HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-232 - ResolutionsRESOI/3TIONNO. 93-232 A RESOLUTI~ OF ~HE CITY C0t~W~L OF ~ NOrLFYINS ~HE BOARD OF SUPeRVISOrS OF 00[~TYOFSANB~RDINOOFq~E~C~OF~HECITYOF ~{~EAS, the City of Rancho (k~a~c~ b~m dA~ that a ~alicipal library should be established in the City of Rancho O~,~,~a pur~_~nt to ~ucatio~ O0de Sectio~ 18900 et seq.; and ~EREAS, Title I, Divisio~ 1, (~%apter 6, Article of the ~ucatic~ Code of the State of Califcxnia ~ the City of Rancho O~h¢~3a to withdraw from participation in the San Be~ Oounty Lik~ary System; and WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucam0nga's withdrawal from the San Bernard/no Oounty T.{brary System is a necessary prerequisite to the establishment of a municipal library pursuant to Title 1, Division 1, Chapter 5, Article 1 of the ~ducationCodeof the State of California. NC~, TH~d~0RE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OOUNCIL of the City of Rancho~nga that: S~CrI(IN 1. The City hereby notifies the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Berr~ that it no longer desires to be a part of the CxD~/nty T.-~la~,.ary Sy~ and that the City hereby withdraws from the San S~"ITON 2. ~he City Clerk shall certify to tb~ adoption of t_his Resolution and shall perform the acts as follc~s: (a) A certified copy of this Resolution shall be to the Board of Supervisors of the Ommty of San Bernardino on or before December 31, 1993, along with a legal description of the boundaries of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as NOTICE to them of the City's withdrawal. (b) A certified copy of this Resolution and a legal description of the boundaries of the City of Rancho shall be filed with the Assessor of the County of San Bernard/no and with the State Board of ~qualization of the State of California, on or before December 31, 1993. PASSFD, ~, and ADOPIeD this 1st day of Deoember, 1993. Alexander, Buquet, Gutierrez, Stout, Williams ABS~T: None Resolution No. 93-232 I~ac3e 2 'City Clerk I, DEBRA J. ADAMS, CITY cLWRK of the City of ~ Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and ~adcpted .... by the City Council of the City of Rancho (~, Califox~ia, at a regttlar meeting of said City Council held on the 1st day of ~r, 1993. Executed this 2rid day of December, 1993, at Rancho Cucamonga, Califcx~ia. ity Clerk Re~olutic~ No. 93-232 Resolution No. 93-232 Page 4 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 1! 12 15 14 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 REORGANIZATION INVOLVING THE INCORPORATION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAJ'K)NGA kiITN SUBSEqUeNT DETACHHENTS FRQ# CENTRAL VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, COUNTY SERVICE AREA SL'i, COUNTY SERVICE AREA ~, I~J)ROVEf4ENT ZONE "G" OF COUNTY SERVICE AREA 38, COUNTY SERVICE AREA 70 AND I#PROVEJ~ENT ZONES "A" MiD "S" OF CQaMTY SERVICE AREA 70, ANNEXATION TO THE FOOTHILL FIRE PROTECTiON DISTRICT MiD DISSOLUTION OF COUNTY SERVICE AREA $O MiD 1IaPROVEJ~ENT ZONE "A" OF COUNTY SERVICE AREA SO That portion of the County of San Bernardino, State of California, de- scribed as fol la~s: PARCEL NO, I (incorporation