HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004/08/12 - Minutes - Library Board of Trustees CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Adjourned Meeting A. CALL TO ORI)ER The regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, August 12, 2004, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 6:31 p.m. by President Wimberly. Present were Members Bradshaw, Guerrero and Lo. Also present were: Deborah K. Clark, Library Director, Robert Karatsu, Library Services Manager, Michelle Perera, References Services Coordinator, Renee Tobin, Senior Librarian and Vivian Garcia, Administrative Secretary. Representing the Student Advisory Board, Habeeba Hiad, Alexis Sypek and Samantha Stinett were present. B. CONSENT CALENDAR BI. Approval of Minutes: May 10 (Joint Meeting) (Lo abstained), June 10 (Guerrero abstained) and July 8th, 2004. MOTION: Moved by Member Bradshaw to approve the consent calendar, seconded by Member Guerrero. Motion carried, 4-0-t (with Womack absent). C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS C 1. Library Status report: oral report presented by staff. a. Review of statistics b. Update on Friday closure Deborah Clark, Library Director, reviewed the statistics for the Library with the Board. Deborah Clark, Library Director, updated the Board on the Friday closure, reporting that while few calls had been received, patrons continued to express frustration over the closure. C2. Budget Report: report presented by Deborah Clark, Library Director. a. Review of 2004/2005 budget. Library Board Minutes August 12, 2004 Page 2 Deborah Clark, Library Director, reviewed the budget sheets with the Library Board. Member Lo asked about the June report, the end of the fiscal year. Deborah Clark, Library Director, stated that staff will prepare a final report for fiscal year 2003/04 once Finance closes the books in September. C3. Adult Services Issues: Update by Robert Karatsu, Library Services Manager. Oral report. Robert Karatsu, Library Services Manager, stated the Adult Reference staff were adjusting to the new schedule that included the Friday closure. Summer is usually a slow time at the Library. Robert Karatsu, Library Services Manager, stated that the new catalog system for the public should be ready by the meeting in September - ready for the new school year. Michelle Perera, References Services Coordinator, presented an oral report on events staff was planning during the week of the Library's l0th Anniversary, Sept. 24. C4. Children's Services Issues: Update by Renee Tobin, Senior Librarian. Oral report. a. Review of Children's Storytime Policy Report attached. Renee Tobin, Senior Librarian, stated that the Friday closure curtailed one of the Family Storytimes. That, along with a question from a patron about Toddler storytime and why children younger than 24 months could not attend, prompted staffto review the Children's Storytime Policy, last reviewed in 1995. Since that time, storytimes have expanded to include Toddler Time and Family Storytime. Changes have occurred both in number of storytimes and audiences. Attached to the staff report in the agenda was a draft storytime policy for the Board's review. Deborah Clark, Library Director, stated that the patron that questioned staff about the policy requested to come before the Library Board to present her case. Staffnoted that she was not in the audience. Deborah Clark, Library Director, reviewed the policy with the Board, stating that the issues which were critical to the public were presented in bold. Member Lo stated that he had read the policy, and felt it was well written. He requested staff to strengthen the area that states, "One adult and one toddler, but if you have to bring in another baby, this is O.K., but not preferred." He requested this be changed to add, "does not disturb the program." Library Board Minutes August 12, 2004 Page 3 Deborah Clark, Library Director, stated that the statement "as long as it is not disruptive to those attending the program." Would be added to the policy. MOTION: Moved by Member Lo to approve the Adult Tour Policy with suggested corrections, seconded by Member Bradshaw. Motion carried, 4-0-1 (with Womack absent). Renee Tobin, Senior Librarian, stated that staff was preparing the end of the Summer Reading Program with a Round-up Party on Tuesday, August 17 from 4-8 p.m. at Red Hill Park. C5. Victoria Gardens Library, update on the progress of the project. Oral report by staff. a. Bid opening results. Deborah Clark, Library Director, updated the bid opening results with the Library Board. Robert Karatsu, Library Services Manager, gave an oral report on the Victoria Gardens Cultural Center. He stated that there will be construction kick-off celebration on November 6. D. BOARD BUSINESS D1. Election of Officers. This is the time and place for the annual Election of Officers. The offices to fill are President and Vice President. Current President Ravenel Wimberly will preside. Member Lo nominated Ravenel Wimberly as President. Member Bradshaw seconded the motion. Member Lo closed the nominations. MOTION: Moved by Member Lo for Ravenel Wimberly to be President of the Library Board, seconded by Member Bradshaw. Motion carded, 4-0-1 (with Womack absent). President Wimberly nominated Dobbin Lo as Vice President. Member Guerrero seconded the motion. Member Bradshaw closed the nominations. MOTION: Moved by President Wimberly for Dobbin Lo to be Vice President of the LibraryBoard, seconded by Member Guerrero. Motion carried, 4-0-1 (with Womack absent). Library Board Minutes August 12, 2004 Page 4 D2. Library Board Liaison Reports: Oral reports by Members. This is the oppommity for Library Members to speak about the opportunities and challenges they have encountered while serving as liaisons to the community. Member Lo stated that he had heard two complaints about the Friday closure, with one patron really upset about the closure. He was able to talk with both of them and answer their concerns. Member Guerrero stated that applications were being accept for the Youth Board. Few were received. More will be accepted through the fall with the start-up of school. President Wimberly presented an oral report on the meetings with the Library Foundation Board to the Board, and asked the Library Director to share with the Board the various fundraising opportunities. Deborah Clark, Library Director, reviewed the Robinson's May Charity Shopping Day, with tickets priced at $5 each. The charity selling the tickets, keeps the money earned. She reviewed another fundraiser called "Concerts Under the Stars," offered by the HafifFoundation, tickets are $50 each. Finally, she stated that volunteers are needed for the Mark Christopher Charity Golf Classic which starts September 27 through October 3, 2004. D3. Teen Member Reports. Oral reports by Members. This is the opportunity for Teen Advisory Members to speak about the opportunities and challenges they have encountered while serving as liaisons to the school and student community. Samantha Stinett stated that students were currently on summer vacation, but have a date during Labor Day weekend to review the Bylaws and proceed. E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING El. Storytime Policy Update E2. Housecalls Update E3. Fiscal Year End Report for 2003/04 Library Board Minutes August 12, 2004 Page 5 F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None received. G. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Member Guerrero to adjourn to Thursday, September 9, 2004, seconded by Member Wimberly. Motion can'ied, 3-0-2 (with Womack absent). Meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m. Respectfully/0~.~~ submilted' Vivian Garcia Administrative Secretary Approved: September 9, 2004