HomeMy WebLinkAbout91-276 - Resolutions RESOLLTi~ONNO. 91-276 A RESOLLTi~ON OF THE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RAN(I~O O3CAMDNC~, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING FOO1Tr~L BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN ~ NO. 91-01, AM~qDING THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN TO INCLUDE THE PARCEL ODNSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 8.3 .ACRES AT THE NO~ CORN~ OF F~T{/J~L BOULEVARD AND ~ AV~qUE WITHIN SUBAREA 4 AND ESTABLISH STANDARDS FOR DEVELOP, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPOR~ THEREOF. APN: 227-152-18 AND 30 A. Recitals. (i) The City of Rancho Cucamonga ban initiated an application for Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment No. 91-01 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this R~solution, the subject Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment is referred to as "the application." (ii) On July 10, 1991, the Planning Ccem~Hssion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing with respect to the application. Following the conclusion of said public hearing, the Planning Cu~t,t,~ssion adopted its Resolution No. 91-95, thereby recu~,~nding that the City Council adopt Foothill Boulev-~rd Specific Plan Amendment No. 91-01. (iii) On Se~ .18, 1991, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing and concluded said hearing on that date. (iv) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby find, determine and resolve as follows: 1. This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing on September 18, 1991, including written and oral testimony, this Council hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The amendment pertains to a + 8.3 acre parcel of land which is located at the nortbem~t corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue with a street frontage of +900 feet along Foothill Boulevard and +400 feet along Rochester Avenue and is presently vacant. Said parcel is currently designated as "OP" (Office Professional); and (b) The property to the north is designated for residential uses and is developed with single family homes. The property to the west is designated for office and c~,t~rcial uses and is vacant. The property to the south is designated for industrial uses and is developed with a single family residence. The property to the east is designated for utility and flood control facilities.and is developed with such; and Resolution No. 91-276 Page 2 (c) This amendment will incorporate the +8.3 acre parcel located at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue into Subarea 4 of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan as an Activity Center; (d)~ This amendment will "tie" together the visual aspects of Foothill Boulevard as a major c~m~ercial corridor through the implementation of streetscape and site design standards contained within the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragra~hs 1 and 2 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the Amendment will provide for development of a c~rehensively planned urban curtaL,unity within the District that is superior to development otherwise allowable under alternate regulations; and (b) Tnat the Amendment will provide for development within the District in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development and growth management policies of the City; and (c) That the Amendment will provide for the construction, improvement, or extension of transportation facilities, public utilities, and public services required by development with the District. 4. This Council hereby certifies that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Council hereby issues a Negative Declaration. 5. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVfD, based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, t_hat this Council hereby approves and adopts Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment 91-01 as attached in Exhibit "A". PASSfD, ~, and ADOPTfD this 18th day of September, 1991. AYES: Alexander, Buquet, Stcut, Williams, Wright NOES: None ~: None Dennis L. Stout, Mayor Resolution No. 91-276 Page 3 I, DEBRA J. ADAMS, CITY CT.VRK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 18th day of Se~, 1991. Executed this 19th day of Se~, 1991 at Rancho Cucamonga, California. -D~bra J. Ada~, City Clerk PLANNING SUB-AREA 4 ?**'.~i ~ SETTING PLANNING SUB-AREA 4 r-- I"(}¢)'1'III1.1~ I~,¢}! I.I';VAIII) SI'I';('II"I(' I~I.AN . __ ~)~ CIRCULATION CONCEPT -r. SEX!.',I~Ry TABLE OF PERMITTED Page Subarea One Subarea Two Subarea Three Su~:,rca RETAIL COMMERCIAL USES SC CC O ,%{R Antioue Shops X Apparel: a) Boutiques X X X X X X X X X b) General X X X X Appliance Stores and Reoair ~ Art, Music. and Photographic Studio and Sut~lv Stores X X X X N X N N N N' Auto Service Statioll O O O O Q O Q Q Auto Service (including motorcycles. boats, trailers, campers): a) Sales (with ancillary repair facilities) 0 0 0 0 b) Rentals O O O O O c) Minor Repair (does not include major engine work, mu. filer shops, painting, body work, upholstery, etc.) O O O 0 0 d) Coin-op Washing O O e) Automatic Washing O O D Parts and Supnligs ~ Bakeries (retail only) X X X X X X ~ X X X Barber and Beauty Shops X X X X X X X X X N N ~* Bed and Breakfast O O O O O O O Q Bicvcl~ Shon$ X X X Bluenrint and Photocopy Services X. X X X X Book. Gift. and Stationary Stores (other than adult related material)X X X X X X X X X X N X Candv and Confectionaries X X X X X X X X Caterin~ Establishme[l[$ ~ ~ ~ ~ N X China and Glassware Stores X X X X Christmas Tree Sales Lots (operating on a temporary basis} ~ Churches O O O O O O O O O O O O Q Cleanimt & Pressimt Establishments X X X X Cocktail Lounge (bar. lounge, tavern) includin_~ related entertainment O O O O O O O 0 O O 0 Commercial Recreation: a) Indoor uses such as bowling and billiards O O O O O O O O b) Outdoor uses such as tennis and basketball O O O O O O O 0 Convalescent Facilities & Hos0itals O O O O O O O O O O Q Curtain and Dranerv Shoos ~ Day Care Centers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q Q Delicatessens & Specialty Food Stores X X X X X X X X Drug Stores and Pharmacies over 10,000 sq. ft. X X X X X X o Pharmacies with or without specialty retail under 10.(2)00 sq, ft. 0 0 0 Educational ~nstxtut:ons, parochial private (:ncluding colleges and unxvers~ties} EXHIBIT A-3 1V-9 .~,a ,iI. MM-~R} 'I'_~BL£_~}F PERMITTED \. ~.',D ~'l~XDil-l,~x \LL'~ PEt{b~,TTEL, (0) k,'gre~ R~SOlU~iOrA r~u. =~-~/o ' · Page 7 Sut~area One Sur~azea T~,o Subarea Three S.=a:c_, .-- .- RETAIL COMMERCIAL USES (cont.) SC CC O Farmers Markets Floor Covering Shop~ Hard*are Stores X Heait.h and Athletic Gyms and We~eht Reducm; Chmcs X Q N O X O O X X* × Hobby Shops X X Ice Cream Stores & Soda Foumains ~ X X X X X X X X X' /amtonal Serv,ces and Suo_~lies ~ N N ,~ X' 0 Jewe/rv Stores Laundry (Self Service) Leather Goods and Lua~a~,e Stores X X L~brar~e~ and :~seums, ~Dl:c and ~'~':ate 0 Liauor Stores O O O O O Q Q Mcssen_~er and Wire Services X X X X X X X X' ~ortuar~.es & Cemecar:es Music, Dance. and Manial Arts Studios O Newsz, 2~er and Macazine Stores ~- X X X X X ~ ;( X X ~ .