HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-034 - ResolutionsRESOLUI~ONNO. 93-034 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ODUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 92-18, THE DEVELO~ OF A OC~94~RCIAL SHOPPING C~FCER CONSISTING OF A 75,000 SQL~RE FOOT GROCERY STORE, TWO SAT~ITEBIIILDINGS OF 3,500 SQUARE FEET EACh, AND A DRIVE-THRUPAD OF 4,800 SQUARE FEET ON 10.6 ACRES OF LAND IN THE OC~4UNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (SUBAREA 2) OF THE ~L ~ SPECIFIC PLAN, IOCATt~ AT R/RE NORIhS~EST CORNER OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND VINEYARD AVeFOE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORt THERIDF - APN: 207-102-03, 5, 8, 15, 20, 21, AND 49. A. Recitals. (i) Smith's Food & Drug has filed an application for the is~_ance of Conditional Use Permit No. 92-18 as described in the title of this R~solution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Conditional Use Permit request is referred to as "the application." (ii) On the 9th day of December 1992, the Planning Conmlission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application. On ~ 15, 1992, a subsequent public hearing was conducted and following the conclusion of said public hearing, the Planning Co~m~dssion adopted Resolution No. 92-151 thereby reco~m~nding to this City Council that said application be denied. (iii) The decision represented by said Planning Commission Resolution was timely appealed to this Council. (iv) On January 20, 1993, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and continued said hearing to February 17, 1993, for the purpose of allowing a subccmmi~ttee of the City Council the opportunity to more closely review specific design issues. (v) All legal prerequisites prior tot he adoption of this Resolution b~ve occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the city Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presentedto this Council during the above-referenced January 20, and February 17, 1993, public hearing, including written staff reports, the minutes of the above-referenced Planning Commissionmeeting, the contents of Planning Commission Resolution No. 92-151, and the recommendation of the City Council Subcommittee, this Council hereby specifically finds as follows: Resolution No. 93-034 Page 2 (a) The application applies to property located at the northwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue with a street frontage of 770 feet along Foothill Boulevard and a lot depth of 780 feet on property zoned C~Lm~nity C~m,~rcial. The proposed site is composed of several parcels and is presently improved with a vacated roller rink and restaurant, a free-standing vacated restaurant and associated parking lot with landscaping, and a one-story, wood-framed residence; and (b) The properties to the north of the subject site are partially vacant and developed with two apartment buildings, the property to the south consists of vacant property south of Foothill Boulevard, the property to the east is Commercial east of Vineyard Avenue, and the property to the west is the Cucamonga Channel; and (c) The application contemplates the development of a 75,000 sc~,are foot grocery store, two satellite buildings (B & C) comprised of 3,500 sc~,are feet each, and a drive-thrupad consisting of 4,800 square feet; and (d) The subject property is designated Cu~,~nity Cu,~m~rcial by the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan; and (e) The project requires the demolition of the existing roller rink and restaurant buildings as well as the single family structure located at 8010 Vineyard Avenue, which was built by the Thomas family for workers and family members. A Cultural Resource Study is currently being conducted by a Society of Professional Archaeologists (SOPA) certified consultant; and (f) The project site itself may also be historically significant since it was traversed by local Native Americans prior to the arrival of the Spanish explorers; was an integral part of the Tiburcio Tapia Rancho de Cucamonga, which includes the Thomas Winery built in 1839; was part of the ground transportation system of generations of Americans including the Butterfield stage coach, the Pacific Electric railway and Route 66; and was the location of the first post office in the area. The Cultural Resource Study will determine the significance of these items as well as recu~,,,,~nd measures to memorialize the history of the site. (g) The project, as redesigned at the request of the City Council Subcommittee, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare and does comply with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code and the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the proposed use is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Development Code, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. Resolution No. 93-034 Page 3 (b) That the proposed use, together with the conclitions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. (c) That the proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code and Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan. 4. This Council hereby finds and certifies that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Council hereby issues a mitigated Negative Declaration. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Council hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth belc~ and in the Star~rd Conditions attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Planning Division 1) The study concerning historical monumentation of the site shall be presented to and reviewed by the Historic Preservation Co~m¥,~ssion and then forwarded together with suggested methods of monumentation to the Planning C~tu~,~ssion. The Planning Coim~,~ssion shall finally prescribe required historical monumentation prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the project. 2) Prior to the demolition of any structure on the project site, a complete demolition asbestos survey and abatement plan shall be required and shall be subject to review and approval by the Building Official. 3) large canopy trees within the parking lot shall be planted for shading at a rate of one tree per three parking stalls. 4) A Uniform Sign Program shall be suk~nitted and reviewed and approved by the Design R~view Col~,,~ttee prior to the issuance of building 5) All future building pads shall be seeded and irrigated for erosion control. Detailed plans, including landscape and irrigation, shall be submittedto the Planning Division prior to the issuance of building permits. Resolution No. 93-034 Page 4 6) 7) 8) 9) Uniform hardscape and street furniture (including seating benches, trash receptacles, free-standing potted plants, bike racks, light bollards, etc. ) shall be utilized and be compatible with the architectural style of the center. Detailed design shall be sukmitted for Planning Division review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. Trash collection shall occur between the hours of 9 a.m. and 10 p.m. only. Graffiti shall be removed within 72 hours. All operations and businesses shall be conducted to co~ply with the following standards which shall be incorporated into the lease agreement of all tenants: a) Noise Level - All c~Lm~_rcial activities shall not create any noise that would exceed an exterior noise level of 60 dB during the hours of 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. or 65 dB during the hours of 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. b) Loading and Unloading - No person shall cause the loading, unloading, opening, closing, or other handling of boxes, crates, containers, building materials, garbage cans, or other similar objects between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m., in a manner which would cause a noise disturbance to a residential area, unless otherwise specified herein. Provisions for the following design features in the trash enclosure to the satisfaction of the City Planner: a) Architecturally integrated into the design of the shopping center/project. b) Separate pedestrian access that does not require the opening of the main doors and includes self-closing pedestrian doors. c) Large enough to accuzm~dates two trash bins. d) Roll-up doors. Rmsolution No. 93-034 Page 5 il) 12) 13) 14) i5) 16) 17) e) Trash bins with counter-weighted lids. f) Architecturally treated overhead shade trellis. g) Chain link screen on top to prevent trash frc~ blowing out of the enclosure and designed to be hidden from view. The entire site shall be kept free from trash and debris at all times, and in no event shall trash and debris remain for more than 24 hours. All future pad development within the shopping center shall be designed to be compatible with the established architectural program. The lighting fixture design concept shall ccm-~liment the architectural program. It shall include the plaza area lighting fixtures, building lighting fixtures (exterior), and parking lot lighting fixtures. Approval from Caltrans shall be required for drainage acceptance (under sidewalk drain) and work within their right-of-way prior to issuance of grading permits, unless otherwise approved by the Director of Co~m~,unity Development. A slope drainage acceptance letter shall be re~4red prior to issuance of grading permits. Maximum/min/aumheights of allwalls and slopes shallbe indicated onthe final gradingplan. The Master Plan is approved in concept only. Future development for Pads A, B, and C shall be subject to separate Development/Design Review process for Planning Commission approval. Modifications to the (shopping center/Master Plan) shall be subject to Planning Commission approval. The berming along Foothill Boulevard adjacent to the drive-thru lane shall be a minimum of 3 feet in height above the lane in order to adequately screen cars. Resolution No. 93-034 Page 6 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) Special pavement shall be provided across circulation aisles, pedestrian walkways, and plazas. The pavement shall be of brick/tile pavers, exposed aggregate, integral color concrete, or a combination of them. Full samples shall be suhnitted for City Planner review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. Special paving shall be provided in front of the entire entryway across the driveway. The retaining walls along Vineyard Avenue and Foothill Boulevard shall be treated with the same type of rock that will be provided on the grocery store building front. The Foothill Boulevard Activity Center landscape concept shall continue from the corner to the cb~nnel along Foothill Boulevard and from the corner to the northerly driveway along Vineyard Avenue. Terraced rock walls shall be provided to minimize 2:1 slopes. The three pad buildings (A, B, and C) shall incorporate the approved rock material for the Smith's storefront into theLr design scheme. If