HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989/08/02 - Agenda PacketCITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETINGS 1st and 3rd Wedneadaya - 7:30 p.m. August 2, 1989 Lions Park Community Center 9161 Base Line Road Rancho Cucamonga r~• Clty Couacilmemben Dennis L Stout, mayor Pamela 7. Wright, covnrlriaeeaer Detarah N. Brown, erax. v~r~ Charles 1. Buquet, co..;r~ar~e.. William 7. Alexander, co.k~nn.Ta.. •~• Jack I.a~, cr0 ,w„y., lama G Markman. crry Aaraq ~ o~bra J. Adaaa, crn cxrt City OIRae: 989-1851 ciao Park: 980.7145 City Council Agenda August 2, 1989 Pace All ittla auMiiled fnr the Citp Council Agenda suet M is wsitiag. The dwdline for nub~itLing thew ittla is 5:00 p.e. oa the NedwWap prior to the awtiag. The Citp Clerk's of lice reeeiees all such ittls. A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Pledge of Allegiance to Flag. 2. Aoll Call: euquet _, Alexander _, Stout _, Brown ~, and Nright _. 6. ANNODNCENmITB/PREEENTATIOR3 1. Presentation to Lir Btoddard, Finance Manager, wishing her good luck in the Clty of Hesperia. C. COIeR/NICATIOMa yRON TB6 ppdrr This L the titl sad place !er the general public to addrau the City Comcil. Biab lw pmhibita the City Comeil trtl addresaiag any iww no! pnHoualy iacludad on the Agenda. The Citp Comeil up receive twtfaaay tld ut the Batter for a aubaequtlt auetiag. Cotleets are to be lieiled to fire ~ -.uu... Ar ~uuir iuueY. D. CON86NT CALENDAR The following Coaunt Calendar ittla eze expected to be coolies and eon-eontmvereial. Thep will be acted apse by the Comeil at one tfr without diaeueadoa. Asp Stee tlp be reanrad by • CouacilNaDes or atlber of the audience fns diaeuwioa. 1. Approval of Mlnutee: June 29, 1989; July 5, 1989; July 11, 1989. 2. Approval of Warrants, Reglater Noe. 7/14/89 and 7/26/09 1 and Payroll ending 7/20(89 for ehn Lotei amount of $2,578,220.68. 3. Approval to receive and Pilo current Investment 6chedule 13 ae of July 26, 1989. 4~? ( :,1 City Council Agenda August 2, 1989 PAGE 4. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On Sale Beer 6 Wine 21 Sating Place for Jim's Pizza, Jamee A. Edwards. 9653 Beee Line Road. 5. Alcoholic Beverage Application foz On-Sales Beer 6 Wine 23 Bating Place for Ponderosa /lOld, Pyonq %u and Yong Sik Rong, 8463 Raven Avenue. 6. Alcoholic eevaiage Application for On Sales General 25 Bating Plana for The Palo Grounds, Rancho C Equities and Carl P. Lucas Jr., 10877 Poothill Boulevard. 7. Approval to authorize an Adminietzative Fee (CO 89-129) z/ for the collection of special taxes within Community Facilities District 88-2 8. Approval of Joint Ues Agreement (CO 89-130) with Chaffey 29 Union High School DSetriM for use of Alta Loma Hlgh School Multi-Purpose RCCm, capitsl improvements and renovation of playfialde at Alta Lama Hlgh School. To be funded from Account 20-4532-8926 (PY 89/90). 9. Approval of Joint Vse Agcsemsnt (c0 89-131) with chattey 32 Union High School District for use of 6tiwanda High School Playfields, espitel improvements and renovations of playflalds et Etiwands High 6chool. To be funded tram Account 20-4532-8926 (PY 89/90). 10. Approval to execute Renewal Agreement (co 89-132) for the 38 Citywide Bmergancy and Routine Pavement Repair Annual Raintenance Contract with Laird Construction. The contract amoun! o! $75,000.00 to ba funded trom account 01-4647-6028-6000-7105 (FY 89/90). 11. Approval to execute Renewal Agreement (CO 89-133) for the 39 Citywide Concrete Repair Mnual Maintenance contract with Raynor ffiectric, Account Number OS-46d7-6028-6000-7113 (PY 89/90). 12. Approval to execute contract (CO 89-134) io Memorex Telex 40 for a telscomsunicniion system end voice and data cabling for tea Civic CsnUr/Public 8afaty Facility for the amount of $413,882.00 to be Fundsd Fran RDA Account Number 13-51700 and Censral Fund 01-4245-7044 (Budgeted in FY 89/90). ~~ ' ~~ T City Council Agenda August 2, 1959 PAGE 13. Approval to execute contract (CO 89-139) for the Victoria Q1 Street from 8aat Avenue to Eiiwnnda Nigh school awarded to Lazasn and Lesveranz for the amount of $96,000.00 ($87,210.40 plus l0e contingency) to be funded from Systems Oevalopment - Account No. 22-4637-8563 (FY 89/90) - Awarded 7-19-89. 34. Approval to enter into a five year lases/purchase q2 ngreamant with Rerox Corporation for a 5090 High Speed Copier Ln the amount of $130,000.00. let year payment budgeted Ln PY 89/90, Account Number 01-4246-70dd. 15. Approval to open escrow wlih Francisco D. Urena and 45 Edward Y.W. Lin, et. al., for purchase of land aC 13004- 13042 and 12974 ease Line Road, respectively to obtain the right-of-way !or Lhe Enee Llna Road Widening Project between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 36 for $13,000.00 and $16,000.00 respectively, plus escrow costa of $5,000.00 io be paid from Syetema Pass Account No. 22- 4637-8730-4606-417. 16. Approval Lo adopt updated Etiwanda/San Sevaina Area 46 Master Plen of Drainage Report and 8tiwanda/San Sevaine Arse Drainage Policy. RESOLVTION NO. 59-345 HH a aaauLU'f lun ur ~faa C1'1'Y GUUaC 1L Ur 'fXX CSTY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING TNB UPDATBD BTIWANDA/SAN SEVAINE AREA MASTER PLAN OF ORAINAG6 REPORT AND MOPTING TI1E ETI WANDA/SAN SEVAINE AREA DRAINAGE POLICY 17. Approval of Parcel Map 12238, Improvement Agreement, and 89 Improvement Security and ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenencs District No. 1 and Streei Lighting Meintenencs Diairict Nos. 1 and 2 Eor Parcel Mep 12218, located on the east aide of Hellman Avenue and South of 19th Street, aubmiited Dy Nix Deve:opnwnt Corporation. RSSOLDTION NO. 89-346 9~ A RESOLUTZON OF THE CITY COUNCZL OF THH CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORN IA, APPROVING PARCEL HAP HVMHER 12218, (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 12218), IMPROVEIDlMf AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY i ` City Council Agenda August 2, 1989 PAGE A83OLUTION NO. 89-347 gi A R85OLOTI0N OF TN6 CITY COUNCIL OP TH8 CITY OF A71NCF1O CUCANONCA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNBEATION OP CERTAIN TERRITORY TO I.ANDSCAPB MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTBNANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 At7U 2 FOA PARCEL HAP 12218 18. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement and Improvement gq Security for DR 87-19 and 87-20, located on the north and ecuth aids OE Sharon Circle, east of Nermoea Avenue, eubmitted by Indumer Investments, Incorporated. RESOLUTION NO. 89-348 95 A RESOLUTION OP TN6 CISY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCRO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPAOVEN6NT AORBSM6NT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DEVELOPMBNT REVIEN NOS. 87-19 AND 87-20 19. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement 8xtenelon Eor g~ T[ect 13445 located On the southwest COrne[ OE Rochester Avenue and Victoria Park Lane, eubaitLed Dy The Nilliam Lyon Company. RESOLUTION NO. 89-349 g8 A R68OLUTS0N OF TH6 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF R11NCH0 CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVBNHNT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13445 20. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement extension for Ld0 Tract 13722 Located on Chu northwest corner of Victoria Park Lane and Milliken Avenue, submitted Dy The Nil Liem Lyon Company. RESOLUTION NO. 89-350 lei A RESOLUTION OB THE CITY COUNCIL OP TH8 CITY OF RANCHO NCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING SHPROVEMENT ACRESMENT IIXTEHSIOH AHD INPAOVEMEN2 SECURITY !OR TR11CT 13722 21. Approval to execuL ImproVUmant Agreement extension Eor 1~3 Parcel Msp 9498 Hevsn Avenue and Parcel Map 9698 Fourth Street, located on Lhe norLheset corner of Haven Avenue and 4th 9traet, eudaittsd by Reiter - Rinker Gateway. k~ PAGE City Council Agenda ~ August 2, 1989 1 (A!~ 5 RESOLUTION NO. 89-351 104 A ABSOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGAEE!ffiNT EYTBNSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 9498 HAVEN AVEN08 ANO PARCEL MAP 9498 FOURTN STREET i 22. Approval to accept Improvements, release of bonds and file Notice of Completion for: NDR 86-24 1 ted th t id f Sa to Anita A n e 107 north of 6th street. Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 5 6,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 89-352 108 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TNB CITY Ol RANCFIO CUCAN0110A, CALI POANIAr ACCEPTING TNB POBLIC SMPROV61~NT3 FOR MDA 86-24 AND AOTHOAIEING THE PILING OP A NOTICE OP COMPLETION FOR TH6 WORK OR 87-59 located th t id f C t A in 109 of 4th Street Fattnful FerIOCmance Sond (Street) S 112,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 89-353 110 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCBPTI NC THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POR DA 87-59 AND AUTNORI SING TN6 PILING OB A NOTI CS OP COMPLETION Trncte 12642 and 12935-44 Storm Drain located on the asst I11 elda of Mlllikan Avenue between Banvan Street and Richland Avenue Releeee: Faithful ParEermance Bond (Street) S 936,OOO.UO Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 5 93,000.00 City COUncil Agenda August 2, 1989 PAGE RESOLUTION NO. 89-354 112 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP PANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POR TRACTS 12642 AND 32935-44 STORK DRAIN AND AUTHORIZING THB FILINO OP A NOTICE OP COMPLHTION POR THB WORR 23. Approval to release Malntertance Bond for Tract 12830 113 located on the west aide of Bwryl StrseL south of 19th Sttebi. Xainterence Guarantee Fond (Street) $ 73,925.00 24. Approval to accept Improvemenie, release of bond for 114 Ttact 13066 located on the south aide of 19th Street east of Amethyst Street. Naintenanoe Ouerantee Bond (Street) $ 30,600.00 25. Approval to annex Tract 12662, located on the south aide 115 of Sunmlt Avenue betwwn Htiwanda and Eaet Avenues to Landeeape Maintenance District No. 7 and setting the Publlc Hearing for September 6, 1989. RBSOLUTION NO. 89-355 116 A RESOLUTION OP TH8 CITY COVNCIL OP THB CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CITY ENGINEHR•3 REPORT POR ANNHXATION OF TRACT 12662 TO LANDSCAPB MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 RESOLUTION NO. 89-356 121 A RESOLUTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OP THH CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL IFOANIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO OADBR THE ANNEXATION TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DIBTAICT NO. 7r AN A88ESSMENT DISTRICT, PURSUANT TO TNB LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OP 1972 AND OFFERING A TIMB AND PLACE OP HHARINO OBJECTIONS THERETO 26. Approval to set Publlc Hearing for Septsmbec 6, 1989 - 123 Vacat Lan of the Plontage Road - Plara De Les Brleas - A request to vscata the fronUgs road on Foothill Boulevard, located et tM southwest corner of Pooehlll Boulevard and Ramona Avenue, approximately 30 feat wide and 544 feet long - APN 208-301-15, 16, 17. City Council Agenda Auquai 2, 1989 PAGE RESOLUTION NO. 89-357 124 A AESOLUTZON OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VAGTE THB PRONTAGB ROAD ON BOOTHILL BOULEVAAD, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST COANER OF FOOTHILL BOULEVAAp AND RAHONA AVBNIIE, APPRO%IHATELY 30 P68T AIDE AND 544 P68T LONG - APN 208-301-15, 16, 17 E. CONSENT ORDINANCES The following Ordinaaee+ hag had public hearings at Lhr tLr of fir+i ra+diag. Second raadingr err rrpretrd to b• routine rnd non-conirovrr+lal. Thq will br +ctrd upon 67 thr Council at onr Liar without diacuuio+. The City Cleck rill read Lh• tit L. Way itu can W eeaoved for dissuasion. No Iieme Submitted. R. ADVERTISED PVSLSC EEIIRINOS Thr following itaa have Mru •dvrrtiard and/or p•atrd +a public hraring• a+ rrquierd 6y law. Thr chair will open Lhr carting to rrcri.r yaDlie batiwny. 1. 127 89-01 - CITY O! RANCAO CUCAMONGA - E@abli+hment OE criteria for car wa+ha• within Neighborhood Commercial Diatrtcte. OADINANCE NO. 398 (first reading) 134 AN OADINANCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 17 OF THE P11NCH0 CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING GR WASH86 WITHIN NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS 2. - Public Nearing 136 W c'aceive cuimrnta Erow the public rrgarding Cou nc ii direction to authorize the Community Services Department etalf to receive Aequsat for Propoeal+ to compirtr Lhr second phase of Gntrsl Psrk--Dr+ign Devrlopment Phase. r {~,, City Council Agenda August 2r 1989 PAGE 3. APPROVAL OP ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND ISSUANCE OP A 142 NEGATIVE DECLAMTION POA TFB PROPOSHD BASE LINE ROAD PHASE II NIDENING PROJECT, BBTNEHN VICTORIA PARK LANE AND ETINANDA AVBNU6 MSOLPTION No. 89-336 155 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COVNCIL 08 THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TNB ENVIRONMBIiTAL ASS859MENT INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OP A NHGATIVE DECLARATION POA THE PAOP0380 BASS LINH ROADr YHASH II WIDENING PROJECT 4. APPROVAL OP ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND ISSVANCB OF A 156 NEGATIVE DECLARATION POA THE PROPOSED BASH LINE ROpp• PHA3E III. NIDENING AND BTOPM DRAIN IMPAOVEMBNTS. BBTNEEN V RESOLUTION NO. 89-350 169 A AHSOLUTION O- THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TH6 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCH 08 A NHGATIVE DECLAMTION fOR TN8 PROPOSED BASE LINE ROAD NIDENING PAOJECTr PNA38 IIIr NIDENING AND STOAN DRAIN 5. APPROVAL OP ENVIRONMENTAL A33ESSMSNT AND ISSUANCE OP A SJO NEOATI`JE DECLAMTION POA THE PAOPOSHD AMETHYST AVHNVE STORM DMIN AND STREET RSCONSTAUCTION BETNEHN 19TH STREET AND HIGHLAND AVENUE RESOLUTION NO. 89-337 183 A RHSOLUTION O! THE CITY COVNCIL O! TAE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIPOMIAr APPROVING THE eNVIRONMBNTAL A3SESSMENT INITIAL STUDY AND I33UANCE OP A NECATIVB DECLAMTION POR THE PROPOSED AMETHYST AVENUE STORK DMIN AND STREET RECONSTRUCTION 6. APPROVAL OP SNVIAONIffiNTAL ASSBSSMENT AND ISSUANCE OP A 184 NEGATIVE DECLAMTION POA THE PROPOSED AREA V HILLSSDE ROAD STORM DMIN. PMSB II. BETNEEN ARCHIBALD AVENUE AND THS UPPER ALTA LOMA CHANNEL n~, n ^ City Council Agenda August 2, 1989 PAGE PESOLUTION NO. 39-333 197 A ABSOLUTION OP TN6 CITY COUNCIL OP TNB CITY OP RANCHO CUCANOpGA, CALIPORNIAr APPROVING TH8 BNVIAONlRNTAL ASSESSMENT INITIAL STUDY AND ISSOANC6 OF A NSGATIVS DECLARATION POA TH8 PROPOSED ARSA V pILLSIDS ROM STOAN DRAINr PHA38 II 7. APPROVAL OP BNVIRONlRNTAL ASSSSSNENT AND ISSVANC6 OP A 19H NBGATIV6 DBCLAAATION POR THB PROPOSED ARROW ROUTE NIDBNING PROTECT. EAST OP HERMOSA AVENV6 PROM CBNTPR AVENUE TO WAVEfl AVENUE RESOLUTION NO. 89-339 2Q$ A ABSOLUTION OP TN6 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CAI.I POPNIAr APPROVING TMB 6NVSRONMENTAL AS36SSMSNT INITIAL STVDY AND ISSUANCE O! A NECATIVS DECLARATION POR THE PROPOSED APRON ROVTE NIDENING PROTECT 8. AMENDMENT TO TAE CONDOMINSUM CONVBASION OADINMCE - An 209 amendment to CAaptec 17. FY of the Municipal Coda, modifying parking requirements for condominium converrione to W consistent wiih Development code parking requlreswnts. ORDINANCE NO. 399 (first reeding) 217 M OADINANCB OP TN6 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 17.22 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODEr MODIFYING PAAEINC REQUIREMBNT9 POR CONDOMINIUM CONVSRSION9 TO SE CONSISTENT KITH DEVELOPMENT CODE REQVIRENENTS 6. PVELIC HEIIRINGt Tha following Sias have no legal publication or posting raquiroseeL. The Chais will open the Noting Lo eece/p public teatlaonF. ~1 ;1~ PAGE City Council Agenda August 2, 1989 10 1. BMINSNT DOMAIN ACTION TO ACOUTAE PUBLIC RIGRT-0F-WAY FOA 21S W LANG AND INTERSTATE 15 - Public Nearing of prOieets regarding Hminent Domain action to acquire public righi- of-way For the Baee Line Road Nidening Project between Victoria Park Lane and Tntarstats 15 at the propert tee located at 33096, 12658, 12659, 12951 and 13053 Baee Line Road and 7322 Btiwanda Avenue (APN's 227-133-De, 227-111- 33, 227-171-19, 1100-011-01 and O6 respectively and 227- 171-04) fox the construction of street improvements acroee the frontage of said properties. 220 RESOLUTION NO. 89-341 A RHSOLUTION OF THE C1TY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLAAI NG THH PUBLIC NEED AND NBCSSSITY TO C0ND8MN A PORTION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPBRTY LOCATED IN TH8 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF FOR APN'S 227-131-OB, 227-11- 33] 227-371-19r 1100-O11-01 AND O6 AND 227- 161-04 H. CITY MANAOER'8 BTAF- REPOATE The following ilas do sot 1gLL2y require say public •wwH ann., wllhnueh !Ae Chair env ewII !be wetiee foe oublie input. 1. STATUS OP MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT - A review of 223 reeldentisl development ae it pertains to the City's single family/multi-family housing mix. I• COUNCIL HVBINEBB The following Sips have bees requuted by the City Council for diecuuloII. Thy are sot public hearing Sias, although the Chair ea7 open the uetiag for public Sapul. 1. CONSIDBRATION OB APPOINTMENT TO PILL VACANCY ON Hj~STORIC 23q PRESfiAVATZON CONH I9920N 235 2. JOINT USE AORESNENT UPDATE - Report on statue of ne9otlatione with San Bernardino County Flood Control District for a Joint Uas Agreement for racreaiional (trails) purposes. L - PAGE City Council Agenda August 2, 1989 11 3. TRAILS STUDY UPDATE - Review of statue of the preparation of a Trails Implementnt ion Plan. S. IDENTIPIGTION Oy ITENS pOR NEZT NEE^IN6 237 Thi• ie the tlns for CLlp Covacil to idwalifp the itue they sieh to diacuu R the nut uatinv. They Rene rill ~ he ^ diecvusd aL thle ustiag, only identified for the vext ueting. E. CONMDMICATtON$ IRON TBa This i• thw Liss avd place for the gsnsral public to addree• the City Covncll. state LN pmhibite thw City Ceuacll froN eddru sing any luus sot proiouely included on the Agenda. Thw City Council up receive tutLonp and wt the utter for a aubsaqusnt Nesting. Commute ue to De 1Litwd to five aLnubs per individual. - L. AIATOVRNNENT ilE st-iaNG TO AWOUNN 3V A CLOSED SESSION YO DISGVSS pIXDIN6 LIT IOATION i. ^ahrw .T. 1A• ru.. r _ _ a ~..~b ..o ~~_ .., a .. m _ guy n. hereby certify thet n true, accuret• copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on July 2B, 1989, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the maeting per Government coda SG 953 at 9320-C Baee Line Aoad. r June 29, 1989 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTBS Adjourned Meetinc (Held joint with Redevelopment Agency) A. CALL TO ORDER An adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga met on Thursday, June 29, 1989, in the Llone Park Community Center, 9161 ease Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, Celifornie. The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by Mayor Denn le L. Stout. Present were Councilmembere: Nilliam Alexander, Deborah N. Brown, Charles J. Buqu et, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayoi Denn ie L. Stout. Also present were: City Manager, Sack Lam; Deputy City Manager, Linda D. Danielei Deputy City Manager, Jerry e. Fulwood; Clty Planner, Brad Buller; City Engineer, Russell Maquire; Adminietratlve Services Director, Jim Hart; Finance Manager, Elizabeth 9toddnrd; Community Services Manager, Jce Schultz, and Deputy City Clerk, Debra J. Adams. R R R R• f B. CONNUNICATI0N6 PROM TB6 PUBLZC No communications were made from the public. • • R R R R C. CONSENT CALENDAR C1. Approval to rescind Resolution Noe. 88-413 and BB-413A and adjust salary ranges and benefits for employees pursuant to Council policy and employee group M.O.U.e. RESOLUTION NO. 89-295 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPOANIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NOS. 88- 413 AND E8-413A AND ADJUSTING SALARY RANGES AND BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Brown to approve Resolution No. 89-295. Motion carried unanimously 8-0. • R R • • R D. ADVNATIBND PUBLIC NEARiN06 D1. ADOPTION OF FIBCAL YBAA 1989/90 BUDGET AND 1990/91 FISCAL PLAN: ARTICLE %IIIB APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT. City Council Ninutee June 29, 1989 Page 2 Hr. Lam, City Manager, stated there wne a request for parking lot paving at the Chaffey Garcis Nouae and asked if tae city Council would like staff to do something with this request. Mayor stout naked if Lhe funds for this could be taken out of the Community Development Block Grant Funds instead of tae General Eund. Councilman Buquet stated ae did not feel this could be done, but added he felt something eaould be done with ibis request. Mayor Stout suggested this be held in abeyance end for staff to see if someone can donate the money or to find other methods for the funding. Councilwoman wrigAt felt we should approve it nntl find other sources of funding this. Mr. Lam suggested Ghat tae City could poeaib ly donate $2,500 and find someone to donate the other $?;500. Councilwoman Nrlght suggested the following in priority order: 1. Find someone to donate the total $5,000, or 2. City match a donation of $2,500, or 3. City fund total amount of $5,000. Mayor Stout euggeetatl that, if staff could give him about 60 days prior to doing this, ha felt ae could find someone to donate the funds. R630LVTION NO. 89-296 A RESOLVTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING AN APPROPRIATION LIHIT PURSVANT TO ARTICLB %IIIB OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE CONSTITVTION POR FISCAL YEAR 1989/90 RESOLUTION NO. 89-297 A A850LUTION OP TH% CITY COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFOAN IA, ADOPTING TH8 CITY BUDGET (GAS TAX, AND OTHER SPECIAL PUAP036 PUND9, AND ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS) POR FISCAL YEAR 1989/90 OPERATIONAL BVDGBT AND 1990/91 FISCAL PLAN MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Brown to approve Aseolution Noe. 89- 296 and 89-297. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. • f • • Ii R B. CONNUNICATIONB IRON TB6 PUBLIC No communications ware made from the public. City Council Minutes June 29, 1989 Page 3 • • • • • • MOTION: Moved Dy Buquet, seconded by Wright to adjourn the meeting to July 5, 1989, at 7:30 p. m., at the Lions Park Coarounity center. The meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m. Motion carried unanLoouely 5-0. Reepecifully submitted, DeDta J. Adams Deputy City Clerk 9ppzoved: July 11, 1989 CITY OP SIANCHO CUCAHONGA JOINT CITY COUNCIL/SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES Joint Meetin0 A. CALL TO ORDBR A joint meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Alta Loma School District, Central School District, Cucamonga School District, Htiwa nda School Dieirict, and the Chaffey Joint Union High School District held at the Lions Park community center, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, Cel ifornia. The meeting waa called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councilmembete: William J. Alexander, Deborah N. Brown, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Oennie L. Stout. P.19o present were: City Hanage[, Jack Lam; Deputy City Hanager, Linda Daniels; Deputy City Attorney, Aalph Hanson; Conmm~ity Services Hanager, Joe Schultz; City finginees, Rueeell Maguire; City Planner, Brad Buller; Adn~inietrat ive Services Director, Jim Hart; Adminietretive Annlyei, Diane O•Neal; Dieaeter Preparedness Coordinator, Marti Higgins; Dieaeter Preparedness Technician, Jana Ellie; City Treasurer, Jim Frost, and Deputy City Clerk, Debra J. Adams. Councilmembes aDeent wee: Charles J. Buquet II. Present were School Diatrlct Aepreeentativee: Alta Loma School District: Walt Collins, Liz Gallarini, Patti Geye, John McMurtry, Sandy Oetly, and Bob Tangeman. Central School District: Debbie Baker, and Srwin Jonas. Chaffey Vnion High School District: Dean 5muthere, and Charles Uhalley. Cucamonga School District: Lori Barrios, Kenneth Bradshaw, and John Costello. Et iwanda School District: Gary Collins, Carleton Lightfoot, and Marty Pruitt. Mayor Stout welcomed the representatives for all five school diatricta R R} R R R B. ITBMe O} DISCUSSION el. Use of acF.ooi foci litits for zeczeat ion programs Mayor Stout stated that this item had been placed on the agenda Dy the City 6ecauee of the amount of interaction with the City and the various eporte groups. He stated that the City hoe come Co the realization that they cannot produce parka as feat ae they would like to, eo the city La going back to the days where they were aekin9 far the cooperat ion o£ the school diatricta. Na further added that the City ie pleased with the cooperation they have received from these school diatricta on Ghie perticu ler topic. Joint City Council/School District Minutes July 11, 1959 Page 2 Before discussion took place on ihie itemr Councilwoman Wright posed the question if the School Dietricte should call their meetings to order because some of them had enough members present to represent a quorum. The Altn Loma School District etaied they had not posted this ae a public meeting and that they era only present ae guests of the City. The School Dietricte concurred that they did not need to call their meetings to order, nor d1A they need to have any of their Board members leave the meeting, that they would not be voting on any issues, only acting ae guests of the City for diacueeion purposes. Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager, etaied the City ie being overwhelmed with the activity requests because the City ie growing eo fast, and that they are h=wing to turn down people from soma of their programs. He further stated that the City would like to be able to use school facilities if needed, and in turn have the school dietricte use the City's facilities. Jack Lam, city Manager, etnted another aspect would be looking at facilities that are not utilized which are not fully developed yet, and chat poaeibly the City could come in and negotiate for improvement e, which would help both the City and the School Dietricte' needs. Mr. Schultz stated the City and the School Dietricte have been working together on ihie Seeue eo that it ie a win-win situation for a11. Me. Gallartn i, Alta Loma School DSatrict, asked if the City ie aeki ng Eor u -.. lY- .:u~ i---u.-.:.: .r. ~~..~:v- .-r Mayor Stout stated yes. Mr. Schultz etaied that through the Community Services Department it is the intent to work with the sports groups and the school dietricte for allocation of fields throughout the City. Me. Oerly, Alta Loma School District, stated she felt ihie was what was happening now ae far ae allocation of fields. Mr. Schultz elated it depends on the school district. Councilman Alexander etaied he hoped that once park build-out occurred, that the sharing of facilities with the school dietricte would not atop. N.r. Schultz stated he anticipated a long term relaticnahip with Che school district e. Mr. Bradshaw, Cucamonga School Dietricte stated he felt the school dietricte ahculd to be able to say no to any particular sport group if they desired. Joint City Council/School District Hinutee July 11, 1989 Page 3 Me. Gaye, Alta Loma School District, mentioned that the school tlistricta would still need to have their facil it tea for their own use at times, but would still De interested in sharing when they could. Mayor Stout suggested the requests be handled on a case-by-case basis, and if anyone felt it was a bad deal, they would not have to get into it. Mr. Lam stated it Se the intent to enhance recreation opportun itiea that are already in existence. xe used the example of the Cify end the school districts working together nn ballfielde. He stated it ie the intent to help each other whenever possible. Councilman Alexander added that it should not be talked about as the City's facilit tee or the school di strict e' facilities, but that it ie the community's. Mr. Lightfoot, Etiwanda School District, stated that everything should be handled on a case-by-case baste and ihet they would want to cooperate with the City. He further stated during Little League season vandalism goes up and also the upkeep of fr.cilitiee goes up, and asked if possibly an arrangement could be made for the City to help out with some of these problems. He added that it ie the little things that coat all the money. R } R B2. Planning fot schoo. facility needs and the role of the City in school building projects. .~.: :..,m ....e s :... e.e e.... n...n •~.e r:f., rr..~....: i and~~t he SchoolwDiatr icte"•.He elated the City ha e, in the past, been able to review plane of proposed school foci litiee to give input on such things as suggestions for safety. He further stated that the City would like the courtesy tc review plane, but that the school dietricte would have the option to do whatever they wished with the City•e recommendations. Mr. Collins, Etiwanda School District, asked if there was someone the School Dietricte could deal directly with on these types of issues. Mr. Lam stated that with Lne reorganization of the City Manager's office, there were now two Deputy City Managers. Ne adtled Llnda Daniels ie the person that would be assisting the School Districts, and she would be the liaison between the School Dietricte and the City, and that she would be happy to assist them. cnu nnilwoman Wright et ated she honed to get information on how the City can he In the School Dietricte with this issue eo they could better understand. Mr. Lightfoot, Etiwanda School District, informed the Council of the problems the School Dietriete have With developers when It comae to purchase price for lantl. Mr. Smut here, Chaffey Union High school District, felt that with the Jrdinence that the City Council had just passed, this showed the City Joint City Council/School District Hinutee July 11, 1989 Page 4 Council's concern for the School nietricts. He further atated he did not feel he had had any problems in working with the City as £ar as plane, and commended Linda Daniel's for her cooperation. Mr. Tangeman, Alta Loma School District, pointed out that the School Districts are limited ae far ae a location for their facil itiee, because they have to et ay in the boundary of their district. + • ~ 83. City prcc¢durea in regards to school safety issues. Me. Gallatini, Alta Loma School District, atated that the Alta Loma School District had put this item on the agenda, and inform the Council of the frustrations the parents feel about getting things done through the City, each ae atop signs installed, and having io go through the City to get some of these things approved. Mayor Stout referred to the interseotion of Etiwenda and Highland and atated that the State had been approached to install the traffic light, and that the City had been told this was not ready yet Eor the signal installer ion. He further atated the Clty went ahead and paid for it instead of waiting on Caltrane to do this. He added that the intersection of 19th and Jasper was the same kind of situation where the State would not put 4he signal in, because they did not feel it was appropriate. He stat¢d the City does want to hear the School Districts' concerns and that the Public Safety Commission ie working on many of these issues. Mr. Tangeman, Alte Loma School DSetrteC, felt possibly the School Districts should do more letter writing to help with the problems at Caltrane. Ma. Gallarinl, Alta Loma School District, et ated the parents that have worked with the City ere pleased with the results, but atated the school District wants to help the city, and asked what they can do to inform them of such problems. Councilwoman Wright atated Lhat in general, when the School District sees pro6leme, they should let the City know. she Eurther atated that if the City could be involved with the planning of schools, that the City could let the school Dietricie know what plane are being made for a certain area to help atop any problems Chat might occur because of something the School Diatr ict is not aware of. Councilwoman Brown agreed that the School District and City should work together on plans for proposed schools, and have better communication. Mr. Tangeman, Alta Loma School Dlst tier, brought up how the Ciiy does not budget for crossing guards for Bummer school, but eiated in the future, the School ^letricte would be notifying the City of where summer school wee Co take piece, end felt the City should budget for summer school crossing guards. Joint City Council/School District Hinutae July 11, 1989 Page 5 Councilwoman Mright stated she felt the City should also budget for summer croaeing guards. Jack Lam, City Hanager, stated the City is going to send out a procedure for getting croaeing guards in place for Bummer school, end make this a more formal procedure to follow. Me. Gaye, Alta Lama School District, ae ked who ie responsible for the maintenance on the horse trails, and who do ynu to complain to if they are not maintained. Mayor Stout stated that come of the trails are owned by homeowners' aseociat ions, which are to be maintained by the homeowners' association. He also referred to the Ordinance of Huieance Abatement which allowed the City to get involved in getting certain areas cleaned up. R R fi ea. City parka below Foothill Boulevard. Mr. Bradshaw, Cucamonga School ^ietrict, stated that Northtawn deserves their park. Mayor Stout stated he hoe just recently signed the contract for this and would see to it that the City gave Cucamonga School Dfeirict a copy of the contract. Me. Oerly, Alta Loma School Dletrict, asked what was going in this park? Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager, gave a brief description of what would be going in there. Mayor Stout stated the City ie working on property acquie ition for a sports park below Foothill, and chat there was a possibility For the City to have their own minor league basehall team. 85. Coordination and involvement of school districts and City in emergency preparedness programs. Marti Higgins, Di eae[er Preparedness Coordinator, stated that In the last 1-1/2 years of the Disaster Preparedness Department'a ex ietence, they have given proq rams at vanoas arhnole thrmtghn~_tr r, ha C1!Y• She LnfnrmPd rhem of the monk disaster they had been through with one of the high schools in April of this year. Me. Higgina explained about CSTI and that one member from Alte Loma School District had participated In the CBTI program. She stated that in June of 1990 CS TI would be coming to our area and that the echeol dietrlcte would be Lnvited to thte. Councilman Alexander atatad that the Clty and the echocle will need to help each other if there Se n disaster. Joint City Council/School District Minutes July il, 1989 Page 6 Me. Oerly, Alta Loma School District, brought up the flag eyetem and felt all of the school Districts should be made aware of it, because she felt it was an excellent program. she also asked if Marti Higgins, Disaster Preparedness, had copies of all of the School Districts' emergency plane. Ms. Higgins stated yea. Mr. eradahaw, Cucamonga school District, stated he did not agree with the flag eyetem because he felt it was a false sense of security. He also asked who would inks authority for a school in the case of an emergency. Ms. Higgins stated the City would take over the echoole, but would work in cooperation with all school diatricte. Mr. Bradshaw, Cucamonga School District, felt everyone was not working together on this and that ehie should take place. Jack Lam, City Mnneger, stated that one thing you learn at CBTI is that you cannot be too prepared. Me. Hlggine told what would happen In the event of an emergency, antl felt that the flag eyetem at the echoole was a good program. Me. Osrly, Alta Loma School District, stated she would like for the Alta Loma School District to get together with the Emergency Preparedness Department. _ ___ _ _ _ ___ _ __ ______ __ ___ ._., ._... __ __ w.,._._._ ..~ ...: ~.: ~~ yh ~,. ~.... ~ ... ~ ._.. .... Me. Gallarinl, Alta Loma School District, elated she would like Ma. Higgins to come and see aome of the drllle their echoole go through. Ma. Higgins stated she would be happy to share any information with the school diatricte. Councilwoman Brown asked if the City invitee the School Districts when a group of people are going to CSTI for training. Ms. Higgins et sled yes. Mr. Bradshaw, Cucamonga School Dieirict, suggested that all school diatricte are represented when these ie a meeting with the City regarding emergency Preparedness. It was the coneeneua that Marti Higgins would get with all repreeentetivee of the School Districts. O6. Recycling and education effort e. Joint City Council/School District Minutes Ju 1y 11, 1989 Page 7 Mayor Stout stated that the City Council felt that education was the beet way to help gat the recycling program in motion. Diane O•Neal, Administrative Analyst, stated Lhat the City has developed a workbook and explained the intent of this recycling workDOOk ae it relates to the various echoolc. Councilwoman Wright felt that the echoola can educate the chlldzen about recycling. Me. Barrios, Cucamonga School District, asked if there was going to De seas kind of curb-aide recycling program. Councilwoman WrigRC stated you cannot mandate this, bui the way to get through to the people was through education. R • • R R Cnrolynna Preacher was happy to hear that the City feels the way they do aDOUt recycling, and also offered her help in the recycling program. R• R R f R D. ADJOURNMENT .n. ~ .~.. ~j ,,., _.._.._ ~"' __. .. hn •Ajn .nn •n hhn .Tnly 10 19N9 regular City Council meetLng.~nMOtion carried Vnanlmouely 4-D-1 (euquet absent). Meeting adjourned et 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra J. Adams Deputy City Clerk Approved: July 5, 1989 CITY OP RANCHO CNCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Aesalar Meeting A. CALL TO ORDER C~~II~A_ regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga met on ~D~+'uR~:ueaday, July 5, 1939, in the Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road, 0o Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councilmembera: William J. Alexander, Deborah N. Brown, Pamela J. Wright, and Maycr Dennis L. Stout. Also present were: City Manages, Jack Lam; Deputy City Manager, Linda D. Daniels; Deputy City Manager, Jerry Fu lwood; City Attorney, James Markman; Community Se[v ices Manager, Joe Schulte; Adminiatrat ive Analyst, Diane O'NSal, and Assistant Secretary Debra J. Adams. Absent was Councilmember: Cherlee J. Buquet. R R R R R R B. ANNOVNC@BSMPB/Pp686MTATIOflS B1. Preeentat ion of Proclamation et at inq July ae Parke and Recreation Month. Presentation was made to Joe Schultz, Community services Manager. R R R B2. Preeentat ion of Proclamation commending Bruce Emerick for his service on the Planning Commission. Preeentat ion was made to Bruce F.merlck who commended the City and the staff for what. they have accomplished, end also Lharked them for hie preaentat ion. R R R• R R C. COMNUNIGTIOg9 FROM TEE PUBLIC 1. George Bennet, 5167 silvermountain Way (the Woods Development), stated he wanted to set up a meeting with the Ciiy Counc tl and come of the reeldente from the Woods Development eo that they could discuss some of their problems end concerns regarding their development. Ha eteted there Le a horse trail in their area that does not have a rain gutter system, and also stated they have had problems with the street cleaning aetvlcee being conducted regularly and correctly by the City. Ne further complained about the inconeietency with the Clty Inspectors in there actions and decisions. City Council Minutes July 5, 1989 Page 2 He mentioned they Nave also had proDleme with the Sheriff's Department, and would like the city to have their own police department. He specifically referred to the Cucamonga Canyon problem, stating he did not feel that the residents got any action from the Sher iff•a Department on this problem. Mayor Stout suggested that this matter come before the City Council at their August 16, 1989 meeting, and further asked Mr. Bennet to please put his concerns in writing and address it to the Ciiy Council. 2. Cheryl Pearson, 9639 Whirlaway, stated that the City Council, of a couple of years ago, was going to conduct a study on opening horse trails. She asked if she could have the results of this study. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated that Bead Huller, City Planner, and Auas Maguire, City Engineer, could talk with her at the break or after the meeting and could answer Der questions, but that if they could not nnawer her questions, the item could be put on a suDeequent agenda. He. Pearson also stated her concerns about keeping motorcyclists off of the trails. f R D. CONSENT CA[,BNDAA (Items D17, D20, and D27 were removed from the Consent Calendar for disco anion) D1. Approval of Hinute e: May 3, 1989; May 17, 1989; .Tune 7, 1989. D2. Approval of Warrant e, Register Noe. 6/21/89 AND 6/28/89 and Payroll ending 6/22/89 for the total amount of 58,478,948.62. D3. Approval to receive and Eile current Investment Schedule as of June 28, 1989. D4. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On Sale General eating Place for The Cuh, Kathy and Michael Hayes and Jolene Kirby, 8411 Foothill Boulevard. D5. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On Sale Beer S Wine Eating Place for the Saeey Steer, ALej andro and Ana ehimabukuro, 8030 Vineyard Avenue. 06. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On Sala Hear 6 Wine Eatinc Places for Cherony'e, Waddah Subhi puadi, 9170 Mnven Avenue 1102. 07. Alcoholic Beverage Application for Off-Sale Beer & wine, Malik M. and Mohammad Tabel, 9879-A Foothill Bou levartl. DB. Approval to authorize the advertising of the "NOtiae Inviting Bide" for the Sapphire Parkway Renovation and Retrofit (Banyan 8treat to north of Jennet Street) Improvement Project, to be funded from Beeuiitication Funds, Account No. 21-4647-8723 (FY 88/89). City Council Minutes July 5, 1989 Yage 3 ABSOLUTION N0. 89-298 A RESOLUTIOB OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFIGTIONS FOA TFffi "SAPPHIRE PARKWAY PENOVATION AND RETROFIT" (BANYAN STREET TO NORTH OF JENNET STREET), IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIEING AND DIRECTING TFiB CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECB IVB BIOS D9. Approval to authorize the advertising of the "NOiice Inviting Bide" for Traffic Signet and Safety Lighting at the intersections of Haven Avenue and 7th Street and Arch ibeld Avenue and Leman Avenue, to be funded from SB 325 T.O.A. Fund, Account Numbers 12-4637-8873 and 12-4637-8872, respectively (FY 89/90). RESOLUTION N0. 89~-299 A AESOLllTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPEC IFIGTIONS FOR TXE "TRAFFIC SIGNALB AND EAFETY LIGHTING AT THB INTERSECTIONS OP NAVBN AV8Nl1B ANO 7TH STREET AND AACHIBALD AVENUE AND LEMON AVENUE", IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTIEE TO RECEIVB BIDS D10. Approval to authorize the expenditure of redevelopment funds on certain public improvements neeocieted with the development of a Sears Consolidated Credit Center. REEOLUT LON NO. 89-300 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONCA, CALIFORNIA, REGARDING A PROJECT BENEFITING THE RANCHO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND HARING CERTAIN FINDINGS IN REGARD THERETO D11. Approval to award and execute Professional Services Agreement (CO 89-103) with 85I Consultants, Incorporated to provide Park Construction Administration and Inspection services for a sum not to exceed $96,000.00 to be funded from Park Development Account No. 20-4532-8006 ($16,000), 8007 ($16,000), 8015 ($32,000)r and 8fi 11 ($32,000) for renovation of Eaet Beryl and Lions Park and conetructi,on of Old Town Park (PY 89/90). D12. Approval to execute contract (CO 89-104) for Hills ids Roadr east of Hermosa Avenue, awarded to JEG Construction for the amount of 595,100.00 ($86,404.87 plus 108 contingency) to be funded from Fund 09, Cae Tax 2107 Account No. 09-4637-8813 (FY 89/90 - Awarded 6-7-89). D13. Approval to execute contract (CO 89-105) fo[ the Feron Boulevard Improvement Project, trom Ramose Avenue io Nermose Avenue, awarded to Laird Con et ruction for the amount of $76,811.00 ($69,828.60 plus 109 contingency) to ba funded from Community Development Block Grant Punde, Account No. 28-4333-8194 (FY BB/89 - Awarded 6-21-89). City Council Minutes July 5, 1999 Page 4 D14. Approval to execute contract (co 89-106) for the Sierra Madre and Placida Court improvement Project located from Arrow Nighway to Via Carrillo Drive awarded to Heritage COnsttuction Por the amount of $180,742.00 ($164,311.00 plus 109 contingency) to Do funded from Community Development Block Grant Funds, Account No. 28-4333-8811 (PY 88/89 - Awarded 6-07-89). DIS. Approval to execute contrast (CO 89-107) for the Slurry Seal Program 1988/89, Phase I, various street locations, awarded to Doug Martin Contracting Company for the amount of $134,524.00 ($131,385.00 plus 104 contingency) to be funded from Gae Tax 2107 Account No. 09-4637-8816 (FY BB/89) and the amount of $84,253.00 ($76,593.86 plus 101) to be funded from Gae Tax 21D7 (New Account) (FY 89/90) -Awarded 6-07-89. D16. Approval to execute contract (CO 89-108) for the Old Town Park improvements with Martin J. Jaeka, Incorporated for the amount of $911,181.00 plus 10a contingency, to be funded from Park Development Account No. 20-4532- 8611 and Community Block Grant Account No. 28-4333-8181 (PY 89/90 - Awarded 6- 21-89). D17. Approval to execute Contract (CO 89-109) with TeleQueaticne, incorporated in the amount of $15,000.00 for negotieLlon, agreement development and purchase of a telephone switch and voice and dote cabling for the Civic Center and Public Safety Facility, including oversight and installation of eeme through cut-over. Funding one-half from Pund 01-4245-7044 and one-half from RDA 13-51700. ITBN EaMOVaD roR DxecvaalDN D18. Approval of a one year extension of existing Traffic Signal Malntenance __ _____ _ _o_c• ..i !_F !A. ~Aiu~lron! ni mnnlL N, o~M nn nnaP wilF !'mm~ntn• n ~ ..r .nn av-n _ a Service Company to be funded from Gas Tax, Account No. 09-4637-6028, contract Services (PY 89/90). D19. Approval of a one year exteneien of existing Street Striping Contract (CO 87-07) wish the adjustment of three price schedule categorise, with orange County Striping service, Incorporated to be funded from Gae Tex, Account No. 09- 4637-6028, Contract Services (FY 89/90). D20. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security, Drainage and Maintenance Agreements, end Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance Dietrist No. 3 and street Lighting Malntenance District Noe. 1 end 6 far Parcel Map 11891 located on the south Bide of Arrow Route, north of the A.T. 6 S. F. railroad tYecke and west of Rochester Avenue. ITEM REMOVED roR DISCUSSION RRSOLUTiON NO. E9-301 A RESOLVTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF MNCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 11891, (TENTATIVB PARCEL MAP NO. 11591), IMPROVEMENT ACRBEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY City Council Minutes Suly Sr 1989 Pages 5 RESOLVTION NO. 89-302 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COVNCIL OF THH CITY OF NANCHO CUCAHONGAr CALIPOANIAr ORDERING TH6 ANNEXATION OF CBATA IN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTSNANC6 DISTRICT NO. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING NAINTBNANCB DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOA PARCEL MAP 11891 D21. Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for: 8 C o va d ire wean Hi hland Avenue and Victoria Park Lane. submitted by The Nilliam Lvon Comaanv RESOLUTION NO. 89-303 A RESOLVTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIPOPNIA~ APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND INPAOVBNBNT SECURITY POR TRACT 12832 (DAY CREBK BOULEVAAO) v e n Manzenita Drive. eubmittad by Mavf lower-Bnvoun RESOLUTION NO. 89-304 A RESOLVTION OP TNB CITY COONCIL OP TfB CZTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIPORNIAr APPAOVIAG IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT P rce 8 o t o L t o HL a d ve e M' 'k v n tt W n a RESOLUTION N0. 59-305 A ABSOLUTION OF TN6 CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCAr CALIFORNIA. APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT 6XTBNSION AND INPROVBMBNT SECURITY POR PARCEL MAP 10185 T a e e Avenue end Deer CenYOn Drive. eubmiGied by TAB Deer CYeek COm4env RESOLUTION NO. 89-306 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA. APPROVING IHPAOVEMBNT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT BECUAITY FOA TRACT 12680-4 STORM GRAIN Tract 13117. located on the east •ide of Haven Avenue between Eanvan Street and Cheffev Col leas submitted by Pareaon Homes City Council Minutes July 5, 1989 Page 6 RBSOLOTION N0. 89-307 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP TNA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INPAOVBNSNT AGRBS!ffiNT 8XT8NSION AND I/D?ROVBMBNT 68CURITY POR TRACT 13117 D22. Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract Noe. 13279 Storm Drain; sad 13279 Detention Herein; 13279 Victoria Pnrk Lane; 13279 Htreetsr located on the south Bide of Highland Avenue, between Rochester Avenue and Milliken Avenue submitted by Nilliem Lyon Company. RENOLUTION NO. 89-308 A RSSOLUTION OP TNS CITY COUNCIL OP TFffi CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INPAOVBMBNT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVE!ffiNT SSWRITY FOR TRACTS 13279 STORM DRAIN; 13279 DSTRNTION BASIN; 13279 VICTORIA PARR LAMB; 13279 STABBTS D23. Approval to accept 2mprovmoente, Releeee Of Bonds, and Notice of completion fcr~ DR 86-42 located on the north aide of Arrow Niahwav between White Oak Avenue and Naole Place Faithful Per Eormanca Bond (Btreet~ S 62,000.00 ARRMAITT6N Nn. R9-i09 A AEEOLVTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THB PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTB FOA DR 86-42 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLBTION FOR TH8 WORN DR 87-60. located on the west elde of Red Oek Street. between Arrow Hiahwav and Jereey Boulevard Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $ 69,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 89-310 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHOfiGA, CALL FOANIA, ACCEPTING SHE PVHLIC IMPROVEMENT6 FOR DR 87-60 AND AUTHORIZING THB FILING OF A NOTICE OP COMPLETION POR THE HOAK Tract 13248 located an the south aide of Hiahlend Avenue between Archibald Avenue and Hermosa Avenue City Council Minutes July 5, 1989 Page 7 Release: Faithful PBYEoYmanCe Bona (Street) $ 150,000.00 Accept: Haintenance Guarantee Rond (Street) $ 15,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 09-311 A RESOLUTION OP TNH CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THH PUBLIC IMPROV%HSNTS POA TRACE 13248 AND AOTHORIEING TH8 FILING OP A NOTICE OF COMPLETION POR THB WORK Trnet 13060 loco on t o er of Milliken Avenue and Fairmont Nav Releaee: Faithful Performance Bond (street) $ 480,000.00 Accept: Haintenence Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 48,000.00 RBSOLUTION NO. 89-312 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACC%PTING TFIIS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13060 ANO AVTHORI2ING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OP COMPL%T ION POR TH8 WOAR T act o N 590 a d 2590 4 Located on th e o a Avenue Tract 12590: Releaee: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $ 133,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 13,300.00 Tract 12590-2: Relenae: Felt hful Performances Bond (Street( $ 25,500.00 City Council Minutes July 5, 1989 Page 8 Accepts Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 2,550.00 Tract Noe. 12590-3 G -4: Raleese: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $ 13,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 1,300.00 RESOLUTION NO. 39-313 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY CWNCIL OP TFIB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCBPTINO THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOA TRACTS 125901 12990-2y 12590-3 AND 12590-4 ANO AUTHORIEINO THB PILING OF A NOTICB OP CONPLETZON FOA THE WORR D24. Approval to accept Improvements, Releeee of Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Tract 12490 located at 8167 Vineyard Avenue south of Foothill Boulevard. Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Strew!) $ 2,310.00 ___. --r .__ .._ •~'•• _. ^.~~^.^..'^.^... _~ _^.i~)et a~..n~ v..~n r .nn rr an. •Fo propoeedrHidden ^Parm Aoatl Culvert, located 1100 feet east of Carnelian Street north of Hillside Aoed and issuance of a Categorical Exemption therefor. AESOLUT ION NO. 89-314 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVINO THE ENVIRONMENTAL INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OP A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION FOR THE PROPOSED HIDDEN PARN ROAD CULVERT D26. Approval of Envlronmenial Aebebement artd Issuance of a Categor ioal Exemption for the proposed Sapphire Parkway Renovation and mrail Retrofit, between Bnnyen Avenue to north of Jennet Street. P P.SOI.UTZON NO. 89-315 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COVNC IL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT INITIAL STVDY AND ISSUANCE OF A CATSGOAICAL EXEMPTION BOR TNS PROPOSED SAPPHIRE PAR1(NAY RENOVATION ANO TRAIL RETROFIT City Council Minutes July 5, 1989 Page 9 D27. Approval of Resolutions to deny Variance 89-04 end Minor Development Review 87-71, Cammereial Carriers - A request to grade and pave approximately 12 acres of land and a request to reduce the parking setback from 25 feet to 8 feet and the landscape eetDack from 38 feet to a feet in the Minimum Impact/Heavy Industrial Oietric[ (SUDarea 9), loonietl on the south aide of Jersey Boulevard, between Utica and Vincent Avenues - APN 209-143-07, O8, 6 09. ITEM REMOVED POR DI BCOBBION RESOLUTION NO. 89-316 A ABSOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, C1ILIP0RNIA, DENYING VARIANCE N0. 89-04 TO RBDVCB TH6 PARKING BETBACE PROM 28 FEET TO 8 FEET AND REDVC6 TN6 LANDSCAPE SBTBACR FROM 35 PSET TO 8 PEST POR 12 ACRES OP LAND LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF JERSEY BOULBVARD EETWBEN UTICA AND VINCENT AVENUES IN THE MINIMUM IMPACT/RSAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (SVBAREA 9), AND HARING FINDINGS IN SVPPORT THEREOF - APN 209-143- 07, 08, S 09 RESOLUTION NO. 89-317 A ABSOLUTION OP THE CITY COVNC IL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DBNYING MINOR DEVELOPMENT REV26W NO 87-71, LOCATED AT 1OB07 JER38Y BOULEVARD IN THE MINIMUM IMPACT/NERVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (BVBAREA 9) OF THB INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AND MAKING FINDINGS IN _„__...._ _.___._.._ - .._P ?no-i,n a_m nn a no D28. Approval to set PuDllc Hearing for July 19, 1989 for Aefuae Rate Adjustment. MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Alexander to approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Items D17, D20, and D27. Hot ion tattled unanimously 3-0- 2 (Brown and Buquet absent ). Dieeuseion of Ital D17. Approval to execute contract (CO 89-109) with TeleQueet ions, incorporated in the amount of $15,000.00 for negot SatlOn, agreement development and purchase of a telephone switch and voice and data cabling Eor the Civic Canter end Public Safety Pacllity, including oversight and installer ion of same through cut-over. Punding ono-hnlf from Fund 01-6245-7044 and one-halt from PDA 13-A17n0. Item pulled by: Mr. David Snow, 2448 so. xolnwe, Ontario, Celifornin, who wns also representing Butler Tech Caamunications. He asked the City Council if there could Ds a Dreak down on materials and lnbor for this project to be able to compare it to the thrw top bidders. Mayor stout referred this question to City Attorney Jim Merkmen. City Council Minutes July 5, 1989 Page 10 Mr. Markman eteted this wee en RPP situation and that the vendor had not been selected at this time. He elated there will be a negotiation between the consultant and staff. He suggested that Mr. Snow talk with Administrative Assistant Joan Bruee, of the City's Purchasing Department, regarding some of hie questions. Mz. Markman further added that if Hr. Snow ie one of the three included in the selection pzoceea, that staff will take the recommendation of the consultant who ie to do the work. MOTION: Hovel by Alexander, seconded by Wright to approve item D17. Motion carried unanimously 3-0-2 (Brown and Baguet absent). •A• Diacuaeioe of Items D20. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Secur•,ty, Drainage end Maintenance Agreement e, and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance Dletrict Nos. 1 and 6 for Pa[cel Hap 11891 located on the eouih aide of Arrow Route, north of the A.T. G S.P. railroad tracks and west of Rochester Avenue. Mr. Lam, City Manager, stated that Lhe Ltem was being pulled so that it could be acted on separately, because it was being recoamended to the Ciiy Council to conditionally epptove the project by withholding recordation of the map until the drainage and meintennnce agreements have been approved by the city Attorney. R890LUTION NO. 89-301 A RHSOLVTION OP TH8 CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL NAP NUMBER 11ROt (TxwmamTVR PaRCEi. NAP Nn. 11R911. TNPROVRMRNT AGRHHMBNTr AND IMPA0V61ffiNT SHCURITY ABSOLUTION NO. 89-302 A R650LUT I0N OF TH6 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TH& ANNEEATION OP CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR PARCEL MAP 11891 MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Wright to approve Item D20 ae recommended by City Manager Jack Lam. Motion carried unanimously 3-0-2 (Brown and euquet absent). Disc use ios of Items D27. Approval of Reeoluii00s to deny Variance 89-04 and Minor Development Review 87-71, Commercial Carrinre - A requeei to grade and pave approximately 12 aarea of lend and a request to reduce the parking setback from 25 feet to 8 feet and the landscape eetbnek from 35 Peet to 8 feet In the Minimum Impact/Heavy Industrial Dletrict (subarea 9}, located on the eouih sLde of Jersey Boulevard, between Utica and Vincent Avenues - APN 209-143-07, O8, S 09. City Council Minutee July 5, 1989 Page 11 Ccuncilmen Alexander stated that tonight the City Council had received new correspondence on this and felt it should be continced until the next meeting in order to allow Council time to read this new correspondence and consider it. Mayor Stout concurred With this suggestion. RESOLUTION NO. E9-316 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING VARIANCE NO. 89-04 TO REDUCE TH6 PAAXING SETBACK PRCN 25 FEET TO 8 FEET AND REDOCS THB LANDSCAPE SETBACH PROM 35 PBBT TO S FEET POR 12 ACRES OP I.ANU IA(.ATED ON TIDE SOUTN SIDE OF JERSEY BOULHVARD BET'.TEEN VTIr.A AND VINCENT AVBNU65 IN THE MININOM IMPACT/FOSA`JY iNDUSTAIAL DISTRICT (SUBAREA 9), AND MARINE FINDINGS IN SUPPORT TNEREOP - APN 209-143- 07, DSr 6 09 RBSOLUT ION NO. 89-317 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OP TNB CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING MINOR DHVSLOPlD!NT ABVIEN NO 87-71, LOCATED AT 10807 JBRSBY BOULBVARD IN TNB MINIMUM IMPACT/N%AVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (SUBAREA 9) OF THE INDUSTRIAL SPHCI PIC PLAN AND MARINO FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN 209-143-07, OS 6 09 ..~__.. .._...A A, xl....~n A..r ___r...A..A A~VrI ~A~ 4 •<.. _.. t....... .._. .._ .. _, - 1989^R' Motion carried unanimously 3-0-2 (Brown and august abeent).~ R R R R• R H. CONSHNT ORDINANCHB E1. CONSID RA ION O O C ON A M NICIPAL CODE FOA PA VAT O N O ET DEDICATION AND CONSTRVCTION RBOVIPEIBNTS. E2. C CUCAMONGA - VARIOVS AMSND!ffiNTS TO TITLH 16, TNH BOBDIVIBION ORDINANCE, REGRADING APPEAL PERIODS, APPROVAL PERIODS, AND EXTENSIONS. E3. ENVIRONMENTAL AS SESSMRNT AND TNDUSTRT AE. RPRCiPiO PLAN AM4:NnMF.NT Av-07 - CITY OF RANCNO CUCAMJNGA - An amendment to the lend use dsf lnition of "Building Maintenance Services" to Lnclude smell operation contractors which meet certain criteria. Debra J. Atlame, Deputy City Clerk, reed the tithe of Ordinance Noe. 58-c, 28- C, and 396. City Council Hlnutae July 9, 1989 Page 12 ORDINANCB NO. 58-C (second reading) AN ORDINANCB OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP TNH CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING SRCTION 12.08.055 TO THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODR PERTAINING TO AN EI(F.MPTION POR PRIVATE STRHBTS PROM STPSET DEDICATION AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREt~NTS ORDINANCE NO. 28-C (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO WCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ANEND INO TITLE 16 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MONICIPAL CODR REGARDING SUBDIVISIONS ORDINANCE NO. 396 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AIDINDING THB INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN TO INCLUDB SMALL OPBAATION BUILDING CONTRACTORS WHICH MEET CERTAIN CRITERIA IN TNB LAND USE DEPIN IT ION OF "BVI LD ING MAINTENANCE SBRVIC69" MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Alexander to waive full reading of these Ordinances and approve the Consent Ordinances. Motion carried unanimously 4-0-1 (SUquet absent). • • • • + P, ADVEATIBED POELIC BEARINGS F1. CONS IOBRATION OF AMENDING TITLE 12 OP THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODF ALLOWING CLU ON OP S U ION OP SIOBWALRS O RESIDENTIAL ETAEETS Continued from June 21, 1989 meeting Mayor Stout stated that he had asked for this Ordinance to come back for a first reading with the intent of the Ordinance added. He opened the meeting for public hearLng. There beLng no response, the public heerinq was closed. Debra J. Adams, Deputy Clty Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 58-D. ORDINANCE NO. 58-D (f LCSC reading) AN OHOfNANCR OF THF; C.i TY CAIINC.i f. OF TNR CITV OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING SHCTION 12.08.040(A) TO THE RANCMO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PHRTAININC TO AN EREMPTION FROM THB CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS ON CERTAIN RESIDENTIAL STAESTB MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Nrlght to wnlve full reading and set second reading of Ordinance NO. 58-D for July 19, 1989. Motion carried unanimously 4-0-3 (EUquet eDeent ). . • r w • R City Council Minutes July 5, 1989 Page 13 G1. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVB aRenr rrIONS BCLaP IN PSULTS OF H E TION AVTHOAIZINO PRBLIMINARY ISSVA CR OP RONDS A RS IN ANMU i pfiCI TAX AND FIRST RHADING OP ORDINANCB AUTHORIZING THH LBVY OP SPECIA., TAXES FOR COMMVN ITY PACILLTIES DISTRICT 88-2. ,Tack tam, city Manager, stated that the election hoe taken place on this Conmunity Pacilitiee District since the last meeting, and Thai it ie being recommended that the Resolutions and Ordinance be approved by the City Council. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for puDl is Dearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. Councilwoman Wright aeketl Warren Dlven, Bond Counsel for this project, what was the maximum amount of property tax that could be raised under Proposition 13. Mr. Divan stated the maximum amount to be increased antler Proposition 13 Se 2t, but stated under this Community Pacilitiee Oietrict the Council hoe the authority to increase the property taxes to 4t which included the law enforcement services. Mayor Stout asked if this could conceivably be more than 4t. Mr. Divert stated yea. RESOLUTION NO. 89-318 A RESOLUTION OP THH CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THH RHSULTS OF A "HELLO-RODS COMMUNITY PACI iITIES ACT OP 1982" SPECIAL TAX AND BOND AVTNORTZAT ION ELECTION MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Brown Co approve Resolution No. 89-318. councilwoman Wright asked for discussion on this matter, and further stated that what they were trying to do bothered her. She stated she felt that the Council ie trying to approve something that ie going beyond what the tax payers really want. She further added that the people that voted for this are not even the people that are going to be llvirg in this area, and did not feel Lhls was Eair for the people that would be moving into this area, because they would not have a say in Chia matter. SDe felt Chia was the reason why the council sae not heard anynnw oppneing thiw, and wtatwd that wow why she would be voting no. Mayor Stout aeketl if there were Sncreaeae would there be a public hearing to approve them. Mr. Divan stated that there would not naceeearlly have to be a public hearing unless the Ciiy Council wenteQ it Qone that way. He said each year the Counsel would have to levy the taxes for the coming year. City Council Minutes July 5, 1989 Page 14 Mayor Stout asked Councilwomen Wright if she would feel better about this if the increases ware handled through a public hearing. Councilwoman Wright stated no. Jim Markman, City Attorney, eteted when n first time home buyer goes io Duy a Donee, that this property tax situation would be explained to them, which would be required by law. He further added that this may not be eo with the second and third property owners. Councilwoman 8rotm stated her concern ie not one aeseeement district fee, but the multiple fees that may go into place that would be incumbering the new residents moving in. Councilwoman Wright further ndded Der concern was that the Council, by a 3-2 vote, could increaee property taxes at any given time on top of all of the other taxes that people ere already assessed for. She teiterntad her concern for the 4t increaee of taxes where Proposition 13 only allows for 4t, end stated again she feels thle ie where the Council is crossing the line. Councilman Alexander asked if there wee a way to De nble to reverse thle decision that the Council was going to make. Mr. Riven eteted that there are provlelone to do this. MOTION: Moved by Alaxsndar, seconded by Brown to epptove Resolution No. 89-318. Motion carried unanimously 6-0-1 (BUquet absent). Debra J. Adams, Deputy CSty Clark, read the title of Ordinance No. 397. ORDINANCE NO. 397 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFOBNIAr AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF A SPECIAL TA% IN A COlUfUN ITY FACILITIES DISTRICT MOTioN: Noved by Wright, seconded by Brown tc waive full reading of this Ordinance. Notion carried unanimously 4-0-1 (Baguet absent). MOTION: Noved Dy Alexander, seconded by Brown to set second reading of Ordinance No. 397 for July i9, 1989. Notion carried 3-1-1 (Wright voted no, euquet absent). RESOLUTION NO. 89-319 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF TN6 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING PRELIMINARY ISSUANC% OP BONDS OF A COMMUNITY PACILITIBS DISTRICT City Council Hi nurse July 5, 1989 Page 15 RESOLUTION NO. 89-320 A RESOLUTION OP TH8 CITY COUNCIL OP TEHi CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING ANNUAL SPECIAL TAY POR A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT MOTION: Roved by Alexander, eeconded by Brown to approve Resolution Noe. 89- 319 and 89-320. Motion Carr iad 3-1-1 (Wright voted no, Baguet absent). Councilwoman Brown stated her yes vote ie for the annexation for outside the city limits, she did not npprove it within the City limit e. R R R R R R e c1TY 1aMAaER•B sxan REPORTS Hl. Ay SA GAAOING PROPOSAL POR COUNTY-WIDE BALLOT NEASURE POR TRANSPORTATION PURPOSBS (Oral Report) Mayor Stout stated that ii ie being requested this item be continued to Ju 1y 19, 1989, elnce the Resolution was not eveilable for the City Council to caneide r. R R R H2. TION OP 69T119LI9H INC PA. WATCH PROGRAM. - PARRS HATCH is a crime prevention program which enlists the active participation of citizens in cooperation with law enforcement to reduce crime within the City of Rancho .._c.-:: -- -_t _. ^_ ___'_ __-e o_,_ Io ao ..~~.~n~ af.Rf ~...~ ,.n ..nnron by Jeck~Lem, nCity Manager. Councilwoman Brown asked if tae telephone number for the Sheriff's Department could be added to the bottom of Page 206 in the Agenda packet. Mayor Stout opened tae meeting for public comments. There being no response, the public comments were closed. MOTION: Moved by Brown, eeconded by Alexander to authorize the expenditure of $5,000 for tale program. Motion carried unnnimouely 4-0-1 (Baguet absent). • R R H3. CONSIDERATION OF NAMR CHANOB FOR DON TAPIR PARK TO DON TIEURC IO TAPIR P PK. 9tgf£ Cepett wqw prwsentwd by Joe Schultz, Community Serv icee Man Boer. MOTION: Moved by Wright, eeconded by Brown to change the name of Don Tapia Park to Don Tiburcio Tapia. Motion Carried unanimously 4-0-1 (euquet ebeent). R R R City Council Minutes July 5, 3989 Page 16 H4. ANNERATION 09-03 - BI.ACIUfON HOMES. INC. - A Yequeet to approve the Tax Revenue Exchange for the annexation proceedings (LAFCO 2567) between the County of San Bernardino and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for approximately 25 acres of vacant land located at the nottheaet corner of Highland and Rochester Avenues - APN 225-152-01, 02, 03, 04. end 18. Staff report was presented by Jack Lam, City Manager. Hayor Stout opened the meet ins for public comment a. There being no response, the public comments were closed. RESOLUTION NO. 89-321 A ABSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DETERMIAZNG THE AMOUNT OP PROPERTY TAY. P~VENVBS TO BE EXCHANGED BBTWEEN AND AMORG THE COUNTY OF SAN BBRNAADINO AND TEB CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONGA RESULTING PROM TfiB JURISDICTIONAL CHANCE DESCRIBED BY LAFCO N0. 2547 MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded Dy Brown to approve Resolution No. 89-321. Motion carried unanimously 4-0-1 (BUquet eDeeni). • x • • . w Z. COVNCIL eVSIMESS I1. SOLID WASTE /AECYCLZNG VPOATE - Counc it Subcommittee for Solid ~~ ~~^ - ___,-~_.. _ - H..~ _ annnlnH n~ nah eFli aFi >n~e YnAn alien goals and lendoreing a comprehensive solid waste reduction strategy; Subcommittee le also recommending eetabl iehing a local environmental quality/resource recovery commlttea. Staff report was presented by Diane O•Neal, Admin Satrative Analyst. Councilwoman Weight informed the City Council about the things she had learned at their recycling conference, and of the things she had been made aware of. She also informed the City Council about the dot tee of the Technical Committee that the subcommittee was recommending. She added that this Technical Committee would ba en ongoing commlttea that would be giving reports back to the City Council. councilwoman Brown elated that Lt Se a lot of work to do this, and that both the city Council and staff needs aesietance to work on this program. counc llman Alexander Eelt this committee might De a eubetitut ion for the Clti rene Advisory Commission. Councilwomen Brown felt the City Council should approve the concept to form Lhe committee, one for staff to come back to the City Council after they have talked with the Advisory Commiaelon and other commieaione to see who would be interested in working on this program. City Council Hinutea July 5, 1989 Page 17 Mayor Stout felt this would be something like a task force. Councilwomen Wright and frown concurred. RESOLVTION NO. 89-322 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING WAETE REDVCTION GOALS AND BNDORSING A COMPREHENSIVE SOLID WASTE REDUCTION STRATEGY HOTION: Roved by Alexander, seconded by Brown to approve Resolution No. 89-322 and to eataDli eh the concept of the task force with this information coming back to the City Council at the July 19, 1989 meeting. Motion carried unanimously 4-D-1 (8uquet absent). R 4 R I2, OISCVSSION ON INITIATING A DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT TO ESTABLISH STANDARDS FOR CAR WASHES. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated at a Planning Commission meeting a month ago, the matter of car waehee in neighborhood commercial centers was diecuseed by them for potential code amendments. During the discussion, the Commission considered whether code amendments were necessary right now, or whether they would take it under advisement and direct staff to prepare a study for possible code amendments to address car waehee in neighborhood commercial centers. He _ _ _ _ ..,. _ ~~, ~~ .. .. wn~« tt ...tee ae..« to+study the matter, end asked this be placed on the`work program, but in the interim they requested that a Memorandum of Undetetending ae to polic iea of car washes and the review of those car waehee be worked up. The Planning Commies loo found car waehee to be appropriate uses within neighborhood commercial centers, subject to a Conditional Use Permit. Tne Conditional Uee Permit gives the Commission and the Council full discretion of the review of those proposals to set any stand arde eo the et andazds could be in cre seed. He added it is still eu bj act to the Conditional Vee Permit with a Memorandum of Underat and ing, and will be going back to the Commission this month. Mayor Stout stated he thought, when this was diecuseed at the Council level, Ghat Mr. Buller indicated there could be a performance criteria developed that would eliminate this from occurring in certain types of shopping centers. He referred to the ehopping center located on Lemon and Haven chat seemed to be eo sm31!~ in his ear Lmar LCn, Lr, r,)nna ncr, Ceally rPialify what wow roneidetad to be a neighborhood/commercial type center. He stated that when ha hears the words "conditional Uee Permit" he always gate the impression that there era Condit loos that can be written for this particular type of use, that it is just a manor of fintll.ng out what they are, instead of Baying in certain eituationa that it is just not appropriate. Mr. Buller stated It ie et 111 the direction of the Commieelon to do the study, and In the interim they wou 16 prepare the Memorandum of Understanding ae far ae polic lee foc review under the Conditional Uee Permit. City Council Minutes July 5, 1989 Page 1& Mayor Stout stated the problem ie that there are probably only one or two situations where this le going to arise in the whole City, and if we do not do something about ii now, 50t of those opportunities ate going to be gone. Mr. Buller stated the Commies ion did discuss that, but they said that the Conditional Vee Permit process dcee give the Commission and Council the discretion to say no. Councilwoman Wright stated that ae she understands ii, the reason this was on the Council agenda ie because the people had gone to the Planning Commission, but that the Commission stated they did not have time at the present to change this policy. The Developer has received another proposal for a car wash at Lemon and Haven, and in order Eor the Council Lo develop that criteria to apply to him, the Planning Conissicn has to do something now. Ehe said that is the reason she had it brought on to Chia agenda eo that the Council could instruct the Planning Commission to do something immediately. Mayor Stout etatud the Developer has reeubmitied, he is going to go back thro~yh the aeme process, and weeta everybody •s time again. He thought the Council had made ii perfectly clear to the Developer that they were not real receptive to the une of that location. Councilwoman Wright stated the Developer is resubmitting and they are upset now. Hr. Buller stated the Developer has reeubmltted, and twat the Planning Department can came up wish some criteria, byt that the Developer's proposal will probably beat the processing of the amendment by timing, because the City Councilcu Councilwoman Wright stated that Dan Coleman told the residents the other day that it would not. Mr. Buller stated that it would be awfully close. James Markman, City Attorney, asked if Mr. Buller would do a full EIR7 He stated that if the Planning Department had to do n full EIR, It would take a lot of time. Mayor Stout concurred. MOTION: Moved by Stout, seconded by Wright for staff to proceed with preparat ..^. of criteria far rev!ex~ing car ~unshes wiihin neighbcrhoo3 commercial d ietricts. Motion carried unanimously 4-0-1 (BUquet absent). w ~ J. ID MICA ION t 8 R N62 NO 1. Mayor Stout stated he had asked far an update on the Morrow lawsuit at the lest meeting, end that he had not recelved anything on this. City Council Minutes July 5, 1989 Page 19 Jim Harkman, city attorney, stated there wee correspondence that had been written approximately three weeks prior to that request, and that the Council probably just had not received it yet. Be further added this may be something the Councii may want to discuss in Bxecuiive Session. Mayor Stout stated he would still like this to come back on the City Council Agenda, and if he felt it needed tc be discussed in Executive Beeeion, he would d0 60. 2. Councilwoman Brown stated she had two Resolul ions pertaining to SANBAG to come back on the next agenda. w • . . . . S. COIOIUNICATIONB PRdI TBb PUBLIC Cheryl Pearson, 9639 whiria>:ay, eteted she ie in favor of the task force for the recycling issue, and felt the community was ready for this type of a program. She stated she wee interested in serving on the committee. • 1 • R MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Wright to adjourn to July 11, 1489 at 7:00 p.m. at the Lionm Park Community Center for a joint meetf.ng of the City Council and School Districts. Mayor Stout stated he would like to add an item co cnac agenda cicinu nncyuiiuy auu duucsliuu cuoue ......vu su.~,. unanimously 4-0-1 (BUquet absent). Respectfully submitted, Debra J. Adams Deputy City Clerk Approved: °o °o ° °OO O° mooo °o oo°m °o i,no°°~°u °o oaa o"'OO°o `o :.°P°o ti LI my0 nO W.+ PPO.YP JI 'D ~VmP .VOmi~~aihU rvP u'r .+rv Fm I ~+ ~ m v .~ ~- O ti . /+ n~V < a0 r M1 M1 p S~ O 2 I-Y~i[. 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R 30 -•- l Nww d 9uY..•r ]Lr3 0 1Iita !. l«aMra d Miner-~NwnM wd SI.M ~ _ 96S] Yrllw b. -:.h City aM Lp Ced• Canty 9avaee rovaao. 91]]0 -An Stiutdt LOEAI 6. tl h•NM U<•nW, A t-1O9bR IYl• 0/AIAAedoPaRrt ]. M h•dM MNY iY vA. iYM a uwnw tlr li.ih9 E. Aao:w Adder re Mler.nr era, sl-Hwd.r wee snM n..l n.N 9, na.•Yw. ow bwn pmrdar d M Akda9e . N IAa o.pslwwf pw~ 11. fxpldn a "YES" a«.a a Mnm 9 er 10 w wl aw<M.a .AICA drll M dfanN pwl d rNr eppA<af•n. 1], Appli.anr oyn lal IM arve ma:w9w .:.•dn9~.4 code 4•n.•d prxnim WI Aw+ ~tl M• m~Alb~.•A~ 9mw. +nd fhl Ma M III M .wlala w caw. w pwwP ro b• ddard aiY.d M• prsrida• d dr Akdglle Mw9• aar•1 Ad. I3 liAlE OE GIIIdINIA Cwnry d. 3A3 ~-.__._____CaM- Uf]/M ___.___ ~..~ w rFn. wn r+."~ti ~y.rr ~... u...:.~~nn^~ il~w :. w ..max ~~v ~w w1Y.a .~~•:. ra+rvr w.~+. M_ ~•rrhwr a `rli.:n ~w w. r... wn a ~~ Iwo r wM~r1 n nw:r~r... ..e.,a ~.w r.r ra .w rr ~Ylr~ ~. -+~ .n r u. ArrucArrr , Sitar NfRE _. ~ ~x_. ___._ ____._._____________________________ ________ .__.. ~,M~~ _ J~___ ....__._f _ ...................................... ............... ....................~__._i.-_~' .•3 ~ 11rytN:11T10N SY TRANSRR03 "' SLAtE Of CAIIiOPNIA Ca:nry N .. ....wr.-~~- .r. r..:~r A n ~.. M1Mr .N.. ~r:~nr .n W u.~l r _..... r :~~.~ ..x. . ..,i... iuvn ~ e. er~r~ . w. A n...~.a. i.i .n.r .r rv~~l~ ..w•::..w b ..a•.-n .. ~.~ +: ~..~. ~ bmwl:fw d___... ...JNd a ............... ..._._.. Olpa en.__.___.......,11«Np!N9. ...___............w Do Nol WnA• Mlao 7Au Liv; For peEnNa•d Vw Odq -~ J_ AMxA•d: n R•<wd•d naN<•. .~ i TACO BELL I' JIM'S P[ZZA ~ 9653 6ASElINE RC. MEDICAL CEI ~I `_----~ JIM'S PIZZA LOCATED: 9653 BPCELINE RD. PROPERTY PRESENTLY ZONED: NEI GNBORH000 COM£RCZAL ZONING OF ADJACENT PROPERTY: NORTH: NEIGMBOAN000 COM£RCiAL SOUTH: L041 RESIDENTIAL 2-d OU'S/AC EAST: NEIGHBORHOOD COMIERCIAL NEST: LON RESIDENTIAL 2-a pIJ'S/AC ADN: 208.031-76 oY: 5, RPHiREZ ~q n it V a gg y ~ FN-~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ I ARROW ~ ~ ~ N .~; ~'2 S 3 HIGHWAY , . ~ ~ y m ~ I Y+E+III J` 8925 Ham Hob++iwW R+z+ ~• ~A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . -HAVEN AVENUE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ~ v+eol V~cnl I i / I ~ APN9 208-622-34 PONDEROSA #1014 8463 Haven Ave. Rancho Cucamonga 91730 Located within the Kma rt Shopping Center P raperty Currently Zoned: Commercial Zoning of adjacent Properties: North: Industrial Park/Haven Ave, Overlay/ISP sub-area 7 South: Industrial Park/Haven Ave. Overlay/ISP sub-area 6 1V,,,, nrl tact lnd ustnal Pa rK/ 1SP sub lrea 1 West Industrial Park/Medium High Residential/Haven Ave Overlay (Vacant) b' joe torrez 26 july 1989 f __ MbVLM10.41p.N~~011fsMllw ]]v]Iyp 1. M[p~ Iw hfww d /friiS;~Ylefpltwp' ~ nol rr•w ~ ~~ c~ ro.df.. w w sArx cmrt. ~~ rq, ~/ sewn, cdafsW -' -•r-•.-•.~• Yflss tIb c~ u Is..•/r:w.e swe]Fe11~/~ awir.4o+l.Irrrr Dar ry z rw.W4 a rvn]urrt1Y rwy. 1'wdr uuno c spoafan A]f]d wdr r`' ]]eu ~ lOr]w Oer laeyec'e c11..nr.Ow. Wc]s. CYC1 ].• ]t. i 1wH]) a t]Ar]ACIpINS) ~ ~' 1110 R, xsf. ]uso.oa ~ Lt ao ~ A Nw.dMi~ i la.ra M MAr~aaw~.Y.. sJ ]`wr ., aan faoraaaa uwa. ~ w~".y".ndfef. falao w rrnu iaw.ao i].irf. dirty n-awn ar•] a """•"'~""'• cm u.rt Fea A MWN ANr a •M~r Mw V-nb]~.r Awr ...~ m.~, 9. Ilorr Iw ww bwn awriere d ~ Ir4a11 N MiYa Yw w w•1•re wl d M Pmr4low. M M Almadk ~ ~ M w d M Op.F~wn 0•r' 1 11. •'Yf•rwrOrfrl0wwe0w-rw1 ~]IIA /JIV6•w•efs•dMl epMwew. '' It. Wnrr. aN ~ ~ ~~ ~0 r ~lyy R w M 10 ~r Mdelwl w M 1~•"• M M Akdd~m~•d ' li• STAw Of (AIpM ~•wrryfF ~ ____._..__.Oeb .......................... ~. u~Y •rq I 1 awn nr/If .I wn X11 w w h •Mr. ~ ~. Y r .M~.n, . .rrr . n w'. ~~~ ~ rnY ~wr r,_. tir + Y nr w:• rr~ • ^'Wwi v i ~~.rY w r w rr r ~~Y•~~ Mw ~.~~~ w.w .w ~ . _. ..... _ .~.~.~ w ...w.e ~ w .......... a,. •.~ .. w...r. ' II. AIIIKANI ]IOtl 1~ _ _ .......................................... it ]ISw Uf CA]IIO~A ~ T'~ ' cw•M M..~t~]Oy00..__-__._____Dal•___________________..____ •... rr r wlra r .Ira w ..nv m w x w ~. y .rM~ ~. ~.-^.. a~µ 1wr~r ~ r aW r..rp Y~r] Yr! ~~ ~Y ~ Y w w1;~ .ru . nn. M 4 .ry.w... ~ r~ a iN~ w j 4~.I~Y S `•wb y4r y wry w V ~~ w .xh4~ M.~ v w ~.ar . •ar+ A . +A M w.wY M ~ w yIY ri~w n n ~•Iw~ Y ../.~ ~~ wY ~ w wr .r nr +wn w ~. r +w. ~~ +r w ...r.-. I. rr r JUL 21'969 rf`r.ww. rwa rrar.a.r r•h~•.w err M'• Of IKHtllrA M! Iq. Ve Nd wrW s41w 1'W IAw; Fw p1+•Irl+l Vr Uelf ArlMdi ^ rw•IN mb. ~~ p rN•I.Y fw~l+ FncYHltt BLVD. ~ T ~ ~ ` N APNN 208-351-25 The POLO GROUNDS 10877 Foothill Blvd. Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 Located; Within industrial Specific Plan sub-area Seven Property currently zoned:Industrial Park Zoning of adjacent Properties; North: Terra Vista Planned Conmuni ty (under development South: Industrial Park/ISP sub-area 7 (Vacant) East Industrial Park/ISP sub-area 7 (Vacant) West Industrial Park/ISP sub-area 7 (Vacant) inatnrra~ L6 July I`JtfY ~~ ------- C[TY OF RANCHO CCCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: TO: F'H/1M: BY: August 2, 1989 ~:.. Mayor, Members of City Council and City Manager Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy City Manayer Bonnie Cabrinha, Special Districts Analyst SUBJECT: Authorization of an amount not to exceed $2.00 der parcel for, r the collection o the levy of a special tax within Community Facrlrtres Dist n et 86-2. It is recommended that City Council authorize the attached contract for an amount not to exceed $2.00 per parcel for the collection of the levy of a special tax within the City's Community Facilities District 88-2. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Section 29304 of the California Government Code requices _ _ __~i ..,. ~_.....~ _ _nFC c to ha "J C~ •• collected~by the County there shallrbecadded to the amount of the special charges or assessments an amount fixed by agreement between the entity imposing the charge or assessment and the County. Re ~ ectE lly//~¢~ub itte/c//~/ ////~ erry B. Fulwood eputy City Manager JBF/BC/kmo Attach^:e.^.ts: 4 sets of cen[racts from the Cngntp of San Bernardino CONTRACT FOR THE COLLECTION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS The County of San Bernardino shall collect special acaeaamen[s for the under-signed: 1. The following ehsrgea ahn 11 be made for the collection of special aaaesamen is ¢r •peeial sass omen[ [axes: (a) Asaaument• for any die triet~ apctial dis cries [one or improv<ment district thereof: Noc to exceed $2.00 Eor each parcel bearing such an aceesament. (b) Special aeaesament or special aaaesement taxes levied upon sry lend or reel property by any city, county, diecriec or oth¢t public eorpora[ion~ officer or oody: No[ ,co exceed $2.00 for each parcel bearing such an assessment. (c) Pursuant to Government Code Section 29304, such charge aha 11 be added to the amounC of the ass esament for each parcel bearing wch an •unnmant. 2. Thi• contract may be terminated for any enact ing fiacLl year prior Co June 1, or [he pteending fiscal year by giving ten day notice in writing to the ocher party. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARCINO Acteat: .. _-.aa.._ Bv: _ Clezk~of the Board of Supervisors Chairman Board of Supervisors Hy: Dated: Dated: Acceac: Agency: RANCHO CUCAMONGA CRD 88-2 By: By: (Title) (Title) Oa cad: DYtnd: (6/B4: PropTaxPrma) `Uu CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT Date: To: From: Subject: August 2, 1989 c~~cwMo ~9 p~ ~^ .'-~:~ ~ ~I'z „> _ w;- I Mayor, Members of City Council, and City Manager Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager Approval of Joint Use Agreement with Chaffey Joint Union Hiqh School District far Uae of Alta Loma High School Multi-Purpose Room RECOMTEIIDATION• City Council approve a Joint Use Agreement with Chaffey Joint Union High School District for improvements of the playfields at Alta Loma High School in the amount of $5,000. To be funded from the Park Development Account 20-4532-8926 and authorize the City Clerk to execute the agreement. BACRGRO UND•• The City is in dire need of indoor recreation programming space. By renovating/improving the existing soccer field at Alta Loma High School the Community Services Department will reCP.l ve nrinri*v naa nv fAeir I..A..nr ....n r,,.............. . __~--N--.. - will enable year round recreation programming for-community purposes for after school hours to take place. Res ect/~f'J/u]~',ly submitted, Jo Schultz Community sex~r'ces Manager JS:bs d Agreement H6tween The City of Rancho Cucamonga And The Chaffay Union Hiqh School District For Use of Alta Loma High School Indoor-HUlti-Purpose Area(s) THIS AC,RE~HT entered into on the day of , 1985, between the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, hereinafter referred to as "City", and the ChaPfey Union Hiqh School District of San Bernardino County, hereinafter referred to as °District". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the District desires capital improvements/renovations to its existing playfield at a cost of $5,000, and the City desires first priority use of Alta Loma High School Multi-Purpose room year-round for after school hours recreation programming for community purposes, and; WHEREAS, the City and the District deem it desirable to cooperate in the establishment of such an agreement under the conditions hereinafter sat forth, now, therefore, it is agreed as follows: 1) The City shall pay Alta Loma High School $5,000 for playfield improvements. 2j liJn uiatrict snap grant to the City, without fee, use of mutually agreed upon use of multi-purpose Pacil itiea at Alta Loma High School, for the conduct of City supervised and sponsored community service/recreation programs on a prescheduled basis, outside of normal school hours and school progrnm schedules. 3) In the event that emergency maintenance and/or repairs are required to the aloramentioned District facilities, that is, work necessary to insure the protection of the facility and/or the safety of its veers, the District reserves the right to close their respective facility Prom user access until the maintenance and/or repairs era completed. ., .-i .. 3 prc..e. ~..au ul-lined faJ. as use Prvm damage, or mistreatment, or misuse during use periods. In the event that facilities or equipment are demagad as a result of their use, the necessary cost o! repair or replacement shall ba paid by the responsible Agency within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice. 3~ 5) The District and the City agree to hold harmless, indemnity, and datand each other, its elected ofticials, oltiears, agents, successors and asaians, from and against all claims, liana, encumbrances, and/or liability, including court coat and attorney's fees arising from or raeulting from loss or damage to property or injury to or death of person(a) resulting in any manner whntsoaver directly or indirectly by reneon of the city or District's oparaticn of the said portion for their aol• vas. The District and the City shall provide ench other with insurance coverage with respect to said indemnity in amounts, torn and content approved by the Agency. Said coverage ahnil ba maintained by the City and District, and the City shall supply to each other certiticataa indicating the existence of said coverage prior to each school year. 6) This agreement may 6e amended at any time by mutual agreement at both parties. This agreement may not ba terminated for a period of live (5) years unless agreed by District and CSty. City District City Manager Superintendent City of Rancho Cucamonga Chatfey Joint Union H.S. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 211 Waat 5th St Ontario, CA 91764 WITNESS THE EXECUTION HEREOF the day and year first above written. city of Rancho Cucamonga Authorized Signature Date Chaffay Joint Union High School Authorized Signature Date ATTESTED: city clerk Date 3~ nrTV nc nnnrrun rr*r enrtnure STAFF REPORT ~'y ~, F~ " W _2 Date: August 2, 1989 19;; To: Mayor, Members of City Council, and City Manager From: Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager Subject: Approval of Joint Use Agreement with (co84- ) Chaffey Joint Union High School District for Use of Etiwanda High School Playfields City Council approve a Joint Use Agreement (C089- ) between Chaffey Joint Union High School District and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Capital Improvements and renovations of playfields at Etiwanda High School. To be funded from the Park Development Fund 20-4532-8926. BACKGROUND: The City aggressively pursued an agreement with Etiwanda High School for purposes of providing sport playfields for community purposes. A mutual plan for capital improvements was agrees upon oy cnarrey sign scnooi Aamimscrauon ana Community Services staff. This includes three lighted playfields, restroom facility, renovated playing fields and other project improvements. The City will have unlimited use of Etiwanda High School playfields, after school hours, for community recreation programming. The plan, as shown in the appendix of the attached agreement, calls for a total of six (6) ballfields, two will be lighted; and a lighted football/soccer fields; two (2) soccer overlays; and a restroom facility; new drinking fountains at each backstop (6;; and finally, landscaping to include trees, shrubs and turf. The landscape architects estimate for the $52,7 -' - - ---`inge.-,cy. taf fesls1 that this Vfigure ~wil if ~be less adue~to bidding the project. Joint Use Agreement Etiwanda High School Use August 2, 1989 Page Two The City's budget for school grounds upgrading allows for renovation of Cucamonga Elementary and Etiwanda High School. Work wou13 commence at the High Schaol Jure, 1990. Wcrk on lighting the high school fields and the restroom facility will require approval by the State Architects Office. The process takes numerous months, however we anticipate a favorable reaction to the planned improvements. To begin work in the project, City Council authorization and execution of the agreement with Chaffey Union High School is requested. Respectfully submitted, Joe Sc ultz, Community se i es Manager JS:bs 33 i. Q y ~1 • o Uffa ~~ ~° b'. ~ y ~ ~ ..... .. ~a~j ; a ~ ~!i ~ ~ a3 ~T ` @. 4u :! o~P ^ ~ e : ~ E ' .a .~ J ~. o~. o?Y y ~~+`S ~9~ ° d ' < r 7 ~~~ b N Y W 55 a~ ~ Q we' ~2 yE%i CTJ lJ C7 {-i LI i a ,: ' ~' ~ < ~ 'i •u '; .- ~i E ~ i`dl ~ I ~ I ~ ~ ~ Q t Y ~'~, ~ f. ~; ~,.~'~; ~ ~~~1 ~Z ~, _ ~ ., ~ :. yc2XSxL~ f~ Y r a . _....... J ' ~a ~ ~ '~ U 2' k t 4 L i d Y , ~ d C C ~ } £ ~ Q s ~ (3 ,. ~ - a ' s .s s b s .. .. z e ~ ' ~r~ Z } ~, (/~V\~ (Q\ :_~~- ~., a U ~_ J 3~ °~ °_ LL~U Il1I I~7IZ~ N L~7 LL Agreement Between The City of Rancho Cucamonga And The Chalfey Union High School District For Use of Etiwanda Hiqh School Playfields THZS AGREEMENT entered into on the day oP , 1989, between the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, hereinafter referred to as "City", and the Chaffey Union High School District of San Bernardino County, hereinafter referred to as "District": WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the District desires capital improvements and renovations, including, but not limited to, three lighted playlielda, restroom facility, renovated playing fields and other project improvements, and the City desires unlimited use of Etiwanda High School playfields, after school hours, for community purposes, and; WHEREAS, the City and the District deem it desirable to cooperate in the establishment of such an agreement under the conditions hereinafter set forth, now, therefore, it le agreed as followr. 1) The City shall provide the architectural services and capital improvements cited above at no cost to the Chaffay Union Hiqh School District. 2) Tha District shall grant to the City, in recognition of the preceding, and without tee, the use of Etiwanda High ~_..c_, _, _.._.1 _..- - - - pr j rrr.., uL~or e..iiVVi LLULLL 9, LUL' pUD11C recreation programs. 3) in the event that maintenance and/or repairs are required to the aforementioned capital improvements beyond daily maintenance and repairs, under $50o for single occurrence item shall be the responsibility o! the District. Single occurrence maintenance and/or repair costa exceeding $500 shall be the responsibility of the District and the City to share !n these costa. 4) In the event that emergency maintenance and/or repairs are required to the aforementioned District facilities, that is, work necessary to insure the protection of the facility and/or the safety of its users, the District raserJes the right to alasa their reegeetivs facility from user access until the maintenance and/or repairs are completed. ~~ 5) The District and the City agree to hold harmless, indemnify, and defend each other, its elected officials, officers, agents, succesaore and assigns, from and against all claims, liens, encumbrances, actions, lose, damages, causes of action, expanse and/or liability, including court coat and attorney's fees arising from or resulting from loss or damage to property or injury to or death of person(s) resulting in any manner whatsoever directly or indirectly by reason of the City or District's operation of the said portion for their sole use. The District and the City shall provide each other with insurance coverage with reapact to said indemnity in amounts, form and content approved by the Agency. Said coverage shall be maintained by the City and District, and the City shall supply to each other certificates indicating the existence of said coverage prior to each school year. 6) This agreement may be amnnded at any time by mutual agreement of both parties. This agreement may not be terminated for a period of twenty (20) years unless agreed by District and Clty. 7) Communications and notices shall ba addressed as follows: city District City Manager Suparlntendant City of Rancho Cucamonga Chatiey Joint Un. H.S. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 917]0 211 West 5th St WITNESS THE EXECUTION HEREOF the day and year first above written. City of Rancho Cucamonga Chaftay Joint Union High School Authorized Signature Data Authorized Signature Date ATTESTED: City Clerk Data 2~ 5) The District and the City agree to hold harmless, indemnify, and defend each other, its elected officials, officers, agents, successors and assigns, Prom and against all claims, liana, encumbrances, actions, lose, damages, causes of action, expanse and/or liability, including court coat and attorney's fees arising from or resulting from lose or damage to property or injury to or death of person(s) resulting in any manner whatsoever directly or indirectly by reason oP the City or District's operation of the said portion for their sole use. The District and the City shall provide each other with insurance coverage with respect to said indemnity in amounts, form and content approved by the Agency. said coverage shall be maintained by the City and District, and the City shall supply to each other certificates indicating the existence of said coverage prior to each school year. 6) This agreement may be amended at any time by mutual agreement of both parties. This agreement may not be terminated for a period of twenty (20) years unless agreed by District and city. 7) Communications and notices ehnll ba addraeeed as follows: Citv District City Manager Supnrintendant City of Rancho Cucamonga Chnltay Joint Un. M.s. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91770 211 West 5th St WITNESS THE EXECDTZON HEREOF thfl day and year first above written. City of Rancho Cucamonga Chaf tey Joint Union Hiqh School Authorized Signature Date Authorized Signature Date ATTESTED: Clerk Date 3~ ----CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT - DATE: August 2, 1989 TO: City Council and City Manage[ ~~ rRUM: Russeii ri. Maguire, Cicy Engineer BY: Bob Zetterberg, Maintenance Superintendent SUBSECT: Approval and Award of Renewal Agreement Eor the Citywide Emergency and Routine Pavement Repair, Annual Maintenance Contract with Laird Construction for Fiscal Year 1989-90 j It is recommended that the City Council approve the renewal agreement with Laird Construction of Rancho Cucamonga for the Citywide Emergency and Routine Pavement Repaiz Annual Maintenance Contract for $75,000.00 from account number 01-4647-6028-6000- 7105. Background/Analysis The City's annual maintenance contract was awarded to Laird _ .. i. ..c ~oo_c m~.,_. ..~.~..t .a ~:.. ~_ for renewal^of ^t he agreement for two consecutive^years shouldcthe City Council so choose. This year our contractor is requesting a five percent (58) increase in scheduled equipment rental rates and a ten percent (108) markup on equipment rental rates for profit and overhead. No increase is requested for scheduled pavement repair unit cost, In past years we have utilized the contract most extensively Eor pavement repair, shoulder grading, removal of asphalt and concrete. These unit prices have remained stable with only minor increases. Last year however, we began utilizing the equipment rental aspect of the contract much more extensively due to greatly increased demand for maintenance services. The original contract is renewable until July 1992 at which time we will be required to seek new bids. Reggep~;+~~1}• submitted, / .i , R /~~: l a~~~~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 2, 1989 TO: City Council and Ci[y Manager FROM: Russell B. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Bob Zetterberg, Maintenance Superintendent ~, , ..reA...,>, SUBJECT: Approval and Award of Renewal Agreement for the Citywide Concrete Repair Annual Maintenance Contract with Raymor Electric for Fiscal Year 1989-90 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve the renewal agreement with Raymor Electric of Rancho Cucamonga fox the Citywide Concrete Repair Annual Maintenance Contract for the amount of $75,000.00 from account 01-4647-6028-6000-7113. Background/Analysis The City's annual maintenance contract was awarded to Aaymor Electric in November of 1988. This year our contractor is _,.~: a:.. e_ r• ,C9~ rhaAnloA raton T.a of year we utilized the contract exclusive ly^for repair to sidewalks and curb and gutters that had been damaged by city parkway trees. This program concentrates on selected areas that have a high concentration of tree related damage thus allowing city crews to focus on some of the smaller less contractual cost effective areas. Between this contract and City Engineering/Maintenance crews, we ace making headway on the large amount of tree related sidewalk damage. Res u 1 submitted, -'. 3~t CITT OF RANCHO CCCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~ ' BATE: qugust 2, 1989 T0; M3 ypr, Mam ha rc of tha fi'y fpgnril and fity Mana nor FROM: Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director BY: Joan A. Kruse, Administrative Assistant SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO EKECUTE f.BNTRACT FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM ANU C ABLE N6 - CIVIC CENTER/PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve selection of the firm Memorex Telex for the telephone system and voice and data cabling for the Civic Center and Public Safety Facility. BACKGROUND: A Request far Proposal was conducted by the telet ommun ication consulting firm, TeleQuestions, for selection of a telephone system and voice and data cabling for the Civic Center and Public Safety facility. Responses were received from eleven firms. Based on review of the submittals, interviews and negotiations, the consultant recommended the firm Memorex Telex for award of contract in the amount of E413,882. The contract cost will cover L • i • ,.. ~ -....J ..-.--a ......L ... -..•-.... a-J .•a..-J--a i.. ..1 ...... iii yiu ueuivii..~ .. yu~yiii...iu ....• ~.-. bracing, mass alerting, call accounting, broadband Vbackbone, video cabling, and expansion cabling to the unoccupied area. Funding for a software system to maintain cabling integrity in the amount of E8,500, is also requested. Funding for the system and cahling and software will be borne by General Fund account number 01-4245-1044 in the amount of $28,500., and RDA account number 13-51700 in the amount of E393 ,882., and has been approved in the FY '89-'90 budget. Respe tfully submitted, ~~~ Jim Hart unmini~+ra tiva -a rv ira~ - r+nr O -- -CITY OF RANCHO CC'CA~IONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 2, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Michael D. Long, Sr. Publ fc Works InsD~tor SUBJECT: Execute contract for the Yictoria Street Improvements from East Rvenue to Etiwanda High School awarded to Larsen and Leaverenz for the amount of f96,000 (f87,210.40 plus lOS contingency) to be funded from Systems Development Account No. 22-4637-8853 (FY 89/90) Awarded July 19, 1989 IECONENDATIpI: It is recommended that City Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract documents for the victoria Street Improveaents from East Avenue to Etiwanda High School, and authorize the Administrative Services Director to expend 596,000 (f87,210.40 plus SOS contingency) to be funded from Systems Development - Account No. 22-4637-8853 (FY 89/90). DAOC GROUNDJANALYSIS On July 19, 1989, City Council awarded the subject protect to Larsen and l aavororo C~a ff hoc rorolaM tha avarntoA rantrart Anrumantt. hnnAt anA insurance documents; reviewed them and found them to be complete and in accordance with the contract proposal. Respec u ubmitted, :iiDl:dl ~~ cc: Purchasing ~~ ----- CITY OF RANCHU Cl'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DA?:: August 2, 1989 TC: Mayor, Members of the City Council and City Manager FPDM: J;m u~..f ~d m:.!St..a t: ye ce ry: _gg n: rg~rp.. BY; Joan A. Kruse, Administrative Assistant SUBJECT: LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT - XEROX 5090 HIGH SPEED COPIER RECOlMF.NDATI ON: That the City Council approve a lease/purchase agreement with the Xerox Corporation for a high speed copier in the amount of E130,000 over a five year period. First year payment is budgeted FY '89-'90 in Account No. O1-4245-7044. BACX6ROUND: In preparation for the move into the Civic Center procurement of a high speed copier capable of handling our large volume requirements, finishing, and binding, was begun. The Xerox 5090 copier, the only one currently on the market with this capability, will enable the City to meet our ever-increasing copier demands. Due to a special offer which terminates the end of July an interest rate of 6.78% is available. Additionally, an addendum Lo Lhe offer provides a cash U eu i L v i y.i ,i/v~ uioi bmi ~c uacJ wool J yu~ ~ - yu~iiici ei. - " purchase payment includes a full maintenance ~contrac t.c With the application of the credit, the interest rate is actually lower than 6.7E%. Originally proposed during the budget session was Lhe issuance of a Certificate of Participation (COP) to meet equipment financing requirements. However, in checking with Stone and Youngberg, CO P's currently are running at 7.25%, higher than what is available through Xerox. The July pricing will be held pending approval at this Council meeting.' Xerox indicates a p•ice increase far their equipment is anticipated the middle of August. There rill also be an increase in maintenance costs that would affect future lea s~. payments. Entering into an agreement at this time locks in th=_ equipment rost, interest rate, cash credit, and reserves the copier for delivery concurrent with occupancy of the Civic Center, at which time payments ..,.,. ~., ....y ~~,. Respe tfully submitted, ~~ .. ~..: Jim Hart Administrative Services Director The prices, teens and conditions of this Price List are firm for all eligible users within the States (and other areas) as noted below: XEROX STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT COPYING EQUIPMENT PRICE LIST XRX 61667 FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1,1989 THROUGH JUNE 30,1990 tAlaska Kansas New Hampshire Washington Arizona Louisiana North Dakota West Virginia Arkansas Maine Pennsylvania Wisconsin California Minnesota Rhode Island Wyoming Colorado Mississippi South Dakota 'DirtrictofColumbia Georgia Montana Tennessee tMawaii Nebraska Utah Iowa Nevada Vermont tPuerto Rico 'Excludes the City Government XEROX STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTCOPYING EQUIPMENT PRICE LIST XRX 61669 FOR THE PERIOD SEPTEMBER 1,1969 THROUGH AUGU5731, 1990 Texas XEROX STATE AND LOLAL GOVERNMENT COPYING EQUIPMENT PRICE LIST XRX 61670 FOR THE PERIOD OCTOBER 1,1989 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30,1990 Alabama Idaho Connecticut Indiana Delaware Illinois Fiuntia Kentucky fWestern Pacific Maryland Territories Massachusetts tVirgin Islands Michigan Missouri Naw I<.eo~ New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma cyan 0~- South Carolina Virginia t For additional prices and/orterms and conditions please referto the Supplemental Price List at the back of this catalog. ~/3 5090 COVIER/DUVLICATOR RtOrder Number W81 • Dn-Un< • DpdNte suta.tq • uscop.NwRw . ~ • isAl Cabr TOnOiCamW SOeen f'~~ PURCHASE MKE3 ORTION -TO-RUIICNASE PgODUR MARKET ALLOWANCE MAXIMUM MA%IMUM OTP CODE CODE DESCRIPTION PRKE FACTOR MONTHS PERCENTAGE w6t 5090 3090 (NM) 5136,000.00• .020 8 1911 •vr¢e maudes: mtertace MOdule(W82) Daument Nmdler (W98) 8lnder (VV9d) Rnrsh<r(W9p) A Pain Suppprt Cabinet Is also delrveretl wRh each 5090 The 4bmet antl its contents remain the property of %arox and are prowtled m support of Warranry, or where Mavrtenance brncas arc prowtlM by Xeroe EOUTAMFNT RENTAI A3UCING (0.ental includes mnnronance) XEROX VOIUME PLAN Monthly Uu Charge Cps[ Per Copy B~II COO<MIlter intlKatpr %ERO%RUN LENGTH PIAN Monthly Minimum Charge Cart Per COPY (Meter A) Fm 10 im Dnss~ons of Each Ongmal ul (Meter C) Bill CoderNeter mtlr<ator CONTRACT PERIOD EXTENDED TERM LONG TEAM 33.02900 52,635.00 52,73000 0101 009] 099a 3]112 I]II.4 2]13/1 32.62500 32,d93.00 32.d20.00 0021 0019 OO1B .0283 ,0369 .0261 2)21/3 3)228 1]23/1 (t) The first ten(t071mprnslons lrpm wch pngmal are alto chargetlthe per copy cfiarguntl afw rccortled with total copra. EMENDED TERM ALAN CONTINUATION OF RENTAI FOR %R%6160],09/f 0 XEROX VOLUME PLAN (6dl Code P112) Monthly Use Charge S 2,63$.00 Cost Per COOy 0097 XEROX RUN LENGTH P W N (814 CODE 2]2327 MOntMy Use Chage S 2A93.00 Cost Per Copy OOi9 Fnrt f0lmpreumns pf Each Original I'~ ,/1169 (~) The first ten (10) impr<ssrons from erth origin al ne also chargetl the per copy charge antl also racortletl with total mprts, LOMG T[RM /IAN CONTINUATION OF RENTAL FOR SECOND YEAR FOR %PX6160]g9I10 AND THIRD VFAR FOR 6160]g9/10 %ERO% VGLVME PLAN (8111 Code 3]138) Monthly Uu Chrrge S 2,730.00 Con P.r copy oo9d XEROX RUN LENGTH P W N (Blll CODE 2]238) Montnly uu Charge f 2,120,00 COrt Per Copy .0016 Fvst t O Impressions o1 Ea<n Onginll ~'I .0261 ~~r ~,,...o~..n~ ~i rt. pr::t~or,i', u.., ::ch o.~y,~, .oe aiw airoged the s+~woy cringe maamrreamd.d mU~i44~wV~.> ~~ IS - CITY OF RANCHO CCCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Date: August 2, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: John L. Martin, Associate CTvii Engineer .: ~`', `. SUBJECT: Recommend approval to open escrow with Francisco D. Urena and Edward Y. N. Lin, et. al ., for purchase of land at 13004-13042 and 12974 Base Line Road, respectively to obtain the right-of-wa.y for the Base Line Road Widening Pro,i ect between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15 for f13,000.00 and f16,000.00 respectively, plus escrow costs of 55,000.00 to be paid from Systems Fees Account No. 22A637-8730-4606-4111 Recommend approval to open escrow with Francisco D. Urena and Edward Y. M. Lin, et. al ., for purchase of land at 13004-13042 and 12974 Base Line Road, respectively to obtain the right-of-way for the Base Line Road Widening Protect between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15 for f13,000.00 and f16,000.00 respectively, plus escrow costs of 55,000.00 to be paid from Systems Fees Account No. 22-4637-8730-4606-4117 and authorize the City Engineer to execute escrow documents on behalf of the City. BAIX 6RBlIiN1/AWALYS I S: The Engineering Design Staff met with Francisco D. Urena and Edward Y. N. Lin, et. al ., to discuss the forthcoming City protect to wfden Base Line Road between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15. It was mutually agreed that the City would purchase their property (land and improvements) for a purchase price based on an appraisal prepared by an independent appraisal consultant. The mutually acceptable result is the above recommendation plus the City absorbing normal closing costs. Since the City Engineer, by Resolution, is authorized to accept Lhe dedication on behalf of the City, permission Ts sought hereby to also allow the City Engieer to execute and validate escrow documents on behalf of the City. ResDe lly submitted, ~~""~.` ~~_JLM:pa ~~ ~5 CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAytONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 2, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Nalt Stick rey, Assxiate Civil Engineer -,i •~ _ ,, ~- J SUBJECT: To approve and adopt the updated Eti Wanda/SanSevaine Area Master Plan of Drainage Report and Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Drainage Policy RECOMENDATION: [t is recommended that the City Council approve the attached updated Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Master Plan of Drainage Report and Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Drainage Polity and adopt the attached resolution adopting said Plan and Policy. BAIXGROUND/ANALYSIS Dn February 1, 1989, the City Council approved and adopted the EtiwandalSan Sevaine Area Master Plan of Drainage Report. Since that time some minor changes of a technical nature have warranted the need for Council to approve au~ uu'Jyt - uy.~. '~. °'t~., ,.i ti.~ Dl. TFn n6a ne clef nF B ~I{DAY revision tomdrainage boundariesVin the San Sevaine Area~andnthe Upper Etiwanda Area west of Etiwanda Channel and the identification of drainage subareas within a portion of the San Sevaine Area. In March, 1985, the Council approved the Interim Etiwanda Area Drainage Plan and Development Policies. The updated Plan which is recommended for approval and adoption is the Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Drainage Policy. Tnis Dolicy is based on the newly adopted drainage master plan for the area and also would supersede the 1985 Interim Plan and Po17cy. The Etiwanda!San Sevaine Area Drainage Policy identifies the requirements (drainage facilities, drainage fees, etc.) which a developer would be responsible for upon development in the Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area. It is based on the results of the Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Master Plan of Drainage Mann of ._,_. _. Along with adopting the Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Master Plan of Drainage Report and the Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Drainage Policy the adoption of said Resolution will also permit the City Engineer to make minor changes of a technical nature to the Plan and Policy without requiring the Council's approval. ~~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT ETINANDA/SAN SEYAINE AREA MNSTER PLAN OF DRAINAGE REPORT ETINANDA/SAN SEYAINE AREA DRAINAGE POLICY AUGUST 2, 1989 PAGE 2 In the upcoming weeks, an ordinance apiending the Storm Orain Pi an of the Municipal Code pertaining to the Etiwanda and San Sevaine areas will be presented to Council along with a resolution setting the amount of the drainage fees within those areas. Respe_c submitted, L l~ - .~ RH . Attachment ~~ Attachments A. The Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Drainage Policy is attached herewith. Due to the large size and bulk of the updated Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Master Rlan of Drainage Report, that document is on file with the City Cterk. ~~ ~~'~Tli~l~~ ~~~ll~~ Ca1y of ~az]~~i© ~~~~©aaga~ AnQnst 2, ]989 Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Drainage Policy I. Introduction: This Edwanda/San Sevaine Drainage Policy is based on the Edwanda/San Sevaine Area Master Plan of Drainage Report prepared by BSI Consultants, Inc. (February 1989). Drainage facilities referenced are from that report as well as drainage boundaries and recommended fee structures. This drainags policy will set forth guidelines and requuernents for development N the specified areas. The following policy was established by the City for development occurring in the Etiwanda and San Sevaine areas within the City limits and in the Citv's Sphere of Influence. Development must adhere m requirements of affected agencies such as the The City of Rancho Cucamonga, The San Bemazdino County Flood Control District (SBCFCD) and tht Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). In Match, 1985, the City Council adopted the Interim Etiwanda Area Drainage Plan and Development Policies. That Plan and Policies wes developed in recognition of the potential flood harards which could occur if unconstrained development was allowed to continue. It was understood that the interim plan was only a fast step toward an in-depth master plan analysis. This Edwanda/San Sevaine Area Msster Plan of Drainage Report is that in-depth analysis. II. Facilities: Prottcdon and disposition of flows in the Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area as specked in this policy are based on a five tiered drainage facility structure. They an: A) Regional Mainline Facilities - SBCFCD owned and maintained facilities serving a large region and consisting of; I1 nrw!n than nel¢ with a flow in excess of 3000 cfs, 2) debris basins or dams a[ the upstream end of Regional Mainline Facilities, or, 3) spreading grounds, percolation basins and flood peak attenuation facilities on or adjacent to Mainline Regional channels. B) Secondary Regional Facilities - SBCFCD owned and maintained facilities serving a smaller area than that of a Regional Mainline Facility and consisting of; 1) open channels with a minimum flow of 750 cfs, 2) flood peak attenuation facilities adjacent [o Regional Mainline Facilities, or, 3) interceptor channels collecting debris laden mountain runoff. C) Mazter Plan Facilities- City of Rancho Cucamonga (SBCFCD within the unincorporated area) owned and maintained facilities [ypically serving a minimum drainage area of 80 acres and consisting of a RCP with a minimum diameter of 4S inches. in some cases the facility may consist of a RCB or open channel. D) Local Drainage Facilities- City of Rancho Cucamonga (SBCFCD within the unincorporated area) owned and maintained facilities typically serving a local drainage area or combination of local drainage areas not meeting the minimum criteria for a Master Plan Facility and consisting of a RCP with a minimum diameter of 24 inches. In some cases the facibty may consist of a RCB Wr open channel. E) interim Drainage Facilities Optional Interim Regional and Maser Planned retention basins to be used prior to the construction of the ultimate Regional and/or Master Planned Facilities. The location of the types of facilities listed above are indicated in the Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Master Plan of Drainage Report The Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area has been broken in[o three distinct drainage areas for [he purpose of conveying flows and establishing Regional Mainline fees. These areas are: 1) Upper Etiwanda 2) San Sevaine i) Lower Etiwanda Four Secondary Regional areas have been developed for the purpose of com~eying flows +n~i rarahnch:na C.rnndarv Rrainnal fr'c These an•ac am• 1) Upper Etiwanda Interceptor 2) Victoria Basin 3) Henderson/Wardman System 4) Hawker-Crawford System Three Master Plan areaz have been developed for the purpose of funding Master Plan facilities. Onc of these areas was divided into two subarea for the purpose of conveying flows to regional facilities. These areas are: 1) Upper Edwanda (designated as area XIV in the master plan report) 2) San Sevaine (designated as area XIV in the ntas[er plan tepon) 3a) Lower Edwanda flowing m the Edwanda/San Sevaine Regional System (designated as area XVI in the [Waster plan report) 3h;. Lower Edwar~da fowin¢ r the Day Regional System (designated as area XVQ N the master plan report) Land was included in the drainage areas based on the facilities which the land was tributary to or protected by. All land was included in both a Regional Mainline and Master Plan area. However, not all land is in a Secondary Regional area due to these areas being unique in name and serving a confined region. III. Financing rtrechanisms of the above facilities typically consist of developer drainage fees for the Regional Mainline, Secondary Regional and Master Plan Facilities although various assessment district procedures may be used in cenain circumstances. [.oval Drainage Facilities are developer financed facilities. Interim Master and Regional