HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989/06/07 - Agenda Packet- CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETINGS 1st and 3rd Wednesdays - 7:30 p.m. June 7, 1989 LionsrPark Community Center 9161 Base Line Road Rancho Cucamonga •~• City Councilmemben Dennis L. Stout, ,Kayo. Pamela ). Wright, Courxilmrmbrr Deborah N. Brown, Moyor Pmrrm Charles 1. Buquet, coanrilinr,nerr William 1. Alexandeq cornnlmrmhr •~• Jack tan, cuy.N„wrr lames L. Markman, cay Au~mry Beverly A. Aulhelet, city crrit City Oflic<: 989-I83I lions Perk: 980-]I43 City Council Agenda Ju ~a 7, 1989 PAGE All iigs suhritlad for the Citp Comeil Agenda rud be is wrLtiag. Taw dwadliaa for subrittiag taeu itwrw is 5:00 p.r. oa tae Nndnnndap prior to the reeling. The Cilp Clerk'• Office rwcei~es all such ital. A• CALL TO OM6R 1. Pledge of Allegiance to Plag. 2. Roll Call: Baguet _, Alexander _, Stout _, Brown _, and Wright 4. ANNCCNCaiD9Pf8/PAESBIITATIONS I. Presentation to the San Bernardino County Gang and Orug Tack Porce. 2. Presentation of 10-year pin to Mike Lonq, Senior Public works Inspector. C. CCIYNNIU' 1TSMl PR011 TS PUBLiC This in tan tir and place for the general public to addrnu tae Citp Conncil, state ler proaibiq the Citp Comcil fror addrudne ark luue Bet erawienal~ irelndad on tAw AewnM. The Citp Comcil up receive teatirorp and set the ratter for w aubnequaa! reeling. Ce~enes am to W lfrited to fire einub• per SndiHduel. D. COMB~PT CALOIDAA Tha follorisg Convent Gleadar Stara are expected to be routine and aoa-eonlrwera/al. Tanp will W acted upon by tae Comcil nt onn L1N witaout diacuasion. Arp ita up W rnroved Op a ConOCilreranr or rerher of tan audience for diacuuioa. 1. Approval of Narrence, Aaglster Non. 5/17/89, 5/26/89/ 1 S /31/89 and Payroll ending 5/1if89, 5(25/89 For the total amount of 52,582,324.49. 2. Approval to roceive and Ella current Investment Schedule i6 as of 5/26/89. 3. Approval of reeeeignment of fiscal impact rnporl Eor 24 North 8tlwandn erne. r~ ~ ~si~; City Council Agenda Jun• 7, 1989 PAGE 4. Approval of Fourth Quarter Budgetary Adjualments. 71 5. Alcoholic esasrage Application for On Sals General Bating 102 Plsce and Caterer's Permit far Sycamore Inn, Bear Gu1eh, Incorporated, 8318 Foothill Boulevard. fi. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On Sale Beer 6 pine 1Q4 6atlnq Place for Azrow Dairy, Phil Ok Jeonq, 10970 Arrow Route, 1101. 106 7. Approval to authorize the advertieing of the 'Notice Inviting Bids^ foz the Vineyard Avenue Improvemante at the Atchison Topeka end Ssnta Fe Railroad crossing, north of 8th Street to be funded from Systems Development Pund - Aeeount No. 24-4637-8850. 107 A630LUTION NO. 89-214 A ABSOLUTION OF TNB CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAIIONGA, CALIPORNIAr APPROVING PLANS AND SPBCIPICATIONB 80R THE 'VINEYARD AVENUB INPROVENBNT AT TF~ A. T. AND S. P. IUII LROAD CROSSING", IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORISING AND DIRECTING TH6 CITY CL8A1C 1'O '~ ADVERTISE TO ASCEIV6 BIDS 8. Approval io authorixa iM tiling of • Notice of 6xsmplSon 111 related to environarnlal rwtew of land Minn arrnMwM wish Bete Orant monies to develop a community perk in the norehssst portion of the City. 9. Approval to develop a Bld Package for a micro processor 113 remote control system (touch pad) for user group access and Clty monLtorinq of Lha sport Eield lighting at exietlnq and future park tacilitUS to M funded from Park Development Pund Account No. 40-1532-8806. ', 10. Approval of tM EnvlronmsMal Initial study, Parts I end 114 II foe iM proposed Victoria Straat Improvaarnt from bast Avenue to Btiwanda Nlgh School and adoption o! a Ruolutlon and Lsuance of • Categorical BxMption ehsraot. ,.~C~ ~" r•: ': .. -: City Council Agenda Juns 7, 1989 PAGE RESOLUTION NO. 89-243 115 A RBSOLUTIdti OP THS CITY COONCIL OP THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TH8 ENVIRONMBNTAL INITIAL STUDY AND ISSVANCB OP A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION POR TH6 PAOPOSSO VICTORIA STPEET IMPROVENBNT FROM EAST AVENUE 20 BTIWANDA HIGB SCHOOL 11. Approval of the Environmental Inii ial Study, Porte i and 127 II for the proposed Alta Loma Basin No. 1 8xcavation located north o! Banyan Strset and west of Rerwea Avenue and adoption of a Meolution end ieeuance of a CategorLCal Exemption Uerwf. pSSOLVTION N0. 89-244 126 A ABSOLUTION OP THS CZTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TH6 6NVIRONlRNTAL INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OP A CATBGORICAL SXSMPTION P0R TIR PROPOSSD ALTA LONA BASIN NO. 1 EXCAVATION 12. Approval Lo award the Sierra Madre and Placida Court 140 Street Improvement Project from Arrow Highway to vla Carrillo Drive for the amount of $164,311.00 to be funded with Community Development Block Grant Punde - Account 13. Approval to award the Hillside Rosd Reconstruction 143 Improvement Project trap Nermoea Avenue to Mayberry Street for the amount of $86,404.87 to be funded tram Fund 15: S.B. 300 (new account number). 14. Approval to award the Slurry Seal Program 1988/89, Phsae 146 1, wtioue elreet locations for the amount of $131,385.01, with Dieirict• lA, 18, 3, 4 enQ 5 to W funded from Gae Tax 2107, Account No. 09-4637-8816 for the amount of $76,533.86 and Distrlct• 2A and 2B to W funded from 9B 300 - New Account No. for the amount o! $54,791.15. 15. Approval to execute ccnttact (CO 89-089) La[ [he 148 Carnelian Street, East 9Lde Parkway Beavt Lticntion Improvement Project located [ran Vineyard Awnue to Ban Llne Road awarded to Gsteway Construction foe the amount of $108,527.00 (S9B, 661.00 plus 104 contingency) Lo W Nnded from Beautification funds - Account No. 21-4647- 8046 (awarded May 3, 1989). ,C^:%;' City Council Agenda June 7, 1989 PAGE 16. Approval to execute contract (CO 89-090) for the Avenida 149 vej ar street Ialprovemani Project located from Grove Avenue to 9larrs Madre Avenue awarded to Vance Corporation for the amount of $170,079.00 ($158,253.00 plus 101 rontingency) to ba [unded with Community Development Block Grant Punde - Account No. 28-4333-BS11 (awarded May 3, 1989). 17. Approval Lo execute a Professional Serroicee Agreement (CO 150 89-091) with J.F. Davidson Aeaociates for checking of traffic signal and signing and striping plans. The work will be performed on an arneeded, time and materials baele with a maximum permitted charge per plan, depending on the type. Setimated amount Se $40,000.00 funded Prom the contract Services Account No. 01-4638-6028. 18. Approval to execute a Profoeional Services Agreement (CO 151 89-092) with J.P. Davidson Associates to perform Landscape Inventorie9 and Naeiar eeautificstion plane for Vineyard Avenue Parkways end Carnelian 9trNt Psrkweys for a fw not to exceed $28,000.00 to W paid from Cho eeautificetion Pund, Account Mo. 21-6667-8802. M additional lOt contingency allowanee to be established for use under the approval of tM City Engineer. 19. Approval to execute Subordination Agreepnt (CO 89-093) 152 with Neal S. Weeks and Rebecca WNb for their property lnrai wi at 5x7D CrnnkM Rr~ek Dri v.. RasoLUflDn No. e9-2es 153 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY ODUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALI-OMIA, APPROVING A 90HOADINATIOM AOIIEEMENT -RCN HEAL 3. VEERS AND REBECCA A. WEER9 AND AOTNOAIEINO THE MAYOR AND CITY CLEAR TO SICK SAME 20. Approval to execute "Agreement Por SwLaminq Pool 155 Operations^ (CO 89-091) required by Chaffey Joint Union High School District !or uaa of A1La Loma High School pool for Hummer Swim Program conducted by the City'• Community Services Department. 21. Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 159 13742, locaUd on the south Bide o[ meow Roue, ust of Ocow Avenw, submitted by AC i C Invesimenta. ;v ,. r _^ ~,. City Council Agenda .Tune 7, 1989 PAGE 160 AHSOLUTION NO. 89-246 A RHSOLUTZON OP THS CITY COVNCIL OP THB CITY OP AANCF70 CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVBMHNT AGABEMHNT HXTHNSION AND IMPROVBlBNT SECURITY POA TIUICT 13742 22. Approval of Improvement Agreement Hxtension Eor Tract 162 13444, located on the south slda of Fairmont Way between Milliken Avenue and Kenyon Nay, eubmittad by the William Lyon Company. ABSOLUTION NO. 89-247 163 A RESOLUTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OP THY CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONOA, CALIPO[1NIA, APPROVING INPROVBMENT AOREYlBNT HYT8115ION AND IMPROVEMHNT SECURITY POR TRACT 13444 23. Approval o! Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security 165 and ordering the Annexation io Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street LLghting Maintenance District Noe. 1 and 6 for DA BE-07, located seat of Rocheaiar Avenue, south of 6th 9trwt submitted by Swan Poole, inc. 166 RESOLUxlon No. e9-2aE A RESOLUTION OP THY CITY COUNCIL OP TAE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIP011NIA, APPROVING IMPROVHIIYNT AORBElDiNT AND INPRDVEIBNT SECURITY POR DHVELOPMBNT ABVIBN NO. 88-07 167 RH80LUTION NO. 89-249 A RESOLUTION OP THY CITY COUNCIL OP TNB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEYATION OP CERTAIN THARITORY TO LANDBCAPB MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 AND STREET LIOHTINC MAINTENANCY DISTRICT N08. 1 AND 6 POA OR 88- 07 24. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement 170 Socurity and ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance DLatrlct Ho. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2 Cor Tract 13359, located on the ust side of sapphire Street, south of Hillside Rosd, submitted by X.K. Helm, Inc. v. .~i+i_" 1'A( ' %~.. City Council Aqenda .Tuna 7, 1939 PAGE RESOLUTION N0. 89-250 1]1 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COVNCIL OP TEfE CITY OP IUNCfiO NGIWNfiAr CALLPORNIAr APPROVING IMPROVSNBNT AGAEBNENTr INPROVEMSNT SECURITY, AND PINAL MAP TMCT NO. 1335a RSSOLUTION NO. 89-251 1]2 A R830LOTION OP TAE CITY HOAGIE OP TlDL CITY OP RANCHO NCAMONCAr CALIDORNIAr ORDERING THB ANNE%ATION OP CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LAWSCAPH N1IINTENANC6 DISTRICT NO. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING lU1I NTENANCS DI STRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 POR TRACE 13359 25. Approval of Drainsge Acceptanw Baaarnt Dead, Gcant of 1]5 8aeement and Maintenance end Improvaaxnt and Maintenance Agreement for Tract 12462, located on the south aide o[ Summit Avenue between Htiwende end Eut Avenues, auboitted by Radnor/Brougham/CUeamonga Partnsrahip. 1]6 A680LOTION NO. 89-252 A RESOLUTZON OP THE CITY COIIIICIL OP TTIE CITY O! RANCHO NCAMONGAr CALII0RlI2A, APPROVING DRAINAGE ACCEPTANCE EASEMENT DEW, GRANT O! BASEMENT AW MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AW ZMPROVRMNT AW MAINTBNANCE AOREmRNT OP TIU\CT No. 12462 26. Approval to accept Improvamenta, Aeleaae of Bonds and Notics of Completion for: 6891 Amtthvet 178 -aithful Mzfornance Eond (Street) S 3,200.00 RESOLUTION NO. 89-253 179 A RESOLUTION OP TN6 CITY COUNCIL OP TNB CITY OP RANCHO NCANONGAr CALI POANIAr ACCEPTING TN6 PUSLZC ZMFROVEMENTS FOR 6891 ANETRYST STREET AND AUTHORS SING THE PILING OP A NOTICE OP COMPLETION POR THE MOAN _~^?. r~-_ city council Agenda Jun! 7, 1989 PAdE Tract 1305'1 located on the south aide of Bimhland Avenue 180 bat Palreo t A an nd_09at Cteek Accept: Meintenanca Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 46,000.00 Relesees Faithful Performance Bond (Street) S 460,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 89-254 181 A RBSOLUTION OP Tig CITY COUNCIL O! TH8 CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING TBE PUBLIC INPAOVilRNTS POA TRACT 13057 ANO AUTXORIEINO TBB PILING 01 A NOTICE OF COM@LETION POR THE iR)AI[ 27. Approval of Improvement a, Aaleaw of Nalntenance Bond for 182 TtaCt 12650-2 located east of Maven Avenue north of Hillside Road. Nalntenance Guarantw Bond (Street) S 26,700.00 28. Approval to accept the Tryon Street Sidewalk 183 Improveaiente, Contract No. 88-165, ae oompleb, reUaw MnA~ •nA an1AnN ~e •~e MW inn/nwr !n fiL a "NnH rn of completion". 186 RBSOLUTION NO. 89-255 A RESOLUTION OP TIR CITY COUNCIL OP TBE CITY O! RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPOANIA, ACCEPTING TXE PUBLIC IMpAOVEMElITe POA ".'HE TRYON STNEET eIDEMALEB, CONTRACT NO. @8-165, AND AOTEORIEINO THE PILING Of A NOTICE O- COMPLETION POR T~ ilO11R 29. Approval to accept the sapphire Trall^ Renovation, aeueh 197 of eanysn Btrwt, Contract No. 88-136, ae complete, nlaue bonds and authorise the City Enginwr eo file a "NOt ic! of Caapletion". . ', !may i%)". ti. r!/ city council Agenda Tune 7, 1989 PAGE ABSOLUTION NO. 89-256 1$$ A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OF TNB CITY OP A11NCIi0 CUCAMONfiAr ClU.IFORNIAr ACCBPTZNG TFB PUBLIC IMPROVBMBNTS FOR TH6 SAPP8IR6 TIUZLS RLNOVATION, SOUTN OF RANYAM STRBBT, CONTRACT NO. 58-136, AND AUTTA)RI%SIPG TH6 PILING OP A NO'fIC6 OF COMPLBTION FOR THH WOAIC 30. Approval to nccept the Via Carrillo Drive, from Avenida 1$9 Vejar to sierra Madsa, Contract 88-163, an complete, release bond and authorise the City Engineer to fLle a "Notice of Completion" 190 ASSOLVTION NO. 89-257 A RESOLUTZON OP TBE CITY COUNCIL OB TF76 CITY OF RANCNO WCANONGA, CALIPORNIAr ACCEPTING TIS PUBLIC IMPROVBMBNTS FOA VIA CARRILLO DRIVB. FROM AVBNIDA VWAR TO SIBRPA MMRE, CONTRACT 88-163. A11D AUTHORISING TXB FILING 08 A NOTICE OP COMPLETION FOR THE NOAR 31. Approval to release Casa dsposita in the amounts of 191 $2.500.00 and $500.00 to Pnnnon Design and Development, Incorporated for Model Boma salon Offiw end Subdivision Sign for Tract 13342. 191 32. Approval to also each deposi! in the amount of $2.500.00 to Pulte Hame Corporation for Model Homa sales Office for Tract 33058. 192 33. Approval to authorise tea Gvy of Aaaaaemant Adminiairativa Charges !or tM collection of auaasment• in the Altn Lame Channel District (94-2), the Sixth Street industrial Park Refund Dietrici (82-1R) and the Rsncho Drainage District (86-2). 193 RESOLUTION No. 89-253 A ABSOLUTION of zxE ciTy cogncit or Txe cITY OF RANCfiO CVCAMONGA, CALIFOMIA. AUTHORISING 2H6 LEVY OP AN ASSESSMENT SURCHARGE FOR THS E%PBN869 INCURRED IN TH6 COLLECTION OF ASSE58MBNTS IN VARIOUS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DfSTAICTB 34. Approval of resolution setting annual agcial tax for 194 Community Pacilttiee District No. 84-1 (Day Creak Drainage System) In tea amount of $380.00 per acre. J, ~' W , - }:+ City Council Agenda June 7, 19&9 PAGE 195 RESOLUTION NO. 89-159 A RESOLUTION 08 THB CITY COUNCIL OP TEB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPOANIA, BSTABLISNING ANNUAL SPECIAL TA% POR COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 54-1 35. Approval vt staff time to aaefet Loagua of California 202 Cities. 6. COIIBRI ORDIl011MEt The following Oi6lnancea Gave had public heari¢gs at the rice of firm radi¢g. eeeond raQi69a are expected to W Tontine and no¢-coalroweeLl. Thy will be acted upon bP the Couaeil at o¢e tiae rithont diacvaion. T91e CStP Clerk will Tad the title. A¢P itw ea be reawed for diaeaaiw. 1. RNVtAONMxNTAt aRSES4IQNT AND DEV6L~PMENT DISTRICTS -~ AMBNDMSNT 09-01 - CITY OP RANCHO CUCAIIDNGA - A raQ¢eat to amend 1.65 scree of the Uevelopwnt Oiatricts Nap free Medium Aea ident ial (E-16 duelling unite per ncre) to Low- Nadium Reaidentlal (4-S dwelling unite per acre), located approximately 600 feet tooth of Lemon Avenue, 470 feet north of Righlad Avenue on the eat •ide o! Archibald Avenue - APN 301-353-I1. 2UJ ORDINANCE NO. 394 (second Yadinq) AN OROINANC6 OP T!B CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP R11NCH0 COCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMBNT DISTRICT ANENDIO<NT NO. 89-01, AMENDING 1.65 ACRE9 OP TH6 DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS MAP PROM MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (8-14 DiNtLLINO UNITE YER ACRE) TO LOii-MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL I4-E DNELLIN6 UNITS PER ACRE), LOCATED APPRO%IMATELY 600 PEST 80UTM OP LEl/ON AVENUB, 170 PEST NORTq 0/ NIONLANO AVENUE oM TH6 EAST SIDE O! ARCNIBALD AVENU6r AND NA%E BINDINGS IN SUPPORT TRE(160P ~~ ~. y'jA ~l ~ PAGE ClLy Couneil Agenda June 7, 1989 10 r. Anvaxls® Poetic ~AEYIaa Th. following itwa haTa haan adTartiaad and/or poatad as public hnriaga a ragaird M law. TAa cWir will opw the oeaiiag Lo NeaLTe puD1Lc ba!laanY. 1. APPRWAL OP AMBNDING MAP. TRACT NO. 13641. LOCATED ON POS THB NOATREAST CORMaA OF VICTORIA PARR I.71NB AND RENYON W R680LOTION NO. 89-260 206 A ABSOLOTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OP A71NCH0 COCAMONGA~ CALIFORNIA. APPROVING A!ffiNDING MAP TMCT NO. 13441 1. APPROVAL Or TA6 OETACIDRNT OT TMCT 13748. 13857 AND 2~ 13558 LOCATED ON THE NOATN BIDE Or RIGBLAND AVSNU6. WEST OF MILLIREN AVENUE lAO11 LANDSCAPE NAINTENANC6 DISTRICP NO. 1 iwD STREE2 LIGHTING NAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 2 AND OADSRIN6 TR6 ANNEEATION Or SAID TRACTS TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. b AND STRBET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 5 ABSOLUTION NO. 59-263 ~9 A REBOLOTIOII Or T!R CITY COUIICIL Or TH6 CITY ..n....wnr. •aeanwwn mv~ a _ DETACHMENT Or TAACi~NOB. 13745~ 13557 AND 13555 FROM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 2 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. Z AND ORDERING THE WORK IN CONNECTION WITH TIDI ANNEAATION O- SAID TMCT9 TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENMCE DISTRICT NO. 6 AND eTAEET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 5 AND ACCEPTING TN6 FINAL ENGINEER'S ALPORTS FOR TRACT NOB. 13715, 13857 AND 13555 3. APPROVAL TO FOAM COIelOl1ITY rACILITIE3 DISTRICT NO. BB- 22~ LAW BNFOACElHINT PORTION OF THE OIETAICT .~ rJ~,: ~.. ... . PAGE City Council Agenda Juns 7r 1989 11 RBSOLUTION NO. 89-T6Y 222 A RESOLUTION OP TBE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALLPORNIAr DECLARING NECBSSITY TO INCUR A BOIfOBD INDEBTEDNE99r SUBMITTING TO TNB QVALZFiED VOIHRS OF A COMMUNITY lACILITIEB DISTRICT TNS PROP08ZTION TO INCDR A BONDED INDEBTHONEBB SECURHD BY A SPHCIAL TAE LEVY TO PAY FOA CERTAIN CAPITAL FACILITIES IN A COlOIUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT AND GIVING NOTICE Teo<REONr AND EBTABLISHINO PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS FOR CONDUCTING AN %LHCTION RESOLUTION NO. B9-H63 229 A AESOLDTIO" AF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP AANCNO CUCAMONOAr CALIYORNIAr DECLARING AND ESTABLISHING THE FORMATION Of A COI4IUNITY FACILITIE9 DISTRICT. AND AUTHORIEINO SOBMITTAL OP LEVY OP SPECIAL TAX88 TO TIR QUALIFIED ELECTORS 235 A830LUTION NO. 89-261 A RHEOLUTIOII OP TIR CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP AANCAO COCAMON011r C1ILIFORNIAr ORDHRING RE8OLUTION OP INTBNTION A1ID PROCEEDINOB RELATING TO THE FORMATION OP A COMMUNITY FACILITIE9 DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 89-E66 237 A RESOLUTION OT TIOS CITY COOIICIL O- THY CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMOIIGAr CALIFORNIA. MAKING CERTAIN PRELIMINARY PINDIN08 AND PA83IN0 UPON PROTE8T8 r..~~'~ }~Y ~: PAGE City Council Agenda June 7, 1989 12 O. PUNI.IC EEIIRINOs The [ollowiq iteu have m lgal publication os postiq regviramwLS. OTe Chair will open the maetieq to receive public Gatimony. 1. - pANOBRDDB BUILDING - 9768 CENTSR - An appeal hearing befo[e the City Council, acting ae the Board of Appeals, requested by the owner of property located north of Foothill Boulevard on the east aide of Center Street, requesting that the Notice and OrMr of the Building Official for Abatement of a 0angmrous Building, at that location, ba Bet aside or modified. RUBR TO CONSTRUCT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AT 10005. 100{9. 2. O 40 2 _ 1DD75. 10081 AND 10095 AARON ROUT! - Public Hearing of protests rgarding OrMr to Construct Public Improvamente at 10005, 10009, 10075, 10081 aIW 10095 Arrow Route in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, !n accordanca with Chapter 27 of the Improvement Act of 1911 (Improvements along Arzow Route frontage of property). RESOLUTION NO. 89-236 263 A RESOLUTION OP TIO CITY COONCIL OP Tim CITY OP AANCNO CUCAMOHOA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERLNO THE OONSTRUCTION OP PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AT 10005. 100{9, 10075, 30081 AND 30095 ARRON ROUTE (APN 209-0{1-09, 18, 22 AND 31) IN ACCORDANCE KITH THE CALIFORNIA COD88 POR STRBETS AND HICHNAYS, SECTIONS 5870 TIIXOUGH SBBO, MORE COMMONLY 1(NONN AS CHAPTER 27 OF TIR IMPAOVEIRNT ACT OP 3911 3. EMINENT DOMAIN ACTION TO ACWIAL PUBLIC RIONT-O--NAY POR 26] AND xERMOBA AVENUt - pubs is Hearing of protests [ga[dlnq Eminent Oomaln action to acquire public right-o[-way an0 remant for the Arrow Route Nideninq Project between Archibald Avenw and Mermou Avenw at the property _.sated at 10005, 100{9, 10075, 10081 and 10095 Arrow Route (APN 209-0{3-09, 18, 22 and 31) for the construction of strNt lmprovesmnb acroo the Arrow Route frontage Of said p[operty. .+ rw~ ±-~ J PAGE City Council Agande June 7, 1989 13 RESOLUTION NO. 89-237 A MSOLOTIOH OF T86 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MNCRO COCAMONOA, CALIPOMIA, DECLARING TlIE P7HLIC NEED AND NBC6SSITY TO CONDEMN CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOC11TE0 IN THS CITY OP RANCHO COCANONOA AND MAAING lINDIN69 IN SUPPORT TNBREOP (AYH 209-041-09, 10, 22 AND 31) 4. OAOEA TO CONSTRVCT PUBLIC IM_PAOI NTS AT 10025 Aner_va 2)1 77 ROUTE - Public Haring of prorate regarding order to Conetzuct Public Improvamenta et 10025 Arrow Route, vacant loin, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, in accordance with Chapter 27 of the Improvement Act of 1911 (Improvemante along Arrow Routs frontage of property). 283 R880LUTIOH NO. 09-230 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OOOIfCIL OP THE CITY O- MACHO CUCAIWNOAr CALI-OMIA, OADEItINO THE CONSTROCfION OF PUOLIC IMPROVENENTe AT 10025 ARROtI ROOT6, VACANT LOTS, (APN 209-041-32, 33 AND 36) IN ACCORD11BC6 NITH TIR CALIFORNIA CODES FOR 9TREETB AND NIGNMAYB, BECTLONB 5070 THROUGH 5000, NOR6 COMMONLY RNONN A8 CHAPTER 27 OF THE IMPAOVElHtNT ACT OF 1911 288 ......per e,.n•,w mn a,vw,•os mmr.rr amwm-ne-NaY POA y• T"r aEaOY ROD1R NIDENINO PRO.I[CL NETNitN ARCXIBALD AVENUE AND HERMOBA AVENUE -Public Heatlnq of protata ngarding Eminent Daain action to acquire public right-of-way for the Arrw Route Nidaning Protect batten Archibald Avenue and Narmnaa Avaua at tM property located et 30025 Arrow Route, vacant iota, (APN 209-041-32, 37 and 31) for the conatructlon of street improvamanta acroo the Arrw Route frontage of geld property. RESOLUTION NO. 09-239 289 A R690LOTION OF THE CITY COUIICIL OF THE CITY OF MACHO CUCAMONOl1r CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE PUBLIC N66D AND NECESSITY TO CONDEMN A PORTION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA AND NANINO FIMDINOS IN SUPPORT THEREOF (APN 269-011-32, 33 AND 34) y y`~r -.. ~ .` -~/ PAGE city Council Agenda June 7, 3989 16 6. OR4ER TO CONSTRVCl PUBLIC IM_RAOVL~'NTS ON P40PBRTIP3 292 FRONTING 19TH STRLST BBTwBBN ZIRCON AND AMETHYST AVBNVB - Public Hearing for the purpose of hearing and passing upon objsctiona or protests, if any, which may G zaiaed Dy any property owners or other interested persona ~ regarding the Noiicee of Construction that were posted Nay 24, 1989 on the properties fronting 19th Stceet between Lirron end Amethyst Avenues, Ln the City of Rancho Cucamonga in accordance with Chapter 27 of the Improvement Act of 1911. RESOLUTION NO. 89-266 294 A ABSOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, OADBAING TAB COHBTRVCTION OF PUBLIC INPROVBMENTS ON THH PAOPBRTIES FRONTING 19TH STREET BETNEEN ZIRCON AHD AM6TFIYST AVBNUS. IN ACCORDANCE NITR TIU3 CALIFORNIA CODBS POR STRHETB AND HIGHWAYS SBCTION 5870 THROUGH 5880 MORE COMl10NLY ENOWN AS CHAPTER 27 OP IMPAOVBMENT ACT OP 1911 E. CITY MAMAOAt'^ sTAPI E-ePOETE TDe following itssu do not legally require auy publio lutiwuy, altaough tee Cbair say opw the sw,stiag for public ` 3O2 CONSIDBAATION OP 1LM URGENCY ORDINANCE AIDINDING SUB- 1. SECTION 17.08.OSOC.1 AS IT RELATES TO SCHOOL DISTRICT "NILE SEAVB" LETTERS 304 ORDINANCE NO. 395 (Urgency) AN ORDINANR OP TFD2 CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING 8UB- 9ECTION 17.08.OSOC.1 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONOA MUNICIPAL CODs PERTAINING TO THE EVALUATION OP SCHOOL FACILITIES POR PROP08ED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS, AND DECLARIM6 Tffi URGENCY TNEREO! 2. GROWTH MANAGEMENT - Initial schedule for Lhe 13-point 306 work program related to the wnageaent o[ growth in Rancho Cucamonga. Coatisued trw Mq 17, 19E9 seating. 3. - with other 312 agencies and City Commiuion. ~Sa,,• ~. PAGE City council Agenda June 7r 1989 15 4. NATTERS PERTAINING TO PUTTING TRB lIREWOIVl3 ISSUE ON THB 313 5AL1&T RESOLUTION NO. 89-267 314 A RESOLUTION OP TR6 CITY COUNCIL OP TN6 CITY O- AMCHO CIICAEfOHGAr CALIPOMIAr CALLING AND GIVING NOTICH OP TFR IIOLDIN6 OP A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO B6 IRLD IN T[R CITY ON TU68DAYr NOV81tllER 7. 1989 80A TNB SOHMI33ION TO THE QtlALIPIED ELECTOAB OP THE CITY OP M ORDINMC6 RELATING TO TM SALE OF 9A18 AND SANG PIAENORES AIID CONSOLIDATING SAID ELECTION NITH THH CON80LIDATED ELECTION TO B6 NELD ON SAID DATB 316 RE8OLUTION NO. 89-768 A MSOLUTION OT Tffi CITY COUNCIL OP TFR CITY OP R11NCH0 COCAMONGAr CALIlOM2Ar PROVIDSN6 POR THE !ICING OT REBUTTAL ARGVlRNTB !OR CITY NEMURES RE8OLUTION 110. 89-269 317 A MSOLVTION OT 23R CITY COUNCIL OT TIR CITY OP RMCiEO COCA110NOAr CALIPORNIA. AUTHORIZING .. -.. ... .... .~......_L __ ____ ~ w/mmYp ARGVlRNT AEOARDIN6 A CSTY NEAHtlRB REfiOLUTIOp NO. 89-770 318 A R680LUTION OT TER CITY COUNCIL OT TER CITY OT RMCHO COCAEgN611r CALITOMIAr DIRECTING TAL CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE M INPMTIAL MALY8I8 5. APPEAL OT STAFP ENTOACElRNT OT REeO2.OTION 88-557 REGARDING THE RELEASE OT 110RE 'fN11N 98\ O- V.9. HOMES' BtlILDIM68 (TA 10877-21 UNTIL ALL IMPROVEMEIITB REOU2REn BY 321 TER COYDITIONS OT AppppyAL HAVE HEEN MET 6. PICNIC R68EAVATION POLICY - raviaw and approval of a 325 City-wide Picnic Reeervntion Policy for City Parke , :~~';~ 1~. _. ~' PAGE City Council Agenda Juns 7, 1989 16 I. CODNCIL EVBIM66f The following Star have bsr rpuaslad by the City Comcil for diseuseiea. Tbay an rt public hesriwl Star, although !ha Chair ry opr eha rating for pnblie input. 1. DISCUSSION OP AEQU85T P00. PROPOSAL POR CBNTAAL PARR 33) Continwd fto~ May 17, 1989 rating. 338 2. DIRWNEIDN ON 6STABLISflING TRANSITION TASK PORCB POA PIAB DISTRICT CONSOLIDATION Continued frw May 17, 1898 rating J. This is the Lir for City Comcil to idrtify the ilea thq wish to discnr at tba oast aaeeiag. 7'hra ltws will not M afseussad at this rating, only idaatifiad for eha next I rating. E. cauDNlGxtofs rRaM TES PuELIc This is tba kir and plane for the gerzal public W addrer the City Comcil. Rata lsa prohibits the City Cemcil frees addrsuing nay irwa rt pnvionsly incinded r the 1lgrda. m~.~ n,tT rn«nNl ~ w.a1.a taaH onw~ awA aN the rtlar ins a aubsaqurt Maatiml. Coasts are to M liaitad to five ainuba pas individrl. L. ADJOVNOQOR NEETINO TO ADJOOMI TO 62EC0lIVR 6EEfION TD DIECUBN LAEOR NEOOTIATIOMf 6ZECUTIPE fEfsI011 TO ADJOORM TO JVIR f, 1919 EVDDET IIORRMOP AT 6100 P.M. IACIITED AT TR IWICRO COCM710MOh NE20EfORE00D CAflm{ I, Eavarly A. Authalat, City Clerk o! the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, eccuraG copy of tM foregoing agenda was posted an Juna 2, 1989, seventy-two (74) hours prior to the nwatinq par OovarnnNnt Coda 44953 at 93P0- C Baee Lina Road. *~f ~;, o~- r boo °ao nN oma°mrryoomrvomNNdroonoo Or Oro 00lPOJO°OryNOmmNOPNNNdOOd00 '~ Pi • mON +^mmNN aN~ mPNmdnNrmPdWP < d m N^d rOJmnrvrNNONmNr~NNN~mYNr t ¢ ' 1 ' .r r p 1 Nm r r O ~1 tiAr NNmnmmNmr mPO~+NmrNJ"mPOrnmVNdl"m~~.nNm'fn o mmmmmrr rr!! rlNNNNNNNN dddpd i ii um. ~n NN N~NNN N.rnnNNNhmNNNN~nNNN N,Nn NNNNaNN mmm~mrmmnmm'~nmm~mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ~ zl mmm mmm m m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm V P.ZUAWV ~w N V ¢YN r O l ~m.rmrm „ ~P „r rrr„ n Z Y. ¢W m2 ¢ iP ± ¢¢ ¢¢¢¢ ¢¢m¢ O¢.n Rm w.Ni u O Sti2~ < ROF O O OR R OOY 0000 00J L W w w W Mr Ww WWV WWWW wWNw u u. r N uui LL w Uru N JU W Z N u Nw VV P LL' P •F N ti ~V nU7 ¢ i m o ° ~ 1 .ea ° o s o m¢ J J » .¢,~a sa¢ ~r i~ 1 r~ N m¢m±i °w .wzl i IY o°u~i.°. is i,J '°~ z~°sJ° uV i m JwmL 2N ¢N rJ 1-~6r N<iu {fu lO„2H m oiomr a ~°~NJ ow°¢YZ rz°.- Ny~N< in ¢ui~s~~ro ¢<N.<.¢<ru - oo u o ow Yw m jm ,~ zz<zN~. rrN< N O W„mG a wCY„Yyr¢NJ<G¢wW0¢JV,¢ F<Z iu w O Oyr„NwwWw<VrpZirN>w6 =W y O ¢LJQNN KZJ O wZYm¢JUi„r6 „ u O ~rw+j m>OV>J4QOLV OO OOYrL„~Zmi03 ii<w.W.r oww ¢„WOw< {°a¢w oLL > r N ouuYO°auNUmLNUUNSrrz¢-~NUaz °u u ~ o ° a i u.. zz .. zr i e w ~ i .+ " uwc N w iuz „°z rrc 20 io-zio+ N .rY.°o i w Lr-<~ Nu ru CV wVUY„ °VYS¢M-r .;J ~ i ,U U= NLrLO.ri0042W0 ~O <r U.7 ON<ri 7„2N ~- 2< 'Y JG ~ My Zn •1Ny aL W>r2 <W ] 6w ¢ O w02YLLY11ZNUHNV¢Wr¢Yw0¢i 1 Ow <M w U]NZN ¢„OrJNrO NWw2¢F {r 1 i 2UWWNrmOim<w 07ZJ61-NZSir O ; t~F W UYW FOr OuJZiO LLOwO°r< 2rrmW Z L ZYLLm i+<4Z0<rLL¢{mWOJJ ¢ ~ OY W rOVO W3 S < Wit Om ~Vm JS¢ r m~ i Z<i O Z<¢~J 60~OW <Ow¢ZJtiVZ2Jr OW ¢ J ¢ N <: {Y ~¢W <W„iW¢4~NN ~.Na~rr~¢~ P o < .. ow<r< ~NmyljuorJJCZZ¢N~ zo<w°°n N C > 1J6>m r««<4<4««ttmUwmmlmiVU ml ll .+y M drNYr NMr•.Omf NrrmmmrmmPmnmPrOrl.d N LL~ ±r O y NrGmi NryrN pry.if Ymhry1p rPOmhmNNNN N d .p yap .p .p pd pNNNydmm mry~n OOmNmd 1 N NN N Nr NNN N N ~r ooPOmoaorvwoa..o oPpoonmooomNnmronomn ooooooN OOU.O mOrNaPOmm00000NOr0arOmdr+O+OmO 000000r ~~ m .yO mOdmny00.pNOdrN+OPONPPPryONNrOmO rOOmPjmm aNrOmmr pNmrn+rvO+mmrNmmrNnrNdmr+Nm.~m ~ i -. ..N v.~ m ro-.m o.. .mr a~ ar -. omN.. 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LLLLLSLLLLL LLLLL LLS q~.°. ~ u'~d ^e '~b'SSeSeeS SSSSo li8u ~~& cxhH%~?R$$$ $$€x$ F $ aka s $ si "v_G"v ~G~~~ unennae ! __4_ n ~»~I?~~3~~uE ~ ~sa~~~ ~ ~~ ~1 ~Q= ~ ~ ~ $ ~ ! ,~. nl ~~ t ~. ~ {i~T '#ES 88 RR 28' :J .- RCt ~ A __ ~~: A Mq'1 ~ S'Y '! yi ~ y '~ 3€ ~ ~ '- a ~- i ~ ~_ ~ ~ ~ Yi Y i i IC e g ~m vo S F S.~ ~~,~~ S_ ~" ~~SS M ~h g~=~ 's 6 Y. .°. IS:Y ~ M ~~~ ~ ~ N~~a~ ! e s ~ re ® W g v ~ e ~ ~~~ i ~ ~~~~~ i r R f a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - s ~3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Date: June 7, 1989 To: Mayor. City Council and City Manager From: Elizabeth Stoddard, Finance Manager Subject: REASSI6R#EIIi OF FISCAL IMPACT REPDRT F8R MDRTB ETIMII~II ARFA It is recoaaaended that City Council reassign the service agreement from David Taussig and Associates to Arthur Young and Company for the preparation of a Fiscal Impact Malysis for the Ibrth Etiwanda Area. 6ACK61101111D/AMLYSIS On April 5, 1989, City Council approved a service agreement with David Taussig and Associates, Inc. for evaluation and update of a Fiscal Impact Report for the Ibrth Etiwanda area. Staff believes that to insure an indepemient study and report, the research should be done by a Large independent firm like Arthur Young and Company. MitA the merger of the Fire Dia Lri~l w lice vi ly ul nun~iw Cu~arwnyu, i.ire uriyiuui sluuy wuuiJ im,e iu ire modified. Therefore, staff recommends that the original service agreement be reassfgned to Arthur Young and Company and that it include the Fire District in its analysts. Respectful~ly~s/uMni tted, /-tia"~- Eliza Stoddard Finance Manager ES/dah i .: •,' ".i+, A Proposal to the City of Rancho Cucamonga May 1989 7b corrdud a fiscal t»~pact analyses ~S APt~lllr YOIN1~ A Ii~1 p AIR11411 N711N0 M/11Mi1dML - AMEMBER OF ARTHUR'rDUNG INTERNATKKJAL Arthur Young May 18,1989 Me. Elizabeth Stoddard Finance Manager City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Dear Ma. Stoddard: . •e 30C 3e^C °a'v Cener ~ r .e '] Sm 2~'0 Jos'.a Mesa Cai rar^ a 32eii ~>eonone li•a~950~9500 Arthur Young is pleaced to respond to your RFP for an independent fiscal impact analysis for the Etiwanda North Annezation. Ae you know, our Inland Empire Office has been very active in the Rancho Cucamonga community and we are very excited about this opportunity to work with the City. To meet your aggressive schedule and to compliment our slrilla, we will utilize the economic and financial consulting firm of Nateleon, Levander and Whitney. Arthur Young will be responsible for the overall quality and content of the work and our conaultante will work with City staff and others to develop data and applicable assumptions. Auer acceptance of the assumptions by the City, we will work with Nateleon to model the results of the developed scenarios over the build- out period for the project. We believe this is an effective way of meeting the City's needs. As a further benefit to the City, the modeling software will be available to your staff for future updates or analyses. In the following pages, we briefly present the scope, approach, staffing, schedule and cost for the project. We have also included resumes and experience sum- maries for our team. IF you need additional information we will gladly comply. Please call me at (714)668-3601 or Bill Courtney at (714) 945-2445 if we can provide further assistance. Again, thank you for this opportunity. Very truly yours, ARTHUR YOUNG Larry eigel Partner TABLE OF CONTENTS Background 1 ~Pe 2 Approach Methodology g Sources of Data 3 Work Stops 4 Reports and Documentation 6 Other Work Outputs g e.~au •ne Schedule and Cost Qualifications a~ Arthur Young 2B Natelson•Levaader•Whitney, Inc. ~{ ~7 w a c1 a O C Z O Background .~ $ Background _. The subject area consists of about 6,800 scree adjacent to the City. The development plan calla for 5,215 single-family ~wel~ ~ is and a population of about 17,000 at build-out. __ oped acreage will also include schools, parks/apen space and utility easements. Commercial land use will account for about 10 scree. Two prim fiscal impact analyses have been prepared. This project will be an independent analysis rather than a critique _ of prior studies. The City has requested completion of our work by the end of June. .~ 9 ,. n O ro rn Scope Scope - The project approach is intended to respond to 5ve questions - raised by the City. 1. What impact will the subject development have on - the City in terms of service levels such as law enforcement, fire protection, etc.? 2. What City etaffin8levela will he needed to provide this service? 3. What will be the impact on local school districts and can they accommodate the demand? - 4. What is the impact on property tares, sales tease and other per capita revenue sources? 5. Overall, will the development have a positive or negative fiscal impact on the City? We will develop the neceesarq data end assumptions (for City acceptance) to support a computerized model analysis of the Heal imP~t ~ specific and overall Citq operations. Our - epeafic workplen follows. 31 2- 3~- Approach a S b 0 n x Approach Methodology We will utilize a professionally accepted revenue-cost method- ologq to analyze the following: • Utilization of 1988 constant dollars (that is, no consideration of future inflationary impact on either revenues or rnets). • Case study analysis, with concentration on direct revenue and rnat items which are directly affected by the new development. • Utilization of appropriate projection factors -per capital, per residential unit, per acre, per lane mile or street, etc. • Assumption that the levels of governmental services to be provided to the area under study will be equal to those currently prevailing in the City. • Assumption that e~deting sources of revenue will prevail. We are Prepared to modify this approach to the extent appropriate to coordinate the e@'ort with the General Plan. For ezample, we can introduce an annual inflation factor if desired, and this inflation factor can be easfly changed so that impacts can be measured under several assumptions concerning inflation rate. Also, we can make assumptions concerning increased service levels for various functions - police, fire, etc. or a change firom contracted to City provided services. 3otu~es otData In the conduct of our analysis, we will utilize information from the following sourcee: Interviews with City officals responsible for providing services, and interviews with school district personnel as appropriate, Review of the City's ~vrrent annual budget 33 -3• _ Determination of present assessed values from the County Assessor sad City property tax shares from the County Auditor-Controller. • Review of tract pricing sad contact with local developers to gain indications of housing values and development levels. -- Key information to be obtained from City staff will include: • Land use definitions. _ • Cost estimates of future infrastructure regidremeate not paid directly by developers. • Current wets of providing services. In addition, we will draw heavily on our team's files and ezperience, gained from the conduct of more than 100 w~t- revenue aaalyaea throughout California Work Steps .. yriajwoc o uiuo-et6y "nuts Niu~aiaw w aAlWtlltlLtl WUrK _ outputs, as follows: 1. Collect data. 2. Define the applicable assumptions. _ 3. Meet with City staff to discuss assumptions and obtain City acceptance of the modeling parameters and bases. 4. Construct fiscal evaluation model. _ 5. Define the proposed land use scenario. 6. Prepare financial results for each scenario, _ utilizing the aforementioned model. 7. Review modeling results with City staff. 3~ 4• 8. Revise analysis assumptions (if necessary) and - preparation of a draft report, fully explaining the -- methodology utilized and principal results thereof. - 9. Attend up W three meetings with the developer. Repoats and Documeattation _ The following documentation will be provided: - An interim memorandum covering initial recearch and analysis, five (5) copies. • A draft report presenting principal findings and conclueiom of the total assignment, five (5) copies. • A final report, ten (1) copies plus one camera- ready original. Other Work Outputs EvahotlmdConent(~y Badgst _ We will carefully review the City's current budget and prepare an allocation of revenue and expenditure items by major land use in the Citq. Specific land uses will include principal residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. The results of this analysis will be a determination - at current budget levels - of the relative contributions to City finances of each of the major land use sectors. This analysis will draw heavily upon judgments of City staff personnel, particularly as related to allocation of cost factors. Fiscal Model-City F~nctlons _ We will prepare a customized computer evaluation model covering projected City finances fora 22-year planning period, - through year 2011. This model will utilize Lotus Symphony software. It will be made available to City staff for use subsequent to our work. Key elements of the model will include the following: • Ammual projections through the 22•year planning period, with appropriate summaries. 35 -s- • Incerporation of both e~dating development and projected growth under alternate scenarios. • Clear delineation of base value factors (housing values, population per unit, building space values, tazable sales per capita and per square foot, etcJ. • Coverage of both ongoing operations and capital facilities requirements and fees. ' The model will incorporate projections of capital facilities requirements ge~rated by prospective new development. ' Police protection • Fire protection - Public works - • Water/eewer utilities • Administration. Pro¢ram and fiacsl factor easumotinna will ha clearly identified. The first page of the model printout will be an ' ezecutive summary of cash flows. 3~0 8- a -n -n .» z n Staffing 37 Staffing The project will be managed by Darrel Cohoon, a principal in our Coates Mesa office. Darrel has substantial experience in fiscal studies including current projects for SANBAG (alternative financing for Route 30) and the Ciiy of Lompoc (AB 1600 analgais). Darrel will be assisted by David DeRoos, David Elbaum and Curtis Taxi of our public sector cenaulting group. Natelson•Levander•Whit~y, Inc. (NLW) will be represented by Jaq Nateleon, a principal of that firm. To provide the City with the service of a locally based resource, the Partner-in-Charge will be Bill Courtney, Office Managing Partner of our Inland Empire office. Bill will provide quality aeauraace, review for adherence to AICPA guidelines regarding forecasts and projections and an in-depth under- standing of the local community. Larry Seigel, Partner-in- Charge of our Southwest Public Sector Consulting Group, will work with Bill and the team to assure successful accempliah- ment of the project. Resumes and experience summaries following this page. 3~ ~. Larry M. Seigel Arthur Young Mr. Seigel ie a Partner in Arthur Young. He has 19 years of - consulting ezperience with specific emphasis on governmental operations. He directs Arthur Young's government con• salting services in Southern California. He is the continuing - liaison person responsible for our working relationship with local governments. Mr. Seigel holds a bachelor of arts degree in economics from the University of California at Los Angeles and a master of business administration degree from UCLA's Graduate School - - of Management. He is a Certified Public Accountant in the _ Stato of California and is a member of the California Society of Certified Public Acoountente. He is ©vically active and is presently on the Board of Orangewood and the Foundation for St. Joseph's Hospital. • Project manager of major reviews of the Loa Angeles County Departments of Public Social - Services aad Children's Services. • Project manager of a management audit of the Loe Angeles County Counsel's office. • Manager of numerous engagement audits of county operations 88 contract auditor to four counties' grand juries. • Manager or director of numerous engagements involving analysis of financial and operational performance. • Project Director of the Public Works Department and Caah Management Studies cronducted for the City of Buena Park. • Project Director of a project for Orange County's Mental Health Services to develop workload ~~~n- -- darde. • Project Director of study to design and automate a - cost accounting system for the Orange County 3R •8- Transit District ae part of a cost identification end reduction program. • Manager of over ten management audits and systems studies of county departments in Southern California. • Project Director of three studies directed to esti- mating facility size and service requirements based on the demographics of the client bases. These projects included sizing of government hospitals and strategic locations for military commissaries. • Manager of over 25 management audits per- formed for county grand juries. • Manager of various engagements involving Orange Connty agemiee including Social Ser• vitae, Probation and Health Care. • Project Director of a study of the City of Hunting- ton Beach's financial management praMices. The scone of the nroiect included identifvina the cost of services delivered and comparing those coats to the fees charged (e.g., water service turn on charges, concrete repairs, etc.). • Managed three A-76 reviews involving the feasibility and relative costa of military services contracting for, rather than providing, services. • Project Manger of a review of the City of Orange's financial management and business licensing procedures. Much of this work involved analgsie of cost of services and comparison of the rnste to Ease charged. • Project Manager of over ten studies of county delivery of services (Public Works, Adoptions, Date Processing Fire, etc.). This work was con- ducted ae management audits for county grand juries. • Lead consultant for the productivity review at four deps)rtmeats at a major hospital. 1T-%/1 -9- Mr. Seigel has ezteasive experience in local government operations, particularlq in the erase of delivery of services and Snancial management. Fie has directed or managed more than 2b ex~gagementa involving the evaluation of the cost and e>'~ciency of services provided by cities, counties or special dis- tricts to residents or to other government units. In addition to hie projecbrelated experience, Mr. Seigel is a frequent speaker to government manager groups on the subject of contracting/ privatization of services. ~` 10 DarrP1L (Gohoasi Arthur Yonng Mr. Cohoon, a Principal in Arthur Young's Southern California Management Consulting Practice, works with local government agencies in operation and finance. Mr. Cohoon's recent Cnulting ezperience includes the following: Ezpert witness in the case of NewporPMesa Unified School District vs. Building Industry Association. Mr. Cohoon testified on behalf of the Building Industry Association (BIA) regarding the District's levying of AB 2928 school can- etruction Ease on developers. Mr. Cohoori s testimony concerned the District's apparent need for facilities. the lack oP a news between planned facilities and future development end the lack of an appropriate method for allocating costs among types of development. The Court ruled in favor of the BIA, disallowing the District's fees. Directed a long-range financial plan for Meea Consolidated Water District, the Agency serving Costa Meea, California. Mr. Cohoon directed a team of apecialiste in developing an approach to meeting the operating and capital needs of the DiatriM over a 15 gear period. The resulting plan recommended tong-range financing of major capital facilities with two issues of certificates of participation. It also recommended implemen- tation of developer fees to offset capital costs associated with community development. In addition, the plan projected basis and consump• lion water rates over the ten-year period. DireMed a study of connection (developer) fee calculation methodology for the County Sanitation Districts of Orange County. Based on a review of the Districts' capital inventory sad aesda, Mr. Cohoon recommended a margiml coat approach and outlined a methodology for calculating fees. ~~ 11 - Consultant on the development of the Revenue Program for the County Sanitation Districts of Orange County. Mr. Cohoon prepared the Districts' Revenue Program, which outlines a user charge system, discusses capital financing sources and applications and describes the districts' accounting systems. The Revenue Program, required ae a condition to Clean Water Grants, was approved by the State Water Resources Control Board. Manager of engagements involving the development of coat allocation plans for the Cities of La Habra and Seats Barbara, California. For La Habra, Mr. Cohaon developed a cemolidated plan in axordance with Office of Management and Budget guidelines applicable to indirect rnat recovery from federal grants. The plan for Santa Barbera was apecificallp designed to recover the indirect coats of sty-wide and departmental administrative and support functions from special funds. Alternative enslvsis and nreliminnrv finsnrinv plan for oonetruction of Stets Route 30 from y Eastern Los Angeles County to the City of San Bernardino. Mr. Cohoon directed Arthur Young's portion of the overall freeway plan as subceatractor to a major transportation con- sulting firm. The fmancing plan involves identi- fying alternative financing methods, including developer fees, and working with a committee of local transportation leaden to select a combina- tion of methods for funding the route. Director of a review of financial centmis for the City of Palmdale. The project involved four major areas: The adequacy of accounting system controls. Need for afull-time finance director. - Developing a City investment policy. 4~ t2 - _ - Evaluating a proposed City-wide computer system selected by an in-house committee. _ Under Mr. Cohwn's direction a team of special- iete reviewed these areas and recommended improvements or wholly new approaches as _ appropriate. Lead wnaultsnt on a diagnostic review of the design and use of a fiscal impact model used by the City of Irvine, California. The mode! projected the effect on City revenues and ezpenditures of alternative land use plane prepared by the Irvine Company, the major landowner/developer in the community. Utilizing numerous assumptions about wets of services, levels of services and the relationship of land use to the generation of revenues and need for services, the model pro- jected City 6nanciel data over a 26year period. Conducted a review of the proposed budget of the City of Irvine for fiscal year 1987$8. The project was wnducted for a major private firm with Pr~Pr111100 IOfl1~ I1f1III~pM still tin~noe~ n~vnewhin in the City. Mr. Cohoon reviewed revenue and r expenditure projections and prepared a summary of findings for the Company sad to the City. Directed a facilities master plan project for the Saddleback Valley Unified 9chw1 District (3VUSD). The project: Projected enrollment by grade and atten- dance area for the 20,000 student district. identified needed capital facilities. Estimated project wets for the facilities. Recommended financing approach for the District. Manager of an operational review of tha Smnaal management fimetion of the City of Redondo Beach, Calitbraia. The review focused oa the dietribµtion of Hnancial functions among various ~r(G~ 73 - _ City departments, organization and sta0ing within those departments, and procedures appli- cable to various acceunting, budgeting, cash management and related functions. Manager of a project to develop and automate a coat allocation methodology for the Riverside County FSre Department. The purpose of the Project was to determine appropriate coats to be charged to wntract cities for fire prevention and suppression services and to provide a system for annually updating the costa with a minimum level of effort by Department employees. Consultant on a studq of the feasibility of expand- ing the police facility for the Citq of C+range at the existing suit caster site. The Citq had considered building a new facility off-site and wished to evaluate how an expanded elation could fit into the complex. Working with an architecture and planning firm, Mr. Cohoon helped determine apace needs and adjacenaea and in developing alternative approaches. Managed an analysis of the debt service capa- bilities of the Irvine Ranch Water District, a large water and wastewater district serving more than 70,000 scree in Orange County. The purpose of the review was to analyze the impart on the District of continued low rates of land development, Such development has historically accounted for a large portion of the revenues used by the District in making debt service payments. The report pro• jetted the debt service capabilities of the District over five years under varying financial conditions. It then recemmended the use of standby charges on vacant land ea a means of raising additional revenue without increasing property tax rates. Managed a finanaal policy review for the Irvine Ranch Water District. A major element of the review was the appropriate allocation of capital 6nanang costs among various categorise of District customers and landowners, ~~ 14- _ Lead consultant on a long-range financial plan for the Pima County (Tucson). Arizona Wastewater Management Department. Among other tasks, Mr. Cohaon developed and evaluated alternative billing structurna (flat charge, flat rate, variable - rate and various combinations thereofl for the depaztmeak He also evaluated various billing methodologies, including continued use of a municipal water billing system, acquisition of in- house billing capabilities and use of a service bureau. Managed a projeM to implement wastewater user charge systems for eleven Phoeniz area munici- palities. Under contract to the Maricopa Assoaa- tion of Governments, the project team assisted the sties is implementing accounting systems, developing user charge rates. writing ordinances and completing other requirements established by the U.9. Emironmentsl Protection Agency and the Arizona Department of Health Services as oanditions of a regional Federal Clean Water Grant. mr. t)ohoon lfae a masters degree in public administration from California State University, Fullerton, and a B.A. from the University of Kansas. He is a member and past chairman of the Huntington Beach Trepeportetion Commission and a member of the Government Finance Officers Association. rW 16- nBViaEmaitmr Arthur Young _ Mr. Elbaum is a senior manager. He has worked for 15 years in county administration, moat recently for three and one-half - years ae County Administrative O6cer for Santa Barbara Couaty. Prior to that he had been the Assistant CAO in Santa - Barbara for four years and had worked for eight years in a wide variety of analytical jobs in the Alameda County CAO's office. Mr.Elbaum has a BA. in Criminology lirom U.C. Berkeley aad and MPA lirom California State University. Hayward. Mr. Elbaum's ezperience includes: • Project director for a study of County internal support departments in Santa Barbera County, This led to the creation of a General Services Department which has greatly improved reapon• siveneaa and cost effectiveness. • Creation of a new Air Pollution Coatrol Depart- ment in Santa Barbara County, This addressed -- GOnCerne Of iI1Pt1•trtonr~n• e~.i .. "...