HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995/05/04 - Agenda Packet - Library Board of Trustees - Canceled!~ PAGE . . Board of Library Trustees Agenda l Regular Meeting, May 4, 1995 A. CALL TO ORDER RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 91730 REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULED FOR 7:00 P.M. OF THE BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES HAS BEEN CANCELED DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM. Vivian Garcia Administrative Secretary May'4, 1995 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES ' AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETING First Thursday 7:00 p.m. May 4, 1995 Civic Center Council Chambers 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 City Councilmembers William J. Alexander, Mayor Rex Gutierrez, Mayor Pro Tern Paul Biane, Councilmember James V. Curatalo, Councilmember Diane Williams, Councilmember Boardmembers Robert Howdyshell, President Laura J. Muna-Landa, President Pro Tern Gina Gregory, Boardmember Edward E. S~Sstock, Boardmember ,~ PAGE Board of Librar3' Trustees Agenda - 1 Regular Meeting, May 4, 1995 A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Roll Call: Howdyshell , Gregory Muna-Landa , and Swistock __ B. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Boardmember or member of the audience for discussion. 1. Approval of Minutes: April 6, 1995. 1 C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS J The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1. Library status report and budget update: oral report presented by Library Staff. 2. Report on the tax form dislribution process: oral report presented by Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian. 3. Presentation of Grant proposal for literacy: presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. Copies of application will be available at the meeting. 4. ' Update on Children's Storylim~: oral report presented by Renee Tobin, Children's Supervisor. [ PAGE Board of Library Trustees Agenda 2 Regular Meeting, May 4, 1995 5. Approve fee of $35 per year to access on-line catalog: presented by 7 Deborah Clark, Library Manager. D. BOARD BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the Board of Library Trustees for discussion. They are not public hearing items, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1. Follow up on goals distributed by President Howdyshell at the March meeting. 2. Follow up on the joint meeting of the Council and Board, Wednesday, April 12th. 3. Review and/or amend responsibilities for newly formed Task Force 9 on Defining Basic Service. E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING This is the time for the Board of Library Trustees to identify the items they wish to discuss at the next meeting. These items will not be discussed at this meeting, only identified for the next meeting. F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC This is the time and place for the general public to address the Board of Library Trustees. State law prohibits the Board from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. G. ADJOURNMENT 1, Vivian Garcia, Library Administ~:ativ~ Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on Thursday, April 27, 6:00 p.m., 1995, seventy-two (72) prior to the meeting per Government Code 54953 hours at 10500 Civic Center Drive. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Reeular Meetine A. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, April 6, 1995, in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. and the pledge of allegiance was led by President Pro Tem Howdyshell. Present were Boardmembers Gregory, and Muna-Landa. Boardmember Swistock was absent. Also present were: Deborah Clark, Library Manager, Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, Renee Tobin, Children's Supervisor and Vivian Garcia, Administrative Secretary. B. CONSENT CALENDAR B1. Approval of minutes: March 2, 1995. B2. Approval of proposed fee for rental of Children's Storytelling Room and various equipment. B3. Approval of proposed fee change for the following video rentals: Best Selling Video Business Video Tapes B4. Approval of proposed fee of $.50 per disc for "best seller" new releases. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Muna-Landa to approve the consent calendar, seconded by Boardmember Gregory. Motion carded 3-0-1 (Swistock absent). C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS C 1. Library status report and budget update: oral report presented by Library Staff. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, presented an oral status report on the library. Staff referred to statistics handout. The library in six months went over 270,000 items checked out for fiscal year 94/95 - the old circulation record for the branch library in a year. Library Board Minutes ' April 6, 1995 Page 2 Boardmember Edward Swistock arrived at 7:08 p.m. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, went over the Library Budget spreadsheet with the Board. Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, went over the statistics for March with the Board. Computers, personal finance, medicine, gardening and landscaping books along with athletics were the subjects of interest circulating this month. Staff`stated that Telecirc, the telephone book renewal started being used this month. President Pro Tern Robert Howdyshell asked Deborah Clark, Library Manager, if the proclamation given by City Council last night was available. He then asked if she would read it. C2. Presentation of Grant proposal for computer networking presented by Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian. Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, stated that the grant would enable staff`to purchase software that would allow Rancho Cucamonga Public Library the capability of connecting with other libraries through their catalog system to see if an item is available with them. Boardmember Swistock asked if it is possible to access another library even if they do not have the Gateway software. Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, stated that as long as they have a public access dial-in catalog we should be able to get in. Boardmember Swistock recommended that if the grant for the software is provided to include Cai Poly Pomona and Cal State San Bemardino. C3. Presentation of Grant proposal for CD Rom workstations for youth presented by Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian. Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, stated that this grant would provided a couple of CD Rom workstations specifically for children. The software would include an electronic encyclopedia, mathematics, reading, information on animals and dinosaurs. This would show parents the capabilities of what a computer could provide if they are thinking about purchasing one without a salesperson involved. President Pro Tern Howdyshell stated his concern about having headsets for this type of equipment. Library Board Minutes April 6, 1995 Page 3 C4. Discussion of proposal for handling Children's Storytime presented by Library Manager and Renee Tobin, Children's Supervisor. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that the demand for Children's Storytime is at a point in which staff needs to deal with the number of children allowed at a time in the room due to the fire regulation limit posted. Currently, staffhas two storytimes on Wednesday - one at 10:00, the other at 11:00 a.m. with another storytime on Saturday at 11:00 a.m. The numbers keep increasing with last week going over sixty. Renee Tobin will be presenting staffs suggestions. Renee Tobin, Children's Supervisor, stated staff has brought recommendations before for the Board for their review on registration for the children. Quarterly sessions would be twelve weeks long with an enrollment of forty children per each storytime. President Pro Tern Howdyshell asked why staff had picked twelve week session compared to a four or six week session? Renee Tobin, Children's Supervisor, stated quarterly would be seasonal and the paperwork involved would be lessened with only four times a year. Also, this would fit easily into the Grapevine each quarter. Boardmember Muna-Landa asked Deborah Clark when she had approached the parents about this item being on the agenda, what comments did staff receive? Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that the parents main concern was continuity with Renee Tobin and Nina Cole being the storytellers. Familiar faces at each of the storytimes was a concern with the parents instead of new faces each time. The Community Service's approach with a registration fee charged for each child for each session was then looked at by staff to be able to hire additional staff to free up time for the Librarians to add new storytimes. Boardmember Swistock stated his concern for a twelve week period. Staff might look at staggering the three storytime tracks to mn two weeks apart and so the longest anyone would have to wait would be two weeks. President Pro Tem Howdyshell stated he also shared the time frame of twelve weeks. He would prefer to see a four or five week session. Boardmember Gregory stated she would rather see two sessions being locked in with the third as an open session. Library Board Minutes April 6, 1995 Page 4 Deborah Clark, Library Manager, asked Renee Tobin could staff`take this item back and restructure some aspects of it and bring it back next month, would the time frames still work? Renee Tobin, Children's Supervisor, stated this would work. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that staff`would like the Board to just look at the registration concept, and on the fee base item to have the Board and Council going in the same direction on this issue at a later date. MOTION: Moved by President Pro Tem Howdyshell to adjourn this item until after the joint meeting with City Council on April 12, seconded by Boardmember Muna-Landa. Motion carried 4-0. I). BOARD BUSINESS D1. Follow up on goals distributed by President Pro Tern Howdyshell at the March meeting. President Pro Tern Howdyshell stated that the reason he wanted the Board to review the Goals was for the Boardmembers to see if they might be able through their resources and time to start some of these goals in an earlier time frame. Boardmember Muna-Landa stated that with one of her goals, Search Out Non-Traditional Approaches to Funding and Service Delivery, she would recommend setting up a subcommittee to discuss what are the "Basic Services" versus "Fee Base" with the library. Also, to approach patrons with a survey on what their opinions would be on fee base services. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that if the Board included a Councilmember on the subcommittee this would help in making recommendations to the Council later. Also, if the Board uses the Grapevine to conduct the survey, the Board would be receiving opinions from non-library users as well as patrons. This would reflect more of the community. Boardmember Swistock stated that through surveys he has conducted the most effective was telephone surveys. Boardmember Muna-Landa stated she will look more into this item. Boardmember Gregory stated that two of her three goals are with the Literacy Program. Due to the grant not being available until the later part of the year, she asked if she could help staff with anything. 4 ..- Library Board Minutes April 6, 1995 Page 5 Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated staffcould use help in contacting other literacy programs which are not related to the library in the conununity and assist in creating that grant. D2. Report by Boardmembers Muna-Landa and Swistock covering the CALTAC meeting attended Saturday, March 11, 1995. Boardmembers Muna-Landa and Swistock presented an oral report to the Board. Boardmember Swistock requested that President Pro Tern Howdyshell send a letter to the State Librarian Kevin Starr asking if he could come visit us at our Library or to arrange a meeting with the Board to meet with him. Second recommendation, is for staffto find out about funding available for a local history program for the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. D3. Discussion issues regarding the joint meeting of the Council and Board to take place on Wednesday, April 12, 1995. President Pro Tem Howdyshell requested the following items: · Concem about Library Revenue being fenced - if we are generating revenues fi.om fee based services, will it be fenced to be put back into the Library. Council's consensus on if this will continue as it was agreed to by the last Council. · Library - Revenues we raise, will the Library be able to keep those funds as budget enhancements. · Property Tax Reductions - City Supplement · Library Cut - Alternatives · Report Card fi.om Council - Their perception of the Library Board of Trustees. What would the Council like to see the Board doing, that they are presently not doing? Representative(s) to be part of a subcommittee on creating structure to establish a definition of what "Basic Library Services" are for Rancho Cucamonga. D4. Report by System Advisory Boardmember John Wang covering the meeting of March 8th held at Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. John Wang, System Advisory Boardmember, presented an oral report to the Board. D5. Options for the Board regarding reorganization due to the resignation of former Board President Bolda. Library Board Minutes April 6, 1995 Page 6 Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that the City Attomey said that the Board has no requirements or limitations, you may continue as you are now until the new members are appointed or you may choose to have an election and have the term that Jackie had filled, filled at this point by one of your members, whatever this Board wishes in terms of action to take, you are able under law to do. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Swistock to nominate Bob Howdyshell for President, seconded by Boardmember Muna-Landa. Motion carded 4-0. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Swistock to nominate Laura Muna-Landa for President Pro Tem, seconded by Boardmember Gregory. Motion carried 4-0. E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING El. Boardmember Swistock stated any action which needs to be taken as a result of the joint meeting with the City Council, and follow-up with the Boardmembers on the goals. F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC No communications were made from the public. G. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Swistock seconded by Boardmember Gregory to adjourn to thejointmeetingwithCityCouncilonApril 12, 1995 at 5:00p.m. Motion carried, 4-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Vivian Garcia Administrative Secretary Approved: 6 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~, STAFF REPORT DATE: May 4, 1995 TO: President and Members of the Board of Library Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF FEE OF $35 PER YEAR TO ACCESS THE ON- LINE SERVICES OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PUBLIC LIBRARY RECOMMENDATION That the Board approve charging a fee of $35 per year to members of the public wishing to access the on-line catalog. That the Board selection one of the options below for the service charge: Plan A: The service charge would cover access to all dial-up elements: the on-line catalog, the conununity services database, the full text magazine index. Plan B: The on-line catalog and the community data base service would be free. The service charge would cover only access to the Magazine index and full text plus any new on-line services added in the future. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Approval of this fee would allow thc Rancho Cucamonga Public Library to charge for access to on-line services, considered by staffto be a "value added" service. To participate in this service, a patron would havc to have own or have access to a computer with a modem--two items that argue an ability to handle without undue hardship thc charging ora modest annual fcc. Thc Board is asked to determine whether they wish to consider any on-line access a "basic" service and therefore free, or to charge a modest annual fee for all dial in access. On thc attached page is a brief pro/con statement for thc two plans proposed by staff. ? Page Two: On-line fees Plan A: Charge for all on-line access Pro: This approach allows greater marketing in selling the fee based service. Since the on-line catalog, the full text magazines and the data base are all under the same package, any interest in any of the elements would encourage the patron to subscribe. Con: Harder program to manage in terms of how the computer program is written. Would involve more staff intervention in enrolling the user than Plan B. Plan B: Charge only for "value added" service of Magazine Index and full text magazines. Pro: Easy to manage. PIN code required means tool to manage fee is already in place. Con: Harder program to sell. Many individuals don't know what the full text magazine could offer them. Individuals might be more willing simply to use the flee services and decide not to pay $35 for the Magazine product. While this is the ideal discussion to be undertaken by the newly formed task force on Basic Service, there is an urgency to get the fee in place before widespread free use makes the public resistant to the concept of a fee for this unique service. //~ectfully submitted, Library ManagerTM CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DATE: May 4, 1995 TO: President and Members of the Board of Library Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: REVIEW OF MISSION AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF NEWLY FORMED TASK FORCE TO DEFINE "BASIC SERVICE" RECOMMENDATION That the Board review the proposed mission statement and the responsibilities listed and make what changes or additions they determine appropriate. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS At the joint Council and Board meeting conducted on April 12th, the two bodies agreed to appoint a task force to define what services are considered "basic" and therefore free for the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. Appointed to the task force were Mayor Alexander and Councilmember Diane Williams. Board Member Muna Landa will be chairing the committee. Staffattached to the committee will be Deborah Clark and Robert Karatsu. Library Manager 9 DEFINING "BASIC" SERVICE JOINT TASK FORCE MISSION The committee is charged with creating a philosophical and practical definition of "basic" as it applies to library services in Rancho Cucamonga and to relate that definition to the structuring of fees for value added service. RESPONSIBILITIES: Direct staffto gather information needed to provide background for its work Identify all services currently provided by the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Establish which services are basic and therefore "free" vs. which should be considered "value added" and placed on a cost recovery basis Create a statement defining "basic" service levels for Rancho Cucamonga Public Library to use in assessing new services offered in the future and to form part of the Mission Statement for the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Develop a list of fees or fee adjustments for those services determined to be "value added" Create an on-line document of the process of assessing "basic" services for potential sale to other libraries 10