the two buildings at the corner are not developed at the same time as the grocery store, then the streetscape setback area sb~11 be fully developed up to the pads and the pads shall be landscaped for erosion control. A flat bus shelter roof is permissible; however, the roof shall be solid in order to provide all weather protection. Vines may be incorporated adjacent to the supporting columns in order to soften the structure. The applicant shall work with staff during the plan check process in order to determine the most appropriate species of palm trees at the intersection. The use of metal pipe handrails is acceptable on a limited basis when needed adjacent to stairways; but nust be architecturally integrated within the plaza hardscape design in terms of color and scale. Resolution No. 93-034 Page 7 27) 28) 29) 30) The pedestrian entrance to the fast food pad shall be treated with a specialty paving similar to what is proposed adjacent to the Smith's store entrance (scored concrete with a broom finish). Tree Removal Permit 92-17 is approved subject to the following: a) The existing Washingtonia robusta, Wmmhingtonia filifera, Pinus canariensis, Cedrus deodara, and Platanus acerifolia shall be relocated on the site and indicated on the final larmlsc~pe plans which shall be reviewed and approved by the City Planner prior to the is~_ance of building permits. The Cedrus deodara may be relocated to an existing City park. Exact location shall be subject to review and approval by the City Planner and City b) The remaining trees shall be removed and replanted on a one-to-one basis with the largest grown nursery stock available. Species and location shall be indicated on the final landscape plan to be reviewed and approved by the City Planner prior to the issuance of building permits. Recommendation of the "Prel'nninaryGeotechnical Investigation" prepared by Leighton and Associates, dated September 10, 1991, shall be incorporated into the project design with pertinent information noted on the final grading plan which shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Official prior to issuance of grading permits. Upon completion of the independent geotechnical analysis currently being conducted, any additional revisions and modifications contained therein shall be incorporated into the project design. A final noise study/accoustical report shall be prepared with any recommendations and mitigationmeasures incorporated into the final project design. The final noise study shall be reviewed and approved by the City Planner prior to issuance of building permits. Resolution No. 93-034 Page8 31) Six months after the date of occupancy, the applicant shall subnit a written report the the City Planner verifying that truck delivery is occurring at times which are not conflicting with peak parking demand times. If found to be necessary, additional restrictions regarding limiting of delivery hours may be placed on the project. 32) The bicycle racks and handicapped parking stalls shall be relocated to another portion of the parking area away from the loading dock. Enqineering Division 1) Construct the entire length of San Bernardino Road full width from Vineyard Avenue westerly (including the cul-de-sac bulb). Off-site street trees and sidewalk may be deferred until development of the adjacent property. The developer may request a reimbursement agreement to recover the cost of off-site improvements from future development/redevelopment as it occurs on adjacent property. 2) Foothill Boulevard shall be constructed as follows, subject to modification by and approval of Caltrans: a) Full improvements on the north side from Vineyard Avenue to the Cucamonga Creek bridge with necessary transition as determined by the City Engineer and a combined right turn lane and bus bay from the intersection to the westerly project driveway. b) A landscaped median from the intersection with Vineyard Avenue to the center of the Cucamonga Creek bridge to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. If Caltrans does not allow a single segment, in-lieu fees will be required in conformance with Condition No. 3. c) Thirty-two feet of pavement on the south side of the median. d) The developer may request a reimbursement agreement for permanent improv~nents south of the centerline, including half of the Resolution No. 93-034 Page 9 3) 4) 5) landscaped median costs, from future develotanent as it occurs on the south side of the street. If Caltrans does not allow construction of the median island within Foothill Boulevard, then an in-lieu fee for one-half the cost of the construction, including landscaping and Lrrigation, shall be paid to the City prior to issuance of building permits. The fee for the median island shall be based on the distance between the center line of Vineyard Avenue and the center of the Cucamonga Creek bridge. Acquire necessary additional right-of-way and construct pavement to widen the west side of Vineyard Avenue from Foothi 11 Boulevard southerly to provide safe lane transitions for the relocation of the Vineyard Avenue centerline to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The developer may request a reimbursement agreement to recover the cost of off-site permanent improvements from future development/redevelopment as it occurs on adjacent property. Overhead Utilities: a) The existing overhead utilities (telecommunication and electrical) shall be undergrounded as follows: i) Foothill