HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996/03/07 - Agenda Packet - Library Board of Trustees LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETING First Thursday 7:00 p.m. March 7, 1996 Civic Center Council Chambers 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, Califomia 91730 City Councilmembers William J. Alexander, Mayor Rex Gutierrez, Mayor Pro Tern Paul Biane, Councilmember James V. Curatalo, Councilmember Diane Williams, Councilmember Boardmembers ~ Robert Howdyshell, President Laura J. Muna-Landa, President Pro Tem Rebecca Davies, Boardmember Gina Gregory, Boardmember · ' Edward E. Swistock, Boardmember ~~ PAGE Board of Library Trustees Agenda 1 Regular Meeting, March 7, 1996 A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Roll Call: Howdyshell , Davies , Gregory , Muna-Landa , and Swistock __ B. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Boardmember or member of the audience for discussion. 1. Approval of Minutes: February 1, 1996. 1 2. Approval of Grant Concept: African American materials mini-grant. 10 3. Approval of participation in Local History Materials grant award. 11 C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1. Library status report: oral report presented by Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian and Renee Tobin, Children's Librarian. 2. Budget report: presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. 15 3.. Report on Budget process for 1996/97: presented by Deborah Clark, 23 Library Manager. 4. Internet Update: oral report, presented by Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian. 5. Approval to allow the library to close Friday, April 26th to allow staff 35 to conduct an in-house ~'aining seminar for all Library staff members on accessing the Interact for public information service. Presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager.  PAGE Board of Library Trustees Agenda 2 March 7, 1996 Regular Meeting, 6. Approval of policy and procedure for circulation of Deposit Books. 37 Presented by Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian. 7. Status of Planning Process: oral report presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. 8. Status of Creation of Policy for Friends of the Library: oral report presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. D. BOARD BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the Board of Library Trustees for discussion. They are not public hearing items, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1. Report on the National Library Week events planned: oral report by Renee Tobin, Children's Services Supervisor. 2. Report on the Fundraising Task Force. Requested by Boardmember Swistoek. Update on Telethon: oral report by Boardmember Swistock. Update on the donor wall: oral report by Library Manager. E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT M][ETING This is the time for the Board of Library Trustees to identify the items they wish to discuss at the next meeting. These items will not be discussed at this meeting, only identified for the next meeting. F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC This is the time and place for the general public to address the Board of Library Trustees. State law prohibits the Board from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. Board of Library Trustees Agenda Regular Meeting, March 7, 1996 G. ADJOURNMENT I, Vivian Garcia, Library Administrative Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on Thursday, February 29, 6:00 p.m., 1996, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54953 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIVIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: March 7, 1996 TO: President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR FEBRUARY 1.1996 RECOMMENDATION Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees for February 1, 1996. BACKGROUND Minutes taken and compiled by Library Administrative Secretary Vivian Garcia. '.Respectfully st~bmitted, , ~ Deborah Kaye Clark( I Library Manager ~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting A. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, February 1, 1996, in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. and the pledge o£allegiance was led by President Howdyshell. Present were Boardmembers Davies, Gregory, Muna-Landa and Swistock. Also present were: Paul and Diane Williams, Friends of the Library, Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, Deborah Clark, Library Manager, Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, Renee Tobin, Children's Supervisor and Vivian Garcia, Administrative Secretary. B. CONSENT CALENDAR B1. Approval of minutes: January 4, 1996 MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Muna-Landa, seconded by Boardmember Gregory. Motion carried 5-0. C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS Cl. Library status report: oral report presented by Library Staff. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, presented an oral report on the library. This was the first month that the Literacy Center opened, the first month that stafflxained our new Literacy tutors and the first month that Robert Karatsu began designing an Intemet system for the City. Thanks to programming money supplied by the Friends of the Library, the Children's Division offered the Chinese Dragon program for the second time. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that, thanks to Friends' funds, two programs have been planned for Afi-ican-American month in February and staff has booked a very special program about Laura Ingalls Wilder for the whole family to celebrate during National Library Week in April. In addition, an order for $10,000 in children's curriculum support has been sent as well as $6,000 encumbered to premiere a Best Seller Rental Book collection for National Library Week. Library Board Minutes February 1, 1996 Page 2 The State Library has announced that the Libra~ has been awarded the Local History Grant entitled, "Tales of the Westend, Words and Visions, A Vintage of Upland and Cucamonga." Staffhas hired the final employee to support the Literacy team, Lori Irwin. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that staffhas heard from the State Library and we will be receiving a check for approximately $2,100 for the program called Direct Loan. The Direct Loan program is conducted by the State and measures non-resident use for every public library in the State. C2. Budget report: presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, reviewed C1 Schedules 1, A and B and C2, Schedule C with the Board. C3. Approval to allow patrons classified as "Teachers" to also apply for a general card for borrowing under the standard patron classification: presented by Renee Tobin, Children's Supervisor. Renee Tobin, Children's Supervisor, stated teachers who come into the Library would like to be able to have two librmy cards to check-ont books. One, being a personal loan card which would have all the same borrowing privileges as any other borrower with the same two week restriction, and a second card, under a Teacher Classification which would allow them to have a four week loan and still be limited to ten items. Currently, they are allowed the Teacher Classification as their only card. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Muna-Landa to approve, seconded by Boardmember Davies. Motion carried 5-0. C4. Approval of Gift Policy: presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, reviewed the Gift Policy with the Board. As with all the policies, this was based on the American Library Association Manual of Standard Policies for Libraries. Boardmember Muna-Landa stated that our Selection Policy plays a role in this, correct? Deborah Clark, Library Manager, verified that statement, but added that the Gift Policy also applies to cash. President Howdyshell asked, would the accounting for gifts be separate from the budget report that we normally see? Library Board Minutes February 1, 1996 Page 3 Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that currently staffhas put in the budget a $5,000 amount for donations anticipated to be received. When the Friends give a cash donation, staffhas to first put that in the account by depositing it in Revenue. Then staff has to go before Council and encumber those funds as part of the operations budget. But the money does not just go into a revenue account without being added to an expenditure account. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Davies to approve, seconded by President Howdyshell. Motion carded 5-0. C5. Intemet Update: oral report, presented by Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian. Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, stated that as of tomorrow we should be up online. The world wide WEB address is http://www, rcpl.lib.ca, us. D. BOARD BUSINESS D1. Report on the Friends Bookstore: quarterly report provided by President Paul Williams. Paul Williams, President of the Friends of the Library, stated that he wanted to thank the Board for scheduling the Board meeting on the first anniversary date of the Friends of the Library Bookstore. He then presented the Board with a check for $10,000. Paul then reviewed handouts with the Board on a one year summary of the Bookstore. President Howdyshell stated that on behalf of the Board and the Library Staff, Boardmember Gregory will read a letter. Boardmember Gregory proceeded to read a letter thanking the Friends of the Library. D2. Recognition for the Friends of the Library for their outstanding record of achievement in their first year of operation of the Bookstore. Requested by Boardmember Swistock. Boardmember Swistock stated that he would like the Board to see if the Council would give an official city proclamation to the Friends congratulating them on their first year anniversary and thanking them for all the wonderful things just read. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Swistock to approve, seconded by President Howdyshell. Motion carried 5-0. Library Board Minutes February 1, 1996 Page 4 E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING El. Boardmember Gregory asked staff for the plans for National Library Week in April. E2. Boardmember Swistock would like to talk about the Fundraising Task Force. Two sub- items, 1) the status on the telethon idea and 2) some samples of what the donor wall might look like. F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC F 1. Request from Tony' Villegas that the Board of Library Trustees request the Friends of the Library to establish a policy to restrict Playboy magazine and other similar titles from being sold, auctioned or displayed in the Library Bookstore. Jacqueline Bolda of 11849 Mt. Gunnison Court of Rancho Cucamonga, stated that Tony was unable to be here tonight due to a death in the family. Jacqueline Bolda presented a petition from the citizens of Rancho Cueamonga asking that the Board set a policy to not accept donations from the sale of Playboy, Penthouse or other related titles stating, "We feel that the sale of these magazines to raise money for children and other programs is sending the absolute wrong message to our children and to the citizens. I think that the Board would agree with this. I understand that a verbal agreement has been made with the Friends of the Library, but tonight we ask the Board to set a policy so that this issue will never have to be re-visited when Boards change and people forget. Again, I want to express to you the pride the citizens have in their Library and to applaud the Board and the staff for this great accomplishment." Boardmember Muna-Landa requested to see the petitions. Boardmember Swistock asked Jacqueline Bolda if she had approached the Friends of the Library with this request. Jacqueline Bolda stated that she had spoke with Diane Williams on the phone. Boardmember Swistock stated his concern, that he is hesitant for this Board of Directors to set policy for the Friends of the Library stating, "In my mind, the Friends are an autonomous group. They are extremely focused on what they do and what they do, they do very, very well. When the President of that organization appeared before this Board last December, he stated that they were never going to do that again. I know you understand that. Once again my concern is to have this Board to start dictating or setting policy for the Friends. That's a role I am not at all comfortable in as a Boardmember." 5 Library Board Minutes February 1, 1996 Page 5 Jacqueline Bolda stated, that they are not asking that the Board do this just for the Friends of Library, but for anybody who is going to donate monies to the City Library. Boardmember Swistock stated that policy the Board just passed addressed those concems and gives us the right to do that. Boardmember Muna-Landa stated that she would like to know the thoughts of other Boardmembers in terms of establishing a general policy for the Bookstore created by the Friends and passed through the Board of Trustees for approval. Boardmember Gregory asked Boardemember Muna-Landa, if she was talking about the Gift Policy for the Friends already established. Boardmember Muna-Landa stated that she favored the staffs recommendation be for the Friends to consider adopting a policy with the assistance of the Library Manager, so that the Friends would be dictating what would come into their Bookstore as opposed to the Library Board telling them. She stated, "I view the relationship between the Friends and the Board as sort of like a tenant and landlord relationship. My concern is that it's inappropriate for us as a landlord to tell a tenant how to live their particular life, that's the same sort of issue I would like to avoid. By doing this, we place the power within the hands of the Friends of the Library." Boardmember Gregory asked Boardmember Muna-Landa if she wanted them to come up with their own policy.'? Boardmember Muna-Landa stated, yes. Boardmember Davies stated the suggestion of the general policy being made by the Bookstore with the assistance of the Library Manager being the right road for us to travel. She agreed with the statement of not having the landlord tell the tenant how that tenant should live and work. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated if we do move in this direction, she would work with the Friends of the Library as staff liaison to create a policy which would include a way to handle the public's concerns. Part of the policy would establish a review committee consisting of Friends, a member of staffand maybe even a member of the Board of Trustees. Staff would like to create a policy that protects the library, that protects free speech, that addresses the public's right to have concems about materials held within their librmy and keeps the Friends and the Board on the same team and supportive of the public. To staff, the best way to approach that, would be in working with the Friends to develop this kind of policy, not a display policy, but a policy dealing with how we handle public concerns. Library Board Minutes February 1, 1996 Page 6 President Howdyshell stated that since Ms. Bolda is here, he asked, "Is that a direction that would satisfy the concerns of the people that you are representing?" Jacqueline Bolda stated the following, "our biggest concern, the biggest shock to the citizens was that on city property, Playboy magazine was being auctioned. That is just shocking. Our city has established an adult bookstore ordinance. Where there is only very remote areas where an adult bookstore could open up, but yet, it is being allowed to happen on city property. This is not an attack on the Friends, it is an issue that people in this city don't want to see Playboy magazine, Penthouse--we made it very specific so there would not be an issue with censorship. The sale of these magazines in anyway not to be used to finance programs. This is not just Friends of the Library. If the Women Club of Rancho Cucamonga sells Playboy magazines or Penthouse magazines, I don't want to see the Board accepting money from them either. It's not Friends of the Library, it's a blanket, that we are not going to accept donations from the sale of these magazines." Boardmember Gregory stated, "I don't know that we can monitor all the gifts or the cash that we receive, where people earn this money from. We don't have any idea where a lot of the cash donations originates from." Jacqueline Bolda requested that the Board state that they not knowingly accept donations? President Howdyshell noted that according to the agenda item, the request just states the Library Bookstore. Jacqueline Bolda asked if this issue could be placed on the next month's Board Agenda as read in her petition? Wendy Vallette of 11116 Amarillo Street of Rancho Cucamonga rose to speak and stated, "What Ms. Bolda is talking about here tonight is the philosophical issue of the sale of Playboy and the auction taking place on city property. The residents founded the Library based on the needs of the children in the community and providing these needs to the children. Community members were concerned because they want to see this policy set to keep the same philosophical tone and values of the community." Paul Williams of 7251 Amethyst Street of Rancho Cucamonga, stated that he had no problem with a letter of agreement saying that the Friends would never sell them (Playboy Magazines) again. Mr. Williams concluded by presenting a donation of $235 to the Library. Boardmember Gregory stated that in setting up a committee regarding a policy with the Friends, would that need to be in a motion or is that just a suggestion? Library Board Minutes February 1, 1996 Page 7 Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that staff would need to be directed to follow up on a policy and staff would work with the Friends on it. Boardmember Gregory asked if that was something the rest of the Board would like? President Howdyshell stated that would be O.K. with him, but his concern still rests with the suggestion that the Board needs to investigate where money comes from. "If a local newsstand donates $1,000 to get their name on the donor wall and they happen to sell magazines that fit into this category, this (petition) tells me that we should have a policy that should restrict that. I don't feel comfortable with that, not with the financial future that we are looking at." Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated "That if Ms. Bolda is looking for a sweeping policy restricting donations from any group involved in distributing "pornography" the item would have to be agendized again." She also stated, "Any resident has the right to put anything on the agenda." Boardmember Swistock stated that the Board could direct staff to work with developing a conflict resolution policy with the Friends. President Howdyshell stated, "We agree that it is good to develop this complaint policy, conflict resolution, censorship whatever you want to call it. We want the Friends input because it would apply to the Friends Bookstore, one policy that would cover us both." Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager stated, "That the items requested were placed under Communications from the Public, but the description was general enough to allow the Board to make a decision to determine policy." He further stated, "The other issue is that you did have a conversation previously about a Girl Policy. Now if you feel that this issue ties into the Girl Policy issue, you can always open that back up and deal with it in that manner. But you can make decisions on any of the two items on agenda this evening, you don't have to wait. That is your decision." Wendy Vallette stated, "The focus again is not mainly on the donation of the money and where the money came from. The focus, to state it firmly, is on the issue of a policy matter. Does this Board believe the policy should be set. I believe that individual residents like Jackie Bolda have the right to come forward as concerned residents when they have issues of concern." She presented checks that Ms. Bolda had collected from her petition. The total amount of the checks is $235. President Howdyshell asked for a motion. Boardmember Swistock stated, "We are going to treat them as two different items, correct? I am not at all comfortable in this Board telling the Friends of the Library what they can or cannot display. Ultimately, we have a responsibility to the Library and the Friends also, through their efforts to support the library. What I am faced with, is what is the public's best interest. My feeling is that Library Board Minutes February I, 1996 Page 8 the public's best interest, is not in anyway to limit what the Friends can or cannot do in their Bookstore. If we don't like what they do in their Bookstore, we have the option of not renewing their lease. I do not personally want this Board to get involved with any policy or operation of the Friends of the Library." MOTION: Boardmember Muna-Landa stated, "I move to deny the request fxom Tony Villegas that the Board of Library Trustees request the Friends of the Library to establish policy to restrict the Playboy magazine and other similar titles fi.om being sold, auctioned or displayed in the Library Bookstore and I make that motion with the understanding and the confidence that the Friends of the Library will continue to honor their commitment that they will not carry Playboy magazine. I have that personal assurance and I believe the other Boardmembers do as well." Seconded by President Howdyshell. Motion carried 5-0. F2. Request from Tony Villegas that the Board of Library Trustees not accept funds received from the auction of Playboy magazine. President Howdyshell stated, "This is history and I don't feel like going back through and trying to find $235. Plus, Mr. Williams has already given another check, a personal check to cover that amount." MOTION: President Howdyshell moved to deny this request, seconded by Boardmember Davies. Motion carried 5-0. Boardmember Swistock stated that Barnes & Noble will be opening their bookstore later this month. They will be having a sneak preview and he asked them to include all of our names on the invitation to that. ~ENT MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Gregory, seconded by President Howdyshell to adjourn to March 7, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. Motion can/ed, 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Vivian Oarcia Administrative Secretary Approved: 9 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIVlONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: March 7, 1996 TO: President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, A.I.C.P., City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF GRANT CONCEPT: AFRICAN AMERICAN MATERIALS MINI-GRANT RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve the application of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library for a $5,000 mini grant to purchase African American materials. BACKGROUND: Past practice of the California State Library is to offer a mini grant program each year, highlighting various ethnic and special collection development possibilities. In the past, they have offered such grants for Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish, Children's materials, Large Print materials and new migrant materials. This year, the program is available for libraries to apply for $5,000 grants tn be awarded for purchasing African American materials. The Rancho Cucamonga Public Library proposes tn apply for the African American materials mini grant to support the purchase of some general materials on African American culture, but to place the major focus on high technology materials available on African American history, culture and arts. This is not a highly competitive grant, but rather reflects the ethnic make-up of the jurisdiction and the quality of the current collection offered. FISCAL IMPACT: Increase of materials budget by $5,000, should the application be successful. espectfully ~submitted, .~ Deborah Kaye CI~k I Library Manage~---~ 10 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIVlONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: March 7, 1996 TO: President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF PARTICIPATION IN GRANT AWARD RECOMMENDATION Recommend approval for the Rancho Cucamonga Public to participate in funded project. No action necessary to accept funds. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In Setember of 1995, the joint jurisdictions of Rancho Cucamonga Public Library and Upland Public Library joined forces to apply for a local history grant, entitled: Tales of the West End: Words and Visions of Vintage Upland and Cucamonga. The attached award letter shows that full funding was granted, although the time frame was reduced to a six month window in response the late award schedule of the State Library. This program will supply Rancho Cucamonga Public Library with duplicates of all major historic documents relative to our community currently on file with Upland Public Library and will generate audio cassette copies of 100 oral history tapes and 100 historic photos to build our own local history file. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Limited. While written jointly, this grant was submitted under the Upland Public Library as fiscal agent. The Rancho Cucamonga Public Library will not receive direct funds or be responsible for monitoring funding. The Library will provide $1,500 in local funds to support the program through supplies and materials. (~spectfully submitted, Deborah Kaye ClOt Library Manager CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY BRARY--COURTS BUILDING * P.O BOX 942837 * SACRAMENTO, CA 94237.0001 TELEPHONE: (916) 654.0174 Februm3~ 14, 1996 Linda Yao, Director · Upland Public Library 450 North Euclid Ave. Upland, CA 91786 Subject: LSCA III - 5.P19, FY 1995/96, WP 94, Grant Award//40-3055 Title: Local History Materials Dear Ms. Yao: I am pleased to approve your grant application for the above named project for a total of $20,447 in federal Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA) funds, effective immediately for the period ending September 30, 1996. The State Library primary consultant assigned to this project will be Gary Kurutz, telephone (916) 653-0101. Please work with this consultant in implementing your project. My staff is ready to assist you in making your project a success. This cooperative undertaking between the Upland Public Library and the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library will allow for the preservation of unique local history materials while providing a solid foundation for future endeavors. The advisory group and the concept of a volunteer corps for future preservation efforts are especially important components of this well-planned project. Funds allowed are as follows: 1995/96 LSCA Categories Approved budget Salaries & benefits $11,310 Libraries materials 0 Operating expenses 7,800 Equipment (items over $5,000) 0 Program award 19,110 Indirect cost (up to % 10) 1,~37 Total $20,447 12 Linda Yao -2- February 14, 1996 On September 30, 1996, this project will be officially closed and no new expenditures may be generated nor funded project activities occur. All unexpended and unencumbered funds must be returned by November 13, 1996. This project is allowed 60 days to liquidate encumbrances which were incurred prior to September 30. After the 60-day period, all encumbered funds which have not been liquidated must be returned to the State Library. Reporting on financial and program activities is required quarterly, on the forms enclosed, within 30 days of the end of each quarter. A final narrative report is required and is due within 30 days after the close of the project, by October 30, 1996. The final liquidation report, if required, is due and must be submitted by December 15. Thus, all reporting regarding this project must have been received at the State Library by December 15, 1996. Please note this clarification in procedure for Fiscal Year 1995/96 regarding payments. Ten percent (10%) of the grant award is withheld until the end of the project period. It is payable only if the grant recipient fulfills all project reporting requirements and expends all funds, or returns all unspent grant funds, by the time specified in the grant program. Failure to provide timely reports is a serious breach of a grant recipient's administrative duty under the grant program, which may result in federal audit exceptions against the state and the loss of LSCA funds. The State Librarian may extend the final deadline for good cause. Requests for extension beyond the final deadline must be received in writing at least 30 days prior to the deadline at the State Librarian's office. All required materials are attached to this letter. This letter and the enclosed list of LSCA procedural requirements amend the Consolidated Application/Grant Award Certification document and must remain a part of all your existing copies. Best wishes for a successful project year. Sincerely, Dr. Kevin Start State Librarian of California Enclosures cc: Barbara Will Colette Moody Gary Kurutz 13 LSCA Control #III5.P19 LSCA GRANT AWARD DOCUMENTATION Budqet Citation Chapter 303, Item 6120-211-890 Title: III LSCA Award #: 40-3055 Approval Date: 02/14/96 Project Title: Local History Materials Subgrantee: Upland Public Library Funding Start Date: ** upon execution ** Approved Funds: $20,447 Term: upon execution - 9/30/96 Payments: $18,402 upon execution of agreement Schedule No. $2,045 on completion of all reporting Schedule No. requirements and return of abatements Appropriation Encumbered (designate where applicable) For: FY 95/96 WP 94 Fund Federal Trust PCA #: 92975 Code 702 Vendor Code: M747 Catalog number from Federal Catalog of Domestic Assistance # 84.035 Matching: State: 55.14% Federal: 44.86% APPROVED REVISED REVISED BUDGET CATEGORY BUDGET SALARIES & BENEFITS $11,310 LIBR3%RY MATERIALS OPERATING EXPENSES $7,800 EQUIPMENT INDIRECT COSTS $1,337 TOTAL $20,447 14 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIVIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: March 7, 1996 TO: President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: BUDGET REPORT FOR FEBRUARY RECOMMENDATION No recommendation. For information only. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Schedule A, tiffed Revenue Report February 1996 attached for your review. (Figures updated through February 28th--happy Leap Year!) Schedule B, tiffed "Balance Sheet July through February FY 1995/96" will be available at the meeting for your review. Schedule C, rifled "Library Expenditures 1995/96" is simply an accounting of all funds expended so far this fiscal year, showing 59% of library funds expended or encumbered at 67% into the fiscal year. Also included are the expenditure figures for Literacy and Redevelopment Library funds. (Figures updated through February 28th). (q~pectfully submitted, Deborah Kaye Cl~k J Library Manager '"~ Schedule A REVENUE REPORT FINES MEDIA LIBRARY REF DONA- SALES February 1996 & FEES RENTALS SALES SERV. TIONS TAX ~bruary 1 $277.30 $174.33 $0.00 $0.00 $10,235.00 $13.48 =,bruary 2 $199.21 $180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13.89 February3 &4 $536.39 $298.74 $1.86 $0.00 $0.00 $23.15 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 February 5 $468.87 $144.34 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11.19 February 6 $312.36 $156.94 $2.78 $0.00 $235.00 $12.28 February 7 $265.83 $192.81 $0.00 $0.00 $38.00 $14.94 February 8 $335.19 $150.82 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11.69 February9 $216.60 $140.42 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10.83 February 10&11 $340.45 $290.95 $4.68 $0.00 $0.00 $22.92 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 February 12 $378.34 $141.54 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10.96 February 13 $308.75 $131.10 $5.56 $0.00 $0.00 $10.59 February 14 $170.50 $155.27 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 $11.98 February 15 $495.52 $154.79 $2.78 $0.00 $0.00 $12.21 February 16 $172.24 $129.73 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10.03 February 17& 18 $499.47 $304.88 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $23.63 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 February 20 $376.83 $200.94 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15.56 February 21 $444.34 $201.86 $2.78 $0.00 $0.00 $15.86 February22 $352.21 $154.82 $2.78 $35.00 $0.00 $12.15 February 23 $245.91 $188.60 $0.00 $37.00 $0.00 $9.15 i[l ebruary 24 & 25 $662.75 $371.27 $2.78 $2.00 $0.00 $28.95 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 '--February 26 $277.40 $150.82 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11.68 February 27 $367.38 $122.09 $2.78 $10.00 $0.00 $9.63 February 28 $356.68 $159.09 $0.00 $3.00 $0.00 $12.23 February 29 TOTALS: $8,060.52 $4,296.15 $28.78 $87.00 $10,608.00 $328.98 JANUARY TOTALS $7,558.91 $3,638.83 $55.04 $0.00 $0.00 $285.26 % CHANGE 7% 18% -48% TOTAL INCOME: $23,409.43 TOTAL LIBRARY INCOME $23,080.45 95/96 Proj: Daily Average Fines $296.30 $253.91 Daily Average Media $159.12 $150.51 Dally Average Sales $1.11 $3.09 Daily Average APS $17.98 $16.13 DAILY TOTALS $474.50 $423.64 GAIN/LOSS ON PRO J: $1,526 E~NRSONNEL EXPENSES time Salaries $14,484 $13,754 /LOSS ON PRO J: ($720) BALANCE $806.08 16 LIE.%~,RY EXPENDITURES JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB TOTALS SPENT PERFUNDS % % OF 1995196 CATEGORY REMAININ SPENT YEAR r-- PERSONNEL 67% 1100 REGULAR SALARIES $368,492 $27,073 $27,023 $27,350 $40,619 $27,363 $27,363 $28,350 $27,363 $232,504 $232,504 $135,988 63% 1200 OVERTIME SALARIES $1,000 $0 $0 $1,000 0% 1300PARTTIMESALARIES $182,510 $14,690 $12,725 $12,719 $20,076 $12,236 $13,598 $11,532 $14,484 $112,060 $112,060 $70,450 61% 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS $139,815 $11,651 $11,651 $11,651 $11,651 $11,651 $11,651 $11,651 $11,651 $93,209 $93,209 $46,607 67% TOTAL PERSONNEL $691,817 $63,414 $61,399 $81,721 $72,346 $51,250 $82,612 $61,533 $63,498 $437,773 $437,773 $254,044 63% OPERATIONS 3100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS $2,500 $739 $1,761 30% Conferences $0 Corwin workshops $8 $8 Karatsu-workshops $571 $154 $725 Meeting Supplies $0 Clark-meetings $6 $6 Inland Empire Library Assoc. $0 3300 MILEAGE $3,800 $1,958 $1,842 52% Auto Allowance $3,000 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $1,750 $1,750 $1,250 58% Reimbursement $800 $208 $592 26% Gareia $6 $22 $29 $25 $29 $20 $44 $174 Pages $4 $4 Hood $0 Tobin $0 Woodcock $30 $30 3g00 MAINTENANCEIOPER $166,800 $198,291 $47,709 69% Printing/Postage $6,000 $1,890 $4,110 32% Printing $1,197 $533 $125 $1,856 Postage $6 $6 $19 $3 $34 