oenema,O.;Seitzinger, S.;Cleemput, O. van;Conrad,R.;Mitra, A.P.;H.U., Neue; Sass,R.]. Paris: OECD, 1997. Office of the California Attorney General.The California Environmental Quality Act,Addressing City of Rancho Cucamonga 35 Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church Expansion Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study Global Warming Impacts at the Local Agency Level.Updated May 21,2008. http://ag.ca.gov/globalwarming/pdf/GW_mitigation_measures.pdf South Coast Air Quality Management District(SCAQMD). California Emissions Estimator Model User Guide Version 2016.3.2.Prepared by BREEZE Software,A Division of Trinity Consultants.September 2016. SCAQMD. Draft Guidance Document—Interim CEQA Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Significance Threshold,October,2008 SCAQMD. Fact Sheet for Applying CaIEEMod to Localized Significance Thresholds. 2011 SCAQMD. Final Localized Significant(LST) Thresholds Methodology, (revised July 2008). United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2010. U. S. EPA#430-R-11-005. April 2012. http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/emissions/usinventoryreport.html United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2018.U. S. EPA#430-R-20-002. April 2020. https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2020-04/documents/us-ghg-inventory-2020- main-text.pdf City of Rancho Cucamonga 36 Appendix A CalEEMod Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Model Results - Summer/Annual, and N20 from Mobile Emissions Sources CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 1 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 1.0 Project Characteristics 1.1 Land Usage Land Uses Size Metric Lot Acreage Floor Surface Area Population Place of Worship 17.33 + 1000sgft ; 0.40 17,331.00 i 0 -----------------------------_------------------------------_----------------------------- -------------- ------------------E--------------- Parking Lot 117.00 Space 1.05 46,800.00 0 1.2 Other Project Characteristics Urbanization Urban Wind Speed(m/s) 2.2 Precipitation Freq(Days) 32 Climate Zone 10 Operational Year 2023 Utility Company Southern California Edison CO2Intensity 702.44 CH4Intensity 0.029 N20Intensity 0.006 (lb/MWhr) (lb/MWhr) (lb/MWhr) 1.3 User Entered Comments & Non-Default Data Project Characteristics - Land Use- Grading - Based on equipment used, 1.5 acres would be disturbed daily during both site preparation and grading. Construction Off-road Equipment Mitigation - Area Mitigation - Water Mitigation - Waste Mitigation - CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 2 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer Table Name Column Name Default Value New Value tblAreaMitigation UseLowVOCPaintParkingCheck } False True --------------------------- ------------------------------:------------------------------ -------------------------- tblGrading AcresOfGrading 1.00 1.50 2.0 Emissions Summary CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 3 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 2.1 Overall Construction (Maximum Daily Emission) Unmitigated Construction ROG NOx I CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Year lb/day lb/day I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 2021 •1 2.0591 1 19.7374 1 15.0307 1 0.0280 1 6.1541 1 1.0418 1 6.9201 1 3.0060 1 0.9723 3.7107 0.0000 1 2,609.670 1 2,609.670 1 0.5980 1 0.0000 2,619.306 0 I 0 I 1 1 5 '1 I I I 1 1 I 1 I • 1 I I 1 ------------------ 2022 •1 17.5961 1 13.5854 I 13.9378 1 0.0279 1 0.3723 I 0.5923 1 0.9645 1 0.1003 1 0.5720 0.6724 0.0000 1 2,596.823 1 2,596.823 1 0.4149 1 0.0000 2,606.205 '1 I I I 1 I I 1 I • 1 8 I 8 I 1 I 0 '1 I I I 1 I I 1 I • 1 I I 1 I Maximum 17.5961 19.7374 15.0307 0.0280 6.1541 1.0418 6.9201 3.0060 0.9723 3.7107 0.0000 2,609.670 2,609.670 0.5980 0.0000 2,619.306 0 0 5 Mitigated Construction ROG I NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Year lb/day lb/day I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I 1 2021 •1 2.0591 I 19.7374 I 15.0307 I 0.0280 1 2.8185 I 1.0418 1 3.5845 I 1.3658 1 0.9723 � 2.0704 � 0.0000 1 2,609.670 12,609.670 I 0.5980 1 0.0000 i 2,619.306 'I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I • I 0 1 0 I 1 I 5 ;� I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I • 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 2022 :: 17.5961 I 13.5854 I 13.9378 I 0.0279 1 0.3723 I 0.5923 I 0.9645 I 0.1003 I 0.5720 � 0.6724 � 0.0000 i 2,596.823 12,596.823 I 0.4149 1 0.0000 2,606.205 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I • 8 1 8 I 1 I 0 '1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I • 1 1 I 1 I Maximum 17.5961 19.7374 15.0307 0.0280 2.8185 1.0418 3.5845 1.3658 0.9723 2.0704 0.0000 2,609.670 2,609.670 0.5980 0.0000 2,619.306 11 0 0 5 ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-0O2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Percent 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.11 0.00 42.31 52.80 0.00 37.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Reduction CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 4 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 2.2 Overall Operational Unmitigated Operational ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Area •i 0.4086 i 1.2000e- i 0.0137 i 0.0000 5.000Oe- i 5.000Oe- 5.000Oe- 5.000Oe- 0.0294 i 0.0294 i 8.000Oe- 0.0313 004 005 005 005 005 005 i ---- ---- ��-------j-------j-------j-------j-------j-------j-------j-------j--------I-------_---- -- -------j----------------�-------*----- - Energy i 0.0166 i 0.1512 i 0.1271 i 9.1000e- � � 0.0115 i 0.0115 i i 0.0115 0.0115 � i 181.4937 i 181.4937 i 3.4800e- � 3.3300e- 1 182.5722 004 003 003 i Mobile i 1.0460 i 5.7439 i 9.9408 i 0.0404 2.8868 0.0227 i 2.9096 i 0.7724 i 0.0212 0.7936 � i 4,132.240 4,132.240 i 0.2056 4,137.380 7 i 7 i i Total 1.4712 5.8953 10.0816 0.0413 2.8868 0.0343 2.9211 0.7724 0.0327 0.8052 4,313.763 7313.763 0.2091 3.3300e- 4,319.983 8 8 003 9 Mitigated Operational ROG NOx CO S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Area ;� 0.4086 i 1.2000e- 0.0137 i 0.0000 5.000Oe- i 5.000Oe- 5.000Oe- 5.000Oe- � i 0.0294 0.0294 i 8.000Oe- 0.0313 004 005 005 005 005 , 005 i %------- ------- -----------------------'--------------- ------- ---------------_------- -------------------------------*------- Energy •i 0.0166 i 0.1512 0.1271 i 9.1000e- 0.0115 i 0.0115 0.0115 0.0115 181.4937 181.4937 i 3.4800e- 3.3300e- i 182.5722 004 003 003 i Mobile •i 1.0460 i 5.7439 9.9408 i 0.0404 2.8868 0.0227 i 2.9096 0.7724 i 0.0212 0.7936 4,132.240 4,132.240 i 0.2056 4,137.380 Z 7 7 i 3 Total 1.4712 5.8953 10.0816 0.0413 2.8868 0.0343 2.9211 0.7724 0.0327 0.8052 4,313.763 4,313.763 0.2091 3.3300e- 4,319.983 8 8 003 9 CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 5 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-0O2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Percent 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Reduction 3.0 Construction Detail Construction Phase Phase Phase Name Phase Type Start Date End Date Num Days Num Days Phase Description Number Week 1 -Demolition !Demolition !10/4/2021 110/29/2021 5: 20 i i _ 2 Site Preparation +Site Preparation !10/30/2021 :11/2/2021 5: 2: i i _ 3 •Grading +Grading !11/3/2021 i11/8/2021 5: 4: i i 4 •Building Construction +Building Construction !11/9/2021 i8/15/2022 5: 200: i i 5 :Paving +Paving !8/16/2022 i 8/29/2022 5: 10 + I 1 1 6 -Architectural Coating :Architectural Coating -8/30/2022 -9/12/2022 5, 10. Acres of Grading (Site Preparation Phase): 1.5 Acres of Grading (Grading Phase): 1.5 Acres of Paving: 1.05 Residential Indoor: 0; Residential Outdoor: 0; Non-Residential Indoor: 25,997; Non-Residential Outdoor: 8,666; Striped Parking Area: 2,808 (Architectural Coating—sgft) OffRoad Equipment CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 6 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer Phase Name Offroad Equipment Type Amount Usage Hours Horse Power Load Factor Architectural Coating 'Air Compressors ; 1; 6.001 78, 0.48 -------------------------- ------------- ----------- Paving 'Cement and Mortar Mixers ; 1 6.001 9. 0.56 --------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------------- ------------ ------------- ----------- i Demolition 'Concrete/Industrial Saws ; 1 8.001 81, 0.73 --------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------ -------------- ----------- _ i Building Construction 'Generator Sets ; 1 8.001 84, 0.74 ---------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------ -------------- ----------- _ i Building Construction 'Cranes ; 11 6.001 231, 0.29 �- - - - - ------------ ------------- ----------- Building Construction 'Forklifts ; 1? 6.001 89, 0.20 --------------------------- �- - - - ------------ ------------- ----------- Site Preparation 'Graders ; 1 8.001 187, 0.41 �- - - - - ------------ ------------- ----------- Paving +Pavers ; 1 6.001 130, 0.42 ---------------------------- ------------------------ -------------------------------i------------ ------------- ----------- Paving 'Rollers ; 1 7.001 80, 0.38 �- - - - - ------------ ------------- ----------- Demolition 'Rubber Tired Dozers ; 1 8.001 247, 0.40 --------------------------- �- - - - - ------------ ------------- ----------- Grading 'Rubber Tired Dozers ; 1 6.001 247, 0.40 �- - - - ------------ ------------- ----------- _i Building Construction +Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes ; 1 6.001 97, 0.37 + _ _ i Demolition +Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes ; 3 8.001 97: 0.37 - - - - - ------------ ------------- ----------- �_ � _ _ i Grading +Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes ; 1 7.001 97, 0.37 + __ i __ i Paving +Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes ; 1 8.001 97, 0.37 �- - - - - ------------ ------------- ----------- Site Preparation +Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes ; 1 8.001 97, 0.37 ---------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------ -------------- ----------- _ i Grading 'Graders ; 1 6.001 187, 0.41 - - - - ------------ ------------- ----------- Paving 'Paving Equipment ; 1 8.001 132, 0.36 --------------------------- - - - - ------------ ------------- ----------- Site Preparation 'Rubber Tired Dozers ; 1 7.001 247, 0.40 ---------------------------- --------------------------*-----------------s ------------r------------- ----------- Building Construction •Welders 3. 8.00, 46, 0.45 Trips and VMT CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 7 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer Phase Name Offroad Equipment Worker Trip Vendor Trip Hauling Trip Worker Trip Vendor Trip Hauling Trip Worker Vehicle Vendor Hauling Count Number Number Number Length Length Length Class Vehicle Class Vehicle Class Demolition A 5; 13.00: 0.00: 0.00: 14.70: 6.90: 20.00:LD_Mix :HDT_Mix :HHDT ------------ ° -------------= --- --------i ' -------------------=-------------i------------------- Site Preparation 3: 8.00: 0.00: 0.00: 14.70: 6.90: 20.00:LD_Mix ;HDT_Mix :HHDT ----------------° -------------;----------------- - --------i --------------------------------- --------- ' -------- i------------ , --------- Grading 3; 8.00- 0.00, 0.00 14.70: 6.90: 20.00.LD_Mix iHDT_Mix :HHDT Building Construction i 7: 27.00- 11.00: 0.00: 14.70: 6.90: 20.00:LD_Mix iHDT_Mix - i------------ ----------4- -- Paving 5: 13.00: 0.001 0.00: 14.70: 6.90: 20.00:LD_Mix i HDT_Mix :HHDT Architectural Coating 1 5.00, 0.00, 0.00, 14.70, 6.90, 20.00,LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT 3.1 Mitigation Measures Construction Water Exposed Area 3.2 Demolition - 2021 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road •i 1.9930 , 19.6966 , 14.4925 , 0.0241 , , 1.0409 , 1.0409 , , 0.9715 0.9715 i 2,322.717,2,322.717, 0.5940 2,337.565 1 1 i 8 Total 1.9930 19.6966 14.4925 0.0241 1.0409 1.0409 0.9715 0.9715 2,322.717 2,322.717 0.5940 2,337.565 1 1 8 CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 8 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 3.2 Demolition - 2021 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 � i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Vendor •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Worker •i 0.0661 i 0.0408 i 0.5382 1.4300e- i 0.1453 9.3000e- 0.1462 i 0.0385 8.6000e- 0.0394 142.2305 142.2305 4.0500e- i i 142.3317 003 004 004 003 i Total 0.0661 0.0408 0.5382 1.4300e- 0.1453 9.3000e- 0.1462 0.0385 8.6000e- 0.0394 142.2305 142.2305 4.0500e- 142.3317 003 004 004 003 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG I NOx I CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road •i 1.9930 i 19.6966 i 14.4925 0.0241 1.0409 1.0409 0.9715 0.9715 0.0000 i 2,322.717 2,322.717 0.5940 i i 2,337.565 1 i 1 i 8 Total 1.9930 19.6966 14.4925 0.0241 1.0409 1.0409 0.9715 0.9715 0.0000 2,322.717 2,322.717 0.5940 2,337.565 1 1 8 CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 9 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 3.2 Demolition - 2021 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Vendor •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Worker •i 0.0661 i 0.0408 i 0.5382 1.4300e- i 0.1453 9.3000e- 0.1462 i 0.0385 8.6000e- 0.0394 142.2305 142.2305 4.0500e- i i 142.3317 003 004 004 003 i Total 0.0661 0.0408 0.5382 1.4300e- 0.1453 9.3000e- 0.1462 0.0385 8.6000e- 0.0394 142.2305 142.2305 4.0500e- 142.3317 003 004 004 003 3.3 Site Preparation - 2021 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Fugitive Dust •1 6.0647 0.0000 6.0647 i 2.9823 0.0000 2.9823 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road •i 1.5558 i 17.4203 i 7.5605 0.0172 i 0.7654 0.7654 i 0.7041 0.7041 i 1,666.517 1,666.517 0.5390 i i 1,679.992 '� i i i i i i i i • 4 i 4 i i i 0 Total 1.5558 17.4203 7.5605 0.0172 6.0647 0.7654 6.8301 2.9823 0.7041 3.6865 1,666.517 1,666.517 0.5390 1,679.992 11 4 4 0 CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 10 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 3.3 Site Preparation - 2021 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Vendor •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Worker •i 0.0407 i 0.0251 i 0.3312 8.8000e- i 0.0894 5.7000e- 0.0900 i 0.0237 5.3000e- 0.0242 87.5264 87.5264 2.4900e- i i 87.5887 004 004 004 003 i Total 0.0407 0.0251 0.3312 8.8000e- 0.0894 5.7000e- 0.0900 0.0237 5.3000e- 0.0242 87.5264 87.5264 2.4900e- 87.5887 004 004 004 003 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Fugitive Dust •1 2.7291 0.0000 2.7291 i 1.3421 0.0000 1.3421 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road •i 1.5558 i 17.4203 i 7.5605 0.0172 0.7654 0.7654 0.7041 0.7041 0.0000 i 1,666.517 1,666.517 0.5390 i i 1,679.992 '� i i i i i i i i • 4 i 4 i i i 0 Total 1.5558 17.4203 7.5605 0.0172 2.7291 0.7654 3.4945 1.3421 0.7041 2.0462 0.0000 1,666.517 1,666.517 0.5390 1,679.992 4 4 0 CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 11 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 3.3 Site Preparation - 2021 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Vendor •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Worker •i 0.0407 i 0.0251 i 0.3312 8.8000e- i 0.0894 5.7000e- 0.0900 i 0.0237 5.3000e- 0.0242 87.5264 87.5264 2.4900e- i i 87.5887 004 004 004 003 i Total 0.0407 0.0251 0.3312 8.8000e- 0.0894 5.7000e- 0.0900 0.0237 5.3000e- 0.0242 87.5264 87.5264 2.4900e- 87.5887 004 004 004 003 3.4 Grading - 2021 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Fugitive Dust •1 4.9143 0.0000 4.9143 i 2.5256 0.0000 2.5256 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road •i 1.2884 i 14.3307 i 6.3314 0.0141 0.6379 0.6379 0.5869 0.5869 1,365.064 1,365.064� 0.4415 i i 1,376.102 '� i i i i i i i i • 8 i 8 i i i 0 Total 1.2884 14.3307 6.3314 0.0141 4.9143 0.6379 5.5522 2.5256 0.5869 3.1125 1,365.064 1,365.064 0.4415 1,376.102 8 8 0 CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 12 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 3.4 Grading - 2021 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Vendor •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Worker •i 0.0407 i 0.0251 i 0.3312 8.8000e- i 0.0894 5.7000e- 0.0900 i 0.0237 5.3000e- 0.0242 87.5264 87.5264 2.4900e- i i 87.5887 004 004 004 003 i Total 0.0407 0.0251 0.3312 8.8000e- 0.0894 5.7000e- 0.0900 0.0237 5.3000e- 0.0242 87.5264 87.5264 2.4900e- 87.5887 004 004 004 003 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Fugitive Dust •1 2.2114 0.0000 2.2114 1.1365 i 0.0000 1.1365 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road •i 1.2884 i 14.3307 i 6.3314 0.0141 0.6379 0.6379 0.5869 0.5869 0.0000 i 1,365.064 1,365.064 0.4415 i i 1,376.102 8 i 8 i i i 0 Total 1.2884 14.3307 6.3314 0.0141 2.2114 0.6379 2.8493 1.1365 0.5869 1.7234 0.0000 1,365.064 1,365.064 0.4415 1,376.102 8 8 0 CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 13 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 3.4 Grading - 2021 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 � i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Vendor •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Worker •i 0.0407 i 0.0251 i 0.3312 8.8000e- i 0.0894 5.7000e- 0.0900 i 0.0237 5.3000e- 0.0242 87.5264 87.5264 2.4900e- i i 87.5887 004 004 004 003 i Total 0.0407 0.0251 0.3312 8.8000e- 0.0894 5.7000e- 0.0900 0.0237 5.3000e- 0.0242 87.5264 87.5264 2.4900e- 87.5887 004 004 004 003 3.5 Building Construction -2021 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG I NOx I CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road 1.8125 i 13.6361 i 12.8994 0.0221 0.6843 0.6843 0.6608 0.6608 � i 2,001.220 2,001.220 0.3573 i i 2,010.151 i i i i i i i i 0 0 i 7 Total 1.8125 13.6361 12.8994 0.0221 0.6843 0.6843 0.6608 0.6608 2,001.220 2,001.220 0.3573 2,010.151 0 0 7 CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 14 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 3.5 Building Construction -2021 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 � i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Vendor •i 0.0285 i 1.0608 i 0.1996 2.9700e- i 0.0705 1.8200e- 0.0723 i 0.0203 1.7400e- 0.0220 i 313.0482 313.0482 0.0198 i i 313.5428 003 003 003 i Worker •i 0.1372 i 0.0848 i 1.1178 2.9700e- i 0.3018 1.9300e- 0.3037 i 0.0800 1.7800e- 0.0818 295.4017 295.4017 8.4100e- i i 295.6119 003 003 003 003 i Total 0.1657 1.1456 1.3174 5.9400e- 0.3723 3.7500e- 0.3760 0.1003 3.5200e- 0.1038 608.4500 608.4500 0.0282 609.1548 11 003 003 003 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG I NOx I CO S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road •i 1.8125 i 13.6361 12.8994 i 0.0221 0.6843 0.6843 i i 0.6608 0.6608 0.0000 i 2,001.220 2,001.220 0.3573 i i 2,010.151 0 i 0 i 7 Total 1.8125 13.6361 12.8994 0.0221 0.6843 0.6843 0.6608 0.6608 0.0000 2,001.220 2,001.220 0.3573 2,010.151 0 0 7 CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 15 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 3.5 Building Construction -2021 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx CO I S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Vendor •i 0.0285 i 1.0608 i 0.1996 2.9700e- i 0.0705 1.8200e- 0.0723 i 0.0203 1.7400e- 0.0220 i 313.0482 313.0482 0.0198 i i 313.5428 003 003 003 i Worker •i 0.1372 i 0.0848 i 1.1178 2.9700e- i 0.3018 1.9300e- 0.3037 i 0.0800 1.7800e- 0.0818 295.4017 295.4017 8.4100e- i i 295.6119 003 003 003 003 i Total 0.1657 1.1456 1.3174 5.9400e- 0.3723 3.7500e- 0.3760 0.1003 3.5200e- 0.1038 608.4500 608.4500 0.0282 ;09.1548 003 003 003 11 3.5 Building Construction -2022 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG I NOx I CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road 1.6487 i 12.5031 i 12.7264 0.0221 0.5889 0.5889 0.5689 0.5689 � i 2,001.542 2,001.542 0.3486 i i 2,010.258 i i i i i i i i 9 9 i 1 Total 1.6487 12.5031 1 12.7264 1 0.0221 0.5889 0.5889 0.5689 0.5689 2,001.542 2,001.542 0.3486 2,010.258 9 9 1 CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 16 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 3.5 Building Construction -2022 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx CO I S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Vendor •i 0.0265 i 1.0061 i 0.1846 2.9400e- i 0.0705 1.5300e- 0.0720 i 0.0203 1.4600e- 0.0218 i 310.5383 310.5383 0.0191 i i 311.0158 003 003 003 i Worker •i 0.1281 i 0.0762 i 1.0268 2.8600e- i 0.3018 1.8700e- 0.3037 i 0.0800 1.7300e- 0.0818 i 284.7427 284.7427 7.5400e- i i 284.9312 003 003 003 003 i Total 0.1546 1.0823 1.2114 5.8000e- 0.3723 3.4000e- 0.3757 0.1003 3.1900e- 0.1035 595.2810 j 595.2810 1 0.0266 595.9470 003 003 003 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG I NOx I CO S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road •i 1.6487 i 12.5031 i 12.7264 0.0221 0.5889 0.5889 0.5689 0.5689 0.0000 i 2,001.542 2,001.542 0.3486 i i 2,010.258 g i 9 1 Total 1.6487 12.5031 1 12.7264 1 0.0221 0.5889 0.5889 0.5689 0.5689 0.0000 2,001.542 2,001.542 0.3486 2,010.258 9 9 1 CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 17 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 3.5 Building Construction -2022 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx CO I S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Vendor •i 0.0265 i 1.0061 i 0.1846 2.9400e- i 0.0705 1.5300e- 0.0720 i 0.0203 1.4600e- 0.0218 i 310.5383 310.5383 0.0191 i i 311.0158 003 003 003 i Worker •i 0.1281 i 0.0762 i 1.0268 2.8600e- i 0.3018 1.8700e- 0.3037 i 0.0800 1.7300e- 0.0818 i 284.7427 284.7427 7.5400e- i i 284.9312 003 003 003 003 i Total 0.1546 1.0823 1.2114 5.8000e- 0.3723 3.4000e- 0.3757 0.1003 3.1900e- 0.1035 595.2810 j 595.2810 1 0.0266 595.9470 003 003 003 3.6 Paving -2022 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG I NOx I CO S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road •i 0.6877 i 6.7738 i 8.8060 0.0135 0.3474 0.3474 0.3205 0.3205 1,297.378 1,297.378 0.4113 i i 1,307.660 9 i 9 i i i 8 Paving •i 0.2751 i i i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Total 0.9628 6.7738 8.8060 0.0135 0.3474 0.3474 0.3205 0.3205 1,297.378 1,297.378 0.4113 1,307.660 11 9 9 8 CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 18 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 3.6 Paving -2022 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Vendor •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Worker •i 0.0617 i 0.0367 i 0.4944 1.3800e- i 0.1453 9.000Oe- 0.1462 i 0.0385 8.3000e- 0.0394 137.0983 137.0983 3.6300e- i i 137.1891 003 004 004 003 i Total 0.0617 0.0367 0.4944 1.3800e- 0.1453 9.000Oe- 0.1462 0.0385 8.3000e- 0.0394 137.0983 137.0983 3.6300e- 137.1891 003 004 004 003 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG I NOx I CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road •i 0.6877 i 6.7738 i 8.8060 0.0135 0.3474 0.3474 0.3205 0.3205 0.0000 i 1,297.378 1,297.378 0.4113 i i 1,307.660 9 i 9 i i i 8 Paving •i 0.2751 i i i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Total 0.9628 6.7738 8.8060 0.0135 0.3474 0.3474 0.3205 0.3205 0.0000 1,297.378 1,297.378 0.4113 1,307.660 11 9 9 8 CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 19 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 3.6 Paving -2022 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Vendor •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Worker •i 0.0617 i 0.0367 i 0.4944 1.3800e- i 0.1453 9.00OOe- 0.1462 i 0.0385 8.3000e- 0.0394 137.0983 137.0983 3.6300e- i i 137.1891 003 004 004 003 i Total 0.0617 0.0367 0.4944 1.3800e- 0.1453 9.00OOe- 0.1462 0.0385 8.3000e- 0.0394 137.0983 137.0983 3.6300e- 137.1891 003 004 004 003 3.7 Architectural Coating -2022 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Archit.Coating •1 17.3678 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road •i 0.2045 i 1.4085 i 1.8136 2.9700e- 0.0817 0.0817 0.0817 0.0817 281.4481 281.4481 0.0183 i i 281.9062 003 Total 17.5724 1.4085 1.8136 2.9700e- 0.0817 0.0817 0.0817 0.0817 281.4481 281.4481 0.0183 281.9062 003 CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 20 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 3.7 Architectural Coating -2022 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Vendor •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Worker •i 0.0237 i 0.0141 i 0.1902 5.3000e- i 0.0559 3.5000e- 0.0562 i 0.0148 3.2000e- 0.0151 52.7301 52.7301 1.4000e- i i 52.7650 004 004 004 003 i Total 0.0237 0.0141 0.1902 5.3000e- 0.0559 3.5000e- 0.0562 0.0148 3.2000e- 0.0151 52.7301 52.7301 1.4000e- 52.7650 004 004 004 003 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Archit.Coating •1 17.3678 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road •i 0.2045 i 1.4085 i 1.8136 2.9700e- 0.0817 0.0817 0.0817 0.0817 0.0000 i 281.4481 281.4481 0.0183 i i 281.9062 003 Total 17.5724 1.4085 1.8136 2.9700e- 0.0817 0.0817 0.0817 0.0817 0.0000 281.4481 281.4481 0.0183 281.9062 003 CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 21 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 3.7 Architectural Coating -2022 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Vendor •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i i 0.0000 Worker •i 0.0237 i 0.0141 i 0.1902 5.3000e- i 0.0559 3.5000e- 0.0562 i 0.0148 3.2000e- 0.0151 52.7301 52.7301 1.4000e- i i 52.7650 004 004 004 003 i Total 0.0237 0.0141 0.1902 5.3000e- 0.0559 3.5000e- 0.0562 0.0148 3.2000e- 0.0151 52.7301 52.7301 1.4000e- 52.7650 004 004 004 003 4.0 Operational Detail - Mobile 4.1 Mitigation Measures Mobile CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 22 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer ROG I NOx I CO I S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Mitigated •i 1.0460 i 5.7439 i 9.9408 i 0.0404 i 2.8868 i 0.0227 i 2.9096 i 0.7724 i 0.0212 0.7936 4,132.240 i 4,132.240 i 0.2056 4,137.380 '� i i i i i i i i • 7 i 7 i i i 3 Unmitigated 1.0460 5.7439 9.9408 0.0404 2.8868 0.0227 2.9096 0.7724 0.0212 0.7936 4,132.240•4,132.240• 0.2056 4,137.380 7 7 3 4.2 Trip Summary Information Average Daily Trip Rate Unmitigated Mitigated Land Use Weekday Saturday Sunday Annual VMT Annual VMT Parking Lot ; 0.00 0.00 0.00 ................................................... ---------- ---------- -----------------------:-------------------------- Place of Worship ; 157.89 179.72 634.83 488,709 488,709 Total 157.89 179.72 634.83 488,709 488,709 4.3 Trip Type Information Miles Trip% Trip Purpose% Land Use H-W or C-W H-S or C-C H-O or C-NW H-W or C-W H-S or C-C H-O or C-NW Primary Diverted Pass-by Parking Lot 16.60 8.40 6.