HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991/03/06 - Agenda PacketCITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGUI,AIi MEETINGS 1st and 3rd Wednesdays - 7:00 p.m. March 5, issl Civic Center Council Chambers 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 srs City Councilmembers Dennis L. Stout, Mnyor William 3. Alexantier, Mayor Pro-Tem Charles J. Bur;uet, Councilmember Diane Williams, Councilmem6er Pamela J, Wright, Councilmember sss Jack Lam, Cky Manager James k Markman, City Attorney Debra J. Adams, City Clerk City Office: 989.1851 ~yy PA ,, ~ City Council Aganda (1 March 6, 1991 1 All itua auhmittad for !ha Cltp Comcil Rganda moat b+ in writing. Tha daadlinm for tubmittiaq thus itua is 5100 p.m. on the Madnaadap prior to tha casting. Tha Citp CLrk' Offiw raeaiwt all anch itua. A. CULL TO OAD6R 1. Roll Call: 0uquat _, Alaxnndar _, Stout _, ..... r..u _, anu er iync E aNNOORCB1BMla/PAEBBNTATZONB C. COIOIl91ICRTIORB PROM TEE r+r.rr This i• tha tiu and pLw fer iha guual public to addrao tha Citp Council. Blab law probibita tha CSLp Cnueil from addruaing up Suua aot pravioualp Sacludad on tba Agamda. Tha Citp Council up racaiw testimony cad wt !ha attar for + aubaaquant uatlag. Commant• ara to ba lialtad to tiva minutes par individual. D. CONa@if CALENDA_+ Tha following Coaaa+t Caludar ilea ara up+etad to ba rouiina and non-coatrovaraial. Thep will ba tclad upon by the Gouacil +t ow tiu without diacuuio+. Anp SLU up ba removed by a Countilmambar or member of the audiaaea for diacuuioa. 1. Approval of Ninutea: Tanuary 9, 1991 Pebruary 6, 1991 (Stout absent) 2. Approval of Warrant e, Register Noa. 2/13/91 and 2/20/91; 1 and Payroll ending 2/14/91 far the total amount of 52,177,982.43. 3. Alcoholic Beverage Application for on Sale Baer S wine 12 Eatinq Place for Chuck E. Cheeee'e, Showbiz Pizza Time, Incorporated (P-12), 9339 Poothill Boulevard, Suite E. 4. Approval to Inatnil aenlar Field Backstops at Heritage 14 Park Eapt Field. ,~ City Council Agenda n Maroh 6, 3991 V 2 RESOLUTION NO. 91-061 15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CZTY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, MTI FY ING TH8 ADVERTISING OF 'INSTALLATION OP SENIOR FIELD BRCRSTOPS AT HERITAGE PARR EAST FIELD", AND AVTHOAIZING TFd CITY ENGINEER TO AWARD AND ERBCVTE SAID CONTIUCT WITH CONCURABNCS OP TEB CITY ATTORNEY 5. Approval of Resolution 91-0128 to extend Comcaet 19 Cablevieion's franehlee. RESOLVTION NO. 91-0128 20 A RESOLUTION OF THB CZTY COVNCIL OF TMS CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALZFORNIA, EXTENDING COUNTY OF SAN BBRNARDINO FRANCN 2S8 LICENSE WITH COMCAST CABLE T.V. FOA 30 DAYS VPON EXPIRATION OP CVP.RENT LICENSE WITHIN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA 6. Approval to place an advertieement in the ^We Tlp^ 21 annual program for an amount not to exceed 5175.00, to be funded from Special Projects Account No. 01-4122- 6028. 7. Approval to expend Aeeet Seizure Funds far Police 22 Canine. e. Approval of an Amendment to the Cooperation Agreement Q3 between the city of Ranche Cucamonga and the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency, revising the terms of the annual loan between the Agency and City. RESOLUTION NO. 91-062 z5 A RBSOLUT ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING AN INTEREST RATB FOR LOANS MADE FROM THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA TO THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVSLOPNSNT AGENCY 9. Approval to execute a Release of Real Property 26 Improvement Contract and Llen Agreement far 12972 Victoria Avenue, locatetl on the north aide of Victoria Avenue, east of Htiwanda Avenue, eubmiited by Prank Merony. P '^ ~ ~ City Council Aysrda Harch 6, 1991 3 RBSOLUTION NO. 41-063 28 A RESOLUTION OT THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCNO CUCANONGA, CAL IFORN IPr RELEASING A REAL PROPERTY SHPROVEHENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT PROM PRANR NERONY 10. Approval to execute a Subordination Agreement for Parcel 29 Hap 8583, located et the northeast corner of Hallman Avenue and 9th Street, eubmiited by Rueaell and Majorie ~n~ec. 31 ABSOLUTION NO. 91-064 ~ A RESOLUTION O! TH6 CITY COUNCIL OP TNS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SUEORDINATION ACABEIO/NT PROM RUSSELL AND H1IJORIE JBTER AND AUTHORIZING Tf~ HAYOA AND CITY CLEAR TO SIGN SANG 11. Approval and execution of Program Supplement No. 16 (CO 32 91-010) to Local Agency - State Agreement Nc. OB-5420 between the city of Rancho Cucamonga and the State of cal ifornla for Construction and Construction Engineering including advertisement, award and adminietrat ion of the Arrow Route Bridge Widening nt Cucamonga Creek Project. The eupplement sate the Federal portion of the project at $364,088.00 and the City's portion at 859,912.00 with the provision to increase the City's portion should the need arise. Funding for the Supplement Agreement shall be from Syeteme Oevelapment Punde. RESOLUTION NO. 91-065 33 A RESOLUTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND SIGNING OP PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT NO. 16 TO LOCAL AGENCY - STATE AGREEMENT NO. 08-5620 TOR CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION BNGINEEAING INCLUDING ADVF,RTISEMENTr AWARD AND ADHINISTPAT ION OH THE AAAOW ROUTE BRIDGE WIDENING AT CUCAHONGA CAEEE PROJECT <~ City Council Agenda ' Nareh 6, 1991 4 12. Approval to sward end authorisation for execution of 35 Profsseional 5orvicoo A9rsemsnt (CO 91-011) for Conetructicn Atlminlotration end Inspection for the Milliken Avsrus Underpass at the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Pe Railway Improvement P[ojoct, located bstrrosn Sixth Street and Jersey Boulevard, to L.D. Ring Incorporated, for the amount of $300,000.00, to ba funded trap 58140 Aeeount No. 35-6637-9030 and RDA Account No. 15-51000. 13. Approval to award and authorization for execution of 37 Professional 6arviess Agrasarnt (CO 91-012) for Soil• Tasting for rho Milliken Avenue Undsrpaa• at tae Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Improvement Project, located between 6th Strost and Jsrsay eoulavard, to ANA Group for rho amount of $39,500.00, to be footled f[an 58140 Account No. 35-6637-9030 and ADA Account No. 15-51000. 14. Approval to award and authorization for execution of 38 Professional Services Agreement (CO 91-013) !Or construct ion Staking and Surveying for the Milliken Avenue Underpass at [hs Atchiaon, Topeka and Santa Pe Railway Improvement Project, locates between Sixth Street and Jersey Boulevard, to Aeeoeiated Engineers for the amount of $61,020.00, to be funded from S8140 Account No. 35-6637-9030 and ADA Account No. 15-51000. 15. Approval aE Map, execution of improvement Agreement, 39 Improvement Saco tity and Ordering the Pnnexation tc Landscape Maintenance District NO. d and Street Lighting Maintenance District Noe. 1 and 4 for Tract No. 13351-1 located on the southwest corner of Milliken Avenue and Terra Vista Parkway submitted by Lewis 8omea. RESOLUTION NO. 91-Obb 4i A ABSOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TN% CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPAOVBHENT AGREEMENT, IMPAOVBMENT %%CURITY AND FINAL HAP OF TRACT NO. 13351-1 , ~j ~y}~ City Council Agenda ~ U -"l(A March 6, 1991 5 42 RESOLUTION NO. 91-067 A RESOLUTION OP TF78 CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNS%ATION O! CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE NAINTSNANCE DISTRICT NO. 4 AND STREET LIGHTING NAINTENANCB DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 4 POR TRACT NO. 13351-1 _ _ ~.. ...,.,,t. rw..r,...wmwwt Awrwwment end I dF Improvement Seevrity for the construction of Baee Lino Median Landscaping for Parcel Map 9350, located on the nortD aide of Base Lins between Mlllikan end Rochester Avenues, submitted Dy The William Lyon Company. 47 ABSOLUTION NO. 91-068 A RESOLUTION OB THS CSTY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPAOVElD:NT SECURITY FOR TNS CONSTRUCTION OF BASE LINE MEDIAN LANDSCAPING POA PARCEL MAP 9350 48 17. Approval io execute Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security for Etiwanda Avenue between Highland Avenue and Summit Avenue, cubmittwd 6y Hatt Development Company. 50 RESOLUTION N0. 91-069 A :iS SO::..^:ON OP THE CITY COL•NCP- OP °7m C'_TY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI POANIA, APPROVING IMPROVE.~4:NT AGA@E!ffiNT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR ETIWANDA AVENUE BETWEEN HIGHLAND AVENUE AND SOMMIT AVENUE 51 13. Approval to exe<ute ImFrovement Agreement Ex[ene ion for Tract 13367, located on the east aide of Hellman Avenue between Highland Avenue and Alts Loma Drive, submitted by Homecoming Partners Limited. 53 RESOLUTION NO. 91-070 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPAOVBMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSIOH AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACE 13367 f~~Y ~~]yi~ City Council Agenda 1 ~r;i/ ' Harch 6, 1991 6 19. Approval to accept Improveaiente, Releaea of Bonds and 5Q Notlce of Completion for Tract 11915-1, located on the northeast corner of Hermosa Avenue and 26th Street. Releases Paithful Performance Bond (Street) $275,000,00 Labor and MateYlal Bond (Street) $237,500.00 RHSOLUTION NO. 41-071 55 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP TRH CITY OF RANCHO CUCAlN)NGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCHPTINC THB PVBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POR TRACT 11915-1 AND AUTHORIZING THE PILING OP A NOTICB OP COHPLHT ION POR THE WOAR 20. Approval to eccapt ImprovamenCe, Releaetl of Bonds and 56 Notlce of completion for Parcel Map 12058 located on the east aide of Lion Street south of 9th Street. Releaea: Faithful Pertormnnce Bond (street) 5 67,010.00 RESOLUTION NO. 91-072 57 A RESOLUTION OF THH CITY COUNCIL OF THH CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIPOANIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IHPAOVEMENTS 80R PARCfiL MAP 12058 AND AUTHORIZING TH8 FILING OP A NOTICB OF CON.PLES'ION FOR 1^n^a WOAii 21. Approval to releaee Paithful Performance and Labor S 58 Hateriale securities for 6809 Hellman Avenue, located on the east elde of Hellman Avenue south of 19th Street, developed by Laelo vase. Releaea Certificates of 0epoeits Paithful Performance $ 6,200.00 Labor and Hateriale $ 3,100.00 B. CONSENT ORDINANCES The following Ordiaaacu have had public hwriage at the lice of fixaL reeding. Seco¢d nadinge are ezpectsd to Ds routi¢e end eon-controversial. Thq will be acted upon by the Couaell at one tine without discusaioa. The City Clerk rill read the title. Rap Stee eaa be revved foe dlaeueaion. ~ F s '`~ City CounGll Agenda ~~(( ~ ~'i March 6, 1991 ` 7 1. CONSIDERATION OP ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ~ DHVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 90-OZ PITA93I /DALMAU ARCHITECTS - A request to mwnd the Owslopment District's Map from "Op• (Office/Professional) to "N" (Helium Aaaldentlal, 8-14 dwelling unite per acre) for 3.56 acres of land located at iha aoutheast corner of Archibald Avenue and church Street. The City will also consider "NC" (Neighborhood commercial) and ^LN" (LOW- Medlum Residmtlal) as alternative designer ions. ( ORDINANCE No. 441 (second reeding) 59 AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THH CITY OF AAIiCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIPORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMHNT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 90-02, TO AMEND THB DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS NAP PROM "OP" OFPICB/PR0PE98IONAL 1'O "M" (lD;DIUM RB9IDENTIAL, 5-14 DWELLING UNITS PHA ACRE) POR 3.96 ACRHS OP LAND, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNHR OP ARCHI9ALD AVENUE AND CHURCH STREET, AND MAEING PIND INOS IN SVPpORT TFIEAEOP 2. CONSIDHRATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL AS SESSHENT AND IND0551'R IAL AREA SPECIPIC PLAN AMBNDt~@NT 90-04 - CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to include Automotive/Truck Repair - Na]or as a permitted or conditionally permitted use within the Heavy Industrial Dtstrict (Subarea 15) and to include Service Stations as a conditionally permitted use within the General Industrial District (s::tazaa 2) of the Industrial Atee SpeclYle Plan. ORDINANCE NO. 442 (second reading) 63 AN ORDINANCE OF TH6 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INDUSTRIAL ARHA SPECIPIC PLAN AHENOMHNT 90- 04 TO INCLUDE AUTOMOTIVE/TRUCK REPAIR - HAJOR AS A CONDITIONIU.LY PERMITTED US8 WITHIN 30HAREA 15 AND SERVICE STATIONS AS A CONDITIONALLY PEAHITTED USB WITHIN SUSARBA 2, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THHREOF P ~ i r ~ ~ + ~ Clty Council Agenda I~~ w ~~ March 6, 1991 8 3. CONSIDBMTION OP AMENDt9!NTS TO THE CITY'S STREET NANSNG BOORLBT AND TXE STREET NAMING OAD INANC6. CITY CODE CHAPTER 12.12 - CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA - Proposed aniendmenta to the Clty's policlas, procedures, and regulations re9arding the naming of streets as contained in the Street Naming Bocklet and City Code Chapter 12.12. ORDINANCB NO. 146A (wcond readlnq) 68 AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY ODVNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI-OIiNIA, APPROVING AM6NOMENTS TO CHAPTBR 12.32 OF TF@ RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THS CITY'S STREBT NAMING REQUIR6HBNTS r, Aavsxx2sED PueLlc EEAaxaoe The folloria9 itgs hart bwa adrartisW sad/or postrd •^ public hrarings a• raquirrd by lat. Thr Chair rill open thr agtiag to raw ivr public Nstiaonp. Nc Items Submitted. O. PVBLIC BSBASNOB Thr following itgs hart no legal publication os posting requirgrnts. Tha Cbair wi12 open the nesting to zwrirr public Lestiawsy. 1. CONSIDERATION OP AH ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1 12 OP ]4 TH JN C C H NG W UN ORM PARAING CITATION BAIL SCF:EDULE ORDINANCE NO. 443 (f Stet reading) ]5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP TN6 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 1.i2 Or THE RANCHO CUCANONGA MUNICIPAL CODE AND BSTABLISHING A NEW UNIFORM PARKING CITATION BAIL SCIffiDULS AND PROVIDING POA FUTURE MOD IPI CATIONS BY RESOLUTION ~ ~ P 7 ' r ~ l~-~,)[~ City Council Agenda ~ ~y~( Msrch 6, 1991 l~ g 9 CITY MAMA Ths following itue de ao4 legally require app public testimony, although tAe Chair nap open the meeting for public input. 1. ODNEIDERATIDN Op CITY K ID )9 PROCEpUAE - Pxe9ent at ion oP new City Nall Evacustion Policy PYOCedure for Council's approval. I. COONCIL SVBINSBe The following rises have beau requaated by CAe Citp Comeil for discussion. They are not public ha ring itua, elthougA the CAair map open the acting for public input. 1. SLPDATE$ ON THB "ga' BUILDER" BI /NO I DEVELOPMVNT GV M S BCOMMITTM 94 J__I-SNTIlIC TION O! ITEMS !OA NETT STING This i• the tine for City Coaacil to identify the items they wish to dimuu at the next maetlag. TAate itoa will not be diacuaaed ai this uatiag, only identified For the next meeting. R. COM1nN2 GTIONe FROM TRR This is the tine avd place for the general public Co address the Citp Couvcil. State law prohibits the City Council from addresaivg any iaeua vot previously included oa the Agenda. The Citp Council uy receive GstLomp and set the utter for a subsequept uatiwg. Commenb axe to ba limited to five minutes per individual. L A0.70VRMI0!Mr MEBTINO TO ADJOORN TO STECUTIVS 8E88ION TO DIS CUSS PERSONNQ, MATTERe, I, Debra J. Adams, City C:erk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga , hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on Natch 1, 1991, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54953 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. January 9, 3991 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA CITY COUNCIL NINUTSS 811jour0ad Jolnt Meeting City COUncil end the Pnrk and ABCYeat ion Colllllli ael0n An adjourned joint meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council and Park and Recreation Commieaior. met on Wadneaday, January 9, 1991, Ln the Tti-Community Conference Room of the Civic Center, lOCated at 10500 Civic Center Drlve, Aancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to at 6x40 p.m. by Hayor Dennis L. Stout. PrCeent were councilmembere: William J. Alexander, Charles J. Buquai II, Diane Williams, Pamela J. Wright, and Nayor Donnie L. Stout. Also preee:rt were: Jack Lam, Clty Hanager; Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager; Rick Gomez, Community Development Director; Olan Jonee, Sr. ADA Analyst, LeAnn Smothers, Redevelopment Analyst; Jce Schultz, Community Services Director; Tarry Smith, Park Planning/Development Superintendent; Rathy Sorensen, Recreation Superintendent; Paula Pachon, Nanagement AnalyeC II; Rat by Scott, Adminietrat ive Secretary) Paul Rougeau, Traffic Engineer; Robert Zetterberg, Public Works Maintenance Hanager; Jeff Barnes, Parke/Landscape Maintenance Buperintendent; and San Sutton, Deputy City Clerk. : x * . ~ : B. CONSSNf CALRNDAR B1. Approval to award and authorize execution o£ contract (CO 91-OD1) for Traffic Signal and Street Improvements located at Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue for the amount of $411,914.00 ($374,4fi7.01 plus 10~ contingency) to Oliver Brothete to be funded from Syetema Development Fund Account No. 22- 4637-8942. NOTION: Roved by coquet, seconded by Alexander to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. ~ • • • . x City Council/Park and Recreation Commission Nlnutee January 9, 1991 Page 2 C. CALL TO ORDER - PILPa avn ~CRIilITION COIOIISSION Present were Commiseionere: Bruce Ann Hahn, Pam Henxy, Ann Punter, and Hnrk Whitehead. Absent was Commissioner: Holly Mitchell. C1. Atlminietration of Onth of Office to Mark Whitehead and Ann D. Punter. Mayor Stout administered the Oaih of Office. ~ • • . . ~ Q. ITEMS OF DISCUSSION D1. ,p~$CUSSION OP FORMATION OF THE N RS N IMO NTY P RAND ATION OPEN SPACE DISTRICT Staff report presented by Joe Schultz, Community Services Director. H0 introduced Supervisor Jon NikelE, end Jerry Newcombe, Interim Director of the San esrnardino County Park and Recreation Department. Supervisor Mikele etaied that when the District use first proposed it came out of the County's Growth Management Taak Force, which was somewhat of an outgrowth of Me99ure I. Ne stated he felt the original measure contained two areas *_hat would have made him oppose the measure, one was there was a large disparity between the dollars generated in this district and the amount of funds coming back to this district, and the second was that Ghere would be no regional park in the district. He stated the way the Open Space District boundaries have been drawn, Lt hoe been divided into the West Valley, Central Valley, and Eaet Valley. Ha stated those lines are not coterminous with the 5uparvieorial Diotrlct llnea, so the only other entity in the Weat Valley District with Ranc;:o Cucamonga is the City of Unland. He stated the City of Uplan3 has indicated they wiii not be agendizing the item, which leaves in the Weet Valley portion of the 2nd District only Rancho Cucamonga. He stated the original disparity between the revenue generated and money spent in hie 5uparvieorial District was approximately 36-7, which was too wide a margin for him to consider support. He stated those figures have been re-worked to provide equity acroae the County in terms of where funds are generated and where they will go to provide open apace. P.e felt Lhe revision did not present a problem to him any longer and wculd be equitable to Rancho Cucamonga. Supervisor Mikele stated that the second problem was there appeared to be insufficient language that provided the guarantees he needed to insure that the money raised in hie Supervieorial District would et ay in that district. Even though this ie an ongoing project, there had to be some cut-off point, so they were looking at a ten-year plan for generation of revenues. He stated the Open Space District will be such that 60i of the revenue will go to indepentlent park districts and city councils that choose to participate in the vote, with the City Council/Park and Aecraat ion Commission Hinutes aeneary o l0?1 Page 3 other 50t going to the regional park system in the County. He oleo felt it would be fair if some of the revenue generated Sn the West Valley District qo to the Cucamonga/GUasti Regional Park since it to used trequently by Rancho Cucamonga resident a. Supervisor Mikele stated ha has bean trying for some time to coordinate all of the elements for the Deer Creek Regional Park. He at aced if the Open Space District ie passed, the portion in this area would include San Antonio Heights, the sphere of Lnfluence for Rancho Cucamonga, and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. They were looking et generating approximately $1 million per yanr. He stated currently the Al lacatlon would M 20t would o0 t0 the Cucamonga-GUaati Aark. snd 20t to the Deer Creek Regional park. He stated the County has an RFP for a County-owned but privately operated golf course Ln the Deer Creek spreading grounds, about 500 acre e. Tha golf course development cannot 6e incompatible with the uses the P1ood Control District needs to make of that property, but they can be jointly exercised. HB outlined the other sreae far the proposed Regional Park, consisting of property where the Aock Crusher was proposed, University of California owned property, and Plood Control District property. He explained some of the trails that would tx! proposed for this area. He stated the concept was to have a nature park, and if they are able to nequire all of the parcels, it would provide over 1500 acres to be used in conjunction with the golf course. He stated the biggest problem le generating the revenue to develop it, even though it would not coat ae much ae active arses. Supervisor Mike le stated the Oper. Spnce District should generate approximately $500,000.00 per year, over ten yearn it would be approx imateLy $5 million. He felt that would be more than ample to acquire the property and develop the concept. He stated the County owns most of the property but they do not have the revenue to develop it. He felt the Open Space District would be the only vehicle that would generate funds to develop the Deer Creek Regional Park. He atatad they will an su re in the reso L_ticr. tF.at the dcllsrs gerc rata3 ~ ill stay in this area, and much like Neaeure I it will bs constructed eo that the major projects will be definedr and that Build-out of the master planned facil itiee would be guaranteed by the resolution approved by the Board of Supervisors. If those guarantees are in the resolution, then he will support it. Ne stated that if Rancho Cucamonga did not join in the District, ae the City o£ Upland has chosen to do, then there would be no revenue at a11. Ne felt this tacillty would be a direct benefit for the community, and would only euppori ik if he was assured that the revenue generated here will benefit the community in perpetuity. Councilmember Alexander felt the proposed plan was much better than anything offered, and approving to participate in the Open Space District now only meant it provided the citizens the right to vote on the issue. He asked about the maintenance caste for the facility. ,Terry Newcombe, Acting Park Director, atatad a portion of the revenue for the first five years, Sot of each participant's share, would go towards operation and maintenance. After that five year period there ie no limit. He stated this measure allows for funds to be used for operation and maintenance. City Council/perk end Recreation Commission Minutes January 9, 1991 o.~ q Supervisor Mikele stated it would be availab).e if necessary. Ha stated currently the other regional parka in the county generate close to 1001 of the operation and maintenance costa. Ms stntad the benefit of a master plan ie that Lt can help develop a coat pion. Mayor Stout naked it the election could be etsuctured !n such a way that the city's option to 6e in or not le covered by the election. Supervisor Mikele stated he could not say for sure. He atatad hie underetandinq of the way it Se to be proposed to thnt it is a county-wide District that will pace oY fail County-wide. He stated that Lf a narticular r~w'..e~~,?