HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991/02/20 - Agenda Packet - (2)CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETINGS let and 3rd Wednesdays - 7:00 p.m. March 20, 1991 Civic Center Cozen©1 Chambers 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 t~M Clty COUIICilmeml]aPa Dennis L. Stout, Mayor William J. Alexander, Mayor Pro-Tem Charles J. Buquet, Coaacilmember Diane Williams, Counciimemt+er Pamela J. Wright, Coaacilmember •ts Jack Lam, City Mam~ger James L. Markman, City Attorney Debra J. Adams, City Clerk City Office: 989-1851 :~ - Clty Council Agantla ~~ March 20, 1991 1 All ibaa suWittad for the city rauaeil Agenda aunt M iv writing. The daadlLaa for auhaitting than itua is 5:00 p.a. on the Wednesday prior to the uatiag. Tba CitF Clark'• Offiea raeeiva• all nosh iiama. A. CALL TO ORDDR 1. Roll Call: Duqurt _, Alarsnder _, Stout _, Wiliiama _, and Wright _. ANNOONCD®fP6/PBNBLfTATI0N6 D . C. COMNVNSGTIONB FRCN TDD PUDLIC Tbi• is the tine and place for the gwaral Dubli< to addru• the City Cou¢<il. Btate lar prohibiLS the Citl Council iron atldrasaing any Laua not pradoualy imludad oa the Agenda. The City Couatil uy receive teetlsoay and ut the aatbr far a nub aaquevt aaatiag. Couont• era to be llaitad Lo five mivute• par individual. O. CONB@rf GLQlDAR Tae £ollorivg Conwot blender items era arpaeted to bs routine and non-co¢trovarsial. Thep rill G acted upon Dp the Comcil at oaa the without diacutaion. Any its. uy ba removed by a Comcilaemaar or neabei of tae audia¢w fos diecuaaion. 1. Approval of Minute e: February 20, 3991 February 26, 1991 2. Approval of warrants, Register Noe. 2/27/91 and 3/6/91; ] and Payroll ending 2/28/91 for the total amount of $962,930.57. 3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule $ ae of February 2B, 3991. 4. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On Sale Bear 6 wine 13 Eating Place for B G J'e, Darbara Dorgan and James John Goriez, 9653-55 Base Line Aoad. P ~ `z ' Clty Council Agende March 20, 3991 2 5. Alcoholic Beverage Appllcat ion Eor On Sala Seer c Wlne 15 EatLng Plaee fot Stat Restaurant, John Chao Jun Liu end then Cni Wu, 9638 Base L1ns Road. o. Approval to authorise the adwrtisinq of the "Notice 1) Inviting Slde" for the Arrow Route Brldge Improvement Project, locntad at Cucamonga Crwk, to be funded from Systems Development Pund, Aceount No. 22-4637-8738 and PAU Fund, Account No. 24-6637-8775. RESOLUTION ND. 91-073 18 A ABSOLUTION O- THE CITY COUNCIL O/ TNB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "ARROW ROUTE BRIDGE IMPROVEl9SNT PROJECT", IN SAID CITY AND AUTAOAIEING AND DIRECTING THB CITY CLEAR TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS 7. Approval to reject all bldg for the Banyan Street 22 Improvement Project, locntad from Eastwood Avenue to Hellman Avenue. e. Approval of Workers• Compensation Coverage for Volunteer 24 Workers. RESOLUTION NO. 91-074 25 A RESOLUTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OF R.RNCHO CUCANONGA, CALLPORNIR, PAOVID ING FOR WOREER9' LONPENSATION COVEAAG6 POR VOLUATEER PERSONNEL 9. Approvnl to authorize the receipt of proposals £or 26 Haintenance of Traffic signals under the provisions established by the Streets and Highways Code for Pu61ic Works Maintenance. 30. Approval of the Sports, Senior and Bilingual Adviaosy Z) Comoittee appointments as recommended by the Park and Recreation Conmieeion on February 21, 3993. 11. Approval to award and execute a contract (CO 93-014) to ZS Albert A. Webb Associates to do an aeeeeement study of the Victoria Lakes Project In the amount of four thousand dollars ($4,000.00). Funding will bo provided by the developer. ~-,f~ City COUncii Agnnda March 10, 1991 t 3 12. Approval of the Mnszation of Baea Line Metlien 32 Landeeapinq located bstuesn Milliken and Rochester Avenues to votk program areas of Landecaps Maintenanp District Noe. 2 and 4. 33 RESOLUTION NO. 91-075 A RESOLUTION OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFOANIAr ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OP CERTAIN TERAIMRY TO iwrw~nte swan a'anMCx Ula'1'M1{A' NUS. 2 Mp 9 POR BASS LING MEDIAN LANDSCAPING 36 13. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Mnazation to Landacaps Maintenance Oistrlct No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance Dletrict Noe. 1 and 6 LO[ OR 90-05, located on the northeast corner Of Hallman Avenue and Ninth Street, submitted by Ruaaell p. and Marjorie J. Jeter. 3~ RESOLUTION NO. 91-076 A RESOLUTION OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPAOVSMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. 90-05 38 RESOLUTION NO. 91-077 A RESOLUTION OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIAr ORDERING TH6 ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCH DISTRICT NOS• 1 AND 6 POR DR 90-OS 16. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for 4j Ttact 12335 Undergtounding, located o0 the east side of Vineyard Avenue 600 feat north of Arrow Highuayr submitted by Park Vineyard Joini Ventura. RESOLUTION NO. 91-078 43 A RESOLUTION OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGR68MENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POA TFACT 12335 UNDEAGROVNDING L - Clty Council Agenda March 20, 1991 4 15. Approval to exacute Improvement Agreement Extension for 44 Tract 13304, located on the northwet come! Of Terra Vleta Parkway and Mountain Ytaw Drive, eudnitted by Lewis Homes. 46 RESOLUTION NO. 91-079 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TFIE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALI FOANIAr APPROVING IXPROVENENT 11f$REEMENT errawc~w __,_ INPAOVEHSNT SECURITY POR TRACT 1330{ 16. Approval to exacute Improvement Agreement Extension for 47 Tract 13666, located an the east aide of Neven AVenue north of Church street, submitted by Lewis Homes. 49 RESOLUTION NO. 91-080 A RESOLUTION OP Tipl CITY COUNCIL OP Tips CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INPROVENSNT AGREEMENT EYTENSION AND INPROVelU3NT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13664 17. Approval to Aeleaee Security for Plot Plan 86-81, 50 located on the 9outA aide of Foothill Boulevard, seat of Baker Avenue. Aeleaee: Faithful Performance Certificate $ 8,000.00 of Deooeit 18. Approval to accept Improvements, Release of sonde and 51 Notice of Completion for Tract 13444 boated on the south elde of Palimont Way between Milliken Avenge and Fairmont Way. Release: Faithful Pertormance Mond (Street) $506,125.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ SD, 612.00 RESOLUTION NO. 91-081 52 A RESOLVTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP TFIE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IHPROVElOtNTS POR TMCT 13444 AND AUTHORIZING THE PILING OP A NOTICE OP COMPLETION FOR THS WORK `~ 1J City Council Agenda ~Jt~ Narch 20, 1991 5 19, Approval Co accept Improvements, rtleass of Maintenance 53 Guarantee Bond for Tract 12952, lacattd on the south aide of 19th Street between Haven Avenue and Deer Creak Channel. Release: Maintenance Guarantor Bond (Street) $ 95,000.00 Haintenanca Guarantee Bond $ 20,900.00 (Storm Drain) 2D. Approval to accept Improvtmento, release of Maintenance 54 Guarantee Bond for Tract 13563, located on the wear •!dr of Netherlands Vie4 Loop south of Vintnge Drive. Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 11,200,00 21. Approval to necept the Nineternih Street Improvement 55 Project, CO 90-137, located between Archibald and Haven Avenues, ae complete, extend the Faithful Performance Bond for one year !n-lieu of a Malntennnet Bond, Release the certificate of Deposit Retention and authorize the City Engineer to file a `Notice of Completion". RESOLUTION NO. 91-082 56 A AESOLVT ION OF THE CITY COVNCSL OP TH8 CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR NINETEENTH STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, CpNTR1SCT NC. 90- 137, ANO AUTHORIZING TH8 PILING OP A NOTICE OF COMPLETION POR TF3E WORK 22. Approval to accept the Etiwandn High school Pield 57 Improvement Project, Phaea One, Laird construction, constructed under the Annual Citywide Emergency and Routine Pavement Repair ConCract (CO 89-132), ae complete and authorize Cho filing of a ^NOtice of Completion'. RESOLUTION NO. 91-OB3 59 A RESOLUTION Op TNS CITY COUNCIL OP TH8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIPORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TH8 ETIWAHDA NIGH SCHOOL FIELD IMPROVHMBNT PROJECT, PHA38 ONE, AND AUTHORIZING TH8 PILING OF A NOTICB OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK Clty Connell Agenda March 20, 1991 6 Tha following Ordinaaco hara lud public haarings a! the tLa of first raadiaq. Bacoad nadiaga ara azpactad to ba routiaa aad aoa-coatsovaralal. Thep rill ba acted upon by tba Comcil et one tiia rithout diaeuuion. The Citp Clark rill read the title. Anp itu can ba raroved for diacuuion. CONSIDERATION OP AN OADINANCS AMENDING CHAPTER 1.12 OP THS MUNICIPAL CODE AND BSTABLISHING A, NRW UNT MRM PARKING CITATION BAIL SCID1'DVLS ORDINANCE NO. 443 (aacond reading) ~ 60 AN ORDINANCE OR THS CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ANBNDINC CHAPTER 1.12 O! THE RANCHO COCANONOA MUNICIPAL CODB AND BSTABLISNINC A NSW UNIFORM PARKING CITATION BAIL SCHBOVLB AND PAOVID ING POR PVTURB MODIFICATIONS BY RBSOLUTION The following itasa have baev advsrtisrd and/oi posted a• public hearings as raquizad by law. Tha Chair will opaa the maetivg to receive public testlaoap. No Items Submitted. Ths follewing itua have ao legal publicalioa os posting requireuata. The Chair will open the mating to receive puDlie teat iaoap. 1. CONSIDERATION TO ESTABLISH A SPBBD LIHIT OF 35 HPH ON ! 6R HANEANITA DRIVE FROH NEAMOSA AVENUE TO HAVRN AVENOF N 4_0 HPA ON SPRUCE AVENUE PROH FOOTHILL BOULEVARD TO A AVER ORDINANCE NO. 444 (fires reading) ~ 66 AN ORDINANCH OF TNH CITY COUNCIL OP TNH CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ANENDINC SHCTION 10.20.020 OP THH RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COOS RHGARDINO PRIMA PACIH SPHEO LIHITS UPON C&ATAIN CITY STAEBTS 'R~~, s Mareh 20, 1991 7 2. CONSI DERATION OP COLLECTION OP CONFLICTS IN CITY ]z ORDIN ANCE NVNB~ 417 BY ADOPTION Of CITY ORDINANCE NUMBE R 417-A 06LSTINO TABLE IZI-J ITIME LIMITS POR ~MPL IANCEI ORDINANCE NO. dl7-A (first reading) ]3 AN ORDINANCE OP TitE CITY COUNCIL OP TH8 CITY OP AANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DELETING EXHIBIT "S" TABLE III-J: TINE LIMITS FOR COMPLIANCE RSPERARn Tn •r ^~n l; ~,,; ~':-. iii SNTITLBD 'EAATHQUAEE HALARD ASDUCSION IN UNAEINFORCED MASONRY BUILDINGS' H. CITY MANAQER'B LTAP! RSPORTB ThR :ollowiag itpa do not 1gAlly raqulrR Ruy public tRailaoay, Rltbough thR Cbalr NRy opRa thR 4Mtitiaq for public input. 1. ]$ AGREE MENT EXTENSION FOR TRACT 12462 DETENTION BASIN. LOCAT ED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OP SUMMIT AVENUE 86TWDEN EAST AVENU E AND ETIWANDA AVENUB, SUBHITT$p BY PIAST tP,17ILY HOMES RESOLUTION NO. 91-084 $~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CJCAHOHCA, CALIFOANIA, APPROVING I IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT BXTENS ION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITf POR TRACT 12662 DETENTION BASIN 2. CONSI DEAATION TO ENTER INTO A JOINT POWERS AGRSEMBNT (CO $1 91-01 51 TO DISPUTE THE COLLECTION OP BOOXING PEES AND PROPS ATY TAX COLLECTION PEES BY BAN BERNAAIIIMO COUNTY AND T 3. CONSI O PILE A COMMON LHGAL CLAIM DEMTION OF COST ALLOCATION AND VEER PE6 STUDY $] II. ST IO OF P U $9 5. CONSID ERATION OF TRAFFIC I!$XUS PEB STUDY 90 City Council Agenda °4 March 20, 1991 ~t~ 8 I. COUNCIL HOBIMEBa The folloxing itua have been regueetW by the City Council for diaouuioa. They are ao! public haariag iLna, although the Chair stay opeD the reetiag for puDlie input. 1. CONBIOSRATION TO AOTHORILE TH6 PVRCHASS OP_LOT 11. TRACT 91 ]3930 PROM WINRROOA IN THE AMOUNT OP 5141.000.00 POA THB O PRSpAAATION CONTRACT OOCVlRNTS AND PTdNR mR TYR wmur 8ND RSNAHILITATION O! TNB ROUBE Thi• is the tine for Cit7 Copaail to idwtify the itgs they wish to dLsowa aL the asst +eetiag. Thee Stew rill sot W diacuaeed at this acting, only identified for the peat eeeting. R. COMMUNICATIONS PROM TB6 PUBLIC This is the tLe sad place !or the general public Lo address the City Council. Slate lax prohibits !ba City Comcil Erne addruaiag any issue not predouely included oa tae Agenda. The City Couaeil uy reesiea Leatieoay and wt the Batter for a anbaeQDeat aeeti6g. COYNDta arV1 LO be lilited t0 fire L. ADJOVRNID47T MBETING TO ADJOURN TO EIECPlIgE 868SION TD DIBCU86 PEA80N116 MATTERS AND PENDING LITIGATION AEfU\RDIINI TH6 MORRON CASE. HIECUTIVS SESSION TO ADJOUIW TO A JOINT MEETING MITE THE PUBLIC BAyETy COMMISSION OM NSDN68DAT, MARCH Zy, 1991, 7100 P,N. IN TBE TRI-Ca1G1UNIT16S CONy611pICN RO011 LOCAT® AT 10500 clvlc cyarrER nn1vE, RANCao cpcANnpoA. I, Debra J. Adams, City Clezk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certi Ey that a true, eccurate copy of tM Eoregoing agenda was pouted on March 15, 7991, aeoeniy-tw (7Z) hours prior to the meeting per Government Cod+ 54953 at 10500 Civic center Drlve. February 20, 1991 CITY OP AANCNO CUCAlfONCA CITY COUNCIL MINUTBS a. raT.1. Tn noneo A regular meeting of thm city council of the City of Aancho Cucamonga met on Wednesday, February 20, 1991 in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, lecated at 10500 civic Center Drive, Aancho Cucamonga, California. Tha meeting was called to order at 7:11 p.m. by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councilmembera: William J. Alexander, Charloe J. Buquet II, Duane will isms, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Jamee Markman, City Attorney; Linda D. Daniel e, Deputy City Manager; Jerry e. Pulwood, Deputy City Hnnager; Rick Gomez, Comau nity Development Directort Olen Jonee, Sr. RDA Analyst; Brad Buller, City Planner; Larry Mendez son, Principal Planner; Alan Warren, Aeeociate Planner; Anthea Hartig, Associate Planner; Steve Roes, Assistant Planner; Joe O'Neil, City Engineer; Mike Olivier, Sr. Civil Bnginaer; Joe Stofa, Aeeociate Bnglneer; Robert Zetterberg, Public WorY.e Maintenance Manager; Jeff Barnes, Parke/LS Maintenance Superintendent; Joe Schultz, Community Services Director; Paula Pachon, Management Analyst II; Jlm Hart, Adminietrat ive Services Director; Duane Maker, Aesiet ant to the City Manager; Diana O'Neal, Management Analyst II; Susan Mickey, M3na~oment P.nslyst Chief Donris Kichael, Rar:c Y.o Cucamonga rtxe Prutsctiun District; Capt. Bruce Zeiner, Rancho Cucamonga Police Department; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. • f e • • f B. ANNOUNC®BMrB/PRBSBNTATIONS B1. Presentation of "Honor" Award received by the City of Rancho Cucamonga from the nationwide Professional Grounds Management Society for Bear Gulch Park. Presentation was made to the City Council by Bob Zettorberg, Public Works Maintenance Manager, and Jeff Berner, Parke/LS Maintenance Superintendent. f M F R f f C• COMMUNIGTIONS FROM THB PUBLIC No communication was made from the public. f x • • f City Council Mlnutu February 20, 1993 paq: 2 Jack Lam, City Manager, asked that Item D1C ba removed from the agenda for further analysis, and meted that it would cams back et the March 6 meeting. D1. Approval of Xinutes, January 26, 1991 January 33, 1991 D2. Approval of Warrants, Register Noe. 1/30/91 and 2/6/91, and Payroll ending 1/31/91 for the total amount of $2,095,740.31. 1991. D4. Alcoholic Beverage Application for Oft Sals Cenaral Type 21, 1990 Conditional, Intercounty Priority f15, for Unnamed Business, Abraham Meida, 9255 Base Line Rond, Unit S. D5. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On Sale Beer 6 Wine Sating Place for Knowiwood Restaurant, Rnowlwood 8nterpris9e, incorporated, 8916 Foothill Boulevard. D6. Approval of Substance Abuse Control Policy. D7. Approval of Fiscal Year 1989-90 City Annual Audit. D8. Approval of Transfer of Ownership for D. A. R.E. Vane and Cit iren'e Patrol Car to the County of San Bernardino. D9. Approval to destroy records antl documents which are no longer required ae provitled under Government Code Section 34090. RESOLUTION NO. 91-042 A RESOLUTION OF TH8 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THS DESTRUCTION OP CITY RECORDS ANO DOCUMENTS WHICH ARS NO LONGER REQUIRED AS PROVIDED UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 34090 D11. Approval to execute a Release of Agreement for Postponement of CC6R'6 for Ttact 12659, located on the eouthweet corner of Etiwanda Avenue and 26th Street, submitted by Bougham Realty. ASSOLUTION NO. 91-043 A RESOLUTION OP TH8 CITY COUNCIL OF T!ffi CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIAr RBLHASING AN AGPEHMENT POR POSTPONEMENT OF APPROVAL OP CCSR'S POR TRACT 12659 city Council Minutes February 20, 1993 Page 3 D12. Approval Co award and aukhori:stion to Leeue a purchaam order in the amount of 518,593.00 to A.M. LaBelle Electric Incorporated of Cathedral City toz the amergeacy re-aiming and wcuring of the sport field lighting fixtures et Red Rill and Heritage Community Parks, to be tundsd by Account Number 01-6647-6028- 6090-7535 and 03-4647-6028-6060-7535 respectively. 013. Approval to award and authorization for execution of contract (CO 91-006) foi the Monte Vista Median Improvement Project, located east of Snatwood Avenue, for the amount of $36,200.00 ($32,851.60 plus lOt contingency), to be funded from Beautification Fund, Account No. 21-4647-8932. D34. Approval to award and suthorixaticn for wxem.t lnx of ~....~.•~~ „v. o__nn+. for the Nillilwn Avwua Underpao at the Atchiwn, Topeka and Banta Pe Anilwny Improvement Project, between sixth street and derwy BwUvard, [or thm amount of 56,241,730.00 ($3,856,118.23 plus 301 contingency), to ba funded from 68140 Account Number 35-4637-9030 and RDA Account No. 15-51000. D15. Approval to execute Land Exchange and Flood Control Improvement Inspection Agreement (CO 91-008) between San Bernardino Flood Control District, the city of Rancho Cucamonga and the Caryn Development Cmapany for Tract 13566 which ie located south of 26th Street and west of Cherry Avenue. RESOLUTION NO. 91-044 A RESOLUTION OF TH6 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING LAND EXCHANGE AND FLOOD CONTROL IMPROVEMENT INSPECTION AGREEMENT FOR TRACT 13566 O1S. Approval of Map, execution of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Noe. 1 and 2 foz Tract No. 13703, located on the weer aide of Haven AVenue, north of eanyaa Strcnt sutmitted by Aejima Development Corporation. PESOLVTION NO. 91-045 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SSCVRI TY, ANU FINAL MAP OP TRACT NO. 13703 PESOLUTION NO. 91-046 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OP TN6 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THS ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANOSGPE MAINTBNANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND 9TRSST LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOA TRACT NO. 13703 City Couneil Minutes February 20, 1991 Page 4 D1]. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement, Improv.v;ant Security and Honumentation cash deposit Lox Tract 14121, located at the southwest corner of Highland and N1111ken Avsnuea, xeleneing previously submitted Improvement Agreement, Improveaent Security end Nonumentation deposit eccep[W by City Council on December 6, 1989. R880LUTION NO. 91-047 A RRSOLUTION OF TNS CITY COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, RPPAOVTNG IMPAOVBMSNT AGAH8M8NT AND IMPAOVHNBNT SECURITY POA TRACT 14121 AND RSI,HASING TH8 IMPROVEMENT 11GR8SNBNT AND SECURITY PRSVTOUSLY ACCEPTED AY CITY COUNCIL ON DECB.SBSR 6, 1959 D18. Approval to sxeeute Improvement aye e:..:;^~; Improvement Security and ordering the Annexation Lo Landscspe Maintenance Metrict nu. ~ TnA Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6 for CUP 89-26, located on the northwest corner of Beryl and 19th Stzeets submitted by Community Baptist Church. RESOZUTZON NO. 91-045 A RBSOLUTZON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVE!ffiNT AORBBNSNT AND IMPROVEHENT SECURITY POR CONDITIONAL USS PHRMIT Ho, 89-26 RESOLUTION NO. 91-049 A RSSOLVTION OF TNH CZTX COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDHRING THE ANNEXATION OP CERTAIN 28RRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAZNTENANCB DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR CUR 89-26 ^19. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement, Imorov0cpent Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance bietrict No. 3 an3 Street Lighting Naintanance District Non. 1 and 6 for DR 59-21 submitted by Great Western Hotels Corporation. RESOLUTION NO. 91-050 A RESOLUTION OF THH CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI PORN 2A, APPROVING IMPROVBMSNT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECVRITY FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. 89-21 RESOLUTION NO. 91-051 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITX COUNCIL OF THH CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGAr CALZPORNIR, ORDBRING TH8 ANNS%ATION OP CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 AND 9TA68T LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DIBTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR DR 89-21 City Cnunell Minutes February 20, 1991 Page 5 D20. Approval to execute Improvement Agreament 6ztenaion for Tract• 12820 and 13727, located on the aouthwet corner of Carnelian Street end Highlsnd Avenue, eubmltted by Southland Development. RBSOLUTIOH NO. 91-052 A RSSOLUTION OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGRESlBNT HXTBNSION AND SMPROVEMHNT SHCVRITY POR TRACTS 12820 AND 13727 D21. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Bxteneion for Traet 33280, lnrat wA nn thw north ddo of Eaae Line Road between Milliken Avenue end Rochester Avenue, submitted by the Luak Company. RESOLUTION NO. 91-053 A RESOLUTION OF TAE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IXPROVElBNT AGA86t0ENT HYTSNSION AND IMPAOVENSNT SECURITY POR TIUCT 13280 D22. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extene loo for Tracta 13890-3 and 13890-2, located on the south elde of Banyan Street bet wean Haven Avenue and the Deer Creek Channel, submitted by Homestead Land Development. RESOLUTION NO. 91-054 A ABSOLUTION OP THE CYTY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCNO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREElU:NT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOA TRACTS 13890-1 AND 13890-2 ^23. Approval to execete Improveeent AgreemeCt Pxtension for DA 88-11; located on the southwest corner of Vineyard Avenue end San Bernardino Road, submitted by Edward R. Combo. RESOLUTION NO. 91-055 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY ODUNCIL OF THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND INPROVElU!NT SECURITY POA DR 88-11 D24. Approval to accept Improvements, Release of BonBS and Notice Of Completion for Parcel Map 9350 Bllena Park Storm Drain located on the northeast corner of Kenyon Way and Belvino Street. Release: Faithful Performance Hond (Street) $116,300.00 Acoept: Maintenance Guarantee Hood (Street) $ 11,630.00 City Council Minutes February 20, 1991 Page 6 ABSOLUTION NO. 91-056 A RRSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEi1ENT5 FOA PARCEL MAP 9350 ELLSNA PARR STORK DRAIN AND AUTHORISING THH PILING OF A NOTICE OP COMPLETION FOR THB WORK D26. Approval to release Maintenance Bond for Tracts 12772; 12772-1 end 12772- 2 located on the east aide of Ramona Avenue between Baae Line Aoad end Church Street. RP1 PwaP: Traci 12772 Maintenance Guarantee Bond (street) $30,000.00 xract 12772-1 Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Streei) $ 5,100.00 Track 12772-2 Maintenance Guarantee Band (Street) $ 6,000.00 MOTION: Moved by Alexander, eeeonded by Suquet to npprove [he Consent Calendar with the exception of Item D10. Notion carried unanimously, :-0. R E• CONS@!T ORDINANCES E1. CONS IDSRATICY OF CORRECTING THE CHAPTER NUMBER R 26 IN THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL COOS RHFERRED TO IN ORDINANCE NO. 418 TO CHAPTER 8.27 Debra J. Adsr_s, City CierY., read the title of Ordi nanre No. 415A~ ORDINANCE NO. 41BA (second YeadLng) AN OROINANCE OF THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, CORRECTING THE CHAPTER NVHEER REFERRED TO IN ORDINANCE NO. 415 MOTION: Roved by Wi1lLame, seconded by Alexander to waive full reading and approve Ordinance No. 415A. Notion carried unanimously, 5-0. t • • Y R f E2. CO S D T NV S SSMENT AND TIWAND P I AMEND NT 9 02 I Y O HO C - A Yegueat LO emend BDCtiOn 4.21- 203 and 5.25.304 and Figure 5-23, to add language requiclnq all new developments to restore and/or reconstruct rack curbing along Etiwanda Avenue from Foothill Boulevard north to 24th Street (Wilson Avenue). Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. city council Hinutse February 20, 1991 'vacs 7 Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, reed the title of ordinance No. 639. ORDINANCB NO. 639 (second reading) AN ORDINANCB OP TFIE CITY COUNCIL OF TH6 CITY OP RANCHO CVCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, BTIWANDA SPHCIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 90- 02, ANHNDING TH6 HTIWANDA SPECI PIC PLAN, SECTIONS 4.21.203 AND 5.25.306 ANO FIGURE 5-23, TO ADD LRNGUAGB REQUIRING ALL NSW DEVELOPiffiNTS TO RESTORE AND/OR RECONSTRUCT ROCS CURSING ALONG HTIWANDA AVSNUH PROM FOOTHILL 80ULEVARD NORTH TO 24TH STREET (WILSON AVBNUB ), AND BASING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THSREOP NOTION: Moved by Williams, eeeonded by Alexander Co waive full reading and approve Ordinance No. 439. Motion carried unanimously, 5-O. CONSIDERATION OP BNVIRONMBNT>I A 6 e RNT ND POOTHI PHGIFIG P N AMHNDMENT 90-02 CITY OP WCHO CV ONGA -A request to amend the Poot hill Specific Plan, Subarea 4, Section 9.8, to add language requiring all new developments to restore end/or reconstruct rock curbing along Htiwanda Avenue from Foothill Boulevard north to 24th Street (Wilson Avenue). staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 440. ORDINANCE NO. 440 (second reading) AN ORDI NANCB OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO WCAMONCA, CALL FOANIA, FOOTHILL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 90- 02, AMENDING FOOTHILL SPEC IPIC PLAN SUBAREA d, SECTION 9.8, TO ADD LANGUAGE REQUIRING ALL NEW DEVELOPMENTS TO RESTORE AND/OR RECONSTRUCT ROCK CURBING ALONG ETIWANDA AVENUE FROM FOOTHILL SOGL'aVARD NORTH TO 24TH S1'NEBT (WILSON AVENUE), AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF MOTION: Moved 6y Williams, seconded by Alexander to waive full reading and approve Ordinance No. 440. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. . . . • ~ P. ADVERTISED PVSLIC HBARINO P1. CONSLDSHATION OF ENVIAONl4:YTAT_ AS SBSaxpNT AND GENERAL PLAN AMEND NT 90 O1B - PITASSI/UALHAU ARCHITECTS - A iequeet to amend the Genetal Plan Land Use Map From Office to Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling unite per acre) for 3.56 acres of land located at the southeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Church street. The City will also consider Neighborhood Commercial and Low-Hedium Residential as alternative deeignatione. (Continued fros November 21, 3990) Staff report presented by Alan Warren, Aeeeciate Planner. Hayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addzeaeing the City Council was: city Council Nlnutes February 20, 1991 Page 8 Pete Pltasel, Pitassi/DSlmau Architects, 9267 Hsvan, eteted Jett Busum, Diversified Pacific Dsvslopsmnt, the proponent of the ptojeet, was oleo present. Ns stated they had requsrted a continuance o[ this item !n November 1990 In order to wrk out the details of tM project. Ns sdvised the Connell they supported the Flennin9 Commiulon•• and staff's recoo.sendation. Councilmember Wright asked if the deel9n would he like Marlborough Hieelon Villas. Mr. Pitaaei stated it Se better than the Marlborough project. varsoue questions ware also asked of Xr. Pitaasi pertaining to the •izs of the unite. There being no further response, the public hearing was closed. Councilmember Wright stated this project is a good example of good multiple- family development. She elated the City Council ie not against multiple-family development, and thei thin project repreeenta what the City council Se looking for. RESOLUTION NO. 91-057 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN 90-018, TO AMEND THE GENE]7AL PLAN LAND USS NAP FROM OPPICB TO MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (8-34 OWELLINO UNITS PER ACAS) FOR 3.56 ACAE6 OP LAND, LOCATED AT THE S0UTH8AST COANER OF ARCHI BALD AVENUE AND CHURCH STABET, AND HARING PINOINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOP MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Wright to approve Reeolut icn No. 91-057. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. . . r CONSIDEPATION OF HNVIRONMENTAL 'SSESSMENT AND DBVELOPHENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 90-02 PITASSI lDALMAD ARCHITECTS - A request to amend the Development District's Map from "oP" (Office/Professional) to ^M" (Medium Aeeidentinl, 8-14 dwelling units per acre) for 3.56 acres of land located at the southeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Church Street. The City will also consider "NC^ (Neighborhood Conmrercial) and ^LM^ (Low-Medium Residential) as alternative designations. (COatlaued from NOVUbes 21, 1990) Debra J. AdaiOe, City C1¢rk, read the title of Ordinance No. 941. City council Minutes Pebruary Z0, 1991 Page 4 ORDINANCE NO. 461 (first reading) AN OAD INANC6 OP TI0 CITY COUNCIL OP TNH CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIPORNIA, APPROVING O6VSLOPNBNT DISTRICT AMBNDMBNT 90-OZ, TO ANHND THE DHVELOPMHNT DISTRICTS MAP -AOM "OP^ OPlIC6/PROPRSSIONAL TD "N• (NHDION ASSIDHNTIAL, 5-16 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRB) POR 3.56 ACRBS OP LAND, LOGT80 AT Tim SOUTHEAST CORNER OP ARCNIBALD AVHNU6 AND CHURCH STRHHT, AND MARINO FINDINGS IN SUPPORT TBHRSOP NOTION: Novel by Buqusi, seconded by Alexander to waive full readi:p and eet second reading of ordinance No. 443 Eor wa.~b R. ioe. ~--~~~ ~w.ieu unanlmously, 5-0. • . • ~ F2. CONSIDERATION OP 6NVIRONMENT]L ASSHSSMBNT AND INDUSTRI]L. A_ A SPBCIPIC PLAN AlfHNDNENT 90-04 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA - A YeQn6et to include Automotive/Truck Repair - Major ae a permitted or conditionally permitted use within the Neavy Industrial District (Subarea 15) end Lo include Service Stations ee a conditionally permitted use within the Gensrel Industrial District (subarea 2) of the Industrial Area Specific Plan. Staff report presented by Steve Ao66, Assistant P1aMer. Mayor stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. Debra J. Adams, City Clark, read the title of Ordinance No. 442. ORDINANCE NO. 442 (first reading) AN ORDINANCB OP THE CITY CCUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INDUSTRIAL ARBA SPBCIPIC PLAN ANENDMHNT 90-06 TO INCLUDE AVTONOTIVS/TRUCE REPAIR - MAJOR AS A CONPITIONALLY PERMITTED USS WITHIN SUEAREA 15 AND SBRVICE STATIONS AS A CDNDITIONAIJ.Y PERMITTED USE WITHIN SUBAREA 2, AND MARI NG FINDINGS IN SUPPORT TFlHR80F MOTION: Roved by Wil liame, seconded by Alexander to waive full reading and eat second reading of Ordinance No. 442 for March b, 1991. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. O. PUBLIC BEIIRIN08 City Council Minutes February 20, 1991 Page 30 G1. ~TILPET NAUTNO ORDINANCE CITY CODH CH,a PTER '2 11 - CITY OP RA[(GHO WCAMONGA - Propoeed amendments La the City's policies, proc4durae, end regulations regerdinq the naming of streets ae contained in the street Naming Booklet end City Coda Chapter 12.11. Staff Yeport presented by Alen Warren, Associate Planner. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing waa closed. Debra J. Adams, Clty Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 144A. w,WInIWCE NO. 144A (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 12.12 OF THS RANCHO CuCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THB CZTY'S STREET NAMING AEQVIREMENTS MOTION: Moved by Nrignt, seconded by Willieme to waive full reading and set second reading of Ordinance No. 144A for Narch 6, 1991. Motion carried unanimously, B-0. RESOLVTION NO. 91-OBB A AESOLVTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMERDHENTS TO THE CITY'S STREET NAMING BOOKLET, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF MOTION: Moved by Baguet, seconded by Wright to approve Reeolut ion No. 93-058. Motion carried unanimously, 5-D. R • • 1 f H. CITY HANAOER'B STAPP REPORTS H1. C I RAT ON AND OPT 0 OF PAO SED CU HSIDE MECYCL NG P O.^, Staff report presented by Diane O'Neal, Management Analyst II. Mayor Stout asked who would be selected to participate. Diane O'Neal, Management Analyst II, stated the haulers would select who would participate according to their routing schedule. She added a letter would be generated by the Mayor introducing the program and inviting people to participate voluntarily, but it they did not want to participate, it would not be mandatory. Councilmember Wright caked how many homes would be involved. Diane O'Neal, Management Analyst II, stated there would be approximately 3,000 homes involved in the pilot program. city Council Minutes February 20, 1991 Page 11 Jack Lam, City Manager, clarified that the A8 939 Pund would go toward meeting the city's expense and meeting AS 939•e planning requiremenia ae wall ae the seed apney that ie re[erred to in the rtaft report in the amount of 325,000. He stated that fund in no way pays for the coat of ary recycling program that would develop tram this. Me added any coat for a recycling program would have to ba negotiated after the pilot program takes place. Hayor Stout opened the meeting for public input. There being no response, the public comments section was closed. MOTION: Noved by Buquet, eaconded by Alexander to implement n pilot residential curbside recycling program. Hotion Carrietl unanlmouel v. s-n • • • • • a H2. CONSIDERATION A4D ADOPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANACEIffiNT COMNI SS ZON•S R Staff report presented by Jeff earnee, Parke/LS Melntenance Superintendent. MOTION: Moved by Stout, seconded Dy Buquet to approve the 8nvironment al Management Commleeian'e proposed Tree Registry Program and Arbor Day activities. Motion carried unnnimouely, 5-0. • . ~ • • . H3. CONSID T O O IN O NT REST 5 NA O 91 O1 - A request to designate the Campanella, Ouldera, and DeCarlo vineyard lands and etructuree located at 12573, 12601, 12617, 12675, 12705, 12743, 12777, 12801, 12807, 32811, 12821, and 12881 Foothill Boulevard as a Point of Interest. Staff report presented by Anthea Hartig, Associate Planner. Hayor Stout opened the meeting for oublic input. Addraeeiny the City Council were: Greg Watson, Foothill Harker Place, stated he would like to go on record ae objecting to making this an historic landmark. He stated they would like to continue this item in order to further diecuea this with staff to gat more of the facto. Steve Preetan, 9777 La Monica and also of the Historic Preservation Commleeion, stated at the time the Historic Pzeeervetion Commission made their decision they were not aware there was anyone objecting to this. He informed the Council of the diecuseion that had taken place at the Historic Preservation Commission meeting and added the Commission eupporte this being designated an historic landmark. Councilmember Alexander asked what effect there would be by Continuing this. Brad Buller, City Plsrner, stated the proponents were aware of all the meetings thaC ware echetluled and that they did not attend them. He stated the applicant does not appear to ba objecting to the point of interest, it le the mitigation city counell Mlnuiea February 20, 1991 Page 12 which is not part of the deeielon tonight. Hs stated the Council would only be recommending the mitigation meeeuree be forwarded to the Planning Commission for their review. Councilmesiber Williams asked what would happen once this goes to the Planning Commission to consider iRe mitigation measures. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated a project such ae this requires a Conditional Use Permitr whereby there would be conditions placed, which Se where the mitigations would be listed for this project. Ha stetsd the action would be final and complete when approved by the Planning Co®lseion, unless appealed by the City Counoll. a resident nr M., ~,.._ _ ^... ___._ _- _.._ r-~j~ .. There being no further response, the public Comments ware closed. RESOLUTION NO. 91-059 A RBSOLVTION 08 THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING HISTORIC POINT OF INTEREST 91-01, THEREBY DESIGNATING THE CAMPANHLLA, GUIDEAA, AND DECAALO VINEYARD LANDS AND STRUCTURRS LOCATED AT 12573, 12601, 12617, 12675, 12705, 12743, 12777, 12801, 12807, 32811, 12821, AND 12881 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AS AN HISTORIC POINT OF INTEREST MOTICN: Moved by Wright, seconded by Alexander to approve Resolution No. 91- OSa, Motion carried un an imouely, 5-O. • w • w : a H4. CONSIDERATION OF ADDING AN ADDITION I & NNER TO THIS YEARS SCHED LE 5t off report presented by Duane Baker, Aeaietant to the City Hanager. Councilmember Wright asked if it was necessary for the Clty Council to have to make these decisions, that she felt it could be done by the City Manager. Jack Lam, City Hanager, stated the policy was originally designed fcr the City Council to make the decision, which ie included in a Resolution, but if the Council wants to change this, it could be done. MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Willieme to approve the additional banner. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. R • 1 i. CouxclL evslNSSs I1. CONSIpEAATTON TO INCREASE THB MAYOR'S TELL vAOM TWO YE RS TO PO nt yg (Continued from Pebruary 6, 1991) Councilmember Wright asked it the potentinl charge for this were to 6e on the ballot, would it be the same process and coat if it were an initiative from the public. City council Minutes February Z0, 1991 page 13 Jambe Markman, City Attorney, stated it would be the same coat and process. Hayor Stout asked Lf there would ba other elections that this could bo combined with that the City is already involved in that would not require as much money. Jambe Marlaoan, City Attorney, elated if you did not qo to a special election, it would ba Cheaper. Duane Baker, Assistant to the City Manager, stated if there ie a general City election there would be no additional coat for adding another Ltem on the ballot, but that Lf there is any other election going on, the coat depends on how many other dietrictb and ant itiww wrw ~...... i..w ~., w_~__ _ Councilmember Wright asked could the term be changed and someone run for the new term all on the name ballot. James Markman, Clty Attorney, stated no. Councilmember Wright staled she felt the term should be made a four-year term and did not feel the Mayor should have to run for office every two years and coneietantly having to prepare for this. She felt there were people in the community that now wanted the Mayor's term to be Pour years. She added she wanted to actually hear from the people of the City as to making this position a fcur-year term. She stated she had problems with doing this now and it coating the City $Z5, 000.00 to $35,000.00 to change it. She stated she would have to hear from the community chat they wanted the City to spend this amount of money or to pul: it on the next general municipal election. Councilmember Alexander stated he agreed with Councilmember Wright and felt this should go on the ballot for the next general municipal election involving Rancho Cucamonga. Councilmember Williams asked how you would go about getting input from the pwblic about this matter. Councilmember Alexander stated it could be done through the Grapevine, the Chamber of Commerce and other City organizations to solicit information From them. He stated he felt there would not be that much interest to spend $25,000.00 to $35,000.00 for this change. Councilmember williame felt it would be beneficial to have the pu611c input. Cou nci lmember Wright stated whether there is public input or not to go ahead with the election now, she would like to see it on the ballot at the next general municipal election. Mayor Stout aanted ha did not feel it would be appropriate for him to get involved in this matter one way or the other. City Council Minutes February 30, 1991 Page 34 Councilmember Alexander stated ha would like to get more public input and that it be brought back to the City Council in eLxGy days to see if the residents are for this. Counellmember Wright stated eha wools like to get the public input end then have this item brought back to the City Council in sixty Jaye. • . • . 12. MULTI-FAMILY DBVELOPNENT Staff report presented by Alan Warren, Aaeociaie Planner. .- ~wu~ scarce the auintenance of unite which was discussed at the January 31, V 1991 meating should apply not only to new development, but all existing multi-family developagnt As well. He stated the phasing of unite guidelines ahoula also be included in the Aeaolut ion. He etstad with respect to the Victoria Planned Community, the area north of Baee Line between the Windrows and the Vineyards Projects should ba looked at along with the Eiiwanda Specific Plan area, but that he felt it should not be considered ae the Lakes project wee. He stated a lot of work has gone Into reducing the density in that area already, and that a certain amount of density was required to make the assessments work in Victoria eo they would not become too high. Councilmember Auquat stated hie main concern was the phasing in of unite and wanted to see a proportionate balance for th.ie. Mayor Stout £elt these three things should be worked into the Resolution before the City Council approves it. He auygeeted this come back at the February 2fi, 1991 joint meeting. erad Buller, City Planner, stated eteff would make these changes and bring it back. Councilmember Buquet stated he would like to see limitations on the number of multi-family unite that can be built in Froport ion to single-family. Cou nc ilmember Wright stated she wanted to see the Council be more accountable ae to what design standards are and also the maintenance etantlartle. She felt standards should be developed. She stated she would like updates on hqw the standards are being developed and what the time llnee are fox the standards to be implemented. She also felt the densities should be adjusted where necessary. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated he would relay thle information to the Planning Commission that this ehquld be a priority item fox them and inform Council of the progress. Mayor Stout suggested that eomethtng be added to state that "time ie of the essence". Arad Aullar, City Planner, stated that could be tlone. Clty Connell Minutes Pebruary 20, 3991 Page 16 Councllmember 8uquet stated he would like the activity moniioted on thin also. Councilmembar Alexander atnted the maintenance le6ue i• important to Alm. Mayor Stout atnted ha would like the maintenance issue to be separate when it ie addreeaed. Councilmember Wright felt the Resolution needed to bs more firm ae to the City Cou ncil'e intent. RRSOLUTION NO. 91-060 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNS CITY Ol AANCMO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DRCLARINO ITS INTEATION TO INITIATE GENERAL PLAN, DEVELOPt~NT DISTRICT, SPECIFIC PLAN AND COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENTS CITY-WIDE TO ABDUCE TNS TOTAL AMOUNT OP MVLTIPL6 FAMILY DESIGNATED VACANT LAND WITHIN THE COMMUNITY AND TO MODIFY THE CITY'S DEVELOPMENT, DESIGN. AND PROPERTY MAINTENANCE STANDARDS TO PROMOTE THE LONG TERN QUALITY OF PUTURS HOUSING PAOSECT ACTION: Council concurred this matter be brought back at the joint meeting scheduled for February 26, 1991 for further consideration. • • e w w ID IP TIO P I S R NEYT ETINO No items were identified for the next meeting. COMMUNICATIONS PROM T86 PUBLIC E1. Ilamae Huggins, Alta Loma, stated she ie disappointed and would like answers regarding n Subcommittee that was set up approximately six weeks ago. She stated she would like to pe put on the agenda £or the next Council meeting and would like the Council to consider what she woultl be bringing up tonight. She atnted the Subcommittee just recently act cp coneleted of Councilroembere Suquet and Alexander. She stated she would like this Subcommittee io AO changed to Councilmen4crs Alara;.dsr end Wiiliame. She felt there has been some things that were not accomplished Duet the last two years that got started and possibly swept under the carpet. She referred to the sad euildere 8111, and felt it should be et nrted again and gar approved by the Governor this time. She suggested possibly Councilmember Will isms work on that issue. Sha felt what want on over the last two years was important and should not be forgotten eo there would not be more victims of the City ae she feels she ie. She stated she would like to get remarks back from the Subcomaittee that use recently set ug. city council Minutes yebruazy 20, 1991 ^aqe 16 Mayor stout naked if ahe waa caking for thin to M agendiaed. Mra. Muggine atatW yea, and mould like for the council to think about what she hse said tonight, and would like remarks back. Councilmember Buquet aelwd specifically what Mre. Ruggine moos wanting on tY.e agenda. Mr e. Muggine stated she would like remarks back from the subcoawittee recently set up ^ix weaka ago, would like the poaaibility of a Subcommittee of Councilmembare Alexander and williame eoneidared, and ..rn.aA 114n Inlnr.n~41 n.. n.. 4A. «_.._.d AI 114.. ._s_ 4_w__n_ ell v_..I 1_a____ _vl ll_ _1__ • s -~ s s through the eyatam again to try to W approved by the Governor. councilmember Buqust aakad for elarif ieetion from the city Attorney regardinq the litigation with reaidenta in the Mordic tract and if communication ie allowed with them. James Markman, Clty Attorney, stated they have filed a claim. councilmember Buquet stated he would like something epslled out in binek and white what the Council can and cannot do regardinq this subject ao they could provide it to Mre. Muggine. • • ~ ~ 4 r Mayor Stout announced ihnt the City Council would adjourn to an Executive Session to discuss pending litigation, and for the Executive Seealon to adjourn to a joint meeting with the School Dietzl.cte in Rancho Cucamonga to be held on .,.