~" Nurser.:s & Garden Supply Stores within enclosed area omce, Business Machine and Comouter Comnonent Stores Paint. Glass. and Walloaoer Stores parking fa¢:i:::.es (com- mercial) wNere fees are charged 0 Parks and recreation facilities puDl~c and przvate ?C~ Shops X X X X X X ~ X' Polirical or p~zianthrop~¢ headquarters 0 Private and pu~lzc clubs and lodges, ~ncl,ad~ng YMCA, YWCA, and slm~lar youth group uses 0 Record and Tane Stores X X X X X X X X X Recreational ','eh~ cle storage ~,ards ',3 Restaurants (sit down): a) With entertainment and/or serving of alcoholic beverages 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o b) Incidental servmg of' beer and wine (w~thout a cocktail lounge. bar. entertainment, or dancing) X X O X X O X X O O X X x c) Cafe. lim~ted to 20 seats (including outdoor seat, ng) X X X X X X X X X 0 X X d) Fast Food: w,~ drtve-t~u 0 0 0 0 0 ; w~tl'iout drive-thru O O O O O O 0 c..) ': · ,;-9. ~ EXHIBIT A-4 Resolution No. 91-276 Page 8 SUMMARY TABLE OF PERMITTED IX/ .-XND CONDITIO',,',~.LLY PERMITTED ,9~ t.qE5 Subarea One Subarea Two Subarea Three S'.'-~area F,,_: RETAIL COMMERCIAL USES (cont.~ SC CC O M~ P SC CC O Shoe Stores. Sale ~d Repair S~ectaltv Retail Q O Q Q Q Q Q Sporting Goods Stores: a) Spec:airy backpacking. :e~s. sk~mg, moun- taming fi~hm~ em. X X X X b) General; encompassing a variety of s~ons e~m~ment Su~ermarket~ X ~wimmin! Pool Supplies X Tailor Shops X X Television, Radio, VCR. Stereo ~d C0moonent 5ale~ Variety Department Stores. Junior De~ent Stores O X Q X O X X X veterinary (domestic): a) Non-~ding X O X O X X X X 0 b) Bonding Q Q O Q Q Q Watch ~d Clock Re~air Stores X X y~dage G~ds Stores X ~ ~ X X vocational or bus,ness trade schools 0 Subarea One Sub~ea Two Sub~e~ Three Subarea Four E~RTA~E~&C~T~USES SCCCO~P SCCCO~ SCCCCOL~UN~ CC~CN~L[ Arcades O O O 0 O O O O Cultural/Artist Exhibits: a) Indoor gallery ~d ~t sales X O X X O X X ~} Outdoor art exhibits X O X 0 X 0 Q Dtscotheaues 0 0 O O 0 O 0 Theaters: a) Dinner ~eater 00 O 0 O 0 0 0 b) Movie theater O O Q Q Q Subarea One Sub.ca Two Subarea Three Subarea Four O~CE & ADM~ISTRATIVE USES SC CC Admm~strauve. Business. and ~rofessional Office X X X X X X X X X X X B~ks. Fin~ce Semices& Institutions without drive-thru X X X X X X X X X O X X - with drive-~m ~usmess and Office 5emmes X X X X X X Interior Decoratm~ Firms X X X X X X X X X Medical~ental Offices & Related Heal~ Clinics X X X X X X X 0 Qpnct~ and Omomemcal Shous X X X X X X X O X R~ahora and Real Estate Offices X X X X X X X X X X X X' Travel Agencies X X X X X X X X X X EXHIBIT A-5 [~-9.;c Resoluizion No. 91-276 .I~[~I~ARY TABLE OF PERMITTED (X) AND CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED (0) USES Subarea One Subarea Two Subarea Three Subarea Four I~5IDENTIAL USES SC CC O MR P SC CC O MR IVlHR SC CC CO LMR MR U MU CC RRC ,MR LI ~ Sinlzle Family Detached ~{ X X X Single Family Attached (duplex. trinlex, fourplex) ~ ~ X X X X X Multi-Familv Dwellin;s ~{ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ancillary Residential Uses: a) Home-care facilities (6 or less) X X X X X X X b) On-site private recreation facilities ~{ ~ ~ X X X X Accessory Uses: a) Accessory structures X X X X X X X [~) Home occupation ~{ ~ ~ X X X X Subarea One Subarea Two Subarea Three Subarea Four PUBLIC USES SC CCOMRP SC CCOMRMI4R SC CC COLMRMRUMU CCRRC~LI 0 Transit Facilities 0 public Utility Installations ~{ Subarea One Subarea Two Subarea Three Subarea Four HOTEL. USES SC cC O MR P SC CC O MR MI-IR SC CC CO LMR MR U MU CC RRC MR LI 0 Hotel/Motel O ~ 0 Hotel Facilities (maior~ ~{ Ancillary Uses: a) Beauty/Barber Shop X b) Cafes X c) Catering Services O d) Cocktail Lounge O e) Conference/Convention Facilities O 0 Florist Shops X g) Gift Shops X h) Newspaper/Magazine Stores X i) Pharmacies X j) Restaurants (sit down) X k) Tourist Information X [) Travel A~encies ~{ Subarea One Subarea Two Subarea Three Subarea Four INDUSTRIAL USES SC CC O MR P SC CC O MHR SC CC CO LMR MR U MU CC RRC MR LI All industrial uses and development standards shall be as provided in Sub-area 7 of the Industrial Area Specific Plan (ISP). * Refer to RRC note (*) Section 9.9.2 IV.e~.4d EXHIBIT A-6 LEGEND o~c~ LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ~ OFFICE ~ LOW-MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL ~ COMMERCIAL/OFFICE ~ MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL PUBLI~ ~ COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL ~ PUBLIC ~ REGIONAL RELATED COMMERCIAL [Z~[ MASTER PLAN AREA LAND USE PLAN Resolution No. 91-276 Page 11 SUB-AREA 4 ACTIVITY CENTER MAP SUB-AREA DESIGN STANDARDS AND LAND USE REGULATION EXHIBIT A-8 Resolution No. 91-276 Page 12 9,~ SUBAREA FOUR LAND USE REGULATIONS Primary Function/Location Four acts as a major gateway into the city of Rancho Cucamonga and is char- I acterized by a variety of commercial, residential, industrial uses, and mixed use/residential. Regional related uses will be provided adiacent to the Devote Free- way, designed to compliment the Victoria Gardens Regional Shopping Center. - .......... ~r~,,~ ~.,~ _'. '- The following matrix establishes the uses which are permitted {X), conditionally. permitted {O}, or not permitted in each of the five .affected land use subcategories. ' NOTE: Site Development Standards Section and shall apply to shaded areas only. I~ SUB-AREA 4 - ACTIVITY CENTER MAP IV-9.55 EXHIBIT A-9 Resolution No. 91-276 Page 13 g.9.2 Permitted and Conditional Uses Retail Commercial Uses - Land Use CC RRC MR LI** o Antique Shops Apparel Stores: a) Boutiques X X b) General X X Appliance Stores and Repair X X Art, Music, and Photographic Studios and Supply Stor~.s X X* Auto Service Station O O 0 Auto Service (including motorcycles, boats, trailers and campers: a) Sales (with ancillary repair facilities) O 0 b) Rentals O O c) Minor Repair (does not include major enc3ine work, muffler shops, .painting, body work, upholstery, etc.) O O d) Coin-op Washing O 0 e} Automatic Washing O 0 f) Parts and S~pplies X X Bakeries (retail only) X X Barber and Beauty Shops X X* x Bed and Breakfast O Bicycle Shops X X* Blueprint and Phot° Copy Serwices X X x Book, Cift, and Stationary Stores X X 0 (other than adult related material ) Candy and Confectioneries X X* Catering Establ ishments X X China and Classware Stores X X* SUB-AREA DESIGN STANDARDS AND LAND USE REGULATION IV-9.56 5U ESAR E:A FL)Uh. EXHIBIT A-lO Resolution No. 91-276 Retail Commercial Uses - Continued Page 14 Land Use CC RRC MR LI** Christmas Tree/Pumpkin Sales lots Operated on a Temporary Basis X Cl~rches 0 0 Cleaning and Pressing Establishments X X 0 Cocktail Lounge (bar, lounge, tavern) including related entertainment 0 0 0 Commercial Recreation: a) Indoor uses such as bowling, billiards 0 b) Outdoor uses such as tennis and basketball O O Convalescent Facilities and Hospitals O O O Curtain and Drapery Shops X X Day Care Centers O O Delicatessens and Specialty Food Stores X X * Drug Stores and Pharmacies X X Educational institutions, parochial, private (including colleges' and universities) 0 Farmers Markets X X Florist Shops X X x Floor Covering Shops X X Furniture Stores X X Hardware Stores X X Health and Athletic Gyms and Weight Reducing Clinics X X* × Hobby Shops X X * Ice Cream Stores and Soda Fountains X X* Jewelry Stores X X* Janitorial Services and Supplies X X* 0 Laundry (Self Service) X Leather Coods and Luggage Stores X X IV-9.57 EXHIBIT A-11 onNo. 91-.276 mercia/Uses - Commercial Land Use CC RRC MR LI** 0 L~Drarles ~r/d puDLzc and pr~','a~e 0 L~uo~ 5tore~ O Messe~er and Wire Semites X X* Mortuaries and cemeuau~es 0 Music, Dance, and Martial Arts Studios X Newspaper and M~azine Stores X X* Nurseries and Garden Supply Stores Within Enclosed Area X X Office, ~siness Machine and Computer Com~nent Stores X X 0 Paint, glass, and wallpa~r stores X X Parking facil;:les (com- mercial) where fees are charged 0 Parks and recrea=Lon fac~i~:~es, public and private 0 Pet S~ps X X * P~t~opy (Xerox) X X* Private and public c~ubs and ~odqes, :ncludinq YMCA, YWCA, and s~m~lar youth group uses 0 political or