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 .......................r----------rt---------T----------,i•------------------r--------t----------- ---------- --------- ----------------- Place of Worship 16.60 8.40 6.90 0.00 95.00 5.00 64 25 11 4.4 Fleet Mix Land Use LDA LDT1 LDT2 MDV LHD1 LHD2 MHD HHD OBUS UBUS MCY SBUS MH Parking Lot 0.555935r 0.035798; 0.180985; 0.113549; 0.015175; 0.004939; 0.018497; 0.064736; 0.001364; 0.001528; 0.005807; 0.000803- 0.000884 i i i i i i i i Place of Worship 0.555935. 0.035798, 0.180985, 0.113549, 0.015175, 0.004939, 0.018497, 0.064736, 0.001364, 0.001528, 0.005807, 0.000803, 0.000884 CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 23 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 5.0 Energy Detail Historical Energy Use: N 5.1 Mitigation Measures Energy ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day NaturalGas •i 0.0166 1 0.1512 i 0.1271 i 9.1000e- i i 0.0115 0.0115 i i 0.0115 0.0115 181.4937 i 181.4937 3.4800e- i 3.3300e- i 182.5722 Mitigated 004 . i 003 003 i NaturalGas 0.0166 0.1512 0.1271 9.1000e- - 0.0115 0.0115 - 0.0115 0.0115 181.4937 181.4937 3.4800e- - 3.3300e- 182.5722 Unmitigated 004 003 003 CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 24 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 5.2 Energy by Land Use - NaturalGas Unmitigated NaturalGa ROG NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e s Use PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Land Use kBTU/yr lb/day lb/day I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I I Parking Lot I 0 •1 0.0000 1 0.0000 1 0.0000 1 0.0000 1 1 0.0000 1 0.0000 1 1 0.0000 0.0000 1 0.0000 1 0.0000 1 0.0000 1 0.0000 1 0.0000 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I I I t______�1_______ I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 +_ 1_______1 I I t_______ Place of Worship 1542.7 •1 0.0166 1 0.1512 1 0.1271 1 9.1000e- 1 1 0.0115 1 0.0115 1 1 0.0115 0.0115 1 181.4937 1 181.4937 1 3.4800e- 1 3.3300e- i 182.5722 004 I 1 I 1 I . 1 1 I 003 I 003 I Total 0.0166 0.1512 0.1271 9.1000e- 0.0115 0.0115 j j 0.0115 0.0177-F 181.4937 j 181.4937 3.4800e- 3.3300e- 182.5722 004 003 003 Mitigated NaturalGa ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e s Use PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Land Use kBTU/yr lb/day lb/day I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I Parking Lot � 0 �1 0.0000 I 0.0000 I 0.0000 I 0.0000 1 I 0.0000 I 0.0000 1 1 0.0000 � 0.0000 � 1 0.0000 I 0.0000 I 0.0000 I 0.0000 i 0.0000 •1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 r- --- , 11I-------1 I II--------------- ----------- 1-.-5-2-7- 0.0166 0.1512 0.1271 9.1000e- IPlace of Worship 0.0115 0.0115 0.0115 0.0115 181.4937 181.4937 3.4800e- 13.3300e- 1 182.5722 004 1 1 I 1 1 . 1 I 003 1 003 I I • I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 � 1 I I I Total 0.0166 0.1512 0.1271 9.1000e- 0.0115 0.0115 0.0115 0.0115 181.4937 181.4937 3.4800e- 3.3300e- 182.5722 004 003 003 6.0 Area Detail 6.1 Mitigation Measures Area CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 25 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer Use Low VOC Paint- Residential Interior Use Low VOC Paint- Residential Exterior Use Low VOC Paint- Non-Residential Interior Use Low VOC Paint- Non-Residential Exterior ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category lb/day lb/day Mitigated •i 0.4086 i 1.2000e- 0.0137 i 0.0000 5.000Oe- i 5.000Oe- 5.000Oe- 5.000Oe- 0.0294 0.0294 i 8.000Oe- 0.0313 004 005 005 005 005 . 005 i Unmitigated 0.4086 1.2000e- 0.0137 0.0000 5.000Oe- 5.000Oe- 5.000Oe- 5.000Oe- 0.0294 0.0294 - 8.000Oe- 0.0313 004 005 005 005 005 005 CaIEEMod Version: CaIEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 26 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 6.2 Area by SubCategory Unmitigated ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Subcategory lb/day lb/day Architectural •i 0.0476 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Coating Consumer •1 0.3597 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Products Landscaping •i 1.2700e- i 1.2000e- 0.0137 i 0.0000 5.000Oe- i 5.000Oe- 5.000Oe- 5.000Oe- 0.0294 0.0294 i 8.000Oe- 0.0313 003 004 005 005 005 005 005 i Total 0.4086 1.2000e- 0.0137 0.0000 5.000Oe- 5.000Oe- 5.000Oe- 5.000Oe- 0.0294 0.0294 8.0007e- 0.0313 004 005 005 005 005 005 Mitigated ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Subcategory lb/day lb/day Architectural •i 0.0476 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Coating '� ■ ' i -----------%i------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------i-------j---------------+-------i------- ------- ------- -------*----- - Consumer •i 0.3597 i � i i � 0.0000 i 0.0000 � i 0.0000 � 0.0000 � i � 0.0000 i � i 0.0000 Products Landscaping 1.2700e- i 1.2000e- � 0.0137 i 0.0000 i � 5.000Oe- i 5.000Oe- � i 5.000Oe- � 5.000Oe- � i 0.0294 � 0.0294 i 8.000Oe- � i 0.0313 003 004 005 005 005 005 . 005 i Total 0.4086 1.2000e- 0.0137 0.0000 5.000Oe- 5.000Oe- 5.000Oe- 5.000Oe- 0.0294 0.0294 8.000 - 0.0313 004 005 005 005 005 Oe 005 7.0 Water Detail CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 27 of 27 Date: 5/17/2021 2:51 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer 7.1 Mitigation Measures Water Apply Water Conservation Strategy 8.0 Waste Detail 8.1 Mitigation Measures Waste Institute Recycling and Composting Services 9.0 Operational Offroad Equipment Type Number Hours/Day Days/Year Horse Power Load Factor Fuel Type 10.0 Stationary Equipment Fire Pumps and Emergency Generators Equipment Type Number Hours/Day Hours/Year Horse Power Load Factor Fuel Type Boilers Equipment Type Number Heat Input/Day Heat Input/Year Boiler Rating Fuel Type User Defined Equipment Equipment Type Number 11.0 Vegetation CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 1 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 1.0 Project Characteristics 1.1 Land Usage Land Uses Size Metric Lot Acreage Floor Surface Area Population Place of Worship 17.33 + 1000sgft ; 0.40 17,331.00 i 0 -----------------------------_------------------------------_----------------------------- -------------- ------------------E--------------- Parking Lot 117.00 Space 1.05 46,800.00 0 1.2 Other Project Characteristics Urbanization Urban Wind Speed(m/s) 2.2 Precipitation Freq(Days) 32 Climate Zone 10 Operational Year 2023 Utility Company Southern California Edison CO2Intensity 702.44 CH4Intensity 0.029 N20Intensity 0.006 (lb/MWhr) (lb/MWhr) (lb/MWhr) 1.3 User Entered Comments & Non-Default Data Project Characteristics - Land Use- Grading - Based on equipment used, 1.5 acres would be disturbed daily during both site preparation and grading. Construction Off-road Equipment Mitigation - Area Mitigation - Water Mitigation - Waste Mitigation - CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 2 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual Table Name Column Name Default Value New Value tblAreaMitigation UseLowVOCPaintParkingCheck } False True --------------------------- ------------------------------:------------------------------ -------------------------- tblGrading AcresOfGrading 1.00 1.50 2.0 Emissions Summary CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 3 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 2.1 Overall Construction Unmitigated Construction ROG NOx CO S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 I CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Year tons/yr MT/yr I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 2021 •1 0.0631 1 0.5322 1 0.4452 1 8.4000e- 1 0.0247 1 0.0259 1 0.0506 1 0.0104 1 0.0246 0.0350 0.0000 1 72.1011 1 72.1011 1 0.0135 1 0.0000 72.4395 004 • 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1- 1 I 1 2022 •1 0.2373 1 1.1361 1 1.1678 1 2.3100e- 1 0.0304 1 0.0498 1 0.0802 1 8.2000e- 1 0.0481 0.0563 0.0000 1 195.4896 1 195.4896 1 0.0294 1 0.0000 196.2243 003 1 I I I 003 '1 I I I 1 I I I I • 1 I I I I Maximum 0.2373 1.1361 1.1678 2.3100e- 0.0304 0.0498 0.0802 0.0104 0.0481 0.0563 0.0000 195.4896 195.4896 0.0294 0.0000 196.2243 003 Mitigated Construction ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Year tons/yr MT/yr I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 2021 •1 0.0631 I 0.5322 I 0.4452 18.4000e- 1 0.0160 I 0.0259 1 0.0419 15.9900e- 1 0.0246 0.0305 � 0.0000 1 72.1010 I 72.1010 I 0.0135 1 0.0000 72.4395 004 1 1 I 1 003 ;� I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I • 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 2022 0.2373 I 1.1361 I 1.1678 12.3100e- 1 0.0304 I 0.0498 I 0.0802 18.2000e- I 0.0481 0.0563 � 0.0000 i 195.4894 1195.4894 I 0.0294 1 0.0000 i 196.2241 I 1 I 003 1 1 I 1 003 Maximum 0.2373 1.1361 1.1678 2.3100e- 0.0304 0.0498 0.0802 8.2000e- 0.0481 0.0563 0.0000 195.4894 195.4894 0.0294 0.0000 196.2241 003 003 ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-0O2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Percent 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.86 0.00 6.68 23.75 0.00 4.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Reduction CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 4 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual Quarter Start Date End Date Maximum Unmitigated ROG+NOX(tons/quarter) Maximum Mitigated ROG+NOX(tons/quarter) 1 10-4-2021 1-3-2022 0.5969 0.5969 2 1-4-2022 4-3-2022 0.4945 0.4945 3 4-4-2022 7-3-2022 0.5001 0.5001 4 7-4-2022 9-30-2022 0.3706 0.3706 Highest 0.5969 0.5969 2.2 Overall Operational Unmitigated Operational ROG I NOx CO I S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Area •i 0.0745 i 2.000Oe- 1.7100e- i 0.0000 1.000Oe- i 1.000Oe- i i 1.000Oe- 1.000Oe- � 0.0000 i 3.3300e- � 3.3300e- i 1.000Oe- � 0.0000 � 3.5500e- '� 005 003 005 005 005 005 003 003 005 i 003 Energy •i 3.0400e- i 0.0276 i 0.0232 i 1.7000e- 2.1000e- i 2.1000e- i i 2.1000e- 2.1000e- 0.0000 i 91.3159 i 91.3159 i 3.1100e- 1.0700e- � 91.7137 003 i i 004 003 i 003 i 003 003 i i 003 003 -----------•------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----------------------- ------- ------- ------- -------- Mobile •1 0.0571 i 0.3825 i 0.6042 2.5000e- 0.1861 1.5000e- i 0.1876 i 0.0499 i 1.4000e- 0.0513 0.0000 i 232.1672 232.1672 i 0.0124 0.0000 232.4759 003 003 003 Waste •1 i i i i i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i i 0.0000 0.0000 20.0515 i 0.0000 i 20.0515 i 1.1850 i 0.0000 49.6766 Water •1 i i i � � 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1720 i 5.2518 5.4239 i 0.0179 4.6000e- 6.0087 004 i Total 0.1346 0.4102 0.6291 2.6700e- 0.1861 3.6100e- 0.1897 0.0499 3.5100e- 0.0534 20.2235 328.7383 348.9618 1.2184 1.5300e- 379.8785 003 003 003 003 CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 5 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 2.2 Overall Operational Mitigated Operational ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Area •i 0.0745 i 2.000Oe- 1.7100e- i 0.0000 1.000Oe- i 1.000Oe- 1.000Oe- 1.000Oe- 0.0000 i 3.3300e- 3.3300e- i 1.000Oe- 0.0000 3.5500e- �� 005 003 005 005 005 005 003 003 005 i 003 %------- -------j------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- --- ------ ------- ------- -------* Energy •i 3.0400e- i 0.0276 0.0232 i 1.7000e- 2.1000e- i 2.1000e- 2.1000e- 2.1000e- 0.0000 i 91.3159 91.3159 i 3.1100e- 1 1.0700e- 91.7137 003 004 003 003 003 003 003 003 i Mobile •1 0.0571 i 0.3825 � 0.6042 i 2.5000e- � 0.1861 � 1.5000e- i 0.1876 � 0.0499 i 1.4000e- 0.0513 � 0.0000 i 232.1672 � 232.1672 i 0.0124 1 0.0000 � 232.4759 003 003 003 i Waste •1 i i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 5.0129 i 0.0000 5.0129 i 0.2963 0.0000 12.4192 Water •1 i � i � � 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 • 0.1376 i 4.2015 4.3391 i 0.0143 3.7000e- 4.8070 004 i Total 0.1346 0.4102 0.6291 2.6700e- 0.1861 3.6100e- 0.1897 0.0499 3.5100e- 0.0534 5.1505 327.6880 332.8384 0.3260 1.4400e- 341.4193 003 003 003 003 ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Percent 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 74.53 0.32 4.62 1 73.24 5.88 10.12 Reduction 3.0 Construction Detail Construction Phase CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 6 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual Phase Phase Name Phase Type Start Date End Date Num Days Num Days Phase Description Number Week 1 ;Demolition +Demolition 110/4/2021 :10/29/2021 5: 20: + i 2 :Site Preparation +Site Preparation 110/30/2021 :11/2/2021 5: 2: + i 3 :Grading +Grading 111/3/2021 :11/8/2021 5: 4: + i i 4 •Building Construction +Building Construction 111/9/2021 :8/15/2022 5: 200: + i i 5 :Paving +Paving 18/16/2022 :8/29/2022 5: 10: + i i 6 •Architectural Coating :Architectural Coating 8/30/2022 9/12/2022 5. 10, Acres of Grading (Site Preparation Phase): 1.5 Acres of Grading (Grading Phase): 1.5 Acres of Paving: 1.05 Residential Indoor: 0; Residential Outdoor: 0; Non-Residential Indoor: 25,997; Non-Residential Outdoor: 8,666; Striped Parking Area: 2,808 (Architectural Coating—sgft) OffRoad Equipment CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 7 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual Phase Name Offroad Equipment Type Amount Usage Hours Horse Power Load Factor Architectural Coating 'Air Compressors ; 1; 6.001 78, 0.48 -------------------------- ------------- ----------- Paving 'Cement and Mortar Mixers ; 1 6.001 9. 0.56 --------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------------- ------------ ------------- ----------- i Demolition 'Concrete/Industrial Saws ; 1 8.001 81, 0.73 --------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------ -------------- ----------- _ i Building Construction 'Generator Sets ; 1 8.001 84, 0.74 ---------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------ -------------- ----------- _ i Building Construction 'Cranes ; 11 6.001 231, 0.29 �- - - - - ------------ ------------- ----------- Building Construction 'Forklifts ; 1? 6.001 89, 0.20 --------------------------- �- - - - ------------ ------------- ----------- Site Preparation 'Graders ; 1 8.001 187, 0.41 �- - - - - ------------ ------------- ----------- Paving +Pavers ; 1 6.001 130, 0.42 ---------------------------- ------------------------ -------------------------------i------------ ------------- ----------- Paving 'Rollers ; 1 7.001 80, 0.38 �- - - - - ------------ ------------- ----------- Demolition 'Rubber Tired Dozers ; 1 8.001 247, 0.40 --------------------------- �- - - - - ------------ ------------- ----------- Grading 'Rubber Tired Dozers ; 1 6.001 247, 0.40 �- - - - ------------ ------------- ----------- _i Building Construction +Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes ; 1 6.001 97, 0.37 + _ _ i Demolition +Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes ; 3 8.001 97: 0.37 - - - - - ------------ ------------- ----------- �_ � _ _ i Grading +Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes ; 1 7.001 97, 0.37 + __ i __ i Paving +Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes ; 1 8.001 97, 0.37 �- - - - - ------------ ------------- ----------- Site Preparation +Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes ; 1 8.001 97, 0.37 ---------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------ -------------- ----------- _ i Grading 'Graders ; 1 6.001 187, 0.41 - - - - ------------ ------------- ----------- Paving 'Paving Equipment ; 1 8.001 132, 0.36 --------------------------- - - - - ------------ ------------- ----------- Site Preparation 'Rubber Tired Dozers ; 1 7.001 247, 0.40 ---------------------------- --------------------------*-----------------s ------------r------------- ----------- Building Construction •Welders 3. 8.00, 46, 0.45 Trips and VMT CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 8 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual Phase Name Offroad Equipment Worker Trip Vendor Trip Hauling Trip Worker Trip Vendor Trip Hauling Trip Worker Vehicle Vendor Hauling Count Number Number Number Length Length Length Class Vehicle Class Vehicle Class Demolition A 5; 13.00: 0.00: 0.00: 14.70: 6.90: 20.00:LD_Mix :HDT_Mix :HHDT ------------ ° -------------= --- --------i ' -------------------=-------------i------------------- Site Preparation 3: 8.00: 0.00: 0.00: 14.70: 6.90: 20.00:LD_Mix ;HDT_Mix :HHDT ----------------° -------------;----------------- - --------i --------------------------------- --------- ' -------- i------------ , --------- Grading 3; 8.00- 0.00, 0.00 14.70: 6.90: 20.00.LD_Mix iHDT_Mix :HHDT Building Construction i 7: 27.00- 11.00: 0.00: 14.70: 6.90: 20.00:LD_Mix iHDT_Mix - i------------ ----------4- -- Paving 5: 13.00: 0.001 0.00: 14.70: 6.90: 20.00:LD_Mix i HDT_Mix :HHDT Architectural Coating 1• 5.00, 0.00, 0.00, 14.70, 6.90, 20.00,LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT 3.1 Mitigation Measures Construction Water Exposed Area 3.2 Demolition - 2021 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO I S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 I CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Off-Road •i 0.0199 , 0.1970 , 0.1449 , 2.4000e- , , 0.0104 , 0.0104 , , 9.7100e- 9.7100e- 0.0000 i 21.0713 , 21.0713 , 5.3900e- , 0.0000 21.2060 •� 004 003 003 . 003 i Total 0.0199 0.1970 0.1449 2.4000e- 0.0104 0.0104 9.7100e- 9.7100e- 0.0000 21.0713 21.0713 5.3900e- 0.0000 21.2060 004 003 003 003 CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 9 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 3.2 Demolition - 2021 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 Vendor •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 Worker •i 6.000Oe- i 4.5000e- i 4.6300e- 1.000Oe- i 1.4300e- 1.000Oe- 1.4300e- i 3.8000e- 1.000Oe- 3.9000e- 0.0000 i 1.1829 1.1829 3.000Oe- i 0.0000 i 1.1837 004 004 003 005 003 005 003 004 005 004 005 Total 6.000Oe- 4.5000e- 4.6300e- 1.000Oe- 1.4300e- 1.000Oe- 1.4300e- 3.8000e- 1.000Oe- 3.9000e- 0.0000 1.1829 1.1829 3.0007 0.0000 1.1837 004 004 003 005 003 005 003 004 005 004 005 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Off-Road •i 0.0199 i 0.1970 i 0.1449 2.4000e- 0.0104 0.0104 9.7100e- 9.7100e- 0.0000 i 21.0713 21.0713 5.3900e- i 0.0000 i 21.2060 004 003 003 . 003 i Total 0.0199 0.1970 0.1449 2.4000e- 0.0104 0.0104 9.7100e- 9.7100e- 0.0000 21.0713 21.0713 5.3900e- 0.0000 31.2060 004 003 003 003 CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 10 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 3.2 Demolition - 2021 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 I CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 Vendor •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 Worker •i 6.00OOe- i 4.5000e- i 4.6300e- 1.00OOe- i 1.4300e- 1.00OOe- 1.4300e- i 3.8000e- 1.00OOe- 3.9000e- 0.0000 i 1.1829 1.1829 3.00OOe- i 0.0000 i 1.1837 004 004 003 005 003 005 003 004 005 004 005 Total 6.00OOe- 4.5000e- 4.6300e- 1.00OOe- 1.4300e- 1.00OOe- 1.4300e- 3.8000e- 1.00OOe- 3.9000e- 0.0000 1.1829 1.1829 3.00O7 0.0000 1.1837 004 004 003 005 003 005 003 004 005 004 005 3.3 Site Preparation - 2021 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Fugitive Dust •i 6.0600e- 0.0000 6.0600e- i 2.9800e- 0.0000 2.9800e- 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 003 003 003 003 Off-Road •i 1.5600e- i 0.0174 i 7.5600e- 2.00OOe- 7.7000e- 7.7000e- 7.00OOe- 7.00OOe- 0.0000 i 1.5118 1.5118 4.9000e- i 0.0000 i 1.5241 003 003 005 004 004 004 004 . 004 i Total 1.5600e- 0.0174 7.5600e- 2.00OOe- 6.0600e- 7.7000e- 6.8300e- 2.9800e- 7.00OOe- 3.6800e- 0.0000 1.5118 1.5118 4.9000e- 0.0000 1.5241 003 003 005 003 004 003 003 004 003 004 CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 11 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 3.3 Site Preparation - 2021 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 I CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 ------- ---------------- ------- ------- -------'------- ------- ------- -+ --- ------ -------'------- -------� Vendor •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 � 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 � 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 � 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 Worker •i 4.000Oe- i 3.000Oe- i 2.9000e- 0.0000 i 9.000Oe- 0.0000 9.000Oe- i 2.000Oe- 0.0000 2.000Oe- 0.0000 i 0.0728 0.0728 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0728 005 005 004 005 005 005 005 i Total 4.000Oe- 3.000Oe- 2.9000e- 0.0000 9.000Oe- 0.0000 9.000Oe- 2.000Oe- 0.0000 2.000Oe- 0.0000 0.0728 0.0728 0.0000 0.0000 0.0728 005 005 004 005 005 005 005 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 I Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Fugitive Dust •i 2.7300e- 0.0000 2.7300e- i 1.3400e- 0.0000 1.3400e- 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 003 003 003 003 Off-Road •i 1.5600e- i 0.0174 i 7.5600e- 2.000Oe- 7.7000e- 7.7000e- 7.000Oe- 7.000Oe- 0.0000 i 1.5118 1.5118 4.9000e- i 0.0000 i 1.5241 003 003 005 004 004 004 004 . 