Boulevard - on the project side of the street from the first pole on the west side of Cucamonga Creek to and including the last pole easterly. ii) Vineyard Avenue - on the project side of the street from and including the first pole south of San Bernardino Road to and including the last pole southerly (all remaining lines and removal of existing poles). iii) On-site - from the first pole on the north side of San Bernardino Road to and including the last pole (on-site) north of Foothill Boulevard (along the vacated portion of San Diego Avenue). Resolution No. 93-034 Page 10 The developer may request a reimbursement agreement torecoverone-halfthe City adopted cost for undergrounding from future development/redevelopment as it occurs on the opposite side of Foothill Boulevard. b) An in-lieu fee as contribution to the future undergrounding (San Bernardino Road) and rei~lx=sement for previously unde/~-rounded (Vineyard Avenue) overhead utilities (teleco~,tunication and electrical) on the opposite side of the street shall be paid to the City prior to the issuance of building permits. The fee shall be one-half the City adopted unit amount times the following lengths: i) San BerDxardino Road - the length of the project frontage. ii) Vineyard Avenue - from the north project boundary to the center of Foothill Boulevard. 6) An in-lieu fee as reimbursement for street improvements completed on the west side of Vineyard Avenue per reimbursement agreement in effect shall be paid to the City prior to the issuance of buildingpermits. 7) Modifications and relocation, if necessary, of the traffic signal at the intersections of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue and San Bernardino Road and Vineyard Avenue, sh~11 be the responsibility of the developer. The relocation and modification shall be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. s) Construct the local storm drain pipe in Foothill Boulevard from the existing connection at the intersection of Vineyard Avenue to Cucamonga Creek tothe satisfaction of the City 9) "No Parking/Stopping" signs shall be posted along the frontages of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue and a "No Trucks over 3 Ton" sign shall be posted on San Bernardino Road. 10) An in-lieu fee for one-fourth the cost of constructing special pavers within the Foothill Resolution No. 93-034 Page 11 Boulevard/Vineyard Avenue intersection shall be paidtothe City prior tothe issuance of building permits. based on the intersection. The fee amount shall be square footage of the Consistent with the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, the water element at the northwest oorner of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue shall be located outside the public right-of-way. Building & Safety Division 1) Approvals frc~ San Bernardino County Health, Cucamonga County Water District, and school districts shall be required prior to the issuance of building permits. In addition, AQMD approval may be required if hazardous materials are used, handled, or stored. 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSt]D, AP~, and ADOPTt]D this 17th day of February, 1993. Alexander, Gutierrez, Stout, Williams NOES: None ABS~T: Buquet Debra J. '~, City Clerk I, DEBRA J. ADAMS, CITY CI.k~IK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 17thday of February, 1993. Executed this 18th day of February, 1993, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. Resolution No. 93-034 Page 12 QITY OF DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STANDARD CONDITIONS SUBJECT: APPt. ICANT: LOCATION: APPUCANT SHALL CONTACT THE Iq,,VIIIING DIVISION. ('114) I~1,.1#1. FOR COIIPUANCE THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Al:q~walihdexp#e, unleoextincfmdbythePlgmk~Co,,.,l~s~0n, lf buldln0pemd~are not iimJeClora0pmvedule hllnOt-(x,,,.,.ircmdwithin 24 mmll~lfomthedlteof II:q:)mval. 9. Olvll~l~.,j,4/DtliOfiRtvllwiilllbl~lfr.~,¥1~pdoflo i i 3. AIXm)vld of Titflare TllCt No. 4. TIll dl v~op lr Ihll col/mllncl, pldidplll in, ind (=ollufi.tlllle or ClUIt Io bl (x. ,.,jnc i d, pa,t:c~: &lmcl in,.or ~onm.,.,, tlcl. a Marl_ rio0s C,o~nily F~tlIIt~ ~ (CFD) for the · fill Stalin tO lerve the di~ll~l:l.,J.L The liofi IM be loeBlid, .dll~GJCI, and built to aCX:OIGIdl~ wlh b nNcil. In any I:xJicing of I itltion, the dl~,MOl: ir IhlJl comply with all a~l:;~bia laws and mgiJiionL The CFD ~11 ~ Ion~cl Oy me i mtcl me ¢cvelo~r by me time recmClmk~ M the finaJ real) occura. Prior to re(=rclaticm of the finlJ map orthe ~ M Ixdlclin0 permits, whi,.hivlr corris fklt, the ~Cq=di~lnt M cC4~4nI to, Or M 'rb~ in, the I_' .... l~l,,~l;d M · MMk)-Roos Co~nity Facilities District for the conitnJcdon Incl ~ ot nlcili~y schc~l facitles. H(~ver, if any Kh0ol dilb'Ct has pmvioully I_',-~lhld loch · Community Facilities District. the IIX)IGIM SHIN, in the aiMTiMe. ~ tO the If~l~ltton ol the project site into the temlory M ~uch eximing Diltrict I~Xto tl~ ri: ~.Mlion M the finlJ ma~ or ~ ~ ol I:)uilcling pMnllll, whk~ comll firIt. Fuf1111f, II cli~trict ha~ not IMmed & MMIo-Roos Community FactlltiN Dilltel w#hin twelve moml~ from the date of al:x)mval o~ the pmiect ancl prior to the ~ M the final map or issuance SC-2/91 Resolution No. 93-034 Page 13 This cond#ion ~hell be w~Jved if the City receives nMice tl'mt the 8pp#clnt ~ld ~ affected Khool dlsldcls hive eriered inlo in i~rtt to I)dVltMy i~,~o,,.,.)dlte any and all ~.J~ool im~ Is a relul of this I~. / / B. S~ Develap:,Jnt ~ 1. The site shag be claveloped and ~necl in ~ with the ~r-,~ad plato which p~gmm, and ~ ~. mt. ~,~,-- ~, ~ ..n, 2. Prior to any use of the protect site (x laua~ne~ activity being oc,,,.,, !held thereon, all Conditions of ApprovaJ shall be completed to the ~l:dg,'tton of the City Ftannm'. C)c~ncy of t~ fldlly ihll nM ~omfftln~l unlil I1~ tknl mill Unlomt Bu#~ Code ~ $aa tim Matlairs rtgulaiom h~ve ~ ix., pr. ld .lb. Prior to oafpiney, pllnl ~ occupancy. 