HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-07-20 Agenda Packet j JuLY 203 2021 - 7:00 P.M. DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA RAINS ROOM CITY HALL 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 A. Call to Order B. Public Communications This is the time and place for the general public to address the Committee on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. The Committee may not discuss any issue not included on the Agenda but set the matter for a subsequent meeting. C. Consent Calendar C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of June 1, 2021. (No meetings on June 15' and July 6th.) D. Project Review Items D1. LOCATED AT 10943 STALLION WAY — STEVE HACKETT - Site plan and architectural review of a 6,519 square-foot two-story single-family residence with an attached 1,413 square-foot 4-car garage, a 289 square-foot gazebo, a 1,824 square-foot tennis court and a swimming pool, on a 34,314 square-foot lot within the Very Low(VL) Residential District within the Hillside Overlay District and Equestrian Overlay District - APN: 1074-541-03. Hillside Design Review (DRC2020-00248). D2. LOCATED AT 12939 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD — WOOD PARTNERS — A request to construct a mixed-use development comprising of 257 residential units, 2 commercial units, and 1 live/work unit and a Minor Exception to reduce the number of required parking stalls by 12% within the Community Commercial (CC) District. APNs: 0229-311-14 and -15. Design Review and Minor Exception (DRC2020-00440, DRC2020-00441). E. Adjournment The Design Review Committee has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11:00 p.m. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, they shall be heard only with the consent of the Committee. If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting,please contact the Planning Department at(909)477-2750. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. I, Elizabeth Thornhill, Executive Assistant of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on Thursday, July 15, 2021, at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California and on the City's website. Design Review Committee Meeting Agenda —July 20, 2021 Page 2 of 2 Design Review Committee Meeting AGENDA June 1 , 2021 MINUTES Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 7:00 p.m. A. Call to Order The meeting of the Design Review Committee was held on June 1, 2021. The meeting was called to order by Mike Smith, Staff Coordinator, at 7:00pm. Design Review Committee members present: Francisco Oaxaca, Diane Williams. Staff Present: Vincent Acuna, Associate Planner. B. Public Communications Staff Coordinator opened the public communication and, after noting there were no public comments, closed public communications. C. Consent Calendar C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of May 4, 2021. Motion carried 2-0 vote to adopt the minutes as presented. D. Project Review Items 131. LOCATED AT SOUTHEAST CORNER FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND ETIWANDA AVENUE (12939 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD) — WOOD PARTNERS — A request for a Design Review to construct a mixed-use development comprising of 255 residential units and 5 live/work units and a Minor Exception to reduce the number of required parking stalls by 11% within the Community Commercial (CC) District.. APNs: 0229-311-14 and -15. Design Review and Minor Exception. (DRC2020-00440, DRC2020-00441) Staff presented the project with a recommendation that the Design Review Committee move the project forward to the Planning Commission provided that the applicant incorporate at least 2,500 square-feet of commercial space along the Foothill frontage, in order to better justify the "mixed use"component of the project. Williams said that the project should incorporate a tot lot as part of the project's amenities, since 2 and 3-bedroom units may have children living in them. She also suggested that a dog run be included. Committee member Williams also expressed concerns about the parking reduction sought for by the project, stating that reduced parking may lead to parking overflow to the surrounding neighborhood. Williams also stated that she agrees with staffs recommendation that commercial space be added to the project and noted that the project as currently proposed looks more like an apartment project, rather than a true mixed-use development. Committee member Oaxaca said that the architectural design of the project overall was handled well but suggested that the building incorporate more vertical articulation to break up massing. He also agreed with committee member Williams regarding adding a tot lot and a dog park to the project, in order to increase the number of active amenities. Oaxaca also agreed with committee member Williams about incorporating more true commercial space for the project. Oaxaca said that at this time, he is not supportive of the parking reduction, and will await further analysis/findings during the Planning Commission meeting. Finally, Oaxaca mentioned that he would also like to see more outreach about the project, possibly in the form of an additional neighborhood meeting. The Committee voted to require the project to return to the Design Review Committee for review after the applicant has addressed the concerns expressed during the meeting. The Committee took the following action: X Recommend the project return to the Design Review Committee. 2-0 Vote. D2. LOCATED AT 6929 HELLMAN AVENUE — W&W LAND CONSULTANTS, INC. - A request to subdivide a vacant 2-acre parcel into 6 lots for the development of 6 single- family residences, a Minor Exception for increased wall height, and a Tree Removal Permit to remove on site trees for a site within the Low (L) Residential District.. APN: 0202-061- 32. Tentative Tract Map, Design Review, Minor Exception, and Tree Removal Permit. (SUBTT20353, DRC2020-00195, DRC2021-00038, DRC2021-00119) Staff presented the project and noted that the applicant has made a number slight revisions to the project plans in response to the neighborhood meeting. The applicant increased setbacks along the northerly portion of the project and added landscape trees in order to soften the transition between the new houses and the existing neighborhood. The applicant has also plotted single-story homes along the southerly portion of the project to maintain privacy for the existing homes south of the project site. Committee member Williams and Oaxaca said they liked each lot has a unique home and appreciated the applicant's willingness to respond to neighborhood concerns. They also appreciated the inclusion of single-story homes on the project. Committee member Oaxaca stated that he would like to see an increased patio cover depth of at least 12 feet in order to increase usability. The Design Review Committee recommended that the project move forward to the full Planning Commission, provided that patio depths for all homes be increased to at least 12 feet. The Committee took the following action: X Recommend approval to PC/PD. 2-0 Vote E. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Thornhill Executive Assistant, Planning Department Approved: Design Review Committee Regular Meeting Minutes —June 1, 2021 Page 2 of 2 Draft DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS July 20, 2021 7:00 p.m. Mena Abdul-Ahad, Assistant Planner LOCATED AT 10943 STALLION WAY —STEVE HACKETT - Site plan and architectural review of a 6,519 square-foot two-story single-family residence with an attached 1,413 square-foot 4-car garage, a 289 square-foot gazebo, a 1,824 square-foot tennis court and a swimming pool, on a 34,314 square-foot lot within the Very Low (VL) Residential District within the Hillside Overlay District and Equestrian Overlay District - APN: 1074-541-03. Hillside Design Review (DRC2020- 00248) Site Characteristics: The 34,314 square-foot vacant project site is located on the north east side of Stallion Way. The property dimensions are approximately 256 feet along the north property line, 162 feet along the east property line, 227 feet along the south property line, and 85 along the west property line. The site is covered in rocks and short grasses. The existing Land Use, General Plan and Zoning designations for the project site and adjacent properties are as follows: Land Use General Plan Zoning Site Vacant Land Very Low Residential Very Low (VL) Residential District* North Single-Family Very Low Residential Very Low (VL) Residential District* Residence South Single-Family Very Low Residential Very Low (VL) Residential District* Residence East Single-Family Very Low Residential Very Low (VL) Residential District* Residence West Single-Family Very Low Residential Very Low (VL) Residential District* Residence 'Hillside Overlay District and Equestrian Overlay Project Overview: a 6,519 square-foot two-story single-family residence with an attached 1,413 square-foot 4-car garage on the project site. The proposed grading includes up to 11.63 feet of fill and 6.44 feet of cut, which necessitates that the project be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission per Section 17.122.020.G.1.1. of the Rancho Cucamonga Development Code. The proposed residence has a Mediterranean style design theme, which includes smooth stucco finish, clay tile roofing, dual glaze windows, precast Tuscan columns, and wrought iron balcony railings. The residence was designed to be compliant with the Hillside Design Guidelines (Section 17.122.020.D.2), including minimizing view obstructions by overbuilding of the site. The building mass is broken up through the use of multiple wall plane changes and the incorporation of exterior decks along the north and south elevation. DRC COMMENTS HDR DRC2020-00248— STEVE HACKETT July 20, 2021 Page 2 The proposed 6,519 square-foot residence consists of a 3,704 square-foot first floor, which includes the main living area, library, game room, an elevator, and a kitchen. The 2,815 square- foot second floor consists of four (4) bedrooms and bathrooms, laundry room, and two (2) balconies. The size of the 6,519 square-foot residence is in keeping with homes constructed on Stallion Way within the vicinity of the project site, which range in size from 2,000 square feet to 8,500 square feet. The project complies with the requirements of the Very Low (VL) Residential District as follows: Development Requirements Proposed Front Yard 42' +/- 5' 54' Interior Side Yards 10' / 15' 10' / 15' Rear Yard 60' 60' Lot Coverage 25% max 24% Building Height 35' 30' limit within the Hillside Overlay) 30' The project complies with the intent of the Hillside Overlay District, which seeks to facilitate appropriate development of hillside areas. The site is a downslope lot with an elevation charge of approximately 15 feet from the north to the south property lines. The proposed grading design limits earthwork to 3,165 cubic yards of import, which is necessary to construct the foundation of the residence. The foundation of the residence is stepped with the existing grade, with the pad at an elevation of 2013.20 feet, in conformance with Hillside Design Section 17.122.020.D.1.a., to terrace the building to follow the slope. Hillside Design Section 17.122.020.D.1.C. requires that residences in the Hillside Overlay District be designed to fit within a 30-foot high building envelope. The applicant has provided north-south and east-west elevations with building envelopes demonstrating compliance with the 30-foot height requirement. The maximum permitted retaining wall height is 4 feet within the Hillside Overlay District, with stepped retaining walls permitted to have a maximum height of 3 feet with a minimum 3 foot separation between the stepped walls. The applicant is proposing to construct three (3), 3 feet high retaining walls on the south side of the property. The existing perimeter walls are in keeping with Hillside Design Guideline Sections 17.122.020.E., which requires that the design of walls that integrate the materials and colors used of the residence. The proposed landscaping complies with Hillside Development Section 17.122.020.F, including the use of drought-tolerant landscaping to protect slopes from erosion and planting shrubs to soften the views of the downslope elevations. The project is within the High Fire Hazard Zone and within a wildland-urban interface area. Staff Comments The project conforms with the Development Code and the Hillside Design Standards and Guidelines and provides a grading design that balances the requirement to reduce cut and fill to the greatest extent possible and to reduce the height of the structure to limit view obstructions as seen from the residences to the north. The residence is well-designed and carries the design theme to all elevations, including providing wall plane articulation. The residence is stepped with DRC COMMENTS HDR DRC2020-00248— STEVE HACKETT July 20, 2021 Page 3 the existing grade which further reduces the overall bulk as seen from Stallion Way. Earthwork is limited to 500 cubic yards of export and grading is limited to the area necessary to construct the residence and open deck area to the south of the residence. The proposed design does not require Variances or Minor Exceptions. Major/Secondary Issues: None Staff Recommendation: Staff requests that the Design Review Committee consider the design (building architecture, site planning, etc.) of the proposed project and recommend the selected action below to the Planning Commission: ORecommend approval of the design of the project as proposed by the applicant. ❑Recommend approval with modifications to the design of the project by incorporating revisions requested by the Committee. Follow-up review by the Committee is not required. The revisions shall be verified by staff prior to review and action by the Planning Director/ Planning Commission. ❑Recommend conditional approval of the design of the project by incorporating revisions requested by the Committee. Follow-up review by the Committee is not required. The revisions shall be Conditions of Approval and verified by staff during plan check after review and action by the Planning Director/ Planning Commission. ❑Recommend denial of the design of the project as proposed by the applicant. Staff Planner: Mena Abdul-Ahad, Assistant Planner Members Present: Staff Coordinator: Mike Smith, Principal Planner vi PRIVATE RESIDENCE w 0 C) (�c O V 10 Sta lion Wa O 943 y CC U W L LJ Rancho Cucamunga , CA 91737 O N ABBREVIATIONS 11 SYMBOL / LEGEND 9 PROJECT SUMMARY 4 SHEET INDEX 1 ADJ. ADJACENT I.D. INSIDE DIAMETER NEW WALL PROJECT SQUARE FOOTAGE SUMMARY: ARCHITECTURAL: Z F. A.F.F ABOVE FINISH FLOOR INSUL. INSULATION MAIN RESIDENCE LIVING SPACE: = 6,519 sq.ft. A-000 COVER SHEET �3 ALUM. ALUMINUM INT. INTERIOR A-too PROPOSED SITE PLAN �Q 2-STORY SFD - 1st Floor = 3,704 sf o APPROX. APPROXIMATELY JST. JOIST - CEILING MTD. LIGHT FIXTURE 2nd Floor = 2,815 sf L-100 LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN �o 4-VEHICLE GARAGE = 1,427sf A-1o1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN �Q ARCH. ARCHITECTURAL JT. JOINT A-102 SECOND FLOOR PLAN � � � � BD. BOARD LAM. LAMINATE z U o BLDG. BUILDING LAV. LAVATORY - WALL MTD. LIGHT FIXTURE A-102.1 SCHEDULES N HEIGHT ANALYSIS: m w BLK. BLOCK MAT. MATERIAL ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: 35' FROM AVG. NAT. GRID. A-103 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - 1st z BM. BEAM MAX. MAXIMUM o LL w CAB. CABINET MECH. MECHANICAL LIGHT SWITCH AT 48" A.F.F. (U.N.O.) PROPOSED BLDG. HT. (ABV. AVG. NAT. GRD.): 31'-10-3/4" A-104 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - 2nd < _ o CEM. CEMENT MFR. MANUFACTURER COMPLIANCE: PROPOSED BLDG. HT. ELEV. 31'-10-3/4" < MAX. ALLOWABLE BLDG. A-105 ROOF PLAN o v o Q C.J. CEILING JOIST MIN. MINIMUM THEREFORE PROPOSED RESIDENCE IS HEIGHT COMPLIANT A-1o6 SECTIONS CONTROL JOIST MTD. MOUNTED f DUPLEX ELECTRICAL OUTLET AT 18" A.F.F. (U.N.O.) A-200 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS C.L. CENTER LINE MTL. METAL SETBACKS ANALYSIS: A-201 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS CLG. CEILING N.I.C. NOT IN CONTRACT PROPOSED BUILDING SETBACKS ARE AS FOLLOWS: A-300 BUILDING SECTIONS -� CLR. CLEAR NO. NUMBER FOURPLEX ELECTRICAL OUTLET AT 18" A.F.F. (U.N.O.) A-301 BUILDING SECTIONS C.M.U. CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE FRONT (NORTHERLY): 59'-4" CLOSEST DISTANCE TO NORTH PROPERTY LINE A-302 GAZEBO FLOOR PLAN AND ELEVATION > rV COL. COLUMN O.C. ON CENTER A-000 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS N O CONC. CONCRETE O.D. OUTSIDE DIAMETER BACK (SOUTHERLY): 46 -2 CLOSEST DISTANCE TO SOUTH PROPERTY LINE — O TELEPHONE JACK AT 18„ A.F.F. (U.N.O.) SIDE (EASTERLY): 10'-0" CLOSEST DISTANCE TO EAST PROPERTY LINE CONT. CONTINUOUS O.H. OPPOSITE HAND O 01 C.T. CERAMIC TILE PL. PLATE SIDE (WESTERLY): 18 -6 CLOSEST DISTANCE TO WEST PROPERTY LINE TITLE 24 REQUIREMENTS: CIO V -;I- D. DEEP PLUMB. PLUMBING T-1 CABLE TELEVISION AT 18„ A.F.F. (U.N.O.) 2 DBL. DOUBLE PLYWD. PLYWOOD V) D.D. DECK DRAIN PR. PAIR PARCEL COVERAGE ANALYSIS 5 T-3 a) I D.F. DRINKING FOUNTAIN P.T. PRESSURE TREATED _L 0 M DIA. DIAMETER Q.T. QUARRY TILE COMBINATION DUPLEX ELECTRICAL OUTLET/CABLE TELEVI ION O CALGREEN REQUIREMENTS: 01 DIM. DIMENSION R. RISER OUTLET/TELEPHONE JACK AT 18" A.F.F. (U.N.O.) PARCEL AREA: TOTAL LOT = 34,339 sq.ft. w 00 DN. DOWN RAD. RADIUS CG-1 A O 0 D.S. DOWNSPOUT R.D. ROOF DRAIN TOTAL 1st FLOOR LIVING SPACE FOOTPRINT: TOTAL = 3,704 sq.ft. CG-2 z _O .