HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990/09/19 - Agenda Packet CITY COUNCIL ~ A~i~NDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA I REGULAR MEETINGS 1st and 3rd Wednesdays - 7110 pm September 19, 1990 Civic Center Council Chambers 10500 Civic Ceuter Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 I •+• ` Clty Councllmemben Dennis L Stout..uoro. 1 Pamela J. WrighQ Counrilmemarr Detrorah N. Brown, araro.v~nm Charles J. Buquet, counn/mrmM. William J. Alexander, counodmrmM. r~• Jack Lam, c,~~,~m~~q.. James L. M1iarkman; ~•, ........,. j Debra J. Adams, c.n~co-.x City Ollice: 989-1831 Ciona Put: 980-3145 PACE City Ccuncii Agenda September 19, 1990 1 All itaes subalLied for Lbe Ciip Council Agenda coat ba iv writing. Tae deadline for aubaittivg these itua is 5:00 p.e. on thw Wednesday prior to Lhe eswting. The Citp Clerk's Office rwaivas all such ital. A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Roll Call: Buquet Alexander _, Stout Brown , and Wright B• ANNOVNCBMENTS/PRESENTATIONS 1, Rick-Off for the City of Rancho Cucamonga/We Tip Anti- Graffitl Campaign. 2. Presentation of Proclamation Commending Bill Brownell for hie cantrLhut ion to public safety ae founder of We Tip. 3. Presentation of Proclamation to Reserve Deputy Chuck Buquet for hie work Ln apprehending a murder suspect. 6. Presentation to Eugene Gilmore for hie service ae Station Commander In Rancho Cucamonga. C. CgO1DNICATIONB yRON TH6 PUBLIC This is the time sad place for tAe general public to addrwsa the City Council. Staie law prohibits the City Council fra addressing say issues not previously included ov the Agenda. The City Council say rwceivs hstia+onq sad set the utter for a avbsequaat eeaLivg. cosents ^n to bw liaitad to five siautaa per individual. D. CONSENT CALENDAR Tha iollowinq Covent calendar legs are azpected to be rocLive and non-controve reial. They will M wted epos by the ~.YYYCiI x OOa tiM MILDOYt dl/CYeelOn. My iLaal Yy De reeoved by • Councilanber or saber of the audiwvee Tor discuuion. 1. Approval of Minutes: OB-09-90 0E-15-90 )6uyust absent) ~s PAGE City Council Agenda September 19, 199C f 2 I ' j 2. i Approval OE Warrant e, Register NOB. S/29/90 and 9/12/90; j 1 I , ' ''~. and Payroll ending 8/30/90 for the total amount of ~ , li I I I,, I 52,046,113.]9. I li ;, 3. I Approval to receive and file current Inveeiment Schedule ~ ).0 I I ~ '~. ae of August 31, 990. 'I I ~I I .• Apnrovei to aurnorize the atlvertis ing of the "Notice i 16 I '~,~ I, ~. Inviting Bide^ for the Banyan Street Improvement j i ', I ' '~; I Project^, located between Snstwood and Hellman Avenues, ; i to be funded from P..^.coun[ Nc. 12-4631-8909. ' '. I I I, RESOLUTION NO. 90-396 ~ 1] I I I I, ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ' ~ ~~ I OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING I PLANS AND SPHCIPICATIONS FOR THE "BANYAN ~ , II i I STAE&T 2MPROVEMENT PROJECT", IN SAID CITY II 'I i AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLBRA ' ' i II ~ II '~I ; TO ADVERTISE TO RBCBIVE BIDS I ' S. Approval to desisoy records which era no longer required 21 ' i i ~ ae provided under cavernment Code section 34090• I, I I ~ I RESOLVTION NO. 90-357 ~ ZP i i A ABSOLVTION OF THE CITY COVNCIL OP TNB CITY i ; i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Uk'NANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPOAN IA, AVTHORIZING ~, ~' ' ~; I THS DESTRUCTION OP CITY RECORDS AND ' I ', ~ DOCUMENTS WHICN ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED AS I I I ' i PROVIDBD VNDEA GOVBRNMENT CODE SECTION 34090 ~i ~' ~~' ~' fi. Approval of Environmental Init lal Study parts I and II 27 I ; i ~I I for the proposed Lemon Avenue Storm Drain and the I I ; ;' ''. '; I ~ Ieeu ante of a Cat egorLcal Exemption therefor. I~ '~ I i RESOLUTION NO. 90-358 ZS I I ii I A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY i I~ I I OP lUNCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING II I I I I THE SNVIRONMENTAL INITIAL STVDY PARTS I AND ~' ~' I I ' ' II AND ISSUANCE OP A CATEGORICAL E%EMPTION 'I '' '; j I ~ vwn TnE PRw-x0560 LEMOM AVCNUE STORM DRAIN _^ ' I i 41 f I i 7. Approvel to awetd Proposal Number PA09091-1 for the purchase of various vehlc lee under vnrioue account II numbers for the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga. ~. race City Council Agenda September 19, 1990 3 ~ li ~ II 8. Approval of Agreement for Inetallat ion of Public ~ 43 I ~'I Improvement and Dedication between Edward H. Bailey, Tr. I '~ ', and Patricia W. Bailey and the City of Rancho Cucamonga i C ~ t it ' ''; I ' for road improvements along the east aide of Archibald j ~ '~ I I. Avenue along the Bailey parcel for the Archibald Avenue I II ~ i - south of Banyan Stteet to Hillside Aoad Ptojeot. ~ ~; RESOLUTION N0. 9C-355 ~ ++ ~ ~~ '. '; li I~ ~ A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY ~ ' '; '' OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING 'I ~ ~ AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC ~~ ~ ~~, I 'I I ~ YMPROVEMENT AND DEDICATION FAOM EDWARD H. ~ BAILEY, JR. AND PATRICIA W. BAILEY AND ' I, I ~I it AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERE TO SIGN SAME ro 1 9 A va of Im rovement A reement and im rove nt PP P 9 p Ne i S I I Security for Improvements to Church Street frwo Spruce ~, ~ I, ~ Avenue to Elm Avenue in the Terta V1 sta Planned I Community submitted by Lewis Development Company. I ~ ~ AESOLVTION NO. 90-360 ~ 4h ~ '~ ~i A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY ~ '. OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPOANIA, APPROVING ' I '; ~ 'I ~ ~ IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND SECURITY FOR TXE i I ...._. _. _... J. ~. ~:...n a•aaau' !'MON SPRUCE , ^ AVENUE TO ELH AVENUE AND THE MASTER PLAN I i ' STORM DRAIN LINE 2-1 I ~ ' ~ 30. Approval of Firtal Map, Improvement Agreement, ~ 47 ~ ~'~ ;, Improvement Security, Improvement and Maintenance '~ ''~ I I Agreement for the Temporary Pcivate Ostsntion Basin, ' I~ ~ Development Agreement for Lote 1 Urough B Restricting I i Hullding Permits and Ozdecing the Annexation to ~ I I~ ~ Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 and Street Lighting i ' ~ Maintenance District Noe. 1 and 7 far Trnet Map 13812 ~ ~ ~ located west of Etiwe nda Avenus between Summit end '' ~ ~ I ' ' I High lend Avenues, submitted by Watt Southern Cnlifornia, ~ Incor ~ porated. ~' ~ ! ~ I I I I 1 nFSOLUT T_^N ND. ^.0-3G1 0.9 ~I ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CYTY i OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING I ~ I TMCT MAP NUMBER 13812 (TENTATIVB TRACT MAP + NO. 13812(r IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND i I I SMPROVEMENT SBCVRITY ~; PAGE City Council Agenda September 19, 1990 ~ 4 RESOLUTION NO. 90-362 A R850LUTION OF THS CITY COUNCIL OP TFffi CITY OF AANCKO CVCAMONGA, CALI PORNIA, APPROVZNG AN INPROVSNENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR THB TEMPORARY PRIVATE OETBNTZON BASIN FOA TRACT 1381'!. BETWEEN WATT SOVTHEAN CALIFORNIA, INC. AND THfi CITY OP RANCHO COCAHONGA RESOLUTION NO. 90-363 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COVNCIL OF THH CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCAr CALIPORNIAr APPROVING A DfiVELOPMENT Af:RESHENT FOA LOTS 1 THROUGH 5 REETAICTING Sll ILDYNG PERHITS OF TRACT HAP 13812 EETWESN WATT SOUTNEAN CALIPOANIA, INC. AND TH8 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA RESOLUT ICN NO. 90-364 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI PORN IA, OROEAING THE ANNBRATION OP CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRIOT NO. 7 AND STREET LIGNTINO NAINTENANCfi DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 7 FOR TRACT HAP 13812 11. Approval of Drelnage Acceptance Agreements, Improvement Agreements, Improvement SeCUrit lee, Maintenance Seeutity Oepos lC and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance Dletrict No- 3 end 9treat Lighting Maintenance DietricC Nos. 1 and 6 far DA 89-14, locnted at 12167 Arrow Route, submitted by American PnC if is concrete Pipe Company, Inc. (AMPAC). RESOLUTION t10. 90-365 A REEOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP TH8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ORAINACB ACCEPTANCE AGREEMfiNTr IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS, IMPAOVEMEHT SEC!!.°.ZTIES AND SECURITY DEPOSIT POR DEVBLOPMENT REVIEW NO. E9-14 4c..q 49-B 49-C 50 52 PAGE City Council Agenda i September 19, 1990 ~ 5 ~, I it ~ RESOLUTION NO. 9D-366 l 53 I j '~, ! ', l l A AESOLVTION OF THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY I, ~ I '~.~ ~ OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING i '~ I! . i THB ANNE%ATION OP CERTAIN TERRITORY TO '! ' ~, ~ ~ I LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 A::D I 'i, STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. ' '~ 'll 1 AND 6 FOR DR 89-14 '~ ' !! 12. Approval of Improvement Agreement Bxtension for CVP 84- 56 ', ' j i, 34 located on the northeast corner of Base Line Road and ~I '~ ~~i ! Carnelian Street, submitted by MBWJ Propert iee. I i I i I AESCLUTION NO. 90-3fi7 58 ~'~. II 'i~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 'i ~ OP AANCNO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING i li I li '' !i IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND i ' '~, I IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR CUP 54-34 13. Il ! Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Parcel 59 i, ; 'I Map 32218, located on the eart Bide of Hallman Avenue I I ~i ', I ! i south of 19th Street, auDmitted Dy Hix Development. ~ !i II ~'~i RESOLUTION NO. 90-368 51 ~. !. A AESOLU'f ION OF TH8 CITY COUNCIL OP TH8 CITY I, ~ ', ~ OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ! ' ~ ! IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT fi%TENSION AND ~~~ ', IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCPL MAP 12218 I "~ ~'. I '~, 24. Approval to accept Improvements, Release of Bonds and ' ~~ I '', Notice of Completion fnr: ~I ~' ~I '~ I, ~, Tract 1541 located on Sierra Viete Street ecuth of % 6Z II ~' Gamino Eur i ~, i ~ ~, Release: , '~ ', ! Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $ 81,000.00 ! I Accept: I !, i yginkonance Ouataotee 9ond (Street) a a~lnD,nn I RESOLUTION NO. 90-369 63 ' A RESOLUTION OH THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~ ~ i OH RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPT INC I ~ THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POR TRACT 13541 AND i AUTHOAIEINC TXE HILINO OH A NOTICE OH COMPLETION HOA THE WORE PAGE City Council Agenda September 19, 1990 6 ! II ' P rc 1 H o 9192 L d ca 1 t d n th n th et ! ~, ~ 'i S_Q.FPe~ of Richland Avenge and Aooheater Avanyg ~~ Release: I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~, ~, Fa ii h£ul Perfo emance Bond (Street) $1,443,607.00 I ~ I I '; ', Accept: I ~ I ~ ' '', Kaiaa:.a,-.ce Guar a.^.ceb Bond jSireec) 144,361.00 I ~ ~ I 66 , I '; '. RESOLUTION NO. 90-370 i I i ~ ', ~' A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY '~ ~ OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING ~ I, I '~ THE PUBLIC IHPROVEMENTS FOR PARC&L MAP 9192 ' ; ''~, ',; '. LANDSCAPE AND AUTHORIZING THE PILING OF A NOTICE OP COMPLETION ~ ' ~ ~' ~'I 15. Approval to accept Improvements, Release of Mal nt enance ~ 66 ' I j Guarantee Bond for Tract 10035 located on the north aide i ~, I "~, ~ of Camino Predera Street at Ptedera Court. j i, Release: ! ~~ Maintenance Guatant ee Bond (Street) $ 24,400.00 ~' ~ ~' i ~' 16. Approval to accept improvement e, Releaw of Maintenance ~ 67 ~, GuaL antes Bond for Tract 12642, 12935-64 Storm Drain, i ' I located on the east elde of Milliken Avenue between I 'i I Quay w, orraoe ana Magnland Avenue. , i i Release: ~ Maintenance Guarantee Bond (StreoC) $ 93,000.00 ~ '~ 17. Approval to accent Che Intersection of Amethyst Street ~ 68 '' I '. '~ antl 19th St. Street Improvements, Traffio Signal and ~, ~I ~i ~' ~ ~ Storm Drain, Contxact 89-032, ae complete, release the ~' I ~ bonds end authorise the City Engineer to file a "Notice II I, i ~~! of Completion". ' ~ I; ~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. 90-371 69 ~, ~ A AESOLVTION OF THE CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY ' ' ~ OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEDT ING I i '"°° ^"^"^ 'MPROV-aMEM'I'S FOR INTERSECTION OF ~I ~ ~, AMETHYST y ST. AND 19TH ST. 9TR86T IMPROVEMENTS, TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND STORM ~ DRAIN, CONTRACT NO. 89-012, AND AUTHORIZING ! ! THfi FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK i I ~I I l i ~ City Council Agenda ` ~ race ~ 55 p ~> ~' ~ September 19, 1990 ~roedy a` lH. Approval to accept Attow Route Phase II, from Archibald ~N I ~i i '~. ''~. Avenue to Hermosa Avenue, Contract No. 90-009, ae ~I, ~ complete, release the bonds and authorize the City ~' ~', I ~ ~ Engineer to file a ^NOtice of Completion^. I li 'i I I RESOLUTICN NO. 90-372 ~i ' ~ n dESOi'v'a iON OF'THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH6 CITY ! I OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIPOANIA. ACCEPTING I~ I~, ~ ~~ ~'~ THE PUHLZC SHPROVEMENTS FOR ARROW ROUTB ~ I i '' ~ i i PHASE II, PROH AACHIEALD AVENUH TO HERMOSA '~ ' ~ '. I AVENVE. CONTRACT NO. 90-009, AND AVTHORI ffiNG ' i I, ~I '~ THE PILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOA THE i '' ", li ', WOAH ~ ~' ~'~ ~ i ~ 19. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement ~2 ~ I ~ I, '', Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape ~ I, i, '~, ~ Maintenance Diet rict No. 8 and S[reei Lighting i ' I Maintenance District No. 1 and setting the public ! ~ i hearing for October 17, 1990. for the Former ion of i i ', Street Lighting Maintenance District No. a for Patcal ' ', ''~, I, I Hap 12554, located on the weer aide of Eaet Avenue, i between catalpa and Victoria streets, submitted Dy Style I, '' I ~ ~ Homes company. ~ ~ I R850LUTION NO. 90-373 I ~4 it A NE50LUTION OP TH% CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY i ~I OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ~ ~ PARCEL NAP NO. 12854, TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP i ' 12556), IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND '~ i 'i ''i '. IMPROVEMENT SECURITY ~I ~", AESOLUT ION NO. 90-374 ~~ ~5 I ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CZTY COVNCIL OF THE CITY ''~, ~ OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA. ORDBAZNG 'I THB AHNEXATSON OP CERTAIN TERRITORY 1b ' i I LANOSCAPB MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 8 AND i ' '! I STREET LICHTINO MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 i !, ' POA PARCEL MAP 12554 ~ . ' ~ -uSOLU'I'i0s n0. 90-!')5 i IO II 'i ' A AESOLVTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY ~ ! OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, INITIATING ! i ~ ~ PROCEED INCS FOA TH6 POAMATSON OP STR86T it I LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. B PURSUANT ~ I TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LICHTIH6 ACT OF 1972 H j PACE City Council Agenda i September 79, 1990 j 8 RESOLUTION NO. 90-376 it I. I A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY '~ '~ '~, I OP RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIAr GIVING i ~ ~' ', I, PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CITY ENGINEER'S ~ 'i i ~ ABPORT POR STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE '~ ' I ~ OISTRTCT N0. 8 ~ I I RESOLUTION NO. 90-377 ' III ' II i ~ a6 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~, ', '', ! ', OP RANCHO CVCAHONGAr CALIFORNIAr DECLARING I '' ''. ~'~ '" ITS INTENTION TO FORH STREfiT LIGHTING ' ~ MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 8 AN- OFPERING A I I ! ~ TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS ~' I ~' THERETO li it ii ! I 6. CONSENT ORDINANCES I The following Ordinances have bad public hearings at the ties I I '~ ~, of first ruling. Seeond rudinga are espected tc be routine I, and naa-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Council ', II ~ ~~ ', nt one ti~a without diacuadon. The City Clsrk will rud the ' ~ tit L. ilea can be revved for diacuccion. Any I A6 I I 1. ' '~ __ •a.n o. aw 1weNnwvNm 00-q1 - C.TTY OP PANCHO CUCAMONGA ~' ~ ~ An amendment to the Et Swanda Specif is Plnn pail sin in I 9 ii I ~, to the proposed removal of existing Eucalyptus windrows I ' as a rasa li of the alignment of Summit Avenue west of ~ '', I~ ',~ Etiwanda Avenue and other etceei alignments. ii i ~ '. '~ 0.4D ~NANOE N0. 4P4 (second reading) i A6 ' ~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~' I i OP RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ~ '' ~ I l ~ ' i, ~ '. ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN AHEN-MENT 90-O1r i ~' ~ I AMENDING FIGURE 5-13 OP THE ETIWANDA ''i i, '~, i ~ SPECIFIC PLAN AND HARING FINDINGS IN 3UPPORT ' ' I '. THEREOF ~' i it ~'i I 2. cORSiOERATZON Gi Ei7J iRQ::NENTAL ASSE33HENT AN- IN^ ~Sh TRIAL li 9Q S C -03 - A request to amend the circulation element of the ~ Industrial Specific Plan (Subarea 5) for the delet lon II of Seventh Street between He[mosn Avenue and Center I Street - APN Y09-261-09 and 30. Ciiy Council Agenda ~ ' PAGE ~ : a y September 19, 1990 9 I'' 'I, ORDINANCE NO. 427 (eecond reading) i 90 II ~ 'I 'I AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY ''I I ~ OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA~ CALIPOANIA~ APPROVING j I ' I I '~ ~ ~ INDUS I _ TR AL SPECIPIC PLAN AMENDMENT E9 03 I I I AHENDING FIGURB II-3 AND FIG UAS IV-7 r AND I, I ! ', I I HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF I ~ 'I ~! 3. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE RE-INSTATING PROVISIONS 92 ~, ~ OP THE 9AOWN ACT RESCINDED BY THE STAT PrIS TVIL I ~'. ~ ~I I ORDINANCE NO. 428 (eecond reading) 92 I ~ I AN ORDINANCE OP THE CZ TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ' i I OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA~ CALIPOANIA~ ADDING NEW I I, I, ~ SECTIONS 2.12.030 AND 2.12.040 TO CHAPTBR ' ! ~I~ 2.12 OF TITLE 2 OF THS RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~ I '' ~ ~ I MUNICIPAL CODB~ THERBBY REgVIRING POETING ~ ! „ ~, OF AGENDAS AND PROV TDING OPPORTONITISS FOR I ~ ~ II THE PVBLIC TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL I ~ I I I ^ ADVERTISED PUBLIC BBAAINOS ' ~I 'i ' The following ikgs asvs bun advertLsd and/or posted sa , , ~. public heariags a [squired by law. The chat[ will oqe tae I I I, I listing to rseslvs public kutiNONp. '' 1. CONSIDBRATION OF ENVIRONMENT ASS RNT M1'D GENBR ~ 95 I ~. i PLAN AMENDMENT 90-Ole - PITA EI/D I!i ARCH ITFCT - A 'I I, '~, request to amend the General Plan Land Uee Hap from I I, ',, Office to Medium Resident iel (5-14 dwelling unite per I ', acre) for 3.56 acres of land located at the southeast , I I '~i corner of Archibald Avenue and church attest. The City 'I ~, I ~ l will also cone ider Neighborhood Commercial and Low- ' 'I ', ', ~ ' I Med/um Reeidenttal as alternative des ignatione. (ITEM I '~ ,, ', ' TO BE CONTINUED) II I ~ ' ~I 40NSIDER>TION OP FNVIRONMRnmar A fi <w T 95 ~ DEVELOPMENT I I !, ! I ''. ', DISTRICT ANFNDMPNm OQ_D2 Prmsvv2/DeI FA.. ARCHITECTS - A request to amend the Development I, I i District's Map from "OP^ (Office/ProfwwplpRal) tC "M^ ' I I i !, (Medium Reaidentiai" B-34 dwelling untie per acre) foe ~ I ~, I, 3.56 acres of land located at the southeast corner of i I I 'I I Archibald Avenue and Church•Stceat. The City will also '. consider "NC" (Neighborhood commercial) end "LM" (LOW- i, Medium Rasitlentiel) ae alternative designer lone. (ITEM TO EE CONTINUED) / ~ PAGE City Council Agenda e~eP d 3 3 September 19, 1990 10 ~ t 2. Qg' IDE TION OP ENV'AONMEN°AL AS S_ MPNT ANO INDUSTRIAL I 97 SPECIFIC PL4N AMgNDMENT 90-01 - BAPHARIAN -A ragas et t0 change the deeignat ion from Subarea 4 to Subarea 5 for t I five acres of land located on the south aide of 6th ' Street, approximately 470 feat east of Archibald Avenue. ' li, lil I, OADINANCa NO. 429 (f izet reading) 117 'i AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY NVNCIL OP THE CITY ' I OF ]UNCRO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ~I I ~. I INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 90-01 TO ~I ~I I CHANGB THE DESIGNATION FROM SUBAREA 6 TO '' SVHAREA 5 FOR PIV6 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON 'i ~I i THE SOUTH SIDS OF 6TH STREET, APPROXZMATELY ~' ~, I 470 FEET EAST OF ARCHIBALD AVENUE 6 PVBLIC HEARINGS The following itue have oo legal publieatioa or poatiag requirweaCS. The Chair will open the seetiag to receive public teatiwny. li 1. i i I i i i NNSIDERATION TO A_MffT AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING o,_i Ri.rC IMPROVEMENTS AND APr.VLATION3 POR OCCUPANCY n ...,-_...-.__ .._. ,en ,s~.a~ .nndinn~ AN OAD INANCE OP THE CITY NUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 15.45 TO THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODB PERTAINING TO TH6 ESTABLISHMENT OF STANDARDS FOR COMPLETION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND REGULATIONS POR OCCUPANCY OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES E CITY MANAGER'S STAF7 REPORTS Tba following Stoe do oo! legally require soy public tsstiwny, allhoug6 the Chair uy opoo the ueLing for public --..~ 119 124 ,~. I PAGE City Council Agenda September 19, 1990 I 11 j ! ''~, 1. S O ON F 127 I, ~. ', PAES O N G G G '~, I I FOA THE BSAR GULCH AREA - A request for policy direction ! ~ I ~ regarding a potential Landmark Dee lgnation foc the Bear ~~ ' ~ "~ ~ Gulch aren which would include the Sycamore Inn, the ! i eignif scant trees, the Oso Beat et aius and potential j it I archaeological resources (the Bite of the proposed ', ~ i I '! I ~ycmrore 'v silage pmSecti baL exclude Lhs Rad chief ~ ~ ! I Motel and CaEa. (COatinuW fros Septuber S, 1990) ! '. I ! 2. ! CONSIDER>TION OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR ' 133 I ', '!, ' TR>.CT 12462 DETBNT ION BASIN. LOCATED ON TH6 SOVTH 3IDS ~! !! OF SUMMIT AVENVB BETWEEN ETIWANDA AVENVE AND SAST ' ! ! AVENUE. SOBMITTED BY PIRST FAMILY HOMSS I ~' '' '' ~'! I 135 ' ! I i l AESOLUT ION NO. 90-378 I ! ~! ~'' ~'' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY ~I OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ' I IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENS MN AND IMPROVEMENT ESCURITY POR TRACT 12462 I ~, !! ~, DETENTION BASIN '' ~ !i 3. l I ! i CONS IDSMTjON TO APPROVE NINE 191 DISASTER PLAN ANNEXES ~ AND SUBMISSION TO THE STATE S35 i I ~ ~~ !, 'I I a• - Requaet to 137 I ! ! I ~ I, approve cna 'rax Nevesue axcnenge zor annnxecrun ~ '~ 'I ~, i ',, proceedings (LAFCO 2626) between the County of Ean ! 'I ~, !, I, Bernardino and the City of dancho Cucamonga for '' ' ' '~ approximately 2,556 acres of uzbanizing territory in the !I ~I ~' ''~ '! area generally located north of the existing City limit, ! '~ ! ' I 'I east of Et Lwanda Avenue and west of the existing ' ''! I I~ ', boundary of the Clty of Fontana. ', ', 'I I' ! RESOLUTION NO. 90-379 ' 145 ~' ~ ~ ! !~ I A RESOLUTION GP THE CITY COVNCZL OP TH8 CITY I ! CF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING I, '! '!i THE AMOVNT OP PROPERTY TAX REVENUES TO BE '~ I E%CHANGED BETWEEN AND AMONG THS COUNTY OF I, ~I ', ~, SAN BEANAADINO AND THE CITY OF N11NCN0 ...._..._ ....._....~ .... -RGM T._ ... _.... T.....,,.. ~ V jy e ` I I I ! it BY LAFCO NO . 2626 CHANGS DSSCRIBEO - PAGE City Council Agenda September 19, 1990 12 !, I '~i 5. CONSIDBRATION OP AN INCREASE IN HOME ZMPROVBHENT PROGRAM '~,, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES CONTRACT - Tha approval of en '~. ', amendment to the Professional Sarv ices Contract (CO 90- ~~ ~ 013) with Willdan AaeocLatee to authorize an increase ~, !, ', in the Home Improvement Program admin ieirative services ~, ~'i I portion of the Community Developoent Block Ozant I, '', '. Program. I i ' I'i ~'~ I• COUNCIL BVSINE93 ~! I' II Tha following Iran have been requutd by the City Council ' far diacuuian. Thep era not public Dearing iron, althaug6 '~, '~, the Chair uy open the ueting for public input. 1. 0 M E N W O N AN R G N I (Caalinued free September S, 1990) J O R N This is the time for City Council to identify the itgs Chap wish to diacun at the next uetiag. TDUe Lteu will not De di wuased at this gating, only iQeatifiad for the nut meeting. R. COMMUNICATIONS PROM TR6 PVBLIC This is the ties and place for the general public to addrsw the City Council. State law prohibit the Citp Council froe ~' addreu ing avy iuue not previously iaeluded oa the Agenda. The City Council up receive teLiaanp and set the matter for , subsequent seating. Coseant are to 6e limitd to five mivutee per individual. '~~ L. ADJOURNMBNT NBETINO TO ADJOVIIN TO THE JOINT NEETINO WITR TH6 ENVIRONlOIIlTAL MANA6~lT CONK ISSION ON 36PTEMEER 26, 1990 IN TH6 HAVp AVENi7Is CONFERENCE ROOM AT ]:00 P.N. I, Oebt•a J. Adams, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda wns ponied on September 14, 1990, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting pet Government Code 54953 at 10500 Civic Canter Drive. 148 August 9, 1990 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Adjourned Meet inc CALL TO ORDER An adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Aencho Cucamonga was held on Thursday, August 9, 1990r in the Council Chambers in the civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. 6y Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Counc ilmembera: William J. Alexander, Deborah N. Brown, Char lee J. Buquet II, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Also present wea'e: Jack Lam, City Manages; Brad Buller, City Planner; Larry H¢ndereon, Principal Planner; Alan Warren, Associate Planner; Miki Brat=, Asaociate Planner; Vince Bertoni, Assistant Planner; Anthea Hart ig, Aeaieta~t Planner{ Gaii SanChar, Fla.^.ninq Comsassicn Secretary; Bhintu Bose, Deputy Ciry Engineer; Susan Neely, Finance Officer; end Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. h # 1r R # ! B. STEM OP DISCUSSION B1. DIB CUSSION OF MULTIPLE FA.M ILY DEVELOPMENT - The purpose of this meting ie to diecuse multi-family development in general throughout the City. There will be no discussion regarding specific projects. Mayor Stout stated thle meeting is to discuee multi-family development in genera]. throughout the City ae requested by the City Council. Brad Bullet, City Planner, stated he would cove[ the executive summary with further information to be presented 6y ALan Warren, Asaociate Planner, who had prepared the report under the eupervle ion of Larry Hendereonr Principal Planner. Brad 8.:11cr, City Plsnner, elated there were Fix cone l!!alnaa {n the executive summary ae listed in the eteff report. Alan Warren, Associate Planner, continued presenting information on acreage and unit Count edjuetmente, exietin9 multi-family development, general plan and land use conaidarat lone, effects on housing policies and goal e, effects on services and anticipated revenues end legal conelderet ions, which were all covered Ln the staff report prepared. City Council Minutes August 9, 1990 Page 2 Council and staff discussed the information presented with various suggestions made to staff including further information they would like brought back to them. • r, . . . . Mayor Stout called a recess at 8:45 p.m. Tha meeting was called back to order at 9:05 p,m. with all members of council o none, w . . . . . Mayor Stout felt more information was needed before he could make a decision of what the ratio should be set at, but felt now was the time to make the change in the general plan. Councilmember Brown stated that the Terra Vista Development Agreement that was signed in 1984 takes the control out of the C1ty'e hands unless they would come back and emend it with the City. she stated her question was if this were to go to a vote of the people to put in place 758 single family/258 multi-family dwelling ratio or 708 single family/308 multi-family dwelling ratio, would the development between the City and Lewis became a moot point and allow the City to go in and down zone. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated he did not think it would overrule an existing development agreement. Councilmember Brown felt this was a wealth of information presented, and felt Y hlo mare. ee.,.nw we ..~ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _.. z _c ..:. yc ...~~ .., ..ye .~~~.. u,e general plan. Councilmember august felt the City should contact Lewis for their input on this matter. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public input. Address ing the City Council were: Hharon Hoyd eton, ?066 Del Mar Court, had var loos handouts and pie charts. She stated that Victoria, Terra Vista and Etiwanda tako up 368 of reeLdentlal acreage in the City, but would have 518 of the multi-family unite of the city. Ehe stated this concerned her. She added she felt ownership was very important in a community. Ehe felt more ~epartmente would make it difficult to provide goal Sty education. She did not feel .-. r-Lamiiv should conrtnuo rn ha n„~tw ..,f,t ~e.. ,. _ .. __ _____ ~ ..........~. ...... .~. ~.,o. information and discussion on this. Shirley Huston, Director of Apartment Renters, commended the Council for taking their tLme on this issue. She felt the city will have to become more of an Bran where people will ba renting. City Council Minutes August 9, 199D Page 3 Jack williamer Affordable Housing Task Porce, elated their report hoe not been submitted to the Clty Council subcommittee. He stated the Taek Force's position on affordable housing and added they did not think that affordable housing should be the Blume of tomorrow, but should fit in with the teat of the City. Aen Douglas, 11463 Genova Aoad, stated he had bought affordable housing ir, Rancho Cucamonga one year aao which was a gnod buy, and n7• .•.as bsa.-. able to buy hie second home In Rancho Cucamonga. He stated he would like to see the number of apartment complexes reduced. John Novak, 11605 Mayberry Driver stated he has purchased two homes in Rancho Cucamonga. He staled hie concern was Terra Vista and the area east cf Haven. Gary Lucay, William Lyon Canpany Project Manager, stated he hoped equity and fairness would be used when thinking of Victoria. Pete Pitaes i, 10939 McLennan, commented On a project in Rancho Santa Hazqarita called Habitat far Humanity, elating it was a very nice project. He felt staff should be more specific regarding product type in thet.t future reports. Irene Lavano, 5828 Montecito, stated she wished the condos for rent in Terra Vista would have the option of being purchased for ownership. Mayor Stout felt the signs that are posted for new development that state "luxury condominiums" we rr m{al end{m no......e ! _ _r_ _--~ pi,g l,,,~,,;,e o,,,. a„uui~ scare eo. Cou ncilmember eu goat stated he concurred with this and felt a dieclo sure should be made to the buyers ae to exactly what ie going to go in the area in the future. Councilmember Brown stated she hoe an item on the August 15 agenda whereby all zone changes shoo ld 9o through the City Council. Oave Valletta, 11116 Amarillo, felt there were other ways to provide affordable housing other than apaYtmente. He felt quality was very impoYtant also. Wendy Valletta, llilfi Amarillo, stated she is concerned about the number .._ molt i-f a.,i/y dwelling unite bring nut It 1.^..°.anoho 0-., 0.,~%,-,y a. There being no further response, the public input session was closed. Councilmember Wright asked for the percentage of multi-family and single family unite at present and at Duild out that staff hse ident Lfied. City Council Minutes August 9, 1990 Page 4 Brad Buller, City Planner, stated he felt he knew from the discussion where the Council was headed and knew where to Cake this. Mayor Stout asked when this could cane back. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated staff would get the missing information and get other additional Lnfozroation the City Council may want, and suggested another workshop would probably take two months to organize. He added staff wctld 1 ~e to organrze field tripe to show the City Council various project e. He further stated staff encouraged the school dietricie to give their input into thin. He felt this entire process would take aDOUt nine to twelve months. Councilmembet Brown suggested multi-family projects being submitted from this point until the completion of the chenges De put on hold. Councilmember Nright suggested staff should closely monitor the multi-family construct ion and advise the Council it there was something out of the ordinary. councilmember Brown etateQ she concurred with Councllmember Nright, but would like to see what ie in the process eo that she could have input with the project s. BFad Huller, Ciiy Plenner, stated he would keep the Council informed of what ie coming in for approval for their input. Councilmember Alexnntler stated he ie not ready for a nroratorium and added he felt better advertisement of these meetings should be done. Brad Buller, City Planner, reiterated the iden of a field workshop prior to a workshop back in the Council Chambers. Councilmember Nright invited the audience to come back and participate in further workshops. John Shapirie, 11360 Monopoly, stated he Bad been told at a previous Council meeting he would be notified of this meeting and was not. • r • w C. COIRRINICATION PROM THB PUBLIC No communication was made from the public. II • R ~ R R City Couneil Minutes August 9, 1990 Page 5 Q` A0.TO0RN1~lT MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Brown to adjourn to Executive Eeeeion to disease personnel matters. Motion carded unanlmouely, 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. Reanectfull submitted, Oebra J. Adams, G}:C City Clerk Approved: August 15, 1990 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES RernAar Meet i.^.a A. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga met on Wednesday, August 15, 1990 in the Council ChuMera of the Civic Center, located z:t 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:25 p.m. by Mayor Uannie L. Stout. Present were Councilmembere: William J. Alexander, Deborah N. Brown, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. A 1eo present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; James Markman, City Attorney; Rick Game 2, Comn.unity Dove lopoent Director; Olen Jore a, Sr. RDA Analyst; SA into Boee, Deputy City Engineer) Paul Rougeau, Treff is Engineeti Joe Btofa, Associate Brig i.naer; Wait St ickney; Associate Engineer; Brad Buller, City Flannet; Otto Kx'outil, Deputy City Planner; Larry Henderson, Principal Planner; Miki BraT.t, Ae satiate Planner; Kathy Sorensen, Recreation Superintendent; Ingrid Blair, GIS Surwrvion.e .1im nn.R ea..: ..