HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996/07/25 - Agenda Packet - Library Board of Trustees - AdjournedDECLARATION OF POSTING OF AGENDA ¥I¥IAN GARCIA states and declares as follows: I presently am, and at all times mentioned herein have been, the Administrative Secretary of the Library of Rancho Cucamonga. Acting in that capacity, on F~ , ~ /9 at ~%')00<~).~ . , I posted a true agenda dated ~-~i/ C~o~-~ /9~& Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. and correct copy of the meeting at 10500 Civic I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing true and correct and that this declaration was executed on ~[~ /~t /~P , at Rancho Cucamonga. is ~EBORAH KAYE CLARK, LIBRARY MANAGER ity of Rancho Cucamonga BY: Vivian Garcia, Administrative Secretary City of Rancho Cucamonga LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ADJOURNED MEETING 7:00 p.m. July 25, 1996 Storytime Room Rancho Cucamonga Public Library 7368 Archibald Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 City Councilmembers William J. Alexander, Mayor Rex Gutierrez, Mayor Pro Tem Paul Biane, Councilmember James V. Curatalo, Councilmember Diane Williams, Councilmember Boardmembers Robert Howdyshell, President Laura J. Muna-Landa, President Pro Tem Rebecca Davies, Boardmember Gina Gregory, Boardmember Edward E. Swistock, Boardmember ,~ PAGE Board of Library Trustees Agenda 1 Adjourned Meeting, July 25, 1996 A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Roll Call: Howdyshell __., Davies __, Gregory , Muna-Landa __., and Swistock __ B. PRESENTATIONS/ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Administration of Oath of Office - Oaths of Office will be administered by Debbie Adams, City Clerk. Oath to be administered to: Rebecca Davies, reappointment to June 30, 2000. Gina Gregory, reappointment to June 30, 2000. 2. Presentation of check for $10,000 from the Friends of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library to the Library Board. Presented by President Paul Williams. C. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Boardmember or member of the audience for discussion. 1. Approval of Minutes: June 6, 1996. 1 D. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1. Library status report: oral report presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager, Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian and Renee Tobin, Children's Librarian. 2. Budget report: presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. 7 PAGE  Board of Library Trustees Agend~l 2 Adjourned Meeting, July 25, 1996 Preliminary closeout of fiscal year 1995/96 only. 3. Revisit of closures for Winter Holidays: presented by Deborah Clark, 9 Library Manager. E. BOARD BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the Board of Library Trustees for discussion. They are not public hearing items, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1. Election of Officers This is the time designated by the bylaws to elect Board Officers ~ for 1996/97. The offices to fill are: President Vice President 2. Reports from Committees Telethon: by Staff and Board members Telethon Executive Committee - Minutes for June 11 attached. 11 Telethon budget for review. Presented by Ede Swistock Amateur Acts Subcommittee - Minutes for July 3 attached. 13 General Information & Application for review. Staffpresenting. Live Auction Subcommittee - Minutes for July 18 attached. 17 Presented by Laura Muna Landa. Contest Regulations 20 General Information & Application for review for Video contest and Donor Wall Design Contest. Staff presenting. Issues to finalize reeardine telethon: How many hours do we wish to televise? When do we propose Telethon plan to Council Cable Subcommittee and City Council as a whole? Do we wish to make contests available for all or youth centered only? Do we wish to charge a $50 guarantee to profits and non-profit amateurs, solo and group, alike? If there is a fee to use Master Card, do we wish to charge $5 .~ PAGE Board of Library Trustees AgeJida 3 Adjourned Meeting, July 25, 1996 per vote and accept Master Card payment only? When searching for a second major sponsor, what dollar amount should we assign? Planning Committee: oral report by Board member Gregory 23 (minutes attached) Foundation Selection: oral report by Library Manager 3. Evaluation of success of Library meeting location and direction to the staffas to the location of future F. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING This is the time for the Board of Library Trustees to identify the items they wish to discuss at the next meeting. These items will not be discussed at this meeting, only identified for the next meeting. G. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC This is the time and place for the general public to address the Board of Library Trustees. State law prohibits the Board from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. H. ADJOURNMENT I, Vivian Garcia, Library Administrative Secretary of the City of Rancho Cueamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on Friday, July 19, 6:00 p.m., 1996, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54953 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: July 25, 1996 President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR JUNE 6. 1996 RECOMMENDATION Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees for June 6, 1996. BACKGROUND Minutes taken and compiled by Library Administrative Secretary Vivian Garcia. ~~e~or~ K~ayePeCthlly submitted, Library Manager ~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Reeular Meetim, A. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, June 6, 1996, in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. and the pledge of allegiance was led by President Howdyshell. Present were Boardmembers Davies and Gregory. Also present were: Diane Williams, Friends of the Library, Deborah Clark, Library Manager, Renee Tobin Children's Services Supervisor and Vivian Garcia, Administrative Secretary. B. CONSENT CALENDAR B1. Approval of minutes: May 2, 1996 B2. Approval of minutes: Adjourned Meeting, May 3, 1996 MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Gregory, seconded by Boardmember Davies. unanimously, 3-0-2 (Muna-Landa and Swistock absent). Motion carded C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS Boardmember Swistock arrived at 7:01 p.m. C 1. Library status report: oral report presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager and Renee Tobin, Children's Services Supervisor. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that May was a lighter month in terms of both business and special programs, but revenues were solid. Renee Tobin, Children's Services Supervisor, stated that staffis busy getting ready for the Summer Reading Program. The sign-ups will begin June 17. Once again this year, Wells Fargo is providing all of the materials. A total of 1600 signed-up last year and staffis estimating as many as 2000 this year. Staffhas recruited for teenage volunteers to assist with the program. This year it is a summer camp theme. Starting July 11, a school aged (6-11) storytime will begin. Library Board Minutes June 6, 1996 Page 2 Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that a new bus program will be starting this summer. This was spearheaded by our Mayor Bill Alexander that will provide incentives and free rides to the children once a week who need to come to the Library by bus. Omnitrans is providing this program. President Howdyshell suggested a success story to be highlighted on the Telethon. C2. Budget report: presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, reviewed handouts, Schedule A and B with the Board. C3. Update on Literacy program and approval of Plan of Service Application for 1996/97. Presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that the Literacy Program does require that staff re-apply every year. The plan is a five year grant program, but they do ask that staff submit a Plan of Service. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Swistock, seconded by Boardmember Gregory. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (with Muna-Landa absent). C4. Recommended list of library closures due to Holidays for fiscal year 1996/97. MOTION: Moved by President Howdyshell, seconded by Boardmember Davies. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (with Muna-Landa absent). D. BOARD BUSINESS D1. Reports from Committees. Telethon by Staff and Boardmembers Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated staff has received approiXmately fifteen calls from the article that appeared in the Grapevine on the Telethon. Staff is working with Resource Services to be able to download information on disc which would give us all the license holders that do business in the city and the contact person. Staffhas talked with Boardmember Swistock about the same kind of list from the Chamber. Staff has finished compiling the celebrity list. Boardmember Swistock stated that Bill Anthony will be able to provide all the video hardware. OnTuesday afternoon, John Mannerino, Deborah Clark and he will be meeting with Bill Anthony to prepare a budget. Library Board Minutes June 6, 1996 Page 3 Planning Committee: by Boardmember Davies Boardmember Davies stated that Gina, Deborah and she met. One of the first plans is to survey our public to see what they feel we need to be doing. Once we receive those results, of course, we will share them with the Board and with the Council. Donor Wall: by President Howdyshell President Howdyshell stated that Laura, Deborah and he met last week. A budget of $5,000 was selected to be spent on the Donor Wall. A contest is to be held with the community for the design. The idea was to be able to make selections prior to the Telethon and have a public presentation during the Telethon along with some secondary awards for other designs. Quakes Event: by Boardmember Davies Boardmember Davies stated that she and Deborah Clark will be meeting with Patty Geye of the Quakes next week. She will be giving us 500 coupons which can be redeemed for any home game, a Terrace seat. Foundation Selection: by Library Manager Deborah Clark, Library Manager, staff will have approval of the procedure to select the Foundation members on the June 19 Council Agenda, and there will be a fifteen day window for people to apply. D2. Request by Boardmember Davies that the Board consider holding a minimum of two Board meetings per year on location at the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. Presented by Boardmember Davies. Boardmember Davies stated she felt it would be beneficial for the Board to meet in the Library for several reasons. "One, we would be at the location of the organization that we oversee, 2) it gives us the opportunity to again to visit the facility that we oversee, 3) I think that we would be more accessible to the public and perhaps more members of the public would attend." Parking was mentioned as a concern as well as noise disruption and impact on staff. President Howdyshell stated he would prefer being at the Library, but has reservations on the space at the facility. He stated he would like to see this in the long range planning to be able to set-up at the Library. Deborah Clark, Library Manager expressed concerns at having the regular meeting at the Library due to parking shortages and limited seating. 4 Library Board Minutes June 6, 1996 Page 4 Boardmember Swistock stated that because of logistics, he hesitates to conduct Board business in the Library. However, he would support one or two special meetings -- "meet your Board" type of event. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that we do have a special meeting coming up because it is not a regular meeting day on July 25. The Board could hold that meeting at the library to see how the set-up would be, the parking and how the routine meeting would go. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Davies that for our July 25 special meeting to change location t~om Rancho Cucamonga City Hall to the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library, seconded by President Howdyshell. Motion carried, 2-1-1-1 (with Muna-Landa absent). D3. Report from Boardmember Davies on her School District visits. Boardmember Davies gave an oral report to the Board on her school district visits. President Howdyshell requested copies of the school brochure to be sent to the Board. E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING El. Boardmember Swistock asked to have the Telethon issue on the next agenda. E2. Boardmember Davies election of officers to be held on the first meeting after July 1. E3. President Howdyshell the Library as a location for Board meetings. F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None were received. 5 Library Board Minutes June 6, 1996 Page 5 G. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Swistock, seconded by President Howdyshell to adjourn to July 25, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. at the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library, 7368 Archibald Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga. Motion carded unanimously, 4-0-1 (with Muna-Landa absem). The meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m. Approved: Respectfully subrnitt~d,. Vivian Garcia Administrative Secretary CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: July 25, 1996 President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager PRELIMINARY BUDGET REPORT FOR CLOSEOUT 95/96 RECOMMENDATION No recommendation. For information only. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Finance Department is still in the midst of finalizing the closeout of last fiscal year 1995/96. The attached Library Budget Estimated Revenue shows the current income received at $1,115,998 or slightly over 100% of anticipated revenue. It also shows library expenditures currently at $1,016,463, allowing for a reserve savings of $99,535. Staff expects, as bills continue to clear, the amount available for reserves will decline, but are expected to remain in excess of $65,000. Libr aryD eb°r ahMK~anYaeg e~ LIBRARY BUDGET Budgeted Received % % ESTIMATED REVENUE FY95/96 as of 6~96 Received of year 02-3900 1020 02-3900 1030 02-3900 1040 02-3900 1065 02-3900 1020 02-3900 4600 02-3901 1501 02-3901 1502 02-3901 1503 02-3901 1504 02-3901 1505 02-3901 1506 02-3901 1507 02-3901 1508 02-3901 1509 02-3901 1510 02-3901 1511 02-3901-7910 02-3992 8000 Library Prop Tax Secure $574,850 $479,459 93% Library Prop Tax Unsec. $27,725 Library Prop Tax Pre Yr $25,503 Library Prop Tax Supp. $2,818 RDA Pass through $342,000 $342,000 100% Interest Earnings $0 $0 CLSA Database $0 $0 CLSA Direct Loan $1 $6,609 660938% CLSA Interlibrary Loan $0 $0 Community Room Rental $100 $25 25% Direct Mail Solicitations $5,000 $4,864 97% Library card sales $1,000 $557 56% Library Fines & Fees $89,000 $93,363 105% Media Rentals $52,000 $48,120 93% Information Service Fees $1 $358 35825% Private Contributions $15,000 $50,035 334% Public Library Foundation $20,300 $20,110 99% APS Copier Fund $4,800 $6,781 141% Transfer In $7,670 $7,670 100% $1,111,722 $1,115,998 100% TOTAL LIBRARY FUND 100% TOTAL LIBRARY EXPENDITURES TOTAL SAVINGS FOR RESERVES $1,016,463 $99,535 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: July 25, 1996 President and Members of the Board of Library Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager REVISIT OF SCHEDULE OF HOLIDAY CLOSURES RECOMMENDATION Approve adoption of schedule of holiday closures for fiscal year 1996/97 as presented in Attachment A. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In June, the Board approved a list of Holiday Closures that contained an error, closing the Library for this fiscal year on December 24th, 25th and 26th. The Attachment A in this packet shows the correct proposal: to close the Library for December 24th and 25th, but to remain open on Thursday, December 26th. Administration does not currently support a 3 day closure during the week. Respectfully submitted, tJet>orah Kaye C~ I Library Manager%.._J JULY 4TH (Official City Holiday) LABOR DAY (SUNDAY) (Proposed due to Iow usage) LABOR DAY (Official City Holiday) VETERANS DAY (Official City Holiday) THANKSGIVING (Official City Holiday) DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING (Official City Holiday) CHRISTMAS EVE (Proposed due to low usage) CHRISTMAS DAY (Official City Holiday) DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS NEW YEARS EVE (Proposed due to low usage) NEW YEARS DAY (Official City Holiday) MARTIN LUTHER KINGS (Official City Holiday) PRESIDENTS DAY (Official City Holiday) EASTER SUNDAY MEMORIAL DAY (SUNDAY) (Proposed due to low usage) MEMORIAL DAY (Official City Holiday) RECOMMENDED LIST OF HOLIDAY CLOSURES CURRENT PROPOSAL Close July 4, Thursday Close Sept. 1, Sunday Close Sept. 2, Monday Close Nov. 11, Monday Close Nov. 28, Thursday Close Nov. 29, Friday Close Dec. 24, Tuesday Close Dec. 25, Wednesday Open Dee. 26, Thursday Close Dec. 3 l, Tuesday at 6 p.m.. Close Jan. 1, Wednesday Close Jan. 20, Monday Close Feb. 17, Monday Close March 30, Sunday Close May 25, Sunday Attachment A LAST YEAR Closed July 4, Tuesday Closed Sept. 3, Sunday Closed Sept. 4, Monday Closed Nov. 11, Saturday Closed Nov. 23, Thursday Closed Nov. 24, Friday Closed Dec. 24, Saturday Closed Dec. 25, Sunday Closed Dec. 26, Monday Closed Dec. 31, Sunday Closed Jan. 1, Monday Closed Jan. 15, Monday Closed Feb. 19, Monday Closed Apr. 7, Sunday Open May 26, Sunday Close