HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987/05/20 - Agenda Packet • CI CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETINGS ls[ and 3rd Wednesdays - 7:30 p.m. MAY 20, 1987 Lions Park Community Center 9161 Base Line Road Rancho Cucamonga City Councilmemben Dennis L. Stout, ,Novo. Pamela J. Wright, ~uaw,p,rrnm Deborah N. Brown, eovnn;mem0er Charles J. Buquet, cnvno;rm.ma~. Jeffrey King, cav„~dm.mrx. rrr Lauren M. Wasserman, rw ,Na~aa~. lames Markman. co-v aromrv Beverly A. Authelet, rry a..t< City ice: 989-1851 Lions Puk: 980-31~ LJ • ~a. f~ City Council Agenda May 20, 1981 PAGE 1 All items submitted for the City Council AgeMa must be in writing. The deadline for submitting these items is 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the meeting. The City Clerk's Office receives all such items. A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Dledge of Allegiance t0 Flag. 2. Ra11 Call: Brown _, Buquet _, Stout _, King _, and Nri ght _. 8. ANNDIINCEMEMTS/PRESENTATIONS NO ITEMS SUBMITTED C. COMSENT CALENDAR fie following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Cou~il at one time wltlqut discussion. My item may 6e removed by a Counc it member or member of the audience far A ft[ut ti nn 1. Approval of Narrants, Register No's. 4/29/87 and 5/6/87 1 and Payroll ending 4/30/87 for the total amount of ;1,772,905.15. 2. Alcoholic Beverage Applicati an far On Sele Beer b Nine 9 Eating Plate, Mama Leone's Italian Restaurant, Donald Gaglione, 9155 Archbald Avenue, Unit C. 3. Approval to execute agreement for installation oP 11 public improvement and dedication between The Geller Family Trust and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for i ~ ~ Street Frontage Improvements at 8151 Arrow Route. ~~ • Lity Council Agenda May 20, 1987 PAGE RESOLUTION N0. 87-243 12 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C[TY OF RANCHO CUCAMON6A, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AND DEDICATIOI FROM THE 60.LER FAMILY TRUST AND AUTlIDRIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME 4. Approval to execuk agreement for installation of 13 public improvement and dedieatton between Kenneth J. More 8 Nilliam H. Steele and the Lity of Rancho Cucamonga for Street Frontage Improvements at 8670 Arrow Rouk. RESOLUTIOI N0. 87-244 14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO LUCAMON611, CALIPoRNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTRLL"TIQI OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AND DEDICATION FROM KENNETH J. MDRE 8 NILLIAN H. STE0.E AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND LITY CLERK TO SIGN SANE 5. Approval of Resolution amending the unit amount for 15 fees in lteu of undergrounding exists ng overhead electrical lfnes. ~...,,.,,TIO" "O.."., -ASS on A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONfiA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTIpI N0. 86-143 ESTABLISHING FEES IN-LIEU OF UNDER6ROUNOIN6 OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES WHEN REQUIRED BY PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL 6. Approval to award the Baker Avenue and Arrow Route 21 Storm Ora in and Roadway Improvement Project to Vance Corporation Por the amount of SS1,628,411,85. 1. Approval of map, ezecu ti on of improvement agreement and 22 improvement security (letter of credit) for Tract ' 10246, locakd on the southwest corner cf Hillside Road and Haven Avenue, suhmitted by Luther Alkhaseh. C~ PAGE City Council Agenda May 20, 1987 • RESOLUTION N0. 87-246 23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON6A, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY, AND FIIWL MAP OF TRACT N0. 10246 8. Approval to execute improvement agreement and 'L4 improvement security for Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 7646, located on the south side of Hillside Road, west of Beryl Street submitted by Dominic Brucato. RESOLUTION N0. 81-247 26 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON611, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL 1 Of PARCEL MAP 7646 9. Approval to execute agreement for insUllatton of 'L7 public improvement and dedication between Paut Aparicio and Ida Aparlcio and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street Frontage Improvements at 8512 Arrow Route. RESOLUTION N0. 87-248 29 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANON6A, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN Af.RFFMFNY FOR twcTei i ~trnx nc a~eLC IMPROVEMENT AND DEDICATION FROM PAUL APARICIO AND (OA APARICIO AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR ANO CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME 10. Approval to award and execute professional services 30 agreement (CO 87-053) with the fine of Hackett 6 Kramer, Inc. to prepare construction plans, specifications, and estimates For the rehabilitation of Vineyard Avenue from Arrow Route to Foothill Boulevard. The fee amount of (14,500 plus 10f contingency will be funded from the Systems Development Fund. RESOLUTION N0. 81-249 32 i i i A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, TO ANARO NHD E%ECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HACKETT AND KRANZER, INC. TO PREPARE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ESTIMATES FOR 'ME REHABILITATION OF VINEYARD AVENUE FROM ARROM ' ROUTE TO FOOTHILL BOULEVARD • • City Council Agenda Nay 20, 1987 PAGE 11, Approval to authorize the recefpt of proposals for 33 Maintenance of Traffic Signals under the provisions established by the Streets and Highways Code for Public Nooks Maintenance. t2. Approval to authorize the receipt of proposals for 34 Maintenance of Street Striping and Stencil Marking under provisions established by the Streets and Ni ghways Code far Publie Norks Maintenance. 13. Approval and execution of professional services 35 agreement (CO 87-054) between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Psa~aas 6 Associates for the Drcparation of BencMmerk aM Horizontal Control Networks Survey and Aortal and 6eobase Mapping for the City of Rancho Cucamonga and surrounding areas in an amount not Lo exceed 5510,000.00 to be funded frw Systemn Developmxfnt Funds. RESOLUTION N0. 87-250 37 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITT COUNCIL OF THE CITT OF RANCHO CUCAMON611, CALIFORNIA, TO ANARD AND EXECUTE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES A6REElIENT N[TH PSOMAS 6 ASSOCIATES TO PREPARE BENCWUIRK AND HORIZONTAL CONTROL NETWORKS AND AERIAL AND GE08ASE MAPP[N6 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AI10 SURROUNDING AREAS 14. Approval to execute egreemient for the Installation of 38 public Improvement and dad is etion between Brad Downey and the CSty of Rancho Cucaaon ge far Street Frontage Improvements at 8530 Arrow Route. RESOLUTION N0. 87-251 40 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C[TY OF RANCHO CUCP.MONGA, LALIFORN[p, ACCEPTING AN AGREFJlENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AND DEDICATION FROM BRAG OONHEY AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME I?. Approval to execute agreement far the installation of 41 public improveeent and dedication between Jennie Chioint, Riccardo Chiotni and John CMoin1 and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street Frontage Improvemxnts at 8598 and 8600 Arrow Route. City Council Agenda Mar zo, 1987 PAGE RESOLUTION N0. 87-252 43 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROYEMENT AND DEDICATION FROM JENNIE CHIOINI, RICCARDO CHIOINI AND JOHN CHIOINI AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME 16. Approval to grant staff permission to obtain quotes for 44 two appraisals for each property owner along Arrow Route rithin the limits of the Baker-Arrow Project who have rot yet dedicated, authorize aril direct the Ctty Attorney to proceed witA Ominent Dmmain proceedings and direct staff to proceed with short forty action of Chspter 27 of the Improvement Act of 1911 for the assessment of the cost for frontage improvements. 17. Approval to accept improvements, release of bonds and notice of completion for: Tract 12739, located on the southwest corner of Arrow 46 Route and Center Avenue Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) (209,000 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) S 20,900 RESOLUTION N0. 87.253 41 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CULAMON6A, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12739 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING GF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK Tract 9619, located on the northwest corner of 48 ~ ~ ~ Carnelian Street and Jasper Street Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) f813,500 PAGE City Council Agenda May 20, 1987 C • Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bdnd (Street) f 81,350 RESOLUTION N0. 87-254 49 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 9619 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK Tracts 9589 and 9269 (The Deer Creek Company), 50 Release: Cash deposit (subdivision signs) S 4,500 18. Approval of a 3 year Preferred Service Agreement (CO 51 87-055) between the CTty of Rancho Cucamonga and Prime Computer, Inc., for monthly service maintenance totaiTfng approximately 530,960.00 over the life of the agreement. 19. Approval of Resolution authorizing the destruction of records Tn the Transportation Section of Engineering Division and Community Services Department. RESOLUTION N0. 87-255 52 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTtON OF CITY RECORDS ANO DOCUMENTS NHICH ARE NO LONGER REWIRED AS PROVIDED UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 34090 (Transportation Section) RESOLUTION N0. 87-256 55 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CITY RECORDS ANO DOCUMENTS ~ , NHICH pRE HO LONGER REQUIRED AS PROVIDED UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 34090 (Community Services) r~ C C~ ~J City Council Agenda May 20, 1981 PAGE 2C. Set public hearing - June 3, 1987 -Environmental 58 Assessmen4 and Variance 86-08 - (Mended) - Spetnagel - Appeal of Planning Camaission denial of the request to waive the maximum height rcqulrcment of 50 feet for an extendable radio antenna to allow an existing antenna to be extended to 72 feet on a .47 acre parcel in the Very Low Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre) located at 5327 Carol Avenue - APN 1061-111-19. 21. Set ,joint public hearingg with the Redevelopment Agency 59 for 7:00 p.m. on June 17, 1987 with respect to the Redevelopment Pian for the Rancho Redevelopment Proiett Area Amendment No. 1 and the Supplement to the Environmental Impact Report prcpare6 in connection therewith. D. CONSENT ORDINANCES The following Ordinances have had pubiic hearings at the time of tint rcading. Second readings are expected to 6e routine and non-controvvstal. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. The City Clerk will read the title. My item can De removed for discussion. 1 rnMC/n rwaT T_n_w ne annixr • errs mu •n ~ . w .iii y,~ u~"2C I"AL bVVL ~ y - NH H N L R NIB N IlMING N IN D N N 0 NY i~ NAItR ELEN N~TNT~1 I~ I K ~IEA~}{~'R i F CILI Y. ORDINANCE N0. 313 (second reading) 60 ~, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING i, SECTION 12.04 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMOHGII MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE PROHIBITION OF SN[MNIN6 AND DIVING NITHIN ANY POND, REFLECTING POOL, ETC., OF A C[TY PARK OR OTHER i~ i i i RECREATION FACILITY ]wa',~. ~, '=~;r,~ • • City Council Agenda w,,, ~n tmv PAGE E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS The following iteas have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings at required by law. The Chair will open the meeting to receive public testiapny. 1. ADOPTION BY REFERENCE MODEL CODES - CITY OF RANCHO 62 CUC IAA - nsiderati ono various codes as pub s by the rternatianal Conferonee of Building Officials and/or the International Association of Plunbing and Mechanical Officials or the Nationsl Firc Protection Association. ORDINANCE N0. 311 (first reading) 65 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCIRI CUCAMOIIBA, LALIFORAIA, REPEALING CHAPTERS 15.0, 15.08, 15.12, 15.18, 15.20, 15.2 AND 15.28 OF TITLE 15, BUILDIN85 AND CONSTRUCTI011, OF THE RANCHO CUCANOIIG MUNICIPAL CODE IN THEIR ENTIRETY. AND SECTIONS 2, 3, 4, ~, 9, AND 10 Of THE SAN BEPIIARDINO COIINTT CODE ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE 1T; AND ADOPTIO6 BY REFERENCE THE 'UNIFORM ADMIMISTRATIYE LOOE•, 1985 EDtT[ON: THE "UN1fORN BUILDING CODE", 1985 EDITION INCLUDING ALL APPENDTLES THEREi0: THE "UNIFORM BUILDIN6 LODE STANDARDS', 1985 _ EuiTi r•:, T~iL "YIUIVM 'KVYN,{1/LL WYL , lYOJ EDITION INCLUDING ALL APPENDICES THEREf0; THE "UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE', 1985 EDITION INCLUDING ALL APPENDICES; THE "NITIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE', 1987 EDITION; THE 'UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS', 1985 EDITION; THE •UNIPoRM HWSING CODE', 1985 EDITION; THE "UNIFORM BUILDIN6 SECURITY CODE', 1985 EDITION; NITN CERTAIN AMENDMENTS, AODITIONS, D0.ET[pIS AND { ~ ~ ~ EXCEPTIONS TO SA10 CODES, INCLUDING PENALTIES ~ r\ L.. J u City Council Agenda ~... ,,. PAGE e'' S~ .., . ...... , 2. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Alm NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR 121 THE ROP SED AR RIBALD YENU REALI I1EN - MPROVIMPROVI ~RO~ LI Y OF RANCHO CUC ONG . A L N Y MIE N 9 H R ~H H I H N6 N 6H ND R1 i 1 O ME HIGH a rea gnar!nt, r Bening a iaproveaaent of road Avenue frw 19th Street to Highland Avenue. and i~provear!nt along the south side of Highland Avenue, fron 220' rest to 630' east of the interse.:tion of Archibald and HighiaM. Said improve~aenis rill consist of asphalt concrete pavasent rcplaeeaent and overlay, installation of toncrete curbs, gutters, sideralks and rasps, street lfghts, striping and signing. RESOLUTION N0. 87-257 138 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANON611, CALIFORNIA, APPROYLN6 THE ENYIROIIMENTAL ASSESSMENT INITIAL STUDY, AND ISSUANCE OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATIOI FOR THE PROPOSED ARCHIDALO AVENUE REALI6NIOENT AND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 3. ENYIRONNENTA ASSESSMENT AHD NEGATIVE 0 CLARATION FOR EO ~ 3T 139 ~'f' tt TIGi `T 1 RB~Ei.`~ Z`tT Y 3F'~t' U ' - a_ Ru1_4vTr7'rr ~i-r~r~-r~l~~rr i r TC - prove o nvironaenta ssessar!nt n L a to y and issuance of Negative Declaration to pewit the construction of stone dram and street improvnaents for Hillside Road betreen Malachite and Archibald Avenues pursuant to the Environaental Quality Act. RESOLUTION N0. 87-258 155 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE PROPOSED HILLSIDE ROAD STORM GRAIN AND RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT ~ ~ ~ 4. RECOMMEND CONTINUANCE OF AMENDED ASSESSMENTS FOR PARCEL 156 M M N U M bT~fiik3 TZ~fTRi"Td-,fuii~i . PAGE City Council AgerMa May 20, 1987 10 u • F. PUBLIC HEARINGS The following items have ro legal publication or posting requirements. The Chair will open the meeting to receive public testimony. 1. APPEAL OF NOTICE AND DROER OF BUILDING OFFICIAL - 157 AB 0 DANGEROUS BUILDING - 10155 24 H S E - This is an appeal rom the Notice an rder of the Building Official for abatexrent of a dangerous Duiiding at 10155 24th Street. After consideration of the evidence, the City Counttl acting as the Board of Appeals may wncur with or reject the notice and order or may modify it as they see fit. G. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS The following ite~as do rat Legally require any public testimony, although the Chair may open the fleeting for publtc input. 1. INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS -SUBAREA 8 - 116 Rev ew of existing Subarea land use and deve opmw!nt standards as requested Oy the Lity Councii. 2. CONSIDERATION OF CITY HISTORIC LANDMARK DESIGNATION FOR 186 H .°.. KLL' r ° L~C.aw ni 9ii5 twin LLL SOUL Y RD. RESOLUTION N0. 87-259 193 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOGNIZING THE GEORGE KLUSMAN HOUSE AS A SIGNIFICANT HISTORIC FEATURE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND THEREFORE OESIGNATIN6 IT AS A CITY HISTORIC LANDMARK 3. CONSIDERATION OF GATES FOR BUDGET MORKSHOP FOR JUNE 2 19S JUN 9 UN .1 ND L1 N INGS JUN ND JUN 4. 4. CONSIDERATION OF A RES LUTION MAKING A CONTRIB 1 N~TO~ ~ 195 TH~NCH~ UC~ONCT~ R LOPMNCY N H MINT - ~ N~ TGTcEE~iI3D.o6b.0G T~A~3`TS N H C ~fII€ ~INTZrtxs N ~E~infniT"RFd~PFC3pnEi1T PR J I-NCR VbNSE~ C~TINU~~~ ION H A ~~ • PAGE City Council Agenda May 20, 1987 II RESOLUTION N0, 87-260 193 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL.'FORNIA, MAKING A CONTRIBUTION TO THE RANCHO CUCANONGA REDEY0.0PMEHT AGENCY IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED 1100,000.00 TO ASSIST IN THE REFINANCING OF A PORTION OF THE RANCHO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA H. COUNCIL BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the City Council for discussion. They are not public hearing items , although the Chair may open the meeting for public input. I. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING This is the time for City Courrctl to identify the items they wish to discuss at the next meeting. These items will not be discussed at this meeting, only identified for the next meeting. J. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC This is the time and place for the general public to address the City Council. State law prohibits the City Council from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The City Council may receive testimony and set the matter fora subsequent meeting, Comments are to be limited to Pive minutes per individual. K, AO JOURNMENT Adjournment to closed session for the purpose of discussing certain matters related to Employer-E~F!oyee relations; not i to reconvene. t, 8eve riy A. Authelet, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted an May 15, 1987, sev my-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per R. B, 2674 at 9320-C Base Line Road. ~~ L r°OyMNNNWNNNPr W/ O NONPIOpMWP•VWiPiNrP O• ~ O+ SOp°y1rr001'OT iasa :<N ~yi~zn ~' '" N^ ~~`4 y S f Tr1 NOT i n r• z ema N n a ~ ~ir < 2 S N °I'IN ~ a rE+~1N °T i ~'" </PUPi J.iJOi~NwJJi ~/+ NiP J.l lyrPpNO°y} O O zi=lips°a~wap4~~°s ~° 1r~' ~NS!'~~ OT~CIai~N n w Nat =MyS10S NPO p2 T I a~ Nf~Sa~f+;('1~ C S rsz + eNZS a fl n TN A~ EPNe sg sa pa. C8 ~ T NZ ^ZT S SNi ^ f, n T° y ~ O N P °T < • ~pp r C i ° ~ a CS E RZ i N p ~ o a .. p p n £ p T N i p ~~F6 ~~ cis±llni.: T ~a N 3~^~, ~9 "' ~ Sm T .. ~" TyN ~+ s : `48z a z Mr T N) i N AA yl'In O !1 O 1'1 ~ ~ 00 L yy Pf O R O i < :~ 'e 3 as m ~; ii i n a N n '~ i ~~ y~ y r T M NT' t O I. 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(:~. 9]!U Sr0 B,[^,[01 :O i.i LS .i]En nC:: ..q.... aon«us...e GlOG41lIMCAI .~ ~'rwA'~wdl'rrAl i«h. AL1CE Coo! . T !<e:~el,erYd ~Ia1,.n Dal, z nafulA d arRKNrtlq re.1. r«eN ._..._ iViL10NC. Dona In aMN'ewr Sec fa]u !lN9w ]ialw ISSUAYCE !!,/i., ~; ]. T]IlISI p A,NiK]IpNI]) R! tK rY1! TEA. l'ST. ! 1~ ... _ CT al a IIw N MNe~ .S,r,'• 40M'a Iul[Y Awuu[,nc S l,slle, N ^YeflNiw eN ]wr 9155 A[eplbalO Aw.< Vnlt K awnr c.r !aletN o ] ~ l uerenga 91 ]0 San Mrr u[a1ro • Nq i IOTN 15G. ~] ,a ~ lln. iYfeai llw al-1N]99 F.M~~Iro M<iti Y_; • al.wq a+a.. M •Ilre,l lr,~ fl-M+ir w/ Yrwr G' I:nx[7 iW raY~ iM 1. nw Yee w Y<,a aufeN N • Mwlf 1U. Ilar, Y,a ewr NRW ap N N ~www~ N 111, Al<Ma! M«'T CwrN b « re1NMw N h D<ryr,nwr y« 11. la11Nn • "Illn enea« w awa 1 w l0 w w nw<l.wr dAJ NW M IrN Ienr M fYe al1!<nle'r. • If. A/1l'sn a!'eo IN rn,r a"! "+•~!« awNa1M w aa~NN !<eere/ anr+rer N1 IYw w !w 9eel9[w«a N • 1.<en<w, a= AI MM M .RI nN nNare « 1«M1 V aMMN N h d M a4NV9s lnerafe Cannel an 10. STM! Q CAIMOM~ Cwexl N ..___'an aernarElu ~ ~: u.r rr~~ . r ..~ r ~..:.<..r . r r.. ...«c. n. w ~-+r ,...rte r..+.. w w ~~Y ~. '""=~ n w..~ ~ ~,.......... v ...„ . Ir. a11lICaM F AMlK1TON 1t T~~tltig0~ I!. SLi! p CaIIgANn CwnF N..-ian_3ecuctllon_.. ._______p.y _,____ •1 -.i r IIMnF P1,rr. .................................................._oOnfS NARlO ._.___............'...:. ~1,nwN.MN.._.......JW w ......... ..........._.. Oli<e an................_!«NarW .. !]o .Val WrYr Drl«a FA4 Lbr: F« Drlminwr G'w Qr[1 MAfINf1 LEoNa's L~ocATlO: 9I SS'C" I~2cHf/lAtD Qo>; r~Paaty ~OSW~eY 7~oN4: `7fNE~¢At tfJAt- {pNINq O'F ~S~ClAIj ''~tt't''L~: /VORYN : 6EaiR~a -/~.lw''~RfA(. ,]OttTt/: GthNR11f. ~q'`}.IAL EA~7 ~ GGMtRAf.. RINI. ~u_ Scw+-a lJlST : Qt3tOtArjt~t. SCOW ~I ~A~~~N -0 ~ MAMhA~ ~ = teWE'S~ a c~ a 7iN~s ~ Aflci " % 7fa~w•s s Eugfe.n~c r s S+ tRnvtt_ ~" ~ V~cANj • N r~ U !o dt S~ 8~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAbIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 20, 1981 T0: City Cou~rc11 and Ctty Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Lucinda E. Hackett, Assistant Ctv11 Engineer ~ ~~ ~~o~ a~~ ~~~ ;: ~~ 6 z ~~~> Isr7 I SUBJECT: Approval of Agree~mt for Installatlm of Public Ilaprovewent and Dedlatton between TM Geller Fasdly Trust and tM City of Rancho Cucaagnga for Street Frontage taiproveaents at 8757 Arrow Route RECgIE~ATI~: tt is racosstanded that City Council adapt tM attached Resolution approving tM Agreeaent for Instellatim of PuDltc i~proveaent and Dedteatlm between TM Geller Faalily Trust and tM C1ty of Rancho Cucaamga. eAaaDUOiAIBB.TSis: TM attached subject Agreement Mtreen tM City and TM Geller Featly Trust provides for street tmorovwents which tnrlu,r ~~~rn. ~~~~~.r. sidewalks, drive approaches, street lights and street pavements along teller's Arrow Route Frontage. The tellers have agreed to grant to the City a RoadwAy Easement t0 allow for LM wldenlnyy and felproveamt of Arrow Route in return for tM constructlm of said improvements. Sa1d street taproveaents will be constructed in conJunctlon with LM City's Baker Avenue and Arrow Route Storal Drs1n and Strtet Improvement Protect. Res ly subNtted, R o Attachments RESOLUTION M0. 87"~y3 • A RESOLUTION ff THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE LITY OF RANCHO CUCAIDNGII, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AtltEEMEMi FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEIEMT AND DEDICATION FROM THE 6ELLER FAMILY TRUST AID AUTIIORIZIN6 THE M11YOR AND CIT! CLERK TO SIGN SAME MHEREAS, the C11;y Clerk of the C1ty of RanGw Cutanonga to establish requtrewents far canstruCtton of frontage iwproveawnts to conlunctton wlth Lhe Baker Avenw and Arrow Route Stop Dra1n and Street Iegrovewent Pro~eet; and IAEREAS, installation of curb, gutter, drfw approach, sidewalk, street lights and street paveeents located at 8757 Arrow Route, to be wade part of the Baker Avenue ant Arrow Route Stofs. Dra1n and. Street Iq~rovwaent PrWect; and MEREAS, The &ller Fa•11y Trust Ms agreed to dedtate R1ghL-of-Nagy as reteDurseweM to the C1ty for said laproveaamts. MOH, TIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tMt the City CounC11 of the CiQr of Rancho Cucawonge, Callfornta, dos accept sold Ieyrovaewnt Agreewent, authorizes the Mayor and the C1ty Clerk to sign save, nM directs the City Clerk to record saws 1n tM Off1a of tM County Recorder of San Bernardino • County, California. ~1/ /~ ~ ~ -~ ~a - .. ......... vcunvawn STAFF REPORT DATE: May 20, 1987 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, C1ty Engineer BT: Lucinda E. Hackett, Assistant Civil Engineer ~i~Mp ~~ '1F~ < ' s ~'~ ~ II. I9.' SUBJECT: Approval of Agreeeent for Installation of Pub11c Iaprovenent and Dedication Mtween Kenneth J. Moro and Nillian N. Steele and the C1ty of Rancho Cucaawnga for Street Frontage Islproveawnts at 8670 Arrow Route tt is recaaswnded that City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving tM Agraaarnt for Installation of Public taryroveawmt and Dedlutlon between Kenneth J. More and N1111es N. Steele and the.Clty of Rancho Cucwonga. • BACRalouo~Aluarsu: The attached subject Agreeaent between the City and Kenneth J. More and wi 111sa N. Steele nmWMs fnr efreet 1~nmvrrnfe rhl{h 1,u~LiA. ~~~.h. gutters, sidewalks, drive appraehes, street tights and street paveeants along More-Steete's Arrow Route Frontage. Mr. Moro and Mr. Steele have agreed to grant to the C1ty a Roadway Eassant to allow for the widening and t~provsent of Arrow Route 1n return for the construction of said 1laprove~ents. Sa1d street lsryrovseents will be constructed in con,~unctian with the City's Baker Avenue and Arrow Route Stons Drain and Street hproveaent Project. Res y suh~itted, f R M: Attachalents /3 RESOLUTION N0. S-J " ~y T • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL DF THE CITY DF RANCHO CUCAMDN611, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT TOR INSTALLATION ff PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AND DEDIGTION FROM KENNETH J. MDRE AID NILLIAM H. STEELE AID AUiNORIZIN6 TiE M11YOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SATE MEREAS, the Ctq Clerk of the C1q of Rancho Cucaawaga to establish re~trements far construction of frontage teprovaoents 1n con,1uncttan with the Baker Avenue aM Arrow Route Stone Dra1n and Street tegrorsent PrWeet; and MNEREAS, 1nsUllatlon of curb, gutter, drive approach, sidewalk, street 11yhis and street paveawmtx touted at 8670 Arrow Route, to De erde part of tM Baker Avenw and Arrow Route Storms Drrin and Street Iagroveeent Pro~act; and IBEREAS, Kenneth J. More snd Nillia• N. Steele haw agreed m dedicate Right-of-Yyr as relettursennt to tM C1q for said legrovaents. NON, TIEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLYEO tMt the Ctq Connell of the C1q of Rancho Cuca•onga. California, does accept said iproraeent Agraeeamt, authorltes the Matyor awl tM Ctq Clerk to sign snee, and directs the City Clerk to record saw in the Offtee of the County Recorder of San Bernardino • Counq, California. ~ti% / _. / ll/ l~-J /`~ CI`fY OF RANCHO CC'CAil10NGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: May 20,1987 Mayor and Members of City Council Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer ~,, until LLI ~ x ~'~ ~ ~ ~~, > l9'7 Barrye R. Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer Modiftcatton of Unit Amount for Electrical Lines for FEES In-Lieu of Undergrounding RECORBIOiTIOM Staff recommends approval of the resolution anending the unit gaunt used to caiculate fees in-lieu of undergrounding existing overhead electrical lines. 811CKBROUNO/AMLYSIS On Mey 21, 1986, the Councii adopted Resolution Mo. 86-143 (copy attached) estabitshing unit aaounts to be used in calculating fees tn- lieu of undergrowMing existing overhead utilfties. Those fees were based upon iMormation provided by the varfous utility companies. On December 17, 1986, the Council approved Reselution No. 86-143 A (copy attached) which raised the amount for telephone lines based upon information provided by the Telrnlmn' rnanany, Staff has since received a letter from Southern California Edison (copy attached) stating that the 1986 Tax Reform Act has required them to charge Developers an additional 67% for taxes. In order to collect sufficient fees to farely compensate Developers for undergroundfng, staff recommends increasing the in-lieu fee for electrical lines from f100 to f167 per linear foot. The amount for telephone and cable TV will remain as is, f75.00 and (10.00 per if near foot respectively. Res ec ully Submitted, ~u 1 u re city En9lneer RHM:BH:jh Attachments G ~aaatta fo. as-w • tnaYttu ar rR ntt CWtcIL tr 2f[ Cirt a WCfO WggfA. CLLIICYia, YtAnifflfG ftm O Lim Cf NafCfAfY7fY gffffAf ar6I7t L>>O YfO tfpfIlm IT fl.tffLG C{Ipq{IO YpAY. YfnW, eN Rw/y Cap/pip •at Ciq Cavveil of cte Cery vE f•tc\e Cspsye r/tlp to dtpt Nt rwsLL N uaeiptll pinta{ or•rfrN ueilLq 1We 1• eNp N wewN • r<e •ptbttc •N dsirtll• vortiy +vd limy etrleert rltl/e tle Ciq; W NQfY, tN nq CwN/1 eNytiso ebe to it aspnq ev ntellitl rtNdt H gLLttll) tpp awt ttl ee Neapl L\ rN•r{r•vediy it tN p•e epc NlMtlrr wrN; eM Y/tfp, H. nq Cwrll eN R•neiq CarLee/N !•rttK rKyeit• the G etrpb step, to p ieYrre/etl p rprin dwU-twt to rN•yewN Nllit/p tN [Me p ettl tetw, !w A Ilw N apegrwNly Hanle •Wet1pN ep wC•N rertrptlM. fi, rf{vat. N it trbr<•. y tM CLq Cewdl at r\e C+.q oe WN CWeYtyt. CNGlardt sNt r\Nr t\e RwIM Cettdtetp retner•e pgpee N teN N liw N rYbgre••Ilq, eN IN WR N e\t pfra)rieu cttlirtlN d tle t•tlerleY. 1. nrerl.n tM1ttt - llas w uNp ewt. :. reltNtN Lltp - Rf Ier tiaw lNe. ). Ctlb S.I. - !lC M tips [we. 7\e tp Wtt getl pt t{{tepp ped •rrt fer lLesr tone N pe\ utLliq aeerglM Ne •tiliq NNe. 141m. Alflpm, w A80RO tlt. net dq at w7, 1911. Artlt Ntpq Lly, ftll, Yrl{\t fCOt IeN dff~r+ Whit q 4. Ar[Iir: lwry A Ntlel•t, L, IgnLT A. Aftf6K, na nts'tl He Clq et 4ae\e tuupnp, QllteNlt, 4 NrtM esM4 tltt tb lsyly 4p/utle• vu dui? p•nN, wR^eN, eN NptN y t\• Clq Cpwll N tt• Clty e! Wete tucewap. GliteeN{, it • rgder p•t/y N sit C/q Cowll Ida et cN 2let d•7 of Mq, Ifs. I, 1 /6 taavr[a n. ot-tu t ~ atanorta or na cirt caes¢ a m tttr of aatuo CCGIOtC1. C/Ll/eYfa. trafaa aateL0it01 N. M-1V, awutma no n-etat o. oaapcmawoo waaauo ortttrr cne rae upcnu n -erataa caleutatN ataoeac eWY, eM Cty U V tw•lK K t•lw~wlw /rw W C•etrLL AItKw Cwpry Wluetq tMC ta• •ewgt twt N •etwwewt/et t•IMew /lw• 1• elpw raN Kwtw•11 1NlusN. a0a. Z•OOMt, M tt r•t•leN, y tat el4 0.wet1 k eM Cty N a••tt• GttteM, 0.IlleM• taw ta• tNt wets N M rtwtW !w l... /t-Itw a! atttarewtty w1wlY teteMN wl•tar llew ta•11 M gt.e0 )u' ttwt t••t. moos, tenors[ .N Yel'rq tu. vw eq rt a.w.t+t, [tae. nYt Nett. newt. wwe. at•a oao•, ow• taol/x, Mpe ~ el et.t• {. aw.e, igtt [trot, wy ~. rw.tw. ctct etwa ~ :. await a. rsan. cat as w w o{a N a.•r• e.u•t•at. Gtltwtly M awty wetllt Wt tM ltrewlta t•w/wltt eM rls rtt••t, •rKwN, wa •atatN y ta• etq t•~ell r ew Cty N swat 0.•ttr•tt, 4Itlttel•. N • ew•tw rxew J ..{• n.y .~~...,w r w. iiaY M) w wat•etr. Irf. Or•wtN to/t late Yf N attwMt. Uw et atetM 0.etetryy 0.1l[wet•. L7a' L/dtrf. K.i(/IUa,Af.41a"'^4/ Tht tcr;^ crop v: .,~_ _ ~ .. r..~ .a ~... cn.:e. .>~_ ATTEST: _,f•j1GC~-~- Cdr Cle BarKta Carr,+onEd~Xarl ev: ~lL~'~r11 AIL.a- ~7 .J'~= . 3ourMm G//la»ii Ed~wn Company fT0 tl[T iOOTMILL MYL[VgO. fYIT[ ! V~LANfI. CALIipINl1 !I Tff CN[11YL A kY1Nf '"'[•~"~' Pebruary 11, 1987 Lauren Wasserman City Manager Rancho Cucamonga City Rall P. 0. Box 807 Rwcho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Each year, regulated utilities such as 6diwn receive sub- stantial amounts of •Contr t ons in Aid of Cons ct~ion" (CIACI from parties request nq • ectr ea nsta a ons suc ii line extensions, streee lights, facility relocations, and cogeneration facilities. These contribstions can be in the form o! cash, services or property. • Edisoneforstheflnstellationxole~lectric~tacilitieaoneeded t y serve their projects will see the charge for those contributions increeee .~~~i ric.til.. T ,_ . 6Tt. Prior to the new~taxulaw,•~COntzibulSon~intAid of onstruc- tion received by regulated public utilitlu were excluded from the utility's taxable income. Rowever, the new tax lava, effec- tive .7anuary 1, 1987 require utilities to tract these contribu- tions as taxebli a 1_ n~ome~ The California Public Utilities Coavfisaion has recognized that the effects of the new tax laws era wbatantial and has opened an investigation into the matter (OII 86-i1-0191. This investigation will include the effect of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 on CIAC. The Commission Se expeclad to decide who should benr cM incidence of the taxs ratapayeraj the party requesting the project= or some aherinq among retapayera and the coneribu- tors. The Co~iasion has scheduled several activitis^ to thoroughly review this issue: February 9, 1987, a workshop on CIAC issues is set in Sen Francisco. o February 11, 1987, the Commission will review tau utility's advice letters on how the tax is eo be treated until the '~ Commission's investigation is completed end a decision has been made. ~~ -z- • o March 23 through March 27, 1987, hearings on CIAC issues. A Commission decision is not expected until mid-1987. The company ha• established a separate account for the monies collected in association with the tax. In the avant that any refunds era warrasted a• a result of the CPQC's decision, Edison will return the excess contributions. Until the company receives further guidance Tram the CYOC and further clarification from the Internal nevanne Searoice, the income tax component will be added to tW costs of your protects which are affected by thi^ tax. If you have any questions on this matter, please call a at 711-917-8223. C.."/M7~I CMryl Rams Area Manager CAR:cd • • /9 RESOLUTION N0. ~~ -~ys A RESOLUTION OF THE CITT COIMCIL OF THE CITY OF PANCHO CUCAMOIISf1, AMENDING RESOLUTION N0. 86-143 ESTABLISHING FEES IN-LIEU OF UNOERGROUIDING OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES NHEN REWIRED BY PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL NHEREAS, the City is in receipt of iMormatton from the Southern California Edison Company indicating that the average cast of underground/ng electrical lines has increased due to provisions of the 1986 Income Tax Reform Act. NON, THEREFORE, be it resoived, by the C1ty Council 0/ the C1Ly of Rancho Cucaaonga, California that the unit amount to be charged for fees in-lieu of undergrounding existing overhead electrical Hnes shall be f167.00 per 1lnear foot. The amounts for the other ut111ties shall remain at the curcent rate of 575,00 for telephone and f10.00 for Cable Tv. '~ / ~ r~ ~~ J ~•~ .. vwmavnvn GL STAFF REPORT ~,. ~ , oy GATE: May 20, 1987 ~ T0: City Council and City Manager I '~ FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steven Allen, Jr. Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Award the Baker Avenue and Arrow Route Storm Drain and Roadway Improvement Protect to Vance Corporation, for the mount of f1, 628,411.85. REaaBOia-Tla: [t is recommended that the City Louncil accept all bids as submitted and award the contract for the Baker Avenue and Arcow Route Stona Dra1n and Roadway ImproveaMt Prolect to the lowest responsible Didder, Yance Corporation for the aamunt of (1,628,411.85, (sumaatlon of schedules 1, 2A and 28). Background/Analysts Per previous Council action, bids were solicited, received and opened on May 15, 1987, for the sub,)ect protect. Vance Corporation is the aDParent lowest responsible bidder with a bid aaount of f1, 628,411.85 (see attached bid suawary). The Engineer's estimate was f1, 739,833 for Alternate A and f1,779,133.00 for Alternate B. Staff has reviewed ail bids received and found thew to M rnwnlor. ,rn i.. ^~."trte .., t.". t.`,c bid requirements. Staff has campleteA the required background investigation and finds all bidders to meet the requirements of the bid documents. Respe y ted, ~ RHM: A:~A Attachment 1 r1 U • N O ~ m ~' O Q ` F ~ A IG N (~ }! r \ 8 qW r r S T~ Ti O ~ O S$ O N N ~1 ~ r A N N +1 •1 '1 1 ~^Tjl T i1 ~1 N tit T VI G N ~ ° Wvt \ y~ r r r N H O N q N H O P O~ tNy O N V q H ~ W Y O N q 14 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '^ 8 8 8 ~ H S 8 8 8 8 8 8 u w v N \ \ .. r r Y T W ~ ~ N ~ F^ ?3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ R 8 $ 8 g S 2t 8 8 8 8 8 8 ~ 0 ° o O N N N N N Y1 r r S S H H S H H S O H N N SN SJ 8 N yeN~ yO\ 8\ ~t 88b 1 8O 8O O O O U O G O 0 0 ~ H H H S H 8 8 8 8 8 8 H H H O ~ Q y y a ~ off/ /~ O V i T aaq~ r O q 0 w N ` M ~I ~ ~ ~ y W 1 i s y y y w w w w i • ~ 'a Li 0{ 8f r N r~ s .. ~ w ~ ,~~' "~ r C e 's a 's s~~ a~ a a a z~ s s 'a 's u N • a • w .•i a r. ~ a r f r w 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 8' i = a a u N .yam y~ Q yWy~~ `0 11vy' a~a w V a .W. H S S H day Y ~ W p a~ N a VI w~ r a H s yWp wVy • yw y~y N N YY EO ww ysV~ 8 N ~yy i ~ O N V ~ F N ~ N O N N` N~ O a s s s a a a a s R 70 R n g~ Q g$ H a G V w W O Y a O O O N O S C H H H H H a a H H H$ 8 H a H H H H $ N v wYY ZE ~ $N • jai w Q• ~i N•( a ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ O ~ ~ O ~ a ~ a ~ ~ a .Cp G .p .pp p .pp .pp 8 E O O a S O O A O O a B O O O O O • / /~' n U • c' ~ ~ .°i ~- S e 0 q Y' N ~~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~~ ~a ~ ~ r ~ a ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ g~' ~ ~ - 4 1~ `r!~ ~ d ~ N ~Y~ °r ~ 1 q rG i .] r i l Ir .{j i r H N N r VW qp V r pn H r - N O O IA ~1 ~ T N G O O X X X r ~ _ r r X X X r N N - +1 ~1 ! ! ~ ! T T T ! ! ! !~ _ y yw~ q y 1y ~y yNy1 r yW~ V p q N r Y yN~ ~ ~ q N v N ~ 8 O 8 8 8 H N N 8 pO S S 8 8 S N N W Y N W N N V O q N q M e ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ffi 8 8 8 B 8 B 8 s y ~y 8N w S wq SN y r Y i V N ~ N r q Y w ~ N O ~ V G 8 '8 8 8 8 8 '.^ 8 y8 M 8 8 8 8 8 8 q ~ 1 M N W N p N W N N ~ ~ o ~ ~ . . . . . . . 8 8 8 R R R R R Q G '~ g o 0 0 Q y y; y~ p ~Wi r $ $' Y 8 3 a r ~ o q ~ a Q $ 6 . . . . . . . :^ 8 8 8 S 8 8 N 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 N b N N J O q q ~ ~ Y N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . . . . . 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 aim p N r O N S P N ~ 4N1 N i O V ~~ s~ ~~~ $~~ ~ ~ r~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ 3r~ ~ _ ~w vn ~w 3w w w n n n w w w w n ~s _~ i3 s N r Tw ~w1 N w w w .- ., 1. y1 r. ~ r r T ) ~~ T r ~ S T P e r N N ' +I r +~ ' +~ r •'~ ~ ~ y~ Y y~ yy~ O441 P 8 S a S a S ~i ~ ~ ~ H ~ =i ~ r r S S S S S S S S S S S S S S N N L } W M ~ W O w N ~ O S W ' ' " ' a s a s S s a s S s s s S s a s= 1 u w w w y O 8 8 4 a g ~ 8 R y R ~ = n ~ S ~ r r S S S 5 S S S S S S S S' S S ~ i~ O W N 1. ~ O W y O N N ~ V O H • P S O S ~ 8 O yp yp V 8 O ~ R O Q N ~ ~ ~ r• ~ O ~ 1p~ G N •: g • p A 4 w o o 0 ~ o g . g e e a b ~- ~ W ~ N 8 O 8 O pp O ~ S O Q a H yp O ~yy~ O spy G spy V M y O N - S S S H S S S S S S S S S S N N N O W N I I O y O e 4 ~ y ~ SN y G N N -J 8 O 8 O S G S O 8 S S 8 • ~ 8 V yp O • O • sp O • p{ V • y p O ~ • 8 O 8 O . . S S S •p O • S S • S S S S S S S S S _ S • ~/ D 8 8 ~ m V m 4 _ ~ & i R ~ t '•~ t = a ~S sa ~ y ~~ w t ~ ,7 i 4 nn ~~ n ~ n ~ ~Qn lR $Q Qn 3R nyn ~~j -n •'~ den r nw Y ~~ w i ~w ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ r ~~ e T w ~ 7 ii ~ Z~ 6 w~ ~~ ~~ W~ W + ~ ~_ ~ y f y ~ f j M i± 'JQQ~ ~ 1 O ti Ca OO ~o N ~ fNw in ti. n Y y q • 1 ~ ~ • r A ~ p_ n ~ w 7 a a TV /W1~ r N W ~ Y ~ W ~ N ~ V CN / ~ O ~ N ~ ~pNy r Y ~ uqn 8 TW ) ~ ~ p ~ f W r T T N w T N N N r q N H V N p O Vp O V yq~ O O ~ ~ N 8 H C O N P V 8 8 ~ 8 8 H q O 8 H 8 H 8 8 W I Y W ry Y l V N y a 1R M ~sy q pp G 1r ~ O Y V q N V p qy V N E O pq V yp O yy~1 O ~ q M qm G pq O H 8 H p O p O p O p O H p O p O p O p O p O 8 p O O H p V p O N M YI ~. ~ r .. CC Y s ~ '~d ~ ~' S ~' 8 8 N O v O S S 8 , 8 8 s M , S YVI 8 8 8 H • O O N ~ V N Y VI 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 H 8 8 8 8 8 8 $ y~ b ~ r 8 ~ N Np 4 ~Q 1Q ~i a o y f .n ~ QNQ S pN O Q 3 H 8 ~ 8 N H p p S H 8 8 8 H H H H H p O W W W N N ~ N N O y W p ~ ( S ~( a i l~ 8 O ! Q Y ~ QQ as S Q a 4 a ~ ~ Q Q as ~ ~ ~ $ 8 p O p O p O p O C O O p O C O C O C O p O G O O G O G O p O l /~ ~~ ~ W a~ - a d s x = A q a A w ~ O Y 2w ~~ ~ O w ~Y n 8 i O ~7f 7 .. wi '~ 8 ~ 38 ~ r d ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'J ~ 33 M n s ~ ! ~ ! a e n ~ S p N ~ ~ N ~ ~ n ~ ~ N N N N w w :~ $J O r ~y a 'W" q ~ Tw r r r r 8 :A 8 8 $ 8 N N N N n ~ N ~ ~ a n ~ ~ ~ q ~ ~1 ~ ~ w i N ~ M ~ e . i MM N ~ a p p ~ : i : X 8 8 $ 8 . e . e 8 s 8 g ~yV a r r~ ^ ~ YN Y ~i r r r r 8 M 8 8 8 8 N N N N n H g ~ ^ p N n p NpNV O `p `pN V . a ~ ~ N ~ y ppyN O ~ W qq O S 8 a V yp V q N S S O B a s • 8 8 8 ft ! Q i a o 0 0 t 2 h{ p a r y~ a y a Q ~$ r r r r 8 N 8 $ 8 $ N N N N 8 M ~ 8 21 M o a yMM i bl ~ o 15 'd A s a e a 8 s s e 's s 8 8 s s s ~, ~/ ~ J o ti o F ~ F i " 8 $ 8 s ~ a a v 'o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ yV 8N O Op O 8V ypM e~ O O V S S S g ~ 8 8 8 f H A t Q s 9 v E 1 .. 