[ah~e~:..,. e ......:...... n. ___. __. ~..___ ..._.x ._~.. .. Officer; Jim Frost, City Treaeurar; Duane Baker, Resistant to the City Manager; Diane O'Neal, Management Analyst II, Petty Riffel, Executive Resistant; Terah Read, Secretary II; Chief Dennis Michael and Division Chief Lloyd Almond, Rancho Cucamonga Fize Protection Uiat rict; Capt. Bruce 2e crier, Rancho Cucamonga Police Department; and Debra J. Aflame, City Cleric. Absent was Councilmember: Charles J. Buquet II R f; R h Y B. ANNOUNCEIBNTS /PRE86NTATIONB B1. Mayor Stout made a preaentat ion to Jeck Laat, City Manager, for the national award the City had received for its financial report for the Fiscal Year 2nd.TV „one w, i3o'v. R x R R C COIDNNICATIONB PRON TH_g~~ Cl. Mike Benner, Vice Chairman of Residents CommitteD of 6ycamore Nobilo Home Park, stated they hove hnd a problem with the owners of the park. Re stated the problem hoe been the upkeep of Che parl<. He reported they have City Council Hinutee August 15, 1990 Page 2 had meet inge with the owners on this matter and nothing gate done. He added the County is also going to be visiting Lheir park on some of the matters that are of roncern to them. He stated he had been told by Diane O'Neal that their pool decking was in good condition, and he did not agree with this. He stated they have had someone get huzt because of the problems with the decking. The reeidente Dad sent a notice io the owners, and nothing was done Dy them. He added he felt the owners wanted the reeidente to paq for the repairs of the pool decking and pool. He also _.._.~_,.... c..s of me for conditions of the streets. He aflded ht did not' feel theirr recourse was througD the County. He mentioned an incident where their cluDhouae had been locked up and the reeidente could not access it. He mentioned that fences are also falling dolor. In conclusion, he asked for help from the City Council to help get these problems resolved with the owners. CouncilmemDer Brown stated that the Council Bubcommittae hoe been at both of their meetings, and felt is waa now time for the City Attorney to get involved to see where the Clty can go with this. Mayor Stout aekwd far A1twr9etpven to nnmw hack !p tho n ~ _~,, ;__~ et the September 5, 1990 meeting. C2. Jim Frost, City Treasurer, eteted ha felt recognition was due Jim Hart, Adminiettetive Services Director, and Liz Stoddard, former Finance Ma nags[, with regards to the sward just presented to Tack Lam, City Manager, because of their contrihuticne. He oleo suggested that a Reeolut ion of Commendation be given to Li¢ Stoddard for hsi work on this. Hw Alwn AAdwd hw fait iho 11AM lfty_ {n n nno n vw fn. •he of :..o..a. Historical Society was omitted from the City's budget,~nand asked that this come Dack cn the next agenda for approval. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated staff would look into this. C3. Jack Williams, S80D Basa Line and Chairman of RCMORE, stated he Le in support of Mike Benner. He also gave some additional information on the Mobile Nome Accord that was approved Dy the City Council. He eteted the owners are not supposed to reduce amenities, services, etc., without reducLnq the rent ae per the Mobile Home Accord. He continued to et ate the Mobile Home Accord was to be a good faith agreement, and that he did not feel the owners were showing good faith. C4. Lewis Trout, 7861 Leucite, commended Jack Lam, City Manager, sad Debts Ada„a, ...ty Clerk, .cr set aGileh lnq ui,i icv for aherinc the City Manager's Weekly Report and the Commiaeion agendas with all of the candidates. He also suggested that the City hoot frequent meetings to inform all the candidates on some of the more eeneitlve issues the City Se involved Ln. R R R # # Citc_ (:ouneil Minutes Auquet 15, 1990 Page 3 p. CONSENT CALBNDAR James Matkman, City Attorney, stated that there is a confidential memorandum to go with item D7, and if the Council needs an Executive Seeeion regarding that, they may do so. Dl. Approval of Warrants, Register Noe. fi/30/90, 7/25/90 and 8/1/90; and Payroll ending H/2/90 for tae total amount of St, FSA, 050,04, C2. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule ae of July 31- 1990. 03. Approval to authorize the advert icing the ^NOt ice Inviting Bide^ for the 19th Street Improvements, from Archibald Avenue to Haven Avenue, to be funded from System Development Fantle Account No. 22-4637-8744. RESOLUTION NO. 90-326 A RSSOLVTZON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANE AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR "19TH STREBT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 8B9'WEEN ARCHIBALD AVSNUB AND HAVEN AVSNUSS", IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORISING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERIC TO ADVBRTISE TO ASCEIVE BID9 D4. Approvai to accept lnntnllmant Nots in the amount of $33,224.36 from western Waste Induetrien for delinquent frnnchine feen for the qunrterly period 7/1/89 to 9/30/89. D5. Approval of Environmental Initial Study Parts I and II for the Proposed Railroad Crossing Widening and Improvements at the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Croe sing (PDC No. 2-96.7) on Haven Avenue and the Issuance of a Categorical EzemPtion therefor. RESOLUTION NO. 90-325 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAHONCA, CALIPORNIA, APPAOVINO THE ENVIRONMENTAL INITIAL STUDY PARTS I AND II AND ISSVANCE OP A CATEGORICAL EXBMPTZON FOR THE PROPOSED WIDENING ANO IMPAOVSMENTS TO THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILROAD CROSSING (PUC NO. 2-96.7) ON HAVEN AVENUE NORTH OP 8TH STREET ..... Apprc.al t0 aul h4rize the Dena rt.mrnt qt r.<n=.ot csiYicec of the Cal lfornia to purchase certain material e, supplies, end equipment on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. City Council Minutes August 15, 1990 Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. 90-326 A RF.EOLVTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHUAIZ ING THE DEPARTMENT OF GENEPAL SERVICES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO PVRCNASE CERTAIN MATERIALS, EUPPLSF. S, AND EQUi PMENT ON flEHALF OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA -.. Appr~~al uC Satciement of Eminent Domain Action (CO 90-130); Rancho Cucamonga ve. Eda M. Ellena, Caee No. RCV 053123. RESOLUTION NO. 90-327 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIE ING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXfiCVTE SETTLEMENT DOCVMENTS RELATING TO EMINENT nOMAIN CASE NO. RCV 053129 (CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, ETC., V. SDA M. ELENA, ETC., ET AL.) AND DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PAOCEfiD IN CONFORMITY THEREWITH O6. Approval to execute an operating agreement (CO 90-131) between Security Pacific National Bank and the Clty to provide lender services under the Home Improvement Program. D9. Approval t0 award and execute a Professicnal Services Agreement (CO 90- 332) for preparation of en Lnfraetructure phasing plan for the Et iwanda North Specific Plan area to Planning Network in the amount of $9,075.00 to be funded from Contract Eervicee Account No. 01-4333-6028 /F'Y R9 /9n. D10. Approval to award and execute letter amendment No. 3 to the Professional Eervicee Agreement (89-041) for the preparation of the Etiwanda North Specific Plan Environmental Impact Repor[ with Michael Hrandman AeeoCi etee in the amount of $46,p19.00 of which $24,311.00 will be fundetl from Account No. 70-276-545 and $21,705.00 will be Funded £rom Contract Eervicee Account No. 01-4333-6028 (FY 89/90). D11. Approval of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security for Tract 13280, located north of ease Line Road between Milliken and Rochester Avenues submitted by The William Lyon company. RESOLVTION NO. 90-328 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C0UNC/L CF THE CITY UC' NA NI'Hn C•CAHUiYUq, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECORITY POR TRACT NO. 13250 D12. Approval to vecete a public utility and drainage easement on a portion of Lot 5, Tract 10045, located at ihs terminus of Almond Street, west of Haven Avenue, Approximately 20-feet wide and 285.22 feet long (APN 3074-121-21). City Council Ninutee August 15, 1990 Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. 90-329 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUMMARILY ORDERING THE VACATION OF A PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMJiNT ON A PORT70N OF LOT 5 OF TRACT 30045 D13. Approval to accept the Kenyon Park Protect in the Vlncorla Planned Community. RESOLDT ION t0. 90-330 A RESOLUTION OF THE CLTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMINTS OF THE RENYON PAAA PROJECT AND AUTNORIZING THE FILING OP A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOA THE WORK D 14. Approval to accept Improvements, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for: Tract 13645 1 t d the r`h e t r of VS t P rk L ne a tl R h et Av e Release: Paithful Performance Bond (Street) $724,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guatantee Bond (Street) $ 72,400.00 RF.SbT.11T T!)N Nn on-9a1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POA TRACT 13445 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK Tract 13810. ocated o e north aide of Hi ls'de Road at R our Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $374,449.00 Accept: Naintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 17,445.00 RESOLUTION NO. 90-332 A .__OLL'T IOM ... . CITY' COUNCIL OF 'rng rrmy OF R.a~ DHD CUCAMONGA, CALIPORN IA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POR TRACT 13810 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOT ICS OP COMPLETION FOR THE WORK Parcel Mao 11030 Underaroundina. located on the oast elde of Haven Avenue between Poothlll Boulevard and Deer creek Channel City Council Hinutee August 15, 1990 Page 6 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (StreeC~ $616,601.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Hond (Street) $ 61,660.00 RE SOLVTION NO. 90-333 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL M:.F ii030 ONUERGAOUNDING AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OP COMPLETION POR THE WORR Parcel Han 11341 T affi Sian 1 1 aced at the ante ee t' r f F at hill Boulevard and Milliken Avenue Release: Faithful Performance Hond (Street) $110,000.00 RESOLUTION N0. 90-334 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH& CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI FOANIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMHNTS POR PARCEL NAP 11341 TAAFPIC SIGNAL AND AUTHORIP.I NG THB PILING OP A NOTICE OF COMPLETZON FOA THE WORR 015. Approval to accept Improvement e, release of Maintenance Guarantee Hond for Tracts 12650 and 12650-4, located at the aouth:veat rorrer of Canietel wvenus and Deer Canyon Drive. Tract 12650 us u.~eunnce Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 21,000.00 Tract 12650'4 Maintenance Guarantee 9ond (Street) $ 36,000.00 MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Alexander to approve the Consent Calendar. Hotlon carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (BUquet ab9ent). R• R R R M N. CONSENT ORDINANCES El. ONS DE TI N OF E IRONM T NT D D S L S NDM T 9 2 CI Y OF RANCHO V ON - A request to amend the land use regulations for Subarea 5 to cond itioaa)ly permit P.utaffativa Fieef Stnrr ge, Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 423. city Council Hinutee August 15, 1990 Page 7 ORDINANCE NO. 423 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO WCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE INDVBTRIAL S7ECIFIC PLAN TO AMEND THE LAND U3E REGULATIONS POA SUBAREA 5 TO CONDITZONALLY PERMIT AVTOMOTIVE FLEET STORAGE NOTION: Roved by Alexander, seconded Dy Brown to waive full roading and approvc Ordinance No. 423. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (euquet absent). * R R R R R F. ADVERTI8B0 PUBLIC BEARIN03 F:. CONSIDERATION OF ANHNDINC MAPS FOR TRACT NOS 13565 13565-6 AND 13565-9 LOCATED NURTH OF SUBMIT AVENUE AND FAS^ OF WAADMAN-BVLLOCR ROAD SUBMZTTED BY STANDARD PACZFIC OF ORANGE COUNTY Staff report presented by Joe Stofa, Associate Bngineer. Mayor stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. RESOLVTION KO. 90-335 A AESOLVTI04 OF TH% CITY COUNUiL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO WCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDING TRACT MAP NOS. 13565, 13565-6 AND 13565-9 MOTION: Moved by Brown, aecondetl by Alexander to approve Resolution No. 90-335. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (euquet absent). R R R R R R F2. CONSIDERATION OF VACA'"ING A PORTION OF KINLOCN AVENUE LOCATvD SOUTH OF HIGHLAND VEN E AND S OF HE OSA NUE Staff report presented by Walt Stickney, P.eeociate Engineer. Hayor Stout et ated that this was originally supposed to be a temporary access, and asked why the Clty didn't put some type of a retention or bonding mechanism to complete these improvements. Walt Stickney, Associate Engineer, stated this was done under the County and they have no record- Mayor Stout asked how much black wall was missing. Walt Stickney, Associate Engineer, stated approximately 50 feet. Councilmember Alexander asked why wee the temporary eccese required to be put in. City Council Minutes August 15, 1990 Page e Walt Stickney, Associate Engineer, stated it was for emergency puYpoeea. Councilmember Alexander asked if there has been any comments from the Police Department or Fire OietYict relative to the abandonment of this. Walt 8t ickney, Associate Engineer, stated they did not object because of the secondary access. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Aodr¢aeing the Council were: William Renney, Rinlock and Heather, et ated he concurred with tale c_oein9 of the portion of xi mock. Phillip Antion, reai lent in this area since 1985, stated when they moved in they were never :old about the freeway going in. He also added he agreed with the atre ii closure because he felt it would be safer for the children playing in :heir front yards. Carlos Gonralee, 6541 Rinlock, stated he agreed with the other epeaker¢. He felt with the etr set being left open ft was inviting vandalism, and with it closed that woultl eliminate a lot of thee¢ problems. There being nc further reep~nee, the public hearing was closed. Mayor Stout stated he fall the City ehou ld pay for the 50 feet of block wall to finish off the cul-de-sac. AQF(1T.nT TnN Nn wIl-a a4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TO HE VACATED A PORTION OP KINLOCK AVENUE I/1CATED SOUTH OP HIGHLAND AVENUE HOT ION: Moved by Stout, seconded by 8zown to approve Resolution No. 40-336 with the modification of the Cit} paying for the 50 feet of block wall. Motion carried unanimously, 9-0-1 (e~quet absent). • x • : ~ w F3. CONSIDERATION GP ENVIA(~NMEN 9 SM AMENDMENT 90-01 - CITY OF RP NCHO CUCAMONGA - An amendment to the Etiwanda Spec if is Flan pertaining to the proposed Yemoval of existing Eucalyptus windrows aw a reeVl*_ of the alig:.r„ant o. ~usviiiE avenue wewc n{ Et lwanda Avenue a.^.d other street alignmenie. Staff rapor: presented by Otto Kroutil, Deputy City Planner. Mayor Stout opened the meeting I'or public hearing. Addresetng the Council wares City Council Hinuie9 August 15, 1990 Page 9 Jim Frost, former Chairman df the Etiwanda Specific Plan Advlaoxy Committee, stated the Committee had very definitely decided to have a phased replacement of the trees and as quickly ae possible when needed. He added he would like to see the Council continue with this previously establlehed policy. Councilmeaibez Brown asked if when the Committee came up with this policy, was the thought at: the time when trying to pceserve the breaks, that there would he conflicts of removing struetvzos tc make sure the windbreaks were preserved. Jim Frost stated at the time this waa done he had various staff members come to ;pie house to get the feeling that Etiwanda provides its raeidents. He felt it waa very special. Lewis Tx out, '1861 Leucite, stated he agreed with what Jim Frost hat stated, and ae a member of the Sierra Club, he felt the oversight of preeervirg the trees by the City Council was an important function and should be kept with the City Council. There being no .°urther response, the public heax'inq was closed. Mayor Stout etas ed there were two ieauee to be dealt with/ 3) was the epaciflc ieeue of the realignment of 24th Street, and 2) the general ordinance. He suggested the realignment of 24th Street be dealt with first. Cou.-.c ilme~nber eri>wn asked if there was any way to preserve the windrow that ie healthy. Otto %rour n, ~~ _ _itx ~.e„uar, stated there Se no practical way that he sees ae a planneY and wrould have to rely on the traffic staff to determine how wide a street hat to te, etc. He stated with the trees where they are, you would either lose the tress, the structures, or have a street that ie not wide enough. He stated he did n>t know o£ any way to preserve the trees without reopening the entire issue of et zest alignment in this particular location. Councilmember Brows asked if [hare was any way of taking these trees out and relocate them to an area that would be healthy For them. Otto Kroutil, peputy Clty Planner, stated eucalyptus trees do not relocate and live. Mayor Stout stated :.t ie not the whale windrow, but only part of it. Otto Y,rdgtii, Uemu t.y fuy o1a,:GC", stated that 1a COYYBCt. Mayor Stout stated ha did not want people to get the idea that the whole windrow Se going to be removed, but that according to the report it ie 31 trees for about 200 feet. City Council Minutes August 15, 1990 Page 10 Otto Xroutil, Deputy City Planner, et ated the windrow would be eliminated from the Etiwanda P1 ai: in ire entirety ae far as the deeignat ion ae it ie now proposed; however, if the Council's direction is to save as many of the trees ae possible, they would certainly do this. He also stated ae it ie proposed right now, when the windrow ie removed, it will not be replaced immediately because there will be no development adjacent to the windrow. He etatad if it is Council's direction to replace these in conjunction with Tract 13812, then Engineering would have to provide a method for watering and maintenance in the interim period. The Council diecueesd how they wanted to break these actions up ae far ae approving the Ordinance. Coun ci.lmember Alexander asked why this had to be broken down tonight, rather than wait until the next meeting so it can he looked at ae it will be. Counc ilmember Brown asked if Figure 5-13 included immediate replacement. Otto Xzouti 1, Deputy City Planner, at ated replacement will not occur until development Se proposed on the adjacent property. He stated Figure 5-13 will allow staff the authority to Seaue a tree replacement permit subject to certain conditions. He stated replacement ie nct tonight's action, lose it would be an administrative decision based on their .,etion tonight. He suggested the Mayor let the developer speak since he was prireent. Larry Lewia, architect of Watt Induetriee, etatetl when they started working or. rota rosy mad no idea tiers w99 en alignment problem On Sunm It Avwnuw. Hw stated that unfortunately. to so ahead with the nroiect. some of the trees would need to be removed. He et ated they are almost complete with the grading and this decision is holding them up. councilmember Alexander stated he did not feel two or three weeks would destroy any project, and that he felt this was a eery important action the Council would be Caking. Councilmember Wright asked if the trees are or. the Watt proposed property, and do they neetl to be removed in order for him to develop. Otto Kroutll, Deputy City Planner, et ated :he trees era on the property adjacent to the Watt property, and that in order for him to meet the conditions of approval, he would need to remove the tre,~e. ..o,..:....ms-ber :.-ighl a ksd .. .,...as cua~ocar'y `or the davalcpar to rapt acs the trees. Otto Xroutil, Deputy City Planner, et ated i. is customary to require full street improvement e, whatever that might be, inc lucling windrow trees, directly adjacent to the property. He stated iE it le the Cuunc il'e deelre to do thle, that the engineering Department look into Chia, whore there could be water lines run, which could be Condit ionatl, the trees lost ailed and maintained. He felt the maintenance would be part of an assessment district. City Council Mlnutea August 15, 199C Page 17. Councilmember Wright suggested the City can require the replacement ae a condition of development, and also condition a temporary maintenance of the trees until development occurs. Otto Rroutil, Deputy City Planner, euggeetad that if the City wants to go with this option, that they make sure the replacement ie done now rather than a few yeate from now, and that this information or idea could be brought back to the Council. Councilmember crown asked if they could condition a developer to produce an in- lieu fee that he would have to pay to replace ttie windrow, poeeibly not now, but in the future when the land ie developed. ,Tames Harkman, City Attorney, felt this matter could be worked out. Rick Gomez, Community Development Director, stated it would be the next developer who would be putting the trees in. Councilmembar Wright stated this ie her point, that the dice not went to wait for the next developer„ but that the trees should be replaced row. She did not want to eat any gap in the replacement, even if it meant for this developer to put them in and have tome kind of temporary maintenatce, whether it meant an in-lieu fee or another kind of program. Otto Xroutl 1, Deputy City Pla rrar, stated staff ,an coma be.ek with an Ordinance which would only change Exhibit 5-13, do away with all thtx language, which would take away the Council's authority, and give them an option on how the replacement could be done at this point with a condition on the tree removal permit, including pros and cone of this. The Council concurred that a report could come back at the September 5 meeting with the information requested by them. James Haxkman, City Attorney, stated the 7lannin3 CortTieaion may need to look at the changes to the Ordinance. Otto Rroutil, Deputy City Planner, stated he unde retood t.iat ORDINANCE NO. 424 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITZ OF MNCHO CUCAMONGA, CALZ FORM A, APPAOVZNG EI IWANDA SPECIPIC PLAN ...WMLlWHT nn _Cl AHEHDIHC FIOCAE 5-13 ti'.D SECTIC~HS 5.31.3D4(a) AND 5.41.201 OP THE ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN PERTA:ININ6 TO THS PRESERVATION OP EUCALYPTUS WINOROW3, /d70 HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF MOTIONI Moved by Alexander, seconded by Wcighl. to continue the item to September 5, 1990. Motion carried unanimously, 4-C-1 (BUquet abaant). • • w • • a Ci[y Council Hlnutee August 15, 1990 Page 12 O. PUBLIC HEARINGS G1. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE REGULATING PUflLIC ENTRY D OCC P Y OF POSTED CITY PROPERTY Staff report presented by Duane Baker, Aeai et ant to the City Manager. Hayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. Debra J. Adams, city Clerk, read the title of Ozdinance No. 425. ORDINANCE NO. 425 (f iret reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, REGULATING PUBLIC ENTRY AND OCCUPANCY OF POSTED CITY PROPERTY MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Bcown to waive full reading and set second readinc of Ordinance No. 425 for September 5, 1990. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (BUquet absent). • 1 • R tt R E• CITY MANAGER'S STAFP REPORTS N1. CONSIDERATION A P N P IC TIO S AEC THE BANNER POLICY Staff report presented by Rathy Sorensen, Recreation m.ror c ro nndnnh Counci la ember Wright Eelt two more banner locations needed to be added and approved. The two locations she suggested were Vineyard/Carnelian and on Base Line, east of Naven, possibly at Milliken and Baee Line. She felt this would better i:iform the community of what was going on. Councilmembere Brown and Alexander coccurred. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated if the City Ceuncil needs to add two more locations, they will need to find budget money for this, and that it would take some time to get tha materials for the additional two 6annere. Brad Bul liar, city Planner, et ated they could also look at eomething where the banner wov ldn't stretch completely across the street. MOTION: MOVSd by Brown, seconded by AlexanQer io approve ih0 pO11cy e9 proposed. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (euquet absent). MOTION: Moved 6y Alexander, eecondad by Brown to approve the banner applications ae submitted. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (BUquet absent). Councilmemk er Wtight etnted she would like the twe banner locetlone to come back et a later date for approval. City Council Minutes August 15, 1990 Page 13 Mayor Stout stated he did not want to limit the additional Locations to just two. R • R R ! R Mayor Stout called a recess at 8:50 p.m. The meeting was called back to order at 9:10 p.m. with all members of Council present (BUquet absent). R 1 R R 1 H2. CONSIDERATION OF CONTRIBUTING S1 000 00 TO THE INLAN- EMP IA6 DESIGN INSTITUTE Staff report presented by Jecx Lam, City Manager. The City Council asked ,Tack Lam, City Manager, for hie opinion on this matter. Jack Lam, City Manager, suggested the Ciiy Council contribute for the first year, and then reassess this to see if they wanted to do it again for the second year and thereafter. He also stated the Council might consider not participating if the other agencies do not come up with their portion. MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Stout to contribute $1,000.60 to the Inland Empire -eeign Inet State. Motion tied ae follows: AYES: Alexander, Stout NOES: Brown, Wright ACTION: Nav ~ RMnf oaRe.: ~w:e .. _ _ __ _ _ __ . .._ .. v ...c. _. ...,..~..,e..,,y in order to break iheatie vote. • R R Y ; R H3. CONSIDERATION TO DESICNAT*+ A VOTIN AEP NTATIVE AND AN T 'UVATR PRESENT AT THE BUSINESS SESSTON OF T4E ANNC LEAGUE OF A CITIE CONFERENCE ON OCTOBER 23 1990 Staff report presented by Jack Lam, City Manager. Mayor Stout stated he will not be attending the conference. Councilmember erowu stated she will be attending. Councllmember Wriyht stated she will only be attending on Saturday, October 20. ACTION: Council concurred that Councilmembet BYOwn would be the Voting delegate with Councilmember Alexander as the alternate. R R R• R t City GOYDC it Minutes August 15, 1990 Page 14 H4. C I O' N UC AN S T DAT OR PVBLIC HEARING ON RESIDENTIAL F IRE SPRINKLER ORDINANCE - City Council introduction of. the ordinance by reading of title and setting date of September 5, 1990 for public hearing on an ordinance requiring automatic fire sprinklers in all residential buildings and certain related accessory Dulldinge. Staff report presented by Jack Lam, City Manager. Mayor Stout atated he would like the analysis of the Pvhlic Safety CNmeise an included with this. Debra J. Ademe, City Clerk, read the title of ordinance No. 426 for introduction. ORDINANCE NO. 426 (Introduction) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 15, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION, OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA HON ICIPAL CODE AND AAOPTING BY REFERENCE STANDARDE NFPA 13D AND NFPA 13R, 80TH PUBLISHED BY THS NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, REQUIRING THE INSTALLATION OF ADTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS IN RESIDENTIAL OCCVPANCISS AND CERTAIN BUILDINGS ACCESSORY THERETO, WITH CERTAIN AMENDMENTS, DELETIONS AND E%CEPTTON TO SAID CODES MOTION: Moved by Stout, seconded by Alexander to set the public hearing fcr September 5, 1990. Motion carried unanlmounly, 4-0-1 (BUquet absent). w . x ~ . ~ HB. STATUS R^PORT ON THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND ROCHESTER AVENUE TRAFFIC SIGNAL Staff report presented by Paul Rougeau, Traffic Engineer. Mayor Stout questioned the information presented ae far as the accident numDere being below average, Which was explained by Faul Rougeau, Traffic Engineer. Mayor stout felt that at this intersection, Lt was very difficult to set imete the speed of approaching veh iclee. Hs added he felt the Clty has done everything possible to let Caltrana know the importance of this signal lost allot ion. Paul Rougeau, Traffic Engineer, atated how difficult it la to get !hinge through Caltrana. Councilmeniber Brown asked why Mr. Johnson got a signal approved by Caltrana in two weeks, and LE the City had inquired how he was able to do this. Paul Rougeau, Traffic Engineer, atated they have asked this end that the question was avoided In hie conversations with Caltrana. City Council Hinutec Augu et 15, 1990 Page 15 Councilmember Alexander asked James Markman, City Attorney, if there ie something the City can do to hold Coltrane accountable for accident e, etc., at that intersection because they have not given the City approval for the signal lnetallation. James Markman, City Attorney, stated yes they are accossntaAle. CouncilmemDer Alexander et ated he hoe vfw;tad the intersection snd concurred with Mayor Stout's previous comments on the dangerous situation. Mayoz Stout requested that City staff outline everything they have done on this project and that he would personally communicate with a couple of senators and aeeemDlymen to inform them of the problem the City ie having with Coltrane. Councilmember Brown suggested it go to Bi11 Leonard and hie Esther who site on the Transportation Commleeion also. Paul Rougeau, Traffic Engineer, stated he would have the information ready for the Mayor in a couple days for him to forward to the legislators. ACTION: The Mayor to correspond with local legislators on this issue. ~. COVNCIL BVSIkZ56 I1. DISCUSSION 9F BU9 STOPS oN HA'1EN AVENUE (CostisuW frw August 1, 1990) De getting with gnnitrane on Monday to~tty and work this out`and would letVthe city Council know how the meeting turned out at the next meeting. x : . x R + I2. CONSIDERATION OF ALL ZONING CHANGES BEING APPROVED HY THE CITY COUNCIL Councllmember Brown stated she hoe asked for this item to be on the agenda eo that the Victoria Specific Plan Zone changes could be coming through the City Council. She atlded she did not feel it could be done with Terra Vista. Mayor Stout felt it could. Rick Comez, Community Development Director, concurred. James Markman, City Attorney, stated he would work on this with Rick Comez, Community Development Director. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated it would have to go to the Planning Commission io delete the pzovle lone for Terra Vleta and Victoria plane. • w • . . City Council Minutes August 15, 1990 Page 16 S. IDSNTIPI GTION OP ITEMS POR NETT IB6TIN0 J1. Councilmember Brown stated that Riverside County may be pulling out of the Inland Empire Division and stated that other San Bernardino Counties were not in favor of this. She felt this should come back at a future Council meeting for disco ee ion. J2. Mavor Steut stated he would like an Ordinance or Reeo lot ion re latina_ to the new Brown Act amendments. Counci-members Brown and Wright euggeeted an Ordinance would be more forceful. James Markman, City Attorney, stated he would prepare this for the September 5, 1990 meeting. R. WlDIDNI GTIONS FROM THE PUBLI Rl. Lewle Trout, 7861 Lauclte, stated the Council hoe taken a very strong poe ition on a number of issues related to the annexation of the area north of Etiwanda that ie currently unincorporated. In connection with that, and that in September the County ie going to start holding hearinge on the proposed spacff is plane for that area, he wo ld like to make a few raqueata: 1) that the at off prepare either a report or a seminar on that specific issue prior to the first scheduled hearing on the 13th of September eo that members of the community could be made aware of what the 1....~.nn +.n ~...i ~nn~~lA Ate.... n.. ......n..~~~..l ~.. V.. .... ~.. •A..,. A.. n-l ~- nw.....J ..1 .4 some of the background information that has been accumulated by the Cily over this period of time, and 2) that on a regular basis information be made available to the community with regard to the specific hearing dates and times so that they can have an opportunity to attend them and support the Council ir, its efforts to insure that the et andarda of life for the development up there are the came as the City standards, eo that there ie compatibility theca, and eo that any eeneltive environmental or other issues be brought to the awareness of the general public eo that they can also comment on those. He stated that former professor Dickey euggeeted that a hike be conducted up these, at least for the members of the Council, staff and candidates eo that ae these issues are discussed, they can be discussed from first hand knowledge from the on-elte inveatiget ion. Hr. Trout stated he ie attempt Lnq to schedule a hike on Lnbot Dny, September 3, for the purpose of familiariztng people who want to go with .. .. ... me issues tnsre, wnlcn wl ii ne pan ny renr<sen~at lvcg cram rnaff?y College. He extended an invitation to the Counc Ll, to the City et8ffr end the members of the Plana Lng Commieeicn end the Environmental Management Commission to cone ider making that a part of their plane for Labor Day weekend. CouncLlmembar Wright eeked if he was epecif Lcally talking about the bog arse. Lewis Trout stated the bog wren and the Day Creek riparlnn habLtet. City Council Minutes Augu et 15, 1990 Page 17 Councilmember Brown stated that in addit icn to what Mr. Trout hoe said, and she felt it was a good idea since she noticed this issue ie coming to LAFCO on an agenda rather quickly, that when the LAFCO hearings come up that the city also notify the residents in the City that have something to say ae Hr. Trout does. Councilmember Wright stated she felt the real point Ss that the bog is sort of a hidden issue in this whole sphere idea and the public needs to know now about the endangering of the bog instead of after the County hoe a; ready 3oae acaet.