004 i Total 1.5600e- 0.0174 7.5600e- 2.000Oe- 2.7300e- 7.7000e- 3.5000e- 1.3400e- 7.000Oe- 2.0400e- 0.0000 1.5118 1.5118 4.9000e- 0.0000 1.5241 003 003 005 003 004 003 003 004 003 004 CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 12 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 3.3 Site Preparation - 2021 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 Vendor •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 Worker •i 4.00OOe- i 3.00OOe- i 2.9000e- 0.0000 i 9.00OOe- 0.0000 9.00OOe- i 2.00OOe- 0.0000 2.00OOe- 0.0000 i 0.0728 0.0728 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0728 005 005 004 005 005 005 005 i Total 4.00OOe- 3.00OOe- 2.9000e- 0.0000 9.00OOe- 0.0000 9.00OOe- 2.00OOe- 0.0000 2.00OOe- 0.0000 0.0728 0.0728 0.0000 0.0000 0.0728 11 005 005 004 005 005 005 005 3.4 Grading - 2021 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 I Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Fugitive Dust •i 9.8300e- i 0.0000 9.8300e- 5.O5OOe- i 0.0000 5.0500e- 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 003 003 003 003 Off-Road •i 2.5800e- i 0.0287 i 0.0127 3.00OOe- 1.2800e- 1.2800e- 1.1700e- 1.1700e- 0.0000 i 2.4767 2.4767 8.00OOe- i 0.0000 i 2.4968 003 005 003 003 003 003 . 004 i Total 2.5800e- 0.0287 0.0127 3.00OOe- 9.8300e- 1.2800e- 0.0111 5.0500e- 1.1700e- 6.2200e- 0.0000 2.4767 2.4767 8.00OOe- 0.0000 2.4968 003 005 003 003 003 003 003 004 CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 13 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 3.4 Grading - 2021 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 Vendor •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 Worker •i 7.000Oe- i 6.000Oe- i 5.7000e- 0.0000 i 1.8000e- 0.0000 1.8000e- i 5.000Oe- 0.0000 5.000Oe- 0.0000 i 0.1456 0.1456 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.1457 005 005 004 004 004 005 005 i Total 7.000Oe- 6.000Oe- 5.7000e- 0.0000 1.8000e- 0.0000 1.8000e- 5.000Oe- 0.0000 5.000Oe- 0.0000 0.1456 0.1456 0.0000 0.0000 0.1457 11 005 005 004 004 004 005 005 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Fugitive Dust •i i i i i 4.4200e- i 0.0000 4.4200e- 2.2700e- i 0.0000 2.2700e- 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 003 003 003 003 Off-Road •i 2.5800e- i 0.0287 i 0.0127 3.000Oe- 1.2800e- 1.2800e- 1.1700e- 1.1700e- 0.0000 i 2.4767 2.4767 8.000Oe- i 0.0000 i 2.4968 003 005 003 003 003 003 . 004 i Total 2.5800e- 0.0287 0.0127 3.000Oe- 4.4200e- 1.2800e- 5.7000e- 2.2700e- 1.1700e- 3.4400e- 0.0000 2.4767 2.4767 8.000Oe- 0.0000 2.4968 003 005 003 003 003 003 003 003 004 CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 14 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 3.4 Grading - 2021 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 I CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 --------------- Vendor •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 Worker •i 7.00OOe- i 6.00OOe- i 5.7000e- 0.0000 i 1.8000e- 0.0000 1.8000e- i 5.00OOe- 0.0000 5.00OOe- 0.0000 i 0.1456 0.1456 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.1457 005 005 004 004 004 005 005 i Total 7.00OOe- 6.00OOe- 5.7000e- 0.0000 1.8000e- 0.0000 1.8000e- 5.00OOe- 0.0000 5.00OOe- 0.0000 0.1456 0.1456 0.0000 0.0000 0.1457 11 005 005 004 004 004 005 005 3.5 Building Construction -2021 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG I NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Off-Road •i 0.0353 i 0.2659 i 0.2515 4.3000e- 0.0133 0.0133 0.0129 0.0129 0.0000 i 35.4018 35.4018 6.3200e- i 0.0000 i 35.5598 004 003 Total 0.0353 0.2659 0.2515 4.3000e- 0.0133 0.0133 0.0129 0.0129 0.0000 35.4018 35.4018 6.3200e- 0.0000 35.5598 004 003 CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 15 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 3.5 Building Construction -2021 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 I CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i i i i i i i i �- i i i Vendor •i 5.7000e- i 0.0209 i 4.2500e- 6.000Oe- i 1.3500e- 4.000Oe- 1.3900e- i 3.9000e- 3.000Oe- 4.2000e- 0.0000 i 5.4475 5.4475 3.7000e- i 0.0000 i 5.4567 004 003 005 003 005 003 004 005 004 004 1 i Worker •i 2.4200e- i 1.8300e- i 0.0188 5.000Oe- i 5.7700e- 4.000Oe- 5.8100e- i 1.5300e- 3.000Oe- 1.5700e- 0.0000 i 4.7906 4.7906 1.3000e- i 0.0000 i 4.7940 003 003 005 003 005 003 003 005 003 004 i Total 2.9900e- 0.0227 0.0230 1.1000e- 7.1200e- 8.000Oe- 7.2000e- 1.9200e- 6.000Oe- 1.9900e- 0.0000 10.2381 10.2381 5.0007 0.0000 10.2507 003 004 003 005 003 003 005 003 004 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Off-Road •i 0.0353 i 0.2659 i 0.2515 4.3000e- 0.0133 i 0.0133 i i 0.0129 0.0129 0.0000 i 35.4017 i 35.4017 6.3200e- i 0.0000 i 35.5598 004 003 Total 0.0353 0.2659 0.2515 4.3000e- 0.0133 0.0133 0.0129 0.0129 0.0000 35.4017 35.4017 6.3200e- 0.0000 35.5598 004 003 CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 16 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 3.5 Building Construction -2021 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 I CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i i i i i i i i �- i i i Vendor •i 5.7000e- i 0.0209 i 4.2500e- 6.00OOe- i 1.3500e- 4.00OOe- 1.3900e- i 3.9000e- 3.00OOe- 4.2000e- 0.0000 i 5.4475 5.4475 3.7000e- i 0.0000 i 5.4567 004 003 005 003 005 003 004 005 004 004 1 i Worker •i 2.4200e- i 1.8300e- i 0.0188 5.00OOe- i 5.7700e- 4.00OOe- 5.8100e- i 1.5300e- 3.00OOe- 1.5700e- 0.0000 i 4.7906 4.7906 1.3000e- i 0.0000 i 4.7940 003 003 005 003 005 003 003 005 003 004 i Total 2.9900e- 0.0227 0.0230 1.1000e- 7.1200e- 8.00OOe- 7.2000e- 1.9200e- 6.00OOe- 1.9900e- 0.0000 10.2381 10.2381 5.00O7 0.0000 10.2507 003 004 003 005 003 003 005 003 004 3.5 Building Construction -2022 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx I CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Off-Road •i 0.1327 i 1.0065 i 1.0245 1.7800e- 0.0474 0.0474 0.0458 0.0458 0.0000 i 146.1694 146.1694 0.0255 i 0.0000 i 146.8059 003 i i i i i • i i i i Total 0.1327 1.0065 1.0245 1.7800e- 0.0474 0.0474 0.0458 0.0458 0.0000 146.1694 146.1694 0.0255 0.0000 146.8059 003 CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 17 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 3.5 Building Construction -2022 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 Vendor •i 2.1900e- i 0.0816 i 0.0162 2.3000e- i 5.5800e- 1.2000e- 5.7100e- i 1.6100e- 1.2000e- 1.7300e- 0.0000 F 22.3053 22.3053 1.4600e- i 0.0000 i 22.3418 003 004 003 004 003 003 004 003 003 i Worker •i 9.3500e- i 6.8000e- i 0.0710 � 2.1000e- i 0.0238 � 1.5000e- � 0.0240 i 6.3300e- � 1.4000e- 6.4700e- � 0.0000 i 19.0641 � 19.0641 � 5.000Oe- i 0.0000 i 19.0765 003 003 004 004 003 004 003 004 i Total 0.0115 0.0884 0.0873 4.4000e- 0.0294 2.7000e- 0.0297 7.9400e- 2.6000e- 8.2000e- 0.0000 41.3693 41.3693 1.9600e- 0.0000 41.4183 11 004 004 003 004 003 003 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx I CO S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Off-Road 0.1327 i 1.0065 i 1.0245 1.7800e- 0.0474 0.0474 0.0458 0.0458 0.0000 i 146.1692 146.1692 0.0255 i 0.0000 i 146.8057 003 i i i i i • i i i i Total 0.1327 1.0065 1.0245 1.7800e- 0.0474 0.0474 0.0458 0.0458 0.0000 146.1692 146.1692 0.0255 0.0000 146.8057 003 CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 18 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 3.5 Building Construction -2022 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 Vendor •i 2.1900e- i 0.0816 i 0.0162 2.3000e- i 5.5800e- 1.2000e- 5.7100e- i 1.6100e- 1.2000e- 1.7300e- 0.0000 F 22.3053 22.3053 1.4600e- i 0.0000 i 22.3418 003 004 003 004 003 003 004 003 003 i Worker •i 9.3500e- i 6.8000e- i 0.0710 2.1000e- i 0.0238 1.5000e- 0.0240 i 6.3300e- 1.4000e- 6.4700e- 0.0000 i 19.0641 19.0641 5.00OOe- i 0.0000 i 19.0765 003 003 004 004 003 004 003 004 i Total 0.0115 0.0884 0.0873 4.4000e- 0.0294 2.7000e- 0.0297 7.9400e- 2.6000e- 8.2000e- 0.0000 41.3693 41.3693 1.9600e- 0.0000 41.4183 11 004 004 003 004 003 003 3.6 Paving -2022 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Off-Road •i 3.4400e- i 0.0339 i 0.0440 7.00OOe- 1.7400e- 1.7400e- 1.6000e- 1.6000e- 0.0000 i 5.8848 5.8848 1.8700e- i 0.0000 i 5.9315 003 005 003 003 003 003 . 003 i Paving �i 1.3800e- 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 003 i i i i i i i i • i i i i Total 4.8200e- 0.0339 0.0440 7.00OOe- 1.7400e- 1.7400e- 1.6000e- 1.6000e- 0.0000 5.8848 5.8848 1.8700e- 0.0000 5.9315 11 003 005 003 003 003 003 003 CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 19 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 3.6 Paving -2022 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 I CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 ------- ---------------- ------- ------- -------'------- ------- ------- -+ --- ------ -------'------- -------� Vendor •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 � 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 � 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 � 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 Worker •i 2.8000e- i 2.000Oe- i 2.1200e- 1.000Oe- i 7.1000e- 0.0000 7.2000e- i 1.9000e- 0.0000 1.9000e- 0.0000 i 0.5701 � 0.5701 1.000Oe- i 0.0000 i 0.5705 004 004 003 005 004 004 004 004 005 Total 2.8000e- 2.000Oe- 2.1200e- 1.000Oe- 7.1000e- 0.0000 7.2000e- 1.9000e- 0.0000 1.9000e- 0.0000 0.5701 0.5701 1.000Oe- 0.0000 0.5705 004 004 003 005 004 004 004 004 005 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 I Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Off-Road •i 3.4400e- i 0.0339 i 0.0440 7.000Oe- 1.7400e- 1.7400e- 1.6000e- 1.6000e- 0.0000 i 5.8848 5.8848 1.8700e- i 0.0000 i 5.9314 003 005 003 003 003 003 . 003 i Paving �i 1.3800e- 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 003 i i i i i i i i • i i i i Total 4.8200e- 0.0339 0.0440 7.000Oe- 1.7400e- 1.7400e- 1.6000e- 1.6000e- 0.0000 5.8848 5.8848 1.8700e- 0.0000 5.9314 11 003 005 003 003 003 003 003 CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 20 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 3.6 Paving -2022 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 I CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 ------- ---------------- ------- ------- -------'------- ------- ------- -+ --- ------ -------'------- -------� Vendor •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 � 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 � 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 � 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 Worker •i 2.8000e- i 2.00OOe- i 2.1200e- 1.00OOe- i 7.1000e- 0.0000 7.2000e- i 1.9000e- 0.0000 1.9000e- 0.0000 i 0.5701 � 0.5701 1.00OOe- i 0.0000 i 0.5705 004 004 003 005 004 004 004 004 005 Total 2.8000e- 2.00OOe- 2.1200e- 1.00OOe- 7.1000e- 0.0000 7.2000e- 1.9000e- 0.0000 1.90OOe- 0.0000 0.5701 0.5701 1.00OOe- 0.0000 0.5705 004 004 003 005 004 004 004 004 005 3.7 Architectural Coating -2022 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Archit.Coating •1 0.0868 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 Off-Road •i 1.0200e- i 7.0400e- i 9.0700e- 1.00OOe- 4.1000e- 4.1000e- 4.1000e- 4.1000e- 0.0000 i 1.2766 1.2766 8.00OOe- i 0.0000 i 1.2787 003 003 003 005 004 004 004 004 . 005 i Total 0.0879 7.040Oe- 9.0700e- 1.00OOe- 4.1000e- 4.10OOe- 4.1000e- 4.10OOe- 0.0000 1.2766 1.2766 8.00OOe- 0.0000 1.2787 003 003 005 004 004 004 004 005 CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 21 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 3.7 Architectural Coating -2022 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 Vendor •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 Worker •i 1.1000e- i 8.000Oe- i 8.2000e- 0.0000 i 2.7000e- 0.0000 2.8000e- i 7.000Oe- 0.0000 7.000Oe- 0.0000 i 0.2193 0.2193 1.000Oe- i 0.0000 i 0.2194 004 005 004 004 004 005 005 005 Total 1.1000e- 8.000Oe- 8.2000e- 0.0000 2.7000e- 0.0000 2.8000e- 7.000Oe- 0.0000 7.000Oe- 0.0000 0.2193 0.2193 1.000Oe- 0.0000 0.2194 11 004 005 004 004 004 005 005 005 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Archit.Coating •1 0.0868 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 Off-Road •i 1.0200e- i 7.0400e- i 9.0700e- 1.000Oe- 4.1000e- 4.1000e- 4.1000e- 4.1000e- 0.0000 i 1.2766 1.2766 8.000Oe- i 0.0000 i 1.2787 003 003 003 005 004 004 004 004 . 005 i Total 0.0879 7.04OOe- 9.0700e- 1.000Oe- 4.1000e- 4.1000e- 4.1000e- 4.1000e- 0.0000 1.2766 1.2766 8.000Oe- 0.0000 1.2787 003 003 005 004 004 004 004 005 CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 22 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 3.7 Architectural Coating -2022 Mitigated Construction Off-Site ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Hauling •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 Vendor •i 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 i 0.0000 Worker •i 1.1000e- i 8.00OOe- i 8.2000e- 0.0000 i 2.7000e- 0.0000 2.8000e- i 7.00OOe- 0.0000 7.00OOe- 0.0000 i 0.2193 0.2193 1.00OOe- i 0.0000 i 0.2194 004 005 004 004 004 005 005 005 Total 1.1000e- 8.00OOe- 8.2000e- 0.0000 2.7000e- 0.0000 2.8000e- 7.00OOe- 0.0000 7.00OOe- 0.0000 0.2193 0.2193 1.00OOe- 0.0000 0.2194 11 004 005 004 004 004 005 005 005 4.0 Operational Detail - Mobile 4.1 Mitigation Measures Mobile CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 23 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual ROG I NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Mitigated •i 0.0571 0.3825 0.6042 i 2.5000e- i 0.1861 i 1.5000e- i 0.1876 i 0.0499 i 1.4000e- 0.0513 0.0000 i 232.1672 � 232.1672 i 0.0124 i 0.0000 i 232.4759 •� 003 003 003 Unmitigated 0.0571 0.3825 0.6042 2.5000e- - 0.1861 1.5000e- • 0.1876 - 0.0499 1.4000e- 0.0513 0.0000 232.1672 • 232.1672 0.0124 0.0000 232.4759 003 003 003 4.2 Trip Summary Information Average Daily Trip Rate Unmitigated Mitigated Land Use Weekday Saturday Sunday Annual VMT Annual VMT Parking Lot ; 0.00 0.00 0.00 ................................................... ---------- ---------- -----------------------:-------------------------- Place of Worship ; 157.89 179.72 634.83 488,709 488,709 Total 157.89 179.72 634.83 488,709 488,709 4.3 Trip Type Information Miles Trip% Trip Purpose% Land Use H-W or C-W H-S or C-C H-O or C-NW H-W or C-W H-S or C-C H-O or C-NW Primary Diverted Pass-by Parking Lot 16.60 8.40 6.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 .......................r----------rt---------T----------,i•------------------r--------t----------- ---------- --------- ----------------- Place of Worship 16.60 8.40 6.90 0.00 95.00 5.00 64 25 11 4.4 Fleet Mix Land Use LDA LDT1 LDT2 MDV LHD1 LHD2 MHD HHD OBUS UBUS MCY SBUS MH Parking Lot 0.555935r 0.035798; 0.180985; 0.113549; 0.015175; 0.004939; 0.018497; 0.064736; 0.001364; 0.001528; 0.005807; 0.000803- 0.000884 i i i i i i i i Place of Worship 0.555935. 0.035798, 0.180985, 0.113549, 0.015175, 0.004939, 0.018497, 0.064736, 0.001364, 0.001528, 0.005807, 0.000803, 0.000884 CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 24 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 5.0 Energy Detail Historical Energy Use: N 5.1 Mitigation Measures Energy ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive I Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr I I I I I I I I I I I Electricity •I I I I I I 0.0000 I 0.0000 I I 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 I 61.2676 I 61.2676 I 2.5300e- I 5.2000e- 61.4868 Mitigated 003 I 004 I I I I I ----------- I-------'-------'-------'-------'-------'-------'-------'-------'--------------- ------I-------'-------'-------'------- ry I I I I I I I I +� I I I I T Electricity •I I I I I I 0.0000 I 0.0000 I I 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 I 61.2676 I 61.2676 I 2.5300e- 15.2000e- i 61.4868 Unmitigated 003 I 004 I I I I I I I I I , I I I I ----------- I-------'-------'-------'-------'-------'-------'-------'-------'--------------- ------I-------'-------'------- NaturalGas 3.0400e- 0.0276 0.0232 1.7000e- 2.1000e- 2.1000e- 2.1000e- 2.1000e- 0.0000 30.0483 I '------- ry I I I I I I I I + I I 30.0483 II I T- •I I I I I I I I I I 5.8000e- I 5.5000e- 30.2269 Mitigated 003 I I I 004 I I 003 I 003 I I 003 003 I. i I • I I I I I I I 1 � � I 1 004 � 004 --------""}------"""--}'-""--------}"------"""}----"""-----""--------"}------"""--}'-"""------}"------"""*-------+'----'' ----'-""-'--}......------"}"------"""}--"""------*..----. NaturalGas •• 3.0400e- 0.0276 0.0232 1.7000e- - 2.1000e- 2.1000e- - 2.1000e- 2.1000e- 0.0000 30.0483 • 30.0483 5.8000e- - 5.5000e- 30.2269 Unmitigated 003 004 003 003 003 003 004 004 CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 25 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 5.2 Energy by Land Use - NaturalGas Unmitigated NaturalGa ROG NOx I CO I S02 I Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 CO2e s Use PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Land Use kBTU/yr tons/yr MT/yr I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I I Parking Lot I 0 •1 0.0000 1 0.0000 1 0.0000 1 0.0000 1 1 0.0000 1 0.0000 1 1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1 0.0000 1 0.0000 1 0.0000 1 0.0000 1 0.0000 t______�1_______ I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 +•_______1_ 1 I I t_______ Place of Worship 563084 •1 3.0400e- 1 0.0276 1 0.0232 1 1.7000e- 1 1 2.1000e- 1 2.1000e- 1 1 2.1000e- 2.1000e- 0.0000 1 30.0483 1 30.0483 1 5.8000e- 1 5.5000e- i 30.2269 1 '1 003 I I I 004 I 1 003 1 003 I 1 003 003 . 1 I I 004 I 004 I 1 '1 I I 1 I I I 1 1 • 1 I I I I Total 3.0400e- 0.0276 0.0232 1.7000e- 2.1000e- 2.1000e- 2.1000e- 2.1000e- 0.0000 30.0483 30.0483 5.8000e- 5.5000e- 30.2269 003 004 003 003 003 003 004 004 Mitigated NaturalGa ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e s Use PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Land Use kBTU/yr tons/yr MT/yr I I I I I I 1 1 I I I Parking Lot � 0 �1 0.0000 I 0.0000 I 0.0000 I 0.0000 1 I 0.0000 I 0.0000 I I 0.0000 0.0000 � 0.0000 1 0.0000 I 0.0000 I 0.0000 I 0.0000 i 0.0000 •1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 , 1 1 I I r �l -11- . 0 -.____.. 3.0400 - 0.0276 0.0232 1.7000e- 2.1000e- 2.1000e- 0.0000 300483 30483 5.8000e- 5.5000e- 30.2269Place of Worship 563084 :1 003 1 1 1 004 1 1 003 1 003 1 1 003 003 . i 1 1 004 1 004 I I • I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 • 1 I I I Total 3.0400e- 0.0276 0.0232 1.7000e- 2.1000e- 2.1000e- 2.1000e- 2.1000e- 0.0000 30.0483 30.0483 5.8000e- 5.5000e- 30.2269 003 004 003 003 003 003 004 004 CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 26 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 5.3 Energy by Land Use - Electricity Unmitigated Electricity Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e Use Land Use kWh/yr MT/yr Parking Lot 16380 •1 5.2190 i 2.2000e- 4.00OOe- 5.2377 004 005 i --------------- Place of Worship 175910 •i 56.0486 i 2.31 OOe- 4.800Oe- 56.2491 003 i 004 Total 61.2676 2.5307 5.2000e- 61.4868 003 004 Mitigated Electricity Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e Use Land Use kWh/yr MT/yr Parking Lot 16380 •i 5.2190 i 2.20OOe- i 4.00OOe- 5.2377 004 005 Place of Worship 175910 •i 56.0486 i 2.31 OOe- i 4.800Oe- 56.2491 003 004 Total 61.2676 2.5300e- 5.2000e- 61.4868 11 003 004 6.0 Area Detail 6.1 Mitigation Measures Area CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 27 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual Use Low VOC Paint- Residential Interior Use Low VOC Paint- Residential Exterior Use Low VOC Paint- Non-Residential Interior Use Low VOC Paint- Non-Residential Exterior ROG NOx I CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 I Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 I CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Category tons/yr MT/yr Mitigated •i 0.0745 i 2.000Oe- 1.7100e- i 0.0000 1.0000e- i 1.0000e- 1.000Oe- 1.000Oe- 0.0000 i 3.3300e- 3.3300e- i 1.000Oe- 0.0000 i 3.5500e- '� 005 003 005 005 005 005 003 003 005 i 003 Unmitigated 0.0745 2.000Oe- 1.7100e- 0.0000 1.000Oe- 1.000Oe- 1.000Oe- 1.000Oe- 0.0000 3.3300e- 3.3300e- - 1.000Oe- • 0.0000 3.5500e- 005 003 005 005 005 005 003 003 005 003 CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 28 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 6.2 Area by SubCategory Unmitigated ROG I NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 I N20 I CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Subcategory tons/yr MT/yr Architectural •i 8.6800e- 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Coating 003 Consumer •1 0.0657 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Products ------------- Landscaping •i 1.6000e- i 2.000Oe- 1.7100e- i 0.0000 1.000Oe- i 1.000Oe- 1.000Oe- 1.000Oe- 0.0000 i 3.3300e- 3.3300e- i 1.000Oe- 0.0000 3.5500e- '� 004 005 003 005 005 005 005 003 003 005 i 003 Total 0.0745 2.000Oe- 1.7100e- 0.0000 1.000Oe- 1.000Oe- 1.000Oe- 1.000Oe- 0.0000 3.3300e- 3.3300e- 1.000Oe- 0.0000 3.5500e- 005 003 005 005 005 005 003 003 005 003 Mitigated ROG NOx CO S02 Fugitive Exhaust PM10 Fugitive Exhaust PM2.5 Bio-CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e PM10 PM10 Total PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Subcategory tons/yr MT/yr Architectural •i 8.6800e- 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 Coating 003 Consumer •i 0.0657 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 Products Landscaping 1.6000e- i 2.000Oe- 1.7100e- i 0.0000 1.000Oe- i 1.000Oe- 1.0000e- 1.000Oe- 0.0000 i 3.3300e- 3.3300e- i 1.000Oe- 0.0000 i 3.5500e- 004 005 003 005 005 005 005 . 003 003 005 i 003 Total 0.0745 2.000Oe- 1.7100e- 0.0000 1.000Oe- 1.000Oe- 1.000Oe- 1.000Oe- 0.0000 3.3300e- 3.3300e- 1.000Oe- 0.0000 3.55OOe- 005 003 005 005 005 005 003 003 005 003 7.0 Water Detail CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 29 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 7.1 Mitigation Measures Water Apply Water Conservation Strategy Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e Category MT/yr Mitigated •i 4.3391 i 0.0143 3.7000e- i 4.8070 •� 004 i ---------------------------------------------- Unmitigated 5.4239 0.0179 4.6000e- 6.0087 004 7.2 Water by Land Use Unmitigated Indoor/Out Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e door Use Land Use Mgal MT/yr Parking Lot 0/0 •1 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 0.0000 -------------------------- -------*------- Place of Worship :3.542237/9 5.4239 i 0.0179 i 4.6000e- 6.0087 0.848114;i 004 Total 5.4239 0.0179 4.6000e- 6.0087 004 CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 30 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 7.2 Water by Land Use Mitigated Indoor/Out Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e door Use Land Use Mgal MT/yr Parking Lot 0/0 •1 0.0000 1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 - ---------------- Place of Worship 13.433789/•1 4.3391 0.0143 3.7000e- 4.8070 0.678491 ;i i 004 Total 4.3391 0.0143 3.7000e- 4.8070 004 8.0 Waste Detail 8.1 Mitigation Measures Waste Institute Recycling and Composting Services CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 31 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual Category/Year Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e MT/yr Mitigated •i 5.0129 i 0.2963 i 0.0000 1 12.4192 .........-e..............}..............