8 s Ct q A r N S ° 8 ~/ nrmv nc n ~ yin yin n STAFF REPORT ~ ",,..NO,~ ~, DATE: MaY 20, 1987 fl rp T0: City Council and City Manager 19 FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Linda Beek, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security (Letter of Credit) for Tract 10246, located on the southwest corner of Hillside Road, submitted by Luther A ikhaseh RECOMMF1101TIg1 • It is recometended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution aDDroving Tract 10246, accepting the subject agreement and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Cierk to sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Tract 10246 located on the southwest corner of Hillside Road and Haven Avenue, in the very low Development District, was approved by the Planning Commission on June 9, 1982, for the division of 10 acres into 16 lots. The Developer, Luther Alkhaseh, is submitting an agreement and security (Letter of Credit) to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: f118,000 Labor and Material Bond: f69,000 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. Letters of approval have been received from the high school and elementary school districts and Cucmnonga Lounty Mater District. C.C.6R.'s have also been approved by the City Attorney. Respe t y submitted, R , Attachments as • RESOLUTION M0. p 7 " d f"/So A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CODICIL OF THE C[TY OF RANCHO CUCAMON611, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY, AND FINAL AMP Of TRACT N0. 10246 WHEREAS, the Tentative Map of Tract Mo. 10246, consisting of 16 lots, suhaitted by Luther Alkhaseh, Subdivider, located on the southwest corner of Hillside Road and Haven Avenue has been subaitted to the City of Rancho Cucanonga by said Subdivider and approved by said City as provided in the Subdivision Map Act of the State of Ca1HorMa, and in caagllance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and WHEREAS, to aawK the requtrewents established as prerequisite to approval of the Final Map of said Tract said Subdivider has offered the Improvea~ent Agraamant submitted herewith for approval and esewtian by said City, together wftA good and sufficient Improveamnt Security, and submits for approval said Final Map offering for dedication for public use the streets delineated thereon. NOiI, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYEO by the City Council of Lhe City of Rancho Cucaaonga, California, as follows: 1. That said Improvement Agreawent be and the sage 1s approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute sane on behalf of said City and the Ctty Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and 2. That said Ingravement Security is accepted as good and sufficient, subject to approval as to Iorm and content thereof by the City Attorney; and 3. That the offers for dedication and the Final Map delineating sane b! approved and the City Clerk is authorized to execute the certificate thereon on behalf of said Cfty. a3 nrmv nc. n ~ wrn vn n,.n ~ vnwrn . • STAFF REPORT ~~ `~M ~+. ~ ;~: GATE: May 20, 1987 ,`~-,~ iii T0; City Council and City Manager ivn FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Linda Beek, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: ADProval of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security for Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 7646, located on the south side of Hillside Road, Nest of Beryl Street, submitted by Dominic Brucato RecaMMelana It is recommended that the City Connell adopt the attached resolution accepting the subJect agreamant and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. A1111LYS I S/B1ICKDROUN D • The Developer, Dominic Brucato, is suhnttting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements far parcel 1 of Parcel Map 7646, in the folloNing amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: 52,800 Labor and Material Bond: (1,400 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectf submitted, RHM. :dl Rttachments r' ~ a~ 1 ~..~.. _. I i ~ i ~ i r ; i I I c., I I , a) : 1 ~ I • ~ I •~r~o CITY OF BANCHO CUCAMONGA 8NOB4EERIIVO DMBtON .o.. . --,.m: ~`~ .rws.~ •rNO 1 ___. . ~~u _ ~ Y .u r G r- rrs~c ~~ PARCEL MAP 7646. Parcel I E7®811~ ~S • RESOLUTION N0. S7'~I/7 A RESOLUTIQi OF THE CITV CODICIL Of THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMOIIOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT A6REEMEN7 ANO IMPROVEMENT SECURITY fOR PARCEL I OF PARCEL M4P 7646 WHEREAS, the Lity Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement executed on May 4, 1987, by Dominic Brucato as developer, for the improvemient of pubiic right- of-way adJacent to tM1e real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the south side of Hillside Road, west of Beryl Street; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said improvement Agreement and subJect to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said real Droperty; and WHERE115, said Improvement Agreement is secured and aecomganied by good and sufficlant Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED Dy the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that said Improvement Agreement and said • Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on Dehalt of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and tM1e City Clerk to attest thereto. aro rrmv nc. n w wrnvn nr rn ~ ,rnwrn , n U STAFF REPORT a < 1' Ile DATE: May ZD, 1987 TD: C1ty Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer 8T: Lucinda E. Hackett, Assistant Civ11 Engineer Uli ~ 19%i ~ SUBJECT: Approval of Agreoent for Installation of Public Issproveeent and Dedication between Paul Aparlclo and Ida ApaMC1o and the C1ty of Rancho Cucaanga for Skeet Frontage Iaproreeents at 8512 Arrow Route It is raeaa~anded tMt Cfty Council adopt the attaehed Resolution approving tM Agreaaunt for InsUllatlon of Pubtte Ieprovaeent and Dedlcatlan DetweM Paul Apariclo and Ids Aparlcto and the C1ty of Rancho Cucawonga. The attached suDJect Agraaawatt between the C1ty end Paul Apartcto and TAi a~a./r/n nrny/Me Inr ef,wf I~nmv~rntc rh1rA lnriuM runha; gutter's, sidewalks, drive appraches, street lights and street paveawmts along Apariclo's Arrow Roue Frontage. The Apsricios have agreed t0 grant to the City a Roadway Easeaent to allow for tM widening and i~proveswmt of Arrow Route to roturn for the construction of said lwproveswmts. Said street loprovsents w111 be constructed 1n conJunctlon wttt: the City's Baker Avenue and Arrow Route Store Ora1n and Street Isryroveeent Protect. Respectfutl suMaltted, :ko Attacheents a~ J I~ I i I Y ~ i I ~ .\ /O/' ~ , \V~ i ~ ' i ~. Z ~cmc ~~ I ~ ~ D .,. ` j ~ '~ 00>BL i '~ , , I i ~ ~ ~ ~ N CN Cd ~ ~ ~ 'I :1 vL fL~. W -- - ,I ~ ~ ~ ~~_ - ; ~~ I a ~ 1 ' : ~ / ~ W N i 'I~ I NJ I ~ ~ ~ I 6 =/A dO>f ~j ~ I 91[ r9t I . i A I i ' 1 ~. m Il ly C u u 0 ~~ ~ _ 4 NON dd I /iPECr;n ^~~~~' :•8/ I u ~ ,cd~a3.roJdnr~aa / h ~ ~ 1_ W y ~ 7olGN'3d J d OiY3 G .tip ~ p t~ N n CO ~ °lZ ZZ ~~ h I ~S~NQN J ;~ i J y 1 q y '\ ~ ~~ /~T~"M ~~ i~.~~ I' / dJ'3 6/ds ~SZ ~~, w > ~".~ I~In ~ ~ .400 i _._r ~.._. i-- ~ , 1 ~ ~~., ICJ" /~ _ ~_~ I ~- ~ r?(~l~~ ,-vim..: '~'"~~~~ ~. I °~ 0 RESOLUTION N0. S ~ '~~/ ~ • A RESOLUTION ff THE CITY COUNCIL ff THE CITY ff RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTIM6 AN AGREEMENT FOR IIKTALLIITION ff PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT Alp DEDICATION FROM PAUL APARICIO AND IDA APARICIO AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERR TO SIGN SINE NHEREAS, the C1q Clerk of the Ciq of Rancho Cucaawnga to establish rcquirpaents for construcLlon of frontage iag7rorwents in coniunction with the Baker Avenw and Arrow Route Stone Dra1n and Street Ieproreawnt Pro~ett; and NHEREAS, insUllatlan of curb, gutter, drive approach, sidewalk, street 1lghes and stmt paveswMts located at 8512 Arrow Route, to be wade part of tM Raker Avenw and Arrow Route Stone Drain and Street Inproreaxrot Protect; and NNEREAS, Paul Apariclo and IG Apariclo have agreed to dedicate Right-of-NRy as nl~ursawent to the C1q far said laproraRants. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that tM Ciq Council of LIN Ciq of Rancho Cutaonga, Callfornla, dws accept sald Iagroraant Agraaaamt, authorizes tM NRyor and the Ciq Clerk to sign sae, and directs the C1q Clerk to record sae 1n tM Offlee of the Coungr Recorder of San Bernardlm Counq, Callforota. • ~\/ f ~ ' /T a9 n,mv nc n w morn vn rn m~ ~enwrn w U STAFF REPORT GATE May 20, 1987 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Beane W. Frandsen, Senior Civil Engineer y~ L~.v... VA. < ~l ~' :~ ~~ x ~; ~ 19." ~ SUBJECT: Award and execution of a Professional Services Agreesknt with the fins of Hackett 6 Kramer, Inc. to prepare construction of VineyardiAvenueonfrdm ArrowiROUte torFoo hirllaBoulevard. The fee asxlunL of f14,50o plus lOZ contingency will be funded free Lhe Systsas Development Fund. RECOMEIOATI011: • It is recasssended that C1ty Council award and execute a Professional Services Agreesxnt with Hackett 8 Kramer, Inc. to prepare construction Avenue fro~miAirrowiRoutentoeFooth111 Boulevard~haThe feetesauntVforythe required services 1s proposed at (14,500 plus a lOf contingency. Funding for the project will be provided from the Systeas Development !~~-A BACI(9101/D/Al11lYSIS: It is necessary to engage the services of a qualified design engineering fins to prepare construction plans, specifications and estimates for the RehaDilitatton of Vineyard Avenue from Arrow Route to Footh111 Boulevard. A Request for Proposal was prepared and sent to four (4) engineering fleas with the yyualificattons and experience to provide the required services. The fines were N115on, Inc. - Sheehan 8 Associates, L.A. Matnscott 8 Associates, Ludwig Engineering and Hackett 8 Kramer, Inc. Letters were received Eras L.A. Mainscott d Associates and Ludwig Engineering expressing regrets that their present work load mould not permit completion of the protect to a timely manner. Proposals were received from Wilson, Inc. - Sheehan, 8 Associates and Hackett 8 Kramer, Inc. After review and evaluation of the proposals, the recossrAnded fires was selected based primarily on the proposed scope of work, design approach and time schedule. The recasasended fins also proposed the tower fee of f14,500.00 compared t0 (18,755.00 for Mtison-Inc. - Sheehan 8 ASSOC1ailS. 30 ctrr wuRCa STAFF aEPOar ae: vtk'ErARD AVENUE Mar 20, t9e~ Page 2 Based on the proposed protect schedule, iL 1s antlctpated that the protect r111 be ready for authorization to advertise far constructfon bids on August 5, 1987. Prlor to this contract, tarter 6 Associatrs of San Diego vas engaged by a einor purchase order to perforei eoeprehensire pavaa~nt eraluat on. Res 1 sub~ltted, RIM: :ko Attaeheents -~ J u ~/ RESOLUTION N0. 8 7 ~yy9 • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY ff RANCHO CUCAMON611 TO ANARD AND EXECUTE A PROFESS[ONK SERVICES AtlIEEMENT XITH NACKETT AND KRANZER, INC. TO PREPARE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND EST1M11TE5 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF VINEYARD AVENUE FROM AKRON ROUTE TO FOOTHILL BOULEVARD NHEREAS, the C1ty Council of the Ct;y of Rancho Cucaawnga desires to have prepared construction plans, specifications and estlaates for the Rehabilitation of Vineyard Avenue fray Arrow Route m Foothill Boulevard; and NiRiREAS, Nackatt i Kranzar, Inc., by subdtting a proposal letter to response to a request for Droposals frog the C1ty, has wba~tttad evidence of qualification and is willing to psrfons such services for a fee. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT gE50LYE0 by tM City Gouncfl of tM C1ty of Random Cucaronga to accept, award and otherwise exacuU a Professional Services Agrea~ant with Hacbtt i Kramer, Inc. for the preparation of constructian plans, speelfltatlons and estleatas for tM Rahab111tat/an of Vineyard Avenue free Arrow Roue to Faoth111 Boulevard 1n the aaouM of f14,500 to be paid free Systw Derelopeent Funds. 1N ADDITION, 8E IT RESOLVED by the City Cauncll of tM C1>;y of Rancho • Cucaaonga t0 establish a contingency fund of 10f of the aaxwnt of said agreewlant or 51,450.00 to be used 1n tM avant of extra work or change order, to 6e adrinistered by staff. 3a • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAhiONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 20, 1981 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell M. Maguire, City Engineer By: Paul A. Rougeau, Traffic Engineer .dP c~ ~ i ~'.. ~;> ~i t T Q A F.I U Z Iv- 1 SUBJECT: Ruthorizing the receipt of proposals for Maintenance of Traffic Signals under the provisions established by the Streets and Mighwa,ys Code for Public Morks Maintenance It is recoaanended that the City Council authorize the City Engineer to receive proposals for Maintenance of Traffic Signals. A qualified company will be selected on the basis of denronstratfng the capability to perfona said maintenance efficiently, quickly and safely in accordance with guidelines and standards established by the State. B11CK6ROIMD/A1NL1/SIS: Tl.g r~~~ h.: ~,.~y e~_en . ~.~,.~ ,...lifer s ...i.,.e..,.._e ,... ~.. ,...n1iC fa l':'..C ._ such as traffic signals. ~Ln~order to maintain the standard, selection of responsible firms is of utmost importance. The present trends of liability claims demand effective and continual maintenance to insure that existing traffic signals are to good condition. The City Attorney has instructed staff that the provision of "advertising" to seek bids does not apply to the selection process for maintenance of existing public works facilities. Therefore, staff will be contacting selected companies that are Doth responsible and competitive. Res c subnitted, r , a ~c 33 • CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONi;A STAFF REPORT DATE: May 20, 1981 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer By: Paul A. Rougeau, Traffic Engineer <~-~`~ F Z ,, > 19" SUBJECT: Authorizing the receipt of proposals for Maintenance of Street Striping and Stencil Marking under provisions esta611shed by the Streets and Highways Cade for Public Morks Maintenance RECOMIBICY1TI011: It is recoanxnded that the City Council authorize the City Cterk to receive proposals for Maintenance of Street Striping and Stencil Marking. A qualified company will be selected on the basis of denronstrating the capability to perform said maintenance efficiently, quickly and safely in accordance with guidelines and standards established 6y the State. BAti(9lUINIt/Ae111LTSIS: The City has continued a high quality of maintenance on existing public facilities. Such as street stri Dina anA ctanetl marktnn In ore"r ~,. m.tn~.~" this standard, selection of the maintenance firms that have demonstrated a high standard of prompt, safe and thorough performance is of utmost importance. The present trends of liability claims demand effectfve and constant maintenance to insure that existing traffic controls are in good condition and prominently visible. The City Attorney has instructed staff that the provision of "advertising" to seek Dids does not apply to the seiection process for maintenance of existing public works facilities. Therefore, staff will be contacting selected companies for consideratf on of contract execution that are responsible and competitive. Res submitted, 3y CITY OF RANCHO CtiCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 20, 1987 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Gideon V. Agra, Junior CTvtl Engineer LL C.1JipY^ t~' ~ ~- ~ ~° 5~~~ ~i ~~~~> ie-c SBBJECT: Approval and execution of Professional Services Agreement between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Psamas 8 Associates for the Preparation of Bench Mark and Horizontal Control Aetworks Survey and Aerial and Geobase Mapping for the City of Rancho Cucamonga and surrounding areas in an aeount not to exceed (510,000.00 to be funded Tram Systems Development Funds. IL is recommended that City Council approve the attached Professional Services Agroement for the Preparation of Bench Mark and Horizontal Control Networks Survey and Aerial and 6eobase Mapping of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to an amount not t0 exceed f510,000.00 to be funded from Systems Development Funds. • e/ll]IHllll~l/111YLT515: On March 23, 1987, the top five (5) firma amwig the twelve (12) engineering f',rms who submitted Letters of Interest and Qualifications for the C1ty-wide •`-, .l ..d T- - Lt. Yu it i'~u~~.-.t ~I~i t~.d ~~iir ~J~ °y~g• ~Y YY ~x J w p, iwt proposal containtng both the scope of workings and rotect schedule before~a 5-member selection panel formed by three City staffP and two representatives from the County of San Bernardino and Riverside County Ftood Control District. The proposals received were reviewed and ranked by qualifications by means of established scope of work sheet to ensure meeting the desirable protect requirements. As a result of the evaluation process, it was the cameittee's consensus to recommend Psamas 6 Associates, as the most qualified to be engaged by the City for such a protect. The fees received from the firms are listed. Due to the size of the protect, the fee was negotiated with P somas 6 Associates to a minimum. FJ The planned approach by Psomas 6 Associates to this protect consists of conducting horizontal and vertical ground control surveys, setting up a Dench mark network for the C1ty, obtaining aerial photography suitable for stereo mapping, preparing topographic base map sheets, photo mosaic maps and furnishing digital electronic data for the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga's Geographic Infornwtlon System. Respect submitted, ~^~ :ko Attachments J J CITY 0% RANCHO COCANON5A AERIAL iDPOSRAPNIC AND WNTOOB NAPFIN6 1 NMICN ZS, 1981 1 SCORE SNEEi SDXNARY • CONSOL1ANf YAILY SiIL SCANS YALT iN6Ni0 PSOMS E ASS~IATES 4S 4Z 8 47 1431 S51 CONSOLTAMTS 29 47 11 34 1311 Y.E. SLAYELY E ASAOCIA7E4 ZB 33 S9 3i 1711 MILLOM ASSCCIATE9 27 A 31 31 ASl COMSOLTIMI ERINEEA7 n Sf 37 SS 1341 i6TRt AVFRp6E FFF PR3P05A1 I78 N.7 1530000.00 I71 37.77 f7I9390, 00 137 33.77 1495970.00 137 3J fA74010.00 I37 37 1717000.00 1 CONSUITAMT4 YEAS RAMfEO ACCOAO1NSlY FRgI TIE N16NFST AUIIFA Oi ACCDNDLRTEO SCORES 3~ RESOLUTION N0. S ~ -a'S~ • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDN611 TO ANARD AND EKECUTE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AfAEElENT NITH PSOMAS d ASSOCIATES TO PREPAIIE BENCH MARK AND HORI2~ITAL CONTRd. NETiAIRKS AND AERIAL AND GEOBASE MAPPING OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAlKIIN1A AMD SURROUNDING AREAS NHEREAS, the Ctty of Rancho Cucasonga desires to obtain accurate bench larks and aerial photography suitable for preparing photo axlsalc saps, infogieation forethe C1ty'ss6eographicaInfogrsationaSystse andwveral layers of IAIEREAS, an enginaeri~, wrveying and planningy f1r•, Psosus 8 Associates, specializing in the fields of surveyl~, sapping aM 6ggraphlc lnforwaeton Systss have, in rosponse to a Repuest for Proposal, lndlcatM desire to perfona such services and dagrwtnad to suet tM iusds of the suWect probed in prodding a high lwel of technical service, experienced prWect sunagasunt and gwltfted and experienced staff for a fee. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the C1ty Council of the C1ty of Rancho Cucaaanga does resolve td arard and execute the Professional Smrices Agreeax!nt be4+een the City of Rancho Cutaaxmga and Psaa>.s J• Assatates for the • Preparation of Bench Marks snd Horizontal Control Networks Survey, and Aer1a1 and Geobase Mapping of the Ctty of Rancho Cucaaonga including its wrrounding areas for a fee not to exceed f530,000.00. 37 • CITY OF RANCHO CtiCA.MONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 20, 1987 T0: City Council and City Mannger FROM: Russell H. Maguire, L1ty Engineer BY: Lucinda E. Hackett, AssisUnt C1vi1 Engineer ~,~u.~jih ~ ~ `~~. ~i cr, f ~ 19.' SUBJECT: Approval of Agreeaxnt for Installation of Public Iaproveaient and Dedication between Brad Downey and the C1ty of Rancho Cucaeonga for Street Frontage Ia~prove~ents at 8530 AROw Route MECODEIaATI01• tt 1s racoaaaNided that City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving Lhe Agresent for Installation of Public Iproveeent and Dedication between Brad Downey and the C1ty of Rancho Cucamonga. The attached subiKt Agreeaxnt between tM City and Brad Rowney provides for street improvements whicA include curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drive annrvu~h~~ ~f,wi linAle ynA Nrrt ~_ .nee •l nwn Y.. ~...~,._..~~ ~.w Route Frontage. Mr. Downey has agreed to grant to the C1ty a Roadway Easement to allow for the widening and improvement of Arrow Route in return for the construction of sold improvements. Sa1d street improvemMts will be constructed 1n con~uncttan with the City's Baker Avenue and Arrow Route Stone Drain and Street Improvement P ro~ett. Res ec lly submitted, r !L H• Attachakn is _~ ~ ~ ?fix • ~ ~ `~ II 12 13 207- P LAN SCAT . 2a/- ,QO, ~ /, P2 2 CURB 2E7URN ~ 207-20/-2/ 207-cb/-03 A 2o7-2C' d • 90• QQ x COWNEY '~ L~ 42.6/' V ~' n A r- 27 00' 3 i . ~, 207-20/-/ ~ h Jo/N l~ Q n JO/N ~ . Q.. ~ . I ~ - _ _- n /Q h it 'lJ V ,r ii l~~. N ~L -~. y K jai t'. ~J 207-2G/-a6 oli a cues zErueu ~' V d- SO° y~ I. ~. a2 a/' `~ ~ W W 7-2Z 00' 0 ~ ~ NOS k ARROW y. n, T~ x 0 ~° 39 ~v~ RESOLUTION N0. S7"aSi • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RAMCNO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOIL INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROYEIENT AND OEOIGITION FROM BRAD DOIREY AID AUfiIORIZiN6 THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGH SAME NHEREAS, the Ctty Clerk of the C1ty of Rancho Cucaaonga to estaDllsh requlresents for construction of fronUge iproresents fn cae~mxtlon xith the Baker Avenue and Arror RouU SUra Drain and Street Iprovenant Project; and MHEREAS, instillation of curb, gutUr, drive approach, sldnralk, street itghts and street paveswmts located at 8530 Arrow RouU, to be code part of the Baker Avenue and Arror RouU SUra Drain and Street Iproresent Pro,~ect; and NHEREAS, Brad Downey Ms agreed U dad/uU Right-of-NAy as relebursanent to the C1ty for said lproveeents. NOw, TIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED LMt the city Caw~e11 of ae City of Caltfornla, dos attept said Iproveaxnt Agresnant, Rancho Cuc~ang~, authorlus tM Maryor and the City Clerk U sign sao, and dlraets Lhe C1ty Clerk U record saes to the Offiu of the County Reeordsr of San &rMrdlm County, California. • /n n U C[TY OF RANCHO CUCAbIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 20, 1987 To: City Council and Ctty Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, C1ty Engineer BY: Lud nda E. Hackett, Assistant Civil Engineer ~p ~CCw.NO ~C 7 ~, :~ >f A fi ~ z .. > 19. C SUBJECT: Approval of Agreeeent for Installation of Dub11c Iaproveaw:nt and Dedication between Jennie Chloinl, Riccardo CA1o1n1 and John Chloini and the City of Rancho Cucaleonga for Street Frontage Ieprovsents at 8598 and 8600 Arrow Route [t is reconalnded that City Connell adapt the attached Resolution approving the AgreaawMt for tnstallation of Pub11c tiaproveawmt and Dedicatian between Jennie CAtotnt, Riccardo CMoin1 and John Chloinl and the C1ty of Rancho Cucasonga. BACII®10UR0/AINLYSIS: The attached subject Agreesent between the City and Jennie Chloinl, niccaruu Cnioini and Jonn Cnioini provides for scrcec ia~proveaknu wmcn Snclude curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drive approaches, street lights and street pavements along Chtoinl's Arrow Route Fron~age. The Chtolnis have agreed to grant to the City a Rusawgy Easement ta eiiow (or the widening and improvtwent of Arrow Route in return for the construction of said improvements. Said street improvements will b! constructed in con~unctlen with the City's Baker Avenue and Arrow Route Stone Drain and Street Improvement P ro,~ect. Res f y submitted, R .~EH:I Attachments T/ ,. ~` 3C!!LE 15 ~ 16 I7 2 ~ o v-2~ r 2o~-2oro7r 2 ~, rm 20F7-?0/-oG CHIOINI mm 207-20/-3 a 207-20/- 4 207-20/-Pg Ik Ik ~S i 17 Im W' ~ ~ .. i .N M ~ l~ ~t 3 ;C ~ a ~~3 oa N~ ~ ,~ 3 ro ~~ n,Q, . 3 ~ e~ ~ g+3 ' y-G _ ~- j _~ - - ~ ~ ~~ „ h'~ a° \~. I ~ ROUTE ~'_- ~_ - r T--~ ~, ~~ R_!ua I ~ "~ i ~'~ ~~ 207-2= • ~.> I ~'" I ~' ~~1 ~a MA020NE AVENUE ResaurlDN No. 8 7~ a 5 a • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITT OF RANCHO CUCAMDMGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN A6IIEENENT FOR INSTALLATIpI OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AND DEDICATION FROM JENN[E CNIOINI, RICCARDO CHIOINI, AND JOHN CNIOINI AND AUTHORIZING THE lY1YOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME NHEREAS, the City Clerk of the City of Raneho Cucaaanga m estaDltsh rer•ulraents for construction of frontage teproveaents in conluncttan with the Baker Avenue and Arrow Route Smra Drain and Street Ieprovsent Protect; and NINiREAS, tnstallatlon of curb, gutter, drive approach, sidewalk, street lights and street pavenents Located at 8598 and 8600 Arrow Route, m ee aside part of the Baker Avenue and Arrow Route Sinew Drain and Street IaproveaenL Project; and NNEREAS, Jarnle Chtolnl, Riccardo Ch1o1n1 aM John Ch1o1M have agreed m dedicate Right-of-Wy as reiabursaeent m tM Ctty for said laproveaants. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tMt tM City Connell of the City of Raneho Cucaaanga, California, does accept said Iepmveeent AgreMMt, autharizes the M;yor and the City Clerk m sign sae, and dlrecu the Ctq~ • Gle.^!! m rocord sae to tM Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. ~T i ~3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 20, 1987 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Lucinda E. Hackett, Assistant Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Request that City Council grant staff permission to obtain quotes for two appraisals for each property owner along Arrow Route within the limits of the Baker-Arrow Project who have not yet dedicated, authorize and direct the City Attorney to proceed with Eminent Domain proceedings and direct staff to proceed with short fana action of Chapter 21 of the Improvement Act of 1911 for the assessment of the cost for frontage improvements • It is recommended that City Council grant staff permission to obtain quotes from two (2) consulting appraisers for appraisals of the five {5) parcels along Arrow Route, authorize and direct the City Attorney. to proceed with Eminent Domain proceedings and direct staff to proceed with short form action of Chapter 27 to assess the five (5) property owners who have not voluntarily dedicated for the cost of their frontage improvements. At the present time, 82% of the property owners on Arrow Route within the proiect limits have signed Agreements for Installation of Public Improvements and Dedication and Easement Oeed documents. The frontage improvements to be provided are curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drive approaches, street trees, street lights and parking lane pavements For those property owners who have not yet dedicated, of which there are five (5) out of twenty-eight, an Eminent Canain action is to be taken to acquire the property needed to widen grrow Route [o its ultimate width within tha proiect limits. At this time, staff requests permission to ohtain quotes from two consulting appraisers for the appraisal of each of the five following properties: 19~" 1) APN 207-201-20 (8618 Arrow Route) 2) APN 207-262-39 ((8563 Arrow Route ) ) 4; APN 207-261-91 (8529 Rrrow Route) 5) APN 207-591-29 (8488 Arrow Route) .~ ~~ICwa+o'~ F~ `~ ~y • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 20, 1987 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Cathy Becker, Public Norks Inspector SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion i~rai~lEila-Tloll: L~Uxip ~, i ~ F 2 :J., > ro-,- The required street ingrovements for Tract 12739 have been completed in an acceptable manner and it is rcconaaended that City Councii accept said improvtaxnts, accept the Maintenanu Guarantee Bond fn the mount of f20,900.00, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 2209,000.00. Background/gnalysis Tract 12739 - Located on the southwest corner of Arrow Route and Center Avenue. uIiVLD1, L1.~ DCtI 41 GC1~ 101411 C,i 145 West Main Street Tustin, CA 92680 gccept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 220,900.00 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 2209,000.00 Respectf y submitted, l G R w v~ 0 c~ X. G ti s • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~~~ra•'NO,+h STAFF REPORT DATE: May 20, 1981 19 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Lucinda E. Hackett, Assistant C1vii Engineer ~ SUBJECT: Request that City Council grant staff permission to obtain Routes ithinwtheplimitssofothea8aker Arrw ProlectowhoAha e not yet dedicated, authorize and direct the City Attorney to proceed with Eminent Damafn proceedings and direct staff to proceed with short form action of Chapter 27 of the Improvement Act of 1911 for the assessment of the cost for frontage improvements IL is recommended that Ctty Council grant staff permission to qh?~:n quotas from two (2) consulting appraisers for aDOra+se'a cs the flue (5) parcels along Arrow Route, authorize sad direct the City Attorney to proceed with Eminent Domrl.^. :aceedings and direct staff to proceed with short forte ?=tisr~ or Chapter 27 to assess the five (5) property owners _..,; have not voluntarily dedicated for the cost of their frontage improvements. B11CK910UN0/ANALYSIS: AC the present time, 82% of the property owners on Arrow Route within the protect limits have signed 0.greements for Installation of Public improvements and Dedication and Easement Deed documents. The frontage improvements to be provided are curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drivn_ approaches, street trees, street lights and parking cane pavements For those property owners who have not yet dedicated, of which there are five (5) out of twenty-eight, an Eminent Oamatn action is to be taken to acquire the property needed to widen Arrow Route to its ultimate width within the pro,iect limits. At this time, staff requests Dermission to obtain cuotes from two consulting aporaisers for the appraisal of each of the five following properties: ~ 1) APN 207_201-20 (6618 Arrow Route) 2) APN 207-262-39 (8563 Arrow Route) 3) APN 207-201-03 (8548 Arrow Route} 4) APN 207-261-91 (8529 Arrow Route) r~ 5) APN 207-591-29 (8488 Arrow Route) ~y CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT RE: ARROM ROUTE APPMISALS May 20, 1987 Page 2 • The first four properLtes arc along Arr011 Route b.:: the Cucaeonga Greek CMnnel and Baker Avenue. IL is lnten!~4 acquire the roadway eassent frog these parcels through Esftwx ~..irain, construct the street and parkray tproveaamts aM ass~~a ~'R affected properties for these iprovsents Dy use of the ttm;Y•r 27 Provlslon of tIM Iprovsent Act of 1911. For the f#».r. property (APR 207-591-29), lotattd at the northwest corner ~:! krror Route and Baker Avenue, it is intended to take a epdifis? .iorner cut-off by conduanatton W construct a rub return oni, which wlll allow for the eopletlon of the intersection iprov~ants. It 1s also requested that C1p~ Council authorise and direct the City Attorney W proceed with Erinant pegin proceedings tar the f1w before eentlaned properties. It is furtMr requested that Cigr Council direct staff to proceed with the assessnnt of the cost of the frontage iprorsents to be constructed wAtch shell not exceed the appraised value of the land. A short fore action of Chapter 27 'Construetian of Sidewalks and Curb Provisions' of the Iproweent Act of 1911 w111 he used to assess the affected properties for tM proposed frontage iproveaents. Resp~e~cf~yily suhedtted, • RIM~EU:ko.~ ys • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 20, 1987 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Cathy Becker, Public Norks Inspector SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion RECa~E11aATta: ..lp ~~ "~'k: ~' V t Flt U Z -„ > 19"~ The required street Tnprovements for tract 12739 have been completed in an acceptable manner and it is recommended that City Council accept said 520,~900.OOtsauthorlpze the City Engineerutoanile aoNOtlce of Compt ti on and authorize the Cttyy Clerk to release the Faithful Perfonmance Bond in the amount of (209,000.00. Background/Analysis Tract 12739 - located on the southwest corner of Arrow Route and Center Avenue. DEVEL~ER: Deer Creek Partners tab west Main Street Tustin, CA 92680 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 520,900.00 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 5209,000.00 Respe~tf y submitted, (//'/ ~ R w y6 • RESaurIDN no. S ~ ~~53 A RESaUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUGMONGA, GLIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12739 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING Of A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE IgRK NHEREAS, the construction of public improvesients for Tract 12749 have been crnryleted to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Ccwlpletion is required to be filed, certifying the work cooplete. N011, THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the work is hereby accepted and the Cfty Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Cahpletion with the County Recorder a/ San Bernardino County. • y~ • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAbIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 20, 1987 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Cathy Becker, Public Norks Inspector SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion RECOMIEN01TI011: ~,,~c,~,uo,~ u p ;~ F Z r. > 19" The required street improvements for Tract 9619 have been completed in an acceptable manner and St is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of 581,350.00, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of f813,500.00. Background/Analysis Track 9619 - located on the northwest corner of Carnelian Street and Jasper Street DEVELOPER: Plasa MN tAnne 3187A Airway Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) (81,350 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) =813,500 Respec ily submitted, f L RHM:CB:~h Attachments y~ RESOLUTION N0. $ 7 " a'S7 • A RESOLUTIQI OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IIpROYEMENTS FOR TRACT %19 AHD AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION fOR THE IA)RK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract %19 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Campletlon is required to 6e filed, certifying the work complete. NUM, THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Compietion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. • ~9 • GATE: May Z0, 1987 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT T0: ayor and Mesbers of the City Council FROM• Brad Buller, City Planner 8Y: Richard Alcorn, Conwunity Code Representative SUBJECT: RELEASE OF CASN DEPOSIT RECOIMENOATiON: Mork for the folloring tracts has been caaryleted and t e tas epos is in the total aapunt of (4,500 aro hereby recoaaunded by the Planning Division to De released to the Oeer Creek Caapany: (SUbdivlsion) 9269 1 (2,600 22364 Sates Office (Model Noses) 9269 N/A 51.000 917a5 ? c~~.. (Subd7viston) BB:RA:,)r SD - CITY OF RANCHO CCCAMONGA ~~;~ STAFF REPORT ~~' U 1977 DATE: May 20, 1987 TO: City Council and City Manager PROM: Robert A. Rizzo, Assistant City Manager BY: Jerry B. Pulwood, Aaaeeement Revenue CoordSnator SUBJECT: Approval of a 3 Year Preferred Service Apreeunt HatwNm The City o! Rancho Cucamonma and PriN Computer Inc Par Monthly Service Maimtm Tota111np Apnroximataly 830 960 00 Over th! LSle of Lhe llareement. RECO!@tEDATION: . It 1• recommended that City Council approve the attached Service Agreement, giving approval !or this addandua to the Service Agreement already Sn existence. BACKGROUND/ANALYS IS• The current agreement between the City o! Rancho Cucamonga and Prime Computer, Inc. Se scheduled to terminate on June 30, 1987. This new agreement would be a cantinuation until December 31, 1989, thereby locking the City into the current rate that Se being paid now and Snsuring no Sncrease in coats for !ha current system. Should the City upgrade and add on to the eyatem the monthly maintenance charge would De added on to this addendum and the Preferred service pricea would be given to the City, The savSngs to the City would be eonalderable as Prise Computer, Inc. increases its pricea annually. The City Attorney hse reviewed this contract and has apprcved it ae to Corm. Res ctiul ley//SQubmitted, ~! RAR:JBB:kmm 5/ kgSOLUTION N0. 87-r~'v A SESOLOTION OP THB CzTY COUNCIL OP 1NE CITL OP RANCHO WCAMDNu-, CALIFORWLt, AUTNORZZING T36 DHSTRUCTION OP CIT! RECORDS ANO DOiUNSftt3 WHI(8 Agg ND LONGER RHQUIRHD AS PPO- VID® UNDE0. GOVERIDOII7T CODB SHCTION 34090 WNBItBAS, it 6u bean determined that certain City swords under tba charge of the tolloring City Dapartaent are no longer required for public or pcivare purpour. Eogineariag Departawt/Transportation Division; ud Cesaunity Services Dapartant WHBRBAS, it hu bean dateaiaad that dutmetios of the above-aaationed satarials is oaeuury to consasva storage apace, u rWaca staff rise. apaasa, sad eoetuioe in handling, sod infotfiag the pnblic; Bred WEEREAS, Section 34090 of the Ceretsaat Code of the Stare of Califor- nia wthorisu the bead of a City departawt to dutmy soy City records sad doeveau rhich era over tro yore old under bis or her eharp, rithout Baking a copy therwf, attar the Belo era u lossges required, npon the approval of the City Council by ruolntios and the rrietu coaaeut of the City Attorney; and • IiNBREA3, it is therefore duireble to dntroy uid swords a lisred in 8s6ibit "A" attached hereto and ode a part herwf, in storage, riehout eak- ing • copy therwf, rhich are over tro yore olds ud WIIERBAS, uid swards Nava Deere worovad for denmetien h. .;.. rt •. Attorney. ' NON. TNHREPORE, TNB CIT! COUNCIL OP TSE CITP OP RANCgO CUCAMDNGA D06S RHSOLVE A6 FOLLOWS: S&GTION-1: That approval sad authoriaatiou is hereby giro to duttoq thou records dneribed a ~:hibic "A" attached hereto sad ode • part 6erwf. SHLTIO&~2s That tG City Clerk is authorized to a11or ustinatioo bq end doution to the Daparteent of Special Collections of the University Re- search Libraq, University of Cslifomia, or other historical society designat- ed bq the City Council, soy of the records ducribed iu B,chibit "A" attached hereto and Bade a part herwf, except thou dared to 6e coofidwtial. 5eLTiOW 3; Thet the City Clerk ehn11 certify to the adoption of thin cool utioa. ud ehwcefort6 ud thereaftn the sae shall be in full force sad effect. 1 S~ Resolution No. 87-+++ Page 3 HalIBIT eA" • COilONIT4 SER9ICES DSPAATMBMT 1967-1978 PrrBudget Working P~psn 1968-1977 Comry Andit Rapozta 1974-1977 Bank 9taceaeata 1976-1978 Miecdlaneoua Cotrupoedance 1976 CBA 50 Pnopoaala for Pask Devalop~nt 1977 Coonty Porckuieg Regsiiaitiow 1978 Rdflic Votb Grant Corraapondence 1977-1979 Pgioll, caaeallad checks and rarrwu 1972-1983 Racseetion Pmgr~ geceipu 1976-1900 Chromlogical Corrupoadaxe lilac • 1978-1982 Msoa and Cosrupoadanca 1982-1984 PrrOudget Working Papers 1982-1983 Recreation Mail-in Registration Pore 1982-1983 Waivers for: Nen'• o-Laague, Aaerican Leagw, National Laagua, Msn'a C-League. Men's 8-League, Co-Bd Pridq. Co-ed National, !Mn'e A-B League. CrBd Aaarican, Buketbail Leagw 1982-1983 Recrutioo Progr~a and Events 1983 Medical Ralaua Pore 1983-1984 Grapevine tiles ENGINEERING DBPAATMENT/1TAN8PORTATION DI91SION 1980 9aa Bernardino County Traltic Cootsol Dericee Inventory r1 U 53 RECORDS INVENTORY WORRSHEET • DEPARTNENT ENGINEERING FILE CAB. N0. LOCATION TRANSPORTATION DIVISION S}IELF CASE NO. PACe No. oTRER PREPARED BY/DATE VOLUNE (CU.FT.) INCLUSIVE DATES DRAWER N0. SAELF N0. SERIES TITLE(S) 6 DESCRIPTIOI/ OP COiRERT3 1980 San Bernardino County Traffic Control Devices Inventory FOR DESTRUCTION BT x~ O~~ /J ~v~ DISPOSITION OP AHCOROS: S~ RHSOLUTION N0. 