May 26, Monday Closed May 27, Monday 10 RANCHO CUCAMONGA PUBLIC LIBRARY TELETHON EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR THE MEETING OF: Tuesday, June 11, 3:00 p.m. Present were Ede Swistock, Member of Board of Library Trustees; John Mannerino, Official Emcee for the Telethon; Bill Anthony, Executive Producer for the Telethon and Deborah Clark, Staff. I) BUDGET After discussion, the attached preliminary budget was recommended. Bill Anthony mentioned that the cameras and technicians were already donated, with additional cameras and switchers available from Comcast and KZKI. It was suggested that Chaffey College communications program be involved. A still photographer is necessary. Perhaps Daily Bulletin can be approached. Search lights would be helpful to attract attention to City Hall. Quakes can supply? Some discussion occurred regarding the importance of attractive "thank you" gifts for major sponsors/donors. Dan Redmond of Sculptaglass was recommended. II) BUFFET OR KICK-OFF GET TOGETHER It was recommended that an initial kick off for volunteers for the telethon be scheduled, approximately for the 2nd week in July. Winery will be approached to sponsor. III) INSURANCE Insurance issues were discussed briefly. The City's attorney will be contacted by the Library Director to insure coverage of the employees of Comcast, Marks, and Chaffey College as well as the Friends of the Library and any firms or individuals appearing on the telethon IV) ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.. 11 LIBRARY TELETHON Preliminary Budget Expenditures Facility Rental Rental Insurance Personnel Executive Producer Library Staff City Support Staff Cable Time Technical Support Cameras, switchers Phone relocation Still photographer Awards for Contestants Awards for Sponsors Publicity Fliers (4,000) Posters (1,000) Banners Advertising Video Radio spots Food Two volunteer get-togethers Volunteer support at telethon Library Budget In-Kind Costs $1,000 $400 $3,500 $2,000 $5O0 $3,500 $3,500 $2,000 $500 $4OO Community Donations $3,500 $4,000 $15,000 $50O $2,000 $1,500 $15,000 $500 $500 TOTAL S: GRAND TOTAL $59,800 $6,400 $10,900 $42,500 Funds secured are highlighted 12 RANCHO CUCAMONGA PUBLIC LIBRARY TELETHON: AMATEUR ACTS SUB-COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR THE MEETING OF: Wednesday, July 3, 1:30 p.m. Present were Rebecca Davies, Member of Board of Library Trustees; Deborah Clark, Staff and Renee Tobin, Staff. I) BRAINSTORMING TO CREATE AMATEUR ACTS APPLICATION PACKAGE The group brainstormed to cover areas and issues that need to be included in an application . package for amateur acts for the telethon. II) REGISTRATION FEE FOR NON PROFITS Some discussion centered around the adviseability of charging a $50 fee for non-profit groups to participate. It was felt that the fee could stop a group from entering, when that same group would generate more income through the voting if they participated. It w~is determined to raise the issue at the next full Board meeting. IV) ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjoumed at 2:15 p.m.. 13 RANCHO CUCAMONGA PUBLIC LIBRARY 1996 FIRST ANNUAL LIBRARY TELETHON November 15, 16 & 17, 1996 GENERAL APPLICATION INFORMATION & AGREEMENT 4. 5. 6. 1o. 11. AMATEUR PERFORMERS Applications will be accepted by mail or fax from August 1, 1996 through September 30th, 1996. Mail application to Rancho Cucamonga Public Library, 7368 Archibald, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 or fax application to (909) 989-8966. Applications will be accepted in person by appointment only at the Administration Office of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. Appointment hours are: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Call (909) 948-9900, ext. 5040 to arrange an appointment. Applications must be received by Monday, September 30th, 5 p.m.. Application to participate is not restricted by age, sex, race or place of residence. All are welcome to apply. All applicants will be required to audition at a mutually agreeable day and time during the month of October. Applicants will be selected to perform based on an audition before official judges. Selection will be based on the following criteria: Appropriateness of presentation to the theme of event, talent, and attractiveness of presentation. Successful applicants selected to perform will be required to guarantee a minimum of $50 in votes or pledges. All participants will be required to sign a general release form, issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Release forms must be signed and returned to the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library by September 30th in order for you or your group to audition and/or perform. No exceptions! Cash awards of $300 will be presented to the First Place Winners of each performance category. Categories include, but are not limited to, music, dance, gymnastics, etc. A list of categories, including age breakdowns, and cash awards possible will be available from the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library September 1, 1996. Winners in each category will be determined solely by the number of votes called in to the Library Telethon during the event. Each "vote" is registered by a $5 pledge. Pledges may be made by VISA or MASTERCARD. All funds earned from the Library Telethon are the sole property of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library, to be used to open a Technology Center on the second floor of the Library located at 7368 Archibald. THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PUBLIC LIBRARY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO DENY PERFORMANCE TO APPLICANTS WHO, IN 1TS DISCRETION SOLELY, ARE NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE RULES AND REGULATIONS AS SET FORTH IN THIS PACKET OR WHOSE PERFORMANCE IS NOT