HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-06-22 - Agenda Packet HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA June 22, 2022 7:00 p.m. A. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance B. Public Communications This is the time and place for the general public to address the Planning/Historic Preservation Commission (“Planning Commission”) on any Consent Calendar item or any item not listed on the agenda that is within the Commission’s subject matter jurisdiction. The Planning Commission may not discuss any issue not included on the agenda but may set the matter for discussion during a subsequent meeting. C. Consent Calendar C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of May 25th, 2022. (No meeting June 8th, 2022.) D. Public Hearing D1. VARIANCE – KERMIT SMITH (APPLICANT) – Consideration of a Variance to allow for deficient lot depth for parcels identified as APNs: 0225-181-35, 0225-181-38 and 0225-181- 39 located in the Very Low Residential District (VL). This request is related to a proposed lot line adjustment and lot merger, and no development is proposed as part of this application. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the project is exempt under CEQA Section 15305 – Minor Alteration to Land Use Limitations. Variance DRC2022-00205. D2. DESIGN REVIEW - 8500 HAVEN, LLC – A request for a site plan and architectural review of a mixed-use development comprising of 248 apartments and 23,750 square feet of commercial space on a vacant parcel roughly 9.37 acres in size, and a request for a minor exception for a reduction in the required parking for the proposed mixed-use development. The project is located at the southwest corner of Haven Avenue and Arrow Route within the Corridor 1 (CO1) mixed-use zone. APNs: 0209-092-09, -13. A CEQA Section 15183 Compliance Memorandum has been prepared for this project. Design Review DRC2021- 00200, Minor Exception DRC2022-00232. HPC/PC Agenda – June 22, 2022 Page 2 of 3 If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the Planning Department at (909) 477-2750. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. E. Director Announcements F. Commission Announcements G. Adjournment TO ADDRESS THE PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Commission encourages free expression of all points of view. To allow all persons to speak, given the length of the agenda, please keep your remarks brief. If others have already expressed your position, you may simply indicate that you agree with a previous speaker. If appropriate, a spokesperson may present the views of your entire group. To encourage all views and promote courtesy to others, the audience should refrain from clapping, booing or shouts of approval or disagreement from the audience. The public may address the Planning Commission on any agenda item. To address the Planning Commission, please come forward to the podium. State your name for the record and speak into the microphone. After speaking, please complete a speaker card located on the podium. It is important to list your name, address (optional) and the agenda item letter your comments refer to. Comments will be limited to 5 minutes per individual. If a large number of individuals wish to speak on an item, the Chair may limit the time to 3 minutes in order to provide an opportunity for more people to be heard. Speakers will be alerted when their time is up, and no further comments will be permitted. If you wish to speak concerning an item not on the agenda, you may do so under “Public Communications.” Any handouts for the Planning Commission should be given to the Planning Commission Secretary for distribution to the Commissioners. A copy of any such materials should also be provided to the Secretary to be used for the official public record. As an alternative to participating in the meeting, you may submit comments in writing to Elizabeth.Thornhill@cityofrc.us by 12:00 p.m. on the date of the meeting. Written comments will be distributed to the Commissioners and included in the record. All requests for items to be placed on a Planning Commission agenda must be in writing. Requests for scheduling agenda items will be at the discretion of the Commission and the Planning Director. AVAILABILITY OF STAFF REPORTS Copies of the staff reports or other documentation to each agenda item are available at www.CityofRC.us. APPEALS Any interested party who disagrees with the City Planning Commission decision may appeal the Commission’s decision to the City Council within 10 calendar days. Any appeal filed must be directed to the City Clerk’s Office and must be accompanied by a fee of $3,279 for all decisions of the Commission. (Fees are established and governed by the City Council). HPC/PC Agenda – June 22, 2022 Page 3 of 3 Please turn off all cell phones while meeting is in session. Copies of the Planning Commission agendas, staff reports, and minutes can be found at www.CityofRC.us. I, Elizabeth Thornhill, Executive Assistant of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on Thursday, June 16, 2022, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. Historic Preservation Commission and Planning Commission Agenda May 25, 2022 MINUTES Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 7:00 p.m. The regular meeting of the Historic Presentation Commission and Planning Commission was held on May 25, 2022. The meeting was called to order by Chair Dopp 7:00 p.m. A. Roll Call Planning Commission present: Chair Dopp, Commissioner Morales, Commissioner Boling and Commissioner Daniels; Commissioner Williams. Staff Present: Serita Young, Assistant City Attorney; Mathew R. Burris, Deputy City Manager, Community Development, Interim Planning Director; Jennifer Nakamura, Deputy Director of Planning; Mike Smith, Principal Planner; David Eoff, Senior Planner; Mena Abdul-Ahad, Assistant Planner; Brian Sandona, Sr. Civil Engineer; Elizabeth Thornhill, Executive Assistant. B. Public Communications Chair Dopp opened public communications and hearing no one, closed public communications. C. Consent Calendar C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of May 11, 2022. Motion to adopt by Commissioner Boiling, second by Commissioner Daniels. Motion carried unanimously 5-0 vote. D. Public Hearings D1. TIME EXTENSION DRC2022-00126 – RICHLAND COMMUNITIES – A request for a one year time extension for a previously approved Tentative Tract Map SUBTT18908—The subdivision of approximately 10.6 acres into 30 single-family detached lots within the Low (L) Residential District, Equestrian Overlay District, and Etiwanda North Specific Plan located a the northwest corner of East Avenue and Wilson Avenue – APN: 1087-081-25. Mena Abdul-Ahad, Assistant Planner, presented Commissioners with a Staff Report and presentation (copy on file). Chair Dopp opened Public Hearing. Mike Byer, Richland Communities representative, was available to answer any questions and stated they do agree to the correction of the error of the expiration date. Chair Dopp closed Public Hearing. HPC/PC MINUTES – May 25, 2022 Page 2 of 4 FINAL Commissioner Daniels asked staff what diligence has been made towards this track. Mena Abdul-Ahad replied they have made the following progress: • Construction plan on Wilson and East has been approved. • Formation of city maintenance fees have been covered for public maintenance. • Drafted their CC&R’s • Submitted final tract map for Etiwanda to the west. Commissioner Boling mentioned the improvements that are to be done on the track to the west, asked are there any major improvements that have to be done that are jointly utilized streets, utilities, etc. Brian Sandona replied yes. Submitted all improvements. Chair Dopp stated all seems to be a routine matter. Motion by Commissioner Daniels; Second motion by Vice Chair Williams. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0 vote. Adoption of Resolution 22-16. D2. NORTH SIDE OF 6TH STREET BOUND BETWEEN CLEVELAND AVENUE TO THE WEST AND MILLIKEN AVENUE TO THE EAST AND THE RAIL LINE TO THE NORTH – LEWIS OPERATING CORP. – A request to amend chapter 7 of the Empire Lakes Specific Plan for Planning Area 1 known as The Resort Specific Plan, to separate chapter 7 into two new chapters regulating the North planning area and the South planning area of The Resort and modifying the circulation network for the North planning area of The Resort. The Resort Specific Plan provides regulations for a mixed use neighborhood with a range of housing types and densities, and a variety of non-residential uses. The intent and purpose and future build-out of the North Planning Area will not be modified as part of this Specific Plan. This request is for a specific plan amendment only and does not include any development proposals or development applications at this time. APNs: 0209-272-20. A CEQA Compliance Memorandum has been prepared for this application for consideration demonstrating compliance and consistency with the Certified Environmental Impact Report for the Resort Specific Plan. Design Review DRC2020-00164. David Eoff, Senior Planner, presented Commissioners with a Staff Report and presentation (copy on file). He stated this is a request from SC Rancho Development Corporation, also known as Lewis Operating Corporation for an amendment to the Resort Specific Plan to Chapter 7 of the Empire Lake Specific Plan for Planning Area 1. Chair Dopp opened Public Hearing. Tim McGinnis, Lewis Co., mentioned the change to the street layout of the resort project was to be consistent with the cities vision for the HART District and adjacent Cucamonga’s station. He added with respect to the comment of the plan showing street connections coming into their property from adjacent properties will be developed by others in the future. Those street connections were not studied as part of the environmental impact report. The notation by others was intentional to note the others that might connect in the future will have to study environmental impacts of making those connections. Chair Dopp closed Public Hearing. Commissioner Morales asked Serita Young, is it common about street connectivity striking language by others, asked is it fine for what we want to do here. HPC/PC MINUTES – May 25, 2022 Page 3 of 4 FINAL Serita Young answered yes. Striking that language will not prevent any further environmental review it that is the case. Chair Dopp made comments on some of the parcels. Is it the intention more of an open space than opposed to what we are seeing on the south side, more formal recreational buildings. Is that the intention to create like a quasi-town square to some extent. David Eoff answered it is the location of future joint use facility for the city which will likely include a community center aspect with outdoor gathering spaces and some recreational areas. Chair Dopp stated he noticed the urban neighborhood planning sections, they decided to move the parcels east to west. Asked for background why decided to do that. David Eoff stated the urban neighborhood calls for a higher intensity development range is higher than the core living neighborhoods. He said to accommodate better circulation and the protentional for Cleveland Avenue parcels through there, it’s easier to serve those types of buildouts with better street connections. Matthew Burris explained there is a good chance larger higher density building will have separate parking structures, which can be designed in many ways, but one thing talked about was getting closer to transit and having opportunity parking features that might occur with higher density buildings, like wrap buildings, that would serve as a buffer between industrial and rail. Commissioner Daniels mentioned when he looks at specific plan amendments south of 6th street, he sees a land that did not change much. He said the problem that he has with the language on the south, it talks about mixed-uses and as an urban planner, his definition of mixed uses is different than what has been built. He has no difficulty with what is being proposed north of 6th street. He said the difficulty he does have is with that mixed-use. It seems to be south of 6th street is just a residential area. He does not look at that its anywhere close to a mixed-use project. He hopes on the northern section really does become a mixed-use project. David Eoff responded that the City has the same concerns and expectations for the north. Understanding how the south has developed and how some of those areas have taken off quicker than others, residential vs non-residential, is on the city’s radar. He indicated the City echoes the comments and concerns of Commissioner Daniels and will take it into consideration as this moves forward. Chair Dopp asked about the development updates that were approved a few weeks ago with mixed- use and non-residential percentages, do those apply here or does the specific plan override what was approved in the development code. David Eoff replied correct. The specific plan is still the regulatory document of this site. Matthew Burris mentioned the language in the specific plan best describes it as, it allows for mixed- use, it does not require mixed-use in the individual place types. Commissioner Boling asked Serita for clarification and said by striking the language it does not preclude those streets to be done by others, it provides flexibility that could be Lewis or others but striking it does not preclude it. The way it is now, it would direct others to make those provisions. Serita Young responded correct. It does not preclude it. HPC/PC MINUTES – May 25, 2022 Page 4 of 4 FINAL Vice Chair Williams stated she is good with what staff has provided. Chair Dopp stated he appreciates that Lewis took into consideration what we we’re looking for in the General Plan by creating a walkable neighborhood. He said he looks forward to seeing what happens to some of these parcels in the next three years. Motion by Commissioner Boling; Second motion by Vice Chair Williams. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0 vote. Adoption of Resolution 22-17. E. Director Announcements - None F. Commission Announcements Chair Dopp mentioned to consider changing the language on who serves as an alternate on the Design Review Committee, in case of emergency and make it that any Commissioner can serve at will. Jennifer Nakamura responded it will be agendized to discuss at a future date and presented to Commissioners for consideration. G. Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Boling, second by Vice Chair Williams to adjourn the meeting. Chair Dopp ended meeting in a moment of silence for the recent school shootings. Chair Dopp adjourned the meeting at 7:57p.m. Respectfully submitted, ________________________ Elizabeth Thornhill Executive Assistant, Planning Department Approved: HPC/PC Meeting June 22, 2022 Exhibit A Existing Conditions Aerial Photograph/Map Parcel A APN: 0225-181-39 19,079 s.f. Parcel B APN: 0225-181-38 18,148 s.f. Parcel C APN: 0225-181-35 8,482 s.f. Parcel A APN: 0225-181-39 6378 East Avenue 19,079 s.f. Parcel B APN: 0225-181-38 6380 East Avenue 18,148 s.f. Parcel C APN: 0225-181-35 6382 East Avenue 8,482 s.f. Exhibit A Kermit Smith, DVM Joshua and Nichole Perry 13512 Smokestone Street Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739 Date: May 24, 2022 Rancho Cucamonga Planning Department I 0500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909) 477 -2750 Planning Commissioner or To Whom It May Concern: My name is Kermit Smith and I, in conjunction with my daughter, Nichole and her husband Joshua, are seeking the approval of a land variance to complete the sale of two parcels of land located in Rancho Cucamonga. Nichole and Joshua were born, raised, and attended high school in Rancho Cucamonga. To this day, their families continue to live only 23 miles from each other. In 2020, they welcomed their son, Walker. Joshua is a firefighter and Nichole works in healthcare. We support this community, we volunteer in this community, and now that they have their own small family, their only wish is to remain near their fiunilies, in this same community. Consequently enough, the property we wish to purchase sits in between their respective childhood homes and, if this variance is approved, would allow them to continue to raise their own small family in Rancho Cucamonga. AB shown in the attached Lot Line Adjustment/Lot Merger documents, the variance being requested implicates three lots: 6378 East Avenue {APN 0225-181-39-0000), 6380 East Avenue {APN 0225-181-38-0000) and 6382 East Avenue (APN 0225-181-35-000). This area ofEtiwanda was developed prior to the formation of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. These lots did not meet the Development Code 200 feet lot dep1h requirement and lot siz.e requirements as well as other minimum requirements of the VL (Very Low Residential) zone they are in at the time of annexation and were annexed into the city as non-conforming lots. The variance we are asking you to consider only helps the lots get closer to the Development Code requirements than they are today, even though they will still not meet all of the minimum requirements. We are proposing a 15.35 feet lot line adjustment between 6378 and 6380 East Avenue to increase the lot depth of6378 East Avenue. Currently the maximum depth on the north side of the lot is 149 .13 feet The lot depth on the sou1h side of the lot is 142.86 after Caltrans required additional property along East Avenue. While the 200 feet minimum lot depth cannot be met but the lot depth will be increased to almost 165 feet and the lot area increased 19,079 square feet to 21,218 square feet Also being proposed is a lot merger between 6380 and 6382 East Avenue, increasing the size of the single lot formed by the merger. The minimum lot depth still cannot be met but combining the two lots into one lot will increase the lot area to 24,491 square feet Thank you for reviewing the information we have provided and your consideration to approve the Variance. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contract Kermit Smith at (951) 201 -4074. Thank you for your time and consideration, Kermit Smith, DVM Purchaser Charles and Ru1h Carelli , Owner ~r....nAA-ate: .S--.2-,-1--)-careltl os2G22 _______ ...:Date: ___ _ Exhibit B EXHIBIT “A” LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT/LOT MERGER BEFORE ADJUSTMENT: PARCEL “A” THE EAST 150.00 FEET OF THE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF LOT 9, BLOCK E, ETIWANDA COLONY, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECRODED IN BOOK 2 OF MAPS, PAGE 24, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPTING THE NORTH 193.00 FEET THEREOF. ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RECRDED MARCH 25, 1960, IN BOOK 5091, PAGE 526, OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 19,079 SQ. FT. PARCEL “B” THE WEST 130.35 FEET OF THE EAST 280.35 FEET OF THE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF LOT 9, BLOCK E, ETIWANDA COLONY LANDS, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 2 OF MAPS, PAGE 24, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPT THE NORTH 193 FEET THEREFROM. CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 18,148 SQ. FT. PARCEL “C” THE WEST 61 FEET OF THE EAST 341.35 FEET OF THE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF LOT 9, BLOCK E, ETIWANDA COLONY LANDS, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 2 OF MAPS, PAGE 24, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPT THE NORTH 193 FEET THEREFROM. CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 8,482 SQ. FT. AFTER ADJUSTMENT: PARCEL “A” THE EAST 150.00 FEET OF THE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF LOT 9, BLOCK E, ETIWANDA COLONY, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECRODED IN BOOK 2 OF MAPS, PAGE 24, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. TOGETHER WITH THE EAST 15.35 FEET OF THE WEST 130.35 FEET OF THE EAST 280.35 FEET OF THE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF LOT 9, BLOCK E, ETIWANDA COLONY LANDS, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 2 OF MAPS, PAGE 24, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPTING THE NORTH 193.00 FEET THEREOF. ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RECRDED MARCH 25, 1960, IN BOOK 5091, PAGE 526, OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 21,218 SQ. FT. PARCEL “D” THE WEST 176.00 FEET OF THE EAST 341.35 FEET OF THE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF LOT 9, BLOCK E, ETIWANDA COLONY LANDS, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 2 OF MAPS, PAGE 24, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPT THE NORTH 193 FEET THEREFROM. CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 24,491 SQ. FT. THIS LEGAL DESCRIPTION WAS PREPARED BY ME REFER TO EXHIBIT “B”, ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF DAVID B. WARREN, LS 8244 RESOLUTION NO. 22-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VARIANCE DRC2022-00205, A REQUEST TO ALLOW FOR DEFICIENT LOT DEPTH FOR PARCELS LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF CHICKASAW ROAD AND EAST AVENUE IN THE VERY LOW RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (VL).; AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF – APN: 0225-181-35, -38 AND -39. A. Recitals. 1. Kermit Smith filed an application for the approval of Variance DRC2022-00205, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Variance request is referred to as "the application." 2. On June 22, 2022, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing of June 22, 2022, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The project site is located at the northwest corner of Chickasaw Road and East Avenue and comprises three parcels identified as APNs: 0225-181-39 (Parcel “A”); 0225-181-38 (Parcel B), and 0225-181-35 (Parcel C), and b. Each parcel is nonconforming with regard to lot size and depth pursuant to development standards for the Very Low (VL) Residential District within which the project area is located; and c. The applicant has submitted a request for administrative review of a lot line adjustment and lot merger which will result in the reconfiguration of Parcel A, elimination of Parcels B and C, and which would create a new Parcel D; and d. That the resultant Parcels A and D would become conforming with regard to lot size, but would remain nonconforming with regard to lot depth; and e. Upon the first round of administrative review by staff of the lot line adjustment and lot merger, the applicant has submitted a request for a Variance to allow the nonconforming lot depth for resultant Parcels A and D; and f. The existing Land Use, General Plan and Zoning Designations for the project site and adjacent properties are as follows: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 22-18 VARIANCE DRC2020-00397 – KERMIT SMITH June 22, 2022 Page 2 g. Whereas pursuant to Development Code Section 17.20.030 provides that requests for Variances be heard by the Planning Commission at a duly noticed public hearing. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. Strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in a difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this Code. The strict interpretation of the required 200-foot lot depth requirement for parcels located within the Very Low (VL) Residential District would create unnecessary hardship and would be contrary to the intent of the Development Code. Imposing the strict lot depth requirement of 200-feet would create an unnecessary hardship as it would make it difficult to accommodate a size and scale of house in a manner that is compatible in size and scale to surrounding similarly situated and similarly zoned properties. b. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that does not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The parcels proposed to be reconfigured and merged as part of the applicant’s lot line adjustment and lot merger are encumbered by an existing nonconforming lot depth which results from the parcels having been created prior to the City’s incorporation and establishment of current development standards. c. Strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same zone. Without a reduction in the required lot depth standard, Parcel D as configured would likely not be able to accommodate a single-family residence of the same size and scale as those enjoyed by owners of other properties in the same zone. Approving the variance would allow the applicant to process the lot line adjustment and lot merger which would result in the elimination of two nonconforming lots (Parcel B and C), and accommodate the reconfiguration of Aprcel A and the creation of Parcel D, which despite the Land Use General Plan Zoning Site Vacant (Parcels B and C), Single- Family Residence (Parcel A) Suburban Neighborhood Very Low Very Low (VL) Residential North Single-Family Residential Suburban Neighborhood Very Low Very Low (VL) Residential South Single-Family Residential Suburban Neighborhood Very Low Very Low (VL) Residential East Single-Family Residential Suburban Neighborhood Very Low Very Low (VL) Residential West Single-Family Residential Suburban Neighborhood Very Low Very Low (VL) Residential PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 22-18 VARIANCE DRC2020-00397 – KERMIT SMITH June 22, 2022 Page 3 nonconforming lot depth which would remain for both aprcels, would allow both parcels to now meet minimum lot size standards. d. The granting of the Variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same zone. The nonconforming lot depth is an existing condition which encumbers all parcels within the project area. Approving the variance allows the resultant Parcels A and D to meet minimum lot size standards similar to other parcels within the same zoning designation. e. The granting of the Variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The grnting of a Variance allows the applicant to process a lot line adjustment which improves various existing nonconforming circumstances on various parcels which will result in the adjustment and merger of property lines resulting in a new Parcel D. No development is proposed as part of this applicant. 4. Planning Staff determined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The project qualifies as a Class 5 exemption under State CEQA Guidelines 15305 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations) as the scope of work is to reconfigure and merge contiguous parcels resulting in a fewer number of parcels which more closely conform to the City’s development standards. The Planning Commission has reviewed the Planning Department’s determination of exemption, and based on its own independent judgment, concurs in the staff’s determination of exemption. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 22ND DAY OF JUNE 2022. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Brian Dopp, Chairman ATTEST: Matthew R. Burris, AICP, LEED AP, Secretary I, Matthew R. Burris, AICP, LEED AP, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 22nd day of June 2022, by the following vote-to-wit: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 22-18 VARIANCE DRC2020-00397 – KERMIT SMITH June 22, 2022 Page 4 AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: Conditions of Approval Community Development Department Project #: DRC2022-00205 Project Name: East Avenue Project Location: 6380 EAST AVE - 022518138-0000 Project Type: Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Planning Department Standard Conditions of Approval The applicant shall sign the Statement of Agreement and Acceptance of Conditions of Approval provided by the Planning Department. The signed Statement of Agreement and Acceptance of Conditions of Approval shall be returned to the Planning Department prior to the recordation of map(s), mergers or related documents, submittal of grading/construction plans for plan check, request for a business license, and/or commencement of the approved activity. 1. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. In the event such a legal action is filed, the City shall estimate its expenses for litigation. The applicant shall deposit such amount with the City or enter into an agreement with the City to pay such expenses as they become due. 2. Copies of the signed Planning Commission Resolution of Approval or Approval Letter, Conditions of Approval, and all environmental mitigations, when necessary, shall be included on the plans (full size). The sheet(s) are for information only to all parties involved in the construction/grading activities and are not required to be wet sealed/stamped by a licensed Engineer/Architect. 3. Any modification or intensification of the approved use, including revisions in the operations of the business including changes to the operating days/hours; change in the location on-site or within the building of the use/activity that is approved by this Conditional Use Permit; improvements including new building construction; and/or other modifications/intensification beyond what is specifically approved by this Conditional Use Permit, shall require the review and approval by the Planning Director prior to submittal of documents for plan check/occupancy, construction, commencement of the activity, and/or issuance of a business license. The Planning Director may determine that modifications or intensifications of use require the submittal of an application to modify this Conditional Use Permit for review by the City. 4. Engineering Services Department Please be advised of the following Special Conditions The Lot Merger and Lot line Adjustment shall be submitted the engineering department for approval prior to recordation at the County. 1. www.CityofRC.us Printed: 6/14/2022 Exhibit D DATE: June 22, 2022 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Matthew R. Burris, AICP, LEED AP, Deputy City Manager – Community Development, Interim Planning Director INITIATED BY: David F. Eoff IV, Senior Planner SUBJECT: DESIGN REVIEW - 8500 HAVEN, LLC – A request for a site plan and architectural review of a mixed-use development comprising of 248 apartments and 23,750 square feet of commercial space on a vacant parcel roughly 9.37 acres in size, and a request for a minor exception for a reduction in the required parking for the proposed mixed-use development. The project is located at the southwest corner of Haven Avenue and Arrow Route within the Corridor 1 (CO1) mixed-use zone. APNs: 0209-092-09, - 13. A CEQA Section 15183 Compliance Memorandum has been prepared for this project. Design Review DRC2021-00200, Minor Exception DRC2022-00232. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt Resolution 22-19 and Resolution 22-20 approving the proposed mixed-used development on the vacant parcel at the southwest corner of Haven Avenue and Arrow Route and granting a Minor Exception allowing a reduction to parking, subject to conditions of approval. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request to construct a new mixed-used development comprised of 248 apartments and 23,750 square feet of commercial office, retail, and restaurant space at the southwest corner of Haven Avenue and Arrow Route. The project also includes a request for a minor exception to allow a reduction in the required number of parking spaces for the project. The reduction will occur in the commercial parking spaces, the required number of residential parking spaces have been met. BACKGROUND: The 9.37-acre project site is located at the southwest corner of Haven Avenue and Arrow Route and is zoned Corridor 1 (CO1). The Project site has prominent street frontage along Haven Avenue and Arrow Route and uses a shared driveway with the adjacent corporate office building to the south to access the property from Haven. The site has a general topography that slopes from north to south, with a substantial grade difference occurring near the Haven Avenue and Arrow Route intersection and along Arrow Route. The site is currently vacant (Exhibit A – Aerial). Page 2 of 10 The current adjacent uses, General Plan designation, and Zoning designation are listed in the table below. PROJECT ANALYSIS: A. Building Composition. The project is comprised of multiple building types ranging in height from single-story to four-stories with specific uses intended for each building type. Amongst the various buildings, the project will 248 apartments, approximately 23,750 square feet of commercial space, and various amenities available for the residents and the general public. The project will provide an overall density of 27 dwelling units per acre, falling within the range of 24 to 36 units per acre as required by the City Corridor Moderate land use designation. The following details provide an overview of each building type that can be referenced using the attached project site plan (Exhibit B – Site Plan). • Building 1. A two-story commercial pad building containing restaurant, office, and retail space in roughly 9,690 square feet. Building 1 is located along Haven Avenue and oriented towards to street to create an active pedestrian presence. The building is setback roughly 19 feet from the property line, allowing space for pedestrian access and circulation, and outdoor dining and gathering areas to further activate the street frontage. The ground floor will be designed for commercial retail space, such as food and beverage uses, retail stores, among others. The 2nd floor will be designed with office space for small business operations. • Building 2. A four-story mixed-use building containing ground floor restaurant, office, and retail space, live/work units, and residential apartments above. Building 2 is the primary building in the project with its strong presence at the street, focal element design at the Haven Avenue and Arrow Route intersection, and its mixture of uses and amenities. Building 2 is designed in an L-shape form, flanking Haven Avenue and Arrow Route. The entire ground floor along Haven Avenue is designed with commercial retail space fronting the street. The rear portion of Building 2 along Haven Avenue will contain the six live/work units on the ground floor, the residential lobby, and the indoor/outdoor residential fitness center. The remaining three floors along Haven Avenue and all four floors along Arrow Route will be comprised of 1-bedroom and 2- bedroom apartments. The building is setback roughly 20 feet to 25 feet measured from the property line along Haven Avenue to the building face, and roughly 19 feet measured from the property line along Arrow route to the building face. These setback distances allow substantial space for wide, comfortable sidewalks and landscape features, while still creating an urban environment and presence along the street. The urban environment is enhanced further with a prominent plaza area at the intersection that also serves as a pedestrian passage to the interior of the site and provides access to the office areas and other publicly accessible amenities. Building 2 also includes a flat-slab design. This construction method maintains a level finished floor over the downward sloping topography of the site, which helps avoid variations in finished floor levels of the retail spaces and helps maintain uniformity in the storefront design. As the building runs from north to south, the grade difference between the finished floor of the building Land Use General Plan Zoning Site Vacant City Corridor Moderate Corridor 1 (CO1) North Vacant City Corridor High Corridor 2 (CO2) South Corporate Office City Corridor Moderate Corridor 1 (CO1) East Office Complex City Corridor High Corridor 2 (CO2) West Gated Residential Community Suburban Neighborhood Low Low-Medium Residential (LM) Page 3 of 10 and Haven Avenue begins to increase and ultimately leads to a difference of roughly 12 feet at the far south end. While this grade difference may appear substantial, the gradual change has been incorporated into the building frontage design to allow additional sidewalk space along the commercial ground floor, opportunity for outdoor seating and patio areas to support potential food and beverage uses in the commercial space, and it helps support the building presence along the street to create an urban feel. The grade change will also be broken up throughout the building frontage with stairs to still allow direct access from the public sidewalk area and encourage pedestrian interaction between the public and private realms. The grade change will also be designed with proper pedestrian lighting and landscape features to avoid the appearance and feeling of a long blank wall along the street. • Building 3. A four-story residential building containing a mix of 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom apartments. Building 3 is located along Arrow Route, near the northwest area of the site. The apartment contains residential flats with interior access on each floor through a common corridor and from a common entrance from the exterior. The ground floor units also contain direct exterior access as a second entry through private outdoor patio areas. • Building 4, 5, and 6. Three-story residential building containing a mix of 1-bedroom and 2- bedroom apartments. These buildings flank the west perimeter of the project site and are accessible from the primary north/south interior street. The ground floor is designed with residential apartments and tuck-under parking in the form of carports and one-car garages. The carports are designed in a motor-court style and oriented away from public view. The garages are oriented to one side of the building, forming a motor-court design with another building flanking the opposite side of the drive aisle. The remaining two floors above consist of all residential apartments. • Building 7, 8, and 9. Single-story detached garages for resident parking and storage. • Building 10. Three-story residential building consisting of all studio apartments. Building 10 is located near the south area of the project site, at the corner of the two interior streets. The building helps frame the street and provides additional presence and visual interest in the central area of the project site. The building is designed with a common entrance area providing access to the apartment units through a covered corridor. Ground floor units include private patio areas, while the upper floors include private balconies and private rooftop decks. • Building 11. Leasing office and resident amenities. A single-story building containing the leasing office, community lounge and gathering spaces, and a community club room. Building 11 is located in the central area of the project site near the swimming pool and easily accessible from anywhere within the property. B. Circulation and Street Improvements: The project site is accessible from Haven Avenue and Arrow Route. These two access points create an internal circulation and connection throughout the project site, forming a primary north/south access street that is designed to feel and function like a neighborhood street. The north/south street also provides a good delineation between the residential buildings and mixed use/commercial areas, allowing opportunity to balance the placement of amenities, open space and gathering areas, parks, all while providing easy pedestrian access throughout the site. Furthermore, the circulation design on the project site lends itself to future connections on adjacent properties to the north and the south that will help create a Page 4 of 10 destination for the resident and business community and bring the General Plan vision of Haven Avenue to reality. Pedestrian access is also notably present throughout the site. The internal street network provides wide sidewalks on both sides ranging from 8 feet to 10 feet wide, further enhancing the feel and function of a neighborhood street. Sidewalks are provided all throughout the project site, creating efficient access and connectivity between the residential areas, the amenities, and non-residential areas. The sidewalk areas, especially along the north/south street, are improved with landscape elements such as trees, planters, and sitting areas, or flanked by buildings and gathering spaces to help create a strong urban environment throughout the interior of the site. The project will also include substantial offsite improvements to Haven Avenue. Haven Avenue will be widened to accommodate two thru-lanes, a new frontage road/slip lane for vehicles and buses, new on-street parallel parking, and a new sidewalk. The improvements to Haven Avenue, particularly the slip lane and on-street parking, will provide slower vehicle speeds along the project frontage, encourage safe and comfortable pedestrian interaction with the storefront, and help support the overall urban environment the project seeks to create. The improvements will occur along the project frontage on Haven Avenue. C. Architecture: All buildings within the project site are designed in a modern architectural style. Each building contains similar design elements to reinforce the architectural interest, while also incorporating unique elements to provide distinction throughout the buildings. The design elements that reinforce the architectural style include a balanced use of stucco, stone veneer, fiber cement siding and fiber cement panels as the primary materials. Additional elements such as metal and glass railings, steel canopies, aluminum storefront systems, and more help strengthen the architectural interest of the buildings. The modern architectural style is also seen in the use of asymmetrical design features such as the sloped roof and parapet roof designs throughout each building along with the variation in building heights to create vertical movement in the design. This particular element is inspired by the mountain peaks that are visible from the project site. The architectural style also incorporates good use of glass as a primary material, notably in Building 1, which helps create the distinction between the commercial retail building and the residential buildings. Lastly, one of the most notable features is the second-story commercial space located at the corner of Haven and Arrow in Building 2. The L-shaped building is broken up nicely with a transition from stucco, stone, and siding to primarily large storefront glass. The second-floor space is intended for a restaurant use and the use of glass helps create the commercial appearance and strong visual interest, especially at the corner. Additional siding material and glass railing along the outdoor dining areas of the upper -floor area help enhance space and create a significant focal element at the intersection. The third floor of this area also provides additional gathering space with a roof top deck, allowing great opportunity for views while also creating strong articulation in the building planes to help break up the massing and increase the architectural interest. All building materials are carried to all elevations of each building, resulting in high-quality 360-degree architecture. D. Residential Unit Composition and Floor Plans: All residential units will be housed in Buildings 2 through 6 and Building 10, and will be comprised of studio apartments, 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom standard apartments, and 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom live/work style apartments. A total 248 units will be provided amongst the 6 residential buildings. Studio apartments are roughly 805 square Page 5 of 10 feet, 1-bedroom apartments range from 669 square feet to 748 square feet, 2-bedroom apartments range from 869 square feet to 1,135 square feet, and the live/work units range from 982 square feet to 1,495 square feet. The table below summarizes the residential unit composition for each building. UNIT SUMMARY Residential Unit Type Bldg. 2 Bldg. 3 Bldg. 4 Bldg. 5 Bldg. 6 Bldg. 10 Totals Studio 0 0 0 0 0 24 24 1 Bedroom 66 8 12 12 12 0 110 2 Bedroom 65 22 9 9 9 0 114 Live/Work* 6* 0 0 0 0 0 6* TOTAL 131 30 21 21 21 24 248 *Live/Work included as part of 1-bedroom or 2-bedroom unit mix in Bldg. 2 E. Recreational Amenities: The project provides a variety of amenities and recreational areas for residents and guests. Amenities include a large swimming pool area, with a spa area, cabanas, outdoor bar area and shade structures. There are several park spaces in passive an active form, including a tot lot for families and a dog park area. There are also several common space gathering areas for outdoor dining, community events, passive relaxation with a variety of seating options, roof top decks, outdoor plaza areas, outdoor game areas, outdoor BBQ areas, and more. The project also includes a fitness area for residents and other clubhouse amenities. All the amenity and recreation areas are located throughout the project site and are easily accessible by residents and guests/visitors. F. Fencing and Access: Most of the project site is ungated and is therefore publicly accessible by foot or by car. Vehicular entrances and sidewalks to the project’s two interior streets from Haven Avenue and Arrow Route, are ungated. There are pedestrian gates/fences that control access to the clubhouse/pool areas, the fitness area, and the dog park. The only vehicular gates on the property are utilized to separate surface parking areas for guests and residents, and to secure access to the subterranean parking area that is for resident use only. G. Compliance with Technical Development Standards: The project was deemed complete on March 16, 2022, prior to the adoption of the City’s Development Code and Form Based zoning standards. Therefore, the development standards in effect at the time the application was submitted have been applied to this project and subsequently used in determining the completeness of the application. The table below demonstrates the project’s compliance with the development standards. COMPLIANCE TABLE Development Standard Required Proposed Complies Density 50 du/ac maximum 27 du/ac YES Land Use Mix 2 uses (minimum) 4 uses YES Building Setback – Haven (Major) 11’-3” (minimum) 19’ YES Building Setback – Arrow (Major) 11’-3” (minimum) 19’ Interior Side Setback 5’ (minimum) 6’ YES Interior Rear Setback 0’ (minimum) 0’ YES Building Height – Primary Buildings 75’ 67’ YES Accessory Buildings Not to exceed primary building height 1 story to 2 story YES Page 6 of 10 Landscape Area 10% 14.2% YES Open Space 150 sf/unit (37,200 sf) 71,000 sf YES Recreation Area / Facility 6 amenities 7 amenities YES H. Parking: The proposed project will provide parking through surface parking lots, a subterranean parking structure, private enclosed garages, and carport structures. Based on all proposed uses on site, the project is required to provide 636 parking spaces, with 248 of those required to be covered spaces in a garage, parking structure or carport. The total parking requirements also account for residential guest spaces and commercial guest spaces. The project currently provides 589 parking stalls on site, resulting in a deficit of 47 spaces or roughly a 7.5% reduction. The deficit occurs in the commercial parking, where 128 stalls are required and 81 have been provided. The parking requirements for residential uses have been met at 425 parking stalls required and provided; the parking requirements for the residential guest parking has also been met with 83 parking stalls. Additional parking will also be provided through the associated street improvements to Haven Avenue that will result in 22 on-street parking stalls. While these parking stalls are considered public parking and do not formally count towards the projects required parking, the on-street parking stalls are essentially intended for the proposed project, particularly the commercial space, and will help minimize the true reduction and impact of the parking exception. The table below provides a breakdown of the parking for the project. PARKING ANALYSIS Unit Type Number of Units Square Footage Parking Ratio Required Parking Multi-Family unit (Studio) 24 N/A 1.3 per unit (1 in garage or carport) 32 Multi-family unit (1 bedroom) 110 N/A 1.5 per unit (1 in garage or carport) 165 Multi-family unit (2 bedrooms) 114 N/A 2 per unit (1 in garage or carport) 228 Visitor parking 248 N/A 1 per 3 units 83 Commercial (Office/Retail) N/A 10,675, 4 per 1000 square feet 43 Commercial (Restaurant) N/A 8,500 10 per 1000 square feet 85 Total Parking Spaces Required/Provided 636/585 Total Covered Parking Spaces Required/Provided 248/248 The applicant has prioritized meeting the parking requirements for residents and resident guests, which is typically where parking impacts tend to occur. Residential units are provided designated parking spaces and are allotted a specific number of parking spaces depending on the unit type. The residential parking is provided in proximity to the residential buildings they serve as well, allowing easy access for residents and a distinction between residential parking areas and commercial parking areas. To help demonstrate the parking distribution throughout the project site, a site parking plan (Exhibit C) has been provided. The site parking plan not only identifies the required number of parking stalls based on the building type and unit type, but also identifies where the required parking is located. As shown on the site parking plan, the residential buildings (2 through 6, and 10) have their respective parking requirements met within the parking structure, garages, carports, or through surface parking in proximity to their buildings. Similarly, the commercial parking is provided near the active commercial areas, providing an added convenience for the public, easy access to the commercial uses, and further minimizing potential mishaps with parking in the wrong location. Page 7 of 10 Additionally, as mentioned earlier, the project will also provide 22 on-street parking spaces to help support the active frontage along Haven Avenue. These stalls are not included in the parking totals; however, the use of these parking stalls will inevitably serve the commercial uses of the project along Haven Avenue. This not only helps the viability of the commercial uses, but also provides an indirect relief to the commercial spaces provided on site. This in return creates less of a deficit to the commercial parking spaces, resulting a true shortage of 25 parking stalls. The applicant has also provided an alternative site plan for the Planning Commission to consider that includes a revised parking configuration in an angled form along the primary north/south street. The incorporation of angled parking enhances the look, feel and function of the street and helps create an urban environment as envisioned by the General Plan. Additionally, the alternative design will also set a precedence for future projects along Haven Avenue, especially for those on nearby adjacent sites that will build on the circulation network and further improve the connectivity. While the alternative site plan results in an improved design, it will also result in a loss of 15 additional commercial parking spaces. This will increase the total parking deficit from 47 stalls to 62 stalls or roughly 9.7%. The alternative site plan is included for the Planning Commission’s consideration as Exhibit D. Staff believes there is adequate parking for the proposed uses, despite the requested reduction. The reduction only occurs in the commercial parking requirements, as the residential parking requirements are complaint with the Development Code. The commercial uses maintain a different operation, which tends to result in a different parking need. The commercial uses will likely contain specific hours of operation, which typically doesn’t require a need for overnight parking in the same manner as residential uses. Additionally, while the commercial uses are open to the general public they will also likely find frequent visits from the residents and businesses that reside or work on or near the property, which can be easily accessed by walking or biking and without the need for driving. The emphasis on walkability and pedestrian priority helps alleviate some of the need for vehicles and the potential concerns for inadequate parking. The context of the project site also lends itself to be supportive of a parking reduction. In some cases, high density residential uses near other lower density/intensity residential uses can pose a concern with spill over parking occurring overnight from residents or resident guests. The project site is directly adjacent to a gated community comprised of attached and detached townhomes to the west and a gated apartment complex on the north side of Arrow Route. The potential for spillover parking occurring in these residential communities is highly unlikely due to their gated access, and any concern for on-street parking can be considered minimal due to the separation distance between the project site and the public street (Center Avenue). The project site is also directly adjacent to the corporate business complex to the south with which it shares a common driveway from Haven Avenue. While there is potential for spillover parking to occur in the adjacent business parking lot, the applicant/property manager intends to work with the business owner to install proper signage indicating parking restrictions for residents, resident guests, and commercial patrons of the Haven & Arrow development. To further address concerns that may stem from the parking reduction request, the project will be conditioned to provide a parking management plan that demonstrates how parking will be managed on site, allocated to particular uses, and details enforcement actions that property management can take for parking violations. Furthermore, the City will have an ability to enforce and/or impose additional requirements as needed to address potential parking impacts or violations and have an ability to re-evaluate the parking management plan periodically to ensure it remains effective. In the event that there are problems or concerns with parking after occupancy, the parking Page 8 of 10 management plan will allow the City to require the preparation of off-site, on-street parking restrictions such as, signs indicating no parking, signs indicating time-restricted parking, red curbing any adjacent streets, any necessary street repairs/improvements, or the establishment of a parking district at the cost of the property owner/developer. As mentioned, Staff believes there is adequate parking for the project and is recommending approval of the Minor Exception. The Minor Exception allows a reduction in parking up to 25%, however, Staff is recommending the Planning Commission consider a Minor Exception for a reduction up to 62 parking stalls or roughly 9.7%. If the Planning Commission believes the first option with the standard 90-degree parking is adequate, approval of the Minor Exception will allow the reduction of 47 stalls, If the Planning Commission elects to move forward with the alternative site plan, approval of the Minor Exception will still allow the additional reduction. A condition of approval has been included on the project that will require the Minor Exception to receive final approval/acceptance from the Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer and the Planning Director to ensure the final parking exhibits and documents associated with the Minor Exception application are accurate and properly reflected on the approved plan set. Furthermore, this condition of approval will also ensure the final reduction in parking is consistent with the Planning Commission’s action. I. Public Art: This project is required to provide public art as outlined in Chapter 17.124 of the Development Code. Based on the number of residential units and commercial square footage for this project, the total art value required per Section 17.124.020.C. is $209,750. A condition has been included pursuant to the Development Code that requires the public art requirement to be fulfilled prior to occupancy. J. Design Review Committee: The project was reviewed by the Design Review Committee (DRC – Williams and Morales) on May 25, 2022. During this meeting, the committee expressed concerns with the massing and rooftops, and the color and material palette. Generally speaking, the Committee believed the size and length of building 2 was imposing and that it could be improved with minor façade changes such as colors and material, height changes, or movement in the building plane to break up the massing. The Committee also felt some of the rooftops could be improved by including similar architectural features shown throughout other buildings, such as a trellis, to create more interest. Aside from those concerns, the Committee was pleased with the project and the effort that was made to align with the goals and vision of the General Plan. The Committee voted to move the project forward to the Planning Commission, with the requirement that the applicant to provide alternative elevations addressing their concerns for the Planning Commission’ consideration. Following the DRC meeting, the applicant prepared 3 alternative elevations for building 2. The elevations are included as Exhibit D and are described further below: • Alternative 1 maintains a similar roof design but created greater horizontal articulation in the building plan with recessed areas and the inclusion of balconies. The east elevation (Haven Avenue) is broken into three sections while the north elevation (Arrow Route) is broken into sections. The color scheme is generally the same as the original design. • Alternative 2 revises the architectural style with a parapet roof design and takes a similar approach as Alternative 1 with the horizontal movement in the building plane and the use of balconies in similar locations. Alternative 2 introduces a new color scheme by applying a darker grey tone to portions of the upper floors while other areas maintain the previous color scheme Page 9 of 10 to help create contrast in the building. A steel canopy/trim was also integrated into the elevation to provide greater architectural interest in the design and a subtle complementary feature over the new grey tone. Incorporating these changes helped create the visual appearance of 3 buildings instead of one long building, which was generally the concern of the Committee. • Alternative 3 takes a similar approach as Alternative 2 with the parapet roof design and the use of steel trim along the parapet. The color scheme is relatively the same and balconies are used to help break up the façade. Alternative 3 introduces a material into the middle and end portions of the building to help create the visual break, however, the movement in the building plane as strong and notable as provided in Alternative 1 and 2. K. Neighborhood Meeting: A neighborhood meeting was conducted for the project on May 9, 2022. The meeting occurred at the project site to help attendees gain a better understanding of the project. The building footprints were also staked on the project site to give the residents better context on the location of the buildings in proximity to Haven Avenue or the western property line. The meeting had 8 attendees, 6 were residents from the adjacent gated community to the west and 2 were representatives of the corporate businesses to the south. An overview of the City’s General Plan and the expectations for Haven Avenue was provided by City staff and a brief overview of the project was provided by the applicant. The attendees inquired about the various components of the project as well as the General Plan’s vision for nearby vacant parcels on Haven Avenue and how it may relate to the project site. The business representatives expressed their concerns for parking and inquired how it would be managed. An explanation of the parking requirements was provided as well as a discussion on the requirement to prepare a parking management plan that addresses spill over and enforcement mechanisms. The business owners generally seemed satisfied with the parking approach and were generally pleased with the parking approach. The residents were generally pleased with project as well and expressed their enthusiasm for the new restaurants and businesses that were forthcoming. CEQA DETERMINATION: The City of Rancho Cucamonga adopted a comprehensive update to the City’s General Plan (GPU) and certified a Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (SCH No. 2021050261) on December 15, 2021. As part of the GPU, the Project site was designated for “City Corridor – Moderate” land use, which allows for residential development at densities ranging from 24 to 36 dwelling units per acre (du/ac) and non- residential development at a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) ranging from 0.4 to 1.0. According to Section 15168 of the CEQA Guidelines, a Program EIR may be prepared on a series of actions that can be characterized as one large project. Use of a Program EIR gives the Lead Agency an opportunity to consider broad policy alternatives and program-wide mitigation measures, as well as greater flexibility to address project-specific and cumulative environmental impacts on a comprehensive scale. Pursuant to Section 15183(c) of the State CEQA Guidelines, “if an impact is not peculiar to the parcel or to the project, has been addressed as a significant effect in the prior EIR, or can be substantially mitigated by the imposition of uniformly applied development policies or standards…then an additional EIR need not be prepared for the project solely on the basis of that impact.” The 9.37-acre property is designated by the City’s General Plan for “City Corridor – Moderate” land uses. The proposed Project is fully consistent with the site’s GPU land use designation of “City Corridor – Moderate” and would be consistent with all applicable GPU policies. Therefore, no subsequent or supplemental EIR is required for the proposed project. Page 10 of 10 To demonstrate that no subsequent EIR or environmental review is required, a CEQA Section 15183 Compliance Memorandum dated June 6, 2022, was prepared by Michael Baker International (Exhibit G – CEQA Section 15183 Compliance Memorandum). Staff evaluated this memorandum and concluded that the project is within the scope of the EIR adopted and certified as part of the City’s GPU on December 15, 2021. The project will not have one or more significant effects not discussed in the GPU EIR, nor have more severe effects than previously analyzed, and that additional or different mitigation measures are not required to reduce the impacts of the project to a level of less than significant. CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised as a public hearing with a regular legal advertisement in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners within a 660-foot radius of the project site. To date, Staff has received one written comment via email, which has been provided to the Commission for review. COUNCIL MISSION / VISION / GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: The proposed mixed-use project will meet the City Council core values of providing and nurturing a high quality of life for all, promoting and enhancing a safe and healthy community for all, building and preserving a family-oriented atmosphere, and relentless pursuit of improvement. The proposed project provides residential and commercial/retail uses in a cohesive development, forming a walkable community with a variety of activities and uses for all to enjoy. EXHIBITS: Exhibit A – Project Aerial Exhibit B – Project Plans Exhibit C – Site Parking Plan Exhibit D – Alternative Elevations for Building 2; Alternative Site Plan Exhibit E – Draft Resolution 22-19 Minor Exception DRC2022-00232 Exhibit F – Draft Resolution 22-20 Design Review DRC2021-00200 Exhibit G – Conditions of Approval Exhibit H – CEQA Section 15183 Compliance Memorandum Exhibit A Exhibit B SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109PROJECT SUMMARYA-005.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SETNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalBUILDING UNIT SF.# UNITSNRSFMIXA2 1 BR FLAT 725 21 15,225A3 1 BR FLAT 755 36 27,180A4 LIVE/WORK 995 3 2,985A5 LIVE/WORK 1,054 1 1,054A10 1 BR FLAT 744 5 3,72066 50,16450%B1 2 BR FLAT 882 15 13,230B1.1 2 BR FLAT 917 2 1,834B1.2 2 BR FLAT 886 3 2,658B2 2 BR FLAT 1,090 6 6,540B3 2 BR FLAT 1,120 37 41,440B6 LIVE/WORK 1,279 1 1,279B7 LIVE/WORK 1,477 1 1,47765 68,45850%906 131 118,622A2 1 BR FLAT 725 3 2,175A3 1 BR FLAT 755 2 1,510A10 1 BR FLAT 744 3 2,2328 5,91727%B1 2 BR FLAT 882 6 5,292B1.1 2 BR FLAT 917 5 4,585B1.2 2 BR FLAT 886 3 2,658B3 2 BR FLAT 1,120 4 4,480B4 2 BR FLAT 1,115 4 4,46022 21,47573%913 30 27,392A1 1 BR FLAT 672 6 4,032A1.1 2 BR FLAT 676 6 4,05612 8,08857%B5 2 BR FLAT 1,107 5 5,535B5.1 2 BR FLAT 1,200 4 4,8009 10,33543%877 21 18,423A1 1 BR FLAT 672 6 4,032A1.1 2 BR FLAT 676 6 4,05612 8,08857%B5 2 BR FLAT 1,107 5 5,535B5.1 2 BR FLAT 1,200 4 4,8009 10,33543%1,262 21 26,511A1 1 BR FLAT 672 6 4,032A1.1 2 BR FLAT 676 6 4,05612 8,08857%B5 2 BR FLAT 1,107 5 5,535B5.1 2 BR FLAT 1,200 4 4,8009 10,33543%877 21 18,423S1 STUDIO FLAT 789 12 9,468S1.1 STUDIO FLAT 788 12 9,456789 24 18,92424 18,924 9.7%110 80,345 44.4%114 120,938 46.0%888248220,207AVERAGE26.5 DU/AC100%SUBTOTAL - 1BRSUBTOTAL - 2BRBLDG #10SUBTOTAL - 1BRSUBTOTAL - 1BRSUBTOTAL - 1BRSUBTOTAL - 2BRTOTAL - BLDG #5RESIDENTIAL UNIT SUMMARY2 BEDROOM1 BEDROOMBLDG #2STUDIOBLDG #4BLDG #5BLDG #6UNIT TYPESUBTOTAL - 1BRSUBTOTAL - 2BRTOTAL - BLDG #2TOTAL - BLDG #3TOTAL - BLDG #4TOTAL - BLDG #6UNIT TOTALTOTAL - BLDG #10PROJECT TOTALBLDG #3SUBTOTAL - 2BRSUBTOTAL - 2BRCOVERED PARKING - REQUIREDRATIO # DU TOTALRESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT 1.0 Stall / DU 248 248TOTAL248COVERED PARKING - PROVIDED*TOTALRESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT248TOTAL248*See Sheet A-009, Site Parking Diagram for location of covered parking stalls.BICYCLE PARKING - REQUIREDRATIO # TOTALSHORT TERM425 22LONG TERM425 22TOTAL44BICYCLE PARKING - PROVIDED2222TOTAL445% REQ'D VEHICULAR5% REQ'D VEHICULARSHORT TERMLONG TERMVEHICULAR PARKING - REQUIREDRATIO # DU TOTALSTUDIO 1.3 Stalls / DU 24 321 BEDROOM 1.5 Stalls / DU 110 1652 BEDROOM 2.0 Stalls / DU 114 228TOTAL425VEHICULAR PARKING - PROVIDEDACCESSIBLE PARKING CAR: 14'x18' VAN: 17'x18'9STANDARD PARKING416TOTAL4251.71 / DUPARKING SUMMARY - RESIDENTIAL9'x18'PROJECT SUMMARYALLOWABLE: 42 DU/AC36,000 SF REQUIRED8624 HAVEN AVE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA. 917300209-092-09 & 0209-092-139.367408,027INDUSTRIAL PARK (IP)MIXED-USE (MU)75'-0"APPX. 67'-0"45' BASE WITH 50-75% MU ZONING REDUCTION OF STREETSCAPE REQ'S = 11.25' - 22.5' (TO FACE OF CURB)23'-0" - 35'-8" (TO FACE OF CURB)35' BASE WITH 50-75% MU ZONING REDUCTION OF STREETSCAPE REQ'S = 8.75' - 17.5' (TO FACE OF CURB)27'-3" - 29'-2" (TO FACE OF CURB)RETAIL / RESTAURANT / OFFICE / MEDICAL23,780GROSS SFGROSS SF FAR PROPOSED DUPROPOSED DU / AC # PARKING STALLSOPEN SPACEEXISTING ZONING CLASSIFICATIONPROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION0.93379,62726.5 606 72,890248SITE ADDRESSAPNSITE AREA (ACRES)SITE AREA (SF)MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHTPROPOSED MAX. BUILDING HEIGHTALLOWABLE HAVEN SETBACKPROPOSED HAVEN SETBACKALLOWABLE ARROW SETBACKPROPOSED ARROW SETBACKBUILDING NRSF4,0002,8006,8007,8758003,73012,4058,53010,675TOTAL19,205*ASSUMES 70% EFFICIENCYVEHICULAR PARKING - REQUIREDRATIO TOTALRESTAURANT 10 Stalls / 1,000 SF. 85OFFICE/MEDICAL/RETAIL* 4 Stalls / 1,000 SF. 43TOTAL128VEHICULAR PARKING - PROVIDEDACCESSIBLE PARKING CAR: 14'x18' VAN: 17'x18' 4STANDARD PARKING124TOTAL1286.7 / 1,000 SFBICYCLE PARKING - REQUIREDRATIO TOTALSHORT TERM7LONG TERM7TOTAL14BICYCLE PARKING - PROVIDED77TOTAL14* PER CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE SEC 17.64.050 A.6. "…SQUARE FOOTAGE DEDICATED TO OFFICE HALLWAYS 44 INCHES OR LESS, ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ROOMS, ELEVATOR SHAFTS, STAIRWELLS, BATHROOMS AND STORAGE CLOSETS MAY BE DEDUCTED FROM THE GROSS SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR PARKING STALL CALCULATION PURPOSES." ** PER CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE SEC 17.64.050 A.6. "…SQUARE FOOTAGE DEDICATED TO OFFICE HALLWAYS 44 INCHES OR LESS, ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ROOMS, ELEVATOR SHAFTS, STAIRWELLS, BATHROOMS AND STORAGE CLOSETS MAY BE DEDUCTED FROM THE GROSS SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR PARKING STALL CALCULATION PURPOSES." LEVEL 1: RESTAURANTTOTALSRETAIL / RESTAURANT / OFFICE / MEDICAL SUMMARYPARKING SUMMARY - RETAIL / RESTAURANT / OFFICE / MEDICAL LEVEL 1: RESTAURANTLEVEL 2: OFFICE / MEDICAL*LEVEL 2: RESTAURANTLEVEL 1: OFFICE / MEDICAL / RETAIL*RESTAURANTBLDG #1BLDG #2OFFICE / MEDICAL / RETAIL*9'x18'SHORT TERMLONG TERMTOTAL - BLDG #1TOTAL - BLDG #2USE5% REQ'D VEHICULAR5% REQ'D VEHICULARREQUIREDPROVIDED128(Parked to Code)83 53211 181425(Parked to Code)636606* A MINOR EXCEPTION OF 25% IS BEING REQUESTED FOR COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL VISITOR PARKING REQUIREMENTS. 211 REQUIRED STALLS x 25% REDUCTION = 159 STALLS REQUIRED (181 PROVIDED).128425RESIDENTRETAIL / RESTAURANT / OFFICE / MEDICALUSESUBTOTAL*PARKING SUMMARY - PROJECT TOTALTOTALRESIDENTIAL VISITORRESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL / RESIDENTIAL VISITORRATIO # TOTAL0.333 2488325153PARKING SUMMARY - RESIDENTIAL VISITORSTANDARDHANDICAPPEDREQUIREDPROVIDEDTOTAL** A MINOR EXCEPTION OF 25% PARKING REDUCTION IS BEING REQUESTED FOR RESIDENTIAL VISITOR PARKING REQUIREMENTS.RATIO # TOTAL150 SF / DU 24837,200SF12,71020,5401,99018,8706004,43013,75072,890*SEE SHEEET A-007 FOR OPEN SPACE DIAGRAMCENTRAL LAWNOPEN SPACE SUMMARY*REQUIREDPROVIDEDLOCATIONINDOOR AMENITYSKY DECKSLINEAR PARKSOUTH PARKPOOL AMENITYRESI. PRIVATE BALCONIESTOTALRATIO (CU FT/DU) # TOTAL (CU FT)125 24831,000PROVIDEDCU FT23,0002,0002,0002,0002,00031,000RESIDENTIAL STORAGE SUMMARYREQUIREDTOTALBUILDING 4BUILDING 5BUILDING 6LOCATIONBUILDING 2BUILDING 10ISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2PROJECT SUMMARYINCLUDES BLDG 2 PARKING GARAGEALLOWABLE: 42 DU/AC36,000 SF REQUIRED8624 HAVEN AVE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA. 917300209-092-09 & 0209-092-139.367408,027INDUSTRIAL PARK (IP)MIXED-USE (MU)75'-0"APPX. 67'-0"45' BASE WITH 50-75% MU ZONING REDUCTION OF STREETSCAPE REQ'S = 11.25' - 22.5' (TO FACE OF CURB)23'-0" - 35'-8" (TO FACE OF CURB)35' BASE WITH 50-75% MU ZONING REDUCTION OF STREETSCAPE REQ'S = 8.75' - 17.5' (TO FACE OF CURB)27'-3" - 29'-2" (TO FACE OF CURB)379,908SITE ADDRESSAPNSITE AREA (ACRES)SITE AREA (SF)MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHTPROPOSED MAX. BUILDING HEIGHTALLOWABLE HAVEN SETBACKPROPOSED HAVEN SETBACKALLOWABLE ARROW SETBACKPROPOSED ARROW SETBACK0.9326.5 585 71,000248PROPOSED DU / AC # PARKING STALLSEXISTING ZONING CLASSIFICATIONPROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATIONRETAIL / RESTAURANT / OFFICE / MEDICAL23,750GROSS SFGROSS SF FAR PROPOSED DUOPEN SPACERATIO # TOTAL150 SF / DU 24837,200SF12,11020,4001,99018,8704,39013,24071,000*SEE SHEEET A-007 FOR OPEN SPACE DIAGRAMOPEN SPACE SUMMARY*REQUIREDPROVIDEDLOCATIONCENTRAL LAWNSKY DECKSLINEAR PARKSOUTH PARKPOOL AMENITYRESI. PRIVATE BALCONIESTOTALREQUIREDPROVIDED128(Parked to Code)83 32425(Parked to Code)636585* A MINOR EXCEPTION OF AN 8% REDUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL VISITOR PARKING REQUIREMENTS IS BEING REQUESTED.SEE MINOR EXCEPTION PARKING DIAGRAM SHEET FOR DETAILSRESIDENTIAL VISITORUSEPARKING SUMMARY - PROJECT TOTALTOTAL*128425RESIDENTRETAIL / RESTAURANT / OFFICE / MEDICALRESIDENTIAL VISITORRESIDENTIALCOMMERCIALBUILDING NRSF4,0002,8006,8007,8758003,70012,3758,50010,675TOTAL19,175*ASSUMES 70% EFFICIENCYVEHICULAR PARKING - REQUIREDRATIO TOTALRESTAURANT 10 Stalls / 1,000 SF. 85OFFICE/MEDICAL/RETAIL* 4 Stalls / 1,000 SF. 43TOTAL128VEHICULAR PARKING - PROVIDEDACCESSIBLE PARKING CAR: 14'x18' VAN: 17'x18' 3STANDARD PARKING125TOTAL1286.7 / 1,000 SFBICYCLE PARKING - REQUIREDRATIO TOTALSHORT TERM7LONG TERM7TOTAL14BICYCLE PARKING - PROVIDED77TOTAL14TOTAL - BLDG #1TOTAL - BLDG #2USE5% REQ'D VEHICULAR5% REQ'D VEHICULAR9'x18'SHORT TERMLONG TERMLEVEL 1: RESTAURANTLEVEL 2: OFFICE / MEDICAL / RETAIL*LEVEL 2: RESTAURANTLEVEL 1: OFFICE / MEDICAL / RETAIL*RESTAURANTRETAIL / RESTAURANT / OFFICE / MEDICAL SUMMARYPARKING SUMMARY - RETAIL / RESTAURANT / OFFICE / MEDICAL BLDG #1LEVEL 1: RESTAURANTTOTALSBLDG #2OFFICE / MEDICAL / RETAIL** PER CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE SEC 17.64.050 A.6. "…SQUARE FOOTAGE DEDICATED TO OFFICE HALLWAYS 44 INCHES OR LESS, ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ROOMS, ELEVATOR SHAFTS, STAIRWELLS, BATHROOMS AND STORAGE CLOSETS MAY BE DEDUCTED FROM THE GROSS SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR PARKING STALL CALCULATION PURPOSES." ** PER CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE SEC 17.64.050 A.6. "…SQUARE FOOTAGE DEDICATED TO OFFICE HALLWAYS 44 INCHES OR LESS, ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ROOMS, ELEVATOR SHAFTS, STAIRWELLS, BATHROOMS AND STORAGE CLOSETS MAY BE DEDUCTED FROM THE GROSS SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR PARKING STALL CALCULATION PURPOSES." RATIO (CU FT/DU) # TOTAL (CU FT)125 24831,000PROVIDEDCU FT20,1252,6252,6252,6253,00031,000LOCATIONBUILDING 2BUILDING 10BUILDING 5BUILDING 6TOTALBUILDING 4RESIDENTIAL STORAGE SUMMARYREQUIREDBUILDING UNIT SF.