`.iny and made agreements with the developer about it. She felt Mr. Trout's point was very timely, and hoped that the whole i9eus of the bog comes to light now because it could be in jeopardy 1f the City dose not pay some attention and get soma public pressure in doing something about preserving it now. Lewis Trout stated Professor Dickey raises a broader issue and that ie the presence of the Cucamonga fault and a 20 foot fault scarp from an earthquake within historic time. The potential development of that fault area means that any residents with dwellings on top of the fault face significant dangers in the event of any movement comparable to the ].787 earthquake that created the scarp Ghat is up there now, and felt this was also another issue that should be looked. Ee stated he ie the one that suggested that rather than making the bog a golf course, that the Alquiet Preolo Zone should be considered to be made a golf course eo that we don't put residents at peril Decauee of earthquakes on that fault. He felt all those types of issues needed to be looked at. He stated he was not suggesting that post cards be sent cut Tc the i56, 060 resltlente of Rancho Cucamonga and surrounding communities, but perhaps a notice on the City Council bulletin listing upcoming events that citizens might want to pay attention to so that people who come in will w a ~« Whom «~..,. ^ -., c;,^ -r, or a xlrer distributed at Council meetings coui.d be done economically and still give the community the notice Chat they need. Councilmember Wright asked Mr. Trout if he could give them further information about the hike ao she could meet him there. Councilmember Brown stated she would rot be able to go that day because she wLll be on vacation, however, she would like to schedule another time when she could go up and look at it. Lewis Trout stated that one of the members of the Environmental Management Commission hoe the same problem, and that there is a poseibil ity that the following Sunday afternoon might be an opt Lon to go look at it. Councilmember Brown stated she wn~_~1d be a.,.ilable tc yo then. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated recently the County processed through whet Se called its Development Rev law Committee a project celled Oniverelty Crest Project, which ie asking for a density bonus of about 119 un tts. Hs etnted the City stood in a position opposing quite a few aspects of the plane that were being processed by Joe OlLOrio and the Caryn Company and the Univere it y. He stated there was a comment made at that meat ing that the conmeni• the Clty generated in its staff report on the project were those of etafE, not of the city Council xinutes August 15, 1990 Page lH Planning Commieaion or Council, an6 the Clty is taking the opportunity at next week's Planning Comm isaion meeting to bring to them the comments that at off took to th6 County and then at the following Council meeting bring the same issue to the Council. He stated this does not tleal with the ieeue of the bog, but ie primarily the area adjacent to the quarry site that rune along the eastern edge of what ie known ae the <th Street Rock Crusher project boundary, and rune between there and the Edison corridor. Mayor Stout stated this Council passed a policy some time back, and assumed the staff is adhering to that policy with respect to the City Council's stance on that area up there. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated that was correct. Mayor Stout asked if the City Attorney had been thoroughly briefed on issues that were discussed at that time. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated whenever a report hoe gone out they have been in contact with the Attorney•e off Lce. Mayor Stout felt if it becomes necessary, the City be prepared to take action on that because he felt the developers were trying to take action on this ae quickly ae pose ib le. He stated that area Le not ready yet and that the epee if is plan is not ready yet. He Felt they were trying to jump the gun on these projects in order to get them through, knowing that they wrll be inconsistent with the City's specific plan. e~aA q..lln.- i1.. Ol un.. •av eA I.n lA A the council the •precarlnusapoeition that the 'County would• find themselves in should they proceed with the adoption of the plan, and felt they would be digging themselves a hole, as well ae giving the City of Rancho Cucamonga something they do not care to have. Mayor Stout stated he knew the City was not happy with the traf'f is circulation consequences of that. He felt there were a lot of environmental issues and that the bog was just one ieeue. He stated when you add 6,000 acres of development to an area that was previously undeveloped totally, it ie going to have major impact to not only that area and the environment surrounding it, but also on thin City, which is one of hie major concerns. He felt the City should be ready. Councilmember Wright asked if it was poeeiDle to have a report focussing on the ,ia i.ur di euviroeunent ai issues with recarda to the ri narian nan It ;.r ann the Dog area. She felt there were come experts available in this eurraun~9ing area Thai could update the Council on erectly what they are talktng about f.n re let ion to those environmentally eene itive erase, and felt this might be good timing to get a report now eo that if there Se an issue, thia would ylve the public en opportunity to have attention focused on it before the County Actually dose something to Lt. City Council Minutes August 15, 1990 Page 19 Brad Buller, City Planner, stated staff ie proceeding ahead now with the development of its own specific plan of the area as well ae the environmental impact report that goes along with it that wi17. address those environmental issues Councilmember Wright ie addressing. Councilmember Wright asked how Boon Council would have Chat back. Brad Suller, City Planner, stated it should ba back in a cnnnla ~~ mont he to submit to the Council. He felt the fire[ draft world be ready in September. Councilmember Wright asked if it would be jumping the gun to get a report on just those two things from maybe some experts in the area. Mayor Stout stated those reports have already been prepared. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated there has been en environmental report on the bog for the first EIA. Councilmeniber Wright stated she wanted some public focus on it, for the public to have the opportunity to review it just before the County hearing and the City to make some comments ao that the County cannot say they were not aware of the Counc il'e concerns. Mayor Stout agreed that the City ehou ld have some sort of position on this, but felt it was a smoke screen. He stated thla City staff is well aware of what the Council's policy has been on that area and it has bean talked about for almost tW0 yB8r8 nOW. Councilmember Wright felt there ehou ld be some public awareness and concern voiced. She elated Lt is getting down to the wire and the County is going to tlo something fast. Mayor Stout stated he agreed with her that it ehou ld be done for that reason, not because a certain individual up there claims the City staff does not know what they are talking about. He stated he did not want anyone to get the idea that the Council does not have faith in the position they have taken, because the et sff knows exactly what the Council wants and has been doing it for two years. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated environmentally they will present thle to the Council at their first meeting in September. Cpu at iiTie ~~ber bilyht eteted she kcowe Mari!n nirkev ,a a__ .w.r ,n •bu e and knows there are other experts from the unlvere ity andv~from the college locally, and knows there are geologlete and other people thnt are nvailable to the City that can explain to the City exactly what the bog le, and would like this to be public, and not just in a report. She would like to know whet the bog ie, what le going to be destroyed, what development of a certaln nature will da to that environment. She stated eh0 knew thls would be eddreeaed later when they have the environmentnl hearing, but felt those hearings should not D~ heard Ln isolation. City Council Minutes August 15, 1990 Page 20 Mayor Stout stated University treat is the project that ie done in conjunction with the UnivareiLy of California and that the City hoe talked to their repreaentativee before, and it was hie impression that they were somewhat more eeneit ive to the City's concerns than the proponent who is pushing that project through. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated staff left the meeting thinking that came thing. Mayor Stout asked why the City couldn•t intervene with the trustees of the Vniversity of California, and have them explain to the City exactly what its position ie directly, Brad Huller, City Pla:~ner, st:,ted they were sent the City's conunente. Mayer Stout stated comments were one thingr Dut they didn't have a document from this City Council stating they feel there is a real problem up there and asking them not to proceed with thle until these issues are addressed. Councilmember Wright suggested it might be betteY for the Mayor to write the letter. Mayor Stout stated the way it was explained to him was that the individual that ie representing them le a real estate type of individual and hie purpose was to generate revenue for the Vnivera ity o£ California, not Co epacif ically addre ae environmental iaeuee and eo forth. He felt the ttustee9 of that organization are a lot more eeneit ive to those issues. Ne felt the City needed Lo communicate directly with them that the ieauee were mores 4mn...r ...r .,,_- :_ ~lx o=.uuy a prsce ox grountl and making mcney for their trust. Lewis Trout stated that Professor Dickey hoe said in the 1976-77 period, the University of California at Rivera ids (UCR) prepared a comprehensive evaluation of the bog and Day creek habitat, and at that time recommended a park statue for that particular area and proposed some sort of exchange to allow it to be preserved, fenced and protected from any kind of future development and trespass. He felt possibly the report could be found in the City's records, and on this report there would be the names of a number of people from the ecient if lc community at UCR who would be the authors of it who would 6s the logical people to appear to present the case. Lewis Trout stated with regard to what Mre. Wright stated about the local experts, Profeeeor Dickey alsp said that t.^s pacyle lnvoived in rh= rig*,t .. .. Lewin Homes an the 1977-78 period were Dr. Herber from Cel Poly, the two ,Delores brothers from the Life Sciences Department at Chaffey College, Profeeeor Hixler from the Life Sciences Department aC Chaffey, himself end Aodney Parcel trom the Geology Department, and felt they were specific indlvidusle that would be valuable resources of information from what went on then with Lewis Homes. Ciiy Council Minutes August 15; 1990 Rage 21 Councllmember Brown eiated she was recently talking to Tim Roddy and assumed since the City new has an application in to LAPCO, that he was getting all the inform>.tion the Council was discussing, resolutions, etc. and where this Council was coming fran regarding lhle annexation. He stated he hme received nothing. She stated he was unaware Lhe Councll had paeeed a Resolution and taken a stand on that sphere of influence regarding what the Couneil would and would not do ae far ae annexation. She stated he has asked her tc forward the resolutions that the Council has paeeed and all minutes or enmmente the Council hss deliberated on to the LAPCO board eo they can make that part of their Yecozd and part of their research. Mayor Stout stated he would also like the staff reports sent. Jack Lam, City Manager, eiated Mr. Roddy has a meeting sat up with him and the Planning staff for next weak. Councilmember Brown asked that this information be gathered and given to them eo they know where the Clty Council ie coming from. Lewis Trout eiated Mr. Buller had mentioned the Caryn Development Company as one of the principles in the pending proposal. He stated Caryn, according to federal regulators, has been in violation of a number of permits up there, specifically one from 1987 having to do with a dedication of acreage for habitat, unauthorized conetruetion of berme, end that type of thing. He stated St Caryn le up there, their record ie extremely Lrreeponaible in terms of compliance with federal re9uletione end the City's de0lres Ln this matter. He egieed with Mayor Stout•e rrvmnonTO no is. . ., tii~ _„~____ -- _:j G:.JL l,...o e • uy uie poe it ion ae a member of the Sierra Club. +He commended the Couneil for their support. Mayor Stout asked him what organization has found them in noncompl iancel Lewis Trout et ated the U.B. Army Corp of Engineers. He stated the apecif is file number that they are Ln violation of 1e 57-242-LS, and the contact person 16 Mark Durham from the Regulatory BranOh of the Army Corp of Engineers in Loe Angeles at (213) 094-5606. Ha stated ha has n meeting with him mn Thursday at 5:00 p.m. to be briefed on the entire mesa and the current statue of the action. He ateted Mr. Durham stated he would be willing to come and disease this problem with the Councll 1f they would like him [o. . x n . w L. ADJOURNlf6NT MCJf 10N: Moved by Brown, seconded by Alexander to adjourn to Executive Seeeion to disease personnel matters. Executive Session to adjourn to a joint meeting Clty Council Minutes August 15, 199D Pnge 22 with the 8nvironmental Management Commission on August 22, 1990, 7:00 p.m. in the Haven Avenue Conference Room. Motion carried unanimously 4-0-1 (HUquet absent). The meeting adjourned at 9:56 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra J. Adams, CMC City Clerk Approved: :iisi oo"oEXR8SE388YoS^^+o :siiia aza o ...............:::::::.................:::......... .., ~. 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BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subject project plans and sped fications hove been completed by staff and approved by Lhe City Englneer. The Engineer's estimate for construction is (18,100.00. Legal advertising 1s scheduled for fe Mr"wA~. ~l +nm' -~ r,~,o cr , iiiv, wi ul LIIC UIU opening 8L 2:00 P.M. on October 18, 1990• Respectfully submitted, s~ -~ p,,~'~~, SB:LB:sd Attachment RESOLUTION N0. ~~ ~3~~0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIONGp APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "BMNYAN STREET IMPROVEFENT PROJECT", IN SAID CITY AND AL?HORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO AOYERTISE TO RECEIYE BIDS NHEREAS, it is the Intention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to construct certain improvements in the CTty of Rancho fucamonga. HHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared plans and speclfi cati ons for the construction of certain improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the plans and specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for "Banyan Street Improvement Protect". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required 6y law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for doing the work specified 1n the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to wit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS" Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the said City of Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the Office of the fifv f1nrY in ~hc nfFi roe of the r1~., nF 0~..~h~ ~~-~.~-~~a __ - ,~,,-f v72 ~ hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 18th day of October, 1990, sealed bids orc proposals for the "Banyan Street Improvement Protect" in ;aid City. Bids will be opened and publicly read imnedlately in the office of the City Clerk, 1500 Civic CenterDrive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. Bids must be made on a form provided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamongga, California, marked, "B 1d for Construction of Banyan Street Improvement ProJectF. PREVAILING WAGE: Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of Callfornta labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor is required to pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in wh7 ch the Oubi it work i9 pari nrToAa arA rot less than L,F general prcVaii iiig rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. In that regard, the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California is required to and has determined such general prevailing rates of per diem wages. Copies of such prevailing rates of per dl em wages are on file 1n the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 10500 Civic Center Drive, upper level, Rancho Cucamonga, Callfornta, and are available to any interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy of such determinations to be posted at the ,{ob site. 7 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. PAGE 2 The Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (525.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day or portion thereof, if such laborer, workman, or mechanic 1s paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages herelnbefore stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under ht m, in violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1777.5 of the Labor Code as amended by Chapter 971, Statutes of 1939, and in accordance with the regulations of the California Apprenticeship Council, properly indentured apprentices may be employed in the prosecution of the work. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesaen in any apprenttceable occupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of Lhe public works project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade fora certificate of approval. The certlflcate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to journeymen that will be used 1n the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen in such cases shall rwt be less than one to five except: A. When unanployment 1n the area of coverage by the joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent to the 90 days prior to the request for certlflcate, or B. Nhen the nunber of apprentices in training in the area exceeds a ratio of one to five, or C. When the trade can show that 1t 15 replacing at least i/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or D. Nhen the Contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less Lhan one apprentice to eight journeymen. The Contractor is required Lo make contributions to funds established for the admintstratlon of apprenticeship programs if he employs registered apprentices or journeymen in any apprenttceable trade on such contracts and if other Contractors on the cublic works site are making such caniributions. The Contractor znd subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices. ~~ CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. PAGE 3 Information relative'to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and Its branch offices. Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with and Se governed by the laws of the State of California having *.o do with working hours as set forth in Division 2, Part 7, Chapter I, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California as amended. The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (525.00) for each laborer, worWnan, or mechanic employed in the execution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon any of the work hereinbefore mentioned, for each calendar day during which said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to laMr more than eight (8) hours in violation of said Labor Code. Contractor agrees to pay travel and subsistence pay to each worlanan needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreenents filed in accordance with labor Code Section 1773.8. The bidder must submit with his proposal cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, payable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least ten percent (10%) of Lhe amount of said bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed rnntrect if the same 1s awarded °•~-~~- ~•• -~'='= ~ w c~ium inw >uoii cunc race said cash, cashiers check, certified check, or bond shall became the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. If the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the lowest bidder's security shall be applied by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the low bid and the second lowest bid, and the surplus, if any, shall be returned to the lowest bidder. The amount of the bond to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shall be one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond 1n an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of Lhe contract price for said work Shall be given to secure the payment of claims for any materials or supplies furnished for the performance of the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, or any work or labor of any kind doflP tharonn anri L.'~ .rantrdCtCr wTi) ai SJ ue required t0 ferns 5h a certificate that-he carries compensation insurance covering his employees upon work to be done under contract which may be entered into between him and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work. CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. PAGE 4 No proposal will be considered from a Contractor whom a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Contractor shall possess a Class "A" License (General Engineering Contractor) in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 7000 et. seq.) and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto at the time this contract 1s awarded. The work is to 6e done 1n accordance with the profiles, plans, and specifications of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on file to the Office of the City Clerk at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Copies of the plans and specifications, available at the office of the City Engineer, will be furnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and payment of f15.00, said E15.00 is nonrefundable. Upon written request by the 6ldder, copies of the plans and specifications will he mailed when said request 1s accompanied by payment stipulated above, together with an additional nonreimbursable payment of 510.00 to cover the cost of mailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the requirements of Section 902 of the General Provisions, as set forth 1n the Plans and Specifications regarding the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, the Contractor may, upon the Contractor's request and at Lhe Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute authorized securities in lieu of monies withheld (performance retention). rHo ri r.. ..i n..... ~... any and ail bids. ~ ~ y ....,..,.~~yo, Cal.To,„ia, reaerres coe rtgnL LO reject By order of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. Dated this _ day of 19 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, this ~ day of 1g yor ATTEST: y er ADVERTISE ON SEPTEMBER 27, 1990 OCTOBER 4, 1990 ~~ lilll Vf' AAA1~VAiV VVVAa/aV1w(1 (~w`.nU^'_ MEMORANDUM ~'~O •(:''„ ~~ of i,a :J~6 ~ ~I> 19ii DATE: September 19, 1990 To: City Council FROM: Debra Adams, City Clerk/Records Manager ~~' BY: Tony Russell, Records Clerk SUBJECT: DEBTRDCTION OP CITY DOCOMRNTs It is recommended that City Council approve the Resolution granting authorization to destroy records listed on the attached form. Under the authority of Government code Section 34090, a department head may destroy certain city records which are two years old under his ct,arge as long as such destruction is first approved by the city zttorney and city council. Also under the same Government CodE Section, authority is granted to destroy records which have been microfilmed. DA/tr attachn.ent ~r RESOLUTION N0. 90~"~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CITY RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS WHICH ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED AS PROVIDED L'NDER GOVERNMENT COOE SECTION 34090 WHEREAS, it has been determined that certain City records under the charge of the following City Oe partments are no longer required for pu blit or private purposes: BUILDING & SAFETY 8 COMMUNITY SERVICES WHEREAS, it has been determined that destruction of the above- mentioned materials is necessary to conserve storage space, and reduce staff time, expense, and confusion in handling, and informing the public; and WHEREAS, Section 34090 of the Government Code of the State of California authorizes the head of a City department to destroy any City records and documents which are over two years otd under his or her charge, without making a copy thereof, after the same are no longer required, upon the approval of the City Council by resolution and the written consent of the City Attorney; and WHEREAS, it is therefore desirable to destroy said records as listed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, in storage, without making a r_o ov thereof. whi rh arr over two vearc old: and WHEREAS, said records have been approved for destruction by the City RL to rney. NOW, THEREFORE, this City Council of the Ci ty of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby restive as follows: SECTION 1: That approval and authorization is hereby given to destroy those records described as Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. SECTION 2: That the City Clerk is authorized to allow examination by and donation to the De par tanent of Special Collections of the University Research Library, University of California, or other historical satiety designated by the C;ty Ccu ..:' any ^f the rsc,.-ds described in Ex hibi` "A" attached hereto and made^ a ~ part V hereof, except Llrose deemed to be confidentia ~. SECTION 3: That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolutionn, an~hencefo rth and thereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. ~~ Resolution No. 90-~~' Page 2 Signature Page ~3 C1TY OF AANCNO CUCANON6A EXH IEIT "A" Destruction XotiflcaHon Report PAGE: 7ATE: 06/20/90 TINE: 07:01:070 The following records are scheduled far destruction. Please indica[e dmired disposition, sign antl return to RECORDS NANA6EMEYT DEPARTMENT. %iThe rewrds listed belay may all he destrcree. % Retain those marked with an X for ____-_ months, destroy real. BI': 'O: 43?3 RECORDS COORDINATOR: LEACH, LINDA DEPT :1313 GEPT NAME: BUILDING 6 SAFETY DIV MAIL SORT: MIONE; (i1g989-1A5! EXi; 2207 MARK GATES (%) EVENT 80X CONTENTS FROM TO _; D BU7LO(NG 6 SAFET! GENERAL !NFO O1/01/A1 !2/29/87 fclder t ! RECNEC% LF?TE95 BY ADDRESS Folder A 2 DECEMBER RECNECN LETTERS Fa ider f 7. 4ECHECK LET?ER5 11-1-87/II-23-81 Polder A l REC:4ECK LEi?ERS 10-1-81/10-31-81 Folder t 5 RECHECK LETTERS 9-I-87/9-30-81 folder t fi RECNECN LE^ERS ¢-1-eT/8-31-87 folder A i RECY:ECN LETTERS 7-1-87/7-31-81 Folder d B RECNECN L£iTERS 6-1-87/6-30-87 Folder A 9 4ECHECX LETTERS 5-!-87/9-31-81 folder d 10 RECNECN LETTERSI-I-87/1-30-87 Folder A Ii RECHECK LETTERS 3-5-87/3-31-B1 Folder A 12 E%PIRATION Of PLAN CMECN Folder A 13 MEMJ !C BG ILOIX6 6 SAF7EY Folder A I/ CORRESPOXOEMCE IN CCMD Foider A !E CORRESPONDENCE 6 MEMOS JIM SCHAOEOER fnl dw,. A +e rnoocco ~ , Polder A 17 CODE VIOLATION-CORRESPONDENCE Po'.der A !B EMPLOYEE AE%IE51 FOR LEAVE Fpl der R 'S CORRESPoNDE4CE 6 MEMOS JIM MAAT!9 Folder R 20 CORRESPONDENCE 6 MEMOS MARY NAOFRI folder A 2I CORRESPONDENCE 6 MEMOS DHIL !X)SLEY Foider p 22 CORRESPONDENCE 6 MEMOS LOYD G00!59Y Folder t 23 CORRESPONDENCE 6 MEMOE JERRY GRAM Folder A 21 CORAESPOXOENCE 6 MEMOS NEALE CLAAN Folder A 15 CORRESPONDENCE d MEMOS BEVERLY B0!STA Folder R 26 CODE MOOIFICATIONB folder 1 21 CORRESPONDENCE !N FOTNILL FIRE 0151, folder 0. 2B BUILDING 6 SAFETY GENERAL CORRESP. folder ! 29 NOTIFICATION OF PLAN CNECK E%P. CORRESD. Folder A 30 PLAN CNECK E%T. CORRESPONDENCE Fo!der d ''>iw"RRESRCiiGENCF iw PERMANENT RECORD CTR. OESTflOY RE?4IEVAl BOX BO% N0. LOCATION Sox DA-!99C OAT'- 5EN1 iC: 11 Od-09-03 l 12-1989 01/01/81 12/29/87 CI/0!/B7 12/29/87 pt/01 /87 !2/19/81 01/01/87 12/29/87 01/01/87 12/19/87 OI/01/87 12/29/81 01/01/81 11(29/¢7 01/01/87 12/29/81 01/01/87 !2/29/87 01/01/87 12/29/81 9'/01/87 !1/29/87 O1/O1/A1 12/29/87 01/01/87 !2/29/87 01/0!/87 12/29/87 01/01/87 12/29/81 el/ut/tll !2/29/87 07/01/87 17/19/87 01/01/81 17/29/¢7 01/01/37 12/19/81 01/01/81 12/29/87 01/01/87 12/29/81 01/01/87 17/29/87 01/01/87 12/29/81 01/01/87 12/29/87 01/01/81 12/29/87 01;01/Bi 12/79/81 01/01/87 fl/29/87 01/01/87 12/29/87 01/01/81 12/29/87 01/01/97 12/29/87 Dij v"i/8i 77129/87 ~_~ D/ 9UILOING ANO SAFETY REFER/ENg~CE CI /01/81 '2/29/81 B/ 10-02-03 1 17-!98¢ aa: rMEMr NEAO o/ie: ASST, cttr ArroaN r cln of RANCHO CUCAlM3NGA sxeTaTx ^a^ Ddtruction Nottf{catim ReAOrt PAGE: 2 DATF: OB/20/9tl TIME: 07:01:330 TM follaing records are scheduled for destruction. P',ease indicete dmired disposition, sign and return to RECORDS MAXA6EMENT DEPARTMENT. Xlhe retards lis[atl below may all be dntroyed. % Retain those marketl with en % }or _______ mmths, dutroy rat. RILL T0: 1373 RECORDS COOAOINAiOR: LEACH, LINDA OEDT : 1373 DEPT NAME: 9UILDIN6 6 SAFEn OIV MAIL SORT: MARN DATES (%) EYFNT BOX CONTENTS FROK TO Folder A 5 Folder A 2 T Folder P ? U Folder I A V-Z Folder t 9 NUMBERED STREETS Folder t 6 TRACT 10000 Folder A 7 TRACT 11300 Fo',der R 9 TRACT !1900 Folder t 9 TRACT 11700 folder A 10 ?AACT 11900 Folder t 11 TRACT 12000 Folder A 12 TRACT 12100 Folder I 13 TRACT 12700 folder A 19 T~4AC? !2?00 Folder t 15 TIUCi 12100 Folder A 16 ?RAC? +2500 Folder A 11 TRACT 12600 Folder A 16 TRACT 1TID0 Folder I 19 TRACT 12800 Folder A 20 'RACT !2900 Felder A 21 TRACT 13000 Folder A ?2 ?AACT 13100 PHOYE: (71d )989-1851 E%i; 2200 PERMANENT RECDRD CTR. DESTROY RETRIEVAL ROX 801( N0. LOCATICM Bcx 06-?990 DATE SENT T0: 01/01/81 !2/29/87 01/01/87 12/29/87 0!/01/87 12/29/81 O1/OI/81 12/29/87 01/01/AI 12/29/87 01/01/81 12/29/87 01/O11BT 12/29/Bi 01/0!/81 11/29/87 01/01/87 12/29/Bi 01/01/01 12/29/87 01/01/01 12/29/07 01/01/AI 12/29/81 D1/O1/AI 12/29/81 D1/D1/81 12/23/87 01/01/07 12/29/81 D1/01/A7 12/29/AT O1/O1/A1 72/29/87 01/Di/61 12/29/81 01/0!/87 12/29/81 01/01/87 12/29/A7 01/01/81 12/29/87 01/0!/87 '2/29/87 ~ D BUILDING PERMIT FILE COPIES 07/01/88 03/29/66 " HELD " 6 0/-03-03 '. D3-'99C ~_~ D BUILDING PERMIT FILE COPIES 0//O1/B8 06/29/69 9 01-03-03 T O6-!990 Dap : T NEAO Dete: ASST. Cin A1T0 Y BONES TO 4E OESTACYEO / CITY Of AANCNO CUCANOXGA EXHI9IT "A" Oeatructtan Notlflcatian Report PAGE: I PATE: 0!/10/90 TIME: 00:30:110 TM follaeinq records are scheduled far destruction. Pleass indicate desired disposition, sign and return to RECORDS MANAGFl1ENT OEDARIMFNT. %~'7he records 1lsted belox say all M destroyed. X__ Retain those sacked rich an X for _-_____ sonths, destroy rest. BILL iO: 1532 RECORDS COOROINAiOA: SNIOERLE, 0EA DEPT ; 1032 DEDf NAME: CO001UMITY SERVICES MIL SORT: PMg1E: (71/)989-1051 EKT: 2106 MRK DATES DERMAl1ENi RECORD CTR, DESTROY AEiRi EYAL 80% (%) EVENT BO% CONTENTS FROM TO BO% N0. LOCATION Box OB-1990 GATE SENT T0: i 0 RECREATION F?LES: GENERAL 01/01/66 12/29/86 30 OS-02-03 1 12-1900 Folder I ! SPRING, FALL 6 SUIMER RECIEPTS 01/01/86 12/19/06 ~_I 0 RECREAT [CH FILES: GENERAL 71/01/01 12/29/87 31 05.02-03 2 12-1909 Folder N 1 SPRING RECI EPTS 01/01/67 12/29/07 Wte: PARiNEXi HEAD Gate: :SST. C]TY ATT Y BOXES TO BF DESTROYED 2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 19, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer BY: Jerry A. Dyer, Associate Engineer a~ . SUBJECT: Approval of Envlromental Initial Study Parts I and II for the Proposed Lemon Avenue Storm Drain and the Issuance of a Categorical Exemption therefor. RECOMMENDATION: It is hereby recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution accepting and approving Lhe Environmental Initial Study Parts I and II for the Proposed Lemon Avenue Storm Drain and the Issuance of a Categorical Exemption therefor and direct the City Clerk to file a Notice of Exemption pursuant to the Caiifornla Envtrormmntal Quality Act. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS This report presents an Environmental Assessment Initial Study for the proposed Lemon Avenue Storm Ora1n. ' -"forMsi~;a iN, tiie Yolllul'IIIU EIINIrVImre04dl lfUallLy RCL end stale Guidelines, the attached document has been prepared t4 permit construction of the sub,~ect stone drain improvements. Said improvement generally entails the construction of anew underground storm drain system, and is noted as being part of the City's Master Plan for Storm Drain Improvements. It is the Engineering Staff's findings thet the proposed project will not create a significant adverse impact on the envirormxnt and therefore recommend that these improvements be classified as Categorically Exempt. ResLpectfully submitteJd/(~, / ///~ V ~ ~/i.p~:/y~-c~- sB:JAD: ly `'/ Attachments RESOLUTION N0. go"35k' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL"OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVINu" THE ENVIRONMENTAL INITIAL STUDY PARTS ! AND II AND ISSUANCE <lF A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION FOR THE PROPOSED LEMDN AVENUE STORM DRAlN NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has reviewed all available input concerning the Proposed Lemon Avenue Storm Drain; and NHEREAS, said storm drain improvements require an Environmental Assessment; and NiEREAS, an Environmental Assessment Initial Study has been prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended. NON, THEREFORE, The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Dces Nereby Resolve as follows: Section 1: The C1ty Council of Rancho Cucamonga approves the Environmental Assessment Initial Study and Issuance of a Categorical Exemption far the Proposed Lemon Avenue Stoma Drain. Section 2: The City Clerk is directed to f11a a Notice of Exemption pursuant to the California Environmental Ouatity Act. Q ENVIRON'.VIENTAL REVIEW APPI.ICATIOPd INITIAL STUDY -PART I 6ENERAI For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be comp leteC and submitted to the Development Revfew Committee through the department where the project appltcatten is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Planning Division staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study and make recamnendations to Planning Cammlssion. The Pianning Commission will make one of three determinations: (1) The project will have no siggnif leant environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, (2) The project will have a significant environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or (3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant gluing further information concerning the proposed project. Date Filed Project Title: LEMON AVENUE STORM DRAIN Applicant's Name, Address, Te lephoM: CITY DF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, 9320 BASE LINE ROAD., P.U. BUX 807, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 name, Address, Telephone df Person To 8e Contacted Concerning this Project: JERRY DYER, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON GA, ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, P.O. BUX 807, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730, 714 989-1862. Location of Project: ALONG LEMON AVENUE EXTENDiHG FROM LOWER ALTA LOMA CHANNEL TU AMETHYST STREET Assesaar'a ParGei• Np.: ALL !N PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY List ether pernilts necessary free loeal,.regtonal, state and federal agencies and the agency 1ssuing such permits: cwrgL;4C;HMENT DN PUSLiG RIGHT-UF-WAY - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CUNNEGT TO ALTA LUMA CHANNEL - SAN BERNARDINU COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT X39 P<~. 