4. Rivalid s#o planl Ind I;)uildklg MlvllJolll ill~c~ ~ t"tg II CQ41dllk)nl ol Apl)fi)vl III1111)l subm~ed for C~ ~ revlew and ~;mvl pdor to isiuince of IDuikJf~ ~. Adl site, g~, larcllclrs, kdgltion, Ind lifeIt i~r,,ovl;,j,lt pllnl IIl111)1 cxJoftJnlttd lot cor s;ma~-y priocto issuance of any peruits (such as gfacan0, YN removal, ancO, bulkang, etc.), o~ p~X.. to firml .top ,lXxovaJ in the cam M a cureore lot mJbclMsion, or ~p~ovld use his OOll#01nMd. wh'.GhlYar Gomll flrlL Appm~ M ml.mqu~ M nm wlWe oomlMM~ wim d Mc~lor4 ol me Developmerd Code. iN other .% MClPli Cly (31dkmmel, ind '%C;Itqc-~tl ConvT41nly PIIm or ~43ectfic A cleta#ed on-Me Ighling pin shll be raviawed ind yl:.',)vetl ~ the CAty PIImer and Shedff's Deplrlmlfl (geo. e811) pdoc Io the ~ o! building peruils. Such ptln shaft affect g 8. ff no centraliz~f trash re(~pt,tcM~ art pmvidld, li tr~lh pick-up I~all be t(x irgliv~ual units with all riC!,_:I:MS shiMdad tram I:lulXic view. Tr~hrecepllc~s) ~rl requirld~sl~ilmtMCllyltlnd~ ,~l. Thefinll~,locltions, all~ I1~ rl. lml~r Of irish rlCl,,tl:lll shill 191 ~ tO CAly PIInntr rlvilw Incl II:q3roval p~or to ~suance of building permits. 10. All grouncI-mour~ed utili~ ap0urtenances such as trlneJormlrl, AC COt~lr~.a, Itc., shall be located out of pu~iC view and aclaquatMy screened tNough the Ull of a comDination ol concrete or masonry wallS, blrming, alXVOf landlCalping Io tl~ MU~tlClion ot the City Planner. / / / / / / / / _._/ / / / __/ / sc- 2/91 ResolutionNo. 93-034 Page 14 11. 12. SI]le! rimes shall Ix SUblT~ed for City Ptanner review and Ipl~rovll in accordance with the adoiXed SIrNt Naming Polioy pmr to approval of the final map. All building numbers and individual units Shall Ix identified in ~ clear and ~oncile manner, including propor illumination. Planner review and ilXxovlJ prior to IpprovlJ Incl re(x)KIMJofi M the Finll Trlc~ MIp Ind Ixk)r to approvll ol street ir~ovemenl ~cI grlcllng pllnl. Diveioplr sh~lupgllOe incl cx)nslmct ~11 tinill. including fencing Incl dminlge Mvioes, in oc)n~ wlh I~rNt i~vements. The Covenants. ConditioM and P, HtdCtion~ (CC,&IM) ~hall nmlXOhMthe keeping o/equine artimam wfw. zoning r. quimmefU/o~ th. keelMug of Mid animal. haw tmen met. Indlvidual lot own~m In mJl~ivi~on~ ~tmll have tl~ oMkm ol k~plng ~k:l anim~ wl!l~ ~ rmoes~y of ~'pll~[r~g tO IX~R~ Of ~ Or h~,Jov.,%l..' I~lO~ ~ic.~l for Inllndmen~ to the CC&RI. Diviliori~ and the Oily Altomey. They shall ~ reco10ed oonou/rlnlty wlh Ihe mn~ Map or pho~ to the iotarant4 of buliding pMm4s, whiohever O~curs first. A m(mrOed oopy shall Ix 17. SoW Iceess elsemenls Ihil be .dld'C .'ld tot the purpose M Imuming thlt each lot or Mling unit Illl hlvt Iht dglll I0 raivl lurdgll icnm Blnl ka cx unill lot u# of i IoLIr ef~ syslern. The iiil...i.dl rely be omlllMd in i Ol ~1, ~cn d P4~ions for the ~lxIivil~on w'hk~ shall be ~ ~ wilh the rlGo.~/&l~)n of the Iinll miDor similar oMIGIs, pumuaiX Io Dlvl~X,,JNI CoOt $e(~lon 17.0e.O~O-G-2. 18- ~ projlc:l OOfillkll I dll~nllld Hilk)dGlJ LIW Thi ill Ihll bl dlvtio~ Ind mainlaineci in IoOolm:l v4h the ~ LBncli,,-~k Alerllion ~ No. · Any hJrmer moMic~ tO me Me imlxJn0, Ix~ no( liraired 1o, exlm~xIIWns and/or inte~or iJ~erlltons whioh II1~ Ihe exterior o/the Ix,~'ng r oc~, removal M ilnciman< trees, clemolitiml. reto,r,M~% re~xmtnx~n M ~JilC/:~l M sUtmlurN. or changes to the sRe. shall require I moclf~ ~10n Io Ihe Hislodc Lanclmlfk Aleration PenTit lubject to Historic C. Building Delign 2/91 An alternative energy system is rKluimcl to IXovide Oc.,~stlc hot water lot III ~ unfts and for Mating Iny ~v.;,,m~fig pool or Ipl, unlell ~ allmllive energy lyllems are time of initial dIVMOGN,j.'N Ihll be lupplemenled W iotlr hellin0. DMliis shall Ix included in the building planl and shall t)e Wed for City Mr review and al:~rovai prior to the issuance of Ixdlo~ng penTds. All dwellings siNall have the front, side and rear elevations upgradod with architectural treatment, detailing and increased delineation ol sudlce trentmenl sul~ncl to C~ Planner review anti al~R)val prior tO i~,4jance 04 building I:~S. ,, / / / / / / _../ / / / / / Resolution No. 93-034 Page 15 3. S1lndard patio cover plans for use by the Homeowners' Alsoclarion shall be suOmitled for C#y Planner and Building Official review and approval prk)r to Im4Jsnce of I=uilding permits. All mot ~purtermnces, including air cmnditioners ary:l oil'mr roof mummed ~lui~m~m ~nd/or I:WOjl~iorm. shllll~ I~illCllCl from view and tl~ iound I~fflrld from ac~m pml:~ties and integrated wRh t~ ~ikling ~ ~ mnmmcted to tM ~tllacticm of me City Planner. / / _._/ / D. P,rking ,rid Vehigul~r Agoe~ (Incllc~te cleric on Ixdkllng plm) AN plddn0 lot ilndec~,l ~ f~111 hive a mkdmum outrode dimermion of 6 feet and shall contaJn a 12.inch wak adAolnl to the petdng Itall (irgaucing cud)). AI paddng spar, es shall be dout~ striped per City standards and al ddveway aisles, entrances, and exits shall be atrtpld per City &liner ~[. / / , / / 4. ANurdllshlllblj:mc)vidldwithglrlgld0oro~rlffOl.iv.