--~_ _«--~ cne Daetrict, and Lt passes County-wide, you would still be in. Jerry Newcombe, Acting Park Director, stated they have checked wish the County's attorney and they have stated it would not be possible to make the District formation or the choice to participate contingent upon the voting reeulte from a particular city. If the Clty opts in now, then they are in for the election. Hs stated a way out would be once a spacial assessment district Se formed, than you could apply to LAFCO to be released from the district. Ha atatad the o ietrict would not oppose anyone from detaching from it immediately after the election based on theis city's reeulte, Dut they could not guarantee what LAFCO would decide. Councilmember Williams aekatl about the language that would be used in the resolution. Supervisor Hikele stated it ie a Board of Supervisors resolution that nut horizea formation of the District, antl authorizes its presentation to the voters. He stated that resolution, like Measure S, will spell out eper, ific project e, and in this case spell out revenue generated in the area flowing to those projects through their Haeter Plan 6ulld^out~ or h? Wou13 t support it. Jerry Newcombe, Acting Park Director, ntated the Board is meeting on February 4, 1991, but that they ere preparing the draft now. He stated he coultl list all of the proposed projects, but depending on which cities decide to participate, it could change that project list if there will not be the revenue to support them. He stated he can share the draft prior to the 15th of January for the Weet Valley area. Councilmember august et ated that if Upland does not get involved, then there really ie no other community, per ae, that would be Ln this area, and did not see how this project would be subject to a change. He stated tF.at Measure I was eat up using the beat-guess figuzea projected upon certain types of participation and dietribut ton of the amount e, and they made the commitment that if it wee successful, these projects in would ba performed in a cattalo order, and felt that ie what they needed here. Jerry Newcombe, Acting Park Director, atatad that ie what they will do City Council/Park and Recreation Coa~ission Hinutee January 9, 1SS1 Page $ Supervisor Hlkela stated they could provide that draft, but it would not be ironclad until the Board votes on it, but the language included would guarantee the revenue stream. Counrilmember Wright wanted to clarify that the revenue generated for the County would be approximately $1 million. supervisor Hikele stated that unlike the funds for Measure I which was based on projected salsa tax revenues, this ie $36.00 peY parcel which brings the numbers to a litt Le over $1 million per year for 1001, eo the City's portion would be 5500,000.00. Councilmember Wright asked then shat they expected would be available for the Deer Creek Regional Park per year. Supervisor Mikels stated approximately $400,000.00 per year for 1,500 acres. Cmuncilmembet Wright stated she was et ill leery on this project until she heard more epecifice. She wanted to ba sure they were not just creating mare access to scrub, which they already have, and would like to be shown soma other things that would be there that will benefit the citizens. Supervisor Hikele stated hie idene included a nature trail eyetem on approximately 200 acres, ae well a couple of ideas for the central area, but with only $A 00, 000.00 per year St would not bs developed very quickly. He would envie ion developing a master plan in conjunction with the City for the area, and then working together on building out that master plan development. Councilmember coquet stated in the last few years they have had a problem with the Flood Control District wanting market value for their property, and asked if !hat world be a proble^ f_r the Board. Supervisor Hikele felt that would not be a problem. Councilmember AlexandeY ae ked i£ there would be coats to the ueere, au ch as parking fees. supervisor Hikele stated that would be something they need to address. He stated parking fees generate revenue at all of the County regional parka, and that revenue can be used for operation and maintenance costa, which would make more of the assessment revenue available for other uses. Councilmember Alexander stated the reason he brought it up was because if the citizens decide to participate in this, but the facilities will be used by people who did not participate, would there be came way to differentiate between the people who are and are not paying for the assessment. City Council/Park and Retreat Son Cammiasion Ninutaa Ja.^.uazy 9. 19g1 Page 6 Jerry Newcombe, Acting Park Director, stated one of the provisions Ln the legislation allows the Regional Parke Deportment to give back to each parcel owner who pays an aeaeasment discounted use of the regional parka in the amount of the Couniy'e share of the aesaeement. So for the planned $36.00 per parcel, they would issue a coupon to each owner for $18.00. Commissioner Henry inquired about item 11 in the Memorandum of Understanding (MCU) where it references an intent, and if the Council agrees to participate, ie there some way to lock down this project and that the CLty'e funds, Lf passed, would gc to that specific project ae covered tonight] end if they did not go to that nrn iwnt. would thwrw hw aomw wav for the City to cat out of it. Jerry Newcombe, Acting Park Director, stated the intent of the paragraph was to say that currently there Se no District, but the MOU ie to define the relationship between the District and the participant when it Le tormed. He wanted Lt to be clear that no one was signing a binding agreement 6ecau ea there was no District to sign. St was basically a good faith intent, and this would be the document intended to be executed once the District was formed. He felt one thing they could do would be to put very spec if is language into the Board resolution, and have that aame language Ln the NOU. supervisor Mikela stated thaC Jerry Newcombe Se et ill working with the County Counsel to revise the language, and wanted to be sure the City was eatief iod with the language. He stated they will have the generic language developed that will have the guarantees the CSty would like to see. Councilmember Buquet felt if they could work in conjunction with the County Counsel to help develop the language prior to the next City Council meeting, it would help to speed up the process on the Council's part. Jerry llexoo^`e, Aet'_ng Par Y. Director, ststed he wouid he s:•ai1s51e Co xotk •~__.. represent ativee from the Council in the next few days to draft intent language that wculd 6e acceptable to the City, then give it to the attorneys tc put in the legal format. Councilmember Wright concurred that the Council needed to be involved in the development of the language of the resolution. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public comment a. Adtlreaeing the Council ware: Lettie French, member of the County Parke Commiaeion, felt ae a lifelong resident of the community this was a tremendous opportunity to obtain same open space and preserve the area for a small amounk of money. Catherine Bridge, 8715 Banyan, presented information on the first regional park district formed in the San Francisco Bay area in 1934, and felt that voters recognized the benefits of parks that are outside of their boundaries. City Council/Park and Recreation Commission Minutae January 9 i99i Page 7 A woman in the sutliance stated she was an eight year resident of the area, and was in fnvor of having the open apace. A man from the audience etatetl he has been Lnvolved with the ~rlentls of Cucamonga/GUaeti, and felt there was broae based support In the community far open space preservation, and that hie group would 6e willing to lend support to get the measure passed. Thera being no Lurther input, the publle comment seselon was closed. Commissioner Nahn asked if the revenue generated from the onlf cn..~oe „ _-__ uuying mole property. Supervisor Hlkele stated the revenue from the golf course would probably go towards Plood Control District proj acre since Chie plan was designed ae a meare to generate funds for the District. Mayer stout stated Chat the Council has echedulad this item for their next meeting on January lfi, 1991, and that they will be making a decision at that time as to whether to of firm this or not. Couneilmember Wright statetl at the January 2, 1991 Council meeting, the Council asked to be provided a comparison of the City providing a similar project and have it just be a $36.00 City aeseaement which the City would get 1008 of ae opposed to the county•e proposal where they share the money, and what the pros and cone of Doth would be. she stated she would like to have that information prior to the 16th when they make their final decision. ACTION: Couneilmembare coquet and Wright to work with Jack Lam, City Manager, and the County on developing acceptable language for the County•e resolution. Mayor Stout stated he would like a written nremo to go to the Council on the results of that prior to the meeting on January 16tH, along with the comparison that is being prepared by Community Services. a • • • w x Mayor Stout called a recess at E:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:15 p.m with ail members of Council and the Park and Recreation Commission present (Mitchell absent. « ~ . . ~ D2. pISCDSSION ON CENTRAL PARR LIERAAY AND OTHER PAC ILITIES Jack Lam, City Manager, stated this Item was on the agenda to bring the Council up to speed on the project, and to get the Councll'e tlirection on how they would like to proceed at this point. City Council/Park and Recreation commission Minutes January 4, 1941 Page 8 Staff report presented by Joe Schultz, Community Services Director, who proceeded to introduce Bob Hustinq Eras AJN Design Group. Bob Muet ing, RJM Deaiyn Group, introduced the other mesd~ers of the design team that were present that evening, and provided bnekground information on the development of the pork and its etruciuree from its early stages to its current conf iguratlon. Mayor Stout naked Bob Nueting if he would review for the Council and the Commieaion how the eubcommitteae were selected. Bob Muating, RJli Design Group, stated that to the beet of hie knowledge the Library subcommittee was formally satablished 6y the city Council, end members were selected by the Council to eLt on the committee. He stated the other groups, the trek forces for the theater, the community center, the arts center, and the sports canter, were made up of staff with the aeeietance of members of the community who were specialists in the various areas. Joe schulta, cossaunity Services Director, orated staff helped out because they were not dealing with the facilities, par ee, bui with Che programming element of what would go on in the facilities. So not or.1y did they use their expertise, but they also located experts in the particular areas to provide input. Counc ilmemt+er Huquet asked what percentage of the disco eeion or focus hoe been on the financial coneiderat ions. Bob Muet ing, RJM Design Group, stated the committee process was essentially driven by need ae far ae what services would be needed by the community, and not what was the budget needed to build this particular library or theater. He stated they have discussed with staff the Lopact on the design budget ae the facility aizae ware increased, tut easantlally the diradicn pea tc proceed a. h the library tlriving the process, to acconwodate those programs, and to meet the deadline for the library grant. Councllmember Baguet stated he was interested in what degree of diecuae ion was there ae to the long term costs, or potential costa to develop these buildings. Bob Muating, RJM Design Group, stated they have prepared a number of budget updates at various points in time. Cauncilmembar Wright asked who were those updates given to, and who approved those costa. Bob Muating, RJM Design Group, stated they were given to staff, and the direction was since the facilities were changing eo rapidly, to wait until things settled down before going to the Council for approval of the changes. City Council/Park and Recreation Coawlaelon Minutes January >, igSl Page 4 Councilmember august stated that was et ill not nnewering hie question. He stated tt.at originally the Central Park concept had an envisioned coat, which has grown considerably, not just in construction and development costa, but it also now includes issues such ae operations and s~aintonanc¢. Xe wanted to know what has been considered in that regard. Bob Mueting, AJM Deeign Group, stated the budgets were not discussed with the aubconmitteee or task forces, or with the Planning Commission. Jack Lam, City Manager, Eelt the City Council vas concerned about the coat of fbe nrniont. an vnll .a of a~.... ne..........F ~........ F_..., ......~.., __ ..-.. _.:.. ~__._ to bnlnnce it with how it was going to bn paid for. Ha felt thnt AJM was concerned with the design protean which involves en envisioning process, with tletermining what could happen on the site, and determine what the maximum accommodations would be for the benefit of the community, the size of the property, sic. Ha stated the what the Council is interested in, is before anything etlcke in concrete, that they have an understanding of the costa, not only for the facilities, eo the Council can decitla if that ie what they want to do, or trade-off something for another option. He felt the Council was concerned they do not get too far along In rho process befare that ie understood. He felt the answer from RJH would be that consideration has not been taken yeti that nothing has actually been designed other thnn the concept and the footprint far the facilities in order to further along the design for the library facility. Hob Mueting, RJM Deeign Croup, at ated that was correct, that the plane for the facilities could still be considered as schematic plane. He stated the only thing that has been approved by the Planning Commission has been an architectural concept for the library. Councilmember Buquet stated hie concern stemmed from a Council policy that prior __ t.^.c corctruat.or, c`. r.¢w facilitlaa, khera would be a financial asaeeament as far as construction and long-terra o&M, and included in that would be an evaluation of different alternat ivee. He stated that even though they are not to that point yet, he felt the reason they were having this meeting was there might be members of the Council that feel this has qon¢ along without there being enough communication back to the Council on the changes. He stated originally it was a 535 million project for the whole park, and he was sure that coat has increased significantly without the Council being apprised. Councilmember Williams asked if they had a current estimate for the project. Bob Huet inq, RJM Deeign Group, stated the current figure was approximately $90 million. Ne stated the $35 million was the master plan estimate about three years ago, and that figure was updated to $Q7 million when they etartetl the design of the project. He stated a large portion of the increase in the coat has to do with the increase in the size of the facilities, ae well as inflation and other factors. City Council/Perk and Recreation Commission Minutes Ja.^.uary 4. 1441 Page 10 Councllmemhar Williams stated she was concerned about the parking structure and the coat involved. She asked for a comparison in coat between a flat and multi- level parking area. aob Hueting, RJH Dee ign Group, stated it was approximately $2.50 per square foot for a flat parking area, a parking stall being roughly 300 square feet, to allow for calculation of a ballpark figure per et all. Me stated the coat goes up eubetantially for multi-level, approximately $27.00 par square fcot. Councilmember Wright stated Lt might be realist is then to consider that if they of affnrA fFU nnal of !Fn n41n s~nn nl~n nn •na bum Vn .naYn 14 size, that could conceivably change the deeign and el:e of the Duildinge eo that they would not be too large for the available parking. Bob Mueting, RJH Design Group, explained how the parking has been looked at in the design process, but stated that Councilmember Wright was correct in that the parking could have an effect on Lhe whole park itself. ccuncilmember Wright asked about the changes in the library design. Bob Mueting, RJM Oeeign Groupr presented elides on that subject and outlined the various stages of the deeign of the library building. Linda Danisle, Deputy City Hanager, stated in October Council had asked that the residents in the area of the park be contacted to bring their awareness level up on the Central Park development, and advised that the drawings for that are being prepared in anticipation of direction to start that process. Linda Daniels, Deputy City Manager, stated the State has changed some of the criteria in the grant application. She stated they are currently ranked 60th ca a ___t of 1... applicants for the library grant, Cut that they ahouil cwt be discouraged by that ranking. She stated staff ie working on the final application with Mr. Ray Holt and hie wife Sara, who would like to identify for the Council the library project and some of the things that could better the City's position with the council's approval. Mr. Aay Molt presented information on hie background and qualifications, and other areas where they have worked ae library coneu ltants, and gave an overview of the deeign needs ae given to staff and the deeign team. Linda Oaniele, Deputy City Manager, stated it was important for the State to sae on paper what the City was expressing. She stated Mr. Nolt felt it would be proper to identify the square footage for the ant lxe shell, including the enclosed parking, which would be approximately 125,000 square feet, which conceivably could be active apace in the future instead of support apace. This would help improve their application. Mayor Stout asked if Ht. Holt had reviewed the City's preapplication, and what in hie opinion was wrong with it for it to he ranked eo low. City Council/Park sad Aicreat LOn Commlea ion Minutes January 9, 1991 Page 11 Mr. Holt stated he did not feel that ranking was relevant becauas the two major factors that have yet to be assn by the States Library are the building program and the drawings, and a lot of amphaais will rest on those two document e. He stated there are many requirements which the other applicants may net meet, and outlined several factors that could diequal ify applications. He stated when the applications and plane are received, staff will review them at the State Library, then will compile a priority list of the appllcat ions beet suited for funding. That list will go to the Beard of the State Library, conaieting of the State Librarian, head of the State Department of create, the State Treasurer, Senator Beene and Assemblyman Rlute. At that point they can do anything they want, accent Lt, reiect it, Dick the bottav one. anvt h7sn. Wo at ah nd the a.....+ ...+n meet on January Z2, 1991 to determine the aelaction proceae. He auggaeted that any political contact the City can make to advise the Board of their need for a library could not hurt. He also atatad one other thing they could submit with the application was a video tape. It could not be longer than ten minutes, and could only show the site and the existing library. Councilmember Buquet naked how the Council can help with the grant proceae. Linda Deniele, Deputy City Manager, stated staff ie suggesting the Subcommittee for Central Park work with staff and Mr. Holt in preparation of the application which will come hack to the full Council on February 6, 1991. She stated they will 6e hand delivering the application on February 34, 1991. Mr. Holt stated one of the things the Board will be looking for on the applications are those projects that can meet a very short schedule in terms of review time. The architect needed to have drawings done in short order. He stated if the Council wanted to be ahead of the game and show gootl faith, they could authorize the architects to proceed with the design development drawing e, which would show confidence that they have en excellent application. He at at ed that wnolA save three to foot soctha ir. t..^.o prcceas. Ae state3 that eonrc applicants already have construction drawings done, even though you can only submit concept drawings with the application. Those applicants would be ready to go to bid immediately after receipt of a grant. Ha stated the City would want to ba as close ae poesibla to going to bid after receipt of an award. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated staff would recommend they go ahead with having the drawings done up for the library now since the Council is committed to the project. Councilmember Wright aeketl about the multi-level parking, and how tied in was that to the proposal. Linda ^aniels, Deputy City Manager, stated that the parking ie important to eatiefy the State Library's needs, and she stated there are two ways to approach that. The State was asking for more stringent parking requirements than the City's Development Code by approximately loo spaces. Staff and the coneultante would like to propose that the first phase of the library and the parking to support that at ay within the confines of the parking structure, which could eventually develop over Ghat, but would not 6e developed now with the library, City Council/Park and Recreation Commission Minutes Jammry o~ lyol Page 12 so you would have flexibll ity to work with that in future phases. She stated what needs to be considered le that all but 100 spaces can fit within the confines of the parking structure, which means to meet the State requirements you Would have to go out of those bounds and build parking, which when the structure le built you would eventually loose those dollars that went into the parking. Mr. Bolt has said you could also just provide what the Development Code require e, but it would be considered a point against the application, which in itself might not be bad, but if there are other points against the application, it all adds up and could lessen the City's chances of a grant. COUncilmember Wrtnht wvYVd hn... Mo..a . grant. _ _.. _. _, __ _ _..' e• __.:y o~.e Lr „o Linda Oeniele, Deputy City Manager, stated the Board ie aware that the library ie part of a cultural center, but if things change on the cultural center outside of the scope of the library, it will not affect the grant. She spoke about various options for the parking. D iecuesion ensued regarding design of the lLbrary ae a stand alone building, options in case the grant was not awarded, costa tot operations and maintenance, and the use of the library as defined in the grant application. LLntla Daniels, Deputy City Manager, stated the first phase of the library will eoneiet of public improvements along Base Line Road, the library facility itself, access rcatl improvement e, and the undergrounding of certain aril ities. She stated that would coat approximately $27 million. They are asking for a $13 million grant, with the Redevelopment Agency funding 517 million, which should provide enough for construction and any contingencies, and ae with the Civic Center, the interest earned from the funds will pay for the furniture and the fixtures. Mr. Holt elated the parking situation is an important cone ideration for the State, and recommended the City should meet the State's requirements on the parking for the appl icat ior. to increase their chances, and then if they found they had to meet that requirement, they could bite the bullet at that time. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated they could submit it that way, and if they do not get the grant, they could do whatever they wanted in regards to the parking. Linda Daniel e, Deputy City Manager, stated the direction staff ie looking Eor ie to consider the Central Park design ae it is now to meet the needs of the residents in the future, and to accept that design. The second item is to authorize staff and Mr. Holt to pursue the library grant, and ae part of that to agree to the redeflnit ion of whet ie building area and to identify that lower level parking area ae expansion area, and the parking lot direction. The third thing is to consider the request by RJH Design Group for an additional $485,000.00 to complete the work on the library necessary for the grant and the surrounding facilities enough eo that when the grant ie awarded they hove enough to go immediately into construction drawings on the library. City Council/Park and Recreation commission Minutes January 9, 1991 Page 13 HOTIOd: Moved by euquet, aecondsd by klexnnder to go forward with the library grant and authorize staff to do the final preparation of the grant to submit by Pabruary 15, 1991. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. MOT1oNt Moved by Wright, seconded by .llexander to lncreaee the amount of RJM Design Group's contract by $485,000.00. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated for the third motion would the Council consider accepting the conceptual deelgn for public review and financial study, because they needed something to begin with to determine coat, to find out what the oublic thinks abnut it. Councilmember Wright stated ae long ae Lt wan clear that she at 111 had deep reservations about Milliken and the affordability, and that all she wanted was to get more information end did not really approve the conceptual plan. Councilroember Baguet stated he would be more comfortable if the Council formed a Subcaamittee, or maybe set up a mini insk force to look at some of the coats, and then after that was fine tuned, to take it out for public meetings. xe stated he would like someone to review Lt, and than put it out for the public for their eommente, then have it qo back to the task Force. Councilmember Wright felt that if they were to take it to the public based on what it fie without addressing the financial implications, than if someone does not like the fly tower, what they would do would be to attack the $90 million and kill the whole pxojoct. Jack Lam, City Manager, suggested they authorize to accept the current concept to do a financial analysis first, and then the Council can give further direction. on how they would like the process to qo forward. MOTION: Moved 6y Baguet, seconded by Wright to accept the conceptual design for financial analysis. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. ~ . . . . . D3. pISCDSSION OP ISSUES OF MUTE T CONC RN No items of mutual concern were discus sad. • • . e • ~ 8 COMMOMIGTIONS PROM THB P[IaLIC El. Bob Hueting, RJM Design, stated ha would be happy to make a presentation for the new Commieeionere and Councilmerober at their convenience, if they eo des fired. • ~ ~ w City Council/Park and Recreation Commission Minutes Jsnusry 9, 1991 Pages 16 MOTION: Novsd by WLlliamm, wcondsd by Wright to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. The Council e:eating adjourned at 11:00 p. m. MOTION: Moved by Whitehead, seconded 6y Nahn to adjourn. Notion carried unanimously, d-o-1 (Mitchell absent). The Commieelon meeting adjourned at 11:00 p. m. Jan Sutton Deputy City Clerk Approved by the Pazk and Aeerention Commission: Psbrunry 21, 1991 Approved by the City Council: Pebruery 6, 1991 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA CITY COUNCZL MINUTES RS=oular Heetinc A. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga city Council met on Wednesday, February 6, 1993 in the Council chambers of the Civie Center, located at 10500 CSvic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:09 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tam William J. Alexander. Present were Councilmembere: Charles J. Buquet II, Diane Williams, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor PYO Tem William J. Alexander. Also present were: Jack Lam, Clty Manager; Jamee Markman, City Attorney; Linda D. Daniel e, Deputy City Hanager; Jerry B. Fulvrood, Deputy City Manager; Rick Come z, Community Deve}opment Director; Olen Jones, Sr. ADA Analyst; Jan Reynolds, Aeet. RDA Anal yet: Bzad Buller, City Planner; Larry Rendereon, Principal Planner; Vince Bertoni, Assistant Planner] Cathy Morrie, Planning Technician; Toe O'Neil, City Engineer; Shi ntu Bose, Deputy City Engineer; Paul Rouqeau, Traffic Engineer; Acbert Zatterbarg, Public Works Maintenance Manager; Mike Olivier, Sr. Civil Engineer; Dan Jameb, Sz. Civil Engineer; Jerry Grant, Building Official; Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager; Paula Pachon, Management Analyst II; Jim Froai, City TieaeUreY; Mary Kuhn, Personnel Analyst I; Robert Trammell, Data Processing HanageY; Inqr id Blair, c?S S~_cer^iaor; Cua,ie IIakaiy nee iatant to the City Manager; Diane O'Neal, Management Analyst II; Susan Hickey, Management Analyst Z; Patty Riffel, Executive Ae0iat ant; Jan Sutton, Deputy City Clerk; Chief Oennie Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection Oietrict; Capt. Bzuce 2einer, Rancho Cucamonga Police Department; and Debra J. Adams, City clerk. Absent wee: Mayor Dennis L. Stout • • • • r B. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS B1. Praeentat ion to Condor foz hie Career of dedicated service to Rancho Cucamonga ae a member of our Law Enforcement Team. Mayor Pre Tem Alexander read Proclamat!on for Condor and also presented him with a silver bowl. City Council Minutes February 6, 1991 ?age 2 82. Pr606ntat ion to Chaelene Ingram for her heroic and quick actions in rescuing Gi11Len DeBSrge. Mayor Yra Tem Alexander read the Proclamation and made the presentation to Charlene Ingram for her heroic efforts. B3. Presentation of Ten-Year Service Pine to Shintu Bose, Richard Carrillo, Barbara Xrall, Joan Rxuee, Sharon Leonard and Richard Merin. Mayor Pro Tem Alexander presented tan year service pLne to Shintu eoea, Barbara Kral 1, Joen Rruee, and Sharon Leonard. Richard Cexrillo and Richard Karin were not present. 84. Precentat ion of Pive-Year Service Pine to David Aleman, Jeff Fowler, Steve Lozolla, Kathy Paoella, Nalt St ickney, Alan Warren, and Commiaeioner James Campbell. Mayor Pro Tem Alexander presented five yasr service pine to David Aleman and Alan Warren. Jeff Fowlei, Stave Lozolla, Kathy Pamella, Walt Stickney and Jsmee Campbell were not present. B5, Mayor Pro Tem Alexander introduced Jim Ferran.^to ae the new Deputy Chief for San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department. 86. Jack Lam, City Manager, introduced Joe O'Neil ae the new City Engineer for the City of Rancho Cucamonga. B7. Mayor Pro Tem Alexander read a letter in support of the troops in the .._ die Eaut a:d aukad for everyone tc applaud tha;a. . . • ~ • . C. COMMUNICATIONS FROM T88 PUBLIC No communication was made from the public. D. CONBENT CALENDAR D1. Approval of Minutes: December 27, 1990 (Wright absent) January 02, 1991 January 16, 1991 January 21, 1991 January 23, 1991 (Williams absent) D2. Approval of Warrants, Register Nos. 1/16/91 and 1/23/91; and Payroll ending 1/23/91 for the total amount of $2,310,890.75. city Council Minutes February 6, 1991 Fags 3 D3. Alcoholic Beverage Application for off Sale seer S Wine for Rancho Cucamonga Drive Thru Dairy. Sun J. and Young S. Kang, 8008 Archibald Avenue. D4. Approval of Tennis Count Policy ae approved by the Park and Recreation Cammiseion. D5. Approval to authorize the assignment of an Adult Crossing Guard at the intersection of Eakar Avenue and Salina Street for Loe Amigos Elementary School. D6. Approval to appeal lxteet Ceneue Count. 07. Aov: oval to wvnwnd C17S nn fr,rn •~nn,,..t w.. m_nioo _cma _,_ _._ advertisement in the SheYlff Association Publication "Tommy's Gone. The^Truth About Missing and Abueetl Childrsn". De. Approval of Resolution 91-012A to extentl Comcaet Cablevieion'a franchise. RESOLUTION NO. 91-012A A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TN8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA EXTENDING COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO FRANCHISE LICENSE WITH COHCAST CABLE T.V. £OA 30 DAYS UPON EXPSAATION OP CURRENT LICENSE WITHIN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA D9. Approval of a Loan Agteementr applicable to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 (General City) for an amount not to exceed 550,600.00 for Fiscal Year 1990/91. {ITEM REMOVED POR DISCUSSION HY JIN FROST, CITY TREASURER) RESOLUTION NO. 91-023 A P.ESOL'JTZO.y OF TY.E CITY COU::CLL OF Tric- 6F nAHCH0 WCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A TEMPOPARY yADVANCE TO THE IMPROVEMENT FUND OF LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. lr IN DETERMINING THAT TH8 REPAYMENT OF SUCH ADVANCE SHALL BE COLLECTED IN INSTALLMENTS OVER A PERIOD OF FIVE (5) FISCAL YEARS D10. Approval to award and execute a Prof es eional Sezvicee Agreement (CO 91- 004) for the preparation of an Economic Analysis and Market Study for General Plan Amendniente 90-02B and 91-OlA and Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan amendments 90-03 and 91-01 to L•rban Research Aeeoc rates in the amount of $19,500.00 to be funded from applicant contribution fund a, Trust Account No. 276.0509. D11. Approval to execute Program Supplement No. 3 (CO 91-005) to Local Agency - State Maetet Agreement No. STLPP-5420 for Che State-Local Tranepoztation Partnership program between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the State of California for the coneC[uct ion Of Have Line Aoad - Et iwanda Avenue to Interstate 35, Baee Line Aoad - Victoria Park Lane to Etiwanda Avenue, City Council Ninutee February 6, 1993 Paae 4 constet ing of Street widening, Traffic Signals and Street Lighting. The supplement sets the State reimbursable portion of the project at 5352,878.00 and the City's portion at 51,267,868.00. Reimbursable funding from the Supplement Agreement ehAll be deposited to the Syeteme Development Account. RESOLUTION NO. 93-024 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITX COUNCIL OF THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND SIGNING OP PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT NO. 3 TO LOCAL AGENCY - STATE MASTER AGRSSMENT NO. STLPP-5420 FOR TNS STAT%-LOCAL TRANSPORTATION PARTNEAAHTO DAlN3Aaw AnD mw m _.,_____., __ __~- „-„- .C.C BTIWANDA AVSNUB TO INTERSTATE 15r 'BASB ,LIMB ^ROAD•- VICTORIA PARK LAMB TO BTIWANDA AVENUE 012. Approval t0 execute an amendment of the Community Dsvelopment Block Crant Professional Services Contract (CO 90-013) with WLl ldan Associates to extend the term until June 30, 1991 and revise the scope of work to reflect those activit iee which will actually neetl io be carried out during the subject period. The total increased coat will be 547,469.00. Thaee contract funds are reimbursed to the City through the Federal Housing and Urban Development Department. D13. Approval of Parcel Hap 13113, and Crdering the Annexnt ion to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Noe. 1 and 2 for Parcel Map 13113, located on the north aide of Stranq Lane, east of Carnelian Street, submitted by Aona ld and Susan Nunnally. RESOLVTION NO. 91-025 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO C7c_AMONOR, CA:,: FC:V7IA, APPRO'v LHG Pi.RCEi MAP MUMMER 13113 RESOLUTION NO. 91-026 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OPDEAING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DIETAICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR PARCEL MAP 13113 D14. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation t0 Landscape Maintenance Diatrict No. 4 fOY Milliken Avenue Median, located between Foothill Bou lavard and Base Line Road, submitted by Western Land Propert ice. RESOLUTION NO. 91-027 A RESOLUTION OF TH8 CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR MILLIXEN AVENVE MEDIAN City Council Mlnutee February 6, 1991 vane } RESOLUTION N0. 91-028 A RESOLUTION OF TN8 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OADHRING TINS ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN THARITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 4 FOR MILLIXEN AVENUE MEDIAN D 15. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 12332-2, located on the southeast corner cf Haven Avenue and Tacketem Street, submitted by H.J. Brock. RRCnT.nTTnV un Oi-n~a A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVENNT AGRHHMBNT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMBNT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12332-2 D 16. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extene ion for Tract 33273, located on the southeast corner of Mill ikon Avenue and Mountain View Drive, submitted by Western Propert lee. RESOLUTION NO. 91-030 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECVRITY POA TRACT 13273 D 17. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13930 located on the east aide of Hellman Avenue at Wilson Avenue, submitted by W 6 S Hellmar. Partner e. RESOL'JTIO:: n... 9i vii A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IM.PROVEHENT SECVRITY FOR TRACT 13930 DI H. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement EXtension for Tract 14121 located on [he southwest corner of Highland Avenue and Milliken Avenue, submitted by J.P. Rhoades Development. RESOLUTION NO. 91-032 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION ANO IMPROVEMENT SHCUAITY FOR TRACT 14121 D19. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extene ion for Parcel Map 11671, located on the northwest cornet of 4th Street and Buffalo Avenue, eubmitted by Mieeion Land Company. City COUncil Ninutea February 6, 1991 Pnge 6 ABSOLUTION N0. 91-033 R ABSOLUTION OP TH8 CITY ODUNCIL OF Ttt6 CITY OF RANCHO CVCAt4ONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGAESMBNT BXTSNSION AND IMPAOVBMENT 6BCURITY POR PARCEL NAP 11671 020. Approval to accept Improvement e, Aelaaae of Bonda and Notice of Completion for Tact 13729 Storm Drain located on the eautheaet corner of Highland Avanuo and Milliken Avenue. Aelaaae: Faithful Performance Bond $1,030,453.00 Faithful Performance Bond __ Faithful Performance Bond $3,084,096.00 Faithful Performance Bond $ 405,485.00 Accept: taintenance Guarantee Band $ 101,053.00 Maintenance Guarantee Bord S 23,401.00 Maintenance Guarantee Bond $ 108,410.00 Maintenance Guarantee Bond S 40,599.00 RB$GLDTIGN NO. 91-034 A RE9OLUTION OP TMB CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCBPTING THE PUHLIC INPROVE!ffiNT3 FOR TPACT 13729 STOIUf DRAIN AND AUTHORIZING THE PILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLBT:ON FCA THE WOAX 021. Approval to accept Improvement e, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion foi CUP 57-05 located et 6723 Etiwanda Avenue. Release: Pa ithful Perfarmenco Bond (Street) $ 109,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 91-035 A RESOLUTION OF THS CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR CGP 87-OS AND AUTHORIZING TH8 PILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORR 022. Approval to r Maintenance Bond for Tract 11915-1 located at the northeast corner of Hermosa Avenue and 26th Street. Aelaaae: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 27,500.00 023. Approval to release Maintenance Hond for Tract 12040 lccatad at the port heaet coiner of Hermosa Avenue and Arrow Route. Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (street) $ 21, 250.00 City Council Mlnutae February 6, 1991 Page . D24. Approval to release Heintenance Bonds for Tracts 1272ti and 12727 located on the aouthweet corner of Hi9nonette 9treat and Beryl Street. Tract 12726 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ b, 826.00 Tract 12727 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 3,970.00 ^25. Approval tc release Maintenance Bond for Tract 12942, located Cn the north side and south side of Hillvlew Loop at Teton Peak Court and Pinnacle Peak Court. Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 9,400.00 D26. Approval to accept the Area II, Amethyst Street Storm Drain, from north of 19th Street to Highland Avenue, Contract No. 90-019, ae complete, release the bonds and authorize the city Engineer to file a "NOeice of completion". RESOLUTION N0. 91-036 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR AREA II, AMETHYST STREET 51Y1RM DRAIN, FROH NORTH OF 19TH STREET TO HIGHLAND AVENUE, CONTRACT NO. 90-051, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR TFIE WORX MOTION: Moved by Williams, eeco:,~ed by august to approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Item D9. Notion carried 3-0-1-1 (Stout absent, Wright abstained). ea+~w• DISCUSSION OP ITEM D9. Approval of a Loea Agreement, applicable to Landscape Maintenanea District No. 1 (General City) for an amount nOt to exceed $50,000.00 for Ficcal Year 1990/91. Jim Frost, City Treasurer, stated h0 needed clarification relative to Aeseeement District No. 1, why it was created and where the money was to have been spent. He stated there are some items that appear to be outside of the District and questioned this, and also the need [o advance up to $50,000.00 for a loan into the Aeseeement District to pay for capital improvements now with aeeeeamente to be made either on current or future reeidente to reimburse that over a five year period. He felt traditionally the City has tried to operate on a cash baste, and questioned why the City was putting in the improvements now and aeaeaeing the reeidente at a later date. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated that back in June, 1990, Clty eta ff brought to the City Council a list of projects throughout Landscape District No. 1 and stated these projects were within this District and were below the normal standard within Landscape District No. 1. He stated the total amount to bring this up to the general standard was approximately $527,000.00. He et at ad that Ciiy Council Hinutee February 6, 1991 Page 9 rather than utilizing the $527,000.00 in terms of a loan, staff waa able to manage these dollars so that $120,000.00 Erom FY 1989/90 was moved over to of feet this coat. He wtated lnet year approximately $80,000.00 was moved over also. He stated the $50,000.00 shown i• a fraction of what was originally needed and ie presented if there are overruns. Ha stated the purpose of this is not to provide landscape improvements in non-landscape areas, but it ie to bring current levels within Landscape District No. 1 up to the normal standard throughout the city. Councilmember wrighi asked if there was a subcommittee that worked on this previously. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated there was a subcommittee that worked an this in order to establish the list in the staff report. MOTION: Noved 6y Buquet, seconded by Wright to approve the Loan Agreement. Motion carried unnnimou sly, 4-0-1 (Stout absent). • • f A f i 6. CON8QIT ORDINANC68 E1. CONSIDERATION TO AMEND SECTION 8 17 280 OF CHAPTER 8.17 AND SECTION 8 19 280 OF CHAPTER 8 19 BOTN OF TITLE 8 OP TH6 R2iCH0 CUCAMONGA MUNICIP CODE. ADDING PROVISIONS REOUIRING PAYMENT POR REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICES Oabra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 430. ORDINANCE NO, 438 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF TH2 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMOI:GA, CALIn GR::iA, nHa-NDIfiG SECTION e.17.2E0 OF CHAPTER 0.17 AND SECTION 9.19.280 OF CHAPTER 8.19, ROTH OF TITLE 8 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA HUN IC IPAL CODE, ADDING PROVISIONS REQUIRING PAYN.ENT FOR REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICES MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded 6y Will isms to waive full reading end approve Ordinance No. 438. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Stout absent). F. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS F1. CONSIDERATION TO DESIGNATE LA SENOR ROAD AND CAROL AVENVE AS PRIVATE STREETS AND EXEMPTING THE AEUTTIN PROPBRT IES FROM REQUIREMENTS SET FORTM IN CHAPTER 12 08 OF THE MUNICIPAL COO Staff report by Dan James, Sr. Civil Engineer. Mayor Pro Tam Alexander opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the Ctty council were: City Council Hinutae Ysbruary 6, 1991 cage o Patricia Quintana, 5318 Peridot, states she was representing her neighbors and supported staff's recommendation to deny the request to designate La sends Aoad and Carol Avenue as private streets. She reported on the packwt of information that was delivered earlier to City Ha11 to be distributed to the Councilmembere, and asked that the concerns addressed in this letter be agendizsd for a future meeting after the City Council has the opportunity to review the information. Councilmember Buquet asked if the information submitted should go to staff first before it came back to the City Council. _.__._ __...__ ... ^~~~ ne..et _...nnt nl .nn~n. fntt tho City Cnunnil finhnnmmittee couldnwork on this and then come back to the City Council. Councilmember Wright wonted to make sure whet was in the correspondence did not affect what was to De decided at tonight's meeting. Leo Montgomery, 5319 Peridot, stated he was confused with what was going on with the !seas of La Sender se it relates to the drainage and ptivatizat ion of La Sends, and did not feel they could decide on one issue without discussing the other. Mr. Montgomery felt the entire matter for thin area should be handled at one Lima. Councilmember Buquet stated ho did not think denial of making these private streets would make any difference with Mr. Montgomery's concerns. Councilmember Wright stated she would like the entire matter to be tabled because she felt the concerns brought up were generated because of the private street matter. Me. Quintana stated it was not their intent to have the matter tabled, but tot ttalr concarra to ba was idezed at a future meeti:,g. Councilmember Wright stated she would like the matter to be tabled and all of the issues dealt with at one time, and et ated their correspondence here matle a doubt in her mind. sonny cinzero, resident of La Sends, stated there are residents below him that have a question ere to whether hie street will be private or not. He wanted to emphasize to the Council that part of this street had already been dedicated to the City in 1978, and stated he did not feel because of this it could be made a private street. He did not feel the matter should be tabled. MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Alexander to accept staff •e recommendation. Motion carried 3-1-1 (Wright no, Stout absent). Councilmember Baguet suggested if after all of the information here been reviewed, it can then be decided if the matter should come back on a City Council agenda if the matter could not be resolved. city council Ninutos February 6, 1991 Pa9c ... Rick Gomez, Community Development Diractorr auggeetad the City Council Subcommittee also be involved with this matter in order to assist etatf. • • . F2. 8. fi C IP g18 TO CHAPTER 8.2] 6taff report presented by Jack Lam, City Manager. Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance Ne. 418A. v...... n.n mo... al e...nda. nrnnW •hn mmlinn fnn nnAlin hna ni nn_. Thnro hni nn_ nn response, the public hearing was cloned. ORDINANCB NO. 418A (first reeding) AN oROINANCB OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCRO CL'CAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, CORRECTING TH6 CHAPTER NUMBER ASFERRED TO IN ORDINANCE NO. 418 MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Williams to waive full reading and set second reading of Ordinance No. 418A for February 20, 1991. Motion carried unanimously 4-0-1 (Stout absent). Jack Lam, City Manager, aakad that itm H1 Da considered along with Ites F3. F3. CONSIDERATION. OF BNVTRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT POR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PUBLIC LIBRARY Staff report pYeeenied by Linda Daniels, Deputy City Manager. Councilmember Williams commended staff on their efforts for working on this project. Mayor Pro Tem Alexander opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. RESOLUTION NO. 91-037 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNI A, APPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF THE RANCHO CUCAHONGA PUELIC LIERARY PAOJ4CT LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNEA OF BASE LINE AOM AND MILLIREN AVENUE MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Buquet to approve Resolution No. 91-037. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Stout absent). • • • e • • City Council Mlnutee February 6, 1991 Payer ii P4. SANSIDBR TION OF BNVIRONNBNTAt A456 INSNT CENS P '^ RT 91 O1B - CITY OF AANCNO CUCAMONGA - A isgUest to amend the Circulation Plan of the General Plan to delete collector statue of Banyan Street. Staff recommender issuance of a Negat ivs Declaration. Staff report presented by Paul Rougeau, Traffic Engineer. Mayor Pro Tom Alexander opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the city Council were: Dr. Bonnie Hunt, 6127 Archibald, stated her property would he affected 6y this and supported atnff •a recommendation. she commended staff on the rnnnL In..nl.rnA ...14A 11.1 ` ..~..nV There being no further response, the public hearing wne closed. RESOLUTION NO. 91-038 A RESOLUTION OF TH6 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF PANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CSNERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 91-OSB AHSNDING THE CIRCULATION BLEHENT OF THS RANCNO CUCAMONCA GENERAL PLAN MOTION: Roved by Baguet, seconded by Wright to approve Resolution No. 91-038. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (stout absent). ~ ~ . . . . F5. CONSIDEAAT ION OF BNVIRONMBNTAL ASSESSMENT AND ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 90-02 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend Section 4.21- 203 and 5.25.304 and Figure 5-23, to add language requiring all new develolxnente to restore and/or. reconetzvet rock curbing along Etiwanda Avenue from Foothill Ooulevard north to 24th Stxnet (Hiiso+. Avenues). Staff recommends ieauance of a Negative Declaration. Staff report presented by Cathy Mozris, Planning Technician. Mayor Pro Tem Alexander opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing waa closed. Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 439. ORDINANCE N0. 439 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, BTIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 90- 02, AMENDING THS BTI WANCA SPECIFIC PLAN, SECTIONS 4.23.203 AND 5.25.304 AND FIGURE 5-23, TO ADD LANGUAGE REQUIRING ALL NEW DEVSLOPNENTS TO RESTORE ANO/OA RECONSTRUCT ROCK CURBING ALONG BTIWANDA AVENUE FROM FOOTHILL BOULEVARD NORTH TO 26TH STABET (WILSON AVENUE), AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF city Council Minutes February 6, 1991 Page 12 MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Nilliame to waive full reading and set second reading of Ordinance No. 439 for February 20, 1991. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Stout nbaeni). AMENDMENT 90-02 CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA -A request to emend the Foothill Specific Plan, Subarea d, Section 9.8, to edd language requiring all new developments to reetore antl/or reconstruct rock curbing along 8tiwanda Avenue From Foothill Doulevnrd north to 24th Street (Wilson Avenue). Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. Debra J. Adams, CLty Clerk, Tead the title of Ordinance x„ ~~~. ORDINANCE NO. 46tl (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, FOOTHILL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 90- 02, AMENDING FOOTHILL SPECIFIC PLAN SUBAREA 4, SECTION 9. R, TO ADD LANGUAGE REQUIRING ALL NEW DEVELOPMENTS TO AESTOAE AND/OR RECONSTRUCT ROCK CURBING ALONC BTIWANDA AVENUE FAOM FOOTHILL BOULEVARD NOATH TO 24TH STREET (WILSON AVENUE), AND MAKING FINDINGS IN NUPPORT TIIERSOP MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Will iame to waive full reading and eat second reading of Ordinance No, d40 For February 20, 1991. Motion carried unanimously, 4-D-1 (Stout absent). ,. • • • • x O. PVHLIC HEARINGS ITEM N09. O1 AND 02 NSRS CONSIDERED AT THE eAME TIlL°. G1. CONSI E TION F EM NEN D MAIN ION DIRE P BLIC P.I T OF-WA F04 THE. 19~I_ETRE$T_ROAD W;DENTNC. pROgECT _EETWEEN ZIRCON_ AND AMETHYST - Public Hearing of protests regarding Eminent Domain action to acquire public right-of- way for the 19th Street Road Widening Project between Carnelian Street and Amethyst St rest at the property located at 6690 Hellman Avenue (APN 201-341-54) for the construction of street improvements across the frontage of said property. Staff report presented by Hike Olivier, Sr. Civil Engineer. Mayor Pro Tem Alexander opened the meeting for public Dearing. Addressing the City Council were: Mike Todd, 6690 Hallmanr stated hie property is zoned horse property and did not like the idea of sidewalks for the hotaes to walk on. He stated he felt the appraisal was too low that he had received from the City. He added he would give the City the property they wanted, Dut did not feel he should have to have the sidewalks ae waa proposed. He stated he would like to sae the zoning changed for hie property so he could Ball it easier. City Council Hlnutee Yebruary 6, 1991 Paae 13 Mike Olivier, 8r. Civil engineer, eteted Ghat a signal is going !n at this location, and that when thin happens there ass curbs and handicap access that have to be put in. Councilmember Wright asked if there was any access for the horses to use other than 19th Street. Mr. Todd stated no. Councilmember Wright asked if it was oafs to ride on 19th Street. Mr. Todd stated no. Councilmember Wright asked if horse trails were installed in place of the sidewalks along 19th Street, would these new trails lead to other horse trails. Mr. Todd stated no, it would not connect to any other trails. Councilmember Wil llama asked how many property owners have signed. Mike Olivier, Sr. Civil Engineer, stated 17 out of 19 have signed and dedicated. Councilmember Williams added she felt the City should be pedestrian friendly. A gentlemen representing Eva Wilton, stated she was against this and added she had problems with the appraisal because it le not in conformity with law and raga let lone. Me stated Me. Wilson ie against the taking of the easement of a elope. He et ated she ie for the widening of the road, bur objects to having to pay for it and donating the land. He felt an appraiser should to hired with acceptable credent ial e. ?herP being no farther reepnnww, thw public has ring wow cloeatl. Councilmember Buquet stated ha worked on the 19th Street Corridor with Counri lmember Ki rg and also the widening of 19th Street. Be asked that Mike Olivier, Sr. Civil Engineer, sit down with the gentleman representing Eva Wilton and explain this process to him. He felt negot iationa would continue with this matter. RESOLUTION N0. 91-039 A RESOLUTION OP TH8 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLhItING THE PUBLIC NEED AND NECESSITY TO CONDEMN A PORTION OP CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOMHER 201-361-54, POR THE WIDENING, REALiu'NMENT, CONSTRUCTS ON AND IMPROVENBNT OF 19TH STREET (STATB ROUTB 30) BETWEEN HELLMAN AVENUE AND BERYL STREET, AND MAEI NG FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF Clty Council Ninutea February 6, 3991 Page 14 NOTION: Moved by Buquei, seconded by Wright to Approve Reeolution No. 91-039. Motion earrlad unanlmouely, 4-0-1 (Stout absent). G2. COBSIOERATION OP BNINBNT pOHAIN ACTION TO ACOUIRB PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY POR THE 19TH STREET ROAD WIDENING PROJECT BETWEEN EIRCON AND AMETHYST - Public Hearing of protest regarding Eminent Doan in action to acquire public right-of- way foz the 19th Street Road Widening Project between Carnelian Street and Amethyst Street at the property located at the south Bide of 19th Street and approximately 300 feat west of Beryl Street (APN 202-461-62) for the construction of street improvements acroe• the frontage of ea is nrnwr~~ RESOLUTION NO. 91-040 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COllNCZL OF THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THS PUBLIC NSBD ANp NECESSITY TO CONDEMN A PORTION OF CBRTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONCA, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 202-461-62, FOA THB WIDENING, REALICNNENT, CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT OP 19TH STREET (STATE ROUTE 30) BETWEEN BBAYL STREET AND CARNELIAN AVBNVS, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF NOTION: Noved by Buquet, eoconded by Wright to approve Reeolution No. 91-040. Notion carried unaninrouely, 4-0-1 (Stout absent(. , . . . . H. CITY NANAORR'9 eTAPP REPORTS TRIS ITEM WA8 CONSIDERED AT T86 SANG TADS AS ITEM F3. H1. CON OERA ION PP U ON U OR IN A PLICATION FOR E ST E L HRA Y U R R O S U I RAR PACI ITY T O SIT Linda Daniels, Deputy City Manager, stated that in Reeolution 91-041 the amount for funding ae provided in the California Library Construction 6 Renovation Act should be corrected to reflect 575,000,000.00. RE$GLDTIDN NO. 91-041 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO l•UCANONGA, CAL IPOAN IA, HARING APPLICATION TO THN CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY POR CALIFORNIA LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION AND ABNOVATION EOND ACT FUNDS AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF City Council MSnutee Pebruary 6, 1991 Fags i5 MOTION: Moved 6y Buquet, seconded by Wright to spprove Resolution No. 93-041 ae amended. Moticn cerrlad unanlmouely, 4-0-1 (Stout ebesnL). • k H2. CONSIOSRATION TO AOOPT Tife SNVIAONMENTAL NANAGEHSNT COMMISSION'S MISSION STATEMENT Staff report presented by Olane O'Neal, Management Analyst II. Mayor Pro Tem Alexander stated he felt the statement was very good. Councilmember Williams atated she felt whet the Commission was addressing was vital and liked the work they were doing. Mayor Pro Tem Alexander opened the meeting for public input. Addressing the City Council wee: Lewle Trout, 7861 Leucita, atated that after reading the Mission Statement, it seemed the items only relate to matters pertaining to Rancho Cucamonga and felt there were other Seeu09 outside of the City needing the commission's attention along with the Rancho Ncamonga issues. He suggested their scope be broadened tc other issues outside Rancho Cucamonga. Councilmember Buquet atated at the joint meeting with the Environmental Management Commission it was discussed what Seeuee they would be dealing with, but that the Commission felt they would start working on matters directly relating to Rancho Cucamonga. Counc ilmember Wright et ated she hoped the Commission would con eider iesuea that were outside of the Clty even though they woten't specifically atated in their Mie eion Statement. Ms. Trout felt the Commission should deal with iesuea even if they were outside o£ the City that could have an impact on the residents of Rancho Cucamonga. Counrilmember Buquet suggested the City Council adopt the statement formulated by the Commission. Councilmember Wright claYlfied for Hr. Ttout how the Environmental Management Commies ion came up with their Mieeion Statement. She et at ed the City Council gave them the opportunity to deal with the iesuea trey wanted to and whether or not they wanted to deal with iaeuee that were outside the City boundary. Councilmember Nilliama atated that after reading the minutes, she felt the Commissioners wanted to start working on iesuea directly relating to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Mayor Pro Tem Alexander atated he appreciated Mt. Trout's comments because they were important. City Council Mlnutss Pebzuary 6, 1991 Page 16 MOTIONS Abvsd by Williams, seconded by Wright to adopt the Bnvironmental Management Commiaeion•s Mieeion Ststement. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Stout absent). Councilmamber Wright reiterated she did not want the efforts of the Envlronmentel Management Cosmiseion to atop at the City boundary. • R i • f H3. REPORT ON OPTIONS POR ALLOCATION OF PRIOR FISCAL YEAR FDNDS WITHIN THg CARYN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT IN TH8 AMOUNT OF NINETY-ONE THOUSAND ON8 HUNDRED ELEVEN DOLLARS AND THIRTY-EIGHT CENTS Senl ti, ao, ___.- .ew.l ya naancaa oy Ingrid Blair, OI9 Suparvlsor, who Lntroduced Warren Divers, who ezpleined the options for the allocation of funds. MOTIONS Moved by Wright, seconded by Williams to accept etaft•e recommendation. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Stout). a a Ccuncllmember Buquet left nt 9505 p.m. . • . . . H4. R U R - To examine the proposed Youth Aeeieiance Program and provide staff with direction to research potential funding sources, including private/public contributors, to implement a Youth Aeeieiance Program within the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Staff report presented by Paula Pachon, Management Analyst II. Mayor Pto Tem Alexander stated he concurred with the staff report. Councilmembet Williams staked she agreed With it, but felt private funtling should be used. Councilmember Wright stated she did not think the program should be funded by the City. She fe1L the program needed sere than the Cangs and Drugs Subcommittee, and euygeeted the City contact other agencies to get involved in this and buy into St. Mayor Pro Tem Alexander stated he felt there waa a consensus by the City Council to Continue with the program and to seek private funding. ACTION: City Council concurred to continue with the program and seek private tunding. . • • R . . City Council Minutes Pebruary 6, 1991 Pays 11 Z1. Rws[)AT ON EVALUATION PROCBSS POD wI ION APP I aNT Couneilmember Wright stated the report was not what she was really looking for and felt possibly Personnel should get involved. She felt the questions for applicnnta need to he changed. She felt there should be more up-to-date tools for this process. She suggested the Council use the same tools as staff uses when an interview process le done. Councilmember Williams felt there needed to be a workshop with Personnel in order to CYaln for the interview proeeee richt before the r........n .._____„ ___. cne process. Jack Lam, City Nanager, stated what he hoard the Council asking for was if there was any way to make the interview proceee more effective. Ne stated staff could structure questions for the City Council to ask for their next Commission interviews. Councilmembet Wright suggested that the rating proceee be looked at also. Jack Lam, Clty Manager, stated they would work on both of these issues and bring it back to the City Council. Councilmerober Wright stated there io no rush on this since they have until next year before the proceee takes place again. Cou ncilmember Williams et at ed she liked d6 in the staff report. She felt the applicants should be urged to attend a Commission meeting in order for them to see what it is all about. Councilmember Alexander felt a eood quant ioa to ask the applicar~l woe -- °wnat did they think about the Commission meeting they attendad.^ ACTSON: Staff to work further on this proceee and bring more information back to the Council at a later date. i2. $OLLOW-UP REPORT ON SYCAMORE MOBZLE HOME PARx (Oral Report) Staff report presented by Oiane O'Neal, Management Analyst LI, who elated that this was brought up by a resident of the Sycamore Mobile Home Park at a previous meet irg because there were some residents of that park who were not aware of the Mobile Home Accord. She stated that since that meeting, letters have been Gent out to those residents who have moved in and signed a lease with one response coming back to City staff thus far, which hoe bean forwarded to the Clty Attorney's Office. She stated staff hoe teceivetl eleven additional names of City Council Minutes February 6, 1991 Page 18 individuals who had moved Snto the perk in 1990 and had signed a lease, end added that letters have gone out to those individuals asking them if they were aware there was an Accord. 6he stated staff Se waiting foe a response from them, and when it is received they will report back to the city Council. Councilmember Wright stated they will also be working to see how many people signed the accord in 1590 ae well. James Harkman, City attorney, stated there ie nothing that requires the Accord to be offered. He stated the law required any owner of a mobile home perk to advtea the tenant that they did not have to take a long-term lease when there in rent control in effect. He stated the law wee 1n•,+,.o-«e..«,. _ ..--.-. - _ -r_....... r ae«, uw~ cnera >a tegisletion pending to put in into affect again, but that Lt would not apply to an Aceord. Ha staled when the Accord ie renegotiated, staff will place an obligat LOn to disclose its existence. ACTION: Report Yeceived end filed. t + I3. N 0 S O O A S OUR RS ACTION: City Council concurred to continue this item to February 20, 1991 in order for the entire Council to be present fox the discussion. • t Y • t M I4. UPpAT6 REPORT ON 5.8. 2557 !HOOKING PEE) (Oral Report) Mayor Prc Tem Alexander stated he would like a eoneeneus from the City Council to move forward with getting SB 2557 rapes'-ed. Jerry Fu !wood, Deputy City Manager, stated staff will be looking at all options to sestet with the repeal of SB 2557. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated all the cities are working hard with their legislators on getting this repealed, and added these are approximately twenty cities that have contributed $500.00 for legal purposes to work on this issue. Councilmember Wright stated she hoped the City would spend a lot more time and effort in finding a solution to the overall problem, which ie the lack of public money in the State, and stated she would like to see something developed to solve that issue. Mayor Pro Tem Alexander concurred that a message needed to be sent to the State to come up with a solution to the overall butlget crisis. ACTION: Report received and filed. + a t + Clty Council Minutes February 6, 1991 page to I5. W Nayoc pro Tem Alexander felt all of the euggeetions should be supported. Councilmember Wright felt en officinl action should be taken by the Ciiy Council. Councilmember Williams suggested whatever statement is made and whatever action ie taken should be done with dignity and done properly and maLntained eo that it will stay fresh and preserved. ACT TON: Cnunnil mncu rrwd with wtaff'v rwnnnmwndaN nnw. J 2 IN No items were idsntifled for the next meeting. • • • • R. COISIVNIGTIONS PAOM TSE PVBLIC Kl. Jim Frost, City Treasurer, stated he appreciated tha City Council's last action regarding support far the Middle Eaet eituat ion. He referred to the POW/MIA flnq in hie possession and suggested this be flown over Clty Nall. K2. Jackle Bolds made a comment about the survey that was to be mailed out to the caryn Oevelopnent homeowners regarding the $91,000.00. She stated Mr. DiIOrio hoe made it clear to the residents in that area (which she felt 'sss !Cmournte !nformat ion) that he has ps_d for z park and tho rcaidonta have never received that park. She stated she Eelt a lot of residents in that area are not aware of what ie really going on and might feel the City Le balding hostage the $750,000.00, with no park. She felt the survey needed to be worded carefully to inform the residonta what the correct information really ie. Councilmember Williams suggested that Me. Bolda have input on the survey's wording. The C.cuncil concurred that waa good advice from Hs. Bolda. Councilmember Will lama suggested that a letter be written to Mr. OiIOrio in order to straighten thin eituat ion out and properly inform him. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated he would be putting something together to rectify this problem. . . . City Council Minutes Pebruary g, 1991 Page 20 NOTION: Moved by Wright, eseonded by N1l lleme to adjourn to Executive session to disease personnel matters and pending litlgat ion regarding AmerLcan Insurance and the Heritage(Red H111 Park lsweuit. Notion serried unanimously, 3-0-2 (BUquet, Stout absent). The meeting edjourned at 9:50 p.m. Raepsetfully submitted, Debra J. Adams, CMC City Clerk Approved: S iNOJi ~.'~ 1y~ a f}O^ N D.«.I< J ! O V L i c i i1 •: •~ •~ d O O• N d•NdO0I1.OI•.•wd•N•Phd•••O••N•P000••000•NM• • • O A N -w•POOdOf•w••f•l~:wN«N•N••h N1.1Y•ON•OPONOO P O ~ O NNNN^=N••I•I •l1NNNN•NN•}1~ NI NIM1N•fV•NN!•f • N = w P NN ra• w••M•NNNNnI•MI.OS~P•NM~••N •f\NNy 1 J •. 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Y. NAMao a AMIICAMW Y..P tiW -r Ag9eX w. s.[ xnu ^ ne.. o.l. N.tsl. oero: 1 iYlNll d 1WpAQgN(yl )H lK TYI! Stttk t2. (Sw. 20C'll .l) f100. U0 11 4 Meee d ieYl[ro ~ ` + `1-V 9A9 Vootblll b1N ., s a •I' Grrrwl.a. ReVCbe RCAeDCV\ (sNl 91]JO L ca.aY n Yteutefee ror4l e. Slw iYM N lienr r. Aro rvtTwl lnl![ { • I Cm b.mY 9. Mwl9q AJbee (ll Allerenl Ilan 57 •. •- aM EMrI ~r..el ~r..l 1 0~.~ 9. bola YVe ntr bwn [antiaYd d s f[IenYY 10. Ner[ YW tror riNN[d u^Y d Ilrt eVViYem of lAe A4ddk 'I Mnru9t Cmmd M w nV[blwro d tl. DpomwN pr. '. lom^0 b IM M! 11. [~JNn •'YB' anew b iti t r ID r a MgMtM .DKX loll b dtt.d psr d Nil epPli[Nion. 12. APPIiraM e9rtn lal Md ary ro~T [[~Pl%[A a on.e4 liarnr[d Y[^iln .:D Mo.. all 9w V+a99[ulml d o li[emx, eM AI IFe M dM ~ wNero a [awr a Ptr[d ro b..Jel.d mr d rM pe.iYO,n d •. AIwFNit Wwc9[ Cw,lroi AN. Iz SiAn gR[~Rpy CwNY d .yiyy..__....____..._....____.DN.{gylipq~.lzLL99._.. ~F M Wr ~~ m-.. r rv qlr~, Y yYU+ rw~a ~t n Y ~l ~ISw. 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CwMY S 9 [ elf DP,Y[t 91eW Mee YMe IJIeV/-w D[psYrY Vr Od/ MrolMd 9evd[d nelle, fdttleY Pt9w4 ___ _ ____________________________________ ... ie,nu. ____ _ _ __plaeri er-li}~c!Yv -CONS MAIM)... ^bll...kl..d_______JYYr____.___ ............... ._._Oll4. >._____._.......14NII N.. _._...____..____. IWLLPM PI~YOrp ]I roorHu I j~ ~ I I I i3-~~ ~~~ i ; ~1 '. r 1 1 ~. l sauLevu~o. ~ .. .. ~.. .~ . .- -r--"r------------ -----~ _~ ~~~i._ .1 r~o s _ `) _ _ _ - _ _ RlT .Lff i - - - ,... 4 U . ...... 11 ~..:r 1 .,.... 11 4N... -1111CCC~"_] ~ -_-~V^ HW.. OI rA.111C. i CHUCK a s>> o~ o -~°:':•~ E x :!; ' CHEESE' S 3 ~L i i 'r- ~`~PIfIOFHTIAL ArllA - --~,\_ ~ JO ~I i 1 ~~ 1 '~ ~I i .- III 1 i I 1 I I I ~ ~ I I I ~ CHUCK E. f,HEESE'S 9339 FOOTHILL BLVD. 6TE. "E" RANCHO CUCA~IONGA, GA 91730 A°N k208-261-25 Cu rrently Zoned: Commercial-Foothill Specific Plan Sub-Area Three Zoning of Adjacent Pronertyr North: Commercial-Foothill Soecific Plan Sub-Area Three South: "tedium Residential East: Low Residential/Commercial-Foothill Soecific Plan Sub-Area Three Uest: 'tedium/High Residential-Foothill Soecific °lan Sub-Area Trw I3 MD A' - r-- ~=C ~_ ,,.... _ ~ _,~.. - ~,,. I - 1 I„ ~ - S. Ramirez 2-23-91 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Sfi:~FF REP~Rfi DATE: March 6, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer SUBJECT: HERITAGE PARK EAST F1ELD BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS w „~ uv, ,. nw na rioin l.e,lal0.e JUInNy UCyan c6e renovation of the west baseball/soccer fl elds at Heritage Park. Part of this renovation was the moving of the easterly little league backstop and dugout fencing to a new location, opposite the ezlsttng west field. The renovation of the west field is completed and now we are moving onto the renovation of the easterly field, which is being converted into a senior league field. Public Works Maintenance will be perfonaing same of the work, i.e. removing sod, Irrigation modification and additional brick dust to accommodate the larger baseline. The Installation of the senior league backstop requires special skills and knowledge that our current staff do not have, therefore we are currently seeking bids for this aspect of the renovation of the east fte16. In order to speed the process and meet little league needs, we have gone into the 6ldding process as of March 1, 1991, and will be closing bids on March 12, 1991. CONCLUSION: We have discussed this process with the City Attorney and he feels we are within legal requirements. If the City Council will ratify the advertisement of March 1, 1991, and authorize the City Engineer with approval of the City Attorney to award and execute the contract on March 13, 1991, we will be able to meet the needs of Alta Lama Little League and other sports groups. Respectfully fitted, NJ O:dIw ~~ Attachment cc: Joe Schultz, Canmwnity Services Director Terri Smith, Park Planning/Development Superintendent Jeff Barnes, Parks d Landscape Maintenance Superintendent RESOLUTION N0. ~~' C~ ~P A RESOLUTION DF THE CITY CWNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RATIFYING THE ADVERTISING OF "INSTALLATION OF SENIOR FIELD BACKSTOP AT HERITAGE PARK EAST FIELD", AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO AWARD AND E%ECUTE SAID CONTRACT KITH CONCURRENCE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY NHEREAS, tt is the intention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to construct certain improvements in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. NHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared plans and n1 Fl naNn inr "Fw .~~.~~~4 s ~ _'__...___...._ ._. _.... __..__. .._..... .. ~G w... ~~pr,....~a,.a. NOW, THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED that the plans and specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for "Installation of Senior Field Backstop at Heritage Park East Ft el d". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for doing the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shalt be substantially 1n the following words and figures, to wit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS" Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, Callfornla, directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the said Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the Office of the City Clerk in the offices of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on or before the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 12th day of March 1991, sealed bids or proposals far the "Installation ofi Backstop at Heritage Park East Fieid" in said City. Bids will be opened and publicly read immediately 1n the office of the City Clerk, 1500 Civic CenterDrlve, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. Bids must be made on a form provided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, marked, 'Bid for Construction of 'Installation of Backstop at Heritage Park East Ft eld". PREVAILING WAGE: Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of Callfornla Labor Code, Division 2, Dart 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor is required to pay not less than Lhe general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character 1n the locality in which the public work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. In Lhat regard, the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of Callfornla is required to and has determined such general prevailing rates of per diem wages. Copies of such prevailing rates of per diem wages are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 10500 Civic Center /S Drive, upper level, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and are available to any interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy of such determinations to be posted at the Job site. The Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (=25.DO) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day or portion thereof, if such laborer, workman, or mechanic 1s paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages herelnbefore stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by ar4y subcontractor under him, 1n violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1777.5 of the Labor Code as amended by Chapter 971, Statutes of 1939, and 1n accordance with the regulations of the California Apprenticeship Council, properly Indentured a an rPOtiree mvv hP unnl nyPA in •hu ---- ~l ~~ ~f -,~~ ~~, ~~ Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices 6y the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen to arty apprenticeable occupation to apply to the Joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public works protect and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade for a certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to Journeymen that will be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to tourneymen in such cases shall not be less than one to five except: When unemployment to the area of Coverage by the Joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days Dr1or to the request for certificate, ar When the number of apprentices in training in the area exceeds a ratio of one Lo five, or C. When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/36 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or D. When the Contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight tourneymen. The Contractor is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs 1f he employs registered apprentices or Journeymen in any apprenticeable trade on such contracts and if other Contractors on the public works site are making such contributions. The Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ~~ ex-officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, Cal 7fornt a, or from the Dtviston of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. Eight (D) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and aqy subcontractor under him shall comply with and be governed by the laws of the State of Callfornta having to do with working hours as set forth 1n Dtviston 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of Callfornta as amended. The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the Litt' of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-flue dollars (525.