— V) m DWG. DRAWING REQ'D. REQUIRED CEILING MTD. SMOKE DETECTOR fV :3 O EA. EACH RET. RETAINING TOTAL 4-VEHICLE GARAGE FOOTPRINT: TOTAL = 1,428 sq.ft. STRUCTURAL: < r- L40 _I V E.J. EXPANSION JOINT RM. ROOM S-1 FOUNDATION PLAN EL. ELEVATION R.R. ROOF RAFTER TOTAL ENTRY PORCH FOOTPRINT: TOTAL = 178 sq.ft. S-2 2nd FLOOR FRAMING PLAN ELECT. ELECTRICAL S.C. SOLID CORE DOOR REFERENCE TOTAL BACKYARD GAZEBO FOOTPRINT: TOTAL = 28 sq.ft. EQ. EQUAL SCHED. SCHEDULE 9 q• S_3 ROOF FRAMING PLAN f. TOTAL PROPERTY COVERED FOOTPRINT: TOTAL = 5,599 sq.ft. S 4 DETAILS EXIST. EXISTING SIM. SIMILAR WINDOW REFERENCE S-5 DETAILS EXP. EXPANSION SQ. SQUARE `x EXT. EXTERIOR S.S. STAINLESS STEEL S-6 GENERAL NOTES E Z F.D. FLOOR DRAIN S.R. SUPPLY REGISTER NOTE REFERENCE TOTAL LOT SIZE (PARCEL AREA): = 34,339 sq.ft. (100%) (� F.F.L. FINISH FLOOR LEVEL STRUCT. STRUCTURAL F.J. FLOOR JOIST T&B TOP & BOTTOM TOTAL PROPERTY COVERED FOOTPRINT: TOTAL = 5,678 sq.ft. (100%) FLUOR. FLUORESCENT T&G TONGUE & GROOVE W F.O. FACE OF TEL. TELEPHONE DETAIL REFERENCE PROJECT NOTES Z F.S. FLOOR SINK THK. THICK = PERCENT COVERED LOT CALCULATIONS: FT. FOOT T.O. TOP OF INTERIOR ELEVATION REFERENCE 5,678/34,339 = •165 i.i. Besides the newly proposed single family residential dwelling, a new - G.A. GAUGE T. TREAD .165 X 100 = 16.5 % IS THE TOTAL COVERED FOOTPRINT OF LOT full size open air concrete tennis court shall also be constructed in the Q GALV. GALVANIZED TYP. TYPICAL GL. GLASS / GLAZING U.N.O. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE BUILDING SECTION REFERENCE north/west side of the back yard as shown on Site Plan and Landscape GYP. GYPSUM V.C.T. VINYL COMPOSITION TILE Plan. H. HIGH VERT. VERTICAL 1.2. A swimming pool, Jacuzzi and concrete deck shall also be constructed H.C. HANDICAPPED V.I.F. VERIFY IN FIELD directly behind the house as shown on the Site Plan and on the Lands- HOLLOW CORE W. WIDE APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES: caping Plan. HDR. HEADER W.C. WATER CLOSET VICINITY MAP 10 2019 California Building Code (Volume 1 & 2) 2019 California Plumbing Code H.M. HOLLOW METAL WD. WOOD 2019 California Residential Code 2019 California Energy Code HORIZ. HORIZONTAL W.P. WATER PROOF 201 California Mechanical Code 201 California Green BuildingPROJECT DATA 3 HT. HEIGHT W.W.M. WELDED WIRE MESH 9 9 _ PROJECT LOCATION o 2019 California Electrical Code Standards Code ADDRESS: 10943 Stallion Way, 01 Rancho Cucamunga, CA 90402 V ra V o OWNER INFORMATION 6 PROPERTY INFORMATION: a o ASSESSOR NO.: APN #107454103 (V C fa TODD & PAM GOODMAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT #89, M.B. #218/63-71 O M �N WPY 319 9th STREET TRACT #12332-2 O '� 5� Rancho Cucamunga, CA 90402 Rancho Cucamunga, CALIFORNIA T: 310-28o-o999 PARCEL AREA: TOTAL LOT = 34,339 sq.ft. � o E ra �GF 0 E: ZONING: R-L R RgN(ch N CONSTRUCTION TYPE ANALYSIS: �> U DR. DESIGNER INFORMATION 7 CONST. TYPE SFD: TYPE V, NON-RATED a 0 O NOTE: CODE COMPLIANT FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM REQUIRED FOR 1z oo WILSHIRE BOULEVARD, SUITE 80o U DESIGN PROPOSED RESIDENCE, PER CALIFORNIA FIRE AND RESIDENTIAL CODES AND LOS ANGELES, CA 90025 FIRE DISTRICT STANDARD 9-5• ra = WILSON AVE. T: (3 10) 993-5454 OCCUPANY ANALYSIS: E: JPISHVA a@AUDESIGNDRAFTING.COM PROPOSED NEW SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 4 BEDROOMS & 5 FULL BATHROOMS, 1 QUARTER RESTROOM ENGINEER INFORMATION $ 2-4 VEHICLE GARAGES, INCLUDING ONE R.V. GARAGE O z NEW 2020 SOLAR PV MANDATE IN CALIFORNIA: V' �° N RECOBO STRUCTRAL DESIGN THE SOLAR MANDATE REQUIREMENTS ARE BASED ON THE FLOOR AREA OF w a o 18075 VENTRUA BLUE., # 101 THE HOME & THE CLIMATE ZONE, AND THE SOLAR PANEL SYSTEMS MUST BE e ° � O 210 FOOTHILL FREEWAY ENCINO, CA 90316 SIZED TO PROVIDE FOR THE FULL ANNUAL ENERGY USAGE OF THE HOME. p v � o T: (818) 636-4757 OWNERS AGENT SHALL SUBMIT SEPARATE SOLAR PV PLANS & CALCULATIONS v � O E: LARCINC@a YAHOO.COM AND SHALL OBTAIN SEPARATE SOLAR PV SYSTEM PERMIT. , kA j Q CONTACT: ISSAC BOURADA, SAMI MALOOF (LIC. C53210) a Q � o PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD CITY NOTES: 1. NO LANDSCAPING WORK IS IN THE SCOPE-OF-WORK FOR THIS PERMIT. A MINIMUM 2" LAYER OF MULCH SHALL BE Walls Trimes APPLIED ON ALL SOILS SURFACES, EXCEPT IN AREAS COVERED BY GROUND COVER. ANY NEW LANDSCAPE SHALL Surface Color: Surface Color: Surface Color: BE IN-COMPLIANCE WITH THE CURRENT WATER-EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION STANDARDS OF THE CITY OF Ultra Pure White Snow Fall RANCHO CUCAMUNGA. CALL (310)458-8405 TO SCHEDULE AN INSPECTION AFTER MULCH IS APPLIED. Color Name: Color Name: Color Name: C/; 2. ALL SITE UTILITIES SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDERGROUND PER APPROVED PLANS SUPPLIED OR REVIEWED BY THE BEHR BEHR z RELEVANT UTILITY COMPANIES. A SEPARATE PUBLIC WORKS UTILITY EXCAVATION PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM "' THE PUBLIC WORKS COUNTER, CITY HALL ROOM 113 FOR ANY EXCAVATION IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. Paint Brand: Paint Brand: Paint Brand: 0 � O 3. NO WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY WITHOUT THE PRIOR APPROVAL & PERMIT FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF Attach PUBLIC WORKS, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES, ROOM 113. U Sample LLJ 4. OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIR OF ALL DAMAGE TO OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTION. Here 0Y CALL PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR FOR INSPECTION OF OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS AT SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION OF W ONSITE WORK AT (310)458-08737. l/1 5. ALL LABOR, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL REQUIRED FOR OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS ARE THE RESPOONSIBILITY OF V) °C O THE OWNER/DEVELOPER. 0 w 6. ALL OFF-SITE WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS/DRAWINGS FOR PUBLIC WORKS V) CONSTRUCTION, CURRENT EDITION AS AMENDED BY THE CITY 01F Rancho Cucamunga AND CITY OF Rancho W lY YI W YI W V) Cucamunga STANDARDS. J im 1) mI J I Iw W Uj co U) W 7. ALL SURVEY POINTS SHALL BE PROTECTED OR RE-ESTABLISHED MF THEY ARE REMOVED, DAMAGED OR o io of n_ Zi $ DESTROYED DURING CONSTRUCTION. la i� �I aI 0 I aI I"- I ----- ------------------------- I I I I Q 8. NEW PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHALL NOT OBSTRUCT DRAINAGE NOR DRAIN INTO NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES. i ,'� \\ i --� - -------� 9. WATER SHALL BE DRAINED AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATIONS AND SHALL BE MITIGATED FROM PERMEATING INTOO.C�200'+� FOUNDATION WALL AND FOOTING OF NEW PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. i �,' EJ i El RR 1 10.N0 CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL WILL BE STORED IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF WAY. -I - - - - - - _ _ - =1v-0' _ \�\ TIO.znd F._11'-0" I o 13IO.C.-10'0' cd � 11.POLLUTED RUNOFF (INCLUDING RUNOFF CONTAINING SEDIMENTS AND/OR CONSTRUCTION WASTES) FROM A I ,. EB , , o i 3CONSTRUCTION PARCEL SHALL NOT LEAVE THE PARCEL. t = I } ° N U z 12.ANY SEDIMENT OR OTHER MATERIALS THAT ARE TRACKED OFF THE PAREL BY VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT SHALL -I - I - T.o15tF.=0'- ° I _ ♦ T.0.1stF.=0'-o - - - - - - TI0.1stF.=0'-0' 4 m j: w `� v nn-i r� __1_g" Z m -I BE REMOVED THE SAME DAY AS THEY ARE TRACKED OFF THE PARCEL. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - E: w _III-III III-III-�-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III III- I- I - -III-III- I I-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-I I-I I I III-I 1I- I-I I I-I I-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III III III-III III-III-III-I -III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III -tl Ht -III-III III-III-I I-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III- I I-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-I I -I -III-I 1I- 13.N0 WASHING OF CONSTRUCTION OR OTHER VEHICLES SHALL BE ALLOWED ADJACENT TO A CONSTRUCTION � � �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� _� �_I I I_I I I_I I I_I I I_F I M_1 I I_I I I_I 11_1 1 1_1 1 1_1 1 1_1 1 1_1 1 1_1 1 1_1 1 1_�1 1_1 1 1_1 1 1_1 1 1_1 1 1_1 1 1_1 1 1_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� �_� U o U Q PARCEL. 14.PAINT REMOVAL AND PREPARATION RESULTING IN PARTICLES ENTERING THE AIR OR LANDING ON THE GROUND REQUIRES THAT BMP STEPS BE TAKEN TO PREVENT OR MINIMIZE TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE SUCH 0 16111 321-011 $� 0 161-011 321-011 $I PARTICLES RELEASE INTO THE ENVIRONMENT. IF EXTERIOR SANDBLASTING IS REQUIRED, A SEPARATE PERMIT IS BUILDING ENVELOPE EXHIBIT: Side BUILDING ENVELOPE EXHIBIT: Front-0 0-1 REQUIRED FROM BUILDING AND SAFETY. 1 I I = 1 1 1(I = 1 0 15.WHERE DETERMINED NECESSARY BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OR HIS OR HER ro I 11-4 DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE, A TEMPORARY SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP SHALL BE INSTALLED. O %r O 16.PLASTIC COVERING SHALL BE UTILIZED TO PREVENT EROSION OF AN OTHERWISE UNPROTECTED AREA, E.G. O EXPOSED OR OPEN ELEMENTS, ALONG WITH TREATMENT CONTROL BMP'S TO INTERCEPT AND SAFELY CONVEY THE ON RUNOFF TO THE MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM. 17.EROSION DRAINAGE CONTROLS SHALL BE UTILIZED DEPENDING ON THE EXTENT OF PROPOSED GRADING AND O_ U TOPOGRAPHY TO PREVENT RUNOFF. - CV !E � Ln 18.THE CITY STRONGLY URGES THE APPLICANT TO INSPECT THE EXISTING SEWER CONNECION. IF THE CONNECTION _ Q i - STALLION WAY O m IS DAMAGED OR OVER 30 YEARS OLD, THE CITY RECOMMENDS THAT THE APPLICANT SHOW ON THE PLANS THE _I _ _ � - - -r (01 CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW 6-IMCH DIAMETER PVC SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION FROM THE PROPERTY LINE TO I I 0 d1 THE SEWER MAIN IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF Rancho Cucamunga STANDARDS. (SEWER PERMIT REQUIRED) _ _ _ - - 1 �%� I ___----- 30 �9z i _ _ _ - - - 1 ____-I�-_----- m A 0 19.IN ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD MS4 PERMIT: i __-- C) m A.FOR CONSTRUCTION SITES LESS THAN 1 ACRE, DEVELOPER SHALL IMPLEMENT AN EFFECTIVE COMBINATION OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS FROM TABLE 12 TO PREVENT EROSION AND SEDIMENT LOSS AND THE _ _ - - --------------- �� oC r-- V) 'J U DISCHARGE OF CONSTRUCTION WASTES. i - - ----- - --_-- ___ TABLE. 12 APPLICABLE SET OF BMPS FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION SITES: ___------ W EROSION CONTROLS: SCHEDULING & PRESERVATION OF EXISTING VEGETATION. r SEDIMENT CONTROLS: SILT FENCE, PLASTIC SHEET COVERINGS, SAND BAG BARRIER, STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION 8 SITE ENTRANCE/EXIT. �' O�S�7ir \� Ali NON-STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: WATER CONSERVATION PRACTICES & DEWATERING OPERATIONS 4 Outdoor WASTE MANAGEMENT: MATERIAL DELIVERY AND STORAGE, STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT, SPILL PREVENTION AND i Gazebo i' ♦ W CONTROL, SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT, CONCRETE WASTE MANAGEMENT, SANITARY/SEPTIC WASTE \, r' MANAGEMENT. \ \ Proposed B.CONSTRUCTION SITES SHALL BE INSPECTED AND EVALUATED BASED ON THE FOLLOWING FACTORS: SOIL tennis Court r s CP�7 EROSION POTENTIAL, SITE SLOPE, PROJECT SIZE AND TYPE, POLLUTION RUNOFF POTENTIAL, SENSITIVITY AND PROXIMITY OF RECEIVING WATER BODIES, NON-STORM WATER DISCHARGES, PAST RECORD OF NON-COMPLIANCE,AND ANY WATER QUALITY ISSUES RELEVANT TO THE PARTICULAR MS4 REQUIREMENTS. C.CITY SHALL EMPLOY A PROGRESSIVE ENFORCEMENT POLICY TO ENSURE THAT CONSTRUCTION SITES ARE r IF I S e BROUGHT INTO COMPLIANCE WITH THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS WITHIN A rr' REASONABLE TIME PERIOD. N \ rr 20. ALL SITE UTILITIES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UNDERGROUND TO THE NEAREST OFFSITE UTILITY POLE. i r CONTRACTOR/DEVELOPER HAS MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITH THE UTILITY COMPANIES TO PLACE ALL OVERHEAD �\ ' \ pool r' UTILITIES UNDERGROUND. ` e i men / \ rn 21. PRIOR TO COMMENCING UNDERGROUND UTILITY WORK, OBTAIN SEPARATE UTILITY EXCAVATION PERMIT FROM �� r Proposed \ \ , AC PW DEPARTMENT, CITY HALL ROOM 113. Swimming Pool osed P S atio \ , - r a e >, 22. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS EQUIPMENT INCLUDING METERS, AND ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON \ \ - a V ra EQUIPMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE, INCLUDING TRANSFORMERS, POLES, AND VAULTS SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE \ o o ° \ \ , _ U PLANS, LOCATED ENTIRELY ON PRIVATE PROPERTY, AND DESIGNED PER SCG/SCE REQUIREMENTS. NO EQUIPMENT \ ZOO OR INFRASTRUCTURE SERVING THIS PROPERTY WILL BE PERMITTED IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. 'L \ 0 ' C 170 bio 23. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY CROSS-CONNECTION DEVICE, CONTACT THE WATER DIVISION AT (310) 458-8531. OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH WATER DIVISION CROSS-CONNECTION GUIDELINES. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY, CROSS-CONNECTION CONTROL INSPECTION MUST BE COMPLETED AS -I-j WELL (CONTACT WATER DIVISION AT PHONE NUMBER NOTED ABOVE). \ , �� r GJ V)rn (� � r 24. THE SITE MUST COMPLY WITH THE SMMC CHAPTER 7.10.100 URBAN RUNOFF POLLUTION ORDINANCE FOR b� rr' CC" CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND TEMPORARY BMPS. \ r ♦ •i U O O 25. PRIOR TO BACKFILLING ANY URBAN RUNOFF MITIGATION FEATURES, CONTACT THE CITY URBAN RUNOFF \ ,' COORDINATOR AT (310)458-8223 FOR INSPECTION. ' U 26. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS AND AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS ARE TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE CHAPTER 7A, THE CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE, AND FIRE \ �r DISTRICT STANDARD 49-1. \ r 27. THE SITE/PROJECT IS LOCATED IN THE DESIGNATED WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE FIRE AREA. LANDSCAPING, VEGITATION MANAGEMENT, FUEL REDUCTION, AND OTHER WILDLAND FIRE SAFETY FEATURES AND PRACTICES ARE REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF FIRE DISTRICT STANDARD 49-1. I- N 0 Z l/1 N O V u.1 O ~ � w OLIJ Q SITE PLAN : Proposed Location 161-°11 32�-011 s1 LANDSCAPE NOTES: PLANTING LEGEND PLANTING LEGEND LANDSCAPE NOTES: General Requirements SYMBOL # COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME CAL. SYMBOL # COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME CAL. City Requirements I . CERTIFICATION: This plan meets or exceeds the requirements set forth in the 1. All street trees are to be planted in accordance with City standard plans. Screening & Landscape Standards for the City. 2 QUEEN PALM SYAGRUS 411 N ROMANZOFFIANA 0 2. Prior to the commencement of any planting, an agronomic soils report shall be z UJ 2. VISIBILITY TRIANGLES: Landscaping within the visibility triangles shall meet ,+++,++-1 17,268 GRASS furnished to the City Inspector. Any unsual toxicities or nutrient deficiencies may requirements as stated in the City Code. Nothing at an elevation greater than +`+�+`+ sq. ft. ALTERNATIVE N/A n/a require backfill soil amendments, as determined by the City Inspector. � o 2 LIME CITRUS X LATIFOLIA 3 two feet (2') above curb. Trees shall be pruned to a minimum of seven feet (7'). O 3. All street trees are subject to inspection and acceptance by the Engineering w 3. HANDICAPPED ACCESS: If any sidewalks are required they will be designed to 0 2 ORANGE CITRUS X SINENSIS 3" 4 CRUSHED GRAVEL 3 o Services Department. cc provide handicap access at the drive approaches. WHITE n/a w sq. ft. - SMALL 4. Street trees are to be planted per public improvement plans only. 4. MAINTENANCE: The Property Owner is responsible for regular weeding, 667 CRUSHED GRAVEL BROWN n/a ° mowing, irrigation, pruning, and other maintenance of all plantings. The required sq. ft. - SMALL o w landscape must be maintained in a healthy growing condition at all times. V) Construction traffic on the park property shall be limited as much as possible. 