HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989/07/05 - Agenda Packet- ''~ CITY _ ; COUNCIL -~ ,-i A G E N D A CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETINGS 1st and 3rd Wednesdays - 7:30 p.m. July 5, 1989 Lions Park Community Cen[e: 9161 Base Line Road Rancho Cucamonga ~e• F.S. City Councilmembers Dennis L. Stout, errlbr Pamela 1. Wright, cuunrumrmErr Deborah N. Brown, mgvor Pronm Chafles 1. Buquet, Coum~ilmrmGr William 1. Alexander, cuennlmrmeer M ~ Y Jack Iam, cry Mumgr. James L. Markman, Puy enn.ery Beverly A. Authelet. clry ctrrE City Once: 989-1851 lions Perk: 980-3145 City Council Agenda July 5, 1989 PAGE All itae sa0~ittad for the City Comcil Aga¢da wet be i¢ writing. Tha Qudliw for suhsdtti¢g these itas is 5:00 p.~. on the Wsdwsday prior to tW casting. The Citp Clark's Offics ncaivas all wch !lss. A. CALL TO ORDER 3. Pledge of Allegiance to Flag. 2. Roll Call: euquet , Alexander _, Stout _, Brown and Wright e. AIIMOONCAME1Pf8/pResvfrAxxoes 1. Presentation of Proclamation stating July ae Parka and Recrention Month. 2. Presentation of Proclamation commanding Bruce Bmerick for hie service on the Planning Cosmleeion. C. CONNIIICATIOSIA FROM T~ PVBLIC This is the tir sad pLCa for !ha gwaral public to addru• tba Citp Council. AtaG law pnhibits !ha Citp Council frw eddnsslnq sap Issas not praviouslp inclnda4 oa Lha Agaada. The City Conncil uy receive taetiw¢p sad ut the utGr for a subsaqusn4 nsaliag. CoMVIe an to be liaitsd to five aivutes par ladivldual. D. CONSEMf CAL@IDAR The following Coawat Glsndar itps era arpsetsd to bs routiaa and ¢o¢-coatnvsseial. Thq will Da acted upon by !hs Couvcil at ma tins without discussion. Any itaa up be rsaovsd by a Cau¢cilaaaWr or asaber of the avdisaea for dlscussio¢. 1. Approval of Minutes: May 3, 1989; May 17, 1989; June 7, I I 1989. I 2. Approval of Warrente, Register Noe. 6/21/89 AND 6/28/89 1 and Payroll ending 6/22/89 for the total amount of $8,478,948.62. 3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule 14 ae oP June 2B, 1989. City Council Agenda I PAGR July 5, 1989 4. Alcoholic Beverage Appl icatlon Poi On Sale General Sating 22 Place for Tha Cub, Eethy and Michael Sayee and Jolene Airby, 8411 Foothill Boulevard. 5. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On Sale Beer 6 Wine 24 Eating Places for the Saaey Steer, Alejandro and Ana Shimebukuro, 8030 Vineyard Avenue. 6. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On Sale Bees 6 Wine 26 Hating Place for Cherony'e, Naddeh Subhi Quadi, 9170 Haven Avenue /102. 7. Alcoholic Beverage Application for Off-Sale Beer 6 Wine, Za Nallk H. and Mohaamad Tabel, 9879-A Foothill Boulevard. 8. Approval to authorize the advertising of the "Notice 30 Inviting aide" for the Sapphire Parkway Renovation and Retrof Lt (Banyan Stteet to north of Jennei Street) Improvement Project, to be funded from Beaui if icai ion Funds, Account No. 21-4647-8723 (PY 88/89). 31 RHSOLIITION NO. 89-298 A ABSOLUTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OP THH CITY OF A11NCN0 COCAMONGA, CALIPOPIVIA, APPROVING PLANE AND SPECIFICATIONS YOR THB "SAPPHIRE PAARiAY RENOVATION AND RBTROPIT" (BANYAN STREET 1'O NORTH OF JENNST 9TRBET), IN SAID CITY AND AVTHORlEINO AND DIRSCTI NG TNB CITY CLEA1( TO ADVERTISH TO ABCBIVB BIDS 9. Approval to authorize the advert Laing of the "Notice 35 Inviting Bide^ for Traffic Signal and Safety Lighting at the intersect ions of Haven Avenue and 7th Street and Archibald Avenue and Lemon Avenue, to be funded from SB 325 T.D.A. Fund, Account Numbers 12-4637-8873 antl 12- 4637-8872, respectively (PY 89/90). AHSOLUTION NO. 89-299 36 A ABSOLUTION OB THB CITY COVNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ~ ~ PLANS AND SPECIPICATION3 POR TXB "TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND SAFETY LIGHTING AT THH INTBRSECTION9 OP NAVEN AVHNUB AND 7TH STREET AND ARCNIBALD AVSNUB AND LBNON AVBNUB", IN SAID CITY AND AOTHORILINC AND OIAECTING THE CITY CLEAR TO ADVERTISE TO RECSIVS BIDS City Covncil Agenda ~~~4~4~' July 5, 1989 4 PAGE 3 30. Approval to authorl:a the expenditure of redevelopment 41 Lunde on certain public improvements associated with the development of n Sears Coneolldated Credit Center. RESOLUTION NO. 89-300 41B A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REGARDING A PROTECT BENEFITING THE RANCHO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND HARING CBRTAIH FINDINGS IN REGARD THER@TO 11. Approval to award and execute Profeeeional Services 42 Agreement (CO 89-103) with BSI Coneultente, Incorporated to provide Park Coneiiuci ion Adminietrat ion and Inspection servicee for a ewe not to exceed $96,000.0;; to De funded from Park Development Account No. 20-4532-8006 ($16,000), 8007 ($16,000), 8015 ($32,000), and $611 ($32,000) for renovation of Eaet Beryl and Lions Pazk and conetructlon of Old Town Park (PY 89/90). 12. Approval to execute contract (CO 89-104) tar Hillside 59 Roadr east of Herawea Avenue, awarded to JEG Conet ruction for the aawunt of $95,100.00 ($86,404.87 plie lOt contingency) to be funded Prom Pvnd 09, Gas Ta,; 2107 Account No. 09-4637-8813 (FY 89/90 - Awarded 6-7-89). 13. Approval to execute contract (CO 89-1051 for the Feron fiN Boulevard Improvement Project, fran Ramona Avenue to Hermosa Avenue, awarded to Laird Construction for the amount of $76,811.00 ($69,828.60 plus lOt contingency) to De funded from Caamunlty Development Block Grant Punde, Account No. 28-4333-8194 (PY 88/89 - Awatded 6-21-89). 14. Approval to execute contract (CO 89-106) for the Sierra fi] Madre and Placida Court Improvement Project located from Arrow Mlghway to Via Carrillo Drive awarded to Heritage Conetru ci ion for the amount of $180,742.00 ($164,311.00 plus l0t contingency) to he funded from Community Development Block Great Punde, Account No. 28-4333-4811 (PY 88/89 - Awarded 6-07-89). i 19. Agproval to execute contrast (CO 89-107) fot the Slurry 62 Seal Program 1988/89, Phase Ir various street locations, awarded to Doug Mart In Contracting compeny Eor the amount of $134,524.00 ($1~i, 3E..00 plus lOt contingency) to be funded from G:s Tax 2107 Acccunt No. 09-4637-8816 (FY 88/89) end t:,e emount of $84,253.00 ($76,593.86 plus lOt) to ba funded from Gae Tax 2107 (Haw Accouni) (FY 89/90) - Awarded 6-07-89. rr r LJ PAGE Clty Council Agenda ~~~~+vi July 5, 3989 4 16. Approval to execute contract (CO 89-108) for the Old Town 72 Perk improvements with Martin J. Jaeka, incorporated for the amount of $911,187.00 plus 106 contingency, to ba funded from Park Development Account No. 20-4532-8611 and Community Block Grant Account No. 28-4333-8181 (PY 89/90 - Awarded 6-21-89). 17. Approval to execute contract (CO 89-309) with 82 TeleQueetione, Incorporated in the amount of $15,000.00 for negotiation, agreement development and purchase of a telephone switch and voice and data cabling for the Civic Center and Public Safety Facility, including over eight and installation of same through cut-over. Funding one- half fray Fund 01-4295-7049 and one-half from RDA 13- 51700. 18. Approval of a one year extension of existing Traffic 93 Signal Maintenance Contract (W 87-086) with the adjustment of monthly service coat with Computer Service Company to De funded from cae Tax, Account No. 09-4637- 6028, Contract Services (PY 89/90). 19. Approval of a one year extension of exleting Street 97 Striping Conirnci (CO 87-07) with the adjustment of three price schedule categories, wits Orange County Striping Service, Incorporated to be funded fray Gas Tex, Account No. 09-4637-6028, Contract Services (PY 89/90). LU. wpproval of Nap, Improvement Agraenient, Improvemen! lU2 Security, Drainage and Maintenance Agreements, and Ordering the Mnexetion to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Neintenance District Noe. 1 and 6 for Parcel Map 11891 located on the south aide Of Arrow Route, north of the A.T. 6 S.P. railroad tracks and west of Rochester Avenue. RESOLUTION NO. 89-301 LOA A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF Ti.e I`ITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPR~-7ING PARCBL MAP NUlIBBR 11891, (TENTATIVE PARC6L MAP ~~NT AGREEMENT, ANO ) IMPROVE!ffiNT SECURITY i3 City Council Agenda PAGE July 5, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 89-302 105 A RESOLUTION OF TNB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA~ CALZPOANIA~ ORDERING TH8 ANIPEYATION OF CBRTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT' NO. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICP NOS. 1 AND 6 POR PARCEL MAP 11891 21. Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for: Tract 12832. located on ozomeed Dav Creek Boulevard 148 bet NlOhl d A d V'ct S P k La a bmitteA by The Nilliem Lvon COmoenv ABSOLUTION NO. 89-303 1~9 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY" OP R71NCN0 CVCANONGA~ CALIPORNIA~ APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGASEMBNT B%TBNSION AND IMPROVBMENT 9ECURITY POR TMCT 12832 (DAY CAEEH. BOULHVARD) T t 13318 locnied o the southeast n f Ner 111 !SY@nue end Me aniia Dri a bmitted Dv Ma fl -B ABSOLUTION NO. 89-304 112 A WtSOLUTZON OP THH CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA~ CALIPORNIA~ APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGRBEMBNT EXTENSION AND IMPROVetffiNT SECURITY POR TRACT 13318 Parcel Mao 10185. locnted on the south t f 114 N'ahle d A nue d H111 Lken A eubmttted b Will'am Lvon Canoanv ABSOLUTION NO. 09-305 115 A RESOLVTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA~ CALIFOANZA~ APPROVING IF:PROVENENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SeCURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 10185 Tract 12650-d St rm Drain 1 red on the southwest 111 corner of CanlRtel Avenu0 and Deer Cenvon Drive. submitted by The Deer cr k Can a v PAGE City Council Agenda July 5, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 89-306 118 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OF TF1& CITY OF IUINCHO COCAMONCA, CALIPOANIAr APPROVING IMPROVEIBU!'T AORBBMENT SSTENSION AND IMPROVBlBNT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12650-4 STOAX DRAIN Tract 13117 1 tad th net 'd f Ha A 120 between Banyan Stteet and Chaffee Colleoe submitted by Perecon Romae RBSOLVTION NO. 89-307 121 A ABSOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TH8 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIAr APPROVING INPROVBMBNT ACASBNENT B%TBNSION ANO IMPROVBNSNT SBCORITY POR TRACT 13117 22. Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 129 Nos. 33279 Storm Drain; end 13279 Detention Basin; 13279 Victoria Park Lane; 13279 Streeter loceied on the south aide of Highland Avenue, DetWeen Rochester Avenue and Nllliken Avenue submitted by William Lyon Company. RESOLUTION NO. 89-308 124 A AE80LUTION OF TFR CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY VY RANCHO CUCANOROA, C1IL IPORNIAr APPROVING INPAOVElBN'l AOREEl~NT 8%TSNSION AND IMPROVBMSNT SBCURITY POR TRACTB 13279 9TOAN DRAIN; 13279 DETBNTION BASIN) 13279 VICTORIA PARR LANE; 13279 STRSBTS 23. Apptoval to accept Improvement e, Release of sonde, and Notice of Camplet ion for: D~I_ 06-42 located on the th ids of Arrow Hichwav 126 petwean White Oak Avenue end Nevle Place Faithful Performance Bond (street) S 62,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 89-309 12] A ABSOLUTION OF THE CITY d)UNCIL OP THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIAr ACCBPTING THB PUBLIC IMPROVEMBNT9 FOR OR 86-42 AND AUTHORIB INO THB PILING OP A NOTICB OF COMPLBTION FOR '1'NE WORE ,~. city council Agenda I PAGE July 5, 1989 DR 87-60 located o the west ld f R d O k st eet 128 between Arrow HiChwav and Jerae Bo 1 rd Yaithful Performance Bond (Street) $ 69,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 89-310 129 A R860LOTION OP TFB CITY COUNCIL OP TA6 CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC I!@ROVBIOLNTS POR DR 87-60 AND AUTAOAIEING THE PILING OF A NOTI CB OP COl@LBTION POR THB HORK Tract 13248 located on the south aide of HS hland A 130 bet n Archlb ld A e d H A Aeleaee: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $ 150,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 15,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 89-311 131 A A830LUTION OP TH8 CITY COUNCIL OP TNB CITY OP MNCBO CUCANONOA, CALIFOANIA, ACCEPTING THB PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POR TRACE 13248 AND AUTNORIEIN6 TN8 PILING OP A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE FORK Tract 13060 located on the eouthwe t e f Millik n 132 Avenue and Palrmont wav Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Sheet) $ 480,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 48,000.00 ~ ~ RESOLUTIOR NO. 89-312 133 A ABSOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OF TH6 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCBPTINC THB PUBLIC IMPROVBMBNTB POR TRACT 13060 AND AUTHORIEINC TH6 lILINC OP A NCfICE OF COMPLETION POR TNH NOAA V , PAGE City Council Agenda July 5, 1989 Tract Noe. 12590. 12590-2: and T t N 12590-3 d 134 12590-4 located on the northeast corner of Base Line Aoad and Valencia Avenue Tract 12590: Release: Faithful Performance Bond (street) $ 133,000.00 I Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 13,300.00 Tract 32590-2: Release: Faithful Performance BOnd (Street) $ 25,500.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 2,550.00 Tract Nos. 12590-3 6 -4: Release: i Faithful Performance Bond (Stteei) $ 18,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 1,800.00 RHSOLUTION NO. 89-313 135 A RfiSOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP IUfNCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACTS 12590; 12590- 2; 12590-3 AND 12590-4 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OP COMPLETION FOR THE WORK 24. Approval t0 accept Improvements, Release of Maintenance 136 Guarantee Bond for Tract 12490 located at 8167 Vineyard Avenue south of Foothill Boulevard. Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 2,310,00 i 25. Approval of the Environmental Initial study, pa rte I and ~ 13? u, for the propOeed xldtlen Parm Aoad Culvert, located 1100 fast east Of Carnelian Street north of Hillside Road and issuance of a Categorical Exemption therefor. ( i' r,~~ PAGE City Council Agenda July 5, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 89-314 138 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO COCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THB ENVIR0N1NiNTAL INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OF A CATEGORICAL SX&MPTION POR THE PROPOSHD HZODEN FARM ROAD CULVERT 26. Approval of Bnvizonmental ABee9emeni and Ieeu ante of a 151 Categorical Exemption for the proposed Sapphire Parkway Renovation and Trail Retrofit, between Banyan Avenue to north of Jennet Str¢et. AESOLVTION NO. 89-315 152 A RESOLUTION OF THE CZTY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP IUfNCRO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSIffiNT INITIAL STVDY AND ISSUANCE OP A CATE(iOR ICAL RYEMPTION FoR THE PROPO380 SAPPHIRE PARKWAY RENOVATION AND TM IL RETROFIT 27. Approval of Reaolut ions to deny Variance 89-04 and Minor 165 Development Review 87-71, Caimercial Carriers - A request to grade and Deus approximately 12 scree of land and a request to reduce the parking setback from 25 feet to e feet and the landscape setback from 35 feet to B feet in the Minimum Impact/Heavy Industrial District (subarea 9), located on the BOUth sitle of Jersey Boulevard, between Utica and Vincent Avanue6 - APN 209-143-07, O8, & 09. RESOLUTION NO. 89-316 lfi6 A RESOLVTION OP THE CITY COVHCIL OF THE CITY OF NANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNI A, DENYING VARIANCE NO. 89-06 TO REDUCB THE PARKING SETBACK PROM 25 PEST TO 8 FEET AND REDUCE THE LANDSCAPE SETBACK PROM 35 FEET TO 8 PEST FOR 12 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THB SOUTH SIDE OF JERSEY BOULEVAPD BETWEEN UTICA AND VINCENT AVENUES IN THE MINIMUM IMPACT/HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (3VBAAEA 9), AND HARING PINDINOS IN ~ i ~ ~ SUPPORT THEnxop - APN 209-143-07, 08, & 09 i r PAGE City Council Agenda July 5, 1989 30 RSSOLOTION NO. 89-317 169 A AESOLUTIOR OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING HINOR DHVHIAPMENT RBVIEN NO 87-71, LOCATED AT 10807 JERSITY BOULEVARD IN THS MINIMUM IMPACT/HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (SUBAREA 9) OP THE INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THBRBOF - APN 209-343-07, OB 6 09 28. Approval to set Public Nearing for July 19, 1989 Ear 172 Refuse Rate Adjustment. 6. CONSENT ORDINANCES The tollvrLvq Ortlivavcaa hates had public hearivga at the ties of first readivg. eeaovd nadinga are expected to ba routine and von-eovtro~eeaisl. Thep rill M aetad upon by the Council at oue ties xitbout discvaiov. The Citp Clerk rill ned the title. Anp i!a cav W raaw~ed for dLcuaaiov. 1. CO O C ST OES C T CONSTRUCTION REOVIRBNHNTS ORDINANCE NO. 58-C (Second Leading) 179 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, ADDING SECTION 12.08.055 TO TH8 RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO AN EXEMPTION FOR PRIVATE STREETS FROH STREET OEDICAT ION AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 2. £NVIRON NTAL T D U CIP NDMENT CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA - VARIOUS AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 16, THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, REGARDING APPEAL PERIODS, APPROVAL YERIODSr AND BXTEN9IONS. i oROINANCB NO. 7.8-C (second reading) 176 i ' i i i Ali ORDINANCB OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY i OP RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 16 OP THE RANCHO CUCANONGA MVNI CIPAL CODE REGARDING SUBDIVISIONS ~-~~ PAGE CZty Council Agenda ,TUly 5, 1989 11 3. ASS S US RI P CIFIC PLAN ANEROMBNT E9-02 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - An amendment to the land wee tlaf inition of "Building Maintenance Services" to include small operation contractors which meet certain criteria. 179 ORDINANCE NO. 396 (second reading) AN OHDIN,IiiCE OF T'dE Ciit COUNCZi OF '1'HK C1'1`Y OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, A.~NDING THE INDUSTRIAL SPECIPIC PLAN TO INCLUDE EMALL OPERATION BUILDING CONTRACTORS WHICH FEET CERTAIN CRITERIA IN TEH: LAND USE DEFINITION OF "BUILDING FUlSN1RNANCE SERVICES" !. ADVHATI SED PUBLIC HEARINGS The follarivg itea ba~a bees adaertiaad and/or posed es public hearings •v ragvirW Dp laW. The chair will open tae Beativg to rspiae public tutiwvp. 180 1. CONSIDERATION OP AMENDING TITLE 12 OP THE RANCHO C C GA C H G EXC U ION OP THE CON TR 5 DHN AS ON RBSIDSNTIAL STREETS CoatiaaW frog June 21, 1989 Beating ORDINANCE NO. 58-D (first reading) 181 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING SECTION ].2 .OB.C40(A) TO THH RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO AN EXEMPTION FROH THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALXS ON CERTAIN RE EIDENTIAL STREETS O. PVBLIC HEARINGS The following iteu save no legal publication oz posting requiraBeats. The Caair Will open tae Beating to receive public test.iBOap. ~. i0N TO APP "V- ~ SO 1 ONS CL G RESUL S OF wa ELECT A E NG Y AN O BONGS D L^cVY' O SP C A P AD G OP O INANCE AUTHORI HVY O S TA%ES FOR CO UN I~ FA~T,TIHS DISTRICT HE-2 ~, -` ,I~',~, ,,, r)~` PAGE City Council Agenda ,7uly 5, 1989 12 RESOLUTION NO. 89-318 183 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OP R11NCH0 CUCAMONGA, CALIPORN IAr DECLARING THE RESQLTS OP A "HELLO-RO05 CONMUNITY FACILITIES ACT OP 1982" SPECIAL TA% AND BOND AUTNOAIEATION ELECTION ORDINANCE NO. >97 (first reading) 185 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO WCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTKORI2ING THE LEVY OP A SPECIAL TAX IN A COMMVNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 89-319 192 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CAL IFORNIAr AUTHOAI2ING PRELIMINARY ISSUANCE OF BONDS OP A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 89-340 195 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX POA A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT H. CITY MANAOER'8 STAR REPORTS The following ite~e do not legally require any public teat iegny, although the Chair asp open the ~eelinq for public i input. 1. PAE58NTAT ION BY SANBAG STAFF R.GAADING PROPOSAL FOR COUNTY-NIOE BALLOT MEASURE FOR TRANSPORTATION PVRPOS (oral Report) 2. CONSIDERATION OP ESTABLISHING P RK NATCH PROGRAM - PARKS 202 WATCH is a ~rlme prevention program which enlists the ~ ~ ~ ~ active participation of cltizene in cooperat Lon with law ~ enforcement to reduce crone within the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Continued frw Jme 21, 19 E9 ueting. 3. CONSIDEMTION OP NAME CHANGE FOR DON TAP IA PART( TO DON 2~~ TIBUACIO TAPIR PARK i'~~` ~`F PAGE City Council Agenda July 5, 1989 13 4. ANNEXATION 89-03 - BLACRNON HOMES INC - A request to 2~9 approve the Tex Revenue Exchange for the annexation proceedings (LAFCO 2547) between the County of San Bernardino and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for approximately 25 scree of vacant land located at the northeamk coiner of Highland and ROCh08ter Avenuee - APN 225-152-O1r O2, 03, 04r and I8. RESOLUTION NO. 89-321 Zip A RBSOLVTION OF TIUi CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, DETEPNINING THH AHOUNT OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUES TO BS EXCHANGED BETWEHN AND AMONG THE COUNTY OP SAN SHIINARDI N0 AND TH6 CLTY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA RESULTING FRON TNB JURISDICTIONAL CHANGE DESCAIBHD RY LAFCO NO. 2547 I. COUNCIL BUSINESS The following items have bon requotod by tha Citp Council for diacuwion. Thay are not public hearing iteo, •lkhoug6 the Cbair uy opo tDe meeting for public input. 1. SOLID WASTE/AHCYCLING UPDATE - Council Subcommittee for 215 ~~ I SOlld Naete/Recycling recommends adopting a Resolution eetebllehing waste reduction goals and endoreinq a comprehensive solifl waste reduction et rategyr SuDCOmmitiee ie also recommending eetabllehing a local environmental quality/resource recovery committee. RESOLUTION NO. 89-322 217 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING WASTE REDUCTION GOALS AND BNDORSING A COMPRENBNSIVE SOLID WASTE REDVCTION STRATEGY 2. DISCUSSION ON INITIATING A DEVELOPMENT CODB AMBNDM NT TO ~I ESTABLISH STANDARDS FOR CAA WASNBS I i i i J. IDHNTIFIGTION OF ITR43 yOR NEIT IDSETINO Tbia is LDa Lima for Citp Council to identify the items Lhey wish to diacuu et the next Nmsting. ThaN iteu will eat be discussed at this mesiingr only idmii[[ed foz the next meeting. ( ~.~ Y'.'''~~ttCCyy ~. t S PAGE City Council Agenda July 5, 1989 16 R COMMUNICATIONS TROM THE PUBLIC This is the tine sad place for the general public to address tha Cilp Council. etata law prohibits the Citp Council froe addressing nap ieene not pceviouslp iaeluded on the Agenda. Ths Citp Council sap receive tsstiaonp sad sat the utter for a subsequent seating. Corents ara to be 1Lited to five ~iautes per individual. L• ADJOURNI~7T NBETINO TO ADJOURII TO JULY 11, 1989 AT 7100 P.N. AT TRS LIONS PARK COIWOAITI CAITHR TOR A JOINT MHHTINO OR THS CITY COUNCIL AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS. I, Beverly A. Auihelet, City Clerk of the City of Aancho Cucenwnga, hereby certify that n true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda wee posted on June 30, 1989, eeventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting par GOVerniaent Code 56953 et 9320- i i i C Baee Line Road. i 4: May 3, 1939 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Regular Meeting A. CALL TD ORDER A regular meeting of the city Council gf the City of Rancho Cucamonga met on Wednesday, Nay 3, 19 BB, in the Lions Park Conunu nity Center, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting wne called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Pre9ant were Councilmembere: William J. Alexander, DeboraR N. Brown, Charles J. Buquet II, Pamela J. Wright (arrived 3:07 p.m. ), and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. A leo present were: Jerk Lam, Ciiy Manager; James Harkman, City Attorney; Beverly Aut he let, City Clerk; Linda Daniele, Deputy City Manager; Jerry Fu lwood, Deputy City Manager; Mike Olivier, Senior Civil 8ngi nest; Paul Rougeau, Traffic Engineer; OCto Rroutil, Deputy CSty Planner; Lflrry Henderson, Senior Planner; and Duane Baker, Administrative Assistant. • R R R 1 R B. ANNOUNCBNENTB/PAESENTATIONB R R R x R+ C. CONSENT CALENDAR C1. Approval of Minutes: March 15, 1989. C2. Approval of Warranter Register No'e 4-19-89 and 4-26-89 and Payroll ending 4-20-89 for the total amount of $1,927,463.34. C3. Approval to receive antl file curtent Investment Schedule ae of April 24, 1989. C4. Alcoholic Beverage Application for on Sale Beer 6 Wine Eating Place for Nnci(V'- NaW Ynr4 .Chyle Di E2ori 3, 9ede P. ., s ••• ^•• , •„++ ,ra..,,... sou lcvard. C5. Ai coho, iv' Beverage Application for On Sale Beer & Wine Eating Place foe Taco Fac toxy, Raquel Guillen, 9799-A Base Line Road. City Council Minutes May 3, 1989 Page 2 C6. Approval to authorize the advertising of the ^NOtice Inviting Bide^ for the Traffic Signals and Safety Lighting improvement Project at the Znteraection of Base Line Road and Ramona Avenue (Account No. 12-4637-8826), Base Line Aoad and Valencia Avenue (Account No. 12-4637-8827) and Haven Avenue and Victoria Street (Account No. 12-4637-8832) to be funded by TDA Article a Fund. RESOLUTION NO. 89-188 A RESOLL'TLON OF TH8 CITY COUI:CTL OF TXE CITY CF RA::CFlO CUCAMONGA, CALIFOAN IA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE ^TAAFFIC SIGNALS AND SAFETY LIGHTING" IMPAOVEHENT PROJECT AT THE INTERSECTIONS OP BASE LINE ROAD AND RAMONA AVENUE, BASE LINE ROAD AND VALENCIA AVENUE, AND NAVEN AVENUE AND VICTORIA STREET, IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERE TO ADVERTISE AND RECEIVE BIOS C7. Approval to authorize the advextieing of ^NOtice Inviting eitls^ for the Slurry Seal Program 1988-89 Phase I, various Street locations, Improvement Project, to ce funded from Gae Tax 2107 Acct 09-4637-8816. RESOLVTION NO. 89-189 A RESOLVTI ON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "SLVRRY SEAL PROGRAM 1988-89 PHASE Z, VARIOUS STREETS", IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS nPPr wni w auu.wrrzn uin auverc rnrnq or °nouce Inv rr inq aice° ror cne Improvement of Feron Boulevard, from Ramona Avenue to Hermosa Avenue, to be funtled from CDBG Funds 28-4333-8194. RESOLUTION NO. 89-190 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS ANO SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "IMPROVEHENT OP PERON BOULEVARD PROH AAHONA AVENUE TO HERMOSA AVENUE", IN SAID CITY ARD AVTNORI2ING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERE TO MVEATISE TO RECEIVE BIDB C9. Approval to execute a Professional Services Agreement (CO 89-072) with J.F. Davitlson and Associates, to prepare Landscape Improvement and Renovation Plane for the ea et aide parkway of Rochester Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to vase - "~ Lor ra nol W exceed ji7, "e7D.00 to be funded from the Beautification Fund, Account No. 21-4647-8722. C10. Approval to execute a Profeee Lonal 5erv ices Agreement (CO 89-073) with Don Greek and Associates to prepare design plane, epeci Eicatlons and set Lmatee for the re-opening of Highland Avenue between Haven Avenu0 end San Eenito Avenue with a connection between Highland Avenue and 19th Street a[ Ban Benito Avenue, and providing three lanes of tratfic each direction with a temporary median city council Minutes May 3, 1989 Page 3 islantl on Haven Avertue between 19th Street and Highland Avenue, for a fee not to exceed $23,632.00 to be funded from the System Development Fund, Account No. 22-4637-8852. C 11. Approval to execute a lease renewal (CO 89-07d) with the State of California, Department of Traneportat ion, for property on the west aide of Beryl 5t rest between 19th and 20th St rest e, Parcel d223-001-05. C 12. Approval io execute a contract (CO 89-075) for the Base Lire Acad Parkway Beautification Improvement Project from the Weet City Limits to Carnelian Street awarded to Gateway Construction, Incorporated, for the amount of $103,124.00 ($93,749.00 plus 108 contingency) to be funded from Beautification Fund Account No. 21-4647-8793. C13. Approval to execute contract agreement (CO 89-076) with the County of San Bernardino for participation in the Sheriff Department's Work Release Program. Contract fldmini titration fee of $100.00 to be paid from Account No. 01-4647-6028. C14. Approval to execute Summary Vacation of a Landscape Maintenance Access Easement - a request to vacate a landscape maintenance easement between Wheaton Court and the Southern Pacific Railroad's right-of-way, located west of Milliken Avenue and north oP Base Line - APN 202-891-38 RHSOLVTION NO. 89-191 A RESOLUTION OF TH& CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, TO SUMMARILY VACATE A LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ACCESS EASEMENT BETWEBN WHEATON COURT AND THE JVV1nblUV YMV if ll. M1L1{VMU'J µllin'1'-OF-WflI C 15. Approval to award the Carnelian Stteet, East Side Parkway Beautification Improvement Project, from Vineyard Avenue to ease Line Road to Gateway Construction for the amount of $98,661.00, tc be funded with Deaut iEicat ion Funds Account No. 21-4647-8096. C16. Approval to awatd the Red Hill Park Drainage Improvement Project to Harris Construction for the amount of $181,914.30, to be funded with Capital Reserve Fu nde - Account No. 25-4285-7043. c ].7. Approval to award the Avenida Vejar Improvement Project, from Grove Avenue to Sierra Madre Avenue to Vance Corporat lon for the amount of $158,253.65, to be funded with CDEG funds - Account No. 28-4333-8811. °+..• Apprcvai 'f Map, a -'ul iJU of iwpr.'ovemeul Ayreeme nt, imyroveme nt Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Haintenance Diet[ict No. 1 end Street Lighting Maintenance Dietrlct Noe. 1 entl 2 for Tract 12420, located at the northwest corner of 6th Street and Hellman Avenue, submitted by Jenel Development, Incorporated. City Council Ninutee Hay 3, 1989 Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. E9-192 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IHPROVEHENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVENENT SECURITY, AND FINAL MAP OP TRACT NO. 12420 ABSOLUTION NO. 39-193 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OF RA.YCXO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNB%ATION OF CERTAIN TBRRITORY TO LANDSCAPB MAINTENANCB DISTRICT NO. 1 ANO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N09. 1 AND 2 FOR TRACT 12420 C19. Approval to execute Improvement Security Aidere for Tract 13273 located on the southeast corner of Milliken Avenue and Mountain View Drive, submitted by Lewis Homes of California. RESOLUTION NO. 39-194 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL IPOANIA, APPROVING IHPROVBMENT SRCURI TY RI DER5 FOR TRACT NO. 13273 C20. Approval to accept Improvements, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for: a ce 7 t d n the h aide of Lomita Drive between Hellman Avenue and Amathvef. Avenue Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $ 5,600.00 AEEOLUTION NO. 59-195 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 7441 AND AUTHORIEING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OP COMPLETION FOR THE WORE V.S. Poet Office located on the northwest corner of Arrow Hichwav and White oak Avenue Fa if hful Performance Bond (St reset) $ 34,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 89-196 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAt[^,.::GA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT3 FOR THE U.S. POST OFFICE AND AUTNORIEZNG THE FILING OP A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORE City Council Minutes May 3, 1989 Page 5 C21. Approval to accept Improvements, release of Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Tract 12621 located on the south aide of Arrow Highway between Madrone Avenue and Baker Avenue. Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 5 36,900.00 C22. Approval to accept for maintenance the Victoria Street Rehabilitation, from Etiwanda Avenue to Eaet Avenue, Contract No. BB-107, as complete, re Lease bonds and authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion' RESOLUTION NO. 89-197 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING TH6 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE VICTORIA ETREET REHABILITATION, PROM ETIWANDA AVENUE TO EAST AVENUE, PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION POR THS WORE C23. Approval to accept for maintenance the Traffic Signal and Safety Lighting at the Interest[ ion of Highland Avenue and Archibald Avenue, Contract No. 88- 166, ae complete, release bonds and authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion". RESOLUTION NO. 89-198 A RESOLVTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP MNCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPOANIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TAAPF IC SIGNALS ANO 3AFBTY LIGHTING AT THE INTERSECTION OF AACA.I BALD AVRNUE AND HIGHLAND AVENUE AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORN C24. Approval to accept for maintenance the Improvement of Groves Avenue at 8th Street and Atchison, Topeka and Santa Pe Railroad crossing, Contract No. 88-121, as complete, release bonds and authorize the city Engineer to file a "Notice of completion". RESOLUTION NO. 89-199 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFOAN IA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR BTN STREET AND GROVE AVENUE AT THE A.T. 6 S. F. RAILROAD CROSSING IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE MORE C25. Approval of Resolution of Denial for Tentative Tract 14218 - Nord lc Development - Appeal of the Planning Commieeion•e declelon approv ing a reeidenttal euDdivie ion and design review of 8 single family lots on 5.77, acres of land in the HLlle ids Residential Dietrlct located north of Inapirat ion Orive and east of Crestview Place -APN 200-441-23-28. Associated with the tract ie Tree Removal Permit 09-OB requeeting the removal of two (2j Eucnlypiue globulue. City Council Minuiee May 3, 1989 Page 6 AHSOLUT ION NO. 89-200 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGAr CALIFORNIA, DENYING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 14218, A RBSI DHNT IAL SUBDIVISION ANO DESIGN REVIEW OF 8 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ON 5.71 ACREE OF LAND IN THE HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, LOCATED NORTH OP INSPIRATION DRIVE AND EAST OF CAESTVIEW PLACE - APN 200-641-23-28. ASSOCIATED WITH THE TRACT IS TREE RHHOVAL PERMIT 89-OB REQUESTING THE REMOVAL OF TWO (2) EUCALYPTUE GLOBULUS C26. Approval to accept detnchment of Tract Noe. 13748, 13857 and 13858 located north of Highland Avenue weet of Milliken Avenue fzao Lardscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Naintenance Dietsict No. 2 and to annex Tract Noe. 13748, 13757 end 13758 to Landscape Maintenance District No. 6 and street Lighting Maintenance District No. 5 and setting the date of public hearing for Suns 7, 1989. RESOLUTION NO. 89-201 A AESOLUT ION OP TFIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGAr CALIPORN IA, OP PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OP CITY HNG INHER'S REPORTS POR ANNBIIATION TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 6 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 5 POR TRACT NGE. 13740, 13857 AND 13758 RESOLUTION NO. 89-202 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THS DHTACHHENT OP TRACT NOS. 13748, 13857 AND 13858 PROM LANDSCAPB MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND ETAEET LIGHTING MAZNTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 2 AND DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDHR TNH ANNBEATION TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCH DISTRICT NO. 6 AND STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 5, PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 AND OFFERING A TIME AND PLACE POR HEARING OBJECTIONS THERETO C27. Approval to auppo rt Tree Preaervai ion in Che I-10 Corridor. RESOLUTION NO. 89-203 A RESOLUTION OF THE CLTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORN IA. SUPPORTING THE GOALS OF THE CZTY OF FONTANA ANO PRESERVING THE TREES ALONG TP.E I-10 CORRIDOR MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Brown to epprove the Consent Calendar. Motion carded 4-0-1 (Wright absent). • R • • R • D. CONSENT ORDINANCES City Council Minutes May 3, 1989 Page 7 No Stems Submitted. f f R 1 }. } B. ADVSRTIBED PUBLIC EE71RINO8 E1. ENVIAONMENTA.. INITIAL STUDY PARTS I AND II AND ISSUANCE OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION POR THB 19TH STREET IMPAOVBMENTS FROM CARNELIAN STREET TO WEST OP AMETHYST STREET - Recommend that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution accepting and approving tha Environmental Initial Study, Parts I and II for the proposed 19th Street Improvements and issuance of a Negative Declaration therefore and direct the City Clerk to file a Notice of Deierm lost ion pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. staff report presented by Mike Olivier, Sen ioi Civil Engineer. R f f f (Councilwoman Brown left the Council Chambers at this time.) f f R f Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. RESOLUTION NO. 89-204 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT INITIAL STUDY ANU TSSUANCE OF A NS4A'1'1 V8 UECLANA'1'lUN e'uN 'i'ns PROPOSED 19TH STREET IMPP.OVEMENTS FROM CARNELIAN STREET TO WEST OF AMETHYST STREET MOTION: Moved 6y Alexanderr seconded by Buquet to approve Resolution No. 89- 204. Motion carried 3-0-1-1 (Wright absent, Brown abstain). f f f R f E2. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSE SSHENT AND FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 89-02 - CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA - A request to change the propo aed location of the north lag of Red Hill Country Club Drive, from that shown In the Foothill specific Plan. The recommended plan ie to realign Red Nill Country Clun Drive to approximately 400 feet east of the present intersection with Foothill Doulevard: provide a median opening, and install traif is eignaia. Addit tonal a lternati~ee that include a rained, curbed median on Foothill Boulevard in order to ellminata left turns into and out of Red NL11 Country Club Drive will be considered. Staff report presented by Peul Rougeau, Traffic Engineer. 1r 1r f R Councilwoman Wright arrived at 8:07 p.m.1 City Council Minutes May 3r 1989 Page e • • k 1t Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing Council were: Mr. Haeon, from the Red Hill area, expressed the only reeponaib le alternative was Number 4. G. D. Joseph, resident of Red Hill, felt having Red Mill going Co Gxove Avenue wessld be the Deet. Emmanuel Seward, 1388 Lucard Court, Cpland, wanted to know what the three structures were. Paul Rougeau, TYaffic Engineer, responded two were the Texaco Et.ation, and one was a small office. Fred (last name unknown), Valle Viet a, felt the only responsible option waE Number 4. Bert (la.;t name unknown), also agreed Number 4 was the only option, and agreed with the left turn lanes. Alen (Last name unknown), 7575 Sierra Rojo, felt Number d was the best solution. George Llpeey, also concurred with option Number 4. Dennis Michael, Chief, Poothill Fire Protection District, stated there ........ .. ....... ...,~...~ ....... ~...... o.. .. ..r ..,. ~....«.. o.. ,,~ ..x ., sue. .. ... Red Hill Country Club. Ambulance companies Would also need bhe median break. Jerry Edwaxde, Claremont, owners of H230 Foothill, felt there should be left turn signals. Don Bollinger, representing San Antonio Community Noep it al, expressed this matter has been given a lot of thought and has had a lot of public input. Me thanked everyone for all the time and effort put into thin item. Pat Lewis, concurred that option Number 4 was the desirable one. Pat Hamberger, supported Number 4. Foothill Boulevard .^-- ___ _ ~ ~__~~_ __ _~~_ '- -~~~- "'___ _.._ ..___.. ~ _. There being no further public response, Mayor Stout closed the public hearing. Councilman Buquet expressed that Sf there was going to be a break, he felt it should be at a controlled intersection. City Council Minutes May 3, 1989 Page 9 RESOLUTION NO. 89-205 A RESOLUTION OP THH CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ENVIRONMENT ASSESSMENT ANO FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIPIC PLAN AMENDMENT 89-02, REQUESTING TO CNANGB TH8 PROPOSED LOGTION OF THE NORTH LEG OF THE AED HILL COUNTRY CLUH DRIVE ANO FOOTHILL BOULEVARD INTERSECTION, AS SHOWN IN THE SPECIFIC PLAN, BY THE REALIGNMENT OF RED HILL COJNTRY CLUB DRI•IE TO APPROXZHATELY 4CC PEE2 EAST OP ..... PRESENT INTERSECTION WITH FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, BASEU UPON AN IN-DEPTH ENGINEERING STUDY RESOLVTLON NO. 89-206 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAHONGA, CAL IPOPNIA, APPROVING ENVIRONMENT ASSESSMENT AND FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIPIC PLAN AMENDMENT E9-02, REQUESTING TO CHANGE THE PROPOSED LOCATION OP THE NORTH LEG OF THE RED N ILL COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE AND FOOTHILL BOULEVARD INTERSECTION, AS ENOWN IN THE EPECIPIC PLAN, HY CONSTRUCTING A AA ISED MEDIAN IN FOOTHILL BOULEVARD BETWEEN GROVE AVENUE AND EAN HEANARDINO ROAD WITH AED HILL COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE REMAINING AT ITS PRESENT LOCATION RESOLUTION NO. 89-207 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AP.NCNO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ENVIRONMENT ASSESSMENT AND win~~a. uv -. uFneIFIG iLiu: idiF.i:Liici:I o - Iv.WVi.o uno TO CHANGE THEE PROPOSED LOCATION OF THE NORTH LSG OF THE RED HILL COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE AND FOOTHILL BOULEVARD INTERSECTIOK, AS SHOWN IN THE SPECIPIC PLAN, BY THE REALIGNMENT OP AED HILL COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE TO APPRO%IMATELY 400 FEET EAST OF THE PRESENT INTERSECTION WITH PODTH ILL HO[H.EVARO, AND CONSTRUCTING A RAISED MEDIAN IN FOOTHILL BOULEVARD BETWEEN GROVE AVENUE AND SAN BERNAFDINO ROAD MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Brown to accent the Plann inq Commission recommendation of Alternative Number 4, and approve Resolution 89- 205. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. • • ~ ~ • . .taper ,.e,.~ ca..a.. a recess a,. ,, ..,G p..-.... ...e mss~.ny rsccnveaaC E~ ~. ~~ F•.u. with all members of Council present. P. PVHLIC BEARINOB No Items Submitted. City Council Minutee May 3, 1989 Page 30 • R R R R R O. CITY NANAOER'S STAFF REPORTS G1. REPORT ON ITSMS BROUGHT UP SY GSNS ULLRICH AT APRIL 19. 1989 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Staff report presented by Otto Kroutil, Deputy City Planner. A. Suggested project description should be written in a way that is urderatandable tc homeowner. D. All commercial proj sofa ahov ld be signed. C. Proposed that notices of public hearing should De addressed not only to homeowner name, but include "occupant". D. Felt carwashes ahould be removed from neighborhood shopping centers. Councilman Buquet et ated the points brought up were good, but felt we shoo Ltl be posting for all projects. He also felt we ahould include in the notices the permitted uses for that area. Hayor Stout opened the meeting for puDl ie input. Addressing Council were: Gene Vllrich, expressed there should be more notification and more easily understood deecriptiona. Fred Deaux, euppOrtetl Mr. Vllrich and requested the removal of car washes from commercial centers, and euggeeted perhaps there were some other uses wmcn were aqua uy ou ens rve ro cnn nurruunumy ue ryimwx now. A man from 6341 Riviera Avenue expressed opposition to the car wash. ,Tim Frost, expressed opposition to the car wash in that particular center. Jerry Grubel, developer of the Chaffey Plaza, stated they have received oppoa it ion on every issue. He ea id they were trying to be aena it ive to the people's needs, and felt there were people who did want a car wa eh. There being no further public Snput, Mayor Stout closed the public hearing Mayor Stout et ated that procedurally this needed to be directed [o the Planning Commiae ion. He also euggeeted all deecriptiona be reviewed by a layperson to check understandability. Otto Kcoutil, Deputy Clty Planner, stated if we do the 4'x e' signs and extend notification, what shall we do reyarding the developer mail Lng and signs. Mayor Stout expressed the 300 feet was a minimum, but it is not the standard. It should De rewritten to state all people who ere to be coneide cad a part of this project, but no lees than 300 feet. City Council Minutes N.ay 3, 1989 Page 11 Councilman Buquet expreeeed that everyone who might be impacted by a particular project should be notified. He also expreeeed that there be a way to stamp the envelope in some way to notify people that important information was enclosed. COUrtCilmen Buquet and Alexander both agreed that oar waehee should not be prohibited from all commercial areas, and both concurred they were not in favor of 24 hour ones. Coc:.c iiwort:aa Nriy ht expreeeed s.:e did cot feel xe had a :cuyh :n.oraati o.-. o:. car waehee. Mayor Stout felt thle was a typical neighborhood commercial center because of the size of the center. He felt it could be made compatible. He was Leary to allow a CUP use going in. Ha Ee It this use was not appropriate in this center. ACTION: Referred to Planning Cosaaieeion for public hearings G2. CONPIRMING ULTIMATE BOUNOARI63 OF LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT FOR AREA EABT OF OEEA CEEER AND NORTH OP POOTH ILL BOULEVARD. Staff report presented by Jerty Fulwood, Deputy City Manager. ACTION: Council concurred for staff to move forward in the formation of the D iet rict. .,J. ni:i:ci::+IIJI: u>-v3 'Ii:IEi:T Iv iil:i:Aw - oLn..ivw,. n..ru~.o, ia... - n rdyuva~ w approve a statement of Intention to Annex a 25 acre portion of the son Bernardino County unincorporated area located at the northeast corner. of Rochester Avenue and Highland Avenue - APN 225-152-01, 02r 03, and 04. Staff report presented by Larry Henderson, Senior Planner. RESOLUTION N0. 89-208 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO WCAMONGA, CAL_T FORNIA, DECLAAI NG INTENT TO PURSUE A CHANGE OF OP,GANIZATION AND REQUEST ING THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION TO UNDERTAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNE%ATION OF PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNEA OF ROCHESTER AVENUE ANO HIGHLAND AVENUE. REFER TO FILE, ANNE%ATION 89-03 MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Brown to approve Resolution No. 89-208. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. ~ • • • • R H. COUNCIL HVBINESB City Council Minutes May 3, 1989 Page 12 Hl. DISCUSSION BY COUNCIL OF MOVING "COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC" CLOSER TO THE FRONT OF AGENDA No staff report. Councilman Buquet expressed Communications From the Public should be put after the Announcements and again at the end. ACTION: Council concurred. f • f • • R H2. O SE B Y CHVCR BADER'S LETTER REGRADING HALFWAY HOUSES Staff report presented by Duane Baker, Adminietrat ive Aes iatant. RESOLUTION NO. 89-209 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGAr CALIPORN IA, SUPPORTING ASSEMBLY BILL 1160 WNICH REMOVEE HOMBB THAT HOUSE WARDS OF THE COURT FROM THF. BOGY OF LAW THAT TOTALLY ELIMINATES A CITY'S JURISDICTION OVER THE SITING OF SVCN HOMES MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Baguet to approve Resolution No. 89- 209. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. H3. RBPOAT ON COMMUNICATION EPFOR WIT C RA S ZN REGARDS TO IMPROVING YNUCC~J1nG ur LtriaL JuHtJUr U'a'lUn Mnw au ra acarr nepVr¢ prenen¢eu uy Jaax bem, City Manage[. Councilwoman Wright asked iE a coalition or a public procedure would bring better rasa lte Wi[h CALTAANS. Jack Lam, City Manager, responded there was already a coalition, such as CLOUT. He further stated it was a benefit to have the new leadership at C ALT RANS. Staff felt they were hearing good responses, but it ie await and see situation at this time. ACTION: council directed staff to keep Council informed on the prog re se of this matter. R f f • f • H4. CONSIDERATION OF RENAMING THE FOOTHILL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Staff report presented by Jeck Lam, City Manager. ACTION: Council consensus was to use the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection D iet rict name for the LAFCO hearing. f R R R City Council Minutes May 3, 1989 Page 13 ID CAT O O! 9 N6Z STINO I1. Mayor Stout raque eted to disco ea the Aequeet for Proposal Eor Central Park. I2. Nayor Stout wanted consideration of establishing a transition task force with members of the Pire District. I3. Councilwoman Brown requested a Recycling Subconmittee report. I4. Councilman Huquet requested a Public Works subcortvnittee report. J. COMMUNICATIONS PROM THS PVBLIC J1. Steven Silver, attorney for the Sheriff •e Association, and Richard eeamer, President of the Sher if f'e Aseociat ion, asked to instruct Councilmemtera to refrain from harassing type of activity. J2. Jim Bookout asked Councilwoman Brown for clarification of some information. f f • f • R x. wJOVaxiaxT MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Wright to atlj ourn to a Closed Session regarding labor negotiations. Notion carried unanimously, 5-V. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p. m. Aeapectfully submitted Beverly A. Authelet City Clark APProvetl: May 17, 1989 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Aecular Minutes A. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga met on Wednesday, May 17, 1989 in the Llone Park Community Centex, 9161 Baae Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 by Mayor Pro Tem Deborah N. Brawn. Present were Cou nc ilmembere: William J. Alexander, Charles J. Buquet iI, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Pro Tem Deborah N. Brown. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Beverly A. Authelet, City Clerk; James Markman, City Attorney? Linda Daniels, Deputy City Manager; Jerry e. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager; Bred Buller, City Plannert Larry Henderson, Senior Planner; Miki Brett, Aseoclate Planner? Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager; and Dave Leonard, Park Projects Coordinator. Absent wee: Mayor Dennis L. Stout. B. ANNOVNC6MBN1'8 /PRBSSNTATIONS B1. Presentation of a Proclamation declaring May as YMCA Month. B2. Jack Lam, City Manager, requested that items D19 and D20 be removed from the Consent Calendar; items G2, G3, G4, and G5 be removed to come back at the June 7, 1989 meeting; Items I3 and I4 be removed; and that tonight's meet inq be adjourned Lo an Executive Session regarding personnel issues. B3. Councilman Alexander presented a report fcom the LAFCO Meeting regarding the Foothill Fire District issue. Ne stated it was approved by LAFCO. Au of July 1, 1989 we will have the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, • • • • x C. COMMUNIGTIOMa PROM TH6 PUBLIC C1. REQUEST FROM O T ON FO E CHO C C GA - FOr a motion to be made antl passed by the City Council of Rancho Cucamonga that Counc ilmember Oeborah Brown he censured for her tallure to carry out the reepane ibllltlee of the public truer In an appropriate manner. City Council Minutes May 17, 1989 Page 2 Mayor Pro Tem Hrown opened the meeting for public input. Addressing Council were: Jim Bookout, 5961 Layton Court, Rancho Cucamonga, asked Council to censure Councilwoman Deborah Brown. Jack Williams, 9800 ease Line, Chairman of the Res identa Committee of Ramona Villa, expressed opposition to the censure. Fred Deaux, 11036 Shaw, expressed opposition to the censure. David Valletta, 11116 Amarillo, Co-Chairman of Citizens for Community Onity, oleo expreeeed opposition to the censure. Phil Balcalzc, 1113 Shaw Street, expressed opposition to the censure. Irwin Croee, 6836 Shelton Court, expressed opposition to the censure. Wayne Brown, 6640 Mimosa, expressed opposition to the censure. Hrs. Seymour, 9800 Haee Line, expreeeed opposition to Lhe censure. Dnniel Glass, 12840 Coriander, expressed opposition to the censure. Wayne Lauret, expreeeed opposition to the censure. Councilmen Alexander and Baguet expreeeed they would not take a position on this issue. Dee Murray, stated that since Council would not make a motion to censure Councilwoman Deborah Brown, she naked that ¢here be a vote of confidence. Both Coun :ilmen Alexander and Huquet expreeeed they could not do that either. There being no further public inputr Mayor Pro Tem Brown closed the Communication from the Public. • R R • R R Mayor Pro Tem Brown called a recess at 8:20 p.m. Council reconvened at B:35 p.m, with all members of council (except stout) present. R • • • f D• COIIHEMT CALENDAR (CCUncilwoua Nright rquasiad Itna D6 and D11 be rawved far discus aicn) D1. Approval of Minutes: April 5, 1989; April 19, 1989; April 27, 1989. City Council Minutes May 17, 1989 Page 3 D2. Approval of Warrants, Register Noe. 5/3/89 and 5/30/89 end Payroll ending 4/27/89 for the total amount of $2,514,746.78. D3. Alcoholic Beverage Application for Off-Sale Beer 6 Wine Eating Place for E11y'e New York Pizza, RoohOllan Ajodnnifar and Al ieh Sharif i, 9155 Archibald Avenue, Unit C. D4. Alcoholic Beverage Appl tcation for On Sale General Eating Place for Mango's eeachfront Cafa, Tumbleweed Grii1, Incorporated, 8034 Haven Avenue. D5. Alcoholic Beverage Application for Off Sale General, 1988 Conditional Priority /29 for Haven Wine 6 Liquor Company, Prank E. B¢YYa, 8401 Haven Avenue. DG. Approval of proposal for shielding eporie field lights at Heritage and Red Hill Community Parke, to inet all cu atom deigned louvers to minimize glare and light apillaga as designed by Cu atom Lighting Company, Tustin, California, in the amount of $52,O61.C^ flue lOt contingency to Pacific Electric Company, sue na Park, California, to be funded from Park Development Fund t20-4532-8806. ITEM REMOVED MIR DISCUSSION BY COVNCILwOMAN NRIOHT. D7. Approval to execute agreement (CO 89-069) between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Chaffey Joint Vnion High School Diet rict for use of Etiwanda High School property in lieu of limited annual maintenance. De. Approval to award and execute a Professional Services Agreement (CO 89- 079) between the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga and J.P. Davidson Asaociatea, Incorporated, for the preparation of Design Plane, Contract Specifications and Engineer's Eet imatea on the Lemon Avenue Storm Drain Improvements starting from Amethyst Street east to the Lower Alta Lomn channel between Archibald and Me rmoea Avenues. The per dLem not to exceed fee of $40,150.00 ($36,500.00 plus 108 contingencies), will ba funded by the Drainage Fund Account No. 23-4637-8863. D9. Approval to award and execute a Ptofessiortal Services Agreement (CO 89- 080) between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and DGA conaultanta, incorporated, for the preparatLon of Dea ign Plane, Contract Speciticatione and Eng inset's Estimates for watershed Area XII, 7th Street Storm Drain between Center and Haven Avenues. The not to exceed fee of $31,636.00 ($28,760.00 plus 300 contingency) will be funded by Assessment District No. 82-1 R Funds, Account No. 83-4637-6028. D10. Approval to execute a ProfessLOnnl Service Agreement (c0 89-081) with Au etin-Faust Asaociat ion, Incorporatedr for Traffic Engineering for the re- opening of Highland Avenue between Haven Avenue and San Benito Avenue with a connection between Highland Avenue and 19th Street at San Benito Avenue, and the craffic scud iea for the reieted cenerai Pien emenament. The xea wui oe a maximum of $10,540.00 to be funded from System Development Fund, Account No. 22- d637-8052. D11. Approval to execute contract (CD 89-OB2) for the Red H111 Park Drainage Improvement Project awarded to Hartle Construct Lon for the amount of $200,105.73 ($181,914.30 plus 100 contingency) to be funded From Capital Reserve Funds City Council Minutes May 17, 1989 Page 4 Account No. 25-4285-7043. (Awazded on Hay 3, 1989) ITEM REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION BY COVNCILNOMAN NAIGBT. D12. Approval to execute Aeimbureement Agreement (CO 89-083) for inetallat ion of a portion of a Master Planned Storm Drain Facil it iee in connection with developnent of DA 86-13, located south of 9th Street, approximately 1300 feet east of Vineyard Avenue, between Arrow Vineyard Associates and the City of Rancho Cucamonga - DRA-09. D13. Approval to award and execute agreement (CO 89-084) for Planning Services with CM Engineering Aeeoc sates, 2ncorporated, for various Planning Services to be funded by Contract Services Account No. 01-4333-6028. D14. Approval of Improvemertta, Releaee of Honda and Notice of Completion for Tracts 12802-2, -5, -6 Storm Dzaln located on the southeast corner of Mt. View Dti.ve and Seruce Avenue. Releaee: Paithful Performance Bond (Street) $134,00/ 1 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 13,400.00 RESOLUTION NO. 89-210 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING TILE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12802-2, -5, -6 STORM DRAIN, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK D1S. ApprOVal CO to LCa9@ CBan nep091t 1n tn@ alllOUnt of $SUU.uV to Jne lovrne Development Corporation for Subdivision Sign for Traci 12991. D16. Approval of Improvement Agreement Extene ion for: Tract 10035, located on the west aide of Camino~dera outh of Red Hill County Club Drive submitted b Rancho A c' RESOLUTION NO. 89-211 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOA TRACT 30035 et 5 o t e northeast corner of ' i" a ve 1 d au"man a d broad RESOLUTION NO. 89-212 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECVRITY FOR TRACTS 12642, 12935-4d LANDSCAPE City Council Minutes May 17r 1989 Page 5 Traci 13697 located th uth t f H van Avenue and Carrari Street. eubmlited by DelY Haoee RESOLUTION NO. 89-213 A RESOLUTION OP TH8 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA. APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEIffiNT 9ECURITY POA TRACT 13697 Tract 13425 located th n th 'd f 19th Stre t b t H A nd Hichl d A en a bmiti d b G1 f d De el t RESOLUTION NO. 89-214 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA. APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION ANO IMPROVE!ffiNT SRCURITY FOR TRACT 13425 T t 13476 lOC•t d the ortheaet corner of Hellman Avenue and Trvon Str et bmltted b Ne9t Venture De elotme t RESOLUTION NO. 89-215 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGAr CALIPOIWIAr APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POR TRACT 13476 T a t 13118 locat d th t id f i+aven Avenue between Lemon Avenue antl DanYan Street, eap111ttBG OY ParaGOn NOmea RESOLUTION NO. 89-216 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALiPOAN IAr APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENEION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13118 D17. Approval of Parcel Map 12057. and Ordering the Annexation t0 Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Noe. 1 and 6 fat Parcel Nap 12057. located at [he northwest corner of Feron Boulevard and Helms Avenue, submitted by western States Development. RESOLUTION NO. 89-217 A nE50LUT'iON OF INE Oi'a'Y COUHOIL OF T'NE CiT'Y vF TiANCHc CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA. APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER (TENTATIVE PARCEL Y.AP NO. 12057) RESOLUTION NO. 89-218 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOAr CALIFORNIA. ORDBRING THE ANNE%ATION OF CERTAIN city council Minutes Hay 17, 1989 Page 6 THRAITOAY TO LANDSCAPE NRINTBNANCB OISTAICT NO. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTBNANCe DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR TRACT 12057 D18. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, and Improvement Security for Tracts 13748, 13857 and 13858, located at the southwest corner of Hanyan Street and Milliken Avenue, submitted by M.J. Brock and Sone. RESOLUTION NO. 89-219 A RESOLVTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OF TED; CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVe118NT AGREP.MENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SBCURITY OP TRACT NOS. 13748, 13857 AND 13858 Mai s--vaaz-sine-~ .~~ IT®1 RdOVED PROM CORSENT CALENDAR of-Grki4eenisr ITIDI REMOVED PAOM CONBAFP CALRR)AR , isE9 City Council Minu[ee May 17, 1989 Page 7 D21. Approval of proposal to designate the Hippard Ranch, 13L81 Victoria Sireei, Rancho Cucamonga, ae a landmark - Thie unique rock and cypress Log home has been rehabilitated Dy James and Marsha Bankep it was designed and built in 1916 by San Pranciaco Hey area architect, Cazr Jones. ABSOLVTION NO. 89-224 A ABSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DESIGNATION OF THE HIPPARD RANCH, LOCATED AT 13181 VICTORIA STASBT, AS A LANDNAAR D22. Approval of Preliminary Engineer's Report and Setting Public Hearing on June 21, 1989 to levy the Annual Aeaeeamente and approve the Final Engineer's Report for the Park and Recreation Improvement nietrict (PD-86). RESOLUTION NO. 89-225 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PANCNO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OF PABLIMINARY APPROVAL OF CITY ENGINEER'S ANNUAL REPORT POA THE PARR AND RECREATION IMPROVE!ffiNT DISTRICT (PD-85) AESOLVTION NO. 39-226 A RESOLUTION OP TNB CITY COUNCIL OP TNS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARINU ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT A33ESSMENT9 NITHIN THE PARR AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (PD-85) AND SETTING A TZME AND PLACE FOA PUBLIC HEARING THEREON 023. Approval of Preliminary Engineer's Reports and Setting Public Hearing on June 21, 1989 to levy the Annual Aeaeeamente and approve the Final engineer's Reports for Street Lighting Maintenance District Noe. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. RESOLUTION NO. 89-227 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CITY SNCINEEA•S ANNUAL REPORTS FOR STREET LIOHTIRG MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6 RESOLUTION NO. 89-228 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORN IAr DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT AS SESSMBNTS WITHIN STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO3. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6 FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989/90 PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972{ AND OFFERING A TIME AND PLACE POR HEARING OBJECTI ON9 THERETO City Council Minutes May 17, 1989 Page B D24. Approval of Preliminnry 8ngineer'a Reports and Satt ing Public Hearing on June 21, 1989 to levy the Mnual AeseeevHlnte and approve the Final Engineer's Reports for Landscape Maintenance District Noe. 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 4, 5 and 6. RESOLUTION NO. 89-229 A RESOLOTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CIICAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, OP PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CITY ENGIFD•fiR'S ANNUAL REPORTS FOR LANDSCAPE MAZNTEI:A:: CE CIS:RICTS NOS. 1, 2, 3A, 38, 4, 5 AND 6 RESOLUTION NO. 89-230 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 4, 5 AND 6 FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989/90 PURSUANT TO TH8 LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OP 1972 AND OFFERING A TZME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS THERETO D25. Approval to set Public Heeling for June 21, 1989 fo[ the formation of Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 for Tract 13566-1 and -3, located south of 24th Stteet, went of Cherry Avenue. RESOLVTION NO. 89-231 A ABSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONOA, CAL IPORNIA, IH ITIATING PROCEEDINGS FOR THE FORMATION OP LANDSCAPE NAS NTEHANCE U15'1'R1 L1' NU. / PUM5UAN'1''1'U THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 RESOLUTION NO. 89-232 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 RESOLUTION NO. 89-233 A RESOLUTION OF THE OITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO FORM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO, 7 AND OFFERING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HBAAING OBJECTIONS THERETO MOTION: Moved by Alexnnder, seconded by august to approve the Consent Calendar lase items D6, D11, 019 and 020. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Stout absent). ~ . . . ~ . DISCUSSION OP ITEM 76. Approval of proposal for shielding sports field lights at Heritage and Red Hill Community Parke, io install custom des lgned louvers to City Council Minutes May 17, 1989 Page 9 minimize glare and light spillage ae designed by Custom Lighting Company, Tustin, California, in the amount of $52,061.00 plus 109 contingency to Pacific Electric Company, Buena Park, Cnl ifornia, to be funded from Pazk Development Fund f20-4532-8806. AND DISCUSSION OF ITEM D11. Approval to execute contract (CO 89-082) for the Red Hill Park Drainage Improvement Project awarded to Harris Conatru ct ion for the amount of $200,105.73 ($181,914.30 plus 109 coot irgency) to be funded from Capital Reserve Fonda Account Nu. 25-4255-7043. (Awarded cr. Nay 3, 19E9) Councilwoman Weight wanted to die case both items together. She did not feel they were routine. She sealed we have to do this because of project problem a, but she said she was doing it reluctantly. MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Baguet to approve Items D6 and O11 reluctantly because of Lhe circumstances we have been put in. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Stout absent). x ~ a x w e R• CONSENT ORDINANCES No Items Submitted. • • • • • R F. ADVERTISED PUBLIC B671RIN08 F'1. ENVIMUNMEMI'AL AJtl65JMaN'1' ANU UBV6WYMaN'1' Ultl 1'n1U'1'J aMarvunttli on-Ui - ,.111 OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A iequeet to amend 1.65 scree of the Development Districts Hap from Radium Residential (0-14 dwelling unite per acre) to Low-Medium Residential (4-e dwelling unite per acre), located approximately 600 feet south of Lemon Avenue, 470 feet north of Highland Avenue on the east side of Archibald Avenue - APN 201-252 -41. Staff report presented by Larry He nderaon, Senior Planner. Mayor Pro Tem Brown opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. City Clerk read the title of Ordinance No. 394. ORDINANCE NO. 394 Air vnOLNAHC-a OF 7HE CITY COUHCiL OF - ' --" OP - - CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT NO. 09-01, AMENDING 1.65 ACRES OF THE DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS MAP PROM MEDIUM RESIDBNTIAL (8-14 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) TO LOW-MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (4-8 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE), LOCATED APPAOX IMATELY 600 PEET SOUTH OF LEMON AVENUE, 470 FEET NORTH OF HIGHLAND AVENllE ON THS EAST SSDS OP ARCHIEALO AVENUE, AND MAEE FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEA80F City Council Minutes May 17, 1989 Page 10 MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Wright to waive full reading of Ordinance No. 396 and set second reading for June 7, 1989. Hot ion carried 4-0- 1 (stout absent). • • • R f f P2. E 0 RAFT SAN ARD NO COllN Y HAE OOS WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN - A request by the County for City approval of the plan for the monitoring, handling, reductior.r treatment, transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste materials in San Bernardino County in conformance with AB 2948 (Tanner). Staff report presented by Hiki Brett, Aeaoci ate Planner. R850LVTION NO. 89-234 A RESOLVTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, APPROVING THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HAZARDOUS WAST% MANAGEMENT PLAN IN CONPOAMAliCE WITH AB 2948 (TANNER) MOTION: Moved Dy Buquet, seconded by Alexander to approve ReaoLUtion No. 89- 234. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Stout absent). R a. PDBLIC BaAnlxas G1. REPORT ON NOTICE OP INTENTION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA TO ADOPT A HESOLU'1'lUN UP NNCN56I'I'Z 'UN M nz r RANCHO CUCAMONOA, ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. 0225-131-16 - MARTI PROPERTY In Purchase of a parcel totaling 15.145 acres to conclude the acquisition of 53.345 acres for a community park in the northeast port tan of the community. Staff report presented by Joe Schultz, Community services Manager. James Markman, City Attorney, stated this does not mean that staff will stop negotiat ione7 they will move forward. The purpose of the hearing ie to make a determination whether thin property is necessary for the park. Mayor Pro Tem Brown opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing Council were: Philip Lanzefane, 1010 E. Union 1208, Pasadena, felt a Resolution should not 6e adopted by the City until they have more data, and Sf this parcel was necessary for the project. James Markman stated we made a good faith offer) however, we were far from settling on a price. He still recommended Council proceed forward. He did not feel we had a legal defect. There being no further public inputr Mayor Pro Tem Brown closed the public hearing. City Council Minutee Hay 17, 1989 Page 11 RESOLUTION NO. 89-235 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TFVi CITY OF RANCHO CUL'AMONGA, CALIPOANIA, DECLARING THE PVBLIC NEED AND NECESSITY TO CONDEMN CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF PANCHO CUCAMONGA AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Alexander to proceed and approve Resolution No. 89 ~I.. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Stout absent). • + x G2. OR- n Tn [`yNSTRVCT PUBLic IMPROVEMENTS AT 10005 10095 10081. 10075 AND 10049 AARON ROtm'E POR TN6 ARROH ROOTS WIDHNI NG PROdHCT BETWEEN ARCHIEALD AVENVE AND HERHOSA AVENUE - Public Nearing of protests regarding Order to Construct Public Improvements at 10005, 10095, 10081, 10075 and 10049 Arrow Route in the CLty of Rancho Cucamonga, in accordance with Chapter 27 of the Improvement Act of 1911 (Improvements along Arrow Route frontage of Property). ITEM CONTINUED TO JUNH 7, 1989 166TIN0. AESOLUT ION NO. 89-23fi A RESOLUTION OF THH CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MNCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDBRING THE CONSTRVCTION OF PUBLIC IHPROVSIffiNTS AT 10005, 10095, 10081, 10075 AND 10049 ARROW ROUTE, APN 209-041-09, 18, 22, AND 31 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA CODES FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS SECTIONS 5870 THROUGH 5880 MORE COMMONLY ANOWN AS CHAPTER 27 OF THE •nrnuvaMana~ our w :~:: • • R • R 1 G3. EM N DO IN A N UI PUB RIGHT-OF-WRY AT 10005 10095 100E 1, 10075 AND 10049 ARROW ROUTE, FOR THE ARROW ROVTB WIDENING PR0.7£CT BETWEEN ARCHIBALD AVENUB AND HERMOSA AVENUE - Public Hearing of protests regarding Eminent Domain action to acquire public right-of-way for the Arrow Route widening project between Archibald Avenue and Hermosa Avenue at the property located at 10005, 30095, 10081, 10075 and 10069 Arrow Route (APN 209-Od1-18, - 09, -22 and -31) for tAe construction of street improvements across the Arzow Route frontage of said property. ITd CONTIIANID TO JUNB 7, 1989 MEET IN6. RESOLUTION NO. 89-237 na-SGLGTiON COUi:CiL r ... w.. Oe^ R:.FCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THH PUBLIC NHHD AND NECHSSITY TO CONDEMN A PORTION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND MARINO FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOP City Council Minutes May 17, 1989 Page 12 G4. ORnxa TO CONSTRUCT PUBLIC INPAOVSNENTS AT 10025 ARROW ROUTE, A VACANT LOT, POR THE ARROW ROUTE WIDENING PROJECT BBTWBBN ARCNIBALD AVENUE AND HERMOSA AVENUE - Public Hearing of protests regarding Order to Construct Public Improvements at 10025 Arrow Route, a vacant lot, in the City of Rancho Cuca.-.onga, in accordance with Chapter 27 of the Improvement Act of 1911 (Improvements along Arrow Route frontage of property). ITEM CONTINUED TO JVMB 7, 1989 NEETZNG. RRSOLUTION NO. 89-238 A RESOLVTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIPORN IA, ORDERING THE CONSTRVCTION OF PUBLIC IHPROVBMENTS AT 10025 ARROH ROUTE, A VACANT LOT, APN'S 209- 041-32, -33 AND -36, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA CODES FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, SECTIONS 5870 THROUGH 5880 MORE COMMONLY I(NOW AS CHAPTER 27 OF THE IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911 R R R R R R G5. EMINENT DOMAIN ACTION TO ACOll IRB PUBLIC AIGNT-OF-WAY AT 10025 ARROW ROUTE A VACANT LOT FOA THE ARROW ROUTE WIDENING PROJECT HETWE3N AACRIBALD AVENUE AND HERMO$A AVENVE - Public Hearing of prote ate regarding Eminent Domflin action to acquire public right-of-way for the Arrow Route Widening Project between Archibald Avenue and Hermosa Avenue at the property located at 10025 Arrow Route, a vacant lot, (APN'e 209-C41-32, -33 and -34) for the construction of arrest !mprovemente across the Arrow Route frontage of said property). ITEM CONTINVED TO JUM6 7, 1989 N66TIN0. RESOLUTION NO. 89-239 A AHSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THH PUBLIC NEED AND NECESSITY TO CONDEMN A PORTION OP CEATA IN REAL PROPHRTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND MA%ING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THHREOF H. CITY MANAOER'B BTA}! RBPORTS H1. CITY COUNCIL DISCUSSION POR WAYS TO IMPROVE COMMVNICATION WITH VARIOUS COMMISSSONS AND OTHER AGENCIES (WZiyhi) Cooliouad from Nereh 15, 1989 meeting. St aEE report presented by Jack Lam, City Manager. ACTION: Conseneue fo[ aiaff co proceed forward to set something up, R R R R R R H2. GROWTH MANAGEMENT - Init Lal schedule for the 13-point work program related to the management of growth Ln Rancho Cucamonga. Continumd from Aprll 5, 1989 msating. Staff report presented by aced Buller, Clty Planner. City Council Minutes May 17, 1989 Page 13 Councilman Baguet felt this should came back at the next meeting when the Mayor was present. Mayor Pro Tem Brown felt that under Item No. 13 we should include CLty Pacilitiee. ACTION: Item continued to June 7, 1989 meeting H3. CON9 ON OF MMUN TY D GN FOR A _ CR PARK LOCATED ON ALTA CU63TA DRTV6 SOUTH OF 8A5E LINB ROAD IN TH6 RBD HILL AREA - Community redesign of a three acre Neighborhood Park that was previously approved under the name Creekeide Park. Staff report presented by Dave Leonard, Park Projects Coordinator. Councilman Buquet felt w¢ n¢eded to be sure to keep Lhe name simple and not something difficult to spell or pronounce. Don Tapia would be short antl sweet. Councilwaoan Wtighi stated she really preferred Don Tiburc io Tapia. MOTION: Moved 6y Alexander, seconded by Brown to name the park Don Tapia park. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Stout absent ). This item Se to come Deck June 7, 1989 regarding the price of sidewalks, etc. MOTION: Roved by Alexander, seconded by Wright to approve the design of the three acre park. Hot ion carried 4-0-1 (Stout absent). MOTION: Moved by Wrightr seconded by Alexnntler to emend, motion to include thanking the committee fox their work. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Stout absent). x R R+ a a H4. CONSID O O U 3 G S ON PETITION MAKING APPOINTMENTS AND APPROVING AGREEMENTS IN._PROp_OSEO ASSE_S_SMENT DISTRICT 89-1 (MILLIKEN AT ARROwI Richard Bierman, Aeeeeement Engineer, Bob Owen, Attorney, and Larry Roiapp of Feldman, Rolapp and Associates were present to answer questions of council. RESOLUTION NO. 89-240 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, MAKING APPOINTMENTS AND APPROVING AGREEMBNT9 IN A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 89-441 A RESOLVTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH& CITY Oh' RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, MARI N6 PINDINGS ON PETITION City Council NinuteR Hay 17, 1989 Page ld HOTION~ xoved by Buquet, seconded Dy Alexander to approve Resolution Noe. 89-240 and 89-241. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Stout absent). R R R • • R I. COVNCIL BUSIN688 I1. DISCUSSION OP REOU85T POR PROWSAL FDR CENTRAL PARR (Stout) ITEN CONTIIUED 1b JUNB 7, 1959 NBBTINO. R R R R R R I2. DISCUSSION ON ESTAHLI SH ING TRANSITION TASR FORCE FOR FIRE DISTRICT CONSOLIDATION (Stout) ITQJI CONTINUED TO JVN6 7, 1989 NEETIN6. R R R R R R ITEN Rm10VBD 17tON A6mID11 R R R R R R ~d ITeN RmavBD rnoN AammA R R R R R R IS. CONS IDBMTION OF A_PPOI NTMENT TO TH6 PANCNO CVCAMONGA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jack Lamr Ciiy Manager, recommended William Purkiee far the Community Foundation Hoard of Directors. MOTION: Moved by euquet, seconded by Ale%ander t0 approve the appointment of William Purkiee. Notion carried 4-D-1 (Stout absent). R R R R R R S IDBNTIPICATION OP ITEMB MR NEIT M66TIN6 J1. Counellwoman Wright stated she wanted the Council names eliminated under Council Nosiness in the future. R. COHMUNICATIONB FRON TB6 PUBLIC There were none. City Council Hinutee May 17, 1989 Page 15 • • x Mayor Pro Tem Brown adjcurned the meeting to an executive session to discuss personnel matters. The meeting adjourned at 9:43 p. m. Respectfully submitted, Beverly A. Authelet City Clerk Approved: June 7, 1909 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Regular Minutes A. CALL TO OADER A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Aancho Cucamonga met on Wedneedgy, June 7, 1989 in the Lions Park Community Center., 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting waa called to order at 7:35 by Mayor Oennie L. Stout. Present were Counc ilmembere: William J. Alexander, Deborah N. Brown, Charles J. Buquet II, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Oenn ie L. Stout. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Beverly A. Aut he let, City Clerk; James Markman, City Attorney; Rueeell Magulre, City Engineer; Mike Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer; Joe Stofa, Associate Civil Engineer; Monte Preacher, Publ is Worker Engineer; Jerry Grant, Building Official; Brad Buller, City Planner; Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager; and Duane Baker, Atlmin ietretive Aae ietant. R R • • R 8. ANNOUNCEIOSNTB/PA66ENTATIONB B1. Presentation to the San Bernardino County Gang and Drug Taek Force. B2. Presentation of 10-year pin to Mike Long, Senior Public Works Inspector. C. COMNUNI CATIDNB PROM TAS PUBLIC There were none. R R R R R R D. CONSENT CALENDAR ui. approval of "riarranr e, Aeg Teter Foe. 6/iij89, 5j24j 89j 5j3i/83 and Pay ruii ending 5/11/89, 5/25/89 for the total amount of $2,582,324.49. D2. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule as of 5/26/99. D?. Approval of reaeaignment of fiscal Lmpact report for North Etiwanda area. D4. Approval of Fourth Qunrter Budgetary Adj uatmente. City Council Minutes June 7, 1989 Page 2 D6. Alcoholic Beverage Application £oY On Sale General Eating Place and Caterer's Permit far Sycamore Inn, Bear Gulch, Incorporated, 8318 Foothill Boulevard. D6. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On Sale Beer & Wine Eating Place for Arrow Daityr Phil Ok Jeong, 10970 Arrow Route, /101. D7. Approval to authorize the advert ling of the ^NOt ice Tnvitinq Bide^ for the Vineyard Avenue ImproVP.mente at the Atchison Topeka and Santd Fe Railroad crossing, north of 8th Street to be funded from Eyetems Development Fund - Account No. 22-4637-BBi0. RESOLUTION NO. 89-242 A RESOLUTION OP TNS CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OE RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "VINEYARD AVENUE IHPAOVBt~NT AT THE A. T. AND S. F. RAILROAD CROSSING", IN SAID CITY AND AVTHORIZING AND DIRECTING TH8 CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS De. Approval to authorize the filing of a Not tee of Exemption related to environmental revi¢w of land being purchased with State Grant monies to develop a community pack in the northeast portion of the City. D9. Approval to develop a Hid Package for a micro processor remote control system (touch pad) for user group access and City monitoring of the sport field Sighting at exist ing and future park facllit tee to be funded from Park Development Pund Account No. 20-4532-0806. D10. Approval of the Environmental Initial Study, Parts I and II for the proposed Victoria Street Improvement from Baet Avenue to Et iwanda High School and adoption of a Reeolut ion and issuance of a Categorical Exemption the reoE. RESOLUTION NO, 89-243 A RESOLUTIbN OF THB CITY CQVNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCI{O CVCAMONGA, CALIPORNI A, APPROVING THE ENVI AONHENTAL INITIAL STUDY AND ISSVANCE OF A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION POA THE PROPOSED VICTORIA STREET IMPROVEMENT FROM BAST AVENUE TO ETIWANDA NIGH SCHOOL D11. Approval of the Environmental Initial Study, parts I and II for the . meowed Alta Lama Basin No. 1 Excavation located north of Banyan Street and we at of Hermosa Avenue and adoption of a Reeoiui ion and issuance ci a Cateyorical Exemption thereof. City Council Minutes June 7, 1989 Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. 89-244 A RESOLUTION OP TFffi CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI PORNIA, APPROVING THE SNVIAONMENTAL INITIAL STVDY AND ISSUANCE OP A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION POA THE PROPOSED ALTA LOMA BASIN NO. 1 EXCAVATION D 12. Approval to award the Sierra Madre and Placida Court Street Improvement Project from Arrow Highway to Via Carrillo Drive for the amount of $164,311.00 to be funded with Community Development Block Grant Funds - Account No. 28-4333- 8811. D13. Approval to award the Hillside Road Reconstruction Improvement Project from Hermo ea Avenue to Mayberry Street for the amount of $86,404.87 to be funded from Fund 15: S.S. 300 (new account number). D14. Approval to award the Slurry Seal Program 1988/89, Phase 1, various street locations for the amount of $131,385.01, with Dietricte lA, 1H, 3, 9 and S to be funded from Gas Tax 2107, Account No. 09-4637-8816 for the amount of $76,593.86 and Dietricte 2A and 2B to be funded from SB 300 - New Account No. for the amount of $54,791.15. D15. Approval to execute contract (CO 89-G89) for the Carnelian Street, Eaet Side Parkway eeauti.f is ai ion Improvement Project located from Vineyard Avenue to tlase Line Road awarded to Gat away Construction Cor the amount of $LD8, 527.00 ($98,661.00 plus lDe contingency) to be funded from Beautification funds - Account No. 21-4647-8046 (awarded Hay 3, 1989). n16. Approval to execute contract (CO 89-090) for the Avenida Vejar Street Improvement Project located Erom Grove Avenue to Sierra Madre Avenue awartled to Vance Corporation for the amount of $174,079.00 ($158,253.00 plus 109 contingency) to be funded with Conmunity Development Block Grant Punde - Account No. 28-4333-8811 (awarded May 3, 1989). ^17. Approval to execute a Professional Services Agreement (CO 89-091) with J.F. Dav ideon Aseociatee for checking of traffic signal and eignin9 and striping plane. The work will be performed on an ae-needed, time and materials beets with a maximum permitted charge per plan, depending on the type. Estimated amount is $4D,DDD.00 funded from the Contract Serv lcee Account No. 01-4638-6028. D18. Approval to execute a Professional Services Agreement (CO 89-092) with J.F. Davidson Aeeeciatee to perform Landscape Inventories and Master -enu6ificniion eidlld i-i Vi,i@V dYd AV@D4@ PdikwdyB did cox^@:idn Stl eat PdikWdya for a fee not to exceed $28,000.00 to be paid from the eeautif teat ton Fund, Account No. 21-4647-8842. An additional 100 contingency allowance to be established for use under the approval of the City Engineer. D19. Approval to execute Subordination Agreement (CO 09-093) with Neal S. Weeks and Rebecca Weeks for their property located at 5570 Crooked Creek Drive. City Council Mlnutea June 7, 1989 Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. 89-245 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SU80RDINATION AGREEMENT PROM HEAL S. WBEAS AND AEBBCCA A. WEEAS AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERR TO SIGN SAME D20. Approval to execute "Agreement Por Swimming Pool Operations" (CO 89-094) requited by Cha£fey Joint Union High School District for use of Alta Loma High School pool for Sumner Swim Program conducted by the City's Community Services Department. D21. Approval of Improvement Agreement Bxtene ian for Tract 13742, located on the south side of Atrow Route, east of Grove Avenue, submitted 6y AC 6 C Investments. RESOLUTION NO. 89-246 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION ANN IMPROVEMBNT S&CURITY FOR TRACT 13742 D22. Approval of Improvement Agreement extension for Tract 13444, located on the south aide of Fairmont Nay between Milliken Avenue and Kenyon Way, submitted by the William Lyon Company. RESOLUTION NO. 89-247 A AESOLUTZON OP THE CITY COVNC IL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALI FOAM IA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13444 D23. Approval of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance Die trict Noe. 1 and 6 for DA BS-07, located east of Rochester Avenue, south of 6th Street eubmitted by Swan Poole, Inc. RESOLUTION NO. 89-248 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. 88-07 RESOLUTION NO. 89-249 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIAr ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPH MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTSNANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND fi FOR OA 88-07 City Council Minutes .Tune 7, 1989 Page 5 ^24. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Noe. 1 and 2 for Tract 13359, located on the east aide of Sapphire Street, south of Hil le ids Road, submitted by H.N. Heim, Inc. RESOLUTION NO. 89-250 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVBMENT SECURITY, AND FINAL MAP TRACT NO. 13359 RESOLUTION NO. 89-251 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNE%ATION OP CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE CISTRICT NO. 1 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 1 FOR TRACT 13359 D25. Approval of Drainage Acceptance Easement Deed, Grant of Easement and Maintenance and Improvement and Maintenance Agreement. for Trace 12462, located on the south aide of Summit Avenue between Etiwanda and Eaet Avenues, submitted by Radnor/Brougham/CUCamonga Partnership. RESOLVTION NO. 89-252 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO WCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING OAAINAGE ACCEPTANCE EASEMENT DRRD. GRANT OP P.ARRMP:NT AND MATNTP.NANCP. AGAP.RMF.NT ANA IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMBNT OF TRACT N0. 12462 D26. Approval to accept Improvement e, Release of sonde and Notice of Completion for: 6891 Amet bust Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $ 3,200.00 RESOLUTION NO. 89-253 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR 6891 AMETHYST STREET AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COHFLETION FOF THE NORX T t 13057 1 at d nth eo th aide of HigJ(land A n bet een Fei t Avenue and Deer Creek Accept: Maintenance GuaranCee Bond (Street( $ 46,000.00 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $ d60,000.00 City Council Ninutea June 7, 1989 Page 6 RESOLUTION NO. 89-254 A RESOLUTION OP TFB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13057 AND AUTHORIZING TN8 PILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLSTION FOR THE WORE D27. Approval of Improvement e, Release of Maintenance Bond for Tract 12650-2 located east of Naven Avenue north of Hillside Aoad. Maintenance Guarantee eond (Street) $ 26,700.00 D28. Approval to nccept the Tryon Street Sidewalk Improvements, Contract No. 88-365, ae complete, release bonds and authorize the City Engineer to file a ^NOtice of Completion^. RESOLUTION NO. 89-255 A RBSOLUTION OF THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PVBL IC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE TAYON STREET SIOEWALRS, CONTRACT NO. 88-165, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OP A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK D29. Approval to accept the Sapphire Trails Aenovationr south of Banyan Street, Contract i7o. 88-176, as complete, release bonds and authorize the City Engi reez to file a "NOtSce of Completion". RESOLVTION N0. 89-256 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CllCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE SAPPHIRE TRAILS RENOVATION, SOUTH OF BANYAN STREET, CONTRACT N0. 88-136, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORX D30. Approval to accept the Vie Carrillo Drive, from Avenida Vejar to Sierra Madre, Contract 88-163, ae complete, release bond and authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion" RESOLUTION N0. 89-257 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO ..CChMOHCA, CALIFOR.Y/A, ACCEPTIKC THE FUDL IC IMFROVEMEt7TS FOR VIA CAARILLO DRIVE, PROM AVBNI DA VEJAR TO BIERRA MADRE, CONTRACT 88-163, ANO AUTHORIZING THE PILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOA THE WORE 031. Approval to release cash depoe ire in the emounte of $2,500.00 and $500.00 to Fannon Dcoiga a.._ ..-.~ , Incorporated for Hcdel Home Sales Office and Subdivision Sign for Trace^13342. City Council Minutes .Tune 7, 1989 Page 7 032. Approval to release cash deposit in the amount of $2,500.00 to Pulte Home Corporation for Model Home Sales office for Tract 13058. D33. Approval to authorize the Levy of Assessment Adminieirative Chergea for the collection of aeeesemente in the Alta Loma Channel District (84-2 ), the Sixth Street Industrial Park Aefund District (82-1R) and the Rancho Drainage OlatrlCt (Rb-2 ). REEOLUTION NO. 89-258 A RESOLUTION OF TH8 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OP AN ASSESSMENT SVRCHARGE POR TH6 8%PBNSES INCIIRRHD IN THE COLLECTION OF ASSESS!ffiNTS IN VARIOOS SPECIAL AS SESSHENT DISTRICTS ^34. Approval of resolution setting annual special tnx for Community Pacil it iea District No. 84-1 (Day Creek Drainage System) in the amount of $350.00 per acre. RESOLUTION NO. 89-259 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, 65TA8LISHING ANNUAL SPECIAL TA% FOR COHMVNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 84-1 D35. Approval of staff time to assist ieaqua of California Citie e. MOTION: Moved by Drown, seconded by Alexander to approve the Consent ralund ar. Mnf inn rarriad unanimnuwlc. 5-O. • • • • ~ B. CONSENT )RDINANCEB E1. ENVIRONMSN AL ASSSSSMENT DEVE S C ENDM N B O- C OF AANCXO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend 1.65 scree of the Development Oiatricte Map from Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling unite per acre) to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling unite per acre), located approximately 600 Feet south of Lemon Avenue, 470 feet north of Highland Avenue on the east aide of Archibald Avenue - APN 201-252-41. City Clerk Aut heist read the title of Ortlinence No. 394. OROiBAHCE NO. 394 (aeWnd readL•.al AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT NO. 89-01, AMENDING 1.65 ACRES OF TH6 DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT9 MAP PROM MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (8-14 DWELLING UNITS PER ACA6) TO LOW-MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (4-8 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE), City CouneLl Minutes Suns 7, 1989 Page 8 LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 600 FEET SOUTH OF I~EHON AVENDE, d70 FEET NORTH OP HIGHLAND AVENUH ON 777E BAST SIDS OF ARCHIBALD AVENUE, AND RASE FINDINGS IN SUPPORT TEIEREOP NOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Wright to waive full reading and approve Ordinance No. 394. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. • w • ~ + x P. ADVBRTIBBD PUBLIC BEARINGS F1. APPROVAL OP AMBNDING MAP TRACT NO 13441 LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF VICTORIA PARE LANE AND RENYOM WAY SUBMITTED BY GRUPE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Staff report presented by Austell Maguire, City Engineer. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response the public hearing was closed. RESOLUTION NO. 89-260 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY WUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDING MAP TRACT NO. 13441 F.OTION: Roved by Nright, seconded by Blown to approve Resolution Ne. 89-260. Notion carried unanimously, 5-0. r w rr • • ~ F2. APPROVA_ OF THE DETACHMENT OF TRACT 13748 13857 AND 13858 LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OP HIGHLAND AVBNVE WEST OP HILL IREN AVENUE FROM LANDSCAPE MA II4TENANCE DISTRICT NO 1 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 2 AND ORDERING THE A_ XATION OF SAID TRACTS TO LANDSCAPE MA-NTENANCE DISTRICT NO. fi AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 5 Staff reported presented by Joe St of a, Associate Civil Engineer. Mayor Stou[ opened the meeting for puD11c hearing. There belnq no response, the public hearing was closed. RESOLUTION N0. 89-261 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE DETACHMENT OF TRACT NOS. i 3746, 13657 AND 13656 FROM i.iftiD6CAPE MAINTENANCE DISiRLCT ti0. 1 AND STABET LIGHTING MAINTENANCB DISTRICT NO. ~ AND ORDERING THE WORK IN CONNECTION WITH THE ANNE1(ATION OF SAID TRACTS TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCB DISTRICT NO. 6 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 5 AND ACCEPTING THB FINAL ENGINEER'S IUiPORTS FOA TRACT NOS. 13748, 13357 AND 13858 MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded Dy Buquei io approve Reeo lotion No. 89- 261. Motion carried unanimously, 5-O. City Council Minutes June 7, 19b9 Page 9 R R R R R R F3. APPROV F 5 D S CT NO. 88-2 AVTHOAI2ING THE LEVY OF O F N AL FACILITIEG AND ESTABL IS NC I N F INTO E LAW ENFORCElDINT PORTION OF THE DISTRICT Jack Lam, City Manager, stated there were issues still to be resolved and requeetetl the meeting be open for public hearing, but continued to the June 21, 1989 meeting. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There was no response. REEOLVTION NO. 89-262 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OF RANCHO _............'C Ar CALIFORNIA, DECLARING NECESSITY TO INCUR A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, SUBMITTING TO THB QUALIFIED VOTERS OF A ~1MMUNITY PACILIT IES DISTRICT THE PAOPOSIT ION TO INCUR A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS SECURED SY A SPECIAL TA% LHVY TO PAY POR CERTAIN CAPITAL FACILITIES IN A COMMUNITY PACILIT IES DISTRICT ANG GIVING NOTICE THEREON, AND ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS FOR CONDUCTING AN ELECTION RESOLVT LON NO. 89-463 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO FORMATION OF A COMMUNITY PACI CITIES DISTRICTC AND AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OP LEVY OF SPECIAL TREES TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS RESOLUTION NO. 89-264 A RESOLVTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA, ORDERING CERTAIN CHANGES AND MOOIPICATIONS TO THE RESOLUTION OF INTENTION AND PROCEEDINGS RELATING TO THE FORMATION OF A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT RESOLUTION N0. 89-265 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COVNC IL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORN IAr HARING CERTAIN PRELIMINARY FINDINGS AND PAStiiNi; UPi:N PRiYPkSTS NOTION: Moved by Brown, seconded by Aleaende[ to continua the public hearing to June 21, 1989. Motion curried unenimoue ly, 5-0. R R R R R R a. PvBLIC BEARInoe City Council Minutes June 7, 1989 Page 10 G1. A NOTICE AND ORDRA OP BUILDING OPFICIAL - DANGEROVS BUILDING - 9768 CENTER - An appeal hearing before the City Council, acting as the Board of Appeals, requested by the owner of property located north of Foothill Boulevard on the eaei aide of Center Street, requesting that the Notice and Order of the Building Official for Abatement of a Dangerous Building, at that location, be set aside or modified. Staff report presented by Jerry Grant, Building Official. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, tF.e public hearing was closed. MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Alexander to continue the item to June 21, 1989. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. R • R R • R ITBMB G2, 03, O4 AND OS HERE BAHDI.6D TOOETH6R. G2. DR A CONSTRUCT PlleLIC IlLOROVEMENTS AT 10005 10049 10075 10081 AND 10095 ARROW ROUTS - Public Haering of protests regarding order to Construct Public Improvements et 10005, 10049, 10075, 10081 and 10095 Arrow Route in the City of Rnncho Cucamonga, in accardence with Chapter 27 of the Improvement Act of 1911 (Improvements along Arrow Route frontage of property). staff report presented by Mike Olivier, Senior Civil 8n91neer. NESOLOTION NO. 89-236 - FR Cl1l IIT TITN nF THE !'TTV 0011N('TT. OP THH CTTV OF AANOHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC IMPR0VEM8tiTS AT 10005, 10049, 10075, 10081 AND 10095 AAROW AOUTE (APN 209-041-09, 18, 22 AND 31) IN ACCORDANCE WZTH THE CALIFORN IR CODEE FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, SECTIONS 5870 THROUGH 5880, MORE COMMONLY ENOWN AS CHAPTER 27 OF THE IMPROVEMENT ACT OP 1911 G3. EMINENT DOMAIN ACTION TO ACOUIRB PUBLIC AIGHT-OF-WAY FOA THE ARROW ROUTE WIDENING PROD C B D U O VENUE - Public Nearing of protests regardinS Eminent Domain action to acquire public right-oE-way and Yemnant for the Arrow Route Widening Project between Archtbald Avenue and Hermosa Avenue at the property located at 10005, 10049, 10075r 10081 entl 10095 Arrow Route (APN 209-041-09, 18, 22 and 31) for the construction of et reef improvements across the Arrow Route frontage of ea id property. Staff repoct nreeented by Mike Giiv ierr Senior Civ ii Engineer. RESOLUTION NO. 89-237 A RE SOLUTZON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THH CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE PUBLIC NEED AND NECESSSTY TO CONDEMN CHRTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN TNH CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA AND MARINO FINDINGS IN SVPPORT TNHR80P (APN 209-041- 09, 18, 22 AND 31) City Council Minutes June '], 1989 Page 11 04. ORnFR TO CONSTRUCT PUBLIC IMPRO`JE[~NTS AT 10025 ARROW ROUTE - Public Heating of proteete regarding order to Construct Public Improvements at 10025 Arrow Route, vacant lot e, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, in accordance with Chapter 27 of the Improvement Act of 1911 (Improvements along Arrow Route frontage of ptoperiy). Staff report presented by Mike Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer. RESOLUTION NO. E9-238 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CVCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION OF PURL IC IMPROVEt~'NTS AT 10025 ARROW AOVTE, VACANT LOTS, (APN 209-041- 32, 33 AND 34) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA CODES FOR STAEfiTS AND HIGHWAYS, SECTIONS 5870 THROUGH 5880, MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AB CHAPTER 27 OP THE IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911 G5. EMINENT DOMAIN ACTION TO ACOVIRE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR THE ARROW ROUTE WIDENING PROJECT BETWEEN AACHIBALD AVENUE AND HERHOSA AVENVE - Public Hearing of proteete regarding Bmineni Domain action to acquire public right-of-way for the Arrow Route Widening Project between Archibald Avenue and Hermosa Avenue at the property located at 10025 Arrow Route, vacant lot e, (APN 209-041-32, 33 and 34) for the construction of street improvements acroee the Arrow Route frontage of said property. Staff report presented by Mike Olivier, Senior Civil EDgineeY. RESOLUTION NO. 09-239 _ run CUCAHONCA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING~THE PVBLIC NEED AND NECESSITY TO CONDEHN A PORTION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF (APN 209-041-32, 33 AND 34) Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public nearing was closed. MOTIONe Moved by Alexander, seconded by euquei to approve Resolution Noe. 99-236, 89-237, 89-288 and R9-239. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. Council stated it waa a reluctant unanimous decision. rounc ilwoman Wright stated that the traffic and safety issues were more ^rtant iC this matrer, 3lthnugh she re!DCr aptly anprreed ir. R R R • • R G6. OROER TO CONSTRUCT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ON PROPERTIES FRONTING 19TH STREET BETWEEN ZIRCON AND AMETHYST AVENUE - Public Hearing for the purpoee of hearing and pees ing upon objections or proteete, if any, which may be raieed by any property owners or ether Lntereeted persona regarding the Not lees of Construction that were posted May 24, 1989 on the ptopezt lee fronting 19th City Council Minutes June 7, 1989 Page 12 Street between Zircon and Amethyst Avenue e, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga in accordance with Chapter 27 of the Improvement Act of 1911. Staff report presented by Hike Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer. Mayor Stout opened the meeting foz public hearing. Addressing Council were: Truman Reeve e, corner of 19th and Hellman, asked when Council would be doing this project, and when will he be paid for this. Russell Maqulre, City 8ngineer, stated we hoped to be under construction nett summer. Rs io payment for pars of the right-of-way, that would be done with negotiations with CALTAAN3. Bill Wykoff, 9144 19th Street, third house east of Beryl, asked why do we have to have a parkway which moves everything to 18 feet of his front door. Hike Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer, responded the property is one which we are not taking. There being no further public response, Mayor Stout closed the public hearing. RESOLUTION NO. 89-266 A RESOLUTION OF THS CITY CODNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CAL IPORNIA, ORUERZ NG THE CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ON THE PROPSRT IES FRONTING 19TH STREET BETWEEN ZIRCON ANU ANSTNYET AVSNDE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA CUUGtl rUN b'1'Naa'1'J NqU n1UHWAYS JGU'1'1Vn >a/V '1'MMVLIVtl ]6tlV MVHG COMMONLY ANOWN AS CHAPTER 27 OF IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911 MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Brown to approve Resolution No. 89-266. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. A. CITY MANAOBA'S STAPP REPORTS H1. C SI E ON F N U G Y ORDI ANC AMENDIN SUB SECTION 17.08.0600.1 AS IT RELATES TO SCHOOL DISTRICT "WILL SERVE" LETTERS Staff report pee aerated by James Markman, City Attorney. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing Council were: Dean Smothers, Superintendent, Chaffey Joint Union High School District, stated they were not present to protest this action. He stated they are fast running out of money, but they will continue to seek funding from the state, but. they do need council's see Letence to get schools on-line. Char lee Uhalley, Board Hember, Chaffey Joint Union Htgh School Dietr ict, stated they Dee ically agreed with Mr. Mnrkmen, and encournged Council to City Counc i'_ Minutes ,7u ne 7, 1989 Page 13 make a strong policy or philosophical policy statement that as growth takes place in Rancho Cucamongar they will have adequate school facil Sties. Ne also caked City Council to utilize the influence of the BIA to go forward with the formation an assessment district. Mr. Wolf, BIA Advocacy Lobbyist, wanted to pledge their wi131ngneae to help with the conlit ion, and will work with staff toward reeoluiion in the future. Councilman Buquet wanted to see the coalition make some long-term commitments to make permanent classroom structures instead of the portables. Me also stated he would like to sae this tied in with the growth management concerns. City Clerk Authelet read the title of Ordinance No. 395. OROINANCH NO. 395 (Urgency) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SVB-SECTION 17.08.0500.1 OF THE RANCHO CUCAHONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PHRTAINING TO THE EVALUATION OP SCHOOL FACILITI68 POR PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS, AND DECLARING THH URGENCY THEREOF MOTION: Moved by Buquetr seconded by Alexander to waive full reading and adopt Ordinance No. 395 ae an urgency measure. Moi ion carried unanimously, 5-0. Mayor Stout called a recess at 9:10 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:30 p. m. with all members of Council present. R R R R R R H2. GROWTH MANAGEMENT - Initial schedule Eor the 13-point work program related to the management of growth in Rancho Cucamonga. Continued From May 17, 1989 meeting. Staff report presented by Brad Bu Ller, City Planner. Council concurred that point Number 12 should be strengthened. Council concurred that point Number 4 should include all other areas which can 6e master planned. AC'1'1 UN: StaiE received the direction from Councii. R 4 R R R R N3. Fo V c o E Nc -with other agenci¢e and City Commlee ion. Staff report presented by Duane Baker, Adminletrative Resistant. ACTION: Council concurred to Select the second Tuesday of the month for cit}' Council Minutes 3une 7, 1989 Pages 14 meetings with agencies ai 7:00 p.m. in the order presented. f f • R R H4. MATTERS PSATAINING TO PUTTING THE FIREWORKS ISSUE ON THE BALLOT Staff report presented Dy Beverly Authelet, CLty Clerk. AESOLOTZON NO. 89-2fi7 A RESOLUTIOF OF idE CI^aY COu'fiC IL OF THE CT-. k" OF RARCHO CUCAMONGA, CALL PORNIAr CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OP A SPECIAL MONICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1989 FOR THE SUBMISSION TO TH'c QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF TKE CITY OF AN ORDINANCE RELATi NG TO THE BALE OF SAFE AND SANE FIREWORKS AND CONSOLIOAT ING SAID ELECTION WITH THE CONBOL IDATED ELECTION TO BE HELD ON SAID DATE MOTION: Moved by 5iout, seconded by Wright to approve Resolution No. 89-267. Motion carried 4-1 (Baguet no.) RHSOLUTION NO. H9-268 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOA THE FILING OF RE DVTTAL ARGUMENTS FOR CITY HHABURES MOTION: Moved by Brown, seconded by Buquet to approve Resolution No. 89-268. Motion carried by the following: AYES: Wright, Buquet, Brown NOES: Alexander, Stout RESOLUTION NO. 89-269 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OF' ITS MEMBERS TO FILE A WRITTEN ARGUMENT REGARDING A CITY MEA^u URE MOTION: Moved by Stout, seconded by Ntight that no member of the Council file an agreement and deny Reeolut ion No. 89-269. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. AESOLUT ION NO. 89-270 A HESOLUI'lUN OF THE O1'1'Y I:UUnu1L UF' 'THE CI'I'i OF Ri+N cHJ CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AN IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS MoTioN: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Wright to approve Resolution No. 89- 270. Motion cerr led unanimously, 5-0. : • • • • x City Council Minutes June 7, 1989 Page 15 Hb. APPBAL OP STAPP BNPOACBIDiNT OP RESO TION 88 557 G DING THE RELEASE OF MOAE_ THAN 95i OP U.S. NONNS' BUI*OINGS (^R 10827-21 UNTTL ALL IMPROVEMENTS AEQTA~p~y TiDI CONDITIONS OP A_PROVAL FUeVE BBEN !ffiT Staff report press nted by Russell Haguire, City 8ngineer and Monte Preacher, Public Works 8ngineer. Hayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addree9ing Council were: Sherman Haggerty, felt it was Aelco'e responsibility to put in the equestrian trail. Peter Novak, of Relco Industries, had eu6mitted a letter stating their position. Cheryl Ann Stanlby, expressed she Rad a handicap problecs in not being able to get into her home. Wee Guthrie, spoke against this, and not being allowed to move into his home. Scott Murphy, Grigsby Development, suggested that some other means for ascurLty be obtained. There being no further public response, Mayor Stoui closed the public hearing. MOTTON: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Wright to direct et aff to release the three homes, holdLng the one home end other permits in the City Erom being processed until the improvements were completed. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. Counc ilwaman Wright requested that et aff notify Council when the improvements have been made. Ccunc it stated this was an extreme hardship case iF the improvements were over current prob lame, the withholding of the one house would not have been eneuyh to cover costa. R R R R R• Hb. PICNIC RESBRVATION POLICY - rev law and approval of a City-wide Picnic Aeeervat ion Policy for Clty Parke. Staff report presented by Joe Schultz, Commvniiy Services Manager. H^T.I ON: Mcved wy Wr ryht, seconded by Alexander tc adopt the Ae eervat inn Policy as recommantled by the Parke end Recreation Commission and come hack with a report in the tell. Motion carded unanimously, 5-0. i • • R R R I. COUNCIL 8U8IN688 City Council Minutes June 7, 19 A9 Page 16 I1. CU ON UES A SAL FOA CENTRAL PAA Continued from Nay 17, 1489 ~aatisg. Councilwoman Wright felt we should show ^good faith" in fulfill ing our previous promisee before proceeding with Central Park. MOTION: Moved Dy 3tout, seconded by Alexander to go after proposals. Motion failed 6y tha following vote: AYES: Stout, Alexander NOHS: Buquet, Brown, Wright. ACTION: Council requested staff to bring this back in 60 days and notify the aporte groups. x z z x z z I2. ^ISCUS ON N S H G T SI ON ASA POACE OA AI RE DISTRICT CONSOLIDATION Continued iru Nap 17, 1898 .eating ACTION: Council concurred that the employee's group union designate someone. The Council designation consists of Bill Alexander and Mayor Dennis Stout, and the Fire District La to recommend two members. x x M x f f J. IDRNTI PIGTION OP ITEMB POA NERT MRBTINO Jl. COU nC 11 IegUe9ie0 a netlVlUliVU ~ yta.,.e..L we u........ .., u.... ....--..C L. Pacific right-of-way. J2. Council to entertain preserving some of the vineya rde as historic landmarks. J3. A report from the Recycling Subcommittee. x z z x x z R. COMMVNI GTIONS TROM TAR PUBLIC These weee none. x x x z e a L. ADJOVRNMENT Mayor Stout adjourned the meeting to sn Executive Seseicn to discuss labor negotiations and personnel matters, but to reconvert Lhis evening. The Executive Session to adjourn to a Budget Workshop on June 8, 1989. City Council Minutes June 7, 1909 Page 17 The meeting adjourned at 11:45 p. m. Reepr_etfully suhmitted, Beverly A. Authelet City Clerk Approved: n o oo ° ° ° ~ or o o maoo poo~~ m o Pi-o~~- .o .o ti u..o ~o.= ° r w _ : ~ m a n mP ji Y tiN~u~ r Yi PO m ^^I m '/r.ph<P O~+NmYi1. .(i r-m m P D muP PPP PPPPPP0000[i000GO~~+r. --, ¢ OOOO ~ OpO00V m Y O00pO0U0?r T i Ommmm m~~ m mmm m mimm~ mmm mnimmmmmmmt~mmmmmmmmmm mim I-i. ; f fr aX< m ~n r. O r. VYr n J= J 2 Gm D\ O 7 AO ~ i R.70 vi ..~ ..f w w w _ w u.a .wi , 2~ = ~ r i NVN Y0 OUTr VO < O V m 2~+% U r 24 ~K. ¢ O V 60 yZwl-u L ~ u~ ul u .~ ~1 Z O • JV j621-Q NON 70 > = j O ^ U v N P.NV. sw Jav .o ~ U GJ u V = ~COa rrZ V _ U .] U ¢ LLOO u~3u¢ u~v~ K~ LL ~ O ~: '~ v O >. 2 i Ui . a rJ '~L% ire}J>rV <.. ~¢. z L V G U V ~. 6 w I Y1 V h 4K w U ~ L ¢ a '~~ .,~p O w p. O0 ~ V u I [ i O { V O J a wu /. ~. ~. w r lwY V~+rm~u ~VZ¢~-w % ¢ 6 < W UrKU Vint uN Oyu iu w}WZ <~VV S~aca ~- T ¢~ < c2w f¢1 a { w `. r Kr• uZ~ r> MjY [..Ol< <2yU72umm 2 J uO tJ m o r ¢ 6 ' >OOOjVVtiH> TS m OUi U IJ VUVr6UHV¢orrr~~SLL} i z°~ z ~i: « iii< m < m~w o m m .. m <. a<m n ~O O .U YN PPmmN h.-O~pPmWmm~ O V Y O O p FO U. m u. '-V rNmeN~NlYO ln.pPNNN ~ r ~+ ~- r N r / r w ~+ .... c V S P rYd~" .ndJDO crnl- ~iOd nOOUh r. '~00 .ZOOroO rvO~w"D ti.- -OOOOh'mr coi G.~Ou r~ Y J t r i-. 3 , r. ~. . . - .-. .~ ^.-. 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An heaea Inud1 Slw irPe of li<mM ax-]1Hfl YvtYYdfr 9pol lYYYYYap dd Gry L:m:lel ]O e. ;Yahn9 Addreu rr be.,.p l,ew n-wrnre.. ~erd sY ~~ ._; 0 Hwr rau erw b.rrr <arei<M d e INmyt 10. Moir Yor rew rialpled wr d Xw Ppr.uom d rM AkrMah< Nrrrro0e Cem.<d Ana .qukno-r. of Me Prpenmrnl pw. o-mrp p Xp Ac1f I I F;Wo-n a "YES" on,wr p ipm< 9 w 10 en on oM<M1mwn .M1.<F Jwll M Meped psr d Mi< appFcalion. 1]. Appli<onyapwe lol fM anE monop« emEkyed in anwls li<enNd aemnw _iN Mme aX Me auel:finnan. n1 n l:•_ 'Fr 1Fyn -eitl ^-' r::!ey G <w+r a ram n or +dnlad rnY of Me pevnr:ma d Tr AkeMdi< Mwope Cmfpl A<1MY q SiAif Of GIIf0N1MA Cwnry of ._." W f~bl~ ___„pop,"...".."_ 6/15/89 rm •e.. .a_n.. ~... . . .+:.•n anew ..e .-, .. .. _ y..nw • mm.. - w _yn n. e4_ 4m . nJ.w M ~~ISw. T, .r iy .~r_ .Y.. i,e+ ~_. f... w_n er wn_. M1 ..wan. _ r ~_.~ ..r .• .x- ~. .ei,n ~. IX APPpCANT I '~~ YGk MERE .._."_..... _.. _...__._.___."____.. _ _."__.l..bi...~..v."...____ •MIICATION 11 TR1N79t~0A IS S1AiF Gf CAIITONNIA Cwnry el lAY_JYevYQYm"_ ... .. .Pow ..{f-4/f Y.".._ ... _ .we V.- _ _ .ey~n 15 aame.e yely.,•'a •,w Y •M•,' MA • • ~ ~] $pnalur.lu o{ il<m<eNJ IO L<en~rv mber~P ...__-___ ._ -_-r- On Vor Wna Mlao ihu LYlr; Fw DrpenprrrE E'w OrllE Arrpcned _ Eaorded ron<r. fidwiery popn. ^......""___.__........"...._..__~....,_C0Mf5 AUIlED .......ij3Y/N.."...."__....__ eum "'4ne.eM fee d..._......hk a .......... .. ......... URn m..."...". _._...lawq rb ..."____._..._.. 19 lwonen Numbw oM Slrerl Gry and IiP Code Ceunry NS M loptulll Ylrtl UpLM IfY) 19TtlY Bas Yf[y66tYtl ,_ LJ ~/ VUU UL'I ~+/ ~1 . .,~M~ ~, ~, , ' ; 1~ ~'u1~ ~((~ iJ~~~~y~) I ~ ~ ~„ uu~i ~j 5:,~~~ ~„ I \ IICI , I ~ ~~'~;~4; }~~~~~-`~;_6,, ~u Iwo I I ~ i ~ I.- ..~`'% I ,' ..~~i~ ~~ Q~i~r~ ~ ~:1"'u 8411 Foothill Blvd. RANCHO CUCA'40NGA, CA. 91730 APNq 207-571-75 Prooerty Currently Zoned; Conmerical within Foothill Specific Plan in Planninn Sub Area One Zoning of Adjacent Properties; North :Commerical (vacant) Foothill Specific Plan, Planning suh-area One South U.P.S. Railroad/1ledium Residential East U.°.S Railroad/ Medium Residential !Jest :Commerical, foothill Specific P1an,Planninq sub area One -~ 3 29 JUNE 84 joe torrez .. 'I . ~ ~ ~ 9 -: ~ ' r.:.. . `~ t w b . N f. JL 98 . . I. If V IFIR Yw. hY Ilflr ymJwpa,,, Oin O.N luyuc~ylaea ea wmxoue ona~s~ YCMYtfI t~q uCEWF13, ' EIIF w0 )« o.yvbwaE a Akaleay ....m,. c<Ib.l « 1001 e,wa.~ Rf<EWI ND. u]611 Swaawao,cd.yvle d aOW®ile0 a °.•. tlea a tril6 c{ocxwlluf ~ i ~~ ~ . coof xts iM .M.vRmd Mvbr oad.. b I]wR IKanw. dwnb.d m bb.~ ! i lu.wd 2. NAMf(51 W ArRKMliIT I ~ imq, Iwm1 A{pyad u,dw Sav. ]tlY d2 ~]o ..~ [IM1rcf.a DRIR, Iaaoaeioa r. 6w. 6/15/a9 - 90IIIaYpeDSp, ApA 21'r{f51 d iLN5.1CilON(51 rfH K tt ~ R ~ ._ _ Ra SSrL. I - 3 uo.oo 'e5 I - I i ~' -~-- A, r+om. d amin... -~- . ad sA.a eo]e n..l..a Aw. .~•^---a -- ._~-_ roue ' e n nam... lKmW, ._isfl_ALi-- SMr !rM al lkmr / M r..m,w. Im.dr __ a.a _ _ Gry Lmibi Tv 8 Mailup Addrw ICI dlbrml bun S)-NUnbar oM ]baRl a r..,. v ne.. ya, «w bwn cmrnbd d a IRim)i ID. Ib.. Y^n ^w noMad anY d tlv pmwan el M. 41e°F°li< I.rmeq <omrN M w .qubl~om of M. Mpam...r p.r~ _ Io.riy b M. Atli I t E.RIw o Y{5" amrm a n«w 9 w 10 m m anwfaam rln.F J.WI V darN Ra.t b rM. opp~ ~ dm D. ~nw M r,ll mr wdeb `w grMl b w MRI~a a.~l W IM prwliwn aRM AIMdi<ula+wap Canwa IA~m U 5!A!E 7f CAlllpb4 Cwnrr ol --__.-..JW-»~.----....Dab.... _.ypfn,_ .-.- ~~ - .. a~y,r ~ ._ ._.,_ ... _ r ...... ... w•w .. ~... ... n.r.. .r~Aw • 1,4 .~~. .rr...+ r.. ~ .~+wv~. e. n... r .. _..~... _~. ~ .w ~ ..~... . 4 +.~~-. i I/ SIGN HFRf ~ dIMX! '~ :Q _..._ .... .............. .......... unacaraN ~r >:~rEwaan IS SiAlE OF <AlIroRNtA Cawp d.-...-. W. •e~~IA-...-... .. Dab........ 6/1/89. . .~~-a+ Y ' - nwr w .....- . w ...,...., ....w,v u~,... v w,.~,., ~6 Nom.Di nl Lmwtr___ 1) SyMary.)yliu~wbl le lio•v N~mbe,',I ._. I .__ _ DaRS:baI, `:call D. b /_ ~ at-11g 5!tl. Osblulyer.2. saw:a ~. ~- ' r' ~ ~ ,j ~^~~~' ~ ~ Iv :«.~, ~~raame..: ww r7 caa. cdary ~_ _ _ Rab eanARetm ._ __.. _._ Oa Ynl Wrtie L.laco TI1ir twv; Fm Oroanmewl ('~ Only AMxM1ad~ ~ R.cwdRd mNra, ~ C ^ .. ._ ._ ..._...... ..-.. .... _COrIl4 MALL[D ...611lY9....__. '~ bm.a4 rw al.. re, w..O,M,~... __ _ _ _ ORkR m. . , ..)aaRiyt W . ._ _. .. ,~ ~ ~1~~°_ c7 The Sass Steer ~- ,i r- - - - - >~L l~ --~~ ~~ __~ ~} ~.T_~~ ;~ ~~ ;\ 1 ~~~ __ ~~ ~ n n r-l ° F I I [7j I ,,~~,,i ` -- ! I ~/ II_~_ MI ~J ~ ~ ~aQ Q ~ ~Oo A~O~~ /~~~ ~ ~ (~i °~ the SNSSY SIEEK 8030 Vineyard Ave, Rancho Cucamonga,Ca, 91730 APNR 207-102-15 Current Zoning: Conmercial Zone within Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan in Planning sub area Two Zoning of adjacent property; North: Low Residential South: Medium Residential East Commercial Zone within Foohill Blvd Specific Plan -Planning area two nl West Flood Control / Low Residential ~5 16 June 89 joe torrez JU4 5 ';39 4 ~` J •Yr.• 4 M ~<rw Mnr OMOIK !lNw~M tlOElpl1ll I '~ IPE(!1 .~f IICFN5E151 ie: Orpwgrwn N AlmAeli lrrrrapR CmOd lECEIRT NO, ISOI daad.ar 6lcies . car. vsele nn mwmm sa<,~n..p w lads m • mu cEOCRann , ~....r<..e.r„.,r..,..r Ears p(aL! cooE . M ~ ^ i6 ~~ b 1' nhed ! Ib m ~ I M 1. N9MF(!1 Of AI/IIGI+It(A LmP. Mm~l ARpld unAV 5.[. ]6066 ~j x'ant p~_~`•~f f!F[prr Oww I616vaw I E!r<!rr Ualr: ). TMry41 Of ]RANSACiION(!1 fFE li ~K' S I 100.00 df l6a~r d, Nomr ei EaprN~ 3. lo[0nen 91]0 Ns !n. 1101 C~rY and LP Ced. !Oanry I .__.. , S r-- d II hrm:rw trcwrW, ]. Ab h6mwv Inrgl 0 Horn YOU a.rr bwn [On.i<M d a NbnY] 10 Hmr yap ..rr nOlaM p^Y ai pr Po^~wN OI Me 11[ohOlic lrn+apr CamrW An w rrpublera pl Mr pparNNnl a... ' snap q Mr MY ~ I I f.plarn a "YF!" On+.n q iNmr p w 10 on on ara<hm.a .nren Jrdl M drNrd pvr W M.. eppl;[p0an. I} 6ppiicpnr opr6rr 101 rha 0M mnr:eprr rrnRlaYM in en.pN I:[rnrrd Praiw .pl he.r oll Mr GuaF![wlpn: al O h...r+e-. a^d bl IM1aI hr .rll rpr rrOlab w [M w anrml q br •iWngd any 0< pa.i/m+ ei rn• AkoM1eM1C MrNaq ConM1pi qn u $I11F OE CAIIfpINU :00nry d .-.__.}!~ .._.-. _....OpN__.__...lj]5l09.-_. m. '••rrti ~m ..... .' . •~.~'..r.n r.0 _ w -.•r.. ~r:M1ah .. +.r...'Yw rw .. .. e».. ~ r I< 6Pp41CAki / SIGN NERE ' ' 'rte _1-.'._.. 7 .. __.__....._--__'__A-......._.-.__...... ..__ ...................._.. _......_.__........ ~MtIC~T10N ~V 71AMf1~RW IS S161F OE CAOfORNIA <wnry d ............ .._....._.._._ _._..._. DON._.___..... _.___....._... .- . rrr . .~pr~ rY l: s _ rwM ~~ i .r.. n~~4 +Ir.r.n .•r/. .J.ry ~+rr rb _• ~ ~:.r .. M r r..•:~ a ....~~ .n rV ...n• ~.n~~u ..rw._. rr r..n..n. to Yoe W.ye &loN iW flPr: Fw DrP^r(gr^e Vw gNIE 1 - -- ~rq<hd '" Rr<wdd nwNr, '-fiduraq PaW4 \vJI "RrrNm6fw W_-._..-...hU w. ..... --- .. '--_--- .._...__.-_-one[. on.....°--.-....a.p.iprw - _ - ~, .] m O m ~~ m r / 9170 Haven Ave. Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 APNA 209-262-17 Current Zoning: Within an Industrial Park in sub area Six of the Indust- rial Area Specific Plan and with in the Haven Ave Overlap W District. R Zoning of adjacent property; q North: General Industrial sub area SIX of = Industrial Area Specific Plan. South: General Industrial sub area SIX of Industrial Area Specific Plan. East General Industrial sub area ELEVEN of Industrial Area Specific Plan. u...t . r_a....._:,i ....,, rn¢ .,o IndustrialuArea SpecificMPlan. - V v 16 Jun 89 jcF torrez COPY ._ __ ..~. ~Bx.Hh4... <w uxa. 4..de..H.r. wN. a.p AyKlCATION yOR AlCO1105K YIIRJAN L1CENfgn1 I ttR15) Of LICENSry51 filE E J. TO: DePO•x."M d Abaholk Reewape Cxad RfCEIVT . O. 1901 R•euHw'OY Afi3]Sf Sa.v:rna. fa51. 9fyly SAP Bvru[61m ::(:-vAle veer c Mine GEOf.RAE KAL ~wmrer ro.~ne:nuw o.~ COllf 1fi 15 TM u:rde<dpxe Mnby opplm I« Deh Awrlm dxv:Aed m EOROIer loud }, NAME(S) d AfflKAM157 irmp. fxmrt Appped erNw Sx. 9tl4 (] [BeMx ueeu Epxnx Dere, :A9sL. noowaad J. iYVE(S) CN TRANSACBON(5) fFE fYyE ~ _ 4M ~ tOD. Jp ~tD 1 t A ~r ip A Nam. of Wtineee o m41 ~_ '~ ~ S. EaOPOa of Euuneo-Numbx and SnM I -~- ~mJ9-w )m[hf is vlon ~- _ ' _ Clry aM TP Cede County ~ -- ' S ~. 91TP~LIDw [Glm_:_. _ _ LOtAt I 1]I:. pO d, II yxmiM lkened, ] An yremne Imde Snow iYW al Linnu Ory LmrnR __ ! Morfnp Adnu (il diMnnr Irem !)-Number Od SnM w. 0 Ha.q Yau ern lmn mno<hd d e 1•bnYY I D Horq Yoe <. colald anv of MO pro.nrm< of M< AI<aholi< Beenage Comrd AO a rpubRem of rM Oepanmmr per nrrp h Me Ac0 11 Eaplprn o "YES" anrrer b rhmr 9 or Ip on an onaM1mem wb<n prop M tlxmed patl of Mi<opplimnon. AppL:e-• a:y ~- - Oyed m -e M1<e ualAr el a e, aa.. 'b~ rhw b +rll m .rOleh a u ro M aolaM any of rM ~po. ~ei`rM Almh011<M.uope~COenal ~Atlrr IJ SLAJE Of CALIfORN1A Coonry el Swu_1LrrL[AEm...._.___...._.. Dah....... ti(]]L94 _: __. _ w ~..w < AYVEIfANT -' v SIGN HERE .......__.__.. _..__l...__.._....,, ...._____.. _._ _ A~~LICATION RY TRANSRROR 1! 541E Of CAUfORN4 Ceuery d........... . .........DON .......:....... ... Id Namnln elleenxelll ti m.w~ e~10 5~ epl el E'oehebl ly Lcmh NUn•ber_ 10 laanee Number ON SnM Crry and Gp Code Counq Dn Nm Wntr Below TAu Line, Fo. DeEnnrmmr Cee Ody Arra<ned~ - Rxwdd npnx, ^ fldu<rary paper. 'l ..__.. _ ........................ ......._...._ C091F5 MAIIED .__ ...?/1J/_pY.......... _..... .. ... oum ^bne.olfx d.......... Jab a......._ ..... ........ ..... OIRx x_ _.._...Bxei9r Ne ....__. - -- FOOTHILL 3L40, ---'- --- ------- - ~~--~ ..J," ~ ~\_' ~~~ ~ ~ y TABEL, Malik N. 8 Mohammad (gusiriess Not named Lo datef yuiv- ~ rootni n ulvd. Ranchr Cucamonga, Ca, 91730 APNM ?Ofl-301-11 Current Zonin Conmercial zone within Foothi~l Boulevard Specific Plan Planning sub area Three Zoning of ad is cent property; Ho rth Conine rcial Zone within Foothf li Blvd Specific Plan/ Low Residential South Low Residential Zone East Consnercial Zone within Foothill Blvd Speciric Plan W.c st Conine rcial Zone within Foothill Blvd Specifi r. Plan! Low Residential Zone 19 JUN 89 ,{oe torrez CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 5, 1989 ~~ T0: City Council and City Manager /, i FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Michael D. Long, Senior Pub11c Nor s Inspector SU&1ECT: Authorize the advertising of the "NOt1ce Inviting Bids" for the Sapphire Parkway Renovation and Retrofit (Banyan Street to north of Jennet Street) Improvement Proyect, to be funded from Beautification Funds, Account No. 21-4647-8723 (FY 88/89) RECQNIEIOIITION: [L is recommended that C1ty Council approve plans and specifications for the Sapphire Parkway Renovation and Retrofit (Banyan Street to north of Jennet Street) Improvement Protect snd approve the attached resolution authorizing the City Clerk to advertise the "Notice Inviting B1ds'. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subject project plans and specifications have been completed by J. F. 0zvidson Associates. Inc.. reviewed by staff and approved by the City Engineer. The Engineer's estimate for construction is 561,535.00. Legal advertising is scheduled for July 11, 1989, and July 18, 1989, with the bid openin at July 21, 1989, 2:00 P.M. Resy'r ul j-bdtted, _ J Attachment 3~p RESOLUTION N0. ~ ( "~ ($ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CWNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "SAPPHIRE PARKNAY RENOVATION AND RETROFIT (BANYAN STREET TO NORTH OF JENNET STREET), IN SAIO CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADYERTISE TO RECEIVE BI05. NHEREAS, it is tha intention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Lo construct certain improvements in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of certain improvements. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES that the plans and specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for "Sapphire Parkway Renovation and Retrofit (Banyan Street to North of Jennet Street)". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for doing the work specified 1n the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially 1n the following words and figures, to wit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS" f YI iYYPt W O IIC"UIYLI UII UI LIIC LU YIILII UI UIC LI L) UI I,OI0.11U WLaMUI11fG, San Bernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GI YEN that the said City of Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the Office of the City Clerk fn the offices of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on or before the hour of Z:00 o'clock P, M. on the 21 day of July 1989, sealed bids or proposals for the "Sapphire Parkway Renovation and Retrofit (Banyan Street to north of Jennet Streetl" in said City. Bids will be opened and publicly read imcedtately in the office of the City Clerk, 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California. g{ds must be made on a form provided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, marked, "Bid for Construction of SaDDM re Parkway Renovation and Retrofit (Banyan Street to north of Jennet Streetl. PREVAILING NAGE: Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor is required to pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the public work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. In that regard, the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California is required to and has determined such general prevailing rates of per diem 31 wages. Copies of such prevailing rates of per diem wages are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and are available to any interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy of such detenainations to be posted at the Job site. The Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (525.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day or portion thereof, tf such laborer, workman, or mechanic is paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages hereinbefore stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of'the previsions of said Labor Code. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1777.5 of the Labor Code as amended by Chapter 971, Statutes of 1939, and 1n accordance with the regulations of the California apprenticeship Council, properly indentured apprentices may be employed in the prosecution of the work. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1717.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code comcermimg the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprenttceable occupation to apply to the Joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public works protect and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade for a certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to Journeymen that will be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to tourneymen in such cases shall not u2 1255 u,d,l olio to 1112 2w~2Nt. A. When unemployment in the area of coverage by the Sutnt apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request for certificate, or e. When the number of apprentices in training in the area exceeds a ratio of one to Five, or C. When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or D. When the Contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an annual average of not lets than one apprentice to eight tourneymen. The Contrac~~r is required to make contributions to Funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if he employs registered aDDrentices or tourneymen in any apprenttceable trade on such contracts and 1f other Contractors on the public works site are making such contributions. 3~-- The Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from Lhe Director of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the OT vision of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with and be governed by the laws of the State of California having to do with working hours as set forth 1n Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California as amended. The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (525.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the execution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon any of the work hereinbefore mentioned, for each calendar day during which said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours in violation of said Labor Code. Contractor agrees to paq travel and subsistence pay to each workman needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreements filed in accordance with Labor Code Section 1773.8. The bidder must submit with his proposal cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, payable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least ten percent (l0i) of the amount of said bid as a guarantee 1A~• •Fn HI AAer will sofa.. inhn the n enA rn n~narh 1F fhn a a,e (e a„anAeA to him, and in event of failure to enterninto such contract said cash,y cashier's check, certified check, or bond shall became the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. If the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the lowest bidder's security shall be applied by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the low bid and the second lowest bid, and the surplus, if any, shall be returned to the lowest bidder. The amount of the bond to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shalt be one hundred percent (1001) of the cantra,:t price thereof, and an additional bond in an amount equal to fifty percent (SOb) of the contract price far said work shall be given to secure the payment of claims for any materials or supplies furnished for the performance of the work contrar.ted to be done by the Contractor, Or any work or tabgr of any kind done thereon, and the Contractor will also be required to furnish a certificate that he carries compensation insurance covering his employees upon work to be done under contract which may be entered into between him and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work. No proposal will be considered from a Contra~cor whom a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 33 Contractor shall possess a Class "A' Licerse (General Engineering Contractor) in accordance with the provl5i:r~; of the Contractor's license Law (California Business and Professions Code, Srtion 7000 a*.. seq.) and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto at t~R time tfine this tontract is awarded. The work is to be done in accordance with the profiles, plans, and speciftcattons of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on file in the Office of the City Clerk at 9320 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Copies of the plans and specifications, available at the office of the City Engineer, will 6e furnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and payment of ;35.00 said ;35,00 is nonrefundable. Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and specifications will be mailed when said request is accompanied by payment stipulated above, together with an additional nonretmbursable payment of ;20.00 to cover the cost of mailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the requirements of Section 902 of the General Provisions, as set forth in the Plans and Specifications regarding the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, tM Contractor m4y, upon the Contractor's request and at the Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute authorized securities in lieu of monies withheid (performance retentionl. The City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. m. _d__ -e th" ~' ^il ^s tw. ~,• ..c o. .. h.. ~~. .. r.li s" .i" .y ~~ .~ ,. ...,~. .. . v ...... __....^.~L, _. .. _. Dated this day of 1989, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, this day of 1989. ATTEST: er ADVERTISE ON JULY 11, 1989 JULY 18, 1989 3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: July 5, 1989 T0: city Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Michael D. Long, Sr. Public Norks Inspector =/ :.~ SUBJECT: Authorize the advertising of the 'Notice Inviting Bids" for Traffic Signals and Safety Lighting at the intersections of Haven Avenue and 7th Street and Archibald Avenue and Lenora Avenue, to be funded from S8 325 T.D.A. Fund, Account Numbers 12-4637-8873 and 12-4637-8872, respectively (FY 89/90) pECOMMEIOATION: It is recoawonded that C11;y Council approve. plans and specifications for Traffic Signals and Safety Lighting at the lntersectlans of Naven Avenue and 7th Street and Archibald Avenue and Lemon Avenue, and approve the attached resolution authorizing the City Clerk to advertise the "Notice Inviting Bids'. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subiect project plans and specifications have been completed 4Y En9lneer.~~~The" Engineer's ~estlmete for construction is 85,000 each location. Legal advertising is scheduled for July 18 and July 25 with the bid opening m August 3 at 10:00 A.M. y submitted, RHM:MDL:sd Attachment J ~ RESOLUTION N0. ~ / "~ / / A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND SAFETY LIGHTING AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF HAVEN AVENUE AND 7TH STREET AND ARCH[BALD AVENUE AND LEMON AVENUE", IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLEAR TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS. MHEREAS, it is the intention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to construct certain improvements in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of certain improvements. NOw, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES that the plans and specifications presented by the GTty of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for "Traffic Signals and Safety Lighting at the intersections of Haven Avenue and 7th Street and Archibald Avenue and Lemon Avenue.". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertl5e as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids ar proposals for doing the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantiaily 1n the following words and figures, to wit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS" Pursuant to a Resolutfon of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the said City of Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the Office of the City Cierk in the offices of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on or before the hour of 10:00 o'ciock A.M. on the 3rd dqy of August 1969, sealed bids or proposals for the "Traffic Signals and Safety Lighting at the intersections of Haven Avenue and 7th Street and Archibald Avenue and Lemon Avenue" in said City. Bids will be opened and publicly read lmaedtately in the office of the City Cierk, 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Bids oust be made on a form Drovided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, marked, "B 1d for Construction of Traffic Signals and Safety Lighting at the intersections of Haven Avenue and lth Street and Archibald Avenue and Lemon Avenue". PREVAILING NAGE; Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor 1s required to pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the public work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. In that regard, the 3(~ RESOLUTION N0. PAGE 2 Director of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California 1s required to and has deterwined such general prevailing rates of per diem wages. Copies of such prevailing rates of per diem wages are on file in the office of the City C)erk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and are available to any interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy of such determinations to be posted at the ,)ob site. The Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (525.00) for each laborer, wrkman, or mechanic esgloyed for each calendar day or portion thereof, if such laborer, wrkman, or mechanic is paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages herelnbefore stipulated for any work done under the attached contrast, by him or by aRy subcontractor under him, in violation of the provlslons of said Labor Code. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1777.5 of the Labor Code as amended by Chapter 911, Statutes of 1939, aad to accnrdamre with the regulations of the California apprenticeship Council, properly indentured apprentices mqy be employed in the prosecution of the writ. Attention is directed to the provlslons Tn Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the eaployment of apprentices 4Y the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen to any apprentlceable occupation to apply to the ~otnt ..ti..ri,. .,.~,~t t.., _ .t tr..i ~w ..e t~...,..~1 ~. ..t. ...,...t .w which administers the a renttceshi - ~~ y- - ~~-~-~ DD P Drogram in that trade forte a certificate of approval. TMe certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to ,journeymen that will be used in the performsnce of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to ,journeymen in such roses shall not be less than one to five except: A. Nhen unemployment in the area of coverage by the ,joint a~py~rcnticesAlp committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request for certificate, or 8. NhM the number of apprentices to training 1n the area exceeds a ratio of one to five, or C, Mhen the trade can show that 1t is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or D, Mhen the Contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less then one apprentice to eight ,journeymen. 37 RESOLUTION N0. PAGE 3 The Contractor 1s required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship prograes if he employs registered apprentices or ,fourneymen 1n aRy apprenticeable trade on such contracts and if other Contractors on the pu611c works site are arcking such contributions. The Contractor and subcmtractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements WAY be obtained Fran the DT rector of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall coagiy with and be governed by the laws of the State of California having to do with working hours as set forth in Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California as amended_ The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (525.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the execution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon arO~ of the work hercinbeforc mentioned, for each calendar day during which said laborer, workman, or mechanic 1s required or permitted to labor Wore than eight (8) hours to violation of said Leber Code. Contractor agrees to pay travel and subsistence pAy to each workman needed to avnrute iM rnr# romA,wl by fMa rnnfra{i a< <p~h hwavsl anA egheTahnro payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreements filed in accordance with Labor Code Section 1773.8. The bTdd~~ .uat submit with his proposal cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, payable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least ten percent (lot) of the amount of sold bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter Into the proposed contract 1f the same is awarded to him, and in event of failure to enter into such contract said cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bond shall became the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. If the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the lowest bidder's security shall be applied by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the low bid and the second lowest bid, and the surplus, if any, shall be returned to the lowest bidder. The amount of the bond to 6e given to secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shall be one hundred percent (loot) of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond in an amount equal to fifty percent (50:) of the contract price for sold work shall be given to secure the payment 3g RESOLUTION N0. PAGE ~ of clams for any meterfals or supplies furnished far the pcrforwance of the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, or any work or labor of aqy kind done thereon, and the Contractor will also be required to furnish a certlfiwte that he carries compensation insurance covering his emplgyees upon work to be done under contract which may be entered iMO between him and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the constwction of said work. No proposal will be considered from a Contractor wham a proposal form has not been issued by the C1;y of Rancho Cucamonga. Contractor shall possess a Class "A" License (General Engineering Contractor) in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 7000 eL. seq.) and rules and rcgulat+^as adopted pursuant thereto at the time time this contract is awarded. The work is to be doiro 1n accordance with the profiles, plans, and speciftutloos of the C1T,t of Rancho Cucamonga m file is the Office of the City Clerk at 9320 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Copies of the plans and speciflcatians, available at the office of the City Engineer, will be furnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and payment of f35.00, said 535.00 1s nonrefundable. Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and speciflcatlons will be mailed when said request is accompanied by payment stipulated above, together with art additional nonrel~ursaDle payment of f15.00 to cover the cost of mailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be required t0 enter Into a contract satisfactory to the Ciq~ of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the requirements of Section 902 of the general Provisions, as set forth in the Plans and Speclflcatlons regarding the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, the Contractor may, upon the Contractor's request and at the Contractor's sole cost end expense, substitute authorized securities 1n lieu of monies withheld (perfomm~ce retention). The City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. 39 RESOLUTIDN No. PAGE 5 8y order of the Council of the C1ty of Rancho Cucaaionga> California. Dated this 5th day of JuIY .1989. PASSED AND ADOPTED Dy the Council of the C1ty of Rancho Cucamonga, California, this 5th day of Ju_~V_, 1989. or ATTEST: e ADVERTISE ON JULY 18 AND JULY 25 O CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF ftEPOftT DATE: July 5, 1989 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager SUBJECT: Consideration of a resolution authorizing the expenditure of redevelopment funds on certain public improvements associated with the development of a Sears Consolidated Credit Center. BACKGROUND: In May, 1989, the Agency approved, in concept, a reimbursement of the costs of certain public improvements associated with the development of a Sears Consolidated Credit Center, located a[ the southwest comer of Milliken Avenue and Sixth Street. These costs all relate directly [o [he additional right-of-way dedication required by the City. This item relates directly to item number 2 of the Redevelopment A venev avenda. The attached City resolution makes the same findings as those contained in the Redevelopment Agency resolution. RECOMMENDATION: Approved the attached resolution authorizing the expenditure of redevelopment funds on certain public improvements associated with the development of a Sears Consolidated Credit Center. ANALYSIS: Health and Safety Code, Section 33445, requires that the legislative body, the City Council, approve the expenditure of redevelopment funds for public improvements. The attached resolution makes the following findings: • that the public improvements to be constructed are of benefit to the Project Area. The public improvements funded under the terms of the Owner Participation Agreement are necessary to provide adequate traffic circulation for the immediate area of Milliken Avenue and 6th Street, and also for the north/south traffic on Milliken. Thus, these improvements provide benefit well beyond the site of the Seazs Credit Center. • that there is no other reasonable means of financing the public improvements. Due to the extended benefit azea of these particular improvements, it is unreasonable to burden one development project with the full costs of the improvements. Respectfully submitted, ate,., ,o .~~ Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager ~~ /f REEOLDTIOd NO. ~~ W A R880LDTIOd OF THB CODMCIL OF T8E CITY OF RAdCEO CDCANOdOA R66ARDIN6 A PROJECT 8Ed81ITId0 THE RAdC$O REDSVSLOPNENT PROJECT AND dAEINO CEATAZd FINDINOE IN R80ARD T8ER8T0. A. Reoitale. (i) The Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California (Health and Safety Code Sections 330G0, et seq.), among other provisions granting powers to redevelopment agencies, contains Section 33445 which provides that a redevelopment agency, with the consent of the legislative body, may pay all or part of the value of the land for and the cost of the installation and construction oP any building, facility, structure or other improvement which is publicly owned, either within or without a project area, upon a determination by such agency and such legislative body by resolution that such building, facility, structure or other improvement ie of benefit to such project area and that no other reasonable means of financing the same are available to the community. (ii) The officially adopted redevelopment plan as heretofore amended of Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency ("the Agency" hereinafter) for its Rancho Redevelopment Project provides in part for the construction of community facilities to s?rve said protect area, including facilities described below. (iii) Attached as Appendix "1" is a document which provides for the Agency's funding of public improvements to 4I~ 1 Milliken Avenue and Sixth Street from tax increment resources in a specified amount ("the Public Project" hereinafter). (iv) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution related to the Public Project have occurred. E. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, be it found, determined and resolved by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Council hereby finds that the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. The City oP Rancho Cucamonga hereby consents to the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency's paz^tial funding of the costs and expenses related to the Public Projects specified in Appendix "1" hereto pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445. ~:_ .• ...... ..o..nG.. ..e~cuy e~,o..iiiuaiiy iintia and determines that the construction of the Public Project by and through Agency's partial funding will be oP benefit to the Agency's Rancho Redevelopment Project. 4. This Council hereby specifically finds and determines that no other reasonable means of financing is available to the community to construct the Public Project other than through the Agency's partial funding thereof as specified in Appendix "1" hereto. 5. Pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 33421.1, this Council hereby finds that Agency's ~i c provision of public improvements which the owners or operators of the site within the Rancho Redevelopment Project Area may havN been required to provide as specified in Appendix "1" hereto is necessary to effectuate the Rancho Redevelopment Plan. 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this day of , 1989. Mayor I, , City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the rifer nF Dannhn M1an aannnr~~ bnlA •6.. _..._. ____ _____._ ~_ .~~~~ ~.. .s __ "f .. , 1989, and was finally passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of 1989, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAINED: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ATTEST: C ty Clerk of the C ty~ Rancho Cucamonga s~:+l~ccusrt,:lxc :s.s ~ ' .1/ 3 011NAA PARTICIPATION AOREEMLAT This owner Participation Agreement is made and entered into by and between RANCHO CDCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("Agency" hereinafter) and GENESIS REAL ESTATE GROUP I, a California joint Venture ("Developer" hereinafter). ~STNEff&ET.H- A. Reci~ala. (i) Agency is a public body, corporate and politic, exercising governmental functions and powers and organized and existing under Chapter 2 of the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California and having its office at 9720 Baseline, Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91701. (ii) Developer ie a California ,joint Venture having its office at 139 East Huntington Drive, Monrovia, California 91016. (iii) Developer is presently purchasing and will own fee title in and to that real property specifically described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by thin reference, generally located at the aoutheaet corner of Milliken Avenue and Sixth Stzeat within the City of Rancho Cucamonga and within Agency's Rancho Redevelopment Proiact and hereinafter referred to as "the site." (iv) The purpose of thin Owner Participation Agreement is to implement the Redevelopment Plan !or the development of the 1 ~' site on the terms and conditions contained herein. The development o! the site pursuant to this Owner Participation Agreement is in the vital and best interests of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the health, safety and welfare of its residents and is in accord with the public purposes and provisions of applicable state and local Law. Specifically, the site shall be developed with a complex designed to house 1,000 or more employees thereby providing substantial employment opportunities within the City of Rancho Cucamonga. e. acraeaant. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants contained in this Owner Participation Agreamanl, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Sn consideration of Agency's covenants herein contained. Gvalonar harabv aarwwe fn nnn.~„irr anA A.v.lnn „_ cause to be conatructad and developed on the Bite a development which contains at least approximately 50,000 square feet o! office space, capable of housing at least 990 employees on a 24- hour, multi-shill basis ("the development" hereinafter). Developer further agrees that iha development shall be complete and occupied on or before September 1, 1990. Said date referenced hereinebovn in this paragraph 1 hsreinafter is referred to as the "scheduled completion data." Developer shall be entitled to extensions of the scheduled completion date as are equal to delays in the construction on and development of the 2 41r site which are flue to acts of God, acts oP the public enemy, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantines, strikes, lockouts, freight embargoes, unusually severe weather, or from any other cause, whether of the same type as the Foregoing, or not, but only if any such delay from any of the foregoing specific or general causes is beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of Developer. If Developer contends that any sucR delay or delays has or necessarily will occur, Developer shall give written notice of such contention and the contended period of delay to Agency with sutlicient documentation and data to support 6tlCh contention. Should Agency desire to dispute such contention, it shall do so in writing within thirty (70) days of its receipt of Developer's written notice. It Agency tails to so notify Developer, Agency will be eetopped from later disputing Develooer~s contention. If Develooer and Aaenev aarew aw to env such contention and as to the amount of time to be encompassed by any such extension, Developer and Agency shall reduce said agreement to writing and shall execute the same as an addendum to this Agreement. Any and all disputes relating to any such contention regarding a claimed extension of the scheduled completion date shall be settled and decided by arbitration conducted in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules o[ the American Arbitration Association, as then in affect. Any such arbitration shall be held and conducted before three arbitrators who shall ba 3 4- U selected in accordance with the provisions set forth in said Rules. Moreover, the prevalling party in any arbitration shall 6e awarded reasonable counsel fees, expert and non-expert witness costs and expenses and all other costs and expenses incurred, directly or indirectly, in connection with said arbitration, and all costs and fees of said arbitrators shall be borne exclusively by the non-prevailing party. The award rendered by the arbitrators shall be Pinal, and judgment may be entered upon it in accordance with applicable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The provisions of Title 9 of Part 3 of the California Code of Civil Procedure, including Section 1283.05 thereoL permitting expanded discovery proceedings, shall be applicable to all matters ahich era arbitrated pursuant to this paragraph i. This agreement to erbitrata shall be specifically wnPorrwahlw undwr rh• nrwwilinn wrhi Mw4(nn ley, u,.f ln. ..• •w.. demand for arbitration shall ba filed in writing by Developer at the nearest office of the American Arbitration Aseocietion to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The demand for arbitration shall ba made by Developer within shirty (30) days after Developer's receipt of Agency's written dispute of Developer's contention for extension of the scheduled completion date. 2. Agency agrees that if the development is complete ana occupied on or before the scheduled completion data or any extension thereof determined in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 above, Agency shall within thirty (30) days of such a 41 I f completion remit to Developer the sum of $1'O;nOr,00 as and for Agency's contribution to the construe*_ion of the public improvements to Milliken Avenue and Sixth Street upon which the development has been conditioned. Due to Agency's defraying costs related to said public improvements, Developer shall cause the same to be bid, contracted for and completed in compliance with the provisions of the California public Contracts Code and the cal ifornia Labor Coda applicable to public projects. 7. Attached hereto ae Exhibit "B" are Sections 33445 and ]]4]6 of the California Health and Safety Code. Tha provisions and raquiramenta thereof are hereby made a part of this contract and Developer agrees to fully carry out all of the provisions of those sections, including, but not limited to, refraining from an}• sets of diaerimination therein sat forth and including the insartfon fn env deeds or iwaawa of thw nrnviainna therein set forth and to require in every such deed or lease that its grantee or lessee and their respective grantees, lessees and sublessees, whether immediate or madlata, insert like provisions in any further dead, lease or sublease. 4. This Agreemant shall not ba assigned in whole or in part by Developer without Developer first obtaining the prior written consent to any such assigmm~nt by Agency. 5. Any and all notices, requests or other communications required or permitted to be given under this Agreement or by reason of this Agreemant shall ba in writing and 5 shall be deemed to have been given when delivered in person, or five (5) business days after ma111nq by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, first-class postage prepaid, if mailed in the State of California, or seven (7) business days after so mailing elsewhere in the continental portion of the United States of America, or the date of actual receipt as indicated on the return receipt, whichever date Pirst occurs; or ten (10) hours after the time dispatched by telegram or cable; in every case addressed to the parties hereto as follows: A. If to Aganey, to: RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 9320 Baaa11M, Suite C Rancho Cucamonga, California 91701 Attention: Ms. Linda Daninls and I, .,.......... Number One Civic ,Center~Circla Post Office Box 1059 Brea, California 92621 Attention: Mr. James L. Markman B. I! to Developer, to: GENESIS REAL ESTATE GROUP I 139 East Huntington Drive Monrovia, calilornia 91016 Attention: or such other address or addressee ae the party addressed may, from time to time, designate in writing in the manner herein specified. Any notice dispatched by telegram or cable shall be 6 ~} I ~ reaffirmed by the sender within twenty-four (24) hours by mailing a confirming latter in the manne!~ here inabove specified. 6. In the event that either party hereto brings any action at law or suit in equity in relation to this Agreement, or to declare such party's rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party in such suit or action, on trial or appeal, in addition to all other sums to which it may be entitled, may call upon the non-prevailing party to pay a reasonable sum for its attorneys' Ease and to pay all other coats :.nd expe~.sea that have bean incurred by the prevailing party, either directly or indirectly, in connection with said action or suit, as shall be fixed by the court. 7. Nothing in this Agreement, whether expressed or implied, is intended to confer any rights or remedies under or by .e.a.... „r tn. fe.... ...n ...-....~.a..... w.~...• .... ............... ...w.... than the parties to it and their respective successor and permitted assigns, nor is anything in this Agreement intended to r.eliave or discharge the obligation or liability of any third person to any party to this Agreement, nor shall any provision hereof give any third persona any right oP subrogation or action over or against any party to this Agreement. 8. Unless otherwise required by a specific provision of this Agreement, time hereunder is to ba computed by excluding the first day and including the last day, unless the last day is a Sunday or a legal holiday, and than it le to be excluded. 7 ~I k 9. Each party to this Agreement agrees to cooperate by performing any further acts and by executing and delivering any and all additional documents which may be reasonably necessary to carry out the terms and provisions oL this Agreement, and each party to this Agreement agrees that it will not act in any manner whatsoever which would hinder, impede, interfere with or prohibit or make more onerous or difficult Lhe performance of the other party hereto under this Agreement. 10. To the best knowledge and belief of the parties to this Agreement, this Agreement contains no provision that is contrary to any Federal, state or local law or to any regulatory requirement or other ruling or regulation of a federal, state or local agency or that would be in breach of the obligations of either or both of the parties hereto under the terms and provision of this Agreement, or any part thereof, shall at any time be held to be invalid, in whole or in part, under any applicable federal, state or local law by a court of competent jurisdiction, or by arbitrators or an administrative agency of the federal, state or local government with proper jurisdiction, then such provision or a portion thereof, ae appropriate, shell remain in effect only to the extent permitted, and the remaining provisions hereof shall remain in full force and •ifact and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated, unless the 8 y' I L~ invalidated provision(s) shall uniquely, materially and adversely affect the rights and obligations of a party to this Agreement. 11. No delay or omission to exercise any right, power or remedy accruing to either party to this Agreement upon any breach or default of the other party to this Agreement shall impair any right, power or remedy of the non-defaulting party nor shall it ba construed to be a waiver of any such breach or default, or acquiescence therein or thereto, or of or in any similar breach or default thereafter occurring; nor shall any waiver of any single breach or default by either party to this Agreement ba deemed to ba a waiver of any other breach or default theretofore or thereafter occurring. All remedies, either under this Agreement ox by law, equity or otherwise, shall be cumulative and not alternate. 12. This Aarwwmwnf wed Tha inahlv,mnnha n ref n,n as ~. referenced herein contain the entire and exclusive agreement between the parties to it, and no promise, representation, warranty or covenant not included in this Agreement have been or are being relied upon by any party to this Agreement. All obligations of Agency and Developer under this Agreamant are expressly stated, and no other obligations, conditions or covenants era to 6a implied hereunder. Each party to this Agreement has relied or is relying upon its own examination of the terms and provisions of this Agreamant, the counsel of its own advisors, and the warranties, reprasantatlons, duties and 9 ~~M ~. ~ ~.-. ~ ~~~ ~~A~ ~ ~~ covenants contained in t~iis Agreement. Moreover, the terms and provisions of this Agreement may not be changed orally, but only by an agreement in writing duly executed by the party against whom enforcement of any waiver, change, modification, extension or discharge is sought. 12. This Agreement and any amendment thereto may be executed in one or more counterparts, with the same legally binding effect as if all signatory parties were signatories to the same counterpart. If requested, any signatory party hereto will furnish the other party hereto with a duplicate original counterpart of this Agreement or any amendment thereto, bearing said signatory's signature. la. The terms and provisions of this Agreement shall not cause the parties hereto to ba construed in any manner what.anwvwr as na Mnara. in{nf van*nra.~a _ ~..~. n~ eanh nfhnr in the performance of their respective duties and obligations under this Agreement, or subject either party to this Agreement to any obligation, lose, charge or expanse of the ocher party unless the party to be held responsible has indapandently contracted with the clai cant so ae to make it directly responsible for the per!'ormanca and/or payment, as appropriate, of the pertinent ribligation, lose, charge or expense. 15. sho_Qd any provision of thin Agreement require interpretation, i.t is agreed that the parson or persona interpreting ar construing the same shall not apply a presumption 10 4-N that the terms of this Agreement shall be more strictly construed against one party by reason of the rule of construction that a document is to be construed more strictly agalnsL the party thereto who itself or through its agents or counsel prepared the same or caused the same to be prepared; it being agreed that the agents and counsel of all of the parties hereto have participated equally in the negotiation and preparation of this Rgreement. The language in all parts of thin Agreement shell be in all cases construed simply, fairly, equitably and reasonably, according to its plain meaning and not strictly for or against any of the parties hereto. 16. Time is expressly made of the essence of each and every provision of this Agreement. 17. The provisions of this Agreement shall inure to ~ha hana~i~ of and ha M nM nn unnn hha na rPiaa hararn anA hhair respective successors and permitted assigns. 18. No remedy or election hereunder shall ba deemed to he exclusive but shall, wherever possible, ba cumulative with all other remedies at law or Sn equity. 19. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of calilornia. 11 ~I ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed and entered into this Agreement as of the date set forth below opposite the name of each such party. GENESIS REAI, ESTATE CROUP I, a California ,joint Venture Dated•_~~ Ey .. RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Dated naron• ~~ sUfsa~COam~R us 12 4I~ Parcels 2 and 4 of Parcel Map No. 9896, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of Califomia, as shown by Map on file in Book 109, page(s) 41 to 43 inclusive of Pazcel Maps, Records of San Bernardino County, California. t 77196. OWlpatlon of kaasa aM pnhsen b nfNn !row dbulnlnatbm nvndleerlnlna• tbn nM mwpeplbn davse Agetnds dull ob8pb hwaw and prduam of ml property unwired in mdarebpnwnt projeela and owner of property improYed u • put e[ • eedeyebpnwnt project b nfrw from m4kfing the mb4 ask, n kaaa of tlw prapeety m tM 6aaia of ns, robr, nlitim, nuribl ebls austry, a stioml oritb of sy pence. All deeds, lean, or rontrada for tM ew, ev , or other bwfu of my Wd b • rednebpmeet project a1Wl rontain u M subject to the nondiaerimistkn or rowtnption elves Ixrea[ter prsaibed. (Amended by $bb.1976, a 689. p. 1667, f 2) t !7176. Pam of naeWaalndnllen awd nonagrepdon e6vas Exprw proYbiwu dub M hwluded In dl deeds, lean ud rontneb whkh w agency pevpaw b inter kb with rsDaet b tM oak, kaaq aubksa, trwfu, uu, occupancy, moan, or enjoyment of sy Imd b • radeYebpmut projert in aubafnetialy w folbwm[ fom: (.) to deed. m. followi~ bm8uap ehnu appnt~"Ifie tranW ha.b nrsanb by and fu howl! n hemlf hk a Fa hehe, saevton, admbktraton, and wi8rr, aM W pawn d.imbt aedu or t t LMro, tTut Lben atoll he vv d'sedmhurbn aBdwL or uenptloo of, n7 gnoo u [map of perew p aeeom7 of roan molar, need, nlieke, ee; muiW abtn, ntlaW orl8b, a avmtry b w cola, kw, nbins, trwfer, un, auupauy, brew, a mjoyment of N. pnmYs haalu tnyeyed, not ahaB the 7pnmw , ~ ~ a ny ppeerwe ddmbf vvder or throvth Aim or ha, stab8ah a permk my eah Dnwtiro a praetirna et dbimbation oe ae{nptkv wiN nfere~. [o tha wkctbn, bstbq numMr, w a onopanry of twnb, laws, aabbpnb, avbkwen, a Yaedw in Wa prinks haw enygN. 