SUITABLE FOR THE THEME OF THIS EVENT. Thank you for your cooperation. Please be sum all members in your group have read and understand this regulations and information. I have read, understand and agree to the above Date 14 APPLICATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE LIBRARY TELETHON GROUP PERFORMANCE Name of Group Contact person for the group Contact's Address State Zip Title of Act Profit Non-profit Age Range City. Home Phone Business Phone Type of performance (Vocal, dance, etc.) Brief description of performance Length of performance (Flexibility required in this area) Length of time to set up for performance Space requirements for performance (Size of area, type of area, etc.) Site requirements to support your performance (Electrical power, dressing rooms, etc.) Please list technical equipment you will be using for performance (Lighting, sound system, etc.) Please list any technical equipment you require the site to provide 15 APPLICATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE LIBRARY TELETHON INDIVIDUAL Name of Applicant Parent or Guardian Age If under 18 years of age Address City_ State Zip Home Phone Business Phone Title of Act Type of performance (Vocal, dance, etc.) Brief description of performance Length of performance (Flexibility required in this area) Length of time to set up for performance Space requirements for performance (Size of area, type of area, etc.) Site requirements to support your performance (Electrical power, dressing rooms, etc.) Please list technical equipment you will be using for performance (Lighting, sound system, etc.) Please list any technical equipment you require the site to provide Performers must be available to appear for try-outs in October and to perform in November. What is your availability during those months? 16 MINUTES TELETHON MEETING - LIVE AUCTION SUBCOMMITTEE July 18, 1996 7 p.m. II. ROLLCALL: Robert Howdyshell, presem; Laura Muna Landa, present; Deborah Clark, present. TARGET FOR SUCCESSFUL SOLICITATION The subcommittee discussed what they were looking for in terms of donations and came up with the following categories: Auction prizes: Large prizes as stand-alone items and small gifts that could be combined into auctionable packages, ie. Personal Care Package; Pet package, etc. Cash donations: Many businesses do not deal in "donatable" items. They will be solicited for a cash donation. In Kind donations: Some companies produce products or services we need. They will be solicited for service. Examples are: priming of fliers from printing company, graphic art skills from a graphics or design house, food for the telethon volunteers from MacDonalds. Service Clubs; Will be solicited for cash awards for winning contestants. The subcommittee then brainstormed for a wish list of big prizes to auction and gift packages to solicit for. (List attached.) III. CREATION OF LISTS FOR SOLICITATIONS: The subcommittee reviewed the lists created for solicitation and took the following action: Rancho Cucamonga businesses with over 50 employees or income in excess of 20 million will be reviewed to try to find a major sponsor. First the Board must determine the dollar level of giving to achieve that sponsorship category. Print out of all Rancho Cucamonga business with a current business license in Rancho was divided into three sections, with each committee member receiving a section. Coding will be made of which businesses to approach for cash, which for in-kind, which for prizes. Ifa business is deemed to be inappropriate for solicitation, entry will be deleted from list. Lists of celebrity names and addresses will be reviewed. Subcommittee decided to approach celebrities that posed for the ALA READ posters and request them to autograph a poster. These autographed posters will then be auctioned off. Solicitations will also be made for group celebrities: ie., Baywatch group; 90210; Seinfeld, E.R., Fraszier; Home Improvement. Scripts, memorabilia from these groups will be solicited. 17 IV. List of all service clubs in Rancho Cucamonga will be used to solicit cash prizes for winners in Amateur Talent Contest, Donor Wall Design Contest and Video Contest. DETERMINATION OF TYPE AND NUMBER OF LETTERS TO CREATE The subcommittee decided that a different letter will be sent to each "class" of perspective donor, but based on a common form. In addition, all letters will clearly invite the business to feel free to donate cash, item or in-kind, even if our primary solicitation is for something different. It was decided that staff would write the letter, to go out under the signature of the Library Board President. QUESTIONS THAT NEED TO BE RAISED AT THE BOARD MEETING What level of contribution should be required for co-sponsorship with Marks? VI. OTHER ISSUES/QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS None. VII. ADJOURNMENT 8:15 p.m.. 18 POTENTIAL DONATIONS WISH LIST Car Motomycle Boat Jet Skis Trip packages (Bahamas, Hawaii, Cabo) VCRs Camcorders Big Screen TV Catered Dinner/Limo Theatre/Concert Tickets "SuperSaturday" Speedway tickets for opening? Airline tickets Author collection packages Ski packages Sporting event tickets Kids Package (Theme Parks) Bicycles Computers Gardening Package Housecleaning Services Gardening Services Mills Mall Opening Movie Theater Passes (Unlimited use gold card) Car wash package Shopping spree Grocery spree Pet Package Annual Bus Pass Personal Care Package Health Club Membership Home Furnishings Ontario Mills Gift Certificates Restaurant Packages 19 3. 4. 5. 10. 