2 PRtlJELi DESCRIPTION Proposed use or proposed prof ect: THE PROJECT ENTAILS THE CGN STRUCTIUN GF A _ NEW 84" DIAMETER CUNC RETE P[PE AND INLET STRUCTURES DN LEMON AVENUF-FRnAI Ai TA LUMA CHANNEL TU AMETHYST STREET TU PRUVIDE FUR FL000 CUNTRDL AND STREET _ DRAINAGE FGR THAT PORTION OF LEMON AVENUE. Acreage oP protect area and square footage of existing and proposed buildings, it any: THERE ARE NU EXISTING OR PRUPUSED BUILDINGS. Describe the environmental sett in of the pro,lect site including information on topography, sa stabr rty, pants (trees), land animals, any cultural, historical ar scenic aspects, land use of surrounding properties, and the description of any exlstfng structures and their use (attach necessary sheets)• THE STORM DRAIN WILL BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN THE STREET RIGHT-UF-WAY. ALL PORTIONS OF THE RIGHT-UF-WAY ARE PAVED AND SOME HAVE SIDEWALKS. THE PRUPUSED STORM DRAIN WILL CONNECT TU AN ES ISTING ALTA LCMA CHAilir'cL. ONLY EkiSTING STREET PAVEMENTS AND AREAS FOR PAVEMENTS WSLL DE REMOVED AND RECONSTRUCTED IN AND ABOUT THE STORM DRAIN EXCAVATIDN ARpac Nn nTUCO ciCNi cir n,ur EcrECT Is the project part of a larger project, one of a series of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental lmoact THE IMPROVEMENT IS PART OF THE CITY'S GVE RALL MASTER PLAN OF DRAINAGE TU PRUVIDE FLUUD CONTROL FUR THE RANCHO CUCAMUNGA CUMP1UN17Y, 30 /'aJ~ 3 0.ESIOENi10.L CONSTRUCTION The fo7loNing information should De provided to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division in order to aid the school district in assessing their ability to accommodate the proDOSed res tdential development. Developers are reRuired to secure letters from the school district for accamnodating the increased number of students prior to issuance of building permits. Name of Developer and Tentative Tract No.: Specific Location of Protect: PHASE I PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 TOTAL 1. Number of single family unlts: 2. Number of multiple family units: _ 3. Date proposed to begin construction: 4. Earliest dace of occupancy: ._,_ ModeN and f of Tentative 5. 8edroams Price Range 31 ~,~ 4 WILL THIS PROJECT: YES NO 1. Create a substantial change in ground contaursl _ _Y._ 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise of produce vibration or glare? _ ~ 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal serv!ces (ponce, fire, water, sewage, ete.)1 y 4. Create chances in the existing Zoning ar General Plan designations? 5. Remove any existing treesi Haw manyl~y_ _ ~ 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammables ar explosives? _ ~ Explanation of any YES answers above (attach additional sheets if necessary): THERE WILL BE SUFIE NEED FOR STORM DRAIN MAINTENANCE, HOWEVER, THERE WILL BE A SIGNIFICANT DECREASE IN STREET MAINTENANCE IN DIVERTING THE STORM RUNOFF BY WAY OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT. 7. Estimate the amount of sewage and solid waste materials rh+e nrn~n~r will generate daily: NONE ~~ 8. Estimate the number of auto and truck trips generated daily by this prof ect: rFMPORa RY CnN STRUS710N TRAFFIC ONLY 9. Estimate the amount of grading (cutting and f1111n5) required for this prof ect, in cubic yardL• __i [, ••LtIUu~~ CY 0p TRENCHING, iP SUU CY OF BAC KFILL, E%CESS BACKFiLL TO BE RECfiT,ATEIT'OFFSTTF"8T CORlTO1CTOF'. 10. If the project involves the construction of residential units, cormlete the form on the next page. N/A CERTIFICATIQII: I hereby certify that the statements 'urnished above and in the attaehad exhibits present the data and informat±on required for this !•.^.i L131 eYai~at i8n tv the best Of my abll iiy, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the. best of my knowledge and belief. [ further understand loaf additional lnformaLion may be required to be submitted before an adegwte evaluation can be ruade by the Planning Oivl3idn. Oate: Ib o S!gnature_~~ 3~- iltle AS[[SSUCIATE ENGINEER cIr oy nAAIURO acA.yovcA eaRT I. - Iv2Ttai sr_~Y EWSRO`I>2V2AL CHEC.l'I.IST GATE: April 11, 1990 APPL:c.i:-: City of Rancho Cucamonga FI±":G DATE: LOC xG:1BER: PRO.;ECT: Lemon Avenue Storm Crain PRO.; ECT LOCATION: Lemon Avenue from Alta Loma Channel to Amethyst Street 2. E`1VIR0`."EN'CAL I`~ACTS (Ezplanacion of all "yes" and "maybe" anavere as required on attached ghosts). YES YiY9E NO 1. Soils and Ocola av. 41111 the ptoPosal have signi;icanc resoles in: a. Cns table ground condition: or Sr. changes in geologic rel aeionahlps? ~ _ _~ Y b. Diarupc ions, dlsplacemenca, eomoac Ginn ~• ..... /.i uE cne soil'. 1 ~. _ <. Change Sn topography or ground surf ac• contour Intervals? ~ _~ ~ d. The deecrue tion, covering or modlfieation of any ualque geologSe or physleal feacurea? _ ~ e. My potential Snereas• !n wind or veer erosion of ao1U, atfeeeing either on or off aiu eonditona? g f. Changes in erns Lan al Ltacion„ or depoaiclon? -~ ~ g. Exposure cf D+a6i. ,,. ^•oper a gaalo gic •. hasards such as urchquaku, landslides, mud- slides, ground failure, or simile[ hasards? __ ~~ ~ h. M insreas• Sn the to to of extraction and/mr ua• of any mineral resource? ~_ ~ 2. Hvdrotoxv. will she proposal have significant resuics Sn: 33 a. Changes Sn currents, oz the course of direction of floving streams, clue rs, o: epheaeral scream thannQs? ___ % b. Changes Sn abaorp.Son races, drzinage pat:erns, or cne rata and amount of surface va ter _, AlceraC SOns to the course or flow of flood d. Change in ch• ammunc of surface wa tar Sn any body of eater? __ _ e. Discharge Snco furface eaters, or any alcara[Son of aor.'ace va ter quality? __ X f. Aleeta cion of grcundva ur character3stSn? X g. Change Sn [he quantity a! groundwatere, either Chrough direct additions or vith- drawala, nr through In eetferene• vlth an aquifer? Quali cy? quantity? _ ~ _ ~ h. T1:e reduction !n the amount of weer other- vlse available for public va[er supplin? ~ _ K i. Exposure of people or property co vasar placed Mzarda such as flooding or adches? _ ~ _ X J. Afr Oualf cy. Ril:: eM proposal have giant fi ~,,. a. Conaeanc or periodic air amiaalons Erom vabil• or indirect ao~~teu? _ __ A Seaeionary aourctat _ _ _ ~ b. Deuriorat SOn o[ asb lent sir quality and/ar inctrterttw vith cht attalnmtnt of applicable air gwlity standards? ._ _ ._ g c. Alttratlon o[ lc cal or regional climatic conditions. alfeccing air moveaen e, ma isture or temperaeure? ._ , _ % 4. 81oca ,'lo ra. Nill cM proposal have aignifiune reaul to 1n; a. Change in the ehae ac urlaeica a! Spat its, in chid Sng divtrsity, distribution, or number of any species of Ian ca? _, __ ~ b. Reduction of cht numbers of any unique, Tate or endangered species of. plants? ~ ~ ~ .3 tlj 5 fi c. Introduction of nsv or disruptive spaci es of plants Sneo an area? d. Raduc Lion !n the po cantlal for agricultural produc cion? Fauna. Hill ch• proposal have signif icanc resin cs SR: a. Change in the eharae uzlacica of apaclea, including diversity, dlstrl6 uciun, or numbers of any spat Saa of animals? 6. Raducc ion of the numbara of any unique, zar• or endangered species of animals? c. Incroduc tlon of nav or dlsrup civa apeciaa of animals into an area, or rewlc in a barziar eo eha migration or movamane of animals? d. Deeeriorscian or removal of axistin{ fish or vildl Sfe habitat? Pooulaeion. H121 the proposal have aignifieant results 1n: a. Hill cha proposal altar cbe location, diatri- bucian, Jana iey, diversity, or grouch rata of the human populac ion of an area? b. Hill the proposal a[Leee existing housing, or cress a daeund for additional how iag? Socio-Econonie Faeea ra. Will the proposal have ulgn Sf icanc results in: a. Change in Ioul or ze{tonal sae SO-eeonomic charaeceristiea, Lneluding seonoaic or co®erelal diversity, tax rats, artd proparep values? b. 411E prolsct costa be equltab ly die cribu ud eon{ proleet benef le[ar las, S.a., buyers, ta: payee or prof exc users? Cand Use and Plannlna Conaideraclona. Hill eh• p roaoaal have .agn,iltanc resin is in'. a. A subs can vial al terse ion o[ ch• ptefent or planned land use of an area? b. A eon[licc with any daatgnat ions, ob~sceives, poi ides, or adopcad plena o[ any {avsrnmencal •nci;lea? c. M impact upon the qula ley or quantity of exiacin{ consuepcly or non-conaunpcLv rtenacional opporrunlelea? ~ 5 Page 3 ~_~ __ - X_ X - ~ __ 7L X X x X __ ~ - - x . - 4 Yr5 "AY.. g. '. ransoorcacimn. Fill the proposal have si3n Sf Scant tea ulq in: a. Gnararion of sub srancial addic ipnal veh Seular mpvemen:? ~ __~ S. Ef fe<ca on exlacing streets, or demand far nev scree[ conf [ruction? X _. Effects on ex1leing parking fat SllCUa, or demand for nev parking? __ ~ d. Subatancial impact upon existing cranaporta- [ion systems? X e. Alceraamns [o present patterns of citcula- cion o: movement of people and/or goods? ~( _ _ f. Al eeracions co ar affects on presene and pocen ties va car-borne, rail, mass cranaie or air crafflc? _ X g. Increases in eraffio hazards co motor vehicle!, bicyclic.! or pedaac runs? X _ 9. CuL-oral Resource!. V111 ehe proposal have aigm[icar.: results !n: a. A d1s[urbance to the Snr•ar~•y -! - c„-i..;~g;c ai, pa uonta lmgi sal, and/or his tosses! resources? ~ 10. Neal :h. Safeev, and Nuisan<e Fae eons. 11111 the pro pass! have slgnificanc soul ca Ln: a. Creation of any hulth hazard or potential health hazard? X T ~- b. Ezpoeure of people eo po eenelal healeh hazard!? ~ __ X c. A zYSk o! etploeion or release o[ hazeedous eubRanees 1n the evene of an setidene? _ __ y_ d. M lnsnese !n the number oL individuals ar eb.ciaa of vat tut oc pathenogenle organisms or the expos ore o[ poop le to such arganlso<a? __ ~ e. Increase In existing noise !eve la? X t. Exposure of people to poceneially dangerous noise levels? _ __ ~ g. The creation of obJ eecionabls odor s? ~ // h• M inezeue in llghe or glare?~t.~ __ X V~~ 11. Aesthetlta. Will cha propoaal have •ignif SCan[ res ults in: a. 'fha obscrucclon or degradaclon of any step it via ca or viav? ]~ b. The craaeion of an aaa checically ottenaiv site? J(,_ c. a conf licc vlch the cDl active of designated ar pocenclal scenic eocrldora? ~ X 12. Lc S 11c1aa and Pu611e Services. Will the Dropoaal have a significant nand fot nw ayacsvu, or alt era[Sons ca [M following: a. Elect ric yovar? .~.,, b. Natural or packaged gas? ~ c. Coaanwnlcaciona systems? ](_ d. Nacer aupp ly? JL e. Waacsvacar fac111t1n? x _ .. Fiood control aLrueruraa? ~ _ g. So 11d vta to faci11c1aa? _ ~ h. Fire protseelon? ,_ ~(. 1. Police protection? _ X ]. Schmola? ~ k. Parks or otbar raeaacdonal tae111tiu? _ % 1. Nalntananea of public facilitiaa, inc lud ing roads and flood control taeil iciaa? ~ ~ _ o. OtMs govaruaneal serviua? _ % 1J. Ena rn and Searea Raeourc •a. Will the propoaal hers signifiunc nwlca irt: _. ;fas ct aubat::,:1a1 ar axcaasl~a foal c: ahc:gy? _ y h. Subacaneial increaaa in dmand upon axireing worse of anargy? _ g c. M inc tsars Sn tM dmand [ot development a[ nav sources of anargy? A d. M Sne tease or perpatuaclon o[ ehe canaumpcion of nan-ranwab l• [o ma of energy, vhen teas lb la ranwab l• aoureu o[ anargy art availab la? __ % ~~ Pegs b YES ."-4'!?° e. Subscanclal depletion of any nonrerevablc ar ^carce natural resource? r_ g 14. T!andatorv Find Sn¢a of SixnSH car.[ e. a. Does the project have the poi social to degrade cha quality of the envlronmenc, aubacancially reduce the habits[ of fish or wildlife species, cause a tlah or oil dlile population ce drop b slow self sue:wining irveia. threaten eo elimina ce a plan[ or animal eoemunicy, reduce Me number or restrict chs sangs of a rare or endangered plan[ or animal or el iminace impo rcanc examples of the major periods o! California hiseo ry or prehistory? % b. Does Che prajecc have the po cenelal ea aehieva short-term, co the disadvantage of long-tern, environmental goals? (A ahcrL-corm lmpaet on the env3zonmenc Sa one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time vhi2e long- term impacts will endure yell loco the future). ~, X c. Does the prof ece have impasse vhieh are individually limited, but cumulatively [onside ra6le? (Cumulatively considerable means chat the incremental e[[eeta of an individual proj ece are considerable when viewed in canoe[ ciao vi ch the effects of vase nro ~.•••, end ~:J~.u:e Future projects). X d. Does the proj etc have environmental etfec es vhicy will [sues subaaan cial adverse efts[ ea an human beings, etch ar directly or Sod ireccly? _ ~ % II. DIS C::S SION OF ENVIADNiQNTAL EVALVATIDN (i.e., of aftltmatlve answrs ca the above questions Dlue a discuselon of pteposed aicigacl on measures). t.l.b. Soil will be removed during trenching operations of the storm drain trench. Sofl will 6e recompacted around the installed storm drain and the street reinforced as required, Excess soil will be removed by the contractor. I.2.b. the construction of the Lemon Storrs Drain will decrease the amount of run-off as surface water, I.2.c. Street runoff will be undergrounded to the new storm drain in Lemon Avenue, and ultimately discharged to Lhe Lower Alta Lama Channel. I.b.a. The installation of a flood control facility 1s generally considered value enhancing to the properties served by the facility. I.b,b, Protect costs are equitably distributed among protect beneflcfarles through a per net acre storm drain fee, charged under a "General City Area" District. , ~j~ ~~ ATTACHMENT TO PART [I -INITIAL STIRIY I.B.e. This protect will have an interim effect on the present patterns of circulation of vehicles, people and goods for the duration of the construction period. Such circulation pattern impacts can be mitigated by the proper use of roadway warning and detour signing. I.S.g. Increases in the traffic hazards to motor vehicles, 61cyc11sts or pedestrians may occur during the construction period. Such haza rds can be mitigated by proper warning signs. I.lO.e. Local noise levels will increase during the construction of Lemon Avenue Storm Drain. These noise levels can be mitigated by restricting the hours of operation of heavy equipment and the installation of noise attenuators on said equipment. 1.12. d. This protect will require the relocation of a 20" water line in Amethyst Street and also the relocation of a 30" works line Tn Lemon Avenue at the Lower Alta Loma Channel. I.12.e. This protect will require the relocation of approximately 250 feet of 8" sewer line. I.12.1. Maintenance of the Lemon Storm Drain will be by the Cfty of Rancho Cucamonga. -39 III. DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial eva'uaiton: I find the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ^ I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not 6e a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the proj=c*_. A ;,,.GATivc' "uECLAicATION W[LL BE PREPARED. Q I find the Proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENT IMPACT REPORT is required. O I find the proposed project CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT Article 19 Class 3(d) Section 1530s Per Cal iform a~T~~ nE-v~ronmental Qua i-1 'ty Act, of the Date 9 /L Ov ~. ~9 tVl°e /Trrou.l~ €n~r ?'t e Pay. 8 Q CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 19, 1990 TO: Mayor, Members of the City Council, City Manager FROM: Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director BY: Marcie Mathia~en, Buyer SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO PUR HA V HI c Staff recommends City Council approve the purchase of vehicles per Proposal PR09091-1 dated September 4, 1990, consisting of twenty-four (24) vehicles for various uses in a total amount of $336,842.72, exclusive of sales tax. The specific accounts to be charged are detailed on page 2 of this staff report. As the City staff continues to grow, the need for new vehicles also increases. In addition, many of the vehicles currently in use have now become costly to maintain due to Their age and need to be replaced. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase new vehicles for oncoming staff and as replacements for old units. The budget for FY 1990-91 includes fhe funds for the purchase of the vehicles. The department heads and the City Manager have reviewed the vehicles needed to insure the most proper vehicle is being purchased for the required use. The Purchasing Division sent out Request for Proposals on August 20, 1990 to thirty- three vendors and received ten responses on time on September 4, 1990. There was one proposal which had to be rejected because it was turned in late. Qf the ter. vendors who responded, only three submitted proposals that met the criteria. ~/ Approval of V®hicles Page 2 After careful examination of the three proposals that met the specifications, the following vendors were the lowest responsible bidders: 1. Fairview Ford, San Bernardino 1 each 4-Door Compact Utility Vehicle, 2-Wheel Drive $15,480.00 ea. 2 each 3/4 Ton Pickups with Modifications 18,051.00 ea. 1 each One Ton Flatbed with Modifications 18,341.00 ea. 1 each One Ton Crew Cab with Modifications 22,148.00 ea. 13 each 2•DOOr Compact Utility Vehicle, 2-Wheel Drive 13,997.00 ea. 2. Rotolo Chevrolet, Fontana 1 each Full Size Cargo Van 13,554.56 ea. 3. Valley Chevrolet, Pomona 4 each 4-Door Compact Sedans 8,967.71 ea. 1 each Passenger Mini Van 13,385.32 ea. The account totals, plus applicable sales tax, are charged to the following accounts: 72-4637-7045 $206,408.71 01-4647-7045 76,591.00 01-4373-7045 26,903.13 01-4245-7045 13,554.56 01-4532-7045 13,385.32 Respectfully submiftod, Jim Hart Adminisirstive Services Direct JH/MEM I~ nimv nc n n wrnvn nr rn n winr.rn n STAFF REPORT DATE: September 19, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer BY: Henry Murakoshi, Associate Ctv11 Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement and Oedicatlon between Edward H. Bailey, Jr. and Patricia M. Bailey and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for road improvements located along the western portion of the Bailey parcel for the Archibald Avenue - south of Banyan Street to Hillside Road Protect. RECOMIFIMTIOM: It is recommended that Ctty Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement and Dedication between Edward H. Bailey, Jr. and Patricia W. Batley and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BALK6ROUID/AWLLYSIS: The attached sub,~ect Agreement between the City and Edward H. Bailey, Jr. v u 'n ~1 v-) y~vt „~iGi ~ A~1I V,gYC Il4i 1„I,r 11 ,IIAI YVC 4YIU and gutter Tnstallation and other related work, along the western portion of the Bailey parcel. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey have agreed to grant to the City a Road Easement io allow for the installation of curb and gutter along Archibald Avenue in return for the construction of said improvements. Said sidewalk Improvements will be constructed 1n conjunction with the City's Archibald Avenue - south of Banyan Street to Hillside Road Project. Respectfully submitted, SB:HM:pam V r/ Attachment 5~3 RESOLUTION N0. 90 ,3~9 A RESOLUTIgI OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FU1 INSTALLATION OF PUDLIC IMPROVEMENT AND DEDICATION FROM EONARD H. BAILEY, JR. AND PATRICIA N. BAILEY ANO AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE SAME NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has established requtreaents for construction of road improvements in conjunction with the Archibald Avenue - south of Banyan Street to Hillside Road Project; and NHEREAS, installation of a curb and gutter and other related work, located along the western portion of the Bailey parcel shall be made a part of the Archibald Avenue - south of Banyan Street to Hillside Road Project; and NHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey have agreed to dedicate road easement to the City for said improvements. NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does accept said Improvement Agreement, and authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk Lo sign same, and directs the City Clerk to record same in the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. I~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 19, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy CTLy Engineer BY: Lucinda E. Hackett, Contract C1vi1 Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of improvement Agreement, Improvement Security for Improvements to Church Street from Spruce Avenue to Elm Avenue and the Master Plan Storm Drain Line 2-1 in the Terra Vista Planned Community submitted by Lewis Development Company RECOMEN011TION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the subject agreement and security and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreements. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND The Developer, Lewis Development Company, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of said improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: 2508,000 Labor and Material Bond: 5254,000 Copies of the agreement and security signed by the Developer are on file to the City Clerk's Dfflce. Respectfully submitted, SGuv~ B~ ,.~ SB:LEH:d1w Attachments ~~•"~'^- `~5 RESOLUTION N0. "r'O ' ~ i0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROYEMENT AGREEMENT AND SECURITY FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF CHURCH STREET FROM SPRUCE AVENUE TO ELM AVENUE pN0 THE MASTER PLAN STORM DRAIN LINE 2-1 MHEREAS, the Developer, Lewis Development Company trs entered into an Improvement Agreement guaranteed by acceptable Improvement Security for the Improvement of Church Street from Spruce Avenue to Elm Avenue and the Master P1 an Storm Drain Line 2-1 NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Caunctl of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Securiitiy submitted by said developer be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor 1s hereby authorized to sfgn said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the Ctty Clerk to attest. T/ CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA . STAFF REPORT DATE: September 19, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Shi ntu Bose, Deputy City Engineer BY: Lucinda E. Hackett, Contract Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Final Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security, Improvement and Maintenance Agreement for the Temporary Private Detention Basin, Development Agreement for lots 1 through 5 Restricting Building Permits and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance Dtstrict No. 7 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 7 for Tract Map 13812 located west of Etiwanda Avenue between Summit and Highland Avenues submitted by watt Southern California, Inc. RECOMMEIDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Tract Map 13812, accepting the subfect agreements and security, ordering the annexation to Landscape Mairtenarr:e Dtstrict No. 7 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 7 and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreements and to cause said map to record. u,ynVnV VM1V / MNl l i1J Tract Map 13812 was approved by the Planning Commission on December 7, 1988, for the division of 71.33 acres into 153 lots in the very low residential district of the Etiwanda Specific Plan and the low residential General Plan designation, located west of Etiwanda Avenue. The Developer, Natt Southern California Inc, is submitting an agreement and securities to guarantee the construction of all off-site improvements for Tract 13812 in the following amounts: Faithful Perforance Labor 6 Material TR13812 (Site Development) 12,130,000.00 51,065,000.00 Landscaping 315,000,00 157,540,00 Stop Drain: Nighld. to Goid.iraiis d25,000.00 212,500.00 Storm Drain: Nlghiand to Summit 1,100,000.00 550,000.00 Storm Drain: Summit Avenue 628,000.00 314,000.00 Storm Drain: Etiwanda Ave XIV-13 458,000.00 229,000.00 Storm Drain: Etlwda. Chnl. Line 2-1 335,000.00 167,500.00 35;39T;OOQ:I>fT T2;695;SOII;pQ TR 13812 Staff Report September 19, 1990 Page 2 The Improvement and Maintenance Agreement for the Temporary Private Detention Basin is required to protect the site from drainage flows from the north until future upstream storm drain facilities are installed. The Development Agreement for Lots 1 through 5 restricting building permits is required to allow Cal Trans one year to determine the correct right-of-way for the future Route 30 Freeway. Copies of the Agreements, Security and the Consent and Maiver to Annexation form signed by the Developer are on file in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submitted, SB:LEN:3h Attachment ~~ RESOLUTION N0. 90 - 3 t~'~ A RESOLUTION OF THE LITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TRACT MAP NUMBER 13812 (TENTATIVE TRACT MAP N0. 13812), IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND SECURITY NHEREAS, Tentative Tract Map No. 13812, submitted by Watt Southern California, Inc. and consisting of 153 lots, located west of Etiwanda Avenue between Highland and Summit Avenues being a division of 71.33 acres iota 153 lots was approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on December 7, 1968. NHEREAS, Tract Map No. 13812 is the final map of the division of land approved as shown on said Tentative Tract Map; and WHEREAS, all of the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of Lhe final map by the City Council of said City have now been met by entry Into an Improvement Agreement guaranteed by acceptable Improvement Security by Natt Southern Callfornla, Inc, as developer. NON, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Callfornla, that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security submitted by said developer by and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor 1s hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and tiro City Clerk to attest; and that said Tract Map No. 13812 be and the same 15 hereby approved and the City Engineer's authorized to present same to the County Recorder to be filed for record. ~7 RESOLUTION N0. 9EJ' .3c~- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR THE TEMPORARY PRIVATE DETENTION BASIN FOR TRACT 13812 BETNEEN MATT SOUTHERN CALffORNIA, INC. AND THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA WHEREAS, the Conditions of Approval for Tentative TR '_3812 reGulre that interim drainage protection facilities shall be provided along the north project boundary and; WHEREAS, a temporary private detention basin shall be constructed within Lots 85 through 98 of TR 13812 and; NHEREAS, the Developer shall own and maintain said private detention basin until such time as the upstream facilities are completed and accepted by the City, and; NHEREAS, the execution of said Agreement and pasting of maintenance security, are deemed to be suffecient to guarantee continual maintenance of said basin. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, Lhat said ]mprovement and Maintenance Agreement submitted by Bald Developer by and the same fs hereby approved and the NayOr Ts hereby authorized to sign said Improvement and Maintenance Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest. ~R-R RESOLUTION N0. q0 - 3~P3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROYIN6 A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR LOTS 1 THROUGH 5 RESTRICTING BUILDING PERMITS BETWEEN WAtt SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC. ANO THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA NHEREAS, Lots 1 through 5 within Tract 13812 will no: be issued a "Building Permit' until such tia~e as the California Department of Transportation has determined the necessary Right- of-Way needed for the future Route 30 Freeway. WHEREAS, the Developer agrees to withhcld application for "Building Permits" and Lots 1 through 5 of Bald Tract for a period of twelve (12) months or until such time as the California OeparLaent of Transportation has detenoined the necessary right- of-way for the future Route 30 Freeway. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHD CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, that said Oeveloparent Agreement submitted by said developer by and the samo are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Development Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest. ~9- B ' RESOLUTION N0. '70~ 3~P~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 7 AND STREET LIGNTIN6 MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 7 FOR TRACT MAP 13812 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a spacial maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 7, Street LTghting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 7 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"1; and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and NNEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance Dfstrict have filed with Lhe City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing ar filing of an Engineer's "Report". NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are alt true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative 6oQy hereby orders the annexation of the proper~as shown in Exhibit "A" and Che work program areas as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including-E~eTevy of all assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. ~q- e EXHIBIT 'A• ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM STREETLIGIi~NG MAMNTENANCEEDIS TTRICTNNOS. 1AND 7 ^~;`~ I ~ ~ '~ i__ ~ ~ K x ~_L.. i r ~ ~y~ a : e ,t ~i -~ •r v.or ••c.+ - ~ ~ 0~9 e oil u ~ \~ ~ 'y Iz i~li a A' ~ • \\ ~~ 5 a '~ ~ .. 7 ~• :e c~ =:~ wwrtarr---n to dmt~-- '. w ~I ^^x ~ ` y~ ~„v 'I i ~ :.e ~ 5< i i I it 9§~ .~. i4L! : Q ~ ~,n<....m _ ~•~1~ fu:?i~wwvn wlu .4: n.. 'u~r •.••, wee .•••m. ~~ >n~ :`.w... CITY OF RANCHO C1~CAMONDA ~. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO { STATE OF CALIFORNIA TR 1~6I2 EIINIBIT 'B' PROJECT NAME: TR 13812 N0. OF O.U. OR ACREAGE: 71.33 ac N0. OF ASSESS. UN[T: 153 Lots units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE GISTRICT No. of Lamps to be Annexed District No. 2~ 27,500 7 1:5 --' --- --- --- LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Community Turf Ground Cover Trees District No. Street Nave Eguest.Trail Sq. ft. Sq. ft. Ea. 7 Stable Fa115 --- --- --- 26 Rodeo Drive --- --- --- 17 Show Horse Nay --- --- --- 24 Vintage Dr1ve --- --- 55,035 98 Golden Tratls Ave --- --- --- 56 Cott Drive --- --- --- 8 High Nn~ca nr _-- -__ _-- dR Secretariat --- --- --- 25 Ascot Place --- --- --- 22 Filly Court --- --- --- 19 Bronco P1 aee --- --- --- 6 Polo Place --- --- --- 15 Triple Crown Ct --- --- --- 14 Kentucky Derby Ct --- --- --- 10 511ver Saddle Dr --- --- --- 29 B1ueGrass Ave --- --- --- 25 Pr~eakness Pi --- --- --- 13 Summit Ave 365 L.F. --- 3,950 45 JAA:9/19/90 ~{R E ---- CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 19, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy Ci•;y Engineer BY: Phillip verbera, Assistant Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Drainage Acceptance Agreement, Improvement i Agreements, Improvement Securities, maintenance security Deposit and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6 for D.R. 89-14, located at 12167 Arrow Route, submitted by American Pacific Concrete Pipe Company, Inc. (AMPAC) RECOMMENDd1TI0N It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions accepting the subiect agreements and securities, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6 and authorizing the ,Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreements. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND _ _~ -e . --~.~- tc u. n. of-iY, iuw Leu m, i.iie wuLii aiJa Gi nii v:: '~' ~~w :. t ~ . ~ -..- -- at 12167 Arrow Route, in the heavy industrialVydistrict,~subarea~l5~of-the Industrial Specific Plan, was approved by the Planning Commission on October 11, 1984, for two manufacturing buildings totaling 26,000 square feet on 39.3 acres. The Developer, American Pacific Concrete Pipe Company, Inc. (AMPAC I, is submitting agreements and securties to guarantee the construction of the off- site improvements and the on-site private storm drain improvements in the following amounts: Off-Site Improvement FAi iiifui Perf4rmdrwe BGiidi i2`uB,DD^v.DD Labor and Material Bond: 5134,000.00 i D,R. 89-14 Staff Report September 19, 1990 Page 2 On=Site Private Storm Orain Improvements Faithful Performance Bond: f172,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: S 86,000.00 Maintenance Cash Deposit: S 5,000.00 Copies of the agreements and securities are available in the City Clerk's Office. Letters of approval have been received from the Southern California Edison Company and Cucamonga County Mater District. The Agreements have also been approved by the City Attorney. The Consent and Maiver to Annexation form signed by the Developer is on file in the City Clerk's office. Respectfully submitted, S12,.,,,~8~_„ ~ ~~~~-. SB:PV:fh Attachments 5( RESOLUTION N0. 9Q-,~(p5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CWNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DRAINAGE ACCEPTANCE AGREEMENT, INPROYEMENT AGREEMENTS, IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES AND SECURITY DEPOSIT FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEN N0. 