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n October 17, 1998 was a day long awaited by the residents of Rancho I � ` �I -�-�'�`�" "
�y " Cucamonga. It was the day that the Lions Center was re-opened to the public after a nearly two
�.� ' year refurbishment project that included updating the accessibility of the buildings to meet the
' � standards of the Americans With Disabilities Act. The Center Complex consists of two
Community Centers, Lions Center West and Lions Center East. The Grand Opening Celebration was kicked off by a Ribbon
Cutting Ceremony for Lions Center West. Once the Ceremony was completed, guests were treated to delicious cuisine from
five area caterers. Class demonstrations, a three-piece band, and roving clown all added to the festive atmosphere.
Lions Center East, Lions Center West began renovation in January
formerly a San 1998. The Center underwent a major transforma-
Bernardino County tion as a new front entrance was built and a new
Branch Library, crafts room added. Lions Center West added
began its renovation approximately 1,600 square feet, to bring the
in late 1996. The total square footage to 9,900 square feet.
building was totally refurbished, and the
open space inside was converted to five
multi-purpose rooms. An existing room was
converted into the City's Environmental
Learning Center. The approximately 11,400
square foot Lions Center . East opened its
doors in early 1998, and had its official
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on January 31.
f�ar�� o � ou
The City would li�e to thank these caterers for their
support and civic spirit in donating the food and their
services to the Grand Opening Celebration:
Felipe�s Catering
Wolfe's �lar�etplace Catering
Impressions Gourmet Catering
Stone �1ountain Catering
Elite Home Cafering
����6z�t�o� at ��o�s ���t�z �
. .
ENV iroNMEN�d�
Located at Lions Center East
478-2790 extension 215
Providing activities that teach children how they can reduce
waste, reuse what they have, and recycle the rest.
The Center has six interactive workstations with dis-
plays in English and Spanish. The students are given a
Recycler's Workbook and proceed through the Center
looking for clues at each station to ultimately solve a
Recycler's Riddle. The � �. ,
Center's workstations 'i �� ��` ` �� . ��� �
are designed for fourth
grade students, but
older and younger stu-
dents and adults are
finding value in the
information provided.
Call to schedule a visit!
Fa�� i99g
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Surf ing the Net for Crime Prevention Tips
City of Rancho Cucamonga Police Department's
T �Crime Prevention Unit reminds you that the
World Wide Web is a great source of crime prevention
resources. Below are some outstanding sites in the field of
personal safety, crime prevention, and community building.
lf, while surfing other areas of the net, you come across
websites of interest in the area of crime prevention, please
contact the Rancho Cucamonga Crime Prevention Unit. The
webpage for the Rancho Cucamonga Crime Prevention
Unit is still a work in progress.
Grab your mouse and point
your browser to ...
�`� www.weprevent.org
The official home of the National Citizen's ` �
Crime Prevention Campaign offers quick access to � �/
crime prevention tips and ideas for the general pub- �
lic. A great place to start! �7.,
�,` www.ncpc.org 1 , 9 0 •
The NCPC On-Line Resource Center offers
scores of crime prevention tips, strategies, training 1� ;
and event calendars, and other useful tools for those •-o-
serious about crime prevention.
www.crimepreventcoalition.org �
(��� =� '��� �:�
� This site provides information on what
Crime Prevention Coalition of America members �� `
are doing to prevent crime, and gives a history of � .�%
the coalition, and links visitors to members sites.
S` www jointogether.org
� Join Together Online provides a forum for
information exchange and resource sharing for com-
munities working to reduce substance abuse and
gun violence.
For information call the
Crime Prevention Unit
at 477-2800 x2474 or
contact the National
Crime Prevention
Council 1700 K Street,
NW, Second Floor,
Washington DC 20006-
3817, (202)-466-6272, or
" www.ncjrs.org
The Justice Information Center is a���
\ repository for the collective knowledge of
� the U.S. Department of Justice. Find the lat-
est studies,�publications, and numbers
through this handy gateway!
The FBI's Uniform Crime Reports is one���
of the best sources of information on
crime trends. Look for a prominent link from
the top of their site to the UCR.
The Crime Statistics Website, main-S��
tained privately by Regina Schelkall,
offers help in finding and reading statistics,
and a unique statistics generation tool, which
pulls information based on user-defined
�`�� www.cyberangels.org
CyberAngels - the Guardian Angels set their sights on the virtual community. This extensive site has comprehensive
information and tips on protecting yourself from Internet crime and contains numerous useful links.
S�� www.privacyrights.org
The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse maintains this site, packed with tips on protecting your privacy and avoiding iden-
tity theft, social security number fraud, and other misuse of personal information.
ThE Grapev�NE � Fall t998
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� ancho Cucamonga is a beautiful
place to live and a great place to
hop, play and dine. Lively Foothill
Boulevard is historic Route 66 and Rancho
Cucamonga's major retail corridor. To ener-
� gize the Boulevard, the Redevelopment
Agency installed decorative banners along the
corridor between Etiwanda and Grove
Avenue. The first flying flags featured three
uplifting designs: a flower, streamers, and a
kite to heighten the identity of retail business-
es along the busy commercial district with a
common unifying theme.
/The banner program was developed to instill
community pride, stimulate retail sales and cre-
ate a festive ahnosphere and a pleasant, inviting
environment for shopping, dining, and recre-
�t ation.
he Redevelopment Agency has
CalTrans and Southern California _
Edison to receive approval to place �
the banners on street light poles along�
Foothill Boulevard. If the banner program
is successful along Foothill Boulevard, the �
Redevelopment Agency may consider
street banners along other retail areas in the
The original banners have been replaced 1
porarily by holiday banners. The holiday ti
ners shown on this page �n�ill remain on Fc
through the holiday season. The holiday t
ner digita] artwork is available through
Chamber of Commerce to retailers for incc
ration into their holiday marketing materi
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�i�, � � no place like home, when home is Rancho Cucamonga. T'he weather is great, the
l/�'�i��/ l�iarks and recreational faciliHes are outstanding and shoPP�g �PPortunities
y°" ��O"� abound, right here in our own backyard.
/ of local Sal�s lax dollar5. To promote a healthy retail environment and let residents and visitors know what stores
Lasl yEa� {he G�y fECEIVEd $10 MILLION and services are available within the City, the Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of
Commerce and the City have worked together to produce the "Shop Rancho Guide."
dolla�s �N Sal�S �aX ►E���E. The Shop Rancho Guide
SalFs iax rEv�uEs s�PPori �cludes alphabetical listings of
p"bl�` Saf��y a"d more than thirty shopping centers
o�h� ��ial r,�,ithin the City, alphabetical listings of
5�""ES the stores within those centers with their
phone numbers, and a map showing the
center location. Approximately 50,000 of the guides will be deliv-
ered to every resident and business in the City before the holiday
season. Remember, shopping locally supports business and ben-
efits our community.
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Tf1E GI'dPEVINE a Fall t998
worked with
� /�OM E BAS�'D
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Z� j Putting the
S, i pieces together
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Michael had devel- ble for a Home Occupation Permit,
oped a strong client the business must meet 14 criteria.
list through the The business must be conducted
, years as a computer inside the house, and cannot involve
consultant, and was about to start- sales or customers or employees
up his own company. In addition coming to the home. Examples of
to being his own boss, being self- appropriate uses may include a
employed offered certain lifestyle small office, or an arts and crafts
advantages. He could be actively operation. Activities that are not
involved with his family, share in allowed include businesses
their joys, apply band-aids to that are more commercial or
scraped knees, and just be there industrial in nature, busi-
to talk to. With the advent of e- nesses involving storage of
mail, video conferencing, and the large amounts of materials or sup-
Internet, working out of the home plies, or repair shops. As a rule of
seemed easier than ever. thumb, any use that has the potential
to become a nuisance to your neigh-
Like Michael, many residents in bors is probably not acceptable.
Rancho Cucamonga would like to
capitalize on an idea or hobby,
such as making and selling crafts,
that can be converted into a home-
based business. Although Michael
knew about programming soft-
ware, he had never run a business
himself. Before Michael actually
started his business he began
investigating the City's require-
ments for a "home
occupation". Both a
Home Occupation
Permit and a
Business License are
required to operate a business in
the home.
A home occupation is any second-
ary use of a home for a business.
The City's regulations for home
occupations are intended to assure
that the business is compatible
with the neighborhood. To be eligi-
The Home Occupation Permit is a
simple application that describes
your business operation. The appli-
cation is available from the City's
Planning Division. Most Home
Occupation Permits can be reviewed
in a manner of minutes at the public
Both a Home Occupation
Permit & a Business
License are required to
operate a business in the
home. For information call
477-2750, or visit the Civic
Center Office.
ThE GrapEviNE S Fa« t998
mall business owners and would-be
entrepreneurs in Rancho Cucamonga
have a resource available to help them
achieve success. The Small Business
Assistance Center offers free business coun-
seling services to both exisHng and start-up
businesses in the city. The Center is a joint
veniure of the City of Rancho Cucamonga,
the Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of
Commerce and the Inland Empire Small
Business Development Center.
Hours: Fridays g a.r.n. io 5 p.n.�.
gigp Uiica AvE.. #i60
Web Address: www.iesbdc.org
ThE L,EN�EI' CdN pl'OVIdE �rEE
✓ business planning
✓ financial management
✓ marketing
✓ sources of capital & loan assistance
✓ personnel issues
✓ expansion strategies
✓ accounting
TWICE MON�h�y bU51NE55 p�dNNINg
workshoPs oN iopics such as:
✓ importance of writing a business plan
✓ key elements of a business plan
✓ what it takes to get a bank or SBA loan
✓ nuts and bolts of starting a business
coNfidENiia� appoiNir.nENi for
couNSELiNg shou�d cal� �hE Sr..�a�l
BusiNEss DEVE�OpMENi CENiEr d�
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Residents of Villa Pacifica Senior Community celebrated the grand
�nsational �enior opening of their new neighborhood with friends, family and the
����� development partners on October 29, 1998. This project is the
result of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council's commitment to
providing affordable senior housing. The Rancho Cucamonga
Redevelopment Agency partnered with Orange Housing Development Corporation and other
private and non-profit agencies to make this project feasible and affordable.
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a Pacifica is ideally located, close to services, conveniences and neighborhood shopping. Each
t has a paHo overlooking lush, landscaped courtyards. The courtyards boast a rose garden, gaze-
fountain and designated areas for lawn bowling and gardening.
= ' The development has received strong community interest since construction began last year. All of
,� . '`.;:-
�� C the 158 units are currently leased. For information about Villa Pacifica, including future leasing
�' �r t- opporiunities, please contact the on-site management office at (909) 483-1534. Qualified seniors must
be at least 55 years of age and not exceed maximum income levels.
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� J� Central Par� lJ date
Oy� October 6, 1998, the City held a meeting of the
l LCentral Park Task Force to discuss the history
and current status of the project and to consider future direction. The
development of Central Park is an ambitious project and the City wants
to make sure all residents get an opportunity to be heard regarding what
they want and expect the park to become. A city-wide survey will be
conducted to receive public opinion on the development of Central Park
and to define a project implementation time line and identify a means to
fund the project. We anticipate the survey to be completed early next
year. The next meeting of the Central Park Task Force is scheduled for
December 8, 1998 at 6:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chamber.
Your voice counts!
The Central Par{� Tasl� Force will be
concluc:ting a community survey in early
1999. Please ial;e a moment to answer the
survey. Pul�lic input is very important to
the planning process of tl�e project.
Welcome to the �
followiny new
businesses who have
made Rancho Cucamonga
their "home."
Auto Nation
Old Spaghetti Factory
Texaco Star �lart
Papa Joe�s Pizza
Quizno's Classic Subs
6aja Grill
JC Penney Outlet
Auto Zone
Pic� Up Stix
f3jerian CofFee
ThE GfdPEVINE 6 Fall t99$
Grapevine will contain periodic updates on the Construction of the Route 30
T �Freeway. Route 30 has recently been approved as an extension of the existing 210
Freeway. The information contained in these updates will be accurate at the time the
Grapevine goes to print. Since the Grapevine is a quarterly publication, some information
may change after the Grapevine has been submitted for print.
•Route 30 bridge construction and traffic
detours have begun at Etiwanda Ave and
Sapphire St. Scheduled completion: Spring
•I-15/Route 30 lnterchange Construction,
scheduled completion: Spring 2001.
Location Start Date Access Duration
Etiwanda Avenue under construction Open 10 months
Sapphire Street under construction Closed 7 months
Hellman Avenue Fall 1998 Closed 9 months
Hermosa Avenue Fall 1998 Closed 9 months
Haven Avenue Winter 1998 Open 16 months
Milliken Avenue Winter 1998 Closed 10 months
The Route 30 Freeway is scheduled to be
completed in 2002. The majority of the
bridges will be constructed
first with the mainline free-
way being constructed ��
in the last two years.
Location Start Date Access Duration
Carnelian Avenue Earl 1999 Closed 11 months
Archibald Avenue Early 1999 Open 12 months
Day Creek Boulevard Spring 1999 N/A 10 months
Beryl Street Fall 1999 Closed 7 months
Amethyst Street Fall 1999 Closed 7 months
For more information, please call the Route 30 Hotline at 1-888-740-3030.
BusiNEss Suppor� Prograr�
order to provide informa- struction begins: street front and on-
Intion and marketing sup- site signage indicating businesses
port to qualifying businesses are open during construction, peri-
whose access is directly impact- odic advertising to remind patrons
ed by the construction of the that businesses have remained
Route 30 Freeway, the San open, and inclusion in merchant
Bernardino Associated coupon books to be distributed
Governments (SAN-
BAG) and Caltrans
have established the
F o o t h i 1 1
Freeway/Route 30
Business Support
Program (BSP). The
by direct mail. In addition,
SANBAG and Caltrans will
conduct regular meetings
� _ with the businesses near
� � ` �Route 30 construction to
provide information and address
BSP is any construction-related concerns.
designed to help maintain a
"business as usual" environ-
ment during the construction
Through the BSP, SANBAG and
Caltrans will provide some of
the following to qualifying busi-
nesses when the freeway con-
In order to qualify for this program,
businesses must be located adjacent
to the Route 30 alignment and cus-
tomer access must be directly
impacted by the construction activi-
ty. For further information, please
call the Route 30 Hotline at 1-888-
TEchrvo�o$y MEaNs BusiNEss
At the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library our
technology can help your business. Check out
some of these great business productivity tools:
Technology Center (On the second floor)
Use Netscape Navigator to connect to the
Internet via a high-speed dedicated ISDN line.
Find a Company or Create A Mailing'List
We have computers that give you access to very
useful programs, including two terrific busi-
ness tools: American Business Dise contains
listings for millions of businesses throughout
the United States. You can search by name or
type of business. The information you find can
be downloaded to disk or printed. The Thomas
Register is a directory that is useful for locating
all the manufacturers of most any type of prod-
Plus: hundreds of magazines on-line including
great business magazines - Fortune, Forbes,
Money Magazine, Entrepreneur, PC Week and
Sales & Marketing Management.
ThE GraPEviNE � Fall t99g
57'O�Y � `T�IM�S
CorrGerrC will include 5imple piceure book5,
5ong5, fingerplay5, puppe�5 and �oy5
For children age5
24 to 35 month5
accompanied by an aciul�
Thur5day5 a� 11:00 a.m.
January 7 - February 25
(Regi�tration Required)
Registration for Toddler Story Time begins on
December 17 at 10 a.m. Space is limited to 20
children. All registrations must be made in
person at the library.
For children age5 3- 5
Wedne5day5 a� 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
(Regi�Gration Req,uired)
�riday5 at 2:00 p.m. &
Sa�Curday5 at 11:00 a.m.
(Walk-in5 W el come)
All registrations must be made in
person at the library. All four 30 minute story
times use the same theme each week.
For Children age5 6� 10
Thur5day5 a�C 4:00 p.m.
(No f�egi�Gration Req,uirea)
Story times may include reading from chap-
ter books, short stories & poetry as well as
crafts & songs.
Grandparent5 and BookS Program
15G Sunday oF each motrth - 2 p.m.
Children of all age5 are welcome!
73G8 Archibald Avenue �
(909) 9�+8-9900 �
�1onday 12 noon - 9 p.ir
Tuesdc�y - Tluirsday 10 a.m. - 9 p.in.
Friday 12 noon - G ��.m.
Safurclay 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday I p.m. - 5 p.m.
Cor..�iNg March t9• �Q g ��• �999
ThE Award-WiNNiNg ArvNual RC Pub�ic Library TELEihoN says:
The Telethon offers fun and challenging opportunities for kids and
adults! Whether you're an amateur or professional performer, a parent
with kids, a classroom teacher, a day care coordinator or a dance school
owner, consider these opportunities to showcase your kids, to build
poise and presence and to just have fun by taking part in a live televi-
sion broadcast!!
You�h TaIEN�
If you sing, dance or are part of a
group that performs, we want to
hear from you! For information
on the Youth Talent Showcase,
call (909) 948-9900, ext. 5040.
AduL� MusiciaNs aNd
The Library Telethon is a great
way to gain exposure in the area,
create new fans and support your
community! For information on
how you or your group can partic-
ipate, call (909) 948-9900, ext. 5020.
Broadcas� oN AcE Cab�EvisioN aNd Cor..icas� Cab�E
March �9, ip 8 i�. �999 .
The RaNcho Cucar.noNga Library T�ihoN is a
h� OUf L�dry gfOW dN� CONLINUE �O bE Lf1E bEsi
for our kids aNd our connr,�uNi�y. �
ThE GraPEviNe g Fall t99$
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�o �hE WorLd of Words
You can help an adult learn to read. The West End
Literacy League, a partnership between the Upland and
Rancho Cucamonga Public Libraries, needs volunteer tutors to
work with adults to improve their reading and writing skills.
Orientations, that are offered monthly, provide potential volun-
teers the opportunity to learn about the literacy program.
Subsequent Tutor Training Workshops are offered on a bi-month-
ly basis. After successful completion of the Tutor Orientation and
Tutor Training Workshops volunteers are matched with an adult
learner and meet on a one-to-one basis twice a week for an hour
to an hour and a half.
For more information call the Rancho Cucamonga Public
Library Literacy Office at (909) 948-9900 extension 5009.
��, : �•
� �� ���.
Last year's Telethon raised funds to create a
new Children's Learning Center on the second
floor of the library. Over $52,000 was raised,
thanks to people like you, who phoned in with
pledges of $10, $50 ancl $100. In October the
State Library matched our fund raising efforts
by awarding a$50,000 grant to bring a tutoring
program for elementary aged students called
"Back to Basics" to the Rancho Cucamonga
Library. Coming in February, 1999, the pro-
gram will offer skills tutoring for children 7 to
12 years old. Students will get extra help with
reading and math skills once a week at the
library by a volunteer tutor. We will also
offer four computers with CD Rom learn-
ing programs for the free use of all young-
Tutors are needed for this growing serv-
ice. If you are at least 15 years of age
and have 2 hours to donate each
week, please consider being a"Back
to Basics" tutor. Training and
materials will be provided. I
� Ca11948-9900 ext. 5025.
TEchNoLo�y SErvicEs
Check out the Technology Center! With a library card and par-
ent's permission, any student can learn to use one of the 6 pen-
tium computers and color printers to search the Internet, and
find sources available on any topic on the World Wide Web. For
only $3 per hour, staff assistance is included and it's a great and
painless way to learn the newest in information technology.
The Technology Center offers:
•Six Windows 95, Pentium-equipped PC's.
• Software including Microsoft Word for Windows, Print Shop
Deluxe, a resume making program, encyclopedias.
•Access to the Internet.
•Laser and ink jet color printers.
•Scanning services are available for a fee.
Of CONNEC� �O �hE LlbYdl"y WI�hOU� LEdVINg hOME�
Like to work at home and still make that library connection?
Dial in to the library's on-line database package—now free! If
you have access to the World Wide Web, you can find great sites
everywhere in Cyberspace, just by dialing into the Library's
Home Page! �
Click on the Virtual Reference Desk.
From there, you can link to limitless
cyber locations.
ThE GrapEviNE � Fa�� tq9g
0 L I D A Y
1 .
% �OLIDnV 5���.TV TIPS
�� .. _
Use the following safet� tips and chec�list to I�eep your famil� and
�` friends safe during parties and holidays. r'la�e sure:
�f�j Decorations are flame retardant. ��'j Exits are not blocked by decorations, chairs, or
other items.
;\ �') Large deep ashtrays are provided for smokers and are
emptied into a metal can and cooled before disposing. ;r�, Candles are used carefully and only in candle hold-
ers that have a good sturdy base.
�€�� Sofa and chair cushions are checked for misplaced smoking
materials. ;€�� Electric decorative lights are inspected and
replaced if necessary, have a testing laboratory
;�� j Matches and lighters are in a locked cabinet or drawer out label and are unplugged before everyone leaves the
of the reach of children. home or goes to bed.
if�j Fireplace has a sturdy screen made of inetal or heat-tem- ;��) Christmas trees are watered daily and placed away
pered glass. from exits, heaters and open flames.
;€�� Smoke detectors are working properly.
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�olrember 27tf� rhro��h 9ecember 24th
of spor�iNg EquipMeN� �o aNy
S�a�ioN or �o Ci�y HaL�. R�
• �11
� �or more i�fiorm�fiio� �
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o.��77-2777 exfi. • �
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Rec�cle Yo � r
CI�riSfimaS Tree �:
PLacE �rEE a� �hE curb oN � n0
Norr.�aL �rash day. pn
Do No� �hrow your �rEE iN �°�b p
�hE firEpLacE. . �
Your donated toys will be given to ��
disadvantaged children wifihin our community ��
to help make their holidays a little brighter! (� j�
ThE GrapeviNE lo Fa« �998
� � �
�Cate i�ai'
at Spruce Park
, �
�� / ° Now Open!
o ��—�+�:. ,j� � �
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,� � -
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� Skate Park
� � Hours:
$ a.l^r°I.'CO
Take care of your
Skate Park! Keep it
clean and follow these
� Skate at your own risk. Facility is not
00n1y skateboards and in-line skates
permitted. Bicycles are prohibited.
�All skaters must use proper safety
equipment including helmet, elbow
pads and knee pads. Skaters failing
to wear proper safety equipment will
be subject to citation.
� No skating during rain or when wet.
a Alcohol, drug use, loud music and
profanity are prohibited.
�No graffiti or tagging permitted.