~ryiruaiiciidn> when the function had been included in a larger department. Reviewed recommendations for numerous organizational changes, including consolidation of the Agriculture Commission and the Scales of Weights and Meaaures, a pending consolidation of the Treasurer and Taz Collector and a proposal rejected by the State Legislature to consolidate the Sheriff and three Marshals ot6ces. While Director of Eme my Services for Santa Barbara County, Mr. El~aum developed a Joint Powers Agency to consolidate the siz tatiea and the County into one coordinated emerging services organization which he directed end chaired. ~7 18- • Managed the County s Iabor relations program in concert with the Personnel Director. Mr. Elbaum reviewed numerous employee benefit issues such as retirement, health insurance, and employee leave programs. • Regularly prepared financial analyses, forecasts, and budgets for Alameda and Santa Barbara Counties. • Prepared the County's long-range capital improvement program and attendant long-term financing program. This included several debt issuances. • Managed the Alameda Covnty legislative pro- gram for two years. • Designed and campaigned for Proposition 4 over- ride elections in Santa Barbara County. • Completely revised the budgeting system in Santa Barbara County, including a recent project to 8utomate the budget nrenaratinn. • Participated in four city incorporation feasibility studies, one of which he drafted and functioned as "proponent" on behalf of the Board of Supervisors. • Chaired three Redevelopment Agency Fiscal Review Boards. Also prepared a lengthy analysis of the impact of redevelopment activity on Santa Barbara County. Mr. Elbaum is an acknowledged State-wide authority on Proposition 4, and he has spoken W several major rnnferences an this topic. He was active in the County Administrators Association, and he was recegrrized in 1988 by the County Supervisors Association for his contributions to their efforts. Mr. Elbaum has taught management classes for Santa Barbara City College and Golden Date University and ha has been active in his community ae a Board member for the American Heart Association and ae President of his home- owners association. ~g ,~ . DavidDeItooe Arthur Young Mr. DeRoos is a Senior Manager in the Government Services Group of Arthur Youug's Los Angeles Office. He earned his __ undergraduate degree in Political Science/Public Service (Phi Beta Kappa) firom the University of California and holds a Master of Public Administration degree firom the University of Soothers California. Mr. DeR.ooa has over five years of operational experience in local government in both line and staff positions, and over five years of consulting experience. Hia local government experience included nearly three years directing a planing function and serving as the staff designte to a Planing Commission. Mr. DeRoos' current experience includes the following: Project manager for acity-wide management audit of the City of Fontan. This city has an anual budget of $30 million and nearly 400 emplogeea. The study included a detailed review of the City's development agenry which is --, -~ a . _,._ . wiuyi •qcY W wC yanauuiyS, 1CYCVC1VklWCL 4, building and safetq and community development departments. Project mnagement activities for developer-initiated and city-initiated projects were closely evaluated in this study, including the appropriate tole of project mangers in the contest of the overall municipal administrative structure. Managed a management audit of the City of Pasadena Housing and Community Development Agency (HCDA). The study involved a compre- hensive review of the Agency including service delivery capabilities, resource allocation! management, use of automated suppon, organi- sational structure, and related areas. The project also included a focueed review of the City's development review procedures and systems including automated project management sys- tems to monitor mliltidepartmentsd processing and review of projects. 18- Project manager of a management audit of the Kern County Department of Planning and Devel- opment Services (PADS), an agency with a staff of nearly 120 employees and a budget in eacess of $5 million. Our review included case processing systems, staffing, work load allocation, use of office/data Processing technology, records man- agement, personnel practices, organization atruMure and the field operations of ten district offices performing plan check, zoning enforce- ment and building inspection functions. Study emphasis was placed on the project management techniques, systems and automated support used to monitor, track and manage projecta/casea (including "one-atop processing") within the Department as well as external entities involved in project review and appmval. Project Manager for three separate but concurrent management audits of the Salt Lake City Cor- poration's Development Services Department, Redevelopment Agency and Housing Authority. The analysis included an evaluation of the City's one-stop development rnviaw BtnMinn 0.._.1 •t,e aseodated project management system. We evaluated the: (1) mission and objectives of each department, (2) organizational structure, alloca• lion of staff and other resources; (3) personnel management and training; (4) information man- agement and office automation; (5) facilities and equipment; and (6) fiscal management. The three departments have a combined budget of $23 million and 125 employees. Recently performed a management audit of the Planning Department for the City of Bellevue, Washington. The study included how the Plan- ning Department is organized and haw resources, including automated technologies, are utilized to obtain optimal performance within euating bud- get constraints. _ • Project manager for our current management audit for the City of Orange, which includes an emphasis on development review and approval processes. c, O • 19 • Developed an Architectural Review process for a Redevelopment agency to enable agency oversight of building facade modifications or construction to assure that proposed architectural themes were compatible with surrounding buildings. • Revised and updated a city's General Flan Hous- ing Element that met the state mandated criteria while maintaining locally acceptable and achiev- able policies. Within the scope of a comprehensive management audit, managed a major task to analyze the 10,000- employee Los Angeles County Department of Social Services administrative s}retems and practices. This task included an assessment of how current office system technology could reduce coat and improve productivity for both clerical and professional staff. Managed a project for the City of Pasadena to develop an advanced office systems plan. The project involved developing a profile of eaiating office praMices and procedures, identifying areas whore automated office systems could yield the greatest potential benefits, specifying the leading technological applications, and formulating speafic action steps and general policy guidelines to direct the City's efforts to enhance its use of advanced office systems. Managed a review of service delivery alternatives for plan check and building-related functions for the City of Agoura Hills. We evaluated the cur- rent services provided under contract by the County of Los Angeles, identified needs for further definition of desired service level, and reviewed other options for providing these functions includ- ing in•house and private sector delivery configurations. Developed several Target Aroaa for a muniapal Redevelopment Agency to formulate a short and long-term strategy for the historic preservation, S( -20• infrastructure development, demolition, relo- cation, and economic development of project areas including time elements for critical milestones, public and private financing requirements, and taz increment impacts. Managed abuilding-related fee analysis for the City of Agoura Hills and retrommended fees based on the true costa of service delivery as defined under the Proposition 4 guidelines. Performed m analysis of the Superior Court Own Recognizance Division concerning eristing office procedures and opportunities to develop an auto- mated system to support application processing statistical compilation, investigative processes, and managemenC information reporting. The study included a comparison of the coaW involved in maintaining the present systems and the coat reduction impacts of an automated system. The project was conducted as a User Survey for the Los Angeles County Data Processing Department. In a subsequent Project Definition follow-on study, performed a coat benefit analysis of the opera- tionai cost reductions and producavtty improve- ments associated with the automated system as well as the costs required to maintain and support the contemplated hardware and software. Managed an engagement for the City of Agoura Hills to provide technical assistance in the development and procurement of automated office and data processing systems. The project involved assessing the City's existing manual systems, identifying critical information requirements, determining the priority of potential applications, developing a Request for Proposal to procure the necessary softwarelhardwaro, establishing proposal evaluation criteria, and selecting a vendor. As a relatively new municipality, this study was the City's first effort to automate its fiilly manual systems. Mr. DeRoos is a member of several professional and civic associations. He has taught graduate classes in Public Administration, Administrative Theory and Labor Relations for Golden Gate U~~ty. Mr. DeRoos ie a member of the . 21 . Board of Directors and 'h~easuror for USC's SCAPA Praetors. He also serves on the Board of Directors for the Callaway Investment Group and the San Gabriel Valley chapter of Young Life International. Mr. DeI{oos holds a certificate in Public Sector Labor Management Relations from U.C. Davis. 53 zz . Curtis T. Tani Arthur Young Mr. Tani is a Consultant in the Public Sector Consulting Group of Arthur Young & Company's Orange County Office. _ He holds a Masters degree in Business and Public Adminis- tration from the University of California, Irvine, and a B.A. in - Public Administration from San Diego State University, where _ he graduated summa cum laude. - His recent experience includes: • Prepared an automated spreadsheet model for calculating and updating developer fees for the County Sanitation Districts of Orange County. - Conducted an analysis for the San Bernardino Assoaated Governments (SANBAG) of financing - methods fora $600 million freeway construction project. The study included developing an approach to calculating developer fees for the portion of the facility attributable to new development. • Prepared along-range financial plan for the Mesa Consolidated Water District. Curtis developed the automated cash flow model which was used to project revenues and expenditures for each year through fiscal year 1997-98. He also participated in preparation of eo approach to establishing developer fees for major capital facilities. • Recently participated in a review of the City of Irvine's proposed 1987-88 budget for a major firm located in the City. Mr. Tani developed data comparing the City of Irvine's expenditures per capita, employees per capita and percent of rov- enuea derived from business sources to several other Orange County cities. Developed a computerized model to project student enrollment (K-12) to year 2002 for the Saddleback Valley Unified School District. Results of the pro- jections will be used to recommend capital financ- ing al~ gtives for additional faalitiee. -tT/ • 23 - Conducted a cost allocation study for the Riverside County Fire Department. Results of the study included an automated model for coat allocation to contract cities. Conducted a Secal impact study for the Fontana Redevelopment Agency. Results of the study included an automated cash flow assessing the finanaal impact of a redevelopment project on the Agency and the City of Fontana. Evaluated funding sources for three planned transportation corridors for the Transportation Corridor Agenlaee (TCA) of Orange County. Mr. Tam identified and reviewed potential sources of funding and developed an analysis which showed that su[fiaent state and federal funding was not available to complete the projects. The study allowed the TCAs to demonstrate the need for tolls under the provisions of SB 1413, legislation that required a finding of funding inadequacy before tolls could ba considered. Pen/irinofmi in on nvelnofinn of koneif nnlirv .n Southern California for SCAG. The study involved interviewing 50 top transit policy makers in Southern California and presenting the results in a white paper. Partiapated in a management review of the Southern California Rapid Transit District (SCRTD). The study focuses on reviewing the accounts payable and contract administration functions of the District. Mr. Taro is a member of a number of profeasionai associations and has received numerous academic awards and honors. Whila obtaining hie graduate degree, Mr. Tani worked as a management intern at two Southern California cities. 5S 24 . Jay W. Natelson Natelvon•Levander•Whitney, Inc. Mr. Natelson founded the firm in 1974 after eleven years experience with the real estate consulting division of Booz, _ Allen and Hamilton. His 25 years of experience in economic rnnaulting and development activities have concentrated on implementation programs, organizational structures and financial planning for development projects of corporate, private and public clientele throughout the United States and Latin America. His professional experience includes _, commeraalrndustrial development, tourism and recreational facilities, energy-oriented projects, transportation economics, new community development, fiscal impact evaluations, end _ , numerous studies for the Department of the Interior, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Postal Service. ,- He has been particularly active in economic development studies for communities in California and Arizona during the past two years, including comprehensive economic devel- ._ opment strategies and specific urban revitalization program- ming. Rational, controlled growth programs within practical - F......1 ........~....:..~......~....~..........J :~ •L........~..1-... n.. ..:4L. aL.. .~ v.u..uJJ u, •.uu _, goal being the establishment of a balanced local economy that would support community socioeconomic needs while main- taining fiscal stability. Economic development studies _, addressed the issue of balanang accelerated residential growth with suitable commercial and industrial development in order to broaden the tax base suffiaently to support the - public service needs of the community within a reasonable tax structure. Related studies also addressed the question of shifting activity centers in the community, involving locational _, criteria for new commercial and industrial uses and reuse/ revitalization questions for existing or older downtown areas, often as part of Economic Development Elements to a General Plan. Mr. Natelaon serves as lease evaluation and negotiation contractor for the U.S. Postal Service, Western Region, in which capacity he negotiates end prepares a variety of lease agreements on an ongoing basis for Postal Service properties in California and Arizona. He has served ae an expert witness before California regulatory agencies and the U.S. Tax Court, and currently is an expert witness for the Arizona Attorney 560 25 - General's Office and the Arizona Department of Transporta- tion on property condemnation matters. In this role, he has appeared is court on many occasions and has provided _ numerous depositions. - Mr. Nateleon received his bachelor's degree cum laude from _ Princeton University and a master's degree in Business Administration from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business. Hia masters program emphasized marketing _ and Snance, and included extensive study in the areas of statistical and Snancial analysis utilizing applied computer techniques. He served three years as a U.S. Navy Air Intelli- gence Officer in the air arm of the Sixth Fleet prior W com- pletiag hie master a degree. 57 26 - s n ,. ~. ;~ .. =n z _v O 'n Schedule and Cost 5~ Schedule and Cost _ We are preparnd to begin immediately on this project. If we start by May 22, we are optimistic about meeting your June 28 timeline. Any delay in starting could affect the delivery date. - Our proposed fee for performing the project is $31,500. Out-of- pocket coats such as travel, report production, etc. will be approavmetely $2,500. Phis total cost of $34,000 includes Arthur Young and NLW consultant costa. -59 27 . Qualifications -~ Coo 0 z ~n Qualifications Arthur Young & Company is the proposed prime contractor for this study. We are pleased to include the firm of Natelson• Levander•Whitney, Inc. (NLW) as a subcontractor. Arthur Young and NLW, acting as a team, provide a full range of knowledge and services related to finanaal impact studies, Arthur Young in the areas of municipal operation, planning, financing and accounting and NLW in economic and market analysis. In the following pages we present descriptions of our two firma, summarizing our qualifications to assist the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Arthtu~Yotmg Arthur Young provides accounting, tax and management consulting services to governmental, institutional end commercial clients. Founded in 1894, we are one of the eight largest certified public accounting firma in Ute world, with 90 offices and 8,800 professional personnel in the United States and over 284 offices and 19,000 personnel in other parts of the Cree world. Management consulting services arc provided by full-time professional consultants residing in each major office. We currently have over 1,200 consulting professionals in our U.S. practice offices and approximately 900 overseas. These con- sultants possess a variety of managerial, professional and technical skills enabling them to meet most client needs within their respective geographic areas. If a unique client situation develops, however, consultants with specialized skills or experience may be drawn from any office of the firm. To meet the growing and increasingly complex needs cf government, Arthur Young has developed a specialization in governmental consulting. The degree of this specialization is indicated by the fact that today almost half of our consuiting work is in the public sector. In our Southern California practice, approximately 15 profe~- sionals devote virtually bill time to serving state and local governments. These consultants hold advanced degrees in public administration and most have worked for local munici- palities as Assistant City Mangers, Productivity directors and in related capacities. / I (~ • 2e - Aa a result, our public sector consultants have in-depth knowledge of municipal programs and operations. Functional areas in which we are ezperienced include: Accounting and Finance Budgeting Clerical and Office Services Communications Community Development Developer Fee Programs EDP Systems and Operations Education Elections Emergency Medical Services Facility Maintenance Fire Services Flood Control Inspection Services and Enforcement '- ^ ~oN uiiiui uaweue Legal Services Libraries Parks and Recreation Personnel Planning Public Works Purchasing Retirement Syatema Special Districts Taa Collection Traffic Engineering Transportation Water and Sewer ~~ 29 - I r The foliowing brief descriptions summarize a few of the many ' projects and studies we have done that are related to the proposed work for Rancho Cucamonga, • CltyotF~taoa-Flnanciallmpact9tudy We conducted a study for the City s Redevelop• went Agency to determine the financial impact of a large redevelopment project (Southridge) on the Agency and the City. We estimated the extent to which City tares and other revenues met the cost of providing services to the redevelopment project. • Private Develops'-FinandallmlmctAnalysiy Arthur Young was retained by a developer to analyze the economic and financial impact of a - planned new community (the Manzanita Project in Solano County). Analyses of the proposed 1,000 - acre new town development for 5,000 people - included: - - A description of project costa. - A project financial plan. - - A delineation of a market for the project. - - An appraisal of how project econaaucs interact with County general plan consid- erations. - An estimate of coats and revenues that result to the County from the project. • County of Ventura -Water Dlatrict TYanster Aoelyeia Arthur Young calculated the financial Feasibility and coat e@-seta of transferring en e~dsting water - district from the County to the newly formed City of Moorpark. Our scope included a review of the rate structure ae well ae as evaluation of the development impact fees charged currently by the water district. A epedal consideration in the _ (0 3 -30- analysis was the effect of removing this one district from among several that eristed when the development impact fees were established origi- pally. - BanB~'nat~inoMaodatedGovernmenfa-Route 30 FlnendnQ Plan We are currently Preparing a financng plan for a $500 million freeway eztendiag from San Mmas to San Bernardino. The plan identifies various revenues, including state and federal funds, developer fees and tolls. We are preparing a methodology for calculating developer fees based on the number of trips generated by existing and planned development City otFlemont -Capital Improvement Program We developed a Capital Improvement Program for the City of Fremont. The scope of the engagement included the development of a planing process, policies and an automated database. Additionally, we analyzed revenue and debt financino altnr- nativea. Development impact fees were analyzed and related polices were developed for the City. Irvine Ranch Water District (IItWD) - Fimncial Policy Review We reviewed DZWD's overall financial polices, focusing especially on the District's approach to allocating capital costs among customers and landowners. IRWD's polices basically assess landowners for the coats of capital expansion and upgrade through development Ease, stand-by charges and property faces. The purpose of the study was to determine the appropriateneae of this approach by reviewing the sources and applica- tion of capital•related funds across IRWD's 1¢ improvement districts, We were able to establish the basis for the current policy end also rernm- mended that property tae revenues from celected improvement districts be used District-wide for capital improvements, W I 31 • M C esa onsolidated Watg Dietricy Costa Mesa, California - Long•Itange Financial Plan A th Y d l r ur oung eve oped aten-year financial plan for the Mesa Consolidated Water District. This engagement included the identification and _ method for establishing developer fees, user charges, and other revenue sources needed to meet the District's needs. • 9olano Connty -Capital Facilities Financing Plan _ Arthur Young developed a capital facilities financing plan. The goal of this project was to identify and structure financing sources for appro~dmately $80 million of new County facili- ties. The study included the following leeks: - Review and preparation of project year-by- year costa for each capital outlay project. - Development of projected cash inflows from County sources which could be used to fund the buildin¢ nroiecte. - Analysis of a wide range of municipal financing inatrumenl:s. - Preparation of specific financing instru- - manta for each building project, including _ issue size, financing coats and project drawdown schedules. • CitiesotI.ompocandValleJo-AB 1800 Compliance We are currently assisting both cities in evaluating their e~risting developer fees and establishing additional ones. • City d9enta Rasa- Devebpment Fee Calculation _ Our engagement for the City included the calculation of development impact fees for the City/'s waiter and wastewater utilities. lD-J •32• r • Comty Sanitation Distzicia of Uranga County- Developer Fee Studies Arthur Young rnnducted two studies for CSDOC, the first to determine a base for developer fees related to needed capacity in the Districts' treat- ment plant and trunk lines and the second to develop an automated model for updating'the fees based on changes in capital improvement plans. - B~ Industry Association of Southern - California BLU -I.itlgation Support - Arthur Young was retained by the BIA to serve as expert witness in Newport Mesa Unified School District va. Building Industry Association of - Southern California. The District had imposed - the marimum allowable developer fees under AB 2826. The BIA challenged the fees on several bases including lack of nezua between needed facilities and planned development. Arthur Young testified on behalf of the BIA, indicating that the District had not established the nexus and -- bad not allocated the costa of facilities either oeiween eusiiog and pianned deveiopmenc or among types of future development. The Court - found in favor of the BIA and disallowed the fees. - Natelson•I.evander•Whitaey, Inc. Natelson•Levander•Whitney, Inc. (NLW) is a real estate economic and finanaal consulting firm which provides professional consulting services to both public and private clients in the following basic areas: • Market feasibility studies. • Financial feasibility and income projection anal- y819. • Development strategy and disposition analysis. _ Fiscal impact assessment. W~ 33 1 i~ The three founders of the Srm -Jay W. Natelson, Dale H. - Levander, and William H. Whitney - offer a blend of talents - and over 50 years of real estate consulting experience in the Southern California area. The firm is dedicated to the - principle of direct involvement of the senior staff in all phases - of the work effort, utilizing the efficiencies inherent in modem technology to provide timely, accurate consulting assistance to - the firma clients. Reflecting this capability, the firm operates - ten high speed computers for financial analysis and database evaluation. - NLW maintains a highly qualified staff of senior professionals _ to assist the principals in the conduct of each assignment. The Company also regularly participates on multidisciplinary - consulting teams, both ae a prime and a subcontractor. - Sophisticated analytical techniques are balanced with - seasoned judgment ae NLW strives to produce analyses of the highest technical quality without advocating its own or anyone - else's opinions. Lnaginative problem identification and study - plan formulation are applied to each assignment. The final products are etmctured to help the client make realistic - decisions and achieve practical reaultein the shortest possible - time. These results are communicated through a variety of media tailored specifically to the intended audience. - The firm currently has 22 Sill-time personnel, three offices located in Los Angeles, Phcenia and Honolulu, and a field office in Fairfield, Connecticut. Its headquarters facility is - located in Los Angeles. The following brief descriptions summarize some of the fiscal - impact studies that are related to the proposed work for Rancho Cucamonga. - City of Ben Bavardim General Plan Update Nateleon•Levander•Whitney, Inc. is now in the - process of providing economic expertise for the City of San Bernardino General Plan Update. Tasks completed to date include: - Documentation of existing economic condi- tione including the retail, office, industrial, - residential, and hotel/motel markets. ~~ 34 Projection of growth within these markets through the year 2010 in terms of building square footage. Projection of acreage absorption through the year 2010. A fiscal impact analysis of three land use alternatives taking into account the various Redevelopment Project areas established in the City. Tasks to be completed include policy formulation and program recommendations for economic development within the contert of the preferred alternative. Ontario, California -Industrial and Market This research involved a market and economic evaluation and long-range financial management systems analysis for Lhe City of Ontario as part of a proje~:i, imam wartjed wiih an update of the City's General Plan. The ernnomic and fiscal research emphasizes the major impacts anticpated from industrial development as a result of Ontario International Airport expansion and major development of the Ontario Speedway property together with adjacent lands. Building Permit Allocation Impact Analysis -Los Angeles, California NLW ie now analyzing the impact of alternative building permit allocation policies for the City of Loe Angeles. These policies have been developed in response to current and anticipated shortfalls in the capacity of the Hyperion Plant, the main sewer treatment plant for the City. The City is seeking a system that allows for orderly and controlled growth, while providing incentives for development in areas with particular attributes as designated by the policies. PiLW's tasks include deve/lopQment of a computer model that measures CPU 35 for each of the 35 Community Plan areas, the economic likelihood that the impact of the policies, as simulated, will actually model to measure the fiscal impart on the City of each alternative. Our work involves detailed amlyses of economic conditions for five major economic activities in _ each of the CPA's detailed analysis of the City budget, interviews with City department directors, interviews with real estate brokers and planners, and creation of two computerized models for the economic and fiscal models. l G lPl F i E l ti • 3 o vang enaa an .oonom c va ua on 1vI.W is nu~rently working as a member of a _ consultant team preparing the City s first Generai Plan (as the City was incorporated in 1985). To date we have completed two elements of the _ assignment: - Preparation of a computerized econometric model customized for Solvang, which is ueed to estimate employment, housing and with employment growth assumptions and estimating required housing and supported population, and 2) starting with population _ growth assumptions and estimating hous- ing and employment. Preparation of a computerized fiscal impact model customized to 3olvang's budget structure, which provides a basis for quickly estimating City revenues and costa arising from a wide variety of individual types of new development (residential, retail, office, etc.). The balance of our assignment will consist of working with other consultant team members in identifying and evaluating general plan alterna- fives. ~1 ~9 •36- a~~ ~~~ -Sa~oeoommicAmlysiis As a basis for alleviating anticipated fiscal problems and developing a more ernnomically balanced community, the City of Simi Valley, with the assistance of an Economic Development Administration Grant, rnmmiasioned an analysis of the City's current and future development potentials in terms of both regional ernnomic development patterns and local market condi- tions. The potential fiscal impact on the City of ezpanded commercial and industrial development was also addressed. The final phase of work involves creation of a specific Action Plan for the City to aggressively pursue the potentials identified. Santa Pant, Callbrda-ltelatton ofEoonomic Gimvth b Monidpd Service Coat The consultant analyzed Santa Paula spear-term growth potential in order to assess the probable impact of its new development ca municpal service costs over the nest five to ten years. After projection to probable nearterm development fiends, a cost/revenue analysis by land use, and an analysis of the implication of these trends on local municipal service costa, the consultant identified epeafic near-term and long-term opportunities available to upgrade the City's future te= base to better cope with anticipated future demands. 70 37 - - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT oa te: June 7, 1989 To: Mayor, City Council and City Manager From: Elizabeth Stoddard, Finance Mana aer Subject: FDURTN DUARTER BUOGETART ADJUSTMENTS RECOMMENDATIDII- Staff recommends approval of the fourth quarter budgetary adjustments to estimated revenue and appropriations. BACR6ROUND- As the fiscal year progresses, estimated revenues and appro priattons have been analyzed through the end of the third quarter. At this time, further budgetary adjustments are requested to further refine the estimated projections by staff Then the 1988-89 budget pas under consideration. Further, included in this adjustment is the addition of approximately E2.0 million dollars for the acquistion of the site of the future Sports Park fnrilily Thiv aAdif innal nnlaH nn i. hninn q,eA nA h.. D..4 Ononl........• a nn nn __...~ ._..___ ..~ .... .. .._._.. r...,... fees. ~ ,, r ~_.._., ._ Respectfully submitted, ~~ ~ Eliza a Stoddard Finance Manager ES/d ah :nW~? °~~-= _e o eee°oo~ ,a, - _ o eves ~sW ?~~ r ...... N _ e^ _ ~~i ~ _""-'3:°F _ «F~~__ ~F' a __ _.'^. 8,~~, a-°~- _ =`am ~ ~ ~, Y a - _ ~ ~ _ C ,' =d: _ .. ~.~~ ~ s Y ~ ~, _ : a ~ _Y~5' ky kCi .~ o ~~ ~ -~ `kC_f iiik . ^ ~~IEE~C V ~ ' ~~C ~.$. 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Iq. t« Yywrwf d AVMafa baara G 9d p a IPOI •aafaw ~~ ~. ~m ]wra, u. ssl~ ~ al sAU ccuwc +eaoxo .w.a ~aaati.~ ifa aa/rdladhµ D i IASIN(: PLACd C ]al] faFP w w Rsl9w IweBa/. fdYw Oala Ir/ ]. MAAIf13) a A1111fM11y ~ raaP. Paul GlfpiA'S PCgIIS Ati1af ndw ]ac ]Ip11 ~ B6AA f,IJid, YYC. flMw RA9 iaawl~ f9adW Ma: :.aalwa P. 591L9, P ]. TTPfl51 G TfAN]ARgfy]I ~ lK. .l. iaty AnCPiwe. 5 TY1f PaLbL jl]:a .dJ tl l nw d fa/rra • ]m !. laaPfan d fwlnw-IM~r wi y9y a]id PmtLlll LLPd. p~ y~ P~nCm ~LLYpuM 911]0 Wp y(TyidlPP f • ur.~._.,.._.. TOTAI 1150.00 ]Fa.iMdVnlr AT-6lTte T' ~~ MJfa Yaa~ f. MdNn9 Alive M NII«Pnt NM ]/-Mwiw a.d Slrwl rr.~l n..r. 9. Naa TPP nar Mn aanloaf d ~ h4nN 10. 1Mw Taa awt .lalawl aaY d Ilw p..lYSw N IiN Akdda . v ., fn«a9a Carnal M w a d Iln bpannanl ar. IsMMMIM MI /Ll 11. f~INn • "YPf" anr.« M iww 9 w 19 an en aPadaull wNd aa9 M daanaf Pwl d rFh aPPfallaa. 1]. 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J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ I I u -,-j-- , , ~ o Tn ~ ~ ~~~- ~ ue I I ~'~ '~~ SYCAMORE INN 8318 Foothill 61 vd Rancho Cucamonga, Ca.91730 APN# 207-101-25 Current Zoninq: Commercial zone within Foothill Blvd. Specific Plan in planning Sub-area One Zoninq of adjacent property; North :Residential Low/Medium South :Residential Low East Co.~^r.:ercial West :Commercial/Office & Upland City Limits /~3 j torrei 25 may 1989 [rl 2 2 19A9 ~rrflc~]len fog lucolloflc ~N ]Efi1MU1 I. IYfff]1 d llEiaS[ISI °-' IM[ ff0. r« oy.r..f N AIuRNk r.anf t:.nArl 1101 \wd.q IrA MruArdlup SrOwwr rNY t71~ 011 Wi Rm s RDU s NYIA , . °i^"'-""~ I .Y M1 uTllq lf.1Ct CODE w . rk~ Drlr le..d 1. aAaF1U d AJa1CANi(]) T«yr. MNI JfdNC, OEIl OR AaJAI «~ Sk ]AYA ~ [I1r01«0.1n 1-1Y9 tr«r«9ar: ]. ITfElsl d Ilul+]ACIwEKSI ~' LK. If1E ~~ ]]EO.o9 u AI~Ar. 19(.00 ^E 31 t. Han N ~ ]. lrerrrn N Meer-NwA« M fY.w - - - 109]0 Arran tt. 1101 Crr sJ ty 1:rL [waf rorAl s ax~.9o 13. ArNieenl 4µ Irl d:rl r^I ^^'~rrn r.Nrfrd n w«lr r.«„N n«:«t wa A«r rr M.. MEf1rX.11 M e Eermx, aN Ibl M• M .ill al .sMw « ar« w NTR N ]r Malwi M N pw{iwl~ N M Akd:dy Y«r..3 CwnM M Il. SIAR W WWOCAA [«wry N......A1RAlq~A1)ifp..._.____...Oa~____....Q'lI[A~_....___.. M4 ~.Iry • w Y4-..~+M~~ w w~-.. ~ M h Y ~.~~ wM~~ ± .n ~~ n w Y4~::T •w• +.r~ rr ti !. ~ y ..:+: ni w ~ ~` w ..r.~.. .iw .~.r r.xn ~..~`...~i .....:r +... n .~n4n h4~w.WY~~~::~~nM titlw~.r•y~r~ .... N.. w.Yr~M~In~.-ter IL AfI1KANt ' SIGN HEft ____. ~ . ~rnlc~rEOn w nuw~mEwf I3. SIAIf d C/.llflNlgA Cam1f N______________________________________D.R........___.________........ ww ~r w ~.~ .4. ur....~ln w x~~, r~: x~~ ..wm ~• u-.mow 4 w.4~ ~M~.i il: M M1 ~W ~.~i~ w iw+h ,w~~v. ~~~ .MMw ~ti W.~~ ~~~/:~ Y +Mw. ~ MJ ~ ~~ n n. .. ~~~~; :'~i yM~a :...4 ~M+:r r~ M ~M~. F n:wr :w . .~.m.1:y-. -~nr1~~. p Ilf«.N:IwN........__hNa .............. ...............Maw.................11wMM K..........._.......__.. .«.~~. o ellr~ Ue NN w~lr Mlav rnf. uf.; so. Dry..lafM va oNr AIIxMd. p R«add nellu, p INUnrrT ~' 3-1Hx .............................. ..u._ .___...._CglEd AYAEO ...______.___...................._......... N f` C~ Ir~ C IJ - I - !_-1 '-' ~ i' IJ Arrow Dairy 10970 Arrow Route NI01 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Arrow Dairy 1s located on the northeast corner of Arrow Route and White Oak Avenue, within the Arrow Business Center. °ROPERTY CURRENTLY ZONED: Industrial within sub-area 7 of the Industrial Specific Plan. ZpNING OF ADJRCENT PROPERTIES: E. Harms 5/89 North - Industrial Park South - General Industrial East - lndustriaj Park West -Industrial Park /~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: June 7, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer 8Y: SUBJECT: Linda Beek, Junior Civil Engineer r,- .: I Authorize the advertising of the "Notice inviting Bids" for the Vineyard Avenue improvements at the A.T. a S.F. Railroad Crossing, north of Eighth Street, Improvement Project, to be funded From Systems Development Fund, ' Account No. 22-4637-8850 I, RECONNEMUATIOM: It is recoanended that City Cou~il approve plans and specifications for the Vineyard Avenue Iagrovements at the A.T. 8 S.F. Railroad Crossing, north of Eighth Street, and aDProve the attached resolution authorizing the City Clerk to advertise the "Notice Inviting Bids". BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subject protect plans and specifications have been completed by KNC Engineers, incorporated, reviewed by staff and approved by the City Engineer. Tire yroJeuL uuuyei iur• wuaLru~Liun i" $o~,:..... Ley., advertising is scheduled for June 13, 1989, and June 20, 1989, with the bfd opening at 2;00 P.M. on June 30, 1989. Respec su ed, NUi: : sd Attachaknt RESOLUTION N0. ~~ ~ ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "VINEYARD AVENUE IMPROVEMENT AT THE A.T. a S.F. RAILROAD CROSSING" IN SAID CITY ANO AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS. NHEREAS, Tt is the intention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to construct certain improvements in the City of kancho Cucamonga. WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of certain improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES that the plans and specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for "Vineyard Avenue Improvement at the A.T. b S.F. Railroad Crossing". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of seated bids or proposals for doing the work specified to the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to wit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS" Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY lfI IGO LIIYL LIIC IY IU 1.11y UI IlY11 L~IU 1.ULO1pYllyo 11111 IetelYe dl Nle Dil ll.c 1%i Nlc City Clerk in the offices of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on or before the hcur of 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 30th day of June 1989, sealed bids or proposals for the "Vineyard Avenue Improvement at the A.T. d S.F. Railroad Crossing" in said pity. Bids will be opened and publicly read immediately in the office of the City Clerk, 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Bids must be made on a form provided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, marked, "Bid for Construction of the Vineyard Avenue Improvement at the A.T. 8 S.F. Railroad Crossing". PREVAILING NAGE: Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code, Oivlslan 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor is required Lo pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the public work is performed, and not less than Lhe general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. In that regard, the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California is required to and has determined such general prevailing rates of per diem wages. Copies of such prevailing rates of per diem wages are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 9320 Base line Road, /07 RESOLUTION N0. PAGE 2 Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and are available to any interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy of such determinations to be posted at the ,job site. The Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the Cify of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (E25.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day or portion thereof, if such laborer, workman, or mechanic 1s paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages hereinbefore stipulated for arty work dome under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1777.5 of the Labor Code as amended by Chapter 971, Statutes of 1939, and in accordance with the regulations of the California apprenticeship Council, properly indentured aDDrentices may be employed in the prosecution of the work. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprenticeable occupation to apply to the ,joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public works project and which administers the apprenticeship program in Lhat trade for a certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of aDPrentices to ,journeymen that will be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to ,journeymen in such cases shall not be less than one to five except: A. When unemployment in the area of coverage by the ,joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request for certificate, or 8. When the number of apprentices in training in the area exceeds z ratio of one to five, or C. Nhen the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or D. When the Contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight ,journeymen. The Contractor is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs tf he employs registered apprentices or ,journeymen in any apprentlceable trade on such contracts and if other Contractors on the public works site are making such contributions. The Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777,5 and 1777.6 1n the employment of apprentices. 1~~8 RESOLUTION N0. PAGE 3 Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the 0lvision of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this Contract and the Contractor and ary subcontractor under him shall comply with and be governed 6y the laws of the State of California having to do with working hours as set forth in Division 2, Part 7, Chapter i, Article 3 of the Labor Lode of the State of California as amended. The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (525.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in thz execution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon any of the work hereinbefore mentioned, for each calendar day during which said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours in violation of said Labor Code. Contractor agrees to pdy travel and subsistence pa0' to each workman needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreements filed in accordance with Labor Code Section 1773.8. The bidder must submit with his Droposal cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, paWable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least ten percent (104) of the amount of sold bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter Into the proposed contract if the same is awarded to him, and in event of failure to enter into such contract said cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bond shall become the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. If the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the lowest bidder's security shall be applied by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the low bid and the second lowest bid, and the surplus, if any, shall be returned to the lowest bidder. The amount of the bond to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shall be one hundred percent (1004) of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond to an amount equal to fifty percent (504) of the contract price for said work shall be given to secure the pgymm~t of claims for any materials or supplies furnished for the performance of the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, or any work or labor of any kind done thereon, and Lhe Contractor will also be required to furnish a certificate that he carries compensation insurance covering his employees upon work to be done under contract which may be entered into between him and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga far the construction of said work. No proposal will be considered from a Contractor whom a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. i~9 RESOLUTION N0. PAGE 4 Contractor shall possess a Class "A" License (General Engineering Contractor) in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 7000 et. seq.) and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto at the tine time this contract is awarded. The work is to be done in accordance with the profiles, plans, and specifications of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on file in the Office of the City Clerk at 9320 Base line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Copies of the pions and specifications, available at the office of the City Engineer, will be furnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and payment of f35.00, said (35.00 is nonrefundable. Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and specifications will be mailed when said request is accompanied Dy payment stipuiated above, together with an additional nonreimbursable payment of f15.00 to cover Lhe cost of mailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the requirements of Section 902 of the Gerreral Provisions, as set forth 1n the Plans and Speciflcatlons regarding the nark contracted to be done by the Contractor, the Contractor may, upon the Contractor's request and at the Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute authorized securities in lieu of monies withheld (performance retention). The City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, reserves the right to re3ect any and all bids. By order of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. Dated this day of 19 PASSED ANO ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, this _ day of 19 ATTEST: ty e ADVERTISE ON JUNE 13, 1989 JUNE 20. 1989 // rl CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: June 7, 1989 c ~~ ~> ~ r F ~ Z :l Y 1977 Mayor, Members of the Council and City Manager Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager Dave Leonard, Park Projects Coordinator Per Capita Grant Program - California Wildlife and Park Land Conservation Sond Act oP 1988 otic Approval oP a Notice of Exemption related to the California Wildlife and Park Lnnd Conservation Bond Act of 1988 deferring environment review of the project until conceptual plane are developed for a community park in the northeast portion of the City. BACRGROl1ND• city Council approved Resolution 89-001 nt the Jenuary 4, 1989, regular meeting. This action authorized $285,000.00 in the per capita grant monies from the California Wildlife, ~.unbinl silo YnLA Lel1u ~.UIItlCl'VnLlup N4G C.U Uo UBBU for purchase of land for a future community park in the northeast portion of the community. To comply with state requirements far this grant, a Notice of Exemption moat be filed. The exemption will apply until which time conceptual plans are developed for the community park. J5:OL:be -ii~J}, N0fIC6 Q+ l~fIOlf TO• _ Otfice of Ylea¢ing end Nexarch 1400 lmnth Street, tlo® 121 9taremento, G 86814 PBdc City of Rancho Cucamonaa n.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonaa, CA 91730 _ Co~mty Cleric Co~mty of San Bernardino Project Title Northeast Community Park Project location - c Located on East Avenue, 650' north of Summit Avenue Project Iocation - City P%)ect Locati~q - County Rancho Cucamonga an Hernar rno Bascription of Nature, P.npoee, and B®eflciaries of Project Acquisition of 15.1 acres to complete a total of 53.3 acres for park development, provide additional recreational area and oven space for City residents. section 15316, Clas s__1.6 (a) CEQA Guidelines Reteose why project is esiempt: Acauisition of land for park purnose. tact pp Odve Leonard (714) 9R9-1858 Ext. 420 t: 1. Attach certiflad dammot as emption rihdint. 7. eas a notice of ezeytlaa bap filed b) the pabllc agency appa+wisg the pro~act7 tp Ib N/A . Oat! BaGiosd tot lilies: //~ r.M 1~ wni.r..~.r (Bec. 21oeo(b)(1); 15288>: _ Oaclared ibm'B~c7 CBec. 2108O(b)(3): I.i2B8(U ): <~Y®uy Project (3eo. 21080(b)(4); 16288(b)(c)); X Categorical Haemptioo. State type and section mmber. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Date: June 7, 1989 To: Mayor, Members of the City Council and City Manager From: Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager By: Dave Leonard, Parka Project Coordinator Subject: Approval of Engineering Design Services to Develop a Remote Control System for Sporta Lighting at the Existing and Future City Parks Recommendations• City Council authorize $4,800.00 plus lOR contingency to Ralph C. Lewis Inc. to develop a Bid Package for a Micro- Processor Remote Control System to be funded from Park Development Fund Account No. 20-4532-8806. Hackaround• To better serve the sports user groups and provide City Staff a means control and monitor use of the City Sporta Field ~,_ .,_ ly.`.. i..g Gj .;t3r., .