HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998/08/19 - MinutesAugust19,1998 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Re.qular Meeting A regular meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council was held on Wednesday, August 19, 1998, in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Mayor William J. Alexander. Present were Councilmembers: Paul Biane, James Curatalo, Bob Dutton, Diane Williams, and Mayor William J. Alexander. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Jarnes Markman, City Attorney; Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager; Linda Daniels, RDA Director; Rick Gomez, Community Development Director; Brad Buller, City Planner; Joe O'Neil, City Engineer; Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer; Michelle Dawson, Management Analyst II; Bill Makshanoff, Building Official; Paula Pachon, Management Analyst II; Nettie Nielsen, Recreation Supervisor; Deborah Clark, Library Director; Duane Baker, Assistant to the City Manager; Diane O'Neal, Assistant to the City Manager; Jennifer Haruyama, Management Analyst I; Chief Dennis Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District; Marty Higgins, Disaster Preparedness Manager; Jana Ellis, Disaster Preparedness Specialist; Captain Rodney Hoops, Rancho Cucamonga Police Department; and Debra J. Adams, Assistant Secretary. B. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS B1. Presentation ofthe"Best of the Valley" Awards by Mike Ferguson to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Emily Billings, Promotion Director of the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, presented various awards to the Council because of a poll that was taken from their readers. A list of these awards is on file in the City Clerk's office. B2. Daily Bulletin All Star Sponsorship "Thank You" Presentation by Mike Ferguson to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Mike Ferguson, publisher of the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin presented the Council with baseball caps and tee-shirts to thank them for their support of the High School All Star Baseball Game. He stated he really appreciated everything the City has done to assist with this and also thanked City staff for their assistance. B3. Presentation to Hockey West for donation of hockey equipment to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Proclamation to be presented at the 9/2/98 Council meeting. City Council Minutes August 19, 1998 Page 2 B4. Presentation of a Proclamation commending community volunteers, agencies and businesses for their assistance during a power outage whi, ch affected 500 homes. A Proclamation was presented to those that assisted with the power outage. Cheryl Karns and Mr. Hernandez with Edison Company, also thanked these people for their assistance with the outage. C. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC C1. Cheryl Kames, Edison Company, stated she wanted to inform the Council that they supported item D13 on the Consent Calendar. She continued to compliment staff for their work on this matter. C2. Rex Gutierrez, 11021 Carlow Court, stated he also supports the efforts of staff. He presented a list to the City Clerk with various items that needed the City's attention. Councilmember Williams stated some of these items have already been addressed and wanted to make sure this was known. Mayor Alexander stated any time the public has a problem they can call into City Hall at 477-2700. D. CONSENT CALENDAR D1. Approval of Minutes: June 17, '[998 July 1, 1998 July 6, 1998 July 15, '1998 (Alexander absent) D2. Approval of Warrants, Register Nos. 7/29/98 (97/98), 7/29/98 (98/99), 8/5/98 (97/98), and 8/5/98 (98/99) and Payroll ending 8/6/98 for the total amount of $2,930,346.16. D3. Alcoholic Beverage Application for Off-Sale Beer and Wine for The Wild Grape, Nancy Kathleen Belletto and Mary Magdalena Heredia, 8916 Foothill Blvd., Suite D. D4. Alcoholic Beverage Application for Off-Sale General for Arrow & Grove Market Liquor, Jamil and Jamila Samouh, 8114 Arrow Highway. D5. Approval to enter into an Attachment Permit Agreernent between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Metricom, Incorporated. D6. Approval of a Resolution authorizing the Department of General Services of the State of California to purchase vehicle for the Senior Transportation Program in the amount of $46,692.61 to be funded from Account No. 01-4532-7045. City Council Minutes August 19, 1998 Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. 