HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-12-08 - Minutes - PC-HPCPreservation Commission
Planning Commission Agenda
December 8, 2021
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729
7:00 p.m.
The regular meeting of the Historic Presentation Commission and Planning Commission was held on
December 8, 2021. The meeting was called to order by Chair Oaxaca at 7:00 p.m.
A. Roll Call
Planning Commission present: Chair Oaxaca, Vice Chair Dopp, Commissioner Guglielmo,
Commissioner Morales and Commissioner Williams.
Staff Present: Nicholas Ghirelli, City Attorney; Jennifer Nakamura, Acting Planning Director,
Mike Smith, Principal Planner; Jason Welday, Engineering Services Director, Matt Burris,
Deputy City Manager; Brian Sandona, Principal Civil Engineer; David F. Eoff IV, Senior Planner;
Sean McPherson, Senior Planner; Justine Garcia, Deputy Director; Elizabeth Thornhill,
Executive Assistant.
B. Public Communications
Chair Oaxaca opened the public communications.
For the record, it is noted the following correspondence was received after preparation of the
agenda packet and the following general concern is noted:
Christina Oseguera, Resident, regarding tree trimming and maintenance concern. The
actual correspondence should be referred to for more detail.
Note: Working with Public Works on this issue.
Chair Oaxaca closed public communications.
C. Consent Calendar
C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2021.
Motion by Commissioner Williams, second by Commissioner Guglielmo approving Consent
Calendar. Motion carried unanimously 5-0 vote.
D. Public Hearings
AVENUE — HILLWOOD ENTERPRISES, L.P. — Recommendation to the City Council for
the following: an Annexation (DRC2020-00185) of one 2.9 acre parcel identified as APN:
0229-291-46 totaling approximately 2.9 acres, and a portion of another parcel totaling
approximately 0.69 acres identified as 0229-291-23 currently located within unincorporated
San Bernardino County to be annexed into the City of Rancho Cucamonga; a General Plan
Amendment (DRC2020-00184) to designate the annexed parcels and portions thereof to a
land use designation of Heavy Industrial, Pre -zoning to designate the annexed parcels and
portions thereof to the Industrial Employment (IE) zone, and a Tentative Parcel Map
(SUBTPM20251), Design Review (DRC2020-00177), Conditional Use Permit (DRC2021-
00317), Uniform Sign Program (DRC2020-00178) and Development
Agreement (DRC2021-00175) to allow for the development of two new industrial
warehouse buildings totaling approximately 655,878 square feet on certain property located
approximately 650 feet east of Etiwanda Avenue north of Napa Street. The project plans
also include an alternate site plan which illustrates the construction of only one of the
proposed buildings totaling approximately 500,648 square feet, with the remainder of the
site being dedicated to parking, landscaping, truck court and loading areas; APN: 0229-
291-23, 0229-291-46 and 0229-291-54. The City Council will consider final action for this
item at a later date yet to be scheduled. An Environmental Impact Report (SCH No.
2020090076) was prepared for the project. Primary Case File No. DRC2020-00177.
Sean McPherson, Senior Planner, presented Commissioners with a Staff Report and presentation
(copy on file). He mentioned an addendum to Conditions of Approval #7 and #9, adding language
clarifying if approved, the Development Agreement will supersede certain conditions: "In the event that
the DA is approved, the terms of the DA shall govern over this condition". He stated with regard to the
request of pre -zoning and GP amendment, portion of the project area that is currently located within
the city, that parcel is currently zoned industrial employment. He said if Commission recommends, and
Council approves application for pre -zoning the parcels outside of the city would be assigned a pre -
zoned designation similarly industrial employment to match the rest of site. He stated Council has been
scheduled to consider adopting the new General Plan and in the event the Council adopts the new
General Plan, certain aspects of the proposed General Plan Amendment for this project will change.
Tonight, Commissioners are being asked to make a recommendation on these items. No decision or
determination made by this body. In the event Council approves the General Plan Amendment next
week, then by the time this makes it to Council, staff will revise accordingly to reflect any changes
necessary to the proposed General Plan Amendment.
Commissioner Guglielmo asked about the SE corner (yellow section) on the Overall Site Plan.
Sean McPherson answered it's a separate parcel and not part of this project. It is owned by San Bernardino
Flood control.
Commissioner Morales asked would we be responsible for maintenance of Napa street
Sean McPherson answered yes.
Commissioner Morales asked how many General Plan Amendments as a City, are we allowed to do per
Sean McPherson answered four (4)
Nicholas Ghirelli, City Attorney, mentioned it is four amendments to each mandatory element of the General
Plan. He said we can do more than one, but typically when things come before the Planning Commission,
we are talking about amendments to the land use element.