87-M~ C~ A RBSOLUTION OB THH CITY ODONCIL OP Tf1S CITY OP RANWO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING 1tiH DBSTRUCTION OP CZTY RHCORDS AND DOCOiBNT3 WIlICN ARH NO LONGHR RHQUIRHD AS PRo- VIDHD UNDHH GOVERNMRiT CODS SHCTZON 34090 WHHRY6S, it hu been detaainad that certain City records order the charge of the folloriag City Dapazt•aat era no lovgar rsquirad fos public or private purposes: Hnginaezing Depertaent/Transportation Divitiov; and Coouniry Services Dapartaant WNBRHAS, it 6u bean daiarfinad that dutruction of the above-untiowd ytarials is wcuury to coosarra storage spaN, w reduce staff Lisa, arpaau. ud confwion is handling, and intoning the public; and WNHRHAB, Section 34090 of the Governpnt CoM o! the Sete of Califon nia authorises the 6aad o! a City departaent eo destmy say City records and docu•uta rhic6 era aver vo yen old usdes hie or her eharge. rithout eking ^ copy thereof, after the ssN are no Loagar ragaisad, upon eha approval of the City Comcil by rroluiion and the rrittu cowant of eha City Attoraq; and • WNERHAS. it is Lhanfora duirabL to dntroy uid records as Listed in B:hibit ^A^ attached haraeo and wade a part hereof. is storage, vithaui mak- ing a copq thereof, rhich era over tro ynn old; ud WNHRF.LS, uid rwords have bau approved for dntruction by the Citv Attorneq. NOW, TNHRHFORH, THH CITY CWNCIL OP TNB CITY OB RANCNO CUGlpNGA DOHS RESOLVH AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That approval sad authorization is hereby given to destroy these records ducribed a Bshibit ^A" attached hereto ud uda • part hereoF. SHCTION 2: That [he Citq Glerk is auCharized to alloy ezuiwtion by end donation to the Dapartaent of Spacial Cgllactions of the University Re- search Library, University of California, or other historical society designat- ed by the City Cowcil. anp of the records ducribed in ®:hibit "A" attached hereto and wda • part hereof, szcapt those deaed to be coafidaaeial. SSCf20N 3: That eha City Clerk shell certify to the adoption of this resolution, and theacaforth snd thanaf ur the sue shall be in full forty end effect. r\~' I~ I I 55 Resolution No. 87-oaf Page 3 BSBIBIT "A" COMMBnITY sBA9ICBS ngpAATMBlrr 1967-1978 PrrBudget Working Ptpaze 1968-1977 County Audit Aeporta 1974-1977 Bank Stat~wp 197(x1978 Miacallanaow Corrupondanca 1976 CSA 50 Proposals for park Da"elop~ant 1977 CountF Pnrebuing Regniaitione 1978 Public Works Groat Corraapoadenca 1977-1979 Pgroil, caacalled chocks and rarraata 1972-1985 Aacraatioa Prngr~ Wacaipu 1976-1980 Chzonological CorrNpondence Pilo • 1978-1932 lima and Cosrnpoadaxe 1982-1984 PrrBudgat Working Papaya 1982-1985 Racraatioa Mail-is Ragiatration Fozaa 1982-1985 Weivara for: Maa'• C-Leagw, Narican Lugw, Matioo.l Laagua. Maa'^ C-Leagw, lLa's B-Laagua, Co-Hd Prida9. Crad National, Men'• A-B Laagw, Co-8d Marican, Baakatbell Lugw 1932-3985 Aacrution Pmgrau and Bunts 1983 Medical Ralaua Pone 1933-1934 Gnpeviae Pilo BNGIN~IING DHPAATMB'NT/TRANSPORTATION D14ISI03 1980 Sao Baraardino Cowt7 Traffic Control Davicaa 2nvaneory • 56 RECORDS INVENtORY WORKSHEET • DEPAATI¢NT FILE CAB. N0. LOCATION SHELF CASE NO. PAGE N0. OTgEg PREPARED BY/DATE VOL(D¢ (CD, gT 1 INCLUSIVE DATES SERIES TITLE(S) 6 DESCRIPTION OT CIR7TEN'TS REMAKES; CCMNNITY SERViCFS DEPARTMENT DRAIR?II N0. SHELF N0. 1967-1978 Pre-Budget ibrki~ papers 1982-1985 Naivers far: Men's C-League, 7968-1977 Gaunt Audit Mierican League, Nsttonal League, Men's Y Reports C League, Men s B-League, Co-Ed Friday, Co-ed National, Men's A-8 League, Co-Ed 7974-7977 Bank statements American, Basketball League 1976-1978 Miscellaneous Correspondence 1982-1985 Recreation Programs A Events 7976 CSA 50 Proposals for Park Develapma~t 1YOJ ''1eu icai Release horns 1983-1984 Grapevine F11es 1977 County Purchasing ReQuisitions 1978 Public Norks Crest Correspondence 1977-1979 Payroll, cancelled checks and Warrants 1972-7985 Recreation Program Receipts 1976-7980 Chronological Correspondence Files 1978-7982 Memos and Correspondence 1982-1484 Pre-Budget Norking Papers 1982-1985 Recreation Mail-in Registration Fotms APPROV D FOR DESTRIN;TIDN BY lip / CIIY ATTO d DISPOSITION OP RECORDS: vim'. r~ ~-~y~ M/ _ i 57 • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: May 20, 1987 T0: yor and Mea~bers of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner 8Y: Greg Gage, Assistant Planner GlG.NO .~' -r t f i 1917 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSiENT AND VARIANCE 86-OB (MENDED) ~rclnnncc - n regwsc to wive tie aax caw g req~re~e~ of 35 feet for an exkndable radio anknna to allow an existing antenna to be exknded to 72 feet on a .47 acre parcel in the Very Low Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre) located at 5327 Carol Avenue - APN 1061-111-19. I. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the hearing on the appeal e se or une 3, 1987. [I. BACKGROUND: AS a result of Code Enforcement, the applicant had or g na y sought approval of a Variance to allow the continwd use of an exlsN ng fazed radio antenna tower, and Lo perNt exknsi on of the support structure from 50 to 70 feet in height. At Its meeting on Janwry 28, 1987, the Planning Commission denied the proposal on the grounds that there ws insufficient justification for the request. The applicant subsequently appealed. [n filing the appeal, the applicant proposed to amend the in1 t1a1 rcquesL bY: (I) Drdvt diva a retraatahlo Awct nn fnr rh. ,n...,.. , ,_... structure; (2) increasing the maximum overall height (exknded) to 72 feet; and (3) keeping the antenna and support structure retracted to less than 35 feet when not in use. The anknna would be extended for use on weeknights and weekends. Since the Planning Coa~lssion had not reviewed the amended request, the City Council lacked jurisdiction prerequisites to act on the request as amended. Accordingly, the amended request ws referred by the Council back to the Planniny CoAaisston for their review and consideration. At its meeting on March 25, 1987, the Planning Cowsisston continued the item to its April 8, 1981 meeting ai the request of the City Attorney. The continuance was requested to allow the City Attorney to review a new case law relakd to the application. At its meeting on April 8, 1987, the Planning Cowission denied the amended request on the basis that: (11 the facts relatiny to the subject property had not changed since the Ccanlsslon's initial review in January; and (2) mere ws no hardship applicable to the subject property which ws not equally applicrtile to other properties in the same zoning district. The applicant is appealing the dental of the amended request. S 0 • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: May 20, 1987 T0: Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Jack Lam, AICP, Community Development Director BY: Olen Jones, Redevelopment Analyst SUBJECT: SET JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCRMONGA FOR 7:00 P.M. ON JUNE 17, 1987, WITH RESPECT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE RANCHO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AMENDMENT N0. 1 ANO THE SUPPLEMENT TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT PREPARED IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the setting of a Joint Public Nearing with the City ounc o t e City of Rancho Cucamonga for 7:00 p.m. on June 17, 1987, with respect to the RedevelopmH•nt Plan for the Rancho Redevelopment Project Amendment No. 1 and the Supplement to the Environmental Impact Report prepared in connection therewith. BACKGROUND: At the Redevelopment Agency meeting on March 4, 1987, the amendment process began by the adoption of the Preliminary Report. Since then, the Redevelopment Plan and Environmental Impact Reprot have been prepared and circulated as required. ANALYSIS: Community Redevelopment Law requires that public hearings of the Ro~ovnin omen! On nA ne Me r!~ • r^ ^il .~,• !;^ld •~_ _ _d. Redevelopment Planna nd the Supplement to~they Environmental Impact Report prior to the adoption of the amended Redevelopment Plan. As an alternative procedure, the Agency and the Council may hold a joint public hearing where both entities are Convened at the same time with the Mayor presiding. Following approval of setting the joint public hearing for June 17, 1987, notices of the hearing will be prepared and published in a local newspaper for three successive weeks prior to the hearing. Additionally, Agency staff will begin preparing notices which are to be mailed on June 1, 1987 to all property owners and affected taxing agencies within the Project Area. R~ectfull subm Jack 1(L/M1/a'.m0~~,1C~n/AI.I CP Community Development Director JL :OJ :kap s~ ORDINANCE N0. 313 AN ORDINANCE OF THE C[TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADD[N6 SECTION 12.04.010 (P) TO CHAP- TER 12.04 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINtN6 TO THE PROHIBITION OF SWIMMING AND DIVING WITHIN ANY POND, R EFLECTIHO POOL, ETC., OF A CITY PARK OR OTHER RECREATION FACILITY A. Recitals. (i) Section 12.04.010 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code contains those regulations concerning prohibited activities within any park or other recreation facility owned or operated by the City. (11) At present, certain City parks and recreational fac 111 ties have been developed including water features such as ponds, reflecting pools, etc. More specifically, Red Hill Park is presently developed with a shallow pond. This, and other similar water features, have been designed and developed to provide a pleasing aesthetic environment in such City parks and recreational facilities and have not been designed to accommodate swimming and diving. (iii) At Dresent, said Section, 12.04.010 does not prohibit the use • of such water features for rec reatlonal activities such as swimmf ng and diving. Due to the fart that many children are presently on vacation, and in view of the current warm weather, a number of children may 6e induced to uti- lize the existing pond within Red Hill Park, and other similar water features, for swimming and diving. Accordingly, this Council feels that it is immediate- iV nov o<ca rY h_n_ aA_n_nf_ nunnl,lln n._ nwnF:F: N.... >1. u , ., a _. .. - ~ ~.~y ~.i~.. i ~..~ •.u vlV11Y Yac V I (IV IIU> p11Y water features within City parks and recreational facilities. (iv) All legal prerequisites prior to the adopii on of this Ordinance have occurred. B, Ordinance. NOM, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordained 6y the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: Section 1. In all respects as set forth in the Recitals, Park A, of this Ordinance. Section 2. The Gity Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby firds as follows: a. Certain parks and recreational facilities within the Cfty of Rancho Cucamonga have Deen developed with the aesthetic features of ponds, re- flecting pools and waterscape features. Such ponds, etc., have not been de- signed ar developed to accommodate recreational ac tf viti es s••ch as swtnming, diving, wading, etc.; Nc Page 2 b. At present, various schools are on vacation and the region is • experiencing unusually worn weather. Due to these facts, a number of children are likely to be in City parks and induced to utilize such ponds and water features in a Wanner for which they have not been designed; and, c. The unregulated utilization of such ponds and water features without appropriate regulation to insure the safe use thereof would result in an immediate threat to the public health, safety or welfare of those persons utilizing such Lity parks and recreational facilities. Section 3. Section 12.04.010 (P] is hereby added to Chapter 12.04 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Cdde, to be read, in words and figures, as fol- lows: "P. Swim, dire, wade or in any way enter into any pond, lake, water feature, reflecting pool or any similar body of water.' Section 4. The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once~in The Oail Re rt, a newspaper of general circulaLlon published in the City of Ontar o, ifornia, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Glifornia. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this • day of •, I9•. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Dennis L. Stout, Mayor ATTEST: Beverly A. Authelet, Lity Clerk • • • May 28, 1987 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Jerry Grant, Building Official ~y~j SUBJECT: UPDATE OP BUILDING REGULATIONS C ~~u.eloyc f~ ~ ~~ ~'- ,r o F U PZ U > 1971 I. REOpl11ffiiDATION: It to recommended that the City Council con ucd t a publTa hearing and, at its conclus[on, hold final first reading for ndoption of the accompsnying or dinsnce. II. BNCKGROUND: State taw provides for adoption of building regul~ona by local agencies and sets specific procedures for adoption of codes by reference ea is proposed in this case. Furthermore, the Health and Safety Code specifies that certain nationally recognlaed codes be ndopted for ..........: ..r .:.t....:.t t...:tnt..... .. r.t: r,....t. nn limits ~modificetion of their technicel•provisions. TAe law, however does not limit modification of adtntnistrative provisions nor restrict eddi Lionel regulations not included in those standards. The latest city adoption of building regulations took place in 1981 which have been in effect since then. In the meantime, state statutory requirements have changed so that Local modifications are now restricted to those that can be related to the topography, geology or climate of the local area. This latest revision dictates that certain prior inclusions in our reguletiona be dropped because they cannot be logically related to either of the governing [actors. :1s a result, we have lass several features (particularly in the electrical code) which served to provide greater convenience end flexibility for Rancho Cucamonga homeowners at little additional cost. lP Staff Report: UPDATE OP BUILDING REGULATIONS May 20, 1987 Page 2 We sre proposing to continue those prior code modifications • that can in some way be related to geology, topography or climate. It is staff opinion that our climatic cond[tiona ere highly conduelve to the use of outdoor and eceeasorq areas for recreational and/or hobby uses. Therefore, several emendmenta regarding wiring in garages and minimua cspaeitiea of electrical panels and conduit sizes end n requirement for spare electrical raceways have been included to allow for future expansion and/or use o[ outdoor/accessory areas without wholesale destruction of building components. We are also continuing our current fire retardant rooting requirements, Oased upon climatic cireumatances, and likewise our local revia-ons relating to grading whi cn we consider to De either topographically or geolog[eslly related. A reaolutlon of ezpress finding of neeesaity for theca local modifications will ba brought before the City Counall et the time of second reading of tna otdinanee es is raqulred Dy state law. In addition to llama continued or genersted tram previous adoptions, we ar• introducing several changes, not previously included, as follows: . s). We have proposed adoption of the Uniform Administrative Code in lieu of separate administrative provisions [n each of the model codes. This will remove subtle eontlicte in y,~3euii:v- "-.. C~.Y:~.:' •A. inAl viAn.l documents and will provide un[formity in spplicetion. :). TRc !ie!g^.t et r!hich buildi:!e permits ere1~ be required for masonry wails and fences has been chsnged from 8 ft. to 3 ft. We have not included other fences in this some permit category because masonry fences generally represent a greater investment by the property owner and because of their relatively greater weight, represent a higher degree of hazard In the event they were to tall. c). Rooting design criteria has been modified to allow the development of policy for supplementary fastening of roofing materials in our unusual wind areas. {Current code provisions do not provide administrative authority in this regard) • (3 Statt Report: UPDATE OP SIJI I1D [NG REGULAT[ON9 May 29, 1987 Page 3 • Aalde from a number of minor technical changes in the parent documents and the above outlined Sasuea, the ordinance before the City Council represent subatentially e continuation of regulations currently in effect. Adoption of this ordnance will provide Rancho Cucamonga with the latest avaflaDle Dullding regulations in all construction disciplines. JG:11 • u G~ • GiiDINANve rD.. ~ ~ r AN ORDINANCE OF TH6 CITY GUilCIL OP THE CITY OP RANaD ClICMIIt"A, RFFFN.ItG CiHPI$i8 13.04, 13.08, 15. t2, 13.18, 15.20, 15.24 AND 13.28 OP TITLE 15, BJIIDIN® Aro COVS1ALTiQi, OP Tlti RAt>~D MNICIPAI, GO1E IN THEIR FNfIREIY, AND 3lLR'IQB 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, AND 10 OP T1E SAN BHl4Al0)I14) ~Iy ~E AII1PIfD BY ORUIINtILE 17; AND AOtAPtNG BY itEFEH@[B THE "127IPf1iH ADl'-NISIRKI'fVE CiIE", 1985 ®17[0:1; 1t$ UNIPIA4 BU(IDINfi OI6, 1985 Sl[TIQ4 R'R.11DDR1 ALL APPENDICBB THUD: TH6 "QiIPiAt H7IIDItO OZE ", 1985 ®ITIO9; T1E "II4IPO8M 583191t1(CAL OBE", 1983 EDITIQi, INadDDC ALL APPEBDN~ THEIBIO; THE "IDHPOBH PLibBllp d~", 1985 BDITIQ)i tlp,IDI1C ALL APP@8)ICE89; THB NATIONAL EL~IRICAL Off, 1987 EDITIOY; THB "iMPOEM O~ RR TA6 AE809i@iC Op > BUIIDD[[~", 1983 ®ITION; TH6 "RIIPOBM HQHDp Off", 1983 ®ITIQi; TH6 "1I71tW1 BUItDR07 9B7RITY C{Z6", 1885 DITtON; iv[TH CEATADI Al@lts$iIB, ADDITIO)B, DHEYIOHS AND E8[ST'1'1'IONB W BAJD O]l~, INQ,iDIN3 PENALTiD A. RBCITALB • (i) Article 2 of Chapter 1 of Part 1 of Division 1 0[ Title S of the California Govermient Code authorf aas tAe adoption, by reference of the Uniform Adninlstrstiva Code, 1885 Edition; the Uniform Building Code, 1985 Edition; the Unffo~m Building Coda Standards, 1885 P4ition; tAe Vntfortn MecAani eel nnA. ions nwttie :. . Edition ineiudin all a ~ ~ V11 °`O1 r+umo~ng uoae, 1985 6 ppendlcea; tAe National Eleatr[cel Code, 1987 Edition; the Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1985 Edition; the Uniform Housing Code, 1985 Edition; the Uniform Building 9eoueity Coda, 1985 Edition; and tAe Uniform Sign Code, 1985 Edition, eaoh as published by fAe internatTOnal Conference of Building Officials end (or) the Internetionel Association of Plumbing end Mechsnicnl Officials or the National Fire Protection Association. (ii) At least one copy of eacA at said Codes end Standards certified es full, true and correct copies tAereo[ by the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga have been flied in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga in accordance with the provisions of Government Code Section 50022.6. (iii) A duly noticed public hearing, as required by California Government Cod• Section 50022.3, hss been conducted and concluded prior to the adoption of this Ordinance. (Iv) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this ordinance hove occurred. W B• ORDINANCE. CucamongaNdoes 6e~r eby R(i nd ,h d termineuandlorda nh es LollowsRencho SECTION 1. In all respects as set forth in the Recitals, part A, of thin Ordinance. SECTION 2. Title 13 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal odd e, entitled Buildtnaa •nd Construction, and CAepters 2, 3, 4, 7, 0, and 10 of the Ban arnar :no County Code adopted by Ordinance No. 17 of the City Council of the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga sre hereby repealed, provided that said repeal shall not apply to or exauae any violation thereof occurring prior to the effective date of this Ordinance and provide further that the Uniform Codes as adopted by reference end amended by Ordinenaea Nos. 17, S9, and 122 of thta Citq shalt continua to be appltaaDle to conatructlon for which plans Aava Deea submitted for plan check end the plan cheek tees paid as of the stteetiv date of this ordinance, proridad that the permit/s therefor are lasued no longer than ninety (80) days after the effective date of this Ordinance. Section 3. A new Title 15 is AereDy added to the Mneho Cucamonga Municipal Code to read, in words end figures, as • follows: "Title 13 nUILDINC9 AND CONSTRUCTION Chanters: 13.04 Codes Adoption 13.08 AAniniatrative Code 13.12 Building Code 13.38 Mechanical Coda 13.20 Plumbing Code 13.24 6leatricnl Code 13.28 Code for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings 13.32 Housing Coda 13.38 Sign Code 15.40 Building Security Code SECTION 4. A new Chapter 15.04 is hereby ndded to the Rancho l,u~aamonga Municipal Code to read, in words and figures, es follows: 'P Y° r1 LJ • Chapter 15.04 Codes Adoption Secttons• 15.04.010 Codes Adoption 15.04.010 Codes Ado lion. The "Uniform Administrative Code^, 198 Edition; t e "Uni orm Building Code", 1985 Edition, including" ell appendices thereto; the "Uniform Building Codes Standards , 1985 Edition; the "Uniform Mechanical Code", 1985 Edition including all appendicea thereto; the "Uniform Plumbing Code^, 1985 Bdition, including nil appendices thereto; the "National Electrical Code^, 1984 Edition; the "Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings^, 1985 Edition; the "Uniform Housing Code", 1885 Edition; the "Uniform Building Security Code:, 1985 Edition; and the "Uniform Sign Code", 1985 Edition; are hereby adopted in their entirety as the Building end Construction Regulations of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, together with the amendments, sdditiona, deletions end exceptions set forth in Chsptera 15.08 thru 15.40 below. SECfICN 5: A new Chapter 15.08 is Aerebq added to the Rancho ucsmonga Municipal Code, to reed in words and figures, as follows: Chapter 15.08 Administrative Code Sections: 15.08.010 Section 202(e) Amended--General 15.08.020 Section 202(c) Amended--Right of Entry (5.08.030 Section 204 Amended--Appeals 15.08.040 Section 205 Amended--Violations and Penalties 15.08.050 Section 301(b) Amended--Exempted Work 15.08.080 Section 392(e) Information on Plans and Specificati ons 15.08.070 Section 303(a) Amended--Issuance 15.08.080 Section 303(d) Amended--Expiration 15.09.040 Section 363(1) Added--Unfinished Buildings 15.08.100 Section 304(a) Amended--Pees 15.08.110 Section 305(h) Amended--Reinapections 15.08.120 9eatlon 307(n) Nnended--Energy Connecti ons 15.08.010 Amended--General. Section 202(a) of said • Uniform A intstret:ve Code s emended to reed es follows: Section 202(a). General. The Building Official shall enforce the provisions of this Title, the Uniform Administrative Code, 1985 Edition and the technical codes referenced therein and shell have the responsibility for making interpretations thereof, for deciding upon the approval of equipmkent end materials end for granting special permission provided for in a number of code seeti one therein. 15.080.020 Section 202(a) Amended--Ri ht of Entr . 9eation 2 c o an:d Vn orm Admtntstret ve Coe Is hereby amended to reed es tollowe: 9eation 202(c) Right of Entry. The Building Official, or his duly euthoeiaed representative, shall hsve the authority to enter any building or pr anises for the purpose of inveat[gsting the existence of suspected or reported damage or detects which constitute an immediate danger to human life or an immediate hazard to public aatety or health. Except in emergency situations, the Building Ottic[el, or his suthoeizad representative, shall not enter any occupied Duitdfng or premises without the consent of the owner of occupant thereof, . unless he possesses s warrant authorizing entry end search of the premises. No person shall hinder of prevent the Building Ofticinl, or his authorized representative, while in the pertormsnae of the duties herein descri Ded as emeraenav sitnatinn. _ •-;;;• - possess:on o[ a warrant, tram ~enteri ng upon end into any and all premises under his jurisdiction, st ell reasonable hours, for the purpose of inspecting the same to determine whether or not the provisions of this code, the referenced technical codes end all other applicable laws or ordinances pertaining to the protection of persons or property are observed therein. 15.08.030 Seatlon 204 Amended--A eels. Section 204 of said Unt orm Administrative Code, is hereby emended to reed es follows: Seaton 204(e) Appeals. A decision of the Building Official regarding interpretstion or implementation o[ any provision of this Title, the Uniform Administrative Code, 1985 Edition, or the technical codes referenced therein shell be final and shell become etteative forthwith upon the service of the decision of the Building Official, in writing, upon the permittee, applicant oe other person effected by the decision, hereafter celled permittee. Por purposes of this section, service upon the permittee shell mean either personal delivery or placement in the United States Msii, postage prepaid, and addressed to the permittee et his lest known business pddpreasl provided, however, that t/O O the permittee may, within tan (t0) days after the • effective date of service of the decision of the Building Official, file en appeal with the City Clerk, in writing, specifying the reason or reasons for [he appeal end requesting that the Board o[ Appeals review the decision o[ the Building Official. (b) Board of Appeals. The City Council or such Other five (S) persons, other than employees of the City, that the City Council may appoint, shall act as a Board of Appeals in making n final determination of any appeal filed in accordance with the provisions of Subsection (a) of this Section. The City Clerk shall schedule a hearing on the appeal nt ressoneDle times and et the convenience of the Board of Appeals, Dut not later then thirty (JO) days after receipt of the written appeal. The permittee may appear in person before the Board or be represented by an nttor nay and may Introduce evidence !o support his claim. The Building Otf icisl shall transmit to the Board all records, papers, documents and other materials in support of his deeiaion end shell provide n copy thereof to the permittee appealing the decision of the Building Official. The permittee appealing the decision of the Building Ottietel shall cause, at his own expense, any testa or research required by the Board to subatentiete Ais claim to be performed or otherwise carried out. The Board may continue such appeal hawing from time to time as defined necessary by the Board. The Board may, by resolut[on, affirm, reverse, or modify in whole or in pert, any appealed decision, determination or interpretation of the Buildin¢ Otti alai. s onny ~! !!;: ,.. m-, evupiau i by the Board shall be mailed to the parmi t t ee end the Board's decision shall be final upon the mailing, by United States Mnil, postage prepaid, to the permittee's teat known address of record. Notw[thetanding the foregoing, appeals tiled in relation to substandard rest dentinl buildings shell be processed in accordance with Section 203 of the Uniform Housing Code. iv. uo.v+u oacc,on cvu mrcnueu--~ w:ai:una nua Penalties. act on o se: Un: orm Administrative ode is hereby emended to read as follows: Section 205 yfolations and Penalties. /t shall ba unlawful [or any person, firm, or corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, eonveet or demol[sh, equip, use, occupy, or maintain any building or strueture in the Ci4y, or install or alter any electrieel, plumbing, mechanical work d ne,or cause x~ the same to be done, contrary to or in violation of any of the provis[ona of this Title. G~ My person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provistona of tAis Title shall be demted guilty of e • sepsrate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this Code is committed, continued, or permitted, and upon conviction of any such violation such person shall be punishable 6y a fine of not more then One Thousand Dollars (51,000), or by Imprisonment for not more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. $eCtiOn J 1 ~~`° rn,enua a--6x Led 1 o ae Un orm A nIstrat ve Coe is amended to rend as follows: Section RO1(b) 1. Building Peemits. A building permit shell not be required for the following: A. One story detached accessory Duildinga used as tool sad storage sheds, playhouses, and similar ones, provided the projeoted root Brea does not exeead iR0 aquas feet. B. Wood, chainlink, plastic metal or similar 1[ght weight feneea not over 8 feet in height above the lowest sdJacent grade. C. Oil derricks. • D. Movable cases, counters and partitions not over 5 feet high. E. Retaining wells end masonry fences which are not over 3 feet in height above the lowest adjacent grade, unless supporting a surcharge loud or intended for impounding flammable liquids. P. Water tanks supported directly upon grade if the capaoity does not exceed 5000 gallons and the ratio of height to diameter or width does not exceed two to one. G. Platforms, walks end driveways not more than 90 inches above grade and not over any basement or story Detow. H. Painting, papering end aimiler finish work. i. Temporary motion picture, television end theater stage seta end scenery. J. Window awnings supported by an ea erior well of • Croup R, D[viaton 9, end Oroup M Ooeupanciea when pro)ecting not more than 54 inches from the supporting wall. 70 K. Prefabricated swimming pools accessory to a Group • R, Division 3 Occupancy in which the pool wells ere entirely above the adjacent grade and it the capacity does not exceed 5000 gallons. L. The changing or the advertising copy or message on a painted or printed sign. N. Painting, repainting or cleaning of an advertising structure provided no structural changes ere made. N. Signs less than 8 feet above grade that are not electrically lighted. O. Changing of theater marquees and similar signs specifically designed for the use of changeable copy. Unless otherwise exempted by this ends, separate plumbing, electrical end mechan[cal parmita will De required for the above exempted items. ~e~ivna. oeci[on nu't tcl o[ the Uniform Admin[strative ode is hereby emended to read ea follows: Section 302 (ej. Information on plans and specifications. Plans and specifications shell be drawn to scale upon substnntiel paper or cloth snd shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the locution, nature and extent of the work proposed end show in detail that it will conform to rho provisions o[ ins technical codes end ell relevant laws, ordinances, rules end regulations. Plans for buildings more then two stores in height of other than Groups R, Division 3 end M occupancies shall indicate how required structural end [ire-resistive integrity will be maintained where a penetration will be made for electrical, mechanical, plumbing and communication conduits, pipes end similar systems. Plans for grading work shall contain the information specified in Section 7008 0[ the Uniform Building Code as adopted and emended in Section 15.12.200 of this code. 15.08.070 Section 3a3(e) Amended--issuance. Section 303(al of the Uni arm A tnistrative Code is hereby emended to read as follows: Section 303(x) Issuance. The application, plans end specifications, end other date, filed by an applicant for ;~ permit shall be reviewed 6y the Building Official and may be reviewed by other departments of this jurisdiction [o verity compliance with any applicable laws under their jurisdiction. It the Building Official finds that the work described in the application for a permit and the plans, 7~ specifications and other data tiled therewith conform to the requirements of this code and the technical codes end other • pertinent laws and ordinances, and that the tees specified in Section 304 have been paid, he shall issue a permit therefor to the applicant. Exceptions: Electrical permits shall only be issued to u person or persons qualifying under one or more of the following categories: a• A state licensed contrsctor or authorized representative of a state licensed contrnetor but only to the extent and for the work the person is licensed by the State of California to do. b• A bonaf ids owner of a single family dwelling for electrical work within thst dwelling, including buildings and quarters accessory thereto. c• A person, firm or corporation reguisrly employing one or more quslifled maintenance electricians. • d• A representative of a charitable, non- profit organization [or temporary work in connection wtLh Christmsa tree lost, - r. :a%„ i:rewurka stenca end similar non-permanent instellationa, provided that work covered by the permit is to be performed by members of the organization and furthermore thst there are to be no persons employed at the lcoetion where such temporary wiring is installed. Such permit shall expire within a time specified by the Building Official, not exceeding six {g) months t1me, and shall not be renewed. A representative o[ another city, county, stele district or other political subdivision [or electrical work to be performed on the premises of said political subdivision. When the Bu[Iding Official issues the permit where plena are required, he shell endorse in writing or stamp the plena and specifications ^APPROYED^. Such approved plane end specifications shall not be changed, modified or altered • without euthorizntiona [ram the Building Official, end all work shalt be done In eeeordance with the approved plans. ~a The Building Official may issue a permit for the construction • of part of a building, structure or building service equipment before the entire plans and specificat[ons for the whole building, structure or building service equipment have been submitted or approved, provided adequate information and detailed statements have been filed complying with all pertinent requirements of the technical codes. The holder of such permit shall proceed at his own risk without assurance that [he permit for the entire building, structure or building service will be granted. 15.08.080 Section 303(d) Amended--Ez iretion. Section 303(d o said Uni orm Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 303(d) Expiration. Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of the technical codes shall expire by limitation end become null end void, i[ the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit, or it the building or work authorized Dy such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is eomnenced for a period of 180 days. Before such woek can be recommenced, a new permit shall be first obtained so to do, end the fee therefore shell be one-half the amount required for a new permit for such work, provided no changes have Deen made or • will be mode to the original plans and specifications for such work; and provided further that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one year. Any permittee holding an unexpired permit may apply, for an extension of thP. times. wifAin mA:wA . .. ...........___ ...__.. .._ .. permit, when he is unable to commence work within the time required Dy this seotion for good and satisfactory reasons. The Building Official may extend the time for action by the permittee for s period not exceeding 180 days upon written request by the permittee showing that eireumstences beycnd the control of the permittee have prevented action from being taken. No permit shell be extended more than once. In order to renew action on an extended permit after expiration, the permittee shall pay a new ul~ permit tee. Section 3 o said Unl orm Administrative ode is~hereby~eme by adding subsection (f) to rend as follows: Section 303(f) Unfinished Buildings and Structures. whenever the Building Official determinea by inspection that work in or on any building or structure for which a permit has been issued end the work started thereon has been suspended for e period of 180 days or more, the owner of the property upon which such building or structure is located or at4er person or agent in control of said property, upon receipt of notice in writing from the Building Official to do ao, shall, within 90 days from the date of such written notice, obtain a new permit to complete the requtred work and diligently pursue 73 the work to completion or shall remove or demolish the building or structure within 180 days from date o[ the • written notice. 15.08.100 Section 304 Amended--Fees. Section 304 of said Uniform A6nlnistrntive Code is hereby amended to read as tollowst Section 304(a) Pees. The fee [or each permit shall be as established by Resolution of the City Council. The determination of value or valuation under any of the provisions of this code shell 6e made Dy the Building Official. The value to be used in computing the building permit end building plea review teen shall be the total value of ell construction work for which the permit is issued as well na all finish work, painting, roofing, eleetricel, plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, elevators, fire ext(ngutshing systama end any other permanent equipment. Whenever any work, for which a permit is required Dy this Code, hen been catmeneed without first obtaining ssid permit, end when such work is discovered es n result of an investigation Dy the Building Otficiel or his duly authorised representstive, the permit teas specified Dy the Ctty Council shall be doubled. The payment of such double tee shall not eaempt any person from compliance with all other provisions of this Code nor tram any penslty preseriDed Dy law. Section 304(b) Plen Review Faea. When a plan or other date • is required to De submitted by Subsection (b) of Section 302, a plan review tee shell be paid et the time of submitting plans and specifications for review. Payment of a plan review fee shall h. nnn.lA...n _...:. - the work described on the epplicetion form rend ntor ~~whieh the plan review tee is paid. Where plans ere incomplete or changed so ea to require additional plan review, en additional plan review tee shall be charged. Fees for plan review shell be as set forth by City Council Resolution. Section 304(c) Expiration of Plen Review. Applications [or which no permit la issued within 180 days followl ng the date of application shall expire by limitation, and plena end other date submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the Building Official. The Building Otticial may extend the time for action by the applicant, for a period not exceeding 180 days, upon written request, showing that c(rcumatancea beyond the control of the epplicent have prevented action from being ,aken. No epplicetion shall be extended more then once. in ,order to renew action on en application after expiration, the epplicent shall resubmit plans end psy a new plan review tee. 7Y (d) Exemption Prom Fees. Neither the State nor this nor any other county, city, district, or other political subdivision, nor any public officer or Dody acting in Ais official capacity on hehalt of the State or of this or any county, city, district, or other political subdivision shall pny or deposit any fee required 6y this code. This Section does not apply to the State Canpensetion Insurance Pund or Public Housing Authority or where a public officer is acting with reference to private assets which have come under his jurisdiction by virtue of his otfice. (e) Refunds. In the event that any person shell have obtained s permit end no portion of the work or conatructi on covered by such permit shell have been cartmenced and such permit shall hsve expired as provided for in Subsection (d) of Section 302, the permlttee, upon presentation to the Building Ofticinl of n written request, shnll be entitled to e refund in nn amount equal to eighty percent (SO%) of the permit fee sdtually paid for sucA permit; however, the portion of the tee retained by the City shell never be less than twenty dollars (120.00) or the tot el amount paid, whichever is less. In toe event a permit is issued in error by the Building Of ticial, ell tees shall be returned to applicant upon written request. No refund shall be granted when receipt of the request occurs • more then 180 dsys [oilowing payment of the permit or pian check tee. No portion of a plsn checking fee shell be refunded, unless no checking has been performed on a set of plans, in which dose eighYq percent (SO%) of the plan checking fee shell be refunded; however, the oortinn ~t !hc fee rern:n.