&yllfl IIIIUllnlBlltt in The Covenants, C.,onditto~! Ind fTLk%Jior m Ihlll rlltdct the ISor101 of mcmltional ~ on thil ~e unlesl ttmy are the I~ Iouml o( b l~d ~X/t [l~n Ior the owner and protdbit parking on mr circulion MMe~ ~ ~ in ~MI% t *Id vtMM proking m~. / / E. Llndlclplng (~p~ mMmlr~J IndlCVl I~ Wm ~lg~im N.) perm~ or prior finli n11p Ipplovld in the GIM Ot I Gullore kX luIxli~l'orL X 2. Eximing tin# rtqulmcl Io I:i IXlllr~1:1 in pllci M bt IXMIcll<l MIh I ~n blmtr in m=omm~:e wire me Munidl~ Code Sec~on 19.0e.110, md ~o nmd outtin grading plans. recomm~ndnllom r~gn 4~ pmnwMion, tmn~4anling nnd trimming m.~mclt / / A rnlnlmumof trN~ I)tr gro~s acre, ~ M the folowlng sizes, shall bl pmvide~ within the p~: % - 48- inch box or larger, %. 36- inch box or larger. __ % - 24- inch tx)x or Ilrger, -- % - 15-gMion, Mid % - 5 gllion. A mirdmum of :~- g::) % o! trees planted within the ixoMcl shill bomn size trees- 24-inch box or I,l~ger. Within parking lots. trees shall be planteel at a rate M one 1~ tree for evlry three parking malls, sufficient to shlde 50% of the pafXing area at solar noon on August 21. / /__ 2/91 Resolution No. 93-034 Page 16 X X o Tree~ ~ be piEled in areas of public view idjacenl to ancl along structures at a rate of one NIIxiv~e Idope binks 5 feet or i~ in vertir~ ImiglX andof 5:1 or greater slope, Ixtt less trmn 2:1 slope..hill be. M minimum. intg,te~ ~cl IlndlMl~'J with NXm)I)Mle ground oover tor ~/mem to be ~ by ~he deretcher prior ~o (xxxN~ncy. ~Ulpdvl~ilope~inexoe,~olSfW. butW~ln8 feet invenicalheigNlnclof 2:1 orgreater sk~e shall be ilnc/i c ~1' s d and inlg~ed tot Molion conlrol and to ~Ron ~h~i~ a~maran~ al foilowl: one lS-gllon m'l~/ger lize tree per eKh 150 sq. R. of iIc~e ire~, 1-gillon or I~ger size ~hrub per erich 100~. a. ~ sk~ze nreL ~nd mpmlxtie gmun0 cover. In ~ldilon, slope I~n~inexz:~MMSleMinvenir.41heigNind M2:1 o~ gmler Mx)e lhll lllo indude one 5-gMk)n or Iraget llze tree per &lCh 250 Iq. It. of Ikzpe ImL Trees Ind IhmM ihlll be IICtIMI M i/tducle I pew 'lrriglUMI ~ k:) I)1 kllded 13y the dlvllOp ir pitot to occupenty. 10. For mulli-famly re~ldefXiaJ and non~isidlNJll dlva~op:,.I.d, property ownam are m6pon- dXe fQt tl~ oonlinulJ mlJ, Mn-,tca off IJ !l, tdl:yld Irelion-Me, II wel II cofXi0uoul planttclmwllhinthelxi~d~l-M.wly. AJllardl;yldlreliMbe k~ptfmefrom regullr Ixunlng. ~ mowing. Ind ~ Any ~1 ,,~ld. Mid..J'ill, vacl. or 11. Front yam lancll: y L~; shal be required per the D~,~t:p.,, i,-i Code and/or · ~ requirement ~lb, in ~ddibo. to th~ required 12. The firml dali0n M the piti,,, iter plltO.&yl, will, !l~t~dl:~l:(ng, and M:lewllk~ shill be inGlucled in the ~,~a: y: pi~M md M ~ mmW(~ m Cl~y Pmnner review ~nd appmvII Ind(x~GAfir,~lfflorGor~l~tln;,y'MIh Inypldtwly IlildI-N~lXlnwM:h rely be 13. Specillimndlcmpi~emIxelmM:hms moundino. Mmuvilln)ck. ,)cGk,minmizetmem. mMncler- ing siclewall~ (wi~ hoftzon~ ohln~). ind klWldled indl :ymr'.~. im required 14. IjndscM)lno Mid kdomion lylieml re(wlmd to be inltalled ~ the pubk: d01X.of-way on the perimeter of ml ixoje~ area tal Ix (xmtW maimainad bythe dlv. Mcper. 1 fl. M wall~ sh~l be pm~Jed wilh de(x)~ trollmerit. ff Iocaled in pubic mlintenance aftis, 16. Tree mak1IenanGe cdleril II~l Ix cievelopecl and Wed alXxoval prior K) i.,unnce M building pen~m. Them r,~er~ till en~ourlge Ihe n~ural gWh (m~;_~d,br~ ol me Wed fret 17. landscaping and imgltion shaft be clesigned to ranlenin warm' through ~ principles of Xeriscape as defined in Chapter 19.16 of the Pancho Cucamongm Municipal Code. --J /, / / / / --3 / / / / / --3 / __3 / / ___j / sc- 2/9 [ Resolution No. 93-034 Page 17 1. Theui0n~in~edonthesut)mitteclplan~areconceptualonlyanglnotapa~ trdsappmval. / / Any signs pmposecl for this .cleveL~,,,em ~tt~11 cof~ wttfl the Sign Of~irl~n~ ~1 $1~11 r(Kluire Mp~rate ~'l:1tcIt:on an(:l ap!:x'ovd I:M the Pl~nO Divi~n prior to instad~tion of any s~. 2. A Uniform Sign Progrmmfortl~cleveloomeritshallbemJI;mittedforCityPlmnner reviewaf-~ / / approval Imor to issuance o~ bukllng perrrdm. 3. Director/monument sion(s) Shall t)g p~ded for apartment, oonclmTdrdum, or townhomes __/ / prior to occupancy and alma re(luim separate 'rp#c~)n and ap~al ~ the Planning Divlmon prior to ismrance o~ buikang permits. G. EnvlrolvnentM X~. Thed~)pershellpmvideeachp,,.spa,,.~etmyerw~lttennoticeofttmFourth~~ / / Crusher proleer in a standard forerot as rime,,,~e cl by the City i~nfmr, prior to acx~lnO a cash deposa on any pmp~ty. X R. Ttm developer shell pmvi~ each p,,..spe_:ive buyer wrl~n notice o~ th~ City Adopted ~ / ,/~ 3. The .clavek~r shall pmvtcle enc~ p,.sp~.Jive I~/er written notk~ of the Foothgl Freeway _../ I 4. Afinalacousticairepmlshelltmf, ul~ni~lorCltyPImmermv~anda~vall~tOthe ---/ / ~ol~mtion to t)elow 45 CNF. I.., th~ isulk:lin0 ~ ~1 (~:)l~tfu(~ t e= hr' qu~s proviZ, andlfa00mp~,verffythel~ .t- ;oithe,,.'t~g ~nme~.~.T1~boNdingpianswtllbe ctmcked for (~mformance with the ~ measures (x)mained in the final report. H. Other 2. Emergencyaccee~llbeprovi~.rr~enanc~lreeanclclear, a min~mo1261eetwicle .---/ / at all times dudn0 (~)nsgtJ~ in ac~lt-lce with Ra~ Cu(:ama~ F~ ~. 3. P~m ~~~ ~~~~.