11. RANCHO CUCAMONGA PUBLIC LIBRARY 1996 FIRST ANNUAL LIBRARY TELETHON November 15, 16 & 17, 1996 GENERAL APPLICATION INFORMATION & AGREEMENT DONOR WALL DESIGN CONTEST Entries in the "Donor Wall Design Contest" will be accepted by mail or in person from August 1, 1996 through October 15th, 1996. Mail or deliver to Rancho Cucamonga Public Library, 7368 Archibald, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730. SUBMIT THE ORIGINAL AND ALWAYS RETAIN A COPY OF YOUR WORK. Entries must be received by Tuesday, October 15th, 5 p.m. Participation is not restricted by age, sex, race or place of residence. All are welcome to participate. The theme of the contest is "Give Us Books, Give Us Wings". The space to be filled is located in the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. A description of the space, an outline of the purpose of the wall, and suggestions for possible materials is attached to this form. All participants will be required to sign a general release form, issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga and allowing the City to broadcast the winning designs and honorable mentions for the purposes of the Library Telethon only. Release forms must be signed and returned to the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library by October 15th in order for your entry to be broadcast or considered for award. No exceptions! Winners will be selected by official judges for this event. Judges will be selected from the professional community, each with a background of art, architecture and design. Selection will be based on the following criteria: Appropriateness of presentation to the theme, effective use of medium, cost-practicality of design, creativity of design concept, ability to expand and grow, attractiveness of design, compatibility with existing architecture. Cash awards of $300 will be presented to the First Place Winners of each age category. A list 6fage categories will be available from the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library on October 20th, 1996. A $500 sweepstakes prize will be awarded if an entry is selected by the judges to be used for the official Donor Wall for the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. The Rancho Cucamonga Public Library has the right not to award the Sweepstakes prize, if, in their collective opinion, none of the designs submitted is appropriate for the Donor Wall for design, practicality or cost reasons. THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PUBLIC LIBRARY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO BROADCAST FOR TELETHON PURPOSES ONLY, ANY ENTRY SUBMITTED FOR THIS EVENT. Thank you for your cooperation. Please be sure all members in your group have read and understand this regulations and information. I have read, understand and agree to the above Date 2O RANCHO CUCAMONGA PUBLIC LIBRARY 1996 FIRST ANNUAL LIBRARY TELETHON November 15, 16 & 17, 1996 GENERAL APPLICATION iNFORMATION & AGREEMENT 10. 11. 12. VIDEO CONTEST Entries in the "Plugged Into Libraries" video contest will be accepted by mail or in person from August 1, 1996 through October 15th, 1996. Mail or deliver to Rancho Cucamonga Public Library, 7368 Archibald, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730. DO NOT SEND OR DELIVER ORIGINAL AND ALWAYS RETAIN A COPY OF YOUR WORK. Entries must be received by Tuesday, October 15th, 5 p.m. The theme of the contest is "Plugged Into Libraries". Potential service centered videos include highlighting libraries and literacy, libraries and information, libraries and children, libraries and teens, libraries and technology. Videos must reflect the services offered at theRancho Cucamonga Public Library and have some visual and word orientation to the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. Participation is not restricted by age, sex, race or place of residence. All are welcome to participate. Entries may be live action or animated and must be between 5 and 20 minutes in length. Any request to film on location must be channeled through the Administration Office of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. All applicants must agree to supply the original tape if selected for broadcast over the telethon. Acceptable formats are 1/2" VHS. Entries will be selected to be broadcast based on a review by official judges for this event. Selection will be based on the following criteria: Appropriateness of presentation to the theme of event, videography techniques, script writing and creativity. All participants will be required to sign a general release form, issued by the City of Rancho Cu. camonga and allowing the City to broadcast the video for the purposes of the Library Telethon only. Release forms must be signed and returned to the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library by October 15th in order for your entry to be broadcast or considered for award. No exceptions! Cash awards of $300 will be presented to the First Place Winners of each performance category. Categories include, but are not limited to live action dramatic, live action humourous, short subject, animated, etc. A list of categories, including age breakdowns, and cash awards possible will be available from the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library October 1, 1996. Winners in each category will be determined solely by the number of votes called in to the Library Telethon during the event. Each "vote" is registered by a $5 pledge. Pledges may be made by VISA or MASTERCARD. All funds earned from the Library Telethon are the sole property of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library, to be used to open a Technology Center on the second floor of the Library located at 7368 Archibald. THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PUBLIC LIBRARY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO DENY BROADCAST TO APPLICANTS WHO, IN ITS DISCRETION SOLELY, ARE NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE RULES AND 21 REGULATIONS AS SET FORTH IN THIS PACKET OR WHOSE PRODUCT IS NOT SUITABLE FOR THE THEME OF THIS EVENT. Thank you for your cooperation. Please be sure all members in your group have read and understand