89-14 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration Mo Improvement Agreements executed on August 2s, 1490, by American Pacific Concrete Pipe Company, Tnc. as developer, for the on-site Private Storm Drain Improvements and for the improvement of public right-of-way adtacent to and on the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the south side of Arrow Route and east of the Interstate 15 Freeway; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreements and subiect to the terms thereof, are to be done in conjunction with the development of said real property as referred to Planning Commission, Development Review No. 89-14; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreements are secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security and a security deposit which are identified 1n said Ymprovement Agreements; and NHEREPS, to meet a requtremelnt established as prerequisite to approval of said Development Review said Developer has offered the Drainage Acceptance Agreement submitted herewith for Approval and Execution by said CiTy. NON, THEREFOR!, IHt l.irt i,wiiCiL ur T8L CI^; CS ^.",yC!!9 rurewnur;a HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLONS: 1. That said Improvement Agreements be and the same are approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute same on behalf of said City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and 2. That said improvement Securities and Security Deposit are accepted as good and sufficient, subject to aDProva1 as to form and content thereof by the City attorney; and 3. That said Drainage Acceptance Agreement be and the same are approved and the Mayor is authorized to ex!w::te same on behalf of said City and the Cfty Click 1s authorizeA W attest thereto. Sd- RESOLUTION N0. 90 ~3(Q~Q A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXAT70N OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT ND. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR DR 89-14 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the `Lardscaping and Lighting Act of 1972', being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 3, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6 thereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance D15trict"); and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" adthorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exh161t "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced t0 the Maintenance District; and NNEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the Clty Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NUN, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLQIS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That th!s leglslatlvo bogy hereby orders Lhe annexation of the proper y as shown 1n Exhibit "A' and the work program areas as described to Exhibit "B" attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including t~Tevy of all assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. 53 EXMIlIT •A• ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 III ~~~¢b~ ~~ ~~ ;!~ ; ~~ ----, i ~ PMPAC 4 ~ I2167 ARROW ROUE I I B R?NCHC CUCAAICNG~ CA ~ ~~ e~rir[ a ~ iISSESSORS PARCEL N0. I 229-121-15 `- ~ II: ~ ~ o I ~ _ ~~ nuns 1']P R ____ ___-___ _ _ fNA IUST FITb[ • A A A . T. • • ! CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO STATE OF CALIFORNIA pR 89-~4 E%FIIBIT 'B' PROJECT NAME: OR 89-14 N0. OF D,U. OR ACREAGE: 39.3 ac N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 78,6 units STREET LiGHT2 NG MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No, of Lamp<_ to tre Annexed District No. 58DOt-~SDD~!3,U6oTTi1l1~-T;500 I ---° -"'- ---'-- -'---- °---- 6 ----- ----- ---'-- -'---- ------ LANOSLAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Coaewnity Turf Ground Cover Trees District No. Street Name Equest.Trail Sg ft• Sq. ft, Ea. 3 ----- ----- --°- ---'- --- JAA:9/19/90 S~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: September 19, 1990 City Council and City Manager Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Puu11c dorks Inspector` ; ~C~ L, „~~ Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for COP B4-34, located on the northeast corner of Base Line Road and Carnelian Street, submitted by MBNJ Properties RECOMMENDATION It is recamnended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorising Lhe Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to gua rantee the construction of the public improvements for CUP 84-34 were approved by the City Council on August 18, 1988, in the following amounts. Faithful Performance Bond: 630,000 Labor and Material Bond: 515,000 The developer, MBNJ Properties, is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Cierk's Office. Respectfully submitted, SI,M,~, ~aae ~' ~,~`` SB:SMG:d1w Attachments S~ ~pQ~ Esi~~ss ~.:;~~,;~ ~ aia sss si+~ Fax ?~a sss 2saa August 20, 1990 City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Development Engineering Division P.0. BoX 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Attn: Steve M. Gilliland Public Works Inspector Ref. 110.934 RE: Expiraticn of Improvement Agreement for CUP 84-34 Country Village Shopping Center Dear Mr. Gilliland: In accordance with Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code 16.36.450, please consider this ovr formal request for extension of the Improvement Agreement for CUP 84-34. We are asking for this request for extra time due to litigation with one of our tenants who opposes our expansion/renovation. The above matter should be resolved within ninety (90) days and our work will be commencing shortly thereafter. In view of the above, we request a two-year extension for the Improvement Agreement for CUP 84-34. Enclosed please find three (3) notarized copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension and our check in the amount of two hundred fifty-one dollars ($251.00). Sincerely, HDWJ PROPERTIES Sa11y Forster Jones ~`~ Partner Enclosures CC: Richard Batchley 57 RESOLUTION N0. 9~'~p 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE C[TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION ANO IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR CUP 84-34 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on September 19, 1990, by MBWJ Properties as developer. for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically describeQ therein, and generally located on the northeast corner of Base Line Road and Carnelian Street; and WHEREAS, the Installation of such improvements, described Tn said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, 15 to be done in conjunction with the development of said CUP 84-34; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufflctent Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor 1s hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behal f of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. J 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: September 19, 1990 City Council and City Manager Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector ~~ Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Parcel Map 12218, located ort the east side of Nellman Avenue south of 19th Street, submitted by Hix Development RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to stgn said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Parcel Map 12218 were approved by the City Council on August 3, 1989, in the folloring amounts. Faithful Perfornmnce Bond: f30,300.00 The developer, Nix Development, is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available to the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submitted, SB:SMG:sd ALtacMaents 59 _ Ih H1X DEVELOPMF.i9T CORP. August 21, 1990 Steve Gilliland Public Works Inspe:tor ENGINEERING DIVIST~N P. D. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, ~A 91729 ', RE: Expiration of [mprovement Agreement for Parcel Map 12218 Dear Mr. Gilliland; We hereby request .an extension of the above referenced improvement agreement for an additional nine month period. None of the work htts been attempted or completed. The original intent: was that this improvement agreement would be "absorbed" by a latter one covering Tentative Tract 14192. The Parcel Map was created in order to allow us to complete the purchase of the land. we have recently re+ceived approval of Tentative Tract 14192 and a.~ ~ ~-~~ ~ ~f annealin4 and Yesolving certain c +'___« conditions. The work covered by this improvemem ayiocma':. i~ covered by the tract conditions and presumably would be ^ incorporated into a new agreement upon recordation of the final tract map. This should take place within the nine month time frame outlined. We intend completing the work detailed within this agreement along with all other offsite work conditioned with Tentative Tract 4192. Sin a}u,A ~ U 'l'1,wG-i_~ Bob Yode l ...-..~_al ManageC W O 437 South Camrad Avenue • Suite 3 • San Dimas, California 91773 • (714) 599-9451 • FAX (714) 592-5010 RESOLUTION N0. 7O'3104 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION pND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 12218 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed an September 15, 1990, by Hix Development as develcper, for the improvement of public right-of-way agiacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the east side of Heilman Avenue south of 19th Street; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in Bald Improvement Agreement and subfect to the terms thereof, Ts to be done 1n confunction with the deveiopment of said Parcel Map 12218; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by goad and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the Ctty Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension an4 said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. l0/ CITY OF SANCHO CliCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~ , 'k DATE: September 19, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspect~r~/~~ SUBJECT: Acceptance of Improvements, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for Tract 13541, located on Sierra Yista Street south of Camino Sur The reRuired street improvements for Tract 13541 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond Tn the amount of 58,100.00, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to reiease Lhe Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 581,000.00. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 13541 - located on Sierra Vista Street south of Camino Sur DEVELOPER: Allmark, Inc. 10070 Arrow Route Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 58,100.00 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 581,000.00 Respectfully subettted, .~a~u U~~ ~'~/. ~'~„~ RHM:SMG:Iy Attachaent RESOLUTION N0. gp - 3~pQ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13541 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILIN6 OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 13541, have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion 1s required to 6e f11ed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the C1ty of Rancho Cucamonga heresy resolves, that the work 15 hereby accepted and the City Engineer is auth~ri zed to sign and f11e a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San liernardino County. Co3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIdONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Ttl: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: September 19, 1990 Q City Council and City Manager Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer Steve M. Gtililand, Public korks Inspecto~ Acceptance of Improvements, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for Parcel Map 9192 Landscape, located on the northwest corner of Highland Avenue and Rochester Avenue RECOMlEMDATION: The required street improvements for Parcel Map 9192 landscape have been completed in an acceptable manner, and 1t is reconnended that City Council accept said Improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond Tn the amount of 5144,361.00, authortze the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Fafthful Performance Bond in the amount of 51,443,607.00. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Parcel Map 9192 Landscape - located on the northwest corner of Highland Avenue and Rochester Avenue DEVELOPER: Marlborough Development 2029 Century Park East, Suite 1550 Los Angeles, CA 90067-3097 Accept: Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) S 144,361.00 Faithful Performance Bond (Street) f1,443,607.00 Respectfully submitted, ,.~,.,.~ SB:SMGad Attachaent J/~ RESOLUTION N0. qQ - 3 7~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 9192 LANDSCAPE AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING JF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the constructton of public improvements for Parcel Map 9192 Landscape have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFpIE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. ~P ~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ,, DATE: September 19, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Sht ntu Bose, Deputy, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Morks inspector~j~ ~ _ SUBJECT: Release of Maintenance Bond for Tract 10035 located at north side of Camino Predera Street at Predera Court RF,COMMEIDATIOU: It 1s recoamended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond. BACKGROUIID/AWLL.YS IS The required one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship. DEVELOPER: Rancho Associates P.0. Box 7000-311 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 Maintenance Guarantee Band (Street) 524,400.00 Respectfully submitted, vSl ,~°~ ~J Pi~.-~Q-~- SB:SMG:pam CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: September 19, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspectgr~, ~ SUBJECT: Release of Malrttenance Sond for Tract 12642, 12935-44 Storm Drain, located an the east side of Milliken Avenue between Banyan Street and Highland Avenue RECOMMEIOA7I0M: It is reconmended that the City Council authorlu the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond. Background/Analysts The required one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects 1n materials and workmanship. DE4ELOPER: Kaufman 8 Broad 3602 Inland Empire Boulevard, Suite C-110 Ontario, CA 91764 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 593,000.00 Respectfully submitted, SB:SMG:sd CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 19, 1990 TD: City Council and City Manager FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer ,. C BY: Michael D. Long, Senior Public Norks Inspector ~y,~ SUBJECT: Accept the Intersection of Amethyst Street and 19th St. Street Improvements, Traffic Signal and Storm Drain, Contract 89-012, as complete, release the bonds and authorized the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion". RECOMNEIdATION: It is recommended that City Council accept the Intersection of Amethyst Street and 19th St. Street Improvements, Traffic Signal and Storm Drat n, Contract 89-012, as complete, authortze the City to file a "Notice of Completion, retain the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of f425,258.00 to be used as the Matntenarwe Band, and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of 546,883.00 and Lhe Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of (425,258.00 35 days after the recordation of said notice Tf no claims have been received. Also, approve the final contract amount of f646,212.50. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subject pro,~ect has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The final contract amount, based on pro,~ect documentation, is (425,258.00 which includes 4 contract change order for increased structural section thickness, pot-holing of utilities, recovery of costs due toutility delays, detour signing required by Cal trans and relocation and modification of storm items. Respectfully submitted, SB:PWL:~h Attachment RESOLUTION N0. ~~'.3~I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMgNGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR INTERSECTION OF AMETHYST ST. AND 19TH ST. STREET IMPROYEMENTS, TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND STROM DRAIN, CONTRACT 89-012, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS. the construction of public furyroveaients for intersection of Amethyst St. A 14th St. Street Iaprovements, Traffic Signal and Storm Dratn, Contract 89-012, have been completed to the satisfaction of ~:he City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completfon is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer 1s authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. ~+/"/ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONvA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 19,1990 i.~ T0: City Council and City Manager ^-~. FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer BY: MTchaei D. Long, Senior Public Norks Inspector, SUBJECT: Accept Arrow Route Phase [I, from Archibald Avenue to Hermosa Avenue, Contract No. 90-009, as complete, release the bonds and authorize the City Engineer to file a 'Notice of Completion". RECONENDATION: It is recommended that City Council accept •:he Arrow Route Phase II, from Archbald Avenue to Hermosa Avenue, Contract No. 90-009, as complete, authorize the City to file a "Notice of Completion, retain the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount 5461,399.91 W be used as the Maintenance Bond, and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of f45,572.12 35 days after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received. Also, approve the final contract amount of f468,829.79. BACKGRWND/ANALYSIS The sUb~PC f. nrnior•• has haven ~nwnl..~.• ±~~ .:CLi aao,i~c wi 411 NIC apprDYeO plans and specifications and to the satisfa;lion of the City Engineer. The final contract amount, based on project documentation, is f468,829.79 which includes 1 contract change order for additional handicap acess ramps and protection of unknown utilities. Respectfully submitted, SB:MDL:fh Attachment RESOLUTION N0. 9O'.3~y A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCMgNGA, CALIFGRNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR ARROW ROUTE PHASE fI, FROM ARCNIBALO AVENUE TO HERMOSA AVENUE, CONTRACT N0. 90-009, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public tmprovetnents for Arrow Route Phase ii, from Archibald Avenue to Hermosa Avenue, Contract No. 90-009, have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion 1s required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucaawnga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completaan with the County Wrorder of San Bernardino County. 71 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 19, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer BY: Willie Yalbuena, Assistant Engineer Judy Acosta, Engineering Technician e~3 . SUBJECT: Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District Na. 8 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and setting the public hearing far October 17, 1990, for the Formation of Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 8 for Parcel Mep 12854, located on the west side of East Avenue, between Catalpa and Victoria Streets, submitted by Style Homes Company RECOMNEM011TIOM It is recommended Lhat the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Parcel Map 12854, accepting the subSect agreement and security, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 8 and Street Lighting Metntenence District No. i, and initiating and forming Street Lighting District No. 8, approving the preliminary Engineer's Report aid setting the date of public hearing for October 17, 1990 and authorizing the 4avnn anA •Fe N to rl en4 M elnn cold awns and vn raueo aafA am en ._~ _. _.._ _.._ _. _~ _. _. .. •nro record. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Parcel Map 12854, located on the west side of East Avenue, between Catalpa and Victoria Streets, in the Low Residential Development District, was approved by the Planning Commission on February 28, 1990 for the division of 19.8 acres into 2 parcels. The Developer, Style Haines Company, 15 submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the follawin5 amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: 516,373.00 i abnr and MaYaria7 Rnnd: '; R,s_Af .CNi Monumentatlon Cash Bond: f 2,500.00 Copies of the agreement and security are avallaDle 1n the City Clerk's Office. ~r}- CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT PM 12854 - STYLE HOMES CO SEPTEMBER 19, 1990 PAGE 2 A letter of approval has been received from Cucamonga County Water District Style Homes Company, developer of the subject parcel map, has requested the City to initiate proceedings fA fora Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 8 for street lights and other improvements within the protect boundary. This district will be formed with Parcel Map 12854. Ali other developments within this district will be annexed at ttare of recordation. Respectfully submitted, SB:WV:JAA:dIn Attachments 73 RESOLUTION N0. 90-.373 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONf:A, CALIFORNIA, APPROYING PARCEL NAP NUMBER 12854, (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP N0. 128541, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY NHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map No. 12854, submitted by Style Homes Company, and consisting of 2 parcels, located on the rest side of East Avenue, between Catalpa and Victoria Streets, was approved by the Planning Commission of the Cify of Rancho Cucamonga, on February 28, 1990; and NHEREAS, Parcel Map No. 12854 is the final map of the division of land approved as shovm on said Tentative Parcei Map; and NNEREAS, all of the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the final map by the City Councti of said City have now been met by entry into an Improvement Agreement guaranteed by acceptable Improvement Security by Style Homes Comparq as developer. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLYES, that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security sub,~itted by said developer be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the Ctty Clerk to attest; and that said Parcei Map No. 12854 be and the same 1s hereby approved and the City Engineer is authorized to present same to the County Recorder to be filed for record. 7~ RESOLUTION N0. 9O'37`~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CIILIfORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 8 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 FOR PARCEL MAP 12854 WHEREAS, the City Council of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being D!vtsion 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. R, and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "'Maintenance District"1: and NHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexatfon of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, at th15 time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this refererceed to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed Lo the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed anrexativn without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report'. unl THEREFORE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA HEREBY RESOLYfS AS FOLLONS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative body hereby orders the annexation of the proper~'as shown in Exhibit "A" and the work program areas as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance Oistrlct, including ~ieTvy of all assessments, shalt be appllcabte Lo the territory annexed hereunder. 75 EXMI8IT 'A' ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MANTENANCE DISTRICT NO.8 STREET LIGHTNG MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 ~ CATALPff STREET~~ --- -- -~ I \~~ ti= e i ,~~ i ~~Jy I 'h~e ,~ ~v iLy I ~~ {~ ~~M`` ~` V $ ~ rF ~ \ \ f J ~ i ~~ ~ ~ ~~ r ~ I ti~~ ~ ~ ~ +a~ I +9y e ' / ~ ~N+1G 9HiiGiKi '~ Z w I .., a 1~ ~ I H ~t ~ ~ Q w wF O' ~~ ~ ~~ i CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO PM 1.~8s4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA I EXHIBIT 'B' PROJECT NAME: PARCEL MNP 12854 N0. OF O.U. OR ACREAGE: 19.8 acres pcl . 1: .5 pcl . 2: 193 N0, OF ASSESS. UNIT: 39.6 units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of La s to be Annexed DT strict No. i_ 1 --- 7 --- --- --- LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Coamunity District No. Street Naive Eguest.Traii 8 East Avenue --- JAA:9/17/90 Turf Ground Cover Trees Sg. ft. Sg. ft. Ea. --- --- ' 77 RESOLUTION N0. %v '^375 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CDUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, INITIATING PROCEEDINGS FOR THE FORMATION OF STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 8 PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 WHEREAS, Part 2 of 61vis1on 15 (commencing with Section 2250D1 of the California Streets and Highways Code authorizes this Ctty Council to initiate proceedings for the formatimn of an assessment district W improve and maintain street lighting located therein; and WHEREAS, this City Council declares to initiate proceedings for the formation of an assessment district to be known as "Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 8" to improve and maintain street lighting located within the boundaries of said Street Lighting Maintenance District. NOW, THEREFORE, the Ctty Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION is This City Council hereby proposes the formation of an assessment~TstTE to be known as "Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 8" pursuant to the Landscaping and Lighting Action of 1972. SECTION 2: The nature, located and extent of the improvements to be installe an man Tned Mth "Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 8" are more partlcularty described 1n Exhlblt "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by rafaranra. SECTION 3: The location and extent of "Street L1 hung Maintenance District Ao. A'"-is more particularly described in Exhtbtt "D" attached hereto and incorporated herein, and the City Council hereby specifies that designation "Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 8 for said street lighting maintenance district. SECTION 4: The City Engineer is hereby authorized and dtrected to cause the prepara~fon and filing of a report with respect to the formation of Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 8 in accordance with Article 4 (commencing with Section 22565) of Chapter 1 of the California Streets and Highways Code. 78 RESOLUTION N0. g0'.37~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROYAL OF CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR STREET LIGHTING ~VIINT<NANCE DISTRICT N0. 8 NHEREAS, on September 19, 1990, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga directed the Ctty Engineer to make and file with the City Clerk of said City a report in writing as required by the Landscaping and L19hting Act of 1972; aM NHEREAS, the City Engineer has made and filed with the City Clerk of said City a report in writing as called for pursuant to said Act, which report has been presented to this Council for consideration; and NHEREAS, said City Council has duly considered said report and each and every part thereof, and finds that each and every part of said report is sufficient, and that said report, nor arq part thereof, requires or should be modified in any respect. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION t: That the Engineer's Estimate of the itemized costs and expenses o sad work and of the incidental expenses in connection therewith, contained in said report be, and each of them are hereby, preliminarily approved and confirmed. SECTION 2: That the diagram showing the Assessment District referred toga described in said report, the boundaries of the subdivisions of land within said Assessment District are hereby preliminarily approved and confirmed. SECTION 3: That the proposed assessment upon the subdivisions of land n st ai~Assessment District 1n proportion to the estimated benefit to be received by said subdivision, respectively, from said work and of the incidental expenses thereof, as contained to said report is hereby preliminarily approved and confirmed. SECTION 4: That said report shall stand as Lhe City Engineer's Report for~he purposes of all subsequent proceedings, and pursuant to the proposed district. ~9 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ENGINEER'S REPORT STREET tIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 8 PARCEL MAP 12854 SECTION 1. AUTHORITY FOR REPORT ?his report is prepared in compliance with the requirements of Artlcte 4, Chapter 1, Division 15, of the Streets and Highways Code of California (Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972). SECTION 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION This report proposes the establishment of a Street Lighting Maintenance District for Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 12854 only. This protect comprises the area immediately west of East Avenue between Yictoria Avenue and Catalpa Street. Areas to be included in the work program are the street lights within the rights-of-way or designated easements of streets dedicated to the City and are limited to local streets only as shown hereon. SECTION 3. SCOPE OF NORK The specific areas to be maintained by the District as defined in the preceding section, will become part of the active work program at such time as the specific areas are annexed into the D15trict. The normal process will 6e the dedication of the areas Lo the Citiy, construction of the street lighting system, and upon demonstration of satisfactory operation, the acceptance Dy the District no later than the following Jul v. The Developer will make a cuffirtant dann<i+ Wifn rtio ce1inorr California Edison Company to provide for up to twelve (12) months of ordinary and usual maintenance, operation and servicing costs of the street tights to each development at the time of initial operation of the lighting system. Upon establishment of assessment effective July 1 of each year, any remaining deposit shall be refunded to the developer. Work to be provided for, with the assessments estab115hed by the 0lstrict, consists of maintenance, operation and servicing of street lights. Annual Engineer's Reports will be prepared and approved by the City Council defining the specific work program for each year and its estimated cost. The plans and specifications for all street lighting will be prepared by the developers for the subdivision improvements and w711 be approved by the City Engineering Division. Detailed maintenance activities on the Street Lighting Maintenance District include: the farnishtna of s@rvices a!IA materials for .he ordinary and usual maintenance, operation and servicing of any street light improvement and the repair, removal, or replacement of all or any part of any improvement, providing for the 111uminatton of the suDJect area. go SECTION 4. EST[MIITED COSTS ' Based on historical data adjusted for infl atlon, it 1s estimated that the quantity of street sights and the maintenance and energy costs for assessment purposes will be as follows: PARCEL MAP N0. 12854 The estimated cost (at current dollars) for the District as initially formed comprising the one (1) dwelling unit of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 12854. Lamp Quantity* Rate** Annual Maintenance Cost 1 ea. 9500 Lumen x 110.16 X 12 5121.92 TOTAL 5121.92 NOTE: Arterial lighting shall be annexed Into a separate district. * Assumed to be high pressure sodium vapor, 9500 lumen, actual type and size may vary. ** All night energy service per lamp per month including maintenance costs. All the costs are based on Southern California Edison Company monthly rates including maintenance. A11 costs and areas are based on current estimates and mAy or may not be valid for future veers. The total coct and unft cost mAy vary as the montlly rate varies and as additional areas for maintenance are annexed to the Oistrict. The monthly rate is established by the Southern California Edison Comparry and 1s not currently controlled by the size of an area or any operation of the developer. The size of the areas being annexed to the District only has an infl vence on the total cost. The costs shown are estimates only, end the final assessment will be based on actual cast data. SECTION 5. ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM A copy of the proposed Assessment Diagram for the proSects that will comprise the orig~n~l Maintenance District is attached to this report and labeled Exhibit A - Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 8". Exhibit "B" is a map of the District boundary. These exhibits are hereby incorporated w!thin the text of this report. g~ SECTION 6. ASSESSMENT Maintenance costs for the entire District are found to be of specific benefit to all developed residential, institutional and commercial property within the District in accordance with the following relationship: LAND USE ASSESSMENT UNITS Single Family Detached 1.0 Assessment Unit Multi-Family/Attached Residential .5 Assessment Unit Institutional/Cuawerciai i Acre = 2.0 Assessment Units ESTIMATED ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS Estimated Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 12854 Total Annual Cost (Section 4) ;121.92 Assessment Units Single Family 1 d/u x 1 unit = 1 assessment unit Estimated Assessment Rate 5121.92 = f121.92 T Thus, estimated assessments of 5121.92 per assessment unit will initially be required for the original District. Estimated assessments are for comparison only. lktual assessments will be set by public hearing each year 1n June and will be based on actual energy and maintenance expenses and developed land use sumaaries. SE~f~un i. URUER OF EVENTS 1. City Council adapts Resolution of Preliminary Approval of City Engineer's Report. 2. City Council adopts Resolution of Intention 'to form a District and sets public hearing. 3. City Council conducts public hearing, considers all testimony and determines to for a Dlstrfct or abandon the proceedings. 4. Every year Tn Mdy, the City Engineer foes a report with Lhe City Council. 5. Every year in dune, the City Council conducts a aU1_+Tic hearing and approves or modifies and approves the individual assessments. ~~ eAnltlll 'A' ~ ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO.8 FORMATION ~ F NIGNLANO dVENUE ~E CATALPA STREET ~,_t\ _ - .,... . J ~..... ' LL : ' .., ._..... ... . .. .. . _ - z --. ~ R ...... . . ,. ^.. ~ V/ST4 9T ~ - ; : w V -- x J , n[w~xro[n w.