~ __ _` _ _ _ d i4iG~G-CL Vl..6Jeua i~omu~o Control System is• recommended. The system will allow the sports groups access to the lights by entering a four digit code on a digital touch pad. At will, the groups will be able to turn the lights on and off based on a prearranged scheduled worked out with City staff. Tha City, in turn, will be able to program and monitor use oP the lighted fields by a computer read out of the users coda number and Limas and dates they use the various fields. Further the system will have a phone modem to allow phone access to the system in the event an emergency override of the system is needed. Authorized City staff will have the capability to phone the system and turn the lights on or off as the occasion warrants. The services of a Electrical Engineer is needed to formulate a bid package Por development of the system. Ralph C. Lewis, Ins. ie recommended for this service based on hie knowledge of the City's existing systems and his experience with this type of installation. The Bid Package developed by this design work will be used to bid installation work for the City's existing lighted fields and to be included with future park bid packages when sport field lighting is required. -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: dune 7, 1489 -, TG: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Hanry Nurakoshi, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of the Environmental Initial Study, Parts I and II for the proposed Victoria Street Improvement from East Avenue to Etiwanda High School and adoption of the attached Resolution and Issuance of a Categorical Exemption thereof. It is hereby recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution accepting and approving the Environmental Initial Study Parts I and II Por the proposed Victoria Street Improvement and issuance of a Categorical Exemption therefor and direct the City Clerk to file a Notice of Exemption pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. BACK9lOUNI/ANALYSIS: This report presents an Environmental Assessment Initial Study for the proposed Victoria Street Improvement between East Avenue and Etiwanda High School. In conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act and State Guidelines, the attached document has been prepared to permit construction of the above-mentioned improvements. Said improvements generally entail the road widening, signing, striptng for left turn pocket, curb and gutter partly, restrlpe west side intersection to match, etc. It is the Engineering Staff's finding that the proposed protect will not create a significant adverse impact on the environment and therefore recommend that these Improvements be ciassifted as Categorically Exempt. Respec su ttted, _ i ~ ~~ / i/ \'~~ RHM:V~N;py~ / Attachment RESOLUTION N0. ~ 9- d TJ A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OF A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION FOR THE PROPOSED VICTORIA STREET IMPROVEMENT FROM EAST AVENUE TO ETINANDA HIGH SCHOOL WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has reviewed all available input concerning the proposed Victoria Street improvements; and i1HEREAS, said improvements require an Environmental Assessment; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment Initial Study has been prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended. NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Ctty Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves the EnvironmedEaT s"7[ sessinent Initial Study and issuance of a Categorical Exemption for the proposed Victoria Street Improvement. SECTION 2: The City Clerk is directed Lo file a Notice of Exemption pursuant to e a forma Environaental Quality Act. '/~ ENVIliONMENTAL REVIEW APPLICATION INITIAL STUDY -PART I GENERAL For all protects repairing environmental rev/ew, this form must be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department where tht Drotect application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Planning Division staff will prepare Part TI of the Initial Study and make recommendations to Planning Commission. The Ptanninq Commission will make one of three determinations: (1) The protect will have no siggnificant environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, (2) The protect w711 have a significant environmental Impact and N Environmental Impact Report w111 be prepared, or (3) M additional information reDOrt should be supplied by tM applicant giving further information concerning the proposed protect. ' Date Filed Protect Title: Victoria Street Improvements. Annliranf ~a N_n~ ~A.r'..S• Tc~~yivi,d: ~it+ _ Ciw Cu~umuuyn P p RfI-rll h f ~ fa 4177n (7161 OR9 1669 Name, Address, Telephone of Person To Be Contacted Concerning this Protect: ak '1 n in r it of Rancho Cucamonga, Community Development Department 714 989-1862 Location of Protect: East Avenue to Etiwanda Hioh.School Assessor's Parce} No.: N/A List other permits necessary from ioeal, re91ona1, state and federal agencies and the agency issuing such permits: None ~/ PROJECT DESCRIPTIQN Proposed use or proposed project: pYy-„ uidaning ~ provide to rp,i no lane at _ s r C t n F" A t Acreage of protect area and square footage of existing and proposed buildings, if any: Describe the envirommental settin of the Dro,lect site including information on topography, so sta ty, pants (trees), land animals, any cultural, historical or scenic aspects, land use of surrounding Droperttes, and the description of any existing structures and their use (attach necessary sheets): Single family residential nei hborhood; Etiwanda High School is on Victoria Street, ab~3bb~'e~roni t o in ersec idn as an u r o - y vacant land and partly residential. Da van wieth of the [QSd varies from 11 feet to 19 feet from centerline. No curb and gutters were built except on north side, in front of the high school. Is the project part of a larger project, one of a series of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact 117 PILL THIS PRO.IECT: vES NO 1. Lreate a substantial change in ground contcurs? _ X 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise of produce vibration or glare? _ % 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)? _ X 4. Create changes in the existing Zoning or General Pion designations? _ X 5. Remove any existing trees? How many? % 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as taxis substances, flamma6les or explosives? _ X Exp lanation of any YES answers above (attach additional sheets 1f necessary): /. tstimate the amount of sewage and solid waste materials this project wiil generate daily: N/A 8. Estimate the number of auto and truck trips generated daily by this project• None 9. Estimate the amount of grading (cutting and filling) required for this project, 1n cubit yards: Verv Little 10. If the project involves the construction of residential units, the form on the next page. corlglete CERTIFIGTION: [hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits Dresent the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information Drosented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaluation can be made by the Plannfng Division. Oate: s•9.8~ Signature ~• ~~~~.~ I ~ ~ title ~s`:c><. ~, E, RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION The fallowf ng information should be provided to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division in order to aid the School district in assessing their obi City to dccomnodate the proposed residential deve lepmen t. Developers are required to secure letters from the school district for accommodating the increased number of students prior to issuance of buf ldi ng permits. Name of Developer and Tentative Tract No.: Spec iftc Location of Project PHASE I PHASf 2 PNASE 3 PHASE a TOTAL 1. Number of single family units: 2. Number of multiple family units: 3. Date proposed to __ beam construction: 4. Earliest date of occupancy: Model/ and / 01 Tentativ! 5. 8edraaan Price Rana! I~9 '. ~ s -~"" , CITY '0! AANCNO CDCANONGA PAET II - INITIAL STUDY ENVIRONHE'.i2'AL CRECRLIST APPLICA.`If: City of Rancho Cucamonga FILING DATE: L00 NUl4FR: PROJECT: Victoria Street Improvements PROJECT LDUTION:_ from East Avenue to Etiwa nda High School 2. EWIRON!~tiTAL I)@ACTS (Explanatron of all "yea" and "maybe" answers are required an attached sheets). YES NAYEE NO 1. So lla and Gaolaev. pill ehe proposal have signliitane rasules in: a. Um table ground tonditlona or in chanu_ • t~ ~.uwgic relationships? ,~ ~_ ~ b. Dlszupelons, dlaplacemenes, compaction or burial of the soil? _ ~_ e. Change in topography oe grouM surface contour intervals? X d. The deetrueeion, covering or wditleacion o! any unique geologic or physical features? _ __ ~ a. Aey pocancial incruu in wind or user erosion of soils, attee tang either on or oft cite eondltons? ~ ~ t. Change !n •roa ion siltation, or deposit ion? _ ~ ~ g. Exposure o[ poop le or property Co geologic hazards such ae earthquakes, lsndsl idu, muds sl idea, ground tailun, oc similar hazards? X h. M increase in the rau of axcnctlan and/or uu of any mineral resource? -~ ~~ r 2. Hyd rn losv, pill tM proposal have algniticanc results in: / \ Q a. Changes in currants, or cha rouse of direction of flowing a:reama, ri•+era, or ephexeral stress channels? b. Changn Sn abaarp clan rates, drainage patterns, or the race and amount of surface water runoff? e. Alceraclona to cha course ar flow of flood va uzs? d. Chan ae le rh. __ _ _ _ -••• ~• ....face vacar Sn any body of vace r?~ a. Discharge into aurfaca wcara, os any al ura clan of aurfaca vacar quality? f. A1Caratlon of groundvacer charatterla tics? g. Change in ehe quan ti cy of gzoundvaears, either ehzough dirocc additions os uith- dravala, or through intar!annu with an aquifer? Quell eyl Quae[ityl h. I'ha redutt ian in cha ameunc o[ wear oMer- vise available for public vacar tupp11aa1 1. Exaosura of people or property to vacar placed haaarda such as tlooding or saichaa? 7. Air Qualf cv. Will eha propoul Mw aigoilieanc caul ca In: a. Cons cant or period lc air emissions eras sroblle or indirwc worual Seat ionasy aoureul b. Dmcmrloeat ion of amblene air qualfey and/or intertsrwea srtth cM attainmanc of applicable air quality uandardsl c. Alteratden of local or regional climatic cooditlons, attacting air awwmenc, mo Stouts or tamperatur.? ~. 81_ _[a Flora. Vtll eha proposal have aigniPic ant ruules Sni _ __ k - -_ _K - ~ i .~_ v ~ ~ -. __ L L v 'X Y, a. Change Sn cha charaecerlaeiu of eD ae Sea, including divers icy, dlatz Sbu cion, or number o[ any species of plants? Id"~ __ ~ b. Redact ian at Cher number of any unique, rare or eedangs red spec iea of planca? E~ - - c. Incroducclon a£ nev or dis rupclve apeciea of plants Sn co an area? ~ X d. Raducclon in the po ten clal for agricul cural produc cion? ~_ % tau.^.a. t+ili cns prapoaa have aignif Scant resin cs in: a. Chang• in ch• chancterla tics of apeciea, including diverai cv, dlacribucloe, a_ „=„u e:, of a¢y apeciea of animals? b. Reducc San of cha numbers of any unlgw, rar• or endangered spade of anicala? ~ __ ~ c. Introduc clon of nev or dlazuo due spades of animals into an ate, ar result 1¢ a barrier CO Ch• 0l gratl0n Or aaaVemanC OL a¢Smala? ~~ _~~ d. Osxerioraelon or raawval of axiseing fish or vildllfe habitat? _ ,g S. Poouladcn. 4'111 eha proposal have aignlf Stane zesulca in: a. 4111 cha proposal altar cha location, dlatzl- butSan, darn icy, diveraitq, or grouch rata of the huaun popuL[1o¢ of an are? _,_ d 6. 4111 the ereen..l .ai... -- -- ;~ - „a~ , creac• a deau¢d for addlclonal how l¢g? _ 6. Soc io-EconoGic 3acrors. 4111 cha pfopaeal have algniflcanc results lo: a. CAan ge in local or regional toclo-aeonomle ehazacearist Sea, i¢cluding aea¢o~ie or eoesoedal dlvualty, tea rata, aed property oslueaT _ X b. Mill prolact coats ba equltaD ly dis crihuced a~ang prof act bend idarlu, S.a., buyer, tea payers or prof act uura? _ _ ,. •and r .-d "1:rrS ns Canudaradam. 4111 cM propaaal have sign111canc ruin ca Sn? a. A whscan dal site raelon of cha Dreaanc or planned land ua• of an area? _ ~ b. A ccnf lict with any do lgnatlona, obJ •eeivu, policies, or adop cad plane of any govarnmantal enc Sties? 1 ~~ -,k c, M imp see upon eha qulaity or quaneity of e:lacing conaumpcly ar non-conaump due X rest tat tonal oppc rcunldu? uTs \~V]: 8. ^. ransoortatlon. Will the yroyoaal have slgnlf scan: reaul ca fa: a. Generac Sere of substantial addlclonal vehlcu lar movement? X b. Etfacn on axlacing scze•c.a, or demand for nev strut construction? v c. Etfacta on axiating parking fat ill ties or , demand fox nav parking? A t d. Subscancial Smpact upon axle ting cranaparca- tion systems? ,t e. Al tarationa to pruant patterns eE clrtula- tlon or movement of people and/or goods? _ __ X f, Alteza[!om co or affaees on preen[ and po tencitl vacs[-bores, rail, mass tranalc or alr crafflc? _ ~ X g. Znerusu fa traf [ie hazards eo motor vahlelu, bicyclists ox pedas erians? - X 9. Cultural Rnoure u. Will eha proposal have a ign iflcaac results in: a. A die curb anc• co th• Integrity of archaaologlc al, palaootologdcal, and/or hiscorlcal ruourcu? X iu. n_esicn, saf acv and Nuiaanc• Factors. WS11 eha propoal hive aignlt icaae rnulca in: a. Creation of any hulch hazard or po cancial heal ch hazard? _ X b. E1[Doeub at people co popntial hulch Hazards? -- -~_ ~L c. a rist of atploaion os muse of hazardous subecaaua in qha avmc c[ an act idant? _ __ X d, M lneruu Sm eha nunhar of ind lviduals or apaelu of vector er parhano genie organisms or cha sxpotun of paopL to such ' -eaniama? - - ._ ___ X e. Incrua• Sn axlacing nole• !wale? X f. Expofu re of people to po [antially dangerous no isa lwala? '- X g• Th• cruclon o[ ab}etc Sonahl• odors? .Y h• M increase in light or glare? / 1~ _ X ~=5= J v_" `.BE YO :1. qes chetics. GSIl the propoaal have algnlf Scant reaul [s in: a. the obs trot Con ar degrade c!on of any aceffic vls ca or vi ev? b. The czeaclon of an ass chaciul'_y offensive site? _ % c. q conflict vith [h• ob]ec civa of designated or po ten cial scenic corzldo ra? ~, 12. Utilities and Public Services. Will the propoul have a significant nand for nav aystsma, or alcazaelena eo [h• following: a. El etc rlc pwar? _ % b. Natural or packaged gu? -~ c. Communicatlam systems? A d. Water supply? n e. Waacewat er fac111ties? M f. Flood control aeruceurast X ~ g. Solid vases fee ilttias? % h. Flra pret¢tlon? 1. Police protect ion? r ]. Schools? __ ~ k, Parka or othee taeruciotul fee SlitlasT ~_ ~ 1. Nadnemanea of pub} lc fu121e1u, including eoada and [lood control fat 111tiee? - ~ ^. Other goveromancal services? - ~ 1]. Enertt and Scarce Reaou r<ea. Vill the propoaal haw sign if SCan~ results in: a. L'as o[ subacancial or exnaa Sv Cuel ar energy? x b. Subacant Sal lncreaa• Sn dmand upon existing sources of energy} X c. M increase !n the dmand for developmene of new eourc es of enec gy? 1 V ~ ~J d. M increase or perpacuaci~n a eh• consumption of non-renewable forma of energy, when fsaalb le renevable eources of •necgy are ava11a6 L? X ?3ee 5 YES :AY3E `.0 e. Subs Cancial depletion of any nonrenewable or awrce na coral resource? X 14. !iandacorv FSndlnaa of 5lsnifl<ance. a, Doea the pra~ecc have the pot en eial Co degrade Che gwllty of eh• environment, aubscanclally reduce Che habitat of Ciah or vildlif• spe<Sea, cauas a fish or vildl ife populaclan Co drop below self sustain i*.g !_vala, th.a:eon co eliminat• a plant or animal eo®unlty, reduce Che number or restrict eha range of a rar• or sndaegsred plant or animal or sllalnrc• lmportanc azamplas of the mayor periods of California hiseory or puhls COrp? _ X b. Foes ch• p[al etc have Che potential to achieve a horc-casm, ro Che dlsadvtncags of long-Corm, nnvironmancal goals? (A short-tarn impact on Che nnvironmsn[ 1a one which occurs 1n a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long- eatm imparts will odors wall loco eha tutus). X e. Does cha prof erx have lmpaeta which era Snd ividually limited, hoc cumulatively conaldera6L? (Cumulatively considera6l• canna chat the inersmancal dicers of an individual protect era eonsidasahl• when vlwsd in connection with cha effetia of put pro~ecta, and n~o6.c.. a-.-¢: y. ej acts/. __ X d. Does the pro]ect have environmental dfac~s which will cauas subs uncial advars• dtscea on human baiaga, either dlrecely or Sndirac cly? _ X IL DISCGSSiDN OF FtV9IA0NlRNTAL YVALVA?TON (i.e.. of atf itmative answers co cha above quo dons plus a dluunion of propoud rat tl gaclon mesa ores). / c7 n_-o . 's- III. OE?ER4IVATIOV On ch• baala of this inlclal evaluation: I find the proposed pro]ecc COUL7 Y07 have a aign if icanc effect on cha environment, and a Cr TEGGkI C'pL t%EI~iPTiOM1 will be prepared. Z find that al [hough the proposed proj eec could have a dgr if icanc of felt on the environment, chern will noC be a aign if Scant ef'ecc u Sn chla caaa because cha ml clga [ion maaaurea dea<r16 ed on an ac cached aheec have been added co the pro Lee. A vrra ttcr uE~utitATLOH iJILL gE PREPtdLD. I find [h• proposed pro]ec[ HAY have a aignificanc eff etc an the L-~ envirnmanc, and an EWIAOYME.\"I L`lpAC; REPOR7 is required. Signature __ Assoc ;ate Civil Engir eer ?SCle I ~ Y-' ------- CITY OF RANCHO CCC'AYIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: June 7, 1989 -~~ , T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Henry Murakoshi, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of the Environmental Initial Study, Parts I and II for the proposed Alta Loma Basin No. 1 Excavation located north of Banyan Street and West of Hermosa Avenue and adoption of the attached Resolution and issuance of a Categorical Exemption thereof It is hereby recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution accepting and approving the Environmental fni ti al Study, Parts I and 11 for the proposed Alta Loma Basin No. I Ezcava Lion and issuance of a Categorical Exemption therefore and direct the City Clerk to file a Notice of Exemption pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. BACK91011ND/ANALYSIS: This report presents an Environmental Assessment Initial Study for the proposed Alta Loma Basin No. 1 Excavation. in conrorma nce wi cn cne i.aiiru rn is urvirmmien lai VuaiiLy nti anu >ia Le Guidelines, the attached oc ument has been prepared to permit construction of the above-mentioned improvements. Said improvements generally entail the Ga sin ezcavati on to increase storage caoacity. ' It is the Engineering Staff's finding that the proposed project will not '~ create a significant adverse impact on the environment and therefore recommend issuance of a Categorical Exemption. Respy J/~~mitted, ~, RHM: Hlkrpam-~~~' Attachment ~d RESOLUTION N0. V I- ~ ~~"~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OF A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION FOR THE PROPOSED ALTA LOMA BASIN N0. 1 EXCAVATION WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has reviewed all available input concerning the proposed Alta Loma 6a sin No. 1 Excavation; and 'WHEREAS, said improvements require an Environmental Assessment; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment ?ni tial Study has been p~repa red pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The 'i ty Council of Rancho Cucamonga hereby aporoves the Envi rommen a ssessment Im tial Study and issuance of a Categorical Exemption for the proposed Alta Loma Basin No. 1 Excavation. SECTION 2: The ,:i ty Clerk is directed to file a Notice of Exemption pursuant to e a forma Environmental Quality Act. /~~ ENYIltONMENTAL REVIEW APPLICATION INITIAL STUDY -PART I ~; GENERAL ror all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be cemoleted and submitted to the DeveloCment Review Cormri ties through the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt oP this application, the ?fanning Division si off wi it prepare Part II of the Initial Study and make rocoamendat ions to Planning Commission. The Planning Ccmmiss ion will make one of chree determinations: (1) The project will have no significant environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, (2) The project will have a significant environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will 6e prepared, or (3) An additional information report should be supplied by the aDPlicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. Date filed Project Title:~p,.,~,pEa „B'sin No^,-1 Ex~ava is en Annliran4'e N~m> 6AA.._~ fit--~---~ ~~ „w~~~uya same, Address, Telephone of Person To Be Contacted Concerning this Project: Her ry nw~a kosni Rancho C~carno nca ~or~muni ty :icvelopn,ent "_~• ~ Illp~ 9k4-lb E2 E%t 324 Location of Project: Northwest corner of Banyan one Hernosa Assessor's Parce} N9.: 11!" i. ist other permits necessary from local, regional, state and federal agencies and the agency issu!ng such permits: San fie rnarutno r-food Control /~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION ~aocsed use or proposed prOj ect: crease s o r ce tepee, t cf cas~n Acreage of project area and square footage of existing and proposed build i^gs, if any: Gesc ribe the environmental sett in of the protect site including information on topography, so stabs sty, p ants (trees), land an lmals, any cultural, historical or scenic aspects, land use of surrounding properties, and the description of any existing structures and Chetr use (attach necessary sheets): 'le ,rc sect 's F~i thin low tensity resiuential area. The San 8e rna reino I'ational Fe rest is ger~erasly iocateu north of the site one Chaffey P r. o:nnim,ty inllece exists to the east. The pro apsee Foothill Freeway i Fate Hwv 3fi na sses thru south of the project. The soil type ccntains 2S'~ u, dU'o rocks anL b0ul4er5. is the protect part of a larger Drotect, one of a series of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whale have significant environmental impart ~~ 4I(.L THIS PROJECT: I. Create a substantial change 'n ground can :curs? ?. Create a suostznt ial change in exist ing noise of produce vibracipn or glare? ] a!n uhel~nfial nMannn in AaninA inr n ~i.il _. _. .. .. .. ].. .,. _..... ~..~ vu. service; ;police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)7' 4. Create changes in the existing Zoning or General Plan de <_ignaticns? i. Remcve any existing trees? !!ow many? 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as tonic substances, flamnables or explosives? yc: •;~ X T r. x x x Explanation of any YES answers above (attach additional sheets if necessary): i. ~scimace cne amount or sewage and 501 to waste mat eri al5 this prpt ect will generate daily: .J/r. 9. Estimate the number of auto and truck trips generated daily by this p reject: >li„ 9. Estimate the amount of grading (cutting and f1111ng) required for this protect, in Cubit yards: vu ,uuu cyU I0. If the Dro~ect involves the construction of residential units, coirplete the form on the next page. CERTIFIUTION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in .IIC rl fllA (1 •Y111f_l li<_ I1r n(pn• ~i~~~~• ri ~ iuollVll feVUlred IVr Ln 15 initial evaluation to the best of~my~ability, andVthat the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaluation cnn be made by the Planning Ci vision. Cate: s 7. Bf Signature ~/ • ~.~ ~~ /3 ' title l;s~~oc~ate Civil Engineer RES.CEVTC 3L CONS°RUCTiDN The following information shoo id he provided to the City of Rancho Cucamonga alarming Division in order to aid the school district in assessing their ability Co accommodate the proposed residential development. Developers are required to secure letters from the school district for accommodating the im[re at 2d ^umher n4 cta~Aantc nr inr in ic5i~an[e ni Mini lrlin~ p .Tit„ Name of Developer and Tentative Tract No.: Specific Location of Protect PHASE I PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 'DTAL I. Number of 5ingte family units: 2. Number of multiple family units: 3. Oate proposed to begin construction: 4. Earliest date of occupancy: Mode ii and 6 of ?entatlve 5. Bedrooms Price Ranae / 3 ~= ~ ~ -t^` r.TY or M.vcAO cvcxyoucA P,LR^. I: - I.YITIAL 5^^Y E"R'IAOYN.E`ITAL CHECALIST DATE: A-°PLI C•A:II: City of Rancho Luc anonca EILP.~G DATE: LOC NUl1HER: 2ROSECT; ','c rL~q~,esL corner of "oan an Street ant He r~T,csa maven ~e PROSECT LOCATIOY: I• E'WIAOS^ffVl'AL I`fPACTS (Explanation of all "yes" and "maybe" anavera are required on attach ed sheets). 1. Sails zr__d r,_~la:y pii2 the proposal have significant results 1n: a. L'nscab le ¢r°und ,•,,.,a.....____. geologic relaciansh Spe? •~ ~•'~"e`° in b. Disruptions, dlaplncamanca, compac clop or bur!al of cha ao 11? c. Cha^.ge Ln topography or ground surface contour Snce rvalat d. The deaerucelan, covering or modltica ciao °E +nY unique geologic or physical featuraat •• MY Potential lnczaaae !n wind or voter aroafon of so it a, of tatting either on or off alto condlco na? f• Changes Sn eroa ion ail ratio n, or depoaicion? g. Exposure of People or property [a gea to gic hazards ouch as earthquakes, Landal Sdes, mud- slides, ground failure, or almllar hazards? h• An Snc rease in [he race of ax traction and/or use of any mineral resource? 1. Hv~drol g Vill the proposal have sign Lf !cant re suite Ln: /~~ Y~E llAY9E VO _ __ X X X X _ __ k X ~3y~ YES Vii`. ~= a. Changes Sn currents, or the course of direction of flaving streams, rivers, or epheaeral scream channels? % b. Changes Sn abaorp cl en ra tea, drainage patterns, or the rata and !means o4' surface vacer runo tf? X c. Alceraciona to the course or floe of flood vacer!? ~ g d. Change Sn tha [mount of surface wcnr in any ..-dy C .car? X e. DSacharge In co surface vacer!, or any alteration of surface voter quality? __ ~ f. Al ceracion of groundvater characceria[1cs? ~ ~ g. Change Sn Che quan [Sty o£ groundvateze, of char through direce additions or vith- dravala, or through interference vleh an aq niter? Quality? Quantity? X _ h, The reduction in th• amount of vacer othsr- viae availa6l• far public vacer supplies? _^_ y i. Exposure of people or properly to ester rel:ced hazards wch as Clooding or seichu? dir vuuscy. Mill the proposal have s£gn£tiunc res ults in: •. Constant or parlodlc air emissions from mobil or Ind free[ four[[!? X gCl tlenlry eeu stet? __ X b. Deterloraelon oC ambient air quality and/or Saterfertac• vich the secainmene of app11ub1• air gwlley uandards? 3 c. A14ntlon of local or regional climatic coadicions, •ffact4ng air movement, mo la cur• OT tempo q CU[!? % 4. Hioca F1,ra. Will the proposal have aigni[lcanc reaul ca Ln: s. Change fn the character iscics of species, includ Sng dlveraiey, dls crl6u tfon, or number of any apeclu of plaJ/n cs? / __ % b, Reduction of the nu ~e~ot/` any unigw, rare % or eaea ngered ao+U es of plants? c. Introduction of nev or dlsrup clue species of planes lore en area? d. Reduction in cDa potential for agricultural product eton? Fauna. 4511 the proposal have significant renal cs in: a. Change in the charac earls tics of speeiea, including diversity, dlstriDution, oz numb ers of any species of animals? b. Reduction of the numbeza of any unique, rare or endangered spades of animals? c. Incroduc cion of nw of disrup clue species of animals Sn to an area. or rasuic in a barrier co the mlgra cion oz movement of aeimala? d. Decer.to ration or removal of exia[Sng fish or vi1d11fe habitat? 5. Pooulaeion. V1111 the proposal have significant Z69 UlC$ ino a. 4111 the proposal alter the Iota cion, distrY- bucion, density, divrraicy, or grouch rata of the hunan population of an a: ea? b. 4111 the proposal affect axis CSng houaSng, or crea ce a demand for additional hon.+.-+ 6. Soc So-Economic Factors. 413Y the proposal Dave sSgnif SCan[ rasulta lo: a. Changr Sn local nr regional ao cio-economlc chazactaris tics, ;ncluding economic or commaicial diversity, tax rata, and property valves? b. HSll pro~ace costs be equitably d1a[rLDueed aawng pro~ece benef iclaries, i. e., buyers, tax payers or pro~ecc users? 7. Land L'sc and Planning Cons Ldera clone. 4111 [h• proposal have sig~.fla„~ r.y!!._ ~,-„ a. A substantial alteration of the Ares eat or planne6 land use of an area? b. A mnflltt vlth any designatlans, ob~ec clues, Dolic its, or adopted plans of any Bove znmancai encitias? c. M Smpacc upon the 11~c ~r qua Welty oC ex SSCing consumptive or non-consumptive rec reaclonal oppo ream is les? V:- _ ~ _ z _ ~, x _ X _~ _~ ~ _ ~- ~ X x K x X332 V.S ~a J__ 8. Transnortaefon. Will the proposal have sign l: Scant resin ca in: a. Gmerat ion of subscanilal additional vehicular movemen c? X b. Ef tecp on exia [ing rtreats, oz demand .'or nev street construcclon? x c. Effects on exia ting parking fac111 ties, ar demand for nev parking? x d. Subs untlal Smpact upon existing cranaporca- [ion sqa ume7 X e, Al eeraciona to present patterns of circula- [Son or movement of paopl• and/or goods? __ X f. Alterations eo or effects on present and peters cial ester-home, rail, maae transit or •ir traffic? X g. Lncreaaes in eraffic hazards co motor vehicles, bicyclSau or pedu crlana? g 9. Cultural Ruourc •s. W311 eha propoul have aignificarst reaulu !a: a. A dlscurbanu to the Sn[egrlty of archato logScal, pal aorscological, and/or hie torical rssoureea? X lu. Health, Sataty. and Nu lsance Panora. W111 the proposal Fuva eignif Scant Heals in: •. CrucSon of any heal ch hazard or po [anclal heal ch hazard? X b. Eapoaure o! paopl• co po cantial health hazards? __ X c. A risk of say loeion or ralun of hazardous subatsrsua in eha avant of a~ act Sdanc? X d. Aa lrse raaa• 1rs eha number of Snd lviduals or •paciea of vac eor or pathanoganic organiama or cha axpaaur• of paorsl• co •uch vFVani~_i ~. ~. X e. Inc repo in exia sing noise levels? ~ __ X f. Exposure of people to po cenclally dangerous noise levels? X g. Tha creation of oblee clonabl• odors? _ X h. M inc rears Sn 1 ~ht a~ Ian? X 11. Aesthetics. WSll the proposal have aigrif Scan[ resin cs Sa: a. The obs cruc [ion or degradation of any scenic vista or view? b. The creation of an aaachetlcally ofi ensive 91Ce? c. A conf l2cc wl th the obi eceive of dmigna ced or potential scenic torrid[ ra? 12. Uc Sl Sties and Pub llc Services. Will the proposal have a 9lgnifl<ant need for ntv ayatama, or al teratlom co the foil owing: a. Electric power? b. Natural or packaged gas? c. Communicatlona syatema? d, Water supply? e. Waat avocet facilitita? f. Fl oad control atzucturaa? g. ,cl Sd waste Faciiiciea? h. FSre pro [action? 1. Pol lca pro [action? ~. gchcola? k. Parks or other recreacfaml facill [l eai 1. Malnrentn<e o[ pub lS< fat Sllties, Sn<lud ing roads and Hood control fat Sllciea? m. Other govervman cal aarviua? 17. Energy and Scarce Resources. Will the proposal have sign if SCan~ results in: -~ --- ..- aovs ianiiai or ex<eaalw fwl or energy? b. Tubs cantial increase in demand upon ex is cing aaurces of energy? c. M increase in the demand (or development of new eourcn of energy? d. M increase or perpetuation of the conaump cfon of non-renewable forma of energy, when feasible renewable aourceq of energy are available? 7 >; - ~~~~ ,;~ x X Y X x -- ~ x X x A X x X x x x k ?a;e 5 a. SubacancSal deplatlon of any nonrenewable or scarce natural resource? 1L. Nandaco [y Find inea of Sign if lcance. a. Does the pro]etc have the potential ca degrade the gwlity of cha environment, aubacancally reduce the habitat of fish or v11d1 ifs species, [suss a fish oz uildllfa papulaciort to drop below calf auacalning levels, threaten to eliminate a plan[ of animal community, reduce the number or rensitc the raaga of a-ara ur andaagare6 plant or animal or alimina[e imporeanc asamplu o[ the au]or parioaa of California hta eorq or prehia Cory? YES :.~YaE };O ~. __ X b. Does the pro]ect Dave the poeanelal [o achieve a hozc-term, co the disadvanuga of long-term, envisonmantal goals? (A short-tare Smpatc ao chr environment is one which Decors in a [elacivaly brief, daPinieiva period of time while long- term impacts will endure wall into the fucusa). X c. Does cha pro]act have impasse which era individually limited, but cumulatlvaly conaiderabla? (CumuLtlvaly eoasidarabl• magna chat eha Saeraauaeal affaeea of an Sndivldual pra]eec an conaldarabla when viewed in conneet!on ri:h cha eifacta of Paat pro]acca, and proDabla fueura pco]ecu). _ X d. Does cha Protece D, v.. --, - - ,,,ai mecca vni<h will [suss aubuantlal adverse atLcte an human baiaga, either diraeely or indiracely? ~ % I2. DISC°SSIDN OF ENVIAONlQN2A1 ZVALUAI~ON (i.s., of affirms[ ive ansaera co cha above quay [lone plw a diacuulon of propoud mitigation meaau rES). /3~ C?'y4 i II2. OETER.INATION On [he basis of this inl!Sal e~aluacion: I find the proposed pro~ecc COLJ NOT have a sign Sf i<anc ef:ecc on ch• environment, and aCN TE 6L R: CFL E%ElaPIiUPo gill be pteparad, I find chat although the proposed proy etc could have a algnlflcan! I effect on the en~iro~ent, [here vlll not be a algnif Scant of .`ec! LJ in chic cans because eta mitigation measures daacrlb ed on an attached sheet have bean added co the proi ec c. A NECAIriT_ DEGIAINTION GILL BE PREPARED. CC I find the proposed pro~ecC YAY have a signlf SCan~ effe<c on the envirimen[, and an EWIRON:1£!T IS@AC2 REPORT Ss required. Data 6-l-d9 ~~w^'"~~' Sigoa cure Hs sociate Civil Engineer Tlela ~~g -- ------ CITI' OF RANCHO CCC'AyONGA ~, .<, S~'AFF REPORT _,~~~,-~. OATS: June 7, !989 ~ TG: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engiazer ~~ BY: Linda Beak, Jr. Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Award the Sierra Madre and Placida Court Street Improvement Project from Arrow Highway to Via Carrillo Drive for the amount of 5164,311.00, to be funded with Community Development Block Grant Funds, Account No. 28-4333-8811 REC01/EMDRTION: IC is recommended that the City Council accept all bids as submitted and award the contract for the Sierra Madre and Placida Court Street Improvement Project to the lowest responsible bidder, Heritage Construction, for the amount of 516q,311.00. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Per previous Council action, bids were solicited, received and opened on May I1, 1989, for the subject project. Heritage Construction fs the apparent lowest responsible bidder with a bid amount of 5164,311.00 (see attached bid summary). The Engineer's estimate was 5141,500.00. Staff .~__ ._.. ~_.._. __ ..ie.e „n (IaS (CYIY,R.'U all VIVJ Icuci,c~ u~~u ~ u~~~. n...~ ~. ~~ ~-~- ~~ accordance with the bid requi remen ts.'V Staff has completed the required background investigation and finds all bidders to meet the requirements of the bid documents. Re spectful l_yy,s ubmi tted, ~~/~~ ii / ~ _'"' RHM: Lli. sd__~-Y~ Attachment cc: Purchasing /~ l~~ u u a s z g J a ~ i ~ ^~ ~ S r 0 a - $ g n "' a ti a _ .~ a n o ~ a .. d ~ ' ~I `o ~I ~ u x° 'u a z 0 a o E 0 a a °a a u a 'c ~~ K ~~~ ~~ °n °c 0 0 s N OLL GJ f 0 - --- CITI' OF RA:YCHO CCCAMGNGA STAFF REPORT r }_^_^`~, GATE: June 7, 1989 .< J _ T0: City Council and City Manager ~~, FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City F,n gineer BY: Linda Beek, Jr. Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Award the Hillside Road Rec on struc ticn Improvement Project from Hermosa Avenue to Mayberry Street for the amount of 586,404.87, to be funded from Fund i5: S,B. 300 (new account number) RECOMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council accept all bids as submitted and award the contract for the Hillside Road Reconstruction Improvement Project to the lowest responsible bidder, J,E,G. Construction, for the amount of 586,404.87. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Per previous Council action, bids were solicited, received and opened on May 10, 1989, for the subject project. J.E.G. Construction is the apparent lowest responsible bidder with a bid amount of 586,404.87 (see attacnee oie summa ry i. ine engineers esn mate was ayc,ive ,eu. Starr has reviewed all bids received and found them to be complete and in accordance with the bid requirements. Staff has completed the required background investigation and finds all bidders to meet the requirements of the bid documents. Respectfully anpmitted, .; /~ A / C /~ , RHM:LBi~~ / Attachment ca "rurc having 3 O Z P M t~ 6 S O N W Qr j eO £ ~ m Q 6 O v Q 2u ,VO W ~ V H a x a > P K F 2 Q m S I ~t a 'a n a M m ~ a Y ~ /~~ a t F °o °o °o o c S 8 a 8 S _ _ j O P ~ ~ W Z m e a ~L n ~ r Q - 49 J T ui .. n - J r ,~ y y U ~ O O O O O V O O '~J ~ CJ U £ ~ ~~ fV 4 4 n r m ~n a t~ ~. Y N .Y O Z u a o - o ~-. °0 0 0 0° o' °o c - ffi ~ N m e .. a o~ m N ~ [v n y P G O ~ O ~ S4 6 m ~ pO Y m OJ p -~ J p O O O O O On ~`Sjmj ~ p ~ ~ m n < ¢ m r ~ r " m M O e _ _ c c _ _ °c o o ~ p W N u T_ ~ P P vt K m t~ ~C p .Y .-~ n P O ~ O V Q £ p 6 OLL O w ~ ~- N vi min - m vn a ~ V .-~~ U m r 4 T v V 4 V ~ p W pp r K V' F Y N aZ A V N N d m 2 S V E & '.e n OC Z m c u} u~ mC YU ~ ab O C ~TSi L _ a Y 1- l { Si -.. fL N rJ V U J y L P ~ 4 W d ~` vuy 00 ¢T n> 2N ~~ 6 ~ U 46 QE `.a9 m 26 6t~` 1-N p 6m F-~ VQ O -~ (.~ .~i N/{/.I~/~ v v~ ~p n 0 P -~ .~ -- -- -- - - -- CITY OF' RAtiCHO Cl'C:1i{OtiGA STAFF REPORT ,-,-~~~ - .=~ DATE; June 7, 1989 ~ ~ T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer 8Y: Linda Beek, Jr. Civil Engineer SOBJ ECT: Award the Slurry Seal Program 1988/89, Phase I, Various Street locations, for the total amount of 5131,385.01 with Districts lA, 10, 3, 4 and 5 to be funded from Gas Tax ' 2107, Account No. 09-4637-8816 for the amount of 516,593.86 and Districts 2A and 29 to be funded from SB 300 - New Account Number for the amount of 554,791.15 rsECa~Nwrloe: It is recommended that the City Council accept all bids as submitted and award the contract for Slurry Seal Program 1988/89, Phase I, Various Street locations, with Districts lA, 1B, 3, 4 and 5 to be funded from Gas Tax 2107, Account No. 09-4637-8816 for the amount of 576,593,86 and Districts 2A and 28 to be funded from SB 300 - New Account Number for the amount of 554,791.15, to the lowest responsible bidder, Doug Martin Contracting Company, Inc. Per previous Council action, bids were solicited, received and opened on May 18, 1989, for the subject project. Doug Martin Contracting Company, Inc., is the apparent lowest responsible bidder with a bid amount of 5131,385.01. lSee attached bid summary. Amount is the total for Districts lA and 18, 3, 4, and 5 of the Total Bid.) The engineer's e stimz to far construction is 5162,047.20. Staff has reviewed all bids received and found them to be complete and in accordance with the bid requirements. Staff has completed the required background investigation and finds all bidders to meet the requirements of the bid documents. Re spec submitted /i ~. ~ , RNM iffic__~-----y --- Attachment cc: Purchasing I a = - ~ o _ - :. _ _ x K - - - j G _ N < S s a w o x _ _ a ~.. ... _ z .-. r. ,.. .. o a -' N z a ~ .~ a -~ ~ w e m l ~. ~ n ., $ it 4 a c .. [`j}~j$ ~ N ~ in ~~ v v N 1 ---CITY OF RANCHO CtiCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE; June 7, 1989 `;i T0: City Council and City Manager ~' FROM: Russell R. Maguire, City Engineer ~I BY: Linda Beek, Jr. Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Execute contract for the Carnelian Street East Side Parkway Beautification Jmprovement Project, located from Vineyard Avenue to Base line Road, awarded to Gateway Construction for the amount of E10A,521.00 (598,661.00 plus 10% contingency) to be funded from Beautification funds, Account No. 21-4647-8046 (Awarded May 3, 1989) ftECONENUATION: It is recommended that City Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract documen is for the Carnelian Street East Side Parkway Beautification Improvement Project, and authorize the Administrative Services Director to expend f108,527.00, (598 ,661.00 plus 10% contingency) to be funded from Beautification funds, Account No. Z1-4ti47-8Da6. Background/Analysis Or. May 3, 1989, Cf ty Council awarded the subject project to Gateway Construction. Staff has received the executed contract dotumen ts, bonds and insurance documents; reviewed them and found them to be complete and in accordance with the contract proposal. Respectfully Obmitted, ~~, ~, ~. RHM:LB:sd`'~J- cc: Purchasing CITY' OF RANCHO CliCAMONGA STAFF REPORT OA7E: June 1, 1989 '' T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer 9Y: Linda Beek, Jr. Civil Engineer 1~~, ~' SUBJECT: Execute contract for the Avenida Vajar Street Improvement Project, located from Grove Avenue to Sierra Madre Avenue, awarded to Vance Corporation for the amount of 5114,079.00 ', (E158,253.U0 plus 10% contingency) to be funded with I Conmuni ty Development 81ock Grant Funds, Account No. 28-4333-8811 (Awarded May 3, 1989) RECOMEMDATION: It is recommended that City Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to ~ execute the contract documents for the Avenida Vejar Street Improvement Project, and authorize the Administrative Services Director to expend E174 ,079,00, (E158,253.00 plus 10% contingency) to be funded with Community Development 87ock Grant Funds, Account Na. 28-4333-8811. ~~ 6ackgrou nd/Analysis On Mav 3. 1989 r.;tv fnunrtl .eve .~.c ..~j cc: "rroJ~et to Corporation. Staff has received the executed ycontract documents, bonds and insurance documents; reviewed them and found them to be complete and in accordance with the contract proposal. Re spectfyl ly-submitted, RHM: B a cc: Purchasing 4 CITY OF RAtiCHO CCC:INONUA STAFF REPORT ,~,-Cr.; Y'om'' _.^~~ DATE: June 7, 1989 ~~ T0: City Council and City Manager ', FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Paul A. Rougeau, Traffic Engineer ', SUBJECT: Approval and execution of a Professional Service Agreement with J.F. Davidson Associates for checking of traffic signal and signing and striping plans ~~ RECOMMENDATION: ' I~ It is reconmended that the above referenced agreement be approved '', I and execution authorized for the performance of Lhis work on an as '' '~, needed, time and materials basis. The estimated amount is 840,OOG.00 to be funded from the Contract Services Account No. ~ i, 01-4638-6028. I I BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS ', During the next six to eight months, it is expected that a great '~ '~, number of traffic plans will ne received by the Traffic Management '. Section for checking. This, in combination with the present plan .. ~ oyincw u- -uyie V~vJ c~~ iciawa piciu, i will require consultant help on an ui ntermittent basis. I '~, Respectfu}}y submitted, ~, F - "~'~i~li/f '---- i I RHM:PA.R:JY- i I ~ ~~ --- - ~~ -- - CI'I1'OF'RAVf'HIrCIY'A~UrtiGA STAFF REPORT rsC;v, `r`te - :'.~ DATE: June 7, 1989 ~("~ 'r T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, Ci tV Engineer BY: John L. Martin, Associate Civil Engineer SOBJ ECT: Approval and Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with J. F. Davidson Associates to perform Landscape In ven ton es and Master Beautification Plans for Vineyard Avenue Parkways and Carnelian Street Parkways for a fee not to exceed 328,000.00 to be paid from the Beautification fund, Account No. 21-4647-8842, An additional lOR contingency allowance to be established for use under the approval of the City Engineer. ~~ RECOMEImATION: Approval and Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with J. F, Davidson Associates to perform Landscape Inventories and Master Beautification Plans for Vineyard Avenue Parkways and Carnelian Street Parkways for a fee not to exceed 328,000.00 to be paid from the Beautification Fund, Account No. 21- d647-8842. An additional 10$ contingency allowance to 6e established for use under the approval of the City Engineer. BACK6RWN0/ANALYSIS: Following a Request for Proposals, the firm of J. F. Davidson Associates has been selected as meeting the qualifications desired by staff to perform the Landscape Inventories and Master Plan Workings for the pro,iect. This Master Ptan StuQy will be used as a basis for continuity in the installation of landscape and irrigation activities whether by the City or developers. Respect~l]y-$ubmi tted, i '~ ,~ ) i /' ~- ~,, RHM:JLM:pam ' i i ~I -- ------- CITI' OF RAtiCHO CL'G1~IOtiG~ STAFF REPORT ^;, CATS: June 7, 1989 y~~~,-1~4~~... T0: City Council and City Manager °^".~~ FRGM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer I Ry: Willie Valbuena, Engineering Technician $iIBd ECT: Annrnval of a C_uhnr ding fine an nnmm~n• f,...,., rte~t c ~.,.,~._ and Rebecca A. Weeks for their property, 10 ca ted at 5570 Crooked Creek Crive RECBMIENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving a Subordination Agreement submitted by Neal S. Weeks and Rebecca A. Weeks and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign same ~i and cause the agreement to record. Background%Ana lysis I, A Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement was accepted by i, the City Council and recorded on May 2, 1988, as document No. 88-137821 I in the official Records of San Bernardino County, State of California for '~ construction of missing off-site street improvements including curb, gutter, asphalt pavement and appurtenant work adjacent to the property. In order to secure financing for his project, the lender requires that the subject Lien Agreement be subordinated to liens in favor of the 'I lender. Neal S, Weeks and Rebecca A. Weeks has submitted the attached '~, Subordination Agreement for City Council approval. Respecyfully su Dmi tted, ,A' ~ ~~ _______~ I ~~-' - '~, RHM:~sd~ J Attachment ~~~ RESOLUTION N0. iC ~- ~ ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, APPRO'I ING A SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT FROM NEAL S. WEEKS AND REBECCA A. WEEKS ANO AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME WHE REPS, a Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement for h 6.. ~h~11eH nn nF nFi_e:ho note rludinn irh nuttar a_nA pavement, was approved by City Council on February 3, 1988, and recorded in San Bernardino County on May 2, 1988, Ins tr•ument No. 88-13782; and 'WHEREAS, for the de velcper to secure financing for the project, the lender requires that the above-mentioned lien be subordinate to the lien in favor of the lender; and WHEREAS, the developer has submitted a Subordination Agreement Lo that effect for Lhe City's approval and execution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYEO by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that said Subordination Agreement 6e and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Subordination Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk attest thereto. /-53 v v Q tl ~O Q m_~s c: - ~, J -~ , _. %~ 79 (~1' . IU CIT'X OF 1TE1l: RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~I'rL~-5570 Cr~k~d Creek Drive ENGIIVEERIIVG DIVISION / ~ 1~ E~ - CITy° OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA ~~casrp STAFF REPOKT ,~y"~~`"° >~~, ~. ~~. Z y ~~,=- DATE: June 7, 1969 T0: Mayor, Members of the City Council and City Manager FROM: Joo Schultz, Community Services Manager BY: Kathy Sorensen, Sr. Recreation Supervisor SU&7ECT: Agreement Between C~affev Joint Union Hioh School _District and The Citv of Rancho Cucamonga for Summer Usage of the Alta Loma High School Pool. Recommendation: To approve the attached agreement for swimming pool operations and the expenditure of a rental payment of $600.00 per week for the City's Community Services Department to conduct swimming lessons and open swim at Alta Loma High School. Backoround: Sach year the Community Services Department cc-_ - - l:y .. ..ems„ ~ .'~yvJi ~u„i~ico residents of the City of Rancho Cucamonga at Alta Lomal High School. This program is extremely successful with an increase in programs expanding 5D$ to 75$ each of the past two years. The swimming program is totally self-supporting thru the class fees and swimming fees charged for participation. The attached agreement has been reviewed by Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director. Respectfully submitted, Joe Schultz Community Services Manager JS/KS/mg AGREEMENT FOR SWI`ICIING FOOL OFERATiON THiS AGREEMENT entered into on the _ 1st _ day of _~Y ____, 7 G H9 hetNeen the !:iay ,.f Ra nrhn r,_?,w,_~_- ~aiiiornia, herein- after referred to as the City and the CHAR"FEY JOINT DNICN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT of San Bernardino County, he reinafter referred to as the District: W I T N E 5s E T H WHEREAS, the City desires to establish recreational swim- ming programs at the _ Alta Lama _ High School and: WHEREAS, the District deems it desirable to cooperate in the establishment of such programs under the conditions herein- after set forth, now, therefore, it is agreed as follows: i. Tuc Dis ~ricu s[Idll rurnisn nUring Lne Lerm oY this Agreement the following: a. The Alta Lora _ High Schocl swimming pool, including adjacent restro oms, and a tic'ret booth/ office area. b. Normal equipment necessary to operate the ocol. Jr, 2. The term of this Agreement shall be from _JUne~81_J989 _ to _ Augils*_ 12, 1989__. .3. The rental rate shall be at $_600.00 _ per week or pro- rated for any portion of the last week of the rental term. The Clty agrees to remit the total amount duP -- Jf ~i,e summer program. the l.lty shall not be charged for full-day closures when such closures are caused by equipment malfunction. Partial day closures shall not 'oe credited. 4. The District shall provide for the normal mainte r.a nce of the pool, including utilities. 1 ~~^ 1 5. Application for the specific dates and hours of use by the City shall be submitted to the District and approved by the Director, Business Services. 6, The City shail be responsible for organizing and super- vising recreational swimming programs, and for the ~~-„ploy n.ant artd o~iicduiing of personnel to operate such programs. 7. The City may establish charges for the above swimming programs and funds received shall become the property of the City. 8. The City agrees to hold harmless, indemnify, and defend the School District, its successors and assigns, from and against all claims, liens, encumbrances, actions, loss, damages, causes of action, expense and/or liabil- ity, including court costs and attorney's fees arising from or resulting from loss or damage to property or in,~ury to or death oP persons resulting in any manner whatsoever directly or indirectly, by reason of their program operation of the _ Alta ~'? _____ High School swimming pool during the times that the same open for use or being used under the supervision of the City. ine urstrrct agrees to hold harmless, indemnify, and defend the City, its successors and assigns, from and against all claims, liens, encumbrances, actions, loss. damages, causes of action, expense and/cr liability, including court costs and attorney's fees arising frcm or resulting Yrom loss nr damage to property cr i jury to cr death of persons resulting ir. any manner whatso- ever directly or indirectly, by reason of their m~in- tenance of the _?~1ta Lcma ____ High School swimming pool. 18. School property shall be protected from damage or mis- treatment. In the event that facilities or equipment are damaged as a result of carelessness in iLS use or mistreatment by the City, the necessary co et.s of rrna, _. o< c'cyiac;emeni shah he paid by the l;lty. 11. The City will provide the District a certificate of insurance naming the Chaffey Joint Union High School District as an additional insured on the City's liabil- ity insurance policy. / ~ / 2 12. This agreement may be amended or cancelled at any time by mutual agreement o£ both parties. CITY OF Authorized Signature Attest/City Clerk CHAFFEY JOINT UNION HIGH __ ~- Y~~~LL-- ~~ ~t~S C~~ H O O L ~ ~D ' I S~^ T ' R " I ~ ~ C T Authoriz~ igS nature STEPHIIJ t. au~rreas Director, Business Services S~-____ Date Date --- - I-5~ 3 ~~ -~- - C'[TF OF RAtiCH(i Cl'CA~iPtiGA STAFF REPORT r~~~;:- , 7 _ r ~ l ~ ~, DATE: June 7, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer ' BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspect ' SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13742, located on the south side of Arrow Route, east of Grove Avenue, '~, submi tted by AC & C Investments ~~ RECOMIENDATION ~~~I It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the i Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. it ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND ~, improvement Agreement and improvement Security to auara ntee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13142 were approved by the City Council on June 2, 1988, in the following amounts. '~, tatthtUl HertOrmance Bond: S/O,000.UU ~! Labor and Material Bond: 538,000.00 The developer, AC 8 C investments, is requesting approval of a 60 day extension on said improvement agreement, Copies of the improvement Agreement 'i Ez tensi on are available in the City Clerk's Office. ResDe y Submitted, I RHM ~SMG:ly '~.~ ~' Attathmenta ~~ 9 RESOLUT?ON N0. $~- ~-~ ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCNG CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMEN? EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13142 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension ..u ..cv u~ VpCf , 111C improvement of public right-of~-wayya dj scent to~the real~prooerty specifically described therein, and generally located on the south side of Arrow Route, east of Grove Avenue; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Tract 13142; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the Li ty Clerk to attest thereto. ia~~M~ MCOII~OIINTED ~'~~~~ stay s, isas City of Rancho Cucarnnga P.O. I3ox 807 Rancho Cucamonga, G4 91730 RE: Fxtensiun of Arprovement Agreement for Tract 13742 iknr ~1r. Gilliland: This letter is in response to the letter dated Apri] 20, 1989. At present, the work for the underground utilities and cable hes been completed. We still need to have the following done: ].. Street lighting 2. Street signs 3. Public sidewalks 4. Ihive approach per City standards Ile location of utility pole and fire hydrant on Arrow Route. 