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the execution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon arty of the work herelnbefore mentioned, for each calendar day during _ _ _ _ - ~ S, -' - - t9 .t'3'.. '~ yC'w~....w w ~uvGi more~than~eigh6 (el hours in vtolatlon~of sold Labor Code. Contractor agrees to pay travel and subsistence pay to each workman needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence pdyments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreements filed Tn accordance with Labor Code Section 1773.8. The bidder must submit with his proposal cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, pAyable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least ten percent (102) of the amount of said bid as a guarantee that the bidder wilt enter into the proposed contract if the same is awarded to him, and to event of failure to enter Into such contract said cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bond shall become the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. If the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the lowest bidder's security shall be applied by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the low bid and the second lowest bid, and the surplus, if aqy, shall be returned to the lowest bidder. The amount of the band to be given to secure a faithful perfornrance of the contract far said work shall be one hundred percent (1002) of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond 9n an amount equal to fifty percent (502) of the contract price for said work shall tre given to secure the payment of claims for any materials or supplies furnished for the perfornwnce of the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, or arty work or labor of any kind done thereon, and the Contractor will also be required to furnish a certificate that he carries compensation insurance covering his employees upon work to be done under contract which may be entered Into between him and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work. No proposal will be considered from a Contractor wham a proposal form has not been Issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Contractor shall possess a Class "A" License (General Engineering Contractor) in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 7000 et. seq.) and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto at the time this contract is awarded. l~ The work is to be done 1n accordance with the profiles, plans, and spectflcatlons of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on file in the Office of the City.Clerk at 10500 C1v1c Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, Callfornla. Copies of the plans and spectflcatlons, avaitabte at the office of the City Engineer, will be furnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and payment of (35.00, said 535.00 is nonrefundable. Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and specifications will be mailed when said request is accompanied 6y payment stipulated above, together with an additional nonreimbursabie payment of 525.00 to cover the cost of mailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. in accordance with the requirements of Section 902 of the General Provisions, as set forth 1n Llle Plans and Specifications regarding the work contracted to be done 6y the Contractor, the Contractor may, upon the Contractor's request and at the Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute authorized securities in lieu of monies withheld (performance retention). The City of Rancho Cucamonga, Callfornla, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the the Ctty Engineer be authoriaed to award and execute said contract with concurrence of the City Attorney. By order of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. Dated this ~ day of 19 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, this day of 19 or ATTEST: y e l~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~~ STA~`I~' REPORT DATE: March 6, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Counci- Jack Lam, AICP, City Hanager FROM: Diane O'Neal, Management Analyst I SUBJECT: BITBNBION OH COYC7IHT CABLE T.V. YRANCBIBE $~ommsadatioa Adoption of Resolution 91-012A extending Comcast~s Franchise License for 30 days. Baakarovnd The City staff would appreciate the opportunity to continue with the negotiations with Comcast to insure that every opportunity has been made available to Comcast to obtain a Franchise License. JBF/tlr D0:085 Attachment RESOLUTION NO. 91-0128 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TNS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA~ CALIFORNIA EXTENDING COUNTY OF SAN BERNAR-INO FRANCHISE LICBNSE WITH CONCAST CABLE T,V. POA 30 DAYS VPON BXPIRATION OP CURRENT LICBNSE WITHIN TH6 CITY OF RANCHO CVCANONGA wanaaa •ha Franchise Licsnae granted to Comcast Cable T.V, by the County of San Bernardino and gzandtatAered into the City of Rancho Cucamonga will expire on Narch 30, 1991; and WNBRHAS, negotiations are ongoing between the City of Anncho Cu camonga and Comcaet Cable T.V.i end WHEREAS, all terms and conditions of the current License will continue the Dame. NOW, TNBRBPORE~ BE IT AESOLVBD~ that the City Council dose hereby extend the Franchise License for 30 days after the expiration of the current County of san Bernardino License. v V --- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~T~FF REPORT ----~ DATE: Mazch 6, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Duane A. Baker, Assistant to the City Manager SUBTECf: Purchase- of Ad~pace in W 'r' e i P e~ Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the expenditure of $175.00 from account O1-4122-5028 for the purchase of ad space in the We Tip anneal program. Background: The City has received a request to purchase ad space in the above mentioned publication which will be distributed to attendees of We Tip's annual conference as well as [o all We Tip members. This publication and the ad amount are similar to requests which were made of the City last yeaz. Last yeaz, the City supported the work of We Tip by purchasing the ad space. Respectfully Submitted, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~~'AFF REI~~~RT DATE: MARCR 6, 1991 T0: MAYDR AND MEMBHRS OP THR CITY CODIICIL FROM: BRDCB ZBINHR y~.~~--~ CHIHF OP POLICE SUBJECT: ASSHT SBIZOR6 BBP611DITOR6 8OR POLICE CARIRB ~' r p O~ > 2 ~:I UII__ 1977 The Rancho Cucamonga Police Department would ltke to purchase a replacement for our retlrad canine using asset seizure funds. As per Section 12689 of the Haslth end Satrty Code this expenditure will be used exelvelvely to support the low enforcement eltorte of the department. Thfe expenditure will not supplant any city Lunde that would otherwise be made available. POLICE CANINE - $6,600.00 Th1e figure represents the coat of the flog and a tour week training course. Also one year oP weekly follow up training. NARCOTICS rRAININO - s1,2oo.00 EQOIPUHNr - 9soo.oo Total expenditure will not exceed $8,300.00 cc: JACK LAM BZ/bz - CITY OF RANCHO C[JCAMONGA STAFF l~Z:'F'i~~t i DATE: March 6, 1991 ttl~C TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager BY: Olen Jones, Senior Redevelopment Analyst v~iu,lin..~, nFFnv"r ni, ~i• KCJ1KUl.7 UK1NU UH' 'PHE LOAN AGREEMENT BETWFFJV THE Cfl'Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA RIDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RECOMMENDATION: Approve the restructuring of the annual loan between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency. BACKGROUND : In order to receive tax increment revenue, the principal source of redevelopment funding, a Redevelopment Agency must demonstrate existing debt which will be repaid by the tax increment received. For [his purpose, in Fiscal Year 1982/83, the City loaned money to the Redevelopment Agency in order to establish initial debt, as well as to provide monies for operations. For debt purposes, the City and Agency have continued to maintain this loan from the City, thus ensuring the Agency's receipt of its full tax increment revenue. ANALYSIS: As it is currently structured, the Agency pays simple interest to the City based on the average earnings of the City's investments for the year. The proposed revision to the loan agreement will fix a flat 12% interest rate on the loan, and provide for compounding of unpaid interest. This will establish simpler accounting for the loan, as well as ensure that the Agency maintains its needed levels of debt. Respectfully submitted, Ltnda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager ~6H-2B-9L TMU e.3:E2 MgRKMgN 9 gRC2YNSKI P.02~06 JAN[S 6 NALRNAN wN ORCW gARCtVN[%. Mlpn O, Nwn W N J V [R[V LIN6 O. CRw10 LOY NwPtNa Q(MLCP MTTCRpON WILLIAM R CURLY ID N1R]NA 0, SIOUON JULIA A. 4CYp •wN CLA R RING .Tr /" ~ NUM9Ce 0H[OIVIC C[Hl[R GRCK 0. O. 10% 106p 9R[A, CALIIOR(NIA p[p[[•10p9 T[LLpNON[ +V NI pYo-0901 ItNlepl•a011 February 28, 1991 Linda Daniels Deputy City Manager City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. BOX 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CellLornia 91730-0807 Brea Re: Resolutions establishing interest rats Pox loans Prom city to Redevelopment Agency Dear Linda: Enclosed please Lind two resolutions to bump the interest rata for City loans to 12k compounded annually. Please note I made one other change. I made any amounts demanded to be paid by the City dve within 30 days Mather than one year. This should give you Plexibility ae to when the City wishes to call any interest or oven principal amount on the loans. Please call iP you have any questions. Very truly yours, n ames L. Markman City Attorney City of Rancho Cucamonga JLM:sjk Encl. 8\133\LDANIELS piN ,OOTNM1\ iOV\<VA0.0 eVllC t00 nLNCNO GUMMONOA~ CAIIrOwNIA p4fq fm~l 9eoa)•a TLLLINON[ L NNl tel-9 tle IN IIt wLV Pl[A6C NP HI lp~ F F,.H-20-91 TNU SEe32 MARKMAN SI ARC2YNSKI P~e3/06 REHOLUTION N0. ~' ~ A R$SOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY 0! RANCHO COCAMONCA EBTAHLIBHING AN INTEREST RATE FOR LOANB MADE FROM THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA TO RANCHO CVCAMONOA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. A. @11f1Y.llt• rii w...t.,f.,.. fh. ci*v of Rnnchn Cunamonga f"City" hereinafter)~has aflvanced certain sums to Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Aganoy ("Agency" hereinafter) nt interest rotes establlahad by resolution. (ii) It was the intention of this Council that said interest ha oompounfled on an annual basis. (111) 6aid monies, including prinaipal and interest, were made payable upon flemand within twelve months' notice given. (iv) The total amount of interest and principal due and owing to dote Prom Agency to City in accordance with the above-stated principles is the sum of $ (v) Clty is willing to forego making demand for principal and/or interest of the entire amount stated in Recital (iv) above on the terms stated herein. H. Reselutieh. NOW, THEREFORE, it hereby is found, determined and resolved by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Council hereby finds that all of the facts stated in the Rec!tals, Part A, oP this Resolution era true and correct. 2. From the data hereof, interest on all amounts due and owing to city from Agency, whether loaned heretofore or hereafter, shall bear interest at the rate of twelve percent (12$) peY Annum, compounded on an annual basis. 3. Any amounts due and owing from Agency to City, or any portion thereof, shall be due and payable within thirty (70) days from the date of City asking demand therefor. Any such demand shall ba made at the sole discretion of City's City Council. 4. The City Clark shall certify to tine adoption of this Reaolutiori. j~ ~-~J 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REFOF?,T DATE: March 6, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: N1111am J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Judy Acosta, Engineering Technician .r SUBJECT: Release of a Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement for 12972 Ylctorla Avenue, located on the north side of Victoria Avenue, east of Etiwanda Avenue, submitted by Frank ..____. ~~. ~~~ RECOMIEMOATIOM; It Ts recamnended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution releasing the Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement and authorizing the Mayor to sign said release and the City Clerk to forward 1t to the Recorder. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS A Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agraement was approved by the City Council on November 7, 1964, and recorded on November 16, 1984, as Document No. 84-216317 1n the office of the County Recorder, San Bernardino County, California. The agreement was for the postponement of stwet improvements along Yictoria Avenue due to drainage considerations and design constraints. A City Capital Improvement Pro,~ect, Victoria Street Rehabilitation Pro,~ect, from Etiwanda Avenue to East Avenue, constructed full street improvements on the north side. The pro,~ect was accepted by the City Council on May 3, 1989, and a Notice of Completion recorded. Therefore, the lien agreement processed by the previous property owners, Robert Smith and Terry Ludwig, may now be released as reQuested by the current property owner Frank Merogy. Respectfully submitted, /~ ~~~ NJO:JAll:dlw L./ Attachment ~~ n j 2 ~,z ~,.~ so~ CG k \;.5~ ar o , ^- ~ 41St __~{ b ~ , Y b~~~ z si ac ~ ,~W q 79_-' (~ 1'"~~w~ ~c~ 7~SO I t<`1~`~ 13 ta5 4G ~ p.l etetP ~~ v~r~ ,~ sus ~"~ ~~iari ~~~nsa w.i i~:• ~iaFL Iroi. - {VICTORIA r-- u~,a CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON~iA ITENk r'g7~ 1li~forJQ Avg ENCN~EERWG DIYlSION Ttr~E:..8~' lQ se. of'J re~'i EXHBI'T: ~r~ ~K M _rQn L< ti~ ~' RESOLUTION N0. / I ~ ~ 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RELEASING A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT FROM FRANK MERONY NHEREAS, the Ctty Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga adapted Resolution No. 85-151 accepting a Reai Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement from Frank Merony; and NHEREAS, said Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien A4reement 'ui -"bruau in iiiiic Tai i1![mro5 OT Jan a@rnardt n0 Calnty, Cal lfornla, On November 8, 1984, as Oecument No. 84-276317; and WHEREAS, satd Real Property Contract and Lten Agreement 1s no longer requl red. NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby release sold Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement and that the City Clerk shall cause Release of Lien to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardtno County, California. ~~ r,mv nc n ~ w.nvn r„r ~,.rnw~n w STAFF 1d.FPORT GATE: March 6, 1991 T0: C1ry Council and City Manager FROM: Wm, Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Judy Acosta, Engineering Technician ~~ .. SUBJECT: Approval of a Subordination Agreement for Parcel Map 8583, located at the northeast corner of Nellman Avenue and 9th Street, submitted by Russell and Malorle Jeter RECONNENDATION: It 1s recommended that the C1ty Council adopt the attached resolution approving a Subordination Agreement submitted by Russell and Marjorie Jeter and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign same and cause the agreement to record. Background(Malysls A Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement was accepted by the City Council and recorded on November 6, 1984, as Document No. 84-261139 to the official Records of San Bernardino County, State of California for undergrounding of existing overhead electrical 11nes adgacent to the property to be developed. In order to secure financing for his project, the lender requires that the subject L1en Agreement be subordinated to liens in favor of the lender. Russell and MarJorie Jeter have submitted the attached Subordination Agreement far City Council approval . Respectfully su tied, /~~ ~~~ ~, c. WJO:JAA:dIw Attachment ~9 ~ i ~A W ~ i Vr 77MAV~7V WVA ENGNEERN~G DIVISION © 30 ~ P~IJ sSSR ~ TTI ~• -Sii horilinzfien ~ /~~ f V141NITY MAP RESOLUTION N0. C,~ dlpt~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, APPROVING A SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT PROM RUSSELL AND MARJORIE JETER AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME WHEREAS, a Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement for the undergrounding of existing overhead electrical lines adjacent to the property to be developed along Hellman Avenue and 9th Street was approved by City Counctl on October 18, 1984 and recorded in San Bernardino County on November 6, 1984, Instrument No. 84-267139; and WHEREAS, for the developer to secure financing for the pro,Iect, the lender requires that the above-menttoned lien be wbordinate to the lien in favor of the lender; and WHEREAS, the developer has submitted a Subordinate Agreement to that effect for the City's approval and execution. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED by the C1ty Counctl of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that said Subordinate Agreement 6e and the same are hereby approved and the MAyor 1s hereby authorized to sign said Subordination Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk attest thereto. 3/ -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ;.~ STAFF REPdRT "°°`~ GATE: March 6, 1991 T0: City Counctl and City Manager r FROM: Wm. Jae O'Neil, Cfty Engineer BY: Henry Nurakoshl, Associate Engineer SUBJECT: Approval and Execution of Program Supplement No. 16 to Local Agency - State Agreement No. OS-5420 between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the State of California for cnnet.rv~rr~nn ,,,n i.onscructi on tngineering including advertisement award and , adteinistration of the Arrow Route Bridge Nidentng at Cucamonga Creek Protect. The supplement sets the Federal portion of the protect at j364,088.00 and the City's portion at f59,912.00 with the provision to increase the City's portion should the need arise. Funding for the Supplement Agreement shall be fron Systems Development Funds. RECOMMENDATION: It is hereby recommended that the City Council approve and execute the attached Resolution that authorizes the execution of Program Supplement Na. 16 to Local Agency - State Agreement for Federai Aid Protects No. 08-5420 and a certified copy of said Resolution along with the executed original copies of the executed Supplement be sent to the State of California for their execution. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Attached herewith are the duplicate original copies of the above subtect Program Supplement No. 16 to Local Agency - State Agreement for Federal Aid Protects No. 08-5420. This program supplement provides for Construction and Construction Engineering (advertisement, award and adainistration) of the Arrow Route Bridge Nidening at Cucamonga Creek Protect. The supplement sets the Federal portion of the protect at (364,088.00 and the City s portion at 559,912.00 with the provision to Increase the City's portion should the need arise. The Federal portion to be limited to the amount shown. Funding for the Supplement Agreement shall be from Systems Development Funds. Respectfully submitted, Attachment 3a- RESOLUTION N0. 9'I- OAP S A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHIXtIZING THE EXECUTION AND SIGNING OF PROGRAM SUPPLEDENT N0. 16 TO LOCAL AGENCY - STATE AGREEMENT N0. OB-5420 FOR CONSTRUCTION ANO CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING INCLUDING ADVERTISEMENT, AWARD AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE ARROW ROUTE BRIDGE WIDENING AT CUCAMONGA CREEK PROJECT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga execution,-the Program Supplement No. 16 to Local Agency -State Agreement No. 08-5420 for Construction and Construction Engineering including advertisement, award and administration of the Arrow Route Bridge Widening at Cucamonga Creek Pro,)ect. WHEREAS, the State of California, Department of Transportation, District Office 8 (hereinafter referred to as "State") processes and monitors Federally funded pro,)ects; and WHEREAS, as a condition to payment of Federal funds for said pro3ects, the Local Agency shall approve and execute said Program Supplement No. 16. NOW, THEREFg1E, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolve to: 1. Authorize the Execution of Supplement No. 16 to Local Agency - State Agreement No. 08-5420 for Construction and Construction Engineering including advertisement, award and administration of the Arrow Route Bridge Widening at Cucamonga Creek Pro,)ect in the Cf ty of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County. 2. To authorize the Mayor to sign said Supplement and direct the City Clerk to attach a certified copy of this Resolution, as well as type in the Resolution number and date 1n the blank of the third block of said supplement and for the return of the original copies of said supplement to the State of California Department of Transportation along with the certified copy of this Resolution. BE IT FlA1THER RESOLVED that the Local Agency shall also comply wtth the "Special Covenants or Remarks" attached to said supplement including: 1. All maintenance, involvfng the physical condition and the operation of the improvements, referred to in Article YI MAINTENANCE of the aforementioned Master Agreement will be performed by the Local Agency at regular intervals or as required for efficient operation of the completed tmprovements. 2 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. MARCN 6, 1991 PAGE 2 2. The Local Agency wail advertise, award, and administer this pro,~ect and will obtain the State's concurrence prior to either award or relectlon of the contracts. 3. The Local Agency agrees the payment of Federal funds will be limited to the amounts approved 6y the Federal Highway Administration 1n the Federal-Aid Protect Agreement (PR-2)/Detail Estimate, or its modification (PR-2A) or the FNM-76, and accepts any increases in Local Agency Funds as shown on the Finance ar 81d Letter or its modification as prepared by the Division of Local Streets and Roads. 4. In executing this Program Supplewental Agreement, Local Agency hereby reaffirms the °Nondlscr mination Assurantts" contained in the aforementtoned Master Agreement for Federal-Aid Program. 5. Nhenever the focal agency uses a consultant on a cost plus Das1s, the local agency is required to submit a post audit report covering the allowab111ty oP cost payments for each individual consultant or sub-contractor incurring over (25,000 on the protect. The audit report Bust state the applicable cost principles utilized by the auditor in determining allavable costs as referenced 1n CFR 49, part 18, Subpert C - 22, Allowable Costs. 3~ - C1TY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF BEPd1~tT DATE: March 6, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, Ctty Engineer BY: Monte Prescher, Public Norks Engineer SUBJECT: Award and authorization for execution of Professional Services Agreement for Construction Achlnlstratton and Inspection for the Milliken Avenue Underpass at rho Atchison. Tnnoas ,r• Ss;ta ;a Hallway tmprovement Pro,(ect, located between Sixth Street and Jersey Boulevard, for the aeaunt of (300,000.00, to be funded from 58140 Account No. 35-4637-9030 and RDA Account No. 15-53000 RECDIIEIDATIOM: It is recommended that the City Council award and authorize For execution, the professional Services Agreement for N1111ken Avenue Underpass at the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Improvement Pro,(ect to L.D. King Incorporated of Ontario, California, for the amount of f300,000.00 and authorize the A~lntstrattve Services Director to expend 5330,000.00 ((300,000.00 plus 108 contingency), to be funded from 58140 Account No. 35-4637-9030 and RDA Account No. 15-51000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Qualifications were received from 8.5.1. Engineers of San Bernardino, California, and L.D. King Incorporated of Ontario, California, and reviewed by staff. It has been determined that L.O. King meets the qualifications required for the protect. Due to the specialized and extensive scope of work to occur on this pro,{ect, staff is recoewending that an engineering flrn w/th extensive experience 1n bridge construction be utilized for contract inspector on this protect. The f1na, 1n addition to other routine duties and related duties, is to provide plan checking and approval of shop drawings submitted by the contractor for false work, shoring and bridge construction and review of bridge construction methods incorporated by the contractor, as well as inspection of construction. This will require the services of abridge engineer, registered as a professional engineer 1n thr State of California. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT MILLiKEN AVENUE UNDERPASS AT ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILNAY ?9ARCN s, I94I PAGE 2 L.D. King has recently completed protect a6nlnistration and inspection services of a 380 foot-long overpass over the Southern Pacific Railway at Indio Boulevard in the City of Indio, a 4.3 million dollar protect. They are currently providing services fora 3.8 million dollar railroad bridge over Highland Springs Avenue to the City of Banning that is near caopletion. L.D. King employs tvro engineers that will be available for this protect that have extensive experience in bridge design and/or construction with the California Departeent of Transportation. Staff has indicated to i .n vi.,,. .w.. ~,... . oecame available during the course~of the prof ect~L .D ~~~K1n ra "nei nWy be very flexible and has indicated that they can andg wi/la me e adtustments in their level of service to Beet the City's needs. As with all construction professional services, costs will be based upon actual services provided as needed. Respettfully~gu6e~ttted, _ - Attachment cc: Purchasing 3h - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA SfiAFF RESORT DATE: March 6, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: 14n. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Linda R. Beek, Jr. Engineer SUBJECT: Award and authorization for execution of Professional Services Agreement So115 Testing for the Milliken Avenue Underpass at the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway ix,yrureweni YNJwL, iocaced oeLVrcen Slxtn Street and Jersey Boulevard, for the amount of 539,200.00, to be funded from 58140 Account No. 35-4637-9030 and RDA Account No. 15-51000 It is recommended that the Ctty Council award and authorize for execution, the Professional Services Agreement for Milliken Avenue Underpass at the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Improvement Protect to RM11 Group for the amount of 539,200.00 and authorize the Administrative Services Dl rector to expend 543,200.00 (539,200.00 plus 10% contingency), to be funded from 58140 Account Na. 35-4637-9030 and RDA Account No. 15-51000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Requests for qualifications were received from RM11 Graup, Rancho Cucamonga, Cal-Nest Consultants, Grand Terrace, and Klelnfelder, Riverside, and have been reviewed by staff. It has been determined that RMA Group meets the required qualifications for this protect. Respectfully suMnltte~d,7, U /' Cx~ NJO:LRB:s Attachment cc: Purchasing 3 - CIT1` OF RANCHO GUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT` DATE: March 6, 1991 ~~ T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Nm. Jce O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Linda R. Beek, Jr. Engineer SUBJECT: Award and authorization for execution of Professionai Services Agreement for Construction Staking and Surveying for the Milliken Avenue Underpass at the Atchison, Topeka aaA fen~a Ce n_~1~»•• i~ -- w M, ~rcwanL YreJlCL, IOCatld etween Sixth Street and Jersey Boulevard, for the amount o9 541,020.00, to be funded from SB140 Account No. 35-4637-9030 and RDA Account No. 15-51000 RECOMEMDATIOM: It is recomnu!nded that the Ctty Council award and authorize for execution, the Professional Services Agreement for Milliken Avenue Underpass at the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Ymprovement Protect to Associated Engineers 9or the amount of f41,020.00 and authorize the Administrative Services DT rector to expand 545,200.00 (f41,010.00 plus 103 contingency), W be funded from SB140 Account No. 35-4637-9030 and RDA Account No. 15-51000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Requests for qualifications were received from Associated Engineers, Rancho Gucaalanga, and L.D. King, 6ntario, and reviewed by staff. It has been determined that Associated Engineers meets the required quaff ifications for this project. RespectfulSly s~ubmit~tee-d~, ) V L , LX- NJO:LRB:sd Attachment cc: Purchasing ------ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: March 6, 1991 City Council and City Manager William J. O'Neil, City Engineer Willie Yalbuena, Assistant Engineer yn~f,~. kk`. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 4 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 d 4 for Tract la.u1-1 located on 4he southwest corner of Milliken Avenue and Terra Vista Parkway, submitted by Lewis Homes. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Tract 13351-1, accepting the subject agreement and security, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 4 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 d 4, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. ANALYSIS/BACKGRGUND Tract 13351-1, located at the southwest corner of Milliken Avenue and Terra Yista Parkway, in the medium density residential District, was approved by the Planning Commission on July 12, 1989, for the division of 0.742 acre into 8 lots. The Developer, Lewis Homes, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Tract 13352 Tract 13351-1 Faithful Performance Bond: 5195,730.00 9,900.00 Labor and Material Bond: f 97,865.00 4,950.00 Monumentation CashBond: S 2,450.00 2,800.00 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. 9 TRACT 13351-1 STAFF REPORT MARCH 6, 1991 ?A5' 2 Letter of approval hds been received from Cucamonga County Water District. The Consent and Waiver to Annexation form signed by the Developer is on file in the City Clerk's office. Respectfully su ted, J,,.., ~ _ WJO:WV:JAA:fh lJ ~'~ Attachments ~~ RESOLUTION N0. ~/- Q ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY, AND FINAL MAP OF TRACT N0. 13351-1 WHEREAS, the Tentative MaD of Tract No. 13351-1, consisting of 8 lots, submitted by Lewis Hames, Subdivider, located on the southwest corner of Milliken Avenue and Terra Yfsta Parkway has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by said Subdivider and approved by said City as provided in the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, and in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and WHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the F1na1 Map of said Tract said Subdivider has offered the Improvement Agreement submitted herewith for approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient Improvement Security, and submits for approval said Final Map offering for dedication for Dublic use the streets delineated thereon. NON, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, as follows: That said improvement Agreement be and the same is approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute same on behalf of said City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and 2. That said Improvement Security is accepted as good and sufficient, subiect to approval as to form and content thereof by the City Attorney; and 3. That the offers for dedication and the Final Map delineating same be approved and the City Clerk is authorized to execute the certificate thereon on behalf of said City. I RESOLUTION N0. -/!' C~~{.'~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 4 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 4 FOR TRACT 13351-1. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously fonoed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 4, Street Lighting Maintenance Dlstrtct No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance utscric i. riv, ; ~i~a, zi~~af t;.r rofarr_"_ !^ is •hn "Maintenance District°); and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and Incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative body hereby orders the annexation of the property as shown in Exhibit "A" and the work program areas as described in Exhibit "B' attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including ~ft~e "Tevy of all assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. /~ CxIMBIT •A• LANDSSSESSMEN A!lDCE~RRIM NO. ~ STREET LIGHTING, MAIN4ENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 4 ,`i TERRA /i57A ,~_- ~~ ~ __! 3~ ~ __ i I I 1 5i CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO f J ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA TR l_~3.5'l-~ a Elti!IBiT e8. PROJECT NAME: TR 13351-1 N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: 85 d/u N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 85 assess units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of L s to be Annexed District No. -'- I --- --- --- --- --- 4 2 --- --- --- --- LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Caa~untty Turf Ground Cover Trees District No. Street Nave Eauest.Tra11 Sa. ft. Sc. ft. Ea. 4 Beipine P1. --- --- --- 8 Terra Vista --- --- --- 25 Milliken Ave. --- --- --- 15 Terra Vista Median --- --- 5,040 15 JAA:3/5/91 T nrmv nn n r w+n vn nr.n • vnwrn . STAFF RFP~RT DATE: March 6, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Nitltam J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Judy Acosta, Engineering Technlctan SUBJECT: Approval improvement Agreement and Improvement Security for construction of Base Ltne Median Landscaping for Parcel Map 9350 located on the north side of Base Line between Milliken and HOCneSTRr AVenees, submi iLaU uy Tne wi i i i,s Lyun i.u.yany RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the sub,~ect agreement and security and the City Clerk to sign the agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Parcel Map 9350, located on the rarth side of Base Line between Milliken and Rochester Avenue was approved by the City Council on March 16, 1988. The Developer, The Mi111am Lyon Company, is submttting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements 1n the following amounts: Base_Ltne Median Landscaping Faithful Performance Bond: --f457,iTOQ.O~ Labor and Material Bond: 5228,500.00 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully s tted, / n ~~ MaD:JAA:m w Attachments "7'--.J ~S 4 CrTY ~ W1MCF10 CIJCAMON~iA ENCNEERWG D{VISION ~~ ~ ~~ EXF~{T• RESOLUTION N0. ~~-~(p~ A RESOLUTION OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, AGREEMENT, AND CONSTRUCTION OF PARCEL IMP 9350 THE C[TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR THE BASE LINE MEDIAN LANDSCAPING FOR NHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map No. 9350, submitted by The N1111am Lyon Company, and consisting of 3 parcels located on the northeast corner of Base Line Road and Milliken Avenue, was approving by the Planning Coemisslon of the C1 tV of rancho rur.,.nnna n. u~...r._~ oo .noe. ~_ti WHEREAS, Parcel Map No. 9350 is the final map of the division of land approved as shown on said Tentative Parcel Map; and NNEREAS, as part of the requirements established as prequlsite to approval of the final map by the City Council of said City have now been met by entry Into an Improvement Agreement guaranteed by acceptable Improvement Security for Base Line Median Landscaping by The N1111am Lyon Company as developer. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C[TY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES, that said Improvement Agreement aM said Improvement Security submitted by said developer be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is Y,ereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest. /~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPE}RT GATE: March 6, 1991 T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: City Council and City Manager NTlliam J. O'Neil, City Engineer Judy Acosta, Engineering Technician Approval of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security for Etlwanda Avenue between Hlghla~ and Summit Avenues submitted by Matt Inland Empire, Incorporated RECDMMEIDATIGN It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the suDJect agreement and security, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign the agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND The Developer, Watt Inland Empire, Incorporated, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements for Etlwanda Avenue between Highland and Summit Avenues 1n Lhe following amounts: Faithful Perforniance Band: 2222,OOD.00 Labor and Material Bond: 5111,000.00 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submitted, C^~G _ WJO:JAA:dIw Attachments 4 CITY OI: RAI~ICMO CIJCAMONGA ~ 7 rat ~~/W~»da Avp Ejf_~yn ~T~;,[~~hl~ ~mif EXF~IT: ~TR 14:0) RESOLUTION N0. l~ ~ ~ji0a A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MNCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEM£NT SECURITY FOR ETIWANDA AVENUE BETWEEN HIGHLAND AVENUE AND SUIMIT AVENUE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for Its consideration an Improvement Agreement executed on February 15, 1991, by Natt Inland Empire, Incorporated, as developer, for the improvement of public right-af-way adiacent to the real property specifically Ca.r!"."_ !6~r^~^ .,,e n•nnr.lly located betreen Hlahland Avenue and Suemlt Avenue; and WHEREAS, the installation of wch improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject t0 the tenas thereof, is to be done in conlunttion with the development of said real property; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement 15 secured and accaapanled Dy good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified 1n sold Improvement Agreement. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor 1s hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF ItEFOkT DATE: March 6, 1991 T0: City Council and Clty Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector II~-~~ SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13367, Located on the east side of Hellman Avenue between Highland Avenue and Alta Laaa Drive, submitted by namecamng rarmers Ica. R£COMIEIOIITIOM It is recommended that the City Coundl adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,~ect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BALKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13367 were approved by the City Council on November 17, 1988, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: f248,819 Labor and Material Bond: (149,410 The developer, Homecoming Partners Ltd., is reauesiing approval of a 6-month extension on said improvement agreement in order for the required landscape to complete tts establishment period. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submitteQ, G''7ZE~ NJO:SMG:sd Attachments February 6, 1991 City oP Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Attention: Nr. Steve Gilliland PEahlin WryTY~ TnOnnnMnr~ Reference: Tract No. 13367 Dear Stave; In reference to your letters dated August 24, 1990 and January 23, 1991, we hereby request an extension of our improvement agreement of six months. The project was essentially complete in September with the exception of minor landscaping. Wa had an unresponsive landscape contractor which caused delays in completion of the work. In late 1990 the area was hit with a severe frost which caused considerable damage to the existing ground cover. We have recently replanted all of the ground cover and we are waiting for it to reach an established state, before calling for final sign- off. Enclosed please find the extension forma and extension fee. Zf you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, QUINTESSENCE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY J q nn is ~~ JE7(ILA SiEA'4A 4vEN~E. SUITE ;0). FNEROE CACEORN:A 4]505 Pe-359-O)a RESOLUTION N0. 9~~0 ~O A RESOLUTI011 OF THE CITY CtlUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13367 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Callfornla, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on March 6, 1991, by Homecoming Partners Ltd. as developer, for the improvement of Wblic right-of-way ad,~acent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the east side of Hellman Avenue between Highland Avenue and Alta Loma Drive; and YIHEREAS, the installation of such inproVexnts, described 1n sold Improvement Agreement and subJect to the teews thereof, is to be done in conJunctlon with the development of said Tract 13361; and NHEREAS, Bald Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good artd sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Callfornla hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security De and Lhe same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. 53 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMUNGA ~~AF'~ It.EF'()li.T DATE: March 6, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'N811, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gill ii and, Public Norks Inspector II ~~~ SUBJECT: Acceptance of Improvements, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for Tract 11915-1, located on the northeast corner of Hermosa Avenue and 26th Street The required street Improvements for Tract 11915-1 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and 1t 15 recommended that City Council accept said Improvements and authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion. The Faithful Perfonaance and Labor and Materials Bonds have been held during the maintenance period. The Maintenance Bond was released on February 6, 1991, and 1t is now recosended to authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Perfonaance Bond in the amount of f275,00D and the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of S137,500. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS TR 11915-1 - located on the northeast corner of Hermosa Avenue and 26th Street DEVELOPER: Lebrett Homes, Inc. 2102 Business Center Drive, Suite 151 Irvine, CA 92715 Release: Faithful Perforeance Bond (Street) 5275,000 Labor and Materials Bond (Street) f137,500 Respectfully submitted c. ~~~, NJO:SMG:sd Attachment RESOLUTION N0. 9~' O A RESOLUTION OF THE C1TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGl1, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPi1NG THE PUBLIC INPROVENENTS FOR TRACT 11915-1 ANO AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK NHEREAS, the construction of public ioiprovements for Tract 11915-1 have been completed to Lhe satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucaawnga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Coopletion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. S5 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~fiAEN' AEFORT DATE: March 6, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Nm. Jce O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector I~ SUBJECT: Acceptance of improvements, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for Parcel Map 12058 located on the east side of Lton Street south of 9th Street. RECOMIEMDATIOM: The required street improvements for Parcel Map 12058 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and 1t is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 567,010.00. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Parcel Map 12058 - located east side of Lion Street south of 9th Street DEVELOPER: Rancho Business Partners 1851 East First Street 41220 Santa Ana, CA 92705 Release: Faithful Performance Band (Street) f67,030.00 Respectfully subm`1i ~/~ ~~f NJO:SMG:Iy Attachment W RESOLUTION N0. ~J~'o~a- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROYEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 12058 ANO AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE HONK NHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Parcel Map 12058 have been caopleted to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS,,a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying Liie rwric compieu. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the cork is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. 57 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 9fiAFF REPORT DATE: March 6, 1991 ~.Y T0: City Councfl and City Manager ~C FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector II SUBJECT: Release of Faithful Performance and Labor b Mater1a15 securities for 6&19 Hellman Avenue, located on the east side of Hellman Avenue south of 19th Street, developed by --'' "--- RECOMMEM0117ION: It 1s recommended that the City Council release the Faithful Performance and the Labor A Materials securities. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS At the City Council meeting of January 16, 1991, Council approved the acceptance of a Lien Agreement as security for the improvements in order to postpone the construction of the required improvements. The postponement is necessary due to the fact Lhat the ad,)acent developer, Hix Development, W111 be consiructtng the improvements for Mr. Yass at a later time. Since the Lten Agreement Was accepted as a construction security, it is recommended the current securities be released. Faithful Performance Dond (Certificate of Deposit) =6,200.00 Labor 8 Materials Bond (Certificate of Oeposlt) (3,100.00 Respectfully su Ttted, U , ~ WJO:SNG:Iy ~tDIIJANCE NO. 441 AN ~II7ANCE OF RFL CITY CORiCII OF 1HE CITY OF RANCFp CUCAtSW(A, CALIFUFdJIA, APPROVING DEVECOPMENF DISiRICF AMEt~NF 90-02, 10 AMFI~ID "!}11E DEVE[DPMEIVF DISIRICIS MAP FAR4 "OP" OFFICE/PlmFESSIQ~41L 7D 'TP' (MmILM RFSIDFNFIAI„ 8-14 UAFII.IIdG UNTTS PII2 ACRE) Fn92 3.56 ACRES OF LAND, IDCl~'FFD AT 'lf~ SOU1HF7fSf O$SIFg OF ARCHIBAID AVFNDE AND Q3tIIt(H S152EEC, AND MAKING FiIIDIHGS IN SUpPOiiF 7f{FRNpF A. 8ecitals. Develcpment District -Ame~rLne'+* 90-02 as described win Wthe title of~ this Orrlinatxx. Hereinafter in this Ordinance, the subject Development District Amerdmerrt is referred to as "the application." (ii) On August 22, 1990, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucammga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application aId issued Resolution No. 90-107 recanoetding that the application be approved and Resolution No. 9x108 reovnoerdirg to the City Camci] that the associated General Plan AmeirLoent No. 90-018 be approved. (iii) On Septemter 19, and continued to November 21, 1990, and February 20, 1991, the City Qxvicil of the City of Rancho Cucamonga mrducted duly notiari public hearings on the application. (iv) All legal n,-e.R,;sites to the adoption of this Ftesulution have aazv red. B. Resolution. :X74:, :7~il&'ORS, the City Caun::ii of tiie City of Rancho ~tlcannnga does hereby find, determv7e, azrl ordain as follods: 1. 'this Cou~il hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part "A", of this Ordinance are true and correct, 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Coiurcil during the at` •- referenced public hearing on Septenter 19, and continued to November 21, 1990 and February 20, 1991, inclurlirg written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, ties Camnil herekry specifically £irxls as follo„5: (a) 'R~e application applies to approximately 3.56 acres of lard, basically a rectangular figuration, locats3 at the southeast corner of Archibald Averme arrl Q7urrh Street and is presently vacant. Said property is clnrre_ntly designated as "OP" (Office/Professional); and nLn (b) 'ifie property to the north of the subject site is designated (IAJ Residential, 2-4 dwelling units per acre) and is developed with si7gle family residers and a church. 'lY~e. property to the west is designated "L" (lox Residential, 2-4 dwelling units per acre) and is developed with s9 Ordinarce No. 441 Page 2 single family residences. 9~ pmperty to the east is designated "M" (Nladi~ Residential, a-14 dwellitg units per acre) and is developed with residential oardominiums. The property to the earth is designated "m" (t4ediutn FESidential, 8-14 d~.ellirg units per acre) and is developed with residential apartments and is partially undeveloped; and (c) 'this ~* does rot conflict with the Iand Use Policies of the General Plan std will provide for development within the district in a manrws oxrsistetrt with the General Plan and with related development; and (d) This ~+^'*'e*~ does pronnte the goals and objectives cf the Iand Use Element; std (:.~ '.`uo __. _........... wwiai ,ui. ie aria iaiiy injuciwe uc detrimental to the adjacatt prapmtSes std watld not have a significant inQact on the ernixvmertt ncr the asramditg properties aid that issuance of a Negativo Declaration is reoomiended. 3. Based upon the substantial eviderr~ prp-ented to this Nuncil during the above-referenced public hearings atti upai the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 shove, this Cautcil hereby fitds and concludes as follows: (a) that the subject property is suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed Development District in tetas of access and size, as eVldetKefi 11yI the slte'S e:meedinq tl]e City~S minim,m lot e1TR rnrniirmrorrta, std ~patibility with existing sarourdin3 lard uses, as evidenced try the site's being bordered on the east std south by parcels of land with the same lard use designation; and (b) lfiat the prnposeci armrrhmnt would t»t have significant i~acts on the envirronment nor the ~uxoimdurg properties as evidenced by the conclusions and fitrlirgs of the Initial Erivi,-r,rmental Shdy and the im})iE~oenta{jon of mitigation agreements betyrmPn the property owrws and the Q>,~ffey Joint Union High Sdwol District and the ~rttrdl School District; and (c) 'chat the proposed amendment is in Odlformanro with the General Plan and Development Cade due to the site's capacity to prtmote the goals std objectives for residential development. 4. 'this Camcil hereby finds that the project has been reviemd and considered in omplianoe with the California IIrvirormtental Quality Pct of 1970 and, further, this Camcil hereby approves the issuance of a mitigated NaJative Declaration. 5. Based upon the fitd.irgs std coralusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this ~nmcil hereby ardairB that pursuant to Section 65850 to 65855 of the California Goverrmwnt Cade, the City Wtaxil of the City of Rarr_}n Cltramorga h¢etry appr~ows, on this 20th day of February 1991, of Development District Amier~ient 90-02 and dranging the district d~ignatim Or31r1at1ce No. 441 Page 3 fron ^~ (office/Pmfessiaml) to "M" (Pladium 8-14 dwelling ia~ite per acre) fc¢~ 3.56 acres of land lO~ted at the soutlfeast collua- of Ardubald AVeme and Quads street, as depicted in the attad~ed P3dubit "1." 6. "ilfe City Clerk shall certify t0 the adoption of this Ordinance. 7. 1118 Mayor shall sign flue and the City Clark shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in the Inl?rrl yal~ew [tea, sly ~.leti~, a gaper of ge'wsal circulatirn published in the City of ontaric, raliforni.a, and cirwlated in the City of Ranciw Cnc2®o~ga, lhlifo[nin. ~I i i ~ ~. J ~--__ .. _ 'uy WOWt~ ' __ X 7 I ~~ m _ 8 = ~"T x" • K.~w, ,. ~ ..r-Q(9 ~ ~ U - $ a. ~sJ=~-R 3-~ 4 •Yi~J /_, -_ Q i 3"43no ~~.i_-~W W~~ary __.-~ -S' I j' I it ~;`_ R t j ~) f ~-.. .. ~ J, i a ~R dI ~~,~ oirin G F ~ s ~ -F 1_'~ ^~JI, pz IF 'i 06. ,rte ;c LL I '~'4 A ~' v 0 ~' ~ d z ~ ~ U ~ V O C ~ I ~ s o U i Q I ~ E U C7 z a J z 3 a pa U .. ~ _...~~~ PPO14aiM ~-~'- ~ ~ _.. '1 OADII~ANCE N0. 442 AN ORDII~WN(E OF 'III CTTY CD[II4C1I. OF '14IE CITY OF EANQiO CUCAImNC,A, CALIFC$Q4IA, APP%7VII4G ItIDSb7RIAL AREA SPA'IFIC PLAN At42744FN1' 90-04 7U II4QLDE AV1V~DIIVE/SS3KS( REPAIR - l9\70It AS A O04IDFTIOIWLY PEEAIITTED USE WP1ftiQJ4 SUBAREA 15 Alm SERVLCE SPA7iQiS AS A COImITIONALLY PERMPTTID USE WT1HIN SUBAREA 2, Atm MAKII~~IG FIImINGS IN SUPAAU.' RHEREJF A. Recitals. ~''.y' (i) On .