^ ^.`.cll „e rur oe less than twenty dollars, (520.00), or the total amount paid, whichever is less. The Building Of ticial shall satisfy himsalt as to the right of such applicant to such refund end each such refund shall be paid es provided by law for the payment o[ claims ngainst the City. 15.08.110 9ectton 305(h) Amended--Reins rations. Section 3nS(h o se;d Un; orm Administrative Code is hereby emended to read es follows: Section 305(h) Reinspections. A reinspection tee, as set forth in City Council Resolution, may be assessed for each i nspeetion made necessary due to work not being reedy et the time inspection is requested or for work not corrected after prior written notice. In instances where reinepections tees have been assessed, no additional inspection of the work shell be performed until the required fees have barn paid. 15.08. t20 9ectton 307(x) Amended--Fort Connection. Section 0 e o sa d nl orm Adman strat;ve o e is hereby emended to read es follows; 7S 9eetion 307(s) Energy Connection. No person shell make • connections from a source of energy, fuel ar power to any building service equipment which is regulated by the technics] codes and for which a permit is required by this code, unless ouch required permits ere obtained end npplicable final building, electrical, plumbing and/or mechanical inapactions have been made end ell conditions of development approval have been completed or gusranteed, eacept sa provided for in Subsectlon(d). SHCTION 8. Anew Chapter 15.12 is hereby added to the Rnneho Cucemongn Municipsl Code to read, in words and figures, as follows: Chapter 15.12 Building Code Sections 15.12.010 Chapters 1,2,a Dslated 15.12.020 9ect[on 420 Added datinition-- 9wimming Pool 15.12.030 Seation 1101 Amended--Droop "M" Occupancies 15.12.040 • Section 1103 Amended--Fire-Raaistive Protection 13.12.050 Section 1105 Amended--Garage Floor Surfsaea 15.12.afla a.we,..r .Ins ~-La3:... °uw i.8.:iue 8uvi Fencing 15.12.070 Section 1210 (n) Amended--Fire Warning System 15.12.080 Seation 1704 (a) Amended--Roof Coverings 15.12.090 Seation 1717 Added--Underfloor Areas 15.12.100 Table 23-D Amended--Allowable Deflection 15.12.L10 9eetion 2907(b) Amended--Beaeing Wails 15.12.120 Figure 20-1 Amended--Building Setbacks tram DaecendinQ Slopes 15.12.130 Seation 320T(e) Nnandad--Root Construction and Materials 15.12.140 Section 3203 (f) Amended--Ordinary Roof Covering 15.12.150 Section 3203 (g) Deleted 15.12.100 9eetion 3709 Added--Spark Arrestor 15.12.170 Append[x Chapter 12 Deleted 15.12.180 Appendix Saetlon 3210 Amended--Reroofing 13.12.190 Appendix 9action 7003--Exempt Grading 15.12.200 Appendix 9action 7004--Haaardoua Grading 15.12.210 Appendix 9action 7005 Added • De[initions--Final, Preliminary Grading Ptans 13.12.220 Appendix Section 7008 Amended--Permits Required 7~j • 15,12.230 Appendix Section 7007 Amended--Plan Review Pees 15.12.240 15 12 250 Appendix Section 7008 Amended--Bonds . . 15.12 260 .4p~endix Section 7010 Amended--Fills . Appendix Section 7013 Amended--Erosion Controls 15.12.010 Cha 3 o id taro 1 2 and 3--Deleted. Chapters 1 2 and sa Uni orm entirety. Building Code are hereby , , deleted in tAeir Section 4 0 o said Uni orm wilding Code pis Vhe addition of the following definition: Section 420. Swimming Pool is any body of water cree fed by artificial means designed or used for swimming, immersion or therapeutic purposes. Section 11 1 0 read as follows: a Section 1101. Group M Occupeneies shall De: • Division 1. Private Garages, carports, sheds end similar structures accessory to residential structures, and agricultural buildings. Division 2. Fences over 6 feet high, tanks, towers and swl mmino nnni. For occupancy separations, see Table 5-B. aec[[on 1103 of said Uni orm Building ode is reed as follows: Section 1103. Por fire-resistive protection of exterior walls end openings es determined by location on property, see Section 504, Part IV, end Appendix Chapter I1. Sectionl 11 SOo sacs dio ni to ~m ui de ng Co erase ereo yr amen fed eto read as fuliowq: Section 1105. Garage floor surfaces in building areas where motor vehicles ere operated or stored shall be of noncombustible, nonabsorbent construction. ~~ 15.12.080 Section 110T(a) Amended--Swimmin Pool Pencin . Section I10 o said Uni orm Building Code is hereby emended to read as follows: 7~ Section 1107(a). Swimming Pool Fencing. Every person in possession of land under a confect t, or as owner, lessee, • tenant, licensee, or otherwise, upon which is situated e swimming pool, having a water depth exceeding I$ inches, shalt, at ell times, maintain a fence or other structure completely surrounding such pool and extending not less then five feet (S'0"), measured vertically, above any walking surface, wall or other c1lmaDle structure, within two feet (2'0") of the exterior of the enclosure. Openings in such fence or structure, other then those created Dy gates or doors, shall be of such size so that n sphere exceeding 4" (4 inches) in diameter will not pass between ed~acent members. Members of such pool enclosure shall not De arranged so as to materially facilitate climbing or scaling by small children. Gales or door openings through such enclosure shall be equipped with Belt closing end self-latching devices designed to keep, end capable of keeping, such door or gate securely closed nt all times when not in actual use; however, the door of any dwelling occupied Dy human Doings whteh forms any pert of the enclosure hereto required need not be eo equipped. Required latching devices shall be located not less than tour feet, six inches (4'-a^) above the ground. The pool enclosure shall De In place end approved by the Building Official before wstee is placed in the pool. EXCEPTIONS: The provisions of this section shall not apply to public swimming pools regulated Dy 9tete Building 9tendards approved by the Slate Buildi nv 4tsnn..,t^ Gomnrssron. 2. Any fencing serving ea an enclosure for a swimming pool, lawfully in existence on the date of adoption of this ordinance, end meeting the requirements [or fencing In effect at the time of eonstructlon of the swimming pool, may be continued, however, any replacement of fencing in whole or in part, shalt comply with the requirements set torah above. b) Where applicable (see Section t03) for egriculturet buildings, see Appendix Chapter. 15.12.070 9ectfon 1210 e) emended--fire Warnin S stems. Section 1 1 a o said ni orm Bu ding Code is ereby amen ed to read as follows: • Section 1210(e). Pi re-Warning Systems. Every dwelling unit end every guest roam In a Dotal or lodging house used for sleeping purposes shall be provided with smo4e detectors conforming to U.B.C. 9tandsrd No. 43-8. In dwelling units, • detectors shell be mounted on the calling or well at a point centrally located in the corridor or Brea giving access to rooms used for sleeping purposes. In an efficiency dwelling 7~ • unit, hotel sleeping room and in hotel suites, the detector shall be centrally located on the ceiling o[ the mein roam or hotel steeping room. Where sleeping rooms are on nn upper level, the detector shall be placed at the center of the ceiling directly above the stairway. All detectors ahll be Located in accordance witA approved manufacturer's instructions. When actuated, the detector shall provide an alarm in the dwelling unit or guest room. When habitable space having a valuation exceeding 51,000.00 or when one or more sleeping rooms are added or ereeted in e:fisting Group R, Division 3 Occupancies, the entire building shall be provided with smoke detectors located as required for new Group R, Division 3 Occupanicea. In new construction, required smoke detectors shell receive their primary power from the building wiring when such wiring to served Iran s commercial source. Wiring shall be permanent and without a disconnecting switch other than those required for overeurrent protection. Smoke detectors may be battery operated when Installed in existing buildings, or in buildings which undergo altersttons, repairs or additions regulated by the second peragrsph of this section. A smoke deleetor shall be installed in the basement of • dwelling unite having n stairway which opens from the basement into the dwelling. Such detector shall De connected to n sounding device or other detector to provide en alarm which will De sudible in the sleeping seen. 15.12.080 Section 1704 Amend•n__w....r r...... ~.. __ r:ua o[ Snid Uniform wilding Co a :s hereby emende~ to rend~as follows: Section 1704(x) Root Coverings. Root coverings shell be fire retardant except in Types III,IV and V buildings, where it may be es follows: Ordinary root coverings may be used on buildings of Group R, Division 3 or Group N Occupancies. 2• Clesa C roof coverings which comply with U.B.C. Standard No. 32-T may be used on Group R, Division 1 Occupancies which ere not more then two stories in height and Rave not more then 5000 square feet of projected root area end there is a minimum of 10 feet from the extremity of the root to the property lines on alt sides except for street fronts. Root mounted skylights shell be constructed es required in Chapter 34. Penthouses shell be constructed es squired in d,~ Chapter 33. Por use of plastics in roofs, see Chapter 52. Por Attic access end area, gee Section 3203. For Roo[ Drainage, see Section 3207. 7/ (b) Fire Stopping. Roo[ coverings having openings s[ eaves which would sllow the entrance of embers or flames shall De • tire-stopped et cave ends to preclude entry of embers or flames under the root covering. 15.12.090 Section 1717 Added--Underfloor Aress. Chapter 17 of said nl orm ull ng Code is hereby amen a Dy addition of Section 1717 t0 read as follows: Section 1717. Underfloor Aresa. Ruiidinga or structures shall have all underfloor erase enclosed to the ground with conatruotien ss required for exterior wells. ERCHFTIONS: Enclosure is not required when the underside of all ezposed floors end ell exposed structural columns, beams and supporting walls are of non-conbustible construction or protected with one-hour ttre resistive materials. The underside of cantilevered wood balaonles and unroofed walking "decks", constructed entirel of 2^ or greater nominal thickness wood y joists and decking, need not De enalosad. Woad structural members having • minimum dimension • of 8^ nominal, tongue end groove flooring of 1 t/2" net thickness or plywood flooring o[ 1 1/8" net thickness need not be enclosed or fire-protected. !~ '_2 ~~~ TG.:G :-u ~uvuuvu--AllowaDlO ueilee a on. Table 27-D o sn: Un orm ~u ng o e la ere y amen a to read, in words and figures, es follows: TAlId !i-D Itli[IW ALLOIYlL[ DRL[LTIQI !Q glaQylD[aL 1~0[a am IQaD® IIITN I~R IdlOm LIYg IGaD PI.IIe TTr6 l3P Llv[ LDaD /111.7 L.L. Dgap LOAD L.L. • [ D.L. Ploor lembu a, Root Memeeea Supporting Plu ter, Root Nemberv Supporting Deed Loads Esceeding SO Pe reont of Ll va L/Oe0 L/t{0 Lo da •auftlcient al ope or cameer mall ee provl dad for flat roofr in accordance vieh Section 2305(!1. L.L. • Llve Loa0 D,L. s peed Load • k = Pastor de grmi Md ey raele No. 20-g L = Le ogre of mamear in same uni b as datlaetion £s0 • 15.12.110 Section 290T(D) Amended--Beartn Walls. Section 2807 b o said Uni orm Building Code a hereby emended to reed as follows: Section 2907(b). Bearing Walls. Bearing walls shell be supported nn masonry or concrete toundatt one or piles or of N: epprovad foundation system which shell be of sufficient size to support all loads. Whore a design is not provtded, the minimum foundation requl cements for stud besting wells shall be ea set forth in Table No. 29-A. ERCEPTIONSi A One story wood or metal Ireme building not used for h~anan occupancy and not over 200 square feet In floor areas may be conateucted wTt F~out masonry or concrete toundetIona it walla are supported Dy e Portland cement cone rote slab not less than 9 1/2^ in thickness. 2. TM support of Dullding^ by posts embedded in earth shalt ba designed a speoi[ied in 9eetion 2907(f). Wood posts or poles embedded in earth shall ha pressure treated with an approved preasrvative. Steel poets or poles shall De protected as specified in Bactton 290t(h). • 15.12.120 Plrure 29-1 Amended--BUildinr 9atbacKs from PACE OF H/2 BUT NEED NOT EXCEED 15' H/3 OR 5' MIN, BUT NEED NOT EXCEED 40' OF STRUCTURE ~ FIGURE N0. 29-1 ~/ 15.12.190 Section 3202 )a) Amended--Root Construction and • Materials. act on a s Hereby amended to rea as ollows: Section 3202(e). Roof Construction and Materials. Roo[ covering shall be securely fastened to the supporting root construction and shell provide weather protection for the building et the root. In locations designated as Special Wind Regions on Pigure No. 4, Chapter 23, the Building Ofttelal may require aupplamentary fastening or attachment methods to those specified in Table No. 32-8. Spaced sheathing for wood roots shall be spaced not to exceed 8^ clear nor more than the nem[nal width of the sheathing board. Sheathing boards shall be not leas than 1 Inch by 4 inches nanlnal dimension. Diagonal end sway bracing shell be used to brace all roof trusses. 10.12.140 Section 3203 t Amandad--Ordinae Boot Coveria Sect[on o s• n orm u ng o a a era y amen ad to read as follows: Section 3203([). Ordinary Root Covering. M ordinary root covering shalt be any one of the following roofings: 1. Any root covering listed in Section 3203(a). • 2. My built-up roofing assembly not lase than Class C roofing. s. any mineral aggregate surface built-up root [or application to roots hsving a slope of not more then 3 inches to 12 Inches applied as specified in Section 3203(d) 2, consisting of not leas than the following: Base Sheet and Pllas Three layers of Type 13 organic or inorganic fiber felt, and Surtsctna Material 300 pounds per roofing aqusre of grovel or other approved surfacing material, or 200 paunde per roofing aquas of orushed sing in 50 pounds of asphalt, or 80 pounds o[ pitch. 4. Any prepared rooting not teas than Ctaas C roofing. • ~~ . E7CCEPT[ON: Unless otherwise required because of location as specified in Parts IV end V of this code, Group M, Division 1 root coverings may consist of not less than one layer of 55-pound smooth-surfaced organic cep sheet, or built-up rooting consisting of two layers of Type IS organic fiber felt and one layer of surfacing material as specified on Section 3203(f)3. 15.12.150 Section 3203(¢) Deleted. Section 3203(8) of said Uniform Building Coda is hereby deleted. 15.12.160 Section 3703 Added--S ark Arrestor. Section 3703 of sa:d Uni orm Buil ng Coe to hereby amended by adding n new subsection (h) to reed as follows: Seation 3703 (h) Spark Arrestor. My chimney, flue, vent, oe stovepipe attached to any solid or liquid fuel burning fireplace, stove, barbeque, or other similar dev[ce hereafter installed within or attaahed to any building or atruature, shall be equipped with en spproved spark arrestor. A spark arrestor is defined as a device constructed of non- combustible materiel equivalent to 12 gauge steel welded or woven wire mesh or 3!18^ thlak cast iron plate. Perforations or openings in spark arrestors shall be not leas then one- • hell inch (1/2") and not larger than five-eights inches, (5/S") and shall be of suttlcient number so na not to reduce the required flue ores. Spark arrestors shall be Inatelled in such a manner ea to be visible for inspection end accessible for maintenance. 15.12.170 endix Che ter 12 Deleted. Appendix Chapter 12 of the Uni orm u:l ng Coe is hereby elated. 15.12.160 A endix Section 3210 Amended--Rerootin Seation 3210 o the Append x o the Unl orm Bu 1 Ing ode is hereby emended to reed es follows: Section 3210. Reroofing. New roof coverings for existing buildings shell not be applied without first obtaining s permit therefor tr om the Building Official. An inspection may be required to determine the ecceptabll{ty o[ an existing structure for reroofing. A final inspection and approval shall De obtained from the Building Official when reroofing is completed. 15.12.190 A endix Section 7003 Nnended--Exam t Gredin . Section 7003 o the Appendix o the Un orm Build ng Code is hereby emended to read ea follows: Section 7003. Exempt Grading. No person ;hall do any grading without first having obtained a grading permit from the Buitding Official except for the following: 83 1. Removal of surface deposits of improperly pieced • materiel or refuse. 2. M excavation below finished grade for basements and footings of a building, retaining well or other structure authorized by a valid building permit. This shall not exempt any till made with the material from such excavation nor ezempt any excavation having an unsupported height greater than S feet otter the completion of such structure. 3. Cemetery graves. 4. Refuse disposal sites controlled by other regulations. S. Rxeavetione for wells or tunnels or ut[lf ties. 8. Mining, quarrying, excavating, processing, stockpiling of rock, nand, gravel, aggregate or clay where estaDllshad and provided for by law, provided such operations do not affect the lateral support or Increase the strauu In or pressure upon any adjacent or contiguous property. 7. 6:ploratory exasvations under the direetton of soil • engineers or eng(neering geologists. 8. M excavation which (a) to loss than 2 feet in depth, or (b) which does not crests a cut alone yPadicr :i,an o ieec ~n neignt end steeper then two horizontal to one vertical (2:1) and that [s of teas then 100 sable yards. 9. A till leas then L toot [n depth; placed on natural terrain with slope not ezeeeding S hor[zontal to 1 vertical (S:1), provided that the grading is in an isolated, salt-contained aces end does not endanger private or puDlie property. L0. Pill less then 3 teat in depth and not exceeding 100 cubic yards, placed on a single pe: ¢el, provided that the till does net obstruct a drainage course. 11. An excavation for pipeline or other underground utility lines installed under a separate permit, provided that any necessary eroaton control measures ere made pert of that permit. t2. PuDiic Works projects not requiring s building • permit Including sewer and storm drain construction, ut[l[ty trenohes, power transmission lines end appurtenant access roads and retaining walls or grading ac¢omplisAed ns part of street maintenance aativitiaa. O~/ • 13. Recurr[ng, regularly scheduled maintenance of existing facilities where no new construction is involved. 14. Emergency repairs to existing facilities resulting from natural or civil disaster including, but not limited to, rainstorm, flooding, earthalide, heat storm, earthquake, riot, sabotage, and the like. 15.12.200 A endix Section 7004 Amended--Haaerdous din¢. Section 0 4 o t o Appendix o the Uni orm uilding e is hereby emended to read as follows: Section T006. Hszardous Grading. lyhenever the Building Officlel determines that any existing natural atope, or any excavation, embankment, till or other condition created by e grading project hea become n hazard to life or limb, or endangers property, or adversely affects the safety, use or stability of n public way or drainage chennet, the Build[ng Official may give the owner of the property upon which the condition is located, or other person or agent in control of said property, a written notice to abate the condition. Upon receipt of such written notice from the Building Official, the owner or other person or agent in control of said property shall within the period apecltied in the notice . repair or eliminate such natural slope, excavation, embankment, till or other condition so es to eliminate the hazard and be in conformance with the requirements of this Code. is i~ non ;....~;dl~ °attim, Su"ue nudeu--Deitn:t:ons. section 7005 o the Appen :x o the Uni orm uilding Coe is hereby emended by adding the following definitions: Pinal Gradin Plan is s plan shooing all detailed drainage (n ormation, grade elevations, locations end floor elevations of any buildings. Preliminary Gradlna Plen is a plan showing bu[lding pad elevat:ons, typical drainage methods to be utilized, end similar generalized information, usually excluding finish floor elevations, building locations, end specific drainage details. --• ~ enu,n aecc:on ~ruus Amended--Permits Re wired. Section 7006 o the Appendix o the Uni orm utl ng Code is hereby emended to reed es follows: Section 7006(x). Permits Required. Except es exempted in Section 7003 of this Code, no person shall do any grading without first obtelning a grading permit from :tie Building e~ Official. A separate permit shall be required [or each site, end may cover both excevationa and tills. Grading permits may De issued based upon sutxnittai of either n preliminary or O~ final grading plan. The preliminary grading plan . requirements shall apply where insufficient precise detail of site improvement exists et the time of grading permit issuance. Where grading is accomplished based upon e preliminary gradtng plan the submittal end approvsl of a tinsl grading plan shall be required prior to the issuance of any building permit for the site. Preliminary grading plans shall include sutfieient detail to assure that at the time of final grading plan submit! el, all standards end specifications of this code and other City grading regulations will be met. (b) Appliention. The provis[ons of Section 302(b) ere applicable to gradtng and in addition the spplieatlon shall state the estimated quantities of work involved. (c) Plans end Spectf lcationa. WAan required Dq the Building Official, esch application [or a grading permit shall be aoeampanied bq three seta of plans •nd specifications, and supporting dat• aonsiating of a soils engineering report and engineering geology report. Tha plena •nd spacitlcatlons shall be prepared and s[gned by a civil engineer when required Dy the Building Ottieiat. (d) lnf ormation on Plans and [n Spealtications. Plan shall be drawn to scale upon substantial paper or clotA and shell • be of auttieient clarity to indicate the nature end extent of the work proposed •nd show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of this Code end ell relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. TAe lira! sheet of esch cf p:euo ai:.ii give ine iocarion of the work and name end address of the owners end the person Dy wAom they were prepared. The plans shall ineiude the following information: General vicinity of the proposed site. 2. Property limits and accurste contours of existing ground and details of terrain and area drainage. 3. Elevations end tins sh contours to De achieved by the grading. 4. Detei:ed plans of ell surteee end subsurface drai nege device a, walls, cribbing, dens and other protective devices to be conatrueted with, or es e pert ot, the proposed work toge[her wl[n a map showing the dreinsge area end the estimated runoff of the Brea served Dy any drsina. 5. Location of any buildings or structures on the property where the work Is to be performed and the . location of any buildings or structures on land o[ nd)saent owners which •r• witAin IS feet of the protect ails or which may De •ttected by the proposed gradtng operations. Sd • 6. Siae, type and condition o[ vegetation that is to remain. 7. Legal restrictions such as property lines, easements, setb neks, etc. 8. Utility structures, catch Daslns, manholes, culverts, etc. 9. Dr ninege, aewe r, water, gas, electric or other util[ty lines. 10. Any unusual site conditions. Contours, both existing and proposed, shall De shown in accordance with the following schedule: Natural Slopes Maximum interval 295 or less 2 feet Over R46 to end including 9% S feet Over 8% 10 feet Specificatlona shell contain information oovar[ng construction end material requirements. • (e ). Soil Engineering Eeport. The soils engineering report required by subsection (c) shell include dsts regarding the nature, distribution and strength of existing soils, conclusions end recommendations for gredtng procedures and Am in wi~w.i. L. •~. _ __ n n _ ~ -.____ _ __. _..~2b i7ue7. uaua eaary, anu opinions and recommendations covering adequacy of sites to be developed by the proposed gredtng, including the atsbility of slopes. (g). Issuance. The provisions of Section 303 are applicable to grading permits. The Building Official may slso require submittal o[ the following adds tionsl information with the permit applicstion. 1, Extent end manner of cutting of trees and clearing of vegetation, disposal of same, end measures for protection of undisturbed trees end/or vegetation. 2. Schedule defining staging end timing of constructicn end estimated extent of disturbance at strstegic points during construction. 3. Equipment, methods, and location of spoils diapossl. ~~ 4. A plan defining the schedule, equ[pment, materials, end personnel that witl be used to maintain all protective devices and drainage tacliltles shown on the approved grading plan. 8` 7 Designation of routes upon which materials may De • transported and means of acce sa to the site. The location and manner to be used for disposal of excavated materiels and control of erosion from such materiels. 7. Requirements ns to the mitigation of fugitive dust and dirt wAicA msy be offensive or injuro us to the neighborhood, the general public or any portion thereof, including due consideration, care, and reepeat toe the property rights, convenience, and reasonable desires end the needs of said neighborhood or any portion thereof. 8. Limitations on the area, extent and duration of time of exposure of unprotected soil surfaces. 9. My grading or drainsge mitigating measures specified in nn Environmental Impact Itep.,rt preperad toe the site pursusnt to the Celifurnia Envlronmentel Quality Act. 10. My grading or drsInege requirements included ns condttions of approvsl of a project on the site by tha Planning Commission or the City Council. • 11. Phasing of operations to minimize water run oft or other enviroronentel concerns. ... owt, auui iivuei eppiiceote rat ormatton es the Building Official rosy require to carry out the purposes of this ordinance. (h). Compliance with Plana and Code. The permittee or his agent, shall carry out the proposed work in accordance with the approved plans and specitiastions and in compliance with ell the requirements of this Code. (i). Inspections. [n performing regular grading, it shall be the reaponaibility of the permittee to notify the Building Official nt least one working dsy in advance so that required inspections msy be made. (11• Protection of Adjacent Property. During grading operations, the permittee shnti 6e responsible for the prevention of damage to adjacent property and no person shell excavate on land auflletentty close to the property line to endanger any edjotning public street, sidewalk, alley, or other public or private property without supporting and protecting such property from settling, cracking, or other • damage which might result. 88 • (k). Temporary Erosion Control. The permi ilea shell put Into effect and maintain all precautionary meeaures necessary to protect adjacent water courses and public or private property tram damage by erosion, flooding, and deposition of mud or deDria originating from the site. • 15.12.230 A endi: Cha ter 7007 Amended--Plan Review Pees. Section 700 o t e Appendia o the Uni orm Building Code s hereby amended to reed as tollowa: Section 7007(x). Plan Review Fees. NTen a plan and/or other data ere required to De aumitted, a plan review fee shall be paid et the time of submitting plane and speci[icetiona for review. Said plan review fee aheli De as set forth in City Council resolution. Separate plan review fees shell apply to retaining walls and major drainage structures. (b). Grading Permit Fees. A fee for each grading permit shall be paid to the Build[ng Otf iciel na eat forth in City Council Resolution. 9eparste permits and permit fees shell apply to retaining wails and major drainage ate ucturea as eat forth in the Unltorm Administrative Code for building permits. Construet[on valuet[on toe major drainage structures shall be determined based upon en estimste of the coat of their construction provided by the designer and approved by the Building Official. Where preliminary and tinnl grading plans are submitted separately for plan checking and/or permit, tees shall 6e enlculnted from the work to be eccompltahed under each submltest. The fee for a grading permit authorizing additional work to that under a valid permit shalt be the difference between the tee paid for the original permit and the fee shown for the entire project. 15.12.240 A endix Section 7008 Amended--Bonds. Section 7008 o the Appen : o the ni orm Buil ing Coe is hereby emended to read ns follows: Section T008(a). Bonds. Prior to the issuance o[ a grading permit involv[ng 5000 cubic yards or more of cut and till, the applicant shell first post with the Building Official, a bond executed Dy the owner es principal and a corporate surety authorized to do business in this State. (n lieu of e surety bond, the applicant may file a cosh bond, or deposit and assign to the Ctty, savings end loan certificates or other instruments of credit. Where unusual condl Ilona or special hazard axial, the Building Official may require a bond for grading involving less then 5000 cubic yerda. 8~ The bond required by this Section may include tncidentel off- • alto grading on property contiguous with the site to be developed provided written consent of the owner of such contiguous property is tiled with the Building Official. The Bultdtng Official may waive the requirements for grading necessary to remove a geological hazard, where such work is covered by an agreement and bond posted pursusnt to provisions of other Ordinances. (b). Amount of Bonds. The amount of the bond shall be based upon the number of cuDto yards of rtuteriei in both exoavation and tilt, plus the coat of all drainage or other protective devices, work necessary to eliminate geological haznrde, erosion control planting and required retei ning walls, end masonry fenoes. That portion of the bond val ustion based on the volume of material ehnll be computed as set forth in the following schedule: 100,000 cubio yards or feas.......50% of the coat et the grading work Over 100,000 cuDie yards..........50% of the coat of the first 100,000 cubic yards plan 43% of tM estimated coat of that portion in excess of • 100,000 ouDie yards. (c). Reduction in Bond. When rough grading has been completed In conformance with the requirements of this CnA.. tLe nuiiuing t)ii:c ai may et his discretion consent to e proportionate reduction of the bond to en amount estimated to be adequate to insure completion of the grading work, site development or planting remaining to be performed. The coats referred to in thin 9eetion shall be as estimated Dy~ the Building Official. (d). Conditions. Every bond shall include the cond[tions thst the principal shell: Comply with ell of the provisions of City ord[nnnaea, applicable :aws, end standards. Comply with ell of the terms end conditions o[ the grading permit. Complete all of the work authorized Dy the permit within the time limit specified in the permit or within any extension thereof granted. No such extension of time shalt release the su^ety upon the bond. • 90 • (e). Term of Bond. The term of each Dond shall begin upon the tiling thereof with the Building Official end the bond shall remain in effect until the work authorized by the grading permit is completed and approved Dy the Building Official. (t). Default procedures. In the event the owner or his agent obeli toil to complete the work or tail to comply with all terms and conditions of the grading permit, it shall be deemed a default has occurred. The eullding Official shall give notice thereof to the principal and surety on the grading permit Dond, or to the owner in the case of s cash deposit or nssl gtanent, and may order the work required to ednplete the grading in contormanee with the requirements of this Code be performed. The surety executing the bond shell continue to ba firmly bound under an obligation up to the full amount of the Dond, for the payment of ell necessary costs and e:pensas that may De incurred by the Building Official in causing say and all auah required work to be done. In the eas• ct a sash deposit or •saigmtent, the unused portion of suoh deposit or funds assigned shall ba returned or reassigned to the parson tusking said deposit or ssaignnent. (g). Right of Entry. The Building Official or the • suthorlaed representattvs of the surety company shall have cacaos to the premiaea described in the permit for the purpose of inspecting the work. In the avant of default in the performance of any farm or condition of the permit the surety or the Building Offieisl, or any pare on employed or enaeveA in th. n.n.lr ..f .;S•e:, ...:1/ us.e tine rigid co go upon the premises to perform the required work. The owner or any other person who interferes with or obatruets the ingreaa to or agrees tram any such premises, of any authorized raprsaentetive of the surety or of the City of Reecho Cucamonga engaged in the correction or completion of the work for which a grading permit has been issued, after a default hea occurred in the performance of the terms or conditions thereof, is guilty of a misdemeanor. 15.12.250 A endix Section 7010 Amended--Fills. Section 7010 o t e Append x o the ni orm u~l ng ode is hereby emended to read na tollowas l`J ~~ Section 7030(a). Fills, Unless otherwise recommended in the approved soils engineering report and approved by the • Building Official, fills shell conform to the provisions of this Sectian end to Pigure A, Typical Lat Cross-Section for Fills. ~~~ L ,ra i ~ ~' e•...~..w ~.. r w .......n .,wn rrn, a, •M r• .w •,M..i•. NY r .,tl•Y,r M. YM. - %r,rT,r~ `aaNew saNlaa Ir ^•+,a.~ i~ ( aLara cNaoa awm .aane•~ tar ar our Nora n rwa Ix, eaa,xaarN . -IaYN! ~a~ T--ICaI LOT CNOta dtCTgN 1011 /ILL! [n the eDaanaa of an approved soil engineering report these provisions may ba waived for minor tills not intended to support structures. • (b). Ptll Location. Pill slopes shall not be constructed on natursl slopes steeper then two to one (2:1) or where the tilt slope toes out within I2 Me• n... •_~,...•.,,.. -_. . lower existing or planned cut slopes except•in~tha~~cese of slopes of minor height when approved by the Building Official. (c). Preparation of Ground. The ground surface shall be prepared to receive fill Dy removing vegetation, noncomplying fill, top-soil end other unsuitable materials, scarifying to provide a bond with the new till, end, where slopes ere steeper than five to one, end the height greater then 5 feet, Dy benching into sound bedrock or other competent material as determined by the soils engineer. The bench under the toe of a till on s slope steeper then five to one shalt be et lees[ 10 feet wide. The area beyond the toe of till shall be sloped for sheet overflow or a paved drain shell be provided. NTero till is to be pieced over a cut, the bench under the toe of till shall be at least 10 feet wide but the cut must be made before piecing fill end npproved Dy the soils engineer end engineering geologist as a suitable foundation for tilt. (d). Fill Materiel. Detrimental amount of or genic material shell not De permitted in [ilia. Except as permitted Dy the Building Official, no rock or similar Irreducible material with a maximum dimension greater then 12 inches shall De buried or placed In tills. p • In the absence of an approved soil engineering report these provisions may be waived for minor tills not intended to support structures. (b). Fill Location. Fill natural slopes steeper th till slope toes oat within lower existing or planned slopes of minor height Official. slopes shell not be constructed on sn two to one (2:1) or where the 12 feet horizontally of the top of cut slopes except in the ease of when spproved by the But !ding (c1. Preparation of Ground. The ground surface shall be prepared to receive fill Dy removing vegetation, noncampl ying fill, top-soil and other unsui labia materials, scarifying to provide a Dond with the new till, and, where slopes are at ea per than five to one, and the height greater than 0 feet, by benching into sound bedrock or other cd~etent material as determined Dy the soils engineer. Tha bench under the toe of • till on • slaps steeper than f[ve to one shall Da at Laaat 10 teat wide. Tha area beyond the toe of fill shall 6e eloped for shpt overflow or a paved drain shall ba provided. tyhera f[ll is to Da p1aNd over ^ dui, tM banah under the toe of fill shall be at least 10 [eat wide but the cut must Da made before piecing till and approved Dy the soils engineer and engineering geologist as s suitable • foundation for till. (d). Fill Na!erial. Detrimental amount of or genie materiel she R not De permitted in fills. Except as permitted by the Building Official, no rock or similar irreducible material with • m••:m.... nt.......: buried or Gr°a:a. 1"•" ii inches snail De placed in tills. EXCEPTION: The Building Official may permit placement of larger rock when the soils engineer properly devises n method of placement, continuo ualy Inspects its placement end approves the fill stability. The following cond[tfons shall also applye a) Prior to issuance of the Grading Permit, potential rock disposal areas shall be delineated on the grsdtng plan. b) Roek siaas greater then 24^ in nuximum dimension shell De 10 feet or more below grade measured vertically. c) Rocks shall be pieced so as to assure tilling of ell voids with tines. ,~ (e). Compaction. All fills shall ba compacted ~o a minimum of 90% of maximum density es determinsd Dy U.B.C. 9tsndard No. 70-1. Piald density shall Da determined in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 70-2 or equivalent ns approved Dy the Building Official. 93 EXCEPTIONS: 1. Fills exempted elsewhere in this ordinance and • where the Building Official determines that campsotion is not a neeesssry snfety measure to aid in preventing saturation, settlement, slipping, or erosion o[ the till. 2. Where lower density end expensive types of soil exist, permission for leaser campacti on may be granted Dy the Building Official upon showing of good cause under the oonditions provided herein. 3. All becktill in utility line trenches shall be compacted and tested. The soils engineer shall verity that th[s backfilling has been satisfactorily accomplished. Alternate methods of tilling end compaction may be utilized on speoitic projeets when spacit[ed by the soil •nginur and/or approved by the Building Official. ([). Slope. TM elope of fill surfaces shall b• no steeper than is sate for the Intended use. Pill slopes shall Da no steeper than two horizontal to one vertleal. (g?. Drainage and Terracing. Dratnage and brracing shall be provided end the area above till slopes •nd the surfaces • of terraces shall De graded end paved as required by Section T012. 