Commissioner Dopp asked about the Development Agreement regarding warehousing and jobs, and other
impacts within our community. Do we feel a good job was done in terms of meeting what we need from them
in terms of mitigating economic and other environmental costs.
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Sean McPherson answered that the developer has entered into a negotiation with regard to the Development
Agreement with the City. A fiscal impact analysis was prepared for this project by the developer. He said in
going through the Fiscal Impact Analysis, it became apparent to the City that if we are thinking about planning
holistically, we have to think about the long-term ramifications of impacts like setting up the structure,
emergency services, that projects may incur as a result of their operation. In contents of this Development
Agreement, City staff considered those factors, that is where Community Benefit Fee number came from.
He noted this project is not subject to Ordinance 982. If you read through the new ordinances, there are
provisions in our code now, as of today, which requires things like installation of solar or renewable energy
resource mechanisms. This project is not required to do that however, the Applicant has agreed to install
solar panels. The applicant has been responsive to the City's desire to see a new vision for this part of town.
Vice Chair Dopp mentioned in the mitigation, the Ecommerce option, they were only going to put 10% solar
panels. Is it fair to say Development Agreement with regards to solar panels and reducing those gases,
that overrides some of those mitigations in the EIR.
Sean McPherson replied it would definitely speak to that issue. Not sure override would be the appropriate
term, but it is in tandem with that issue, yes.
Chair Oaxaca asked about the new street Via Maris Place, will it be the City's responsibility to maintain or
Nicholas Ghirelli, City Attorney, mentioned it will become a public street. He said part of the requirements of
the Development Agreement are that the property owner agree to annex into a new a community facility
district that will specifically fund maintenance in the industrial areas of the city. The City will have a
revenue stream through the project to help fund maintenance of that new street.
Chair Oaxaca opened public hearing.
John Grace, Applicant, V.P. Development Hillwood, expressed his thanks to staff and City Attorney for
their work on this project. He said it's a well -designed project and will be an asset to the community.
For the record, it is noted the following correspondence was received after the preparation of the
agenda packet and the following is noted:
• Mitchell M. Tsai, Attorney at Law, withdrawing its opposition and expresses support and
approval of the proposed project. The actual correspondence should be referred to for more
Hearing no comments, Chair Oaxaca closed the public hearing
Vice Chair Dopp mentioned when it comes to warehouses in the area, he continues to be skeptical of
maybe the over saturation of specific uses and the industrial quadrant. Moving forward going into 2022,
those are questions he will continue to have on Commission. What is the appropriate job balance for
the region, as well as the quality of jobs that come to the area and the impact from an environmental
perspective. Hopefully, the dynamic will change. As it stands, from our vantage point, in terms of
thinking holistically, on these projects as a whole, the Development Agreement is really our path forward
at this point to offset some of the concerns we have as a Commission and as a City. He expressed it's
an appropriate site, on the edge of us and Fontana, a location that is appropriate for warehouses as it
stands. He appreciates the effort Hillwood puts into recognizing some concerns we have for a City and
the effort as you go forward and continue to have especially from an environmental impact standpoint.
The money and infrastructure that you will bring into the City, he supports the project.
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Motion by Commissioner Guglielmo, second by Commissioner Williams to adopt the proposed
Resolutions 21-73, 21-74, 21-75, 21-76, 21-77, 21-78 and 21-79 and will now go forward to City Council
for final approval. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0 vote.
E. General Business
El. Findings of General Plan Conformity for Real Property Acquisition of Approximately 3.37
Acres Located on the East Side of Cherry Avenue North of the 1-15 Freeway, APN:
Justine Garcia, Deputy Director, presented the Commissioners with a presentation (copy on file).
Chair Oaxaca opened for public comment and hearing no comments, public comment.
Commissioners concur and support this project.
Motion by Commissioner Williams, second by Commissioner Guglielmo to adopt the proposed
Resolution 21-72, Conformity for Real Property Acquisition. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0 vote.
F. Director Announcements —Acting Planning Director Jennifer Nakamura mentioned there are no items
scheduled for the next PC meeting on December 22"d and indicated it will be cancelled.
G. Commission Announcements — Commissioners Oaxaca and Guglielmo commented about their time
on the commission and thanked Council and staff for their support.
H. Adjournment
Motion by Commissioner Williams, second by Commissioner Guglielmo to adjourn the meeting, motion
carried unanimously, 5-0 vote. Meeting was adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Assistant, Planning Department
Approved: HPC/PC January 12, 2022 meeting.
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