HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-068 - Resolutions NO. 87-68 A RESr~.UTION OF TRE ClI~ COUNCIL OF TRE CITY OP R~ICItO CUCA~ONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC INPROVENENT$ FOR PARC~ ~ 920& AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF CONPLETION FOR THE l/ORtr I/BEREA~, the construction of public improvements for Parcel Map 9204 h~ve been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and VH~, a Notice of ~pletion is required to be filed, certifying ~he work c~ple~e. N~, ~ORE, be it resolved, ~ha~ the work is hereby accepted and the City ~sineer is authorized to si~ and file a No,ice of C~ple~ion with ~he ~y Recorder of San Ber~rdino ~y. P~SED, ~D, and ~P~D chis 18ch ~y of Februa~, 1987. A~8: Bra, Buque~, 8tou~, Kin~, Wrigh~ ~0~: None ~5~T: None ~nnis L. Stout, ~yor A~ST: B~erly ~ Authelet, City Clerk I, B~Y A. ~ET, CI~ ~ of the City of ~ncho Cucamonga, ~lifornia, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution vas duly passed, appr~ed, and adopted by the City Co~cil of the City of ~ncho Cuca=onga, ~lifornia, at a regular ~eeting of s~id City ~uncil held on the 18th day of Febr~ry, 1987. ~ecuted this 19th ~y of Febr~ry, 1987 at ~ncho Cucamonga, ~lifornia. B~rly l/Authel~t, City Clerk