HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990/11/21 - Agenda PacketCITY _ COUNCIL AGE111DA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETINGS 1st and 3rd Wednesdays - 7i7D pm November 21, 1990 Civic Center Council Chambers 10500 Civic Center Dr-ve o _,_~.-, n.._.,......,.., r~..rr.._.:., mean ............ ............~ ~ t.......,....... ,..-,., City Councilmembera Dennis L. Stout. Mcyor Pamela !. Wright, co~~~umzmbe. Deborah N. Brown, mayor rroam Charles 1. Buquet, counramrmae. William 1. Alexander, cnvndrmrmG. •~• Jack Lam, nn Mnnuer, ~ James L. Markman, ou arrmn.r Debra J. Adams, c... o<.x City Otice: 989-IBSI Lions Park: 980-3145 PACE City Council Agenda November 23, 1990 i 1 'I ~ I All itga sub.itted for the City Council Agend^ .ust D. in I ; '' I writing. The dgdline for aubritting thoa itq^ i^ 5:00 p.r. 'I ! on th. Nedn.ad^p prior to tD. .asting. TD. CiLp CLrk's I '' I I ~, Office recaivea all ^ucb itsu. I I i ,. ',~, 'I, '' A. CALL TO ORDER '' II '',~ ~I ~I 1. Roll Call: coquet _, Alexander _, Stout _, ll it !, ~ Hrown _r and Wright I ~,,, ~, H• ANNOVNCR~N'TS/PRESmYTATIOG3 I. I j I, '', 1. Prb9entatlon of Proclamation to School Oietricte for l ! their Participation in the dolnt Use/Development i I I Agreements for Common Pacilit See. II I '~ ~ C COMMUNICATIONS IRON TH6 PVBLIC II I 'I j TDL i^ the Lice ^ad place for the gener^1 public to addrga ' ~ Lh^ Cit Council. Si I ~,, ~, p ate lar prohibits th^ City Council frq "~, '~,, 'I ^ddreaainq ^ny ie^q noL pr.Houely ineludW w tD. Agend^. ' ~ ~ ~ The City Council ray r^caiv^ taatiaoay aad sat CDa gtNr for i I ~~ j I a aubeaqueOt weLiag. CoamsvL are to b. liaitad to five 'I, I, l~ ~~ I .inuGS per lndividml. I ~ ~! D. CONSENT CALENDAR I I I I I i '~, i '' Tha following Coaaant Cslsnder itq^ ^r^ expected to ba ~I l i '. ', routine and noa-controvealal. Thep rill b. acted upon by tba I ' I, ! Council at on. tie. rltbout diacu^aion. Anp ib. uy De j l~ I I reaoved by ^ Counctl.aMhar or aaabar of the audience for ' ~ i, ' I, diacus^ion. ' ~ ', 1. Approvsl of Minutes: October 1~, 1990 I I l li II 2. Approvsl of Warrants, Re9later Noe. 11/7/90 and 1 I ~, ! I ~ 11/14/90 and Payroll ending 10/25/90 and 11/d/90 for . I i the total amoun L of $2,190,038.09. I I ' 3. Approval to receive antl file current Investment schedule 10 ae of October 31, 1990. ~I ~ 6. Approvsl to authorize the advert Seinq of the ^Notica 16 Invi.ing Bide" for th0 Monte Vleta Med Lan Improvement l Project, located .act of Raetwood Avanur to b^ funded I from Beautificsiion yund, Account No. 21-4647-8972. I PAGE City Council Agnndn November 21, 1990 2 ~ li I I ~ ''. REEOLUTION NO. 90-437 ~ 1~ I ' I li I A RBSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ' 'I ' OP IUINCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING I I ~ ' I ' PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "MONTE VISTA STREET MEDIAN IMPROVHMENT PROJECT", ' IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING I~ I I; '"AE CITY CZ.ER.[ TO ADCSRT:SS TO RECB~JE 67LS II II I I 'I, II 'I I 5. Approval of HnvicCnmental Enhancement and Mitigation ' 21 I, !, I~ Program Grant. '. I ;, ; I RHSOLPfION NO. 90-438 I 22 I I 'I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COVNCIL OP THH CITY ~ i OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ' ~ TAB APPLICATION FOA OAANT FUNDS POR THE I I ENVIRONID:NTAL 6NHANCEMHNT AND MITIGATION ~ ~ ~ PROGRAM UNDER TN% SECTION 164.56 OP THE I ~ ~ i STREHTS AHO HIGHWAYS CODE 1989 FOR TH8 FOLLOWING PROJECT ' ~ 6. Approval of 6nvitonmental Assessment and Tentative Tract ~3 I I 14192 - Nix Development - Submittal of a Resolution I ' I 'I ~ confirming a Clty Council decision made on November 7, ~' ~ 1990r for an appeal of Planning Com91es1on contlitione ', ~ for a proposed reeitlentiel subdivision of fi5 single ~ ~, ; ; ~, I ~ oily : ~e u i eca ea wi aenw toceLBO soucn ni IYtn I I '', i ',, Streei between Hellman Avenue and AmethyeC Stteet in the ~'I I I II I Low Residential District - APN 202-063-12, 14, 40, and i ~! ~'I I~; !! ~'~ RESOLUTION NO. 90-639 24 I I I, ~' A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY !; i ~ OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING t A THNTATIVE TRACT MAP, NUMBER 14192, TO i i PHRMIT A RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OP 65 l ~ i ~ SINGLE lAMILY LOTS ON 19.7 ACRES OF LAND I I ! II LOCATED SOUTH OF 19TH STREET eBTWBEN HLLLMAN I ~ ~ ~I AVBNUE AND AMETHYST STRBBT IN THE LOW ~ ~I i 'i, RESIDENTIAL OZSTAICT AND MAKING FINDINGS IN ~ I i i SL~eeOPT TAEREO.°~ ~ 7. Approval of Summery Vacet ion of an unused City vehlculer 42 Acceee Easement located scat of Mill lken Avenue, south of 81xth Street. ~~ PAGE City Council Agenda November 23, 1990 3 RSSOLVTION NO. 90-440 Q$ A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP RANCNO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUMMARILY OADEAINO THE VACATION OP A CITY VEHICULAR Access aaseMENT 9. Approval of S.:mmary Vacation cf a Sidewalk and public i 4$ Utility Easement located on the southeast corner of MLl liken Avenue and Sixth Street. RESOLUTION NO. 90-441 li d~ A RESOLVTION OP TNB CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY OP ]UNCNO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUNHARILY ORDERING THB VACATION OP A SIVEWALR ANO PVBLIC UTILITY BASEMENT 9. Approval to open escrow with Joan V. Aggnzzotti, for 50 purchase of land at 31929 Foothill Boulevard, to obtain the arrest right-of-way for the Traffic Signal end Street Improvement• on Rochester Avenue and Foothill Boulevard for 559,000.00, plus escrow costa of 53,000.00 to be paid from Syatema Feea Account No. 22-4637-8942- 4607-4117 and authorize tM Director of Community Development to execute all necessary documents. +~• ^NP..sl w nxnuu~e a ae lease of Neal PLOperty I ~+ Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement for Parcel Map 33671 located between Fourth end Sixth Streets and between Pittsburgh and Buffalo Avenues, submitted by Hlse ion Land Company. RESOLUTION N0. 90-442 ~ 52 A ABSOLUTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY OP fUNCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, RELEASING A ASAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AMD LIEN AGREEMENT FROM MISSION LAND COHPANY 11. Approval tp execute Improvement Agreement Extension for I 54 Traci 12659-1, located on Lhe southwaat corner o[ Eiimznda Acacua a.-... ..,.u Straat, submitted by Maiton Aeeociatea. pACe City Council Agenda November 21, 1990 4 RXSOLUTION NO. 90-443 56 II ~ A R68OLVTION OP T!~ CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY i OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING i i I ', IHPR0VEM6NT AGREEMENT BXTENS ION AND I ~ ~ '~ IMPROVEMENT BEWRITY POR TRACT 12659-1 ' i 12. Approval to exeeute improvement P.gmc-Rrt Sxtere ion For j 5% I I, Tracts 12820 and 13727, located on the southwest corner ~I of Carnelian Street and Highland Avenue, submitted by 'I I Southland Development. I, I I ~ 60 RESOLUTION NO. 90-444 I ' ~ ~~ A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY ' OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL IPORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND ~ IMPROVB!ffiNT SECURITY POR TRACTS 12820 AND I 13727 i I 113. Approval to execute improvement Agreement 8xtenslon for I 61 ~ I Tract 13441, located on the northeast corner of Victoria ' i Perk Lane and Kenyon Wey, eutmltted by Gcupe ~ ~I i Development. ' ' 63 i I RESOLUTION NO. 90-445 _ _ _ ', a ovcnr nmmu nv -.,~ ..--.. _,.....--L Ge lna urz ', ' ' ~; OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING I~, '~ IMPROVBMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND ' i I I IMPROVEMENT ESCURITY FOR TRACT 13441 I ~, I I 14. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for I 64 . ' Tracts 13748, 37857 end 13858, located on the southwest ~ ' I or ~ c ner of Banyan Street and Milliken Avenue, submitted ~'i ~ ~' I by M.J. Brock and Sonar Inc. ABSOLUTION NO. 90-446 ~ 66 ~ I ' A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TH8 CITY O! RANCHO CVCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING i j IMPAOVBMBNT AGPEBMHNT EXTENSION AND i t IMPRO'v'EMENT 3rcRORjmy aOP mp eCTS 1.., E, i~w, i i I~ t t I AND 13858 ~ 15. Approvnl to accept Improvements, Ae lease of Bonds and 67 Notice of Completion for Tract 13304 Btorm Drain located on the northwest corner of Mountain VLw Drive and Terra I Vista Parkway. ~. PACE City Council Agenda November 21, 1990 5 i I I Release: I i i Paithful Performance Bond (Street) 5616,155.00 I~ it ji i Accept: i ' . I i ', ', Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ fi1,615.00 I I ~ 6a I ~' '' ~ RESOLllTION NO. 90-447 I ~I ~, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY I i ~ ', OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ACCHPTING '', ~ I ''~ TIH3 PV BL IC IHPAOVEHENTS FOA TRACT 1330d ~', ~I STORM DRAIN AND AUTHORIEINC THE FILING OF I I i ~'~, A NOTICB OF COMPLETION FOA THE WORE i ~ ~ i I 16. Approval tc accept Improvements and Re lease of Banda for 6~ I Tract 13738, Almond Intercept Channel. II I I j Aeleaea: I I Faithful Performance Bond $SBB, 0-0.00 I ~'I 17. Approval to accept Improvements, Raleeae of Bonds and 72 '~ ~. ~I Notice of Completion for DR 86-27, located on the I ~ eoutheeet corner of Center Avenue and 7th SLre9t. I ~ " I , ', Releaser ~ ~i ! ~ I PaithEUl Performance Bond (St tact) $ 58,000.00 i i I I . ~ 73 I ~~~ i CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~I A RHSOLUTION OP THE I ~' '' OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTINtl i THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR -R 86-27 AN- i ~'~, I. I ' ~ , ~ ~ '. AUTHORI2INC THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF . I I COMPLETION FOR THE NORR it '~, ~ ~~~ ~I 18. Approval to accept Improvements, Release of Bonds and 74 ~, ~'. j i Notice of ComDlei ion for DR 88-32 Phase 1, located on i ' I I ', ~', the east side of Myaeop Drive hetwean 4th Street and 6th ~ it it j I Street. ' li , ~' Relanee: , i Pnithful Performance Bond (Street) $ 28,500.00 I i i i RESOLUTION NO. 90-449 ; 75 i ` A RESOLUTION OP TXE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY i OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIAr ACCEPTING i THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POR OR 88-22 PHASE 1 ANO AUTH0RI2I N0 THE PILING OP A NOTICS OP COMPLETION POR THC WOPA / pAG6 City Council Agenda ~i ~ ~{ November 21, 1990 s 6 e ee 0~ a 3t I I 19. Approval to accept Improvements, Release of sonde and 76 I ~., ~ Notice of Caapletion for Parcei Map 9416 located on the ' northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Highland Avenue. ~' ~! i Release: I ~I i Pait hful Performance Bond (Street) $138,000.00 ~ ~ ', Faithful Performance Bond (Stozm Drain) $ 53,000.00 ' ~ I '~ ~! RESOLVTION NO. 90-450 I I~ 77 i j I ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY I I I ! ~~ OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING . I ~ TH8 PCSLIC IHPROVEt~NTS POR PARCEL HAP 9416 AND AUTHORIZING THE PILING OF A NOTICE OF it COMPLETION POR THE NORR i ' 20. Approval to accept Improvement e, Release of Sonde and 78 Notice of Completion tar 13181 Vlctorln Street. II Ra lease: i i Psiihfu3 Performance Bond (street) $ 10,020.00 j 79 RESOLUTION NO. 90-451 I~ I I A RESOLUTION OP THL CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUGAMONGA, CALIPOANIA, ACCEPTING I THE PUBLIC INPROVEloINT3 POR 13181 VV CTORIA i . t j STRRRT aNn ),nnvna~n~..~ a .. i ' ~ ' ~' NOTICB OP COMPLETION FOR THE NORR V I '~ I 21. Lpproval to est a Public Nearing to consider Times 8Q it ~ Mirror's application for a cable television franchise. i I' ~ 5. CON36NT ORDINANCES i ~ I The folloxia9 Ordlsaawa Wve had public hearings at the iLe of first reading. eecoad rudiega are expected to he routine I ~~ ~, ~ and soo-coattoverelal. TDq will be noted upon bT the ComeLl i at oae Lfae xithout dlacusnioa. The Clty Clerk will read the j tLtle. Roy Ltea ua De reeo~ed for dLCUUios. ~ PACE City Council Agenda I Novaaober 21, 1990 ~ 7 1. ENVIRONMENTAL AS9BSSHENT AND OEVELOPXENT DIETAICT AMBNDIffiNT 90-01 - SNERWOOD - A request to amend the Development Districts Hap from "FC" Flood Control to ^L^ Low Residential (2 - 4 dwelling anti per acre) for 1.92 acres contained within two parcels of land located north and south of an extension of Highland Avenua, ad}scent to the east end waet aides of the Cucasronga Creek Chacnel. TF.e City Cou:.c it «ill al se anaidar "OS^ open Space and "VL" Very Low Residential (lase than 2 dwelling unite per sera) as possible lnnd use alternatives. The Planning Commission reconnxnnde approval of Very Low Residential and issuance of e Nanative Declaration. APN: 201-200-37 and 1062-640-37 and 58. ORDINANCE NO. 435 (eacand reading) ~'. AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY ~I. OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPOPNIAr APPROVING I~, ~ 'I DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 90-01, I ~'~ AM%NO ING TH% OEVBLOPMBNT DISTRICTS MAP PROM ~'', "PC" (FLOOD CONTROL) TO "VL" (VERY LOW ' I, ! RESIDENTIAL) FOR TWO PARCELS CONSISTING OP ', 1.92 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED NORTH ANO SOUTH li j OF AN %ATENSION OP HIGHLAND AVENUE ADJACENT 'i I TO THE %AST SIDE OP TFDi CUCAMONGA CREEK II CHANN%L, AND HARING PINDING3 IN SVPPOAT i,,, .u~....... '~, 2. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DSSTAICT ~'.~ ~, AMENDMENT 89-06 - THE JAMES GROUP - A request to amend '', I the Development Dletrict Map from no zoning designation '~, '~ to Low Residential (2 - 4 dwelling units per acre) for ', 7.94 scree of land located at the southeast corner of ' I Mtlliken Avenue and Vintage Driva - APN: 225-251-47. '~, Staff reconaoende Lesuance of a Negative Declaration. ORDINANCE NO. 436 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OP TNB CITY COUNCIL OP TXE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 89-OS, A AEgUEST m0 >.u_ND ...- --.-.......°.'tiT ...DTRICTS MAP FACM NO LONINCTDESIGNATION TO LOW RESIDENTIAL (2 - 4 DWELLING UNITS PEA ACRE) POR 7.94 ACRES OP LAND LOCATED AT THB SOUTHEAST CORNER OP NILLIEEN AVENU% AND VINTAGE DRIVE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THERBOF 82 82 86 86 ~. City Council Agenda November 23, 1990 3. CONSIDERATION TO REDUCE TRB °PESD IMIT ON A0CNH9 R °VENCm HHTWEEN FOOTHILL EQULEVAAD AND BASB LINE ROAD OPD INANCB NO. 437 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OP TN8 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, SECTION 3^.2U. 02O OP THE RA.YCNO w'CAM(:NGA CZTY C00z, REGARDING PRIMA FACIE SPBSD LIMITS UPON CERTAIN CITY STRSHTS l ADVERTISED PVBLIC HEARINGS Tae followLag itns have bean sdwrtisad and/or potted as public auria9s a required by law. The chair will open tae uetivq to receive public tssliawvy. i. CONSIDPR TION OP ENVIRONMENTA_ ASSESSMENT AND CHNERAL vLaN ANxNDI~NT 90-018 - PITASSI/D I U CH ITSCT - A request to amend the General Plan Lend Uas Map from office to Medium Residential (5-14 dwellLng unite per ncre) for 3.56 acres of lend located at the eoutheset corner of Archibald Avenue end Church street. The City will oleo consider Neighborhood Camswrclel end Low- Madium Ree ideuilal as eltsrnative deaignatione. (Cantiauad few septenber 19, 1990) CONS IDEMTION OP BNVIRONMSNTA_ ASSS S PNT ND DEVEIAPMENT DISTRICT' AMSND!ffiNT 90-OZ PITASSI/D M ARCHITECTS - A request to amend the Development Dietrlet's Nap from "OP" (Office/Professional) to "N" (Medium Residential, 8-14 dwelllnq units par acre) for 3.56 scree of land located nt the eoutheset corner of Archibald Avenue and Church Street. Tha City will also consider "NC" (Neighbo[hood Commercial) and "LM" (Low- Medtum Resident Sal) as alternatLve deelgnatlone. (COVtivusd frw Eeptsebsr 19, 1990) CONSIDERATION TO DESIGNATE uaI aTwxgT AS A PRIVATE STREET AND E%EMPTING THE ABUTTING PROPERTIES PR0. PEOUIREMENTS 9ET FORTN IN C PISA 12 08 OP TNB M NICIPAI rnnx (^olLinaed Ira3 CCt3bvr i , 2990] PAGE $6 88 91 91 94 ~~ PACE City Council Agenda November 21, 3990 i 9 i it it ~~, 'I 3 I I I I II ~ III III ~~I~ ail ~~II III I I! RESOLUTION NO. 90-452 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TF~ CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING NAI STRBBT A9 A PAIVATS STREET AND EXEMPTING THE ABUTTING PROPERTIES PROM REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 12.08 OP TFB MUNICIPAL CODE C %VENUS AS PRIVATE STREETS AND &%EMPTING THE PSU TTING PROPERTIES PROM AEOVIAEMENTS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 32 08 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODS (COVtivusd fros Octobs[ 37, 3990) RESOLUTION NO. 90-453 A RESOLUTION OF Tt~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, OBSIGNATING LA SENOR ROAD AND CAADL AVENUB AE A PRIVATE STAEBT AND BXEMPTINC T7i8 AEVTTING PROPERTIES PROM REQUIREMBNTS SET FORTH IN CNAPTSR 12 .0R OP TN8 MURICIPAL ODDS CONSIDEMTZON TO REPROGRAM CDBG FUNDS O. PVELIC E611RIN08 i "~, Tha follorivg itus hsvs vo lsgsl publiestiov or postivg i raquirusvts. Ths Chair will apse the ssstivg to rscsivs ~~ public tutisavP. ~~, No Stema Submitted. i R. CITY MANAOER'8 STAfP REPORTS The fnllasivg itasa do vot lagsllP rsquirs soy public tutisouP, although tha Chair uP npsn the ssstivg for public ivput. 1. O RECOMMERDATION TO INIiiATE SCHOOL PAA7.Is@.~NFOACHNEY.T W (COVtivus to Dscssbsr S, 1990) 2. f~ WEST 6ND COMMUNICATION AVTNOAITY JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT ICO 90-0701 98 100 104 log 108 109 PAGE City Council Agenda November 41, 1990 SO RESOLUTION NO. 90-454 110 A ABSOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF pANCNO COCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORISING AMBNOMBNT OP THE NEST BND CD%NUNI GTION AUTHORITY AGREEMENT TO PBAMIT MBNBBRSITYP OP TFDS CRINO RURAL FIRS PROTECPZON DISTRICT ~ j. COUNCIL NOSINESS The following itga bare Mee sequeated 6p the Citp Council for discussioa. TTq as aot public hgriag iiga, although ' the Cbair up epee the Meting for public input. 1. PILL TH6 VN6%PIASD TEAM OF BETSY NEINBBRGBA (Otal Report) ~, ~ 112 NBANAROSNO COUNTY/CITIES - A at atue tepoxt on the development of a Model Regional Air quality 8lemant for San Bernardino County and other citiae Including Rancho Cucaaongn. , S. IDENT2FIGTION OF ITNMS YON MNIT NElFINO Thi• i• the tine for Citp Council to ideatitp the itge Thep wish to dlacuea at the next auetiag. These itge will not be diacusaed et thla uetia9, on1T identified for the next uetiag. ~ R. COMMUNIGTSONB FROM TH6 PUBLIC This la the ties and place for the geaaral public to addros the Ciip Comeil. state lar prohibii• the Citp Council trw addressing anp issue wt preriouslp included or the Agenda. The Citp Couoeil cap rsCeire tesliway end w! the utter for subasqueai esetiag. CageaU are to be 3leitad to fire afautes pet iadiridual. 1 PAGE City Council Agenda i NovemGr 21, 1990 ~ 11 NEETINO TO ADJOVRN TO EZECDTIVE 8ES8IOM TO pI8CU88 PR7DINO LITItlATION XITe MARTI OIT61lPRI8E8, IMCOIIPORAT®. 6ZECUTIV6 SE882ON TO ADJOURN TO SPECIAL COUNCIL NEETIMO OE DECE1816R 3, 1990, 7100 P.M. IN TeE COWfCIL CBAMBEAB, POR 98ATIN6 OP TN6 COUNCIL AND OTBER NA°.Pl.RB RSI.ATED TO THS ELECTION BQD NOVQMBEIt 6, 1990. I, Debra J. AdamN, City Clerk of the City of Aancho Cucamonga, hereby certify tAat n true, accurate copy of Cho foregoing agenda was posted on November 16, 1990, seventy-two ('/2) hours prior to the meeting per Government Coda SA953 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. October 17, 1990 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUT89 Reaulaz Meet ina A. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga Clty Council met on Wedneeday, October 17, 1990 in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m. by Mayor Denn ie L. Stout. Present were Councilmembers: William J. Alexander, Deborah N. Brown, Cherlee J. Buquet II, Pamela J. Wtight, and Mayot Dennis L. Stout. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Jamsa Markman, City Attornsy; Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, Rick Gomez, Community Development Director; Brad Buller, City Planner; Larry Henderson, Principal Planner; Scott Murphy, Aaaoc iete Planner; Shintu Boee, Deputy City Engineer; Robert 2etterberg, Public Works Maintenance Managert Dan Jaelee, Sr. Civil Engineer; Joe Stota, Aeeociate Engineer; Terry Grant, Building Of ficinl; Jim Hart, Adminietratlve Services ^l rantnre avaan Nnaly. Pin r Offl rn.r .ino RrFnl•s. 1•,.nimunlro enr..i ..no Director; Duane Baker, Aeeietant to the City Managet; Diane O•Neal, Management Analyst II; Sue an Mickey, Management Analyst I; Patty Riffel, Executive Aeeietant; Chief Donnie Michael and Chief Lloyd Almond, Rancho Cucamonga Pire Protection District; Capt. Bruce Zeiner, Rancho Cucamonga Police Department; and Debra J. Adams, Clty Clerk. • • . . . . H. ANNOVNCEMHNT9/PR688NTATION3 01. Presentation o£ Proclamation Observing Red Ribbon Week, October 21-27, 1990. Mayor Stout read the Proclamation. 02. Jack Lam, City Manager, pointed out there was an addendum to the agenda entitled "COneiderat ion of Reaoluiion support ing the Repeal of SS 2157", which would be item number 3 under City Manager's Staff Reports. B3. Jack Lem, City Managet, requested an Executive Seeelon t:o die case personnel mettere. City Council Minutes October 17, 1990 Page 2 s4. Mayor Stout stated that this meeting would be adjourned in the memory of Sam Punter because of hie recent death, and et ated what a to se it will be for the City of Rancho Cucamonga. f R# R R R COMNNIGTIONS PROM TH6 PVRLIC Cl. Diane Williams, 7251 Amethy at, etatetl that two weeks ago she had questioned the information that was put forth on an Lndependent feasibility study regarding the Sports Complex, the economic eoundnees of the maintenance end operation of the etndium being built when the major source of income was anticipated to be from the Gale of beer. She stated at that time she requested the Council to reconsider their action on tte approval of this project. She stated on this agenda she ease an item on the agenda requested by Councilmember Buquet requesting the adoption of a coat anal yais pcl icy regarding public buildings. She felt this ehoultl be linked to the Sports Complex and asked for the Council to reconsider their decision on the Sports Complex until they have allowed this project the thorough public scrutiny Lt deserves. She also quest coned Sf the copy of the study that she had received, and which had also been given io the Park 6 Recreation Commission, was a draft copy. Sha stated she had been told she could receive a copy of the corrected copy once it wee reatly, and had et ill not received a copy of it ae of today. She eeked what was the purpose of an independent feasibility study if it la altered by the City staff to meet the whim of the project. •enL 1 niY.. Venenn~ +AAnA 4Aa• a ~e.,i an.i ..n ainn •An nY.. A.r AaA Ann.. d ietributed to the Council tonight and that he had a copy of it to give to Hrs. wlillama tonight. A. CONSENP CALLRiDAR D1. Approval of Minutes: September 19, 1990 (Brown absent) D2. Approval of Warrant e, Reg Teter Noe. 9/5/90 and 10/3/90; and Payroll ending 9/27/90 for the total amount of 1,898,57.1.62. D3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule ae of September 3u, i99D. D4. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On Sale Beer & Wine Eating place for Rancho That B. B.g.r NSpa Tongchantra, Vatchara Sankoeik, Damrong Tarukachon, Keriteena Terukachon, 9581 Foothill Boulevard. D5. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On sale Beer 6 Wins Bsting Place for Above Board Oe11r Jan and Aobert Sot lroer 6610 Carnelian. City Council Minutes October 17, 1990 Pnge 3 D6. Alcoholic Heverage Application for Off-sale Beer 6 Wine Typo 20 fot Smart a Finalr SFA Corporation, 0675 Baee Line Aoed. D7. Alcoholic Heverage Application for on Sale Beet d Wine Eating Place for Cherony•e Deli, Gregory Dal® Glannamore end Robert Joseph riartin Jr., 9170 Haven Avenue. /102. De. Approval to authorize the advertising of the "Notice :: ..ling Bids' for the ML11Lken Avenue Underpass Improvement Project, located between Sixth Street and Jersey 9oulevard, to be funded from 50140 Account No. 35-4637-9030 and RDA Account No. 15-51000. RESOLUTION NO. 90-397 A AESOLUTION OF THS CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPAOVIN6 PLANS AND SPSCI FICATIONS FOA THB "MILLIREN AVENUE UNDERPASS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT", IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BID9 D9. Approval of Article a Claim Transportation Funds for Fiscal Year 1990/91. D10. Approval to Expend Aeeet gel rare Punde. Oil. Approval of Landmark Designation 90-04 - Aoth'a Store end Poet Office, located at 7157 Ameihyetr ere an Historic Landmark - APN 202-151-01. A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING HISTORIC LANDMARK NO. 90^06, THEREBY DESIGNATING ROTH•S STORE AND POST OFFICE (RNOWN AS EANIE'S PLACE), LOCATED AT 7157 AMETHYST AVSNVBr RANCHO CUCAMONGA, AE AN HISTORIC LANDMARK 012. Approval for Vacation of a Temporary Easement for Retention Basin and Drainage Facilities - Tract 13425 -A request to summarily vacate a temporary easement for grading and construction of Retention Basin, Earthen Berme and Drainage Facilities, located on the southwest corner of Highland Avernus and 19th St reef. RBSOLUTION NO. 90-399 A RESOLUTION OP TNS CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGR, CALIFORNIA, SUMMARILY ORDERING TH8 VACATION OP THB TEMPORARY EASSl1ENT POR RETENTION BASIN AND DRAINAGE FACILITIES ON TRACT 13425 City Council Hlnutee October 17, 3990 Page 4 D13. Approval to award and authorization to execute contract (CO 90-143) for the Landscape and Irrigation Contract for Landscape Maintenance Districts Noe. 1 and 5 to Landscape Waet of Anaheim, California, in the amount o£ $97, 752.D0 to be funded by Land seeps Maintenance Dietricte 1 and 5 - Account Noe. 40-6130- 6028 and 44-4330-6028, reepsetiveiy. D14. Approval to award and authorisation to execute contract (CO 90-144) for the Landscape and Irrigation Contract for Landscape Maintenance Dietricte Noe. 2 and 4 to Landscape Weet of Anaheim, California, 1n the amount of $236,331.00, to be funded by Landscape Xaintenance Dietricte 2 and 4 - Account Noe. 41-4130- 6028 and 43-6130-6028, respectively. D15. Approval to award and authorization to execute contrace (CO 90-145) for the Landscape and Irrigation Contract for Landscape Maintenance Districts Nos. 3A and 3B to Mariposa Horticultural Enterprises, Incorporated of South E1 Monte, California, in the amount of $95,731.00 to be funded by Landscape Maintenance Dietricte 3A and 38 - Account Noe. 01-6667-6028 and r2-4130-6028, respectively. D16. Approval to execute agreement (W 90-146) with San Bernardino County Flood Control District for authorization of expenditure of Day Creek Froject Funds and Approval to execute agreement (CO 90-147) with the Metropolitan Water District of Southern Cal itornie (MWD) for Planning, constructing, Maintaining and Us tag Dr, sin Line Facilities extending from Mi7D site, wAich is located at the northwest corner of Etiwanda Avenue and Arrow Route, wsetacly, approximately one mile, to the Day Creek Channel. City share will be $S45,GOU.00 of the total set imatad project coat of $6,545,000.00 using Fonda already allocated for the work in this area from the Day Creek Project. D17. Approval to execute a Professional Services Agreement (CO 90-168) with Bauer Environmental Services for the preparation of a subsequent Environmental Impact Report for Vesting Tentative Tract 14475 located north of Almond Street, west of Sapphire Street, not to exceed $39,905.00, with set amount to be reimbursed by the applicant. D18. Approval to Release Lien Rights related to reimbursement Agreement for FYOntage Improvements for AB Beeeor Parcel Noe. 209-142-14, 209-142-15, 209-14- 17 and 209-142-34 located south of AYYOW Highway, east of Utica Avenue submitted by Barton Development Company and Vtlea-Haven Associates. RESOLUTION NO. 90-400 A RESOLUTION OF THR CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CVCi,MONGA. ~.,w iFvidiiA. RELEASING LIRii RIGHTS RELATED 4'O REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS FOR ASSBSSOR PARCEL NUMBfiRS 209-162-14, 209-142-15 AND 209-142-34 PROM BARYON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY AND POR ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 209- 142-17 FROM UTICA-HAVEN ASSOCIATES ^19. Approval to accept Raal Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement from Lawrence E. and Cheryl Perdew far n single family residence, located on the west aide of Baet Avenue, north of Highland Avenue. City Council Ninutae October 17, 1990 Page 5 RBSOLOTION NO. 90-401 A RS50LOTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT At70 LIEN AGABBMEHT FROM I.ANRENCB E. ANO CHERYL PEADEW AND AOTHOAIEING TME MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN TH8 SANE D20. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement xxtenelon fer Parcel Nap 5996, located on Cabroaa Place south of Wileon Avenue, submitted by Randolph and Sandra Davie. RESOLUTION NO. 90-402 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMBNT SECURITY FOR PAACSL MAP 5996 D23. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Sxieneion for Parcel Map 30295, located on Blm Avenue between Spruce Avenue end Church Street, submitted by LeWte HomeB. RESOLUTION NO. 90-403 A ABSOLVTION OF THS CITY COUNCIL OP THH CITY OP RANCHO CCCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPAOVEMBNT RGREEMBNT %%THNSION AND IMPROVEMENT SBCUAI TY FOft PARCEL NAP 10295 D22. Approval to eaceDt Imnrnvemon~• an+~.-.. __ _o :_ ...... .. - f +.wmpieuon for Tract 12969 located on the south elde of Arrow Ravte at EdwinwCOUrt. Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $113,000.00 Accept: tda intenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 11,300.00 RESOLUTION NO. 90-904 A RESOLUTION OF THE CZTY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCBPT ING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEHeNTS FOA TRACT 12969 AND ADTHOAIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICS OP COMYLBTION POA THE NOAR D23. Approval to accept Improvements, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for Trent 132?0 Ea9iG ¢2 .orated on the nnri hweo* __-.,_- of ......r..., ~uvac and Milliken Avenue. Aeleeee: Fa lthful Performance Bond (Street) $486,000.00 Accept: Nnintanance Ouarentee Bond (Street) $ 4&,600.00 City Council Minutae October 17, 1990 Page 6 A85oLUTI0N NO. 90-405 A ABSOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVBNBNTS POR TRACT 13270 BASIN i2 AND AUTHOAIZINO THE PILING OP A NOTICE OP COMPLBTION POA THE WORK D24. Approval to accept 2mproveaoente, Release of Anode and Notice of Coap/sticr. foi Tract 13823 located on the south aide of Lemon Avenue between Bareec Place and Semillon Places. Releeee: Faithful Performance Bond (street) $63,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bnnd (Street) $ 6,300.00 RESOLUTION ND. 90-406 A R85OLUTI0N OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING TN8 PUHLIC IMPROVEMENTS POR TRACT 13823 AND AUTHORIZING THS FILING OP A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THB WOAR D25. Approval of Improvements, Relsaea of Bonds and Notlce of Completion for Tract 13425, located on Lhe north aids of 19th Si rest between Haven Avenue and Ftiy Y.land Avenue. Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $623,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (St rest) $ 62,300.00 RESOLUTION NO. 90-407 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP :..~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPOANIA, ACCEPTING THB PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13425 AND AUTHORIE INC THE PILING OP A NOTICE OF COMPLETION POA THE WORA D26. Approval to release Maintenance Hood for Ttact 13058 located on the west aide of Pnirmont Way south of Highland Avenue. Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $75,000.00 027. Approval to a-Ceps Hiahiand Aven9a rmprrove^ent, fra: Na --- Mayberry Avenue, Contract No. 90-073, ae canplate, release the bonds send authorise the Clty Engineer to file a "Notlce of Completion". City Council Minutes October 17, 3990 Page 7 RESOLOTION NO, 90-d08 A PHSOLUTION OF TNB CITY COUNCIL OF TNB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALI POANIA, ACCEPTING THS PUBLIC IMPAOVEMENT6 FOR THE AIGfU.AND AVENUE INPROVHNHNT PRO.TSCT, PROH HEANOSA AVBNVE TO MAYBHRRY AVENUE, CONTRACT NO. 9C-073, AND AUTHORISING THE FILING OP A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOA THE WORR MOTION: Moved 6y Alexander, seconded by Brown to approve the Consent Calendar, with Brown abstelning from voting on the m!nutee of September 19, 1990. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. • • w . • . B• COMBSNT ORUINANCEe E1. CONSIDERATION OP 6MJIRONMSNTAL A33833MENT AND INDUSTRIAL AAHA SPECIFIC PLAN - A proposed amendment to adjv st the northern boundary of Subaren 8 on the west aide of Roche stet Avenue northerly 330 feet, weatarly 1,065 feet, end southerly 330 feet to its present boundary with 9ubaren 7~ delete the planned extension of Day Creak Boulevard between Rochester and Mill lken Aveneeaj and realign a portion of Day Creek Boulevard east of Rochester Avenue. The purpose oP this amendment ie io accommodate the development of a City sports pork at the norihweeG corner of Acchaeter Avenue and Airow Mighway - APN 229-011-09, 06, 24, 21.9-021-15, 20, 28, 34, 41r 42, 44, 45, 53, 54, and 35. The Plennirq Commission recommends issuance of a Negative Declarnt ion. Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 431. OAD INANCE NO. 431 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OP TNH CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INDUSTRIAL AREA SPRCIPIC PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 90-03 TO A0.7UST THE NORTHHAN BOUNDARY OF SUBAREA 8 ON THH WEST SIDE OP ROCNESTBA AVBNUB NORTHERLY 330 FEET, WHSTBALY 1,065 FEET, ANO SOUTHERLY 330 PEET TO ITS PRESENT BOUNDARY WITH SUBARBA 77 DELETION OF THE PLANNED EXTENSION OF DAY CRBHR BOULBVAAO 88TWEEN ROCHESTER AND MILL2ICEN AVENUBS~ AND THH REALIGNMENT OF A PORTION OP DAY CASBR BOULFIVARD 6A8T OP AOCHESTBR AVENVB, AND MARINO PINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF MOIIOA: Moved by Alexa ndwr; awenndwd Dy aum!wt r,. wnl ye nJ 11 _e.n~..~ and approve ordinance No. 431. Notion carried unanimously, 5-0. • R X • • ~ City Council Minutes October 17, 1990 Page e F1. I S A DE I T SPRINRLSRS BSCAUSS OF LOCAL CONDITIONS - A resolution, wRen adopiedr which will comply with the proyisLon of the State of Cal itornia Health and Safety Cods Section 17958.7. (Cpptisved iros eapts~ber 5, 1990) Staff report presented by Jerry Crant, Building Official. Mayor Stout asked if the Building Industry Association (BIA) and the Chamber of C~.pneree had been mailed nolicee for the Public Safety Commission pu611c hearings. Jerry Grant, Building Official, stated they were preeenY at the Public Safety Commission meeting, Dut had asked for n continuance the first time it had gone before the Public Safety Commission. Cou nc ilmember Alexander asked if there would need to be any changes for plan check fees if this Ordinance waa approved. Jerry Grant, Building Official, felt the fees already established would be suf Eicient. Chief Michael, Pire District, stated the BIA and Chamber were notified of the public hearing before tae Public Safety Commission. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Adtlreaeing the Clty Council were: Rent Crowley, Chamber of Camoe.;ce, eteted that Che Council hoe a nee..„~~,.n 1.n£nre them approved by the Chamber, and added As applauded the City staff for their nseietence cn this matter. Ha stated he Sett the Ordinance should include ether rtmthods of fire detection, i. e., smoke detectors. He felt geographic locations should be considered ae far ae those people who live below or above Highland. He added he felt the ordinance was damaging to the oconomic growth of the City, and that the CRambet ie opposed to it ae curr,:ntly proposed, and asked for further investigation 6y the City on chicsetter. Bill Conway, resitlent of Rancho Cucamonga and small business owner, presented a handout Sy the NPPA to the City Council which wee also made a pact of the record. Mt. Conway stated he did not Eeel a Eirs sprinkler system would help a smoldering fire, and d1tl not feel fire sprinklers were the life severe people thought theT would 6e. Nayor Stout asked ML Co;f«ay i. ae felt firs sprinklers would be beneficial in certain areas of the City. Mr. Conway did not think eo. Councilmember Brown stated that all of the footnotes on the handout refer to 1982 end felt there were hopefully newer figures then those referretl to in the handout. City Council Minutes October 17, 1990 Paqa 9 Hr. Conway felt the numbeze were et ill fairly current. Ha continued to say that whet he was trying to point out to the City Council was that fire eprinklere ware old technology. Councilmenater Alexander stated what he henrd Mr. Conway and the Chamber of Commerce saying was that they wanted the City to go back and put smoke detectors in existing homes, which he felt would 6e very costly. No added he felt fire eprinklere would save lives. He added that if every resident was asked to raplaw a wood roof with rile that it would bo very costly. Mr. Conway et ated he agreed that fire eprinklere save lives, but that they were not worth the coat involved, that seeks detectors would still be effective. He felt this would De a Dotter way with lase coat to the homeowner. Bill Beatty, 10532 Acacia, passed out information to the City Council. Mayor Stout asked why this had not been brought forth sooner. Mt. Beatty continued to go through the information distributed to the Clty Council. He felt smoke alerroa should be approved by the City Council with installation made mandatory city-wide. Ha stated an alarm system could be installed for approximately $400.00 in a small house. He also submitted a brochure to be made part of the record. Chief Almand, Fire District, stated that the Fire Diatrlct eupport• Lhe fire sprinkler ordinance which was before the City Council. Ne introduced Gary Turner, Fire Marshall of Montclair, and John Roberta. Fire Mare hall of aan enr naratno County, which covers Pentane, who would De presenting further information. Rodney eeavere tlld not feel the alarm system proposed to the City Council by Mr. Beatty was adequate. Cary Turner, Pire Matahal of Montclair, stated that they adopted a fire alarm and sprinkler ordinance lest year which was more complex than whet was before the City Council tonight. Ne stated that they also had the same reaction from the B1A ee Aancho Cucamonga ie having. Ho stated that fire eprinklere have been 991 effective according to NFPA standards. Mayor stout asked if they have experienced any breakage of pipes or any leaking plpee. . Turner stated yea, Dut only Decauae of vandallem. Ne added he has etatiatice that chow only 1 !n 16,000,000 sprinkler heads fall. John Roberta, Pire Mare hall of San Bernardino County for Pont ane, stated the idea of Plre eprinklere in Poniana was very receptive and aucceeeful, end that some of the merchants era ueing the installation ae a eelilnq pots[. City Council Minutes October 17, 1990 Page 10 Jae Olson, Lewis Home e, stated that' supported the Chamhere letter that the Ciiy Council received. Ae Ealt the problem was with the limitations of the ordinance. He signed Lew'_e Homes would support n City-wide program for the installation of smoke detectors. He also added that Lewis Homes was present at the Public Safety Commieelon meetings when this was heard before them. He etetsd that on September 18, 1990 the State Lagielature paeeed SB 1830 which dealt with the issue of fire eprinklere and the City and local agency abilities to legislate this. He elated the question to the Legislative Counsel was "if this were to become law, would an agency have the authority, except as required by the California Building Standards Code, to mandate automatic fire sprinkler eyeteme in residential dwell Sage^. He added the opinion offered by the Legislative Counsel was that an Agency would not have that authority of reverting back to the original opinion with respect to et ate pre-emption. He wanted this made a pars of the record. Cou ncilmember Brown asked if thin had been signed by the Governor Chief Michael, Fire District, stated it has been approved and chaptered along with an accompanying bill. There being no further response, the public hearing was closed. Councilmembet Alexander stated that fire eprinklere save lives and that was the bottom line. Ha elated ha did not know if retxoPltting was the an ewer, and whether to go back and install these in homes already completed, but felt they shoo ld start being installed with new construction. Councilmembar Brown stated she figured the loan amount for installing a sprinkler eyetem, antl that it would be cheaper than installing en alarm system by Bmnet. She added there would also be an additional credit on homeowners insurance. She stated for the record that it was essential that any new homes built in this City that ere being eubeldized by City funds by the texpeyete money should have sprinkler eyetems. She felt it would add to the coat of the homes, but the money that would be saved will, in the long run, go a lot further than in the caeca of having one or iwo of these houses subsidized Dy the Cily burn down. She felt it was en Sesue of safety not eeonomice. Councilmember Wright asked if this would cover rebuilds. Jerry Crant, Building Official, stated it would be for new housing only, not reDulltle. councilmember Wright stated she would like rebuilding added to the ortllnance and felt the fire eprinklere were well worth the money. Councilmem6er Buauet asked if the City was in n time crunrh with the stele on this. City Council Minutes October 17, 1990 Pagn 11 James Hatluoanr City Attorney, stated there was not a time deadline, that there hoe been leglelat ion paBeed that is ambiguous. He stated Che case has net been litigated. He felt if this ordinnnce ie passed and challenged, the City could .n good faith attempt to protect and defend it. Cou ncilmember Buquet stated he Le net opposed to the Council dealing with this iaeue or moving forward with some sort of provision of Fire protection within the homes, but felt it should be communicated to those that deal with this issue -:. t,`.a future that it Se there to assist other systems. He wanted to keep [he coat to a minimum for the initial construction and to make aura that it ie something that is long term. He stated he would also like to see something to present homeowners chat could benefit them to be able to afford this. Mayor Stoui suggeeted that two ordinances be before the Council for approval, the First one be ae was submitted to Council with the additional language of rebuilds included in it ae Councilmember Wright suggeeted, and the second companion ordinance to be identical to that, but have an effective date of January 1, 1991 which includes the legislation zecently signed. James Mer]unan, City Attorney, suggeeted th¢y take a short break eo the necessary language could be added to the ordinance. MayoY Stout stated he felt tale roofs were a good idea. He stated he did not think cost was the issue regarding fire sprinklers. He reported on the demonetrntton that he, Councilmembere Hrown and Alexnnder went through on fire sprinkler systems and that he was convinced that they do save lives. Ne did not feel Rancho Cucamonga +hould we it nny longer, that the SOt of the City that le left to be built should have fire sprinklers. + • • • n . Mayor Stout called a recess at 8:a1 p.m. The meeting was called back to order at 9:00 p. m. with all members of Council present. t A • A f ~ RESOLUTION NO. 90-352 A AESOLUTZON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAKONGA, CALIFORNIA, HARING EXPRESS FINDINGS AND DETEPMINATIONS THAT MODIFICATIONS TO THE CZTY'S BUILDING 0006, A5 AIHIPTBD HY ORDINANCE N0. 426 ARE REASONABLY NBCESSARY BECAVSB OF LOCAL CLIMATIC, CEOLGOiCid. GA a'OFODP_~PMIC:.L CUnDITTONS MOTION: Moved by Brown, seconded by Hrlght to approve Reeolut ion No. 90-352. Motion curried unnnimouely, 5-0. City COUnCit MLnutee October 17, 1990 Page 12 Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordnance No. 426. James Markman, City Attorney, stated the next action would be to consider the adoption of two ordinanceer one would be effective as usual and self-destruct at the end of 1990, and the other would be identical and take affect January 1, 1991 which would provide protection since there ie language in the legislation which he felt was ambiguoue. He stated the following shoo ld be added to page 117. ae paragraoh number three at the bottao which would atat9 that Section 15.12.170 is added to ea id Vniform Building Code to read as follows: ^Any existing structure of an occupancy referred to in Sect lone 15.12.166 and 15.i2.16B of this code hereafter damaged ee a result of fire, earthquake, or other disaster which requires subetant Sally complete demolition and reconstruction of the structure in Ste entirety, shall have an approved automatic sprinkler system installed therein.^ He stated this would be in l»th ordinances. Me stated Ordinance 426 should state it ie effective until January 1, 1991, and that ordinance 434 would be identical but would state the ordinance would take affect January 1, 1991. ORDINANCE NO. 426 (firer reading) RN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RA.YCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 15, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRVCTION, OP THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MVNICIPAL CODS AND nnnomrur. wv ngFR.RRNCA ATANDAADS NPPA 13D AND NFPA 13R, BOTH PUBLISHED EY THE NATIONAL PIAE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, REQUIRING THE INSTALLATION OF AUTOMATIC PIKE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS IN RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCIES AND CERTAIN BUILDINGS ACCESSORY THERETO, WITH CERTAIN AMENDMENTS, DELETIONS AND EXCEPTION TO SAID CODES MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Alexander Co waive full reading and set aeoond reading of Ordinance No. 426 for November 7, 1990. Hot ion carried unanimously, 5-0. ORDINANCE NOa, 434.; ifS.Yat,YUBd~nQJ•'', City Council Hinutes October 17, 1990 Page 13 MOTION: Moved by Srown, seconded by Alexander to add Ordinance No. 434 ae stated above, waive full reading and set second reading for November 7, 1990. Motion carried unanimously, 5-D. Councilmember Buquet stated he Eelt this was a proactivn etepi however hie support foz this ae it ie presently written ie contingent upon exploring various alternatives and incentives he previously discussed in dealing with existing housing etoek in the City including retroactivity. Counc ilmember Alexander stated he agreed with this. • • e ZTSMB P2 AND P3 I/SRE CONSIDERED TOOHTHBR AT TSS BANG TINE. F2. CONSIDERATION TO D G B IVAT ST T NG THS ABUTTING PAOPHATISS FROM RHOU IAE[~NTS SET PoATH IN CNAPTHR 12 OB GF THS 11UNICIPAL CODS (COUtinuW fru Oclobar 3, 1990) Staff report presented by Dan Samea, Br. Civil engineer, who suggested both of thew iaeuee be forwarded to the 4ublic Safety Commission to review, and then return to the City Council for further action. Counellmamber Alexander added that the issue of publLe safety Se Smportant when it comes to the des ignation of private etreete and rather than et the present time going to public hearing, Y.e stated it was the recommendation of the Public Works Subcommittee to allow the Public 9sEety Commission to review and make ccmmente on both of these issues sad then come back to the Council. counc i.lmember Baguet stated there ace n lot of private etreete Ln the City that they were not even aware existed. xe stated what the Subcommittee•a concern was and the reason they felt it should De forwarded to the Public Safety Commiaeion was because of the Eact that someone needs to make a determine[ ion et what point should a private street no longer be a private street. Mayor ~itout asked if there was anyone in the audience who wanted to speak about this 1:3eue that could not be present at the November 21st meeting. Addressing Council. were: Cary Williams, 9988 Almond, stated he wanted to build a wall on hie property, but the City would not allow it unless there was an offer of dedication. aiiiea %:ar`-„an, t> Aticrney, uggested the Mr. Wi lliame give the offer of dedlcat Lon and SE the Council makes this n private arrest, they could give it back to him. Re:ndy Cometaek, 4930 Mai, stated there Se a flee hydrant et Mr. Nilllema carnet for the Council's information. Hs felt it should ba a private street. He oleo mentioned that Bob White Se a neighbor of hie and La also in favor of the private street. City Council Minutae October 17, 1990 Page 14 Councilmember Buquet stated the Subcolmnittee feels that because of the response caning in with these requeaie that a policy be formulnted spelling out speoif is minimum standards prior to consideration of the City taking action or a position. He £elt the situation should be checked out thoroughly and referred to the Public Safety Covmieeion for their recosmendation to come back to the Council. Ccuncilmembez Alexander stated he agreed with Ccuncilmember Euquet. Ho felt the City Council SuDCOnmittee and a representative from the Public Safety Cortanieeion should get together and report beck to the City Council at the next meeting available. Councilmember Wright felt the City should take the offer of ded.icaticn end let Mr. Williams build the wall. Hayor Stout felt the public safety issue should be resolved before a final decision Le made. MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded Dy Alexander to refer the item for public hearing before the Public Safety Coamleeion on November 8, continue this public hearing to November 21, and for the Council Subcowoittee to meet with the residents on other issues of concern prior to November 21. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. a • • • a P3. A emnRRTC awn RVRYATTNn Twit AR1M`TTNn PAhAP.RTT P.C 9PON PROIITRW.rIP.WTR RRT MATA TN CHAPTER 12.08 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE {Coatlaued from October 3, 1990) See Item F2 for discussion and motion. Pd. DE O 0 R O TI OF T G DISTRICT N A F P C P 1 8 4 N ST S V Staff report presented by Joe Stofa, Associate 6nginesr. Hayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public Dearing was oloeed. iv.SOi:JTTOH K0. 90-4v9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAIbNGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THB WORK IN CONNECTION WITH FORMATION OP STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. B AND ACCEPTING THB FINAL BNOINESR'9 REPORT FOR PARCEL MAP 12854 MOTION: Noved by Brown, seconded by Wright to approve Resolution No. 90-409. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. City Council Minutse October 17, 1990 Page 15 1 R R R F5. CONSIDERATION OF %NVZ RONHENTA AMENDMENT 90-02 - CITY OP IUNCfiO Wrawnwr.A - A request to amend the density provisions of the Victoria Co®unity Plen to require changes in land use designations to be approved by Clty Council. Staff report presented by Seott Hurphy, Associate Planner. Councilmember Brown asked if this includes any gtandfathering. Scott Murphy, Associate Planner, stated since it was not mentioned in the ordinance, .it was not included. Hayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the Council were Gary Luque, William Lyon Cwopany, stated they ere requesting that the projects that ate currently Ln the process ba exoludad from the ordinance, in particular the pzoject et the northeast corner of Milliken and Baee Line by Lincoln Properties. Beverly Adamson, homeowner in Taira Vieia nrea, stated that density ie a greet concern of the residents in Terra Vista and felt that the City Council should be voting on these matters Snetead of the Planning Commission. Hayor Stout stated these mnttete nre voted on by both the Planning Commission and the City Council. Ne. Adamson felt she would like to sae the two proposed properties, the one In Terra Vista in particular, not grandfathered. Pat Dutton, 11405 Genova, stated he liked what he saw in the ordinance, antl would like to see no grandfathering, Councilmember Wright asked M:~. Luque if he felt Llncaln shoo ld be grandfathered or not. Mr. Luque stated he did not feel Lincoln should be grandfathered in. Eeith Durham, 7682 Winbleton, stated he concurs with what ie being proposed. Me also in~ryired about the previous multi-family workshop discussion e. Mayor Stout gave him information on what was discussed and invited him to participate in the next worket op. Brad Buller, City Planner, erased that for Lhs Lincoln Propertise project, the echsdu led hearing data before planning Comnteeion La November 14, end thei if the Council carried out the ecenaric when this might reach final conclusion and Clty Council Minutes October 17, 1930 Page 16 when this ordinance would be in effect, 30 deye after second reading, there would be a chance Ghat if it ie approved through the Planning Cosrniesion process, that this project may be approved before this ordinance becomes effective. Mayor Stout asked that the CSty Council's concerns be e:preeeed to the Planning Cortaoiseion about this project and give staff direction that the Council would like to see this project at Council level within the appeal period filed. Brad Buller, City Planner, statetl that would be possible. There being no further response, the public hearing was closed. Councilmember Wright felt this should be approved. Councilmember Brown stated this was brought to the City Council Deceuse it was brought up by a resident. Debra T. Adams, City Clerk, read the titles of Ordinance Noe. 632 and 433. ORDINANCE No. 432 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OP TNB CZTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFOANIA, APPROVING VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 90-02, NIBNDINO THE DENSITY PROVISIONS OF THB VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN TO REQUIRE CHANGES IN LANG USH DESIGNATION9 TO &6 APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL, AND HARING CONSIOHPATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TER A VISTA COMM[NI^Y PLAN iT 9 0 CU ONCA - A request to amend the density provle ions of the Terra Vista Community Plan to require changes in land use des lgnatione to be approved 6y City Council. ORDINANCE NO. 433 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THB CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CAL IFURNIA, APPROVING TBRAA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 90-01, AMBNDING THB DHNSITY PROVISIONS OP TH6 TBRPA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN TO REQUIRE CHANGES IN LAND USE DESIGNATIONS TO RE APPROVE') BY CITY COUNCIL, AND HARING PINDINCS IN SUPPORT 'fHERBOP MOTION: Roved by Buquet, seconded by Bzou~n to waive full reeding and set second reading of Ordinance Noe. 432 and 433 for Novembec 7, 1990. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. Mayor Stout asked that staff convey the City council~e concerns to the Planning Commission. City Council Minutes October 17, 1990 Page 17 Brad Bullet, City Planner, stated he would include them in hie staff report to the Planning Commission. . ~ . . . x O PDBLIC HEARIROB No Items submitted. + . R CITS MANAOER•B BTA1T RBPCRT H1. REPORT ON ACTIVITIES NEAR THE VICINITY OP TNB LABOR CAMP Staff report presented 6y Duane Baker, Assistant to the City Manager. Councilmmnber Buquet suggested that rather than conducting raids and scurrying everyone off, requiri,nq more end more law enforcement attention, he suggested that the City possibly contact IN3, or develop come type of a sting operation where the people who are loitering are picked up and then shipped out. Andy Carlmark, Principal of Bear Gulch School, reported about the individuals that nre lingering around the school and did not feel the students should have to be subjected to these types of people because it was frightening team, Ha stated he has also contacted the Police on this matter. "- - - ._ ~` ~- -••~ -~~ ••••~ = city nee aooxec et every possible angle•to vdoal with this problemr and~felt another approach should be looked at. Mayor Stout asked James Markmar. to repeat what the Public safety Commission had done. James Markman, City Attorney, talked about the loitering and traepaceing lseue Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, gent Lnto more detail on this, but elated he felt probably the same problem ae before was going on right now. Mayor Stout stated he has heard complaints nbout these people harassing women patrons of the Mobil Station. Me also suggested the Police Department increase the petrol in this area. Jerry Pu lwood, Deputy City Meneger, etebed staff wind investigate Councilmemb®r euquet•e suggestion and any others, and come back to the City Council with a report. counellmember Buquet stated he felt the City should be innovative to iake care of this problem instead of waiting for the INS. City Council Ninutae October 17, 3990 Page 18 Jack Lam, City Manager, stated that at the League of California Cities Conference next week there would be a session on this particular sort of problem. Me added the City will continue to do whatever they can to easier with this problem. Councilmember Wright stated she would like to see the Public Safety Commission get involved in developSng a solid plan which would cane back to the City Council for approval. Councilmember Alexander stated he would like to see something done in the meantime prior to the Public Safety Commission's comments ~aninq back to the City Council. Capt. Zeiner, Police Department, suggested that poeaibly the children's bus atop could be changed. Nr. Carlmazk asked if the City could do something to move the men away from the bus atop. councilmambar Buquet suggested there be a safe route to school program in that area so that Che loitering individuals might get a lot of pressure and leave the area. Councilmember Brown felt the development of the labor camp project should also be conaitlered Dy the Public Safety Coronieeion. Cou nc ilmember Wright suggested that there be something positive done for these ~._.~.._ __ ...__ _.-_• •.____ ..~ ... ................y .... .........e. L,.e.. miuh a:d i:ernnn v:n children. James Markman, City Attorney, reported that a City in Orange County had the same type of situation and presented information nn how they footled a job program which helped their eituat ion. Jack Lam, City Manager, added that the City of Loa Angeles Se also doing this came type of program. Councilmember Wright stated she would like to aee the Public Safety Commission to look nt this option also. ACTION: The City Council conenrred to refer Chie to the Public Safety Commission to look at all possible options available. Mayor Stout asked Mr. Carlmer:c to participate Sn Chie. Mr. Carlmark stated he felt he could also get parents to work on this problem. Councilaiem6er Brown suggested that the Citizen's Patrol get involved to hopefully stop soma of Chie activity. City Council Hinutea October 17, 1990 Page 19 • t R R R R gy, R PROGPAM CDBG FUNDS Staff report presented by Duane Baker, AeeLetant to the City Manayet. NOTION: xeved by Alexander, seconded by Wright to set tae public hearing for November 21, 1990. Motion carried unaniawuely, 5-0. R R R R R R H3. ON TO REPEAL SS 1557 WHZCH IMPOSES A BOOAING PEH ON CITIES Staff report presented by Jack Lam, City Manager. RESOLUTION NO. 90-410 A ABSOLUTION OP THH CITY COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING THB AMPERE OF SB 2557 AND SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPIU3NT OP ALTERNATIV85 TNAT PROVIDB ADBQUATB LONG TERN FUNDING FOR CITIHS ANO COUNT IEH MOTION: Moved by Brown, seconded by Alexander to approve Resolution No. 90-410. Notion carried unanimously, 5-0. R R R R R R I. wnxclL BuslNEas BNVIRONMBNTAL MANAOHMBNT COMMISSION POR REVIEW ^^(Orel ,Report)n^ Counc ilmember Wright referred to a letter from the Inland Coalition and stated Ghat with the focus on trees that hoe occurred, she felt tae City was alight ly off target. She stated she could like the Tree ordinance to go back to the Environmental Management Commission and would like it to be looked at from an environmental view. Mayor Stout did not feel the Snviranmental Management Commission was the only commission involved with Lhle issue. He stated he felt the Public Safety Commiealon should also be involved. He continued by euggeeting that members from each of tae Clty•e commissions get together end work on this issue. ACTION: Jack Lem to arrange for two members of each Cammleelon to work on tae a,~ > 4 R R R R I2. CONSIDBR TION TO ADOPT A C08T .LUAr ygIS POLICY REGA.R9ING PUBLIC FACILITIES Staff report presented by Councilmember Buquat. Councilmembar Brown stated she agreed with Councilmamber Buquet. City Council Minutes October 1T, 1990 Page 20 ACTIONS Information to coma beck November 7, 1990. • • • . . I3. CONS IDSRATTON OF A omUacT BY TEAS CT OP BONT NA POA TF18 ITY OP CHO CVCANONGA TO TARS A I/OSITION arse aq IN TFAI V OP BUC Y TR%%S A-'C SNT%RSTATS 10 Nayot Stout stated he received a latter from the Mayor of Fontana about the [reel along Interstate 30 and added he urged the Council to support the request. MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Buquet to approve the request. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. • • • w x J. IDENTIPIGTIOR OP ITm18 POR REIT N66TIN6 No items were identified for the next meeting. • • • • • x R. COIHIVRTGTIONE TROM THE PVET.rr Ho crmnunication was a:nde from the puDli<. « . . • • x L. ADJOUANI6NT MOTION: Novel by Huqust, seconded by Alexander to adjourn in the memory of Sam Punter to Executive Session regarding personnel matters. executive Seeeion to adjourn to a joint meeting with the Park 6 Aecreet Lan Camnieeion on October 24, 199 C, 7:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. The meeting edjoucned at 30:50 p. m. Respectfully submitted, Debra J. Adams, CMC r i.ty F.ierk Approved: i^O US'1- uf0 ¢~ __.1 GOo OND SOX M 1 1 I N I ~l` NPOO.nmocsJ OFN r ~- rTnm N aamy .I nNC ~ ~p .~ N nyN p w IaPa m m p N n n n n APn ^>i9i1P nP^ N mhNNmaNiFmP mvm aaJ o0o NOO poeeeF >V9 Pooo0o000000oomoo0opO0000e0eee0000 ~Om0¢mo UJaJaJ•aJ•aaNNNNNNNNmNNNNNNNNNNNNNNnNNNNNNNnNnNNmnNn I n 1 f l I f I 1 •~ ~ a e u f V m•orm oV0 N \m~\ m S O10 N mN N • •Na\• •N• vl\N \ n\u~7 \ \ w'l J W N¢W¢ S NLLN VN 1 IP Op¢ ~ viY N2~ u h ~n SO\SW •\ ~mJON> TO V i hy! ~\nmJ ZJ¢¢VN~ ¢~u 1 V 1 mAF J Jir¢LL f„Via tNTIZ n2 ~^ w LL1[SWJOWN WN.~NfwLLJNSa • JI Z O ~[USS¢i m~4e2wN o a 7~e>•V4NVVN _ _ n~WLLNN~aV >e[Yrc LL_ NYJ ss n C] 6JV f 64m¢ i V n „ NUVV u wJnZOZZV aWVNU 2 f f fo~Oe fJ¢OVf wVC fV¢¢ ~I O 22eS2 Z Z w~7V~-r Z ¢LLLLO > 6 V V N n U)f it 2 V u'VN~>¢~mS6LINYGiVLL¢J~i~rc ZfnIaFaw Z Z N LLZ m h n2 m u ~ Z V YN ~+ GOOO Z _~ 4 •u wwww NN` y ~ w JV ~ f 2YMrZi Y6 2rZi NSJ ~ ar ~+,»~u ¢wa ¢ o a > ianan °i~wi°~."i~i iom~ Nz sz N l JWwW= H OuU¢NV2NV •V JJ¢Vw O=CJJ N f 1- f SFMFF ~ ¢SwOUOf¢m~[p>'¢uY ~w Of SwwUONFY> J f U J » fwU¢YfNVVVR6Yfp00>ONJJJS2fu„Y M N N Vt~Z~~¢ JJJOG¢Nfffpf > J L NNNNN N pf f fpmmmmmOmmmmmmoVUVVUUUUu m m N yNyOmNmPNmNm YrP ~mhmoPmNNn m.phhmm• P mOmyrymnhy mJN Cpi010YhOO1-h u N m p IN m mmm O 'P N1fN yNNNyNmyNJmMP~Iy NN• a s c .; .PNrTTPdPmNmPNnPmPNPrN•PNPmNmn.NONNONPmrPNNPPmPPmPN NNrONnOT m•-F PF OI~NOON~OrNmN000FF ••N NO• - JSi- ~ - mjP JP •~^ r ••• m m •wr w mM r N r JT•N TVNONOPPrNT•NO opOwNm•nOnOPOrNT•NO)m Rm o00 o^r rNNN N~Nm OOOPPPO OOm O O n NNNNNNNNnnNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Nan ONNNNNNNNNNnnNNNNNNNNNV ~~ V •fl l < l fl ll l < SO M1 I VN O \OX \ •\N fNNa N N O JNF\ •¢ • > \\N Y.N m•1 I J . min nN m i f Nw0 • \ 1 iN ~ NNN U _ •SO 'Oi> Z > VZ^ O rON OOZ •Vi YP.t~r60 I „J 1 DPO<w w J ti O¢ NVVI • J• O i ••Vf0 fPNnV Zip wlm •P 0 W N w n wF¢ ¢ 6 2V¢W Wwp~r ZZ6 dwYN • b0.6 wwV~Pw S i J ¢ G 3• >N<f V •• VV « 6¢_ _ ~~ r P WH Oi >iuw ¢ M1 LLO ZZw>Z••'JPVNSOS~NOr JfmX3 Z OwNOOaJ rV7 O ZZLC I ZOO LL N S N _V M1__V VZOffI WJZ Z S LL M1 _ \w p•t6LL V JLL O NOwVPJYJ OVO _ N N _ ) a~.J ¢ ONZ Vii o I~ V Ww 0•6 VOYJ¢w __ NI- V Vf<Wwir NizuwiLL>wJ iJ a irc ¢pwo•.4mp> fV aV7i u WZ¢S••¢/ZOY FiNOUJ¢ UYmN <00 JJliw •"iwJwE.u JLLOYw 71w WJJ M1w M1 fP .nJeLL w6O~`JY<¢J M1 fJ¢ZIWW O7LL S¢JJJ OJYf 20 wQ ¢ WNm NNJ wmU O w•< J a Z U> YS Sm 0 wV > Cl>LLrZ¢wN N f iI J 1 iN ~ SU¢uV<VSS6NZ0¢ Y V U w ' J J ¢ Na 2 ¢ ? 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RECONEMMTION: It is recommended that the City Counci'I approve plans and specifications for Monte Ytsta Street Median Imprtwement Project and approve the attached resolution authorizing the City Clerk to advertise the "Notice Inviting Bids". BACKGROUND!ANALYSIS The subiect pro,~ect plans and specifications have been caepleted by staff and approved by the City Ergineer. The Engineer's estimate for Lonstructio0 is i42,you .vu. ~e,lai adverki siny is xiwuu; ev ~v, XGti~"`.2'r 27 and December 4, 1990, with the Bid opening at 2:00 on Thursday, January 24, 1991. Respectfully submitted, SG.~~.,F~P/~R SB:LRB:,{h Attachment cC: P4reha 5l ng RESOLUTION N0. 90- 7J7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "MONTE VISTA STREET MEDIAN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT", IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to construct certain improvements in the City of P,ancho Cucamonga. WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of certain improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the pions and specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for "Mote Vista Street Median Improvement Project". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for doing the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to wit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS" Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the said City of Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the Office of me City Clerk in rn= ^fficec cf "a CiL~ of Rancho Cucamonga, on or before the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 24th day of January 1991, sealed bids or proposals for the "Monte Vista Street Median Improvement Project" in said City. Bids wilt 6e opened and publicly read immediately in the office of the City Clerk, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. Bids must be made on a form provided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, marked, "Bid for Construction of "Monte Vista Street Median Improvement Project" PREVAILING MAGE: Notice 1s hereby given that 1n accordance with the provisions of Catifarnla Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 7 and 2, the Contractor is required to pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per di eat waaas for work of a similar character in the lecality in which the public work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. In that regard, the Director of the Department of industrial Relations of the State of California is required to and has determined such general prevailing rates of per diem wages. Copies of such prevailing rates of per diem wages are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 10500 Civic Center Drive, upper level, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and are available to any interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy ~~ of such determinations to be posted at the job site. The Contractor shad forfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (525.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day or portion thereof, if such taborer, workman, or mechanic is paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages herelnbefore stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1777.5 of the Labor Code as acne.^.ded by Chap*_er 971, Statutes of 1939, and in accordance with the regulations of the California Apprenticeship Council, properly indenture4 apprentices may be employed in the prosecution of the work. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in arty apprenticeable occupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public works project and which administers the apprenticeship program 1n that trade for a certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to journeymen that will be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen in such cases shall not be less than one to five except: A. When unemployment in the area of coverage by the joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request for certificate, or D. When the number of apprentices in training in the area exceeds a ratio of one to five, or C. When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, ar 0. When the Contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight journeymen. The Contractor 1s required t0 make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs 1f he employs registered apprentices or journeymen in any apprenticeable trade on such contracts and 1f ether Contractors on the public werks site ar.. mski,^,g such, contrrbutians, The Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777,6 1n the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. ~~ Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's rork for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with and be governed by the laws of the State of California having to do with working hours as set forth in Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California as amended. The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (525.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the execution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon any of the rrork herei nbefere eentt oned, for each calendar day during which said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours in violation of said Labor Code. Contractor agrees to pdy travel and subsistence pay to each workman needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreements filed in accordance with Labor Code Section 1773.8, The bidder must submit with his proposal cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, payable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least ten percent (10X) of the amount of said bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter Into the proposed contract if the same 1s awarded to him, and in event of failure to enter into such contract said cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bond shall become the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. [f the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the Lowest bidder's security shall be applied by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the low bid and the second lcua• 4.~ _ ,.._ , - ~~~ .~.~ .,J rp~,.,, .` one, aiiaii ue re wrneti w i,iie ivwesc bidder. The amount of the bond to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shall be one hundred percent (100X) of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond in an amount equal to fifty percent (50X) of the contract price for said work r~ha11 be given to secure the payment of claims for any materials or supplies furnished for the performance of the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, or aqy work or labor of any kind done thereon, and the Contractor will also be required to furnish a certificate that he carries compensation Insurance covering his employees upon work to be done under contract which may be entered into between him and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work. No proposal will be considered from a (lontractor wham a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Contractor shall possess a Class "A" License (General Engineering Contractor) in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Cade, Section 7000 et. seq.) and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto at t;he time this contract 1s awarded. The work is to be done 1n accordance with the profiles, plans, and specifications of the City of Poncho Cucamonga on file in the Office of the City Clerk at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Copies /9 of the plans and spetlftcations, available at the office of the City Engineer, will be furnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and payment of ;20.00, said ;20.00 is nonrefundable. Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and specifications will be mailed when said request 15 accompanied by payment stipulated above, together with an additional nonreimbursable payment of ;15.00 to cover the cost of mailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the requirements of Section 902 of the General Provisions, as set forth in the Plans and Specifications rngarding the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, the Contractor may, upon the Contractor's request and at the Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute authorized securities 1n lieu of monies withheld iperforawnce retention). The City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Ry order of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. Dated this 21st day of November, 1990. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Council of the City o° Rancho Cucamonga, California, this 21st day of November, 1990. yor ATTEST: y er r3~sO PDVERTISE ON November f 1990 December 1990 ~V CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMCNGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 21, 1990 / T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer BY: Sigmund M. Dellhlme, Management Analyst II SUBJECT: Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program Grant RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the adoption of the resolution approving the filing of the Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation program grant application, certifying that the City will make adequate provisions for the operation and maintenance of the protect and appoints the City Engineer as the agent of the City responsible 'for conduction the protect under the grant. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The passage of Proposition 111 created funding Par an Enviromaental Enhancement and Mitigation Program (Section 164.56 of the Streets and Highway Code). The intent of the program 1s to allocate f10,000,000 annually for grant purposes; the grants will be awarded on a competitive basis with forty percent of the funds allocated to northern counties and sixty percent to southern counties. Orant monies are to be used far Highway Landscape and Urban Forestry, Resource Lands, and Roadside Recreational protect. In an effort to maximize the use of available funds, staff is preparing a grant application under the Highway and Urban Forestry category to fund the landscape of the Haven Avenue west side parkway from Church Street to 300 feet south of Highland Avenue. This protect was selected for submission in the grant program for its ability to mitigate existing conditions, Its coincidence with related street and storm drain protects, and the readiness of the protect to begin final design and construction. Respectf/ulJly submitted, ~ iii ~ SB:SMD:sd ~~ RESOLUTION N0. CfO' 7.3~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS FOR THE ENYIRONMENTAL ENHANCEMENT AND MITIGATION PR06RAM UNDER THE SECTION 164.56 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHNAYS CODE 1989 FOR THE FOLLONING PROJECT WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of California has enacted AB 471 (Chapter 106 of the Statutes of 19891, which provides f20 million annually fora period of 10 years for grant funds to local, state and federal agencies and nonprofit entities for projects W enhance and mitigate the environmental impacts of modified or new public transportation facilities; and NHEREAS, the Resources Agency has established the procedures and criteria far reviewing grant proposals and is required to submit to the California Transportation Commission a list of recommended protects from which the grant recipients will be selected; and NNEREAS, said procedures and criteria established by the Resources Agency require that applicant to certify by resolution the approval of application before submission of said application to the State; and NHEREAS, the application contains assurances that the applicant must comply with; and WHEREAS, the applicant, if selected, will enter into an agreement wicn cne pia rx ui ~aiiiurnia w carry oui, i.ire envirunmeni.oi enimncc„renL m,u mitigation pro,{ect; NON, THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, as follows: 1. Approves the filing of an application for the Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program grant assistance. 2. Certifies that said applicant will make adequate provisions for operation and maintenance of Lire protect. 3. Appoints the City Engineer as agent of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to conduct all negotlattons, execute and submit all documents, Ind uding, but not limited to appitcattons. agreements amendments. payment requests and iU bn, which rFay 5e necessary for fire crmpieti an of Ehe aforEmenii Ofieu' protect. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: November 21, 1990 (Z City Council and City Manager ~J Shinto Bose, Deputy City Engineer Betty A. Miller, Associate Engineer ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 14192 - HI;( DEVELDPMENT - Submittal of a ReSalUtian confirming a City aunt ectsion Horde on November 7, 1990, for an Appeal of the Planning Commission conditions fora residential subdivision of 65 Single family lots on 19.7 acres of land located south o•` 19th Street between Hellman Avenue and Amethyst Street in tM~ Low Residential District - APN 202-061-12, 14, 40 and 44 I. RECOAEIbATION: Staff n~commends that the City Council adept the attached resolution. II. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On November 7, 1990, the Ctty Council heard the applicant's appeal of four (4V conditions of approval, The attached Resolution refl acts the Council's decision to: 1. Deny the appeal of off-site street improvements on Hellman Avenue; 2. Redu_e the limits of the utilities undergrounding requirement on Hellman Avenue Lo include the proiect frontage and extend off-site to the north side of 19th Street; 3. Deny the appeai of Lhe Mignonette reconstruction requirement, with a clarlflcatton that 1t applies to pavement only; 4. Grant the appeal of the Amethyst Street Stone Drain condition; and 5. Modify the Hellman Avenue Storm Drain condition to extend the limits north of 19th Street. Respect{ally s~iumi tied, S/~,~ ~'-~//'k SB:BAM:dIw Attachment RESOLUTION N0. 9C^'`y`3~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP, NUMBER 14192, TO PERMIT A RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OF 65 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ON 19.7 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED SOUTH OF 19TH STREET BETNEEN HELLMAN AVENUE AND AMETHYST STREET IN THE LON RESIDENTIAL DISTRSCT AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF A. Recitals. (i) Hix Development has filed an application for the approval of Tentative Tract 14192, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter, in this Resolution, the subject Tentative Tract request 1s referred to as "the Tentative Tract". (11) On June 27, 1990, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucaaonga conducted a duty noticed public hearing on the subject matter of the Tenatlve Tract and, following Lhe conclusion of said hearing, adopted their Resolution No. 90-BS (attached as Exhibit "1") thereby approving the Tentative Tract. (iii) The aDPllcant has filed a timely appeal of Lhe approval represented in said Resolution No. 90-85 on the bests of four {4) conditions con tatned in said Resolution. The Conditions appealed are described as follows: a. The requirement io wteen Heilman Avenue on the east side from 19th Street north of Monte Ytsta Street (Engineering Condition No. 3). b. The requirement to underground the existing overhead utilities on the east side of Hellman Avenue from north of 19th Street to south of Monte V15ta Street (Englneering Condition No. 1). c. The requirement to reconstruct Mignonette Street (Englneering Condition N0. il). d. The requirement to construct portions of the Ametflyst Street Storm Drain (Englneering Condition No. 5). (iv) On November i, i990, the city Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly notice public hearing on the sub~ett matter of the appeal and, an said date, concluded the public hearing. d CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. TENT TRACT 14192 - HIX DEVELOPMENT NOVEMBER 21, 1990 PAGE 2 (v) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution NON, THEREFORE, it Ts hereby found, determined and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Council hereby specifically finds that ail tY:e facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. This Council hereby finds and certifies that the protect has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and concurs with the issuance of the Negative Declaration issued on June ee"7, 1990. 3. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced hearing on November 7, 1990, including written staff reports, the minutes of the above-referenced June 27, 1990, Planning Commission meeting and the contents of Planning Commission Resolution No. 90-85, this Council specifically finds as follows: a. The Tentative Tract applies to property located south of 19th Street betxeen Neuman Avenue and Amethyst Street within the Low Residential District (2-4 dweiling units per acre); b. The orooerty to the north rnntaine ~i.,,.io s..~i., .,..~... _ .._ _ are single family homes and vacant property, tom theTsouthyis vacant property and single family homes, and to the west are single family homes; c. The Tentative Tract is for the development of a 65-lot subdivision on 19.7 acres of land; d. The requirements of Planning Commission Resolution No. 90-85, including the widening of Hellman Avenue and the reconstruction of Mignonette Street, remain to be important and necessary to the subdivision of the property except for the following modfficatlons: 1. Delete the requirement for undergrounding overhead utilities south of the south protect boundary (Engineering Condltton No, 1); 2. Delete Lhe requirement to construct portions of the Amethyst Storm Drain (Engineering Condltton No. 5), but extend the 1/mlts of the Hellman Avenue Stona Drain construction (Engineering Condition No. 4) north of 19th Street; and 3. Add a condition requiring a Cal trans permit for work within 19th Street. ~5 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. TT 14192 - HIX DEVELOPtENT NOVEMBER 21, 1990 PAGE 3 e. The Tentative Tract as specified will not contradict the goals and objectives of the General Plan or Development Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and would not promote a detrimental condition to the persons or properties in the immediate vicinity of the subSect site. 4. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public haarings and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. The Tentative Tract is consistent with the General Plan and Development Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; b. The design or imprav~anents of the Tentative Tract are consistent with the General P1 an and Development Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; c. The subject site is pY~ysically suitable for the type of development proposed; d. The design of the proposed su6dlvtsion is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or avoldabte injury Lo humans or wildlife or their habtrat; e. The Tentative Tract is not likely to cause serious health problems; and f. The design of the Development will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, nap of record, for access through or use of the property sithin the proposed subdlvfsion. 5. Based upon the finding! and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 above, this Council hereby approves the Tentative Tract subSect to all the conditions set forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 90-85 (a copy of which is attached hereto wind marked as Exhibit "1") with the following modifications: a. Engineering Condition No. t shall be revised to read as follows: "The existing overhead utilities (telecemunicaticns and electrical) un the project side of Heilman Avenue shalt be undergrounded from the first pole on the north side of 19th street to the first pole south of Lhe south project boundary prior to public improvement acceptance ar occupancy, whichever occurs first. The Developer may request reimbursement agreements to recover one-half the City adopted cast for undergrounding from future development .acs CITY CODNClL RESOLUTION N0. TT 14192 - HIX DEVELOPMENT NDVEMBER 21, 1990 PAGE 4 and/or redevelopment as Tt occurs on the opposite side of the street and offslte on the soma side of the street. Also, all existing overhead utilities service lines to houses on both sides of Hellman Avenue shall be placed underground at the same time as the main line." b. Engineering Condition No. 4 shall be revised to read as follows: "Construct a sufficient portion of Master Plan Storm Drain line 2-I (including sufficient catch basin capacity) in Heilman Avenue from its existing ,iunctfion structure near Monte Vista Street to north of 19th Street to intercept as a minimum, the aaount of flow currently reaching Amethyst Street equivalent to the Increased flow caused by the development of the protect. Standard drainage fees for the site shalt be credited to the' cost of the facility and the Developer shall be eligible for reimbursexient of costs in excess of the fees 1n accordance with City policy for all portions of the system that are considered by the Ctty Engineer to be compatible with the ultimate master plan." c. Delete Engineering Condition No. 5. d. Add Engineering Condl:don No. 13: "A permit will be required from Cal trans for any work within the right-of-way for 19th Street." 6. The Council hereby provides notice to Hix Development that the time within which ,(udlcial review of t:he decision represented by the Resolution must be sought 1s overned by the provisions of California Code of Civ11 Procedure Section 1094.6. 7, The City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucanwngga is hereby directed to: (a) certify to the adoption of this Resolution, and (b) forthwith transmit a certified copy of this Resolution, by Certified Ma11, Return Receipt Requested, to Hix Development at their address as per City records. a~ RESOLUTION N0. 90-85 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RAMC ND CU CAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT N0. 14192, A RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OF 65 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ON 19.7 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED SOUTH OF 19TH STREET B ETII EEN HEL LNAN AVENUE AND MIETHY ST AVENUE IN THE LOM R ESIOENTI AL 0(STR ICT (2-4 OM EL LING UNITS PER ACRE) AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 202-061-12, la, 40 AND 44. A. Recitals. li) Hix Development has filed an application for the approval of Ten [a Live Tract Map No. 14192 as de ser ib ed in the title of this P.e so lution. Nere inafter in this Resolution, the subject Tentative Tract Map request is referred to as "the application." (i,:) On the 27th of June 1990 the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the applicat ion and concluded said hearing on that date. f ii i) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOV. TN FR CCnQr :• :e :.e .ew.. s...."d ., ,,..,_.:__a __. .. ... .. av nca v! ,ne Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Co mmis sign hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2 3ased upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on June 27, 1990, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The application applies to property loco Led south of 19th Street between Hellman and Amethyst Avenues at the termination of Mignonette Street, Kirkwood Avenue and Layton Street with a street frontage of 746 feet along Hellman Avenue and 330 feet along Amethyst Avenue; and (b) The Lord House, located at 6737 Hellman Avenue is a Oes ig na [ed Nis [or is Landmark and will De preserved; and (c) The Droperty to the north contains single family homes, to the east are single family hones and vacant property, to the south is vacant property and single family homes, and to the west are single family homes. ~xh~b,'~ °1„ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 90-85 TT 14192 - NIX DEVELOPMENT June 27, 1990 Page 2 ?. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That tentative tract is tons is to nt with the General Plan, Oeve iopment Code, and specific pia ns; and (D) The design or improvements of the tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and sp elf fic plans; and proposed; and (c) The site is physically suitable for the type of development (d) The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause subs ra ntial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; and (e) The tentative tract is not likely to tau se serious public health problems; and (f) The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of reca rd, for access through or use of the property within the ~i roposed subdivision. 4. This Commission he reDy finds and certifies that the projttt has been ^eviewed and considered in comp lia nce~ with the California tnvironme ntal Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Comm is Sion hereby issues a Negative Dec la radon. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in parag r;i phs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application su6,lett to each and every condition set forth below and in the attached Standard Conditions attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Plannin4 Division: (1) "Prior to the rec ord atier of the final map or Che issuance of Building Permits, whl:hever comes first, the applicant shall consent to, or participate in, the establishment of a Me11o-Aoos r~mmunity Fa_ilft?es District pertaining to ':he project site to provide in wnjunc Lion with the Ch affey Unifte6 School Dfstrfct for the construction and maintenance of necessary uhool facilities. However, if the school dfstrfct has Drevtously established such a Community Facilities District, the applicant sh a11, in the alternative, ton sent to tie annexation of the project site into the territory of suci existing district Drior to the recordation of the final may or the issuance of building PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 90-85 T7 14192 - HI% DEVELOPMENT June 21, 1990 Page 3 permits, whichever comes first. Further, if the Chaf fey Unified School District has not formed a Mello-Roos Lo mmun ity Fac ii ities District within twelve months of the date of approval of the Dro jest and prior to the recordation of the final map or issuance of building permits for said pro jn:t, this coM ition shall be deemed null and void," (2) it ee Removal Permit 89-67 for the removal of 41 trees whose location conflicts with rights-of-pay and other site improvements is approved as follows: a) All trees located on the site of the lord House shall be preserved in place; and b) Trees No. 6, 13, 23, 24, 40, 55, 65 and 66 shall be preserved by transplanting elsewhere wf th in the project site; and c) Trees No. 18 and 51 shall be removed and replaced with the largest nursery grown stock available, as determined br the City Planner; and d) Trees No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, and 59 shall be removed and replaced with Eucalyptus macu la to (Spotted Gum), minimum 15-aal lon size: a M e) The location of all trees to preserved-in-p is ce, new locations of tra n sOla n ted trees, aM locations of replacement trees shall be shown on the detailed La Mscape Pta ns subject to City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of any permits; and f) The applicant shall follow all of the arborist's recomaendations regarding preservation or transplanting measures; and g) Those trees required to be preserved in place shall be protected in accordance with Municipal Code Section 19.08.110 (See Condition A3). (3) Care shall exercised by all iM iv idua l5, developers and contractors working near preserved trees so that no damage occurs to Such trees, R11 construction shall preserve and protect the health of trees to remain, relocated trees, and new trees planted to replace those removed in accordance with the following measures: a) All trees to be saved shall be enclosed by an PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 90-85 TT 14192 - HIX DEYELODMENT June 27, 1990 Page 4 appropriate construction barrier, such as .:halo link fence or other means acceptable to the City Planner, prior to the issuance of any grading or building permit and prior to commencement of work. Fences are to remain in place during all phases of construction a M may not be removed without *.he written consent of the City Planner until construction is co~lete; and b) No substantial disruption or removal of the structural or absorptive roots of any tree shall be performed; and c) No ffll material shall be placed within three feet from the outer trunk circumference of any tree; and d) No fill materials shall be placed within the drip line of any tree in excess of eighteen inches fn depth. This 1s a guideline and is subject to modification to meet the needs of individual tree species as determined by an arborist or landscape architect; and e) No substantial compaction of the soil within the drip line of any tree shall be undertaken; and f) No construction, including structures and walls, that disrupts the root system shall be permitted. As a guideline, no cutting of roots should occur within a distance equal to three and one-half times the trunk diameter, as measured at ground level. At coal setback may vary to meet Che needs of ind iv fdual tree saes ies as determined by an arborist or landscape architect. Mhere some root removal is necessary, Lhe tree crown may require thinning to prevent wind damage; and g) The City Planner may impose such additional measures determined necessary to preserve and protect the health of Crees to remain, relocated trees, and new trees planted to replace those removed. (4) The Lord House and its immediate surroundings are a designated Historical La rdma rk. Any alteration, removal, relncatior, or reconstruction requires review and aaaroval by the Historic Preservation Commission and City Council. Plans for the construction of a new garage on the lord House site shall be submitted for review and approval by the Design Review Committee and Historic Dreservation Commission prior to the issuance of any permits for the demolition of existing barns or garages or the construction of a new garage. In addition, compliance with all PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 9D-05 TT 14192 - HIX DEVELOPMENT June 21, 1990 Page 5 Conditions of Approval for Landmark Alteration Permit 90-02 is required. (5) The design of all perimeter wa 115 shall be shown on the Landscape Plan subject to City Planner review and approval prior to the is sua n:e of building permits. (6j walls placed at the rear of the not-a-part parcels fronting Hellman Avenue, adjacent to Street "C", shall be constructed of decorative block subject to City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building oermits. The wa115 shall be designed with gated access from Street "C" to the rear of the lots. Enaineerina Division (1) The existing overhead utilities (te lecomnunic atio n5 and el a: tr ical) on the project side of Hellman Avenue shall be undergrounded from the first pole on the north side of 19th Street to the first pole on the south side of Monte Yis to Street prior to public improvement awep to nce or oc cuparz:y, whichever occurs first. The Developer may request re imbu rse mart agreements to recover one-half the City adapted cost for urdergrou~ing from Potu re development and/or redevelopment as it oc tors on the opposite side of the street and offsite on the same side of the street. Also. all e~x is Lino overhead utilities service lines to houses on both side of Hellman Avenue shall he placed underground ,it the same time as the main line. (2) An in-lieu fee as contribution to the future underg rou nd ing of the existing overhead utilities (telecomnunic at io ns and electrical) cn the opposite side of Amethyst Street shall be Da id to the City prior to approval of the Final Map. The fee shall be one-half the City adopted unit amount times the lemlth of the project frontage. (3) Construct street improvements on the east side of Hellman Avenue from I:lth Street south to meet the ez (sting widened portion north of Monte Vista Street. Of fsite parkway landscaping may be deferred until development of the adjacent proDar ty, with the exception for the two not-a- part lots frorting on Hellman Avenue which are surrounded by the proje:i. The Developer may request reimbursement agreements to recover the costs of constructing offsite street impraveaw!nts from future development as it occurs. (4) Construct Ma star Plan Storm Drain line 2-I in Hellman Avenue from its existing Sunctfon structure near Monte Vista Street tt the line which drains the 19th Street at PLANNING COMMISSION RESO LOTION N0. 90-85 17 14192 - HI% DE4ELOPMENT June 27, 1990 7age 6 Hellman Avenue in to rsec tion. Standard drainage fees far the site shall be credited to the cost of the facility and the Developer shall be eligible for reimbursement of costs in excess of the fees in accordance with City policy. (,5) Construct portions of the City Master Plan Storm Drain line 2-J in Amethyst Street, Base Line Road, and along the Southern Pacific railroad tracks to meet the City project at or west of Hellman Avenue, as de Berm fined by final drainage report approved by the City Engineer. Standard drainage fees for the site shall be credited to the cost of the facilities and the Developer shall he eligible for reimbursement of coStS in excess of the fees in accordance with City policy. (6) The public street improvements on Hellman Avenue and Amethyst Street shall 6e constructed prior to the issuance of building permits. (7) Streets intersecting Hellman Avenue and Amethyst Street shall not have cross gutters, as storm drains are available. IR) If a retaining wall is proposed along Amethyst Street, it shall be located outside the street right-of-way. (9) Private drainage easements shall 6e shown on the Final Map p~,. ~,,,;; ~ ~-: +arm facilities. These are exp Laded to occur on Lots 1-7, 24, 25, 34-45, 49, 49, bt, and 5», gar the Conceptual Grading Plan. (10) La ndsc a0 ing within the lines-of-sight for intersections with Hellman Avenue and Amethyst Street shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer. All local rotersectians shall have their noticeahility improved, usually by moving Lhe two closest trees an each Side behind the sidewalk. Six foot wide street tree easements Shall be provided behind the sidewalk for all corner lots, to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer. f11) Reconstruct Mignonette Street as determined by a structural report submitted to and approved by the City Engineer prior Lo 8-yproval of the Final Map or issue n:e of building permits, ah{chever occurs first. (12) Construct local storm drains in Monte Vista and Layton Streets as determined by the Final Drainage Study. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 90-65 TT 14192 - HI% DEVELOPMENT June 27, 1990 Page 7 APPROVED ANO AOO PTED THIS 27TH DRY OF JUNE 1990. PLANNING COMMfSS70N OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUC AMO NGA BY ATTEST [, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cuca mon9a, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Pla nnfng Commis lion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Conn fission held on the 27th day of June 1990, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CHITIEA, MCNIEL MELCMER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: TOLSTOY, MEINBERGER PE`E:E e`.j. 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E s~ a a .FW -' x _ g ~ g a ~ Yj„ x r ~ " a .~ c x v x s = 85 9`3 ~ 0 ~ =Y 3 a' x:z 3$ & C sad` °~,k g; X ;Q.; ^• 2 ~~ S a Yi X' ~ ~r ~ s iS ~' XX A.a^ ~~ Y @~@ F~3d ~ :I ~ s l _ 5\I ~ _ V J _ I ~I i c °° CS ` zo a~ ega ^V„ ~ .5~ 3e` ^ e:e xaa a e eE: g`~ ° s~ 3` fi a $ ' ~ S e ~__ ? E yy '~ 'G_ SuE ~S _ g~x `s~ sag S 3eG __ F: ~sg `Y. ~~ 9Y° a~ fr6~: fi:Y ~~ ~•~7f ~Y3 ",.