Patron Bar codes $0 Book bar codes $0 Library cards $0 Office Supplies $16,000 $14,357 $1,643 90% Cataloging Supplies $889 $659 $37 $332 $760 $1,543 $4,220 Farra $62 $103 $15 $75 $254 Photo House $26 $28 $17 $24 $94 8 Ave. graphics $39 $96 $102 $237 ~o Data Mailers $0 "~ Eastman $8,194 $8,194 Demco $56 $28 $214 $256 $553 Hardware $7 $26 $33 Reimbursements-office $10 $17 $5 $33 Petty Cash $11 $93 $100 $203 Cash Drawer $0 Computer supplies $195 $195 Stationary $139 $5 $144 Federal Express $16 $13 $28 Board Supplies $56 $24 $78 $168 Xerox supplies $0 Speciat Program Supplies $11,000 $5,663 $5,337 51% Children's Supplies $89 $263 $38 $302 $210 $134 $1,319 $8 $2,362 Children's Programs $50 $50 Software $750 $36 $786 Summer Reading Program (FR) $1,393 $267 $13 $1,672 Literacy Projects $64 $64 Volunteer Supplies $41 $386 $427 Business Friends $32 $32 Reference On-line $75 $0 $194 $269 Advertising/Promotions $154 ($154) ERR National Library Week $50 $28 $75 $154 Books/Materials $117,000 $81,197 $35,803 69% Bookstore rush $915 $837 $487 $108 $219 $41 $1,030 $3,637 Childrens Books $1,302 $5,791 $2,560 $5,692 $3,665 $4,578 $2,788 $26,376 Adult Books $7,498 $2,665 $138 $2,931 $3,671 $10,086 $3,547 $30,534 McNaughton Books $10,066 $6,200 $16,266 Large Print Books $1,799 $1,799 Books on Tape $500 $200 $700 Video $500 $32 $1,062 $98 $60 $1,751 Literacy $133 $133 Magazines/Publications $3,000 $37 $14 $113 $2,022 $126 $0 $22 $199 $2,533 $2,533 $467 84% Training $500 $0 $0 $500 0% Bindery $500 $500 $500 $500 $0 100% Collection Agency $2,000 $1,998 $1,998 $1,998 $2 100% 3912 MAINTENANCE DEPT $11,830 $2,063 $9,777 17% Janitorial Supplies $4,260 $535 $296 $107 $165 $273 $1,377 $1,377 $2,883 32% Facility Maintenance supplies $5,630 $27 $0 $77 $36 $140 $140 $5,490 2% Mountain View Glass $0 $500 $500 $500 ($500) Graffiti Removal Supplies $200 $0 $0 $200 0% Landscape Maint. supplies $1,300 $0 $0 $1,300 0% Water/Fire Service $440 $36 $36 $36 $404 8% 3956 DUES $2,200 $1,814 $386 82% American Library Assoc. $450 $170 $180 $350 $350 $100 78% California Library Assoc. $150 $75 $35 $75 $185 $185 ($35) 123% Inland Library system $1,500 $1,279 $1,279 $1,279 $221 85% CLASS $100 $0 $0 $100 0% 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY $3,880 $3,880 $3,880 $3,880 $0 100% 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES $58,500 $32,387 $26,114 85% Offic Equip/Maintenance $3,500 $2,844 $90 $148 $3,082 $3,082 $418 88% Book Processing & T.S. $19,000 $1,971 $926 $220 $1,896 $1,864 $1,106 $972 $8,955 $8,955 $10,045 47% Technology Maintenance $7,000 $0 $0 $7,000 0% Computer Tech Services $29,000 $17,175 $2,852 $323 $20,349 $20,349 $8,651 70% 6032 CONTRACT SERVICES $78,690 $38,976 $42,714 46% Janitorial Services $37,400 $3,060 $3,060 $3,060 $3,060 $3,060 $3,060 $3,060 $21,420 $21,420 $15,980 57% Security Service $3,360 $60 $2,040 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $2,460 $2,460 $900 73% Elevator Service $6,160 $125 $125 $177 $125 $125 $125 $125 $927 $927 $5,233 15% HVAC $14,410 $751 $438 $438 $438 $751 $2,450 $1,072 $6,335 $6,335 $8,075 44% Electrical $6,160 $0 $0 $6,160 0% Wall paper/ceiling tiles $0 $564 $564 $564 ($564) Install doorbell $0 $223 $223 Window boardup-repair $0 $129 $190 $319 $319 ($319) Plumbing $450 $0 $0 $450 0% Pest Control $670 $81 $75 $75 $75 $77 $75 $75 $75 $608 $608 $62 91% Fire/Life Safety $670 $0 $0 $670 0% Structural/Roof $2,910 $0 $0 $2,910 0% Exterior Grounds Maint. $6,500 $413 $413 $413 $413 $413 $413 $413 $453 $3,344 $3,344 $3,156 51% 7047 HARDWARE $4,250 $0 $4,250 0% Weingart grant purchase $0 $0 $0 8019 TELEPHONE $18,000 $6,756 $11,244 38% Service $0 989-8277 (Rotary line) $161 $169 $272 $375 $417 $419 $382 $2,194 181-1185 (T1 line) $214 $214 $214 $214 $214 $214 $213 $1,498 948-9900 $456 $473 $432 $439 $432 $2,231 980-0871 (EMS & Security) $54 $54 $53 $106 $52 $319 980-4361 (Elevator) $26 $26 $26 $52 $26 $156 989-2036 (Telecirc) $0 $0 $0 $0 987-3271 (Irrigation Sprink.) $26 $26 $26 $26 $26 $26 $155 983-6904 (Public Fax) $0 $12 $26 $26 $26 $28 $117 MCI $0 $35 $30 $21 $85 c~ 8021 WATER UTILITIES $3,300 $2,030 $1,270 62% Inside Use $170 $401 $200 $193 $165 $1,130 Landscaping $240 $240 $228 $192 $900 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES $73,390 $4,804 $4,671 $3,168 $3,450 $3,076 $2,860 $22,019 $22,019 $51,371 30% TOTAL LIBRARY BUDGET $1,104,021 $103,885 $78,442 $86,196 $89,999 $73,179 $74,020 $84,061 $589,781 $658,675 $448,346 89% LITERACY EXPENDITURES OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB TOTALS SPENT PE FUNDS % % OF 1995196 CATEGOR REMAININ SPENTYEAR PERSONNEL 66% 1100 REGULAR SALARIES $16,932 $0 $0 $0 $0 $771 $771 $771 $16,161 5% 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS $6,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $293 $293 $293 $5,707 5% TOTAL PERSONNEL $22,932 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,063 $1,063 $1,063 $21,869 5% OPERATIONS 3100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS $550 $0 $140 $0 $14 $79 $233 $233 $317 42% 3300 MILEAGE $200 $73 $0 $0 $0 $73 $73 $127 36% 3900 MAINTENANCE/OPER $6,250 $4,863 $1,387 78% Printing/Postage $1,500 $0 $31 $1,469 2% Printing $0 Postage $16 $16 Office Supplies $1,125 $500 $104 $529 $1,133 $1,133 ($8) 101% Library Matarials $2,500 $2,299 $2,299 $2,299 Instructional Materials $1,125 $1,416 $1,416 $1,416 Library Admin. Overhead $7,670 $0 $0 $7,670 0% 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES $34,818 $21,010 $13,808 60% Literacy Coordinator $31,068 $3,452 $3,452 $3,452 $3,452 $3,452 $17,260 $17,260 $13,808 56% Tutor Training $3,750 $3,750 $3,750 $3,750 $0 100% 8019 TELEPHONE $900 $153 $153 $153 $747 17% 7044 CAPITAL OUTLAYIEQ $7,050 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $2,050 71% 7047 COMPUTER EQUIPME $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 100% TOTAL LITERACY BUDGET $84,370 $7,775 $12,460 $3,462 $7,570 $6,202 $37,459 $37,469 $46,911 44% REDEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURES FY 1995/96 FUNDS % % OF July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb TOTALS REMAINING SPENT YEAR 58% Materials $150,000 $42,236 $107,764 28% Books $9,345 $9,242 $1,876 $7,438 $965 $0 $4,092 $4,505 Videos $1,073 $2,700 $1,000 Multiyear Subscriptions $5,000 $5,000 0% Public Use Computers $20,000 $20,000 0% Furnishings/misc. $15,000 $15,935 ($935) 106% Audio cases $861 $1,033 Concrete Trash receptacles $1,060 Gresco Displayers $1,347 $2,470 Children's tape/CD player $129 Tables $320 Building repair $954 Booktrucks $887 Literacy Panels $1,641 Literacy prints $862 Literacy design $754 Demco file cabinets (CR) $681 Highsmith files $612 Video drop $2,325 TOTALS: $190,000 $14,701 $11,942 $2,909 $7,438 $2,606 $2,325 $6,982 $9,267 $58,171 $131,829 31% CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIVIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: March 7, 1996 TO: President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF PROPOSED BUDGET CONCEPTS FOR 1996/97 RECOMMENDATION Approval of attached proposed library budget for 1996/97. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The budget process in Rancho Cucamonga is designed in multiple steps. The first step is a proposal from the Department Manager which is reviewed by the Finance Director to determine · if funds exist to adequately cover proposed expenses. The attached document has been forwarded to the Finance Manager for review. In a meeting to take place on March 7th, the Finance Manager will work with the Library Manager to create a balanced profile of revenues and expenditures. Staffrequests the Board approve this concept budget, understanding that the numbers might change after the March 7th meeting. Major goal &this fiscal budget: To adjust expenditure accounts to reflect a full years' actual operations; to add part time hours in key areas of service to reflect major service increases; to increase book budget to $100,000 amount, moving toward goal of $1 per resident for materials. Highlights of this budget proposal: Revenue Accounts: 1) Flat line all tax income accounts and fines/fees accounts 2) Reflect modest anticipated income from Direct Loan program 3) Increase donations account to reflect $40,000 anticipated from Friends of the Library Expenditure Accounts: 1) Flat line all expenditure accounts except books and part time personnel 2) Remove from budget document full time clerical position (position approved but never 23 filled this past fiscal year) 3) Reflect logical reductions in accounts based on one full year of real operations 4) Reflect funds saved by bid process conducted by Facilities Maintenance for janitorial service 5) Add part time funding to increase Page hours by 20 hrs. per week (to create a position of Library Monitor) and Library Assistant hours by 10 hrs. per week. Total cost: $12,480 6) Establish book budget at $100,000 FINANCIAL IMPACT: The budget document is designed to present a balance between revenues and expenditures while fulfilling the goals listed above. The meetings with Finance to bc conducted in March are designed to secure a balanced budget. 