Southern California
Edison now has dedicat-
ed a toll free number
For reporting street light
Call 800-G55-4555
to report a
street light
6e prepared to give the
address and location oF the
light, including the nearest
cross sfreets. This number
is active at all times
�ifih the holidays almost
here, �ou need....
,� r
• • 11��1 � , r �
.�� �i �
Let us hel p!
Quality gifts and
souvenirs are available at City
Hall! We have a variety of items
for those hard-to-buy-for
people on �our shopping list.
The Souvenir Shop is locafied on
Plaza Level and is open
r'londay - Thursday
7:00 am - G:00 pm.
� �
rhe Im��ir��r� [r�lr�lid
By MoLiErE
FEbruary zb. z� a Mar�h 9.5.6 a� 8:0o P�M�
March � a� z:pp p.M.
AdMI5510N: $1� S�UdEN�S dNd SENIOf S �11 GENEYdL
Group Ra�Es AvaiLabLE
FOY MOYE IN�OYMd�ION Cd« �hE bOX O��ICE d� q91-2925
5885 HavEN AveNUE qqi-2388
INSECTA: A Ka�Eidoscope of Na�urEs DesigN
OpeNs JaNuary n, iqqq aNd coN�iNues �hrough ApriL.
phoiographs by LiNda LEvvis aNd rE�a�Ed ar� �NSp�rEd by �hE
� �
ThE GYdpEVINE 11 Fa�� 1998
re � red
�r�fi� r�� lr�d e�sor�;
Wall know that the fall and winter seasons bring the Santa Ana winds. These winds can occur
esuddenly and reach high speeds with gusts of over 100 miles an hour. Depending on the
specific direction the wind is coming from, different areas of our basin are affected. There is usual-
ly at least one severe wind around Christmas and New Years. Outside ornaments and other items
travel long distances during those times.
p,dangers are obvious. Blowing
T l.debris can injure you or your
property. Trees fall, garbage cans fly
down streets and roof tiles can blow off
houses. It is common for electrical, tele-
phone and cable wires to be blown down
causing streets to be closed. During these
times, the City's Emergency Operations
Center (EOC) will be activated to coordi-
nate the safety activities of the Fire
District, Police Department, Public
Works, Edison and any other agency
who's assistarice might be needed.
TakE a
a� �hE
NEvc� FirE
u�1$INE IN
�o� fio prep�re fior f�i�h wir�ds.
•Listen to weather reports for predictions of Santa Ana Winds, although
sometimes they occur without warning.
•Bring garbage cans, lawn furniture, small pets and other items inside to
prevent their loss.
• When driving, watch for falling limbs, trees
and electrical wires. Blowing dust may also
be hazardous, reducing visibility much like
•Do not drive through barricades! They are
placed there for your protection.
ThE GraPeviNE 12 Fall �998
Have you noticed a strange-
looking green fire engine with
"Rancho Cucamonga Fire" stenciled
on its doors driving around our
City? It is a Type III brush engine on
loan from the U.S. Department of
Forestry and is the result of the Fire
District's newest partnership to pro-
vide services to our community. The
brush engine is 4-wheel drive and
will be useful for fighting fires along
dirt roads and wildland areas. The
Fire District is using the engine free
of charge in exchange for our assis-
tance to the U.S.F.S. during wild-
land fires in the Devore area.
RE YO i�
Storms can cause flash
floods, create power
outages and damage
homes. Assemble emer-
gency supplies to
include sand bags,
identify safe routes,
teach children to avoid
areas of potential flood-
Use caution when you
come in contact with
bees. If a swarm chas-
es you, cover your face
and run into a car or
other shelter. Always
have a professional
pest control company
remove any nests you
California living means
the ever present danger
of earthquakes. Keep
emergency supplies up
to date, train family
members on proper
earthquake procedures
and conduct home
drills. Remember to
duck, cover and hold
during a quake..
Carbon monoxide is odor-
less & colorless. Never:
use charcoal indoors, use
gas ovens to heat a room
or use gasoline powered
engines indoors. Have
your furnace serviced
annually and buy a carbon
monoxide detector for your
Exposure to ultraviolet
(U.V.) radiation can be
dangerous and dam-
ages skin. Heat injuries
include heat. cramps,
heat stroke, heat
exhaustion and sun-
burn. Use sun screen,
drink plenty of water
and know how to .treat
heat related conditions.
As with other emergen-
cies, develop a plan. If a
wind storm is predicted,
secure outdoor items to
avoid flying debris and
injury. Stay indoors dur-
ing a windstorm. Driving
can be especially dan-
gerous due to downed
trees and power lines.
ThE GfdPEVINE �� Fall t99g
A C I L I T I� S
Thinking of having a"Moonbounce" at your picnic or
BBQ in a City park? Please be aware that the City of
Rancho Cucamonga has specific requirements which
must be met before a permit can be issued for the use of
a"Bounce." If a permit is not obtained, the unauthorized
use could be discontinued during your event. Please
check with Community Services for Moonbounce
Procedures. By following the rules, we can insure that
everyone can safely enjoy our parks.
Shelters at these parks are reservable:
Hermosa Park
Heritage Community Park
Coyote Canyon Park
Red Hill Community Park
All other parks are avnilable on a first-come,
first-serue basis witls rro reservation
Herltoge Pork Equestrian Center
•You must reserve parks in person at Community Services, 10500 Civic Center Dr.
Monday - Thursday 7 am - 6 pm.
• Reservations must be made a minimum of ten days prior to your requested date.
•Residents may make reservations up to a maxirnum of 4 months ahead. (non-residents t
to a maximum of 1 month ahead)
•All requests are subject to City guidelines. Final approval by Community Services w
take approxunately 5 working days after submittal.
•Horseshoes & Shuffleboard equipment is available for rent for use at Red Hill Park.
•For further information please call 477-2760.
Indoor focllity Rentols
Many of the City's facilities are available for public & private use. Call each Center for
individual room sizes available. Rental rates vary and are determined by room size, time
of use, attendance, and activity.
Lions Community Center West - 477-2790
Newly Renovated! Lions Center West houses 2 large & 2 small meeting rooms with on-
site FAX machine, copier, AV equipment, computer plug-ins. Also equipped with a cater-
ing kitchen with an array of inenus, coffee service, linen service, table decorations and a
professional staff to help you. Just think of the possibiliHes for your group:
A combination of large and small meeHng rooms that make this a perfect location for your
next event.
Looking for a new locations for your company's or organization's weekly or monthly
breakfast or lunch meetings? Our services can make your life easier.
Professional service and a large reception room make this a great place for your party.
Rancho Cucamonga Senior Center - 477-2780
Both large and small meeting rooms are available for rent. Also available for a small fee:
TV, VCR, PA System, Overhead Projector, & Coffee maker.
Perfect for seminars, ��orkshops, or for your company, organization, or private meetings.
Professional service and a large reception room make this a great place for your party.
R.C. Family Sports Center - 481-6850
State of the Art Family Sports Center has been open since December 1997. We have 2 small
meeting rooms plus racquetball & basketbal] courts available to rent.
If you have a small group (l0 - 20 people) these rooms will fit your needs.
Great for sports enthusiasts - spend an hour or two on the courts. Then bring your own
refreshments and party in either the meeting rooms or in our lobby area. Courts available
weekend evenings only, call for availability.
The Equestrian Center at Heritage
Community Park is available to the public
for drop-in use and programmed activiHes.
The park is located at 5546 Beryl Street and
includes the following:
•2 Arenas
•Community Building �... ..... 1
• Kitchen
•Snack Bar �„ �
•PA System available
Posted rules for arena use and etiquette
must be followed. Scheduled activities
must be arranged in advance with the
Community Services Department, call 477-
2760. Fees are required for the arenas, lights,
PA system, kitchen, snack bar, or the com-
munity building.
For informarion on future horse sho��s call
the following:
Alta Loma Riding Club
'*General membership meetings are held
the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m.
Call Heather ponesky at 980-7000 for more
Rancho Rebels 4-H Club
'"General Meetings are held on the 2nd
Monday of every month, 7 pm. 4-H has
many different projects for children from
ages 5-19 to parHcipate in. Come join the
Call Mary Voss at 987-7862 for more infor-
Rising Stars of Equestrian Therapy
Call Pat Morris at 987-9403 for more infor-
R.C. Citizen Patrol
Call R.C. Police Dept. at 941-1488 for more
l '� F �
�� �`\ 4 -\�� �
If you are looking for a unique
spot for your wedding you may
consider the City's Civic Center
Court Yard. For more informa-
tion please ca11477-2760.
Tf1E �7fdpEVINE 1J' WiNier 1999
L A Y S C H 0 0 L
r J��J wM � ��
Playschool is a progressive program for
children ages 1-5. One-derfizl Ones, Terrific
Twos, Thrilling Threes, and Fabulous 4s &
5s. The emphasis in each class will be on
socialization skills, interaction skills,
improving attention span and language
development all through the use of games,
crafts, songs and stories. (One-derful One's
class requires parent participation).
Ellgibllity Requlrements
One-derful Ones: Must be one and walk-
ing by October 1, 1998
Terrific Twos: Must be two by October 1,
Terrific Twos Plus: Must be 2 I/z by
October 1, 1998.
Thrilling Threes: Must be three by
December 3, 1998
Fabulous 4's and 5's: Must be at least four
by December 3, 1998
The Playschool Program runs for the dura-
tion of the school year. It begins in Mid-
September and ends in early June.
Enrollment is open depending upon open
spaces during the entire school year. For
information about the Playschool Program,
or for space availability please call the
Playschool Office at 477-2790.
� l �
� �J C �J W " " .,
One-derful Ones
One-derful Ones is specially designed for
parent and child. This class is for one year
olds who are able to walk. T'hey will be
introduced to the basic concepts of in/out,
over/under and much more. Each class is
limited to 12 students and their parent and
meets once per week for fifty minutes.
TerriFic Twos & Two Plus
Terrific Twos, designed for the two year
old, meets twice per week for fifty minutes.
A maximum of 15 children are allowed per
class with one instructor and one aide. This
is not a parent participation class, so it also
provides an opportunity for children to
learn to separate from their parent. Since
this may be a rivo year olds first exposure
to other children, special care is taken to
introduce them to sharing and cooperative
Thrilling Threes
Fun and more advanced skills for the three
year old. A maximum of 18 children are
allowed with one instructor and one aide.
In addition to socialization skills the chil-
dren are introduced to early learning such
as colors, numbers and the alphabet.
Classes meet twice per week with the fol-
lowing schedule:
Threes A: One hour and fifty minutes.
Threes B: Two hours and fifty minutes.
fobulous fours ond fives
As the child progresses, so does the pro-
gram. Children ages 4 and 5 can grow and
]earn together as they prepare for kinder-
garten. A maximum of 20 in each class with
one instructor and one aide. This class
meets twice per week for 2 hours and fifty
We offer classes at the
following locations:
Lions Center East, 9191 Baseline
Hillside Community Church, 5354 Haven
Mulberry Education Center, 9521 Arrow
fee Schedule (Residents)
Fees are calculated on a weekly basis, but
payments are due in quarterly install-
ments. Payments will be pro-rated based
on the date of enrollment.
Fee Quarterly
per week payment
Ones $4.50 $36
Twos $8.50 $68
Threes A $11.50 $92
Threes B $14.50 $116
4/5's $13.00 $104
Non-Residents - add $5
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Need a Bob�sitter�
Mom and Dad, take advantage of this
� great opportunity to spend some tune
� �. � alone while we entertain the kids!
ri�, �4'���`_� f�� `�`�' Arts & Crafts Games
, o� q�. o, ,�� Toys Movies Snacks
Lots of Fun!
Babysitting provided by Community Services staff and TRAC
(Teen Recreation Activity Club)
L'unit will be 40 children per night. Reservations are required at least 48
hours in advance. Ca11477-2760, extension 2129.
Ages: Potty Trained to 10 years old
Site: Lions Park Center East
Tune: 6 p.m. - Midnight
Dates: January 8th & 23rd
February 5th & 20th
March 5th & 20th
Cost: $1.50 per child per hour
J��� J--�
c f v � ��� ci,v`�.:� �
r� How CaN You REach Us? ;��
COMMUNI�y SEI'VICES DEp� . . . . . . . . .q��-��b0
REgisira�ioN INforr.,�a�ioN . . . . . . . . . .911-z�65
R.C. SENior C�iEr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911-1180
LioNs Park Wesi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .911-�795
LioNs Park Easi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911"�790
R.C. Far..iily Sporis CENiEr . . . . . . . . .qgt-6$50
WINiEf t999
E E N C E N�
Free! Teen UJorkshops
`� TRAC �`
Teen Reuecation Rctivit� Club
GracJes �-10
Activities -
Trips • Special Events
• All night movie & game marathons
• Fundraisers • Monthly Socials
Benefits -
Joining is easy & free -
TRAC members meet new people
TRAC members become involved in their
TRAC members can eam hee trips and
a TRAC t-shirt
TRAC meets on the third Wednesday of
each month at 4 p.m.
at Lions Park Community Center East.
The next socials are to be held on:
January 20th, February 17th, March 17th
� , Bobysitters UJorkshop
: Soturday, Jonuary Q3, 1999 — 10 o.m. - 1 Q noon
; lions Center West
; With training and practice you can become a"Super Sitter"!
✓Safety tips by Rancho Cucamonga Police Department &
Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District.
✓Entertainment ideas by Rancho Cucamonga
' Playschool Instructors.
� For more information ca11477-2760 ext. 2123.
No pre-registration required, attendance will be limited to the first
� 100 participants.
Job Ski Ils UJorkshop
Soturdoy, Morch Q7, 1999 - 10 am - 1 Q noon
lions Center West
Attention Teens! Are you looking for a job? Not sure where
to begin? Here's how!
Learn how to:
✓Prepare for the job search ✓Fill-out applications
✓Write a resume ✓Interview ✓Dress for an interview
Ca11477-2760 ext. 2129 for more .
information or for a membership ;
brochure. �,
-- - . : '
P� C I A L
For more information ca11477-2760 ext. 2123.
No pre-registration required, attendance will be limited to the first
100 participants.
�r� �►�ivA�- �,�-r 1�1 -rt�� �'A���'
SqTU!?DAY, il11AY S, �9gg — !?�D NIL+- CDMMUNfri PAI?K
Lots of homemade arts and crafts items for sale, a variety of arts will be on display and an opportunity
to participate in many "hands-on" crafts.
Reserve your booth starting March 1,1999
�50 spaces available: hands-on crafts and art displays. Price varies on spaces.
�f�� � z• �100 spaces for crafters. Each 10' x 10' space is $15. (T'hese spaces fill up fast!) .
�" ���� �Applications are mailed to those on the mailing list mid-February. �
;�� �First come first served. Applica6ons accepted begiiuung March lst. No applications will be accepted after May 4th.
�lf you wish to have your name added to the mailing list, call (909) 477-2760.
ThE GraPE��NE i6 WiN�Ef i999
The Teen Center
° for TE�s iN bih - ip�h GradEs
�' :' �'�� �` Drop iN No prE-rEgis�ra�ioN!
"��� - ` R.G Far.�i�y SPoris C,ENiEr - 9059 SaN BerNarciiNo Rci.
..� v �
J �1 pEr �EEN PEI' ddy dl'Op IN �EE 1 r��
Mondays thau Thuasd�ys - 2:30 - 6:30 pM
F��da s-2:3o-lopM
satu�days an�Sundays - 12 noon - y pM
FiNally! Sor..�EwhErE io $o afiEr schoo�, Friday NiiEs. 8 WEEk�ds!
Sp�d iir.,�E wiih yo�r friE.rvds aNd r..�EEi �ois of nrEw friErvds!
✓Poo� TablEs ✓BdSkE�ba« ✓VollEybaLl ✓RacquE�ball
For iNforn.,aiioN call 911-2160 x2i19
1}�G� �
�i . .
� r
1 �.
,,.. =+.�.
at the Teen Center - Last Friday of each month
The Cucamonga Caper
(m� all night "W/zo-dun-it" mystery)
This mystery begins at 7 pm with pool,
nintendo, movies and more. At the
stroke of midnight the "mystery" will
unfold waiting to be solved by our
own teen super sleuths. Late night
pizza, sodas and a continentai break-
fast will be served. You may want to
bring a pillow and blanket in case you
need a few winks. Each player on the
winning team will win a mystery
prize. (minimum 24/maximum 40 par-
Friday, January 29, 1999
7 p.m. - 7 a.m.
$5 per person
pre-registration required
before January 14'th
Register at the Teen Center
70 s Dis[o Party
It's here! By popular demand - a
get down funky
�,�'' ^ night of disco
� �� `' 3 fever. Dance to
�. o
.('�. � _ the DJ spinning
�- �� � the HOTTEST
�'� � tracks on wax.
' Check it out,
dress in your
favorite disco threads and you
will be entered into a special
drawing for a groovy prize!
Friday, February 26, 1999
7 p.m. - 11 p.m.
$3 advance purchase
$5 at the door
No registration required -
bring your friends.
March Madness
Teens are invited to participate in our
"March Madness" triple sport chal-
lenge. Three different sports will be
played. Each team will consist of three
persons: 1 girl & 2 guys, or 2 girls & 1
guy. Each member of the winning team
will win a prize. Prizes will be given to
First, Second and Third place teams.
All participants will be treated to pizza
and drinks. (minimum 9 teams/maxi-
mum 12 teams)
Friday, March 26, 1999
7 p.m. - 11 p.m.
$3 per person
pre-registration required
before March 11th
Register at the Teen Center
T�IE VIdPEVINE �7 WiNiEr t999
D V L T P 0 R T S
Adult Programs on this Page onl�
Register by Drop Box or Walk-In at:
City Hall, Community Services Dept.,10500 Civic Center Dr.
Monday - Thursday 7 am - 6 pm
Register by Mail at: (Soccer Only)
P.O. Box 807, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729
Call 477-2760 for additional information
See each specific program or league for dates and details
J(Saturday Morning Leagues �!'Tuesday Night Leagues
5-on-5 Adult Flag Football (Spring Session)
Eight game season, games will be 50 minutes long and played on down-sized
fields. Roster maximum is 10 players. All games will be played at the Rancho
Cucamonga Epicenter and Sports Complex.
Walk-in or Drop Box Registration: Dec. 21 - March 4,1999
League begins: March 16th & 20th ,
Teams: Tuesdays - $340 + $5 per non-resident
Saturdays - $290 + $5 per non-resident
Individual: Tuesdays - $35 + $5 non-resident
Saturdays - $30 + $5 non-resident
'rEN1�TIS (Spring Session)
All matches will be played at East Beryl
Park or Lions Park. Categories offered:
Men's Singles (Mon. & Thurs. nights),
Men's Doubles (Sun. afternoons),
Women's Singles/Doubles (Tue. nights),
and Mixed Doubles (Sun. momings &
Walk-in or Drop Box Registration: Jan. 4th - Feb. 4th
League begins: March 1999
Fees: Singles
Weekday League -$25/player +$5 per non resident
Weekend League -$20/player +$5 per non resident
Weekday League - $25/player + $5 per non-resident
Weekend League - $20/player + $5 per non-resident
Adult 6 Aside Soccer (Spring Session) RE�,S N�w �
50 minutes long and played on down-sized fields with 6 play- � Qy�4
ers per team. Team and individual registration will be taken. Games will
be played at the Rancho Cucamonga Epicenter & Sports Complex or Be .ryl Park.
League begins: Week of March 15th
Mail or Walk-in/Drop Boz Registration: � January.25th - March llth
Fee: $40 per player +$5 per non resident- ,
Minimum of 9 paid players to be eligible fo 1 ague play
� ,�-. � . --
Men's O}�en -18 years &`over. Thursday evenings --
Activity # SC6M18-001 � ' -�--- —
, . ,
Men's - 30 years and over. Tuesday evenings, , �
Activity # SC6M30-001 �
Women's - 30 years & over.''Tuesday evening� ,
AcHvity # SC6W30-001 � `�
� , /'�
Adult Full Field Soccer i,eagues (Spring Session) �,
Games will be played at the Rancho Cucamonga Epicenter & Sports Complex or
Beryl Park.
League begins: Week of March 15th .
Mail or Walk-in/Drop Box Registration: January 25th - March 11th
Fees: $50 per player +$5 per non-resident �
Minimum of 14 paid players to be eligible for league play
Women's Open -18 years & over. Monday evenings
Activity # SCFW18-001
Women's - 30 years & over. Wednesday evenings
AcHvity # SCFW30-001
Mens Only Full Field - Men's Open - 18 years & over - Sundays
League begins: January 1999 Activity # SCFM18-001
Registration: November 30 - December 29, 1998
Slow Pitch Softball Leagues
(Spring Season)
Weeknight Leagues
Sunday Leagues
Men's and Co-ed weeknights & Sundays
Womens - upper & lower divisions Thursday
nights. Team registration is accepted, and individu-
als may be placed on a players pool list.
Games will be played at the Rancho Cucamonga
Epicenter & Sports Complex.
Walk-in/Drop Box Registration: March 22nd - 30th
Classification Games: Apri118th - 23rd
League begins: April 25,1999
Team/Mon-Fri & Sun. Evening
$450 + $5 per non resident
Team/Sun. Morning & Akernoon $390 +$5 per non
Tf1E GfdPEVINE �g W INLEf 1999
Register by Drop Box or Walk-In at:
Community Services Dept., 10500 Civic Center Drive
Monday - Thursday 7 am - 6 pm
Lions Community Center East, 9191 Base Line Road
Mon. - Thur., 8 am-1 pm & 4 pm-8 pm; Fri & Sat., 9 am-12 noon
Register by Mail to: City of Rancho Cucamonga
Community Services, P.O. Box 807, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729
Ca11477-2765 for addirional information
See each specific program or league for dates and details
Registration is taken for each sport
on a first come - first served basis until spaces are filled.
Pee Wee Basketboll Rge 3- 5
Winter Session
Boys and girls will be taught the basic fund
mentals of basketball. Acdvities will be taug
through a team oriented format which emph
sizes fun, teamwork, and sportsmanshi
Children are encouraged to wear comfortab
clothing and tennis shoes. Registration f�
includes a t-shirt and parHcipant medal. Space
limited. Registrallon will be accepted on a fi�
come basis until full.
Games and practice will take place at the R.C.
Family Sports Center, 9059 San Bemardino Rd.
(behind Orchard Supply)
Mail-in or Drop Box Registration:
Residents: Nov. 2- Jan. 14, 1999
Non-Residents: Nov. 9- Jan. 14, 1999
Fee: $29 per child +$5 non residents
Dates: Feb. 1- March 22/7 weeks
Mondays 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Saturdays 8:00-9:00 a.m.