15.12.280 Section 7013 Amended--Erosion Controls. Section ?013 o t e Appen x o t • n orm a ne ~,e .e !: ^; .e; muu uueu w rasa as [ollowa: Section 7013(a) Erosion Controls. The feces of cut and till slopes shall be prepared and rttaintainsd to control against erosion. The protection [or the slopes shall be installed as soon ea practical and prioe to calling for final ^pproval. (b) Other Devioes. Where necessary, check dams, cribbing, riprap or other devisee or methods shalt be employed to control erosion and provide snfety. (c) Planting. TAe surface of nil cut end tilt slopes more than fiv (S) feet in height shall De protected against damage by erosion by planting with approved grass or ground cover plants. Slopes a:ceeding fifteen (IS) feet in vertical height shalt also be plnnted with shrubs end trees at eyuivalent spacings, in eddi Lion to the grass or ground cover plants. The plants and planting methods used shell be suitable for the soil end climatic conditions of the site. F.XCEPTION9: ~ • 1. Planting need not De provided toe cut slopes rooky in character •nd not subject to damage by erosion, when approved Dy thenBUilding Otfleial. '7 • R. Slopes may be protected against erosion damage Dy other methods when such methods have been specifically recommended by a soils engineer, enginaertng geologist, or equivalent, end found to otter erosion protection equal to that provided by the planting specified in this Section. (d). Irrigation. Slopes required to be pleated shell be provided with an approved system at irrigation designed to cover all portion^ of the slope, and plans therefore shalt be submitted and approved prior to instnllntion. A tunetional teat of the system may De required. The requirements for permanent Irrigation systems may be modified upon spaei[ia recommendation of a landscape erchitaet or equivalent authority that Deeaus• of the type of plants aeleated, the planting methods used and the soil •nd climatic eonditiona et the site, sash irrtgat[on ayatwo will not bs neeessary for the maintenance of tM slops plant[ng. (a) galeas• of good. TAa planting sad irr[gation systems required by this 9setion shall be installed as soon as practical after rough grading. Prior to final approval of grading and before the relaas• of the grading Dond, the pleating shall De well established end growing on the slopes. • 9F.CI'[DN 7 A new Chapter 15.18 is hereby added to the gancho~ueaisong• Municipal Cods to read in words and figures ss follows: . Chaoter 15.18 Mechanical Code Sections: 15.18.010 Chapters 1, 2, 3, Deleted. 15.16.010 Cha tees 1 2 and 3 Deleted. Chapters 1, 2, and 0 at sa: Uni orm Mec an c• o e, 1 Lion ate Hereby deleted. 9s SECTION 8 A new Chapter 15.20 is hereby added to the Rancho~nga Municipal Code to reed in words and figures as follows: Chapter IS.20 Plumbin¢ Code 9eetionas 15.20.010 Part i Deleted--AAniniatration 15.20.020 9action 1004(x) Amandad--Mtteriats 15.20.030 Appendix 9action D1(b)--Deleted 15.20.040 Appendix Section D3.4--Deleted 15.20.010 Part I Dalated. Part I of said Uniform Plumbing Code, 19 Ed t on, en tla Amlotatrati on" is hereby deleted in tie entirety. 15.20.020 Section 1004(x) Miendad--OYter(als. 8•ction 1004 • o sa n orm ng o • ss eTT>y~im•ndad to read as follows: 9action 1004(x) Meterlals. water pipe and fittings shall be of bras, copper, east iron, galvanised steal, land or other approved materials. Asbestos-cement, PE, or PVC water pipe manufactured to • recognised standards may ba used for cold avatar distribution systems outside • building. All materials us ad in the water supply system, except valves and similar devices, shall ba of ~, -j.t r.. -. ...w -. Gt.~r.,.- rj Administrative Authority. 15.20.030 Appendix 9action DI b Deleted. Section D1(D) of Appe~i~t-sa: n orm ng oC~~ is Tiereby deleted. 15.20.040 endix Section DS.4 Deleted. Section D3.4 of Appendix D o said n orm umD ng o • a hereby deleted. 9G SECTION 9. Anew Chapter 15.24 is hereby added to the Rancho • Cucamonga Mun [oilowa: icipal Code to read, in words and figures, es Chapter 15.24 Electrical Code Sections: 15.24.010 Chapter 2 Amended - Deletions 15.24.020 Chapter 3 Amended - Deletions 15.24.030 Article 90 Amended - Introduction 15.24.040 Section 210-52 Amended - Basement Receptacle Outlets 15.24.050 9eation 210-54 Added - Buildings Accessory to Dwelling Units. 15.24.080 Section 210-SB Added - Equipment Room Receptacles 15.24.070 Section 210-58 Added - Built-in Gsa Ovena. 15.24.080 Section 210-70 Amended - Lighting outlets required. 15.24.090 Section 210-70(c) Added - Buildings Accessory to Dwelling Units. 15.24.100 Section 220-10(a) Amended - Ampacity and Computed Loads. 15.24.110 Section 290-43 Amended - Wiring Methods for 800 Volts or Less. • 15.24.120 Section 230-70(e) Amended - Service Equppment-- Disconnecting Means Location. 15.24.130 Section 230-212 Added - Service Equipment Capacity. 15.24.140 Section 300-15(a) Added - Spare Raceways. 15.'14.150 Section 310-14 Amended - Aluminum Conductor Use Restricted 15.24.160 Section 320-3 Amended - Open Wiring on Insulators --Uses Permitted. 15.24.170 Section 320-15 Deleted 15.24.180 Section 338-3(D) Amended -- Type NMC Cable 15.24.190 Section 338-4(c) Amended - Uaes Not Permitted 15.24.200 Section 338-2 Deleted. 15.24.210 Section 350-5 Amended - Plexible Metal Conduit Use for Grounding. 15.24.220 Section 370-8(d) Added - Box Construction Non combuatibie Materials Required 15.24.230 Articles 550 and 551 Deleted. 15,24.010 Chapter 2 Amended -- Deletions. Chapter 2 of said National Elect rical Code is hereby emended Dy deletion of sections 201(a) , 201(c), 203 and 204. 15.24.020 Chapter 3 Amended -- Deletions. Chapter 3 of said National Elect rical Code is hereby emended by deletion of sections 302(al , 302(b ), 302(c), 303(x), 303(d), 304(x), 304(b), 304(c), 304(d), 304(e), Table No. 3-A, 305(e) and 308(x). 9~ 13.24.030 Article 90 Amended -- Introduction. Article 90 of • the National ectrical Code ,s hereby amended to rend as follows: 90-1 Title. This code shall 6e known as the Electrical Code. Whenever the work "code" is used in this chnpter is shall mean the Electrical Code of the City of Rancho Cucemong s. 90-2 Scope. The provisions of thin code and the Duilding atnndards contained herein, shall apply to the construction, alteration, moving, demolition, repair and use of all electrical equipment, wiring end systems in or on anp building or structure or outdoors on any premises or property; except for such eleeiricai equipment, wiring and systems which are ezprasaly exempted by Section 90-3. 80-3 Examptiona. This coda does not cover: a) installations in ships, water erafL other than floating dwalt[ng units, railway rolling stook, aircraft, automotive vehicles, cammarclet coaches, mobIlahomaa •nd recreational vahlalas. b) Installations underground in mines, mine shafts end connate. • e) Installations of railways for generation, transformation, transmission, or diatriDution of power used exctusively for operation of rolling atoek or inatsllationa used exaluaivaly for .,- d) Instsllation of communication equ[pmant under the exclusive control of communication utilities, located outdoors or In building spaces used exclusively for such instaliatlona. e) Installations under the a:elusive control of eleetrleal u4ilitiea [or the purpose of communication, or metering; or for the generation, control transformation, transmission, enA distriDutlon of electrical energy located in buildings used exclusively by utilities for such purposes or located outdoors on property owned or leered by the utility or on public highways, streets roads, etc, or outdoors by established rights on private property. C1 9g EXCEPTION to (d) and (e): [n places of employment, • the following shall apply: Installations of conductors, equipment and associated enclosures subject to the jurisdiction of the California Publfc Utilities Commission, that are owned, operated and maintained by an electric, communications or electric railway utility, Dut not including conduit, vaults, and similar enclosures containing conductors end equipment of such a utility wAen located indoors or on premises not used exclusively for utility purposes, except for the utility's conductors and equipment therein. t) installations on nighwnys or bridges. 90-4 Enforcement. This code shell be enforced by the Building Otfiolel as provided for in Section 15.08.020 of tnis lion. 90-5 Interpretations. Interpretations of this code shall be made by the Building Official as provided for In Section 18.08.020 of this title. 90-8 Annual ma[ntenance permit. Any person, firm or corporation regularly employing one or more qualified electrlcsl maintenance electricians may make epplicstion for . and obtain an annual electrical maintenance permit. Pees [or such permit shell be as set fortA by City Council resolution. Each annual elactr(cai maintenance permit shall be valid tot the year during which Issued. Prior to Jenuery 18tH of eacA year, annual malntenance permits shall be renewed. Work authorized by an annual maintenance permit shell be limited to installations, alterations, extensions end maintenance of electrical wiring end equipment in or on existing buildings. 90-7 Monthly maintenance records. Any person, firm or corporation having obtained an annual maintenance permit shall keep a record of all electrical equipment installed under such permit and the Building Official shall have access to such records. Within fifteen (15) days following the end of each quarter- year, the person, firm or corporation to which such annual maintenance permit was issued shall transmit to the Building Official a quarterly report o[ all electrical work done during the preceding quarter end shall obtain a permit for such work.. Fees for quarterly permits for such work shell De those set forth for otAer electrlcsl permits except there shell be no Issuance tee charged. ~~ 90-8 Qualification o[ Maintenance Electricians. Every person applying for qualification as maintenance electrician shell • pay a tee, as set by resolution of the City Council, for examination and qualification, and by successfully passing an examination given Dy the Building Official, relative to electrical woe k. Any person tailing to pass the examination may re-apply toe qualification after a period of 90 days has lapsed end upon payment of a new examination tee. In lieu of examination, pose ession of a State Eleatricnl Contractors license or proof of qualification by another goverronental agency neceptable to the Building Official may be considered ea meeting the requirements of this eeation. Waiver of examination shall not be considered •s waiver of any tee required by this seati on. Each annual maintenance electrician qusl[tlcation shall expire on DscemDer Slat of each year and shall bs renewed within thirty (SO) days thereafter upon payment of an annual re newel tee as sat by resolution of the City Counail. 90-9 Approved Materials. All electrical materials, equipment end •pplianeas shall De approved by the Building Official for use or method of Installation prior to utillsatlon within the scope of this Coda. Listing or labeling as oon[oeming to the standards of Underwriters Laboratorlss, Inc., the United States Bureau of Mines, the American Standards Awoalatlon, the United Stated Bureau of Standards, or other similar • institution of recognised standing, shall De prima facie evidence of aonformi ty with approved standards of safety to life end property. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nny material, method of installation, or equipment, the use of which, in the written opinion of the Bu1lAina Clffin:.l .,....~iw conat,tute en unreasonable hasard to fife or safety may be disappproved by the 8ullding Official. eeC[tOn 'L1U-S'Ll[1 0[ t emended to read as tollowsi Section 210-52(t). Basements. Foe a one-family dwelling at leant one receptacle outlet In addition to any provided for laundry equipment shell be installed In each basement. See Sections 210-8(a)(2). .cs.uou sec n on aiu-a• oases nu,:a,n s noses. he at(ona lectr as o e ,s m on of s new Seetlon 210-54 to read as toltows: U /~ • Section 210-54(e) Buildings accessory to multiple dwelling uses. Garages and carports accessory to multiple dwelling us¢s shell be provided with at least one receptacle. Garages or carports designed for use by more than one dwelling unit shall be provided with at least one receptacle [or each four (4) parking spaces or traction thereof. Where such garages ar carports are separated by walls or partitions so as to form individual areas serving individual dwelling units, at least one receptacle shall be provided in each Individual area. Separated areas shall De wired either on individual dwelling unit meters or on fl house meter or meters. Receptacles provided in common-use gereges or carports shall be energized from n house meter or meters. When energized tram a house meter or meters, the number o[ receptacles per circuit shell not a:ceed six and no such c(rcult shall supply any other outlets. Wiring to all new or reconstructed, detached accessory buildings shall De installed underground in conduit approved for the purpose. gee also Section 210-8(2). • (b) Buildings accessory to single femi ly dwelling uses. Carports end gereges, accessory to single femity dwellings or duplexes, shell De wired with a minimum of one grounding type receptacle on n separate 20 amp circuit. Additional receptacle outlets, not exceedinv s, ^~l' bt ;,,, ieiiea on [he (c) Detached garages or carports. Wiring to all new or reconstructed detached garages or carports serving residential uses shall be installed underground in minimum 3/4" raceway [rem the distribution panel. laundry receptacles as required by Section 210-521f) shall not be construed as meeting the minimum garage or carport receptacles required Dy this section. 15.24,080 Section 210-58 Added E ui meat Room Receptacles. T e National Electrical Coe is emended by adding Section 210-58 to read as follows: Section 2i0-58. Equipment room receptacles. A receptacle outlet shaLL be provided in ell equipment rooms, attics and underfloor areas where equipnent is installed to provide a power source for repairs. ,'~ 15.24.010 Section 210-88 Added -- Built-in Ces Ovens. The Yationel tectrieel Code is hereby amends adding Section 210-58 to reed es follows: / /~/ Section 210-58. Built-In gas ovens. A receptacle outlet • shall be installed to serve each built-in gas oven. The outlet shall be located so that it is accessible without removing the oven. Thta outlet may be installed on the lighting circuit. ------ ----•-•• --~-... n11R 1:YCY -- LI nun outlets ure eat wn 1 - o the at one lectr ea o e is tby emended to read sa follows: Section 210-70(a). Dwelling units. At lens[ one well switch-controlled lighting outlet shall De installed in every habitable room= in bathrooms, utility rooms, basement, hallways, stairways, garages end at outdoor entrances. At least one lighting outlet shall be installed in each stile, or undartloor space used for storage or containing equipment requiring serv[e[ng. Saeeptlon No 1: In habitable rooms, other than kitchens, one or more reoeptaelsa controlled Dy • wall switch shall be permitted in lieu of lighting outlets. 6aeption No. 2s In Aallwaya, stairways •nd at outdoor entrsneaa remote, central or automatic control of • lighting is permitted. - - - c, nuuau Dull is. s •t onal leetrleal o e c::o,i ::Y""-iu(Yi io re as es follows: Section 210-TO(c). Buildings secess Dry to dwelling units. Garages or csrpor is accessory to dwelling units shell be wired with a minimlo:: of one switched light outlet. Garages or carports designed for use by more then one dwelling unit shall have et least one light outlet for each tour (~) perking spaces or traction thereof. Where garages or carports are separated by walls or partitions so as to form individual areas serv(ng individual dwelling unl ts, at lcnst one switched lighting outlet shall De provided In each individual area. Separated areas shall be wired on individual dwelling unit meters or on a house meter or meters. Lighting outlets provided in common-use cress shall be energised from a Douse meter or meters. Wiring to ell new or re-o onatruoted detsched accessory • buildings shell be installed underground in conduit spproved for the purpose. ~D~ • 15.24.100 Section 220-10(a) Amended -- Ampecity and Computed Loads. ect:on ~ a o [De at:ona ectr:cal o e :s hereby emended to rend as follows: x20-10 (a) Ampacity end computed loads. Peeder conductors shall have sufficient ampecity to supply the load served. In no case shell the computed load of a feeder be less then the sum of the loads on the Drench circu[ts supplied as determined by Pert A of this Article otter any eppliceble demand [actors permitted by Pnrta B, C or D have been applied nor less then 50 amperes empaaity, whichever is greeter. .~.:+.aiv sec n en asv-+s nmenpep -- w:n n metnops :or euu Volts or less, action - o t e at:ona ectr cal Co a is Dereby amended to read es follows: Section 290-49. Wiring methods for 600 volts or less. Service entrance conductors shall be installed In accordance wtth the eppliceble requirements of this code eovaring the type of wiring method used end llmitad to the following methods: 1. Rigid Metal Conduit Exception No. 1 Aluminum conduit shell not be used for overhead service entrance raceway. Exeption No. 2 Aluminum conduit shall not be used for underground service raceway. 2. Electrical Metallic Tubing Exception No. 1 Electrical metallic tubing shall not De used where supporting or Intended to support service drop attechmenta. Except(on No. 2 Electrical metallic tubing shall not be used ns underground service entrance raceway. 3. Wirexeys. 4. Busweys. S. Auxi 1!ary gutters. 0. Rigid Non-Metallic Conduit. Exception No. 3 Rtgid non-metnilia conduit shell not be used for overhead service entrsnc; faceway. 7. Cablebus. /03 8. Mineral Insulated Metal-Sheathed CeDle. (a) Amended -- Service Euu(plment • Sec~'~$S 2 o as d atsonel ed to rend as follows: Section 230-70(d) Location. The service disconnecting means shall be located on the exterior of the 6ullding st the nesreat safe end readily accessible point to where the service connectors enter the building. Exception No. 1: fM buildings of a commercial or industrial tppa that are ner:nalty upon during en average business day the service switch, feeder and/er ouster may Da installed within the Duilding It meeting the requlramants of the service util[ty. Service diseonnecta, where permitted inside a Duilding, shall be located In a space, readily aceesalble, sad nearest the point of entry of the service conductors into the Duilding as possible. lion Y30-214 to read as follows: Section 230-212 Service equipment capacity. Servlce equipment capacity shall Da a^ tollowas 1) Servlce equipment installed to serve single family dwellings shall hav a eapaof tp of not less than 20 single pole overcurrant protective devices in addition to a main aw[teh or circuit breaker. J OI~IV< VVIIVYI• ~1~ islo tail i~ u~.tu~~~.Ai dwelling units shall •be not~leas then 1 1/2^ sire conduit. 2) Servlce equipment installed to serve aammerciel or industrial buildings shall have an ampaof ty rating to aeeva the Intended load Dut not less then 80 amperes. Service conduit or feeder raceways shell not De less than 1" size except that where aerviee conduit or feeder raceway is concealed, the min[mum size raceway shall be 1-1/4". 3) Peedern nerving individual unite of multi-family dwellings shell be installed in not leas then 1" size conduit and run from the meter location to a distribution panel within each unit. 15.24,140 Section 300-t5(c) Added -- 9 era Aaeewn a, TAe National lectrical o e s here y amen a Dy s ng act on 300- 13(c) to reed as follows: • /~ • Section 300-15(c) Spare raceways. For attached or detached stngle family dwellings, two (2) three-quarter inch (3/4") spare raceways for future use shall be provided for each dwelling unit, one running from the penelboerd to an accessible location in the attic and one to en accessible location under the floor. Where either space is not available because of method of construction, such termination of spare raceways shall be as approved by the Building Official. uueu e at:onel lectr:cal Coy ton 310-19 to read as follows: 310-14 Aluminum conductors. (e) Material. Solid aluminum conductors, No. 8, 10 end 12 AWG, shall De made of an M-800 series etectricnl grade aluminum alloy conductor materiel. Stranded eluminuo conductors, No. 8 ANtG through 1000 MCM, marked es type XflfiW, TF3W, THWN, THFITI, service entrsnce type SE, Style V, and SE, Style R, shall be msde of en M-800 aeries etectricnl grade etuminum alloy conductor mater[al. (b) Use restricted. Aluminum conductors smeller than No. 8 shall not De used for circuit conductors, feeders or sub[eeders, unless installed under full-t[me inspection by a • Special Inspector as a "special case" outlined in Section 308(a)12 of the Uniform Adminisirntive Code as adopted in Chapter 15.08 0[ this Title. Section 320-3 amended -- Ooen Wiring on Insulators ro:uu <<eu. aecr:on szu-3 0[ the National Electrical Code is whereby amended to read as follows: Section 320-3 Uses permitted. Open wiring on insulators shall be permitted on systems of 600 volts, nominal, or less for industrial or agrfculturel establishments in outdoor locations only. 15.24.170 Section 320-15 Deleted. Section 320-15 of the National Electrical Code s hereby deleted. I5.24.1g0 Section 338-3(6) Amended T'~ a NMC Cable. Section 338- b is hereby amended to read ea of ows: Section 336-3(b). Type NMC. Type NMC cable shall be pe r~~~i LteG: (1} for concealed work in dry, moist, damp or corrosive locations; (2) in outside and inside wells of masonry block or tile; (3) in a shallow chose in masonry, concrete or adobe and covered with plaster, adobe, or similar finish, where embedded in plaster or runs in a shallow chase .~ in masonry wells and covered, NMC cable shall b¢ protected against damage from nails by a cover of corrosion-resistant steel at least t/1B" in thlekness. / ~~ 15.24.190 Section 338-4 Amended -- Usea Not Permitted. • Subsection (c) o Section 3 8 o the National Electrical Code is hereby emended to reed as follows: Section 336-4. Uses not permitted. (a) Type NM or NMC. Types NM and NMC cables shall not be used: (1) in any dwelling structure exceeding three stories above grade; (2) as service-entrance cable; in any commercial or induatr(al building; (3) in any haaardo us location; (4) in hoistweys; (5) (n unencloaed locations of private garages or carports; (8) in aoeessiDle locations of dwelling units other then circuits or portions of circuits locsted within and serving en ind[vidual dwelling unit; (T) in say area where exposed to mechanical damage or the elements; (8) in underfloor crawl spaces; (9) embedded in poured cement, concrete or eggregste. (b) Type NM. Type NM cable shall not ba installed: (1) where a:posed to corrosive fumes or vapors; (2) where embedded in masonry, concrete, adobe, till, or plaster; (3) in ^ shallow chase In masonry, concrete, or adobe and covered with plaster, adobe, or slmilsr ti n[sh. 15.24.200 Section 330-2 Deleted. Section 338-2 of the Nstiona ectr ca o e s ereDy a sled. 15.24.210 Section 3S0-S Amended -- Ple:ible Metal Conduit • Used ns roan in ~ sans. ectton - o the National Electrtesl Coe s ere y emended to read ss follows: SeC[IOn 350-5 QrnunAina vt..__t wt.. ...-_~.., e irdii i,a permitted as a grounding means where both they conduit end [i ttinga are approved [or grounding. Where an equipment bonding jumper is required around flexible metal conduit, it shall be installed in accordance with Section 250-79. Exception No. 1 Plexlble instal conduit shall De permitted es n grounding mesas tf tiro total length in any ground return path is 8 feet (1.@3 m) or less, the conduit is terminated In fittings spproved for grounding, end the circuit conductors contained therein ere protected by overcurrent devices rated at 20 amperes or less. Exception No. 2 [n dwelling units and in buf ldings accessory to dwellings, flexible metal conduit may be used for grounding means by the use of fltt[nga which thread into the convolutions of square-cut flexible conduit. 15.24.220 Section 3T0-8 d) Added -- Box Co struction -Noncombust ble ter als e u re act on - o the • etionel ectr cal o e s ere y amended by adding subsection (d) as follows: /O~ Section 370-8(d). Box construction. Boxes used in walls • required to be of fire-resistive construction shall be of metal or other approved inconibustlble meterlals. 15.24.230 Articles SSO and 551 Deleted. Articles SSO end 551 o the National ectr~cal Co a are hereby deleted. • ~J f SECTION 10. Rancho A new Chapter 15.28 is hereby sdded to the ucamong follows: a Municipal Code, to reed in words and figures, es • Chanter 15.28 CODE POB ABATEMBNf OP OMNf)ERO1J3 BUILDINGS 3ectlons• 13.28.010 Section 103 deleted 15.28.020 Section 201(e) deleted 15.28.030 Section 203 deleted--Vt olntions end penalties. 15.28.040 Section 203 emended--Board of appeals. 15.28.050 Section^ R08 ndded-Sum:ary abatement. 15.28.080 Seotion 801 amended--Demolition procedure. 15.28.070 9eetion 802 deleted. 15.28.080 Seotion 901 amended--Expanses inourred by city in repair or demol Rion. 15.28.090 9eetion 802 uaandad--Council ruling. 15.28.100 Section 903 amended--OD)ections. 15.28.110 Section 804 amended--Passage. 15.28.010 Section 103 Deleted. Seetlon 103 of sa[d Uniform Code or atema nt o angerou• u Idinga is hereby deleted. 15.28.020 Section 201(0) Deleted. Subsect[on (o) of Seotion 201 of ea Un: • orm ode or Abatement of Dangerous Buildings to hereby deleted. Buildings is hereby emended by deleting Section 205 in its entirety. 15.28.040 Section 205 Amended--Boned of role. 9eetion 205 o the Un orm o e oe ADetement o Dangaroua uildinga to amended to reed as follows. 9eetion 205. "Board of Appeals" ea used herein shell mean the Board of Appeala es set forth in Seotion 204 of the Uniform Administrative Code heeeDy ndopted. Appeala to the board shall De peoeessed in accordance with the provisions contained in 9eetion 501 of thfa code. 13.28.050 Seetiona 208 Added--Sumnnr Abatement. The Uniform Code or A atement o engeroue u 1 nga a emended by adding Sections 208 end 207 to read as follows: • ~D 0 Section 206(e ). Summery abatement. [n addition to the procedures provided for abatement o[ dangerous buildings es set forth in Chapter 4 of this Code, the Building Official is • hereby given summary power to secure from entry any structure or premises which in his discretion he determines to be immediately dangerous, or immediately hazardous or in other manner injurious to public health or safety. Such structures may be secured by the Building Official by nailing of Doards over the doors and windows o[ such structure, however, he shalt not be limited to only this method end may use other methods at his discretion to accomplish the same purpose which may be more appropriate under the circumstances. The Building Official sbnli also post a sign stating in effect "DANGEROUS BUI LDINO, DO NOT ENTER": ar other appropriate sign upon the structure or premises in nt lesst one conspicuous place. The Building Official shall immediately upon such action send notice to the owners of the real property upon whicb the structure or condition is located, as shown on the last equalised assessment rolls. Such notice shall contain the following information: 1. That he bas secured the structure or corrected the hazardous conditions. 2. The cost incurred by the City thereby. 9. Thst he has posted signs ss provided by this section. . 4. The reasons why he has taken the action. 5. That en appeal may De made within ten (10) days to the City Council, es provided to this Section. •• '";at if uie auiiun is no[ annulled by the City Coundil, the coat of securing the property shell became a lien upon the reel property, unless [he coat is paid to the City within thirty (30) days o[ the mailing of the notice. [f any owner of property, or say person having any interest in property effected by the notion of the Building Official in securing a structure or abating a hazardous condition as permitted by this section, is aggrieved by the action of the Building Official in securing the structure, such person or persons may appeal the action of the Building Official by tiling a written notice of appeal with the Ctty Clerk within ten (10) days after receipt of notice o[ tAe action by the Building Official. The notice of appeal must be verified under oath or under penalty of perjury and must ;Cate the grounds upon which the eotlon of the Building Official is appealed. The City Council Shall, upon receiving such notice of appeal, hear anq evidence or other relevant matters presented by the appellant or the Building Official et its next regular meeting after •~ the filing of the notice of eppeat, provided however, /D ~1 if the notice of appeal is filed less than ten de ys • prior to the day of a regular meeting of the City Council, the hearing shell not ba held et the first regular meeting, but et the foliowing regular meeting. After hearing all evidence and other relevant matters presented at said hearing or without hearing if no appeal 'rs made upon the report of the Building Official, the C[ty Council may then confirm, amend, or annul the action of the Building Official. It the ect[on of the Buildtng Official is annulled, the City, at its own expense, shell remove any and all instruments used to secure said structure, and shall remove any and alt signs stating that the building is unsafe to enter. It, however, the City Council confirms the action of the Building Official in securing the structure nt the hearing on appeal, or, if no appeal is taken, st any other regular meeting, or adjourned meeting, then the cost incurred by the City in securing the structure shall became a lien against the property, end n resolution of the City Council confirming the cation of the Building Official, including the impoaf lion of a lien upon the property upon which the structure Is located to pay for the cost of securing it, may De adopted upon receipt of s report from the Building Ottia[al. Such resolution may ba filed with the San Bernardino County Taz Assessor, end • the 1[sn imposed thereby may be aolleated for the City by him, along with the next annual taz levy and assessment on said property. (s) The same procedure, es provided in subsection (el for abating through aecur[ng from entry any structure which is determined by the Building Ot[iotet to be immediately dangerous or immediately hazardous may also be used Dy the Building Official in connection with the summery abatement of all other dangerous or hazardous conditions upon private property which the Building Official determines, nt hie discretion, es constituting en immediately dangerous or ha aerdous condition. The Building Official may then summarily abate such nuisance, et his discretion, in the most appropriate manner under the circumstances, whi eh may [nclude, but shall not be limited to the following methods: fencing, draining water from swimming pools end filling with appropriate ballast, removing fire hazards, tilling or covering open holes and grading or strengthening land tills or a:cevations. Although the manner and method used by the Building Official shall be at his discretion, he shell, in making his determinations, seek the most eaonomicat method end endeavor not to place en undue economical hardship upon the owner of the property, and only use those measures • which will eliminate the dangerous end hazardous features. /~~ 15.28.060 Section 801 amended Demolition Procedure. . Section 801 o the Un orm Code or Abatement o Dangerous Buildings is hereby emended to reed es follows: Section 801. Procedure. When any work of repair or demolition is to be done pursuant to Section 701 (ej 3 of [his Code, tAe Building O'f iciel shall issue the order therefore and the work shall be accomplished by Ci[y personnel or by private contract under the direction of the Building Official, or he may employ such architectural end engineering assistance on a contract basis as he may deem reasonably necessary. If any part of the work is to be accomplished by private contract, stendsrd public works contractual procedures shall be followed. 15.28.070 Section 802 Deleted. The Uniform Code [or Abatement o Dangerousa uild~hereby amended Dy deleting Section 802 in its entirety. Abatement o pengeroua Buildings is hereby emended to reed ea follows: Section 901. The Building Official shall keep an Itemized account of the expense incurred by the City in the repair or demolition of any building done pursuant to the provisions of • Section 701 (c) 3 of tA1s Code. Upon the completion o[ the work of repair or demolition, the Building Official shell prepare and file with the City CIerK a report specifying the work done, the itemized end total coat of the work, a description of the real property noon wni~n t^.^ ~;:ild;,-,g ~, t. u~iure is or was located, and the names end addresses of [he persons entitled to notice pursuant to 9ubsecti on (c) of Section 401. 15.28.090 Section 902 Amended--Council Rulin Section 902 o[ the Uni orm Code or the Abatement o Dangerous Buildings is herebv amended to read as follows: Section 902. Upon receipt of said report, the C[ty Clerk shell present it to the City Council for cons ideretion. The City Council shall fix a time, date and place for hearing such report, and any protests or objections thereto. The City Clerk shell cause notice o[ said hearing to be posted upon the property involved, posted ea directed Dy tAe City Council so as to give proper publie notice„ and served Dy certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the owner o[ the property es his name end address appears on the lest equalized assessment roll of the county, I[ such se appears, or es known [o the Clerk. Such notice shell be given et least ten (10) days prior to the date set for hearing end shell specify the day, hour, and place when the Council will hear and pass upon the Building Official's report,together /~ / with any objections or protest which may be filed as • hereinafter provided by any person interested in oe effected by the proposed charges. 15.28.100 Section 903 Amended--Obleetions. Section 903 of the Uniform Code or the at anent o angarous Buildings is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 903. My person interested in or etteoted by the proposed charges may file written protests or objeetiona with the City Clerk •t nny time prior to the time set for the hearing on the report of the Building Official. Bach such protest or objection must contain a de eerlption of the property in which the signer thereof is interested end the grounds of such protest or objection the date it was received Dy Aim. Ha shall present such protests or objections to the City Counailet the time set for the hearing, end no other protests or objaations shall Da considered. 15.49.110 9eotion 904 Amended--Pease •. Station 904 of the Uniform o • or t • atement o angarous Buildings is hereby emended to read a follows: 9eation 904. Upon the day and hour fixed for the hearing the City Council shall hear and past upon 4ha report of the Building Official together with any such objections or • protests. The Council msq make such revision, eorraetfon or modtfiaatlon to the report or the aheega as iL may loam just; end when the Council [s satisfied with the aorreetnau of the charge, the report (ss submitted or •a revised, corrected or modified) together with the cheeses shell be confirmed or rejected. The decision of the City Council on the report end the charge, and on all protests or objeetiona, shall be final and conclusive. r1 U //~ SECCIOH 11. A new ChepCer 15.32 is hereby added to • the Ranoho Cucamonga Municipal Code, to read in words and figures, ea follows: CHAPTER 15.92 FpUS I I4G CODE Sections: 15.32.010 Section 104 deleted 15.32.020 Section 201 suDSeotion (a) and (b) deleted. 15.32.030 Section 203 emended -- Housing advisory and appeals Board 15.32.040 Section 204 deleted -- Violations and penalties 15.92.010 Seetion 104 deleted. Section 104 of said Unttorm Houetng ode s •raDy a ate . 15.32.020 Seaton 201 9uDs action a1 and b) deleted. Subseot ons s an~'f'6~' oZJ~eeiion ~seP3~t orm ous~g Code nre hereby deleted. • board. Section 203- of said Uniform Housing Code is emceed to read ns follows: Section 203. "Houetng Advisory end Appeals Board" sa used Derain shall mean the Board of Aooesls .• ..+ !or!.". 3eu lion sue or the Unttorm Administrative Code hereby adopted. Appeals to the Donrd shell be processed In accordance with the provisions eonteined in Section 1201 of this code. Seetion 15.32.040 deleted. Seetion 204 of the Uniform Houstng Code is ereby a ate . /~~ SECT [ON 12. A new Chapter 15.36 is hereby added to the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, to read in words and figures, as tollowa: • Chapter 13.38 Sixn Code 9ections• 15.38.010 Section 103(d) deleted 15.38.020 Section 303 emended--Sign permits: Exemptions 15.38.030 Chapters S through 12 and Chapter 14 deleted 15.38.010 Section 103 Deleted. Said Uniform Sign Code is amen ed by cl ef ng •et on 1 n its entirety. 15.38.020 9eation 303 Amended--Sl n Permits Hz lions. Sect on o as n orm gn o • s amen a to raa as tollowa: Section 303. The following work shall not requlr• • sign permit, however, thss• e:amption• shall not Da construed a^ relieving the owner of tM sign tram tM responsibility foe its •rection end maintenanaa, canpliance with the prov[siona of this Code, the Rancho Cucamonga Development Code, or any other law or ord[nanee regulating the aamei 1. Tha changing of the advertising copy or message on a • painted or printed sign or replacement of plastic sign [aces. .. ,.. ... ::. ae:~:::~:~~k structure provided no structural chsnge is made. 3. Signs less than S feet sDove grade that ate not electrically lighted. 4. Changing of theater marquees and similne signs specifically designed for the use of replaceable copy. Any permit Issued for erection of a sign in violstion of this Code or other ordinance is automatically void end shall be cancelled Dy the Building Official. 15.38.030 Cha tern 5 throw h 12 and Cha ter 14 Deleted. Ssid Uniform Sign Code a hereby emended Dy deleting apters , 8, 7, 8, 9, to, il, i2, and 14 in their entireties. • r~~ SECTION 13. A new Chapter 15.40 is hereby added to the • Rencho~a Municipal Code, to read in words and figures, as follows: CHAPTER 15.40 BUILDING SECURITY CODE Sections: Section 15.40.010 9eation 4101 emended -- Purpose. Section 15.40.020 Section 4302 -- Application. Section 15.40.030 Section 4105 amended -- Door viewers. Section 15.40.040 Section 4108 emended -- Doors and hsrdware. Section 15.40.050 Section 4107 emended -- Sliding doors. Section 15.40.080 Section 4108 emended -- Windows Section 15.40.070 Section 4108 amended -- Garage vehicular aaceea soots. Section 15.40.080 9eation 4110 through 4115 sdded -- Mult[ple-family developments. Section 15.40.010 Seatlon 4101 Amended -- Pur oae. Section 4101 o se: n orm u I ng eeur:ty o e :a smen a to reed ea follows: • Section 4101. Purpose. Tha purpose of this code is to establish minimum atendsrds to make nexly eonatruc red dwelling units and additions to dwelling units, end private gsreges resistant to urtlnwful entry and to fecilitnte protection of property. Section 15.40.020 Sectfon 4102 -- A lication. Section 4102 o[ sai Uni orm Build ng ecurity ode is emended to rend as follows: Section 4102. Application. The provisions oP this chapter shall apply to openings into dwelling units of Group A, Division 1 Occupancies, Group R, Division 3 Occupancies and into garages of Group M-1 Occupancies, as defined in the Uniform Building Coda, including openings between attached garages and dwelling units. EXCEPTIONS: 1. An opening in an exterior wall when all portions oY such openings ere more then 12 feet vertleelly or 8 feet horizontally from en eacessiDie surface of any adjoining yard, court, passageway, public way, breezeaay, patio, planter, porch or slmilsr area. /~S 2. An opening in en exterior well when ell portions of such openinga are more then 12 feet vertically or B • feet horizontally from the surface of any adjoining root, balcony, lending, stair tread, platform or similar structure or when any portion of such surface is itself more then 12 feet above en accessible surface. 3. Openings where the smaller dimension is 8 inches or less, pr~ivided that the closest edge of such openinga is nt least 40 inches from the locking device of the door or window assembly. 4. Openings protected by acquired fire door assemblies having ^ fire endurance rating of not lass than 45 minutes. 