-allay, 2ebruary 20, 1391, 7:00 p.m. in the Tri-Cul®unitiee Conference Room. The City COUnc11 adjourned dt 8:52 p.m. Aeepectfully submitted, DebYe J. Aflame, CMC wty we4x Approved: Pebruary 26, 1991 CITY OP AANCNO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINDTES Joint Heetina Betwee th Ci*v Co it d th S h 1 Di tr+ A. CALL Td OpDaa) A joint meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Etiwanda School District, Alta Loma School District, Cucamonga School Dietriot, central school, Cneffey Joint Unian Nigh School Dietrici, and Chaffey College was held on Tuesday, February 26, 1991 in the Tri-Communities Conference Room of the CLvic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order et 7:03 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem wiliiam J. Alexander. Pree ent wece Counctlmea,bere: Mayor Pro Tem Will lam J. Alexander, Charles J. Bu goat II, Diane Wil liame, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout (aitived 8:20 p.m.). Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Linda Daniel e, Deputy City Manager; Riok Gomez, Community Development Director; Brad Buller, City Planner; Otto I(rout il, Deputy City Planner; Larry Henderson, Principal Planner; Alan Warren, Associate Planner; Joe O'Neil, City Bngineer; Joe Schultz, Community Services Director; and Jan Sutton, Deputy City Clark. Present from F.tiwa nda 5ohxl District zero Hoard.~x.;,bers: acilia SoiOr iu, Dave Long, Andy Solorzano, Marty Pruitt, and Superintendent Carl Lightfoot. Present from Alta Loma School District wece Boartlmembere: Bob Tangeman, Walt Collins, Sandy Derly, Patti Gaye and superintendent Ray Montgomery. Present from Cucamonga School District were Boardmember a: Lori Harr io s, Luie Gonzalez, and Phillip Tenpenny. Freser.t .rom Central Srhooi District was Hoardmember: -ebbie Baker; Superintendent Sonja Yatee, and Assistant Superintendent Ingrid Vogel. Present from Chaffey Joint Union High School District was Boardmember: Eathy Finley. Present from Chaffey College were Boardmecnbere: Jim Barton, Isabel Scully, Paul Treadway, and Paul Gomez; Don Herz, Executive Vice President; Dennis Chuning, Vice President of eueineeet Jim Anderson, Vice Preeident Planning and Development; Steve Menzel, Vice Preeident Humar. Resources; and Jetry Young, President. Clty Council/School Diatrict Joint Meeting Hinutea February ?S. 1?91 Page 2 . . • • ~ . Mayor Pro Tem Alexander stated they were here tonight to diecuae items of mutual interest between the City and the School Districts, and welcomed the Boardmembers who were in attendance. ~ • • • . 9. JOINT ITBNB OT 028C068ION Ri. FTTWANIIA R!`HmmT. DTRTRTI`T Cl daw~lY nn ann4F al.iu s vinwn~l~ o Ftiwantla end Sast Avenues. e Dave Lang, Soardmember BSD, stated they wanted to address the problem that with their bus loadLng areas on Vittoria Avenue, when the students from Etiwanda Hiqh school are going to and from the school, there era no sidewalks for the students to walk on and it was not uncommon for thsm to walk down the street in groups and block traffic. Ha felt it created a problem both for iraff is and for their School Diatrict. He stated the Ciiy has improved n portion of the south aide of Victozla Avenue with eidewalka, and they would like to find out if they fall in the category to qualify for radavalopment funds for thw improvements because the School Diatrict could not afford to put in the improvements themselves. He orated ha wanted to have this done before n student waa injured, and felt it would help keep the atudente off the street, not only from the Sntermediate school, but also from the High school. He stated that even though this ie creating a problem for their school buses accessing the school, they were primarily concerned with the safety of the student e. Mayor Pro Tem Alexander asked if the property in question was owned by the 9Cn001. Dave Long, Boardmember ESD, stated it was not. He stated the City had improved the north aide of Victoria, and they wanted to find out what it would take to have the eoukh aide improved. They wanted to know since this was an older section of town, was it in the redevelopment area. Sack Lam, City Manager, stated that section waa not in the City's redevelopment area eo they would not be eligible for funds from that source. He stated the School Diatrict receives funds yearly from the Agency, and they could use those funds foc whatever purpose they desire. Dave Long, Soardmember 63D, stated the School Diecrict would not be financially able to handle the project of putting in a half mile of curb and gutter. Councilmember Wright stated she thought the improvements on the north aide of Victoria had been done through an Assessment Diatrict. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated there were negotiations involved in the construction of the north aide, and the portion that was done on the south aide was installed because of a development that went in and paid for it. City CounellJSChoo1 Districts Joint Meatinq Hinutee February 2c, ia3I Pnge 3 Councilmember Wright stntetl that usually the street improvements era put in by the developer when a project was being developed, or througn same type of Aa9esement District, and that they do not have a fund available for installing attest improvements. Dave Long, Boartlmemher ESD, asked what funds were used for the arrest improvements on the north aide of Victoria. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated they would have to look that up, but he knew they were not redevelopment funds. Mayor Pro Tem Alexander felt this issue could not be solved that night. Dave Long, Boardmember SSD, stated they did not expect it to bo resolved immediately, but they wanted to bring It io the attention of the Council io ees what could be done. He felt this issue oleo affected the Chaffey Joint Union High School District for the etudente that attended Btiwanda High Sehool. Councilmember Wright stated possibly this could be studied by the Public Safety Commission in conjunction with the City Nanager'e office, and they could work with the School Dieirict on trying to trod soma way of addressing this problem. Dave Long, Boardmembar BSD, stated that would be satisfactory. Mayor Pro Tem Alexander asked when were the payments made to the Dietricte by the Redevelopment Agency. Carl Lightfoot, Superintendent ESD, stated usually they were sent in July or August. ...,..-.ci lmembat Buquat fail they had a start on it here, and felt it was imperative that while they were having the Public Safety Cororoiaeion review the situation, they work out the details of how it Can be accomplished. He felt the logietiee needed to be worked out, such ae a funding source, right-of-way acquisition, etc. He felt the Dietricte also needed to work collectively on changing the way the state funds improvement e. He also stated another thing to remember was that even if they can get the sidewalk installed, it did not guarantee that the etudente would use it. Councilmember Wright felt they needed to recognize thi.e was a problem that needed to ba dealt with, but that this was not the proper forum for dealing with it, and that perhaps the Public Safety Commission would be able to address it better. Dave Long, Hoardmember ESD, stated he just wanted to be sure that this issue was consideretl a priority for the safety of the etudente. Patti Geye, Boardmember ALSD, stated all Dietricte have safety problems at one time or another, and asked what process should they yo through to have them addressed. city council/School District Joint Meeting Minutsa Fe4n±ary ?¢, loin Page 4 Councilmember Wright felt that moat problems could be hnndled through the superintendent and the City Hanager. Mayor Pro Tem Alexander stated that when a problem was recognized, they could also approach the Public Safety Commission. Lu ie Gonzalez, eoardmerober Cucamonga sD, etnted that iE in the future the City sees a problem each ae this, could they require the developer to take care of it. Ma v_nr Prn Tam Alexander a!a!M !Ha! le .inea vHA !no n l,..! l1... a __._..__ ie actually working on. Councilmember august stated they can only require the developer to install improvements within a certain range of the development. Lori earrioe, eoardmemher Cucamonga 6D, nleo referred to the problem of the c loved development at Hellman Avenue and sixth Street, that since Hellman Avenue Elaoda whenever it reins, they hnve no place to atop the bueee Eor the children from that tract on those occasions. They would like to see addressed the requirement of bus turnarounds in new develapmente eo that childrsr. could he dropped off Lneitle the developments instead of on buoy attests. Councilmember Wright orated in that particular development it was designed far fire trucks to access, and that criteria ie required on all new development, eo there would be room for the school bueee. Lori earrioe, eoardmember Cucamonga SD, stated ee mentioned by Alta Loma School o iatrict, they need a process of addressing problems with safety issues or with developer e. ___..__1^e.^tez Wright atatad they ehcuid have Che superintendent contact the City Manager's office to find out what the circumstances are, she atatad that any new streets, or redeveloped streets, are required to be large enough to have fire trucks turn around or have dual acceae, so school bueee ehouid ba able to go through if the aeaociation allows them acceae to locked areas. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated that each School District ie provided with a Monthly Status Report which reports on all the new development projects in the City, ea when they see a project being developed in their area, they could call the City and speak with the appropriate people, and then could poaeibly have changes incorporated in the Design Review stage that would be of benefit' for the students and school before that development was built antl could not be changed. Dave Long, eoardmember BSD, naked if there was some way to have ae a requirement of approval that the developers have to come to the school Districts to see if a project will mist the transportation needs of a District. City Council/School Diatricte joint Hseting Ninutee yEbrsary :S, 199; Page 5 Councilmember Wr ight felt that wee a good eubjeet because they Experienced a problem when Terra VLEGa waE planned, end that type of process would have he).pad to alleviate cortaln traffic problems they encountered after the development was built. Jack Lam, City Nanagar, Stated that every time a tract comae through Design Review, because of a cooperative agreement they have, the school Diatricte are asked to sestet with the Environmental Impact Report, etc., eo Ghat would be a good time for the Diatricte to make colmente. Ili ann sal nn fM lnweA ndlnn_ fF~ ~1 n_ of i• i~Nn •b~ nl earl ..4s •A-~ need beforE they nrE'a13owEd to pull thElr Dullding pecmltE and sow thntlmight help this problem. Mayor Pro Tem Alexander felt the Diatricte were asking to he involved earlier in the design proceaE. Councilmember Buquet stated he has been told by the Building Industry Association that Rancho cucamonge has one of the longest approval and permltiing procedures of any surrounding community, and felt the Districts needed to monitor the proposed projects eo that they could get with the developers in the early stages. He felt they needed to enhance communicat tone, and suggested that when the Monthly Status Reports are sent to each District, the City request that n copy be sent to each Boardmerober eo that everyone stays aware of what ie being developed in the City. . . . • . x B2. ETIWANDA SCHC4L DISTRICT - Commitme t t C tr 1 G wth 1 Dietri t That Nave No Caoacity Andy Solorrano, Boardmember E$D, stated the reason they had requested this item was to have a reaffirmation free tae Clty on what was the conmitment of the Council to the Diatricte, theirs in particular, because moat of the projected growth in the City would be in their area. He stated they project within the next Eifteen yearn they will need at least two more middle schools, and possibly nine to eleven elementary schools, barring going to year•-round schools in the Aanc ho Cucamonga portion of their District. He asked if they have exhausted their funding from the at ate, bond issues and Nello-RCOe Diatricte, what would be the City's commitment to them. Mayor Pro Tem Alexander felt tfie Council was dedicated to the education of the children, and of mutually dealing with problems, such as the joint use of certain facilities which benefit the students and the community. He stated that ee has been mentioned earlier, prior to a development being built, there Se a deposit made to the District which would assist the Dletrlet. city Council/School Diatrict Joint Meeting Hlnutas eBbrL•ary ga, 1001 Page 6 Councilmember Wright stated when ahe ease a proposed development coming through, ahe looks to see if the school sign-off letter is in the package, because ahe wants to be aura the needs of the Diatrict will be met when a project is approved. She stated that because stets law has changed and they cannot deny construction, ahe wanted to be aura they used what methods were available to them to ensure adequate school capacity for now developments. Councilmember august stated when the Eese were originally determined, they were not intended to be equivalent to the coat of a new facility. He stated it was developed ae an attempt to provide interim classroom apace since the state will ~~r f„nd rhw construction of a new school until it already has reached capacity. He stated another problem Se that the Clty ie oleo faoing financial impacts anc will 6e looking at some serious cut-backs on some of their programs and planned projects, eo the City was currently reviewing their long-term financial planning. Another thing Le the County's Growth Management Taak Force is looking at the fee structure on a County level, and then recommending the cities fall in line with re-evaluating the fee structure. Ne felt maybe they needed to take a preliminary look at the fee structure and try to cane up with some type of agreaoent to cover future needs. Carl Lightfoot, Superintendent ESDr asked if the Council hoe considered passing a Mello-Roos City-wide for all redevelopment, which according to the District's counsel, the City hoe the right to do. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated in practice they have that for all Districts now. Carl Lightfoot, Superintendent ESD, stated it was not required of a developer right now when they come in fcr approval of a project to set-up a Mello-Roos District.. He etatetl the City will let it be voted upon currently, but their District's legal counsel hoe advised that County Hoards and City Councils have t,`.c legal right to re~:ire a Hallo-Roos law for any new development irregardleae of size. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated at the time the City and Dietricte revised their procedure with the approval letter process, when the Environmental Impact Report is sent to the Dietricte and the Dietricte have speclf is problems, then the City hoe the ability to deal with that situation in a financially responsible way, one of which would 6e a Mello-Roos unless something different Sa negotiated. Brad Huller, City Planner, stated the City does not have the authority to deny a project due to its impact on the school e. Carl Lightfoot, Superintendent ESDr stated according to their legal counsel that was incorrect. Brad Buller, City Planner, etatetl they have verified it ie correct with their legal counsel. Councilmember Baguet stated he would not like to get into a discussion of opposing opinions from their respective legal counsels. City Council/School Dietricte Joint Meetiny Minuten ?ebmary 2£, +ool page 7 Carl Lightfoot, Superintendent HSD, stated Yhey kept discussing what the at ate would do for them, but the ntste hen abrogated Ste responsibility to furnish capital to build schooln. Councilmember Buquet stated that in the basic underlying problem, that if the et ate was doing whnt !t wan nupponed to, St would take earn of a lot of these issues. He stated the City or the County were not the answers to the et ate failing to do its joD. He stated that Sf there were differing legal opinions on whether the City could deny a project, ha suggested they get an opinion from the Attorney General. earl Lightfoot, superintendent HSD, wanted to clarify thst for the Diatriet to offer a Letter of Certificate to a developer, they should suggest either a Mello- Rooe or an alternate means of mitigaCing the impact on the District. Brad Buller, City Plennar, stated the conditions the City applies to a project require either the formation of a Hello-Roos or an alternative agreed to with the School District, and that the latter is usually chosen, and apake about their legal requirements. Jack Lam, City Manager, want over how the City works with the developers on the school Certification Lattere. Carl Lightfoot, superintendent HSD, asked what if the School District were to push for a Mello-Roos District. Jack Lam, City Manager, elated they could do eo until someone decides to sue over it. Sonja Yates, Superintendent Central SD, stated there was a new court decision on ,: aruary 25, ;9^>; regarding the legality of this and felt that should ba looked at. Dave Long, Boardmember ESD, elated they really appreciated what the City has done for them, and they just wanted to verify that they would et ill have the City's support as much ae possible when growth impacts the City and District. Councilmember Buquet suggested they look towards long-term financial planning because he had certain reaervat ions towards using a Hello-Roos. Ha et ated currently they can be layered one on top of another, and there ate indications the lagislatura might try to limit the amount of Mello-Roos aeeeeamente used in an area, and he expected to see it eliminated or ire use severely restricted in the next few years. He felt possibly the City and School Dietricte could work together on long-term financial planning, and then could collectively come up with some innovative approaches. He felt thin could benefit both the Clty and the Dietricte tf they put some time Into it to develop a good plan. . , • • • . City Council/School District Joint Meeting Ninutes February 2E, 1991 Page S B3 Lori Barrios, Boardmember Cucamonga sD, spoke about the City's support of the D.A.R.E. antl CHOICES programs, and stated they hove an elementary school that ie within Ontario's city limits, but that services students from Rancho cucamonga. She stated that school dose not offer a CHOICES program like the rest of their District dose and felt this would have an impact when the students come back into Rancho Cucamonga to attend middle school. She stated she would like to explore ways of getting ONDICE$ offered at that school in Ontario. _._. 1... .....I.e.. ...i VA v.....i.nnnMr v.rri na Mfnrn aM„f this,, and they are`pursuinq thi• but have run into a few problems, each ae different law enforcement jurisdictions and different municipal jurisdictions. Lori Earrioe, eoardaa,mbar Cucamonga SD, felt dealing with another law enforcement agency ehoultl not be a problem because the Dieirict gives permission on who can enter the echoole. She stated the person uho conduete the CHOICES program works out of the Probation Department, and that should eliminate the law enforcement jurisdiction issue. Mayor Pro Tem Alexander naked if it would be possible to have the Aencho cucamonga officers contact the Ontario officers to work this out. Councilmember Buquet stated there are n let bureaucratic approvals that have to be overcome to allow cross jurLedictional personnel. 9e stated they are in the process of having the Rancho Cucamonga Police Department coordinate with the Ontario Police Department on getting this program implemented. He aeeuretl them that the problem is being worked on and asked that they try to be patient. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated the CHOICES prograco hoe been very successful, and beuauae uF Li,at nuccvea it llas craaCed a lot of interact in other ache,:: districts outside of Rancho Cucamonga, eo they have suggested the County provide a CHOICES program and CHOICES officers to run the program, instead of relying just on volunteers that would be limited in their time. Then possibly it could be handled cn a County-wide baaie, instead of just a City-wide basis. Councilmember Wright stated that the CHOICES program ie funded by matching funds from Cucamonga School District, and those matching funtle are part of what allows CHOICES to go on. she felt this could be a consideration also, not just the issue of crossing city limit lines. Thero was diacuaeion on possible budget cute for funding of the D.A.R.E. and CHOICES program e, but the council stated they will consider the importance of these programs before taking that type of action. Sonja Yates, Superintendent Central SD, thanked the Council for their support of Measure Z, and presented Lnformation on a joint use agreement in regards to Coyote Canyon Park. City Council/School Dletrlcta .ioint Mast ing Minutes Pebruary Gti, 1941 Page 9 Counc ilmember Buquat atatad that facll ity, you have to ensure th facility since they are paying problem if the school needs to majority of hours year-round. when you hsve a ]Dint uae agreement Eor a park ~ reeident• will oleo have uae of the shared !or the upkeep. He stated they might have a uae a large portion of the park during the %%%%%% Mayor Stout arrived at 8:20 p. m. %t%%%% Sonia Yates. Suon rtnt endnnr re..+~.~ _ ____-_ ,,.___ a .o wueu riagut iating this was that the Dietriet would provide indoor -fat ilit iae Sn exchange for that uae so that it would be mutually beneficial. Staff had indicated chat would be a algnlticant trade-off. Councilmember Buquet etnted he wee involved when they first discussed the joint use concept between the City and the Dietricta, and the primary concern was finding mutual recreational access, and that centered around the access to school facilities. Sonja Yatae, Superintendent Central SD, stated that in their District they have several joint uae agreements, at Bear Gulch School, at Cucamonga Jr. High, so they felt they have been cooperative in that regard with the City, and would hops to have a favorable response from the City to their interim need at this facility while awaiting the building of the permanent schools. Counc ilmember Alexander felt that something could be worked out, since the use of parka ie not that great during school hnura, but he would be concerned if they planned to fence off areas which the general public could not access. Ecnj=_ Yates, Superirtenda.