Activity # Age
PWBSB3-001 3 year olds
PWBSB4-001 4 year olds
PWBSBS-001 5 year olds
Tuesdays 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Saturdays 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Activity # Age
PWBSB3-201 3 year olds
PWBSB4-201 4 year olds
PWBSBS-201 5 year olds
Pee Wee Soccer Age 3-5
Spring Session
Boys and girls will be taught the basics of soccer. RegistraHon
fee includes a t-shirt and an award. Space is limited.
Mail-in or Drop Box Registration:
Residents: Dec. 21 - March 18
Non-Residents: Dec. 28 - March 18
Fee: $29 per chffd +$5 non residents
Dates: Apri] 12 - May 27/7 weeks
Site: Victoria Groves Park
M/W 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Activity # Age
PWSOC3-001 3 year olds
PWSOC4-001 4 year olds
PWSOCS-001 5 year olds
T/Th 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Activity # Age
PWSOC3-201 3 year olds
PWSOC4-201 4 year olds
PWSOCS-201 5 year olds
Youtt� Roller Hockey
Spring Session
This exciting sport offers fun for all boys
and girls. The season will start practice
/� (week nights) by February 15th. Games
�/ / � will be played on weeknights and/or
�' / Saturdays beginning the week of
,-r+,'<-" . I
°I�� ��� f� o February 22nd at the Epicenter Expanded
�,yy' �� �y��a � parking lot.
Activity # Divisions:
YSRH3A-001 "AAA" born in 1981-1982
YSRH2A-001 "AA" born in 1983-1984
YSRHOA-001 "A" bom in 1985-1986
YSRHOB-001 "B" bom in 1987-1988
YSRHOC-001 "C" born in 1989-1990
YSRHOD-001 "D" bom in 1991-1992-
*1993 ("If child skates well)
Mail-in or Drop Box Registration
Residents: December 21 - January 23, 1999
Non-residents: December 28 - January 23, 1999
Fee: $38 per child +$5 per non-resident
(Birth certificate required to register.)
Volunteer Coaches & Sponsors are needed.
lo WINIEf i999
. . A �I I LY
Register by Mail to:
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Community Services, P.O. Box 807,
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729
Register by Drop Box or Walk-In at:
RC Family Sports Center
9059 San Bernardino Road
Community Services Dept.,
10500 Civic Center Drive -
Monday - Thursday 7 am - 6 pm
Call 481-6850 for additional information
See each specific prog�am or
lengue for dates nnd details
Registration is taken on a first come -
first served basis until spaces are filled
December 24th - 9 am - 6 pm
December 25th - Closed
December 31st - 9 am - 6 pm
January 1st - Closed
�NE�K �T QuT !
9059 San Bernardino Koad
(behind Orchard Supply)
Open 7 d�s a week
•M-F - 6 am-11 pm •Sat. - 8 am-6 pm
•Sund� - 9 am-5 pm
✓Pee Wee League5
.�YouCh Leagues
✓Adutt Leagues
✓Rerrt a Meeting Room
✓ViSit our Pro Shop
.�Pl� Arcade GameS
✓Drop-in Basketball &
./Jazzerciee ClaSses
.�Racq,uetball ClasSes
✓Teens Afterschool
Call 481-6850 for
IrtformaCion on all of
� the5e programsl
WE Atiso t�AvE
F'�R $5 /NouR!
C11u. FbK Mr1R
R.C. fcamily Sports Center
Discount Passes
Get access to all facilities during RESIDENT NON-RES[DENT
open court times for one year. Adult $210 $240
Monthly passes are available for
Basketball & Racquetball
(see program information)
Youth $170
Family $380
(immedinte famil� or�l�)
All girls and boys born in 1983-1990 are invited to play in this exciting sport at the
R.C. Family Sports Center. Separate divisions for boys and girls. All ability levels
are encouraged to sign-up. Season starts the week of April 19th
Activity # Divisions: Activity # Divisions:
YSBVAA-001 AA born in 1983-1984 YSGVAA-001 AA bom in 1983-1984
YSBVOA-001 A bom in 1985-1986 YSGVOA-001 A bom in 1985-1986
YSBVOB-001 B bom in 1987-1988 YSGVOB-001 B born in 1987-1988
YSBVOC-001 C bom in 1989-1990 YSGVOC-001 C born in 1989-1990
Mail-in or Drop Box Registration (Please �iote: n birth certifrcnte is requrred)
•Residents: Feb. lst - March 26th •Non-Residents: Feb. Sth - March 26th
Fee: $39 per child +$5 per non-resident
Drop-In Basketball
Come and play in pick-up basketball ReservaHons not required.
Youth - Cost: $1.00 per person (play for one of the following open court times)
Adult - Cost: $3 per player (play for one of the following open court times)
Open Court Times - Mon. - Fri. - 6 am - 3 pm • Sundays - 9 am - 5 pm
Monthiy pass - Youth (17 & urtder) - 7.50 -10 entries, $11.25 - 15 entries
Adult -$27.50 for 10 entries, $37.50 for 15 entries
(add $5 for each pnss for non-residents)
� I��/ Adult Basketball Leagues
-J � Men's Fullcourt - 30+, B, C, & D& Open Levels - Weeknights &
i Sundays
Women's Fullcourt - Open League - Weeknights & Sundays
Men's 3 on 3- Open & 30+, B, & C Levels - LunchHme & Sundays
Women's 3 on 3- Open Levels - LunchHme & Sundays
Walk-in or Drop Box RegistraHon - ,
Residents - Oct. 19 - Dec. 30 • Non Residents - Nov. 1- Dec. 30
Practice Games: January 4, 1999
League begins: January 11, 1999
Fees: Fullcourt - $440/team + $5 per non-resident
3 on 3-$45/team +$5 per non-resident
Adult Basketball Tournaments
Will be offered on Saturdays at the R.C. Family Sports Center throughout the
year. Call 481-6850 to be placed on the mailing list.
I f1E GfdPEVINE 20 WINiEf t999
P O R T S � N T E R
Racquetball Classes
Never played the game before or its been awhile since you last played and would like a review? Then this is for you. Players will leam
swing mechanics, shot selection, game strategy and spec�ality shots. Register for this class using form on page 42.
Youth �lasses Rge: 7-11 Teen Classes Rge: 14-17 Rdult Closses Rge: 18 & up
Fee: $25/4 wks Start: 1/11/99 Fee: $25/4 wks Start: 1/12/99 Fee: $40/4 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC9030-001 M/W, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m CC9031-001 T/Th, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. CC9032-001 M/W, 7- 8 p.m.
Start: 2/]5/99 Start: 2/16/99 Start: 1/12/99
CC9030-002 M/W, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m CC9031-002 "f/Th, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. CC9032-002 T/Th, 7- 8 p.m.
Start: 3/15/99 Start: 3/16/99 Start: 2/15/99
CC9030-003 M/W, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m CC9031-003 T/Th, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m CC9032-003 M/W, 7- 8 p.m.
O en Recreational Rac uetball
R.�. Family Sports Center�as 5 racquetball courts available for "open play" to
both youth and adults. Reservations are re uired.
Fee: $5 per person/per hour Open Court times -
Monthly passes - Monday - Friday 6 am - 10 pm
Adult/$35 Saturdays - 8 am - 5 pm
Youth/$14 (17 f� under) Sundays - 9 am - 4 pm
Adult Racquetball Leagues (Dbls or Sgls>
i�Weeknight Leagues i�Weekday Lunch Leagues
Co-ed Beginner/Intermediate leagues and Mens/Womens Advanced
leagues will bc offered. Sign up your own doubles team or sign up for single play.
Mail-in or Drop Box Registration
Residents: Oct. 19 - Dec. 30
Non-Residents: Nov. 1- Dec. 30
League begins: ]anuary 4, 1999
Singles -$60 per player +$5 per non-resident
Doubles -$80 per player +$5 per non-resident
Adult Racquetball Tournaments
All levels of inens, womens, and coed tournaments will be offered on
weekends throughout the year. Call 481-6850 to be placed on the mailing list.
Fee: �25 per player +$5 per non-resident
Start: 2/16/99
CC9032-004 T/Th, 7- S p.m.
Start: 3/15/99
CC9032-005 M/ W, 7- 8 p.m.
Start: 3/16/99
CC9032-006 T/Th, 7- 8 p.m.
Adult Volleyball Leagues
Weeknight Leagues
Men's & Women's - Tuesday
Cced - Thursday (C), (C+), & (D)
All girls and boys born in 1983-1992 are invited to play in this exciting new sport
at the R.C. Family Sports Center. Separate divisions for boys and girls. All ability
levels are encouraged to sign-up. Season starts the week of February lst.
Activity # Divisions: Activity # Divisions:
YSBS02-001 AA born in 1983-1984 YSGS02-001 AA born in 1983-1984
YSBSOA-001 A born in 1985-1986 YSGSOA-001 A born in 1985-1986
YSBSOB-001 B born in 1987-1988 YSGSOB-001 B born in 1987-1988
YSBSOC-001 C born in 1989-1990 YSGSOC-001 C bom in 1989-1990
YSBSOD-001" D born in 1991-1992 YSGSOD-001*D bom in 1991-1992
Mail-in or Drop Box Registration (Please note: a birth certificate is required)
• Residents: Nov. 16th - Dec. 30th • Non-Residents: Nov. 23rd - Dec. 30th
Fee: �45 per child +$5 per non-resident *$39.50 for "D" Divisions
Volunteer Coaches and Sponsors are needed.
Mail-in or Drop Box Registration
Residents: October 19 - December 30th
Non-Residents: Nov. 1- December 30th
Practice games: Week of January 4th
League begins : Week of January llth
Fee: $230/team + $5 per non-resident
Adult Volleyball Tournaments
Adult Volleyball Tournaments will be offered on
Saturdays at the R.C. Family Sports Center
throughout the year. Call 481-6850 to be placed
on the mailing list.
Modelfng Rge: 7 - 14
Young ladies... feel good about yourself and
be confident by defining and developing
good self concept, and working to improve
self esteem. Basic modeling skills are
instructed including: good posture; proper
sitting, walking, and turning; graceful head,
arm and hand movement; good grooming;
fashion and social graces. Parents are
allowed to observe during the lst and last
10 minutes of class only. (Min. 10/Max. 25)
Inst.: Olympic Siudios Site: Lions W
Fee:$37.50/lOwks Start:l/14/99
CC1000-001 Thur., 7- 7:50 p.m.
Performing Arts Age: 8- 14
Experience the thrill of live stage acting!
Emphasis will be on scriptwork, blocking,
stage direction, theater termi- »
nology, memorization and
basic acting techniques. The �`
last day of class will be cele- �
brated with a performance �
for parents, family and
friends. A$2 supply fee is due to the
instructor. Parents are allowed to observe
during the lst and last 10 minutes of class
only. (Min. 10/Max. 30)
Inst.: Olympic Studios Site: Lions W
Fee: $37.50/10 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC1001-001 Thur., 6- 6:50 p.m.
Production Workshop Rge: 8- 15
A theater arts lab for any child who enjoys
creating with their hands or for those
enrolled in Theater Arts Ensemble, Story-
book Theater, Theatre Arts "501", that
would like to learn how the "magic" of the-
ater is created behind the scenes, this tech-
nical hands-on class is definitely for your
aspiring artist! The students themselves
will create and learn the aspects of set
design, scenery, costumes, makeup, and
more! A$3 supply fee is required. (Min.
8/Max. 25)
Inst.: Paula Goodheart Site: Lions W
Fee: $35/8 wks Start: 1/15/99
CC1038-001 Fri., 4- 4:50 p.m.
Theatre Rrts Ensemble -
'The Show Must Go On" Rge: 9- 16
High energy performing arts class designed
to teach every student's maximum acting
techniques. History theater working with
set design props and cosiumes along with
how to develop character's personalization,
master pantomimic, skillful improvisation,
timing, method and technique acting and
more. Students will catch the "Magic" of
performing "Live" in front of an audience
while experiencing the love of the arts
through laughter and applause. (Min.
6/Max. 25)
Inst.: Paula Goodheart Site: Lions W
Fee: $50/8 wks Start: l /15/99
CC1045-001 Fri., 6- 7 p.m.
Top Model Age: 8- 15
For young women wanting to develop their
beauty and grace, learn about appropriate
,..�....- —..�--- fashion and
� � style, along with
� preparing for
careers in acting,
modeling, fine
—� arts or any pro-
fessional field.
Subjects dis-
cussed are proper language, posture, make-
up, hair, physical health, diet and exercise,
movement, modeling and social eHquette.
Remember, the "Directors Eye" looks for
confidence, elegance and beauty which is
found in every individual. (Min. 6/Max. 25)
Inst.: Paula Goodheart Site: Lions W
Fee: $45/8 wks Start: 1/15/99
CC1044-001 Fri., 5- 6 p.m.
�}1PAt6f firt5 "�1'
The Positive Youtfi Age: 10 - 15
This fun and creative theater class is
designed to introduce valuable social skills
and appropriate dialogue with young peo-
ple. Using a variety of characters with "live
stage" acting techniques, together we
explore new positive ways to interact with
good manners and grace. The students
learn how to resolve conflict in everyday
social encounters by "role playing" and
"being the star." The class is also designed to
encourage communication while preparing
our kids for the difficult and complex social
realities they face as teenagers today.
Parents are allowed to observe during the
lst and last 10 minutes of class only. (Min.
8/Max. 25)
Inst.: Paula Goodheart Site: Lions W
Fee: $40/8 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC1036-001 Wed., 4- 5:30 p.m.
Rcting Rge: �1 Q
Learn the basics and terminology of stage
acting. If you like to act and sing, this will
be fun. Finish off the class with an exciting
musical performance. Parents must stay for
the first 15 minutes on first day and may
observe during the last 10 minutes of class
only. (Min. 10/Max. 30) No class 1/18 &
Inst.: Sylvia Todd Site: Lions W
Fee: $30/8 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC1002-001 Mon., 4- 5:30 p.m.
Sr�,�k m�t� �: � - , Q
Characters come ALIVE in this performing
arts class! Using classics, plus award win-
ning American folklore and fabulous fables
the students develop the script. Your chil-
dren will love becoming their favorite char-
acters, while learning new and exciting sto-
ries with meaning! Family and friends are
invited to a performance on the last day of
class! Supply fee of $2 is due to the instruc-
tor. Parents are allowed to observe during
the ]st and last 10 minutes of class only.
(Min. 8/Max. 25)
Inst.: Paula Goodheart Site: Lions W
Fee: $40/8 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC1035-001 Thur., 5- 5:50 p.m.
Cinderello Etiquette Rge: 5- 9
Whatever happened to tea parties and
white gloves? Develop a healthy self-con-
cept, kindness to others and understanding
the genuine qualities of their own personal-
ity. This class is designed to help acquire the
fundamentals of good feminine manners,
consideration and respect for others, class-
room and table etiquette, group speaking
and overcoming shyness, while encourag-
ing self confidence and grace. Parents are
allowed to observe during the lst and last
10 minutes of class only. (Min. 8/Max. 25)
Inst.: Paula Goodheart Site: Lions W
Fee: $50/8 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC1037-001 Thur., 4- 4:50 p.m.
Prince Chorming Etiquette Age: 8- 13
This exciting class is for any young man
who wants to be "in style" for 99'. Little boys
who love to pull pigtails, ruff and tumble in
the living room, sink ice-cubes in their
water glass at dinner, and pick on sister will
"charm" the socks off any guest you have
with his new manners and etiquette.
Techniques acquired for auditioning, pic-
tures, modeling and more. Better behavior
skills are inevitable with this trauung and
guaranteed he'll walk away with new posi-
tive "man child" strengths. (Min. 6/Max. 25)
Inst.: Paula Goodheart Site: Lions W
Fee: $50/8 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC1046-001 Wed., 3- 4 p.m.
T�IE Vrd�JEVINE 22 WINiEf t999
UJorking with U1(gnoll
INSECTR: R Koleidoscope of Nature's Design
Bugs, Butterflfes & Insects Age: �11
Come to Wignall Museum/Gallery to learn
about the insects featured in the INSECTA
exhibit. Then make insect-related crafts to
take home and use for further insect siud-
ies. (Min. 5/Max. 10)
Inst.: Julianne Gallegos
Site: Wignall Museum/Gallery
Fee: $20/2 wks Start: 3/13/99
CCART4-001 Sat., 12 noon - 3 p.m.
Ceromics - Mlni Classes
In each of these 3��eek classes you will
complete a project for the upcomu�g holi-
days. A supply fee of $10 is due to the
instructor at the first class. (Min. 8/Max. 25)
Inst.: Margie Bordner Site: Lions W
Mommy & Me Ceromi6 Rge: Q- 6
(Min. 8/Max. 20)
Valentlnes Day ProJect
Fee: $12.50/3 wks Start: 1/20/99
CC2090-001 Wed., 10 - 11 a.m.
St. PotrlcKs Day ProJect
Fee: $12.50/3 wks Start: 2/10/99
CC2090-002 Wed., 10 - 11 a.m.
Easter Project
Fee: $12.50/3 wks Start: 3/3/99
CC2090-003 Wed., 10 - 11 a.m.
Ceromics for Kids Rge: 5- 1 Q
Volentines Doy ProJect
Fee: $12.50/3 wks Start: 1/21/99
CC2088-001 Thur., 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
St. PatricKs Day Project
Fee: $12.50/3 wks Start: 2/11/99
CC2088-002 Thur., 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Easter ProJecc
Fee: $12.50/3 wks Start: 3/4/99
CC2088-003 Thur., 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
�'��►� ���'���� I
Cloy Magic - Mini Classes
In each of these 3 week classes you will play
with clay and make your own special proj-
ect. Your piece will always be different. A
supply fee of $]0 is due to the instructor at
the first class. (Min. 3/Max. 25)
Mommy & Me Age: 3- 5
(Min. 8/Max. 20)
Inst.: Margie Bordner Site: Lions W
Fee: $12.50/3 wks Start: 1/19/99
CC2115-001 Tue., 10 - 11 a.m.
Fee: $12.50/3 wks Start: 2/9/99
CC2115-002 7'ue., 10 - 11 a.m.
Fee: $12.50/3 ��ks Start: 3/2/99
CC2115-003 Tue., 10 - 11 a.m.
Sd�oologe Kids Age: 5- 1 Q
Fee: $12.50/3 wks Start: 1 /21 /99
CC2116-001 Thur., 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Fee:$12.50/3wks Start:2/11/99
CC2116-002 Thur., 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Fee: $12.50/3 wks Start: 3/4/99
CC2116-003 Thur., 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Ceromics fnr Klds I Age: 5- 8
In these 3 week classes we will complete
pieces to prepare for the holidays. A supply
fee of $10 is due to the instructor at the
beginning of the first class. (Min. 8/Max.
Inst.: Margie Bordner Site: Lions W
Vclentines Doy Project
Fee: $12.50/3 wks Start: 1/25/99
CC2060-001 Mon., 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
sc. Potridls Doy Project �
Fee: $12.50/3 wks Start: 2/22/99
CC2060-002 Mon., 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Ecster Project
Fee: $12.50/3 wks Start: 3/15/99
CC2060-003 Mon., 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
� New Ceramics Room �
� The City of Rancho Cucamonga is the �
ifirst in the area to open a dedicated i
.space just for Ceramics. Join one of our.
� classes and experience a state-of-the- �
I art Ceramics Facility. I
L. _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . J
Ceromics for Kids II Age: 9& up
In these 3 week classes we will complete
pieces to prepare for the holidays. A supply
fee of $10 is due to the instructor at the
beginning of the first class. (Min. 8/Max.
Inst.: Margie Bordner Site: Lions W
Volentlnes Doy Project
Fee: $12.50/3 wks Start: 1/25/99
CC2061-001 Mon., 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
St. Potridfs Day Project
Fee: $12.50/3wks Start: 2/22/99
CC2061-002 Mon., 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Croster Project
Fee: $12.50/3wks Start: 3/15/99
CC2061-003 Mon., 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Ceromics & Clay Age: Q- 10
In this workshop we will spend some Nme
playing with clay, and painting pre-formed
ceramic pieces for the upcoming holidays.
A supply fee of $15 is due to the instructor
at the beginning of the first class. (Min.
8/Max. 25)
Inst.: Margie Bordner Site: Lions W
Pres�ool -
Ages: Q- 6(parent poRiclpotlon requlred)
Fee: $25/6 wks Start: 1/22/99
CC2062-001 Fri., 4- 5 p.m.
Kids - Rges: 6 - 10 •
Fee: $25/6 wks Start: 1/22/99
CC2063-001 Fri:, 5- 6 p.m.
Ceromics Worl�hops -
Somett�ing f�or tf�e Holidays
We will paint preformed ceramic pieces.
Pieces will vary for each holiday season. A
supply fee of $5 is due to the instructor at
each first class. (Min. 8/Max. 25)
Inst.: Margie Bordner Site: Lions W
Presdiool Rge: Q - 6
(Min. 8/Max. 20)
Vclentirtes Doy Worlshop
Fee: $5/1 day Date: 1/30/99
CC2107-001 Sat., 12 - 2 p.m.
St. Potrid�s Doy Worlshop
Fee: $5/1 day Date: 2/20/99
CC2107-002 Sat., 12 - 2 p.m.
Easter Wor4sshop
Fee: $5/1 day Date: 3/13/99
CC2107-003 Sat., 12 - 2 p.m.
Schoologe Kids Rge: 5- 1 Q
Volentines Day Worlshop
Fee: $5/1 day Date: 1/30/99
CC2087-001 Sat., 9:30 -11:30 a.m.
St. Pctrid�s Doy Worlshop
Fee: $5/1 day Start: 2/20/99
CC2087-002 Sat., 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
C-oster Worlshop
Fee: $5/1 day Start: 3/13/99
CC2087-003 Sat., 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Ceromics for Adults
It is not necessary to have any special tal-
ents or experience for this class only the
desire to have fun and get away from it all.