15.40.030 Section 4103 amended -- Door Vlew~rs. Section 4105 o sal ni orm u ng ecur ty o a s emeo a to read as follows: Section 4103. A11 main or front entry doors to dwelling units shall be arranged so that the occupant hu • claw of the area immediately outside the door without opening the door. E:cept as provided in Section SSOS (h) of th• Dnitorm Building Code, such view may be provided Dy • door viewer having a field of view of not less than 180 degrees, through • windows or through view ports. 15.40.040 Section 4106 emended -- Doors end Hardware. Section 1 o t e n orm uil ng ecur ty o e s omen a to ~cau nn lullOwe: Section 4108 (a). Doors end Hardware. Swinging pedestr[en doors and their hardware regulated by this chapter shall comply with [JBC 9Tendard No. 41-1, Part I or equivalent standard. Doors and hnrdwere shall be installed as tested. EXCEPTIONS: Doors end hardware febrionted end installed es set forth in Subsections (b) through (i) Delow. (b ). poor construction. Such doors shell be of solid construction witA a minimum thickness of one end three- quyerters inches (1-3/4") except !or recessed panels whseh may De not Tess thin nine-sixteenths inched (0/IB") thickness. /~ / (c). Locking devices. Such doors shall be equipped with a • double or single cyclinder deedbol[ lock. The bolt she p have a minimum projection of one inch (1^) and be conatructed so es to repel cutting tool attack. TAe deadbolt shall have an embedment of et least three-fourths inch (3/4") into the strike receiving the projected bolt. The cyclinder shall have a cylinder guard, a minimum of five (5) pin tumblers, and shall De connected to the inner portion of the back by connecting screws of at least one-fourth inch (1/4") in diameter. A duel locking mechanism constructed so that both deadbolt end latch can be retracted by a single action of the inside door knob, or lever, rttay be suDSiituted provided it meets ell other specifications for Locking devices. (d). Inactive leaves. Inactive leaves of double doors shit be equipped with metal tl uah Dolts nt top end bottom having a minimum cross-sectional dimension of one-Halt inch (1/2") and a minimum embedment of five-eighths inches (5/6") into the Aend and tAreahold of the frame. (e). Blocking. In wood framing, horizontal blocking shall be placed between studs nt door lock height for three (0) stud spaces each aide of the door openings. Any spaces between jambs and trimmers end adjoining studs shall be shimmed solid. (t). Stops. Door stops or wooden jambs for tn-swinging • doors shall be of one piece construction with the jamb. lambs for ell doors shell be conatructed or protected so as to prevent violation of the strike. (g). Glazing. Glazing in exterior doors within CortY (40") `--`"" "' e~~y iucwing mecbnn~sm snail De of fully tempered glass or burglary resistant glszing, except when double cyclinder deadbolt loc ka are installed. (h). Btrike plate installation. [n wood frame construction any open space between trimmers end wood door jambs shall be solid shimmed by a single piece extending not less than B inches above and bolow the strike plate. Btrike plates shall be attacAed to wood with not less than two No. 8 x 2" screws. All strike plates of doors in pairs shall be installed as tested. (i). Hinges. Hinges which are exposed to the exterior shall be equipped with non-removable hinge pins or a mechanical 'r.tcrlock to preclude removal of the door from the exterior by removing the hinge pins. 15.40.050 Section 4107 Amended -- Blidin doors. Section 4107 o the ni orm Building ten and ode s amen a to read as follows: ~~ Section 410?. Sliding doors. Sliding Door ass embties regulated by this chapter shall comply with UBC Standard 41- • 1, Part II or equivalent standard. 15.24.080 Section 4188 Amended -- Windows. Section 4108 of the Uni orm uild:ng ecurtty Code is emended to read as follows: Section 4108. Windows. Window assemblies which are designed to be openable end which ere regulated by this Chapter shall comply with UBC Standard 41-2 unless such windows are protected Dy approved matnl bare, screens or grilles. Section 410-o~t~e Un: worm Bu lding vecurtty rCOde e:s to reed as follows: Section 4109(a). Garage vehicular access doors. Rolling overhead, solid overhead, swinging/sliding or eccord[on doers provided tot vehicular access to private garages shall be constructed end installed •a sat forth in this section. (b). Such doors shall be provided with an exterior covering of one of the following: 1 Exterior grade plywood not less then five- si:teenths inches (S/IB^) in thickness. 2. Aluminum not le as then four-hundredths (.04") in thickness. Inches • 3. Steel not less then three-hundredths inches (.Od"1 iu ii:ickness. 4. Fiberglass having a density of not less than five ounces (5 oz.) per square toot. 5. Wood siding not less than nine-sixteenths inches (9/18") in thickness. Section 4109 (c). Locking devices. All locking devices utilizing a cylinder lock shell have a minimum five (5) pin tumbler operation with the locking bar or bolt extending into the receiving guide s minimum of one inch (1"). Slide bolt type locking assemblies shell have a bolt diameter of not less then three-eighths inch (3/8"). Slide Dolts ahatl penetrate the receiving guide not less than one and one-half inches (i-Ii2") and shell be attached with three (3) bolts that ere not removable from the outside. Rivets shall not be used to aftech slide bolt assemblies. Doors exceeding sixteen feet (18') in width shel' be provided with opposite, centrally locsted locking points, either et • each side or at top and bottom of the door. ~/ 0 EXCEPTIONS: • 1. For doors nineteen feet (19') or leas in width, a single locking point may be used if centrally located at the floor or top of the door. 2. Doors provided with torsion spring counter-balance type hardware. (d). Frames. Prames for garage vehicle access doors shell be constructed of one o[ the following: 1. Aluminum not less then twelve-hundredths inches (.12") in thickness. 2. Steel not less then s[x-hundredths inches (.OS^) in thickness. 3. Wood not leas than one and one-halt inches (1-1/2^) in thicknaaa. u naves -- mull: le ramp Dave o nts. a n orm u ng ecurlty o e a amen e y ed ng actions 4110 through 4115 to read ns follows: Section 4110. Complex diagram. There shell De positioned nt each entrance of a multiple-family development, en • illuminated diagrammatic representntion of the complex which shows the location of the viewer and the unit dea[gnations end locations within the complex. Section 4111. Lighting Li¢hN n¢_ In mn;rioln_r.m;t.. ewell:nga shell be es [ol lows: ~ ~ ~ ~~ ' Aisles, passageways and recesses related to and within the building complex shell be illuminated with an intensity o[ at least twenty-five one-hundredths (,25) footcandles at the ground level during the hours of darkness. Lighting devices shall be protected Dy vnndal-resistant covers. Open perking lots and carports sha 11 De provided with a minimum of one (1) footenndle o[ light on the parking surface during the hours of darkness. Lighting devices shall be protected by vandal resistant covers. Section 4112. Keying. Upon occupancy, each dwelling unit in a subdivision or multiple-family development shall have locks using keys that ere not int enc~angeable with any other dwelling unit in the suDdivi lion or multiple-family development. Section 4119. Definitions. /// 1. "Burglary Resistant Glazing" means those materiels • as defined in Underwriters Laboratory Bulletin 972. 2. "Double Cylinder Deadbolt" means a dendbolt lock which can be activated only by key on both the interior and the exterior sides. 3. "Door Stop" means the projection along the top and sides of a door jamb which checks the door's swinging action. 4. "Dwelling" means a buii~ing or port[on thereof designed exclusively for reaidentisl occupancy, including single-tamliy dwel Cl nga. 5. "Flushbolt^ is a man uel, key or turn operated metal bolt normally used on inactive door(s) and is sttaehed to the top and bottom of the door end engages in the head and threshold o[ the [rams. 8. "9ing1• Cylinder Dsadboit" means a deadbolt lock which {a activated from the outside by a key and lean She inside by a knob, thumb-turn, lever, or similar maehsnism. SECTION 14: • The Mayor shall sign this Ordi nenee and the City Clerk shall eauae the same to be published within fifteen (IS) days attar its passage at least once in The Dail Re ort, n newspaper of general circulation published In the :ty o ntario. Coiffnrni., end ... CL'/St~.i iu ii,a iii [y of lLflnChO CUC ainOngfl, California. PASSED, APPROVED, end ADOPTED this day of , 1997. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Dann s Stout, yor ATTEST: C~ Beverly A. Authelet, C ty Clerk Sao • CITY OF RANCHO CtiCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 20, 1987 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Magulrc, City Engineer BY: Btane N. Frandsen, Senior Ctvil Engineer y.~ c`UMO'~C < Y 4I T ~~, 6 19TC SUBJECT: Environ•enUl Assesssmt and Negative Declaration for the proposed Archibald Avenue Realtgnsent and Isproveaent Project, Lity of Rancho Cucaax>nga, located almg ArohlDaid Avenue between 19th Street and Highland Avenue and south side almg Highland Avenue between 220' west and 630' east of the intersectim of Archibald and H1gAland gEC01~ElOATI011• It is recosalended that City Coundl approve the Environsmtal Assesssmt and issuance of Negative Declaration for the proposed Archbald Avenue Reallgnsent and IsprovesmL Protect. BACRQIOUD/AWtY5I5: In caspliance with the California Envtronsmtal Quality Aet and State Guidelines/ the attached docusmt5 have been prepared to penHt construction -f tYa saCJxt vroJact. TIK yruJr<c viii inciuae cne mdemny and isprovesent of Archibald Avenue fras 19th Street to Highland Avenue, and isProvesent along the south side of Highland Avenue frds 220' west to 630 east of the intersection of Archibald and Highland. Said isprovesents will consist of asphalt cmcrete pavesmt rcplacesent and overlay, installation of concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks aM reaps, street lights, and striping and signing. All properties al mg the east side of the existing right-of-way for new right-fo-way alignsent belmg to the State of California. In discussion to date with the Right-of-Nay Agents nor CaiTrans, the City will be allowed to construct isprovesents under "persit elisinattng the need for right-of-way acquisition. Title of the existing house located east of Archibald and north of the cossercial areas affected by the proposed street has been transferred to the City of Rancho Cucasonga Dy vl rtue of a purchase order asounting to f500. DO, and the City is now free under Its discretion to reaove the house. Excess right-of-way will resin along the west side of the street and will be retained for a utility corridor to allow Installation and saintenance of overhea4 and underground utilities. ~~'~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT RE: ARCHIBALD AVENUE ENYIRONNNTAL ASSE59~ENT May 20, 1987 Page 2 It will be required to rolcate or athen+iu reconstruct the ezisting utilities at the tier LIM proposed Foothill Freewy 1s to be constructed whicA will require speetal dtslgn of such fac111t1es under, around, or through the depressed freeway section. Theretoro, such is not being considered with the pro3ect. The centerline a11ynant and vertiul profile of Archibald Aranw have been coordinated wlLh tM future freawAy designs, such having bean reviewed and found atteptable by tIM WlTrans Design staff. It is the staff's finding that the proposed pr%leet is in conforwance with the proposed derelopwnt of Archibald Awnw as a srior arterial street and will not create a s/gnificaM adverse /epacL an the enriroasanL a~M, therefore, recaoend that tlase iagrorwants be gluon a Negative Declaration as to enviro~wantai i~patt. Respac ]y~ subNtted, :BI :ko Attacheents • r~ n U ~~a i j i • JJ '~ L croon x' v'. i, ~! ^~ Hiyh/ai • h ~ ~ /9 rRmtyi SlKff V % ~ /T na .5ca e . =~.,'?'~~,a~~9Lp EVE ~'f~af~iY/~~~lT ~,I :i ., ~ ,~ Q ~ ~1 Avenue _-~ RC Sn?s m M.ru J Acnvrwy avwv • .rs~.~'is Q~ ' µ(yY fRirN /+rII~Y K .My~/t.LLtl Ati 9 Avenue /~ ~ P /.Ytfygf Ytf//yf)f Ay/RLyfMIW /3 I (A~M~N 6.~. ,4wwyJ bue. Cvy t sM.xr! a 6'*I t4M V' Nt ~ a,r~ ~/ prFWey hNyryiw.J. .. f .Np y/iRUy .Sfreef 6r~ I ~ I i a i,~,~ov~M~~r ENVIltONMENTAL REVIEW APPLICATION 6ERERAL INITIAL ST[JDY -PART I For all projects requiring envirorm{erital review, tAts fotn must be rnagleted and submitted W the Development Review Camittee througA the department where the protect application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Planning Division staff w111 prepare Part II of the Initial Study and make recoasaendations to Planning Camatssim. The Planning Comaissim will make one of three deterwlnations: (1) TM protect wilt haw no styynificant mviromae{ital impact and a Regatiw Deciaration will be filed, (2) The project will haw a significant enviromaentai tapact and an Enviraraaental Impact Report will be prepared, or (3) M additional it~ormation report should be suppllad by the applicant ylving further lnformaLton concerniig the Proposed Dro~ect. Date Fi Project T1t1 • Applicant's Rama. Address• TllaphoM: C{LV of Ranrhn fnrar,nga g31n Aa s.. 11no Rnad_ ReneM Gran+nQa_ fr Oi77p Rama, Address, Telephone of Persoa ?o B~-.^.antacted Coneernine this Proiaet: o,._.. ~ ~___.___ Sams ac ahnvw. (716) aAa_1RL2 ort iDn Location Of Pr0~eet: Archibald Avenge from .9th Street to Highland and Highland Avenue from 220' we<t of Archi held to fi70' ~<t of 1r hibald Assessor's Parcel Ro.: D~hl1c strnet< List other permits necessary from local, regionai, state and federal agencies and the agency issuing such permits: T mnm•arv Str an<,r _ •on< ru iQ~ Permit from the fity of Rnnrho _n :~vtn~a Enrmarl roof D ~ it f tali 1ltstrict A / ~~ _i PROJECT DESCRIPTION Proposed use or proposed protect: kealign centerlines at intersection of • nr M bald and Highland 'and widen the remaininn unimproved portion of ,lrchiualg Avenue from 19th Street to Highland, and provide improvement of the southern street ggrtigns of Highland Avenue G30' east and 220' west of the Archibald inter- secti Acreage of protect area and se,uare footage of existing and proposed buildings, if any: ri/A Alignment and improvement of public street. __ Oescrlbe the envtronmenta_ 1 settles of the pro~ecL site including information on topography, soil-s a y, plants (trees land animals, any cultural, historical or scenic aspens, land use of surrounding prapertles, and the description of any existing structures and their use (attach necessary sheets): rnw arcnibald Avenue Proiect lies in a mix of commercial ang residential _+„wing „„n«fn0_h.~~~~n<wa Fngtnitt Freeway alignment. The existing street of e„„ht ha in wwmu i< na„rew between 19th an Highland e1lOH1n0 Oply 1 north and f~yy~h 1 „„d t„~ ws t„assic. At tn. intersection. traffic !s controlled by a the <.„..wr „..nrw„unw< wgrrh and <nnth gf u,e intersection. Tne two southerly ..„5 gf ~ anrhi/u id~w^n bland tntw„<eciinn remains un improved wf to fy~H]vgtn< trees and heddrs within the ultimat right-of-waY. . is the protect part of a larger protect, one of a series of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a rrhnle have significant envtrommentat impact ;,rrnihaln dvenuu is listed as an arterial street in the !-~'. .., .ai Plwn fnr dwvelg~rnt and Highland %, venue is _ShgwO a5 u ~nl L+~tnr <'rwa t. • /~~ t-2 YIIL TNIS PRO.IECT: • YES HO 1. Create a substantial change in ground contours? _ ~ 2. Create a substantfal change in existing noise el'produce vibration or glare? _ ~ 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc. )t _ ~ 4. Create changes in the existing Zoning or Generai Plan desfgnations? x 5. Reapve any existing trees2 How many? Y1 ~ 6. Create the need far use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flameables or explosives? _ ~ Exptanetton of any YES answers above (attaefi additional sheets if necessary): -_Existina trees within the street right-of-wav are to be reapv ~ * rovi de installation of curb b nutter side•~•lks drive aaoroaches and street lights. • 7. Estimate the amount of sewage and solid waste materials this protect will generate dally:. _ t1~q 8. Estfmate the number of auto and truck trips generated daily by this V .~J ~~.~• II/M 9. Estimate the amount of grading (cutting and filling) required for this pro,lect, in cubic yards: _.75u cut/2.000 c.v fill 10. tf the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFIGTI011: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presente4 are frog and correct to the hest of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaluation can be made by the Planning Oivi<i on. Oate: ~.,,y ~n,~ur 5lgnaturel ~l~,~ _ Blanc N.. Frond Title c, r7vn rigs ~a~ i-3 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION • The following information should be provided to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division in order to aid the school district 1n assessing their ability to accomsodate the proposed residentiai development. Developers are required to Secure letters from the school distrlet far aecamamdattng the increased number of students prior to issuance of Dullding permits. Name of Developer and Tentative Tract Ho.: Specific Location of Proiect: 1. Number of single family units: 2. NumDar of multiple fwily units: 3. Date proposed to begin rnnstruction: 4. Earnest date of occupancy: Model# and # of Tentative 5. Bedrooms Price Ranee PHASE I PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE • TDTAL ~. • • / ~/ 1-4 cITY of RARCHO cucAMOrlca • PART ZI -INITIAL STUDY ENVIRONMENTAL CRECRZIST DATE: ~~~~ l ~ S 7 APPLICAMI: Citv of Rancho Cucamonga FILI`IG DATE: LOC NUMBER: PROJECT: Archibald Avenue Realianawp~ PROJECT LOGIION: Between 79th street LR Nj~ylan_a euom.y 1. ERVIROMfO?N'fAI IMPACIS (Explsaation oP all "yea" gad "aayba" anavara an raquicad on atuchsd aheacs). YES MAYBE NO 1. Soils and Caoloay, Nill the proposal Nava . sigeificaat raaulta fa: a. Unstable ground coadicioas or in changaa Sn geologic ralacionehipnT K .r. ~~ by iiuuo t' uu~1/O..~W1NlLb• WWY~~HYU Vir X burial of the soil? ~. c. Chaaga in eopography or ground surface coneour intervals? _. ~ X d. The destrucClon, covering or modlficatioa of any unique geologic or physical Saaruru? _, g e. Any potential increase in wind or avatar eroalon of soils, affecCing sither on or oEE alto condleona? ~_ f. Changaa !n eroalon sil taCion, or deposition? _,,, ~ ](~ g. Exnoaure of p!rople cr property Cc geologic ~hazarda such as earthquakaa, landslides. mud- alidea, ground Pailure, or similar hasards? ~ %- h. An inereasa in eha rata of axeracCion snd/or X . use of any minaral resourcaT .~ -- 2. Hvdroloxy. N111 the proposal have algnitlcanc results in: ~ag i 4 a. Changes i^_ entreats, or the coarse of direcclon of Slaving streams, rivers, or ephemeral scream channels? b. Changes in absorption races, drainage patterns, or [ha rata avd amount of surface vster runoff? c. Aleerationa to the course or flaw of Elood vacera? d. Change in the amount of surface vacer in any body of vacer? e. Dlscharge Sato outface vacer, oc any alteration of surface water quellty? f. Alearacion of groundwater charac eerie sits? g. Change in the quanClty of groundwatara, either through dlrecc additions or with- dravale, or through interference vieh an aquifer? Quality? Quantity? h. 'Ihe reduction in eha amount aF water other- wise available for public vacer auppliest 1. Eapoaun of people oz property to water related hazards such as flooding or eeiches7 sic Quaii ry. wtll ere proposal have aigaifieanc resoles 1n: a. Cons [arc or periodic air emisaiona from mobile or indirect sources? Stationary sources? b. Deterio rat Son of ambient air quality and/or interference with the aetainmenc of app Licable air quality standards? c. Al [oration of local or regional climatic conditions, affac ting air movement, mois cure or tempera tore? o~~.a Flora. 11111 Cha proposal have significant results in: a. Change in the characceriacica oP species, including diversieq, distribution, or number of any species o[ plants? b. Reduc clon of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered speeiu o~piaq,ps? yE5 MdY3E \D _~ X • ~~ .K._ . x _ ~ - __ JL 1'. _ ~ • Y e Y - x X x _ ~- L 't ES `fAY9E ::0 c. Introduction of neu or disruptive species of • Dlanes into an area? Y d. Reduction in eha po cential for agricultural production? ~ Fauna. Will eha proposal have significant zeaulcs in: a. Change In the characeeris tics of apeciea, including diversity, dis[ri6'u[fon, or numbers of any species of animals? ~ b. Reduction o£ eha numbers of any unique, yarn or endangered apeciea of animals? ~ c. Introduction of aav oz disruptive apaciaa of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to cha migration or mvaman[ of animals? ~ d. Deeatioracion or r®oval of existing fish or vildllfe habitat? g 5. Population. Will the proposal have sigalElcaat resoles in: a. Will the proposal altar eha location, dlseri- • bution, dens icy, diversity, or grouch race of - [he human population of an area? Y b. Will the proposal affect existing howing, or create a demaad for additional howing? X 6. Soc1o-Economic Factors. WS11 eha proposal have aignificanr results in: a. Change in Local or regional aocio-economic characteristics, including acoeomlc or coomerclal diversity, tax race, aad property values? ~ _ _ b. W111 pro~ecc coo to be equitably distributed among prol act beneficiaries, i.e., buyers, tax payers or pro~ac[ users? X _ 7. Land Use and Planning Conalderationa. Will the proposal have significant resul cs in? a. A substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an gran? ~ _ 6. A contllct with any daaignationatob~ectives, policies, ar adopted plans of arty govarnmancal - anti Gies? _ K c. An impact upon the qulaiey or quantity of axis clog conaumpcive or non-conaumptiw cecreacional opporcunit~a~ O ~ ~ _ ~- '=_= - ees :uyse ~o 8. Transportation. W111 the proposal have signit is ant rnsul to ia: • a. Cennration of substantial additional vehicular movamen c? _ ~_ b. Effects on exiacing s[ree cs, or demand for new street construction? ~ c. Effects on existing parking fac111tiea, or demand for nev parking? ~ d. Substantial impact upon existing transporta- tion systems? ~ e. AltezaCions Co present patterns of circula- tion or movmant of people and/or goods? f, Alears[Sons to or affects on present and poeaatlal eater-borne, rail, mesa traasie or air traffic? _ ~ g. Incrwas in traffic hazards co motor vehicles, 61cyc11sts or pades Ctiam? _ ~ 9. Cultural gaaoureae. W111 eha proposal have significant resulea in: • a. A diaxurbanca to the integrity of archawlogical, paleontological, and/ar his torlcal resources? - proposal-haw•algnificanc 'resultsv in: ..~.. •' a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard? X b, Exposure of people to potential health hazards? X c. A rlak of azploslon or release of hazardous subataacas So the event aE an accident? X d. M Sncreas• in the nunber of individuals or spaeiaa of vector or pachanogenic organisms or the exposure of people to such organisms? X e. Inereasa in exiacing noiaa levels? _ % f. Exposure of people to pc Centially dangerous noise levels? _ ~ g. The creation of o6~ectiona6la odors? _ ~ • h. An increaa• in light or glare? ,_ ~ ~/ xes NAY9° »o 11. Aesthetics. Still the proposal have signif Scan[ • results in: a. the oheetuetion or degradation of any scenic vista of viw? X b. the treatlon of an aesthetically offena ive site? X c. A conflict with the objective of designated or potential scenic corridors? X 12. Ct111t'.ea and Public Services. Will the proposal have a significant nand for nw systems, or alinraeiona to eha follwing: a. Electric pavar2 X b. Natural or packaged gas? c. Commun£catiana systems? ~ d. Water supply? __ ~ e. pastwater £acil£ties? ^_ ~ E. Flood control atructuraa? ~ • Salad t f ill i ? _ g. ae ea was e e _ ~ h. Flre protection? ~ i. 7v Sias y. .a..-ca^, X ~. Schools? ~ k. Parks or other recreational facilities? ~ _- ~ 1. Maintenance of public fat £Litfea, Secluding roads and flood control £acilitiee? ~ m. Other govarnmeneal services? ~ 17. EneraY and Scarce Resources. Gill [ha proposal have significant results in: a. L'se of substantial or exceaa ive fuel or energy? ,~ )(_, b. Subscancial Sncreaaa in demand upon existing sources of energy, e X _ c. An increase in the demand Eor devalopmane of nav aourcaa of anatgy? ~ __ X d. An incraaae or perpacuacion of the consumption of non-ranwaSls forms of enargq, when feasible renwabl• aourcea of energy era availa6la? ~, ~_. K /3a 2:ye O YES ilAY9E `10 e. Subs tantial depletion of any nonrenewable or scarce wcural resourta? _ 1 14. Nandatory Findiaaa of Sitnificance. a. Does the proleet have the potential to degrade the gwlity of the environment, aubaeaneially reduce the habitat of fish or vlldlifs species, cave a flab or wildlife population eo drop ' below salt swtaining levels, threaten eo eliminate a plant or animal eommm~ity, rnduce eha nusbar or restrict [he range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important exoplu of the color periods of California hiatorq or prehfatort'? ~ b. Doan the protect have the potawtlal Co achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, mviro~antal goaleT (A short-tern impact on the am/irooawnt L one which occurs fo a ralativaly brut, dafinltiva period of tine while loog- tarm Lpaeu vlll aadurm well into the future). _ ~ c. Dou eha prof act have fapuee vhieh era individually llaitad, but euaulatively cooaidacabla? (Cuaulativaly cowlderabla means that the ioererntal effects of ao individwl protect are conaidarable whsa viwW • in comucion with the effects oP pact Drol tees, and probable future prof aces). _ ~, d. Dona eha protect Fuve envirowental effects vhieh will cause aubatantial adverse effects on human bainga, aliher directly or Indirectly? ~ II. DISCUSSION OF ENOZEONI4NTAL EVALUATION <1. e., of affirmative amwara eo the above quea tiona plus a discussion of proposed mitigation meaaucas). See Attached Sheets • X33 Page 7 LII. DETERNINATION On the beia of Chia initial evaluation: • ~ I find the proposed prof tee CODLD NOT have a significant effect on the arvirowent, and a NEGATIVE DECLIRATION viii be prepared. _ I find that although the proposed project could have a aigniEican[ %%% effect on eha environment, there vlll not be a aigniflcanc effect in Chia ease becawe the mitigaelon measure described on an attached shut have bean added to the prof set. A NEGATIVE DECLIRATION DILL BE PREPARED. L find the propoaad project MAY have a signifLcant effect on the enviramear. and an ENVI$ON.ffNT L~ACT REPORT is required. t Data Mav 20. 1987 g e gut rc Cjty Enajneer Title • ~3~ ENYIRDNMENTAI IMPACTS Soils and &oloa~•. lb. The reallgnaarrt of Archibald Uwards the east of the existing roadway section shall require ewbankaant U fill a dip at the southeast corner of the Archibald 8 Highland lntersectton. The proposed widening of tho south side of Highland avenue will require an e~banknent fill Fran 1 or 4 feet Tn height. Anew retaining wall will be used west of Archibald along the fronUge of an existing residence. le. An existing Eucalyptus windbreak along the south side of Highland, east of Archibald will ba reeved. TAe field provlously protected has now been secured by the SUte of California for right-of-way for the Foothill Freenwly eliNnatlrng the need for an agricultural windbreak. A natural ground cover exists now an the prortously eultlrated field. 4a. As noted, an old Eucalyptw windbreak of approxinaUly 17 trees will De ranorad. TAe tress are rat natural, befog originally planted for agriculUral purposes. The vineyard which tM trees originally protected has recently bean cleared by the SUU of California to provide right-of- way for the future Foothill Froaway. Sec1o-Eeonoslc Factors• • 6a. One boo, located within the realigned portion of Archibald, has been purcMsed iron the $UU of G11forn1a for raaoval and deao11t1on and will be ranoved or deaalished as part of the prolecL. TAfs house has been vacant now for several months. The evi c}/„n ti~1Awr~L .. w~- o SGati,wva~ crrrrer of Highland and ArcAlbald 1s that residence irAlch is the Host greatly affected. Archibald Avenue will save away iron the house precluding or r'enovtng access onU Archibald Avenue. The Nlyyhland widening will reduce the alrcagy substandard setback. The rcsldenU Mve or canpleted street dedlatlons previous U the proiect by virtue of a parcel nap property division. Anew driveway 1s pproposed U provide access U the property franc Highland Avenue. Anew canabinatlon rotalning and garden wall 1s also proposed along Highland Avenue to rcsUrc privacy due U tM adntnal setback iron the street. The residents arc agreeable and have signed aright-of-entry fona for the work to proceed. It is ntted Lhat a vacation of the old Archibald Avenue right-of-way would return property to this haeowner. The vacation is currently restricted by ut111ties within the right-of-way. Representatives of CalTrcns, District 8, also recaeseend retaining the excess right-of-way until freeway rasp configurations aro finalized. ~3S 6b. The project is currently proposed Mth funding froe the Systeas Developeent Fund, no lien or retiabursee~ent funding is presentl eonsiderod. One pending derelopannt along the real side of Archibaid~ north of 19th, can be targeted b refatiurse the cost of their frontage toprovenents. The reenining ArchlDald frontage and the frontage along Highland, east of Archibald all belong b etcher the City of Rancho Cucaex~nga or the State of California. I~proveeents along Highland, rest of Highland rill be publicly funded in exchange for driraray rolocatlon free access on Archibald b access on Night and Avenue. 7a. The pro~ant street a1lgrMnt rill shift easterly vacating a long wedge of land 73 rldt at the mrth, tapering b zero nid-xay through tM real{fined portions of Arch/0ald Avemn. A debtled title search as b Orenrship of the underlying foe title mould indtcab that to vacating the lands back b the orrmrs that only the two northerly parcels aro eligible for vacation Mth ana parcel vacatable b private party with tin steond parch going to the State. Cal Trans represenbtires haw requested the C1ty not vacate aqy right-of-ray at this t1ae, stating tint both pteps 4Y be rneded for freeway access at a later dab. Those excess properties son<A of the State-ornd property an of sltwr proportions no rider than 3 fpt aM tf vacated would return b property across tin street and would separab tM street fronting parcels free access b ArehlWld Avenue. vacation of Lhese parcels are tenrofor not neo>•ended. TM easterly reallgg~~wwsannL rill traverse or eneraeA across laM belonging to tM Stab of California. Right-of-MAy Agents for tM State nea~end tM issuance of an Enerwehaxnt Persft rMnby tin Sbb arinbins ownership dw b the proposed Foothill Fnwny eonstructlon. Sueh• property is currontlY vacant except for a single faHly residence, rhiM vas recently sold by the Stab b tM C1ty of Rancho Cutaeonga b 'tci~'U~ur-the~D~r0.lect.-,.The encrwclaent pereft hes Dean applied for and .. - ,-......y ....r.w.. Transportation 8a. The teproveaent of tM street will factlibb additional eavaaxmt of through traffic in all directions at the lnbrsection. The teproreetents rill not generate traffic to and of itself, yet W' attract additional usage due b comenlenee. Ut111t1es and Pub11e Servtas 12a. Due b the slgnlflant centerline roallgn•ent of Archibald Avenue 80' east, existing purer poles 1n tM old street stetlon r111 ultleately need b De rolocated b the new configuration of the street. TM street aoving gray free the utilities required only one or two poles to De reeoved with no new facilities except street lights to be added. The poles to be raabvad served the existing strucbros which is sited for rearoval. /3k 12f. At present story waters frog Jadeite, north • across Highland by their downhill ieoeenta. 1nsUlled at tha Jadeite, Highland Intersection will be extended to Archibald along Highland to voluae stone flaws W the Archibald stores drain. • ~J of Highland, are carried New catch basins will 6e and a new connector p1 pe transrlt nuisance and low /3 ~ RESOLUTION N0. ~ 7 ~ a'S 7 • A RESOLUTION FO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON611, CALIFORNIA, APPROVIMT THE ENVIRONEIITNAL ASSESSMENT INITIAL STUDY, AND ISSUANCE dF A NE6ATIYE DECLARATION FOR THE PROPOSED ARCHIBALD AVENUE REALIGNMENT AND IMPROVEMENT PRQIECT NIEREAS, the California Envlrorrental Quality Act requiros governaental agencies LD develop standards and procedures, and to consider alternattres of all proposed acLtons affecting the environ.ent an all public agency pro,~eets, such as this Archibald Reallgnaent and Iproveaent Protect; and NHEREAS, an EnviraneenLal Assessaent Initial StuQy has been prepared for the said project pursuant W the CaliforMa Environsrntal Quality Act, as aended; aM NNEREAS, t11e C1;y Council of Lhe City of Rancho Cucasonga has for its conslderaLton all Lhe avallabia input and has rwiewed ease concerning the proposed Archibald Avenw RN1lgnsent and taprovaaent Project. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tMt the C/ty Council of the Ct;y of Rancho Cucaeonga does herby resolve as follows: • SECTION 1 The City Council of the ttty of Rancho Cucaeonga hereby a roves the Envlronantal Assessaent Initial Study and issuance of a Negative ~eelaratfon fnr fh~ nrnnn<M arrh/halA av~n~~~ null~nrnf anA Twnrnyr~n/ Dmlwf SECTION 2 The City Clerk 1s directed to f11e a Notice of OeteralnaLlon pursuant Lo the California Envtron•ental Quality Act. ~.J /38 ~'J - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: May 20, 1987 T0: City Councii and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Blane k. Frandsen, Senior Civil Engineer L~U N~Nn t ' <~ ~! r } ^ A t- i ^ Z v v > 197; SUBJECT: Approval of Envlrormrmtal Assessment Initial Study and issuance of Negative Declaration to perwlt the construttion of store drain and street improvements for Hillside Road beMeen MalacMte and Archibald Avenues pursuant to the Enviroraaental Quality Act. RECDI~EIOATIOM• It is rKOmmmded that the City Council approve the attached Resolution approving the Envlronraental Assessment initial Study and issuance of a kegative Declaration for the proposed Hillside Road Storms Drain and Reconstructtm between Malachite and Archibald Avenue protect. tt is also recommended that staff be directed to pursue an Emlcent Domain actlce to acquire the missing right-of-way followed by a Chapter 27 implementation of the 1911 Act. Gwi.wawiwir7i%niiiri i5i5: In compliance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act and State Guidelines, the Environmental Assessment initial Study has Deen prepared to perwlt construction of the above protect. These improvements generally entail the widening of the street, installation of stores drain, removal and replacement of the existing :treat pavement, construction of curb and gutters, sidewalks and driveway approaches, as well as installation of street lights. Right-of-way for these proposed improvements exist at Lhe north side of the street being voluntarily dedicated in exchange for frontage improvements, of the southerly right-of-way, 840 linear feet of the street frontage has been dedicated. One property remains to dedicate along the south side of about 330 feet in length. An easement for the storm drain installation does exist. Negotiations with the property owners have been unsuccessful to date. The City has proposed an exchange of improvements for the desired rlght- of-way, and has added to the normal exchange the install a*1on of a new steel water tank and regrading and relandscaping for the frontage of the property. ~~ CITY CODIICII STAFF REPORT RE: HILLSIDE ROAD EMy. ASSESS. May 20, 1987 Page 2 Two ma,or alternatives ezlst with regards to tM project; 1) leave out tM 330' portion, leaving a half street pavaent fronting the north half of tM street only, and 2) proceed MLA an Eminent Dwain xtion. The later mould eerlt a follw up 1911 action to make equltaDle tM distribution of right-of-why costs to all properties along this section of Hillside Rad. A third action to watt or do notht~ mould not sea appropriate due to tM recent execution of agrasent with north side properties exchanging right-of-way improveaaents. It is tM Engineering's staff finding tMt although tM proposed pro~eet could Mw a sign/titan! effect on tM envlronesnt, 1t is concureant with the Central Plan that H111side Rad be developed to Lhe proposed widths and that, except as noted, a malorlty of tM fronting rostdents Mw exttnded rlgM-of-why dedications, sasie in exMnge for improveaants, and tMt mitigating measurts W off-set tM anviron•antal impacts Mw been consldend. Staff thenfon requests that a Regattw Dtelaratlon M granted to the project. Staff ales rtqutsts auLhorizatlon W purses right-of-wey • acquisition in tM forte of an EminenL Deeain xttan to obtain the elssing right-of-way required by tM pro,1ect. Reulhy submitted, ~~ 3%-•. RH :8 o Attxhmats C, J ~~ ENVIltONMENTAL REVIEW APPLICATION GENERAL INITIAL STUDY -PART I For all protects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department where the protect application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Planning Division staff will prepare Part 11 of the Initial Study and make recommendations to Planning Commission. The Planning Commission will make ono of three determinations: (1) The protect will have no siggnificant environmental Impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, (2) The protect will have a significant enviromiental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or (3) M additional 1/~orwatlon report should De supplied by the applicant gluing further information concerning the proposed protect. Oate Filed: M u /3 ~ /y87 Protect Title: Hil is ide Road Storm Urain and Reconstruction Protect . Applicant's Ness, Address, Telephone: L'i tv of Rancho Cucamonca. Encineecinc 43ZU base Line Road. Rancho Cucaennua. CA 91730 Name, Address, Telephone of Person To Be Contacted Concerning this Pro feet: Rlane w Cr.ndea,.. c+ rt..+a r_-a-._.. ve (7.41 9UJ-ldo2. ext. 32U Location of Protect: Mil lside Road_Storm Urain end Street Reconstruction. be tueen Malachite and Arc ibal Avenues. Assessor's Parcel No.: Public street List other permits necessary from local, regional, state and federai agencies and the agency issuing such permits: r mn .ra rv ct r., t cl .corn- nnc trnr inQ_ Pernit from the Cttv of Rancho Cucxmnnn,.. ,7 ~J PROJECT DESCRIPTIdI Proposed use er proposed project: The installation of storm drain anu ultirwt~ of denin0. of the existine street section _al lowine the construction of asphalt nn r t pyyement_ curbs and Butte rs._ and street liohts. Acreage of protect area and square footage of existing and proposed buildings, if any: NIA Reconstruction of existinD street. Describe the environmental se_ ttinq of the proiect site inctudtng information an topography, so7T sEa-6iT1ty, plants (trees 1, land anisfals, any cultural, historical or scenic sspeets, land use of surrounding properties, and the description of any existing structures and their use (attach necessary sheets): The Hillside Road Pro.iect which fronts on oroaused Low-Medium Residential zone is a narrow heretofore private rcadwav serving nLmari iv agrirulLrral land at orssent. The northern side_of the sSr_eeL.is_nlauied._ullhsraaevlnes ~urooses exlsu narsrv ulcmn zne grnonsen rtpns-nr-dav_ [s the protect part of a larger proleet, one of a series of cumula!IVe actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have stgnlficant environmental impact rlis 's f rh r pit 1 rays t Dr~ ty ~,€,~ 1'~t~r nnA in cnn in rmg nru Wtih Ma ctar Olan fin rm nr~in and thu Gf roes f+rrulatinn Flamont of the fene r.l Dlan /~ a I-T MILL TRIS PROJECT: YES NO • 1. Create a substantial change in ground contours? ~ 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise i? produce vibration or glare? )L 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)? _ R 4. Create changes in the existing Zontng or General Pion designattons2 _ g 5. Remove any existing trees? How manyT~_ ,y_, 6. Create the need for use or dlsDosal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammaDles or explosives? _ ~ Explanation of any YES answers above (attach additional sheets if necessary): Tiw.