6. Street paving YJe are foxmelly requesting an extension of our hnprovenent Agreermnt for Trnct 13742. [i will expire June 1, 1989 and the extension is for fi0 days. {Ye have enclosed the notarized extension in triplicnte, ns well es a check for the fec minwrt of $251.00. Si n;e rely -, ~- Steven Qtan, President Linclosure s; :a:, i ru , / ~ /P 22632 Golden Springa Rd., Suite 27U, Oiamono Bar. CA 91765 7EL. (714)861-1507 FAX (714) 660-3761 - CITY OF RANCHO CCCAMGtiGA STAFF REPORT ~~~. DATE: June 7, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer @Y: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector 'a,o/. SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13444, located on the south side of Fairmont Way between Milliken Avenue and Kenyon Way, submitted by The William Lyon Company, RECOMENDIITION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND :mprovement Agreement and lmp rovement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13444 were approved by the Ct ty Council on November 15, 1587, in the following amounts. Faithful Performance Bond: ES506,125 Labor and Material Bond: $253,063 The developer, The William Lyon Company, is requesting approval of a 10-month extensior~ on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Re spec tfu(~1' su Lted, RHM: SG: ~w /-~~ C~ RESOLUTION N0. ~-(' ~ ~ 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13444 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension ~~fnd n _l unn ] 10A0 by William lynn ~~mp ~n.• i~ A~~i el ape., •h~ improvement of pubs is right-of-way adjacent to the real property `specifically described therein, and generally located on the south side of Fairmont Way between Milliken Avenue and Y.enyon Way; and WHEREAS, the instal. lati on of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Tract 13444 and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension 15 secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California he re oy resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest therein. //l -.., aeC"'2T.tJ .i'Ui-E a. R4N~-r :,,~a^n^N34 ~c v~n30 ~ %i4 99C-22ec )'av 1+5,14)59 Steve Gilliland ~ Engi npering L'epa rC men[ City of 3ancho Cucamonga P.U. Sox ri0i '°,,,~ `lane ho Cue amonga,Ca. 91%3U ~~„y .l dh.: Tract 13454 Dear Steve: ransmi [[ed herewith is the executed F.xC ension for Improvement gn~amenc for Traci 13444 and a check for Chis extension in the amount of 5251.00. lCe are requesting this extension to complete site improvements in ;cc 13~i4o. ,\s you are mh~are Chis tract has :%b hones which are being ~builC in phases. Uue to the amount of off tract i nfast ructure ~,vork for the Vi nevards forth Superbl ock, 'I'racC .. .-. .._ _ mod. „ u~ ~~~ improvements and also duerto~Che r„ulti-phase li[e span of a tray-t including Chis many homes a greater length of time is needed to .~~:~pl eCt~ ail [he required improvements. Please contact me for anv EurCher information we an provide to assi e[ vour processing this extension. i ii,uiks ~ „r your itel p. -~s eceful ly, ~ ~x~ zti ~c,~~~,~-~ .~- ' Shari ~cwman Pro jnrt Pia na Kement Assitit ant . n.,m,~i r. .,, ,.. 5,,,., ncl .. i~r ~ pEnl kStATE irf V~L'JPMEPli -- ('ITl~ rl[~ It.aV('Hu l'i'('A~I(111;.a STAFF REPORT DATE: June 7, 1989 T0: City Cou ncii and Ci Ly Manager FROM: Russell M. Maguire, City tngineer 5_ ~^_ ~.T BY: Wiliie Vaibuena, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering Lhe Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nes. 1 ar.d 6 for DR 88-07, ioca ted ea s4 of Rochester Avenue, south of 6th Street, submitted by Swan Pools, Inc. RECOMIENDATIDN ~'~, It is recommended that the City Council adept the attached resolutions ' '~~ approving DR 88-07, accepting the subject agreement and security, ordering the ' ~I, annexation to Lardsca pe Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting i, Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6, and authorizing the Mayor and the City ' Clerk to sign said agreement. i, ANALYSTS/BACKORCUNO ' ' DR 88-07, located east of Rochester Avenue, south of 6th Street, in the '~ ' Indu strict Soecific Plan District. was aoorov ed by the Planning Comm ssi on on June 14, 1988, for the division of 0.724 acres into 1 lot. 'I The Developer, Swan Pools Inc., is su bmi Cting an agreement and security to ' guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: ~~i Fai thful Performance Bond: 521,000.00 !, Labor and Material Bond: 510,500.00 ~; Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. A letter of approval has been received from Cucamonga County Water District. The Consent and Waiver to Annexation fm•m signed by the Developer is on file in the City Clerk's office. Respe~ulAiy su bp~t ted, ~-- ~ w~% RNM:WYt.IAA.;sd-- Attachments /~ RESOWTION N0. ~9, 4~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AN6 IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW N0. 88-G7 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement executed on June 7, igo9, by Swan "roots, inc., as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located east of Rochester Avenue, south of 6th Street; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said real property as referred to Planning Commission, Development Review No. 88-01; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement is secured and accompanied by 9oud and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby aDDroved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said improvement Agreement on behalf of the Ci tv of Rancho f,ucamonaa, anA the City Clerk to attest thereto. /~~ RESOLUTION NO. ~~, 1 L(y A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RP.NCNO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORD`c RING THE ANN'cXATICN OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR DR 88-07 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, --- ' -s y; eviously - -- special -- - --~-~- strict pursuarS Lhe~~terms of~~the "Landscapi~ng~ and~Lighting Act of 1972",being D?vision 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 3, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. I and Street Lighting Maintenance Oi str ict No. 6 (heref naf ter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "I.andsca ping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to Lake proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexatlon without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCiL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That. this legislative bogy hereby orders the annexation of the property as shown in Exhibit "A" and the work program areas as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto to the Maintenance Oistrict. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance Qistrict, including t~~Te vy of all assessments, shall be applicable to Lhe territory annexed hereunder. /~ 7 ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. i AND 6 6th Stree7` I° i I ~ I ~ 30 ? Pm. 889/ ~ °' ~ 1 ~.. - ~=? rf F.i~'i..r..-i Q.L 1~ /~.L rs4/rT /+MiN~Ay Atib A.rL.r)tO IY.6/O~J _ - C I Z ~II P.rlB, 9969-7d ~~ I J•' ~ .~;~~:, crrY of aeNCBO ctra-~coxoe ~ na sa-o~ I COUNTY OF 8AN BSBI~(AADII~fO _. ~ 3 BTATN of cwzn~oaNU- - N im .~ ERHI BIT 'B' PROJ EGT NAME: ^uR 88-07 N0. OF D,U. OR ACREAGE: 5 acres N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 1 unit STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT District No. 1 6 u,. „s L. «,. ne A~ne~ed ___ Z -° --- --- LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT G i~ir iLi iw. mil ccl iially 3 Rochester Ave. J;,a:6/ i/B9 Turf JV• I l• Ground Cover JV• 1 L• Trees LG. 10 /~9 -- ('ITS ~ 1F H:AS('H(~ t~l~l'A~1(1SGA STAFF REPORT DATE: June 7, 1989 TC: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Willie Valbuena, Engineering Technician ~,~ s- ~"~,,{_ . ~%~; r•.' SUBJ EC is Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2 for Tract 13359, located on the east side of Sapphire Street, south of Hillside Road, submitted by H.K. Heim incorporated RECOMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions ' approving Tract 13359, accepting the su bJ ect agreement and security, ordering I, the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2, and authorizing the Mayor and the City ~i Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. ANAL YSrc7gArKrpDpNp Tract 13359, located on the east side of Sapphire Street, south of Hillside Road in the very low residential D1strlct, was approved by the Planning Commission on January 27, 1988, for the division of 3,79 acres into b lots. The Developer, H.K. Heim Incorporated, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: (166,200.00 Labor and Material Bond: E 83,100.00 Non omen to t!on: S 2,700,00 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office nhhn n• of al f.n.n hFn 6i n6 n6nn1 nA nl mm~nlanv ,-H nnl di ef_ni ~fe will ,. .,, ... ....~ ..y.. .. ......~. ...~ .. not be necessa ry ~if the emergency ordinance is passed. The Consent and Waiver Yo Annexation form signed by the Developer is on file in the City Clerk's offi re. Respectfully submiyted, RHM:WV:JAA ad / 7(~ Attachments RESOLUTION N0. ~~~ ~~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY, AND FINAL MAP OF TRACT N0. 13"s59 WHEREAS, the Tentative Map of ~Iract No. 13359, consisting of 6 lots, submitted by H.K. Heim Incorporated, Subdivider, located on the east side of Sapphire ~treeL, suu tii of Hiiiside RJad ilai been iubaii trod W the City Jf Rancho Cucamonga by said Subdivider for approval by .said City as provided in the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, and in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and 'WNE REAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the Ff nal Map of said Tract said Subdivider has offered the Improvement Agreement submitted herewith for approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient Improvement Securl ty, and submi is far approval said Final Map offering for dedication for street and highway purposes the streets delineated thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: That said Improvement Agreement be and the same is approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute same on behalf of said City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and Ihat said Improvement Security is ac ceptea as goon and sufficient, subject to approval as to form and content thereof by the City Attorney; and That the offers for dedication and the Final Map delineating same be approved and the Gift' Glerk is authorized to execute the certificate thereon an behalf of said City. 7l RESOLUTION N0. X ~~ ~ ~( A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 ANO 2 FOR TRACT 13359 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho f,ucamon ga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 1, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Mairtena nce District No. 2 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chap cer 7. of the "Landscaping and lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative bogy hereby orders the annexation of the property as shown in Exhibit "A" and Lhe work program areas as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including t~Tie~Tevy of all assessments, shalt be appllcab ie to the territory annexed hereunder. 7~ ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 ti h W d a 0 Q h yc~`~ _ Cl'PY OF RANCHO CUCAI[ONl3A ~ TR, (3359, ~~~~ COUNTY OF BAN BRaNARDUi0 c; -~' a BTATa OF CALIFORNIA - ~ T 1~ ~m ...._ ~%NMAR A/ENUE -~~. EXHIBIT 'B' PRUIECT NAME; TRACT 13359 ND. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: 6 d/u ND. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 5 units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N' Lani i tG ue Aliieti eu' District No. 1 ~ _i_ 1 ___ 1 ___ ___ ___ 2 3 ___ ___ ___ ___ LANDSCAPE MAINTE NANGE DISTRICT Turf Grc and Cover Trees Die Lr iii nu. 3L!'eeL r1alnC Jq. le. _ J~(. ti. td._ 1 Vinmar Avenue --- --- 14 Co~nuni ty Trail 6,747 --- --- JAA:5/'!/39 I ~ j --- ---- - CITY t)F RAtiCHO CL'CAMOtiGA STAFF REPORT ~-~ r DATE: June 7, 1489 ' i TO: i,i ty Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer 8Y: Wi 1'I ie Valbuena, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: Approval of Drainage Acceptance Easement Deed, Grant of Easement and Maintenance Agreement and Improvement and Maintenance Agreement for Tract 12462, iota ted on the south side of Summit Avenue between Etiwanda and East Avenues, submitted by Radnor/D rougham/Cucamon ga Partnership RECDMENDATIDN It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resoiutions ', approving Tract 12462, accepting the Drainage Acceptance Easement Deed, Grant '~, of Easement and Maintenance Agreement and Improvement and Maintenance Agreement and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement. i ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Tract 12462, located on the south side of Summit Avenue between Etiwanda and ~' East Avenues in the Very Low Residential District, was approved by the li Planning Commission on December 14, 1983, for the division of 18,49 acres into ', t/ lots. The Develcper, Radnor/8ro ug ham/Cucamon ga Partnership, is submitting Drainage !, Acceptance Easement Deed, Grant of Easement and Maintenance Agreement and I Improvement and Maintenance Agreement as requirements on the Conditions of App ra val. Copies of the agreements are available in the City Clerk's Office. Re spent `ji4~y submitted, 77 '' ` ~'/y'q~(y~ ~ ~ /Z. 11~/ / /~/L..« .. ~ ~/ i L ~~. RNM;WY:J\1 sT~ Attacnments ~ 7-~ RESOLUTION N0. 8 1 - ~ ~.. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCf10 CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DRAINAGE ACCEPTANCE EASEMENT DEED, GRANT OF EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT OF TRACT N0. 12462 i.wene ne ~G,, r,...a.£: ,.,, Mme.. ..t T..~..£ tl.. 19469 :e£inn n£ 77 ln_£e ...,. ~~ submitted~hy Radnor/B roughamlC ucamonga Partnership, Subdivider, located on the southsi de of Summit Avenue, between Etiwa nda and East Avenues, has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by said Subdivider fer approval by said City as provided in the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, and in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and WHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the Final Map of said Tract said Subdivider has offered the Drainage Acceptance Easement Deed, Grant of Easement and Maintenance Agreement and Improvement and Maintenance Agreement for approval and execution by said City; NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES that said Drainage Acceptance Easement Deed, Grant of Easement and Maintenance Agreement and Improvement and Maintenance Agreement be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign same on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the City Clerk to attest thereto. l ~ X' CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~7 ENGINEERING DIVISION ~ / 7 /\ i ~ ~~ N ITEM: ZiS' /2462 ERHIBIT; SUS'' EVENUE CITY' OF R~1?~CHO CCCd~IONG~1 STAFF REPORT ,-.~~r;~ '~, DATE: June 7, 1989 ~~~/ ~'~ T0: City Council and City Manager ~,I FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector ` ~- ~~, SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion RECOMI¢NDATION: The required street improvements for 689? Amethyst Street have been completed in an acceptable manner and it is reconmended that City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithfu] Performance Bond in the amount of 53,200.00. Background/Analysis 6891 Amethyst Street DEVELOPER: Larry Mathes Post Office Box 2166 Chino, CA 91108 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 53,200.00 Respec tf~lT 4u-bmitted, ~, ~/ RHM:ontis.7w~ ~ ~ ~' Attachment 17~ RESOLUTION N0. U I " d A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR 6891 AMETHYST STREET AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FUR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for 6891 Amethyst c..ep. hs ce Cccr. ,_.,.d _ _ _ _' _' _ _ ~F~:=_= ... ...c ~~.,. _. v,, ...., ~~ „i the i,-ty Enyi!ieer~ and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the Ci±y Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. 179 - CITY OF RA5CH0 CCC,Aiv10NUA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: dY: SUBJ EC? June 7, 1989 City Cnuncil and City Manager Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Puhl is Works In spec tn~~1 ~~ Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion RECDNlENDATION: The required street improvements for Tract 13057 have been completed in an acceptable manner and it is recomnen ded that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Ma to tenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of 546,000, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and autharize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 5460,000. 6ackgro and/Analysis Tract 13057 - on the south side of Highland Avenue between Fairmont Avenue and Deer Creek. DEVELOPER: The Fieldstone Company id corpora ce riaza Newport Beach, CA 92660 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Streeti E 46,000 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 5460,000 Re spe 1 ubnli tied, RHM:SMG `dlw Attachment ~, ~ t R )t~~j I~~ RESOLUTION N0. X 9 - ~ ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13057 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE pF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 13051 have horn rmm~lafad +n Yho ca+icfar+inn of +he fi+v anA WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, ?HE REFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of (:ompletion with the Ccun ty Recorder of San Bernardino County. / ~' - - CITI' OF RANCHO Cl'CAyIONG.A STAFF REPORT ~r~ '~. DATE: June 7, 1989 ~~' ~~, T0: City Council and City Manager ~. FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer ' BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Puhlic 'works ;r~spec to r` ~, ~. ~ SUBJECT: Release of Maintenance Bond for Tract 12650-2 located on li the east side of Haven Avenue, north of Hillside Road ' RECOMMENOA?ION: ' It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to ~, ~~ release the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds ' Background/Analysis II The required one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects in materials and rrorkmanship. OEV ELOPE R: The Deer Creek rompany 8480 Utica Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 526,700.00 Respectfully sobmi tted, i / '/.j j ~. ~- '~~~ RHM: SMG a~m'"' . I V~ -- ('ITl'ilFF2Atil'HIiCI~CA\Ui~Gq STAFF REPORT ? rs; ~ .~_, r ' J DATE: June 1, 1989 ^ '~ C~^~~.1 T0: City Council and City M,anag er EROM: Russell H, Maguire, City Engineer BY: Monte Pre SCher, Public Works Engineer SUBJECT: Accept the Tryon Street Sidewalk Improvements, Contract No. 88-165 as complete, release bonds and author ize the City Engineer to file a "IJotice of Completion" RECONIENDATION: It is recommended that City Council accept the Tryon Street Sidewalk Improvement Project as complete, release the performance bond, approve the final cost of E33 ,581.24, authorize approval of Change Order No. 2, and authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion" with the County Recorder's office. Background/Analysis The subject project was substantially completed by the contractor, 6-i Enterprise Corporation, near the end of January of this year. A "clean-up list" or "punch list" of items remaining or needing to be ra cnlvnA wac rnnarnA nA <n of fn 46o nM r4n !ha hnntn ,.f February. The icon tractor, on several occasions, refused to discuss the items or the project with staff. On March 30, 1489, the contractor was notified that unless he returned to work, the contractor's control over the work would be terminated and the City would or would cause any coma ininq work to be completed. The contractor failed to return to work and on April 8, 1989, the contractor's control over the work was terminated. Staff directed the City's maintenance contractor to make repaf rs and restore priva [e property improvements disturbed as a result of the sidewalk improvements, and also, to expose coot rote items that were suspect of not meeting minimum thickness requirements. Staff also directed a soils/materials engineering fi nn representing the City on the pro,j ect to make one concrete core in the northwest curb return of Tryon died n ~ u whcrc wd ter CGiie[ted nrid wa< nnE rw_mnv nri nri n_r rn niarinn Che concrete on the standing water. X83 CITY COIINC IL STAFF REPORT T RYON STREET SIDENALK IMPROVEMENTS JUNE 7, 1989 PAGE 2 Staff determined by measurement those areas not meeting minimum standards and directed the maintenance contractor to replace those areas, and also to make concrete sidewalk matt hups and asphalt street repairs not completed. The soils/materials lab tested the concrete core and found it to meet minimum standards. No further action was taken. The maintenance contractor completed ail the repairs in three working days at Force Account (cost-plus) totaling 52,808.78. Two weeks later, a firm rep re seriting B-1 Enterprises was found coring several locations in the area of the project. Staff advised the firm that a permit was required prior to doing any work in the public right-of-way. The firm produced a court order of which staff was aware. However, staff was under the impression that pursuant to the court order, the contractor would cn ly be allowed to obtain corings prior to the City performing any further work. The City would not be doing any additional work; therefore it was not expected Lhat the contractor would be allowed to core. Also, the firm, in addition to coring the contractor's work, was also coring the original work performed under cou r.ty jurisdiction and the replacement work installed by the City's maintenance contractor. When staff arrived, the firm had completed seven corings of which four were in a resident's drive approach. In addition to the above, staff believed the corings to be excessive and the firm refused to repair them in accordance with City Standards (Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction). At that time, the firm reluctantly, but voluntarily, left the project when advised by staff that the Sheriff would 6e called and, the work stopped until it could be determined if the firm was compling with the intent of the court order. T L.. ...... • J J- ..~.... aL .. C ..L-- ..L -.-- l-.. a L.. -JJ. \ how, and how many cores would occur and how they were td be reDaired.~ It appears a4 this time that the City has no control over the corings. The firm apparently has the authority to core whenever, as often, as many times as it wishes and determines the type of repair at their discretion as long as the corings are within the limits of the drive approaches at the specified address in the court order. Therefore, the City has recommended adceptar~ce of the project as it appears that any further charges against the contractor for damage re sulting from corings will not be Dossible. However, staff will 6e monitoring the corings for signs of failure. It is staffs opinion that the corings have affected the structural integrity n: Lomanr iv nn ~oa'v a~uri ~ri ~: n~ section \of Ya concrete subject to vehicular loads This is~in addi tion~to the unsightliness of the corings. / ~~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TRYON STREET SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS JUNE 1, 1989 PAGE 3 It is also reconmended that City Council approve final payment and acceptance of the project without the contractor signing Contract Change Order No. 2 (0002). 0002 consisted of an Extra Work at Agreed Price change order to perform match-up paving between new construction within the right-of-way and existing priva to driveways. The agreed amount was E 3,145,00. The contractor failed to return a signed copy of the change order. However, the contractor completed the work and invoiced the r Irv T6n rorwrrinn i <uFf{ri orr rn rnvor a ad L~<r~„o~r< <wnn1A ~ u ho _. _,,. ..._ .___.. _. _.. .<_ __..._. _.._ __ __. _. _ny __„___.._.._ necessa rY• _ _.,__._ __ On May 5, 1989, ail work and repair work had been completed. At t11at time a progress estimate was prepai red reflecting all work, including 0002, completed by the contractor, a 10% retention, all previous payments, and amount retained for repair work were deducted. A check was issued the contractor on May 12 reflecting balance due. On May i5, staff signed 0002 in prepairing for finalizing the project. Later on May 15, staff received a copy of a Summons, Breach of Contract, with B-I Enterprise named as plaintiff and the City named as defendant in the amount of f13,042 ,63 plus interest from January 20, 1989, plus attorney's fees. Respe/c tf~y spbmi tied t ~.-~ RHM:MDL ad ~ / Attachment I V RESOLUTION N0. $"i ' p ~ J A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNC iL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRYON STREET SIDEWALKS, GONTRRCT NO 88-165, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK wHE REAS, the rnn ct rprfinn of nuhiir imnrnyemantc fnr Try nn Straet Sidewalks, Contract No. 88-165, have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. `!~ - CITY C)F RAVC'HU C'I'(':111(JtiGA STAFF REPORT r~ ~r~ ~~, DATE: June 7, 1989 ~K% T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Michael D. long, Senior Public Works Inspector SUBJECT: Accept the Sapphire 'rails Renovation, south of Banyan Street, Contract No. 88-136, as complete, release bonds and authorize the City Engineer to file a " Notice of Completion" RECOMENOAYION: it is recommended that City Council accept the Sapphire Trails Renovation, south of Banyan Street, Contract No. 88-136, as complete, authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion", authorize the release of the Faithful Performance Bond in Lhe amount 581,596,00, and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of 54,233.75 and the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of 540,798.00, 35 days after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received. Also, approve the final contract amount of 591,547,79. Background/Analysis - r -e _.a ~~+ ~«~ ~~iiiyici.ea in abburuGllCe w/L0 Lne approved plans and specifications Land to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The final contract amount is 591,547.79 which includes one minor change order(s) for additional decomposed granite trail treatment and relocation of City and S.C.E. property from private property to the public right-of- way. Re spec tfulJy, submitted, / j . (r'- RHM:MDLad %'~ ~, Attachment PESOLUTION N0. ~~- ~SCp A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMP ROYEMENTS FOR SAPPHIRE TRAILS RENOVATION, SOUTH OF BANYAN 51'REET, CONTRACT N0. B8-135, ANO AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK 4'H FRF Aj the r nc4 riirfinn n_f niihl it imp nnvomuntc fnr Sa pp hira Trailc Renovation, south of Banyan Street, Contract No. 88-136, have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. ~ 88 ---- ----...--- cIT~•c1F x.a>:ceclrrc.a~ul::c.a ~ STAFF REPORT ,_.,~L'-;~; DATE: June 7, 1989 ~ `~`f'„i T0: City Council and City Manager ' FROM: Russ ell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Michael D. Long, Senior Public Works Inspector SUBJECT: Accept the Via Carrillo Orive, from Avenida Vejar to Sierra ' Madre, Contract 88-163, as complete, release bonds and authorize the Ci ey Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion" REC01lENDATION: It is recommended that City Council accept the Via Carrillo Drive, from Avenida Vejar to Sierra Madre, Contract 88-163, as complete, authorize the City to file a "Notice of Completion", authorize the release of the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount 5175,114.71, and accept the 10% Maintenance Bond in the amount of 518,532.71 for one year, and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of 59,266.38 and the Ldbor and Materials Bond in the amount of 5175,114.71, 35 days after the recordation of said notice if no claims have heen received. Also, approve the final contract amount of 5230,705.03. Background/Analysts The subject project has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The final contract amount is 5230,705.03 which includes one contract change order previously aDProved by Council for additional on-site grading along the north side of Via Carrillo and one contract change order previously approved by Council for additional on-site grading along the south side and north side of Via Carrillo. Re spec tf fitted, Attachment RHM:MOL:s~~ - ~~( RESOLUTION N0. ~~' ~ ~ f A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMP ROYEMENTS FOR YIA CARRILLO DRIVE, FROM AVENIDA VEJAR TO SIERRA MAD RE, CONTRACT 88-163, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOT?CE OF COMPLETION FDR THE WORK mur ornc ~~.., .,.~;,.., ,.o ....~.t:,. ,,.... a,,., v;, rte...,; tt„ ... ;,,. °pr ... ., Drive, from-Avenida Yeha r^toySierra Madre,~Con tract BB X16, have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, 1'HE REFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. ~ ~' G -----CITY OF RANCHO CCCAMONCA STAFF REPORT " :.~ .~; DATE: June 7, 1989 I~ T0: Mayor and McRb ers of the City Counci ', ': FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner 8Y: Richard L. Alcorn ~~~ SUBJECT: RELEASE OF CASH DEPOSIT RECOP4AENDATION: Work fcr the following tracts has been completed. Cash eposi s are ereby recamnended by the Planning Division to be released to: AMOUNT OF TRACT N0. DEPOSIT PURPOSE DEVELOPER 33342 E2 ,500.00 Model Home Sales Pannon Design & Office D^velopment S 500.00 Subdivision Sign 13058 E2,500.00 Model Home Sales Pulte Home Corporation Office Res c ul ly t i Brad er City Planner I' BB:ns I ~~ --- CITY OF kAN('HU Cl'('AJIUKG~'~ STAFF REPORT ~" ~, `r~. ~~~ ~~ DATE: June 7, 1989 'i TO: Mayor, Members of City Council & City Manager PP.OM: Jerry B. Fuiwood, Deputy City Manager '., SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO AUTHORIZE THE LEVY OF ASSESSMENm ADMINISTRATION CHARGES FOP. THE COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS IiJ THE ALTA LOMA CHANNEL DISTRICT 184- 21, THE SIXTH STP.EET INDUSTRIAL PARK REFUND DISTRICT 1a2-7R) ANG THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA DRAINAGE DISTRICT 186-21 RECONyMENDATIGN: Staff recommends that City Council approve the attached Resolution authorizing the levy of an assessment management fee of $5.00 per parcel for the exoenses incurred in the collection of assessments within the Alta Loma Channel District 184-21, the sixth Street Industrial Park Refund District (82-lRl and the Rancho Cucamonga Storm Drain District 185-21 ANALYSIS/BACY,GROUND: ,. .. ., .... .... ~.... ~... -... ... ~ .~ ...,.... c..~ ..,..~~~ ~.,~ ., Li Rancho Cucamonaa to establish an assessment management Eee of a maximum of five percent (541 of the amount of installment and not to exceed eight dollars per parcel. This would allow the City to recover funds for collection and management. of assessmant Districts that arc applicable to the Improvement Bond Ac`_ of 1915. Rf~pectfully submxtte , Jerry B. F'ulwood Deputy ::tty Manager Ati~. a ~..hment: Resolution t RESOLUTION NO. g-(' ~ S Q A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OI' AN ASSESSMENT SURCHARGE. FOR THE EXPENSES INCURRED IN THE COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS IN VARIOUS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS. WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonea. California. has heretofore undertaken proceedings pursuant to tF.e ".x.;unicip,^^.'. Improvement .4C4 of t913° being Division R of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Calihrmia, and has confirmed assessments upon land within eadous spttial assessment districts (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Assessment Districts'); and. WHEREAS, said proceedings provided for and the City did subsequently issue bonds pursuant to the "Improvement &~nd Act of 7975", [sing Division 10 of the Strm[s and Highways Code of the Stale n( California, said bonds mprcsenting unpaid assessments within the Assessment Districts: and, WHEREAS, the City does incur necessary administrative expenses in the collection of the annual installments of the assessments within the Assessment Districts; and, WHEREAS, Govemmenl Code Section 8682 does authorize the City to esablish an assessment surcharge In allow the City to recover its expenses of collection o(said assessments; and, WHEREAS, The City desires to establish such an assessment surcharge as authorized by said Gavcmmcnt CodeSwhon 8682. NOW', THEREFORE, BG IT RESOLV F.D AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals arc all true and correct. SECTION 2: Treasurer is hereby dtreded to add to the annual installment of assessments within the Assessment Districts a maximum of five percent (5'/~J of the amount of the installments and of Ihr interest thereon, not to exceed the Treasurer's estimate of the expenses of collection, and in any case not to excttd $S INi per lot or pared. Said expenses of mllecton shall include the necessary administrative expenses of the City incurrad m providing the County Auditor with current in(omlation regarding the ownership or division n( the a((eded lots nr parcels of land within the Assessment Districts to ensure the proper entry by the County Auditor in his nr her assessment roll and the timely collection of the assessment installments. SEC'T'ION 3: The ah<we assessment surcharge, when collected, shall belong to the City and shall Cover the expenses and compensation of the "treasurer incurred in Ihr mlltttinn of the assessmem;. and Pt the INCmSI and pendlne5 addtti en to tale d55C53ma`n IS. q3 ~- C'ITl' OF RAti('Hn CI'('~d~tO1G?, STAFF REPORT .~y , } 'r`r~. - '~ DATE: June 7, 1989 T0: Mayor, Members of City Council & City Mana ger ~ ', FROM: Jerry P. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager j SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO SET ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX FOF CONMUNITY ~'~. FACILITIES DISTP.I CT N0. 84-7 )DAY CREEK DRAINAGE ~~ SYSTEM) IN THE P.MOONT OF $350.00 PER ACRE RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that City Council approve the attached Resolution establishing the annual special tax £or the Community Facilities District No. 8-0-1 (Day Creek Drainage System) in the amount of $350.00 per acre. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND: On June 26, 1984, at an election held, the property owners within the boundary of Community Facilities District No. 84-I authorized the District to incur bonded indebtedness in the crinci ral amcu:,t of $ls,ooo,coc. this a lowed tn,-: D ai_r;~_i. to finance certain public capital drainage improvements within the District. Additionally, the property owners aooroced a maximum special tax rate of $SSO nn nar arts +n pay for princiual and interest on the bonds issued. The current e'a Ce of 5350.00 per acre is still sufficient for the District to meet its financial obligations Eor Fiscal 'fear i989i9C. Refi l;,ectf~~.: iiy s~u~-b)ym-~!i't^///e~cl, {/~ , Jerry E. Fuiwood Deputy City Manager ~. ~ ~E Attachmu~,cs: Resolution Yearly Status Report i ~ ~~ ~__ __-- RESOLUTION NO. ~' ~} ~+ I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COl1NCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING ANNUAL SPEC[AL TAR FOR COMM Wi ITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. &4-1. WHEREAS, the City Council of .he City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, (hereinafter referred to as the "legislative body of the local Agency"), has initiated proceedings, held a pubic hearing, Conducted an dechon and received a favorable vote from the qualified electors rdahng to the Icvy of a special tax in a Community Facilities Dis!ricl, alt as authorized pursuant to the terms and nrrn~ismns of the "Mello Anos Community Fadlities Act of 7982", being Chapter 2S, Part 1, Division 2, '(itle S of the Govcmment Code for the State of Califomia. This Community Facilities District shall hereinafter be rc(crrM to as COMMUN{TY pACILlTIES CISTRICT NO. 84-t (DAY CREEK DRAINAGE SYSTEM) nc~rcinafter referred to as the "Di5lrld'9; and WHEREAS, at this time, bonds have been authorized for purposes of financing [he project facilities for said District; and WHEREAS, this legislative body, by Ordinance a; authorized by Sectimr 53340 of the Government Cede of the State of Califomia, has authorized the levy of a special tax to pay for costs and expenses reared to said Community Facilities District, and this legislative body is desirous to establish the specific rate of the special tax M be collected for the next fiscal year. NUR' IFIERE EGRE, iT IS MCKCtl t' Ac5OLVrD .A71'vLLOYY S. SECTION 7: That the above recitals are all true and correct. ~C_TIL: 'fhnt the spttific rate and amount of the special tax to be collec0.d to pay for the costs and exFxnxs for the next final year i19A9/90) for the referenced district is hereby delennined and established as set forth in the attached, referena•d and incorporated Exhibit "A". S_ECTIO\ 3: That the rote as set forth almvc does not exttrd the amount ns previously nulhor.zcd by Urdmanm of this Icg~slatrve body, and is not in excess of That as previumiy approved by the qualified electors of the District. SECTION 4: That the prcuiwds of the slxcial tax shall .~ used to pay, in whole nr in part, the costs of the following, m the following order of priority: A. Pa vnwnt nF principal nF and mtrrc•ct nn any outstanding authori tee bonded indebtedness. n v„„ nimnummixnui mx~nofuudeue unto nw ri ,unu5. C. Paynxnt of costs and expenses of authonzM public (acilitics and public services. D. Repayment of advances and loans, if appropriate. The procettis of the ,pedal taxes shall be used as set forth ntxrve, and shall not Fx uud for any other purlx~x•. 19 -~ CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION CON4IUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT 84-1 June 7,1989 Page 2 SECTION 5: The special tax shall M collected in the same manner as ordinary ad valorem property taxes are collected, and shall be subject to the same penalties and same procedure and sale in cases of any delinquency for ad valorem taxes, and the Tax Collector is hereby authorized to deduct reasonable administrative costs incurred in collecting any said special tax. SECTION S: All monies above wllected shall be paid into the Community Facilities District funds, including any bond fund and reserve fund. SECTION 7: The Auditor of the County is hereby directed to enter in the next county assessment roll en which (axes will become due; opposite each lot or parml of land effected in a seam marled "public improvements, special tax', or by any other suitable designation, the installment of the special tax, and for the exact rate and amount of said tax, reference is made to the attached Exhibit A,. SECTION 8: The County Auditor shall then, at the Close of the taz collection period, promptly render to this Agency a detailed report showing the amount and/or amounts of such special tax installments, interest, penalties and percentages so collttted and Frnm what property collected, and also provide a statement of any percentages retained (or the expense of making any such collection. fq~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MELLO-ROOS COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 84-1 DAY-ETIWANDA DRAINAGE SYSTEM YEARLY STATUS REPORT JUNE 1989 I ~~ BACKGROUND On June 26, 1984, the electors within the boundaries of Community Facilities District No. 84-1 authorized the District to incur bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of $20,225,000. In August 1985 bonds in the amount of $18,000,000 were issued to finance the construction and installation of public capital drainage facilities to serve and provide drainage protection to property located within Community Facilities District No. 84-1, In March of 1986 the area between Milliken and Rochester and Highland and the northerly City limits was annexed into the District as Annexation No. 86-1. The annual special tax rate for 1985/86, 1986!87, 1987/88, and 1988/89 was set by City Council at $350.C0 per acre. Under tha Loan and Pledge Agreement the Redevelopment Agency has contributed each year sufficient funds combined with the special tax meeting the annual debt service. During fiscal year 1987188 construction of Phase I improvement began and was completed in 1988(89. The construction contract is administered by the County of San Bernardino. Construction contract payments to date total $7,338,387. Additional expenditures for various costs outside the construction contract total $88,298.47. FISCAL YEAR 1988189 The current rate of $350.00 per acre for fiscal year 1989/90 along with the Redevelopment Agency contribution of $938,000 will provide sufficient funding to pay debt service in the amount of $2,032,000. (~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 84-1 (DAY CREEK DRAINAGE SYSTEM) EXHIBIT "A" The Community Facilities District has been divided into two zones: ZONE "A": General areas to be served by the drainage facilities, exclusive of Zone "B". ZONE "8": A limited area, being only partially served by drainage facilities. Zone "8": consists of those properties bounded on the south by FOOTHILL 80ULEVARD, on the East by ROCHESTER AVENUE, on the North by BASELINE ROAD, and on the West by the prolongation of MILLIKEN AVENUE. The rate, method and formula for the levy of the special tax for the respective zones, being Zone "A" and zone "B", is as follows, based upon an estimated bond amount of $18,000,000 payable over a period of twenty (20) years. ZONE "A": $350.00 PER ACRE. ZONE "8": $350.00 PER ACRE FOR 190 ACRES. For the purpose of defining the maximum special Tax, "ACRE" shall mean acres contained in the area of the parcel as determined using the acres as shown on the latest San Bernardino County Assessor's maps. IR9 lEli[DD: ..~....,..,..e~,F.,. ,° l ~'!~ -~~ _ ~ b-r... Y ~.:m ~. - - °~ ~~r..:~.~.. ~ ~ ~ -} a _-- _._ ~- .._ .~ I? .. .-- - - /I ~ i,.. - ~i ~ . .~ a~~J.! ~_.... ~~ - 1 ~-.vENy~~- - : " "~`r ~ ~ • ~ t i :, ia, s ' ~ ~M1rvo cae .w.re [". ~ • J~ a iae .'- ,eY.ar_., u __,, ~ ~~ env,ue.~ ~1 . ___ °: ;: ;" a. ,e , ~: ;~ ,.n... ~ a. ,. . w..,,ory„ . ~.wt -..~ ~ ~ ~ u~~ ev tie : a~..re " .____' _ _.___ __.__ -7 .- ir / e4~ u .i i.. x~paaei ~. ~ ~ - i _ . _ _ ~./ . - - S • iii - +~.rt .vo u~.o ai a,rria I ~I~. - _ ~_~ . - 9 k e . i et Jul//iff /I ~., ~ 1 W ~ I N ~ W .. ~ W `- ~ O e .4 f .rItYI '~~e ~i ~ ' ~ r .r f.u. NfYYaN".V/ ~ , i~ ~S~ / I ~~~ eouNO•nT YAR MELlO ROO! COMNUNITT fACIIITIES DUTRICT M0. e1.1 EXHIBIT A GTYOFRANCHOCOCAMONGA L011NTV OF SAN BERNARO'NO. STArF Of WIIFORMU n ~. 80UNDARY MAP CFD N0. 8~-1 -Tern-„T-... _r .__-__ - ~ ~~~ ^' LEGEND: ~ - -' a `~'__.; 'r ~~ CITY OF tANCNO CUCAMONGA , ••• ~ ~ SAN BEANA t01N0 COUN7Y ~~`~~~~' ~- ~•~ ~ CALIFORNIA f ~'I COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT PROPOSED USES AND SOURCES OF FUNDS USES: DEBT SERVICE RESERVE SURPLUS ADb11NISTRATION DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS SUUHI:t,: INTEREST REVENUE SPECIAL TAX REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 350 PER ACRE $2,G32,000 357,000 7,000 89.060 $2,485,000 154, 000 937,000 977.000 W2 oc nnn .4...,....... ~O~ C[TY OF RAVCHO CIICA~IOVGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Jene 7, 1989 TO: Mayor and City Council 1 rn~~e. n......,, n o...,,._ na...:..:.,._ ~~w:.L vua O~ r.. vans.,. ..,a uYUJU UU.v ..eo~a.el.<.. SUBJECT: Approval of Staff Time [o Assist League of California Cities RecommendatiorZ ~~lcnnJo ~~%° ~9 ~`~\,.. _ ~~, _. 11i_„-...I Staff recommends that the City Council authorize staff to assist the Inland Empire Division of the League of California Cities with the City of the Year award program. It is :estimated that the staff time required will be from 10 to 20 hours. Background: Staff has received a request to assist with the City of the Year awards apun;ured by the Inland Empire Division of the League of California 1.1 llC1. IIIC C111111a1CU LIIIIG 41.11 IIIC HUIIII IIIJU UUVC HIJI JIauI ww spend on this project will not have an impact on other duties performed. The League has only one staff person assigned to this area, thus assistance from mrmber cities is necessary from time to time. For these reasons, staff recormends authorization to assist with this project. ~JQ c~ ORDINANCE N0. 3 Q AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COJ NCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CPLIFORNI A, APPROYING DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT N0. 89-01, AMENDING 1.65 ACRES OF THE DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS MAP FROM MEDIUM RESIDENTi AL (8-14 DNELLI NG UNITS PER ALRE) TO LON-M EDAM RESIDENTIAL (4-8 DNELLING UNITS PER ACRE), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 600 FEET SOUTH OF LEMON AVENUE, 470 FEET NORTH OF HIGHLAND AVENUE ON THE EAST SIDE OF ARCH18AiD P.VENUE, AND MAKE FINDINGS iN GOPPwii TH'cnwF A. Recitals i) On April 12, 1989, the Planning Co mnis Sion of the City of ,Razho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing with respect to Che above-re fererced Development District lane nd me nt, Following the conclusion of said public hearing the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 89-05D, thereby rec omne nding that the City Council adopt Development District Me ndmm~t No. 89-01. iii) Gn May 11, 1989, the City Cou ncii of the City of Ra rs ho C,ucamorga conducted z duly noticed public hearing and concluded said hearing prior to its adoption of this Ordinance. (iii) All legal prere Guis{Les prior to *.he adeption of this Ordinance have occurred, B. Ordinance The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga ordains as follows: Section 1: This Council hereby specifies and finds that all of the facts set o~tri iri' the Recitals, Part A, of the Ordinance are true and correct. Section 2: Th15 Council hereby finds and certifies that the project has been rev ewe and considered in coaQliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1910, and further, this Council hereby issues a Nogative Declaration. Section 3: The Rancho Cucamonga City Courcil finds as follows: (a) The cuh Tart nrnnnrty ig i~V~ahin Fnn tFu ~ ••tL Wd in uh2 proposed district in terms ofraccess, size, and conryatibility~wfth eais Ling land use in the surraundlrg area; and (bi The proposed District change would not have significant adverse iiry ac is on the environment nor the surrounding properties; and (c) The proposed amendment is in confornence with the General Plan, C~ ~ CITY CQI NC IL ORD INAHCE N0. DOA 89-01 May 17, 1984 Page 2 Section 4: The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves eve opment Oistr ict Acne ndimnt R9-Ol cha ngirg the district designation from Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) to Low- Medfum Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) for the property Iota Led 600 feet south of Lemon Avenue, 470 feet north of Highland Avenue on the east side of Archibald Avenue. w tiOn 5: Th^o ^'ty ^lar~, shall Ccr Lily ii~c ddvp i7 u0 of L'n is Ordinance an s a tau seVthe same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The Daily Report, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City ol°-On ra o,~lifornia, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 11 day of Mdy, 1989, J ~~ ~ ----- ~ ---- - CITY' OF RAtiCHO CL'C,YYIONGA STAFF REPORT ~~. DATE: June 7, 1989 ~,Y'-~ TG: City Council and City Manager JJJttt"'_ FROM: Russell H. Maguirz, City Engineer dY: Willie Yal Buena, Engineering Technician ~, SUBJECT: Approval of Amending Map, Tract No. 13441, located on the northeast corner of Victoria Park Lane and Kenyon Way, submitted by Grupe Development Company '~ RECG!!£NDATIDN: ~', It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution '~ ', approving Amending Map, Tract No. 13441, and authorizing Lhe City Clerk ~, 'i to cause said map to record. '~, I Background/Analysis ~ Tract No. 13441, located on the northeast corner of Victoria Park Lane and Kenyon Nay, was approved by City Council on December 16, 1987, and was recorded on January 15, 1988, Changes in the let lines of the mao were approved at Design Review on September 14, 1988. The deveioper~, it Grupe Development Company, is submitting the amended map at this time. I'i nwy~~~irr '+4vmi vLe ~, % 0'J" i RHM'iN4sd"`y Attachment ~c~5 RESOLUTION N0. 8 /'~~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APP ROY LNG MIENDING MAP TRAL'f N0. 13441 WHEREAS, the Amending Map of Tract No. 13441, con ii sting of 115 lots, submitted by Grupe Development Company, Subdivider, located on the northeast rnrner of Yirtnria Park lana anA Pan v.nn Wav hac hnun <nhmitYud in fhu firv of Rancho Cucamonga by said Subdivider for approval by said City as provided in the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, and in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and 'WHEREAS, the original Tract Map No. 13441 was approved by the City on December 16, 1988, as Resolution No. 87-665 and recorded on January 15, 1988, Book 205, pages 59 th ru 62; and WHEREAS, the developer has made a significant number of changes of lot lines to accommoda to specific housing units; and 'WHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite Lo approval of the Amending Map of said Tract said Subdivider submits for approval said Amending Map offering for dedication for public use of the streets delineated thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE (T RESOL VEU by the City Council at the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that the offers for dedication and the Amending Map delineating same are hereby approved and the City Clerk is authorized to ~..C....C ...C C°..~,....: ...:. CJ.. vir ..G ~u~~ J. .u~v u t~ ofw .CC vi .. 007.. (guy. d L ~A W Q W Y J J CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA ~G~IIVG DIVI.~ON Site ~: ~~~t o34Q~ N Tats: C~ ~ E7CHIBt1~ -- ('IT]' ~/F RA\'t'H; I t'IY'ASU1~G.; STAFF REPORT GATE: June 7. 1989 TG: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Judy A, Acosta, Jr. Engineering Aide rr:: ~~~~~ ~, _ ~::,~ :. m to lr~r. .______. _< «. ~_~..~ .. .. .. . .. ......... ..uwwi nyyl oral VI LIIC vC LGUIIbCnI Ur IrGLC ryo 5. 