HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022/09/06 - Special MeetingMayor L. Dennis Michael Mayor Pro Tem Lynne B. Kennedy Members of the City Council: Ryan A. Hutchison Kristine D. Scott CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA September 6, 2022 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730  FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT BOARD – CITY COUNCIL HOUSING SUCCESSOR AGENCY­ SUCCESSOR AGENCY – PUBLIC FINANCE AUTHORITY CLOSED SESSION TRI­COMMUNITIES ROOM 4:30 P.M. SPECIAL MEETINGS        COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:00 P.M. The City Council meets regularly on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at 10500 Civic Center Drive.  It Is the Intent to conclude the meeting by 10:00 p.m. unless extended by the concurrence of the City Council.  Agendas, minutes, and recordings of meetings can be found at www.cityofrc.us or by contacting the City Clerk's Office at 909­774­2023. Live Broadcast available on Channel 3 (RCTV ­3). CLOSED SESSION – 4:30 P.M.   TRI­COMMUNITIES ROOM  ROLL CALL: Mayor Michael  Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy  Council Members Hutchison and Scott A. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S) B. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S) C. CITY MANAGER ANNOUNCEMENTS D. CONDUCT OF CLOSED SESSION D1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL ­ EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH(1) OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: PEPE'S INC. V. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, CASE NO. 5:20CV02506JGBSP ­ (CITY) D2.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4) OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON, SBSC CASE NO.: PENDING. (CITY) D3.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4) OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON, SBSC CASE NO.: CIVSB2201969. (CITY) D4.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4) OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V. BTC III RANCHO CUCAMONGA LOGISTICS CENNTER LP, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, SBSC CASE NO.: CIVSB2201955. (CITY) D5.CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA METROLINK STATION IDENTIFIED AS PARCEL NUMBERS 020927211, 020914321, AND 020927222 AND CERTAIN ADJACENT RIGHTOFWAY INCLUDED WITHIN THE STATION FOOTPRINT; CITY NEGOTIATOR: JOHN GILLISON, CITY MANAGER, REPRESENTING THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA; NEGOTIATING PARTIES: SARAH WATERSON, PRESIDENT, REPRESENTING DESERTXPRESS ENTERPRISES, LLC, DBA AS BRIGHTLINE WEST; UNDER NEGOTIATION: PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT. – (CITY) D6.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4) OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V. THM ENTERPRISES, LLC, SBSC CASE NO.: CIVSB2115208. (CITY) D7.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL—EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (1) OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: R.J. NOBLE COMPANY VS. ONYX PAVING COMPANY, INC., ET AL., SAN BERNARDINO SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. CIVSB 2214474 (CITY) E. RECESS – Closed Session to Recess to the Special City Council Meeting at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. SPECIAL MEETING – 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL:Mayor Michael Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy Council Members Hutchison and Scott A. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA B. ANNOUNCEMENT / PRESENTATIONS B1.Presentation of a Proclamation Declaring September 16, 2022 as National POW/MIA Day.  B2.Presentation of a Proclamation in Declaring the Month of September 2022 as Senior Center Month.  B3.Presentation of California Municipal Treasurers Association’s (CMTA) Investment Policy Certification. C. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Members of the City Council also sit as the Fire Board, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, and Public Finance Authority. This is the time and place for the general public to address the Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority Board, and City Council on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority Board, and City Council from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority Board, and City Council may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Mayor, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to be addressed directly to the Fire Board, Agencies, Successor Agency, Authority Board, or City Council not to the members of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in any activity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting. The public communications period will not exceed one hour prior to the commencement of the business portion of the agenda. During this one hour period, all those who wish to speak on a topic contained in the business portion of the agenda will be given priority, and no further speaker cards for these business items (with the exception of public hearing items) will be accepted once the business portion of the agenda commences. Any other public communications which have not concluded during this one hour period may resume after the regular business portion of the agenda has been completed. CONSENT CALENDARS: The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial. They will be acted upon without discussion unless an item is removed by Council Member for discussion. Members of the City Council also sit as the Fire Board, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, and Public Finance Authority and may act on the consent calendar for those bodies as part of a single motion with the City Council consent calendar. D. CONSENT CALENDAR D1.Consideration to Approve City and Fire District Bi­Weekly Payroll in the Total Amount of $1,953,894.64 and City and Fire District Weekly Check Registers (No Checks Issued to Southern California Gas Company) in the Total Amount of $1,487,131.05 Dated August 18, 2022, Through August 28, 2022. (CITY/FIRE) D2.AB 361 Findings for Special Brown Act Requirements for Teleconference. (CITY/FIRE) D3.Consideration to Cancel the Regular Meetings of the Fire Protection District, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council on October 5, 2022, December 21, 2022 and January 4, 2023 and Reschedule to October 4, 2022, December 14, 2022 and January 11, 2023. (CITY/FIRE) D4.Consideration to Accept Grant Revenue in the Amount of $31,326 Awarded by the Department of Homeland Security for the Fiscal Year 2020 Homeland Security Grant Program; and Authorization to Appropriate $31,326 for Approved Grant Expenses. (CITY/FIRE) D5.Consideration of an Appropriation in the Amount of $28,000.00 from the Law Enforcement Reserve fund for the Purchase of Additional Surveillance Cameras to Replace or be Added to the Public Safety Video Network (PSVN) at the Cultural Center and at City Hall. (CITY) D6.Consideration to Approve the Use of Richard Lewis Media Group to Create a Digital Wallpaper Activity and Ambient Projection Content for the Second Story and Beyond® Project. (CITY) D7.Consideration to Approve the use of a Piggyback Opportunity through a Contract Awarded by the City of Redlands to Merrimac Energy Group of Long Beach, CA, for the Purchase Of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Authorize the Use of Future Renewals as Awarded By the City of Redlands, to be Funded by Various Account Numbers, in Accordance with the Adopted Budget. (CITY)​ D8.Consideration of the Proposed Changes to the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Collection Development Policy. (CITY) D9.Consideration to Increase the Award to Walters Wholesale Electric for the Purchase of Electrical Parts and Supplies in Fiscal Year 2021/2022. (CITY/FIRE) D10.Consideration of Amendment No. 001 to the Professional Services Agreement with Leighton Consulting, Inc. for On­Call Geotechnical Engineering and Material Sampling/Testing Services to Add the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District as a Party to the Agreement. (CITY/FIRE) D11.Consideration of Amendment No. 001 to the Professional Services Agreement with Westland Group, Inc. for On­Call Design and Construction Surveying Services to Add the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District as a Party to the Agreement and Increase Compensation to an Annual Total of $300,000. (CITY/FIRE) D12.Consideration of Amendment No. 9 to Contract 16­114 with EMCOR Services/Mesa Energy Systems for Citywide HVAC Maintenance and Repair Services to Increase the Contract Amount for Fiscal Year 2021/2022. (CITY/FIRE) D13.Consideration to Accept as Complete, File the Notice of Completion, and Authorize Release of Retention and Bonds for the Center Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Project (Contract No. 2021­117). (CITY) D14.Consideration to Accept Public Improvements Located at the North Side of 9th Street, West of Vineyard Avenue, at 8768 9th Street per the Improvement Agreement Related to Case No. DRC2018­00912, as Complete, File the Notice of Completion and Authorize Release of Bonds. (CITY) D15.Consideration of Intention to Order the Detachment of Certain Property from Street Lighting Maintenance Districts Nos. 1 and 6 and to Set a Public Hearing. (RESOLUTION NOS. 2022­ 123 & 2022­124) (CITY) D16.Consideration to Approve and Adopt an Annexation Map Showing Assessor Parcel Number 0229­291­54 Located at 13120 Napa Street and Parcel Number 0229­291­46 Located at 13160 Napa Street, Which is Proposed to be Annexed Into CFD No. 85­1; and Approval to Adopt a Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory Referred to as Annexation No. 22­3 into Community Facilities District No. 85­1, Specifying Services Proposed to be Financed, to Set and Specify the Special Taxes Proposed to be Levied Within the Annexation Territory and Set a Time and Place for a Public Hearing Related to the Annexation. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­ 026) (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­027) (FIRE) D17.Consideration of Resolution No. FD2022­028, Waiving the Collection of Certain Inspection, Permit, and Special Services Fees for Fiscal Year 2022­23. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­ 028) (FIRE) D18.Consideration to Approve and Adopt an Annexation Map Showing Assessor Parcel Number 0201­043­56 Located at 4552 Haven Avenue, Which is Proposed to be Annexed Into CFD No. 88­1; and Approval to Adopt a Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory Referred to as Annexation No. 88­22­1 into Community Facilities District No. 88­1, Specifying Services Proposed to be Financed, to Set and Specify the Special Taxes Proposed to be Levied Within the Annexation Territory and Set a Time and Place for a Public Hearing Related to the Annexation. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­029) (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­030) (FIRE) E. CONSENT CALENDAR ORDINANCE(S) ­ SECOND READING/ADOPTION F. ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING ITEM(S) G. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS ITEM(S) ­ CITY/FIRE DISTRICT H. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORT(S) I. COUNCIL BUSINESS I1.COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Comments to be limited to three minutes per Council Member.) I2.INTER​AGENCY UPDATES (Update by the City Council to the community on the meetings that were attended.) J. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS K. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING L. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I, Linda A. Troyan, MMC, City Clerk Services Director of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on at least Twenty­Four (24) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California and on the City's website.  LINDA A. TROYAN, MMC CITY CLERK SERVICES DIRECTOR If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's Office at (909) 477­2700. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired.  CITY COUNCIL VISION STATEMENT “Our Vision is to build on our success as a world class community, to create an equitable, sustainable, and vibrant city, rich in opportunity for all to thrive.” Page 1 MayorL. Dennis MichaelMayor Pro TemLynne B. KennedyMembers of the CityCouncil:Ryan A. HutchisonKristine D. Scott CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGASPECIAL MEETING AGENDASeptember 6, 202210500 Civic Center DriveRancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT BOARD – CITY COUNCILHOUSING SUCCESSOR AGENCY­ SUCCESSOR AGENCY – PUBLICFINANCE AUTHORITYCLOSED SESSION TRI­COMMUNITIES ROOM 4:30 P.M.SPECIAL MEETINGS        COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:00 P.M.The City Council meets regularly on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in theCouncil Chambers located at 10500 Civic Center Drive.  It Is the Intent to conclude the meeting by 10:00p.m. unless extended by the concurrence of the City Council.  Agendas, minutes, and recordings ofmeetings can be found at www.cityofrc.us or by contacting the City Clerk's Office at 909­774­2023. LiveBroadcast available on Channel 3 (RCTV ­3).CLOSED SESSION – 4:30 P.M.  TRI­COMMUNITIES ROOM ROLL CALL: Mayor Michael                        Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy                        Council Members Hutchison and ScottA. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S)B. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S) C. CITY MANAGER ANNOUNCEMENTS D. CONDUCT OF CLOSED SESSION D1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL ­ EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH(1) OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: PEPE'S INC. V. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, CASE NO. 5:20CV02506JGBSP ­ (CITY) D2.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4) OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON, SBSC CASE NO.: PENDING. (CITY) D3.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4) OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON, SBSC CASE NO.: CIVSB2201969. (CITY) D4.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4) OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V. BTC III RANCHO CUCAMONGA LOGISTICS CENNTER LP, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, SBSC CASE NO.: CIVSB2201955. (CITY) D5.CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA METROLINK STATION IDENTIFIED AS PARCEL NUMBERS 020927211, 020914321, AND 020927222 AND CERTAIN ADJACENT RIGHTOFWAY INCLUDED WITHIN THE STATION FOOTPRINT; CITY NEGOTIATOR: JOHN GILLISON, CITY MANAGER, REPRESENTING THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA; NEGOTIATING PARTIES: SARAH WATERSON, PRESIDENT, REPRESENTING DESERTXPRESS ENTERPRISES, LLC, DBA AS BRIGHTLINE WEST; UNDER NEGOTIATION: PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT. – (CITY) D6.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4) OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V. THM ENTERPRISES, LLC, SBSC CASE NO.: CIVSB2115208. (CITY) D7.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL—EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (1) OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: R.J. NOBLE COMPANY VS. ONYX PAVING COMPANY, INC., ET AL., SAN BERNARDINO SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. CIVSB 2214474 (CITY) E. RECESS – Closed Session to Recess to the Special City Council Meeting at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. SPECIAL MEETING – 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL:Mayor Michael Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy Council Members Hutchison and Scott A. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA B. ANNOUNCEMENT / PRESENTATIONS B1.Presentation of a Proclamation Declaring September 16, 2022 as National POW/MIA Day.  B2.Presentation of a Proclamation in Declaring the Month of September 2022 as Senior Center Month.  B3.Presentation of California Municipal Treasurers Association’s (CMTA) Investment Policy Certification. C. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Members of the City Council also sit as the Fire Board, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, and Public Finance Authority. This is the time and place for the general public to address the Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority Board, and City Council on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority Board, and City Council from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority Board, and City Council may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Mayor, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to be addressed directly to the Fire Board, Agencies, Successor Agency, Authority Board, or City Council not to the members of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in any activity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting. The public communications period will not exceed one hour prior to the commencement of the business portion of the agenda. During this one hour period, all those who wish to speak on a topic contained in the business portion of the agenda will be given priority, and no further speaker cards for these business items (with the exception of public hearing items) will be accepted once the business portion of the agenda commences. Any other public communications which have not concluded during this one hour period may resume after the regular business portion of the agenda has been completed. CONSENT CALENDARS: The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial. They will be acted upon without discussion unless an item is removed by Council Member for discussion. Members of the City Council also sit as the Fire Board, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, and Public Finance Authority and may act on the consent calendar for those bodies as part of a single motion with the City Council consent calendar. D. CONSENT CALENDAR D1.Consideration to Approve City and Fire District Bi­Weekly Payroll in the Total Amount of $1,953,894.64 and City and Fire District Weekly Check Registers (No Checks Issued to Southern California Gas Company) in the Total Amount of $1,487,131.05 Dated August 18, 2022, Through August 28, 2022. (CITY/FIRE) D2.AB 361 Findings for Special Brown Act Requirements for Teleconference. (CITY/FIRE) D3.Consideration to Cancel the Regular Meetings of the Fire Protection District, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council on October 5, 2022, December 21, 2022 and January 4, 2023 and Reschedule to October 4, 2022, December 14, 2022 and January 11, 2023. (CITY/FIRE) D4.Consideration to Accept Grant Revenue in the Amount of $31,326 Awarded by the Department of Homeland Security for the Fiscal Year 2020 Homeland Security Grant Program; and Authorization to Appropriate $31,326 for Approved Grant Expenses. (CITY/FIRE) D5.Consideration of an Appropriation in the Amount of $28,000.00 from the Law Enforcement Reserve fund for the Purchase of Additional Surveillance Cameras to Replace or be Added to the Public Safety Video Network (PSVN) at the Cultural Center and at City Hall. (CITY) D6.Consideration to Approve the Use of Richard Lewis Media Group to Create a Digital Wallpaper Activity and Ambient Projection Content for the Second Story and Beyond® Project. (CITY) D7.Consideration to Approve the use of a Piggyback Opportunity through a Contract Awarded by the City of Redlands to Merrimac Energy Group of Long Beach, CA, for the Purchase Of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Authorize the Use of Future Renewals as Awarded By the City of Redlands, to be Funded by Various Account Numbers, in Accordance with the Adopted Budget. (CITY)​ D8.Consideration of the Proposed Changes to the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Collection Development Policy. (CITY) D9.Consideration to Increase the Award to Walters Wholesale Electric for the Purchase of Electrical Parts and Supplies in Fiscal Year 2021/2022. (CITY/FIRE) D10.Consideration of Amendment No. 001 to the Professional Services Agreement with Leighton Consulting, Inc. for On­Call Geotechnical Engineering and Material Sampling/Testing Services to Add the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District as a Party to the Agreement. (CITY/FIRE) D11.Consideration of Amendment No. 001 to the Professional Services Agreement with Westland Group, Inc. for On­Call Design and Construction Surveying Services to Add the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District as a Party to the Agreement and Increase Compensation to an Annual Total of $300,000. (CITY/FIRE) D12.Consideration of Amendment No. 9 to Contract 16­114 with EMCOR Services/Mesa Energy Systems for Citywide HVAC Maintenance and Repair Services to Increase the Contract Amount for Fiscal Year 2021/2022. (CITY/FIRE) D13.Consideration to Accept as Complete, File the Notice of Completion, and Authorize Release of Retention and Bonds for the Center Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Project (Contract No. 2021­117). (CITY) D14.Consideration to Accept Public Improvements Located at the North Side of 9th Street, West of Vineyard Avenue, at 8768 9th Street per the Improvement Agreement Related to Case No. DRC2018­00912, as Complete, File the Notice of Completion and Authorize Release of Bonds. (CITY) D15.Consideration of Intention to Order the Detachment of Certain Property from Street Lighting Maintenance Districts Nos. 1 and 6 and to Set a Public Hearing. (RESOLUTION NOS. 2022­ 123 & 2022­124) (CITY) D16.Consideration to Approve and Adopt an Annexation Map Showing Assessor Parcel Number 0229­291­54 Located at 13120 Napa Street and Parcel Number 0229­291­46 Located at 13160 Napa Street, Which is Proposed to be Annexed Into CFD No. 85­1; and Approval to Adopt a Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory Referred to as Annexation No. 22­3 into Community Facilities District No. 85­1, Specifying Services Proposed to be Financed, to Set and Specify the Special Taxes Proposed to be Levied Within the Annexation Territory and Set a Time and Place for a Public Hearing Related to the Annexation. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­ 026) (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­027) (FIRE) D17.Consideration of Resolution No. FD2022­028, Waiving the Collection of Certain Inspection, Permit, and Special Services Fees for Fiscal Year 2022­23. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­ 028) (FIRE) D18.Consideration to Approve and Adopt an Annexation Map Showing Assessor Parcel Number 0201­043­56 Located at 4552 Haven Avenue, Which is Proposed to be Annexed Into CFD No. 88­1; and Approval to Adopt a Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory Referred to as Annexation No. 88­22­1 into Community Facilities District No. 88­1, Specifying Services Proposed to be Financed, to Set and Specify the Special Taxes Proposed to be Levied Within the Annexation Territory and Set a Time and Place for a Public Hearing Related to the Annexation. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­029) (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­030) (FIRE) E. CONSENT CALENDAR ORDINANCE(S) ­ SECOND READING/ADOPTION F. ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING ITEM(S) G. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS ITEM(S) ­ CITY/FIRE DISTRICT H. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORT(S) I. COUNCIL BUSINESS I1.COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Comments to be limited to three minutes per Council Member.) I2.INTER​AGENCY UPDATES (Update by the City Council to the community on the meetings that were attended.) J. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS K. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING L. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I, Linda A. Troyan, MMC, City Clerk Services Director of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on at least Twenty­Four (24) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California and on the City's website.  LINDA A. TROYAN, MMC CITY CLERK SERVICES DIRECTOR If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's Office at (909) 477­2700. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired.  CITY COUNCIL VISION STATEMENT “Our Vision is to build on our success as a world class community, to create an equitable, sustainable, and vibrant city, rich in opportunity for all to thrive.” Page 2 MayorL. Dennis MichaelMayor Pro TemLynne B. KennedyMembers of the CityCouncil:Ryan A. HutchisonKristine D. Scott CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGASPECIAL MEETING AGENDASeptember 6, 202210500 Civic Center DriveRancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT BOARD – CITY COUNCILHOUSING SUCCESSOR AGENCY­ SUCCESSOR AGENCY – PUBLICFINANCE AUTHORITYCLOSED SESSION TRI­COMMUNITIES ROOM 4:30 P.M.SPECIAL MEETINGS        COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:00 P.M.The City Council meets regularly on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in theCouncil Chambers located at 10500 Civic Center Drive.  It Is the Intent to conclude the meeting by 10:00p.m. unless extended by the concurrence of the City Council.  Agendas, minutes, and recordings ofmeetings can be found at www.cityofrc.us or by contacting the City Clerk's Office at 909­774­2023. LiveBroadcast available on Channel 3 (RCTV ­3).CLOSED SESSION – 4:30 P.M.  TRI­COMMUNITIES ROOM ROLL CALL: Mayor Michael                        Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy                        Council Members Hutchison and ScottA. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S)B. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S)C. CITY MANAGER ANNOUNCEMENTSD. CONDUCT OF CLOSED SESSIOND1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL ­ EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH(1)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: PEPE'S INC. V. CITY OF RANCHOCUCAMONGA, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, CASENO. 5:20CV02506JGBSP ­ (CITY)D2.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V.SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON, SBSC CASE NO.: PENDING. (CITY)D3.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V.SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON, SBSC CASE NO.: CIVSB2201969. (CITY)D4.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V.BTC III RANCHO CUCAMONGA LOGISTICS CENNTER LP, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITYCOMPANY, SBSC CASE NO.: CIVSB2201955. (CITY)D5.CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION54956.8 FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA METROLINKSTATION IDENTIFIED AS PARCEL NUMBERS 020927211, 020914321, AND 020927222 ANDCERTAIN ADJACENT RIGHTOFWAY INCLUDED WITHIN THE STATION FOOTPRINT; CITYNEGOTIATOR: JOHN GILLISON, CITY MANAGER, REPRESENTING THE CITY OF RANCHOCUCAMONGA; NEGOTIATING PARTIES: SARAH WATERSON, PRESIDENT, REPRESENTINGDESERTXPRESS ENTERPRISES, LLC, DBA AS BRIGHTLINE WEST; UNDER NEGOTIATION:PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT. – (CITY)D6.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V.THM ENTERPRISES, LLC, SBSC CASE NO.: CIVSB2115208. (CITY)D7.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL—EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (1)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: R.J. NOBLECOMPANY VS. ONYX PAVING COMPANY, INC., ET AL., SAN BERNARDINO SUPERIOR COURTCASE NO. CIVSB 2214474 (CITY)E. RECESS – Closed Session to Recess to the Special City Council Meeting at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. SPECIAL MEETING – 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL:Mayor Michael Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy Council Members Hutchison and Scott A. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA B. ANNOUNCEMENT / PRESENTATIONS B1.Presentation of a Proclamation Declaring September 16, 2022 as National POW/MIA Day.  B2.Presentation of a Proclamation in Declaring the Month of September 2022 as Senior Center Month.  B3.Presentation of California Municipal Treasurers Association’s (CMTA) Investment Policy Certification. C. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Members of the City Council also sit as the Fire Board, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, and Public Finance Authority. This is the time and place for the general public to address the Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority Board, and City Council on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority Board, and City Council from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority Board, and City Council may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Mayor, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to be addressed directly to the Fire Board, Agencies, Successor Agency, Authority Board, or City Council not to the members of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in any activity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting. The public communications period will not exceed one hour prior to the commencement of the business portion of the agenda. During this one hour period, all those who wish to speak on a topic contained in the business portion of the agenda will be given priority, and no further speaker cards for these business items (with the exception of public hearing items) will be accepted once the business portion of the agenda commences. Any other public communications which have not concluded during this one hour period may resume after the regular business portion of the agenda has been completed. CONSENT CALENDARS: The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial. They will be acted upon without discussion unless an item is removed by Council Member for discussion. Members of the City Council also sit as the Fire Board, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, and Public Finance Authority and may act on the consent calendar for those bodies as part of a single motion with the City Council consent calendar. D. CONSENT CALENDAR D1.Consideration to Approve City and Fire District Bi­Weekly Payroll in the Total Amount of $1,953,894.64 and City and Fire District Weekly Check Registers (No Checks Issued to Southern California Gas Company) in the Total Amount of $1,487,131.05 Dated August 18, 2022, Through August 28, 2022. (CITY/FIRE) D2.AB 361 Findings for Special Brown Act Requirements for Teleconference. (CITY/FIRE) D3.Consideration to Cancel the Regular Meetings of the Fire Protection District, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council on October 5, 2022, December 21, 2022 and January 4, 2023 and Reschedule to October 4, 2022, December 14, 2022 and January 11, 2023. (CITY/FIRE) D4.Consideration to Accept Grant Revenue in the Amount of $31,326 Awarded by the Department of Homeland Security for the Fiscal Year 2020 Homeland Security Grant Program; and Authorization to Appropriate $31,326 for Approved Grant Expenses. (CITY/FIRE) D5.Consideration of an Appropriation in the Amount of $28,000.00 from the Law Enforcement Reserve fund for the Purchase of Additional Surveillance Cameras to Replace or be Added to the Public Safety Video Network (PSVN) at the Cultural Center and at City Hall. (CITY) D6.Consideration to Approve the Use of Richard Lewis Media Group to Create a Digital Wallpaper Activity and Ambient Projection Content for the Second Story and Beyond® Project. (CITY) D7.Consideration to Approve the use of a Piggyback Opportunity through a Contract Awarded by the City of Redlands to Merrimac Energy Group of Long Beach, CA, for the Purchase Of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Authorize the Use of Future Renewals as Awarded By the City of Redlands, to be Funded by Various Account Numbers, in Accordance with the Adopted Budget. (CITY)​ D8.Consideration of the Proposed Changes to the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Collection Development Policy. (CITY) D9.Consideration to Increase the Award to Walters Wholesale Electric for the Purchase of Electrical Parts and Supplies in Fiscal Year 2021/2022. (CITY/FIRE) D10.Consideration of Amendment No. 001 to the Professional Services Agreement with Leighton Consulting, Inc. for On­Call Geotechnical Engineering and Material Sampling/Testing Services to Add the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District as a Party to the Agreement. (CITY/FIRE) D11.Consideration of Amendment No. 001 to the Professional Services Agreement with Westland Group, Inc. for On­Call Design and Construction Surveying Services to Add the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District as a Party to the Agreement and Increase Compensation to an Annual Total of $300,000. (CITY/FIRE) D12.Consideration of Amendment No. 9 to Contract 16­114 with EMCOR Services/Mesa Energy Systems for Citywide HVAC Maintenance and Repair Services to Increase the Contract Amount for Fiscal Year 2021/2022. (CITY/FIRE) D13.Consideration to Accept as Complete, File the Notice of Completion, and Authorize Release of Retention and Bonds for the Center Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Project (Contract No. 2021­117). (CITY) D14.Consideration to Accept Public Improvements Located at the North Side of 9th Street, West of Vineyard Avenue, at 8768 9th Street per the Improvement Agreement Related to Case No. DRC2018­00912, as Complete, File the Notice of Completion and Authorize Release of Bonds. (CITY) D15.Consideration of Intention to Order the Detachment of Certain Property from Street Lighting Maintenance Districts Nos. 1 and 6 and to Set a Public Hearing. (RESOLUTION NOS. 2022­ 123 & 2022­124) (CITY) D16.Consideration to Approve and Adopt an Annexation Map Showing Assessor Parcel Number 0229­291­54 Located at 13120 Napa Street and Parcel Number 0229­291­46 Located at 13160 Napa Street, Which is Proposed to be Annexed Into CFD No. 85­1; and Approval to Adopt a Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory Referred to as Annexation No. 22­3 into Community Facilities District No. 85­1, Specifying Services Proposed to be Financed, to Set and Specify the Special Taxes Proposed to be Levied Within the Annexation Territory and Set a Time and Place for a Public Hearing Related to the Annexation. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­ 026) (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­027) (FIRE) D17.Consideration of Resolution No. FD2022­028, Waiving the Collection of Certain Inspection, Permit, and Special Services Fees for Fiscal Year 2022­23. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­ 028) (FIRE) D18.Consideration to Approve and Adopt an Annexation Map Showing Assessor Parcel Number 0201­043­56 Located at 4552 Haven Avenue, Which is Proposed to be Annexed Into CFD No. 88­1; and Approval to Adopt a Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory Referred to as Annexation No. 88­22­1 into Community Facilities District No. 88­1, Specifying Services Proposed to be Financed, to Set and Specify the Special Taxes Proposed to be Levied Within the Annexation Territory and Set a Time and Place for a Public Hearing Related to the Annexation. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­029) (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­030) (FIRE) E. CONSENT CALENDAR ORDINANCE(S) ­ SECOND READING/ADOPTION F. ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING ITEM(S) G. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS ITEM(S) ­ CITY/FIRE DISTRICT H. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORT(S) I. COUNCIL BUSINESS I1.COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Comments to be limited to three minutes per Council Member.) I2.INTER​AGENCY UPDATES (Update by the City Council to the community on the meetings that were attended.) J. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS K. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING L. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I, Linda A. Troyan, MMC, City Clerk Services Director of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on at least Twenty­Four (24) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California and on the City's website.  LINDA A. TROYAN, MMC CITY CLERK SERVICES DIRECTOR If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's Office at (909) 477­2700. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired.  CITY COUNCIL VISION STATEMENT “Our Vision is to build on our success as a world class community, to create an equitable, sustainable, and vibrant city, rich in opportunity for all to thrive.” Page 3 --- --- --- MayorL. Dennis MichaelMayor Pro TemLynne B. KennedyMembers of the CityCouncil:Ryan A. HutchisonKristine D. Scott CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGASPECIAL MEETING AGENDASeptember 6, 202210500 Civic Center DriveRancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT BOARD – CITY COUNCILHOUSING SUCCESSOR AGENCY­ SUCCESSOR AGENCY – PUBLICFINANCE AUTHORITYCLOSED SESSION TRI­COMMUNITIES ROOM 4:30 P.M.SPECIAL MEETINGS        COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:00 P.M.The City Council meets regularly on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in theCouncil Chambers located at 10500 Civic Center Drive.  It Is the Intent to conclude the meeting by 10:00p.m. unless extended by the concurrence of the City Council.  Agendas, minutes, and recordings ofmeetings can be found at www.cityofrc.us or by contacting the City Clerk's Office at 909­774­2023. LiveBroadcast available on Channel 3 (RCTV ­3).CLOSED SESSION – 4:30 P.M.  TRI­COMMUNITIES ROOM ROLL CALL: Mayor Michael                        Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy                        Council Members Hutchison and ScottA. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S)B. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S)C. CITY MANAGER ANNOUNCEMENTSD. CONDUCT OF CLOSED SESSIOND1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL ­ EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH(1)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: PEPE'S INC. V. CITY OF RANCHOCUCAMONGA, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, CASENO. 5:20CV02506JGBSP ­ (CITY)D2.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V.SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON, SBSC CASE NO.: PENDING. (CITY)D3.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V.SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON, SBSC CASE NO.: CIVSB2201969. (CITY)D4.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V.BTC III RANCHO CUCAMONGA LOGISTICS CENNTER LP, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITYCOMPANY, SBSC CASE NO.: CIVSB2201955. (CITY)D5.CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION54956.8 FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA METROLINKSTATION IDENTIFIED AS PARCEL NUMBERS 020927211, 020914321, AND 020927222 ANDCERTAIN ADJACENT RIGHTOFWAY INCLUDED WITHIN THE STATION FOOTPRINT; CITYNEGOTIATOR: JOHN GILLISON, CITY MANAGER, REPRESENTING THE CITY OF RANCHOCUCAMONGA; NEGOTIATING PARTIES: SARAH WATERSON, PRESIDENT, REPRESENTINGDESERTXPRESS ENTERPRISES, LLC, DBA AS BRIGHTLINE WEST; UNDER NEGOTIATION:PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT. – (CITY)D6.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V.THM ENTERPRISES, LLC, SBSC CASE NO.: CIVSB2115208. (CITY)D7.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL—EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (1)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: R.J. NOBLECOMPANY VS. ONYX PAVING COMPANY, INC., ET AL., SAN BERNARDINO SUPERIOR COURTCASE NO. CIVSB 2214474 (CITY)E. RECESS – Closed Session to Recess to the Special City Council Meeting at 7:00 P.M. in the CouncilChambers at City Hall, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California.SPECIAL MEETING – 7:00 P.M.COUNCIL CHAMBERSPLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCEROLL CALL:Mayor MichaelMayor Pro Tem KennedyCouncil Members Hutchison and ScottA. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDAB. ANNOUNCEMENT / PRESENTATIONSB1.Presentation of a Proclamation Declaring September 16, 2022 as National POW/MIA Day. B2.Presentation of a Proclamation in Declaring the Month of September 2022 as Senior Center Month. B3.Presentation of California Municipal Treasurers Association’s (CMTA) Investment Policy Certification.C. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONSMembers of the City Council also sit as the Fire Board, Housing Successor Agency, SuccessorAgency, and Public Finance Authority. This is the time and place for the general public to addressthe Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public FinancingAuthority Board, and City Council on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. State law prohibits theFire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority Board,and City Council from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Fire ProtectionDistrict, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority Board, and City Councilmay receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting.Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by theMayor, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to beaddressed directly to the Fire Board, Agencies, Successor Agency, Authority Board, or City Council not to themembers of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected.Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in anyactivity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting.The public communications period will not exceed one hour prior to the commencement of thebusiness portion of the agenda. During this one hour period, all those who wish to speak on a topiccontained in the business portion of the agenda will be given priority, and no further speaker cards for thesebusiness items (with the exception of public hearing items) will be accepted once the business portion of theagenda commences. Any other public communications which have not concluded during this one hour periodmay resume after the regular business portion of the agenda has been completed. CONSENT CALENDARS: The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial. They will be acted upon without discussion unless an item is removed by Council Member for discussion. Members of the City Council also sit as the Fire Board, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, and Public Finance Authority and may act on the consent calendar for those bodies as part of a single motion with the City Council consent calendar. D. CONSENT CALENDAR D1.Consideration to Approve City and Fire District Bi­Weekly Payroll in the Total Amount of $1,953,894.64 and City and Fire District Weekly Check Registers (No Checks Issued to Southern California Gas Company) in the Total Amount of $1,487,131.05 Dated August 18, 2022, Through August 28, 2022. (CITY/FIRE) D2.AB 361 Findings for Special Brown Act Requirements for Teleconference. (CITY/FIRE) D3.Consideration to Cancel the Regular Meetings of the Fire Protection District, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council on October 5, 2022, December 21, 2022 and January 4, 2023 and Reschedule to October 4, 2022, December 14, 2022 and January 11, 2023. (CITY/FIRE) D4.Consideration to Accept Grant Revenue in the Amount of $31,326 Awarded by the Department of Homeland Security for the Fiscal Year 2020 Homeland Security Grant Program; and Authorization to Appropriate $31,326 for Approved Grant Expenses. (CITY/FIRE) D5.Consideration of an Appropriation in the Amount of $28,000.00 from the Law Enforcement Reserve fund for the Purchase of Additional Surveillance Cameras to Replace or be Added to the Public Safety Video Network (PSVN) at the Cultural Center and at City Hall. (CITY) D6.Consideration to Approve the Use of Richard Lewis Media Group to Create a Digital Wallpaper Activity and Ambient Projection Content for the Second Story and Beyond® Project. (CITY) D7.Consideration to Approve the use of a Piggyback Opportunity through a Contract Awarded by the City of Redlands to Merrimac Energy Group of Long Beach, CA, for the Purchase Of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Authorize the Use of Future Renewals as Awarded By the City of Redlands, to be Funded by Various Account Numbers, in Accordance with the Adopted Budget. (CITY)​ D8.Consideration of the Proposed Changes to the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Collection Development Policy. (CITY) D9.Consideration to Increase the Award to Walters Wholesale Electric for the Purchase of Electrical Parts and Supplies in Fiscal Year 2021/2022. (CITY/FIRE) D10.Consideration of Amendment No. 001 to the Professional Services Agreement with Leighton Consulting, Inc. for On­Call Geotechnical Engineering and Material Sampling/Testing Services to Add the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District as a Party to the Agreement. (CITY/FIRE) D11.Consideration of Amendment No. 001 to the Professional Services Agreement with Westland Group, Inc. for On­Call Design and Construction Surveying Services to Add the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District as a Party to the Agreement and Increase Compensation to an Annual Total of $300,000. (CITY/FIRE) D12.Consideration of Amendment No. 9 to Contract 16­114 with EMCOR Services/Mesa Energy Systems for Citywide HVAC Maintenance and Repair Services to Increase the Contract Amount for Fiscal Year 2021/2022. (CITY/FIRE) D13.Consideration to Accept as Complete, File the Notice of Completion, and Authorize Release of Retention and Bonds for the Center Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Project (Contract No. 2021­117). (CITY) D14.Consideration to Accept Public Improvements Located at the North Side of 9th Street, West of Vineyard Avenue, at 8768 9th Street per the Improvement Agreement Related to Case No. DRC2018­00912, as Complete, File the Notice of Completion and Authorize Release of Bonds. (CITY) D15.Consideration of Intention to Order the Detachment of Certain Property from Street Lighting Maintenance Districts Nos. 1 and 6 and to Set a Public Hearing. (RESOLUTION NOS. 2022­ 123 & 2022­124) (CITY) D16.Consideration to Approve and Adopt an Annexation Map Showing Assessor Parcel Number 0229­291­54 Located at 13120 Napa Street and Parcel Number 0229­291­46 Located at 13160 Napa Street, Which is Proposed to be Annexed Into CFD No. 85­1; and Approval to Adopt a Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory Referred to as Annexation No. 22­3 into Community Facilities District No. 85­1, Specifying Services Proposed to be Financed, to Set and Specify the Special Taxes Proposed to be Levied Within the Annexation Territory and Set a Time and Place for a Public Hearing Related to the Annexation. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­ 026) (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­027) (FIRE) D17.Consideration of Resolution No. FD2022­028, Waiving the Collection of Certain Inspection, Permit, and Special Services Fees for Fiscal Year 2022­23. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­ 028) (FIRE) D18.Consideration to Approve and Adopt an Annexation Map Showing Assessor Parcel Number 0201­043­56 Located at 4552 Haven Avenue, Which is Proposed to be Annexed Into CFD No. 88­1; and Approval to Adopt a Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory Referred to as Annexation No. 88­22­1 into Community Facilities District No. 88­1, Specifying Services Proposed to be Financed, to Set and Specify the Special Taxes Proposed to be Levied Within the Annexation Territory and Set a Time and Place for a Public Hearing Related to the Annexation. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­029) (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­030) (FIRE) E. CONSENT CALENDAR ORDINANCE(S) ­ SECOND READING/ADOPTION F. ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING ITEM(S) G. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS ITEM(S) ­ CITY/FIRE DISTRICT H. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORT(S) I. COUNCIL BUSINESS I1.COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Comments to be limited to three minutes per Council Member.) I2.INTER​AGENCY UPDATES (Update by the City Council to the community on the meetings that were attended.) J. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS K. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING L. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I, Linda A. Troyan, MMC, City Clerk Services Director of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on at least Twenty­Four (24) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California and on the City's website.  LINDA A. TROYAN, MMC CITY CLERK SERVICES DIRECTOR If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's Office at (909) 477­2700. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired.  CITY COUNCIL VISION STATEMENT “Our Vision is to build on our success as a world class community, to create an equitable, sustainable, and vibrant city, rich in opportunity for all to thrive.” Page 4 7 14 16 17 19 21 23 25 30 MayorL. Dennis MichaelMayor Pro TemLynne B. KennedyMembers of the CityCouncil:Ryan A. HutchisonKristine D. Scott CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGASPECIAL MEETING AGENDASeptember 6, 202210500 Civic Center DriveRancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT BOARD – CITY COUNCILHOUSING SUCCESSOR AGENCY­ SUCCESSOR AGENCY – PUBLICFINANCE AUTHORITYCLOSED SESSION TRI­COMMUNITIES ROOM 4:30 P.M.SPECIAL MEETINGS        COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:00 P.M.The City Council meets regularly on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in theCouncil Chambers located at 10500 Civic Center Drive.  It Is the Intent to conclude the meeting by 10:00p.m. unless extended by the concurrence of the City Council.  Agendas, minutes, and recordings ofmeetings can be found at www.cityofrc.us or by contacting the City Clerk's Office at 909­774­2023. LiveBroadcast available on Channel 3 (RCTV ­3).CLOSED SESSION – 4:30 P.M.  TRI­COMMUNITIES ROOM ROLL CALL: Mayor Michael                        Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy                        Council Members Hutchison and ScottA. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S)B. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S)C. CITY MANAGER ANNOUNCEMENTSD. CONDUCT OF CLOSED SESSIOND1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL ­ EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH(1)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: PEPE'S INC. V. CITY OF RANCHOCUCAMONGA, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, CASENO. 5:20CV02506JGBSP ­ (CITY)D2.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V.SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON, SBSC CASE NO.: PENDING. (CITY)D3.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V.SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON, SBSC CASE NO.: CIVSB2201969. (CITY)D4.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V.BTC III RANCHO CUCAMONGA LOGISTICS CENNTER LP, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITYCOMPANY, SBSC CASE NO.: CIVSB2201955. (CITY)D5.CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION54956.8 FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA METROLINKSTATION IDENTIFIED AS PARCEL NUMBERS 020927211, 020914321, AND 020927222 ANDCERTAIN ADJACENT RIGHTOFWAY INCLUDED WITHIN THE STATION FOOTPRINT; CITYNEGOTIATOR: JOHN GILLISON, CITY MANAGER, REPRESENTING THE CITY OF RANCHOCUCAMONGA; NEGOTIATING PARTIES: SARAH WATERSON, PRESIDENT, REPRESENTINGDESERTXPRESS ENTERPRISES, LLC, DBA AS BRIGHTLINE WEST; UNDER NEGOTIATION:PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT. – (CITY)D6.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V.THM ENTERPRISES, LLC, SBSC CASE NO.: CIVSB2115208. (CITY)D7.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL—EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (1)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: R.J. NOBLECOMPANY VS. ONYX PAVING COMPANY, INC., ET AL., SAN BERNARDINO SUPERIOR COURTCASE NO. CIVSB 2214474 (CITY)E. RECESS – Closed Session to Recess to the Special City Council Meeting at 7:00 P.M. in the CouncilChambers at City Hall, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California.SPECIAL MEETING – 7:00 P.M.COUNCIL CHAMBERSPLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCEROLL CALL:Mayor MichaelMayor Pro Tem KennedyCouncil Members Hutchison and ScottA. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDAB. ANNOUNCEMENT / PRESENTATIONSB1.Presentation of a Proclamation Declaring September 16, 2022 as National POW/MIA Day. B2.Presentation of a Proclamation in Declaring the Month of September 2022 as Senior Center Month. B3.Presentation of California Municipal Treasurers Association’s (CMTA) Investment Policy Certification.C. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONSMembers of the City Council also sit as the Fire Board, Housing Successor Agency, SuccessorAgency, and Public Finance Authority. This is the time and place for the general public to addressthe Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public FinancingAuthority Board, and City Council on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. State law prohibits theFire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority Board,and City Council from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Fire ProtectionDistrict, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority Board, and City Councilmay receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting.Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by theMayor, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to beaddressed directly to the Fire Board, Agencies, Successor Agency, Authority Board, or City Council not to themembers of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected.Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in anyactivity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting.The public communications period will not exceed one hour prior to the commencement of thebusiness portion of the agenda. During this one hour period, all those who wish to speak on a topiccontained in the business portion of the agenda will be given priority, and no further speaker cards for thesebusiness items (with the exception of public hearing items) will be accepted once the business portion of theagenda commences. Any other public communications which have not concluded during this one hour periodmay resume after the regular business portion of the agenda has been completed.CONSENT CALENDARS:The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial. They will be actedupon without discussion unless an item is removed by Council Member for discussion.Members of the City Council also sit as the Fire Board, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, andPublic Finance Authority and may act on the consent calendar for those bodies as part of a single motion withthe City Council consent calendar.D. CONSENT CALENDARD1.Consideration to Approve City and Fire District Bi­Weekly Payroll in the Total Amount of$1,953,894.64 and City and Fire District Weekly Check Registers (No Checks Issued toSouthern California Gas Company) in the Total Amount of $1,487,131.05 Dated August 18,2022, Through August 28, 2022. (CITY/FIRE)D2.AB 361 Findings for Special Brown Act Requirements for Teleconference. (CITY/FIRE)D3.Consideration to Cancel the Regular Meetings of the Fire Protection District, SuccessorAgency, Public Financing Authority and City Council on October 5, 2022, December 21, 2022and January 4, 2023 and Reschedule to October 4, 2022, December 14, 2022 and January 11,2023. (CITY/FIRE)D4.Consideration to Accept Grant Revenue in the Amount of $31,326 Awarded by the Departmentof Homeland Security for the Fiscal Year 2020 Homeland Security Grant Program; andAuthorization to Appropriate $31,326 for Approved Grant Expenses. (CITY/FIRE)D5.Consideration of an Appropriation in the Amount of $28,000.00 from the Law EnforcementReserve fund for the Purchase of Additional Surveillance Cameras to Replace or be Added tothe Public Safety Video Network (PSVN) at the Cultural Center and at City Hall. (CITY)D6.Consideration to Approve the Use of Richard Lewis Media Group to Create a Digital WallpaperActivity and Ambient Projection Content for the Second Story and Beyond® Project. (CITY)D7.Consideration to Approve the use of a Piggyback Opportunity through a Contract Awarded bythe City of Redlands to Merrimac Energy Group of Long Beach, CA, for the Purchase OfGasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Authorize the Use of Future Renewals as Awarded By the City ofRedlands, to be Funded by Various Account Numbers, in Accordance with the AdoptedBudget. (CITY)​D8.Consideration of the Proposed Changes to the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library CollectionDevelopment Policy. (CITY) D9.Consideration to Increase the Award to Walters Wholesale Electric for the Purchase of Electrical Parts and Supplies in Fiscal Year 2021/2022. (CITY/FIRE) D10.Consideration of Amendment No. 001 to the Professional Services Agreement with Leighton Consulting, Inc. for On­Call Geotechnical Engineering and Material Sampling/Testing Services to Add the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District as a Party to the Agreement. (CITY/FIRE) D11.Consideration of Amendment No. 001 to the Professional Services Agreement with Westland Group, Inc. for On­Call Design and Construction Surveying Services to Add the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District as a Party to the Agreement and Increase Compensation to an Annual Total of $300,000. (CITY/FIRE) D12.Consideration of Amendment No. 9 to Contract 16­114 with EMCOR Services/Mesa Energy Systems for Citywide HVAC Maintenance and Repair Services to Increase the Contract Amount for Fiscal Year 2021/2022. (CITY/FIRE) D13.Consideration to Accept as Complete, File the Notice of Completion, and Authorize Release of Retention and Bonds for the Center Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Project (Contract No. 2022-036). (CITY) D14.Consideration to Accept Public Improvements Located at the North Side of 9th Street, West of Vineyard Avenue, at 8768 9th Street per the Improvement Agreement Related to Case No. DRC2018­00912, as Complete, File the Notice of Completion and Authorize Release of Bonds. (CITY) D15.Consideration of Intention to Order the Detachment of Certain Property from Street Lighting Maintenance Districts Nos. 1 and 6 and to Set a Public Hearing. (RESOLUTION NOS. 2022­ 123 & 2022­124) (CITY) D16.Consideration to Approve and Adopt an Annexation Map Showing Assessor Parcel Number 0229­291­54 Located at 13120 Napa Street and Parcel Number 0229­291­46 Located at 13160 Napa Street, Which is Proposed to be Annexed Into CFD No. 85­1; and Approval to Adopt a Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory Referred to as Annexation No. 22­3 into Community Facilities District No. 85­1, Specifying Services Proposed to be Financed, to Set and Specify the Special Taxes Proposed to be Levied Within the Annexation Territory and Set a Time and Place for a Public Hearing Related to the Annexation. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­ 026) (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­027) (FIRE) D17.Consideration of Resolution No. FD2022­028, Waiving the Collection of Certain Inspection, Permit, and Special Services Fees for Fiscal Year 2022­23. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­ 028) (FIRE) D18.Consideration to Approve and Adopt an Annexation Map Showing Assessor Parcel Number 0201­043­56 Located at 4552 Haven Avenue, Which is Proposed to be Annexed Into CFD No. 88­1; and Approval to Adopt a Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory Referred to as Annexation No. 88­22­1 into Community Facilities District No. 88­1, Specifying Services Proposed to be Financed, to Set and Specify the Special Taxes Proposed to be Levied Within the Annexation Territory and Set a Time and Place for a Public Hearing Related to the Annexation. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­029) (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­030) (FIRE) E. CONSENT CALENDAR ORDINANCE(S) ­ SECOND READING/ADOPTION F. ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING ITEM(S) G. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS ITEM(S) ­ CITY/FIRE DISTRICT H. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORT(S) I. COUNCIL BUSINESS I1.COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Comments to be limited to three minutes per Council Member.) I2.INTER​AGENCY UPDATES (Update by the City Council to the community on the meetings that were attended.) J. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS K. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING L. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I, Linda A. Troyan, MMC, City Clerk Services Director of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on at least Twenty­Four (24) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California and on the City's website.  LINDA A. TROYAN, MMC CITY CLERK SERVICES DIRECTOR If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's Office at (909) 477­2700. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired.  CITY COUNCIL VISION STATEMENT “Our Vision is to build on our success as a world class community, to create an equitable, sustainable, and vibrant city, rich in opportunity for all to thrive.” Page 5 32 34 36 38 41 44 56 73 MayorL. Dennis MichaelMayor Pro TemLynne B. KennedyMembers of the CityCouncil:Ryan A. HutchisonKristine D. Scott CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGASPECIAL MEETING AGENDASeptember 6, 202210500 Civic Center DriveRancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT BOARD – CITY COUNCILHOUSING SUCCESSOR AGENCY­ SUCCESSOR AGENCY – PUBLICFINANCE AUTHORITYCLOSED SESSION TRI­COMMUNITIES ROOM 4:30 P.M.SPECIAL MEETINGS        COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:00 P.M.The City Council meets regularly on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in theCouncil Chambers located at 10500 Civic Center Drive.  It Is the Intent to conclude the meeting by 10:00p.m. unless extended by the concurrence of the City Council.  Agendas, minutes, and recordings ofmeetings can be found at www.cityofrc.us or by contacting the City Clerk's Office at 909­774­2023. LiveBroadcast available on Channel 3 (RCTV ­3).CLOSED SESSION – 4:30 P.M.  TRI­COMMUNITIES ROOM ROLL CALL: Mayor Michael                        Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy                        Council Members Hutchison and ScottA. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S)B. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S)C. CITY MANAGER ANNOUNCEMENTSD. CONDUCT OF CLOSED SESSIOND1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL ­ EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH(1)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: PEPE'S INC. V. CITY OF RANCHOCUCAMONGA, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, CASENO. 5:20CV02506JGBSP ­ (CITY)D2.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V.SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON, SBSC CASE NO.: PENDING. (CITY)D3.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V.SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON, SBSC CASE NO.: CIVSB2201969. (CITY)D4.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V.BTC III RANCHO CUCAMONGA LOGISTICS CENNTER LP, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITYCOMPANY, SBSC CASE NO.: CIVSB2201955. (CITY)D5.CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION54956.8 FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA METROLINKSTATION IDENTIFIED AS PARCEL NUMBERS 020927211, 020914321, AND 020927222 ANDCERTAIN ADJACENT RIGHTOFWAY INCLUDED WITHIN THE STATION FOOTPRINT; CITYNEGOTIATOR: JOHN GILLISON, CITY MANAGER, REPRESENTING THE CITY OF RANCHOCUCAMONGA; NEGOTIATING PARTIES: SARAH WATERSON, PRESIDENT, REPRESENTINGDESERTXPRESS ENTERPRISES, LLC, DBA AS BRIGHTLINE WEST; UNDER NEGOTIATION:PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT. – (CITY)D6.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA V.THM ENTERPRISES, LLC, SBSC CASE NO.: CIVSB2115208. (CITY)D7.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL—EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (1)OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: R.J. NOBLECOMPANY VS. ONYX PAVING COMPANY, INC., ET AL., SAN BERNARDINO SUPERIOR COURTCASE NO. CIVSB 2214474 (CITY)E. RECESS – Closed Session to Recess to the Special City Council Meeting at 7:00 P.M. in the CouncilChambers at City Hall, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California.SPECIAL MEETING – 7:00 P.M.COUNCIL CHAMBERSPLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCEROLL CALL:Mayor MichaelMayor Pro Tem KennedyCouncil Members Hutchison and ScottA. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDAB. ANNOUNCEMENT / PRESENTATIONSB1.Presentation of a Proclamation Declaring September 16, 2022 as National POW/MIA Day. B2.Presentation of a Proclamation in Declaring the Month of September 2022 as Senior Center Month. B3.Presentation of California Municipal Treasurers Association’s (CMTA) Investment Policy Certification.C. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONSMembers of the City Council also sit as the Fire Board, Housing Successor Agency, SuccessorAgency, and Public Finance Authority. This is the time and place for the general public to addressthe Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public FinancingAuthority Board, and City Council on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. State law prohibits theFire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority Board,and City Council from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Fire ProtectionDistrict, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority Board, and City Councilmay receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting.Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by theMayor, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to beaddressed directly to the Fire Board, Agencies, Successor Agency, Authority Board, or City Council not to themembers of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected.Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in anyactivity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting.The public communications period will not exceed one hour prior to the commencement of thebusiness portion of the agenda. During this one hour period, all those who wish to speak on a topiccontained in the business portion of the agenda will be given priority, and no further speaker cards for thesebusiness items (with the exception of public hearing items) will be accepted once the business portion of theagenda commences. Any other public communications which have not concluded during this one hour periodmay resume after the regular business portion of the agenda has been completed.CONSENT CALENDARS:The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial. They will be actedupon without discussion unless an item is removed by Council Member for discussion.Members of the City Council also sit as the Fire Board, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, andPublic Finance Authority and may act on the consent calendar for those bodies as part of a single motion withthe City Council consent calendar.D. CONSENT CALENDARD1.Consideration to Approve City and Fire District Bi­Weekly Payroll in the Total Amount of$1,953,894.64 and City and Fire District Weekly Check Registers (No Checks Issued toSouthern California Gas Company) in the Total Amount of $1,487,131.05 Dated August 18,2022, Through August 28, 2022. (CITY/FIRE)D2.AB 361 Findings for Special Brown Act Requirements for Teleconference. (CITY/FIRE)D3.Consideration to Cancel the Regular Meetings of the Fire Protection District, SuccessorAgency, Public Financing Authority and City Council on October 5, 2022, December 21, 2022and January 4, 2023 and Reschedule to October 4, 2022, December 14, 2022 and January 11,2023. (CITY/FIRE)D4.Consideration to Accept Grant Revenue in the Amount of $31,326 Awarded by the Departmentof Homeland Security for the Fiscal Year 2020 Homeland Security Grant Program; andAuthorization to Appropriate $31,326 for Approved Grant Expenses. (CITY/FIRE)D5.Consideration of an Appropriation in the Amount of $28,000.00 from the Law EnforcementReserve fund for the Purchase of Additional Surveillance Cameras to Replace or be Added tothe Public Safety Video Network (PSVN) at the Cultural Center and at City Hall. (CITY)D6.Consideration to Approve the Use of Richard Lewis Media Group to Create a Digital WallpaperActivity and Ambient Projection Content for the Second Story and Beyond® Project. (CITY)D7.Consideration to Approve the use of a Piggyback Opportunity through a Contract Awarded bythe City of Redlands to Merrimac Energy Group of Long Beach, CA, for the Purchase OfGasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Authorize the Use of Future Renewals as Awarded By the City ofRedlands, to be Funded by Various Account Numbers, in Accordance with the AdoptedBudget. (CITY)​D8.Consideration of the Proposed Changes to the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library CollectionDevelopment Policy. (CITY)D9.Consideration to Increase the Award to Walters Wholesale Electric for the Purchase ofElectrical Parts and Supplies in Fiscal Year 2021/2022. (CITY/FIRE)D10.Consideration of Amendment No. 001 to the Professional Services Agreement with LeightonConsulting, Inc. for On­Call Geotechnical Engineering and Material Sampling/Testing Servicesto Add the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District as a Party to the Agreement.(CITY/FIRE)D11.Consideration of Amendment No. 001 to the Professional Services Agreement with WestlandGroup, Inc. for On­Call Design and Construction Surveying Services to Add the RanchoCucamonga Fire Protection District as a Party to the Agreement and Increase Compensationto an Annual Total of $300,000. (CITY/FIRE)D12.Consideration of Amendment No. 9 to Contract 16­114 with EMCOR Services/Mesa EnergySystems for Citywide HVAC Maintenance and Repair Services to Increase the ContractAmount for Fiscal Year 2021/2022. (CITY/FIRE)D13.Consideration to Accept as Complete, File the Notice of Completion, and Authorize Release ofRetention and Bonds for the Center Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Project (Contract No.2021­117). (CITY)D14.Consideration to Accept Public Improvements Located at the North Side of 9th Street, West ofVineyard Avenue, at 8768 9th Street per the Improvement Agreement Related to Case No.DRC2018­00912, as Complete, File the Notice of Completion and Authorize Release ofBonds. (CITY)D15.Consideration of Intention to Order the Detachment of Certain Property from Street LightingMaintenance Districts Nos. 1 and 6 and to Set a Public Hearing. (RESOLUTION NOS. 2022­123 & 2022­124) (CITY)D16.Consideration to Approve and Adopt an Annexation Map Showing Assessor Parcel Number0229­291­54 Located at 13120 Napa Street and Parcel Number 0229­291­46 Located at13160 Napa Street, Which is Proposed to be Annexed Into CFD No. 85­1; and Approval toAdopt a Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory Referred to as Annexation No. 22­3 intoCommunity Facilities District No. 85­1, Specifying Services Proposed to be Financed, to Setand Specify the Special Taxes Proposed to be Levied Within the Annexation Territory and Set aTime and Place for a Public Hearing Related to the Annexation. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­026) (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­027) (FIRE)D17.Consideration of Resolution No. FD2022­028, Waiving the Collection of Certain Inspection, Permit, and Special Services Fees for Fiscal Year 2022­23. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­ 028) (FIRE) D18.Consideration to Approve and Adopt an Annexation Map Showing Assessor Parcel Number 0201­043­56 Located at 4552 Haven Avenue, Which is Proposed to be Annexed Into CFD No. 88­1; and Approval to Adopt a Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory Referred to as Annexation No. 88­22­1 into Community Facilities District No. 88­1, Specifying Services Proposed to be Financed, to Set and Specify the Special Taxes Proposed to be Levied Within the Annexation Territory and Set a Time and Place for a Public Hearing Related to the Annexation. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­029) (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022­030) (FIRE) E. CONSENT CALENDAR ORDINANCE(S) ­ SECOND READING/ADOPTION F. ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING ITEM(S) G. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS ITEM(S) ­ CITY/FIRE DISTRICT H. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORT(S) I. COUNCIL BUSINESS I1.COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Comments to be limited to three minutes per Council Member.) I2.INTER​AGENCY UPDATES (Update by the City Council to the community on the meetings that were attended.) J. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS K. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING L. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I, Linda A. Troyan, MMC, City Clerk Services Director of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on at least Twenty­Four (24) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California and on the City's website.  LINDA A. TROYAN, MMC CITY CLERK SERVICES DIRECTOR If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's Office at (909) 477­2700. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired.  CITY COUNCIL VISION STATEMENT “Our Vision is to build on our success as a world class community, to create an equitable, sustainable, and vibrant city, rich in opportunity for all to thrive.” Page 6 82 --- --- DATE:September 6, 2022 TO:Mayor and Members of the City Council President and Members of the Boards of Directors FROM:John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY:Tamara L. Oatman, Finance Director Veronica Lopez, Accounts Payable Supervisor SUBJECT:Consideration to Approve City and Fire District Bi-Weekly Payroll in the Total Amount of $1,953,894.64 and City and Fire District Weekly Check Registers (No Checks Issued to Southern California Gas Company) in the Total Amount of $1,487,131.05 Dated August 18, 2022, Through August 28, 2022. (CITY/FIRE) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council/Board of Directors of the Fire Protection District approve payment of demands as presented. Bi-weekly payroll is $1,121,400.88 and $832,493.76 for the City and the Fire District, respectively. Weekly check register amounts are $1,317,509.86 and $169,621.19 for the City and the Fire District, respectively. BACKGROUND: N/A ANALYSIS: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: Adequate budgeted funds are available for the payment of demands per the attached listing. COUNCIL MISSION / VISION / GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 - Weekly Check Register Page 7 Agenda Check Register RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Excluding So Calif Gas Company. AND CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 8/18/2022 through 8/28/2022 Check No.Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00014711 08/23/2022 AHUMADA, ALEXANDER R 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00014712 08/23/2022 ALMAND, LLOYD 0.00 232.94 232.94 AP 00014713 08/23/2022 BANTAU, VICTORIA 0.00 456.06 456.06 AP 00014714 08/23/2022 BAZAL, SUSAN 0.00 232.94 232.94 AP 00014715 08/23/2022 BELL, MICHAEL L 0.00 1,577.74 1,577.74 AP 00014716 08/23/2022 BERRY, DAVID 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00014717 08/23/2022 BROCK, ROBIN 0.00 1,096.31 1,096.31 AP 00014718 08/23/2022 CAMPBELL, GERALD 0.00 456.06 456.06 AP 00014719 08/23/2022 CAMPBELL, STEVEN 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00014720 08/23/2022 CARNES, KENNETH 0.00 456.06 456.06 AP 00014721 08/23/2022 CLABBY, RICHARD 0.00 1,290.56 1,290.56 AP 00014722 08/23/2022 CLOUGHESY, DONALD R 0.00 2,095.76 2,095.76 AP 00014723 08/23/2022 CORCORAN, ROBERT ANTHONY 0.00 714.37 714.37 AP 00014724 08/23/2022 COSTELLO, DENNIS M 0.00 2,055.05 2,055.05 AP 00014725 08/23/2022 COX, KARL 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00014726 08/23/2022 CRANE, RALPH 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00014727 08/23/2022 CROSSLAND, WILBUR 0.00 456.06 456.06 AP 00014728 08/23/2022 CURATALO, JAMES 0.00 1,096.31 1,096.31 AP 00014729 08/23/2022 DAGUE, JAMES 0.00 1,080.65 1,080.65 AP 00014730 08/23/2022 DAVENPORT, JAY 0.00 2,055.05 2,055.05 AP 00014731 08/23/2022 DE ANTONIO, SUSAN 0.00 714.37 714.37 AP 00014732 08/23/2022 DEANS, JACKIE 0.00 232.94 232.94 AP 00014733 08/23/2022 DOMINICK, SAMUEL A 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00014734 08/23/2022 EAGLESON, MICHAEL 0.00 1,577.74 1,577.74 AP 00014735 08/23/2022 EGGERS, BOB 0.00 1,080.65 1,080.65 AP 00014736 08/23/2022 FEJERAN, TIM 0.00 1,722.43 1,722.43 AP 00014737 08/23/2022 FRITCHEY, JOHN D 0.00 456.06 456.06 AP 00014738 08/23/2022 HEYDE, DONALD 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00014739 08/23/2022 HOLT, DANNY G 0.00 1,263.04 1,263.04 AP 00014740 08/23/2022 INTERLICCHIA, ROSALYN 0.00 232.94 232.94 AP 00014741 08/23/2022 JERKINS, PATRICK 0.00 1,722.43 1,722.43 AP 00014742 08/23/2022 KILMER, STEPHEN 0.00 1,290.56 1,290.56 AP 00014743 08/23/2022 KIRKPATRICK, WILLIAM M 0.00 1,106.69 1,106.69 AP 00014744 08/23/2022 LANE, WILLIAM 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00014745 08/23/2022 LARKIN, DAVID W 0.00 1,290.56 1,290.56 AP 00014746 08/23/2022 LEE, ALLAN J 0.00 232.94 232.94 AP 00014747 08/23/2022 LENZE, PAUL E 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00014748 08/23/2022 LONCAR, PHILIP 0.00 1,546.42 1,546.42 AP 00014749 08/23/2022 LONGO, JOE 0.00 153.53 153.53 AP 00014750 08/23/2022 LUTTRULL, DARRELL 0.00 456.06 456.06 AP 00014751 08/23/2022 MACKALL, BEVERLY 0.00 153.53 153.53 AP 00014752 08/23/2022 MAYFIELD, RON 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00014753 08/23/2022 MCKEE, JOHN 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00014754 08/23/2022 MCNEIL, KENNETH 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00014755 08/23/2022 MICHAEL, L. DENNIS 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00014756 08/23/2022 MORGAN, BYRON 0.00 1,968.84 1,968.84 AP 00014757 08/23/2022 MYSKOW, DENNIS 0.00 1,290.56 1,290.56 07:42:52 08/29/2022Current Date:VLOPEZ - Veronica Lopez Page:1 Time:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout User: Report:    Page 8 Agenda Check Register RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Excluding So Calif Gas Company. AND CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 8/18/2022 through 8/28/2022 Check No.Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00014758 08/23/2022 NAUMAN, MICHAEL 0.00 456.06 456.06 AP 00014759 08/23/2022 NELSON, MARY JANE 0.00 153.53 153.53 AP 00014760 08/23/2022 NOREEN, ERIC 0.00 2,095.76 2,095.76 AP 00014761 08/23/2022 O'BRIEN, TOM 0.00 1,577.74 1,577.74 AP 00014762 08/23/2022 PLOUNG, MICHAEL J 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00014763 08/23/2022 POST, MICHAEL R 0.00 1,546.42 1,546.42 AP 00014764 08/23/2022 PROULX, PATRICK 0.00 1,096.31 1,096.31 AP 00014765 08/23/2022 REDMOND, MICHAEL 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00014766 08/23/2022 ROBERTS, BRENT 0.00 714.37 714.37 AP 00014767 08/23/2022 ROBERTS, CHERYL L 0.00 2,095.76 2,095.76 AP 00014768 08/23/2022 ROEDER, JEFFREY 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00014769 08/23/2022 ROJER, IVAN M.0.00 1,722.43 1,722.43 AP 00014770 08/23/2022 SALISBURY, THOMAS 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00014771 08/23/2022 SMITH, RONALD 0.00 456.06 456.06 AP 00014772 08/23/2022 SORENSEN, SCOTT D 0.00 1,080.65 1,080.65 AP 00014773 08/23/2022 SPAIN, WILLIAM 0.00 456.06 456.06 AP 00014774 08/23/2022 SULLIVAN, JAMES 0.00 456.06 456.06 AP 00014775 08/23/2022 TAYLOR, STEVEN 0.00 1,878.66 1,878.66 AP 00014776 08/23/2022 TOLL, RICHARD 0.00 2,095.76 2,095.76 AP 00014777 08/23/2022 TULEY, TERRY 0.00 1,577.74 1,577.74 AP 00014778 08/23/2022 VANDERKALLEN, FRANCIS 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00014779 08/23/2022 VARNEY, ANTHONY 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00014780 08/23/2022 WALTON, KEVIN 0.00 1,722.43 1,722.43 AP 00014781 08/23/2022 YOWELL, TIMOTHY A 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00014782 08/24/2022 ASSI SECURITY 225.00 0.00 225.00 AP 00014783 08/24/2022 CALIF GOVERNMENT VEBA / RANCHO CUCAMONGA 24,461.57 0.00 24,461.57 AP 00014784 08/24/2022 CIVIC SOLUTIONS INC 10,156.25 0.00 10,156.25 AP 00014785 08/24/2022 ELECNOR BELCO ELECTRIC INC 14,534.05 0.00 14,534.05 AP 00014786 08/24/2022 RCCEA 1,443.75 0.00 1,443.75 AP 00014787 08/24/2022 RCPFA 12,505.51 0.00 12,505.51 AP 00014788 08/24/2022 RIVERSIDE, CITY OF 6,909.00 0.00 6,909.00 AP 00014789 08/24/2022 YUNEX LLC 17,952.00 0.00 17,952.00 AP 00014790 08/24/2022 GENERATOR SERVICES CO INC 2,919.53 0.00 2,919.53 ***AP 00014791 08/24/2022 PFM ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC 16,890.13 3,015.80 19,905.93 AP 00014792 08/24/2022 RICHARDS WATSON & GERSHON 14,872.72 0.00 14,872.72 AP 00014793 08/24/2022 SARGENT TOWN PLANNING INC 4,910.00 0.00 4,910.00 AP 00014794 08/24/2022 TICKETS.COM 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 AP 00014795 08/25/2022 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES INC 12,485.24 0.00 12,485.24 AP 00014796 08/25/2022 YUNEX LLC 2,028.00 0.00 2,028.00 AP 00426614 08/18/2022 OBEID BROTHERS INC 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 AP 00426615 08/23/2022 MAGNUSON, PETER 0.00 2,144.67 2,144.67 AP 00426616 08/23/2022 RODRIGUEZ, VICTOR 0.00 614.88 614.88 AP 00426617 08/23/2022 SPAGNOLO, VIOLA 0.00 153.53 153.53 AP 00426618 08/23/2022 TOWNSEND, JAMES 0.00 2,095.76 2,095.76 AP 00426619 08/23/2022 WALKER, KENNETH 0.00 232.94 232.94 AP 00426620 08/24/2022 & COFFEE 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 AP 00426621 08/24/2022 ACAI LIFE SUPERFOODS LLC 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 07:42:52 08/29/2022Current Date:VLOPEZ - Veronica Lopez Page:2 Time:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout User: Report:    Page 9 Agenda Check Register RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Excluding So Calif Gas Company. AND CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 8/18/2022 through 8/28/2022 Check No.Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00426622 08/24/2022 ATALLAH & SONS 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 AP 00426623 08/24/2022 OKO YUMMY INC 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 AP 00426624 08/24/2022 OKO YUMMY INC 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 AP 00426625 08/24/2022 SHOKUNIN F & B INC 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 AP 00426626 08/24/2022 WEST JUNCTION LLC 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 AP 00426627 08/24/2022 A+ SIGN SHOPS INC 3,350.00 0.00 3,350.00 AP 00426628 08/24/2022 ABC LOCKSMITHS INC 348.34 0.00 348.34 AP 00426629 08/24/2022 ADAPT CONSULTING INC 344.80 0.00 344.80 AP 00426630 08/24/2022 AFLAC GROUP INSURANCE 24.58 0.00 24.58 AP 00426631 08/24/2022 AFLAC GROUP INSURANCE 4,011.10 0.00 4,011.10 AP 00426632 08/24/2022 AFLAC GROUP INSURANCE 6,016.65 0.00 6,016.65 AP 00426633 08/24/2022 AFSS-SOUTH 0.00 60.00 60.00 AP 00426634 08/24/2022 AGUILAR, MARK 31.78 0.00 31.78 AP 00426635 08/24/2022 AIRGAS USA LLC 0.00 10.03 10.03 AP 00426636 08/24/2022 ALTA VISTA MOBILE HOME PARK 292.58 0.00 292.58 AP 00426637 08/24/2022 AMERICAN PUBLIC POWER ASSOCIATION 1,239.67 0.00 1,239.67 AP 00426638 08/24/2022 AUFBAU CORPORATION 1,520.00 0.00 1,520.00 AP 00426639 08/24/2022 BARBARA'S ANSWERING SERVICE 552.00 0.00 552.00 AP 00426640 08/24/2022 BEST OUTDOOR POWER INLAND LLC 210.06 0.00 210.06 AP 00426641 08/24/2022 BIBLIOTHECA LLC 10,671.19 0.00 10,671.19 AP 00426642 08/24/2022 BISHOP COMPANY 3,276.94 0.00 3,276.94 AP 00426643 08/24/2022 BLAINE WINDOW HARDWARE INC 1,125.63 0.00 1,125.63 AP 00426644 08/24/2022 BRINKS INCORPORATED 1,616.00 0.00 1,616.00 ***AP 00426650 08/24/2022 C V W D 122,909.49 1,473.08 124,382.57 AP 00426651 08/24/2022 CA LLC - ALTA LAGUNA MHP 400.00 0.00 400.00 AP 00426652 08/24/2022 CACEO 38.00 0.00 38.00 AP 00426653 08/24/2022 CALAMP WIRELESS NETWORKS CORP 75.00 0.00 75.00 AP 00426654 08/24/2022 CALIF STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 28,550.00 0.00 28,550.00 AP 00426655 08/24/2022 CALIFA GROUP 400.00 0.00 400.00 AP 00426656 08/24/2022 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 150.00 0.00 150.00 AP 00426657 08/24/2022 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 50.00 0.00 50.00 AP 00426658 08/24/2022 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 50.00 0.00 50.00 AP 00426659 08/24/2022 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 32.26 0.00 32.26 AP 00426660 08/24/2022 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 342.73 0.00 342.73 AP 00426661 08/24/2022 CalPERS LONG-TERM CARE PROGRAM 177.08 0.00 177.08 AP 00426662 08/24/2022 CART RETRIEVAL INC 350.00 0.00 350.00 AP 00426663 08/24/2022 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 600.00 0.00 600.00 AP 00426664 08/24/2022 CASTANEDA, MIGUEL ANGEL 1,422.00 0.00 1,422.00 AP 00426665 08/24/2022 CATAPULTK12 8,826.70 0.00 8,826.70 AP 00426666 08/24/2022 CCS ORANGE COUNTY JANITORIAL INC 68,076.11 0.00 68,076.11 AP 00426667 08/24/2022 CERTIFIED TOWING INC 150.00 0.00 150.00 AP 00426668 08/24/2022 CERVANTES, MIGUEL 0.00 685.95 685.95 AP 00426669 08/24/2022 CHAMPION FIRE SYSTEMS INC 2,462.80 0.00 2,462.80 AP 00426670 08/24/2022 CHAPARRAL HEIGHTS MOBILE HOME PARK 300.00 0.00 300.00 ***AP 00426672 08/24/2022 CINTAS CORPORATION #150 1,515.80 1,737.57 3,253.37 AP 00426673 08/24/2022 CITRUS MOTORS ONTARIO INC 0.00 121.28 121.28 ***AP 00426674 08/24/2022 COAST FITNESS REPAIR SHOP 213.65 369.89 583.54 07:42:52 08/29/2022Current Date:VLOPEZ - Veronica Lopez Page:3 Time:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout User: Report:    Page 10 Agenda Check Register RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Excluding So Calif Gas Company. AND CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 8/18/2022 through 8/28/2022 Check No.Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00426675 08/24/2022 CORODATA MEDIA STORAGE INC 114.05 0.00 114.05 AP 00426676 08/24/2022 COUNSELING TEAM INTERNATIONAL, THE 0.00 598.00 598.00 AP 00426677 08/24/2022 COVETRUS NORTH AMERICA 623.04 0.00 623.04 AP 00426678 08/24/2022 CUMMINS SALES & SERVICE 0.00 157.69 157.69 AP 00426679 08/24/2022 DATA TICKET INC 7,137.88 0.00 7,137.88 AP 00426680 08/24/2022 DAVIS, SAM 308.76 0.00 308.76 AP 00426681 08/24/2022 DIEKEVERS, AMY 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 AP 00426682 08/24/2022 E GROUP, THE 450.00 0.00 450.00 AP 00426683 08/24/2022 ECONOLITE SYSTEMS INC 17,062.50 0.00 17,062.50 AP 00426684 08/24/2022 EXECUTIVE DETAIL SERVICES 0.00 720.00 720.00 AP 00426685 08/24/2022 EXPRESS BRAKE SUPPLY INC 547.93 0.00 547.93 AP 00426686 08/24/2022 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 24.23 0.00 24.23 AP 00426687 08/24/2022 FIRE INNOVATIONS 0.00 3,331.33 3,331.33 AP 00426688 08/24/2022 FIRST AMERICAN DATA TREE LLC 1,800.00 0.00 1,800.00 AP 00426689 08/24/2022 FORTIN LAW GROUP 8,544.16 0.00 8,544.16 ***AP 00426691 08/24/2022 FRONTIER COMM 2,580.58 1,232.49 3,813.07 ***AP 00426692 08/24/2022 FRONTIER COMM 165.82 386.91 552.73 AP 00426693 08/24/2022 FRONTIER COMM 4,091.04 0.00 4,091.04 AP 00426694 08/24/2022 FUEL SERV 0.00 403.60 403.60 AP 00426695 08/24/2022 G/M BUSINESS INTERIORS 18,169.19 0.00 18,169.19 AP 00426696 08/24/2022 GLADWELL GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES 2,100.00 0.00 2,100.00 AP 00426697 08/24/2022 GLOBAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY 1,511.72 0.00 1,511.72 AP 00426698 08/24/2022 GOLDEN OAKS VET HOSPITAL 200.00 0.00 200.00 AP 00426699 08/24/2022 GRAINGER 454.30 0.00 454.30 AP 00426700 08/24/2022 GRAPHICS FACTORY PRINTING INC 1,050.56 0.00 1,050.56 AP 00426701 08/24/2022 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY INC 1,162.40 0.00 1,162.40 AP 00426702 08/24/2022 GROVES ON FOOTHILL, THE 200.00 0.00 200.00 AP 00426703 08/24/2022 HAULAWAY STORAGE CONTAINERS INC 119.84 0.00 119.84 AP 00426704 08/24/2022 HCI ENVIRONMENTAL & ENGINEERING SVC 1,316.75 0.00 1,316.75 AP 00426705 08/24/2022 HOMETOWN AMERICA RAMONA VILLA 300.00 0.00 300.00 AP 00426706 08/24/2022 HONDA YAMAHA HUSQVARNA OF REDLANDS 1,453.43 0.00 1,453.43 AP 00426707 08/24/2022 IRVINE, CITY OF 100.00 0.00 100.00 AP 00426708 08/24/2022 KRONOS INC 0.00 16,613.38 16,613.38 ***AP 00426709 08/24/2022 LOWES COMPANIES INC 2,943.50 437.84 3,381.34 AP 00426710 08/24/2022 MARRUFO, JOANNA 119.84 0.00 119.84 AP 00426711 08/24/2022 NAPA AUTO PARTS 0.00 265.60 265.60 AP 00426712 08/24/2022 NICOSIA, DOREEN 245.00 0.00 245.00 ***AP 00426713 08/24/2022 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC 308.32 1,279.14 1,587.46 AP 00426714 08/24/2022 ONTARIO SPAY & NEUTER INC 440.00 0.00 440.00 AP 00426715 08/24/2022 ONTARIO WINNELSON CO 0.00 187.83 187.83 AP 00426716 08/24/2022 ONWARD ENGINEERING 22,395.00 0.00 22,395.00 AP 00426717 08/24/2022 PACIFIC UTILITY INSTALLATION INC 8,301.25 0.00 8,301.25 AP 00426718 08/24/2022 PH&S PRODUCTS LLC 0.00 3,277.67 3,277.67 ***AP 00426719 08/24/2022 PINNACLE PETROLEUM INC 5,310.36 36,526.74 41,837.10 AP 00426720 08/24/2022 PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC 53.36 0.00 53.36 AP 00426721 08/24/2022 PSA PRINT GROUP 116.37 0.00 116.37 AP 00426722 08/24/2022 QUINN COMPANY 3,343.54 0.00 3,343.54 07:42:52 08/29/2022Current Date:VLOPEZ - Veronica Lopez Page:4 Time:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout User: Report:    Page 11 Agenda Check Register RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Excluding So Calif Gas Company. AND CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 8/18/2022 through 8/28/2022 Check No.Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00426723 08/24/2022 RANCHO CUCAMONGA TOWN SQUARE 15,181.18 0.00 15,181.18 AP 00426724 08/24/2022 ROGERS, ALBERT 290.01 0.00 290.01 AP 00426725 08/24/2022 SAN BERNARDINO CO AUDITOR CONT 5,892.00 0.00 5,892.00 AP 00426726 08/24/2022 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 95,558.00 0.00 95,558.00 AP 00426727 08/24/2022 SBPEA 2,458.08 0.00 2,458.08 AP 00426728 08/24/2022 SHRED PROS 68.00 0.00 68.00 AP 00426729 08/24/2022 SIGN SHOP, THE 258.60 0.00 258.60 AP 00426730 08/24/2022 SOCAL PPE 0.00 1,805.18 1,805.18 AP 00426731 08/24/2022 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL INC 26,888.36 0.00 26,888.36 ***AP 00426737 08/24/2022 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 35,688.13 2,550.26 38,238.39 AP 00426738 08/24/2022 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 3,423.45 0.00 3,423.45 AP 00426739 08/24/2022 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NEWS GROUP 9,783.33 0.00 9,783.33 AP 00426740 08/24/2022 SUN BADGE CO 0.00 3,805.72 3,805.72 AP 00426741 08/24/2022 SUNRISE FORD 2,334.70 0.00 2,334.70 AP 00426742 08/24/2022 TARGET SOLUTIONS LEARNING LLC 0.00 4,588.00 4,588.00 ***AP 00426743 08/24/2022 TIREHUB LLC 2,110.45 1,011.23 3,121.68 AP 00426744 08/24/2022 UNITED WAY 45.00 0.00 45.00 AP 00426745 08/24/2022 UNIVERSAL FLEET SUPPLY 0.00 62.46 62.46 AP 00426746 08/24/2022 VERIZON BUSINESS 42.83 0.00 42.83 AP 00426747 08/24/2022 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 5,688.19 0.00 5,688.19 AP 00426748 08/24/2022 VIRGIN PULSE INC 1,137.60 0.00 1,137.60 AP 00426749 08/24/2022 VISION COMMUNICATIONS CO 634.25 0.00 634.25 AP 00426750 08/24/2022 VULCAN MATERIALS COMPANY 106.25 0.00 106.25 AP 00426751 08/24/2022 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 1,098.60 0.00 1,098.60 AP 00426752 08/24/2022 WESTLAND GROUP INC 0.00 3,643.50 3,643.50 AP 00426753 08/24/2022 WHITE CAP LP 3,906.90 0.00 3,906.90 AP 00426754 08/24/2022 WILSON & BELL AUTO SERVICE 8,673.88 0.00 8,673.88 AP 00426755 08/24/2022 ABC LOCKSMITHS INC 123.67 0.00 123.67 AP 00426756 08/24/2022 AM-TEC TOTAL SECURITY INC 5,752.80 0.00 5,752.80 AP 00426757 08/24/2022 BRIGHTVIEW LANDSCAPE SERVICES INC 20,553.34 0.00 20,553.34 AP 00426758 08/24/2022 CHAGO AHOGADAS RESTAURANT 2,479.00 0.00 2,479.00 AP 00426759 08/24/2022 CIRCLEPOINT 11,612.00 0.00 11,612.00 AP 00426760 08/24/2022 CLIENT FIRST CONSULTING GROUP LLC 2,117.50 0.00 2,117.50 AP 00426761 08/24/2022 CORODATA MEDIA STORAGE INC 50.00 0.00 50.00 AP 00426762 08/24/2022 CRIME SCENE STERI-CLEAN LLC 540.00 0.00 540.00 AP 00426763 08/24/2022 ECONOLITE SYSTEMS INC 10,237.50 0.00 10,237.50 AP 00426764 08/24/2022 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPT 5,230.00 0.00 5,230.00 AP 00426765 08/24/2022 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS 0.00 1,136.15 1,136.15 AP 00426766 08/24/2022 GRAINGER 5,440.12 0.00 5,440.12 AP 00426767 08/24/2022 HMC ARCHITECTS 4,875.00 0.00 4,875.00 AP 00426768 08/24/2022 HOSE-MAN INC 223.67 0.00 223.67 AP 00426769 08/24/2022 LAI, KRYSTAL 350.00 0.00 350.00 ***AP 00426770 08/24/2022 LOWES COMPANIES INC 2,574.68 380.86 2,955.54 AP 00426771 08/24/2022 MANAGED PHARMACY PROGRAMS 0.00 43.88 43.88 AP 00426772 08/24/2022 MARIPOSA LANDSCAPES INC 26,049.01 0.00 26,049.01 AP 00426773 08/24/2022 MCI 34.57 0.00 34.57 AP 00426774 08/24/2022 MENDOZA, MARIA 66.72 0.00 66.72 07:42:52 08/29/2022Current Date:VLOPEZ - Veronica Lopez Page:5 Time:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout User: Report:    Page 12 Agenda Check Register RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Excluding So Calif Gas Company. AND CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 8/18/2022 through 8/28/2022 Check No.Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00426775 08/24/2022 MG PETROLEUM INC 242.00 0.00 242.00 AP 00426776 08/24/2022 MINUTEMAN PRESS 1,411.44 0.00 1,411.44 AP 00426777 08/24/2022 MONTGOMERY HARDWARE CO 421.95 0.00 421.95 AP 00426778 08/24/2022 NAVARRETTE, DANIEL J 0.00 320.00 320.00 AP 00426779 08/24/2022 NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP 2,632.84 0.00 2,632.84 AP 00426780 08/24/2022 NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP 6,826.50 0.00 6,826.50 AP 00426781 08/24/2022 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC 0.00 112.74 112.74 AP 00426782 08/24/2022 PARS 3,500.00 0.00 3,500.00 AP 00426783 08/24/2022 R3 CONSULTING GROUP INC 8,710.00 0.00 8,710.00 AP 00426784 08/24/2022 SILVER & WRIGHT LLP 0.00 4,704.00 4,704.00 AP 00426785 08/24/2022 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NEWS GROUP 8,807.75 0.00 8,807.75 AP 00426786 08/24/2022 SUPERIOR PAVEMENT MARKING INC 35,160.46 0.00 35,160.46 AP 00426787 08/24/2022 TOWILL INC 30,000.00 0.00 30,000.00 AP 00426788 08/24/2022 TRIDEN GROUP CORP 15,802.50 0.00 15,802.50 AP 00426789 08/24/2022 VIRGIN PULSE INC 99.90 0.00 99.90 AP 00426790 08/24/2022 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 167.31 0.00 167.31 AP 00426791 08/24/2022 WEST COAST LIGHTS & SIRENS 267.66 0.00 267.66 AP 00426792 08/24/2022 WESTLAND GROUP INC 8,592.50 0.00 8,592.50 AP 00426793 08/25/2022 ALFARO COMMUNICATIONS CONSTRUCTION INC 198,995.76 0.00 198,995.76 AP 00426794 08/25/2022 AUFBAU CORPORATION 22,510.00 0.00 22,510.00 AP 00426795 08/25/2022 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 16,029.72 0.00 16,029.72 AP 00426796 08/25/2022 RANCHO CUCAMONGA QUAKES 18,573.79 0.00 18,573.79 $1,317,509.86 $1,487,131.05 $169,621.19 Note: Grand Total: Total Fire: Total City: *** Check Number includes both City and Fire District expenditures 07:42:52 08/29/2022Current Date:VLOPEZ - Veronica Lopez Page:6 Time:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout User: Report:    Page 13 DATE:September 6, 2022 TO:Mayor and Members of the City Council President and Members of the Boards of Directors FROM:John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY:Elisa Cox, Assistant City Manager Linda A. Troyan, MMC, City Clerk Services Director SUBJECT:AB 361 Findings for Special Brown Act Requirements for Teleconference. (CITY/FIRE) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council/Board of Directors of the Fire Protection District make the following findings in order for the City’s legislative bodies to continue meeting virtually: (1) the City Council has reconsidered the circumstances of the COVID-19 state of emergency; and (2) the COVID-19 state of emergency continues to directly impact of the ability of the members of the City’s legislative bodies to meet safely in person. BACKGROUND: On March 4, 2020, Governor Newsom proclaimed a state of emergency to exist in California due to the spread of COVID-19. This proclamation is still in effect. The Governor subsequently issued numerous executive orders suspending or modifying state laws to facilitate the response to the emergency. Among other things, these executive orders superseded certain Brown Act requirements and established special rules to give local public agencies greater flexibility to conduct teleconference meetings. The special rules included provisions allowing local public agencies to conduct teleconference meetings without having to provide a physical location from which the public may attend or comment; without having to use teleconference locations that are publicly accessible; and without having to identify teleconference locations on the agenda. Those special rules expired on September 30, 2021. On September 16, 2021, in anticipation of then-imminent expiration of his special rules for teleconference meetings, Governor Newsom signed AB 361. In key part, this bill amends the Brown Act to establish special requirements for teleconference meetings if a legislative body of a local public agency makes two findings pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(e)(3). Like the special rules in the Governor’s executive orders, the special Brown Act requirements in AB 361 include provisions allowing public agencies to conduct teleconference meetings without having to use teleconference locations that are publicly accessible; and without having to identify teleconference locations on the agenda. The AB 361 special Brown Act requirements are scheduled be repealed on January 1, 2024. In order for a local public agency to be subject to the AB 361 special Brown Act requirements for teleconference meetings, a legislative body of a local public agency first must make a finding that it has “reconsidered” the circumstances of a declared state of emergency. Second, there must    Page 14 Page 2 1 4 5 2 be a finding that such emergency continues to directly impact the ability of legislative body members to meet safely in person. Alternatively, for the second finding, there must be a finding that state or local officials continue to impose or recommend social distancing measures. These findings must be made within 30 days after the first teleconference under AB 361 and on a monthly basis thereafter. ANALYSIS: Due to the continuing, rapid spread of the Omicron and Delta variants of COVID-19, staff is recommending that the City Council make the necessary findings in order to continue holding teleconference meetings. The findings were first made at the January 5, 2022 City Council meeting. Federal and state officials continue to recommend social distancing measures, including limiting in-door gatherings, in order to limit the spread of the highly transmissible Omicron variant of COVID-19. It is expected that virtual meetings will only be conducted pursuant to AB 361 where a City Council Member or other member of a commission/committee is unable to meet in person due to exposure to COVID-19. Under AB 361, the public must also be given an opportunity to participate in a virtual meeting via a teleconference option, and the amended agenda provides call-in information. However, the public will continue to be permitted to attend the meeting in person. It is unclear if future meetings will require teleconferencing. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact caused by this item. The City already has the necessary equipment to hold a teleconferenced meeting. COUNCIL MISSION / VISION / GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: This item will allow Council Members and other commissions/committees and the public to safely participate in public meetings meeting, if necessary. ATTACHMENTS: None.    Page 15 DATE:September 6, 2022 TO:Mayor and Members of the City Council President and Members of the Boards of Directors FROM:John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY:Elisa Cox, Assistant City Manager Linda A. Troyan, MMC, City Clerk Services Director SUBJECT:Consideration to Cancel the Regular Meetings of the Fire Protection District, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council on October 5, 2022, December 21, 2022 and January 4, 2023 and Reschedule to October 4, 2022, December 14, 2022 and January 11, 2023. (CITY/FIRE) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council cancel the October 5, 2022, December 21, 2022 and January 4, 2023, Regular Meetings of the Fire Protection District, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority, and City Council and reschedule to October 4, 2022, December 14, 2022 and January 11, 2023. BACKGROUND: The City Council sits as the Fire Board, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, and Public Financing Authority. Regular Meetings of the City Council are held on the first and third Wednesday of the month. ANALYSIS: This year the County of San Bernardino’s “State of the County” address will be held on October 5, 2022. Since this important event conflicts with the October 5, 2022, City Council meeting, it is recommended the City Council cancel and reschedule the October 5, 2022 meetings to October 4, 2022. Due to the holiday closure, staff recommends canceling the Regular Meetings on December 21, 2022, and January 4, 2023, and rescheduling to December 14, 2022, and January 11, 2023. The City Clerk’s Office will provide the appropriate legal notification of the change. FISCAL IMPACT: Not applicable. COUNCIL MISSION / VISION / GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: This item maintains organizational efficiency and planning to help advance the quality of life for the community through inclusive decision-making. ATTACHMENTS: None.    Page 16 DATE:September 6, 2022 TO:Mayor and Members of the City Council President and Members of the Board of Directors FROM:John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY:Mike McCliman, Fire Chief Joseph Ramos, Emergency Management Coordinator SUBJECT:Consideration to Accept Grant Revenue in the Amount of $31,326 Awarded by the Department of Homeland Security for the Fiscal Year 2020 Homeland Security Grant Program; and Authorization to Appropriate $31,326 for Approved Grant Expenses. (CITY/FIRE) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council / Fire Board: 1. Accept grant revenue in the amount of $31,326 awarded by the Department of Homeland Security and administered by the San Bernardino County Fire Department, Office of Emergency Services, under the Fiscal Year 2020 Homeland Security Grant Program; and 2. Authorize the appropriation of $31,326 for the purchase of equipment for the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), Public Information Officer (PIO), and Training Division. BACKGROUND: The objective of the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) is to provide funds to eligible entities to support state, local, tribal, and territorial efforts to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events and to prepare the Nation for the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the United States. The grant program contains non­competitive funding allocated for each Fire Department and Fire District in the San Bernardino County Operational Area, based on per capita. Funds must be used for activities that align with HSGP objects and support securing and protecting the Homeland. ANALYSIS: Staff reviewed the activities allowed by the grant and identified the following equipment needs that are eligible for reimbursement: •EOC Equipment: Computer monitors, wireless keyboards and mouses, command boards, smartboards, and white boards. Currently, only a portion of the workstations in the EOC have computer monitors. The addition of computer monitors, wireless keyboards, and mouses will increase the amount of desk space each station has in order to accomplish mission critical tasks. It will also provide laptop users with the ability to have dual screens by connecting their laptops to the computer monitors at the workstation. The command boards, smart boards, and white boards will be used in the EOC to ensure communication and information can be exchanged at a high level quickly with multiple personnel whether    Page 17 Page 2 1 4 5 1 they are in a physical or virtual EOC. •Communications Equipment: Video, camera, and supply equipment for use by the Fire District’s PIO. The equipment will help ensure the Fire District’s PIO can properly document incidents and events, as well as provide accurate and timely information to the public. •Training Division Equipment: Chainsaws to be used by the training cadre at the All Risk Training Center. The chainsaws will be used in a training setting for fire, search, rescue and recovery operations that may occur in the City or to assist with a neighboring jurisdiction. FISCAL IMPACT: Staff requests that the City Council / Fire Board accept grant revenue into account number 1380000­4740 (Grant Income) and authorize the appropriation of $31,326 into 1380501­5207 (Homeland Security Grant Fire/O&M/Capital Supplies). The Fire District will be reimbursed from grant income when invoices and proof of the purchase are submitted to the grant administrator. COUNCIL MISSION / VISION / GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: This item brings together portions of the Council’s vision and core value by providing a sustainable City and promoting a safe and healthy community for all. This is accomplished by ensuring our Fire District staff have the resources and equipment needed to respond during emergency incidents. ATTACHMENTS: N/A    Page 18 DATE:September 6, 2022 TO:Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM:John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY:Ernie Perez, Chief of Police Jerry Davenport, Administrative Lieutenant Karen Hunt, Sheriff’s Service Specialist SUBJECT:Consideration of an Appropriation in the Amount of $28,000.00 from the Law Enforcement Reserve fund for the Purchase of Additional Surveillance Cameras to Replace or be Added to the Public Safety Video Network (PSVN) at the Cultural Center and at City Hall. (CITY) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the purchase replacement cameras and add additional surveillance cameras to the PSVN system at two project locations, Cultural Center and City Hall, for a total amount of $28,000. BACKGROUND: In 2013, the City Council approved the initial phase of the PSVN which was installed around the Victoria Gardens Shopping Mall. In the years that followed, the PSVN has expanded to other locations including the Metrolink Parking Facility, City Hall, Rancho Cucamonga Public Libraries and all four high schools located within the City. ANALYSIS: There are currently PSVN cameras located at the Cultural Center. However, some are at end of life. We plan to replace these with higher quality cameras, as well as adding three new cameras to areas that are not covered by the existing cameras. City Hall is also equipped with PSVN cameras that cover several interior and exterior locations to assist with deterring and solving criminal activity. This proposed project would add two cameras to the plaza area that is currently not covered well by the existing PSVN cameras. FISCAL IMPACT: The two PSVN projects will be completed in fiscal year 22/23. The need to update and supplement the cameras at these two project locations were not yet realized and therefor were not included in the FY2022/23 Adopted Budget for the Law Enforcement Reserve Fund. We are asking the City Council to approve appropriation of these funds: $11,000.00 1017701-5603 (Capital Outlay – Equipment) $17,000.00 1017701-5207 (O&M/Capital Supplies)    Page 19 Page 2 1 4 1 8 COUNCIL MISSION / VISION / VALUE(S) ADDRESSED: The upcoming projects will align with the following Council Core Values: #2 Promoting and enhancing a safe and healthy community for all. #4 Intentionally embracing and anticipating the future. ATTACHMENTS: No attachments.    Page 20 DATE:September 6, 2022 TO:Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM:John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY:Julie A. Sowles, Library Director Wess Garcia, Deputy Library Director Ruth Cain, Procurement Manager SUBJECT:Consideration to Approve the Use of Richard Lewis Media Group to Create a Digital Wallpaper Activity and Ambient Projection Content for the Second Story and Beyond® Project. (CITY) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council approve and allocate $115,000 to Richard Lewis Media Group (RLMG) to create a digital wallpaper activity and ambient projection content for the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Second Story and Beyond® project. BACKGROUND: On October 21, 2020, the Rancho Cucamonga City Council awarded the competitive bid for museum design services to CambridgeSeven Associates. RLMG was identified as a subcontractor as part of the awarded bid. Library staff have worked with CambridgeSeven Associates and RLMG to design exhibits that meet learning typologies that were identified in the 2017 Second Story and Beyond® (SSAB) Business Plan. One of the exhibit designs created during this process is a digital wallpaper activity that incorporates storytelling and seek-and-find activities. Participants will be encouraged to develop and tell stories using a touch screen interface that allows them to customize characters, animals or objects that are incorporated into a whimsically themed world. The resulting creations will be projected on walls within the exhibit space and will feature hidden picture activities creating interactive displays. To enhance the theming in the digital wallpaper exhibit, looping stock video will be used for ambient projection and incorporated into the stairwell leading to the second floor. This approval is a continuation of service from design concept to content creation. ANALYSIS: The Library has worked with CambridgeSeven Associates and RLMG on concept designs for the digital wallpaper activity that will be featured as part of the SSAB project. Work included identifying theming for the digital wallpaper activity and ambient projection to be featured within the exhibit space. Approval of this service will bring the activity from the concept design phase to software development and content creation and will include a fully functioning user interface and motion- based projection.    Page 21 Page 2 2 8 1 2 Contracting directly with RLMG to complete the creation of the digital wallpaper activity will confer all rights of the work product to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. As part of this service, City staff will be trained by RLMG to edit and add content to the digital activity to support future iterations of exhibit themes. Copies of all supporting documents are on file with the City Clerk and Procurement Offices. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for this contract is not to exceed $115,000 and will come from Library Capital Fund object 1329601-5650/1867329-0 Capital Project. COUNCIL MISSION / VISION / VALUE(S) ADDRESSED: The Second Story and Beyond® project will contribute to building and preserving the City’s family-oriented atmosphere. ATTACHMENTS: None.    Page 22 DATE:September 6, 2022 TO:Mayor and Members of the City Council President and Members of the Boards of Directors FROM:John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY:Ruth Cain, CPPB, Procurement Manager Cheryl Combs, Procurement Technician SUBJECT:Consideration to Approve the use of a Piggyback Opportunity through a Contract Awarded by the City of Redlands to Merrimac Energy Group of Long Beach, CA, for the Purchase Of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Authorize the Use of Future Renewals as Awarded By the City of Redlands, to be Funded by Various Account Numbers, in Accordance with the Adopted Budget. (CITY) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council / Fire Board approve the use of a piggyback opportunity through a contract awarded by the City of Redlands to Merrimac Energy Group for the purchase of gasoline and diesel fuel, and authorize the continued utilization of said contract in accordance with the specified expiration date, to be funded by various account numbers in accordance with the adopted fiscal year budgets. BACKGROUND: Per the City of Rancho Cucamonga’s Municipal Code (RCMC), Section 3.08.070, the City may award contracts when the purchase is beneficial to the interest of the City and is from a supplier who has been awarded a specific item or items in a contract resulting from a formal competitive bid process by another governmental agency within the State of California or by the federal government within the last year. The City and Fire District’s previous fuel contract has expired. To ensure operational continuity and provide the most cost-effective means of supporting the City and Fire District’s fleet of vehicles and engines, the Public Works Department and Fire District procure fuel using cooperative contracts or piggyback opportunities developed in coordination with the Procurement Division. The Procurement Division conducted a call for cooperative agreements or piggyback opportunities. There were five initial responses received, but two responses were not viable options for consideration. One agreement did not include a margin for diesel fuel, and spot quotes would be required at the time of order. Both responses had a fluctuating pass-through cost for freight and contract fee issued by the contract holder, creating several unknowns regarding the overall cost. There were three possible responses for consideration.    Page 23 Page 2 1 4 2 4 ANALYSIS: During the 21/22 fiscal year, the City and Fire District utilized approximately 231,289 gallons of unleaded and diesel fuel combined. The following breakdown provides the approximate unleaded and diesel that each department each department procured. Department Diesel Unleaded Public Works 4,698 gal.64,931 gal. Fire District 40,490 gal.12,050 gal. RCPD 0 109,120 gal. * Public Works also maintains a 25% reserve for emergency conditions or disruptions to the fuel supply chain Public Works, on average, orders two full loads (8,000+) of Unleaded a month. The Sports Center and Fire District typically order short loads due to their smaller size tanks. Fire orders a high amount of diesel, and each load incurs a split fee because the diesel is delivered at more than one station in one trip. Staff conducted a comparative analysis of the three responses based on the proposed margin, order volume differential, short or full load delivery fees, pump fees, and split location fees. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the City of Redlands contract awarded to Merrimac Energy Group had the lowest margin, (-) of the Oil Price Index Service average daily rack price at the Colton Terminal. Procurement reviewed the City of Redlands bid process and the contract terms and conditions; both were in alignment with the City’s procurement process. The City of Redlands advertised a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) with the intent to award a contract for Fleet bulk fuel, unleaded and diesel. As a result of the RFP evaluation process, a contract was awarded to Merrimac Energy Group for fiscal year 2022/2023 (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023) with two (2) additional one (1) year extensions with the same price, terms, and conditions. The City of Rancho Cucamonga will be able to piggyback off this contract for the three-year term. FISCAL IMPACT: Pinnacle Petroleum fuel expenditures in FY 2021/2022 totaled $1,074,230. The proposed margins from Merrimac Energy Group for unleaded and diesel indicate a potential saving in comparison to the previous fuel contract but is contingent upon fuel usage and the daily rack price set by the Oil Price Index Service. Public Works has budgeted $25,670 for diesel and $327,090 for Unleaded, and the Fire District has budgeted $193,620 for diesel and $46,810 for Unleaded for FY 2022/2023. There would be no fiscal impact beyond that which has already been budgeted in the FY 2022/2023 adopted budget. COUNCIL MISSION / VISION / VALUE(S) ADDRESSED: Continuing to utilize cooperative agreements and piggyback opportunities to procure commodities, such as unleaded and diesel fuel, is tied to the Mid and Long-Range Planning Council goal. Use of cooperative agreements and piggyback opportunities with other government agencies effectively manage cost by providing steeper discounts to the City due to the high product volume procured by Citywide Departments, as well as other entities, who also utilize the Agreement, which reflects a more accurate budget. ATTACHMENTS: N/A    Page 24 DATE:September 6, 2022 TO:Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM:John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY:Julie A. Sowles, Library Director SUBJECT:Consideration of the Proposed Changes to the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Collection Development Policy. (CITY) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council accept and adopt the proposed changes to the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Collection Development Policy. BACKGROUND: The Library’s existing Collection Development Policy has not been reviewed since its initial adoption in 1995. Library staff has drafted a revision to the Collection Development Policy that reflects the mission of the Library and expresses a commitment to intellectual freedom. The recommended revised policy both informs the public of the principles supporting selection decisions and provides guidance for the selection and evaluation of library materials that anticipate and meet the needs of the Rancho Cucamonga community. On August 4, 2022, staff presented the proposed Collection Development Policy to the Rancho Cucamonga Library Board of Trustees which has recommended approval of the policy. ANALYSIS: The current Collection Development Policy lacks several fundamental principles including language about intellectual freedom or information about accepting gifts and donations. Updating the policy will help the Library better align with national standards and local needs while supporting the continued development and maintenance of a vibrant, relevant collection of resources. In developing the revised policy, staff looked at peer libraries, industry leaders, national standards, and professional literature. Adoption of the revised Collection Development Policy reaffirms the City’s commitment that the selection and evaluation of library materials is done in a consistent and cohesive manner and will prevent personal biases from entering into selection decisions. By implementing a formal Collection Development Policy, the City increases transparency in collection development practices; creates clarity around the purpose and scope of the library’s collection; and provides a foundation for allocation of materials, resources, and for future planning. FISCAL IMPACT: None.    Page 25 Page 2 1 4 4 6 COUNCIL MISSION / VISION / VALUE(S) ADDRESSED: Providing superior Library Services to residents contributes to a high quality of life in Rancho Cucamonga. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 – Collection Development Policy    Page 26 Collection Development Policy Adopted by Library Board of Trustees: 08/04/2022 PURPOSE: Rancho Cucamonga Public Library’s Collection Development Policy reflects the mission of public libraries to provide access to information and support diversity, democracy, lifelong learning, and intellectual freedom. Collection development is the ongoing p rocess of assessing the materials available for purchase or licensing and deciding on their inclusion or their retention. The policy both informs the public of the principles supporting selection decisions and provides guidance for the selection and evaluation of library materials that anticipate and meet the needs of the Rancho Cucamonga community. It is the goal of the Library to provide free, equal, and equitable access to a high-quality collection of resources in a variety of formats, reflective of the diversity of the community. Materials available in the Library present a diversity of viewpoints, enabling the community to make the informed choices necessary in a democracy. In support of preserving and encouraging the essential free expression of ideas, Rancho Cucamonga Public Library endorses the principles documented in the Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read Statement, the Freedom to View Statement and the Libraries: an American Value Statement of the American Library Association. RESPONSIBILITY FOR SELECTION AND COLLECTION MAINTENANCE : Selection and collection maintenance of library materials is delegated to qualified Library staff, under the authority and at the discretion of the Library Director. All staff members and the Rancho Cucamonga community are encouraged to recommend materials for consideration. SELECTION CRITERIA: All materials, whether purchased or donated, are considered in terms of the criteria listed below. An item need not meet all of these standards in order to be added to the collection. •Popular interest •Contemporary significance •Currency of information •Authority •Comprehensiveness and accuracy •Local emphasis •Readability •Objectivity •Creative, literary, or technical quality •Representation of diverse points of view •Sustained interest •Relevance and use of the information •Relationship to other materials and adequacy of coverage in subject area •Significance of item within subject area •Professional reviews from a variety of sources •Relationship to materials in other area libraries •Requests from the public •Format and ease of use •Cost and availability •Physical appearance and condition •Space limitations Rancho Cucamonga Public Library ATTACHMENT 1   Page 27 SCOPE OF THE COLLECTION: The Rancho Cucamonga Public Library is a popular materials library and maintains a varied and current collection covering a wide range of subjects and c ontaining multiple points of view. The Library's collections are dynamic, with an emphasis on up-to-date and in-demand materials. The Library provides information resources in physical and electronic formats in an effort to deliver the broadest possible access to content both within and beyond the Library’s walls. The primary responsibility of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library is to serve the Rancho Cucamonga community by providing a broad choice of materials to meet informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs. Collections are developed in response to current use patterns, community needs, budgetary and space constraints, evolving technology, and the Library's mission. The majority of the Library's collection development activities will be conducted to create a collection of popular and informational works that is evaluated continually. The collection embraces broad fields of knowledge with basic, representative works in most subject areas, emphasizing materials that are useful for the general public. Textbooks and materials of a highly technical or specialized nature of limited community interest are generally not collected. Collections in languages other than English will be guided by needs of significant population groups living within the city of Rancho Cucamonga that have a language other than English as their primary language. Access to other specialized and comprehensive collections that exist elsewhere in the state of California is provided through interlibrary loan and direct referral. SUGGESTIONS FOR PURCHASE: The Library encourages input from the community concerning the collection. A suggestion for purchase procedure enables the Rancho Cucamonga community to request that a particular item or material on a certain subject be purchased by the Library. All suggestions for purchase are subject to the same selection criteria as other materials and are not automatically added to the collection. It is the Library’s intent that suggestions for purchase be used to help the Library in developing collections which serve the interests and needs of the community. COLLECTION MAINTENANCE: In an effort to maintain a relevant, popular, and appealing collection, the Library engages in ongoing evaluation of owned materials. This policy’s selection criteria, the CREW method, and other best practices are used when evaluating collections. DISPOSITION OF WITHDRAWN MATERIALS: Materials that have been withdrawn may be first offered to the Friends of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. Items not provided to the Friends of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library will be disposed of in accordance with general City policies and procedures. REPLACEMENT: Replacement of damaged, missing, and withdrawn materials is not automatic. The decision to replace is determined by the selection criteria listed in this po licy. MATERIAL AND FUND DONATIONS: Donations of books and other materials are to be made through the Friends of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. For further    Page 28 information on their procedures, contact the Friends of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library directly. The Library cannot guarantee that unsolicited materials will be returned to donors. The Library reserves the right to accept or refuse materials or funds and any conditions placed upon gifts of materials or funds, and to evaluate and dispose of donated items in accordance with the criteria applied to purchased materials. REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION: Members of the Rancho Cucamonga community that are concerned about the appropriateness of a particular item in the Library's collection will be referred to a staff member designated to answer questions regarding collection development, at the discretion of the Library Director. If, after speaking with the designated staff member, the patron still wishes to pursue review of the item, they must complete a Request for Reconsideration form. The Library Director will review the request and apply the selection criteria set forth in this policy to determine if the item should be removed or re-categorized. The Library Director’s decision on reconsideration is the City of Rancho Cucamonga’s final decision. The item under review will not be removed from circulation during the review process. Reasonable efforts will be made by Library management to respond in writing regarding the disposition of the Request for Reconsideration within 60 days of receipt of the completed Request for Reconsideration form. CONCLUSION: The Rancho Cucamonga Public Library is committed to providing a broad and diverse collection, and its collection development activities are guided by the above principles and criteria. This policy expresses the Library’s commitment to intellectual freedom. Library resources are for use by all members of the Rancho Cucamonga community, and the Library strives to reflect the needs and diversity of the community in its collections.    Page 29 DATE:September 6, 2022 TO:Mayor and Members of the City Council President and Members of the Boards of Directors FROM:John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY:William Wittkopf, Public Works Services Director Mike McCliman, Fire Chief Neil Plummer, Facilities Superintendent SUBJECT:Consideration to Increase the Award to Walters Wholesale Electric for the Purchase of Electrical Parts and Supplies in Fiscal Year 2021/2022. (CITY/FIRE) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council and Board of Directors approve increasing the award to Walters Wholesale Electric by $28,080 to a new total of $143,080 for the purchase of electrical parts and supplies. BACKGROUND: On September 1, 2021, the City Council and Board of Directors awarded the purchase of electrical parts and materials on an as needed basis to Walters Wholesale Electric, in accordance with Request for Bids (RFB) #21/22-105, in an amount not to exceed $115,000 for Fiscal Year 2021/2022. A project to repair the pathway lights at Heritage Park was included in the FY 2021/2022 budget. Repairs were needed to ensure safe lighting throughout the park. The project included new poles and footings, as well as all new LED light fixtures. Due to the current supply chain issues, the LED light fixtures had significant lead times that would have resulted in the inability to complete this project on time. Walters Wholesale Electric was the only vendor that had the LED light fixtures in stock and immediately available to meet the project deadline. ANALYSIS: The need for sufficient lighting at all City parks is a necessity for the safety of park users. The lighting repairs completed at Heritage Park ensured sufficient lighting is available. The purchase of LED light fixtures and related materials for the Heritage Park lighting project totaled $70,630, in addition to as needed electrical parts and supplies throughout the Fiscal Year, exceeded the awarded amount of $115,000 by $28,080. FISCAL IMPACT: The repairs of Heritage Park lighting were included in the approved Fiscal Year 2021/2022 budget as a Capital Improvement Project in PD85, account 1848303-5607. The remaining costs of electrical parts and supplies were also included in the approved Fiscal Year 2021/2022 budget    Page 30 Page 2 1 4 5 8 from various accounts including General Fund, Landscape Maintenance Districts, and the Fire District. COUNCIL MISSION / VISION / GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: This item addresses the City Council’s core value of promoting and enhancing a safe and healthy community for all. ATTACHMENTS: None.    Page 31 DATE:September 6, 2022 TO:Mayor and Members of the City Council President and Members of the Boards of Directors FROM:John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY:Jason Welday, Director of Engineering Services / City Engineer Mike McCliman, Fire Chief Darci Vogel, Fire Business Manager SUBJECT:Consideration of Amendment No. 001 to the Professional Services Agreement with Leighton Consulting, Inc. for On-Call Geotechnical Engineering and Material Sampling/Testing Services to Add the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District as a Party to the Agreement. (CITY/FIRE) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council / Fire Board: 1. Approve Amendment No. 001 to the Professional Services Agreement, CO 19-102, with Leighton Consulting, Inc. for On-Call Geotechnical Engineering and Material Sampling/Testing Services to add the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District as a party to the agreement; and 2. Authorize a Purchase Order in the amount of $29,540 (including a 10% contingency) for geotechnical services for the Fire Station 171 Project. BACKGROUND: On July 17, 2019, the City and Leighton Consulting, Inc. entered into a Professional Services Agreement (PSA), CO 19-102, for on-call geotechnical engineering and material sampling/testing services in accordance with Request for Proposals (RFP) / Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) # 18/19-021. The intent of the RFP/SOQ was to create an on-call list with three vendors whom staff determined were able to meet the needs of the City based on their qualifications, experience, scope, and fee schedule. Having multiple consultants under contract allows the City flexibility in awarding services based on availability, budget, and project specific needs. ANALYSIS: Due to the number of capital improvement projects requiring geotechnical engineering and material sampling/testing services, including the Fire Station 171 project, staff has determined the need to amend the PSA with Leighton Consulting, Inc. to better meet the ongoing needs of the City, as well as the Fire District. Staff recommends the City Council / Fire Board approve Amendment No. 001 to incorporate the following in the PSA: 1. Amend the agreement to include the Fire District as a party; and 2. All other Terms and Conditions of the original agreement will remain in full effect.    Page 32 Page 2 1 4 5 9 Staff also recommends that the City Council / Fire Board authorize the following purchase order for geotechnical services: Fire Station 171 Project: Built in 1974, Fire Station 171 is the oldest and smallest fire station in the City. As the building has aged, maintenance requests have increased, as well as the associated repair costs. In addition, the station lacks the functionality and physical space needed to accommodate the District's increasingly diverse workforce. The rebuild of Fire Station 171 will utilize the design-build process in which a general contractor and licensed architect partner to form a design-build team that works collaboratively under a single contract to provide design and construction services. A geotechnical exploration is needed to evaluate geologic hazards and geotechnical conditions of the site and provide geotechnical recommendations for the design of the station. Staff reviewed a proposal from Leighton Consulting, Inc. for needed services and recommends the City Council / Fire Board authorize a purchase order in the amount of $29,540 which includes a 10% contingency to allow for flexibility and adjustments to the scope of services. FISCAL IMPACT: For geotechnical engineering and material sampling/ testing, services will be paid on a time and material basis in accordance with the schedule of fees and type of project. Since each individual project requirement is different and cost will vary dependent on the work required, a proposal will be requested with an estimated cost. At that time, a requisition will be processed for the services using the account number for the individual projects. The total cost for geotechnical engineering and material sampling/ testing services for each individual project will not exceed the budgeted amount unless previously authorized by the City Council. The Fire Station 171 Project is budgeted in the Fire Protection Capital Fund and there are sufficient funds available in the FY 2022-23 budget for the recommended purchase order. COUNCIL MISSION / VISION / GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: This item meets the Council’s vision and core value by promoting and enhancing a safe and healthy community for all, and by providing continuous improvement through the construction of high-quality public improvements. ATTACHMENTS: None    Page 33 DATE:September 6, 2022 TO:Mayor and Members of the City Council President and Members of the Boards of Directors FROM:John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY:Jason Welday, Director of Engineering Services / City Engineer Mike McCliman, Fire Chief Darci Vogel, Fire Business Manager SUBJECT:Consideration of Amendment No. 001 to the Professional Services Agreement with Westland Group, Inc. for On-Call Design and Construction Surveying Services to Add the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District as a Party to the Agreement and Increase Compensation to an Annual Total of $300,000. (CITY/FIRE) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council / Fire Board: 1. Approve Amendment No. 001 to the Professional Services Agreement, CO 19-145, with Westland Group, Inc. for on-call design and construction surveying services to add the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District as a party to the agreement and increase the not to exceed compensation to an annual total of $300,000; 2. Authorize a Purchase Order in the amount of $34,540 (including a 10% contingency) for surveying services for the Fire Station 171 Project; and 3. Authorize a Purchase Order in the amount of $18,690 (including a 10% contingency) for surveying services for the Fire Station 173 Urban Park Project. BACKGROUND: On August 21, 2019, the City and Westland Group, Inc. entered into a Professional Services Agreement (PSA), CO 19-145, for on-call design and construction surveying services in accordance with Request for Proposals (RFP) / Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) # 18/19-020. The intent of the RFP/SOQ was to create an on-call list with three vendors whom staff determined were able to meet the needs of the City based on their qualifications, experience, scope, and fee schedule. Having multiple consultants under contract allows the City flexibility in awarding services based on availability, budget, and project specific needs. ANALYSIS: Due to the number of capital improvement projects requiring design and construction surveying services, including the Fire Station 171 and 173 projects, staff has determined the need to amend the PSA with Westland Group, Inc. to better meet the on-going needs of the City, as well as the Fire District. Staff recommends the City Council / Fire Board approve Amendment No. 001 to incorporate the following in the PSA: 1. Amend the agreement to include the Fire District as a party;    Page 34 Page 2 1 4 6 0 2. Amend Section 3. Compensation from a not to exceed payable amount of $150,000 to a not to exceed payable amount of $300,000; and 3. All other Terms and Conditions of the original agreement will remain in full effect. Staff also recommends that the City Council / Fire Board authorize the following purchase order for geotechnical services: • Fire Station 171 Project: Built in 1974, Fire Station 171 is the oldest and smallest fire station in the City. As the building has aged, maintenance requests have increased, as well as the associated repair costs. In addition, the station lacks the functionality and physical space needed to accommodate the District's increasingly diverse workforce. The rebuild of Fire Station 171 will utilize the design-build process in which a general contractor and licensed architect partner to form a design-build team that works collaboratively under a single contract to provide design and construction services. Survey and mapping services are needed for the project. Staff reviewed a proposal from Westland Group, Inc. for needed services and recommends the City Council / Fire Board authorize a purchase order in the amount of $34,540 which includes a 10% contingency to allow for flexibility and adjustments to the scope of services. •Fire Station 173 Urban Park Project: Fire Station 173 is located directly adjacent to the decomposed granite path that connects to the Pacific Electric Trail north of the station. The addition of an urban park space to the southeast corner of the property will provide a staging area and rest point for the community when utilizing the trail. The project will be completed in coordination with the rebuild of Fire Station 171 utilizing the design-build process. Survey and mapping services are needed for the project. Staff reviewed a proposal from Westland Group, Inc. for needed services and recommends the City Council / Fire Board authorize a purchase order in the amount of $18,690 which includes a 10% contingency to allow for flexibility and adjustments to the scope of services. FISCAL IMPACT: For design and construction surveying, services will be paid on a time and material basis in accordance with the schedule of fees and type of project. Since each individual project requirement is different and cost will vary dependent on the work required, a proposal will be requested with an estimated cost. At that time, a requisition will be processed for the services using the account number for the individual projects. The total cost for design and construction surveying services for each individual project will not exceed the budgeted amount, unless previously authorized by the City Council. The Fire Station 171 and 173 Projects are budgeted in the Fire Protection Capital Fund and there are sufficient funds available in the FY 2022-23 budget for the recommended purchase orders. COUNCIL MISSION / VISION / GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: This item meets the Council’s vision and core values by promoting and enhancing a safe and healthy community for all, and by providing continuous improvement through the construction of high-quality public improvements. ATTACHMENTS: None    Page 35 DATE:September 6, 2022 TO:Mayor and Members of the City Council President and Members of the Boards of Directors FROM:John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY:William Wittkopf, Public Works Services Director Mike McCliman, Fire Chief Neil Plummer, Facilities Superintendent SUBJECT:Consideration of Amendment No. 9 to Contract 16-114 with EMCOR Services/Mesa Energy Systems for Citywide HVAC Maintenance and Repair Services to Increase the Contract Amount for Fiscal Year 2021/2022. (CITY/FIRE) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council and Board of Directors approve Amendment No. 9 to Contract 16-114 with EMCOR Services/Mesa Energy Systems to increase the contract amount $58,010 to a total of $545,520 for City facilities and $10,370 to a total of $76,070 for Fire District facilities for Citywide HVAC maintenance and repair services. BACKGROUND: On April 20, 2016, the City Council and Board of Directors accepted the bids received for Citywide heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) maintenance and repairs and awarded Contract 16-114 to EMCOR Services/Mesa Energy Systems. EMCOR provides HVAC services to all City and Fire District buildings which include all chillers, boilers, pumps, package units, and cooling towers. On July 7, 2021, the City Council and Board of Directors approved Amendment 7 to Contract 16- 114 to EMCOR Services to extend the term through June 30, 2022 in an amount not to exceed $487,510 for City facilities and $65,700 for Fire District facilities. Near the end of Fiscal Year 2021/2022, the City experienced a large unexpected HVAC repair at the Civic Center. The Civic Center HVAC central plant includes three Turbocor compressors. One of the three Turbocors failed and required emergency replacement on May 20, 2022 at a cost of $45,295. In addition to the Turbocor replacement, several other City and Fire District facilities also experienced emergency repairs in late June 2022. ANALYSIS: The need to keep all City and Fire District facilities running at a cool and comfortable temperature during summer is a necessity. As a result, the replacement of the Turbocor and the unanticipated repairs at several City and Fire District facilities led to exceeding the contract amount with EMCOR in Fiscal Year 2021/2022 by $58,010 for City facilities and $10,370 for Fire District facilities.    Page 36 Page 2 1 4 6 1 FISCAL IMPACT: The replacement of the Turbocor was included in the approved amended budget appropriations for Fiscal Year 2021/2022 in Capital Reserve, account 1025001-5603. The remaining cost of repairs were within the adopted budget for Fiscal Year 2021/2022 in account 1001312-5304 (City Facilities Maintenance) and account 3281529-5304 (Fire Facilities Maintenance). COUNCIL MISSION / VISION / GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: This item addresses the City Council’s core value of promoting and enhancing a safe and healthy community for all by ensuring City and Fire District facilities are properly maintained. ATTACHMENTS: None.    Page 37 DATE: TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: SUBJECT: September 6, 2022 Mayor and Members of the City Council John R. Gillison, City Manager Jason C. Welday, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer Romeo M. David, Associate Engineer Consideration to Accept as Complete, File the Notice of Completion, and Authorize Release of Retention and Bonds for the Center Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Project (Contract No. 2022-036). (CITY) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1.Accept the Center Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation, Contract No. 2022-036 (Project), as complete; 2.Approve the final contract amount of $406,041; 3.Authorize the release of the Faithful Performance Bond 35 days after recordation of Notice of Completion and accept a Maintenance Guarantee Bond; 4.Authorize the release of the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of $371,000, six months after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received; 5.Authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and release of the project retention, 35 days after recordation of Notice of Completion; and 6.Authorize the City Engineer to approve the release of the Maintenance Bond one year following the filing of the Notice of Completion if the improvements remain free from defects in material and workmanship. BACKGROUND: On April 20, 2022, the City Council awarded a construction contract to Onyx Paving Company, Inc., in the amount of $371,000 plus 10% contingency in the amount of $37,100 to address unforeseen construction related incidentals. A vicinity map illustrating the various neighborhood streets that received pavement overlay is included as Attachment 1. A copy of the April 20, 2022, City Council Staff Report is on file with the City Clerk. The scope of work consisted of cold milling, routing and crack sealing, asphalt rubber hot mix overlay, adjusting existing manholes, clean- outs, water meters, and valves to new grade, installation of pavement markers and striping, upgrading existing curb ramps and related items of work per plans. Page 38 Page 2 1 4 4 7 ANALYSIS: The subject project has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The net increase in the total cost of the project is a result of two (2) Change Orders, including the final balancing statement, which are summarized below: Change Order No.1: Additional grind and overlay conventional asphalt prior to the final asphalt rubber hot mix overlay. The change in contract cost due to this change order is an increase of $39,000. Change Order No.2: The balancing statement for the project. The balancing statement conforms the final contract quantities to the actual quantities placed or constructed during the contract. The notable change is a deduct in the amount of ($3,959) resulting from a deduction of construction of concrete spandrel. At the end of the one-year maintenance period, if the improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship, the City Clerk will release the Maintenance Bond upon approval by the City Engineer. FISCAL IMPACT: A total of $447,142 was budgeted in Fiscal Year 2021/22 from the Gas Tax Fund (Fund 174) for the Project. The total funding for this project is identified under Capital Improvement Project Account No. and in the amount listed below: Account No.Funding Source Description Amount 11743035650/2008174-0 Gas Tax R & T7360 Center Avenue $447,142 Total Project Funding $447,142 The final project cost for construction is $445,083 as shown below: Expenditure Amount Final Construction Contract $406,041 Construction Inspection Services $24,156 Construction Materials Testing $13,255 Bid Noticing Advertisement $1,631 Total Project Cost $445,083 A total of $2,059 remains in the budget for this project and will be returned to the Gas Tax (Fund 174) fund balances to be used for future capital improvement projects. COUNCIL MISSION / VISION / VALUE(S) ADDRESSED: This project addresses the City Council’s core values by promoting and enhancing a safe and healthy community for all, and by providing continuous improvement through the construction of high-quality public improvements. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 - Vicinity Map    Page 39 ATTACHMENT 1 PROJECT# 800-2021-11 " CENTER AVENUE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION 6TH STREET TO 8th STREET” NOT TO SCALE Project Site Project Site    Page 40 DATE:September 6, 2022 TO:Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM:John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY:Jason C. Welday, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer Annette Cano-Soza, Assistant Engineer SUBJECT:Consideration to Accept Public Improvements Located at the North Side of 9th Street, West of Vineyard Avenue, at 8768 9th Street per the Improvement Agreement Related to Case No. DRC2018-00912, as Complete, File the Notice of Completion and Authorize Release of Bonds. (CITY) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1. Approve and accept the public improvements and their design, required for the development of Case No. DRC2018-00912 and authorize the City Engineer to file the appropriate Notice of Completion; 2. Release Faithful Performance Bond No. PB00573800106 for the associated public improvements; 3. Release the Labor and Material Bond No. PB00573800106; and 4. Accept Maintenance Bond No. PB00573800106-M to be released upon approval of the City Engineer after successful completion of the 1-year warranty period. BACKGROUND: On January 22, 2020, the Planning Commission approved Case No. DRC2018-00912 for the development of three industrial/warehouse buildings totaling 236,534 square feet within the General Industrial (GI) District, located on the north side of 9th Street, west of Vineyard Avenue, at 8768 9th Street. An improvement agreement and securities were approved by the City Council on November 4, 2020, to ensure the construction of the required public improvements. ANALYSIS: All public improvements required for this development have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Prior to the construction of the public improvements the developer, 9th Street & Vineyard Avenue, LLC, submitted the following securities to ensure satisfactory completion of the improvements: Faithful Performance Bond $136,300 Bond # PB00573800106 Labor and Material Bond $136,300 Bond # PB00573800106 With the completion of the improvements, the Faithful Performance and Labor and Material bonds    Page 41 Page 2 1 4 4 5 are no longer required. The improvements will be re-inspected in 10 months and the Maintenance Bond will be released upon approval of the City Engineer if no defects in materials or workmanship are observed. Furthermore, the project was conditioned for construction of street frontage improvements adjacent to their project with the potential for reimbursement. As of the writing of this staff report, the developer has not submitted a request for reimbursement. If a request is received, a separate item will be submitted for Council consideration. FISCAL IMPACT: None. COUNCIL MISSION / VISION / VALUE(S) ADDRESSED: This item addresses the City Council’s vision for the City by ensuring the maintenance of high- quality improvements that promote a world class community. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 - Vicinity Map    Page 42 ATTACHMENT 1 2 7 7 4 Vicinity Map DRC2018-00912 NOT TO SCALE Project Site    Page 43 DATE:September 6, 2022 TO:Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM:John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY:Noah Daniels, Finance Director SUBJECT:Consideration of Intention to Order the Detachment of Certain Property from Street Lighting Maintenance Districts Nos. 1 and 6 and to Set a Public Hearing. (RESOLUTION NOS. 2022-123 & 2022-124) (CITY) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council adopt the attached Resolutions declaring the intent to order the detachment of real property, identified as 12434 4th Street, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (“the Property”), from Street Lighting Maintenance Districts Nos. 1 and 6 (collectively, the “Districts”) and to set a public hearing to consider ordering the detachment from the Districts. BACKGROUND: During the formation of Community Facilities District No. 2022-01 (Street Lighting Services) of the City of Rancho Cucamonga (“CFD 2022-01”), the Property that is included within the boundaries of the Districts was added to the boundaries of CFD 2022-01. The purpose of CFD 2022-01 is to provide maintenance and services for streetlights, replacing the historical Street Lighting Maintenance Districts for new development within the city. The Property was annexed into CFD 2022-01 in June 1, 2022, and the Districts provide similar services. ANALYSIS: Since the Property is included in the CFD 2022-01 and the Districts, the Property must be detached from the Districts. The Landscape and Light Act of 1972 (the “1972 Act”), which the Districts were formed through, requires the City Council to adopt a Resolution and set a public hearing. By adopting the attached Resolution, the City Council will be declaring its intention to detach the Property from the Districts and will set a public hearing to be held on November 2, 2022. FISCAL IMPACT: The special assessments revenues levied by the Districts will be removed. However, such special assessments are being replaced by special taxes with CFD 2022-01. CFD 2022-01 was formed to be financially self-sufficient, meaning the revenues generated by CFD 2022-01 offset the costs of providing services and can be adjusted annually based on changes in overall operating costs for the streetlights. COUNCIL MISSION / VISION / VALUE(S) ADDRESSED: This item addresses the City Council’s goal to ensure the fiscal sustainability of the City’s special districts. This item also supports the City Council’s core values of intentionally embracing and anticipating the future.    