of the City of Rindto Cuclmnngi, and Detachments fraa County ServJc~ Area SL-I, County SirviM Area 38, Iq)row,~Jnt Zone "G" of County Service Area ]8, County Service Area 70 and Iq)rovement Zones "A" ~nd "S" of County Service Area 70) That portion of Tarnships I South and I North, Ranges & and 7 Vest, Sin Bernardino I~lridian, described as follc~s: Beginning at the Intersection of the Northerly line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe ikii Irold right of way with the Vest line of Grove Avenue, said Intersection being also on the existing City Limits of Upland; Thence Northerly along said City Limits and continuing along said Clty Limits, fol!c~ing all of Its various Gourses, to the center line Intersection of 24th Street with the San Antonio kilter C(mq)any Kolcla Thence leaving said City Limits, Northerly along said center line of San Antonio kilter Ccxqzeny RGid to the South line of Fractionel Section 20, said TMMIIp I North, Range 7 Vesta Tlmncl Easterly along said South line to the South I/4 corner of said Sect I on 20; Thence Northerly along the North and South quarter section lines of Sections 20 and 17 to the North line of the South I/2 of the Southeast I/4 COUNTY SURVEYOR*S OFFICE Revised Mrch II, 1977 ol- Resolution No. 93-232 Page5 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I$ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2~ 26 27 28 of said Section 17; Thenre Easterly along said North line to the West line of the East I/2 of the Southeast I/4 of said Section 17; Thenre Northerly along said West line to the North line of the Southeast I/4 of said Section t7; Then~ Easterly along said North line to the East line of said Section 17; Thence Southerly along said East line to the North~tt comer of Section 21; Thenre Easterly along Section lines to the Northeast corner of Section 24; Thenc~ Southerly along section lines to the center line of Highland Avenue; Thenre Easterly along said center line to the South !/4 corner of Section 29, said To~mship I North, Range 6 Thenre Northerly along the North and South quarter section*line of said Section 29 to the riorib I/k corner thereof; Thenre Easterly alonaj section lines to the renter line of Interstate Route Thenre Southwesterly along said renter line to the renter line of Base Line; Thenre Westerly aloncj said center line to the center line of East Avenue; Thence Southerly along said center line to the renter line of Foothill Bouleverd; Thenre b/esterly aloei said renter llne to the North I/4 corner of Section 9, said Township I South, Range & Thence Southerly along the North and South quarter section lines of Sac- tions 9 and I$ to the South line of the Hetrc~olitan Aqueduct; COUNTY SURVEYOR'S OFFICE R~vlsad Hatch I I, 1977 -~Z- Resolution No. 93-232 Page6 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 2~ 24 26 27 28 Thence I~estlrly along said South line to the center line of Etiwanda Avon u~; Thence Southerly along slid center line to the center line of kth Street (also kn~n as S~ h~ardino A~nue); T~n~ Vesta fly al~g slid center line to the City Limits of Ontlrio; Then~ ~esterly al~g slid City ~imits, ~d ~tinuing al~g slid City Limits, foil~ing all of Its varies ~rses to the POINT OF BEGINHING. PARCEL HO. 2 (~ne~tim to the F~thili Fire ProtectIra Oistrlct ~d Detach- rant fr~ t~ Central Valley Fire Protecti~ Oistrict) That porti~ of Se~tl~ ~, T~nship I S~th, ~ge 6 ~est, S~ hrnardifio ~ridi~, ~scrl~d as foilms: ~ginni~ at the Nort~st co~er of said Secti~ Then~ Easterly almg t~ North I1~ of said ~cti~ ~ to the North !