HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-195 - ResolutionsRESOLUi~NNO. 93-195 A RESOLUTIO~OF~ECITY O0t~X/ILOFTHECITYOF~ O3CAMONGA, CALIF-~rIA, APPBOVING IB-iTIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OF A CATMSCRICAL F-~R THE PRDPOS~D HAV~q AV~qUE AND BANYAN STREET - TRAFFIC SI6~qAL, STREET ANDE~kINAGE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho O~mong~ ba~ reviewed all available input oc~ the proposed Haven Avenue and Banyan Street - Traffic Signal, Street and Drainage I~ Project; ar~ prepared pursuant to the California ~zirc~ntal Quality Act, as amended. NOW, ~{~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve as follc~s: SECTIC~ 1: ~ne City Council of Rancho O~_camonga he~ approves the Environmental Assessment Initial study and issuance of a Cate~ical Exemption for the proposed Haven Avenue and Banyan Street - Traffic Signal, Street and Drainage Improvement Project. SECTION 2: The City Clerk is direct_~d_ to file a Notice of Exemption pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 3rd day of November, 1993. Alexander, Buquet, Gutierrez, Stout, Williams NOES: None ABS~qT: None I, D~RA J. ADAMS, CITY c~.VRK of the City of Rancho fk~,~, Califox~lia, do hereby oertify that the foregoing Resolution w~s duly pe.~d, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho C~monga, Califc~%ia, at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 3rd day of November, 1993. Executed this 4th day of Nov~, 1993, at Rancho O~~, California. J. City Clerk ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM (Part I- Initial Study) Resoluti~ No. 93-195 Page2 ~ I~fofm~tio~ 1. Name mad addteac of developer or project spoaeor: City of Rancho Cucamonga~ 10b00 Civic Center Dr.; Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 9. ~k~ Of p~o~ect: Haven Avenue and Banyan Street - Traffic Signal, Street Assessor's Block mad Lot Nt~er: & Drainaqe Improvement Project. 3. Name, address, and telephone number of permo~ ~o be coatacted concernin~ this pFOJect: Henry Murakoshi, Assoc. Engineer, P.E., 10500 Civic Center Dr.~R.C. (909) 989-1862 extension 2333 4. Indicmte number of the permit application foF the p~OJect tO ~hich this fOF~ pel~ca~[M: N/A List and describe any other related permits and other public approvals required for ~his project, lncludins those required by city, re$ional, ~cate mad federal a~encle~: Street Closure Permits; approval by City Council, City of Rancho 0ucamonga 6. ~zistia8 zo~in~ district: N/A 7. Proposed u~e of site (Project for ~ch this form is filed): Installation of traffic signal and construction of related street improvements. ® 9. N/A N/A N/A t2. t3. N/At4. N/AIS. N/At6. l~FOJ~t ~~i~ SEE ATTACHED Site size. Ntzmber of fl~ ~ ~ of offset ~~ p~id~. A~ pl~. ~lcl~ ~~~1 d~elo~nt. If ~~t~al, i~l~ ~e n~r of ~, ~~e of ~ sizes, of ~le pric~ or ~, ~ ~ of ~ld ~ ~~. T Y OF RANCHO C U C A M O N G A ;t-r1'i' IIIl~IIF"'T Resolution No. 93-195 Page3 N/A 17. N/A 18. N/A 19. If c~-~ercial, indicate the type, whether neighborhood, city or oriented, square footage of sales ~re~, ~nd loadin~ facilities. If industrial, indicate type, estimated mployment per shift, and loading facilities. If institution~l, indicate the ~Jor function, esti.~,ted ~p[o~ent ~r shift, esti~ted ~cu~cy. 1~ f~iliti~, ~ e~ity ~eflts '~ ~ dertv~ f~ the 9~J~t. N/A20. If the project involves a variance, co-.ditional u~e or rezcmin~ applica- tion, s~te this and indicate clearly ~hy the tpplicaticm is requ.$r~d. Are the followin~ ite~ a~plicable to the project or its effects? Discuss below all it~ checked ye~ (attach additio-~l sheets as necessary). ?m No 21. Cha~e in existin~ features of any bays, tidelaads, beaches, or hills, or subst~-tial alteratioe of ~ conexits. 22. Change in scenic views or vlsta~ from existin~ re~ldential areas or public lan~ or ro~ds. 23. Chan~e in ~tteru, scale or cbar~cter of ~ener~l ~ of project. 24. Significant ~mounts of solid ~ste or litter. 25. Change in dust, %sh, ~oke, fu~m or odors in vicinity. 26. Ch~ge in ocean, bay, la~, s~remmor ~,-~ mter quality or quantity, or alter~tio~ of existin~ dr, l.a e miters. X 27. Sub~-tantial chan~e t. existin~ noise or vibratioe levels in the vicinity. 