~.~vi`ci^g rna will hw rwmovwd and ihw nwu rnnmuav u111 hr raicwA nn a rneauay w.mhankmwn from .l' m 6' ma xf .m uhu rw wxi<ti ng cu..lwe rnrrwntly _ua cli ov r hw < r f. is rnu of Fur lyptuc trww< fall ui thin thw rieht.nf_uay • facilities. 7. Estimate the amount of sewage and solid waste materials this pro,lect will generate daily: uia 8. Estimate the number of auto and truck trips generated daily by this nrnlw!• _... 9. Estimate the amount of grading (cutting and filling) required for this prq)ect, in cubic yards: Son y y~~~ri ~~+~nn ~ y sill 10. If the Dro,)eet lnvoives the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFIGTION: [hereby certify that the statenrcnts furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the DesL of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may De required to be submitted before an adequate evaluatton can be made bx the Punning Division. Oate: Idav E0. 1931 Signatu B one W. Fr~nosan Title Cr_ Civil Fns{{+.. / U3 i-3 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION . The folloMing information should be provided to the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division in order to aid the school district in assessing their ability to accommodate the proposed residential development. Developers are required to secure letters frw the school district Ior aecaaaaodattng the increased nusber of students prior to issuance of building permits. Naaa• of Developer and Tentative Trott No. Specific Location of PHASE I PNASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE { TOTAL 1. Number of single (wily units: ~ _ 2. Number of multiple ' fw11y units: _ 3. Date proposed to • begin construction: _ 4. Earnest date of occupancy: _ Modelir and i of Tentative 5. Bedrooms Pr1ta Range ~~~ I-4 • CITY OF RA.YCHO CUCAMONGA FART II - INITIAL S'PJOY E.WIRONMENTAL CHECR'LIST DATE: H3N I;z~ (Qg 7 APPLTCANT: City of Rancho Cucamonm~ FILI:IC DAT':_ LOG NDMBER: PROJECT: Hillside Road Storm Dr~in ~nd a r r1 0 daft PROJECT LCCATION:Bettr¢en Malaehlra ,.,~ n_..u._.. .. I. ENVIRO:`tEN'TAL IMPACTS (Explaaae!on of all "yea" and "maybe" aaavara era required oo ac tachad sheets). YES MAYBE NO 1. Sol la and Gaoloav. pill the proposal have • significant raaulra in: a. Unstable ground eondiclona or in change in geologic relarionahipsl X -• "• .oy ~iuaa, aiaplacementa, compaction or burial of eha ao11T x c. Change !n topography or ground suzface contour intervals? X d. The des cructio¢, covering or modification at any unique geologic or physical features? X e. Anq potential Snereaae 1n vind or vaear erosion of soils, affecting either on or off nice condicons? ~ E. Changes in erosion siltation, or deposition? _ ~ g~ a<posure of peep la ur property [o geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mud- slides, ground failure, or similar hazards? _ ~ h. An increase in the rata of extraction and/or -, use of any mineral resouzuT _ ~ 2. H~•d zoloay, Will the proposal have significant results in: ~Y7 ~= - a xes >ur3= sa a. Changes in currents, or [he cou: se of direc cion o£ flowing streams, rivers, or ephemeral stream channels? __ ~ • 6. Changes Sn absarp cion rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? ~ _~ c. Alterations to [he course or flow of flood waters? ~. d. Change Sn the amount of surface eater in any body of water? ~ e. Discharge into surface waters, ar any al ceration of surface water quality? X f. Alteration of groundwater characteristics? X g. Change !n ehs quantity of groundwtcara, either through direct additions or with- dzawals, or through interference with as aquifer? Quali[q? Quantity? _ X h. 'fhe reduction 1n the amount of water othar- wiaa available for public water aupplieal % _ • 1. Exposure of people or property to eater ralacnd hazards such as flooding or seichee? _ ~* n.. __ n..n .. .a.n .h- _w __. a. .._. _____ _ r__~ _ .._.. tea....--... t CeaUl C9 1n a. Constant or periodic air emiasiom from mobile or indirect sources? ~ Stationary sources? ~ ~ b. ne terioratlon of ambient air quality and/or in certerance with the attainment of applicable air quality standards? X c. Alteration of local or regional climatic condltiona, affec sing air movement, moss cure ar temperature? _ y_ SLo ca Flora. {Jill [he proposal have significant results in: a. Change En the characteristics of apecln, including diversity, die cribu cion, or number - . of any species of planes? ~, ~.._ b. Reduction of the numbara of any unique, rare or endangeud apatite of planca? ~ X / ~1~ c. inc roductioa of new or disruptive species of • planes into an area? ~ d. seduction Sn the oo tantial far agricultural production'. ~ Fauna. Will the proposal have sign if icanc results in: a. Change is the characteristics of species, including diversity, disc r'_Sucon, or numbers of any species cE animals'. v b. Reduction of the numbers oi~ anv unique, rare or endangered species of animals? ~ c. introduction of nev ar disruptive species of animals into an area, or result Sn a battler to cha migration or movement of animals? ~ d. Deterioration or removal of existing Eish or wildlife habitat? X 5. Fonulat ion. tJill the proposal have significant resul [s in: • a. W111 the proposal alter the location, distri- bution, dens sty, diversity, or grow ch rate of tha human popuiatlan of an area? X b. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or rred re a demand fnr adds ri neat finnvino~ X 6. Socio-Hc onomic Factors. rill the proposal have s ign is icanc results in: a. Change in local or regional sot io-economic characteristics, including economic or comment sal diversity, [ax rate, and property values? X S. Will project costs be equitably dis tt ibu ted among project beneficiaries, i.e., buyers, tax payers ar proj etc users? Y» ~. snd L'sa and piannin¢ Considerations. Will the ~e~ •.e.e aigr. ..Can. tea... wa ln. d. A i'1b5C1n[ldl d1CeLdC10n Of Che pte9 enC OL planned land use of an area? _, y .,. A co nilicc with any des igna dons, objectives, policies, or adopted plans of any governmental enc it tes'. -_ _~ c. 2.n impact upon the qulaicy or quantity of existing consumptive or non-consume [ive re<reat Sonal oppor[unicies ___ ~ ~ ~ ~ _5 ~.iq-_3E _C 8. ?ranscortat ion. Will the proposal have signif is ant results in: • a. Generation of subs tancial additional vehicular movement? b. Ef feces on existing scree ts, or demand for new street canscruccion? g c. Effects on existing parking fat Sli ties, or demand for new parking? % d. Subs tancial impact upon existing transporta- tion systems? ~ e. Al test lone to present patterns of circula- tion or movement of people and/or goods? ~ f. Al cerations to or effects on present and potential water-borne, rail, mass cranaic or air traffic? b g. Increases Sn traffic hazards to mo cor vehicles, b SCycllats or pedes crlana? 9. Cultural Resources. Will the proposal have significant results in: • a. a disturbance to the integrity of archaeological, paleontological, and/or hisco rical resources? ~ l(1 Vn~.l •L f~C.~.. .-J ~,..• ....~ neat ~.~s V proposal have significant resin ts in: a. Creac ion of any health hazard or potential health hazard? X h. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? % c. ,1 risk of explosion or release of hazardous substances in the event of an act idenc? X d, An increase Ln the number of individuals or species of vector or pathenc genic organisms or the exposure of people Co Such organisms? e. increase in existing noise levels? ~ X f. Exposure of people co po ten trolly dangerous noise levels? ); g. The creation of ab~ecclonable odors? _ % . h. do increase in Light or gl ar e? _ / / /`1'~ Ll. Aeschecics. (Jill the proposal have sign if icanc • resulcs in: a. The obs [ruction or degradation of any scenic vista or view? y_ b. The creation of an aesthetically offensive site? ~ c. A conflict with the objective of designated or pocen tial scenic corridors? K 1'_. L't ilities and Public Services. Wi11 the proposal have a significant aced for new systems, or alterations to the Eo Moving: a. Electric power? ~, __ _ b. :Ia[ural at packaged gaa? ~ c. Co®unicatioua syatems? ,~ _ d. Watez supply? ~ _ e. Wastewater facilltiaa? _ f. Flood control structures? x • _ X g. So11d waste facilities? h. Fire prate<cioa? Y, i. Police pro tectlon? _, ^ _ j. Schools? _ _ k. Parks or other recreational facilities? % 1. waintenance of puh lic facilities, including roads and flood control facilities'. X _ m. Ocher governmental services? a. 13. Ene rqy and Sca ree Resources. W111 the prooosal have sign if i<anc resulcs in: a. Cse of sub s[an[la1 or excessive fuel or energy? ~' h. Subscancial Socrease in demand upon existing sources of energy? _ __ 1L. c. M increase in the demand for development of new sources of energy? ~, __ 7L d. An increase oc perpetuaC ion of the conaump Lion of non-renewable forma of energy, when Eeas ib le renewable sources of energy are available? ~ ~_ ~ /~~ ~ "c o e. Subscan[Sal depletion of any nonrenewable or scarce natural resource? 14. Nandatorv Findlnzs cE SSZn if Stance. a. Does the project have Che potential to degrade the quality of ehn environment, substantially reduce the habitat of fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or vildl ifs population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten [o eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict [he range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Y°S :*AY3°_ ::0 a` • X- b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, co [ha disadvantage of Sang-tem. environmental goals? (A short-term impact on thn environment is sae which occurs is a relatively brief, dafinttiva pariad of time while long- term Smpacea will endure yell Snto the future). ~ c. Dote the project have impaeta which era indlvldually limited, but cumulatively comidarable? (Cumulatively considerable means that the incremental effecea of an individual project are conslderab le when viewed • is connec tlen with the effects of pant pro}ecta, and probable future prof nc cs). K d. Doea [he project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or Sndirec cly? Y II. DLSC:'SS ION OF ENVIRCNPffNTAL EVALUATION (i.e., of aFfirmative answers co the shove ques [ions plus a discussion of proposed mitigation measures). (See attached Sheets) /~ 2a 3e 7 III. DETERMINATION On the basis of [his initial evaluation: • I~-~ L find the proposed project COCLD `tOT have a signif icanc effect ILJI on the environment, and a .NEGATIVE DECL,IR.ITZON will be prepared. _ I find that although the proposed project could have a signif icanc ggI of fecc on cha ewlronmenc, there will noe be a signif icanc effete !n ehis case because the micigaeion measures described an an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION GILL BE PREPARED. ~I I fled the proposed projece MAY have a signif icanc effect on [he t ~. envirnment, and an ENVIROYaE`iT IaPACT REPORT is required, Date~n:.~ vn :qA7 Russell H. Maguire _ tY tv Engi near Title • ~~/ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS l.b.c. The reconstruction of the street requires the catching of grades for the ad,tointng isprovaients at east and west end of the protect. An ~banksmt varying fros 0' to 6' is needed to fill the existing dip 1n the street. The street regarding and street esbanksent construction will require driveway rasps into the southerly properties. l.e. Much of an existing Eucalyptus tree windbreak falls within the roadway and right-of-way W11 Aave W be resoved. The groves which the wind break protects still exists and therofore, a replanting of a Eucalyptus windrow almg the new roadway albanksent Ts proposed. 2.b.c. Properties issedlatlly north of Hillside Road are relatively unbproved, either being vacant or used as a large agricultural estate with dirt driveways, ditching and street drainage to N111side Road. Such runoff drains over the street and onto tM south side properties. Sale of the flows are Intercepted in a ditch or Swale at the easterly end of the protect area and carried easterly to Alta Lau Creek. A new storms drain will be installed 1n tM street W pick up concentrated flows fras the westerly end of the protect and will transdt such through the new stone drain connecting to m existing • drain 1n Hillside. The existing drain spttes into the Aita Lana Channel. Nater which has heretofore crossed Hillside will De Intercepted by the new stores drain and street isprovesents and transsitted directly to the Alta Lana Channel. 7.1 The nw e~n.~ A._L. ^ra. ~-~ll 1i.tci ti- _ ._. •~-^ "Y 'yt Yi fa4e IYIIVII 1111!lO IIaS traditionally crossed over Hillside Road with senor street flooding running througA the south side properties 1n dirt ditch eventually reaching /sproved streets earth of Nilson where such was intercepted and taken to the Alta Lou Channel. The new store drain should relieve the localized street flooding and flowage through the properties south of Hillside. 6.b. The protect to open and wt den the street has requtrod the acqulsitlon of a public right-ot-way. There are three fronting parcels involved in the right-af-way workings. One owner was required to dedicate as a condition of an earlier parcel sap, yet such land division predated the City's current roqulresents to isprove the street. The second parcel covering the entire north half of the street has DeM acquired in a right-af-way for Isprovesent exchange which was accepted by Council earli?r this year. a~ ~Sa The third or renaming parcel on the south side of the street has re,~ected an offer to exchange iHprovements for a right-of-wa~ dedication. An ainant daHain action to acquire the Hissing right- of-way 1s anticipated to complete the improveHents as originally considered for the project. The equity of an enlnant daewin action with rcgvds to the two other parcels would sees in question where such have received as caHpensatlon far dedication the value of the proposed lnproveHents. It is therefore proposed etthv to leave off finished 1Hprovements at this last property or to 1Hpose a Chapter 27 action of the 1911 Act to assess for the f1na1 inprovenents. An additional caHpltcatian with regards to this property is Lhe disposition of an old, but active irMgatton reservoir or concrete tank. The reservoir collects water froth springs in caves north of the City 11H1ts. A steel water tank has been proposed similar 1n sMpe to the existing water tanks used throughout tM C1Ry. A closed tank is rccaswended for safety purposes W e1lNnste Hosqutto control and unauthorized and unhea thful swtmeing, both which are noted with wgards to the existing reserwir. A rcpleceepnt fac111ty or tM abandariHent of the existing reservoir will have to De provided to allow the full street widening to proceed. TM existing reservoir encroaches not quite half-way into the ultfnete street Mght-of-wy. e.a. The opening of tM street as a puDlie street M11 legalize Hoch of the ezlsting usage of this section of tM street. • The current width of tM street 1s insufflclent for two-way traffic wlthouL one car pu111ng off Lhe paveHents to ailow the other to pass. The ravelled and a111gatored pavements are also in an advanced sage of deurioracion, neeerng replacement. N1dening of the street aM opening such to formal public usage and improving the riding surface and rsoval of flood nuisance will Invariably make the street more attractive for usage. Th1s being the only collector street connection north of Milson, 1t is anticipated that traffic w111 De conslderaDly Mgher then a local street traffic volume on the order of a resldenLlel collector street. 8.b. The rgrtherly 1/3 of Hillside Road between MafacMte and Amethyst will resin unimproved at the end of this project. It is estlHated Lhat such an remain a wh11e longer unt11 the property develops or until traffic daeand increases to warrant further widening. Other portions of H111s1de Road have ;ust been widened at the Alta Lama Creek. A stretch of Hillside between Hermosa and Mayberry also remains narrow. Each individua~ widening of portions of Mills/de pushes this street towards being a througA street from west of Carnelian to east of Haven. /,5-3 8.e. The opening and widening of this reach of Hillside is anticipated to • attract north side traffic presently detouring around Hillside using Nilsen Avenue. 8.g. A traffic fatality has been recorded within the project reach just west of the Archibald intersection. The opening and widening of the street to current street width standards will better provide for the public safety. The additional use of the street by traffic attracted to the improved street will increase the potential for traffic accidents. Offsetting benefits and hazards arc seen. The improving of the street and widening of the street and removal of current flood and pothole hazard is viewed as a net benefit. 30.6. An old irrigation reservoir exists along the project route which encroaches into the street right-of-way. Negotiations to acquire the right-of-way to widen the street would provide for the removal of this open tank or reservoir. Mosquito abatement is evident with small fish having been pi anted in the reservoir. Also, unsanitary human usage of the tank for swiawing is also to evidence. Aright-of-way exchange offered a new steel tank to replace the old reservoir. Shouid an ainant domain action be considered t0 acquire the street right-of-w;y, the tank will have to be purchased for removal and/or roptaced with a new tank. A closed tank to avoid the current hazard and nuisance should be considered. • 12.a.c. Electric power and telecommunication pot es and overhead lines occupy a location about dead center in the street right-of-way. It is currently proposed to relocate such facilities to the north yai wwaj i,idi lily LinE iii.cS ii, dii u~,ii n,cnu wiiui Lion. 12. d. h. The water meters and hydrants along the street will have to be relocated by virtue of the reconstruction. Utility notices have already been circulated. 12.f. The installation of drainage facilities for the Master Plan Storm Drain shall be coordinated with the street construction. Catch basins and the proposed 36" diameter RCP shall be installed prior to paving. The flood control structure shalt serve to re-direct storm water flow underground from its surface flow. 12.h.i.j. The usage of this reach of Hillside Road by police, f1 re, and school buses are all in evidence. The format opening and improving of the street will add t0 the convenience of alt three agencies. 12.1, The existing, although private, roadway hss been maintained by the City in the past with Ctty crews filling potholes and paving portions of the south side Swale and dike. The parements viii De completely replaced, rel' wing the need for pavement repairs for several years. New curbs and gutters and additional street pavement are added to the street system for additional maintenance to the future. ~~7 RESOLUTION N0. &'~~ ~s~ • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ff RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FDR THE PROPOSED HILLSIDE ROAD STORM GRAIN ANO RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT NHEREAS, Lhe Hillside Road Stow. Drain and Reconstruction as a Public Agency Protect shall be subteet to comply with the Cattfornia Environmental Quality Act necessary to protect, rehabilitate and enhance the enviromaental quality of the State; and NHEREAS, an EnviroraaenWl Assessment IMt1a1 SWQy has been prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, as maended; and IAIEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Aas for its cwsideratlon all available inputs and has reviewed same concerning the proposed Hitlstde Rwd Protect. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the C1ty of Rancho Cucamonga dws hereby rcsoived as follows: Section 1. • The City Council of the Ctty of Rancho Lucaaanga hereby approved the Environmental Assessment Initial Study and issuance of a Negative Declaration for the proposed Hillside Rwd Stores Drain and Reconstruction Protect. The City Clerk is directed to file a Notice of Determination pursuant to the California Environaental Quality Act. ~SJ` CITY OF RANCHO CUCAI4IONGA STAFF REPOftT GATE: May 70, 19ST TO: City Council and City Manager PROM: Robert A. Rizzo, AselatanC City Manager HY: Jerry H. Pulwood, Aaeeeament Revenue Coordinator SUBJECT: Rawest Hor Continuance o! Pu611c Bsarina for Reanoortionaeni o! Parcel MeD 9670 Within The Sixth Street Industrial Park Retundino District (B2-1R) Dv Resolution No. 87-188 Passim On Reavoortionaent Reoort on Aoril 15, 1987. • I Staft Se requesting that City Council approve the continuance of Public Hearing, thereby granting Statt additional time to research a 9lscrepancy in a previoua reapportionment of eubiect parce la. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: In fiscal year 1984/85 prior to the formation of Aaeeeament District Adminiatratlon a reapportionment was incorrectly done by our Consultants. In the allocation of unpaid assessments against certain properties. The Revenue Assessment Section Sn reviewing previoua apportionments came across this discrepancy. Because of this Stsff Se requesting that the Public Hearing for the reapportionment of Parcel Map 9670 be continued until June 17, 1997 this should allow staff sufficient time to resolve [his situation. asap rrspt ly Submitted, ~~~~y' RAR : JHF : KMM/!/ /s~ • • May 20, 1987 FROM; Jerry Grant, Building Official~~,FO . SUBJECT: APPEAL OP NOTICE AND ORDER OF BUILDING OPP[CIAL - DANGERDUS BUILDING - 10155 24TH STREET CITY OF RA.~CAO CtiCA~fONGA STAFF REPORT ~~~ .trOy^ ~~9, / ~ ~.> it F'I ~ Z 19ii TO: Mayor end Members o[ the City Council acting es Board of Appeals [. RECOMttENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council, acting es the Board o[ Appeals, sustain the Notice and Order o[ the Building Official and make a finding that the building located et 10155 24th Street is a dangerous building based upon the information submitted. II. BACKGROUND: The building which is the subject o[ this report was first brought to the attention of the Building and Safety Division in early 1984. Operating under the policy in e[feet et Chet time the owner(s) were advised that it Ihn hn:lA: ..,. ....... .. •__-~_• ..- . °- - w ~~~.+ aecureu arum entry, [net the building might remain unless additional complaints surfaced. The owners complied with that direction end, until recently, the property was complaint tree. In January of this year the property again came to our attention, in conjunction with adjacent property, as premises which were contributing to drug end public nuisance problems o[ the neighborhood. Upon investigation, the building was found to be no longer completely secured end the roofing had deteriorated to a greeter extent than in 1984. [n response to our request, the Foothill Fire Protection District end the Rancho Cucamonga Sheriff's Station have vrJVided ,Sefgil5 Of fnoi" COnCe.^65 :v:th the Subject properties. Copies o[ that correspondence is attached. The property owner in his appeal letters makes re[erenee to e "Conditional Use Permit", He has verbally advised me that his use of the terminology resulted from discuss ons with Building Inspection Supervisor, James Schroeder in 1984. The Planning Division has researched the record end found no evidence of a Conditional Use Permit ever having been issued, /s7 Staff Report: 10155 2~th STREET May 20, 1987 Page 2 S The County used the building as a Dependency Prevention Center for some time after city incorporation but the building has been essentially vacant since that time. The attached Planning Division memorandum outlines the issues of the Development Cade that might impact future use of the property. In late March of [his year the Building and Safety Di visien received a letter Prnrt! Mr. Rushes Wsrd, appaalir:g the NY. izz and Order o[ the Building Official. On April 15, the City Council determined that they themselves would serve as a Board oP Appeals end set the appeal date for this meeting. The owner has been notified of the time and date in fae t, through staff error the owner was incorrectly notified 4hat the hearing was to be held May 6 and subsequently was personally delivered notice of this meeting. It is the opinion of this office that the building in its current state is a dangerous building in that: s). The root of the building has less than 50 per cent of the tire-retardant and weather resistive qualities of a newly constructed building. • b). The Duitdiag is dilapidated end lacks access to an extent that it is a fire hazard. c). The nuilding has been abandoned in excess oP six months so as to constitute an attractive nuisance. d). The property enables persons to resort thereto for the purpose of committing unlawful acts. he request that the City Council sustain the Notice end Order of the Building Official and allow abatement action to proceed. JG:II ~J~ i. G+.~ • ~~~~.L..~~/~~O~NAN~H~/~~.1 9i~ 1 ~.f/ ~ !_: i~;i il/,'~ 171619E7-4575 MP,MORANDQM TO: Jerry Grant, Building Official - City of Rancho Cucamonga FROM: Lloyd H. A1~, Fire Marshal, Foothill Fire District r ~ SUBJECT: Abatement of Abandoned Buildings DATE: January 16, 1987 On January lfi, 1987, inspector Mark Grisamore and myself, conducted an on-site inspection of some abandoned buildings located on the south side o£ 26th Street, . east of Turner Avenue, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In my opinion, the westerly buildings contain so much combustible. rubbish tune waare anA ~ _~. ~~+ disrepair, that they are con s.idered a afire hazard. It should be noted that we did have an intentionally set fire this past summer in the building immediately adjacent to, (west of ), the boarded up bui ldinq. :Pith regards to the most easterly building, the present condition of the building presents "obstructions that reasonably tend to interfere with the operations of the Fire Department" in the case of an emergency. neither our personnel, nor the local residents should have to continue to be exposed to the hazardous ccndi *_ions presented by these dilapidated structures. ~ccordinq to the uniform Fire Code, Section 2.204, w -'c a id i.lQS `ue ilia iu vio iacion of the lira code andL recommend that they be demolished "for the safeguarding of life and property from fire". ~J / •- - V~w~ Llvu L Sewe Cwafb,..r~ cT.rl~ i. ens., n D~bwW N. evn P~h 1. Wridx »7 xms CbJ Yw,~~ Iw w.~v I ~ ~ ~ _. C77'Y O! RANCHO CUCAMONGw row oww as IT, a.s. ~ 6ww.i. 91110. Ill ~~ 9l9.I el January 30, 1987 Ruben Ward, etal c/o Chsrles Ward 14775 Tacuba Dr. Ls Mirada, CA 90038 9UBJECI': DAt4OHB(x18 BO1 LD [Nfl - WgBTBBLY 4 P8R1' OP LOT 9 AND LOT LL BI.OCR S1 NO61'H CIICMt)11OA 1'01111 - ABRSS9OB PABCBL NO. 509-111-OS, IO13S 14TH 9T., RAIR;FD COCAI[MX7A On January iS, 1967, this office conducted w lnrutigatl on of the sDove retsranaed property to datermin• its complienc• with the IInlform Coda for ADstemant of Danp rou^ Bblldtngs, adopted Dy the Clty of Banoho Cucutrongs through Ordinance No. IRR. At the completion at the tnvaatigntl as the property wsa found to be dangerous for the following reasons: e) The bullding roof has leas then 90% of the tire-resistive and weather reaiating quell flea of n newly constructed building. D) The bullding fa dllspldated and lacks access to en extent that has Daan datarnined to be a firs heserd Dy the fire marshal. e) Th• b~lding has Deen abandoned In ezcesa of siz months so as t nsittute an attractive nuisance. In edditioothe above, the property is located in the Lnw Density Resl dentlel Zone. Therefore, reuse of the property for any purpose, other than far realdentlnt development conforming to the development codes; ie net pe r^~itt<d. Considering the condition of the bullding there appears no alternative Dut to require abatement Dy demolltlen na a dangerous nuilding. Accordingly es en owner of interest in the property described above, you nrs hereby notified to obtsin n^^easary demolition permits and commence demolition within 4S days from de to of this order and complete the work within en additional 10 days. In the event that the above directive la not domplied with within the tlrlea specified, this offl ae will proceed to cease the work to be done end charge the costa thereof against the property or its owner. /(n O Ruben Ward, slat January 30, 1997 Pap 3 My parson harin~ record titi• or interest in the property may • sppaal thin dotlaa and order proridad tM sppaal i9 made In writing as proridad in tM DniCorm Coda for Abatement of DanHeroua Hulldinp, 1979 Hdltlon, within 30 days of receipt of this notlaa and order. Pailur• to sppaal will oonatltut• a wairer of ali rights to M admlaiatratlra hurin~ and determination of the matter. it you hne any gasatlom or It tort her information Ia naaaesary, pUas• Uai tru to eontaat thla otfiee. 9lncerely, CpH9DN11'! DBVELOPIQIft DE9AE71tffirP 8elldta~ and eatety Dirialon Jeer E. O~ie/~SI Hut dio~ Oftlelal .1HI1• i i • • / 6/ WARD'S INSURANCE • AR i«...r u~. St H~ Earaol 13303 SAN ANiO/il0 DR., SURE C NORWALK, CAlli, 90630 PHONE (717) 863.3763 Mar. ch 2, 1987 Jerr7 R. Grant City of Rancho Cucamonga P .O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. ?1730 Subject: Building-Assessor Parcel No. 209-111-05, 10155 24TH S*_., Rancho Cucamonga Dear Mr. Grant, We were in the process of obtaining bids to repair the roof of the building at 10155 24TH St, after the unusually high winds blew part of the roof away. We were also considering restoring the building to its original use before we received your letter 2-5-87 In May of 1984, we complied with your request to board uo the building at considerable expense.(Enclosed copy of letter of 5-10-84) We were assured by James E. Schroeder that by comolp- • ing with your request, we would not have to demolish the build- ing. We were also assured, that as Lono as lo~q as the family owned the property, the building could exist under the condition- al ^se permit. Now, in 1987 you tell u=_ that we pace to remove the building and the building can't exist under the zoning re- ,c _ --._ _.._ _ _-. .....nq - cwvveii, .:mu we f~ei rnac the City of. Rancno Cucamonga s:nouldvreimburse *_ne family for some of tae expense. The building is no more a fire hazard todav(on 1•.• an arsonist is a f'_re danger to tie building) cr has the zoning • beer. changed since 1984. We are still calling for estimates to refurb>_sh the building, and we plan to no Ld tie City to the dec- larations ~~nade by mr. Schroeder. We would, also, like to know the status of ihne adja ce r.t Rodriguez grope rty, We boarded up our uuriuiny, eu is ~cu15..'' _ used without authorization, pr=venting ±ne pr=miles from being used as a s'nooti nc galLe ry or a center f.or unlawful ac<- wity. A contmpla*_ed park use for our p moerty would be a c=et-+r for dr~~g traffic. '' ~.... ~~ .. ... - spandance - ur Attornay uC Recocd, Gilbert Gutierrez, Esq, atY3890 11Th St., Riverside, Ca. 92101 sfter :-3-H7, Sincerely, R+..4cro w.~C. Ruben Ward. /~, a _ ~ ... r .' ~- -r r~/_ ~~,MCI1'Y 0F~it~1~~CH0 CIICAl.~O1VGA <.' i nl •. . 7c•I! nlr r.. •.:a i:i ~, e,q c iNc ~~'~':~'it:~- _ ~ ., rmY.~ inn u. )likd.v'-n. • w• , .. :nA r- i~• ~ :c.l ,fl! .A1: K. .•YUn'. ,.,~6:HF.ta,..h•on .: ~. ., I'harlrx I. Ruyurl I I .lame. I'. 1'ni.t , ~ ~ • , • _ ._ <ni .rc r.Awty(;t.hnrd \I. Irahl 1•hillip lr. Frhlu..o May i0, 1984' n.;/' ~..a <,. ;,c... ry..tn .,/s .•i.4"4 i.n.S Yl,.., or s,q•; ,/ 1 r'!SS;y<Na/' Ssrn .~ 'it .~ uN•vl : ,y/</ :< b<a n•y ~G r'n<t )i l)rC<{n tl. .('N/LC J16 InJ /~'.' 1 99.} eNd9 /~ .•YI(A CERT~FIED N0, P-399-163-520 Mrs. Lupe Flin 10142 24th Street Rancho Cucamonga, Cal iforr,ia 91730 "Letter of Dlotice" Dear Mrs. Flin: it has recently come to the attention of this Division that the bui l.ding located at 1O15i 24th Street, which is apparently owned by you, exists in a su s and ariil dange roue condition due to general dilapidation, broken windows, abandonment, structural damage to exterior and interior. This condition constitutes the building being declared a public nuisance under the provisions of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings. Please be advised that the current and master planned zoning uses of the property permit only single Family residences and that covmercial uses would not be permitted. The structure in its present state constitutes • a non-conforming use. The current Codes and Ordinances of the City of Rancho Cucamonga require that we take certain steos to share rheas ,.....a:_:___ iuerefore, we urge you to contact our office prior to June 15, 1984 in order to avoid further actions, Respectfully submitted, CODPIUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDP+G AND SAFETY DIMSIGN .ferry R. Grant, Building Official y//y/6 j. ~.~ ~~~~ - s James E. Schroeder I. u•>tr9orz hdN ;•>%r nys(n 'c '-Building Inspeelion Supervisor r5,~,.e /1L ~.• Ir,v ;+. <. ,- i ..~ JES/kap lira a. ,' sTn;t 'NnT ~,n<' _~.\.1/A~ r l'JJ ~,~ ^/n'I Tu 6t .k'/~/utl/(,1 A• - 7 .. ~ r (~'/r//~~ L:n'? KJSS,•X Y•.i 11 rl'r %r1~1 lv Na~~~~` Aac ';L n< i~..nr U:i) L/. in,. 5 (Nr7ur rl'!.I rncr H[. at"%w,:ch Y'.l •' {', ,v .« ~"'+~~~~~ive aawro ( rV .S~ I, /'anj 1; S(/!/i i~N!.~ wr:,' ~.:s /N. / I~pJ`li.rl ~Cp41Tv P•d.'If.• 1 ~N•c VtY011A9RL1]R RUAD. tl1:ITEC • WNt OCYII'E NO%807 • RAtiI'NU('UCAMIL\, A, f;\1.1PII~~~IL,(91,7. Oy ~N19•x•I• i I •" ^ L4V "(Y •.~ I//tD/N/)JN4Llll[/1 J,Ja 4~NJ ytin+/ /V.~ q.'A ..•Y.r),, .'.,ew• .~.-r~ ~~-,: • ` ~' CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Pm, 0111a ev, e0l pq<M Cucfinenµ C~.kmu ii'.0 ' ~ `~ .hr thnnu 1. Scvv ""'"'"°'" March 9, 1987 ~~Chffk, 1 duquer I: DeEwN rl, drown P,mfl~ 1. Warn, JfnRr 14nr Cm Na..f.~ IJIRII WWfIf11N Mr. Ruben Wsed 19505 Snn Antonio Dr. Suite C Norwalk, CA 90850 SUBJECT: DANGEROU$ BLDG. - 10155 24TH 9T., RANCttO CUCMDN(IA Deer Mr. Ward, We ere in reealpt of your letter of March 2, 1997. The letter indicates that a number of clarificstlons are in order. In the ti rat paragraph, you make reference to eonsiderationa of restoring the building to [ts original use. However, in Mr. • Sehroeder'a letter to Mra. Plin, it was clearly stated that "commereinl uses would not be permitted" and that the "structure constitutes a nonconforming use". Therefore my statement regarding reuse of the property to not inconsistent with the prior letter as intirtu fed in your letter. In regard to assurance that the building would not have to be demolished, it is true, (considering the condition of the bui ;ding et the ttmaj, that demolitl on was not required provided the building were properly secured end mai ntn[ned, and provided no additional haxsrds or deterioration occurred. At this time, the building is not completely secured, the rooting has further deteriorated and the building has been determined Yo be a fire Hazard because of the difficulty of gaining access for [ire fighting. We further acknowledge that the basic zoning has not changed since 1984, however my statement regarding re uae of the building bears upon discontinuation of a non-conforming use for a period excess o! 180 days, as outlined in the attached excerpt from the Development Code. Por the city to issue • permit for refurbishing or reroofing would, In our view imply approval for continuation which obviously is prohibited by ordinance. Additionally, utilization of city funds in reimburaemant for removal would be a gift of public funds for Denetit Jf. private interests, and therefore Illegal. In regered to your question concerning the adjacent property, we are pursuing similar action with/ those pareela. /t0 Nr. RuDen Ward Nareh 9, 1987 peQe 2 Your letter was not clear it it wee intended to serve es an • appeal to the notice and order. [t intended as sucA it should have included the information outlined in Section Sal (s) of the Uniform Coda for ADatemant of Danaeroua 8uildinaa (attached). Accordingly, we will defer further action on this isaus until April 70 to allow for filing of tae appropriate tntormat[on. [f ws do not receive the naeeasarq information by that date, we will presume your latter wa• not intended as sn appeal. [ trust thla clarifies the clty'a position in the matter. If you have need of furthae information please feel free to contact this office, Slncaref y, CO]llaNl7'Y DSVBLOPAi~t't DBpAB'111Bttf Buildinit and Safety Division i ~~ Jar H. Grant Bui dfn~ Official JBCi: ! ! cc: Otlbert (lutierraz, 6aq. • /bS EXCERPT FROM DEVELOPMENT CODE D. Discontinwtidn of Nm-Cotttorm' Use. Whenever a ran-eontoeming lue hm bean to a oemmg use a been discontinued to s .~tinucua period of 180 days ar more. the famconformtrg uN shall rot ba rxasUDlished, end the use of tM auuctlae a site tharaaftar slyll Oe in conformity with the regulations for tta district in which it b located, provided that fhb aeetlan stall not apply to non~otttorming dwellhtg unib. Discofltinwtion shell include termination of a use regardlw of intent to resume the use. EXCERPT FROM UNIFORM CODE FOR ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS 11yplpT10a1 dp/ ChapMr 6 AMlAL Oarlmal aw. !1. (al pew el AppmL MY Parton wglad to IwvKe apdw Staioa a0t Icl alaY eppMl fray aq ndKe apd arM w ap apgn of IM offlelal an01e teh mda ~' fiery Y IM onb of IM aaildipp Of• • atial•.ritaaappalpoptmwp: I. A hadiy is IM ww6: "&fwe IM Bard of Appan of IM ..... d .............• t. A eaplioe rladiry: "Appal o/ ............." pivinp IM names of ql appe0aild parpcipmulp iA IMappeY. 1. A 6rlet tWemw twpN fanh IM I...1 c,,...... ~r ~.... ~ ;~„ Islamt m IM awwinpw IM lad ipvolvad a IM painand OrMr.:, 1, A Brief ttaleaw ip ordlMry sad <onaet INquaae of IM tittcific ardor a anus prdwld, lopaher Mth anY ntmerml fun claimW to tapport IM cowemgpt of IMappWm. f. A brief ttmemw iu aMfaarY Bpd caecia Wlpuaae o! IM rrief twyM std tlls realm wlry it d alaimpt IM lroleptd order d wisp tlloaN M tavwead, momfiW d wherrustel aada. 6. lk daaataru of all panic IIa1Md u eppgWita end IMir official rrmiliap addraaa. 7. 7M venfkmioe (by d0.1walYell ands pagly of l%rjury) of al IdN aneapptWm w a IM Irwh of IM molten tlmea in IM appal. 7'M appal 111W M filed within a door (ran IM dolt of the ttrrin Of taM orM w action of IM beudilM official: gwide0 a Thal if IM lalildioa d ttaaywa u is taM coadlliall a to nmM II Im dapsih whaia 10 dew Erma IM e a 1 tgvia ~1 police and order ell 6"ml~its pi!&'hl. Ib) h'atawlry of Appeal. Upa recgpl of any appal tiled panaull to This udioa. IM Mildiry ollkial thW prow it m tM net rga4r or tpeaiq IMgiry of IM Bwd o! Appeal. Icl ltMeeaap aN MalMala AppM tw tterly M toe w pranicabN anw reamry IM rripm appeal IM Beard of Appab tlWl fie a dolt. ume, and phta Iw IM htagry of IM appd by IM pond. Sash date tMll M nor Nta Ibaa 10 saw ear mon than d0 d.w trap IM due IM appal wet filed with IM awWiry offlcW. Wgtua ndiaof IM lily and plan of /~~ iM herirythW hpvMmMwt l0 daYt paw alMGaoflM heariry to ors appaeaa eY IM ttteelary of IM Gard mho A angry a copy of atcA ndiw to M dgirend m IM appghml pwtopalry w by mglint a copy dltraof, lYanrye pfepaid, adMwted to IM appgWll n his aodreu rMwn a IMappaal. :VTEROFFICE ME 10 ;/~t~~/~.a»~[~~ ~ DATE March 11, 198'1 PHONE FROM • Hector Rancho Guecra, Deputy Sheriff Cucamonga Sheriff's Station ~ ~j/v[bu~~ /' '~' TO Bohn A . Futsche[, Captain L~a lwrNieo Cwery of Rancho Cucamonga Sheriff's Station SUBJECT NO RTX TOWN DPC CENTER The purpose of Chia memorandum is to identify past, present, and potential dangers and problems presented by the DPC Cencec/old Theater located on 24th Street, east of Turner Avenue in Rancho Cucamonga. I have been assigned to ehe Rancho cucemonga Sheriff's Station Ear the past four years and I am torten! ly assigned as the Cang O[Elcer. During my asalgnment at the Rancho Cucamonga Station L have personally experienced numerous haze rds end problems when conducting general law enforcement dudes and investiga- • [ions in the area of Che bPC Center, i.e.: 1. Loss of suspe ets whsch fled into and/or concealed themselves in the DPC Center. 