HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002/11/14 - Agenda Packet - Library Board of Trustees DECLARATION OF POSTING OF AGENDA VI¥IAN GARCIA states and declares as follows: I presently am, and at all times mentioned herein have been, the Administrative Secretary of the Library of Rancho Cucamonga. Acting in that capacity, on ~D~3-~ at ~ ,~7 , I posted a true and correct copy of the meeting agenda dated //-/~-O~)~ at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed on //- ~O~ , at Rancho Cucamonga. DEBORAH KAYE CLARK, LIBRARY MANAGER City of Rancho Cucamonga Secretar~ City of Rancho Cucamonga LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETING Second Thursday 6:30 p.m. November 14, 2002 Council Chambers City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 City Councilmembers William J. Alexander, Mayor Diane Williams, Mayor Pro Tem Paul Biane, Councilmember Grace Curatalo, Councilmember Bob Dutton, Councilmember Boardmembers Ravenel Wimberly, President Dobbin Lo, President Pro Tem Donna Bradshaw, Boardmember Robert Howdyshell, Boardmember Joyce Womack, Boardmember  Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Page 1 Board of Library Trustees Agenda Regular Meeting, November 14, 2002 A. CALL TO ORDER 1) Roll Call: Howdyshell · Bradshaw Lo , Wimberly and Womack B. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non- controversial. They will be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Boardmember or member of the audience for discussion. 1) Approval of Minutes: October 10, 2002. 2) Review and update of selected library policies: a) Fees for Service Policy 7 b) Overdues, Fines & Fees Policy 9 c) Kidsmobile Circulation Policy 12 C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1) Library Status report: report presented by staff. 15 2) Budget Report: report presented by Deborah Clark, Library Director. 19 3) Summer Reading Program in Review: oral report presented by Renee Tobin, Senior Librarian. 4) Victoria Gardens Library: update on the progress of the project and status of grant application. Oral report by Deborah Clark, Library Director. 5) Approval of request to close 4 hours for in-service training on Friday, December 6, 31 2002. Presented by Deborah Clark, Library Director. 6) Internet Librarian's Conference: oral review of conference highlights, by Michelle Perera, Librarian II and Board Member Ray Wimberly. D. BOARD BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the Board of Library Trustees for discussion. They are not public hearing items, although the President nmy open the meeting for public input. 1) Young Adult Liaisons: High School participation at an advisory level. Update by Board Members Howdyshell and Womack.  Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Page 2 ! Board of Library Trustees Agenda Regular Meeting, November 14, 2002 2) Intemet Access Fees: Staff requests this item be deferred until next Regular meeting. 3) Library Foundation Board Report: Update from Library Foundation liaison Donna Bradshaw. i) Foundation Board Member recruitment ii) Request for Library Board support for the November 22 fundraiser/open house. E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING This is the time for the Board of Library Trustees to identify the items they wish to discuss at the next meeting. These items will not be discussed at this meeting, only identified for the next meeting. F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC This is the time and place for the general public to address the Board of Library Trustees. State law prohibits the Board from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. G. ADJOURNMENT I, Vivian Garcia, Library Administrative Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on Friday, November 8, 2002, 6:00 pm, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54953 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. R A N H O C U C A M O N G A ~ U B L I C ]~ IB RAR Y Staff Report DATE: November 14, 2002 TO: President andMembers of the Board of Library Trustees FROM: Deborah Kayo Clark, Library Director SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF MINUTES RECOMMENDATION Approval of the minutes of the September 10, 2002, meeting. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Attached, please find the minutes for the regular and special meetings of the Library Board of Trustees listed above, taken and compiled by Library Administrative Secretary, Vivian Garcia. FISCAL IMPACT None. ~fffl~spectfully submitted, Deborah Kayo ~ Library Director C1TY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting A. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was held on October 10, 2002, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 6:33 p.m. by President Wimberly. Present were Boardmembers Bradshaw and Womack. Also present were: Deborah Clark, Library Director, Robert Karatsu, Library Services Manager and Vivian Garcia, Administrative Secretary. B. ITEMS OF BUSINESS WITH NEWLY APPOINTED OFFICIALS B1. Administration of Oath of Office - Oath of Office will be administered to re-appointees Donna Bradshaw and Joyce Womack. Mayor Bill Alexander administered the Oath of Office to Donna Bradshaw and Joyce Womack. C. CONSENT CALENDAR Cl. Approval of Minutes: September 12 and August 8, 2002. C2. Review and update of selected library policies: a) Problem Patron Policy MOTION: Moved by President Womack to approve the consent calendar, seconded by Boardmember Bradshaw. Motion carried, 3-0-2 with Howdyshell and Lo absent. Boardmember Howdyshell arrived at 6:39 p.m. D. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS D1. Library Status report: oral report presented by staff. Library Board Minutes October 10, 2002 Page 2 Deborah Clark, Library Director, stated that staff had been busy working on the Victoria Gardens Branch Library. Staff is currently in the planning process. Robert Karatsu, Reference Services Manager, stated that school had started and the Library has been very busy. The Kidsmobile has been out making their school stops. D2. Budget Report: report presented by Deborah Clark, Library Director Deborah Clark, Library Director, reviewed the budget with the Library Board. D3. Review of Library Policy of providing Intemet access on a fee basis. Requested by Richard Koski, resident. Presented by Deborah Clark, Library Director. Original report establishing fees for Technology Center attached. Deborah Clark, Library Director, reviewed with the Library Board the current fees for the Technology Center. Boardmember Howdyshell inquired about a scholarship program for patrons who are unable to pay. Robert Karatsu, Reference Services Manager, stated that staff had suggested setting up a computer with free access but just for job hunting sites. Boardmember Womack suggested one computer to be set-up for free Intemet access during slower times of the day at the Library. Staff will review and return with suggestions for the Board. D4. Report on 24/7: Oral report by Robert Karatsu, Library Services Manager. Robert Karatsu, Library Services Manager, provided for the Library Board a PowerPoint presentation covering the 24/7 Reference Service. D5. Kidsmobile: a) Discussion of proposed policy for selecting bookmobile school stops. Updated policy attached. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Howdyshell to approve the policy, seconded by Boardmember Womack. No discussion. Motion carried, 4-0-1 with Lo absent. Library Board Minutes October 10, 2002 Page 3 D6. Victoria Gardens Library: update on the progress of the project and status of grant application. Oral report by Deborah Clark, Library Director. Deborah Clark, Library Director, updated the Library Board on the Victoria Gardens Library project and grant. She and Robert Karatsu reviewed the latest plans with the Board. E. BOARD BUSINESS El. Young Adult Liaisons: High School participation at an advisory level. Update by Boardmember Howdyshell and Womack. Boardmember Howdyshell reviewed the draft policy for Young Adult Liaisons with the Board. Boardmember Womack reviewed the timeframe with the Board. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Bradshaw to approve the interim policy, seconded by Boardmember Wimberly. Motion carried, 4-0-1 with Lo absent. F. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Fl. Young Adult Liaisons F2. Internet Access Fees F3. Victoria Gardens Library F4. Status of the new Bookmobile G. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None Library Board Minutes October 10, 2002 Page 4 II. ADJOURNlVlENT MOTION: Moved by President Wimberly to adjourn to November 14, 2002, at 6:30 p.m., seconded by Boardmember Bradshaw. Motion carried, 4-0-1 with Lo absent. Meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Vivian Garcia Administrative Secretary Approved: R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A PUBLIC LIBRARY Slaff Report DATE: November 14, 2002 TO' President and Members of the Board of Library Trustees FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Director SUBJECT: REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF UPDATED POLICIES RECOMMENDATION That the Board approve the changes to the policies, as outlined below. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Library Board requested that the Library post all policies on the Library web site. Accepting staff's suggestion that the policies be reviewed for timeliness and appropriateness before being scanned into the web, the Board directed that policies appear as a regular item on the consent agenda for review and possible revision by the Board. This will continue until all existing policies are updated by the Board. Attached are the Fees for Service and Overdues, Fines & Fees policies. New fees are in bold. Recommended revisions are in bold italics. Text to be deleted is underlined. Also attached is the Kidsmobile Circulation Policy, addressing issues raised by this still new service. FISCAL IMPACT None t~R~specffully submitted, Library Director ~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FEES FOR SERVICE POLICY POLICY NO.: PAGE 1 OF 2 EFFECTIVE: 10/4/94 REVISED: 12/4/97 APPROVED: 12/4/97 PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to outline the philosophy of fees for