6 CALIFORNIA CEANOTHUS 2 gal. V) MOUNTAIN LILAC 5. TREE FLAGGING: All trees to be preserved shall be flagged by the developer with SPHAERALCEA SUMMARY TABLE brightly colored tape wrapped around the main trunk 6 APRICOT MALLOW AMBIGUA 3 gal. ALLOW/READ PROVIDED ZONING Commercial G. PROTECTIVE FENCING: All preserved trees remaining on site shall have ANIGOZANTHOS USE Single Family Residence o RED KANGAROO > protective fencing located approximately at the trees drip line. The fencing may 6 PAW 'KANGA RED' 2 gal' LOT AREA 62,734 sq.ft. / 1.44 acres CIO �Q be brightly colored vinyl construction fencing or similar fencing with a four foot BUILDING FOOTPRINT 40,777 sq.ft. 5,312 sq.ft. ' �; y (4') minimum height. PERSIAN YELLOW HARDSCAPE ----- 35,917 s ft. y oto 7 ROSA FOETIDA 1 gal. q ROSE 00 CONCRETE ----- 34,946 sq.ft. z ti o 0 7. IRRIGATION: All required landscaping shall be irrigated by means of a 28 AGAVE BLUE AGAVE SHAWII n/a CRUSHED GRAVEL ----- 971 sq.ft. z permanently installed, automatic, underground irrigation system with a freeze FLAME 'BLUE FLAME' LANDSCAPE ----- 21,505 sq.ft. z guard set at 38° F. o -� w V +: 8. CUT/FILL: A minimum of 75% of the critical root zone (CRZ) shall be preserved at v Q natural grade, with natural ground cover. No disturbance of soil greater than 4" will be located closer to the tree trunk than 1/2 the CRZ radius distance. The design and trenching for irrigation systems shall not cross the critical root zones of the preserved trees. The irrigation trenches should be located outside of the CRZ and designed to throw water into the area within the drip line of the tree. An trenching which must be done within the CRZ shall be du b hand and > N y g g y a� o enter the area in a radial manner, such as in a bicycle spoke configuration. O O ON 9. UTILITIES: The landscape and irrigation contractor shall have all underground ;' Proposed ; m Q ty- utilities located and flagged prior to commencement of any work. Protect Screen Wall U underground utilities, adjacent property, adjacent surfacing, water meters, Height Steps ' STALLION WAY ZLA Ln hydrants, light poles and other miscellaneous appurtenances. Down to 2 _ - - - _N I r = 0 N Cr 10. CLEAN UP: Trash and debris shall be removed from the site daily in accordance ; Proposed _ _ , O bA 0 with all laws. Block Retaining - — - - — - A O N Q O - 0 4� _ _ — - - �,;, ,� z r.- - Wall v� rY1 I I . QUANTITIES: The landscape contractor is responsible for verifying that all ; N O • • quantities of plants, turf, bed preparation, and related landscape materials are / _ _ _ _ - — - - — ----_ _ __ --- `�\ M Q� r- V) _I V correct. - — - - - - _ ,- Proposed � 0 _ Septic Tank 12. BED PREPARATION: Planting areas to receive seasonal color, groundcover, --- ---------------- M By Other shrubs, or ornamental trees shall be prepared as follows: ,' M \\ 1. Remove existing soil as necessary to allow for the incorporation of 4' Of Landscaper's Mix (Submit proposed brand of mix for approval by Owner's � � E. Z representative prior to submitting bid). Block + 2. Spread Landscaper's Mix evenly. Retaining 3. Apply a balanced fertilizer having an analysis of 16-16-16 at the rate indicated Wall M W on the package. R' ,'' 4. Roto-till to a 6" depth minimum. Remove all rocks and debris from site. Do not r \ roto-till under any tree canopy. 5. Rake beds smoothly and evenly. Finished grade of beds may be slightly higher , than surroundingturf grade but at least " below the finished grade of all / -- g 3 g �' � , Proposed � + Q building structures. There shall be positive drainage away from all buildings. Concrete + ' 6. Areas to receive sod shall be sprayed with 'Round Up' to kill weeds, lightly , \ r 2 s r Drive �,+ + tilled, raked smooth and sodded solidly. Water throughly and roll with a e F I s e + weighted steel roller drum to ensure root contact and even appearance. osed ; Maintain dailywatering until sod has become rooted into round. Then begin Tennis Cou + g g g� , Proposed , watering as required to maintain sod in healthy condition. Deck p°°' + / \ + 13. PLANTING: , � ' � AC + + + + 1. All plants shall be sound, healthy and vigorous, well branched and densely \ \ + + + + + foliated when in leaf and have healthy, well developed root systems and be free Proposed p osed + + + + Q + + ON from diseases, insects and defects. , , \\�'���,, ��,, ool Pa o� , \ + + + + � > U 2. The Owner's Representative may refuse acceptance of any plant materials ° ° ° °°°°° + + that do not meet these standards. ° ° decorative , \ + + + .� ft3 The Owner's Representative, prior to installation shall approve location of all fence + + + •— bA plant material. \ ' f' + + dJ = O 4. Plants shall be handled from the bottom of the root ball only. + cc (a E + 4_J 5. Tree pits shall be dug 6" greater than root ball on all sides. All plants shall be ,++ + W V) ra placed in pits at level grown in nursery and to finished grade, then backfilled + + rr1 �. with bed preparation mixture of 1/2 native soil and 1/2 Landscaper's Mix, \ ' + + + + M +, •> U tamping in 6" lifts. Construct a tree watering ring of soil 6" in height at the edge , + + + + + O 0 of all tree root balls to facilitate watering. Proposed--- + + + + 6. Mulch all plantings with a shreded ceder mulch a minimum of 4" in depth. Wrought \ \ ,� + + v + +7. Plants shall be pruned only to remove deadwood and suckers. Iron Fence ''+ + + ro + + CC 1 .4. METAL EDGING: All beds that abut turf, and all turf that abuts concrete, shall be A + + + bordered with 10 gauge green painted steel edging complete with stakes. Edging shall be installed so that the top of edging is equal in height to the mowing , \ w height of surrounding turf grass. 0- \ � LA Q O N 15. GUARANTEE: All trees, shrubs, and sod shall be guaranteed for a period of one Z o z o year from the date of final acceptance. All plant material shall be promptly z zQ < O replaced, once per loss, of equal size and quality, at not cost to the Property O J w o Owner. UJ o 011 8►-oll 12' w o `�' Q G. SCREEN WALL: 6'-o" Masonry Screen Wall shall be constructed out of split-face J) SITE PLAN : Proposed Location 4 V) o J concrete masonry unit. 1/4' _ 1' a :�� 3 r 1�� 24'-11" 14 -52 10'-1011 vi 121_ 111 C ~ 52 z w c) :E MI �C O -------------------- LLJ I I I LJJ SEE PAGE A-004 FOR COMPLETE DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULES � cc _ O I LL 0 w 1 o DRIVEWAY Ln I � - I I I I I I w I Q I 0 I I _ L-------------------- - ARAGE #1 a 112 � o 16'-9" r_'- lit i Z ti 3 0 0 31-611 15 52 3'-611 191_611 C� N 7 V m L; >Z J y 1_ 311 A B ; Oi > mQLL w 5 9 ► rr ---------- ------------ ------------------------------- , v . o 4 14 -2 i 1 0 12 = o M V C U Q MAIN ENTRA CE 11'-1311 PORCH 1► 211_ n B r 111 I 2 -2 4 9 .44 i 4 5 I p� L----------- 10'-0" r n r ►► _0 1 -6 1 -6 `t- ----- -------- -- ru > N V V �I � 06 I I1 0 v ' � N� I I M z 4 z o6 m I I I..LJ � 1 I I OFFICE FORMAL LIVING CL iI iI , (3D , �� Ln o R o 10 02 r� ENTRY FOY _ rn d- it � m 0 VJ I I Z ► 1rr 1 11t ► 111 1 1n i !if 1 1it I I I I Z 0 11 -5z 16 -5z ' I p p 19 -11Z 4 -8z 8 -4z 11 -44 I I i i w b�A n40, y r 22'-51" r i i i m A O Q T_ —� 2 m UTILITY i i i i z `� ' V1 rr) DINING ROOM o6 1 44 i i I ¢ l/1 0 V 11 I i i o E L --------j -------------------------� HALL#1 07 FOYER �-IN IIIIo_=_—=_-_=_-___--- __a,II�aIII N --- GARAGE #2 rri :1- 10 HALL#1 _ 11 1 111 `1r\PANTRY104 _ -_ _ N 1100 - �IN Lr\ sk ir, ER ;t _� _ `> % ,r %J \\\\\per\ � / „ \ / „ 131_4�11 61_1�n 36 x 7° OPENING 6'-211 5 -3 4'-0►► 4 -104 2 u, 4:x °�.v% ' BATH #1Sk o Z � - 106 z rr!:I" 1 7'-7-LLLJ z N x C LIBRARY m OrrN 10 BREAKFAST KITCHEN OOO 0 4 _ X 10 91 110 O O O O W °] eo8� °] O (� Q a� -� bO _ GAM EROOM N FAM I LY RO M 108 = N 108 - a) l) f6 ` I \ 00 L p„ O O d- 1 2'-011 51_3411 D 1 ro 9 cc PATIO p m 5'-11Z11 131_4311 151 _711 r ► to 6'-8311 '� 41-103" I 11 1 O11 12'-1111 r II 121_ t1 121_ It 5'-10Z' 4 T4 - -7 4 4 5 - 5 - 4 12 -2 3 5 O O ODO < E OA OA m �- 1 lit 1 !if 22'-11" ' lit ~ �- o O 11 34 -52 9'-611 14'-11" 10'-1011 w N 0 i- Z C N v +.0 o tA � w 35704 SQ . FT. EI I�ST I=LOOK LIVING SPACE + 1 ,4 13 SQ . FT. TOTAL GARAGE SPACE o 4'-011 8'-011 12' = o ' 0 FLOOR PLAN . Proposed FIRST (91LI- < �4' = 1' vi F- z w O v 0 W cc W SEE PAGE A-004 EOK COMPLETE DOOM AND WINDOW SCHEDULES L O LL 0 w V) V) 24'- 1111 w Q 0 � a �3 • m o 52" 16'-84'1 42'-1411 5'_2►► y o o _ P Z o¢ � 00 1 O 31-611 171-011 3,-611 18 .9411 U N 4 BEDROOM #6 00 Q Se 0 -1 O A 1 11 O 215 6'-11 " 3'-6— o v o L) Q 5 -9311 ► 43" 1_ 11 O --------� 51_ 31, O ► 331, ---� 4 4 4 10 - 4 1 104 11 - 4 191-611 _ -d- rY1 (o L�1 N _N ,4 O_ 11 ,4 O ,3 BATH #4 � O 1_ „ BALCONY ELE R 21 -00 m Q d.. o 24 8 1 V ll1 N 1 11 I 13'-4�" 1 II ° Vl Ln ASTER BATH MASTER CLOSET ] -4 2 4 6 N v, rn 20 202 Z M--� O 11 - 16 11 22 -0 LAUNDRY W HALL #3 'v, 21 00 A O �_ O +' V1 n1 rr ► 3n 206 r 111 N �� O • • 6 -3z 5'-7" Ln 8 -64 4 -84 4'- ,3 Q Ln J V 12 oc \7 II � 15 ,4 N �4 •� t t I /n14 -° o MECHANICAL ro 216 WALK IN 15 BATH #3 E - Z rn 212 ry 208 �Irq TT OPEN TO _ 1 � I in BELOW o 9'-112PF " V 1 m A BATH #2 ry � � II W 2 77 _ WALK I iN 4211 ht. hand rails 5 211 HALL #2 ° Ln - 2 0 �- DN DN Q ' i I MASTER BEDROOM t5 O I I 2 0 4� i I i i I rn z �Jrq ------------ LANDING z -rn I� 2 01 O ry 0 16 00 00 5'-10" X 16 IN �BEDROOM #5 r Q BEDROOM #4 V V r� 21 20 0 r L ^, ru 4211 ht. han rails 14 '�/ 0 O J 777777 4'-10 11 _ O 4 11'-114n 4 ro E rn V) f6 5 rn BALCONY � 2 ��4 OPEN TO O O BELOWsk � V V rn f6 <2>OO � � 25815 5Q . ET. TOTAL SECOND 00 ' 1 lit 1 lit ► 1 16 -s3" FLOO(� LIVING SPACE 8 5 4 81_611 81_611 11 -52 11 -52 rn 9 - ill2 4 7 11 1 lit ��- a N N 27 -112 34'-5211 w o 0 0 �- o o N O z 22'-11 VO 'G O w o N 0 4'-0" 8'-0" 12' w fl- 0 FLOOR PLAN : Proposed SECOND N - vi z w 0 � O v 0 W W INTERIOR DOOR SCHEDULE (SECOND ELOOK TOTALS) L O O SIZE THICKNESS DOOM CORE TOTAL GLASS sq.ft. REMARKS QTY. ON DOOR EACH 12 5'-0" W x 7-0" H 1 -3/8" HALLOW CORE DOUBLE SWING DOORS MECHANICAL CL. I 1 3 3'-0" W x 7-0" H 1 -3/8" HALLOW CORE 4 1 4 2'-8" W x 7-0" H 1 -3/8" HALLOW CORE G 0 5 2'-G"W x 7-0"h 1 -3/8" HALLOW CORE 5 � ao � a 16 4'-O"x 8'-0" (DBL) 1 -3/6" HALLOW CORE DOUBLE SWING DOORS FOR BEDROOMS 2 o o Z ti 00 O o 0 U ^' WI N DOW SCH EDU LE (IF I K5T ELOOK TOTALS ON LY) Z } J� y 2 m � � N Lu O TEMPERED 1 00% WOOD Q V 0 SIZE MATERIAL GLAZE TYPE TOTAL SQ.FT. EACH U-FACTOR SHGC OTY. GLASS EXTERIOR/INTERIOR p v p U Q A 3'-G" WIDE X G'-O" HIGH ALL WOOD FRAME WITH DUAL GLAZE (NO GRIDS) DOUBLE HUNG 21 sq.ft. .32 .25 3 NO CLAD TYPE g 8'-0" WIDE X 7-0" HIGH ALL WOOD FRAME WITH DUAL GLAZE (NO GRIDS) HORIZ. SLIDING W/ELLIPTICAL TOP G9 sq.ft. .32 .25 2 NO CLAD TYPE NTEKI OIL DOOR SCHEDULE (EI KST IF LOOK TOTALS) G 6-0" WIDE X 6'-O" HIGHT ALL WOOD FRAME WITH DUAL GLAZE (NO GRIDS) DUEL DOUBLE HUNG 48 sq.ft. .32 .25 4 NO CLAD TYPE � D ALL WOOD FRAME WITH DUAL GLAZE (NO GRIDS) FIXED PICTURE WINDOW 24 s ft. .32 .25 3 TEMPERED NO CLAD TYPE L_ 3 0 WIDE X 8 0 HIGH q m Ln O SIZE THICKNESS DOOR CORE TOTAL GLASS sq.ft. REMARKS QTY. EO 2'-0" WIDE X G'-0" HIGH ALL WOOD FRAME WITH DUAL GLAZE (NO GRIDS) DOUBLE HUNG 1 2 sq.ft. .32 .25 1 NO CLAD TYPE N N O ON DOOR EACH O FO 4'-0" WIDE X 4'-0" HIGH ALL WOOD FRAME WITH DUAL GLAZE (NO GRIDS) DUEL DOUBLE HUNG I G sq.ft. .32 .25 1 NO CLAD TYPE 5 OIF0 3'-0" W x 8'-0" H 1 -3/4" SOLID WOOD CORE (I HOUR IRE RATED) WITH AUTO CLOSING HINGES OR CLOSURE O 1 GO 3'-0" WIDE X 6-0" HIGH ALL WOOD FRAME WITH DUAL GLAZE (NO GRIDS) FIXED PICTURE WINDOW NEXT TO DOUBLE BACK DOORS s�' . .24 ft32 .25 2 TEMPERED NO CLAD TYPE CoG 3'-0" W x 8'-0" H 1 -3/8" HALLOW CORE 3 N U O 2'-8" W x 8'-0" H 1 -3/8" HALLOW CORE 7 a Ln U*) o m O8 2'-4"W x 8'-0"h 1 -3/8" HALLOW CORE 1 w 00 I 0 G'-O"x 8'-0" (DBL) 1 -3/8" HALLOW CORE DOUBLE SWING DOORS FOR CLOSET I WI N DOW SC H E D U LE (5ECON D ELOO K TOTALS O N LY) m A 0 aJ Q O HALLOW CORE (POCKET) POCKET DOORS SIZE MATERIAL GLAZE TEMPERED 100% WOOD Q •� 0 m TYPE TOTAL SQ.FT. EACH U-FACTOR SHGC QTY. GLASS EXTERIOR/INTERIOR � Q; ^� � J V I I 2-8 x 8-O 1 -3/8 R ( K ) 2 A 3'-G" WIDE X G'-O" HIGH ALL WOOD FRAME WITH DUAL GLAZE (NO GRIDS) DOUBLE HUNG 21 sq.ft. .32 .25 5 NO CLAD TYPE Cr OFi 8'-0" WIDE X 5'-0" HIGH ALL WOOD FRAME WITH DUAL GLAZE (NO GRIDS) DUEL DOUBLE HUNG 40 sq.ft. .32 .25 1 NO CLAD TYPE 0-0" WIDE X 8'-0" HIGH ALL WOOD FRAME WITH DUAL GLAZE (NO GRIDS) FIXED PICTURE WINDOW 48 sq.ft. .32 .25 1 TEMPERED NO CLAD TYPE 3'-0" WIDE X 5-0" HIGH ALL WOOD FRAME WITH DUAL GLAZE (NO GRIDS) FIXED PICTURE WINDOW 15 sq.ft. .32 .25 1 NO CLAD TYPE O0-0" WIDE X G'-O" HIGH ALL WOOD FRAME WITH DUAL GLAZE (NO GRIDS) DUEL DOUBLE HUNG 3G sq.ft. .32 .25 2 NO CLAD TYPE O 3'-0" WIDE X HIGH ALL WOOD FRAME WITH DUAL GLAZE (NO GRIDS) FIXED PICTURE WINDOW W/ 20 sq.ft. .32 .25 2 NO CLAD TYPE [ ' HALF ELLIPTICAL TOP - LEFT $ RIGHT rI O G'-0" WIDE X HIGH ALL WOOD FRAME WITH DUAL GLAZE (NO GRIDS) FIXED PICTURE WINDOW-ELLIPTICAL 37 sq.ft. .32 .25 1 NO CLAD TYPE TOP,MIDDLE PIECE B/T WINDOWS 'L' W O5'-0" WIDE X G'-0" HIGH ALL WOOD FRAME WITH DUAL GLAZE (NO GRIDS) DOUBLE HUNG 30 sq,ft. .32 .25 1 NO CLAD TYPE Q O 0-0" WIDE X G'-O" HIGH ALL WOOD FRAME WITH DUAL GLAZE (NO GRIDS) FIXED PICTURE WINDOW 3G sq.ft. .32 .25 1 NO CLAD TYPE D EXTERIOR DOOR SCHEDULE (SECOND IF LOOK TOTALS) OPERABLE SIDELIGHTS P 2'-0" WIDE X 7'-0" HIGH ALL WOOD FRAME WITH DUAL GLAZE (NO 6RID5) (GOES WITH DOOR#9) 16 sq.ft. each .32 .25 2 TEMPERED NO GLAD TYPE Oct SIZE THICKNESS DOOR CORE TOTAL WINDOW AREA REMARKS O O O QTY. O O 6-Ox 7-0 1 -3/4" MIN. SOLID WOOD FRAME WITH DUEL TEMPERED GLASS 96 sq. Ft. EXTERIOR BALCONY EXIT DOORS 3 TWO - 3G" WIDE SWING DOORS EACH m GN EXTERIOR DOOR SCHEDULE ff I K5T ELOOK TOTALS) WI N DOW SCH EDU LE O SIZE THICKNESS DOOR CORE TOTAL GLASS sq.ft. REMARKS QTY. ON DOOR EACH •� rA O6-0" W x 7-0" H STANDARD 2" GALV. STEEL ROLL-UP - INSULATED INSULATED R-VALUE TO BE R-9.8 2 O 2 1 0'-0" W x 10'-0" H STANDARD 2" GALV. STEEL ROLL-UP - INSULATED INSULATED R-VALUE TO BE R-9.8 a- ro -+ R.V. DOOR 4 m � 3 8'-0" W x 7'-0" H STANDARD 2" GALV. STEEL ROLL-UP - INSULATED INSULATED R-VALUE TO BE R-9.8 I > �.. O G'-0"W x 10'-0"h 1 -3/4" MIN. SOLID WOOD FRAME WITH DUEL TEMPERED GLASS 35.5 sq. Ft. TWO - 30 WIDE SWING DOORS EACH I •i V MAIN ENTRY DOOR a 00 0 SOLID WOOD FRAME WITH DUEL TEMPERED GLA55 O9 6'-0"x 7'-0" 1 -3/4" MIN. 48 sq. Ft. EXTERIOR PATIO BACK DOOR EXIT DOORS 2 V TWO - 3G" WIDE SWING DOORS EACH fa DOOR SCHEDULE N•� N z 0 LJJ un N z v �:3N O -0 O U al O t v Wrum LJ N Q 1 W _ Q V) LEGEND O RECESSED CAN LIGHT w ADJUSTABLE CAN LIGHT/ART LIGHT 00 o V -------------------- W PENDANT LIGHT � w I D I V) F-O WALL MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE uj I o ROOF LIGHT i V) I — U I I I CHANDILIER w I Q I o SMOKE DETECTOR OR I I L-------------------- z S SMOKE/CARBON MONOXIDE DET. >-+0 ° ¢3 � Q EXHAUST FAN y ct E.F. o O CEILING FAN W LIGHT I v N I I 5.: z I z m J N N LL Lu n I V L -------------------------------------------------------------- — - I o¢ ------------- I o v o U Q —0 0— U � I I I I O O I I L-------------------- ro z z --- -------- - > N O O z F I O O I I �z � I I O I I O O O O O O 2 I Ica Q Cf' GFCI V Ln IC�C Z L to L11 O O � i i i i i rn OHO L` i ~ •� O C)-% 0 bJD � o0 . UP P , I I W � I I mA O aV Q o I Ln m I z O +J I I I N Q . . Q v1 J V OI I O O O L--------------------i I I \� L-------------------------J ICI Il \11 _- II 11 O I ------ �1 III _�ii Il il�___-=_=v-=_- ���/��` I I -1i I I Fr- I j l C \/ O O O 11 II III II L III III I i�___________________ III III ___Ij II I11 III II l�l ' IIIII =Jill IFL_____ ;II O l/ O IFF______ II11 I11 _ Iryl _ail IkG__ �tll I A I _- 11\ Ill _-� tl l O O v c LL4.4 a O O O 00 n O O -+ O O F O d� ra Q V O O O O ;� o b-0 O O � ra o O a� V) ru m v _>GFCI0 F I � CN U �L d C�C IC�� O O O O f6 owp owp LA a N to o O W rL N z C N 1 .� a-+ 0 dY1 IA W ' 0 41-0" 8'-0" 1 z' W a Q 0 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN : Proposed FIRST 1/4' = 1' c: LEGEND O RECESSED CAN LIGHT w ADJUSTABLE CAN LIGHT/ART LIGHT � � O I I U w PENDANT LIGHT ; ��� w I I � V) LA WALL MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE �O LL I I o I I w I I � 0 ROOF LIGHT I I I I I I I I CHAN DI LI ER w Q I I p I I SMOKE DETECTOR OR cu SMOKE/CARBON MONOXIDE DET. o �. EXHAUST FAN o " E.F. ow O z ti � 00 0 0 U N O CEILING FAN W LIGHT J }' Z Z p i'- -.C� w Q 0 0 O p V U Q ow � � O L > N dJ O ICJ O O O I O 0N ° O O L r, jm>L vQ O O wp ow ow Owp wp LA• Q)y • L�n a)� rn1IQZ TTT GFC14C 3:10 I3:10 O bJD CT A 00 O Q O m O O O O O N �� o m v1 J lJ O O O C) p I 10 wp GFCI9 z O O O O V_ O n O W O DN _ DN Q - O I I I I I I I I J I I ^m 0 0 I I ` O O O O L - /Y b0 /' •O C O -�--j O a) V) ra ow ow M m U q- VCN p„ O O O O O ra a N Z bA 0 w O = � ry - _o z .