-.t Cartral SG, stated they were not considering any fencing, but that they would need the right to remove anyone who posed a threat to the students using the park facilit iea. Counc ilmember Wright felt the City needed to look at it in a way different From how they have looked at joint uae agreemonte in the past. She stated she would like Joe Schultz, Comounity Services Hanager, and the School District to 9o back and review this and then bring it back to the Council. Councilmember Buquet felt they needed to be careful because this was handled through an action cf the Park and Recreation Commission, and basically it is going to be reversed by the City Council. Re stated they needed to have a noticed process of input from a lot of sources, and then to collectively come to a decision. Re stated he was for the joint uae concept, but they needed to realize there are a lot of impacts beyond the issue of the students needing space. Phillip 1'erpenny, aoardmead>er Cucamonga SD, stated there have been several other projects that have been considered for joint uae, and asked if the Council had an idea at what stage some of these projects are at. city Council/School District Joint Heating Mlnutea February 26, 1991 Edge lU Councilmember Baguet stated they have a lot of things they would like to accomplish, but they hevs a problem with funding now, and several of these projects will need to be on hold. Lori Barrios, Boardmember Cucamonga 6D, Baked how will they be Betting a priority on these projeete. Couneilmember Buquet stated staff would conduct n needs assessment ee far nn the recreation element Ln an area. Ha stated there has been a long term plan targeting certain ereae for additional recreation uses. He slated they are potentially looklna at nntrinn b.~~ .... ~w .~+.~'- -___~;,~~~, rle,.e wi+i~i+ i+nvs been under consideration for some time due to monetary conetreinta, ao they are open to euggeetiona. Jack Lam, City Hanager, explained the procedure on bringing something to the council after being hesrd by the Park and Aecreaiion Commission, and stated they would have et aft review this and bring Lt to the City Council for consideration. Jerry Young, President Chnffey College, pseend out a publication from the Chancellor's office to the council which dealt with the topic of partnerships, and etatea they have grown 50i in the last five years, with approximately 20,000 people attending classes and progreme there. He stated they appreciated the cooperation and joint planning efforts they have had from the City. He stated one of the problems they are currently faced with is the ieaue of compliance of AgMD standards, and they will be seriously looking at how to denl with people who use alternative methods of getting to the campus. Mayor Stout stated he knew there would be some difficulty from time to time when dealing with joint use iaeuee, but felt that moat titles would not even try to work together with the School Districts to solve these problems. Ha felt the penp le i.^. this c_.._..~.^.ity were 66tLVat6d iu providing the Ceet for the young population. Kathy Kinley, Chaffey Joint Union HSD, stated they would be breaking ground for Rancho Cucamonga Hlgh School on Thursday, and that Paul Ward, formally principal at Alta Lama High School, will be involved in the planning Froceee over the next year, and hoped that they could use this opportunity to plan fox issues up front. Bob Tangeman, Boatdmombar ALSb, introduced their new Superintendent Ray Montgomery. Andy Solorzanc, ESD, stated he would like to see these maetinge held more than once every year and a half to two years. Councilmember Buquet stated their original intention had been to meet once a year but they found they were unable to keep up with that schedule. He felt that in the interim though, there should ba quarterly maetinge between the administrators and City staff to address any concerns the Districts might have. city Council/School Dietrict¢ Joint Mwting Hlnutee FwDruary 35, 1?91 Page 11 • • • • • ~ Mayor Stout called a r¢c¢a• of the Council et S~EO p.m., and the School Ronrde adjourned. The meatinq reconvened at 9107 p.m. wlth ell members of the Council present. • . . s 0. CI CODNCSL ITEM OP DIBC088ION C1. MIT TT-RAYTry nmrvr nnww -- - - --- -- -- -- Mayor Stout stated that st the Pabruary 20, 1991 Council mB¢tinq ¢taff wa¢ aeketl to modify the resolution submitted. Ha stated the reaolution presented tonight reflected those modifications. council concurred they like the modiflcation¢ made to the reaolution. councilmember Wright stated she would have preferred to qo back to 751 eingle- family dwe111ngeJ251 multi-family dwellings, but since that wasn't feasible, she would qo with the revised reaolution. RESOLUTION NO. 91-060 A RESOLVTION OP TH8 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIPOANIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO AM:ND THE GENERAL PLAN, DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS, SPECIPIC AND COMMUNITY PLANS CITY-HIDE TO REDUCE TH8 TOTAL AMOUNT OF HfJLTIPLE FAMILY CESIGNA'fS0 VACANT LAND WITHIN THE COKKUNITY AND TO MODIFY THE CITY'S DEVELOPMENT, 6ESIGN, AND PROPBRTY MAINTENANCE STANDARDS Tb PROMOTE THE iARG TER}1 QUALITY OF EXISTING AND FUTVRE HOUSING PROJECT MOTION: Moved by Stout, seconded by Buquet to approve Resolution No. 91^060. Notion carried unanimously, 5-0. . + + ~ • . D. CONMUNIGTIONS PROM TH6 PVBLIC No communications were made by the public. . . • . . . The Council recessed at 9:10 p.m. to Executive Session to aiecuee negotiations regarding the Sports Park located at the north aide of Arrow Route, weer aide of Rochester Avenue. City Council/School DiatrlM Joint NeetiRq Ninutee PeDru-ry 25, 1441 Page 12 The Council reconvened at 9130 p.m. MOTION: Hovel by Wriqht, aacondad by Alexander to adjourn. Notion carried unanimously, 5-0. The mating adjourned at 9:30 p. m. 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TACO IfJT ~ BELL . ~ i ~( 6 & J'S 9653 Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Currently Zoned: Neinhborhood Commercial Zoning of adjacent Property: North: Neinhborhood Commercial South: Low/."tedium Pesidential East: `le ighborhood Commercial 'nest: Low/ftedium Residential 4.°Nk 202-03i-73 S. Ramirez 3-i-91 ~I 1 N D :~ 2 i 9 r _ COPY_r,.........~. ___. MAR - 8 8EC0 ~~ /.Z V L V ~S _C •C..~ .` aIRKN1pN /Ott .IOOMAK .1+.. ~ 1. r1E111) p 11®tlg1, u EID. - Tr hFrr r uwuw i...p. fdtrd Iql ieWyy tlyMlde Sowre (iY 9lyllt tt: JJI. rm i :Ii:Y S~YO , . r.rw~r.: ~~ i6lS Tle MdriFey Arr I b URA RAQ' y WF er : lorr rrvYN rlrleer M _ :IYe1 1. N~IS! W 41EK/JITI11 rte' w"ly~t41/5 :.[:. JNm ciao J:n aR1e~ wJr Sr. fy0u ~ Ebdw Der: Iyae:re F1«ew Ow: ;i of vl ~. .iw • :2t 1. rN[IS) q IYNSI:CigEy1) B UC. tY1! RF. ISP. 1 l>:. V 61 .T: iti l lirr d 1r4rr etaE Iwraurant w a.eer V6lb E 1L .. aw r n:. ON rr Tq u4 f~ s 10.^J'u cam..... e... ..~1..,. TLITY lw. u Slier r 11we il-13t59B CM' IwYbl ~~ y L MrWy Mbex Mdauw liaw ~I'-.NWred YrM rAw n..~: `. Ne.e Yee e.r brn cemard r a MryT t w Me Yre uw eislerd eeY d M pwl4en d h MmlieEr 'lwryye Cerrtl b r ^a.peeyrrn Ien :dewy b IM A[Il 11. Eryleln e'rEf• axw a Mer 0 w 10 w ee ened:wer .Av1::FeM M drrd eell d Xis ^PPS~ellen. It. Applimr eyrer le; :IM o:I ~r reEl %ed w e:rrle 4w:W parr W Ime aN lAe gwSFmXry d e kenw, oM _ IAI lhr M w~M ror ~dre ar d rr:eM a 4 dolred eeY r r VeHeu d :lu .UmMW. Ee~re W Cmnd M. u. surz w euFaeu e.eery d.____ASyanlAa_....____-____.._or____...._3C~13A_____.. .r ~ ...r.. r ..~ +.~.. ..... ~,.~ .. ...w-. ~ . ...r..,. . ~ Ylsw Y. ~ h ~~• ~ -w 4r~ .W Mr 'irui L M wWr ~~ ~. ~ v i.d~, u: ere .~r..w-~ .... -~....-, w :r w ~ .. ....+..:+w . it. •eRIGUEr ~ l SKN 1~If -___._________-______.___- - ___ ~. De NW Mrib blyo ]ti fL; Fr Ueplewr Ur UeIS __ _ MI.rMA C~ lrrdr :wke, ^ ENwrY Piro. 4e...i,E..d_____..._hur.._______..-________OM.u:_._._..___.-_lwrp Nw .-._____..______._ uruuna3 n nnwisw IS surz a cMFOMe [.rq r____ yi_+_.--.._.__-_.______oer.___.13g(~y_..--.._____ ue ~.~.... . ... ` -- L LEL: :7Z! ~gf fi N L 4 q ~ rf o tl' N ~ . fn m n o 0 0 N ~ m M ~R ti LD ~ N q L y N u~ ` Gl E r E 2 ~ ¢ ~ `- e y ~ f9 ~ x u ~ ~ 7R _ V11 L a ~ °' °o w U O d ~ • o a L . Y ~R O O C ~ t N L 2 a w c Gti~ 'P W O ~r- fJ N1 T S V L ~ O Y N C 4! N N L ~ W C F .+ a v ~a Eo o+ v c. m •.- o ~~ O ~ V~ U Vi O i V y N N 6 Ca w ~ a O > a+ aEOO C n- p s L a N Y C1 N ~~ i L H 2' C C U Na O i ~ ~ C u NO o f L O SLU s~ a•~ ~ ..- ~o ~ ¢ c 3 •.- V- 4 U U ~~ O W fF ~- y ~ fF 2J20 N NU T O W N N 2' [O L ~ m ~ W C L L .• •. E S ~R Q f`] C O C L O ul N ~` ~ ~ $ P ~- f0 N L O O O N N V I 01 K 6 N 2 U 5 W 3 / W/ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA STAFF REPOit~` DATE: March 20, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Nm. Jce O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Linda Beek, Juntor Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Authorize the advertising of the "Notice Inviting Bids" for the Arrow Raute Bridge Ieprovewent Protect, located at Cucaaonga Creek, to 6e funded franc Systens Devel opnent ~unu, nGWUni no. CG-9aJ/-tl/ea ana FAU Fund, Account No. 24-4637-8775 RECOpENDATION: It is recomaended that City Counctl approve plans and speclflcatlons for the Arrow Route Bridge Ieprovement Prnlect and approve the atteched resolution authorizing the Ctty Clerk to advertise the "Notice Inviting Bids". BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subject protect plans and specifications have been caepleted by J.F. Davidson Associates, Inc. and DGA, Inc. and approved by the City Engineer. The Engineer`s estiAtate for construction is 5424,000.00. Legal advertising is scheduled for March 26, 1991, and April 2, 1991, with the bid opening at 2:00 p.a. on Thursday, April 18, 1991. Respectfully subwtitted,, ~~~~ NJO:LB:Iy Attaclnent cc: Purchasing 7 RESOLUTION N0. ~/~ ('~7,3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "ARRON ROUTE BRIDGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT", IN SAID CITY ANO AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS NHEREAS, it is the intention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to construct certain improvements 1n the City of Rancho Cucamonga. WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamenga has prepared plans and soecificatlnaa fnr fM ,_r~F..Ca':.;, Ji w, Lain imprOVement5. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the plans and specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for "Arrow Route Bridge Improvement Project". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for doing the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to w1 t: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS" Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the said City of Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the Office of the City Clerk in the offices of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on or before the hour of 2:60 o'clock P.M. on the 18th day of April 1991, sealed bids or proposals for the "Arrow Route Bridge Improvement Project" in said City. Bids will be opened and publicly read immediateiy in the office of the City Clerk, 1500 Civic CenterDrive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. Bids must be made on a fcrm provided far the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, marked, "Bid for Construction of Arrow Route Bridge Improvement Project". PREVAILING WAGE: Notice is hereby given that Tn accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor is required to pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality 1n which the public work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. In that regard, the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California is required to and has determined such general prevailing rates of per diem wages. Copies of such prevailing rates of per diem wages are on fife in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 10500 Civic Center Drive, upper level, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and are available to any interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy /~ of such determinations to 6e posted at the Job site. twentyhftvendollars (525~00)rforteach laborer,tvrorkmanitoromechanlc emploeda~ far each calendar day or portion thereof, if such laborer, workman, or mechanic 1s paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages hereinbefore stipulateQ for any work done under the attached contract, 6y him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. Sn accordance with the provisions of Section 1777.5 of the Labor Code as amended by Chapter 971, Statutes of 1939, and Tn accordance with the regulations of the California Apprenticeship Council, properly indentured apprentices may be employed in the prosecution of the work. .. .`. a.. ;; ~„ Ri.co iu ine provisions In Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprenticeable occupation to apply to the Joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public works protect and which a6n1n1sters the apprenticeship program in that trade fora certificate of approval. The certificate will at so fix the ratio of apprentices to Journeymen that will be used in the perfonmance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to Journeymen 1n such cases shall not be less than one to flue except: A. Mhen unemployment to the area of coverage by the Joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent 1n the 90 days prior to the request for certificate, or 8. When the number of apprentices 1n training in the area exceeds a ratio of one to five, or C. When the trade can show that 1t is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or D. When the Contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to el ght Journeymen. The Contractor is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if he employs registered apprentices or Journeymen 1n any apprenticeable trade on such contracts and if other Contractors on the public works site are making such contributions. The Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 to the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may he obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. 19 Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with and be governed by the laws of the State of California having to do with working hours as set forth 1n Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California as amended. The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (E25.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanlt employed in the execution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon any of the work hereinbefore men Lioned, for each calendar day during which said laborer, workman, or mechanic 15 required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours in violation of said Labor Code. C,,,~t,"vi.ur ayreea w pay cravei ana subsistence pay to each workman needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreements filed in accordance with Labor Code Secttcn 11)3.8. The bidder must submit with his proposal cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, payable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least ten percent (10%) of the amount of said bid as a guarantee that the bidder will entor Into the proposed contract 1f the same is awarded to him, and in event of failure to enter Into such contract said cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bond shall become the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. If the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the lowest bidder's security shall be applied by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the low bid and the second lowest bid, and the surplus, if any, shall be returned to the lowest bidder. The amount of the bond to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shall be one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond in an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the contract price for said work shall be given to secure the payment of claims for any materials or supplies furnished for the performance of the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, or any work or labor of any kind done thereon, and the Contractor will also be required to furnish a certificate that he carries compensation insurance covering his employees upon work to be done under contract which may be entered into between him and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work. No proposal will be considered from a Contractor whom a proposal farm has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Contractor shall possess a Class "A" License (General Engineering Contractor) in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 7000 et. seq.) and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto at the time this contract 15 awarded. The work is to be done 1n accordance with the profiles, plans, and specifications of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on file in the Office of the City Clerk at 10500 Civic Center Orive, Rancho Cucamonga, Callfornla. Copt es ~~ of the plans and speelflcations, available at the office of the City Engineer, will be furnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and payment of 545.00, said (45.00 is nonrefundabie. Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and specifications will be mailed when said request 1s accompanied by payiaent stipulated above, together with an additional nonretmbursable payment of E25.00 to cover the cost of mailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the requirements of Section 902 of the General Provisions, as set forth in the plans and Specifications regarding the work w $E 'w,ud `ur i.is MvnLl'al.wr, 1.1R bonirecLOr may, Upon Lne Contractor's request and at the Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute authorized securities in lieu of monies withheld (performance retentlonl. The City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, reserves the right to reJect any and all bids. Dy order of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Callfornla. Dated this _ day of 19 PASSED AND ADODTED by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Callfornla, this ~ day of 19 ayor ATTEST: y e ADVERTISE ON MARCH 26, 1991 APRIL 2, 1991 I - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ST:4FF REP~Ft~' DATE: March 20, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Monte Prescher, Public Norks Engineer SUBJECT: Reject all bids for the Banyan Street Improvement Project, located fraa Eastwood Avenue to Hellman Avenue It 1s recoamiended that the City Council reject all bids, without prejudice, for the Banyan Street Improvement Prgject, as being non-responsive to the needs of the City. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subject pro,{ect has been 1n the 5-year plannlnq budget for the last few years. It was scheduled for design 1n FY 89/90 and Construction in FY 90/91. Estimated construction costs ranged from =19,000 for the minimum improvements t0 561,000 for the full Improvements. The project was to be funded from TDA. Because of budgeting restraints, the minimum Improvements were designed. This consisted of minor widening of the existing roadway but did not include curb, gutter and sidewalk. This would have allowed for parking. Bids were solicited, received and opened on October 18, 1990, for the protect. Staff has reviewed the bids and found that the bfds received exceed the Engineer's Estimate by a substantial amount as follows: Engineer's Estimate 518, 697.75 ADDarent low Did f23, 680.80 Apparent second bid E28, 523.43 In addition, funds in the TDA account to construct this project have been redirected to complete the pro,{ect at Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue. Also, increased pavement failures along Banyan Street indicate a need to rehabilitate the street beyond the scope of tAis project. Any rehabilitation should be included with this project to eliminate the need for two separate projects. Combining the projects should result 1n an overall cost savings. However, with the increased scope, the project would need to be rebudgeted. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT BANYAN STREET IMPROVEIENT PRQIECT NARCN 2O, i¢¢1 PAGE 2 Therefore, it is recommended that all bids be rejected. Staff will be requesting authorization to readvertise at a later date, after revler„ng the budget and Lhe design to determine if this project can be readvertised as is or needs to be reprograimimd. Respectfully submit %~ ' ~/ 0'~1~-~-P. uin; ~o;:• ~33 Date: March 20, 1991 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REP©RT Tn: Mayor, City Council and City Manager From: Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director Subject: APPROVAL OF YORKERS' CgIPENSATlON COVERAGE FOR VOLUNTEER YORKERS RECOMMENDATION: The City Council adopt the attached resolution. DACKGROUND• The Workers' Compensation laws of California do not require that public agencies recognize volunteers as employees for the purpose of providing Workers' Compensation coverage. However, California Labor Code section 3363.5 states that public agencies can declare volunteers as employees by adoption of a resolution so stating. 8y including volunteers as employees, Workers' Compensation becomes the sole remedy for recovering damages in the event of an injury and it limits the volunteer's access for retribution in the Civil Court. By taking this action, the City reduces the exposure it may have to the general tiab ility coverage. Attached for your adoption is a resolution that makes volunteers employees only for workers' Campensat ion coverage. Respectfully i ed, ,~~___ Jim Hart Administrative Services Director attachment ~~ 9i-~~~ RESOLUTION N0. *** A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMUNGR, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE FDA VOLUNTEER PERSONNEL WH FRFAt th* fife of van~hn r~~~~m~..~, d„_: ._. •_ .+a., i•i_~~p-~' Lompen sa tion Insurance coverage for persons authorized to perform volunteer services for the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby adopts the policy that an unsalaried person as designated and authorized by the City to perform volunteer service for the City shall be deemed to be an employee of the Li ty for the purpose of Workers' Compensation Insurance benefits provided for by law for any injury sustained by him or her while acting in the course and scope of the authorized services of the City under the direction and control of the City. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of March 1991. ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF ~iEPOKT DATE: March 211, 1991 IY T0: City Council and City Manager ~CJ~ FROM: Vin. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Paul A. Rougeau, Traffic Engineer SUDJECT: Authorizing the receipt of proposals for Naintenance of Traffic Slgnals under Lhe provisions established by the Streets and Highways Code for Public Norks Maintenance. REC01lEMUATION: It 1s recommended that the City Council authorize the City Engineer to receive proposals for Maintenance of Trsfflc Slgnals. A qualified company will be selected on the basis of demonstrating the capability to perform said maintenance efficiently, quickly and safely in accordance with guidelines and standards established by the State. DACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The City has continued a high quality of maintenance on Tts public facilities, such as traffic signals. In order Lo maintain the standard, selection of responsible fire: 1s of utmost importance. The present trends of liability claims demand effective and continual maintenance to insure that existing traffic signals are in good condition. The City Attorney has instructed staff that the provisions of "advertising" to seek bids does not appply to the selection process for maintenance of existing public works facilities. Therefore, staff will be contacting selected companies that are both responsible and caepetitive. Respectfully submitted, i~~_ ~~ NJ O: PAR:Iy /~T T II !