}...................... Unmitigated •• 20.0515 1.1850 0.0000 49.6766 8.2 Waste by Land Use Unmitigated Waste Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e Disposed Land Use tons MT/yr Parking Lot I 0 •1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 I 0.0000 _.r______il_______ _______ _______r....... Place of Worship I 98.78 •i 20.0515 1.1850 0.0000 I 49.6766 Total 20.0515 1.1850 0.0000 49.6766 CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 32 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual 8.2 Waste by Land Use Mitigated Waste Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e Disposed Land Use tons MT/yr Parking Lot 0 •1 0.0000 1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 - -------'------- Place of Worship i 24.695 •i 5.0129 0.2963 0.0000 i 12.4192 Total 5.0129 1 0.2963 j 0.0000 12.4192 9.0 Operational Offroad Equipment Type Number Hours/Day Days/Year Horse Power Load Factor Fuel Type 10.0 Stationary Equipment Fire Pumps and Emergency Generators Equipment Type Number Hours/Day Hours/Year Horse Power Load Factor Fuel Type Boilers Equipment Type Number Heat Input/Day Heat Input/Year Boiler Rating Fuel Type User Defined Equipment Equipment Type Number 11.0 Vegetation CaIEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2016.3.2 Page 33 of 33 Date: 5/17/2021 4:01 PM Saint Justina Coptic Orthodox Church - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Annual a � E1_ MT May 19,2021 GB ARCHITECTS Contact: George Botros 400 North Mountain Avenue, Suite 208 Upland, California 91786 SUBJECT: Biological Due Diligence Investigation for the Proposed St. Yostina Church Project Located within at 6386 Sapphire Street, Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County,California Introduction This report contains the findings of ELMT Consulting's(ELMT)biological due diligence investigation for the proposed St.Yostina Church project(project site or site)located at 6386 Sapphire Street, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California. The biological due diligence investigation was conducted by ELMT biologist Jacob H. Lloyd Davies on May 18, 2021 to document baseline conditions and to determine the potential for special-status plant and wildlife species to occur on the project site that could pose a constraint to implementation of the proposed project. Project Location The project site is generally located north of State Route 210,west of Interstate 15,south of the San Gabriel Mountains, and east of the San Bernardino Los Angeles County Line in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California. The project site is depicted on the Mount Baldy quadrangle of the United States Geological Survey's (USGS) 7.5-minute topographic map series within section 29 of Township 1 South, Range 7 West. Specifically, the project site is located at 6386 Sapphire Street within APN 1062-332-25. Refer to Exhibits 1 and 2 in Attachment A. Methodology Literature Review Prior to conducting the habitat assessment/field investigation, a literature review and records search was conducted for special-status biological resources potentially occurring on or within the vicinity of the project site.Previously recorded occurrences of special-status plant and wildlife species and their proximity to the project site were determined through a query of the California Departments (CDFW's) QuickView Tool in the Biogeographic Information and Observation System (BIOS), California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB)Rarefind 5, and the California Native Plant Society's(CNPS)Electronic Inventory of Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants of California. All literature detailing the biological resources previously observed on or within the vicinity of the project site were reviewed to understand existing site conditions and note the extent of any disturbances that have 2201 N. Grand Avenue#10098 1 Santa Ana, CA 92711-0098 1 (714)716-5050 www.ELMTConsulting com May 19,2021 Page 2 occurred on the project site that would otherwise limit the distribution of special-status biological resources, as well as the following resources: • Google Earth Pro historic aerial imagery(1985-2020); • United States Department of Agriculture(USDA)Natural Resource Conservation Service(MRCS), Soil Survey'; • United States Fish and Wildlife Service(USFWS)Critical Habitat designations for Threatened and Endangered Species; and • USFWS National Wetlands Inventory. Habitat Assessment/Field Investikation Following the literature review, biologist Jacob H. Lloyd Davies inventoried and evaluated the condition of the habitat within the project site on May 18, 2021. Plant communities and land cover types identified on aerial photographs during the literature review were verified by walking meandering transects throughout the project site. In addition, site characteristics such as soil condition, topography, hydrology, anthropogenic disturbances,indicator species,condition of on-site plant communities and land cover types, and presence of potential jurisdictional drainage and/or wetland features were noted. Existing Site Conditions Elevation on the project site ranges from 1,681 to 1,714 feet above mean sea level,is generally flat with no areas of significant topographic relief, and slopes gently from north to south. Based on the NRCS USDA Web Soil Survey,the project site is underlain by Tujunga gravelly loamy sand(0 to 9 percent slopes). Soils on-site have been mechanically disturbed and heavily compacted from previous anthropogenic disturbances (i.e., grading, storage activities, spoils stockpiling, and on-site and surrounding development). Due to existing and historical land uses, no native plant communities or natural communities of special concern were observe on-site. The project site consists of vacant, undeveloped land that has been subject to a variety of anthropogenic disturbances and existing development. The project site supports two(2)land cover types that would be classified as disturbed and developed.Refer to Attachment C,Site Photographs, for representative photographs of the project site. No native plant communities will be impacted from implementation of the proposed project. The disturbed areas on the project site are found primarily in the northern and central portions of the site and along the eastern boundary. These areas are composed primarily of non-native early successional/ruderal plant species.Plant species found within the disturbed areas on-site include red brome (Bromus rubens), ripgut (Bromus diandrus), red-stemmed filaree (Erodium cicutarum), telegraph weed (Heterotheca grandifolia), Mediterranean mustard(Hirschfeldia incana), Russian thistle (Salsola tragus), cheeseweed (Malva parviflora), Spanish lotus (Acmispon americanus), prostrate knotweed (Polygonum aviculare), sow thistle(Sonchus oleraceus), and ornamental tree species. The southern portion of the project site is developed and supports paved asphalt parking lots, driveways, 1 A soil series is defined as a group of soils with similar profiles developed from similar parent materials under comparable climatic and vegetation conditions. These profiles include major horizons with similar thickness, arrangement, and other important characteristics,which may promote favorable conditions for certain biological resources. 6386 Sapphire Street a E E M T Biological Due Diligence Investigation ❑�� CONSULTING May 19,2021 Page 3 and existing structures associated with the existing church. This land cover type is generally devoid of vegetation,with the exception of ornamental landscaping. Avian species observed during the field investigation include northern mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos), Anna's hummingbird (Calypte anna), black phoebe (Sayornis nigricans), Cassin's kingbird (Tyrannus vociferans),northern rough-winged swallow(Stelgidopteryx serripennis),bushtit(Pstaltriparus minimus), house finch (Haemorhous mexicanus), and lesser goldfinch (Spinus psaltria). The only reptilian species observed during the field investigation was western side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana elegans). The only mammalian species observed during the field investigation was pocket gopher (Thomomys sp.). No fish or amphibian were observed during the field investigation.The project site a provides minimal foraging and cover habitat for wildlife species adapted to a high degree of anthropogenic disturbance. Nesting Birds No active nests or birds displaying nesting behavior were observed during the field survey, which was conducted during the breeding season. Although heavily disturbed,the project has the potential to provide minimal foraging and nesting habitat for year-round and seasonal avian residents, as well as migrating songbirds that could occur in the area that area adapted to disturbed areas and urban environments. Additionally,the site has potential to support ground-nesting birds such as killdeer(Charadrius vociferus). Nesting birds are protected pursuant to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and California Fish and Game Code (Sections 3503, 3503.5, 3511, and 3513 prohibit the take,possession, or destruction of birds, their nests or eggs). If construction occurs between February 1st and August 31st, a pre-construction clearance survey for nesting birds should be conducted prior to the start of any vegetation removal or ground disturbing activities to ensure that no nesting birds will be disturbed during construction. Migratory Corridors and Linkages The proposed project will be confined to existing disturbed and developed land,which has removed natural plant communities from the project site. Further, the project site is surrounded by existing developments which have eliminated connection to nearby wildlife movement corridors. As a result, implementation of the proposed project will not disrupt or have any adverse effects on any migratory corridors or linkages in the surrounding area. Jurisdictional Areas No discernible drainage courses, inundated areas, or wetland features/obligate plant species that would be considered jurisdictional by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), Regional Water Quality Control Board(Regional Board), or CDFW were observed within the proposed project site. It should be noted that channelized portions of Demens Creek and Cucamonga Creek occur approximately 0.2 mile west of the project site and are separated from the site by existing residential development. Based on the proposed site plan,project activities will not result in impacts to Corps,Regional Board, or CDFW jurisdictional areas and regulatory approvals will not be required. Special-Status Biological Resources The CNDDB Rarefind 5 and the CNPS Electronic Inventory of Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants of 6386 Sapphire Street a E E M T Biological Due Diligence Investigation ❑�� CONSULTING May 19,2021 Page 4 California were queried for reported locations of special-status plant and wildlife species as well as special- status natural plant communities in the Mount Baldy and Cucamonga Peak USGS 7.5-minute quadrangles. The habitat assessment evaluated the conditions of the habitat(s) within the boundaries of the project site to determine if the existing plant communities, at the time of the survey, have the potential to provide suitable habitat(s)for special-status plant and wildlife species. The literature search identified forty-nine (49) special-status plant species, fifty-eight (58) special-status wildlife species, and seven (7) special-status plant communities as having potential to occur within the Mount Baldy and Cucamonga Peak USGS 7.5-minute quadrangles.Special-status plant and wildlife species were evaluated for their potential to occur within the project site based on habitat requirements,availability and quality of suitable habitat, and known distributions. Species determined to have the potential to occur within the general vicinity of the project site are presented in Table D-1: Potentially Occurring Special- Status Biological Resources,provided in Attachment D. No special-status plant or wildlife species,or special-status plant communities were observed on-site during the habitat assessment. The proposed project site consists of existing disturbed and developed areas that have been subject to a high level of anthropogenic disturbances. These disturbances have eliminated the natural plant communities that once occurred on-site resulting in a majority of the project site consisting of non-native, ruderal/weedy plant species. Furthermore, the project site is isolated from nearby open spaces by existing development.Based on habitat requirements for specific species and the availability and quality of on-site habitat,it was determined that no special-status plant or wildlife species are expected to occur on the proposed project site. Critical Habitat The project site is not located with federally designated Critical Habitat. The nearest designated Critical Habitat is located approximately 3.34 miles northeast of the project site for San Bernardino kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami parvus). Therefore, the loss or adverse modification of Critical Habitat from site development will not occur and consultation with the USFWS for impacts to Critical Habitat will not be required for implementation of the proposed project. Conclusion The project site has been routinely disturbed by human activity for several decades and is partially developed. Based on the proposed project footprint and existing site conditions discussed in this report, none of the special-status plant or wildlife species known to occur in the general vicinity of the project site are expected to be directly or indirectly impacted from implementation of the project. Therefore, it was determined that implementation of the project will have "no effect" on federally or State listed species known to occur in the general vicinity of the project site, or sensitive plant community. Additionally, the project will not impact any jurisdictional drainage features, sensitive habits,designated Critical Habitats or regional wildlife movement corridors/linkages. Please do not hesitate to contact Tom McGill at(951)285-6014 or tmcgillkelmtconsulting com or Travis McGill at(909) 816-1646 or travismcgill@elmtconsulting.com should you have any questions. 6386 Sapphire Street a ELM T Biological Due Diligence Investigation ❑�� CONSULTING May 19,2021 Page 5 Sincerely, Thomas J. McGill,Ph.D. Travis J. McGill Managing Director Director Attachments: A. Project Exhibits B. Site Plans C. Site Photographs D. Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources 6386 Sapphire Street a ELM T Biological Due Diligence Investigation ❑�� CONSULTING Attachment A Project Exhibits 2266trlit s �J -Vr �r _Lr. frda+R � '� vc•ra 0+ r r� ��a� Wl;iilaway•Sl I m � gfray°Ln � •'rTi � r � - . E 51fr Sl� 0. ff ul 7 J F� � — -- •_Hlllslde-Rd C c _ t3rittany� 8e ctwvood`rForl /l i E•24th St, .m ■ Jenrnt•S! A r� � a 7horaWnbred•St x rd t Gardena we Chin, Hills Mira Loma of pumelo 5� r[e 3t SurtSlower Ara i I--S.p e,NI n N 11ho�� 6 iE t3artyan•5 n 'a bury Ln 9 °per i `P• p+° � 8 h Fdarlh•Avero •nSertiuryGt � �' �. � I $ .r g I x P.F iDJ Lemon•Ave .z� 1i O • 2tstSt r � � - v+ r Lelmon•Ave it �_� oo�r�ta� � •w Orarge st fi' pits • Alta Loma Or LL E 201h St Hiphle Av Hu Dr Foothill Fwy c�rdanrst �.y E 19t t � � • • [] S9lh Sr 't ,•p� A f'f+m0ton3t •. ' � Ya �, E �0 1 m Mgrwnetl9 St 4 E Sage Or hSt 6 �, •• 8 Bth3t Holly3l - - Q TAe��Y 4 _.-, p! y •t r p� 9 A+relon St�� [] •N � c� -- ._� a Fa� � _ •- -�1n � AIO nEe•VI6ta•St•�� E � o—� rtOlon*S P%wY CP W L•urrina•St �..� 'oW..S �rLry � 9 'IElile•SS r rn Vewpgrnt•St � �. Terp� �ridQe } ts•Vtne St � l:'• Mesa ViewB! Scenic Vlew•St Ln La Gr•rxle St La R0 1.7[YI51 � patsh� ��p•S3� f° La PISIIreSI m � � la v L GD1!GW3❑ m g $ � �„ x E ch9r �rD, d � � Lomlta Dr E � hi��Dr Rrviers� t N � ftuberde St Ro6erds 3t c x � t3ase Una Rd G _ Base Lin St A E 161h 3t yyrl'ped Faot❑r A�1,3Fi.3 Ilr � � o Via Lades � � gend llP��Hills Or S � Via � Z. Project Site Ir tiprth 4r � �Gt E151hS1 � gr Jrerrts ci ❑ c 6aISarSt �N �. .w - k r s VT F IF • r AW i a ` ` V 14 r s • r 1 h I1 ■ M F Legend Project Site a, 11 w. IF &4-V- U-J�man -10C. 6386 SAPPHIRE STREET 0 125 250 50o E � MT © BIOLOGICAL DUE DILIGENCE ©J Project Site �F (.Iv .L ,.),, Feet Source:ESRI Aerial Imagery,San Bernardino County Exhibit 2 Attachment B Site Plans 1" CEMENT 6" WIDE CONIC 4" CONCRETE SLAB WITH # 4 24" O.C. E&W CURB AVERS V I U NIT M AP #4 DWOELS 16" D.C.IY l <0 ST . YOSTINA CHURCH II III III III III III III III III III I I rill, III III II III...III...III...I ..Ill. k III I E13 Ll 11 E�l Ll�E�l COMPACTED SOIL 2" SAND EACH 7 # 4 CONT. TOP AND BOTTOM 6386 SAPPH RE St * DECORATIVE DRIVEWAY PAVING DETAILS ILI ID211 E:1 N.T.S D 0 D . �aaE�l U C1Q fl 6'CONC, CURB scope ® f work . D E? L�__] GROOVED BORDER BEVELED WHERE REQUIRED L] �E�l�DE�l LIP c E 4-10 �_._oo.1..oza-S—o-A <1 * LOPE 5 1.M.o1g oRo. 1 12 SUNDAY SCHOOLS — * 1 . UD 2 2— RESTROOMS FLARED ONLY APPROVED DSA-AC DETECTABLE WARNING PRODUCTS ARE INSTALLED E�l WIDTH 36" MIN. 3— LIBRARY SIDE VA_ DOME SIZE : BASE 9" TO 92" . TOP .45" TO .47". HEIGHT .18" TO .22" SPACING : 2.3" TO 2.4" CENTER TO CENTER OF PARALLEL LINES) WITH MIN. 65" BASE SPACING 4— RECORDING ROOM COLOR YELLOW CONFORMING TO FS 33538. 5— PRIEST OFFICE (D ACCESSABILTY ROUTE OF TRAVEL 6— ADMINISTRATION OFFICE (DCURB DETAILS 7— RECEPTION 8— EATING AREA 9 KITCHEN NEW TILE EXIST. 6' HIGH PAVING CONIC. BLOCK 7 EXISTING EXISTING ]STING EXIST.. ENT WALL SLMP NEW REEES S EXIST. TREES ENT CONCRETE TREEESD NG EXIST.EASMENT ENT PAVING � DECORATIVE PAVING '7- 7L I EXISTING 12" CEMENT BORDER �ISTMNE STONE EXIST. TREES EXIST. EASM EXIST. TREES d NEW REKnNG WALL 7 5'HIGH SIAIMP STONE FIRE LANE FIRE LANE ISTING PLANING INFORMATION LAWN JLL------Lau------- -------J.L ADA ROUTE LINE OF SECOND FLOOR EXISTING CHURCHE : 6500SF _47__ I I NEW SECOND FLOOR 9731 SF EXISTING W W GAPING NEW FIRST FLOOR 8000 SF ex RW INE OF I ---- --------- REEES !f7_73W CAPING FIR FLOOR TOTAL NEW AREA 17731 SF NEW SIDE -j— EXISTING CONCRETI LAWN PAVING f IST NUMBER OF PARKING REQUIRED: �� s � i I LAWN 77 TOTAL SEATS 360 S D S 0 FUTURE SOCCER I PARKING ATALLS REQUIRED: 365/3 =122 STALLS EXISTING EXIST. IN SO L R FIELD AREA CHURCH o I 0 EXIST. PARKING STALL 50 7 �AWN 6500 SF 2% NEW PARKING STALLS 117 EXIST. 6' HIGH EXIST. y UP TOTAL PARKING STALLS PROVIDED 16 CONC. BLOCK CONCRETE EXIST. A IN r= WALL SLMP P CONCRETE E011 EXIST. 6' HIGH S PAVING CONIC. BLOCK 01 WALL SLMP I CURRENT CODE: S CD CD TONE LANDSCONG A 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE —AL EXISTING 26'0* 2019 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE PARKING -AM VAN HANDICAPPED\ 2019 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE 1 0 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE -0 1 AN 0 HANDICAPPED 2019 CALIFORNIA GREEN CODE 2g-0 PARKING 26_1 I SEE GRADING LOCA ORDINANCES NO. 8 OR 9 PLAN (7) A (D AND NO. FD56 E I NFPA 72 FIRE FOR ALARM AND FIRE EXISTIN LAWN PARKING ALARM FOR NFPA 13 FIRE SPRINKLER DETECTABLE WARNING SEE 2/A-03 SIP&WALK ,qDE WALK CONSTRUCTION: TYPE V—B EXIST. FIRE SPRINKLERED, YES HOUSE EXISTING UO PARKING 20' RADIUS 0 OCCUPANCY GROUP A-3 NEW PARKING AREA 46' RADIUS AISED—CONC. CURB---- SLOPING DOWN OCCUPANT LOAD TOTAL 360 PERSONS CL 46 RADIUS 12" CEMVT'BORDER 2: , _ — 6 RAISED CONIC. CURB g 4-01 1 01-01 1 91-e W-0, 1 9'-0' 9'-f I al-e 1 01-0, 1 g'-r 1 91-01 if 22'-0' -12" CEMENT *D Q'-w 1 gl-e I q1- �IDECOR DECORATIVE PAVING I / I F*�- NEW XIS 20 RADIUS " RADIUS qn,PAIII WALKWAY 15'-6* jl N • ------TING C14 EXISTING TREEES TREEES rl TQMMG(� TREEES 0 �Y '°° ' ' XISI EXISTING REEESS TREEES DRIVEWAY qInW WALK DRIVEWAY 7� EXIST. 6' HIGH ACCESS ACCESS — EXIST. 6' HIGH CONIC. BLOCK EXIST. REES "UDING CONIC. BLOCK WALL SLMP 1 GATE WALL SLMP STONE STONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6386 SAPPH RE St 0 OWNER: 'COV-1 L C$ 4&0 S I T E PLAN St Justina Coptic 0 Orthodox Church C-22961 S � TE P LA N 6386 SAPPHIRE St. 1p ' " RANCHO CUCAMONGA, . 0 1 GB ARCHITECTS CA, 91701 0 C 1 / 32 1 - 0 ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING . ENGINEERING PROJECT# SCALE 400 N. MOUNTAIN AV. # 208 - AS SHOWN — 01 UPLAND, CA, 91786 DATE: A (909) 949 - 6999 FAX (909) 949-2928 5-25-2020 11 1 <A WINDOW SCHEDULE 9'-0" 5'-9" 29'-0" 5'-5" 20'-6" 5'-6 NUMBER WIDTH HIGHT TYPE FRAME GLAZING NOTES U" 29'-0" 5'-6' FACTOR SHGC .30 .23 5080 F 5'-0" 8'-0' FIXED VIYNEL DOUBLE 1 5070 F 5'-0' 7'-0' FIXED VIYNEL DOUBLE LINE OF WALLS ABOVE 5060 F 5'-0" 6'-0' FIXED VIYNEL DOUBLE LINE OF WALLS ABOVE 4070 F 4'-0" 7'-0' FIXED I I I I O I I I I CONC. BLOCK WALL CONC. BLOCK WALL 10'-5' LINE OF WALLS ABOVE RESTROOM STORAGE RECORDING CONS. BLOCK WALL O DOOR SCHEDULE - ; 16'-6• 16'-6" 6'-3" SYMBOL WIDTH HEIGHT TYPE FRAME 3oao ' - SUNDAY SUNDAY 3080 4080 3'-O" 8'-0" DOOR WD SCHOOL SCHOOL SUNDAY SUNDAY 4080 3' 0" 8'-0" DOOR WD F 3c80 SCHOOL 3080 SCHOOL 3080 3'-0" 8'-0" DOOR WD - 4-8�0 4'-8' �` OCCUPANT LOAD 20 OCCUPANT LOAD 20 OCCUPANT LOAD 20 OCCUPANT LOAD 20 3680 3'-6" 8'-0" DOOR WD/GLASS 3690 3'-6" 9'-0" DOOR WD/GLASS STORAGE 9' HEIG o 9' HEIGH" 3080 3080 3080 3080 6080 6'-0" 8'-0" FRENCH DOOR WD/ GLASS ~' 7080 7'-0" 8'-0" FRENCH DOOR WD/ GLASS WOM0 0 - 7090 7'-0" 9'-0 FRENCH DOOR WD/ GLASS ENI , _ _ _ _ _ —O O O \ MEN � SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY C O O `� -' SCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHOOL rY60�80 3080 OCCUPANT LOAD 20 SCHOOL OCCUPANT LOAD 20 OCCUPANT LOAD 20 OCCUPANT LOAD 20 - O LINE OF WALL ABOVE 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 COFFE/TEA SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHOOL 3' ARC SCHOOL 5' SCHOOL 5'-1" OCCUPANT LOAD 20 LIBRARY OCCUPANT LOAD 20 OCCUPANT LOAD 20 OCCUPANT LOAD 20 _T OCCUPANT L�,=1AC 10 3080 3080 3080 LINE WALL ABOVE 3080 I � 16�9 _ O E I _ LIN F WALL ABOVE 3' ARCH 6080 1 HR FIRE RATED DOOR 080 LINE OF WALL ABOVE -T \ o 5'-0" 5"-0'" 3080 3080 ^ O 2 HR FIRE RATED MEETING RM WALL LINE A I II 2680 OCCUPANT LOAD 1 SECOND FLOOR: TOTAL OCCUPANT LOAD 360 2 HR FIRE RATED OFFICE PRIEST OFFICE 13'X16.6' 3' DIAMi 6080 OCCUPANT LOAD 10 RES FIRST FLOOR: TOTAL OCCUPANT LOAD 278 RM 4040E OCCUPANT LOAD 2 II I 3080 040E 404 F BUSSINESS SCHEDULE: EVERY DAY FROM 9AM TO 2PM 1 HR FYR�M€p DOOR REC RTION FIRE RATED 040E AND AROUND 3 DAYD A WEEK FROM 5PM TO 10PM I II I I II I I I II 2 HR FIRE RATED 3' DIALE�iI 4040E o I N N R r 2 HR FIRE RATED 2 DAIM. V3690 7090 3690 --- 2' DAIM. L11 FL o I I OI I I I I 5-0" 4'-1" 21'-1" 15-0" 9' 6" 7' 9" 4' 3" 4' 4" 5' 9" 5' 9" 7, 8" 5' 1" 2' 9" I 7'-8" 3'-4" 2'-11" 12'-6° FIRST FLOOR PLAN I 20'-2" 7'-8" 5'-1" I 13'-10" 2'-11" 12'-6° I 62'-1" 1 I I I I I OWNER: � �� L. 80 FIRSTF L R PLAN st Justina Coptic ��4 �N a Orthodox Church C-22961 6386 SAPPHIRE St. RANCHO CUCAMONGA, ? '� 0 i G� ARCHITECTS CA, 91701 of CAti� ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING . ENGINEERING PROJECT# SCALE 400 N. MOUNTAIN AV. # 208 e UPLAND, CA, 91786 DATE: A1 TEL: (909) 949 - 6999 FAX (909) 949-2928 5-25-2020 A WINDOW SCHEDULE NUMBER WIDTH HIGHT TYPE FRAME GLAZING NOTES u FACTOR SHGC 1 .30 .23 100'-3" 1 9'-2" 5080 F 5'-0" 8'-0' FIXED VIYNEL DOUBLE 29'-0" s'- " 20'-6" 5'-6" 29'-0" 5070 F 5'-0' 7'-0" FIXED VIYNEL DOUBLE 1 5060 F 5'-0'' 6'-0" FIXED VIYNEL DOUBLE 5'-6" 4'-6" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-6" 5'-6" '-2" 8'-4" 7' 1u" I '-3" 5'-6" 4'-6" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-6" 5'-6" 9'-1" 4070 F 4'-0" 7'-0" FIXED O ' I I RAMP = \v /� RAMP \ 1 I � I O 5080E+ARCH �— 508 F+ARCH 1 DOOR SCHEDULE TEMP TOO P 1 ^5080F+ARCH = O SYMBOL WIDTH HEIGHT TYPE FRAME — O O O I O 5080F+ARCH =q - - TEMP TEMP 4080 3'-0" 8'-0$' DOOR WD / 3690 /SOFFIT 14/ 0 4080 3'-0" 8-0 DOOR WD \ / TEMP \\ TEMP (TEMP / TEMP / / ` 3080 3'-0" 8'-0" DOOR WD 4070E+ARCH / \ `\ / / 3'_0• o 3680 3'-6" 8'-0" DOOR WD/GLASS 14'-6" \ / / / 3690 3'-6" 9'-0" DOOR WD/GLASS 070F+ARCH 6080 6'-0" 8'-0" FRENCH DOOR WD/ GLASS \ / / 7080 7'-0" 8'-0" FRENCH DOOR WD/ GLASS - \V A // \ / 7090 7'-0" 9'-0 FRENCH DOOR WD/ GLASS LOCKERS 2.5' DAIM. A / ROOF / TOILET x 00 ABO VE LINE 0 STOP EATING AREA EATING AREA 16' H�GH 16' HIGH // // 14" O B O DRY STOP / — —<— — — —< DRESSING I \ 508QF+ARCH B IA-_4FREET v v A-4 I �- - - - - - - - - - � I I THEATER \ \ EATING AREA v v SKY LIGHT ABOVE / v v COOLER ABOVE OCCUPANT LOAD 360 Pot I wash. III ROOF A I I 00 ACCESS I VVV yyyyIIII III //'�v I I I I ,� � MOM \ O MOP I I 5' 11AIV. FOOD PREP 040 HAN IsN / y- // DRESSING 14" / I 5080k+ARCH SOD ❑ L_ J \ WALL LIN BF-1 W " I /'- �� KITCHEN o / WALL LINE ABOVE A A EATING AREA 16' HIGH \ ` z 5'-0' / O / O \ z o // \\ \\ k07 F+ARCH \ I 2.5' IM. V o 5060E+ARCH 5060E+ARCH 5060E+ARCH 5060E+ARCH 5060E+ARCH 5060E+ARO 2.5' DAIM. -WO 3080i � 308� I I I I I 3080 I I I I I o I I OPE BE // O WALL LINE BELOW o /MIEN � EL 0 � � O 