~a ,' "--- ' - - J -- 8 c ~ F -- - ~ mss: r --- ~ ~ o _ ~~~ ~e "~ , ~ ~ ~' i ~ a ° .. m F C ~ a WI ~'~"' ~ ~ p ti W I o z W ~ I `1 ~ a v .] F I 3 V F ~ ; " C F H m g F m O .~..: .. ._ -i .evw, .un..r.is . _ .. YJd '.. ... x I .. i ~ F'/NAwJA :GLSN/ LA'M> i ' _ } [ STREET ' VICTORIA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COUNTY OF 8AN BERNARDINO STATE OF CALIFORNIA pM 12854 ExHl61T -s' ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM ULTIMATE DISTRICT BOUNDARY STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 8 I t - - _._ : _~--i-~~ L--i / STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE y ' D_ _ ~ - ~~ --- - - - M - L .' ~~ V _ ~ . _ ~ 1 ti~ _a_ ': _ .. C ~J``~ ~ I< W Foom~x e~ya. '• _ FORMATION i~4{ ;,~ r I///•. :. ~ ~ W i l ~ .1 -, 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ;- 000NTY OF SAN BERNARDINO STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ RESOLUTION N0. 9p 3 7~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO FORM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 8 AND OFFERING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS THERETO WHEREAS, on September 19, 1990, this City Council adopted Resolution No. 90-* proposing the formation of an assessment district to be known as certain street 9lghtingaimproviements to be located vpilthinesaidmessessment district; and WHEREAS, on September 19, 1990, this City Council preliminary approved an Engineer's Report with respect to said Street lighting Marntenance District No. 8" and caused said Engineer's Report to be filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and WHEREAS, this City Council desires to form Street Lighting District No. 8 for the maintenance of certain street lighting Improvements to be located herein. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: the formation0of anTasses~ntoudistrlct b~ del knownitasi "Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 8" for the purpose of maintaining certain street lighting improvements therein and to levy and collect assessments pursuant to the Landscaping and Street Lighting Act of 1972. eerr,nu T6~ yenerai iocan on of Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 8 is more particularly described on the diagram attached as "Exhibit A" and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 3. The street lighting improvements t0 be maintained within the boundaries of Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 8 are more particularly described on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Section 4. Reference is hereby made to the Engineer's Report on file with the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga far a full detailed description of the boundaries of Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 8 and the proposed assessments upon assessable cots and of land within said assessment district. Sec tior~ 5. This City Council hereby sets the date, time and place of a public hearing on the formation of Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 8 to be as follows: DATE: October 17, 1990 TIME; 7;00 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers, 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga 8s ORDINANCE N0. 424 AN ORDINANCE OF TH[ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON GA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ETIWANDA SPECIF[C PLAN AMENOME NT 90-01, gMENDING FIGURE 5-13 GF THE ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLRN AI:D MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF A. Recitals. (i) On May 23, 1990, the Planning Cononis si on of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing with respect to the above- referenced Eti wa nda Specific Plan Amendment. Following the conclusion of said public hearing the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 90-67, thereby recommending that the City Council adopt Eti wa nda Specific Plan Amendment 90-01. (ii) On August 15, 1990 and September 5, 1990, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted duly noticed public hearings and con- cluded said hearing prior to its adoption of Lhis ordinance. (iii) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this ordinance have eceurred. B. Ordinance. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTIUN 1: This Council hereby specifies and finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of the ordinance are true and correct. SECTION 2: This Council hereby finds and certifies that the project has been reviewed and considered in com pliar.ce with the California Environ- mental Quality Act of 1970, and further, this Council hereby issues a Negative Declaration. SECTION 3: The Rancho Cucamonga City Council finds as follows: (a) That the proposed amendment is necessary in order to maintain pu hlic safety when determining the alignment of the public streets; and lb) That no rea5nna h12 and pia hlo alfenneH yn~ SJCh „~ `+trC Ct redllgnm2nt, 2X15 L5; dnd (c) That the proposed amendment, together with the conditions thereto, will not he detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and (d) That the proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the objectives of the General Plan or the Etiwanda Specific Plan. Ordinance No. 424 Page 2 SECTION 4; That pursuant to Section 65650 to 65855 of the Lalifornia Government C~that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby approve on the 5th day of September 1990, Eti wands Specific Plan Amend- ment 90-01 amending figure 5-13 as follows: Figure 55^13: (Attached.) SECTION 5: The MaYOr shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be Dutlished within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in the Inland Valley Oaily Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation Dubiished in the Lity of Ontan o, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. 8? Ordinance No. 424 Page 3 ~~ :. tq~rn i_' 4 ~MMm, -, i ~~ _~ _ _ ra.u F1gF L1 . ~,'~ 0 _ ~,.g .ve ` ~. ~ raonu % j, 7, Wow j ~ ~~ / / / \ __.~ __ ~~~ I ~' /%/ -~ ~i /~ - ,'; , _ ~1 ~% ~; ~^ ,, fi: // EXISTINf: CTOCCT ~~TREES TO BE PRESERVED ++-~ Existing Winrdbreake r.w.. Exbting Treee ~ o.k. REVISED STREET TREE PRESERVATION cJ~ ~ 3 ORDINANCE N0. 427 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 89-03, AMENDING FIGURE I[-3 AND FIGURE IV-7, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF A. Recitals. (i) On June 27, 1990, the Planning Conunissi on of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing with respect to the above- referenced Industrial Specific Plan Amendment. Following the conclusion of said public hearing the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 90-80, thereby recommending that the City Council adopt Industrial Specific Plan Amendment 89-03. (ii) On September 5, 1990, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing and concluded said hearing prior to its adoption of this ordinance. (iii) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of thfs ordinance have occurred. B. Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga ordains as follows: SECTION 1: This Council herebv soecifi es and findc that an ~s rho to cts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of the ordinance are true and correct. SECTION 2: This Council hereby finds and certifies that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmen- tal Quality Act of 1970, and further, this Council hereby issues a Negative Oeclara tion. SECTION 3: The Rancho Cucamonga City Council finds as follows (a) That the proposed amendment is consistent with the objectives of the Industrial Specific Plan, and the purposes of the District in which the site is located; and (bl That thr nrn pn«d amend"!e.^.t w•;11 not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and (c) That the proposed amendment is in compliance with each of the aDPlica ble pravi si ons of the Industrial Specific Plan; and (d) That the proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the objectives of the General Plan or the Industrial Specific Plan, 90 65855 °f ~ °a °o9°rp\a 2ce Hb. 427 n< t° Sec of the G9 y°\ndf ~` w5 SPecif t9 s Shat p ~itY Oof^Se?d FbB~re tV'~ a Sf0\\ae s4that et 5th UYQ 1\.3 a f\erk nment Ote °^ tpin9 Fig ed 1 the Cit~er its ,tebY aCpa9.03 ame^ 3• ~pttach na^°e a^d days wsPaper an =~endme^ Fi ^re 1L 1• lpttaGhed.l si9^.th~n ~iftg~\\yt5^'Oa\ifornia, F` °re iV~ MaY°r s\aished \\eb Oa° 0^tario, \he be pub \and Va ~tY °rnia• ;c~%samee t~n thedt^in ~~~oa, Ca\~f se a °~ b\'s 0Uc 1 ca° \east ~ p° Fa^°0° P Ssa a, a~irc^\f?he ~itY °f 9?^e ~\ated ~^ t~rc ~I l.4 ~p0 `1 `~ ~ / OpJS T * * CORRECTION CORRECTION *********************** Ordinance No. 427 Page 2 SECTION 4: That pursuant to Section 65850 to 65855 of the California Government C~that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby approve on the 5th day of September 1990, Industrial Specific Plan Amendment 89-03 amending Figure lI-3 and Figure IV-7 as follows: Figure II-3: (Attached.) Figure IV-7: (Attached.) SECTION 5: The Mayor shah sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in the Inland Yalle Dail Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation published in t e City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. 9/ C II-18 3 rF I -~ as F ~, ~ jp;~~t ~ -b i - £} iC ~~ si f~ .~ ~: ~~d EEC $'~ .~ i~~ ~~~ €~ ~~-,: ORDINANCE N0. 428 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0-r THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON GA, CALIFORNIA ADDING NEW SECTIONS 2.12.030 AND 2.12.040 TO CHAPTER 2.12 OF TITLE 2 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMON GA MUNICIPAL CODE, THEREBY REQUIRING POSTING OF AGENDAS AND PROVIDING OPPORTUNIT; ES FOR THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL A. Recitals. (i) Whereas the State Legislature has suspended Government Code Section 54954.2 which requires that agendas be posted at least seventy-two (72) hcurs before a regular meeting of the lagi slati ve body and the committees aid boards appointed thereby. (ii) Whereas Lhe State Legislature has suspended Government Code Section 54954.3 which provided that every agenda for a regular meeting shall provide an opportunity for members of the public to di rectl_v address the legislative bodies and items of interest tc the public that are within the subject matter of jurisdiction of such legislative body. (iii) The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga believes that s w:h provisions are necessary and appropriate to insure the pu 6lic's full participation in the well-being anal affairs of the City and so desires is set forth such provisions in the Municipal Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. (iv) That all legal prerequisites to the ado otion of this Ordinance nave occurred. B. Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby ordain as fellows: SECTION 1: City finds in all respects as set forth in Section A, Recitals, erT eina have. SECTION 2: Anew Section 2.12.030 is hereby added to Chapter 2.12 of Title 2 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code to read, in words and figures, as follows: "2_12.030 Aoenda; Pos Linn; Acti nn nn O,;her warrerq "A. At least seventy-two (72) hours before a regular meeting, the City Council, or its designee, shale post an agenda containing a brief general description of each item of 6u siness to be transacted or discussed at the meeting. The agenda shall specify the time and location of the regular meeting and shall be pasted in a location that is freely accessible to members of the public. No action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda. 9~ Ordinance No. 428 Page 2 "B. Notwithstanding Subsection A above, the City Council may take action on items of business not appearing in the posted agenda under any of the following conditions: °1. Upon a determination by a majority vote of the City Council that an emergency situation exists, as such is defined in Section 54956.5 of the Government Code, as amended. "2. Upon a determination by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the City Council, or, if less Than two-thirds (2i3j of the members are present, a unanimous vote of those members present, that the need to take action arose subsequent to the agenda being posted as specified in Subsection A. "3. The item was posted pursuant to Subsection A for a prior meeting of the City Council occurring not more ±han five (5) calendar days prior to the date action is taken on the item, and at the prier meeting the item was continued to the meeting at which action is being taken," SECTION 3: Anew Section 2.12.040 is hereby added to Chapter 2.12 of Title 2 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Co~fe to read, in words and figures, as follows: "2.12.040 Opportunity for Public to Rddress Legi slative Body: Regulations. "A. Every agenda for a regular meeting shall provide an opportunity for members of the public to directly address the City Council on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter of jurisdiction of the City Council, provided that no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless the action is otherwise authorized by Subsection B of Section 2.12.030. However, in the case of a n•eeti ng of the City Council, the agenda need not provide an opportunity for members of the public to address the City Council on any item that has already been considered by a committee, composed exclusively tf members of the City Council, at a public meeti ny wherein all intere :ted members of the public were afforded the opportunity to address thy: committee on the item, unless the item has been substantially changed since the conmittee heard the item, as determined by the City Council. "B. The City Council may adopt re aso noble regulations to insure that the intent of Subsection A is ca•ri ad nnt, inrLlding, but not i imi ted to, regui aiions iimi ring the total of time allocated for public testimony and particular issues and for each individual speaker." 93 Ordinance No. 428 Page 3 SECTION 4: 2f any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this rainance is for any reason deemed unconstitutional, invalid or unenforcea 6le by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, this decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or other portions might be subsequently detlared invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 5: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in the Inland Vai ley Oaily Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation pu6l fished in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. 9~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA s STAFF REPORT UATE: September 19, 1990 ~~,~ T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council '~ FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner DY: Alan Warren, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 90-016 - PITASS I/DALMAU ARCHITECTS - A request to amend the General Plan Land Use Map from Office to Medium Residential I8-14 dwelling units per acre) for 3,56 acres of land located at the southeast corner of Rrch ibald Avenue and Church Street. The City will also consider Neighborhood fomrerc ial and Low Medium Residential as alternative designations - APN: '077-332-25. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 90-02 - PITASSI/DALMAU ARCHITECTS - A request to amend the Development Districts Map from "DP" !Office/Professional`, to "M" (Medium Residential, A-14 dwelling units per acre! for 3.56 acres of land located at the southeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Church Street. The City will also consider "Nr" (Neighbc rhood Conine rc iall and "LM" (Low Medium Residential) as alternative designations - APN: 1077-332-26. UACKGHUUNU AND DISCUSSION: The applicant has requested a continuance of the City Council review of General Plan Amendment No. 90-O1 B, This request is made so that the Planning Comm scion Design Review on the proposed townhouse project for the subject site may he completed prior to City Council action on the General Plan/Development Gistrict Amendments. The request for continuance is to a Aa to after Planning Conniss ion action on the Design review which cannot at this time be determined. Therefore, the subject applications will have to be renoticed once a regular City Council meeting date can be determined. ACTION: It would be appropriate for the City Council to open the public hearing for those in attendance who may wish to present testimony. Then, the item should he ron timed as requested by the applicant. R~u 11 v3aul?nii tad, ii i ~--~- ad u e Ci nne BB:AW:sp Attachment: Letter from Peter J. Pitassi, A.[,A. of September 13, 1990 9~ -~;.~.: ~ :~= : ~: ~i+assi•Dalmau September 13, 1990 Mr. Brad Buller City planner p .0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, ~~, , : ,.~ r;1 CA 91729 Subject: GPA 90-01B and --A 90-02 Southeast corner of Church and Archibald, Rancho Cucamonga. Dear Brad: A Po~erJ Glfass!.A IA Archatecf .gam Dclmau. A I A. ArchRec` On behalf of our client, EGM Development of Rancho Cucamonga, we would like to request a continuance of the above mentioned applications which are currently scheduled for City Council r?view on September 19, 1990. As you are aware we also have a Tentative Tract and Design Review application currently being processed on this parcel. Our project was approved by the Design Review Committee on August 2, 1990, however, the engineering division's consultant is still reviewing the hydrology report which also affects our grading plan and its appro vai by the grading committee. Consequently, our Tentative Tract and Design Review applications will not be scheduled for a Planning Commission nearing unul Lne project has received a positive review of the hydrology report and the grading plan. o!e are requesting this continuance because we would like to have our Design Review and Tentative Tract applications complete their processing which will allow us to present the council with the most complete package possible for their review. We would appreciate not setting a specific date for tiie council hearing until we have a clearer understanding of the timing required for engineering review. As always Brad, we appreciate your assistance and if any questions do arise, please don't hesitate to call. very Tr uly,rany~~--~ ..~_ C.J . ri~dabi'ugilye l~ 'hl~ ~CL3 /% / ~~ ~~~ '-Pew ~ta si, A.T.A. Architect PJP:cas 9~~ 9267 Haven Avenue, Suite 220 • Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 • (714) 980-1361 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 19, 1990 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM Brad Rnller. f.+tv Planner 6Y: Anna-Lisa Hernandez, Assistant Planner S 9BJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 90-01 - BARMAKIAN - A request to change the designation from Subarea 4 to Subarea 5 for 5 acres of land lota ted on the south side of 6th Street, approximately 470 feet east of Archibald Avenue - APN: 210-071-50. Related file: Use Determination 90-02. RECOMMENDATION: At its meeting of June 13, 1990, the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve Industrial Specific Plan Amendment 90-01. If the Council concurs, adoption of the attached Ordinance would he appropriate. BACKGROUND: In April of 1990, a prospective tenant of the complex requested a Use Determination for a sheet metal cutting operation. On May 9, 1990, the Planning Commission reviewed the Use Determination and ..y .. .. ..~.. Manufacturing. while Medium Manufacturing is not permitted in Subarea 4, the Commission suggested that the applicant may wish to pursue an amendment to the Industrial Specific Plan to transfer the 5-acre parcel from Subarea 4 to Subarea 5. In response to the Planning Commission during the Use Determina tlon, the applicant submitted an application to amend the 6ou nda ries of Subareas 4 and 5 of the Industrial Area Specific Plan. The Planning Commission, at its meeting of June 13, 1990, held a public hearing to consider the amendment. The Commission reviewed the information submitted and recommended approval of the Industrial Specific Plan Amendment to the C'ty Council. DISCUSSION: Staff anticipates no significant compatibility problems J 14. l~nA Ti.n nA i1n~ •Fili nAaln ,,,,,., ng ,,.,,., .~, pro po ty ,,,.,.,~ the types ^of uses of ~Su ha rea 5 will ~facil~i to to and~V enha nce~ the transition between the two subareas. As discussed in the May 9 Staff Report, as new tenants come into the center, parking will have to be re- evaluated as to the availability of accommodating any parking-intensive businesses within the center. The Da rk ing requirements for manufacturing uses are 1 space per 500 square feet, as compared to wholesale storage and distribution, which is ] space per 1,000 square 7 CITY COUNCIL STAFF R`cPORT EP. & ISPA 90-O1 - BARMAKI AN September 19, 1990 Page 2 feet. The Planning Division will ensure that sufficient parking facilities are provided for atl future tenants through the review of Tenant Improvements and Business Licenses. Overall, Lhe change in subarea designation for the center will be compatible with the surrounding areas. Re spe subm' Bra /ul Lity Planner BB:ALM/j fs Rttac hments: Exhibit "A" - Planning Commission Staff Report dated June 13, 1990. Ordinance adopting ISPA 90-O1 ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CtiCA~10NGA STAFF REPORT DRTE: June 13, 1990 T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner 0Y: An.^.a-!i=_a Hernandez, As sis!a of plane _•• SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMEN 90-01 - BARM KI request to change the designation from Subarea 4 to Subarea 5 for 5 acres of land located on the south side of 6th Street, approximately 470 feet east of Archibald Avenue - APN: 250-071-50. Related File: Use Determination 90-02. BACKGROUND: On May 9, 1990, the Planning Commission determined that the cutting of sheet metal is a Medium Manufacturing Use (see Exhibit "D"). The Commission recommended that the applicant apply for an Industrial Specific Plan Amendment to change the designation of the site from Subarea 4 to Subarea 5. II. ANALYSIS: A. Site History: The 5-acre facility is developed with two wareimuae vu ilu inya iu Laiiny G~,Gvv oyua,e iee L. Tic yi vjc~L received Planning Comm7ssion approval in July, 1984. Each building is developed with four dock-hiyh overhead doors and two ground-level doors. The required amount of parking for current uses within the facility is 76 parking spaces. There are 92 spaces available. B. Comparison of Allowed Uses within the Two Subareas: The proposed site is located directly adJace nt to the mid-western boundary of Subarea 5 (see Exhibit "A"). Both Subarea 4 and Subarea 5 of Lhe Industrial Specific Plan are defined as General Industrial. The primary difference between the [wo subareas is that Subarea 5 permits Medium Manufacturing, and Medium Mholesa le, Storage and Distribution. Subarea 4 uses lean tewa rds mere commerc tal type uses, and oerso nal services such as iau ndry services, repair services, automotive repair, and automobile rentals. Provided in Exhibit "G" is a list of the permitted and conditional uses in each'of the subareas. PLANNING COMM1SS Ir iTAFF REPORT ISPA 90-01 - BARMAN.. AN June 13, 1990 Page 2 C. Discussion: Staff anticipates no significant compatibility problems with surrounding land uses. The proposed site's ability to accommodate the types of uses of Subarea 5 will facilitate and enhance the tra nsitlon between the two subareas. As discussed in the May 9 Staff Report, as new tenants come into the center, parking will have to be re-evaluated as to the availability of accommodating any parking-intensive businesses within the center. The parking requirements (or nid nu factu ring uses are i Space per 500 square feet, as compared to wholesale storage and distribution, which is 1 space per 1,000 square feet. The Planning Division will ensure that sufficient parking faciii ties are provided for all future tenants through the review of Tenant Improvements and Business Licenses. Overall, the change in zone designation for the center will be compatible with Lhe surrounding areas. III. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Upon review of Part I of the Initial Study and comp etion ol- f Part 2 of the Environmental Checklist, staff has found no significant impacts related to a industrial Specific Plan Amendment changing the Subarea 4 to General Industrial, Subarea 5. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised as a public hearing in the (nfid Valley Da ilv Bulletin newspaper and properly posted, and notices sent xo adjacent property owners within 300 feet of the project. V. RECOMMEND.STION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval ~>f TSPA 90-01 through the attached Resolution of Annrnval ann recommenaeLion of issuance of a Negative Declaration. Respectfully submitted, 7 Brad Bull~~' City Planner BB:ALH:sp Attachments: Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" Ex.•.ibit "C" Exhibit "D" Exhibit "E" Exhibit "F" Exhibit "G" Exhibit "H" Resolution - Boundaries of Subarea 4 and 5 - Detailed Site Plan = Apelicant's Letter - Use Determination 90-02 - Revised Subarea 4 - Revised Subarea 5 - Existing Land Uses of Subarea 4 and c - Planning Commission Minutes, May 9, ','~ Recommending Approval ~~ ~ Z ~ a afII r ~ z ~\ 2 WI ~ tt :':> Y ~ ~ _1 a ~ FOOTHILL ll i 117. 97' ' ~ .~ _ AId SF. R. R. ____/~/6`~115' ~~ ~_OeO OO1e ~ 00~0~ ~1 ` Ir- ter.. CITY OF l~~ti~ UCAMONGA tTEM. PLANIVIN~i' IJ~ , SION TfCLE:~,]j4sLJ ~ . :,. ~p, EXHIBIT: ~// SCALE: ` ~' '^`cVnp v~o I .~lTi o "~n.~c4u~ v /~ y~~lll _~~ ..:y. 1~1 e.q, ~if ~.u.n ZI dA ~ T.L 1I((~~'' T. ~~ et Y.C m4:AI _~..47>..r-OA/e~J•.. ~ . - l ~LL /' ~' ~ ~' co~e.~' ---~ .~~- I• _.~.~ a Ir_I,~iv_.~.-nom i ~~ '.f'r. i+rnr~ -. 2!}, 111 ~ Y' - ___ -o ^~~:~~~o '=mob _ I~ - } e §' Q ~~k h !i~ ~; :a ~i5~pec ~i ~~_ II ~~^~hn ~ ~ ~1h~ -.~ r~ ~I,aR= ,~ ~ '; -- ~~ ~ f ° ~k ~/aTb ~! ! ~ rrEM:~~~lo • a~ CITY OF 1~fCv ~ Cf, ~UCAMONGA ---~ PLANNING- DIVISION TI7'I.E, N ~~ EXHIBIT: ~~ SCALE: T'~tc e Bi4RMAKiAN .-^>,y~ -,mss r April 9, 1990 Mc Brad Huller CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Pmt Office Boa ¢0] Poncho Cucamov¢s, Califossda 91229 -RECEIYED- ~a ~ RPR 91990 41-~8~9dA RE: 9805 6TH STAEE7, .ARCF7FCENTER II, RANCHO CUCAMONGA INar Hnd This Iaur is m mfere0m to the above meoliwe4 buildia¢ pmjst. Archicwt<r ![ couists of nvo. 00 "~'vl sgwrc fom buildings wth 26':tiph clur ,tacking space, m ivclWe ugbt dock high osgnc~ad doors av0 ~> ground Ievel dwrs. Ascldcmler 1[ also scludes sprinklers uirA . 3.3 ntivg and 1200 Amps of 120208.7 Phan power. Thru buildings were dni¢ved wd approved for • sub area Type 5 at the brut ILn the buldings were approved for wuwc0ov. Ater the buddiv¢a were completed, ibe sub area dui¢mtion of a wss ¢ivw to our buildings. Sub am J defvu the use u, 'The Subset ududn Ne smaller wdwtnal units which from Archibdd gsrces. Thar u0w arc suitable (or smaller commercul or mdw;rial uses. The (wcuoa of this aru should be to provide space for support commttcial users io ehe mdwMal aru.' First of aa, my buddmgs do 001 face Artlub.ld Avevw. Archrcwter 1, which I developW iv 1929, wdWu Subaru J type bwldinys. included m these bmidmgs are ¢rade im~ei doors and 13' cnhnp. Th~ buddivgs break Jown imo spun u small u 1600 sgwre (eet. Archicuiler I huildin¢s Irvly art subarea 4 type buddmgs. we nave a swans rcquaimg tu,iw square ICt o1 our ,vcai®tu si pro7xr ww rs may Io tease Irom w for ihrm yen. He u • suMru 5 Iype Iwwt, but ov We other hand, doe 0m do say fabriwtiw ar manu(acmriv(. 7Tur twwt ody <uu stet strips from Ivg<r ahmu. Please sw the wclnsrd wpy v( his lever io me <sPlaiOmg Ws opera0o0. I would apprecute havm¢ the appammitY to speak with you about this twwt m person. I am requutw¢ that tlus lever be preawvd to the Planning COrtwiuiw durinE (heir first mnhny in May i0 a0licipni0v of r~rviv¢ .ppmvd for This pamwiu 1<eut's we. This Wilding liaa bow vwnt (or • ymr hewuse exh nme • unut 6u regwsld owupaocy, he 6u va beet able io obtain a bwmus liceau. Simsnly, T AAM COMPANY AN R MAK/AN Prnidwt AH:aab Ercbrvra CITY OF ~ UCAMONGA PI.ANNiN+~r- D SIGN ~~3 [TEM:_ _ TITLE: T N EXHIBIT: g'L (gSCALE: C[TY OF R~VCHO CL'C:1~IONGa STAFF REPORT r -~ DAiE: May 9, 1990 (~ T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission v FROM: Drad Buller, City Pla nr,er BV: Nancy Fong, Senior Planner SUBJECT: USE DETERMINATION 90-02 - BARMAKI AN - A re aue st to dote rm;ne the proposed use of cu [t.ng s~metal as Light Manufacturing. BACKGROUND; The applicant has informed staff recently of a potential Ce na nt, Arco Steel, Incorporated, who is interested in moving into one of the industrial Auildings at Archicen ter [I. The site is located on the south side of 5th Street, east of Archibald and is designated as General Industrial, Subarea 4 of the Industrial Specific Plan. After reviewing the proposed business, staff determined that it meets the definition of Medium Manufacturing instead of Light Manufacturing. In Subarea 4, Light Manufacturing is a permitted use while Medium Manufacturing is not a permitted or conditionally permitted use. The applicant disagreed with staff's determination and requested a Use Determination from the Planning Commission. Attached for your review is the April 9, 1990, letter from the applicant stating why they feel the proposed use should be classified as light Manufacturing, and the April 6, 1990, letter from Arco Steel, l nco rpo ra led, describing their proposed business operation. [[. ANALYSIS: Description of [he proposed business: Arco Steel, Incorperated is a manufacturing business. It fabricates metal products by cutting sheet metal into strips, which are then edged and straightened. The final product (metal strips) is then bundled up and delivered to or picked up by the businesses who ordered them. The delivery of the raw materials, which consist of stacks of sheet metal sized 40 inches by '.45 inches by 3 inches, is by flatbed semi-trucks. The end product is shipped via bobtail-type trucks. According to Arco Steel, Inc.. they anticipate one semi-truck trip for delivery Der week anu five truck trips per day for 5h ipping or picking up by customers. Definition of Li ht and Medium Manufacturin Attached for your reference are the defin itia ns of Light and ed ium Manufacturing. The underlined words and phrases are the key elements in d;st+eg'.e+shing the too ~ - cateyc;iei. As a result of comparing the nature of the proposed ~apera lion to the uie definitions, staff found that the proposed use fit into the Medium Manufacturing category. The pr, mary reason is that "fabricated metal proJucts made from sheet met+l s' is specifically listed under the definition of Medium Ma nu faUun ng. Other reasons include: the business generates truck traffic; ~"e raw materials and end products are bulky in size; and the manu'+ ~,r,ng activities, i.e., cutting, may generate noise aM/or vibra t~~~l. fXN~BIT 'w r- ~ PLANNING COMMISSION _ iF REPORT OSE OET ERMIN ATION 90-02 - BARMAKI AN May 9, `990 Page 2 H+sto ry of the Site: The applicant raised Lhe issue that the site is dive loped mo •e for Che type of land uses in Subarea 5 than in Subarea a Attached for your review is Ex nibit "0" which shows the two Subarea boundaries and Exhibit "C" which shows the comparison of the 'aM uses hetween Suha rea S and Subarea d. The major difference between the two subareas is that Subarea d has a limited range of manufacturing, warehouse, and distribution uses while Subarea 5 has a broader range. The si*.e received Planning Commission approval in July of 1984 for twn warehouse buildings *_o tal ing 1°,OOC square feet. Each building has a doc4-high doors. A total of 92 parking spaces have been provided while the required number of parking spaces for the sito is '4 spaces. A.t that time, the Industrial Specific Plan was in effect, so the site was designed for the intended uses in this Subarea 4 and acco r'!ing to the Specific Plan standards. Since the building type and the loading dock facility is conducive to accommodating manufacturing and warehousing type of users, it would accommodate the uses listed in Subarea 5 ta°. However, the site may not have an adequa [e number of pa rkina spaces to aaommoda to a manufacturing use. The parking ratio for ma nu fatturing '? per 500 square fret` is more restrictive than warehousing ~1 per `,000 square feet`. Ba srd upon the above analysis, hus mess, fabrication of metal Manufacturing category. Also, it in Lhe district boundary between study. staff concluded thzt the proposed products, fits into the ~!edium is staff's opinion that the chanoe Subarea A and 5 warrants further III RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission make the ..".e to rmina t'on that the proposed use is classified as Medium Manufacturing. Respectfully submitted, B~BuI r V City Planner 66:N F:js At tarhmanic• ierrer i.nm •ne n....i :...-• April E, Letter from Arco Steel, Incorporated Exhibit "A" - Detailed Site Plan as Approved, July '98a Exhibit "8" - Definition of Lfght and Medium Manufactur~~~ Exhibit "C" - Comparison of Land Uses between Suha reas i ••~ Exhibit "D" - Boundaries of Subareas 4 and 5 Resolution Affirming Sheet Metal Cutting to be Medium Manufacturing /d5 ~X~~g~i G -~. 0/77/86 TABLE III-1 SUMMARY OF LAND USE TYPE BY SUBAREA • PERMITTED USE + CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED USE NOTE: Non-marked Ueea Not Permltt.d USE TYPES Lend Ua•~ IP 61 GI W 61 GI IP IP GI GI OI IP OI GI HI IP IP $ubaf••• MANUFACTURING HO 1 2 9 4 S S 7 8• 10 11 12 1 8 14 7 18 17 Cwtom Light • • o • • L • • • N•avY + + • • r1lIMr1• t IN• OFFICE PROFESSIONAL DESIGN & RESE ARC Adn+•Wir•DV• • • • • • Pro/enlonal/D.atgn Servltea • + t + • • + + • { • a A•••rN i•rvfeW • • • • • • • • WHOLESALE STORAGE d DISTRI ON ugnt + • HeevY COMMERCIAL • + • A~b.IpreVM•e•ry 3rIPPb• i lterrl¢w • • • Animal Cara + 4 + + t A•M~sYV• FINI tl•reB• ; Automotive Rental/Lsa•Iny • • • t + + • + t + A•t•r••q•• /LAIN Tr••k ~.v.r+~ter + + r Automotive /Truck Repair-Major A••••r tlv tl I e + • • • t • • e• Automotive S•rrlu Station I + + + + + + + ~ + + + + t + BrM~ Conb•ctda OfRw 1 r.r1e i + • Bull•in9 Contr•etor'a Storep• Yqd • Bu1~,8Liyn~th~iq E•qu~mm!t gupplN•83aNrI ~ I • I + • • + • i ~ • • + • • ~ + • t • • • wrww Ilypy Mte/ a Wrle•e 1 ( 1 . C••rw N tl B - T - • T • • • 7 t • • • • } • • . e• ut erv10M Convenience Sal•• 8 S•rvlw• • + + • + 4 + + + t + • utrw a a~tkt•o P..e.bwltwwlt. • • • e . + t Eni•rtalnm.nt t t + + + . • + + . . t + Lal•nely 614itt Cerl•••I•W Fast Footl Salsa + + + + P•1•nctelr Ylwerlu A Mel Pu4b ti•T•b•• • • • ~ : Food 8 Bwersg. Saln + 4 t t + • t } + } + + Pteterel ~ Ct••rtary tl•arN•a + ' ' + Heavy Equlpm•nt Sale. 8 R•ntal• t t t t + + + } • Ho1W11otN • • • Laundry Service M•Oer/Nwul Gr• NrMe• • • • • + • • • • P.nonel S•rvle.. + t f 4 + i + t + t t t • + P•h•Mtwl PTOduete BtaT••• a xreet!ona! Fst:ltizx + + + } t + t + ~ ~ + 4 + • • Ilalelr 4rvle•• Scrs O •rsllon • .