\fi A .\ \iliTi/\ 1. k DATE: March 20, 1991 TO: Mayor, Members of the City Council and City '~ Manager i FROM: Joe Schultz, CLP, Community Services Director ~i BY: Kathy Sorensen, CLP, Recreation Superintendent SUBJECT: APPROV71a OF T88 SPORTS SENIOR ND HI TNGD i arnsranuv nn.....e.neo I RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval o! the following citizens to serve on the respective advisory committees ae recommended by the Park and Recreation Commission at its February 21, 1991 regular meeting. Bilinwal S o s seni3~ Alma McGuire Vivian Ruff Maria Harragan Tess Rodriguez Sophie Flores Joseph R. Orti2, IZ Victoria c. Ortiz Domingo Huipe Calvin Ruff Sohn Mucci Tim Zalaha Designated sports groups representa- tives as appointed by the groups Phyllis Logan Margaret Rettich Joyce Ryther Tom Baillie Kathy Peters Mabel Mercer Nancy McCormick Betty Linker Father Humphries David Dominguez Dorothy xenson Arnold Steenburg Edna F. Steenburg Wilma Brenner BACKGROUND: On January 29 & 30, 1991, Commissioners from the Park and Recreation Commission interviewed applicants for three advisory committees and believe them to be interested, willing and able to provide sound ideas and input on issues regarding the bilingual, sports and senior citizens of the City oP Rancho Cucamonga. Res ctf ly submitted, Jo S ultz, P Co u ity Se es Director JS/KS/kls r1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: March 20, 1991 T0: Mayor, Members of City Council and City Manager FROM: Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager BY: Ingrid Blair, GIS Supervisor SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO AWARD A CONTRACT TO ALBERT A. WEBB ASSOCIATES TO DO AN ASSESSMENT STUDY FOR THE VICTORIA LAKES PROJECT, IN THE AMOUNT OF FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS (54,000). FUNDING WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE WILLIAM LYON COMPANY RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that City Council approve the awarding of the contract to Albert A. Webb Associates to do an Assessment Study of the Victoria Lakes Project, in the amount of four thousand dollars ($4,000), from funding provided by The William Lyon Company. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The City has requested The William Lyon Company to fund an assessment study for the Victoria Lakes Project. This study would entail developing methods of spreading maintenance costs for the lakes to properties within the boundaries of Victoria. The study will be funded solely by funds deposited with the City from The William Lyon Company. City Council will be kept informed of the progress of this study. Re pectfully submitted, ~B- ~....~,~ erry B. Fulwood Deputy City Ma~iager JBF:de Attachment: Proposal from Albert A. Webb 6 Associates A~ LjwB~E~ nRT RA • • L!~!/ A B s o G I A T E 8 4505 Allstate Drive. Ste. 106, Riverside, CA 9`1501 (714) 781-8190 FAX (714) 78&4189 wo: 90-445 FttE:3995.0 Mamh7,1991 ~~~~~~~ Ms. Ingrid Y. Blav Idi.:: 1 1991 G.I.S. Supervisor ~ ~ The City of Rancho Cucamonga 7t8191B1llt1211121314t516 10500 Civic Cenoer Drive P.O. Box 807 ~ awn.iw ...uwu.wtgq iss i iiti ItE: itcvised Proposal for ao Assessnren[ Smdy of the Vlcroda fakes iToject Dear Ms. Blair: Ptasuant m our March 1, 1991 mating, Atbert A. Webb Associates is pleased to submit this revised Scope of Work, Project Schedue, and Compensafion for the referenced project. Scope of Services Based on discussion at the March 1, 1991 meeting between Webb Associates, City Staff, and the Lyons Company, we have refined our Scope of Services m reflect the "scaled down' nature of the analysis m be mdertaken. It is otn understanding om work effort will entail the development of methods of spreading the 52Q1,000 annual maintenance cost for the lake to properties within the boundaries of the Victoria Ickes project. We further understand that minimal dare collection efforts will be required on our part since most information wiLL be availabie from the City's G.I.S. Departrnen[ and/or the Lyon's Company. Therefore, we propose completing the following tasks for this proje(x: 1. Develop methods for spreading a S200,000 annual maintenance cost including assignment of equivalent dwelling units to each land-use type. 2. I+repare a spreadshat for each method of spread accompanied by a one (1) m three (`s) paragraph description of the assumpfiens and methodology used, in addition m a brief explanation of the procedtoal steps the City must undertake to implemen[ any given method of spread. 3. Mat with City Staff and developer mid-way through the study to review basic methodology and assumpdons. 4. Atterd duce (3) meedngs to present the resdts of our analysis to the City Council, thew subcommittee, City Planning Commission and/or other enddes as requested by Scoff. Project Schedule We propose to initiate our work efforts immediately after eza»tion of m agrament m provide professional services. We anticipate scheduling the Task 3 project rtleeting approximately 9 C141L ENGINEERING ENVIRONNENTAI. AXALY515 SCN\EVISG .gSSF_SSMF.\7/SPECI:\L TAX 1Na. Ingrid Y. Blaa 114arc6 7,1991 page 2 two (2) weeks after execution of our agreement and deliver the final product approximately one week Iats. ]?raentatlena m the City Council. rhea auhcammitfce and/or oths groups will be made as scheduled by StsH, Compenaatioo We propose that compensation for this study be on a time and meteriils basis not ro exceed ~t,00D without prior approval of the City. Ora hourly rates are included as Hxbibit "A". We propose that we 6e Oed far iacidenml expenses incurred in ennnecdon with this study at our cost, and for outsi~ xrvias at our cost plus 15%. Incidental expenus include printing, mileage, fsx, and telephone toll charges. i iroui yw i,u cxrcuiing wia ¢yucu iw txynraai w ua. w%s iuuic iuwani w waling wiin dte City in aompktiog this amlysis Do not hesimte m contact me if you Gave soy tptestioos. Sincerely your, ALBERTA. WEBB ASSOCIATES cmy~ Asassment Engines CDG/ca Auad~matt cc: Webb Accounting Dept. 90-0QSAna 30 EXHIBIT "A" G~GSC~ ~~NI(~D~dC~ ALBERT A. WEBB ASSOCIATES CONS[1LTING ENGINEERS 3788 McCray Street Riverside, California 92506 (7(4)686-1070 Senior Consultant ............................................. ........... Principal Engineer ....................................................... Project Manager .................................................. Project Engineer ......................................................... Assessment Engineer -Senior ......................................... Assessment Engineer .................................................... Enginar -Designer ..................................................... Environmental Planner -Senior ....................................... :-.. ac.-,:::~..::W ::~.~.~.~ .................................................. Assistant Project Manager ................................................ Designer -Senior ........................................................ Designer .......................... Assistant Assessment Engineer .......................................... Administrative Assistant .................................................. Draftsman -Senior ...................................................... Draftsman ................................................................. Word Processor with Equipment ...................................... Clerical .................................................................... $90.00 Per Hour 84.00 Per Hour 79.00 Per Hour 79.00 Per Hour 79.00 Per Hour 68.00 Per Hour 65.00 Per Hour 65.00 Per Hour ».W YE[ Hour 60.00 Per Hour 60.00 Per Hour 53.00 Per Hour 47.00 Per Hour 47.00 Per Hour 47.00 Per Huur 42.00 Per Hour 32.00 Per Hour 21.00 Per Hour Public Works Supervisor ................................. ................ $56.00 Pcr Hour Senior Inspettor ............................................. .............. 50.00 Per Hour Lupector .................................................... .............. 44.00 Per Hour 4-Man Survey Party ....................................... .............. 246.00 Per Hour 3-Man Survey Party ....................................... .............. 172.00 Per Hour 2-Man Survey Parry ....................................... .............. 126.00 Per Hour 1-Man Survey Party ....................................... .............. 74.00 Per Hour Subsistence ................................................. .............. 35.00 Per Man/Day IIectronic Distance Measuring Equipment ............... .............. 10.00 Per Hour Postage ............................................ ......................... Cost Printing and Copyirg ............................. ........................ Cost Telephone Toll Chazges .......................... ........................ Cost Outside Service Charge ......................... ........................ Cost Plus 15'fo Travel & Subsistence ............................ ........................ Cost Mileage .......................................... .......................... $.50 Per Mile Computer Time ............................. ........................ $24.00 Pcr Hour NrY:'E: All rotes subject to change based on annual inflazion and cost of living adjustments. SCH 4 RPW 12/1/89 MS Word/Misc/89-00/fee schedule 3 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: March 20, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'NeTI, City Engineer BY: Judy Acosta, Engineering Technician 14~. /.f/1 SUBJECT: Approving the Annexation of Base Line Median Landscaping located between Milliken and Rochester Avenues to the work program areas of Landscape Maintenance District Nos. 2 and 4 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution approving the annexation of the northerly half of Base Ltne Median Landscaping to the work program area of Landscape Maintenance District No. 2 and the southerly half of the same median to the work program area of Landscape Maintenance District No. 4. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On March 6, 1991, City Council accepted the Improvement Agreement and Security for the construction of Base Line Median Landscaping. The northerly half of the median will be annexed to the work program area of Landscape Maintenance District No. 2 (Victoria Planned Community) and the southerly half will be annexed to the work program area of Landscape Maintenance District No. 4 (Terra Vista Planned Community). Copies of the Consent and Waiver to Annexation fom signed by the deveTOpers for their respective properties and landscape districts are on file in the City Clerk's office. Attached is the resolution to be adopted by the City Council to finalize the annexation. Respectfully suhm d, ~ , ~~~ WJ 0: JAA: d1 w Attachment RES^LUTIOH N0. ~1'0T ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING 7HE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 2 AND 4 FOR BASE LINE MEDIAN LANDSCAPING WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District Nos. 2 and 4, (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article ? of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexatton without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative body hereby orders the annexatton of the property as shown in Exhibit "A" and the ewrk prograa araas as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including tTieTevy of alt assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. EXHIBIT 'A• ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NC. 2 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 4 5 ~) w zs s 3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO r- dASE LINE MEDIAN rJ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPING EXHIBIT 'B" PRQ7ECT NAME: BASE L[NE MEDIAN LANDSCAPING N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: 1.15 ac N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 2.3 assess units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of Lam s to be Annexed District No. ~_ LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Ground Cover Trees District No. Turf Sq, ft. Ea. 2 0 15,789 37 4 0 15,789 37 TOTAL 0 31,578 74 JAA:3/20/91 ~~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAP~' 1tEP~RT DATE: March 20, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: N1111e Valbuena, Assistant Engineer s'"~'`, SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 for 6 for UN 9U-Ub, located on the northeast corner of Neilman Avenue and Ninth Street, submitted by Nussell D. and Marjorie J. Jeter RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving DR 90-05, accepting the subject agreement and security, ordering Lhe annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACK6ROUN0 DR 90-05, located on the northeast corner of Hellman Avenue and Ninth Street, in the Industrial Specific District, Subarea 3, was approved by the Planning Commission on September 20, 1990, for the division of 4.53 acres into 2 tots. The Developers, Russell D, and Marjorie J. Jeter are submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: f330,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: f165,000.00 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. A letter of approval has been received from Cucamonga County Water District. The Consent and Naiver to Annexation form signed by the Developer is on file in the City Clerk's office. Respectfully submitted„ Attachments RESOLUTION N0. g/ • O 7Cp A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPRO4ING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROYEMENT SECURITY FOR DEYELODMENi REVIEW N0. 90-05 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Caltfornla, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement executed on March 20, 1991, 6y Russeli D, and Mar,~orie J. Jeter as developers, for the improvement of public right-of-way ad,~acent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the northeast corner of He11mon Avenue and Ntnih Street; aid NHEREAS, th6 tnstallatlon of wch improvmeents, described 1n sold Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, 1s to be done 1n conJunctton with the development of sold real property as referred to Planning Comission, Development Review No. 90-05; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement is secured and accampanfed by yaod and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF W1NCH0 CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor fs hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and Lhe CT ty Clerk to attest thereto. RESauTIDN No. yf-077 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 6F RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR DR 90-05 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has Drevfousty formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972', being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenanee ^~i•r!ct ".: "'~~t L;yi~i.iny ;+a inianence u75Lr7Ct NO. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance D15tr1ct No. 6 (hereinafter referred to as the "Nsintenance 0lstrict"); and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972` authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, at this time the City Council 15 desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhtbtt 'A" attached hereto and Incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance Dtstrlct; and WHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and heering or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NQt, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION is That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this 1eg151aL1ve bogy hereby orders the annexation of the properEy as shown in Exhibit "A" and the work program areas as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto t0 the Maintenance Dtstrlct. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance Dtstrlct, including t-fieT of all assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. .38 .A. ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DlST€3{L`T NO. 3 STREET LIGHTMlG MAMITENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 5/TE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO DR 90-05 STATE OF CALIFORNIA EXRI6Ii 'a` PRQIECT NAiff: DR 90-05 N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: 4.53 ac N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 9.06 units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of Lams W be Annexed Dtstrlct No. ~_, ~_ I --- 3 --' 1 ___ 6 1 --- --- --- °` LANDSCAPE IMINTENANCE DISTRICT Caawntty Turf District No. Street Nape Equest.Tra11 Sa. ft• 3 He11Aan Ave. --- --- 9th Street --- --- JAA:3/20/91 Ground Cover Trees Sq, ft. Ea. --- 15 --- 5 ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAb1ONGA ~Ta.F~' It,h'P~RT DATE: March 20, 1991 ~-}- To: City Council and City Manager ~`~ FROM: Mn. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer DY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector I~~~- SUDJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension far Tract 12835 Undergrounding, located on the east side of Ylneyard Avenue 600 feet north oP Arrow Highway, submitted by Park Yineyard ,.~_. v...~.~... RECOMMENDATIOM It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND improvement A regiment and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 12835 Undergrounding were approved by the Ctty Council on September 7, 1989, in the following amounts: Faithful Perforaunce Bond/Labor A Material Bond: 3100,000 The developer, Park Vineyard Joint Venture, 15 reRuesting approval of a 9-awnth extension on said improvement agreement in order to coordinate the scheduling of cable television which 1s the last remaining utility to be undergrounded. Cop/es of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submit ~~ NJO:SMG:sd Attachments ?IGi2 Guirien,iminys ks{. Strife 2'0 DiamonABur G4 91'65 February 27, 1991 6h`. Steve Gilliland Public 1lbrks Inspector city of Rancho (nceaanga P.O. Box 807 Aencho Qncemonga, G1 91729 RB: I~rovement Agreement 1Yact 12835 Ikar Steve: n~[h30~'~~~ ~~]] ;'v142 0 t ,god f;i! Ci 2ANC~'~4 C:1UNC+iGP Enclosed is the extent ion (in triplicate) to the IrtQrovarent Agremcnt for the above mentioned tract. Ae you are aware, we waited for SlB to conplete the undetgrotud utilities that rovers the frontage of our project, until September 19A0. Upon carQletion, we were told by city inepectlon, that the cable tv also needed to be underground. L7e are now in the proceea of contacting the cable emQwry for coordination in undergrounding the cable. We are requesting a full nine (9) months ext ention, because we are not sure of IICP Cablevision end Ckancaet Cable's schedule of our project. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have erry questions, and again "thanks" for your help in this matter. Sincerely, IyIU 1Q ill ~iS1ii.Irn.1h.L Arena M. Ulibarri PAIHC VINBYAid) JOIbIl' Vfi7flIIiB Enclosure; ec: Steven Chan RESOLUTION N0. Cf~!-07g A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION ANO IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12835 UNDERGROUNDING WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Gaiifornta, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on March 20, 1991, by Park Vineyard Joint Venture as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent tib the real progertY specifically described therein, and generally located on the east side of Vineyard Avenue 600 feet north of Arrnv w~,wry; ,;;~ WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and suDJect to the terws thereof, is to De done in con3unction with the development of said Tract 12835 Undergrounding; and WHEREAS, said ImproveaKnt Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which 1s identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Caiifornla hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor 15 hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behal9 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~T~PF REPilRT GATE: March 20, 1991 T0: CTty Couneil and City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY; Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector II ~ SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13304, located on the northwest corner of Terra Vista Parkway and Mountain Y1ew Or1ve, submitted Dy Lewis Homes RECOMMEMD11TId1 It Ts recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,~ect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13304 were approved by the City Council on October 5, 1989, 1n the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: f1,193,430 Labor and Material Bond: f 591,705 The developer, Lewis Haines, is requesting approval of a 60-dAy extension on said improvement agreement in order W pave the streets, which will caepl ete the Lract. Ccpies of the improvement Agreement Extension are available 1n the CTty Cierk's Office. Respectfully su fitted, ~02 C9'lLec~ WJO:SMG:sd •.J Attachments 1 Lewis Homes Management Corp. 1156 Nonh Moun"in Avenue/ P.O. Box 670/ UpIaM, California 91785 714ry65-0971 FAX: 714ry49~6700 February 18, 1991 City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Attn: Steve Gilliland Engineering Division Dear Steve: Enclosed please find our Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13304 which we would like to extend Por 60 days in order to complete the work on an alternative procedure and/or policy for providing the final asphalt "cap" on the adjacent collector streets. Also enclosed is our check for $251.00 to cover this extension. we would appreciate your consideration of this extension request. Sincerely yours, LSE S MAN NT CORP. Jas ph M. Oleson~ Vi a President Senior Project Manager JMO:ksk Enclosures I ~` RESOLUTION N0. ~~~ O7! A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMGNGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVENG IMPROVEiENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEIfNT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13304 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancbo Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on March 20, 1991, by Lewis Hames as deveioper, far the Improvement of public right-of-way at~acent to Lice real property speclficaily described therein, and generally located on the northwest corner of Terra Vista Parkway and Mountain Wew Drive; and NNEREAS, the instailation of such Improvements, described 1n said Improvement Agreement and sub3ect to the Lena thereof, 15 to be done 1n con,{unction with the developaent of said Tract 13304; and NHEREAS, said Im rovtuent Agreement Extension is secured and accaepanled by good and sut~ftcient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor 1s hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. I~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF RE~'CDRT GATE: March 20, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, Lity Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector I~-~, SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13664, located an the east side of Haven Avenue north of Church Street, submitted by Lewis Nomes RECONlENDATION It is recommended thet the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subJect agreement extension and security and authortzing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign sold agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement AgreeeKnt and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the puD11c Improvements for Tract 13664 were approved by the Cfty Council on February 22, 1990, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: (140,000 Labor and Material Bond: f 70,000 The developer, Lewis Homes, 15 requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said lmprovewent agreement in order to complete the street fmpravearer~ts and to compensate for delays with the San Bernardino County Flood Control tllstrlct acquiring permits. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submitted, , , ' G WJO:SMG:sd ~ ~(~ Attachments Lewis Homes Management Corp. I I Sfi Noah Mowuin Avenue / P.O. @ox 676 /Upland, California 91783 7~4ry85-0971 FAR: 714ry49~6700 February 18, 1991 City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive P. O. BOX 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Attn: Steve Gilliland Engineering Division Dear Steve: Enclosed please find our Improvement Agreement Extension for Tracts 13664 and 13664-1 which we would like to extend for one year due to unanticipated delays in acquiring a permit from the Ban Bernardino Flood Control District for the improvement of the District's right-of-way adjacent to this Tract, and the general slowdown in the real estate market which has resulted in an unanticipated extension of the time required to use the "Phase I" temporary Sales Office access. This has delayed the final street improvements. Also enclosed is our check for $251.00 to covey this extension. we would appreciate your consideration of this extension request. Sincerely yours, Rr t~y~ CORP. Jo p M. Oleson Vi a President Se for Project Manager JMO:ksk Enclosures ~V RESOLUTION N0. -! ~' OZf~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13664 IAiEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for Its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on March 20, 1991, by Lewis Haines as developer, for the improvement of publlt right-of-way ad,{acent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the east side of Haven Avenue north of Church Street; and NNEREAS, the installation of such Improvements, described 1n said Imyrovement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in con,lunction with the development of said Tract 13564; and NNEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension 1s secured and accompanied by good and sufficient improvement Security, which is identified to sold Improvement Agreement Extension. NOM, TNEREFp1E, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resoives, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign Bald Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~9 -- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA SfiA~'F REPORT DATE: March 20, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Ma. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector II~ SUBJECT: Release of Security for Plot Ptan 86-81, located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard east of Baker Avenue RECOMIEMDATION: It is recoamK'nded that City Council release the Faithful Performance Certificate of Deposit for Plat Plan 86-81. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Plot Plan 86-81 (County designated number in 1970) is located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard east of Baker Avenue. The Agreement and Security for the offsite laprovesents were accepted by the County of fan Bernardino od February 2, 1970. The required construction vas complete shorty thereafter; however, the County never received a request to release the security. At this time, the developer 1s now requesting the security to be released. The County has transferred the Improvement and Security to the City of Rancho Cucamonga since the required improvements are 1n the City's ,lurisdlction. Since the improvesents have been completed, it 15 being recommended that City Council release the Security. Developer: First Trust Bank Linda Nedgcoth P.O. Boz 1900 Ontario, CA 91762-0900 Release: Faithful Performance Certificate of Deposit f8,000.00 Respectfully submit ~/•~~ V ~ ~ NJO:SMG:sd CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF 1~.F~'fDRT DATE: March 20, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector I~~~ SUBJECT: Acceptance of Improvements, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for Tract 13444 located on the south side of Fairmont Way between MilUken Avenue and Fairmont Way RECOMENDATION: The required street improvements for Tract 13444 have been completed 1n an acceptable manner, and 1t 1s recommended that City Council accept said Improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Band in the amount of f50,612.00, authorize the Ctty Engineer t7 file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Falthfui Performance Bond 1n the amount of 5506,125.00. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 13444 - located on the south side of Fairmont Nay between M1117ken Avenue and FatnAOnt Way DEVELOPER: The William Lyon Company 8540 Archibald Avenue Suite 9 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $50,612.00 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 5506,125.00 Respectfully submit /~~ WJO:SMGay 1. Attachment RESOLUTION N0. 9~-C~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOIL TRACT 13444 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NNEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 13444 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is reoutred }„ b s+leA __,LifJiay NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. ~d' - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: March 20, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Ms. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Morks Inspector II ~,a~f" SUBJECT: Release of Maintenance Bond for Tract 12952, located on the south side of 19th Street between Raven Avenue and Deer Creek Channel RECONEIOATIOM: it is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds BackgroundJAnalysis The required one year maintenance period has ended and the street Improvements remain free from defects pn materials and workmanship. DEYELOPER: Glenfed Developaent 16601 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 200 Encino, CA 91436 Release: Streets Storm Drain Maintenance Guarantee Band 595,000 520,900 Respectfully suhmltte~./ . (i~' ~~ NJO:SMG:sd CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: March 20, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Ma. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector I1-'`7~5~-T SUBJECT: Release of Maintenance Bond for Tract 13563, located on the west side of Netherlands View Loop south of Vintage Drive REC01/EMDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authortze the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds Background/Analysts The required one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects 1n materials and workmanship. DEVELOPER: Marlborough Development 2029 Century Park East Los Angeles, CA 90067 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 511,200 Respectfully submitted) ~ ~~~~ wJO:SMG:sd CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 53'AFF REF~R.'i' DATE: March 20, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Linda R. Beek, Jr. Engineer SUBJECT: Accept the Nineteenth Street Improveaw:nt Project, Contract 90-137, located between Archibald and Haven Avenues, as caaplete, extend the Faithful Performance Bond for one rear '' •'~~ ~~ " iiai„i.enance uona, Release the Certificate of Deposit and authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion". RECOMMENOATIOM: It is recomsended that the city Counc9l accept the Nineteenth Street Improvements Project as complete, authorize the Ctty Engineer to file a "Notice of Caapletlon", extend the Faithful Performance Bond for one year in-lieu of a Maintenance Bond and authorize the release of the Certificate of Deposit in the amount of 529,081.00, thirty-five days after the recordation of said notice, if no claims have been received. Also, approve the finel contract amount of 5351,968.50 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subfect project has been completed in accordance with the approved ThenfinaT contracttamountn9s t351e%8t50fawhicholnludesitthreemtnor change orders for extra work including additional sidewalk, drive approach, block wall, a fourth rail on bridal fence and a double drive Concilo wasn 5311,892 00 and~t4he 4revTsed~amountT approvednbyaLOUncfl 1s 5351,%8.50. Respectfully subml~~ C~~ wJO:LRB:Iy Attachment cc: Purchasing RESOLUTION N0. y /' O ~~- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC SMPROYEMENTS FOR NINTEENTN STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, CONTRACT N0. 90-137, AND AUTNORIZiNG THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Nineteenth Street Improvement Project, Contract No. 90-137, have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and ::1;Ln2i~.i, a Notice of Compl etf an is required to be f11 ed, certifying the work complete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work 1s hereby accepted and the Ctty Engineer is authorized to sign and f11e a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. ...) ~ CITY OF RANCHY~OLC~DUCAiMyOrpN~GA ~~n~~ ibiil ~l~l DATE: TO: FROM: BY: env ~snm. March 20, 1991 i Mayor, Members of the City Council and City Manager Joe Schultz, CLP, Community Services Director David B. Statton, Assistant Park Planner - --_ '"r- --_ IMPROVEMENT PRQTECT - PHASE ONE Recommend that the City Council: 1. Accept ae complete the improvements to Etiwanda High School Field Project - Phase one; and 2. Approve the attached Resolution authorizing the Community Services Director to file a Notice of Completion for the improvements of Etiwanda High School Field Project - Phase One. BACKGROUND The improvements of Etiwanda High School Field Project -Phase One have been completed to the satisfaction of the Community Services Director. The project improvements have also been acknowledged as complete by the Director of Buildings/Grounds of the ChaPfey Joint Union High School District, (sae attached letter dated March 5, 1991). It is therefore recommended that the City Council accept the project from the Contractor, Laird Construction Company, Inc., ae complete, and direct the Community services Director to file a Notice of Completion for the work. Re ctf y submitted, /~- J e Schultz mmunity S ices Director JS/DS/dak 57 Chaffey Joint Union High School District yar ,,, 7.11 WEST FIFTH STREET nw7Aa~n, rgL!F^RNL". 4"E21Ea" = i%7+i Bea~g57 i ~~ ~~ t SUEERINiENDENT OF aCM00La •660C4TF aVEERWTENDFNT aoaRD MEYpERa :[an E ..rtllnars INSTRUCTgN rtalHleen E Nlnray `~ ~ BMNa Hvnaon EmG Ltanm Iy p6 •aaL4TIWT aURERMITENDaNT ~armowJ iarno VERaDNREL :Hansa v cneney DonilU E Cu10 Garab W WOH March 5, 1991 Karen Emory CITY OF NANCNO CUCAMONGA Community Services Dept. P.O. Box 887 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 RE: Etiwanda Nigh School Field Improvements - Phase i Dear Karen: This correspondence will conYirm that the Chaffey Joint Union High School District acknoxledges the completion of the lat phase (west Fi elda) of the Etiwanda Nigh School Field Improvement Project, funded by the City of Rancho Cucamonga ea per the Agreement between the City and District dated August 2, 1989. Other than any warranty/guarantees you may have from the contractors, Eti wands Nigh School will couence use and maintenance of the Yield areas and facilities. The District and tha Nigh School sincerely appreciate ali your eiforta Tn the development oY these improved Facilities for both school and community use and trust that the funding delay for the balance of the planned improvements will only be a temporary delay. Sincerely, ~~~~~ JACK L. LUNDBUI ST Director 8uildinga/Grounds JLL/ab S~ SCHOOLS: 6LiA LOIM CFAFFEV gUULT EOUGEN)N CNACFEV . g~WANOA MONiCLAIP • OYTpglp vgLLEV VIEW g/-o&3 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE ETIWANDA HIGH SCHOOL FIELD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT - PHASE ONE AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements Por the Etiwanda Hiqh School Field improvements Project - Phase One have been completed to the satisfaction o1 the Community Services Director; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion ie regulred to be filled, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council oP the City OP Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve that the work is hereby accepted and the Community Services Director is authori2ed to sign and file a Notice of Completicn with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 20th day of March, 1991. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Dennis L. Stout, Mayor ,59 gip tic. 433 AN ~INA2~ICE OF 'III CCPL 47INCII+ OF '1Tlt CLTY ~ RANtSiC CDC4PT]NGAr CALZ'EC1~>II+. AMFSAlNf+ ~~ 1.12 OF 'IID; RAt7Cf'D QhR+Mt'>;'~A TRNIC@AL CODE A!ID BS1AffiSSflII'1C A NIIC LCIIMYSI PATdCTNG CCflCfTCN BAIL SCti®[IIJ% ATID pRGt7IDING FVR YZ71lII2E NODIFTCATIQiS BY RFgpTIJPTCN A. (i) 7tia City Coiar.>•l of the City of Fard~o CuCam~ has hexeto~tY decided to process ParkinT citations issued bf the San Hernatdun _._r osr.. rw.rmcni: within City's oozpomta limits. ~••.•+__ -(u) Section 4~ 3~5 oftl~ ~~ elation Lail av[wrfs as have C~ ° ~l aid/~. S:perior Carzts for the County of San Bernardino. (iii) All legal ~ rxniisites to the aOnPtian of this Ordiiettce have occtu red. B. nr.Tuiance. ~.~{~~ g4I2II,C71'ZDr the City CouTlCll of the City of Randlo Cucamonga does hereby ordain as follows: cFl['IZON 1: In all tPSPecfs as set forth in the Recitalsr Part A, of this oxdinance• SDCT'IOH 2• 'IIie City Camcil of the City of Parcho Cu ~?~'~ adopts as its bail sd~rlule the bail sdiedule attadnad hereto together with each hail amwmt sat forth therein. SEX.TION 3: Rhe bail sd~TUle set forth in E~dtibit npn attached hereto may be modified from time to time by Resolution of 'the City ~mcil of the City of Ramho CucamarKJa• cFCIRON 4: A na+ Section 1.12.030D is hereby added to Section 1.72.030 of Q:apter 1.12 of the Randio Cuaamon<~a Nlmicipal Cade to ready in words aid figures, as follvas: UnifoLm ^D. A fine as established in the most xecentlY~oado ~.ed of airy Bail Sd:edule when the infraction is based ~~ or stzPPN9 of provisions of this Nde regulating Pazk~r standing motor vehicles, acd a specific bail or fine has been set wi all oilier to the seckion so violated. 'This s~e~c,t.yi~o.n~ D shall s,~ ,sede Pasalty provisions pertainvg,to y+o. ,' roc stopping and statdu~g of motor vehicles contained in th>8 ~• ~~ Otdinatge No. 443 Page 2 SF7LTItN 5• the t4ayor etiall eicpi this Oedixwnce and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (35) days after its passage ak least nice in the x.,u..t t o,. its ,ttatt.,, a newspaper of general cixcvlation published in the City of Ctttario, Caiifoxnia, std cirwlated in the City Df 1LtIid1D Cures, a,tirar+,i,., ~C / Page 3 zaE*_BIr :~a~o RCMC 10.44.020(A) Parking on Divisional Island 525.00 RCMC 10.44.020(B) Blocking a Walkway $25.00 RCMC 10.44.020(C) Posted No Parking $25.00 RCMC 10.44.020(0) Prohibited Parking Rad Curb/Sign 525.00 RCMC 10.44. 020(E) Parking in Parkway $25.00 RCMC 10.44.020(F) Poatad No Parking-Construction/Equipment $25.00 RCMC 10.44.020(G) Within 20' o£ Crosswalk in Susinese D1scrlec p[~.vu RCMC 10.44. 020(H) Within 20' of Traffic Control Device $25.00 RCMC 10.44.030 Obstruction of Traffic $25.00 RCMC 10.44.040 Obstructing an Alley $25.00 RCMC 10.44.050 (A) Parking Vehicle For Sale $25.00 RCMC 10.44.050 (B) Repair/Wash Vehicle on Street $25.00 RCMC 10.44.060 Posted No Parking-Adjacent to School $25.00 RCMC 10.44.070 Posted No Parking-Narrow Roadway $25.00 RCMC 10.44.080 Posted No Parking-One Way Street $25.00 RCMC 10,44.090 Posted No Parking-One Way Roadway $25.00 RCMC 10.44.100 Parking on Grades in excess of 5$ 525.00 RCMC 10.44.110 Vending from Parked Vehicle $25.00 RCMC 10.44.120 Pasted No Parking-Temporary 525.00 RCMC 10.44.130 72 Hour Parking Violation $25.00 RCMC 10.48.010(8) Parking in Xellow Zone $25.00 RCMC 10.48.010(C) Parking in White Zcne $25.00 RCMC 10.48.020 Stopping Por Loading/Unloading $25.00 RCMC Stopping in Alley $25.00 RCMC 10.48.050 Stopping/Standing-Buses/Taxicabs $25.00 RCMC 10.48.060 axicab Stands Restricted Hus and i $25.00 3 T Otdi~noa No. 443 Page a RCMC 10.50.130 Permit Parking RCMC 10.52.020 Timg Limit Parking-Grego tong RCMC 10.52.050(A) aver Weight-Exceed 5 Tons RCMC 10.52.050(8) Over Waight-EXCegd 1 1/2 Tons or 80^ RCMC 10.52.050(C) Over Weight-EXCegds 3 TOna or 80" RCMC 10.52.060(A) Storing Unattached Trailer on Street RCMC 10.52.070 Parking on Private Property RCMC 10.56.010 Unrestricted Truck Route RCMC 10.56.020 Restricted Truck Route RCMC 10.56.030 Terminal Access Route RCMC 10.60.050 xandicapped Parking RCMC 10.64.030 Parking R.V, on Street 2 a.m. - 6 a.m. RCMC 12.oa.010(F) Illegal Parking-City Parks CVC 22502 (A) Unlawful Curb Parking CvC 22507.8(A) Parking in Handicap Stall CVC 22500.1 Parking in Fire Lana CVC 22515 Parking within 15' oP Fire xydrant UFC 10.207(K) Obstruct Fire Access Road CVC 21113(A) Unauthorized School Parking $25.00 $25.00 $172.00 5102.00 $102.00 $25.00 $50.00 $172.00 $172.00 $172.00 $100.00 $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $15.00 2 (~3 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: March 20, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Paul A. Rougeau, Traffic Engineer SUBJECT: Consideration of establishing speed limits on Spruce Avenue from foothill Boulevard to Elm Avenue and on Manzanita Drive from Hermosa Avenua to Haven Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: It 15 recommended that Section 10.20.020 of the Municipal Code be amended to provide for a speed limit of 40 MPH on Spruce Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Elm Avenue; and 35 MPH on Manzanita Drive from Hermosa Avenue to Haven Avenue; and making findings thereof. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Sections 22357 b 22358 of the California Vehicle Code allow titles to set speed limits in accordance with specific engineering surveys 1n order to more precisely establish the "reasonable and prudent" speed required under basic State speed law. This speed then becomes the basis for enforcement, eliminating the extreme discretion which otherwise could occur. Such a survey, less than 5 years old, is also required where radar is used for enforcement. A survey as required above has been conducted on Spruce Avenue and Manzanita Drive. The survey involved the determination of the prevailing speed of existing traffic by the use of radar, an analysts of the recent accident history and a search for any conditions not apparent to drivers which would require a reduced speed. The results of this survey is summarized in the attached table. After review of these results, it was found that the safety record of Spruce Avenue and Manzanita Drive are well wt thin expected 1eve15 and there are no unusual conditions not apparent to drivers. Thus, the observed prevailing speeds must be the predominant consideration in determtnin9 the speed limit. On Spruce Avenue, the traffic survey revealed the pace speed ranged from 37 to 46 MPH, a critical speed of 46 MPH, and a lower than expected accident rate. This is partly due to limited access and the undeveloped multi-family/commercial lanQ adjacent to this section of roadway. It is recommended a 40 MPH limit he established for this section because it adjoins an existing 40 MPH zone on the remainder of Spruce Avenue. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT MARCN 20, 1991 aac~E z On Manzantta Drive the pace speed ranged from 30 to 39 MPH, the critical Speed is 40 MPH, with a number of residential Intersecting streets, with school bus stops along it and a lower than expected accident rate. It is recommended a 35 MPN limit be established for this Section. CONCLUSION: A speed limit should be established that would be considered reasonable by most of the drivers on the street and still provide for effective enforcement. A speed limit such as this 1s set at, in most cases, the first 5 MPH Increment below the speed at which 85 percent of_the drivers are gofng. ft r.i A. -~ _ ~~• ~ ~I~yl~il ~N,II CI111C44C U, Y IY1411C1 ."] IY II IL UUl1.1 V11 1I'UA Lnr. 85 percent~level~accampanled with a higher level Of enforcement should reduce the accident rate to within expected levels. The proposed speed 11 m1ts are expected to be exceeded by 46$ to 57% of the drivers observed, however Lhe limits should provide an effective tool for law enforcement due to the clrcuastances under which they will be in force. Respectfully suMaityed, V' L~'`r'_'~ NJO: PAR:,j h cc; Dan Glass, Chairman, Public Safety Commission Attachment ~s L11(1I ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGq, CALIFORNIA, SECTION 10.20.020 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA C[TY CODE, REGARDING PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS UPON CERTAIN CITY STREETS A. Recitals (i) California Vehicle Code Section 22357 Provides that th15 City Council may, by ordinance, set prima facie speed limits upon any portion of any street not a state highway. (iii the i.iry irarric tngineer nos conauctea an engineering ana traffic survey, of certain streets within the City of Rancho Cucamonga which streets as specified in Part B of this Urdinance. (iii) The determinations concerning prima facie speed limits set forth in Part B, below, are based upon the engineering and traffic survey identified in Section A (111, above. 8. Ordinance NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLONS: Section 1 Section 10.20.020 hereby is amended to the Rancho Cucamonga City Code to read, in words and figures, as follows: 10.20.020 Decrease of state law maximum speed. !t is determined by City CounciT~ on afi nd upon E e~ as sb~ o-f an engineering and traffic investigation that the speed permitted by state law is greater than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist upon such streets, and it is declared that the prima facie speed limit shall be as set forth in th15 section on those streets or parts of streets designated in this section when signs are erected giving notice hereof: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Declared Prima Facie Name of Street or Portion Affected Speed Limit (MPH) Archibald Ave. - Banyan to north end 50 Archibald Ave. - 4th St. to Banyan St. 45 Arrow Rt. -Baker to Haven Ave. 45 Baker Ave. - 8th St. to Foothill Blvd 35 Banyan St. from Beryl St. to London Ave. 35 Banyan St. from west City Limits to Beryl St. 40 Base Line Rd. - west City limits to Carnelian 45 Base Line Rd. - Carnelian t o Hermosa 40 r ORDINANCE MARCH 20, 1991 PAGE 2 Declared Prima Facie Name of Street or Portion Affected Sy eed Lim/t (MPH) 4. Base Line Rd. -Hermosa to Spruce 45 10. Beryl St. -Banyan to end 45 11. Beryl St. - B00 N/o Lemon to Banyan 40 12. Carnelian St. -Vineyard to end 45 13. Center Ave. -Foothill Bivd. to Church St. 40 14. Church St. from Archibald Ave. to Elm 40 15. 