service to provide guidance for the staff and understanding by the public. POLICY: It is the library policy to charge cost-recovery fees for services beyond traditional or basic library services. Basic services have been defined as the loaning of book materials, answering of simple information questions, attendance at open children's and adult programming. Non-basic services have been defined by the library board as database searching, public access computers, videos, audios, reserve materials, interlibrary loan, photocopying and specialized class instruction. Fees will be assigned based on a cost recovery formula that will include a portion of stafftime, consumables and utility costs. While the Board may choose to subsidize services by charging less than full cost recovery, in no instance shall the Board charge more than the cost to provide the service. All fees will be subject to library board approval. Fees may also be established when an enhanced service is provided as an alternative to an existing free service. Fees may be established when the service clearly benefits one user to the exclusion of others or prevents reuse of the information provided. SERVICES FOR WHICH THE BOARD HAS DETERMINED A FEE MAY BE CHARGED: 1. Rental for media of all varieties 2. Interlibrary loan 3. Reserves 4. Lost library card 5. Temporary library card 6. Collection agency fee 7. Test monitoring 8. Computer rental with full Internet access 9. Classes offering specialized instruction 10. Photocopying services Fees for Service Policy Page 2 of 3 FEES FOR SERVICE GENERAL FEES Charge Interlibrary Loan $2 Reserves $.50 Marketing Libra~ Card $3 Lost Library Card $2 for regular card; $3 for marketing card Collection Fee: $15 per account Test Monitoring Fee: $10 per test session Single sided disc: $.50 TECHNOLOGY CENTER In-House Computer Rental $3 per hr. Scanning $3 per document Intemet Classes $15 per session per individual Printouts Color $.30 B&W $.10 PHOTOCOPIES B&W photocopies Coin $. 15 Debit Card $. 10 Color photocopies $. 75 Microform copies $. 15 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA OVERDUES, FINES & FEES POLICY POLICY NO.: PAGE 1 OF 1 EFFECTIVE: 8/6/98 REVISED: APPROVED: 8/6/98 PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to ensure the fair assessment of fees and fines to provide for the upkeep of the collection and to prevent loss of materials. POLICY: In order to make materials available to all patrons on an equal basis and protect the community' s investment in the library collection, the library will set policies goveming the return or replacement of materials borrowed by patrons. OVERDUE MATERIALS: On the day after the due date, all materials will be considered overdue if they have not been renewed or returned. After two weeks, a reminder notice will be sent. Materials will continue to accrue a fine until they are returned. In some instances the librarian will call the patron asking for the return of the material. GRACE PERIOD: A grace period of one day is built into the computer system. This allows for a 1 day margin for error. Videocassettes are exempt from a grace period. BOOKDROP RETURNS: A book drop in the parking lot of the library is available for convenience in returning library books during hours when the library is not open. If books or videos that may be returned in the bookdrop are in the bookdrop by the time the library opens, they will be credited with having been returned the day before. Materials such as tapes, cd=s and software may be damaged by depositing them in the book drop. FINES: All overdue materials accrue fines in the amounts listed below up to the maximum fine limits. Fines are based on item rather than patron. A child borrowing adult materials will be assessed an adult overdue fine. Per Day Maximum Fine Borrowing thresholds Overdue Fine: adult $.25 $10 $5 Overdue Fine: children $. 10 $10 $5 Overdue Fine: video $1 $10 Overdue Fine: video best sellers $2 $10 Overdue Fine: DVD $2 $10 Overdue Fine: DVD best sellers $3 $10 Overdue Fine: CD Rom $2 $10 Overdue Fine: magazine $.10 $1 DENIAL OF SERVICE TO PATRONS WITH DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS: Patrons with outstanding fines that exceed the borrowing thresholds will be asked to clear their records before being allowed to check out any more materials. Service to an entire family living in one household will be curtailed because of the delinquency of any member. Delinquency is defined as the accumulation of $25 in fines and fees for lost or damaged materials. LOST AND DAMAGED MATERIALS: Patrons are responsible for all materials checked out on their cards and are liable for the damages which may occur to library materials. The library will notify the patron of payment due for the replacement of the damaged item. Fees will include the cost of the item, processing costs and overdue fines. Items totally damaged may be given to the patron if the patron has paid the replacement cost, including replacement fee and if necessary, the Collection Agency fee of the item in question, and ONLY if the patron asks to keep the item. Patron is not responsible for loss or