� w � OV 'C 0 ~ +-+ N w V 0 4'-0" 8'-o" 12' ui a, Q 0 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN : Proposed SECOND 1/4' = 1' GC F- ---------------b------------- i z " o I w °° Q I o _Ln I o r u u I w 6:12 6:12 I oC D Class A RoofingClass A Roofing I _� 0 g I o w V) > o �o I 0 U N Q I I I z co Ln ru L vo° : : oN o °° Q -- ———————— ———————— ————————— Class A Roofing Class A Roofing Ln — — — — — — — — `� — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — L-- - - - - - - - - -612 - - - - - - - —i— I 6.12 6:12 Class A Roofing Class A Roofing i I �° L L `} f6 �f1 Class A Roofin Class A Roofin I I I I cc 0) O g j I I I a O I I r O m Q I- L-------------------------------� I Ln _N O N O bJD Cr I w 00 � I ¢ ---------T °° OI 3: N O o oc �' T--- V) J lJ r I 4:12 j n Ln I I Class A Roofing 6:12 I I I 6:12 Class A Roofing I Class A Roofing I (� W i� D I o I I bD Q " �° I o / Q I " N L L o I I ro " 0 Q tA ru ON - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r� Q 8 8:12 :12 I > V � — — — —Class A Roofing Class A Roofing v1 .0 ------------ ————————————————————— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T-------------------------------------------- (U O -M E dJ V) ru � rYl V � i •i 01 V �.ru O O i lJ i f6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J a " z O O O w 0 0 ^' I- N O 'C 'G o U w "o N 0 4'-0" 8'-o" 12' w 0- Q 0 FLOOR PLAN : Proposed SECOND a 1/4' = 1' NEW GRADE 'A' Conc. TILE ROOF OVER 30# FELT WITH Conc. CAPS ON RIDGE * 2" x GALVANIZED METAL DRIP EDGE, 24 GUAGE MINIMUM ALL OVER TYPE 'I' - 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING. z Conc. TILE w ROOF 12 NEW GRADE 'A' Conc. TILE ROOF OVER 30# FELT � O WITH Conc. CAPS ON RIDGE * 2" x GALVANIZED METAL O V S SLOPE 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING. V Conc. TILE ROOF Lu 12 12 D 8 SLOPE SLOPE 8 ° o w 18" TYP. 18" TYP. Q BOXED EAVES Conc. TILE BOXED EAVES ROOF cd o 3-COAT ' STUCCO Conc.TILE °� A ROOF 12 o� CIO 0 wp SLOPE 8 o z o Q �� 0 0 J p U N C\ } z coN m J •� V LL>U -c:� Lu 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cc 2 > o V 0 U Q 18" TYP. 3-COAT 3-COAT 3-COAT 3-COAT 3-COAT -o STUCCO STUCCO STUCCO STUCCO STUCCO ro In > N _N O O ' 00 Q d' V �.n 0 O boo W oo c mA 0 Q 0 3-COAT 0 4'-0" 8'-0" 12' Z LA O n O m EAST ELEVATION STUCCO s NEW GRADE 'A' Conc. TILE ROOF OVER 30# FELT WITH Conc. CAPS ON RIDGE * 2" x GALVANIZED METAL DRIP EDGE, 24 GUAGE MINIMUM ALL OVER TYPE 1' - 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING. Conc TILE ROOF Conc. TILE ROOF . Conc.TILE Conc. TILE ROOF W ROOF 5 SLOPE 0 12 12 =) 12 C SLOPE SLOPE 5 6 SLOPE Conc. TILE ROOF 18 it TYP. 3-COAT EAVES STUCCO O / , 3-COAT ' 18" TYP. rrN 12 STUCCO , l l l EAVES 4 SLOPE t t ru = Conc.TILE ROO � , � , , ' ,�' '�, t � t t rr1 f6 p , A 3-COAT A A rn 3-COAT STUCCO _' � �' STUCCO 'tA ,O C: 00 - 11' 0" O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 AT EAVES 3-COAT STUCCO WROUGHT IRON RAILING 5tUCC0 3-COAT fY1 TO BE APPROVED BY HOA STUCCO � �' U STUCCO i , C� i\ .,... � O 3-COAT i STUCCO 3-COAT l ' STUCCO V ,\`\ (6 �Lc JL� B A - - - - - I I IT/ ' TO. 1ST F. = 0'-0" O - C C ry z p OW > N PRECAST TUSCAN COLUMN STONE VENEER STONE VENEER PRECAST TUSCAN COLUMN 10 W ' w/ BASE AND CAPITAL COLUMN BASE COLUMN BASE w/ BASE AND CAPITAL p N v W 0 4►-Off 8'-011 12' w m Q NORTH ELEVATION : Front a NEW GRADE 'A' Conc. TILE ROOF OVER 30# FELT WITH Conc. CAPS ON RIDGE * 2" x GALVANIZED METAL DRIP EDGE, 24 GUAGE MINIMUM ALL OVER TYPE 'I' - 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING. in Z u.1 12 � Conc.TILE Conc.TILE ROOF 0 ROOFrj SLOPE 0 v Conc. TILE ROOF O Lu 12 12 v, 8 SLOPE SLOPE 8 o - o w NEW GRADE 'A' Conc. TILE ROOF OVER 30# FELT WITH Conc. CAPS ON RIDGE * 2" x GALVANIZED METAL DRIP EDGE, 24 GUAGE MINIMUM ALL OVER TYPE 'I' - - - - - J/2' CDX-2L'cW_C _5dfATbING-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fw_' B . O. C. 201-011 0 , Conc. TILE ROOF l l 3-COAT o STUCCO ' PRECAST COLUMN w/ Cl o 1 1 BASE AND CAPITAL I� 00 o CA O A z ~' U o rn Conc.TILE 1 11 co j= w m V ROOF T.0.2nd F. = 11 - Lu 0 z co J V N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cc 2 > o BOXE EAVES 12" TYP. B . 0 . C . _ 1 01_011 V U Q WROUGHT IRON RAILING WROUGHT IRON RAILING 12" TYP. 3-COAT 3-COT TO BE APPROVED BY HOA TO BE APPROVED BY HOA BOXED EAVES -� STUCCO STUCCO 3-COAT Ln N STUCCO > _N O PRECAST COLUMN w/ O BASE AND CAPITAL O m Q d- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T.0 . 1 st F. = 01_0" -J � � •� V l LI 1 O �1 Cr PRECAST TUSCAN COLUMN 000 C� w BASE AND CAPITAL w 1 WEST ELEVATION ° 41-°11 $1-°11 1z' z � r �- � m Q � � Ln ° V 1/4' = 1' o NEW GRADE 'A' Conc. TILE ROOF OVER 30# FELT WITH Conc. CAPS ON RIDGE * 2" x GALVANIZED METAL rc; DRIP EDGE, 24 GUAGE MINIMUM ALL OVER TYPE 11/2" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING. z l0'-23" Conc.TILE ROOFw 12 uu ..........SLOPE 6 0 D Conc.TILE ROOF 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r _______=___ 18" TYP. 1 2 Conc.TILE ROOF ---------- i 3-COAT / SLOPE 6 n 1 STUCCO NEW GRADE 'A' Conc. TILE ROOF OVER 30# FELT r 3-COAT / WITH Conc. CAPS ON RIDGE * 2" x GALVANIZED METAL GIN STUCCO DRIP EDGE, 24 GUAGE MINIMUM ALL OVER TYPE 'I' - ^, 3-COAT 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING. V/ ra * * * STUCCO V U 1 1 ' / / 1 ' / 1 Conc. TILE ROOF L ' M L Conc.TILE ROOF O V1 c: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O _3-COAT _ CH �-o E 3- AT- - - - - - - - � �- - f6 41 STUCCO WROUGHT IRON RAILING STUCCO STUCCO STUCCO fu rn l.1 TO BE APPROVED BY HOA > d" U � O 3-COAT c: 3-COAT STUCCO (o 1 1 1/ 1 / / STUCCO / t F 1' ' C C E A A / / G G ' D D L== I— O N O O W > N I-- G1 N PRECAST COLUMN w/ 'G o PRECAST COLUMN w/ BASE AND CAPITAL V BASE AND CAPITAL v�i Lu ' • O 4.'-O" 8'-O" 1 Z' = O Q SOUTH ELEVATION . Rear �, 0 1/4' = 1' vi z w O v 0 W REQUIRED ATTIC VENTILATION: cc A TOTAL OF 3,704 5Q.F7. OF ATTIC SPACE. w 3,704/1 50 = 24.7 5Q.FT. (3557 scl.in.)OF TOTAL VENTILATION 15 REQUIRED RIDGE VENTS PROVIDE 15 scl.in. VENTILATION PER LINEAL FOOT (/) SOFFIT VENT5 PROVIDE 2G scl.in. VENTILATION EACH (GALV. METAL 4"x I G"SOFFIT VENT) 12 cr O SPLIT THE RIDGE*SOFFIT VENTILATION EQUALLY: 6LL SLOPE p RIDGE VENT5 ON 4 OF THE LONGEST RIDGES WILL REQUIRE 13G FEET OF RIDGE VENT5 Lu 13G LINEAL FEET x 15 = 2040 sal. in VENTILATION OR 14.2 SQ.FT. SOFFIT VENTS PROVIDE 2G scpn. EACH 4"x I G"GALV. METAL GRILL VENT(OR.18 SQ.FT. EACH) .18 SQ.FT.x 80 VENTS = 14.4 Scl.ft.TOTAL SOFFIT VENTILATION WHICH 15 ALMOST HALF OF TOTAL REQUIRED VENTILATION OF 24.7 5Q.FT. 12 ALL ATTIC CEILING OVER LIVING SPACES TOTAL VENTILATION TO BE INSTALLED: SHALL HAVE R-30 GATT INSULATION RIDGE VENT5 = 136 LINEAL FEET = 14.2 Scl.Ft.TOTAL VENTILATION 8 SLOPE PROPERLY INSTALLED BETWEEN JOISTS. SOFFIT VENTS = 80 QTY.x .18 = 14.4 5cl.Ft.TOTAL VENTILATION w H ADDITIONAL VENTILATION AT GABLE ENDS: TOTAL OF 4-18"DIAMETER GALV. STEEL LOUVERED GRILLS EACH GRILL PROVIDES 2.1 5Q.FT. OF VENTILATION z TOTAL OF 8.4 SQ.FT. OF ADDITIONAL VENTILATION SECOND FLOOR CEILING LEVEL NOTE: I/4"MESH REQUIRED @ALL VENTS, PROVIDE VENTS AT ALL SIDES TO ALLOW CROSS VENTILATION ALL DRYWALL SHALL BE 5/6"THICK ON WALLS >~ o 0 CEILING CAN BE 1/2". a� O Z O ALL EXTERIOR WALLS OF LIVING SPACES U N SHALL HAVE R-1 5 BATT INSULATION PROPERLY INSTALLED BETWEEN WALL STUDS. m m Ld V z „ Lu in SECOND FL OR LEVEL � zr:�ML=Lt L � >U = 0 2 > o M V 0 U Q N FIRST FLOOR CEILING LEVEL ALL EXTERfok WA II-5 OF.LIVING SPACES. .. SHALL HAVE R 1 5 BATT INSULATION PROPERLY.INSTALLED BETWEEN WALL STUDS. Ln > N _N O O O 00 Q d- _ III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III Z Ln Lr-A 0 O b � W oo c: a, mA 0 (v Q r_4rr 10'-8n 161 z 0 •~ un f'rl BUILDING SECTION : Section 3/1611 _ - Z NEW GRADE 'A' Conc. TILE ROOF OVER 30# FELT W WITH Conc. CAPS ON RIDGE* 2"x GALVANIZED METAL Q DRIP EDGE, 24 GUAGE MINIMUM ALL OVER TYPE 'I'- 1/2" COX PLYWOOD SHEATHING. ALL ATTIC CEILING OVER LIVING SPACES ALL ATTIC CEILING OVER LIVING SPACES NOTE: ALL WALLS ADJACENT TO GARAGES SHALL HAVE 5/8" FIRE 12 SHALL HAVE R-30 BATT INSULATION SHALL HAVE R-30 GATT INSULATION RATED GYPSUM BOARDS INSTALLED FROM FIRST FLOOR TO SECOND FLOOR CEILING. C SLOPE PROPERLY INSTALLED BETWEEN JOISTS. PROPERLY INSTALLED BETWEEN JOISTS. ALL EXTERIOR WALLS OF LIVING SPACES SHALL HAVE K-15 BATT INSULATION rn PROPERLY INSTALLED BETWEEN WALL 5TUD5. SECOND FLOOR CEILING LEVEL SECOND FLOOR CEILING LEVEL ALL DRYWAL HALL BE 5/8"THICK ON WALLS CEILING CAN E 1/2". ' Q v >r V 12 x ALL DRYWALL SHALL BE 5/8"THICK ON WALLS 5 SLOPE CEILING CAN BE 1/2". ro bjD .LA •� C R.V. GARAGE i SECOND FLOOR LEVEL SECOND FLOOR LEVEL ,m V FIRST FLOOR CEILING LEVEL FIRST FLOOR CEILING LEVEL ' V m FIRST FLOOR LEVEL- CONCR JE SLAB FIRST FLOOR LEVEL- CONCRETE SLAB R.V. GARAGE FLOOR LEVEL ALL EXTERIOR WALLS OF LIVING SPACES SHALL HAVE R-1 5 BATT INSULATION ILAO PROPERLY INSTALLED BETWEEN WALL STUDS. z O O LLj 0O z N N O N %lo V bA O Lu 'G o ►-4" 1 o'-8" 16' w •� Q BUILDING SECTION : Section z � ml< 3/16" = 1' vi z w O v 0 REQUIRED ATTIC VENTILATION: W A TOTAL OF 3,704 5Q.FT. OF ATTIC SPACE. cc 3,704/1 50 = 24.7 SQ.FT. (3557 sa.in.)OF TOTAL VENTILATION 15 REQUIRED W RIDGE VENTS PROVIDE 15 5ci.in. VENTILATION PER LINEAL FOOT SOFFIT VENTS PROVIDE 2G sa.in. VENTILATION EACH (GALV. METAL 4"x I G"SOFFIT VENT) SPLIT THE RIDGE*SOFFIT VENTILATION EQUALLY: 12 cC RIDGE VENTS ON 4 OF THE LONGEST RIDGES WILL REQUIRE 1 3G FEET OF RIDGE VENTS SLOPE E 136 LINEAL FEET x 15 = 2040 scl. in VENTILATION OR 14.2 5Q.PT. p SOFFIT VENTS PROVIDE 26 sa.in. EACH 4"x I G"GALV. METAL GRILL VENT(OR.18 SQ.FT. EACH) Lu 18 5Q.FT.x 80 VENTS = 14.4 5ci.ft.TOTAL SOFFIT VENTILATION WHICH IS ALMOST HALF OF TOTAL REQUIRED VENTILATION OF 24.7 5Q.FT. TOTAL VENTILATION TO BE INSTALLED: L IC CEILING OVER LIVING SPACES RIDGE VENTS = 13G LINEAL FEET = 14.2 5ci.Pt.TOTAL VENTILATION 12 HALL HAVE R-30 GATT INSULATION SOFFIT VENT5 = 80 QTY.x .18 = 14.4 5cl.Ft.TOTAL VENTILATION g SLOPE PROPERLY INSTALLED BETWEEN JOISTS. w ADDITIONAL VENTILATION AT GABLE ENDS: TOTAL OF 4-1 8"DIAMETER GALV. STEEL LOUVERED GRILLS p EACH GRILL PROVIDES 2.1 5Q.FT. OF VENTILATION TOTAL OF 8.4 SQ.FT. OF ADDITIONAL VENTILATION Z NOTE: o c7 1/4" MESH REQUIRED @ ALL VENTS, PROVIDE VENTS AT ALL SIDES TO ALLOW CROSS VENTILATION p o ALL EXTERIOR WALL5 OF LIVING SPACES Rio ALL DRYWALL SHALL BE 5/8"THICK ON WALLS SHALL HAVE R-15 BATT INSULATION 00 2 CEILING CAN BE 1/2". PROPERLY INSTALLED BETWEEN WALL STUDS. Z -' c 3 p O 7z"", U N } � z co w u z J LL SECOND FLOOR LEVEL SECOND FLOOR LEVEL Q >u 0 2 > O M u M U Q FIRST FLOOR CEILING LEVE CABI N ET5 CABIN ET5 -� fa Ln N N O ELEVATOR CABINETS CABINETS O MMO CN 1 1 W � � III11111111 � 111 � � � 111 � � 1111 � 1 � 1111 � � 111 � � � 111 � 1111 UL LA Ln .LA O m O W oo a, mA 0 < 0 0 '-q" 10'-8n 16� z - un fY1 BUILDING SECTION : Section 3 3h6" = 11 0 Z W D ALL ATTIC CEILING OVER LIVING SPACES SHALL HAVE R-30 GATT INSULATION PROPERLY INSTALLED BETWEEN JOISTS. i rn r V Q � > V bA •- O c: � = O E ALL EXTERIOR WALL5 OF LIVING SPACES L. SHALL HAVE R-15 BATT INSULATION O PROPERLY INSTALLED BETWEEN WALL STUDS. V fa vi LA z O c O � v z N O N .O V bA O W w BUILDING SECTION : Section 4 -4�� -$�� ,6� L/, m 3h6" = 1� WOOD DECK Ji z w 0 C�c O v 0 W cc W V) cr O w 0 w WOOD COLUMNS REF. Ln STRUCTURE DRAWINGS 73 Q 0 � � o • M O `� yy •-+O � O �lol Y 00 0 0 U N } Z coJ � LL Q p, o v o U Q O \ J (a In N N O O O c7N m Q d- � V � � •� O � m v� O W oo a� mA0 (uQ0 0 ► 0►► 8'-o" 12' z ' V) rn GAZEBO FLOOR PLAN 4 - Q N o • • � Ln - v 1/4' = 1' p _ z W Conc.TILE ROOF Q 0 rn � fCS Q ru Ar r c: \r o WOOD COLUMNS REF. V1 •2 c: Cv STRUCTURE DRAWINGS (� 0 -i--j a) � (6 rC rn V O .i C'1\ V a O _O V f6 WOOD DECK m o W N N O Z V N O -v `0 V G1 O O 0 4'-0" 8'-0" 12' w c Q ' ELEVATION . Front Ln a 01 21 1g 19 2 2 31 z w 21 � O 3 EXTERIOR 7 INTERIOR 27 Ou Lu Ln 3 L o 1 19 o V) 3 w Q 15 SOFFIT 3® o c o a� ACCORDIAN DOOR HEAD (Jamb Sim.) HOLLOW METAL DOOR THRESHOLD 4" SQUARE GUTTER a CIO o 9 5 SCALE: �/4 - -o SCALE:�/4" - o SCALE: �/z - -o c o 00 a u_ � � Z 5 z J o w V �+. 3 < o v o U Q EXTERIOR INTERIOR O O Cr .,,h- y CV 2 J C ll ca < V V) ern 3 � � O N �27 3 i73 j O 21 MINEIA W > 00 m A O N Q 0 z :�' v, rn P RHEAD • • ACCORDIAN DOOR THRESHOLD (Slider Sim.) OCKETD 00 N O 1 SCALE:1/4" =1'-o" SCALE:1/4" _l'-o" Q V) J V 1g 4 21 2 ALIGN 2 z Lu 2 w 3 aLu LJJ -- w w Z� Lu ��Lu 21 2 Of Q Or W 3„ INTERIOR EXTERIOR 4 2„ � rY1 INTEGRAL GUTTER CLERESTORY WOOD WINDOW HEAD/JAMB POCKET DOOR JAMB ON SCALE:�/4" _�'-o" 1 SCALE:1/4" _l'-o" SCALE:1/4" _l'-o" ra Q � > V ra ._ bA EXTERIOR INTERIOR •O O � fa E 3 2 21 2 -�-' V) ra /Z: 21 J M V q- V •� Cr v 4 ro 1g 22 4 2 HO o N O ~ N Z W V w O H � w PLANTER BOX CLERESTORY WOOD WINDOW SILL A HOLLOW METAL JAMB/HEAD = c o 16 8 L. SCALE:3/4" _l'-o" SCALE:1/4" _l'-o" SCALE:1/4" _l'-o" � d ❖ Both new and modified branch wiring circuits shall have Arc-fault circuit protection for 120- ❖ Shutoff valve- An accessible, approved manual shutoff valve with a non-displaceable valve volt, single phase, and 20- ampere branch circuits. CEC 210.12 A UJ z g p p [ ( )] member, or a listed gas convenience outlet installed within six (6) feet of the appliance it serves. Where a connector is used, the valve shall be installed o ❖ Wall counter space; a receptacle outlet shall be installed at each wall counter space 12 inches or wider. Receptacles outlet shall be installed so that no point upstream of the connector. A union or flanged connection shall be provided downstream from this valve to permit removal of controls. [CPC 1212.61 0 along the wall is more than 24 inches, measured horizontally from a receptacle outlet in the space. [CEC 210.52 (C) (1)] O ❖ No domestic dishwashing machine shall be directly connected to a drainage system or food waste disposer without the use of an approved dishwasher airgap fitting w on the discharge side of the dishwashing machine. Listed airgaps shall be installed with the flood-level (FL) marking at or above the flood level of the sink or LU Island counters ace: At least one receptacle outlet shall be installed at each island counters ace with a Ion dimension of 24 inches or greater and drainboard, whichever is higher. [CPC 807.3] L p p p g g _ o a short dimension of 12 inches or greater. [CEC 210.52(C) (2)] 0 ❖ Exterior windows/doors added and/or replaced as part of the remodeling project shall be clearly identified on the plans and shall have a fenestration ❖ Peninsular counter space: At least one receptacle outlet shall be installed at each peninsular counter space with a long dimension of 24 inches or greater and a V) U-Factor and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient SHGC of 0.25or less. [CEnC Table 150.1-A] short dimension of 12 inches or greater. A peninsular counter top is measured from the connected perpendicular wall. [CEC 210.52(C) (3)] ❖ All fenestration NFRC labels shall remain available for inspection, w ❖ Separate spaces: Counter spaces separated by range tops, refrigerators, or sinks shall be considered as separate counter spaces in applying the requirements of Q 0 CEC 210.52 (C) (1) (2) (3). [CEC 210.52(C) (4)] ❖ Show location(s) of interconnected hard-wired Smoke Alarm with battery backup, or sealed 10-year battery Smoke Alarms in the following: [R314] A 15 or 20 amp circuit for the dishwasher and a a. In each sleeping room. a F Q 15 or 20 amp circuit for the disposal. [CEC 210.23(A)] b. Outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms ❖ Provide dedicated circuit for kitchen hood. [CEC 210.52 (B) (2)] c. On each additional story of the dwelling, including basements and habitable attics, but not including crawl spaces and uninhabitable attics. z C) 0 d. Smoke alarms shall be installed not less than 3 feet horizontally from the bathroom opening that has a bathtub or shower unless this would prevent N ❖ If using a split outlet (two circuits on the same yoke) for dishwasher/disposal, provide a listed handle tie at the two circuit breakers at the panel. [CEC 210.71 m z placement required by code. Shall also be installed at least 3 feet from any HVAC supply/vents, or the tip of a ceiling fan. o w . Range hoods shall be permitted to be cord and plug connect when the cord is terminated with grounding type, not less than 18 inches and � o not over 36", the receptacle is accessible and supplied by an individual branch circuit. [CEC 422.16 (B) (4)] ❖ Combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms shall be permitted to be used in lieu of smoke alarms. o U o Q ❖ All installed luminaires shall be high efficacy; [CRC R314.51 either listed by source type or by being JA8- ❖ Counter top receptacle outlet location: receptacle outlets shall be located on or above, CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS N 2019 certified and labeled. ❖ Show location(s) of interconnected hard-wired Carbon Monoxide Alarm with battery backup, or sealed 10-year battery Carbon Monoxide Alarms in the following: [R314] � o ❖ Screw based luminaires sh following: a� ❖ O For buildings with fuel-burning appliances and/or attached garages, provide an approved CARBON MONOXIDE ALARM at: [R315.1] 0 0 all meet all of the a. Outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms a) v �^ but not more than 20 inches above the b. Ln countertopor work surface. Receptacle outlets assemblies listed for use in countertops or work surfaces shall be permitted to be installed in countertops or work On ever level of a dwelling unit including basements p p p p Y g g o Q m surfaces. Receptacle outlets rendered not readily accessible by appliances fastened in place, appliance garages, sinks, or range tops as covered in 210.52(C)(5), c. When a fuel burningappliance is in a bedroom or attached bathroom, a carbon monoxide alarm is required in the bedroom. pp q W 00 Exception, or appliances occupying dedicated space shall not be considered as these required outlets. [CEC 210.52 (C) (5)] d. Provide a note: "CARBON MONOXIDE ALARM shall be interconnected hard-wired with battery backup." A O a) Q 0 e. Batter carbon monoxide alarm is permitted in existing dwelling units where no construction is taking lace. z `^ rr1 ❖ Two small appliance outlet circuits, 20 amps each, are required for kitchens. Circuits shall be balanced and have no other outlets. [CEC 210.52 (B)(1), (2)] y p g g g p N o • • ❖ Combination carbon monoxide and smoke alarms shall be � --� v ❖ Individual dedicated circuits are required for all major appliances. [CEC 210.11(C) (1) & 422.10 (A)] 0 ❖ Garbage disposal cord and plug connected with a flexible cord 18" to 36"long. CEC 422.16 (B)(1)] permitted to be used in lieu of carbon monoxide alarms. ❖ Dishwasher cord 36" to 48" long. CEC 422.16(B)(2)] [CRC R315.4] For full compliance for Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms please refer to the 2019 California Residential Code sections R314 and R315 a. The luminaires shall not be recessed downlight luminaires in ceilings; and L Z b. The luminaires shall contain lamps that comply with Reference Joint Appendix JA8; and U c. The installed lamps shall be marked with JA8-2019 or JA8-2019-E W ❖ Recessed light fixtures in insulated ceilings shall be approved, listed, zero-clearance insulation cover (IC) type, Certified Air Tight (ASTM E283) and sealed with a gasket or caulked between housing and ceiling, and shall be certified to comply with Section 110.9 and allow ballast maintenance and replacement to be readily accessible to building occupants from below. [CEnC 150.0(k)1C] Q ❖ Luminaires recessed into ceilings must meet all of the requirements for: insulation contact (IC) labeling; air leakage; sealing; maintenance; and socket and light source as described in CEnC 150.0(k)1C. A JA8-2019-E light source, rated for elevated temperature, must be installed by final inspection in all recessed ceiling downlight luminaires. ❖ Exhaust fans and under cabinet lighting shall be switched separately from lighting system. [CEnC 150.0(k)2B] m ❖ Blank electrical boxes. All unused electrical boxes mounted above 5 feet from the finished floor shall be no more than the number of bedrooms and shall be served by dimmer or vacancy sensor control, or fan speed control.