~ • K • • • CIVIC + AiIIMWtrMh• Clvl• • • • • • • • • culture) ttit•RMr• Ynp•ot tnwty FesYltl•e • + + + + • j+ +~' r 1 Flood ContrdNtllHy corridor • • • • • . + • ~ I wB• • • • . • ~ . • i Public SaNtY 8 Utility S•rvlc•a 4} + 4+ t+ 4 t t+ t t t +' +~ t A ; + 4 4 t -me•emu rua GI-0M•rel IndwtrUl MI/HI-Mlnlmum ImPaet N•avv Induatrlal HO-Haven Av.. OwA.y Dlatrlet /Qp NI-H••vy InSIu•trlal t, ~1 Y' L ~Igr7 D -3 ~~~ ~ ~ ~° ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ^~ ~~~ /07 L1 ht Manufar. tc •y: Activities typically incl out no imr ec labor intensive manufac „ring, assembly, fabrication or repair processes which da net lrfliGlY,P large ~ inar trn t ra ffi r h ra co of 1Lrae ~ as n~ p.~ v n~roAur ts. ut may me ude im ted rail traffic. he n~-ew product may be finished in the sense that it is ready for use or consumption or it may be semi-finished to become a component for further assembly and packaging. These types of business establishments are customarily directed to the wholesale market, inter-plant transfer rather than the direct sale to the consumer. Such uses may include, but are not limited to: electronic microchip assembly; printing, publishing and allied industries; candy and other confectionery produces; bottle, canned soft drinks, and carbonated water; apparel and other finished products; paper board containers and boxes; drugs; small fabricated metal products such as hand tools, general hardware, architectural and ornamental metal work; toys, amusement, sports, and athletic goods. The activities not roduce odors not e ' r on (hazardous was a ma er a w rc vrou d adversely affect other uses in the structure or on the same site. Where 24 hour on-site surveillance is necessary, a caretaker's residence may be permitted when approved by a Conditional Use Permit, Medium Manufacturing: Activities typtcaily include, u no m e o, manufacturing, compounding of materials, processing, assembly, packaging, treatment or fabrication of materials and products which require fr o e new pro uc s are sem - n s e a component for further manufacturind. fahrlrarinn :r~ ,___~!y, *~c;~ types of business establishments are customarily directed to inter-plant transfer, or to order from industrial uses, rather than for direct sale to the Aomestic consumer. Such uses may lnciude, but not limited to: canned food; textile products; fu nr tture and fixtures; converted paper and paper board products; plastic proproducts made from purchased rubber, plastic or resin; e ectr ca an a ectronic mac finery, equipments asupplles; office, computing and accounting machines. vibratl T na on or par cu a es that a ect t e p rsons residing in or conducting business in the vicinity. Nhere 24 hour on-site surveillance !s n!C!SSa^y, tSretaker's residence ary b! pl/lltted when approved by a Conditional Use Penal t. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DMS[ON W ITEM: TITLE: N EXHIBIT: SCALE: ~jKf4l8~ i 'D -g '~• :~., "'~~ 'r i ' ARCO SOFA. PVC. April 6, 19S0 Xr. Andrew 8armeklan 8560 Vineyard, Suft• SIO Rancho Cucamonga, Callfornla 91730 Dear Kr. 8armekien: a;;r ;.~,,,,..; p.;a po ao. zo2oa~ HOUSIOn, tB[p5 7122() (750)925-6000 -~ - ._ _. Purauane to your requaat, I em pleased ca outline for you heroin certain ioforsation pertaining to the provosed opera clone of Arco Steel, Inc. fn the prsmieee at Suits 107, Building 100. 9805 Sizth Street in Rancho Cucamonga, CaMformla. Firer, tha compaay veuld not manufacture or Erbric:5te. Ica pr ineipal ac tivitise would be we rehousing, catalog and dletr:.bue Lon of •ceel. Ic Se enticlpsted that etnl would be received [roc one to three tiae^ pee wek. avsrags unloading tip for • shipment would be about 1S minutes. The steal would acrlve by common carrier snA be rkld-mounted. A llf t-[tuck would be used to place it to the nromtess, Noet 11 rte of nreri wee ld mueure approzfp taly 48" vide, I45" long and 7" hlnh. 8afon it is euq the stul is in sheet [orw.. The rhos to are tMn cue Into strips. The company cute the sheets into widths renging Erom I/2" to 6" vhlch •re tMn edged and straightened. The strips are then handled. Cueeomer pick up the hand lee of atrlpe thq Mw pure Mead. Initially there mould be 7 employees. Ws believe the total veuld not ` escpd 8 people Le varehouee. Please lot p know 1f I may furnish any further inforuatlon. S~rely, ~ Arthur peat Prnldemt Ar/c. ~~ .~~ ~ !Tz IT '' ~" ~ RESOLUTi ON N0. 90-58 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMON GA PLANNING COMMISSION APPR OV [NG USE DETERMINRTION 9C-02 IN AFFIRMING THE ?ROPOSEO USE OF SHEET METAI. CUTTING AS MEDIUM MAN UFACiURING NHICH IS NOT LISTED AS A PERMI?TED USE IN SUBAREA 4 OF THE INDUSTRIAL SPEC If IC PLAN. (il The Ba rma kian Company has filed an application, Use Oetermina tion No. 90-02, as dex ribed in the title of this Reso iu tion. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject request is referred to as "the apPl ication." iii? On the 9th day of May, !9911, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public meeting on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. !iii! A71 legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have orcu rred. B, Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Piann ing Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: ! Th 15 Comm 155 ion ha re by e,.et:f:~~!!- fi~ ~' • ~ viva alai ail of the facts sec ro rtn to Che Recitals, Part .4, of this Resolution are true and to rrect. 2. Based upon substantial evidence prese nte+ 'o this Commission during the shove-referenced public hearing on May 9, 199C, including written and oral staff reports, together with public tt stimony, this Cammiss ion hereby specifically finds as follows: !a) Fabricated metal products frog sheet metals is Specifically listed under the d~!finitfon of Med tam Manufacturing. !b) The proposed use of sheet metal cutting fits into the category of "Fabricated metal products from sheet metals." !c) The proposed use generates truck traffic; the raw materials are bulky in size; the end products are bundled up in bulk; and tfie manufacturing activities mny generate noise and/or vibration. ilo °;~~f bbl l '.D.''1 PIANN ING COMMISS [ON ' ,VJ TION N0. 90-58 USE DETERMINATION 9G-„~ May 9, 1990 Page 2 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented *,o this Commss;on ^ur+nq the above-referenced pu 6lic hearing and upon the specific findings of 'acts set forth in paragraph ! and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: !a) The use in question is listed under Medium Manufacturing. !bl The use in nu ns Lion mne r< the deft nit ion o` Medio~a Manufacturing. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraph 1, ? and 3 above, this Commission hereby affirms the proposed use of sheet metal cutting as Medium Manufacturing. 5, the Secretary to chic Commission shall certify to the adoption of thts Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF MAY, 1990. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA i, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Ptann ing Commission of the Ci :y of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution wls duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted 6y the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held cn the 9th day of May, 1990, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMiSSI0NER5: CHITIEA, TOl.STOY, WEINBERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: rnMMISSIONERS: MCNIEI FIG. IV-IS ~,- - _ _ _ - CIRCULATION - 120' R.O.W. ~ 700' R.O.W. +~~ 88' yr less R.O.W. RAIL SERVICE ~i-rrr Existing ~--F~+t++ Proposed TRAILS/ROUTES O O O O Pedestrian ~ ~ ~ ~ 81CYCIP. h / ~~~-, Regional Multi-Use ~•'>w°.~~ Special Streetscapei w,,~-~,o.,~, Lantlscaping ..................: ^a..e~ Linei ................ Utility Easement Access Points 'V 0 400' 800 1600r Nc~te: Parcel lines and lot configurations are shown as approximation only, REVISED SUBAREA 4 ~~a ~X~11~1 % If~ N 1-)c" a m a a m Q w i ~i a sa ~_ j F Y -: ti 3 - h - ~m iWa =a dg ~~a; s a °i o e MI6 ~ ,= t i a + _ •` ~ n i C7 LL Y a ~± ~+ ~ ~~ ''4 =H.. 5}d g~~ :t E~ ~e Eg~Y 7EE •.r E:d I I ~~ ., -:..8 ~l Ir ~}CI-f - BlT F SUBAREA 1 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL Permitted Uses Custom Manufacturing Light Manufacturing Research Services Lt. Wholesale, Storage 8 Dist. Automobile Rental/Leasing Building Ma inte na rce Services Bus. Supply Retail Sates 5 Serv. 8u siness Support Services Communication Services Eating b Drinking Establishments Finan., Insur. b Real Estate Serv. Laundry Services Repair Services Administrative Civic Services Flood Control/Utility Corridor Conditional Uses Administrative Offices Professional/Design Services Public Storage Med. Wholesale, Storage b Dist. _ .n. r., .v Rnnai r-Minor Automotive Service Sta Lion Bldg. Contractor' Offices b Yards Bldg. b Lt. Equip. Supply 6 Sales Convenience Sales & Services Entertainment Fast Food Sales Food b Beverage Sales Funeral 8 Crematory Services Medical/Health Core Personal Services Recreation Facilities Cultural Pub1SC Assembly CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PL.ANMNG DIVISION II~ SUBAREA 5 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL Permitted Uses Custom Manufacturing Light Manufacturing Medium Manufacturing Research Services Lt. Wholesale, Storage 8 Dist. Med. Wholesale, Storage S Dist. Agricult.)Nursery Supply 5 Serv. Eating b Drinking Establishments Repair Services Conditional Uses Public S[o rage Neavy Wholesale, Storage 8 Dist. Automobile/Lt. Truck repair-Minor Automobile/Truck Repair-Major Oldq. Contractor's Offices d Yards Bldg. 5 Lt, tgUtp. auppiy 6 Sa ira Business Support Services Convenience Sales 6 Services Food 8 Beverage Sales Heavy fqu ipment Sales b Rentals Petroleum Products Ste rage Recreation Facilities Extensive Impact Utility Facil. Public Safety 8 Utility Services ~M; / 5 Pi4 0 -O/ EXHIBIT: ~ SCALE: - t was not what the applica [tan Mrs. ois711~ued that she had been told that ~ed fora side yard variance tt au A r included the v e stated her reason was to screen the rec reationa Mr. Buller stated that b to a etermined to he a front yard, a variance was necessar er to build th Vice-Chair iea suggested that the applicant ack further inform r the Commission's consideration. H. USE DE iERMINRTION 9D-02 - 80.RMAKI AN Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, presented the staff report. Vice-Chairman Chitiea invited public comment. Andrew Barma kia n, 5080 Gateway, Rancho Cucamonga, stated he tel ieved when he was given a permit to build his buildings, Lhe re were no subarea designations. He stated he built dock-high doors and high ceilings to allow for distribution, manufacturing, and warehousing. He said he planned to apply for a change in designation from Subarea 4 to 5, and he felt that Svbarea 4 was developed for Archibald-fronting parcels and smaller users. He stated he had brought Arthur Peet from Arco Steel to answer any questions the Commission night havz rzga rd my the proposed use. Mr. Barmakian stated that Arco Steei has a similar operation in Texas and they don't feel there will be any parking or noise problems. Arthur Peet, Arco Steel, Inc., 8333 Manchester Street, Houston, Texas, stated they have a 15,000 square foot facility in Houston with only eight warehouse employees and a considerably larger volume than what they anticipate hav iny.in California. He stated they are considering a three-year lease and would tike to make a move as rapidly as possible. Commissioner Tolstoy asked what gauge metal would be cut. Mr. Peet responded they would cut up through 1/2 inch. There were no further public comments. Ralph Hanson, Oepu ty City Attorney, stated that an amendment to the Industrial Specific Plan would be required in order to change the subarea designation. Commissioner Tolstoy felt that cutting and edging 1/2-inch sheet metal should be classified as Medium Manufacturing. He thought that noise and vibration would 6e created. He felt the area should be reclassified as Subarea 5. Planning Commission Minutes -8- May o, 1990 EXh` ~/T 7I y Commissioner Weinber qer stated that after reading the staff report and looking at the defini lions, she felt that the use falls in the Medium Manufacturing category. She stated she could support a change in the subarea. 'J ice-Chairman Chitiea concurred that the process falls in the Medium category. Motion: Moved by 'Aeinberger, seconded by Tolstoy, to adopt the Resolution affirming sheet metal cutting to be Medium Manufacturing. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CHITIEA, TOLSTOY, WEf NB ERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MCNIEL -carried Mr. Buller suggested that the applicant may wish to proceed with applying for an amendment to the Industrial Specific Plan. Commissioner Chitiea recommended that a parking study 6e submitted with the project. Mr. as rmakian asked how long it would take to process an amendment to the industrial Specific Plan to change subs teas. Mr. Coleman responded it would take approximately three months. . x . . . o_.~ ,__ -,~ - ~;Lj ,° u... , pia Lcu LimL iiie bl~y ida nag er's oTrlCe WdS IOOK1 g for inpu ideas 'fo rc items to be placed in a time capsule at the c Center ded is ceremony. Commissioner We inbe ggested including a local newspa m the day of the dedication, pho tog of various areas of t y, and polaroid pictures of the dedication c Commissioner Tolstoy felt polaroid pic not store very well. Vice-Chairman Lhitiea suggested pic of Ci should be included. Commissioner Tolstoy prov tde es of a 1965 West En ral Plan Map from San Bernardino County, a ust 28, 1978, publication of oposed Rancho Cucamonga General P1 nd a 1981 Ex ecukive Summa ry of th ft Ge r.e ral "r is n. rie though a items should be placed in the time capsule stated he was willin ovate h1s copfes if the City did not have copies av le. Vice- n Chitiea su ested co i s tha Planning Commission Minutes -9- ya, ;, ~n0 I 1 ORDINANCE N0. !~~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY DF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 90-01 TO CHANGE THE DESIGNATION FROM SUBAREA 4 TO SUBAREA 5 FOR 5 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 6TH STREET, APPROXIMATELY 470 FEET EAST OF ARCHIBALD AVENUE - APN: 2t0-Olt-50. RELATED FILE: USE DETERMINATION 90-02 WFEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: ThaC the subject property's designation of Subarea 4 within the Industrial Specific Ptan Change to Subarea 5 as recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve and adopt Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 90-01; and 2. That the subject property is suitable for the uses permitted within Subarea 5 of the Industrial Specific Plan (zoned General Industrial), in terms of size, access, and compatibility with existing land use in the surrounding area; and 3. That the proposed district change would not have significant impact on the environment, nor the surrounding properties; and 4. That the proposed district change is in conformance with the re moo., t of ~., SECTION 2: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has found that this Project will not create a significant adverse impact on the environment and recommended issuance of a Negative Declaration on June 13, 1990. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED: t That the City Council adopted Industrial Specific Plan Amendment 90-Ot on September 19, 1990. 2. That the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has held a public hearing in the time and manner prescribed by law and duly heard and has determined that the 5 acre property located on the south side of 6th Street, approximately 470 feet east of Archibald Avenue be designated as Subarea 5 wi to in tna indnctriai Aran inn~ifi~ Sian r I CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE N0. ISPA 90-01 - RARMAKIAN September 19, 1990 Page 2 SECTION 3: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance znd the City Clerk shall cause the same to b2 published within fifteen !151 days after its passage at least once in the Inland Vallev Da ilv Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. 'I~ ~I,; ~/ ORDINANCE N0. `t 3~ (~QVI/y[t! AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY CWNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING A NEN CHAPTER 16.37 TO THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA NUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF STANDARDS FOR COMPLETION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND REGULATIONS FOR OCCUPANCY OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ROES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Title 16 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby a~~erd~dr a r~ Chapter 16.37, to be read, in words and figures, as follows: "Chanter 16.37 "CONNECTIONS TO ENERGY SOURCES - OCCUPANCY "Sections "16.37.010 Energy Connections - Completion of Development improvements. "16.37.020 Public Disclosure. "16.37.030 Extensions of Development Improvement Agreements. "16.37.010 Energy Conrections - Completion ofOewelo n~nt Improvements-A. wept as pens y e o s ode~iiv t~pect W temporary connections, no person shall make connectton from a source of energy, fuel or power to any building or structure which 1s regulated by this Code and for which a permit is required unless, Tn addition to aRy and all requirements provided as conditions of approval to the development or as nuly be required by this Code, all public and/or private development improvements required as conditions of development approval have been completed and accepted by the Ctty Council. "8. Not withstanding the foregoing, 1n developments containing more than one bull ding, strucWre or unit, such energy connections may be made in equal proportion to the percentage of completion of all such development improvements within the protect, as may be determined by the City Engineer; Avrept a< nrnvi dad ag fp71 p,~,e; "1. Reasonable, safe and mutntalnable access to the property upon which the bull ding, structure or units to be connected W such energy sources exists, as determined to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and ORDINANCE N0. PAGE 2 "2. No more than ninety-five percent (95S) of the buTldings, structures or units be connected to such energy sources prior to completion and acceptance of all development improvements. "16.37.020 public Disclosure A. In those developments which are allowed, or app y o e a owe ,energy connections based upon a percentage of development improvement completion pursuant to Section 16.37.010 (B), the protect developer and/or their authorized representative shall provide notice and disclosure to prospective purchaser;, leassees or tenants of the development that energy connections (and occupancy) are subtect to the development Improvement completion standards set forth 1n Section 14.45,010 (B). Such notice and disclosure shall be provided by all of the following: "1. A minimum 18 x 24 inch notice posted in a prominent location to the sales, leasing or rental office of the proposed development; "2. A minimum 8 1/2 x 11 loch printed handout to be offered to prospective purchasers or occupants, placed in a prominent location in the sales, leasing or rental office of the development protect; and "3. A disclosure notice, t0 be signed by the prospective purchaser, lessee or tenant, and executed concurrently with aqy sales contract or lease/rental agreement. "B. Ali notices required by this section shall be in a form and content as approved by the City Attorney and City Engineer "v. upon compietion and acceptance or an aeveiopment conditions as provided in Section 16.37,010, the provisions of this Section as to notice and disclosure shall no longer be applicable. A. The camp a on ate or a eve opmen mprovement agreemen s w ther executed pursuant to conditions fora penmit under the Development Code - Title 17 or subdivision map approval pursuant to Title may be extended by the City Council upon recommendation by the City Engineer, written request by the developer and submittal of adequate written evidence to tustify the extension. All such time extensions will only be granted for the minimum time necessary for the completion and acceptance of the development improvements. The extension request shall be made rwt less than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the improvement agreement. "B. The developer shad enter info a deveiopment improvement extension agreement with the City consistent with the provisions of this Section. The agreement shall be prepared by the City Engineer, approved as to fore by the City Attorney, executed by the subdivider and transmitted to the City Council for their consideration. The City Council shall only approve the extension request upon presentation of sufficient facts ORDINANCE N0. PAGE 3 demonstrating a unique or extenuatiug circumstance to require such extension. If the extension request is approved by the City Counc7l, the mayor shall execute the agreement on behalf of the City. "C. In consideration for the approval of such development improvement extension agreement, the City Council may impose the conditions as follows: "1. Expanded restriction txr make connection to any source of energy, fuel or power to arty building ar structure pending completion of the development improvements; "2. Prohibition of any energy, fuel or power connections to bull dings or structures pending completion of development improvements; "3. Additional notification and public disclosure beyond that required by Section 16.37.020; and "4. Prohibition of arty further time extensions. "D. The City Council may impose arty additional requirements as recommended by the City Engineer or as it may deem necessary as a condition to approving arty tick extension for completion of such development improvements. "E. The costs incurred by the City 1n processing the agreement shall be borne by the developer at actual cost. or a minimum of 5100.00. "F. The provisions of this Section shall be in addition to those provisions contained Tn Section 16.36.450 pertaining to extensions for subdivision improvement agreements." SECTION 2 The City Council declares that, should any provision , section, paragraph, sentence or word of this Ordinance be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action 1n a court of competent Jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, and words of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3 The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and sFaTT-cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its Dassage aL least once in lira inland ya71_g~ail~@utlattn a nawspaper of general circulation published-ire-(,1ty of ~ ai rTo; CeTifornla, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Cellfornia. ORDINANCE N0. T~~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING A NEN CHAPTER 15.45 TO THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE DERTAINING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF STANDARDS FOR COMPLETION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND REGULATIONS FOR OCCUPANCY OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 7HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA GOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLONS: SECTION 1. Title 15 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amende two add a new Chapter 15.45, to be read, in cords and figures, as follows: 'Chapter I5.45 "CONNECTIONS TO ENERGY SOURCES -OCCUPANCY "Sections "15.45.010 Energy Connections - Completion of Development Improvements. "15.45.020 Public Disclosure. "15.45.030 Extensions of Development improvement Agreements. •~~~ ,v.a"ens r. nv person snap mace connecnon rrma a source or energy, ue or power to any building or structure which is regulated by this Code and for which a permit Ts required unless, in addition tv any and all requirements provided as conditions of approval to the development or as may be required by this Code, all public and/or private development improvements required as conditions of development approval have been completed and accepted Dy the City Council. 'B. Not withstanding the foregoing, in developments containing more than one building, structure or unit, such energy connections may be made 1n equal proportion to the percentage of completion of all such development improvements within the protect, as may be determined by the City Engineer; except as provided as follows: "I. Reasonable, safe and maintainable access to the building, structure or units to be connected to such energy sources exists, as determined to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and ~~ T ORDINANCE N0. PAGE 2 °2, No more than ninety-five percent (95S} of the buildings, structures or units be connected to such energy sources prior to completion and acceptance of all development improvements. "15.45.020 Public Disclosure A. In those developments which are allowed, or app y o e a owe energy connections based upon a percentage of development improvement completion pursuant to Section 15.45.010 (B), the project developer and/~r their authorized representative shall provide notice and disclosure to prospective purchasers, leassees or tenants of the development that energy connections (and occupancy) are subject to the development improvement completion standards set forth 7n Section 14.45,010 (B). Such notice and disclosure shall be provided 6y all of the following: "1. A minimum 18 x 24 loch notice posted in a prominent location in the sales, leasing or rental office of the proposed devet opment; °2. A minimum 8 1/2 x 11 inch printed handout to be offered to prospective purchasers or occupants, placed 1n a pranlnent location in the sales, leasing or rental office of the development project; and "3. A disclosure notice, to be signed by the prospective purchaser, lessee or tenant, and executed concurrently with any sales contract or lease/rental agreement. "9. All notices required by Lhis section shall be in a form and content as approved by the City Attorney and City Engineer "C. Uoon comoleN nn anA arronYanro nv .n ~,...a ,,.....,-. conditions as provided 1n Section 15.45.010, the provisions of this~Section as to notice and disclosure shall no longer be applicable. n rernrcn u. A. The comp a on a or a eve opmen mprovemen agreemen s w ether executed pursuant to conditions fora permit under the Development Code - Title 17 or subd1v151on map approval pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act - Title 16) mqy be extended by the City Council upon recommendation by Lhe City Engineer, written request by the developer and submittal of adequate written evidence to justify Lhe extension. A17 such time extensions will only be granted for the minimum time necessary far the completion and acceptance of the development improvements. The extension request shall be made not less than sixty (60) days prior to the ezpiratlgn of the improvement agreement. "B. The developer shall Doter into a development improvement extension agreement with the City consistent with the provisions of this Section. The agreement shall be prepared by the City Engineer, approved as to form by the City Attorney, executed by the subdivider and transmitted to the C1fy Council for their consideration. The City Council shall only approve the extension request upon presentation of sufficient facts ~~..~ ORDINANCE N0. PAGE 3 demonstrating a unique or extenuating circumstance to require such extension. If the extension request is approved by the city Council, the mayor shalt execute the agreement on behalf of the City. "O In consideration for the approval of such development improvement extension agreement, the City Council may impose the conditions as follows: "1. Expanded restriction to make connection to any Source cf energy, fuel or power to aqy buiidi ng or structure pending completion of the development Improvements; "2. Prohibition of any energy, fuel or paver connections to buildings or structures pending completion of development improvements; "3. Additional notification and public disclosure beyond that required by Section 15.45.020; and "4. Prohibition of aqy further time extensions. "D. The City Council may impose aqy additional requirements as recommended by the City Engineer or as 1t mqy deem necessary as a condition to approv!ng any time extension for completion of such development improvements. "E. The costs incurred by the City in processing the agreement shall be borne by the developer at actual cost. or a minimum of 5100.00. "f. The provisions of this Section shall be in addition to those provisions contained 1n Section 16.36,450 pertaining to extensions for subdivision improvement agreements." SECTION 2 The City Council declares that, should any provision , section, paragraph, sentence or word of th15 Ordinance be rendered or deciared invalid by any final court action to a court of competent Jurisdiction, or by reason of aqy preemptive legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, and words of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3 The City Clerk shall certify to the passaya of this Ordinance and sTi~a T-cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in the Inland Ya11e Da11v Butla_tin, a nenspaper of general circulation publlshe n ie y o n ar o, ,aTlfornia, and circulated 1n the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: September 19, 1990 a`£~3 . City Council and City Manager Rick Gomez, Community Development Director Shlntu Bose, Deputy Ctty Engineer Consideration to adopt an Ordinance establishing standards for completion of public improvements and regulations for occupancy RECOMIEMDATIOM: Tha4 the City Council adopt an Ordinance establishing standards for completion of public improvements and regulations for occupancy of buildings and structures. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On July 18, 1990, stemming from City Council concerns regarding the completion and acceptance of public improvements within developments particularly where those developments were occupied, the City Council adopted as policy certain regulations Involving the occupancy of sLPUCtu rPC. TFa nntl.v .,....n .._.. U`,~fi _. structure or bull ding by either tying the occupancy~ato the completlonoof the development Improvements specified by the conditions of approval, or, when a development contains more than one building, structure or unit, the occupancy shall be proportionate to the percentage of completion of the development improvements. The policy is required to be publicly noticed to uli prospective owners or occupants of the buildings, structures or units by posting a sign and making handouts available at sales and rental offices. The policy also requires that legal notice be signed by the prospective owner or occupant. The policy also provides a mechanism for City staff and the City Council to eliminate excessive improvement agreement time extensions. Attached is a copy of that policy as adopted by City Co~encil on July 18, 1990. '~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT SEPTEMBER 19, 1990 PAGE 2 C1ty Council has directed staff to prepare an Ordinance which codifies said policy. Upon adoption of the Ordinance Title 15 (Building and Constructioni of the Municipal Code will be revised to include Chapter 15.45 "CONNECTIONS TO ENERGY SOURCES - OCCUPANCY". Resp~cSfull tted, R~ k 6 z J gommuni evelopnent Dl rector B: WSad Attachment !~ p CIT1' OF RANCHO CLCASiONGA STAFF REPORT LATE: July 18, 199C TC: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Mayui re, City Engl ne er M, n .t U SOL+J'cCT: Consideration of City Council's Policies regarding development agreement time extensions and occupancies of structures within developments orior to acceptance of public i,aprove,~,ents. RECOINENOATION: That the City Council adopted the following as policy and direct the City Attorney to draft the necessary ordi na nce5 to amend the Municipal Code to incorporate that policy. A. Occupancy/Completion No person shall make connections from a source of energy, fuel or power to any building or structure which is regulated by code and for which a permit is required unless, in addition to any and all other code, regulation and ordinance requirements, all development improvements required by the conditions of development approval have been completed and accepted by the City Council, except: That in developments containing more than one AiAlA;nn ~~.,~~.,..,, uni c, connections made be made to a percentage of those Duildings, structures or units proportional to the percentage of completion of 4he development improvements, as determined by the City Engineer, provided that; 1,) P.easonabte, safe and maintainable access to the building, structure or unit being connected exist to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and 2.) In no case shall more than ninety-five percent (95'b) of the buildings, structures, or units be connected prior to completion of ail development improvements and acceptance of those improvements by the City Council. B. Public Notice That the Occupancy/Completion Policy be publicly noticed to alt prospective owners or occupants of the buildings, structures or units within a development by the following: d CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT JULY 18, 1990 PAGE 2 1.) A 18"x24" notice posted to a prominent location in the developments sales, leasing or rental office(s), 2.) A 8 1/2"x11" notice handouts placed in a prominent location in the developments sales, leasing or rental offices {, a:d 3.) A legal notice signed by the prospective owner or occupant at the time any contract of sales, lease or rental is entered Soto. All such notices shall be fn a form and context as approved by the City Attorney and the developer shall certify to the City, again in a form and con*_ext as approved by the Ctty Attorney, the posting, availability and signiny of all such required notices. C. Construction time Extensions Al] time extensions to development construction agreements will only be for the minimum lime necessary for the completion and acceptance of the developments improvements as Dosed on wrt Lien justification from the developer and as finally recamnended by the City Engineer except: 1,) For first or second time extension requests where the Lity Engineer believes that there are unique or extenuating circumstances, such requests shall be schedule for a public discussion before the City Council, and 2.) For third or greater number time extension requests, such requests shall De scheduled for a public discussion before the Gity Council. At such public discussions before the City Council, the City Council will ;~ addition to approval of the time extension request, consider dental or conditional approval of au~ii raq:;cct. TMA ronditional approval of the time extension request may incluAe but not 6e limited to the roiiowiny conditions: 1.) Prohibition of any further time extensions, 2.) Expanded energy, fuel or power connection restrictions, 3.) Prohibition of additional or any energy, fuel or Dower connections. 