~s~s ~1~ ~ ~' '- The apl~nt shall c~tact the U.S. Postal Serv~ to ckto,,,~:~e the a~'opdate type ar~ location o! mail boxes. Muli-iamily re, ideal d~vV.;.4~,~t # ~ provide · ~ Mrl~acl structure for mall I~xes ~ acJequmo ligNing. The final Iocmion ol 1he roll boxes an(:l trm d~ign ot the ovemea(:l mructure sl,.all be subiect to City Platmet review and approval pro, to the issuance of buitding permits. For pmiects using septic tank tac#tties, written certification of acceptabllty, including a, suppoctive intormatk)n, shall be obtained from the San BemaKlino County I:)e~ttment ot Environmental Health and submitted to the Building Ofi'cial I:~Or to the ism, llnce of Sephc Tank Permits, and I~or to issuance of builtling permits. SC - 2/91 R~solution No. 93-034 Page 18 APPUCANTS ~HALL CONTACT THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION, (714) ~8-18~3, FOR (~3MPUANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: I. Site  1. The IPlc)li~l~ ~lall ~ompiy with Iht Illlit actopted Urtiform I~llidi~g Code, Uniform Mecilni- c. al Code, Unlfo~m Plumbing Code, National Electric Cede, and all o(her .~,plt:-~ll oodes, contact the Building and Slimy Divlion for ooples o( the Code Ack~lon Ordinance and ~ o~ bui:llng ~ for · new riitdlttllll ckvllino urdl(8) or ~ Idd~ion may Iraelude, bet are not Nmlted to: Cly BeaJtlioiton Fee, Pad~ Fee, Drainage Fee, Systems Fie, Permit and Ptan Chlddng FII~, and School FII~. Prior I~ i.m~ce ol buik~lng permi~ for a n~v ~..,.,~i.'~' m' ~ ,d~V~l~.,, am or ~ t~ an exi.ling c3vik~., Ini, tl~ W M I~Y Cll~,41r.~,~l.~l IM ~t the e~'~':11~l ~1 rle. Such I~ may include. ~ ~ n=l W I=: Sy.t~m~ Dev~ Fee, Draina~ Fee, School FM, Petrol an4 PI.n ~ng ~ ..... Exllllng~lrucluml Cr-- '-' __/ / / / / / K. Gr141ng Grading of the subject lYOpefty shall be rn f,-a o.~ti~cl with Itm UnUmm Building Code, City Gd'ading ~llldlrdl, and l~=l..:ld grldirlg ~:_~11. The tfftll gridnO plan shall be in A ~ mp)ft IJII I~ I)~p w'l~l by a ClUd~i~l w~gif~ ~ by tl~ Stile of C411fomm to pedorm ~K=h wod~. The ,cllvli3~,,~l.d lB locilid dhin the Ioil ~ (x)lltrol boundldll; m Soil Dtltult)mnce Plmat i8 requirecl. Pieale oontlct San Bemlrdino ~ ~ of Agdcuture at (714) 3a7-a111 for pemlt ~rl:)qcma;n. Oeeum.ataaon of mum ~ Inllbe submat.d tome City 4. A geological report shall be IXel:mrld by I qualified ef~gineer or geo!;g'.at and submitteO at tile time of ~io~ for grading plan check. 5. The final grading plans shall tm comp~ed and approVedl:morlo isaoance of 10oilcling permits. Resolution No. 93-034 Page 19 6. A~ a cuslom-lot sutxlivision, ~he following requirements shall Ix met: a. Surety shall be poeted and an agreement executed guaranteeing oompletion of all on-~e c,'anage ramsUes .ece.my,or dew.t.rmg an parc~ to the am~action of the Building and Safety Divmk)n prior to firml map approval ancl pnorto ttm m~ance m gradlng perure. b. ApSe eaeemerl~ Ior We dlapoeal of (~ainage water that am oon(lx:ted or over adtacent pamela, Ire to be ~llltn:. ':d Ind re(xmNd k) the ~atiatactton of the any parcel that maybe mgdectlodra~fioweefledng, lav~ ofwlNnaparcel relative 1o which · bu~dlng petal i ,,_ ~':_~ld. rammental or ~omimeile bMi.) AJI slope trunks in exceel M S leel in veWcal heigtl ihll bl ~eeded wlh naUve gra~ee m, plumeel wllh grouncl =over lot Moron ;omml Ul=m OG,,.)l~llDn M grlding M IMne mher OWk:~J. In IOdlliOn · pl.,,4,:l:d inigllkx1 ~ M be g.~'.idlCl. Thil ck~ee nM rimlie the ypltCl Miol)lr tl~m (X,,~Y"-~I wih Ihe ~ ming rlquirlmerll ol $lclkm 17.0e.040 1M thl Ol~')~p.,, I.d / / / / / / / / AFII)UCANT~HALLCONTACTTHE ENGINEEFIBIGDIVI~ON, (714)Iee-lIe2, FORCOIM)UANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: i.. Dedk:mtlon end Vehk=uier ACMee X 2. Oicllcatio~sh~llbemldeoithefolowinodght~-wlyo~the pmtrnetMstrNts (mllturld from Illlit :lJ~t14rJ): 3. An irrevocable offer of dedication for for all private streets or ddves. / /__ 4oot wiM n:mdwly e~K,, ~,, d shill I:m macle ---/ /- 4. Non-vehicular ICCIM Shah be _~ld::-Ild to the CI~ law tht f;=~/ing ~treets: 2/91 Reci~l a(:g~s$ easemere shag ~ i:~v~ed ensuring a~cees to a, pm~m ~y CC&Rs or 0y deec~ and shall be re(=mecl concurrenay wtlh the ~ or ~ m IJ'4 ~ of buiicllng permils, where no map is inw)lved. Resolution No. 93-034 Page 20 Private drlifil0O elnelTmnts for croll.dot cirlinago 81~lll be provided and shall be delirmatecJ or noted on the final map. 7. Thl firml mir ~ cilarly cloGnolte g 1 O-foot minimum boilcling remriction Irea on the ne~tN3oring lot adjoining the zero lot line wall and cotlaln the foaowing language: '//we Aorof)y dod/c~e to the C/ty of P. fnc~ C~.,afnonga tt~e ;fgtJf to ~ cormn/cfa2n of (MSS.. :'v9 mJ~f~rJgs (or orlMr structures) w/tlVn mose areas A rnlifitortlncl Igroornofit shall Moo IM grlrJtod from omch io~ to U~o I(~mGOnt lot through the CC&R'$. 8. Allexietin0eaaeme~liyln0witNnfutured0Na~of-wmyahallbecluilc~imadot dMtrmatedon the final map. 9. ;:Me,,~;tS for ~ s~few.-'*e arWor street tmee ptana<l outside the pul~c right-of-way turn lane. · ~ atre~t m m~inlm'im~ m~f'rmm el'roll I)e p,v.i=e;I 11. The.dmvafopmr ahall make a good lath elfin1 Io arxNtre the raquimd olf-ele property intereros neckssty t~ oonmm(= tM r~lulr~ pub~ impmvem~nm, and If I~/ahe ~x~l tag to clo so, the diveloper ahil, It illIt 120 dlyl prk)r I) mJi;~lltl og thl firl map 1o~ aleXoval. ent®r into an -~ .il.,~l.d 10 (:x)mpiltl the k,~)~'~l~,~l, dl puflultt lo Oo'.l.,.,, 1,1 Co(:M Section ,Soch n9 ae:,~'. d Ihll Ixt)vid, ,or plymerit by the ,de v.1op ar od II otmm ir~ufi',d by the City An ptJt)lic h,lp.~,~e.~idl~. (inmdo~ m~etm, dminmoe faetllUe~, (x)nvnufaty trail& Wlc lr iff N. t1~.) IItowfi Off Illl J II1(t/0~ tlllIvI roll) Illll bl (x)flltlT~ld to 3. Construct Utl f01w. ing pldmltg ItrNt i,,,~)~,t~,, l.'a w:axa;. but not Imitld to: 4 l k 'tl .._/ / ..