[CEnC 150.0(k)1B] >1 v ru V ru ❖ In kitchen specify the local exhaust system vented to outdoors shall have a minimum exhaust rate of 100 cfm. [CEnC 150(o), Exc. 5 to 152(a) & ASHRAE Std. 62.2] a o ❖ A ducted residential exhaust hood is required. A metal, smooth interior surface duct required on vent hood or down draft exhaust vent. Aluminum flex duct c ro E is not approved. Provide back draft damper [CIVIC 504.3] ra M U ❖ Add this note to the plans: Upper cabinets shall be a minimum of 30' above cooking top or a hood is to be installed per manufacturer's requirements with •> v clearances as required by the rang%ook top manufacturer's installation instructions. Provide minimum clearances to combustible materials per [CIVIC 920.3.21 �- u ro CC ❖ Fixture Flowrate- Faucets at kitchens shall not have a flow rate of greater than 1.8 gpm at 60 psi. [CPC 420.2.1] ❖ Gas tests- Gas tests having a volume less than ten (10) cubic feet or a system in a single-family dwelling, the test duration shall be not less than fifteen (15) minutes without a drop in pressure. [NFPA 54:, CPC 1213.31 N O❖ Gas lines that run under a slab shall run through an approved, vented, gas tight conduit. [CPC 1210.1.61 z � N 0 0 N w z w � w Q o ❖ Both new and modified branch wiring circuits shall have Arc-fault circuit protection for 120- ❖ Shutoff valve- An accessible, approved manual shutoff valve with a non-displaceable valve volt, single phase, and 20- ampere branch circuits. CEC 210.12 A UJ z g p p [ ( )] member, or a listed gas convenience outlet installed within six (6) feet of the appliance it serves. Where a connector is used, the valve shall be installed o ❖ Wall counter space; a receptacle outlet shall be installed at each wall counter space 12 inches or wider. Receptacles outlet shall be installed so that no point upstream of the connector. A union or flanged connection shall be provided downstream from this valve to permit removal of controls. [CPC 1212.61 0 along the wall is more than 24 inches, measured horizontally from a receptacle outlet in the space. [CEC 210.52 (C) (1)] O ❖ No domestic dishwashing machine shall be directly connected to a drainage system or food waste disposer without the use of an approved dishwasher airgap fitting w on the discharge side of the dishwashing machine. Listed airgaps shall be installed with the flood-level (FL) marking at or above the flood level of the sink or LU Island counters ace: At least one receptacle outlet shall be installed at each island counters ace with a Ion dimension of 24 inches or greater and drainboard, whichever is higher. [CPC 807.3] L p p p g g _ o a short dimension of 12 inches or greater. [CEC 210.52(C) (2)] 0 ❖ Exterior windows/doors added and/or replaced as part of the remodeling project shall be clearly identified on the plans and shall have a fenestration ❖ Peninsular counter space: At least one receptacle outlet shall be installed at each peninsular counter space with a long dimension of 24 inches or greater and a V) U-Factor and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient SHGC of 0.25or less. [CEnC Table 150.1-A] short dimension of 12 inches or greater. A peninsular counter top is measured from the connected perpendicular wall. [CEC 210.52(C) (3)] ❖ All fenestration NFRC labels shall remain available for inspection, w ❖ Separate spaces: Counter spaces separated by range tops, refrigerators, or sinks shall be considered as separate counter spaces in applying the requirements of Q 0 CEC 210.52 (C) (1) (2) (3). [CEC 210.52(C) (4)] ❖ Show location(s) of interconnected hard-wired Smoke Alarm with battery backup, or sealed 10-year battery Smoke Alarms in the following: [R314] A 15 or 20 amp circuit for the dishwasher and a a. In each sleeping room. a F Q 15 or 20 amp circuit for the disposal. [CEC 210.23(A)] b. Outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms ❖ Provide dedicated circuit for kitchen hood. [CEC 210.52 (B) (2)] c. On each additional story of the dwelling, including basements and habitable attics, but not including crawl spaces and uninhabitable attics. z C) 0 d. Smoke alarms shall be installed not less than 3 feet horizontally from the bathroom opening that has a bathtub or shower unless this would prevent N ❖ If using a split outlet (two circuits on the same yoke) for dishwasher/disposal, provide a listed handle tie at the two circuit breakers at the panel. [CEC 210.71 m z placement required by code. Shall also be installed at least 3 feet from any HVAC supply/vents, or the tip of a ceiling fan. o w . Range hoods shall be permitted to be cord and plug connect when the cord is terminated with grounding type, not less than 18 inches and � o not over 36", the receptacle is accessible and supplied by an individual branch circuit. [CEC 422.16 (B) (4)] ❖ Combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms shall be permitted to be used in lieu of smoke alarms. o U o Q ❖ All installed luminaires shall be high efficacy; [CRC R314.51 either listed by source type or by being JA8- ❖ Counter top receptacle outlet location: receptacle outlets shall be located on or above, CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS N 2019 certified and labeled. ❖ Show location(s) of interconnected hard-wired Carbon Monoxide Alarm with battery backup, or sealed 10-year battery Carbon Monoxide Alarms in the following: [R314] � o ❖ Screw based luminaires sh following: a� ❖ O For buildings with fuel-burning appliances and/or attached garages, provide an approved CARBON MONOXIDE ALARM at: [R315.1] 0 0 all meet all of the a. Outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms a) v �^ but not more than 20 inches above the b. Ln countertopor work surface. Receptacle outlets assemblies listed for use in countertops or work surfaces shall be permitted to be installed in countertops or work On ever level of a dwelling unit including basements p p p p Y g g o Q m surfaces. Receptacle outlets rendered not readily accessible by appliances fastened in place, appliance garages, sinks, or range tops as covered in 210.52(C)(5), c. When a fuel burningappliance is in a bedroom or attached bathroom, a carbon monoxide alarm is required in the bedroom. pp q W 00 Exception, or appliances occupying dedicated space shall not be considered as these required outlets. [CEC 210.52 (C) (5)] d. Provide a note: "CARBON MONOXIDE ALARM shall be interconnected hard-wired with battery backup." A O a) Q 0 e. Batter carbon monoxide alarm is permitted in existing dwelling units where no construction is taking lace. z `^ rr1 ❖ Two small appliance outlet circuits, 20 amps each, are required for kitchens. Circuits shall be balanced and have no other outlets. [CEC 210.52 (B)(1), (2)] y p g g g p N o • • ❖ Combination carbon monoxide and smoke alarms shall be � --� v ❖ Individual dedicated circuits are required for all major appliances. [CEC 210.11(C) (1) & 422.10 (A)] 0 ❖ Garbage disposal cord and plug connected with a flexible cord 18" to 36"long. CEC 422.16 (B)(1)] permitted to be used in lieu of carbon monoxide alarms. ❖ Dishwasher cord 36" to 48" long. CEC 422.16(B)(2)] [CRC R315.4] For full compliance for Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms please refer to the 2019 California Residential Code sections R314 and R315 a. The luminaires shall not be recessed downlight luminaires in ceilings; and L Z b. The luminaires shall contain lamps that comply with Reference Joint Appendix JA8; and U c. The installed lamps shall be marked with JA8-2019 or JA8-2019-E W ❖ Recessed light fixtures in insulated ceilings shall be approved, listed, zero-clearance insulation cover (IC) type, Certified Air Tight (ASTM E283) and sealed with a gasket or caulked between housing and ceiling, and shall be certified to comply with Section 110.9 and allow ballast maintenance and replacement to be readily accessible to building occupants from below. [CEnC 150.0(k)1C] Q ❖ Luminaires recessed into ceilings must meet all of the requirements for: insulation contact (IC) labeling; air leakage; sealing; maintenance; and socket and light source as described in CEnC 150.0(k)1C. A JA8-2019-E light source, rated for elevated temperature, must be installed by final inspection in all recessed ceiling downlight luminaires. ❖ Exhaust fans and under cabinet lighting shall be switched separately from lighting system. [CEnC 150.0(k)2B] m ❖ Blank electrical boxes. All unused electrical boxes mounted above 5 feet from the finished floor shall be no more than the number of bedrooms and shall be served by dimmer or vacancy sensor control, or fan speed control.[CEnC 150.0(k)1B] >1 v ru V ru ❖ In kitchen specify the local exhaust system vented to outdoors shall have a minimum exhaust rate of 100 cfm. [CEnC 150(o), Exc. 5 to 152(a) & ASHRAE Std. 62.2] a o ❖ A ducted residential exhaust hood is required. A metal, smooth interior surface duct required on vent hood or down draft exhaust vent. Aluminum flex duct c ro E is not approved. Provide back draft damper [CIVIC 504.3] ra M U ❖ Add this note to the plans: Upper cabinets shall be a minimum of 30' above cooking top or a hood is to be installed per manufacturer's requirements with •> v clearances as required by the rang%ook top manufacturer's installation instructions. Provide minimum clearances to combustible materials per [CIVIC 920.3.21 �- u ro CC ❖ Fixture Flowrate- Faucets at kitchens shall not have a flow rate of greater than 1.8 gpm at 60 psi. [CPC 420.2.1] ❖ Gas tests- Gas tests having a volume less than ten (10) cubic feet or a system in a single-family dwelling, the test duration shall be not less than fifteen (15) minutes without a drop in pressure. [NFPA 54:, CPC 1213.31 N O❖ Gas lines that run under a slab shall run through an approved, vented, gas tight conduit. [CPC 1210.1.61 z � N 0 0 N w z w � w Q o DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS July 20, 2021 7:00 p.m. Vincent Acuna, Associate Planner LOCATED AT 12939 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD —WOOD PARTNERS —A request to construct a mixed-use development comprising of 257 residential units, 2 commercial units, and 1 live/work unit and a Minor Exception to reduce the number of required parking stalls by 12% within the Community Commercial (CC) District. APNs: 0229-311-14 and -15. Design Review and Minor Exception (DRC2020-00440, DRC2020-00441). Site Characteristics and Background: The 5.2-acre project site is located at the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Etiwanda Avenue. The property is zoned Community Commercial (CC) District and is within the Foothill Boulevard Overlay District (Subarea 4). The dimensions of the rectangular-shaped property are approximately 330 feet north to south and 690 feet east to west. The site gently slopes from north to south and is covered by low vegetation. The existing Land Use, General Plan and Zoning Designations for the project site and adjacent properties are as follows: Land Use General Plan Zoning Site Vacant Mixed-Use Community Commercial (CC) District ' North Vacant Mixed-Use Community Commercial (CC) District ' South Single-Family Low Residential Low (L) Residential District Residences East Single-Family Low Residential Low (L) Residential District Residences West Shopping General Commercial Regional Related Commercial (RC) District ' Center 1 —Foothill Boulevard Overlay District,Subarea 4 Previous DRC Review and Responses: The project was previously reviewed by the Design Review Committee (DRC) on June 1, 2021 (Exhibit A— Design Review Committee Minutes from June 1, 2021). The Committee had generally positive comments about the project. However, they had some issues and stated several revisions that needed to be made to the project. They requested that the project be resubmitted to the DRC for a second review at a later date to verify that the applicant had addressed their concerns.. Discussed below are the five (5) issues of concern brought up during the previous DRC meeting, along with applicant/staff responses: a) Project Amenities Discussion: Both Committee members expressed concern about the variety and number of resident amenities for the project. The Committee suggested that a tot lot and dog park be added to the project for the purposes of diversifying the types of amenities for various users, such as people with pets and families living with small children. Response: The applicant revised the project plans to incorporate a children's play area as DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2020-00440 —WOOD PARTNERS July 20, 2021 Page 2 well as a dog run per the request of the Design Review Committee. A list and location of all resident amenities are shown on the Amenity Exhibit (Exhibit B —Amenities Sheet and Tot Lot Programming). b) Commercial Space Discussion: The Committee agreed with staff's assessment that true commercial space be added along the project's ground floor frontage along Foothill Boulevard, in order to better justify the mixed-use nature of the project site. Response: The project previously presented to the Design Review Committee contained 5 live-work units with 2,455 square-feet of non-residential in the form of flex space and 255 apartment units. The applicant has agreed to convert the ground floor space of two live-work units into two true commercial tenant spaces resulting in a total of 3,339 square feet of non-residential space (2,523 square feet of true commercial, plus 816 square feet of flex space attached to a live-work unit). Due to the restrictions imposed by California Senate Bill 330, any project revision cannot reduce the proposed project density of 50 dwelling units per acre. As such, the project as proposed now has 2 commercial spaces, 1 live-work unit, and 257 apartment units, maintaining the previously proposed residential density. Staff supports the modification to the floor plan. Incorporating the two commercial tenant spaces on the ground floor ensures commercial tenants will occupy a portion of the ground floor, activating the street, and bringing amenities to the residents and the surrounding neighborhood. c) Building Articulation Discussion: The Committee thought that the project is architecturally well-designed but suggested that additional architectural embellishments and articulation be added, in order to break up the massing of the 4-story buildings. Response: The applicant revised the architectural plans to deepen certain window recesses to provide for additional shadow and relief to the fagade. Roof parapets were also revised to vary in height to provide a more visually varied roofline. (Exhibit C — Articulation Sheet). d) Parking Discussion: Although not a design issue, the Committee commented on the Minor Exception related to on-site parking. They expressed concerns about parking overflow into the surrounding neighborhood, and the amount of the proposed parking reduction requested by the applicant. The Committee requested that parking be analyzed further to ensure that no adverse impacts would occur around the project vicinity. Response: Based on the mix of uses, the project requires a total of 527 parking spaces. The project proposes a total of 465 parking spaces, which is 62 spaces or 12% less than what is required by the Zoning Code. In order to justify the requested reduction, the applicant has provided a Parking Analysis Memorandum prepared by Fehr & Peers (Exhibit D — Parking Analysis dated June 15, 2021). Based on the parking generation rate of the project,the Parking Analysis concluded DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2020-00440 —WOOD PARTNERS July 20, 2021 Page 3 that the highest parking demand for the project is 347 spaces. This parking demand is 118 spaces less than the amount of parking provided by the project. The total 465 spaces provided also exceeds the 355 bedrooms contained in the project. This means that the project will still have 110 additional parking spaces for guest and commercial uses assuming that every person residing in a bedroom has their own vehicle. In order to ensure that no adverse