philanthropic headquarters 0 Recreationa~ vehicle storage yards 0 Record and Tape Stores X X Rest~rants (sit ~n): a) With entertainment and/or t~ se~i~ of aico~lic b~er~es O O o b) Incidental me~i~ of ~r and wine (wit~t m c~ktmil I~e. bmr. entertainment, or danc)~) X X x c) Cafe. Iimit~ to 20 (includi~ ~td~r meetly) X X x d) Famt F~d (with dr~e-th~) O O o (Wlt~t dr~e-th~) O O o AND ~ND U~E RECU~T)~ ~v-~.sm EXHIBIT A-12 Resolution No. 91-276 Page 16 Retail Commercial Uses - Continued Land Use CC RRC MR Ll** o Shoe Stores and Shoe Repair Shops X X Specialty Retail O Sporting Goods Stores: a) Specialty; backpacking, X X tennis, sk Iing,m~ntain- earing, fishing, etc.) b) General; encompassing a X X variety of sports equ Ipment Supermarkets X X Swimming Pool Sen, ices and Sales X X Tailor Shops X Television, Radio, VCR, Stereo, and CDComponent Sales X X Toy Stores X X Variety Department Stores, Junior Department Stores X X Veterinary (domestic): a ) Non -boa rd i ng X X o b) Boarding O O ¥ocatlonal or business trade schools 0 Watch and Clock Repair Shops X X* Yardage Goods Stores X X Entertainment and Cultural U~e~ - Land Use CC RRC HR Ll** Arcades O O Cultural/Artist Exhibits: a) Indoor gallery and art sales X b} Outdoor art exhibits O Discotheques O O Theaters: a) Dinner theatre O O b) Movie (multi-plax) O O ~v-s'.ss EXHIBIT A-13 Resolution No. 91-276 Page 17 Office and Administrative Uses - Land Use CC RRC MR LI** o Administrative, Business, and Professional Office X X * x Banks, Finance Services and Institutions (with drive-thru) O O (Without drive-thru) X X x Business and Office Services X x Interior Decorating Shops X x Medical/Dental Offices and Related Health Clinics X X* x Optician and Optometrical Shops X X* x Realtors and Real Estate Offices X X* x Travel Agencies X X * x Residential Uses - Land Use CC RRC MR LI** o Single Family Detached X Single Family Attached (duplex, triplex, fourplex) X Multi-family Dwellings X 1) Ancillary Residences: a) home-care facil itles (6 or less) X b) On-site private recreation facilities X 2) Accessory Uses,: a) Accessory structures X b) Home occupation X SUB-AREA DESIGN STANDARDS AND LAND USE REGULATION IV-9.60 SUBAREA FOUR EXHIBIT A-14 Resolution No. 91-276 Page 18 Hotel Uses- Land Use CC RRC MR LI** o Hotel / Motel X 0 Hotel Facilities (major): X Ancillary Uses o Beauty/Barber Shop X o Cafes X o Catering Services O o Cocktail Lounge O o Conference/Convent ion Facilities O o Florist Shops X o Gift Shops X o Newspaper/Magaz ine Stores X o Pharmacies X o Restaurants (sit down) X o Tourist Information X o Travel Agencies X * Commercial/Office uses may be located in the RRC district only with the concurrent development of one (1) major regionally related anchor business of at least 15,000 sq. ft. per site or proiect. This provision is intended to facilitate the development of large regionally related uses. Regionally related commercial uses are typified by large scale businesses which serve a market area significantly larger than those businesses which draw customers primarily from the neighborhood or community level. ** All industrial uses and development standards shall be as provided in Sub-area 7 of the Industrial Area Specific Plan (ISP). IV-9.61 EXHIBIT A-15 Resolution No. 91-276 Page 19 Setbacks Activity Center Yard Buildincj Parking 1st Fir. 2nd. Fir. Street Yard (measure from face of the ultimate curb): o Foothill Boulevard 25' 50' 45' o Etiwanda Avenue 25' 50' 35' o Rochester Avenue 25 ' 45 ' 4~5 ' Rear Property Line: o Adjacent to Existing or Planned Residential Development 25' 15' o Adjacent to Existing or Planned Commercial Development 0' 5' Interior Side Property Line: o Adjacent to Existing or Planned Residential Development 25' 15' o Adjacent to Existing or Planned Commercial DevelOpment 5' 5' IV -9.63 EXHIBIT A- 16