2~pectfully submitted, Deborah Kaye C~firk ] Library Manager ~ 24 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIVIONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: 2/12/96 TO: Susan Stark, Finance Officer FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: Justification for additional staffing-library submissions PART TIME LIBRARY PAGE II (.5 FT): Priority One Currently, over 2,200 items are circulated dally. Foot traffic is measured at between 800 and 1,200 visitors each day. To help maintain a reasonable library environment and to help reduce vandalism and theft, a library monitor position is recommended. Filled at a Library Page II level, this position would spend 20 hrs. per week during the critical hours of 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Thursday. For use during high peak times (after school hours). This proposal does not include coverage for Sundays. LIBRARY ASSISTANT (.25 FTE): Priority Two Currently, Library Assistant positions allow Sunday coverage, provide flexibility in coverage of Adult and Children's Desks for Saturday rotation of staffand is available to provide public service in either of the desks in the event of illness or vacation. Additional coverage on the information desk is needed. An additional 10 hrs. of Library Assistant time (our most cost effective personnel for our public information desks) will allow us to provide better public service by stationing two employees rather than one on adult and children's information desks during times of high peak usage. LIBRARY BUDGET Estimated Dept. % 1996197 Budget Request Change )NNEL 1100 REGULAR SALARIES $368,490 $386,920 5.00% 1200 OVERTIME SALARIES $1,000 $1,000 0.00% t300 PART TIME SALARIES $182,510 $200,470 9.84% 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS $143,440 $150,610 5.00% TOTAL PERSONNEL $695,440 $739,000 6.26% OPERATIONS 3100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS $2,500 $2,500 0.00% 3300 MILEAGE $3,800 $3,800 0.00% 3900 MAINTENANCE/OPER $133,710 $133,710 0.00% 3912 MAINTENANCE DEPT $11,830 $11,830 0.00% $2,100 $2,100 0.00% 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY $3,880 $3,880 0.00% 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES $158,500 $164,630 3.80% 6032 CONTRACT SERVICES $78,690 $59,300 -24.64% 8019 TELEPHONE $15,000 $15,000 0.00% 8021 WATER UTILITIES $4,000 $4,000 0.00% 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES $50,000 $50,000 0.00% OPERATIONS TOTAL $464,010 $460,650 -2.88% CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $1,159,450 $1,189,650 2.60% LIBRARY BUDGET Estimated Dept. % 1996/97 Budget Request Change IONS/MAINT. DETAIL OPERATIONS 3100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS Library Meetings $2,500 $2,500 0.00% Subtotal $2,500 $2,500 0.00% 3300 MILEAGE Auto Allowance $3,000 $3,000 0.00% Reimbursement $800 $800 0.00% Subtotal $3,800 $3,800 0.00% 3900 MAINTENANCE/OPER Office Supplies $16,000 $18,000 12.50% Printing/Postage $6,000 $4,000 -33.33% Special Program Supplies $5,000 $5,000 0.00% Advertising/Promotions $0 $0 ERR Library Materials $100,000 $100,000 0.00% .lragazines/Pu blications $3,210 $3,210 0.00% aining $500 $500 0.00% Bindery $600 $1,000 66.67% Collection Agency $2,000 $2,000 0.00% Subtotal $133,310 $133,710 0.30% 3912 MAINTENANCE DEPT Janitorial Supplies $4,260 $4,260 0.00% Facility Maint. Supplies $5,630 $5,630 0.00% Graffiti Removal Supplies $200 $200 0.00% Landscape Maint. supplies $1,300 $1,300 0.00% Water/Fire Service $440 $440 0.00% Subtotal $11,830 $11,830 0.00% 3956 DUES Amedcan Library Assoc. $450 $450 0.00% California Library Assoc. $150 $150 0.00% Professional Publications $0 $0 Library System membership $1,500 $1,500 0.00% Subtotal $2,100 $2,100 0.00% 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY $3,880 $3,880 0.00% PAGE 1 OF 2 / PAGE 1 TOTAL $157,420 $157,820 27 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES Office Equip/Maintenance $3,500 $3,500 0.00% {~mputer Maintenance delete delete ok Processing & T.S. $19,000 $23,000 21.05% Information Access Sen/. $0 $0 San Bernardino County Cont $100,000 $100,000 0.00% Computer Tech Services $29,000 $31,030 7.00% Technology maintenance $7,000 $7,000 0.00% Subtotal $158,500 $164,530 3.80% 6032 CONTRACT SERVICES Janitorial Services $37,400 $16,000 -57.22% Security Service $3,360 $3,360 0.00% Elevator Services $6,160 $6,160 0.00% HVAC $14,410 $14,500 0.62% Electrical $6,160 $4,160 -32.47% Plumbing $450 $2,000 344.44% Pest Control $670 $670 0.00% Fire/Life Safety $670 $670 0.00% Structural/Roof Maintenance $2,910 $2,910 0.00% Glass Replacement $0 $2,000 New Exterior Grounds Maint. $6,500 $6,870 5.69% Subtotal $78,690 $59,300 -24.64% 8019 TELEPHONE $15,000 $15,000 0.00% 8021 WATER UTILITIES $4,000 $4,000 0.00% 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES $50,000 $50,000 0.00% DEPARTMENT TOTAL $463,610 $450,650 -2.80% 28 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR '1996/97 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION DEPARTMENT: Community Services FUND: 02 ' DMSION: Library COST CENTER: 4532 FY 96196 Fiscal Year 1996197 Adopted Dept. Mgr, Rcmds. Adopted OBJECT # Budget Request Auth. Funded Bud~let 1100 ~ Ubra~ Manager 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Principal Ubrarian 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Ubrafian II 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Ubradan I 300% 300% 300% 300% 300% Ubrary Assistant II 100% 100°/ 100% 100% 100% Ubra~ Assistant I 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Adminisb'aWe Secretary 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Ubrary Clerk 100% ~ ~30% 1~ 1.,~ 'C 1200 PERSONNEL- OVERTIME 1300 PERSONNEL - PART TIME IJbrary Clerks, Pages, Assistant 1180% 1180% 1180% 1180% 1180% Maintenance Worker 0% 300~/ 0% 0% 0% CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR 1996/97 ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: Community Services 'FUND: 02 DMSION: Ubrary COST CENTER: 4532 APPROPRIATION DETAIL 1994/95 Fiscal Year 1995/96 Fiscal Year 1996/97 Library Adopted Adopted Estimated Dept !Manager OBJECT # Budget Budget 6/30/96 Request Rcmd 1100 Regular Salaries 311,790 385,600 ~.~,~//'/~,~.~ 385,600 1200 Overtime Salaries 1,000 1,000A._ .,,4;~//O,~ D . 1,000 ~. 1,000 1300 Part time Salaries 116,870 182,510 . _AI~:=J~. '~ 182,510 F~nge Benefits 117,700 146,320 -/,~ir]=;;~ ~ 146,320 1900 Personnel Total: 547,360 715,430 ~,q~'.x/~/~,~'~ 715,430 3100 Travel & Meetings 3,200 3,000 ~/5"~ 2/3'-4'~ 3,000 3300 tv~leage 3,250 3,500 ,~/~p~ 3/~DP 3,500 $900 Maintenance & Operations 97.500 117,100 /Ut'7/0 117,100 3912 Maintenance & Operationsflvlaint. Dept. 9,260 11,830 #//'.~O //! '°'~O 11,830 3956 Dues 4,000 2,550 .,Z//~,~' ,,~/~,o 2,550 3960 General Uability 4,330 3,880 ~/~,;,D ..~2/~',~'~ 3,880 6028 Cor~'act Services 143,250 64,000. ~..~/'~"~ /~,~/5'.~d 64,000 6032 Conb'act Services/MainL DepL 76,920 91,640 7~/~,~ 5-~/~ 91,640 8019 Telephone U~tities 16,800 18,000 /~//~x~ /~//~ o 18,000 8020 Gas L~tifies 2,240 0 ~ ~ 0 ~021 Water Utilities 3,300 3,300 ~/O~ ~/~P 3,300 8022 Electric Utilities 73,390 73,390 ,5-O/~ 5~/~ 73,390 O~erafions Torah 437,440 392,190 ~ $~.190 ~augal~gl~I~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 DepartmentTotah 084,800 1,107,B20 1,107,0'20 30 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR 1996/97 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE DETAIL DEPARTMENT: Community Services FUND: 02 DIVISION: Library COST CENTER: 4532 APPROPRIATION DETAIL 1994/95 Fiscal Year 1995/96 Fiscal Year 1996/97 Adopted Adopted Estimated Dept Manager OBJECT # Budget Budget 6/30/96 Request Rcmd 3100~ Ubrary Meetings 3,200 3,000~/5"'~,O~?/S-~O 3,000 Subtotal 3,200 3,000~/.~"'OO~1_<-'~? 3,000 3300~ AutoAIIowance 3,000 3,000 3.000 'Reimbursement 250 500 500 Subtotal 3,250 3,500~ .~. ~,c~o 3,500 3900MAINTENANCE & OPERATION Printing & Postage 8,000 6,000~ ~/OdcO 6.000 Office Supplies 18.000 16,000 /~'/ddP /~cO 16,000 Special Programs Supplies 5,500 4.000 ~,, od~ ~jj.~.d ~ 4,000 Adve~s~ng/Promotions 500 1,000 ~ 1,000 Books/Materials 50,000 85,000 /oo/~o /~/~(~ 85,000 Audio Visual~ledia 10,000 01 -~- ~ O Magazines/Publications 5,000 3,000 -~/,~/~ .~/.='~'G 3,000 Training 500 500 ~-'~ 5'-~'(~ 500 Bindery 0 600 ~,~(~ //dOcO 600 Collection Agency-Trans World (Specialty - Libraries) 0 1,000 ~ eo~ .,~/o~ 1,000 Subtotal: 97.500 117,100 ~ /.