parking impacts will occur in the surrounding neighborhood, the project will be conditioned to provide a parking management plan which demonstrates how on-site parking will be managed, which includes restrictions to the number of cars allowed per unit, registration of license plates to leases/apartment units, and other requirements deemed necessary by the Planning Director and the Director of Engineering Services. The Condition of Approval will also reserve the right for the City to require the preparation of off-site, on-street parking restrictions such as, but not limited to, no parking signage, time-limit parking signage, red curb, any necessary street repairs/improvements, or the establishment of a parking district at the cost of the property owner/developer in the event that parking violations are observed. Staff is supportive of the applicant's proposed 12% parking reduction request. Staff believes that the nature and degree of the request is sound, considering that the project provides at least 100 spaces more than the parking demand as analyzed by the Parking Analysis, as well as the total number of bedrooms contained between the two proposed buildings. Additionally, the imposition of a Condition of Approval related to parking management gives the City direct enforcement power to rectify any parking issues that may arise at any time during the operation of the project. e) Community Outreach Discussion: The need for additional community outreach was discussed, given the previous restrictions on gathering and meetings that would have limited community input regarding the project. Response: With staff coordination, the applicant has agreed to schedule a second, in- person neighborhood meeting to allow the surrounding residents a second opportunity to provide input for the project. Staff Recommendation: Staff believes that the applicant has made appropriate revisions and responses to all the Design Review Committee's concerns from the June 1, 2021 meeting. Staff requests that the Design Review Committee consider the design (building architecture, site planning, etc.) of the proposed project and recommend the selected action below to the Planning Director/ Planning Commission: x❑Recommend Approval of the design of the project as proposed by the applicant. ❑Recommend Approval with Modifications to the design of the project by incorporating revisions requested by the Committee. Follow-up review by the Committee is not required. The revisions shall be verified by staff prior to review and action by the Planning Director / Planning Commission. ❑Recommend Conditional Approval of the design of the project by incorporating revisions requested by the Committee. Follow-up review by the Committee is not required. The revisions DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2020-00440 —WOOD PARTNERS July 20, 2021 Page 4 shall be Conditions of Approval and verified by staff during plan check after review and action by the Planning Director/ Planning Commission. El Recommend Denial of the design of the project as proposed by the applicant. Desicgn Review Committee Action: Staff Planner: Vincent Acuna, Associate Planner Members Present: Staff Coordinator: Mike Smith, Principal Planner Exhibit A— DRC Minutes from June 1, 2021 Exhibit B —Amenities and Tot Lot Programming Exhibit C —Articulation Sheet Exhibit D — Parking Analysis dated June 15, 2021 Exhibit E — Revised Project Plans Design Review Committee Meeting AGENDA June 1 , 2021 MINUTES Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 7:00 p.m. A. Call to Order The meeting of the Design Review Committee was held on June 1, 2021. The meeting was called to order by Mike Smith, Staff Coordinator, at 7:00pm. Design Review Committee members present: Francisco Oaxaca, Diane Williams. Staff Present: Vincent Acuna, Associate Planner. B. Public Communications Staff Coordinator opened the public communication and, after noting there were no public comments, closed public communications. C. Consent Calendar C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of May 4, 2021. Motion carried 2-0 vote to adopt the minutes as presented. D. Project Review Items 131. LOCATED AT SOUTHEAST CORNER FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND ETIWANDA AVENUE (12939 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD) — WOOD PARTNERS — A request for a Design Review to construct a mixed-use development comprising of 255 residential units and 5 live/work units and a Minor Exception to reduce the number of required parking stalls by 11% within the Community Commercial (CC) District.. APNs: 0229-311-14 and -15. Design Review and Minor Exception. (DRC2020-00440, DRC2020-00441) Staff presented the project with a recommendation that the Design Review Committee move the project forward to the Planning Commission provided that the applicant incorporate at least 2,500 square-feet of commercial space along the Foothill frontage, in order to better justify the "mixed use"component of the project. Williams said that the project should incorporate a tot lot as part of the project's amenities, since 2 and 3-bedroom units may have children living in them. She also suggested that a dog run be included. Committee member Williams also expressed concerns about the parking reduction sought for by the project, stating that reduced parking may lead to parking overflow to the surrounding neighborhood. Williams also stated that she agrees with staffs recommendation that commercial space be added to the project and noted that the project as currently proposed looks more like an apartment project, rather than a true mixed-use development. Committee member Oaxaca said that the architectural design of the project overall was handled well but suggested that the building incorporate more vertical articulation to break up massing. He also agreed with committee member Williams regarding adding a tot lot and a dog park to the project, in order to increase the number of active amenities. Oaxaca also agreed Exhibit A with committee member Williams about incorporating more true commercial space for the project. Oaxaca said that at this time, he is not supportive of the parking reduction, and will await further analysis/findings during the Planning Commission meeting. Finally, Oaxaca mentioned that he would also like to see more outreach about the project, possibly in the form of an additional neighborhood meeting. The Committee voted to require the project to return to the Design Review Committee for review after the applicant has addressed the concerns expressed during the meeting. The Committee took the following action: X Recommend the project return to the Design Review Committee. 2-0 Vote. D2. LOCATED AT 6929 HELLMAN AVENUE — W&W LAND CONSULTANTS, INC. - A request to subdivide a vacant 2-acre parcel into 6 lots for the development of 6 single- family residences, a Minor Exception for increased wall height, and a Tree Removal Permit to remove on site trees for a site within the Low (L) Residential District.. APN: 0202-061- 32. Tentative Tract Map, Design Review, Minor Exception, and Tree Removal Permit. (SUBTT20353, DRC2020-00195, DRC2021-00038, DRC2021-00119) Staff presented the project and noted that the applicant has made a number slight revisions to the project plans in response to the neighborhood meeting. The applicant increased setbacks along the northerly portion of the project and added landscape trees in order to soften the transition between the new houses and the existing neighborhood. The applicant has also plotted single-story homes along the southerly portion of the project to maintain privacy for the existing homes south of the project site. Committee member Williams and Oaxaca said they liked each lot has a unique home and appreciated the applicant's willingness to respond to neighborhood concerns. They also appreciated the inclusion of single-story homes on the project. Committee member Oaxaca stated that he would like to see an increased patio cover depth of at least 12 feet in order to increase usability. The Design Review Committee recommended that the project move forward to the full Planning Commission, provided that patio depths for all homes be increased to at least 12 feet. The Committee took the following action: X Recommend approval to PC/PD. 2-0 Vote E. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Thornhill Executive Assistant, Planning Department Approved: Design Review Committee Regular Meeting Minutes —June 1, 2021 Page 2 of 2 Draft ■ / . / / / ■ � . ' / / / ■ _ . / ■ ii ' ' ' it s:•e _ _:� �: r. 'a■�■. :'. x�l�. .Nl�r i■..■�!a ■�_ .�Ilo�x NK ,r� I' car, � � 0 � ,�• —.-I�— — — � �' I i'u �� Ifl ��� �I �! � 7 — ri7_ _ r �� _ I 1— .—=tiJ �i�: �f •r 1' � a■-:� _ _..JI ■.o. awpw ' 'ram �!'_: � �� .� _ IIIIIHIIII�IIIII i;�'� i I ' I E � � •'�i- � _ t_ .-:� •'�� �� I� — �� r ■_:•� -f• r� lip Fix 1 � filf rr� 7'SAW .:-1i� .�. -RICK09t Alin■�� I 1 1V • III � � ' — � �'•IEIII rl � I fl �� 1. �� ` l��I�.+ ��LiF! � I■ � _ WE a ��I r I ■I 1 r, 1= 1$PIl 11 _ '[I II I q I �kr. r■'L. r -J�� �..� �1 �. r.l ■ �.l yl I�Xn y 1�1 r! .il Fq y� i _ _ _ - r _ Ia:J _ L._I _ r .r �:i ArrWWI M_ lima In i+;lr7 666a ■ d777 oil �II Ism. p1 0. AP, '�.: r � - 1■1■�1!- _1'—■ -ICI'. 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No Ian _min MEW' ' mr■C ■■■■' _ "r : •: ''�" �:':, _, �f � �ar, ■siva W MIN ■■� J ■ +—MpMEN M*9mmmmpq"qmwmm � MIN i QL II'�1��� _ _-i:,;:- �_u�r��'_=3�'- - �'r:'�=�=fat -`.�x� ..',a��:Y�x��•'�.tti�■ : PRE ; L 'eke-. �r. •�,� '�rk:a •b" �.,. .�• A. ,;�e; -- � , .�i' ��-:.� r �- �,.: , �� w{`•.' ram,._ .- __ s Alta Cuvee — Play Area & Tot Lot Detail - x O 1,376 sf turf lawn © 272 sf soft floor play area • This area will have movable playground equipment, * •. _ movable toys and movable sports equipment that will I�— accommodate younger and older kids while i maintaining flexibility with the space to be used for t, O 16' more adult activities. ylrl-� • We are also proposing to have a "kids day" once a month that is managed by the property where we will { rent a bouncy house for the day for children to use. _ 17' T. o 0 0 0 0 � o 0 ruseLox - 404 • willycoot MT G I � rr Y- A - F�1S a*- .:+'?•mod..��.. L !. N Y�'.. :�^'lC.�{Y.. .. . .l.s'aa._•, .. i — FF Select windows with deepend recesses Color replacement at balconies provide additional shadow and relief. and top floor Roof parapets have been revised Typical windows recessed 2" to provide a varied roof line. Windows vary @ top floor Fiber cement board and A mix of open balconies at \the tap floor with trellises. Awnings nt top floor add variety tten with accent color and accent color. �.� .r ■-1 iba Fes' rr �r _ .7 -- F17. - I - variety of balconies are provided that are recessed, '� Deepened recesses and horizontal New color,projections,and recesses projecting,or flush,and have arched or flat soffits Fourth Submittal -Current Elevation overhang provide additional to hightlight retail. shadow relief. Tall storefront to full width of retail. vr+m�oFare _ SOW WOOD PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee 11849 W.Olympic FWer rd zoo 12939 FOOTHILL BLVU.RANCHO CUCAM0NGA,CA 91739 .., .,....,..,.,.. Los Angeles,CA 90064 Exhibit C FEHR PEERS MEMORANDUM Date: Updated June 15, 2021 To: Joe Gambill - Wood Partners Fareeha Kibriya -AECOM (For distribution to the City of Rancho Cucamonga) From: Jason D. Pack, P.E. Delia Votch, P.E. Subject: Updated Rancho Cucamonga Alta Cuvee Parking Analysis Memo OC20-0752 Fehr& Peers completed the transportation impact assessment for the proposed Alta Cuvee Project (Project) located at the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Etiwanda Avenue in the City of Rancho Cucamonga.This memorandum presents an assessment of the parking supply and demand. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project consists of 260 multi-family residential units with 200 surface and 265 structured parking spaces within a lot area of 5.2 acres as show on the attached site plan. Of the 200 surface parking spaces, 149 spaces will be resident spaces (generally split between the two buildings), 47 will be guest/visitor spaces and 4 will be designated for commercial use for all of the live/work units. Of these surface spaces, 54 of the total surface parking spaces will tandem spaces and will be allocated to the residential units. Of the 265 structured spaces, 205 spaces will be standard spaces and 60 spaces will be tandem spaces. PARKING ANALYSIS Fehr& Peers used the Parking Generation Manual, 5'Edition (Institute of Transportation Engineers [ITE], 2019) and the Shared Parking Manual(Urban Land Institute [ULI], 2020) to obtain the parking 101 Pacifica I Suite 300 1 Irvine, CA 92618 1 (949) 308-6309 1 Fax(949) 859-3209 www.fehrandpeers.com Exhibit D City of Rancho Cucamonga Updated June 15, 2021 Page 2 of 6 rates for calculating the parking demand of the proposed project.Both sources are cited to compare the parking demand potential of the project. Table 1 identifies the parking generation estimates for the Project. Table 1: Parking Generation Estimates Source Size Weekday Demand Weekend Demand ITE Parking Demand[a,b,cl 338 317 ULI Shared Parking[d,e] 260 Dwelling Units 334 347 Notes: [a]Source:Parking Generation Manual,5th Edition(Institute of Transportation Engineers,2019). [b]Average parking rates for ITE Code 221:Weekday—1.3 spaces per dwelling unit,Weekend—1.22 space per dwelling unit [c] ITE defines"mid-rise'multi-family housing as buildings or developments that are 3 to 10 stories high.The project proposes four stories of multi-family units. [d]Source:Shared Parking Manual(Urban Land Institute,2020) [e]Total weekday parking demand rates for multi-family housing: 1 bedroom—1 space per dwelling unit,2 bedroom —1.75 spaces per dwelling unit,3+ bedroom—2.6 spaces per dwelling unit.Total weekend parking demand rates for multi-family housing:1 bedroom—1.05 spaces per dwelling unit,2 bedroom—1.8 spaces per dwelling unit,3+ bedroom—2.65 spaces per dwelling unit. As noted in Table 1,the maximum parking demand for a 260-unit multi-family development would be 347 parking stalls.This would be accommodated by the proposed on-site parking supply of 465 spaces. The City of Rancho Cucamonga required parking supply per the City Municipal Code was calculated and is presented in Table 2. This also summarizes the requested parking exceptions by user type which is supported by the City of Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code Section 17.64.060. This section states the following regarding parking exceptions: C. Other parking reductions. Required parking for any use except a single-family dwelling, accessory dwelling unit, or two-family dwelling may be reduced through approval of a minor exception or a conditional use permit by the planning director. 