1J/40, 1309/ dne 13858, located north of Highland Avenue, west of Milliken Avenue, from !andscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 and Ordering the Annexation of said tracts to landscape Maintenance District No, 6 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 5 RECDMlENDATIDN: It is recommended that City Council approve the attached resolution detaching Tract Nos. 13748, 13857 and 13858 from Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance No. 2 and ordering the annexation of said tracts to Landscape Maintenance District No. 6 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 5 and approving the Engineer's Reports. Background/Analysis A5 mentioned in the staff report to Council on May 3, Tract Nos. 13748, 13857 and 13858, located west of Milliken Avenue, north of Highland Avenue, are Ll~iuueu in i.and xape main Lena nce ulstrict no. 1 ana Street Ltghttng Maintenance No. 1 and No. 2, but the design of landscaping and lighting of adjacent tracts suggest that Tract Nos. 13748, 13857 and 13858 are mere compatible with those adjacent tracts that are included in Landscape Maintenance District No. 6 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 5 Ca ryn Pianned Community), Staff recommends that the subject tracts be detached from Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 and annexed into Landscape Maintenance District No. 6 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 5, lhis will enable us in the future to annex the areas north of Highland Avenue between Deer Creek and Day Creek Channels into these District. Presently these tracts are unoccupied and are currently under construction. This is done in accordance with City Council approved Landscape Maintenance District Master Plan Area. The developers of the subject tracts have been notified of the ouhlic naarina bi ~~la il. The atta~iled rewiuiion aiso approves the Engineer`s Reports tentatively approved by Resolution Ho. 89-201. Re spec ~-1'Ty'ysubmi tied, ~ /,i / _ :- ', RHM:Jl~sd- Attachment ~~~ RESOLUTION N0. ~~- ~ ~O A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE DETACHMENT OF TRACT NOS, 13148, 13857 AND 13858 FROM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0, 1 ANO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 2 AND ORDERING THE WORK IN CONNECrtON WITH Tyr ANNE%A.i ION OF SAID TRACTS TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 6 ANO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT un c nun nrrrorrur rur rru nl n:r nlrrnlc oronnrc rno TRACT NOS. 13748, 13857 AND 13858 'WHEREAS, the City Council e` the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California did on the 3rd day of May, 1989, adopt its Resolution of Intention No. 89-202 to order the therein described work in con rec Lion with the detachment of Tract Nos. 13748, 13857 and 13858 from Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 and the annexation of said tracts to Landscape Maintenance District No. 6 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 5, which Resolution of Intention No. 89-202 was duly and legally published in the time, form and manner as required 6y law, shown by the Affidavit of Publication of said Resolution of Intention on file in the office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, after the adoption thereof, notice of the passage of sai6 Resolution of intention, headed "Notice of Hearing", was duly and legally posted in the time, form, manner, location, and number as required by law, as appears from the Affidavit of Posting satA notices, on file in the office of IIIC 1.14,Y I.I CI'M1, OIIU WHEREAS, after the adoption thereof, ro tices of the adoption of the Resolution of Intention were duly mailed to all persons owning real property prcposed to 6e assessed for the improvements de cc ribed in said Resolution of Intention No. 89-202, according to the names and addresses of such owners as the same appears on the last mailing or as known to the Ci4y Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, which said copies were duly mailed in the time, form, and manner as required by law, as appears from the Affidavit of Mailing on file in the office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, said City Council having duly received considered evidence, oral and documentary, concerning the jurisdiction facts in this proceeding an6 cant ern ~rlg Lhe necessity for the con temDlated work and the benefits to be derived therefrom and said City Council having now acquired jurisdiction to or~er ~,I- prcpcsed ~wcrk. NOW, THEREFORE BE ['( RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, as follows: ^~' !;- -ti- „l. ,,d 1.. •he rlt~ rniintjl of the Ci tV of Rancho Cucamonga L~at•the~publ ic~intere st and convenience requires Lhe detachment of Tract Nos. 13748, 13857 and 13858 from Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 anA the ~~ RESOLUTION N0. PAGE 2 annexation of said tracts to Landscape Maintenance District No, b and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 5, and the ordering of the work, and said City Council hereby orders that the work, as set forth and described in said Resolution of Intention No. 84-02 be done and made; and SECTION 2: Be it further resolved that the reports filed by the Engineer ar~e~y finally approved; and SECTION 3: Be it further resolved that the assessments and method of assessment in t 2 ngineer's Reports are hereby approved. SECTION 4: 8e it finally resolved that said assessments shall not begin un ti'T after 60 percent of said tracts have been occupied. ~~ O CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Engineer's Report for Landscape Maintenance District No. 6 (Ca ryn Planned Community) far Annexation of Tract Nos, 13746, 13857 and 13858 SECTION 1. Authority for Report This report is in compliance with Lhe requirements of Article 4, Chapter 1, Division 15 of the Streets and ui ;he:eys Code, State of California (Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972). SECTION 2. General Description This City Council has elected to an r.ex alt new subdivisions into Landscape Maintenance District No.6, The City Council has determined that the areas to be maintained will have an effect upon all lots within Tract Nos. 13748, 13857 and 13858 as well as on Lhe lots directly abutting the landscaped areas. All landscaped areas to be maintained in the annexed tracts are shown on the recorded Map as roadway right-of-way or easements to be granted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. SECTION 3. Pions and Specifications The plans and landscaping are as stipulated in the conditions of approval for the development and as approved by the City Engineering Division. Reference i5 heYeby anode to th2 Subj cot trait map ar do VelOpment plan and assessment diagram for the exact location of the landscaped areas. The plans and specifications for landscaped improvement on the individual development is M1P rPI1V mT AP T f1A r} of {hlC rPnllr} }a the Ca111P PYTP11r ,lC if ca7A nlanc anA specifications were attached hereto. SECTION 4. Estimated Costs No costs will be lncu rred for parkway improvement construction. All improvements will be constructed by developers. Based on historical data, contract analysis and developed work standards, it 1s estimated that maintenance costs for assessment purposes will equal thirty (5.30) cents per square foot per year. These costs are estimated only, actual assessment will be based nn actual cost data. Tne estimated total cost for Landscape Maintenance District No. 6 including this annexation is as follows: Exi<Eina Tni< rinw District Annex Total Landscape Area 1,114,260 117,834 1,232,094 Trees --- 1,102 1,102 No. of D. U. 1,194 232 1,426 l I d II Per Lot Annual Assessment 1,232,094 x $ .30 = 5369,628.20 ;375 153.20 = 5263.08 = 521.92 1,102 x 55.00 = 5,525,00 ~~~ ~- 337ST53-20' Assessment shall apply to each lot as enumerated in Section 6 and the attached arse=_s meet diagram. Where the development covered by this annexation involves frontage along arterial or cotleaor streets, which are designated fer inclusion in the maintenance district but will be maintained by an active hJiuNniicri a55 uC idtiJii, ineic d5ie iemeu is iiiaii be retiuced. SECTION 5. Assessment Diagram A ccpy of the proposed assessment diagram is attached to this report and labeled "Exhibit A", by this reference the diagram is hereby incorporated within the text of this report. SECTION 6. Assessment Improvements for the District are found to be of general benefit to all lots within the District and that assessment shalt be equal for each unit. Where there is more than one dwelling unit per lot or parcel of assessable land, the assessment for each lot or parcel shall be proportional to the number of dwelling units per lot or parcel. The City Council will hold a public hearing in dune, to determine the actual assessments based upon the actual costs incurred~Dy the City during the previous fiscal year which are to be recovered through assessments as required by the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972. SECTION 7. Order of Events 1. City Council adopts Resolution of Preliminary Approval of City Engineer's Report. 2. City Council adopts Resolution of Intention to Annex to Uistrict and sets public hearing date. 3. City Council conducts Dublic hearing, considers all testimony and determines to Annex to the District or abandon the proceedings. 4. Every year 1n May, the City Engineer files a report with the City Council. 5. Every year in dune, the City Council condor tc a nuhl it hnarlna a_nn approves, or modifies and approves the individual assessments. cJ I [~ Properties and improvements to 6e included within this annexation to landscape Maintenance District No. 6 TURF GROUND COVER TREES TRACT D/U STREET NAMES SQ.FT• SQ. FT. EACH 13748 Milliken Ave. Pkwy. 19,920 24,089 89 i]A5] 232 M".'. iktn A:2. M^d ion io nn0 13758 Banyan St. Pkwy --- 13,292 85 Lot A, Lots 32-33, TR 13748 6,443 14,66E 134 Lot A, TR 13857 --- 1,524 --- Lots 9-I1, TR 13857 1,320 10,425 85 Lots 58-61, TR 13858 2,760 11,133 101 Interior Streets 523 Total ~3 75,-39T TTQ~ V I~ EXi'IB ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM .;.~~scaae r~I~^~avice ~.sT~i^r vc. e J OAAIYAM ~~siAEEi _ fan _ „? v..NAy --i~ _-_i; ~ t _ .y III + ~ , =l ~ ) ter', /~\ j~r~ >~~~"~ ~. f ~ f ~~ { _ ~ > .._ ~ ~. ~'9n57- - .n n l- { 4 __ -_, .~ -`A'll'-_, il`.~ 1 1;.:~ '° ~I>~ ~}--~ ;;~ - ~, - `~/( ~ - ~~~ ( ~ { . n. Lc'?~4 ~'ll~~ IJ ITI rI _~ -- r~ I L --'-'-'-'-------- -- n ^!C•ro.+~ ~. ~nq 523 HI iHL nNp n,[N'iE 1t1.!~ filly L"~C-Y2I ILCYS -.~ ,'R~k eay 19 920 s ~ 2! 089 51 39 ,~ n,o +,r„n.an 24.2<^4 s f 85 +~A'n.S~iQ~' rRfl 'I~AR C. AA'1 e1 IA LLO~ i ~ •,, :an t,-... 152451 ,RR~ ~ .~,. --a 2>>o<i ,t u3s~ ioi 9-11 . Tract ' 385 l~ilhksn A:e L1eNa'~ CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA Engineer's Report for Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 5 (Caryn Plannea Community) for Annexation of Tract Nos. 13748, 13857 and 13858 SE~TiON i. Au thorny for keoorc This report is in compliance with the requirements of Article 4, Chapter 1, Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of California iLand soaping and Lighting Act of 19721. SECTION 2. General Oe sc ription This City Council has elected to annex all new deveiopmen is into Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 5. The City Council has determined that the street lights to be maintained will have an effect upon all lots within said developments as well as on the lots directly abutting the street lights. Work to be provided for with the assessments established by the district are: The furnishing of services and materials for the ordinary and usual maintenance, operating and servicing of street light improvements on local streets as shown on the Lighting District Al Las Map which is on f?le with the City Engineer. Improvement maintenance is considered of general benefit to all areas in the District and cost shall he assessed on a per unit basis. SEr TI ON 3. Plans and SDectfica Lions The plans and specifications for street lighting have been prepared by the developers. The plans and street lights are as stipulated 1n the mdi icons of approval for the development and as approved by the City Engineering Division. Reference is hereby made to the sub?ect tract map or developMent Dlan and the assessment diagram for the exact iocatlon of the street ltghting areas. The plans and specifications for street Lighting tngrevement on the individual development is hereby made a part nF ihic rannn~ M •hn •lunf iI .tA elm oA : H . .... ..............._.... ... ., .,.. ,, u..a v.,v Sp.°°..,. ~.., n.., .. attached hereto. Detailed maintenance activities on the street lighting district include: the repair, removal or replacement of ail or any part of any improvement, providing for the illumination of the sub,~ect area. '~ /~ SECTION 4. Estimated Costs No costs will be incurred for street lighting improvement construction. All improvements will 5e constructed by developers. Based on available data, it is estimated that maintenance costs for assessment purposes will be as indicated below. These costs are estimated only, actual assessments will be based on actual cost data. Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 5 is comprised of street light improvements on local streets for all residential and non-residential projects throughout the Caryn Planned Community. The estimated total cost for Lign ting Maintenance ulstr lct rvo. 5 is shown below: 1. S.C.E. Maintenance and Energy Cost: Lamps No. of Lamps New Lamp Lamp Size* YTD This Annex Total 580CL 232 90 322 9500E 0 0 O *High Pressure Sodium Y'a por Total Total Annual Lamb Size Lamps Rate Mo's Ma?nt. Cost SROOI 322 X E 9.93 X 19 = E3A,565,52 9500E E10.18 X 12 = D Total Annual Maint. Cost = E34,505,52 2. Total Assessment Units: YTD Assess Units before this annexation = 935 Assessment Un?ts th?s annex per page 4 = 323 Total Assessment Units 1,258 3. Cost per Assessment Unit: ioial A-^"al Ma?ntenanc? Cost = S34 505.52 = E27.42/year/unit o. o ~n is n str ct -~Z58~- Ac<occ mono chall m y !n ~M lnf ni nlei nnA CnnH n 6 ____....~. _...... an ..,. ea..., nn na v~ .n ... . _ _y~ .~ .... ... ,. . .Y . ..u r u ....~.. ... ....r r~vn SECTION 5. Assessment Diagram Copies of the proposed Assessment Diagrams are attached to this report and labeled "Street lighting Maintenance D75 tr tct No. 5", These diagrams are hereby incorporated1within the text of this report. G I SECTION 6. Assessment Improvements for the District are found to be of general benefit to all units within the District and that assessment shall be equal for each unit. Nhen units are based on acreage, assessment will be 2 units per net acre. SECTION 7. Order of Events 1. City Council adopts Resolution cf Prelim?nary .approval of City Engineer's Report. ~. City Council adopts Resolution of Intention to annex a District and sets public hearing Aate. 3. City Council conducts public hearing, considers all testimony and determines to form a District or abandon the proceedings. 4. Every year in May, the City Engineer files a report with the City Council. 5. Every year in June, the City Council conducts a public hearing and approves, or modifies and approves the individual assessments. I EXHIBIT "A" Properties and improvements to be included within this annexation to Street Lighting Maintenance District 5: Assess. No. of Lamps to he Annexed Project Acrea a nl~ 58iJOL-?;SCI --T~~7II01-~QC TR13748 --- ___ ___ ___ ___ T "ri'JBJ7 --- 232 9u TR?3858 --- ~' AfSSESSMENT DIAGRAM _~~~T ~.~:.~~ :a::-_::r.-~ ~.a:cT ~~. ~_ i 53.E r,C~~ Lct A, Tact ' 3857 I :' ??, Tract 13ia8 ;on Ave Parkv; ay 9-11 . Tract 13857 Mil4ken Ave Median .~;'~w crrn or a~-rrcao cuc~oxas . ~'~ .,„ ~,y~ . Co~Trl'1'Y OF sex B88NAEDII1Io '~"' i SPA9'a Ot CALII~ORMA iri~l~ ~~ n Taacrs 1?;aa, N 13857 s 13058 ___ _ - (-~T}' I IF R.aV('HU t'l'(':1?dIJtiG~1 ~ STAFF REPORT ~ ,-rC`~~y~ I r`~ - `~~ '~. DATr: June 7, 1989 '~ T0: Mayor, Members of City Council & City Mara qer r'RGi+: Jerry B. Fu i.wood, Deputy City Manager SUBSECT: APPROVAL TO FORM COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT 88-2 ~, AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF A SPECIAL TP.X, j AOTHORIZATION '1'O FINANCE CEBTAIN CAPITAi. I FACILITIES AND ESTABLISHING FOLIC: ON ANNEY,ATION ~~. OF ALL FUTURF. DEVELOPMENT INTG THE LAW ENFCRCEh1ET!': '. PORTION OF THE DISTRICT.. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that City Council hold the Public Hearing and adopt the attached Resolutions ordering any necessary cha r.ges and modifications, lnaki r.g preliminary findings and passing upon protests, declaring and establishing formation of Comununity Facilities District No. 88-2 and aurhorizing ,evy o. Apr:. ~.,~ ho n1 ,.cola: iuy n.. r. eesity to ir.c ur oc mJed indebtedness, submitting proposition to utters and establishing procedures and conditions for conduct of election. Tt is fur+har rFrnmm onAoA ~ha• r.~,. r.. ~, .,~:~ ~a~..+~ the policy that all future development within the City of Rancho Cucamcnaa be conditioned to ar.nes to the Law EnECrcener. t. pcrtior. of the D:atrict. EA :KGP.OUNC, ANALYSIS: C:': AF:r:I :9, 1989 City Council adopted the neceesa ri Resoiuti ore initiating preliminary procedures and setting a Publ ir. Heax xng for the formation of the Drainage and Law Enforcement Co:;ununiLy Facilities District No. 88~-2. 'I ne ~~,. _ pnrt:or. of the District has been structured Eor acy u~i sit:on of infrastructures in the amount ci o.4 million dollars :rom. bond proceeds and 4.5 million dollars from City .ees. .;:u L..w ..,. .cement portion of Lhe "vistrict will be c,. ._... _.... :.d ..~.. ... ...... c rposes iai spec:a:V~.aa ranging between J$!12.00 and $432'OO~annua,'.1 y, based upr:n the square footage of the home. T;v; required publicatxon of the Notice of Intention to fora '.he Cis trio and the tJotice oC' Hearing has been met. The Cer't xtir,ate of Ccnlp lance relating to mailing of the reyuired notic. c; is on ii Le in the office of the City Clerk. ~~ O City Council Staff Report ::FD BS-2 June 7, 1989 Page 2 The other issues dealiny with unit count and park acreage are still being considered at the respective commissions. Therefore, staff has r,ot char,g ed any of i.ts calculations. AoRnartfni~v cnhmi i-l ori. -~~~--- erry B. Fulwood Geputy City Manager J &F~de Attachment: Resolutions ~~1 RESOLVT ION N0. _~~ ~~~ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI'T'Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, DF,CLAAING NECESSSTY TO INCUR A BONDED 1NDEBTEDNE55, SUBHITTI NG TO THE QVALIFiED VOTE P.B OF A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT THE PROPOffi- TION TO INCUR A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS EECUP,EU B:' A SPECIAL TA% LEVY TO PAY FOR CERTAIN CAPITAL FACILITIES IN A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT AND GIVING NOTICE THEREON, AND u.ur. oo nr_Fm mFe nNn OnNn!T!ONS FOR CON DVCTrI NG AN ELECTION WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF P.ANCHO CVCAMOtIG A, cALI FORt1I A, (hereinafter reEe reed to as the "legislative body of the local Ayency"), has previously declared its intent i.on and held and conduced a public hearing r?lasing to the issuance of bonds to be secured by special taxes to pay for certain public capital facilities in a community facilities distr-ice, as author izerl p~rrsuant to the terms and provisions of the "Mello-Roos Cammunity Facilities Act cf 1902", being chapter 2. 5, Part 1, Divisicn 2, Title 5 0[ the Government Code of the State of California, said Commu- nity Facilities District shall hereinafter be referred to as COMMUNITY FACILiTI ES UIB'f RIOT !JO. RR-2 (hereina Et er ref errsd to as [he "District"); and, WtiE REAE, at this time this legislat i~:e body is desiraus to proceed to make the neces- sary findings to incur the bonded indebtedness, to declare the purpose for said debt, and to authorize the submittal of a combined proposition to the voters of said ni st rirt, hni nq the landowners of the proposeA District, all as authorixeri and rsyu iced by law; and, WHER F,A S, a apncial election is to he he lrl in the City o[ Rancho Cu c'amonya, ral ifarn ia. luere:naz, er re ter rNU ~~, es ui~ ,, .,-,,. ,.~~~ii~. r" .~: ..L:.J. lL.. L:,_.'_ wi lA he sul'~m if tcd to the yvalifi eel nlecto es n[ sail District certain pro~asi t.ions relaciml co the authorization to 1_ ~ a special tar. and the incurring of a bonded indebt o~lness In orcl?; to pay [m~ certain cn pie al fac i.l ities in ?aid ^istric `.., pursuant 1; r, the prcvis inns of the '14ello-P.OOS Community F'ac ilities Act r.( 1?R7", as rcf or en~'A.. ahoc~. ;JOVI, TfIFP F.FCRE, DE IT RF.GO L'/EO AS FnLLn4); RECITALS ggrT;np I That the shore rer{I: a7s aro all true and correct. NE C6REi TY FOR BONU IF.: UF, !: Y: C'CI UfI 1119r rPiF iYCJ iSi ,. .. ~., ,iy vy _n Ni ee i'y is auiva .. ~~.+ ............ ....... ~.. Is necessary tea incur ~a bonded indebtedness as authorized ^u nder`the perms and prov ieions of the "Mello-Roos Community Far ilities Art of I^ri;", in orser co Cl na nce Lh~ bsLow descrlb ed pa bile capital !nr{lit ie=. ~~~ PVRPOBE OF ISSUE SECTION J. That the purpcse for the proposed bondetl indebtedness and facilities proposed to be financed through the i.s nuance of said bonds, is generally described as follows: To finance the construction, installation and acqu isitlon of certain drainage a.nd flood control facilities, tegecher with appv rtenances and a ppu ctenanc work, lncludiny acquis it ien where necessary. For further particular a, reference le made to the file entitled "CITY OF RANCHO C UCA MONGA, CO MIA UN ITY FACILSTIF.S DISTRICT ^O. 88-2, OEECRI PTI00 OF ..f ~.m)~n fire ,n «M.c nff~r~ nl I:ho Ci tv Clerk. For*allTpa rt iculars, xsf erenceais made to said approved Ei1e. BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICT sF,CTION a. Thal rive whole of the District will pay Ccr the above referenced bonchd indebtedness. A general rlescript ion of the District is as follows: A11 peoperty within the boundaries O£ COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-2, as shown on a map as previously approved by this legislative body, said map desiynated by the name of this community Facilities District, a copy of which is on file in the eff ice of the City Clerk. BOND AMOUNT SECTION 5. That the anion nt of Ch? proposed bonded indebtedness, incl.u ding the cost of the facilities, together •w ith ail incidental excesses, is ye ner ally as follows: SIUU PHOJ nUt rnhi~)r)no, u. c, ~,~v nn, u,.. wcu.n~ one,.:m uo, 3::iwi ..JT ExceeD sa,oon,aoe.DD. Fnr to rt her pa cC icu iars, reference is :n ads to the "COIAM VN ITk' FACILITIES D ISTRSCT REPCP.T", as on f.i le in Lhm O(f ice of Lhe :; ity Clerk. BOtID TE RIAS SE C'CI OtI fi. That. it is Ire re h}' Caliber' iletermi.ve•.I LhaL Lo nds shall be ie sued, and the max imam term of Londe nnrl/ne any series shall not exr eerl Ecrry (qUl rya r=, and swirl bands may he i.^.ev~d in Jifferiny series, at differing Li mss. 'f hF mar. im am rat. of inreror. t, Co he paid cn said bonds shall not. r~+x~~r. ~d Ih^ grog t.>r ••f ,~. e) Lwrlve p~~rent i1 ,{ per an mam cr the :naalm~::n )at.s pevmi U,r¢I Icy law nl, Lhe Lime of sale ~nC any of said bonds. Thn Lnn:ls, =xra pf. orb>:~ ^t he:' 1':mds ors mode avnilal'Q n, shall ho paid . .., :.,. .~ it , _:~~ ,. ., ,~ :~~... ._ .~~ ~...o spa.,.a. .. a.. e,,,. a.. n.,. ==~:r?•! by any other La si nq po•:+~r nr [nods of the Community Facilities Disf.r i~)'. or the Ci.'y. ~~3 ELECTION SECTION ]. The proposition related to the incurriny of the bonded indebtedness shall L+e coneolidatetl with the propes ition relaCiny to th= lev/ of the special tax, shall be combined into one ballot propesitio n, and shall 'oe su bm ltt ed to the qu al if ietl votere at a epecial elecC ion to he held on the 13TH DAY OF JUNE, 1989, an:l said election shall be a special mailed ballot election to b_ conducted by the City clerk thereinafter referred to as the "Election OfFic ial"I. If the combine, propes it ion for the levy of the special tax and the incuermy of f.he hooded indebtedness receive the approval of more Thar. two-thirds (2/J) of the .,, _,._ -___ _^ the ~__ eitipo; n,.~ds m Fn authorized. issued and sold for the'pm~poses set^forth herein and the special tax may be 1=vied as provided for in the P.e solut io r, of Formation. DALLO'P sECTI IXI A. That the ballet propo sel to be submitted tc the qualified votors n[ the election shall. generally be as follc~,os: R ROFOSITION A Shall Commu niCy Facilities District No. 6F1-2, City of Rancho cu camonya, he authorized Cc 1) incur a bonded indehted na ss in an amount nor. to exceed 54,000,000.00, to be paid 6p epecial _ ' taxes as established by the District, with interest rates not exceeding the maximum autti0- 'tES ri.zad by law at the time of i.e su anc o, tc from ¢,e ~_L___~ construction, acquis It i.cn and in=tallnr.inn of certain drainage and flon!i conC rol fac ilit i.e s, ~ ^O eoeoc oar wren appu ueu m~, es au. nplnu.n~~....1. i ' ~ .erk, Including acquisition whore necessary, 21 to levy epec.ia 1. taxis? to pay for said facili- ries and additional pcl i. ce protecCien sereires anal/or any authorized and issued bonded indebted- ,ess, and 3) estab L•eh an Article S11I^ approp- riat.irnrs limit. equal ~~ Cho maxi, m~~.m nuthm-i; ed =pedal Caxes which may his Lov iorl in any fiscal ye ar^ L'h is?IhIG TAi: PATE AND AFFORT IDNH F,^T 'rh= exi erinv tar, rate an,l apporr i~nme nt Eor rho rax car.eneries ident if led h=low, as previrnislp anp r^ved f^r oomrcmnir; raril it Les Dishri ct No. H8-2 are as Eollowa: sPECiAL T.A% "B" - FpBLIC FACILITIES FR0FF,RT1 CATEGOR IIi,^, ~~~. ~. ~. ,,,, ,,, i. ~;yur ion ,~r prnpe ecy subject. to the levy cf RpeclaL Tax "A", wh irh 94'e ident.ifi~d as fellows; ~ 1 v 1. DEVELOPED PROPERTY A11 yroperty ide ntiEied as a single Tax Assessor's parcel for which property a bu ild inq permit has been issued as of May ?1 of any year. 7.. VNDE VE LOPEC PROPERTY Ail other property, excluding property which, as of the date of the elect lon to author izo the levy of Special Tax "A", is: (i) owned by a public entity; (iil owned by a regulated public uCil it }' and being utilized for trans- mission or disiribur,ion purposes; or (iii) zoned as open space. 1'AXTNG CLASSIFICATIONS AND HAAIMUM SPEC'. AL TAR "A^ RATES The taxing via ssifiwtione for tho abcve Property Categories and the maximum autho- rized Special Tar. "A" rates for fiscal year 1999-1990 are as follows: TAX II4G CLASSIFICATION 11AXIMlIM TAX RATE 1. DEVELOPED FPOPERri' A. Fes i!le nt.ial Class I 5 1,037 per year (More than 3,590 square feet of. dwellino unit living area) ` P. Residential Class II $ 76P per year 13, Cr7 ]-3,589 square feet of dwelling unit living area) C. Rnnid enf.ial Class III $ 576 per year i; ,s64-1,076 ryuare tee r. o[ ~IS:~l]inq unit, 11:•inq area) ` D. Residential class 1v $ h5l per yea' i:.. ?09-7.,553 syaare :set cL dmellinrr unit iivinc wear E. Residential Class V 3EM1 per }'Par 12,051-2,307 square Eeet nC P. RAS:dont ial ,. c. VI a < ;Ga per year . sgn,aa f~~t. ..[ ICncn Phan J,O,t r...~tl.: rr nnir I:,:nrr n: ~nl ' r.. r~mme rr-inl ,~r in<in=i[in: p:,,pr: '..y ,., ~~ per =.,;,- pas yacr ,, npn F'rgLnCEf` F`R nP F. P. T'i All I'n,(n vninpnd Prnpn rr }' .. ,40D par nr rn par ynaf •"• Vim/ v The square footage of dwelling unit living area shall mean tho square footage cf internal living space, exclusive of yarages and other structures nct used as living space, as shown on the Au ild ing pe ern itls) iesu ed for the dwell inq unit. The acr=age of a commercial or industrial props rt:y shall mean the geoss acreage exclusive of any acreage detlic ated or offered for dedication to a paLlic agency. + The ac reaye of an Undeveloped Property sha l! I:e the gross acreage exc Lsive cf any acreage dod isated or offered Eor dedication Co a pate] i.c agency. SPECIAL TA% "8" - ADDITIONAL POLICE SERVICES A1L D=•: eloped Property shall he subject to the 1=vy of Special Tan "E". The mar imam authorized Spe r_ial Tar. "B" rates for fiscal year 19 P9-1990 are ae follc',as; TA%IMG C'LAS$I FICATI pt! MA%IMVM TA% LATF. 1. DEV F. LO9ED PROPERTY A. Resid en t.ial Clas, I 5 332 pcr year (More than 3,590 square feet of de~e 1]i.nq unit living areal B. Re ,idential Class II $ 32C per year (3,077-3,589 sqn are feet qE dwelling unit liv inq areal " C. Resit]e ntial Class III $ 2.70 per year f,',FS~-~, Ogg square feet of rta~l+inn nn it ltcinq areal p. ni'IoN: ia] C1a es LV 5 1°2 ten+. year 1,70 P-2,563 square Eeet ^f d~.+~1]inp unit li^ing ar%al ' F,. I+~sidnnl.i al Class a +,~ par y^nY 17,051-1,J07 sqn are fast •`E do,=tli nu unite 1, i.v inq acsal F. P~sidential Cla e.s VI 5 117 par year 11,E=n than 7,051 squer~ t~et. ~f d~m~ll inq unit 1i': inq area) ' .., ~'^n~m ra l'• ia] '~1' I:l rllt 9l rlal l`1'~`)~P I'tY $1rpnD pPr :1 f~1'e 1'1 P. 1; yFlat' ~~ Thy mnr imnm annnai !<p~~ial Tax "R" rags ,hall b~+ snhj~ct to escalation each Jnly 1 r nmm~m ': n'~ hi1Y 1, 1^°0, al rat= nos to exceed four percent IAAI per year. Spec i.nl Tnx "n" shall he In vi ed annually so lung as Spacial Taa "B" Revenu ee are nn, n•: •~n i; i~, p,~y L•r mLlit i•~nat )•nl i<:q se;;v L ;e.: n~censa ry In serve tho prnpe rt ies l nra [n,l !ail I11O lh.+ UisYrict. ~/ "' r core SECTION 9. That tho appropriate mark placed in the voting square after Lhe word "YES" shall be counted in favor of Che adoption of the proposition, and the aFPr oprlate mark placed Sn the voting square after the word "NO" in the manner as authorized, shall be counted aya loot the adoption of said propvsit ion. E LECTiON 2ROCEOVR'c SECTION 1D. The Election Official is hereby authorized to take any and a1L steps :d cto~H nn Official nPCESFary iVi r. it i,.,iu ii,y vE laid ~~~::4 ..=" c' ' shall preform ands render all services and •proceed inya incidental tv and connected with the conduct of said election, and said services shall include, but not be limited to the following: 1. ere pare and Eurn ish to the election eEf icers necefsary el?coon supplies Eor the conduct of the election. 2. Caa se to he printed the regale its number of official ballots, [alley sheets and other necessary forms. ?. Furnish ar.d address to mail oEEic ial ballots to the qua Lif i.ed electors of the Community Facilities District. J. Cause the official ballots to be mailed, as required by law. c, .reiv= rho rein rns of the election and suPplie s. .. Fort and assemble the election mal er ial and supplies in preparation for the canvassing of the returns. ,. canvass the returns of the elecCirni. R. Furnish a tabulation ^C Che n~~lmber of ': vtes given in the el ect ion. 1 .. ...... ~l 91'r Tilr, c rnP nfu Tnd al;c I.IIn Il?,'?i5a ,"Y Hteli¢ tIJ I,ay lli enihs of the el?ctinn innirrorl as rn eul r. of . stoics=_ Performed by ':he r~rF aml x »n .nt of all P!~cl lnn of ficizls. fti s!.r ir'I. aryl pny -, I , 10. grnld sic :, aml ha rally all nth9r mal tors re La ti ng to the p1:OCeprli nga aml ronrln c! of ~. he Pl ec'.ino in '.Iw manner and Cv rm as required by law. r onrc.;cn .,r„i nlrn rTrn thin A'I"1'FY:'1 f'iTY f'LP~R Y. 1'1TY 9F P.A Nf'HO CUCANV NCA l:'1'A'fE nF rAL1FORNIA lay -~f r l90^. CITY OF PAtR'l10 CIICAMONph ?TATS nF rALEFnRN IA STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN AERNARDINO CITY OF RANCMO CUCAMONGA I, BEVERLY A. AUTHELET, CITY CLERK of tho CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, GO HEAEE'i CEP.TI EY that the foregoir.y Ae seLut ion, being Reaa luticr, Ho. _. was duly pissed, approved and adopted by the City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, znd attested by the City Clerk, all zt the meet my of Bald Clty Council he id on the day of 1999, and that the same o~as pawed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEhfA ERS Nn F.S: CVUNCIL NE MEEPS A95F.NT: COUNCIL ME MU F.AE P.9 STA IM: COUNCIL MEMRF.RS EXECU'I'EG this clay of 1989, at Rancho Cucamonga, Cal Lf ornia. C 1'P 1' f9.I:Hft CITY' O'e RAPI Cfin r'UCAMONGA STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~SGAL~ RESOLUTION N0. ~_V AES OLUTI Oti OF TH6 CSTY COUNCIL OF THE CS TY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DF,CLARING AND ESTABLIBHIt1G THE FOAMATIOIJ OF A COMMU- NITY FACILITIES DISTRICT, AND AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF LEVY OF SPECIAL TA.:ES TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS wH F.REAS, a p!~blic hearing has been he ict and co r:c lud ad, and the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, (hereinafter refs rred to as the "legislative body of ii~e iuuai '9 Y••i •_ d==ir ou= -~ •~:_ .:__ ._ ____....a ..:. !. _.._ ________.. ment of a common ity fac ilit ies district, Fu rsu ant to the terms and provisions of the "Mello-Roos Community Facillt ies Act of 1982", being chapter 2. 5, Parl 1, Division 2, Tlt le 5 of the Government Code of the State of California, said Community Facili- ties Di etr i:-t shall hereinaEt er be referred to as COMMUtIITy' FACILITIES DISTRICT IJO. HB-2 (hereina~tsr referred to as the "District"); and, WHE AEAS, this legial at ive 6o r1y has further declared its intent that the au t!!oeized public facilities be financed through the issuance of bonds, said bcnds secured by the levy of a spec i.al tact and, WHEREAS, aC any time before or afber the formation cf the Dist r. ir.t, Phis legisla rive body may accept. advances of funds and/or work in kind Erom any source; however, no reimhvrnemon+. and/or repayment shall be made fnr ca id advanc== until expressly set forth by agreement and/or Resolution of this Ley islac ive bod}' setting forth the amov nL, terms anct conditions Eer any reimbursement and/or repayment; and, WHEREAS, inasmuch as there are lees than twelve I1?.1 registered voters rea idiny within the territory of the District, and have been been for aL least: Che preceding n in er.y (g0) days, this legislaf ive body is desirous to submit the levy of the required =pedal tea to the landnwpere of the D~etricl, sa vl tantlowne rs be tng cne qualified ?lectors as authorized by law; anal, WHEREAF, there has been sn bm fitted ._ Lh is lug is lative body fnr its consi.deralion, a Purchase/Financing Agraemen!: by and bet~,;een Lhe Di et rict and Lhe Car,n Company, :: !; i.c h. .u 1~1 av Chor i;.e H,o ni sr~irr to ar-nn ire the public ca vital Eac it iC ies d escril: Sd her vin pursuant to the terms and cnnrtit io r.s est [o rih in said Agreement. tlOta, Tt{F.R'c FORE, BF, IT REBOL'iED A~E FOLIA415 P YC 1'I'ALS ^ECCir~tl 1. Thal the ahw~ r~~it al= m'e all `roe and :.nr[ec 1, ^AHE OF DISTR i~'T s gc'Ctn^ ;. Thar this ley is7 alive hnrly rln?= he rsb7 a=tablieh and rlec La re th= torma- tion n, the Comnninity Facilities Uiet. ri.cC known and designated as "`:OIIM Ut1I T'i FitCILITI F.' DIF'fPICT ^O. nH-,"' I eOVIJDARIES OF DISTRICT SECTION ?. That the boundaries and parcels of Lanct in '::h ich the public [utilities ore to be provided and on which special r,axes will to levied in order to pay the costs and expenses for said public facili.t ies are generally described as follows: A11 property within the boundaries of COMMU!JI TY FACILITIES DIST P,I CT N0. R9-2, as shcwn on a map as previously approved by This legislstiw body, ?aid map deei.g nated by Lhe name of this C'cmmunity Facilities District, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the Ci[y Clerk. The boundary ,.,I rfi F_aa 1.ce n_ filo.l ,a nr hn CarrinnC illl and 31I 341oE thec Government ,Code o[ tl:e State of California in the Office of the Con my Re m rder .,( the Cnu my ci 5an eernardinc, at Paqe of ec ok of the Eook of Ma os of AssPS Sment and Community F aciL it ies Dist ri.r_CS for said County. DF.F CR1 FT InN OF FACILITiEF S F,cTInN 4. A general description of the Fuhl is capital facilities which Chic leyiel at.ive body is authorized by law to contt ract, own or operate, which are th=_ facilities to be impr c: ed under these proceedings, are gene N+l ly described ae f^L]cws: The cw ate~r~inn, installation amt acgn isir inn of cer[a in drainage and Hoed control facilities, together with appurtenances and appurtenant :rork, ir.c lading acqu in ition where necessary. For further pa rt icu to rs, r={erence is made Co F, ile file entitled "Cil'Y OF RAN CIID CU CAMONGA, COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. EH-G, DESCRl k'1'1 VN ut FACI LI IiES", a ~~n py n[ which is en f,lo in the Office of the Cit}' Clerk. Fof all Iv rt icu lnrs, ref scent^? to maalo tr said apprriv?d Ei 1e. The facilities, as above-de scrib e`1, are facilities which Ch is legisla- tia= Mrly i.s authorized Py law to contribute revenue to or to construct, os+n or epe rate. I': is hec_by Eu ether found and determined that the pro po eerl fat ilit. les ace necessary Lo msaC the d=mantis and nnede of this .ncal Aaenn y. Thy r. on: nt ac nu n'~nq, con st ru ~Il arol instal Ll.ng the fnr,il it ies inr lades inc irh=nr.al ex poets es consisF ing nE the cosF.s of planning and .n. ,ring the (aoilJ ries, includ log '. ito costs of env iconmental evaLta- tinr; Oho rsc[, all roste assor,iat ed with the =stables hment ~. Lhe nisr,r ict, llre issuance of bands, the determination of the amount of any npari a] rains .n te': iod, the cost of collecting any special taxes, ., ml -~~_:_ "t h~nai=e ineurrad in odor In co cry rnit the av thori zed par p^n~n of the District, together with any nr.her expenses inc ld ental Ln . , .. 1 ~, ..,ri ,u, .gun ., ,w ,.u , ,_ up'. ....+i, ~iiu ., ,, ;,a ". .., ~, .,. ,...e (are ] i~ tog V DF.S CR IPTION OF SERVICES fiECTiOn 5. I'ha~ it !s Lhe (u ether intention of this lea ielti.ve body to prnv ids ~~orr nin ce rvicee that are in addit inn to those provided in the territory -~f r.he Distric[ and will not be replacing services already available. A o^n oral description of the eezv ices to be prnv ided le ns follows: a3o Police protection services which are in addition to the extent to which said services are currently pcov id ed to the territory within the proposed DLst riot. The costs of said services shall include the performance by employees oB all functions, including operation and maintenance. SPECIAL TAX SECTION F. Except where Eu nds are otherwise available. a special tax, secured by r_rordat ion of a continuing lien aqa loot a71 non-exempt real property in *he vrovosed Gistr ict, is hereby au thor'ized~ subject Co voter approval, to be 1^_vied annually within the boundaries of ea id Uistr ict. The pcopo sod special tax to be levied within said District hoe not been precluded by majority protest pursuant to Section 53324 of the ccvern- ment Code of the State of California. Foe pa rt icnlars as to the rate and method of apportionment of the proposed epecial tax, refere roe is made to the alto cited and incorporated Exhibit "A", which sets forth in suf Cic le nt de [a it the method of appe rl ionment to a11om each landowner or resident within the proposed Di str in to estimate the probable annual amount and the maximum annual amount that. said person will have to pay Eor said facilities. Sa Ld epecial tax shall be utilized to pay foe the construction, expansion, rehabilitation or purchase of the public capital facilities and services to be provided, and/or to secure a bonded indebtedness which shall oe utilized to finance eu ch public capital facilities. 1'he epecial taxes herein authorized shall be toilet ted in [he same manner ae ad valorem pt ope rty [axes and s.^.ail be subject w iiie .m... penult ie=, prncedu ro, sa Le and lien Fr inrity in any case of delinquency ae apolicahle Eor ad ~elv rem to re s. ilpon recordation of a tlet ice of Gpecial Tax Lien pu esuant to Section 3114.s of the Streete and Highways code of the 5ta is OE California, a rcn'.im~inq lien to =~cu re each 1=ey oL the special tar. shall attach Cc all non-exempt real prcpe rty in the Dist ri.ct and this lien shall continue in Eerce and effect until the special tax obligat ion i.^, prepaid and premanenl ly saLis (i.ed and the !ion c'a nc•!Ilwl in accordance with law . until collect ion eE tl:e tax by the ie9 is Lnt ive body ceases. FP.E PARATIOII OF APRILAL TAX POLL SE C'I'InII ', The name, address and Lel=phone numhan of Che o[t ice, dePar[ment or hurPau which will bo r~np^nsihl= Ear p~enaring annually a current roll •'C =p=~-i al rec. I~°y nblignt ie n= h; Aes~ssor's parcel muaber and which =hn l1 1•~ reepnnnib is Eor cst ima r. ina Caf ure special tax levres pursuant _-.. :.... a-,inn ~ ..! ,I., r,...,a. nm c,. ~_ I', .,~o ,'.1 1`ia '~1'a1P ttl lalif~~~nl a a l'n .in fnl l~?W?: AssESSnetrr NEVennE DEPAPn~EnT CITY r~F N.A t1CH0 C11fW Mr1GCA P. 0. 90Y, 9C1 R ANCIIO 1'IIC AMOHq A, ('A 91110 T F.LE PIIOG F.: (714) nn°_1951 X31 FINDSNG OF JALIOI TY SECTION 8. It is hereby farther determined by this Legislative body that all proceedings prior hereto were valid and taken in conformity with the raga it ements of the law, and specific ally Ctie pr o•: is ions of the "Mello- P.oos Community Facilities Act of i902", and that this finding and deter- mination is made pursuant to the pr o•: i=ions and authorization of Section 53325.1 of the Government Code of the State cf California. ~URETITUTIOII FACTLZTZES SECTiCn -. .ae ..a s-ipt ion o, _.._ ~^hlr_ ~+~a! fn~i lir i=s. as set forth herein, is yenerai in its nature. The ^f final nature and local ion of improvements and facilities will be determined upon the preparation of tinal plans and specif icat inns. The final plans may she•~ substitutes in lieu of, m' mod iE ica[icn co, the proposed work in order to accomplish the woxks of imp r!w=moot, and any sorb sob et i.t uti~a shall not he a r. ban ge or modifica- tion in the proc eedings as Lono as the facilities provide a service substantially similar to that as set, forth in this Resolution. APREALo ANU ItJT F,RoRETAT IIIN PROCEDVRE SECTION 10. An}• landowner or resident who feel= that the amount or formula of the s pee iai Len is fir. evrcr may fiie a notice with the Agency appealing Lhe te': y o[ the special tax. An appeals panel of 3 members, as appointed by the Aqe nc y, will then meeC and prim ptly rev i.ew Che appeal, and iE necessary, meet with the applicant. If the findings of the Appeals Rcard ve riEy that the tax shoo ld he modified or changed, a recommend a-~ t icn at tltaC time mill 'oe made Lo Ehe Aye ncy and, as appropriate, Lhc special tax levy shall be corrected, end if applicable in any case, a refund shell ba grant=d. Interpretations may be marls ny Lhe Ayr•ncy by Resolution [or parpo ses of olariCyiny any vagueness oc ambiyui V/ as it relates to any catey m~y, zoos, rate nr defin if ion app!icabl= to 4lte se pros eedinys. F.LECTIGPI SECTION 11. This ley islaLive body hereed r,h enbm its th= Iavy of the spec fiat tax to fI1= goal if i=d el art nrn of the Ui sr.r Ark, said ?lectors beiny the i anderrners of the proposed Uisr rio t, oath each landowner' having one Ill ..,. Ee r. each oc re :'r portion thereof of land whiNt ii e. or .^,he owns w+lr bin the ntmmuni r.y Fagil hies District. Th~^ 1=~+i zl aY i':= h..,ly hefeby forth=r ~Irro rLn that th= ballot prnnnsition r~l n!inll t~+ th= le~.y ~[ the above r=(a r~nced special r,ax he combined and con=oi i+ia co'i ., ,. ~~_ p•opo- .on c_., ,., ;:y .., .. ,._ _.._.__ c« _ n,.~nP i p~t=ht wine a.^,. 1Thie VR eso lotion eha11 not coned ~u to the ^notice of the =i='a,inn and F.he Resolution declaring the necessity to incur the bonded inn~ht ono=s=+ shall rnnstitate th= n~tic= of tY,= combined eler•t ton r=lati nq to r.be bend ed indebtedneee and ao thori.zat ion f.or the special tax Irv y. ~ 3~- PURCHASE/FINANCING AGREEMENT SECTION 12. This leg ielatlve body hereby approves the Pv rchaee/Financing Agreement by and between the Distz ict and the Car yn Company, the original of which is on Ei1e in the Office of the City Clerk, and authorizes the exec~:t ion thereof by the Mayor and City Clerk, actiny on heh»if of the District. APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of _, 1989. MAYOR CITY OF RANCHO CV CAMONGA STATE OF CALIFOR.N IA AT'f ERT: CI T'i CLE AK CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STATE GF CALIFORNIA ~3~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN B'r.RNARDINO CITY OF P.AtiCHO CUCAMONGA I, BEVERLY A. AUTHELET, CITY CLERK of Che CI T't OF RANCHO CVCAMONFA, CALIFORNIA, DO HEREF)Y CERTIFY that the focegoina Resolution, be irg P.esolution No. , was duly passed, approved and adopted by the City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and af.teeted by the city C1er k, all at the meeting of said City Council held on the day of __ 1989, and that the same was pas sett anu a opt a uy um w,. _.,w ay s.=. AYES: COL'N CIL M'cMeE RS NOF,S: COUMCIL MEMBERS AAS EtIh COUPIC IL MEMBERS ABSTAIN: CO!INCIL MEMBERS E%ECUTED this day of _ ___ 1989, ar. P.ancho Cucamcnga, Cal Lforn La. CI T'i CLERK CI T'( OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA 5'; T'1'P: UP CNLIYVHIV L/\ ~iF,ALj ~~ RESOLUTION NO. ~l_`~ RBS OLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH F, CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CAiIFORfJiA, ORDERt NG r_E RTAIN CHANGES AND MOD IFI rpTIONS TO THE RESOLUTION OF INTENTION AND PROCEEDIIIGS REhATING TO THE FORMATION OF A CON.MUNIT:' FAC It.I TIES DISTRICT tJH ERFAS, the CITY CCUNCIL of the CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORtJI A, (hereinafter referred to ae the "loo islat ive body of the local Agency"), has previously declared ~,.d ...-ne,-er •ee ~ .ar;n of a °RCnn rt •• rol dtinrt fn tha initiation ofV proc eed ings to create a Community Fac iiit ies District pursuant co the terms and pwvisir`ns of the "Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 19 P2", being Chapter 2.5, Part. 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the Government code cE the State of California. This Co mmun itp Fac it it i.es District shall here inaf[er he referred to as COM MUNiTY FACT LrT iES DISTRICT NO. 98-i. jhereinaf ter r. ete n'ed to a= the "District"1; ami, WHE P.F AS, nrlt:cs of a public hearing relating to th^ establisltm ent of the District, the er.lent the Diatric t, the far~ishino Cf C'Et taln fdCli'1.1:189 aad 5eIa1Ce 5, and all ether related matters hae been oiven, and a "Report", as ordered by this Agency, hae been presented and considered, and at this time it ie hereby dot ernii nod that certain changes and modifications in [he P.e solution of Llt ention and proceedings should be ordered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOhVED AS FOLLOWS: .SF CTION 1. 'f hat the above eecitals are d17. t[ue and coerec t. .SR CTION 2. That it 1s in the beet public intereet and convenienne to order certain changes and mod if ifah,i9ns to the proceedi nqa and Resolution of Inten- a nrl nod i.f iratione are as set forth in the final "Report" submitted and herein approved, entitled "COMM UNITI' 'eACILITIES DISTRICT HEPOR T". S!?r'TI00 ~. ThaC the pro coed ings, Reaclut ion of Inlentirn: and "RSp ~: t" as now presented, shall stand Eor all future proceed rocs as the Resolution of In': en'Ir'n, pr~~eedi nye and "Re pa rt" Enr `he F. st.ri rt. APPRO'JED dnd ADOPTED this dal Cf 1959. 11A't OP CIT:' OF P.ANC HO CU CAMONGA ATT R.ST: 41'1'F rLF.R f' .-._ . r'I TY ~~I' PAN I'll0 ('UCAMONGA r S'IAT F, nF r'ALI Fr1PNIA 1~ y STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN OERNARDI NO CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA I, BE4E RLY A. AUTHE LET, CITY C1.E RE of the CI T1' OF RANCHO CUCAMOHGA, CALI FORtiIA, DO HEREBk' CERTIF'i that the. forego ing Aesol ut is n, being Re soiut ion No. , was duly passed, aF Pr owed and adopted by the city Cevncil, apprc:ed and sig netl by the Ma yn r, and attested by the City Clerk, all at the meeting of saitl city ..o ~.f~C .. ..e. .. on ....r _ to0.0 n,i that fho cams was passed {and adopted by the foL Cw!ng vote AYES: COUNCIL MEt10E 25 NOES: l'OPNCIL MEN BE RS ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS EXECUTED t.hie __~_ day cf _ 1989, at Rancho Cucamonga, Cnl if orn ia. CITY CLERK STATEvOFM1CAL IF'ORIVtp v,.vn ~,c F.AL1 ~3~ RESOLUTION NO. ~ ~~ NESOLUTION OP THE CITY COVNCEL OP THB CITY OP R11tiCIq CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, MAEING CSHTAIN PRELIMINARY PINDINOS AND PASSING VPON PROTESTS WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY O! RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, (heYalnaftBr referred to ae the "laglelative body of the local Agency"), has previously declared Lte intent ion and ordered the preparation of a ^Report^ relating to the initiation of proceedings to create a Community Facillt lee District pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Hello-Roos Community Fecllit lee AcC of 1982", being Chapter 2.5, Part lr Division 2, Title 5 cf the Govez~nt Cade of the Stake of CallEornle. This Commun Lty Fac ilitiee District shell here loaf ter be referred to ae COMMUNITY PACILITIk& DISTRICT NO. BE-2 (hereinafter referred to de the "Diet rlct"); and, WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing tale[ log to the eeteblishment of the District, Lhe extent of the Dletrict, the furnishing of certain facilit lee and services, and all other related matters has been given, and a "Report", ae ordered by this Agency, has been presented to lhle Agency and has been made a part of the record of the hearing on the Resolution of Intention to eatnDlieh Bald Dlatrlet; and, NHEREAS, Lt has been further determined that written protests by fifty percent (SOi) or more of the rag rate red votara, or six (6) registered voters, whichever is greater, realdl ng within the boundarlee of the proposed Dletrict, or by owners representing one-half (1/2) or ante of the area of land proposed to De lnc laded !n said Dletrict end not exempt from the apeclal tax have not been received; and, WHEREAS, all communlcat Lone relat log to the eetebliehnrent of the Dletrict, the extent of the District, end the types o! facilities and services, as well as the rote end nrethod of apportionment of the apeclal tax, have been conaldered, end at this time th ie legleletiva body is desirous to proceed with the eetebllehment of the Dletrict; and, NHEREAS, et ihle [lore there has further Deen submitted to this legleletiva body, pu reuant to an envl[onmental evaluation, a NSGATIVB DBCLAAATION on Che p[oject, together with any comments received during the public review process relating to the formation of this Dlat rlct. NON, SHEREPORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLONS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. That written protests have not been filed by fifty percent (50\) or more of the rag rat ered vote re, or aLx (6) registered voters, whlchevet in greater, or properly owners of more then one-half (1/2) of the arse of the land within the proposed Dletr LCG end not exempt from the special tax. SBCT ION 3. Except where changes and modlf icai ions have been made, ell prcteete and objections axe hereby overruled and denied, 6ECTION 4. It 18 hereby further determined by ihls lagLelat lve body to proceed with the Formeticn and eetabl lehment of the Dletr Lct, formally known end designated ae "COMMUNITY FACILITIBS DISTRICT No, NS-2". X37 SECTIOx 5. The "Report^, se now submitted i• hereby epprovetl end Se made a part of the record of the hearing, and ie ordered to ba kept on Eile with the traneerlpt of these proceedings aiM open for public inspection. SECTioN 6. It la hereby further determi netl by this legieletlve body that alt proceetlinge prior hereto were vel id and taken in conformity with the requirements of law, antl specifically the provielane of the "lNllo-Roos Community Peeilitlee AcG of 1982", end this linding le made pursuant to the provisions and authorirat ion of seetlon 53325.3 of the Government Code of the state of California. SECTION 7. It ie hereby further determined by thla legislative body that tAe proposed cnpltal project Feclllty and eervicee ere neceseery to meet the lncrea eed demende placed upon '.hie local Agency ee a result of new development and/or rahabilitetion within the Dlstrlet. SECTION 8. Ba eed upon the Lniilal study, the comments received !hereon and the Negative Declaration for the project, Lt le further determined that the proceedings relating to the formation of the Community Pacilitiea Dlatrict will not have a eignificent effect on the environment. The CLly Manager Le hereby directed to immediately cause a Notice of Determi- nation to De flied in the Of flee of the County Clerk. APPROVED and ADOPTBD thLS day of , 1989. NAYOR CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA STATB OF CALIFORNIA ATTBST: CITY CLERR CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA STATB OF CALIPORNIA ~3~ STATE OT CALITOANIA COUNTY OP 9AN BERNARDINO CITY OF MNCNO CUCAMONCA I, BEVERLY A. AUTNELET, CITY CLERK Of tha CITY OB RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALITORNIA, DO HEREBY CERTIFY Chet Che fotegoing Resolution, being Resolution No. , was duly passed, approved and adopted DY the City Covncii, approved and signed Dy the Neyor, antl attested Dy LAe Clty Clerk, all at the meeting of said city Council held on the day of 1989, end that the same was passed end adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS NOES: COVNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS EEECVTED this day of , 1989, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. CITY CLERK CITY OF MNCNO WCAMONOA STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~SEAL~ X39 DATE: June 7, 1989 TO: FR061: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ,p ~t>GUto ~`C ~9. a C O F ~ Z U 9 lan I Mayor and Members of City Council acting as Board of Appeals Jerry Grant, Building Official APPEAL OF NOTICE AND ORDER OF BUILDING OFFICIAL - DANGEROUS BUILDING - 9768 CENTER - APN 1077-401-34 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council, acting es the Board of Appeals, sustain the Notice end Order o[ the Building Official arM make a finding that the building located at 9768 Center Street is a dangerous building based upon the information submitted. Ii. BACKGROUND The building which is the subject of this report was first brought to the attention of the Building and Safety Division in July 1986 when Mr. Jce Di Iorio, owner at the time, requested an inspection for the purpose of determining suitability for relocation within the city limits. Subsequently, the building was temporarily relocated from the site currently occupied by the Deer Creek Cer Wesh and sU63ee UentlV to itR current lnewfinn ewait,im Hoag.m:g~N~~ .,r .. r wa - _ restoration. Several contacts to the Building and Safety staff during this period, indicated interest in relocating the building including those from a church group and Chaffey College. In February 1987, the Planning Division requested a status update on the structure and, at the City's request, fencing was installed to reduce its nuisance attraction. In July 1988, the property was again brought to the attention of the Building end Safety Division by the Foothill Pire District referencing a fire set by 5 juveniles end requesting cooperative efforts from Code Enforeemeni and Building Department personnel the opinions end conclusions of the resultant report were stated that the building should be abated by demolition. In August 1988, the Building Official directed a letter to Steve Wheatley, Stephen nanieis Commercial Brokerage, Ina., representing the new owner, Dr. Reveewen Kanokvecheyant. In the letter, Mr. Wheatley was Informed that the Building Department had been requested by Foothill Fire District to assist in the removal o[ the structure and that it constituted a fire hazard due to continuous vandelization end repeated fire damage which ultimately destroyed its reconstruction value. Mr. Wheatley was also advised that the Historic Preservation Commission had agreed that the building had been damaged !o en extent that historic preservation was impractical. APPEAL OF NOTICE AND ORDER 9768 Cen[er June 7, 1989 Page 2 >n October 1988, the Foothill Fire District directed a letter to Stephen Daniels Commercial Brokerage; again declaring the field a fire hazard and requesting cooperation by removing the structure. [n March 1989 because o[ the repeated complaints, the Building Official contacted the owner who expressed concern of liability since the building was not attached to the land. Alter discussion with the City Attorney is was concluded that the owner of the property, is responsible for the maintenance o[ the lend and that if liability exists, it is a matter between relative owners, not involving the City. On March 31, 1989, A Notice and Order was directed to Dr. Kanokvechayant requiring abatement and the structure was posted. In May 1989, the Building and Safety Division received a requesi for appeal from Mr. Fred M. Cohen, Dr. Kanokvechayent's attorney, on the "Notice o[ Order". The appeal was set [or this meeting. The Poothill Fire District has provided details o[ their concerns with the subject property. Copies o[ their correspondence is attached. 