4.) Advanced Legal notification of potential developer contractual default, and 5.) On site signing or posting of special legal notices. BACKGkDUND: In early 1988, the City Council voiced concerns in regards to the repair, completion and aeptance of ouolic improvements within developments, particularly where those developments were occupied, i,i a res ~t of thi; concern; a compilation of Engineering Developments Polfcles was developed. Those policies were concurred with by minute action of the City Cauncli in March, 1988. d~ .. w,. IL JL, ~ ,. ~~Y 18, 1990 PAGE 3 After this City Council action, these policies were more vigorously enforced. Compliance with these policies was generally good except far a continual resistance to the tying of release of occupancies to the completion of puol is improvements within a development. This resistance expanded to verbal and written challenges in the summer of 1988, In addition, at this same time and ye ne ral ly related to the same developments involved in the challenges, numerous complaints were bef ng received from citizens, development residen is, school districts and City commissf one rs regard non-completion of public improvements in occupied developments. Based on these challenges and complaints, the City Council i^ Septes~ber i9o"B, adopted Resolution No. 88- 571. This resolution further tied occupancies to completion of public improvements but further limited occupancies to a maximum of 951 of a development until the public improvements were complete and accepted by the Gity Council. Ylhile this policy resolution is working reasonably well, it is not without strong challenyes from developers and with many situations where the developer has attempted to pit the future homeowner ayalnst the City to only the developer's benefit. Therefore it is recommended that the current policy be further clarified and expanded to further define the occupancy/completion relationship, to include a public notice provision and to include restriction on time extensions. In addition, the clarification and expansion should be in the form of an ordinance nadiftcation to the Municipal Code, to provide the maximum force and effect. kespectfu]..~y-s~b~mitt~ed, i RNPU.dIw Attachment /~ 3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REP®RT GATE: September 19, 1990 T0: Mayor and Members of City Council FROM; Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Anthea hart -y, .4ssistant Planner -~; -~z SUBJECT: POLICY DIRECTION FOR THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMiSSt"vh REGARDING LANDMARK D SIGNATION FOR THE BEAR GULCH AREA - A request for policy direction regarding a potential Landmark Designation for the Bear Gulch area which wou id include the Sycamore Inn, the significant trees, the Oso dear statue and potential archaeological resources 'the site of the proposed Sycamore Yiltage project) but exclude the Red Chief Motel and Cafe. RE COMMENDAiI ON: Staff recommends that the City Council consider the applicant's proposal and direct staff to condition the project requiring submittal of a landmark application prior to the issuance of building permits for any portion of the Sycamore Pillage project or Orior Co any sale of the land to a third person or entity. uHCriG,",C~`!^; The Historic Preservation Commission forwarded to the Council a request for direr U~~~ re^~rAina oa tent ial landmark designation for the Sycamore Village site at~the September ;, :^^^ m=^tinq. The Council continued this item to their September 19, 1990 meeting ano directed staff and the project's owners, Arroyo de Los Osos Partnership, to enter into nego tiati on5 regarding the feasibility of such landmark designation. The two aforementioned parties met on September J, 1990 and the owners drew up a letter summarizing their position (see Exhibit al . ANALYSIS: to the course of diswssion, staff and Arroyo de Los Osos Partnership representatives concurred that three options ez ist rega Ming the designation of the Sycamore Village site: that the designation prat ass be initiated immediately; that landmark designation he a condition of approval Lo he met before building permits are filed; or that a landmn rk designation application is not fii ed. The owners agreed to support and initiate a landmark apal icat;on after the project gas undergone the Planning Commission and Council's review and approval Mat before the issuance of any building Dormits. Staff assuaged the owner's concerns that any such designation would interfere with the interior of the Sycamore Inn by agreeing that the future landmark designation wou~• specify the Historic Preservation Commission's review of ex ten or changes only. 7 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT BEAR GULCH AREA September 19, 1990 Page 2 CONCLUSION: Based upon staff's understanding of the Council's September 5, 1990 discussion regarding landmark status, the compromise of conditioning the project with: the submittal of a landmark appl nation for the Bear Gulch area, the pre se rvat ior, of a majority of the mature trees on the property, and historic mitiga tion, appear to fit with the Council's direction. Therefore, staff rec onmends that the Council consider the above proposal and would welcome any further direction you may offer. Re p ly sub ed, Brad r City P nner BB :AH ap Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Letter Lo the Mayor and City Council from Verne Hinrichsen and Richard Crean ~d~ 5007 Via Verde Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 September 12, 1990 The Ho rorable Dennis Stout, Mayor The Honorable William Alexander, Counc ilperson The Honorable Charles Bouquet, Counc ilperson The Hcnorable Deborah Brown, Councilperson The Honorable Pam Wr iyht, Councilperso.^. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Re: The Sycamore Village Project Proposed by Arroyo de Los 0809 Dear Mayor Stout and Fellow City Councilpersons Thank you for your concern and your kind words reaarding the Sycamore Inn at the public hearing on September 5, 1990. It Le gratifying to know that my work all these years has not gone unnoticed in the community. The issue regarding landmark designation for the Sycamore inn or the surrounding Bite ie one that I personally feel strongly about. I have avoided local, state or fedarai landmark 3esignatic:n for the Sycamore Inn all these years for many reasons. Because of the care with which we have always treated the buildings and the site, 1 belleven tiia~ au~i. o ..ooiy:.ntic . :.__ _ ~ Nnw that my son-in-law, Richard Crean, is proceasingr~h is' development proposals for the site, I firmly believe that landmark status would be costly and inconvenient. I have also been uncertain about what impact landmark designation might have on a prospective lender or partner. My concern over landmark status was heightened by the recent consideration of the Red Chief Motel and the China Alley Restaurant as historic landmarks. My concern over landmark statue may well change over time as the planning evolves and approvals are granted by the City. The compromise that I would propose for your consideration would be to allow the current conceptual master plan and site approval for Phase 1 of the Sycamore Village project that has been submitted b}~ Arroyo de loe Oeos to continue to be processed through the Planninu Commission attu the -`..^cr ^ity bed±ea ,+n iCh wnp id hiYtmaiiy ha•e jurisdiction over the review of that project. We don't currently plan on selling the project but would like to hold the project in the family into the indefinite future. However, prior to the time that we wou lfl call on the City to issue building permits for any portion of the Sycamore Village project, or prior to the time that we would complete a sale of the land to any third person or entity which would involve our loss of control over the land, we would agree to support landmark designation for the exterior of the Sycamore Inn and would agree to submit a landmark application to /~9 City of Rancho Cucamonga September 12, 1990 Page 2 the Historic Preservation Commission for consideration. Any landmark status would epee Sf ically involve the exterior only of the Sycamore Inn. As you have heard from your staff, and as wa wish to make clear, we could not ever agree to landmark statue for the intericr of the Sycamore Inn. I understand from discussions with City staff that City staff is concerned generally with the archeological significance of the Bear Gulch area, including Red Hill. Identification and preservation of any artifacts that may be discovered in the grading process on Red Hill -- rather than the issue of the profile of Red Hill itself -- is the historic issue. The quantum or location of gzading ie and ahoulfl remain a planning issue. We are in full agreement with and express our willingness to have an archeologist on site during any grading that occurs in connection with the Sycamore VSllage Project. We would like to reaffirm our commitment to preservation of the sycamore grove on the Bear Gulch site. In the planning to date we have been able to preserve approximately 80} of the significant trees on site. The project proposes to add many more trees than are required by current City ordinances to establish and preserve the ambiance of the site. However, we believe that the method of preserving trees, location of new trees and other related issues are planning issues, not historic preservation issues. I understand that David Dean of Wolff, Lang and Christopher wi 11 be providing some conceptual ideas for you to consider at your meeting on September 19, 1990 to illustrate how the historic character of the Bite may be portrayed graphically in the new project. It is my hope that with this written assurance from my son- in-law and me, you will feel comfortable in deferring this issue to allow us to complete the normal planning process without burdening the project with another layer of review. We believe that our actions over the years have spoken for themselves and we appreciate your desire to reciprocate. Very truly yours, / / G'E~~NINR HS~^ ~- ~~~ _. RICHARD P. CREAN, General Partner Arroyo de Los Oeoe /30 ~ L,rt)1Idtl•AJA. ~ LE C\,LlonGU A.IA Ill~i~~il;li~'~,ill'ill, ~~lihll~!illl!illl.il, J,m«r mcomR,o. AJA. eown y. sm",.. A.u. September 10, 1990 .'.`.r. ifait Jordaq President Jordan Resource Group 2890 Inland Empire Blvd., Suite 102 Ontario, CA 917h4 Re: Historic Mitigation Meastues Sycamore Village Project No. 8917000.11 Dear Matt: Upon re-evaluating the site plan [here are three viable solutions to historic mitigation, two of which Gave been previously discussed. 1. A[ the southwest comer of Building 'D", ground level, in the area of the stair and balcony, a 20' diorama could be placed. This essentially would be a display case with a depth of 2' to 3'. The diorama could work into the DroDnsed arnrPfrn..t ,J;;;. ,.,~~ tL,wgilwt tae buuomg. 'ILe intent of the diorama is to work as a visual display of artifacts, documents, and photographs, as well as written material. 2. A'commemoradve walk composed of brass plaques mounted on stone bases could be placed throughout the courtyard area intermingled with the trees and seating elemenu. The plaques could relate to Rancho Clrcamanga in the broader sense or could follow a timeline theme describing We use of the site from Captain de Anna through the Route 66 era. This would be descriptive in nature and would not rely on actual artifacts or photographs. 3. A third option would be a combination of No. 1 and No. 2 above, placed in the trellis struMUre planned for the area between Building "A" and the Sycamore Inn. This appears to be an ideal solution is many wars. It would serve to free up the wall surface on Building "U" for tenant use, as well as lend more meaning to the trellis by expanding the idea of activity to this portion of the site. This is visualiud as having the displays spanning between supporting columns and facing inward towards the trellis, creating a sequential series that would work as a timeline. The trellis would be kept as open as possible with vines bring encouraged to grow. /3~ Vlralala Dan TowH 10170 Poollun bupralA Rancno NCamanpa. Galllomla 01 i J0Jtl1 (711)9l7~0900 Pact (711)VAO•V9l0 Mr. Matt Jordan Historic Mitigation Measures Sycamore Village ProjeM No. 8917000.11 September 10, 1990 Page 2 Specific areas of the trellis might be made wider to enrnurage pausing and reG:;etion. Plaques could be integrated with the trellis columns. A brief lis: of historic milestones and landmarks worthy of consideration are 1. Uncle Billy's Tavern 2. The Tapia Treasure 3. Sycamore Im during Prohibition 4. The "Movie Star" connection 5. Native Americans on tht site 6. Butterfield Stage Stop 7. Attempted lynching of Dona Merced 8. Route 66 If you need atry other information or would like to discuss these options, please give me a call. Very tmly yours, r/~'~"L DAVID E. DEAN Project Manager DED:can 91700011.Itr t3a- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 19, 1990 TD: City Council and City Manager FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer e"~3 . BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Morks Insgector~~ ~_ SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 12462 Detention Basin, located on the south side of Sumait Avenue between Etiwanda Avenue and East Avenue, submitted by First Family Hanes RECOMEMDATIOM It is recommended Lhat Lhe City Councii adopt the attached resolution, accepting Lhe subfect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improveaents for Tract 12462 Detention Basin were approved by the City Coundl on September 7, 1989, in the following amounts: . .. ..o ..~ .c. .~, ..vuw wiry. iii, wv.w Labor and Material Bond: f 5,800.00 The developer, First Family Homes, 1s requesting approval of a 6-month eztenslon on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submitted, ~ ~ ~~P-~a.,~ SB:SMG:sd August J0, 1990 City of kancnc Cucamonga P. u. Sox b07 Rancho Cucamonga, Ca., 91930 Attn: Steve Gilliiantl Subject: Tract 12962 Retention Basin Improvement Agreement Dezr Steve, First Family Nomea is req neat ing n six month extension tc the Smprovement ac: eemer,t for T: act 12962 retention basin. AL this time, the basin is fau iy complete. Horever, there ie some construction remaining, sucn ae the quoits facing. Fresent!y the basin as functional during a rein, hoeever, it Se not fully com pi ate per the appr avetl plan. Enclosed in a check far 5251.00 per your requaet. I appreciate your cooperation in foie matter, and if you nave any questions ox concer ne, please call ne at 719-626-1779. ~~I) -~ S/lncer1el/y, LIJ4~ ~~~I ~ ~f~ .• .. ~,~ vl v:G iuiV '~;A Y ~~~7~O,eC vim=-=L IV"i!vi Michelle De next I ~~ Director of Planning 6 cr.~. ~ ~ . ~ np 67,9 W Fnolhlll Blvd., Sulle 100, flarrmont, fallfarn.a !11711 ~ pi9162B•i!)74) • yd ti p19) ti'13~daL7 RESOLUTION N0. 90" ~~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE C%TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INPROVEI£NT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEPENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12462 OETE NTION BASIN VHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its ronsideration an Improvment P.greemont Extension executed on September 19, 1990, by FTrst Family Hanes as developer, for the improvement of publlr_ right-of-way ayacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the south side of Summit Avenue between Etiwanda Avenue and East Avenue; and NHEREAS, the installation of such Improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and sub,~ect to the terms thereof, is to be done in coRlunctlon with the development of said Tract 12462 Detention Basin; and NHEREAS, said improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient improvement Security, which is identified in said Improveaent Agreement Extension. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. l35 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 19, 1990 ~ TO: Mayor, City Council Members ,w ~, 1'/ FROM: Marti Higgins, Disaster Preparedness Ma46NXY~ SUBSF.CT: DISASTER PLAN ANNEX'S I'`'Y7~7, RfiCOtRSBNDA•TZON It is recommended that the City Council approve and adopt the nine annexes presented of the Rancho Cucamonga Multi-Hazard Functional Disaster Plan. BACKGROUNDLANALYSIS In October, 1989, the City of Rancho Gvcamonga submitted to the State of California, Part I of the City's Multi-Hazard Disaster Plan, approved by the City Council. Part TI of that same plan consists of ten functional Annexes describing the planned response of the agencies assigned that function. These annexes describe plans from the State, to the local level and attempts to define operational responsibilities so duplication of efforts does not occur at a time when resources are scarce. Support agencies are alcn identified and Cl!P.C$liet9 ..^s:ee t.*.e specific E.C.C. or field personnel position, responsible for each task. This serves as a reminder to assure all necessary actions are taken. Each agency has written their own Annexes and will complete this year, the supporting operationai data necessary to carry out each task. Much of this material was used in our .Tune CSTI Exercise and revisions have been made. Nine of the ten annexes are being presented for approval at this time. The tenth annex is the Radiological and War Annex and I need both the County and State's assistance. This will be worked on during the months of October and November and submitted to the Council upon romnletlon. The Pu611c Safety Commission has reviewed all nine annexes and recommends council approval for submission to the State. Although Parr TTT, the Operational Data is not presented to the State for approval,. conies w171 he submitted ny the agencie° :~ .ham emergency erenaredness Division along with any updates. Respectfully submitted, Marti Higgins DSsaeter Preparedness Manager MH:vg i Attachment / Z CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT '~ °j DATE: September 19, 1990 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, C+ty Planner BY: Miki Bratt, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ANNE1fAT ION 90'03 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON GA - A request to approve the Tax Revenue Excha r,ge for annexation proceedings (LAFCO 2626) between the County of San Bernardino and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for approximately 2,556 acres of urbanizing territory in the area generally located north of the existing City limit, east of Eti Wanda Avenue and west of the existing 6o un dory of the City of Fontana. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council direct staff Lo enter into tax negotiations with Che County of San Bernardino. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: The Tax Revenue Exchange negotiation is part of the annexation proceedings before the Local Agency Formation rnmm:eN n.. sir Lh_ JSj CLt ~~~ ~ ~~~~~. i;,ee a~iet, ilCd Exn101L "H", Site Plan and Vicinity Map.) Approval of the property tax revenue exchange is a prerequisite of the annexation proceedings. This is one of many steps which must be taken prior to City approval of annexation. The exchange proceedings are independent of the LA FCO hearing on annexation of the subject territory, The LAFCO hearing will not be scheduled until the envi ronmentai review process is completed. Related Actions. For this annexation, the City is the lead agency for the environmental review process. The City's environmental review for the annexation action is included as part of the en viro nme ntal review for the City's Eti wan da North Specific Plan. Revisions are being made tv the c'tlwnnda Nnrth :potf:c Plan '•hich efiact the City's General Plan. The Araft EIR is scheduled to begin circulation in October :990. Public hearings on the EIR and Specific Plan are scheduled to begin in November 1990. City Council hearing to consider approval of the Specific Plan and certify the EIR are scheduled to begin in January 1991. In other words, the I.AFCO hearing on annexation of the subject territory will occur following City certification of the EIR early in 1991. /37 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT ANNEXATION 90-03 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA SEPTEMBER 19, 1990 Page 2 Tax Exc ha nae Formula. The existing formula for the Tax Revenue Exchange was established ir. 1985 when the City annexed the Ca ryn Planned Community iota led in the vicinity of Highland and Milliken Avenues and has been used for five subsequent annexations. The negotiated formula is based on "historic share" of taxes received by the City. For this annexation, the historic share of taxes to be received by the City is E.350449%. This is approximately 1% higher than for previous annexations. However, for this annexation the County is not using the historic share formula and is only offering a 3.3 percent tax exc hang=. Any special assessment district tax, for example a lighting and Landscaping District or a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District, would not have any effect on the property Lax received by the City. Therefore, this would be the actual percentage allocated to City General Fund revenues. If the Council chooses to accept the "historic share formula" offered by the County, the attached Resolution approving the tax exchange should be approved. LAFCO P.eau irement. Fcr LA,FCO ffi25, LAFCC require; that the County and the City ex etu to Resolution approving tax exchange negotiations before September 21, 1990. If the City does not approve a tax resolution by the aforementioned date. the annexation ^rnceed innc will nr fnrminataA Tax Neootiation Alternative. However, the City may enter in to tax negotiations with the County for an amount other than the historic formula. Upon completion of the negotiations, the City Council may approve a new Resolution of Intent to Annex which will be accepted by LAFCO. No new 'i', ing fee will be charged. Both Revenue Assessment and the Finance Department have reviewed the proposed tax exchange. Sec au s^ recent State legislation provides that low tax cities such as Rancho Cucamonga are ultimately entitled to a minimum of 7% tax share, staff recommends that the City enter into tax negotiations with Lhe County for this and future annexations of territory for the purpose of achieving a 7% or higher tax share. If chic alrc r~arive +s she se the Coon +l °h^^'.d dire,. staff tsr into tax negotiations withn the County andVVu pon completion uof the negotia Lions Lo return to the Council with a new Resolution of Intent to Annex the subject territory. ~Th is atte rna Live can be adopted by minute action. 138 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT ANNE%ATION 90-03 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMGNGq SEPTEMBER 19, 1990 Page 3 Res pec ly submit / Bran v le City P1 er BB; h18 : ml g Attachments: Exhibit "A" -Vicinity Map Exhibit "B" - LAF CO Letter of August 21, 1990 Resolution X39 ~j .~ . I ~~ i~ a f ~I ~ ~ . -ts.: ,; - ~ 1 ~ ~ ' Is ~~ t t Z U O Z Q X Z >' 2F- Q U I~~ z a u ~ H E- .~ ~ _ F n7 F U w urrmn LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION ~ ' COUNTY OF SAN SERNARDINO 173 Waat FIMh SMet, Secontl Floor -rcCGElYEO- Ssn Bemartllno, CA 92475-0490 . (714) 387-5888 ;)nr~ CIA/ A MMNK+illglllOp DnrE Aagoet 2,, ,990 AUG$2~ FROM LOCaL AG>3>aCS POR+tAATtON COlpISSloer I!e-.6L11.1l.1 TO ALL APPBCTED AGIA/CIE3 (3ea Distribution Below) SUBJECT ADDImR-coarmoLLSR~s RssPatsS PDRSOasr ro sR too R1@: LAPCO 2626 - Reorgeaizetion to include City of Rancho Cucamonga Aaneaatioa 190-3 and Ameaatlona to the r+,.-•~^^ga Comfy Nester District sad Chun Resin la®icipal Nester District Pursuant to the provisions outlined in Section 99 of Lhe Revenue and Taxation Code, the et[ached Sntormetion Sa dletriDuted and e11 atfectad agencies have a thirty (30) day period in which to respond with a taeolution from the governing body ae to the distribution of ad valorem taxaa in this change Sn Do mdariae. The final daf.e Lor receipt of the reaolutlon(a) outlining the dlsirlbution of ad valorea, tax wa n -- -„- .,ew~~io ~i un pmceea 18: SRPTIlIDHt 21, 1990 PLeea9 contaC~: Mr. Welt Nelle of the Comty Administrative Oftica at (714) 387-Sd25, roge,rdin9 the negotiatlona for this proposal- Should you have any- addltionai questions, please do not heaitete to contact our office at the number lietad shove. KA LEIiN ROLLI~GS-MCDONALD Ciatk to the Comelselon /Yr.j DISTA ISUTION: County of San Bernardino - Walt Well^ City o.C Rancho Cucamonga - dock Lea, City Mane9ar Debra Adeae, City Cierk L. S. Henderson, Prlnclpel Planner M1ki Rrstt, Planner Cucamonga County Wetsr District LTino &uln Municipal pater District Ottics at 9psc1sl Diatriota) - Rob Reyu I ~I Property Tax Revenue antl Proportions by Agency as Estimated by the Auditor-Controller Per SB IBO, Section 99(6) (1)-(3) ANNEXATION TO: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LAFCN2626 CITV OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA% revenue in major TRA: 6.360449Y. TRA M 70007 AV (5,772,732 TR% REVENUE (57,727 FV 1990-91 ESTIMATED CURRENT TR% DISTRIBUTION Y. TRX REVENUE _____________________________________________ COUNTY General Operations Flood Zone N Flood Control Rdmin Library TOTAL COUNTV 29.087358% 16,791 3.829731% 2,211 0.297543% 172 2.187716% 1,263 f20,437 OTHER AFFECTED AGENCIES RANCHO CUC FIRE DISTRICT CSA 70 COUNTV WIDE CSA 70 20NE A-WEST END WEST END RES CONS DIST CHINO BASIN MUNI WTR DST Total Other gffacted Rgenciea TOTAL Prepared By: DAVE BANKS Reproved By: 25.097055Y. 14,488 0.022127% 13 0.239644'/. 138 0.188881% f04 4.419740Y. 2,551 O 0 O O O O O 0 O ______ f 17,299 __________________ =vvcas (37,736 ~acacsasaa~c_.__ss Date( RUGUST 20, 1990 Dates: ~~~a Property Tax Revenue and Proportions 6y Agency as Estimated by the Auditor-Controller Per SB 180, Section 99lb) (1)-(3> ANNEXATION TOs CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LAFCe2626 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA% revenue in maior TRA: 6.360449% TRA a 70014 AV (1,063,467 TAX REVENUE f10,635 FV 1990-91 TAX DISTRIBUTION COUNTV General Operations Flood Zone M Flood Control Admin Library TOTAL COUNTV 24.386652% 3.209780X 0.249445% 1.833627% ESTIMATED CURRE~~T TAX REVENUE 2,593 341 27 t95 f3,156 OTHER AFFECTED AGENCIES RANCHO CUC FIRE DISTRICT CSA 70 COUNTY WIDE CSA 70 20NE A-WEST END WEST END RES CONS DIST CHINO BASIN MUNI WTR OS7 7ota1 Other Alfected Agmcief TOTAL Prepared Bys DRVE BANKS Approvfd Bys 37.214557% 3,758 0.0(8532% 2 0.200836% 21 n 1 tL^JO'f4 1 ~ 3.704b44R 394 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 !4,352 f7,549 Dates RUGU9T 20, 1990 Dates l~3 Prop ert~ Tat: Revenue and Proportions by Agency as Estimated 6y the Auditor-Controller Per SB 380 Section 99fb) (11-(3) RNNEXATION T0: CITV OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LAFCN2626 CITV OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA% revenue in major TRA: 6.360449% TRA N 70023 AV 94,494,285 TAX REVENUE f44,943 FY 1990-91 TAX DISTRIBUTION COUNTY General Operations Flood Zane N F1oatl Control Admin Library TOTAL COUNTV OTHER AFFECTED AGENCIES RANCHO CUC FIRE DISTRICT CSA 70 COUNTY WIDE CSA 70 ZONE A-WEST END WST END RES CONS DIST To kal Other Affected Agencies TOTAL Prepared By: GAVE BANKS Approved By: 34.525064% 4.545800% 0.353157% 2.596815% ESTIMAI~ED C1IRRENT TAX REVENUE 15,517 2,043 SS9 1,167 f 18, 886 16.342216% 0.026257% 0.284446% 0.221511Y. 7,343 12 128 100 O O 0 0' O O O O O 0 97,585 926,471 Date: AUGUST 20, 1990 Dates ~~~ RESOLUTION N0. 9Q - 379 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUES TO BE EXCHANGED BETNEEN AND RMONG THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNAROINO AND THE CITY OF RANCHO CU CAMONGA RESULTING FROM THE UURIS DI CTIONAL CHANGE DESCRIBED BY LAFCO N0. 2626. SECTION 1: The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby finds and dete rmine5 that: A. Pursuant to Section 99 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, prior to the issuance of a certificate of filing by the Local Agency Formation Commission Executive Officer, the governing bodies of all local agencies whose service area or service responsibilities will be altered by a proposed jurisdictional change shall negotiate and determine by resolution, the amount of property tax revenues to be exchanged between and among such agencies. B. Except as provided in Section 99.1 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, ir. the event that a jurisdictional change would effect the service area or service responsibility of one or more special districts, the 8aard of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino shall, on behalf of the district or districts, negotiate any exchange of property tax revenues. r T4. r: ~.. r•..-..:~ .L aLn r: ~.. -L n•wn4n r..n •...n -..• •..I L4.. n..-I of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino have determined the amount of property tax revenues to be exchanged as a result of the following jurisdictional change: LAFCO N0. 2626 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA SECTION 2. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves and orders that: A. The negotiated exchange of property tax revenues between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the County of San Bernardino, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference, resulting from the above-described jurisdictional change will be based on the City's historic share of 6.360449X anA i< harnhv rnnrn anA anri ar re ntori B. The annual tax increment generated in the area subject to the jurisdictional change and attributable to the local agencies whose services are, or service responsibilities will be, altered by the proposed jurisdictional change shall be allocated in future years pursuant to the provisions of Section 98 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. '~~ CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. LAFCO N0. 2626 SEPTEMBER 19, 1990 Page 2 SECTION 3. The City Glerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga is hereby directed to certify to the passage of this Resolution and to cause a certified copy to be sent to the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of San Bernardino. ~I' 1!J EXH18R'A' ANNlXATION TO TM! Cm' OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LAFC N0.2628 CITY FlRCENT IN ANNEXlD AREA 7.3% TM 4~ 70007 70074 70023 MV f 3,772,J32 7,063,467 i,49i,28i RlYENUE f 57,727 10,635 44,943 CMAN6! IN CMANO! IN CNANG! IN 8ASlYEAR BASLYlAR BAftYlAR FOR US! iN FOR Uf! NY FOR UfE IN tl90~91 1910.11 1l10~91 TOTAL COUNTY Gene.N OporaUore f (197) f (131) f (792) f (820) Flood CaNd Rood lend u9nry (1.26!1 (1951 (1.1671 (2.625) Tobl County: f (1,760) f (326) f (1,359) f (3,445) wwuew ~ww'.,,ww ~, om .rr~~, ~~ AalNaes aA~70 f (13) f (2) f (121 f (27) Tobl Afl~ebd Ap4ndM: (1S1) (23) (140) (314) TOTAL (1,911) (749) (t,4ff) (3,759) ~ 9FlR TO f 1,f11 f 7M f 1,48f f I,7S8 CITY OF RAN080 CpORTGA ~ STAFF RE - D PTE: T0: FROM: 8V: SUBJECT: ~. s c' , :~... ._~,',y ~. '.~ Members ,.;,~ Planner Ho^e ERVIDES Cvh+Ser ceshConnrachewitn >rofes ize aen inc5erveces Pam ion author ative Grant Pro9 n pbehal ft o4 Staff reGOm'neoYS t execute the to Professional MENO AT ION: thor ize the MaY uted a istra ive ameO dment and au the city ex prov idi aft the 99 0_90 the City' January Wijl dan0 AssleLe tthe sif ndo4hathe ofe 9Dfor ~ ebe SeS~ a e9t ent tp ro9r De emb rd3 termined d tothPr°~ de cthe ulgA9~ 90 and ser rovem by Imp oro9ram ctaff has authoriz omPlete both The incre~~rrent ilmProv emen5 blv p00. ciaLes was to fully c er iod. the es Asso neces current contracraP~dly serve d services more the proPosexceed ~f een of serv is i4 willdan seYV ed .atiVe ..:fh in the r av to .,.nram. _~ not-to~ adm~ni>:. the ^. additwn~. 1990-91 Pr w9;1n>a1l Nom?o~mdedv for tan services e to Prov it e t go 9 aPP1 ~cantsa oe to be P ices ~11dan Assoc imPl ement in9 the 198 tes• Si 2v+000. order t°. alldesW9r,in9 oned imPlof Nt~~danaAsYO ed, it 6A~al IexP cis GitYn staffof PtheP serv Associates wtsonaP amount of KGRO er Profession Program. uis it iowith Nilldan 0 r ending tChe aeontract fates to Pr 1989e9 hP o9ram to u er s wa Program P once Wijldan Assoc a {u ImPrOVement i 9 r n Y Fore, for d implement th licaa s nd thl~ There r n an a%ist ed of P~will a^ Assoc was neces sa Aes i9 t the the 1 90-91 Pro9t Ptat to er 10d in ! serve<Phas al so^deaTr wou d be b nd ehaTft°~f ther neXtthe nPro9ram show b .we ie September 19, 1990 of the City Counc;l Mayo" and Brad n°~ EarrY Improve zent to ~omP ate in9 for the maple fore, ~-- n Lhe considers author rather tha0ue to ~+ time, 1991 • I ~(1 January + l~ ~~dmen `. t,es to RalmProv ementG mmgpitY of ~~ admin~sment Block Council Develop hat the C''t amendment CITY COONCIL STAFF REPORT NOME IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA September 19, 1990 Page 2 residents of the City, there are over fifty families currently waiting to 6e served under the program. By increasing the amount of services requested from Wil ldan Associates at this time, these families will be served more quickly. ANALYSIS: The proposed contract amendment increases the scope of services to be provided during the current contract period. The additional services are to 6e provided at a rate commens~i rate with the rate provided for the services ;,'ready authorized under the contract. The amendment will allow the City to bitter meet the needs of the City 6y providing for mare timely completion of the Nome Improvement Program, Res a submit '` Brad r City P nner BB:LN/jfs Rttachment: Proposed Contract Amendment l u l