1. Criteria for approval. The planning director will only grant a conditional use permit for reduced parking if it finds that the project meets all of the conditional use permit criteria in section 17.16.120 (Conditional Use Permits) and that three or more of the circumstances listed below are true. a. The use will be adequately served by the proposed parking due to the nature of the proposed operation; proximity to frequent transit service;transportation characteristics of persons residing, working, or visiting the site; or because the City of Rancho Cucamonga Updated June 15, 2021 Page 3 of 6 applicant has undertaken a travel demand management program that will reduce parking demand at the site. b. Parking demand generated by the project will not exceed the capacity of or have a detrimental impact on the supply of on-street parking in the surrounding area. c. The site plan is consistent with the objectives of the zoning district and incorporates features such as unobtrusive off-street parking placed below the ground level of the project with commercial uses above or enclosed parking on the ground floor. d. The applicant has provided on-site parking for car-share vehicles via a recorded written agreement between the landowner and the city that runs with the land. Agreement shall provide for proof of a perpetual agreement with a car share agency to provide at least one car share vehicle on-site. Table 2: Required Parking Required Total Requested Total Parking Floorplan Units Parking Parking Parking Proposed per Unit Required Exception A(1 Bedroom) 184 1.5 276 B (2 Bedroom) 55 2 110 414 C (3 Bedroom) 20 2 40 13 (3%) Live/Work(1 Bedroom) 1 1.5 1 Commercial 3,339 sq. 1 space per 13 4 9 (69%) ft. 250 sq.ft. Guests 260 0.33 86 47 39 (45%) Total 260 - 526 465 61 (12%) Source:City of Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code Table 17.64.050-1 for multi-family development. Note:The parking code requires more than half of the parking for multifamily development to be garaged;the proposed project does not provide dedicated garages for reach unit. A summary of the Rancho Cuvee development project's eligibility for a reduction in required parking is provided below in Table 3. City of Rancho Cucamonga Updated June 15, 2021 Page 4 of 6 Table 3: Reduction in Parking Supply Requirements Municipal Code Requirement Status Details The project is in proximity to high-quality transit.Omnitrans The use will be adequately served by the Route 66 runs along Foothill Boulevard,with bus stops on proposed parking due to the nature of the both sides of Foothill Boulevard within 1,000 feet of the proposed operation; proximity to frequent project site.Additionally, SBCTA is planning a Bus Rapid transit service;transportation characteristics Transit(BRT) system along Foothill Boulevard that will further of persons residing,working,or visiting the True enhance access to frequent quality transit service. The site;or because the applicant has project is also located adjacent to a large shopping plaza, undertaken a travel demand management providing retail and services for future residents of the project program that will reduce parking demand at within walking distance.The proximity of transit, retail, and the site. services to this project site will reduce the need for parking on-site. As seen in Table 1,the maximum parking demand of the Parking demand generated by the project proposed project would be 347 spaces when comparing the will not exceed the capacity of or have a True demand estimates to national parking rate information from detrimental impact on the supply of on- the Urban Land Institute and Institute of Transportation street parking in the surrounding area. Engineers.The provided 465 spaces would exceed the estimated parking demand by approximately 30%. The site plan is consistent with the objectives of the zoning district and The project is in the Foothill Boulevard Overlay Zoning incorporates features such as unobtrusive District.The site plan is consistent with the zoning district, off-street parking placed below the ground True including unobtrusive off-street parking placed below the level of the project with commercial uses ground level of the project and away from setback areas. above or enclosed parking on the ground floor. The applicant has provided on-site parking for car-share vehicles via a recorded written agreement between the landowner and the At this time, no car-share agreement has been provided and city that runs with the land.Agreement shall False no car-share vehicle parking has been identified on the site provide for proof of a perpetual agreement plan. with a car-share agency to provide at least one car share vehicle on-site. Source:City of Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code;Fehr&Peers,2020 City of Rancho Cucamonga Updated June 15, 2021 Page 5 of 6 As noted in Table 3,the Project meets three of circumstances described in the City Municipal Code which would make the Project eligible for a reduction in required parking supply. It should also be noted that the project is providing 465 total parking spaces to serve the 260 units and 355 bedrooms. This yields a parking rate of 1.9 spaces per unit or 1.3 spaces per bedroom. MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT The project proponent understands the need to continuously monitor parking at the site. As such, the developer has committed to implement the following actions to manage on-site parking: • All parking other than guest parking will be assigned to specific units. • Property management and security will be on-site 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Improperly parked vehicles will be towed. • Residents can register a guest to park for up to three days; unregistered guests will be limited to 24 hours. • Property management will monitor parking management and adjust policies to ensure that the guest and visitor parking policies are not abused by residents. • Property management will work with the City and residents to address any issues that arise if parking spills into the adjacent neighborhood. In addition to the project-driven parking management, the City is also leading an effort to investigate a potential permit parking and enforcement program in the adjacent neighborhood. This will further the parking management program to ensure that parking is appropriately managed and does not spill into the adjacent neighborhood. The monitoring and management of spaces on-site will ensure that residents are assigned specific spaces and that those residents park in those spaces. Additionally, visitor/guest spaces will be monitored to ensure that they are used appropriately. CONCLUSIONS The City of Rancho Cucamonga's parking requirements significantly exceed the nationally observed parking demand rates. Although the Project does not meet the City's parking standards, it does exceed the observed parking rates and provides more than one parking space per bedroom for a project as a whole. Additionally, the project's location adjacent to quality transit further supports City of Rancho Cucamonga Updated June 15, 2021 Page 6 of 6 the reduction in parking consistent with parking reduction allowances outlined in the City's municipal code. Based on the national data and the shared-use nature of the parking facilities, the site has sufficient parking to serve estimated parking demands based on the national demand rates. In addition to the information related to supply/demand noted above, the project sponsor has committed to on-site parking management to ensure that parking is managed appropriately through the designation of spaces and on-site monitoring and the City is currently initiating a potential permit parking program in the adjacent neighborhood which will also assist with parking management in the area. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact Jason Pack directly at 949.308.6312. ATTACHMENTS Figure 1 —Site Plan Alta Cuvee Apartments Building 1 Building 2 Parking Management Plan Foothill Blvd Drawings A — - SIDE YAPO —� � 3E�K --- Ground Level t t t r+ _ - 3 h h ;. . . :. s �4 vxu A [ A3 S181[ Ala Al. 131a1t A3 AII -�lltillues Ala Ala i,aVV A3-II A3 ilta -- al° ly��I `�yrylyl .mom ... 1 • Guest/Visitor —47 spaces 0 • Building 1 — 73 spaces � °` w A �"—Al Al 9 V Al Al� - Al A3 (A1-1 A"u) a A3 � - • Building 2 — 76 spaces n•� Al 1� wn .£ Commercial —4 spaces ;I AUHl A3 1 courtyard A3 ,, A3 A3 Al _ 3125 X 60. A1a-etl ia...., JA C - _ A3 S[o. A1a a Al Al ri Unit Mix a n9 A2 2fi I ] I_ �, I a� Ll� ' C - A3 ._. .._ .... - g2 I._..I a �!.I� Ala-alt . IL I� 61 sit 67 'Rrash/Elac -- - ICJ--L� - - - - Building 1 t n.. y (A1-1 A L7 -- i t l µ m� • Commercial — 1,135 SF {2 bm *.:. in,anspaca.mRmum6x,5'denbn Building 2 2 �,y' �, 4 *-, - W -_ • 1 Bedroom —83 apartments 42 High all -EV Slell i :� • 2 Bedroom —32 apartments iqa< iii, 11 - LI - 1 I 4 9 • 3 Bedroom —7 apartments !-%W ins tzoo Sulam Parking Garage Wall Lme Below i (27T.Id—Slallel ----------------- r W --Building 2 L - — • Commercial — 1,388 SF '� 6e Min l0'Landsoepe Relanmg E tss2� a= huller E Wall - • Live/Work— 1 apartment LL • 1 Bedroom — 101 apartments • 2 Bedroom —23 apartments Site Plan-Ground Level • 3 Bedroom — 13 apartments (11:� Al 7666'PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee 11849 W-Olympic Bouli $.it.204 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 Los Angeles,CA 90064 •••.•_•.••••• r• + •,- Alta Cuvee Apartments Building 1 Building 2 Parking Management Plan Drawings e Basement Level i y 11r=EV SUI • Guest/Visitor — 0 spaces i • Building 1 — 121 spaces • Building 2 — 144 spaces Commercial — 0 spaces ; In i Al i LJA _ Line of Adjacent Budding Al—,a 1265 Garage Parking Unit Mix j (30 Tandem Stalls) j i I J, i Buildin 1 i g • Commercial — 1,100 SF • 1 Bedroom —83 apartments • 2 Bedroom —32 apartments IT • 3 Bedroom —7 apartments ! i I Building 2 L • Commercial — 1,300 SF s • Live/Work— 1 apartments • 1 Bedroom — 101 apartments • 2 Bedroom —23 apartments Parking Plan-Garage Level • 3 Bedroom — 13 apartments A2 1 PROGPE6b%pNT.FEBRWRT 1l,S[el PREf-0k WOOD PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee -, 11849 W.Olympic Boulevard Suite 204 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD.RANCHO CUCAMONGA.CA 91739 Los Angeles,CA 90064 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND DATA: Floor Area: Project Name: Rancho Cuvee Project Address: 12939 Foothill Boulevard,Rancho Cucamonga,CA 91739 Project Description: The project proposes 260 rental units including 259 apartments, Or p u, 1 UveMork unit,and 2,523 sf dedicated commercial space. B - - g p $w 8 < z BUILDING 1 t There are(2)4story residential buildings;the West building is A g t g $ H rc (RXIMIIIAL) O ¢ F w on-grade,and the East building is a podium over 1-story of D g$ 5 g a subterranean parking.Additional surface parking is provided to - the South and East of the buildings.A Club Room,Fitness " J Center,and Business Center will rovide±5,500 sf of indoor 1STFLOOR 2ss4s 1,135 3afi6 1,530 s34 s4o n9 1 6]3 P 2ND FLOOR 2],]OB 0 2,822 1,583 125 fi29 119 0 69B In recreational facilities,in addition to landscaped courtyards 3RD FLOOR 26,220 0 2- 1,449 125 629 119 0 643 4TH FLOOR Zxel 0 2,]45 1 358 1 112 1 629 119 0 I 531 offering a pool and additional outdoor amenities. ROOF 305 67 1 - Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 0229-311-14,0229-311-15 TOTAL AREA-1 5s3 General Plan Designation: Foothill Boulevard Overlay Zoning District Subarea 4, " E — Community Commercial(CC) Per 2016 General Amendment,parcel changed to BOTrPE VAS J w< - Mixed Use(MU) tRESIDENTIAL) - _ o The proposed project follows the MU development Rancho Cuvee standards RCMC 17.36.020 w Site Area: ±5.2 Acres FLk PODIUM Density: Allowed-50 dwelling units per acre(260 units) 716 Rancho Cucamonga,CA Proposed-50 du/ac(260 units) ROOF Site Development Review/Design Review Occupancy: Residential-R-2 November 23,2020.R1:February 19,2021.R2:April 15,2021.R3:June 16,2021 Mufti-purpose-A-3 Fitness-B PROJECT DIRECTORY: SHEET INDEX: Garage-S-2 Applicant: Architectural: Civil: Commercial-M emLDlxGm 8 a p xPEIA - a Wood Partners AO Cover Sheet c1 Aerial Photo-Site Plan Construction Type: Garage-Type IA,1 Level,Subterranean IsuaTERRANEAN 'e 11849 W.Olympic Boulevard Residential-Type VA,4-Stories PARKING) a At Site Plan-Ground Level C2 Existing Constraints Map YP 5 y R Suite 204 Commercial-Type VA,1-Story a d Los Angeles,CA 90064 A2 Site Plan-Garage Level C3 Afta Survey-Reference Building Height: Allowed- 75'(MU) 949.333.9026 A3 Enlarged First Floor Plan C4 Mapping Exhibit GARAGE FLOOR Pi 89359 1529 610 86 A4 Enlarged Second Floor Plan C5A Technical Site Plan 25'within 100'of adjacent residential Joe Gambill A5 Enlarged Third Floor Plan C5B Public Street Striping Exhibit Proposed- 60'Max.(46'-6"Typical) joe.gambill@woodpartnem.com Asa Enlarged Fourth Floor Plan C6A Typical Sections BuildingSetbacks: Street(1) Rear(2) Side(2) Landscape Area: Minimum Required-10%of Site Area(22,651sf) A5b Resident Storage Rooms Exhibit C6B T Proposed- 39,904 sf 9 Typical Sections 11.25'-22.5' 20' S'/10' Architect: A6 Enlarged Roof Plan C6C Typical Sections Open Space: Required: 150 sf/unit:260 units X 150=39,000 sf Van Tilburg,Banvard A SDderbergh,AIA A7 Building Elevations C61D Typical Sections (1)50%-75%of Residential Streetscape Requirement Minimum 30%of req.to be common=11,700 sf 1738 Berkeley Street AS Building Elevations C6E Typical Sections Streetscape Requirement for residential is 45'@ Major Street,35'@ Proposed: Private Patios/Decks:13,410 at Santa Monica,CA 90404 A9 Building Elevations C6F Typical Sections Secondary Street;Street setbacks measured from building face to curb. Common Open Space:34,340* 310.394.0273 A10 Building Elevations C7A Rough Grading Plan Club/Fitness:600 sf Ted Youngs A11 Building Elevations C7B Rough Grading Plan-Earthwork di When adjacent E residential district,match requirements of adjacent g Al2 Building Elevations C7C Precise Grading Plan district; roe to East and South are zoned Low Residential;Interior Total Proposed:48,350 sf tyoungs@v[bs.com property su A13 Building Sections C7D Surface Drainage Pending Exhibit setbacks measured to Property Line. `Refer to Sheet Al for hatch indicating areas included in common open space A13a Building Sections C Unit Mix: Parking: Civil Engineer: 8 Preliminary Utility Plan A14 WaII Sections CSA Preliminary Water Quality Site Plan Urban Resource PARKING REQUIRED: A14a Wall Sections C9 Parking and Trash Collection Exhibit ewmma iscm e1e9.1 uuxns srAusluwT TOTAL STULs 2923 Saturn Street,Unit H A14b Enlarged Covered Walkway C10 ADA Accessible Path of Travel A r BEDROOM UNrrsl Brea,CA 92821 Level( Aa Al All Al-1 a36 61 B1an Bx w I—It e4 ci c1-L C2 T. B 12 BEDROOM UN151 1z A15 Unit Plans C11 Preliminary Fire Access Plan sl t57o 12 ns6r ' e1o6r 7316E AZ 10 �7 Unns 2a 49 949.727.9095 A Unit Plans 2 2 2 2 13 2 5 3 1 30 COMMERCIALNJORK 33395F 4n 000 SF Jay Ruby A17 Unit Plans cuEsr jay@urbresource.cem A18 Unit Plans Landscape: 3,c - 2 2 1 2 11 2 s 3 - - 1 1 3o nL REQUIRED zs9 a33 A19 Enlarged Plaza Elevation PARKING PROVIDED: 6Zl 9 2 2 1 2 11 2 - 1 - 1 RES.ASSIGNED GUEsrICOMM. TOTAL STALLS Ll Illustrative Landscape Legend and Notes m s 3 - - Landscape Architect: sueTERRANEAN GARAGE 2. B 2. L2 Illustrative Landscape Plan Mixl%)0% 7% ]% 2% 7% 39% 7% 1s% 10% o% 1% 0% a% 2% a% SURFACE 144 ss 2. NVD Studio L3 Hardsca a Plan TOT AL PROVIDED. 4w ss 1. 1453 N.Roosevelt Avenue p Baking 2(east xtlg.) DISABLED ACCESS ID».I PARK xG REQURED: Pasadena,CA 91104 L4 Wall and Fence Plan O.A.AN ETna V a3a 61 B1-an ex B3 oaan s4 c1 c1-an C2 D.A.sTAus L5 Elevations and Details Level( A4 Al Ala . A2 A3 367 Topl " 626.714.7287 s7 1,57 nzsr nssr]2esr elosr 7a1n 715 e3 as 11 oe 33 1 32 a1 asTALLs RATIO uREQUIRED AL REQUIRED L6 Planting Legend and Notes fir 1z1 1'6r31',re 1,6rs 15r 1,Srz 1,Mr61,�e 1,v U RESIDENTIAL-ASSIGNED 4os s 1 Nick Vular L7 Planting Plan _ _ _ GUEST PARKING-U-IGNED 56 5% 3 1 TOTAL PROVIDED. 465 12 2 ovular@nvdstudio.com $ 2ntl - 7 5 2 4 7 1 2 2 1 - 2 1 1 351UTURE xG SPACES IEv SPACE6I REQU RED: AW alW Lighting: 3rtl - 7 5 2 4 7 2 2 2 1 - 2 1 1 3e EV VAN SPACES RD FUTURE Ev sPAws Lighting Design: k SITE LT-01 Site Lighting Photometric Plan and Statistics " 1 26 20 7 14 28 6 8 B 4 - 1 1 B 3 3 13e asTALLs RATIO uREQUIREo uRE�UIRE� Studio Kl ` LT-02 Lighting Fixture Schedule 1% % RESIDENrIALGAPAGE 26s 3% B 1 515 South Figueroa Street RES ffiALSURFACE .,I 3% 6 9 % 4% oral 20% 4% 6% 6% BICYCLE PARKING: Suite 1401) b TO A 83 101T 1B4 TolaI NRSF 249 N VEHICULAR STALLS AL REQUIRED'. W -B 22 s Thal c,oas 2ae,1e5 s%oE VEwcuuR STALLS REQUIRED 527 TOT 2s Los Angeles,CA 90071 TM6Ic8400 4 za e6Rav 2ie.s% Jeremy Windt VEIKrfY YAP Cover Sheet Parking Reduction: TM6I umm 121 1 s m Total Parking Stalls Required:527 11 Provided:465�1 Reduction:12% Jeremy Windle '0f iO 5`•" Total Garage Stalls Required:280 11 Provided:265 Reduction:5% jwindle@studiokl.com ^O Total Bedrooms: 355 11 Parking Stalls:465 11 Surplus:110 A JUNE 16,2021 A0001 W EPARTNERS Rancho Cuvee 11849 W.Olympic Boulevard Suite 204 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 Los Angeles,CA 90064 __�____�__ Exhibit E Foothill Blvd --► 0 ] 43 I' A3 i-Bta4 Ala Ala �...B1:it� A5 Ae uaues • C2 1-al `A1a Afa,Y 1•al •A3•It _ LoCtlY®LN1 ' o - Lmb,, Lk 1 . :.Al�" Al - Al Al ' A3 a(AMAb�) 7Rg,w A2 , As Courtyard �; N A3L _ A3 J� A5 _ _ A,a II [a - -. - L] A3 Aa Bike$tof A, A � 61 1� A3 'r` + - F-II' sto. A18.11 '� Courtyard B1 A, qg . .:.., 9 �1 A18-all E B1 �TraahfElec T { A> fA1•,A " ---- w•�• _=' - - - - -H.V%1iefcams area induead in cpFaaon - - - - -- — -- ---ry) tcry *-- open Spate,minimum 6'x 15'dimension -- ! 42'High Wall =Ev StA — BuiEd"tng 2 I I$g - — - i m 11 1 11 1 L# Building 1 n t2W Surface Parking Ga ago Waa L,ne Be uw , (27 Tandem SWls) � - I _ i j _ - L cli L Mi i.1,LvJu-K • •Rc1a,n 9 G +6921 +l ¢j T Buff,., Site Plan -Ground Level { Al PREPMEO Fd! WOOD PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee 11849 W.Olympic Boulevard Suite 204 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 r,w mnnw.e,.w.aw.naatna�u Los Angeles.CA 90064 .�...�...........,.,.e....,..,.. - --------- .---------------•—'.. ------ .B.�..._.... �..._..�_-�.-._-.-..�...-.._.--- -_------.- _..—_-�..�...� nar i I j ! *=EV SWIR A I _ Pir j All ° °7 Line or Adjaeen[Building ADav9 i 1 99 � tZfi5 Garage Parking n. _ {30 Tandem Seallay j —Y - it ° ° o I I L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------ - --- - e Site Plan - Garage Level r A! PnEFW DFO WOOQPARTNERS Rancho Cuvee 11849 W.Olympic Boulevard Suaa 204 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD-RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 wrrmrouc.��.www►nnRw�ca.� Los Angeles.CA W084 .�.»��..�..�......�., ........�,. urr t zeo-r . -- djA A3- It A3 B7all Ala Ala 81a1t A3 Ali C2 7•al Ala Ala 1-all 311 { vl 1 - Lobby 1§LvT 1 Lobby Li 0 ..,,y Ltiby LW1 rF,2 - r TraWFJ ..-, cmere w r _ �................. J A2 'r a A3� Al •� A7 �A3 Af Al A2 i 'awr (A7.1 AW) cr.. A2 J Az st as w , Al-t - "'�3a A3 Courtyard - - a3 A3 a 1 t125'x 60' At" _]A A!I A3 At A3 Bike SW( B, - t3 A3 r Sto. Ala-att Courtyard B, At _ I .- .� A3 61 C7 Ci 81 t A3 B,2 Af�ait �. .� H1-alt , Hf �TrashfElec one w � .�.., ry Building 2 Buildin 1 s Ground Floor Plan A3 PREPMECrFd! �� WOOD PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee 11849 W.Olympic Boulevard Suite204 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739wn,.w.nw�ncKu Los Angeles,CA90064 .�...�..�.........,.,.......,..,.. ltory A3-�Il '.61a1t Ala Ala l31 - " Ala Ala C1 '/I'+��1 A3 ! 