Supply fee will be determined by the proj-
ect selected. (Min. 3/Max. 25)
Inst.: Margie Bordner Site: Lions W
lodles Night Out Age: 16 & up
Fee: $25/3 wks Start: 1/22/99
CC2066-001 Fri., 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Fee: $25/3 wks Start: 2/12/99
CC2066-002 Fri., 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Fee: $25/3 wks Start: 3/5/99
CC2066-003 Fri., 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Rdult Ceromics Rge: 16 & up
Fee: $25/3 wks Start: 1/25/99
CC2067-001 Mon., 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Fee: $25/3 wks Start: 1/21/99
CC2067-002 Thur., 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Fee: $25/3 wks Start: l/22/99
CC2067-003 Fri., 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Fee: $25/3 wks Start: 2/22/99
CC2067-004 Mon., 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Fee: $25/3 wks Start: 2/11/99
CC2067-005 Thur., 9:30 -11:30 a.m.
Fee: $25/3 wks Start: 2/12/99
CC2067-006 Fri., 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Fee: $25/3 wks Start: 3/15/99
CC2067-007 Mon., 9:30 -11:30 a.m.
Fee: $25/3 wks Start: 3/4/99
CC2067-008 Thur., 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Fee: $25/3 wks Start: 3/5/99
CC2067-009 Fri., 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
T�'1E C7fdPEVINE �� WiNiEr 1999
� '
Decorative Pointirtg Rge: 16 & up
Learn the basics of an array of painting
techniques. You will leam decorative tech-
niques such as tole, blocking, stenciling, &
faux finish. Experience how fun these forms
of painHng can be. You won't believe what
you will be able to create.
Inst.: W. G. staff Site: The Wild Grape
Beglnning Tole
Introduction to the basics of decorative
painting. Proper surface preparation,
basecoating, highlighting, shading, basic
brush strokes & brush care will be taught.
You will complete a birdhouse scene on
wood. Material fee of $58 includes brushes,
wood and all necessary beginner supplies.
(Min. 6/Max. 8)
Fee: $35/2 wks Start: 1/23/99
CC2108-001 Sat., 10:15 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Fee: $35/4 wks Start: 2/18/99
CC2108-002 Thur.,10:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Fee: $35/4 wks Start: 2/18/99
CC2108-003 Thur., 6- 9 p.m.
foux Flnish 8asics
Create beautiful walls and decorative
accents. Leam the intricate and fun tech-
niques of sponging, ragging on, ragging off,
crackling, spattering and smoking. Supply
list is available at The Wild Grape prior to
class. (Min. 6/Max. 8)
Fee: $10/1 day Date: 1/9/99
CC2112-001 Sat., 2- 5 p.m.
Fee: $10/1 day Date: 2/17/99
CC2112-002 Wed., 6- 9 p.m.
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Blodaing fun
Introduction to the latest home decorating
craze. Decorator blocks can be used with
glaze paints to create a custom hand paint-
ed look on just about any surface. Bring a
surface of your choice (t-shirt, wood, paper
bag, etc.). Material fee is $12.75. (Min.
6/Max. 8)
Fee: $10/1 day Date: 1/9/99
CC2110-001 Sat., 10:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Fee: $10/1 day Date: 2/10/99
CC2110-002 Wed., 10:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Fee: $10/1 day Date: 2/10/99
CC2110-003 Wed., 6- 9 p.m.
Stencll World�op
Now you can leam the secrets of profes-
sional stenciling. Class covers surfaces and
preparation, as well as types of paint &
brushes used. This is a hands-on theory
class - you will leam basic stencil tech-
niques and beautiful color blending. You
receive a 6 page worksheet. Material fee is
$14. (Min. 6/Max. 8)
Fee: $13/1 day Date: 1/12/99
CC2111-001 Tue., 10:15 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Fee: $13/1 day Date: 1/12/99
CC2111-002 Tue., 5:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Fee: $13/1 day Date: 3/6/99
CC2111-003 Sat., 10:15 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.
I When registering, please I
I advise the Community I
I Services Department of I
I any special limitations I
I whicn might affect your I
j participation and require j
j assistance in activities, j
j programs and trips & j
j tours. j
Water Color Palnting Age: Adult
Learn water color techniques from an
accomplished, professional, local arHst. The
class will cover proper tools, composition,
preparation, applying color, framing, and
transparent and opaque painting. Emphasis
will be on skill development with guidance
in painting. Additional materials will be
required. A list will be available on the first
day of class. (Min. 10/Max. 18) )
Inst.: Darrell Burchfield Site: Senior Ctr
Fee: $45/10 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC2033-001 Tue., 2- 4 p.m.
Pafnting & Drouuing Rge: 6& up
This class allows students to explore vari-
ous materials and learn
several drawing and
painting techniques. .� '
Bring to first class: 11x14
sketch pad, 26 drawing
pencil and pink pearl . , � :
eraser. Painting supplies �' '
will be provided . by the
instructor for an additional fee. (Min.
10/Max. 22)
Inst.: Karen Clark Site: Lions E
Fee: $40/8 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC2002-001 Thur., 4- 4:50 p.m.
Cartooning for Wn Age: 8& up
You don't have to be an artist to cartoon, just
an imaginaHon waiting to be unleashed.
Learn the basic techniques of cartooning in
this fun class. Students will be required to
bring pencil, markers and some 81/2" x 11"
plain paper to class. (Min. 10/Max. 24)
Inst.: Cindy Senn Site: Lions E
Fee: $24/6 wks Start: 1/9/99
CC2106-001 Sat., 9- 9:50 a.m.
Young Artfst Geotive Illustratlon I
Rge: 8 - 16
Leam the basic techniques of drawing skills
with emphasis on
imaginarion, creativity,
�� • and artistic freedom.
���� �� �� Students will . be
required to bring a #2
pencil, gum or plastic
, eraser and a pad of 9" x
12" paper. , (Min.
10/Max. 24)
Inst.: Cindy Senn Site: Lions E
Fee: $24/6 wks Start: 1/9/99
CC2098-001 Sat., 8- 8:50 a.m.
Crecttve Illustrntion Rge: 15 & up
Learn the different techniques of basic
drawing skills. Make your drawings come
alive with emphasis on imagination, cre-
aHvity and artistic freedom. Bring to class a
#2 pencil, gum or plastic eraser and a pad of
9" x 12" paper. (Min. 10/Max. 24)
Inst.: Cindy Serui Site: Lions E
Fee: $24/6 weeks Start: 1/13/99
CC2093-U01 Wed., 6- 6:50 p.m.
Portroft Drowlrtg Rge: 15 & up
A concentrated challenge in drawing peo-
ple, animals & still lives. For the artists who
would enjoy fine tuning their already estab-
lished drawing skills. Bring pencil & paper
to the first class. A list of supplies will be
given at the first class. (Min. 10/Max. 24)
Inst.: Cindy Senn Site: Lions E
Fee: $24/6 weeks Start: 1/13/99
CC2094-001 Wed., 7- 7:50 p.m.
I f7E GfdPEVINE � WiNiEr t999
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Calligraphy-Beg. Age: 10 & up
Become familiar with a wide range of tools,
materials, and uses of calligraphy. (Min.
10/Max. 20)
Inst.: Kingsley Benefield Site: Senior Ctr
Fee: $36/10 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC2028-001 Tue., 6- 720 p.m.
Callfgrophy-Int. Age: 10 & up
Gothic and contemporary hands.
Completion of beginning calligraphy is
preferable. (Min. 10/Max. 20)
I�ist.: Kingsley Benefield Site: Senior Ctr
Fee: $36/10 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC2029-001 Tue., 7:30 - 8:50 p.m.
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Aubber Stamping Age: 16 & up
Be one of the many to learn the latest craze
in the crafting industry. The art of stamping
has become one of the hottest new methods
of making your own stationary, cards, invi-
tatiohs and even stamping on fabric and
walls. Even if you can't draw a straight line
we guarantee this is a craft anyone can do!
(Min. 2/Max. 15)
Inst.: Lisa Walton-Cortes Site: Lions E
Basic Hubber Stamping
Learn the basic techniques to make cards,
wrapping paper, stationery, gift bags, etc.
Different pads, markers, wil] be covered.
Also find out the where and what to buy
that is essential for the beginning stamper.
Material fee is $5.
Fee: $15/1 day Date: 1/25/99
CC2100-001 Mon., 7- 9 p.m.
Fee: $15/1 day Date: 2/20/99
CC2100-002 Sat., 12 noon - 2 p.m.
Stomping on Wood
Use rubber stamps to jazz up an unfinished
��ood frame or recipe box. We will make 1-
2 projects for you to take home. Material fee
is $5.
Fee: $15/1 day Date: 3/10/99
CC2101-001 Wed., 7- 9 p.m.
fobric Stamping
Learn ho�v rubber stamps can be used to
add color and design to your t-shirts, tote
bags, childrens clothing, velvet, etc. We will
be makuig a tote bag in class for you to take
home. Material fee is $5.
Fee: $15/1 day Date: 2/13/99
CC2102-001 Sat., 12 noon - 2 p.m.
fun witfi Embossing
Come and learn different techniques, tex-
tures and surfaces involved in this emboss-
ing class. Beginning & intermediate
embossers will enjoy this class. Material fee
is $5.
Fee: $15/1 day Date: 1/22/99
CC2103-001 Fri., 12 noon - 2 p.m.
Glitter, chalks, background papers, corruga-
tors, hole punches, 3-D looks. Come and
learn how these accessories and others can
add some 'pizzazz' to your stamp projects.
Material fee is $5.
Fee: $15/1 day Date: 3/24/99
CC2104-001 Wed., 7- 9 p.m.
Volentine Ideas
In this class we will show you how you can
use your rubber stamps beyond cards to
make great Valentine gifts! Material fee is
Fee: $15/1 day Date: 1/13/99
CC2105-001 Wed., 7- 9 p.m.
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Creative SQopbooks Age: 15 & up
This Crearive Memories class will help you
permanently record not only what you do
but who you are. With assistance from the
instructor, you will learn step by step how
to organize and turn boxes of photos and
memorabilia into keepsake photo-safe
albums. Techniques for cropping, layout,
mounting, journaling and much more. You
will receive a folder filled with valuable
informaHon and useful Hps for future refer-
ence while completing your scrapbook
albums. Students are to bring 6-8 photos to
the class and any correspond'u1g memora-
bilia. We will actually complete an album
page and all materials will be provided.
(Min. 4/Max. 16)
Inst.: Sheila Bolka Site Lions E
Fee: $15/1 day Date: 1/12/99
CC6030-001 Tue., 7- 9 p.m.
I f1E GfdPEVINE 2�
WiNiEr i999
Serious Svapbookers Rge: 15 & up
This 3 week class will give you consistent
time to work on your project. Each week
you will also learn new tricks and tec11-
niques to use in your albums. Many spe-
cialty scrapbook items will be available to
use, Deckle trimmers, templates, circle cut-
ters, rulers, page layout idea files and much
more! Students need to bring approximate-
ly 24 pictures to the first class. Scrapbook
supplies may be purchased from the
instructor or you may bring your own.
Previous Creative Scrapbooks dass is rec-
ommended but not required. (Min. 4/Max.
Inst.: Sheila Bolka Site Lions E
Fee: $25/3 wks Start: 1/21/99
CC6031-001 Thur., 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
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Bollroom Dance
We invite you to dance the night away
to your favorite music! Dances wil]
include the Fox Trot, Waltz, Swing, Cha
Cha, Rumba, Samba, and Tango!
Dances will be held on the 2nd
Saturday of each month at the Rancho
Cucamonga Senior Center (9791 Arrow
Route) 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Admission wil]
be $3 per person. For more information
call 477-2780
Jazz Donce Rge: Rdult
This class explores creative expression
through instruction in jazz steps, combina-
tions and routines. Current dance music
accompanies your dancing. Optional recital
is offered at the end of the session. Wear
black jazz oxfords and comfortable cloth-
ing. (Min. 10/Max. 25)
Inst.: Olympic Studios Site: Senior Ctr
Fee: $37.50/10 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC3046-001 Tue., 7- 7:40 p.m.
Top Donce Rge: Rdult
Great class for those who want to dance and
exercise! Classes begin with stretching and
warm up and is followed by the instruction
of tap steps, combinations and routines.
Optional performance opportunity is a
recital at the conclusion of the session. Wear
tap shoes or black flats and comfortable
clothing. (Min. 10/Max. 25)
Inst.: Olympic Studios Site: Senior Ctr
Fee: $37.50/10 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC3014-001 Tue., 7:40 - 8:20 p.m.
Bollet Rge: Adult
New grace, strength, poise and confidence
will be developed through sound training
techniques within a creative leaming for-
mat. Classes provide instruction in barre
work, traveling movements, centre floor
combinations and dances. OpHonal recital
is offered at the end of the session. Wear
black leotard and tights and ballet slippers.
(Min. 10/Max. 25)
Inst.: Olympic Studios Site: Senior Ctr
Fee: $37.50/10 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC3013-001 Tue., 820 - 9 p.m.
Bollroom Doncfng Rge: 15 & up
Look great and feel confident on the dance
floor after learning the basics of the Fox
Trot, Waltz, Swing and Cha Cha. (Min.
10/Max. 50) No class 1/18 & 2/15.
Inst.: Debbie Kozlovich Site: Lions W
Fee: $24/8 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC3021-001 Mon., 7- 7:50 p.m.
Inst.: Debbie Kozlovich Site: Lions W
Fee:$24/8wks Start:l/11/99
CC3022-001 Mon., 8- 8:50 p.m.
Inst.: Debbie Kozlovich Site: Lions W
Fee: $24/8 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC3036-001 Mon., 9- 9:50 p.m.
line Dance Rge: 13 & up
Learn some of the most popular line dances
out today. No partners needed. Line danc-
ing is excellent exercise and a great social
acHvity! (Min. 10/Max. 70)
Inst.: Debbie Kozlovich Site: Terra Vista
Fee: $30/10 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC3024-001 Tue., 7:00 - 7:50 p.m.
East Cocst Swing Rge: 13 & up
East Coast Swing is quite easy to leam. First
master the basic triple rhythm then add
turns, tucks & wraps and you have a fun
dance and great way to exercise. (Min.
10/Max. 70)
Inst.: Debbie Kozlovich Site: Terra Vista
Fee: $30/10 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC3025-001 Tue., 8- 8:50 p.m.
Inst.: Debbie Kozlovich Site: Terra Vista
Fee: $30/10 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC3026-001 Tue., 9- 9:50 p.m.
Belly Doncing Rge: 16 & up
Get in shape, create and challenge yourself,
leaming the Art of Belly Dancing. Related
exercises will be taught with emphasis on
stretching, toning and isolating muscles
used in Belly Dancing (including stomach
muscles to leam the "Belly Roll"). Learn
how to understand and interpret Middle
Eastern music and drum rhythms, play
Zills, and use a Veil. Armenian and Greek
Folk line dances are offered as well.
Instructor will have some items needed for
class available for purchase (music, zills,
and some costuming). Must have instruc-
tors approval or 4 consecuHve begiruiing
classes with instructor for advanced class.
No class 1/18 & 2/15. (Min. 6/Max. 30)
Inst.: "Cyriana", Kathy Daghdevirian
Site: Lions
Beginning -
Fee: $35.50/8 wks Start: 1/il/99
CC3027-001 Mon., 6:30 - 7:50 p.m.
Fee: $35.50/8 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC3027-002 Wed., 12:30 - 1:50 p.m.
Fldvonced - (lnsWctor opproval �qvlred)
Fee: $35.50/8 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC3035-001 Mon., 8- 9:20 p.m.
Howofian Donce N Age: 8- 13
Must have successfully completed
Hawaiian Dance III. Students will begin to
do chants and tahitian dances. (Min.
6/Max. 20)
Inst.: Donna Terry Site: Lightfoot
Fee: $27.50/11 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC3018-001 Wed., 6:15 - 7:05 p.m.
Hawailan Donce V Age: 13 - 16
Must have successfully completed
Hawaiian Dance N. Lots of performance
opportunities. (Min. 6/Max. 20)
Inst.: Donna Terry Site: Lightfoot
Fee: $27.50/11 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC3019-001 Wed., 7:05 - 7:55 p.m.
Teen/Adult Howoilan Age: 13 & up
Leam basic hand, body and foot motions
related to graceful hawaiian dancing and
some of the more popular hulas. This is a
fun class for sisters and mothers/daugh-
ters. (Min. 6/Max. 20)
1nst.: Donna Terry Site: Lightfoot
Fee: $27.50/11 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC3020-001 Wed., 8- 8:50 p.m.
Hawaiion Donce I Age: 5- 1P
Experience the culture of the islands. Learn
basic hand, body and foot moHons related
to graceful hawaiian dancing. (Min. 6/Max.
Inst.: Donna Terry Site: Lightfoot
Fee: $27.50/11 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC3015-001 Wed., 3:45 - 4:35 p.m.
Hauuaifan Dance II Age: 5- 1Q
Must have successfully completed
Hawaiian Dance I. We �n�ill review basic
steps and learn more advanced routines.
(Min. 6/Max. 20)
Inst.: Donna Terry Site: Lightfoot
Fee: $27.50/11 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC3016-001 Wed., 4:35 - 5:25 p.m.
Hawoifon Donce III Age: 6- 14
Must have successfully completed
Hawaiian Dance fI. Students will begin to
use puili (split bamboo sdck) while danc-
ing. (Min. 6/Max. 20)
Inst.: Donna Terry Site: Lightfoot
Fee: $27.50/11 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC3017-001 Wed., 5:25 - 6:15 p.m.
Tf1E VfdPEVINE 26 W INiEf t999
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Geotive Movement Rge: 3- 5
For boys and girls! This class is designed to
help develop children's awareness of music
interpretaHon, concepts of special forma-
Hon and a variety of movements through
the use of props, singing, fun and creative
expression! Parents allowed to observe dur-
ing last ten minutes of class only. (Min.
lU/Max. 25) No class 1/18 & 2/l5.
Inst.: Olympic Studios Site: Lions E
Fee: $37.50/10 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC3000-0O1 Thur., 11 - 11:50 a.m.
Site: Windrows Elem
Fee: $37.50/10 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC3000-002 Mon., 6:30 - 7:20 p.m.
Tcp/Jou Combination Age: 3- 5
An introductory class for students with no
previous dance experience. Learn the fun,
traditional tap steps, develop rhythm skills,
and fun jazz techniques. There will be an
opportunity to perform in an optional
dance recital. (Min. 10/Max. 30)
Inst.: Olympic Studios Sitc: Lions E
Fee: $37.50/10 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC3044-001 Thur., 3- 3:50 p.m.
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Hip Hop/J� Age: 8- 14
Hip Hop street moves as well as traditional
jazz dance techniques will be instructed in
this class. These two forms of dance in com-
bination are great exercise and can be used
when you are out dancing with your
friends. This class provides valuable train-
ing for those interested in dance team, song
or cheerleading. Add your own style to the
moves you'll leam and be cool at the next
party! (Min. 10/Max. 30)
Inst.: Olympic Studios Site: Lions E
Fee: $37.50/10 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC3007-001 Thur., 5- 5:50 p.m.
Site: Windrows Elem
Fee: $37.50/]0 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC3007-002 Wed., 5:30 - 620 p.m.
Bollet & Tap I Age: 3- 10
Introduction to movement for the child
interested in dance. In a creative mode, we
teach the children the basics
of ballet. Tap exposes chil-�
dren to rhythmic moHon in
an enthusiastic setting. Also �� ��
an opportunity to perform in ��
our opti�nal dance recital. �
Recital fee is �18. Parent observation is the
last ten minutes of class only. (Min. l0/Max.
25 - Max. 30 for 6-10) No class 1/18 & 2/15.
Inst.: Olympic Studios
Rge: 3- 5 Site: Lions E
Fee: $37.50/10 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC3002-001 Thur., 9- 9:50 a.m. .
CC3002-002 Thur., 1 -1:50 p.m.
CC3002-003 Thur., 6- 6:50 p.m.
Rge: 3- 5 Site: Windrows Elem
Fee: $37.50/10 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC3002-004 Mon., 4:30 - 520 p.m.
Hge: 6- 10 Site: Windrows Elem
Fee: $37.50/10 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC3003-001 Mon., 5:30 - 6:20 p.m.
Bollet & Top II Age: 3- 10
Open to all children who have successfully
completed Ballet and Tap I. There is an
opportunity to perform in our optional
dance recital. Recital fee is $l8. Parent
observation is the last ten minutes of class
only. (Min. 10/Max. 25 - Max. 30 for 6-10)
Inst.: Olympic Studios Site: Lions E
Hge: 3 - 5
Start: 1 /14/99
CC3004-001 Thur.,10 - 10:50 a.m.
CC3004-002 Thur., 2- 2:50 p.m.
Age: 3- 5 Site: Windrows Elem
Fee: $37.50/10 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC3004-003 Wed., 3:30 - 4:20 p.m.
Hge: 6- 10 Site: Windrows Elem
Fee: $37.50/10 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC3005-001 Wed., 4:30 - 520 p.m.
Bollet & Tcp I ond II Rge: 6- 10
For students with dance experience and for
older students with some type of move-
ment oriented class back-
i` ground. Highlights of the
� � / class include gaining
, ' grace, poise and confi-
� `� dence through ballet, and
,�'� development of rhythmic
skill in tap. There is also
an opportunity to per-
form in our optional
dance recital, $18 recital fee. Parent observa-
tion is the last 10 minutes of each class only.
(Min. 10/Max. 30)
Inst.: Olympic Studios Site: Lions E
Fee: $37.50/10 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC3006-001 Thur., 4- 4:50 p.m.
T�'lE VfdPEVINE 27 W INiEf t999
Bollet FolMorico/Mexfcon Donce
Rge: 3 & up
Experience the culture of Mexico through
traditional dance and movement. Learn
about the various regions, influences and
history of Mexico through dance. Hard
soled shoes are required. Practice Skirt is
required (details given in class). Students
may want to purchase folkloric� shoes or
costumes as they advance. Optional recital
is offered at the end of the session. (Min.
10/Max. 25)
Intro to Mexican Donce Hge: 3- 5
Fee: $30 first child/$25 2nd/]0 wks
Inst.: Livier Santana Site: Lions E
CC3041-001 Wed.,5-5:45p.m. Start: 1/13/99
8eginning Rge: 5 - 8
Fee: $27 first child/$22.50 2nd/9 wks
Inst.: Livier Santana Site: Lions E
CC3037-001 Fri., 5- 6 p.m. Start: 1/15/99
ficiv. 8eginning Rge: 6- 9
Fee: $27 first child/$22.50 2nd/9 wks
Inst.: Livier Santana Site: Lions E
CC3042-001 Fri., 6- 7 p.m. Start: 1/15/99
Troditionol Mexicon/Sponish Donce
Rge: 9 & up
Las Rosas Company members and staff
have designed a
series of classes � � t � � '
to �ntroduce . � .1� ,* ���
individuals to � . rl'� �
the "World of •'• • � �'��
Dance" through �.
the Hispanic „ H� �',,.
folklore and � �� �` ��9
contemporary � `" �� �
dance styles.
