HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001/01/24 - Agenda Packet - Adj (Attachment) Memorandum City Manager's Office To: MaY6r and Members of the ~;ity Council t,/ From: Jack Lam, City Manager~,,~.~,. Date: January 18, 2001 Subject: Goals Discussion Each year, Council and Staff meet to review the progress on goals established in the prior years and discuss options for the next several years (as many goals and projects are multi-year in nature). Enclosed is a review of the progress on the goals discussed- last year as well as the progress oh goals and/or programs established in this year's budget. Our session will begin at 10:00 am and we will have refreshments available. Lunch will be brought in as it is anticipated that discussions may continue through the lunch hour. If you have any questions, please contact me. cc. Dept. Hds., Admin. Staff City of Rancho Cucamonga At the February 7, 2000 Workshop with staff, the Council discussed a variety of issues and programs as they looked ahead to the upcoming year. A few specific areas were identified for staff review and follow up. The following provides a review of the work that has been accomplished on each one. 1) City Facility Alarm Systems · Provide an overview of how City Facility alarms are responded to by the City staff, police, and alarm company. (As part of this, determine what specifically happened during the weekend of February 5 - 6, 2000 when the City Library alarm sounded.) Action: The Public Works on-call policy and security system at the Library were reviewed. As a result, the on-call response radius for responding employees was revised and the Library security system was integrated into the City Hall system. 2) Approval of various City Agencies' Warrants Determine the requirement for Council formal approval of the City's Fire District and Re- development Agency warrants. Action: Both RDA and Fire District's warrants are now included in their respective agendas. 3) CCWD Related Items · Provide Council with the reasons/justification for the upcoming CCWD water rate in- creases. · Staff should schedule a meeting of the Council Public Works subcommittee with CCWD to discuss development related issues. Action: Information regarding CCWD's rate increase in 2000 was provided through memorandum. The Public Works Subcommittee met with CCWD representatives in November 2000 to discuss water basin and other related issues. 4) Review of Ordinance 58 and other long-standing ordinances · Staff should complete a review of these ordinances and provqde Council with recommenda- tions on potential policy and procedure modifications. Action: Staff has completed a review of Ordinance 58, and is scheduling the matter for Council consideration for 2/7/01 agenda. City of Rancho Cucamonga 5) Review inclusion of Flag salute at Council subcommittee meetings · Staff should research to determine whether it is a legal requirement. Action: Flag salute is not required. Was dropped from Council subcommattee agendas. 6) Institute a speaker sign in sheet at Council meetings Action: Speaker sign-in station was implemented in February 2000. 7) Evaluate completing additional median projects on Vineyard and Archibald Action: Staffis completing a feasibility analysis, including sufficient street widths, access, and cost. This will be shared with the Council in February 2001. 8) Do some initial planning on a new or expanded Senior Center, including future needs Action: Over the last year, Community Services staff has worked with the Senior Advisory Committee to receive their members' perspective on the types of uses and facilities that would be desired in a new or expanded Center. This perspective has been translated into a vision statement that identifies both the need as well as proposed uses/facilities to be included in a new fadlity. The Cormmttee has comrmtted to be active in the City's upcoming efforts to receive federal and state funding assistance for a new, expanded Center. Funding for a new Center will serve as a key focus of the City's upcoming 2001 Legislative Program. 9) Relook at three City and County partnership opportunities for economic development and marketing, include the Council Marketing Subcommittee. Action: The Cities of Fontana, Ontario and Rancho Cucamonga are working together to identify opportunities for joint advertising. So far, these meetings have resulted in the placement ora joint ad in three issues (in December 2000 and January 2001) of Red Herring, a high tech industry magazine. The three cities are monitoring the calls that they are receiving as a result of the ad, and after a thirty day monitoring period, will meet to evaluate the effective ness of th/s specific ad. The group is also currendy looking at other placement opportunities, including Forbes. City of Rancho Cucamonga 10) Evaluate impact of various Statewide proposals re: local government financing reform Action: The City actively followed the various Statewide proposals on fiscal reform that were considered during the 2000 Legislative year. In addition to analyzing the impacts of the proposals to our City, we were also active in articulating our position at the State level. This included testifying to key Legislative Committees, organizing cities in our Region to articulate their position to the Legislators, working with other Gonsalves-represented cities, and encouraging the State League to remove the redistribution of sales tax to local government in their proposals. As a result of all of our coordinated efforts, the Legislature did not pass any local government fiscal reform legislation and sales tax redistribution was removed from the League's fiscal reform goals. 