« sass _-_ £xe cssa ion R~:3 ~~ ~I I NI n.~.v nz, n •wrnvn nrrn +a.rnwrn ~ DATE: 70: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: November 21, 1990 STAFF REPORT City Council and City Manager Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer Millie Valbuena, Assistant Engineer Sumaary Vacation of an unused City Vehicular Access Easeme.^.t Located east of Milliken Avenue, south of Sixth Street gECOMEIWITIGM: it is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving the vacation of a City vehicular access easement and authori2ing the Mdyor and City Clerk to sign and record same. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The City has received a request fraa the owners of Sears Credit Center to vacate an unused vehicular access easement located on the east side of Milliken Avenue, south of Sixth Street. The easement was dedicated t0 the City per recordation of Parcel Map 9596 on October 24, 198b for future drive approach location upon development of the parcel map. The new development, Sears Credit Center, has been completed as Project DR 89-10 and a different ~•,;,~ y~_.; ++.,.~,,.A maklno the old recorded Location no drive approacn iu~a Lieu longer usuable. The owner of the property has requested that the eaae~at he been eaDDroved hbYulthea City Dend n9t record Lion until afterc this avacatton proceeding is ratified. Section 8333 of the Streets and Highways Code states that local agencies may summarily vacate (by resolution) a public service easement that has been superseded by relocation. The above mentioned vehicular access rights was accepted by the City in 1486 and meets the sumaary vacation provisions of the Streets and Highways Code. Respectfully submitted, .: z~~au Aq/% SB:NY:d1w Attachment ~a RESOLUTTON N0. ~IJ "'J7~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUMMARILY ORDERING THE YACATION Cf A CITY VEHICULAR ACCESS EASEMENT NHEREAS, 6y Chapter 4, Article 1, Section 8333, of the Streets and Highways Code, the City Councii of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Ts authorized to susmarily vacate a portion of Lfie City Street hereinafter more oarticularty described; and WHEREAS, the City Council found all the evidence submitted that said City vehicular access easement is unnecessary for present or prospective public street purposes because it has been superseded by relocation. NON, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL ~ THE CITY OF AANCNO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: SECTION 1: That the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby ma es is order vacating that said City vehicular access easement as shown on Map Y-103 on file 1n the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, which has been further described in a legal description which 1s attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A", and by reference made a part thereof. SECTION 2; That from and after the date the resolution is recorded said City veFfcutar access easement no longer constitutes a street or public utility easement. SECTION 3; TAat the City Clerk shall cause a certified copy of this resolution-recorded in the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, Callforn/a. ~3 E.`SEIIBZT "A" THOSE PORTION OF PARCELS 2 AND 9 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 9896, FILED IN BOOK 109, PAGES 41 - 43 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE CF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN BERNARDiNO COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 0 BEGINNING, AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL 4; THENCE NORTH 00 05' 2n^ WEST 536.25 FEET ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCELS 2 AND 9 TO POINT "A"; POINT "A" BEING THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOllTHEASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 23.00 FEET AND IS THE TERMINUS OF AFORE DESCRIBED LINE EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE NORTHERLY 40.00 FEET OF THE SOUTHERLY 290.43 FEET OF THE AFORE DESCRIBED LINE. ALSO SHOWN ON EXHIBIT "A", ATTACHED. ,o .°CqT FoR REL /NQU/SNMENT OF VEH/CULAR AGC655 .P/61JT.5 B Y TyE LYT j' OF.PA~1C//O CL/CAMON~'q _5/x TH ST,PEET 3. 00' Q W JI T A' ~:1it ~i~) J3J~ B'LY L/NE PqK. ¢ NYYG/N6 7dTGEG ¢ `Sla ~i1 it :} m r,7 /it/4/GATES " L/M/TS OF VEN/CULAR ACCESS V R//.~I~TS VgGAT/ON" CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 21, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer BY: Niliie Yalbuena, Assistant Engineer SUBJECT: Summary Yacation of a Sidewalk and Public Utility Easement located on the Southeast corner of Milliken Avenue and Sixth Street RECONEND11T10N: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving the Vacation of a sidewalk and public utility easement and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and record same. BACKGPOUND/ANALYSIS The City has received a request from the owners of Sears Credit Center to vacate a sidewalk and public utility easement located on the southeast corner of Milliken Avenue and Sixth Street. The easement was dedicated to the City per recordation of Parcel Map 9896 on October 24, 1986. A new development, Sears Credit Center has been completed as pro,iect DR 89-10. However, based on the information supplied by the owner, the be?;d'-- `as '- --'`-' - - o yvrL,un u~ Tiro ~iuewaiic and public ucn~ry easement. Anew sidewalk and public utility easement has been approved by the City pending recordation until after this vacation proceeding is ratified. The owner of the property has required that the previous recorded easement be vacated. Section 8333 of the Streets and Highways Code states that local agencies may summarily vacate (by resolution) a public service easement that has superseded by relocation. The above mentioned sidewalk and public utflity was accepted by the City Tn 1986 and meets the summary vacation prov151ons of the Streets and Highways Code. Respectfully su6n)xt~pd~ ~, /~~' / ^^ ..ems ~7'~ \ SB:NV:Jh Attachment '~ 6 RESOLUTION N0. 7Q-~~r A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUMMARILY ORDERING THE VACATION OF A SIDENALK AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT NHEREAS, by Chapter 4, Article 1, Section 8333, of the Streets and HTghways Code, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga 1s authorized to sumnartly vacate a portion of the Ctty Street hereinafter more particularly described; and NHEREAS, the City Council found ail the evtdence submitted that said sidewalk and public utility easement is unnecessary for present or prospective sidewalk and public utility purposes because it has been superseded by relocation. NQN, THEREFORE, BE [T RESOLVED by Lhe City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION 1: That the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby ma el< s f~ Order vacating that said sidewalk and public utlltty easement as shown on Map V-102 on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, which has been further described in a legal description which is attached hereto, marked Exhlbtt "A", and by reference made a part thereof. SECTION 2: That from and after the date the resolution is recorded, said easeme~~onger constitutes a sidewalk or public utility easement. SECTION 3: That the City Clerk shall cause a certlfted copy of this resolution~.o ~e recorded in the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. -r EXHIBIT "A" THOSE PORTIONS OF PARCELS 2 AND 4 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 9896, FILED IN BOOK 109, PAGES 91 - 93 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, STATE OF CALIPORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 0 BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 2; THENCE SOUTH 0 OS' 20'• EAST, ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 2, 32.00 FEET; THENCE 0 0 NORTH 89 54' O..' WE'uT, 3i6.v"0 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0 OS' 20" EAST, 526.43 0 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 4; THENCE !lORTH 0 89 54' 02" WEST, 22.00 FEET ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 4; 0 THENCE NORTH 00 OS' 20" WEST ALONC THE EASTERLY LINE OF A 10 FOOT EASEMENT PER INSTRUMENT NO. 89-397992, O.R. TO A TANGENT CVRVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 27.00 FEET; THENCE 43,36 FEET NORTHERLY, NORTHEASTERLY O AND EASTERLY ALONG SAID CVRVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 92 00' 27" TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVE WITH THAT CERTAIN COURSE IN THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 2 BROWN AS BEING A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 260.00 0 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03 35' 17", SAID POINT OF REVERSE CURVE HAVING A 0 ni+'u iuL caettinG Uh' NORTH O1 55' 07" EAST; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG LAST SAID O o CURVE 8.26 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF O1 49' 09"; THENCE SOUTH 89 54' 02" EAST 301.80 FEET ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 2 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO SHOWN ON EXHIBIT "A", ATTACHED. o, 9-3c L.S. 4563 `L M~~-urn..-) E./ . 4 ~ X. EXHIBIT "e" `/'•i ~ / ~ JI WTH ~e.eei ~ ' ~r=..__-.._.. _ i. _ .1_ 5 $3 __S4 oz is 40H.oo P'r: _ __-: ~1 .____..._ _ . 0 k Ip-9z'o0 27y h ~ ~ I ,~. Z~.oo' ~o , ~ • ' I s f4°43.34 FY. ~p ~~ ,~~ p. 0/°49 09 ' R = e`Z~`F~r r I r' ~ 70~-~- (~~~ nl bi°d4'~Z'W 3i e.oo PeE.r _.~1~~ .~„ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ' I~ rn vl .~ ~ I~ v ~~~~ y, N i ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ W ~~ __ ~, .fi Y ~ ~~ ~ Q c f Q, V I~`! I \I p ~L. `7 22.na'• ~._, __ . ~~ ~H (~ Q ~~ I I n d 0 0 r ~ A `i7<%i i.. ... _ ..- ____..._.____. _.__-_-.._.._____p .. ._ .. ..p~' N ~" S4' 02" ~.J _. ~ rr.r.ti. nrmv nc+ n ~ wrn vn n,.n . w~nwen . STAFF REPORT DATE: November 21, 1990 , T0: City Countll and City Manager FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer BY: Mike Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approval to open escrow with Joan V. Aggazzotti, for purchase of land at 11929 Foothill Boulevard, to obtain the street right-of-way for the Traffic Signal and Street Improvements on Rochester Avenue at Foothill Boulevard for f59,000.00, plus escrow costs of f3,000.00 to be paid from Systems Fees Account No. 22-4637-8942-4607-4117 and authorize the Director of Commmtty Development to execute ail necessary documents RECOMIENDATION: Recommend approvai and direct staff to open escrow with Joan V. Aggazzotti, for purchase of land at 11929 Foothill Boulevard, to obtain the deficient street right-of-way for the Traffic Signal and Street Improvements on Rochester Avenue at Foothill Boulevard for (59,000.00 plus escrow costs of (3,000.00 to be paid from Systems Fees Account No. 22-4637-8942-4607-4117 and authorize the Director of Community Development to execute escrow documents on behalf of the Ctty. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Engineering Design staff met with the representative of Joan V. Aggazzotti, Mr. Richard 6. Anderson, to discuss the forthcoming City pro,~ect to install a traffic signal and street tmproveamsnts at Rochester Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. It was mutually agreed that the City would purchase the portion of their property needed for this project and install certain street improvements to accommodate a driveway on Rochester Avenue. The purchase price 1s based on an appraisal prepared by en independent appraisal consultant. The mutually acceptable result 1s the above recommendation plus the City absorbing normal escrow closing costs. Respectfully submitted, Sly Po~~Bk SB:MO:sd 50 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: November 21, 1990 City Council and City Manager Shlntu Bose, Deputy City Engineer N1111e Valbuena, Assistant Engineer Release of a Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement for Parcel Map 11671 located between Fourth and Sixth Streets and between Pittsburgh and Buffalo Avenues, submitted by Mlssion Land Company RECOMENfl11TI0N: It is recommended that the Council adopt the attached Resolution releasing the Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement and authorizing the Mayor to sign said release and the City Clerk to record same. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS A Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement was approved by the City Councll on September 6, 1989, and recorded on November 20, 1989, as Document No. 89-396645 in the County of San Bernardino, California. The Lien Agreement pertamned zo cne ueveioper's respmuiuiiii,r u. ~~A„a construction of the 4th Street Median Island including landscaping and irrigation system fronting the property located between Pittsburgh and Buffalo Avenues. The Developer, Mlssion Land Company, has paid the sum of f133,000.00 for their share of the future construction of the median island along 4th Street, thus fulfilling the requirement for Parcel Map 11671 and eliminating the need for the Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement. Respectfully submitted, S~l .-~,~.~a.E~%~ SB:NV:d1w Attachment 5~ RESOLUTION N0. g~-~~a- A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RELEASING A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT FROM MISSION LAND COPfANY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga adopted Resol ut!on No. $8-228 accepting a Real Property Improvement Contract and Lten Agreement from Mission Land Company;and WHEREAS, said Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement was recorded in Official Records of San Bernardino County, California, on November 20, 1989, as Document No. 89-396645;and WHEREAS, said Real Property Contract and Lten Agreement is no longer required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby release said Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement from Parcel Map 11671 (See attached Exhibit "A") and that the City Clerk shall cause Release of Lien to be recorded to the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, CallforMa. Sd- SITE CITY OF R.4NCH0 CT]CA11If31`vTVe~ ENGBJEEEtINO DIVISION r~:tB~CEL MAP (16'I N TITL& VICINITY MAP err: ~ R ,~ liM1 iT/~ M1T1/~ STAFF REPORT DATE: November 21, 1990 (~ / U T0: City Council and City Manager 1 FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer i BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector II, SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 12659-1, located on the southwest Corner of Etiwanda Avenue and 24th Street, submitted by Walton Associates. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Cierk to sfgn said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for tract 12659-1 were approved by the City Council on October 6, 1988, 1n the following amounts: Streets Stona Grain Faithful Performance Bond: 5600,000.00 5132,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: 5300,000.00 f 66,000.00 The developer, Naiton Associates, 1s requesting approval of a 12-month extension an said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the Ctty Clerk's Of Pice. Respectfully submitted, SG~,t ~~ sB:sMG:1y Attachments ~~ 1297 \OP.TH TOWNE AV F. POh10NA,CALffO~\IA 91767 Tdepbonc (i;4) G23-G5±5 • FAX(774)623d TJ? October 22, 1590 r ~'~1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Attn: Steve M. Gilliland Re: Extension of Improvemnt Agreement for Trac*_ 12659-1 Dear Mr. Gilliland: We are requesting an extension of time for the Improvement Agreement for Tract 12659-1 to complete the necessary work yet to be done. To our knowledge, we have not completed the inefallwt-inn of fhe at-ree* knncm as Aannhn Vi ata Dlano hhe Equestrian amenities (which are both presently submitted into the City being Plan Checked) and thirdly the capping of the interior streets in Phase I where we may put the sewer mains in for the remainder of the Tract prior to capping. SinFerely, Way D. Blanton Managing Partner - Etiwanda Estates wDB/jlb ss a®. RESOLUTION N0. 90' ~` A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12659-1 VRIEREAS, the Ctty Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Rgreement Extension executed on November 21, 1990, by Nalton Associates as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adiacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the southeast corner of Etlwanda Avenue and 24th Street; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done 1n con,lunctlon with the development of said Tract 12659-1; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension 1s secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the sane are hereby approved and the Mayor 1s hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. S~ wrn,rn n+rn •,rnwrn STAFF REPORT DATE: November 21, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector I ~. SU&IECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tracts ~ 12820 and 13727, located on the southwest corner of Carnelian Street and Highland Avenue, submitted by Southland Development RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,~ect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign Bald agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Ymprovement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tracts 12820 and 13727 were approved by the City Council on October 5, 1989, in the following amount<_: IN 1G6LU IK 13/Z/ Faithful Perfornmnce Bond: f412,000 f146,000 Labor and Material Bond: 5206,000 f 73,000 The developer, Southland Development, 1s requesting approval of a 4-month extension on said Improvement agreement. Copies of 4he Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the Ctty Clerk's Office. Respectfully submitted, ~~~~ SB:SMG:sd Attachments J Southland Development Corporation 3so~ stezaa xt~y "2s, swte 210 Acton, CA 93510 Tel (805)869-1696 PAX (805) 869.2216 jR ~ ~. ~ ' October 11, 1990 C~'T 7_s ~9p 0 Cm OF 2p YC;r O CUCA.ur_,,'.;~ City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Development Department Engineering Division j P.O. box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Attention: Mr. Steve M. Gilliland Public Works Inspector Reference: Tracts 12820E 13727 Subject: Extension of Improvement Agreement Gentlemen: S We are requesting an extension of four rwnths time for the wmpletion of B improvements on the two above-referenced tracts. U R :..~ .. ..+..:.,,..., ~..~.e .tea G.r i:..a .umLa ,luc to the rnnirarinr not .. __ __ ..._ _._.. . .._~ __._ V U A . , . ~ , able to move in immediately and our getting Encroachment permits being N finalized with Cal Trans. A Since the start of the job we have had delays of time by the Soils i Engineer in his report on foundations, in framing, drywall, plastering, cabinets and ceramic tile. These delays were caused by the subcontractors C inability to man the job with as many men as expected. O U The work remaining to be done is as follows: N B 1. The drive approaches have not been completed, however, the Y contractor is on site and preparing to start pouring them during 5 the week of October 1fth. j L 2. Street lights are scheduled for the week cf October 29th. ~ i t a, The ia.;dacgping _pntrartnr hac i±egun work nn tho maintxnance landscape areas. U N. Street trees will be planted after the lots have been finish graded E and the houses basically wmpleted. E 5. The streets will receive the final 1" paving when all construction 1, has been completed, which we project to be on or about December O 15, 1990. P M ~~ N T S SUBDIVIDERS AND BUILDERS City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Development Department Page Two Should any additional information be needed, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, 56 THLAN D VELOPMENT CORPORATION D ordon Dreisbach President DGD/js enclosures s9 RESOLUTION N0. q~- ~~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROYEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACTS 12820 AND 13721 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on November 21, 1990, by Southiand Development as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way ad,~acent to the real property specifically described thereto, and generally located on the southwest corner of Carnelian Street and Highland Avenue; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described to said Improvement Agreement and sub,~ect to the terms thereof, is to be done 1n con~unctton with the development of said Tracts 12820 and 13727; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is Identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Councti of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security 6e and the same are hereby approved and the Nayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the Ctty Clerk to attest thereto. tP~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Novea~er 21, 1490 (~ ' v T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector ICI 7~i^ SU&IECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13441, located on the northeast corner of Victoria Park Lane and Kenyon Nay, submitted by Gruoe Development RECOMENDATIOM It 1s recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and C14y Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13441 were approved by the City Council on November 17, 1988, in the fallowing amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: f3q),000 Labor and Material Band: f150,000 The deveioper, Grupe Development, is requesting approval of a 6-month extension an said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available 1n the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submitted, 5l Bd.p~ SB:SMG:sd Attachments !' IJ I ^~ :~ ~?''T 2., 1950 October 16, 1990 Steve M. Gilliland Public Works Inspector CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Re: Tract 13441 Dear Steve, We hereby request an extension of our improvement agreement for Tract 13441 in Rancho Cucamonga for the folloaing reasons: 1) We are unable to complete the lardscapinq in all of the phases because the homes in the last tao phesas era not 1lniehad. 2) The curb and gutter repairs era not complete and ready !or inspection. ,~ ~i•ne aspnatt nee not been finished and cannot ba finished until the homes are complete. 4) The drive approaches are not complete in all phas,~s. We expect that these improvements will be complete within six (6) months of the date of this letter and request an extension for that time period. Thank you. Cordially, Jo n S. Gunnison ~` ps vjeCt Manager i JSG:dl l(~v" GRUPE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY -SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 940 South Cosat DtNe, Suite 260, Costa Mesa, CP. 92626, 714/754-7188 ~ FAX 714/ 754-0582 A Ga1PE Cp.9lYfl RESOLUTION N0. 9O' `/ ~~ A RESOLUTION OF iNE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING Ii~ROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13441 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on November 21, 1990, by Grupe Development as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-Way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the northeast corner of Victoria Park Lane and Kenyon Nay; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the teems thereof, is to be done 1n conjunction with the development of said Tract 13441; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mdyor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension an behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the Ctty Clerk to attest thereto. ~3 STAFF REPORT DATE: November 21, 1990 ' T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector II SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension far Tracts 13748, 13857 and 13858, located on the south west corner of Banyan Street and Milliken Avenue, submitted by M.J. Brock and Sons, Inc. RECBMMEMDATIOM It 7s recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,~ect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public Improvements for Tracts 13748, 13857 and 13858 were approved by the City Council on October 20, 1988, in the fallowing amounts: TR 13748 TR 13857 TR 13858 Faithful Performance Bond: YZ;09Td00. X000- 98;000- Labor and Material Bond: f1,046,500. 47,000. 49,000. The developer, M.J. Brock and Sons, Inc., 1s requesting approval of a 12- month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available 1n the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submitted, Si &~~ SB:SMG: Attachments M J Brock& Sons. Inc ...m ]e.„cv~: .., .