Page 44 Page 2 1 4 6 4 ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 – Resolution Declaring Intention to Detach Territory from SLD No. 1 Attachment 2 – Resolution Declaring Intention to Detach Territory from SLD No. 6    Page 45 Resolution No. 2022-123 - Page 1 of 3 ATTACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-123 A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING INTENTION TO DETACH TERRITORY FROM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972, SETTING THE TIME AND PLACE OF THE HEARING ON THE DETACHMENT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga ("City Council") has determined that it is necessary to detach certain territory from Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 ("SLD No. 1") which is described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the “Property”) because the services provided by SLD No. 1 to the Property will now be provided by a newly formed community facilities district; and WHEREAS, the City Council has elected, pursuant to Section 22609 of the Streets and Highways Code, to commence proceedings for the detachment of the Property from SLD No. 1; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that the City Council adopt a resolution of intention pursuant to Sections 22607, 22609 and 22587 of the Streets and Highways Code setting the time and place of a public hearing on the proposed detachment of the Property from SLD No. 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California: Section 1. Findings. The City Council finds that the foregoing recitals are true and correct. Section 2. Intent. The City Council hereby declares that it intends to detach the Property from SLD No. 1. Section 3. Boundaries. The boundaries of the territory proposed to be detached from SLD No. 1 is all property included within Assessment Parcel Numbers: 0229-283-50 and 0229-283-51, which is described in Exhibit B. Section 4. Description of Maintenance and Services Provided. The purpose of SLD No. 1 is for furnishing of services and materials for the ordinary and usual maintenance, operating and servicing of street light improvements on local residential streets.    Page 46 Page 2 of 3 ATTACHMENT 1 2 8 4 2 Section 5. The District. The District is identified as "Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1." The territory proposed to be detached from SLD No. 1 is identified as Assessment Parcel Numbers: 0229-283-50 and 0229-283-51 and is further described in Exhibit A. Section 6. Public Hearing. A public hearing on the detachment of the Property shall be held by the City Council at 7:00 p.m. on November 2, 2022, at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California, 91730 or via teleconference as directed by the City due to COVID-19 social distancing guidelines. Section 7. Majority Protest. All interested persons owning property within the territory to be detached from SLD No. 1 will be afforded the opportunity to appear and be heard at the public hearing. Protests are to be filed with the City Clerk, at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730, in writing at any time prior to the conclusion of the public hearing, and any written protest filed with the City Clerk may be withdrawn by written statement to that effect prior to the conclusion of the public hearing. The written protest shall state all grounds of objection and shall contain a description sufficient to identify the property owned by the individual filing the protest. If, at the conclusion of the public hearing a majority of the property owners within the Property to be detached from SLD No. 1 have filed a written protest, none of which shall have been withdrawn, then the City Council shall abandon the proceedings for the proposed detachment of the Property for fiscal year 2022-23. Section 8. Information. Any property owner desiring additional information regarding SLD No. 1 or the proposed detachment of the Property should contact the City Clerk at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730, United States, or by telephone at (909) 477-2700.    Page 47 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT 1 2 8 4 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED The City Clerk shall certify the passage and adoption of this resolution and enter it into the book of original resolutions. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, at a Regular Meeting hereof held 6th day of September 2022, by the following vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: APPROVED L. DENNIS MICHAEL, MAYOR ATTEST: JANICE C. REYNOLDS, CITY CLERK    Page 48 ATTACHMENT 1 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARY OF TERRITORY TO BE DETACHED FROM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 Property to be detached from Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 includes the land situated in the State of California, County of San Bernardino, City of Rancho Cucamonga, described as follows: Assessor Parcel Numbers: 0229-283-50 and 0229-283-51.    Page 49 ATTACHMENT 1 EXHIBIT B BOUNDARY OF TERRITORY TO BE DETACHED FROM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1    Page 50 Resolution No. 2022-124 - Page 1 of 3 ATTACHMENT 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-124 A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING INTENTION TO DETACH TERRITORY FROM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 6 PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972, SETTING THE TIME AND PLACE OF THE HEARING ON THE DETACHMENT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga ("City Council") has determined that it is necessary to detach certain territory from Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6 ("SLD No. 6") which is described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the “Property”) because the services provided by SLD No. 6 to the Property will now be provided by a newly formed community facilities district; and WHEREAS, the City Council has elected, pursuant to Section 22609 of the Streets and Highways Code, to commence proceedings for the detachment of the Property from SLD No. 6; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that the City Council adopt a resolution of intention pursuant to Sections 22607, 22609 and 22587 of the Streets and Highways Code setting the time and place of a public hearing on the proposed detachment of the Property from SLD No. 6. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California: Section 1. Findings. The City Council finds that the foregoing recitals are true and correct. Section 2. Intent. The City Council hereby declares that it intends to detach the Property from SLD No. 6. Section 3. Boundaries. The boundaries of the territory proposed to be detached from SLD No. 6 is all property included within Assessment Parcel Numbers: 0229-283-50 and 0229-283-51, which is described in Exhibit B. Section 4. Description of Maintenance and Services Provided. The purpose of SLD No. 6 is for maintenance and servicing of street lighting within rights-of-way or designated easements of streets.    Page 51 Page 2 of 3 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 4 3 Section 5. The District. The District is identified as "Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6." The territory proposed to be detached from SLD No. 6 is identified as Assessment Parcel Numbers: 0229-283-50 and 0229-283-51 and is further described in Exhibit A. Section 6. Public Hearing. A public hearing on the detachment of the Property shall be held by the City Council at 7:00 p.m. on November 2, 2022, at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California, 91730 or via teleconference as directed by the City due to COVID-19 social distancing guidelines. Section 7. Majority Protest. All interested persons owning property within the territory to be detached from SLD No. 6 will be afforded the opportunity to appear and be heard at the public hearing. Protests are to be filed with the City Clerk, at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730, in writing at any time prior to the conclusion of the public hearing, and any written protest filed with the City Clerk may be withdrawn by written statement to that effect prior to the conclusion of the public hearing. The written protest shall state all grounds of objection and shall contain a description sufficient to identify the property owned by the individual filing the protest. If, at the conclusion of the public hearing a majority of the property owners within the Property to be detached from SLD No. 6 have filed a written protest, none of which shall have been withdrawn, then the City Council shall abandon the proceedings for the proposed detachment of the Property for fiscal year 2022-23. Section 8. Information. Any property owner desiring additional information regarding SLD No. 6 or the proposed detachment of the Property should contact the City Clerk at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730, United States, or by telephone at (909) 477-2700.    Page 52 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 4 3 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED The City Clerk shall certify the passage and adoption of this resolution and enter it into the book of original resolutions. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, at a Regular Meeting hereof held 6th day of September 2022, by the following vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: APPROVED L. DENNIS MICHAEL, MAYOR ATTEST: JANICE C. REYNOLDS, CITY CLERK    Page 53 ATTACHMENT 2 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARY OF TERRITORY TO BE DETACHED FROM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 6 Property to be detached from Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6 includes the land situated in the State of California, County of San Bernardino, City of Rancho Cucamonga, described as follows: Assessor Parcel Numbers: 0229-283-50 and 0229-283-51.    Page 54 ATTACHMENT 2 EXHIBIT B BOUNDARY OF TERRITORY TO BE DETACHED FROM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 6    Page 55 DATE:September 6, 2022 TO:President and Members of the Board of Directors FROM:John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY:Mike McCliman, Fire Chief Noah Daniels, Finance Director Darci Vogel, Fire Business Manager Kelly Guerra, Special Districts Analyst SUBJECT:Consideration to Approve and Adopt an Annexation Map Showing Assessor Parcel Number 0229-291-54 Located at 13120 Napa Street and Parcel Number 0229-291-46 Located at 13160 Napa Street, Which is Proposed to be Annexed Into CFD No. 85-1; and Approval to Adopt a Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory Referred to as Annexation No. 22-3 into Community Facilities District No. 85-1, Specifying Services Proposed to be Financed, to Set and Specify the Special Taxes Proposed to be Levied Within the Annexation Territory and Set a Time and Place for a Public Hearing Related to the Annexation. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022-026) (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022-027) (FIRE) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Fire Board of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District: 1. Adopt a Resolution adopting Annexation Map No. 22-3 showing property (located at 13120 and 13160 Napa Street) proposed to be annexed in Community Facilities District No. 85-1; and 2. Adopt a Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory referred to as Annexation No. 22-3 into Community Facilities District No. 85-1 to specify the services to be financed, to set and specify the rate and method of apportionment of the special taxes proposed to be levied within the territory proposed to be annexed and to set a time and place for a public hearing regarding the annexation. BACKGROUND: Speedway Commerce Center Development, LLC, owner of certain property (APN 0229-291-54 and APN 0229-291-46) located within the Fire Protection District (the "Territory"), is conditioned by the City and Fire Protection District to annex such property into the existing Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 85-1 to satisfy fire protection service mitigation impacts. ANALYSIS: In order to initiate formal annexation proceedings, the Fire Board is being asked to adopt a resolution approving an annexation map of the territory proposed to be annexed and a Resolution of Intention to Annex.    Page 56 Page 2 1 4 4 9 Resolution No. FD2022-026 will adopt an annexation map (Annexation No. 22-3) showing property proposed to be annexed into CFD No. 85-1 (Attachment 1). The annexation map (Attachment 2, Exhibit A) illustrates the territory proposed to be annexed. The territory is inclusive of the entire development project proposed by the owner. Resolution No. FD2022-027 declares the Fire Board intention to authorize the annexation of territory (Annexation No. 22-3) to CFD No. 85-1 (Attachment 2). The Resolution of Intention generally sets forth: (a) the District's intention to annex the Territory to the District; (b) a description of the services and facilities which will, in part, be financed (Exhibit B) through the levy of the special tax on the Territory if annexed; (c) the rate and method of apportionment of the proposed special tax (Exhibit C); (d) the date, time and location of the public hearing set for October 19, 2022; and (e) election requirements. Special Counsel for the District has worked with staff to establish the annexation process, timelines and draft resolutions. The resolutions are considered to be routine and non- controversial, as the property owners are in support of the annexation procedure. On October 19, 2022, there will be a public hearing for public input/concerns on this matter. FISCAL IMPACT: The special tax revenues that are collected from CFD No. 85-1 are used to pay for public facilities and services in the District area. Costs related to the administering of the District are the responsibility of the property owners within the District. Annexation of the property located at 13120 and 13160 Napa Street will ensure the property owner covers the cost of increased demand for fire services resulting from new development within the Territory. COUNCIL MISSION / VISION / GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: This item brings together portions of the Council’s vision and core value by providing a sustainable City and promoting a safe and healthy community for all. Annexation of the property into CFD 85-1 ensures the delivery of vital fire and life safety services to all residents while satisfying fire protection service mitigation impacts. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 - Resolution No. FD2022-026, Adopting Annexation No. 22-3 Map Attachment 2 - Resolution No. FD2022-027, Intention to Authorize Annexation No. 22-3 Attachment 3 – Public Hearing Notice    Page 57 Resolution No. FD 2022-026 - Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION NO. FD2022-026 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACTING AS THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1, ADOPTING AN ANNEXATION MAP (ANNEXATION NO. 22-3) SHOWING PROPERTY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, California, (“Board of Directors”), desires to initiate proceedings to annex territory to an existing Community Facilities District pursuant to the terms and provisions of the “Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982”, being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the Government Code of the State of California (the “Act”), and specifically Article 3.5 thereof. The existing Community Facilities District has been designated as Community Facilities District No. 85-1 (the “District”); and, WHEREAS, there has been submitted a map entitled “Annexation Map No. 22-3 to Community Facilities District No. 85-1, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, County of San Bernardino, State of California” (the “Annexation Map”) showing the territory proposed to be annexed to the District (the “Territory”). NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: The above recitals are all true and correct. Section 2: The Annexation Map showing the Territory proposed to be annexed to the District and to be subject to the levy of a special tax is hereby approved and adopted. Section 3: A certificate shall be endorsed on the original and on at least one (1) copy of the Annexation Map, evidencing the date and adoption of this Resolution, and within fifteen (15) days after the adoption of the Resolution fixing the time and place of the hearing on the intention to annex or extent of the annexation to the District, a copy of such map shall be filed with the correct and proper endorsements thereon with the County Recorder, all in the manner and form provided for in Section 3111 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of , 2022.    Page 58 Resolution No. FD2022-027 - Page 1 of 11 ATTACHMENT 2 RESOLUTION NO. FD2022-027 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACTING AS THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO AUTHORIZE THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY (ANNEXATION NO. 22-3) TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, California, (“Board of Directors”), formed a Community Facilities District pursuant to the terms and provisions of the “Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982”, being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the Government Code of the State of California (the “Act”). The Community Facilities District has been designated as Community Facilities District No. 85-1 (the “District”); and, WHEREAS, the Board of Directors desires to initiate proceedings to consider the annexation of certain real property to the District (the “Territory”); and WHEREAS, a map entitled “Annexation Map No. 22-3 to Community Facilities District No. 85-1 Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, County of San Bernardino, State of California” (the “Annexation Map”) showing the Territory proposed to be annexed to the District has been submitted, which map has been previously approved and a copy of the map shall be kept on file with the transcript of these proceedings; and WHEREAS, this Board of Directors now desires to proceed to adopt its Resolution of Intention to annex the Territory to District, to describe the territory included within District and the Territory proposed to be annexed thereto, to specify the facilities and services to be financed from the proceeds of the levy of special taxes within the Territory, to set and specify the special taxes that would be levied within the Territory to finance such facilities and services, and to set a time and place for a public hearing relating to the annexation of the Territory to the District. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District does hereby resolve as follows: 1. Recitals. The above recitals are all true and correct. 2. Legal Authority. These proceedings for annexation are initiated by this Board of Directors pursuant to the authorization of the Act. 3. Intention to Annex; Description of the Territory and the District. The Board of Directors hereby determines that the public convenience and necessity requires that the Territory be added to the District and this Board of Directors declares its intention to annex the Territory to the District. A description of the Territory is as follows: All that property within the Territory proposed to be annexed to the District, as such property is shown on the Annexation Map as previously approved by this legislative body, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the Secretary and shall remain open for public inspection. A general description of the territory included in the District is hereinafter described as follows: All that property and territory as originally included within the District and as subsequently annexed to the District, as such properties were shown on original maps of the District and the territories    Page 59 Resolution No. FD 2022-027 - Page 2 of 11 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 5 0 subsequently annexed to the District, all as approved by this Board of Directors and designated by the name of the District, reference is made to the attached and incorporated Exhibit “A” (the “Annexation Map”). Copies of such maps are on file in the Office of the Secretary and have also been filed in the Office of the County Recorder. 4. Services and Facilities Authorized to be Finance by the District. The services that are authorized to be financed by the District from the proceeds of special taxes levied within the existing District are generally described in Exhibit “B” (the “Services and Facilities”) attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and all costs associated the District, administration of the District, the determination of the amount of special taxes to be levied, the costs of collection any special taxes, and costs otherwise incurred in order to carry out the authorized purposes of the District. If and to the extent feasible the Services and Facilities shall be provided in common within the existing District and the Territory. 5. Special Taxes. It is the further intention of this Board of Directors body that, except where funds are otherwise available, a special tax sufficient to pay for the Services and Facilities and related incidental expenses authorized by the Act, secured by recordation of a continuing lien against all non- exempt real property in the Territory, will be levied annually within the boundaries of such Territory. For further particulars as to the rate and method of apportionment of the proposed special tax, reference is made to Exhibit “C” (the “Special Tax Formula”), which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and which sets forth in sufficient detail the method of apportionment of such special tax to allow each landowner or resident within the proposed Territory to clearly estimate the maximum amount that such person will have to pay. The special tax proposed to be levied within the Territory shall be equal to the special tax levied to pay for the Services and Facilities in the existing District, except that a higher or lower special tax may be levied within the Territory to the extent that the actual cost of providing the Services and Facilities in the Territory is higher or lower than the cost of providing those Services and Facilities in the existing District. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the special tax may not be levied at a rate which is higher than the maximum special tax authorized to be levied pursuant to the special tax formula. The special taxes herein authorized shall be collected in the same manner as ad valorem property taxes and shall be subject to the same penalties, procedure, sale and lien priority in any case of delinquency, as applicable for ad valorem taxes; however, as applicable, this legislative body may, by resolution, establish and adopt an alternate or supplemental procedure as necessary. Any special taxes that may not be collected on the County tax roll shall be collected through a direct billing procedure by the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, acting for and on behalf of the District. Upon recordation of a Notice of Special Tax Lien pursuant to Section 3114.5 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, a continuing lien to secure each levy of the special tax shall attach to all non-exempt real property in the Territory and this lien shall continue in force and effect until the special tax obligation is prepaid and permanently satisfied and the lien canceled in accordance with law or until collection of the tax by the legislative body ceases. The maximum special tax rate authorized to be levied within the District shall not be increased as a result of the annexation of the Territory to the District. 6. Public Hearing. NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT ON THE 19TH DAY OF OCTOBER 2022, AT THE HOUR OF 7:00 O'CLOCK P.M., IN THE REGULAR MEETING PLACE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, BEING THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 91730, A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD WHERE THIS BOARD OF DIRECTORS WILL CONSIDER THE AUTHORIZATION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF THE TERRITORY    Page 60 Resolution No. FD 2022-027 - Page 3 of 11 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 5 0 TO THE DISTRICT, THE PROPOSED RATE AND METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF THE SPECIAL TAX TO BE LEVIED WITHIN THE TERRITORY AND ALL OTHER MATTERS AS SET FORTH IN THIS RESOLUTION OF INTENTION. THAT AT THE ABOVE-MENTIONED TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARING ANY PERSONS INTERESTED, INCLUDING TAXPAYERS AND PROPERTY OWNERS, MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD, AND THAT THE TESTIMONY OF ALL INTERESTED PERSONS FOR OR AGAINST THE ANNEXATION OF THE TERRITORY OR THE LEVYING OF SPECIAL TAXES WITHIN THE TERRITORY WILL BE HEARD AND CONSIDERED. ANY PROTESTS MAY BE MADE ORRALLY OR IN WRITING. HOWEVER, ANY PROTESTS PERTAINING TO THE REGULARITY OR SUFFICIENCY OF THE PROCEEDINGS SHALL BE IN WRITING AND SHALL CLEARLY SET FORTH THE IRREGULARITIES OR DEFECTS TO WHICH OBJECTION IS MADE. ALL WRITTEN PROTESTS SHALL BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO THE TIME FIXED FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING. WRITTEN PROTESTS MAY BE WITHDRAWN AT ANY TIME BEFORE THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING. 7. Majority Protest. If (a) 50% or more of the registered voters, or six (6) registered voters, whichever is more, residing within the District, (b) 50% or more of the registered voters, or six (6) registered voters, whichever is more, residing within the Territory, (c) owners of one-half or more of the area of land in the territory included in the District, or (d) owners of one-half or more of the area of land included in the Territory, file written protests against the proposed annexation of the Territory to the District and such protests are not withdrawn so as to reduce the protests to less than a majority, no further proceedings shall be undertaken for a period of one year from the date of the decision by the Board of Directors on the issues discussed at the public hearing. 8. Election. If, following the public hearing described in the Section above, the Board of Directors determines to proceed with the annexation of the Territory to the District, a proposition shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the Territory. The vote shall be by registered voters within the Territory; however, if there are less than 12 registered voters, the vote shall be by landowners, with each landowner having one vote per acre or portion thereof within the Territory. 9. Notice. Notice of the time and place of the public hearing shall be given by the City Clerk by causing the publication of a Notice of Public Hearing in a legally designated newspaper of general circulation, said publication pursuant to Section 6061 of the Government Code, with said publication to be completed at least seven (7) days prior to the date set for the public hearing. A copy of this Resolution shall be transmitted to the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as required by the Act.    Page 61 Resolution No. FD 2022-027 - Page 4 of 11 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 5 0 PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of __, 2022.    Page 62 Resolution No. FD 2022-027 - Page 5 of 11 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 5 0 EXHIBIT “A” COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1 ANNEXATION MAP    Page 63 Resolution No. FD 2022-027 - Page 6 of 11 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 5 0 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1 BOUNDARY MAP    Page 64 Resolution No. FD 2022-027 - Page 7 of 11 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 5 0 EXHIBIT “B” COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1 DESCRIPTION OF THE SERVICES AND FACILITIES The Services. It is the intention of the Board of Directors to finance certain types of fire services (the “Services”) that are in addition to those currently provided in or require for the Territory and are necessary to meet the increased demand for such fire services resulting from new development within the Territory and will not be replacing services already available to the Territory. A general description of the Services to be financed is as follows: The performance of functions, operations, maintenance, and repair activities in order to provide fire protection and suppression services to the Territory. The Facilities. It is the intension of this Board of Directors to finance the purchase, construction, expansion, improvement, or rehabilitation of certain types of fire facilities (the “Facilities”) that are in addition to those currently provided to serve the Territory and are necessary to meet the increased demand for such fire services resulting from new development within the Territory and will not be replacing facilities already available to serve the Territory. A general description of the types of the Facilities to be financed is as follows: Fire protection and suppression facilities and equipment, rescue equipment, with a useful life of five (5) years or more, including collection and accumulation of funds to pay for anticipated facilities cost shortfalls and reserves for repair and replacement to the extent that such facilities are necessary to meet the increased demand for such facilities resulting from new development within the Territory.    