/4 comer the~of ~ Then~ S~therly ilmg the North ~d S~th q~rter sectl~ line of said Sectira ~ to ~ ~nter line of ~iCtr~ T~n~ ~steriy almg said ~nter line to ~ ~st I1~ of slid Secti~ g; Then~ Northerly ii~g slid ~st line to t~ POI~ OF BEGI~ING. Said par~ls ~tain ]2 squiH miles. NO FEE C rTY OF WC~O C uc~p4~A -3- AECORL~D IN OFFICL4L R£CORDI NOV- 80 1977 AT /Z* C' P- V. DENNIS WARDIE CLERK.RECORDER S~ BERNARDINO COUNTY, ~JMJF, COUNTY SURVEYOReS OFFICE Revised Hatch II, 1977 Resolution No. 93-232 Page7 ~ZRR~,f, iC is nov inc~T~ted co hree · duplication of ~LTe proteccion ser- vices v~cA~ ss~d '*Anncut:on No. ~36": ~PPRQY~ &rid ADOI'T~ :.%~.s 2 2. c /8/ I.E. [LL2HGVOQD MiyOT O~ *..be C~cy o~ Onr~Z20 I hereby certify ~ac :am foregoZng resolurAon usa du~y and I9 79. R~solutionNo. 93-232 p~e8 ;~$0L~TXON .~0. 8897 :~E.u~M~S, ~rl,.snc to Seco:on $$000 ec sN. o~ the ~ve~: Code, ~t co ~c~ du~y ~v~ ~ ~ne CO~GX~ O~ t~e C~cy o~ ~ar~o &c ~est~aced la ,~zton ~o. ~S6, ~ ZeZI. ~sc~t~ u Ps~el ; - ~t ~ of ~t 4, C~ F~: ~j, S~c~o~ :3, ..-,stertv ~LAe :o :~., c~zer~Lne of Eilh~ Street; th~e ~t P~ll : ~lt ~ o~ ~t l~.. C~8 P~t ~. .~. SI. ~ r~ La bk · o~ ~. Pale 1, ~ of ~oL co ~e ~enzerl~ne o~ 5~xth StT~t; c~cI ~est :6:.~6 ~eet :~e ~nc of besz~ab, ~.6~: acTes; ~ ?2~el 3 - ~le N~to~ of Lots 23 aM 26. C~c~ P~c L~. sinfly Imam vtt~ zAe C~zy o~ ~ ~p. tn ~ ~ty of S~ ~, ~t co ~tt~ 3S::~ of the ~t ~e. tAe Resolution No. 93-232 Page9 ~o. :~31; and -~. one ce~ico~ of said ".~nne~ac~ No. :~e ~oc~ ~t Pro~on O~cr~c of San tear,no ~o~t~' '~n c~..~ecc~ve ~:4 o~ ~nexat~on as state4 ~n ~C~, Co~c~ ResoLution ~o. :~0 Lo~ ~euc~ Fomc~en ~llLel of ~he t :~y o: ~atar~o *2- Resolution No. 93-232 Page 10 '~....~v,-,.~,.-.. ~-~.::.-% . f:~ c.u...~. c,..~ moo, ~C~ > : ...... , ~. y~-~ ~o~ ,, ~ -~r~ - ...... . . . . ~ ~ . .~, · ~ I ~' ~ ' ' ':-~ ~..~ , ~. ' ~ ~ ~"" ' :..~ ' PARCEL - ~ .FOURTH ~~-~"-~-:;~ .... ~,..~( ................ _. ~cgu s .. '~ ......... : .....'." - - a~'~ ~'5"~ ~ ·...~'~' ~ ~-n~c~,,7~o, ~ ,~,,,~ . I', 4~o' ~0~ ~E C~ OF ~ANCHC ........ "~- ~. i'~ Resolution No. 93-232 1 ,~ ~u~u~cr4L;¥ I-UHMAiIUN COMMISSION Mill Street, K~uiiclincj I. 2~cl Floor Oernmrmno. CA 92415 · (714! 383-2611 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION [, KATHLEEN ROLLINGS, Cler~ cf the Local Agency Formation Commission named herein, hereby cer:ify tna= :he City has completed a change of organiza:£cn as City of Ontario locicid iS: COUnTy of San 8erna~aino The kind of chanle of o~$anizacZon completed an annexation a detachment xXa reo=~anizacloo The short clcle of the accion is: ~FC lg21 - R~r~nization to include ~etach~nt from the CiSy of ~ncno Cuca~nga, ~etac~nt from ~he Foothill Fire Pm?lc~ion Ois?rlc?, an~ Annexation ?o the City of Ontario ~156 The legal description o~ ~he action is sac