1[L CONCLUSIONS It is the opinion of this oP[ice that the building to its current state is a dangerous building in then e. The root of [he building hea less than the 50 percent oP the tire-retardant and weacner ressuve quauues of a newly constructed bwldmg. b. The building is being continuously vandalized and has become an attractive nuisance for minors. c. Considering the damage the structure has sustained, reasonable selvage or reconstruction vatue no longer exists. d. The structure lacks proper foundation to maintain stability. e. The building has been subject to repeated arson attempts to the extent that it is a fire hazard. t. The property enables persons to resort thereto for the purpose oP committing unlawful acts. Respect~lly su Jer R. Grant Bu ding Official ~ ~~ 7 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA May 22, 1989 Dr. Reveewan Kanokvechayant 8645 Baseline Rd. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 rmr oxm, a.. m., rs,n<ho c~:,mons+• oldam~ vvw. rul wvaasl SUBJECT: ATTRACTIVE NUISANCE - 9768 CENTER - APN - 1077-401-34 Dear Dr. Kanokveehayent: You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held Detore the Clty Council acting as a Board of Appeals at Lions Park Commwity Center, 9161 Baseline Rd, Rancho Cucamonga, Celitorn[a, on dune T, 1989 at the Hour of 7:30 PM, regarding the Notice and Order served tpon you concerning the above property. You may be present et the hearing. You may be, but need not be, represented Dy counsel. You may present any relevant evidence and will be given full opportunity to cross-examine all witnesses testifying against you. You may request issuance of subpoenas to compel the attendance o[ witnesses end the production of books, documents or other things by filing an affidavit [nereior w\[n the 5oard of Appeais. This notice is consistent with Section 602 of the "Uniform Code For Abatement of Dangerous Buildings", es adopted by the City of Rancho Cucamonga and in accord with your appeal o[ the Notice and Order of the Building Official. Sincerely, COMtdUN[TY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building end Safety Division i _) //~~ ~ Jarry R1 Grant Building Official JRG/kes ~~ L\lih,m I \IewnJer 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lhnrle. I nuquel II Dennn 1 ihn" Deh"nh S ann.n I'amcla I. 11'nGht Ia\A ~L,ua \Il I' ,. City of RANCHO CUCAMONGA R-c~:EiVED APPEALS REQUEST ~~•~ t- MAY i ,,,,: . Date: J _I _,~~' eGa~It.~ :~" ~ CI''1 GF ~'nCNU _:in9NGA 1. BEFORE THE BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCMNJNGA ress of t e Property' 2. Appeal of: flame Address ar. IZewee,_ ~la.,a~cve..L.~,ei'fi' ~!~''IS I~ArQ1 ~ ~ ~a.,1.. C.,....,,.~ °1\73e S. Statement of legal interest in building(s) or the land involved in Notice and Order. 4. Appellants do further protect the following specific order(s) and(or action(s): c POST OFFICE RO% 90q, RANCHO CUCAMONCA. CALIFORNIA 91790 • 1111) 9l9dl6l [n support of this protect appellants submit the following material facts: Appeals Request Page 2 6. Appellants herahy request that the specific order(s) and/or action(s) the modified as follows: ~ ~ `` 1y `` 11 /~ .~l .1, A ~C d~Pa~IGA TO 0Wn21' a4 TNS dIPV~1~~E ~. Appellants request such modification for the following reasons: 8. I certify that I have read the statements contained in this application, that they are true and correct, and that I make this statement under penalty of law. ~1 n , ,~~ b~./~11'f ~rc~ Ih Co ken (Signature of at least one appellant) Arr...,~~, Fr ~~. Ka~~k~«1,..raM~ ,ru,aaoarrr FRmD M. CONSN ATTOUImT wr INw Ornav aoor eCON, B~tUTAA. e. w..w~.,,. e~w. uo DMrup CA%1M ~~~ ~- ~' J CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Ile rch 31, 1989 Dr. Reveewen Kanokvechayant 8645 Baseline Rd. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Post Jmtt &r. [tl Rm[~o Cuumunga. Oldomu 41: Nl. CIN RNB b=! SUBJECT: APN 1077-401-34, 9789 CENTER AVE., RANCHO CUCAMONGA Dear Dr. Kanokvecheyant This office has Deen in contact witA the City Attorney on several occasions with reference to your particular situation of storing a structure which does not belong to you, on the above referenced property. The result of those oonversatlons indicates that, even though the structure does not belong to you, ea recorded owner o[ the property you are responsible for the mainten ante of the land .u dll dyjrui liid i,ueS Gi, it. lucid tJie, itlio ie lie, is iu uuii ty you, as owner of record that the structure must be removed. By reason of several documented attempts to set fire to the structure, it constitutes a fire hszard under the Unitorm Fire Code section 2.201(D). Further of its precarious positioning on cribb(ng and lack of Deing secured from entry, constitutes a hazard and attractive nuissnce under the Unitorm Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings section 302 (9, 12 8 17). Additionally vandalizing of the property and repeated Lire damage have removed any signitioant selvage or reconatruotlon value that may have previously existed. Therefore, the Building and Safety Division Is requiring that you remove the danger and nutsence created by the structure's existence no later than April 28, 1989. It this condition is not remedied by that date, this office will proceed with abstemant under the Uni[orm Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, Section 403 (1) end assess the cost as s lien against the property. ~~~ ll ilium I \Irun.lrr Chnlr> I Ruyuel I! ~„ 1 Mrs. Reveewan Kanokechayant March 31, 1989 Psge 2 Any person 'hav ing record title or interest in this matter may appeal this notice end order, provided the appeal is mode in writing as provided in the Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1985 Edition, within 30 days from receipt o[ this notice end order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all rights to en administrative hearing end determination of the mutter. If you have any questions in this matter, please call this office at 989-3863. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEYELOPMEHT DEPAR'1MENT Building and Sa tety Division Jerry G~~ Bu~ld~ng Official V ~~ .. ~ ~ FOOTHILL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT MEMORANDUM 7U: Jerry Grant, Building Official FROM: Lloyd B. Almand, Division Chief(Fire Marshal SUBIECI': Vacant Residenrial Structure -North of Deer Creek Car Wash DATE: May 3, 1989 Back on August 4, 1988, I wrote a memo to you regarding the abandoned and dilapidated building sitting on cribbing at the above listed location. At that time, it was noted that we had responded to some fires in that building that were of an incendiary nature. As this building has continued to deteriorate to a point beyond .u.. C... AL.~~J.. ..L •L..• .L....IA C:... 6ui'r n~Gniiii[y, it iv wm •.. .u,.. .o L~.~.:0 .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... occur within the swcture again, noyattempt will be made at interior attack. This will be done for the safety of our personnel. This building is a public nuisance and as such is declared so by this fire district. Therefore, it is my opinion that this building must be abated by demolition or removal in accordance with the procedure specified in Chapters 4 through 9 of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings or by any other procedures provided by law. Attachments: 1. Letter to Stephen Daniels Commercial Brokerage 2. Copy of Fire Investigation Report #275-88 3. Copy of Uniform Fire Code, Section 2.201(b) ~~7 ~~ ~ ., . . October 17, 1988 Stephen Daniels Commercial Brokerage 8331 Utica Avenue Suite 200 Aancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 RE: Parcel north of Deer Creek Carwash Greetings: ~Op~ We are sending you this letter because youz business sign is on the abovenoted property. At this time, the property is overgrown with weeds. This is an unsafe situation, made even more dangerous due to the fact there is a large abandoned house sitting in the field. We have documented a history of fires in this vacant structure. In an effort to prevent another fire, which may spread to the surrounding neighborhood, we have declazed the field a fire hazard and are requiring that it be disked immediately. (Uniform Fire Code, Section 9.108 6 3.101(. We have also declared the dilapidated house on this property to be an unsafe building and a public nuisance. By means of this letter we are ordering its abatement under the Uniform Fire Code section 2.201 (b). Please call the building department for assistance with this abatement procedure. v ~~ ~ ~ -. Stephen Daniels October 14, 1988 Page 2 We appreciate your cooperation in correcting this unsafe situation immediately. A reinspection of the field will be conducted October 25, 1988, to verify compliance with this notice. If you have any questions, please call me between BAM and 9AM, Monday through Friday. Sincerely, ,.~~n~ ~~ Susan D. l4olfe Fire Prevention Inspector/Investigator cc: ~e Marshal Building and Safety Code Enforcement ~4 7568 Center ASSIGI.N,ENT On Thursday, July 28, 1!:88, at appzcrimate l}~ i348 hours, I was reeu ested by Captain Fritchey to respond to 7968 Center Hvenue, reference a structure fire. ARRIVAL I arrived en the scene at approximately 1355 hours and reported to Captain Fritchey, Foothill Fire District. He stated there were three separate sets in the building. Engine Company 172 personnel were on scene; Captain Fritchey, Engineer S. Campbell and Firefighter };i lmer. BRIEFING Captain Fritchey directed my attention to five male juveniles sitting on the curb, across the street from the fire scene. He said they made statements to him that they were in the house at the time of the fire. They also said they tried to put out the fire with a jacket. When that didn't work, they left the house and called 9-1-1. Captain Fritchey stated he had already pre-planned the fire attack on this building because he is familiar with the neighborhood and expected to have a fire here. Due to the extreme fire and life safety hazard presented by the condition of the building and the fact it is up on cribbing, he determined the attack. would be strictly exterior. FIRE SCENE INVESTIGATION The structure is a two story, wood construction, single family occupancy. The structure has been vandalized, and aopears to be abandoned. The windows are broken out and the rear door is missing. The front porch is nulling away from the structure and is sagging. This building has been moved to this site an3 it is presently up on cribbing. it is raised approximately six feet above grade. It is sitting on the east side of Center Street, facing west. I had to use a ladder to reach the opening in the back of the house. immediately inside, I noticed the trash and structural damage to the interior. There was a fire set in this first zoom or area where I entered. Annroximately eioht to ten feet away, in the kitchen area, were two smaller fire sets. In on^ of the sets I observed a burned match. There is no electricity or gas power connected to this building. De:e De:e TypeG ~ v :r ilsrc ~: Ws~nas; • VAQ NUC;1 7 ACTION TAKEN I requested Rancho Cucamonga Sheriff's Department personnel to respond to interview the juveniles identified by Captain Fritchey. I also requested the City's Code Enforcement team and a City building inspector to respond, due to the serious life safety hazard this abandoned building presented. Deputy Morrison, Rancho Cucamonga Sheriff's Office, arrived and completed fire incident cards on the five juveniles at 7968 Center Street. His DRk 88046962-11. At the conclusion of his interviews, he advised me all the juveniles denied being in the house prior ~to~the fire. They did say they entered the house to put out the fire after they saw smoke coming from the back of the house. He gave me the fire incident cards for our files. I requested the City's Code Enforcement officer also asked them stouwrite secured with fencing until it can be removed. up the large growth of grass and weeds around the structure. I was advised by Officer Susan Ramirez that the minimum code requ however the presence the field is to do the perimeter. This has been done, of the combustible growth is a definite fire hazard in this case. Abatementt of Dangerous Bu 1 dings to have the estructure removed Cimmediatelyhe OPINIONS AND CONCLUSIONS s ~rcnAiarv and a deliberate attempt to destroy These iiu ee •+•~ ••--- - psoperty by fire. y Ordinary combustibles and match(es) were used. This structure is an extreme fire hazard and its dilapidated condition threatens the safety of the adjacent neighborhoods. DISPOSITION This report is forwarded to the City Department of Building and Safety, with a copy also being sent to Code Enforcement for immediate follow-up. IG I iypeC By O Susan S U g LL a LL N `o o~ ~~ ~~ ~~ g~ B~ ~~ ~o o 'J c 9_ ~o o A yy ~~S rq°c~ s~~.as X"E ~= Ec $°.°0~$~' $' .A`~~ °~8 d~~' ~Xy oe.EY~vo ~ $$ ~"s~~ °~tlXc 'X~ S95B ~~~' W ~z; ~s-$~ogY ~~8 ~•- ~~ ~ ~s~g~ ~~'~€ ~so~ W ~~~s~ ~~e~~~~i~ C O i~tlO~gg$ °Ce ;EY~~ o a a' $B~~ ~ ~cy ~ a m e' ~ g~$ 3@9a~~ m eSSEo..,a~_.~'v~se._._ O ~F~`~~s,C S~'€~L~L go~Yo .'a t`o o n ~b.XC $ ~$ XQ E 's B o ~"a~~~~`~~~~'sq~~~ .~ z~=~ ~~~~~3~.~ ~s§~_c ae -_~~~ °°, .. X ^u .E9 °~g_a _ X .~ T.C o m $ ~)~! ~ a°a i `e e . ~.Y y ~ •s .c Sao°3 '-~ `6~ ~~""e~ ga 5•od.e~~ t 60 ~~~r8g ~ ~ ~ ~.~ `sge~ea5~ ~~ s ~=6•E~~ ~.8r5~ ~- ~ S `o ,_ o C u e ~~~'~~; ~$~~5 „e`s~g ~¢Ee„ „__„ '~g~~~~ ``~~'~"s"s y~y V~ ~ .~' r _~ ~C~ T ~~ m ~ Y e L $ Y~~ E °~E `X B ~'~.3 $ e'F~ a. 8~$ i'Y H Y 8 ~Cg~ g3 ~'.~ Y = ~~~o °~ ~~,V~~~ a ._ v09 ~ ~ ~s~- • CITY OF RANG CUCAMONGA ro„ onK. aw August 15, 1988 Stephen Daniels Comaercial Brokerage, Inc. 8331 IItlca Ave. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attn: Steve Wheatley: s..m a.~,., uwm,;.9i no. vu: croaro: SDBJECP: APN 1877-41-36, 9768 CENTER AVE., BAIfCBiD CIICAbpNGA Gen t l etaen Based upon conversation with Mr. Wheatley, ibis letter is directed to you as representatives of Dr. Ray, wbo owns the property referenced above. We hove been requested by the Poothill Pire Protection District, to sestet in having the structure currently stored on the parcel removed, since it constttutea a t[re hazard. By reason of its precarious positioning on cribbing and lack of being aerated from entry, it also represents a hazard and attractive nutaance to ray inquisitive minors who might enter. Additionally vandalizing of the property end repeated fire damage have removed any nianlfi rant M IvaE• nr rannn~lrnrti nn •L~~ tA~t .w A~..~ previously a:fisted. -4aall~, wa bava takes t\i• artier to the Historic Prasarvatioa t:ewissloa sad hav reoalved a concurring opinlal that tYe~Drtildlag Aa• Dean duagad to the •:teat that Aistoeio eaatoeatioo to ingractieal..- Accordingly, this letter is to request cooperation in removal of the danger and nutaence crested by the structure's existence end elimination of any potential liability that may accrue to the property owner by [ts continuance on the site. It cooperation can be attained, we can ovoid the longer process of formal nat[ficstion, etc., necessary to otherwise eliminate the prop firm. Plense contact this otf[ce regarding the owners intent[ons by August 24th. We will daisy further setion pending your response. cw.u..,.~., w•r• De6oeW N. 9mn beYry xira Dennu L Slow Chula J. &qun it Pwe, I. WAaet Cp M.rA [.a,w M. Wua:em ~s~ If. you have any S stions or if further cler ication is needed, please call. . Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEYELOPNEtI'1' DEPARTMEN'P Building and Sa[ety Division e r r C~~~ Building Official dRG:ll g~ t ~~ I ~~~r-/h. y~ C[TY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA roi om.. eo. +os, x.o+no c~r,mo+y, c,erom~ c,no. cui ~-nsi Mey 26, 1989 Dr. Reveewan Kanokvecheyant 8646 Baseline RoAd Rancho Cucamonga, Ce. 91730 Pollowing is ell of the tactual information we have been able to acquire in response to your request for records of ownership o[ the property et Poothill Boulevard and Center Street. Ownership of the entire parcel before Its division was witA: Kebert Partners 1101 Poothill Bivd., P.O. Box 848 Upland, Cellfomia Telephone 714/981-8791 This information is as was shown on the parcel map, thst legally dtvided the properties. The same ownership appeared on the gradtng permk tssuad AprE 8, 1987 which wss also the approximste dote that the building wss relocated Irom its oeiginal location at the cerwash site. There are several other parsons who have contacted us regarding the atructuree Rnverond Bill Rnne. min{star of the church that was. at one time. Interested in relocating the building. Telep~tlone: 714/987-8494. Mr. Bill Foreman, the house mover who relocated the building, apparently for Reverend Enns. Telephone: 714/877~J383. Nr. Joe Dl lotto, who originauy requested we make inspection on the building to determine if it could ba relocated. Address: P.O. Box 218, 9ouN Legato, Ca. 92877- 0218, Telephone: 714/499-8929. I hope this will ba of some help t0 you in estebllahing ownership of the Dulldittg. Sincerely, COMMUNITX DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building aUn~d'Safe/,ty DivLaion Bu"~~~ ding Official JG:dm ~ ~ /- cc: Mr. Fred M. Cohen ~7 .m Jm.+M. v,~.• wilL+m I 1levnd<r ~ Cnan<, I Buyu<r II C:n a+~+a~ nenm+L Stout Detmr+A \' arvwn PameL I. Wnghl I+~w Lam, ,11CP ~'~~ C~ FOOTHILL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 1~~MORANDUM TO: Jerry Grant, Building Official FROM: Lloyd $. Almand, Division Chief/Firo Marshal SUBJECT: Vacant Residential Structuro - Noah of Deer Creek Car Wash DATE: May 3, 1989 Back on August 4, 1988, I wrote a memo to you regarding the abandoned and dilapidated building sitting on cribbing at the above listed locafion. At that time, it was noted that we bad nspoeded to some fires in that building that were of as incendiary nature. As this building has continued to deteriorate to a point beyond ;;,;-•.--..i.a:,.. t. i• this R.. diarricPa anmoach that should a firo occur within the structure again, no attempt will be made at interim attack. This will be done for the safety of our porsonnel. This building is a public nuisance and as such is declared so by this fire district. Therefore, it is my opinion that thin building must be abated by demolition or removal in accordance with the procedttro specified in Chapters 4 through 9 of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings or by aay other procedures provided by Iaw. Attachments: 1. Lettee to Stephen Daniels Commercial Brokerage 2. Copy of Fire Investigation Report tk275-88 3. Copy of Uniform Fire Code, 3ectitm 2.201(6) C/ ~Oo p~ October 17, 1988 Stephen Daniels Commercial Hrokeraae 8331 Utica Avenue Suite 200 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 RE: Parcel north of Deer Creek Carwash Greetings: We are sending you this letter because your business sign is on the abovenoted property. At this time, the property is overgrown with weeds. This is an unsafe situation, made even more dangerous due to the Yact there is a large anantlonea house sitting in the field. We have documented a history of fires in this vacant structure. In an effort to prevent another fire, which may spread to the surrounding neighborhood, we have declared the field a fire hazard and are requiring that it be disked immediately. (Uniform Fire Code, Section 9.108 s 3.101). We have also declared the dilapidated house on this property to be an unsafe building and a public nuisance. Hy means of this ieCter we are JrdEYiOg its abatement under the Uniform Fire Code sect icn 2.201 (b). Please call the building department for assistance with this abatement procedure. ~~~ Stephen Daniels October 14, 1988 Page 2 We appreciate your cooperation in correcting this unsafe situation immediately. A reinspection of the field will be conducted October 25, 1988, to verify compliance with this notice. If you have any questions, please call me between 8?+M and 9AM, Monday through Friday. Sincerely, Susan D. Wolfe Fize Prevention Inspector/Investigator cc: "F`i a Marshal Building and Safety Code Enforcement ... .. __ '.e ... ._ ':i_ n'r_a 276-Ef 1'hC KJC.i _ _ _ I:. :~ .~:.T, i~ ...'. l.f Si i n......:. 7568 Center Avenue, Rancho Cucamonca kSSIGH^:EHT On T'r,ursday, July 28, 1566, -~ a_oprc>:imate ly 1358 hours, I was :ecuested by Captair. Fritchey to :espcad to 756E Center F.venue, reference a struc~cre ..re. H$°.I ~'hL I arrived on the scene at appro>imately 1355 iiourc and re;?ar ted to Captain Fritchey, Foothill Fire District. He stated there were three separate sets in the building. Engine Company 172 personnel were on scene; Captain Fritchey, Engineer S. Campbell and Firefighter t;i lmer. 9RIEFII:G Captain Fritchey directed my attention to five male juveniles sitting on the curb, across the street from the fire scene. He said they mafie statements to him that they were in the house at the time of the fire. They also said they tried to put out the fire with a jacket. When that didn't work, they left the house and called 9-1-1. Captain Fritchey stated he had already pre-planned the fire attack on this building because he is familiar with the neighborhood and expected to have a fire here. Due to the extreme fire and life safety hazard presented by the condition of the building and the fact it is u_~ en cribbing, he determined the attacY. would be strictly erterior. FIRE SCENE INVESTIGATION The structure is a two story, wood construction, single family occupancy. The structure has been vandalized, and appears to be abandoned. The windows are broken out and the rear door is missing. The front oorch is ,ru llinq away from the structure and is sagging. This building has been moved to this site and it is presently uo on cribbing. It is raised approximately six feet above grade. It is sitting on the east side of Center Street, facing west. had to use a ladder to reach the openine in the back of the house. immediately inside, I noticed the trash and structural damage to the interior. There was a fire set in this first room or area where I entered. Approximately eieht to ten feet away, in the Y,itchen area, were two smaller fire sets. in one o`_ the sets I observed a burned match. There is no electricity or gas power connected to this building. yy I Gaze Swear s........ 8-4- 1 .:r:: ~:r_ ..:'~.: ., ow icrx' v:,~ sus 2 !MYL.•.f1.. w:Ji.::~ P:G:r iFta t' tusrne3c; ACTION TAAEN I requested Rancho Cucamonga Sheriff's Department personnel to respond to interview the juveniles identified by Captain Frit they. I also requested the City's Code Enforcement team and a City building inspectcr to respond, due to the serious life safety hazard this abandoned building F=esented. Deputy Morrison, Rancho Cucamonga Sheriff's Office, arrived and completed fire incident cards on the five juveniles at ?969 Center Street. His DRr 89046962-11. At the conclusion of his interviews, he advi:s ed me all the juveniles denied being in the house prior ~to~the fire. They did say they entered the house to put out the fire after they saw smoke coming from the back of the house. He gave me the fire incident cards for our files. I requested the City's Code Enforcement officers to have the structure secured with fencing until it can be removed. I also asked them to write up the large growth of grass and weeds arcund the structure. I was advised by Officer Susan Ramirez that the minimum code requirement for disking the field is to do the perimeter. This has been done, however the presence of the combustible growth is a definite fire hazard in this case. Abatement~of Dange ous Buildings to have the estructure removed e>°mmediatelyhe 0?INZONS AND CONCLUSIONS c: ..,.~ ;ncendiarv and a deliberate attempt to destroy s~nese U,c ea -'-- ' property by fire. Ordinary combustibles and matchless were ueeu. This structure is an extreme Eire hazard and its dilapidated condition threatens the safety of the adjacent neighborhoods. DIS?OSITION This report is forwarded to the City Department of Building and Safety, with a copy also being sent to Code Enforcement for immediate follow-up. iypK 6y - I ate `o ~` ~~ c ~o ~~ ~ D ~g er b: N W 0 UUW o a "> i D t N 7 ~"o~o ~pp E.4 c 8 .. ~ c ~ g . i a ~ ~ c§~` N y. w~ "•2 die ~ d~o~ ;, e a ~ g _ 2 ~oa~ ~. e3 ~~ ° ~~-~~ ~x v a._~ ~ ~ B ~ ~ ~ C O ..3'as T C ~w g a ~ ~ C oas Rr.Ys ag $~~~~~L< s"`lea§'sav S ~_~~SY; °=?oY~~~ 9 ~~ y._ g?oSe~C ~~~'~~ 11~~ yy P ~ C~~,`.'s~~Y C ~ ~pp~~~~a .?~~.1fP~Ye§ f4~~~~ O . ~~` E ~ e a'u.py V .C T.C y V 4 f' ,y c x u Yfr .~ CO ° e g ~.Y ._ X90 @? _~ ~a$~e~ ~a ~r~~ ~~ ~~g as:~ !'e ~~.~'a~'$•a F.~ ~~~$y~ ~~ c`'a em v e °°= i.~ Y v 3 ~ ~tl~ _'~ o r ~ E fix= ~~ g eke ~_ 9 yew aim a __ a g E~c wyy~~ c ~Eyi~~`~ Yid a a 3 a pi"~EE ~ .`s_ ~ax-`$ 3=~ n~ eYR$ E ~~m °~8~"E55 F y_y~~$5~be2 H Y ya$~<a_~E=a~~e~~ g~ga~s$=~~~~ ~5 y~g}~~`'~y~3'~~ $~.~yg }y[~_g Fx $p7~~sY€~.~~E~wi ~i 9~'8~$~i~t 5~gn95'~~ vs~ 3°.5 `0~0 W 1 I.TTV !1P D A T.1l.IIA l~T ll. A fl/llt/. STAFF REPORT DATE: June 7, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Mike Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Public Hearing of protests regarding Eminent Domain action to acquire public right-af-way and remnant for the Arrow Route Nidening Protect between Archbald Avenue and Hermosa Avenue at the property located at 10005, 10095, 10081, 10075 and 10049 Arrow Route (APN 209-041-18, 09, 22 and 31) for the construction of street improvements across the Arrow Route frontage of said property RECOMIENDATIOM: Sisff recommends adoption of the attached Resolution of Necessity - directing staff to proceed with condemnation of right-of-way and rsnant for the construction of street improvements on Arrow Route properties located at 10005, 10095, 10081, 10075 and 10049 Arrow Route (APN 209-041- 18, 09,22 and 31) in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BAg061101M0/ANAL YS I5: This Eminent Domain action to acquire public right-of-way for the Arrow Route Midening ~creec Improvement vrotett. The protects limits are from Arch bald Avenue to Henaosa Avenue. The property owners of the parcel in question, APN 209-041-18, 09, 22 and 31 have been offered the fair market value for the subtect land and improvements thereon as a full take. As of the date, negotiations to acquire such right-of-way and remnant continue without execution of a purchase agreement. Although negotiations continue, it 1s felt necessary at this time to enact a Resolution of Necessity to proceed with condemnation of such right-ot-way for the proposed Arrov Route Nidentng Street improvements. This is done to avoid further delays to constructing the fmprovaments currently on hold due to lack of right-of-way. Respe~ s1 tted, "~5` RHM: pam ~~ ~` Attachaent ~~~ RESOLUTION N0. ~~' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC IMPROYEMENTS AT 10005, 10095, 10081, 10075 ANO 10049 ARROW ROUTE, APN 209-041-09, 18, 22 AND 31 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA CODES FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS SECTION 5870 THRU 5880 MORE COMMONLY KNOYM AS CHAPTER 27 OF IMPROYEMENT ACT OF 1911 WHEREAS, on May 22, 1989, the City Engineer acting under the authority of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga had posted at the subject location of formal notice to construct Public improvements. WHEREAS, on this date June 7, 1989, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has met to hear all protests or objections from any interested parties to the Order to Construct; and upon hearing all objections, resolves in the common interest of public health, safety and welfare for the City of Rancho Cucamonga that public improvement be made at 10005, 10095, 10081, 10075 and 10049 Arrow Route and hereby resolves and otherwise Issues an "Order to Construct" street frontage improvements consisting of parking lane pavements, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, parkway gradings, drive approaches and street lights and alt incidentals thereto 1n conformance t0 the "Standard Drawings" of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 1988 Edition with supplements through 1989, with ail plans and construction work being subject to review and permit by the Engineering Division of the Canrunity Development Department of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. All work shall commence within sixty (60) days of the execution of Lhis resoiucion ana it noc commenced or provision made chererore co she satisfaction of this City Council, the City Engineer, acting as Superintendent of Streets, shalt cause such construction to be made, and in pursuance to the statutes of the Cattfornla Codes for Street and Highways shall proceed with actions to assess the costs therefore as tax lien upon that real property described as: APN 209-041-09, 18, 22 and 31 That land situated in the State of California, County of San Bernardirro and described as follows: That portion of the North 7 acres of lot 21, Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, San Bernardino Meridian, according to Map of Cucamonga Fruit Lands, as per map recorded in Book 4 of Maps, Page 9, records of said County, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Bald Lot 21, thence Easterly along the Northerly line of said lot, 55 feet; thence Southerly and parallel to the Nesterly line of said lot, t70 feet; thence Westerly and parallel to the Northerly line of said lot, 55 feet; thence Northerly along the Westerly line of said lot, 170 feet to the point of beginning. ~lOr~ RESOLUTION N0. CONSTRUCTION. OF PUBLIC iMPROY. PAGE 2 That portion of Lot 21, Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, San bernardino Base and Meridian, according to Map of Cucamonga Fruit Lands, as per map recorded in Book 4 of Maps, Page 9, records of said County, described as follows: The land referred to is situated in the State of California, County of San Bernardino and 1s described as follows: That portion of the North 7 acres of Lot 21, Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 7 West, San Bernardino Meridian, according to niap of Cucamonga Fruit Lands, as per Map recorded in Book 4 of Maps, Page 9 records of said County, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 21; Thence Easterly along the Northerly line of said lot, 55 feet; Thence Southerly and parallel to the Nesterly line of said Lot, 170 feet; Thence Westerly and parallel to the Northerly line of said Lot, 55 feet; Thence Northerly along the Nesterly line of said Lot 170 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel No. 1 That portion of Lot 21, Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 7 Nest, San Bernardino Meridian, according to map of Cucamonga Fruit lands as per nmp recurueu in iwoic v ui riaps, Paye 3, records ui saio i.ouniy described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the Southerly boundary line of Arrow Route and the Westerly boundary line of Turner Avenue; Thence Nest along the Southerly boundary line of Arrow Route, 217.7 feet; Thence South and parallel to the Nesterly boundary line of Turner Avenue, 200 feet; Thence East and parallel to the Southerly boundary line of Arrow Route, 217.6 feet; Thence North along the Westerly boundary line of Turner Avenue, 200 feet to the point of beginning. d~~ RESOLUTION N0. June 7, 1989 Page 3 Parcel No. 2 That portion of lot 21, Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 7 Nest, San Bernardino Meridian, according to Map of Cucaaanga Fruit Lands as per Map recorded in Book 4 of Maps, Page 9, records of said County described as follows: Beginning at a point 332.21 feet West of the Intersection of the Southerly boundary tine of Arrow Route and the Westerly boundary line of Turner Avenue; Thence South and parallel dtothe Nesterly boundary line of Turner Avenue 200 feet; Thence East and parallel to the Southerly line of Arrow Route, 84.61 feet; Thence North and parallel to the Westerly line of Turner Avenue, Z00 feet; Thence Nest and parallel to the Southerly line of Arrow Route to the point of beginning. Parcel No. 3 That portion of Lot 21, Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 7 Nest, San Bernardino Meridian, according to Map of Cucaaanga Fruit Lands as per nap recorded to Book 4 of Maps, Page 9, records of sold County described as Ta110ws: Coawencing at the point of intersection of the Southerly line of Arrow Route and the Nesterly 11ne of Turner Avenue; Thence Nest along the Southerly line o9 Arrow Route, 217.6 feet to the true point of beginning; Thence South and parallei to the Nesterly tine of Turner Avenue, 200 feet; Thence Nest and parallel to the Southerly line of Arrow Route, 30 feet to a point wA1ch 1s 247.6 feet fra~a the Nesterly 11ne of Turner Avenue; Thence North 200 feet to the Southerly line of Arrow Route; Thence East along the Southerly 11ne of Arrow Route to the po1M of beginning. ~~~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER TO CONSTRUCT Pursuant to Section 5875 of the California code for Streets and HighwAys entitled °OUty to Construct': "The owners of lots or portions of lots fronting on any public street or place when that street or place has been improved by the construction of sidewalks or curbs for a total frontage faf care Lhan fifty percent (50%) on one side of such street or Platt in any block, or where a petition signed Dy the owners of care than sixty percent (60%) of the front footage of any part of an unimproved portion or portions of a block has been filed with the City Clerk requesting Lhe installation of such improvements in front of said part, or whenever the legislative bogy of the City upon 7±s own motion; orders the installation of such improvements in Front of said part, shall have the duty of constructing or causing construction of sidewalks or curbs in front of their properties upon notice so to do by the Superintendent of Streets". On June 7, 1989, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamongad, Lhe legislative body for the City, will meet to adopt a Resolution ordering the construction of curbs, gutters, drire approaches, street trees, street lights, street pavements, base pavements, grading, clearing and grubDing and ell other incidentals involved therewith. Notice to Construct Pursuant to Section 5076 of the California Codes for Streets and HigMrays, the Ctty Engineer for the City of Rancho Cucamonga under the direction of the City Council for the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby notifies all parties holding legal possession of that property located at IOOOS,f 10095, 100081, 10075 and 10049 Arrow Route, more specifically identified as Assessor's Parcel No. 209-041-18, 09, 22 and 31 being described as follows: Tim i. ianu ai Lua ixd in Lne SiaFx of Cei iiornia, i.ounry of aan nernarat no and described as Follows: That portion of the North 7 acres of Lot 21, Section 11, TownsAip 1 South, Range 7 Nest, San 8ernardlno Meridian, according Lo Map of Cucamonga Fruit Lands, as per ma recorded in Book 4 of Maps, Page 9, records of said County, described as follows: Beginning ai the Northwest corner of Bald Lot 21; Thence Easterly along the Northerly line of said tot, 55 feet; Thence Southerly and parallel to the Westerly line of said lot, 170 feet; Thence Nesterly and parallel to the Northerly line of said lot, 55 feet; Thence Northerly along the Nesterly line of said lot, 170 feet to the point of beginning. v~~ r,mv nc n e wrrvn r, rr w ,anus w ~~ STAFF REPORT DATE: June 7, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Mike 011 vier, Senior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Public Hearing of protests regarding Order to Construct Putilic Improvements at 10005, 10095, 10081, 10075 and 10049 Arrow Route in the City of Rancho Cucamonga in accordanre with Chapter 27 of the Improvement Act of 1911 (Improvements along Arrow Route frontage of property) REOOMIEM011T10M: It fs recommended that City Council adopt the attached Resolution ordering the Ctty Engineer, acting as SuperiMxndent of Streets, to proceed with the installation of improvements at APN 209-041-18, 09, 22 and 31, if such improvements have not been installed 60 days after June 7, 1989, in accordance with Chapter 27 of the Improvement Act of 1911 and order the formation of an assessment district described as: APN 209-041-18, 09, 22 and 31 That land situated in the State of Callfornta, County of San Bernardino and described as follows: That portion of the North 7 acres of Lot 21, Section I1, Township 1 South, Range 7 Nest, San Bernardino Meridian, according to Map of Cucamonga Fruit Lands, as per map recorded in Book 4 of Maps, Page 9, records of said County described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 21, thence Easterly along the Northerly line of said lot, 55 feet, thence Southerly and parallel to the Masterly line of said lot, 170 feet; thence Westerly and parallel W the Northerly line of said lot, 55 feet; thence Northerly along the Masterly line of said lot, 170 feet to the point of beginning. And that land described as: That portion of Lot 21, Section il, Township i South, Range 7 Nest, San Bernardino Meridian, according to Map of Cucamonga Fruit Lands, as per map recorded in Book 4 of Maps, Page 9, records of said County, described as follows: d~P / CCSR June 7, 1989 Page 2 The land referred to is situated in the State of California, County of San Bernardino and is described as follows: That portion of the North 7 acres of Lot 21, Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 7 West, San Bernardino Meridian, according to map of Cucamonga Fruit Lands, as per Map recorded in Book 4 of Maps, Page 9 records of said County, described as foiiows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said lot 21; Thence Easterly along the Northerly line of said Lot, 55 feet; Thence Southerly and parallel to the Westerly line of said Lot, 170 feet; Thence Westerly and parallel to the Northerly line of said Lot, 55 feet; Thence Northerly along the Westerly line of said Lot 170 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel Na. 1 That portion of Lot 21, Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 7 West, San Bernardino Meridian, according to map of Cucamonga Fruit Lands as yen may recur•rieu in Quoit V Vf riaps, rage y, records or said County described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the Southerly boundary line of Arrow Route and the Westerly boundary line of Turner Avenue; Thence West along the Southerly boundary line of Arran Route, 217.7 feet; Thence South and parallel to the Westerly boundary line of Turner Avenue, 200 feet; Thence East and parallel to the Southerly boundary line of Arrow Route, 217.6 feet; Thence North along the Westerly bounda,y line of Turner Avenue, 200 feet to the point of beginning. ~~8 CCSR June 7, 1989 Page 3 Parcel No. 2 That portion of Lot 21, Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 7 Nest, San Bernardino Meridian, according to Map of Cucaeronga Fruit Lands as per Map recorded 1n Book 4 of Maps, Page 9, records of said County described as follows: Beginning at a point 332.21 feet Nest of the Intersection of the Southerly boundary line of Arrow Route and the Westerly boundary line of Turner Avenue; Thence South and parallel to the Nesterly boundary line of Turner Avenue 200 feet; Thence East and parallel to the Southerly line of Arrow Route, 84.61 feet; Thence North and parallel to the Nesterly line of Turner Avenue, 200 feet; Thence Nest and parallel to the Southerly line of Arrow Route to the point of beginning. Parcel No. 3 That portion or Lvi: 2i, Section ii, Township i South, kange 7 wesc, San Bernardino Meridian, according to Map of Cucaaanga Fruit Lands as per neap recorded in Boak 4 of Maps, Page 9, records of said County described as follows: Con~aencing at the point of intersection of the Southerly line of Arrow Route and the Westerly line of Turner Avenue; Thence West along the Southerly line of Arrow Route, 217.6 feet to the true point of beginning; Thence South and parallel to the Westerly line of Turner Avenue, 200 feet; Thence West and parallel to the Southerly line of Arrow Route, 30 feet to a point which is 247.6 feet frowt the Westerly tine of Turner Avenue; CCSR June 7, 1989 Page 4 Thence North 200 feet to the Southerly line of Arrow Route; Thence East along the Southerly line of Arrow Route to the point of beginning. BALICGROUND/ANN.1fSIS On June 7, 1989, the attached "Notice of Public Hearing and Order to Construct" was posted to front of the property located at 10005, 10095, 10081, 10075 and 10049 Arrow Route, Identified by APN 209-041-18, 09, 22 and 31. This Notice was posted in accordance with Chapter 27 of Improvement Act of 1911 and orders the installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drive approaches, street lights, base pavements, street pavements, grading, clearing and grubbing and all other incidentals therewith. The property owners arc instructed, that they are given sixty (60) days, from the day of Resolution adoption (June 7, 1989) to construct said improvements. After 60 days is up, the City Engineer, acting as the Superintendent of Streets, will cause the Improvements to be constructed and the property owner will be assessed for all the costs. The costs will be paid by the formation of an assessment for all Lhe costs. The costs will be paid Dy the fonaation of an assessment district which will include APN 209-041-18, 09, 22 and 31 and described 1n the recommendation above. Upon hearing protests or obtections, if any, at the public hearing, Council 15 requested t0 make a ruling and di Active to stair re ardlny protests and direct the City Engineer, acting as the Superintendent of Streets, to proceed with said improvements, if such have not been constructed within sixty (60) days, and t0 further order the foroation of an assessment district which will include the before mentioned parcels to pay for said improvements. Respectf 1 bmitted, // ~ mss.