this regulations and information. I have read, understand and agree to the above Date I) II) RANCHO CUCAMONGA PUBLIC LIBRARY PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR Thursday, July 11, 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: Gina Gregory and Rebecca Davies. Staff support: Deborah Clark. DISCUSSION OF SURVEYS After reviewing five sample surveys from various libraries, the Committee decided to create three surveys: 1) 2) 3) To be conducted in an interview format in the library, focussing on service issues for current library users. (October/November) To be in the Winter issue of Grapevine. Designed to target non-users, this survey will ask the non-users if they use another library; if so, why and what our library might do to win them as customers. (December) INTERNET survey. Designed to be completed through our Home Page, this survey will contain some of the same elements of 1 and 2, but will focus on services our patrons would like to see offered on-line. (October - December) III) NEXT STEPS Staff was directed to try to complete rough draft of in-house survey for review at the July 25th meeting of the Library Board of Trustees. IV) ADJOURNMENT: Adjourned at 8:15 p.m. 23 STATIST]CS Days Open Items Borrowed Average Daily % Change Patrons Registered Average Daily % Change Information Questions Average Daily % Change Items Classified % Change Volunteer Houm % Change Intedibmry Loan Books Borrowed ADULT SERVICES Information Qusstione Average Daily % Change Tours/Group VIsits Attendance Number of Tours Attendance CHILDRENS SERVICES Information Questions Average Daily % Change Storytime Attendance # of Sessions Aver. per session Aftemchool Program Attendance # of Sessions Aver. per cession Special Events Program Attendance # of Sessions Aver. per session Group V'mite to Library Attendance # of Sessions Aver. per session School visits by Staff # of Visits LITERACY SERVICES Lssmers Assessed Leamem Matched Leamem waiting for tutors Lssmer Inactive Leamem mfe~ed Tutors Trained Tutors Matched Tutors waiting for t~aining Tutors inactive JUN 96 3O 50,972 1,699 4% 1,099 37 -23% 5,567 186 -24% 1,443 -21% 477 -13% 4 3,445 115 -23% 2 25 2,122 71 -25% 4OO 16 25 0 0 0 143 2 72 210 6 35 0 0 2 0 16 0 11 0 31 JUN 95 29 47,419 1,635 1,385 48 7,076 244 1,827 546 3 4,325 149 3 23 2,751 95 411 12 34 321 8 4O I FY 95196 345 588,377 1,705 7% 17.642 51 -34% 87,978 255 -11% 18,313 -19% 4472 41% 6O 48,168 140 -14% 18 360 39,810 115 10% 4376 156 28 184 5 37 327 7 47 1554 70 22 75 1 52 23 8 12 9 46 33 31 12 FY 94/95 265 424,305 1,601 20,680 78 76,249 288 22,548 3165 30 43,081 163 17 291 27,753 105 3292 85 39 236 8 30 819 5 164 269O 117 23 1098 5 BALANCE SHEET JULY THROUGH MAY FY 1995196 Revenues Fines & Fees Media Rentals Sales APS Misc. revenues Totals: Part Time Salaries Balance for Earned Projected Loss/Gain $93,569 $81,261 $12,308 $48,538 $47,477 $1,062 $598 $914 ($316) $6,100 $5,500 $600 $7,494 $0 $7,494 $156,300 $135,151 $21,149 Spent $160,047 Projected Loss/Gain $151,402 ($8,645) $12,504 Donations: Received Projected Loss/Gain $54,762 $5,000 $49,762 REVENUE REPORT FINES MEDIA LIBRARY REF DONA- SALES June 1996 & FEES RENTALS SALES SERV. TIONS TAX June 1 & 2 $475.99 $240.23 $0.00 $35.00 $0.00 $18.52 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 June 3 $428.20 $156.32 $0.00 $18.35 $10.00 $12.10 June4 $213.15 $113.70 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8.80 June 5 $315.56 $165.92 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.83 June 6 $253.80 $136.71 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10.54 June 7 $176.90 $109.09 $0.00 $0.00 $35.00 $8.41 June 8 & 9 $291.62 $206.03 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15.88 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 June 10 $382.50 $194.92 $0.00 $0.00 $35.00 $15.08 June 11 $339.00 $137.85 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10.65 June 12 $265.89 $130.64 $0.00 $0.00 $53.00 $10.11 June 13 $341.47 $137.61 $2.78 $1.90 $0.00 $10.86 June 14 $115.17 $97.44 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7.56 June 15 & 16 $275.38 $257.65 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $19.85 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 June 17 $452.26 $203.55 $0.00 $14.00 $0.00 $15.70 June 18 $483.03 $163.62 $0.00 $0.00 $287.52 $12.63 June 19 $350.95 $186.60 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14.40 June 20 $267.35 $166.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.79 June 21 $95.70 $103.73 $2.78 $0.00 $0.00 $8.24 June 22 & 23 $224.48 $227.70 $0.00 $2.00 $0.00 $17.55 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 June 24 $362.74 $174.98 $2.78 $0.00 $0.00 $13.74 June 25 $224.24 $190.07 $2.78 $0.00 $0.00 $14.90 June 26 $263.25 $235.32 $0.00 $2.00 $0.00 $18.18 June 27 $154.15 $145.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11.25 June 28 $126.15 $159.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.30 June 29 & 30 $418.52 $238.11 $0.00 $6.00 $0.00 $18.39 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTALS: $7,297.45 $4,278.74 MAY TOTALS $9,136.90 $4,140.38 % CHANGE -20% 3% TOTAL INCOME: $12,418.34 TOTAL LIBRARY INCOME $12,087.08 Daily Average Fines Daily Average Media Daily Average Sales Daily Average APS DAILY TOTALS GAIN/LOSS ON PROJ: PERSONNEL EXPENSES Part time Salaries GAIN/LOSS ON PRO J: $271.62 $138.84 $0.15 $28.98 $439.58 $494 $7,125 ($243) $11.12 $79.25 $25.02 $162.10 -56% 95/96 Proj: $253.91 $150.51 $3.09 $16.13 $423.64 $6,882 $420.52 $331.26 $474.00 $321.39 BALANCE $251.53 Rancho Cucamonga Public Library In-house Survey Interviewer's Initial *Excuse me. We'd like to take just a few minutes of your time for a survey the library is conducting to improve our service to you. We want to know if you fred what you look for in our library. Can you help us today? 