# UNITSNRSFMIXA2 1 BR FLAT 716 24 17,184A3 1 BR FLAT 748 33 24,684A10 1 BR FLAT 740 5 3,700LW10 LIVE/WORK 982 3 2,946LW11 LIVE/WORK 1,049 1 1,04966 49,56350%B1 2 BR FLAT 896 20 17,920B2 2 BR FLAT 1,095 6 6,570B3 2 BR FLAT 1,126 37 41,662LW20 LIVE/WORK 1,274 1 1,274LW21 LIVE/WORK 1,495 1 1,49565 68,92150%904 131 118,484A2 1 BR FLAT 716 3 2,148A3 1 BR FLAT 748 2 1,496A10 1 BR FLAT 740 3 2,2208 5,86427%B1 2 BR FLAT 896 14 12,544B3 2 BR FLAT 1,126 4 4,504B4 2 BR FLAT 1,110 4 4,44022 21,48873%912 30 27,352A1 1 BR FLAT 669 12 8,02812 8,02857%B5 2 BR FLAT 1,135 9 10,2159 10,21543%869 21 18,243A1 1 BR FLAT 669 12 8,02812 8,02857%B5 2 BR FLAT 1,135 9 10,2159 10,21543%1,251 21 26,271A1 1 BR FLAT 669 12 8,02812 8,02857%B5 2 BR FLAT 1,135 9 10,2159 10,21543%869 21 18,243S1 STUDIO FLAT 805 24 19,320 100%805 24 19,32024 19,320 9.7%110 79,511 44.4%114 121,054 46.0%887248219,885AVERAGE26.5 DU/ACSUBTOTAL - 1BRSUBTOTAL - 2BRBLDG #10SUBTOTAL - 1BRSUBTOTAL - 1BRSUBTOTAL - 1BRSUBTOTAL - 2BRRESIDENTIAL UNIT SUMMARY2 BEDROOM1 BEDROOMBLDG #2STUDIOUNIT TOTALTOTAL - BLDG #10PROJECT TOTALBLDG #4BLDG #5BLDG #6SUBTOTAL - 2BRSUBTOTAL - 2BRTOTAL - BLDG #5UNIT TYPESUBTOTAL - 1BRSUBTOTAL - 2BRTOTAL - BLDG #2TOTAL - BLDG #3BLDG #3TOTAL - BLDG #4TOTAL - BLDG #6RATIO # TOTAL0.333 2488323032HANDICAPPEDPARKING SUMMARY - RESIDENTIAL VISITORSTANDARDREQUIREDPROVIDEDTOTAL*VEHICULAR PARKING - REQUIREDRATIO # DU TOTALSTUDIO 1.3 Stalls / DU 24 321 BEDROOM 1.5 Stalls / DU 110 1652 BEDROOM 2.0 Stalls / DU 114 228TOTAL425VEHICULAR PARKING - PROVIDEDACCESSIBLE PARKING CAR: 14'x18' VAN: 17'x18'9STANDARD PARKING416TOTAL4251.71 / DUPARKING SUMMARY - RESIDENTIAL9'x18'COVERED PARKING - REQUIREDRATIO # DU TOTALRESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT 1.0 Stall / DU 248 248TOTAL248COVERED PARKING - PROVIDED*TOTALRESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT248TOTAL248*See Sheet A-009, Site Parking Diagram for location of covered parking stalls.BICYCLE PARKING - REQUIREDRATIO # TOTALSHORT TERM425 22LONG TERM425 22TOTAL44BICYCLE PARKING - PROVIDED2222TOTAL445% REQ'D VEHICULAR5% REQ'D VEHICULARSHORT TERMLONG TERM Vent Hood10 88 7 7 10 OFF10887710OFF FDC FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION PROPERTY LINE T PROPOSED TRANSFORMER AND SWITCHGEAR LOCATION FIRE HYDRANT LOCATION - VERIFY LOCATION WITH CIVIL DRAWINGS ACCESSIBLE ROUTE FROM PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY TO BUILDING ENTRANCES FH 1. THIS ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN IS PROVIDED FOR OVERALL SITE REFERENCE, THE LOCATION OF ITEMS INCLUDED IN THIS SET OF PLANS IS FOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO BE USED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ANY SITE IMPROVEMENTS. SEE PLANS PREPARED BY THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR ALL SITE IMPROVEMENTS 2. SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR LOT LINE DIMENSIONS. 3. AN ACCESSIBLE ROUTE FROM THE DWELLING UNIT SHALL BE PROVIDED EITHER DIRECTLY FROM THE UNIT TO A GARAGE OR FROM THE PRIMARY ENTRY DOOR TO THE VEHICULAR ENTRANCE OF THE GARAGE PER CBC SECTION 1109A.2.1 4. ALL ACCESSIBLE RAMPS AND ROUTES ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE THE FOLLOWING: • WALKING SURFACE SHALL NOT EXCEED 5% SLOPE. • RAMPS SHALL NOT EXCEED 8.33% SLOPE AND SHALL HAVE REQUIRED CURBS AND HANDRAILS. • ALL CROSS SLOPES SHALL NOT EXCEED 2%. • THERE SHALL BE NO ABRUPT CHANGES IN ELEVATION ALONG THE ACCESSIBLE ROUTE. • REFER TO CIVIL AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS. 5. TEMPORARY PEDESTRIAN PROTECTION SHALL BE PROVIDED AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 3306. OBTAIN PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL. (3201.3, 3202.3.4, 3306) 6. HAVEN AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENTS ARE SHOWN FOR DIAGRAMMATIC PURPOSES ONLY. FHFHFH FH FHFHFH FH FHFH FH FHFHFHFHFHFH FH FH BUILDING #6 3-STORY, TYPE VA APARTMENT BUILDING 24,030 SF. (GROSS) BUILDING #5 3-STORY, TYPE VA APARTMENT BUILDING 24,030 SF. (GROSS) BUILDING #4 3-STORY, TYPE VA APARTMENT BUILDING 24,030 SF. (GROSS) BUILDING #3 4-STORY, TYPE VA APARTMENT BUILDING 36,680 SF. (GROSS) BUILDING #2 4-STORY, TYPE VA OVER 1-STORY TYPE I SUB-T PARKING MIXED-USE BUILDING 175,480 SF. (GROSS)BUILDING #1 2-STORY, TYPE VA RETAIL / OFFICE BUILDING 9,690 SF. (GROSS) BUILDING #10 3-STORY, TYPE VA APARTMENT BUILDING 26,590 SF. (GROSS) BUILDING #7 1-STORY, TYPE VA PARKING GARAGE 1,280 SF. (GROSS) BUILDING #8 1-STORY, TYPE VA PARKING GARAGE 1,590 SF. (GROSS) BUILDING #9 1-STORY, TYPE VA PARKING GARAGE 1,280 SF. (GROSS) BUILDING #11 1-STORY, TYPE VA LEASING BUILDING 2,760 SF. (GROSS) SOUTH PROJECT ENTRY (EXISTING) NORTH PROJECT ENTRY (PROPOSED) RESIDENTIAL PARKING GUEST PARKING RESIDENT PARKING RESIDENT PARKING RESI. OUTDOOR AMENITY AREA (SEE SHEET LP101) "THE LAWN" OUTDOOR OPEN AREA (SEE SHEET LP101) ALLOWABLE SETBACK: 45' BASE W/ 50-75% REDUCTION PER MU ZONING ALLOWABLE SETBACK: 45' BASE W/ 50-75% REDUCTION PER MU ZONINGALLOWABLE SETBACK: 35' BASE W/ 50-75% REDUCTION PER MU ZONING ALLOWABLE SETBACK: 35' BASE W/ 50-75% REDUCTION PER MU ZONING RESIDENT PARKING GUEST PARKING RETAIL / RESTAURANT / OFFICE / MEDICAL PARKING RETAIL / RESTAURANT / OFFICE / MEDICAL PARKING A R R O W R O U T EH A V E N A V E N U E 37'-6"36'-4"23'-8"24'-0"87'-2"19'-6"334'-6"683'-6"35'-8"29'-2"31'-2"26'-0"45'-0"79'-0"25'-0" 16'-0" 93'-8"145'-8"59'-9"79'-5" 26'-0"24'-0"24'-0"26'-0"26'-0"25'-0"26'-0"88'-1"25'-0"107'-5"℄18'-0"56'-0"138'-1"RIGHT -IN, RIGHT-OUT ONLY RIGHT -IN, RIGHT-OUT ONLY EXISTING COMMERCIAL PARKING LOT (NOT A PART) EXISTING MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (NOT A PART) EXISTING MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (NOT A PART) PROPOSED 6' WIDE LADSCAPE BUFFER 6'-0"FUTURE STREET IMPROVEMENTS BY OTHERS 25'-0"79'-0"8'-0"8'-0"6'-0"17'-2"14'-0"18'-0"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"10'-0"12'-0"8'-0"8'-0"12'-0"7'-0"11'-0"11'-0"22'-7"12'-9"13'-4"8'-0"8'-0"0' SHEET NUMBER ARCHITECT CLIENT/OWNER PROJECT SHEET TITLE ISSUES & REVISIONS D C B A 4 3 2 15 4 3 2 15 SCALE:30'15' 60' PROJECT NUMBER: A R C H I T E C T U R E 100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 414-4066 NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE DOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ISSUE DATE: ISSUE AS: 2020-109 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN A-006. RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 8500 HAVEN, LLC. HAVEN+ARROW 6/7/2022 BID SET NSITE PLAN LEGEND SITE PLAN NOTES 1" = 30'-0"2 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN. NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 05/25/21 SD Submittal 10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set 12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal 3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 0' SHEET NUMBER ARCHITECT CLIENT/OWNER PROJECT SHEET TITLE ISSUES & REVISIONS D C B A 4 3 2 15 4 3 2 15 SCALE:4'2' 8' PROJECT NUMBER: A R C H I T E C T U R E 100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 414-4066 NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE DOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ISSUE DATE: ISSUE AS: 2020-109 ILLUSTRATIVE ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN A-006A. RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 8500 HAVEN, LLC. HAVEN+ARROW 6/7/2022 BID SET NO. DATE DESCRIPTION N1" = 30'-0"1 ILLUSTRATIVE SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-1093D PROJECT VIEWSA-020.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #21236710115489N AERIAL VIEW LOOKING NORTH-WESTviewNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-1093D PROJECT VIEWSA-021.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #21236710115489N viewBviewAA) AERIAL VIEW LOOKING SOUTH-EASTB) AERIAL VIEW LOOKING SOUTH-WESTNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 UP UP RETAIL / OFFICE / MEDICAL / RESTAURANT PARKING (BUILDING 1 & 2) RESIDENTIAL PARKING (BUILDING 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10) RESIDENTIAL VISITOR CARPORT STRUCTURE STANDARD PARKING 9' X 18' U.N.O WHEN ADJACENT TO A WALL OR COLUMN 10' X 20' STREET PARKING R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRBUILDING 2 -LEVEL P1 -PARKING RRR R RETAIL / OFFICE / MEDICAL / RESTAURANT PARKING RESIDENTIAL VISITOR PARKING RESIDENT PARKINGRESIDENT PARKING RESIDENT PARKING RESIDENT PARKING RESIDENTIAL VISITOR PARKING RESIDENT PARKINGR R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRVVVVRRRRRRVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV V V V V V V V V V V V V V CCCCCCC C C C C C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCVVVVVVVVVVVVVVCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C C CRRRRRRRRRRRRR SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSVCCCCCCCCCCVVRRRRRRRCVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV RVRETAIL / OFFICE / MEDICAL /RESTAURANT PARKING C C SSSSSVV VRACCESSIBLE PARKING REQUIREMENTS: RETAIL PARKING CBC TABLE 11B-208.2, FROM 101 TO 150 STALLS REQUIRES 5 ACCESSIBLE STALLS (4 STANDARD + 1 VAN) RESIDENTIAL PARKING CBC 1109A.4 ASSIGNED ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES AT LEAST 2 PERCENT OF THE ASSIGNED PARKING SPACES SERVING COVERED MULTIFAMILY DWELLING UNITS SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE IN EACH TYPE OF PARKING FACILITY 2% x 425 = 9 STALL (8 STANDARD + 1 VAN) GUEST PARKING CBC 1109A.5 UNASSIGNED AND VISITOR PARKING SPACES 5 PERCENT OF THE PARKING SPACES SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE AND PROVIDE ACCESS TO GRADE-LEVEL ENTRANCES OF COVERED MULTIFAMILY DWELLINGS AND FACILITIES THAT SERVE COVERED MULTIFAMILY DWELLINGS 5% x 32 = 3 STALL (2 STANDARD + 1 VAN) CALGREEN PARKING REQUIREMENT SEE SHEET A101 FOR EV STALL LOCATIONS RETAIL PARKING CALGREEN LOW EMITTING VEHICLES MARKED AS "CLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EV" PER TABLE - FROM 101 TO 150 STALLS REQUIRES 18 STALLS (17 STANDARD + 1 ACCESIBLE VAN) CALGREEN ELECTRIC VEHICLE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT (EVSE) MARKED AS "EV CAPABLE" PER TABLE - FROM 101 TO 150 STALLS REQUIRES 13 STALLS (12 STANDARD + 1 ACCESSIBLE VAN) RESIDENTIAL PARKING CALGREEN 15 PERCENT OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES PROVIDED FOR ALL TYPES OF PARKING FACILITIES MARKED AS "EV CAPABLE" 15% x 425 = 63.75 64 STALL (41 STANDARD + (2) 8'-0" LOADING AISLE) CALGREEN BICYCLE PARKING REQUIREMENT RETAIL BICYCLE PARKING CALGREEN SHORT TERM BICYCLE PARKING PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 5 PERCENT OF VEHICLE PARKING 5% x 110 = 6 BIKE PARKING CALGREEN LONG TERM BICYCLE PARKING PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 5 PERCENT OF VEHICLE PARKING 5% x 110 = 6 BIKE PARKING RESIDENTIAL BICYCLE PARKING RANCHO MUNICIPAL CODE 17.64.100 SHORT TERM BICYCE PARKING PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 5 PERCENT OF VEHICLE PARKING 5% x 425 = 22 BIKE PARKING RANCHO MUNICIPAL CODE 17.64.100 LONG TERM BICYCLE PARKING PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 5 PERCENT OF VEHICLE PARKING 5% x 425 = 22 BIKE PARKING 0' SHEET NUMBER ARCHITECT CLIENT/OWNER PROJECT SHEET TITLE ISSUES & REVISIONS D C B A 4 3 2 15 4 3 2 15 SCALE:4'2' 8' PROJECT NUMBER: A R C H I T E C T U R E 100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 414-4066 NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE DOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ISSUE DATE: ISSUE AS: 2020-109 SITE PARKING DIAGRAM A-009. RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 8500 HAVEN, LLC. HAVEN+ARROW 6/7/2022 BID SET STALLS COMMERCIAL BLDG 1 38 BLDG 2 - COMMERCIAL 43 81 RESIDENTIAL BLDG 2 - RESIDENTIAL 229 BLDG 3 56 BLDG 4 36 BLDG 5 36 BLDG 6 36 BLDG 10 32 425 RESIDENTIAL GUEST VISITOR PARKING 83 83 TOTAL PROVIDED 589 STALLS BASEMENT 135 CARPORT (EXTERIOR) 64 CARPORT (INTERIOR) 24 GARAGE 25 TOTAL:248 TYPE COUNT RATIO STALL Building 2 1 BEDROOM 66 1.5 99 2 BEDROOM 65 2 130 131 229 Building 3 1 BEDROOM 8 1.5 12 2 BEDROOM 22 2 44 30 56 Building 4 1 BEDROOM 12 1.5 18 2 BEDROOM 9 2 18 21 36 Building 5 1 BEDROOM 12 1.5 18 2 BEDROOM 9 2 18 21 36 Building 6 1 BEDROOM 12 1.5 18 2 BEDROOM 9 2 18 21 36 Building 10 STUDIO 24 1.3 31.2 24 31.2 TOTAL: 248 424.2 NOTE: 1 REQUIRED COVERED STALL PER DWELLING UNIT 1" = 40'-0"1 LEVEL P1 - PARKING PLAN NN1" = 40'-0"3 SITE PARKING PROVIDED PARKING SUMMARY PARKING PLAN LEGEND REQUIRED PARKING SUMMARY PARKING NOTES REQUIRED COMMERCIAL PARKING: BUILDLING 1 AREA LEVEL 1: RESTAURANT 4,000 SF LEVEL 2: OFFICE / RETAIL* 2,800 SF BUILDING 2 LEVEL 1: OFFICE / RETAIL / MEDICAL* 7,875 SF LEVEL 1: RESTAURANT 800 SF LEVEL 2: RESTAURANT 3,700 SF TOTAL: RESTAURANT: 8,500 SF OFFICE / RETAIL / MEDICAL*10,675 SF RATIO COUNT RESTAURANT:10 STALLS / 1,000 SF 85 OFFICE / RETAIL / MEDICAL 4 STALLS / 1,000 SF 43 TOTAL:128 *ASSUMES 70% EFFICIENCY REQUIRED RESIDENTIAL PARKING: REQUIRED VISITOR PARKING: 1 PER 3 UNITS UNITS RATIO COUNT 248 1 PER 3 UNITS 82.7 *A MINOR EXCEPTION FOR PARKING REDUCTION IS BEING REQUESTED. * PROVIDED PARKING: PROVIDED COVERED PARKING: NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 05/25/21 SD Submittal 10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set 12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal 3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 TOTAL REQUIRED PARKING SPACE: COMMERCIAL = 128 RESIDENTIAL = 424.2 = 425 VISITORS PARKING = 82.7 = 83 TOTAL REQUIRED = 636 PARKING STALLS TRT R R T RTRTRT354'-11"80'-6"DRIVE AISLE24'-0"DRIVE AISLE26'-0"ELEVELEVRESI. BIKE PKG.RAMP UP 435'-5"275'-6"A2-201.1A2-200.1A2-200.2A2-202.424'-0"ELECT.SUBMETERROOMMECH. ROOMELECT.SUBMETERROOMRESIDENTIAL STORAGEMAINTENANCE /METERSTRASH ROOMTRASH ROOMMAINELECTRICALROOMRESIDENTIALSTORAGESTAIR 1STAIR 3INVERTER(ELEC.)RESIDENTIAL STORAGE80'-4"15'-4"4'-0"14'-3"4'-0"STAIR 2SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:1/16" = 1'-0"2020-109BUILDING 2 - LEVEL P1FLOOR PLANA2-100.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #21/16" = 1'-0"1BUILDING 2. - LEVEL P1 FLOOR PLAN N NO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 50'-1"RESIDENTIAL / RETAIL TRASHRETAIL / RESTAURANT / OFFICE / MEDICAL PARKING11'-0"7'-4" 8'-6"19'-1"8'-4"22'-7"21'-4"28'-8"PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE100'-0"50'-0"50'-0"A1-200.1A1-200.2A1-201.2A1-201.1TYP. 18'-0"TYP.9'-0"24'-0"24'-0"26'-0"24'-0"RETAIL /RESTAURANTSPACE ARETAIL /RESTAURANTSPACE BOFFICE LOBBYFLOOR PLAN NOTES1. DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTERLINE OF COLUMN, FACE OF STUD, FACE OF CONCRETE, OR FACE OF MASONRY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. ANY DISCREPANCIES NOTED SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.3. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.4. APPROVED SET OF PLANS FOR BUILDING, FIRE SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM, ETC. SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE WITHOUT COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE PROVISION.5. REFER TO SHEETS "BUILDING CODE ANALYSIS" FOR EGRESS, CODE ANALYSIS, AND FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLY INFORMATION.6. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY CEILING OR WALL ACCESS PANELS AS REQUIRED FOR AIR CONDITIONING, PLUMBING, FIRE SPRINKLER, AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. IN FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLIES PROVIDE RATED ACCESS PANELS WITH SELF-CLOSING DEVICES.7. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR COLORS, FINISHES, THICKNESS, REINFORCING, AND CONTROL/EXPANSION JOINTS OF WALKS AND HARDSCAPE AREA.8. ALL ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGNS SHOWN SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE AND NOT OBSTRUCTED BY PIPES, MECHANICAL DUCTWORK, EQUIPMENT, ETC. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PENDANT EXTENSIONS AT ALL CEILING HUNG EXIT SIGNS AS REQUIRED PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.9. WALKING SURFACES OF THE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL HAVE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE AND BE SECURELY ATTACHED.10. GROUND AND FLOOR SURFACES ALONG ACCESSIBLE ROUTES AND IN ACCESSIBLE ROOMS AND SPACES, INCLUDING FLOORS, WALKS, RAMPS, STAIRS, AND CURB RAMPS SHALL BE STABLE, FIRM, AND SLIP RESISTANT.11. PROVIDE FURRED WALLS AS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITY AND DRAIN LINES THAT EXTEND UP THE INTERIOR WALL SURFACE.12. PROVIDE 2A-10BC FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT. PROVIDE SIGN, APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, REQUIRED TO INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER.13. FOR TYPICAL INFORMATION NOT SHOWN, REFER TO PLAN OF THE STORY BELOW.14. INTERIOR FINISHES SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC CHAPTER 8 FOR FLAME SPREAD PROVISIONS.0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 1 - LEVEL 1FLOOR PLANA1-100.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SETN1/8" = 1'-0"1BLDG1-LEVEL 1NO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 DNROOF LINE ABOVEOFFICEBALCONYLOBBY BELOW100'-0"42'-0"8'-0"50'-0"50'-0"A1-200.1A1-200.2A1-201.2A1-201.1OFFICE /MEDICAL21%15%16%81%81%24'-0"30'-0"30'-0"74'-0"54'-0" 14'-6"25'-0"14'-6"18'-4"28'-0"27'-8"EQUIPMENT WELLELEV. OVERRUNSLOPED ROOFSLOPED ROOFSLOPED ROOF46'-4"55'-8"A1-200.1A1-200.2A1-201.2A1-201.1FLOOR PLAN NOTES1. DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTERLINE OF COLUMN, FACE OF STUD, FACE OF CONCRETE, OR FACE OF MASONRY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. ANY DISCREPANCIES NOTED SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.3. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.4. APPROVED SET OF PLANS FOR BUILDING, FIRE SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM, ETC. SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE WITHOUT COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE PROVISION.5. REFER TO SHEETS "BUILDING CODE ANALYSIS" FOR EGRESS, CODE ANALYSIS, AND FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLY INFORMATION.6. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY CEILING OR WALL ACCESS PANELS AS REQUIRED FOR AIR CONDITIONING, PLUMBING, FIRE SPRINKLER, AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. IN FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLIES PROVIDE RATED ACCESS PANELS WITH SELF-CLOSING DEVICES.7. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR COLORS, FINISHES, THICKNESS, REINFORCING, AND CONTROL/EXPANSION JOINTS OF WALKS AND HARDSCAPE AREA.8. ALL ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGNS SHOWN SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE AND NOT OBSTRUCTED BY PIPES, MECHANICAL DUCTWORK, EQUIPMENT, ETC. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PENDANT EXTENSIONS AT ALL CEILING HUNG EXIT SIGNS AS REQUIRED PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.9. WALKING SURFACES OF THE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL HAVE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE AND BE SECURELY ATTACHED.10. GROUND AND FLOOR SURFACES ALONG ACCESSIBLE ROUTES AND IN ACCESSIBLE ROOMS AND SPACES, INCLUDING FLOORS, WALKS, RAMPS, STAIRS, AND CURB RAMPS SHALL BE STABLE, FIRM, AND SLIP RESISTANT.11. PROVIDE FURRED WALLS AS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITY AND DRAIN LINES THAT EXTEND UP THE INTERIOR WALL SURFACE.12. PROVIDE 2A-10BC FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT. PROVIDE SIGN, APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, REQUIRED TO INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER.13. FOR TYPICAL INFORMATION NOT SHOWN, REFER TO PLAN OF THE STORY BELOW.14. INTERIOR FINISHES SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC CHAPTER 8 FOR FLAME SPREAD PROVISIONS.1. DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTERLINE OF COLUMN, FACE OF STUD, FACE OF CONCRETE, OR FACE OF MASONRY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. ANY DISCREPANCIES NOTED SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.3. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.4. APPROVED SET OF PLANS FOR BUILDING, FIRE SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM, ETC. SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE WITHOUT COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE PROVISION.5. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR COLORS, FINISHES, THICKNESS, REINFORCING, AND CONTROL/EXPANSION JOINTS OF WALKS AND HARDSCAPE AREA.6. ALL ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGNS SHOWN SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE AND NOT OBSTRUCTED BY PIPES, MECHANICAL DUCTWORK, EQUIPMENT, ETC. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PENDANT EXTENSIONS AT ALL CEILING HUNG EXIT SIGNS AS REQUIRED PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.7. WALKING SURFACES OF THE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL HAVE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE AND BE SECURELY ATTACHED.8. GROUND AND FLOOR SURFACES ALONG ACCESSIBLE ROUTES AND IN ACCESSIBLE ROOMS AND SPACES, INCLUDING FLOORS, WALKS, RAMPS, STAIRS, AND CURB RAMPS SHALL BE STABLE, FIRM, AND SLIP RESISTANT.9. PROVIDE FURRED WALLS AS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITY AND DRAIN LINES THAT EXTEND UP THE INTERIOR WALL SURFACE.10. PROVIDE 2A-10BC FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT. PROVIDE SIGN, APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, REQUIRED TO INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER.ROOF PLAN NOTES0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 1 - LEVEL 2FLOOR PLAN & ROOFPLANA1-101.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1/8" = 1'-0"2BLDG 1-LEVEL 2N1/8" = 1'-0"1BLDG 1-T.O. ROOFN NO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 MATERIALS LEGEND1VINYL WINDOWS7RIBBED TPO9STUCCO3PAINTED METAL RAILING5FIBER CEMENT PANEL2ALUMINUM STOREFRONT6GLASS RAILING4CANOPY8FIBER CEMENT SIDING10 STONE VENEER1. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.2. ALL CONTROL JOINTS AND FINISH MATERIALS SHALL WRAP AROUND CORNERS AND CONTINUE ONTO ADJACENT WALLS WHETHER SHOWN OR NOT, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PER ASTM C 1063 INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE AN EXPANSION JOINT OCCURS IN THE BASE EXTERIOR WALL. INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE CEILING FRAMING OR FURRING CHANGES DIRECTION3. PER ASTM C 1063, EXTERIOR PLASTER CONTROL JOINTS TO BE INSTALLED IN VERTICAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 144 SQUARE FEET IN AREA AND HORIZONTAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 100 SQUARE FEET IN AREA. DISTANCE BETWEEN CONTROL JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 18 FEET IN EITHER DIRECTION OR A LENGTH-TO-WIDTH RATIO OF 2.5 TO 1.4. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES.5. AT EVERY PRIMARY PUBLIC ENTRANCE 60" A.F.F., ADJOINING THE ENTRY DOOR, THERE SHALL BE A SIGN DISPLAYING THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY. THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY SHALL CONSIST OF A WHITE FIGURE ON A BLUE BACKGROUND. THE BLUE COLOR SHALL BE PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.6. ALL WEEP SCREED LINES SHALL BE LEVEL AND STEP WITH ADJACENT GRADE. STEPPING OF WEEP SCREED TO OCCUR AT INSIDE CORNERS. BOTTOM EDGE OF WEEP SCREED SHALL BE INSTALLED NOT LESS THAN 1-INCH BELOW THE JOINT FORMED BY THE FOUNDATION AND FRAMING. NOSE OF SCREED SHALL BE PLACED 4 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE GRADE OR 2 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE PAVED SURFACE.7. ALL WINDOW HEAD HEIGHTS TO BE 8’-0”ABOVE FINISH FLOOR, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.8. ALL WINDOWS TO BE RECESSED, EXCEPT AT DECKS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. REFER TO BUILDING AND UNIT PLANS FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION.9. FRAMING SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND COORDINATE EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNAGE LOCATIONS AND SHALL PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING WHERE REQUIRED.10. PAINT CONDUIT TO MATCH ADJACENT SURFACE.11. ALL AREAS WHERE SMOOTH PLASTER OCCURS, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE BASE COAT AND MESH-CRACK ISOLATION SYSTEM, REFER TO SPECIFICATION.12. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING ANY CONFLICTS AND/OR DISCREPANCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT.13. FACADE ACCESS PLAN (OPOS) SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OWNER TO COMPLY WITH OSHA REGULATIONS. THE OWNER SHALL COORDINATE AND NOTIFY THE PROJECT TEAM IF FAÇADE ACCESS REQUIREMENTS NEED TO BE SHOWN IN THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS.ELEVATION NOTESBLDG 1-LEVEL 1+1150'-6"BLDG 1-T.O. ROOF+32'-0"BLDG 1-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+1165'-6"58423918'-6"15'-0" DIMENSION TO THE HIGHEST POINT40'-6"BLDG 1-LEVEL 1+1150'-6"BLDG 1-T.O. ROOF+32'-0"BLDG 1-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+1165'-6"24DIMENSION TO THE HIGHEST POINT40'-6"7815'-0"18'-6" 33'-6"0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 1 -ELEVATIONS - NORTH& EASTA1-200.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1/8" = 1'-0"1BLDG. 1 - EAST ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"2BLDG. 1 - NORTH ELEVATIONNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 MATERIALS LEGEND1VINYL WINDOWS7RIBBED TPO9STUCCO3PAINTED METAL RAILING5FIBER CEMENT PANEL2ALUMINUM STOREFRONT6GLASS RAILING4CANOPY8FIBER CEMENT SIDING10 STONE VENEER1. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.2. ALL CONTROL JOINTS AND FINISH MATERIALS SHALL WRAP AROUND CORNERS AND CONTINUE ONTO ADJACENT WALLS WHETHER SHOWN OR NOT, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PER ASTM C 1063 INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE AN EXPANSION JOINT OCCURS IN THE BASE EXTERIOR WALL. INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE CEILING FRAMING OR FURRING CHANGES DIRECTION3. PER ASTM C 1063, EXTERIOR PLASTER CONTROL JOINTS TO BE INSTALLED IN VERTICAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 144 SQUARE FEET IN AREA AND HORIZONTAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 100 SQUARE FEET IN AREA. DISTANCE BETWEEN CONTROL JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 18 FEET IN EITHER DIRECTION OR A LENGTH-TO-WIDTH RATIO OF 2.5 TO 1.4. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES.5. AT EVERY PRIMARY PUBLIC ENTRANCE 60" A.F.F., ADJOINING THE ENTRY DOOR, THERE SHALL BE A SIGN DISPLAYING THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY. THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY SHALL CONSIST OF A WHITE FIGURE ON A BLUE BACKGROUND. THE BLUE COLOR SHALL BE PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.6. ALL WEEP SCREED LINES SHALL BE LEVEL AND STEP WITH ADJACENT GRADE. STEPPING OF WEEP SCREED TO OCCUR AT INSIDE CORNERS. BOTTOM EDGE OF WEEP SCREED SHALL BE INSTALLED NOT LESS THAN 1-INCH BELOW THE JOINT FORMED BY THE FOUNDATION AND FRAMING. NOSE OF SCREED SHALL BE PLACED 4 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE GRADE OR 2 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE PAVED SURFACE.7. ALL WINDOW HEAD HEIGHTS TO BE 8’-0”ABOVE FINISH FLOOR, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.8. ALL WINDOWS TO BE RECESSED, EXCEPT AT DECKS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. REFER TO BUILDING AND UNIT PLANS FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION.9. FRAMING SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND COORDINATE EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNAGE LOCATIONS AND SHALL PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING WHERE REQUIRED.10. PAINT CONDUIT TO MATCH ADJACENT SURFACE.11. ALL AREAS WHERE SMOOTH PLASTER OCCURS, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE BASE COAT AND MESH-CRACK ISOLATION SYSTEM, REFER TO SPECIFICATION.12. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING ANY CONFLICTS AND/OR DISCREPANCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT.13. FACADE ACCESS PLAN (OPOS) SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OWNER TO COMPLY WITH OSHA REGULATIONS. THE OWNER SHALL COORDINATE AND NOTIFY THE PROJECT TEAM IF FAÇADE ACCESS REQUIREMENTS NEED TO BE SHOWN IN THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS.ELEVATION NOTESBLDG 1-LEVEL 1+1150'-6"BLDG 1-T.O. ROOF+32'-0"BLDG 1-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+1165'-6"8247DIMENSION TO THE HIGHEST POINT40'-6" 18'-6"15'-0"BLDG 1-LEVEL 1+1150'-6"BLDG 1-T.O. ROOF+32'-0"BLDG 1-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+1165'-6"9548DIMENSION TO THE HIGHEST POINT40'-6"218'-6"15'-0"0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 1 -ELEVATIONS - SOUTH& WESTA1-201.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1/8" = 1'-0"2BLDG. 1 - SOUTH ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"1BLDG. 1 - WEST ELEVATIONNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 1 - 3D VIEWSA1-300.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1236710115489N viewAviewBA) VIEW LOOKING NORTH-WESTB) VIEW LOOKING SOUTH-WEST1236710115489NO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #2 SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 1 - 3D VIEWSA1-301.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1236710115489N viewBviewAA) VIEW LOOKING SOUTH-EASTB) VIEW LOOKING NORTH-EASTNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 TRUPUPUPREFB WINE DWBREFB WINEDWBREFB WINE DWBREFB WINEDWBREFBWINEDWBREFBWINEDWB REFB WINE DWBREFB WINE DWBT R WINEBDW BREFPLUPREFB WINEDWBREFB WINEDWB REFB WINE DWBREFB WINE DWBREFBWINEDWB REFBWINEDWB REFB WINEDWB REFB WINE DWBREFBWINEDWB REFBWINEDWB 70'-0"30'-9"WOMENMENRESIDENTIAL LOBBYELEVMAIL / PARCELTRASHELEVWOMEN MENRESIDENTIAL LOBBY363'-9"71'-8"RESIDENT PARKING81'-0" 228'-9"46'-9"5'-6"NORTH PROJECT ENTRYHAVEN AVENUEARROW ROUTELINE OF BUILDING ABOVERTL. TRASH97'-8 3/4"58'-3 1/4"171'-7 1/2"37'-9 1/2"10'-0" 204'-6"STAIR 2FITNESS PATIORETAIL / RESTAURANT / OFFICE / MEDICAL PARKINGUNIT LW11UNIT LW10UNIT LW20UNIT LW21UNIT LW10aUNIT LW10UNIT A3UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B1.1UNIT A3UNIT B1.1UNIT A10UNIT B3UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT A3RESTAURANTLOBBYRESIDENTIALFITNESS CENTERRETAIL / OFFICE / MEDICALSTAIR 1STAIR 3A2-201.1A2-200.1A2-200.2A2-202.4SEE A7-100. FOR INFORMATION10.00%GATE FOR FIRE ACCESS LANEDN TO BASEMENT10.00%DNUPELECTRICALROOMMPOEPARCELSTORAGEIDFIDFIDFIDFQUICK SERVE FOOD / BEVERAGERESIDENTIAL LOBBYR0LL UP DOORSSHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:1/16" = 1'-0"2020-109BUILDING 2 - LEVEL 1FLOOR PLANA2-101.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SETN1/16" = 1'-0"1BUILDING 2 - LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLANNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 TRREFBWINEDWB REFB WINE DWBREFB WINEDWBREFBWINEDWBREFBWINEDWBREFBWINEDWBREFBWINEDWBREFBWINEDWBREFBWINEDWB REFB WINE DWBREFB WINE DWBREFBWINEDW B REFB WINE DWBREFBWINEDW B REFBWINEDW B REFBWINEDW B REFBWINEDWBREFB WINEDWB REFBWINEDWB REFB WINE DWBT RWINEBDWBREFP WINEBDW BREFPLLREFB WINEDWBREFB WINEDWB REFB WINE DWBREFB WINE DWBREFBWINEDWB REFBWINEDWB REFBWINEDWBREFBWINEDWBREFBWINEDWBREFBWINEDWBREFBWINEDWB REFB WINEDWB REFB WINE DWBREFBWINEDWB REFBWINEDWB REFB WINEDWBBOHSTAIR DOWN70'-0"228'-9"46'-9"5'-6"71'-10"363'-7"71'-0"365'-5"STAIR 1 STAIR 2STAIR 3UNIT A2UNIT B3UNIT B1UNIT A2UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B1UNIT A2UNIT B1UNIT A3UNIT B2UNIT A2UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B3UNIT A10UNIT A3UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT A3UNIT B3UNIT B3UNIT A10UNIT B3UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B1.2UNIT A2UNIT B1UNIT B1UNIT B2UNIT A2UNIT A2UNIT A3RESTAURANT435'-5"204'-6"A2-200.1A2-200.2A2-202.4IDFIDFIDFIDFSHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:1/16" = 1'-0"2020-109BUILDING 2 - LEVEL 2FLOOR PLANA2-102.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1/16" = 1'-0"1BUILDING 2 - LEVEL 2NO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal N ISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 BB BB B BBB BBBB BB BB BB B BB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBB BBB BB BBB B BB BBB BBBBBBBBBB B BB BBB BB B BRESTAURANT BELOW70'-0"228'-9"46'-9"435'-5"71'-0"365'-5"STAIR 1 STAIR 2STAIR 3UNIT B1UNIT A2UNIT A10UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B3UNIT A2UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B1UNIT A2UNIT B1UNIT A3UNIT B2UNIT A2UNIT B3UNIT B1UNIT A10UNIT B3UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT A2UNIT B1UNIT A3UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B1.2UNIT A2UNIT A2UNIT B2204'-6"A2-201.1A2-200.1A2-200.2A2-202.4IDFIDFIDFIDFSHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:1/16" = 1'-0"2020-109BUILDING 2 - LEVEL 3FLOOR PLANA2-103.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1/16" = 1'-0"1BUILDING 2 - LEVEL 3NO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal N ISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 BB BB B BBB BBBB BB BB BB B BB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BB B BB BB BB BBB BB BBBBBBBBBB B BB BBB BB B BRESI.LOBBYSTAIR 1 RESI.LOBBYSTAIR 270'-0"228'-9"46'-9"435'-5"71'-0"365'-5"UNIT B1UNIT A2UNIT A2UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B1UNIT A2UNIT B1UNIT A3UNIT B2UNIT A2UNIT B3UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B3UNIT B1UNIT A2UNIT B1UNIT A3UNIT B2UNIT A2UNIT A2UNIT B3UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B3UNIT A3UNIT B1.2SKY DECK ASKY DECK CSKY DECK B8'-0"63'-8"363'-9"204'-6"A2-201.1A2-200.1A2-200.2A2-202.4IDFIDFIDFIDFLINE OF CANOPY ABOVESHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:1/16" = 1'-0"2020-109BUILDING 2 - LEVEL 4FLOOR PLANA2-104.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1/16" = 1'-0"1BUILDING 2 - LEVEL 4NO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal N ISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 MATERIALS LEGEND1VINYL WINDOWS7RIBBED TPO9STUCCO3PAINTED METAL RAILING5FIBER CEMENT PANEL2ALUMINUM STOREFRONT6GLASS RAILING4CANOPY8FIBER CEMENT SIDING10 STONE VENEER1. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.2. ALL CONTROL JOINTS AND FINISH MATERIALS SHALL WRAP AROUND CORNERS AND CONTINUE ONTO ADJACENT WALLS WHETHER SHOWN OR NOT, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PER ASTM C 1063 INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE AN EXPANSION JOINT OCCURS IN THE BASE EXTERIOR WALL. INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE CEILING FRAMING OR FURRING CHANGES DIRECTION3. PER ASTM C 1063, EXTERIOR PLASTER CONTROL JOINTS TO BE INSTALLED IN VERTICAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 144 SQUARE FEET IN AREA AND HORIZONTAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 100 SQUARE FEET IN AREA. DISTANCE BETWEEN CONTROL JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 18 FEET IN EITHER DIRECTION OR A LENGTH-TO-WIDTH RATIO OF 2.5 TO 1.4. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES.5. AT EVERY PRIMARY PUBLIC ENTRANCE 60" A.F.F., ADJOINING THE ENTRY DOOR, THERE SHALL BE A SIGN DISPLAYING THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY. THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY SHALL CONSIST OF A WHITE FIGURE ON A BLUE BACKGROUND. THE BLUE COLOR SHALL BE PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.6. ALL WEEP SCREED LINES SHALL BE LEVEL AND STEP WITH ADJACENT GRADE. STEPPING OF WEEP SCREED TO OCCUR AT INSIDE CORNERS. BOTTOM EDGE OF WEEP SCREED SHALL BE INSTALLED NOT LESS THAN 1-INCH BELOW THE JOINT FORMED BY THE FOUNDATION AND FRAMING. NOSE OF SCREED SHALL BE PLACED 4 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE GRADE OR 2 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE PAVED SURFACE.7. ALL WINDOW HEAD HEIGHTS TO BE 8’-0”ABOVE FINISH FLOOR, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.8. ALL WINDOWS TO BE RECESSED, EXCEPT AT DECKS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. REFER TO BUILDING AND UNIT PLANS FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION.9. FRAMING SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND COORDINATE EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNAGE LOCATIONS AND SHALL PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING WHERE REQUIRED.10. PAINT CONDUIT TO MATCH ADJACENT SURFACE.11. ALL AREAS WHERE SMOOTH PLASTER OCCURS, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE BASE COAT AND MESH-CRACK ISOLATION SYSTEM, REFER TO SPECIFICATION.12. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING ANY CONFLICTS AND/OR DISCREPANCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT.13. FACADE ACCESS PLAN (OPOS) SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OWNER TO COMPLY WITH OSHA REGULATIONS. THE OWNER SHALL COORDINATE AND NOTIFY THE PROJECT TEAM IF FAÇADE ACCESS REQUIREMENTS NEED TO BE SHOWN IN THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS.ELEVATION NOTESBLDG 2-UPPER ROOF+58'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL P1+1146'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 3 T.O. SHT'G+32'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 4 T.O. SHT'G+43'-0"BLDG 2-LOWER ROOF T.O. SHT'G+54'-0"BLDG 2 -LEVEL 1+1158'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+21'-0"52'-0"3'-2" 12'-0"15'-0"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"4'-0"596491092955'-2"BLDG 2-UPPER ROOF+58'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL P1+1146'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 3 T.O. SHT'G+32'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 4 T.O. SHT'G+43'-0"BLDG 2-LOWER ROOF T.O. SHT'G+54'-0"BLDG 2 -LEVEL 1+1158'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+21'-0"3'-2"52'-0" 4'-0"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"15'-0"12'-0" 52'-7 1/2"9109129349255'-2" MAX. BLDG. HT 67'-0"0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:16'8'32'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 2 -ELEVATIONS - NORTH& SOUTHA2-200.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1/16" = 1'-0"1BLDG. 2 - NORTH ELEVATION1/16" = 1'-0"2BLDG. 2 - SOUTH ELEVATIONNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 MATERIALS LEGEND1VINYL WINDOWS7RIBBED TPO9STUCCO3PAINTED METAL RAILING5FIBER CEMENT PANEL2ALUMINUM STOREFRONT6GLASS RAILING4CANOPY8FIBER CEMENT SIDING10 STONE VENEER1. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.2. ALL CONTROL JOINTS AND FINISH MATERIALS SHALL WRAP AROUND CORNERS AND CONTINUE ONTO ADJACENT WALLS WHETHER SHOWN OR NOT, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PER ASTM C 1063 INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE AN EXPANSION JOINT OCCURS IN THE BASE EXTERIOR WALL. INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE CEILING FRAMING OR FURRING CHANGES DIRECTION3. PER ASTM C 1063, EXTERIOR PLASTER CONTROL JOINTS TO BE INSTALLED IN VERTICAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 144 SQUARE FEET IN AREA AND HORIZONTAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 100 SQUARE FEET IN AREA. DISTANCE BETWEEN CONTROL JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 18 FEET IN EITHER DIRECTION OR A LENGTH-TO-WIDTH RATIO OF 2.5 TO 1.4. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES.5. AT EVERY PRIMARY PUBLIC ENTRANCE 60" A.F.F., ADJOINING THE ENTRY DOOR, THERE SHALL BE A SIGN DISPLAYING THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY. THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY SHALL CONSIST OF A WHITE FIGURE ON A BLUE BACKGROUND. THE BLUE COLOR SHALL BE PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.6. ALL WEEP SCREED LINES SHALL BE LEVEL AND STEP WITH ADJACENT GRADE. STEPPING OF WEEP SCREED TO OCCUR AT INSIDE CORNERS. BOTTOM EDGE OF WEEP SCREED SHALL BE INSTALLED NOT LESS THAN 1-INCH BELOW THE JOINT FORMED BY THE FOUNDATION AND FRAMING. NOSE OF SCREED SHALL BE PLACED 4 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE GRADE OR 2 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE PAVED SURFACE.7. ALL WINDOW HEAD HEIGHTS TO BE 8’-0”ABOVE FINISH FLOOR, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.8. ALL WINDOWS TO BE RECESSED, EXCEPT AT DECKS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. REFER TO BUILDING AND UNIT PLANS FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION.9. FRAMING SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND COORDINATE EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNAGE LOCATIONS AND SHALL PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING WHERE REQUIRED.10. PAINT CONDUIT TO MATCH ADJACENT SURFACE.11. ALL AREAS WHERE SMOOTH PLASTER OCCURS, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE BASE COAT AND MESH-CRACK ISOLATION SYSTEM, REFER TO SPECIFICATION.12. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING ANY CONFLICTS AND/OR DISCREPANCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT.13. FACADE ACCESS PLAN (OPOS) SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OWNER TO COMPLY WITH OSHA REGULATIONS. THE OWNER SHALL COORDINATE AND NOTIFY THE PROJECT TEAM IF FAÇADE ACCESS REQUIREMENTS NEED TO BE SHOWN IN THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS.ELEVATION NOTESBLDG 2-UPPER ROOF+58'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL P1+1146'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 3 T.O. SHT'G+32'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 4 T.O. SHT'G+43'-0"BLDG 2-LOWER ROOF T.O. SHT'G+54'-0"BLDG 2 -LEVEL 1+1158'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+21'-0"3A2-201.2A2-201BLDG 2-UPPER ROOF+58'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL P1+1146'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 3 T.O. SHT'G+32'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 4 T.O. SHT'G+43'-0"BLDG 2-LOWER ROOF T.O. SHT'G+54'-0"BLDG 2 -LEVEL 1+1158'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+21'-0"595101423'-2"52'-0"4'-0"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"15'-0"12'-0"9MAX. BLDG. HT67'-0"BLDG 2-UPPER ROOF+58'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL P1+1146'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 3 T.O. SHT'G+32'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 4 T.O. SHT'G+43'-0"BLDG 2-LOWER ROOF T.O. SHT'G+54'-0"BLDG 2 -LEVEL 1+1158'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+21'-0"92625109414'-0"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"15'-0"12'-0" 3'-2"52'-0"955'-2"0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:16'8'32'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 2 -ELEVATIONS - EASTA2-201.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1" = 20'-0"1BLDG 2 - EAST ELEVATION - OVERALL1/16" = 1'-0"2BLDG 2 - EAST ELEVATION - LEFT1/16" = 1'-0"3BLDG 2 - EAST ELEVATION - RIGHTNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #2 MATERIALS LEGEND1VINYL WINDOWS7RIBBED TPO9STUCCO3PAINTED METAL RAILING5FIBER CEMENT PANEL2ALUMINUM STOREFRONT6GLASS RAILING4CANOPY8FIBER CEMENT SIDING10 STONE VENEER1. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.2. ALL CONTROL JOINTS AND FINISH MATERIALS SHALL WRAP AROUND CORNERS AND CONTINUE ONTO ADJACENT WALLS WHETHER SHOWN OR NOT, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PER ASTM C 1063 INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE AN EXPANSION JOINT OCCURS IN THE BASE EXTERIOR WALL. INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE CEILING FRAMING OR FURRING CHANGES DIRECTION3. PER ASTM C 1063, EXTERIOR PLASTER CONTROL JOINTS TO BE INSTALLED IN VERTICAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 144 SQUARE FEET IN AREA AND HORIZONTAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 100 SQUARE FEET IN AREA. DISTANCE BETWEEN CONTROL JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 18 FEET IN EITHER DIRECTION OR A LENGTH-TO-WIDTH RATIO OF 2.5 TO 1.4. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES.5. AT EVERY PRIMARY PUBLIC ENTRANCE 60" A.F.F., ADJOINING THE ENTRY DOOR, THERE SHALL BE A SIGN DISPLAYING THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY. THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY SHALL CONSIST OF A WHITE FIGURE ON A BLUE BACKGROUND. THE BLUE COLOR SHALL BE PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.6. ALL WEEP SCREED LINES SHALL BE LEVEL AND STEP WITH ADJACENT GRADE. STEPPING OF WEEP SCREED TO OCCUR AT INSIDE CORNERS. BOTTOM EDGE OF WEEP SCREED SHALL BE INSTALLED NOT LESS THAN 1-INCH BELOW THE JOINT FORMED BY THE FOUNDATION AND FRAMING. NOSE OF SCREED SHALL BE PLACED 4 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE GRADE OR 2 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE PAVED SURFACE.7. ALL WINDOW HEAD HEIGHTS TO BE 8’-0”ABOVE FINISH FLOOR, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.8. ALL WINDOWS TO BE RECESSED, EXCEPT AT DECKS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. REFER TO BUILDING AND UNIT PLANS FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION.9. FRAMING SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND COORDINATE EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNAGE LOCATIONS AND SHALL PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING WHERE REQUIRED.10. PAINT CONDUIT TO MATCH ADJACENT SURFACE.11. ALL AREAS WHERE SMOOTH PLASTER OCCURS, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE BASE COAT AND MESH-CRACK ISOLATION SYSTEM, REFER TO SPECIFICATION.12. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING ANY CONFLICTS AND/OR DISCREPANCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT.13. FACADE ACCESS PLAN (OPOS) SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OWNER TO COMPLY WITH OSHA REGULATIONS. THE OWNER SHALL COORDINATE AND NOTIFY THE PROJECT TEAM IF FAÇADE ACCESS REQUIREMENTS NEED TO BE SHOWN IN THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS.ELEVATION NOTESBLDG 2-UPPER ROOF+58'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL P1+1146'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 3 T.O. SHT'G+32'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 4 T.O. SHT'G+43'-0"BLDG 2-LOWER ROOF T.O. SHT'G+54'-0"BLDG 2 -LEVEL 1+1158'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+21'-0"4'-0"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"15'-0"12'-0"10995314299BLDG 2-UPPER ROOF+58'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL P1+1146'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 3 T.O. SHT'G+32'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 4 T.O. SHT'G+43'-0"BLDG 2-LOWER ROOF T.O. SHT'G+54'-0"BLDG 2 -LEVEL 1+1158'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+21'-0"4'-0"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"15'-0"12'-0"1043191060'-6"9MAX. BLDG. HT 67'-0"BLDG 2-UPPER ROOF+58'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL P1+1146'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 3 T.O. SHT'G+32'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 4 T.O. SHT'G+43'-0"BLDG 2-LOWER ROOF T.O. SHT'G+54'-0"BLDG 2 -LEVEL 1+1158'-0"BLDG 2-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+21'-0"60'-6" 4'-0"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"15'-0"12'-0"0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:16'8'32'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 2 -ELEVATIONS - WESTA2-202.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1/16" = 1'-0"2BLDG. 2 - WEST ELEVATION - LEFT1/16" = 1'-0"3BLDG. 2 - WEST ELEVATION - RIGHT1" = 20'-0"4BLDG. 2 - WEST ELEVATION - OVERALLNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #2 SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 2 - 3D VIEWSA2-300.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1236710115489N viewAviewBA) VIEW LOOKING SOUTH-WESTB) VIEW LOOKING EASTNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 2 - 3D VIEWSA2-301.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1236710115489N viewAviewBA) VIEW LOOKING WESTB) VIEW LOOKING NORTH-WESTNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 TRB DW REFPBWINEWINE BDWBREFPL REF B WINE DWBREF B WINE DWBREF B WINE DWBREF B WINE DWBREF B WINEDWB RESIDENTIAL LOBBYMAIL / PARCEL70'-4"133'-0"STAIR 1STAIR 2TRASH ROOMUNIT B4UNIT A10UNIT A3UNIT B3UNIT B1.1UNIT B1.1A3-200.2A3-200.1A3-201.2A3-201.1MPOE / FIRECONTROL ROOMINVERTERELECTRICALROOMIDFFLOOR PLAN NOTES1. DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTERLINE OF COLUMN, FACE OF STUD, FACE OF CONCRETE, OR FACE OF MASONRY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. ANY DISCREPANCIES NOTED SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.3. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.4. APPROVED SET OF PLANS FOR BUILDING, FIRE SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM, ETC. SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE WITHOUT COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE PROVISION.5. REFER TO SHEETS "BUILDING CODE ANALYSIS" FOR EGRESS, CODE ANALYSIS, AND FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLY INFORMATION.6. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY CEILING OR WALL ACCESS PANELS AS REQUIRED FOR AIR CONDITIONING, PLUMBING, FIRE SPRINKLER, AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. IN FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLIES PROVIDE RATED ACCESS PANELS WITH SELF-CLOSING DEVICES.7. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR COLORS, FINISHES, THICKNESS, REINFORCING, AND CONTROL/EXPANSION JOINTS OF WALKS AND HARDSCAPE AREA.8. ALL ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGNS SHOWN SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE AND NOT OBSTRUCTED BY PIPES, MECHANICAL DUCTWORK, EQUIPMENT, ETC. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PENDANT EXTENSIONS AT ALL CEILING HUNG EXIT SIGNS AS REQUIRED PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.9. WALKING SURFACES OF THE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL HAVE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE AND BE SECURELY ATTACHED.10. GROUND AND FLOOR SURFACES ALONG ACCESSIBLE ROUTES AND IN ACCESSIBLE ROOMS AND SPACES, INCLUDING FLOORS, WALKS, RAMPS, STAIRS, AND CURB RAMPS SHALL BE STABLE, FIRM, AND SLIP RESISTANT.11. PROVIDE FURRED WALLS AS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITY AND DRAIN LINES THAT EXTEND UP THE INTERIOR WALL SURFACE.12. PROVIDE 2A-10BC FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT. PROVIDE SIGN, APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, REQUIRED TO INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER.13. FOR TYPICAL INFORMATION NOT SHOWN, REFER TO PLAN OF THE STORY BELOW.14. INTERIOR FINISHES SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC CHAPTER 8 FOR FLAME SPREAD PROVISIONS.0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 3 - LEVEL 1FLOOR PLANA3-100.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #2N1/8" = 1'-0"1BUILDING 3 - LEVEL 1 PLANNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 ELEV.STAIR 2133'-0"STAIR 1TRASH ROOMUNIT B4UNIT A10UNIT B1.2UNIT B3UNIT A2aUNIT B1.1UNIT B1.1UNIT B1A3-200.2A3-200.1A3-201.2A3-201.1IDFIDF70'-4"ELEV.TRASH133'-0"STAIR 1UNIT B1.1UNIT B1.1UNIT A2aUNIT B3UNIT B1.2UNIT B1UNIT B4UNIT A10A3-200.2A3-200.1A3-201.2A3-201.1IDFIDFSTAIR 270'-4"FLOOR PLAN NOTES1. DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTERLINE OF COLUMN, FACE OF STUD, FACE OF CONCRETE, OR FACE OF MASONRY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. ANY DISCREPANCIES NOTED SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.3. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.4. APPROVED SET OF PLANS FOR BUILDING, FIRE SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM, ETC. SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE WITHOUT COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE PROVISION.5. REFER TO SHEETS "BUILDING CODE ANALYSIS" FOR EGRESS, CODE ANALYSIS, AND FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLY INFORMATION.6. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY CEILING OR WALL ACCESS PANELS AS REQUIRED FOR AIR CONDITIONING, PLUMBING, FIRE SPRINKLER, AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. IN FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLIES PROVIDE RATED ACCESS PANELS WITH SELF-CLOSING DEVICES.7. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR COLORS, FINISHES, THICKNESS, REINFORCING, AND CONTROL/EXPANSION JOINTS OF WALKS AND HARDSCAPE AREA.8. ALL ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGNS SHOWN SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE AND NOT OBSTRUCTED BY PIPES, MECHANICAL DUCTWORK, EQUIPMENT, ETC. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PENDANT EXTENSIONS AT ALL CEILING HUNG EXIT SIGNS AS REQUIRED PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.9. WALKING SURFACES OF THE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL HAVE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE AND BE SECURELY ATTACHED.10. GROUND AND FLOOR SURFACES ALONG ACCESSIBLE ROUTES AND IN ACCESSIBLE ROOMS AND SPACES, INCLUDING FLOORS, WALKS, RAMPS, STAIRS, AND CURB RAMPS SHALL BE STABLE, FIRM, AND SLIP RESISTANT.11. PROVIDE FURRED WALLS AS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITY AND DRAIN LINES THAT EXTEND UP THE INTERIOR WALL SURFACE.12. PROVIDE 2A-10BC FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT. PROVIDE SIGN, APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, REQUIRED TO INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER.13. FOR TYPICAL INFORMATION NOT SHOWN, REFER TO PLAN OF THE STORY BELOW.14. INTERIOR FINISHES SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC CHAPTER 8 FOR FLAME SPREAD PROVISIONS.0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 3 - LEVELS 2& 3 FLOOR PLANA3-101.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #2N1/8" = 1'-0"2BUILDING 3 - LEVEL 21/8" = 1'-0"1BUILDING 3 - LEVEL 3 N NO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 23'-8 1/2"31'-6 1/2"ELEV.133'-0"STAIR 1TRASH ROOMUNIT B4SKY DECK DUNIT B1.1UNIT B3UNIT A2aUNIT B1.1UNIT B1UNIT B1.2A3-200.2A3-200.1A3-201.2A3-201.1IDFSTAIR 2IDF70'-4"SKYDECK BELOWELEV. OVERRUNSTAIR 2SLOPESLOPESLOPESLOPESTAIR TO ROOFFLAT ROOFSLOPED ROOFSLOPED ROOF70'-4"133'-0"A3-200.2A3-200.1A3-201.2A3-201.1SLOPESLOPEFLAT ROOFMECH.MECH.FLOOR PLAN NOTES1. DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTERLINE OF COLUMN, FACE OF STUD, FACE OF CONCRETE, OR FACE OF MASONRY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. ANY DISCREPANCIES NOTED SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.3. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.4. APPROVED SET OF PLANS FOR BUILDING, FIRE SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM, ETC. SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE WITHOUT COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE PROVISION.5. REFER TO SHEETS "BUILDING CODE ANALYSIS" FOR EGRESS, CODE ANALYSIS, AND FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLY INFORMATION.6. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY CEILING OR WALL ACCESS PANELS AS REQUIRED FOR AIR CONDITIONING, PLUMBING, FIRE SPRINKLER, AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. IN FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLIES PROVIDE RATED ACCESS PANELS WITH SELF-CLOSING DEVICES.7. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR COLORS, FINISHES, THICKNESS, REINFORCING, AND CONTROL/EXPANSION JOINTS OF WALKS AND HARDSCAPE AREA.8. ALL ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGNS SHOWN SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE AND NOT OBSTRUCTED BY PIPES, MECHANICAL DUCTWORK, EQUIPMENT, ETC. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PENDANT EXTENSIONS AT ALL CEILING HUNG EXIT SIGNS AS REQUIRED PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.9. WALKING SURFACES OF THE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL HAVE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE AND BE SECURELY ATTACHED.10. GROUND AND FLOOR SURFACES ALONG ACCESSIBLE ROUTES AND IN ACCESSIBLE ROOMS AND SPACES, INCLUDING FLOORS, WALKS, RAMPS, STAIRS, AND CURB RAMPS SHALL BE STABLE, FIRM, AND SLIP RESISTANT.11. PROVIDE FURRED WALLS AS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITY AND DRAIN LINES THAT EXTEND UP THE INTERIOR WALL SURFACE.12. PROVIDE 2A-10BC FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT. PROVIDE SIGN, APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, REQUIRED TO INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER.13. FOR TYPICAL INFORMATION NOT SHOWN, REFER TO PLAN OF THE STORY BELOW.14. INTERIOR FINISHES SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC CHAPTER 8 FOR FLAME SPREAD PROVISIONS.1. DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTERLINE OF COLUMN, FACE OF STUD, FACE OF CONCRETE, OR FACE OF MASONRY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. ANY DISCREPANCIES NOTED SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.3. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.4. APPROVED SET OF PLANS FOR BUILDING, FIRE SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM, ETC. SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE WITHOUT COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE PROVISION.5. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR COLORS, FINISHES, THICKNESS, REINFORCING, AND CONTROL/EXPANSION JOINTS OF WALKS AND HARDSCAPE AREA.6. ALL ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGNS SHOWN SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE AND NOT OBSTRUCTED BY PIPES, MECHANICAL DUCTWORK, EQUIPMENT, ETC. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PENDANT EXTENSIONS AT ALL CEILING HUNG EXIT SIGNS AS REQUIRED PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.7. WALKING SURFACES OF THE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL HAVE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE AND BE SECURELY ATTACHED.8. GROUND AND FLOOR SURFACES ALONG ACCESSIBLE ROUTES AND IN ACCESSIBLE ROOMS AND SPACES, INCLUDING FLOORS, WALKS, RAMPS, STAIRS, AND CURB RAMPS SHALL BE STABLE, FIRM, AND SLIP RESISTANT.9. PROVIDE FURRED WALLS AS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITY AND DRAIN LINES THAT EXTEND UP THE INTERIOR WALL SURFACE.10. PROVIDE 2A-10BC FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT. PROVIDE SIGN, APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, REQUIRED TO INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER.ROOF PLAN NOTES0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 3 - LEVEL 4 &ROOF FLOOR PLANA3-102.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #21/8" = 1'-0"2BUILDING 3 - LEVEL 41/8" = 1'-0"1BUILDING 3 - ROOFNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 N N MATERIALS LEGEND1VINYL WINDOWS7RIBBED TPO9STUCCO3PAINTED METAL RAILING5FIBER CEMENT PANEL2ALUMINUM STOREFRONT6GLASS RAILING4CANOPY8FIBER CEMENT SIDING10 STONE VENEER1. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.2. ALL CONTROL JOINTS AND FINISH MATERIALS SHALL WRAP AROUND CORNERS AND CONTINUE ONTO ADJACENT WALLS WHETHER SHOWN OR NOT, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PER ASTM C 1063 INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE AN EXPANSION JOINT OCCURS IN THE BASE EXTERIOR WALL. INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE CEILING FRAMING OR FURRING CHANGES DIRECTION3. PER ASTM C 1063, EXTERIOR PLASTER CONTROL JOINTS TO BE INSTALLED IN VERTICAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 144 SQUARE FEET IN AREA AND HORIZONTAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 100 SQUARE FEET IN AREA. DISTANCE BETWEEN CONTROL JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 18 FEET IN EITHER DIRECTION OR A LENGTH-TO-WIDTH RATIO OF 2.5 TO 1.4. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES.5. AT EVERY PRIMARY PUBLIC ENTRANCE 60" A.F.F., ADJOINING THE ENTRY DOOR, THERE SHALL BE A SIGN DISPLAYING THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY. THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY SHALL CONSIST OF A WHITE FIGURE ON A BLUE BACKGROUND. THE BLUE COLOR SHALL BE PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.6. ALL WEEP SCREED LINES SHALL BE LEVEL AND STEP WITH ADJACENT GRADE. STEPPING OF WEEP SCREED TO OCCUR AT INSIDE CORNERS. BOTTOM EDGE OF WEEP SCREED SHALL BE INSTALLED NOT LESS THAN 1-INCH BELOW THE JOINT FORMED BY THE FOUNDATION AND FRAMING. NOSE OF SCREED SHALL BE PLACED 4 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE GRADE OR 2 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE PAVED SURFACE.7. ALL WINDOW HEAD HEIGHTS TO BE 8’-0”ABOVE FINISH FLOOR, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.8. ALL WINDOWS TO BE RECESSED, EXCEPT AT DECKS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. REFER TO BUILDING AND UNIT PLANS FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION.9. FRAMING SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND COORDINATE EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNAGE LOCATIONS AND SHALL PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING WHERE REQUIRED.10. PAINT CONDUIT TO MATCH ADJACENT SURFACE.11. ALL AREAS WHERE SMOOTH PLASTER OCCURS, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE BASE COAT AND MESH-CRACK ISOLATION SYSTEM, REFER TO SPECIFICATION.12. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING ANY CONFLICTS AND/OR DISCREPANCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT.13. FACADE ACCESS PLAN (OPOS) SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OWNER TO COMPLY WITH OSHA REGULATIONS. THE OWNER SHALL COORDINATE AND NOTIFY THE PROJECT TEAM IF FAÇADE ACCESS REQUIREMENTS NEED TO BE SHOWN IN THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS.ELEVATION NOTESBLDG 3-LEVEL 1+1157'-0"BLDG 3-UPPER ROOF+1212'-7"BLDG 3-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+1172'-0"BLDG 3-LEVEL 3 T.O. SHT'G+1183'-0"BLDG 3-LEVEL 4 T.O. SHT'G+1194'-0"BLDG 3-ROOF T.O. SHT'G+1205'-0"15'-0"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"7'-7" T.O. STAIR BEYOND60'-0"52'-6"2599104195BLDG 3-LEVEL 1+1157'-0"BLDG 3-UPPER ROOF+1212'-7"BLDG 3-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+1172'-0"BLDG 3-LEVEL 3 T.O. SHT'G+1183'-0"BLDG 3-LEVEL 4 T.O. SHT'G+1194'-0"BLDG 3-ROOF T.O. SHT'G+1205'-0"7'-7"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"15'-0"9149519T.O. STAIR BEYOND60'-0"0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 3 -ELEVATIONS - NORTH& EASTA3-200.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1/8" = 1'-0"1BLDG. 3 - NORTH ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"2BLDG. 3 - EAST ELEVATIONNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 MATERIALS LEGEND1VINYL WINDOWS7RIBBED TPO9STUCCO3PAINTED METAL RAILING5FIBER CEMENT PANEL2ALUMINUM STOREFRONT6GLASS RAILING4CANOPY8FIBER CEMENT SIDING10 STONE VENEER1. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.2. ALL CONTROL JOINTS AND FINISH MATERIALS SHALL WRAP AROUND CORNERS AND CONTINUE ONTO ADJACENT WALLS WHETHER SHOWN OR NOT, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PER ASTM C 1063 INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE AN EXPANSION JOINT OCCURS IN THE BASE EXTERIOR WALL. INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE CEILING FRAMING OR FURRING CHANGES DIRECTION3. PER ASTM C 1063, EXTERIOR PLASTER CONTROL JOINTS TO BE INSTALLED IN VERTICAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 144 SQUARE FEET IN AREA AND HORIZONTAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 100 SQUARE FEET IN AREA. DISTANCE BETWEEN CONTROL JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 18 FEET IN EITHER DIRECTION OR A LENGTH-TO-WIDTH RATIO OF 2.5 TO 1.4. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES.5. AT EVERY PRIMARY PUBLIC ENTRANCE 60" A.F.F., ADJOINING THE ENTRY DOOR, THERE SHALL BE A SIGN DISPLAYING THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY. THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY SHALL CONSIST OF A WHITE FIGURE ON A BLUE BACKGROUND. THE BLUE COLOR SHALL BE PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.6. ALL WEEP SCREED LINES SHALL BE LEVEL AND STEP WITH ADJACENT GRADE. STEPPING OF WEEP SCREED TO OCCUR AT INSIDE CORNERS. BOTTOM EDGE OF WEEP SCREED SHALL BE INSTALLED NOT LESS THAN 1-INCH BELOW THE JOINT FORMED BY THE FOUNDATION AND FRAMING. NOSE OF SCREED SHALL BE PLACED 4 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE GRADE OR 2 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE PAVED SURFACE.7. ALL WINDOW HEAD HEIGHTS TO BE 8’-0”ABOVE FINISH FLOOR, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.8. ALL WINDOWS TO BE RECESSED, EXCEPT AT DECKS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. REFER TO BUILDING AND UNIT PLANS FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION.9. FRAMING SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND COORDINATE EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNAGE LOCATIONS AND SHALL PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING WHERE REQUIRED.10. PAINT CONDUIT TO MATCH ADJACENT SURFACE.11. ALL AREAS WHERE SMOOTH PLASTER OCCURS, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE BASE COAT AND MESH-CRACK ISOLATION SYSTEM, REFER TO SPECIFICATION.12. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING ANY CONFLICTS AND/OR DISCREPANCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT.13. FACADE ACCESS PLAN (OPOS) SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OWNER TO COMPLY WITH OSHA REGULATIONS. THE OWNER SHALL COORDINATE AND NOTIFY THE PROJECT TEAM IF FAÇADE ACCESS REQUIREMENTS NEED TO BE SHOWN IN THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS.ELEVATION NOTESBLDG 3-LEVEL 1+1157'-0"BLDG 3-UPPER ROOF+1212'-7"BLDG 3-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+1172'-0"BLDG 3-LEVEL 3 T.O. SHT'G+1183'-0"BLDG 3-LEVEL 4 T.O. SHT'G+1194'-0"BLDG 3-ROOF T.O. SHT'G+1205'-0"7'-7"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"15'-0" T.O. STAIR BEYOND60'-0"52'-6"91495151910BLDG 3-LEVEL 1+1157'-0"BLDG 3-UPPER ROOF+1212'-7"BLDG 3-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+1172'-0"BLDG 3-LEVEL 3 T.O. SHT'G+1183'-0"BLDG 3-LEVEL 4 T.O. SHT'G+1194'-0"BLDG 3-ROOF T.O. SHT'G+1205'-0"7'-7"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"15'-0" T.O. STAIR BEYOND60'-0"9149101590'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 3 -ELEVATIONS - SOUTH& WESTA3-201.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1/8" = 1'-0"1BLDG. 3 - SOUTH ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"2BLDG. 3 - WEST ELEVATIONNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 3 - 3D VIEWSA3-300.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1236710115489N viewAviewBA) VIEW LOOKING WESTB) VIEW LOOKING EASTNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 3 - 3D VIEWSA3-301.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #21236710115489N viewAviewBA) VIEW LOOKING NORTH-WESTB) VIEW LOOKING NORTH-EASTNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 L L L LDWREFBWINEB DWREF B WINEB REFBWINEDW B REFBWINEDW B LL DW WINE REFBBCARPORTCARPORT PRIVATE GARAGEPRIVATE GARAGEPRIVATE GARAGEPRIVATE GARAGERESIDENTIAL LOBBYDRIVE COURT44'-9"10'-3"24'-3"30'-0"2"30'-0"17'-0"30'-0"2"30'-0"79'-3"55'-0"25'-0"55'-0"135'-0"137'-4"UNIT B5UNIT A1UNIT A1.1UNIT A1.1UNIT A1ELECTRICALROOMA4-200.1A4-200.2A4-201.1A4-201.2INVERTERMPOESTORAGERESIDENTIAL STORAGEFLOOR PLAN NOTES1. DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTERLINE OF COLUMN, FACE OF STUD, FACE OF CONCRETE, OR FACE OF MASONRY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. ANY DISCREPANCIES NOTED SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.3. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.4. APPROVED SET OF PLANS FOR BUILDING, FIRE SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM, ETC. SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE WITHOUT COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE PROVISION.5. REFER TO SHEETS "BUILDING CODE ANALYSIS" FOR EGRESS, CODE ANALYSIS, AND FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLY INFORMATION.6. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY CEILING OR WALL ACCESS PANELS AS REQUIRED FOR AIR CONDITIONING, PLUMBING, FIRE SPRINKLER, AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. IN FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLIES PROVIDE RATED ACCESS PANELS WITH SELF-CLOSING DEVICES.7. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR COLORS, FINISHES, THICKNESS, REINFORCING, AND CONTROL/EXPANSION JOINTS OF WALKS AND HARDSCAPE AREA.8. ALL ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGNS SHOWN SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE AND NOT OBSTRUCTED BY PIPES, MECHANICAL DUCTWORK, EQUIPMENT, ETC. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PENDANT EXTENSIONS AT ALL CEILING HUNG EXIT SIGNS AS REQUIRED PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.9. WALKING SURFACES OF THE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL HAVE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE AND BE SECURELY ATTACHED.10. GROUND AND FLOOR SURFACES ALONG ACCESSIBLE ROUTES AND IN ACCESSIBLE ROOMS AND SPACES, INCLUDING FLOORS, WALKS, RAMPS, STAIRS, AND CURB RAMPS SHALL BE STABLE, FIRM, AND SLIP RESISTANT.11. PROVIDE FURRED WALLS AS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITY AND DRAIN LINES THAT EXTEND UP THE INTERIOR WALL SURFACE.12. PROVIDE 2A-10BC FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT. PROVIDE SIGN, APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, REQUIRED TO INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER.13. FOR TYPICAL INFORMATION NOT SHOWN, REFER TO PLAN OF THE STORY BELOW.14. INTERIOR FINISHES SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC CHAPTER 8 FOR FLAME SPREAD PROVISIONS.0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDINGS 4-6 - LEVEL1 FLOOR PLANA4-100.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #21/8" = 1'-0"1BUILDINGS 4-6 - LEVEL 1 N NO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 L L L LDWREFBWINEB DWREF B WINEB REFBWINEDW B REFBWINEDW B LLL L LL DW WINE REFBB DWWINEREFBB DW WINE REFBB DW WINEREFBB L L L LDWREFBWINEB DWREF B WINEB REFBWINEDW B REFBWINEDW B LLL L LL DW WINE REFBB DWWINEREFBB DW WINE REFBB DW WINEREFBB UNIT B5UNIT B5aUNIT B5.1UNIT B5UNIT A1UNIT A1.1UNIT A1.1UNIT A144'-9"10'-3"24'-3"30'-0"2"30'-0"17'-0"30'-0"2"30'-0"79'-3"135'-0"137'-4"A4-200.1A4-200.2A4-201.1A4-201.2STORAGESTORAGE27'-5"2"27'-5"25'-0"27'-5"2"27'-5"UNIT B5UNIT A1UNIT A1.1UNIT A1.1UNIT A1UNIT B5.1UNIT B5aUNIT B544'-9"10'-3"24'-3"30'-0"2"30'-0"17'-0"30'-0"2"30'-0"79'-3"135'-0"137'-4"A4-200.1A4-200.2A4-201.1A4-201.2STORAGEIDF27'-5"2"27'-5"25'-0"27'-5"2"27'-5"FLOOR PLAN NOTES1. DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTERLINE OF COLUMN, FACE OF STUD, FACE OF CONCRETE, OR FACE OF MASONRY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. ANY DISCREPANCIES NOTED SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.3. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.4. APPROVED SET OF PLANS FOR BUILDING, FIRE SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM, ETC. SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE WITHOUT COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE PROVISION.5. REFER TO SHEETS "BUILDING CODE ANALYSIS" FOR EGRESS, CODE ANALYSIS, AND FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLY INFORMATION.6. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY CEILING OR WALL ACCESS PANELS AS REQUIRED FOR AIR CONDITIONING, PLUMBING, FIRE SPRINKLER, AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. IN FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLIES PROVIDE RATED ACCESS PANELS WITH SELF-CLOSING DEVICES.7. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR COLORS, FINISHES, THICKNESS, REINFORCING, AND CONTROL/EXPANSION JOINTS OF WALKS AND HARDSCAPE AREA.8. ALL ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGNS SHOWN SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE AND NOT OBSTRUCTED BY PIPES, MECHANICAL DUCTWORK, EQUIPMENT, ETC. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PENDANT EXTENSIONS AT ALL CEILING HUNG EXIT SIGNS AS REQUIRED PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.9. WALKING SURFACES OF THE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL HAVE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE AND BE SECURELY ATTACHED.10. GROUND AND FLOOR SURFACES ALONG ACCESSIBLE ROUTES AND IN ACCESSIBLE ROOMS AND SPACES, INCLUDING FLOORS, WALKS, RAMPS, STAIRS, AND CURB RAMPS SHALL BE STABLE, FIRM, AND SLIP RESISTANT.11. PROVIDE FURRED WALLS AS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITY AND DRAIN LINES THAT EXTEND UP THE INTERIOR WALL SURFACE.12. PROVIDE 2A-10BC FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT. PROVIDE SIGN, APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, REQUIRED TO INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER.13. FOR TYPICAL INFORMATION NOT SHOWN, REFER TO PLAN OF THE STORY BELOW.14. INTERIOR FINISHES SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC CHAPTER 8 FOR FLAME SPREAD PROVISIONS.0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDINGS 4-6 -LEVELS 2 & 3 FLOORPLANA4-101.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #2N 1/8" = 1'-0"2BUILDINGS 4-6 - LEVEL 31/8" = 1'-0"1BUILDINGS 4-6 - LEVEL 2 N NO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 MATERIALS LEGEND1VINYL WINDOWS7RIBBED TPO9STUCCO3PAINTED METAL RAILING5FIBER CEMENT PANEL2ALUMINUM STOREFRONT6GLASS RAILING4CANOPY8FIBER CEMENT SIDING10 STONE VENEER1. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.2. ALL CONTROL JOINTS AND FINISH MATERIALS SHALL WRAP AROUND CORNERS AND CONTINUE ONTO ADJACENT WALLS WHETHER SHOWN OR NOT, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PER ASTM C 1063 INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE AN EXPANSION JOINT OCCURS IN THE BASE EXTERIOR WALL. INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE CEILING FRAMING OR FURRING CHANGES DIRECTION3. PER ASTM C 1063, EXTERIOR PLASTER CONTROL JOINTS TO BE INSTALLED IN VERTICAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 144 SQUARE FEET IN AREA AND HORIZONTAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 100 SQUARE FEET IN AREA. DISTANCE BETWEEN CONTROL JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 18 FEET IN EITHER DIRECTION OR A LENGTH-TO-WIDTH RATIO OF 2.5 TO 1.4. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES.5. AT EVERY PRIMARY PUBLIC ENTRANCE 60" A.F.F., ADJOINING THE ENTRY DOOR, THERE SHALL BE A SIGN DISPLAYING THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY. THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY SHALL CONSIST OF A WHITE FIGURE ON A BLUE BACKGROUND. THE BLUE COLOR SHALL BE PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.6. ALL WEEP SCREED LINES SHALL BE LEVEL AND STEP WITH ADJACENT GRADE. STEPPING OF WEEP SCREED TO OCCUR AT INSIDE CORNERS. BOTTOM EDGE OF WEEP SCREED SHALL BE INSTALLED NOT LESS THAN 1-INCH BELOW THE JOINT FORMED BY THE FOUNDATION AND FRAMING. NOSE OF SCREED SHALL BE PLACED 4 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE GRADE OR 2 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE PAVED SURFACE.7. ALL WINDOW HEAD HEIGHTS TO BE 8’-0”ABOVE FINISH FLOOR, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.8. ALL WINDOWS TO BE RECESSED, EXCEPT AT DECKS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. REFER TO BUILDING AND UNIT PLANS FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION.9. FRAMING SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND COORDINATE EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNAGE LOCATIONS AND SHALL PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING WHERE REQUIRED.10. PAINT CONDUIT TO MATCH ADJACENT SURFACE.11. ALL AREAS WHERE SMOOTH PLASTER OCCURS, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE BASE COAT AND MESH-CRACK ISOLATION SYSTEM, REFER TO SPECIFICATION.12. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING ANY CONFLICTS AND/OR DISCREPANCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT.13. FACADE ACCESS PLAN (OPOS) SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OWNER TO COMPLY WITH OSHA REGULATIONS. THE OWNER SHALL COORDINATE AND NOTIFY THE PROJECT TEAM IF FAÇADE ACCESS REQUIREMENTS NEED TO BE SHOWN IN THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS.ELEVATION NOTESBLDG 4-LEVEL 1+1152'-6"BLDG 4-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+1163'-6"BLDG 4-LEVEL 3 T.O. SHT'G+1174'-6"BLDG 4-ROOF T.O. SHT'G+1185'-6"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"109139938'-2"BLDG 4-LEVEL 1+1152'-6"BLDG 4-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+1163'-6"BLDG 4-LEVEL 3 T.O. SHT'G+1174'-6"BLDG 4-ROOF T.O. SHT'G+1185'-6"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0" 38'-2"913940'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDINGS 4-6 -ELEVATIONS - EASTAND NORTHA4-200.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1/8" = 1'-0"1BLDG.4 - EAST ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"2BLDG.4 - NORTH ELEVATIONNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 MATERIALS LEGEND1VINYL WINDOWS7RIBBED TPO9STUCCO3PAINTED METAL RAILING5FIBER CEMENT PANEL2ALUMINUM STOREFRONT6GLASS RAILING4CANOPY8FIBER CEMENT SIDING10 STONE VENEER1. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.2. ALL CONTROL JOINTS AND FINISH MATERIALS SHALL WRAP AROUND CORNERS AND CONTINUE ONTO ADJACENT WALLS WHETHER SHOWN OR NOT, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PER ASTM C 1063 INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE AN EXPANSION JOINT OCCURS IN THE BASE EXTERIOR WALL. INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE CEILING FRAMING OR FURRING CHANGES DIRECTION3. PER ASTM C 1063, EXTERIOR PLASTER CONTROL JOINTS TO BE INSTALLED IN VERTICAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 144 SQUARE FEET IN AREA AND HORIZONTAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 100 SQUARE FEET IN AREA. DISTANCE BETWEEN CONTROL JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 18 FEET IN EITHER DIRECTION OR A LENGTH-TO-WIDTH RATIO OF 2.5 TO 1.4. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES.5. AT EVERY PRIMARY PUBLIC ENTRANCE 60" A.F.F., ADJOINING THE ENTRY DOOR, THERE SHALL BE A SIGN DISPLAYING THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY. THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY SHALL CONSIST OF A WHITE FIGURE ON A BLUE BACKGROUND. THE BLUE COLOR SHALL BE PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.6. ALL WEEP SCREED LINES SHALL BE LEVEL AND STEP WITH ADJACENT GRADE. STEPPING OF WEEP SCREED TO OCCUR AT INSIDE CORNERS. BOTTOM EDGE OF WEEP SCREED SHALL BE INSTALLED NOT LESS THAN 1-INCH BELOW THE JOINT FORMED BY THE FOUNDATION AND FRAMING. NOSE OF SCREED SHALL BE PLACED 4 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE GRADE OR 2 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE PAVED SURFACE.7. ALL WINDOW HEAD HEIGHTS TO BE 8’-0”ABOVE FINISH FLOOR, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.8. ALL WINDOWS TO BE RECESSED, EXCEPT AT DECKS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. REFER TO BUILDING AND UNIT PLANS FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION.9. FRAMING SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND COORDINATE EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNAGE LOCATIONS AND SHALL PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING WHERE REQUIRED.10. PAINT CONDUIT TO MATCH ADJACENT SURFACE.11. ALL AREAS WHERE SMOOTH PLASTER OCCURS, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE BASE COAT AND MESH-CRACK ISOLATION SYSTEM, REFER TO SPECIFICATION.12. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING ANY CONFLICTS AND/OR DISCREPANCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT.13. FACADE ACCESS PLAN (OPOS) SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OWNER TO COMPLY WITH OSHA REGULATIONS. THE OWNER SHALL COORDINATE AND NOTIFY THE PROJECT TEAM IF FAÇADE ACCESS REQUIREMENTS NEED TO BE SHOWN IN THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS.ELEVATION NOTESBLDG 4-LEVEL 1+1152'-6"BLDG 4-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+1163'-6"BLDG 4-LEVEL 3 T.O. SHT'G+1174'-6"BLDG 4-ROOF T.O. SHT'G+1185'-6"991394911'-0"11'-0"11'-0"BLDG 4-LEVEL 1+1152'-6"BLDG 4-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+1163'-6"BLDG 4-LEVEL 3 T.O. SHT'G+1174'-6"BLDG 4-ROOF T.O. SHT'G+1185'-6"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0" 38'-2" 37'-0"19349390'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDINGS 4-6 -ELEVATIONS - WESTAND SOUTHA4-201.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1/8" = 1'-0"1BLDG.4 - WEST ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"2BLDG. 4 - SOUTH ELEVATIONNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDINGS 4-6 - 3DVIEWSA4-300.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #21236710115489N viewBviewAA) VIEW LOOKING WESTB) VIEW LOOKING SOUTH-WESTNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDINGS 4-6 - 3DVIEWSA4-301.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1236710115489N viewAviewBA) VIEW LOOKING EASTB) VIEW LOOKING NORTH-EASTNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #2 A5-200.4A5-200.1A5-200.2A5-200.3GARAGE DOORSGARAGE DOORSGARAGE DOORSBLDG 7BLDG 8BLDG 950'-6"25'-0"62'-9"50'-6"25'-0"25'-0"24'-7"9'-3"12'-9"12'-6"12'-6"12'-9"12'-8 1/4"12'-5 1/2"12'-5 1/2"12'-5 1/2"12'-8 1/4"12'-9"12'-6"12'-6"12'-9"A5-200.4A5-200.1BLDG 7BLDG 8BLDG 950'-6"25'-0"62'-9"50'-6"25'-0"25'-0"24'-6"9'-3"109.46%62.14% 57.74%26.79% 62.14% 109.46%1. DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTERLINE OF COLUMN, FACE OF STUD, FACE OF CONCRETE, OR FACE OF MASONRY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. ANY DISCREPANCIES NOTED SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.3. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.4. APPROVED SET OF PLANS FOR BUILDING, FIRE SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM, ETC. SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE WITHOUT COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE PROVISION.5. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR COLORS, FINISHES, THICKNESS, REINFORCING, AND CONTROL/EXPANSION JOINTS OF WALKS AND HARDSCAPE AREA.6. ALL ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGNS SHOWN SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE AND NOT OBSTRUCTED BY PIPES, MECHANICAL DUCTWORK, EQUIPMENT, ETC. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PENDANT EXTENSIONS AT ALL CEILING HUNG EXIT SIGNS AS REQUIRED PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.7. WALKING SURFACES OF THE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL HAVE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE AND BE SECURELY ATTACHED.8. GROUND AND FLOOR SURFACES ALONG ACCESSIBLE ROUTES AND IN ACCESSIBLE ROOMS AND SPACES, INCLUDING FLOORS, WALKS, RAMPS, STAIRS, AND CURB RAMPS SHALL BE STABLE, FIRM, AND SLIP RESISTANT.9. PROVIDE FURRED WALLS AS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITY AND DRAIN LINES THAT EXTEND UP THE INTERIOR WALL SURFACE.10. PROVIDE 2A-10BC FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT. PROVIDE SIGN, APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, REQUIRED TO INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER.ROOF PLAN NOTESFLOOR PLAN NOTES1. DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTERLINE OF COLUMN, FACE OF STUD, FACE OF CONCRETE, OR FACE OF MASONRY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. ANY DISCREPANCIES NOTED SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.3. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.4. APPROVED SET OF PLANS FOR BUILDING, FIRE SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM, ETC. SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE WITHOUT COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE PROVISION.5. REFER TO SHEETS "BUILDING CODE ANALYSIS" FOR EGRESS, CODE ANALYSIS, AND FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLY INFORMATION.6. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY CEILING OR WALL ACCESS PANELS AS REQUIRED FOR AIR CONDITIONING, PLUMBING, FIRE SPRINKLER, AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. IN FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLIES PROVIDE RATED ACCESS PANELS WITH SELF-CLOSING DEVICES.7. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR COLORS, FINISHES, THICKNESS, REINFORCING, AND CONTROL/EXPANSION JOINTS OF WALKS AND HARDSCAPE AREA.8. ALL ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGNS SHOWN SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE AND NOT OBSTRUCTED BY PIPES, MECHANICAL DUCTWORK, EQUIPMENT, ETC. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PENDANT EXTENSIONS AT ALL CEILING HUNG EXIT SIGNS AS REQUIRED PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.9. WALKING SURFACES OF THE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL HAVE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE AND BE SECURELY ATTACHED.10. GROUND AND FLOOR SURFACES ALONG ACCESSIBLE ROUTES AND IN ACCESSIBLE ROOMS AND SPACES, INCLUDING FLOORS, WALKS, RAMPS, STAIRS, AND CURB RAMPS SHALL BE STABLE, FIRM, AND SLIP RESISTANT.11. PROVIDE FURRED WALLS AS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITY AND DRAIN LINES THAT EXTEND UP THE INTERIOR WALL SURFACE.12. PROVIDE 2A-10BC FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT. PROVIDE SIGN, APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, REQUIRED TO INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER.13. FOR TYPICAL INFORMATION NOT SHOWN, REFER TO PLAN OF THE STORY BELOW.14. INTERIOR FINISHES SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC CHAPTER 8 FOR FLAME SPREAD PROVISIONS.0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDINGS 7-9 - LEVEL1 FLOOR PLAN & ROOFPLANA5-100.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #2N1/8" = 1'-0"1BUILDINGS 7-9 - LEVEL 11/8" = 1'-0"2BUILDINGS 7-9 - ROOFNNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 MATERIALS LEGEND1VINYL WINDOWS7RIBBED TPO9STUCCO3PAINTED METAL RAILING5FIBER CEMENT PANEL2ALUMINUM STOREFRONT6GLASS RAILING4CANOPY8FIBER CEMENT SIDING10 STONE VENEERBLDG 9-LEVEL 1+1146'-3"BLDG 9-ROOF+1163'-3"17'-0"9CORRUGATED METAL ROOFBLDG 9-LEVEL 1+1146'-3"BLDG 9-ROOF+1163'-3"917'-0"CORRUGATED METAL ROOFBLDG 9-LEVEL 1+1146'-3"BLDG 9-ROOF+1163'-3"17'-0"9CORRUGATED METAL ROOFBLDG 9-LEVEL 1+1146'-3"BLDG 9-ROOF+1163'-3"17'-0"9CORRUGATED METAL ROOF1. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.2. ALL CONTROL JOINTS AND FINISH MATERIALS SHALL WRAP AROUND CORNERS AND CONTINUE ONTO ADJACENT WALLS WHETHER SHOWN OR NOT, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PER ASTM C 1063 INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE AN EXPANSION JOINT OCCURS IN THE BASE EXTERIOR WALL. INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE CEILING FRAMING OR FURRING CHANGES DIRECTION3. PER ASTM C 1063, EXTERIOR PLASTER CONTROL JOINTS TO BE INSTALLED IN VERTICAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 144 SQUARE FEET IN AREA AND HORIZONTAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 100 SQUARE FEET IN AREA. DISTANCE BETWEEN CONTROL JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 18 FEET IN EITHER DIRECTION OR A LENGTH-TO-WIDTH RATIO OF 2.5 TO 1.4. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES.5. AT EVERY PRIMARY PUBLIC ENTRANCE 60" A.F.F., ADJOINING THE ENTRY DOOR, THERE SHALL BE A SIGN DISPLAYING THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY. THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY SHALL CONSIST OF A WHITE FIGURE ON A BLUE BACKGROUND. THE BLUE COLOR SHALL BE PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.6. ALL WEEP SCREED LINES SHALL BE LEVEL AND STEP WITH ADJACENT GRADE. STEPPING OF WEEP SCREED TO OCCUR AT INSIDE CORNERS. BOTTOM EDGE OF WEEP SCREED SHALL BE INSTALLED NOT LESS THAN 1-INCH BELOW THE JOINT FORMED BY THE FOUNDATION AND FRAMING. NOSE OF SCREED SHALL BE PLACED 4 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE GRADE OR 2 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE PAVED SURFACE.7. ALL WINDOW HEAD HEIGHTS TO BE 8’-0”ABOVE FINISH FLOOR, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.8. ALL WINDOWS TO BE RECESSED, EXCEPT AT DECKS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. REFER TO BUILDING AND UNIT PLANS FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION.9. FRAMING SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND COORDINATE EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNAGE LOCATIONS AND SHALL PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING WHERE REQUIRED.10. PAINT CONDUIT TO MATCH ADJACENT SURFACE.11. ALL AREAS WHERE SMOOTH PLASTER OCCURS, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE BASE COAT AND MESH-CRACK ISOLATION SYSTEM, REFER TO SPECIFICATION.12. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING ANY CONFLICTS AND/OR DISCREPANCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT.13. FACADE ACCESS PLAN (OPOS) SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OWNER TO COMPLY WITH OSHA REGULATIONS. THE OWNER SHALL COORDINATE AND NOTIFY THE PROJECT TEAM IF FAÇADE ACCESS REQUIREMENTS NEED TO BE SHOWN IN THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS.ELEVATION NOTES0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDINGS 7-9 -ELEVATIONSA5-200.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1/8" = 1'-0"1BLDG. 9- WEST ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"3BLDG. 9 EAST ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"2BLDG. 9- NORTH ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"4BLDG. 9- SOUTH ELEVATIONNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDINGS 7-9 - 3DVIEWSA5-300.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #21236710115489N viewAviewBA) VIEW LOOKING EASTB) VIEW LOOKING WESTNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 DNREFBWINEDW BL REFBWINEDW B LREFBWINEDW B LREFBWINEDW B LB DW B REF LB DW B REFL REFBWINEDW B LREFBWINEDW BL UPUPPRIVATE PATIOPRIVATE PATIOPRIVATE PATIOPRIVATE PATIORESID. MAIL / LOBBYPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PRIVATE PATIOPRIVATE PATIOPRIVATE PATIOPRIVATE PATIOUNIT S1.3aUNIT S1UNIT S1UNIT S1.3aUNIT S1.1aUNIT S1UNIT S1UNIT S1.1aA6-201.2A6-201.1A6-200.1A6-200.3MPOEELECTRICALROOMELEVATORRESIDENTIALSTORAGE27'-0"2"27'-0"16'-4"27'-0"2"27'-0"73'-10" 32'-0"9'-10"32'-0"RESIDENTIALSTORAGERESIDENTIALSTORAGE6'-0"27'-0"2"27'-0"16'-4"27'-0"2"27'-0"6'-0"124'-8"FLOOR PLAN NOTES1. DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTERLINE OF COLUMN, FACE OF STUD, FACE OF CONCRETE, OR FACE OF MASONRY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. ANY DISCREPANCIES NOTED SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.3. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.4. APPROVED SET OF PLANS FOR BUILDING, FIRE SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM, ETC. SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE WITHOUT COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE PROVISION.5. REFER TO SHEETS "BUILDING CODE ANALYSIS" FOR EGRESS, CODE ANALYSIS, AND FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLY INFORMATION.6. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY CEILING OR WALL ACCESS PANELS AS REQUIRED FOR AIR CONDITIONING, PLUMBING, FIRE SPRINKLER, AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. IN FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLIES PROVIDE RATED ACCESS PANELS WITH SELF-CLOSING DEVICES.7. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR COLORS, FINISHES, THICKNESS, REINFORCING, AND CONTROL/EXPANSION JOINTS OF WALKS AND HARDSCAPE AREA.8. ALL ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGNS SHOWN SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE AND NOT OBSTRUCTED BY PIPES, MECHANICAL DUCTWORK, EQUIPMENT, ETC. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PENDANT EXTENSIONS AT ALL CEILING HUNG EXIT SIGNS AS REQUIRED PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.9. WALKING SURFACES OF THE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL HAVE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE AND BE SECURELY ATTACHED.10. GROUND AND FLOOR SURFACES ALONG ACCESSIBLE ROUTES AND IN ACCESSIBLE ROOMS AND SPACES, INCLUDING FLOORS, WALKS, RAMPS, STAIRS, AND CURB RAMPS SHALL BE STABLE, FIRM, AND SLIP RESISTANT.11. PROVIDE FURRED WALLS AS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITY AND DRAIN LINES THAT EXTEND UP THE INTERIOR WALL SURFACE.12. PROVIDE 2A-10BC FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT. PROVIDE SIGN, APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, REQUIRED TO INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER.13. FOR TYPICAL INFORMATION NOT SHOWN, REFER TO PLAN OF THE STORY BELOW.14. INTERIOR FINISHES SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC CHAPTER 8 FOR FLAME SPREAD PROVISIONS.0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 10 - LEVEL1FLOOR PLANA6-100.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #2N1/8" = 1'-0"1BUILDING 10. - LEVEL 1NO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 REFBREFBWINEDW B WINEDW BL LREFBWINEDW BL REFBWINEDW B LREFBWINEDW B LREFBWINEDW B LB DW B REF LB DW B REFL UPDNUPDNREFBWINEDW B REFBWINEDW BL LREFBWINEDW BL REFBWINEDW B LREFBWINEDW B LREFBWINEDW B LB DW B REF LB DW B REFL UPDNUPDNOPEN TO LOBBY BELOWPRIVATE PATIOPRIVATE PATIOPRIVATE PATIOPRIVATE PATIOPRIVATE PATIOPRIVATE PATIOPRIVATE PATIOPRIVATE PATIOPROPERTY LINE UNIT S1.3UNIT S1UNIT S1UNIT S1.3UNIT S1.1UNIT S1UNIT S1UNIT S1.1A6-201.2A6-201.1A6-200.1A6-200.3IDF73'-10" 32'-0"9'-10"32'-0"27'-0"2"27'-0"27'-0"2"27'-0"124'-8"54'-2"16'-4"54'-2"27'-0"2"27'-0"16'-4"27'-0"2"27'-0"PROPERTY LINE PRIVATE PATIOPRIVATE PATIOPRIVATE PATIOOPEN TO LOBBY BELOWPRIVATE PATIOPRIVATE PATIOPRIVATE PATIOPRIVATE PATIOROOF LINE ABOVEROOF LINE ABOVEPRIVATE PATIOA6-201.2A6-201.1A6-200.1A6-200.3UNIT S1.3bUNIT S1UNIT S1UNIT S1.3bUNIT S1.2UNIT S1UNIT S1UNIT S1.232'-0"9'-10"32'-0"124'-8"54'-2"16'-4"54'-2"27'-0"2"27'-0"16'-4"27'-0"2"27'-0"73'-10"27'-0"2"27'-0"27'-0"2"27'-0"STORAGE1. DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTERLINE OF COLUMN, FACE OF STUD, FACE OF CONCRETE, OR FACE OF MASONRY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. ANY DISCREPANCIES NOTED SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.3. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.4. APPROVED SET OF PLANS FOR BUILDING, FIRE SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM, ETC. SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE WITHOUT COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE PROVISION.5. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR COLORS, FINISHES, THICKNESS, REINFORCING, AND CONTROL/EXPANSION JOINTS OF WALKS AND HARDSCAPE AREA.6. ALL ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGNS SHOWN SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE AND NOT OBSTRUCTED BY PIPES, MECHANICAL DUCTWORK, EQUIPMENT, ETC. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PENDANT EXTENSIONS AT ALL CEILING HUNG EXIT SIGNS AS REQUIRED PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.7. WALKING SURFACES OF THE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL HAVE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE AND BE SECURELY ATTACHED.8. GROUND AND FLOOR SURFACES ALONG ACCESSIBLE ROUTES AND IN ACCESSIBLE ROOMS AND SPACES, INCLUDING FLOORS, WALKS, RAMPS, STAIRS, AND CURB RAMPS SHALL BE STABLE, FIRM, AND SLIP RESISTANT.9. PROVIDE FURRED WALLS AS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITY AND DRAIN LINES THAT EXTEND UP THE INTERIOR WALL SURFACE.10. PROVIDE 2A-10BC FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT. PROVIDE SIGN, APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, REQUIRED TO INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER.ROOF PLAN NOTESFLOOR PLAN NOTES1. DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTERLINE OF COLUMN, FACE OF STUD, FACE OF CONCRETE, OR FACE OF MASONRY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. ANY DISCREPANCIES NOTED SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.3. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.4. APPROVED SET OF PLANS FOR BUILDING, FIRE SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM, ETC. SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE WITHOUT COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE PROVISION.5. REFER TO SHEETS "BUILDING CODE ANALYSIS" FOR EGRESS, CODE ANALYSIS, AND FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLY INFORMATION.6. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY CEILING OR WALL ACCESS PANELS AS REQUIRED FOR AIR CONDITIONING, PLUMBING, FIRE SPRINKLER, AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. IN FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLIES PROVIDE RATED ACCESS PANELS WITH SELF-CLOSING DEVICES.7. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR COLORS, FINISHES, THICKNESS, REINFORCING, AND CONTROL/EXPANSION JOINTS OF WALKS AND HARDSCAPE AREA.8. ALL ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGNS SHOWN SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE AND NOT OBSTRUCTED BY PIPES, MECHANICAL DUCTWORK, EQUIPMENT, ETC. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PENDANT EXTENSIONS AT ALL CEILING HUNG EXIT SIGNS AS REQUIRED PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.9. WALKING SURFACES OF THE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL HAVE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE AND BE SECURELY ATTACHED.10. GROUND AND FLOOR SURFACES ALONG ACCESSIBLE ROUTES AND IN ACCESSIBLE ROOMS AND SPACES, INCLUDING FLOORS, WALKS, RAMPS, STAIRS, AND CURB RAMPS SHALL BE STABLE, FIRM, AND SLIP RESISTANT.11. PROVIDE FURRED WALLS AS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITY AND DRAIN LINES THAT EXTEND UP THE INTERIOR WALL SURFACE.12. PROVIDE 2A-10BC FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT. PROVIDE SIGN, APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, REQUIRED TO INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER.13. FOR TYPICAL INFORMATION NOT SHOWN, REFER TO PLAN OF THE STORY BELOW.14. INTERIOR FINISHES SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC CHAPTER 8 FOR FLAME SPREAD PROVISIONS.0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 10 - LEVEL 2& LEVEL 3 FLOORPLANA6-101.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #21/8" = 1'-0"1BUILDING 10. - LEVEL 21/8" = 1'-0"2BUILDING 10. - LEVEL 3 N N NO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 DNDNFLOOR PLAN NOTES1. DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTERLINE OF COLUMN, FACE OF STUD, FACE OF CONCRETE, OR FACE OF MASONRY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. ANY DISCREPANCIES NOTED SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.3. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.4. APPROVED SET OF PLANS FOR BUILDING, FIRE SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM, ETC. SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE WITHOUT COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE PROVISION.5. REFER TO SHEETS "BUILDING CODE ANALYSIS" FOR EGRESS, CODE ANALYSIS, AND FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLY INFORMATION.6. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY CEILING OR WALL ACCESS PANELS AS REQUIRED FOR AIR CONDITIONING, PLUMBING, FIRE SPRINKLER, AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. IN FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLIES PROVIDE RATED ACCESS PANELS WITH SELF-CLOSING DEVICES.7. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR COLORS, FINISHES, THICKNESS, REINFORCING, AND CONTROL/EXPANSION JOINTS OF WALKS AND HARDSCAPE AREA.8. ALL ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGNS SHOWN SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE AND NOT OBSTRUCTED BY PIPES, MECHANICAL DUCTWORK, EQUIPMENT, ETC. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PENDANT EXTENSIONS AT ALL CEILING HUNG EXIT SIGNS AS REQUIRED PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.9. WALKING SURFACES OF THE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL HAVE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE AND BE SECURELY ATTACHED.10. GROUND AND FLOOR SURFACES ALONG ACCESSIBLE ROUTES AND IN ACCESSIBLE ROOMS AND SPACES, INCLUDING FLOORS, WALKS, RAMPS, STAIRS, AND CURB RAMPS SHALL BE STABLE, FIRM, AND SLIP RESISTANT.11. PROVIDE FURRED WALLS AS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITY AND DRAIN LINES THAT EXTEND UP THE INTERIOR WALL SURFACE.12. PROVIDE 2A-10BC FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT. PROVIDE SIGN, APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, REQUIRED TO INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER.13. FOR TYPICAL INFORMATION NOT SHOWN, REFER TO PLAN OF THE STORY BELOW.14. INTERIOR FINISHES SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC CHAPTER 8 FOR FLAME SPREAD PROVISIONS.PROPERTY LINE MECH.MECH. MECH.MECH.PRIVATE SKYDECKPRIVATE SKYDECKPRIVATE SKYDECKPRIVATE SKYDECKSLOPED ROOFSLOPED ROOFSLOPED ROOFSLOPED ROOFSKYDECKSKYDECK8.75%8.75%8.75%8.75%A6-201.2A6-201.1A6-200.1A6-200.3124'-8"73'-10"SKYDECKSKYDECK0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:4'2' 8'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 10 - ROOFPLANA6-102.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #21/8" = 1'-0"1BUILDING 10. - ROOF LEVEL N NO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 MATERIALS LEGEND1VINYL WINDOWS7RIBBED TPO9STUCCO3PAINTED METAL RAILING5FIBER CEMENT PANEL2ALUMINUM STOREFRONT6GLASS RAILING4CANOPY8FIBER CEMENT SIDING10 STONE VENEER1. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.2. ALL CONTROL JOINTS AND FINISH MATERIALS SHALL WRAP AROUND CORNERS AND CONTINUE ONTO ADJACENT WALLS WHETHER SHOWN OR NOT, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PER ASTM C 1063 INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE AN EXPANSION JOINT OCCURS IN THE BASE EXTERIOR WALL. INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE CEILING FRAMING OR FURRING CHANGES DIRECTION3. PER ASTM C 1063, EXTERIOR PLASTER CONTROL JOINTS TO BE INSTALLED IN VERTICAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 144 SQUARE FEET IN AREA AND HORIZONTAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 100 SQUARE FEET IN AREA. DISTANCE BETWEEN CONTROL JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 18 FEET IN EITHER DIRECTION OR A LENGTH-TO-WIDTH RATIO OF 2.5 TO 1.4. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES.5. AT EVERY PRIMARY PUBLIC ENTRANCE 60" A.F.F., ADJOINING THE ENTRY DOOR, THERE SHALL BE A SIGN DISPLAYING THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY. THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY SHALL CONSIST OF A WHITE FIGURE ON A BLUE BACKGROUND. THE BLUE COLOR SHALL BE PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.6. ALL WEEP SCREED LINES SHALL BE LEVEL AND STEP WITH ADJACENT GRADE. STEPPING OF WEEP SCREED TO OCCUR AT INSIDE CORNERS. BOTTOM EDGE OF WEEP SCREED SHALL BE INSTALLED NOT LESS THAN 1-INCH BELOW THE JOINT FORMED BY THE FOUNDATION AND FRAMING. NOSE OF SCREED SHALL BE PLACED 4 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE GRADE OR 2 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE PAVED SURFACE.7. ALL WINDOW HEAD HEIGHTS TO BE 8’-0”ABOVE FINISH FLOOR, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.8. ALL WINDOWS TO BE RECESSED, EXCEPT AT DECKS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. REFER TO BUILDING AND UNIT PLANS FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION.9. FRAMING SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND COORDINATE EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNAGE LOCATIONS AND SHALL PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING WHERE REQUIRED.10. PAINT CONDUIT TO MATCH ADJACENT SURFACE.11. ALL AREAS WHERE SMOOTH PLASTER OCCURS, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE BASE COAT AND MESH-CRACK ISOLATION SYSTEM, REFER TO SPECIFICATION.12. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING ANY CONFLICTS AND/OR DISCREPANCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT.13. FACADE ACCESS PLAN (OPOS) SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OWNER TO COMPLY WITH OSHA REGULATIONS. THE OWNER SHALL COORDINATE AND NOTIFY THE PROJECT TEAM IF FAÇADE ACCESS REQUIREMENTS NEED TO BE SHOWN IN THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS.ELEVATION NOTESBLDG 10-LEVEL 1+1148'-6"BLDG 10-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+1159'-6"BLDG 10-LEVEL 3 T.O. SHT'G+1170'-6"BLDG 10-ROOF T.O. SHT'G+1181'-6"510345'-0"9'-6"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"191947'-6"BLDG 10-LEVEL 1+1148'-6"BLDG 10-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+1159'-6"BLDG 10-LEVEL 3 T.O. SHT'G+1170'-6"BLDG 10-ROOF T.O. SHT'G+1181'-6"934911'-0"11'-0"11'-0" 37'-0"1011047'-6" 33'-0"9'-6"5'-0"0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 10 -ELEVATIONS - NORTH& EASTA6-200.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #21/8" = 1'-0"1BLDG. 10 - EAST ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"3BLDG. 10 - NORTH ELEVATIONNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 MATERIALS LEGEND1VINYL WINDOWS7RIBBED TPO9STUCCO3PAINTED METAL RAILING5FIBER CEMENT PANEL2ALUMINUM STOREFRONT6GLASS RAILING4CANOPY8FIBER CEMENT SIDING10 STONE VENEER1. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.2. ALL CONTROL JOINTS AND FINISH MATERIALS SHALL WRAP AROUND CORNERS AND CONTINUE ONTO ADJACENT WALLS WHETHER SHOWN OR NOT, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PER ASTM C 1063 INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE AN EXPANSION JOINT OCCURS IN THE BASE EXTERIOR WALL. INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE CEILING FRAMING OR FURRING CHANGES DIRECTION3. PER ASTM C 1063, EXTERIOR PLASTER CONTROL JOINTS TO BE INSTALLED IN VERTICAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 144 SQUARE FEET IN AREA AND HORIZONTAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 100 SQUARE FEET IN AREA. DISTANCE BETWEEN CONTROL JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 18 FEET IN EITHER DIRECTION OR A LENGTH-TO-WIDTH RATIO OF 2.5 TO 1.4. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES.5. AT EVERY PRIMARY PUBLIC ENTRANCE 60" A.F.F., ADJOINING THE ENTRY DOOR, THERE SHALL BE A SIGN DISPLAYING THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY. THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY SHALL CONSIST OF A WHITE FIGURE ON A BLUE BACKGROUND. THE BLUE COLOR SHALL BE PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.6. ALL WEEP SCREED LINES SHALL BE LEVEL AND STEP WITH ADJACENT GRADE. STEPPING OF WEEP SCREED TO OCCUR AT INSIDE CORNERS. BOTTOM EDGE OF WEEP SCREED SHALL BE INSTALLED NOT LESS THAN 1-INCH BELOW THE JOINT FORMED BY THE FOUNDATION AND FRAMING. NOSE OF SCREED SHALL BE PLACED 4 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE GRADE OR 2 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE PAVED SURFACE.7. ALL WINDOW HEAD HEIGHTS TO BE 8’-0”ABOVE FINISH FLOOR, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.8. ALL WINDOWS TO BE RECESSED, EXCEPT AT DECKS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. REFER TO BUILDING AND UNIT PLANS FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION.9. FRAMING SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND COORDINATE EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNAGE LOCATIONS AND SHALL PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING WHERE REQUIRED.10. PAINT CONDUIT TO MATCH ADJACENT SURFACE.11. ALL AREAS WHERE SMOOTH PLASTER OCCURS, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE BASE COAT AND MESH-CRACK ISOLATION SYSTEM, REFER TO SPECIFICATION.12. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING ANY CONFLICTS AND/OR DISCREPANCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT.13. FACADE ACCESS PLAN (OPOS) SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OWNER TO COMPLY WITH OSHA REGULATIONS. THE OWNER SHALL COORDINATE AND NOTIFY THE PROJECT TEAM IF FAÇADE ACCESS REQUIREMENTS NEED TO BE SHOWN IN THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS.ELEVATION NOTESBLDG 10-LEVEL 1+1148'-6"BLDG 10-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+1159'-6"BLDG 10-LEVEL 3 T.O. SHT'G+1170'-6"BLDG 10-ROOF T.O. SHT'G+1181'-6"9341095'-0"9'-6"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"11047'-6"BLDG 10-LEVEL 1+1148'-6"BLDG 10-LEVEL 2 T.O. SHT'G+1159'-6"BLDG 10-LEVEL 3 T.O. SHT'G+1170'-6"BLDG 10-ROOF T.O. SHT'G+1181'-6"191035447'-6" 5'-0"9'-6"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"210'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 10 -ELEVATIONS - SOUTH& WESTA6-201.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #21/8" = 1'-0"2BLDG. 10 - SOUTH ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"1BLDG. 10 - WEST ELEVATIONNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 10 - 3DVIEWSA6-300.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #21236710115489N viewBviewAA) VIEW LOOKING NORTH-EAST - BUILDING ONLYNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:4'2' 8'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 10 - 3DVIEWSA6-301.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #21236710115489N viewBviewAA) VIEW LOOKING SOUTH-EASTB) VIEW LOOKING NORTH-WESTNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 SLOPESLOPESLOPEMETAL CANOPYBUILDING OUTLINEA7-200.2A7-200.1A7-200.4A7-200.3 1. DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTERLINE OF COLUMN, FACE OF STUD, FACE OF CONCRETE, OR FACE OF MASONRY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. ANY DISCREPANCIES NOTED SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.3. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.4. APPROVED SET OF PLANS FOR BUILDING, FIRE SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM, ETC. SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE WITHOUT COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE PROVISION.5. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR COLORS, FINISHES, THICKNESS, REINFORCING, AND CONTROL/EXPANSION JOINTS OF WALKS AND HARDSCAPE AREA.6. ALL ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGNS SHOWN SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE AND NOT OBSTRUCTED BY PIPES, MECHANICAL DUCTWORK, EQUIPMENT, ETC. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PENDANT EXTENSIONS AT ALL CEILING HUNG EXIT SIGNS AS REQUIRED PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.7. WALKING SURFACES OF THE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL HAVE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE AND BE SECURELY ATTACHED.8. GROUND AND FLOOR SURFACES ALONG ACCESSIBLE ROUTES AND IN ACCESSIBLE ROOMS AND SPACES, INCLUDING FLOORS, WALKS, RAMPS, STAIRS, AND CURB RAMPS SHALL BE STABLE, FIRM, AND SLIP RESISTANT.9. PROVIDE FURRED WALLS AS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITY AND DRAIN LINES THAT EXTEND UP THE INTERIOR WALL SURFACE.10. PROVIDE 2A-10BC FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT. PROVIDE SIGN, APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, REQUIRED TO INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER.ROOF PLAN NOTESFLOOR PLAN NOTES1. DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTERLINE OF COLUMN, FACE OF STUD, FACE OF CONCRETE, OR FACE OF MASONRY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. ANY DISCREPANCIES NOTED SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.3. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.4. APPROVED SET OF PLANS FOR BUILDING, FIRE SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM, ETC. SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE WITHOUT COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE PROVISION.5. REFER TO SHEETS "BUILDING CODE ANALYSIS" FOR EGRESS, CODE ANALYSIS, AND FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLY INFORMATION.6. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY CEILING OR WALL ACCESS PANELS AS REQUIRED FOR AIR CONDITIONING, PLUMBING, FIRE SPRINKLER, AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. IN FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLIES PROVIDE RATED ACCESS PANELS WITH SELF-CLOSING DEVICES.7. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR COLORS, FINISHES, THICKNESS, REINFORCING, AND CONTROL/EXPANSION JOINTS OF WALKS AND HARDSCAPE AREA.8. ALL ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGNS SHOWN SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE AND NOT OBSTRUCTED BY PIPES, MECHANICAL DUCTWORK, EQUIPMENT, ETC. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PENDANT EXTENSIONS AT ALL CEILING HUNG EXIT SIGNS AS REQUIRED PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.9. WALKING SURFACES OF THE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL HAVE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE AND BE SECURELY ATTACHED.10. GROUND AND FLOOR SURFACES ALONG ACCESSIBLE ROUTES AND IN ACCESSIBLE ROOMS AND SPACES, INCLUDING FLOORS, WALKS, RAMPS, STAIRS, AND CURB RAMPS SHALL BE STABLE, FIRM, AND SLIP RESISTANT.11. PROVIDE FURRED WALLS AS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITY AND DRAIN LINES THAT EXTEND UP THE INTERIOR WALL SURFACE.12. PROVIDE 2A-10BC FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT. PROVIDE SIGN, APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, REQUIRED TO INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER.13. FOR TYPICAL INFORMATION NOT SHOWN, REFER TO PLAN OF THE STORY BELOW.14. INTERIOR FINISHES SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC CHAPTER 8 FOR FLAME SPREAD PROVISIONS.A7-200.2A7-200.1A7-200.4A7-200.3 CENTRAL GATHERING AREALINE OF CANOPY ABOVELINE OF ROOF ABOVEFIREPLACECLUB ROOMLEASING OFFICEMEN'SRESTROOMWOMEN'SRESTROOMPOOL WOMEN'SPOOL MEN'SELECTRICALROOMMPOEPOOL EQUIP.ROOM0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 11 - FLOORPLAN & ROOF PLANA7-100.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SETN N1/8" = 1'-0"2BLDG 11 - ROOFNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal1/8" = 1'-0"1BLDG 11- LEVEL-1ISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 MATERIALS LEGEND1VINYL WINDOWS7RIBBED TPO9STUCCO3PAINTED METAL RAILING5FIBER CEMENT PANEL2ALUMINUM STOREFRONT6GLASS RAILING4CANOPY8FIBER CEMENT SIDING10 STONE VENEER1. ALL STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER. FOR ALL FRAMING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.2. ALL CONTROL JOINTS AND FINISH MATERIALS SHALL WRAP AROUND CORNERS AND CONTINUE ONTO ADJACENT WALLS WHETHER SHOWN OR NOT, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PER ASTM C 1063 INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE AN EXPANSION JOINT OCCURS IN THE BASE EXTERIOR WALL. INSTALL CONTROL JOINTS WHERE CEILING FRAMING OR FURRING CHANGES DIRECTION3. PER ASTM C 1063, EXTERIOR PLASTER CONTROL JOINTS TO BE INSTALLED IN VERTICAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 144 SQUARE FEET IN AREA AND HORIZONTAL SURFACES EXCEEDING 100 SQUARE FEET IN AREA. DISTANCE BETWEEN CONTROL JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 18 FEET IN EITHER DIRECTION OR A LENGTH-TO-WIDTH RATIO OF 2.5 TO 1.4. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES.5. AT EVERY PRIMARY PUBLIC ENTRANCE 60" A.F.F., ADJOINING THE ENTRY DOOR, THERE SHALL BE A SIGN DISPLAYING THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY. THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY SHALL CONSIST OF A WHITE FIGURE ON A BLUE BACKGROUND. THE BLUE COLOR SHALL BE PER GOVERNING CODE REQUIREMENTS.6. ALL WEEP SCREED LINES SHALL BE LEVEL AND STEP WITH ADJACENT GRADE. STEPPING OF WEEP SCREED TO OCCUR AT INSIDE CORNERS. BOTTOM EDGE OF WEEP SCREED SHALL BE INSTALLED NOT LESS THAN 1-INCH BELOW THE JOINT FORMED BY THE FOUNDATION AND FRAMING. NOSE OF SCREED SHALL BE PLACED 4 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE GRADE OR 2 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE PAVED SURFACE.7. ALL WINDOW HEAD HEIGHTS TO BE 8’-0”ABOVE FINISH FLOOR, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.8. ALL WINDOWS TO BE RECESSED, EXCEPT AT DECKS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. REFER TO BUILDING AND UNIT PLANS FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION.9. FRAMING SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND COORDINATE EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNAGE LOCATIONS AND SHALL PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING WHERE REQUIRED.10. PAINT CONDUIT TO MATCH ADJACENT SURFACE.11. ALL AREAS WHERE SMOOTH PLASTER OCCURS, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE BASE COAT AND MESH-CRACK ISOLATION SYSTEM, REFER TO SPECIFICATION.12. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING ANY CONFLICTS AND/OR DISCREPANCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT.13. FACADE ACCESS PLAN (OPOS) SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OWNER TO COMPLY WITH OSHA REGULATIONS. THE OWNER SHALL COORDINATE AND NOTIFY THE PROJECT TEAM IF FAÇADE ACCESS REQUIREMENTS NEED TO BE SHOWN IN THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS.ELEVATION NOTES7824T.O.CHIMNEY 22'-0"BLDG 11-LEVEL 1+1151'-0"T.O.ROOF 20'-0"21010T.O.ROOF 20'-0"BLDG 11-LEVEL 1+1151'-0"5510247T.O.CHIMNEY 22'-0"BLDG 11-LEVEL 1+1151'-0"T.O.ROOF 20'-0"248105T.O.CHIMNEY 22'-0"BLDG 11-LEVEL 1+1151'-0"T.O.ROOF 20'-0"0'SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:8'4'16'PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 11 -ELEVATIONSA7-200.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1/8" = 1'-0"1BUILDING 11. - NORTH ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"2BUILDING 11. - EAST ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"3BUILDING 11. - SOUTH ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"4BUILDING 11. - WEST ELEVATIONNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 11 - 3DVIEWSA7-300.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1236710115489N viewAviewBA) VIEW LOOKING SOUTH-EASTB) VIEW LOOKING NORTH-EASTNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 10887710OFF10887710OFFUPUPUPUPUPUPCooktopOvenVent HoodT R TRTR TRTRT R 7.00% 16.00% 10. 00%HAVEN AVENUEARROW ROUTE SIZE & QUAN. PLANTING LEGENDTREES DRIVEWAY TREEACCENT TREEPLAZA SHADE TREESTREET TREEPARKING LOT SHADE TREE24" BOX / 70 EA36" BOX / 26 EA24" BOX / 28 EA48" BOX / 5 EA24" BOX / 18 EASignatureRenewal DateDate2-28-20242669 Saturn Street CA, 92821F. 562-905-0880la@sqlainc.com T. 562-905-0800 www.sqlainc.comBREA, Landscape ArchitectsSHEET NUMBERCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONDISCIPLINEISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROWNO.DATEDESCRIPTION#222315-20-2022OVERALL LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN SCALE : 1/32"=1'-0"1LC-1NOVERALL PLAN016'32'64'Scale: 1/32" = 1'-0"LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN &21&(378$/6,7(3/$1/3$%&'()$%&'()  3/$11,1*/$1'6&$3($5&+,7(&785(85%$1'(6,*1+8*+(668,7(,59,1(&$/,)251,$%5,*+79,(:'(6,*1*5283(;35(66/<5(6(59(6,76&20021/$:&23<5,*+7$1'27+(53523(57<5,*+76727+(6(3/$167+(6(3/$16$5(12772%(5(352'8&('2502',),(',1$1<)250250$11(5125$5(7+(<72%($66,*1('72$7+,5'3$57<:,7+287),5672%7$,1,1*7+(:5,77(13(50,66,21$1'&216(172)%5,*+79,(:'(6,*1*52837(163$&('(9(/230(17+$9(1$1'$552:/$1'6&$3('(6,*15(9,(:3/$165$1&+2&8&$021*$&$6+((77,7/(6+((7180%(5&23<5,*+7%5,*+79,(:'(6,*1*52833/$15(9,6,21'(6&5,37,213/$16(7,668('$7(352-(&767$786/2*$%'(6,*15(9,(:68%0,77$/$*(1&<68%0,77$/%9'*-2%180%(5'5$:1%<3/$1&+(&.127:-)$0/?+$9(1$552:?&$'?'(6,*15(9,(:?6+((76?/3B&216758&7,213/$1':*QRZ.EHORZEHIRUHGLJ\RXZKDW VDOO&55()(5727+(6+((7,1'(;216+((7/)25$&203/(7(/,672)'5$:,1*6127)25&216758&7,21'(6,*15(9,(:68%0,77$/'(6,*15(9,(:68%0,77$/& SHEET NUMBERARCHITECTCLIENT/OWNERPROJECTSHEET TITLEISSUES & REVISIONSDCBA4321543215SCALE:PROJECT NUMBER:A R C H I T E C T U R E100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000LONG BEACH, CA 90802(562) 414-4066NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMONLAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESEDOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BEREPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM ORMANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:2020-109BUILDING 11 - 3DVIEWSA7-301.RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA8500 HAVEN, LLC.HAVEN+ARROW12/16/2021ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL SET1236710115489N viewAviewBA) VIEW LOOKING NORTH-WESTB) VIEW LOOKING EASTNO. DATE DESCRIPTION05/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement ResubmittalISSUE DATE:ISSUE AS:3/7/2022ENTITLEMENT RESUBMITTAL #205/25/21 SD Submittal12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 Vent Hood10 88 7 7 10 OFF10887710OFF FDC FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION PROPERTY LINE T PROPOSED TRANSFORMER AND SWITCHGEAR LOCATION FIRE HYDRANT LOCATION - VERIFY LOCATION WITH CIVIL DRAWINGS ACCESSIBLE ROUTE FROM PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY TO BUILDING ENTRANCES FH 1. THIS ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN IS PROVIDED FOR OVERALL SITE REFERENCE, THE LOCATION OF ITEMS INCLUDED IN THIS SET OF PLANS IS FOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO BE USED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ANY SITE IMPROVEMENTS. SEE PLANS PREPARED BY THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR ALL SITE IMPROVEMENTS 2. SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR LOT LINE DIMENSIONS. 3. AN ACCESSIBLE ROUTE FROM THE DWELLING UNIT SHALL BE PROVIDED EITHER DIRECTLY FROM THE UNIT TO A GARAGE OR FROM THE PRIMARY ENTRY DOOR TO THE VEHICULAR ENTRANCE OF THE GARAGE PER CBC SECTION 1109A.2.1 4. ALL ACCESSIBLE RAMPS AND ROUTES ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE THE FOLLOWING: • WALKING SURFACE SHALL NOT EXCEED 5% SLOPE. • RAMPS SHALL NOT EXCEED 8.33% SLOPE AND SHALL HAVE REQUIRED CURBS AND HANDRAILS. • ALL CROSS SLOPES SHALL NOT EXCEED 2%. • THERE SHALL BE NO ABRUPT CHANGES IN ELEVATION ALONG THE ACCESSIBLE ROUTE. • REFER TO CIVIL AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS. 5. TEMPORARY PEDESTRIAN PROTECTION SHALL BE PROVIDED AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 3306. OBTAIN PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL. (3201.3, 3202.3.4, 3306) 6. HAVEN AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENTS ARE SHOWN FOR DIAGRAMMATIC PURPOSES ONLY. FHFHFH FH FHFHFH FH FHFH FH FHFHFHFHFHFH FH FH BUILDING #6 3-STORY, TYPE VA APARTMENT BUILDING 24,030 SF. (GROSS) BUILDING #5 3-STORY, TYPE VA APARTMENT BUILDING 24,030 SF. (GROSS) BUILDING #4 3-STORY, TYPE VA APARTMENT BUILDING 24,030 SF. (GROSS) BUILDING #3 4-STORY, TYPE VA APARTMENT BUILDING 36,680 SF. (GROSS) BUILDING #2 4-STORY, TYPE VA OVER 1-STORY TYPE I SUB-T PARKING MIXED-USE BUILDING 175,480 SF. (GROSS)BUILDING #1 2-STORY, TYPE VA RETAIL / OFFICE BUILDING 9,690 SF. (GROSS) BUILDING #10 3-STORY, TYPE VA APARTMENT BUILDING 26,590 SF. (GROSS) BUILDING #7 1-STORY, TYPE VA PARKING GARAGE 1,280 SF. (GROSS) BUILDING #8 1-STORY, TYPE VA PARKING GARAGE 1,590 SF. (GROSS) BUILDING #9 1-STORY, TYPE VA PARKING GARAGE 1,280 SF. (GROSS) BUILDING #11 1-STORY, TYPE VA LEASING BUILDING 2,760 SF. (GROSS) SOUTH PROJECT ENTRY (EXISTING) NORTH PROJECT ENTRY (PROPOSED) RESIDENTIAL PARKING GUEST PARKING RESIDENT PARKING RESIDENT PARKING RESI. OUTDOOR AMENITY AREA (SEE SHEET LP101) "THE LAWN" OUTDOOR OPEN AREA (SEE SHEET LP101) ALLOWABLE SETBACK: 45' BASE W/ 50-75% REDUCTION PER MU ZONING ALLOWABLE SETBACK: 45' BASE W/ 50-75% REDUCTION PER MU ZONINGALLOWABLE SETBACK: 35' BASE W/ 50-75% REDUCTION PER MU ZONING ALLOWABLE SETBACK: 35' BASE W/ 50-75% REDUCTION PER MU ZONING RESIDENT PARKING GUEST PARKING RETAIL / RESTAURANT / OFFICE / MEDICAL PARKING RETAIL / RESTAURANT / OFFICE / MEDICAL PARKING A R R O W R O U T EH A V E N A V E N U E 37'-6"36'-4"23'-8"24'-0"87'-2"19'-6"334'-6"683'-6"35'-8"29'-2"31'-2"26'-0"45'-0"79'-0"25'-0" 16'-0" 93'-8"145'-8"59'-9"79'-5" 26'-0"24'-0"24'-0"26'-0"26'-0"25'-0"26'-0"88'-1"25'-0"107'-5"℄18'-0"56'-0"138'-1"RIGHT -IN, RIGHT-OUT ONLY RIGHT -IN, RIGHT-OUT ONLY EXISTING COMMERCIAL PARKING LOT (NOT A PART) EXISTING MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (NOT A PART) EXISTING MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (NOT A PART) PROPOSED 6' WIDE LADSCAPE BUFFER 6'-0"FUTURE STREET IMPROVEMENTS BY OTHERS 25'-0"79'-0"8'-0"8'-0"8'-0"6'-0"17'-2"14'-0"18'-0"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"10'-0"12'-0"8'-0"8'-0"12'-0"7'-0"11'-0"11'-0"22'-7"12'-9"13'-4"0' SHEET NUMBER ARCHITECT CLIENT/OWNER PROJECT SHEET TITLE ISSUES & REVISIONS D C B A 4 3 2 15 4 3 2 15 SCALE:30'15' 60' PROJECT NUMBER: A R C H I T E C T U R E 100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 414-4066 NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE DOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ISSUE DATE: ISSUE AS: 2020-109 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN A-006. RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 8500 HAVEN, LLC. HAVEN+ARROW 6/7/2022 BID SET NSITE PLAN LEGEND SITE PLAN NOTES 1" = 30'-0"2 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN. NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 05/25/21 SD Submittal 10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set 12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal 3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 &21&(378$/)(1&($1'*$7(3/$1/3$%&'()$%&'()  3/$11,1*/$1'6&$3($5&+,7(&785(85%$1'(6,*1+8*+(668,7(,59,1(&$/,)251,$%5,*+79,(:'(6,*1*5283(;35(66/<5(6(59(6,76&20021/$:&23<5,*+7$1'27+(53523(57<5,*+76727+(6(3/$167+(6(3/$16$5(12772%(5(352'8&('2502',),(',1$1<)250250$11(5125$5(7+(<72%($66,*1('72$7+,5'3$57<:,7+287),5672%7$,1,1*7+(:5,77(13(50,66,21$1'&216(172)%5,*+79,(:'(6,*1*52837(163$&('(9(/230(17+$9(1$1'$552:/$1'6&$3('(6,*15(9,(:3/$165$1&+2&8&$021*$&$6+((77,7/(6+((7180%(5&23<5,*+7%5,*+79,(:'(6,*1*52833/$15(9,6,21'(6&5,37,213/$16(7,668('$7(352-(&767$786/2*$%'(6,*15(9,(:68%0,77$/$*(1&<68%0,77$/%9'*-2%180%(5'5$:1%<3/$1&+(&.127:-)$0/?+$9(1$552:?&$'?'(6,*15(9,(:?6+((76?/3B(/(9$7,216':*QRZ.EHORZEHIRUHGLJ\RXZKDW VDOO&55()(5727+(6+((7,1'(;216+((7/)25$&203/(7(/,672)'5$:,1*6127)25&216758&7,21'(6,*15(9,(:68%0,77$/'(6,*15(9,(:68%0,77$/& UP UP RETAIL / OFFICE / MEDICAL / RESTAURANT PARKING (BUILDING 1 & 2) RESIDENTIAL PARKING (BUILDING 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10) RESIDENTIAL VISITOR CARPORT STRUCTURE STANDARD PARKING 9' X 18' U.N.O WHEN ADJACENT TO A WALL OR COLUMN 10' X 20' STREET PARKING R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRBUILDING 2 -LEVEL P1 -PARKING RRR R RETAIL / OFFICE / MEDICAL / RESTAURANT PARKING RESIDENTIAL VISITOR PARKING RESIDENT PARKINGRESIDENT PARKING RESIDENT PARKING RESIDENT PARKING RESIDENTIAL VISITOR PARKING RESIDENT PARKINGR R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRVVVVRRRRRRVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV V V V V V V V V V V V V V CCCCCCC C C C C C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCVVVVVVVVVVVVVVCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C C CRRRRRRRRRRRRR SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSVCCCCCCCCCCVVRRRRRRRCVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV RVRETAIL / OFFICE / MEDICAL /RESTAURANT PARKING C C SSSSSVV VRACCESSIBLE PARKING REQUIREMENTS: RETAIL PARKING CBC TABLE 11B-208.2, FROM 101 TO 150 STALLS REQUIRES 5 ACCESSIBLE STALLS (4 STANDARD + 1 VAN) RESIDENTIAL PARKING CBC 1109A.4 ASSIGNED ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES AT LEAST 2 PERCENT OF THE ASSIGNED PARKING SPACES SERVING COVERED MULTIFAMILY DWELLING UNITS SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE IN EACH TYPE OF PARKING FACILITY 2% x 425 = 9 STALL (8 STANDARD + 1 VAN) GUEST PARKING CBC 1109A.5 UNASSIGNED AND VISITOR PARKING SPACES 5 PERCENT OF THE PARKING SPACES SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE AND PROVIDE ACCESS TO GRADE-LEVEL ENTRANCES OF COVERED MULTIFAMILY DWELLINGS AND FACILITIES THAT SERVE COVERED MULTIFAMILY DWELLINGS 5% x 32 = 3 STALL (2 STANDARD + 1 VAN) CALGREEN PARKING REQUIREMENT SEE SHEET A101 FOR EV STALL LOCATIONS RETAIL PARKING CALGREEN LOW EMITTING VEHICLES MARKED AS "CLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EV" PER TABLE - FROM 101 TO 150 STALLS REQUIRES 18 STALLS (17 STANDARD + 1 ACCESIBLE VAN) CALGREEN ELECTRIC VEHICLE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT (EVSE) MARKED AS "EV CAPABLE" PER TABLE - FROM 101 TO 150 STALLS REQUIRES 13 STALLS (12 STANDARD + 1 ACCESSIBLE VAN) RESIDENTIAL PARKING CALGREEN 15 PERCENT OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES PROVIDED FOR ALL TYPES OF PARKING FACILITIES MARKED AS "EV CAPABLE" 15% x 425 = 63.75 64 STALL (41 STANDARD + (2) 8'-0" LOADING AISLE) CALGREEN BICYCLE PARKING REQUIREMENT RETAIL BICYCLE PARKING CALGREEN SHORT TERM BICYCLE PARKING PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 5 PERCENT OF VEHICLE PARKING 5% x 110 = 6 BIKE PARKING CALGREEN LONG TERM BICYCLE PARKING PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 5 PERCENT OF VEHICLE PARKING 5% x 110 = 6 BIKE PARKING RESIDENTIAL BICYCLE PARKING RANCHO MUNICIPAL CODE 17.64.100 SHORT TERM BICYCE PARKING PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 5 PERCENT OF VEHICLE PARKING 5% x 425 = 22 BIKE PARKING RANCHO MUNICIPAL CODE 17.64.100 LONG TERM BICYCLE PARKING PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 5 PERCENT OF VEHICLE PARKING 5% x 425 = 22 BIKE PARKING 0' SHEET NUMBER ARCHITECT CLIENT/OWNER PROJECT SHEET TITLE ISSUES & REVISIONS D C B A 4 3 2 15 4 3 2 15 SCALE:4'2'8' PROJECT NUMBER: A R C H I T E C T U R E 100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 414-4066 NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE DOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ISSUE DATE: ISSUE AS: 2020-109 SITE PARKING DIAGRAM A-009. RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 8500 HAVEN, LLC. HAVEN+ARROW 6/7/2022 BID SET STALLS COMMERCIAL BLDG 1 38 BLDG 2 - COMMERCIAL 43 81 RESIDENTIAL BLDG 2 - RESIDENTIAL 229 BLDG 3 56 BLDG 4 36 BLDG 5 36 BLDG 6 36 BLDG 10 32 425 RESIDENTIAL GUEST VISITOR PARKING 83 83 TOTAL PROVIDED 589 STALLS BASEMENT 135 CARPORT (EXTERIOR) 64 CARPORT (INTERIOR)24 GARAGE 25 TOTAL:248 TYPE COUNT RATIO STALL Building 2 1 BEDROOM 66 1.5 99 2 BEDROOM 65 2 130 131 229 Building 3 1 BEDROOM 8 1.5 12 2 BEDROOM 22 2 44 30 56 Building 4 1 BEDROOM 12 1.5 18 2 BEDROOM 9 2 18 21 36 Building 5 1 BEDROOM 12 1.5 18 2 BEDROOM 9 2 18 21 36 Building 6 1 BEDROOM 12 1.5 18 2 BEDROOM 9 2 18 21 36 Building 10 STUDIO 24 1.3 31.2 24 31.2 TOTAL:248 424.2 NOTE: 1 REQUIRED COVERED STALL PER DWELLING UNIT 1" = 40'-0"1 LEVEL P1 - PARKING PLAN NN1" = 40'-0"3 SITE PARKING PROVIDED PARKING SUMMARY PARKING PLAN LEGEND REQUIRED PARKING SUMMARY PARKING NOTES REQUIRED COMMERCIAL PARKING: BUILDLING 1 AREA LEVEL 1: RESTAURANT 4,000 SF LEVEL 2: OFFICE / RETAIL* 2,800 SF BUILDING 2 LEVEL 1: OFFICE / RETAIL / MEDICAL* 7,875 SF LEVEL 1: RESTAURANT 800 SF LEVEL 2: RESTAURANT 3,700 SF TOTAL: RESTAURANT: 8,500 SF OFFICE / RETAIL / MEDICAL*10,675 SF RATIO COUNT RESTAURANT:10 STALLS / 1,000 SF 85 OFFICE / RETAIL / MEDICAL 4 STALLS / 1,000 SF 43 TOTAL:128 *ASSUMES 70% EFFICIENCY REQUIRED RESIDENTIAL PARKING: REQUIRED VISITOR PARKING: 1 PER 3 UNITS UNITS RATIO COUNT 248 1 PER 3 UNITS 82.7 *A MINOR EXCEPTION FOR PARKING REDUCTION IS BEING REQUESTED. * PROVIDED PARKING: PROVIDED COVERED PARKING: NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 05/25/21 SD Submittal 10/22/21 Preliminary Pricing Set 12/16/21 Entitlement Resubmittal 3/7/22 Entitlement Resubmittal #2 TOTAL REQUIRED PARKING SPACE: COMMERCIAL = 128 RESIDENTIAL = 424.2 = 425 VISITORS PARKING = 82.7 = 83 TOTAL REQUIRED = 636 PARKING STALLS EXHIBIT C SHEET NUMBER ARCHITECT CLIENT/OWNER PROJECT SHEET TITLE ISSUES & REVISIONS D C B A 4 3 2 15 4 3 2 15 SCALE: PROJECT NUMBER: A R C H I T E C T U R E 100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 414-4066 NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE DOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ISSUE DATE: ISSUE AS: 2020-109 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 8500 HAVEN, LLC. HAVEN+ARROW NO. DATE DESCRIPTION DRC UPDATE 6/16/2022 10'20'5'0' ARROW ROUTE HAVEN AVENUE A0-01 STREET ELEVATIONS - OPTION 1 (ENTITLEMENT) SCALE: 1:20 SCALE: 1:20 THE ARROW BUILDING #3 THE HAVEN BUILDING #2 THE HAVEN BUILDING #2THE MARKET HALL BUILDING #1 Exhibit D SHEET NUMBER ARCHITECT CLIENT/OWNER PROJECT SHEET TITLE ISSUES & REVISIONS D C B A 4 3 2 15 4 3 2 15 SCALE: PROJECT NUMBER: A R C H I T E C T U R E 100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 414-4066 NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE DOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ISSUE DATE: ISSUE AS: 2020-109 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 8500 HAVEN, LLC. HAVEN+ARROW NO. DATE DESCRIPTION DRC UPDATE 6/16/2022 10'20'5'0' ARROW ROUTE HAVEN AVENUE A0-02 STREET ELEVATIONS - OPTION 2 SCALE: 1:20 SCALE: 1:20 THE ARROW BUILDING #3 THE HAVEN BUILDING #2 THE HAVEN BUILDING #2THE MARKET HALL BUILDING #1 SHEET NUMBER ARCHITECT CLIENT/OWNER PROJECT SHEET TITLE ISSUES & REVISIONS D C B A 4 3 2 15 4 3 2 15 SCALE: PROJECT NUMBER: A R C H I T E C T U R E 100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 414-4066 NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE DOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ISSUE DATE: ISSUE AS: 2020-109 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 8500 HAVEN, LLC. HAVEN+ARROW NO. DATE DESCRIPTION DRC UPDATE 6/16/2022 10'20'5'0' ARROW ROUTE HAVEN AVENUE A0-03 STREET ELEVATIONS - OPTION 3 SCALE: 1:20 SCALE: 1:20 THE ARROW BUILDING #3 THE HAVEN BUILDING #2 THE HAVEN BUILDING #2THE MARKET HALL BUILDING #1 0' SHEET NUMBER ARCHITECT CLIENT/OWNER PROJECT SHEET TITLE ISSUES & REVISIONS D C B A 4 3 2 15 4 3 2 15 SCALE:4'2' 8' PROJECT NUMBER: A R C H I T E C T U R E 100 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 3000 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 414-4066 NEXT ARCHITECTURE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE DOCUMENTS. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER. NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF NEXT ARCHITECTURE. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ISSUE DATE: ISSUE AS: 2020-109 ANGLED PARKING EXHIBIT A-006B. RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 8500 HAVEN, LLC. HAVEN+ARROW 6/7/2022 BID SET NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 1" = 30'-0"1 ILLUSTRATIVE ANGLED PARKING SITE PLAN N RESOLUTION NO. 22-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING MINOR EXCEPTION DRC2022-00232, A REQUEST FOR A 7.5% REDUCTION IN THE REQUIRED PARKING FOR THE PROPOSED MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT COMPRISING OF 248 APARTMENTS AND 23,750 SQUARE FEET OF COMMERCIAL SPACE WITHIN THE CORRIDOR 1 (CO1) MIXED-USE ZONE, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HAVEN AVENUE AND ARROW ROUTE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APNs: 0209-092-09, -13 A.Recitals. 1.8500 Haven, LLC filed an application for the issuance of Minor Exception DRC2022- 00232, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Design Review request is referred to as "the application." 2.8500 Haven, LLC filed an application for the issuance of Design Review DRC2021- 00200, allowing a mixed-use development comprised of 248 apartments and 23,750 square feet of commercial spaces as related application to the parking reduction request. 3.On the 22nd day of June 2022, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on said application and concluded said hearing on that date. 4.All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B.Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2.Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing on June 22, 2022, including written and oral staff reports, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a.The application applies to a parking reduction associated with the construction of a mixed-use development comprised of 248 apartments and 23,750 square feet of commercial space on a vacant site located at the southwest corner of Haven Avenue and Arrow route containing a site area of approximately 9.37 acres; and b.The proposed minor exception consists of a 7.5% reduction in the required parking for the associated mixed-use project, which amounts to 47 parking stalls; and c.This application is in conjunction with Design Review DRC2021-00200 to allow the construction of a mixed-use development comprised of 248 residential apartments and 23,750 square feet of commercial space; and Exhibit E PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 22-19 MINOR EXCEPTION DRC2022-00232 – 8500 HAVEN, LLC JUNE 22, 2022 Page 2 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby specifically finds and concludes as follows: a. The minor exception is consistent with the General Plan. The General Plan Designation for the project site is City Corridor Moderate, which envisions medium and medium- high density residential and a range of commercial uses that are designed for soft transitions to surrounding neighborhoods of lower densities. The project proposes a total of 248 apartments and 23,750 square feet of commercial space, providing a density of 27 dwelling units per acre which is consistent with the intent of the General Plan. The minor exception request is affiliated with the mixed-use project and will grant a parking reduction to the project, allowing a reduced number of parking stalls allocated to the commercial uses while all of parking requirements are met, keeping the mixed-use project and the associated minor exception request consistent with the General Plan vision for the project site; and b. The proposed development is compatible with the existing and proposed land uses in the surrounding area. The table below lists the surrounding uses, land use designation and zoning. The surrounding uses include medium density residential, office complex, and a vacant site, all of which fall under a Corridor designation and Corridor zoning, which allows for similar development opportunities as the proposed mixed-use development associated with the minor exception. c. The proposed exception to the specific development standard is necessary to allow creative design solutions compatible with the desires of the community and/or accommodate unique site conditions. The minor exception is for a reduction in parking for a mixed-use development comprised of 248 apartments and 23,750 square feet of commercial. The reduction in parking will allow greater opportunity to the meet the vision and expectations of the General Plan, which is a reflection of the community’s desires. The General Plan designation of Corridor Moderate envisions a medium to medium-high residential and a broad range of commercial uses. The minor exception will allow greater opportunity to provide the broad range of uses by creating relief in the parking requirements and balancing it with the establishment of a walkable, accessible community that emphasizes pedestrian activity and minimizes the dependence on automobile travel. Furthermore, the minor exception will help support the mixed- use development and the creation of a new destination for residents in the immediate and surrounding areas; and d. The granting of the minor exception will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district, and will not be detrimental to public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The minor exception will grant a reduction in the parking requirements for the associated mixed-use development project as permitted by the Development Code. The mixed- use project is comprised of 248 apartments and 23,750 square feet of commercial space, which Land Use General Plan Zoning Site Vacant City Corridor Moderate Corridor 1 (CO1) North Vacant City Corridor High Corridor 2 (CO2) South Corporate Office City Corridor Moderate Corridor 1 (CO1) East Office Complex City Corridor High Corridor 2 (CO2) West Gated Residential Community Suburban Neighborhood Low Low-Medium Residential (LM) PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 22-19 MINOR EXCEPTION DRC2022-00232 – 8500 HAVEN, LLC JUNE 22, 2022 Page 3 is consistent with the expectations and vision of the General Plan. The parking reduction will help facilitate the mixed-use development by providing flexibility and relief in the parking requirements for commercial parking only. The mixed-use project will meet all other parking requirements and with the minor exception will have a greater opportunity to develop and walkable, well-connected community that prioritizes pedestrian activity while minimizing the dependence on automobile use. Conditions of approval have been applied to the mixed-use project requiring a parking management plan to ensure proper management and enforcement of the parking requirements is maintained. Lastly, the minor exception is a request of 7.5%, or 47 parking stalls, which well below the maximum reduction for minor exceptions. The project has been designed to meet all of the parking requirements with the exception of the commercial parking, however, the nature of the commercial uses is significantly different than residential uses, creating less of a concern of potential impacts resulting from the parking. The parking management plan together with the 7.5% reduction does not appear to create a situation that will be detrimental to the surrounding properties. 4. Based upon the facts and information contained in the CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 Compliance Memorandum, together with all written and oral reports included for the environmental assessment for the application, the Planning Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect upon the environment based upon the findings as follows: a. The City of Rancho Cucamonga adopted a comprehensive update to the City’s General Plan (GPU) and certified a Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (SCH No. 2021050261) on December 15, 2021. As part of the GPU, the Project site was designated for “City Corridor – Moderate” land uses, which allows for residential development at densities ranging from 24 to 36 dwelling units per acre (du/ac) and non-residential development at a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) ranging from 0.4 to 1.0. According to Section 15168 of the CEQA Guidelines, a Program EIR may be prepared on a series of actions that can be characterized as one large project. Use of a Program EIR gives the Lead Agency an opportunity to consider broad policy alternatives and program-wide mitigation measures, as well as greater flexibility to address project-specific and cumulative environmental impacts on a comprehensive scale. b. Pursuant to Section 15183(c) of the State CEQA Guidelines, “if an impact is not peculiar to the parcel or to the project, has been addressed as a significant effect in the prior EIR, or can be substantially mitigated by the imposition of uniformly applied development policies or standards…then an additional EIR need not be prepared for the project solely on the basis of that impact.” The 9.37-acre property is designated by the City’s General Plan for “City Corridor – Moderate” land uses. The proposed Project is fully consistent with the site’s GPU land use designation of “City Corridor – Moderate” and would be consistent with all applicable GPU policies. Therefore, no subsequent or supplemental EIR is required for the proposed project. To demonstrate that no subsequent EIR or environmental review is required, a CEQA Section 15183 Compliance Memorandum dated June 6, 2022, was prepared by Michael Baker International. Staff evaluated this memorandum and concluded that the project is within the scope of the EIR certified as part of the City’s GPU on December 15, 2021. The project will not have one or more significant effects not discussed in the GPU EIR, nor have more severe effects than previously analyzed, and that additional or different mitigation measures are not required to reduce the impacts of the project to a level of less than significant. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth in PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 22-19 MINOR EXCEPTION DRC2022-00232 – 8500 HAVEN, LLC JUNE 22, 2022 Page 4 the attached Conditions of Approval. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 22ND DAY OF JUNE 2022. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Bryan Dopp, Chairman ATTEST: Matthew R. Burris, Secretary, AICP, LEED AP I, Matthew R. Burris, Secretary, AICP, LEED AP, of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 22nd day of June 2022, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: RESOLUTION NO. 22-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DESIGN REVIEW DRC2021-00200, A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT COMPRISING OF 248 APARTMENTS AND 23,750 SQUARE FEET OF COMMERCIAL SPACE WITHIN THE CORRIDOR 1 (CO1) MIXED-USE ZONE, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HAVEN AVENUE AND ARROW ROUTE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APNs: 0209-092-09 AND -13 A.Recitals. 1.8500 Haven, LLC filed an application for the issuance of Design Review DRC2021- 00200, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Design Review request is referred to as "the application." 2.On the 22nd day of June 2022, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on said application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3.All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B.Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2.Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing on June 22, 2022, including written and oral staff reports, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to a vacant site located at the southwest corner of Haven Avenue and Arrow Route containing a site area of approximately 9.37 acres; and b. The existing land uses on, and General Plan land use and zoning designations for the project site and the surrounding properties (relative to the above-noted site) are as follows: Land Use General Plan Zoning Site Vacant City Corridor Moderate Corridor 1 (CO1) North Vacant City Corridor High Corridor 2 (CO2) South Corporate Office City Corridor Moderate Corridor 1 (CO1) East Office Complex City Corridor High Corridor 2 (CO2) West Gated Residential Community Suburban Neighborhood Low Low-Medium Residential(LM) Exhibit F PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 22-20 DESIGN REVIEW DRC2021-00200 – 8500 HAVEN, LLC JUNE 22, 2022 Page 2 c. The proposed project consists of the construction a mixed-use development comprising of 248 apartments and 23,750 square feet of commercial space; and d. This application is in conjunction with Minor Exception DRC2022-00232 to allow a reduction in the parking requirements for the proposed mixed-use development; and e. The project was reviewed by the Design Review Committee on May 25, 2022. The committee expressed concerns with building massing and colors and materials. Aside from these concerns the Committee was generally supportive of the overall project, and voted to move the project forward to the Planning Commission with a request for the applicant to provide alternative elevation designs for the Planning Commission’s consideration; and 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby specifically finds and concludes as follows: a. The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan. The General Plan Designation for the project site is City Corridor Moderate, which envisions medium and medium-high density residential and a range of commercial uses that are designed for soft transitions to surrounding neighborhoods of lower densities. The project proposes a total of 248 apartments and 23,750 square feet of commercial space, providing a density of 27 dwelling units per acre which is consistent with the intent of the General Plan; and b. The proposed development is in accord with the objectives of the Development Code, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. The project site is within the Corridor 1 (CO1) zone, which is an area for a mix of residential and nonresidential uses of medium to medium-high intensity, and where a vibrant pedestrian environment and transition in scale to surrounding neighborhoods are achieved. The project provides for a proper mix of residential and commercial uses, concentrating pedestrian activity and intensity along Haven Avenue while transitioning building scale appropriately to the surrounding area; and c. The proposed development complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code. The proposed development meets all standards outlined in the Development Code at the time it was deemed complete, as well as the design, development standards, and policies of the Planning Commission and the City; and d. The proposed development, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The project site is vacant; the proposed land use is consistent with the General Plan’s vision for Haven Avenue and the expectations of the community. 4. Based upon the facts and information contained in the CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 Compliance Memorandum, together with all written and oral reports included for the environmental assessment for the application, the Planning Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect upon the environment based upon the findings as follows: a. The City of Rancho Cucamonga adopted a comprehensive update to the City’s General Plan (GPU) and certified a Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (SCH No. 2021050261) on December 15, 2021. As part of the GPU, the Project site was designated for “City Corridor – Moderate” land uses, which allows for residential development at densities PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 22-20 DESIGN REVIEW DRC2021-00200 – 8500 HAVEN, LLC JUNE 22, 2022 Page 3 ranging from 24 to 36 dwelling units per acre (du/ac) and non-residential development at a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) ranging from 0.4 to 1.0. According to Section 15168 of the CEQA Guidelines, a Program EIR may be prepared on a series of actions that can be characterized as one large project. Use of a Program EIR gives the Lead Agency an opportunity to consider broad policy alternatives and program-wide mitigation measures, as well as greater flexibility to address project-specific and cumulative environmental impacts on a comprehensive scale. b. Pursuant to Section 15183(c) of the State CEQA Guidelines, “if an impact is not peculiar to the parcel or to the project, has been addressed as a significant effect in the prior EIR, or can be substantially mitigated by the imposition of uniformly applied development policies or standards…then an additional EIR need not be prepared for the project solely on the basis of that impact.” The 9.37-acre property is designated by the City’s General Plan for “City Corridor – Moderate” land uses. The proposed Project is fully consistent with the site’s GPU land use designation of “City Corridor – Moderate” and would be consistent with all applicable GPU policies. Therefore, no subsequent or supplemental EIR is required for the proposed project. To demonstrate that no subsequent EIR or environmental review is required, a CEQA Section 15183 Compliance Memorandum dated June 6, 2022, was prepared by Michael Baker International. Staff evaluated this memorandum and concluded that the project is within the scope of the EIR certified as part of the City’s GPU on December 15, 2021. The project will not have one or more significant effects not discussed in the GPU EIR, nor have more severe effects than previously analyzed, and that additional or different mitigation measures are not required to reduce the impacts of the project to a level of less than significant. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth in the attached Conditions of Approval. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 22ND DAY OF JUNE 2022. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Bryan Dopp, Chairman ATTEST: Matthew R. Burris, Secretary, AICP, LEED AP I, Matthew R. Burris, Secretary, AICP, LEED AP, of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 22nd day of June 2022, by the following vote-to-wit: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 22-20 DESIGN REVIEW DRC2021-00200 – 8500 HAVEN, LLC JUNE 22, 2022 Page 4 AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: Conditions of Approval Community Development Department Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Planning Department Please be advised of the following Special Conditions Prior to any issuance of any building permit, the developer shall submit a final parking management to the Director of Engineering/City Engineer and Planning Director for final review and approval. The parking management plan shall clearly demonstrates how on-site parking is managed and enforced. The parking management plan shall include details on resident parking requirements including, but not limited to, number of spaces allotted per unit, any restriction on number of cars per unit, CC&R’s to enforce parking restrictions, registration of license plates to leases and/or apartment unit numbers, and other requirements as deemed necessary by the Planning Director or Director of Engineering Services. The parking management plan shall also include details on the management and operation of the commercial spaces and enforcement mechanisms to ensure proper use of the commercial spaces for true commercial guests and not residents. The parking management plan shall also include provisions that provide for unbundling/uncoupling of parking spaces to allow flexibility and effective distribution of parking spaces based on resident needs. The parking management plan shall also include provisions indicating in the event of any observed violations of the parking management plan, the City reserves the right to require the preparation of off-site, on-street parking restrictions such as, but not limited to, no parking signage, time-limit parking signage, red curb, any necessary street repairs/improvements, the establishment of a parking district at the cost of the property owner/developer, and the ability for the City to re-evaluate the parking management plan on an as-needed-basis to ensure the parking management plan remains effective. The parking management plan is subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director and the Director of Engineering prior to the issuance of Building Permits. 1. The associated Minor Exception (DRC2022-00232) shall receive final review and approval by the Director of Engineering/City Engineer and the Planning Director prior to the issuance of grading permits. Upon acceptance by the Planning Commission as part of the project entitlements, the Applicant/Developer shall submit a final site parking plan, justification statement, and any other documents relevant to the Minor Exception request for a parking reduction based on the results and decision of the Planning Commission. 2. The final design of all site improvements and all building elevations shall receive final approval from the Planning Director prior to issuance of grading permits in accordance with any alternative designs selected by the Planning Commission. Site improvements shall include but not be limited to, design of streets/drive aisles, parking configurations, pedestrian sidewalks/pathways, landscape features, etc. Building elevations shall include elevations for building 2. Any changes to the site and/or building elevations shall be integrated in the Building and Safety construction plan set. 3. The Developer/Applicant shall submit photometric plans as part of the building plan check set for Planning review and approval to ensure proper lighting levels are maintained throughout the project site and potential spill-over lighting in adjacent properties is prevented. 4. www.CityofRC.us Printed: 6/16/2022 Exhibit G Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Planning Department Please be advised of the following Special Conditions Final design of the Haven Avenue street improvements and frontage improvements shall require final approval from the Engineering Department and Planning Department prior to issuance of Building Permit. The Developer/Applicant shall provide details on the final location, dimensions, material, design, etc. of the upper and lower pedestrian sidewalk areas and all access points to and from the upper and lower sidewalk areas. Details on the outdoor furniture for outdoor seating and gathering spaces shall be provided, including the final design, use /operation of the corner courtyard /plaza at the Haven/Arrow intersection. The Developer /Applicant shall demonstrate compliance with Engineering requirements related to revocable encroachments for the construction and improvements within the existing utility easement as it relates to the frontage improvements along Haven Avenue. 5. To the greatest extent feasible, the Developer /Applicant shall lease the commercial spaces on the project to uses/business that encourage public interaction and social gathering. Such uses include, but are not limited too, cafes, restaurants, bakeries, coffee shops, boutique food establishments, etc. Uses that limit the ability for public interaction and activating the public space are discouraged. 6. The Developer/Applicant shall comply with all Environmental Standard Conditions of Approval and any additional requirements identified in the Environmental Compliance Memorandum dated June 15, 2022 prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act for this project. The Developer/Applicant shall be responsible for demonstrating compliance with the Standard Conditions of Approval. The Standard Conditions of Approval as listed in the Compliance Memorandum shall be incorporated by reference to this list of conditions of approval and are not to be construed with the standard conditions of approval listed in this document. 7. Standard Conditions of Approval The applicant shall sign the Statement of Agreement and Acceptance of Conditions of Approval provided by the Planning Department. The signed Statement of Agreement and Acceptance of Conditions of Approval shall be returned to the Planning Department prior to the submittal of grading/construction plans for plan check, request for a business license, and /or commencement of the approved activity. 8. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. In the event such a legal action is filed, the City shall estimate its expenses for litigation. The applicant shall deposit such amount with the City or enter into an agreement with the City to pay such expenses as they become due. 9. Copies of the signed Planning Commission Resolution of Approval or Approval Letter, Conditions of Approval, and all environmental mitigations shall be included on the plans (full size). The sheet (s) are for information only to all parties involved in the construction /grading activities and are not required to be wet sealed/stamped by a licensed Engineer/Architect. 10. www.CityofRC.us Page 2 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Planning Department Standard Conditions of Approval Crime Free Multi-Family Housing Program - The owner shall cause the manager and any resident manager to complete the training for and enroll the project in the San Bernardino County Crime Free Multi-Family Housing Program. 11. The applicant shall be required to pay California Department of Fish and Wildlife Notice of Exemption fee in the amount of $50.00. All checks are to be made payable to the Clerk of the Board Supervisors and submitted to the Planning Commission Secretary prior to public hearing or within 5 days of the date of project approval. 12. Any approval shall expire if Building Permits are not issued or approved use has not commenced within 2 years from the date of approval or a time extension has been granted. 13. This project is subject to public art requirement outlined in Chapter 17.124 of the Development Code . Prior to the issuance of building permits (for grading or construction ), the applicant shall inform the Planning Department of their choice to install public art, donate art or select the in -lieu option as outlined in 17.124.020.D. If the project developer chooses to pay the in -lieu fee, the in-lieu art fee will be invoiced on the building permit by the City and shall be paid by the applicant prior to building permit issuance. If the project developer chooses to install art, they shall submit, during the plan check process, an application for the art work that will be installed on the project site that contains information applicable to the art work in addition to any other information as may be required by the City to adequately evaluate the proposed the art work in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 17.124. If the project developer chooses to donate art, applications for art work donated to the City shall be subject to review by the Public Art Committee which shall make a recommendation whether the proposed donation is consistent with Chapter 17.124 and final acceptance by the City Council. No final approval, such as a final inspection or the a issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, for any development project (or if a multi-phased project, the final phase of a development project) that is subject to this requirement shall occur unless the public art requirement has been fulfilled to the satisfaction of the Planning Department. 14. Tree maintenance criteria shall be developed and submitted for Planning Director review and approval prior to issuance of Building Permits. These criteria shall encourage the natural growth characteristics of the selected tree species. 15. Trees shall be planted in areas of public view adjacent to and along structures at a rate of one tree per 30 linear feet of building. 16. All walls shall be provided with decorative treatment. If located in public maintenance areas, the design shall be coordinated with the Engineering Services Department. 17. Landscaping and irrigation shall be designed to conserve water through the principles of water efficient landscaping per Development Code Chapter 17.82. 18. www.CityofRC.us Page 3 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Planning Department Standard Conditions of Approval For multi-family residential and non -residential development, property owners are responsible for the continual maintenance of all landscaped areas on -site, as well as contiguous planted areas within the public right-of-way. All landscaped areas shall be kept free from weeds and debris and maintained in healthy and thriving condition, and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing, and trimming. Any damaged, dead, diseased, or decaying plant material shall be replaced within 30 days from the date of damage. 19. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan, including slope planting and model home landscaping in the case of residential development, shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and submitted for Planning Director review and approval prior to the issuance of Building Permits for the development or prior final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision. For development occurring in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone, the landscape plans will also be reviewed by Fire Construction Services. 20. Within parking lots, trees shall be planted at a rate of one 15-gallon tree for every three parking stalls.21. The final design of the perimeter parkways, walls, landscaping, and sidewalks shall be included in the required landscape plans and shall be subject to Planning Director review and approval and coordinated for consistency with any parkway landscaping plan which may be required by the Engineering Services Department. 22. All parking spaces shall be double striped per City standards and all driveway aisles, entrances, and exits shall be striped per City standards. 23. Textured pedestrian pathways and textured pavement across circulation aisles shall be provided throughout the development to connect dwellings /units/buildings with open spaces /plazas/ recreational uses. 24. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community, Specific Plans and /or Master Plans in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance. 25. All building numbers and individual units shall be identified in a clear and concise manner, including proper illumination and in conformance with Building and Safety Services Department standards, the Municipal Code and the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Department (RCFD) Standards. 26. The developer shall submit a construction access plan and schedule for the development of all lots for Planning Director and Engineering Services Department approval; including, but not limited to, public notice requirements, special street posting, phone listing for community concerns, hours of construction activity, dust control measures, and security fencing. 27. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include Site Plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, sign program, and grading on file in the Planning Department, the conditions contained herein, the Development Code regulations, the ____________________ Specific Plan, Master Plan and the Community Plan _______________ . 28. www.CityofRC.us Page 4 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Planning Department Standard Conditions of Approval All Double Detector Checks (DDC) and Fire Department Connections (FDC) required and/or proposed shall be installed at locations that are not within direct view or line -of-sight of the main entrance. The specific locations of each DDC and FDC shall require the review and approval of the Planning Department and Fire Construction Services /Fire Department. All Double Detector Checks (DDC) and Fire Department Connections (FDC) shall be screened behind a 4-foot high block wall. These walls shall be constructed of similar material used on-site to match the building. 29. For multiple-family development, provide exterior lockable storage space as required by the California Green Building Code. 30. All ground-mounted utility appurtenances such as transformers, AC condensers, etc ., shall be located out of public view and adequately screened through the use of a combination of concrete or masonry walls, berming, and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. For single -family residential developments, transformers shall be placed in underground vaults. 31. A uniform hardscape and street furniture design including seating benches, trash receptacles, free-standing potted plants, bike racks, light bollards, etc ., shall be utilized and be compatible with the architectural style. Detailed designs shall be submitted for Planning Department review and approval prior to the issuance of Building Permits. 32. All parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by the property owner, homeowners' association, or other means acceptable to the City. Proof of this landscape maintenance shall be submitted for Planning Director and Engineering Services Department review and approved prior to the issuance of Building Permits. 33. A detailed on-site lighting plan, including a photometric diagram, shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director and Police Department (909-477-2800 ) prior to the issuance of Building Permits . Such plan shall indicate style, illumination, location, height, and method of shielding so as not to adversely affect adjacent properties. 34. Occupancy of the facilities shall not commence until such time as all California Building Code and State Fire Marshal regulations have been complied with. Prior to occupancy, plans shall be submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety Services Department to show compliance. The buildings shall be inspected for compliance and final acceptance granted prior to occupancy. 35. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon, all Conditions of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. 36. A Uniform Sign Program for this development shall be submitted for Planning Director review and approval prior to issuance of Building Permits. 37. Engineering Services Department Please be advised of the following Special Conditions www.CityofRC.us Page 5 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Engineering Services Department Please be advised of the following Special Conditions The existing ramp located at the southwest corner of Arrow Route and Haven Avenue shall be evaluated for conformance to current ADA regulations. If the ramp does not meet ADA regulations then the developer shall be responsible for providing design and reconstruction of the ramp for compliance . Design shall be completed and improvements secured prior to issuance of a Building permit or approval of final subdivision map whichever occurs first. The reconstruction along with all public improvements shall be completed prior to occupancy. 1. All driveway approaches shall be constructed per City Standards and City Policy2. The driveways on Arrow Route shall be right -in, right-out driveways only. The street improvement plans shall show additional striping on Arrow Route as an island and on the north side of Arrow Route additional right turn only signs shall be installed across from the driveways. 3. All street improvement plans shall show right turn only signs on Arrow Route. The signs shall be located on the north side of Arrow Route and at the driveways (UMTCD R3-2 and R3-5R). 4. The existing improvements along the property's frontage shall be constructed /modified per the new general plan standards and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Project is within the City Corridor area (Civic Center Focus area) and Haven and Arrow are Transit Priority Streets. 5. Development impact fees are due prior to issuance of a building permit or certificate of occupancy per the Engineering Fee schedule, Government Code Section 66000, et seq. and local ordinance. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d), the 90-day approval period in which the applicant may protest these fees will begin at the date the fees are invoiced. Protests must be made in writing and be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the close of business on the 90th day of the 90-day approval period. 6. www.CityofRC.us Page 6 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Engineering Services Department Please be advised of the following Special Conditions Fiber: The proposed development is slated to be included in the City ’s Fiber Optic Master Plan that would provide a City owned Fiber-to-the-Premise (FTTP) infrastructure. The City will require the developer to install a 1-4” UG Fiber Optic dark conduit on the frontage of the development (on the Southside of Arrow Route) along the project boundary along with a 3’x4’x3’ pullbox on each end of the route and into the project boundary. The size, placement and location of the conduit and vaults shall be connected to the City ’s existing Fiber Optic conduit package along Haven Ave and be shown on the Street Improvement and /or Public Improvement Plans and subject to the Engineering Services Department's review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits or final map approval, whichever comes first. On site, the City will require 1-2” UG HDPE or equal fiber optic conduit to be placed underground within a duct and structure system to be installed joint trench by the Developer per Standard Drawing 135-137 and interconnected into the City's existing mainline 4" fiber optic conduit and /or Fiber Optic vault. The size, placement and location of the conduit and /or vaults shall run into each of the development ’s individual telecommunication room and be shown on the final dry utility onsite substructure plans and subject to the Engineering Services Department's review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits or final map approval, whichever comes first. For the residential development, the 2” conduit can be installed alongside the Telco and CATV conduits at the proper communication depth to an 8” round plastic “flower pot” type telecom access box flush mounted to finish grade to serve as a drop access point to the city network directly at each individual residence. This drop conduit shall be dedicated for City fiber drop installation only. An Optical Network demarcation enclosure /panel shall be mounted on the side of the home, garage or utility closet for the placement of a Fiber Optic Network Interface Device. Place a #6 solid ground wire placed from network demarcation enclosure to power ground. If no power ground exists a 5/8” x 8” copper clad ground rod is to be installed for ground wire to be connected. 7. A lot line adjustment will be required to be approved by the Engineering Services Department and recorded prior to building permit. 8. www.CityofRC.us Page 7 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Engineering Services Department Please be advised of the following Special Conditions A revocable encroachment instrument will need to be provided for the structure encroachments within the 10' Easement. The revocable encroachment instrument will need to be a license agreement or other form acceptable to the City Attorney that is recorded on the property to provide notice to future owners of the encroachment and obligations. The license agreement will need to be recorded prior to issuance of building permits and will need to include the following: o Permission and details of the encroachment. o Notice that utilities may need to access their facilities in the easement. o Maintenance and operation of the private improvements, including those within the easement) will be the responsibility of the property owner. o Removal and replacement of the private improvements will be performed at the cost of the property owner if the utility needs to access their facilities. Maximum encroachment to be 3 feet with a minimum of 1 foot clearance to the edge of the existing utility duct bank. Developer will need to provide an additional municipal utility easement to address the apparent utility encroachment shown on the utility survey at the south end of their property and shall be recorded prior to building permit issuance. The retaining wall for the upper sidewalk /outdoor patio areas will need to extend down below the depth of the duct bank to ensure that no additional load is placed on the duct bank. To minimize the encroachment, the retaining walls for the planter areas will need to utilize an “L” type footing (0 inch/flush toe dimension) with proper drainage facilities to allow for landscaping to drain properly. 9. Vehicular access easement along Arrow shall be vacated prior to building permit issuance.10. Private Easements for reciprocal ingress and egress purposes, private waterline purposes, and private sanitary sewer purposes to be relocated and shown on the grading plan Easements for service and emergency access purposes dedicated to the City of Rancho Cucamonga to be relocated and shown on grading plan Easements to be recorded prior to building permit issuance. 11. Prior to finalizing design of the planter and stairs, the developer will need to pothole the duct bank at critical locations to verify that the 1 foot clearance can be maintained. If the 1 foot clearance cannot be maintained the affected area will need to be redesigned before building permits can be issued. 12. Standard Conditions of Approval www.CityofRC.us Page 8 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Engineering Services Department Standard Conditions of Approval ** CD Information Required Prior to Sign-Off for Building Permit Prior to the issuance of building permits, if valuation is greater or equal to $100,000, a Diversion Deposit and a related administrative fee shall be paid for the Construction and Demolition Diversion Program. The deposit is fully refundable if at least 65% of all wastes generated during construction and demolition are diverted from landfills, and appropriate documentation is provided to the City. Applicant must identify if they are self -hauling or utilizing Burrtec prior to issuance of a building permit. Proof of diversion must be submitted to the Environmental Engineering Division within 60 days following the completion of the construction and / or demolition project. Contact Marissa Ostos, Environmental Engineering, at (909) 774-4062 for more information. Instructions and forms are available at the City's website, www .cityofrc.us, under City Hall / Engineering / Environmental Programs / Construction & Demolition Diversion Program. 13. Reciprocal access easements shall be provided ensuring access to all parcels, including Tract Map 16909, by CC&Rs or by deeds and shall be recorded concurrently with the map. 14. Reciprocal parking agreements for all parcels and maintenance agreements ensuring joint maintenance of all common roads, drives, or parking areas shall be provided by CC & R's or deeds and shall be recorded prior to, or concurrent with, the final parcel map. 15. Adequate provisions shall be made for acceptance and disposal of surface drainage entering the property from adjacent areas. 16. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary.17. Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the Cucamonga Valley Water District (CVWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino. A letter of compliance from the CVWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first. Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval in the case of subdivision or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential projects. 18. Corner property line cutoffs shall be dedicated per City Standards.19. Permits shall be obtained from the following agencies for work within their right of way: City of Rancho Cucamonga, Engineering Services Department 20. www.CityofRC.us Page 9 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Engineering Services Department Standard Conditions of Approval Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 16.37.010, no person shall make connections from a source of energy, fuel or power to any building or structure which is regulated by technical codes and for which a permit is required unless, in addition to any and all other codes, regulations and ordinances, all improvements required by these conditions of development approval have been completed and accepted by the City Council, except: that in developments containing more than one building, structure or unit, the development may have energy connections made in equal proportion to the percentage of completion of all improvements required by these conditions of development approval, as determined by the City Engineer, provided that reasonable, safe and maintainable access to the property exists. In no case shall more than 95 percent of the buildings, structures or units be connected to energy sources prior to completion and acceptance of all improvements required by these conditions of development approval. 