116 (ontwt eoYaunb ahdl rm wiN eM bvd" NI In Noon tlu (olbadn8 kntvap alrq aDDeae~"1Le kaw hn+in ewssb M aM fu himal[ a ne hi a Mr ton, nambn, adminkhatan, and wits, and dl penaa chiming under nr a~W Nis !coact mda and awapted vpm and wbjea b tlu tolbwbt eondifks: '111aL rLen rhali M w d'IaatmlMflaa aawat n aYmwaLLv, n/ mY rwa„n nY ..n„n M,r.rn.w ... account of rua, slur, ersd, eaiigf7v, sex, tmeibl alibi, sfked origin, ar aoortrj, k tM Nukgr avbinainb Gwferdni, w, oceapaney, tenon, a enjoymnt of tM premYw brew kaaed trot ahdl tM kaaaa hkrelf, s m7 Denon dalmby uoMr u throoffh Aim ar hs• sbblrh or prmit my sash peectiee a Pradies of dYaimkafion ar sgrapfkn wiN refem:s b the uketis, hwation, number, w, a oaupaecy, of bsab, laaeaaa. wbWaer, avbtenob, or YenMee b dw pnmYs herein trued." Id Iv rovbub mhYd bb by tAe agency nbtlng b tM uk, froufu, m kaeme of Imd ar my btemt theroin erquind by tM apvcy whhb sy aunty ew a reMniopmant Drojed fM finetwg PnrYku b au6atut48y rite [sma st forth a1W1 b Included and' ' 'the mnttub ahdl furthee proride flat tM lontobg proriaks ahdl M bkdkg vpoe end ahdl 0-6118ab tM eantnefing Putt' or parlin end eny eubwntractinH part! or partka, or otMr frwfenn under Ibe inatnment. (Amended by Sbb.1976, c. 689, p. 1657, D 7; 9bb,Ip81, a 111, p. 2687, d E10.) I CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Date: July 5, 1989 ~ c~Cnn+o,~ ~ ~. o~Q o F! U I2 J'~_> isn I To: Mnyor, Members of City Council, and City ~~~~~ai//g~r From: Joa Schultz, Community Services Manager ~i~D' By: Dave Leonard, Park Proj act Coordinator J Subject: Approval to Award and Execute Professional Service Agreement for Park Construction Administration and Inspection Services. City Council authorize award end execution of a Profeeeional Service Agreement with BSI Consultants, Znc. to provide Park Construction Administration and Inspection 6ervicas for a sum not to exceed $96,000.00 to be funded lroID Park Development Fund No. 20-4532-8006, 8007, 8015 and 8611. To aesura compliance with the plane and epacificatione 3o et.. eg f.. ewe ~.. ..t.. ^f ^1. - - - Park and Beryl/Lions Tennis.COUrt Improvements,•'a ~coneultant for contract inspection services is required. Proposals were received from four Consultant Firms to provide daily inspection services Eor the prof acts. Based on analysis of the proposals and interviews with the prospective inspectors, it is recommended that the firm B.S.I. Consultant, inc. provide the services. Resp~eyPUl l,~ted, Joe ~SChuitz ~~ community Serv~ Manager JS:DL:ba ~P PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Thl• Agreement is made and entered into this 5th day of July , 19g~, between the City o! Rancho Cucamonga, a Municipal Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "CITY") and _ H.S.I. Consultants Znc (hereinafter referred to ae "CONSULTANT^). A. Recitals (i) CITY has heretofore issued its Request for Proposal pertaining to the performance of professional services with respect to the preparation of Park Construction Adminiatrat ion and Znsoection Services. ("Projact^ hereafter). (11) CONSULTANT has nos submitted its proposal for the performance of such services. (111) CITY desires !o retain CONSULTANT to perform proieuional services necusary to render advice and auistance to CITY, CITY'• Planning Commission, City Council and staff in the preparation of Project. (iv) CONSVLTANT represents that iC Ss qualified to ~•+'*^~'!". ey^-~ c_r:•ica~ ar,G 1. "iiiing to perform such professional services a^ hereinafter defined. NOW, 1'!ffiREFORE, it i• agreed by and between CITX and CONSULTANT a• lolloar. H. Aoreemant. 1. Uelinitiones The following detlnitions shall apply to the tolloainq terms, except where the context of this Agreement othsraise requires: (a) Project• The preparation o! E4Lk Construction Administration and Inscection services. described in Exhibit "A" Scope o! 9erviees hereto including, but not limited to, the preparation of maps, surveys, reports, and documents, the presentation, both oral and in writing, of such plans, maps, surveys, reports and documents to CITY as required ~~ 1 and attendance at any and all work sessions, public hearings and other mutinge conducted by CITY with respect to the project as outlined in the Scope of Services. (b) The Council: Shall mean the City Council o! the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The Council is the governing body of the City. (c) The Director: Shall mean the Director of community Services for the city o! Rancho Cucamonga, authorized by the Council to represent the City in matters pertaining to the Project. (d) Services: Such professional services as ors necessary to be parlormed by CCNSVLTANT in order to complete the project. (e) ~omnletion of Project: The date of completion o! all phases of the project, including any and all procedures, development plans, maps, surveys, plan documents, technical reports, meetings, oral presentations and attendance by coxSVLTANT at public hearings Yegardlnq the project acceptance for construction is set forth in Exhibit "S" Project Schedule attached hereto. ' .. 7~'u LSi~iir aarNe e^ LO110Me: (e) CONSULTANT shall forthwith undertake and complete the project in accordance with Exhibit "A" and applicable with Federal, StaG and CITY statutes, nqulatlons, ordinances and quidelinee, all to the reasonable satislaction of CZTY. (b) CONSULTANT shall supply copies of all maps, surveys, reports, plans and documents (hereinafter collectively referred to a• "documents") including all supplemental technical doovments, as described Sn Exhibit "A" to CITY within the time epecilied in Frojact Schedule, Exhibit ^H". Copies o! 4he documents shall be in such numbers ss are required by Exhibit "A". CITY may thereafter review and forward to CONSULTANT comments regarding naid documents end CONSULTANT shall thereafter make each revisions to said documents as are deemed necessary. CITY shall receive revised documents in such Lora and ~~ 2 in the quantities determined necessary by CITY. The time limits set forth pursuant to this Section B2.(b) may be extended upon a written approval of CITY. (c) CONSULTANT shall, at CONSULTANT'• sol• cost and expense, secure and hire ouch other persona es may, in the opinion of CONSVLTANT, be necnsary to comply with the terms of this Agreement. In the event any each other persons are retained by CONSULTANT, CONBIILTANS hereby warrants that such persona shall be Tully qualified to perform services required hereunder. CONSULTANT Lurther agrees that no subcontractor s'.all be retained by coNSVLTANT except upon the prior written approval of CITY. ~, CiTY aarese as follows: (a) To pay CONSULTANT a maximum sum o! S96,oo0.00 for the performance of the services required hereunder. This sum shall cover the coat of all start time and all other direct and indirect costa or lees, including the work of employees, consultants and subcontrnctors to CONSULTANT. Payment to CONSULTANT, by CITY, shall be made in accordance with the schedule eat forth in Exhibit "C". (b) Payments to CONBSlI,TANT ,shall be aade by CITY in accordance Mlth the 1nvM n.. .._+._SttC3 .~.} Cv2:uuZ,ii,i~T, on a monthly basis, and each invoices shall be paid within a reasonable time alter said invoices are received by CITY. All charges shall be detailed in Exhibit "C" either with respect to hourly rates or lump sum, asounts for individual tasks. In no avant, however, will said invoices exceed 9St of individual task totals described in Exhibits "A" and "C". (c) CONSULTANT agrees that, in no event, shall CITY ba required to pay to CONSULTANT nny sum in excess o! 95i of the maximum payable hereunder prior to receipt by CITY of all final documents, together with all supplomsntal technical documents, a• described herein aceeptabl• in loan and content to CITY. Final payment shell be made not later than 60 days after presentation of final documents and acceptance thereof by CITY. ~~ 3 (d) Additional services: Payments for additional services requested, Sn writing, by CITY, and not included in the Scope of Services as eat forth in Exhibit "A^ hereof, shall ba paid on a reimbursement basis in accordenee with the !u schedule sat forth Sn Exhibit ^C". Charges Lor additional sarvicam shall be invoiced on a monthly basis and shall ba paid by CITY within a reasonable time altar said invoices are rnceived by CSTY. 4. CITY_aaream to orovide o cONCrt*-•w~. (a) Information and assistanee as east forth in Exhibit ^A" hereto. (b) Photographically reproducible copies of maps and other information, it available, which CONSULTANT considers necessary in order to complete the project. (c) such information am is generally available trop CITY files applicable to the project, (d) Assistance, 1! necessary, in obtaining information from other governmental agencies and/or private parties. However, it shall be CONSULTANT'• rsaponmibility to make all initial contact with respect to the-'gathering of much information. 5. Ownership of ne .+ ~^• All documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs and reports prepared by CONSULTANT pursuant to this Agreement shall be considered the property of CITY and, upon payment !or services performed by CONBULTANT, sucb documents and other identified materials shall be delivered to CITY by CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT, may however, sake and retain ouch copies o! said documents and materials as CON3IILTANT may desire. Any use or rnuae of the plans and epeciiicationa except at the efts intended or any alteration or rwimion o! the plans or specifications by the CITY, its stet! or authorized agents without the specific written consent of the CON9ULTANT shall be at the sole rink of the CITY. The CITY r vJ agrees to hold harmlesr and indemnify the CONSULTANT agalnet all damages, claims and losses including defense costs arising out of any such alteration or revision, or use or reuse at another site by the CITY, its etatt or authorized agents. 6. Termination: This agreement may be terminated by CITY upon the giving of a written "Notice o! Termination" to CONSULTANT at least !1lteen (1S) days prior to the date of termination specified in said Notice. In the event this Agreement Ss ao terminated, CONSULTANT shall be compensated at CONSULTANT'S applicable hourly rates as set forth in Exhibit "c", on a prorate basis with respect to the percentage oL the project completed as of the date o! termination. In no event, however, shall CONSULTANT receive more then the maximum specified in paragraph 7 (a), above. CONSULTANT shall provide to CITY any and all documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, mope, models, photographs and reports, whether Sn drelt or tinal fors, prepared by CONSULTANT as of date of Grslnation. CONSULTANT may not terminate this Agreement except for cause. 7. Notices and Designated Reoresentativee: Any and all notices, demands, invoices and written communications between the parties hereto shall be ader•...A .. -_! tcrtY • ii• Li•ia paragraph 7. The below named individuals, turthermore, shall be those parsons primarily responsible for the performance by the parties under this Agreement: Mr. Gary Beke~ Director Construction 3ervicea, BSS Consultants, Inc. 16880 W. Bernardo Drive. Suite 100. San Diegg. CA 97127 (6191 451-6100. Mr. Dave Leonard. Park Porlecta Coordinator. City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807. Rancho Cucamonga. CA 91779 f71d1 989-1858. Any such notices, demands, invoices and written communications, by mail, shell be deemed to have been received by the addresses forty-eight (48) hours after deposit thereot in tho United States mail, postage prepaid and properly addressed as set forth above. 8. ~~uranee: coNSULTANT shell neither commence work under this Agreement until it has obtained all Snsursnce required hereunder in a compsny or aoapanies aeeeptsble to CITY nor shell CONSULTANT allow any subcontractor to commence work on a subcontract until all insurLa~nce required o! the 1~ 5 subcontractor has been obtained. CONSULTANT shall tale out and maintain at all times during the term of thi• Agreement the following policies of insurance: (a) Workar~a comnenaet~~~ nsv anc Belore beginning work, CDNSULTANT shall lurnish to CITY a certificate of insurance as proof that it has taken out Lull workara~ compensation insurance for all parsons whoa it may employ directly or through subcontractors in carrying out the work specified herein, in accordance with the laws of the State of calilornia. In accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code Section 7700, every employer shall secure the payment oL compensation to his employees. CONSULTANT prior to commencing work, shall •iqn and file with CITY a certllicstion as follows: ^I em ewers o! the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which requires every employer to be insured against liability for workers compensation or to undertake eel! inaurance in accordance with the provisions of that Cade, and I will comply with ouch provisions belore commencing the performance o! the work of this Agreement". - /1N A.A11.. •,~t,.,r Throughout the term of this Agreement, nt CONSULTANT~• sol• coat and expense, CONSULTANT shall keep, or cause to be kept, in lull force and •ttect, Eor the mutual benelit of CITY and CONSULTANT, comprehensive, broad loan, general public liability and automobile inaurance against elaima and liab111ties !or personal injury, death, or property damage arising lrom CONSULTANT'e activities, providing protection o! a least One Million Dollars (1,006,000.00) for bodily injury or death to any one person or Lor any one accident or occurrence and at least one Million Dollars {1,~i00,000.00) !or property damage. (c) Errors end Omissions: CONSULTANT shell take out and maintain at all times during the life o! this Agreement, a policy or policies of insurance concerning errors and omissions ("malpractice") providing protection o! at least Szso.ooo.oo tar errors and omissions ("malpractice") ~~ 6 with respect to loss arising Pros actions o! c.~NSULTANT partorminq anginaaring urvicas haraundar on behalf of oITX. (d) General Insurance Rewiremanta: All insurance required by express provision of this Agregant shall ba carried only Sn respons ibis insurance companies licensed to do business in the State o! California and policies required under paragraphs e.(e) and (b) shall name as additional insureds CITY, its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents. A11 policies shall contain language, to the extant obtainable, to the effect that (1) tba insurer waives the right o! subrogation against CITY and CITY'^ elecbd officials, officers, gployaes, and agants; (2) the policies era primary and noncontributing with any insurance that may be serried by CITY; and (3) they cannot be cancelled or materially changed except altar thirty (30) days' notice by the insurer to CITY by certified msil. CONSULTANT shall furnish CITY with copies o! ell such policies prosptly upon receipt of thq, or certificate evidencing the insurance. CONSULTANT may effect for its ovn account insurance not required under th1• Agraqent. 9. Indemniticetion: CONSULTANT ,~ shell defend, indemnity and save harmleq CITY. itw wi.c±•fl ~-~ ~ppoi:a.~ officials, officers, agants end gployeee, from all liability from loss, damage or injury to parsons oz property, including the payment by CONSULTANT of any and all legal costa and attorneys' lees, in any manner arising out of any negligent or intentional or willful acts or gisrlons of the CONSULTANT in the performance o! this Agreement, including, but not limited to, all consequential damages, to the maximum extant permitted by law. 10. Aesigpaant: No assignment o! this Agreement or of any pert or obligation o! parlormence haraundar shall be made, either In whole or in part, by CONSULTANR without the prior written consent o! CITY. 11. Indeoendent contractor: The parties hereto agree that CONSULTANT and its employers, officers and agants era independent contractors under this Agreement and shall not ba construed for any purpose to be gploysas of CITY. ~~ 7 12. Governing Law: This Agreement shall 6e governed by and eonatrued in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 13. ~tornw'a Faae: In the avant nny legal proeeedinq i• instituted to enforce eny tarn or provision of the Agreement, the prevailing party in acid legal proceeding shall be entitled to recover attorneys' Lan and costs from the opposing party in an amount determined by the Court to be reasonable. 14. $ntire Agreement: This Agreement supersedes any and all other ngreemants, either oral or in writing, between the parties with respeet to the subject matter herein. Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representation by any party which is not embodied harem nor any other agreement, statement, or promise not contained in this Agreement shall be valid and binding. Any modification at this Agreement shall be •ftaotive only if it is in writing signed by all parties. IN WITNESS WNEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and yeer first set lorth above: cONSVLTANT - B.S.I. Consultants, Ins. Date: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Dates Dennis L. Stout, Mayor RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL Joe Schultz community Services Manager DaL: ATTEST: Apporved as to form Beverly A. AutheUt, City Clerk~O City Attorney 8 EXNIBI7 A SCOPE OF SERVICES The consultant shall provide construction administration inspection services as outlined in the contract administration procedures Imcal Proorama Manual as published by the California Department of Transportation. Contract inspector will consult as Asaistent P,esident Engineer !or the project. Duties will include but not limited to: A. Provide construction inspection of all improvements shown on Clty approved plans and apacification Lor Old Town Park, Aer~l/Clone moditicatione and West Beryl Park. Examples of improvements to be expected are: 1. Storm Drain Construction 2. Sanitary Sewer construction 7. Street and Parking Lot Construction 4. Perk Construction a. Site Gradlnq b. Landscape and Irrigation Construction c. Restrooa Building/Shade Structure Construction d. Concrete improvements including flat and wall construction. •. Electrical installation o! lighted fields, courts and security lighting. L. VariOLLa other raj aleA /f.w. S. Provide day-today coordination and liaison with the contractor(s), City Project Manager, Clty Huildinq and Engineering Departments, Dtllity Companies, Surveyor, Materials Teetinq Laboreeories and other Individuals and Agencies involved in the project. C. Provide contract administration services to include the Locals Proorama Manuel and the following: Provide daily inspection report o! men and equipment hours, where and amount o! work being partormed, coordination o! work anA potential changes or problems, prograse towards completion o! work according to the contract requirements, conversations with all parties related to the completion of the project, and any other information fleemad essential to assure compliance with the contract requiroenta. Provide weekly statement of working days. Monitor contract progress to assure completion of project within allotted construction days. Advise and assist in notification of contractor should progress not be •atistaetory. S/ 3. Prepare contract change orders utilizing City forms and procedures. 4. Prapara daily reports to document all extra work performed on a time and material bases. s. Review and certify quantities of work completed !or progress payments. 6. Review and maintain tiles of contractor~e wage and employment records and reports as required with the Cal Trans Local Programs Manual. 7. Coordinate survey and material tasting services as provided by City consultant and assure that required advance notice is provided and eha services are provided at the approprinte time. D. Perform required inspections to assure improvements are constructed per the plans and speciflcatione and the workmanship is of the highest quality. E. Maintain records to reflsct the as-constructed condition and assure contractor records era kept currant and accurate as to the as-constructed condition. F. Perform final inspection and make recommendation for acceptance of the improvements to the City. c. Prepare or assist City in all nacessaFy final reports, notices or completion, etc. :+. ?rovida sepsrate reporting and accounting for each projeot inspected. Reimbursement for services rendered shall be made thirty (~o) days with final payment being made within 60 days after completion of services !or each individual project. Payment for services will be at the hourly and lump sum rates specified in exhibit "C". No travel, secretarial, principal engineer, supervisory, etc. time will be paid !oz unless specilically requested by the City Project Manager. Notice for a construction project's start date will be given at least 11 days in advance. Failure to respond with services will recall Sn the termination o! this conernct. S~ Si SCOPE OF WORK CONSTRUCTION .°+OgfINISf'RATION AND INSPECITON SERVICES SCOPE Listed belay is a brief descriptlon of the numerou dutiu that comprise a dally BSI contract administrariat~mtpection routine; tasks generally undertaken include, but ate not necessarity limited to the following: • Familiarization and review of wnttas documemt. Participation in Prewnsttuctioa Meetingi. • Review of Compliance Certificate. Daily impesion and Preparation of Dally Ltspection Reports. Review and recotamemdatiom in the ptxeuing of payment requuts. Assistance and recommendation is the processing of Change Orden, if required. • Preparation of periodic Project Status Report. Coordination with Contractor, Ageary staff etc. • Coardinaton with Materials Laboratory stet[ for material tdtiag as outlined in the specifications. • Other Construction Phate Service, as mey devebp, to determine that the work it proceeding im general camplianu with the intent of the pkun and specificatloas. The following represent a more detailed process of the normal xquetta of event involved t~ dally administratloa/mtpection activitla that wBl be uttlitxd oa thif project: Review Plans and Specifications Attend meetingi and conferences as required. • Review submittals es required and discuss with Contras Senior Inspector/Agenry Contras Manager. • Ensure that proper noti6carian to resident has occurred and that eca6ic wntrol requirement are setlsfied at all times. ~~ iii Meet with Contractor at the beginning of each day and review proposed work plan, including specific details that may affeM the progress. • Record information related to Contractors work crews and performance, equipment at site, eu Coordutate schedules and testing a, required, including sampling, if necessary and review of test raults. Make notes and approve quantities and develop pay estimates as required and submit to Engineer for approval. • Review actual Contractor performance throughout day, as required, and discusses discrepancies as they occur. Develop 'Punch IJst" items. • Review items requiring corrective action with Contractor and submit final acceptance report, when wrtectiom have been made. • Serve as general liaison between Contractor and Agency, • Report to Agency/BSI Project EngineeNManagei at completion of each day's work • PrcDeIe and submit darly and wenYly oimmw.o :n.n.rr:,.......,.... Coordinate on-going construction surveys and staking as requred. Obviousty, marry other specific issues are dealt with on a daily basis, which are not listed above. An important aspect, however, of the HSI approach to Contract intpection is the internal quality wntroUasstuance provided our clienp. Each inspector or group of inspector is supervised directly by a Registered Professioml F.oghaear and Supervising Senior Inspector, which ensures our etienb of direct handson review and assistance in the delivery of a quality product Supervising Engineezs are quite familiar with the impaction and eesring needs of each specific project and avadabk to provide each inspector with the necessary support at arty time. With regard to our typical quality control program, h should bo emphasisxd that quality control is very important both internally and externally. ~~ iv Speaking in terms of the erternal issues and using a typical street companoon projen as an example, the following items represent the minimum acxprbk: [or proper control of a project where BSI is asked to provide guidance to the City. Observation and testing of subgrade companion 2 Observation and testing of concrete work, (curb and gutttt/sidewalk, underground utilities, etc.). 3. Obutvation and testing of base materials, including: • Sampling and Testing • Gradation • Sand Equivalent • R-Va]ue • Companion and Thickness Detetmimtiom 4. Obutvation and testing of placement of asphalt concrete. (BSI, through the use o[ our company awned nuclear gage, is capable of providing en inspenor in dual capadry [inspenion and companion testing] for mntrol of paving projects.) Process should include dat7y sampling and testing for. Gradation .vNud~ ..G~itcui Maximum dCNfly/96 Voids IDnr Stabdiry Relative Companion Batch Plant impenion, as required. 5. Miscellaoeom impenion anti relocation o[ uttL'tles, etc- As mentioned previomly, internal quality control measures emote that projects are directly supervised by Registered Engineer, with considerable experience in the inspection and testing of comtrvnion mareriah. A seperau Internal Qm6ty Coaaol System has been established within BS[ to amore that the necessary degree of quality is met for each projen in which the comparry is imohTd in serving the needs of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, BSI wtll provide the City with an experienced team of Comtrnnion Adtttitdsttation/Inspection petwme4 In an effort to minimize cmb to the City, we will place very experienced impenor oa each assignment capable of handling not only inspection resptmstbdides, but certain upects of construction administration as well. Sal v Depending oa the date of tommmeemem of work, are have prervided fax rerkw resumes tot four (4) inspectors than eve prapae for use oa the rehcenced project, Farb itnpeetor has extensive esperieaa is all facets of pttbfie trorks ramauctioa. Addy, awe provide at ao esrra clurge to the City, roudae sapertrbina sad liaism through o~ Semor Supervisia8 , Mr. Steve Symonds. As an additional ante, BSI persoaoel tgpically ponraa the letert tdtm equipment available ittelttdiag paging ratio (each iaspecmr) aDd ~, ~~ vehi~ complete with the forest Motorola radio egt>;pmeat, melttdhtg a salluhr telephone eapabt7ity. Should dte CrtY a'~h, BSI petaomel as he set up m opeeue ~ the Cttyrs rttdio frequenry if it is considered by the City advaatagemrsv to da sa BSI penoaael arc alto egmpped with aR neasssry field equipment, speci8eatiom sad standards as well as other toateriah iegtd[ed for dally aedvidea. The primary inspector assigned to the project shall be John H. McCullough. Reassignment o£ the project inspector shall rea_uire City acceptnace and approval of a substitute inspector. LIMITATION OF LL1B1L.11Y BSI agrees to indemnify and hold harmless AGENCY, its officers and tmplnyees from and against liability, damages, costs, IOSSes, claims and expenses, including reasonable attomevs' fees. atisina out of the ne_vlieent acts. errors ~r nm;e<irm. of nCt ~~ .ti. performance of this Agreement. AGENCY and BSI have discussed their risks, rewards and benefits of the project and the HSPs total fee for services. The risks have been allocated such that the AGENCY agrees that to the fullest extent permitted by law, BSI's total liability [o AGENCY for any and all injuries, claims, losses, expenses, damages, or claim expenses arising out of this agrcemeat from any cause or cataes, shell not exceed the total amount of this contract. Such causes include but are not limited to BSI's negligence, errors. omissions, strict liability, breach of contract or breach of warranty. BSi shall not be responsible for delay, nor shall BSI be responst~lt fqr damagts or be in default or deemed to be in default try reason of stokes, lockauu, accidents, or acts of Gud, or the failure of AGENCY to furnish timely informatlon or to approve or disapprove BSI'S work promptly, or delay or faelty performance by AGENCY, other contractors, or governmental agencies, or any other delays beyond BSCS contrnl. ~~ ~; 8ffiBIT H PROJECT 8C8EDQLB B5I CONSULTANTS, INC. commits to pertozminq the servlees listed in the Scope o! Work in an energetic, consistent end diligent manner upon recelPt of a ^NOtice to Proceed" from the Agsncy. Ws expect to jointly establish with the Agency stet! a schedule for the project at the outset and w will commit the resources necessary to maintain the schedule. Preliminary Estimate start up dates for the projects are: PROJECT CONTRACT DURATION ESTIN7ITED START DATE Old Town Park 120 Days July 13, 1989 Beryl/Lions Park 120 Days August 28, 1989 West Beryl Park 120 Deys October 23, 1989 The work as set forth in Exhibit "A" shall coaence with the preconstruction meeting for the project and shall be completed with the city Council acceptance of the construction project. EXHIBIT C SC»ULE OF FEES Estimated feu for construction adtninistratiaNinspecdon personnel aze established on a very flexible bazis. Currentty our inspector aze invoiced at rotes ranging from 547.00 to 559.00 per hour depending on a City's specific needs. Theo rates reprexnt our standazd feu and are subject to reductioNnegotiation deprnding on the duration and/or nature of each contract. In an effort to demonstrate BSI inspection capab0ities to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, we propose to provide construction inspector to the City at a rate of 54&00 per hour. Please find listed below our proposed, not to exceed costs for this project based on an assumed schedule as indicated below: FEE SCHEDULE Schedule of Fees The following estimated cosu have been developed for review and further discussion and are baud an the scope of urvices outlined in the Request for Proposals (RFP) and an assumed range of required inspector time of 1,500 to 2,500 hour (all three projects). For estimating purposes, we have shown the inspector assigned 'to the project for approximately g hour per day (adrttinistration and iaspection).•'Any departure from this schedule will result in a carresnnndino ~,.~.,,..... a.......:., r__. .„ - ......... .... ,G.-.~CLS ,.iu uc invoiced on a time and materials not to exceed basis. (Ne '~irdmum charges). Task Descriotion Estimated Fees A. Construction Administration and Inspection j,~W ~~ Construction Lrspeaor, S 72,000.00 S 120,000.00 Assume Overall Average of 8 Houn Per Day @ S48/hour (1,500 - 2,500 hour) Project Supervision N/C N/C Materials Testing Provided by the City TOTAL ESTIMATED FEES ~[-Q~ S 72.000.00 S 120.OIIO.Iq The total not to exceed fees listed above ale baud on the estimated work plan and time requirements listed herein. Should additional services be required to atxompUsh project objectives, said services will be imroiced in accordance with the Usted unit rates, following prior notification and approval by the Agenry, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIAONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 5, 1989 i.>r 70: CTty Council and City Manager ~~C FROM: Russell H. Msguire, C1ty Engineer BY: Michael D. Long, Sr. Pub11c Works Inspector SUBJECT: Execute contract for the Hillside Road, east of Henaosa Avenue, awarded to J. E. G. Construction for the aaounL of =95,100.00 (186,404.87 plus lOf contingencyy) Lo be funded frog Fund 09, bas Tax 2107 Account No. 09-4637-8813 (FY 89/90) -Awarded 6-7-89 RECOI~EIOATION: It is recoeew!nded that City Council authorize the Mayor and C1ty Clerk to execute the contract docuexnts for the Hillside Road, east of Herepsa Avenue, and authorize the Adstlnlstratlve Services Directi r to expend 195,100, (186,404.87 plus 10 f contingency) to be funded frae Fund 09, Gas Tax 2107 Account No. 09-4837-8813. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On June 7, 1989, Ctty Council awarded the sub,)ect protect to J. E. G. - - -tea JA ~wwsi w..:] w..1 ~.~A Hu u_ u~utul rnMnvf AnrirMa hnnAe and insurance docuaw:nts; reviewed then and-found Chest to be caeglete and in accordance with the contract proposal. Resp ~ u~ tted, RHM:MDL: cc: Purchasing ~9 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 5, 1989 ~~ T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Michael D. Long, Senior Public works Inspector *y,,q SUBJECT: Execute contract for the Feron Boulevard Improvement Protect from Ramona Avenue Lo Herwosa Avenue awarded to Laird Construction for the amount of 576,811.00 (869,828.60 plus lOS contingency) to be funded from Community Development Block Brant Funds, Account No. 28-4333-8194 (FY 88/89) (Awarded June 21, 1989) It is recomaended that City Council sutlarize the Mayor and C1ty Clerk to execute the contract documents for the Feron Boulevard, from Ramona Avenue to Hengsa Avenue Improvement Protect, and authorize the Administrative Services Director to expend ST6,811.00, (f69,828.60 plus lOS contingency) to be funded from Community Development Block Grant Fundt, Account No. 28-4333-8194. aacxground/Malysi s On June 21, 1989, City Council awarded the subject project to Laird Construction. Staff has received the executed contract documents, bonds and insurance documents; reviewed them and found them t0 be complete and in accordance with the contract proposal. ResDe ubmltted, ^ (' RNM:MDL 3Jmr'_ cc: Purchasing Q CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 5, I989' T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Michael D. Long, Senior Public Works Inspector Jam' SUBJECT: Execute contract for the Sierra Madre and Placida Court Irgrovearent Protect located (rata Arrow Highway to Yia Carr111o Drive, awarded to Heritage Construction for the amount of (180,742.00 (f164,311.00 plus lOf contingency) to be funded with Caaaunity Developaent Block Grant Funds, Account No. 28-4333-8811 (Awarded June 7, 1989) 1t is recowrended that C1ty Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract docuarents for the Sierra Madre and Placida Court Irprovearent Protect and authorize the AdNnlstrattve Services Dl rector to expend (180,742.50, (f164,311.00 plus lOf contingenty) to be funded with CoawrnltY Developaent Block Grant Funds, Account No. 28-4333-8811. BackgrouM/Analysts On June 7, 1989, C1tY Council awarded the sublets protect G~ Heritage Construction. Staff has received the executed contract docuarer;ts, bonds and insurance docu~ents; reviewed there and found theta to be coaglete arrd 1n accordance with the contract proposal. Respe rbral ted, :MDL: cc: Purchasing ~~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 5, 1989 L>M T0: City Council and Ctty Manager ~-~C FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Michael D. Long, Senior Public Norks Inspector SUBJECT: Execute contract for the Scurry Seal Progran 1988/89, Phase 1 Various Street locations awarded to Doug Martin Contracting Coo~appany for the aaxwnt of f134,524.00 (f 131,385.01 plus l0f contingency) to be funded froe Gas Tax 2107 Account No. 09-4637-8816 (FY 88/89) and the aaaunt of (84,253.00 (76,593.86 plus lOf) to be funded fro~a Gas Tax 2107 (New Account) (FY 89/90) Awarded June 7, 1989 RECOMMENCJITIOM: It 15 recoawended that City Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract documents for the Slurry Seal Progran 1988/89, Phase i Yartous Street locations Improvement Project, and authorize the Administrative Services Otrector to expend 5134,524.00, (f 131,385.01 plus lOS contlrgenry) to be funded from Gas Tax 2107 Account No. 09-4837-8816 and the ,mount of (84,253.00 ((76,593.86 plus IOf contingency) to be fY11UiY fI VM Wi TYn ~i.~i7 \u.Vw ~.y ~. u::nt)• Background/Malysls On June 7, 1989, City Council awarded the subject project to Doug Martin Contracting Company. Staff has received the executed contraet documents, bonds and insurance documents; reviewed them and found them to be complete and to accordance with the contract proposal. Resp yf Htted, RHM:MO cc: Purchasing l.S/ ~t .cw ~ •. v r. ! O' - !y j~ O D ~ 2 :_'~ tL.''~d :;;_ L ~y - i_ ' ~~ -~ .'_ ~, ~, ,~ ~,~'~ ~. ,. cu r a~. I ~- ~. SLURRY SEAL 1988-8 ~3 VICINITY S INpEX MAP ~' e+aa+nt - ~ L Y a ~i r r r .,~, ~, . A ~~me'r~ 3 r ~~ , 6 = r<r: CITYOFRANCHO Cl1GgMaNQA " $ TITLE SLURRY SCAL PHAS[ I ~ SITC MAP 1988 N LEGEND C~ nue~r ~~~ DISTRICT N0. ! - A b FML NTOMNT • ~vreoziwT~ wurwN w ~ s ~ nrcNiNo ], ~~u~J ICMA DRIVE LEGEND DISTRICT NO• t-H Q SLURRY.SEAL tl PIRH NYORANT • APPRO%IMATE LOCATION OF R B R PATCIIINO " CITYOFRANCHOCUGQfYION "'° TInE ' '• ~~-~~~~ aiunnr sa~~ Pnuea~~r ~ SITE MA X0.8 .e9 1~T ,,;. ~~ @GENO ioorHic~ e~vR t~ swnnr scA~ r b FlR[ RrpRART piSTRICT N0. 2 - A _ _ AMRpKIIrAit lAUrpR M R d R nrewwR ~.'1~ I~~R~I~CU~`~a~l NIS (TITLE SLURRY SEAL PHASE I I /~ (SITE MAP 19A8 1V ~P ~p LEQ n CITYOFRANCHO SLURRY SEAL PHASE I 1988 uu~~r u~~ DISTRICT N0.2-B nec Mro~u~r uroaura~, I Marron OI ~ s w Mn11Nli --- r TItLE //~ SITE ILL N ~P I J ~ J ~ I l ~S+7iar /b+v 1 /LfO~'tiL LEGEND p aws~r a~~~ DISTRICT NO. 3 b -IIIL NTg1ANT _ _ _ -'. ~rrnmrutc iouriaN a ~ s w roreNaw ~8 J crVpe.~ ~ ,-- -- J m a N m r i 0 s 0 L~ w v s a I I HERM08A AVENUE I Ir DISTRICT N0. 4 LE^GEND `. SLURRY SEAL d FIRE HYDRANT CITYOFRANCHAG "' TITLE SLURRY SEAL PHASE 1 SITE MAF .988 N nn I/^ W W 2 W Q r O J Q m 2 V Q 4 r ~I~t o~rr N(1 R LEGEND ' C~ ~ SLURRY SEAL O FIRE NYORANT • APPRO%INATE LOCATION OF R B R PATCHING .~ `.L~~nA•yy,~nrr~~~ N S TITLE f ~w~w"w/ 3 SLURRY SEAL PHASE I $ITE MAP ,,:, ~ .9 8 8 N ~~ ~JTRYLON J W h_ S ~J L E E f I7 w W ~ ? K O J Q 2 V 4' ~ - ocnngRD~NO ROAD ~~ I: DISTRICT N0. 6 LEtiEND ~~ Q SLURRY SEAL ', b FIRE NYORANT ~_ • APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF R 0 R PATCNIN6 ~_ CITYOFRlWCFIO C TITLE f a SLURRY SEAL PHASE i SITE NINPt e ~ 198g N I inn 7 / - I nrmv nv. n •wrnvn n>'rn ~ unur STAFF REPORT ~~ ~.~ ~ A J $ a Date: July 5, 1989 ~y~~ ~~ To: Mayor, Membare of City Council, and City ~anaag/er From: Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager /~ By: Dave Leonard, Park Project Coordinator _Iq' Subject: Approval to Execute Contract with Martin J. Jaska, Inc. for Construction of Old Town Park Improvements. City Council authorize the Mayor and City Clark to execute the contract documents for the Old Town Park Improvements and authorize the Administrative Sarvicea Director to expand $1,002,299.00 ($911,181.00 plus 103 contingency) to 6a funded from Park Development Pond No. 20-4532-8611 and Community Block Grant Fund No. 28-6532-8181. ..,. _„ - -- ..1, :, .., - - - - - the Gl~ Tc:::. Park yImprovements prof acts to~MartinyJ. Jaska,yInc. Steft has received the executed contract documents, bonds end insurance documents and Pound them to be complete and in accordance with the contract proposal. Res fully submitted, Jo Schultz Community Servac s Manager JS:DL:bs 7~- n•sr ~~ RNOW ALL HEN HY THESE PRESENTS: That the following agreement is made and entered into, in triplicatn, as of the date executed by the City Clerk and the Mayor, by and between Martln J. Jaeka Inc, hereinafter referred to as the "CONTRACTOR" and the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereinafter referred to as "CITY". WRERF.AS, pursuant to Notice inviting Sealed aids or Proposals, bids were received, publicly opened, and declared on the date specified in said notice; and WREREA.4, City did accept the bid of Contractor Martin J. Jaska. Inc.; and WHERS718, City has authorized the City Clerk and Mayor to enter into a written contract with Contractor for furnishing labor, equipment, and material for the construction of OLD TOWN PARR IMPROVEMENTS, a FEDERAL HLOCE GRANT PROJECT. NOW, TBffi28POR8, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is agreed: 1. GENERAL SCOPE OF WOpR; Contractor shall lurnish all necessary labor, tools, materials, appliances, and equipment for and do the work for the Old TONN PARR IMPROVEMENTS. Said work to be performed in accordance with epeclficationa anfl standards on file in the office of the City Engineer and in accordance with bid prices hereinafter mentioned and in accordanc• with the instruction of the City Engineer. 2. INCORPORiTFO DOCVMENT3 TO B*+ ID FD COMP x'hnNT u]: The aforesaid specifications are incorporated herein by reference thereto and made a part hereof with like force and effect as if all of said documents ware set forth in full herein. Said documents, the Resolution Inviting Bids attached hereto, together with this written agreement, shall constitute the contract between the parties. The contract ie Sntended to require a complete and Llniehed piece of work and anythlnq necessary to complete the work properly and in accordance with the law and lawful governmental regulations shall be performed by the Contractor whether set out specifically in the contract or not. should it be ascertained that any inconsistency exists between the aforesaid documents and this wrlttan agreement, the provisions of this written agreement shall control. 3. TERMS OF CONTRACT• A. The undersigned bidder egress to execute the contract within ten (lo) worklnq days from the date of notice of award of the contract or upon notica by City after the 30 woxking days, and to complete his portion of the work within One Hundred Twenty (120) working days and to maintain the improvements for ninety (90) calendar days niter completion of the work starting from the data specified in the Notice to Proceed. 73 F-1 The bidder agrees further to the asaeeament of liquidated damages in the amount of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY ($250.00) DOLLARS dollars for each calendar dey the work romaine incomplete beyond the expiration of the completion data. City may deduct the amount thereof from any monies due or thet may become due the Contractor under this contract. Progress payments made after the scheduled date of completion shall not constitute a waiver of liquidated damages. 4. INSURANCE the Contractor shall not commence work under this contract until he hoe obtained all insurance required hereunder in a company or companlea acceptable to City nor shall the Contractor allow any subcontractor to commence work on his subcontract until all Snmurance required of the subcontractor has been obtained. The Contractor shell take out and maintain at all times during the life o! this contract the following policies of insurance: Companeation Inmuranco: Before beginning work, the Contractor shall tarnish to the Engineer a certiticato of insurance ea proo! that he has taken out full compensation insurance for all parsons whom he may employ directly or through subcontractors in carrying out the work specified herein, in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Such insurance shall be maintained !n full force and ettect during the period covered by this contract. In accordance with the provisions of Section 3700 0! the Calitornie Labor Code, every contractor ~ehell wears the DaVment of rtmm~~maH nn •_ i.~~ --..~_..__- to commencing work, shall •iqn and+ fil• with ~the~City ~a csrtiticetion as follows: "T am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 0! the Labor coda which require every employer to bo insured against liability for worker's compensation or to undertake self insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of thi^ contract." b. For all operation o! the Contractor or any subcontractor in performing the work provided for herein, insurance with the following minimum liaits end coverage: (1) Public Liability - Bodily Injury (not auto) 5500,000 each persona $1,000,000 each accident. (2) Public Liability - Property Damage (not auto) $250,000 each accident; $500,000 aggregate (7) Contractor'• Protective - Bodily Injury $500,000 each person; $1,000,000 each accident. (4) Contractor's Protective - Property Damage $250,000 each nccidentf $500,000 eggrsgete. F-2 ~1 (51 Automobile - Bodily Injury f500,000 each person; (1,000,000 each accident. (61 Automobile -Property Damage 5250,000 each accident. c. Each such policy of insurance provided for in paragraph b. shall: (1) De issued by an insurance company approved in writing by City, which is qualified to do business fn tM State of California; (2) Name as additional insured tM C1ty of Rancho Cucamonga, its elected officials, officers, agents and ewployees, and any other parties specified 1n the bid documents to be so included; (3) Specify it acts as primary insurance and that no insurance held or owned by tM designated additional insureds shall be called upon to cover a loss under said policy; (3) Contain a clause substantially in tM following words: "lt is Mreby understood and agreed tMt this policy may not be cancelled rror tM amount of LM coverage thereof reduced until thirty (30) days after roceipt by C1ty of a written notice of such cancellation or reduction of ceverage as evidenced by receipt of a registered letter.' (5) Otherwise be 1n fona satisfactory to Ciry. d. TM policy of Insurance provided for in subparagraph a. shall contain an endorsement which: (1) Naives all right of subrogation agalnat all persons and entitles specified to subparagraph 4. c.{2) hereof to be listed as additional insureds in CM policy of insurance provided for to paragraph D. by reason of any claim arising out of or connected with tM operations of Contractor or any subcontractor 1n performing tM work provided for herein; (21 Provides 1t shall not be cancelled or altered wlthouL thirty (30) days' written notice thereof given to City by registerod mall. e. The Contractor shall at the L1me of tM execution of LM contract presenE tM original policies of insurance required in paragraphs a. and b. Mreof, or present a certificate of the insurance company, showing she issuance of such insurance, and tM additional insureds and other provisions required Mre1n. F-3 ~~ 5. PREVAILING MI16E: Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions o a orn a Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor is required to pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the public work is perfonaed, and not less than the general prova111ng rate of per diem wages far holiday and overtime work. In that regard, the Dl rector of Lhe Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California is required to and has deteradned such general prevailing rates of per dtw wages. Copies of such prevailing rates of per diem wages are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 9320 Base Line, Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and are available to any interested party on request. City also shall cause a copy of such determinations to be posted at the ,lob site. The Contractor shalt forfeit, as penalty Lo C1ty, twenty-five dollars (f25.00) for each taborer, workman, or mechanic ewployed for each calendar day or portion thereof, 1f such laborer, workman, or mechanic is paid lest than the general preva111ng rate of wages hereinbefore stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontracWr under h1m, in violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. 6. APPRENiiCESH1P EMPLOYMENi: In accordance with the provisions of Section 1 o a r o as amended by CMpter 971, Statutes of 1939, and in accordance with the regulations of the Callfornla Apprenticeship Council, properly indentured apprentices may be employed in the prosecution of the work. Attention is directed to the provisions 1n Section 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the eaipioyment of apprentices Dy the Contractor or any subcontractor under h1m. Section i7ii.S, as amenaea, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprcntlceaDle occupation to apply to the ,joint apprenticeship coinlttee nearest the site of the public works project and which adainisters the apprenticeship program in that trade fora certificate of approval. The certificate will also f1x the ratio of apprentices to ,journeymen that will be used 1n the perfonsance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to ,journeymen in such roses shall not be less than one to five except: a. Nhen unemployment to the area of coverage by the ,joint apprenticeship canwlttee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request for artiftcate, or b. When the number of apprentices to training 1n the area exceeds a ratio of one to five, ar c. Nhen the trade can show that 1t js roplaeing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or lowlty, or F-4 7(p d. Mhen the Contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on ail of h1s contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight Journeymen. The Contractor is rcqutrod to hake contributions to funds estaDltshed for the adainistration of apprenticeship programs 1f he employs registered apprentices or Journeymen Tn any apprentlceable trade on such contracts and if other contractors an the public works site are making such contributions. The Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 1n the employment of apprentices. 7. LEGAL NOURS OF MORK: Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day s wor or a wor employed in the execution of this contract, and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with and be governed by the laws of the State of California having to do with working hours set forth /n Oivlston 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California as amended. The Contractor sM11 forfeit, as a penalty to L1ty, twenty-five dollars (525.00) for each laborer, workman, ar mechanic employed 1n the execution of Lhe contract, by h1^ or any subcontractor under h1m, upon any of the work hercinbefare mentioned, Por each calendar day during which sold laborer, workman, or mechanic 1s required or permitted to labor more Lhan eight (8) hours Tn violation of said Labor Code. 8. TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE PAY: Contractor agrees t0 pay travel and subsistence pay eac wor n needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments an defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreements f11ed 1n accordance with Labor Code Section 1773.8. 9. CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY: The C1ty of Rancho Cucamonga and its elected officials, o cers, agen an employees shall not be answerable or accountable 1n any manner for eny loss or dame9a that may happen to the work or any part thereof, or for any of the materials or other things used or employed in performing the work; or for 1nJury or damage to any person or persons, either workwn, dsployees of the Contractor or his subcontractors or the puD11c, or for damage Lo adJolning or other property from aay cause whatsoever arising out of or 1n connection with tM perforiaance of the vrork. The Contractor shell Da responsible for any damage or inJury to any person or property resulting from defects or obstructions or from eny cause whatsoever, except the sole negligence or willful misconduct of L1q~, its employees, servants, or Independent contractors who are directly rosponslble to City during the progress of the work or at any L1me before its completion and final acceptance. F-5 The Contractor will indemnify City and its elected officials, officer, agents and employees against and will hold and save them hornless from any and all actions, claims, damages to persons or property, penalties, obligations, or liabilities that may be asserted or claimed by any person, fine, entity, corporation, political subdivision, or other organization arising out of or in connection with the work, operation, or activities of the Contractor, his agents, employees, subcontractors, or invitees provided for herein, whether ar not there is concurrent passive or active negligence on the part of City, Its elected officials, officers, agents and employees, but excluding such actions. claims, damages to persons or property, pena11t1es, obligations, or liabilities arising from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of City, its employees, servants, or independent contractors who are directly responsible to City, and to connection therewith: a. The Contractor will defend any action or actions flied in connection with any of sold claims, damages, penalties, obligations, or liab111ties and will pay all costs and expenses, including attorney's fees incurred 1n conrection therewith. b. The Contractor will promptly pay any ,judgment rendered against the Contractor of Ctty, or its elected officials, officers, agents or employees, covering such claims, damages, penalties, obligations and 11ab111ties arising out of or in connection with such work, operations, or activities of the Contractor hereunder, and the Contractor agrees to save and hold the setae harmless therefrom. c. In Lhe event City, without fault, is made a party to any action or protteding flied or pprosecuted against the Contrattor for damages or other claims arising out of or to connection with the work, operation, or activities of the Contractor hereunder, the Contractor aerces to oav to City any anA all caste anA orn~neee Incurred by Ctty in such action or proceeding together with reasonable attorneys' fees. So much of the money due to the Contractor under and by virtue of the contract as shall be considered necessary by City may be retained by City until disposition has been made of such actions or claims for damage as aforesaid. 10. NON-DISCRIMINATION: No discrimination s~iall 6e made in the employmen~ersors upon publtt works because o1 the race, color, or religion of such persons, and every contractor :•,r public works violating this section is subject to all the penalties imposed fora violation of Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1 of the Labor Code in accordance with the provisions of Section 1735 of said Code. 11. CDNTMCT PRICE AND PAYMEIR: City shall pay to the Contractor for furnishing a ma era an ng proscrlbad work the unit prices set forth in accordance with Contractor's Proposal dated MAY 24, 1989. F-6 ~g 12. ATTORNEYS' FEES: In the event that any action or proceeding is brought byy e~to enforce any tern or provision of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall recover its reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred with respect thereto. IN YITIESS YNEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be duly executed with all the forasllties required by law on the respective dates set forth opposite their signatures. State of California Contractor's License No. icw204675B ~A MARTIN J. JASKA INC• 10723 Bell Court RancY.o Cucau~onoa, CA 19730 June 28,1989 a \ e Vice President CITY OF RANg10 gICAMONGII, CA BY: e ae Contractor's Business Fhone 714-941-1500 Emergency 7hone at which Con vac r can e reached at any tl me 714-687-2948 F-7 ~9 RESOLUTION N0. 