8th St. - Grove to Haven 45 16. Etiwanda Ave. -Foothill to Summit 45 i7. rainoanc ur. - niiiiicen nve. co east ena ao 18. Grove Ave. - 8th St. to Foothill Bivd. 40 19. Haven Ave. - 4th St. to Htlson Ave. 45 20. Hellman Ave. -Foothill Lo Alta Laaa Dr. 35 21. Hellman Ave. - 500' N/o Manzanlta to Valley Yiew 40 22. Hellman Ave. - 6th St. to Foothill Blvd. 45 23. Hermosa Ave. -Base Ltne Rd. to H11son Ave. 45 24. Hermosa Ave. - Ntison to Sun Valley Dr. 40 25. Hermosa Ave. - Bth St. to Base Line Rd. 45 26. Highland Ave. -Amethyst to Hermosa 35 27. Highland Ave. from Hermosa Ave. to 800' west of Haven Ave. 45 28. H111s7de Rd. -Ranch Gate to Amethyst St. 35 29. Hillside Rd. -Haven to Canistel Ave. 35 30. Lemon Ave. -Archibald Ave. to Haven 40 31. Lemon Ave. -Jasper St. to Beryt St. 35 32. Manzanlta Dr. -Hermosa Ave. to Haven 35 33. 9th St. - Baker Ave. to Archibald Ave. 40 34. Red H111 Country Ciub Dr. - Foothill to Alta Cuesta 35 35. Rochester Ave. - Foothill Blvd. to Base Line Road 40 or 45 36. San Bernardino Rd. from Vineyard Ave. to Archibald Avenue 35 37. Sapphire St. -Banyan to end 45 38. Sapphire St. - 19th St. to Lemon 40 39. 7th St. -Hellman to Archibald Ave. 45 40. Spruce Ave. -Foothill 81. to Base Line Rd. 40 41. Terra Vtsta Parkway - Church to Belptne 40 42. Victoria St. -Archibald Ave. to Ramona 35 43. Yictoria St. -Etiwanda Ave. t0 Rt. 15 40 44. Yictoria St. - Haven Ave. to Mendocino 40 45. Yictoria Park Ln. -Fairmont Nay Lo Base Line Rd. 35 ll1 7 ORDINANCE MARCH 20. 1991 PA:: 3 Name of Street or Portion Affected 46. Victoria Windrows Loop (north A south) 47. Ylneyard Ave. -Church to Base Line Rd. 48. Ylneyard Ave. - 8th St. Lo Carnelian Ave. 49. Vintage Dr. - Milliken Ave. to east end 50. Whlttram Ave. - Etiwanda to east City limits 51. Wilson -Amethyst Ave. to Haven Ave. 52. Wilson - Haven Ave. to 200' east of l:anlstel AYe. Oeclared Prima Facie Speed Limit (MPH) 35 40 45 35 40 54 40 (Ord. 169 Section I (part), 1982; Ord. 39 Section 5.1, (1978). Rancho Cucamonga 5182 124 (il Both sixty-five (65) mites per hour and fifty-flue (55) miles per hour are speeds which are more than are reasonable or safe; (11) The miles per hour as state are the prima facie speeds which are most appropriate to facilitate the orderly movement of traffic and are speed iimits which are reasonable and safe on said streets or portions thereof; (iii) The miles per hour stated are hereby declared to be the prima facie speed limits on said streets; and (iv) The Traffic Engineer 1s hereby authorized and directed to install appropriate signs upon said streets giving notice of the prima facie speed limit declared herein. Sectton 2 The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published as required by law. Section 2 The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The Oa11y Report, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of n ar o, a ornia, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. ~~ 0 v U 0 U ~_ c~ H O T .~ U ~9 a 4 s -. 70 -° -W m ~a = ~ ~ o _ _ N P S ti ~ Y ~ u ~ g udi r r G U r { 6 CITY~r OF R7A, NC iH3O~CTUtC!A`MO~iNGA ~3~i'~al`'~` tl,l'i`t'V~1` March 20, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Jerry R. Grant, Building Official BY: Carlos Silva, Rehabilitation Specialist SUBJECT: CORRECTION OF CONFLILIS IN CITY ORDINANCE N0. 417, BY AOOPTIN6 CITY ORDINANCE N0. 417A OELETIN6 TABLE III-J, (TIME LIMITS FOR COMPLIANCE) RECOMNEN011TION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt accompanying Ordinance No. 417A deleting Table III-J Time Limits for Compliance from Ordinance No. 417. BACKGROUND: At the City Council meeting of March 21, 1990, Ordinance No. 417 was adopted which established a procedure and time frame for strengthening unrei nforced masonry buildings, as required by State law. AMALTS IS; Drecedent to commencing the notification process, it was discovered there was a conflict created by inadvertent inclusion of Table III-J, Time Limits for Compliance, in the ordinan re, 7h;s table was part of a peel :urinary draft and should have been deleted in the final ordinance. We have delayed notification to the owners in order that this conflict may be eliminated. The accompanying Ordinance No. 417A will delete the ina pro pri ate to bte and remove the contradiction. SUNIARY: When Ordinance No. 417 was adopted, Table III-J was inadvertently included. By adoption of Ordinance No. 417A, deleting conflicting Table III- J, the confl ict created by this inclusion will be eliminated. Respectfully submitted, n ~~~~~~~ Jerry R. Grant Building Official JG:CS :11 ORDINANCE N0. 417A AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA DELETING EXHIBIT "E" TABLE III-J: TIME LIMITS fOR COMPLIANCE REFERRED TO 1N ORDINANCE N0. 417 ENTITLED "EARTHQUAKE HAZARD REDUCTION IN UNREINFORCED MASONRY BUILDINGS" NOW, THEREFORE, the Council ofi the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION 1: All references to exhibit "E" Table I[I-J, Time Limits for Compmp ice, of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code made in ~r~•GG~.:C ..J. +.' vi ei.ia ,7uun~ii aiiaii Ve delBLee. SECTION 2: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shalt cause the same Lo be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this day of AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Dennis L. Stout, Nayor ATTEST: Debra J. Adams, City Clerk ~3 Ordinance No. 41) Page 5 Mi th in 270 days after the service of the order, the struc- tural analysis and plans for the proposed structural alterations of the building necessary to comply with the minimum requirements of this Chapter shall be submitted; or Hithin 2)0 days after the service of the order, a letter of intention to demolish the building shall be submitted. Any proposed demolition of a historical bu ild tng, as defined in Section 15.42.030, must first undergo landmark application review to determine the historical merit of the structure. In addition to review for landmark status, the Historic Preservation Commission shall determine the need for and required contents of a feasibility study to examine .,. v~~+~...~ ul Cc n,ulirm vu uenuiiiion wh 1Gn may 1nC lode a cost/benefit analysis, reconstruction alternatives, reloca- tion feasibility or other similar analysis dete Wined necessary by the Commtssion. The study shall be completed by a C?ty hired consultant, but financed by the applicant, and shall be reviewed by the Community Development Dtrxtor or his designee and reported on to the Historic Preserva- tion Commission. C. Building Permit. After plans or letter of intention to demolish are submitted and approved by the Building Official, the owner shall obtain a building permit, and commence and complete the required construction or demolition within the time limits set forth below. These time limits Shall begin to run from the date the order Ts served in accordance with Section 15.42.060 (A) and (B ). 1. The property owner shall have 1 year from the date the order is served to obtain a building permit to complete N ~E structural alterations or building demo3ltion. 2. The property owner shall have a total of 3 years from date the order is served to complete construction of any structural alterations. EXCEPTION: The Building Official may allow an eztenstan of t me, or obtaining a building permit or demonstrating compllarce with this Chapter as set forth in Section 15.42.050, of up to an additional one year, if it is demonstrated that there is no lamediate hazard to life safety and that there wtll be no adverse impact upon adjacent properties. Any further request for extensions of time shall be accomplished in the manner set farUi in Section 15.42,O60.C for appeals. 7f Ordinance No. 417 Page 6 15.42.060 Administration. A. Service Of Order. The Building Official shall issue an order, as provided in Subsection (D) below, to the owner of each building within the scope of this Chapter. Service of the order shall not occur until such time that the City Planner and Building Official shall determine that the incentive programs, referenced in Section 15.42.070.F, are in place and operational, but shall be no longer than 210 days from the date of enaction of the Ordinance. Contents Of Order. The order shall be in writing and shall be served either nermnally or by rnrfi ll eA n• .e,.r,~e.en .. 11 ~~ the owner as shown on the last equalized assessment, and upon the person, if aqy, in apparent Charge or control of the building. The order shall specify that Lhe building has been determined Dy the Building Official to be within the scope of this Chapter and, therefore, 1s required to meet the minimum seismic standards of this Chapter. The order shall specify the rating classification of the Dutlding and shall be accompanied by an informational pamphlet, as referenced in Section 15.42.O70.F, which shall also include a copy of Section 15.42.050 and shall include alternatives and time limits for compliance. ApDeai Order. The owner or person in charge or control of the building may appeal the Building Official's determination that the building is within the scope of this Chapter to the City Council. Such appeal shall be filed with the Building Official within 30 days from the service date of the order of the Building Official. Any such aDDeal shall be scheduled for hearing before the City Council, not later than 60 days after the date that the appear is fried. Such appeal shall 6e made in writing upon appropriate forms provided therefor by the Building Official, and the grounds for appeal and the ,justification thereof shall be stated clearly and concisely. Each aDDeal shall be accompanied by a filing fre as determined by City Council Resolution. D. Recordation. At the time that the Building Official serves the aforementioned order, the Building Official shall file with the Office of the County Recorder a certificate stating that the subject building is within the scope of Title 15, Chapter 15.42, "Earthquake hazard Reduction in Unreinfrrced Me sonry Buildings' of the Rancho Wcaaonga Municipal Code. The certificate shall also state that the owner thereof has been ordered to stroctur- ally analyze the building and to structurally alter it or demo- lish it where compliance with Chapter 15.42 is rat exhibited. 7-J Ordina nee No. 417 Page 24 EXHIBIT "E" TA8I81II•I Ai1.OWA8Ia 31~At2 6Ttil~ MR'fES'I6D OI~IIQFORCitiD ItiA~0E1R! WALi.6 s01Y O/'PfZSS ^tifi01S1 AVt~~Oti'RH'! tiitiOldl t7fibl~C DMllAllti DI llq I7DT ltti•1'dM 0/tJOtuf IIl}R tiQ~ti~ ~ 30 ylw a~dat et~eee ~p ~ Iy. eteer 17 Or' ~ µ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I 6 ye1• i a~dal ne or 100 u h more 07 or man 10 Pal mea' •AOewab4 absr ahm may be Imnrdb) addl0ao d lOM d We aaW theca d¢e to Ou wd(bt d the well dMatty above. , TASia II[d: lad L1Sa'Pb !OR OrAl0~T0 Otil~IIllOIIatlp ~~ Nfaatlone ar Demolttloa ar It10 1~emf Wt0 tlw0 100dge 100 1 •Msnaed from date dbutYlt~ pnmtt Ywam DELETE r ~~ Ordinance No. 417 Dage 25 EXHIBIT "F" TABi.6 ~.6 SERVICE PRIORriYSU AND EZTENDED T11~ TROVI8ION0 RAT111O OCCtaYAIR' 1~10~[ QI1~011 Q clwesnlcwrloa raw sast~onoo~ +as~tttetewau. ttatstttevt~ ALl~~111t v maraaao tt~ nut euuam~ too Q ~ mo dtv~ ttp dq~ L[adlum Hutt ~ r]m 20 170 dq~ i!0 d~ SWldto{ butt~rtAm tao fa. Hutt Bulidmt I~r tl~ Za 170 dpi 1 ~wr •[a.uund [~ the ~tM mr. d tmu weM. Twsu m-c: ~onlzarrAt roacz rACTOBe BALED OPf RATDN} C1SMBt,IGTBMf ttA'IIIt'ti clwrrv~c~rws fib tttp, ttut t o.ivv 6tedtum/t.ov tu.t also 77 - CITY OF I2ANCH0 CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: March 20, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engtneer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector I1 SUBJECT: Approval oP Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 12462 Dententton Basin, located on the south side of Summit Avenue between East Avenue and Etlwanda Avenue, submitted A+ Net ems,, .. , -- - RECOMMEIMTI011 It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subtect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 12462 Detention Basin were approved by the Ctty Council on September 7, 1989, 1n the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: E11,600 Labor and Material Bond: E 5,8110 The developer, First Family Homes, is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on 5afd improvement agreement because the escalating costs have made it necessary to obtain a new construction loan. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are avatlable in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submitted C1~ NJO:SMG:sd Attachments _ ~~-~~ ~'.~\I~~,~ ~ fit)\i{~; March 6, 1991 City of Reneho Lucanonga 10500 Cavac Center Drive Rancho Lucanonga, 0a. 91730 Attn: Steve Gilliland Subject; Tract 12962 Detention Bea in Iaproveaent Agreement antl Senuritioe. Dear Stave, Me rould like t0 eak for s trelve f12) aonth extension to our iaproveaent a9reeaent for the offerte detention buin on Tract 12462. TAe rork reuining and udea the outlet pipe and the concrete rork for the besan. The sain reason this rork ham not been finished ie due to s shortage of saney. Phaee one salsa have been very elor, therefore the cosi at the projec! is sore than anticipated. It has been ditflcult to get an increase in the eonalructlon loan and to get a ner loan for Phsae IT. In aAort, re rauld like to have a tine extension ae requested above in order to rork out these difficulties. I appriciate your cooperation in this setter, and iS you have any coaeents or concerns, please call se at 17141 626-3979. Sincerely, r Michelle De Nart Director of Planning i Engineering 7q 675 W Foothill Blvd.. SDlte 100. Claremont California 91711 •17191 B26d979 ~ F.4X 171416Y-0333 RESOLUTION NO. ~~'O6~ A RESOLURION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIN1NG11, CALIFORNIA, AopROYING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY Fpt TRACT 12462 DETENTION BASIN WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cutaeon9a, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed an March 20, 1941, by First Family Naives as developer, for the improvement of pubiic right-of-way adiacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the south side of Suamlt Avenue C~Lq:CS Cam.. ,,:eFuc uua ii.;wanua nrenue; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described to said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in con,lunction with the development of said Tract 12462 Detention Basin; and WHEREAS, said Imyrovement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufflcienL Improvement Security, which 1s identified 1n sold Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Meyor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest Lhereto. - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA Sfitl~`Y Iih1s:YUftT DATE: March 20, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO ENTER INTO A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT TO DISPUTE THE COLLOCTION OF BOOKING FEES AND PROPERTY TAX COLLECTION FEES BY SAN S:.u:nw,i::. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached Joint Powers Agreement which formalizes the joint approach of cities in San Bernardino County to legally dispute the validity of the County to collect booking and property tax collection fees. BACKGROUND: In 1990 Senate Bill 2557 passed in the California State legislature which, among other things, allowed Counties in Califomia to collect a fee for booking and property tax collection. The City of Rancho Cucamonga has discussed [he validity of the County to collect these fees and feel that it is not legal. Subsequent to the passage of SB2557, the County of San Bernardino has adopted Ordinance 3428 which authorizes [he County [o impose a booking fee. On Januazy 7, 1991 the County of San Bernazdino took minute action to impose property tax collection fees. The City of Rancho Cucamonga has discussed this same issue with o[hex incorporated communities within San Bemardino County and, unanimously, the cities agree [hat i[ is no[ legal for the County to collect, or withhold monies otherwise due the cities, for booking and property tax collection. ANALYSIS: Twenty two cities in San Bernardino County have informally joined together to file a law suit to dispute the County of San Bemazdino's ability to collect the two fees. In order to formalize the cities united efforts, a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA), outlining the intent and obligations of the cities in the proposed lawsuit, has been prepared. Respectfully s milted, Jack Lam, T City Manager attachment: Joint Powers Agreement ~v JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT BY A.ND AMONG THE CITIES OF THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 1. Parties. This loin[ Exercise of Powers Agreement, dated for the purposes of reference only, is entered into pursuant to Government Code Section 6502 by and among the following public agencies: City of Adelanto City of Apple Valley City of Bazstow City of Big Bear Lake City of Chino City of Colton City of Fontana City of Grand Terrace City of Hesperia City of Highland City of Loma Linda City of Montclair City of Needles City of Ontario City of Rancho Cucamonga City of Redlands City of Rialto City of San Bernardino City of Twentynine Palms City of Upland City of Victorville City of Yucaipa 2. i 1 , Each Party [o this agreement is a municipal corporation, duly authorized and existing under [he laws of the State of California, and situated within the boundaries of the County of San Bemardino. As such, Government Code Section 34501 grants to each Party the power to sue and be sued in its own name. A dispute has arisen between the Parties and the County of San Bernardino regarding [he validity and enforcement of County Ordinance No. 3428, which authorizes the County to impose and collect from cities a criminal justice fee for booking or other processing. The Ordinance further authorizes [he County [o collect delinquent fees through offset. The County has indicated its intention to impose and collect these fees from gll cities, including [hose cities which contract with the County for law enforcement services ("Contract Cities"). A large number of cities have expressed their opposition to the fees and have unsuccessfully requested the County to reconsider its position and to look for alternative sources t'or revenue. The Parties therefore desire to pursue [heir common goal by filing suit against the County of San Bemardino. ~3 3. Puryose. The purpose of this agreement is to provide for the efficient resolution of the Pazties' common legal claim. Although each Party has the right to bring similar litigation separately in its own name, the resulting litigation by all 22 cities would be duplicative and, in some cases, prohibitively costly. Through this agreement, the Parties desire [o set forth the terms and conditions under which one action may be maintained on behalf of all Parties; to provide for the management and direction of such litigation; to provide for the allocation of litigation expenses; and to set forth vazious other matters relating to [he prosecution of the cities' claims against the County of San Bernardino. The Parties do not intend to create a seoazate public aeencv throueh this a_reement and no provision of this agreement should be so construed. 4. Authorization [o File Suit. By execution of this agreement, each Paz[y authorizes and directs [hat suit be filed and diligently pursued, in the names of the Parties, against the County of San Bemardino, its Board of Supervisors and such administrative officers as may be appropriate, for [he general purpose of challenging the validity of County Ordinance No. 3428 and the imposition and collection of booking fees from contract cities and other cities in the County. 5. A1lministration of Agreement. The administration of activities called for in this agreement is delegated to and vested in an Administrative Committee. The Administrative Committee shalt be comprised of the city managers of Highland, Vic[orville and Rialto. Each member of [he Administrative Committee shall be, at all times, an officer or employee of a Party to this agreement. [f any member ceases to be an officer or employee of a Pazty, or if the member's agency ceases to be a Party [o [his agreement, a new member shall be promptly selected in the same manner as [he original member. The Administrative Committee shall keep all Parties informed of the composition of the committee. The Administrative Committee is authorized and directed, on behaif of all Parties, to perform all acts necessary or desirable to execute and administer [his Agreement including, but not limited to: selecting and retaining legal counsel and consultants; providing day-to-day management and direction of the litigation, including the right to determine all matters of tactics and strategy on which legal counsel requests direction; authorizing, evaluating and monitoring legal expenses; and conducting ~~ settlement negotiations, if any, provided that any proposed settlement agreement shall require the unanimous consent of all agencies then Party to the Agreement. 6. Accounting Services. The Director of Finance of the City of Highland shall provide accounting services for all payments and receipts required by the terms of this agreement, and shall be responsible for the safekeeping of all funds paid by or to the Parties ro [his Agreement. 7. Obligation of the Pazties, Each Party to this agreement shall: a. Pay, upon demand, its "appropriate share" of all expenses incurred in the performance of activities called for by this agreement. The "appropriate share" of each Party shall be calculated as follows: All expenses shall be apportioned equally among the pazties. In the event of termination by any Party to this Agreement, the Director of Finance of the City of Highland shall recalculate the appropriate share of each Party to the Agreement, and shall notify each Party of the results of that recalculation. b. Upon execution of this agreement, pay to the Finance Director of the City of Highland, the sum of $500 which represents a retainer to cover initial legal review and review by a financial consultant of [he adequacy or validity of the amount of the booking fee. c. Pay, upon demand, its appropriate share of litigation expenses which exceed the estimated expenses set forth under subparagraph b, above. All bills and invoices for expenses incurred pursuant to this agreement shall be directed to the Birector of Finance of the City of Highland, who shall calculate the amount owned by each Party under the formula set forth in subsection a, above, and bill each Party accordingly. Bills shall be prepared for each calendar quarter in which activity occurs and shall be payable to the City of Highland immediately upon demand. 8. Termination of Agreement. This agreement shall terminate as to any Party upon occurrence of any of the following conditions: ~~ a. 15 days prior written notice of termination by any Pazty given to the then chairperson of the Administrative Committee; provided, however, that the terminating party shall be liable for its appropriate share of any expenses incurred up to the date notice of termination is received which exceed the termination Party's contribution under paragraph 7.b; and provided further, that in no event shall a terminating party be entitled to a refund of all or any part of its contribution made under paragraph 7. b. b. Automatically, upon the failure of any Party to pay its appropriate share of litigation expenses within 60 days of date of invnire 9. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended at any time upon the approval of all Parties to the Agreement. 10. Notices. Except where this Agreement specifically provides otherwise, any notices to be sent to any party shall be directed to the office of the City Manager of tho Party, with copies to the city managers of all pazties. Executed on 1991, at California, by: CITY OF ATTEST: EY - ...-.._ EY Mayor City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney ~~ - CIT] OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~fiAI~ F Ii,~P~IZT Date: March 20, 1991 To: Mayor, City Council and Ci*.y Manager From: Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director Subject: CONSIDERATION OF COST ALLOCATION AND USER FEE STUDIES RECOMMENDATION: The City Council consider the concepts in the cost allocation and user fee studies and direct staff on how to proceed for implementation of the studies. BACKOROUND- As the City provides its services to the public, the State Constitution sets forth a re spons iDility to recover all the cost (overhead and direct) of providing thn se services, where practical. As a result of this need to recover costs, local governments conduct cost allocation and user fee studies to help them identify all the costs associated with providing each service. The City had cost allocation and user fee studies conducted and the information has been presented to the City Council for review and discussion. At this time when revenues are declining and the State Legislature insists on reducing local agency revenues, it becomes more important that the City be able to establish appropriate charges to cover the cost of providing services ,.,, the City's residents. The cost allocation and user fee study presents each of the City's service centers and discusses the cost far providing those services. The City Council is being asked to determine the appropriate charge for providing specific services. There are levels of subsidy indicated in the report documents showing the amount of fees to be charged in order to have a specified percentage subsidy by the City's general fund. The goal is to reduce general fund subsidies for service activities that are provided to specialized publics rather Lhan the general city public. ~~ Sta Ff Report March 20, 1991 Page 2 The consultant will be discussing the philosphy of the studies and presenting that general ?nforma Lion to the City Council at the meeting. At the conclusion of the presentation, staff and the consultant wfll be available to address any questions you may have. At the conclusion of the discussion and question period, staff will be asking for direction on how to proceed with implementation of the studies. Respectfully submitted, l i"1/ J Administrative Services Director JH/rs V v CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: March 20, 1991 Mayor, Members of City Council and City Manager Jom Schultz, CLP, Community Services Director Karen McGUira-Emery, Associate Park Planner HF.VT ~W OF THE P uK DEIn* ~N."~FEE SCHEDULE Information regarding the propomed Park Fsa Update was provided to Council in a Memorandum dated Narch 8, 1991. last updated in 1987, the land value in the six land use categories as well ae the park development cost per acre ate currently proposed for revision. The Consultant, David M. Griffith and Associates, who prepared the Park Development Fee Nexus with regards to AB 1600 as well as automated the Park Develpment Fae Model, will be present at the March 20 Clty Council meeting to answer any questions council may have regarding the study. If Council desires to update the Park Devllopment Fee Schedule, a Public Hearing will be noticed and sat for the April 3, 1991 City Council meeting. Fespectfully submitted, Joe chultz community serv c Director JS/KS/dak CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT -,-~". ,,- a DATE: March 20, 1991 ;(1 ' T0: City Council and City Manage\J~~ U FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer]`/z BY: Paul A. Rougeau, Traffic Eng((((?iii''''nell/%r SUBJECT: Consideration of estabiishing a Transportation Development Fee replacing the current System Development Fee Wll clluy, 411C Vl yy buiieb La a +yaLa" uevei up,I1G,16 !ee i, mn 4ii uev ei upllMlil when bull ding permits are issued. This fee, which was adopted soon after incorporation, is 1% of the building Dermit valuation. Although this fee is for mitigation of cumulative traffic impact<_ of projects throughout Lhe City, it has no direct relationship to traffic generated by a protect. State law now requires this relationship to be the basis for such a fee. This 1989 State law, A81500, requires a connection or "nexus" be established between a development and any impact for which a fee is assessed. A nexus procedure has been developed based on *_he City's recently completed traffic model which describes the relationship between a proposed development and its traffic impact on aqy part of the City street system. This proposed nexus procedure provides the basis for a comprehensive program of traffic improvements and a related funding and implementation mechanism. The future circulation system in the City of Rancho Cucamonga requires many new facilities and improvements to existing streets. Some of these will be built by adjacent development while others are categorized as "offsite" and will be funded 6y a combination of development fees and development ml Ligation measures. The program to fund these offsite future transportation improvements is based on the nexus concept which equates the costs allocated to new development to the benefits received. The procedure determines a fair share financial obligation for new development in any part of the City thereby assuring equitable and orderly development of the City's circulation system. If Council desires to establish a Transportation Fee Schedule, in place of the current Systems Development Fee Schedule, a Public Hearing will be noticed and set for the April 3, 1991, City Counctt meeting. A report will be submitted at that time that details the procedure and describes Lhe methods used to arrive at the determination of the proposed fees. Respectfully subm Led, / ~ ~~ NJO:PAR:sd CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 5`t'AI'~' REPORT DATE: March 20, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Monte Prescher, Public Norks Engineer SUBJECT: Authorize the purchase of Lot 11 Tract 13930 from Wlnbrook to the amount of f141,000 for the relocation of the Ledig House and authnri sn fho nronaratl nn nnirar• Mrranante anA_ nl one Fnr Fha moving and rehabilitation of the house RECONEMDATION: It is recommended that City Council approve and authorize the purchase of Lot I1 Tract 13930, location on the southeast corner of Hellman Avenue and future Wilson Avenue, far the amount of f141,000 from Winbrook Developers. The above site is to be used for permanent site of the Ledig House. Also, it is recommended that City Council authorize staff to prepare contract documents and construction plans for the moving and restoration of the Ledig House at the above site. Funding for this project would come from the RDA. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Several years ago the City purchased the real property located at 5702 Amethyst Street for future street purposes (Wilson Avenue). Located on the property is a two story dwelling found to be of historical Significance commonly known as the Ledig House. Due to the significance of the structure, a decision was made to relocate the house. Sale of the house was advertised and bids were received and opened. Dnly one bid was received. The bidder did not have a buildable lot (minor sub-dlvisi on required) as required by the bid documents. All bids were rejected. Staff then attempted to negotiate the relocation of the house but their efforts were unsuccessful due to the expense of moving the structure and bringing it up to code. In addition to the normal requirements such as making the house acceptable pursuant to the appropriate codes, it was required that the uncompleted newly constructed addition be moved with the house and the new Site be west of Haven Avenue and north of Base Line Road. Approval to remove the above two conditions was granted. An open house was held at the Amethyst site and negotiations with interested parties took place. After several months of working with one very interested party, the party gave up due to the expense of the project (move, lot requisition b restoration). CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT LE"uIG HOUSE MARCH 20, 1991 PAGE 2 Nhen the south side of Arrow Highway was improved between Archibald and Hermosa Avenues, the City acquired the real property east of and adjacent to the Neighborhood Center. Due to the need for additional space and the availability of a lot, approval of the Neighborhood Center site and approval to proceed with steps towards moving the house to the site was granted. After considera4le time, all of the costs associated with moving the house, clearing the existing site, bringing the house up to code for comaercial use and making it usable for the intended purpose were obtained. The following is a summary of the estimated cost to move the Ledig House to the Neighborhood Center site: House Mover Raising 8 lowering of telephone cable Raising d lowering of DCA table Raising d lowering of Simmons Cable Raising & lowering of electrical lines Demo175h b dispose of uncompleted addition Clean site d fill basement d septic tank Remove trees Move traffic signals Remove and reinstall traffic signs Phase I Design (structural review of house design criteria, code requirements, foundation requirements, etc.) Phase I Construction (foundation, utilities 8 structural elements) S 30,000 Two bids received 100,000 Estimate by G.T.E. 10,000 Estimate by G.T.E. 10,000 No response from Simmons assumed to be same as above 25,000 Estimate by Edison 5,000 Estimate by City's maintenance contractor (Laird Construction) 3,000 Estimate by City's maintenance contractor (Laird Construction) 2,000 City tree crew 10,600 City's signal mal ntenance contractor 5,000 City sign crew 10,000 Consultant 40,000 Consultant 9~- CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT LECI6 HOUSE MARCH 20, 1991 PAGE 3 Phase II Design (exterior 8 interior s*.ructurai d architectural elements, landscaping, parking lot, d street Improvements) 35,000 Consultant Phase II Construction 290,000 Consultant Total Estimated Cost 5565,000 Note: Approximately 510,000 has been expended in aeterwtntng requirements ror cne move ana restoration plus f500 for a non-refundable deposit required by G.T.E. to prepare estimate for cable moving. There are only taro feasible routes for the move; 1) Nilson Avenue to Archibald Avenue to Arrow Route and 21 Nilson Avenue to Haven Avenue to Arrow Route. The Haven route appeared to be the better route according to the affected utilities, mainly G.T.E. Moving the house in two pieces was also considered. However, the roof could not be removed because it 1s integral with the second story. Therefore, the entire second story would have to be removed. In addition to two moves, the reconstruction would be considerable (approximately 5100,0001. Also, the architect's structural engineer recanwended against cutting the house in two due to unknown structural elements. The developer was begtnning to become concerned that the house, not being moved, would affect his protect. Staff explained the house moving situation to the developer. The developer advised that he would be selling some of all of the lots for custom homes and one lot was somewhat isolated from the future new homes and would be appropriate for the Ledig House. Staff expressed interest and the developer offered the lot to the City for the sum of 5150,000. Staff and the developer at a later meeting discussed the cost further. The developer indicated that after receiving his cost that he could sell the lot to the City for around f140,000. Staff then reviewed his written offer of f141,000 and finds it to be acceptable The idea of moving the house to this lot was then brought before the Htstorlc Preservation Co-tttee for consideration as an alternate site for the Ledig House. The alternate site was approved and preferred because it met all the original criteria and is part of the original Ledig property. The lot faces Hellman Avenue and is north and adjacent to an existing older and comparable home and bound on the north by future Nilson Avenue and a future wall {location map attached 1. 9.3 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT lEOiG HOUSE MARCH 20, 1991 PAGE 4 It is intended that the house be moved and restored 6y the City (under contract) and then placed on the market for sale. The cost will be considerable less than the Arrow site due to several factors as follows: No utilities, signals or signs to move between the existing site and the lot. • Restoration for a residential dwelling 15 considerably less rea iricci ve shoo wnac is regm rea for cammercl al use. • interior remodeling would be considerably less extensive due to the difference in uses. • No parking facilities or landscaping required for residential (however, a garage would be required for residential). • Street improvements included with purchase of lot. Also, there 15 an opportunity to recover a substantial portion of the cost incurred in relocation through Lhe safe of the house. Proceeds from the sale would reimburse RDA. The fallowing is a summary of the estimated cost to move the house to the Hellman lot: House move = 30,000 Shorter distance but Includes addition Move phone cables 0 Move OCA cables 0 Move Simmons cables 0 Move elec*.ric cables 0 Demolish addition 0 Clean site 3,000 No change Remove trees 2,000 No change Move traffic signals 0 Move traffic signs 0 Phase I Design 15,000 Increase due to new locatlort Phase I Construction 40,000 No change - same requirements Phase II Design 10,000 No landscaping, minor interior b code upgrades Phase II Construction 70,000 Includes garage Purchase lot 141,000 Includes street Improvements Total Estimate 5311,000 * Interior upgrades would include carpets, painting, repairs, tampletion of addition, cabinets (kitchen had a minor fire prior to acquisition by City), etc. 9~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REDORT LED10 NOOSE iiARCH 2u, ivgi PAGE 5 If City Council approves this recommendation, then staff will proceed with the preparation of plans, documents, options and estimates and present then and a request for approval to advertise to City Cauncll for consideration. Staff believes that purchasing the lot for the penaanent site of the Ledig Nouse is still the host vtabte option the City has had and therefore has Wade the above recoa~nendation for City Council's consideration. Respectfully subs/tted, <' ~~~. ~ ViIO:NP:sd ~~U`~~ Attachment 9s ?~(/Eac~rook _~% February 13, 1991 CILy of Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Attn: Nr. R. Gowez/Nr. N. Prescher Sub1: Relocation of Clty-owned House at 5702 Amethyst Ave. Dear Hssrs. Gomez and Prescher: This shall confirm our proposal wherein W & S Hellman Partners, current owner of Tract 13930 wl th the concurrence of Nr. Joe Hulnn of Outntessence Development, whom has contracted to purchase sa ld tract from W & S Hellman Partners, proposes to sell to the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga Lot No. JI of Tract 13930 for the price of 4141,000 for the purpose of rel ocattng the house now existing at 5702 Amethyst Avenue. We wtl] look forward to your review of this proposal In lieu of the alternate re]ocatton plan which involves mov/nq the house to a sfte on At'row Hlghwa y. Thank you for your consideration 1n tr,is matter. We awatt your reply Jn the near future. Sincerely yours, WINBROOK DEVELOPNENT, INC. JoJnt Venturer with W6 ~,5~/Hell wSanl^/~~y/~Partners%/~~///- President OSN/ab cc: John De Falco, Spectrum Homes Joe Bufnrs, Buln tessence Development Tract 13930/CJty of Rancho Cucamonga fJle Correspondence file 97 99 N. 5AN ANTONIO. SUITE 300 UPLAN 0. GAUFORNIA9A66 (]I d~9d63636 FqX~%10~96~86]2 ~ v~c~r~~-~v ~~~ , , N.T.S. _J_J l__L HILLSID~~ ~ "-`-' ~` I ~ IQI I~I ~I i ~w ~ w~_>~u~ FUTURE WILSON ~ ~ TRACT 13930 f I aropo etllsite LEDIG HOUSE WILSON EXIST. DWELLING J 6 m j~jID LL 98 rv O Q m 2 U Q ~L' CITYg,{OF 7RaA{NCpHO~ 7C~UyC'~AyM7~O~NGA iil~iFl~lbtll \TL U111 i1 DATE: Xnrth 20, 1991 TO: Diane Will tame, Council Humber FROM: aYry Henderson, PiLOCipal Planner SOBJECT: LEOIG HOUSE - RESPONSE TO POLLON UP OUBST IONS ON STAPF R As a follow up to your queetiona about the moving coet• for the Ledlg House, the city would Lncur the costa outlined below even 1f the house were not moved ...... -.d.3G.. ....o........... ..., w.,.. er ... ~.,. ......... ,...uu. .. ~oui.uu: Clean ihs Bite $ 3,000 (Pet staff report) Remove rises 2, DOD (Per staff report) House danwl it ion $16,000 (Estimate from City Eng. Dept. Contractor) $21,006 Resuming [heee costa should be deducted from the Hellman Avenue Alternative, the total net coat is $490,000. Conservat Lve ly eslimat ing s sale of $288,000, that would mean a 99.31 percent return to the Landmark Land Bank Revolving Fund. In texme of the $70,000 for the Phase II Improvamenter a coat breakdown ie provided below: Porch pilaster columns $14,000 Foundation - atone veneex 16,000 Misc. site work (walkways) 4,500 Wcod deck (connects old and news 2,500 Garage (3 car) 22,000 Painting/carpeting/repai.rs 11,000 Lastly, it is my belief thnt we ulll receive favorable bide for the house improvements by eolieitinq bide from the COBG home improvement contractors. Because iheu contractors speeialtze in then types of rehabilitntion and repair projects, they can offer the best price possible. I hope thin given you a clearer picture of this protect. PUUe glue me a call it you have further questions. Also, I em planning to attend the City Counril meeting this evening. Thank you. LH:ge cc: Mayor end Nssdoere of City Council Jack Lam, City Manager Linda Daniels, Deputy City Manager Rick Games, Community Development Director Brfld Bulls[, City Planner Joa O'Neil, City Sngineei Xonb Prucher, Pubic Works Engineer L.~NCE, 60LL k LVNti IZHAD CZRTIFIZD ]PVZLIO ACGOVRTAIITF RANCHO CUCAMONGA nnC YHVItUIIVIV UISIHIGI FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1990 RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dennis L. Stout Deborah N. Brown wuuam Alexander Charles J. Buquet II Pamela ,I. Wright L. Dennis Michael James Hart Debra J. Adams James L. Markman Became a Subsidiary district of the Cily of Rancho Cucamonga Area Served Population Served President Yce•President CITY OFFICIALS MISCELLANY Fire Chief and Department Head Treasurer Secretary Attorney Juy 1, 1989 50 square miles 115,300 RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Number INDEPENDENT AUDffOR'S REPORT 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Exhibit A - (:ombtned Balance Knee[ • wi tuna Type and Account Groups 3 Exhibit B -Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances -All Governmental Fund Types 4 Exhibit C -Combined Statement of Revenues, Expend'RUres, and Changes in Fund Balances -Budget and Actual -All Governmental Fund Types 6 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1Q SUPPLEMENTARY SCHEDULES Schedule 1 Combining Balance Sheet -Ail Special Revenue Funds 21 Schedule 2 -Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances -All Special Revenue Funds 22 Schedule 3 -Combining Statement of Revenue, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances -Budget and Actual -All Special Revenue Fund Types 23 ya~~ ~~ ~2M 3 (irMnlrgl AVP FraO J. W,gMrE, Jr, ~~ b` ~ SUI1B 280 L~,,,,y,~\WhRlllr, CA 60802 21 868 ~ ~ ~° u wandee:i. uunvn M nuiK.C uar 3) .8727 ( CEflNfIELI PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Fax 1213)8634566 coneux.m aoMnar.a~. awn..a c. sai City COUfICII City of Rancho Cucamonga Rancho Cucamonga, CalMornia INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT 'rre iieve auuiieri iile wnlpwroni unii iulanciai srarernnnrs of rile Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District as of and Tor the year ended June 30, 1990 as listed in the accompanying table of contents. These component unit financial statements are the responsibility of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these component unit financial staterents based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the component unit financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audR includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the component unit financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. The comoonent unit financial statements referred !o above include only the financial activities of the Rancho Cupmonga Fire Protection District. Financial activities of other component units that form the reporting entity are not included. In our opinion, the component unit financial statements referred to above present tairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Rancho Cucamonga r ire Protection District as of June 30, 1990, and The results of its operations for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. cuwanraaeo~rra JJ9WMI xemurt ~ Lance cen enm ~~~\ eccwxux rs {~ Cilty COUf1Cll City of Rancho Cucamonga Rancho Cucamonga, California Page 2 Our aud'R was made }or the purpose of forming an opinion on the component unit financial statements taken as a whole, The supplemental schedules listed in the accompanying table of contents are presented for purposes of additional .1.. .J .J ..A ..i ~6i. n~ ~ nP fin nl nlnln M_n_ n_{ 11~n Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District. ~ Such information has been subjected to the audfting procedures applied in the audft of the conponent unit financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairty presented in all material respells in relation to the component unit financial statements taken as a whole. ~~, ~~ ~~~ November 26, 1990 Q i ~ J E ~ 8 Gry OIJO {yr~ AN m• V ~ ~ yy~~ df yy ~~ qq~~ i6 ~~I • ~ k N F N b o » » f ° , ~ = l~~ I ~ .. ~~ ~I a a ~ ~ ~ ~ U a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I . ~ ~ I II ) QQ ll ~ z a c~ ` » I F ° O }y yI & Z ~ ~ ~ ~I II O ~ N » " A' u. ~ c z 7 J ~ a o ~ z z ~ ~m ~ 'm' I ~I '~ = ¢ ~ U W W f » U 2 ~ kFV' O V ~_~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 3 Q~ r $ !Q QQ ~Y XI ~~ N ~ F tTS iG ~~ ~~I » M ..~ ^i N » a ~ ~ ~I ~., ,~~1 N~ , ,~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~i N b b ~ A ~I PI II ~ ~ C . , ~~ ~~ a i l ~ ~ I 1 ~~ I 7 m ~ a W m S O Z ~& g = m ~~ _ ~E a oy N? g,~ W ~ am o W ECm ei$~ EJ Z~ ~ 'a ~ ~ %D°~2~~0 ~ _~eyy~.,~~5 S ~ B S 5~ qYZ F ~ =~2 ~ ~ W gg ~~ ~ 1- Ua~~W~~ 3 E~E? g 3¢~ 3< W W LL~ W m 3 r Y W 4i W U Z g a W O ~_ ~~ z G ((([wLLL ~i Q O J W ~ W 2 LL q ~a2 chW 22~ ww~ K Z T W Q J WWV Z~LL WC9 W W J Z ¢¢F- LL 2 0 F LL Z W W~ F Q F N Z m f O V ~° ~~~~~~~~kA£~ ~1~~~~v~v~~~~~k~m~m ~~M ~ a ~ Q$~~"':'8~~ qp {ap9IRC$di93°{V~N°'S~'~R~O1 7g$ ^^ F O ~ .- N t0 N ~ .- O~ \ ~V 0 tD p O N ~- V • N f O y N N m ' m ' ~I I I ~ 1 ~1 N . + ~ ~ ~ y mm ~ n ~ ~ i i~ r ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ I D (N O ~ V A 2 m ~ ~ ~N' Y R N ~ y ~ Y (II N N C + o yy ~1~1p~p~ pppp~~~~ I~ Aa7~~ O M N m Vp~p! 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