98-142 A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO PURCHASE ONE 15- PASSENGER, PARATRANSIT BUS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA D7. Approval to vacate the southerly 2-feet of the easement fronting Youngs Canyon Road from west of Koch Place to the westerly boundary of Tract 13566-2 - TMP Homes APN: 226-321-01. RESOLUTION NO. 98-143 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUMMARILY ORDERING THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF THE EASEMENT FRONTING YOUNGS CANYON ROAD WEST OF CHERRY AVENUE - APN: 226-321-01 D8. Approval of a Resolution adopting the five-year capital improvement program for Fiscal 1998/99 through 2002/03 and twenty-year transportation plan beginning in Fiscal Year 1998/99, as required for Measure I funds, and approval of a Resolution amending the five-year capital improvement program for Fiscal Year 1997/98 through 2001/02. RE'SOLUTION NO. 98-144 A RESOLUTION OF THE CrTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEARS 1998/99 THROUGH 2002/03 AND TWENTY-YEAR TRANSPORTATION PLAN BEGINNING IN FISCAL YEAR 1998/99 FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF MEASURE I FUNDS RESOLUTION NO. 98-145 A RESOLUTION OF THE C~TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEARS 1997/98 THROUGH 2001/02 D9. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Securities and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 7 for Tract Map. No. 12659, located south of Wilson Avenue, east of Hanley Avenue, submitted by Centex Homes, a Nevada General Partnership. RE!SOLUTION NO. 98-146 A RESOLUTION OF 'r'HE CI'TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING FINAL TRACT MAP 12659 IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES City Council Minutes August 19, 1998 Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. 98-147 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 7 FOR TRACT 12659 D10. Approval of Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Memorandum of Understanding (CO98- 044) for Fiscal Year 1998-99. Dll. Approval of Agreement (CO98-045) with Rancho Cucamonga Family YMCA to implement and deliver a Senior Transportation Program. D12. Approval of Contract (CO98-046) with the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools for classroom usage at the Mulberry Early Learning Center in the amount of $1 for rent annually, not to exceed $200/month for the months of September 1998 through June 1999, to be funded from Account 13-4563- 6028-4224. ITEM REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMEMBER WILLIAMS. D13. Approval of Agreements (CO98-047) (CO98-048) to join the State of California Department of General Services Electric Procurement Program for Public Agencies. D 14. Approval to appropriate $175,000 from Fund 32-Measure I (Account No. 32-4637-9615), award and authorization for execution of contract (CO98-049)for Archibald Avenue and Fourth Street corner widening, located at the northeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Fourth Street, in the amount of $245,093.00 ($222,812.00 plus 10% contingency) to be funded from Measure I funds, Account: No. 32-4637-9615. D15. Approval of release of Maintenance Bond in the amount of $12,324.50 for CUP 95-39, located on the south side of Arrow Route, east of Interstate 15. D16. Approval to accept Improvements,, Release the Faithful Performance Bond and file a Notice of Completion for DR 96-32, CUP 93-49 and CUP 96-21, located on Church Street and the intersections of Spruce and Elms Avenues and Rochester Avenue and Chervil Street. RESOLUTION NO. 98-148 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE IMPROVEMENTS FOR DR 96- 32, CUP 93.49 AND CUP 96-21, LOCATED ON CHURCH STREET AND THE INTERSECTIONS OF SPRUCE: AND ELM AVENUES AND ROCHESTER AVENUE AND CHERVIL STREET, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK MOTION: Moved by Biane, seconded by Curatalo to approve the staff recommendations in the staff reports contained in the Consent Calendar with the exception of item D 12. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. Discussion of item D12: Approval of Contract (CO98-046) with the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools for classroom usage at the Mulberry Early Learning Center in the amount of $1 for rent annually, not to exceed $2001month for the months of September 1998 through June 1999, to be funded from Account 13-4563-6028.4224. City Council Minutes August 19, 1998 Page 5 Councitmember Williams stated she would be abstaining from item 12 and felt there should be a separate vote on it. MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Biane to approve item D12. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 (Williams abstained). E. CONSENT ORDINANCES El. CONSIDERATION TO AMEND TERRA VISTA PARK DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 1 - LEWIS HOM ES DEVELOPMENT COMPANY- a request to amend provisions for park credit for private open space in the Terra Vista Planned Community. E1 and E2. Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the titles of Ordinance Nos. 591 and 558B. ORDINANCE NO. 591 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO TERRA VISTA PARK DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 1, AS SUPPLEMENTED E2. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 3.48 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO UTILITY USER'S FEES ORDINANCE NO. 558B (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 3.48 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO UTILITY USER FEES MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Curatalo to waive full reading and approve Ordinance Nos. 591 and 558B.. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. F. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS F1. CONSIDERATION OF PUBLIC NEED AND NECESSITY IN GRANTING A TAXI CAB SERVICE PERMIT TO BELL CAB COMPANY ~SAN GABRIEL TRANSIT) (Continued from August 5, 1998) Staff report by Duane Baker, Assistant to the City Manager'.. Mayor Alexander wanted to make sure the. rules and standards for any cab company doing business in the City is the same. Duane Baker, Assistant to the City Manager, stated everything is the same for all cab companies. City Council Minutes August19,1998 Page 6 Mayor Alexander opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the City Council were: Scott Schaefer, Bell Cab Company, stated the drivers are undergoing CPR training and safety driving training. He told about various programs they offer to reduce the cab fare. Councilmember Biane inquired which cities Bell Cab currently serves. Scott Schaefer, Bell Cab Company, read a list of cities which included most of the Inland Empire area. Rusty Deton, Bell Cab Company, presented information about the car seats they have available. She also distributed a pink handout for the Council's information. She also presented information about the rates they offer seniors. Gary Bemis, 9065 Foothill Blvd., felt: it was important to be able to provide transportation to the seniors of this community. He felt that service has fallen short. He felt the residents should have the freedom to choose which cab company they want to use. Toni Rhodes, Arrow Route, stated she agreed with Gary Bemis and felt the City does need additional service. She felt wheelchair accessible cabs was very important also. She felt the residents should have a choice. Brian Hunt, Yellow Cab, stated he did not think Bell Cab would do any better than his company is doing. He stated he has given "on time" reports to Duane Baker and felt Bell Cab should also be required to do this. He felt the City coutd try it and check on their performance periodically. He stated they would continue to give the best service possible. Scott Schaefer, Bell Cab Company, thanked Mr. Hunt for his comments. There being no further public input, the public hearing was closed. Councilmember Curatalo felt competition was good for business and stated he was in favor of granting the application. Councilmember Dutton inquired if there was a fee involved. James Markman, City Attorney, stated only the cost was to process the application. Councilmember Dutton stated he agreed with Councilmember Curatalo and felt there was room for two cab companies. Councilmember Williams stated she concurred. She felt that cab companies 3 and 4 would also come along wanting permits. Councilmember Biane stated he still has reservations, but felt that since they are already servicing so many surrounding cities it might be confusing to the customers if they are not allowed in Rancho Cucamonga. He felt it should be given a try but to monitor how it works. Mayor Alexander stated he had wanted to hold off' on the application the last time this came before the Council until the airport was almost completed. He stated now that the airport is almost open he is willing to try this out. He stated if they don't perform, their permit can be pulled. City Council Minutes August 19, 1998 Page 7 MOTION: Moved by Curatalo, seconded by Williams to direct staff to prepare a Resolution to support the approval of granting the application to Bell Cab Company. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. No items submitted. G. PUBLIC HEARINGS H. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS H1. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FROM RANCHO CUCAMONGA PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOCIATION FOR CITY TO CO-SPONSOR CELEBRITY CHARITY SOFTBALL GAME ON OCTOBER 4, 1998, AT THE EPICENTER STADIUM AND TO WAIVE ASSOCIATED FEES AND CHARGES Staff report by Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, and Paula Pachon, Management Analyst II. Addressing the City council was Sam Spagnolo from the Fire Fighters Association who stated by the City helping them out it would put more money back into the community. Councilmember Curatalo thanked Mr. Spagnolo for the great job the fire fighters do for the community. MOTION: Moved by Dutton, seconded by Curatalo to approve option 1 to co-sponsor the event. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. H2. DISCUSSION OF FILLING PLANNING COMMISSION VACANCIES Staff report presented by Diane O'Neal, Assistant to the City Manager. Mayor Alexander felt all of the applications both current and those recently expressing interest should be considered. Councilmember Williams asked if there was a legal process that had to be followed for this. James Markman, City Attorney, stated only the 10 day notice announcing the vacancy, but that the Council could do whatever they want to for the interview process. Councilmember Dutton suggested they immediately fill the one position because of only two years left on the term and then go out for advertising for the other position. Councilmember Williams felt the six people that called should be sent an application and then they also be considered along with the existing applications already on file. MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Dutton to allow the six people expressing interest to submit applications and they be considered with the already existing applications. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. Jack Lain, City Manager, asked if' the Council would like to have interviews with the full Council. City Council Minutes August 19, 1998 Page 8 Mayor Alexander and Councilmember Dutton, the Planning Commission/Historic Preservation Subcommittee, stated they will review the applications and make a recommendation for the entire Council to interview. The Council concurred with this process. H3. CONSIDERATION OF DESIGNATING AVOTING REPRESENTATIVE AND AN ALTERNATE FOR THE LEAGUE OF CITIES ANNUAL MEETING Staff report presented by Jack Lam, City Manager'.. The Council concurred that Mayor Alexander would be the voting delegate and Dutton would be the alternate. I. COUNCIL BUSINESS I1. DISCUSSION OF BILLBOARD POLICY Staff report presented by Bill Makshanoff, Building Official. Councilmember Curatalo stated he would like to know the owner of the billboard and the property owner. Bill Makshanoff, Building Official, stated he could provide this information to the sign subcommittee. Councilmember Biane stated he did not care who the owner was, that this should not matter. Councilmember Williams stated she agreed with Councilmember Biane and felt the billboards should be e~iminated. Councilmember Dutton stated he also agreed. Councilmember Williams wanted to make sure the billboards are not along the freeway corridor. Bill Makshanoff, Building Official stated they will not be permitted along the freeway corridor. ACTION: The Council concurred that the sign subcommittee would review this matter further. 12. DISCUSSION ON CREATING A YOUTH ADVISORY GROUP (oral report) Councilmember Dutton felt it would be a good idea to form a youth advisory committee. He felt the membership should include representation from the YMCA, YWCA, churches, schools, etc., and felt this should fall under the Park and Recreation Commission. He suggested they set up this committee and create a mission statement for them. Councilmember Williams felt the Park and Recreation Commission should study this and bring their recommendation back to the entire Council. Mayor Alexander felt Councilmember Dutton should talk to the Park and Recreation Commission personally. Councilmember Williams felt the Park and Recreation Commission should study this and decide if a committee should be formed or not. City Council Minutes August 19, 1998 Page 9 The Council concurred. 13. PARK AND RECREATION FACILITIES UPDATE A. PARKS & FACILITIES UPDATE 1. Lions West Community Center 2. Lions East Community Center 3. Rancho Cucamonga Senior Center 4, R.C. Family Sports Center 5. Rancho Cucamonga Public Library 6. Stadium 7. Spruce Avenue Park Skate Facility 8. Victoria Groves 9. Coyote Canyon Park 10. Red Hill Park 11. Lions Park 12. Spruce Avenue Park 13, Etiwanda Creek Park 14. Beryl Parks 15. All Park Facilities COMMUNITY SERVICES UPDATE 1, Seniors 2. Teens 3. Youth Activities 4. Youth Sports 5. American Youth Soccer Organization World Games 6. R.C. Family Sports Center 7. Lions East and West Celebration 8. Facilities 9. The Grapevine 10. Community Wide Special Events 11. Park Facility Reservations 12. Trips and Tours 13, Human Services 14. Proposed Boxing Program 15. Senior Van Transportation 16. Vietnam Memorial Moving Wall 17. Park and Recreation Commission 18. Epicenter 19, Quakes Mayor Alexander asked if anyone had any questions. Councilmember Biane asked with the completion of Lions West soon to happen, has anything been done on the naming of the rooms. He added this had been discussed before and they were going to try to do something a little bit different. City Council Minutes August 19, 1998 Page 10 Brad Buller, City Planner, stated nothing has been done as of this time. Councilmember Williams commented on the Sr. Van item stating the Council got to see the van tonight and how wonderful and exciting this is. ACTION: Report received and filed. J. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING No items were identified for the next meeting, K, COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC K1. Brian Brock, 6780 Teak Way, reported on a citation he had received stating his vehicle had been towed because of Municipal Code Section 10-33.140, Section A. He did not feel this should have occurred, and wanted the Council to discuss this matter at the next meeting. Mayor Alexander felt the Public Safety Subcomrnittee should look at this matter first. L. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Biane, seconded by Dutton to adjourn to executive session to discuss property negotiations per Government Code Section 54956.8 for property located at Rochester, between Foothill Boulevard and Arrow Route; Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, Negotiating Party, regarding Terms of Agreement. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m. No action was taken in executive session. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk Approved: September 16, 1998