-- ~ -~~' RHM: :pam Attachments v~~ RESOLUTION N0. ~q' a >~ A RESOLITION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA DECLARING THE PUBLIC NEED AND NECESSITY TO CONDEMN CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAfONGII RND MAKING FINDINGS [N SUPPORT THEREOF. A. Recitals. (i) The City of Rancho Cucamonga has conducted a study pertaining to the design, construction and street widening protect for Arrcw Route. Based upon the study conducted, it has been determined that the most reasonable and feasible augment for the proposed street widening will require the acquisition of a right-of-way across 10005, 100895, 10081, 10075 and 10049 Arrow Route, more particularly described herein; (ii) Pursuant to the provisions of California Goverment Code Section 1267.2, prior tO adopting this Resolution, the City Aas made an offer to the owners of record to acquire tlM' property for the full amount of fair market value as established by independent appraisal valuations; (t11) Pursuant to California Code of C1vi1 Procedures, Section 1240.010(b), a City may acquire private property 1rt condemnation when said property is a remnant as described in Section 1240.010(x) of said Code. (tv) Pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedures, Section 1240.OlOlb), a City may acquire private property in condemnation when 5x10 property fs a remnant as described Tn Section 1240.010(x) of said Code. (v) Pursuant to California Goverment Code Section 40404, a City may acquire private property Dy condemnation when it is necessary for extending and widening streets, as well as for the construction of drains, sewers and acqueducts; (vi) On June 7, 1989, this Council held a duly noticed puD11c hearing pursuant to the terns of California Code of CTv11 Procedure Section 1245.235 and said public hearing was concluded prior to the adoption of this Resolution; and, (v1) A11 legal prerequisites have occurred prior to the adoptto,^. of this Resoluttan. e. Resoluttan. NOM THEREFORE, it 1s hereby found, determined and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTIdI 1: In aii respects as set forth 1n the Recitals, Part A, of this Reso~Tuffon: 1 ~~ RESOLUTION N0. JUNE 7, 1989 PAGE 2 SECTION 2: That portion of the property which is required for a right-of-way o-'~ stet widening purposes is situated in the City of Rancho Cucaawnga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and is amore specifically outlined Tn the le 1 description and nap attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. SECfIgI 3• Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council dur nag e~above-referenced public hearing, 9ncluding written staff reports, the City Council specifically finds as follows: a. The public interest and necessity require the proposed protect; b. The proposed project is planned or located in the Wanner that will be Host coppat/ble xith the greatest public good and the least private iniury; c. The property defined in this Resolution 1f necessary for the proposed project; and, d. An offer of fair narket value has been Wade to the owners of Bald real property pursuant to the tenas of California 6overnpent Code Section 7267.2. SECTION 4: The City Council hereby declares its intention to acquire the prope~,y described in Section 2, above, 6y prouedings 1n dainent dopaln. The City Attorney Ts ordered and directed to bring an action 1n the nape Of the Gity OY RanChO Gutapohga, agal nSt all Owners and tl alapht5 Of the property described herein for the purpose of condepnin9 and acquiring a right-of-way for street purposed, and to do all things necessary to prosecute said action to its final deterninatton to accordanu with the provisions of law applicable thereto. The City Attorney is authorized and Instructed to Hake applications to said Court for an Order fixing the apount of security by way of pones deposits es pay De directed by said Court and for an Order penaltting the City to take possession and use of said real property for Lhe uses and purposes herein described. SECTION 5: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of , yor d 7 ~'"" RESOLUTION N0. PUBLIC NEED AND NECESSITY TO CdIDEMN A PORTI011 dF REAL PROPERTY JUNE 7, 1989 PAGE 3 I, BEVERLY A. AUTHELET, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of 1989 and was f1na11y passed at a regular meet ni g of the C y oi~C u°nciT~ the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of 1989, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEI6ERS: ABSTAINED: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ATTEST: very u e y City of Rancho Cucamonga ~7z ElO1IBIT ONE Estate of Ben M. Santoluclto Grace Santolucito 10005 Arrow Route Rancho Cuca~onga, CA 91730 Anderson, Taves and Reevar 1365 Mest Footh111 Boulevard, Suite 1 Upland, CA 91786 Markiaan, Arcx~nskT, Hanson 8 Goldaan Huwber One Civic Center Circle Post Office Box 1059 Brea, CA 92622-1059 ~~~ E%I1IB1T "A" The land referred to is situated in the State of California, County of San Bernardino and is described as follows: That portion of the North 7 acres of Lot 21, Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 7 Nest, San Bernardino Meridian, according to nap of Cucamonga Fruit Lands, as per Map recorded in Baok 4 of Ma Ps, Page 9 records of said County, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 21; Thence Easterly along the Northerly line of said Lot, 55 feet; Thence Southerly and parallel to the Masterly line of said Lot, 170 feet; Thence Westerly and parallel to the Northerly line of said Lot, 55 feet; Thence Northerly along the Masterly line of said Lot 170 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel No. 1 That portion of Lot 21, Section il, Township 1 South, Range 7 Nest, San Bernardino Merldtan, according to map of Cucamonga Fruit Lands as per nap recorded in Book 4 of Maps, Dage 9, records of said County described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the Southerly boundary line of Arrow Route and the Westerly boundary line of Turner Avenue; Thence Nest along the Southerly boundary line of Arrow Route, 217.7 feet; ,.r.. p&rallz, w L;,n 'ses2eriy ooulwary line of Turner Avenue, 200 T!:_^.tC Sou:` feet; Thence East and parallel to the Southerly boundary line of Arrow Route, 217.6 feet; Thence North along the Masterly boundary line of Turner Avenue, 200 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel No. 2 That portion of Lot 21, Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 7 Nest, San Bernardino Merldtan, according W Map of Cucamonga Fruit Lands as per Map recorded 1n Book 3 of Maps, Page 9, records of sold County described as follows: /~ Beginning at a point 332.21 feet Nest of the Intersection of the Southerly boundary line of Arrow Route and the Nesteriy boundary line of Turner Avenue; Thence South and parallel dtothe Nesteriy boundary line of Turner Avenue 200 feet; Thence East and parallel to the Southerly 11rre of Arrow Route, 84.61 feet; Thence North and parallel to the Westerly line of Turner Avenue, 200 feet; Thence Nest and parallel to the Southerly line of Arrow Route to the point of beginning. Parcel No. 3 That portion of Lot 21, Section il, Township 1 South, Range 7 West, San Bernardino Meridian, according to Map of Cucamonga Fruit Lands as per map recorded in Book 4 of Maps, Page 9, records of Bald County described as follows: Cowmencing at the point of lntersettton of the Southerly line of Arrow Route and the Nesteriy tine of Turner Avenue; Thenco Nest along the Southerly line of Arrow Route, 217.6 feet to Lhe true point of beginning; Thence South end parallel to the Westerly line of Turner Avenue, 200 feet; Thence West and parallel Lo the Southerly line of Arrow Route, 30 feet to a point which is 247.6 feet from Lhe Westerly line of Turner Avenue; Thence North 200 feet Lo the Southerly line of Arrow Route: Thence East along the Southerly line of Arrow Route to the point of beginning. ~G CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: June 7, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Mike Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Public Hearing of protests regarding Order to Construct Dublic Improvements at 10025 Arrow Route, vacant lots, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, in accordance with Chapter 27 of the Improvement Act of 1911 (Improvements along Arrow Route frontage of property). RECOMIEIDATIOM• 1t is rccammended that City Coundl adopt the attached Resolution ordering the City Engineer, acting as Superintendent of Streets, to proceed with the installation of improvements at MN's 209-041-32, 33 and 34, if such improvements have not been installed 60 days after June 7, 1989, 1n accordance with Chapter 27 of the Improvement Act of 1911 and order the formation of an assessment district described as: APN's 209-041-32, 33 and 34 That land situated in Lhe State of California, County of San Bernardi~ro and described as follows: the land rererred to is situacea ro the ~uu or Canforma, Bouncy or fan Bernardino and is described as follows: The Northerly fifty (50) feet of Parcels Na. 1 and 2 below; DA PfP~ NO_ I The North 7 acres of Lot 21, in Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 7 Nest, San Bernardino Meridian, 1n the County of San Bernardino, State of California, according to the map of the Cucamonga Fruit Lands, recorded 1n Book 4 of Maps, Page 9, 1n the Office of the County Recorder oP said County; being all of said Lot 21, except that part lying South of aline drawn parallel with and distant Northerly from the Southerly line of said Lot 21, a sufficient dtstsnce to embrace three acres of land. Also excepting the Nest 50 feet of the East 382.21 feet of the North 150 feet (measured exclusive of strcetsi. Also excepting the East 332.21 feet of the North 200 feet (measured exclusive of streets). Also excepting the Nest 55 feet of the North 170 feet (measured exclusive of streets ). d 7 / ccsa JUNE 1, 1989 PAGE 2 Parcel No. 2 A portion of the North seven acres of Lot 21, Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 7 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according to the Map of the Cucamonga Lands, recorded in Book 4 of Naps, Page 9, records of San Bernardino County, described as follows: Beginning at a point 332.21 feet Nest of the Intersection line of the Southerly boundary line of Arrow Route and the Mesterly line of Turner Avenue; Thence South 150 feet parallel to the Nest line of Turner Avenue; thence West 50 feet parallel to the South line of Arrow Highway; Thence North 150 feet to the South line of Arrow Highway; Thence East along the South line of said Arrow Highway, 50 feet to the point of beginning. On Nay 22, 1989, the attached "Notice of Public Hearing and Order Lo Construct" was posted 1n front of the property located at 10025 Arrow Route, vacant lots, identified by APN's 209-041-32, 33 and 34. This Notice was posted in accordance with Chapter 27 of the Improvement Act of 1911 arM orders the installation of curbs, gutters,sidewalks, drive approaches, street lights, base pavements, street pavements, grading, clearing and grubbing and all other incidentals cnerewith. Tne property owners are instructed, roar tney are given sixty (60) days, from the day of Resolution adoption (June 7, 1989) to construct said improvements. After 60 days is up, the City Engineer, acting as the Superintendent of Streets, will cause the improvements to be constructed and the property owner will be assessed for all the casts. The costs will be paid by the formation of an assessment district which will include APN's 209-041-32, 33 and 34 and are described 1n the recomaendation above. Upon hearing protests or obJections, if any, at the public hearing, Council is requested t4 make a ruling and directive to staff regarding protests and direct the City Engineer, acting as the Superintendent of Streets, to proceed with said improvements, if such have not been constructed within slzty (60) days, and to further order the fonimtton of an assessment district which will Include the before mentioned parcels to pay for said improvements. Respectfully-submitted, i ~ RHM:MOsJLM•oaot- f`"' Attachment ~ ~ r~ NOTICE OF INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL pF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY TO CONDEMI A RIGHT OF MAY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE STREET IMPROVEMENT OF ARROM ROUTE ACROSS A PORTION OF PROPERTIES LOCATED IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, ASSESSORS PARCEL NOS. 209-041-32, 33 AND 34 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that, pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1245.235, the City of Rancho Cucamonga intends to consider for adoption a Resolution of Necesstty to Condemn a right-of-way for street improvement protect on a portion of property, which portion is located on property commonly known by the street address of 10025 Arrow Route (vacant tots), City of Rancho Cucamonga (Assessors Parcel Nos. 209-041-32, 33 and 34 ), and which portion is further described by the legal description and the map depiction attached hereto as Exhlbtt "A". The bearing by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to consider the adoption of said Resolution will be conducted on June 7, 1989 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the Cour~cll Chambers, Lions Park Community Building, Lions Park, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that, pursuant W California Code of C1vi1 Procedure Section 1245.235, 1f you desire to appear at the above- referenced time and place for said pubttc hearing, you may be heard on the matters as follows: 1.Nhether the public interest and necessity rcqutre the protect; 2.Nhether the protect is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with Lhe greatest public good and the least private intury; and, 3.Nhether the property sought to be acquired is necessary for the protect. To appear and be heard on any of the above-referenced items, you must file a written request to appear prior to the date set for the public hearing by filing o~elivering a written request to: Beverly Authelet, City Clerk 9320 Base line Road, Suite C P.0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Page 2 Failure to file a written request to appear and be heard as outlined above can result, by law, in a waiver of your right to appear and be heard at the public hearing. For further inforawtion, contact: Mike Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer City of Rancho Cucawonga 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C P.O. Box B07 Rancho Cucaaonga, Catifornta 91730 (714) 989-1862 Date: every u e , y e ~~ O Tt1E LAND It I'I•'ERRED TO IS SITUATED TN THE STATE OF CALI N'ONNIA, CONNTY OF SAN II L•'HNAIJUINO ANU I5 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE NURTERLY FIFTY (5U) FEET OF PARCELS RU i AIID Z DELUN rARCEL NO. L THE NORTH 7 ACRES OF LOT 21, IN SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 7 WEST, SAN BERNARDlNO MERIDIAN, IN TI{E COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDiNO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE HAP OF THE CUCANONGA I•'RUIT LANDS, RECORDED IN BOOK 4 OF MAPS, PAGE 9, IN THE OFFICE OF '1•I{E COUNTY RECORDER OF SA[D COUNTY; BEING ALL OF SAID LOT 21, ExCEPT THAT PART LY 1tJG SUI1T11 OF A LINE DNAWN PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT NORTHERLY FROM '1'IlE SOIITH ERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 21, A SUFFICIENT DISTANCE TO EMBRACE THREE ACRES OF LAND AL50 EXCEPTING THE WEST 50 FEET OF TIIG EAST 382.21 FEET OF THE NORTH 150 FEET (MEASUREDi EXCLUSIVE OF STREETS) ALSO EXCEPTING THE EAST 332.21 FELT OF TILE NORTH 200 FEET (MEASURED EXCLUSIVE OF STREETS) ALSO EXCEPTING THE WEST 55 FEET OF TFIE NORTH 170 FEET (MEASURED EXCLUSIVE OF STREETS) , PARCEL NO. 2 ~ A PORTION OF THE NORTH SEVEN ACRES OF LOT 21• SECTION 11. TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 7 WEST, SAN DERNARDINO BASE AND NERTDIAN. ACCORDING TO THE MAP OF THE CUCAMONGA LANDS, RECORDED IN BOOR 4 OF MAPS. PAGE 9. RECORDS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT 332.21 FEET WEST OF THE INTERSECTION LINE OF THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LIIJE OF ARROW ROUTE AND THE WESTERLY LINE OF TURNER AVENUE; THENCE SOUTH 150 FEET PARALLEL TO TI{E WEST LIME OF TURNER AVENUE; THENCE WEST 50 FEET PARALLEL TO T}IE SOUT[{ LINE OP ARROW HIGHWAY; THENCE NORTH 150 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF ARROW HIGHWAY; THENCE EAST ALONG THE '30UTH LINE OF SAID ARROW HIGHWAY. 50 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. 1 -~ _ ~ I L A R xl ROUTE - ,, . _I-- ~ le 0 ,I i• too• t ~ ~ ~QY~ ul 7e ., a.rT. c •.. 9 1 A ,A• 21 -- •s.e Nn 1 ' V 1 Q W 2 a 2os-04 EXHIBIT "A" The land referred to is situated in the State of California, County of San Bernardino and 1s described as follows: The Northerly fifty (501 feet of Parcels No. 1 and 2 below; Parcel No. 1. The North 7 acres of Lot 21, Tn Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 7 Nest, San Bernardino Meridian, 1n the County of San Bernardino, State of California, according to the map of the Cucamonga Fruit Lands, recorded 1n 8ook 4 of Maps, Page 9, 1n the Office of the County Recorder of said County; being all of said Lot 21, except that part lying South of a line drawn parallel with and distant Northerly from the Southerly tine of Bald Lot 21, a sufficient distance to embrace three acres of land. Also excepting the Nest 50 feet of the East 382.21 feet of the North 150 feet (measured exclusive of streets 1. Also excepting the East 332.21 feet of the North 200 feet (measured exclusive of streets 1. Also excepting the Nest 55 feet of the North 170 feet (measured exclusive of streets 1. Parcel No. 2 A portion of the North seven acres of Lot 21, Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 7 Nest, San Bernardino 0ase and Meridian, according W the Map of the Cucamonga Lands, recorded in Book 4 of Maps, Page 9, records of San Bernardino County, described as follows: Beginning at a point 332.21 feet Nest of the intersection line of the Southerly boundary line of Arrow Route and the Nesterly line of Turner Avenue; Thence South 150 feet parallel to the Nest line of Turner Avenue; Thence Nest 50 feet parallel to the South line of Arrow Highway; Thence North 150 feet to the South line of Arrow Highway; Thence East along the South line of said Arrow Highway, 50 feet to the point of beginning. dV~ RESOLUTION N0. (~~- a ~ 8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AT 10025 ARRON ROUTE, VACANT LOTS, APN'S 209-041-32, 33 AND 34, IN ACCORDANCE NITH THE CALIFORNIA CODES FOR STREETS AND HIf~IWAYS SECTION 5870 THRU 5880 MORE COMMONLY KNONN AS CHAPTER 21 OF IMPROVEPENT ACT OF 1911 WHEREAS, on May 22, 1989, the City Engineer acting under the authority of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga had posted at the subject location a Formal Notice to Construct Public Improvements. UHEREAS, on this date, June 7, 1989, the City Council of the :y of Rancho Cucamonga has met to hear all protests or objections from any interested parties to the Order to Construct; and upon hearing all objections, resolves in the common interest of public health, safety and welfare for the City of Rancho Cucamonga that public improvement be made at 10025 Arrow Route, vacant lots, and hereby resolves and otherwise issues an "Order to Construct" street frontage improvements consisting of parking lane pavements, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, parkway gradings, drive approaches and street lights and all incidentals thereto to conformance to the Standard Drawings" of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 1988 Edition with supplements through 1989, with all plans and construction work being subject to review and permit by the Engineering Division of the Community Development Department of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. All work shall commence within sixty (60) days of the execution of this Resolution and if not commenced or provision made therefore to the satisfaction of this City Council, the City Engineer, acting as Superintendent of Streets, shall cause such construction to be made, and 1n pursuance to the statutes of the California Codes Yor Street and Highways shall proceed with actions to assess the costs therefore as tax lien upon that real property described as: That land situated in the State of California, County of San Bernardino and described as follows: The land referred to is situated 1n the State of California, County of San Bernardino and is described as follows: The Northerly fifty (50) feet of Parcels No. 1 and 2 below; Parcel No. 1. The North 7 acres of Lot 21, in Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 7 Nest, San Bernardino Meridian, 1n the County of San Bernardino, State of California, according to the map of the Cucamonga Fruit Lands, recorded 1n Book 4 of Maps, Page 9, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County; being all of said lot 21, except that part lying South of a line drawn parallel with and distant Northerly from the Southerly line of said Lot 21, a sufficient distance to embrace three acres of land. Also excepting the Nest 50 feet of the East 382.21 feet of the North 150 feet (measured exclusive of streets). X83 RESOLUTION N0. JUNE 7, 1909 PAGE 2 Also excepting the East 332.21 feet of the North 200 feet (measured exclusive of streets). Also excepting the Nest 55 feet of the North 17(1 feet (measured exclusive of streets). Parcel No. 2 A portion of the NortA seven acres of Lot 21, Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 7 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according to the Map of the Cucamonga Lands, recorded in Book 4 of Maps, Page 9, records of San Bernardino County, described as follows: Beginning at a point 332.21 feet Nest of the intersection line of the Southerly boundary line of Arrow Route and the Nesterly line of Turner Avenue; Thence South 150 feet parallel to the Nest line of Turner Avenue; Thence Nest 50 feet parallei to the South line of Arrow Highway; Thence North 150 feet to the South line of Arnow Highway; Thence East along the South line of said Arrow Highway, 50 feet to the po/nL of beginning. d NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER TO CONSTRUCT Pursuant to Sections 5875 of the California Code for Streets and Highways entitled "Duty W Construes": "The owners of lots or portions of lots fronting on any public street or place when that street or place has been improved Dy the construction of sidewalks or curbs for a total frontage of more than fifty percent (SOL) on one side of such street or place in any block, or where a petition signed by the owners of more than sixty percent (60R) oP the front footage of any part of an unimproved portion or portions of a block has been fated with the City Clerk requesting the installation of such improvements in front of said part, or whenever the legislative body of the City upon its own motion; orders the installation of sucA improvements in front of said part, shall have the duty of constructing or causing construction of sidewalks or curbs 1n front of their properties upon notice so to do by the Superintendent of Streets." On June 7, 1989, the City Council for the City of Rancho Cucamonga, the legislative body for the City, will meet to adopt a Resolution ordering the construction of curbs, gutters, drive approaches, street trees, street lights, street pavements, Dose pavements, grading, clearing and grubbing and all other incidentals involved therewith. Notice to Construct Pursuant to Section 5876 of the California Codes for Streets and Highways, the Ctty Engineer for the City of Rancho Cucamonga under the direction of the City Council for the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby notifies alt parties holding legal possession of that property located at 10025 Arrow Route, vacant lots, more specifically identified as Assessor's Parcel Nos. 209-041-32, 33 and 34 being described as follows: That land situated in the State of California, County of San Bernardino and described as follows: The land referred to is situated in the State of California, County of San Bernardino and is described as follows: The Northerly fifty (50) feet of Parcels No. 1 and 2 below; Parcel No. I. The North 7 acres of lot 21, 1n Section 11, Tans hip 1 South, Range 7 Mest, San Bernardino Meridian, 1n the County of San Bernardino, State of California, according to the map of the Cucamonga Fruit Lends, recorded 1n Book 4 of Maps, Page 9, 1n the Office of the County Recorder of said County; being all of said Lot 21, except that part lying South of aline drawn parallel with and distant Northerly from Lhe Southerly line of said Lot 21, a sufficient distanee to embrace three acres of land. Also excepting the Nest 50 feet of the East 382.21 feet of the North 150 feet (measured exclusive of streets). ~~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PAGE 2 Also excepting the East 332.21 feet of the North 200 feet (measured exclusive of streets). Also excepting the Nest 55 feet of the North 170 feet (measured exclusive of streets). Parcel No. 2 A portion of the North seven acres of Lot 21, Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 7 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according to the Map of the Cucamonga Lands, recorded in Book 4 of Maps, Page 9, records of San Bernardino County, described as follows: Beginning at a point 332.21 feet West of the intersection line of the Southerly boundary line of Arrow Route and the Westerly line of Turner Avenue; Thence South 150 feet parallel to the West line of Turner Avenue; Thence West 50 feet parallel to the South line of Arrow Highway; Thence North 150 feet to the South line of Arrow Highway; Thence East along the Soutn line of said Arrow Highway, 50 feet to the point of beginning. To construct or to cause to construct curbs, gutters, drive approaches, street trees, street lights, street pavements, base pavements, grading, clearing and grubbing and all other incidentals therewith. Such improvements shall conform to "Standard Drawings" for the City of Rancho Cucamonga 1987 Edition with supplements through 1989. All Plans and Improvements subject to review and permit by the Engineering Division of the Community Developaent Department for the City of Rancho Cucamonga. A11 such improvements shall camaence immediately upon enacLaent of "Order to Construct" and, if not commenced within 60 days thereafter, the City Engineer acting as the Superintendent of Streets shall cause such construction to be done and the cost thereof shall 6e a lien upon the property. Notice of Public Hearing Pursuani io Section 5878.1 of the California Codes for Streets and Highways, you are hereby notified of a public hearing Lo be held at the Lions Park Community Center, by the City Counctt for the City of Rancho Cucamonga, to hear and pass upon protests or cblections to this Notice to Construct. Such meeting will begin at the hour of 7:30 p. m. on the 7th Day of June, 1989. The Lions Park Community Center 1s located at 9161 Base Ltne Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The decisions of the City Council on all protests and oblectlons shalt be final and conclusive. d ~~ Anyone having any questions or concerns on this issue is encouraged to contact the City of Rancho Cucaaonga, Engineering Division. Design Section, at 989-1962 or visit the office at 9330 Base Line Road, Suite 203, City of Rancho Cucananga, Caltfornta. Anyone wishing to caaoent on this issue is encouraged to attend the public hearing. usse agu re, C'f~y iroer ~ ~~ f CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: June 7, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, Cify Engineer 8Y: Mike 011 vier, Senior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Public Hearing of protests regarding Eminent Domain action to acquire public right-of-way for the Arrow Route Nidening Protect between Archibald Avenue and Hermiosa Avenue at the property located at 10025 Arrow Route, vacant lots, (APN's 209-041-32, 33 and 34) for the construction of street improvements across the Arrow Route frontage of said property. Rf00M1EMgAT10M: Staff recommends adoption of the attached Resolution of Necessity directing staff to proceed with condemnation of right-of-way for the construction of street improvements on Arrow Route properties located at 10025 Arrow Route, vacant lots, (APN's 209-041-32, 33 and 34) in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACN9101MD/ANALYSIS• This is an Eminent Domain action to acquire public right-of-way for the Array Route Nidening Street Improvement prq~ect. The projects limits are from Archibald Avenue to Hermosa Avenue. The property owners of the parttl 1n-question, APN's 209-041-32, 33 and 34 have been offered the exchange of right-of-way for improvements. As of this date, negotiations to acquire such right-of-way continue without execution of a purchase agreement. Although negotiations continue, tt is felt necessary at this Resolution of Necessity to proceed with condeanation of such the proposed Arrow Route Nidening Street Improvements. This further delays 1n constructing the improvements currently on of right-of-way. Respe~sudaitted, :' ~--_~~. RHM:MO:J m Attachment time to enact a right-of-way for 1s done to avoid hold due to lack d~ RESOLUTION N0. g ~ ' t~' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONG4 DECLARING THE PUBLIC NEED AND NECESSITY TO CONDEMN A PORTION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONG0. AND MAKING FINDINGS !N SUPPORT THEREOF, APN 209-041-32, 33 ANO 34 A. Recital s (1) The City of Rancho Cucamonga has conducted a study pertaining to the design, construction and street widening protect for Arrow Route. Based upon the study conducted, it has been determiend that the most reasonable and feasible alignment for the profposed street widening will require the acquisition of a right-of-way across a portion of Lhe property known as 10025 Arrow Route (vacant lots), more partlcularty described herein; (Tt) Pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code Section 7267.2, prior to adopting this Resolution, the City has made an offer to the owners of record Lo acquire the property for the full amount of fair market vaiue as estebllshed by independent appraisal valuations; (iii) Pursuant to California Government Code Section 40404, a City may acquire private property by condemnation when it is necessary for extending and widening streets, as well as for the construction of drains, sewers and acqueducts; (i v) On June 7, 1989, this Council held a duly noticed public hearing pursuant to the terms of California Code of civil Procedure Section 21245.235 and said public hearing was concluded prior to the adoption of this Resolution; and, (v) Aldl legal prerequisites have occurred prior to the adoption of this Resolution. B. Resolution NON, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, deteroined and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECfiON 1: In ail respects as set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Reso ul~ o~ SECfidl 2: That portion of the property which is required for a right-af-way for street w(dening purposes is situated 1n the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernarfdino, State of California, and is more specifically outlined in the legal description and map attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. RESOLUftON June 7, 1989 Page 2 SECTIdI 3: Based upon the substantial evidence rpesented to this Council ur nd-i g LFie above-referenced public hearing, Including written staff reports, Lhe City Council specifically finds as follows: a. The public interest and necessity require the proposed protect; b. The proposed protect is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private ir~ury; c. The property defined to this Resolution is necessary for the proposed protect; and, d. An offer of fair market value Dos been amde to the owners of said real property pursuant to the terms of California Governxent Code Section 7267.2. SECftdl 4: The City Council hereby declares its intention to acquire the proper'T~rlbed 1n Section 2, above, by prottedings in Eminent Oamain. The City Attorney 1s ordered and directed W bring an sction irKhe Sueprior Court of Lhe State of California for the County of San Bernardino, in Lhe name of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, agatrmt all owners and clalmarKs of the property described hereto for the purpose of condemning and acquiring a right-of-way for street purposes, and to do all things necessary W prosecute said action to its final determination in accordantt with the pro dons of law appllcaDle thereto. The Ctty Attorney 1s authorized and instructed to make appiicacions w said Court for an user fixing the amount of security oy way of money deposits as may be directed by said Court and for an Order permitting the City to take possession and use of said real property for the uses and purposes hereto described. SECTION 5: The City Clerkf shall ttrtify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of Yor .~ 90 Resolution June 7, 1989 Page 3 I, BEVERLY A. AUT4ELET, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of 1989 and was finally passed at a regu ar meT- eking o~the City ounCity of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of 1989, by the following votz; AYES: COUNCIL MENBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL hEMB ERS: ABSTAI NEO: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ATTEST: ever y u e e y er City of Rancho Cucamonga ~9~ - ----- CITY OF RANCHO CL'C'A~IONGA ^„ , STAFF REPORT ,~ DATE: June 7, 1989 ~ T0: City Council and City Manager 'C ~i FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer ~ BY: Henry Mu rakoshi, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Public Hearing for the purpose of hearing and passing upon objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owners or other interested persons regarding the Notices of Construction that were posted May 24, 1989 on the properties fronting 19th Street between Zircon and Amethyst Avenues, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga in accordance with Chapter 27 of the Improvement Act of 1911. ~, RECOMENDATION: it It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached Resolutt on ordering the City Engineer, acting as Superintendent of Streets, to proceed with the installation of frontage improvements on 19th Street between Zircon and Amethyst Avenues, if such Improvements have not been Installed 60 days after June 7, 1989, in accordance with Chapter 27 of the Improvement Act of 1911 and order the formation of an Assessment District for APN Nos. (South Side) 202- 461-61, 202-461-62, 202-041-35, 202-061-26, 202-061-025, 202-061-02, 202-061- 18, 202-061-11, 202-061-34, 202-062-33, 202-062-05, 202-061-41, 202-062-38 and 202-061-28; (North Side) 201-341-48, 201-341-54 and 201-474-10. MM.RhIf W 1111 / MN. t J l J' Since 19th Street between Zircon and Amethyst Avenues is under the jurisdlctl on of Caltra ns, the City cannot follow its normal steps of negotiating a fair and equitable exchange of street improvements for land cost, as noted in the attached memorandum dated July 29, 1988. Cal trans has stated that this could constitute coercion. Therefore, unfortunately, to satisfy Caltrans on this pro,i ect, even though we are fully funding it, the City must first post the properties involved and conduct a Public Hearing for assessment proeeedings for the 1911 pct (Chapter 27 ). On May 24, 1989, the attached "Notices to Construction" were posted in front of the properties located at 19th Street, South Side: vacant lots (APN Nos. 202-461-61, 202-461-62), 9275 - 19th Street (APN 202-041-35 ), 9307 - 19th Street (APN 202-061-26 ), 9319 - 19th Street (APN 202-061-25 ), 9337 - 19th Street (APN 2"u2-^u6i-DZi, 9349 - i9 ih Sheet (ArH 202-Obi-i"a ), 9353 - i9th Street (APN 202-061-17 ), 9363 - 19th Street (APN 202-061-34) 9325 - 19th Street (202-061-33), 9385 - 19th Street (APN 202-061-051, 9407 - 19th Street (ADN 202-061-411, 9417 - 19th Street (APN 202-061-381, 9427 - 19th Street (APN 202-061-28); North Side: 6691 Beryl Street (APN 201-341-48), 6690 Hellman Rvenue (APN 201-341-54 ), and 6695 Hellman Avenue (APN 201-474-10 ). These Notices were posted in accordance with Chapter 27 of the Improvement Act of 1911 and order the installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drive CCSR June 7, 1989 Page 2 approaches, street trees, street lights, base Davements, street pavements, grading, clearing and grubbing and all other incidentals therewith. The property owners are instructed that they are given 60 days from the date of enactment of the "Order to Construct" to construct said improvements. After the 60 days shall expire, the City Engf meet, acting as the Superintendent or' Streets, will cause the improvements to be constructed and the property owners will be assessed for all the costs introduced wt thin the corresponding property frontages. The casts will be paid from the formation of an Assessment District with will include the above mentl oned APN numbers. Upon hearing protests or objections, if any, at the public hearing, Council is requested to make a ruling and directive to staff regarding protests and make directive to the City Engineer, acting as the Superintendent of Streets, to proceed with the said improvements, if such have trot been constructed by August 8, 1989 and to further order the formation of an Assessment District which will include the listed parcels to pay for said improvements. Respe submitted, ~ , ~. / ~ / ~_ l i ,l/ /~ RNM:HK:, em --~ pttacnments: xesoiun on Memorandum dated July 29, 1988 X93 RESOLUTION N0. V f ~ ~ Y~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ON THE PROPERTIES FRONTING 19TH STREET BETWEEN ZIRCON AVENUE ANO AMETHYST AVENUE, IN ACCORDANCE NITH THE CALIFORNIA CODES FOR STREETS ANO HI GNNAYS SECTION 5870 THRU 5880 MORE COMMONLY KNOWtT AS CHAPTER 27 OF IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911 WHEREAS, on May 24, 1989, the Ctty Engineer acting under the authority of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga had posted at the subject location a Formal Notice to Construct Public Improvements. WHEREAS, on this date June 7, 1989, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has met to hear all protests or objections from any interested parties to the Order to Construct; and upon hearing all objections, resolves in the common interest of public health, safety and welfare for the City of Rancho Cucamonga that public impraveme nts be made on the properties fronting 19th Street between Zircon and Amethyst Avenues. IT I~ HEREBY RESOLVED BY the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga that the public interest requires an "Order to Construct" street frontage improvements consisting of parking lane pavements, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, parkway grading, drive approaches and street lights and all incidentals thereto in conformance to the "Standard Drawings" of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 1984 Edltian with supplements through 1987, with all plans and construction work being subject to review and permit by the Engineering Division of the Community Development Department of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. All work shall commence within sixty (60) days of the executTOn of this resolution and if not commenced ar provision made therefore to the satf sfac Lion of this City Council, the City Engineer, acting as Superintendent of Streets, shall cause such construction to be made, and in pursuance to the statutes of the California Codes of Street and Highways shall proceed with actions to assess the costs therefore as tax lien upon that real property described as: Those lands situated to the State of California, County of San Bernardino and described as follows: APN 202-461-61 The North 11 feet of the West 300.00 feet of the North one-half of the East uiic-bait of Loi 7 "ol ock io. ACCV rdt ng to the map of Lraci Uf lurid of the Cucamonga Homestead Association, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in Boak 6, Page 46 of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of Bald County. ~9~{ Resolution No. June 7, 1989 Page 2 APN 202-461-62 The North 11 feet of the East 200 feet of the West 400 feet of the North one- half of the East one-half of Lot 7, Block 16, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Cucamonga Homestead Association Lands, in the County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 6 of Maps, Page 46, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. Excepting therefrom the South 150 feet thereof. APN 202-C41-35 The portion of the East one-half of Association lands, in the County of per map recorded in Book 6 of Maps, Recorder of said County. Lot 1, Block 12, Cucamonga Homestead San Bernardino, State of California, as Page 46, in the Office of the County Excepting therefrom the East 33 feet. Excepting therefrom the South 528 feet. And described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said parcel; thence Nest along the North line of said parcei to the Northwest corner of said parcel; thence South I1 feet along the West tine of said parcel; thence East along a line of 11 feet South of and parallel with the North line of said parcel to the beginning of cur re wuueve w Liw -iuu LiiweeL euu nevi ny a reuiua ui [$.uu iee i; Linence Southeasterly along said curve to Sts intersection with the East 11ne of said parcel which is also the West line of Hellman Avenue; thence North along the East line of said parcel to the point of begt nning. Note: Area and distances are computed to street centers, as shown on the recorded Map of said Map. APN 202-061-26 That portion of the East 74 feet of the West 101 feet of the North one-half of Lot 7, Block 12 of Cucamonga Homestead Association Lands, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 6 of Maps, page 46, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, desc Abed as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the said parcel; thence East along the North line of said Lot 7 to the Northwest corner of said parcel; thence South along the East line of said parcel 11 feet; thence West along a 11ne 11 feet Southerly of and parallel with the North line of said parcel to the beginning of a curve concave to the Southeast and having a radius of 24.00 feet; thence Southeasterly along said curve to its intersection with the Nest line of said parcel which is also the East line of Hellman Avenue (A 66 foot right-of-way l; thence North along the west line of said parcel to the point of beginning. ~~~ Resolution No. June 7, 1989 Page 3 APN 202-061-25 The North 112 feet of the West one-half of the North one-half of Lot 7, Block 12, of the Cucamonga Homestead Association of lands, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 6, Page 46 of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. Saving an^ excepti^g the East 4?B feet therecf. Also saving and excepting the Hest 107 feat thereof. Also saving and excepting the South 140 feet thereof. Note: for the purpose of this description, the West line of said Lot 7 is considered to be the centerline of Hellman Avenue, 66 feet wide. APN 202-061-02 The North 11 feet of the West 100 feet of Lhe East 478 feet of the West one- half of the North one-half of Lot 7, Block 12 of Lhe Cucamonga Homestead Association Lands, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per Map recorded in Book 6, Page 46 of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. APN 202-061-16 The North 11 feet of the West 63 feet of the East 378 feet of the West one- - - - ~~ya Association Lands ,vin the City~of RanchovCucaonga,LCounty of SanvBerna rdi no, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 6, Page 46 of Maps, in the O'. fice of the County Recorder of said County. APN 202-061-17 The North 11 feet of the Nest 63 feet of the East 315 feet of the West one- half of the North one-half of Lot 7, Olock 12 of the Cucamonga Homestead Association Lands, 7n the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 6 of Maps, Page 46 in the Office of the County Recvrder of said County, APN 202-061-34 ~,~o N~r~1h :1 Innf ~1 fFn Uo~t 66 1neY of LFn Cait 942 fe.@t n1 tFe Nenth nn-_ half of the West one-half of Lot 7, Block 12 of Cucamonga Homestead Association Lands, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 6 of Maps, Page 46, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. ~9 ~ Resolution No. ,tune 7, 1989 Page 4 APN 202-061-33 The North 11 feet of the West 61 feet of the East 187 feet of the North one- half of the West one-half of Lot 1, Block 12 of Cucamonga Homestead Association Lands, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 6 of Maps, Page 46, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. APN 202-061-OS The North 11 feet of the East 126 feet of the North one-half of the West one- half of Lot 7, Block 12 of the Cucamonga Homestead Assoclati on Lands, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San 9ernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 6 of Maps, Page 46, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. Said real property being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Nortn line of said Lot 7, 662.88 feet West of the Northeast corner of said lot, such point being the Northeast corner of the Nest half of said lot; thence South 11.00 feet along the East line of the West half of said lot; thence West 126 feet; thence North 11 feet to the North line of said lot; thence East 126 feet to the point of beginning. APN 202-061-41 The North 11 feet of the West 165 feet of the East one-half of Lot 7, Block i[, i,u~duwuyd iirnnes Ledu ns wuia ii un Lanus, in lire vi cy of ndnchu vu camunga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in Buok 6 of Maps, Page 46, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. APN 202-061-38 The North 11 feet of the East 165 feet of the West one-half of the East one- half of Lot 7, Block 12, of the Cucamonga Homestead Association Lands, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 6, Page 46 of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. Except the East 66 feet of the North 195 feet. APN 202-061-28 The North 11 feet of the East 66 feet of the North 135 feet of the East 165 feet of the Nest one-half of the East one-half of Lot 7, Block 12 of the Cuc amcnga Homestead Association Lands, in the County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 6, Page 46 of maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, ~9 7 Resolution No. dune 7, 1989 Page 5 APN 201-341-48 That portion of Lot 6, Block 11, Cucamonga Homestead Association Land, in the County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 6 of Naps, Page 46, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Ceg'dning at the Southwest corner of said 'ot 6; `hence `:-rth ^0 35'00" 'Rest (N 0 33' 36" W. data of record for Tract 6914) along theuWestVline of said Lot 6 which is also the East line of Beryl Avenue (A 66 foot right-of-way), 34.93 feet to its intersection with a curve concave to the Northeast and having a radius of 24.00 feet, which is tangent t8 the Wesi: line of said Lot 6 and to which intersection a radial bears South 89 25'00" Nest; thence Southeasterly 37.63 feet along said curve through a central angle of 89° 50' 00" to a line parallel with and 11.00 feet Nor~h of the South line of said Lo~ 6 to which intersection a radial bears South 0 25' 00" East; thence North 89 35' 00" East along the tine 11.00 feet North of and pa^allel with the South line of said Lot 6, 126.50 feet to an intersection wi t:i the Southwesterly line of Lhat parcel of land described in Document to San Bernardino Flood Control District, recorded in Book 5533, Page 542, Officiab Records of said County; thence South 40 13' 32" East (also known as S. 40 13' E.) along the said Southwesterly line of that parcel described in BBok 5533, Page 542, 18.32 feet to the South line of said Lot 6; thence South 89 35' 00" West (S. 89 36' 50" W. data of record for Tract 6914) along the South line of said Lot 6, 159.57 feet to the point of beginning. APN 201-341-54 That portion of the Southeast one-quarter of Lot 6 in Block 11 of the Cucamonga Homestead Association land, in the County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 6, Page 46 of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of said Lot 6, 230 feet West of the Southeast corner thereof; thence North and parallel with the East line of said Lot 6, I1 feet; thence East and parallel with the South line of said Lot 6, 112.96 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the Northwest having a radius of 24.00 fegt; thence Northeasterly 40.26 feet along said curve through a central angle 90 06' 289" to a radial line of said curve which bears East, which is also a point on the Westerly right-of-way line of Hellman Avenue; thence South alone the said Westerly right-of-way line of Hellman Avenue which is 33 feet Nesterly of and parallel with the East line of said lot 6, 35.05 X22 t, `h2 nce ',:est a~-ng the South iine Gf iaid Lut 6, 197.00 feet to file pui nt of beginning. APN 201-474-10 That portion of Lot 12, Block 11, Cucamonga Homestead Association, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 6 of Maps, Page 46, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows~~r--, Resolution No. June 7, 1989 Page 6 Beginning at the intersection of the East line of Hellman Avenue (A 56 foot right-of-way) end the North line of NTneteenth Street (A 66 foot right-of- way); North 89 37' a9" East along the North line of Nineteenth Street, 130 feet; thence North 0 29' 13" West Barall el with the said East line of Hellman Avenue, 11.00 feet; thence South 89 37' 19" West along a line 11 feet Northerly of and parallel with the said North line of NTneteenth Street, 106.05 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the Northeast having a radius of 24.00 feet• thence Northwesterly 3?.65 feet along said curve through a central angle of 89° 53' 28" to its intersection kith the said East line of Hellman Avenue and to which a radial bears South 89 30' 47" West; thence South 0° 29' 13" East along the said East line of Hellman Avenue, 34.95 feet to the point of beginning. X99 C: P1" OF RANCHO CUCA\[ONGA bIEbIORANDUb1 Oa te: July 29, 1988 To: Mayor, Members of the City Council d it Manager From: Russell H. Maguire, City Enginee ~~~ By: Mike 011vie r, Senior Civil Engineer Su b,j ec t: R/W Acquisitions in State Highways c~ ~t~~l. •~~ ~ err .. S, A_\' > ~r~ts~, 19' I When it is required to take R/W to widen an existing street, the City usually follows these steps: i. Conduct neighborhood meeting. 2. City negotiates a fair and equitable exchange of the street improvements for the land cost based on an evaluation of improvement versus land cost. 3. If negotiations fail, the City proceeds with the following: a, Appraisals b. Notices and Hearing for Condemnation c. Posting and Hearing for assessment proceedings in rAa W~[M rp....., ?~ ..c ~~.., r„ _"t Act "c .nil .___ _.,._ .. ~,. ~. .. .,.f r.....,,..., 4. Negotiations continue parallel with Item 3 until resolved by settlement or legal action. However, when acquiring R/W for a State Route, Caltrans has stated that the above practices constitute coercion and that possibly any contact with a property owner before a full offer for the property is made could be considered solicitation. Therefore, unfortunately, to satisfy Caltrans on our protects involving State Routes (even though we fully fund them) we plan to do the followiny: 1. Appraisals 2, Posting and Hea rind for assessment proceedings for 1911 Art i Cha pier 2Ti. Ne viii use this hearing to explain to the people the 1911 Act and what is happening without violating any Caltrans guidelines. 3, Conduct neighborhood meeting regarding the protect details only, i R/N ACQUIS[T IONS IN STATE HI GHWAVS JULY 29, 1988 PAGE 2 4. Make direct offers to purchase the needed R/W for appraised amount. Hopefully, after the Public Hearing and neighborhood meeting, Lhe property owners initiate a donation of R/W for relief of assessment. Caltrans would not construe this to be coercion. 5, Hegotia dons con tt.^.ve i _ccoMance with Item 4 until resolved by settlement or legal action. Until the hearing for assessment proceedings for the 1911 Act (Chapter 21) a State Route R/W or negotiation procedures because discussion of these matters could be construed by Caltrans to be coercion or solicitation fora donation of R/W. RHM:MO:dlw cc: Jack Lam, Assistant City Manager ---~vl - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT c;UCAMO t`~~ N09 2'/' i ~I l~ I!!Z - > 19:7 DATE: June 7, 1989 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James Markman, City Attorney SUBJECT: URGENCY ORDINANCE TO AMEND DEVELOPMENT CODE AS IT RELATES TO SCHOOL DISTRICT "WILL SERVE" LETTERS RECOMMENDATION Adopt the attached Urgency ordinance to amend Sub-section 17.08.OSOC1 of the Development Code as it relates to certification from School Districts on adequate school £aCilit iee. BACKGROUND At the time Of C1tV 1nCOYDOYdt.lOn 8nd tn2 DCED8rat 10n Of tnE C1lV'9 D2Va10pmE nt Code, a Growth Management Ordinance was created which helped insure, among other things, that adequate school fac ilit iee would be availah le for the school population. It was agreed by the City, the School Districts ana the Building Indu et ry Association that the beet way to allow for advanced planning needs was to require a "will serve" letter prior to a final map being approved, or in the case of no subdivision, pr icr to building permits being issued. This "will serve" letter requirement applied to any residential project over four units. ANALYSIS Recent legislation, referred to as the Greene Bill, has changed State law as it relates to the requirement of "will eerve" letters. The City Attorney's oEtice has advised staff chat it is important to amend the Sub-section of the ..E.E .. ..0..2 :.E .., rG..:,.2E ~.. ~...E .EetlE S.. ..::3L ..... ....df .3 .. ~. .~...... with State`lawJ Attached is an Urgency ordinance which contains the necessary language to amend the Development Code for compliance with State lew. A9 indicated in the ordinance, input from the School Diet cict will at ill be required. The timing of the information as tD school facilities will be changed eo that the City receives it at the time the applications for development are received and evaluated foc completeness. In doing so, it will give the development community 3~~ urgency Ordinance - Will Serve Letters dune 7, 1989 Page Two advance notice of potential mitigation measures ae it re3 atea to school facilit iea, ae well ae more lead time to the School Districts for planning of school n_ede. It is important to note, however, that this amendment to the Code tloee not dilute the intent of the ori.g final Growth Management Ordinance. Aather, this amendment will allow City staff to include appropriate conditions of approval on residential projects which will conform to State law. Tae City Attorney's position fie that the City can condition developments to form or annex into an existing Community Facilities District to assist in financing needed school facilities within the con'munity. The purpose of the Urgency Ordinance, ae indicated earlier, is to bring the Code into compliance with State law. In addition, any new tracts being processed will be aware of the possibility of being >.ncluded into a Community Facilities D ietrict eo that they can include it ae part of their development pro forma from the outset. This way, developers will have better knowledge of financial impacts at the beginning of the proceea as it relates to school facilit ice sc that they can make better dec ieiona on how to proceed with a project. City staff hoe discussed th fie amendment with ell five School Superintendent e, and <hey agree that this procedure is in the beat interests of everyone in vaew of current State law. Although the Urgency Ordinance Le binding, the Attorney hoe recommended that the public hearing proceea by both the Planning Commission »nA f6u r: l., rnn n..:t t.n .i....o »u » o..t t..... h.. fee anti :..n f6:n n..e..<.. Respectfully a bmitted, '~I~n~~ `~l7Ui~Kvnc~~-1~ .lames Markman FFi City Attorney ,303 ORDINANCE N0. 3 7 5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SUB-SECTION 17.08.0500.1 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE EVALUATION OF SCHOOL FACILITIES FOR PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS, AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF A. Recitals. (i) Section 17.08.0500.1 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code currently provides that prior to the approval of a final map for a residential development, written certification as to whether adequate school facilities exist to accomnod ate the prof ect shall be obtained from all affected school districts. Recent amendments to Chapter 4.9, Division 1, Title 7, of the California Government Code has preempted the effective validity of the above- referenced Municipal Code section; (ii) There are currently pending within the City of Rancho Cucamonga numerous residential developments wherein the customary and orderly development review and approval process would be adversely affected, contrary to state law, by the current language contained within said Section 17.08.0500.1; (iii) This Council is concerned with the maintenance of orderly and balanced development witfiin the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Accordingly, to protect the integrity of the development process and to assure continued development stability within the City of Rancho Cucamonga, this Council finds it is necessary to inmediately amend Section 17.OB.OSOC.1 consistent with the recent mandates of state law; (iv) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred. °. Ordinance. THE CITY COD NC IL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO r,UCAMONGR DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1; That all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Ordinance are true and correct. Section 2: The City Council further find; as follows: a. Section 17.06.0500.1 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code currently provides that prior to Lhe approval of a final map for a residential development, written certification as to whether adequate school facilities exist to accommodate the project shall be obtained from all affected school districts. Recent amendments to Chapter 4.9, Division 1, Title 7, of the California Government Code has preempted the effective validity of the above- referenced Municipal Code section; 30~ CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE N0. RE: AMENDING SUR-SECTION 17.08.0500.1 June 7, 1989 Page 2 b. There are currently pending within the City of Rancho Cucamonga numerous residential developments wherein the customary and orderly development review and approval process would be adversely affected, contrary to state law, by the current preempted language contained within said Section 17.08.0500.1; c. The failure to amend the above-referenced section of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code would imnedi ately result in unnecessary confusion and ambiguity in the development process, contrary to the requirements of state law, and would result in an immediate threat to the public health, safety or welfare of persons and property within the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Section 3. Subsection 17.08.0500.1 of the Development Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga is hereby amended to read, in words and figures, as follows: "1. The project includes school facilities or adequate school facilities exist which are or will be capable of ac comnod sting students generated by this project. As part of the application process for a proposed residential project, and prior to such application being deemed complete pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.04.020, written input fran all affected school districts as to the availability of school facilities shall be submitted to the City Planner. If, after twenty (20) days following written request for such input, no response is received from such school districts, the City shall assume the existence or availability of adequate school facilities." Section 4: This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an urgency measure pursuant to terms of California Government Code Section 36937(b), and this Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Section 5: The City Council declares that should any provision, section, paragraph, sentence or words of this Ordinance be rendered or declared invalid 6y any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, and words of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section 6: The City C}erk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinanrn and ch all rau ce the came to ho nuhl is had within fifteen (151 da vS after lts passage at least once In the Uaily Report, a newspaper 01 generdl circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. 