~D~~.a~~oSSe~~y~y~~.1' 12, 1990, the Plannlry Q'~ission of the City o£ rya„y p, C Wuu•~. a dlllV Nl}1M1a i~lhl in hp:1Y~M 1.ri•h r.n........F 4~ the above-referenced I~>slsial Area Specific Plan Amenldment. Follwiig the oonclusim of said public hearing the PlanniMJ Caimissicvl adapted Resolution No. 90-155, thereby reODImlBnding that the City Council adapt Industrial Area Specific Plan Nm~ent 90-04. (fi) On February 20, 1991, the city Council o£ the city of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly rntioed public hearing and coroludad said heazirg prior to its adoption of this ordinance. (iii) All legal In Y'lli mites priar to the adoption of this ordi~~e have oaanrrenl. B. Ordi~noe. 'Ihe City Council of the City of Rancho Cu~ga ordain as follw,s: SECTION 1: ibis C,wicil hero-by specifies azd finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of the oxe3inance aze true and correct. SFX•1'ION 2: this Cavicil hereby finds and certifies that the project has been reviewed and ooreidered in cafplianoe with the California Environ- mental Quality Act of 1970, and Rather, this Couxil herelry issues a Negative Declaration. SECTION 3: 'It~e Rancho Cucamonga City Camcil finis as follows: (a) This amerxLrent does not conflict with the Ian] Use Policies of the Genrral Plan and will provide far development Within the district in a manrwr convsistent with the Genrral Plan and With related developrent; and (b) lhat tine proposed amerr3ment is consistent wit1~ the objectives of the Industrial Area Specific Plan, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; arc] (e) 'II~at the pcnposed ameldmernt is in ompliarne with each of the applicable provisions of the r.,rl„stYial Area Specific Plan; and l(J J OCdinalge No. 442 Page 2 (d) liiat Lila pcgloeed ameli~oent will not ba detrimental to the public health, safety. ar welfare ar materially injurious to properties ar iml.¢ov~lka in the vicitlity; and (e) '1liat the proposed ametrLaetlt will not be detrimental to the objectives of the General Plan ar the I7dtis-trial Area Specific Plan. SFI.TiCN 4: 711at pursuant to Section 65850 to 65855 of the California Goverrment GUde, that the City Council of the City of IiailrYio CuramoixJa does heretry appxoNe on the 20th day of Febxuazy 1991, r*><7„Gr+-ial Area Specific Plan Aloendmertt 90-04 ametdilg Table III-1, Paqe N-23 old Page N-89 to read as attadieri hereto as Eidlibits A, B, and C, respectively. Sfdf:i'r[N S: 'ITw Mnvnr vhall viem /•hiv fh+ii,urve aM fhn nii.. rl_ea. shall cause the same to he published within fifteen (15) days after its ~~~ at least ones in the rnl.tva llw Ga v it lel; , a newenaper of general circailation published in the City of Ontario, California, arcl cira>_lated in the city of Randlo CucamoTga, California. ~~ TABLE III-1 SUMMARY OF LAND USE TYPE BY SUBA"Oe N~ ea3 • PERMITTED USE t CONOITIONALLV PERMITTED USE NOTE: Non-marked Uses Not Permittetl USE TYPES 'La.^.d USa''~!P ~GI'G!;C"G:.O:::P'~iPCI h'Ij,vi'Gi~iP~ G Gi ni~V I Subar•aa MHO 1 2.9.4 5 6 7'e'~9110 ~11M ,18 114 15 18 17 MANUFACTURING '~ 1 ~ ~ ~ I ~ I Cuetom i • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • t ~ t I'1!~ i! • v m I, H j j t ~ ~,I • • I • • I L'~ , ea Y i Minimum Impart Heav OFFICE PROFESSIONAL DESIGN & RESEARC ~ , j • Atlministratlve i O/flce • t ~': t • t ~; • .F t • Prolessional/Design Services ~ • j t, t t • • t I , t I • ~, t j • • WHOLESALE STORAGE 8 DISTRIBUTIO N Public Storage { . ~. • t ~, • .f t t t Light • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • i • i I Heavy ~, ~ . t ~ • • + • COMMERCIAL '~ 1 Apricultwal/Nerpry Suppll•• i S•rvlw• I • • •~ • • • • Animal Care t t t t t t Automotive FI••t Storeg• I } } ~, ,~a t Automotive Rental/leasing • • • t + t • ; t t t Automotive /LIgM Truck R•p•Y-Minor i. f t t • • • Automotive i Truck Repair-Major • t • t • • t t { Automotive Salsa ,F ,~+ ~ ,~ t Automotive Service Station t •} t ~, t t t ~, t ~, t t Bulitling Contractor's DTTIq i Verde ~~ t t 'f .'~ • • e Building Contractor's Storeg• Yard ~ • Building Maintenance S•rvhu 'ir i • ~ • IF • • • }. • , Building dLigbting Equipment SUppliaai Salesj • t • t t h • • t • } t • Bualrroo Supply Retell i S•rvie•• ~ • • • • • • 9 • • a • • • Business Support Services • • t • • t • • • t .f t Communication $•rvltn ~ • • ~-' • • • • t l • • •f • } • • Convenience Sales i Services ' t t t 4 t t t t t t t t t t t ; t Eating i DHnking E•tabll•MIMU • • e -' • • ~-~ • I •~ • • ! Entertainment ~, + ~, t tl ~, i _ t t Eatensiw Imp•CI Commardal '. . Fast Foatl Sales t y t t _ t t t t t t t t Financial, Imurancs i Rql Eetat• S•rvlc•s I • • • ~ t , ~i • e ~}~ Food i Beverage Sales ,+ t ~. t t ~, t t ~, t t t t t t t t Funeral i Crematory 9•rvlcq i ~, ~, ~ ,, t ,. Heavy Equipment Sales i Rentals t t t t t t t t Hot•I/MOtd i t : • • • • Laundry Servicea • MrWIta1M•aHa Care S•rviq • .} t t + t s: I ~, t . ~ t Personal S•rvic•a t t t t t }, ~, t f t ~, ~, P•Ard•un Proalueh Storeg• t t t :. RecreationN FaUlitl•e t t t t t ~, t f • t t t • • •' • • R•pak Ssrvke• • ~ • • • ~ • • w Sera OP•ration t CIVIC AdmIM•tratlw Clvle S•rvltn • • • ~ • • • s • • :~ Cultural • t t f t ~' t t t EaNmivs krrpaet UtlUty FaeRllin ~ } } t t ~~ '"' Flood Control/Utility Corridor • • • • • • • • • • • • • j Pubec Ase•mbly t ~! ~; t t ~' t 4 t f' t '~~' fi t Public SaINy i Utility Servicea } t t 4 t t t ,~, t t t t t t t t t t R•Ilgioua A•••mDl t t f ~' t } t t t « t t + Ir-mtluatnal Park GI-G•n•ral IrWU•tdal MI/HI-Minimum Ipppmpact Heavy Industrial HO-Haven Ave. Overlay 01•tricl ~/~ aa,ry I~atrial ChTlinatx:fl No. 442 Page 4 SUBAREA 2 Land Use Designation General Industrial Pr/awry Function The long-range plan {or this subarea 1s to strengthen Its wanufacturlny and warehousing activates, copleaKnted by roll access. Portions of tR1s Subarea have lead/spur roll lines proposed to accooodate Rail Service needs of induesetrial uses. It 1s the City's polity to f,~n ii7.. the dewlopeent of M11 Service dewlopawnt po ~-~--~~ Standar .~~„y '''ii tenLtal ds Mve been estaDltsMd as a part of tA1s Specific Plan (Part III, Section IY.fi) which rtqutre the Ratl Service develapaetnt of alt parcels which ayoln existing or proposed lead/spur rail linos. This subarea /s bounded on the north by Arrow Route, on tM aft Dy Meilarn Avenue, on the south Dy 8th Street, and on tM wst by Wneyard Avenue. Of tM 155 acres 1n the subarea, approxlawtely 60 acres are occupied Dy existing industrial uses, apst of rhlch are served Dy rail. Permitted Uses Cust4~ Manufacturing Light Manufacturing Research Services Light Mholesale, Storage and Distribution Medlrr Yholesale, SW rage and Distribution Agricultural/Nursery Supplies and Services Eating and Drinking Establlsirents Repair Services Flood Control/Utility Corridor Conditional Uses Medtra Manufacturing Pub11c Sioraggsa Autaaotive/Light Truck Repair - Minor Auteraotlve/Truek Repair - Myor Bull ding Contractor's Office ~ Yards gutlding/Light Equtpwent Supplies and Sales Business Support Services Conwntenee Sales and Servlns Food and 5ewrage Sales Reary Equlparnt Sales and Rentals Ratreatlon FacilltUs Public Safety and Utility Services Autunwtive S: rvice Station ~L IY-23 fI ll F~ ~(N~7~1. $ acdiname No. 442 Page 5 SUBAREA IS Land Use Designation Heary Industr/al Prteary Function Thts ana provides for the cantinuatlon and proeotton of tM heaviest of industrial users rhtch rould Dy nature be annoying to otlNr less intense industrial activities. SuDana3 located south of Arror Route extending to the project boundary liadts on the east and approxieately 600' north of 4th SLnet adjacent to the Devon Fnaray north of ATfSF tracks and along the ut111 ty eassent south of ATiSF tracks. TMs area contains soee of the C1ty's heaviest 1Mustrial uses and along Lhe southeast portion of this ana, outside the City Lint ta_ la the kaiser tLel Plant. Raii Service Function Portions of the Subarw have 1Nd/spur rail lines W accowodate Ratl SerW ee needs of Industrial uses. It is the City's policy to encourage the dewlopeent Of Rail SerWa facilities on parch s M th strongy rail dewlopeent poUntlal. Standards haw been esUDltshed as a part of this Specific Plan (Part III, Section Iv.6l rhich reQuln Ra11 Service dwelopsent on all parch s rhicn aaloin existing or proposed Lad/spur nil 1/nes. Perwitted Uses lNdi~a Manufacturing Minlra lepact Heavy Industrial Manufacturing Heavy IYnufacturing Pub11c Storage Light Ilhol esal e, Storage and 0l stri Duti on Medtia Yholesale, Storage and 01str1Dutton Heavy Yholesale, Storage and Distribution Agricultural/Nursery Supplies and Services 8u11 dt rag Contractor's Office ~ Yards 8uttding Contractor Storage Yards Building and Light EQU/par!nt Supplies and Sales Eating and Drinking EstabllshaleMs Heavy Equlpnent Sales and Rentals Conditional Uses Business Support Services Coa~unication Services Convenience Sales and Services Extensive Iepact Caesserdal Food and Beverage Sales Petrole~a Products Storage Repair Services Scrap Operations Extensive Iapaet Uttitty Fu/1/ties PuD11e Safety and Ut111ty Services Autcmoeive/irutk Repair-F:ajr.r (~ 7 IY-B~itT/i T "G" ORDINANCE N0. 144A AN ORDINANCE OF ~ CITY 00[$7CII, OF THE CPIY OF RANQD QJCMDNGA, CA7 TFTYiNIA, APf'IiCNIIJG AMEY~II~NiS 1U CF~2 12.12 OF THE RANCID CUCPPDNGA I4FIICII'AL NDE PERTAINING TO THE CITY'S S1RFEf NA[4ING REQ[12REMEI715 A. Recitals. (i) Respondirrl to Ratriw Cucamonga Fire District wrtcerns regarc~i.ttg street naming policies, the city cuu~cil on Fekutkuy 7, 1990, directed city staff to initiate the process to draft iaprovements to the street namirxJ lrqulatims. (ii) On December 12, 1990, the Planning Catmission of the City of Randto CucatmrcJa reviewed and remmrttded approval of proposed amendnrnts to the City's Street Natnitg Booklet and Street Naming Oxdvtanoe, City Cbde Chapter 12.]2. (iii) On Fetsuaxy 20, 1991, the City Council of the City of Ratrho CucaIDOrrp oarhuted a public hearing ctrl concluded said heariig prior to its adoption of this Ordinance. (iV) All legal p+-~+~+l sites prior to the adoption of the Ordinance have occurred. B. NO,V, TFIE~REFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does herelry ordain as follows: SECPION 1: 7fii= Council here4ry specifically furls that all of the facts set: forth in the Recitals, Part "A", of ties thdirance are true and COrrECt. SECTION 2: This Council hereby fircls and certifies that these street naming anpxllmnts have heEn revie+ed and considered purntant to the provisions of the Califontia Envirotmcntal Quality Act of 1970 (CDaA), and this Camcil hereby dero.,~;.,o< that the amerrbrw.nts pzgxsed wiL not have airy impacts on the emirotmn-nt arcl are therefore, not subject to further review pursuant to CAA, Secti~t 15061 (b) (3), and further this Co~utcil hereby directs the City Clerk to file, pursuant to CD~1, Section 15061 (d), a Notice of Exengtion regarding this matter. SE(.TfON 3: Based upon the sulv^~intial evidence presented to this Council d+sitg the above-referenced regular mePtitg, this ~mcil hereby concludes as follows: (a) That the proposed amo.Nnnnts to the street tiami.rg ra7ulations will cot have arty adverse inQacts on the ernirormpnt and are exenq~t tran further review by C9QA, Section 15061 (b)(3). U OYdindnce No. 144A Page 2 (bj gat the proposed amendments ace in aonformarre with the General Plan. (cJ gat the prg7osed amendments will impn-ovie the City's street namily process bf ceduc~3 P~tia11Y cm~~l street naming situationts and thereby enhance the public's safety atd oorrva~ience why traveling thc'otgh the c~nnmity. ~Gg~t 6: Qrepl'~ 12.12 of the Imnc37o CucaIDCaga FAmicipal code is hereby amended to read in words and figures, as follaus: emc~!r rmrma- 12.12.010 Piapose o£ pcovisiaw 12.12.020 Namitg criteria 12.12.030 New StreetB 12.12.040 Charging street names - ^___,,,~ 12.12.050 Changlrg street names - Proce^rs 12.12.060 (lnangirg str+aet rmmes - Dlvimrmienrtal Determination 12.12.010 ~gpose of rurrvisions. The piu'pose of these provisions are as follows: A. 'Ib establish pr~o~La~ for street naming for ner public and private streets in the city of Rardn aramo~xla ir, the public interest of uniformity aryl to avid confusion to the public; and H. To establish a pcooed<ue for diangirg existvx3 street name, in the City of Ratdto Cucamonga whirl] may be d7a1x3ed puzsuant to the followi:q: i. gat the prvpceed change is not in conflict with the goals, policies, atd erarr~rric of the general plan; 2. gat the prgxsed is ooru^istent with the adopted master plan of streets and hicksways or adopted circulation element; 3. gat the pmpc~ed diange will net cause significant adverse ivpacts upai the emimment; 4. gat the proposed cfia~ is deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety, mnfort, convenience, and general Welfare. W f Ordinance No. 144A Fags 12.12.020 N9lai7K! aritEria. Streets shall be named as follows: A. Street names should be Pleasant saadirg, appmisiate, easy to read (so that the public, and duldren in particular, can handle the name in an emengerwy situation), girl should add to the pride of home ownership and cc»mity, B. ~e follawitg types of street names are unacceptable: numerical rfame6 (1st, 21d, etc.); alphabetical letters (A, B, C, etc.)) friwlous, oonplicated, ar undesirable ~; uncarvrntional spelling; mipaud names; given ar srrzxataes of per•.,ons living or dead, except fore pioneer family names, historic persons, etc. _ ...__ ...__ ..'. _ _ __ - a.w~~iawu with the present street nuances whenever passible aid feasible. D. Diacartiratars streets shall not be given the same name. YTte rnmlrritg system shall rot on a street from east/west to math/south. If the nmhering system Barges, the street will be ooreidared as disoomtiruars and the tame should )>e different at the point where the nmberirg mgr's. E. Diglication of existing ar pxnpored street names is prohibited. similar sanding name, are considered to be duplication, regardless of spelling. F. Existing areas of the City shall strive to haw new street names consistent with the lsevailing tlxane of existing streets. In the rarthc~estern part of the City, north/south streets narzeIl after gems aryl east/west streets named after trees when possible std wdter+e feasible. G. streets with a nirety~lay-ee (90°) ar more c3iange of direction 3x11 drarge rrvses at a wnvenient aryl appropriate point, miplete with street roe arcs 100 black address signs posted at the dirertiotul/name diarrcje, as determined by the City Planner. Tree names used in this and similar situations shwld be dissimilar in prornatciation and spelling. SY.reets with less than aninety-degree (90°) dtange of directiar may have a rip in order to crnply with other provisions of this dapter. trtea.,~„-ing curvilinear streets with one ar more direction may retain a single name if the following conditions are evident: 1. 'lYse street doev :tot ariginate and tennvate with the same base street trs have more than ore (i) irtrzisp.^tion with any other street, and; 2. Does not have more than one arterial street intersection, std; 70 orainroe No. laaA page 4 3. '12>~e is ro possibility of future itrtersecti~ onto the Street, erdi 4. Rlle street doss mt have arn, sharp angle dixectim dratcles, aid; 5. 'll]e street 7aID8 and addreSS IaIDtWSltg system (90es not itdicate arty partiwlar crspass headixl. N. No street with the same name shall intersect another sin7ly tamed stzeet more than once. Loop streets shall ctwge » as specified in Seotlon 12.12.020G or at intersections with other streets, as trey be determined appropriate by the City Planner. I. ~Riat street desig~tim Por presenrt atd future streets shall 6e as follows: 1. Boulevard. Special eastK.rest streets shall be desigreted "Boulevard". 2. Streets. East-west streets vdrictn pass thnarc~r several r~eighbartnods or tracts to he designated "Street"; 3. Avenues. North-south streets which pass thrmigh several neighbminods or tracts to be desigrmted "Avenue"; 4. Rn3d. Anry diagotal street with a generally straight alignment which does rot conform basically to a grid pattern to to desigrate3 "Road"; 5. Drive. EastrvRSt streets, parallel to, but between named streetr and limited to are neighho-hood or tract to he dt_SSCylated ^DCiV'e"i 6. place. North-south streets, parallel to, but between named streets and limited to rate reighbonc~od or tract to be designated "place"i 7. Way. Any irzegiilar streets which carvat conform to any grid pattern to to designated "Way"i 8. Court. Airy cul-de-sacs or dead end streets with aturn- aramd which wtvrot be -~--^-~-Lly extended shall be designated "hut". a. "(lasts" with the same name as the preoadirg street shouL9 be awided. b. A "crAtrt" shall carry the nvoe of the preceding street only if the "oaut" is at the etd of the street. 71 orau,aroe No. 144A ~x s 9. Ftmtage Road. "Fxnntage roads" shall carry the same name and designatim as the street served and shall rot be identified otherwise. 12.12.070 . A. It is the nespaisibility of the applicant, for developmenrt in the wnstxvctim of new streets, to submit names, togetlrr with airy fee es may be adopted by this Council, to the City far apptrrval. B. It shall be the duty of the City Planner ar designee, after consul.tiry with the Fire District, to approve all new street ~ t4~ n!v• .~.~. wrj 12.12.040 $11A11g3[S~J street names - Reasor~s. A. the diangircJ of street rwres may be initiated by any of the following: 1. Public ~t whidn mist be in writing to the city Ctnmcil arc PL3ming Crnmissim stating the justificatim far soda a dwge; 2. Resolutim of irntentim of the Planning C<amtissim; 3. 17e5solutim of iirtentim of the city Council. B. If dwnge is initiated thirough public ra7uest, the City may require the applicant to pay all casts inr„rcrl by tl~ (iroluding, but mt limited tn, street signs, public hearing mtifintim, etc.) ii. i2. G50 Charwira street ~s - Yrocpss. A. In all c?ses, it shall be the duty of the Planning Divisim, after consulting with the Fire District, Sheriff's Deparhrent, I~stmaster, and FYgir~eesirr~ Divisim m the name changing issue, to nnFNrw a report discussing the justification for such a cna*ge, reoo~m~endSng a replacemw~nt name and d;en,e~jng the i~ct of the proposed «ge. B. The Secretary of the plannvtg Comnissim shall place the matter m the first available Plarmug ~issim Agecda, and shall submit the report to the Planviing n~o;«im at that time. C. the Planning m,.o; ssim shall hold a public hearing m the proposed street name diatge. The public hearing shall be noticed to all property owrnrs m the street prc~pcred far ~9e by mail ten days priar to the hearing, ar by posti~ of a notice 7.~ ordiname No. 144A Page 6 along the street at three h~u~dlred-Foot intetivals, ten days prclcff District and~8lleriff~ Puet Mice, R+alty Recolller, Fire , Department shall also be sent written nrtice of the proposed riange. Vfiere the street rnrviects tc or borders an adjoining city basdazy, written notice shall also be sent to the affected city. D. [7pm reoeivixg testimmy at the public hearing, the Planning amn;°°lm imy apprrnre, mrditrmally approve, or deny the proposed street name dlange ~ Resolutim pursuant to the findings in Sectim 12.12.010. E. If approval, the I2asolutim shall include the date t>pm vAridi wiA .•harvc trill 5.er.•.~e ePfe..Pi.p m.i.. a....i..i.... .a.~ii .,.. final, unless appealed in writing to the city CUmcil within ten days of tha Planning mimisaicvi actin. sixty days prior to the effective date oP the charge, the City Clerk shall send written rntice oP the charge tv the Post Office, Wimty Recardes, Fire District, Streriff's Departmnt (Ordiranoe 144, Sectim 4, 1981.) a~ the Public Safety Answering Point, part of the 9-1-1 ~9emY `.yet®• Rhe city Wumil has determired that the diarrgirg of street names has m possibility to have a significant effect m the errvira>mmit arcl therefore, such an actin is not subject to the California Envimmfental Quality Act (CEQA), p~usuant to Sectim ]5061(b)(1). [Jpm approval of any street name change, a Notice of FJ~rtim shall be filed pursuant to CDC. Sectim 15061 (d). SECTION 5: 'the Mayor shall sign this Orclirame and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be publishai within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least onoe in the Inland Vallev Daily Bulletin, a r~~~ of gerrral ci:crlatrci published in the City of Mario, California, arci circulated in the City of pan[3m Cucamorr3a, c~lifornia. 73 ~~ ~ ~ ND.... AN ORDIW~NCE OF THE CITY O7[IiC,Q. OF THE CITY OF RANtl3D CUC7~ELNCA, CALIFLRNIA, AMEbIDINS CfmPTFR 1.22 OF THE RANCHO CUCAEi1N(A FI2fiCIPAL OODE MID ~'+nTTa+T*~=ANEW TIIiIEUTQd PARSING CTI"AfION HATL SCi1EDUI.E AND PR7lrIDII7G ETYt Fl/1LA2E EY7DZFiCATIQ7S BY RFSOfi/fICN A. (i) The City Council of the City of Rarrllo Cucamorga has heretofore decided to process parking citatirne issued by the San Bernardino Canny Chc.i PP.a M.a.~4+wn..f .._~~.i.• _i`j'~: ~y.u`ur.: iu.u..o. (11) Section 40203.5 of the ~Califarnta Vehicle code xaquirea the City of Rarrdn Cucamonga to adapt those parkirq violation hail amounts as have bets apprtrved by the E1micipal arcl/or Superiar Cgats far the Cumty of San Berrnaxdino. (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoptirn of this Ordinar~oe gave ocanzed. B, prt]inarvp, NOW, THEREFORE, the City cUU~cil of the City oP Rambo Cucamonga does hereby ordain as follows: SET.TION 1: In all respects as set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Ordirkv7ae. SEZITON 2: The City Ouuncil of the City of Rancho CuaamotrJA hereby adapts as its bail sdledule the tail sdredule attadred hereto as EMribit "A" toge~hc with eac*. mil a'auart set froth therein. SEXTION 3: The mil adredule set forth in EJdribit "A" attached hereto may be codified fmn time to time by Resolution of the city Council of the City of Rands CuraIDmga. SECPSON 4: A new Section 1.12.030D is hereby added to Section 1.12.030 of Chapter 1.12 Of the Ratk3ro Cuceploiga t9micipal Wds to read, in wards and figures, as follows: "D. A fine as established in the most recrsrtly adopted Uniform Bail Sdrerhrle when the infraction is based upon a violation of arty previsions of this code regulating parking, standing ar stopping of motor Vehicles, and a specific bail ar fine has been set with respect to the sectim so violated. sh; ~ Section D shall ±~~+~~ all other penalty provisions ~,+a;a;ng to parking, stopping and starling of molar vel'icles contained in this CUde. 75 Ocdir~anoe No. +~+~ Page 2 ;~PIQI 5• '!he Nays shall aicy~ this Ordltmnce a`d the City Clerk shall cau.9e the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least aloe in the Inlatd Vall•+v Daily +ti in, a newspaper of ~~ cixrulntim published in the City of Ontario, Califa27tia, and cirwlated in the City of pand~o Cuanmcrga, California. 7(0 Ottii7fanoe No. a43 edge 3 E2$ISI^a- "A" RCMC 10,44.020(A) Parking on Divisional Island $25.00 RCMC 10.44.020(B) Blocking a Walkway $28,00 RCMC 10.44.020(C) posted No Parking $25,00 RCMC 10.44.020(D) Prohibited Parking Red CurbJSign $25.00 RCMC 10.44. 020(E) Parking in Parkway $25.00 RCMC 10.44. 020(F) posted No Parking-Construction/Equipment $25.00 RCMC 10.aa n?n (C) ivicnin 20' of Crosswalk in Business District $25.00 RCMC 10.44. 020(R) Within 20' of Traffic Control Device $25.00 RCMC 10.44.030 Obstruction oP Traffic $25.00 RCMC 10.44.040 Obstructing an Alley $25,00 RCMC 10.44.050(A) Parking Vehicle For Sale $25.00 RCDfC 10.44.050(B) Repair/Wash Vehicle on Street $25.00 RCMC 10.44.060 Posted No Parking-Adjacent to School $25.00 RCMC 10.44.070 Posted No Parking-Narrow Roadway $25.00 RCMC 10.44.080 Posted No Parking-One Way Street $25.00 RCMC 10.44.090 Posted No Parking-One Way Roadway $25.00 RCMC 10.a4.10U parking on Grades in excess of 58 525.00 RCMC 10.44.110 Vending from Parked Vehicle $25.00 RCMC 10.44.120 Posted No Parking-Temporary $25. G0 RCMC 10.44.130 72 Hour Parking Violation $25.00 RCMC 10.48.010(B) Parking in Yellow Zone $25.00 RCMC 10.48.010(C) Parking in Whitt Zone $25.00 RCMC 10.48.020 Stopping for Loading/Unloading $25.00 RCMC 10.48.030 Stopping in Alley $25.00 RCMC 10.48.050 Stopping/Standing-Buses/Taxicabs $25.00 RCMC 10.48.060 Hus and Taxicab Stands Restricted $25.00 oxai,wna Ho. 4M13 Page 4 RCMC 10.50.130 RCMC 10.52.020 RCMC 10.52.050(A) RCMC 10.52.050(H) RCMC 10.52.050(C) RCMC 10.52.060(A) RCMC 10.52.070 RCMC 10.56.010 RCMC 10.56.020 RCMC 10.56.030 RCMC 10.60.050 RCMC 10.64.030 RCMC 12.04.010 (F) CVC 22502(A) CVC 22507.8(A) CVC 22500.1 CVC 22515 UFC 10.207 (K) CVC 21113(A) Permit Parking 525.00 Time Limit Parking-Green Zone $25•~ Over Weight-Exceed 5 Tona $172.00 Over Weight-Exceed 1 1/2 Tons or 80" 5102.00 Over Weight-Exceeds 3 Tons or 80" $102.00 Storing Unattached Trailer on Street $25.00 Parking on Private Property 550.00 Unrestricted Truck Route $172.00 Restricted Truck Route $172.00 Terminal Access ROUte $172.00 Handicapped Parking $100.00 Parking R.V, on Street 2 a.m. - 6 a.m. $50.00 Illegal Parking-City Parks $25.00 Unlawful Curb Parking 525.00 Parking in Handicap Stall $100.00 Parking in Fire Lane $`~•~ Parking within 15' of Fire Hydrant 550.00 Obstrvet Fire Access Road $50.00 Unauthorized School Parking $15.00 2 --CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REF'UKT DATE: March 6, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Duane A. Baker, Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: COMBIDBRATION OD A6 ORDIMAMCa xsmaor.raa~..,. . PABICILTO CITATIOB BAIL BCHEDDLB ~ ----~- ~~ _~„ ...:~o-.,~:: Beoomm~ndation It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached ordinance which would establish a new uniform parking citation bail schedule for the City. BackarouaC In conformance with the recent decisions by the City Council, Lhis ordinance would bring the City ona step closer to its own parking citation program. Currently, parking citations issued in the city are in accordance with the County~s Uniform Bail Schedule and are processed and collected by the County. In accordance with the decisions oP the City Council, staff has been authorized to enter into a contract with a firm to process citations and deposit the proceeds from those citations directly into the City~s accounts. In order to be in conformance with the new city citation program, the Clty is required to adopt a city bail schedule for parking citations. The attached ordinance establishes a parking bail schedule and allows for future revisions to the bail schedule to be made by resolution of the City Council. Re ctfully su~d, ~\ DAB/tlr DAB:162 Attachment 7~{ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~T:4FF REPOR'i' DATE: March 6, 1991 TO: Mayor and members of the City Council FROM: Marti Higgins, Disaster Prepnredness SUBJECT: CITY HALL EVACUATION POLICY AND PROCEDURE/ RECDll~NDATION It is recommended that the City Council review the enclosed City Hall Evacuation Policy and Procedure Plan For annrnawl /ANALYSIS The very essence of Emergency Management is pre-planning. The deliberate analysis of hazards along with planning and the practice of those plans, is the bost defense for saving lives during an emergency calling for the evacuation of peraownel from a building. All facilities have potential obstacles which may interfere or become dangerous during an evacuation. Also, dif Eerent events li.e., earthquake vs. fire) call for same variation in the evacuation procedure. Therefore, the attached evacuation plan was written by the Disaster Preparedness Division for our new City Hall. It has been reviewed by the appropriate city departments and recommendations have been integrated Snto the final document. It is our intention that once the plan has been approved by the City Council, it will be presentee to City Hall employees in a seminar format slang with fire behavior and fire extinguisher instruction Dy the Fire District, and informatior. on bomb threats presented 6y the Police Department. 