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Classes will include regional dances of
Mexico, regional dances of Espana. (Min.
10/Max. 35)
Fee: $30 first child/$25 2nd/10 wks
Rge: 9 - 16
Inst.: Las Rosas Site: Lions W
CC3038-0O1Tue,5:15-6:30pm Start:l/12/99
Rge: teen - odult
Inst.: Las Rosas Site: Lions W
CC3043-001 Tue.,5:15-fi:30pm Start: l/12/99
Your 19��
Spring Grapevine
will be mailed
during the week of :
March �, 1999
I1 S I C
Singing for a lifetime Age: 10 - 18
(Traditional Vocal InstrucHon)
Notlung can replace good basic technical
training in voice. Study with a Metropolitan
Opera Auditions Award Winning Teacher
and Performer who emphasizes proven the-
ories in vocal production. Leam breath con-
trol, proper phrasing, stage presence, reper-
toire and most important the ability to be
heard without a mike! Group and individ-
ual instruction will be given and a recital
will be presented at the end of each session.
(Min. 10/Max. 20)
Instructor: Melanie Alpert Site: Lions W
Fee: $60/8 wks Start: 1/19/99
CC1021-001 Tue., 4:45 - 5:30 p.m.
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Cucomongo Kids �orole Rge: 4- 9
Does your child love to sing? Along with
having fun, your child will learn basic
singing skills, the ability to follow a con-
ductor and many wonderful songs. The
choir will present a concert at the end of the
session. Fee 'vlcludes an accompanist at
each meeting. (Min. 20/Max. 60)
Instructor: Melanie Alpert Site: Lions W
Fee: $50/9 wks Start: 1/19/99
CC1008-001 Tue., 3:50 - 4:35 p.m.
Drums Age:,7 - 15
This class will offer a practical approach to
playing the drumset. Students start their
first class by playing an actual beat. All of
the beats and fills presented can be used in
a performance situation. Students will also
learn the basic fundamentals of drums.
Students must bring sticks and practice pad
or may purc�tase supplies from the instruc-
tor for approximately $15. (Min. 4/Max. 20)
Instructor: Keith Jones Site: Lions E
Fee: $48/5 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC1014-001 Wed., 4:30 - 5:15 p.m.
Fee: $48/5 wks Start: 2/17/99
CC1014-002 Wed., 4:30 - 5:15 p.m.
Topiory Rge: 16 & up
Learn how to make and complete in class
your own topiary (plant form). The course
will cover the history of topiaries, how to
construct a topiary, types of plants that
make a good topiary, and topiary care.
When the class is completed you will have
a 2 foot dog, cat or rabbit topiary to take
home and the skills to make other topiaries.
A$5 supply fee is due to the instructor at
class. Participants must bring to class: nee-
dle nose pliers, wire cutters, and gloves.
Old clothes are recommended. (Min.
4/Max. 16)
Inst.: Patrick King Site: Lions W
Dog, Cct, or Robbit Topiary
Fee: $25/1 day Date: 2/24/99
CC6023-001 Wed., 7- 9:30 p.m.
landscoping Design Rge: Rdult
HOMEOWIVERS! Faced with landscaping a
new yard or refurbishing 'an exisHng lot?
Part I covers planning by examining your
existing conditions and needs, and learning
basic landscaping techniques. Part II covers
irrigation types, plant consideration, land-
scape installaHon and maintenance. Bring
grid paper, ruler, pencils and eraser. A$3.50
material fee- Part I and $3.75 -Part II is due
to the instructor at the class. (Min. 8/Max.
Inst.: Harold Bradford Site: Lions W
Port I — Introduction
Fee: $25/3 wks Start: 2/10/99
CC6021-001 Wed., 7- 8:50 p.m.
Port II — Design
Fee: $28/4 wks Start: 3/3/99
CC6022-001 Wed., 7- 8:50 p.m.
Homemode Joms & Jellles Age: Adult
Did you ever want to know how to make
some jam or jelly? Now is the time. This
class will include a discussion on the equip-
ment and ingredients needed to make your
own homemade jam. We will make a batch
of jam and every person will take home a jar
of jam they helped make. A$5 material fee
is due at the class. (Mu�. 5/Max. 8)
Inst.: Janice Kemmer Site: Lions W
Fee: $20/1 day Date: 1/26/99
CC6076-001 Tue., 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Totol Home Orgonixing Age: Adult
Leam home organizing short cuts to make
life at home easier by being more organized.
Explore some reasons why we don't get
more organized, reasons to de-clutter, gen-
eral organizing rules, and how to get start-
ed. We will start by working on the paper in
our lives, and then each room in the home.
(Min. 5/Max. 30)
Inst.: Janice Kemmer Site: Lions W
Fee: $25/1 day Date: 1/27/99
CC6012-001 Wed., 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Real Estate Buying or
Selling in tfie 90's Rge: Adult
Leam how to sell your home and receive a
profit. We will learn some do's and don'ts
on preparing your home to sell, go over
some quesrions about selling your own
home. You will understand what it takes to
market and sell property. Come and learn
the steps to buying your dream home. (Min.
6/Max. 20)
Inst.: Sandra Johnson Site: ReMax
Fee: $25 per person/$30 per couple
1 day Date 2/20/99
CC6013-001 Sat., 10 a.m. - noon
Date: 3/20/99
CC6013-002 Sat., 10 a.m. - noon
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Baby & Me Rge: 3 mos - 1 Q mos
A parent participation class. Come meet
with other parents who want to get out of
the house and have fun. We will sing songs
and learn about baby's growth and devel-
opment through videos and discussion,
Bring a blanket and join the fun! (Min.
5/Max. 20) No class 2/15.
Inst.: Maury Benson Site: Lions E
Fee: $40/8 wks Start: 1/25/99
CC1025-001 Mon., 11:30 -1220 p.m.
Ulee Two/Three Age: Q- 3
Is your two/three year old ready for pre-
school but not quite ready
to be away from you? If so,
then consider this unique
class designed for you and
your child. The emphasis of
this program is to encour-
age a child's emotional, social, and cogni-
Hve growth by allowing the child and par-
ent to engage in acHvities such as circle
time, crafts, science experiments, cooking
and games. Material fee of $6 is due to the
instructor at the first class. Parental atten-
dance is required. (Min. 5/Max. 15) No
class 2/15
Tnst.: Maury Benson Site: Lions E
Fee:$40/8wks Start:l/25/99
CC1023-001 Mon., 12:30 - 120 p.m.
AaenCs Guide Oo Hoising Respor�sible Qilidren:
Setzing limits ond Ef�edfve Discipl(ne
Age: Adult
Tired of engaging in power struggles? And
losing? Have you tried all the traditional
discipline techniques but nothing works?
Sign up today and leam proven strategies
that deal with non-compliant behavior.
ParHcipants will gain a deeper understand-
ing that discipline is teaching, not hurting.
Subtle to moderate changes in our parent-
ing style is al] that is needed to enhance pos-
itive behavioral changes in our children.
(Min. 6/Max. 30)
lnst.: Chris Kislingbury, Licensed
Educational Psychologist Site: Lions W
Fee: $29 Ind.; $39 - Couple/1 day
Date: 1 /26/99
CC6062-001 Tue., 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Rock Climbing
Hangar 18 Indoor Climbing Gym will offer a chance to rock climb in their safe
indoor facility. All participants will wear a safety harness that is attached to a
rope that is then controlled by one of their friendly and qualified staff. Parent
must accompany child to the first class of each session to sign the release form.
Kids Belay Rge: 4- 14
Kids love to climb!!! T'his 2 hour session will
teach kids the basics of rock climbing.
Climbing equipment is included. (Min.
5/Max. 30)
Inst.: Hangar 18 Staff Site: Hangar 18
Fee: $20/1 day Start: 1/9/99
CC903&001 Sat., 10 a.m. - 12 noon
Fee: $20/1 day Start: 1/23/99
CC9038-002 Sat., 10 a.m. - 12 noon
Fee: $20/1 day Start: 2/6/99
CC9038-003 Sat., 10 a.m. - 12 noon
Fee: $20/1 day Start: 2/20/99
CC9038-004 Sat., 10 a.m. - 12 noon
Fee: $20/1 day Start: 3/6/99
CC9038-005 Sat., 10 a.m..- 12 noon
Fee: $20/1 day Start: 3/20/99
CC9038-006 Sat., 10 a.m. - 12 noon
Intro Aods Climbing Age: 1 Q& up
This 2 hour introductory class is designed
for people who want to learn the basics of
rock climbing, and have little or no climb-
ing experience. Students will leam the safe-
ty system of belaying (holding ropes), the
figure 8 tie knot, and the fundamentals of
safe climbing. Climbing equipment is
included. (Min.5/Max.30)
Inst.: Hangar 18 Staff Site: Hangar 18
Fee: $25/1 day Start: 1/9/99
CC9039-001 Sat., 1- 3 p.m.
Fee: $25/1 day Start: 1/23/99
CC9039-002 Sat., 1- 3 p.m.
Fee: $25/1 day Start: 2/6/99
CC9039-003 Sat., 1- 3 p.m.
Fee: $25/1 day Start: 2/20/99
CC9039-004 Sat., 1- 3 p.m.
Fee: $25/1 day Start: 3/6/99
CC9039-005 Sat., 1- 3 p.m.
Fee: $25/1 day Start: 3/20/99
CC9039-006 Sat., 1- 3 p.m.
Youtt� UJinter Climbing Comp
Rge: 7-14
Come experience this 3
day winter camp full of
fun rock climbing games
and activities.
We offer the kids
. the chance to learn
the fundamentals of
safe climbing, from
knots & belaying
(holding ropes) to
movement, balance &
coordination. Climbing
equipment is included.
(Min. 5/Max. 30)
h1st.: Hangar 18 Staff
Site: Hangar 18
Fee: $150/3 days
Dates: 1/16, 17, 18/99
Sat., Sun., Mon., 2- 6 p.m.
T�IE G�dPEVINE Z� WiNiEr t999
P 0 RT S L A S S� S
iFor all Tennis Classes - i
. Students rnust furnish own .
� racket. Court shoes with �
Inon-marking soles and I
• comfortable clothes
� are also required. �
USA TenMs Progrom 1-4-3
Junior Tennis Rge: 5- 7
Introduction to tennis! Coordinadon drills
and beginning strokes, as well as plenty of
fun. Ball fee of $2.50 is due to the instructor.
(Min. 8/Max. 16) No class 1/18 & 2/15.
Inst.: Upland Tennis Club Staff
Site: Beryl Park
Fee: $40/8 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC9001-001 Mon., 4- 4:50 p.m.
Fee: $40/8 wks Start: l/12/99
CC9001-002 Tue., 4- 4:50 p.m.
Fee: $40/8 wks Start: l/13/99
CC9001-003 Wed., 4- 4:50 p.m.
Youtfi Tennis Rge: 8- 11
Introduction to tennis! Stroke producHon,
scoring, and rules of play as well as plenty
of fun games. Ball fee of $2.50 is due to the
instructor. (Min. 8/Max. 16) No class 1/18
& 2/15.
Inst.: Upland Tennis Club Staff
Site: Beryl Park
Fee: $40/8 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC9004-001 Mon., 5- 5:50 p.m.
Fee:$40/Swks Start:l/12/99
CC9004-002 Tue., 5- 5:50 p.m.
Teen Tennis Age: 1 Q- 15
Introduction to tennis! Proper grip use,
basic strokes, scoring, rules & compeHtive
games. Ball fee of $2.50 is due to the instruc-
tor. (Min. 8/Max. 16)
inst.: Upland Tennis Club Staff
Site: Beryl Park
Fee:$40/8wks Start:l/13/99
CC9005-002 Wed., 5- 5:50 p.m.
Adult Tennis Age: 16 & up
Leam the sport of a lifeHme, improving
your skills in tennis! Drills, strategy, instruc-
tion and matches to raise your level of play.
Ball fee of $2.50 is due to the instructor.
(Min. 8/Max. 16) No class 1/18 & 2/15.
Inst.: Upland Tennis Club Staff
Beginning Site: Beryl Park
Fee: $48/8 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC9008-001 Mon., 6- 7 p.m.
IntermedlGte Site: Beryl Park
Fee: $48/8 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC9009-001 Tue., b- 7 p.m.
Fee: $48/8 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC9009-002 Wed., 6- 7 p.m.
Saturday Tennis Program
Youtfi TenMs Age: 8& up
Each class will consist of lecture, strategy,
and game play. Week by week a new stroke
will be taught, as well as reinforcing previ-
ous material. The goal of the class is to get
students to leam the fundamental grip and
to become comfortable moving around the
court while having fun! Please bring 1 can
of unopened tennis balls on the first day of
class. (Min. 8/Max. 20) .
Inst.: Carlo Hidalgo
Beginning Site: Bery] Park
Fee: $40/8 wks Start: 1/9/99
CC9002-001 Sat., 9- 10 a.m.
Rge 1 Q - 15
Fee: $40/8 wks Start: 1/9/99
CC9005-001 Sat., 10 -11 a.m.
Intermediote Site: Beryl Park
Rge 14 & up
Fee: $40/8 wks Start: 1/9/99
CC9006-001 Sat., 11 -12 noon
figure Skating Rge: 3- 15
The ISIA Pre-Alpha Test Program develops
skills. Leam a two foot glide, one foot glide,
for�vard swizzles, backward wiggles and
swizzles, dip and snow plow stop. Children
will also adventure a waltz jump, two foot
spin and spiral. Pracrice during open ses-
sion following the ]esson. Skate rental is $3
per week. Dress very warm with gloves.
(Min. 5/Max. 50)
Inst.: Ontario Ice Skating Staff
Site: Ontario Ice
Rge 3-5
Fee: $48/8 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC9033-001 Wed.,11:30 -12 noon
Rge �15
Fee: $48/8 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC9021-001 Tue., 6:30 - 7 p.m.
Beginning Ice Hodsey Age: 3& up
The class wIll teach skating forward and
backward, stopping with the puck, hockey
position, pivot tums, stick handling and
shooting and basic game objecHves. Skate
rental is $3 per week. Pracrice during open
session following the lesson. Must provide
own stick and gloves. Dress warm and wear
a helmet. (Min. 10/Max. 50)
Inst.: Ontario Ice Skating Staff.
Site: Ontario Ice
Rge: 3 - 5
Fee: $48/8 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC9034-001 Mon., 6- 6:30 p.m.
Fee: $48/8 wks Age. 6- 15 Start: 1/12/99
CC9019-001 Tue., 6:30 - 7 p.m.
Age:16 & up
Fee: $48/8 wks Start: 1/10/99
CC9020-001 Sun., 7:40 - 5:10 p.m.
Baton, Pom Poms & Drill Teom
Age: 3 - 16
The beginning course will prepare you to
perform with the Rancho Cucamonga
"California Headliners", award winning
baton & drill team. If you decide to be part
of our performing group there will be an
additional cost of $58 to purchase uniforms
and equipment. Practice equipment is fur-
nished by insiructor. Wear tennis shoes &
loose clothing, no skirts or leotards. (Min.
2/Max. 35) Pre-requisite for Parade Corps is
Beg. Baton & insh-uctor's approval.
Inst.: Marianne Lowe
Beginning Boton/Pom Pom
Rge: 4- 7 Site: Lions W
Fee: $25/6 wks Start: 2/4/99
CC4049-001 Thur., 4:30 - 5 p.m.
Rge: 8- 14 Site: Lions W
Fee: $25/6 wks Start: 2/4/99
CC4049-002 Thur., 5- 5:30 p.m.
Heodliners Parade, field & Show Team
Rge: 5- 9 Site: Lions W
Fee: $25/8 wks , Start: 2/4/99
CC4050-001 Thur., 5:30 - 6:15 p.m.
Rdvanced Boton Twirling
Rge: 10 - 16 Site: Lions W
Fee: $25/S wks Start: 2/4/99
CC4051-001 Thur., 6:15 - 7 p.m.
Golf Age: 7 & up
FORE! Leam the basics of golf with instruc-
tion in putting, chipping, pitching, sand
play and ful] swing. Fee includes instruc-
tion, balls, clubs, and lots of fun! Bring a
putter to first class if available. (Min.
6/Max. 10)
Inst.: Mark Fowler,
PGA Teaching Professional
Site: Whispering Lakes
Age: 7 - 16
Fee: $65/6 wks Start: 1/9/99
CC9022-001 Sat., 8- 9 a.m.
Age: Adult
Fee: $65/6 wks Start: 1 /9/99
CC9023-001 Sat., 11 -12 noon
Bowling for Youtfi Age: 4-}4
IntroducHon for the begiruier• and practice
for the experienced bowler. Student must be
able to lift a 61b. ball. Fee includes 3 wks of
lessons, 6 weeks of league play and shoe
rental. (Min. 10)
Inst.: Deer Creek Staff Site: Deer Creek
Fee: $40/9 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC9012-001 Thur., 3:30 - 420 p.m.
Age: 8 - 14
Fee: $46/9 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC9013-001 Tue., 3:30 - 4:50 p.m.
T�'1E C7fdPEviNE �O WiNier 1999
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Rssertiveness TroiNng Rge: Adult
Would you like more say in the daily events of
your life? Less chaos? More time for yourself?
T'his class will focus on the value of your indi-
vidual opinions and needs, as well as teach you
skills for expressing yourself and getting what
you want out of life. You will leam such things
as how to stop letting people take advantage of
you, what to do with feelings of guilt and
shame and how to ask directly for what you
want or need. Supply fee of $3 due to the
instructor. (Min. 8/Max. 15) No class 1/18.
Inst.:Carol Shepard, M.S., Licensed MFCC
Site: Lions W
Fee: $45/4 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC6001-001 Mon.,6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
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Cortwheels, Carhuheels, Cartuuheelsl
Hge: 3 - 9
Learn to do a cartwheel! T'his class will con-
centrate on cartwheels and having fun on
the way to learning a cartwheel. Parents
may also sign-up to help your child practice
at home. (Min. 10/Max. 15)
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Co-ed - Rge 3 - 5
Fee: $20/8 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC4045-001 Mon., 4- 4:30 p.m.
Coed - Hge 6 - 9
Fee: $20/8 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC4046-001 Mon., 4- 4:30 p.m.
Cheerleoding Stunts & Tumbling
Rge: 6 - 15
Learn basic tumbling for cheerleaders
including cartwheels,
• round-offs, walkovers
and even more
• advanced skills such as
� - handsprings and stunt
maneuvers if students
are physically ready.
(Min. 10/Max. 20)
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Rge: 610
Fee: $40/10 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC4022-001 Tue., 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Rge: 11-15
Fee: $40/10 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC4023-001 Tue., 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.
R 0 W T H
Anger Monogement Age: Hdult
Does your anger get in the way of your relation-
ships? Do you have difficulty expressing your feel-
ings or opinions without getting angry? Do you
often feel out of control with your anger? This class
will teach you tools for "controlling" your anger,
help you understand the value of anger, and how
to better relate with those you love. supply fee of $3
due to the instructor. (Min. 8/Max. 20)
Inst.: Carol Shepard, M.S., Licensed MFCC
Fee: $45/4 wks Site: Lions W
CC6056-001 Thur., 7- 9 p.m. Date: 1/21/99
Prep for a,eer�ead�r�g Tryo�ts
Rge: 1 Q & up
If you want to try-out at your school this
class will increase your potential of making
the squad. (Min. 6/Max. 40)
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee:$30/lOwks Start:l/11/99
CC4024-001 Mon., 7- 8 p.m.
awer Squod Workout Age: 1 Q& up
Class will provide adequate space for your
cheer squad to practice as a group. Mirrors,
safety mats and tumbling are provided.
Class is supervised. (Class time may be
arranged) (Min. 6/Max. 40)
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee: $30/10 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC4025-001 Thur., 8:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Hip Hop Groove for �eer
Age: 1 Q & up
Hip Hop movement for cheer or just for
fun. Get the rhythm of hip hop. (Min.
10/Max. 30)
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee: $50/10 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC4054-001 Tue., 8- 9 p.m.
All Stor Q�eer Squod Teom Age: 8- 18
All participants must have completed
Cheer All-Start Auditions prior to atten-
dance in this class. Approval by
Auditions/Try-outs is necessary. (Min.
10/Max. 20)
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Hge: 8 - 11
Fee: $50/10 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC4026-001 Thur., 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Age: 1 Q - 18
Fee: $50/10 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC4026-002 Thur., 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.
T�IE VfdPEVINE �� WINiEf t999
All Stor Huditions Age: 8- 18
AudiHons include cheer, tumbling & dance.
Wear shorts, t-shirts & shoes. (Min.
10/Max. 30)
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee: $5/1 day Start: 1/7/99
CC4053-001 Thur., 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Gymnastics Judging Age: 15 & up
Have you ever wondered how the Olympic
gymnasts are scored? Or, are you interested
in judging entry team levels? Class is pre-
sented by a USA Gymnastics National
Certified judge, and will introduce the
basics of scoring. (Min. 4/Max. 15)
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee: $10/1 day Date: ]/11/99
CC4043-001 Mon., 7- 9 p.m.
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A progressive and fun gymnastics program.
A safe leaming environment allows for the
development of body awareness, coordina-
tion and social development using exercise
to music, tumbling and balance beam skills.
Proof of age must be presented at the first
class. (No class 1 /18 & 2/15)
Tumbling Teddys - Beg. Rge: Q
Parent must participate with child. (Min.
8/Max. 15)
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnasrics Site: Lions E
Fee: $25/10 wks Start: 1 /9/99
CC4010-001 Sat., 8:45 - 9:15 a.m.
Fee: $25/10 wks Start: 1/9/99
CC4010-002 Sat., 920 - 9:50 a.m.
Fee: $25 / 10 wks Start: 1/ 11 /99
CC4010-003 Mon., 10 - 10:30 a.m.
Fee:$25/lOwks Start:l/12/99
CC4010-004 Tue., 10:15 - 10:45 a.m.
Fee: $25/10 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC4010-005 Wed., 10 - 10:30 a.m.
Tumbling Teddys—Int. Rge: Q
Parent must participate with child. Must
have written approval from their instructor
or completed two beginn'v�g sessions. (Min.