forth in the attached Exhi~i: A ancached hereto. A ma~ of =he area is also attached. The terms and conditions, if any, of =he change of organiza=~on as set for:h in =he resolution ordering ~he c~ange of organization are con:ained in =he at:ached resoluzion, Exhibi~ B. The acea is: XX unznhabtcad ~nhab~ced X__X Ordered ~ithouc an alecolon and the reso[uc2on ordar~n$ the chanse o~ or;an~zac£on was adogcad by the $ove~n~n~ body o£ cha Ctc7 on Auaus~ 21, 1979 by ~eso~uc~om No. 8897 ROBERT B. RIGNEY, Executive Officer Local Agency Formanion Commission By: DATED: KATHLEEN ROLLINGS Cler~ of the Local Agency Forroe =ion Commission County of Ban Bernardino, Callfort.: February 29, 198C Resoluti(xt No. 93-232 C~P*'" _ ', ¢At Yrt~. OIBSMIla ddll~TlOII Or ~EBIIFi~I! TU~ E&IT MfO v~rr (iflP~ATZQII I0. I) IMmo &ms 9F. VERLY A,. AUT:.-IF~.F.T Resolution No. 93-232 Page 13 ~emo~.~tiou No. 85-56 Pa~ 2 T~AGT 126#2 A ;or~l~ of ~e~l~ 30, T~P 1 aor~, ~ 6 wem~, ~ldl~, ~ ~e Co~y ~ ~ ~d~o, State ao~za OO de~a 19' ]9~ veo~ ~51.~9 f~ al~ ~e 30 ~o ~e no~Ma~ ~o~ of Mid s~Mo~ q~er, ~id ~8~ ll~ ~l~ ~ ~e ~ M~d ~2~7~ ~ o~ 89 deco Ca~l t~ ~a 89 de~ ~' 09" ~ot ~32a,I~ ~he~e a~h 89 d~ ~9' ~ ~lt 2~.10 FNt al~ ~d the sou~ ~0.~ feet of %~ ~t q~ of Coup~llinl ZaS.0? acres. Resolution No. 93-232 Page 14 "r' X m,m X · ~$ ,ol 97?.7.¢ V~NO~IV~)fiO OH~}NVIIi '10 ,kilo Resolutic~No. 93-232 Resolu:ioa No. 88-682 Page 3 -436739 B3:HZBXT "Aw LBG/L DESCRIPTION - TT~J~C~ 13527 (LOCATED AT T~ NOR'Ill gEST G01tl~lt OF ETZgANDA AV~US AND 2~TH STREET COUNT OF SAN BERHAIDINO) THE PARCEL DgSCRZBED AS FOLLOWS: The southeast one-quarter of the sousbast one-quarter end the south one-half of the southeast one-quarter of Section 20, ?oeu~hip 1 north, Range 6 wast San Bernardino Meridian in ~he County of San Bernardino. State of California accordins to the official plea thereof. Except there£rc~ the yeaearly 150 feet of the southeast one-quarter of the southeas~ one-quarter of said Section 20. Also except therefrom chmt portion conveyed to the Southern Surplus Realty Company described as felleel: That portion of the southeast one-qtmr~er of the soutbes~ one-quarter and ~h~ por~ion of ~he f~h S~ion 20, T~nfhip I north, ~Se 6 ~, ~ Be~o B~e and Heridhn, lyes n~bescerly ~ velumfly of a l~m and i~s s~theriy prol~a~ion vhich b ~r~l~ vich and distant 100.00 at righ~ an~as ~rm the follYins describ~ Commencing at the point of intersection of the east line of said Section 20 end a line parallel vith and dAstenC 130.00 feet northerly, measured it risht angles from the northerly line of said southeast oue-qua~er of Section 20, said point being south 0 00'32w east 2770.50 feet, measured elon8 said east line frm a found one (l) inch County Sureeyores Monument at the southeast at corner of said Section: thence north 89 27'07" vest. &long said parallel line a distance of 1147.74 feet co the TRUE PO]:NT OF BB~INH~qG: thence south 44 ~'00" weft 368~.72 feet to · point that is north 0 15'39" ves~ 12~.00 feet frmt the south line of said Section 20. being nanlured elena northerly prolongation of a line parallel vith end distant 230.00 ~eet easterly. ~aas~ed ac right angles from the easterly line of west one-half