1-alt Val t A3 1t A It -- 'y5.iLAL.' [, IDF w yy�+Gy�yt �'yy�++� S €Iv A7 - A3 A1 :BJ Al 't++A9 A2 A3 A7 ' A1 A2 p� Al-1 31 EZ'MA2 A2 At Al-1 A3a Al A3 -- A3 Al Alga-Fait - v A3 Storage Ala Al 81 A3 ,. _ Ala 51alt S1 Abi A3 ' LobbyReasinglClutlFRness Below-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - (2-5! Buildin 2 rBuildin 1 B Second Floor Plan A4 PREPMEO Fd! �� WOOD PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee 11849 W.Olympic Boulevard Suite 204 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 rnrrm�uw.wnnivknw�nauu- Los Angeles.CA 9W6a .�...�.....�......�.,.e....,...,. ------------------- r'' - - ------ -- --—------ ---- - - - -- - - - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - - - -- - -... - - - -alt A3- It A3 6ialt Ala Ala 81 A3 Ala Ala C1 yT, ,Ty yT� A3 A „tIn, IV IV Al A3'�-- Al All A3 A2 -Z . rA3 A2 A7A1 - A2 A7-1 Ai Al-1 • 61 - ��r.. PPP"'-----��� •�� A3a _�. Courtyard K, Al A,_ - A3 Ai At to --rU -ra 1 �..TA3 A3] storage E Courtyard Ala aIt 61 Al J A3 A3 t B2 -- A1a•all 61 al[ al Al-1 A3 Roof Bebw __-- Rpof Below , ;ldiSlg 2 _ Buildin 1 e Third Floor Plan 11� AS 11 P�EPWED FOa WOOD PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee 11849 M Olympic Haulevard Same 2N 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD-RANCHO CLICAMONGA,CA 91739awkPoou�aww Lv Angeles.CA WOF,4 .�..��..�..�.....,�., ........... ----------------- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ----------------------------- 1 - A alt A3- It A3 Blall '41a Ala 81 A3 _ Ala Ala c1 vl1 J 1-aVt. 1-al A3- t A It - [ IV - Iv Al Al - Al �A3 A2 1 A3 ITA 1 A2 A2 A2 Al 6` Al-1 3 Courtyard A� - A3 A7 - �A1�a-pa .. �A F41 =i .- -A3 A3 .. - • B5 � _ r '4A3 Storage Ala-all Courtyard - �' 3. _ A3 - _ B7 C1 .I C7 - B7 A3 _ B2 - Al a•a1l � 1 51-aIt B1 }�} - ,� Al-1 A3 ., ------------ Roof Below -- -- u-r _ Rotri Below Building 2 Building 1 e Fourth Floor Plan Asa P�EPWED FOa WOOD PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee 11849 VY.Olympic SWevard Sume 2N 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD-RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 .wmwAc.�.+i+µac.woa�aww.� Lv Angeles.CA WOF,4 .�..��..�......,.. ......�... A all A3- It A3 11,11 r Ala Ala B1 A3I= Ala Ala A3_ t A It C1 vl 1 +¢ IV � ._ TA3 A2 1 R3 1 ! B1 A2 —.. A2 A2 At Al-1 - Me �i3 Al � Al 1 A3 -kr�.uy�' Al wall +� 61 A7 A3 - _ B9 C7 1 Cl - 137 A3 hill IjIra 62 .. _ A18•all •� At-1 A3 Roof Below - --— — Roof Below Building 2 Building 1 e Resident Storage Rooms Exhibit A5b ewe�e.xc. PIIPPWED FOa WOOD PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee - � 11849 M Olympic Boulevard Sucre 204 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD.RANCHO CLICAMONGA,CA 91739 rrmww.�.w.wkPooa�aww.� Los Mueles.CA 9006A .�..��..��.�.....,�., ........... r:li�l�i i.1• ��F: ~ i- Fr - ''.* i - �- 1 CJ� }�-�-1,11 7'—�'—�G 9�G a A '.z::'. - — -s7 i.�: cif -1a� a-�aa is—efla❑ �3.a 17a Q-Q 0 f7 00 .aa70 QQ fEl r1i7 �r'J n£' �1 ct rq� P i r [ pad 5 b rr� ''"1 Q Roof Plan Amp WOOD PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee - -- i�eas w-oiyn p ea rB�d suite 204 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD-RANCHO GUCAMONGA,CA 91739 eucw u. Los Angeles.CA saoea ,., ., .. .,... ,..,,„. i — -- - i -- - - — - — r r r = 1 _ � 7] ' F FF Fri, _.JT r.�,7 IF r _T.. w r- rr wT rr r- r- r F ,T Conceptual North Elevation-Foothill Boulevard; 3 Bil krW 2 Peseo Boisd+ng t P f, UE I r F Q L F T-T- Gonceptuaf mom Elevaum-FoothlltBoulevard E7derior Raiding MalaRel6 7 Exterior Cement Plaslor 4 Aluminum Stdreaont System T Molal Railing 10 Fiber Cement Board d Satlen 13 Melal Downspout Conceptual Elevations 2 Concrete Tie Roofng 6 Trim wfECP Flnlsh 9 M61a1 Canopy 11 Planter Wall 14 Me%l Blade sign S 1Fnyl Window System 6 Metal Screed 8 Wood Trellis 12 Mewl Scupper 76 Plaster Finished Overhang 1$FaCnc Awning T unE r6.aY. W06B PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee ' 11849 W.%nnpFc 9wlevard suie2oa 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD.RANCHO CLICAMONGA,CA 91739 Los Angeles,CA 9006E r Building _ psSC0 Bum=2• r� [ 1 =4[' ------------------------------- r { I' I'LL.. Conceptual South Elevation-Parking :.&wilding 2 , F—,-- FIE F F 17. ri fl ED LEI- � m -C F F5 F1, EEL r KM JS Conceptual South Elevation-Parking Exterior BvWing Molar" 1 Exterior Cement Plaster 4 Aluminum Sw(eaont System T MOtat Rasing 10 Fiher Cement Board d Batten 13 Metal Downspout Conceptual Elevations 2 Concrete vie Roofing 5 Trlm w1ECP F101yn 9 Meta[Canopy 11 Planler Wall 14 Metal Blade Sign a )Any!Window System 6 Metal Screed 8 Wood Trellis 12 Metal Scupper 15 Plaster Finished Overhang A a 8 16 Fatift A vnino A xwc M M. eamr M6 PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee --- 11649 W.Olympic Baurevard surging& 72939 FOOTHILL BLVD.RANCHO CLICAMONGA,CA 97739 vJa mmac,r nv�sokeesnrucwu. Los Angale5,CA 900M 7m ♦ —F— .- Il .F r -+ae�m«.wert..wa�ar Building 1 Conceptual West Elevation-Etiwanda Avenue � I Spa V e © Il I 4 X M Building 2 Conceptual East Elevation-Parking E7derGdr Guiding MalaRels 1 Extorior Cement Plaster 4 Aluminum Starehdnt System T Me1ai Railing 10 Fi11er COMM 9oard d 9atlen I Metal Gownwout riOnce�7tual Elevations 2 Concrete Tie Roofng 6 Trim wfECP Flnlsn 9 Metal Canopy 11 Planler wall 7a Metal ellaoe Sign 9 Vinyl Window System 6 Metal Screed 9 Wood Trelrie 12 Metal Scupper 76 Plaster Finished Overhang A A 16 PaCric awning M.7 .roof 16.M M66 PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee - -° 11649 W-Olympic Hcurevsrd Svite ZD4 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD.RANCHO GUCAMONGA,CA 91739 Los Angel",CA 90D64 ,.. •�.................,. aPiiOPf.-. y 7 I r- U N _ ill a NP! NO- I T M - r l rl FF E F 7F- Buildingl Conceptual.East Elevation-Paseo r-, rr� 17 F —_ FFMill SE all Building 2 Conceptual West Elevation-Paseo' E7derior Buidi�r MadlRelsMalarah 7 Extorior Cement Plaster 4 Aluminum SW(O#dflt System T Metal Railing 10 Fiber Cement Board d Satlen 1a Metal Downspout Conceptual Elevations 2 Concrete Tie Roofing 6 Trim wfECP Flnlen 9 Meta[Canopy 11 Planter Wall 74 Metal Blade Sign 9 Vinyl Willow System 6 Metal Screed g Wood Trellis 12 Metal Scupper 76 Plaster Finished Overhang A A j1 1$Fadfic awning M 1 V .vxrr ra mz namr M6 PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee --- 11649 W-Olympic 9wlevard Suite 204 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD-RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 eucw u. Los Angglg5,CA 9g064 ,.. ., ....... „.�. + r 91- Lu IF F . - F] FF F Building S.Conceptual.Elevation-Wean rd Wall Building 1.Conceptual Elevation-North Courtyard Wall +Rwl FE CI il�lllg F ptual Elevation-Vbd h Courtyard Wall Building 1 Gonce0hol Elevation-East Courtyard Wall EAerior Buiding Malarals 7 Exterior Cement Plaster 4 Rluminum Staefmnt System 7 Mefai Racing 10 Fi11er Cement Board&Baum 13 Mftl DOwrlspout Conceptual Elevations 2 Concwe Tie 12ooling 6 Trim w1ECP Flnlsh 9 Metal Canopy 11 Planlet wall 14 Motel elede Sign 9 1Fnyl Willow System 6 Metal Screed 8 Wood Tralrie 12 Metal Scupper 76 Plaster Finished Overhang A A 1$Fahric Awning M 1 uxrs ra mz� ,�emr M66 PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee 11649 W-Olympic Bwlevard Suits Zoo 12939 FOOTHILL IBLVD-RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 via nun wvun�ennaeucw u Los Anggl&s,CA 2GD64 Ll in IT FF FF r EE7 F y .r ._ _— r r F F1 �7 I Building.2 Conceptual Clevation-West Courtyard Wall Building 2 Conceptual Elevation-North Courtyard Wall - ' FT F FT t E, . e Building 2 Conceptual E South Courtyard Wall BuYaft 2 Conceptual Elevation-East Courtyard Wali E7"Aw Building Malarials 1 Exterior Cement Plaster 4 Numinum Storefront System 7 Metal Railing 10 Fiber Cement Board d Batlen 13 Mehl Downspout Conceptual Elevations 2 Camcrele r-da Rppling 6 Trim w1ECP Flolyh 9 Metal Canopy 11 Planter Wall 14 Metal elade stgn a Vinyl VArodow System 6 Metal Screed 8 Wood Trellis 12 Metal Scupper 15 Plasler Finished Overhang A A 16 Fadnc Awnino M 1 JUKE%=I na00i M66 PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee --- -- 11649 W.Olympic Rwevard Suite Zoo 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 vN�' c- .a.. Los AngglPs,CA 20D64 ,.. ., .,....... ... �.u. N Conceptual Section-A(Building 1) -Rey , Conceptual Section-A Buildin 2 JIM I .sow. Conceptual Section-6 Sections A'13 "I,aM WMEPARTNERS Rancho Cuvee - -� 11649 W.Olympic 9wfawd SvV.Zoo 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 eucwu. Los Ang laS,CA 9GD6E ,.. .. ....... ..,. }l04'b" .I inW4l— Y� Conceptual Section-B[Building 1] Section Al 3a M66 PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee --- -� 11649 W.OlyLnp,c Bwlewd SvV.ZD4 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 eucwu. Los AngEl9s,CA 9DD64 •.. .. ....... ..•. r� w..e.wic.m. __ —�pCF Tim+ELE i•= r�F>p FEW ral P F�no Awry '� t F ECP iim wEm I I I a 117 b t t`r 4 I� n� � _ II ��Cnncet7tual Wall SeCtipn ��Conceptual wan Section Conceptual Wall Sections A'14 JIINE 16,1VIt iYO�t M66 PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee 11e49 w.nlym*9nutevard suite 204 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 vu uwc wv.so.woaenc�u LOS AngEIBS,CA SIONW .......... / ECP••M MEP Inrn[al C[irv•�rviCP .1 F•..h� I' L Sd Waed Pa .I vnH iMvc� Z�•.r �� •Eea��b 41 A 'SJr r7i r7 bi • R•,wr... 04 Conceptual Wall Section ��1 Conceptual Wall Section �J �J Conceptual Wall Sections Al4a WZJC]D PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee 11649 W.OlymW Boutawd suite 204 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD-RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 eucw u. LOS AngElaS,CA SIONW ,... ., .. ........ ..,.„.... I c� _= o c] o n I I Elevation - Plan Enlarged Covered Walkway Al4b o r uNE Ia.YG rc00t M66 PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee - - 11649 W-Dlympc 9wlevard SWW 204 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD.RANCHO GUCAMONGA,CA 91739 eucw,u. Los Ang9lEs,CA 9OD64 ... ., ......... ...,.„.�. 25'2" 35'-2" 211" 12'-,tl 12.2" '1J' DECK SwR'fl '1J' DECK 2S ORfl 'tJ— DECK ,5cOuRfl. {�II441IV^^IINQQAA W _ '�53 IIIe LI^VII{IG g ND EDROOM II IT 5" 2-U' CK B DROOM E DROOM x,0, I� DINING ,0 10 10,U I rtfKTCH- DR I o I NiI' DINING OOM _oll0'C"x ID'4, IPAN lMC F=— LV44 KITCHEN N o -- __-- --- � o El R AUN ATH KITCHEN,a' I s"ANO® O --- IN � PAN CLR A _a __ CLR ,2s cu.n.amraee,o se prohaea m wmmon amraee mom oumme m una Unit A3 Plan A2 Plan Al-1 Plan Al 731 sf 806 sf 749 sf 795 sf 1 Bedroom/1 Bath 1 Bedroom/1 Bath 1 Bedroom/ 1 Bath 1 Bedroom/1 Bath (Plan A3a Sim.737 sf) (Plan Ala Sim.801 sf) Unit Plans ® A15 PREPARED FOR: O WOOD PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee 11849 W.Olympic Boulevard Suite 204 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 Los Angeles,CA 90064 37-0 1/2 2Y 11 I sio �Y II 125 cu. DECK3 R. EC I' BEDROO 2 I HIV%NG 11'-tl x11' 1 ''-0INx e'-9 V PFN 10 11 1 LIN ` / / ♦ KITCHEN G CLO �\ BATH] ` — R RANI I I WIC ® i� V71C II WING =__ I� IN IAUN / eEDROOM21 I ___ IIF =_ I II I KITCHEN BATH I QII aOt 0 TH f1 0 L`-- MM 0 , II CLE Plan B2 Plan B1 1,136 sf 1,105 sf 2 Bedrooms/2 Baths 2 Bedrooms/2 Baths (131-alt Sim.1,110 sf;B4 Sim.1,134 sf 37'-3• 371' I, ® I' DECK I' DINING I' BEDROOM2 BEDROOM NIN 1tlf xi14 IVIN 0-1 x1 9'-1 1 itl Py_ O LIN a LIN KITCHEN - KITCHEN - TH2 _ 0® ____ BATH2 R ' VAC VVIC IAUND LIN 'I 12E11 -g' LAUND LIN 'I 12Ei r'x n•9• BaTH 1 mil n BATH 1 aW5 I I \I O O '125—ft.sWrage I.be prow In commons geroam outside of a '125 cu.R sfo K WbepmviK DwDm 6 0mom.N di 1uni1 Plan 133-Alt. Plan B3 1,133 sf 1,065 sf 2 Bedrooms/2 Baths 2 Bedrooms/2 Baths Unit Plans ® A16 a • r 16 JUNE 16 2021 mwi W EPARTNERS Rancho Cuvee 11849 W.Olympic Boulevard Suite 204 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 IM Los Angeles,CA 90064 >4'_,1" ECK BEDRGD 2 B BEDRGD 2 DHDGM 3 DROOM. IJVING ,'_2"x,R'8• ,2'-'s 15,1• ,N I,N KITCHEN - KITCHEN l R Q H2 — ,r WIC I UN D \ LIN I I 'BEDROOM 1 AUN BEDROOM 1 D ` LIN I ' I I Ir BATH, Irl BATH, yy` I 10' 0 0 IO 0 125 cu.tt srorage ro be provltletl In common storege room oN N al—t ,25 cu.g.storage to be provitletl In common sromge room oufatle M un� Plan Cl-alt Plan C1 1,318 sf 1,326 sf 3 Bedrooms/2 Baths 3 Bedrooms/2 Baths BEDROO 2 BED OOM3 WING -2 - NI' KITCHEN Q ®----- BATHS ® LIN I D 'I u IIBATH, �zs��.tt noage ro be orowlaea m o�mmor,roage room Omsme or�r,lo Plan C2 1,367 sf 3 Bedrooms/2 Baths Unit Plans ® A17 a • r 16 JUNE 16 2021 A0001 W EPARTNERS Rancho CuveeWog 11849 W.Olympic Boulevard Suite 204 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 IM Los Angeles,CA 90064 23'-0" 0 II LNING ro F x a 11-5 u20-0 ___ 22Kx 30'CE I II I I II I I II �I rIIrII'rII'rII'rII'�II IIIIII �� OI ll KITCHEN O < I 1 � BATH I, ROILE��� I I `125 cu.fl.srom0e io be proNtletl in wmmon stOraOe room ou6itle of unit 2nd Level-752 sf Plan LW-A4-Ground Level-816 sf Total:1,568 sf 1 Bedroom 11.5 Bath 32'1" ❑ o ❑ ❑ COMMERCAL Ilea improvemem larom �a be berermmeb) ❑ ❑ COMMERCIAL - (renan[improvemen[IayoN - 1p be aelerminetl7 ❑ ❑ I I Unit Plans I Building 1 Commercial-1 135 sf Building 2 Commercial-1,388 sf ® Al 8 a • r re JUNE 16 2021 A0001 W EPARTNERS Rancho Cuvee 11849 W.Olympic Boulevard Suite 204 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 IM Los Angeles,CA 90064 f - Ellr7r n �d ID r rr �' .�. - •4 a -.:'�� � — r .� - tT. ' ~ ' _ - _. r .. - '"�� 2 r ' r• � 1 ,may. �,o., : I; ILIL _��_ •i +sue� ��. - .�< .�; + ., Enlarged Plaza Elevation Al 9 W'O&TIPARTNERS Rancho Cuvee .. i TT Select windows with deepend recesses Color replacement at balconies provide additional shadow and relief and top floor Roof parapets have been revised Typical windows recessed 2" to provide a varied roof line. Windows vary @ top floor Fiber cement board and A mix of open balconies at the tap floor with trellises. -Awnings at top floor add variety batten with accent color � I and accent color. Tr 17 s r- rT. rr. f I IT' x variety of balconies are provided that are recessed, Deepened recesses and horizontal New color,projections,and recesses projecting,or flush,and have arched or flat soffits Fourth Submittal -Current Elevation overhang provide additional to hightlight retail. shadow relief. Tall storefront to full width of retail. M66 PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee - 11649 W.Olympic B�la"rd svi<e zoo 12939 FOOTFbLL Q VO.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 w � p� _Jq LO Angpl",CA 9g067 it ,.. . ...............,.. ._. A •- O O m m m 0 O ® © O m O p m U .`��—_'� .•��a �- �p�®®�fl■YirYB®�iYi®B.atl.irdii�ml�a=axaa:�a�•r•.-�..�� '■+ ��i-�I�er�!:: ®�'� ooe I_•`���C9� —JI41� CA�AAAAi��I■■■■�■■■■��7■IiGi'ii�fdiiP= rl3iC'1�1�\■■■■I CBI m .gym'► I`�0��� rg9■E!■I 'k7°�'r..�ll � ...r�.l.+� � :::_::::•• �" - ■IR� 1°$ ' 'An .. ■� . ■ ■■ • � ■■r.i NHE 6r - ■■ rc �■ n.. �_I L ..a • i= IiII�.�4lI� ,.I� : L tiouou �.. �.. �i -J? �.�. H ►ry i.J: ■i�1 �...�-® � �h �� ' 1 ■, \ Lam' I 'T ��!J,, I' ■L � ® � g:�i■i� I" ���1M �r-1 ■ .... e� ® � IIRYI IT.111 - ■■ � p J� s P-M "UN .,�� _ _�• n IIIiYurSlll .. �� f �Im' 1 ..n , i1 IN. 10 _j I iRp,1 For, •..■o,,..!!-1 0Irni _.J r lip' .. JAell :ism, OM 7 �T]. A IIIIIIIIII-: X � � � ,,IIIIIIIIII, r � � m L c - .. aylG� YNIi oil appi ■.��I�' a ��Illl �;�I e[il- / �i• ® f� �■■r i —0yl a �I ' Ell ON m y ® � ... ■■■�_! !�■N� ■■�IIIIIL—III._ '.g �� n■ro•�i a c ■■�I�II+�IY - .. 0� II �II Emu WinA y O Ir■�ili■r■i■ �. � III I m ��� �,. ® r. /1 to. iiii'I'II������I �Illuw,.. 68,•�� LJ� 3". is - —-, — m• m m m m m m son -- - PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER 51 !.A-' re 4 8 J$ SHERWIN WILLIAMS - 7 SW 7005-'PURE WHITE' _ _'? AI r. Li i allL� - PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER, '1 ..0' ±� r PLASTER FINISHED EPS TRIM T SHERWIN WILLIAMS ---- SW 7502-'DRY DOCK' A - J 5, Z LI PORTLAND CEMENT PIASTER r� SHERWIN WILLIAMS 6 1 SW 7074-'SOFTWARE' - + -- - ,y,{ _ PLASTER FINISHED EPS CORNICFJCORBELZ WOOD TRELLI&COLUMNS �HV*MN WILLIAMS TJB: PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER � F46ER CEMENT BOARD&BgTT£N SIDING g.I CONCRETE TILE ROOF!" 2W 9100-"UMBER RUST FINISH.IW20 FINISH SAND FLOAT FINAH..SMOOTH MANUFACTURER EAGLE ROOFING [SAMPLE FORTEXTURE ONLY. {.AMPLE FOR TEXTURE ONLY. -CAPISMNO-TERRACOTTA Q%IY REFER.TO PAINT CHIP FOR PAINT COLOR) REFER TO PAINT CHIP FOR PAINT COLOR) 51 PLASTER FINISHED EPS TRIM �' i'�;i! y.==y"}�r6k :•: SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW$073-'PERPECT GREIGE' 9• ` 'trf V PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER, � ���, �� 6 PLASTER FINISHED OVERHANG r.�,r 'p •• SHERWIN WILLIAMS r ',r s� SW 6257-'GIBRALTAR' .'' ;Ili, �:� '� ,,��� � METAL RAI LING 7� SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW 9089-'LLAMA WOOL' _ _ �O VIP}V[NAJL-ON WINDOW S �.� /ILUM(NUM STOREFRONT SYSTEM ,i+�I Fp�glglQ AWNIH4; FIBEROLw5S PATIO DOOR COLORS LIGHT BRONZE ANODIZED COLOR_SUN$RELLA'MARINE BdjJ COLOR'WHITE FIBER CEMENT-BOARD&BATTEN 8 SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW 9128-'GREEN ONYX ��o coR, aoom WOOD PARTNERS Rancho Cuvee 11$49 W.Olympic EloW yard i Ao 204 12939 FOOTHILL BLVD.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 Los Angeles.CA 90D64 �.u. -.k.�.....o.. .......... - --- r•- mil_ ter_.-�. lGhv,"y!�f !�,�l.�rk�� -- -�..�� '" ��� - ■R..nr�1�P -- f s M 'i' 1m; �a, �. •.,pgl'I / i ce, .. -- - ---.. IIIW I� w��•i I-W-G, *r cx C ' �� l:. e �I' 'i� '.'n.i ,°` •• , ,dig. ymsw 11 try, II� ■ �� '�`*- �,�. 1p r tL" -. d' !IElI II I R I f . 4 I COFFEE COFFEE�x. SHOP -- �- - - r`