~ .. October 29, 1990 City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Development Department P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739 ATTN: Steve Gilliland RE: Extension of Improvement Agreement for Tract 13748, 13857 and 1]858 Dear Mr. Gilliland: Enclosed please find a check in the amount of $753.00 for the extension fee for the above noted Improvement Agreement. I wish to request a twelve (12) month extension for this Improvement Agreement. This extension is necessary due to the continuing poor sales rate in the new home market. The majority of the work covered by the Improvement Agreement has been completed. However, the bulk of the work to be completed is adjacent to lots yet to have homes built on them. Consequently, the remaining Work in these areas cannot be completed until the house construction is done. The outstanding items to be completed are as follows: 1) Sidewalk, Drive Approaches, Street Trees and Asphalt Cap adjacent to unbuilt lots. 2) Banyan Street Equestrian Trail and Landscaping (scheduled to be done by November ]0, 1990). ]) Underground Telephone and Electrical Utility on Highland. (Both utilities have been physically working on this item in the field and assure me that they will finish their work soon). Please feel free to call me if you require additional information. It is our desire to complete the remaining improvements and complete our obligation with respect to the ZmFrovement Agreement as euinkiy as we a.e amble to build and sel the remaining houses. ~ ` Sine ~ \ -{J ~~/1 i ~St en R. S ep 11 Se for Project Mand r SRS/11 ~~ Encl. cc: Bond File - Bond No. 111269fi9804 RESOLUTION N0. g0-y~7rp A RESOLUTION OF THE C[TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACTS 13748, 13857 AND 13858 WHEREAS, the Ciiy Councii of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on November 21, 1990, by M. J. Brock and Sons, Inc. as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located at the south west corner of Banyan Street and Milliken Avenue; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Tracts 13748, 13857 and 13858; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in sold Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Cai tfornia hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to Sign said Improvement Agreement Extension an behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. W rrmv nc n n ~rrvn rr rr e wrnrrr_ e STAFF REPORT GATE: November 21, 1490 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector ~~ SUBJECT: Acceptance of Improvements, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for Tract 1s3G4 Storm Drafn located an the northwest corner of Mountain View Drive and Terra Ytsta Parkway RECOMMENDATION: The required street improvements for Tract 13304 Storm Drain have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it 1s recameended that Ctty Council accept said Improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of f61,615.00, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond 1n the amount of f616,155.00. OACKGROUNO/ANALYSIS Tract 13304 Storm Drain - located on the northwest corner of Mountain Yiew Drive and Terra Vista Parkway. DEVELOPER: Lewis Homes of Calltornla 1156 N. Mountain Avenue Upland, CA 91786 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) f 61,615.00 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) f616,155.00 Respectfully submitted, S ~~" F3c,°n cat irr. SB:SMG:Iy Attachment 7 RESOLUTION N0. `7 Q '~~ ' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13304 STORM DRAIN AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 13304 Storm Drain have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; end NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resoives, that the work 15 hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 21, 1990 T0: City Council and Ctty Manager FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer 8Y: Monte Prescher, Public Norks Engineer SUBJECT: Tract 13738; Almond Intercept Channel RECOMMENDATIOM: The Almond Intercept Channel has been substantially completed and provides for required flood protection, therefore it is recommended that the Faithful Performance Bond be released. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Both Tract 13738, south side of Almond west of Sapphire and Tract 10210, north side of Almond west of Sapphire were required to provide flood protection by constructing the Almond Intercept Channel Tf not already constructed. Therefore, both tracts were required to post a performance bond to insure the construction of the Channel. Tract 10210 proceeded with the construction of the channel and hoc suDStanttally completed it except for providing the San Bernardino County Flood Control with outstanding permit fees, as-built drawings, and copies of test results (see attached letter). The channel provides for the required flood protection for Tract 13738. Therefore Tract 13738 is no longer required to post a bond and ft 1s recommended that the bcnd be released: Release: Faithful Performance Bond ;588,000.00 Deveioper: Rodlne Companies 14T E. Olive Monrovia, Ca 91016 Respectfully submitted, `i i c7 .~rt~.cu t>QaePNIQ SB:MP:Iy Attachment ~9 ..u~.. :,.. ,,,,, Icy .w ...a-ou, -~uur nuy la,yV 1>•U.. no .UUD F',UL °`T RANSPORTATION/FLOOD CONTROL COUNTY Of 2AN BERNAROm DEPARTMENT ~Ill~lt/~ Z`~ Sys ENYIRONMINTAL UaLIC WORKC AGENCY .L P 2- 816 4e TNrd Svnt • Sul B~rnodino, CA 82{T a-0838 I71{t 3B73B00 q \\ ~%/ ~~~\ 1 I KEN A. MILLER Dl t ~ ' t rw p July 30, 199D File: 1-315/2.Od O. E. N. H. Corporation 10700 Jersey Bullevatd, Suite 705 Aer7C11o Ncamohya, (A 9],730 Attention: !L^. HatUL Stanger Fe: Zone 1, Alrnxrl Irrtamept Tltnruiel pQasr No. p-Ieauo Gontle~nsrt: Reference is made to your permit to construct a portion of tho AlrrAnd Int4toept Chtuvtol, lasted south of Abrord Street artd EA4at o! t3epphire Street, in th6 City oP Aatxlfo (.UOartlo:zJa. Please be ndviaed a tinall inspection by the District IrJrows ell rrork allowed under thin permit has tkwn m.1.?r.~. ice,,.. - Y your awrtraetor t16 Of May 31, ~~ yaciMi Y 1990, in Itooordertce With the General tud Special fhwieil7ns aantairted therein. In accordance with tho pzwisil3nv stated in paragraph 19 tlw permit, D. E.t7. N. Corporation advanosd $21,000 for ttA ttstimatttd coat of crnstructitxt inspection to be performed ty the District; paragraph 19 of the permit also requires tits - District provide a final aooD+uttittg of the inspet-Gist oasts errl the Ftirntittae would be r'afurtdEd arty axrnsa atttount Sf the costs were less than 521,000 or Y.buld be billed Pon the 13varaga if ttt~ oost9 were ill excess o! $21,000. Provided is t1nB final cost of IxxLatrvction Sr3spection m shown below. Rates era based on Sdtadule of Feaa Ordirtanx No. 323] (copy attached). labor 806.8 hours @ $25/harr Mileage 9022 mile9 @ $0. ]5/mile 7bta1 Inspection Ct7at Irt4pectian Fees Advanced At•101)N1' DUE ~~ ;r $20,162.50 ,Q, 3.157.7C $23,320.20 g2l.oo0.00 $ 2,320.20 O. E. H.H. ODI2Py7ATIGYi July 30, 1990 Page TWo Please accept this letter es a recprest for a paymont of $2,320.20 which ie over the estimate for mnstsuation inspection. Please make your shook payable ha Snn Bernardino Cbumy Flood Oontml District aryl refererre the above parnSt and file rnm~bera. Tb caiplete District zeoords, in nxvrdanoa with the permit, the Pattaitt~e 1s to submit reproducible mylar sRecord Drawings^ at least 3 mile in thiclmese, concrete cylinder break reports and oaipacticn test Ireports. It ie essential these items ba ocmpleted as ^octr as passible, or infornation furnished the District, explaining the riaesonn for ran-~lienoa with ttw 6pecial Prvvieions. If you have any questions regatYliry the above, please contact Del Feltis at (714) 3e~-zees. Very truly , ~'~(/..u.re-r'C. JNRS L. 0[ALY Permit II~gineer JID: RL: es A~tr~h.ro..« ' 70 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAffiONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: November 21, 1990 (1 City Council and Ctty Manager C3 Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector II~-~~ Acceptance of Improvements, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for DR 86-27, located on the southeast corner of Center Avenue and 7th Street RECOMMEkO11TI0N: The required street Improvements for DR 86-27 have been completed 1n an acceptable manner, and Tt is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, authorize the Deputy City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 558,000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS DR 86-27 - located on the southeast corner of Center Avenue and 7th Street DEVELOPER: California Finished Metals, Inc. 9133 Center Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) f58,000 Respectfully submitted, Su:SMG:sa Attachment 7a- RESOLUTION N0. ~Q~~7a A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DR 86-27 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for DR 06-27 have been completed to the satisfaction of the Deputy City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is requtred to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work 1s hereby accepted and the Deputy City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. 73 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November Z1, 1990 T0: CTty Council and City Manager FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector II SUBJECT: Acceptance of Improvements, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for DR 88-32 Phase 1, located on the east side of Hyssop Drive between 4th Street and 6th Street RECOMENDIITION: The required street improvements for OR 88-32 Phase 1 have been completed 1n an acceptable manner, and tt 1s recormaended that City Council accept said improvements, authorize the Deputy City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the C/ty Cierk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 528,500. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS DR 88-32 Phase 1 -located on the east side of Hyssop Drive between 4th Street and 6th Street DEYELOPER: Hyssop Prepertles 18 N. Central Avenue Upland, CA 91786 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 528,500 Respectfully submitted, SL"`~u ,&a~~~ SB:SMG:sd Attachment 71 RESO! UTION N0. f O' ~7 L A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DR 88-32 PHASE 1 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for DR 88-32 Phase 1 f:ava bean completed tc the satisfaction of the Deputy City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the Deputy City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. ~S rnmv no o n unvn nr rn n n.rnun_ n STAFF REPORT DATE: November 21, 1990 ' T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector iI~~ ~ SUBJECT: Acceptance of Improvements, Release of Bonds znd Notice of ~ Completion for Parcel Map 9416 located on the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Highland Avenue RECOMMENDATION: The required street improvements for Parcel Map 9416 have been completed 1n an acceptable manner, and 14 15 recamnended that City Council accept said improvements, authorize the Deputy City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bonds 1n the amount of f53,000.00 and (138,000.00. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Parcel Map 9416 - located on the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Highland Avenue DEVELOPER: DTversified Properties Company 2910 Red H111 Avenue, Suite 200 Costa Mesa, CA 92628-5047 Release: Storm Drain Faithful Performance Bond 553,000.00 Respectful l y~s~u~b~mi~tyted, ~""""""' l~DQ~ (rii ~~~~ SB:SMG:Iy Attachments Street 5138,000.00 7 ~p RESOLUTION N0. 9'O"~~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 9416 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public Improvements for Parcel Map 9416 have been completed to the satisfaction of the Deputy City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the Deputy City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the Cuunty Recorder of San Bernardino County. DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT November 21, 1990 City Council and City Manager Shlntu Bose, Deputy City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector i1~S~ Acceptance of Improvements, Release of Bonds and Natlce of Completion for 13181 Yictorta Street RECOMMENDATION: The required street improvements for 1318:! Victoria Street have been Counclleacceptasaid ingrovements~eautholzetthesDeputy~ClfydEngineerit~o file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Fa/thful Performance Bond 1n the amount of 510,020.00. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS 13181 Victoria Street, located on the south side of Victoria Street between East Avenue and Etiwanda Avenue noun Horn. -~.~wi u.. Jalma oR11RJ 10788 Civic Center D^ive, Suite 120 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 510,020 Respectfully submitted, 5 ~'~ /yin SB:SMG:sd Attachment RESOLUTION N0. 90- ~S ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF RANCHO CULAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13181 VICTORIA STREET AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the construction of public Improvements for 13181 Victoria Street have Neer, completed to the satisfaction of the Deputy City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the Deputy City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. 79 - CITY OF RANCHO CiJCAiNONGA STAFF REPaRT DATE: November 21, 1990 TO: Mayor an8 Members of the City Council FROM: Charles J. Buquet, II William J. Alexander ,~~, Council Cable Television Subcommittee SUBJECT: 71PHROVIIL TO nET 11 POELIC HEARING TO CONBIDSR TIMES MIRROR'S APPLZCI~TION HOR A CABLB THLBVIEION HRIINCHIHS Recommendations It is recommended that the City Council set the public hearing to consider Times Mirror's application for a cable television franchise for Wednesday, December 5, 1990. Background Times Mirror has applied for a non-exclusive cable television arannhicn as :n.iinata.i by fhn a/•hanhoA nnrreanrnidenne. The City's cable television consultant, Mr. Carl P7.lnick of Telecommunications Management Corporation, has advised that the process for considering a cable television fran~:hise is to set a public hearing. Following these guidelines, it is reco;;nmended a public hearing be set for Wednesday, December 5, 1990. DO/tlr D0:629 Attachment 11/14/1990 1445 FRg1 TIMES MIRROR CRBL.E N TO 9481648 P.82 Mai +7 ACErau i^, ?na 1y79A ~,.~••... CA AZlri"i96 ~-7 "rimes il~tirror rtAe, Inrt« u C:ableTelevisirn wbea'"'''°" ;.i~~;iAl None nw i~rir ~. LA A27146i:: ,u ,Ae.owr, TTm~ember 14,1990 Honorable Mayor an. t Members of the City Council\ City of Rancho Cuca nonga 9320 Baseline Road P.O. Box 807 Rancho Catximonga, California 91730 Honorable Mayor an4 Members of the City ConnciL• Times Mi;xor Cable Television. Inc., dba Dimension Cable Services, Inc.. beret y applies for anon-exclusive cable television franchise to provide cable service to the City of Rancho Cntxmottga. We thank rou for yor t consideration of this application and look e..~ _... __.,.a-- - -~- %~~•+ •~ `pv•avua6 wairic icicviallvla aCl Yif:G l0 /RC (a7nTena OI itanCLL0 CLLCamOn$t. Sincerely, ~~ ~~ ~~~ r uiGGrc-Ps / John Purdie Director, Busioess Development JP:ci CI ORDINANCE N0. 435 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE LiTY OF RANCHO CUCAMON GA, CALI FDR.N IA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 90-01, AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS MAP FROM "FC" (FLOOD CONTROL) TC "V L" (VERY LOW RESIDENTIAL) FOR TWO PARCELS CONSISTING OF 1.92 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED NORTH AND SOUTH OF AN EXTENSION OF HIGHLAND A'JENUE ADJACENT TO THE EAST SIDE OF THE CUCAMON GA CREEK CHANNEL, AND MAKING FINDINGS 1N SUPPORT THEREOF A. Recitals. (i) On December 7, 1983, the City Council of Rancho C,ucamon9a approved the enactment of Lhe Development Code by the adoption of Ordinance No. 211. (ii) On September 26, 1990, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing with respect to the above-referenced Development District Amendment. Following the conclusion of said public hearing, the Planning Commission adopted its Resolution No. 90-121, thereby recommending that the City Council adopt Development District Amendment 90-01. (iii) On November 1, 1990, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held a duly noticed public hearing and concluded said hearing prior to its adoption of this Ordinance. (iv) A71 legal prerequisites prior to the aoopn on or cnis urui name have occurred. B. Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION 1: This Council hereby specifies and finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of the Ordinance are true and correct. SECTION 2: This Council hereby finds and certifies this project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Oua'ity Act of 19?^ ana_ herohy ;ccgeg a Neoative Declaration. S F.CTI ON 3: The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga finds as follows: (a) (he application applies to approximately 1.92 acres of land, basically a narrow linear configuration, located in two parcels north and south of an extension of Highland Avenue on the east side of the Cucamonga Creek Channel and is presently undeveloped. Said property is currently designated as "FC" (Flood Cont rol )nx;'1and Vv Ordinance No. 435 Page 2 (b) The property to the north and west of the subject site is designated "f C" (flood Control) and is developed with the Cucamonga Creek Channel. The property to the east is designated "L" (Low Residential, 2-4 dwelling units per acre) and is developed with single family homes. The property to the south is designated "FC" (Flood Control) and i5 undeveteped; and (cj This amendment does not conflict with the Land Use Policies of the General Plan and will provide for development, within the district, in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development; and (d) The subject property is suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed district in terms of access, size, and compatibility with exist- ing land use ire the surrounding area as evidenced 6y the site's ability to conform to the City's development standards for single family residential uses; and (ej This amendment would not be materially injurious or detrimental to the adjacent properties and would not have a significant impact on the environment nor the surrounding properties and that issuance of a Negative Declaration is recommended. SECTION 4: The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves DeveS opne nt District Amendment 90-01 changing the District designa- tion from "FC" (Flood Control) to "VL" (Very Lod .Bess dents al) (1-2 dwelling units per acre) for 1.92 acres of land basically a narrow linear configura- tion, located in two parcels north and south of an extension of Highland Avenue on the east side of the Cucamonga Creek Channel, as depicted in attar haw Fvhi hit "7" SECTION 5: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within 15 days after its passage at least once in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. $3 Ordinance No. 435 Page 3 SIGNATURE PAGE 8~ ,\ ~. \E\ sz \ °o -~ EXF~IT "1" ORDINANCE N0. 436 AN ORDINANCE OF THE LITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON GA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT DI ST kI CT N0. 89-06, A REQUEST TO AMEND THE DEVELOPMENT GIST RICT'S MAP FROM NO ZONING DESIGNAi[ON TO LOW RESIDENTIAL (2-4 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) FOR 7.94 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MILLI KEN AVENUE ANO VINTAGE DRIVE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. Recitals. (i) On October 10, 1990, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing with respect to the above-referenced Development District Amendment. Following the conclusion of said public hearing the Planning Conenissi on adopted Reso'.uti on No. 90-130 thereby recommending that the City Council adopt Development District Amendment No. 89-06; and (ii) On November 7, 1990, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing; and (iii) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred. B. Ordi na nca. ThP r.ity rniinril of *hn fity of o~„„hn !'~~ n..,._ h,.„.. ~. ~~ .a, +.. as follows: S EC i[ON 1: This Council hereby specifies and finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part R, of this Ordinance are true and correct. SEGT[ON 2: This Council hereby finds and certifies that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1910, and further, this Council hereby issues a Negative Declaration. SECTION 3: The Rancho Cucamonga City Counefl finds as follows: a. The proposed amendment is consistent with the General Plan ..nd De.cloxner. Code; and b. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public health or safety or cause nuisance or significant adverse environmental impacts; and c. The proposed use is in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Development Code and City standards; and 86 Ordinance No. 436 Page 2 d. The property is suitable for the use proposed as it has been designated as Low Residential on the General Plan Land Ilse Map; and e. The pro pas ed use is compatible with existing and future land uses in the area as land to the north, east, and west contain single family detached residences; and f. The site will have adequate access to accomoodate the proposed use, with connections to existing collector and arterial streets anZ internal roadway improvements. SECTION 4: The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves Dever opne nt District Junendment 89-05 adopting a development designa- tion of Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) for the property located at the southeast corner of Milliken Rvenue and Vintage Drive. SECTION 5: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published with 15 days after its passage at least once in the Inland Valle Dail Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City o ntar o, a orni a, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. V~ CRDINANCE N0. 437 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON GA, CALIFORNIA, SECTION 10.20.010, OF THE RANCHO CUCAMON GA MUNICIPAL CODE, REGARDING PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS UPON CERTAIN CITY STREET A. Recitals. (i) California Vehicle Code Section 22357 provides that this City Council may, by Ordinance, set prima facie speed limits upon any portion of any street not a state highway. (ii) The City Traffic Enu;neer has conducted an engineering and traffic survey, of certain streets within the City of Rancho Cucamonga which streets as specified in Part B of this Ordinance. (iii) The determinations concerning prima facie speed limits set forth in Part B, below, are based upon the engineering and traffic survey identified in Section A (ii), above. B. Ordinance. NG'W, THEREFORE, Lhe City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does herz by ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Section 10.20.010 hereby is amended to the Rancho furamnn na Mnnirin~ redo •~ rnaw ,,..d. .,,e a;.... _.... c_„_.._. 10,20.020 Decrease of State Law Maximum Speed. It is determined by City Council Resolution and upon the ba si<_ of an engineering and traffic investigation that the speed permitted by State law is greater than is reasonable or safe under the condi ii ons found to exist upon such streets, and it is declared that the prima facie speed limit shall 6e as set forth in this section on those streets or parts of streets designated in this section when signs are erected giving notice hereof: Declared Prima Facie Name of Street or Portion Affected Speed Limit (MPH) 1. 2. a 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 12 Archibald Ave. - Banyan to North end 50 Archibald Ave. - 4th St. to Banyan St. 45 Arrow Rte. - Oakzr Aye. to ridvi!n Ave. a, Baker Ave. - 8th St. to Foothill Blvd. 35 Banyan St. - Beryl St. Lo London Ave. 35 Banyan St. - West City Limits to Beryl St. 40 Base Line Rd. - West City Limits to Carnelian 45 Base Line Rd. - Carnelian to Hermosa 40 Base Line Rd, - Hermosa to Spruce 45 Beryl St. - Banyan to end q5 Beryl St, - 800' n/o Lemon to Banyan 40 Carnelian St, - Foothill Blvd, to end 45 U Ordinance No. 431 Page 2 13 14 15 16 17 la 19 20 21 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 3R. 39. 40. 41, 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48, 49. 50. Declared Prima Facie Name of Street or Portion Affected Speed Limit (MPH) Center Ave. - Foothill Blvd. to Lhurch St. 40 Church St. - Archibald Ave. to Elm 40 8th St. - Grove Ave. to Haven Ave. 45 Eti Wanda Ave. - Foothill Blvd. to Summit Ave. 45 Fairmont Dr. - Milliken Ave. to East end 35 Grove Ave. - 8th St. to Foothill Blvd. 40 Haven Ave. - 4th St, to Wilson Ave. 45 Hellman Ave. - Foothill Blvd. to Alta Loma Dr. 35 Hellman Ave. - 500' n/c Manzanita Dr, to Valley View St. 40 Hellman Ave. - 6th St, to Fo cthill Blvd. 45 Hermosa Ave. - Base Line Rd. to Wilson Ave. 45 Hermosa Ave. - Wilson Ave, to Sun Valley Dr. 40 Hermosa Ave. - 8th St. to Base Line Rd. 45 Highland Ave. - Amethyst Ave. to Hermosa Ave. 35 Highland Ave, - Hermosa Ave. to B00' w/o Haven Ave. 45 Hillside Rd. - Ranch Gate to Amethyst St. 35 Hillside Rd. - Haven Ave. to Canistel Rve. 35 Lemon Ave. - Archibald Ave. to Haven Ave. 40 Lemon Ave. - Jasper St. to Beryl St. 35 9th SL. - Baker Ave. to Archibald Ave. 40 Rzd Hili Country Club Dr. - Foothill Blvd. to Alta Cuesta Dr. 35 Rochester Ave. - Foothill Blvd, to Base line Rd n~ San Bernardino Rd. - Vineyard Ave. to Archibald Ave. 35 Sapphire St. - Banyan St. to end 45 Sapphire St. - 19th St. to Lemon Ave. 40 7th St. - Hellman to Archibald Rve. 45 Spruce Ave. - Elm Ave. to Base Line Rd. 40 Terra Vista Parkway - Church St. to Bel phine P1. 