89-160 P. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS ANO SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "OLD TOWN PARK IMPROVEMENTS" ON FERON BOULEVARD, NEST OF NERMOSA AVENUE IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS WHEREAS, it is the fntention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to construct certain improvements in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. WHEREAS, the CSty of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of certain improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve that the plans and specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications far "Did Town Park Improvements, a Federal Commmnity Block Grant Project". BE Ii FURTHER RESOLVER that the City Clerk is authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids ar proposals for doing the work spacifted in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertiseemnt shalt be substantially 1n the following cards and figures. to Mit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BiDS OR PROPOSALS" PUr'SUanL to a Remlm inn .! tbC wii6.:ii ui Lhe L1ty Of RanC hO Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, directingy this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thet the said City of Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the Office of the City Clerk to the offices of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on or before the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.N. on Wednesday, the 24th day of May, 1989, sealed bids or proposals for the "Old Town Park Improvements, a Federal Community Block Grant Protect" in said City. Bids will be opened and publicly read immediately in the office of the City Clark. 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Bids must be made on a form provided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, marked, "Bid for Construction of Old Town Park Improvements". MININUN WAGES: Notice is hereby given that the project to which the construction work covered by this Notice Inviting Bids is befog assisted by the united States of Aaerita and Federal Lobar Standards and Provisions are included in the contract pursuant to the provisions applicable to such Federal Assistance. All laborers and mechanics eaployed or working upon the site of the work will be paid unconditlonatly and not tess often than once a week, and without subsequent deduction or re'oate on any account (except such payroll deductions as are penaltUd by regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor ~~ Resolution No. 89-160 Page 5 ~~ r1 Dennis tout, layor ATTEST: , ~ every ut a et, ty , erk I, BEVERLY A. AUTHELET, CITY CLERK of the City of Raneho Cucaapnga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution Mas duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City GouncTl of the City of Rancho Cucaagnga, California, at a regular ueeting of said Ctty Couneil held on the 19th day of April, 1989. Executed this 20th day of April, 1989 at Rancho Cucaapnga, California. ~, y L e et, ty ark ~I - CITY OF RANCHO CiJCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 5, 1989 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director BY: Joan A. Kruse, Administrative Assistant SUBJECT: TELECOMMUNICATION CONSULTANT AGREEMENT RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve a contract with TeieQu estions Inc, a telecommunica tfon consulting firm, for negotiation, agreement development, and purchase of a telephone system and voice and data cabling for the Civic Center and public Safety Facility, including oversight and installation of same, through system acceptance. BACKGROUND: In order to provide the most efficient pu6lfc service for voice and data communications for the present staffing requirements as well as antra departmental communication (Fire District. Sheriff, outlying City facilities) staff determined it would be necessary for a new telephone system to be acquired. The firm, Telepuest ions Inc, was selected to write a specification for a telephone system, and voice and data cabling, to provide for necessary expansion. The specification was written to assure the elimTna4ion of blocking that occurs with our present system l~naoi lily to get an internal or outside line without a busy signal), and the '.atest technology to enable us to utilize voice and data capability to its greatest extent. Attached for your consideration is an agreement with TeleQuesti ons lnc in the amount of $15,000,(One-half of which will be funded by RDA account 13-51000 and one-half from account 01-4245-3900) which will secure for the City the best equipment at the most economical cost, system design, installation oversight, and system acceptance after installation. Funds have been budgeted in Lhe City's '88-'89 and '89-'90 budgets. Re spe tfully~~~--s~~ub///matted, ~~ Jim Hart Administrative Services Director JH:JAK;jk Attach. ~~ A6REE11ENT This Agreement is made and entered into this 5th day of July, 1989, between the City of Rancho Cucamonga, a Municipal Corporation (hereinafter known as "CITY") and Tele Questions, Inc. (hereinafter known as "CONSULTANT"). A. Recitals. (i) CITY has heretofore expressed its intent to contract for professional services with respect to the negotiation and purchase agreement for a telephone switch and associated cabling and Lhe cabling for data and video equipment resulting from the request for proposal process conducted by consultant, those services to be performed according to exhibit "A" attached and by this reference made a part hereof. (ii) CONSULTANT has heretofore submitted its proposal for the performance of such services, a full, true and correct copy of which proposal is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by this reference made a part hereof. (iii) LITY desires to retain CONSULTANT to perform services necessary to accomplish the tasks outlined in scope of work through successful installation and operation of said equipment post cutover. (iv) CONSULTANT represents that it is qualified to perform such services and is willing to perform such services as hereinafter defined. NON, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between LITY and CONSULTANT as follows: B. ree~ent. 1. Definition: The following definition shall apply Lo the following term, except where the context of this Agreement otherwise requires: (a) Services. The completion of those telephone and telephone related requirements and data and video cabling requirements described in Exhibit "A" hereto. 2. CONSULTANT ogre es as follows: (a) CONSULTANT shall forthwith perform the services in accordance with Exhibit "A" hereto and all in accordance with Federal, State, and CITY statutes, regulations, ordinances and guidelines, all to the reasonable satisfaction of CI TT. 4. CITY anrao5 ac follows; (a) To pay CONSULTANT a maximum sum of E15,000, This sum shall cover the cost of all staff time and all other direct and indirect costs or fees, including the work of employees, consultants and subcontractors to CONSULTANT. Payment to CONSULTANT, by CITY shall be made in accordance with the schedule set forth below. (b) Payments to CONSULTANT shall be made by CITY in accordance ~3 with the invoices submitted by CONSULTANT, and such invoices shall be paid within a reasonable time after said invoices are received by CITY. All charges shall be in accordance with CONSULTANT'S proposal either with respect to hourly rates or lump sum amounts for individual tasks. In no event, however, will said invoices exceed 95% of individual tusk totals described in exhibit "A". (c) Ad ditior,al services: Payments for additional services requested, in writing, by CITY shall 6e paid on a reimbursement basis in accordance with the fee schedule set forth in paragraph 3(b), above. Charges for additional services shall be invoiced on a monthly basis and shall be paid by CITY within a reasonable time after said invoices are received by CITY. 4. CITY aorees to provide to CONSULTANT (a) Information and assistance as set forth in Exhibit "A" hereto. 5. Termination: This Agreement may 6e terminated by CITY upon the giving of a written "Notice of Termination" to CONSULTANT at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of termination specified in said Notice. CONSULTANT may not terminate this agreement except for cause. 6. Notices and Designated Representatives: Any and all notices, demands, invoices and written communications between the parties hereto shall be addressed as set forth in this paragraph. The Administrative Services Director and Administrative Assistant shall be primarily responsible for the performance by the parties under this Agreement. Any such notices, demands, invoices and written communica?ions, by mail, shall 6e deemed to have been received by the addressee forty eight (48) hours after deposit thereof in the Ilnirnd SrahaC me il. nn ata ge ora paid and oro pe rlv addressed as set forth above. 7. Assignment: No assignment of this Agreement or of any part or obligation of performance hereunder shall be made, either in whole or in part, 6y CONSULTANT without the prior written consent of CITY. 8. independent Contractor: The parties hereto agree that CONSULTANT is an independent contractor under this Agreement and shall not be construed for any purpose to be an employee of LITY. 9. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed 6y and construed in ac to rdance with laws of the State of California. 10, Attorney's Fees: In the event any legal proceeding is instituted to enforce any term or provision of the Agreement, the prevailing party in said legal proreed+'^.^, span n> eor;rled ro rernvcr atin rneys' fees and costs from the opposing party in an amount determined by the Court to De reasonable. 11. Entire Agreement: This Agreement supersedes any and all other a 9reements, either oral or in writing, between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein. Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representation by any party which is not embodied herein nor any other agreement, statement, or promise not contained in Lhis Agreement shall be valid or binding. Any modification of this Agreement shall be effective only I if it is in writing and signed by all parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first set forth above: CONSULTANT CITY Address ~~ EXHIBIT •A• SCOPE Of NORK: 1. Consultant shall negotiate on behalf of City of Rancho Cucamonga for switch, data cabling, voice cabling, video cabling, broadband backbone and related hardware and software associated with telecommunication equipment. 2. Consultant shalt verify equipment order with vendor to assure completeness and accuracy. 3. Consultant shall attend customer meetings and provide critical input for switchroom layout and design. 4. Consultant shall attend vendor inte rvfews with departments to assure requirements within system design are met. 5. Consultant shall review database, floor plans, and worksheets for completeness and accuracy. fi. Consultant shall monitor installation of all ca tiling for compliance with specification. 7. Consultant shall monitor switch power up, station wiring, telco testing, station device installation, database testing, and sT to walk th rnunh 8. Consultant shall verify installation for completeness prior to acceptance and post cut-over. ~~ r. ~:~ ; - .._ „„; . ~'~"~*"~'"'Ms. Joan Kruse ~• Administrative Assistant City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline Road ~;v .. Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 91730 ~~Y:'T "~`~` -.~,,; ~` _. , Dear MS. Kruse, April 14, 1989 We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to present the attached Qroposal for consideration, on continuing our - telecommunication consulting services. Z: „iur;:.~. .. `, ~~ our proposal will outline the services needed to oversee the project until 30 days after implementation of all equipment, wire and cable plant. ~~>: ;-~^~•~ ~ Although this project was significantly expanded beyond the 3';~, ~~<., ~. ~, projected liPespan, we have continued to provide the °~ ~. '="'~`~r expertise required and at all times kept the best interest ~. of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Ej,t'~y. wo r,clieva vnu will scree. that TeleQuestions has '~.'{~~ ~ demonstrated its expertise, professionalism and hard work, ~~ ; -°,:=~v. while assisting you in the selection process Por a '. .., .:_~:a' ' ~ voice/data PBX and identifying data communication "'~`~- requirements. We take great pride in working, growing, and providing a continuing service to our local business community and the _ City of Rancho Cucamonga for the long haul. We sincerely appreciate having had the opportunity to serve you. Sincerely, <.,~ Margaret Krumm Senior Manager •~ 1 i "'i. • a. ?. 7201 Archibald Ave., Suile 4-305 • Post Olllce Box 7000-305 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 • 714/9876099 We are a completely unbiased Telecommunication Consulting Firm. We do not accept any fees from manufacturers , distributors, or dealers. We believe our alients~ investment in our expertise entitle them to any and all benefits. Any fees offered are passed on to the client and documented during contract negotiations. VV Tcic ~~~.ti~~~~. o „w Because most organizations are not intimately aware of a_i of the conditions presently affecting the telecommunications industry, or the potential vendors it almost always becomes a lot of guesswork in system selection, procurement, and implementation. Unfortunately, in too many cases, the vendors are placed in charge to provide, all the important considerations that are necessary for successful system implementation and operation. Remember, vendors are in business to sell hardware and software. Considerable savings can be realized for the City of Rancho Cucamonga by further investment in our expertise. The savings will far exceed our professional fee cost, and will assure the city to successfully complete the process o£ implementing their telecommunications requirements for the new Civic Center. The benefits and savings are numerous but some major ones are: * avoid costly misunflerstandings by the definitions of important terms. * reduce the risk o£ being "taken for a ride". * eliminate any uneccessery charges mnn ,.,nio Awn wire distribution is sionif icant and should be supervised from planning stage, delivery, installation, implementation, anfl testing. I would strongly encourage the City of Rancho Cucamonga to continue our services to protect an investment of this magnitude. 8~ 7201 Archinald Ave., Suile 4-305 + Post Ollice Bo><7000305 • Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91>01 • 714/9878099 ~clc ~icsti~~~~s ~~ ~w CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK PHASE ~l CONTRACT NEGOTIATION/PURCHASE AGREEMENT * design of equipment * additional interviews * maintenance agreement * equipment upgrade costs * capacity/features * system configuration * title of system * trade-in * default and damages * cancellation by the Buyer before installation * cancellation by the Seller before completion * leasing arrangements * consultant discounts * best and final offer * payment schedules PHASE X2 INSTALLATION/IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULES ;hitiAtw All necessary olanninq meetings es*_abliah delivery date overview oP Ploor plans overview of equipment room specifications Telco/GTE information after hours security provision oversee floor plans oversee station locations oversee contingencies for system delays obtain system documentations follow up and evaluation obtain documentation of any changes v 7201 Archibaltl Ave., Smte 4305 • Post O1hce Boy 7000305 • Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 • 714/907.6099 Tclc ~~ccti~~~~~ ~~; PHASE M3 OVERSEE: spe SYSTEM CUT-OVER/POST CUT-OVER equipment and software configurations and cifications station assignment and user training delivery and installation distribution and cable plant equipment room preparation hardware, software, and trunk testing system cut-over testing and acceptance OVERSEE: 30 DAY POST CUT-OVER * changes to database * additional training Assure all maintenance procedures are in place Review and verify as-built drawings and records 9i 7201 Archibaltl Ave., Suile 4-305 • Poaf Olfice Box 7000-305 • Rancbo Cucamonga, CA 91701 • 714/987.8099 Tcl~ ~~~.t~~~~~. _- TeleQuestions Research, Analysis, and Design activities for the City of Rancho Cucamonga will be organized as follows: As per attached Exhibit A TeleQuestions will provide the services explained in Exhibit A for a fixed fee of $15,000 This fee includes all consultant and design engineer time, sup- port materials, computer time, secretarial services and other re- lated office expenses we will incur on this project, Payment Terrs Payments will be made in accordance with the following schedule: Completion of Phase 1 $5,000.00 Completion of Phase 2 $5,000.00 + Completion of Phase 3 $5,000.00 * Phase 3 will be considered complete 30 days after implementation of system. I~nhinnAl PAVxlent TQrmR TeleQuestions will provide these services as per Exhibit A for a professional fee of $50.00 per hour and will invoice The City of Rnncho Cucamonga monthly and will provide a ledger of hours used with explanation. TeleQuestions Inc. Signature Tit a Date The City of Rancho Cucamonga S gna ure Tit a Date ~~ 7201 Archibald Ava., Suite 4305 • Post Ollice Box 7000-305 • Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 • 714/987.6099 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 5, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: James T. Harris, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approvai of a one year extension of existing Traffic Signal Maintenance (C.0. 87-086) with the adjustment of monthly service cost with Computer Service Company. To be funded free Gas Tax, Account No. 09-4637-6028, Contract Services (FY 89/90) pECONEIOATIOM: Approvai of one year extension of the Traffic Signal Maintenance Contract (C.0. 87-086) with a 5i ad,~ustwent of the monthly service cost for traffic signal maintenance, as requested by Computer Service Company. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The City is currently completing a two year Traffic Signal Maintenance Contract. A request has been received fray Computer Service Company, the City's current traffic signal maintenance contractor. This company has grnvtdaA an adequate level of service at cgmpetitlve rates. Computer §ervtce Company was requested to submit a proDOSaI for extending the current contract through Fiscal Year 89!90. Computer Service Company is agreeable to maintaining the current level of service with a 5s adiustment to the monthly service charge per signal and no increase in wage rates. A copy of the proposal is attached for your information. An annual negotiation of fee rates is provided for 1n the current maintenance agreement. The following is a listing comparing existing and proposed rates: Current ProDOSed Monthly Intersection Service f52.50 f55.13 Hourly Wage Rates Standard/Overtime Standard/Overtime Operations Superintendent 27.30 40.95 Same Same Englnnering Technician 26.78 40.17 Same Same Leadman 26.78 40.11 Same Same Service Technician 25.83 38.75 Same Same Lab Technician 21.00 31.50 Same Same 93 __ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TRAFFIC S[BNAL M1IINTENANCE JULY 5, 1989 PARE 2 Current Proposed Equipment Rates Service Truck 12.60 Sane Bucket truck 32.55 Same Air Compressor 22,58 Same The 5S increase to the monthly service charge per signal, along with new signals coming into service w111 be within the proposed fiscal year 89/90 budget of 5100,000.00 Por traffic signal maintenance contract services. Respec lly submitted, /1 ~! , Attachment 9~ RECD ,® Multi ib ~_.,~ CITY Oi IGNCiq CUCANCNDI EkCbIFFaIMC OlY8k1Y COMPUTER SERVICE CpMPANY DIVISION I3J0 ER ST ORYNG[LH JgPC AVI NU[, CV LII qiO N.CP g34]I~SJIV V OST O`fICE EOY dIB O. fVLL[RLO N, CA 93G]1 <RCd <OOE x]111 gHON! AA1~0361 June 9. 1989 CSty of Rmcho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rnneho Cucamonga, Celifornla 91730 Attention: Paul Rougeav Dear Paul: In Referents Refer To: CSC LTR No. 8906DD0242 Per discussion with J!m Narrie June 2, 1989r Dleese find enclosed requested proposed rate changes for traffic signal maSntenancs for the upeoaming fiscal year. Pleas• not• th• only increaa• Ss Sn th• monthly routine maSntenance category. The price dlffersnc• reflects the CPI Sndex change for the peat year. if you hav any questions regarding this matter, please do not heattate to call. Ver/y~ truly yours, iennta Dteter C(.MPUTER SERYIC6 COMPANY DD ]dr enc. cc: JSm Rarrla {,~ Jeff Swanson ~~ PROPOSED RATB CHANGES POR TRAFFIC SIGNAL NAZNTENANCB Monthly Intersection Service 555.13 Standard Overtime operations Superintendent 527.30 540.95 Engineering Techaicien 26.78 40.17 Lsedun 26.78 40.17 Service Teohuloien 25.83 38.75 Leb Techniciea 21.00 31.50 Service Truck 12.60 Bucket Truck 32.55 Air Cospressor 22.58 9~ nrmv no o w win vn r, rn . ""nvr . STAFF REPORT DATE: July 5, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell M. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Bob M. Porter, Assistant Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of a one year extension of existing Street Striping Contract (C.0. 87-07) and the addustxnt of three price schedule categories, with Orange County Striping Service, Inc. To be funded fray Gas Tax, Account No. 09-4637-6028, Contract Services (FY 89/90) AECOMNETDATIOM: Approval of one year extension of Street Striping Contract (C.0. 87-07) with the adJustxnt of three price schedule categories as requested by Orange County Striping Service, Inc. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Currently the Ctty is completing a two year Street Striping Contract with Orange County Striping Service, Inc. This coapany has provided very good service, 1n a tixly inner and at very competitive prices. In light of the favorable service, Orange County Striping was requested to submit a proposal for extlndln9 the current contract through N scat Year dy/vu. Of the eighteen pay items, all will be continued at the current contact price except for a minimal adlustxnt to three items. The following is a comparison of existing and proposed rates: 1. REFLECTIVE CENTERLINE AND LANE LINES CURRENT PROPOSED A. 4" Broken Lines 50.029 L/F Same B. 4" Solid Lines 0.045 L/F Same C. Two 4" Double Soiid Lines with 4" Black Separation 0.109 L/F Same D. 8' So11d Lines 0.09 L/F Sax E. Two-way Left Turn, BotA Sides, 4" lines with 4" Bieck Separation 0,18 L/F Same CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE JULY 5, 1989 PAGE 2 2. STENCILS - REFLECTIYE CURRENT PROPOSED A. 8" Letters f3.45 EA. f3.75 d. Limit Bars 12" Wide 0.35 L/F Same C. Arrows 4.00 EA. Same D. RRX Complete, Both Sides of Track 84.00 SET 90.00 3. CROSSMALKS -REFLECTIVE A. 12" Nide f0.33 L/F f0.35 4. PARKING A. Parking T's f2.00 P/T Same 8. Curb Painting 0.35 L/F Same 5. SMALL STENCILS A. 3" Non-Reflective Letters f1.00 L/F Same 6. MARK REMOVAL A. Wet Sandblasting f1.00 S/F Same 7. BLACKOUT 50.20 S/F Same 8. PRE-LINING f0.035 L/F Same 9. REFLECTIVE PAVEMENT MARKINGS f3.00 EA. Same 30. CERAMIC PAVEMENT MARKERS f1.25 EA. Same In comparison, these Items when applied to the level of service for Fiscal Year 88/89, would account for a 3.65 increase in re-striping costs. This is reasonable, when compared to the lnfiatlan rate for the same period of time. Respect~y suhmltted, r. ~ i~ %' ~ ~~ / ~,l - -' RHM:BMP:Iy Attachment ~8 A ~-. u mNrsannss ucev t~rsn ORANGE COUNTY STRIPING SERVICE, INC. 783 N. PIXLEY STREET • ORANGE, CALIFORNIA 92668 p741 639~d550 RECEIVED JUN 13 1989 cm aF wldlo cllculollcn olsuEee~c nmtlox June H. 19H4 Jim Hat rim City of Rancho Lucawonga HL Anneal Hestripe Contract. Dear aim. Attache4 are our pr~pused prices for the persod from July t, 1949 thru Junes '>O, 1996. ' We are requesLrn9 only three adjustments From our current price schedu]r.. H11 three of these proposed increase are in the Stenciling area. ih is area is more labor inEeneive than the nttrers, and we he';e trod thr re labor rate increases in the poet two years, while not ad~ustin9 any prices in our current con6rac t. All three increases are less than 1D% and.when viewed aver Lhe two year, of our curt ent contract prices, are less than vi: a real . fhe three proposed adjustments are as Fellow+. 2la) &' letters from f3. 49/each to fJ. 7:ri eae L, 2(di HHX complete, from S84. OU/seU to ti9U. U0/set; 3ta1 12" crosswalks, from t. 33/LF to f. 35/LF. IF ruu have am questions or mould disagree with my request, pleaeF Co not ha_: to tr to contact ere. Stepl:cn~J.. He i.~~len Vice President I / ORANGE COUNTV 5TR IPINC SERVICE, INC. 183 N Pitley St., Oranf e, CA 92668 C:o ntractor's Lic. M 346095 f714> 639-4590 FA% f714> 639-6353 PROJEC is Amiual Restr ipinf Contract Var wus Streets Proposal For the Period July 1, 1959 to June 30, 1990 ARCHITECT We hereby submit an estimate for, UNIT ITEM GESCRlPTION UNIT PRICE A. BIG SHEET 1. Reflective Cen terli ne .and Lana Lines a. 4" Broten Lines L/F .U29 b. 4" Solid Lines L/F .045 c. Two 4" Double Solid Lines wi to 4" Black Separation L/F .109 d. S" Solid Linr^ L/F .09 e. Two Way Lrpt Turn, botA sidas, 4" Lines with 4" BIacA Separation L/F .1S 2. Stencils - ReP Lctive _ .,, ~ _..__ Y cA. a. i~ b. Limit Bars 12" Wide L/F .39 c. Arrows EA. 4.00 d. RRX Complete botb sides op tracts Sets 90.00 3. Crosswalks -_$,aflective a. 12" Wide I_/F .35 4. Parting ~ a. Parting T's T's 7..00 D. Curb Paintinf L/F .39 5. Smal] Stencils a. 3" Non-R eplectly• letters EA. 1.00 I ~lO _. ~ - uNrr UNIT PRICE 6. Marking Removal a. Wet Sandblasting 5/F 1.00 7. blackout S/F .20 8. Pre-Lining LiF .035 9. Reflective Pavement Markings EA. 3. OU 10. Ceramic Pavement Markers EA. 1.25 i (ol - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 5, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer 8Y: Lucinda E, Hackett, Contract Employee ~~ SUBJECT: Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security, Drainage and Maintenance Agreements and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6 for Parcel Map 11891, located on the south side of Arrow Route, north of the A.T. 8 S.F. Railroad Tracks and west of Rochester Avenue It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Parcel Map 11891, accepting the subJect agreements and security, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6 and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreements and to cause said map to record. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Parcel Map 11891 located south of Arrow Route, northerly of the A.T. a S.F. Railroad Tracks and easterly of Rochester Avenue was approved by the Planning Comaission on December 28, 1988, for the division of 131.03 acres into 24 parcels. The Developer, O'Donnell, Anastrong 6 Partners, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Labor and eF r~rmance a~eri-al- Street Improvement f1,162,412 f581,236 Storm Drain 661,972 330,986 Landscape/Underground Utilities 425,556 212,778 ( ~ 1 CCSR PM 11891 JULY 5, 1989 PAGE 2 The Drainage and Maintenance Agreements are required to accept and maintain the drainage from the north side of Arrow Route through the site to Jersey Boulevard as shown on the approved plans on file in the City En9lneer s office. Copies of the agreements, security, and the Consent and Waiver to Annexation forty signed by the Developer are on file to the City Clerk's Office. Respectfull ubmitted, ~: i C~• RNM:LE : y Attachments (~3 RESOLUTION N0. ~ g- 3 O f A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 11891, (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP N0. 11891), IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Nap No. 11891, submitted by O'Donnell Arwstrong b Partners, and consisting of 24 parcels, located on the south side of Arrow Route, north of the A. T. d S. F. Railroad tracks and west of Rochester Avenue, beang a division of 131.03 acres Into 24 parcels was approved by the Planning CoAmlission of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga on December 28, 1989; and WHEREAS, Parcel Map No. 11891 Ts the final map of the division of land approved as shown on said Tentative Parcel Map;and WHEREAS, all of the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the final map by the City Council of Bald City have now been met by entry into an Improvement Agreement guaranteed by acceptable Improvement Security by O'Donnell Arwstrong 8 Partners as developer. NOW, THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLYED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security submitted by said developer be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest: and that ca1A Parrol Alan wn 11Ra1 Iw ,..~ Lam. CL~ ., .~ `.~ cpprJ~aC a~«. the Ciiy Engineer 1s authorized to present same to the County Recorder to De filed for record. lo~ RESOLUTION N0. JC q. ~ d ~- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON011, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNE%ATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 3 AND STREET LI6NT[NO 1MiNTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR PARCEL MAP 11891 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucasonga, California, has previously forarai a special xwtintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being DivTSion15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special auintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 3, Street L1ggMing Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and NHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional terriWry to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, at this tTNe the City Council 1s desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL aF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLONS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative bogy hereby orders the annexation of the property as shown in Exhibit "A" and the work prograat areas as described Tn Exhibit "B' attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance 01str1ct, including~Fe Tevy of all assessa~ents, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. ' ~~ LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 C/L ARROW ROUTE ra i i.tM r rct x Q i.iM r rc~ s i.w r rc~ ~ 1.«r r rct s r.~ r rCl 7 7.017 r rc~ s i•r M, rCl • 0.711 707 ru is I rep rx I ra n I ra ro I rct a 7A77 iM 4W r 7aY1 r 7.71 r 3.q1 r ra f t i. iii r ~I! ra rs 7.1M r • ra ie Y~ i•OM r rCl 17 1.m 777 .~ ,. ri.m Lei rc~ r~ rc- xo ~.w r s ~"! w~~ -~- i rc- u I ra xr ~.~ r 1]•r r ra x• 6117 r rC1 x~ ri.ar r 711G.E ~UPV04MJDPldi1E rMINT. • ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • STREET MFE MAIi(T. ,o~~ y CPPZ 0! RANCSO C~JCAYOI~GA ~ ~n II8`11 s, ~~. COUMT 0! MN H~l1~tAtDII~I0 '' ` ~'b ~ /'PATrt 0! CAL~'O~NIA ~~ -~ ~ N EXHIBIT •B• PROJECT NAME: Parcel Map 11891 N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: 131.03 ac N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 262.06 units STREET LIGHTING IMINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of Lamps to be Annexed District No. _,~-l£;~1T5DU 1 --- --- 25 --- 4 --- 6 1 2 25 --- --- --- LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Turf Ground Cover Trees "u iaLri~L nu. Sireec nave Jq. it. ~q. ft. La. 3 Milliken Avenue/ Median Inland/ Slopes --- 96,360 711 Mtsc. Streets --- --- 551 JAA: 7/5/89 ~o~ rrmv nc oenrr un rTrreMnwrr_e _ma+. STAFF REPORT , GATE: July 5, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell M. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector' SUBJECT: Approval of Improvemmnt Agreement Extension for Tract 12832 (Day Creek Boulevard), located on proposed Oay Creek Boulevard, between Highland Avenue and Victoria Park Lane, submitted by The Nilliam Lyon Company RECOMMEIDIITIOY It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreeamnt and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 12832 (Dqy Creek Boulevard) were approved by the City Council on Nay 22, 1986, in the following amounts. Faithful Performance Bond: f1 ,600,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: S 800,000.00 The developer, Killtam Lyon Company, 1s requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Iaprovement Agreement Extension are available in Lhe City Clerk's Office. Respectfull submitted, RIW: •1 Attachments log RESOLUTION N0. g ~- 3O 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONSA, CALIFORNIA, APPROYiN6 IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12832 (OAY CREEK BOULEVARD) NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an improvement Agreement Extension executed on duly 5, 1989, by Ni111am Lyon Company as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-wqy ad3acent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the Droposed Day Creek Boulevard, between Highland Avenue and Victoria Dark Lane; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and sub3ect t0 the terms thereof, is to be done 1n con,lunction with the development of said Tract 12832 (Dyy Creek Boulevard); and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufflctent Improvement Security, which is identified in Bald Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. X09 .~~cw'ILLIAVI L1'ON~I~i~¢sz~ 85d0 ARCHIBALD, SUITE B. RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 (71d) 9B0-P1d4 tune 19,1989 Steve Gilliland Engineering Department City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga,Ca. 91730 RE: Tract 12832 Dear Steve: Transmitted herewith is the executed Extension for Improvement Agreement for Tract 12832 and a check for this extension in the amount of $251.00. The William Lyon Company is asking for a 12 month extension for this improvement agreement. The work related to this improvement agreement is the completion of Phase II of Day Creek Channel. .. ,..-,.,.m.. .._. ...... ..,..,.. ~~~, .. Phase II D of Gay Creek Channel to complete our work on the east side of Day Creek Boulevard. As soon as this portion of Day Creek Channel is complete we will begin working on the east portion of Day Creek Boulevard. Ptease contact me for any further Snformatiorr we ar. provide to assist your processing this extension. Thanks for your help. Respectfully ~~//~U eI-`'/n'~- na ri Newman Prn ir+~t 'da n~gemcnt Assistant Inland Empire Division encls. II REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT nrmv no n w unvn nr rn ~ srnwrr w STAFF REPORT .~ GATE: July 5, 1989 T0: CTty Council and C1ty Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer ~ BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector' SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13318, located on the southeast corner of Hermosa Avenue and Manzanita Drive, submitted by Mayflower - Bayoun RECOMMENDATION It 1s recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,~ect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13318, were approved by the City Council on July 7, 1988, in the following amounts. Faithful Performance Bond: 5136,800.00 Labor and Material Bond: Y 68,400.00 The developer, MAyFlower - Bayoun, is requesting approval of a 6-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Resp su tted, .~ '~~~ -" RNM: Attachments RESOLUTION N0. 89- ~(rJ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON6A, CALIFORNIA, APPROYIN6 IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13318 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on July 5, 1989, by Mayflower - Bayoun as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way ad,~acent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the southeast corner of Heragsa Avenue and Manzanita Or/ve, and NNEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said improvement Agreement and subject to the terws thereof, is to be done in con,~unction with the development of said Tract 13318; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreamnt Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient YmproVement Security, whtrh 1s identifted to said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the Ctty Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor Is hereby authorized to sign said Improvesent Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. (~~ dayflower-Bayoun REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS FCE~VED o~r~oa ''-'~:~ June 6th, 1989 FMCIN fq N~~'U~ NOh~ City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Development Department Engineering Division P.O.HOx 807, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91790 SUBJECT: Request Por Extension of Improvement Agreement TR 33338 Dear Slr: This Se to kindly request the extension o! the Improvement Agreement for TR 13318 which exp3ree on July 6, 1989 to Jan.6, 1990. As of this dat• the the following work remains to be completed: Minor grading work. Street improvements. DrSveway approaches. Undergrounding o! utilities (scheduled by Edison to aiart the .4 n{ Tn,.~ 4~M 1 Parts o! the boundary wall. Landscaping work. It Ss expected that ell the remainSnq work will be completed well within the requested extension date of January 6, 1990. Enclosed please 11nd a completed Dopy of the Improvement Bxtenslon Agreement, executed Sn tr3p11eate and duly notsrSzed. Thanking you for your consideration, I remain Cordially, MAYFLOWER-BAYOUR ;~-~ //~7 ~~~ll~~ B~ 111 A}ami V.P./ General Msnager ~I~ ~u,~~ Il.wn A~ripu~ ~iitlrl-~n.ILmilin~iu,nnnuu~i.~.A~il7tu•iTld~li.ldU{un - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 5, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks lnspecto~ SUBJECT: Pyproval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Parcel Map 10185, located on the southwest corner of Highland Avenue and Milliken Avenue, submitted by William Lyon Company RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Lhe City Council ddopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Parcel Map 10185, were originally approved by the City Council on April 16, 1981, 1n the following amounts. Faithful Perfornwnce Bond: 5606,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: (303,000.00 The developer, William Lyon Company, is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully 1Lted, RHM: ,. y ~ Attachments II I RESOLUTION N0. 8 ~- ~0 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CWNCTL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON6A, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT A6REENENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 10185 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for Its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on July 5, 1989, by William Lyon Conpany as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way ad,{acent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the southwest corner of Highland Avenue and Milliken Avenue; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, descrlbed in said con,lunction wltr~ntdeveloupme tto~sa d ParceltMap 10185s todbe done in WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which Ts identified in said Improvement Agreeamnt Extension. ' NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the sane are hereby approved aM the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. II~ . %~ ~~7LLIA~1 L1-O\ ~~~a~iri7~ BSdO ARCHIBALD. SUITE B. RANCHO Cl1CAMGNGA. CA 91770 Vldl 980-22dd .Tune 8,1989 Steve Gilliland Engineering Department City of Rancho Cucamonga P.0. 80:C 807 Rancho Cucamonga, Ca.91730 RE: Tract 13279 & PM 10185 Transmitted herewith is the executed Extension for Improvement Agreement for Tract 13279 and Parcel Map 10185 a check in the amount of $251.00 for each is enclosed. Our construction staff has informed me that the Detention Basin is complete and that we will be requesting final inspection and release of the bonds on this facility immediately. When the bonds are released we will give the City a maintenace bond if required. Extension of the improvement agreement for Victoria Park Lane and the storm drain system are directly related to the completion of Phase II A of Day Creek Channel. There is only a small portion of the storm drain system to complete and that is the portion that would connect Co Day Creek Channel. Our completion of 'i~Lu~ie Ce~n i.e ur Lu tuc rm lew uuuuueiy ui item i327> is eiau dependent upon completion of the channel construction. Both Tract 13279 and Parcel Map 10185 are directly effected by the detour plan for the work on Highland Avenue. It is my understanding that this plan should be approved and a permit issued within the next couple of weeks at which time work would start immediately. We are requesting an extension for both tract 13279 and parcel map 10185 of 18 months. We would like to have your estimate for completion of Phase IL A of the channel [his could help us in determining exactly how much time we will need to complete our projects. lY ::c can pro•: ide further infarmaticn regarding these improvement agreement extensions please contact our office. Respectfully, ~~f!~- r~Mktr/ Shari ;le wRan Project Management Assistant ~I Inland Empire Division REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: July 5, 1989 City Council and City Manager Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer Steve M. 6111i1and, Public Norks lnspecto~~/s~ Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 12650-4 Storm Drain, located on Lhe southwest corner of Canlstel Avenue and Deer Canyon Drive, submitted by The Deer Creek Company RECOMIEIOATION It Ts recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension antl security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign told agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements far Tract 12650-4 Stores Drain were approved by the City Council on June 2, 1988, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: 5182,000 Labor and Material Bond: S 91,000 The developer, The Deer Creek Company, 1s requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said lagrovement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the C1ty Clerk's Office. R tf ly su tted, i / RHM: Attachments ll7 RESOLUTION No. Xq - 3 O w A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CULANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROYIN6 IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12650-4 STORM DRAIN WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extenston executed on July 5, 1989, by The Deer Creek Canpany as developer, for the improvenent of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the southwest corner of Canistel Avenue and Deer Canyon Drive; and 11HEREAS, the Installation oP such improvements, described in said Inyrovement Agreeaw!nt and sub,~ect to the terms thereof, Ts tc be done 1n con,lunction with the development of said Tract 12650-4 Store Drain: and MIEREAS, satA iagoveanwi Agreement Ewtcwsfan is Secured and acconpanied by good and sufficient Iagrovenent Security, which is identified in said Inprovemen*. Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Inprovenent Security be and the sane are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said ImprovementAg regiment Extension on behalf of the C1ty of Rancho Cucamonga, and the C1ty Cierk to attest thereto. /~~ STAFF REPORT ._ DATE Juty 5, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspecto~ SUBJECT: O.pproval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13117, located on the east side of Haven Avenue between Banyan Street and Chaffey College, submitted by Paragon Haines RECONIEIOJITION It is rccammended that the Cfty Council adopt the attached rcsotutlon, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGRWND Improvement Agreement and In~rovement Security W guarantee the construction of the Dublic improvements for Tract 13117 were origlnaily approved by the City Council on May 8, 1986, 1n the foliowing amounts. Faithful Performance Bond: f615,UW Labor and Material Bond: :308,000 The developer, Paragon Homes, is requesting approval of a 4-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respp y submitted, ~~ :SMG: Attachments I~~ RESOLUTION N0. ~ Q - 30 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITT OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IPPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13117 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Igrovement Agreement Extension executed on July 5, 1989, by Paragon Hames as developer, for the igrovement of public right-of-way adiacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the east side of Haven Avenue between Banyan Street and Chaffey College; and WHEREAS, the lnsta11at1on of such igrovements, described in said Igrovement Agreement and subject to the teen: thereof, 1s to be done 1n canlunction with the development of said Tract 13117; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accoganied 4Y good and sufficient Iagrovemxnt Security, which is iderrtified in said Igrovement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, the C1ty Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Igrovement Agreement Extension and said lgrovement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Igrovement Agreexnt Extension on behalf of the C1ty of Rancho Cucamonga, and the C1fy Clerk to attest thereto. Iv ~~~t-.sizes, .~iec: June 2, 1989 Mr. Steve Gilliland City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Ae: ExplraLlon of Improvement Agreement and Securities for Tract N 13117 - L.O.C 688-5. Dear Steve: In response to your letter dated Nay 17, 1989, we hereby lormelly request an extension of the fiprovament Agreement !or our Tract N13117 and enclose our check in the amount of 92Sf .00, Ne are requesting an extension of tour months. The delays Sn the construction ere dlrsetly reletsd to Lhs changes in policy by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The corrections hsvs commenced and construction continues through the projected cos:plstion date of October 16, 1989. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, PARAGON NOM$S, INC. !/Zl1~c.~a~ ~ ~tE~E1VE® Vanessa Alrkpatr! k ., .u'; 1?.9 /vk CITY OF RANCHO gUCAMONDA enclosure ENGINEERING DIVISN)N 1 ~~ rJJA'rsib ~liirv,~lvn rtK~, ~lanm .!/wwx, C;a{ybnaa ,y04A0 ;~ekr6.{ortr /PlJ/.t9e-rler .Iox/Ere/,t91-~)r . lGr/uy .,fddr~c.~ ~ 0. ~vs 4ref, Janm..lfonm~ L~j:Snui.9WOi5' CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 5, 1989 70: CTfy Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, Citv Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Pubitc Norks InspectorG~ SUBJECT: Approval of Isgrovement Agreement Extension for Tracts 13279 Stoma Drain; 13279 Detention Basin; 13279 Victoria Park Lane; 13279 Streets, located on the south side of Highland Avenue between Rochester Avenue and N1111ken Avenue, submitted by N1111am Lyen Company I{£COIgE1dITiQ1 It is recomanded that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,~ect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Ingrovement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the canstructlon of the public improvements for Tracts 13279 StonK Drain; 13279 Detention tld51n; ld2/v victoria varK Lane; 1J2/9 streets, were epproVea Dy the G1 TJ' Council on November 5, 1987, in the following amounts: Stour Detention Victoria Drain Basin Park Ln. Streets Faithful Performance Bond: f2,734,609 (518,575 (155,041 (5,530,041 Labor and Material Bond: f1,367,305 (259,288 f 77,521 (3,139,024 The developer, Nilltam 4yon Company, is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Iagrovement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Re 11~nsubmitteds / : SM Attachments /d J RESOLUTION N0. 8~- 3V A RESOLUTION OF THE CI7T COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMOM611, CALIFORNIA, APPRDVIN6 IMPROYEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IlRROYEMENi SECURITY FOR TRACTS 13279 STORM DRAIN; 13279 DETENTION BASIN; 13279 VICTORIA PARK LANE; 13279 STREETS NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on December 21, 1988, by Nilltam Lyon Company as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the south side of Highland Rvenue between Rochester Avenue and Milliken Avenue; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the tenor thereof, 1s to be done to conJunctian with the development of said Tracts 13279 Stores Drain; 13279 Detention Basirt; 3279 Yfctbrta Perk tone; 13279 Streets; and NHEAEAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied 6y good and sufficient ]mprovement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreeaent Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same an Hereby approved and the Mayor 1s hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behaN of Lhe city of xancno Cucamonga, and the City Cierx to attest thereto. /q %~ \\'1LLL~M Ll'Oii ~~~»r d~rr~/ BSdO ARCHIBAID. SUITE B, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91770 I71d) 980-4Pdd June 8,1989 Steve Gilliland Engineering Department City of Rancho Cucamonga P.0. BO:C 807 Rancho Cucamonga, Ca.91730 RE: Tract 13279 & PM 10185 Transmitted herewith is the executed Extension For Improvement Agreement for Tract 13279 and Parcel Map 10185 a check in the amount of $251.00 for each is enclosed. Our construction staff has informed r.~e that the Detention Basin is complete and that we will he requesting final inspection and release of the bonds on this facility ipmlediately. When the bonds are released we will give the CL[y a maintenace bond if required. Extension of the improvement agreement for Victoria Park Lane and the storm drain system are directly related [o [he completion of Phase II A of Day Creek Channel. There is only a small portion of the storm drain system to complete and that is the portion that would connect to Day Creek Channel. Our completion of v , .. ~~ . .1. ~ .. rw.. ~_~ ...... 1........1 ....• .. C T. ..r 1 7] ]Q t c a 1 e uu. ..u u~ ... ~~ .. __ _ __ ___.. de pendent^upon completion of the channel construction. Both Tract 13279 and Parcel Map 10185 are directly effected by the detour plan for the work on Highland Avenue. It is my understanding that this plan should be approved and a permit issued within the next couple of weeks at which time work would start immediately. We are requesting an extension for both tract 13279 and parcel map 10185 of 18 months. We would like to have your estimate for completion of Phase II A of the channel this could help us in determining exactly how much time we will need to complete our projects. !£ •..~e can provide further information regarding these improvement agreement extensions please contact our office. Res~{pyelc,,t~fu`l~l~y~~, ~ ~' F.~"" ' f'""/wk~ Shari Newman Project Management Assistant Inland Empire Division / REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 5, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, Ctty Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Coayletion RECOMMENDATION: The required street taprovements for DR 86-42 have been completed in an acceptable manner and it 1s recoamended that City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance and in the aawuat of 162,000 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS DR 86-42 - located on the rarth side of Arrow Highway between Nh1te Oak Avenue and Maple Place. DEVELOPER: David Leff P.0. Boz 1789 p.eaAa. !'1 g17AF Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 162,000 Respe submitted, RHM: :dlw Attachment 1 / RESOLUTION No. ~ ~ - 3 O A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAM0116A, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC INPROYEMENTS FOR DR 86-42 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COIPLETION FOR THE NORK MHEREAS, the construction of public iaproveawnts for DR 86-42 have been coa~pleted to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Natlce of Coa~pletton 1s required to be filed, certifying the work co~plete. NON, THEREFORE, Lhe City Councii of the City of Rancho CucaaaMga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Ca~pletlon with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. ~~ 7 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 5, 1989 T0: C1ty Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Magutre, City Engineer BY: Steve M. 011111and, Pubiic Morks Inspect r~ SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Coapletion RECOI~ENOATION: The required street fagroveaKnis for OR 87-60 have been caayleted in an acceptable axnner a~ it 1s recoanended that City Council accept said lagroveaents, authorize the C1ty Engineer to file a Notice of Coapletion and authorize the C1ty Clerk to release the Faithful Perforaxnce Bond 1n the aaxnxn of (69,000. Background/Analysis OR 87-60 - located on the west side of Red Oak Street, between Arrow HTghwgy and Jersey Boulevard DEVELOPER: Mertln Jaske, Inc. 10723 Bell Court Release: Faithful Perfor~ance Bond (Street) (69,000 Resp~ tted, RNM SMB: Attachoent RESOLUTION N0. ~~' ~ I D A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE~CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPRDVEIENTS FOR OR 87-60 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE YORK YHEREAS, the construction of public laproveav!nts for DR 87-60 have been coagleted to the satisfaction of the City Engineer: and IIHEREAS, a Notice of Coiapletion is required to be filed, certifying the vork coaglete. NOY, THEREFORE, the City Councti of the Ci;y of Rancho Cucaaa~nga hereby resolves, that the wrk is hereby accepted and the City Engineer 1s authorized to sign and file a Notice of Coagletlon M1th the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. /~ 9 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 5, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, Cify Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilleland, Public Norks Inspector SU&1ECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Caagletlon RECO~EIDATION: The required street Saproveaatnts for Tract 13248 have been caNpleted in an acceptable wooer and it 1s recaaaaended that City Council accept said laprovearents, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the aabunt of 515,000, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Caapletian and authorize the Cittyy Claek to release the Faltbtul Pnrtorwnce B din the aaaunt of f150,000. , BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 13248 - located an the south side of Highland Avenue between Archibald Avenue and Nenaosa Avenue. DEVELOPER: H 8 S Capital Enterprises /Q51 D~wLyiw nr ~9r1r1 Covina, CA 91724 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 515,000 Release: Faithful Perforwnce Bond (Streetl 5150,000 Respec u ubNtted, RfM: Sl~i. dT~ AttachaKnt (~~ RESOLUTION INI. g ~' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCINI CUCAM0NGI1, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROYEMENTS FOR TRACT 13248 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COIPLETION FOR TIE MORK NHEREAS, the construction of public 1 rovesients for Tract 13248 have been coayleted to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and MHEREAS, a Notice of Coapletton is required to be filed, certifying the work caaplete. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resoives, that the cork 1s hereby accepted aM the City Engineer is authorized to sign and f11e a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. /~1 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 5, 1989 T0: Ci fy Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. 6TllTland, Public Norks InspectoF-~' SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion ~i .: ~1 ii~"A The required street improvements for Tract 13060 have been completed in an acceptable manner and Tt is recommended that C1ty Council accept said 1 rovements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of 548,000, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the Cittyy Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of f480,000. Background/Malysi s Tract 13060 -located on the southwest corner of Mi111ken Avenue and Fairmont Nagy. DEVELOPER: The N1111am Lyon Company 8540 Archibald Avenue /B Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) f48,000 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 5480,000 Re/ sppepf 1 ted, %j/J~ ~ "~ ANM:S Attachment /~ RESOLUTION N0. 8~- ~ 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13060 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the construction of public tagrovea~ents for Tract 13060 have been co®pleted to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of CaaRletion is required to be filed, certifying the work coaglete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of Lhe City of Rancho Cuca~anga hereby resolves, that the work 1s hereby accepted and the City Engineer 1s authorized to sign and file a Notice of Coagletlon with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. /~ 2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 5, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Publie Norks Inspector. SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion RECONEIDATION: The required street improvements for Tracts 12590, 12590-2, and 12590-3 6 -4 have been completed in an acceptable men~r and 1t is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds in the amounts of f13,300, f2,550 and f1,80D respectively, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of CampletTor~ and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Perfonaance Bonds in the mounts of (133,000, (25,500 and S1a,ooo. Background/Malysis Tracts 12590, 12590-2, and 12590-3 8 -4 - located on the northeast corner of Base Line Road and Valencia Avenue DEVELOPER: Leris Hones P.0. Box 670 Upland, CA 91786 Accept: TR 12590 TR 12590-2 TR 12590-3 d -4 Maintenance Guarantee Bonds (Street) f 13,300 f 2,550 f 1,800 Release: Faithful Performance Bonds (Street) (133,000 Res~.ec~tf sub~altted, . ~ ~,~ , RHM:S •s Attachment (25,500 (18,000 /3~{ RESOLUTION N0. ~~ ' ~' 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACTS 12590; 12590-2; AND 12590-3 d -4, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the Construction of public tagrovenents for Tracts 12590, 12590-2, and 12590-3 6 -4 have been coagleted to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Coapletton is required to be filed, certifying the work coaplete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucaaonga hereby resolves, that the work 1s hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Coapletlon with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. / 3.5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: duly 5, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works inspector SUBJECT: Release of Maintenance Bond for Tract 12490 located at 8167 Vineyard, south of Foothill Boulevard RECONEIDATIOM: It is recaaasended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds. Background/Analysis The required one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free fray defects 1n materials and vrorkmanship. DEVELOPER: American National Post Office Box 10 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 52,310.00 Respect idly submitted, RHM: •s m /3~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAAtONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 5, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager fROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Ken Fung, Assistant Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of the Environmental Initial Study, Parts I and II for the proposed Hidden Farm Road Culvert and issuance of a Categorical Exemption therefor RECOMMEMBATIOM• It is hereby recamsended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution accepting and approving the Environmental Initial Study, Parts I and I1 for the proposed Hidden Fares Road Culvert and issuance of a Categorical Exemption therefore and direct the City Clerk to filtr s Notice of Exemption pursuaet to the California Envlronmetal Quality Att. This report presents an Environmental Assessment Initial Study for the proposed Nidden Fans Road Culvert. In conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act and State Guidelines, the attached document has been prepared to penait construction of Said proiect entails the lnsta11at1on of a 33" RCP for drainage improvements and same minor road work. It is the Engineering Staff's finding that the proposed pro,~ect will not create a significant adverse impact on the environment and theroforc recommend that these improvements be classified as Categor1ca11y exempt. Respectful submitted, RHM:MD Attachment 137 RESOLUTION N0. ~~' ~ I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CDUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONfiA, CALIFORNIA, APPROYIN6 THE ENYIRONNENTAL INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OF A CATE60RICAL EXEMPTION FOR THE PROPOSED HIDDEN FARM ROAD CULVERT NNEREAS, the City Council of the City Of Rancho Cucamonga bas reviewed all available input concerning the proposed Hidden Fan Road Culvert; and NHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment Initial SWQy has been prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended. NON, THEREFORE, be it resoived that the City Council of Lhe City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION I: The City Council of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves the Envlronmen ssessment Initial StuQy and issuance of a Cakgorical Exemption for the proposed Hidden Fares Road Culvert. SECTIQN 2: The C1ty Clerk is dlreckd t0 file a Notice of Exemption pursuant tome i^ali'fornia Envlrormmnkl Quality Act. /3~ ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW APPLICATION INITIAL STUDY -PART I GENERAL For all protects redacting environmental review, this form must be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department where the protect application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Planning Oiviston staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study and make recommendations to Planning Comaission. The Planning Commission will make one of Chree determinations: (1) The protect w111 have no slggnif to ant environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, (2) The protect w111 have a slgnificanL enviromianLal impact and an Envtranmental Impact Report will be prepared, or (3) An addtttonal information report should be supplied by the appltcaot giving further fnformatlon concerning the proposed protect. Date Filed: Protect Title: Hidden Farm Road Culvert , ._, ,,. ~oivyuune: ~~~y ui na ncnu uucamonga v u Anx 8 z g32n Aa se i~g Rnad. Rancho Cucamonga. CA 5173D Name, Address, Telephone of Person To Be Contacted Concerning this Profeet: Kenneth Fun .Assistant Civil Engineer 1714) QA9-1867. Ext. 325 location Of Protect: Hidden Farm Road between Moonstone Avenue andrts eastern farm inus road situated east of Carnelian Street. Assessor's Parce} List other permits necessary from local, regional, state and federal agencies and the agency issuing such permits: None /39 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Proposed use dr proposed pro,j ect: Pro iect involves construction of _c_ulve rt and relatetl facilities to chapyel wxte de instead o£11YeL hidden Fa rn Road Acreage of pro,lect area and square footage of existing and proposed buildings, if any: N/A Describe the envirommental settin of the pro,Ject site including information on topography, so st t ty, pants (trees), land animals, any cultural, historieal or scenic aspects, land use of surroendt/tg prcpcrties, and the description of any existing structures and their use (attaeh necessary sheets): Tha portion of Hidden Farm Road under consideration is residential. The road din< to allrce water from a n inral r annal in flow ddwnSL ream. The ,_pavamant. ;~ in bad shoo d~ to the continual presence of water. Trees line both sides of the natural channel thouoh none are affected by the proposed D YO ierL _ _ the arr nn knn n [ 7L rat historical or scenic aspects of anY 5idnifita ace. Is the project part of a larger project, one of a series of cumulative actions, which although lndtvldually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact Nu ~r~ HILL THIS PROJECT: YES NO 1. Create a substantial change in ground contours? ~ 2. Create a substantial change in existin g noise df produce vibration or glare? K 3. Crea[e a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)? X 4. Create changes in the existing Zoning or General Plan designations? g 5. Remove any existing trees? How manyT z 6. Create the need fcr use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammahles or explosivest _ g Explanation of any YES answers above (attach'addittonal sheets if necessary): Some regrading required to direct flows into the culvert. ~• Eai^aG `~C -~'~` f idw dya dnu auiiu eaa i.e ina ilr idl3 [nIS pr0]eCL will generateWdaily:V 8. Estimate the number of auto and truck trips generated daily by this protect:_ 9. Estimate the amount of grading (cutting and f1111ng) required far this protect, in cub lc yards: 10. tf the protect involves the construction of residential units. conglete the form an the next page. CERTIFICATI011: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exh 161 is Dresen! the data and information required for this in ittal evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and Deltef. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted hefore an adequate evaluation can be made by the Planning 0lvision. pate: 5iinia~ I ~ ~ Signature Title +1asi'a:-Engineer . -"~ ~ . _ _ _.- _ _.. ~ _ .,.._,.,..M .. Ys~ ~... .. ~ . ... RFiS iDEN7IAL CONSTRUCTION The following informat ton should De provided *.o the City of Rancho Cucamm Planning Division in order to aid the school district in assessing the ability to accommodate the proDOSed residential development. Deve topers reQulred to secure letters free the school district for aeeamnodating increased number of students prior to lssuanee of building permits. Name of Developer and Tentative Tract No. Spec if lc Location of Project: PHASE I PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 TS' 1. Number of single family units: ~~ 2. Humber of multiple family units: 3. Oate proposed to uegin construction: 4. Earliest date of occupancy: Modell and I of Tentativs 5. Bedrooms Price Ranoe I ~ ~ -~!'"~ exrY or aANCRO cocAaoeicA PART II - INITIAL STUDY ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST DAIE' APPLICANT: _ fity of Ra nrhn r~iramnnga FItLNG DATE: LOC NDt91EA: PRO.IECT: NiA.1nn ra„m Rn,,A r~~i ,,,,„r PRO.4EL7 LOCATION: u„„ oacra„^ *^„m;^uc of •Li dtlnn Fa rnL-RGid L. E.`NIAO\^fENTAL IMPACtS (Explanaelon of all "yea" and "maybe" anavair era rpuitad on •teached ahea ca). YES MAYBE NO 1. So11a and Cealoav. Gill ehs propoul bane ^ignlfioanc zaeulca in: a. Dm cable around ~e~e,.,,..c _„ _„ -..~r.~~. lu gsolagit mlationahipaY ~ b. Dlnrupclona, diaplacsmenen, eompaecioa or burial of cM aoil? ~- ~ c. Change So topography or ground aurtaca eoncour inearvala4 ~_ _ d. fie dutrue tion, tovaring or aaditicaclon of any unique geologic or phyaieal taaeuraa? ~ •. My potential ineraaw 1n viad or vamr aroaioa of w11n, affac tang •icher on or off efu condECana4 t. Changan Sn •ronion ail tacion, or dapoaiccon? _ K g. Ezpcaur• o[ people or property to gao logic hasarda such ae eaechquakaa, landn2ldn, mud- alldaa, ground Callum, or almilar hasaeda4 ~ ~ h. Aa Snerease in the rata of ea[ract ion and/or uae of any mineral raaouru? [ 2 ~ / _ ~ r ~ J 2. Hydrola~. {1111 the pro ponal haV sYgnftieane reaulca Sn: z YES vAY9' a. Changes is currants, or the cause of direction of floving streams, rivara, az ephemeral screem channels? b. Chaagea 1n abaorp clan ra cos, drainage pacterns, or the rocs and amount of surface vacer ruro ff? X c. Al carat loan co she course or floe of flood voters? g d. Change in Che amount of surfap voter fn any body or va car? g a. Discharge Snco aurtac• va cars, oz any alteracioa of aurfaca voter quality? -_ f. Al utaclmn of groundvacer chartctarlaticat ~ g. Change Sa the quantl cy of gzouadvacars, aicher through direst addiciona or vich- drrvala, or through laurLnnu vich m aquifer? f1ua11tq? puaneiey7 _ ~ h. The redact San !a the aaaunt of vsNt echer- vfaa available for public vaur auppllu? ~ 1. Expoaun of paopl• ar proparcy to war reia cad hasarda ouch +a flooding or aaichu? __ ~ s. ASr Qual lcv. Y111 cha proposal have •lgniflcanc ruin to So: •. Cons cane or periodic a1r emiaalona Lror mobile or indiraee sournet ~ ~ X Sutfonaty aourua2 % b. Deterloraclon o[ amb cant air qual icy and/or Sotartaraau vlth the stcalnment of appllca6l• eiz gwli qr atandardat _ ~ c, Al [.ration of local or regionaY elima cic cood itlona, dtaocing alt anvsmen c, moistu[a ar tempera cu re? X 4. giJcca Flora. Nill cha proposal have slgnlf Scan[ taaul to Sr,: a. Change !n ehe <haracte rls cica of apsciu , including divers Sty, discrlb u Lion, or number , of any spec lea oP plants? - % b. I I Reducclon of the numbers o[ Tiny unique, rata % or eadange ndapec Sas of Dlanta? YES °..4Y?° :~~ c. Int roduttion of ntv or disruptive spat iea of plants into an area? _ ~ d. Reduction io the pocen cial for agricultural produccton? _. % Fauna. [iSll ch• propoa al have algniflcant maul ca ino a. Change in the chazscreria tics of species. incl uding dlveralcy, dlatribuciow, or numbers of any spec iea of animals? ~ ~ 6. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? ~ c. Introdut clon of nw or disruptive epeaiu q[ animals into an area, or tool[ Sa s barrlax ca the migraclan or sovemaa[ of aaisalsT g d. DecerSOracion or removal of exlstiag tiah or wildlife habitat? g 5. Po niarion. 4£1Z the proposal have aigAifieaat resulca in: a. 4tfi1 the Droposal altar cha location. diatrl- bucion, dens icy, diveraitp, oz growth rata of cha hu3an populatioa of an sru? e i b. 41111 tM proposal al Let sxia tang housing, or create a demand for eddltional housiagt % b. So cfo-Economic Factors. 4111 the proposal have signiiicanc ruults Sa: a. Chas ge in Soul of regional aoeio-economic characcerL tics, iacludiag acoaoafc ar caamerc Ll divera3ty, tax rate, sad properep veluuT K b. 4111 pro~aU costs be equitably dietribuud along pro~act banef iciariea, S.e., buge:e, tax payers o[ pro Lett uppt _„ ~ K 7. Land L's• and Plannine Conrideraeions. 4111 Lha p ropmal have signlf Scant ruulu in? a. A subs canclal al ura cion of eh• preame or planned land use of an area? ~ ~ b. A confli t[ with any des ignaclona, ob]eotivea, polio iea, ar adopted plena of any governmancal enc plea': ~~.1 /~ _ / ~ c. M Sapact upon th• qulai cy ar quan cley oC existing conaumptly or non-consumptive X recreational oppo rcunlCl aa? . page ~ YES "AY3E VC g. 7rananortation. pill the proposal have aignfficanc renal ca 1n: a. Ceneratlon of substantial addlclonal vehlculaz movemaa c? X b. Effecca on exiating scree ca, or demand Cor nev acne[ conatrutt SOn? g c. Effacca an existing parking fac llftiea, or demand for nev parking? X d. Subscantlal Smpact upon exla [Sag tranaporta- tlon ayacann? X •. Alceraciona to praaenc pattarna o[ cizcula- [ion or avvamanc of paopl• and/or goods? X f. A14rat1ana to or alfacts on prurnt and pocanefal vacar-borne, rail, mesa tranalc or air craffic? _ x g. Incruaaa ie tra lfle hazards co motor vehfclu, bicycliate or padae triana? x 9. Cultural Aeaouseaa, pill the proposal have •Sgnif icant ruulca in: a. A din curbanu to cha integrity of aethaologiul, v+laontologiul, and/or hL COrical ruouroaa? X proposal htve aignif Scant ruulta ln: a. Craaeion of any health hasazd o[ po Gntial hutch hazard? % b. Expoaura of peapla to petantlal hutch hazards? _ __ ~ t. A risk et as9loa ion or nluaa of hazardous aubataeen So eha avant o[ an acddant? _ ~ d. Aa leenu• in eha number of Lad ividwla or apeclu of vaccor or pathanopnlc mrgaeiama or the ezpoaur• of poop la to ouch organlama? a. Incr ua• in exia clog no is• taunts? X _- f. Expoaura a! people to pa eentlally dangaroua noia• levala? A• The creaeion of abJ ec tlonabl• odm ra ? _ ~ / h. M Lncruu In light or glarel /~/ „ X Y°S Y41'3= AO 11. Aeatheclcs. Hill the proposal have algnlflcant re sults in: a. The o6acruc cion or dagradacSOn of any atonic vler• ar vla? X b. The ezeaclan of an aaachec Scally nffenalve nice? X _-- t. A conf llet with cha ob]ec rive of designated ar pot en cial scenic corrldora? X 12. Ut111e1ea and Pub llc Saroieu. Hill eh. nze+g.,..l have a algnificanc need Cor nav systems, or alt eratlona to cha folloviag: a. El act rde paver? X b. Natural or packaged gas? Y X c. Coeeaunlaatlona systems? X d. Hagar aupplyt X e. Haacavacar facilltisat ~ _ X f. Flood control acruecurasY X g. Solid waste facilitLa? X h. FSre prataction? X 1. Pol Sr• nrn orN nn7 ], Schools? k. Parks or other raeraatienal tat ilielnT __ ~ 1. Haintananca oY public Yac111c1p, lnclud ing roads sad Ylood control facilitiaa? A ~ ^. Ocher govstnman ul aarvius? - ~ b 13. Ena rn and Scarce Reaau rcea. fifll the proposal Nava signlflusc results in: a, L'ae cf subs cancial or uceaa h-a tual or snar¢v? v b. Subacan cial lncreaaa Sn dmand upon as is clog eau rtes of energy? X c. M increase !n eha demand (or development oC new sou rcea of energy? 7 ~ d. M Sncrease or perpecuitian'oC the conaumpcian of non-renevab la forma of energy, when Caaaib l• cenevabl• sources of energy are avallab let X page [ YES "AY9E VO e. Subs[antLl depletion of any nonrenewable or aearca natural resource? X 14. Nandacory FSndinga of Significant e. a. Doaa the prol act haw the pacan[ial to degrade eha gwli ty of eha environment, subs cancially reduce eha hableac of fish or vlldllt• species, caws a fish or vildlif• population to dran b aiaw a:'_t ssc:lainj levels, threaten to eliminau ^ plane of animal co®unicy, reduu the number or rasezict eha reap of a rera or endaapred pleat or animal or allslaare lmporeanC a:amplea o[ the valor periods of Csldtoznia history or prehla Cory? % b. Does the prolecc have cha potential to achSava shore-c arm, co eha dlsadvaaca~e of long-term, anvironmanul Noala4 (A short-rers lspact oa cha eaviromseac L oae which Devote 1a a zalatively brief, deflnltive pariad oL c1s- while loas- ure impacts will endure wall into the furusa). X c. Dou the project have impacu vhlch are indlvidwlly limited, but eumulatdvely conaidarabla? (Cumulatively caaaidarahi• means that the Soerewatal e![aeu of as lndividwl prof etc •n canaiderabl• when viewed 1n connecclon with the •ftaeca of na.+ ~~-;--C-, °nw ~'.-war iuWre QCaI eC U}, ^- ,_~ X d. Does cha prof ace hwe anvSronmental effaces which will cause euhacancdal advare• ailacca on homes bainp, either directly or indiree ely? ~ X 1?. DiSCli55I9N OF ANPIAONNENTAL NALVATION (1. •., o! aflSCmacive answers co the above Quaa cfona plus a diacuaaion of proposed mialpcSon meu urea), ~~8 page ; III. DETER.YINAiION On eh• baala of thla lnitlal eval ua clon: I find the propaaad prm]ee r. COIIL7 NOS have a signif Scan[ affect X% on the environment, and aCATE GOkI CAL EX EhIPTIGN uill be prepared. _ I fiord chat al [hough the Dropoaed pra]ncc could have a eigniflcanr effect on cha eavlronmant, [hare will not ba a algnif Scant effect u In this tees 6ecauae cha mlclga [ion muaurea described on an attached sheet have bun added co cha pro]¢c. A NEGATIVE TOI1 ~0„ I find eha proposed pro]act NAY have a signlflcanc •ffecc on the envirnmanc, and an ENVIAOYMENT L`~ACT REPORT Sa required. Dau 5{lLi{8p Sigma, Engineer Tf [la I I ENYIRONMENTAI IMPACTS lc, Maybe - same regrading required to direct flows into the culvert. 2b. Maybe - upstream flows will enter new channel instead of spreading onto a field. iZu. rieyue - d 2" ya6 iine and a d" water iine are iu~ and cu' 8 d. respectively south of the road centerline. Since their exact depth fs unknown, St is uncertain whether these lines interfere with the proposed culvert. '~Q - CITY OF RANCHO CL'CA~IONGA STAFF REPORT SATE: July 5, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: John L. Martin, Associate Civil Engineer ~~, ~?~'` SUBJECT: Approval of Environmental Assessment and Issuance of a Categorical Exemption for the proposed Sapphire Parkway Renovation and Trail Retrofit from Banyan Avenue to north of Jennet Street. RECDlfEMDATiDN: It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached Resolution approving the Environmental Assessment and issuance of a Categorical Exemption for the proposed Sapphire Parkway Renovation and Trail Retrofit from Banyan Avenue to north of Jennet Street. BACKtltDUND/ANALYSIS: This report presents an Environmental Assessment Initial Study for the pre posed Sapphire Parkway Renovaticn and Petrofit for City Council approval and issuance of a Categorical Exemption. In conformance with the California Environmental nuati tv Arr anA cra to Guidelines, the attached documents have been prepared to permit construction of the parkway renovation. These improvements generally entail the renovation of the Sapphire Street Parkway and Trail within the existing right-of-way. It is the Engineering staff's finding that the proposed project is in conformance with the proposed development of Sapphire Street as a coiiec for arterial street will not create a significant adverse impact on the environment and, therefore, recommend that these improvements be classified as a Categorical Exemption. Respectfull~bmitted, i ~ ~~ ~ /`l - ( - NHM:JLIR'pGRr- Attachment /~ I RESOLUTION N0. ~ 9_ 3 h A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OF A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION FOR THE PROPOSED SAPPHIRE PARKWAY RENOVATION AND TRAIL RETROFIT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has reviewed all available input concerning the proposed Sapphire Parkway ReOnVa T.?An and Trail De MnF: ,. ...A WHEREAS, said improvements reoui re an Environmental Assessment; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment Ini ti ai Study has been prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves Fie n~vi~onmental Assessment Initial Study and issuance of a Categorical Exemptfon far she proposed Sapphire Parkway Renovation and Trait Retrofit. SECTION 2: The City Clerk is directed to file a Notice of Determina io~ant to the California Environmental Quality Act. /~ d ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW APPLICATION INITIAL STUDY -PART I GENERAL rFCr all pro.i ects requiring en virnmm~ntet ro~ie~ ...;c Fo..r., ,.,.,..• h cc„r,. ,eted and submitted to the Development keview Committee through the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Planning Division staff will Drepare Part II of the Initial Study and make recommendations to Planning Commiss ion. The Planning Commission will make one of three determinations: (1) The project wilt have no significant environmental impact and a Negative Oeclarat ion will be filed, (2) ?he project gill have a significant environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will he prepared, or (3) An addtti onal information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. Date Filed: June 15, 1989 Project title: Sapphire Parkway Renovation and Trail retrofit Applicant's Same, Address, Telephone: City of Rancho Cucamonga, P.G. Box 80Z Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (714) 989-1862 Name, Address, Telephone of Person To Be Contacted Concerning this Project: Johc L. lia rtin, Assoc rate Ci vii cr~gineer Ucatien of ?rojeet: 8znyan .~ver,se :., ~~orti~~ ~.," .erne: ;t~eec Assessor's Parceb Vo.: NSA List other permits necessary frrxn local, regional, state and federal agencies and the agency 155u1np SU[h Oermitc~ ;tv rnr trur tinn n~rnit and tg nQ CiGSLr'C Je rlnlt Is3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Proposed use or eropos ed project: Pz rkway renovation and enhancement of _ pre sen` pa rkway `or public use and appreciation Acreage of project area and square footage of existing and proposed buildings, if any: oie t ea S a r c Describe the environmental sett to of the project site including information on topography, soi staoi ,ty, p ants (trees), land animals, any cultural, historical or scenic aspects, land use of surrounding prop ert les, and the description of any existing structures and their use (attach necessary sheets): located in the northwestern portion of the Lity. Sapphire runs north anc south wi ~h a steep southward slope. The parkwzy has exposed block walls, plan c aon gran rd dirt The surrounding area is entirely residential. is the project part of a larger project, one cf a series of cumulative actions, which although tn4~oidually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact '~~ RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCT?D9 The followring information should be provided to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division in order to aid the school district in assessing their ability to accommodate the proposed residential development. Developers are required to secure letters from the school district for accommodating the increased number of students prior to issuance of Building permits. Name of Developer and Tentative Tract No. Specific Location of Project PHASE I PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 TOTAL 1. Number of singie family units: 2. Number of multiple family units: 3. Date proposed to begin construction: u. tar nest sate or occupancy: .! MadelA and 4 of Tentative 5. @edrncros price .Range 15-5 HILL THIS GROJECT: yE: :lp -. Create a substantial change in gro and contours? _ ~ 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise of produce vibration or glare? _ ~ 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services ;police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)? _ X 4. Crea!z changes in the existing Zoning or General Plan designations? X 5. 2emo ve any existing trees? Hnw many7_ g 6. Create the need for use or diso osal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives? r Explanation of any YES answers above (attach addi ticnal sheets if necessary): 1. Estimate the amount of sewagge and solid waste materials this project will genera to dai lv: N/A S. Estimate the number df auto and truck trios generated daily by ' this preject• ~;~ 9. Estimate the amount of grad my $cu tting and filling) required for this pro; ect, in cab is yards' 10. If the project involves the construction of residential units, carnplete the farm on the next page. CERTIFILAT'.ON: f hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits presen4 the data and information required for *.his in itiai evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the fac ts_. ctatamnnrc -- nrr~a4;"n ,. - -- "'° ~'"` -- -.. re.ert"" "- -°e and w rr ect i:o the besc of my knowledge and belief. ( further ~nnderstand~that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaluation can be.~ade by the Planning 7i vi5 ion. ,~ .`) mate: ,~ ~'- -- Signature ~~~~~1{~' I ~ ~ Title - --- ..._- CIT'! OF AAYC'?0 C.C.`!0\Gn naTE: June 15, 1989 a-'p'-=C.::': CITY Of RANCHO CUCAMONGII .. :G Dn:E: LOG SC)3E~: p•°•D.:~C.: Saonhire Parkway Renovation and Trail Retrofit F~D~ECT toc.lTlox: Banyan Avenue to north of Jennet Street (Explanation of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets). 1. Soils and Geolor:. Ai11 the proposal have sign is icanc :esul rs !n: yr< H•vnc VO a. l'ns ca63e grcurd <ond is ions ar ir. changes in get loeit rela ri nn an ~~~+ ~ 6. _ D15 rup;ions, displacements, compac cion ar burial of the soil? K c. Change Ln topography ar ground sv dace contour Ln[ervais? x d. The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or ph}•sical features? X e. My pocen clal increase in wind or water erosion of soils, affec cing either on or off site condieons? X .. Changes in errs ran s.lca[fon. or depasicioo? g g• Exposure of peon le or proper n• co geologic hazards such as ear thgwakes, landslides, aud- slldes, ground failure, or similar hazards? X h• M Snc tease !n the race of extraction and/or use of any mineral resource? X 2. Nyd rolo¢v. {1111 the proposal have significant rrsulcs in: / ?age ~ YEa °_4Y?° t:0 a. Changes in currents, or the course of direction of flovine streams, rivers, or epheceral scream channels? X b. Changes in absorp ci on races, drainage pac:ezns, or the race and amount of surface eater runoff? ,_ ~ c. Alcerat ions to the course or floe of flood eaters? X d. Change Sn the amount of surface va ter in any body of eater? X e. Discharge into surface va ters, or any alcera ciao of surface eater quality? ~ ~( ., Alteration of groundvacer charac[ezis tics? __ ,( g. Change in the quantity of groundva tern, either through direct addic ions or vich- dravals, or through interference vlch an aquifer? Quality? Quantity? _ ~_ X h. The reduction Sr. the amo unc of voter ocher- vise available £or public eater supplies? K i. Exposure of people or orooerty rn ear<. related hazards such as flooding or seiches? x 3. Air Ovalf tv. W111 the proposal have signlf icanc res alts in: a. Constant or peTiodlc air emissions from mobile or indirect sources? ,__ X Stationary acurc es? ~ b. Decerlora clan of em6lent air qualley and/or interference v1[h the a[ca Snment of applicable air quality standards? ~ R c. Alteration of local or regional climatic conditions, affecting ai: mcvement, ma `s cure or tempera to re7 ,_ ~ 4. Biota Flora. 17111 the proposal have signif Scant results Sn: a. Change 1n the charactaristica of speclas, including diversity, dlstr Sbuefon, or number of any species of plan cs? /~~ ~ ~ ~ D. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or esdangerad spec Sas of plants? ~ ~~ X c• Introdur ion of aev or disruptive species of plants into ar. area? x d. Reducticn Sn the pocen tial :or agr'_culcural production? R Sauna. Wilt the proposal have signif is ant results ia: a. Change in the charatcerls ci cs of species, 1..^.c'_ _ing diversi:, discr!bucion, or nunbers of any species of animals? x b. Reduction of the nuxbers of any unique, rata or endangered species of an'_cals' ~ % c. Introduction of nev or disruptive species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier co [he nl3ration or movenenc of annals? __ ~ d. De cerloracion or removal of existing Eish or vildl ife habitat? _ ~., poouiation. Wf 11 [he proposal have significant results in: a. Will the prooosai alter the location, dis[zi- butiun, density, diversity, or grevch race of the h:ran popular ion of an area? __ K ,,. Dili tae proposal atcect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? X Socio-Econonic Fac rots. Will the proposal have sign:: icanc results in: a. Change Sn Iocal or regional socio-economic characteristics, including economic or cc~ercSal diversity, tax rate, and property values? X b. W111 project costs be equ!rably distributed among project beneficiaries, S.e., buyers, tax payers or proj ett users? K _ land tae and p:anni na Considerations. W111 the proposal have stgntf icanc resui cs in? a. A substantial site ra clop of ehe pres enc or planned land use of an area? __ % 6. A conflict vi[h any des !gnat Iona, obj eccives, polScies, or adapted plans of any governmental entities? /~ _ __ .X e. M Smpace upon ehe qulalcy or quantity of exla ring consumptive or non-consumptive recraacional opportunities? _, ~ _ 5 6 7 p~-e . "_S "4Y3~ XO B. Transnoztatlon. Will the proposal have significant resui[s in: a. Cenerat ion of substantial addlt!nnal vehicular movement? - 7L h. Effects on existing streets, or demand for nev street construction? x c. Effects on existing parking facilities, o: demand for nev parking? _- X d. Substantial impact upon existing eransporca- cion systems? K e. Alt ezacions to present patterns of circula- tion mr movement of people and/or goods? X f. Alterations Co or effects on present and poten cial voter-borne, rail, mass transit or air traffic? X g. Increases Sn traffic hors: ds to motor vehicles , 6icyclis is or pedest rlans? __- x 9. Cu?rural Rnsources. Will the proposal have s ignii icon[ results in: a. A disturbance to the integrity of archaeological, Oa~Pnnf nlnnln.l c .......:..e. .~a~iu Lei ~____, _.. _. _ ~ ~ 10. Y.a :1 th, gaferv, and Nuisance Factors. Will the proposal have significant resin es in: a. Creation of any health hazard or po cent lal health hazard? - -_ 1L b. Exposure of people [o potential health hazards? ~ c. A risk of explosion or release of hazardous substances in the event of an act idenc? __ ~ d. M increase in the number of individuals or species of vet cor or pat heno gen lc organisms or the exposure of people co such organisms? -- ~ e. Increase Sn existing noise levels? __ ~ f. Exposure of people to potentially dangerous noise levels? _ e ~ 8• The creation of ob~eccionabl• odors? _ __ ~ h. M increue in light or glare? /~ O ~ ?ase 'i .S "_11'5= ::0 11. Aesthetics. HSll the proposal 'nave sigriHcant resuia in: a. '_'he obstruction or degradation of any scenic vista or view? X b. :'he creation of an aeschet Scally offensive site? ~. c. A conflict vlth the o6iective of designated or po ten cial scen': corrldcrs? _ ~ 1:. Vt ilities and Public Services. Hill Lhe proposal have a signi:icant need for new sys Gems, or alcerac Ions to the folloving: a. El etc zit power? X b. Natural ar packaged gas? ~ c. Communications sysc ems? ~ d. HaCet supply? ~ e. Hascewater facilities? Y f. F1 ood control structures? _ ~ g. Solid waste facilities? X h. Fire protecC ion? g i. Police pro teccion? Y j. Schools? - ~ JL k• Parks or other recr eatia nal fat illfies? X 1. Malnrenance of public fat S11c1e s, including roads and flood control facilities? ~ m. Other governmental services? ~ 13. Ener¢v and Scarce gesou rimes. H111 the proposal hat e s1gnlCiwnc results in: a, L'se of substantial or ex cesslce fuel or energy? ~ b. Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy? X c. M increase in the demand for development of new sources of energy? /! / _ ~ d. M increase or perpetuscSon of the consumption of non-rsnwab le fo ms of energy, when feasible renwabls sources o[ energy ate available? X ?a.e 5 YES >;1Y3°_ `0 e. Substantial depletion of any nonrenewable or scarce natural resource' ~ 14. `facdacorv F!ndln¢s of SS¢-+fica e. a. Does the project have [he pot encial to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of fish oz wildlife species, cause x fish or wildlife population co drop below self auscaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plan[ or animal community, reduce the number or res [tic: the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? ~ b. Does the project have the potential ca achieve shore-tern, to the disadvantage of long-ter, environmental goals? (A short-tern impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long- tern impacts will endure yell into the future). ~ c. Does the project have impacts which are individually li=iced, but cuaulaeively considerable? (Cumulatively considerable means that the incremental effec to of an individual project are considerable when viewed Sn connection with the effects of past prof ec cs, .• -~_~. d. Does the ptoj ec[ have environmen [al effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? __ ~ II. DIECCSSIDA OF EVVIROWF'1TAL EVALIIATIOtl (i.e., of affir-..alive answers to the above questions plus a discussion of proposed ciclgaelon measures). 1 ~~ IIF. DETE?_". ":ATI C1: Qn the has is of eh!s inlclal avaluacion: I find [he proposed proj ec[ CCLL7 `IOT have a si5nif !cane a?: ecc %A on the envlronoen c, and a GIE60RIGL EIIEMPTI(IN should be issu¢tl. I find chac alchaugh the orepesed proj ecc could have a slgn!f!canc I I effect on [he em: ironaen c, [here vi11 na[ be a sicnii!canc a??ecc L- in cSis case because the o![!;scion aeasures des[r'_b ed on an accached sheec hate been added ro the pro iec t. A `:EG+'A =' DECli.A.GTIO:J HILL 9E PREP,IRED. , C I find the prooc sed prej ec[ D!4y have a slcniflcanc eif ecc ,-n [he Ienvirnnen c, and an E:S'I nC:~~^. ; I`L^ACT 1P.EPORi is reGUired. Date 47 _ z V ... i~ t ~ ~r.l.l.iny,. ~t i.V' •1~C~ S igoa cure 'v r'. 1,,.~.'.i ~Nri..~,4d.-~ / (~ 3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT SAPPHIRE PARKWY RENOVATION AND TRAIL RETROFIT 6b. The pro,~ect is to be funded by Citywide Deautiflcatton fees. 7c. The pro,~ect nWy provide additional recreational opportunities with the iwproveaw!nL of the equestrian tra11. I ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CCCAilIONGA STAFF REPORT ^~ DATE: July 5, 1989 I T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Otto Kroutll, Deputy City Planner ~ SUBJECT: APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION TO DENY VARIANCE 89-04 request to grade and pave 5pprox ma e y acres o an and a request to reduce the parking setback from 25 feet to 8 feet and the landscape setback from 35 feet to 8 feet 1n the Minimum Impact/Heavy Industrial District (Subarea 91, located do the south side of Jersey Boulevard, between Utica and W ncent Avenues - APN: 209-143-07, 08, 09 I. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the attached Resolutions of Genial, per ounc rection. II. BACKGROUFD: At the June 21, 1989 meeting, the City Council held a ear ng on this appeal. At the close of the hearing, the Council determined that the findings required for the granting of a 'ra riance could not ne made and upheld the Planning Commission decision. Staff was requested to prepare Resolutions of Denial for Council action for both the Variance and the associated Ml nor Oevel opment Review. L Re rxrul s fitted yC Br d B er Cit anner BB :OK :ko Attachments: Resolutions of Denial / W RESOLUTION N0. X~-J~ 31 l~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DENYING VARIANCE N0. 89-04 TO REDUCE THE PARKING SETBACK FROM 25 FEET TO 8 FEET AND REDUCE THE LANDSCAPE SETBACK FROM 35 FEET TO 8 FEET FOR 12 ACRES OF LAND LOCgTED ON THE SOUTH S[DE OF JERSEY BOULEVARD BETWEEN UTICA AND VINCENT AVENUES IN THE MINIMUM IMPgCT/HERVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (SUBAREA 9), AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 209-143,-07, 08, 09 A. Recitals. (i) Commercial Carriers has filed an application for the issuance of the Variance No. 89-04 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Variance request is referred to as "the application". (ii) On April 26, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and continued said hearing to May 10, 1989. (iii} On May 10, 1989, the Planning Commission denied the application on the basis that the required findings could not be made. (iv) The Planning Commission's denial was aDPealed to the City Council and on June 21, 1989, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application. (v) All leq al prerequisites to the adooticn of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, ft is hereby found, determined and resolved by the City Cou nr.il of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing on June 21, 1969, including written and oral stiff reports, together with public testimony, this Council hereby specifically finds as follows: I w W CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. RE: VR 89-04 - COMMERCIAL CARRIERS July 5, 1989 Page 2 (a) The application applies to property located at 10807 Jersey Boulevard with a street frontage of 814 feet and an average lot depth of 673 feet and is presently improved with an office, warehouse, and parking tat; and (b) The property to the north of the subject site is multi- tenant industrial, the property to the south of that site consists of a warehouse, the property to the east is vacant, and the property to the west is a warehouse; and (c) The application applies to a site that is currently improved with an office building, warehouse building and parking lot and is considered a legal non-conforming lot; and (d) Municipal Code Section 17.06.0206 authorizes the City Planner to impose reasonable conditions upon a Minor Oevelopnent Review permit approval, including requirements for landscaping, street improvements, regulation of vehicular ingress, egress and traffic circulation, establishment of development schedules or time limits for performance or completion; and (e) Municipal Code Section 17.06.020A states that the purpose and intent of the Minor Development Review permit process is to assure that such limited projects comply with all applicable City Standards and Ordinances; and (f) The site plan submitted in conjunction with the application, does not meet the Industrial Soecif is Plan standard of a 35-font average landscape setback and minimum 25-foot parking setback, as measured from the ultimate face of curb. Further, the site plan and existing chain link fence improvements do not meet the Industrial Specific Plan standards for screening outdoor storage of vehicles within 120 feet of a street frontage with masonry, concrete or other similar materials; and (g) The site currently is improved with four driveways within 820 feet of street frontage. The City's access policy for arterial streets specifies that driveways on the same side of a street be spaced 300 feet apart. Therefore, only two driveways would be allowed on this site. Further, driveways should align with driveways on the opposite side of the street or by off-setting a safe distance to avoid conflicting left-turn movements. The City's access policy also requires the access be located a minimum 100 feet from intersections. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Cou ncfl during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: /~7 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. RE: VA 89-04 - COMMERCIAL CARRIERS July 5, 1989 Page 3 (a) That strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would not result in practical difficulty qr unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of the Development Cade. (b) That there are not exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the properties in the same district. (c) That strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. (d) That the granting of the Variance would constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. (e) That the granting of the Variance would be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the Vicinity. 4. Based uDOn the findings and conclusions set forth in oaraq raohs 1, 2, and 3 above, this Council hereby denies the application. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. I W$ RESOLUTION N0. J( ~_ ~ ' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DENYING MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW N0. 87-71, !OCATED AT 10801 JERSEY BOULEVARD IN THE MINIMUM IMPACT/HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (SUBAREA 9) OF THE INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 209-143-07, 08, 09 A. Recitals. (i) Commercial Carriers has filed an appllcation for the approval of Minor Development Review No. 81-71 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Development Review request is referred to as "the application". (ii) On the 26th of April 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a meeting on the application and continued said meeting to May 30, 1989. (iii) On May 10, 1989, the Planning Commission denied the application. ' (iv) The Planning Commission's denial was appealed to the City Council and on June 21, 1989, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a du iy noticed public hearing on the aDPlicat ion. (v) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Council hereby specifically finds Lh at all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced meeting on June 21, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, this Council hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The application applies to property located at 10807 .lerc ay Rpi~lnyard with a street frontage of 814 feet and an average lot depth of 673 feet and is presently improved with an office, warehouse and parking lot; and /~9 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. RE: MDR 87-11 - COMMERCIAL CARRIERS July 5, 1989 Page 2 (b) The property to the north of the subject site is multi- tenant industrial park, the property to the south of that site consists of a warehouse, the property to the east is vacant, and the property to the west is a warehouse; and (c) The application applies to a site that is currently improved with an office building, warehouse building and parking lot and is considered a legal non-conforming lot; and (d) Municipal Code Section 17.06.0206 authorizes the Cfty Planner to impose reasonable conditions upon a Minor Oevelopnent Review permit approval, including requirements for landscaping, street improvements, regulation of vehicular ingress, egress and traffic circulation, establishment of development schedules or time limits for performance or completion; and (e) Municipal Code Section 17.06.020.A states that the purpose and intent of the Minor Development Review permit process is to assure that such limited projects comply with all applicable City Standards and Ordinances; and (f) The site plan submitted in conjunction with the application, does not meet the Industrial Specific Plan standard of a 35-foot average landscape setback and minimum 25-foot parking setback, as measured from the ultimate face of curb. Further, the site plan and existing chain link fence improvements do not meet the Industrial Specific Plan standards for screening outdoor storage of vehicles within 120 feet of a street frnntaa_n with masonry, concrete or other similar materials; and (g) The site currently is improved with four driveways within 820 feet of street frontage. The City's access policy for arterial streets specifies that driveways on the same side gf a street be spaced no less than 300 feet apart. Therefore, only two driveways would be allowed on this site. Further, driveways should align ~.vith driveways on the opposite side of the street or by off-setting a safe distance to avoid conflicting left-turn movements. The City's access policy also requires the access be located a minimum 100 feet from intersections. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced meetings and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the proposed project is not consistent with the objectives of the General Plan; and '7^ CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. RE: MDR 67-11 - COMMERCIAL CARRIERS July 5, 1989 Page 3 (b) That the proposed use is not in accord with the objective of the Industrial Specific Plan and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; and (c) That the proposed use is not in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code; and (d) That Lhe proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 4. Rased upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above, this Council hereby denies the application. .~ 17~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT OA?E: July 5, 1989 TO: City Council and City Manager / y-,e, d~ FROM: Jerry B. Pulwood, Ueputy City Managey) % A\Y o/~ by , 9y: Oiare O'Real, Administrative Analyst" mil, SUBJECT: Refuse Rate Adiu etment CYO RECOMMENOATIOq: Staff re ccaJ;,e non the Aefuee Rate Adjustment be set for a Public Hearing on the July 19, 1989 City Council agenda. BACROROOND: On May 22, 1989, the Board of Bupervleore approved an increase in the dump fee effective July 1, 1989. With the approved increase in the dump fee, the City's franchised haulers have requested a rate adjustment. The franchised haulers are preliminarily proposing a rate adjustment of $11.66. This amount represents approximately a 31.88 increase on all residential and commercial rates. staff ie continuing to analyze e pa ~pvseu prniimiuaty uuauwsan nud auciutpecen 2iuauau:q cne race au 7uncmenc by Friday, July 14, 1989. Accordingly, the Rancho Cucamonga Munic Lpal Code, Chapter 8.17 Res itlential Refuse Collect ion, Sections 8.17.280 )B) and 8.19.280 )B) Rate Adjustments, states all revisions in charges levied by a permittee mu et be submitted to the City Council for review and action, and mu et be approved by reeolut ion of the CLty Council following a public hearing upon at least ten Jaye written notice to the permittee. To meet this requirement, staff recommends a public hearing regarding a eeEuee rate adjustment be set for the July 39, 1989 City Council agenda. Respectfully submitted, Jerry B. Fulwood Deputy City Manager JBP:jle 89-436 I ~ 1 ORDINANCE NO. 58-C as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING SECTION 12.08.955 TO THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO AN EEEMPTION FOA PRIVATE STAEBTS FROM STREET DEDICATION AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby ordain SECTION 1: Chapter 12.08 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal code is hereby amended by adding thereto a new Section 12.D8.055, to be read, in words and figures, as follows: "12.08.055 Construction of Public Improvements - Exempt ion of Private Street e. A. The provisions of Chapter 12.OR shall not apply to private residential attests ae follows: "(1) Those private residential streets permitted to be established by the City of Rancho Oucamonga pursuant to Subdivie ion Ordinance and/or Development Code procedure e; and "(2) Those private residential streets which have been epegifically exempted by resolution of the City Council. "B. Exemption of Private Si testa - procedure. The City Council, noon the filing of an Application Petition and following a noticed public hearing, may adopt a resolution deeignat ing a prLvate residential et rest, or a portion thereof, exempt from the provisions of Chapter 12.08. "(1) Oef initione: "(a) 'Private Residential Street' shall mean a private street in a residential area established ae private, or for which offers of dedication were not requested, pursuant to the pre-incorporation Ban Bernardino County subdivision/ development procedures. "(b) 'Application Petition' shall mean a petition bearing the names and addressee of property owners representing, at minimum, sixty percent (608) of the properties front i-,y on the private residential street prcposed for exemption. The Application Pet It ion shall contain, or have attached thereto: the name of the street and deecrlpt Lon (in words or by map depiction) of that portion of the private residential street proposed for exemption; a map depicting the street addressee and approximate locations of those property owners sLgning the application petition; and, a vicinity map showing the approzlmata location of the private residential street in relation to exist ing surrounding streets to a dietnnce of approximately one-half mile. 173 Ordinance No. 58-C Page 2 "(2) P[oceduree - Notice and Hearing. The Application Petition shall be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Aancho Cucamonga together with payment of appropriate fees. Vpon receipt of the Application Petition, the City Clerk shall schedule the matter for a public hearing before the city council occurring at a regular meeting no later than sixty (60) days following the filiny of the Application Petition. Notice of the public hearing eha11 be provided in accordance with the provieione of Section 17.02.110 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code "(3) Raw irements: "(a) The traffic flow on the private residential street shall consist primarily of the ingress and egress of the ceaidente along such street and their guests, without customary usage by non- reeidente ae a route of passage; ^(b) The proposed private residential street shall intersect with no more than two (2) existing or proposed public etreetsi and "(c) Sufficient off-cite and on-site parking, in conformity with the requirements of the Development Code, shall be provided. ^(4) Findings - The City Council shall approve the private residential etteei exemption request if, based upon eubetant Lal evidence presented at the publ lc hearing, the Council finds all of the following: "(a) The private residential street is in conformity with the ^(b) The private residential street meets all of the requirements get forth in this Section; and "(c) The exemption of the private residential street will not adversely affect the health, aafety or welfare of those persons antl propert iee adjacent to, and in the vicinity of, such street. "(5) vacation. In the event one or more offers of dedication have previously heen accepted on the proposed private roe idential street, no resolution adopted pursuant to the terms and provie ions of this section shall be effective until all each dedicated property is vacated and abandoned and each abandoned right-of-way ie sold to, and accepted by the owners of those properties which originally offered each dedication. For ihn o_.p.,oe of ih L•' _err inn, the wain pLirn n£ a~.trh anandnneA and nvr naa right 1of-way will be one dollar ($1.00) plus e11 co ate of transfer, provided, however, that sold costa of trenefer may be waived Dy the Clty Council on a case-by-case basis. "(6) Cond itione. In adopting any auto xeeolut ion, the City Council may lmpoee any reaeona6le condltione deemed neceeaery by the Clty Engineer to protect the healthy welfare and sePety of those persona and propert iee Ln and around the private reel7eniial eireet. I f Ordinance No. 58-C Page 3 "(7) P_~g. The City Council may, by reeolut ion, establish a fee to recover the coats involved in the zevieu and proceaeing of the Application Petition. SECTION 2: The City Council d¢claree that, should any provision, section, paragraph, sentence or word of Chia Ordinance be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action in a court of ewapetent jurisdiction, or 6y reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, paragraohe, s¢ntencea, anA words of ihie Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3: Tha Mayor shall sign ihie Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) dnye after its passage at least once in The Daily Report, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, Calitornia, end circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. I 1 ORDINANCE NO. 28-C as follows: as follows: as follows: as follows: AN ORDINANCE OP THS CITY COUNCIL OF TFL CITY OF RANCHO COCAHONGA, CALIFOFUiIA, AHRNDING TITLE 16 OF TH8 RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING SUBDIVISIONS The Ciiy Council of the City of Aancho Cucamonga does hereby ordain SECTION 1: Section 16.16.130 of Chapter 16.16 ie amended to read "16.ifi.130 Appeals -- By Subdivider. If the subdivider disagrees with any action by the Planning Commies ion with respect to the tentative subdivision map, he may, within ten (30) days of such decision file an appeal with the City Clerk. Th¢ Council shall consider the appeal within thirty (30) tlays unless the subdivider coneenta to a continuance. This appeal shall be a hearing with notice to the subdivider and the Planning Commies ion, and upon conclusion of the hearing, the Council ehal 1, within ten (30) days, declare Lte findings. The Council may sustain, modify, reject or overrule any recommendations or rvlings aE the Planning Commission and may make such findings ae are not inconsistent with the provisions of this title or the State Subdivision Map Act.