8/Max. 15)
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee: $25/10 wks Start: ]/11/99
CC4011-001 Mon., 10 - 10:30 a.m
Fee: $25/10 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC4011-002 Wed.,10 - 10:30 a.m
Transition Age: 3
This class wil] allow the parent to remain
and participate as needed for the entire ses-
sion. A great class for children who need to
prepare for participaHon without a parent.
(Min. 10/Max. 20) No class 1/18 & 2/15.
Inst.: Dynasty GymnasHcs Site: Lions E
Fee: $40/]0 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC4044-001 Tue., 9:15 - 10 a.m.
Fee: $40/10 wks 1/13/99
CC4044-002 Wed., 9- 9:45 a.m.
RQo-Tots — Begfnning Age: 3- 5
(Min. 10/Max. 12) No class 1/18 & 2/15.
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Lions E
Fee: $40/10 wks Start: 1/9/99
CC4012-001 Sat., 10 - 10:45 a.m.
CC4012-002 Sat., 11 - 11:45 a.m.
Fee: $40/10 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC4012-003 Mon., 9- 9:45 a.m.
CC4012-004 Mon., 5- 5:45 p.m.
Fee: $40/10 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC4012-005 Tue., 11 - 11:45 a.m.
Fee: $40/10 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC4012-006 Wed., 10:45 - 11:30 a.m.
AQo-Tots — Intermediate Rge: 3- 5
You must receive written approval from the
instructor to enroll in this class. (Min.
10/Max. 12)
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnasdcs Site: Dynasty
Fee: $40/10 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC4013-001 Mon., 9- 9:45 a.m.
Fee: $40/10 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC4013-002 Wed., 10:45 - 11:30 a.m.
Fee: $40/10 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC4013-003 Thur., 2:30 - 3:15 p.m.
Hot Shots — Beginning Age: 5- 7
(Min. 10/Max. 12)
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee: $40/10 wks Start: 1 /12/99
CC4038-001 Tue., 4- 4:45 p.m.
Hot Shots — Intermediote Rge: 5- 7
(Min. 10/Max. 12)
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee: $40/10 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC4039-001 Tue., 4:45 - 5:30 p.m.
This is a recrearional gymnasrics program with emphasis on flexibility, coordination, body
awareness, and strength through tumbling & balance beam skills. No class 1/18 & 2/15.
Gyr� Beginning I Age: 6- 16
(Min. 10/Max. 12)
Age: 6 - 10
Inst.: Dynasty GymnasHcs Site: Lions E
Fee: $40/10 wks Start: 1/9/99
CC4014-001 Sat., 12 - 12:50 p.m.
Fee: $40/10 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC4014-002 Mon., 3- 3:50 p.m.
Age: 10 - 16
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Lions E
Fee: $40/10 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC4015-001 Mon., 4- 4:50 p.m.
Gyrr� Beginning II Rge: 6- 16
Must have instructors approval and previ-
ous gymnasHcs training. (Min. 10/Max. 12)
Rge: 6 - 10
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnasdcs Site: Dynasty
Fee: $40/10 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC4032-001 Thur., 3:30 - 4:20 p.m.
Rge: 10 - 16
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee: $40/10 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC4033-001 Mon., 7- 7:50 p.m.
TuuinMing Stars
Rge: walking - Q4 mos.
Classes are filled with learning and pracHc-
ing balancing, jumping & rolling skills
along with lots of music and fun. Gross
motor skills are developed with the use of
many tools and specialty pre-K gymnastics
apparatus. Work with fun obstacle courses,
hula-hoops, bean bags, and tunnels. Parent
participation is required. (Min. 6/Max. 12)
No class 2/15.
Inst.: Precision Gymnastics
Site: Precision
Fee: $20/11 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC4056-001 Mon., 9- 9:30 a.m.
CC4056-002 Mon., 9:30 - 10 a.m.
CC4056-003 Mon., 10:15 - 10:45 a.m.
GVm Day Camp Rge: 3- 15
InstrucHonal gymnasHcs for beginner thru
advanced levels. Also craRs, trampoline,
parachute fun and games. For boys and
girls. Bring a sack lunch and drink. (Min.
10/Max. 30)
Rge: 3 - 5 .
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee: $18/1 day Date: 1/18/99
CC4018-001 Mon., 10 - 4 p.m.
Fee: $18/1 day Date: 2/15/99
CC4018-002 Mon., 10 - 4 p.m.
Fee: $18/1 day Date: 1/16/99
CC4018-003 Sat., 10 - 4 p.m.
Age: 6 - 9
Fee: $18/1 day Date: 1/18/99
CC4019-001 Mon., 10 - 4 p.m.
Fee: $18/1 day Date: 2/15/99
CC4019-002 Mon.,10 - 4 p.m.
Fee: $18/1 day Date: 1/16/99
CC4019-003 Sat., 10 - 4 p.m.
Age: 10 - 15
Fee: $IS/1 day Date: 1/18/99
CC4034-001 Mon., 10 - 4 p.m.
Fee: $18/1 day Date: 2/15/99
CC4034-002 Mon., 10 - 4 p.m.
Fee: $18/1 day Date: 1/16/99
CC4034-003 Sat., 10 - 4 p.m.
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The Bods HandSpring Age:� 14 & up
This class works specifically on the back-
spring. Sign up with a friend & receive a
free Dynasty t-shirt. (Min. 10/Max. 15)
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee: $44/11 wks Start: 1/il/99
CC4057-001 Mon., 7:30 - 8 p.m.
, I r1E GfdPEVINE �Z W INiEf tq99
These classes include instruction on vault,
bars, balance beam, and floor exercise (also
rings and pom�nel horse for boys). Girls
must wear leotards and socks, boys must
wear shorts, t-shirts and socks. Long hair
must be secured.
Intro to Gym Rpparatus Rge: 3- 14
Emphasis is on safety, fun, and beginning
gymnastics skills. (Min. 6/Max. 8)
Co-ed Age: 3 - 5
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee: $50/10 �vks Start: 1/9/99
CC4000-001 Sat., 11 - 11:45 a.m.
Fee: $50/10 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC4000-002 Mon., 10:45 - 11:30 a.m.
Fee: $50/10 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC4000-003 Tue., 10 - 10:45 a.m.
Fee: $50/10 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC4000-004 Wed., 6:30 - 7:15 p.m.
Fee: $50/10 wks Start: 1 /14/99
CC4000-005 Thur., 1:30-2:15 p.m.
Co-ed Age: 5 - 7
(Min. 6/Ivlax. 8)
Fee: $50/10 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC4001-001 Tue., 6:30 - 7:15 p.m.
Fee:$50/lOwks Start:l/13/99
CC4001-002 Wed., 5:30 - 6:15 p.m.
Boys Rge: 6- 1 Q
(Min. 6/Max. 9)
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee: $50/10 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC4036-001 Mon., 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Gir1s Rge: 6 - 14
(Min. 6/Max. 9)
1nst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee: $50/10 wks Start: 1/9/99
CC4037-001 Sat., 10 - 10:50 a.m.
I/ j�
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Intermedlate Gym Apparatus
Age: 3 - 1 Q
Must complete Intro to Gym Apparatus.
Emphasis is on apparatus skills, developing
strength and safety. (Min. 8/Max. 9)
Co-ed Rge: 3 - 5
Inst.: Dynasty GymnasNcs Site: Dynasty
Fee: $50/10 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC4040-001 Thur., 4:30 - 5:15 p.m.
Glrls Age: 5 - 8
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee: $50/10 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC4005-001 Wed., 5:30 - 6:15 p.m.
Girls Rge: 8- 1 Q
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee: $50/10 ��ks Start: 1/13/99
CC4006-001 Wed., 6:15 - 7 p.m.
Bars Apporotvs Age: 6- 9
Emphasis is on building upper body
strength and beginning bar skills. (Min.
6/Max. 9)
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee: $50/10 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC4009-001 Tue., 4:30 - 520 p.m.
; DANCE fOR GYNWRST'S Rge: 6& up ;
: Two fun classes with lots of leaps, turns & a:
; jazzy routine for gymnasHcs. (Min. 8/Max. ;
; Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty ;
: Non-�ompetfng Gymnosts - Beg - Adv
Age 6 & up
: Fee: $40/8 ��ks Start: 1/15/99 :
: CC4041-001 Fri., 5- 6 p.m.
; Competftive Teom Gymnasts
Age 9 & up �
; Fee: $40/8 wks Start: 1/15/99 ;
; CC4042-001 Fri., 4- 5 p.m.
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f(tness Is Wntastic Age: 6- 10
An introduction to gymnastics with added
fimess fun such as obstacle course, para-
chute games, and trampoline. Suggestion
to Troop Leaders: 1Nhy not use this as an
event to earn a fitness patch! (Date & time
may be arranged) (Min. 10/Max. 20)
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee: $6/1 day Date: 1/9/99
CC4021-001 Sat., 4- 5:30 p.m.
Trompoline fun Rge: 3- 1 Q
Children enjoy bouncing and learning safe
tra�npoline skills. (Min. 6/Max. 8)
Co-ed Rge: 3 - 5
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee: $10/4 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC4002-001 Thur., 12 - 12:30 p.m.
Fee: $10/4 wks Start: 2/11/99
CC4002-002 Thur., 12 -12:30 p.m.
Fee: $10/4 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC4002-003 Thur., 12:45 - 1:15 p.m.
Fee: $10/4 wks Start: 2/11/99
CC4002-004 Thur., 12:45 -1:15 p.m.
Co-ed Age: 5 - 8
Fee: $10/4 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC4003-001 Wed., 6- 6:30 p.m.
Fee: $10/4 wks Start: 2/10/99
CC4003-002 Wed., 6- 6:30 p.m.
Co-ed Rge: 8- 1 Q
Fee: $10/4 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC4035-001 Wed., 6:30 - 7 p.m.
Fee: $10/4 wks Start: 2/10/99
CC4035-002 Wed., 6:30 - 7 p.m.
Rhytt�mic Gymnasti6 Age: 6- 14
This class includes basic dance movements
and skills with hand apparatus. Instructor
wi]] norify students on first day of class
which apparatus is needed. Approximate
additional cost is $2-$10. (Min. 10/Max. 20)
Inst.: Dynasty GymnasHcs Site: Dynasty
Fee: $40/10 wks Start: 1/9/99
CC4016-001 Sat., 12 - 12:50 p.m.
Sport-AQo/Stunting Rge: 6 & up
Hand to hand partner & group handstand
balancing & stunts. Develops self-esteem,
strength, coordination & balances as well as
group interaction. (Min. 9/Max. 12)
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee: $40/10 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC4017-001 Wed., 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Tumbling for Teenogers Rge: 13 & up
Offered for beginning or advanced tum-
bling, or previous gymnasts ��ho just want
to workout. A fun class to learn more about
gymnastics and tumbling. (Min. 6/Max. 12)
Inst.: Dynasty Gymnastics Site: Dynasty
Fee: $40/8 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC4028-001 Thur., 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Fee: $20/4 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC4028-002 T/Th, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. -
— ThE GrapEviNE 33 WiNier �999
Beg. Korote for Q Rge: RduldChild
Karate is an art form that helps in the posi-
rive development of confidence, discipline,
and self-esteem. Children and their parents
can work together to leam the skill and
develop their relationship with each other.
One adult and one child (age 6-17) per reg-
istration. (Min. 4 pr./Max. 12 pr.)
Inst.: Ray Hoyt Site: Sr. Center
Fee: $66/11 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC5011-001 Thur., 6- 6:50 p.m.
Adv. Beg. Karate for Q Rge: Rduld�ild
For those in the Karate for 2 program who
have an Orange, Purple, or Blue belt in this
program. One adult and one child (age 6-
17) per registration. Instructor approval
required. (Min. 4 pr./Max. 12 pr.)
Inst.: Ray Hoyt Site: Sr. Center
Fee: $66/I1 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC5012-001 T'hur., 7- 7:50 p.m.
4'outh Korote
Karate, the development of physical and
mental health. Gives students the gifts of
self-esteem, courtesy, respect for self and
others, self-discipline and confidence. No
class 3%24.
Begtnning Rge: 6 - 9
(Min. 8/Max. 20)
Inst.: Ray Hoyt Site: Lions E
Fee: $33/11 wks Start: 1/9/99
CC5000-001 Sat., 1- 1:50 p.m.
Fee: $30/10 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC5000-002 Wed., 4- 4:50 p.m.
Rdv�onced Beginning Age: 6- 9
For students who have earned the rank of
ADV. WI-IITE, or higher belt in this pro-
gram. A white uniform is required.
Instructor approval required. (Min.
10/Max. 24)
Inst.: Ray Hoyt Site: Lions E
Fee: $66/11 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC5004-001 T/F, 4- 4:50 p.m.
Site: Lions E
Fee: $49.50/11 wks Start: 1/9/99
*CC5005-001 Sat., 2 - 3:20 p.m.
"this is a 6-13 year old class
Teen Korote
Begfnning Rge: 10 - 17
(Min. 6/Max. 12) No class 1/18 & 2/15.
Inst.: Ray Hoyt Site: Sr. Center
Fee: $27/9 wks Start: i/11/99
CC5002-001 Mon., 5- 5:50 p.m.
Rdvanced 8eginning Rge: 10 - 17
For students who have earned the rank of
PURPLE belt in this program. Instructor
approval required. A white uniform is
required. (Min. 6/Max. 20) No class 1/18 &
Inst.: Ray Hoyt Site: Sr. Center
Fee: $60/10 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC5003-001 M/Th, 5- 5:50 p.m.
Site: Lions E
Fee: $49.50/11 wks Start: 1/9/99
*CC5005-001 Sat., 2 - 3:20 p.m.
"this is a 6-13 year old class
Korote — Intem�ediate Age: 10 - 17
GREEN, and BROWN belt karate students.
Instructor approval required. A white uni-
form is required. (Min. 10/Max. 24) No
class 1/18, 2/10, 2/15.
Inst.: Ray Hoyt Site: Sr. Center
Fee: $57/9 �/z wks Start: 1/11/99
CC5007-001 M/W, 6- 6:50 p.m.
Combined Mortlal Sclence Age: 5- 16
A self defense program where children leam to become more responsible citizens,
focus better and improve levels of concentration, and gain respect for author;
Combined martial science teaches a combination of techniques including kick'v
wrestling, judo, boxing, aikido, yoga, gymnastics and more. Emphasize self-impro�
ment rather than compeHtion, and work to change the student's atriiude toward s
and others which can irnprove behavior in all aspects of daily life.
A black uniform is required. Uniforms available for purchase at class. (Min. 8/Max. :
Inst.: Combined Martial Science
8eginnlng Site: Windrows Elem.
Fee: $30/5 wks Start: 1/13/99 •
CC5018-001 Wed., 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Fee: $30/5 wks Start: 2/17/99 •
CC5018-002 Wed., 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Inbarmedlot+a Site: RC Sports Ctr.
Fee: $30/5 wks Start: 1/9/99
CC5017-001 Sat.,11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
Fee: $30/5 wks Start: 2/13/99
CC5017-002 Sat., 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Rdult Karcate
Korote - Beginning Rge: Adult
Karate, the development of physical and
mental health. The American System of
Karate emphasizes katas, sparing, situation-
al defense, aerobic exercise, and different
hand, foot and body change techniques.
(Min. 4/Max. 12) No class 2/10.
Inst.: Ray Hoyt Site: Senior Ctr
Fee: $30/10 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC5008-001 Wed., 7- 7:50 p.m.
Korote — Rdv. Beg. Age: Rdult
For students who have the instructors per-
mission to transfer from beginning or have
earned the rank of ORANGE or PURPLE
belt in this program. Instructor approval
required. A white uniform is required. (Min.
8/Max. 20) No class 1/18, 2/10, 2/15.
Inst.: Ray Hoyt Site: Senior Ctr
Fee: $57/91/2 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC5009-001 M/W, 7- 7:50 p.m.
Korote — �ntem�ediate Rge: Adult
T'his session is for BLUE, ADV. BLUE,
karate students who have earned their
ranks in this program. Instructor approval
required. A white uniform is required. (Min.
6/Max. 20) No class 1/18, 2/10, 2/15.
Inst.: Ray Hoyt Site: Senior Ctr
Fee:$57/91/2wks Start:l/11/99
CC5010-001 M/W, 8- 8:50 p.m.
GI�IsJWomen's Self Defense
Rge: 13 & up
Learn what to do and what not to do in dif-
ficult situations.
� � Please bring paper
and pen for taking
� notes. Wear com-
fortable clothes and
tennis shoes to
, class. Children
under 13 must be
accompanied by a
registered adult. (Min. 10/Max. 20)
Inst.: Karen Clark Site: Senior Ctr
Fee: $25/5 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC8006-001 Thur., 7- 8 p.m.
Tf�E GfdPEVINE �� WiNier 1999
I T N �
Yoga Rge: 14 & up
Yoga is a great way to develop strength,
flexibility, balance, endurance and muscle
tone. The students will learn postures with
deep diaphragm breathing and various
internal exercises to develop the body's nat-
ural energy flow. You wil] experience a mild
to strenuous cardiovascular workout.
Please bring your own towel or mat. (Min.
8/Max. 30)
Inst.: Tony Allen Site: Lions W
Fee: $40/8 wks Date: 2/4/99
CC7013-001 Thur., 8- 9 p.m.
Tal �f Rge: Adult
A sirnple and effective way to condiHon the
whole body. Tai Chi helps regulate blood
circulation, mobilizes joints, ligaments,
muscles, and increases respiratory capacity.
(Min. 6/Max. 20)
Inst.: Jan Ponchaud Site: Lions W
Fee: $24/10 wks Start: 1/15/99
CC7005-001 Fri., 10 - 10:50 a.m.
Inst.: Bob Adam Site: Lions W
Fee:$24/lOwks Start:l/13/99
CC7005-002 Wed., 8- 8:50 p.m.
�I Gong �ontemplatlon wftfi
Movement Rge: Adult
An excellent way to manage stress as well
as cure illnesses caused by stress. Through
induced Chi Elow (which in western think-
ing, corresponds to the flow of electric
impulses) our bodies become capable of
producing all chemicals necessary for heal-
ing within. (Min. 6/Max. 15)
Inst.: Jan Ponchaud Site: Lions W
Fee: $12/10 wks Start: 1/15/99
CC7015-001 Fri., 11 - 11:30 a.m.
Step Rerobics Rge Rdult
A thorough warm-up precedes the cardio
segment which combines low-impact and
dynamic step aerobics. You'll burn fat and
strengthen your heart and lungs in a non-
stressful way. Steps are provided. (Min.
10/Max. 45) No class 1/18 & 2/15.
Inst.: Kelly Heilig Site: Lions E
Fee: $53.25/11 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC7000-001 M/W, 7- 7:50 p.m.
Inst.: Sylvia Marshall Site: Lions E
Fee: $24/11 wks Start: 1/9/99
CC7001-001 Sat., 8- 9 a.m.
Inst.: Sylvia Marshall Site: Lions E
Fee: $24/11 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC7021-001 Tue., 6- 6:50 p.m.
l,ow Impact Rerobics Age: Adult
This aerobic workout incorporates arm and
leg movements, basic marches, stretching
and very simple steps. An effecHve total
body workout that burns fat, while you
tone and condition the body without stress
to your knees or lower back. Upper body
contouring with the use of elastic bands
(provided) are occasionally used, jogging
shoes and exercise mats required. (Min.
15/Max. 45) No class 1/18 & 2/15.
Inst.: Sylvia Marshall Site: Lions W
Fee: $42/11 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC7003-001 M/W, 6- 6:50 p.m.
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KldsBox fit Age: 16 & up
Get a high energy cardio kickboxing work-
out that gives you all the great benefits of
kickboxing without the bumps & bruises. A
non-contact class where the bag is your
opponent. (Min. 15/Max. 45)
Inst.: Sensie Rick Duffy Site: USKO
Fee: $65/5 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC7020-001 M/ W, 8:45 - 9:45 p.m.
Tue., 8:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Fee: $65/5 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC7020-002 M/T/W, 10 - 11 a.m.
Fee: $65/5 wks Start: 2/15/99
CC7020-003 M/W, 8:45 - 9:45 p.m.
Tue., 8:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Fee: $65/5 wks Start: 2/15/99
CC7020-004 M/T/W,10 -11 a.m.
Inst.: Sensie Rick Duffy
No class 1/18, 2/15. Site: Family Sports Ctr
Fee: $70/6 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC7020-005 M/W/F, 7:45 - 8:45 p.m.
AerobidMuscle Toning Rge: Adult
Get fit with a combination of low impact
aerobics and muscle toning.
Learn the correct techniques of
�building muscle and getting
"� the heart rate up, by using
� � resistance and strengthening
� movements during class. This
class is designed for any age or
fitness level. Jogging shoes and exercise mat
are required. (Min. 10/Max. 45)
Inst.: Kelly Heilig Site: Lions W
Fee: $22/10 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC7002-001 Tue., 7- 7:50 p.m.
Fee: $22/10 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC7002-002 Thur., 7- 7:50 p.m.
Jozzercise Closses
cat the new
A.C. Fomil� Sports �enter - 9059 Son Bernordino Rd.
We invite you to come experience and enjoy Jazzercise, the original dance fitness class.
For over 25 years Jazzercise has introduced thousands of workout routines to help
keep you fit and energized. Join us today
so you can enjoy the dance of life. �, ��
Class schedule is available at the R.C.
Family Sports Center.
Register at the R.C. Family Sports Center
at least 10 minutes prior to class.
Fees: , $42/unlimited per month
$35/UIiliIrilteCl (ElectronicFundTiansjcr)
$58/16 classes
$5/per class (walk-in)
Bu� one month %
Electronic Fund
Transf�r - Get th�
2nd month FREE!
(n�w students)
For more information
call 481-6850.
Muscle Toning/Cardlo Workout
Hg6: Adult
Condition and shape your total body and
improve your cardiovascular system by this
aerobic exercise dass. The emphasis is on
toning every muscle in the body, especially
problem areas and working out the heart.
Leam the importance of resistance in your
movements, stretching and relaxation tech-
niques. Jogging shoes required. (Min.
10/Max. 50) No class 1/18 & 2/15.
Inst.: Kelly Heilig Site: Lions E
Fee: $22/11 wks Start: 1/11/99
CC7008-001 Mon., 6- 6:50 p.m.
Fee: $22/11 wks Start: 1/13/99
CC7008-002 Wed., 6- 6:50 p.m.