facilities are also developer financed including, but not limited to, the acquisition of all land necessary for the ultimate bazin configuration (refer to the Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Maser Plan of Drainage Report for possible additional costs). As required in the Subdivision Map Act, any additional cosu of construction due to the oversizing of local or interim facilities may be eligible for direct reimbursement from future development benefiting from that oversizing (see Section N for oversizing requirements) Drainage fees ate levied on a per net acre basis in accordance with a fee structure based on the type of facility (Regional Mainline, Secondary Regional and Master Planned) and location (Upper Etiwanda, San Sevaine, Hendetson/VVardman, eteJ in which [hc development occurs. Drainage fees arc collected at the time of Tract or Parcel Map recording or building permit issuance, whichever occurs fast. The types of facilities and locations ate specified in the subarea policies listed below. As required by the Subdivision Map Act, fees collected will be placed into separate funds designated for the construction of the applicable drainage facility. Fees from the three Regional Mainline areas will go into an single fund for the construction of the Eriwanda/San Sevaine Regional Mainline Sys[em. Three separate funds will be set up for [he Upper Etiwanda Interceptor, Henderson/Wardman and Hawker-Crawford Secondary Regional arras. The four Master Plan areas will contribute to a single Master Plan fund The Victoria Basin Secondary Regional area will also contribute to the Master Plan fund in order to reimburse the City's Master Plan fund fur the drainage facilities already constructed. IV. mineral Policy: Any construction of or disposition of flows into a City or County facility must first have the approval of the applicable agency. Any tows directed to the following facilities must first have the approval of the SBCFCD. They include but are not limited to: • Etiwanda Debris Basin • F-tiwanda Spreading Grounds • Upper Etiwanda Channel • San Sevaine Debris Basin and Dam • San Sevaine Spreading Grounds • San Sevaine Regional Basins • San Sevaine Regional Channel • Victoria Basin • Combined Edwanda/San Sevaine Regional Channel • [.ower Eowanda Regional Channel • Edwanda/Surtunit Interim Regional Basin • Ftiwanda(Armw Rnpts intsnm Rsginnal Rasin Development shall also show that any director indirect connection to any of the above facilities will not have an adverse impact on any down stream faeility(s). On-site or off-site interim or ulrunate retention facilities will not be allowed except as specifically no[ed in the Efiwanda/San Sevaine Area Mester Plan of Drainage Repott (Febmary 1989). Development must prove that it will be protected from the inundation of upstream flows. Mitigation measures must be made which may include but are not limited to the conswction of upstream interim or ultima[e Regional Mainline, Secondary Regional, Master Planned andlrn Local Facilities including facilities ou[side of the development's drainage area as specified in the Specific Policy section ou[lincd below. Developrent must comply with FEMA requirements in designated Federal Insurance Rate Map Flood Zones. All residential developments which are located within a Flood Zone A, B or D, shall be requued to have that zone designation removed 6y FEMA at the developer s expenu prior ro receiving occupancy except as noted below. Single family residential properties on existing pazcels may not be required to conswa the needed facilities or provide drainage repons for the areas listed below upon issuance of a building pertnic In addition, single family residential properties on existing pasds may no[ be ¢quired to eliminate a Zone A, B or Z designation. Development shall review the need for extending local systems upstream from a Master Plan facility to collect flows from the subject development which may exceed surface flow hydraulic criteria. This could include oversizing these local facilities to convey flows from existing or anticipated development upstream or downstream of the subject development. Y. Specific Policv: The notation used in the following specific policy consists of two components to designate each patticulaz area. The fuse being a roman numeral to identify the Master Plan drainage area with the second component a letter to identify a Master Plan system which termtinates at a Regional Mainline or Secondary Regional facifiry. example: Area XIV-C XIV - Area XN (Upper Etiwanda in the master plan report) C - A Master Plan system which remdnates at the Edwanda Channel north of the Edwanda Spreading Grounds Far purposes of specific policy development, the Etiwenda/San Sevaine Area has been broken into the following subareas. Refer to [he attached exhibits for the drainage boundaries and facilities locations. ~~ Elimmndp Gebria Oam & Baa in Henderson/Uardmmn Upper Eti man tlo Intercept Channel Et imp nda Sorepoing Grounds niU-B 'L %IU-G %I U-H Cpy fleginnpl _i not nl ine Channel spn Sevmi ne Spreading Grounds flich Basin C %~ '- '. Namkar-Crmeford _ _ System Seuolne gegipnal Bpslm Victoria Basin Etimondp/San Gevmine flegionpl ha inline Channel Fnnt hill fllud. NUI-q grro• flt e, fl,T. 4 S.F, q,fl, mi Q n 'x - l.~V nU 1th Street o ~~n~ra~mx1~l/5a~u ~~dnu~n~ Azsa '" Y' Upper Eti.pndc Intercept Chonn~ INTEfl IN HflSTEfl BflgIN HO, I IHTEfl IN NRS TEfl BflSIM Mq. 2 1NTEgIN NRS TER BflSIM N0. B IHTEfl IN NflSTEfl ~~ i BflSIN h0. 1 iniEn ui iinSiEn BASIN NO. 5 ~~ IMTEAIN NAS TEfl BRSIM HO. 6 ET14flNDfl/fl gg04 fliE. / INT Efl IN AEG IONAL BASIN Etl sands Spreading Grounds Henderson/4ardean Syate• I r- a ~ ETI4AMOfl/flRRg4 ATE, IMTEAIR REGIONAL _y Bfl51 M MI hlond flue. Ulotoric Basin Uict orle Rue. S.P.R.A ~ Baseline q0. Nil lar flue, Etieendc/San Se ucine Aegionel Nainl ins Channel Fcothlll Blud. Rrro. flta. _________ A Ty 6 S_F. R q._. `~ l~~ nla ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Iwnterim Basins flETENTIDM GASIN WITH i x' ~'~1'WIdt~S~~~~ ~~'IffiIl79S /~Tl.A CgUMTY JAIL AREA XIV-A This ama is tivecdy protected by or tribu[ary to the proposed Upper Etiwanda Interceptor Channel, a Secondary Regional facility, which will extend from the Day Creek drainage boundary on the west to the Etiwanda Debtis Basin on the east. Any development should provide adequate drainage easements and local drainage facilities to direct flows to the Upper Etiwanda Interceptor Channel and construct that portion of the interceptor channel needed to direct its flows ro the Eriwanda Debtis Basin. Development shalt show that any direct or indirect connection to Etiwanda Creek System will not have an adverse impact on the downstream current or ultimate Edwanda/San Sevaine Regional Mainline System. One option to retaining additional flows to the downstream Regional Mainline system may be the construction of [he Etiwanda/Summit Interim Regional Basin and/or the Edwanda~4rrow Route Interim Regional Basin. Regional Mainline Area -Upper Etiwanda Secondary Regional Area -Upper Edwanda Interceptor Master Plan Area -Upper Etiwanda S (~ a Gebria Basin Et ieantlu Sareatliny Gnounda A~~ ~ ~Yeq ,~Zi'gviGp~N'Sn1~ Sav~~,~ Arse D Zyra~x~r~gs P~13sy 'ma'r...""..,-_ - } 7 i'~aa+o• AREA XIV-B This area is tributary to Etiwanda Creek downstream of the Etiwanda Debris Basin and Dam. Any developrnen[ should provide adequate drainage eauments and local drainage facilidcs to direct flows to Mastez Plan Storm Drains XIV-I ,3,4,5,6 and/or 7 and construct adequate facilities [o divert flows along the alignment of those drains into Etiwanda Creek north of the Etiwanda Creek Spreading Gcounds. Development shall show that any dtrcet or induce[ connection to Etiwanda Creek wiB not have an adverse impact on the downstream cumnt or ultimate Etiwanda/San Sevaine Regional Mainline System. One option to retaining additional flows to the downstream system may be the constmction of the Etiwanda/Suaunit Interim Regional Basin and/or the Etiwanda/Arrow Route Interim Regional Basin. Development may construct Interim Master Plan Basin No. 1 N lieu of draining directly into Etiwanda Creek. Regional Mainline Area -Upper Etiwanda Secondary Regional Area -Upper Etiwanda Intercepmr Master Plan Ana -Upper Etiwanda ~~~ NIU-I NIU-S Eti aanda GeEria /// / // Oo• B Bmin %IU-2 %IV-6 NIU-7 %IV-3 24th $fiEt[ Etlaando > Soraadtng Q G,gQUnda 23rd Sueee a A~' c ~~ n YJ SJ4v ~21'i/~S~b~>Si4T1 $ZYmlAB l4?L~l D~man~gs Pa]icy ~ % I••.72G~ AREA XIV-C This area is tributary to Etiwanda Creek at the nonhern end of [he Edwanda Spreading Grounds downstream of the Etiwanda Debris Basin and Dam. Any development should provide adequate drainage easements and Ioca1 drainage facilities to direct flows to Maser Plan Storm Drains XIV-Sa,b,c,d,e,f and/or g and construct adequate facilities to divert flows along the alignmen[ of those drains into Etiwanda Creek (Edwanda Spreading Grounds). Development shall show that any direct or indiroct connection to Etiwanda Creek will not have an adverse impact on the dovmsoeam current or ultvnae Etiwanda/San Sevaine Regional Mainline System. One option to retaining additional flows to the downstream system may be the construction of the Edwanda/Summit Interim Regional Basin and/or the Etiwanda/Arrow Route Interim Regional Bazin. Development may ennctnwt Tnrerim Masrer Plan Basin No. 2 in lieu of drainin¢ d'vecdv into Etiwanda Creek. Regional Mainline Area -Upper Etiwanda Secondary Regional Area -Upper Etiwanda interceptor Master Plan Area -Upper Etiwanda ~~ Etl~ando Cabria Ca• 6 Boain %IU-Bc %IU-8b / %IV-Bc %lU-Cd %lU-BS %IU-til %IU-Og 24th Strcet Ellsanda > Spr sadl ng d Grounds 23rd Saeet ~ .;~'' 8 ~~ A S°~ ~Liy+~slnl~axe vsv~i~-s .P~TSU Q Dr~.ia~mgs ~~o1i~y (~( I~~lazo~ AREA XIV-D This area is tributary to Etiwanda Creek at the southctn cnd of the Etiwanda Spreading Grounds dowrtsueam of the Etiwanda Debris Basin and Dam. Any developrnen[ should provide adequate drainage easements and local drainage facilities to direct fows to Master Plan Storm Drains XIV-9a,b,c,d,e and/or f and constrvet adequate facilitics to diver flows along the alignment of those drains into Etiwanda Creek (Etiwanda Spreading Grounds). Development shall show that any direct or indirect connecfion to Edwanda Creek will not have an adverse impact on the downsoeam current or ultimate EdwandalSan Sevaine Regional Mainline System. One option to [training additional flows to the downstream system may be the construction of the EtiwandalSununit Interim Regional Basin and/or the Etiwanda/Arrow Route Interim Regional Basin. Development may consauct Interim Master Plan Basin No. 3 in lieu of draining ditectiy into Etiwanda Creek. Regional Mainline Atca -Upper Etiwanda Secondary Regional Area • Upper Etlwanda Intercep[or Master Plan Area - Upper Etiwanda ~-~ x: v~~ ,d~„za Etiyvtml4lSaa Ssyninm A.rsa~ AREA XIV•E This area is tributary to Etiwanda Creek north of the I.15 Freeway. Flows from this area are routed through the Victoria Basin which, until the Regional Mainline Etiwanda/San Sevaine System is comple[e, will function as an Secondary Regional Retention Basin facility. Any development should provide adequate drainage tasetmnts and local drainage facilities [o direct flows to Master Plan Storm Drains XIV'- 10,1 ],12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 and/or 22 and construct adequate facilities to divert flows along the alignment of those drains into Victoria Basin. Development in the oleo north of Victoria Basin may be requved to construct Master Plan Storm Dtain XIV-23 to mitigate possible flows from the Efiwanda Spreading Grounds. Regional Mainline Area - tipper Etiwanda Secondary Regional Area - Vic[oda Basin Master Plan Area - Upper Etiwanda W ?4th Stmt El ieanda SOreadi ng ?3rd 5[ae[ GrounEe \\ xlV-II Sur[tmit Ave. S°c~`P,¢. xiu-za xw-IZ \ xw-zl XIU-13 NIV-Z2 Futu¢Fwy \\\ xIU-IS NI\\\\\ NIU-17~ - Nlu-le Highland Ave. o Nlu_ta\ > \ g C q L:i ~° Vlctaria Pegional 8aein Victoria St. ~~,p'1 t~ El leanda iii Pegi __ CM1anne l' ,w,''1 ,, );~ pp San Sevai n~ ~h'~YQI1LNSnL SLYfl1T~4 NIflA ~ Pegional Channel Drnix~g$a Po1:~y AREA XIV-F This atea is tributary to Edwanda Creek south of the Edwanda Spreading Grounds. Any a development should provide adequate drainage easements and local drainage facilities to direct flows to Storm Drain XIV-23 and construct adequate facilities to divert flows along the alignment of Drain XIV-23 into Eriwanda Creek. One option ro retaining addiflonal flows to the downstream system may be the consmtc[ien of the Etiwanda/Sununit Interim Regional Basin and/or the Eriwanda/Arrow Route Interim Regional Basin. Development may construct Interim Master Plan Basin No. 4 in licu of draining ditudy inro Edwanda Creek. Where development constructs applicable portions of Summit Avenue, the storm drain XIV-23 shall be installed. Regional Mainline Atea -Upper Edwanda Secondary Regional Atea -None Master Plan Atea -Upper Edwanda ~-!' W ?4th Stn:ct Eti condo ~Preading 23;d Stroe[ Grounds ~'~ P ~ ~ \ ~'~ S umailt Ave. NIU-23 Futtue Fwy Highland Ave. ¢' S a A 9 3 ~ :fl UiU Oria Regl onal Aaaln VICt01]a $I. ~ ''~ 4 5 ~. Etieanda ~~•- ~` 'nagionai I //// Chonnal v San p~,-*,,,gt nnQ'Y=;f Swa I ne 'C 1.,)~ .D~tiy ~` ay a:7 ~1 ~sy~aa q N~~Q Reglanal Channai Z?rnix~ngs Po7i~~r CP7 AREA XIV-G This area is tributary to Edwanda Czeek north of the I-15 Freeway and includes those areas within [he future freeway tight-of-way from Etiwanda Avenue to East Avenue. Flows from this area ate routed thmugh the Victoria Basin which,undl the Regional Mainline Etiwanda/San Sevaine System is complete, will function as a Secondary Regional Retenrion Basin faciliry. Any devetopinent should provide adequate drainage casements and Iocal drainage facilities to dvect flows to the XIV-24 Stonn Drain and construct adequate facilities to divot flows along the alignment of Drain XP/-24 into Victoria Basin. Regional Mainline Aria -Upper Etiwanda Secondary Regional Area -Victoria Basin ~lasttr Plan Area - Upper F,riwanda ~g zatn str«t ~~. ~ ~ ~~ i .onda Et ~ Spreading SJ Groandf Sumailt Ave. San Sevoina flsg tonal Baaina Futute Fwy Highland Ave. - a 1 3 9 U] NIU-2t Ulct orle Ragl pool Besln Victoria St. ~,~9 }5 Etiaonda ` fleaivnai Chonnal S00 SOVOI Oa fleglonel A'.°E~ l~t/-,,~. Q Chonnal 0 Ftiv+an~lnJSuaa Ssvnixs Arsa D7IIAZlIl$9 ~T,1~1&'~ Q ~ I I~-IZZO~ AREA XiV-H This area is cuaendy tributary ro Etiwanda Creek System Ultimately the area will drain ro the combined Etfwanda/San Sevaine Regional Mainline System at a point south of Foothill Boulevazd. The following alternative drainage plans have been provided to handle flows from this area. A. North of the I-15 Freeway: Option l -Any development should provide adequate drainage easements and local facilities to direct flows ro Master Plan Storm Drains XIV-25,26,27,31,32 and/or 33 and constmct adequate facilities to divert flows along the alignment of those drains to Interim Master Plan Basin No. 5. Interim Master Plan Basin No. 5 shall be sized to contain the flows from Atea XN-H north of the 1-15 Freeway. Option 2 -Any development should provide adequate drainage easements and local facilities to dtrect Bows to the storm drains listed in Option 1 above in addition to Master Plan Storm Drains XN-28,29 and 30 and constuct adequate facilities to divert flows along the alignment of those drains to [n[edm Master Plan Basin No. 6. With the elimination of Interin Master Plan Basin No. 5, Interim Master Plan Basin No. 6 shall be oversized to contain the flows from all of Areas XN-H and XN-[. Option 3 -Any development should provide adequate drainage easements and local facilities ro direct Bows to the storm drains listed in Option I above in addition to Master Plan Storm Drains XN-28,29 and 30 and conswet adequate facilities to divert Bows along the alignmen[ of those drains to Edwanda/Armw Route Interim Regional Basin. The Etiwanda/AROw Route Interim Regional Basin shall be sized to contain Flows from all of Areas XIV-H and XIV-I in addition to Bows from Etiwanda Creek north of Foothill Boulevazd. Upstream facilities (such as the excavation of the Etiwanda/Sununit Interim Regional Basin) may be needed to mitigate flows entering the Etiwanda/Arrow Route Interim Regional Basin from the Etiwanda Channel north of Foothill Blvd. B. South of the I-IS Freeway: Option l -Any development should provide adequate drainage easements and local facilities to direct Bows ro Master Plan Storm Drains XIV-28,29,30 and/or 36 and construct adequate facilities to divert flows along the alignment of those drains to interim :Master Plan Basin No. 6. Interim Master Plan Basin No. 6 shall be sizcd to contain the Flows from Areas XIV-H south of rho I-15 Freeway and XIV-I. It may be necessary to coordinate the oversizing of Interim Maser Plan Basin No. 6 due to tha elimination of interin Master Plan Basin No. 5 and the inclusion of Area XIV•H north of the I•IS Freeway (see Option 2 forArea XN-H north of the I-15 Freeway). Option 2 -Any development should provide adequate drainage easements and local facilities to direct Flows to Master Plan Storm Drains XIV-28,29,30 and/or 36 and construct adequate facilities to diver Bows along the alignment of those drains to E!!wanda/ARew Ratte Interim Regional Basin. The Etiwanda/Arrew Route Interim Regional Basin shall be sized to contain Bows from all of Areas XIV-H and X1V-I in addition to Flows from Etiwanda Creek north of Foothill Boulevard. Upstream facilities f such as the excavation of the Etiwanda/Summit Interim Regional Basin) may be needed to mitigate Flows entering the Etiwanda/Artow Route Interim Regional Basin from the Etiwanda Channel nosh of Foothill Blvd. Regional Mainline Area -Upper Etiwanda O Secondary Regional Area -None Mastcr Plan Area -Upper Etiwanda Flighland Ave. L Q i S Q \ W %IV-31 Vic[ona St. ri!U-25 \\\\\ S.P.R.R. XIU-32 xIU-33 NIU-26 baseline Rd. xlu-31 rilU-35 XIU-27 ,.a. ~; ~', XIV-2B Yliller Ave. \ x l u-36 Q %IV-30 1"•1320' e ~ o o ' q y4.C Foothill Blvd. ° o~ yon Co C 40co o V~ ~hY/A71S1{1~uAI1 :Y$It1T~E ~?8~ ~~~~~$~ p~~~~y 7( AREA XIV-I This area is curtendy tributary [o Edwanda Creek System. Ultimately the area will drain to the combined Edwanda/San Sevaine Regional Mainlint System at a point south of Foothill Boulevard. Two alternative drainage plans have been provided to handle [lows from this area. Option I -Any development should provide adequate drainage easements and local facilities to direct flows to Storm Drains XN 37,38,39 and/or 40 and consauct adequate facilites to divert flows along the alignmen[ of [hose drains to Interim Master Plan Basin No. 6. Interim Master Plan Basin No. b shall be sized [o contain [he Flows from Areas XIV-H south of the I-15 Freeway and XIV-I. I[ may be necessary to coordinate the oversizing of Interim Master Plan Basin No. 6 with the inclusion of Area XN-H nonh of the I-15 Freeway (see Option 2 for Area XN-H north of the I-IS Freeway). Option 2 -Any development should provide adequate drainage easements and local facilities to direct flows to the storm drains listed in Option I above and conswet adequate facilities to divert flows along the alignment of those drains to Edwanda/Arrow Route Interim Regional Basin The Etiwanda/Artow Route Interim Regional Basin shall be sized ro contain flows from all of Areas XIV-H and XN-I in addition m flows from Etiwanda Creek north of Foothill Boulevard. Upsveam facilities (such as the excavation of the Eriwanda/Surtunit Interim Regional Basin) may be needed [o mitigate flows entering the E[iwanda/Artow Route Interim Regional Hasin from the Edwanda Channel nosh of Foothill Blvd Regional Mainline Ana -Upper Etiwanda Secondary Regional Ana -None Master Plan Ana -Upper Edwanda 7` Highland Ave. >; > Vic[oria S[. 9' y 3 .:7 S.P.R.R. Baulinc Rd ~.. ~lillcr Ave. x i u-w ~•D ~e xiu-ae > O ~~ a i--~azo• xw-av ~ ~ o~ ,. > ° ~i C Foothill Btvd. xiu-xo a°D°;o `r ~ritiv~risls~l5n~ Ssvsu~s ta~su ~z~;~m8~ Po]1~y 73 AREA XV-A This azea is tributary to the San Sevaine Regional Mainline System. Flows will toter the systcm at the San Sevaine Spreading Grounds north of 24th Street via the Henderson/Wazdman Secondary Regional System or, when feasible and permissible, directly into the San Sevaine Spreading Grounds. Any development should provide adequate drainage eazements and local facilities to direct flows to the HendersordWardman Secondary Regional Facility or into the San Sevaine Spreading Grounds. Development shall constmct that portion of the Henderson/Wardman System needed to direct its flows to the San Sevaine Spreading Grounds. Development shall slww that any direct or indirect connection to the San Sevaine Spreading Grounds will not have an adverse impact on the downstream torten[ or ultimate Etiwanda/San Sevaine Regional Mainline System. One option to retaining additional flows to the downstream Regional Mainline system may be the excavation ot'the San Sevatne Regional Basins. Regional Mainline Area -San Sevaino Secondary Regional Area - Henderson/Wardman Master Plan Area -San Sevaine 7~ "etimandc Gebria / / Goa B Boain Henderaen/Ilard.an Secondary Regional 5 ate• flich Bpain $pn~5evelne Spreading Grounda Ho.ker-Cre.ford Eli..nda Secondary Sprapd ing Ragienel Chonna Grounda 24th SC Spn Gevpins Summit Ave. Reglonpl Bpaina ~~ F 1,5 Future Fwy F(ighlandAve. Eti..nd. ~`~ Rag ionol m r.annel A~ ~ ~y=A 0 T21~i'/itTiClt~~A~U SQ"!AA' fitL /~~ ~ana~aga Po~i~y ~ S ~ ~.:e,o~ AREA XV-B This area is tributary to the San Sevaine Regional Mainline System. Flows will enter [he system a[ the San Sevaine Spreading Grounds north of 24th Sweet or will flow directly into the San Sevaine Regional Basins south of 24th Street, Any development should provide adequate drainage easements and local facilities to direct Bows to Storm Drains XV I and/or 2, or, where feasible and pemdssible, directly into the San Sevaine 5pttading Grounds and construct adequate facilities to divert flows along the alignment of those drains to the San Sevaine Regional Mainline system. Development shall show that any drect or indirect connection to the San Sevaine Spreading Gmunds or San Sevaine Regional Basins will not have an adverse impact on the downstream current or ultimate Etiwanda/San Sevaine Regional Mainline System One option to tttaining additional flows to the downstream Regional Mainline system may be the excavation of the San Sevaine Regional Basins. Regional Mainline Arta -San Sevaine Secondary Regional Area - Hendetson/Wazdman Master Plan Area -San Sevaine 7~ El inanda Oebria Oa. d Baain Henderson/aard.an Secondary fleyionol Syrt e• Aich Baain Son~Sevoi ne Spreadl ng Grounda _ Hankar-Cranford Et i.anda %U-I %U-2 Secondary SCr eadi r.g Aeglo~ Chan Grounda 24th $f. San Sevaine Summit Ave. Aegi onal Baaina ~.~ h4 i 1~ 6 Futute Fwy Highland Ave. Eti.anda 2 Aeglonal i'nn ~nei :6Y~tiv~r1~/Snx- Ssvt~i~s A~.n 0 ~~~~~~~ ~~Z~~y 7 7 ~~•26,G~ AREA XV-C This area is tributary m the San Sevaine Regional Ma!nlinc System. flows wiB enur the system at the Sart Sevaine Spreading Grounds north of 24th Stta[ or wiR flow directly into the San Sevaine Regional Basins south of 24th Street. Any development should provide adequau drainage easernen[s and local facilities to direct flows ro Storm Drains XV 3 and/or 4, or, when feasible and permissible, directly into the San Sevaine Spreading Grounds and construct adequate facilities to divert flows along the alignment of those drains to the San Sevaine Regional Mainline system. Development shall show that any direct or indirect connection to the San Sevaine Spreading Grounds or San Sevaine Regional Basins will not have an adverse impact on the downstream current or ultimate Etiwanda/San Sevaine Regional Mainine Sysum. One opdon to retaining addifional flows to the downstream Regional Mainline sysem may be the excavadon of the San Sevaine Regional Basins. Regional Mainline Area -San Sevaine Secondary Regional Area - HendersoMWazdman Master Plan Arca -San Sevaine Etiean da Gebria Can B Baa~n Menderaon/Uordean Secondary Regional Syatee Rich Boain San~Sevai na Spreading Grounda Haeker-Cradord Et ieanda Secondary Spreading Rey tonal Channel Grounda 24th St. KV-d w-+ San Swal ne Summit Ave. Regional Baalna ~.