2.5' DAIM. � � � I ` 25' DAIM I o � . . I / ROOF LINE ABOVE \\ O O I I I I I I SE C OND FLOOR PLAN I I I A O OWNER: G L. g a SECOND FLOOR PLAN St Justina Coptic ¢ w Orthodox Church * C-22961 6386 SAPPHIRE St. GB ARCHITECTS CA, 91701 1 01UCAMONGA, j$, OP CAy�� ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING . ENGINEERING PROJECT# SCALE 400 N. MOUNTAIN AV. # 208 UPLAND, CA, 91786 DATE: TEL: (909) 949 - 6999 FAX (909) 949-2928 5-25-2020 ioo'-s` CONC. TILES MATCH EXIST. AND SLOPE 4:12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M\7' MATCH EXI 5'-6" � MATCH MATCH EXIST - FIBER GLASS AND STUCCO -\nnn(D MATCH EXISTING 7� N LIGHT FIXTUR MATCH EXIST p 6 LIGHT FIXTUR o o MATCH EXIST o I I GRANIT LIGHT FIXTUR o I I I MATCH EXISTING MATCH EXIST SECOND FLOOR o SECOND FLOOR MATCH EXISTING FIBER GLASS AND STUCCO TRIM FIBER GLASS AND STUCCO TRIM MATCH EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION 1 /8"= V -0" CONC. TILES MATCH EXIST. COLOR AND SLOPE 4:12 EXISTING CHURCH FIBER GLASS AND STUCCO MATCH EXISTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T\Y) I I I SMOOTH STUCCO � I MATCH EXIST o o N CD — — — — — — — — — — ® ®I I I I I I ® MATCH EXISTING FIBER GLASS AND STUCCO LIGHT FIXTUR � MATCH EXISTING MATCH I I I I I I I I I I I 1_11LL I EXIST. CHURCH NEW CONSTRUCTION EAST ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION 1/8"=1 '-0" CONC. TILES MATCH EXIST. COLOR AND SLOPE 4:12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IT IBER GLASS T MATCH EXISTI o I o XvXv- o SECOND FLOOR --- -------- I I I I 4'-0' I I o II II IEl E:1 E=- St OWNER: �¢� L. 80 -- FIRST FLOOR ELEVATIONS Orthod xaChurch *CopticU N C-22961 -------------------- - ------- -------- 6386 SAPPHIRE St. -P ~� B ARCHITECTS R C H I T E C T S CAA, 9H0 01 UCAMONGA, 9�i,QP CA11� SOUTH ELEVATION ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING . ENGINEERING 1/8"=1 '-0" PROJECT# SCALE 400 N. MOUNTAIN AV. # 208 e UPLAND, CA, 91786 DATE: TEL: (909) 949 - 6999 FAX (909) 949-2928 5-25-2020 r--,f� i-o0' 0 Ll CONC. TILES MATCH EXIST. COLOR AND SLOPE 4:12 SECTION A e A 7 77 t t\�' I N , ,ly \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CD Lfl _I ��-7 CID / � I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — /`JI \ GRANIT MATCH EXIST. F ------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ \ \/ CONC. TILES SLOPE 4:12 ROOF LINE ABOVE WEST ELEVATION II � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � <' - �/ \ \ 1 8 =1 —0" FAT ROOF \ SKY LIGHT / FLAT ROOF \\ \ MECHANICAL III \\ // MECHANICAL \ — EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT — I — lower roof / WALL LINE ABOVE \ \\ \ CONC. TILES SLOPE 4:12 \\ - - � I I 11 I I I I I I lower roof A/C UNITS A/C UNITS A/C UNITS A/C UNITS 0 0 SKYLIGHT / ROOF LINE ABOVE\\ O ROOF PLAN 41 ELEVATION AND OWNER: � 4� L. sa St Justina Coptic ° SECTION AND ROOF P LA Orthodox Church * C-22961 SECTION D -R RANCHO SAPPHIRE St. � 1/8"-1 '—O" GB ARCHITECTS CAA, 91701 AMONGA, Q? 0 CAy��p4` ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING . ENGINEERING PROJECT# SCALE 400 N. MOUNTAIN AV. # 208 e UPLAND, CA, 91786 DATE: A4 TEL: (909) 949 - 6999 FAX (909) 949-2928 5-25-2020 A n n I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5080F+ARCH 5080F+ARCH _ TEMP TEMP ' O ' A ' 5080F+ARCH SOFFIT 14' ' TEMP SOFFIT 14' S080F+ARCH TEMP O O FSOFFIT 14' O 3690 -�r SOFFIT 14' SOFFIT 14' _ — O O — — TEMP TEMP TEMP TEMP — — L — — 4070F+ARCH 4070F+ARCH I I I I F- II I OFFIT 14' I I SOFFIT' 141 1 EATING AREA `� i EATING AREA I 16' HIGH , 16' HIGH 141, L � F- STORAGE - - - ' D B -J 5080F+ARCH B ---------------------- ------------------------ A-4 O O - - -4 O L - - - - - _ SKY LIGHT ABOVE 1 0 - - - - - - - - - - - � COOLER EATING-AREA C I I O OCCUPANT LOAD 360 SOFFIT 14' O O II II O O F- - - - - - - - - - - - OI - - - - - - - - - - - 0 FOODI � - - � I I � PREP. - - � L - - � F- - - � L - - - II II II II SOFFIT 14' 5080E+ARCH KITCHEN // EATING AREA , 16 HIGH I I O O O � � F- � O O L - - � � � _ - 4070E+ARCH O O -J O SOFFIT 14' -5" 5060E+ARCH 5060F+ARCH 5060F+ARCH 5060F+ARCH 5060F+ARCH 5060F+ARCH 3080 3080i -w0M O I 1 I I � � I 3080 OP BELO MEN EL 0 ' I VA VMA I ' O� H I SEU" OND FLOOR u" EILING PLAN 1 / 8 99 - 1 9 O 99 A OWNER: rl, oCEILING PLANSt Justina Coptic toOrthodox Church 961 6386 SAPPHIRE St. �v � g TR IC H I T E C T S RANCHO 1 O 1 UCAMONGA, op o CA�1 ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING . ENGINEERING PROJECT# SCALE 400 N. MOUNTAIN AV. # 208 A - 5 UPLAND, CA, 91786 DATE: TEL: (909) 949 - 6999 FAX (909) 949-2928 5-25-2020 Attachment C Site Photographs Attachment C—Site Photographs d. Photograph 1: From the eastern boundary of the project site looking east. Q�Y_ Photograph 2: From the eastern boundary of the project site looking north. 6386 Sapphire Street ©o E L M T Biological Due Diligence Investigation Attachment C—Site Photographs Photograph 3: From the northeast corner of the project site looking south along the eastern boundary. , t. Photograph 4: From the northeast corner of the project site looking west along the northern boundary. 6386 Sapphire Street ©o E L M T Biological Due Diligence Investigation Attachment C—Site Photographs a wnx a M. �Y. f Photograph 5: From the northwest corner of the project site looking east along the northern boundary. - ST Photograph 6:From the northwest corner of the project site looking south along the western boundary. 6386 Sapphire Street ©o E L M T Biological Due Diligence Investigation Attachment C—Site Photographs 4, r ' r„ r a x Photograph 7: From the western boundary of the project site looking north. 49" AL .. `5 . Photograph 8: From the eastern boundary looking west. 6386 Sapphire Street D O E L M T Biological Due Diligence Investigation �� LUNSU1.11N(i Attachment C—Site Photographs - � Photograph 9 From ti eastern boundary of the site looking mu towards existing &v9_& and ornamental lan 6cam ..� - »� - - Ph«qnA m: From th western boundary looking etmwr existing&v7_&and ornamental landscaping. £s Sapphire Street WW E L M T +o�aDeAAmea�t£�m RQ coR9rnMn Attachment D Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Attachment D-Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Scientific Name Common Name Federal State CDFW CNPS Rare Potential Status Status Listing Plant Rank to Occur Special-Status Wildlife Species Accipiter cooperii Cooper's hawk None None WL - Presumed Absent Aimophila ruficeps canescens southern California rufous-crowned sparrow None None WL - Presumed Absent Anaxyrus californicus arroyo toad END None SSC - Presumed Absent Anniella stebbinsi Southern California legless lizard None None SSC - Presumed Absent Ardea alba great egret None None - - Presumed Absent Ardea herodias great blue heron None None - - Presumed Absent Arizona elegans occidentalis California glossy snake None None SSC - Presumed Absent Artemisiospiza Belli belli Bell's sage sparrow None None WL - Presumed Absent Asio otus long-eared owl None None SSC - Presumed Absent Aspidoscelis hyperythra orange-throated whiptail None None WL - Presumed Absent Aspidoscelis tigris stejnegeri coastal whiptail None None SSC - Presumed Absent Batrachoseps gabrieli San Gabriel slender salamander None None - - Presumed Absent Bombus crotchii Crotch bumble bee None Candidate - - Presumed Absent Callophrys mossh hidakupa San Gabriel Mountains elfin butterfly None None - - Presumed Absent Calypte costae Costa's hummingbird None None - - Presumed Absent Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus sandiegen,coastal cactus wren None None SSC - Presumed Absent Catostomus santaanae Santa Ana sucker THR None - - Presumed Absent Chaetodipus fallax fallax northwestern San Diego pocket mouse None None SSC - Presumed Absent Circus hudsonius northern harrier None None SSC - Presumed Absent Coleonyx variegatus abbotti San Diego banded gecko None None SSC - Presumed Absent Contopus cooperi olive-sided flycatcher None None SSC - Presumed Absent Cypseloides niger black swift None None SSC - Presumed Absent Diadophis punctatus modestus San Bernardino ringneck snake None None - - Presumed Absent Dipodomys merriami parvus San Bernardino kangaroo rat END Candidate SSC - Presumed Absent Dipodomys simulans Dulzura kangaroo rat None None - - Presumed Absent Empidonax traillii willow flycatcher None END - - Presumed Absent Empidonax traillii extimus southwestern willow flycatcher END END - Presumed Absent Eumops perotis californicus western mastiff bat None None SSC - Presumed Absent Falco peregrinus anatum American peregrine falcon DL DL FP - Presumed Absent Gila orcuttii arroyo chub None None SSC - Presumed Absent Lanius ludovicianus loggerhead shrike None None SSC - Presumed Absent Lasiurus cinereus hoary bat None None - - Presumed Absent Lasiurus xanthinus western yellow bat None None SSC - Presumed Absent Lepus californicus bennettii San Diego black-tailed jackrabbit None None SSC - Presumed Absent Neotoma lepida intermedia San Diego desert woodrat None None SSC - Presumed Absent Nycticorax nycticorax black-crowned night heron None None - - Presumed Absent Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus pop. 10 steelhead-southern California DPS END None - - Presumed Absent Onychomys torridus ramona southern grasshopper mouse None None SSC - Presumed Absent Ovis canadensis nelsoni desert bighorn sheep None None FP - Presumed Absent Perognathus longimembris brevinasus Los Angeles pocket mouse None None SSC - Presumed Absent Attachment D-Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Phalacrocorax auritus double-crested cormorant None None WL - Presumed Absent Phrynosoma blainvillii coast horned lizard None None SSC - Presumed Absent Polioptila californica californica coastal California gnatcatcher THR None SSC - Presumed Absent Rana boylii foothill yellow-legged frog None END SSC - Presumed Absent Rana draytonii California red-legged frog THR None SSC - Presumed Absent Rana muscosa southern mountain yellow-legged frog END END WL - Presumed Absent Rhinichthys osculus ssp. 3 Santa Ana speckled dace None None SSC - Presumed Absent Salvadora hexalepis virgultea coast patch-nosed snake None None SSC - Presumed Absent Selasphorus rufus rufous hummingbird None None - - Presumed Absent Setophaga petechia yellow warbler None None SSC - Presumed Absent Spea hammondii western spadefoot None None SSC - Presumed Absent Spinus lawrencei Lawrence's goldfinch None None - - Presumed Absent Spizella breweri Brewer's sparrow None None - - Presumed Absent Strix occidentalis occidentalis California Spotted Owl None None SSC - Presumed Absent Taricha torosa Coast Range newt None None SSC - Presumed Absent Thamnophis hammondii two-striped gartersnake None None SSC - Presumed Absent Vireo bellii pusillus least Bell's vireo END END - - Presumed Absent Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus yellow-headed blackbird None None SSC - Presumed Absent Special-Status Plant Species Acanthoscyphus parishii var.parishii Parish's oxytheca None None - 4.2 Presumed Absent Amaranthus watsonii Watson's amaranth None None - 4.3 Presumed Absent Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp.gabrielensis San Gabriel manzanita None None - 1B.2 Presumed Absent Asplenium vespertinum western spleenwort None None - 4.2 Presumed Absent Astragalus bicristatus crested milk-vetch None None - 4.3 Presumed Absent Berberis nevinii Nevin's barberry END END - 1B.1 Presumed Absent Calochortus clavatus var.gracilis slender mariposa-lily None None - 1B.2 Presumed Absent Calochortus plummerae Plummer's mariposa-lily None None - 4.2 Presumed Absent Calochortus weedii var. intermedas intermediate mariposa-lily None None - 1B.2 Presumed Absent Chorizanthe leptotheca Peninsular spineflower None None - 4.2 Presumed Absent Chorizanthe parryi var.parryi Parry's spineflower None None - 1B.1 Presumed Absent Claytonia lanceolata var.peirsonii Peirson's spring beauty None None - 3.1 Presumed Absent Claytonia peirsonii ssp.peirsonii Peirson's spring beauty None None - 1B.2 Presumed Absent Diplacus johnstonii Johnston's monkeyflower None None - 4.3 Presumed Absent Dudleya multicaulis many-stemmed dudleya None None - 1B.2 Presumed Absent Eriogonum microthecum var.alpinum alpine slender buckwheat None None - 4.3 Presumed Absent Eriogonum microthecum var.johnstonii Johnston's buckwheat None None - 113.3 Presumed Absent Eriogonum umbellatum var.minus alpine sulphur-flowered buckwheat None None - 4.3 Presumed Absent Eriophyllum lanatum var.obovatum southern Sierra woolly sunflower None None - 4.3 Presumed Absent Fritillaria pinetorum pine fritillary None None - 4.3 Presumed Absent Galium angustifolium ssp.gabrielense San Antonio Canyon bedstraw None None - 4.3 Presumed Absent Galium jepsonii Jepson's bedstraw None None - 4.3 Presumed Absent Galium johnstonii Johnston's bedstraw None None - 4.3 Presumed Absent Heuchera caespitosa urn-flowered alumroot None None - 4.3 Presumed Absent Horkelia cuneata var.puberula mesa horkelia None None - 1B.1 Presumed Absent Juglans californica southern California black walnut None None - 4.2 Presumed Absent Attachment D-Potentially Occurring Special-Status Biological Resources Juncus duranii Duran's rush None None 4.3 Presumed Absent Lepechinia fragrans fragrant pitcher sage None None - 4.2 Presumed Absent Lepidium virginicum var.robinsonii Robinson's pepper-grass None None - 4.3 Presumed Absent Lilium humboldtii ssp.ocellatum ocellated humboldt lily None None - 4.2 Presumed Absent Lilium parryi lemon lily None None - 1B.2 Presumed Absent Linanthus concinnus San Gabriel linanthus None None - 1B.2 Presumed Absent Monardella australis ssp.jokerstii Jokerst's monardella None None - 1 B.1 Presumed Absent Monardella macrantha ssp.hallii Hall's monardella None None - 1 B.3 Presumed Absent Monardella saxicola rock monardella None None - 4.2 Presumed Absent Monardella viridis green monardella None None - 4.3 Presumed Absent Muhlenbergia californica California muhly None None - 4.3 Presumed Absent Oreonana vestita woolly mountain-parsley None None - 1B.3 Presumed Absent Orobanche valida ssp.valida Rock Creek broomrape None None - 1B.2 Presumed Absent Phacelia mohavensis Mojave phacelia None None - 4.3 Presumed Absent Pseudognaphalium leucocephalum white rabbit-tobacco None None - 2B.2 Presumed Absent Quercus durata var.gabrielensis San Gabriel oak None None - 4.2 Presumed Absent Sagittaria sanfordii Sanford's arrowhead None None - 1B.2 Presumed Absent Senecio astephanus San Gabriel ragwort None None - 4.3 Presumed Absent Sidotheca caryophylloides chickweed oxytheca None None - 4.3 Presumed Absent Streptanthus bernardinus Laguna Mountains jewelflower None None - 4.3 Presumed Absent Symphyotrichum greatae Greata's aster None None - 1B.3 Presumed Absent Thysanocarpus rigidus rigid fringepod None None - 1B.2 Presumed Absent Viola pinetorum ssp.grisea grey-leaved violet None None - 1B.2 Presumed Absent Special-Status Plant Communities California Walnut Woodland None None - - Absent Canyon Live Oak Ravine Forest None None - - Absent Coastal and Valley Freshwater Marsh None None - - Absent Riversidian Alluvial Fan Sage Scrub None None - - Absent Southern California Arroyo Chub/Santa Ana Sucker Stream None None - - Absent Southern Coast Live Oak Riparian Forest None None - - Absent Southern Sycamore Alder Riparian Woodland None None - - Absent U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service(Fed)- California Department of Fish and Wildlife California Native Plant Society Federal (CA)- (CNPS) CAPS Threat Ranks California California Rare Plant Rank END-Federal Endangered END-California Endangered 1B Plants Rare,Threatened,or 0.1-Seriously threatened in THR-Federal Threatened THR-California Threatened Endangered in California and Elsewhere California DL-Delisted Candidate-Candidate for listing under the 2B Plants Rare,Threatened,or 0.2-Moderately threatened in California Endangered Species Act Endangered in California,But More California FP-California Fully Protected Common Elsewhere 0.3-Not very threatened in SSC-Species of Special Concern 3 Plants About Which More California WL-Watch List Information is Needed—A Review List DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS May 4, 2021 7:00 p.m. Mena Abdul-Ahad, Assistant Planner LOCATED AT 6386 SAPPHIRE STREET — GEORGE BOTROS — A request for site plan and architectural review of a proposed 18,506 square foot Sunday school and social hall facility located at the 6386 Sapphire Street in the Very Low (VL) Residential District; APN. 1062-332-25. File number: DRC2020-00199. Related Record: Conditional Use Permit Modification DRC2020-00471. Site Characteristics: The 4.9-acre (217,715) project site is located on the west side of Sapphire Street and south of Lemon Avenue. The project site is improved with an existing 7,239 square foot church building. The dimensions of the rectangularly shaped project site are approximately 662 feet from north to west and 328 feet from east to west. The existing Land Use, General Plan and Zoning designations for the project site and adjacent properties are as follows: Land Use General Plan Zoning Site Church Very Low Residential Very Low VL Residential District North Single-Family Very Low Residential Very Low (VL) Residential District Residential South Single-Family Low Residential Low (L) Residential District Residential East Single-Family Low Residential Low (L) Residential District Residential West Single-Family Very Low Residential Very Low (VL) Residential District Residential Project Overview: The applicant proposes to develop a 18,506 square foot Sunday school and social building located on the west side of Sapphire Street and south of Lemon Avenue. The building will face Sapphire Street and will be setback 165 feet from the street. Access to the project will be from the existing driveway off Sapphire St. The applicant also proposes to construct a 117-stall surface parking lot and a soccer field located to the north of the proposed building. New landscaping and 44 new drought tolerant trees will be provided. The Sunday school and social building are designed with a Mediterranean architectural design theme that includes the use of smooth stucco, stone veneer, cast stone accents, and "S"the roof. The Sunday school and social building is designed to carry over the design theme of the church and will have a maximum height of 31 feet. The ground level floorplan for the building (10,069 square feet) includes the classrooms for Sunday school, study area, library, a recording studio, bathroom facilities, a meeting room, an office for the priest. The second story (8,437 square feet) includes a kitchen and an eating area. The project complies with each of the related development standards for the Very Low (VL) Exhibit D DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2020-00199 —ST. JUSTINAS ORTHODOX CHURCH Mary 4, 2021 Page 2 Residential District as shown on the following table: Required Provided Compliant Building Front Setback 42' 164' Yes Building Side Setback 10' / 15, 168' / 390' Yes Building Rear Setback 60, 139 Feet Yes Parking Setback 15, 20' Yes Lot Coverage 25% 7% Yes Building Height 35 feet 31 feet Yes 18' average, 15' Landscaping minimum 20' Yes Parking: Parking for churches is based on the number of fixed seats in the main sanctuary.In this case, there will be 340 fixed seats in the main sanctuary, which translates into a parking requirement of 114 parking spaces. The proposed church proposes 167 parking spaces, 53 parking spaces in excess of the minimum requirement. Parking Ratio I Required Parking Provided Parkin Churches 340 seats 1 Per 3 Seat in Sanctuaa 1 114 Spaces 167 Spaces Staff Comments: Staff supports the proposed.building architecture and site plan layout, which will complement the existing development on site. The building is well designed and carry the architectural design elements to each elevation (360 Degree Architecture). The project complies with all requirements of the Development Code. Maior/Secondary Issues: None Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be incorporated into the project design without discussion: 1. All Double Detector Checks (DDC) and Fire Department Connections (FDC) required and/or proposed shall be installed at locations that are not within direct view or line-of-sight of the office corner of the building. The specific locations of each DDC and FDC shall require the review and approval of the Planning Department and Fire Construction Services/Fire Department All Double Detector Checks (DDC) and, Fire Department Connections (FDC) screened behind a 4-foot high wall. For this project, these walls shall be constructed of poured in-place concrete with design elements incorporated to match the building. 2. Decorative paving shall be provided at each vehicle entrance to the site, behind the public right-of-way. These decoratively paved areas shall extend from the front property line to the building setback line and have a width equal to that of the driveway. 3. Downspouts shall not be visible from the exterior on any elevations of the building. All downspouts shall be routed through the interior of the building walls. Staff Recommendation: Staff requests that the Design Review Committee consider the design (building architecture, site planning, etc.) of the proposed project and recommend the selected action below to the Planning Commission: DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2020-00199— ST. JUSTINAS ORTHODOX CHURCH Mary 4, 2021 Page 3 QRecommend approval of the design of the project as proposed by the applicant. ❑Recommend approval with modifications to the design of the project by incorporating revisions requested by the Committee. Follow-up review by the Committee is not required. The revisions shall be verified by staff prior to review and action by the Planning Director/ Planning Commission. ❑Recommend conditional approval of the design of the project by incorporating revisions requested by the Committee. Follow-up review by the Committee is not required. The revisions shall be Conditions of Approval and verified by staff during plan check after review and action by the Planning Director/ Planning Commission. ❑Recommend denial of the design of the project as proposed by the applicant. Staff Planner: Mena Abdul-Ahad, Assistant Planner Members Present: Staff Coordinator: Mike Smith, Principal Planner r CITY OF • CUCAMONGA �• Design Review Committee Meeting AGENDA May 4, 2021 MINUTES Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 7:00 p.m A. Call to Order The meeting of the Design Review Committee was held on May 4, 2021 The meeting was called to order by David Eoff. Sr Planner, at 7:00pm Design Review Committee members present. Francisco Oaxaca, Diane Williams, Mike Smith -Absent David Eoff, Senior Fanner, conducting meeting in Mikes absence. Staff Present: Mena Abdul-Ahad, Assistant Planner. Tabe van der Zwaag, Associate Planner B. Public Communications David Eoff opened the public communication and, after noting there were no public comments, closed public communications. C. Consent Calendar C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of April 20 2021 Motion carried 2-0 vote to adopt the minutes as presented D. Project Review Items D1. LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF BANYAN STREET AND WEST OF LAUREL BLOSSOM PLACE- MANNING HOMES -A request to subdivide 5 18 acres of land into 9 lots including the Design Review of 9 single-family residences, and a Minor Exception for increased wall heights within the Very Low (VQ Residential District (.1 - 2 Dwelling Units per Acre) of the Etiwanda Specific Plan and the Equestrian Overlay District - APN: 0225-171-04. File numbers. SUBTT20337 and DRC2021-00018 Staff presented the project to the Design Review Committee. The Committee had no questions and recommended that the project move forward to the Planning Commission for final review. 