3os CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAi~fONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: May 17, 1989 T0: Mayor and 6lembers of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner LCC.~.ypY~. ~~~ ~~ ~ x _ z 19': BY: Otto Kreutil, Deputy City Planner SUBJECT: GROWTH MANAGEMENT - Initial schedule for the 13-point work program re a e to the management of growth in Rancho Cucamonga. RECOMMENDATION: This is an informational item. With the City ounT~ic Trs concurrence, staff will proceed as outlined. No formal action is necessary. it. BACKGROUND: At the April 5, 1989 meeting and a previous workshop, e i y ouncil identified thirteen areas of interest affecting the management of growth. Staff was directed to develop a work schedule and a program to address these thirteen points. To acconrylish these tasks will require a coordinated effort by all City departments and some outside agencies. This report outlines r. , i iyJua~o~~ Lj `uj cya, ui2 ii ia, and provides an initial schedule.V III. THIRTEEN-POINT ACTION PROGRAM: 1. DEVELOP A GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN ORGANIZATIONAL GUIDE WITH Preparation of an informational document containing a comprehensive listing of all growth management-related programs now in effect, To be organized as a guide to existing policies, programs and ordinances, with specific "~nicipal Code references. Primary responsibility: Planning Support n,n Engineering. a~run'ty Sen Status/Timing: Draft for City Council revlewaAugust, 1989. ~Q / CITY CWNC IL STAFF REPORT GRONTH MANAGEMENT May 17, 1989 Page 2 2, INTEGRATE LAN ENFORCEMENT FINANCING THROUGH FUTURE MELLO-RODS Since Rancho Cucamonga's Dercentage share of the property tax is very low, it must look to other funding sources to assist in providing adequate service levels. Setting up a Law Enforcement Community Facilities District is one such avenue. On June 7, 1989, a public hearing is scheduled to establish the City's first Law Enforcement Otstrict. Ia the future, other properties can 6e annexed into the new Community Facilities District. Primary responsibility: Resource Service Department Support rote: Finance/Sheriff Status/Timing: Underway; Initial hearing June 7, 1989; Implementation Fiscal Year 1969/90 3. RE-EVALUATE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEES NHEN THE CITY'S NEN The transportation model for Rancho Cucamonga and its sphere of influenre that will establish an adequate transportation planning tool capable of evaluating traffic impact on the City bridge and thoroughfare system, including the transit mode split, that can help determine our City's transportation needs is scheduled to be finalized 1n July, 1989. The model will forecast future transportation Impact for City build-out ~:: 1~'l :. nC f.a we imnt ixii ycdta in Lnu-year' 110.!'Claeil l5. The transportation model study will produce a procedure establishing the nexus whi th is mandated by AD 1600 when bridge and thoroughfare system fees are imposed on a development. This study will update the City's system fee ordinance to current requirements and funding needs. Primary responsibility: Engineering Division Status/Timing: Underway; Model study to be completed in September, 1989 4. REQUIRE PUBLIC FACILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE PHASING PLANS FOR Compile Str22t Lmprovement and Drainage improvement Implementation Policies and phasing plans presently 1n use. Policies are available far the Terra Nsta Community Plan, and similar policies can be developed for Lhe Victoria Community Plan. ~~ CITY CGUNC II STAFF REPORT GRONTH MANAGEMENT May 11, 1989 Page 3 Criteria will be developed for the preparation of Phasing Plans for Street and Transportation System. The general criteria will establish guidelines for requirements to build critical elements of the City's transportation network, fu11- width street improvements, City Master Plan facilities, and Sub-Regional and Regional facilities required as a result of impacts from development of planned communities. Criteria for the preparatton of Phasing Plars Ter stop drainage systems will be developed consistent with the adopted master plans for drainage adopted by the City. Storm drainage improvements for planned communities will be reviewed for consistency with existing policies to adequately protect the new developments and the existing community. Primary responsibility: Engineering Support role: Planning Status/Timing: Draft for City Council review by August, 1989. 5. EVALUATE FEASIBILITY OF INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL CONTRIBUTION TO This involves a survey of other communities using fee structures other than the Quimby Act in an attempt to generate a wider and more flexible base for park acquisition and maintenance. Ne will also examine the potential effect of commercial/industrial fees on the economic development of the community (i.e. tax base and employment opportunities). Primary responsibility: Community Services Support role: City Attorney, Planning Status Timing: Underway; Initial recommendation to City Council June, 1989; Preparation of necessary ordinances, Summer, 1989 6. EYALUATE PRESENT DISTRIBUTION OF MULTI-FAMILY ZONING. A study of multi-family land use designations City-wide. Hill contain an assessment of areas already developed, vacant land with previous approvals, as well as an inventory of vacant land designated for multi-family development without deY el opment 3p^yi JY31'a. 'd11i di i0 2Vdiudte the di5tfibULiGn and balance of single and multiple family housing at the City's build-out. Primary responsibility: Planning Status/Timing: Underway; Initial report to City Council July, 1989; Additional work dependent an policy direction .3~g CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT GROWTH MANAGEMENT May 17, 1989 Page 4 7. REQUIRE TESTING OF NEW HYDRANT SYSTEMS PRIOR TO PROJECT A program to insure that necessary water flows for fire protection are attained in development processes. Wilt necessitate additional expendT Lures by developer and additional staff time in verification of intended results. Primary responsihility: Foothill Ft re Protection District Status/Timing: Underway; Report on annual basis at end of fiscal year 8. REQUEST CUCAMONGA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT TO EXAMINE THE A program to verify that existing fire hydrants throughout the City are maintained in proper working order. Wi11 include development of cooperative participation from the Hater District and assignment of forces to conduct field tests and tRS pectton. Drimary responsibility: Foothill Ftre Protection District Status/Timing: Preliminary contacts made; Report on commencement and scheduling to City Council August, 1989 9. CONSIDER DEVELOPING A FINANCIAL PLANNING TOOL TO ACCOMPANY Growth will require infrastructure development, infrastructure maintenance, and increased service levels. Each item requires revenue sources. Currently, staff is reviewing its fee structures, financing sources, and potential revenue sources that must be there to complement the growth 1n the C1 ty. Primary responsibility: Resource Services Support: Finance, Engineering, Planning, Community Services, Building b Safety, Disaster Preparedness, Redevelopment Agency, Law Enforcement, School Distracts, W ter District, FT re District and Administration Status/Timing: On-going ~~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT GROWTH MANAGEMENT May 17, 1989 Page 5 10. CREATE PUBLIC EDUCATION OF THE CITY'S GROWTH MANAGEMENT A program aimed at informing and educating the general public about the City's efforts to manage growth effectively. A series of arti cl e5 in the Grapevine, the first focusing on the Growth Management program fn general, with additional articles on major component=_ of the program (circulation, parks and recreation, community services capital projects, etc.). Primary responsibility: Community Services others to participate according to expertise Status/Timing: A regular series starting with the November '89 issue 11, CONSIDER NCRK SESSIONS WITH THE CUCAMONGA COUNTY WATER A program for maximizing connection of new and existing structures to the public sewer rather than to private disposal systems. Will evaluate the fati li ties of the two districts for capacities and avai iabi lity, the effect of Dri vate disposal systems upon ground water pollution the extent of health problems attributable to improper disposal and the effect of requiring connection to the public sewers as a condition of development. Will also explore measures to -„_....•ay~ Iim~Lioiu in eireaay Quilt-up areas. Requires cooperation v of CCND and Chfno Basin far infrastructure deveicpment, aaepta nce of waste, and fornw tion of assessment districts in unsewered areas. Primary responsibility: building & Safety Division Status/Timing: Preliminary contacts made; Report to Cf ty Council September, 1989 12. CONTINUE QUARTERLY MEETI NOS WITH THE VARfOUS SCHOOL DISTRICT ON'GROWTH ~_ The City Manager's office will continue disa~ssions with all school district superintendents to review arrwth management anri OL.^.Br n;a ttf r5 cf mu tudi iOLe rest. Primary responsibility: Administration Status/Timing: Ongoing jl t~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT GROWfH MANAGEMENT May 11, 1989 Page 6 IJ. CONSIDER THE ESTABLISHMENT OF APPROPRIATE STANDARDS FOR THE In 1988, the Comm nity Task force Committee identified public facilities needed within the City to service its residents and businesses. Standards have been adopted by City Council pertaining to the following public facilities identified in the Committee report: amphitheaters, community centers, swimming competitive pools, fine arts center, golf/driving range, gymnasiums, natural areas, trails, performing arts, senior center/services, youth/teen centers, active and passive sports needs (football, baseball, soccer, basketball, swimming, ,Togging, fishing, etc.) In addition, the master plan for Civic Center and Dublic Safety facility needs have been adopted by Council to insure service to the public. A eas where no standards or guidelines exist for public facilities include the following: library, cultural arts facility, museum, children"s museum, computer center, conference training center, occupational vocational training facility, nature center, arboretun, hl storlcal arH Fable eM Mann enrN .,. •:.... _.n_ __._ ___. _~_. „ .. ..~ , .~~.~. ay,... It will be necessary to establish appropriate standards or guidelines for these categories of public facilities wh7ch will meet needs of population. Primary responsibility: Community Services Status/Timing: Underway; Inittal report to City Council July, 1989; Additional work dependent on policy direction With the City Council's concurrence, staff will proceed with these work program items as outlined. Res~c£~d ly suC~, /J ii ii i ~i ~ < Bra But City a ner BB:OK:ko ~ '~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DAZE: Tune 7, 1989 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Duane A. Baker, Administrative Assists t SUBJECT: Schedule for Communication Meetings y } i ; , 'y },; C z ~- V i Z _ ;'> As directed by the Council, staff is in the process of arranging meetings with local agencies and City commissions on behalf of the Council In order to make final arrangements for these meetings, staff needs an indication from the Council on the dates to have these meetings and in what order to have these meetings. Because rooms large enough to accommodate these meetings are booked much of the time, staff has identified regular days during the month when these rooms are available. Therefore staff recommends that a regular meeting day be selected for these meetings to insure room availability and remove possible conflicts in trying to schedule these meetings from month to month. Because of room availability and conflicts with the regular tneetrttgs of the groups we are trying rn Par avirh Graf'{' an.fa Lnl.iinr rho ,6.. ...r .,, .arum... .., a.,.:., ..~ ,... ..,,,. ,, ... ... ...... .._-......-..__ .. _._...e ..._ ...__.... e.. .... ...,, .,..,,.,.... or fourth Tuesday of the month. Below is a tentative schedule showing the order and dates for the [en meetings. 1. All School Districts 2. Chaf(ey College 3. CCWD & Chino Basin Water District 4. Park & Recreation Commisson 5. Community Advisory Commission 6. ^istoric Preservation Commission Cin'miiuiiity Puundaiinn 8. Public Safety Commission 9. Planning Commission 10. County 7-11-89 or 7-25-89 8-8-89 or 8-22-89 9-12-89 or 9-26-89 10-10-89 cr 10-24-89 II-14-89 or II-28-89 1-9-90 or 1-23-90 zt ~-or. nr z~;_un 3-I4-90 or 3-28-90 4-l0-90 or 4-24-90 5-8-90 or 5 22-90 Staff is ready to make final arrangements for these meetings in the order and on the dates that the Council directs. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT 0AT^c: Jvne 7. 19H9 To: City Council ~ FRCH: Beverly A. , City Clerk ECBJECT: NATTERS PERTAINING TO PUTTING TAE FIREWORRE ISSUE ON THE BALLfYI LL ~~cA"'°'~c 2~ f 9n W i ' ,.~ ~~, A _ CO` Z I> 1977 RECOMMENUAT ICN: Attached are several Resolutions which need to be adopted in order to pus the fireworks .initiative on the November ballot. HACKGROUNU: The City Attorney has drafted an Ordinance which the people of Rancho Cucamonga can vote for which will prohibit future sale, use, or discharging of safe and sane firestozks i.. the City. Several matters must be accompl iahed in order to put this ordinance on the ballot. These are: 1. Approve a cesolut ion calling and consolidating the election. 2. Approve a resolution providing for rebuttal arguments if you wish to have re buttal arguments. 3. Approve a reeo lut ion officially directing the city attorney to prepare an impartial analysis. 4. Lastly, if you desire you may authorize certain members of the City Council to file a written argument for or against the measure; that also wo uld regu ira the approval of a resolution. 313 Pli-v '~'-$0-F:? Tl1E 1 1 o i 2 MrPI" Poi.N d~ AF:C 2`i NSF: I F 04! DS FOLIAWS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8.12 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROHIBIT THE BALE, U8E OR DIBCHAROE OF BAFE AND BANE FIREWORRB IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAGMONOA. TNF PROPhE of THE CITY OF l2ANCiiO CUCAMONGA DO ORDAIN A5 Section ;: Chapter 8.1.2 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby repealed. section y: Anew C}rapter 8.12 is hereby added to the Rancho Cucamonga Funicipal Code to be read, in words and figures, ae follows: "8.12.010 Fireworks p~oJt_ibited: exception. Subject to the exception set forth Uelow in this section, it shall be unlawful for any person, Pirm, paxtne rshlp or corporation to sell, use or discharge any fireworks within the city of Rancho Cucamonga Secluding, but not limited to, "safe and sane" fireworks as that term Ss detilled ir. Part 2 of Division 11 of the Cafu+i fvrnia Health and Safety Coda, as the same may be amended from time to time hereafter. "F.XCF PTi0t7: Noth inq in tTtis chanter shall preclude the presentation of a licensed public display of fireworks includ irlg, but not limited to, "safe and sane" fireworks. "8.12 • 02Q gene ty for y}o~t.A4.O 4f s<11a11t~Y• It shall be unlawful for any per^.on, firm, partnership or corpo•ation to violets any provision of this chapter. Any person, firm, partnership or corporation violating any provision of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not axes edinq one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment noC exceeding six months, or by both such Pine and imprisonment. each such person, firm, partnership or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a .^.n;.~rat^, eff^n.=.e f^r ea^_h and every d?y nr any portion thereof during which any violation of this chapter is committed, canCinued or permitted by such person, firm, partner.•ahip or corporation, and shall be deemed punisbaUle therefor as provided in this chapter. "gA;y.,_,Q.1Q C~iv ~l remed_ies i3v_a.a1 s~S2.14• 7`he violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall constitute a nuisance and may be abated by the city 3(9 1 RESOLUTION NO. 89- v A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, v`ALIFORNIA, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OF A SPECZAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1989 FOR THE SUBMI58ION TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE SALE OF SAFE AND SANE FIREWORKS ANC CONSOLIDATING SAID ELECTION WITH THE CONSOLIDATED ELECTION TO EE HELD ON SAID DAT£ WHEREAS, under the provisions of the laws relating to General Law Cities in the State of California, a special municipal election shall be held on November ?, 1989 in order for the City Council of said city to submit to the qualified electors of said city at said election an ordinance relating to the sale of safe and sane fireworks; and WHEREAS, it is deai Yable that said special municipal election be consolidated with the consolidated election to be held on the same dace and that within said city the precincts, polling places and election officers of the two elections be the same, and that the Registrar of Voters of the County of San Bernardino canvass the returns of the special municipal election and that said consolidated election and special municipal election be held in all respects as if tl;ere were only one election. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL 6F THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DOES naREBY RESOLVE, DETERN iirE, Aire ORDER AS POZZOWS; SECTION 1. That pursu ani to Lha requirements of Section 23302 of the F.l actions Code. the Board of 5unervieore of the County of San Bernardino is hereby requested to consent and agree to the coneolidat i.on of a special municipal election with the conaolid at ed election on Tuesday, November 7, 1989 for the purpose of consitlering an ortl finance relating to the sale of safe and sane fireworks. E'c CTiON 2. That the Ciiy Council, pursuant Co its right and as Lhority, does order submitted to the qualified electors of the City at the special municipal electior, the following question: Shall the Ordinance Amending Chapter 8.12 'i of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code YES to Prohib is the Saie, use or Discharge ~ of Safe and Sane Fir ewor ke within the v• ~~ ~ i ~ n aVt `v"y ~ licensed publiddieplay~ be adopted? NO ~------ ----- --~.1 _J A mark placed in the voting square, rectangle or other specified voting space after the word "YES" in the manner provided shall be counted in favor of the adoption of the question. A mark placed in the voting aquarar rectangle or other opecified voting apace after the word "NO" in the manner provided shall he counted against the adoption of the queet io n. 3~ ~{ SECTION 3. Said Registrar of Voters Se hereby authorized to canvass the returns of said special municipal election which it ie hereby requested to consolidate with said consolidated election and said election shall be held in all resperte ae if there were only one election, and only one form of ballot shall be used. SECTION 4. Said Board of Superviecre ie hereby requested T.o issue instructions to the Registrar of Voters to take any and all steps necessary for the holding of said consolidated election. BECTION 5. The City of Rancho Cucamonga recognizes that additional coats wrll be incurred by the County 6y reason of this conaolidat ion and agrees to reimburse the County for any each costa. SECTION 6. That the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this reaolut ion with the Board of Superviecre and the Registrar of Vo[ere of the County of San Bernardino. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this * day of *, 1989. Dennis L. Stout, Mayor ATTEST: Beverly A. Authelet, City Clerk 31~ RESOLUTION NO. 89- d W 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR THE FILING OF REBV'LTAL ARGUMENTS FOA CITY MEASURES WHEREAS, Sections 4015.5 and 5014.5 of the Elections Coda of the State of California au thorizee the City Council, by majority vote, to adopt provisions to provide for the filing of rebuttal arguments for city measures submitted at municipal elections; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI2Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, UOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE, AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That pu reuant to Sections 4015.5 and 5014.5 of the Elections Code of tF.e State of California, if any person submits an argument against a city measure, and an argument has been filed in favor of the city measure, the City Clerk shall immediately send copies of that argument to the persons filing the aryumant in favor of the city measure. The persons filing the argument in favor of the city measure may prepare and submit. a rebuttal argument not exceeding 250 words. The City Clerk shall send copies of the argument in favor of the measure to the persona filing the argument against the city measure, who may prepare and submit a rebuttal argument to the argument in favor of the city measure not exceeding 25D words. The rebuttal arguments shall be filed with the City Clerk not more than 10 days (August 15, 1989) after the final date for fiiiny direct arguments (AUyuet a, 1989). Rebuttal arguments ehail be prln[ed in the same manner ae the direct argument e. Each rebuttal argument shall immediately follow the direct argument which it eeeka [o rebut. SECTION 2. That all previous reed lotions providing for the filing of rebuttal arguments for city measures are repealed. SECTION 3. That the provisions of Section 1 shall apply only to the election to 6e held on Tuesday, November 7, 1989, and shall then be repealed. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this • day of ', 1989. Dann ie i. Stgut, _, __ FTTEB T: Beverly A. Authelet, City Clerk 3l~ RESOLUTION NO. E9- ,~~~ A AESOLUTLON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHOAI2ING CERTAIN OF ITS MEMEERS TO FILE A WRITTEN ARGUMENT NEGARD ING A CITY MEASUPH WHEREAS, a epee ial municipal election ie to be held in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, California, on November 7, 3989, at which there will be submitted to the qualified electors of the city the following measure: Sha11 the ordinance Mending Chapter R. 12 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code to Prohibit the Sale, uae or Discharge of Safe and Sane Fireworks within the City of Rancho Cucamonya, except by Licensed Public Display be adoptedT NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, DOES RESOLVE, DfiCLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That this city council, being the legielat ive body of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, authorises insert names members of that ~6ody, to file a written argument in favor of the City measure eat ferth in the racitala hereof in accordance with Arlicie 4, Chapter I, Division 5 of the Slectione Code of the State of California and to change the argument until and including the data fixed by the city clerk after which no aroumente for or again et the City mea sn re may he nvhmittad in iho oity M c.4. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this " may of ", 1989. Dennis L. Stout, Mayor ATTEST: Beverly A. Authelet, City Clerk 317 RESOLVTION NO. 89- Q 4 O A RHSOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CDCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AN IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS WHEREAS, a special municipal election is to be held in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, on November 7, 1989, at which there will ba submitted to the qualified electors of the City the following measure: Shall the ordinance Amending Chapter 6.12 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code to prohibit the Sa Le, use or Discharge of Safe and Sane Fireworks within the City of Rancho Cucamonga, except by Licensee Public Display, be adoptetl2 NOW, THHRE FORE, THE CITY COllNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the city council directs the city clerk to transmit a copy of the measure to the city attorney. The city attorney shall preps ra an impartial analysis of the measure showing the effect of the measure on the exietiny law and the operation of the measure. The impartial analysis shall be filed by the date eat by the city clerk foc the filing of primary arguments. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED thin • day of *, 1959. Denn ie L. Stout, Mayor ATTEST: Beverly A. Authelet, City Clerk ~~~ Plq 1'-80~-83 TUE 11 R3 I9N Ft 1': p9 fHN 8~ f+P C:ZYNSY.I P0510$ through civil process by means of restraining order, preliminary or permanent injunctton or in any other manner provided by law for the abatement of nuisances." ~~,iQtl ~: The provisions of this Ordinance may be amended by adoption of an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonrya. 3~ Sal )J \~W~p IPNf1RC p.flB ---- --- CITt"OF RA\CHOI'l'CA~IOtiGA STAFF REPORT ,-rC~;~ s. } ,.. ".,.~' DATE: June 7, 1989 `~T~) ..~ T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer ~I BY: Monte Prescher, Public Works Engineer SUBJECT: Appeal of Staffs Enforcement of Resolution No. 88-557 Tract No. 10827-2, U.S. Homes RECOMlENOATION: It is recommended that City Council uphold staff enforcement of Resolution No. 88-557 and withhold final occupancy until all required improvements are complete. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Pursuant to Resolution No. 88-557, a maximum of 95% of dwellings or units within a development may be connected to utilities until such time all conditions of approval have been completed and accepted 6y City Council. At this time the subject tract consisting of 99 units has had 95 units connected to utilities. No further connections are being granted pending completion of improvements directly bonded for under the Improvement Agreement for that tract. The developer of Tract 10827-2, U.S. Homes, purchased the tract from Relco industries whom had executed the agreement. U.S. Homes contends that Lhey have no control over Relco completing the remaining improvements in a timely manner. Staff contends that this issue is between U.S, Homes and Relco and it is staff's obligation to achieve the intent of the Resoiuti on. U.S. Homes has completed all the interior tract improvements as stipulated in their purchase agreement with Relco. The Tmprovements that have not been completed consist mainly of perimeter equestrian trail and fencing and storm drains. These improvements are, however, direct requirements of this tract in accordance with the Improvement Agreement. Resoectfulla/submitted. .. _/~ ~. . RHM;MP; sjrn -~'~l/ Attachments (1) Appeal Letter (2) Copy Resolution No. 88-557 3~ 1 C.~(>ti~ .~ r~- r~.jU•&`r us•MOm~ May 26, 1989 city council City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline Rd. P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 RE: Tract 1G02'I-7. Certificate of Occupancy, Request to be placed on dune 7, 1989 Council Agenda Dear Council Members: LIEiEn ON THE NEW YJRN S1CGN E%CHINGE CITY G~ f:d~~iS':ilU CO~:~~..;L~„ P, L~~., I i~' ~., ~~ .f: Mld'(3 01989 am rR1 7,8,9{>e{lli12i1~2~3i4ibi 6 U.S. Ilome request to be placed on the June 7, 1989, City Ccuncil meeting agenda, to appeal to council for a Varaince of a resolu- tion currently in place with the City of Rancho Cucamonga. This resolution will not allow developers Lo recieve car ti licatea of occupancy for the final 5;B of homes within a tract, until all improvements which were included in the bonds and subdivisions variance dueVto circumstances beyondVOUr oontrol. U.S. li Dine purchased tract '10027-2 from Relco lndustcies as fully improved lots. Relco Industries is the developer for the rna star plan of Northwood oL which Che l:ract is pari of. A11 bonds and agreements were signed and submitted by Relco Industries to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. U.S. i{ome has replaoed all concrete items as marked by the City of Rancho Cucamonga Inspection Depart- ment and installed the final lift of asphalt to complete the tract. The items remaining to be completed ere outside the tract boundary but appear on the improvement plans for tract 10827-2. These items are to be completed by Relco Industries and they have submitted a letter to the City acknowledging respor,s ibility and certifying that these wi]1, be completed. A copy of this letter is attached. The houses to be relsased in tract 10627-2 have all been sold and are colnp Leted. Since the loans for these homes cannot be finalized until certificates of occupane,y are released, the prospective owners Inay lose the comnli ttments made by the lending inati to tiona due to time limitations. U.S. Home thereby request that in 3~- RIVERRIOE DIVISION IaaW Commcmr,R (:flniR( nr. Swln 9i0 • ^.iuf hV Gucm:•.nnen, PA nVG:~ • (ii~~'~ I i (Nfil consideration of the above information that ue be granted a vari- ance and that these homes be released for occupancy by the City Council. Sincerely, (~~S~f. <~: ~' I~ Sherman Hag¢Nrt,y Divi=ion President ~~3 RES~.UTION N0. 88-557 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANQIO N CAMONGA, CALIFORNIM APPROVING TNB CITY ENGINEER'S POLICY REQUIRING CONPLETZON OF CONDITIONS CF APPROVAL AS A PREREQUISITE TO ENERGY CONNECTIONS NON. TEEREPORE, the City Council of the City of Rmcho Cucamonga does herebq resolve ee follwr. No person shall u3ca com¢tione from a source of energy, fwl or paver to any building urvica equipvent vhic6 is regulated by technical codes end for which a pe rnit i• required unlesq in addition to any and ell other codes. regulstioos sad ordinances. all isprwe•ente required by eha conditions of devel opaent approval have bau completed cad accepted by the City Council. except: Thmt in devalopNnta containing more than one building oz unit. the development may haw. energy conaectiona aM to • percentage oL ihop buildings, of unite pzoportiouN to the completiom of impzwsanta a required conditicu of apprwd of deval opmant. In no cue shall wra than ninety-five percent (95x) o! the buildings or wits be tonnact ed to energy prior to completion and accept uce of all imprwaent• required by ebe comditiou of approval of development. PAS SEn, APPROVED, sad ADOPTED this 21st day of September, 198g. AYES: Buqua t, Ring, Wright, Btwn, Stout N0E5: Non. ABSENT: None Danais L. tout, Mayor ATTE$T: f1 n _.~]_.]Q..~.._W Li e!.J ~~c i Bwarly A Aut helot, City Clerk ~~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Date: To: From: By: Subject: June 7, 1989 ~ ~~icna~o,~c ~ 9 ~, , L G A i Z ~4 Mayor, Members of City Council, and City Manager Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager Kathy Sorensen, Senior Recreation Supervisor Picnic Reservation Policy RECOMMENDATION' To approve the attached Picnic Reservation Policy as recommended by the Park and Recreation Commission on April 20, 1989. Thies policy has been reviewed by Craig Fox of the City Attorneys Office. BACRGRODND• Over the past three years, the Community Services Department has been reserving picnic areas for the public. With the increased demand on park usage it is now necessary to put this verbal policy into writing. Currently over 320 nppiiuai,iu~~a are hied annually wnicn accOmmogaLe LROUSengS of users. Primarily these reservations are for family picnics and parties of 40 or less, However, there are increased requests by businesses, nonprofit groups and schools to use parks for large gatherings numbering up to 200 or more in attendance. Some permits are denied due to park size limitations o; prior reservations. Of primary interest to the Council are: • The designating of four parks as reseraable picnic sights. • Residents and nonresidents ability to reserve parks. • Delineation of approval procedure for picnic sites. • Procedure for designating approved picnic areas and signage of use. • Listing of terms and conditions of use on approved reservations. S The Park and Recreation Commission designated four parks as reservable picnic sites (Attachment 1). Currently, these are also the heaviest used facilities within the current park system (Attachment 2). The Commission felt that although it was important to provide reservable areas it was just as important to have non-reservable/drop in areas. As new parks are developed or as existing parks are renovated with picnic areas Attachment 1 will be changed to reflect additional reservable sites as directed by the Commission and City Council. Load limits were set for each site taking into mind the parking available, the size of park, the impact the particular use may have on t..*.e area especially when multiple uses may be going on in the park (i.e. Red Hill picnic and sports leagues using facilities which also compete for space and parking). Residents and nonresidents can reserve picnic areas. Residents may reserve up to 4 months in advance whereas non- residents may reserve up to two months in advance for Monday through Friday use only. Exceptions to the length of advance reservation policy may be made in writing to the Community Services Manager. For referral on the grouping classifications mentioned in procedure 7 see Attachment 3. The approval procedure and notification process is outlined in three steps. If there are any specific questions please address them during the oral presentation of this staff report. Community Services will provide the signage and staffing to denote picnic areas as reservable and will mark areas on the .... - - oyc::i~iG .cmia.uc~a ua w wui w, y~vuya arc assigned toathe picnic areas. The policy lists fourteen terms and conditions of use of a reservable picnic area. Some of these conditions and terms will be printed on the actual picnic reservation application to specifically note problem areas (i.e. no alcohol, music usage). The policy before Council is a composite of policies, procedures and guidelines from the following cities: Brea, Redlands, Fontana, Chris, Victorville, Ontario, E1 Monte, Glendale, Fullerton, Newport beach, Irvine and Seattle. Respectfully submitted, ~ v, Jo~~SCNu~Z ,~ Com unity Serv es Manager JS:DL:bs Attachments 2 Picnic Reservation Policy Attachment 1 The following parka have been determined to be reservable: Park Maximum Capacity Coyote Canyon Park 75 or lesa Hermosa Park 75 or less Heritage Community Park 100 or less Red Hill Community Park - North 250 or less Red Hi11 Community Park - South 200 or less (does not include Amphitheater) These parka may be subdivided for vae oP several groups at one time. Specific areas will be denotod on the Picnic Application. 3a7 PICNIC PERMITS COMPARISONS Attachment 2 PART( July-Dec 1986 July-Dec 1987 July-Dec 1988 Jan-Mar 1~ Bear Gulch 12 22 18 9 Coyote Canyon 7 22 9 Church 12 16 9 5 Groves 0 0 23 9 Hermosa 0 43 B1 27 Heritage 0 54 55 50 Red Hill 0 133 143 67 Spruce 0 2 10 5 Windrows 12 26 7 11 kathy/picnicuse ~° From Attachment 3 General Reservation Policy PRIORITIES ANU FEES Group 1 Community Services Department sponsored event; City of Rancho Cucamonga sponsored and cosponsored events; and governmental agencies serving Rancho Cucamonga residents. Group 2 Resident not-for-profit, civic, social organizations whose management is not paid and any organization sponsoring a public forum or candidates night, Group 3 Resident not-for profit, civic, social organizat ions whose management is paid. Group 4 Resident private party activity, resident employeas~ organizations, resident political candidate use for fund raisers; resident college organizations and committees; work parties and social events. Group 5 Resident commercial, business, profit-making and religious organizations, nonresident not-for- profit, civic and social organizations; non- resident colleges, their organizations an c.,ra, - c, r-- -- -.:., r~i'.'ata ractp o.,~.. lr, nonresident employees associations. Group 6 Nonresident commercial, business, profit-making and religious organizations. 2. Examples of groups: Group 1 City and Community Services Events. Group 2 Pop Warner A.C.T.I.V.E Group 3 Y.M.C.A. r_rnnp a rna4P<l. rpi iege Group 5 Frito Lay St. Peter & St. Paul Church Group 6 Grace Lutheran Church of Upland Lockheed - Ontario kathy/POLICY/finalfee ~~~ SUBJECT: Picnic Reservation Policy EFFECTIVE; xxxxx PURPOSE: city of Rancho Cucamonga parks and picnic areas have been designed for the enjoyment and use of the Rancho Cucamonga residents. The purpose of this policy is to guide the use of picnic areas within the City and to promote orderly and effective use and enjoyment of City parks. POLICY: Picnic areas may reserved for private vse by any group of 1-200 persona. Spacial exceptions can be requested in writing to the community Services Manager. This policy provides the procedures, terms and conditions to reserve a picnic facility. DEFINITIONS: Picnic: a private social gathering where no charges or contributions for participation are required or requested; no specialized equipment is required other than that traditionally available in a park. Reservable Groun Picnic Areas: The City has a _..~.._~_:_-a _ .. ....1 Y.: .: J: .... :... ni J.. uao document are suitable for group`picnic use. Non-reservable Groun Picnic Areas: All other parks and areas not included on Attachment ~I1 are considered a first come, first served picnic area. PROCEDURE: 1. Ali general rules and group priorities as specified in the General Facilit iea Reservation and Fee Policy apply. 2. Publicity regarding the picnic reservation process will be provided in the Grapevine or recreation publications at least twice a year. Tha Donartment will glen p~p~si de _ .~~ti om wiet Y-"'C regarding the application process which will be available to the citizenry throughout the year. Each picnic sigY.t which ie included on Attachment M1 will have a sign affixed to the area denoting it as a reservable picnic area. 3 ~~ Picnic Reservation Policy Page 2 of 5 3. Applications can be filed with any Community Services Department facility using the picnic reservation application. The application will include the name of applicant (18 years or older) and must be filled out entirely. The applicant must remain in attendance for the entire period of the reservation. The picnic application must specify exact areas of the park which intend to be used. A map may be requested. If this request also includes any need to bring in extra equipment, music or amplification, or the need for space to play games or hold athletic contests a separate application or attachments may be required. If the application is for an organization or business the name and phone number of an officer must be included on the application. No facility will be considered reserved until the written reservation form is approved in writing by the Community Services Manager or designee and the confirmed copy has been given to the applicant. 4. Picnic areas can be reserved for use between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and dusk, on a year around basis. The city reserves the right to limit the hours of use of any park facility in order to not adversely affect the park or adjacent residents. The City requires that persons using areas for only partial hours in a day denote this on the application so others can be scheduled earlier or ~atPY It1 *~1P ~}V T•• fllP f}nilif\I D mini m\.m nF n hour will be left between two scheduled usages to provide a buffer for the vacating group. Groups may be required to co-exist if the number of participants at the site allow for joint usage. 5. Picnic reservations are for the picnic area only. Other facilities such as athletic fields or amphitheater require a separate reservation request. Exceptions: Playgrounds, hard court surfaces and similar general public amenities cannot be reserved and are for the open, general use of all park users. 6. City residents shall, in all cases be given fist preference of the use of groan picnic areas except when the City has an event which precludes the permitting to a resident. '.. Resident croups 1-5 may reserve group picnic areas up to four (4) months in advance oP the requested date. Non-Resident Groups 1-6 may reserve a picnic area up to two months in advance, Mondays thru Fridays only, or by special written exception to the Community Services Manager. 331 Picnic Reservation Policy Page 3 of 5 S. No reservations will be taken within ten (10) working days of the requested date. Within ten working days picnic sites not reserved, will be on a first come, first served basis. 9. An application Pee may be charged for the processing and administrative time necessary to coordinate the application. 10. The City may require a refundable cash damage or cleaning deposit to cover expenses aver and above those traditionally occurring in the general use of a park. 11. No reservations will be taken for areas that are classified non-reservable by this policy. All these areas are designated as "first come, Pi.rst served" picnic areas. 12. The city may asslgn a maximum load limit to individual picnic areas to preclude excessive impact on a park or neighborhood. These limits are set as guidelines to prevent overcrowding, promoting orderly and safe use of parks, and respecting the rights of our neighbors. Special exceptions must be requested Sn writing, one month in advance to the Communlty Services Hanager. 13. Applications which do not meet the definition of Pi rni r. in this nnlinv will ho rnm_.aahnA fn Pill out a Special Events Application. APPROVAL PROCEDURE: 1. The Community Services Manager, designee or representative from the Risk Management Division will approve or disapprove all permits. In accordance with the above policy and in the best interests of the public a permit may be denied for the following reasons: a). a permit is already issued for that site. b). the park is scheduled for a City event. c), the picnic is not in the best interest of a particular park (i.e. size of group or s.;aipr~ert to be supplied; . in this event, staff will suggest other parks within or outside the city which could better serve the purpose. d). the inability of the requestor to meat additional requirements set by the Community Services Department or the Risk Management Division. e). requeators previous conduct was such that it ie not in the best interest of the City to permit the use of the picnic area. 33~ Picnic Reservation Policy Page 4 of 5 2. It is the practice of Community Services to review applications and process them within three working days from submittal. Applicants should receive a copy of their permit within five days of application barring any special circumstances. All authorized applications are mailed to the address on the form unless other previous arrangements are made. Community Services reserves the right to require a meeting with the applicant prior to the approval of the event which may delay the above process. 3. The returned permit, if approved, will specifically state which picnic area is reserved. A denied permit will have a note attached explaining the denial of the application, even when a phone call has been placed notifying the applicant that the facility application has been denied. TERMS & CONDITIONS OF USE: 1. The City will post signs at all reservable picnic areas notifying the public that the picnic area can be and may be reserved. 2. Tha permit holder moat bring their copy of the approved picnic reservation application to the picnic site to show city personnel upon request. i. Tr al l nevoa nonmi/- hnlAnna ahnl l ho ni.rnn preference for the use of the space designated on khe application form. 4. No public address system or amplified music may be used without the written consent of the Manager of Community Services or designee. The use of amplified sound or music may result in an additional fee as determined by The Municipal Code or City Council approved Policy and Procedures fcr the community Services Department. 5. No use of generators, tents, gazebos without written permission by Community Services. Request of athletic fields, amphitheater or other amenities ..~y require additicnsl forms an3 par its. s. The posting of signs, banners or decorations must be requested in advance and cannot be used without The written consent of The Manager of Community Services or designee. All masking tape, string, streamers and similar decorations will ba thoroughly removed during the clean-up process. 7. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in any City park. ~~~ Picnic Reservation Policy Page 5 oP 5 8. Individuals or groups will not be allowed to dispense refreshments or food of any type to The general public. 9. Motorized Vehicles are allowed in parking lots only. No vehicles are allowed on any other park surface at any time. This includes trucks and cars used for the unloading and loading of supplies. 10. The charging of admission fees which includes collections, donations or publicizing a fee is not authorized by a picnic application and may be cause for cancellation of the permit. 11. Individuals or groups Found to be littering, damaging city property, or violating any city code or policy may have their permit cancelled, be required to make restitution to The City and be refused further permits. 12. Disorder among individuals or groups shall be cause For cancellation of a permit and may be cause Por denial of future permits. 13. Any individual or group, whether holding a permit or not, may be denied The use of a picnic area if The condition of The picnic area warrants or groups are in violation of any ordinance, rules n. ....inN nna na mho Nom., FEES AND CHARGES: May be determined at a future date by the Rancho Cucamonga City Council. 33~ Picnic Reservation Policy Attachment 1 The following parka have been determined to be reservable: Park Maxi mum Capacity Coyote Canyon Park 75 cr less Hermosa Park 75 or less Heritage Community Park 100 or less P.ed Hill Community Park - North 250 or less Red Hill community Park - South 200 or less (does not include Amphitheater) 33 5 Minutes Park and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting April 20, 1989 Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Riggs Call To Order at 7:10 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairperson Riggs. Pledge of Allegiance Present Were Commissioners Riggs, Henry, Mitchell, Punter, and Whitehead. Also present from the community Services Department were Joe Schultz, Roll Call Community Services Manager, Dave Leonard, Park Project Coordinator, Paula Pachon, Administrative Assistant, Kathy Sorensen, Senior kecreation supervisor and Bea Smiderle, Secretary. REVIEW OF MINUTES- Minutes of February 16, 1989, Regular Meeting were ;ginutes of feb 16,8' reviewed. MOTION: Moved by Punter, seconded by Henry that the minutes of February 16, 1989 be approved as submitted. Motion carried: 5-o-D. Minutes of March 16, 1969, Regular Meeting were reviewed. P?inutes of 11a rch 16 MOTION: Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Whitehead that the minutes of March 16, 1989 be approved as submitted. Motion carried: 5-0-0. OLD BUSINESS~ PICNIC RESERVATION_.POLICY Kathy Sorensen, Senior Recreation Supervisor, reviewed with the Commission Members some of the concerns that they had expressed previously with this policy. Some of the concerns were with: Picnic ReSer vati on (A) excluding non-residents to reserve a city part. dllt~: i, 6i flVi LU l1dV F, H11 nl• f. flP pATKG YPF?YV Oi-I aT once. MOTZ~N_ Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Whitehead, tc recommend to City Council that non-residents can use or reserve the park no more than two mcnths in advance on Monday thru Friday's only. -1- nrmv nm n n wrn ran nr.n . rrnwrn . STAFF REPORT ~ ~'. ~/ ,~;i ~' ~a--= _ i Date: Aiay 17, 1989 To: Mayor, Members of City Council, and City Manager From: Soe Schultz, Community Services Manager Subject: Central Park At the last City Council meeting, Council asked that Central Park Design Development be on the agenda for an item of discussion. As you know Central Park Design Development stage was placed on hold shortly after the second phase RFP's Jere delivered to potential Architects. The delay was to allow time to perform a Recreation Needs Assessment of the :ommunity. As a result of the Assessment, staff has identified numerous school sites that can be renovated/improved to allow sport programing to take place on school district property. You have received memo's regarding updates on this progress and in the near future Community Services Department will be evaluating cost to deslan rennvatinn iimnmvomanrc of rr;..,a,,.~a High School, Cucamonga Elementary, Rancho Cucamonga Jr. High, and Cucamonga Jr. High. These school sites have been identified as offering the possibility of. redesign of existing athletic facilities and the possibility of lighting their play fields to allow programing to continue after sunset witY.out disturbing the neighborhoods with lighted facilities. Additionally, progress towards purchase of land for Northeast Community Park and the Sport Complex Park in the industrial area are moving forward. Both facilities will go a long way towards meeting the community needs for sports facilities. Based on this, staffs recommendation is that City Council direct staff to proceed with the Design Development of `-''astral P"k ..nd ,t?:^ the ..ity Se: css Departmea.. to receive Requests for_Proposals Ito ^complete ithe next phase Design Development. JS:bs CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: May 17, 1989 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Co cil FROM: Jaek [.am, AICP, CIty Manager , SUBJECT: Discussion on establishing transition Task Force for implementation of subsidiary Fire District. At the Jomt meeting between the City Council and the Fire District Board, discussion was raised as to how to transition the implementation of the subsidiary district. At the most recent City council meeting it was requested that this item be placed on the agenda so that the merits of establishing a Task Force could be discussed. The purpose of this Task Force, as expressed by the City Council, would be to insure that the operations of both the subsidiary district and the City through the transition time would be as compatible and complementary as possible. ~3g