~ 1~~ Futute Ftvy Highland Ave. Eueanda ~ Rag tonal Channel A~ s~ ~Y~ 0 T2i~vanslnlS~ 5svna~as tease :Daaia~ngs F'G11s~/ ~ 7 I •.:e~o AREA XV-D This area is tributary to the San Sevaine Regional Mainline System. Flows will en[er the system at the Sati Sevaine Regional Basins south of 24th Street Any development shotild provide adequate dttinage easetnents and local facilities to direct flows to Storm Drains XV 5, or, when feasible and permissible, directly into the San Sevaine Regional Basins and construct adequate facilities to divert flows along the alignment of those drains to the San Sevaine Regional Mainline system. Development shall show that any ditto or indirect connection to the San Sevaine Regional Basins will not have an adverse impact on the downstream torten[ or ultimate Etiwantla/San Scvaine Regional Mainline System. One option ro retaining additional flows to the downstream Regional Mainline system may be the excavation of the San Sevaine Regional Basins. Regional Mainline Atta -San Sevaine Secondary Regional Area - Hendtxson/Wardman Master Plan Area -San Sevaine ~O Et i.antla Cebria Oa. B Baain Men Oerlon/pa rd.an Secondary Peg ianal Syate. Pith Basin San Swpi n. Spr..ding Greund• _ Ha.k.r-Cro.ford Etl.andp Secondary Spreoding Peg tonal Channel Grounds 24th SL ~~~ 5 Surtunit Ave. xU-5 ~~ y $pn SW OM a P.gi pnpl Future Fwy Epa I na F[ighland Ave. Etl.pnep ~ Peg ionpl Channa rL.~ 'l~~/^~ :E2itive~uclN~a~ 5svtu~s Aria C~asuxags Policy ~ / i~•26,G~ AREA XV-E This atea is tributary ro the San Sevaine Regional Mainline System. Flows will enter the system from the east at the San Sevaine Regional Basins south of 24th Street via the Hawker-Crawford Secondary Regional System or, where feasible and permissible, directly into the San Sevaine Regional Basins. Any development should provide adequate drainage easements and local facilities to duce[ flows m the Hawker-Crawford Secondary Regional Facility or into the San Sevaine Regional Basins. Levelopment shall construct that portion of the Hawker-Crawford System needed m direct its flows to the San Sevaine Regional Basins. Development shag show that any duce[ to indirect connection to the San Sevaine Regional Basins will not have an adverse impact on the downstream eturent or ultimate Eriwanda/San Sevaine Regional Mainine System One option to retaining addidonal flows to the downstream Regional Mainline system may be the excavation of the San Sevaine Regional Basins. Regional Mainline Area -San Sevaine Secondary Regional Area • Hawker-Crawfotd Master Plan Area -San Sevaine V~ ~ W~1 Etiuanda Ceoria Can 4 Baain Henderaan /Aardsan Secondary Regional Syate• Aich Bpain Sen~Swa i ne Sprsoding Grounds Hpekar-Crosford Elisanda Secondary Spreading flagional Channel Lrounds 24th St. San Sevplns Summit Ave. Aagionel Baaina 3.~ t1~4 a Future Ftvy Flighland Ave. Etlepndp flegionpl ChannN ~'tlyY~lS~t1~.`Sdt~l Sa^Jit179L /~IL~ AREA XVI~A This area is ultimately tribu[ary to the San Sevaine Regional Mainline System at a point south of 4th Street. A Federal Emergency Management Agency Special Hazard Flood Zone presently passes through the subarea generally Crom the northeast to the southwest. This zone is the upsaeam end of the Lower Edwanda Regional Channel. Any development in [his area must contain the majority of flows which prescndy en[er [he Lower Edwanda Channel from the northeast from Edwanda Creek north of Foothill Blvd Any development should provide adequate drainage easements and local facilidcs to direct flows to Storm Drains XVi-1,2,5,6,7 and/or 8 and constmct adequate facilities m divert flows along the alignment of those drains. Development shall also show that it is free from flooding poor to the diversion of the Etiwanda/San Sevaine Regional Mainline System at Foothill Boulevard. This may include [he consrmction of the Etiwanda/Sumrnit Interim Regional Basin and%or the EriwandalAtrow Roure interim Regional Basin. Development shall obaitt SBCFCD's approval prior to draining to the Etiwanda/San Sevaine Regional Mainline System. Regional Mainline Area -Lower Edwanda Secondary Regional Atea -None Master Plan Area -Lower Etiwanda I Foothill Blvd. 4.a ~y ArtoW Rte. xUl-1 xul-2 / AT&S F R.R __~~~~~ NUI-4 A S ii:i 5 i 3 __ ~n L ._ 9 ~ ~ O C W ~ 9 ~ V ,_ O n' xul-~ o ~ _ 6 \^ \ I\\ t / / / A ~u17211 4th S trees xu 1-9 fe'~ t~'Y~~A1 ;&tiyv~aila/~oza il8y~.ix~s ~~~ _ :Daaix~~ge ~~,1ac~l ~ +~ AREA XVII-A This area is tributary to the Day/lower Edwanda Regional Mainline System in the Ciry of Ontario. Any development should provide adequate drainage easements and local facilities to direct flows to Storm Drains XVII-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and/or 11 and construct adequate facilities to divert flows along the alignment of those drains. The construction of lines XVII-3 or 6 depend upon whether development is tributary to the A.T.& S.F Railroad or 6th Street respectively. Some flows in the southern portion of the Area may be diverted to an interim basin to be constmeted in conjunction with the County lail facility. Flows passed below 4th Street may not exceed the amount specified in the Etiwanda/San Sevaine Master Plan of Drainage Report. Mitigation of these flows may include the construction of the Etiwanda/Summit Interim Regional Basin and/or the Etiwanda/Artnw Route Interim Regional Basin. Regional Mainline Area -Lower Edwanda Secondary Regional Area -None Master Plan Area - Lower Edwanda ~~ Foothill Blvd. Fa`~ ~h ~' Arrow Rte. %UII-I u Q NUII-2 /// WttittramAve. xull-3 --------------- --- A.T Bc S. F. R.R. ------------ ----- %UII-1 ~ NUII-S ~ •n y'o c W ~ ///// ` 6[hStree[ NVII-6 ~°+$ o = c ~ a e ~ L %VII-7 '~ ~ o e ,° A q O ~ V NVII-B d` ~ -- ath Street i'•1020' %VII-t0 NVII-I! AP2/L'$,{~=A i0 LOVER ET IIIRNOR flEGI ONAL CHANNEL ~~CC .G~:I 77 R. m pp W/~lu,tdl~.~. dt,L' l ~~41ffiIl~'la N?L'Sl JoudlU~Ml~~ ~©~1Q2~ f ~~ ~~(/ RESOLUTION N0. 84~ ,~ r A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE UPDATED ETINANDA/SAN SEVAINE AREA MASTER PLAN OF DRAINAGE REPORT AND ADOPTING THE ET INANDA/SAN SEYAI NE AREA DRAINAGE POLICY WHE AEAS, the City Council for the City of Rancho Cucamonga recognizes that the public health and safety require that adequate flood control and drainage facilities accompany additional land development; and WHEREAS, on February 1, 1989, the City Council adapted Lhe Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Master Plan of Drainage Report; and NHEAEAS, minor alterations of a technical nature have occurred since that adoption which have warranted a need for the City Council to adopt an updated version of that plan; and WHEREAS, to adequately provide gut dance to developers and property owners, it is desirable to establish an Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Drainage Policy based on said Master Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: SECTION 1: That the City Council of the Gity of Rancho Cucamonga hereby a opt~pdated Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Master P1 an of Drainage Report. SECTION 2: That Lhe City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby adopts t~ie~tiwanda/San Sevaine Area Drainage Policy. SECTION 3: That this Resolution supercedes Resolution 85-1D0 for the adoption o e nterim Etiwanda Drainage Plan and Development Policies. SECTION 4: That the City Engineer may make minor modifications of a technical na ure o said Plan and Policy upon more detailed reviews of the physical characteristics and IOrdralogy/hydraulic analyses within the Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area. - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 2, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Phillip Verbera, Assistant Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Darcel Map No. 12218, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 for 2 for Parcel Map No. 12218, located on on the east side of Neuman Avenue and south of 19th Street, submitted by Hix Development Corporation RECp/ENBATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Parcel Map No. 12218, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1, and 2, authorizing Lhe City Clerk to cause same to record. ANALYSIS/DAIXGROUND Parcel Map 12218 was approved by the Planning Canaisslon on MAy 10, 1989, for rho nivicinn of 9.25 acres of land into 3 parcels to 4he Low Residential Development District, located on the east side of Hellman Avenue and South of 19th Street. improvements are to be constructed at the time of building permit issuance, The Consent and Naiver to Annexation form signed by the Developer is on file in the City Clerk's office. Respec s bmitted, ~ "T• Attachments ~~ RESOLUTION N0. (~~~~f Y' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 12218, (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP N0. 12218), IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map No. 12218, submitted by Hix Development Corporation, and consisting of 3 parcels, located on the east side of Hellman Avenue and south of 19th Street, was approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on May 10, 1989; and WHEREAS, Parcel Map No. 12218 is the final map of the division of land approved as shown an said Tentative Parcel Map;and NHEREAS, all of the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the final map by the City Council of said City have now been met by entry into an Improvement Agreement guaranteed by acceptable Improvement Security by Nix Development Corporation as developer. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security submitted by said developer be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancno Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest; and that said Parcel Map No. 12218 be and the same is hereby approved and the City Engineer is authorized to present same to the County Recorder to be filed for record. f O RESOLUTION N0. ~ ~-,3~ 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGl1, C/,LIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. I AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR PARCEL MAP 12218 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has Previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 1, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"l; and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District: and WHEREAS, at this tine the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legisiative bogy hereby orders the annexation of the property as shown in Exhibit "A" and the work program areas as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto to the Maintenance 0lstrict. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including t~ieT of ali assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. ~I DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 . -.- ~ I _.~ NINETEENTH S . _ r-- -._ - ~~'. ~.iiw ni~w~~ ___J1Y_ 1__~ TREET _.- _I ~.3-\ ~. •..r ~~~~ i lr n~~ 'ww nw n ~~ ---Illy it j. Z PnPCEL ~ 0.51 AG. p ~ F m w w > . ~ N zro o'^ I ^ i ~ F-io UN 41~ [ll ~ n ~ ~ ~ 015 tEnL ¢ ~ I I • Z I PeHCEL I B.}I ~C. t '~•'~ ~ I- t ~ I N L J m~n• ~ S Ii F t ~~ 1 j I .~ i1 ri:~l~' ~ ~ \ I rRncr N u. 'ezao H,fi, I ll/7R-lfl S.~C j'SO'mw ^ Ci~11*'Y~~)/ RANC~OtRJC+AI[~KQA ' _~~ ~ ~I{/~~ a s ~p SAN ~NA~~N~ :: ~ i 8TAT1C OI CAi.IlO ~.-6 ; RNA 1~T EXHIBIT 'B• PR0.IECT NAME: PARCEL MAP 12218 N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: 3 parcels N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 3 units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of Lamps to he Annexed District No. x-95 .J_ _,_ 2J 560 1 --- 1 --- --- --- 2 --- --- --- --- '-- LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Turf Ground Cover Trees District No. Street Name Sq. ft• Sq. ft. Ea. 1 Hellman Ave. --- 9,100 21 Layton St. --- --- 40 Amethyst St. --- --- 21 19th St. --- --- 21 Gala Ave. --- --- 62 Cenntenial P1. --- --- 55 Ham7lton St. --- --- 62 Holly St. --- --- 60 Kirkvrood Ave. --- --- 27 369 JAA: 8-2-89 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0; FROM: BY: SUBJECT: August 2, 1989 City Council and Cf ty Manager Russell M. Maguire, City Engineer Millie Valbuena, Engineering Technician ~_s. h. Approval of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security for DR 87-19 and DR 87-20, located on the north and south side of Sharon Circle, east of Hermosa Avenue, submitted by Indumar Investments, Inc. RECONENOATIOM It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving DR 87-19 and DR 87-20, accepting the subject agreement and security, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND DR 87-19 and DR 87-20, located on the north and south side of Sharon Circle, east of Hernwsa Avenue, in the General Industrial Development District, was approved by the Planning Commission on June 26, 1987 and May 13, 1987, for the division of 1.635 and 3.8 acres Into 1 and 3 lots, respectively. The Developer, Indumar Investments, Inc., is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: f6,600.00 Labor and Material Bond: f3,300.00 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. Resp submitted, i. ~ ~ Attachments ~~ RESOLUTION N0. ~_ ~ ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCA.MONGl1, CALIFORNIA, APP ROYINO IMP ROYEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DEVELOPMENT REYIEN NOS. 87-19 AND 81-20 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has fer Its consideration an Improvement Agreement executed on August 2, 1989, by Indumar Investments, Inc., as developer, for the improvement of pubs is right-of-wdy adJacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the north and south side of Sharon Circle, east of Hernrosa Avenue; and WHEREAS, the instailation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and sublect to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said real property as referred to Planning Commission, Development Review Nos. 87.19 and 87-20; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement 1s secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement. NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES that said improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Cierk to attest *.hereta. ~~ --~ Q _T crrY o~ RANCHO CUCAMONGA avcnvEESUVa nivrsiox ,I i I 'I~ L -'. r i -~C.4NT- Mt~11 • TEN4VT rC115 L fy( ~ rr~s: OR 87-1920 N TiTL& 9~ A --CITY OF RANCHO CCCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE; August 2, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer '~ i BY: Steve M. Gilliland, public Norks inspecto _/+gC, ~ 5U8JECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13445, ~i located on Lhe southwest corner of Rochester Avenue and Victoria Park Lane, submitted by The Nilliam Lyon Company ~, AECONEIDATION It is recoimaended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the suD,~ect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the con struttion of the public improvements for Tract 13445 were approved by the City Council on December 17, 1987, in the following amounts. raithtul vertormance eons: s/~4,uuu Labor and Material Bond: 5362,000 The developer, The N1111am Lyon Company, is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Re spec s fitted, Ri~M:S . Attachments 1 f RESOLUTION N0. ~~" ~'T A RESOLUTION OF THE C[TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APP ROPING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ExTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13445 NNE REAS, the City Council of the CT ty of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for Tts consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on August 2, 1989, by The William Lyan Company as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way ad,{acent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the southwest corner of Rochester Avenue and Victoria Park Lane; and WHEREAS, the Installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and sub,{ect to the terms thereof, is to be done in conJunction with the development of said Tract 13445; and NHE REAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by goad anA sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement ExtensT on. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk t0 attest thereto. ~~ . ~~ N'I LLIAJI LYO\~iq~Fnt~ 8540 ARC RIBALD, SUITE B, RANCHO CUCAMONGA~ CA 91730 171d1 980~21dd June 26,198`' Steve Gilliland E ngin22ri ng i)e pdt ilirc llL City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 80J Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 RE: Tract 13445 Oear Steve Transmitted herewith is the executed Extension for Improvement Agreement for Tract 13445 and a check for this extension in the amount of $251.00. This trace has 215 homes which are being built in phases this requires a greater time span Co complete the required improvements. In speaking with our field superintendent he '.a ..~ me we still have the following items to he completed: 1. Sidewalk in phases being constructer. 2. Curb and Cutter work. i. Fiutti Cap on Che sLrePCS. 4. Finishing trails in phases being constructed. We are requesting this extension to complete our work the esCimated date o£ completion for this work and all the improvements required would be approximately August 1990. Please contact our office with any questions you may have regarding this matter. Respectfully, ~~/~ / w:~ .'Lt„~ ~a Pro ject~~la nagement Assistant Inland Empire Divi son encls 99 REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT - --- C[TY OF RANCHO CCCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 2, 1989 T0: City Countii and City Manager FROM: Russell M. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works In specter-~ SUBJECT: Approvai of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13722, located on the northwest corner of Victoria Park Lane and Milliken Avenue, submitted by The William Lyon Company RECOMIENDATIDN It 1s recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,lect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13722 were approved by the City Council on July 21, 1988, in the following amounts. cam, t., o_.c_r.,_.,ce n~~~• ei vF7 _nnn Labor and Material Bond: S 683,500 The developer, The William Lyon Company, 15 requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submitted, .dlw Attachments / ~O RESOLUTION N0. ~~-,~C~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITV COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION ANO IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13722 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on August 2, 1989, by The William Lyon Company as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-wyy adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the northwest corner of Victoria ?ark lane and Milliken Avenue; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Tract 13722; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor 1s hereby authorized to sign said improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. /D~ %~ 1~'11,I,I:~~i I,1'O~ ~~im 2gi7~ 8540 ARCHIBALD, Sl11TE B, RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CA 91730 1714) 980-22dd June 26,1989 SCeve Giiiiixnd Engineering De parement City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. dox 807 Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 RE: Trace 13722 Dear Steve: Transmitted herewith is the executed Extension for Improvement Agreement for Tract 13722 and a check for this extension in the amount of $251.C0. Phis tract has 120 homes which are being built in phases this requires a greater time span to complete the required improvements. In speaking with our Eield superintendent he tells me we still have the following items to be completed: 1. Sidewalk in phases being constructed. 2. Curb and Gutter work. ~. tLnal Cap U11 file e~tee~a. 4. Finishing trails in phases being constructed. We are requesting this extension to complete our work t'ne estimated date of completion for this work and all the improvements required would be approximately ,7uly 1990. Please contact our uffice with any questions you may have regarding this matter. Respectfully, f , -.. . 7 :. , . i . -_ :i i~aci iJrwwau Project Rana gement Assistant Inland Empire Uivison ends. /~~ REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT --CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~' 4 DATE: August 2, 1989 ~ T0: City Councii and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer 8Y: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspect SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Parcel Map 9498 Haven Avenue and Parcel Map 9498 Fourth Street, located on the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and 4th Street, submitted by Reiter-Rinker Gateway RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub3ect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Seturt ty to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Parcel Map 9498 Haven Avenue and Parcel Map 9498 fourth Street were approved by the City Council on December 18, 1986, in Lne iulluwiny ann,uu Lo. Haven Ave. Fourth St. Faithful Performance Bond: 566,500 550,000 Labor and Material Bond: 533,250 525,000 The developer, Reiter-Rinker Gateway, 1s requesting aDDroval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respec sub ftted, `. ~ / 'M~' rGl' w\.~ r , ~% Attachments X03 RESOLUTION N0. 8 q_ 35 ' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 9498 HAVEN AVENUE AND PARCEL MAP 9498 FOURTH STREET NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consldera tion an Improvement Agreement Ezten lion executed on August 2, 1989, by Reiter-Rinker Gateway as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Fourth Street; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Parcel Map 9498 Haven Avenue and Parcel Map 9498 Fourth Street; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. /o A.H. REITER DEVELOPMENT .iuly 12, 19di CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attn: Steve M. Gilliland Public Works Inspector RE: EBTENSION OF IMPROVEMENT AGREE!ffiNT OF PARCEL MAP 9498, FOURTR STREET Dear Steve: {~ w ~... .x ;;: a_a ~ ~ ~'~ ~; r .p ;,; -... ~. .•,~c.G mVkn: p~, This request for extension is based on the undecided determination by the City regarding the requirement of a median on Fourth Street. The Bond for Chia imp*r,~~ament is still in place. If you have any questions, please de not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, A. H. RE PMENT CO. ~~~ Au st H. Reiter, III /rm Encls. I os MaihnB Address: P.O. sox 7250 • Newport Beach, Calilorma 9265&7250 • 17741 7514594 Pullman a~ Redhill A.H. REITER DEVELOPMENT July 12, 1989 ,) -. ,a,ti CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA P.0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attn: Steve M. Gilliland Public Works Inspector RE: EXTENSION OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT OF PARCEL MAP 9498 HAVEN AVE., lD:DIAN ISLAND Dear Steve: The referenced improvements have been completed by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. However, the total fee for the entire improvement was $87,670 ae of 1/11/89, which was more than we could afford at that time. We were able to pay a fee of $28,745 for that portion of land that we were improving and bonded the unpaid amount. no we s,iu ~ovcl~p . _ ... 