2-0 vote The Committee took the following action: x Recommend approval to PC/PD, D2. LOCATED AT THE 6386 SAPPHIRE STREET - HILLSIDE DESIGN REVIEW- GEORGE BOTROS - A request for site plan and architectural review of a proposed 10,069 square foot Sunday school and social hall facility located at the 6386 Sapphire Street in the Very Low (VL) Residential District, APN: 1062-332-25. File Number: DRC2020-00199. Staff presented the project to the Design Review Committee, The Committee stated that the project was well designed and recommended that the project as proposed be forwarded to the Planning Commission for final review 2-0 Vote The Committee took the following action: x Recommend approval to PC/PD. E. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 7:21 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ✓�gJ � r Eliz th Thornhill Executive Assistant, Planning Department Approved. June 1, 2021 DRC Meeting. Design Review Committee Regular Meeting Minutes —May 4, 2021 Page 2 of 2 FINAL RESOLUTION NO. 21-39 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DESIGN REVIEW DRC2020-00199, A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A 18,506 SQUARE FOOT SUNDAY SCHOOL AND SOCIAL HALL FACILITY IN THE VERY LOW (VL) RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, LOCATED AT 6386 SAPPHIRE STREET; AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 1062-332-25. A. Recitals. 1. George Botros filed an application for Design Review DRC2020-00199 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Design Review request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 23rd day of June 2021, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on said application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on June 23, 2021, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applied to the property located on the west side of Sapphire Street and south of Lemon Avenue; and b. The subject property is located at 6386 Sapphire Street with a street frontage of approximately 662 feet along Sapphire Street and a lot depth of 328 feet, and is presently improved with a 7,239 square foot church building; and C. The existing land uses on, and General Plan land use and zoning designations for, the project site and the surrounding properties (relative to the above-noted parcels) are as follows: Land Use General Plan Zoning Site Church Very Low Residential Very Low (VL) Residential District North Single-Family Residential Very Low Residential Very Low (VL) Residential District South Single-Family Residential Low Residential Low L Residential District East Single-Family Residential Low Residential Low L Residential District West Single-Family Residential Very Low Residential Very Low VL Residential District Exhibit E PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 21-39 DESIGN REVIEW DRC2020-00199 — GEORGE BOTROS June 23, 2021 Page 2 d. The application proposes to construct a 18,506 square foot Sunday school and social hall building; and e. The project complies with all development standards including building and parking setbacks, lot coverage and landscape coverage as shown on the following table: Required Provided Compliant Building Front Setback 42' 164' Yes Building Side Setback 10' / 15' 168' / 390' Yes Building Rear Setback 60' 60' Yes Parking Setback 15' 20' Yes Lot Coverage 25% 7% Yes Building Height 35 feet (30' Maximum 31 feet Yes 18' average, 15' Landscaping 20' Yes minimum f. Parking for churches is based on the number of fixed seats in the main sanctuary. In this case, there will be 340 fixed seats in the main sanctuary, which translates into a parking requirement of 114 parking spaces. The proposed church proposes 167 parking spaces, 53 parking spaces in excess of the minimum requirement. Parking Ratio I Required Parking Provided Parkin Churches 340 seats 1 Per 3 Seat in Sanctuary 114 Spaces 167 Spaces 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced meeting and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. The proposed development is in accord with the General Plan and the objectives of the Development Code, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. The General Plan designation of the project site is Very Low Residential, and the zoning of the property is Very Low (VL) Residential District. The development of a new Sunday school and social hall facility does not affect the General Plan designation, zoning designation, or the residential purpose of the project site; and b. The proposed development is compatible with existing and proposed land uses in the surrounding area. The project site is developed with an existing church facility; therefore, the new Sunday school and social hall facility will be compatible with the existing land uses on site and within the surrounding area; and C. The proposed development is in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Development Code. The proposed Sunday school and social hall facility meets the requirements of the Very Low (VL) Residential District development standards, parking requirements, and landscaping requirements; and PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 21-39 DESIGN REVIEW DRC2020-00199 — GEORGE BOTROS June 23, 2021 Page 3 d. The proposed project, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The proposed land uses that are associated with this project are consistent with the land uses within the vicinity where it is located and the expectations of the community. The zoning of the property and all properties surrounding the subject property is Very Low (VL) Residential and Low (L) Residential District. 4. The Planning Department staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies as a Class 32 exemption under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 - In-Fill Development Projects for the following reasons: (1) the project is consistent with the applicable General Plan designations and all applicable General Plan policies as well as with the applicable zoning designation and regulations, (2) the proposed development occurs within the City limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses, (3) the project site has no value as a habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species, (4) approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality, and (5) the site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. The General Plan Land Use and Zoning designation for the project site are Very Low (VL) Residential and Very Low (VL) Residential District, respectively, which permits the development and operation of a church facility building of the proposed size and configuration. The project complies with the City's development standards and design guidelines, including setbacks, height, lot coverage, and design requirements. The project site is located within the City limits, is under five acres, and is surrounded by existing residential development and City infrastructure. The following are the five environmental factors that need to be analyzed in order to determine that the project, respectively, qualifies for the Categorical Exemption: a) Traffic: Traffic was analyzed by the City's Traffic Engineer and determined the project has no significant impacts on existing traffic. b) Noise: A Noise Impact Analysis (BPG Birdseye Planning Group; May 2021)was prepared for the project. The analysis determined that the construction and operational noise levels would not exceed the City's noise thresholds and no mitigation measures were necessary. c) Air Quality: An Air Quality and a Green House Gas Analysis (BPG, Birdseye Planning Group, May 2021)were prepared for the project. The analysis determined that emissions associated with construction and operation of the project would be below South Coast Air Quality Maintenance District(SCAQMD)thresholds for both Air Quality and Green House Gases. No GHG mitigation measures are required. The project supports applicable Sustainable Community Action Plan policies intended to reduce GHG emissions generated within the City. d) Water Quality: A Water Quality Control exhibit (Plump Engineering, Inc. January 1, 2021) was prepared for the project. It was also determined through the review of the project's preliminary water quality plan that the project would not result in a significant impact related to water quality of the site or surrounding properties. e) Biological: A Biological Resource Assessment (BRA) (ELMT Consulting, May 19, 2021) was prepared for the project site. The project site does not include any natural habitats and is surrounded by development. The BRA determined that none of the special-status PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 21-39 DESIGN REVIEW DRC2020-00199 — GEORGE BOTROS June 23, 2021 Page 4 plant or wildlife species known to occur in the general vicinity of the project site are expected to be directly or indirectly impacted from the proposed project. The Planning Commission has reviewed the Planning Department determination of exemption, and based on its own independent judgment, concurs in the staff's determination of exemption. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 23RD DAY OF JUNE 2021. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Tony Guglielmo, Chairman ATTEST: Anne McIntosh, AICP, Secretary I, Anne McIntosh, AICP, Secretary of the Planning Commission for the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 23rd day of June 2021, by the following vote-to- wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: RESOLUTION NO. 21-40 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT MODIFICATION DRC2020-00471, A REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW OF A 18,506 SQUARE FOOT SUNDAY SCHOOL AND SOCIAL HALL FACILITY IN THE VERY LOW (VL) RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, LOCATED AT 6386 SAPPHIRE STREET. AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF—APN: 1062-332-25. A. Recitals. 1. The applicant, George Botros, filed an application for the approval of Conditional Use Permit Modification DRC2020-00471, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Design Review is referred to as "the application." 2. On June 23, 2021, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to the Planning Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on June 23, 2021, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to property located within the City; and b. The application applies to the property located on the west side of Sapphire Street and south of Lemon Avenue; and C. The subject property is located at 6386 Sapphire Street with a street frontage of approximately 662 feet along Sapphire Street and a lot depth of 328 feet, and is presently improved with a 7,239 square foot church building; and d. The applicant proposed to construct a 18,506 square foot Sunday School and social hall facility within an existing developed site; and e. The existing operational schedule for Saint Justina Orthodox Church includes church services on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and Saturday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. These hours will remain the same. The Sunday school and social hall facility will operate on Sundays from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and a fellowship lunch gathering from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. The proposed building will not operate the same time as the church services. The Sunday school will offer classes about the Bible, Christian values, and Exhibit F PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 21-40 CUP MODIFICATION DRC2020-00471 — GEORGE BOTROS June 23, 2021 Page 2 Church history every Sunday. The building will also be used for special occasions such as Christmas celebrations, tutoring sessions, and play recitals and; f. The proposed project meets or exceeds all Development Code standards including building and parking setback, lot coverage and landscape coverage in the Very Low(VL) Residential District; and 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. The proposed project is consistent with the objectives of the General Plan. The site is located within land designated as Very Low (VL) Residential in the General Plan. Assembly uses (i.e. religious facilities) are permitted in the Very Low (VL) Residential District where the project is located subject to a Conditional Use Permit. The site has an existing Conditional Use Permit (CUP 83-04) that allows the property owners to operate a church facility. Due to the proposed development of a Sunday school and social hall facility, a Conditional Use Permit Modification is required. A Conditional Use Permit Modification (DRC2020-00471) has been filed along with the Design Review application for consideration. Assembly uses are conditionally permitted in a Very Low (VL) Residential District because they complement and provide support to existing residential land uses. b. The proposed Sunday school and social hall facility is within proximity to existing single-family homes and will provide religious services to residents in the nearby communities. All site improvements, including parking and landscaped areas, are designed to be consistent with the existing church on site and will not impact neighboring residential properties. Therefore, the proposed facility is consistent with the Very Low (VL) Residential land use as designated in the General Plan. C. The site is physically suited for the type, density, and intensity of the proposed use including access, utilities, and the absence of physical constraints and can be conditioned to meet all related performance criteria and development standards. The project site is a 4.9 acres parcel that has an existing church developed on site. The site is suitable for a Sunday School and social hall facility, and the project will have the required vehicular access and parking, the necessary utility services are all available, and there are not physical constraints on the site that will affect the operations of the Sunday school and social hall facility. d. The proposed use is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code. The proposed Sunday school and social building is designed with a Mediterranean architectural design theme that includes the use of smooth stucco, stone veneer, cast stone accents, and "S" the roof. The new building is designed to carry over the design theme of the existing church with a maximum height of 31 feet. Therefore, the project is in compliance with all the provisions of the Development Code. e. Granting the permit would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare, or materially injurious to persons, property, or improvements in the vicinity in which the project is located. The operation of a Sunday School and social hall facility is not anticipated to cause nay adverse impacts related to noise, glare, or traffic. The hours of operation of the existing church will remain the same and the new hours of operation for PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 21-40 CUP MODIFICATION DRC2020-00471 — GEORGE BOTROS June 23, 2021 Page 3 the Sunday school and social hall facility will be on Sundays from 11:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. and a fellowship lunch gathering from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. The proposed Sunday school and social hall facility will not operate the same time as the church services. The project is designed to meet all applicable performance criteria and technical standards. The project can, and will, be conditioned appropriately to minimize any potential impacts to adjacent properties; and 4. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's local CEQA Guidelines, the Planning Commission finds that the project qualifies as a Class 32 exemption under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 - In-Fill Development Projects. The proposed development occurs within City limits on a project site of no more than five acres and surrounded by an existing church facility and parking lot. Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. The Planning Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth in the Conditions of Approval, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 23RD DAY OF JUNE 2021. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Tony Guglielmo, Chairman ATTEST: Anne McIntosh, AICP, Secretary I, Anne McIntosh, AICP, Secretary of the Planning Commission for the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 23rd day of June 2021, by the following vote-to- wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: Conditions of Approval RANCHO CUCAMONGA Community Development Department Project#: DRC2020-00199 Project Name: EDR - St. JUSTINA CHURCH Location: 6386 SAPPHIRE ST - 106233225-0000 Project Type: Design Review ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Planning Department Please be advised of the following Special Conditions 1. Approval for site plan and architectural review of a proposed 18,506 square foot Sunday school and social hall facility in the Very Low (VL) Residential District. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, this project qualifies as a Class 32 exemption, Section 15332—In-Fill Development Projects APN: 1062-332-25; Design Review DRC2020-00199 and Conditional Use Permit Modification DRC2020-00471 Standard Conditions of Approval 2. The applicant shall sign the Statement of Agreement and Acceptance of Conditions of Approval provided by the Planning Department. The signed Statement of Agreement and Acceptance of Conditions of Approval shall be returned to the Planning Department prior to the submittal of grading/construction plans for plan check, request for a business license, and/or commencement of the approved activity. 3. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 4. Copies of the signed Planning Commission Resolution of Approval or Approval Letter, Conditions of Approval, and all environmental mitigations shall be included on the plans (full size). The sheet(s) are for information only to all parties involved in the construction/grading activities and are not required to be wet sealed/stamped by a licensed Engineer/Architect. 5. The applicant shall be required to pay California Department of Fish and Wildlife Notice of Exemption fee in the amount of $50.00. All checks are to be made payable to the Clerk of the Board Supervisors and submitted to the Planning Commission Secretary prior to public hearing or within 5 days of the date of project approval. 6. Any approval shall expire if Building Permits are not issued or approved use has not commenced within 5 years from the date of approval or a time extension has been granted. Exhibit G www.CityofRC.us Printed:6/2/2021 Project#: DRC2020-00199 Project Name: EDR - St. JUSTINA CHURCH Location: 6386 SAPPHIRE ST - 106233225-0000 Project Type: Design Review ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Planning Department Standard Conditions of Approval 7. Any modification or intensification of the approved use, including revisions in the operations of the business including changes to the operating days/hours; change in the location on-site or within the building of the use/activity that is approved by this Conditional Use Permit; improvements including new building construction; and/or other modifications/intensification beyond what is specifically approved by this Conditional Use Permit, shall require the review and approval by the Planning Director prior to submittal of documents for plan check/occupancy, construction, commencement of the activity, and/or issuance of a business license. The Planning Director may determine that modifications or intensifications of use require the submittal of an application to modify this Conditional Use Permit for review by the City. 8. Within parking lots, trees shall be planted at a rate of one 15-gallon tree for every three parking stalls. 9. Landscaping and irrigation shall be designed to conserve water through the principles of water efficient landscaping per Development Code Chapter 17.82. 10. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community, Specific Plans and/or Master Plans in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance. 11. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include Site Plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, and grading on file in the Planning Department, the conditions contained herein, and the Development Code regulations. 12. A detailed on-site lighting plan, including a photometric diagram, shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director and Police Department (909-477-2800) prior to the issuance of Building Permits. Such plan shall indicate style, illumination, location, height, and method of shielding so as not to adversely affect adjacent properties. 13. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon, all Conditions of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. Engineering Services Department Please be advised of the following Special Conditions www.CityofRC.us Printed:6/2/2021 Page 2 of 14 Project#: DRC2020-00199 Project Name: EDR - St. JUSTINA CHURCH Location: 6386 SAPPHIRE ST - 106233225-0000 Project Type: Design Review ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Engineering Services Department Please be advised of the following Special Conditions 1. "Development Impact Fees Due Prior to Building Permit Issuance: (Subject to Change / Periodic Increases - Refer to current fee schedule to determine current amounts) Drainage Impact Fee Transportation Impact Fee Library Impact Fee Animal Center Impact Fee Police Impact Fee Park In-Lieu / Park Impact Fee Park Improvement Impact Fee Community & Recreation Center Impact Fee" Note: Outstanding undergrounding fees per DRC2013-00230/ENG2019-00017 shall be paid in full prior to recommendation of approval by the Design Review Committee related to DRC2020-00199 2. Fiber: The proposed development is slated to be included in the City's Fiber Optic Master Plan that would provide a City owned Fiber-to-the-Premise (FTTP) infrastructure. The City will require the developer to install a 1-4" UG Fiber Optic dark conduit on the west side of Sapphire Street along the project boundary along with a 3'x4'x3' pullbox on each end of the route and into the project boundary. The size, placement and location of the conduit and vaults shall be shown on the Street Improvement and/or Public Improvement Plans and subject to the Engineering Services Department's review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits or final map approval, whichever comes first. On site, the City will require 1-2" UG HDPE or equal fiber optic conduit to be placed underground within a duct and structure system to be installed joint trench by the Developer per Standard Drawing 135-137 and interconnected into the City's 4" fiber optic conduit. The size, placement and location of the conduit and/or vaults shall run into the building's telecommunication room and be shown on the final dry utility onsite substructure plans and subject to the Engineering Services Department's review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits or final map approval, whichever comes first. Standard Conditions of Approval www.CityofRC.us Printed:6/2/2021 Page 3 of 14 Project#: DRC2020-00199 Project Name: EDR - St. JUSTINA CHURCH Location: 6386 SAPPHIRE ST - 106233225-0000 Project Type: Design Review ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Engineering Services Department Standard Conditions of Approval 3. ** CD Information Required Prior to Sign-Off for Building Permit Prior to the issuance of building permits, if valuation is greater or equal to $100,000, a Diversion Deposit and a related administrative fee shall be paid for the Construction and Demolition Diversion Program. The deposit is fully refundable if at least 65% of all wastes generated during construction and demolition are diverted from landfills, and appropriate documentation is provided to the City. Applicant must identify if they are self-hauling or utilizing Burrtec prior to issuance of a building permit. Proof of diversion must be submitted to the Environmental Engineering Division within 60 days following the completion of the construction and /or demolition project. Contact Marissa Ostos, Environmental Engineering, at (909) 774-4062 for more information. Instructions and forms are available at the City's website, www.cityofrc.us, under City Hall / Engineering / Environmental Programs/Construction & Demolition Diversion Program. 