1. Did you come to the library today for something specific? YES. May we ask what? NO. (Go to No. 2) 2. Did you ask for help at the... 5. What kinds of information, materials and/or services do you come to the library for? Check as many as apply. Financial/Business Career/Professinnal Development Educational Legal Leisure reading Medical Self Improvement Community Services Current Affairs Hobbies/Games/Sports Children's Programs Reference/Information Desk Circulation Desk 6. Are there any changes in our materials, services or policies that would make a difference to you? Children's Desk If yes: Were you satisfied with the service you received? 7. What would be your ideal Rancho Cucamonga Public Library in the future? Yes. Why? No. Why? Did you use... INFOTRAC CD-ROM LAN PUBLIC ACCESS COMPUTER AUTOMATED CATALOG ON-LINE MAGAZINES 8. When visiting a public library, which one do you generally use? Rancho Cucamonga Upland Ontario Other Why? Date Time Number 9. Are you satisfied in general with the library's physical facility (space, furnishings, parking, etc.) YES, I like it because If NO, what specific improvements need to be made? 10. Are you satisfied in general with library equipment (computers, copiers, etc.) YES, 1 like it because If NO, what specific improvements need to be made? 11. Are you a Rancho Cucamonga resident? YES. What street? What zip? Thank you so much for your time! Fill out by observation: Sex: __Male __Female Age: __Child __Teen __Adult __Senior Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Survey - Rating our Services At the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library, we are planning our services into the next 5 years. Since our goal is to give you the best service possible, we'd sincerely like to know more about you and your needs. 6. How satisfied are you in general with library equipment such as copy machines, computer catalogs and printers and microform reader/copiers? 1. Do you use the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library? YES. Please proceed to next question. NO. Please proceed to question 8 Very satisfied gl satisfied FI not satisfied F/very unsatisfied What specific improvements need to be made so that thc library equipment will provide satisfactory use? 2. How satisfied are you in general with the books, tapes, magazines, etc. at the library? ~ Vcry satisfied ~ satisficd~/not satisfiedFI very unsatisfied 7. Are there any changes in our materials, services or policies that would make a difference to you? What specifically do we need to do to improve the materials in the library for you? 8. When visiting a public library, which one do you generally use? 3. How satisfied are you in general with service you receive fi.om library staff'?. Very satisfied FI satisfiedD not satisfied tl very unsatisfied Rancho Cucamonga Upland Ontario Other Why? What specific changes do staffneed m make so that service will be satisfactory for you? 9. What kinds of information, materials and/or services do you go to the library for? Check as many as apply. 4. How satisfied are you in general with programs provided by the library? ~Very satisfied D satisfied Flnot satisfied £1'vcry unsatisfied What specific improvements need to be made so that library programs will be satisfactory for you? 5. How satisfied are you in general with the library's physical facility (Space, furnishings, grounds, parking, etc.) Very satisfied ~l satisfied il. not satisfied FI very unsatisfied ~ Financial/Business [~ Career/Professional Development l-'l Educational ~'~ Legal ~ Leisure reading U1 Medical FI Self Improvement I~ Community Services J~ Current Affairs ~ Hobbies/Games/Sperts ~ Children's Programs 10. If the Rancho Cucamonga Library is not your first choice when you need to visit a public library, what changes would the Library need to make to be first choice? What specific improvements need to be made so that the pysinal facility will be satisfactory to you? Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Survey - Planning Our Future Our goal to give you the best service possible requires special planning and directed funding. We'd like to know your thoughts on the role your library should fill in the community and how your library ought to be funded in the future. 11) In the next three to five years, what should be the top priorities for the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library? TOP MIDDLE LOW ~aximize hours open each week Up-to-date materials Increase the vm irt~, and scope of collections Develop more computer access to collections Online databases for customer use Services to elemcntmy school students ~ervices to intermediate school students Services to high school students ['nformation programs/or adults ,~lore special collections (e.g. genealogy) More videos ~ure materials In other languages More reference and information services Faster Interlibrary loan delivery options internet access tbr library users Increase number of library outlets (branches) ~elping people with literacy Encourage a love of reading in children Helping children with homework materials ervice the business community 12) Thinking ahead over the next three to five years, please indicate whether or not you feel that the following services should be provided at the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library and whether or not you would be willing to pay a fee to have these services: Not Willing Willing Do Not To To Want Pay For Want Pay For Service Service Service More computem for public use Internet access Access to library materials using home computers Home or office delivery Classes held in library on advanced computer and information searching skills Children's Homework Help Center (Including tutoring services) ,Coffee or snack bar in library Thank you for participating in our planning survey. Look for the results of the survey in a forthcoming issue of "Grapevine".