8espectEully submitted, ~~~~~ Marti Higgi Disaster Preparedness Manager MH:vq Enclosure 79 CITY OF snN~io ~•C:s~cN~:, CITY HALL EVACUATION GENEEAL POLICY Emergencies, disasters, and accidents can occur at any time anfl without warning. Depending an the nature of the threat or the occurrence of the event, evacuation of City Hall may be necessary. Police Personnel will respond upon notification of an emergency and determine iE evacuation of City Hall is necessary. Tha Emergency Preparedness Division will act as building coordinators and liaison with Fire and/or Police upon their arrival. The building coordinators will gather employee status information From each department inmefliately after the evacuation and report 1t to the City Manager, Fire, and Police Command Post as soon as possible. The Police and Pire Departments have different responsibilities for scene management during emergencies, however, the first agency on scene will be in charge until the responsible agency arrives. Normally, Police will be in charge for any crime scene and circumstance when Penal Code enforcement is required. Fire will be in charge for fires, hazardous materials incidents, rescues or circumstances needing emergency medical treatment. If information is received or conditions are observed by a~ employee that indicates the likelihood of a life-threatening condition in the building, li.e. bomb threat, fire, explosion) call 911 iaediately (see evacuation procedures Eor 911). While 911 is being contacted, another employee should notify the switchboard to alert the City Manager's office o£ the situation. Also, direct someone to meet Police at the City Hall information booth to give details. 917 Police Dispatch will notify Eancho's Sub-station's Watch Conanander o£ situation. The Watch Commander will either respond himself or direct other Police personnel to respond far assessment and determination for evacuation. City Hall will be evacuated if: Fire alarm sounds - lautomatically leave the building, closing doors behind you and go to designated assembly areasl. Do not re-enter until you get the OR Erom management personnel. (See Evacuation Procedures for Flrei. A 'bomb threat' is received and/ar a suspicious package or unidentified item is found located within the building or circumstances support a very strong probability a bomb exists. Police will make the determination regarding evacuatiop. •In tl;e case of a 'bomb threat, • take a quick look around your mediate work area. If you notice a suspicious package or unidentified item, do not touch it; however, let someone in chazge know of its whereabouts. ~%/1 1 3. Any condition existing Within the building that is or msy ba life threatenlnq to all or a portion of the occupants. After an earthquake, evacuate if instructed. (Not all earthquakes Will require evacuation. If the quake is severe enough to overturn Furniture or equipment, hreak Windows or collapse any part of tha building, or if you are instructad to do so, gather belongings and avaeuate.) City Hall Will be checked for safety by the building inspectors as soon as possible (10 to 15 minutes). Special precautions should be taken When evacuating the building after an earthquake. (See Evacuation Procedures for Earthquakes). g~ 2 ..ITV OF nr.HCHv CUCniigi6Gin CITY HALL EVACUATION PROCEDURE Evacuation of part or all of City Hail may become necessary iE an emergency should occur. Depending upon the nature of the emergency the following suggestions are made. Each person should review in advance the recommended exit for your work location and the route you will follow to reach that exit in the event of an emergency. Also, establish an alternate route to be used in the event your Eirst route is blocked or unsafe to use. (See evacuation mapsl. I. wHEN TD EVACUATE: Upon hearing the Fire alarm or a Verbal order to evacuate the building, all employees will without haste, more out of the buildinp and meet with their department ,,.,,....~ ,.. tiw.. ..,._,___~_, --- -o..~nr nuumng unlit you are a management level person. WNEN °m^r'aTING OUTSrna THE BUILDING: 1. Move away from the building quickly. 2. 4latch for falling glass, overhead electrical wires, etc. 3. Stay with your group. The clerical staff will keep track of employees from your department or area for emergency personnel. 4. Do not talk to the pros if askeJ any questions . refer them to the City Managers office, City P.Z.O. or Emergency Preparedness at the Co~mnand Post. Misinformation or partial information can cause bigger problems. 5. DO NOT re-enter the building until you are notified that it is safe to return. II. WHEN EVACUATING, BEMEMBER: 1. Follow instructions by Emergency Personnel if any are being given. IF you notice a suspicious package or unidentified item azouna your work area, notify the persop in chazge immediately. Do NOT TOUCH IT 2. If safe to do so, secure sensitive documents and records; save data on computer and then follow normal emergency procedures. If danger is iimninent, leave immediately. ~ 3 ?. Eemcmbar to take parse, bricfcasa, cat keys, etc, You may not be able to re-enter the building. 4. Senior clerical staff for their designee) will maintain their departmental employee roster which they will take to the evacuation meeting site and proceed to check in all employees. 5. a) Walk - DO NOT HUN - keep noise to a minimum. b) DO NOT USE 6LHVAT085_ c) Do not push or crowd. Use Handrails in stairwells - STAY TO HIG'FR'. dl Fallow fire or earthquake soecific ~~«~~_=t?~~~ awwc'uingiy. el Go to designated assembly area immediately unless otherwise instructed. Clerical staff will take roll and report any employees unaccounted for to Management staff immediately and to Emergency Preparedness personnel. f) Assist any members of the public present as well as any people with disabilities to evacuate. III. IN CASE OP E7IHTHQUAIO;: a) Drop, Cover and Hold under desk or other sturdy furniture. b) Turn away from windows. c) Stay under shelter until shaking stops. d) Proceed to evacuate if instructed. Take belongings with you. (NOt all earthquakes will require evacuation. if the quake is severe enough to overturn furniture or equipment, break windows or collapse any part of the building, or if you are instructed to ao so, gather belongings and evacuate.l e) Expect aftershocks. Be prepared to take shelter during evacuation. f) When exiting building, watch out For falling debris (glass, bricks, electrical wires) and quickly move awn from building. g) Use caution. Check walkways leading from Building and Safety and Administrative Services to parking lot before walking on them. 4 _TJ_ ?H CASE OP FIRE: FIFE IN YOUB 11RP.11: 1. Call 9-1-i and report location of fire Isee 9-1-1 Lastructioas on Paqe 61; 2. Activate fire alarm; alert others; move everyone away from area of Eire; 3. Use fire extinguisher on small (waste basket size) fires only iE safe to do so. Pire Extinguisher Snstructions P PULL safety pin from handle. A AIM Inozzl e, cone, horn) at base of the fire. S SQUEEZE the trigger handle. S SLiEEP From side-to-side. (watch for re-flash) 4. For larger fires, GET OUT, close doors, confine fire as much as possible. 5. Zf your clothing catches fire ... STDP ... DHflP ... HOI.L IF TRAPPED IN ROOM: Place cloth material around/under door to prevent smoke from entering. Retreat - close as many doors as possible between you and fire. Be prepared to si gral trot„ wi rdow - but, Do Not break glees unless absolutely necessary loutside smoke may be drawn inl. IF CAUGHT ZN SMOKE: Drop to hands and knees and crawl, hold breath as much as possible; breathe shallowly through nose and use a blouse, shirt, jacket as filter. IF PORCED 1b ADVANCE TFLBOUGH FLAMES: Hold your breath, move quickly; cover head/hair; keep head down and eyes closed as much as possible. If you must open a door, be sure to feel the door first, if it is hot, don't open it. If it is not hot, stand behind the door as you slowly open it to make sure you will not be blasted by fire or flash. ~~ Ill sulaansY Your own comeon ended is the Finest safety device aver developed. Above all ... remember to use your head! Prepare yourself in advance; know where to go and how to get there. (See Ctty Fire Evacuation Procedural Zf your work station is located within an oEf ice, know 1n advance exactly how many doors or workstations you will have to pass along your evacuation route before you reach your nearest exit door. This tip will be very helpful in the event you encounter heavy smoke. 8emembet, when heavy smoke is present, often the exit signs above the doors may be camouflaged by the smoke. If you know in advance how many doors you will have to pass, you can then crawl or crouch low with hoed 30-36• Erom the Floor (watching the base of the wA711 .nr ~_•~-_: ±!;= - :.- ..: uuurs you pass, so you will know when you reach the exit door~leven if you can't sea that it is the exit). V. 911 PEACBIXIBES: If an emergency occurs and either Eire or police are needed, immediately call 911. Access outside 1zne, dial 911 and give the following information: o Nature of emergency o Exact address and cross street (Rancho Cucamonga City Hall 10500 Civic Center Drive corner of Civic Canter Drive dad Haven) o Telephone number from which you dre calling. (989-1851) NOTE: Do not hang up first: as additional information may be needed. THEN BELAY ABOYE INFORMATION TO THE CITX MANAGER'S OFFICE, EX'P. 2011 AND INFORMATION DESK, FXT. 0 (May have another employee do this while 911 is being called). Send someone to the InEOrmation desk tc meet Emergency personnel unless building is being evacuated. IP DANGBB IS SMAINENT - DI~+v+'-ao0 THIS SELTIOF. (Make call from outside building.) ~6 dlsc tte fcll~ring sympCOa:jsituation guidelines and caamon cease to determine what is a true emergency and wheh to call 91i: Severe traumatic injuries, such as: Injuries from falling Traffic accidents casualties Severe head iajuriea Broken/dislocated joints or bones lothar than fingers and toes! Person collapses - possible heart attack Events: Bomb Threat rlre Explosion Natural gas leak in building Suspected Hazardous Material release THe above are only sous potential life threatening emergencies - 3mmeAiately call paramedics in emergency situations since time is of utmost :~++-+-••ce. If you are unsure as to seriousness of a aitmtion, - DO NOT Hesitate to call 911, the City Managers office, eztenaion 7011, and Inforamtioa desk, extension 0. X~ 7 VI. EXZTS AND AGSC1+~+~Y AV~S Lover Level F, Engineering Exit via either west or east Engineering door or through hallway to service bay exit. Meet at assembly area on sidewalk, southeast corner of Police parking structure. RS Resource Services Exit via south hallway door and proceed as quickly as possible to the east. Meet at assembly area on sidewalk, at south side of Police parking structure. P Purchasing Exit south door to hallway and proceed out east exit door through service bay. Meet on sidewalk at south side of Police parking structure. EI Engineering Inspectors Exit south hallway door (next to staff loungel, proceed east and meet et assembly urea on sidewalk south west of Police parking structure. EP Emergency Preparedness Exit according to assignment. Management Analyst I South side of Police parking Disaster Prep. Specialist structure. Disaster Prep. Manager North parking lot-Command Post Secretary Employee Lounge Exit via south door, proceed to the East to locate your departmental group for check in. Plaza Level E Enginee. ring Exit throug!: E.^.gineering east exit doors. Proceed to east parking area. (IE smoke is a problem, move to the north east end of north parking lot.) P Planning Exit through Haven Street door. Move north on sidewalk to employee parking lot. BS Building and Safety Exit through north west Haven door oY north department exit. Assembly area is in north parking lot. AS Administrative Services Exit through north exit door. Meet in north parking lot. CS Community Services Exit through north exit door. Meet in north parking lot. Lobby area and Receptionist Exit through east main doors and meet in east parking area near Council Chambers. tIf smoke is a problem, meet in north parking area.) J( ~ 9 iipewr Level CE Code Enforcement Exit via west stairs to Plaza Level and out southwest Haven door. Proceed to north parking lot and assembly area. CD Conmunity Develognent Exit via east stairwell and out east side of building on Plaza Level. Assembly area southeast cor. der of Polies Department. CCK City Clerk Exit via southwest stairwell nad out west Haven exit on Plaza Level. Proceed north to employee parking lot area and assembly area. :+~i CC Administration/City Council Exit down north east stairwell and out north employee eatranca to north parking lot Eor assembly. C Council Chambers Closest exit. Council members and staff meet in area north of Council Chamber for cheek in. V~ 9 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA EVACUATION PLAN FOR C/7YHALL FAC/CITIES eeao~d nrm .vr g9 lV--; caaa E.ram.ne 8alcary (~> ea.w.a.u~ _ c~~ Ciq Cbrt l Men Warren ' 1 Exit fM--------~~rr--~~ 1 ~ 1 1 1 •~, 1 1 • ~• 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 ~ i, 1 ~ 1 1 11 ,,~ r . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r- 1 1 1 ~ 1 `•_______~__• 1 Cavuodt~ y ,,,, , ' De~elopulot ud Zade'elopreat . (~) RemPtloa ,,i i, ,,~ r'~ 1 1 ~ 1 sw~ sum 1 na~a na~a oar oQr ~ 1 ~ 1 1 _ ~ 7~,~,. ~ Stalls ~ ~Y!^=+ ~Vel 1 StalfS ~ ~ Dotivn ~ DOwn Eranao'®1tauYS to 6eh+l/owedla tle E,mt d ~ DYa+a~ate baPabd wla6 a AxMlis. Db Nat i.Fe 9era0~7 ~~ Plaaniny (P) F.n6inoerind (e) ~• Bullding& Safety I • I I I I O Erxylneering / i I I I Admlriistratlve Se{vlces i . I •,. I Men's Room Elevator I I Stairs I Ladles' Up Rome Stairs Down I I I RAINS ~ I ~ ; ROOM E E~IT I I w ~ I I o I I ~~ - ,I ~STAI Ex!r ~-- EXIT EXIT I DUBLIC SAEETY ~ FACILITY I StabsDownJ Stairs Lip _ _ ~ Planning -'~ I I I Boildfea a>.d Sak:q I ~ I rn~ EXIT EXiT / Trt-Commtnltles Room ( ' •' ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~/ ~'- ~ i I • s ~ Men ~ ~ I ~ ROgYI I 1 I 1 ~ Ladles' i ~--'--'~ ~ Roam . ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,. i I I I i i E~,IT ~~ EXI T 1 ~------- EXIT 1 I I I I I i I I i Adminiatntl~e I i (AS) ~~~ I I I ~___~EXiT I - I Stairs Iln Plaza Level L'naatlon Rooo-s to 6r Followed to the Event al a~aauc arc lndic'aRd wiMalkfadliae Db Nat Ux Ekvatorr! 9/ Commodt~ SeMtts (CS) I - EXIT ~Stalrs Up ________~ EXIT .,,~l~Tr~T~~ ` Council ~~ \ Chambers EXITS----- ~ EXIT N --> wr.. ,w ~~ Smim (YS) Exit ~ ~ ~ Employee ` Lounge ~ L- i i i i i . ~ LaU1es' ~'• Roam a a i Men's ~ Raan ' i ' i SWw W ~ a a I. ~ heyuednet ~) HtyloeedaS/ Prattle Worb Ie~paton (~ Exit ~ a a ~ i i ~ ~ ,CnynaxrinS (tl) ~ i i i i I i i ' I ' a i i ~ ~ ' a ~ i i i Exit Prlnting Roan Shvaps Room Ebll~tor -____. ~,~ ~, I Porohuind (P) ~ i ~ i i ~ ~ i i 1 ~ Exit I` f-~-------•~-------.Exit Lower Level Sviaatlrm Snub to 6e IbUowed fa rte Sant d ,t~u..Rr~hroe»;m,n,mdu,r m Na Uae Pknmte! 9~- -> ----------------------- ' r---- ~ ~~ I~\ n z '° ~ o ~~ ~ ~~ r., ~~°. ' ~ ~~ r ~- ~ ~~ ~~ ~' s ~ ~. ~ n i n ~. ~~~> b ~~_ 1 q ~ ~ n ~ D ~ ~ ~° 2 "~ 0 '•, m~f~ ~yy~~//yyyy 1 y.~ S 93 z-~' l.ll1 yr Rna\traiv ~. V limn vivvn MEMORANDUM March 6, 1991 rn. u.. ,...,. .,..e u....~...~. ..a mow., r: a., r........n FROM: Jerry Grant, Bu ilding Official /~/~~O ' BY: Jim Martin, Plan Check Coordinator SUBJECT: UPDATE ON BAD BUILDER BILL, SB 1958 n ° a ~~ 6 < ~„ 5 19ii During the City Council meeting on February 29, 1991, staff was requested to provide the current status of SB 1958 which was introduced by Senator Ayala during the 1990 legislative session. As the Council may recall, this bill was initiated by Senator Ayala at the request of the "Nordic" subcommittee, which then consisted of Counc ilmembers Brown and Bu quet (Alexander alternate) in an effort to provide the Contractor's State License Board wider latitude in to king action against builders that willfully depart from approved plans, specifications or accepted trade standards for workmanship. Thz bill ~waa oriyi pally int roduczd in thz Sznatz by Szn ator Ayala in Fz bruary, 1990, was amended twice, passed 6y the Senate on May 25, 1990, and was subsequently approved by the Assembly on August 21, 1990. The bill reached the Governor's desk but was vetoed on September 26, 1990. The bill has now been reint raduced and renumbered in the current legislative session as SB 56. It is currently before the Senate Committee on Business and Professions. Staff will continue to monitor the progress of this bill and keep the Council informed. The current Nordic Subcommittee, Counc ilmembers Bu quet and Alexander (no alternate listed) will be contacted when testimony is needed in Sacramento. If there are any further questions, please contact either Rick Gomez or Jerry Grant. JG:JM:I1 9~ f March 6, 1991 1 ADDENDUM NUMBER! 8. CITY IOWAOER'6 BTAtt S~ORTH m.,. sni t....1nn ilea do aot 1a9a11p raquira aap public taatiaoap, although LM chair map op,aa tM Y~tioq toe puhau iaput. 1. CONSIDERATION TO PIES MRITTHN OISPDTS NOTICE REOARDTNG COVNTY HOOKING FBHS AND PAOPHRTY TAX ADMIMISTRATION /`' I 1 /~ i i~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ February 28, 1991 Auditor/Controller/Recorder son Bernardino county 670 s. Gilbert Street, Second floor San Bernardino, California 92419-0910 Re: Purported invoice for property tax administration face to the City of Rancho Cucamonga received February 5, 1991 Dear Sira: The city of Rancho Cucamonga La in receipt of your invoice dated February 1, 1991 in the demanded amount of 537,050. Ths irtvoics ie purportedly on account of additional property Lax administration services provided to the City of Rmcho Cucamonga for fiscal year 1790/91. We note that the invoke contains a atntameni that the invoice is "aubjeet to offset^ SS not paid within 30 days from date of invoice. Please he ndvieed that pursuant to California Government Coda Section 907, the entire anrount epeclfied in the above-referenced invoice ie disputed by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The purpose of this letter ie to eonetituta the "written dispute" referred to in section 907 of the Government Code. It Le the position of the City of Rancho Cucamonga that no monies are due and owing to the County of son Bernardino for additional property tax administration services for the stated period. Please note that this dispute notice is being provided to you to accordance with the provieione of California Government Code Seetlon 907 and that any purported Offset of any amounts otherwise due and owing Eras the County of son Bernardino to the City of Rancho Cucamonga on account of nonpayment of the above-referenced invoice would be invalid and illegal. ack Lam, AIC~ City Ravager JL/dja ,...~ y. RANCHO CUCAM1fONGA FIR[1'ROICC II(IN I/1SIIUCI' 14.1 nl{~,! m~~ P41, fl.,n[Fn (ui.~n~~ ~4~ 1 ili 1.'~r~~i I ~ ~ ~^ i'li February 28, 1991 Auditor/Controller/Rewzder San Bernardino County 670 E. Gilbert Street, Second Floor San Bernardino, California 92415-0910 Re: Purported Invoice Eor property tax admire ietrat ion fees to the Aencho Cucamonga Fire Protection District received February 5, 1991 Deer Siia: The Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection Giat rict ie in receipt of your invoice dated February 1, 1991 in the demanded amount of 148,188. Tha Lnvoice ie purportedly on account of additional property tax adminLstration services provided to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District for fiscal year 1990/91. We note that the invoice contains a statement that the invoice ie "subject io offset" if not paid within 30 days from date of Invoice. Please be advised that pursuant to Cal Lfornia Government Code Section 907, the entire amount specified in the above-referenced invoice ie tlieputed by the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection Diatritt. The purpose of this letter Ls to constitute t.^.e "•.'ritte: dicpute" raf¢rred to ir. s¢ct icn 7G; of the Gcvae nnrent Code. It is the position of the Aancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District that no monies are due and owing to the County of San Bernardino for additional prcperty tax adminietrat ion services for tha stated period. Please note that this dispute notice is being pcovidetl to you in accordance with the provisions of California Government Code Section 907 and that any purported offset of any emounta otherwise due and owing from the County of San Bernardino to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District on account of nonpayment eE the above-referenced invoice would be invalid and illegal. Sincerely, Jack Lam, AtCP City Manager JL/dja «~w=, ~ E C I T ~ p - ~ ~^ N C n C) C L? CI .a ~ CJ ;~ r ~q March 6, 1991 Auditor/COntrolUr/Areorder son Bernardino County 670 8. Gilbert Street, Second ploor San Bernardino, California 92415-0910 Ae: purported invoice for booking fee to the Clty of Aancho Cucamonga dated pebruary 13, 1991 Dear Sires The City of Aancho Cucamonga is Sn receipt of your invoice dated lebruary 13, 1991 in the demanded aswunt of 5129,413.70. The involve !e purportedly on account of booking services provided to the City of Aancho Cucamonga from July 1, 1990 through January 31, 1991. Ms note that tM invoLCe contains a etatsawnt that rho invoice Ls 'subject to offset' if not paid within 30 days from date o! invoice. Please be advised that pursuant to CalLfornia Oovernarnt Coda Secticn 907, the entire amount specified Ln the above-referenced 1nvolq La disputed 6y the City of Aancho Cucamonga. Ths purpose of this letter is to rnnstitute the "written dieputo• referred to in Section 907 of the Government Cade. It is the position of rho City of Amcho Cucamonga that no monies are due and owing to the county of San Bernardino for booking services for the elated period far, among other reaeone, the fact that the City of Rancho Cucamonga's agreamwnt for she provision of law enforcement services by the county of San Bernardino provLdoo for the delivery of all jail related cervices, including booking services, in consideration of the amounts paid antl payable by the City of Rancho Ncamonga pursuant to that agreemsni. In addition, it is the position o! the city of Rancho Cucamonga that then fees haven not bNn caleuletod in accordanw with applicable legal principles. Please note thal this dieputo notice is being provided to you in accordance with the provisions of California Government Code Section 907 and that any purported offset of any amounts otherwise duo and wing from the County of San Bernardino to the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga an account of nonpayment of the above-reforanced invoice would G invalid and illegal. Sincerely, ek Lam, AICP City rienager SL/dja ~ - - - .. .. .v ._., ... _ a .- - CiT: OF ^AivCfiO C[JCAitONGA ~~;caw~, MEMORANDUM ~~ ~~„ c r i.. it i'.i 1::";!`: t'il. JI~~i DATE; March 1, 1991 ten TCs Mayor and Members of the City C until bROM: Jacl Lam, AICP, City Manager m mmrr. ar~nnixe ~nm namnr,mramn nine .!v Wa.,...~. ..Y Va,...~a , ~~~~iWVV~I~~J~VV~V~~ As a follow up to the recent retreat of the City Council, staff has discussed with the City Attorney, Jim Markman, the need to prepare a memo outlining what discussions are allowed between councilmemebers under the Brown Act. In outlining the Council's request, Jim felt that it might be more productive to meet with the Council to discuss what can be done without violating the Brown Act. His specific concern was that a written memo describing what can be done might raise additional questions from [he Council. Staff has placed on the Mazch 6, 1991 agenda an executive session on personnel for Council to discuss the matter as a group in detail. Please come prepared with any specific questions or concerns that you have for the executive session.