^ SECTION 2: Section 16.16.140 cf Chaptet 16.16 is amended to zead "16.16.140 Appeal -- By Inters etsd Person s. A. Any member of City Council or Clty et off or any interested person affected by a decie i.on of the Planning Commission, may file a complaint with the City Council concerning each decie ion. Any such complaint shall be filed with the City Clerk within ten (10) days after the action which ie the subject of the complaint, No complaint shall be considered after the ten (30) day period. The Ciiy Council shall eat the matter for hearing. The hearing shall be held within thirty (30) deye aPtet the filing of the complaint pursuant to the procedures Contained in Section 16.16.130, with additional notice being given to the affected interested persona. B. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the City Council Baal 1, with In ten (10) day e, declare its findings based upon the testimony and documents produced before it. It may sustain, modify reject or c:rerru le any recor...endat ions or ru lirgs of the P1arning Cpmmissior. and may make such findings ae are not inconsistent with the provisions of ihie tit le.^ SECTION 3: Section 16.16.150 of Chapter 16.16 ie amended to read ~~ Ordinance No. 2S-C Page 2 "16.16.150 Appeal -- Par G r 1 Pla d Spa 'f' P1 C 'tv. Any interested person may appeal any decision of the Planning Commission relative to conformity to the General Plan or any Specific Plan of the City to the City Council within ten (10) days of approval or conditional approval. Such appeal and hearing thereon shall be in accordance with section 16.16.130.'• SECTION 4: Section 16.16.160, Subeect ion A, of Chapter 16.16 is amended to read ae follows: "16.16.160 Expiration. A. The approval or conditional approval of a tentative subdivision map shall expire twenty-four (24) months from the date of the adoption of the resolution by the Planning Commission approving or conditionally approving the map. An extension to the expiration date may be approved ae provided in Section 16.16.170(E)." SECTION 5: Section 16.16.1'10, Subeect ion C, of Chapter 16.16 ie amended to read ae follows: as follows: as follows: as follows: "Time Limit of Extension. C. Extene ions may be granted for a period or periods not exceeding a total of three years." SECTION 6: Section 16.20.070 of Chapter 16.20 is amended to read "16.20.070 Anceele -- By Subdivider. It the subdivider disagrees with any action by the Planning Commission with respect to the tentative map, he may, within ten (10) days of Lhe receipt of such decision, appeal such action to the City Council in accordance with ennttne t6 to tin.^ SECTION 7: section 16.20.000 of Chapter 16.20 ie amendetl to reatl ^16.20.080 Appeals -- ev Interested Pereone Adversely Affected. Any interested par eon adversely affected by a decie ion of the Planning Commission with respect to the tentative parcel map may, within ten (10) days of such decision, file an appeal with the City Clerk in accordance with Section 16.16.140." SECTION 8: Section 16.20.090 of Chapter 16.20 is amended to read "16.20.090 Eaton. The approval or conditional approval of the teutat ive peruei snap shall axplrw twenty-four (241 months from the date of adoption of the resolution by the Planning Commission approving or conditionally approving the map. The axpirat ion of the approved or conditionally approved tentative parcel map she 11 CermSnate all proceed loge and no parcel map of ell or any port loo of the real property included within such tent at ivu parcel map shall be filed without Eirst processing a neW tentative parcel map, I 1 Ordinance No. 28-C Page 3 SECTION 9: Section 16.20.100, Subsection C, of Chapter 16.20 ie amended to read ae follows: Time Limit of Rxteneion. C. Hxtanaione may be granted for a period or periods not exceeding a total of three (3) year e. SECTION 30. The City Council declares that, should any provia ion, section, paragraph, sentence or word of this ordinance De rendered of declared invalid by any final court action in a court of competent iuriediction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, and words of this ordinance shell remain in full force and effect. SRCTION 11: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The Daily Report, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, end circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. 178 ORDINANCE N0. 396 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY f,OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGR, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN TO INCLUDE SMALL OPERATION BUILDING CONTRACTORS WHICH MEET CERTAIN CRITERIA IN THE LAND USE DEFINITION OF "BUILDING MAINTENANCE SERVICES" WHEREAS, on the 21st day of June, 1989, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing pursuant to Section 65864 of the California Government Cvde. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The land use definition of "Building Maintenance Services" is amended to read as follows: Bu it din Maintenance Service: Activities typically include, but are not invited to: maintenance and custodial services, window cleaning services, disinfecting and exterminating services, and janitorial services. Small operation contractors may be included in this category, provided that the contractor has no outdoor storage of any materials or equipment, no inoperable vehicles or non-mo to rued trailers, nor any vehicles in excess of 84" in width or 6,000 pounds in gross Weight. SECTION 2: This Council finds that this amendment will not adversely effect the environment and hereby issues a Negative Declaration. SECTION 3: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The Dail Re ort, a newspaper of general circulzt+on published in the City of nta rio, Ca ifornia, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. ~~9 - C[TY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Juty 5, 1989 T0: CTty Council and City Manager FROM: Russett H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Walt Stickney, Associate Civ11 Engineer SUBJECT: Amendment to TiNe 12 of the MuMcipal Code allowing exclusion of the construction of sidewalks on residential streets RECOMIE1DIlTION It is recommended that the City Council conduct a public hearing and introduce the ordinances relative to the provisions for deletion of sidewalks on specific streets as approved by resolwtioa. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The requirements of the Municipal Code regarding the construction of sidewalks consistent with City standards (Title 12i continue to be a source of irritation with property owners Droposing to build or remodel single-family residences. Because of the unique nature of some residential areas of the community, there have been requests of the Ctty from developers to forego the requirement of constructing sidewalks on both sides of the street, especially in nnisiee areas. The Development Code (Title 17) requires area streets except in the the case of a planned coaawnlty or sD~Tfic plan which has established specific standards. An Ordinance has been prepared which rauld allow the City Council by resolution to designate certain streets as exempt from the requirement of standard sidewalk construction. This ordinance was first introduced on June 21, 1989, however, Council requested that an Intent paragraph be added. This is the reintroductfon of that Ordinance. / R/espe~Yf~'T~~,s~ubCm~itted, RH : dN~~/ Attachment l go ORDINANCE NO. 58-0 as follows: AN ORDINANCB OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TES CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIBORNIA, ADDING SECTION 12.08.040(A) TO TA6 RANCHO CUCAHONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO AN EXSMPTION PROM TEiB CONSTRUCTION OP SIDEWALKS ON CERTAIN IIESIDENTIAL STREETS The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby ordain 56CTI0N 1: Chapter 12.08 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended Dy adding thereto a new Section 12.08.060(A) to be read, in worda and figure e, ae follows: '•12 .08.0401A1 Construction of Public Imorovemente - Reauirementa. A. The provisions of Chapter 12.08.040 shall exclude the construction of sidewalks on residential streets which have been specifically exempted by resolution of the City Council. B. Paragraph A above shall apply only to those residential streets, or portions of residential etreaie, which are of such a unique nature that would set them apart from the general city. Examples would include some h illeids davelepmente, portions of streets abutting erase where sidewalks have not been requlrad In the past, or areas where a sidewalk could not be constructed due to existing or proposed physical constraints ae determined Dy the City Engineer. SECTION 2: The City Council declares that, should any provision, section, paragraph, sentence or word of this Ordinance be rendered or declared invalitl by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, and worda of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Cleric shall cause the same to be pu6liehed within fifteen (15) days after rte passage at least once in The Deily Remrt, a newspaper of general circulation pu6liehed in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. ~$r - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT I DATE: July 5, 1989 TO: Mayor, Members of City Council & City Manager FROM: Jerry 8. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE RESOLUTIONS DECLARING RESULTS OF ELECTION, AUTHORIZING PRELIMINARY ISSUANCE OF' BONDS AND LEVYING ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF SPECIAL TAXES FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT BB-2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council approve the attached resolutions which declare the results of election, authorize preliminary issuance of bonds and levying annual special tax for Co~mnunity Facilities District 88-2. It is further recommended that Council hold first reading of the attached Ordinance authorizing the Levy of Special Taxes. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: As authorized by City Council action, an election of property owners within the boundary of Cortmunity Facilities District 88-2 was held on June 27, 1989. The first resolution constitutes the formal action of the City Council declaring the results of the election, The attached ordinance authorizes the an rual levy of the special tax according to the rate and formula set forth in Exhibit A. The second resolution provides preliminary authorization to issue bonds and to order the validatior. proceedings. The third resolution levies the annual tax for Fiscal Year 1989/90 to be effective upon passage of the above Ordinance. Re pectfully submitted, ^-~ ii ~ u I~~~ ~ ~ ~~n Deputy City Manager JBF:de Attachments 1 1 ~~ RESOLUTION NO. ( - J/V RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP T:'.E CIT'i OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE RESULTS OF A "HELLO-FOOS COMMVNITY FACILITIES ACT OF 1902" SPECIAL TA% AND BOND AVTHORIZA- TION ELECTION WHEREAS, the PITY COUNCIL of the CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, (hereinafter referred to ae the "legielat ive body of the local Agency"~, hoe pray Souely declared fits intention and held and conducted proceedi.-.ga relating to the levy of special taxes to pay fot certain public capital facil itles and certain additional public services and iaeuance of bonds to be secured by each epeci al taxes in a community f ac it it iee diet rlct, ae authorized pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Mello-Roos Community Pacilit iea Act of 1982", being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, oiv ieion 2, Title 5 of the Gove cnment Code of the State of California, ea ld Community Fac Ll itiee District being referred to ae COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT N0. 8A-2 (hereinafter referred to as the "District"); and, WHEREAS, said legislative body did call for and order to be held an election to submit to the qualified electors of the Diatrict a combined propoa it ion to authorize the levy of special taxes, incur a bonded indebGedneee secured by a spec lal tax levy, and to establish an appropriations limit in the Dietrlct; and, WHEREAB, at ~th to time said election hoe been held and the meaeu re voted upon and did receive the favorable 2/3's vote of the qualified electors, and this legiel alive hndy dose desire to declare the favorable results of the elect Lon in accordance with the provle ions of the Elections Code of the State of Celiforn Le. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above rec h ale are all true and correct. SECTION 2. That this legielat ive body hereby receives and approves the CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION OPPI CIAL AND STATEMENT OF VOTES CAST, ae submitted by the Election OEf Lc la 1, ea id Statement nett Ln9 forth the number of votes cant in the election, the meaeura voted upon, and the number of votes given for and/or ag ain et the meaeura voted upon. A copy of said cart lE icate and Statement fie attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A", referenced and eo incorporated. SECTION 3. That the city Clerk le hereby directed, par au ant to the provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California, to enter Ln the minutes the resu lie of the election as set Eorth in ea Ld STATEMENT OE VOTES CAST. APPROVED antl ADOPTED this day of __ _ , 1989. ATTEST MAYOR CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY CLER% / U CITY VF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STATE OF CALIFORNIA cenrulcATE Gr ElecxxoN orrxclu AND STATElBSIIT Or VOTES CAST STATE OF CALIPOANIA ) COVNTY OP SAN BBRNAADINO ) ee. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA ) I, BEVERL% A. AUTHELET, ELECTION OFFICIAL OF THE CITY OF RANC110 CUCAMOHGA, CCVHT.Y OF SAN HEANARDINO, STATE OP CALIPORNIA, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that pursuant to the prov to ions of Section 5332fi of the Government Code and Divie lon 12, comm¢ncing with Sect ion 17000 of tha Elections Code of the State of California, I did canvass the returns cE the vot ee cast et the CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-2 SPECIAL MAILED BALLOT ELECTION in said Ctty, held June 27, 1989. I PURTHER CERTIFY that this St atament of Vot ac Caet shows the whole number of votes cast in said Diat rict In said Clty, and the whole number of votes cast for the Meaeura in said Distr lct Ln eeid Clty, and the totals of the respective columns and the totals as shown for the Measure are full, true end correct. TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES CAST: __ 346 II. TOTAL NUMNER OF VOTES POA AND AGAINST PROPOSITION A: 346 AGAINST ~ WITNESS my hand and official Seal thLe 26 tF1 day of JDAB , 1989. E CT ION OFFI AL CITY OF RANC CVCAHONGA STRTB OF CALIFORNIA E%HIeIT "A" ORDINANCE NO. 3 4 7 ORDINANCE OF THE CZTY COUiJOIL OF THE CZTY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONG A, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF A SPECIAL TAX IN A COMMVNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONCA, CALIFOANIAr (hereinafter referred to as the "legislative body of the local Agency"), hoe initiated proceed- ings, held a public nearing, conducted an election and received a favorable voce from the quallf led electors relat.inq hti tho levy r+f a epeclal tar in a comm!m ity far Lllt iee district, all as authorized pursuant to the terms and provie ions of the "Me 13o-ROe9 Community Facil it iee Act of 1982", being Chapter 2.5, Pazt 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the Government Code of the State of California (hereinafter referred to ae the "Act"). This communLCy Fac it it ies District shall hereinafter be referred to ae COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-2 (hereinafter refs cred to as the "District"~; and, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. Thnt this leglsl et lve body does, by the passage of this Ordinance, authorize the levy of epeclal taxes at the rate and formula and set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, referenced and so Incorporated. S ECTSON 3, That this legislative body is hereby further authorized each year, by Recto lotion, to determine tha spec if is special tax rate and amou nc to be lev Led for the next fiscal year, except that [he special taz zate to be lev letl shall not exceed that as set forth Ln Exhibit "A", but the =e.:...>. ..>~ , sy .~.,.e,, e~ a ..,.er .awe. SECTION Q. Propert lee or em it lee of the State, Federal or other local governments shall, except act of herari ee provided in Section 53317.3 of the Government Code of the State of California, be exempt Erom the above-referenced and a pprovetl special tax. SECTION 5. The proceeds of [he above out hcrized and levietl special tax may only be used to pay, Ln whole or in part, the costa of the followLng, Sn the following order of priority: A. Payment of principal of and int er set on any outstanding as thorized bonded indebtedness. D. Ne ceeeary replenlahment of bond reserve funds or other reserve C. Payment of costa and expen see of authorized publ LC far ll Lt iee, servtcee, and incidental expenses pursuant to the Aci. D. Repayment of advances and loans, act appropr lets. The proceeds of the epeclal tax eha 11 be levied only eo long act needed for its purpose, and she 11 not be used for any other purpose. ~W SBCTION b. The above authorized special tax shall ba collected in the same manner ae ordinary atl valorem taxes are collected and shall be subject to the same penalties and the same procedure, sale and lien priority in ce ee of delinquency ae ie provided for ad valorem taxes. SECTION 7. The above authorized special tax shall be secured by the lien imposed pursuant to Sect lone 3114.5 and 3115.5 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, whLch lien shell be a continuing lien and shall secure each levy of the spec iai tax. The lien of the special tax shall continue in force and effect until the special tax obligation ie prepeid, permanently satisfied end cancelled in accordance with Sect icn 53346 of the Government Code of the State of Califarn la or until the special tax ceases to be levied by the Legielat ive body of the local Agency in the manner provided in Section 53330.5 of said Government Code. SECTION 7. TAie Ordinance ie adopted under the specific authorization of Section 53360 of the Government Code of the State of CalifornLa. SECTION R. The City Cletk shell sign thi0 Ordlna nce antl aha 11 cave0 the same to be puDlls hed wiihtn fifteen X15) days after rte passage at least once in [he DAILY REPO RTr a ne wapaper of general circ4lat ion publie hed and circulatetl in this City. INTRODUCED AND PIAST RRAD at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, on 1989; AND THEREAFTER ADOPTED at a regular meet Lng of the City Council of the City of ~.e ~~ ... .. .........~i ..yur moo....,. •. , ua.v .n. ~u ny _ ii6ir Ly Ultl follovrl^g vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA STATE OF CALIFORNIA ATTESTI CITY CLERK CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~ ^ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~QJ CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA COMMVNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 EXHIBIT "A" The Resolution of Intention re fete to thin Exhibit for an explanation of the rate and method of apportionment of the Special Taxes eo as to allow each landowner or tee Ldent within the proposed Community Facilit iea District to set imate the max irnum am cunt that would be requiretl for payment for euoh landowner's or resident's property. SPECIAL TAE "A" - PCBLIC FACILITIES PA0PERIR GTEU0RIE3 There are two categor iee of property subject to the levy of Special Tax "A", wh LCh are identified as follows: 7. OEVELOPED PROPERTY All property itlentif ied ae a single Tax Aeeeseor'0 parcel for which property a building permit has been issued ae of Hay 31 of any year. 2. UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY A11 other property, ezclud Lng property which, ae of the date of the election to authorize the levy of Special Tax "A", is: ~i) ownetl by a public ¢nt ity; (il) owned by a requ latad public vtil Lty and being ut liized far trana- mieelon or distribution Pu rpoeae; or (iii) zoned a9 oper. TAE IN6 CLA93IPIGTI0118 AED MAEIMVN SPECIAL TAE "A" MTLS The Gex ing cl as eif icat ions for the above Property Categories and the mex imam autho- rized Spacial Tax "A" rates for Eiecel year 3989-1990 are ae follows: TA%iNG CLASSIFICATION MA%fNUM TAE RATE 1. DEVELOPED PROPERTY A. Residential Claee I 5 1,037 per year (More than 3,590 square feet of d«elliDq unit livlnu area B. Residential Claee II $ 768 pec year (J, 077-3,589 square feet of dwell ing unit living areal ` 0. Resident Lal Claea III $ 576 par year (2,566-.3,076 equ ere f~9t of dwelling unit livl n9 areal " ' (~(~ TAXING CLASSIFICATION D. ReeLdont lal ClBee IV (2,308-2,563 square feet of dwelling unit living area) + E. Residential C18ee V (2,051-2,307 square feet of dwelling unit Living area) F. Residential Claae VI (Lees than 2,051 equate feet of dwelling unit living area) " c. commercial or industrial property MAXIMUM TAX RATE $ 461 per year $ 384 per year $ 269 per year S 2,030 pez acre per year "` 2. UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY All Undeveloped Property $ 2,400 par acre per year "` The square footage of dwelling unit living area shall mean the equate footage of internal living apace, exclusive of garagre and other etructu tee not usetl ae Liv inq space, as shown on the building perm ir(e) Segued far the dwelling unit. •• T.he acreage of a mmmerc lei or in duetrial preperty shall mean the gross acreage exclusive of any acreage dedicated or offered far dedication to a public agency. `"` The acreage cf an Undeveloped Property shall be the gross acreage exclusive of any acreage dedicated ur offeratl for dedLcaG ion to a public agency. H61T100 OF APP0RTIOENEII'1' OF SPECIAL TAl[ "A" Special. Tax "A" shall be lev led annually on all taxable property within one of the above identified Property Categorise eo long ae Special Tax "A" revenues are neceaeary ^_o pay authorized ezpeneee of the Community Facilitlee District related to the financing of authorized public facilities, which may include, without llmita- tlon, payment of debt service on any bonded Lndebtednees of the common lty Fac llitlee Dist tic t; Kepleniehment of any requ !red reserve fund for any such bonded lndebted- neea; footling of any required sinking fund necessary to pay for future public faclli- tiea or debt service; or direct payment for public feel! It SOS ("CFD Expenses^). The annual levy of Special Taz "A" shall De apportioned ae follows: STEP 1: The Community Facilit lee OLateict shall eBi !mete [he amount o[ CFD Expan see which must be paid for from Special Tnx "A" revenues collected durl ng the Flecal Yeer for which the Special Tex "A" levy le to be estab lie had (the ^Requlred Spec lal Tex "A" Aevenue"). I STEP 2: That equal percentage of the Special Tax "A^ rate, not to exceed 91\ of the maximum authorized special Tax "A" rote, applicable to ell Developed Property Taxing Cl ae elf scat ions neceeeary to ganerete Spacial Tax "A" revenue In the Flacal Year of the levy equal to the Required Special Tax "A^ Revenue fo[ such Fiscal Year shall be levied on all Developetl Property. STEP 3: If additional Special Tax "A^ revenuea ate et til necessary to generate the Required Spacial Tax "A" Revenue, that percentage of the maximum autho- rized Special Tax ^A^ rate applicable to all Undeveloped Property necee- eary to generate such additional Spec iel Tax "A^ revenue shall he levied on all Undeveloped Property. STEP 4: If additional Special Tax ^A" revenuea are still neceeeary to generate the Required Special Tax ^A" Revenue, that equal percentage of the maximum authoriz ed Spacial Tax "A" rate applicable to ell Developed Property Taxing Claeelficetione neceeeary to generate each additional Special Tax "P" revenue shall be levied on all Developed Property. STEP 5: IE add it Lonel Special Tax "A" revenuea are eL ill neceeeary to generate the Required Special Tex ^A" Revenue, the Community PecLlLt tee DLetrlct shell: A. compare (lj the special Tax ^A^ rata which would De levied on each Developed Property combining STEP 2 and STEP 4 above with (LS) the product reeu lung Erom multiplying the square footage of the Developed Property times the Baee Raximum Special Tax "A". The Beee Max imam Special Tax "A" means an amount equal to $0.054 per square Eoot of the lot or parcel. e. If the product deer rl bad Ln (Li) above exceeds the Spec lei Tex "A'• rata dwacri bed In tll ahn... •... ..... ,._.._•..__. ....__. .. .. _ Y Facil itLee District shall Lncreaea "the Special "Tar ^A",rata levied yon each such Developed Property in aquel percentages up to the rate net to exceed the product described Sn (lij above neceeeary to ganerete the additional Spacial Tax "A" revenuea to equal the Required Special Tax "A" Revenues. Notwlt hetanding the foregoing, the minimum Special Tax "A" which shall be levLed on all texablo properties withir. the Community Pac111t1es OSStcLct each Fiscal Year shall be: DEVELOPED PROPERTY: $ 1.00 per dwelling unit Eor reeidsntial uses $ 1.00 per acre for commerc lal/industrial uses pync ;rvynevn .~.^PERTYv $ i.00 oar inr nr pa rrwl • e ~ X90 SPECIAL TEE "B" - ADD ITIOEAL POLICE SERVICES All Developed Property she 11 be eubj act to the levy of Special Tax "B". The maximum authorized Special Tax ^B" rates for fiscal year 1989-1990 are as Eollowe: TAXING CLASSIFICATION MAXIMVM TA% RATE 1. DEVELOPED PROPERTY A. Reg Ldent Sal Claee I 5 432 pet year (More than 3,590 square feet of dwelling unit living area) + B. Ree ident ial Claee 22 5 320 per year (3,077-3,569 square feat of dwelling unit living area) C. Residential Claea III $ 240 per year 12,664-3,07fi equate feet of dwelling unit lLving area) + D. Resident lal Cleea IV 5 192 per year (2,308-2,563 square feet of dwe Ll ing unit living area) + E. Rae ldent ial CLaes V 5 lfi0 per year (2,051-2,307 aquas feet of dwelling un It living etas) + F. Rae Lde nt ial Class VI $ 112 per year (Lase than 2,051 square Eeat of dwelling unit livLng area) + G. Commer clal or indu atrial property 51,000 per acre par year +• The maximum annual Special Tax ^H" rates shall be subject to eecalat ion each July 1 commencing July 1, 1990, at a rate not to exceed four percent (49) per year. Spec Sat Tax "B" shall be levied annually eo long as Special Tax "B" Revenues are necessary to pay Eor addLtlonel police eery ices necessary to serve the properties located within the DteLrLct. The °Report" of the special Tax Coneultnnt, to be approved as a pnrt of the record upon the conclusion of the public heeri ng pertaLning to the Eormet ion of the Community Facillt Les District, shall sat forth euppLmentary detail^ pertaining to khe Rate end Method of Apport lonment of the Spacial Tax "A" end "B" and shall provide controlling gu Ldance in the Lnterpretet ion and lmplemeni at ion of thLe Rate antl Method of Apport lonmsnt. •+++++ l9~ RESOLUTION NO. ~~~ I RE9OLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AVTHOAIZING PRELIMINARY ISSllANCE OP BONDS OF A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA (hereinafter referred to ae the "leglelatlve Dody of the local Agency") hoe heretofore undertaken proceedings and declared the necessity to issue bonds on behalf of a Community Facil it iee DietrLct pursuant to the terms and prow ielone of the "Mello-Roos Cnamni_ n ity Facilit Lee Act of 1982", being Chapter 2.5, Pert 1, Divtelon 2, Title 5 of the Government Code of the utate of California. 5a id Community Fac llities District is designated and known as COMMUNITY FACILITIE9 DISTRICT NO. 88-2 (hereinafter referred to as the "Dietr ict"~; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to law an election was held and the following propoeit ion was approved by more than 2/3•e of the vo!ers voting at said elect ton: PROPOSITION A CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONCA, COMNUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 8E-2, AVTHORIZATION TO INCUR BONDED IND£ETEDNE99 AND AUTHORIZATION FOR SPECIAL TAX LEVY Shall Community Fecllit iee District No. 88-2, City of Rene ho Cucamonga, be authorized to 1) incur a bonded indebtedness in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000.00, to be paid by special taxes ae established by the Diatr Lch, with interest retee not exceed Lng the maximum ~ ~ ~ author Lzed by law at the Hm. ,.f :m~, a..... fi;;. y-c ~ ..,., i I the construction, acqu ieition end inetallat ion of certain ~ dra lnage and flood control facilities, together with ~ ~ appurtenances antl appurtenant work, inclutling acqu ieition ~ NO ~ ~ where necessary, 2~ to levy special taxes to pay for eaitl ~ fee it it iee and atldit tonal police protection services and/or any authorized and issued Dondetl Lndebted neea, and 3) set ablish an Article XIIIB appzoprlat ions limit equal to the mex Lmum authorized special taxes whlr_h may be levied in any fiscal yearl and, WHEREAS, thin ieg ielat ive body now desires eo prel iminar il.y authorize the ie nuance ^f such special tax bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. 'that the leylelat ive body hereby authorizes the issuance of all epee ial tax bonds of Community Facil it iee OLet rict No. 88-2. The exact terms and condlt lone of the La euence of eucA spec lei tax bonds shall be eubj ect to the prov ie lone of the "Mello-Roos Community Facilit lee Act of 1982", es amended, end such further Reeolut ion or Reaolut tone of Issuance ae shall ba a/do''pn'Jted by this legle lative hotly. I SECTION 3. That Biown R Divan, Bond Counsel, ie hereby authorized and directed to forthwith file and prosecute to final judgment, an act Lon pursuant to Government Code Section 53359 end Cotle of civil Procedure Section 860, et ae~c „ to validate the proceedings pertaining to the formation of the District, the levy of aut horixed special taxes within said District and the issuance o£ the epecia7 tax bonds ae authorized herein. APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of , 1989. MAYOA CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA STATE OP CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CITY CLERN CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA STATE OF CALIFORNiA I 1 RESOLUTION N0. ~s• ~ O RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ES TABLIS HI NC ANNVAL SPECIAL TA% FOR A COMMVNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT WHEREAS, the CITY COVNCIL of the CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI FOANIA, (hereinafter referred to as the "legislative body"), has in Lt fated proceed ings, held a public hearing, conducted an election and received a favoreb ie vote from the qualified electors relating to the levy of a special tax in a community facitit ies district, all ae author Lzed pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1992", being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Div is Lon 2, Title 5 of the Government Code of the State of Cal Lfornia. This Community Facilities District shall hereinafter be re ter red to as COMMUNITY FACILITIES OISTAICT NO. 98-2 (herein- after referred to ae the "Oistr ict"); and, WHEREAS, th ie Legislative body, by Ordinance No. introtlu cad on the date of adopt ton of thLe Reeo lut ion, as authorized by Section 53340 of the Government code of the State of California, intends to authorize the levy of a special tax to pay for costs and expo nose related to said Community Pac it it ies Dietr ict, and this legielat L:e body La desirous to eetabl Lah the specific rate of the special tax to be collected for the next fiscal year. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SACTION 1. That the above recitals ere all true and correct. SECTION 2. i'h et the epecif Lc rate and amount of the npeclal tax to be collected to pay for the coats and expenses for the next fiscal year X1999-1990) for hhe efnron,-nd Mnr.ir~ .n hn.ob.. an~o.m:..nn e..d :,.b._.a __ ___ forthrin the at<ached, referenced and incorporated ExhibLtF^A". SECTION 3. That the rate ae set Forth above does not exceed the amount to be authorized by Ord inence No. of this leg islet ive body, and is not In excess of that ae previously approved by the qualified electors of the Dietri.at. SECTION 4. That the proceeds of the special tax shall be ..~~,. ..c Pay, in whole or in part, the coats of the following, Ln the fol lgWing order of priority: A. Payment of principal of and interest on any out et ending authorized bonded indebtedness; s. Necessary replenishment of bo ntl reserve fu nde cr other reserve C. Payment of costa and expenses of authorized public facilities and publLc eerv ices. D. Repayment of advances and loans, Lf appropriate. The proceeds of the spec lal taxes eha 11 6e used ae set forth e6ove, and shall not be used for any other purpose. ~9s SECTION 5. The special tax shall be collectetl in the same manner as ordinary ad ve}orem property taxes are collected, and shall be subject to the same penalties and same procedure and sale in eases of any delinquency for ad valorem taxes, and the Tax Collector ie hereby authorized to deduct reasonable adminLetrat ive co eta incurred in collecting any Bald special tax. SECTION 6. All monies above collected shall be paid into the Community Facilit Sea District funds, including any bond fund and reserve fund. SECTION 7. The Auditor of the County is hereby tlitected to enter Ln the next County aeeeasment roll on which taxes will become due, opposite each lot oc parcel of land affected in a apace marked ^public improvement e, special tax" or by any other suitable design et ion, the Lnstallment of the spec lal tax, and for the exact rate and amount of said tax, reference is made to the attached Exhibit "A". SECTION 8. The County Auditor shall then, at the close of the tax collection per Lod, promptly render to this Agency a detailed report showing the amount and/or amounts of such epee Lal tax installments, interest, penalties and percentages eo collected and from whet property collected, and alao provide a statement of any percentages retained for the expense of making any each collection. SECTION 9. 2h is Resolution shall become of fec[ive upon the adoption of Ord lnance No. APPROVED end ADOPTED this day of _ _ _r 39B 9. MAYOR CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONCA STATE OF CAL IPORN IA ATTEST: CITY CLERK CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA STATE OF CALIFORNIA 19 (v CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-2 EXHIBIT "A" The Reeolut ion of Intention refers to thin Exhibit for an explanation of the rate and method of apportionment of the Special Taxes so as to allow each landowner or resident within the propoeed Community Facilities District to estimate the maximum amount that would be required Eor payment for such landowner's or resident's property. SPBCIAL TAE "A" - PVBLIC PACI LITIBE PAOPBRTY CATEGORIES There are two categor iee of property subject to the levy of Special Tax "A^, which are ldent if Sed ae foilowe: 1. DEVELOPED PROPEATY All property identif ietl ae a single Tax Assessor's parcel for which property a bu ildinq permit has been issued as of May 31 of any year. 2. UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY AL1 other property, excluding property which, ae of the date of the election to authorize the levy of Special Tax "A", ie: 1il owned by a public entity; (ii) awned by a regulated public utility and being utilized Eor trane- miseion or distribution pu rposee; or (iii) zoned as open TAILING CLASSIPICATIONS AND NAE IMUN SPECIAL TAE "A" RATES The tax i,ng rises Lf icationa for the above Property Categories and the maximum autho- rized Special Tax "A" rates for fiscal year 1989-1990 are ae follows: TAXING CLASE I'.CATION MAXIMUM TAX RATE 1. DEVELOPED PROPERTY A. Resident Lal Class I 5 7,OJ7 per year ~MOre Chan 3,590 square Eeet of dweiling ~n.,. ...1nq acesi e. Rea ident lal Claee IS S ]68 per year (7,07]-J,5U9 square feet of dwelling unit livLng area) a c. Rae Ldential CLase Iti 5 576 per year (2,564-3,076 equ era feat of dwelling unit livLng eree) " ' TA%I NG CLA53IFICATION 0. Realdential Cleee IV (2,308-2,563 square feet of dwelling unit lLVing area) E. Aeeidentlel Cleee V (2,051-2,307 aquace feet of dwelling unit living area) F. Rea ident Lel Cla9e VI (Lase than 2,051 equate feet of dwelling unLt living area) " G. Commercial or induet rial property MAXIMUM TAX RATE S 461 per year S 304 per year 5 269 per year $ 2,030 per acre per year •• 2. UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY All Undeveloped Property S 2,400 per acre per year ++" • The equate footage of dwelling unit living area shall mean the equate footage of Lnternal living apace, ex clue ive of garages and other at ructurea not used ae iiving apace, ae shown on the Lu ildleg permil;e) iaauad for the dwell irg unit. •" The acreage of a commercial or indu at rial property shall mean the gross acreage exc lueive of any acreage dedicated or offeretl for dedlcat ion r,c a public agency. "*• The acreage of an Undevalopetl property shall be the gross acreage exc Luaive of any acreage dad Lc aced or offered for dad icatlon to a public agency. N6TFIOD OP APPORTIONl03T O! SPECIAL TAE "A" Spec Sal Tax "A" shall be levied annually on all taxable property wit hln one of the above Stlen[Lfied Property Categoc iee eo long ae Special Tax "A" revenues are neceaeary to pay authorized expenses of the Community Fecil Ltlee District related to the financing of author Lzed public Eacillt iee, which may include, without lLmlte- tlon, payment of debt eery ice on any bonded indebtedness of the Common Lty Facilit iee D iet rict; replanLehment of any required reserve fund for any such bonded indebted- nea~; fu nding cf any requ Lred sin king funtl neceaeary to pay Eor future public Eacili- tie9 or debt service; or direct payment for public Eac it it iee ("CFD Expeneae"~. The annual levy of Special Tax "A" Snell be apportioned ae follows: STEP 1: The community Facilit iee Dletrlet shall set Lmete the amount of CFD Expenses which moat be paid for from Special Tex "A" revenues collected during the Placal Year for which the Spec Lal Tax "A" levy le to be eetabliehetl (the "Required Spec lal Tax "A" Revenue"). I ~ V STEP 2: That equal percentage of the Special Tax "A" rate, not to exceed 918 of the maximum authorized Special Tax "A" rate, applicable to all Developed Property Taxing Classifications necessary to generate Epec ial Tax "A^ revenue In the Fiscal Year of the levy equal to the Required Spacial Tax "A" Revenue for such Fie cal Year shall be levied on all Developed Property. STEP 3e If additional Special Tax "A" ravenuea are still neceeeary to generate the Required Special Tax "A" Revenue, thnt percentage of the maximum autho- rized Special Tax ^A" rate applicable to all Undeveloped Property neces- sary to generate such additional Special Tax "A" revenue shall 6e levied on all Vndeveloped Property. STEP d: If addlt toast Special Tax "A^ ravenuea era et 111 neceeeary to generate the Required Spacial Tax ^A^ Aevenue, that equal percentage of the maximum authorized Special Tax "A" rote applicable to all Developed Property Taxing Claeeif lcat lone neceeeary to generate such addit tonal Special Taz "A" revenue shall De levied on all Developed Property. STEP 5: If additional Special Tax "A" revenues are still neceeeary to generate the Required Spec lal Tax ^A^ Revenue, the Commu airy Pac it it lee District shall: A. Compare )i) the special Tax "A^ race whteh woultl be levied on each Developed Property combinl rq STEP ~ and STEP 4 above with iii) she product reeu lting free mul[iplying tt.e square footage of the Developed Property tl.mee the Baee Maximum Special Tax "A^. The Baee Maximum Special Tax "A" means an amount equal to $0.054 per square foot of the tot or parcel. B. IE the product described Ln iii) above exceeds the Spec Lal Tax "A" rate described in 1 i 1 xhnve f.,r a v ne..o~...,oa o.,...e.f.. ...., ,. _ Facilltlee District shall increase the Spec lal Tax "A^ rate levied on each such Davelopetl Property in equal percentages up to the rate not to exceed the product described in iii) above neceeeary to generate the addit tonal special Tax ^A^ revenues to equal the Requ Lred Special Tax "A" Revenues. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the minimum special Tax "A'• which shall be levied on all taxable properties within the Community Fecilit ice Dletc ict. each Fiecel :ear shall be: DEVELOPED PROPERTY: $ 1.00 per dwelling unit for resident tai uses $ 1.00 per acre Eor commercial/lnduetrlal uses ttpnxggLnocn o.,__ ~„~ $ 0 per lot o~ uarcei 199 9RECIAL TA7( 'B" - ADDITIONAL POLZC6 SEAVICBS All Developed Property shall be eubj act to the levy of Special Tax "B". The maximum authorized Special Tax "B^ rates for fiscal year 1989-199G are as fol'_owe: TAXING CLASSIFICATION MAXIMUM TAX RATE 1. DEVELOPED PROPERTY A. Res ident val Class I 5 432 per year (Mare than 3,590 square feet of dwelling unit living area) * B. Residential CLaee II $ 320 pax year (3,077-3.589 square feet of dwelling unit llvin9 area) * C. Ree ident ial Claee III 5 240 per year (2,564-3,076 square teat of dwelling unit living area) * D. Resident ial Claee IV $ 192 per year (7,308-2,563 squ ere feet of dwelling unit llvLng area) * E. Residential C1asa V S 160 pac year (2,051-2,307 square Eeet of dwelling unit llvin9 areal * F. Residential Claee VI $ 312 per year (Lees than 2,051 square feet of dwelling unit living area) G. Commercial or industrial property 51,000 per acre per year ~* The maximum annual Spec Lal Tex "B" rat ea shall be eubj act to escalation each July 1 commenclno July 1, 1990, et a rate not to exceed four percent (4e) per year. Special Tax "B" shall be levied annually eo long ae Special Tax "B" Revenues are necessary to pay for addlt Lonal police services necessary to serve the properties located within the Dietr ict. The "Report" of the Spec Lel Tax Coneu It ant, to be approved ae a pert of the record upon the conclusLon of the public hearing pertaining Go the formation oC the Community Facillt iee Dietr Lct, shell set forth supplementary datall• pertelning to the Rate end Mec;,od of Apportionment of the 9peciel Taz "A" and "B" and shall provide rontrolling guidance in the lnterpretat Lon and Lmplementet ion of th la Aate and Method o[ Apportionment, q OQ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Date: To: From: Subject: July 5, 1989 ~U~MO'~C v 9 z + an it 5 Z F ~ IZ I> Mayor, Members of City Council, and City Manager Joe Schultz. Community Services Manager PARKS WATCH PROGRAM RECOMMSNDATION• To authorize Community Services Department staff to implement a PARKS WATCH PROGRAM within the City parka in cooperation with the Sheriff Department. To authorize the expenditure(s) of an amount not to exceed $5,000. from the Park Development Fund. HACRGROUND• Parks Watch is a crime prevention program which enlists the active participation of citizens in cooperation with law enforcement to reduce crime within the park system. This is __..__. -1 r..--~.. ........ i.-..~..... .... may........, surrounding City perks, school children, through presentations at various elementary schools and presentations to local service clubs. Staff will organize a cohesive and informed group of citizens to watch "their" parks and promptly report auspicious activity to the sheriff's office similar to a Neighborhood Watch Program. This program allows defensive measures to develop in reducing criminal activity. The PARK WATCH program will be effective due to an involved citizenry. The program approaches are varied - but the end result is the same: a more aware, concerned and involved citizenry effectively reducing crime in their community. our two primary goals of implementing PARKS WATCH are: First, to r?duce vandalism within the park system. ~tandalism is a menace to park and recreation operation. Its seemingly irrational causes and destructive results reduce recreation opportunity and increase park maintenance expenditures. The second goal of Park Watch ie to create an environment where people care about each other, their parks end their community. ~~ PARKS WATCH PROGRAM July 5, 1989 Page Two ANALYSIS: The city can proact to vandalism by implementing PARK WATCH . We can accomplish a program throughout the City whereby the Ccmmunity Services Department informs the citizens of our intent to curb vandalism within the park system 6y meeting with homeowners associations, service clubs and use the Graoevine to communicate our message of PARK WATCH. Appropriate signage will be posted at all parks informing citizens to WATCH THEIR PARK and report all cases of suspicious behavior to the sheriff's department. The Citizen Patrol will also be asked to participate in the program. The youth, park users and neighborhood residents who era encouraged to comment on how to prevent vandalism will be more likely to use PARK WATCH as we intend it to 6e used--- watch their local park--take pride in it--and report people who abuse "their" facility. Why Parks Watch? over a0 million crimes in parks are committed every year and the number is still growing. Tha-- ..,. :'t be a _.. -- crc - - -.fi-- -- every -corner, so• oitizen -involvement is essential to combat this social crisis. By cooperating with each other and the Sheriff's department, people can help fight crime in their community the most effective way -- before it begins. IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAN• To establish the PARKS WATCH program the following will be implemented: Signaqe: 35 signs will be ordered that will be distributed throughout the entire park system describing that this park is protected by PBBIS~ WATCH• Printing oP 10,000 brochures describing the PARK WATCH program to be flistrlbuted to (a) homes surrounding each park; (b) elementary schools; (c) local service clubs; (d) home-owners associations etc. similar to attached. An active public~~agenees program will be implemented through the G amevine and newapeper articles. PARKS WATCH PROGRAM July 5, 1989 Page Three An involved citizenry will reduce vandalism and other crime within the park system by altering the Sharift department and citizen patrol. To tag onto the NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH PROGRAM within various residential areas and develop a communication network with the existing Neighborhood Watch program offered by the Rancho Cucamonga Sheriff Station. Enlist community participation and involvement in a self-help cooperation move against crime. This can ba achieved by acquainting citizens to watch their parks and promptly report auspicious activity to the sheriff's office. In summary, the goal of Pnrke Watch is to create an environment where people care about each other, their parks and their community. Ree ectfy~]. submitted ,p 1/ i1 A--s Jd Schultz, Community se i es Manager JS:bs v ~~ _~ ~ V1 1.n ~ ~ -v a ~~ a~ ~ E"{ r C~ u u N m y ' a _ ° u 1° .- a _~ '-' y `m °~ a L ~ y G 3a.. .` m e y'p a E ° E 0 c r E 0 A ~ y V pq C y ~ ,. u r y F a.a~ y s r, ° ~ c H C o a .~ N O ~ Jt ~ W ~ ~, ~ _ 0 0 Q T y i,^ q~ r Ta u m c ~ a y A a ;? U Tt°0 y i0°' E Nu o~E u'usa ro g o,o'o `o cc~ y y E ~' " E E ~ ~ ° m N N °,t{.~ Tau°. `~ T C n C 6° O~ V ?._ O V y ° ~ ~ O 6 ~ ~ q i^m: a.ooa_ c 9 o °~ a ._ ,~ ~ o m °' o ~ a, u 3 E ° 5 ~": O E " N I.n f.., C T m O .~ a r O u h ~ N M M '^ N ~ °' d u [~ ~ ._ r O0 a •: u ~ ~_ ~ °` ~ y o. A _ . u N u ~ N a y y v) y ° r as y W m,_ m a ~ o E y N y ~ W E X :: y ii ~ U „ E `~. ~ C . U ti ~ O Ci. r .~ N ~ ~ " ~ i U 4. c, ~, r, x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, -~ y ftS ~ ~ O L1. y o y E o N ~ ~ ,~ rn ° U ~ Ca ~ Q o0 n ~p U ~n r $ ~ o ~ ~ '~ c a e a a ~, ~+~~ c d -~ ~ v (j E R7 c L z F' E U o a cup ~ u Y > u '~ ni ' c m o,; q O o uE _ E c u E r VL' ~~ G'Q C' ACC Q OCU WG NBoiT Y E ra . N O U' 'r C V y i. b inE 9 U ~ q.0 'O a m O .V.L VNT~O N C• m'j UVL 0 oi. 6 Y « ..m ~ O ° L ` E T9 C S um 6 c m °' " u ° ° U ` m as E u uue co a C u c ou E 3. _ ~ c u m c W v my u ; a K ` s u me m L o d mm ' .. C' O a o p - V O o smm >c LI ' •1 e y = d O O H O ~. L ~ C y y y r V C V y ~. O V ~ C ~° m T v y ~o T C p 9 m O . 6 m m 3 O Y ~ O ~i V Q T .0 .~ y„y r 'm E V U u E C y .S 'O y y Q' # ,m L y ~ y a m ` G' V { cy C VL ? O >T Va'9L ~~ O ~ d r ` N m OV uy T V , uv ms 9 C _ 3 . • cc m o Jf c TC " y ~ ~ u L ~ y > s-•~ Na u e L u v y 5 m u m.. o u-u :fie PC c m mvc y L y v r m . . c N _ 0 0 y L ~,., ~ ~ u U'~ 3a i m- 41 m w y m N E O a W o 6 w u m O mu tm.'_'u r u ~ 3 V m ~' y o~~ua i,m" ~E _ V . - = ~ ~ , yL N€~ m a 8 ' 8 c n m c c c: aLODU_ ~ ' W ' ~ W a y u u c ~ 3 '- ^ o ,o o u > E o• y u cs bi ~ $ m ~ ~ u m N u u x u v ~' ._ t' C o > ' .c ue ue ~- = O ~ ry L L, b E p V ~ U V L G3 K g U V L 4]=^ U m y .~ ({] 04 V V K m Y ' m E E ~ m .- .+u •-m c smu ^E vC S~mumZ ~ ~ q q U UU e ~ r, y ~ iO v o e u y c m m _ ° c u ° ' c ~ ~ uc ~ 10 m ..x V c y p L O G Y 6 C u m ` y e t 3 c U F u T Y o y ~ ` °o c m u w ° c ~` ~ m '>.W' ' 6 L ~a OpY Cy 6 m L.. o '= m0 a E _ = ` 3Y ~ m ° ev omoo u a v> a ~~' ~ eL 'g2 U ~ u .. `o ~ o .. m a p 'y L o c a2 m u 'o m m u c m e °' t° o~ o C7 ~ 3 U L J m V u b y _ y A O r O m ~ C L R L m V O m c C m $r ma - EE " ; m" ~ •E Z ay v m u m V 0 k~ 6 Y L m m G G' N 0 9 C O C m ~ IO Q . 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E .C UfAU a!. }'NG3{L Vl a ca°9 ~ • 1 3 ; • • ~ •A~~~~A~~~• - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Date: July 5, 1989 ~q C~~CnMO t` ~9 f a a ~~ iT .,' x F "~ ~ 2 ., a 19; To: Mayor, Members oP City Council, and City ~l anager From: Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager ~~ By: Dave Leonard, Park Project Coordinator Subject: Approval of Name Change for Don Tapia Park RECOMMSNDATIO City Council accept the recommendation of the Park and Recreation Commission and change the name Don Tapia Park to Don Tiburcio Tapia Park. HAC%GRODMD• A ten member community based design committee selected to redesign Creekside Park suggested the name for the park be changed. The committee recommended the name Don Tapia Park. The Historic Preservation Commission reviewed the name and suggested the name be Tiburcio Tapia. Planning Commission ouyycb~av DVII 1lLLLL1.r1V 1¢(JlY C61R GALL lLLb IdLK YIIY XCUL'tlaC1 Uf1 Commission suggested Alta Vista for the relationship of the park to the streets Alta Cuesta and Valle Vista Drives. On May 17, 1989 City Council approved the name Don Tapia Park in conjunction with adoption of the redesign concept developed by the Community Design Committee. Subsequent to this action, the name was questioned in regard to the proper use of Lhe surname (See attachment). Tha Park and Recreation Commission reviewed the letter and concurred that the park name should be changed. They recommend Don Tiburcio Tapia Park. RespeAtful~ly su/bmitted, ~rK ~-~~ Jo Schultz C munity Se i s Manager JS: DL:bs Attachment: Latter from Mr. Charles S. Miller ~~ Charlu S. MNkr 7781 Valle Vtrra Dr. Cucama7ga, CA 91730 'x712+. nn., S•ta.,i //3/eJC ~ 8'C 7 /K[L.+or~.c ~+t4rm.yy,~ ~f~ X177 5 L y? we7xd c.. X47 ~ ?r~..7- ~ oorle ~j w«i=. abo _•tlu.; ~ O.T CPJ...~n~..e '~,.ne Q~N.a4.Y.t ..zxe 6fearx._ e~ .~~.~.r ~ ~,..,n,,. erri.,.~,., .Q..r--z~ r,a~.. ~ ~~.. ra~„~. -- h. ar.,~v»~uaa.. ~r{^~+Cg..?d -be y/Jeh Ti..Gtrrr, ~i~o~.o. aL lr,enaE.. , ~ c~ c.ro~, ~,~ Talrac,.d ~.,j~ " Qo,.t `a.....r ~o ,r~+r, Cj~cu~b./~- de tic- Ma„e%a.. ~~ n/)- ~~r,, d¢. ?.~. Ma-„plc.. ~~i C~-Qc,.•.z't w•Y ,Sc; D.P.t.etiR~~J/~ Ste, LJc+~i,., Uw..c%..te a,~t .4.c n~ , ~/ ~~•:, h,ua crtzle.r ,~..7L t i4~wT•n, 1~ ~.,~ /27n.~Pr- a+r( l+f [reatsn ~rysq. m:pue..~ -~'wa~ r...~1L~^+c~~ry A=~.7~•'a+'~O+c1 .Z4h.cl,~tt-[a a ''/o~•., Tj6~ /"w+h ",A~.a,~/ -~'nt/t.:,. . c - :; - . . city c,~~; ..~ .