21. Improvement Plans and Construction: a. Street improvement plans, including street trees, street lights, and intersection safety lights on future signal poles, and traffic signal plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Security shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public and/or private street improvements, prior to final map approval or the issuance of Building Permits, whichever occurs first. b. Prior to any work being performed in public right -of-way, fees shall be paid and a construction permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Services Department in addition to any other permits required. c. Pavement striping, marking, traffic signing, street name signing, traffic signal conduit, and interconnect conduit shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. d. Signal conduit with pull boxes shall be installed with any new construction or reconstruction project along major or secondary streets and at intersections for future traffic signals and interconnect wiring . Pull boxes shall be placed on both sides of the street at 3 feet outside of BCR, ECR, or any other locations approved by the City Engineer. Notes: 1) Pull boxes shall be No. 6 at intersections and No. 5 along streets, a maximum of 200 feet apart, unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer. 2) Conduit shall be 3-inch pvc with pull rope or as specified. e. Access ramps for the disabled shall be installed on all corners of intersections per latest ADA standards or as directed by the City Engineer. f. Existing City roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with adequate detours during construction. Street or lane closure permits are required. A cash deposit shall be provided to cover the cost of grading and paving, which shall be refunded upon completion of the construction to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. g. Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks. Under sidewalk drains shall be installed to City Standards, except for single-family residential lots. h. Street names shall be approved by the Planning Manager prior to submittal for first plan check. 22. www.CityofRC.us Page 10 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Engineering Services Department Standard Conditions of Approval All public improvements (interior streets, drainage facilities, community trails, paseos, landscaped areas, etc.) shown on the plans and /or tentative map shall be constructed to City Standards. Interior street improvements shall include, but are not limited to, curb and gutter, AC pavement, drive approaches, sidewalks, street lights, and street trees. 23. A final drainage study shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer prior to final map approval or the issuance of Building Permits, whichever occurs first. All drainage facilities shall be installed as required by the City Engineer. 24. Add the following note to any private landscape plans that show street trees: “All improvements within the public right-of-way, including street trees, shall be installed per the public improvement plans .” If there is a discrepancy between the public and private plans, the street improvement plans will govern. 25. Intersection line of sight designs shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with adopted policy. On collector or larger streets, lines of sight shall be plotted for all project intersections, including driveways. Local residential street intersections and commercial or industrial driveways may have lines of sight plotted as required. 26. Easements for public sidewalks placed outside the public right-of-way shall be dedicated to the City.27. Electric: The Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Utility (RCMU) shall be the electrical service provider for all project related development. The Developer shall execute a Line Extension Agreement for electric service and shall construct electrical distribution facilities in accordance with such agreement and RCMU requirements and dedicate such facilities to the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Utility. RCMU’s existing underground electric system is located along Haven Ave adjacent to the proposed development. 28. A signed consent and waiver form to join and the appropriate Community Facilities Districts shall be filed with the Engineering Services Department prior to issuance of Building Permits. For any questions please contact Kelly Guerra at 909-774-2582. 29. Fire Prevention / New Construction Unit Standard Conditions of Approval www.CityofRC.us Page 11 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Fire Prevention / New Construction Unit Standard Conditions of Approval At least one Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) is required to be installed in accordance with the California Health & Safety Code Section 19300. Compliance with all applicable AED training, notification, testing, and maintenance provisions is required. See Health & Safety Code Section 1797.196. Group A assembly building with an occupancy of more than 300. Group B business building with an occupancy of 200 or more. Group E educational building with an occupancy of 200 or more. Group F factory building with an occupancy of 200 or more. Group I institutional building with an occupancy of 200 or more. Group M mercantile building with an occupancy of 200 or more. Group R hotel, motel, dormitory, assisted living facility, and similar residential building. Membership based health studio, fitness center, cross fit facility, or general exercise facility. 1. To comply with the Fire Code’s notification requirements for duct detectors installed in occupancies that do not require a fire alarm system, duct detectors may be connected to a sprinkler supervision system. When monitored by the system control unit, duct detectors shall be provided with remote annunciator lamps and remote test switches located on the ceiling or wall in the vicinity of the detector. Unless otherwise required by the Building Code, the Fire Code, NFPA 72, or other state regulation, the activation of a duct detector shall cause a supervisory signal only. Such signals shall be consistent with the provisions of NFPA 72 for supervisory signals. 2. Gas detection is required in accordance with the Fire Code.3. Required alarm systems and supervision systems are required to be in accordance with Fire District Standard 9-3. The Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. 4. Fire suppression systems are required to be monitored in accordance with Fire District Standard 9-3. The Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. 5. A suppression system is required to protect the exhaust duct, the hood, and the grease producing appliances. 6. Commercial cooking suppression systems are required to be electrically supervised (monitored) in accordance with Fire District Standard 9-3. A copy of the Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. 7. Plans for the alarm and /or supervision (monitoring) system are required to be submitted separately and issued a separate permit. Submit all plans to the Building & Safety Department for routing to the Fire District. 8. Plans for the private, onsite fire underground water infrastructure are required to be submitted separately and issued a separate permit. Submit all plans to the Building & Safety Department for routing to the Fire District. 9. www.CityofRC.us Page 12 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Fire Prevention / New Construction Unit Standard Conditions of Approval Plans for the public, offsite fire underground water infrastructure are required to be submitted separately and issued a separate permit. Plans are required to be submitted prior to or concurrently with the submittal of the Water District mylars. Submit all plans to the Building & Safety Department for routing to the Fire District. 10. Plans for the automatic fire sprinkler system are required to be submitted separately and issued a separate permit. Submit all plans to the Building & Safety Department for routing to the Fire District. 11. Plans for suppression systems are required to be submitted separately and issued a separate permit . Submit all plans to the Building & Safety Department for routing to the Fire District. 12. Emergency responder radio coverage is required for the building (s) included in this project. San Bernardino County Information Services Department (ISD) conducts radio signal strength assessments for the entire county. It is highly recommended that a radio signal strength assessment is completed for this project. Where emergency responder radio coverage is determined to meet the requirements of the California Fire Code, an emergency responder radio system and /or associated equipment will not be required. Please contact Tim Trager with County ISD at 909-388-5563 or ttrager@isd.sbcounty.gov to schedule an assessment and/or obtain any available information about the project site. Where the existing emergency responder radio coverage is found to be below acceptable standards, an emergency responder radio system and associated equipment will be required to be provided in compliance and accordance with the California Fire Code. 13. Fire extinguishers are required in accordance with Section 906 of the California Fire Code. Consult with the Fire Inspector for the correct type, size, and exact installation locations. 14. Fire flow information for this project is obtained from the Cucamonga Valley Water District (CVWD). CVWD can be reached at 909-944-6000 or custserv@cvwdwater.com. 15. Fire flow is required to be in accordance with Appendix B of the California Fire Code. The Fire District has adopted the appendix without local amendments except that the minimum fire flow for commercial buildings shall not be less than 1500 gpm. Proof of the availability of the required fire flow must be provided to the Fire District in the form of a letter or written report dated within the past 12 months. 16. Fire sprinklers are required to be installed in accordance with Fire District Standard 9-5. The Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. 17. A Knox Box key box is required in accordance with Fire District Standard 5-9. Additional boxes may be required depending on the size of the building, the location of fire protection and life safety system controls, and the operational needs of the Fire District. The Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. If an installed Knox Box is available to this project or business, keys for the building/suite/unit are required to be provided to the Fire Inspector at the final inspection. 18. Coordinate landscaping with the roof access ladder points and address signage. Landscaping cannot obstruct roof access or clear visibility of address signage from time of installation to maturity of the shrubs and trees. 19. www.CityofRC.us Page 13 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Fire Prevention / New Construction Unit Standard Conditions of Approval Due to the type of construction, construction materials, the floor area of the project, and known risks associated with projects of this nature, a Fire Protection and Site Safety plan is required to be implemented when combustible construction materials are delivered to the site, with the exception of foundation form materials. The Fire Prevention and Site Safety plan is required to be in compliance with Fire District Standard 33-3. The Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. Review and approval of the fire prevention and site safety plan is a condition of construction permit approval. The fire prevention and site safety plan is required to be approved by the Fire District prior to construction permits being approved and issued. 20. One or more of the systems, operations, processes, or pieces of equipment associated with this project or the proposed business requires a Fire Code Construction Permit to be issued in accordance with the Fire Code and Fire District Standard 1-2. The Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. 21. One or more of the operations in use or proposed for this building /business requires a Fire Code Operating Permit to be issued in accordance with the Fire Code and Fire District Standard 1-1. The Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. 22. A fire service site plan is required in accordance with Fire District Standard 5-11. The Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. 23. All of the Fire District Standards applicable are required to be reproduced on the plans. The project is required to meet all of the applicable codes, regulations, and standards in effect and adopted at the time of plan check submittal. Fire District Standards associated with construction and plan submittals can be found on the City of Rancho Cucamonga's website and accessed via https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4k4qdxhs4tp13c7/AAAdscMKMdW9WIQe725xWyU-a?dl=0 24. A standpipe system is required to be installed in accordance with Section 905 of the Fire Code and Fire District Standard 5-10. The Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. 25. Fire apparatus access roads (fire lanes) can be included in an engineered onsite storm water retention plan. The ponding of storm water shall not exceed a designed depth of four (4) inches in the designated fire apparatus access road (s) and the area between the fire apparatus access road (s) and the exterior walls of all normally occupied buildings. 26. Public and private fire service water mains, public and private hydrants, water control valves, fire sprinkler risers, fire department connections (FDCs), and other fire protection water related devices and equipment are required to be provided, designed, and installed in accordance with Fire District Standard 5-10. The Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. 27. Building and Safety Services Department Please be advised of the following Special Conditions www.CityofRC.us Page 14 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Building and Safety Services Department Please be advised of the following Special Conditions When the Entitlement Review is approved submit complete construction drawings including structural calculations, energy calculations and soils report to Building and Safety for plan review in accordance with the current edition of the California Building and Fire Codes including all local ordinances and standards which are effective at the time of Plan Check Submittal. The new structures are required to be equipped with automatic fire sprinklers per the CBC /CRC NFPA 13, 13R and the Current RCFPD Ordinance. Disabled access for the site and buildings must be in accordance to the State of California and ADA regulations. Infrastructure to facilitate the installation for future EV charging stations is required as per the latest edition of the California Green Code. Stair handrail extensions along the sidewalk along Haven Avenue shall not extend pass the property line. 1. Grading Section Standard Conditions of Approval Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with current adopted California Building Code and/or the California Residential Code, City Grading Standards, and accepted grading practices. The Grading and Drainage Plan (s) shall be in substantial conformance with the approved conceptual Grading and Drainage Plan. 1. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified Engineer licensed by the State of California to perform such work. Two copies will be provided at grading and drainage plan submittal for review. Plans shall implement design recommendations per said report. 2. The final Grading and Drainage Plan, appropriate certifications and compaction reports shall be completed, submitted, and approved by the Engineering Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits. 3. Prior to issuance of a grading permit the precise grading and drainage plan shall follow the format provided in the City of Rancho Cucamonga handout "Information for Grading Plans and Permit." 4. A separate Grading and Drainage Plan check submittal is required for all new construction projects and for existing buildings where improvements being proposed will generate 50 cubic yards or more of combined cut and fill. The Grading and Drainage Plan shall be prepared, stamped, and wet signed by a California licensed Civil Engineer prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit. 5. The applicant shall comply with the City of Rancho Cucamonga Dust Control Measures and place a dust control sign on the project site prior to the issuance of a grading permit. All dust control sign (s) shall be located outside of the public right of way. 6. www.CityofRC.us Page 15 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Grading Section Standard Conditions of Approval If a Rough Grading and Drainage Plan /Permit are submitted to the Engineering Services Department for review, the rough grading plan shall be a separate plan submittal and permit from Precise Grading and Drainage Plan/Permit. 7. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit the applicant shall obtain written permission from the adjacent property owner(s) to construct wall(s) on property line(s) or provide a detail(s) showing the perimeter wall(s) to be constructed offset from the property line. 8. Prior to issuance of a grading permit the Final Grading and Drainage Plan shall show the accessibility path from the public right of way and the accessibility parking stalls to the building doors in conformance with the current adopted California Building Code. All accessibility ramps shall show sufficient detail including gradients, elevations, and dimensions and comply with the current adopted California Building Code. 9. The Grading and Drainage Plan shall implement City Standards for on -site construction where possible, and shall provide details for all work not covered by City Standard Drawings. 10. Prior to issuance of a grading permit the grading plan shall show that all manufactured slopes shall be a minimum 2-foot offset from the public right of way, permitted line, or the adjacent private property. All slope offsets shall meet the requirements of the current adopted California Building Code. 11. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the grading and drainage plan shall show the maximum parking stall gradient at 7 percent. Accessibility parking stall grades shall be constructed per the, current adopted California Building Code. 12. The applicant shall provide a grading agreement and grading bond for all cut and fill combined exceeding 5,000 cubic yards prior to issuance of a grading permit. The grading agreement and bond shall be approved by the Engineering Services Department. 13. The final grading and drainage plan shall show existing topography a minimum of 100-feet beyond project boundary. 14. This project shall comply with the accessibility requirements of the current adopted California Building Code. 15. www.CityofRC.us Page 16 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Grading Section Standard Conditions of Approval Grading Inspections: a) Prior to the start of grading operations the owner and grading contractor shall request a pre -grading meeting. The meeting shall be attended by the project owner /representative, the grading contractor and the Building Inspector to discuss about grading requirements and preventive measures, etc. If a pre-grading meeting is not held within 24 hours from the start of grading operations, the grading permit may be subject to suspension by the Building Inspector; b) The grading contractor shall call into the City of Rancho Cucamonga Building and Safety Department at least 1 working day in advance to request the following grading inspections prior to continuing grading operations: i)The bottom of the over-excavation; ii)Completion of Rough Grading, prior to issuance of the building permit; iii)At the completion of Rough Grading, the grading contractor or owner shall submit to the Engineering Services Department an original and a copy of the Pad Certifications to be prepared by and properly wet signed and sealed by the Civil Engineer and Soils Engineer of Record; iv) The rough grading certificates and the compaction reports will be reviewed by the Associate Engineer or a designated person and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit. 16. All roof drainage flowing to the public right of way (Haven Avenue) must drain under the sidewalk through a parkway culvert approved by the Engineering Department. This shall be shown on both the grading and drainage plan and Engineering Services Department required plans. 17. Prior to issuance of a grading or building permit, the permitted grading plan (or architectural site plan ) set shall show in each of the typical sections and the plan view show how the separations between the building exterior and exterior ground surface meet the requirements of Sections CBC 1804.3/CRC R401.3, CBC2304.11.2.2/CRC R317.1(2) and CBC2512.1.2/CRC R703.6.2.1 of the current adopted California Building Code/Residential Code. 18. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall obtain a signed and notarized letter from the adjacent property owner(s) for ALL work proposed on the adjacent property. The letter shall be scanned and pasted onto the permitted grading plan set. The letter shall show on either the title sheet or a detail sheet of the grading and drainage plan set. 19. Prior to approval of the project -specific storm water quality management plan, the applicant shall submit to the City Engineer, or his designee, a precise grading plan showing the location and elevations of existing topographical features, and showing the location and proposed elevations of proposed structures and drainage of the site. 20. A drainage study showing a 100-year, AMC 3 design storm event for on -site drainage shall be prepared and submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval for on -site storm water drainage prior to issuance of a grading permit. The report shall contain water surface profile gradient calculations for all storm drain pipes 12-inches and larger in diameter. All reports shall be wet signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record. In addition, the project specific drainage study shall provide inlet calculations showing the proper sizing of the water quality management plan storm water flows into the proposed structural storm water treatment devices. 21. www.CityofRC.us Page 17 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Grading Section Standard Conditions of Approval It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to acquire any required off -site drainage easements prior to the issuance of a grading permit. 22. Roof water is not permitted to flow over the public parkway and shall be directed to an under parkway culvert per City of Rancho Cucamonga requirements prior to issuance of a grading permit. 23. Private sewer, water, and storm drain improvements will be designed per the latest adopted California Plumbing Code. Private storm drain improvements shall be shown on the grading and drainage plan. 24. Prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy or final sign off by the Building Inspector the engineer of record shall certify the functionality of the storm water quality management plan (WQMP) storm water treatment devices and best management practices (BMP). 25. Prior to approval of the Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP), the WQMP shall include a copy of the project Conditions of Approval. 26. Reciprocal access easements for all parcels and maintenance agreements ensuring joint maintenance of all storm water quality structural /treatment devices and best management practices (BMP) as provided for in the project ’s Storm Water Quality Management Plan, shall be provided for by CC&R ’s or deeds and shall be recorded prior to the approval of the Water Quality Management Plan. Said CC&R ’s and/or deeds shall be included in the project site specific Storm Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) document prior to approval of the WQMP document and recording of the Memorandum of Agreement of Storm Water Quality Management Plan. 27. Prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit the City of Rancho Cucamonga ’s “Memorandum of Agreement of Storm Water Quality Management Plan” shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer, or his designee, and recorded with the County Recorder’s Office. 28. Prior to issuance of a Grading Permit the applicant shall obtain a Waste Discharge Identification Number (WDID). The WDID number shall also be shown on the WQMP Site and Drainage Plan document. 29. The applicant shall provide a copy of a completed EPA Form 7520-16 (Inventory of Injection Wells) for each underground infiltration device, with the Facility ID Number assigned, to the Building and Safety Services Department Official prior to issuance of the Grading Permit and /or approval of the project-specific Water Quality Management Plan. A copy of EPA Form 7520-16 shall be scanned and pasted onto the permitted grading plan set, and a copy of said form shall be included in the project-specific Water Quality Management Plan. 30. The land owner shall provide an inspection report by a qualified person /company on a biennial basis for the Class V Injection Wells /underground infiltration chambers to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Environmental Program Manager. The land owner shall maintain on a regular basis all best management practices (BMP”s) as described in the Storm Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) prepared for the subject project. All costs associated with the underground infiltration chamber are the responsibility of the land owner. 31. www.CityofRC.us Page 18 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Grading Section Standard Conditions of Approval The land owner shall provide an inspection report on a biennial basis for the structural storm water treatment devices, commonly referred to as BMPs, to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Environmental Program Manager. The land owner shall maintain on a regular basis as described in the Storm Water Quality Management Plan prepared for the subject project. All costs associated with the underground infiltration chamber are the responsibility of the land owner. 32. The land/property owner shall follow the inspection and maintenance requirements of the approved project specific Water Quality Management Plan and shall provide a copy of the inspection reports on a biennial basis to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Environmental Program Manager. 33. The Site and Drainage Plan in the final project -specific Water Quality Management Plan shall show the locations of all roof downspout drains. if required for storm water quality purposes, the downspouts shall include filters. 34. The final project-specific water quality management plan (WQMP) shall include executed maintenance agreements along with the maintenance guidelines for all proprietary structural storm water treatment devices (BMP’s). In the event the applicant cannot get the proprietary device maintenance agreements executed prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant is required to submit a letter to be included within the WQMP document, and scanned and pasted onto the Site and Drainage Plan which states that prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy with applicant shall enter into a contract for the maintenance of the proprietary storm water treatment device. If the proprietary storm water treatment device is part of a residential subdivision, prior to the sale of the residential lot, the developer shall include maintenance agreement (s) as part of the sale of the residential lot to the buyer. A copy of the maintenance agreements to be included in the sale of the property shall be included within the WQMP document. 35. Prior to issuance of a grading permit and approval of the project specific water quality management plan all private storm water catch basin inlets shall include insert filters to capture those pollutants of concern as addressed in the in the final project -specific water quality management plan (WQMP). At a minimum catch basin insert filters to capture trash and other floating debris. All catch basin insert filters shall be maintained on a regular basis as described in the “Inspection and Maintenance Responsibility for Post Construction BMP” section of the final project-specific water quality management plan. 36. Prior to issuance of a grading permit the Final Project -Specific Water Quality Management Plan shall include a completed copy of “Worksheet H: Factor of Safety and Design Infiltration Worksheet” located in Appendix D “Section VII – Infiltration Rate Evaluation Protocol and Factor of Safety Recommendations, …” of the San Bernardino County Technical Guidance Document for Water Quality Management Plans. The infiltration study shall include the Soil Engineer ’s recommendations for Appendix D, Table VII.3: Suitability Assessment Related Considerations for Infiltration Facility Safety Factors”. 37. Prior to approval of the final project -specific water quality management plan the applicant shall have a soils engineer prepare a project -specific infiltration study for the project for the purposes of storm water quality treatment. The infiltration study and recommendations shall follow the guidelines in the current adopted “San Bernardino County Technical Guidance Document for Water Quality Management Plans”. 38. www.CityofRC.us Page 19 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Grading Section Standard Conditions of Approval The subject project, shall accept all existing off -site storm water drainage flows and safely convey those flows through or around the project site. If existing off -site storm water drainage flows mix with any on-site storm water drainage flows, then the off -site storm water drainage flows shall be treated with the on-site storm water drainage flows for storm water quality purposes, prior to discharging the storm water drainage flows from the project site. 39. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy by the Building Official, or his designee, the civil engineer of record shall file a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Post Construction Storm Water Treatment Devices As-Built Certificate with the Environmental Programs Coordinator, City of Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Services Department. 40. As the use of drywells are proposed for the structural storm water treatment device, to meet the infiltration requirements of the current Municipal Separate Storm Sewers Systems (MS4) Permit, adequate source control and pollution prevention control BMPs shall be implemented to protect groundwater quality. The need for pre -treatment BMPs such as sedimentation or filtration shall be evaluated prior to infiltration and discussed in the final project -specific Water Quality Management Plan document. 41. www.CityofRC.us Page 20 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Grading Section Standard Conditions of Approval GROUND WATER PROTECTION: Prior to approval of the final project specific water quality management plan (WQMP), the WQMP document shall meet the requirements of the State Water Resources Control Board Order No . R8-2010-0036 (NPDES No. CAS 618036), the San Bernardino County Municipal Separate Storm Sewers Separation (MS4) Permit reads: Section XI.D(Water Quality Management Plan Requirements).8(Groundwater Protection): Treatment Control BMPs utilizing infiltration [exclusive of incidental infiltration and BMPs not designed to primarily function as infiltration devices (such as grassy swales, detention basins, vegetated buffer strips, constructed wetlands, etc.)] must comply with the following minimum requirements to protect groundwater: a.Use of structural infiltration treatment BMPs shall not cause or contribute to an exceedance of ground water quality objectives. b.Source control and pollution prevention control BMPs shall be implemented to protect groundwater quality. The need for pre-treatment BMPs such as sedimentation or filtration should be evaluated prior to infiltration. c.Adequate pretreatment of runoff prior to infiltration shall be required in gas stations and large commercial parking lots. (NOTE: The State Water Quality Control Board defines a large commercial parking lot as ‘100,000 sq. ft. or more of commercial development to include parking lot (with 100 or more vehicle traffics ), OR, by means of 5,000sqft or more of allowable space designated for parking purposes’). d.Unless adequate pre -treatment of runoff is provided prior to infiltration structural infiltration treatment BMPs must not be used for areas of industrial or light industrial activity{77}, areas subject to high vehicular traffic (25,000 or more daily traffic ); car washes; fleet storage areas; nurseries; or any other high threat to water quality land uses or activities. e.Class V injection wells or dry wells must not be placed in areas subject to vehicular{78} repair or maintenance activities{79}, such as an auto body repair shop, automotive repair shop, new and used car dealership, specialty repair shop (e.g., transmission and muffler repair shop) or any facility that does any vehicular repair work. f.Structural infiltration BMP treatment shall not be used at sites that are known to have soil and groundwater contamination. g.Structural infiltration treatment BMPs shall be located at least 100 feet horizontally from any water supply wells. h.The vertical distance from the bottom of any infiltration structural treatment BMP to the historic high groundwater mark shall be at least 10-feet. Where the groundwater basins do not support beneficial uses, this vertical distance criteria may be reduced, provided groundwater quality is maintained. i.Structural infiltration treatment BMPs shall not cause a nuisance or pollution as defined in Water Code Section 13050. 42. Prior to issuance of a grading permit the applicant shall show on the site plan and the permitted grading plan set for non-residential projects the designated parking for clean air vehicles per the current adopted California Green Building Standards Code, section 43. www.CityofRC.us Page 21 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Project #: DRC2021-00200 DRC2022-00232 Project Name: EDR - Haven + Arrow Location: - 020909209-0000 Project Type: Design Review Minor Exception ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Grading Section Standard Conditions of Approval Prior to the issuance of a grading permit for non -residential projects the applicant shall show on the electrical plans and the permitted grading plan set the location for a future installation of an Electric Vehicle (EV) charging station/parking area per the current adopted California Green Building Standards Code, section 44. All underground storm water infiltration chambers /BMP devices within the structure setback specified within the project soils report shall be reviewed by the soils engineer prior to the issuance of a grading permit. The project Soils Engineer shall provide a letter to the City Engineer, or his designee, noting that the underground infiltration chamber meets the requirements of the project soils report. 45. A final project-specific Storm Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) shall be approved by the City Engineer, or his designee, and the City of Rancho Cucamonga ’s “Memorandum of Storm Water Quality Management Plan” shall be recorded prior to the issuance of a grading permit or any building permit. 46. www.CityofRC.us Page 22 of 22Printed: 6/16/2022 Exhibit H – CEQA Section 15183 Compliance Memorandum Due to file size, this attachment can be accessed through the following link: CEQA Section 15183 Compliance Memorandum Exhibit H