2. vlac.d d..,,,t;.. incidents due to numerous 'aceas'of cover and concealment for suspects. J. The number of buildings and individual rooms that are not visible to a passing patrolman presents an ideal location for nereotle9 transactions and usage. Personal inspection of the building and roams showed large quantities of used/empty heroin balloons, hype needles, and other narcotics paraphernalia. d. The grafEitl on virtually every wall, primarily the front of the main building facing 24th Street, indicates that area has been deemed as the "Cucamonga Kings Gang" turf end my _._an3! ezpe:icnce .... -yang member Contacts there indicates . [hat those buildings ace their meeting areas. In addition co the previously mentioned officer safety problems, personal inspection of rhos. bu:ldin s indicated numerous health and public saEeey hazards, t.e.: /W Memo To John P. Futs<her, Captain Dege Two • 1. The quantity and type of narcotics paraphernalia located within ehe buildings could present any number of serious health he zarda [or a child playing in the buildings. 2. The atrueturee ace in such poor and unstable Bond itions that anyone walking through the buildings could be injured by falling malarial and/or could fall through the deter- iorated wooden floor, which in some areas has already Eellen through. 7. Several of the buildings have been pat sally torn down, leaving Dehind rebarb spikes, ^oards with rusted nails, sharp edged cheat metal pieces, and broken glass. 0. The buildings have also become the local dump site Eot all types of rafus• material. In conclusion, my opinion ie Chet if the building ware eo be removed, also removed with the buildings would ba • the public health problems, oE[icer safety problems, criminal and 9anq activily~ therefore, a)lowinq the property to be put to a batter use for the community. HG:amp • /~ WARD'S INSURANCE AR Pww~ of i~..a.w. • St Hail &)suf 17505 SAN ANTONIO DR., SURR C NORWAIK, GIK. 90670 PHONE (Y17) 963.5765 March 27, 1987 Jerry R. Grant Building and Safety Division City of Rancho Cucamonga P.0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Subject: Demolition order of building located at 10155 24th Street, Rancho Cucamonga Dear Mr Grant, We wish to appeal the order for demolition of the subject building. We disagree about the condition of the building We feel that the building can be refurbished. We could put the building to use for the "Public Gond" such as a youth club which would include a gym, provide for youth boxing and for other • youth activities Eor the minority kids of "North Town" who seem to be always neglected. We feel that we had an agreement that the conditional use permit was good as long as the family retained ownership. The o..~cacu La liuuo waue uy i•ic. aci~r order roar ine Dullolnq aid not have to be demolished and the family would not be affected by [he zoning was and interpretation of the 1984 order. Please let us know when our appeal can be formally heard. S(~in~cerely, FuL~GN A h ~ RUBEN WARD c.c. Gilbert Gutierrez J ~/ / ~_. _ ~'i i 1 ~ _ i '~- CYIY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA i LL r,. ae. r w~, a.r. ctiw c.rrr.+nsq sn~,as May 8, 1987 Ruben Nard 19505 San Mtonlo Dr., 8uita C Norwalk, CA 90050 SDBJHCTs DA207HR008 BDILDIND - i.OT 11 AND NB947{RLY ~ PHBT OP I.OT 8, BI.OCH 61, 1R>81'R COC.11OtICiA 7t)11N - ABSHSBOR PABCHL N0. 400-111- OS, 1O15S SeTB 97'RHSI', BANGS) GUCAI~H6A. Dear OIr. Need, You •re Aereby aotitled that a Rearing will be held Detor• the City Gunoll acting u a Board of Appeal at Lloas Park Coasaun-ty Geter, 4101 Beeline Road, Ranabo Cucamonga, Glltornfa, on the 40th day of OYy, 1104 at the bout of 4s40 P.01., upon the notine • and order served upon you concerning the above propeety. You may Ds present at the hearing. You may Da, but need not be, represented Dy oounsel. You may preunt any relevant evldena• end will De given full opportunity to cross-e=amine ail witnesses testifying against you. Yms nrv .e;~~ee! :o... --- of Luupuenae to compel the sttendanee o[ witnesses and the produetlon of books, documents or other things by filing an affidavit therefore with the Board of Appeals. This notice is consistent with Section 004 of the "IIniform Cods for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings a• adopted Dy the City of Haneho Cucamonga and In aeaord with your ^ppsal of the notice and order of the Building Otfielal. Sincerely, CChtig)c11 TY DHYHLOPL~T1' DHPAA4TROif Bing end Safety W artment v/ Jerry Grant ~Buil ng Official JH6:I1 • cc:611bert 6utierrea, 6aq. 176 ~...... uo~ DMa"1 N. now /Yaq awl ca ~.w D~o,L Sloe L1ule /. ie,/g r~Wl. w,yq trwK wr,rar CITY OF RA.tiCHO CtiCA~iO\G~1 MEMORANDUM GATE: April 20. 1987 T0: Jerry Grant, Building Official FROM: Dan Coleman, Senior Piannerw SUBJECT: 10155 24TH STREET - DANGEROUS BUIIPSNG ~?. [,.{ tln~r ~~ s ~'1 ~ ~ ~, - e' ~. x ,y,~. >' '~ x ~~ Z ~a-- Pursuant to your request, I have reviewed the attached correspondence regarding appeal of the demolition order of the building located at 10155 24th Street. Both letters from Rubin Nard of March 2 and March 27, 1987 refer to a "COnditional Use Peres/Y for the subject property. I believe Mr. Nard mistakenly rcfermces a Cmditlonal Use Pen1t in regards to a letter from Jim Schroeder dated May 10, 1984 which correctly identifies the use of the building as a 'non-conforming use". Mr. Nard seen to have construed this as approvai of a Conditional Use Permit by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. This 15 singly not the case, as evidenced by careful reading of the May 30, 1984 letter. • I Non-conforming uses are subject to the provisions of Development Code Section 17,02.130. Whenever a non-conforming use has been discontinued for a continuous period of 180 days or wore, the non-conforming use shall not be reestablished. It is our understanding from your office that the building has not bwn nrru~rnA .T.^.tc 1"77 Oi;cunLinuaiion rs aen ned by the Development Code as Including terminatton of a use regardless of intent to resume the use. In addition to non-conforming use, it should be noted that the structure and site are also non- conforming under the current regulations of the Development Code with respect to development standards. Section 17,02.130F, Rettoratlon of a Damaged Structure, further states that "when the destruction exceeds SOS or the structure is voluntarily razed or is required by law t0 be razed, the structure shall not 6e restored except in full conformity with the regulations for the district in which it is located and the nan-conforming use shall not be resumed". I The property is presently zoned Low Residential which is intended as a,i area for single family residential use with a minimum lot site of 7,210 j square feet and a maximum residential density of 4 units par gross acre. Attacned for your infornmtlon 1s a copy of Table 17.08.030, Use Regulations for Residential O15tricts. In his letter of March 27, 1947, Mr. Ward states his desire to provide a youth club within ':he i building. A youth club would be defined as a Public Facility by Section ~ 17.02.140 which requires a Condltlmal Use Permit in the L~v Residential 015trict. A Conditional Use Permit requlrcs review and approval by the Planning Camm!sslon of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 7~ Neiao to Jerry Grant April Z0, 1987 Psge 2 • In conclusion, it would appear that Mr. Hard erroneously lnterprcted that the City had granted approval of a Conditfonal Use Penait by letter of Mley 10, 1984. Refurbl5hnent of the building for a youth club would require Planning Coawlsston approval of a Conditional Use Penatt. OC:ns cc: Brad Buller • ~~ . :~ r-- .-. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ra., oma m. e"x, a.oan c~..~. c.Hwm. vnx.:l,n seva:l, April 16, 1987 ~-- Ruben Wg~d ~ ~~~~/ 13505 8"an Antonio Dr., Suite C Norwalk, CA 90880 51YBdECT: DANGERDOS BUILDING - LOT 11 AND WESTERLY 4 PEST OF I.OT r 9, BI.OCR 81, NORTH CDCANIONOA TOWN - ASSH9SOR PARCEL N0. 209-111-08, 10158 24TH STREET, RANCHO CUCAh1ONGA Deer Mr. Ward, I You are hereby notified that a Ae wring will be held before the ity Council acting as a Board of Appenls at Lions Perk Comdtnity ~~~er, 9181 Baseline Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California, on the /i8t ytlay of Msy, 1987 at the hour of 7:30 P.M., upon the notice d order served upon you concerning the above property. You may • be present nt the hearing. You mny be, but need not be, represented by counsel. You may present any relevant evidence end will be given full opportunity to Grose-examine all witnesses testifying against you. You mny request issuance of subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses end the production of honk. - - ,,, uii:er :rings oy sling an affidavit therefore with the WBoard of Appeals. This notice is consistent with Section 802 of the "Uniform Code [or Abatement o[ Dangerous Buildings as adopted by the City of Rancho Cucamonga end in accord with your appeal of the notice and order of the Building Official. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building and Safety Department /ujj~ erry{'R,Grant Building Official JRG:II ec :Gilbert Gutierrez, Esq. / ~~ c~.r.r. rw LMEo.W N. ai•we leaTo/ Kiq cy r.... nm"u L Sbu: mrfe 1. aiquM O P~m.~ 1, WAS: [qua" AL Wun,m~o CITY OF RA.\CHO CCC~1~fOtiGA STAFF REPORT ~~~itr t~ --, ~. Y, A. > i. ti r _ i i ~ ~ Z 19't DATE: April 15, 1987 TO: Mayor, Members of the City Council and City Manager PROM: Jerry Grant, Building Official SUBJECT: APPEAL HEARING - DANGEROUS BUILDING, 10155 24TH ST., RAN(,'HO CUCAMJNGA 1. REOO81offd4DATION: Thst the City Council consider des gnation o an appeals bosrd or hearing a:eminer(s) in appeal of the Notice and Order of the Building Otticinl in the matter of abatement of a dangerous building at IOISS 24th Bt. li. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The Building end Ssfety Division has Deen involved n abatement proceedings against two owners of properties located between 24th Street and Humbolt Avenue east of Turner Avenue. The owner of property designated as 10155 24th has appealed the Yotice and Order of the Buildin¢ Official. ao,. aiian th:s :s the first time an action o[ this type has come before the City Council, a policy decision is needed. Under the Uniform Code [or Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, es adopted by the City, the Council has several options as to how such appeals may be heard: a) The city council, as a body, may serve as the Board of Appesis; b) The City Council may appoint 5 other persons other than employees of the city to serve as a Board; e) The Council may appoint one or more hearing examiners to hear the case; o: d) The Council may appoint one or more of its own members to serve es hearing examiner(s). Staff Report - 18155 24th St. Page 2 • ([n the case o[ hearing examiner(s) the process is somewhat delayed because of reports to De returned to the city council for ratification before a decision becomes final.) This matter will be brought before the city council at the nf.y 8th meeting for designation oP a Rearing body or afPicer and [or setting of a hearing date. Respectfully suteni tted, Jer ~ an Building Offieial JRG:II • 7s r lJ CITY OF RANCHO CCCA~IONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 20, 1987 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FRAM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Alan Marren, Associate Planner ,~`>=,j~~` y ~~~ x \_ z F ~ Z 19T SUBJECT: INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS - SUBAREA 8 - Review o ex s ng area an use an eve opmen standards requested by Lhe City Council I. RECOMiENDATION Tne Planning Comzdssion recomwends that the existing regulations for the development of Subarea 8, adjacent to the 1-15 Freeway, remain as recently adopted and that staff be authorized to require "line of sight" studies of all developments in this area. II. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: In September of 1986, the City Council a p e ex ns ve amen n s to the Industrial Specific Plan It SP ), as recommended by the Planning Commission. During Council review, ^i --d - Ina ~i,miyt ui land use rrem Heavy lndustrlal~to General industrial adjacent Lo the 1-15 Freeway. The concerns related to a perceived loss of employment potential due Lo the change and also to limitations on heavy industrial use. The City Council did not wish to hold up the process and approved the ISP mmendments as recommended by the Planning Coamission. However, it was requested that Subarea B adjacent to the I-15 Freeway be reviewed with these concerns in mind. The pity Council also desired that the issue be brought before the Chamber of Commerce for their analysis and input. The Chamber of Commerce reviewed the adopted land use amendments for Subarea 8 and found Chem to be appropriate and suggested that a "Line of sight analysis should be required for each use lace te4 adjacent to this freeway". This pal icy would ensure shat any storage/warehousing operation is appropriately screened from the public view. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT 15P lYoendments - Subarea 8 May 20, 1987 Page 2 • The Planning Coonission staff's recaawendations Chamber of CoaaN!rce, auuapany this report. Commission and Chamber action is necessary. Res tfully submitted, Brad 8111 Ctty Planner reviewed and agreed with the Chamber's and on April 22, 1987. The existing standards, and Planning CoAission recosnendations If the Council concurs with the Planning of Coweerce recoaaKndations, no further BB:AM: ns Attachments: Subarea 8 Map Exlsttng Subarea B Standards Chamber of Coaawerce Recom~endaLiuns Planning Cawtssion Minutes, April 22, 1987 • • ~77 0 i LL ~ ti~ ~$ ~ ~ ~~~f ~ ,~,..~ i -~ 9 E 3a a ~8~ ,~ ~ t ~3~a I'~$ ~ks= '-~ 7~1~ i i ~It Ri• .$ _j ~2 ~t~ i ~ ~1 ~ $r ~ ~? F ~ 5X E g. i~ a e =i l / J ;V-57 Exbtln0 ~tnMnd~ a~ nc~nty am~ndud by Cky CouncN SUBAREA 8 Land Use Designation General Industrial Primary Function This area functions Co provide for General Industrial activities and to assure for a tra nsi ti an area from the Neavy Industrial category located north of this subarea. North of Arrow and west of Milliken, the industrial uses should be allowed to continue and expand with all service according to the development standards of the plan. Suoarea 8 extends north of Arrow approximately 1000' east of Cleveland to the east Plan boundary including a portion south of Arrow along the eastern plan boundary. Permitted Uses Custom Manufacturing . - Light Manufacturing Research Services Public Storage Light Nholesale, Storage, and 0lsiribution Medium Nholesale, Storage and Distribution Agricultural/Nursery Supplies and Services Autusotlve/Light Truck Repair-Minor Autonotive/Truck Repair-Me~ar Building Contractor's Offices and Yards • Building Maintenance Services Building Supplies and Light Equipment Sales Business Supply Retail Sales and Services ~ Business Support Services Communication Services -ca ii ny end urinzing tsta olistmencs Laundry Services Recreation Facilities Repair Services Administrative civic Services flood Control/Utility Corridor Conditional Uses Medium Manufacturing Administrative and Office Professional/Design Services Animal Care Automotive Fleet Storage Automotive Rental/Leasing Automotive Service Station Convenience Sales and $ervlceS Entertainment Fast Food Sales Financial, Insurance and Real Estate Services Fcod and Beverage Sales Heavy Equipment Sates and Rentals Medical/Health Care Services Personal Services /~9 IV-54 SUBAREA 8 (Continued) Petroleum Products Storage Public Assembly Public Safety and Utility Services Religious Assembly 120' Right-Of-Nay - Day Creek Boulevard Milliken 100' Right-Of-Way -Arrow (No median on Arrow) Ettwanda Rochester 88' Right-Of-Nay - Jersey 9 I i u' ~.~ u• rr v u• ~. a~ u. to fl. RON gccess and Circulation /o vIV-55 SUBAREA 8 (Continued) 66' Right-Of-Way - All other local Streets n• . n• ~~ n. pn.w M1n1s+u~ Parcel Size Setback Requtreaatnts (Measured free ultt- awte face of eurD) Landxcaping RequlreaN•nts One-Half (1/2) acre Average landscaping Day Creek Blvd. 45' Milliken 45' Arran 45 Rochester 45' Etlwanda 45' Jersey 35' All Other Local 25' Streets 12S of net lot area Parking Bu11d1ny 25' 45' 25' 45' 25' 45' 25' 45' ZO' 35' 15' 25' ~_ •~ Performance Standards No1se: The amxlauar allowable noise level of any use sTiaTl-not exceed 75 Ldn as awwsured et the lot line of the lot containing the use. Mhero a use occupies a lot abutting rosidenttally zoned land, the noise level sMll not exceed 65 ldn as neasurod at the caaean Sot line. Mo1se caused by arotor vehicles and trains aro exeagted fray this standard. Yibratlon: All uses shall be operated so as not to 9ene~ vibretlon discernible without lnstrueents by the averao_e persons beyond the lot upon which the source is located. Ytbrotian caused arotor vaAtcles, trains, and teagarary canstruetlon or deaplltlon is ezeapted fra~a thla stanGrd. / ~ 56 r1 U SUBAREA 8 (Continued) Petroleum Products Storage Pu611c Assembly Public Safety and Utility Services Religious Assembly 120' 0.ight-Of-Way - Day Creek Boulevard Milliken 100' Right-Of-Way - Arrow (No median on Arrow) Etfwanda Rochester 88' Right-Of-Way - Jersey r 3 u• u• u' u• ~ ' u rs •~ 11. u n, wow [:J Access and Circulation /~~55 SUBAREA 8 (Continued) • Particulate Matter and Air Contaminants: In addition comp once w s an r s, all uses shall be operated so as not to emit particulate matter or air contaminants which an readily detectable without instruments Dy the average person beyond aqy lot line of the lot containing such uses. Odor: All uses shall De operated so as not to emit ~Eer causing unpleasant odors which arc perceptible to the average person beyond any lot line of the lot containing such uses. Numi di ty, Heat and 61are: All uses shall be operated so as no ot~pro ud-ce uF~iidlty, Deat, glare or high- intenslty illumination which is perceptible without instruments by the average person beyond the lot line of any lot eontalning such uses. Special Consideration Due to the potential conflicts between uses within this subarea and the uses d thin the Industrial Park Category o1 ad,~aeent Subarea 6 8 7, building setback tram abutting property for Medium Manufacturing and. greater intensity shall De no less than 45'. Class C Perforwsnce Standards of the adiolning Minimum Impact/Heavy Industrial area (Subarea 91. allow existing businesses and future Industrial uses which produce noise, particulate matter and air contaminants, vibration, odor, humidity, heat, giare or high intensity. Uses sensitive to Lhese conditions, such as precision manufacwrtng or office projects, should consider these factors prior to location in the vicinity of Minimum Impact/Heavy Industrial property. Both the potential park site location and fin station location arc shown to indicate approximate location. Development within 600' of the I-15 Freeway shall have outdoor storage areas completely screened from view along the freeway. Because of the existing rail service, users with rail service needs are permitted S~~fiL ~AEFIJW within tree area west of Milliken Avenue. ~aQl11RL~M~ARLj To preserve and enhance the linage of the community special conslderetlons shall be iven Lo the quality of site design, archltecturc, and landxcaping of all properties ayacant to the I-15 Freeway. Attractive screening of outdoor work, loading, storage areas, roof. and ground mounted equipment fro significant freeway points o/ view shall De required. /~3 Iv-5T (rancho (acamon~a i CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 7365 CARNELIAN STREET, SUITE 130 eebruary 23, 1987 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 TELEPHONE: 714/987.1012 City of Rancho Cucamonga Attn: erad Buller, City Planner 9320 Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Subject: iSP Amendments - Sub-area p8 Dear Brad: The Economic Development Committee has now reviewed the draft amendments furnished by your office several times, and finds concurrence with the amendments as currently proposed. At the January meeting of the EDC, discussion centered around what types of screening techniques should be required for new uses located adjacent to the Devore Freeway. The EDC • feels that these future uses should be adequately screened from view, inasmuch as this corridor is an important visual entryway to Rancho Cucamonga. The EDC feels that a visual line-of-sight analysis should be required for each use ____ __ __ ___.._ ~„ ,.r, ,,,, ..c ........v~wu iivw Lirc ~restern-most^travel lane of~the freeway. Pertaining to permitted uses, the EDC feels that, white storage uses along with warehousing may not be the ultimate employee-intensive kind of land use to be realized, this area may see interim development of uses li::e these, at least until such time as the regional shopping center and other developments o£ that character become reality. ^:~c EDC supports the amendments as presented, and will be available at future public hearings before the Planning Commission a.-.d Ciry Council to so recommend. 'Phank you and your staff for your assistance in our review Truly yours, RA HO CVCAMONGA CNAMHER CO[+IME E ~ ary tchell, Chairman p,E/co is Development Committee cc: Bob Dutton /0 7 GRAFT EitERPT PLAININ6 CpNISSIDN NIMUTES - APRIL 22, 1987 N. INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS - SUBAREA 8 - Review of existing • Subarea an use an deve opment Stan ar s requested by the City Council. Brad Buller, City Planner, presented the staff report. It was the consensus of the Comission that the existing Industrial Specific Plan provisions for Subarea 8 are appropriate. Additionally, the Conwission concurred with staff's recoetxendation relative to line of sight studies for developments adjacent to the I-15 Freeway. /gS U • Date: To: From: By: May 11, 1987 CITF OF R~1SCH0 l'CC ~3f0~G1. STAFF REPORT Mayor and City Council Members ~Cu.tto it ~~ ~ .~ ~, z z 1`.. `: ,~ = ~ s Z 19'C ~ Historic Preservation Commission f'~l Paula Pachon, Community Services Coordinator Subject: The recognition and designation of the George Klusman House as a Historic Landmark within Rancho Cucamonga. (City Council Agenda - May 20, 1987) RECOMMENDATION• It is the recommendation of the Historic Preservation Commission that the George Kluaman Houses located at 9113 Foothill Boulevard, ba designated by the City Council as a Historic Landmark of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKGROUND: During January, 1987, an application was Piled with the r;f.. p roposinq Historic landmark designation Por the house located at 9113 Foothill Boulevard, known as the George Klusman House. At the January, 1987 Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) meeting Staff and Commission members discussed the feasibility of designating the House as a Historic Landmark. At this meeti.nq, Chris Westaan, Assistant Planner from the City's Planning Division, informed the Commission that a com.-nercial office building was being proposed at that location. Mr. Westman indicated that the developer, the Deckk Development Company, was aware of the Commission's interest in the House, and might consider donating the House to an individual who would then be responsible for relocating the structure. A public hearing was scheduled for the February ;:PC meatinc tc writinue the discussion of historic landmark designation and possible relocation of the George Klusman House. At this meeting the developer, Mr. Daniel Richards, was present and informed the Commission of his intention to build a commercial office building at the current Location of the Flusman House. Mr. Richards indicated that ha would be ~dillinq to donate the House to an individual who would be able tc pay relocation costs to their own property site, /&G George Rluaman House May 11, 1987 page 2 The Commission decided at this meeting to continue the public hearing at the March 5th HPC meeting and to investigate the possibility of working with the developer to advertise the availability of the House to anyone that would be able to move and restore it. To this end, the Commission worked with the peckk Development Company in publishing an article in The Daily Raoort which appeared in the February 14, 1987 edition. As a result of this promotion, the Deckle Company received over twenty responses. After screening the respondents, two qualifying parties were identified, Chatfey Community College, and Mr. and Mrs. James delay, the current owners of the Cousins House, also known as the Christmas House, a previously designated local landmark. The Ileley'e having formulated a specific plan of action for the moving, restoring, and use of Lhe House were determined by the Dsckk Company as being the moat appropriate recipient. During the months of March and early April the Ilsley'e worked with their contractors , and the Deckle Company to determine the apecifica concerning the relocation of the Rlusman House. . At the end of April a meeting was held at the Deckle DevalopmanL Company which was attended by the developer, Mr. and Mre. Ilsley and their general contractorw. rrnnn.+sal........ conics ana city Staff, to discuBe iaeuee pertaining to the relocation of the George Rluaman House. At this meeting the Ilsely'e expressed their concern over cost estimates (see Attachment 1) they received for relocating and renovetinq the Rluaman House. In addition, since the Ilaely's hed planned to live in the House while they renovated it they were concerned about the requirement oP a certificate of occupancy. The Ilsely's indicated that it was financially infeeeible for them to bring the House up- to-code by making all the required renovations to the House prior to their occupancy since this would necesa itate using outside labor sources. It was decided that the group would meet agnin on the '"--•:nq Tuaeday, April 28th, to allow the Ileely'e to determine whether, given the cost est imatea, the project would be feasible for them. • / ~~ • • George Klusman House May 11, 1987 page 3 At the April 28th meeting Mrs. Ilsely indicated that given the cost estimate for relocating and renovating the Klusman House that they would have to withdraw from their proposal for the project. (See Attachment 2). The group then discussed what should be done from this point. Dan Richards, of the Deckk Company, indicated that their deadline in which the House would have to be moved was still three months. Zt was decided, as an initial step, that City StaPP would recontact the list of individuals who originally called the Deckk Company in February and expressed an interest in relocating the Klusman House. _ During the week of May 4th City Staff contacted all individuals on the original list of interested parties (see Attachment 3). Staff indicated that the Klusman House was again available and reviewed the time frame in which the House would have to be moved, the estimate of coats associated with the move and renovation, and the restrictions placed on the transfer of the House. To date, four individuals have expressed an interest in relocating the George Klusman House and have been re tared to Lhe Deckk Company for further information. Those interested include: Sohn Valentovia Chuck ?".organ Don Tackett iim magi At the May 7th HPC Meeting Commission members met and discussed the developments concerning the relocation and 3esignation of the George Xlusman House as a City Historic Landmark. At this meeting Dan Richards indicated that although the original proposal for the relocation of the Klusman House did not work out, the Deckk Company was agreeable to continue working with the HPC to identify an individual who could and would relocate the George Klusman House within the given time frame. it was stressed, however, that their House moved was still three months. that given this time deadlinn and the _ •2d `or relocation of the house, not~be realistically feasible. deadline for having the Mr. Richards indicated ooet estimates they Y.ad this project may just /~ 0 George Alusman House May 11, 1987 page 4 • The Commission acknowledges the efforts, support, and community spirit that the Deckk Company has demonstrated over the pant several months. The Commission however, feels that the George Rluaman House is historically significant to the community. It ie one of the few remaining craftsman style homes remaining within Rancho Cucamonga. In addition, the Houas was built by George Rlusman a prominent local resident. Most importantly, due tc the historic aignilicanca of the Houas, and given their charge frog City Council the Commission feels it is their responsibility to recommend to the City Council that the Gaorga Rlusman House be designated a City Historic Landmark. Therefore, this recommendation comes belors City Council acknowledging both the historic aigniiicanca o! the George Rlusman Houas and the •lforts and support that the developer, the Deckk Development Company, has ahoan in working with the Historic Preservation Commission to attempt to save thin important community structure. HPC:PP:ba cc: File r~ LJ • " / • ATTACHMENT 1 ICLIISMAN PROJECT COST ESTIMATES I. Pre-Move and Move Architectural Design S Development $ 5,000 Grading and Excavation 4,500 Underground Trenching (Utilities) 5n0 Diy up street (Utilities) 2,500 New Parking Lot (paving/2 Approaches) 3,000 House Moving & L't it iti.es Move 20,000 Foundation 12,000 Rough Carpentry 3.000 Subtotal $45,500 II. After Move Paving b Walks 000 $ 3 Stone Chimney and Porches , 3 000 Plumbing , Electrical 3,000 Finish Carpentry 4,500 Subtotal $1-g Opp • I. T_. Renovation Stone Facing--Foundation 000 $ 3 Landscaping , 5.nnn Strip Wa11s/Paint 1,500 Framing (closets, walls) 4~ 00 Doors (including new front door) 7 000 Flcars , 000 2 Kitchen (new floor, cupboards, misc.) , 2,500 9athroom (new floor, fixtures) 1,500 Side Porch 3,000 Paint Exterior S,o00 Furniture 5,000 Labor 15.000 Subtotal $53,000 Total $316,50C NCTE: :lone of the above includes general contractor Lees at approximately 20$+, and does not include any Paes imposed by the city and utilities. //~ Al'fACHMEYT 2 April 29. 7987 M:. Dougai_ Agar. Stephen Deaiels 8331 IItica Avenue, Suite 200 Rancho Cucaaongs, CA 97730 S object: 3lusman House Relocation Dear Mr. A:sa: Enclosed are our cost estiaates for relccatlag and renovating the filuaaan House. Nona oP tae cost estiaates =aclude general contractor fees at approx±- matel7 20:-; nor do the;j ±rc iude and cit7 or • utility co.?and fees. The bottom liar indicates tca `. the proJec: 1s not ecoaomicaiiy feasible for us. We gave toe vrafect cur best ePPort and are very scr:y tha: the results cculA ~~t *~ p ,;~„_,e, /Very t~uly ycurs, Jay and J~ce~ y • C4R1STtAS HOUSE Bed b Brealdaat Im ~9240/Ar Avenue, Rancho Cuamon8a. California 9I7J0 'y i1J/980.8J50 i ATTACHMENT 3 NAME PHONE MELONI JURAN (714) 949-6614 KELLY HURT (714) 868-5259 LAURA ZINGG (714) 946-2760 DEBBIE (714) 627-7670 JOHN VALENTOVIS (714) 980-6436 JIM ROY (714) 988-6891 ivRY ZING (714) 946-2760 CHUCK MORGAN (714) 987-1311 SANDY FRIEND (714) 624-5095 DON TACKETT (714) 629-1547 BARBARA DAY (714) 985-0966 MARY LANE (714) 957-1777 JERRY YOUNG (Chaffey) (714) 987-1737 BECKY SCHMIT (714) 987-6422 MARY TRALRILL (714) 596-6760 MRS. WEED (Chaftey) (714) 984-0102 SHARON BUTS (714) 981-1675 RANDY RIDER (714) 947-1006 DORSS BREWHAKER (714) 985-2299 TIM OLAGI (714) 955-2135 PAUL LOGAIE (71d) 874-1888 CLAUDE MCGUY (714) 950-2557 . ED MERRIGAN (714) 945-3663 MARSHA HANKS (714) 966-7621 JAY ISLEY (714) 833-9661 ~ / g~ RESOLUTION NO. 87-7efti-1 q A RESOLUTION OF THE CZTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOGNIZING THE GEORGE RLVSMAN HOUSE LOCATED AT 9113 FOOTHILL BOVLEVARD AS A SIGNIFICANT HISTORIC FEATURE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND THEREFORE DESIGNATING IT AS A CITY HISTORIC LANDHARK WHEREAS, the City Council of the City oP Rancho Cucamonga, hae adopted Chapter 2.24 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code relating to historic preservation; and WHEREAS, the Rancho Cucamonga Historic Preservation Commission has investigated the historic significance of the George Rlusmen Mouse and hae held public hearings concerning this site in accordance with Chapter 2.24 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code relating to historic preservation; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, as follows: The City Council Linda and determines that the Gsorge . Klusman House located at 9113 Foothill Boulevard, has met the criteria established for designation as a City Historic Landmark, and therefore, and with the recommendation of the Historic Preservation Commission, designates this site as a city Historic Landmark. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 20th day of May, 1987. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Dennis L. Stout, Mayor ATTEST: Beverly A. Authelet, City Clerk _ /93 ~~ • CITY OF RANCHO C[;CAYIONGA STAFF REPORT p`U Np~, Q ~ \y >? A H~i ~ Z .. > DATE: May 20, 1987 TD: Mayor a:d Members of the City Council FRCM: Lauren Wasserman, City Manager SCHJECI': FIBCAL YEAR 1987-88 8[8X'ET hORRSEIOP APD BEARING DATES 1971 R'L[RIs Council set butlget workshop dates of June 2, June 9, erd June 117 erd Public Bearings for June 17, and June 24. The Fiscal year 1987-88 8atlget will be forwarded for your redid on Friday, May 22, 1987. The Following schedule is reocmme7ded Eoc workshops and hearings to allay for dieasesion and adoption of the Rsdyet prior to July 1, 1987: June 2, 1987 - 1st hbrkshop - ovecvid of the total budget ae submitted. June 9, 1987 - 2nd hbrkshop -Detailed diea:seion regarding budget requests end futile. -'^.^.'- '-'-.-:°'• - ::o.~oinn, - Leuriiw aiscueeion regarding budget requests and funds and finalization of budget for adoption. June 17, 1987 - 1st Public searing regarding proposed butlget. June 24, 1481 - 2nd Public Bearing aril adoption of budget. All workshops would begin aC 6:00 p. m., and conclutle by 9:00 p. m., when possible. Respectfully submitted, ~ ~ Lauren Wasserman ~~~ City Manager LW:JB: cv • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMOP REDEVELOPMENT AGENC' STAFF REPORT GATE: May 20, 1987 TD: Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: Jack lam, AILP, Deputy Executive Director BY: Olen Jnnes, Redevelopment Analyst SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A CONTRIBUTION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY IN CONNECTION WITH THE REFINANCING OF A PORTION OF THE RANCHO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT gREA IN RESPONSE TO CONTINUING INTERPRETATION OF THE TAX REFORM ACT OF 1986. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Resolution making a contribution to the Rancho ucamonga a evelopment Agency in an amount not to exceed E100,000. BACKGROUND: On May 6, 1987, the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency approved the refunding of its outstanding 1984 Tax Allocation Bonds. On that same date the City Council, as the appropriate legislative body, approved the refinancing. ANALYSIS: Because of technical restrirtions in the Tax Reform Act of 1986, no mere than 2% of bond proceeds can be used to pay for issuance costs. In order to comply with this requirement, the Agency had planned to use the baiance of the reserve fund from the previous issue to pay any amount over the 2% limitation, a common solution to this problem. 'di t`ie tL< loot neck, Lire in~erprecive report on the lax He to rm Rct was pu bt fished, which eliminates this method of paying for issuance casts, In order to overcome this obstacle, the Agency's Bond Counsel has proposed the following solution. The Reserve fund balance from the 1984 issue which would have been used to pay costs of issuance, will instead be used to repay the City a portion of the amount of the obligation the Agency owes the City. The City will then contribute that same amount to the. Agency for the purpose of assisting the Agency in the refunding. This method allows the Agency to achieve the same results while complying with the technical interpretation of the Tax Reform 4c t. There is no additional cost to the City under this method. nos pec tfui iy s bm~~i ij~aed~, i ~~~~ii Jack Lam, ~~"~'A• .-- ' Deputy Executive Director JL:OJ:kap Attachments: Re solut ~ 9s lAW oFFIC E4 CE BEST,BEST 4 KRIEGER May 15, 1987 MEMORANDUM T0: MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL, CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY FROM; BOND COUNSEL RE: CONTRIBVTION OF THE CITY COUNCiL TO THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO PAY A PORTION OF THE COSTS OF ISSUANCE OF THE AGENCY'S REFUNDING TAX ALLOCATION BONDS The Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency is proceeding with the issuance of its $9,300,000 Rancho Redevelopment Project Refunding Tax Allocation Bonds, 1987 Series A for the purpose of refunding its 1984 tax allocation bonds and Eor the purpose of repaying a portion of an obligation of the Agency to the City. Because of technical restrictions in the Tax Reform Act of 1986, no more than two percent of the cost of issuing the bonds may • be paid Erom their proceeds. In order to comply with this requirement, it had been planned to pay excess costs of issuance from moneys in the reserve fund for the 1984 bonds. This is a technique that has been used in many financings of this nature in response to this reatr;ntinn ii,i~ week, However, an interpretive report on the Tax Reform Act was released by the staff that drafted the Act. Among many other items, the report includes a footnote that makes it clear that moneys from a prior bond issue that is refunded may not be used to pay excess costs of issuance. Accordingly, in order to comply with this restriction, we are now proposing thaC the moneys that would have been used from the 1984 bond issue to pay costs of issuance be applied instead to reduce an additional amount of the obligation of the Agency to the City. We would then propose that this money 6e applied as a contribution by the City to the Agency Eor the purpose of assisting the Agency in paying costs relating to the issuance of the bonds. while the same economic result is achieved as was originally intended, and thus neither the City no: the Agency will be required to use separate cash reserves to pay these costs, as a legal matter, the money that will be used for these costs is money of the City and 'hus the transaction will not run afoul of the interpretive /9l~ 3t - RESOLUTION NO. 87- ~q Q A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MAKING A CONTRIBUTION TO THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $100,000 WHEREAS, this City Council has heretofore approved the refinancing by the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") of a portion of the Rancho Redevelopment Project through the issuance 6y the Agency of its Rancho Redevelopment Project Refunding Tax Allocation Bonds, 1987 Series A, in an aggregate principal amount of $9,300,000 (the "Bonds); WHEREAS, this City Council wishes to assist the Agency in paying certain costs in connection with the issuance of the Bonds in excess of those permitted to be paid from the proceeds of the Bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA • AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Cont[ibution to A enc This City Council hereby agrees to a vance as a contribution to or on behalf of the Agency to assist in financing costs of issuing ~::c ^-- - r omo„.~L uu~ Lu exceeu piJu,uuU, cne trnal amount to be determined by the City Manager in consultation with the Underwriter Eor the Bonds and Bond Counsel to the Agency. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution Shall take effectimme3Tately upon option. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 20th day of May, 1987. AYES: NOES: ABj LIY L : ATTEST: y~ City Clerk F,IB i90 Mayor -1- ~~U