__/ / / / / / __/ / / / __/ / / / _._/ / sc- 2/91 Resolution No. 93-034 Page 21 d J NMOs: (8) Midiin lidend inchdes ilndf=.~r:nO arid kTigMJon on metor. (b) prvonu~ ro(~utmc,ofi ancl(wefieyswilbedeum~nocl~ ~ ~. (c) # so nwfl(od. side* wM(~hllll~e cu/YIin~; c~. rSTD.,:~. · (d) fflo mlllr, e~, Intn4~. o! oM~ru¢:~ fee shill Signlloondul ~dlh pull boxel lhll Ix implied on Iny new ~onllP--w- ~ no~ ~i°n cd tailor, I I: =~dl~y or coliClot I~lMI which irltrliCl dh olhlr tailor. It= U n(ll~/or street It 3IoMoutsIdoMBCR, ECR or any olMfioMtMnlYl: ~)vedt)ythe C.,Ity ~. (1) ;ul pul boxes shot be No. 6 unto# ~d~A,it spedfled by me C~y Enomew. (2) CMdutt Ihlll be W glhlntzod ItNI wth W. o. Wheel M rlmps shM be iruUkd on II Jour w o( irlwuec~Jon8 ~ ~ Suncmn~ M as W by me ely EfiglnoM. ./ / / / _./ / _./ / f. Exi~noOlY ~ :'mid~.mquitngoon,~c~on~hdmmnlnopenlotrdticidtVnes~dth ~ / mequmdMourBdudngoormW. AMrNIdoeufepennlnuybe requk, d. Ac,~h cWX~ Mbe provkSm mmvermecoidOmdnomdp~ng, whk~Mbe refunded upon oc.,~i~:~n of the GOnllP---"'~)~n-Iothe Illlltlclion of 1he CAy Cngintsr. O. ~)nC l-~b'-~ l d drlifmOI tbyl lhM n°t (~M l t~ x~W j' Under M drlJnl M be __./ / h. Handk:i) m:mm wnp deslgn stwl bom s,c ~ ~deed bY ~he C, lY Engkwer. / / i. StrN~twMssiwlt)oSlXwowdtWthoC~YPtOnfie'pftorUsutmlmlJ°rfi~Pianch°ck' '--/ Sirset k,~a~OVO,,J,i pll111 ~ CNy StMld~cMfotMI Engineers Oilice in addWon Io ~ny ottw perntts r~luir~l. Slmet trees, a minin~m ~ 1~ $~e o~ linger, sl~11 I~ intoalibi I~r ClY SlmMarcls in acc~rclmx~ wire the City's mmet tree program. 2/91 Resolution No. 93-034 Page 22 7. Interiemion llne M ~ ~eeigrw tag be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformEye On cMecwr or le~er treets. ,nes of sight she# be plotted for ~l prolect intersections. incaxing driveways. Weis, signs. and slopes shall be located outside the lines of sight. ~ cla ~ y &'lg and other oMtmctions within the ams of mght ~taJl be alUmwed by the City Engineer. LOGII relidentLll street interlectiorm shall have their noticeability il~, uluaily by moving the 2 +/' cWaem street trees on each iJde away from the street and pllcecl in a m~t tile ellemerlt. 9. AI publk k~q)k~&kl,ltl Off tht k)lOwq ItrlttS Ihll bl oplrlliof~ o0mplMI I:)dor to the muance of bukafiO pmw~: __/ / J / / /_.__ / / / / 1. A MPIrMe let of lindl: V ~ and intglUon pWnl per Englneedno Pubic Wod~ ~ stml be sulmdtecl to the City EnginNr for review ~d ~Rxovml pdor to finM m~ ~Nxoval or ilomloe og iwiidi110 perrob, wh!Chl%ir occurl filWt. The rolowin0 11t:fl =~r i plrKwlyl, / / X 2. AsignedconsemandweiverlonT~tOioinlncVor/ormthe lriL,.(xtate LandIclpeanclUghting ' _._/ DieUtots ehal be filed with the City EnginNr Pfk)rloflrmlmlpaRmWlJor illuanceof txJUding I:wmiW wh~l'.lvlr occurl fi/It. F.c,,. f':.,t ooetl Ihll be home by the.cll~llol:llr. 3. AlrecluimdpuMciln~la:~':ngindkdgeioneyltemi Mbeoo~mlklWinedbythe __/ didloper undl ~=;:I,.:KI ~ ~le C~y. 4. PlkWly'l~l: ~'~ia ~ klontng I~NKs) ihll caVom~ i) ~ mldl M ~e relp~e O. Drllnl0o Ind FImxI GMm~I 2. It Ihlll be lhl CllvMOplrl ri,lp 0f?libilty Io hlvl Iht curtIll RRM Zonl / clolionltiofi rlmovod from I~ Pmllct mi. Thl ~llvllUplr'l Inoi~lir M prlplro all filClilry rlpofil, m, ~ h~ck,.t:oY,/Iq<lilulic CIY Jg~ls. A Concllofi~ Letter of Map Revision (¢LOMR) ehal be oWalnecl Ifom FEIdA IXtm' Io ftni map al:Oroval or isIuince of buitclklg I~, w~lvlr occurl firlL A LelIM ot MIp I~ (LOIdFI) shall be islued i:)y FEMA I;Xtor Io ocx~G)lncy or impAwM~nt Ic(=eptlnce, wh!chlVlr O(~ur~ first. ..... 3 ' A finll Cklinage StUdy 811111 be IubmiltecI Io K aPl:~)vld I:ly the Cly Endneet Ixior to final __ _. rn~ a~x'oval or the isiuInce of building I:~rmits, whichever (x:curl firIt. All Clflinlge facilities shall be installed as required by the City Engineer. sc. 2/Ol Resolution No. 93-034 Page 23 /% 4. A ~ f~om ~ Counly Flood Coltirol ~ is required Jor work wi~hln its dgN-of-way. 5. Tre~ Ire p, ol'~#td ~ 5 fNt of the outside dilrrmter of any public ~1orm dram pipe rnlMurld from Itm outer edge of · m~ure tree trunk P. Utllltil~ 1. Provide Mparl~e utility 8erviGe~ to elch ~ ~ slntlry iIv/ir.~gl ly~IMTI, wirer, gas, electric power, tMephone, and Gable TV (Mlunclelground) in Iccxxcl~n~ with the Utility 2.The developer shall be responeible tor the rekx~ltk)n ol existing utlitles a~ neoelslry. tit D~,~%~r.,,.i.#l Hellth Dips' b,J.M 0l the Courtly of Sin '~.,,- 4'~. A letter wLi~hlver O~Gurl frrm. / / / / Q. Glnlml nl~lVl ,,11tii Ind AM)IOV. I~I orm ;mn:i pdor to mu~r~e of buid~ penn~ 2, An IIl~n~l~d'lorljo~ uledd~lv. iy MbeWWto finlJ mlplM)rovll or ---/ i~8uInce o/Ixjiiding pem~l, Ydd~%l~).lr ooDyl Ikit, for:. 3. Pdor k} appoval of th. final map I d.I)ollt Ihll IN poerid wi~ th. City oov. rk~ tla E~ SivIMI .Area P4,W~oM~ MMInl, Sa;gmcilty Rlglonll, Inci Mlmtr PIIn D~ Fw shll be pl~d Ixiot to finll raN) ll;l;fovll or pdor to buldlnO Petrol iuu~nce if S. ~ M bt ObllJrld ~ ~ IG~P; .~'t~ lgln;!11 tor work wlhin Ihek dghl.d-w~: ,,,J 6.A signed conlent and wllvM fMm to Join ancV(x tMm the Law P. ale.~ i,,jnt Com~urdty FKillllee ~ M be filKI Mth the City EnOineer IX~ ~o finl mlp II:N~oYII or,he ~ M buiil:ll~ pM~ill, ~l~Chlvlr O0~Jrl fil~. FOllI1MIofi ~ II1Mi be bofile by ~he DcviMplr. 7. Pdor tO finlllz,ltion ol Iny glvlk~,J,~ phl~, sufiicitrl k,q~hq~t,,,.l,l[ pllm Ihlli bl com- pleted beyond the phIM boundariel K) IMure Im:xx~lary ~ Ind draJnlgl protection to the MtilflclJo~ of ttm CI~ EnginNr. Phlle boundlri~ ~ oc.,~,lpOnd 1o lot lines shown on the Iplxoved tentalive mlp.