damage due to fire, flood, death, or other disaster. Lost Materials Cost of Item Processing Fee Books Original cost $5 Media/Software Original cost $6 Paperback books Original cost $2.50 Magazines Cover price $1.50 Media Bags $1 Damage Fees Charge Damage Fees Charge Damaged Book: Cost in computer Video Cassette: Bar Code removed $2 Video damaged Cost in computer Cover damaged $5 Shell replacement: $5 Plastic cover damaged $2 Storage case damage $5 Page tom $1 per page Audio Tapes: Compact Discs: Audio Tape damaged Cost of set Damaged discs Cost in computer Audio Book Cases Broken Jewel Case Double $5 Singles $1.50 4 storage $6 Doubles $3.00 12 storage $7 Loss of liner notes $5 Cassette boxes $1 Loss of book/pams $5 CD Rom Discs: CD Rom damaged: Cost in computer Bag $5 Instruction Booklet $5 Disclaimer Sheet $1 Manila Folder $1 Laminated Card $2 COLLECTION AGENCY: Failure to return materials will result in the patron being sent to a collection agency for retum of materials and payment of overdue charges. The fee for collection agency referral is $20 per account and will be billed to the patron, or, in the case of a minor, will be billed to the parent or guardian who signed as responsible party. STOLEN LIBRARY CARD: It is the responsibility of the patron to notify the library immediately in the event the library card is lost or stolen. The library will not hold the patron responsible for any items borrowed after the card has been reported stolen. Up until the date the card is reported stolen, the card holder-or the parent or guardian in the case of a minor-is responsible for all items borrowed on the card and all fines that may be accrued. Kidsmobile Circulation Policy Page 1 of 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA KIDSMOBILE CIRCULATION POLICY POLICY NO.: PAGE 1 OF 1 EFFECTIVE: 8/8/02 REVISED: APPROVED: 8/8/02 PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines governing the borrowing of materials specifically for the Kidsmobile. Guidelines include establishing what policies will be the same as regular library policy and what areas will offer alternative options based on the special needs of youngsters and the school environment. BACKGROUND: The Kidsmobile is a vehicle designed as a bookmobile and dedicated to children's services. In addition to park and neighborhood stops, the Kidsmobile visits school sites, at the request of the school, to provide book materials to registered youngsters. The Kidsmobile circulation policies have been developed with the following priorities in mind: 1) Safety of youngsters and staff 2) Ability to maximize the opportunity ora library visit to the schools. 3) Protecting the collection of materials CIRCULATION POLICIES: 1) All Circulation policies will apply to the Kidsmobile activities with the following exceptions: a. No fines will be charged or collected on Kidsmobile materials i. This policy is adopted as a safety item, to prevent the presence of cash on the vehicle and as a method to increase the use of materials by children, Kidsmobile Circulation Policy Page 2 of 1 knowing the youngsters using the Kidsmobile would not have cash available to clear fines on the visitation day. b. Standard loan period on Kidsmobile books is four weeks instead of two weeks. i. School visits are scheduled every two weeks. This gives youngsters two opportunities to return their books before they are overdue. c. Children are limited to borrowing three books at school stops and five books at afterschool stops. i. The small collection available in the Kidsmobile prompted the reduction in the number of items allowed to be borrowed per youngster per stop. d. Schools will be allowed to photocopy youngster's library cards for class room use as long as the parent has signed a release form, allowing them to do so. (Form attached.) i. Youngsters frequently forget to bring their library card to school on their visit date. This process ensures a maximum use of the Kidsmobile during each school visit. e. Fine threshold is $10 before a card is blocked, rather than $5. i. For safety reasons, patrons are not allowed the option of paying fines on the Kidsmobile, so the threshold is higher. Dear Parents/Guardians, In order to increase participation and eliminate the need for children to remember their library cards on bookmobile day, the library has a new policy that allows teachers to keep a photocopy of each child's library card in the classroom for use on the Kidsmobile. These copies will be kept at school and will only be valid for use on the Kidsmobile during scheduled stops at your child's school. They cannot be used at the library or at any other park or community Kidsmobile stops. If your child has a library card and you would like to take advantage of this, please check the box below and fill out the information requested. (We are asking for this information to ensure we have identified your child correctly and distinguish him or her from other children who may have the same or similar names). The teacher will photocopy your child's card and we will add a note authorizing the use of the copy at Kidsmobile stops at his or her school. I authorize my child to use a photocopy of his/her card at all Kidsmobile stops at my child's school. I understand that I will be responsible for all materials checked out with this photocopied card as I would with my child's library card. Signature Parent's Name and date of birth (please print) Child's Name and date of birth Child's school /¢ R A N H O C U C ^ M O N G A '*11 I! III '"r I 1D IJBLIC LIBi~AI~Y Staff Report DATE: November 14, 2002 TO: President and Members of the Board of Library Trustees FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Director SUBJECT: STATUS OF LIBRARY RECOMMENDATION No recommendation. For information only. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Attached is a spreadsheet on the monthly statistics, a snapshot of the measurable activities of the Library. An Executive report identifying highlights is included. FISCAL IMPACT None ~oraO~ ~pecffully submitted, h Kaye C~rkJ Library Director ~ STATISTICS Oct 2002 Oct 2001 FY 2001/02 FY 2000/01 Days Open 31 31 120 120 Items Borrowed 69,631 66,605 251,767 241,973 Average Daily 2,246 2,149 2,098 2,016 % Change 5% 4% Archibald Library 65,381 66,605 245,679 241,973 Average Daily 2,109 2,149 2,047 2,016 % Changed -2% 2% Kidsmobile 4,250 307 6,742 307 % Changed 1284% 2096% Patrons Registered 1,713 1,070 4,799 3,848 Average Daily 55 35 40 32 % Change 60% 25% Archibald Library 1,319 895 4,799 3,323 % Changed 47% 44% Kidsmobile 394 175 659 175 % Changed 125% 277% information Questions 8,279 9,305 29,429 30,958 Average Daily 267 300 245 258 % Change -11% -5% Library Visitors 38,420 42,500 146,113 147,802 Average Daily 1,239 1,371 1,218 1,232 % Change -10% -1% Children's Programs 1,129 856 4,037 3,650 # of Sessions 66 51 140 136 Aver. Per session 17 17 29 27 % Change 2% 7% Technology Center Visitors 1,149 934 4,518 3,509 % Change 23% 29% Items Classified 2,134 1,994 7,996 8,656 % Change 7% -8% Volunteer Hours 776 733 3,399 2,925 % Change 6% 16% ADULT SERVICES Information Questions 5,380 4,846 18,762 19,044 Average Daily 173 156 156 159 % Change 11% -1% Programs/Classes Attendance 20 12 76 42 Cf of Sessions 1 1 5 4 Aver. per session 20 12 15 11 Tours/Group Visits Attendance 0 40 15 55 Cf of Sessions 0 2 1 3 Aver. per session 0 20 15 18 CHILDRENS SERVICES Information Questions 2,919 4,459 10,667 11,914 Average Daily 94 144 89 99 % Change -35% - 10% Toddler Time 227 183 691 602 # of Sessions 8 8 26 28 Aver. Per session 28 23 27 22 Preschool Storytime Attendance 226 238 684 782 # of Sessions. 8 8 26 28 Aver. per session 28 30 26 28 Afterschool Storytime Attendance 114 100 237 362 # of Sessions 5 4 9 16 Aver. per session 23 25 26 23 Family Stor,jtime Attendance 152 101 759 615 # of Sessions 8 5 25 25 Aver, per session 19 20 30 25 Outreach Storytimes 338 37 428 84 # of Sessions 13 1 14 2 Aver, per session 26 37 31 42 Special Events Program Attendance 0 125 1,148 1,115 # of Sessions 0 I 10 7 Aver. per session 0 125 115 159 Back to Basics Program 72 72 90 90 cf of Sessions 24 24 30 30 Aver. Per session 3 3 3 3 Group Visits to Library Attendance 109 216 317 413 cf of Sessions 5 7 13 15 Aver. per session 22 31 24 28 School Visits by Staff 0 400 0 400 cf of Visits 0 1 0 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF STATISTICS Circulation/Library Visitors: Overall, borrowing has increased by 4% so far this year. Most of the increase is thanks to the popularity of the Kidsmobile. With nearly 7,000 items circulated so far this year, the Kidsmobile has also helped to register over 650 youngsters for library cards. Visitation to Archibald took a sharp drop this month, but overall, we are seeing only an average of 14 people less each day this year compared to last. Information Questions: The number of information questions dropped 11% this month. Children's Services experienced an unexplainable dip of 35%! Perhaps this is related to the 10% less visits during the month and the growing popularity of the Kidsmobilc. We will continue tracking these numbers over the next few months. Children's Programs: Storytimes and program attendance was up by 2% this month, showing an annual growth of 7%. The outreach programs created by Family Literacy Staff generated some nice numbers this month. The YES (Youth Enrichment Services) storytimes provided at Lions and Mulberry Learning Centers reached an audience of 338 youngsters in October. The "Kidsmobile" is going gangbusters, with 4,250 items circulated in October alone and 394 youngsters signed up for new library cards! Technology Center Visitors: This area demonstrates another 23% jump, with 103 patrons waiting for computers this October compared to the 60 waiting in October of 2001. Overall, demand for this service is up 29% for the year. Items Classified: Still feeling the impact of last year's push for children's books for the Kidsmobile, overall items classified is down 8% this year. Volunteer Hours: Thanks to the introduction of the "House Calls" program for the housebound, volunteers hours show a 16% growth this year over last.. R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A 13UBL1C LIBI~AI2Y Staff Report DATE: November 14, 2002 TO' President and Members of the Board of Library Trustees FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Director SUBJECT: STATUS OF 2002/2003 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION No recommendation. For information only. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Schedule A, titled "Revenue Report October" is a report of all funds earned during the month and is attached as Schedule A. Schedule B, titled "Balance Sheet FY 2002/2003" is a report balancing income vs. projections for the current fiscal year to date and is attached as Schedule B. Schedule C, titled "Library Expenditures "2002/2003" is an accounting of all funds expended in the current fiscal year and is attached as Schedule C. FISCAL IMPACT None ((illy submitted~ Schedule A REVENUE REPORT FINES MEDIA REF Oct-02 & FEES RENTALS SERV. 01-Oct $554.63 $183.59 $7.56 02-Oct $635.51 $224.00 $4.78 03-Oct $347.36 $181.50 $2,00 04-Oct $461.95 $464.67 $0.00 Oct 5 & 6 $692.95 $415.67 $4.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 07-0ct $524.99 $151.18 $0.00 08-Oct $440.00 $171.35 $0.00 09-O¢t $346.50 $207.93 $0.00 10-Oct $324.70 $180.44 $0.00 11-Oct $264.70 $479.79 $0.00 Oct 12 & 13 $474.59 $342.80 $6.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14-Oct $435.90 $127.16 $0.00 15-Oct $425.60 $205.20 $0.00 16-Oct $625.60 $224.26 $5.00 17-Oct $398.26 $189.78 $0.00 18-Oct $326.54 $474.43 $11.00 Oct 19 & 20 $552.23 $372.31 $6.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 21-Oct $634.94 $205.22 $4.78 22-Oct $445.80 $193.10 $2.00 23-Oct $289.85 $240.18 $0.00 24-Oct $336.76 $198.93 $10.00 25-Oct $204.01 $459.05 $4.00 October 26 & 27 $635.10 $415.87 $6.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 28-Oct $597.07 $186.81 $5.00 29-Oct $520.99 $247.38 $10.00 30-Oct $523.20 $180.56 $0.00 31-Oct $200.75 $153.37 $10.00 TOTALS: $10,440.48 $7,076.53 $98.87 Oct2001 TOTALS $11,735.23 $6,743.09 $123.17 % CHANGE -11% 5% -20% TOTAL LIBRARY INCOME 2002/3 Rev 2001/2 Rev 2002/03 Pr $17,616 $18,601 Daily Average Fines $394.21 $333.33 Daily Average Media $228.28 $222.22 Daily Average Ref. Fees $3.19 $8.59 DAILY TOTALS $625.67 $564.14 GAIN/LOSS ON PRO J: $1,908 Schedule B BALANCE SHEET October FY 2002/2003 Revenues Earned Projected Loss/Gain Fines & Fees $41,580 $40,000 $1,580 4.0% Media Rentals $30,601 $26,664 $3,937 14.8% Technology Center Revenue $2,672 $2,500 $172 6.9% Print Fees $1,782 $2,441 ($658) -87.1% Information Services Fees $314 $1,000 ($686) -68.6% Direct Loan $35,420 $29,667 $5,753 19.4% Totals: $112,369 $102,271 $10,098 9.9% Balance for Year throu.qh October $10,098 EXECUTIVE HIGHLIGHTS OF BUDGET Library Expenditures: 5010: Salaries are at 31% spent or on target for this fiscal year. 5100: Travel and Meetings is completely spent, impacted by the Interact Librarian Conference and the California Library Association Conference, both coming up in October/November. The successful application for a CALTAC award required an additional attendee to the Library Conference. Staffhas also been providing training in construction projects to key personnel, in response to the Victoria Gardens Branch project. 5200: Operations funds are diminishing quickly this year. Office Supplies show 58% expended and Special Program Supplies, including cataloging, children's and Volunteer supplies also show 42% spent. Some portion of this is due to the celebration this year for our volunteers. Book materials received a $20,000 "shot in thc arm" from County Supervisor J'on Mikcls. Therefore, encumbered 56% will be dropping slightly when these funds are received. 5300: Encumbrances designed to cover the first six months of the year account for the high (56%) percentage of this account spent. After School Learning Program Personnel costs are on target and overall spending at 27%, showing a 5% savings. Bookmobile Expenditures: 5010: Part time salaries continue slightly over. Additional clerical hours will be supplied to this program through the "YES Grant", beginning with the school year. Overall, spending at 26% shows some savings. Adult Literacy: Continued savings in the part time budget through attrition results in overall savings for the program. The budget is 23% committed. Family Literacy: On target spending, with 27% of the budget encumbered at 33% of the year. Library Board of Trustees President Wimberly attended the Internet Conference and was asked to attend the California Library Association Conference in Sacramento on November 15 through 18, due to the CALTAC Award applied for under his name. After two conferences, 42% of the travel funds have been encumbered. Redevelopment Agency Funds With 33% of the funds spent so far this year, spending is on target. Schedule C LIBRARY EXPENDITURES JUL AUG SEP OCT TOTALS SPENT PER FUNDS % % OF 2002/2003 CATEGORY REMAINING SPENT YEAR 129060'1 PERSONNEL 33% 5000 REGULAR SALARIES $637,590 $23,690 $74,865 $49,454 $48,167 $195,175 $195,175 $442,415 31% 5010 PART TIME SALARIES $348,200 $14,414 $42,965 $25,830 $26,789 $109,999 $109,999 $238,201 32% 5030 FRINGE BENEFITS $247,460 $20,622 $20,622 $20,622 $20,622 $82,488 $82,488 $164,972 33% TOTAL PERSONNEL $t,233,25~ $58,726 $138,452 $94,905 $95,678 $387,662 $387,662 $845,588 3t% OPERATIONS 5100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS $4,000 $4,054 ($54} t01% Intemet Libradan Conference $603 $603 Karatsu - workshop $1,053 $192 $348 $1,593 Clark - w~rkshops $235 $21 $55 $311 Perera - Institute $0 Meeting Supplies $0 Inservice Workshops $0 Public Library Association Conference $0 CLA Conference $1,547 $1,547 5105 MILEAGE $5,800 $1,23.3 $4,567 21% Auto Allowance $4,800 $369 $369 $369 $1,108 $1,108 $3,692 23% Reimbursement $1,000 $0 $125 $975 13% Garcia $29 $48 $28 $105 Pages $20 $20 Other $0 Conference Mileage $0 5'152 COMPUTER SOFt'WARE $0 $0 5160 MEMBERSHIP DUES $2,350 $1,521 $829 65% Amedcan Library Assoc. $450 $0 $0 $450 0% MCLS Associate Membership $150 $150 $150 $150 $0 100% California Library Assoc. $200 $0 $0 $200 0% inland Library system $1,350 $1,371 $1,371 $1,371 ($21) 102% 5200 MAINTENANCE/OPER $209,202 $106,920 $102,282 51% Encumbrance Printing/Postage $2,000 $370 $370 $759 $1,241 38% Pdn9ng $77 $312 $399 Postage $370 $370 Office Supplies $15,000 $8,770 $6,230 58% Photography $24 $24 Office Depot $6,000 $104 $6,104 Office machine repair $0 Letterhead $0 Miscellaneous $432 $94 $526 Computer supplies $1,097 $747 $1,844 Federal Express $16 $16 Special Paper $48 $205 $255 Special Program Supplies $20,000 $9,029 $10,971 45% Catalogiog Supplies $5,196 $630 $636 $70 $6,535 Children's Supplies $122 $457 $411 $991 Children's Programs - Fdends $8 $118 $126 Adu~ Programs & Outreach $9 $3 $13 Summer Reading Program (FR) $583 $281 $293 $1,157 Housecalls $209 $209 Volunteer Recognition $197 $616 $813 Books/Materials $155,000 $86,478 $68,522 56% Bookstore rush $5,000 $4,000 $27 $9,027 Young Adutt Books $0 Childrens Books $11,822 $1,499 $937 $14,258 Brodar~ Books $19,592 $20,000 $39,592 Reference Books $112 $4,616 $1,785 $1,100 $7,612 La~ge Print Books $2,700 $2,700 Data Bases-Poem Finder $0 Books on Tape - Friends $2,618 $2,022 $19 $4,659 Video $3,000 $3,000 CD's (music) $358 $157 $262 $778 DVD's $2,000 $2,000 CD ROMS $2,500 $80 $271 $2,851 Magazines/Publications $12,000 $312 $147 $242 $701 $701 $11,299 6% Training $1,000 $0 $0 $1,000 0% Bindery $1,000 $0 $0 $1,000 0% 5283 Depreciation o Computer Equi $26,270 $1,689 $1,689 $1,689 $5,067 $5,067 $15,203 25% 5300 CONTRACT SERVICES $142,575 $66,482 $76,093 47% Encumbrance $0 Ar~ Work $500 $500 $500 Book Processing $23,500 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $13,500 43% Children's Programs $3,000 $1,400 $1,400 Collection Agency $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $0 100% Dynix System Maintenance $30,000 $22,818 $22,818 OCLC $1,000 $1,000 Offic Equip/Maintenance $15,000 $11,472 $15,000 76% Xerox Fund $11,152 $255 $11,407 Misc. $65 $65 S.B. County $50,000 $4,167 $4,167 $4,167 $12,500 $12,500 $37,500 25% SeE Check Maintenance $0 $482 $1,010 $1,492 Telephone Maintenance $3,000 $300 $300 $300 $2,700 10% 5400 TELEPHONE $18,000 $2,949 $t5,05t 16% General Telephone services $65 $1,055 $1,021 $809 $2,949 Additional services 5402 WATER UTILITIES $3,000 $789 $2,211 26% Water Use $789 $789 5403 ELECTRIC UTILITIES $77,000 $1,341 $6,175 $6,762 $7,194 $21,472 $21,472 $55,528 28% TOTAL LIBRARY BUDGET $1,715,447 $148,739 $218,583 $118,867 $112,161 $598,150 $593,083 $1,102,095 35% AFTER SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM JUL AUG SEP OCT TOTALS SPENT PER FUNDS % % OF Cost Center 1290603 200212003 CATEGORY REMAINING SPENT YEAR PERSONNEL 33% 1100 REGULAR SA[-ARIES $17,010 $1,273 $1,304 $I,304 $1,304 $5,186 $5,186 $11,824 30% 1300 PART TIME SALARIES* $3,280 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3.280 8% 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS $6,360 $530 $530 $530 $530 $2,120 $2,120 $4,240 33% TOTAL PERSONNEL $26,650 $1,803 $1,834 $1,834 $1,834 $7,306 $7.306 $19,344 27% OPERATIONS 5t00 TRAVEL & MEETINGS $500 $8 $5 $8 $492 0% 5200 MAINTENANCEJOPER $700 $114 $586 16% Office Supplies $700 $48 $67 $114 TOTAL LISRARY BUDGET $27,850 $1,851 $1,901 $1,843 $1,834 $7,428 $7,428 $19,830 27% 35' BOOKMOBILE SERVICES JUL AUG SEP OCT TOTALS SPENT PER FUNDS % % OF Cost Center 1290604 2002/2003 CATEGORY REMAINING SPENT YEAR PERSONNEL 33% 5000 REGULAR SALARIES $41,540 $1,514 $4,543 $3,029 $3,029 $12,114 $12,114 $29,426 29% 5010 PART TIME SALARIES $20,660 $870 $2,921 $1,826 $1,447 $7,064 $7,064 $13,596 34% 5030 FRINGE BENEFITS $15,780 $1,315 $1,315 $1,315 $1,315 $5,260 $5,260 $10,520 33% TOTAL PERSONNEL $77,980 $3,700 $8,776 $6,170 $5,791 $24,439 $24,439 $53,54t 31% OPERATIONS 5100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS $500 $8 $0 $8 $500 0% 5105 MILEAGE $100 $0 $0 $100 0% 5200 MAINTENANCE/OPER $6,000 $302 $5,698 5% Office Supplies $2,000 $43 $243 $287 $1,713 14% Books/Materials $6,000 $16 $16 $5,984 0% Printing $3,000 $0 $3,000 0% 5400 TELEPHONE UTILITIES $10,000 $289 $9,7tt 3% Celluier Technology $10,000 $289 $289 TOTAL LIBRARY BUDGET $94,580 $3,743 $8,794 $6,703 $5,791 $25,030 $25,030 $69,550 26% ADULT LITERACY JUL AUG SEP OCT TOTALS SPENT PER FUNDS % % OF 298 601 2002/2003 CATEGORY REMAINING SPENT YEAR PERSONNEL 33% 5000 REGULAR SALARIES $26,860 $1,062 $2,502 $1,906 $1,936 $7,406 $7,406 $19,454 28% 5010 PART TIME SALARIES $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000 0% 5030 FRINGE BENEFITS $10,140 $845 $845 $845 $845 $3,380 $3,380 $61760 33% TOTAL PERSONNEL $47,000 $1,907 $3.347 $2,751 $2,781 $10,786 $10,786 $36~14 23% OPERATIONS 5100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS $1,600 $246 $1,354 15% Literacy Meetings $97 $26 $124 Southern California Library Literacy Network Conference $122 $122 Adult Learner Conference $0 CLA Cenference $0 8109 MILEAGE $380 $0 $0 $380 0% 5160 MEMBERSHIP DUES $t80 $0 $0 $180 9% Califemia Literacy $80 $0 SCLLN $100 $0 5200 MAINTENANCEIOPER $1,400 $225 $1,175 16% Office Supplies $1,300 $19 $71 $90 $1,210 0% Famities for Literacy Curriculum Materials $1,000 $0 $1.000 Literacy Celebration $0 Books,'Matedals $500 $135 $135 $365 Tutor Inservice $200 $0 5300 CONTRACT SERVICES $2.930 $1,030 $t,900 35% Tutor Training $2.500 $600 $600 $609 $1,900 24% Literacy Pro Service Agreement $430 $430 $430 $430 $0 100% TOTAL LIBRARY BUDGET $53,490 $2,740 $3,795 $2.873 $2,879 $12,287 $t3.3t7 $41,023 23% FAMILIES FOR LITERACY JUL AUG SE;:) OCT TOTALS SPENT PER FUNDS % % OF 308 602 200212003 CATEGORY REMAINING SPENT YEAR PERSONNEL 33% 5000 REGULAR SALARIES $8,950 $472 $754 $754 $634 $2,614 $2,614 $6,335 29% 5010 PART TIME SALARIES $13,000 $393 $1,151 $1,025 $702 $3,271 $3,271 $9,729 25% 5030 FRINGE BENEFITS $3,570 $298 $298 $298 $298 $1,190 $1,190 $2,380 33% TOTAL PERSONNEL $25,520 $1,t63 $2,202 $2,076 $t,633 $7,075 $7,075 $t8,445 28% OPERATIONS 5100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS $500 $0 $500 0% Literacy Meetings $0 $0 5200 MAINTENANCE/OPER $500 $10 $490 2% Office Supplies $200 $0 $200 0% Families for Literacy Curriculum Materials $100 $0 $100 0% Books/Materials $100 $0 $100 0% FFL Sto~times $100 $10 $10 $90 0% TOTAL LIBRARY BUDGET $26,520 $1,163 $2.202 $2,086 $1,633 $7,085 $7,085 $19,435 27% LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES JUL AUG SEP OCT TOTALS SPENT PER FUNDS % % OF Cost Center 4535 2002/2003 CATEGORY REMAINING SPENT YEAR 33% OPERATIONS 3100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS $3,000 $1,250 $1,750 42% Workshops Lo $0 Wimbedy $1,250 $1,250 Womack $0 Bradshaw $0 CLA Legislative Day $0 Caltac Sessions $0 3956 DUES $350 $0 $0 $350 0% Caltac TOTAL LIBRARY BUDGET $3,350 $0 $0 $0 $1,250 $1,250 $1,250 $2,t00 37% REDEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURES FY 2002/2003 TOTALS FUNDS % % OF 2630 801 JUL AUG SEP OCT SPENT REMAINING SPENT YEAR OPERATIONS 33% Maintenance/Operations $183,700 $66,259 $117,441 36% Encumbrance $0 Books $92,500 $5,000 $1,396 $6,398 $86,102 Children's Update Fund $10,000 $0 $10,000 Learning Express (SAT, GRE, etc.) $2,094 $2,094 ($2,094) Biography Resource Center $6,500 $8,255 $8,255 ($1,755) Business Disc OnLine $6,500 $8,280 $8,280 ($1,780) History Resource Center $12,000 $13,227 $13,227 ($1,227) Literature Resource Center $17,000 $20,576 $20,576 ($3,576) SIRS $1,500 $1,382 $1,382 $118 Magazine Index $30,000 $0 $30,000 Poem Finder/Novel List $1,700 $1,191 $1,191 $509 Net Library - Electronic Books $0 $0 $0 Michell's Subscription CD RO~/ $6,000 $1,076 $1,076 $2,153 $3,847 Value Line $0 $1,398 $1,398 ($1,396) DVD Shelving $0 $1,306 $1,306 Contract Services $0 $0 $0 CAPITAL OUTLAY Project Improvement Costs $128,000 $0 $128,000 0% Staff Area Remodel $8,000 $0 $8,000 0% Termite Treat/Struc. Renov $120,000 0% Computer Equipment $66,000 $66,000 $0 100% Self Check Upgrade $66,000 $66,000 $66,000 $0 Capital Project 27000 Upgrade Elevator Contral 27000 TOTALS $404,700 $0 $0 $0 $0 $132,259 $245,441 33% R A N C H O C U C A M O N GA PUBLIC LIBI~AI~Y Staff Report DATtl: November 14, 2002 TO: President and Members of the Board of Library Trustees FROM: Deborah Kayo Clark, Library Director SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO CLOSE 4 HOURS FOR IN-SERVICE TRAINING ON FRIDAY~ DECEMBER 67 2002 RECOMMENDATION That the Board approve closing the library on Friday, December 6, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., allowing Library Staff to conduct a 4 hour in-service training session for full and part time emptoyees. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In 1998, the Library Board approved the concept of closing two days during the fiscal year to conduct in-service training for full and part time employees. Staff recommends December 6, a Friday, for this year's in-service training. Mornings remain our lowest circulation timeframe. December 6 occurs during the slow-down of the holidays, and is one of our lowest circulation time frames. However, because of the popular "2 for 1" video program, we are recommending the in-service be limited to 4 hours. Under this recommendation, the following service would be offered: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. In-service 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Regular service and open hours The content of this year's program will consist of an update on issues surrounding the proposed Victoria Gardens Branch Library and Divisional Meetings. FISCAL IMPACT None. Deborah Kayo Cla~, Library Director