Page 65 Resolution No. FD 2022-027 - Page 8 of 11 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 5 0 EXHIBIT “C” FOOTHILL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1 RATE AND METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF SPECIAL TAXES The rate and method of apportionment, limitations on and adjustments to the Special Tax authorized to be levied within Community Facilities District No. 85-1 (the “CFD No. 85-1 Rate and Method”) as originally established for and as applied to the taxable properties within such community facilities district is as follows: SPECIAL TAX COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT To pay for fire suppression services and to finance fire suppression facilities, the maximum Special Tax in the Community Facilities District shall be: Structures Maximum Annual Special Tax Residential 1 DU $75.00 Multi-Family 2 DU: 1.75 ($75.00) 3 DU: 2.25 ($75.00) 4 DU: 2.65 ($75.00) 5-14 DU: 2.65 ($75.00) + [0.35 (TU-4) ($75.00)] 15-30 DU: 6.15 ($75.00) + [0.30 (TU-14) ($75.00)] 31-80 DU: 10.65 ($75.00) + [0.25 (TU-30) ($75.00)] 81 – up DU: 23.15 ($75.00) + [0.20 (TU-80) ($75.00)] Commercial ($75.00) per acre + $0.04 per SF Industrial ($75.00) per acre + $0.05 per SF Note: DU = Dwelling Units TU = Total Units SF = Square Foot    Page 66 Resolution No. FD 2022-027 - Page 9 of 11 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 5 0 ANNUAL ADJUSTMENT SPECIAL TAX The maximum Special Tax shall be annually adjusted for (a) changes in cost of living or (b) changes in cost of living and changes in population as defined in Section 7901 of the Government Code, as amended, whichever is lesser. REDUCTION IN SPECIAL TAX Commercial and industrial structures shall be granted a reduction in the Special Tax for the installation of complete sprinkler systems. In addition, multi-floor commercial and industrial structures shall be granted a reduction in Special Tax for each separate floor above or below the main ground floor of the structure. LIMITATIONS ON TAX LEVY The Special Tax shall only be levied on developed property; provided that the Special Tax shall not be levied until a “Certification of Occupancy” or “Utility Release” has been issued by the appropriate governmental agencies. Developed property is defined to be property: •Which is not owned by a public or governmental agency •Which is not vacant •Where a certificate of occupancy or utility release from the City of Rancho Cucamonga or the County of San Bernardino has been issued •Which has an existing building or structure onsite •Which does not have as its sole use power transmission towers, railroad tracks, and flood control facilities – these properties are exempt. Areas granted as easements to power transmission towers, railroad tracks, and flood control facilities shall be subtracted from the total acreage of the underlying lot and shall be exempt. The annual levy of the Special Tax shall be based upon an annual determination by the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District of the amount of other revenues available to meet budget requirements. As used in this formula, "available revenue" shall include ad valorem taxes, State of California augmentation, tax increment revenues received from the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and any other source of revenue except the Special Tax. The Board of Directors shall take all responsible steps to retain maximum Redevelopment Agency funding to which, by agreement, they may lawfully receive. To the extent available revenues are insufficient to meet budget requirements, the Board of Directors may levy the Special Tax.    Page 67 Resolution No. FD 2022-027 - Page 10 of 11 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 5 0 Application of the CFD No. 85-1 Rate and Method to Annexation No. 22-3 To pay for fire suppression services and to finance fire suppression facilities, the Maximum Special Tax in Community Facilities District No. 85-1, Annexation No. 22-3 for Fiscal Year 2022-23 shall be: Structures Maximum Annual Special Tax Residential 1 DU $199.19 Multi-Family 2 DU: 1.75 ($199.19) 3 DU: 2.25 ($199.19) 4 DU: 2.65 ($199.19) 5-14 DU: 2.65 ($199.19) + [0.35 (TU-4) ($199.19)] 15-30 DU: 6.15 ($199.19) + [0.30 (TU-14) ($199.19)] 31-80 DU: 10.65 ($199.19) + [0.25 (TU-30) ($199.19)] 81 – up DU: 23.15 ($199.19) + [0.20 (TU-80) ($199.19)] Commercial ($199.19) per acre + $0.103 per SF Industrial ($199.19) per acre + $0.128 per SF Note: DU = Dwelling Units TU = Total Units SF = Square Foot ANNUAL ADJUSTMENT The maximum Special Tax shall be annually adjusted commencing on July 1, 2022, and each July 1st thereafter for (a) changes in the cost of living or (b) changes in cost of living and changes in population as defined in Section 7901 of the Government Code, as amended, whichever is lesser. REDUCTION IN SPECIAL TAX Commercial and industrial structures shall be granted a .01 cent reduction in the Special Tax for the installation of complete sprinkler systems. In addition, multi-floor commercial and industrial structures shall also be granted a .01 cent reduction (not cumulative) in Special Tax for each separate floor above or below the main ground floor of the structure.    Page 68 Resolution No. FD 2022-027 - Page 11 of 11 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 5 0 LIMITATION ON SPECIAL TAX LEVY The Special Tax shall only be levied on developed property; provided that the Special Tax shall not be levied until a “Certification of Occupancy” or “Utility Release” has been issued by the appropriate governmental agencies. Developed property is defined to be property: •Which is not owned by a public or governmental agency •Which is not vacant •Where a certificate of occupancy or utility release from the City of Rancho Cucamonga or the County of San Bernardino has been issued •Which has an existing building or structure onsite •Which does not have as its sole use power transmission towers, railroad tracks, and flood control facilities – these properties are exempt. Areas granted as easements to power transmission towers, railroad tracks, and flood control facilities shall be subtracted from the total acreage of the underlying lot and shall be exempt. The annual levy of the Special Tax shall be based upon an annual determination by the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District of the amount of other revenues available to meet budget requirements. As used in this formula, "available revenue" shall include ad valorem taxes, State of California augmentation, tax increment revenues received from the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and any other source of revenue except the Special Tax. The Board of Directors shall take all responsible steps to retain maximum Redevelopment Agency funding to which, by agreement, they may lawfully receive. To the extent available revenues are insufficient to meet budget requirements, the Board of Directors may levy the Special Tax. For further particulars regarding the rate and method of apportionment of the Special Tax, reference is made to the Final Report Mello-Roos Community Facilities District No. 85-1 for Fire Suppression Facilities/Services – Foothill Fire Protection District, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Fire Chief of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District.    Page 69 2 8 5 1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ANNEXATION TO EXISTING COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1 ANNEXATION NO. 22-3 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board Of Directors (the "Legislative Body") of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District (the "Fire Protection District") is desirous to annex territory to an existing Community Facilities District pursuant to the provisions of the "Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, the existing Community Facilities District having been designated as Community Facilities District No. 85-1, and the territory proposed to be annexed to be designated as Community Facilities District No. 85-1, Annexation No. 22-3 (the "Annexation Area"). DESCRIPTION OF ANNEXATION AREA The Annexation Area shall consist of all of that area of land which is included within the boundaries as shown on a map designated as Annexation No. 22-3 for the above referenced Community Facilities District. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES AND FACILITIES The proposed services to be provided to serve the Annexation Area are generally described as follows: The performance of functions, operations and maintenance, and repair activities in order to provide fire protection and suppression services. Such services shall be shared between the existing Community Facilities District and the Annexation Area. A general description of the types of the Facilities to be financed by the Annexation is as follows: Fire protection and suppression facilities and equipment, rescue equipment, with a useful life of five (5) years or more, including collection and accumulation of funds to pay for anticipated facilities cost shortfalls and reserves for repair and replacement to the extent that such facilities are necessary to meet the increased demand for such facilities resulting from new development within the Territory. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC HEARING HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE 19TH DAY OF OCTOBER 2022, AT THE HOUR OF 7 O'CLOCK P.M., IN THE REGULAR MEETING PLACE OF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY, BEING THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, LOCATED AT 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 91730. AT SUCH TIME THE LEGISLATIVE BODY WILL HEAR ALL EVIDENCE AND TESTIMONY BY ALL INTERESTED PERSONS, PROPERTY OWNERS, ATTACHMENT 3   Page 70 2 8 5 1 VOTERS AND TAXPAYERS, RELATING GENERALLY TO THE FOLLOWING: A. Authorization to annex the Annexation Area to the existing Community Facilities District; B. Authorization to levy special taxes in the Annexation Area. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED, INCLUDING PROPERTY OWNERS AND REGISTERED VOTERS, MAY APPEAR AND PRESENT EVIDENCE AND TESTIMONY RELATING TO THE ANNEXATION OF ANNEXATION AREA TO THE EXISTING COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT. ANY PROTEST PERTAINING TO THE REGULARITY OF THE PROCEEDINGS TO ANNEX THE ANNEXATION AREA TO THE COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT MUST BE IN WRITING AND SHALL BE FILED WITH THE SECRETARY OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AT THE ADDRESS SET FORTH ABOVE ON OR BEFORE THE TIME SET FOR THE HEARING. IF A MAJORITY PROTEST IS TIMELY FILED AGAINST THE ANNEXATION OF THE ANNEXATION AREA, THE LEGISLATIVE BODY SHALL ABANDON THE PROCEEDINGS OR MODIFY THE PROCEEDINGS. IF SAID MAJORITY PROTEST IS LIMITED TO CERTAIN SERVICES OR SPECIAL TAX, THOSE SERVICES OR THAT TAX SHALL BE ELIMINATED BY THE LEGISLATIVE BODY. SPECIAL TAX The services and facilities shall be financed through the levy of special taxes on all property within the existing Community Facilities District, as well as the Annexation Area. A copy of the rate and method of apportionment of the special tax is on file in the Office of the Fire Chief and is available for inspection during normal office hours. ELECTION Following the conclusion of the public hearing, the Board will conduct a special election on October 19, 2022, where the annexation proposition shall be submitted to the qualified electors, being the property owners, with each owner having one (1) vote per acre or portion thereof of land owned within the proposed annexed territory. INQUIRIES For any questions relating to the proceedings or any particulars, please contact the following designated person: MIKE MCCLIMAN, FIRE CHIEF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 91730 For further particulars, reference is made to the Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory to an Existing Community Facilities District and the original Report of the Tax Consultant, as said documents have been approved and are on file with the transcript of these proceedings and open for public inspection. Publish: Date ___________________________________    Page 71 2 8 5 1 Janice C. Reynolds, Secretary Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, Acting on behalf of Community Facilities District No. 85-1    Page 72 DATE:September 6, 2022 TO:President and Members of the Board of Directors FROM:John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY:Mike McCliman, Fire Chief Darci Vogel, Fire Business Manager SUBJECT:Consideration of Resolution No. FD2022-028, Waiving the Collection of Certain Inspection, Permit, and Special Services Fees for Fiscal Year 2022-23. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022-028) (FIRE) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Fire Board adopt a resolution waiving the collection of certain currently approved inspection, permit, and special services fees for Fiscal Year 2022-23. BACKGROUND: Resolution FD 13-032 requires the Fire District to complete an annual analysis of the approved fees and charges to determine if there is a current need to collect the fees and charges, in whole or in part, to meet the fiscal needs of the Fire District. This analysis is completed as part of the annual budget process. Upon completion of this analysis and presentation of findings to the Board as part of the budget request, the Board is required to direct staff, by means of a resolution, regarding the collection of fees for the current fiscal year. ANALYSIS: Pursuant to Resolution FD 13-032, staff conducted a review of currently approved fees and charges in conjunction with the preparation with the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 budget. Staff determined that the existing financial condition of the Fire District is such that there does not exist a fiscal need to collect certain inspection, permit, and special services fees and charges. As such, the Fire District’s budget for FY 2022-23 was prepared without including certain inspection, permit, and special services fees and charges as projected revenue. The budget has since been approved without this projected revenue. Since the budget does not anticipate the collection of certain fees and charges, a resolution of the Board is required that will approve waiving the collection of these fees and charges and direct staff to not assess the fees and charges for FY 2022-23. Consistent with the previous fiscal years, the fees that will not be collected this fiscal year are the fees currently approved for: •Recurring inspections of facilities such as apartment buildings, hospitals, and medical care businesses. These are buildings and businesses that are regularly inspected, either by State mandate or by way of being identified as high hazard facilities, which do not require a Fire Code Operating Permit. Inspections will continue but fees will not be assessed. •Fire Code Operating Permits for certain hazardous and high risk business operations that the Fire Code requires to be permitted by the local fire department. The permitting process    Page 73 Page 2 1 3 9 3 anticipates that the business and its associated operations will be inspected on a regular basis to ensure compliance with all of the safety requirements for the particular operation or occupancy as conditioned by the permit. Inspections will continue and required permits will be issued. However, the associated permit fees will not be assessed. •Certain special services when the service can be provided during normal working hours. These services include safety inspections of roofing operation, the use of tents, residential care facilities, home day care facilities, and similar operations and facility uses throughout the Fire District’s service area that require or benefit from safety oversight. The inspections will continue but the approved fees will not be assessed. The entire schedule of fees that will not be collected this fiscal year is included in Exhibit A and Exhibit B of the resolution. Fees that will continue to be collected include: •Special services fees for events that take place outside of normal working hours such as fireworks shows, events sponsored by community organizations or businesses, and generally any one-time event for which safety oversight is needed and which, due to the day and time of the required inspection, will require the Fire District to pay overtime wages for the inspection service. •Special services fees such as fees for Community Facilities District (CFD) annexations and fees for false or unwanted alarms. The annexation fees cover the cost of processing annexations into the CFD and the false alarm fees are both a cost recovery means and a deterrent mechanism. •Fees for Fire District supplied signs and equipment such as the cost recovery fees for Fire District supplied padlocks that secure and provide firefighter access to gates throughout the Fire District and the Fire District created signs that let firefighters know where access is obstructed, where ladder points for roof access are located, and where roof top photovoltaic systems have been installed. •Rental fees for usage of the rooms, props, and equipment at the All-Risk Training Center. FISCAL IMPACT: The last full fiscal year for which approved fees and charges were assessed, which was FY 2012- 13, the fees and charges generated approximately $750,000.00 in revenue for the Fire District. Waiving the collection of the fees and charges shown in the exhibits to the proposed resolution will allow these funds to remain with Rancho Cucamonga businesses, which is anticipated to help fund jobs, investment, and additional research and development. COUNCIL MISSION / VISION / GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Waiving the collection of certain inspection, permit, and special services fees is anticipated to increase the sustainability and financial viability of businesses and foster equality among businesses regardless of their size. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 - Resolution No. FD2022-028, FY 22-22 Fee Waiver Attachment 2 - Resolution No. FD2022-028, Exhibit A Attachment 3 - Resolution No. FD2022-028, Exhibit B    Page 74 Resolution No. FD2022-028 - Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT 1 2 8 2 8 RESOLUTION NO. FD2022-028 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, WAIVING THE COLLECTION OF CERTAIN INSPECTION, PERMIT, AND SPECIAL SERVICES FEES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 WHEREAS, Resolution No. FD 13-032 requires the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District (Fire District) to complete an annual analysis of the approved fees to determine if there is a current need to collect the fees, in whole or in part, to meet the fiscal needs of the Fire District; and WHEREAS, Fire District staff completed this analysis in conjunction with preparing the fiscal year 2022-23 budgets; and WHEREAS, Fire District staff determined that there does not exist a fiscal need to collect certain fees previously approved by the Board; and WHEREAS, the Fire District budgets for fiscal year 2022-23 have been approved; and WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred; NOW, THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, HEREBY RESOLVES, 1) To waive the collection of the Inspection and Permit fees identified in Exhibit A and to waive the collection of the Special Services fees identified in Exhibit B when those Special Services can be provided during normal work hours. 2) That all other approved fees will be assessed and collected. 3) That nothing in this Resolution shall be deemed to affect any other fees of the Fire District currently in effect. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this day of 2022.    Page 75 Apartment Building / Complex Annual Inspection Buildings with 3 or 4 units 165$ Buildings with 5 to 7 units 220$ Buildings with 8 units 330$ Each additional dwelling unit (per unit)11$ Condominium Complex Annual Inspection 330$ High Rise Building annual inspection (per hour)110$ Hotel / Motel Annual Inspection First 10 rooms 330$ Each additional dwelling unit (per unit)11$ Licensed Care Facility Pre-inspection - 25 or fewer residents 50$ Pre-inspection - more than 25 residents 100$ Annual Inspection Home Car Facility (more than six)220$ Commercial facility - first 10 rooms 330$ Commercial facility - each additional room 11$ Large Family Day Care annual inspection 110$ Adult / Child Care Facility (Group I-4 occupancies)330$ Private School / Large Child Care Facility (Group E occupancy) Small School - Less than 50 children 220$ Large School - 50 or more children 330$ Medical Facility Hospital / Nursing Home (Group I-2.1)660$ Clinic 220$ Ambulatory Care Facility (group I-2.1)330$ Alternate Method Annual Inspection (per hour)110$ Access Control Commercial 165$ Residential (requires monthly testing)550$ Aerosol Products 550$ Ambulatory Health Care Facility 220$ Amusement Building 275$ Aviation Facility Servicing or Repair 550$ Fuel Servicing Vehicles 220$ Battery Charging Operation 220$ Carbon Dioxide Systems Used in Beverage Dispensing 110$ Cellulose Nitrate Film 330$ Inspection Fees Exhibit A Resolution No. FD2022-028 Permit Fees Resolution No. FD2022-028, Exhibit A, Page 1 of 5 Attachment 2   Page 76 Combustible Dust Producing Operations 5,000 square feet or less 275$ 5,001 to 15,000 square feet 550$ More than 15,000 square feet 715$ Combustible Fibers 275$ Commercial Cooking Operation 220$ Compressed Gases Corrosive greater than 200 cubic feet 330$ Flammable greater than 200 cubic feet 330$ Highly toxic - any amount 330$ Inert / Simple Asphyxiant greater than 6,000 cu ft 330$ Irritant greater than 200 cubic feet 330$ Medical Use Gases - Less than Table 105.6.8 Portable cylinders 165$ Piped system 220$ Other Health Hazard greater than 650 cubic feet 330$ Oxidizing / oxygen greater than 504 cubic feet 330$ Pyrophoric - any amount 330$ Radioactive - any amount 330$ Sensitizer greater than 200 cubic feet 330$ Toxic - any amount 330$ Unstable reactive - any amount 330$ Covered Mall Building 658$ Cryogenic Fluids 330$ Cutting and Welding 275$ Delayed Egress 165$ Dipping Operations 330$ Dry Cleaning Plant Small - 1 or 2 machines 220$ Medium - 3 or 4 machines 330$ Large - 5 or more machines 715$ Explosives Process, manufacture, store, or sell 345$ Use 240$ Fire Alarm Services $10/acct Fire Hydrants and Valves 165$ Permit Fees, continued Resolution No. FD2022-028, Exhibit A, Page 2 of 5 Attachment 2   Page 77 Flammable and Combustible Liquids 165$ 165$ 250 gallons or less over max allowable quantity 550$ 251-500 gallons over max allowable quantity 578$ 501-1,000 gallons over max allowable quantity 605$ 1,001-5,000 gallons over max allowable quantity 633$ 5,001-10,000 gallons over max allowable quantity 660$ More than 10,000 gallons over max allowable quantity 688$ Remove Class I or Class II from a UST 936$ Operate tank vehicles, etc 330$ Place a tank out of service 936$ Change contents 550$ Manufacture, Process, Blend, Refine 1,128$ Dispensing at Commercial, Industrial, Gov't site 330$ Dispense - Tank vehicle to fuel tank 330$ Use or Operate a pipeline within a facility 743$ Floor Finishing in excess of 350 sq ft with Class I or II liquids Commercial / Industrial 240$ Residential 136$ Fruit and Crop Ripening 550$ Hazardous Materials in excess of amounts listed in Table 105.6.2 Gallons - 250 or fewer 550$ Gallons - 251-500 578$ Gallons - 501-1,000 605$ Gallons - 1,001-5,000 633$ Gallons - 5,001-10,000 660$ Gallons - More than 10,000 688$ Pounds - 1,000 or fewer 550$ Pounds - 1,001-5,000 578$ Pounds - 5,001-10,000 605$ Pounds - 10,001-25,000 633$ Pounds - 25,001-50,000 660$ Pounds - More than 50,000 688$ Cubic feet - 500 or fewer 550$ Cubic feet - 501-2,000 578$ Cubic feet - 2,001-5,000 605$ Cubic feet - 5,001-10,000 633$ Cubic feet - 10,001-25,000 660$ Cubic feet - More than 25,000 688$ HPM Facilities 440$ Class I liquids in excess of 5 gal. in a building; 10 gal. outside of a building Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gal. in a building; 60 gal. outside of a building Permit Fees, continued Resolution No. FD2022-028, Exhibit A, Page 3 of 5 Attachment 2   Page 78 High Piled Combustible Storage in excess of 500 square feet 500-75,000 square feet 550$ 75,001-500,000 square feet 605$ More than 500,000 square feet 660$ Hot Work Hot Work Fixed Site 275$ Hot Work Operations 220$ Hot Work Program 165$ Industrial Facility / Shop 2,500 square feet or less 240$ 2,501-5,000 square feet 330$ 5,001-15,000 square feet 550$ 15,001-50,000 square feet 743$ More than 50,000 square feet - Actual permit fees Industrial Ovens 330$ Large Family Day Care 110$ Liquid- or Gas-Fueled vehicles or equipment in Assembly area or occupancy 165$ LP-gas Store, Use, Handle, Dispense, Sell 220$ Industrial Trucks and Equipment Only (4 cylinder maximum)165$ Cylinder Exchange only 110$ Live Audience 240$ Lumber Yard and/or Wood Working Plant 440$ Magnesium 330$ Miscellaneous Combustible Storage 220$ Mobile Motor Fuel Dispensing 165$ Motor Fuel Dispensing Facility - Commercial 330$ Motor Fuel Dispensing Facility - Residential 110$ Open Flames Open Flames and torches for paint removal 110$ Open Flames and torches in a hazardous fire area 110$ Open Flames and candles in Assembly and Education occupancies 110$ Organic Coatings 330$ Pallet Storage 275$ Place of Assembly A-1 Theaters, Concert Halls, Auditoriums 440$ A-2 Banquet Halls, Night Clubs, Restaurants, Taverns, Bars 330$ A-3 Places of Worship, Recreation, Amusement 330$ A-4 Indoor sports arenas and similar - fixed seats 440$ A-5 Outdoor assembly area and/or use 660$ Powder Coating 330$ Private Fire Hydrant 165$ Includes all required permits; if actual fees are lower, actual fees will apply Permit Fees, continued Operational Permits Resolution No. FD2022-028, Exhibit A, Page 4 of 5 Attachment 2   Page 79 Production Facility 385$ Pyrotechnical Special Effects Material (see Fireworks) Pyroxylin Plastics 440$ Recycling and Scrap Metal Facility 550$ Refrigeration Equipment 275$ Reinforced Plastics / Resin Application 330$ Repair Garage 2,500 square feet or less 240$ 2,501-5,000 square feet 330$ 5,001-15,000 square feet 550$ 15,001-50,000 square feet 743$ More than 50,000 square feet - Actual permit fees Rooftop Heliport 220$ Spraying Operations 330$ Stationary Storage Battery System 330$ Storage of Scrap Tires and Byproducts 220$ Tire Rebuilding Plant 1,128$ Waste Handling Facility 550$ Wood Products 440$ Wrecking Yard / Junk Yard 550$ Includes all required permits; if actual fees are lower, actual fees will apply Permit Fees, continued Resolution No. FD2022-028, Exhibit A, Page 5 of 5 Attachment 2 Page 80 Special Amusement Building (Haunted House) Inspection 275$ Asphalt Kettle Hot Work Non-pumping and less than 150 gallons 110$ Pumping or more than 150 gallons 220$ Carnivals, Fairs, and Outdoor Public Assemblages 220$ Commercial cooking operation at outdoor event 136$ Exhibits and Tradeshows 220$ Explosives / Blasting Agents - single day permit 220$ Hazardous Materials Tank - Remove or Abandon 715$ Liquid or gas fueled vehicles in Assembly area 165$ Live Audience 220$ Open Burning or Bonfire 110$ Open Flames - torches for paint removal 110$ Open Flames - welding, brazing, soldering, etc in wildland fire area 110$ Open Flames and fires in Group A or E occupancies 110$ Parade - inspection of floats 110$ Recreational Fire 110$ Seasonal Sales Lot 136$ Tent or Temporary membrane Structure 220$ Torch Applied Roof Hot Work Patch / Repair (500 sq ft or less)110$ Roof Replacement (more than 500 sq ft)165$ Exhibit B Resolution No. FD2022-028 Special Services Fees Resolution No. FD2022-028, Exhibit B, Page 1 of 1 Attachment 3 Page 81 DATE:September 6, 2022 TO:President and Members of the Board of Directors FROM:John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY:Mike McCliman, Fire Chief Noah Daniels, Finance Director Darci Vogel, Fire Business Manager Kelly Guerra, Special Districts Analyst SUBJECT:Consideration to Approve and Adopt an Annexation Map Showing Assessor Parcel Number 0201-043-56 Located at 4552 Haven Avenue, Which is Proposed to be Annexed Into CFD No. 88-1; and Approval to Adopt a Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory Referred to as Annexation No. 88-22-1 into Community Facilities District No. 88-1, Specifying Services Proposed to be Financed, to Set and Specify the Special Taxes Proposed to be Levied Within the Annexation Territory and Set a Time and Place for a Public Hearing Related to the Annexation. (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022-029) (RESOLUTION NO. FD2022-030) (FIRE) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Fire Board of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District: 1. Adopt a Resolution adopting Annexation Map No. 88-22-1 showing property (located at 4552 Haven Avenue) proposed to be annexed in Community Facilities District No. 88-1; and 2. Adopt a Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory referred to as Annexation No. 88-22-1 into Community Facilities District No. 88-1 to specify the services to be financed, to set and specify the rate and method of apportionment of the special taxes proposed to be levied within the territory proposed to be annexed and to set a time and place for a public hearing regarding the annexation. BACKGROUND: Christopher Overton, owner of certain property (APN 0201-043-56) located within the Fire Protection District (the "Territory"), is conditioned by the City and Fire Protection District to annex such property into the existing Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 88-1 to satisfy fire protection service mitigation impacts. ANALYSIS: In order to initiate formal annexation proceedings, the Fire Board is being asked to adopt a resolution approving an annexation map of the territory proposed to be annexed and a Resolution of Intention to Annex. Page 82 Page 2 1 4 5 0 Resolution No. FD2022-029 will adopt an annexation map (Annexation No. 88-22-1) showing property proposed to be annexed into CFD No. 88-1 (Attachment 1). The annexation map (Attachment 2, Exhibit A) illustrates the territory proposed to be annexed. The territory is inclusive of the entire development project proposed by the owner. Resolution No. FD2022-030 declares the Fire Boards intention to authorize the annexation of territory (Annexation No. 88-22-1) to CFD No. 88-1 (Attachment 2). The Resolution of Intention generally sets forth: (a) the District's intention to annex the Territory to the District; (b) a description of the services and facilities which will, in part, be financed (Exhibit B) through the levy of the special tax on the Territory if annexed; (c) the rate and method of apportionment of the proposed special tax (Exhibit C); (d) the date, time and location of the public hearing set for October 19, 2022; and (e) election requirements. Special Counsel for the District has worked with staff to establish the annexation process, timelines and draft resolutions. The resolutions are considered to be routine and non- controversial, as the property owners are in support of the annexation procedure. On October 19, 2022, there will be a public hearing for public input/concerns on this matter. FISCAL IMPACT: The special tax revenues that are collected from CFD No. 88-1 are used to pay for public facilities and services in the District area. Costs related to the administering of the District are the responsibility of the property owners within the District. Annexation of the property located at 4552 Haven Avenue will ensure the property owner covers the cost of increased demand for fire services resulting from new development within the Territory. COUNCIL MISSION / VISION / GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: This item brings together portions of the Council’s vision and core value by providing a sustainable City and promoting a safe and healthy community for all. Annexation of the property into CFD 88-1 ensures the delivery of vital fire and life safety services to all residents while satisfying fire protection service mitigation impacts. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 - Resolution No. FD 2022-029, Adopting Annexation No. 88-22-1 Map Attachment 2 - Resolution No. FD 2022-030, Intention to Authorize Annexation No. 88-22-1 Attachment 3 – Public Hearing Notice    Page 83 Resolution No. FD2022-029 - Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION NO. FD2022-029 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACTING AS THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-1, ADOPTING AN ANNEXATION MAP (ANNEXATION NO. 88-22-1) SHOWING PROPERTY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-1 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District (the “Board of Directors”), desires to initiate proceedings to annex territory to an existing Community Facilities District pursuant to the terms and provisions of the “Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982”, being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the Government Code of the State of California , and specifically Article 3.5 thereof. The existing Community Facilities District has been designated as Community Facilities District No. 88-1 (the “District”); and, WHEREAS, there has been submitted a map entitled “Annexation Map No. 88-22-1 to Community Facilities District No. 88-1, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, County of San Bernardino, State Of California” (the “Annexation Map”) showing the territory proposed to be annexed to the District (the “Territory”). NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: The above recitals are all true and correct. Section 2: The Annexation Map showing the Territory proposed to be annexed to the District and to be subject to the levy of a special tax is hereby approved and adopted. Section 3: A certificate shall be endorsed on the original and on at least one (1) copy of the Annexation Map, evidencing the date and adoption of this Resolution, and within fifteen (15) days after the adoption of the Resolution fixing the time and place of the hearing on the intention to annex or extent of the annexation to the District, a copy of such map shall be filed with the correct and proper endorsements thereon with the County Recorder, all in the manner and form provided for in Section 3111 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of , 2022.    Page 84 Resolution No. FD 2022-030 Page 1 of 12 ATTACHMENT 2 RESOLUTION NO. FD2022-030 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACTING AS THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-1, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO AUTHORIZE THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY (ANNEXATION NO. 88-22-1) TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-1 WHEREAS, the Board Of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, California, (“Board of Directors”), formed a Community Facilities District pursuant to the terms and provisions of the “Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982”, being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the Government Code of the State of California (the “Act”). The Community Facilities District has been designated as Community Facilities District No. 88-1 (the “District”); and, WHEREAS, the Board of Directors desires to initiate proceedings to consider the annexation of certain real property to the District (the “Territory”); and WHEREAS, a map entitled “Annexation Map No. 88-22-1 to Community Facilities District No. 88- 1 Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, County of San Bernardino, State of California” (the “Annexation Map”) showing the Territory proposed to be annexed to the District has been submitted, the map has been previously approved and a copy of the map shall be kept on file with the transcript of these proceedings; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors now desires to proceed to adopt the Resolution of Intention to annex the Territory to the District, to describe the territory included within the District and the Territory proposed to be annexed thereto, to specify the facilities and services to be financed from the proceeds of the levy of special taxes within the Territory, to set and specify the special taxes that would be levied within the Territory to finance such facilities and services, and to set a time and place for a public hearing relating to the annexation of the Territory to the District. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District does hereby resolve as follows: 1. Recitals. The above recitals are all true and correct. 2. Legal Authority. These proceedings for annexation are initiated by this Board of Directors pursuant to the authorization of the Act. 3. Intention to Annex; Description of the Territory and the District. The Board of Directors hereby determines that the public convenience and necessity requires that the Territory be added to the District and this Board of Directors declares its intention to annex the Territory to the District. A description of the Territory is as follows: All that property within the Territory proposed to be annexed to the District, as such property is shown on the Annexation Map as previously approved by the Board of Directors, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the Secretary and shall remain open for public inspection. A general description of the Territory included in the District is hereinafter described as follows: All that property and territory as originally included within the District and as subsequently annexed to the District, as such properties were shown on original maps of the District and the territories    Page 85 Resolution No. FD 2022-030 Page 2 of 12 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 4 6 subsequently annexed to the District, all as approved by this Board of Directors and designated by the name of the District, reference is made to the attached and incorporated Exhibit “A” (the “Annexation Map”). Copies of such maps are on file in the Office of the Secretary and have also been filed in the Office of the County Recorder. 4. Services and Facilities Authorized to be Financed by the District. The services that are authorized to be financed by the District from the proceeds of special taxes levied within the existing District are generally described in Exhibit “B” (the “Services and Facilities”) attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and all costs associated the District, administration of the District, the determination of the amount of special taxes to be levied, the costs of collection any special taxes, and costs otherwise incurred in order to carry out the authorized purposes of the District. If and to the extent feasible the Services and Facilities shall be provided in common within the existing District and the Territory. 5. Special Taxes. It is the further intention of this Board of Directors body that, except where funds are otherwise available, a special tax sufficient to pay for the Services and Facilities and related incidental expenses authorized by the Act, secured by recordation of a continuing lien against all non- exempt real property in the Territory, will be levied annually within the boundaries of such Territory. For further particulars as to the rate and method of apportionment of the proposed special tax, reference is made to Exhibit “C” (the “Special Tax Formula”), which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and which sets forth in sufficient detail the method of apportionment of such special tax to allow each landowner or resident within the proposed Territory to clearly estimate the maximum amount that such person will have to pay. The special tax proposed to be levied within the Territory shall be equal to the special tax levied to pay for the Services and Facilities in the existing District, except that a higher or lower special tax may be levied within the Territory to the extent that the actual cost of providing the Services and Facilities in the Territory is higher or lower than the cost of providing those Services and Facilities in the existing District. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the special tax may not be levied at a rate which is higher than the maximum special tax authorized to be levied pursuant to the special tax formula. The special taxes herein authorized shall be collected in the same manner as ad valorem property taxes and shall be subject to the same penalties, procedure, sale and lien priority in any case of delinquency, as applicable for ad valorem taxes; however, as applicable, this legislative body may, by resolution, establish and adopt an alternate or supplemental procedure as necessary. Any special taxes that may not be collected on the County tax roll shall be collected through a direct billing procedure by the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, acting for and on behalf of the District. Upon recordation of a Notice of Special Tax Lien pursuant to Section 3114.5 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, a continuing lien to secure each levy of the special tax shall attach to all non-exempt real property in the Territory and this lien shall continue in force and effect until the special tax obligation is prepaid and permanently satisfied and the lien canceled in accordance with law or until collection of the tax by the legislative body ceases. The maximum special tax rate authorized to be levied within the District shall not be increased as a result of the annexation of the Territory to the District. 6. Public Hearing. NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT ON THE 19TH DAY OF OCTOBER 2022, AT THE HOUR OF 7:00 O'CLOCK P.M., IN THE REGULAR MEETING PLACE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, BEING THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 91730, A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD WHERE THIS BOARD OF DIRECTORS WILL CONSIDER THE AUTHORIZATION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF THE TERRITORY TO THE DISTRICT, THE PROPOSED RATE AND METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF THE SPECIAL    Page 86 Resolution No. FD 2022-030 Page 3 of 12 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 4 6 TAX TO BE LEVIED WITHIN THE TERRITORY AND ALL OTHER MATTERS AS SET FORTH IN THIS RESOLUTION OF INTENTION. THAT AT THE ABOVE-MENTIONED TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARING ANY PERSONS INTERESTED, INCLUDING TAXPAYERS AND PROPERTY OWNERS, MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD, AND THAT THE TESTIMONY OF ALL INTERESTED PERSONS FOR OR AGAINST THE ANNEXATION OF THE TERRITORY OR THE LEVYING OF SPECIAL TAXES WITHIN THE TERRITORY WILL BE HEARD AND CONSIDERED. ANY PROTESTS MAY BE MADE ORALLY OR IN WRITING. HOWEVER, ANY PROTESTS PERTAINING TO THE REGULARITY OR SUFFICIENCY OF THE PROCEEDINGS SHALL BE IN WRITING AND SHALL CLEARLY SET FORTH THE IRREGULARITIES OR DEFECTS TO WHICH OBJECTION IS MADE. ALL WRITTEN PROTESTS SHALL BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO THE TIME FIXED FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING. WRITTEN PROTESTS MAY BE WITHDRAWN AT ANY TIME BEFORE THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING. 7. Majority Protest. If a written majority protest against the proposed annexation of the Territory to the District is filed, and such protests are not withdrawn so as to reduce the protests to less than a majority, no further proceedings shall be undertaken for a period of one year from the date of the decision by the Board of Directors on the issues discussed at the public hearing. 8. Election. If following the public hearing described in the Section above, the Board of Directors determines to proceed with the annexation of the Territory to the District, a proposition shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the Territory. The vote shall be by registered voters within the Territory; however, if there are less than 12 registered voters, the vote shall be by landowners, with each landowner having one vote per acre or portion thereof within the Territory. 9. Notice. Notice of the time and place of the public hearing shall be given by the City Clerk by causing the publication of a Notice of Public Hearing in a legally designated newspaper of general circulation, said publication pursuant to Section 6061 of the Government Code, with said publication to be completed at least seven (7) days prior to the date set for the public hearing. A copy of this Resolution shall be transmitted to the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as required by the Act. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of , 2022.    Page 87 Resolution No. FD 2022-030 Page 4 of 12 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 4 6 EXHIBIT “A” COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-1 ANNEXATION MAP    Page 88 Resolution No. FD 2022-030 Page 5 of 12 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 4 6 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-1 BOUNDARY MAP    Page 89 Resolution No. FD 2022-030 Page 6 of 12 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 4 6 EXHIBIT “B” COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-1 DESCRIPTION OF THE SERVICES AND FACILITIES The Services. It is the intention of the Board of Directors to finance certain types of fire services (the “Services”) that are in addition to those currently provided in or required for the Territory and are necessary to meet the increased demand for such fire services resulting from new development within the Territory and will not be replacing services already available to the Territory. A general description of the Services to be financed is as follows: The performance of functions, operations, maintenance, and repair activities in order to provide fire protection and suppression services to the Territory. The Facilities. It is the intention of this Board of Directors to finance the purchase, construction, expansion, improvement, or rehabilitation of certain types of fire facilities (the “Facilities”) that are in addition to those currently provided to serve the Territory and are necessary to meet the increased demand for such fire services resulting from new development within the Territory and will not be replacing facilities already available to serve the Territory. A general description of the types of the Facilities to be financed is as follows: Fire protection and suppression facilities and equipment, rescue equipment, with a useful life of five (5) years or more, including collection and accumulation of funds to pay for anticipated facilities cost shortfalls and reserves for repair and replacement to the extent that such facilities are necessary to meet the increased demand for such facilities resulting from new development within the Territory.    Page 90 Resolution No. FD 2022-030 Page 7 of 12 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 4 6 EXHIBIT “C” FOOTHILL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-1 RATE AND METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF SPECIAL TAX The rate and method of apportionment of the special tax authorized to be levied within Community Facilities District No. 88-1 (the “CFD No. 88-1 Rate and Method”) as originally established for and as applied to the taxable properties within such community facilities district is as follows: “The Resolution of Intention refers to this Exhibit for an explanation of the rate and method of apportionment of the Special Tax so as to allow each landowner or resident within the proposed Community Facilities District to estimate the maximum annual amount that would be required for payment for such landowner’s or resident’s property. PROPERTY CATEGORIES There are three categories of property subject to special taxation, which are identified as follows: 1. DEVELOPED PROPERTY All property identified as a single Tax Assessor’s parcel for which property a building permit has been issued as of May 31 of any year. 2. APPROVED PROPERTY All property which of as May 31 of any year is subject to an approved Development Agreement with either the City of Rancho Cucamonga or the County of San Bernardino, an approved Annexation Agreement with the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or a recorded Final Subdivision Map or Final Parcel Map, but for which no building permit has been issued. 3. VACANT PROPERTY All other property, excluding property which, as of the date of the election to authorize the levy of the Special Tax, is: (i) owned by public entity; (ii) owned by a regulated public utility and being utilized for transmission or distribution purposes; or (iii) zoned as open space.    Page 91 Resolution No. FD 2022-030 Page 8 of 12 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 4 6 TAXING CLASSIFICATIONS AND MAXIMUM SPECIAL TAX RATES The taxing classifications for the above Property Categories and the maximum authorized Special Tax rates for fiscal year 1988-1989 are as follows: TAXING CLASSIFICATION MAXIMUM TAX RATE 1. DEVELOPED PROPERTY A. Residential Class I (More than 3,590 square feet of dwelling unit living area) * $292 per year B. Residential Class II (3,077 – 3,589 square feet of dwelling unit living area) * $225 per year C. Residential Class III (2,564 – 3,076 square feet of dwelling unit living area) * $180 per year D. Residential Class IV (2,308 – 2,563 square feet of dwelling unit living area) * $157 per year E. Residential Class V (2,051 – 2,307 square feet of dwelling unit living area) * $135 per year F. Residential Class VI (1,795 – 2,050 square feet of dwelling unit living area) * $124 per year G. Residential Class VII (less – 1,795 square feet of dwelling unit living area) * $112 per year H. Commercial or Industrial Property $449 per acre per year or $0.04 per SF or building area, whichever is greater ** 2. APPROVED PROPERTY $200 per lot or parcel 3. VACANT PROPERTY $10 per acre ***    Page 92 Resolution No. FD 2022-030 Page 9 of 12 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 4 6 * The square footage of dwelling unit living area shall mean the square footage of internal living space, exclusive of garages and other structures not used as living space, as shown on the building permit(s) issued for the dwelling unit. ** The square footage of a commercial or industrial building area shall mean the gross square footage for the building as reflected in the building plans upon which any building permits for the building were issued. *** The acreage of a Vacant Property shall be the gross acreage exclusive of any acreage dedicated or offered for dedication to a public agency. ESCALATION OF MAXIMUM SPECIAL TAX RATES The maximum annual Special Tax rates applicable to all Developed Property shall be subject to escalation each July 1 commencing July 1, 1989, by the change factor calculated annually by the State of California Department of Finance for the purpose of increasing appropriations limits of State and local governments. In the event that the Department of Finance or its successor ceases to calculate the annual change factor, such Special Tax rates shall be subject to annual escalation not to exceed the increase in the Consumer Price Index as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the Los Angeles Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area for the preceding twelve (12) month reporting period. The maximum Special Tax rates applicable to all Approved Property and Vacant Property shall not be subject to escalation. METHOD OF APPROTIONMENT OF SPECIAL TAX The Special Tax shall be levied annually on all taxable property within one of the above identified Property Categories so long as Special Tax revenues are necessary to pay authorized expenses of the Community Facilities District, which may include, without limitation, payment of debt service on any bonded indebtedness of the Community Facilities District; replenishment of any required reserve fund for any such future public improvements, services or debt service; direct payment for public improvements; or payment of the operational and maintenance expenses of providing fire suppression and protection services to properties within the Community Facilities District. The annual levy of the Special Taxes shall be apportioned as follows: STEP 1: Fifty percent (50%) of the estimated ad valorem property tax revenue to be collected from properties within the Community Facilities District in the subject fiscal year which are allocable to the Foothill Fire Protection District shall be allocated to pay the estimated expenses of the Community Facilities District for the subject fiscal year. The remainder of the estimated expenses shall be referred to as the Net CFD Expenses. STEP 2: That equal percentage of the maximum authorized Special Tax rate applicable to all Developed Property Taxing Classifications necessary to generate Special Tax revenues equal to the Net CFD Expenses shall be levied on all Developed Property. STEP 3: If additional Special Tax revenues are still necessary to generate the Net CFD Expenses, that percentage of the maximum authorized Special Tax rate applicable to all Approved Property necessary to generate the additional Special Tax revenues to equal Net CFD Expenses shall be levied on Approved Property.    Page 93 Resolution No. FD 2022-030 Page 10 of 12 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 4 6 STEP 4: If additional Special Tax revenues are still necessary to generate the Net CFD Expenses, that percentage of all the maximum authorized Special Tax rate applicable to all Vacant Property necessary to generate the additional Special Tax revenues to equal Net CFD Expenses shall be levied on all Vacant Property. STEP 5: If additional Special Tax revenues are still necessary to generate the Net CFD Expenses, the Community Facilities District shall: A. Compare (i) the Special Tax rate which would be levied on each Developed Property pursuant to STEP 2 above with (ii) the product resulting from multiplying the square footage of the Developed Property times the Base Maximum Special Tax. The Base Maximum Special Tax means an amount equal to $0.0025 per square foot subject to escalation at the same rate and at the same time applicable to the maximum Special Tax rates for Developer Property. B. If the product described in (ii) above exceeds the Special Tax rate described in (i) above for any Developed Property, the Community Facilities District shall increase the Special Tax rate levied on each such Developed Property in equal percentages up to the rate not to exceed the product described in (ii) above necessary to generate the additional Special Tax revenues to equal Net CFD Expenses. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the minimum Special Tax which shall be levied on all taxable properties within the Community Facilities District each Fiscal Year shall be: DEVELOPED PROPERTY: $1.00 per dwelling unit for residential uses $1.00 per acre for commercial/industrial uses APPROVED PROPERTY: $1.00 per lot or parcel VACANT PROPERTY: $1.00 per acre The ad valorem property tax contribution identified in Step 1 shall be reduced in any Fiscal Year by the amount by which the sum of such contribution and the minimum Special Taxes would exceed the estimated expenses of the Community Facilities District for such Fiscal Year * * * The “Report” of the Special Tax Consultant, to be approved as a part of the record upon the conclusion of the public hearing pertaining to the formation of the Community Facilities District, shall set forth supplementary details pertaining to the Rate and Method of Apportionment of the Special Tax and shall provide controlling guidance in the interpretation and implementation of this Rate and Method of Apportionment.”    Page 94 Resolution No. FD 2022-030 Page 11 of 12 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 4 6 * * * Application of the CFD No. 88-1 Rate and Method to Annexation No. 88-22-1 The maximum special tax authorized to be levied for Fiscal Year 2022/23 within that area annexed to Community Facilities District No. 88-1, known and designated as Annexation No. 88-22-1 is as follows: MAXIMUM SPECIAL TAX RATES FISCAL YEAR 2022/23 TAXING CLASSIFICATION MAXIMUM TAX RATE 1. DEVELOPED PROPERTY A. Residential Class I (More than 3,590 square feet of dwelling unit living area) $1,566.64 per year B. Residential Class II (3,077 – 3,589 square feet of dwelling unit living area) $1,201.30 per year C. Residential Class III (2,564 – 3,076 square feet of dwelling unit living area) $958.66 per year D. Residential Class IV (2,308 – 2,563 square feet of dwelling unit living area) $840.26 per year E. Residential Class V (2,051 – 2,307 square feet of dwelling unit living area) $719.05 per year F. Residential Class VI (1,795 – 2,050 square feet of dwelling unit living area) $664.14 per year G. Residential Class VII (less – 1,795 square feet of dwelling unit living area) $599.74 per year H. Commercial or Industrial Property $2,411.27 per acre per year or $0.19492 per square foot or building, whichever is greater 2. APPROVED PROPERTY $200 per lot or parcel 3. VACANT PROPERTY $10 per acre The maximum special tax rates set forth above are subject to escalation pursuant to the CFD No. 88-1 Rate and Method commencing July 1, 1989.    Page 95 Resolution No. FD 2022-030 Page 12 of 12 ATTACHMENT 2 2 8 4 6    Page 96 2 8 4 7 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ANNEXATION TO EXISTING COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-1 ANNEXATION NO. 88-22-1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board Of Directors (the "Legislative Body") of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District (the "Fire Protection District") is desirous to annex territory to an existing Community Facilities District pursuant to the provisions of the "Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, the existing Community Facilities District having been designated as Community Facilities District No. 88-1, and the territory proposed to be annexed to be designated as Community Facilities District No. 88-1, Annexation No. 88-22-1 (the "Annexation Area"). DESCRIPTION OF ANNEXATION AREA The Annexation Area shall consist of all of that area of land which is included within the boundaries as shown on a map designated as Annexation No. 88-22-1 for the above referenced Community Facilities District. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES AND FACILITIES The proposed services to be provided to serve the Annexation Area are generally described as follows: The performance of functions, operations and maintenance and repair activities in order to provide fire protection and suppression services. Such services shall be shared between the existing Community Facilities District and the Annexation Area. A general description of the types of the Facilities to be financed by the Annexation is as follows: Fire protection and suppression facilities and equipment, rescue equipment, with a useful life of five (5) years or more, including collection and accumulation of funds to pay for anticipated facilities cost shortfalls and reserves for repair and replacement to the extent that such facilities are necessary to meet the increased demand for such facilities resulting from new development within the Territory. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC HEARING HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE 19TH DAY OF OCTOBER 2022, AT THE HOUR OF 7 O'CLOCK P.M., IN THE REGULAR MEETING PLACE OF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY, BEING THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, LOCATED AT 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 91730. AT SUCH TIME THE LEGISLATIVE BODY WILL HEAR ALL EVIDENCE AND TESTIMONY BY ALL INTERESTED PERSONS, PROPERTY OWNERS, ATTACHMENT 3    Page 97 2 8 4 7 VOTERS AND TAXPAYERS, RELATING GENERALLY TO THE FOLLOWING: A. Authorization to annex the Annexation Area to the existing Community Facilities District; B. Authorization to levy special taxes in the Annexation Area. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED, INCLUDING PROPERTY OWNERS AND REGISTERED VOTERS, MAY APPEAR AND PRESENT EVIDENCE AND TESTIMONY RELATING TO THE ANNEXATION OF ANNEXATION AREA TO THE EXISTING COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT. ANY PROTEST PERTAINING TO THE REGULARITY OF THE PROCEEDINGS TO ANNEX THE ANNEXATION AREA TO THE COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT MUST BE IN WRITING, AND SHALL BE FILED WITH THE SECRETARY OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AT THE ADDRESS SET FORTH ABOVE ON OR BEFORE THE TIME SET FOR THE HEARING. IF A MAJORITY PROTEST IS TIMELY FILED AGAINST THE ANNEXATION OF THE ANNEXATION AREA, THE LEGISLATIVE BODY SHALL ABANDON THE PROCEEDINGS OR MODIFY THE PROCEEDINGS. IF SAID MAJORITY PROTEST IS LIMITED TO CERTAIN SERVICES OR SPECIAL TAX, THOSE SERVICES OR THAT TAX SHALL BE ELIMINATED BY THE LEGISLATIVE BODY. SPECIAL TAX The services and facilities shall be financed through the levy of special taxes on all property within the existing Community Facilities District, as well as the Annexation Area. A copy of the rate and method of apportionment of the special tax is on file in the Office of the Fire Chief and is available for inspection during normal office hours. ELECTION Following the conclusion of the public hearing, the Board will conduct a special election on October 19, 2022, where the annexation proposition shall be submitted to the qualified electors, being the property owners, with each owner having one (1) vote per acre or portion thereof of land owned within the proposed annexed territory. INQUIRIES For any questions relating to the proceedings or any particulars, please contact the following designated person: MIKE MCCLIMAN, FIRE CHIEF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 91730 For further particulars, reference is made to the Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory to an Existing Community Facilities District and the original Report of the Tax Consultant, as said documents have been approved and are on file with the transcript of these proceedings and open for public inspection. Publish: Date Janice C. Reynolds, Secretary    Page 98 2 8 4 7 Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, Acting on behalf of Community Facilities District No. 88-1    Page 99