~. ,.... ~.,~,,:t~, , ,r , w ~N 7~Sr9~Niil~~tilZ~3~4l.,6 ---- CITY OF RANCHO CI;CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 5, 1989 70: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Boiler, City Planner BY: Jeff Gravel, Assistant Planner SU&IECT: ANNE%ATION 89-03 - BLACKMON HOMES, INC. - A request to approve a ax evenue xc ange for annexation proceedings (LAFLO 2547) between the County of San Bernardino and the City of Rancho Cucanonga for approxinwtely 25 acres of vacant land located at the northeast corner of Highland and Rochester Avenues - APN: 255-152-01, 02, 03, 04, and 18. I. RECOMI/ENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the attached eso u on approving the Tax Revenue Exchange between the County of San Bernardino and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. II. BACKGROUND: The Tax Revenue Exchange negotiation is a part of the •annexa on proceedings before the Local Agency fornwtion Commission for Blackmon Homes Inc., iocated in an unincorporated area of the County (see exhibit "B"). This annexation is scheduled far public hearing before the Local Agency Formation Commission on July 19, 1989. Approval of the Tax Revenue Exchange by the City and by the County is a vrereouisite of the annexation proceedings. me tax share formula, for the tax exchange, for this annexation, has been increased from previous annexations. Due to recent negotiations between the City and the County, the City is allowed to collect a higher percentage of tax than previous years, when annexing property. According to Halt We11s, County Administrative Analyst, the City and the County negotiated and drafted legislation earlier this year which will allow the City to receive 7.54% of the property taxes collected per year, within the boundaries of the subject annexation. The new level is approximately 3% higher than the previous annexation tax exchange agreements. This increase is the product of the "NO and Low" property tax legislation, SB 1063. This legislation gives cities, who incorporated during the years of 1977-76, the opportunity to collect a higher percentage of their property tax. Soon, the City will collect up to a 7% property tax from all properties within the City. This will take place over a 7 year period. Pny special assessment district tax, for example, Light and Landscaping or Me11o Roos, would oat have an effect on the property tax received by the City. PLANNING COIMISJION STAFF REPORT ANNIXATION 89-03 - BLACKNBN HOMES INC. July 5, 1989 Page 2 III. CONCLUSION: Adoption of the attached resolution is required to procee w annexation proceedings for the subtect property. Re dilly { /Br d /// Cit ann~ BB:JG:sp Attachment: Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" - WNnity Map Resolution ~~o ANNEXATION TO THE CITY Of RANCHO CUUMONGA \ LAFC N0.2517 CITY PERCENT IN ANNEXED AREA 7.51% ' TRA S 70008 - MV f 256,265 REVENUE f 2,503 CHANGE IN CHANGE IN CHANGE IN BASE YEAR BASE YEAR BASE YEAR FOR USE IN FOR USE IN FOR USE IN 19868! Lgee~e! t9e66! TOTAL COUNTY General Opostions f (116) f (116) FIooC contra fI000 ZOM library (eSI (65) Iotalcounry: S (181) f (181) OTHER AFFECTED AGENCIES CSA 1170 S (1) f (1) CSA /70 20NE A I81 (G) Tobl Afltctld Agencies: TOTAL (188} (188) TRANSFER TO aTr s lee s Ise d ~~ EXFNBIT "A• CITY OF' RANCHO CUC~MON(~1 PLANNING DIVLSION ~ /~ NO(YiH ITEM: gMExgTxN1 ePW TITLE: vlcnrv MAP EXHIBIT 'B' SCALE 1lQNE RESOLUTION N0. ~ 1 - ~~ / A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUES TO BE EXCHANGED BETNEEN AND AMONG THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDYNO AND THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA RESULTING FROM THE JURISDICTIONAL CHANGE DESCRIDED BY LAFCO N0. 2547. SECTION 1: The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby finds and ce~ermi-n-es that: A. Pursuant to Section 99 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, prior to the issuance of a certificate of filing by the Local Agency Formation Commission Executive Officer, the governing bodies of all local agencies whose service area or service responsibilities will 6e altered by a proposed jurisdictional change shall negotiate and determine by resolution the amount of property tax revenues to be exchanged between and among such agencies. B. Except as provided in Section 99.1 cf the Revenue and Taxation Code, in the event that a jurisdictional change would effect the service area or service responsibility of one or nwre special districts, the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino shall, on behaif of the district or districts, negotiate any exchange of property tax revenues. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino have determined the amount of property tax revenues to be exchanged as a result of the ioiiowing Jurism ccronai change: LPFCO N0. 2547 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA SECTION 2: The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby reso vel sand-orders that: A. The negotiated exchange of property tax revenues beMeen the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the County of San Bernardino, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference, resultl ng from the above described jurisdi cti anal change is hereby approved and accepted. The annual tax increment generated in the area subject to the jurisdictional change and attributable tq the local agencies whose service area of service responsibilities will De altered by the proposed Jurisdictional change shall be allocated in future years pursuant to the provisions of Section 98 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. SECTION 3: The City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga is hereby directed"-fo-certify to the passage of this Resolution and to cause a certified copy to be sent to the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of San Bernardino. ~l3 ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONW IAFC N0.2547 CITY PERCENT IN ANNEXED AREA 7.54% TRA #r 70008 MV S 256,265 REVENUE S 2,503 CHANGE IN BASE YEAR FOR USE IN 1988.8! COUNTY General Operatiorn f (llb) Flood Control Flood Zone library (65) l otal County: f (181) OTHER AFFECTED AGENCIES CSA I70 S (1) CSA +M70 ZONEA (6) CHANGE IN CHANGEIN BASE YEAR BASE YEAR FOR USE IN FOR USE IN t988-89 19889 70TAL f (116) (65) f (181) f (1) (6) Total Affected Agencies: TOTAL (188) TRANSFER TO CITY S 186 (188) S 188 ~~~ EXFNBIT 'A" CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT vA1'E: July 5, 1989 To: City Council FROM: Solid Waste/Recycling Sub-Commit /~/ Pamela J. Wright, Councllmembe~ Deborah N. Brown, Counc ilmembe SUBJECT: Solid Waste /Aecvcl tna U~ete RECOMMENDATION 4',. It ie recommended the City Council adopt the attached resolution establishing waste reduction goals and a comprehensive waste reduction strategy. In addition, it ie recoamiended the City Council establish a local env i[o nmental quality/resource recovery committee. BACRGAOUND The Solid Waste/Recycling Sub-committee attended a Local Government COmmi99ion Recycling Conference on March 30-April 2, 1989. The Local Government Comm iea ion ie a non-profit, non-partisan membership organization and is made up of Forward thinking elected oEf icia le from throughout California. Commies ion members are committed to developing and implementing local solutions to problems of et ate and national significance. The Local Government Commission serves both cit iea and counties, and ie directed toward promoting cooperative efforts among all levels of government. The purpoee of the Recycling Conference held March 30-April 2, 1989 was to provide city and county off iciala with epeclf is information regarding what each city or county can do to tnerease the viability of recycling as a eOlid waste managoment option in their common it iea. The Conference provided the following eugge area actrona for eetab liehing the goal of waste reduction and resource recovery: 1. Introduce and adopt a resolution eetebliehing waste reduction goals and a comprehensive waste reduction et rategy. 2. Perform a public opinion eutvey of residents and buelneeaee on rec.Ycl ing. /~ Solid Waste/Recycling Update .TU ly 5, 1989 Page TWo 3. Perform a waste composition study to identify recyclable mater is le. 4. establish a local recycling committee or commission. 5. Adopt a zoning ordinance to facilitate the siting of recycling facll it iee. 6. Hire a consultant to condret a feasibility study or to implement recycling plan. 7. Hire n recycling coordinator to develop and implement a comprehensive, integrated waste management plan. 8. Develop a waste reduction strategy with spec if is initiatives, budget and implementation schedule. 9. Review collection and disposal contracts, rate structure, eol id waste facility permit a, and ordinances to identify changes needed to footer recycling. 30. Issue requests Poi proposal Pot curbside recycling (or yard waste composting or commercial recycling. 11. Implement a procurement policy favoring the purchase of products containing recycled materials. 12. Review legislative policy guidelines to guide city/county staff in supporting legielat ion. The Solid Waste/Recycling Subcommittee recommends adopting the attached resolution. The resolution eetabliehee actions to move the City of Rancho Cucamonga ahead Sn establlehing our philosophy for environmental quality within our community. In addition, the Subcommittee recommends establish ing an Environmental Resource Recovery Committee. The Committee will help insure the Council will be made aware of issues in a timely manner. PSW:DNB:jle 89-298 vl RE SOLVTION N0. 89- 3 ~- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CCCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABL ISN ING WASTE REDUCTION GOALS AND ENDORSING A COMPPEHENS IV6 SOLID WASTE REDUCTION STRATEGY WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga recognizes the importance of preserving limited and increasingly valuable landfill apace, conserving natural zeaouccea, and protecting the environment; and WHEPEAS, reducing, reusing, recycling and composting of wastes can contribute significantly Lo achieving these environmental goals a& part of a comprehensive integrated waste management system; antl WHEREAS, AB 1462 requires revie ions of County So11d Waste Management Plans (COSWMPS) to include a 20t recycling goal and a detailed plan of action for reaching this goal which will require aggressive recycling efforts by every city and county in the state; and WHEREAS, AB2020 has established a network of local recycling centers throughout the state that have increased the convenience of recycling and provides an example of how recycling can be expanded at the local level. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve anA establish the following goals and principles to govern local solitl waste management activities: 1. Sn1id wa stow aM~~ld wo ...e en _ _ that can contribute to the local economy when reused and recycled; 2. Landfills shoo ld be managed not only to minimize environmental concerns but also ae a resource to be conserved; 3. The hierarchy of integrated waste management should be applied wherever possible to foster solid waste options in the following order of priorities: reduce consumption, reuse ae much ae possible, recycle or compost materials from waeGee, recover energy values of wastes, then properly lendf ill the rest; 4. Weetee currently received at lantlf ills should be reduced by at least 20t through recycling by 1994 (or caneletent with the CoSWMP, whichever ie greater); and 5. As local recycling collection programs increase, the City/County shall work to stabilize and expand markets for recyclablee by buying recycled materiels and product e, expanding existing end attracting new user industries tc manufacture products from recycled malaria ls, any by supporting appropriate state and Eederal market legia let ion and programs. V 1 / G ~ ~~. ~ ~s RANCHO CI.JCM70NGA o ' _ ~ REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ~ ~ AGENDA ~yy Adiourned lteetina June 29, 1989 - 6:00 p.m. Lions Park Community Center 9161 Baee Line Road Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 A• GALL TO ORDER 1. Aoll Call: august _, Alexander _, Stout , Brown , Wright B. COMMUNICATIONS PROM TBB PUBLIC This is the time end place for the general public to address the Redevalapaent Agency. Bteta law prohibits tae Redevslopasnt Ageacp Eros addressing say issue not prey iously included oa the Agenda. The Redevalolrent Agency say receive tastiwny end sat tae natter for s subwquent nesting. Co~uents are !o De limited to five eiaules per individual. C_ADVIiATISED PllBLIC HEARINGS ADOPTION OF PISCAL YEAR 1989 90 OPERA IO L BUDG T AND 91 IS CAL PLAN. D. ADJOURNMENT MEETING TO ADJOURN TO .TULY 5, 1989 AT 7:00 P.N., LIONS PARR COMMUNITY CENTBR, 9161 BASE LINE ROAD, RANCHO CUCAMONOA. pg. 1 I, Beverly A. Authe let, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on June 23, 1989, nave my-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54953 at 9320-C Baee Line Road. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMOP REDEVELOPMENT AGENC' STAFF REPORT DATE: June 29, 1989 TO: Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: Linda D. Daniels, Deputy Director SUBJECT: PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET -- FISCAL YEARS 1989/90 AND 1990/91 RECOMMENDATION : Approve the attached two year Redevelopment Agency budget. ANALYSIS : Attached you will find the proposed 1989/90 and 1990/41 Redevelopment Agency budgets. Fund categories that begin with the digit one (1) represent Administrative and Project Funds; those categories beginning with the digit two (2) are restricted ("Pass-Through") accounts subject to Agency agreements; those beginning with the digit three (3) or four (4) represent special Trustee Funds which have been established to handle transactions on either bond or loan nro¢rams which have been established by the Redevelopment Agency. Ilow do these funds work? Tax increment is received by the Redevelopment Agency from the County of San Bernardino. The Redevelopment Agency, in turn, places these monies into the restricted Pass=Through Funds according to the percentages provided by the County Auditor-Contoller's Office. Funds contained in the Pass-Through accounts are restricted for specific purposes, or are [ransfered to the Trustee for payment to debt service nn bonds sold by the Agency in prior years. These restrcted Pass-Through Funds serve to provide the financing for such projects as the Regional Facilities Day Creek Project, the Affordable Housing Program, and the Fire Facilities Program. Luc Project and Administration Fund accounts operate with ~'~ revenues derived from loans, funds transfers, proceeds of ~ bonds, interest income, and other revenue sources that o are specifically designated for project implementation. These project funds offer more flexibility in terms of implementation of programs established by the Redevelopment Agency, in that they are not restricted by prior Pass-Through Agreements with other taxing entities at the time the Project Area was formed. With the settlement of the lawsuits filed against the Plan Amendment, the Agency is once again able to receive its full tax increment revenue generated by the Project Area. This settlement means that the Agency can now begin to expand its operations to include additional programs identified in the Redevelopment Plan. In addition [o the existing programs of Day Creek Regional Facilities, Regional Shopping Center, Civic/Public Safety Center, and Fire Protection Facilities, the Agency will be developing an Affordable Housing Program, funding the construction of the Milliken Avenue Railroad Undercrossing, Sports Park complex, Library in Central Park, and the First Phase of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Implementation Program. Additional Programs will be under review to determine the extent of Agency participation. Respectfully submitted, Linda D. Daniels, Deputy Director a ~Q C.VCAMO,~ ~, 'F.; G7'Y OF 1 RANCFIO (.lX11MOlVC',A on o C~IrTrY~ TC~OUNCIL F- U Z [Yll'~l Vrl.(-1 U > 1977 Adiourned Meatind June G5. 1989 - 6:00 P.M. Lions Park Comn~u nity Center 9161 Baae Line Road Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 A_ CALL TD ORDEN 1. Pledge of Allegiance to Flag. 2. Roll Ca11: Ruquet _, Alexander _, Stout _ , Brown , Wright B. COMMUNICATIONS FROM TAE PUBLIC This is tAe time end place for the gave ral public to addreae the City Council. state law prohibits the City Council from addre seivg any issue not previously incauded on the Agenne. The City Council vap receive testimony avd set the matter fora subsequent meeting, Comments era to be limited to five mivutes pez individual. C. CONSENT CALENDAR Approval to rescind Resolution Nos. 88-413 and 88-413A and adjust salary ranges and benefits for employees pursuant to Council policy and employee group M.O. U. s. RF.SOLVTION NO. 89-295 A RE SOLOTION OF THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA. RESCINDING RFSnLOTION NOB. 88- 413 A[vu e8-41lA ANO ADJUSTING SALARY RANGES AND BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEES OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ADVERTISED PVBLIC NEARINOB pg. 1 P9~ 2 AOOPTTON OF FISCAL YEAR 1989/90 BUDGET AND 1990/91 FISCAL PLAN: ARTICLE pg, 15 XIIIB APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT. City Councll Agenda -2- June 29, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 89-296 pg. 16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING AN APPROPRIATION LZMIT PURSUANT TO ARTICLE %II IB OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE CONSTITUTION POR FISCAL YEAR 1989/90 RESOLUTION N0. 89-297 p9. 17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THB CITY BUDGET (GAB TA%, AND OTHER BPECIAL PURPOSE FUNDS, AND ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS) FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989/90 OPERATIONAL BUDGET AND 1990/91 FISCAL PLAN E• CONMUNICATIOSS PROM THB PUBLIC TAia is the ties and pLCe for the gaasral public to addrus the Citp Council. State lee prohibiL• the Ciip Council Eros addressing aap issw aot previously ivcluded oa Lha Agsnda. The City Comcil sap receive testieonp aad set the utter fora aubaequeat eeetiog. Coosnts are to W 1Litsd to five einute• per individual. F. ADJOURMRNf MBETINO TO ADJONRN TO JULY 9, 1989 AT 7:30 P.M., LIONB PARR COMNVNITY CENTER, 9161 BASE LINE ROAD, RANGED CVCAMONOA. I, Beverly A. Authelet, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on June 23, 1989, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54953 at 9320-C Case LLne Roed. - CITY OF RANCHG CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Date: June 29, 1989 To: Mayor, City Council and City Manager From; Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director Subject: ADDPTION OF SALARY RESDLUTION INPLENEN71N6 SALARY AND BENEFIT C S FOR FISC 4 89 RECpMENDATION• the City Council adopt the attached resolution implementing salary and benefit changes for fiscal year 1989/90. BACK6RDUND• ?he Memorandums of Understanding with all three of the employee groups were adopted by the City Council at the June 21, 1989, city council meeting. Additionally, the market equity adjustments were reviewed with the City Council and have been completed. Adoption of the attached resolution ..~. .._ •~r '...".:C'ti `^`- pr`~~i i+ivii i~f • c i6 rvl Y~iJ wni ui l%IN CI aia llJ ill,J GIIJ illlp ie111e IIL> the market equity adjustment s41as discussed with the City Council for fiscal year 1989/90, Res pe~tfully submitted, ~ i µ/~~ Jim Hart Administrative Services Director JH/d ah RESOLUTION N0. 89-295 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTIONS N0. 88-413 AND 88-413A AND ADJUSTING SALARY RANGES AND BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has determined that it is necessary for the efficient operation and management of the City that policies be established prescribing salary ranges, benefits, and holidays and other policies for employees of the City of Rancho Cucaronga; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga recognizes that it competes in a marketplace to obtain qualified personnel to perform and provide municipal services, and that compensation and conditions of employment must be sufficiently attractive to recruit and retain qualified employees; and WHEREAS, the revised pay ranges and benefits incorporated in this Resolution have been reviewed and approved by employees representing City Council approved employee groups by the approval of Memorandums of Understanding, in accordance with applicable state and federal laws. NOW; THEREFORE, AE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, as follows: SECTION 1: Salary Ranges ASSTGNIENTS OF CLASSIFICATIONS TO PAY RANGES (Monthly Amounts) Control Mi nimun Point Maximum Class Title Step Amount Step Nraunt Step Amount OOxX CLERICAL AND ADMINISTRATION ooxx Clerical ce 270 1,332 310 1,626 320 1,709 Office Assi <_ta nt 1/ 200 1,471 330 1,796 340 1,888 Records Clerk 290 1,471 330 1,795 340 1,888 Da to Entry Operator 290 1,471 330 1,796 340 1,888 Police Clerk** 285 1,435 325 1,752 335 1,842 Deputy City Clerk 1/ 360 2,086 400 2,547 410 2,677 Sr. Offire Assista~ 1/*** 330 1,796 370 2,193 380 2,305 Public Service Technician 344 1,926 384 2,351 394 2,472 Office SupervisorN 360 7,086 a00 2,547 410 2,677 Pianiiiny Comnissivn Secy6 i/ 360 2,08ti 400 2,547 410 2,677 Disaster Preparedness Tech- 348 1,965 388 2,399 398 2,522 Executive Assistant* 1/ 395 2,484 435 3,033 445 3,188 Records Manager/City ~lerk* 442 3,140 482 3,834 492 4,030 **This classification when assigned to shifts other than day shift shall have an additional pay of 40 cents per hour. 1/ When acting as Clerk to Council/Commissions S50 paid per night or weekend day meeting. Resolution No. 89-295 Page 2 Control Mi nimum Po int Ma ximum Class Title Step Amount Step Amount Step Amount fiscal Cashier 302 1,562 342 1,907 352 2,005 Information Clerk 290 1,471 330 1,796 340 1,888 Account Clerk 302 1,562 342 1,901 352 2,005 Senior Account Clerk 332 1,814 372 2,215 382 2,328 Accountant# 393 2,459 433 3,002 443 3,156 Accounting Technician 347 1,955 387 2,381 397 2,509 Accounting Supervisor. 423 2,856 463 3,487 473 3,665 Financial Analys t# 412 2,704 452 3,301 462 3,470 Risk Management Technician 339 1,879 319 2,294 389 2,411 Business License Clerk 314 1,659 354 2,025 364 2,128 Business License Technician 344 1,926 384 2,351 394 2,472 Business License Supervisor# 374 2,237 414 2,371 424 2,811 Purchasing Assistant 332 1,814 372 2,215 382 2,328 Administrative Administrative Intern 271 7.72 311 9.43 321 9.91 Administrative Aide# 352 2,005 392 2,447 402 2,512 Personnel Tec hnician# 360 2,086 400 2,547 410 2,677 Administrative Rnalyst# 382 2,328 422 2,842 432 2,986 Administrative RssistantN 412 2,704 452 3,301 462 3,470 Sr. Administrative A55t* 442 3,140 4II2 3,834 492 4,03C Disaster Prepared. Coord.* 455 3,351 495 4,090 505 4,300 nzvv r,.m„~~ror Computer Technician 368 2,171 408 2,650 418 2,786 Spec Dist Aide 338 1,869 378 2,282 388 2,399 Spec Dist Tech 368 2,111 408 2,650 418 2,786 Spec Dist Analyst# 419 2,800 459 3,418 459 3,593 Spec Dist Supervisor# 419 2,800 459 3,418 469 3,593 GIS Technician 368 2,171 408 2,650 41S 7_,186 GIS Technician II 393 2,459 433 3,002 443 3,156 Car tog s pher# 419 2,800 459 3,418 46S :,Sy3 GiS Supervisor# 419 2,800 459 3,418 469 3,593 fomp~.iter Operator 338 1,869 378 2,282 388 2,399 Programmer# 419 2,800 459 3,418 469 3,593 Data Base Mgr/P rogramner# 441 3,125 481 3,815 491 4,010 Systems Analys t7ProgrammerR 441 3,125 481 3,815 491 4,010 Data Processing Supervisor* 469 3,593 509 4,386 519 4,611 lOXX COMMUNITY SERVICES 10X% Recreation Recreation=_sistant 191 5.18 Z31 6,32 241 6.65 Rrao•eation Leader 241 5.65 281 8.12 291 8.53 l nstruc cor/Guard 228 6.23 268 7.61 278 8.00 Assistant Pool Man"a er 256 7.16 296 8,75 306 9.19 Pool Manager ~ 280 8.08 320 9.86 330 10.36 Recreation Coordinator 359 2,076 399 2,534 409 2,664 Recreation Supervisor# 389 2,411 429 2,943 439 3,094 Sr. Recreation Supervisor# 419 2,800 459 3,418 469 3,593 Recreation Superintendent* 449 3,252 489 3,970 499 4,173 Resolution No. 89-295 Page 3 Control Mi nimum Point Maximum Class Title Step Amount Ste ~Amount Ste p Amount i1XX Communit Services Assistant ark fanner 395 2,484 435 3,033 445 3,188 Associate Park Planner# 425 2,885 465 3,522 475 3,702 Park Projects Coordinator* 455 3,351 495 4,090 505 4,300 Community Services Tech 360 2,086 400 2,547 410 2,677 2XXX PLANNING, ENGINEERING & INSPECTI ON 20XX Plano inu Planning Aide 271 1.72 311 9.43 321 9.91 Planning Technician 338 1,869 379 2,292 388 2,399 Assistant Planner# 403 2,585 443 3,156 453 3,317 Associate Planner# 433 3,002 473 3,665 483 3,853 Senior Planner* 463 3,487 503 4,257 513 4,475 Principal Planner* 473 3,665 513 4,475 523 4,704 Deputy City Planner* 483 3,853 523 4,704 533 4,94-0 21XX Engineerinq Junior Engineering Ride 315 1,667 355 2,035 365 2,139 Engineerinq Aide 335 1,842 375 2,248 385 2,363 Engineering Technician 355 2,035 395 2,484 405 2,611 Junior Civit Engineer 399 2,534 439 3,094 449 3,7.52 Landscape Designer# 416 2,758 456 3,367 466 3,540 Assist. Landscape Designer# 386 2,375 426 2,899 436 3,048 Assistant Civil Engineer# 429 2,943 469 3,593 479 3,777 Associate Civil Engineer# 459 3,418 499 4,173 509 4,386 Sem or t,ivii tnginee r^ vo9 3,9%u 329 Traffic Engineer* 489 3,910 529 4,846 539 5,094 Deputy City Engineer* 501 4,215 541 5,145 551 5,408 23XX Inspection Code Enforcement Tech 330 1,796 370 2,193 380 2,305 Code Enforoement Rep. 2/ 371 2,204 411 2,690 421 2,828 Code Enrorcement Supvl`2/ 401 2,560 441 3,125 451 3,284 Public Works Inspector 2/ 397 2,509 437 3,063 447 3,220 Sr. Pu61ic Works Ins p.N 2/ 421 2,914 467 3,557 471 3,739 Puhlic Workers Engineer* 2/ 479 3,177 518 4,588 528 4,822 Plan Checker# 410 2,677 450 3,268 460 3,435 Counter Plan Check er# 425 2,885 465 3,522 475 3,702 Sr Plan (heck er# 440 3,109 480 3,196 490 3,990 Plan Check Coordinator* 470 3,511 510 4,408 520 4,634 Buiidiny impe~Lur 2/ 3 v 9~ "'3 43^. 2 n5y n~ 4 J i liW Rehab. Sper,i alist# 2/ 410 2,677 450 3,268 460 3,435 Grading Specialist#-2/ 410 2,677 450 3,268 460 3,435 F.l ectrical Specialis t# 2/ 410 2,677 450 3,268 460 3,435 Building Insp. Superv# 3,/ q30 2,958 470 3,611 480 3,796 D eput,y Build inq Off ir.ial* 483 3,853 523 4,704 533 4, 94M1 24 XX Development Administration Asst RDR Analyst# 395 2,484 435 3,033 445 3,188 Redevelopment Analyst# 425 2,885 465 3,522 475 3,702 Sr. Redevelopment Analyst* 455 3,351 495 4,090 505 4,300 Resolution No. 89-295 Page 4 Class Title SXXX MAINTENANCE SERVICES ie rvices easona rn enance Tech Maintenance Worker 2/ Street Sweeper Oper~or 2/ Sr. Maintenance Worker 2T Maint. Crew Supervisor 7/ Mechanic's Helper 2/ Mechanic 2/ Sr iHechanic 2/ Equipment Vefiicle Clerk 2/ Signal & Lighting Tech 2j Electrical Helper Pi umbing Helper S1 XX Maintenance Supervision in enance uperv sor Maint. Superintendent* 27 90XX Misceilaneous rossing usr s Control Mi nimun Po int Ma ximum Step Amount Step Amount Step /mount 231 6.32 271 7.72 281 8.12 322 1,726 362 2,107 372 2,215 332 1,EI4 372 2,215 382 2,328 352 2,C05 392 2,447 402 2,572 382 2,328 422 2,842 432 2,988 322 1,726 s62 2,107 372 2,215 352 2,005 392 2,447 402 2,572 382 2,328 422 2,842 432 2,986 332 1,814 372 2,215 382 2,328 380 2,305 420 2,814 430 2,958 332 1,814 372 2,215 382 2,328 332 1,814 372 2,215 382 2,328 441 3,125 481 3,815 491 4,010 471 3,629 511 4,430 521 4,657 191 5.18 231 6,32 241 6.65 2/ Up 5135 proviQed annually toward purchase of approved safety footware. ~ Denotes Management Classes # Denotes Supervisory/Professional Classes ***This position may be designated as a lead worker in a division or department when more than one Senior Office Assistant is assigned and shall have an additional Len (10) salary code steps (5%) added to salary range. SECT iON 2: Executive Management Salary Ranges Class Ti tie Redevelopment Coordinator Finance Manager City Planner Building Official Community Services Manager City Engineer Admin Services Director Community Development Oir Deputy City Manager Assistant City Manager City Manager Control Mi nimun Po int Step Prtwunt Step Amount 493 4,050 533 4,944 509 4,386 549 5,355 504 4,278 544 5,223 496 4,111 536 5,019 521 4,657 561 5,685 528 4,822 568 5,887 535 4,994 575 6,096 543 5,197 583 6,344 504 4,278 544 5,223 531 4,895 571 5,976 --$8,!51.00 flat amount-- Executive Managgement employees will be assigned to salary ranges which are no less than 20% (40 salary code steps) below the control point and no more than 15% (30 salary code steps) above the control point. Actual salaryry within the range is determined by performance achievement of goals and ob,7ectives, or far recent appointments, groxth w t~iin the position. Resolution No. 89-295 Page 5 SECTION 3: Three tiered Management Program Employees designated as either Professional/Supervisory, Management, or Executive Management are not eligible for overtime pay, or compensatory time for working hours over and above the normal daily work schedule. Employees so designated shall be entitled to all Benefits provided to general employees and the following: Professional/supervisory A. Administrative leave to a maximum of forty hours per calendar year at the discretion of appropriate supervisor, after successful completion of six months service within this classification. B. Life insurance policy of an additional five thousand dollars. C. Deferred compensation program of two percent of salary. Management A. Administrative leave to a maximum of sixty hours per calendar year at the discretion of appropriate supervisor, after successful completion of six months service within this classification. B. Life insurance policy of an additional ten thousand dollars. C. Deferred compensation program of four percent of salary. Executive Management A. Administrative leave to a maximum of eighty hours per calendar year at the discretion of appropriate supervisor, after successful completion of six months service within this ciassin cation. B. Automobile allowance of E250.00 per month if a City vehicle is not provided. C. Life insurance policy of an additional thirty thousand dollars. D. Deferred compensation program of six percent of salary. SECTION 4: Life Insurance The City provides f30,000 base coverage of life insurance for all employees. Employees who want to purchase additional life insurance coverage with personal funds may do so in 510,000 increments at the city's group rate. SECTION 5: Sick Leave Buyback Employees who terminate their city employment after five years of continuous service and 'nave at least 50z of five years' sick leave accrued on the books upon termination can sell 120 hours back to the City. SECTION 6: Safety Footwear The City will provide E135 annually toward the purchase of safety footwear for employees required to wear safety footwear as part of their ,joD responsibilities. Resolution No. 89-295 Page 6 SECTION 7: Maternity Leave Female employees are granted up to four months maternity leave for the birth or adoption of a child. Employees on a maternity leave of absence without pay will be responsible for the pa ent of medical, dental and optical premiums to keep the coverage in force during the leave of absence. SECTION 8: Paternity Leave Male e~loyees are granted up to 3 days paternity leave for the birth or adoption of a child. This time is to be charged to sick leave. SECTION 9: 7uitton Reimbursement Employees are eligible for reimbursement of up to E950 based on actual cost as documented by receipts, per fiscal year for costs associated with attendance of work related classes, or earning credits towards completion of courses required for the degree, ar courses that employee feels would be valuable for their overall development at colleges or universities. Approval for reimbursement must be obtained by the employee's supervisor prior to taking the course. SECTION 10: Holidays The City Offices shall observe the following days. All full time continuous salaried employees shall be compensated at their reguiar rate for these days. (a) January 1 -New Years Day (b) January -third Monday - Martin Luther King's Birthday. Employees who wish to celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday may do so on the designated day. Employees who do not wish to celebrate his art",d:y" ~,`,C d:aigrutad u'u~ i7,oy u!c u~we IIUU~'! a! I IUaLIOg holiday hours to be used within the calendar year. The floating holiday hours associated with Martin Luther King's birthday are not usable until the recognized observance day or after, but must be used by December 31. (b) February - Washington's Birthday (c) May - Memorial Day (d) July 4 - Independence Day (e) September -labor Day -The first Monday 1n September (f) November it - Veteran's Day (g) November - Thanksgiving Day (h) November - The day following Thanksgiving (i) December - The day preceding Christmas (,i) December 25 - Christmas Day (k) Twenty-four (24) hours in discretionary time may be taken by an employee at his/her convenience xho ha; successfully coapleted probation sub,lect to approval of the department head. Hours may not 6e carried over from one calendar year to next. Whenever a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as a holiday. Nhenever a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as the holiday. Resolution No. 89-295 Page 7 SECTION 11: Yacatian All full-time employees shall, with continuous service, accrue working days of vacation monthly according to the following schedule: length of Service in Years Annual Days Accrued I 10 2 I1 3 12 4 13 5 14 6-8 i5 9 16 10 I~ 11-13 18 14 19 15+ PO SECTION 12: Health Insurance The City provides health insurance plans available to all full time continuous salaried employees and elected officials. The City agrees to pay for all full time continuous e~loyees and elected officials medical insurance premiums by eve ra gt ng the cost of the plans for employees as one group. The effect of averaging for fiscal year 1989-90 is that employees will not be responsible for payment of premiums. SECTION 13: Dental Insurance The City shall provide a dental insurance plan for all full-time continuous salaried employees and elected officials. The City agrees to nay f~~ ail lull lime continuous salaried employees and elected officials up to a maximun of 555.00 per employee or elected official per month towards dental insurance premiums to be calculated on a composite rate basis and to be effective July 1, 1989. SECTION 14: Optical Insurance The City shall provide an optical insurance plan for all full-time continuous salaried employees and elected officials. The City agrees to pay for all full Lime continuous salaried employees and elected officials up to a maximun of 514,60 per employee or elected official per month towards optical insurance premiums to be calculated on a composite rate basis and to be effective July 1, 1989. SECTION 15: Premium Holiday Compensation Maintenance employees required as part of the regular work assignment to work on Christmas Day, New Years Day, Independence Day or Thanksgiving Day, are allayed to observe the holiday on another day. Additionally, these employees who work on the aforementldned destgnated holidays may select to receive compensation on that holiday at time and one-half for the eight hour shift, or take a second holiday as time off at a later date. SECTIONN 16: Standby Pay 5128 perpNeeees required to be on standby shall be compensated at the rate of Resolution No. 89-295 Page 8 SECTION 17: Overtime - Maintenance The City agrees that employees who are sent home to rest and to be available to work additional hours as a result of a storm or Impending emergency situation and are not subsequently recalled to work, wiil be compensated for the hours not worked in that shift, due to them having been sent hove, to bring the total hours to 8 worked in that shift. Employees who are subsequently recalled to work the storm or emergency situation will work no more than 12 consecutive hours. Any hours worked in excess of 8 Tn that 12 hour shift will be paid at Lime and one-half, regardiess of the total numbers of compensated hours for that work week. SECTION 18: Confidential Fmpl oyees Confidential e~ryloyees are designated as such when an employee in the course of his or her duties, has access to information relating to the City's administration of employer-employee relations. Employees designated as confidential employees may not act as representatives of employee organiz- ations which represent other employees of the City. The employees designated as confidential e~loyees are as follows: Personnel Technician Account Clerk -Payroll Senior Office Assistant Records Manager/City Clerk Office Assistant - Personnel Office Supervisor Planning Commission Secretary Executive Assistant PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 29th day of June 1489. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: nn s ou ayor every e e y er I, BEVERLY A. AUTHELET, CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, at an adjourned meeting of said City Council held on the 29th day of June, 1989. Executed this 30th day of June, 1989 at Rancho Cucamonga, California every e e , y er 7 f Resolution No. 69-295 Page 9 SCHEDULE I -- SALARY CODE TABLE BASIC PAY SCHEDULE IN HOURLY, BI-MEEKLY AND MONTHLY AMOUNTS ONE HALF PERCENT BETWEEN RANGES MONTHLY AMOUNTS ROUNDED TO NEAREST DOLLAR Ranqe Hourly Bi-Weekly Monthly Range Hourly Bt-Weekly Monthly AV~r R~ aR~f- a .e - A rer Ram aR~- aR'-i:e 181. 4.9289 394.3109 854 221. 6.0172 481.3724 1043 182, 4.9535 396.2824 859 222, 6.0472 483.7793 1048 183. 4,9783 398.2638 863 223. 6.0775 486.1982 1053 184, 5.0032 400.2551 867 224. 6.1079 488.6292 1059 185. 5.0282 402.2564 872 225. 6.1384 491.0723 1064 186. 5,0533 404.2677 876 226. 6.1691 493.5277 1069 187. 5.0786 406.2890 880 227, 6.1999 495.9953 1075 188. 5,1040 408.3205 885 228. 6.2309 498.4753 1080 189, 5.1295 410.3621 889 229. 6.2521 500.9677 1085 190. 5.1552 412.4139 894 230, 6.2934 503,4725 1091 191. 5.1809 414.4760 898 231. 6,3249 505.9899 1096 192. 5.2069 416.5483 903 232. 6.3565 508.5198 1102 193, 5.2329 418.6311 907 233. 6,3883 511.0624 1107 194, 5.2591 420.7242 912 234. 6.4202 513.6177 1113 195. 5.2853 422.8279 916 235. 6.4523 516,1856 1118 196. 5,3118 424.9420 921 236. 6.4846 518.7667 1124 197. 5.3383 427.0667 925 237. fi.5170 521.3606 1130 198. 5.3650 429.2020 930 238. 6,5496 523.9674 1135 199. 5,3929 431.3481 935 239. 6.5823 526.5872 1141 200. 5.4188 433.5048 939 240. 6.6153 529.7909 It47 201. 5,4459 435,6723 944 241, 6,6483 531.8663 1152 202. 5.4731 437.8507 949 242. 6.6816 534.5256 1158 203, 5.5005 440,0399 953 243. 6.7150 537.1982 1164 204. 5.5280 442.2401 958 244, 6.7486 539,8842 1170 205. 5.5556 444,4513 963 245. 6,7823 542.5836 1176 206. 5.5834 446.6736 968 246. 6,8162 545.2965 1181 207. 5.6113 448.9070 973 247. 6.8503 548.0230 1187 208. 5.6394 451,1515 977 248. 6,8845 550,7631 1193 209. 5.6676 453.4073 982 249. 6.9190 553.5170 1199 210. 5.6959 455.6743 987 250. 6,9536 556,2845 1205 211, 5.7244 457.9527 992 251. 6,9883 559.0660 1211 212. 5,7530 460,2424 997 252. 7.0233 561.8613 1217 2i3. 5.7818 46?.5436 1002 253. 7,0584 564.6706 1223 214, 5,8107 dti4,e5ti4 1007 254. 7.0937 567,4940 1230 215. 5.8398 467.1806 1012 255. 7.1291 570.3314 1236 216. 5.8690 469.5165 1017 256. 7.1648 573.1831 1242 217, 5,8983 471.8641 1022 257. 7,2006 576.0490 1248 218. 5,9278 474.2234 1027 258. 7.2366 578.9292 1254 219. 5,9574 476,5946 1033 259. 7,2728 581.8239 1261 220. 5.9872 478.9775 1038 260. 7,3092 584.7330 1267 Resolution No. 89-295 Page 10 Rance Hourly Bi-Weekly Monthly Rance Hour1V Bi-Weekly Monthly Number Rate Rate Rate Number Rate Rate Rate 261. 7.3457 587.6561 1273 311. 9.4262 754.0962 1634 262. 7.3824 590.5950 1280 312. 9.4733 757.8667 1642 263. 7.4193 593.5479 1286 313. 9.5207 761.6560 1650 264. 7.4564 596.5157 1292 314. 9.5683 765.4643 1659 265. 1.4937 599.4982 1299 315. 9.6161 769.2916 1667 266. 7.5312 602.4957 1305 316. 9.6642 173.1381 1675 261. 7.5689 605.5082 1312 317. 9,71?5 771.0039 1684 268. 7,6067 608.5358 1318 318. 9.7611 180.8888 1692 269. 1.6447 611.5784 1325 319. 9.8099 184.7932 1700 210. 7.6830 614.6363 1332 320. 9.8590 788.7172 1709 271. 7.1214 617.1095 1338 321. 9.9083 792.6608 1711 272. 7.7600 620.7981 1345 322. 9.9578 796.6241 1726 213. 7.7988 623.9021 1352 323. 10.0016 800.6072 1735 274. 7.8318 626.0216 1359 324. 10.0516 804.6103 1743 215. 7.8770 630.1561 1365 325. 10.1019 808.6333 1752 216. 7.9163 633.3075 1312 326. 10.1585 812.6765 1761 271. 7.9559 636.4740 1319 327. 10.2092 816.7399 1770 278. 7.9957 639.6564 1386 328. 10.2603 820.8236 1778 279. 6.0357 642.8546 1393 329. 10.3116 824.9277 1787 280. 8.0759 645.0689 1400 330. 10.3632 829.0523 1796 281. 8.1162 648.2993 1407 331. 10.4150 833.1916 1805 292. 8.1568 652.5458 i414 332. 10.4610 837.3636 1814 283. 8.1916 655.8085 1421 333. 10.5194 841.5504 1823 284. 8.2386 659.0675 1428 334. 10.5720 845.1581 1832 285. R. 279R eR7 vaan in oc Iv.u'ZYo owy.ybbY 1tl9Z 286. 8.3212 665.6949 1442 336. 10.6180 854.2369 1851 287. 8.3628 669.0234 1450 337. 10.7314 858.5080 1860 288. 8.404fi 672.3685 1457 338. 10.7850 862.8006 1869 289. 8.4466 675.7303 1464 339. 10.8389 861.1146 1879 290. 8.4889 619.1090 1471 340. 10.8932 871.4502 1888 291. 8.5313 682.5045 1479 341. 10.9476 875.8074 1898 292. 8.5740 685.9170 1486 342. 11.0023 880.1864 1907 293. 8.6168 689.3466 1494 343. 11.0513 884.5874 1911 294. 8.6599 692.1933 1501. 344. 11.1126 889.0103 1926 295. 8.7032 696.2573 1509 345. 11.1682 893.4554 1936 296. 8.7467 699.7386 1516 346. 11.2240 897.9226 1945 297. 8.,'905 703.2373 1524 341. 11.2802 902.4123 1955 298. 8.8344 706.1535 1531 348. 11.3366 906.9243 1965 2ao a o7°6 7iC.iR77 1539 349. 'i. 39]2 9ii.4569 1975 300. 8.9230 713.8367 1547 350. 11.4502 916.0162 1985 301. 8.9676 117.4079 1554 351. 11.5075 920.5963 1995 302. 9.0124 120.9949 1562 352. 11.5650 925.1993 2005 303. 9.0575 724.5999 1570 353. 11.6228 929.8253 2015 304. 9.1028 728.222.9 1578 354. 11.6809 934.4144 7.025 305. 9.1483 731.8640 1586 355. 11.7393 939.1468 2035 306. 9,1940 735.5233 1594 356. 11.7980 943.8425 2045 301. 9.2400 739.2009 1602 357. 11.8570 948.5617 2055 308. 9.2862 742.8969 1610 358. 11.9163 953.3045 2065 309. 9.3326 746.6114 1618 359. 11.9159 958.0711 2076 310. 9.3793 750.3445 1626 360. 12.0358 962.8614 2086 Resolution No. 89-295 Page ll Rance Hou rlY Bi-Weekl Monthly Ran ae Hou rlv Bi-Weekly Monthly Number aR to atR a Rate Number Rate Rate Rate 361. 12.0959 967.5757 2091 411. 15.5218 1241.7465 2690 362. 12.1564 972.5141 2101 412. 15.5994 1247.9552 2704 363. 12.2172 977.3767 2118 413. 15.6774 1254.1950 2117 364. 12.2783 982.2635 2126 414. 15.7558 1260.4660 2731 365. 12.3391 967.1749 2139 415. 15.8346 1266.7683 2745 366. 12.4014 992.1108 2150 416. 15.9138 1273.1021 2758 361. 12.4634 997.0713 2160 411. 15.9933 1279.4676 2172 358. 12.5257 1002.0567 2171 418. 16.0733 1285.8650 2186 369. 12.5883 1007.0669 2182 419. 16.1537 1292.2943 2800 310. 12.6513 1012.1023 2193 420. 16.2344 1298.7558 2614 371. 12.7145 1017.1628 2204 421. 16.3156 1305.2496 2828 372. 12.7761 1022.2486 2215 422. 16.3972 1311.7758 2842 313. 12.8420 1027.3598 2226 423. 16.4792 1318.3347 2856 314. 12.9062 1032.4966 2237 424. 16.5616 1324.9264 2671 375. 12.9701 1037.6591 2248 425. 16.6444 1331.5510 2885 376. 13.0356 1042.8474 2260 426. 16.7276 1338.2087 2899 377. 13.1008 1048.0617 2271 427. 16.8112 1344.8998 2914 378. 13.1663 1053.3020 2282 428. 16.8953 1351.6243 2929 379. 13.2321 1058.5685 2294 429. 16.9798 1358.3824 2943 380. 13.2963 1063.8613 2305 430. 11.0647 1365.1743 2958 381. 13.3648 1069.1806 2317 431. 17.1500 1372.0002 2973 382. 13.4316 1074.5265 2328 432. 17.2356 1378.8602 2988 383. 13.4987 1079.8992 2340 433. 17.3219 1385.7545 3002 384. 13.5662 1085.2987 2351 434. 17.4085 1392.6833 30]7 385. 13.6341 1090.7252 2363 435. 11.4956 1399.6461 3033 sdd. ie.iuG[ 1U96.1/a8 23/5 436. 17.5831 1406.6449 3048 381. 13.1707 1101.6591 2387 437. 17.6710 1413.6781 3063 388. 13.8396 1107.1680 2399 438. 17.7593 1420.7465 3078 389. 13.9088 1112.7038 2411 439. 11.8481 1427.6503 3094 390. 13.9783 1118.2673 2423 440. 17.9374 1434.9695 3109 391. 14.0482 1123.8587 2435 441. 18.0271 1442.1645 3125 392. 14.1185 1129.4780 240.7 442. 18.1172 1449.3753 3140 393. 14.1891 1135.1254 2459 443. 16.2078 1456.6222 3156 394. 14.2600 1140.8010 247? 444. 18.2988 1463.9053 3172 395. 14.3313 1146.5050 2484 445. 18.3903 1471.2248 3168 396. 14.4030 1152.2375 2497 446. 18.4823 1478.5809 3204 391. 14.4750 1151.9987 2509 447. 18.5747 1485.9738 322C 398. :4.5474 1163.7887 2522 448. 18.6577 1493.4037 3236 399. 14.6201 1169.6016 7534 dd9. 18 76no 15n0,o707 3252 4"v"u. 14.6932 1115.4551 2547 450. 18.8547 1508.3751 3268 401. 14.7667 1181.3329 2560 451. 18,9490 1515.9169 3284 402. 14.8405 1181.2396 2572 452. 19.0437 1523.4965 3301 403. 14.9147 1193.1758 2585 453. 19.1389 1531.1140 3317 404. 14.9893 1199.1417 2598 454. 19.2346 1538.7646 3334 405. 15.0642 1205.1314 2611 455. 19.3308 1546.4634 3351 406. 15.1395 1211.1631 2624 456. 19.4274 1554.1957 3367 407, 15.2152 1217.2189 2637 457. 19.5246 1561.9667 3384 408. 15.2913 1223.3050 2650 458. 19.6222 1569.7766 3401 409. 15.3678 1229.4215 2664 459. 19.1203 1577.6254 3418 410. 15.4446 1235.5666 2617 460. 19.8189 1585.5136 3435 Resolution No. 89-295 Page 12 Range Hourly Bi-Weekly Monthly Ranae Hourly Bi-Weekly Monthly Number Rate Rate Rate Number Rate Rate Rate 461. 19.9180 1593.4411 3452 511. 25.5593 2044.7448 4430 462. 7.0.0176 1601.4083 3470 512. 25.6871 2054.9685 4452 463. 20.1177 1609.4154 3487 513. 25.8155 1065.2434 4475 464. 20.2183 1617.4625 3505 514. 25.9446 2075.5696 4497 465. 20.3194 1625.5498 35'22 515. 26.0743 2085.9414 4520 466. 20.4210 1633.6775 3540 516. 26.2041 2096.3172 4542 467. 20.5231 1641.8459 3557 517. 26.3357 2106.4590 4565 4b8. 20.6257 1650.0551 3575 518. 26.4674 2111.3933 4588 469. 20.7288 1658.3054 3593 519. 26.5998 2127.9803 4611 470. 20.8325 1666.5959 3611 520. 26.1328 2138.5202 4634 411. 20.9366 1674.9299 3629 521. 26.8664 2149.3133 4651 472. 21.0413 1683.3046 3647 522. 21.0007 2160.0599 4680 473. 21.1465 1691.7211 3665 523. 27.1358 2170.8602 4704 474. 21.2522 1700.1797 3684 524. 21.2714 2181.7145 4127 415. 21.3585 1108.6806 3702 525. 27.4078 2192.6230 4751 416. 21.4653 1717.2240 3121 526. 21.5448 2203.5862 4774 417. 21.5726 1125.8101 3739 521. 21.6826 2214.6041 4798 478. 21.6805 1734.4392 3758 528. 21.8210 2225.6771 4822 479. 21.7889 1143.1114 3777 529. 21.9601 2236.8055 4846 480. 21.8978 1751.8269 3796 530. 28.0999 2247.9895 4871 461. 22.0073 1760.5861 3815 531. 28.2404 2259.2295 4895 482. 22.1174 1769.3390 3834 532. 2b.3816 2210.5256 4919 483. 22.2219 1718.2359 3853 533. 28.5235 2281.8183 4944 484. 22.3391 1187.1271 3872 534. 28.6661 2293.2876 4969 465. 27.4508 1796.Ofi77 iR91 G?c ?o onna ~-• .~~, 466. 22.5630 1805.0431 3911 536. 28.9535 2316.2179 5019 481. 22.6759 1814.0683 3930 537. 29.0982 2327.8592 5044 498. 22.7892 1623.1386 3950 538. 29.2431 2339.4985 5069 489. 22.9032 1832.2543 3970 539. 29.3900 2351.1960 5094 490. 23.0177 1841.4156 3990 540. 29.5369 2362.9520 5120 491. 23.1328 1850.6227 4010 541. 29.6846 2374.7668 5145 492. 23.2484 1859.8758 4030 542. 29.8330 2366.6406 5171 493. 23.3641 1869.1152 4050 543. 29.9822 2398.5138 5197 494. 23.4815 1818.5210 4010 544. .30.1321 2410.5667 5223 495. 23.5989 1881.9136 4090 545. 30.2827 2422.6195 5249 496. 23.7169 1697.3532 4111 546. 30.4342 2434.1326 5275 497. 23.8355 190b.8400 4131 541. 30.5863 2446.9063 5302 498. 23.9541 1916.3742 4152 548. 30,7393 2459.1408 5328 449. 24.0745 L25.9560 4ll3 549. 70,89?0 2471,4365 5355 5u0. 24.194A 1935.5858 4194 550. 31.0414 2483.1937 5382 501. 24.3158 1945.2637 4215 551. 31.2021 2496.2127 5408 502_. 24.4374 1954.9901 4236 552. 31.3587 2508.6937 5436 503. 24.5596 1964.1650 4257 553. 31.5155 2521.2312 5463 504. 24.6824 1914.5888 4278 554. 31.6130 2533.8434 5490 505. 24.8058 1984.4618 4300 555. 31.8314 2546.5126 5517 506. 24.9298 1994.3841 4321 556. 31.9906 2559.2452 5545 507, 25.0545 2004..3560 4343 557, 32.1505 2572.0414 5573 508. 25.1797 2014.3778 4364 558. 32.3113 2584.901G 5601 509. 25.3056 2024.4497 4386 559. 32.4728 2591.8261 5629 510. 25.4321 2034.5719 4408 560. 32.6352 2610.8152 5657 Resolution No. 89-295 Page 13 Range Hourly Bi-Weekly Monthly Ranoe Hourly Bi-Weekly Monthlv Number Rate Rate Rate Number Rate Rate Rate 561. 32.7964 2623.6693 5685 611. 42.0878 3367.0168 7295 562. 32.9624 2626.9886 5713 61?. 47,2982 3383.8519 7333 563. 33.1272 2650.1736 5742 613. 42.5097 3400.7112 7310 564. 33.2928 2663.4245 5711 614. 42.1222 3411.1150 7407 565. 33.4593 2676.7416 5800 615. 42.9358 3434.8634 7444 566. 33.6266 2690.1253 5829 616. 43.1505 3452.0382 7481 567, 33.7947 2?03.5759 5858 617. 43.3663 3469.2984 7518 568. 33.9637 2717.0938 5887 618. 43.5831 3486.6449 1556 569. 34.1335 2130.6793 5916 619. 43.8010 3504.0781 1594 570. 34.3042 2744.3327 5946 620. 44.0200 3521.5985 7632 571. 34.4757 2158.0543 5976 621. 44.240 3539.206 7670 572. 34.6481 2771.8446 6005 622. 44.461 3556.902 7709 573. 34.8213 2185.7038 6036 623. 44.683 3574.687 7747 574. 34.9954 2199.6323 6066 624. 44.906 3592.560 7786 575. 35.1704 2813.6305 6096 625. 45.131 3610.523 7825 576. 35.3462 2827.6981 6121 626. 45.357 3628.576 1864 577. 35.5230 2841.6371 6151 62i. 45.584 3646.719 7903 578. 35.7006 2856.0463 6188 628. 45.812 3664.953 7943 579. 35.8791 2810.3266 6219 629. 46.041 3683.278 7983 580. 36..0585 2884.6782 6250 630. 46.211 3701.694 8023 581. 36.2388 2899.1016 6281 631. 46.502 3720.202 806? 582. 36.4200 2913.5971 6313 632. 46.735 3138.8D3 8103 583. 36.6021 2928.1651 6344 633. 46.969 3757.497 8144 584. 36.7851 2942.8059 6376 634. 41.204 3716.284 8184 u.>uw v~i.oi7y owuo b10. 4l.49U 3/96.165 8225 586. 37.1538 2972.3075 5440 636. 47.611 3814.141 8261 587. 37.3396 2981.1691 6472 631. 41.915 3833.212 8.308 588. 31.5263 3002.1049 6505 638. 48.155 3852.318 8349 589. 37,7139 3017.1154 6537 639. 48.396 3871.540 8391 590. 31.9025 3032.2010 6570 640. 48.638 3890.998 8433 591. 38.0920 3047.3620 6603 641. 48.881 3910.453 8475 592. 38.2825 3062.5988 6536 642. 49.125 3930.005 A618 593. 38.4739 3077.9118 6669 643. 49.371 3949.655 8560 594, 38.6663 3093.3014 6702 644. 49.618 3969.403 8603 595, 38.8596 3168.7679 6736 645. 49.866 3989.?50 8646 596. 39.0539 3124.3117 6769 646. 50.115 4009.196 8689 597. 39.1492 3139.9333 6803 647. 50.366 407.9.242 8733 598. 39.4454 3155.6330 6837 648. 50.618 4044.388 n776 h99 3° 64"2` 'i7 i.4lli 6"071 649. 50,871 4069.63h 8820 600. 39.8409 3187.2682 6906 650. 51.125 4069.983 8864 601. 40.0401 3203.2045 6941 651. 51.381 4110.433 8908 602. 40.2403 3219.2206 6976 652. 51.638 4130.985 8952 603. 40.4415 3235.3167 7011 653. 51.896 4151.640 8996 604. 40.6437 3251.4932 1046 654. 52.155 4172.400 9040 605. 40.8469 3267.1507 1081 655. 52.420 4193.262 9085 606. 41.0512 3284.0895 1117 656. 52.683 4214.230 9130 607. 41.2564 3300.5100 7152 651. 52.943 4235.301 9175 608. 41,4627 3311.0125 7188 658. 53.208 4256.478 9220 609. 41.6700 3333.5975 7224 659. 53.474 4277.160 9266 610. 41.8784 3350.2655 7260 660. 53.741 4299.150 ;312 -- ----- - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~` ~~ Date: June 29, 1989 To: Mayor, City Council and City Manager From: Elizabeth Stoddard, Finance Manager Subject: ADDPTION OF FISCAL YEAR 1999/90 BUDGET AND 1990/91 FISCAL PLAN; ARTICLE KIIIB APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT RECOIWENDATION• 1. Council adopt attached Resolutions adopting the fiscal year 1989/90 operational budget and the 1990/91 fiscal plans. ~ i 2. Set the Article XIIIB Appropriations limit for fiscal year 1969/90. i BACKBROUND• ~ for the first time, the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga has proposed a two-year Program of Service. The 1989/90 fiscal year budget will be the upcoming "operational' budget, while the 1990/91 fiscal year is inte~~d ed as a "Planned" budget subject to refinement and modification based upon changes in the economy or community goals. The City Council has conducted two budget workshops wherein various elements of the proposed budget have been discussed. After consideration of the issues by the Council, a sum of 560,000 has been included from fund balance for the purpose of performing an independent study of law enforcement needs and options. The attached Resolution No. 89-297 adop*,s the 2 year budget as presented with the Council modifications included. General Fund Fiscal Year 1989/90 Fiscal Year 1990/91 523,924,541 524,909,016 Capital Funds Total 536,576,685 523,172,866 E 60,501,232 5 48,081,882 Grand Total 5108,583,114 Resolution No. 89-296 adopts the annual appropriation limit as required by Article XIIIB of the State Constitution. Based upon the factors of the Gann Limit C.P.I, calculation of 4.98% and a population change of 9.48%, Lhe City's fiscal year 1989/90 limit is 516,609,483. Respec tfu~~l..l~~y submitted, El i a et~~dda r) Fin ce Manager ES /d ah ~~ RESOLUTION N0. 89-296 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING AN APPROPRIATION LIMIT PURSUANT TO ARTICLE XIIIB OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE CONSTITUTION FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989/90. WHEREAS, Article XIIIB of the State of California provides that the total annual appropriations subject to limitation of the State and of each local government shall not exceed the appropriations limit of such entity of government for the prior year adjusted for changes in the cost of living and population except as other wise provided in said Article %IIIB, and; WHEREAS, pursuant to said Article XIIIB of the Constitution of the State of California, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga deems it to be in the best interests of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to establish an appropriations limit for the Fiscal Year 1989/90, and; WHEREAS, the Finance Director of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has determined that said appropriations limit for the Fiscal Year 1989/90 be established in the amount of 516,609,483. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga that an appropriation limit for the Fiscal Year 1989/90 ._ Y" _ _ _ _ u u v established in the amountu of `E16 ,609,483~,~andV the `same is 4h ereby establ~i~shed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said appropriations limit herein established may be changed as deemed necessary by resolution of the City Council. /~ RESOLUTION N0. 89-297 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ADOPTING THE CITY'S BUDGET (GAS TAX, ANO OTHER SPECIAL PURPOSE FUNDS, AND ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS) FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989/90 OPERATIONAL BUDGET AND 1990;°.? F?SCAL PLAN. WHEREAS, the Rancho Cucamonga City Council held workshops to review the appropriation requests for the FY 89/91, and; WHEREAS, the Rancho Cucamonga City Council held a public hearing on the General City Budget, and; WHEREAS, this public hearing was published in a newspaper of general circulation and held on June 29, 1989. NOW, THEREFORE, 8E IT RESDLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, in special session assembled this 29th day of June 1989, as follows: FISCAL PLAN. The City of Rancho Cucamonga Budget for the fiscal year lYBY/yt, on file in the office of the Finance Manager, is hereby adopted in the amount of E108,583,114. This budget total includes appropriations for other special pu rpu se fwid s. SECTION 2: TRANSFERS OF FUNDS BETWEEN AND/DR WITH APPROPRIATIONS. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga inay transfer funds between funds or activities set forth in the budget. The City Manager may transfer funds between appropriations within an appropriation as set forth in the budget and may transfer appropriations between activities within any fund. SECTION 3: TRANSFERS Of FUNDS BETWEEN FUNDS. Transfers of funds between funds as shown on the Fund Analysis shall be made as expenditures warrant such transfers. SECTION 4: DISBURSEMENTS. The City Manager and the Finance Manager, or the duly designated representative, are hereby empowered and authorized to disburse funds pursuant to appropriations provided for in the '980,00 budge ^d h^. .h., spo :b: l:Yy ~ ablten pr.._ed:f, and rn administratively implement and control bud ge ton all matters, except direct expenditures by Council members which require Council approval, SECTION 5: ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS. The City Council may amend this budget to add or delete appropriations. /'