of the northvest one-quarter of Section 29. Township 1 north. P~auge 6 west. San Bernardino Base and Meridian; ~hence south 0 X5'39u east along said prolongation a distance of 123.00 feet to · point in said south line of Section 20. said point beans north 89 24'15" uest 1090.76 feet. neasured &long said sou~h line from 8 found 1-1/2 inch County $ureeyor's Monument at the oue-qu~r~er corner of said Section 20. saAd point also being south 89 eef~ 1~50.80 feet neasured along said south line from a found 1-~/2 inch Count~ Surveyor's Monumen~ a~ the soulbest corner of said Section 20. Resolution No. 93-232 Page 16 R~o~u~£ou No. 88-6b~ S8-435739 ~he sou~he~ one-quarter of the sou~be~ ou~-qu~r~er of ~d Section 20. Approx~f~e Are~ 91.83 Acr~. Resolution No. 93-232 Page 17 $8-436739 '~UTWE OeffJ aWd~ ~LVD. I ~ : Resoluticfi No. 93-232 Page lS ~msolu~icxl No. 89-034 89-037819 A ~ of ~ ~ ~ of ~ *~t~-~%'c 1/4 of ~ ~ 1/4 of f~.~.~l 20, Tomllh~ i Nc~'t~, ~ 6 We~:, S~ BegiZ!l//1C]E~.,~eBST. 1/4~oflBAiCI~! ~ S00'00'22"W a.lg~] ~ mm,'P.h ~ of ~ ~ 1/2 c~ mm/d ~ 20, a 4/m'P..mncmof2430.49 fe8~; ~ ~9' 26'51"~ algm'~ ~ ~ ~ of 25~h ~, & ~ of 110~.44 f~mt ~ t:hm mmm'c ~ of sm/d Smu"'c.t(m 20, staid po.t.-'~ ~ NO'OO'32"W 30.00 £mme. ~ ~ l:~/n,c of ~, Yhel12m SO' 00'32"~ 30 feet: %0 ~ Point of SubJ~ si~o ocrfcairm an n of 54.77 ± acres. Ib5/2310031 Resolutic~ No. 93-232 PacJe 19 9-037819 /1.~ t~'~ the emro: .1./4 ~cz'Mr c~ mL,td .e~h!q,j 20; 2430.4~ £eeC; crib ~ ~ c~ ~ m:~ut:lMm~. 3,/4 c~ Itm/33XOO3X Resolution No. 93-232 Page 20 89-03781 SCALE 1' - 500' NORTH ,C). ;~:;VELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT PLAN AHMANSON DEVELOPMENTS,INC. q. 8E CORNER. SEC. 20. T1N RS~, Resolution No. 93-232 Page 21 89-03~820 Resoluti(xl No. 93-232 Page 22 89-037820 ~xalbtt ' '~ ' ' CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Revised CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONG PROJECT MAP LAFCO 25O5 ETIWANDA HIGHLANC ANNEXATION Resolution No. 93-232 Page 23 RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS SAN BERNARDINO CO. C4LIF. 1FEE 2M~YS 31~ 4LNNT. C LOCKWOOD ENGINEERING & SURVEYIN6 COMPANY, INC. 310.Well FOothill RialtO. ~aligOrn~ Resolution No. 93-232 Page 24 Ci~y of 'R~cho Curings (Affected Al~cy) ~ ' 3/13/89 ~~ON ~ D~~Z~ 9101 LEGAL DESCRIPTION All Chat portion of the West I/2 of the F. ast 1/2 of the Southsue 1/4 of SEction 30, T. 1N. R. 6 W, S.B.B. & M. being more particularly described as follows: BEEinn/ns at the Northwest corner of the South 1/2 of the South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast l/& of said SEction 30; ThencE S 89035'09" E alone the North line of said South I/2, South I/2,Northeast 1/4, Southeast 1/4 a distacne of 660.00 feet; Thence S 0°02'02" W a distance of 329.87 feet to t~e South line of said Northeast l/a, Southeast 1/A Section 30; ThencE S 89035' 21" E s~onE the said line a distance of 2.91 feet to the Northeast corner of the Hast 1/2, Southeast i/A, Southeast of said Section 30; ThencE S 0'0At02" W alone the said Raft line of the West 1/2, SouShesse i/A, Southmast 1/A of SEction 30 a distancE'of 1391.A8 fsec to the South line said SEction 30 beanS the Existins Rancho CucamonEa city 14mir line; Thence N 89'36'09" W along the said South l/ns a distance of 662.15 feet to the Southwest corner of said Southeast L/4, Southeast l/A, SEction 30~ ThencE N O* 02'02" E aloes the said West line ofthe East I/2, Southeast 1/4 Section 30 a distance of i649.