40 Victoria St. -Archibald Ave. to Ramona St. 35 victoria St. - Eti wa nda Ave. to Rt. 15 40 Victoria St. - Haven Ave. to Mendocino 'rl. 40 Victoria Pk. Ln. - Fairmont Way to Base Line Rd. 35 Victoria Windrows Loop (north L south) 35 Vineyard Ay2. - Church Gt. iu Bn ve iina Bd: 4D Vineyard Ave. - 8th St. to Foothill Blvd. 45 Vintage Dr. - Milliken Ave. to East end 35 Whittram Ave. - Eti wa nda Ave, to East City lfmiis 40 Wilson Ave. - Amethyst Ave. to Haven Ave. 45 ~~ Ordinance No. 437 Page 3 51. Wii son Ave. - Naven Ave. to 200' East of Canistel Ave. 40 (Ord, 169, Section 1 (part), 1982; Ord 39, Section 5.1 1978). Rancho Cucamonga 5/82 124 (i) Both sixty-five (65) miles per hour and fifty-five (55) mites per hour are speeds which are more than are reasonable or safe; and (ii) The miles per hour as stated are the prima facie speeds which are most appropriate to facilitate the orderly movement of traffic and are speed limits which are reasonable and safe on said streets or portions thereof; and (iii) The miles per hour as stated are hereby declared to be the prima facie speed limits on said streets;, and (iv) The Traffic Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to install appropriate signs upon said streets giving notice of the prima facie speed lfmit declared herein. SECTION 2: The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and she cause the same to be published as required by law. SECTION 3: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in the Inland Yalle Dail Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation published n the City of ntar o, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California 90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 21, 1990 i0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Alan Warren, Associate Planner SUBJ EC is ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 90-018 - - reques o amen e enera an an se ap fran Office to Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) for 3.56 acres of land located at the southeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Church Street. The City will also consider Neighborhood Commercial and Low-Medium Residential as alternative designations - APN: 1077-332-26. ENVIRONMENTAL _ ASSESSMENT ANO DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT rvvcnunwi v we - raigJil/UgLmgU ggbtlLIC6IJ - N regUes2 LO amen a ve opmen s r e s p from "OP" (Office/Professional) to "M" (Medium Residential, B-14 dwelling units per acre) for 3.56 acres of land located at the southeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Church ~~:C" , n~ ~ yY~bo~ Luu~ Commercial) and "LM" (law-Medium Residential, 4-8 dwelling units per acre) as alternative designations - APN: 1077-332-26. RECOM4ENDATION: Continue the public hearing to February 20, 1991, to coor na e w the first normally scheduled 1991 General Plan Amen6nent cycle, based upon the applicant's request for a continuance (see attached letter dated November 15, 19901. BACKGROUND d DISCUSSION: At the September 19, 1990 meeting, the app can reques a an was granted a continuance of the City Council review of General Plan pnendment No. 90-018 and Development District r1aFOt9nanf QO-07 iintii thi; Aa to rhi~ request `~ mad2 iG that the Planning Commission Design Review on the proposed townhouse project for the subject site may be completed prior to City Council action on the General Plan/Development District Amendnents. Technical issues with the hydrology study are still being worked out and the site design has not yet been reviewed by the Planning Commission. The Engineering Divtsion has reported that the applicant is diligently proceeding in resolving the unique drainage situation on the subject property, CITY COUNCIL STAfF REPORT GPA 90-016 d DDA 90-02 - pITASSI/DALMAU Rovember 21, 1990 Page 2 The next available Planning Commission meeting on which the project design can be reviewed is January 9, 1991. Therefore, the earliest the City Council should review the subject General Plan/Development District applicattons would be the first review cycle of 1991 if the Council wishes to concur with the applicant's request. The date for the Council's review of the first cycle will be after the Planning Commission's first cycle review on January 22, 1991. The earliest date for City Council action on the first 199i cycle would De February 20, 1491. ACTION: It would be appropriate for the City Council to open the public eF wring for those in attendance who may wish to present testimony. Then, the item should be continued to the first cycle review of 1991 as requested by the applicant. Respec y subm , Brad r City wooer BB: AN/jfs ntcacmnents: Letter tram Pitasst/Dalmau dated November 15, 1990 9a Pitassi•Dalmau ~~K~ November 15, 1990 Feter J. Pitaul. A.I A. NcftiteM Ploin Dalmau, AIA. Mr. Brad Buller -rt ci; clYED- Arcnirect City Planner 'n'OFIq-~pp~QE City of Rancho Cucamonga '~~MMngn e>My~~ ^ Sox 907 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 N NOV 15 ~ Subject: GPA 90-O1B and DDA 90-02 7~&~11~11~$iti Southeast corner of Church and Archibald, Rancho Cucamonga. Dear Brad: On behalf of our client, EGM Development of Rancho Cucamonga, we would like to request a continuance of the above mentioned applications which are currently scheduled for City Council review on November 21, 1990. As you are aware we also have a Tentative Tract and Design Review application currently being processed on this parcel. Our project should be scheduled for the January 9, 1991 Planning Commission hearing, regarding the Tentative Tract and Design Review applications. We are requesting this continuance because we would like to nave uut uesiyu navicw auu : .i L.+t ~C Tr ~C ~eeel======~= complete their processing whichc will allow us~to present the council with the most complete package possible for their review. we would appreciate the Council continuing this hearing to their earliest possible meeting in 1991, however, we are aware of your concern regarding the GPA Cycle for 1991. As always Brad, we appreciate your assistance and if any questions do arise, please do not hesitate to call. Very Trttly Y rs,_ Pitass halm cti tects i/~~ i i. ~~~ r ~ Peter Pitass>_, A.I.A. Architect PJP:cas 93 9267 Hwen Avenue, SuiTe 220 • Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 • (714) 9801361 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November Z1, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer 8Y: Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Designation of Mai Street as a private street and exempting the abutting properties from requirements set forth in Chapter 12.08 of the Munfcipal Code RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recomaended that the Ctty Council adopt the attached resolution for implementation of the following specific conditions prior to designation of Mai Street as a private street and exempting the abutting properties from requirements set for in Chapter 12.08 of the Munltlpal Code. A. Provide 3" asphalt concrete on compacted native soil 26 feet wide approximately 385 feet up to location of the oak tree. B. Barrier protection Por existing fire hydrants. C. CC and R's or equivalent covenant agreement approved by the Ctty A1u„ue~ wiwennny yruyer maintenance or 5ireec, signed oy an property owners, within a period of 6 months from City Council designation of private street. The above conditions need to be to place, prior to the designation of the street as private becoming effective, within a period of six (61 months and the City may extend this time by an additional six (6) months. Ordinance 58 and the requirements for dedication and improvements will still be required until such time as all conditions are met and the declaration of private street becoming effective. Should the property owners not comply with the conditions within the time specified, Engineering staff will return to Council at the expiration to remove the street from the private street list. 9~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT MAI STREET NOVEMBER 21, 1990 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Property which are adiacent to private streets (designated to the County prior to incorporation) that have not previously been validated by the City as private are required to dedicate any needeJ right-of-way for the construction of pu611c improvements and, unless exempt due to protect size or type, are required to construct needed improvenents within these public rights-of-way. Tfiese requiremznts have become the focal poirst cf objections by owners of property on certain residential streets, particularly in the Alta Lama section of the City, as they developed their property. Their contention was that, because these streets were unique in nature and are of substandard design and construction, that the improvement of the street would have a negative effect on the abutting property and the streets should remain private. Because of these concerns, on July 5, 1989, the City Council adopted an Ordinance which established a mechanism for the review and determination of whether a street could be designated as a Private Residential Street. This would thereby exempt the abutting properties to these streets from the requirements set forth in the Municipal Code for the dedication of public right-of-way and the construction of public improvements. The action regarding Mai Street was triggered by a properb owner who was Informed that an offer of dedication will be required prior to building permit 15suance. The owners contended that Mat Street, which their property abuts, is private and that the above mentioned requirements should not pertain. The property owners were ylven an option of filing an application to the City Clerk's office per Ordinance No. 58-C for the review and determination if the a Cr eel is prira to and evencuaiiy setting up a puon c nearrng aace ror the C/ty Council review. The owners subsequently submitted a petition of owners of property abutting Mai Street (100% of the total parcels affected) requesting that the City Council make a determination. On Mai Street, 75% offers of street dedication exist and are recorded but were not accepted by the City. Vacation proceedings would have to occur in order for any declaration of private street to be finalized. The referenced subject has been sent to the Fire District far review and comment. The main concerns of the Fire District are 26 feet wide emergency fire access, street capability to handle 70,000 lbs of emergency equipment and barrier protection for existing fire hydrants. On October 17, 1990 City Council meeting, Engineering presented the report summarizing the above concerns of Lhe Fire District and the City Council retam~ended to forward the application to the Public Safety Commission for direction. 9s CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT MAI STREET NOVEMBER 21, 1990 PAGE 3 Engineering staff met with the Public Works Sub-Committee on several occasions to discuss the issues involved. Also, the property owners were invited to attend a discussion meeting with Engineering and Public corks Sub-Committee and expressed their concerns. One of the concerns from the property owners, is that if the street does eventually became public how would it be constructed 1n light of the existing structures and physlcai restraints. Also they expressed concern over the difficulty to get 100 cooperation fran property owners in accomplishing any type o' improvements or cry type of agreement for ongoing maintenance. They also expressed concerns whether the conditions imposed on them would be for all future private street requests. They stated that they have seen fire trucks use their streets as it is now, so why would they have to do any improvements nowt These are a few of the several concerns discussed. Based upon our overall review and analysis of comments from the Fire District and the Public Norks Sub-Committee, public safety has been the main concern. On November 21, 1990, the said Engineering recommendations from letters A-C were forwarded to the Public Safety Cawnlssion and were approved. The six month time extension under the recommendation is on the basis of other development within the area which would pave Almond Street, this Drovtding for a proper place for the private street paving to Join. The Fub11c Safety Conm15s1on also reviewed and recommended general guideline conditions to be used in setting speciffc conditions far private street designation. The recommended general conditions areas follows: A. Minimum 26 feet wide paved access per City requirements capable of iimiai my i~,0uu pound emeryency venicie. B. Minimum 26 feet wide private reciprocal rccess easement. C. Barrier protection for existing fire Ifydrants. D. CC&R's or equivalent covenant agreement approved by the City Attorney concerning proper maintenance of Street signed by all property owners within a period of 6 months from City Council designation of private street. E. Naivers - any or all of the above conditions many be waived by the Public Safety Commission and/or the City Council when, after a consl4eratien of the totallity of the circumstances, it reasonably appears that a waiver will not adversely affect public safety, health Gr wel is re of adjacent properties. The above conditions are set forth as guidelines and do not restrict the Ctty from imposing any additional requirements. Each application shall be reviewed for their site specific conditioning. 9~ CITY COUNC2L STAFF REPORT MAI STREET NOVEMBER 21, 1990 PAGE 4 Also, the above conditions need to be in place prior to the designation of streets as private, becoming effective. Ordinance 58 and the requirements for dedication and improvements will still be required until such time as all conditions are met and the declaration of private street becoming effective. Respectfully submitted, ~J i ~L~u-~ ~jC~Q.Q~~'\ SB :[U :diw ~ Attachments 9~ RESOLUTION N0. 9d' ~~c~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING MNI STREET AS A PRIVATE STREET AND ExEMPTING THE ABUTTING PROPERTIES FROM REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN CHP.PTER 12.08 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE NHEAEAS, the City Countll of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has decided that certain residential streets, being unique in nature, function as private residential streets; and NHEREAS, the City Council has decided that properties abutting private streets should be exempted from certain requirements nornwlly attributable to public streets; and NHEREAS, the City Council has adopted Ordinance No. 58-C creating and establishing the authority to designate certain streets as private residential streets. NHEREAS, the City Council finds the following conditions for implementation prior to designation of Mal Street as private street. A. Provide 3" A.C. on compacted native 26 feet wide approximately 385 feet up to location of the oak tree. B. 8arrler protection for existing fire hydrants. C. CC and R's or equivalent covenant agreement approved by the City Attorney concerning proper maintenance of Street, signed by all property -"---tic: _s ..y_.e owners, wl tnln a period of o muni.iu iron Ci iJ Cad"uG .. .,~.,, y.~. .. ;. street. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Cal i fornta, hereby resolves as follows: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: Said above conditions have to be completed and approved byof Rancho Cucamonga for said portion of Mai Street located between Almond Street and it's northerly terminus, approximately 425 feet north of Almond Street, prior to designation as private street becoming effective and the abutting properties to be exempted from the requirements set forth from the provisions of Chapter 12.08 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Mpniclpal Code. SECTION 3: with the designation of that portion of Mai Street as a private st~,~sha11 ,~otn the list of so designated private streets set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 98 EXHIBIT "A" DESIGNATED PRIVATE STREETS Name of Street Portion of Street 1. Strang Lane Carneiian Street to Private Street deslgnatton 1300 feet east adopted based on 60t representation of petitioning property owners and 100% favorable representation at public hearing 2. Bella Yista Road Sapphire Street to Private street designation 1325 feet east adopted based on 70E Carnelian Street t7 representation of petlttoning 1320.5 feet west property owners and 300 favorable representation at Public Hearing. 3. Scott Lane Pato Alto to 630 Private street designation feet north adopted based on 83Y representation of petitioning property owners and 100Y favorable representation at Public Nearing. 4. Mai Street Almond Street to Private Street deslgnatton approximately 385 feet adopted based on 1008 north representation of petlttoning property owners. Specific conditions have to be a~et to order for the declaration of private street becoming effective in accordance with Resolution No. 90-452 STAFF REPORT VA DATE: November 21, 1990 n T0: City Council and City Manager v FROM: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer BY: Dan James, Senior Civil Enginoer SUBJECT: Designation of La Senda Road and Carol Avenue as private streets and exempting the abutting properties from requirements set forth in Chapter 12.08 of the Municipal Code RECONEMDATIOMS: It is recommended that the City Council adapt the attached resolution for implementation of the following specific carrdltions prior to designation of La Senda Road and Carol Avenue as private streets and exempting Lhe abutting properties from requirements set for in Chapter 12.08 of the Municipal Code. A, Remove and replace failed portions of existing pavement with 3" asphalt concrete over compacted native soil as determined by Engineering and Fire Division. Niden pavement to 26 feet wide with 3" asphalt concrete over compacted native soil for full length of street. Overlay 1" thick of asphalt concrete over remaining existing aspnait concreix. B. Provide documentation indicating minlman of 26 feet wide private access easement for the full length of La Senda Road and Carol Avenue. C. Provide for additional private access easement for adequate emergency vehicle "hammmerhead" turn around at the north side of the intersection of La Senda Road and Carol Avenue. Or a paved turnaround with a minimum 38 feet radius at the end of Carol Avenue. D. Barrier protection for existing fire hydrants. E. CC and R's or equivalent covenant agreement approved by the City Attorney concerning proper maintenance of Street, signed by all property owners, within a period of 6 mon!hs fr,va r_.ify Council designation of private street. ~~~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT LA SENDA RD. AND CAROL AVE. NOYEM3ER 21, 1990 PAGE 2 The above conditions need to be in place, prior to the designation of streets as private, becoming effective within a period of six (5) months. Ordinance 58 and the requirements for dedication and improvements will still be required until such time as all conditions are met and the declaration of private street becoming effective. Should the property owners not comply wi*h the conditions within the time specified, Engineering staff will return to Council at the expiration to remove the street from the private street list. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Property which are adjacent to private streets (designated in the County prior to incorporation) that have not previously been validated by the City as private are required to dedicate any needed right-of-way for the construction of public improvements and, unless exempt due to project size or type, are required Lo construct needed improvements within these public rights-of-way. These requirements have become the focal point of objections by owners of property on certain residential streets, particularly in the Alta Loma section of the City, as they developed their property. Their contention was that, because these streets were unique in nature and are of substandard design and construction, that the improvement of the street would have a negative effect on the abutting property and the streets should remain private. Because of these concerns, on July 5, 1989, the City Council adopted an Ordinance which estab7lshed a mechanism for the review and determination of whether a street could be designated as a Private Residential Street. This nuuiu uiereuy exempt the abutting properties to tnese streets from the requirements set forth in the Municipal Code for the dedication of public right-of-wdy and the construction of public improvements. This action regarding La Senda Road and Carol Avenue was triggered by property owners who, when applying for Tentative Paroet Map 13321 were informed that offer of street dedication, off-site street Improvements and other engineering requirements w711 be required prior to map recordation ar building permit issuance whichever occurs first. The owners contended that La Senda Road and Carol Avenue, which their property abuts, were private and that the above mentioned requirements should not pertain. The property owners were given an option of Piling an application to the City Clerk's office per Ordinance No. 58-C for the review and determination 1f the street 15 private and eventually setting yap a public hearing date for the Ctty Council review. The uwrrcrs subsequently SUblllitted a yetitjOn Of Owrler5 Of property abutting La Senda Road and Carpi Avenue (63.3% of the total parcels affected) requesting that the City Council make a determination. On La Senda Road and Carol Avenue, several offers of street dedication exist and are recorded but were not accepted by the City. However, there are two ~~~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT LA SENDA A0. AND LAROL AVE. NOVEMBER 21, 1990 PAGE 3 properties that Lhe street dedications Were inadvertently accepted by the City to 1979 without full public improvements when the county was reviewing the plans and maps on behalf of the City. Vacation proceedings would have to occur in order for arty declaration of private street to be finalized. The referenced subjects have been sent to the Fire District for review and comment. The main concerns of the Fire District are 26 feet wide emergency fire access, street capability to handle 70,000 tbs of emergency equipment and barrier protection for existing fire hydrants. On October 17, 1990 City Council meeting, Engineering presented the report summarizing the above concerns of the Fire District and the City Council recommended to forward the application to the Public Safety Commission for direction. Engineering staff met with the Public Works Sub-Committee on several occasions to discuss the issues involved. Also, the property owners were invited to attend a discussion meeting with Engineering and Public Norks Sub-Committee and expressed their concerns. One of the concerns from Lhe property owners, is that Tf the street does eventually become public how would it be constructed in light of the existing structures and physical restraints. Also they expressed concern over the difficulty to get 1008 cooperation from property owners in accomplishing any type of improvements or any type of agreement for ongoing maintenance. They also expressed concerns whether the conditions imposed on them would be for all future private street requests. They stated that they have seen fire trucks use their streets as it is now, so why would thgy have to da any improvements now4 These are a few of the several concerns arscussea. Based upon our overall review and analysis of comments from the Fire D15Lrict and the Public Norks Sub-Committee, Dub11c safety has been Lhe main concern. On November 21, 1990, the said Engineering recommendations from letters A - E were forwarded to the Public Safety Commission and were approved. The Public Safety Commission also reviewed and recommended general guideline conditions to be used 1n setting specific conditions for private street designation. The recommended general conditions are as follows: A. Minimum 26 feet wide paved access per City requirements capable of handling 70,000 pound emergency vehicle. B. Minimum 26 feet wide private reciprocal access easement. C. Barrier protection for exl5ting fire hydrants. D. CCdR's or equivalent covenant agreement approved by the City Attorney concerning proper maintenance of Street signed by all property owners within a period of 6 months from City Council designation of private street. ~~~ CITY CWNCIL STAFF REPORT U SENDA RD. AND CAROL AVE. NOVEMBER 21, 1990 PA6E 4 E. "Naivers - any or all of the above condltlons myy be waived by the Public Safety Comatssion and/or the City Council when, after a consideration of the tota111ty of the circumstances, it reasonably appears that a waiver will not adversely affect public safety, health or welfare of adfacent properties." The above conditions are set forth as guidelines and do not restrict the City fray impost rg any addt tt anal requirements. Each appl icatt on shalt be revf ewed for their site specific conditioning. Also, the above condltlons need to be in pi ace prior to the designation of streets as private, becoming effective. Ordinance 58 and the requirements for dedication and improvements will still be required until such time as all conditions are met an6 the declaration of private street becaning effective. Respectfully submitted, Sly, b~~,~- SB:DJ:atw Attachments ~~~ RESOLUTION N0. %O" 75.3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING LA SENDA ROAD AND CAROL AVENUE AS A PRIVATE STREET AND EXEMPTING THE ABUTTING PROPERTIES FROM REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 12.08 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE NHEREAS, the City Council of the Cthf of RancYw Cucaaonga has dec+ded that certain residenttai streets, befog unique in nature, function as private residential streets: and NHEREAS, the City Council has decided that properties abutting private streets shou]d be exempted from certain requirements normally attributable to public streets; and NNEREAS, the City Council has adopted Ordinance No. 58-C creating and establishing the authority to designate certain streets as private residential streets. NHEREAS, the City Council finds the following conditions for implementation prior to designation of La Senda Road and Carol Avenue as private streets. A. Remove and replace failed portions of existing A.C. with 3" A.L. over compacte0 native as determined by Engineering and Fire Division. Niden pavement to 26 feet wide with 3" R.C. over compacted native for fuli length of street. Overlay 1" thick of A.C. over remaining existing A.C.. B. Provide documentation Indicating minimum of 26 feet wide private access easement for the full length of La Senda Road and Carol Avenue. C. Provide far additional private access easement for adequate emergency vehicle "hammerhead" turn around at the north side of the intersection of La Senda Road and Carol Avenue. Or a paved turnaround with a minimum 38 feet radius at the end of Carol Avenue. D. Barrier protection for existing fire hydrants. E. CC and R's or equivalent covenant agreement approved by the City Attorney concerning proper maintenance of Street, signed by all property owners, within a period of 6 months from City Council designation of private street. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, hereby resolves as follows: SECTION 1: That Lhe above recitals are all true and correct. /O~ SECTION 2: Said above conditions have to be completed and approved by~he 1'{~of Rancho Cucaaonga for said portion of La Senda Road located between Sapphire Street and Carol Avenue of La Senda Road and its southerly terminus approximately 200' south of La Senda Road prior to designation as private streets becoming effective and the abutting properties to be exempted frrom the requirements set forth fran the provisions of Chapter 12.08 of the Citiy of Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. SECTION 3: Ntth the designation of that portion of La Senda Road and Carol Avenue as a private street, it shall Join the list of so designated private streets set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. ~~ EXHIBIT °A" DESIGNATED PRIYATE STREETS Name of Street Portion of Street 1. Strang Lane Carneltar. Street to Private Street designation 1300 feet east adopted based on 60E representation of petitioning property owners and 1001 favorable representation at public hearing 2. Bella Yista Road Sapphire Street to Private street designation 1325 feet east adopted based on 70i Carnelian Street to representation of petitioning 1320.5 feet west property owners and 1003 favorable representation at Pub11c Hearing. 3. Scott Lane Palo Alta to 630 Private street designation feet north adopted based on 83$ representation of petitioning property ovmers and 100% favorable representation at Public Hearing. ~~P - CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 21, 1990 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council _ -~. \t~ PROM: Duane A. Baker, Aeeiet ant to the City Han r ?:'f'~\j ~J%~ , SOBJECT: COBG RHAi.LO('l~TIOM Recommendation It ie reco'mnended that the City Council approve the Public safety Conmiesion recommendation to authorize the allocation of $20,000 from Community Development Block Grant Funds to fund capital improvement designs for Sierra Madre, Vinmar, and Calaverae streets, south of 9th Street. B~ekaround Sierra Madre, Vinmar and Cal averse streets, south of 9th are part of the Cnnununity Development R/cck Brant (CDRC) project area in Rancho Cucarsanga. As such, these streets have bean placed on a capital project schedule for improvements to be funded by CDBG funds. The current CDBG schedule has these three streets scheduled for design work beginning in Eiecal year 1991/92. However, due to a recent homicide and increase in gang act iv:.ty in these neighborhoods, the Public Safety Commission unanimously supported the proposal Eor the City Council to reallocate funds to this neighborhood ao that work may begin sooner. Currently, there are three streets ahead of Sierra Madre, Vinmar and Ca laverea, south of 9th on the CDBG project schedule to be constructed. out of these, only one will be ccnstructed this year and that is Sierra Madre north of 9th street, Although there are adequate funds to complete conetructlon of. Sierra Madre, north of 9th street, there are not enough funds available to begin conetructlon on the other two pro; acts on the echedu le. Due to this fact, there ie a balance of funds which axe now available to be allocated to the design of Sierra Madre, Vinmar and Calaverae. St is eat imated the design for the improvements on these three streets will not exceed $20,000. With the Council's authoriretion, work can begin on designing these improvements eo tY.at a complete sat of design plane can be available for the Council's full coneidernt ion for funding of construction during the regulnr CDBG allocation process ee part of the regulnr budget adoption in June. CAB/tli DAB:632 ~Q~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Mayor and Members of the City Council Baker, Assistant to the City Manager It is respectfully requested that this item be continued to the December 5, 1990 meeting of the City Council. This request is being made as staff has not yet received nor reviewed all the pertinent information necessary to adequately address the concerns raised by the City Council at its last meeting. Respectfully submitted, ,.t , ~. % ~ 1' ' n„anc a AaYor - CITY OF RANCHO CI;CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 21, 1990 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Duane A. Raker, Assistant to the City Manager SOHJECT; AMBWDMBWT TO TBE JOIAT BZBRCISB OP YOfFBIL4 AGA~Pr POR TBE WEST BPD rSkpOAIGTIOR9 AOTWRITY Aecammendation It ie recommended that the City C>uncil adopt the attached resolution authorizing amendment to the West Bnd communications Authority Agreement to permit membership at the Chino Rural Fire Protection District. eackaround In January and February of 1990. the West End 800 181z project team completed development of the Joint Powers agreement document. In February find March the agreement was circuieted to ail +:he .intwrsstad agencies for pzccaesirg through legislative bodies and for axecutaon of the documents. . _ ,.a .:.e :.nn~,.n> ns Mo . noAnnnh wwn that to allow for the Joint Powers Authority to come into being on March 20, 1990 with n minimum of flue of the interested aganciee having eigne•d the a9caement. After the March 20, 1990 deadline, any agency then wishing to become a member of the Authorlty would have to do so only wish the approval of a majority of the agencies which make up the Authority. Although, ae always, the intention of the Chino Rural Pire Protection District was to become a member c•f the Authorlty, however, processing through County council end the County Board of Bupervieore [ook longer than anticipated and they were noC able to receive approval through the Board of Supervisors unt11 after the March 20, 1990 date. Therefore, Lf the chino Rural Fl re Protection District is to become a.aember of the Authority, they moat be approved by a majority of the current membe:~e who are the City of Ontario, City of Rancho Cucamonga, Rancho Cucamonga Pire Protection Dletrict, city of Upland, City of Montclair and Clty of Chino. Reeoectfuiiy nutahltLnd, ~' Duane A. Baker Aeeiatant to the Clty Manager DAB/tlr DA8:634 ~~~ RESOLUTION NO. ~O~ ~~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Rdnc ho CUComOn~_ CALIFORNIA, AUTBOR- IZING AMENDMENT OF THE WEST F,ND COMMONICATION AUTHORITY AGREEFIENT TO PERMIT MEMBERSHIP OF THE CBZNO RORAL EIRE; PROTECTION DISTRICT WEIEREAS, the Citv nnn'~il of campnyd is pursuing proceedings, together with any three 31, or more, of the following public agencies, namely: The Cities of Chino, Montclair, Ontario, Upland, Rancho Cucamonga, or the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, to amend the existing West End Communications Authority Ayreement which provides for the acquisition, construction, and operation of certain communications facilities and improvements in connection therewith under the West End Communications Authority, a Joint Powers Agency; and, WHEREAS, the Chino Rural Fize Protection District has requested and has been authorized membership by the Board of Supervisors of San Bernardino County; and, WHEREAS, the membership to the Weat End Communications Author- ity has been recommended by Resolution of the designated Agency Representatives who sit as the Board of Directors for the Weat End Communications Authority; NOW. TRRRP.PORE. the City Council of the City of RdnC hO CUComOn4d __ does hereby resolve, order and determine, as follows: SECTION 1. APPROVAL C!P AMENDMENT TO TAE WEST END COMMONICA= TIONS AUTRORITY_AGREEMENT The officers and staff of the Weat End Communications Authority are authorized to prcceed with incorpora- tion of the Agreement between the Weat End communications Authority and the Chino Rural Fire Protection District, dated September 10, 1990, as an Amendment to the original West End Communications Authority Agreement, dated M.rrch 20, 1990, as adopted by this body. The City Council hereby approves and authorizes the City Manager to execute such action in the form and manner as deemed advisable by the Leyal Counsel for the Wee:t End Communications Authority. SECTION 2 APPROVAL OF' HEMBERS}QP In accordant? with Sectic~ 8.09, Mem6e rship, of the Joint Powers Agreement, the City Council hereby accepts the membership and designated representation of the Chino Rural Fire Protection District to the Board of Directors of the Authority. SECTION 3. OFFICIAL ACTION The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to taM.e all actions and to do all things necesaa ry or desirable hereunder with respect to amendment of the ~~ Page 2 Agreement and addition of membership to the Authority, including the execution of such docuroenta, certificates, or instruments deemed necessary to facilitate this action and not inconsistent with the purposes of this Resolution or with the intent of the Authority By- Laws. SECTION 4. 6FFECTIVS DATE This Resolution nha 11 take effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this day of 1990. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERH I BEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was executed and adopted by the City council of the City of at a meeting held on the day of i, 1990. CITY CLERK of the City of CITY OF RANCHO CIICAMONGA STAFF REPORT -' DATE: November 21, 1990 70: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner SL'B.IECT: STATUS REPORT ON REGIONAL AIR QUALITY PLAN, SAN BERNARDiNO s a us repor on a eve opmen o a o e eg onal Air Quality Element for San Bernardino County and other cities including Rancho Cucamonga. RECOMdENDATtON: Staff recam~ends thit the City Council receive and common on a key provisions ,of the draft model Air Quality Element. This is on]y a status report and no f~>nnai action is requested at this time. The final draft Element will be oresented to the Council in early 1941. BACKGROUND: Since April of this year, 15 cities and the County of k.n ernar ino have been working together to develop a model Air Quality Elenent. The Policy Task Force formed for this praJect has determined that it would be appropriate, before ;hey conclude their part in the nrp ni_rpf inn of •bn A..~H ....A.~ ~cy4i i, vu i. heir eiiuris. Ilpan the completion of this draft model~Element in early 1991, each city and the County of San Bernardino w~~11 be asked to consider ani eventually incorporate into their General Plans, an Air Quality Elemem: consistent with the South Coast Air Quality Management Plan (SCAQMP). Both the Policy Task Force, and the Technical Task Force have beer developing the action plan consistent with the actions outltned in the SCAQMD. The Policy Task Force deternined that the following key provisions of the draft model Element ware worthy of highlighting now for one or more of the following reasons: 1. They could have a significant im{~act on air quality. 2. They could demonstrate a positiva commitment to air quality by narh iunreni.H nn 3. They could involve difficult a~ad controversial choices for iutal officials. The SCAQMP expects local Jurisdictions to use the powers they already have in improving air quality by: ~r~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT STATUS OF SCAQMP November 21, 1990 Page 2 * Planning - setting priorities and making policy through their general plans and other policy resolutions; * Regulating - setting standards and enforcing them through zoning, subdivision control, and project reviews; * Designing - guiding and conditioning development projects through the devei opment review process; and * Operating - setting an example by instituting certain changes in haw local government operates. Each of the above functions would be required of every jurisdiction depending on the specific actions they adopt, The action profiles are intended to be a menu of actions for consideration depending on the individual communities' specific goals and existing setting and conditions, keeping in mind the primary goal of this plan is cleaner air. The attached Proposed Local Government Actions is a summary discussion of five areas that are being addressed in the model Element and Action Profiles. These distussians are intended to highlight the possible implications of the policy choices each jurisdiction will need to address ir. the future. Also attached are the Action Profile Matrix and the summary and analysts of the various Control Measures. In conclusion. no action is necessary at this time. This is an informational update only. Please feel free to Forward, at any time, comments or questions you may have on this matter. Respec y submitted, Brad City P1 ner BB/jfs Attachments: Proposed Local Government Actions Action Profile Matrix Summary and Analysis of Control Measures 1 i3 PROPOSID LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTIONS ^ Talking instead of Trnveling' The main idea of this strategy is m conduct business and meetlngs using phone systems iostead of driving your car. [n the simplest form, it can be done using ~~ existin¢ phone systems for working at O home with a computer or using canfercnce operators and speaker phones to conduct meetings. More sophisticated (and effective) approaches require state- of-the-art communications centers which could 6e jointly sponsored by several jurisdictions. The purpose is to reduce sum trips - generally, the most effective way of cutting emiuions. this suatcgy may not have much early effect because it may not cut out a large number of However, its coepcrative implementation will be a landmark effort by local government whe planned communications center is built. Each jurisdiction could begin programs among its staff to encourage "talking instead of tray and encourage other insdmlioos end businesses ro do likewise. In the meanwhile, a contxnec could be made to cooperatively develop amulti-governmental program for maximum uu communications center. ^ Less Parking But More People' Phis strategy consists of putting a price on parking spaces in a County where it is typically "free" and eventually reducing parking standards so drat other mesas of travel are more compeddve. It could apply m work, shopping, btuineas sad recreation trips. ~ O This has the potential m be one of the most effective ways m reduce trips by one peF50a iir a ,2r by encouraging nafnie to ride tngether~ ra1l e a bne, ride a hirvrj[ nr waik, j, h~ nor result would be to eliminate a lot of sum trips. It also could be the cause for considerable concern by local governments becauu of fear of lost business, momrist inconvenience, employee dissatisfaction and local congestion if nth-r ways of usual can't be used. For this reazon, a long- termincremental program is recetrrmended, beginning with parking inventories and supply analysis. Al an appropriate time local governments could institute this action within their own organisation, then follow up with requirements for other iastlmdooal and business uses. Charging for parking, dedicating parking spans for carpools, providing cash rebates [or thou who share rides and limiting parking spacer could all be part of the strategy. Limitation of available parking spaces should occur only if acrumpenied by a system of price inantivp. /I~ ^ Fewer Trips and Shorter Trips The thrus[ of this strategy is to get local governments and businesses to help eliminaa auto trips by sitting up plans so that a significant number of employees will share rides or use some other means of work travel. This is alrwdy being done with lagge employers (100 employees or more) by the Hit Quality Management DisWa under Regulation XV. With large tanpioyment centers, an organization rosy be sit up especially to administer such a plan. If taken over by local govetvmeat and approved by the District, ~~ progrems woulQ allow for local review of rcgionslly significant projtxtis, a possible advantage for some jurisdictions. The Draft Plan also includes provisiaa for similar prograrm to be extentiW W include smaller firms or employment centers. An option would be m simply inform employrxa of opportunities, bui not set up targets for achievemene This is one of We moat effective mean of reducing po0utants because We number of tripe eliminated can be substantial. Subsuntial employer cost and employx inconvenience, as well as fear of businss lass ro firms without such requirement, suggest Wat an inctemenul approach would be in order, depending on what occurs through the t:ongddon Management Plen. ^ Land Uses Working Together' The idea of this strategy is to arrange lane uses so Way patentiegy requve fewer sum nips as well as shorter tripe abate Wey need m be made This coo be data by reviewing stew pmjxb, developing phasing policies, increasing tlensides in tremit corridors, ettcouregiug mixed use projects, or adjusting planned laud urea to reflect better balance. Concern wiW growW management prograrm; built emend Win idsa centers on potential tax base losses by certain jurisdictions, inability m monitor sir manage such a system, and disagreements about We real air quality Genefii3 c-iaimtvi by the AQMr'. The duce.: paL'uUoa r~ruid be very large or quite limited, depending oa who's interpretation ose accepts. ~'~ Less Dust From Roads and Farntingr Sines one of the most sign cant pollutants in this County is dust in the air, anything that would reduce the level of dust we breathe could have substandal value. In addition, the required anions are not overly difficult to carry out 5etne aro s!ready in plan. Locally established requirements would focus on a variety of ways m control dust during road and building mnstruaion as well as suppressing dust from the use of paved and unpaved surfacs (roads, parking Mts. driveways). EHectlve tools should include wnditioning and moniroring consWalOna sites, preventing soil erosion onto paved surfaces, regular streU cleaning programs and stabilizing dat on unpaved suttaeea. R+hero agriculture is ptactiad, soil stabilization, wind breaks and operational chaagea should be tequired. '[ltis is an action area in which the combined ef[orts of sixteen jurisdictions would be very effective. t See uVe tefarnJaraeinx and ]k/rcanwwnitae(aar Ploarune in Aeorhnaom A and B. r See lncrran m frnpote PavMna fen and ReaYer Pavf:lna Sappfy in Aatarfinoar A and H. ' Sn inp Reaiuctian and ThfnlfMa PloartNti U ABaehiaan A and B. a See lobr/Housint Badaneat Drwfop avdAabpr A(Irgwntt amd Phatinf Poadn in AaarhTaan A and B. S Su Fuaiaiw f7rarR Miafmiar PavdaJar Entiutdu in Aaaehinaut A avd 8. ~( W ATTACHMENT A ll? ~EGIONAL ~IR CZUALITY PLAN SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY/CITIES ~::~:~ ,.C-~4~ORPROFiI;$.i}~TA'I`I{IX rR> ;':3 ~ •a,~, TABLE IY A q< • I ~~ i s^ ~ ~ ~ `~ ~ p q ACTION PROFII,ES ~a0 ~ Frqa a~ q V ~ 7 d U f ] a ,~ > pa ~ O ~ o ~ a aa.< a a asauvn a~sN.4roxa~2'rat ,~~~ ,~, :~•:~~ ~." ,•<~= ^~ ~'~ Sug9eM, FbnhM 8lnmpneaae WaA Werb (fa HIGH MOH MIOH MOH NMRIaIM Wak Wawa and Fla ihN) EtLeWa TaNWdllallrha ROpan (fa M®a1M MOH MOH MOH iaNaanrrarwatla~) EY~btich Tepcminamkaasnc Rapama (rn MIDIUM MOM MHiH HIGH TNemmmuicaaaM) Trip Redatian InlatMtlal Roprrn IOI Fadtlr Ll7N ~ MOH MOH M®IUM unM"rxy i u ~w vywyw iwriw~ w,. and TmsR Inoanmes) EsWClna TMMM~ to tatge tinpbyan and M®IUM MB71UM LOW MEDIUM OekellMUSelel Canplaxa (2a FmPbYer RtRalrw end Transit Inanawa,) 7np Reductla~ Plero M facirtlw WXM1 Mars ThM 1 W MB)IUM LOW HIGH MEDNM'a Empbyea (2a t=mW^Mr Podann and TlrNt IIa.YnfivasJ Increase a Impaaa Pedhq fen (26. PeA;lp M(iH' Ll7N MOH M®IUM MarugemadJ Redun PeaMg Supply rlb. ParMg ManaywnwQ MOM LOW HIGH M®IUM ' viiiiGUii iui 5niali juiiSdiCiiuiu iu fidmiuuier. = Already covered 6y Regulation XV but may be enacted locally to retain regulatory administration at the local level. ' Only recommended in combination, and then with cautious approach to reducing supply. ' Only recommended io combination, and then with cautious approach l0 reducing supply. / / ~ The Platmutg Center A•1 r Pcnrl /CITIES TABL)S IP-A " ` ~`: PiCFIdN PR.f3FILE iSIA'~ ~ ~ : ~ ~'a '°~ ` ,;` ,. ~ . ,, , . . , „ ~~ Y ~ ~ C cccyggq I` ACTION PROFILES ~ Q O ~ ~ ~ d U ry a0 „~ p Quo as ~a a EsbhlBh AW Free Zane 6 Proheil TnpW on LOW LOW LOW LGW Oeeignatsd SPeeb Wba PeYC Han (2e. Aub LYe Reaaiceant) pub Uae Reatrictlona fur Sp~cal Evaib Centaa (!s. LAW M®Ilal LOW lON Aub Uw Rablabrd) Enhance Trrwa Parbrmanca (Pe. Alto Wa RpekUaa) lOW HIGH MLDIUM Mi~NM inaeeae Furaag far iraroe Impmemwib (Py. rnma InprovwwnwMQ lOW HIGH M®IUM MtDIUM Esb0lgh Truk RaM 6 ScMdlaa UsYg Oa•PaW M®IUM LOW Mt~IUM ML~IUM rwurs lua rnar wpuorg, nnnwaary aro I Reraufng) Sgnal Syr:chronimoon 8 ChunnekIDlon (1. TieAk Row I lOW HIGH MIOH MmIUM I Improwmemal LAND USfi . ,.. ~ .:;~ ,~ Improve JoGhbuaing Balance Through Now HIOM LOW HIGH HIOM avelopinaH one Retlewbpmara Raps RaNawa and A.cacm 117. Graw/h MrrganlwMf Oavebp aM Adopt Agleanxnb Amgq PrlblpaNg MmIUM ML~NM HIGH MI~IUM Judadictlom fiapMOag AppraNra b Imgow and Maintsb JoMAkuwq Balar¢w (17. (irpaN Man+f«n«rt1 a Rating based on emissions reduction projectieos which Gave boon challenged as vastly overstated. Actual rating could be lower. ° Acceptable in the form of jab generating incentives, but not housing restrictions. // 9 The Plcmm~g Canter A-Z ftIIL QUALITY L LAN dDINO COUNTY/CITIES TABLE IKA ° A~FiON YROF1i.E WA11tIlC .:v'~ a ~ J I ~ ACTION PROFII.ES pp t ~ Y ~dF OW O ~ ~ ~ ao o°C.e a . a I Incorporw Phaing Pakb and HrquYamwAl n M®IUM HIGH HIGH HIGH GenNal Plru and DavNop Pbna b Addaw IYMy RMrian d IMma~xin (17. GmMI AYn~pNawq ~y~~~~. (( Irv.. MYVw' t' ai .. ~ i '.yid' Y .,C. NV ~. ~R~Y£, fr~~y AdgA FugAM ouM Onpwlw nn a 1m. a.Ne Abada Haw Haw Haw Ha41 8 Uq>twd floaW W Per16g Lob) Adopt Qdnancea p llmttApkubral IarN rn0 WA Ha3H AIED710A MEQa1M GPU~bnr (dd•EA fig1Ab Dal On4ww) nwp~~ivww..:, ..': :.:: °i^~^:~ WA WGH HIGH HIGH Oumg Pond, Parkrg Ld eM &IAdng CpptuLlbn (a& Fd. FugpNa EMWNIIk from ConsVU.dbn d flordJ and BmiobmgrJ Adept Ord'awnea n Rddhd Uw d Bu1dYp MaMlab afd WA M®IUM NIGH MEDIUM McNadn Whih Ganarab Hqh lavaM d PoAdnb (BB~F- 9. Low F+narlpn Abdlada rv10 Mtlrrbb Ar dAOYg CorWnaan) N/A -Not Available /~ The Planning Curter A-3 ATTACHMENT B /~ / E ~~ r~ d~ ~ X O~ ~~ ~~ <7 ~! s 4 a; ~~ e S5 8 ..z~; ; 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 zF ~ $ a Q rn A~ B e 3~ ~ :y`4G. ,u~~ ~ L s g ~ ~ 4 d ., Y~ r" ~ S S ~ e. ~g r ~ ~~ ~ $ ~ }~x, ~, r,> ~ b a ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ s. ~ ~~$ _ ~ 9 s ~. s ~ ~ : iy, ~., $ $ .$ i 3 ~ e s_ ~ ~ A i °~ ~Zd r ~ ~ ~~ ~q~ ~ ~ ~ x ~ . ~ ~ y § 8 s ~ ^, ' p ~~~ II ~ I I A ~ ~ ? ~ a ~ .. 3 ~ o , ~d~ . , ' 8 d ~g ~ .~' R .~ e mo ~ 8 ~ I el l ` n . gk~9 ~cx ~ ~ a &~I ~' I'. ~~ eQ l ~ ~ Y 2~ ] I EX~3 ~~~ Ee` ~ x a i a ~ r r g ~~aa ~~4 a ~ ~~ ~'' ', ~ A ea r; ~ e ~o y l ea- e~ $2 l s ~ I o ~ ~ ~ 4$~.S' e ~~~ ~~ 9 n ~ ~y e ~ ~ ~ eb ~~ 6;a ~~ a ~ a~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ i~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ p ! n a~ 3 ~.' ~ yi e Z r 9 e a y a ~ yy V sa' 1'`. 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