4. Add the following note to any private landscape plans that show street trees: "All improvements within the public right-of-way, including street trees, shall be installed per the public improvement plans." If there is a discrepancy between the public and private plans, the street improvement plans will govern. 5. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to: Street Name: Sapphire Street Drive Appr. Street Trees Other Notes: (a) Pavement reconstruction and overlays will be determined during plan check. (b) If so marked, an in-lieu of construction fee shall be provided for this item. 6. Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 16.37.010, no person shall make connections from a source of energy, fuel or power to any building or structure which is regulated by technical codes and for which a permit is required unless, in addition to any and all other codes, regulations and ordinances, all improvements required by these conditions of development approval have been completed and accepted by the City Council, except: that in developments containing more than one building, structure or unit, the development may have energy connections made in equal proportion to the percentage of completion of all improvements required by these conditions of development approval, as determined by the City Engineer, provided that reasonable, safe and maintainable access to the property exists. In no case shall more than 95 percent of the buildings, structures or units be connected to energy sources prior to completion and acceptance of all improvements required by these conditions of development approval. www.CityofRC.us Printed:6/2/2021 Page 4 of 14 Project#: DRC2020-00199 Project Name: EDR - St. JUSTINA CHURCH Location: 6386 SAPPHIRE ST - 106233225-0000 Project Type: Design Review ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Engineering Services Department Standard Conditions of Approval 7. Improvement Plans and Construction: a. Street improvement plans, including street trees, street lights, and intersection safety lights on future signal poles, and traffic signal plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Security shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public and/or private street improvements, prior to final map approval or the issuance of Building Permits, whichever occurs first. b. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and a construction permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Services Department in addition to any other permits required. c. Pavement striping, marking, traffic signing, street name signing, traffic signal conduit, and interconnect conduit shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. d. Signal conduit with pull boxes shall be installed with any new construction or reconstruction project along major or secondary streets and at intersections for future traffic signals and interconnect wiring. Pull boxes shall be placed on both sides of the street at 3 feet outside of BCR, ECR, or any other locations approved by the City Engineer. Notes: 1) Pull boxes shall be No. 6 at intersections and No. 5 along streets, a maximum of 200 feet apart, unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer. 2) Conduit shall be 3-inch pvc with pull rope or as specified. e. Access ramps for the disabled shall be installed on all corners of intersections per latest ADA standards or as directed by the City Engineer. f. Existing City roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with adequate detours during construction. Street or lane closure permits are required. A cash deposit shall be provided to cover the cost of grading and paving, which shall be refunded upon completion of the construction to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. g. Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks. Under sidewalk drains shall be installed to City Standards, except for single-family residential lots. h. Street names shall be approved by the Planning Manager prior to submittal for first plan check. www.CityofRC.us Printed:6/2/2021 Page 5 of 14 Project#: DRC2020-00199 Project Name: EDR - St. JUSTINA CHURCH Location: 6386 SAPPHIRE ST - 106233225-0000 Project Type: Design Review ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Engineering Services Department Standard Conditions of Approval 8. Install street trees per City street tree design guidelines and standards as follows. The completed legend (box below) and construction notes shall appear on the title page of the street improvement plans. Street improvement plans shall include a line item within the construction legend stating: "Street trees shall be installed per the notes and legend on Sheet (typically Sheet 1)." Where public landscape plans are required, tree installation in those areas shall be per the public landscape improvement plans. Street Name: Sapphire Street Botanical Name: Geijera parviflora Common Name: Australian Willow Min. Grow Space: 25' o/c, standard trunk Spacing: 25' o/c, standard trunk Size: 15-gallon minimum Qty.: to be determined during design Construction Notes for Street Trees: 1)All street trees are to be planted in accordance with City standard plans. 2) Prior to the commencement of any planting, an agronomic soils report shall be furnished to the City inspector. Any unusual toxicities or nutrient deficiencies may require backfill soil amendments, as determined by the City inspector. 3) All street trees are subject to inspection and acceptance by the Engineering Services Department. Street trees are to be planted per public improvement plans only. 9. Intersection line of sight designs shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with adopted policy. On collector or larger streets, lines of sight shall be plotted for all project intersections, including driveways. Local residential street intersections and commercial or industrial driveways may have lines of sight plotted as required. 10. All public improvements (interior streets, drainage facilities, community trails, paseos, landscaped areas, etc.) shown on the plans and/or tentative map shall be constructed to City Standards. Interior street improvements shall include, but are not limited to, curb and gutter, AC pavement, drive approaches, sidewalks, street lights, and street trees. 11. Street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, shall be installed per City Standards in accordance with the City's street tree program. 12. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary. 13. Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the Cucamonga Valley Water District (CVWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino. A letter of compliance from the CVWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first. Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval in the case of subdivision or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential projects. www.CityofRC.us Printed:6/2/2021 Page 6 of 14 Project#: DRC2020-00199 Project Name: EDR - St. JUSTINA CHURCH Location: 6386 SAPPHIRE ST - 106233225-0000 Project Type: Design Review ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Engineering Services Department Standard Conditions of Approval 14. A signed consent and waiver form to join and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting Districts shall be filed with the Engineering Services Department prior to final map approval or issuance of Building Permits whichever occurs first. Formation costs shall be borne by the developer. This project shall join the following Districts: LMD3B, SLD 1 & SLD6, along with PD-85. Fire Prevention / New Construction Unit Standard Conditions of Approval 1. At least one Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) is required to be installed in accordance with the California Health & Safety Code Section 19300. Compliance with all applicable AED training, notification, testing, and maintenance provisions is required. See Health & Safety Code Section 1797.196. Group A assembly building with an occupancy of more than 300. Group B business building with an occupancy of 200 or more. Group E educational building with an occupancy of 200 or more. Group F factory building with an occupancy of 200 or more. Group I institutional building with an occupancy of 200 or more. Group M mercantile building with an occupancy of 200 or more. Group R hotel, motel, dormitory, assisted living facility, and similar residential building. Membership based health studio, fitness center, cross fit facility, or general exercise facility. 2. Required alarm systems and supervision systems are required to be in accordance with Fire District Standard 9-3. The Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. 3. Fire suppression systems are required to be monitored in accordance with Fire District Standard 9-3. The Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. 4. A suppression system is required to protect, the exhaust duct, the hood, and the grease producing appliances. 5. Commercial cooking suppression systems are required to be electrically supervised (monitored) in accordance with Fire District Standard 9-3. A copy of the Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. 6. Plans for the alarm and/or supervision (monitoring) system are required to be submitted separately and issued a separate permit. Submit all plans to the Building & Safety Department for routing to the Fire District. 7. Plans for the private, onsite fire underground water infrastructure are required to be submitted separately and issued a separate permit. Submit all plans to the Building & Safety Department for routing to the Fire District. 8. Plans for the public, offsite fire underground water infrastructure are required to be submitted separately and issued a separate permit. Plans are required to be submitted prior to or concurrently with the submittal of the Water District mylars. Submit all plans to the Building & Safety Department for routing to the Fire District. www.CityofRC.us Printed:6/2/2021 Page 7 of 14 Project#: DRC2020-00199 Project Name: EDR - St. JUSTINA CHURCH Location: 6386 SAPPHIRE ST - 106233225-0000 Project Type: Design Review ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Fire Prevention / New Construction Unit Standard Conditions of Approval 9. Plans for the automatic fire sprinkler system are required to be submitted separately and issued a separate permit. Submit all plans to the Building & Safety Department for routing to the Fire District. 10. Fire extinguishers are required in accordance with Section 906 of the California Fire Code. Consult with the Fire Inspector for the correct type, size, and exact installation locations. 11. Fire flow information for this project is obtained from the Cucamonga Valley Water District (CVWD). CVWD can be reached at 909-944-6000 or custserv@cvwdwater.com. 12. Fire flow is required to be in accordance with Appendix B of the California Fire Code. The Fire District has adopted the appendix without local amendments except that the minimum fire flow for commercial buildings shall not be less than 1500 gpm. Proof of the availability of the required fire flow must be provided to the Fire District in the form of a letter or written report dated within the past 12 months. 13. Fire sprinkler are required to be installed in accordance with Fire District Standard 9-5. The Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. 14. A Knox Box key box is required in accordance with Fire District Standard 5-9. Additional boxes may be required depending on the size of the building, the location of fire protection and life safety system controls, and the operational needs of the Fire District. The Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. If an installed Knox Box is available to this project or business, keys for the building/suite/unit are required to be provided to the Fire Inspector at the final inspection. 15. Coordinate landscaping with the roof access ladder points and address signage. Landscaping cannot obstruct roof access or clear visibility of address signage from time of installation to maturity of the shrubs and trees. 16. A fire service site plan is required in accordance with Fire District Standard 5-11. The Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. 17. All of the Fire District Standards applicable are required to be reproduced on the plans. The project is required to meet all of the applicable codes, regulations, and standards in effect and adopted at the time of plan check submittal. Fire District Standards associated with construction and plan submittals can be found on the City of Rancho Cucamonga's website and accessed via https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4k4gdxhs4tp13c7/AAAdscMKMdW9WIQe725xWyU-a?dl=0 18. Due to the type of construction, construction materials, the floor area of the project, and known risks associated with projects of this nature, a Fire Protection and Site Safety plan is required to be implemented when combustible construction materials are delivered to the site, with the exception of foundation form materials. The Fire Prevention and Site Safety plan is required to be in compliance with Fire District Standard 33-3. The Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. Review and approval of the fire prevention and site safety plan is a condition of construction permit approval. The fire prevention and site safety plan is required to be approved by the Fire District prior to construction permits being approved and issued. 19. Roof access is required to be in accordance with Fire District Standard 5-6. The Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. www.CityofRC.us Printed:6/2/2021 Page 8 of 14 Project#: DRC2020-00199 Project Name: EDR - St. JUSTINA CHURCH Location: 6386 SAPPHIRE ST - 106233225-0000 Project Type: Design Review ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Fire Prevention / New Construction Unit Standard Conditions of Approval 20. Street address and unit/suite signage for commercial and industrial buildings are required to be in accordance with Fire District Standard 5-8. The Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. 21. Fire apparatus access roads and emergency vehicle access is required to be identified with signs and/or other approved makings in accordance with Fire District Standard 5-1. A copy of the Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. 22. Identification of fire protection systems and components, fire alarm systems and components, and equipment and devices associated with fire and life safety systems is required to be in accordance with Fire District Standards 5-5 and 5-10. The Standards have been uploaded to the Documents section. 23. Public and private fire service water mains, public and private hydrants, water control valves, fire sprinkler risers, fire department connections (FDCs), and other fire protection water related devices and equipment are required to be provided, designed, and installed in accordance with Fire District Standard 5-10. The Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. Building and Safety Services Department Please be advised of the following Special Conditions 1. When the Entitlement Review is approved submit complete construction drawings including structural calculations, energy calculations and a site specific soils report to Building and Safety for plan review in accordance with the current edition of the California Building and Fire Codes including all local ordinances and standards which are effective at the time of Plan Check Submittal. The new structure is required to be equipped with automatic fire sprinklers per the CBC and Current RCFPD Ordinance. Disabled access for the site and building must be in accordance to the State of California and ADA regulations. Grading Section Standard Conditions of Approval 1. Prior to issuance of a grading permit for non-residential projects the applicant shall show on the electrical plans and the permitted grading plan set the location for a future installation of an Electric Vehicle (EV) charging station/parking area per the current adopted California Green Building Standards Code, section 2. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with current adopted California Building Code and/or the California Residential Code, City Grading Standards, and accepted grading practices. The Grading and Drainage Plan(s) shall be in substantial conformance with the approved conceptual Grading and Drainage Plan. 3. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified Engineer licensed by the State of California to perform such work. Two copies will be provided at grading and drainage plan submittal for review. Plans shall implement design recommendations per said report. www.CityofRC.us Printed:6/2/2021 Page 9 of 14 Project#: DRC2020-00199 Project Name: EDR - St. JUSTINA CHURCH Location: 6386 SAPPHIRE ST - 106233225-0000 Project Type: Design Review ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Grading Section Standard Conditions of Approval 4. The final Grading and Drainage Plan, appropriate certifications and compaction reports shall be completed, submitted, and approved by the City Engineer, or his designee, prior to the issuance of building permits. 5. A separate Grading and Drainage Plan check submittal is required for all new construction projects and for existing buildings where improvements being proposed will generate 50 cubic yards or more of combined cut and fill. The Grading and Drainage Plan shall be prepared, stamped, and wet signed by a California licensed Civil Engineer prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit. 6. The applicant shall comply with the City of Rancho Cucamonga Dust Control Measures and place a dust control sign on the project site prior to the issuance of a grading permit. All dust control sign(s) shall be located outside of the public right of way. 7. If a Rough Grading and Drainage Plan/Permit are submitted to the Engineering Services Department for review, the rough grading plan shall be a separate plan submittal and permit from Precise Grading and Drainage Plan/Permit. 8. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit the applicant shall obtain written permission from the adjacent property owner(s) to construct wall(s) on property line(s) or provide a detail(s) showing the perimeter wall(s) to be constructed offset from the property line. 9. Prior to issuance of a grading permit the Final Grading and Drainage Plan shall show the accessibility path from the public right of way and the accessibility parking stalls to the building doors in conformance with the current adopted California Building Code. All accessibility ramps shall show sufficient detail including gradients, elevations, and dimensions and comply with the current adopted California Building Code. 10. The Grading and Drainage Plan shall implement City Standards for on-site construction where possible, and shall provide details for all work not covered by City Standard Drawings. 11. Prior to issuance of a grading permit the grading plan shall show that all manufactured slopes shall be a minimum 2-foot offset from the public right of way, permitted line, or the adjacent private property. All slope offsets shall meet the requirements of the current adopted California Building Code. 12. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the grading and drainage plan shall show the maximum parking stall gradient at 7 percent. Accessibility parking stall grades shall be constructed per the, current adopted California Building Code. 13. The applicant shall provide a grading agreement and grading bond for all cut and fill combined exceeding 5,000 cubic yards prior to issuance of a grading permit. The grading agreement and bond shall be approved by the City Engineer or his designee.. 14. The final grading and drainage plan shall show existing topography a minimum of 100-feet beyond project boundary. 15. This project shall comply with the accessibility requirements of the current adopted California Building Code. www.CityofRC.us Printed:6/2/2021 Page 10 of 14 Project#: DRC2020-00199 Project Name: EDR - St. JUSTINA CHURCH Location: 6386 SAPPHIRE ST - 106233225-0000 Project Type: Design Review ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Grading Section Standard Conditions of Approval 16. Grading Inspections: a) Prior to the start of grading operations the owner and grading contractor shall request a pre-grading meeting. The meeting shall be attended by the project owner/representative, the grading contractor and the Building Inspector to discuss about grading requirements and preventive measures, etc. If a pre-grading meeting is not held within 24 hours from the start of grading operations, the grading permit may be subject to suspension by the Building Inspector; b) The grading contractor shall call into the City of Rancho Cucamonga Building and Safety Department at least 1 working day in advance to request the following grading inspections prior to continuing grading operations: i) The bottom of the over-excavation; ii) Completion of Rough Grading, prior to issuance of the building permit; iii) At the completion of Rough Grading, the grading contractor or owner shall submit to the Permit Technicians (Engineering Services Department Front Counter) an original and a copy of the Pad Certifications to be prepared by and properly wet signed and sealed by the Civil Engineer and Soils Engineer of Record; iv) The rough grading certificates and the compaction reports will be reviewed by the Associate Engineer or a designated person and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit. 17. Prior to issuance of a grading or building permit, the permitted grading plan (or architectural site plan) set shall show in each of the typical sections and the plan view show how the separations between the building exterior and exterior ground surface meet the requirements of Sections CBC1804.3/CRC R401.3, CBC2304.11.2.2/CRC R317.1(2) and CBC2512.1.2/CRC R703.6.2.1 of the current adopted California Building Code/Residential Code. 18. Prior to approval of the project-specific storm water quality management plan, the applicant shall submit to the City Engineer, or his designee, a precise grading plan showing the location and elevations of existing topographical features, and showing the location and proposed elevations of proposed structures and drainage of the site. 19. A drainage study showing a 100-year, AMC 3 design storm event for on-site drainage shall be prepared and submitted to the Engineering Services Department for review and approval for on-site storm water drainage prior to issuance of a grading permit. The report and storm drain profiles shall contain water surface profile gradient calculations for all storm drain pipes 12-inches and larger in diameter. All reports shall be wet signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record. In addition, the project specific drainage study shall provide inlet calculations showing the proper sizing of the water quality management plan storm water flows into the proposed structural storm water treatment devices. 