T�'lE GfdPEVINE �` WINiEf 1999
� A L T H A F E T Y
"The American Heart Association
strongly promotes knowledge and pro-
ficiency in CPR and has developed
instructional materials for this purpose.
This material is supplied on a cost
basis. Its use in an insiruction course
does not represent sponsorship by the
American Heart Association. Any
instructor and supply fees charged for
such a course do not represent income
to the Association."
CPfi Age: 13 & up
You owe it to yourself and those around
you to learn this vital life saving skill.
Become familiar with the technique of car-
diopulmonary resuscitation as taught by
the American Neart Association.
Certification will be valid for a period of 2
years. (Min. 10/Max. 16)
Inst.: Rancho Cucamonga Fire Disirict
Site: FireStation 174
Fee: $25/2 days Start: 1/19/99
CC8000-001 T/Th 6:00-10:00 p.m.
Site: FireStation 174
Fee: $25/2 days Start: 2/16/99
CC8000-002 T/Th 6- 10 p.m.
Site: FireStaHon 174
Fee: $25/2 days Start: 3/16/99
CC8000-003 T/Th 6- 10 p.m.
Bnsic firstflld Age: 13 & up
Become familiar with various first-aid tech-
niques. Certification through E.M.P.
America. (Min. 10/Max. 16)
Inst.: Rancho Cucamonga Fire District
Site: Fire Station 174
Fee: $35/1 day Date: 1/9/99
CC8001-001 Sat., 8- 4:30 p.m.
Heoltt� cnd Sofety Training
for licensed fomlly Day Care
Home Provider Rge: Adult
This program meets the State Requirement
for part of mandated 15 hour training. This
course completes the State Requirement on
preventive policies, injury prevention, dis-
aster preparedness, nutrition, child abuse
idenrification and prevenHon, children with
special needs, sanitary food handling, pre-
vention of infecHous diseases.
Inst.: Rancho Cucamonga Fire District.
Site: Fire Station 174
Fee: $30/7 hours Date: 2/6/99
CC8010-001 Sat. 8- 3:30 p.m.
Pedlatric CPR/first Afd Rge: Rdult
This program has been approved to meet
State Requirements for child day-care
providers, and by the California
Commission on Teacher Credentialing
under California Education Code. This
course offers exceptional training for child
care providers, parents, grandparents,
teacllers, babysitters and school bus drivers.
Pediatric Medic First Aid adheres to the lat-
est consensus medical guidelines for appro-
priate paHent care. (Min. 10/Max. 16)
Inst.: Rancho Cucamonga Fire District.
Site: Fire Station 174
Fee: $35/1 day Date: 3/6/99
CC8002-001 Sat. 8- 4:30 p.m.
Welght loss Semincr Rge: 16 & up
You owe it to yourself to use information in
this course to control your appetite and lose
weight without thinking of food and feeling
deprived. Utilize proven and highly suc-
cessful hypnosis techniques. Comfortable
clothing suggested. A free self reinforce-
ment tape is included. (Min. 3/Max. 20)
Inst.: Dr. Edward Heard Site: Senior Ctr
Fee: $35/1 day Date: 1/19/99
CC8004-001 Tue., 6:30 - 7:45 p.m.
Fee: $35/1 day Date: 2/16/99
CC8004-002 Tue., 6:30 - 7:45 p.m.
Fee: $35/1 day Date: 3/16/99
CC8004-003 Tue., 6:30 - 7:45 p.m.
Stop Smokirtg Seminor Rge: 16 & up
You owe it to yourself and those around
you to STOP SMOKING. Proven and high-
ly successful hypnosis techniques enable
you to become a non-smoker easily and
comfortable without withdrawal symptoms
or weight gain. Comfortable clothing sug-
gested. A free self reinforcement tape is
included. (Min. 3/Max. 20)
Inst.: Dr. Edward Heard Site: Senior Ctr
Fee: $35/1 day Date: 1/19/99
CC8005-001 Tue., 8- 9:15 p.m.
Fee: $35/1 day Date: 2/16/99
CC8005-002 Tue., 8- 9:15 p.m.
Fee: $35/1 day Date: 3/16/99
CC8005-003 Tue., 8- 9:15 p.m.
Foot Reflexology Rge: Adult
A complete, scienHfic, easy-to-learn system
which releases the energy of the unlimited
healing power within us. Tibetan finger
pressure on the reflex points of the feet
stimulates chi flow to all parts of the body
and bring healing. Leave feeling wonderful-
ly relaxed and filled with well-being. (Min.
2/Max. 12)
Inst.: Marianna Giordano Site: Lions W
Fee: $45/6 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC8014-001 Tue., 1- 2:30 p.m.
Fee: $30/2 wks Start: 3/16/99
CC8014-002 Tue., 7- 9 p.m.
Rromo Thernpy Rge: Rdult
You've heard about it on T.V. and read about
it in magazines & newspapers - but exactly
what is aroma therapy? This workshop will
teach you the principles it is based on, how
it works and why. T'here will be an oppor-
tunity for the class to try some oils and dis-
cover what works for you. (Min. 2/Max.15)
Inst.: Marianna Giordano Site: Lions W
Fee: $30/1 day Date: 2/23/99
CC8015-001 Tue., 7- 9 p.m.
�inese Therapeutic Nlossage
Rge: 10 & up
Learn some of the sirnple and effecHve
secrets of Tuina. Locate a pressure pointin
the hand that helps headaches; relieve
motion sickness and nausea by pressing a
point in the leg; and much more. Bring pil-
low & hand towel to class. (Min. 5/Max. 12)
Inst.: Jan Ponchaud Site: Lions E
Fee: $35/1 day Date: 2/11/99
CC8009-001 Thur., 7- 10 p.m.
Stress Buster Age: 16 & up
This class will focus on all natural ways to
handle stress and
prevent stress
related illnesses. -
We will also �
cover causes of ��\ ,
stress, relaxaHon , s. •��'r" •
and meditation
techniques, natu-
ral herbal stress
remedies and the effects of stress on the
body and mind. (Min. 5/Max. 35)
Inst.: Dr. Letitia Wright, D.C. Site: Lions W
Fee: $25/1 day Date: 2/20/99
CC8017-001 Sat.,10 a.m. - 12 noon
Herbs Aeally Workt Age: 16 & up
This class is for you if you are interested in
an herbal program. Find out what herbs are
and how they benefit your body. This is an
informative class for women and men. Lots
of information & inspiration �vill be avail-
able! (Min. 5/Max. 20)
Inst.: Wendy Goodwin Site: Lions W
Fee: $15/1 day Date: 1/28/99
CC8018-001 Thur., 7- 8:30 p.m.
Fee: $15/1 day Date: 2/25/99
CC8018-002 Thur., 7- 8:30 p.m.
Fee: $15/1 day Date: 3/25/99
CC8018-003 Thur., 7- 8:30 p.m.
Ulomen's Self Defense Age: 13 & up
Learn what to do and what not to do in dif-
ficult situaHons. Please bring paper and pen
for taking notes. Wear comfortable clod�es
and tennis shoes to class. Children under 13
must be accompanied by a registered adu]t.
(Min. 10/Max. 20)
Inst.: Karen Clark Site: Senior Ctr
Fee: $25/5 wks Start: 1/14/99
CC8006-001 Thur., 7- 8 p.m.
ThE VrdPEVINE �b W INLEf t999
� P E C I A L N T E R E S T
Dog Obedlence
Rge: 16 & up
Leam the basics of dog training with J-C
Balu, World Championship competitor of
U.S. Team. Open to all breeds. Minimum 5
months old for the dog and 16 years old for
the handler. He will teach HEEL without
pulluig, SIT on one command, SIT-STAY,
DOWN on one command, DOWN-STAY
��ith the other dogs while the owner is at a
distance, and COME. He will also address
your other problems like "Jumping on peo-
ple", "Rushing at �oors", not jumping in
the car, etc. Bring the dogs for the first class
but do not buy any equipment before we
explain what is needed. Use whatever leash
or collar you already have at home for the
first class. (Min. 5/Max.20) No class 2/15.
Inst.: Jean-Claude Balu
Site: Red Hill Park N
Fee: $80/8 wks Start: l/25/99
CC6026-001 Mon., 6- 7 p.m.
Beginning Geotive Wrfting Rge: Rdult
Have relatives been telling you for years
that they love your letters? Do colleagues
think you have a flair for writing? Maybe
you do. Have you ever thought, "I could
have written a better story than that." If so,
it may be time to put your keyboard where
your mouth is. This course will put profes-
sional writing techniques at your fingertips.
Material fee is $5.50, due at the first class.
(Min. 6/Max. 12)
Inst.: Christie Rose Site: Lions E
Fee: $45/10 wks Start: 1/l4/99
CC6006-001 Thur., 6- 7 p.m.
Short fidlon Writing Rge: Adult
What makes a good story good or a bad
story bad? We're going to. break stories
apart bit-by-bit -- find out how they work.
What kind of plot do you have? Are your
characters (un to be with, or at least inter-
esting? When your characters talk, will
your readers listen? Where can you "sell"
your story? Material fee is $17.50, due at the
first class. Course book included. (Min.
6/Max. 12)
Inst.: Christie Rose Site: Lions E
Fee: $55/11 wks Start: 1/12/99
CC6007-001 Tue., 6- 7 p.m.
Annuol Valentine Mokeover Age: Rdult
For women only! Surprise your loved one
with a complete facial and color cosmetic
makeover for the evening out. Be sure to
bring the dress or blouse you will be wear-
ing so we can color coordinate your updat-
ed look. (Min. 2/Max. 8)
Inst.: Deborah Villicana Site: Lions E
Fee: $20/1 day Date: 2/13/99
CC6025-001 Sat., 10 - 12 noon
Fee: $20/1 day Date: 2/13/99
CC6025-002 Sat., 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
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Rccessing lfie Interrtet Hge: Adult
This class is designed for those new to the internet. The topics covered include: how
to use and understand electronic mail, newsgroups, downloading information,
search engines, and chat rooms. Computer hardware
requirements are also discussed. The class concludes
with a discussion of ho�� to choose an internet service
provider, a comparison of prices and a list of local
providers. (Min. 5/Max. 30)
Inst.: Michael Preston Site: Lions W
Fee: $25/1 day Date: 2/6/99 �
CC1022-001 Sat., 9 a.m. - 12 noon
Vegetarlan Cooking Age: Adult
Learn how to prepare delicious, balanced
meals minus the meat! We'l] focus on quick
& easy main dishes, learn the principles
behind lacto-ovo (with dairy products) veg-
etarian cooking, and dispel the myth that
vegetarian eating is bland, limited, and dif-
ficult! Come to class hungry! (Min. 10/Max.
25) Supply fee of $5 due at the class.
Inst.: Cheri Gregory Site: Lions W
Fee: $12.50/1 day Date: 1/24/99
CC6046-001 Sun., 7- 8:30 p.m.
Fee: $12.50/1 day Date: 2/21/99
CC6046-002 Sun., 7- 8:30 p.m.
Fee: $12.50/1 day Date: 3/21/99
CC6046-003 Sun., 7- 8:30 p.m.
Motf�er-Doughter MakeoverA 1 Q& u
9e� P
Come enjoy a few hours together - just the
two of you. You each will be taught some
basic steps to caring for your skin type,
updated techniques for applying cosmeHcs
for an overall new look. And... we will be
taking some before and after photos so be
sure to wear a favorite blouse! (Min. 2
pairs/Max. 4 pairs)
Inst.: Deborah Villicana Site: Lions E
Fee: $27 per pair/1 day Date: 1/14/99
CC6024-001 Thur., 7- 9 p.m.
Fee: $27 per pair/1 day Date: 1/16/99
CC6024-002 Sat., 10 a.m. -12 noon
Fee: $27 per pair/1 day Date: 2/18/99
CC6024-003 Thur., 7- 9 p.m.
Fee: $27 per pair/1 day Date: 3/13/99
CC6024-004 Sat., 10 a.m. - 12 noon
Fee: $27 per pair/1 day Date: 3/18/99
CC6024-005 Thur., 7- 9 p.m.
Sign longuage Age: 6& up
Leam the wonderful art of communication
through sign language. This class will intro-
duce you to the ��orld of non-verbal com-
munication. The pace of this class is based
on its participants and it may be taken sev-
eral times. Children age 14 and under must
be accompanied by an adult. A$7 supply
fee is due to the instructor. (Min. 10/Max.
lnst.: Shannon Parker Site: Lions W
Fee: $40/8 wks Start: 1/15/99
CC6008-001 Fri., 6- 7 p.m.
Sign lAnguage II Age: 6& up
This class is designed for students ��ho
have completed Sign Language I or have
basic sign skills. In this student-centered
atmosphere, topics are chosen by the partic-
ipants. Class may be taken several times.
Children age 14 and under must be accom-
panied by an adult. A$7 supply fee is due
to instructor. (Min. 10/Max. 25)
l��st.: Shannon Parker Site: Lions W
Fee: $40/8 ��ks Start: 1/15/99
CC6009-001 Fri., 7- 8 p.m.
T�'lE VrdPEVINE �7 WINiEf t999
R I P S 0� R S
Reservations for all trips are
taken at the
Rancho Cucamonga
Senior Center
9791 Arrow Route
or ca11477-2780
All trips leave from and return to
the Senior Center, 9791 Arrow
Route (in the WEST parking lot on
Malven Ave.)
The City of Rancho Cucamonga provides a
variety of trips and tours for all ages.
12eservations can be made by mail or in per-
son at the Rancho Cucamonga Senior
Center located at 9791 Arrow Route, in
Rancho Cucamonga. (Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. - 8
p.m.) Payment by check or cash must
accompany your reservation. All cancella-
tions must be received 3 weeks prior to the
departure date in order to receive a full
refund. Any cancellations received within 3
weeks of the departure date will only be
refunded if an additional passenger can
take your place. For addiHonal informaHon
and trip confirmation ca11477-2780.
Now tak(ng reservot(ons For the
following trips:
Huntington Harbor
"Cruise of lights" December 19
View the beautifully decorated waterfront
homes in Huntington Harbor. Our first stop
will be at the Plantarion Restaurant (on
your own). After dinner, we will head down
to Huntington Narbor where you'll board
our vessel for a one hour voyage. You'll see
hundreds of twinkling Christmas ]ights
outlining the homes as we wind our way
through the channels. This trip fills fast so
book early! Cost is $26 per person. Departs
at 4 p.m. and returns at 9:30 p.m.
ThE GraPeviNE �8
�'r-�1 �� -� �
_ "
Metrolink to tfie Aose Pcrode
Januory 1
The world famous Rose Parade is an event
that everyone should see up close and in
person at least once in their lifetime. Giant
floral floats adomed with millions of flow-
ers create a sensory event that will create a
lifeHme of inemories. We will ride the
Metrolink train to Arcadia and then board
buses that will take us to our grandstand
seats on Colorado Boulevard. Your viewing
of the floats and bands will be up close and
personal. Cost is $61 per person and
includes train and grandstand tickets. All
participants need to be at Rancho
Cucamonga's Metrolink Station by 4:45
a.m. The train departs at 5:18 a.m. and will
retum at 1:22 p.m.
long Bea� Aquorium Jonucry Q3
Discover the Long Beach Aquarium - The
Southland's newest attracHon! Awaiting
you is sea life of every kind and size.
Everything from massive sharks to the
bright orange Garibaldi. You will see it all
up close at this new high tech aquarium.
Cost is $26 per person. Participants can
either bring a sack lunch or the bus will
make a stop at Ports-O-Call after the aquar-
ium for a lunch on your own. Departs at 9
a.m. and retums at 5 p.m.
Trips for the 1999 Winter Grapevine:
The Price Is Alght februory Q4
Don't miss your chance to "Come on
Down" and win fabulous prizes on one of
the most popular game shows in the histo-
ry of T.V. See Rod Rodney and Bob Barker
live. One never knows you just might be
the big showcase winner. All parHcipants
must be over the age of 18. In order to be
eligible to win cash and prizes the contest-
ant must provide two forms of ID (one must
have participants picture and one must
have his or her social security number).
Cost is $15 per person. Lunch will be on
your own at the World Famous Los Angeles
Farmers Market. Departs at 7:30 a.m. and
returns at 3:30 p.m.
KnotYs Berry Farm on the return trip a
lunch on your own and shopping. Departs
8:30 a.m. and retums at 3:30 p.m.
WiNiEr i999
Medievol Times AAord� 5
The year is 1093 AD, and you're the guest of
the royal family inside an imposing llth
Century castle. The Bill of Fare, served by
our own personal wench or serf, features a
light appetizers, fresh vegetable soup, a
whole roasted chicken, herb basted potato,
pastries of the Castle and coffee. Remember
these are the Medieval Times...no utensils
allowed. Your banquet table will corre-
spond in color to the noble young knight
who will represent you in exciting tourna-
ment games and battles as you cheer him or
her on to victory. Cost is $47 for adult and
$36 for a child 12 and under. Departs at 6:45
p.m. and rehzrns at midnight.
The Glory of Enster Mord� Q7
We're off to the famous Crystal Cathedral
for "The Glory of Easter". A cast of more
than 100 actors recreate the story of Passion
Week including the Triumphal Entry into
Jerusalem, Jesus Cleansing the Temple, the
Last Supper, the Trial, Crucifixion,
Resurrection and Ascension. Utilizing the
latest in special effects, the Easter pageant is
famous for its real-life recreaHon of earth-
quakes, thunder storms and lightening
inside the all glass cathedral. Cost is $38 per
person. Dinner ��ill be on your own at
restaurants around the Crystal Cathedral.
Departs at 3:30 p.m. and returns at 10 p.m.
l:owrence Welk ResoR Aprll 18
Tucked away in a secluded valley outside of
Escondido lies Lawrence Welk's 1,000-acre
resort. Upon arrival at the resort you will
be treated to a sumptuous buffet luncheon
at their award-winning restaurant. Carved
meats, an endless variety of entrees, and an
abundant salad bar are the highlights of the
meal. After lunch, you will ride the resort's
tram down to the theater where you'll have
reserved seats for the ahernoon live stage
production. Cost is $48 per person.
Departs at 9 a.m. and returns at 6 p.m.
Nixon Presfdentlol librory Moy 1 P
Admirers, as well as 'the not-so-adoring, of
the late president should be equally reward-
ed by a visit to the Nixon Presidential
Library. It houses an extensive Watergate
exhibit, and displays a number of popular
items including the gun that Elvis Presley
presented to Nixon in the Oval Office. You
will experience great moments in American
history as you view a film on Richard
Nixon's wit, humanity and strength, tour
the Library's main galleries, ask questions
�' of President Nixon and watch him respond
via interactive video, and stroll through the
First Lady's Garden and the restored farm-
� house where Mr, Nixon was born and
raised. Cost is $22. The bus will stop at
Infmm�atlon ond ReFerrol Service
The City of Rancho Cucamonga provides a
bilingual referral program providing gener-
al information and referrals on the follow-
ing: emergency food banks, job training and
placement sources (all ages), senior health
care, senior housing, child care, learning
English, drug & alcohol abuse, energy con-
servation, literacy, adoptions and foster par-
enting, and various other forms of assis-
tance. For addiHonal information call 477-
2780 ext. 204 between 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
(Monday thru Friday)
USDR food Commodities
Surplus food commodities will be distrib-
uted on the first Monday of each month to
eligible low income residents of Rancho
Cucamonga at the Senior Center.
Distribution begins at 1:30 p.m. and ends at
3:00 p.m. or until commodiHes are gone.
Distribution is on a first come/first served
basis. There is a limited homebound pro-
gram for physically disabled individuals
and seniors. Proof of residency and income
is required. Call 477-2780 ext. 204 for more
Rort�o Cummongo Directories
The City of Rancho Cucamonga Resource
Directory, Child Care Directory and Senior
Housing Directory are available free of
charge to interested residents. For more
information call, 477-2780 ext. 204.
Transportation service using local taxis
called Dial-A-
Cab. You pay
85¢ for the first 2 /' ��
�/Z miles of your
trip. The rate °
after the first 2
�/Z miles is $1.60
per mile. In order to use this service you
must have an Omnitrans Senior/Disability
Card. To receive an application call 1-800-
966-6428. To schedule a Dial-A-Cab phone
622-7893. For more information call 889-
fishing llcense
Reduced fee and free fishing license appli-
cations are available at the Human Services
desk. Interested individuals may call 477-
2780 to determine eligibility based on age
and income or disability.
8roille Instruction
1Nhite Cane Center for the Blind provides
instruction in reading braille for the visual-
ly impaired. Classes are held on
Wednesdays from 9 a.m. - 12 noon. The
class is being offered free of charge, howev-
er, advanced instruction may require a
material fee of $8. For additional informa-
tion call, 477-2780.
Bus Posses ond I.D. Cards
Monthly Omnitrans bus passes and I.D.
cards are available for purchase.
Date: 25th of each month for a 10 day
Mon.-Fri., 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.
Site: Senior Center
Note: Handicapped annual I.D. cards can
only be purchased at the San Bernardino
Omnitrans office (1700 West Fifth Street,
San Bemardino).
Immunizotlon Clinic
for children �
ages 2 months
thru 18 years of
age and senior citizens. Second and fourth
Mondays of each month. Co-sponsored
with the San Bernardino County Dept.
Public Health.
Time: 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Fee: $8.00
Site: Senior Center
HICAP Inwronce Counseling
Assistance with medicare and HMO's. Help
filing claims, understanding coverage and
evaluating policies. By appointment only;
second and fourth T'hursday of each month
9 a.m. - 12 noon. Call 477-2780, to schedule
an appointment.
Senior Informotion bt
Assistonce Progrcam
Provides information and'
assistance to help a sen-
ior citizen solve prob� �
lems they may have.� ap �
Clients are provided T�
referrals to other agen-� �
cies and assistance and �
advocacy in making contact�
with the organizations and
agencies for needed services and pro-
grams. For more information call 477-
2780 ext. 204.
"The Doctor is In"
Dr. Harvey D. Cohen, M.D. will be at the Rancho Cucamonga Senior Center on the
3rd Tuesday of each month from 12 noon to 2:00 p.m. He will be presenting informa-
tion and responding to questions on topics related to senior health. The presentations
are free and open to everyone of all ages.
Dotes 6 Topics:
January 19,1999
Osteoporosis: What's new, whaYs old, whaYs in the future.
February 16,1999
High Blood Pressure: Choosing the Right Drug.
March 16, 1999
High Cholesterol: The Good and the Bad.