11) Complete an evaluation of the long-term financial impacts (both capital and operational) of the various projects that are being discussed by the City Council, i.e. performing arts center, library branch, etc. (including those identified in the Community Services Study that is being completed as part of the General Plan) Action: An initial analysis was provided to the Council during Spring 2000 budget discussions. Additional work will be done, as part of the implementation of the various General Plan special studies. 12) Post May 2000 implementation steps for Central Park Action: Council has expressed an interest in revisiting the issue in 2001. 13) Enhance communications with the School Districts, re: their plans for future facilities and long range plans Action: City staffmeets regularly with the School Superintendents on issues of mutual interest, including their plans for future facilities and planning. 14) Look for ways to assist businesses in Foothill and other older business areas Action: RDA staff has established a Foothill Focus Group of business and chamber representatives, to evaluate the needs of the businesses in the area as well as to create ways to provide various types of assistance. This work is being done concurrently with the Planning City of Rancho Cucamonga Department's Foothill Design Study. The Focus Group will use feedback from the recent Planning Department questionnaire as well as RDA's upcoming survey of the business owners to determine the needs and interests of the businesses in the area. Having been asked by the business participants to have a hiatus for the hohday season, staff is planning to hold the next Focus Group meeting in February 2001. Work will continue through 2001. 15) Code enforcement --- focus on important issues and items~ and don't "sweat the small stuff'~ such as open house signs. Action: Division's personnel have been reorganized, with work currently in progress for rede- fining the Division' goals and customer service training. 16) Conduct a street-by-street analysis of our older streets in the west end of the City. Identify what programs and initafives that we could propose to encourage investment Action: Tiffs year, staffhas been diverted on other major projects and has not been able to initiate a comprehensive survey. During 2001, such a survey will be completed. 17) Evaluate various opportunities, including an east end branch, that could be pursued if Proposition 14 - Library Bonds passes on March 2000 ballot Action: The Library Staff is actively monitoring the development of the bond program regula- tions that will be used to evaluate local agencies' submittals for the competitive funds. The City is currently planning with Forest City the incorporation of a library/community center branch into the proposed Mall project. Civic Center Construction Projects Construction of 3~ Floor/Police Department~ including EOC, · Review Space Needs with appropriate staff Completed · Issue RFQ Completed · Review submittals/Interview Firms February 2001 · Recommend RFQ Firm to Council Early March 2001 · Complete Project Design September 2001 · Council approves Project Design October 2001 · Initiate Construction Bid Process November 2001 · Council awards Construction Bid February 2002 · Construction Begins March 2002 · Construction Complete Fall 2003 n~pa~/b/e sta~. RDA/L. Daniels CM Office/D. Baker Expansion of Civic Cemer Parking Lot · In house design work completed Completed · Comtruction RFP awarded February2001 · Construction complete June 2001 ~spo~/b~ staff. Eng./W. Stickney Fire District Completion of Maintenance Facility · Initiate tool/equipment purchase & acquisition , February 2001 · Complete construction May2001 · Complete installation of tools, etc./do training May 2001 · Complete move June 2001 · Begin maintenance operation at new facility July2001 ~po~/bk staff. RDA/M, Slagerman Fire/B. Corcoran & S. Domonick 1/17/01 1 Purchase of aerial ladder truck · Complete design specifications Completed · Bid design specifications Completed · Complete evaluation of bid proposals January 2001 and financing options · Approve bid/issue purchase order January 2001 · Deliver truck/complete training/ March 2002 equipment installation · Place truck into service July 2002 responsible staff: Fire/B. Corcoran Finance/T. Layne Adm Ser/D. Haddon Fire Station #176 (land acquisition, facility design, construction) · Site identified and negotiations initiated December 2000 · Retain architect March 2001 · Complete station design Summer 2001 · Award construction contract Winter 2001 · Complete construction/station operational Fall 2002 responsible staff: Fire/D. Michael/B. Corcoran CM Staff/D. Baker Support: Eng staff Purchase of Fire Engine for new Station #176 · Begin developing specifications for engine Completed · Complete specifications and advertise for bids April 2001 · Evaluate proposals and recommend bid award May 2001 Issue purchase order · Conduct inspection, take delivery, and initiate March 2002 Installation/training · Fire Engine Ready for Service August 2002 responsible staffi Fire/D. Michael 1/17/01 2 Fire Financing Options Study · Develop 5-7 year capital imp/operational needs Completed · Do financial analysis of existing rev sources Completed · Comparative analysis of needs Completed vs. revenue options · Complete report, with recommendations February 2001 · Review of recommendations by Council Budget Process 2001 responsible staff: Fire/D Michael Adm Serv/Temple T. Layne City Mgr/P. Easter Animal Control Expand operation to 7 days a week · Acquire additional staff In process · Begin 7 day a week operation February 2001 responsible staff: C.M. staff/D. Baker Library Acquisition and Implementation of Bookmobile Program · Hire Bookmobile Coordinator November 2000 · Recommend Omnitrans retrofit to Council January 17, 2001 · Operationalize Bookmobile Spring 2001 responsible staff: Library/D. Clark Community Services Department Weekly Farmer's Market Program · Continue to identify potential retail throughout year Centers to locate market responsible staff: Com. Serv/K. McArdle 1/17/01 3 Children's