28. Site o~ filled l~ad or ~ slope of 10 perce~t or more. 29. Use of di~l of potentially hazafdo~ mterials, such as toxic submXmac~, fl~bles or explosives. 30. Substantial cha~e in d~and for emmlci~l services (police, fire, mter, sempe, etc.). 31. Substantially iucrem~e fossil fuel co~tto~ (electricity, oil, n~tu~al ~, etc.). 32. Relationship to a l~"ger project or series of projects. X X X EnvYrondel Se~ SEE ATTACHED 33. Describe the project site u it exists before the project, lncludl~ matio~ o~ topography, soil stability, plaa~s and animals, and any bistorlc&l or scenic aspects. Describe tny exlsti~ structures Resolutic~ No. 93-195 site, ~nd the use of the structures. Attach photographs of the site. Srmp~hots or polaroid l~OtO~ ~ill b~ accepted. Describe the surrounding P~operties, iucluding information on plants animals and any cultural, historical or scenic aspects. Indicate the type of land use (~ide~tlal, cce~ercial, etc.), inteusit¥ of land use (one- family, apartment houses, shops, department stores, etc.), a~d scale of develo~ent (height, frontage, set-back, rear yard, etc.). Attach photographs of the vicinity. Snapshots or polaroid p~otos will be accepted. Certific~ti~ I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaluation can be made by the Planning Division. Date: /'~-g£-~ Signature ~~t~~y~~ Title A~sociate Enqineer Re~olutio~ No. 93-195 ATTAC!~IEliT- PART ! PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND EFFECTS: ITEMS 8,9,13,25,27,33 & 34 The project consists of new pavement; curb return, wheelchair ramp and corner sidewalk installation; traffic signal installation; drainage improvements, etc. The project covers the intersection of Haven Avenue and Banyan Street plus approximately 450 linear feet of the south side of Banyan Street, west of Haven Avenue. The anticipated project schedule for construction is in the g3/g4 fiscal year. The project site is located in the northern portion of the City, just south of Chaffey College. A traffic signal, drainage improvements and new pavement are needed to improve traffic flow. Wheelchair ramps and curb sidewalks are needed for pedestrian safety. The proposed improvements will not have a substantial impact on plants, animals, land resources or any obvious historical, cultural or scenic aspects. Noise, vibration, dust and odors will temporarily increase at the project site during times of construction. After completion of the project, all noise, vibration, dust and odors created by this project will cease and return to pre-proJect levels. ~e~olutioE1 1~0. 93-195 Page6 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM (Part II- Initial Study) Name of Proponent City of Rancho Cucamonga 2. Address and P~o~e N.~.her of Propouent En~ineerinq Division~ 10500 Civic Center DrivejRancho Cuca~onga, CA 91730 j (909) 989-1862 CITY 3. D~te of Checklist Submitted November 3, 1993 4. A~ency ~equiring Check/ist city of Rancho Cucamonga 5. Name of Propo~ml, if applicable Haven Avenue and Banyan Street - Traffic Signal, Street and Drainage Improvement Project. (Explanations of all "yes" ~nd '.'m~ybe" a~swers are re4uired on attached sheets. ) Ye~ Ms. ybe No Will the proposal result be Uus~able esrtb coodittons or i= changes 're geologic substructures? Disruptions, displacements, ccmp~ctlon o~ overcovering of.the soil? Chznge in topography or ground surface relief features? The destruction, covering or .xxlification of any unlque geologic or physical features? x x A~y increase in wind or w-&ter eros[on of soils, either on or off the site? x f. Chan6es to deposition or e~osioo of be~ch sands, or ctmnges £n siltalton, deposition or erosion which ~y er~dlfy the channel of a river or str~-am or the bed of the oce=n or any b~y, inlet or take? g. Exposure of ~,opte or property to'geologic hzzards such as esrthquzkes, landslides, mudstides, ground f~ilure, or sb~llar hazards? x X O F R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A l~esollzticxlNo. 93-195 Page7 e Air. Will the proposal result in' a. Substantial air ~$sions or deterior-atioo of ambient air quality? b. The creation of objectionable odors? Ce Alteration of air movement, moisture, or t~peratu~'e, or any change in clt.