HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018/04/05 - Minutes - Library Board of Trustees CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA
The adjourned meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, April 5, 2018, in
the Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga,
California. The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by President Pro Tem, Luella G. Hairston,
Esq. Present were Members Hannah and Tompkins.
Also present were: Julie A. Sowles, Library Director, Brian Sternberg, Assistant Library
Director, Jennifer Palacios, Administrative Secretary and Avianca Ortiz, Library Clerk.
B1. There were none.
C1. Consideration to approve Minutes of March 1, 2018.
MOTION: Moved by Member Hannah to approve March 1, 2018 minutes, seconded by Member
Tompkins. Motion carried 3-0-2 (with Member DeVries and Member Temkin absent).
D1. Consideration and discussion regarding the Library Status Report. The reports will be
presented by staff.
a. Consideration and discussion regarding general announcements. The oral report
will be presented by Julie A. Sowles, Library Director
Julie A. Sowles, Library Director, reported the annual Tour de Fork event has been discontinued
by Victoria Gardens.
Library Director Sowles stated City Council adopted the recommended change of the Code of
Julie A. Sowles, Library Director stated she, Margaret Hatanaka, Adult and Teen Supervisor and
Brian Sternberg, Assistant Library Director attended the 2018 Public Library Association (PLA)
Library Director Sowles reported the Friends of the Library held their annual dinner on Sunday,
March 25, 2018 and presented to the Library a check donation in the amount of $25,000.
Library Board of Trustees Minutes
April 5, 2018
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Julie A. Sowles, Library Director, stated on April 2, 2018 the passport fees increased to $35.00
from $25.00.
Christine DeVries, President arrived at 6:07 p.m.
Library Director Sowles stated Serving with a Purpose Conference will be held at the Ontario
Convention on May 2, 2018.
b. Consideration and discussion regarding a review of Library statistics. The oral
report will be presented by Cara Vera, Library Services Manager.
Brian Sternberg, Assistant Library Director, presented the oral report for Cara Vera, Library
Services Manager.
Assistant Library Director Sternberg identified the newest Library Statistics Report on page D1,
Member Hairston stated Cara Vera, Library Services Manager did an outstanding job of compiling
the statistics on a one-page document that is readable and understandable.
D2. Consideration and discussion regarding Library Budget Report. The report will be
presented by Julie A. Sowles, Library Director.
Julie Sowles, Library Director, reviewed the budget with the Members and stated fiscal year 2017-
18 was 75% complete and library fines and fees only collected 62%. The Private Contributions
Library line item, donations received from Friends of the Library. Predicted a donation of $130,000
but received $137,000, because the Friends of the Library are on a calendar fiscal year.
Library Director Sowles stated for future agendas, the Library Budget Report will be located in the
Consent Calendar.
D3. Consideration and discussion regarding Children’s Services, Adult Services and Library
Programming. The report will be presented by Brian Sternberg, Assistant Library Director.
Brian Sternberg, Assistant Library Director, reported the Book to Action Grant April Programming
is celebrating kindness and compassion with the community by reading, “The Book of Joy: Lasting
Happiness in a Changing World,” by the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu. Free copies of the book
are available at both Archibald Library and Paul A. Biane Library. The Library will be partnering
with the Family Resource Center for a Food Drive and the Children’s Storytime’s theme will be
about joy and happiness.
Assistant Library Director Sternberg stated there will be a teen program at the Biane Library on
April 12, 2018 themed, Joy of Splatter Art and a tween program at the Archibald Library on
April 21, 2018 themed, Express Yourself (Joy of Art).
Brian Sternberg, Assistant Library Director, reported April is National Poetry month with an
upcoming poetry slam program on April 25, 2018 at the Biane Library. The event features an
award-winning Los Angeles poet, Matthieu Callier who will be sharing some of his poetry and
offering tips and advice to aspiring poets.
Library Board of Trustees Minutes
April 5, 2018
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Assistant Library Director Sternberg stated the Asian, Pacific Islander Cultural Arts Night will be
on May 4, 2018 at the Biane Library and the event will feature the Book to Action Program Final,
traditional Chinese Music, Korean classical dance and much more.
Brian Sternberg, Assistant Library Director, reported Ready Open Play for all ages will take place
on the Second Story on April 7, 2018. The theme is based on the book “Ready Player One,” by
Ernest Cline.
Assistant Library Director Sternberg reported Family Saturday: Earth Day, will take place on April
21, 2018 at the Archibald Library at 11:00 a.m. and Biane Library at 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. The
Library will be partnering with the City’s Engineering Department to offer special family Storytime’s
in honor of Earth Day.
E1. Consideration and discussion to recommend approval to City Council to discontinue library
overdue fines and audio-visual materials lending fees.
Julie A. Sowles, Library Director, presented an oral staff report and PowerPoint presentation (copy
on file).
Christine DeVries, President, asked if the time can be extended to return a library book.
Library Director Sowles stated administration will be looking at the Circulation Policies and will be
presenting a recommendation at our May or June meeting to extend the borrowing period from
two weeks to three weeks.
Sarah Tompkins, Board Member, states she prefers the three-week borrowing period to allow
more time to finish a book.
Luella Hairston, Esq., President Pro Tem, stated it is a great idea to eliminate fines and fees.
Mary Hannah, Board Member, stated the presentation was powerful and thanked Library Director
Sowles for her presentation.
MOTION: Moved by Member DeVries to recommend approval to City Council to discontinue
library overdue fines and audio-visual materials lending fees. Seconded by Member Hannah.
Motion carried 4-0-1 (with Member Temkin absent).
Mary Hannah, Board Member, announced the Library Foundation Board established a new Sub-
Committee for interviewing new potential Members.
Board Member Hannah stated she attended a Campaign Training Workshop on March 27, 2018,
held by Diana Lee, Community Partnerships Coordinator. The training focused on how to bring in
potential new donors with new campaigning materials.
Library Board of Trustees Minutes
April 5, 2018
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Board Member Hannah presented to the Board a flier created by the Library Foundation Board’s
Recruitment Sub-Committee, to help bring in prospective members to help raise funds for the
Second Story Campaign.
Christine DeVries, President, thanks staff for everything they do to make the Library a wonderful
place to go to.
New line item for the Library Board of Trustees Liaison Report.
The meeting adjourned at 7:44 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Palacios
Administration Secretary
Approved: May 3, 2018