Theater location/programming · Identification of temporary locations ongoing · Conduct one Children's Show @ Alta Loma H.S. April 2001 responsible staff: Com. Serv/K. McArdle Work with Forrest City and Performing Arts Consultant on Feasibility Study · Feas. Study RFP responses due to City Completed · RFP awarded February 2001 · RFP/Phase I completed June 2001 · Phase II (conceptual development) TBD responsible staff: Com. Serv/K. McArdle Acquisition and Implementation of Mobile Recreation Traile, · Trailer bid awarded Completed · Receive trailer January 2001 · Equip & operationalize May 2001 responsible staff Com Serv/K. McArdle Community Development Review of Ordinance 5g · Present recommendations to CM Completed · Amendment Recommendation to Council February 2001 responsible staffi Eng/J. O'Neil Planning/B. Buller 1 / 17/01 4 Implementation of Tidemark permit processing system · Go "live" with Building function Completed * Create combination permit to tract homes February 2002 · Go "live" with Planning function June 2001 responsible staffi Building/A. Brock Plan/D. Coleman Completion of Multi species habitat study · Continued work on development of plan Ongoing · Modify cooperative MOU with state and federal Completed agencies to extend time period to 12/2002 · Pursue potential funding sources Ongoing responsible staff: Plan/L. Henderson liaison with Comm. Completion of General Plan Update, including special studies · Consideration and Adoption of General Plan General Plan Task Force Oct 00 - March 01 Planning Comm. Workshops/Hearings Jan - May 2001 City Council June 2001 · Environmental Impact Report Screen Check reviewed by staff January 2001 Draft EIR available for public comment February 2001 Response to Comments April 2001 Final EIR to City Council June 2001 · Fiscal Impact Report Final document completed Completed · Completion of Special Studies Fire Completed Community Services February 2001 Police January 2001 Library Completed responsible staffi Plan/L. Henderson 1117/01 5 ~Completion of Pacific Electric Trail Feasibility/Design Study · Master plan completed October 2000 · Review by participating cities January 2001 · Review by R.C. Commissions/Council Completed · Develop/pursue state/federal funding Ongoing responsible staff: Planning/B. Buller D.Coleman RDA ~Completion of Plan Amendment · Complete environmental documents January 2000 '~ Prepare Plan Amendment documents Feb/March 2001 · Public Hearings March 2001 · Completion of Plan Amendment June 2001 responsible staff: RDA/L. Daniels Development of Packing House site · Developer has received approvals & applying for senior housing tax credits · During 2000-2001, will be awaiting response on tax credits responsible staff: RDA/L. Daniels Completion of Foothill Blvd. median improvements 2"d Phase - Hermosa to Haven · Storm Channel construction Complete · Project Completion Nov. 00 -Jan. 01 3rd Phase - Vineyard to Grove · Complete Design, including Spring 2002 EIR & State approvals · Construction RFP awarded Summer 2002 · Construction Phase Fall 2002 · Project Complete Fall 2003 responsible staff: Eng./W. Stickney 1/17/01 6 Foothill Boulevard Improvements/Route 66 Enhancement Program/Foothill Focus Group ·Currently investigating property at Archibald and TBD Foothill Blvds. for demonstration project on property · Work with business community on investigations enhancement of Blvd., including formation of potential business association, implementing physical improvement recommendations, etc. Thruout 00-01 responsible staf~ RDA/L. Daniels & M. Slagerman Administrative Services Completion of tiber, optic study and continued installation of fiber network to offsite locations and to private users · Study completed Completed · First Phase of Cable to Library Completed · Second Phase of Cable to City Hall June 2001 responsible staff: AdmSer/L. Temple Continuation of Training Academy, including executive management training program · Training Programs scheduled for 2000 Consensus Decision Making Completed Professional Work Behavior Eliminated · Executive Management Training Program Spring 2001 · Customer Service Training for Counter staff Spring 2001 responsible staff persons: Emp. Trng Comm Adm Sv./G. Rivera & S. Ramirez CM staff/D.O'Neal Capital Improvement Projects Expansion of Metrolink parking lot - additional 700 spaces · Construction Bid Complete · Begin construction January 2001 1/17/01 7 · Construction complete July 2001 (Note: Also currently studying permanent bathroom installation feasibility) responsible staff: Eng/W. Stickney City Manager's Office Development and Implementation of City's 2001 Legislative Program, including State .budget requests · Submit proposed legislative program to January 2001 City Manager for review · Present to Council for consideration February 2001 responsible staff: CM staff/P.Easter D O'Neal Red Light Study Program · Council approve program/vendor February 2001 · Conduct public information program April 2001 · Program begins June 2001 responsible staff: CM/J. Haruyama Approval of Wide Open West Franchise Agreement Council Approval of Franchise TBD responsible staff: CM/J. Haruyama Completion of Parks/Recreation and Public Safety Videos for Channel 3 Park/Recreation video · Finalize Council feedback Completed · Revise and release video January 2001 · Develop additional videos Council intermission video Developing timeline Public Safety video Developing timeline responsible staff: CM/J. Haruyama 1/17/01 8 Citywide Projects Telecommunications/Information Technology Master Plan · Education phase to learn more about Ongoing technology trends/applications · Survey other cities/associations on their Completed technology efforts · Issue RFP for Consultant to assist in Master plan February 2001 · Retain Master plan consultant May 2001 · Complete Master plan March/April 2002 responsible sta~ Staff Task Force Chair/P. Easter 1/17/01 9