~te, either localIF or re~ionally'~ 3. Water. Will the propo~l result in: Changes in currents, or the course of di- rection of water mov~nents, in either .~rtne or fresh waters? be Changes in absorption rates, drainage pat- terns, or the rate -nd amount of surface runoff? c. Alteratioes to the course or lo~ of flood waters? d. Change in the amount of surface water in any water body~ Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface ~ater quality, in- cluding but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity~ f. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground maters? Ch-nge in the qtmutity of g~-ound w~ters,' either through direct additions or with- dramaIs, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? he Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherm~se available for public water supplies? i. ~xposurs of people or property to ~ater re- lated. h~zards such a~ flooding or tidal reaves? 4. Plant [,ife. Will the propo-,~l result in: Change in the diversity of species, or nt~- her of a~y Species of plants (including trees, shrubs, gr~ss, crops, and aquatic plants)~ Yes U~yb~ X x X x X x X X x X X X X ® Resolutic~ No. 93-195 he Life. Reductioo of the nu~mbers of &ny unique, r~re or eadanEered.species of plants? [otroduction of ~e~ species of pIa~ts into as ~re~, or iu a b~rrier to the nomz~l replenish- ment of existinE species? Reduction in zcres~e of a~y a~ricultur~l crop? Will the propos~l result in: No X X Change in the diversity of species, or u%~- hers of any species of animals (birds, land an~,,als tncludloE reptiles, fish and shell- fish, benthic orEmnisms or issects)? -Reduction of the n,,-hers of any unique, r-are or esPngered species of Introductio~ of new species of animals into s~ ame~, or result in a b~rrier to the migr~- tio~ or m~ve~ent of anl.~ls? d. Deterior~tio~ to existinE fish or wildlife habitat? 6. Noise~ Till the propo~l result in: x x x a. Increases in existing noise levels? b. Expostire of people to severe noise levels? 7. IA&ht and Glm~e. Will the proposal produce l iEht or glare? 8. Land U~. Will the proposal result in · sub- sta~ti&l ~ltet-atio~ of the present o~ planned ' land use of =- are~? 9. ~%qxt~l Re~ottl'ee~. Will the proposal result in: x x Increase in the rate of use of any natural x lO. ~ of Up.ft. Will the proposal involve: A risk of an explosio~ or ,the release of hazardous substances (includin$, ~t ~t l~it~ ~, oft, ~ticid~, c~ls or ~ti~) In ~e ~t of ~ ~cid~t or u~t ~ndit i~? X Besolutic~No. 93-195 Page9 b. Possible interference with ~n emergency response 'pl~n or an e~ergemcy evmcuatio~ plan? 11. Po~latio~. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or.grom~ch r'ate of the population of an area? 12. ~ouslag. Will the proposal affect existtog hous- ing, or create · d~nd for ~dditional housing? 13. Trmz,~)ortaticm/Circulatio~. Will the proposal result in: Generation of subst~ntial szktittooal vehicular movehen t? b. Effects o~ existing p~rking facilities, or densrod for new p~rking? c. Substantial impact upon existing trmnspor- tattoo systems? d. Alterations to present p~tterms of circula- tion or movement of people stud/or goods? e. Alterations to ~-aterbor~e, rail or air traffic? f. Increase in traffic h~,rds to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrtmns? 14. Publib Services. Till the propo~,l .have sn effect upon, or result is a need for new or ~ltered gnov- erm~emtal services in shy of the following s~-e~s: %. Fire protection? b.' Police protectio~? c. Schools? d. l~rks or other recreational facilities? e. ~intenance of public facilities, lncludin~ r~ds? f. O~her ~over~nental services? 15. ~er~y. Will the proporal r~sult a. Use of subet~ntial ~ounts of fuel or enerqy~ X No x x x X x x x I'll'" '" EiI~I~F: F 16. be Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources or energy, or require the development of new sources of enerEy? R~solutio~ No. 93-195 Page 10 Yes ,~b y be No Utilitiee. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the follow-inE utilities: 17. H,n- Health. Will the proposal result in: X 18. ,X 19. Creation of any health h~7~rd or potential health h~,d (excluding mental health)? X St Exposure of people to potential health bazards? X Aesthetics. Will the proposal'result in the obstruction of any sceuic vista or view opeu to the public, or ~ill the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site opeu to public vie~?. ~-~creatfou. Will the proposal result in an im[~ct upo~ the quality or quantity of existlug recre~tion~l opport~mities? X , L 20. Cultural Will .the propoeal result ia the a[terstio~ of or the destructio~ 'of a prehistoric or historic arch~eo[oEical site? X be Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? X c.. Does the proposal tmve the potential to cause a physical chanse ~hicb mould affect u~ique ethnic cultural values? X Will the proposal restrict existin~ reliEious or sacred uses mitbio the potential impact are~? X 21. Maz~datory Findings of $i~nificance. Does the project h~ve the potential to deEr~de the quality of the eovironment, substantially .reduce the h~bitat of a fish or mildlife species, c~use a fish or mildlife population to drop belom self sustaini~ levels, threaten to eli~Ltn~te a pl~.nt or ~nbrel ~unity,' re- duce the number or restrict the r~nse o~ a r~re or ena~nEered plant or ~nim~l or el l~Ltn~te Resoluti~ No. 93-195 Page 11 be important examples of the m~jor periods of California history or prehistor>~ Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the d£sadvmntzge of long-term, environmental goals? (A shoot-terra tm~ct on the environment is one ~hich occttrs ia m rela- tively brief, definitive period of time ~%ile long-term impacts will endure well loto the future. ) Does the project have im~cts which s.re individ~liy tirolted, but cumulativeiF con- sider-able? (A project m~y impact on t~ or more seNrate resources ~here the impact o~ e~ch resource is rel.~tively ~ll, but where the effect of the total of those i~p~cts on the environn)ent is significs.nt.) [k)es the project have euvironmentzl effects which will (muse substauttal ~dverse effects ou h,,mmn beings, either directly or indirectly~ X X X X III · Date Discussio~ of En?iro{m~mtal Ev~lu~tio~ (Narr-ative description of envirommental impacts.) SEE ATTACHED Determim~tio~ (To be completed by' the be~d A&e~cy,.) On the tmsis of this initial evaluation: [ find that the proposed project C~3jLD N~T have a siguificant effect on the emvironment, ~ad a N~~-~~ will be prepared. CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION I find .that although the proposed project could have a significant ef'fect co the e$~?irooment, there will not be a significant effect in this cs~e because the ~tttig~tio~ mes-mz~s described o~ an ~ttached sheet ha~e bees ~ed to the project. A NEGATIVE D~CLARATION WILL BE I fired the proposed project ~Y have a significant effect o~ the environment, ~nd ~n ~:WVI~AL I~PACT RElm9~ .is required. /~- ~ /--~ ~ ~ignmtU~e Henry Murakoshi Associate Engineer, P.E. FOr The City of Rancho Cuca~onga ~e~olutic~ No. 93-195 A'~!'ACI~Ek'T- PART Discussion of Environmental Evaluation or Impacts 1. Earth There will be subgrade soils and aggregate base preparation and compaction for the replacement and/or widening sections of asphalt concrete pavement. 6. Noise Existing noise levels will increase due to equipment operations during construction, but could be mitigated by the installation of noise attenuators and the restriction of hours of operation of equipment. 13. Transportati on/Ci rcul ati on a, d and f. During construction operations, construction equipment traffic will increase at the project site and near the project perimeter. Alterations to present patterns of vehicular and pedestrian circulation and any possibility of traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians during construction can be mitigated by the proper use of roadway warning and detour signs. 14. Public Services a, b and c. This project will have an interim effect on the present pattern of circulation of vehicles (i.e., police, fire, school). Such circulation pattern impacts can be mitigated by prior notification to the respective agencies of the proposed street work, giving time, date and duration of said work.