20. Flow lines steeper than 6 percent could be erosive. The applicant shall provide hard lined gutters and swales where concentrated flows exceed 3fps, and anywhere that flow lines exceed 10 percent. This shall be shown on the grading and drainage plan prior to issuance of a grading permit. 21. Private sewer, water, and storm drain improvements will be designed per the latest adopted California Plumbing Code. Private storm drain improvements shall be shown on the grading and drainage plan. www.CityofRC.us Printed:6/2/2021 Page 11 of 14 Project#: DRC2020-00199 Project Name: EDR - St. JUSTINA CHURCH Location: 6386 SAPPHIRE ST - 106233225-0000 Project Type: Design Review ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Grading Section Standard Conditions of Approval 22. Prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy or final sign off by the Building Inspector the engineer of record shall certify the functionality of the storm water quality management plan (WQMP) storm water treatment devices and best management practices (BMP). 23. Prior to approval of the Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP), the WQMP shall include a copy of the project Conditions of Approval. 24. Prior to issuance of a grading permit the applicant shall show on the site plan and the permitted grading plan set for non-residential projects the designated parking for clean air vehicles per the current adopted California Green Building Standards Code, section 25. Prior to approval of the final project-specific water quality management plan the applicant shall have a soils engineer prepare a project-specific infiltration study for the project for the purposes of storm water quality treatment. The infiltration study and recommendations shall follow the guidelines in the current adopted "San Bernardino County Technical Guidance Document for Water Quality Management Plans". Note: As this project has been previously graded and the site soils have been compacted for building pads and parking lot purposes, the use of the Custom Soil Resource Report for San Bernardino County Southwestern Part by the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service for natural soils is not acceptable for soil groundwater infiltration rates. 26. Prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit the City of Rancho Cucamonga's "Memorandum of Agreement of Storm Water Quality Management Plan" shall be submitted for review and approval by the Engineering Services Department and recorded with the County Recorder's Office. 27. Prior to issuance of a Grading Permit the applicant shall obtain a Waste Discharge Identification Number (WDID). The WDID number shall also be shown on the WQMP Site and Drainage Plan document. 28. The land/property owner shall follow the inspection and maintenance requirements of the approved project specific Water Quality Management Plan and shall provide a copy of the inspection reports on a biennial basis to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Environmental Program Manager. 29. The final project-specific water quality management plan (WQMP) shall include executed maintenance agreements along with the maintenance guidelines for all proprietary structural storm water treatment devices (BMP's). In the event the applicant cannot get the proprietary device maintenance agreements executed prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant is required to submit a letter to be included within the WQMP document, and scanned and pasted onto the Site and Drainage Plan which states that prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy with applicant shall enter into a contract for the maintenance of the proprietary storm water treatment device. If the proprietary storm water treatment device is part of a residential subdivision, prior to the sale of the residential lot, the developer shall include maintenance agreement(s) as part of the sale of the residential lot to the buyer. A copy of the maintenance agreements to be included in the sale of the property shall be included within the WQMP document. www.CityofRC.us Printed:6/2/2021 Page 12 of 14 Project#: DRC2020-00199 Project Name: EDR - St. JUSTINA CHURCH Location: 6386 SAPPHIRE ST - 106233225-0000 Project Type: Design Review ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Grading Section Standard Conditions of Approval 30. Prior to issuance of a grading permit and approval of the project specific water quality management plan all private storm water catch basin inlets shall include insert filters to capture those pollutants of concern as addressed in the in the final project-specific water quality management plan (WQMP). At a minimum catch basin insert filters to capture trash and other floating debris. All catch basin insert filters shall be maintained on a regular basis as described in the "Inspection and Maintenance Responsibility for Post Construction BMP" section of the final project-specific water quality management plan. 31. Prior to issuance of a grading permit the Final Project-Specific Water Quality Management Plan shall include a completed copy of "Worksheet H: Factor of Safety and Design Infiltration Worksheet" located in Appendix D "Section VII — Infiltration Rate Evaluation Protocol and Factor of Safety Recommendations, ..." of the San Bernardino County Technical Guidance Document for Water Quality Management Plans. The infiltration study shall include the Soil Engineer's recommendations for Appendix D, Table VII.3: Suitability Assessment Related Considerations for Infiltration Facility Safety Factors". 32. Prior to approval of the final project-specific water quality management plan the applicant shall have a soils engineer prepare a project-specific infiltration study for the project for the purposes of storm water quality treatment. The infiltration study and recommendations shall follow the guidelines in the current adopted "San Bernardino County Technical Guidance Document for Water Quality Management Plans". 33. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy by the Building Official, or his designee, the civil engineer of record shall file a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Post Construction Storm Water Treatment Devices As-Built Certificate with the Environmental Programs Coordinator, City of Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Services Department. www.CityofRC.us Printed:6/2/2021 Page 13 of 14 Project#: DRC2020-00199 Project Name: EDR - St. JUSTINA CHURCH Location: 6386 SAPPHIRE ST - 106233225-0000 Project Type: Design Review ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Grading Section Standard Conditions of Approval 34. GROUND WATER PROTECTION: Prior to approval of the final project specific water quality management plan (WQMP), the WQMP document shall meet the requirements of the State Water Resources Control Board Order No. R8-2010-0036 (NPDES No. CAS 618036), the San Bernardino County Municipal Separate Storm Sewers Separation (MS4) Permit reads: Section XI.D(Water Quality Management Plan Requirements).8(Groundwater Protection): Treatment Control BMPs utilizing infiltration [exclusive of incidental infiltration and BMPs not designed to primarily function as infiltration devices (such as grassy swales, detention basins, vegetated buffer strips, constructed wetlands, etc.)] must comply with the following minimum requirements to protect groundwater: a. Use of structural infiltration treatment BMPs shall not cause or contribute to an exceedance of ground water quality objectives. b. Source control and pollution prevention control BMPs shall be implemented to protect groundwater quality. The need for pre-treatment BMPs such as sedimentation or filtration should be evaluated prior to infiltration. c. Adequate pretreatment of runoff prior to infiltration shall be required in gas stations and large commercial parking lots. (NOTE: The State Water Quality Control Board defines a large commercial parking lot as `100,000 sq. ft. or more of commercial development to include parking lot (with 100 or more vehicle traffics), OR, by means of 5,000sgft or more of allowable space designated for parking purposes'). d. Unless adequate pre-treatment of runoff is provided prior to infiltration structural infiltration treatment BMPs must not be used for areas of industrial or light industrial activity{77), areas subject to high vehicular traffic (25,000 or more daily traffic); car washes; fleet storage areas; nurseries; or any other high threat to water quality land uses or activities. e. Class V injection wells or dry wells must not be placed in areas subject to vehicular{78} repair or maintenance activities{79}, such as an auto body repair shop, automotive repair shop, new and used car dealership, specialty repair shop (e.g., transmission and muffler repair shop) or any facility that does any vehicular repair work. f. Structural infiltration BMP treatment shall not be used at sites that are known to have soil and groundwater contamination. g. Structural infiltration treatment BMPs shall be located at least 100 feet horizontally from any water supply wells. h. The vertical distance from the bottom of any infiltration structural treatment BMP to the historic high groundwater mark shall be at least 10-feet. Where the groundwater basins do not support beneficial uses, this vertical distance criteria may be reduced, provided groundwater quality is maintained. i. Structural infiltration treatment BMPs shall not cause a nuisance or pollution as defined in Water Code Section 13050. 35. Prior to issuance of a grading permit the precise grading and drainage plan shall follow the format provided in the City of Rancho Cucamonga handout "Information for Grading Plans and Permit". www.CityofRC.us Printed:6/2/2021 Page 14 of 14 Conditions of Approval RANCHO CUCAMONGA Community Development Department Project#: DRC2020-00471 Project Name: EDR - Sainta Justina Church Location: 6386 SAPPHIRE ST - 106233225-0000 Project Type: Conditional Use Permit Modification ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Planning Department Please be advised of the following Special Conditions 1. Approved Hours of Operation: church services on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and Saturday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sunday School and Social Hall Hours of Operation: Sundays from 11:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. and a fellowship lunch gathering from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Standard Conditions of Approval 2. The applicant shall sign the Statement of Agreement and Acceptance of Conditions of Approval provided by the Planning Department. The signed Statement of Agreement and Acceptance of Conditions of Approval shall be returned to the Planning Department prior to the submittal of grading/construction plans for plan check, request for a business license, and/or commencement of the approved activity. 3. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 4. Copies of the signed Approval Letter, Conditions of Approval, and all environmental mitigations shall be included on the plans (full size). The sheet(s) are for information only to all parties involved in the construction/grading activities and are not required to be wet sealed/stamped by a licensed Engineer/Architect. 5. The applicant shall be required to pay California Department of Fish and Wildlife Notice of Exemption fee in the amount of $50.00. All checks are to be made payable to the Clerk of the Board Supervisors and submitted to the Planning Commission Secretary prior to public hearing or within 5 days of the date of project approval. www.CityofRC.us Printed:6/2/2021 Project#: DRC2020-00471 Project Name: EDR - Sainta Justina Church Location: 6386 SAPPHIRE ST - 106233225-0000 Project Type: Conditional Use Permit Modification ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Planning Department Standard Conditions of Approval 6. Any modification or intensification of the approved use, including revisions in the operations of the business including changes to the operating days/hours; change in the location on-site or within the building of the use/activity that is approved by this Conditional Use Permit; improvements including new building construction; and/or other modifications/intensification beyond what is specifically approved by this Conditional Use Permit, shall require the review and approval by the Planning Director prior to submittal of documents for plan check/occupancy, construction, commencement of the activity, and/or issuance of a business license. The Planning Director may determine that modifications or intensifications of use require the submittal of an application to modify this Conditional Use Permit for review by the City. 7. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community, Specific Plans and/or Master Plans in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance. 8. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include Site Plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, and grading on file in the Planning Department, the conditions contained herein, the Development Code regulations. www.CityofRC.us Printed:6/2/2021 Page 2 of 2 Conditions of Approval RANCHO CUCAMONGA Community Development Department Project#: DRC2020-00471 Project Name: EDR - Sainta Justina Church Location: 6386 SAPPHIRE ST - 106233225-0000 Project Type: Conditional Use Permit Modification ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Planning Department Please be advised of the following Special Conditions 1. Approved Hours of Operation: church services on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and Saturday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sunday School and Social Hall Hours of Operation: Sundays from 11:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. and a fellowship lunch gathering from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Sunday school will offer classes about the Bible, Christian values, and Church history every Sunday. The building will also be used for special occasions such as Christmas celebrations, tutoring sessions, and play recitals. Standard Conditions of Approval 2. The applicant shall sign the Statement of Agreement and Acceptance of Conditions of Approval provided by the Planning Department. The signed Statement of Agreement and Acceptance of Conditions of Approval shall be returned to the Planning Department prior to the submittal of grading/construction plans for plan check, request for a business license, and/or commencement of the approved activity. 3. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 4. Copies of the signed Approval Letter, Conditions of Approval, and all environmental mitigations shall be included on the plans (full size). The sheet(s) are for information only to all parties involved in the construction/grading activities and are not required to be wet sealed/stamped by a licensed Engineer/Architect. 5. The applicant shall be required to pay California Department of Fish and Wildlife Notice of Exemption fee in the amount of $50.00. All checks are to be made payable to the Clerk of the Board Supervisors and submitted to the Planning Commission Secretary prior to public hearing or within 5 days of the date of project approval. Exhibit H www.CityofRC.us Printed:6/7/2021 Project#: DRC2020-00471 Project Name: EDR - Sainta Justina Church Location: 6386 SAPPHIRE ST - 106233225-0000 Project Type: Conditional Use Permit Modification ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Planning Department Standard Conditions of Approval 6. Any modification or intensification of the approved use, including revisions in the operations of the business including changes to the operating days/hours; change in the location on-site or within the building of the use/activity that is approved by this Conditional Use Permit; improvements including new building construction; and/or other modifications/intensification beyond what is specifically approved by this Conditional Use Permit, shall require the review and approval by the Planning Director prior to submittal of documents for plan check/occupancy, construction, commencement of the activity, and/or issuance of a business license. The Planning Director may determine that modifications or intensifications of use require the submittal of an application to modify this Conditional Use Permit for review by the City. 7. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community, Specific Plans and/or Master Plans in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance. 8. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include Site Plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, and grading on file in the Planning Department, the conditions contained herein, the Development Code regulations. www.CityofRC.us Printed:6/7/2021 Page 2 of 2 Design Review Statement of Agreement and Acceptance of Conditions of Approval for Design Review DRC2020-00199 I, George Botros, as the applicant for the above referenced project number, hereby state that I am in agreement with and accept the conditions of approval for DRC2020-00199, for property located at 6386 Sapphire Street; APN: 1062-332-25, Rancho Cucamonga, California, as adopted by the Planning Commission on June 23, 2021 and as listed below and attached. Applicant Signature Date Conditions of Approval 1. The applicant shall sign this Statement of Agreement and Acceptance of Conditions of Approval prior to the submittal of plans for plan check, request for a business license, and/or commencement of the approved activity indicating agreement with and acceptance of the adopted Conditions of Approval prior to the submittal of grading/construction plans for plan check, request for a business license, and/or commencement of the approved activity. 2. All other conditions of approval related to Design Review DRC2020-00199. Exhibit I Conditional Use Permit Modification Statement of Agreement and Acceptance of Conditions of Approval for Conditional Use Permit Modification DRC2020-00471 I, George Botros, as the applicant for the above referenced project number, hereby state that I am in agreement with and accept the conditions of approval for DRC2020-00471, for property located at 6386 Sapphire Street; APN: 1062-332-25, Rancho Cucamonga, California, as adopted by the Planning Commission on June 23, 2021 and as listed below and attached. Applicant Signature Date Conditions of Approval 1. The applicant shall sign this Statement of Agreement and Acceptance of Conditions of Approval prior to the submittal of plans for plan check, request for a business license, and/or commencement of the approved activity indicating agreement with and acceptance of the adopted Conditions of Approval prior to the submittal of grading/construction plans for plan check, request for a business license, and/or commencement of the approved activity. 2. All other conditions of approval related to Conditional Use Permit Modification DRC2020- 00471. Exhibit J RANCHOE E r CITY OF CUCAMONGA DATE: June 23, 2021 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Anne McIntosh, AICP Planning Director INITIATED BY: Mike Smith, Principal Planner SUBJECT: PROGRESS UPDATE ON PROPOSED CAMINO PRADERA DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. DESCRIPTION: Mike Smith will provide an update on the progress of the proposed Camino Pradera Development Standards. RANCHO CITY OF CUCAMONGA DATE: June 23, 2021 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Anne McIntosh, AICP, Planning Director INITIATED BY: Elizabeth Thornhill, Executive Assistant II SUBJECT: ANNUAL SELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR THE COMMISSION AND APPOINTMENTS TO OTHER COMMITTEES. RECOMMENDATION: • The Commission should consider the current Chairman and Vice Chairman positions and by minute action, select a new Chairman and Vice Chairman. The term is for 1- year reviewed annually. • The Commission should consider the current Design Review Committee members and alternates and by minute action, either affirm the existing membership or select new members. The term is for 1-year reviewed annually. • The Commission should consider the current Public Art Committee membership and by minute action, either affirm the existing membership or select a new member. The term is for 2-years. • The Commission should consider the current Trails Advisory Committee members and by minute action, either affirm the existing membership or select new members. The term is for 1-year reviewed annually. BACKGROUND: Historic Preservation/Planning Commission: The Administrative Regulations for the Planning Commission provide for the Commission to select its own officers. Each year the Commission selects a Chairman and Vice Chairman to serve a 1- year term from amongst themselves. Per City policy, a Chairman may only serve 2 consecutive years. The policy was set forth to provide for training opportunities and succession planning for the Commission. Commissioner Guglielmo became Chairman in November 2018 due to Rich Macias leaving and was unanimously reappointed in July 2020 to complete a full 2-year term as Chairman. There is no time limit/tenure policy regarding the Vice Chairman position; therefore, Commission Oaxaca may be affirmed, or a new Commissioner selected to serve as Vice Chairman. Design Review Committee (DRC): The Design Review Committee reviews the architectural design, signage, building colors, site plans and landscape plans for proposed development projects in Rancho Cucamonga. The Design Review Committee meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. The Design Review Committee consists of a member from the Planning Department and two Planning Commissioners. The Planning Commission selects new or affirms the existing Commission representative from amongst themselves each year. Currently, Commissioners Oaxaca and Williams are serving on the Design Review Committee. There are no current vacancies on the Committee. Public Art Committee: Duties include advising the City Council regarding the selection, purpose, placement, and maintenance of art installed by the City or on City property, and expenditures from the City of Rancho Cucamonga Public Art Trust Fund. The Committee meets once a quarter. The Public Art Committee is composed of five members appointed by the City Council as follows: (i) one member of the Planning Commission; (ii) one member of the Community and Arts Foundation; and (iii) three members of the public appointed based on relevant work experience, trade, industry, or expertise. The Planning Commission selects new or affirms the existing Commission representative from amongst themselves. Currently, Commissioner Dopp is serving on the Public Arts Committee effective February 2021. This will be up for consideration in late 2022. Trails Advisory Committee (TAC): The Trails Advisory Committee assist the Planning Commission by reviewing proposed projects that may impact the existing trail system, its use, future improvements and addressing resident concerns. The TAC reviews and recommends priorities for trail improvement projects and forwards those recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council on the development of the City's trails system. The TAC meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. The Trails Advisory Committee is composed of two members of the Planning Commission and one member of the Planning Department, as well as a representative for equestrians and a representative for bicyclists. The Planning Commission selects new or affirms the existing Commission representative from amongst themselves each year. Currently, Commissioners Morales and Guglielmo are serving on the Trails Advisory Committee and Commissioner Dopp is the alternate. There are no current vacancies on the Committee. Page 2