$$ feet to the true point of basinins Resolution No. 93-232 Page 25 Resolutic~ No. 93-232 Page 26 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM December 5, 1988 TO: .~~epartment Heads and C~untty Development Staff FROI~:/ 'Larry Henderson, Senior Planner BY: Dino Putrino, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: CITY ANNEXATION 1977 This Memo is to inform you that as of November 14, 1988, the Local Agency Formation Commission certified that the City of ~ncho Cucamonga has completed a change of organization, thereby, annexlng 51.59 acres to the City and detached from County Service Area 70 and its Improvements Zone "A", that area generally located north of Highland Avenue, south of the logical extension to Smmtt Avenue, east of the ~eer Creek utlltty corridor, and west of the County/City boundary (see [xbtbtts "A" - Legal Description and "B' - Map). This annexation became effective on the date of certification. All appropriate City m~ps and docmments will be updated to reflect this change. Please make note of this change per your records, tnfom other staff, and submit any questions to Z)tno Putrtno of our offices. LH:DP:mlg CC: Fire Chief Sheri ff Gary Andreasen Pul sat Devel obment Etiwanda II and Leslie Blanchard Resolution No. 93-232 Page 27 LEGAL DESCRIPTINON OF LAND TO BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA EXHIBIT "A" Beginning at the intersection of the Southerly line of the North 40 feet of the Southwest one quarter of Sectlon 29, Township 1 North, Range 6 West, San Bernardino Base and Merdian, according to the official plat thereof, wlth the Easterly line of said Southwest one quarter, thence Southerly along the Easterly line of said Southwest cne quarter to the Southerly line of said Southwest one quarter; thence Westerly along said Southerly line to the Easterly line of the West half of the West half of the East half of said Southwest one quarter; thence Northerly along said last mentioned Easterly line to the Northerly line of the South half of the South half of said Southwest one quarter; thence Easterly along said Northerly line to the Westerly line of the East half of the East half of the said Southwest one quarter; thence Northerly along said Westerly line to the Southerly line of the Northeast one quarter of the Southwest one quarter of the Northeast one quarter of the-said Southwest one quarter of Section 29; thence Westerly along said Southerly line to the Easterly line of the West 330 feet of the East one half of the said Southwest one quarter of Section 29; thence Northerly along said last mentioned Easterly line to the first mentioned Southerly line; thence Easterly along said first mentioned Southerly line to the Point of Beginning. Resolutic~ No. 93-232 Page 28 C eumm~T ,~w. ~ A~. ~ MAP ~ LInC ~P W~I,T EXHIBIT "e" oF' ~x,f& ¢;p op d,w¥4. 446. $W T, JN, gA, lff f~lr'le ~P W~.. HIGHLAND AVE:.