For more informaHon please ca11477-2780 ext. 204
Tf1E VfdPEVINE 39 WINiEf i999
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Ertergize By Exetdse
A stretch, tone and condiNoning class for
both senior men and
o��: o women who want to
o� J,�' ,(�, � improve their endurance,
��jr£,( � '�"` _ � muscle tone and maybe
� F,.. o
1.��� !;"�Y �ju lose weight. This on-
Y going class meets
r'- Monday, Wednesday &
Friday from 9 a.m. - 10
a.m. at the R.C. Senior
Center. The monthly fee varies depending
on the number of class sessions held per
month. Register at the Senior Center.
Insttuctor: Laura Ott - Certified Exercise
Senfor Wolking �lass fREE!
Ever feel like taking a walk with some
friends but can never seem to coordinate
the time. Well meet us at Red Hill
Community Park for some aerobic walking,
stretching and toning. Register at the R.C.
Senior Center. Instructor: Maria Zitney.
Mon., Wed., & Fri. - 8- 9 a.m.
O(I Palnting ���
Begins in September, open to all experience
levels. Teaching fundamen-
tals of oil painting, draw-
ing, color, composition, �
brush and pallet ]cnife tech- ���
nique. Class is co-spon-
sored by Chaffey Adult
EducaHons. students need not be seniors.
Mon., 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Site: R.C. Senior Center
Joint Efforts Rrtfiritic Class fAEEI
This class is designed for those who experi-
ence discomfort or difficulty in mo��ing
areas of their body due to arthritis. Through
this class you can increase your strength
and flexibility. Offered year round, register
at R.C. Senior Center. Co-sponsored by the
Arthriris Foundation. Tue.,11:30 a.m. -12:30
p.m. - Fri.,11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
ti )) J � J
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line Dandng
If you're interested in having a lot of fun
this is the class for you. A great form of
exercise but you will never know it since
you are having such a good time. No part-
ner required. $5 monthly fee per class.
Register at the R.C. Senior Center.
Tue., 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Fri., 2 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Beginnfng Spanish
Learn fundamenta] spanish in this 6-week
class for just $18. Co-sponsored by Chaffey
Adult Education. Registration taken at the
Senior Center on an ongoing basis.
Instructor: Delia Segovia
Mon., 9 a.m. -11 a.m.
(students need not be seniors)
��, s�,�o�
T'his popular class meets weekly. The proj-
ects vary in type and degree of difficulty.
There is a nominal fee for materials.
Materials are purchased in advanced there-
fore sign-up is required for each project.
Schedules & sign-up sheets are available at
R.C. Senior Center.
Tue., 9 am. -11 a.m.
55/AI(ve Mature Drlving Class
Driver retraining course developed by the
American Association of Retired Persons
Insurance discount certificate available
upon compleHon.
Classes are held 12:30 - 4:30 p.m. and are
limited to 30 persons. $8.00 per person.
Make checks payable to AARI' (no cash).
Dates: January 5 & 6
February 2 & 3
March 2 & 3
Site: R.C. Senior Center
Elder lcaw Motters
Gregory A. Wood, Attorney at Law, is a member of the National Academy of
Elder Law Attorneys. T1�is organization is comprised of more than 3,200 attor-
neys who are concemed with improving the availability and delivery of quality
legal services to older Americans. NAELA members work with seniors on a
daily basis, dealing with issues such as Medicare, Medicaid, long-term care, liv-
ing trusts, estate planning, wills, durable powers of attorney, and more.
Free Seminars - Please call for a reservation at 477-2780
December 18 - Does a reverse mortgage make sense for me?
January 22 - How the new tax law affects capital gains on the sale of my home?
February 26 - Does ]ong term care insurance make sense for me?
March 26 - Enjoying equity stock market gains without risk to principal.
Private counseling sessions will be available by appointment only on the second
Friday of each month from 12 noon - 2 p.m.
For more info. ca11477-2780 ext. 204.
Rn Outreach Progrom for Heollfiy Aging
The goal of the AgeWise program is to provide free in-
home counseling services to older adults to help main-
tain the best possible physical and mental health and
prevent premature institutionalization.
Services include
•Senior Peer Counseling
•Support Groups and Classes
•Reminiscing Group
•Professional Mental Health Services
•v�formation and Referral Services
For more information please call 1-800-451-5633
between 8 am - 5 pm Monday through Friday.
IIIE GfdfJEVINE /�0 WiN�er 1999
����1 � I1
S T F 0 R
� �
Mon. -Thurs., 8 am - 5 pm
Fri., 8 am - 8 pm
First Sunday of month 1- 6 pm
Games and Puzzles
Mon. - Fri., 8 am - 8 pm
Thurs., 10:45-3:30 pm
Senior Library
Mon. - Fri., 8 am - 5 pm
First Sunday of month 1- 6 pm
The following information is for persons who are 50 years and over (unless indicated otherwise). All activities will be held
at the Rancho Cucamonga Senior Center at 9791 Arrow Route and are free of charge unless specified. For detailed infor-
mation on Senior Activities, Classes, and Services, pick up a copy of the Silver Fox Newsletter, a monthly bulletin just for
seniors, from the Senior Center. Additional information can also be obtained by calling 477-2780.
Sunday Suppers
First Sunday of each month
12- 6 pm - Potluck-Pool-Cards
Birthday Celebrations
Last Wednesday of each month - 11 am
For exact day and celebration topic, see
the monthly Silver Fox Newsletter.
V.I.P. Club
I'hurs., 10 am - 11 am
�5.00 annual membership fee
Rancho Cucamonga Chorale
Senior Choral group.
Ballroom Dances
lst Tuesday each month, $4 admission
2nd Saturday each month, $4 admission
Health Screening Clinic
Seniors (60 and over)
2nd Tuesday each month. - 9 am -] 2 noon
Blood Pressure Screening
Mon. - 10 am - 12 noon
Hearing Clinic
By appt. only, ca11920-9906
Medicare Counseling
Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy
2nd & 4th Thur. each month, by appt. only,
call 477-2780
Agewise Peer Counseling
Call the S. B. County Department of Mental
Health at 356-3820 or 1-800-451-5633.
Video Otoscopic Screening
3rd Monday each month. - 10 am - 12 noon
Senior Legal Services
Professional advice for persons 60 years of age and
older. Provided by Inland Counties L.egal Services.,
By appt. only, call 980-0982 ,
West End Legal Aid Clinic ',
Professional advice on a variety of legal issues. (60'
and over)
Western San Bernardino County Bar Association,
10532 Acacia, Suite #B10.
Note: Call 945-2822 for appointment.
Tue., 1 pm - 3 pm
E N I 0
Players need to bring their own
Mon., 12:30 pm-4 pm
Thur., 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Thurs., 8:30 am - 4 pm
Sun., 1 pm - 3 pm
(first Sunday of month only)
Pinochle Tournaments
Fri., 3:30 pm - 9 pm
Thurs., 12:45 - 3:30 pm
We throw a great holiday party at the Sr. Center.
Proof of this is the refreshments, entertainment
and door prizes. What more could you ask for!
Sponsored by the Community Services
Date: Tuesday, December 22, 1998
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Site: R.C. Senior Center �
Happy New Year! Join us for plenty of cham-
pagne (apple cider) and festivities to welcome the
new year. Sponsored by the Community Services
Date: Wednesday, December 30, 1998
Time: 11 a.m.
Site: R.C. Senior Center
Join us for some fin with cupid and his (or her)
celebration of Valentines Day. We provide the fun
and excitement - you can provide the love! Co-
sponsored by the Community Services
Department & the V.I.P. Club.
Date: Thursday, February 11, 1999
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Site: R.C. Senior Center
Non-juried art competirion featuring oil/acrylic,
watercolor/pastel, mixed media, sculpture, pho-
tography and graphite. All seniors age 50. and
over are invited to participate. Call for registration
packet at 477-2780 ext. 205. Deadline - March lst.
Showing: March 6th - 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
March 7th - 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Site: R.C. Senior Center
Attention all movie buffs! We will be show-
ing great movies on the lst & 3rd
Wednesday afternoons of the month. We
invite all seniors, 50 years of age and older
to join us for a FREE movie including pop-
corn and punch on the house! Show time is
12:30 p.m. immediately following lunch.
December 16 - The Santa Clause
January 6- The Big Lebowski
January 20 - Rocket Man
February 3- Odd Couple II
February 17 - Night Watch
March 3 - Rain Maker
March 24 - Goodwill HunHng
TF1E GfdPEVINE /'� WINIEf t999
Hot meals for seniors (60 and
over) provided by Old Timer's
Foundation. Limited home-
bound program and transporta-
tion available. For further infor-
mation call 987-1911.
Mon. - Fri., 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
$2 per meal.
Progrc�m Registration f3egins — December 21 , 1 998
Coll 477-Q765 for Informotion
✓Send registration form at any
time. (No priority given for post-
mark date)
✓Opened and processed begin-
ning December 21st. (December
✓Make check payable to The
�ity of Rancho Cucamonga.
✓Mail to:
Winter Registration
P.O. Box 807
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729
Drop f3ox
✓Collected/processed at the end
of each day.
✓Located at:
City Hall, Community Services
(M-Th, 7 nm - 6 pm)
or Lions Center East
F & S, 9 a -noon)
Pa y m e n t ✓Credit Cards
Methods No Phone Registration
✓Checks ✓Cash
✓lssued if requested
prior to 2nd class meet-
✓Will be notified and
issued credit automatical-
ly if class is cancelled.
✓Credit Card refunds
will be issued by check or
credit on account.
✓Please allow 2-3 weeks
for processing.
General Info
✓Registration not accepted at
✓Send separate checks for each
activity, made payable to City of
Rancho Cucamonga.
✓$5 non resident fee applies to
each activity.
✓$10 service charge on all
returned checks.
✓Scholarships available for resi-
dents, call for requirements.
1 Program # Participant's Last Name First Birthdate M/p Program Title Fee* Alt. Choice
— / / —
— / / —
— / / —
2 Adult's Name Home 1'hone ❑ Check for new address
Address Daytime Phone * Non-Residents, include
City* State Zip Code additional $5 for each
program registering in.
3 MasterCard � Visa � Card Number
Check � Cash �, Cardholder Name Expiration Date
4 Medical Release: I do hereby give permission for any certified emergency professional or health care professional to administer any type of
medical veatment he/she deems necessary to the above child(ren) in case of an emergency and in the event that I cannot be contacted.
Signature of Parent or Guardian Date_
Doctor's Name Hospital Name
Existing Medical Condition _
agents, and independent contractors from all liability to the undersigned and/or his/her personal rcpresentatives, assigns, heirs and next of kin for any loss or damage
and any claim or demands therefore on account of injury to thc person or property or death of the undersigned, whether or not caused by the negligence and�or
property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, its directors, officers. employees, agents and independent contractors.
negligence of thc City of Rancho Cucamonga, its directors, officers, employees, agents and independent contractors, or otherwise while in, upon or about the prem-
ises of the Gty of Rancho Cucamonga and/or while using thc premises or fac�hues or equipment thercon.
3. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY PERMITS the taking of photographs o( themselves and/or the participant by the City of Rancho Cucamonga during recreation
classcs to be used at the City's discretion.
further agrees that no oral representations, statements or inducement apart from the forcgoing written agreement has bcen made.
Signature Date
As Parent ❑ Guardian ❑ Participant ❑
6 Information Required for Registration in Sports Programs
Child #1 - Height Weight Shirt Size (Youth) S M L XL (Adult) S M L XL
Previous Team Position Played Season Played
Child #2 - Height Weight Shirt Size (Youth) S M L XL (Adult) S M L XL
Previous Team Position Played Season Played
I nE GI'dpEVINE A� WINLEf t999
r I
�A. Cucamonga/Demens Trail Rest
No. Base Line Rd. to Hillside Rd.
�B. Heritage Commuruty Park
5546 Beryl Street
�C. Beryl Park East/West
6524 Beryl St./6501 Carnelian St.
�D. Red Hill Community Park
7484 Vineyard Ave.
�E. Lions Park
9161 Base Line Rd.
�F. Bear Gulch Park
9094 Arrow Route
�G. Old Town Park
10033 Feron [31vd.
�H. Church Strcet Park
10190 Church St.
�I. Hermosa Park
6787 Hermosa Ave.
�J. Victoria Groves Park
6840 Fairmont Way
�K. Coyote Canyon Park
] 0987 Terra Vista Pkwy
��. (��
QL. Spruce Avenue Park
7730 Spruce Avenue
QM. West Greenway Park
7756 Meadowcrest Ct.
QN. Milliken Park
7699 Milliken Ave.
�O. Kenyon Park
11481 Kenyon Way
�P. Vintage Park
11745 Victoria Park [.n.
�Q. Windrows Park
6849 Victoria Park Ln.
�R. Ellena Park
7139 Kenyon Way
�S. Etiwanda Creek Commuruty Park
5939 East Avenuc
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*a. City Hall/Police Station
10�00 Civic Center Dr.
*b. Lions Center East/West
9191/9161 Base Line Rd.
*c. R.C. Senior Center
9791 Arrow Route
*d. R.C. Library
7368 Archibald Ave.
*e. Epicenter/Sports Complex
8408 Rochester Ave.
*f. Fire Station #1
6627 Amethyst
*g. Fire Station #2
9612 San Bernardino Rd.
*h. Fire Station #3
12158 Base Line Rd.
*i. Firc Station #4
*j. Fire Station #5
11108 Banyan
*k. City Corporate Yard
9153 9th St.
*1. R.C. Family Sports Center
9059 San Bernardino Rd.
*m.Animal Care Facility
] ] 780 Arrow Route
Dynasty Gym
8656 Utica Ave.
Deer Creek Bowling
7930 Haven Ave.
The Wild Grape
8916 Foothill Blvd.
Hillside Comm. Church
5354 Haven Ave.
San Antonio Jr. Academy
1722 E. 8th, Ontario
Precision Gymnastics
9017 Arrow Route #720
10535 Foothill Blvd, #490
U. S. Karatc Orqanization
9255 Base Line Road
Mulberry Early Learning Ctr.
9521 Arrow Route
Ontario Ice
1225 W. Holt, Ontario
Whispering Lakes Golf
2525 E. Riverside Dr., Ontario
�1. Stork Elem. School
5646 Jasper St.
�,2. Alta Loma Jr. High School
9000 Lemon St.
�3. Jasper Elem. School
6881 Jasper St.
�4. Carnelian Elem. School
7105 Carnelian St.
�5. Alta Loma High School
8880 Base Linc Rd.
�6. Valle Vista Elem. School
7727 Valle Vista
�7. Bear Gulch Elem. School
8355 Bear Gulch Place
�8. Los Amigos Elem. School
8498 9th St.
�9. Hcrmosa Elem. School
10133 Wilson St.
�10. Vineyard Jr. High School
6440 Mayberry Ave.
�ll. Chaffey College
5885 Haven Ave.
�12. Deer Canyon Elem. School
10225 Hamilton St.
�13. Alta Loma Elem. School
7085 Amethyst St.
�14. Cucamonga Middle School
7611 Hellman
�15. Dona Merced Elem. School
]0333 Palo nito
�16. Central Elem. School
7955 Archibald Avc.
I '
I I1 �
�Q �28 �2�♦
z� �
�17. Cucamonpa Elem. School
8677 Arctubald Ave.
�18. Rancho Cuca. Middle Sch.
10022 Feron [31vd.
�19. Caryn Elem. Schcx�l
6290 Sierra Crest Loop
�20. Rancho Cuca. High School
11801 Lark Dr.
�21. Victoria Groves Elem. Sch.
10950 Emerson
�22. Carleton P Lightfoot School
6989 Kenyon Way
�23. Ruth Musser Middle School
10789 Terra Vista
�24. Coyote Canyon Elem. Sch.
7889 Elm Ave.
�25. Terra Vista Elem. School
7497 Mountain View Dr.
�26. Summit Inter. School
5959 East Avenue
�27. Windrows Elem. School
6855 Victoria Park Ln.
�28. Etiwanda Inter. School
6925 Etiwanda Ave.
�29. Etiwanda High School
13500 Victoria Ave.
� East/West Heritage Elem.
13690 West Const�tution
14250 East ConsHtution
Fontana (not on map)
_ �B Z � a � �
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p ♦ _ -x G1At
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If1E GI'dPEVINE /�� WiNiEr t999
City Directory
ResiAents o(the City of Rancho Cucamongn nre encouraged
to attenA �ity meetmgs. These meetings aie held nt Rnncho
Ganmonga, Cit� Hnll, 10500 Civic Center Drive.
City Counci]
Meets�rst & third Wednesdn�s, monthly nt 7 yrn
William J. lexander Mayor
Diane Williams .............................................Mayor Pro Tem
Paul Biane .....................................................Councilmember
James V. Curatalo ........................................Councilmember
Bob Dutton ...................................................Councilmember
Other Elected Officials
Debra Adams .........................................................City Clerk
James C. Frost .................................................City Treasurer
Planning Commission/
Historic Pteservation Commission
Meets second f� fouith Wednesdnys, monthly nt 7 pm
LarryMcNiel ..................................................................Chair
RichMacias ............................................................Vice-Chair
John D. Mannerino ................................:.......Commissioner
Pam Stewart ....................................................Commissioner
Peter Tolstoy ...................................................Commissioner
Park and Recreation Commission
Meets third Thursda�, montitly af 7 pnt
Ann D. Punter ................................................................Chair
Mark Whitehead ...................................................Vice-Chair
Gary Bemis .....................................................Commissioner
James Clopton ................................................Commissioner
Martin Dickey .................................................Commissioner
Library Board
Meets hrst Thursdny, monthly nt 7 pnr
Robert Howdyshell .................................................President
Edward Swistock ...........................................Vice-President
Donna Bradshaw ............................................Boardmember
Doris Dredd-Lee .............................................Boardmember
Joyce Womack .................................................Boardmember
Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Foundation
Call 948-9900`0� meeting dntes
Paula Pachon ...........................................................President
Pairicia Beasley ........................................................Secretary
Rene Bamett ....................................................Boardmember
Donna Bradshaw ............................................Boardmember
Dr. James Brown .............................................Boardmember
Rebecca Davies ...............................................Boardmember
Gregory Morrison ..........................................Boardmember
Robert Valenri .................................................Boardmember
Paul Williams ..................................................Boardmember
JackLam ............................................. .............City Manager
Jerry B. Fulwood ...............................Deputy City Manager
Linda D. Daniels............Redevelopment /�gency D�rector
Lawrence I. Temple .......Administrative Services Director
Rick Gomez ................Community Development Director
Wm. Joe O'Neil .............................................. City Engineer
Kevin McArdle ....................Community Services D�rector
Bil] Makshanoff ..........................Building & Safety Official
Brad Buller .........................................................City Planner
Tamara Layne ......:.........................................Finance Officer
MarH Higgins ...................Disaster Preparedness Manager
Deborah C1ark .............................................Library Director
Rod Hoops ......................Captain R. C. Police Department
L. Dennis Michael .............Fire Chief Rancho Cucamon�a
Editorial Staff Fire Protection District
Nettie Nielsen ...................................Recrearion Supervisor
Karen Silhanek ...........................Community Services Tech
Cover design 6y Dinnn Giordnno, Gmphit Designer -(909) 207-6218
At Your Service . . .
City Hall -- Monday through Thursday 7 a.m. - 6 pm.
10500 Civic Center Drive, RO. Box 807,
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 .......................................................................................477-2700
Mayor/City Council/City Manager/City Clerk .........................................................477-2700
Planning Division/Home Improvement Program :::..:..:::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::477-2750
Engineering Division ................................................ 477-2740
City1'ard ............................................................................................................................989-2813
Building and Safety Division ..........................................................................................477-2710
CodeEnforcement ............................................................................................................477-2720
Community Services Department ..................................................................................477-2760 '
Community Services - Activity RegistraHon ................................................................477-2765
GrafittiHotline ..................................................................................................................481-7999 '
City of Rancho Cucamonga FAX Number ...................................................................477-2849
Internet WebSite Address ....................................................www.ci.rancho-cucamonga.ca.us
Rancho Cucamonga Police Departrnent,
105]0 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
EmergencyCalls Only ............................................................................................................9-1-1
Police Services (non-emergency) ............:.......................................................................941-1488
Business/Crime Prevention/Investigahons .................................................................477-2800
Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District,
10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
EmergencyCalls Only ............................................................................................................9-1-1
BusinessCalls ....................................................................................................................477-2770
NewConstrucHon Unit ...................................................................................................477-2730
Community Centers
Lions Community Center East, 9191 Base Line Road, 91730 .....................................477-2790
Lions Community Center West, 9161 Base Line Road, 91730 ...................................477-2795
Rancho Cucamonga Senior Center, 9791 Arrow Route, 91730 ..................................477-2780
R.C. Family Sports Center, 9059 San Bernardino Road, 91730 ..................................481-6850
Rancho Cucamonga Epicenter & Sports Complex
Quakes Ticket Office ........................................................................................................481-5252
City Stadium Rental Information ...................................................................................477-2799
Foothill Communities Law and Justice Center .........................................................945-4313
Rancho Cucamonga Chamber ofCommerce,
8280 Utica Avenue, Suite 760, 91730 ..............................................................................987-1012
Rancho Cucamonqa Public Library, 7368 Archibald Avenue ....................................948-9900
Hours - N(�onday...12 noon - 9 p.m. Tues. - Thurs. ..10 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Friday......12 noon - 6 p.m. Saturday...........10 a:m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday .......1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Southern Califomia Edison .....................
—Gas �
Southern Califomia Gas ...........................
RanchoDisposal .......................................
Westem Waste Industries ........................
Yukon Disposal .........................................
Cucamonga County Water District........
Animal Control .
Licensing& Shelter . :........................................................................................................466-7387
Requestsfor Service ...............................................................................................1-800-472-5609
Cable TV
ComcastCable Vision ......................................................................................................983-9895
MarksCableVision ...........................................................................................................987-6275
School Districts
AltaLoma School District ...............................................................................................484-5151
Centr2l School District .....................................................................................................989-8541
Cucamonga School District .............................................................................................987-8942
Etiwanda School District .................................................................................................899-2451
Chaffey Joint Union High School Dislrict .....................................................................988-8511
Emergency Broadcasting System Stations
KGGI —(99.1 FM) KFRG —(95.1) KOLA —(99.9 FM)
U.S. Postage
POSTAL PATRON Dated Material Please Rush t'e�,,,;� vo. zz
Cuwmonga, Califomia