~$~ 7/~ 117.100 3912 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION/Maint. Dent Janitorial Supplies 4,260 4,260 Facil~ Maintenance Supplies 3,500 5,630 5'~/~'$~ 5"~/~,.~d 5,6304,260 GraffilJ Removal Supplies 200 200 ~ ~oD 200 Landscape Maintenance Supplies 1,300 1,300 //$~d) /. =~o~ 1,300 Water/Fire Se~ce 0 440 /-//5/P ' ~5/~ 440 Subtotal: 9,260 11,830 lq ~o~ //)o°.~ 11,830 American Ubrary Association 400 450 ./-//5'~ /'/ZS"~ 450 California Library Association 600 600 /'5'~ /5'-(3 600 Professional Publications 1,000 0 C) ~ O I Inland Ubrary System 2,000 1,500 //S-cO~ //5"Z)O 1,500' Subtotal: 4,000 2,550 ~//~ ~,~//00 2,550 4,330 3,S80 .,~/~',,~ '=~/~=;~' 3,880 Subtotal: 4,330 3,880 "~/~ '~t ~"~ 3,880 PAGE 1 TOTAL: 121,540 141,860 /--5"7/~'~,~'~,e~,~) 141,860 PAGE I OF2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR 1996/97 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE DETAIL DEPARTMENT: community Services FUND: 02 DMSION: Ubrary COST CENTER: 4532 APPROPRIATION DETAIL 1994/95 Fiscal Year 1995/96 Fiscal Year 1996/97 Adopted Adopted Estimated Dept Manager OBJECT # Budget Budget 6/30/96 Request Rcmd 6028 ~ Dftice Equipment/Machines Maintenance 3,000 4,000 .~/5"'~70 ,,-~/~ 4,000 Computer Maintenance 5,000 5,000 ~ ~ 5,000 9ook Processing & Technical Services For Collection 20,000 20,000 /,~/~c~ .~/d~O 20,000 Information Access Services 14,000 0 -~'~ 0 S.B, CountyT-~iU~Sep~ Months 1994-95) 80,000 0 /O~O /~c~,,~ 0 Computer Technical Services 21,250 30,000 o~.~dod ,~..~.~0 30,000 Seff-GheCk'- · 0 5,000 5,000 7'ech, ol y Subtotal: 143,250 64,000 ~ 'r'~,5'-3c") 64,000 6032 CONTRACT SERVICES/Maint. DeDt. Janitorial Services 35,610 37,400 ,~ ~'~O /~'/~°P 37,400 Security Service 3,360 3,360 ~'/.~4.P "~1 $4,*~ 3,360 Elevator Service 3,500 6,160 ~,//~,g~ ~,//~O 6,160 I-IVAC 8,730 14,410 /,//~//~ /'//. 5''~e 14,410 Electrical 1,570 6,160 ~,1/cO ~c//(~O 6,160 Plumbing 450 450 5/~'~ ~./~OO 450 Pest Control 670 670 ~'70 ~,-/O 670 Fa*e/Life Safety 670 670 ~ -'/O ~, 7~ 670 StmcturaERoof 2,910 2,910 ~lC//¢ ~/0 2,910 Exterior Grounds Maintenance 19,450 19,450 ~'1 ~-~P~) ~,/~'Tr) 19,450 Subtotal; 76,920 91,640 '7~ ~,~0 ~4"~. ,..~00 91,640 8019 16,800 18,000 /~/~o ,~/~0 18,000 Subtotal: 16,800 18,000 /5~/E~o /5~'/~'O~ 18,000 8020 ~ 2,240 0 ~2 O 0 Subtotal; 2,240 0 ~ (D 0 3,300 3,300 '5//~'~ 'Sz.,~0~ 3,300 Subtotal: 3,300 3,300 ~/o~ ~.~ ~ 3,300 73,390 73,390 .5'-~./C. oO 5'"O/~O 73,390 Subtotal: 73,390 73,390 5"D/OOO ~5~/~ 73,390 PAGE2OF2 DEPARTMENT TOTAL: 437,440 392,190 ~/~/£ ~:~ 392,190 32 LIBRARY BUDGET Amended Proposed % ROUNDED 1996197 Budget Budget Change AMOUNT QRSONNEL 1100 REGULAR SALARIES $368,492 $386,917 5.00% $386,920 1200 OVERTIME SALARIES $1,000 $1,000 0.00% $1,000 1300 PART TIME SALARIES $182,510 $187,985 3.00% $200,470 Library Assistant (.75 FTE)* $5,180 Librarian (.15 FTE) Clerks (4.65 FTE) Pages (4.675 FTE) Page II (1 FTE)** $7,300 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS $143,440 $t50,612 5.00% $150,600 TOTAL PERSONNEL $695,442 $738,994 6.26% $738,990 OPERATIONS 3100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS $2,500 $2,500 0.00% $2,500 MILEAGE $3,800 $3,800 0.00% $3,800 3900 MAINTENANCE/OPER $117,100 $133,710 $133,710 Office Supplies $16,000 $18,000 12.50% $18,000 Printing/Postage $6,000 $4,000 -33.33% $4,000 Special Program Supplies $5,000 $5,000 0.00% $5,000 Advertising/Promotions $0 $0 ERR $0 Library Materials $85,000 $100,000 17.65% $100,000 Magazines/Publications $3,000 $3,210 7.00% $3,210 Training $500 $500 0.00% $500 Bindery $600 $1,000 66.67% $1,000 Collection Agency $1,000 $2,000 100.00% $2,000 3912 MAINTENANCE DEPT $11,830 $tl,830 $11,830 Janitorial Supplies $4,260 $4,260 0.00% $4,260 Facility Maint. Supplies $5,630 $5,630 0.00% $5,630 Graffiti Removal Supplies $200 $200 0.00% $200 Landscape Maint. supplies $1,300 $1,300 0.00% $1,300 Water/Fire Service $440 $440 0.00% $440 3956 DUES $2,100 $2,100 $2,100 American Library Assoc. $450 $450 0.00% $450 lifomia Assoc. $150 $150 0.00% Library $150 rary System membership $1,500 $1,500 0.00% $1,500 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY $3,880 $3,880 0.00% $3,880 33 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES $158,500 $164,530 $164,530 Office Equip/Maintenance $3,500 $3,500 0.00% $3,500  ook Processing & T.S. $19,000 $23,000 21.05% $23,000 omputer Tech Services $29,000 $31,030 7.00% $31,030 Technology maintenance $7,000 $7,000 0.00% $7,000 San Bemardino County Cont $100,000 $100,000 0.00% $100,000 6032 CONTRACT SERVICES $78,690 $59,299 $59,300 Janitorial Services $37,400 $16,000 -57.22% $16,000 Security Service $3,360 $3,360 0.00% $3,360 Elevator Services $6,160 $6,160 0.00% $6,160 HVAC $14,410 $14,500 0.62% $14,500 Electrical $6,160 $4,160 -32.47% $4,160 Plumbing $450 $2,000 344.44% $2,000 Pest Control $670 $670 0.00% $670 Fire/Life Safety $670 $670 0.00% $670 Structural/Roof Maintenance $2,910 $2,910 0.00% $2,910 Glass Replacement $0 $2,000 New $2,000 Exterior Grounds Maint. .$6,500 $6,869 Switch to 60 $6,870 8019 TELEPHONE $18,000 $15,000 -16.67% $15,000 8021 WATER UTILITIES $3,300 $4,000 21.21% $4,000  1~22 ELECTRIC UTILITIES $73,390 $50,000 -31.87% $50,000 TOTAL OPERATIONS COST $473,090 $450,649 .-4.74% $450,650 TOTAL LIBRARY COSTS $1,168,532 $1,189,643 1.81% $1,189,640 LIBRARY REVENUES $1,225,450 RESERVES $35,807 * New part time postJon: .25 FTE ** New part time position: Monitor: .5 FTE *** Includes OCLC contract for Interiibrary loan 34 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIVlONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: March 7, 1996 TO: President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, A.I.C.P, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO CLOSE THE LIBRARY FRIDAY, APRIL 26TH FOR FULL STAFF TRAINING RECOMMENDATION: That the Library Board of Trustees approve closing the Library on Friday, April 26th for 5 hours from 12 noon to 6 p.m. for the purpose of full staff training in the key areas of Internet searching and desk top publishing. BACKGROUND: Why training on Internet? The Library has been one of the key depmhnents in the planning and implementation of Internet services for the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Principal Librarian Robert Karatsu has been the lead trainer for the City in this vital area. Critical to current library information skills is the ability to navigate the Internet to provide fast and timely information to the public on a myriad of subjects. Provision of general stafftralning for all library staff members on the capabilities and structure of the Internet would be a positive and timely training module and would accomplish the following: 1) Familiarize all library staffmembers with the scope and value of the Internet as an information tool 2) Allow Robert Karatsu and Jim Corwin to develop a basic and intemaediate course of Intemet use that can be used to train City Hall staffin the future and provide fee based programs for the general public 3) Allow the entire staff to meet together in a group in a positive and proactive training activity Why close on Friday? The greatest challenge of a limited staff covering a 7 day work week, has been the difficulty in scheduling meetings. Determining to close on a single normal work day would 35 allow all full time staffto participate and many of our part time crew. Instead of providing Interact training to one individual at time, this single day closure will allow us to reach 12 staff members in each training, a more effective use of the trainer's time. Friday has been selected for two reasons: 1) It is the library's lowest service day in terms of both checkout of materials and information questions. 2) The city computer training facility will be open and available due to their Monday through Thursday work week and the Library training will not interrupt their routine. FISCAL IMPACT: Resources Services indicated they have funding to supply the advanced Word Perfect training for desk top publishing. In-house staffin the form of Robert Karatsu and Jim Corwin, Reference Librarian, will conduct the Interact training. No cost for training purposes. Actually savings will result from any part time salaries saved due to the closure, as well as any building costs associated with the normal 5 open hours and 3 hours of closed staff time. .ectfully submitted, . Deborah Kaye Cla~k~ Library Manager 36 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIVlONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: March 7, 1996 TO: President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, A.I.C.P., City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF POLICY AND PROCEDURE FOR DEPOSIT BOOK COLLECTION RECOMMENDATION: That the Library Board approve the attached policy and procedure for the handling of the deposit book collection. BACKGROUND: In September of 1995, the Library Board approved the concept of the deposit book collection and approved the requirement of the $20 deposit to borrow selected materials. These materials consist of Arco, Ken, Nolo and National Learning Corporation materials which, due to their structure (sample tests) and nature of the information contained, made them extremely susceptible to theft. While traditionally libraries have found these materials to require special handling, the Rancho Cueamonga Public Library did not create the test book collection until completing a 6 month trial to verify the necessity of the special treatment. After 6 months of"free" loan, it was determined that the loss rate of the items eventually added to this special collection justified the $20 deposit requirement. The deposit collection concept is shared by most libraries, including Upland Public, Ontario Public and San Bernardino County library system. We received our first major complaint regarding this collection on Sunday, February 18th from a Fontana resident who requested the item be reviewed by the Board. While the individual's major objection was due to the fact that her check would be cashed--rather than held as a "deposit" check, a complete review of the policy seemed appropriate. FISCAL IMPACT: Loss rate required the establishment of the $20 deposit or elimination of the service. Finance requires all checks received from the public be cashed the next business day. /~pect fully submitted, Deborah Kaye Clark ( Library Manager "-....~ 37 TEST BOOK POLICY In order to increase the availability of high demand test books, the Rancho Cucamonga City Library will require the patron to leave a $20.00 deposit when borrowhag these materials. Test books will be kept in a special section and will be marked "TEST BOOK-S20.00 DEPOSIT REQLrI1LED'. A deposit of $20.00 per item, in cash or check, will be required from the patron at check-out. The check or cash will be attached to a form that says "TEST BOOK DEPOSIT-HOLD FOR 21 DAYS FROM DUE DATE UNTIl. .(21 days from due date). The patron will receive a deposit receipt which will be placed in the book pocket located inside the front cover &the item to be checked out For a refund of the deposit, the patron must return the test book AND PRESENT THE DEPOS1T RECEIPT. A full refund will be granted for items returned undamaged within 21 days after due date.. After 22 days, no refund will be granted. (Ifa check is used please write Dynix # and the DL# on the check) Test books circulate for only two weeks before becoming overdue and may be renewed. Overdue test books will accrue fines at twenty-five cents per day; will not be referred to a collection agency; will be withdrawn and reordered at 22 days overdue. A maximum of $20.00 per item for lost or damaged material will be charged and paid from the deposit being held. 38 BOOK PROCESSING PROCEDURE 1. Enter test books in the computer as such. 2. Place the label "TEST BOOK - $20.00 DEPOSIT REQU1RED FOR CHECK-OUT" on the cover of the book.. 3. Stamp the inside front with the TEST BOOK stamp. 4. Add book pocket inside the fi'ont cover. 5. Identif), test books in cataloging. 6. Shelve books together in a special "Test Book Section" in the adult non-fiction section by dewey number. 39 CIRCULATION PROCEDURE 1. At the time of check-out, a $20.00 deposit will be requested. Using the lost/paid receipt book, write a receipt for the deposit (see receipt example #1). Stamp receipt MDeposit non-refundable at 22 days overdue". Place white copy of receipt in the book pocket. Inform the patron that when returning items within the 14 day circulation period, they must present the receipt in order to receive their deposit back (If paid with a check, put the check in the register (do not ring up) to be sent to the city and take out $20.00 in cash to be held with the written receipt in the safe). 2. Clip the yellow copy of the receipt to the $20.00 deposit. Place the deposit and receipt in an envelope marked "TEST BOOK DEPOSIT" which will be located in a hanging file in the safe. The pink copy of the receipt is to stay in the receipt book. 3. Follow the appropriate procedure below: (a) ITEM RETURNED ON TIME: remove the receipt from the test book pocket and match with the pink receipt from the envelope in the safe. Staple the loose white and yellow receipt copies to the matching pink copy still in the receipt book and mark with VOID. Return the full deposit to the patron. (b) ITEM RETURNED OVERDUE: if the item is returned within 21 days from check out, not damaged in any way, return the full deposit the patron, however, the patron is to be charged the normal twenty-five cent a day overdue fines. (c) ITEM RENEWED: renew the book in the computer, then stamp white receipt in the book pocket and the yellow receipt from the safe with a "RENEWED stamp and write in the new due date on both receipt copies. Return the white receipt to the book pocket and the yellow receipt to the safe along with the original deposit. (d) DAMAGED: see 'DAMAGED TEST BOOK' procedure. (e) LOST: sec 'LOST TEST BOOK" procedure. 4. Check the receipts in the safe daily for overdue material. When a item becomes 22 days overdue, remove the receipt and deposit from the envelope. Add the cash to the current days money in the cash register after entering under the LOST AND PAID KEY 84. 5. Using the information fi.om the receipt copy, in CKO in the patron's record, set the test book to lost, modify the payment to $20.00 and enter the payment in full. 6. Send a notification letter to the patron (see attached letler example). 7. In Item Status, print a copy of the item record. Write or stamp on the copy, ~Test book to be withdrawn~. Send a copy to reference so that the item may be reordered. 8. Destroy the yellow copy of tbe receipt. 40 DAMAGED TEST BOOK 1. Remove the appropriate yellow receipt and deposit fi.om the envelope in the safe. 2. USE YOUR JUDGEMENT in determining the charges for damaged items. If the item is only slightly damaged (something that can be easily fixed), the patron's full deposit can be refunded. If you are unable to determine the charges for a damaged item, consult with your supervisor. 3. In Item Status, set the item to "damaged" and put on the damaged shel~ 4. In patron CKO record, add the charges by using the 'add-miscellaneous charges" or .B. Then use the $20.00 deposit to pay the charges, clearing the patrons record of the charge. Reimburse the patron the difference, if any. Ii'the patron is charged the full $20.00 deposit and wishes to keep the book, remove the pocket and barcode, stamp the item withdrawn and give the item to the patron. 5. Make a copy of the item record fi.om Item Status and write or stamp 'DamagedH, your initials, and the date. In addition, indicate if the patron kept the item. If patron did not keep the item, send both the item and the Status copy to reference to be withdrawn and replaced. 4! LOST TEST BOOKS 1. Losqpaid procedures and policies only apply to test books which axe reported lost within 21 days after the book is due. 2. Remove the appropriate yellow receipt from the safe. 3. Set the Item Status to ~L0st". The computer will automatically enter in the item cost. 4. Add the cost of the book, the $5.00 service fee and overdue fines as one entry to add up to a total of the $20.00 deposit fee. In CKO pay the $20.00 charges. 5. Enter the total charges in the cash register under the Lost and Paid Key//4 and use the $20.00 deposit fi.om the safe to pay the charge. The patron is only required to pay a maximum of $20.00 per item. If the total charges exceeds $20.00, modify the chaxges on both the computer and cash register to $20.00. 6. Write a receipt for the charge of $20.00 if patron wishes a receipt, or give the patron a receipt from the cash register. Stamp the receipt ~Fines and Fees non-refundableH and verbally remind the patron of this. 7. Make a copy of the item record from Item Status and stamp it with a Lost stamp. File the stamped Item Status copy in the Lost/Paid folder. 8. Destroy the yellow receipt copy which was attached to the $20.00 deposit. SAMPLE LETTER (TYPE LETTER ON RANCHO CUCAMONGA LETTERHEAD) Date Patron's Name Address City, State, Zip Dear Nh'., Mrs., Ms and the patron's last name, The test book .(book title) is now 22 days overdue, The $20.00 deposit has now become non-refundable. Thank You, Circulation Department Rancho Cucamonga Public Library 7368 Archibald Rancho Cucamonga, Ca 91730 43 o,,, :o,~-~s RECEIPT 396sos ORIGINAL ( J ,x,~,,, ~.,,_ z-~-e~ RECEIPT USE and write , v . , n~w aue a~t~ ,~o~ '~'"*,~ ~0 ~ (~_ RECEIPT 396311 ACCOUNT HCA~. PAID I RECEIPT 396312 DOI. LAR$ $. ACCOUNT j HOW PArD 45