'hcn pay the City the amount then~due for~their~conatruction of the Iiedian Island. I }lave enclosed a letter dated January 11, 1989 to the City of Rancho Cucamonga regarding this subject which may be of information to you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, A~H. REITf MENT CO. A st H. Reiter, III /rm Encls. /C~~ Mailing Address: P.O. Rua 7250 • Newport Beach, Caldornia 9265&7250 • 014) 7514596 Pullman at Redhill -CITY OF RANCHO CCCAMONGA +r~y, :. STAFF REPORT ~- DATE: August 2, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector<._ rq~ SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion RECONENDATIOM: The required street improvements for MOR 86-24 have been completed in an acceptable manner and it is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 56,000.00. Background/Analysts MDR 86-24 - located on the east side cf Santa Anita Avenue, north of 4th Street DEVELOPER: Russell Stanley Nest, Inc. 9449 Santa Anita Avenue ••••~C r.CC.M•••••• r~, of ]7A nu u.. ..per, Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 56,000.00 Respectfsubmitted, ~ ~ / „ '' NM: Attachment ~7 RESOLUTION N0. ~~' 3~~- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CWNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR MDR 86-24 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for MDR 86-24 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Dernardino County. I OV - CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 2, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Oii111ard, Public Norks Inspector ~~r~ SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion RECOMMENDATION: ~~ ;~; The required street improvements for OR 87-59 have been completed in an acceptable manner and it is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 5112,000. Background/Analysis DR 87-59 -located on the west side of Center Avenue north of 4th Street. DEVELOPER: Havengate Business Center Tyro 10390 Commerce CenterDrive N122 --~:. _ _ r• neon •w n.. ..awm uyu, Release: Faithful Performance Bord (Street) 5112,000 Resp ~~y submitted, RHM:S Attachment l09 RESOLUTION N0. ~ 9 - .3 °J 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DR 87-59 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NOAK WHEREAS, the construction of public Improvements for DR 87-59 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. II ---- CITY OF RANCHO CGCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~~ '~ "~ DATE: August 2, 1989 i T0: City Council and CTty Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks InSD~tor~' II SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion RECOMIENDATION: The required street improvements for Tracts 12642 and 12935-44 Storm Drain, have been completed 1n an acceptable manner and it is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee 9ond in the amount of f93,000.00, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authortze the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of (930,000.00. Background/Analysis Tracts 12642 and 12935-44 Storm Drain - on the east side of Milliken Avenue between Banyan Street and Mi ghland Avenue n`a `~ nnEn. v~ ~ce~.. nA Or aA 3602 Inland Empire Boulevard, Suite C-110 Ontario, CA 91764 Accept: Maintenante Guarantee Bond (Street) 593,000 Release; Faithful Performance Bond (Street) f930,000 ' Respectfullx submitted, I/. ' ~_ , i ~ =,- RNM: aJm ~'~ Attachment RESOLUTION N0. ~/'~^~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACTS 12642 AND 12935-44 STORM DRAIN AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tracts 12642 and 12935-44 Storm Drain, have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the nark is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. I1 --- CITY OF RANCHO CI;CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: 8Y: SUBJECT: August 2, 1989 i City Council and City Manager Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer i Steve M, Gilleland, Public Mocks 1nsDettor-7 (~~ `~ Release of Maintenance Bond for Tract 12830, located on the crest side of Beryl Street, south of 19th Street ~ RECOMlENBATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk Ln release the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds Background/Analysts The required one year maintenance Derlod has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects in materials and worknwnship. OEYELOPER: Citation Builders 17731 Irvine Boulevard, Suite 201 Tustin, CA 92680 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 573,925 ResD - 1 submitted, /' > RHM: (13 ---- CITY OF RANCHO CCCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 2, 1989 TO: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, PubiTc Works Inspector SUBJECT: Release of Maintenance Bond for Tract 13066 located on the I, south side of 19th Street east of Amethyst Street I RECOMtEMDATiON: It is recomoended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The required one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship. DEVELOPER: H111 Williams Development 5500 East Santa Ana Canyon Road M211 Anaheim, CA 92807 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 530,600 Re spec 1 y u fitted, , M:S w (( I - ---- CITY OF RANCHO CCCAMONGA ~Y : t-., STAFF REPORT DATE: August 2, 1989 i TD: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Judy Acosta, Englneeri ng Aide 'i SUBJECT: Approving the Annexation of Tract 12462, located on the south side of Summit Avenue between Eti Wanda and East Avenues to Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 and setting the public hearing for September 6, 1989 RECDMEMDATIDM: It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving the preliminary Engineer's Repport for annexing Tract No, 12462 to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and setting the public hearing for September 6, 1989. BAIXGRDUND/ANALYSIS Tract No. 12462 was aDProved by Council on Apr71 19, 1969, At that time, it was annexed into Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2 and - - !•-C• :1 •t^!^t L'^~• oo Mal nfmm~rn M ttri rt Nn. 7 was `•'Y still in ythe planning stages for its~fornbtion, therefore Tract 12462 could not be annexed until Council ordered the formation of Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 on June 21, 1989. Attached for City Council approval is a resolution declaring the City's intent to annex Tract No. 12462 to Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 and setting the public hearing date for September 6, 1989, Also attached for Council consideration 15 a resolution giving preliminary approval of the Engineer's Report for the sub,)ect annexation. Resp ubmitted, RHt~'.dM'dlt1~`- Attachments 'I~ RESOLUTION N0. ~ ~~ 3 ~ S A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T!'.E CITY Of RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR ANNEXATION OF TRACT 12462 TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 WHEREAS, an August 2, 1989, the City Council of the City, of Rancho Cucamonga directed the City Engineer to make and file with the City Clerk of said City a report 1n writing as required by the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has made and filed with the City Clerk of said City a report in writing as called for pursuant to said Act, which report has been presented to this Council for consideration; and WHEREAS, said City Council has duly considered said report and each and every part thereof, and finds that each and every part of said report is sufficient, and that said report, nor any part thereof, requires or should be modified in any respect. NON, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION I: That the Engineer's Estimate of the itemized costs and expenses o~ s~~work and oP the incidental expenses in connection therewith, contained in said report be, and each of them are hereby, preliminarily approved and confirmed. SECTION 2: That the diagram showing the Assessment District referred to and described~n said report, the boundaries of the subdivisions of land within said Assessment District are hereby preliminarily approved and confirmed. SECTION 3: That the proposed assessment upon the subdivisions of land in sai-d~sment District in proportion to the estimated benefit to be received by said subdivision, respectively, from said work and of the incidental expenses thereof, as contained 1n said report is hereby preliminarily approved and confirmed. SECTION 4: That said report shall stand as the City Engineer's Report for t e purposes of all subsequent proceedings, and pursuant to the proposed district. /l CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Engineer's Report far Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 for Tract No. 12462 SECTION 1. Ruthori ty for Report This report is in compliance with the requirements of Article 4, Chapter 1, Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of California (Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972). SECTION 2. General Description This City Council has elected to annex all new subdivisions into Landscape Maintenance District No. 7. The City Council has determined that the areas to be maintained will have an effect upon ail tots within Tract 12462 as well as on the lots directly abutting the landscaped areas. All landscaped areas to be maintained in the annexed tracts are shown on the recorded Map as roadway right-of-way or easements to be granted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. SECTION 3. Plans and Specifications The plans and landscaping are as stipulated in the conditions of approval for the development and as approved by the City Engineering OT vision, Reference is hereby made to the subject tract map or development plan and the assessment diagram for the exact location of the landscaped areas. The plans and specifications for landscaped improvement on the individual development is iim euy nw ue a ymL ui Lnia ,cy~,L w eirc adwc ow tc bt u> ii asi~y:uru emu.. specifications were attached hereto. SECTION 4. Estimated Costs No costs will be incurred for parkway Improvement construction. All improvements will be constructed by developers. Based on historical data, contract analysis and developed work standards, 1t is estimated that maintenance costs for assessment purposes will equal thirty (5.351 cents per square foot per year. These costs are estimated only, actual assessment w111 be based on actual cost data. The estimated total cost for Landscape Maintenance D15trtct No. 7 including this Annexation is as follows: Existing ?his New District Annex Total (Phase 1 o-C n~ction) Landscape Area (Sq. Ft.) 328,982 6,578 335,560 Trees 833 20 853 Na. of D. U. 318 27 354 /~~ Per Lot Annual Assessment 335,560 x f0.35 f117,446 853 x f5.00 4,265 f121,711 f352.78 TT2r7Ti -345- Assessment shall apply to each lot as enumerated in Sec lion 6 and the attached assessment diagram. Nhere the development covered by this annexation involves frontage along arterial or collector streets, which are designated for inclusion in the maintenance district but will be maintained by an active homeowners association, these assessments shall be reduced. SECTION 5. Assessment Diagram A copy of the prcposed assessment diagram is attached to this report and labeled "Exhibit A", by this reference the diagram is hereby incorporated within the text of this report. SECTION 6. Assessment Improvements for the District are found to be of general benefit to all lots within the District and that assessment shall be equal for each unit. Nhere there is more than one dwelling unit per loL or parcel of assessable land, the assessment for each lot or parcel shall be proportional to the number of dwelling units per lot or parcel. The City Council will hold a Dub11c hearing in June, to determine the actual assessments based upon the actual costs incurred by the City during the previous fiscal year which are to be recovered through assessments as required by the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972. SECTION 7. Order of Events 1. City Council adopts Resolution of Preliminary Approval of City Engineer's Report. 2, City Council adopts Resolution of Intention to Annex to District and sets public hearing date. 3, City Council conducts public hearing, considers all testimony and determines to Annex to the 0lstrict or abandon the proceedings. 4. Every year in May, the City Engineer files a report with the City Council. 5. Every year in June, the City Council conducts a public hearing and apprcves, or modifies and approves the individual assessments. I I Properties and fagrove~ents to be included within this Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 MAINTAINED AREA TRACT D/U Sg: Ft•~S~F~_i:- ~1~ 12462 21 Sunmft Avenue --- --- 20 Comaunity Equestrian Trail --- 4,578 --- II X / / ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO . 7 SUMMIT 1VENUE • • • 11 1 ` N. • [l W Q 1) 11 q V /~ J ° ^ a u e • • n ~ • ~ • SHASTA ' DRIVE • • Y . P Siq s CpURi 1 n n ~ g M N ~+ l 1 ~ GROUII D[pVEQ (5 .F T S a.~ (SIJM MI i nvE) 7¢AIL g (EPhT P.L) LEGEU~ ~ GITY MAIAITAIUED AQEAS • ST¢PET Ll(MTZ RESOLUTION N0. V ~- ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE ANNEXATION TO LANDSCAPE M1IINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 7, AN ASSESSMENT OISTRI CT: PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1912 AND OFFERING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS THERETO NON, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, pursuant to the provi sinus of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, being Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, as follows: SECTION 1. Descri Lion of Work: That the public interest and convenience requl re an C s t e ntenti on of this City Council to form a maintenance district in the City of Rancho Cucamonga for the maintenance and operation of those parkways and fact liites thereon dedicated for common greenbelt purposes by deed or recorded subdivision tract map within the boundaries of the proposed maintenance district described in Section 2 hereof. Said maintenance and operation includes the cost and supervision of any sprinkler system, trees, grass, plantings, landscaping, ornamental lighting, structures, and walls in connection with said parkways. SECTION 2, Location of Work: The foregoing described work is to be located wTtlfln roadway r gl~ft-of-way and landscaping easements of Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 enumerated in the report of the City Engineer and more particularly described on maps which are on file in the office of the City r1or4 nM {Ylnd A«n<emont nian ram Iendcranu Main}onanrn ni of ~irf SECTION 3. Desc~ri~Lion of Assessment D15trict: That the contempla a wor in tFe opiTn oT std-CT y of -C-u ncfT is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, and the said City Council hereby makes the expense of the said work chargeable upon a district, which said district is assessed to pdy the costs and expenses thereof, and which district is described as follows: All that rertain territory of the City of Rancho Cucamonga included within the exterior boundary lines shown upon that certain "Assessment Diagram, Landscape Maintenance District No. 7" heretofore approved by the City Council of said City by Resolution No. ', indicating by eaid bnlmda ry itnns the extent of the territory included within the proposed assessment district and which map 1s on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City. SECTION 4. Re ort of En sneer: The City Council of said City by Re solutlon~o.~Fas approve t e report of the engineer of work which report indicates the amount of the proposed assessment, the district boundary, assessment zones, titled Engineer's Report, Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1" gs on file 1n the office of the City Clerk of said City. Reference to said report is hereby made for all particulars for the amount and extent of the assessments and for the extent of the work. /~I SECTION 5. Collection of Assessments: The assessment shall be collected of-game me an n e same manner as County taxes are collected, The City Engineer shall file a report annually with the City Council of said City and said Council will annually conduct a hearing upon said report at their first regular meeting in June, at which time assessments for the next fiscal year will be determined. SECTION 6. Time and Place of Hearing: Notice is hereby given that on Sept eeab~I989, a1-}Tie our o~fT3Q: p-.Ff- Tn the CT ty Council Chambers at 9161 Base Line, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, any and all persons having any ob~ectlons to the work or extent of the assessment district, may appear and show cause why said work should mat be done or carried out or why said district should not be formed in accordance with this Resolution of Intention. Protests must be in writing and must contain a description of the property in which each signer thereof Ts interested, sufficient to identify the same, and must be delivered to the City Clerk of said City prior to the Lime set for the hearing, and no other protests or obJections will be considered. if the signer of any protest is not shown upon the last equalized assessment roll of San Bernardino County as the owner of the property described in the protests, then such protest must contain or be accompanied Dy written evidence that such signer is the owner of the Droperty so described. SECTION 7. Landsca in and L1 htin Act of 1972: All the work herein propose s all a ne an carr a rou n pursuance of an act of the legislature of the State of California designated the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, being OT vision 15 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. SECTION 8. Publication of Resolution of Intention: Published notice shall be ma~uan ec on o e vermaen ode. The Mayor i $iyii tiii5 nc SV iu LIYU a11J Llm vi LJ Vlelw mall nLieoL w LIfC DY1,0.', OOJ the Ctty Clerk shall cause the same to 6e pu611shed 30 days before the date set for the hearing, at least once 1n The Dally Re ort, a newspaper of general circulation published Tn the City of On aE-rfo; CaZiPornia, and circulated Tn the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. I~ - CITY OF RANCHO CCCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 2, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer 6Y: Gary H. Sheu, Assistant Civil Engineer ;. ~ ''i SUBJECT: VACATION OF THE FRONTAGE ROAD - PLAZA DE LAS BRISAS - A request to vacate t e rootage roa on oot ou evard, located at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Ramona Avenue, approximately 30 feet wide and 544 feet long - APN: 208-301-15, 16, 17 Staff recommends that the City Council set a public hearing for September 6, 1989, to consider the sub,{ect vacation. Such public hearing is required under Section 8300, et. seq., of the Streets and Highways Code, also known as the Public Streets, Highways and Service Easement Vacation Law. Background/Analysis On November 14, 1985, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 85-114, and approved Conditional Use Permit No. 85-19, located at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Ramona Avenue in the General Commercial District. One of the Engineering Conditions is that the frontage road within the pro,iect shall be vacated. The subJect frontage road is approximately 30 feet wide and 544 feet long fronting Foothill Boulevard. No property uses this frontage road for access purposes. The subject rights-of-way vacation was found to conform with the General Plan on Planning Commission's meeting on July 12, 1989, Re spec t~l ~ybmi tted, ~ a.v ,~i. ~ ~y,[/~/y~~ RHM: GHS: s~m-~ Attachment (9 RESOLUTION N0. ~ ~- ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARD INO, STATE OF CAL IFORNiA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE THE FRONTAGE ROAD ON FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHNEST CORNER OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD ANO RAMONA AVENUE, APPRO%IMATELY 30 FEET HIDE ANO 544 FEET LONG - APN: 208-301-15, 16, 17 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION 1: That the City Council hereby elects to proceed under Section 83Q~e•;-seq., of the Streets and Highways Cade, also known as the Public Streets, Highways, and Service Easement Vacation Law. SECTION 2: That the City Council hereby declares its intention to vacate a ron age road, as shown on Map No. Y-056 on file in the Office of the City Clerk, a legal description of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and "B" and by reference made a part hereof, SECTION 3: That the City Council hereby fixes Wednesday, the 6th day of Sept erem>i~9, 84, at 7:30 p.m., in the Lions Park Community Center Building, located at 9161 Base line, Rancho Cucamonga, California, as the time and place for hearing all persons obiecting to the proposed vacation for the purpose of its determining whether said City street is necessary far present or prospective street purposes. J11.1 •NI, 111 i~J NY uy~ v~~+~ +++ to be pose conspicuouslyyalong the line of the street+or part+thereof ^^ proposed to be vacated at least 15 days before the hearing, not more than 300 feet apart and not less than three signs shall be posted, each of which shall have a copy of this resolution on them and shall have the following title in lettering not less than one '.:.,.1i in height: "NOTICE OF HEARING TO VACATE STREET". SECTION 5: The subJect vacation shall be subject to the reservations and excep ons, any, for existing utilities on record. SECTION 6: The Mayor shall sign this Resolution and the City Clerk shall attes~o EFe same, and the City Clerk shall cause same to be published 15 days before the date set for the hearing, at least once in The Dally Re~ort, a newspaper of general circulation published 1n the Ci o n ar1o, Ca.flvrni', nd c;reulated Sn the C'ty ^f .Rancho CUCaRanga, ral?fornia. ~~ EXHIBIT "A" THAT POFQ'ION OF FOOTHILL EOULEVARD 140 FEET WIDE AS SHOWN ON TRACT N0. 3054, IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAtA7NGA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNAADINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 54, PAGES 14 AND 15 OF MAPS, Z4 THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 9EGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 122 OF SAID TRACT NO. 3054; THENCE ~O RTH 0~ 05' 20" WEST ALONG THE NORTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 122, 30.00 FEET TO A POINT LYIFG 60.00 FEET SOGTH OF THE CENTER- LINE OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID TRACT; THENCE NORTH B9~ 56' 00" EAST PARALLEL WITH THE CEHTEALINE OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD 520.fi2 E`EET TO 'f HE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RA.OIUS OF 24.00 £EET; THENCE SOVIHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 89~ 57' 00" AN ARC LENGTH OF 37.68 FEET TO A POINT IN THE PROLONGATION OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF FAMONA AVENUE 55.00 FEET WIDE AS SHOWN ~ON SAID TRACT; THENCE SOUTH 0~ 07' 00" EAST ALONG SAID PPOLONGAT ION OF THE WESTERLY LINE AND TANGENT TO SAID CURVE 21.02 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 125 OF SAZD TRACT NO. 3054; THENCE NORTH 45~ OS' )0" WEST ALONG THE \O RTHEAS'LERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 125, 21.22 FEET TO THE NORTTHEALY LINE OP LOT 125; THENCE SOUTH 89~ 56' 00" WEST ALONG THE NOFCTHEALY LINES OF LOTS 125, 124, 123, AND 122 OF SAID TRACC 3054, 529: E2 REEF TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. RESERVING TO THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ALL RIGHTS OF VEHICOLAR ACCESS E:(CEPT THEREFROM THE EASTERLY 36.00 FEET OF THE WESTERLY 232.00 FEET AS EHCWN ON EXHIBIT "B" CONSISTING OF ONE SHEET ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A BART HEREOF. i :a an ~~ .~• /Xc+~'.+.,..'..~a 8-9'88 ~' 'T~'/ NARK 5. LANOU U L.S. 5794 oS~' S`p2n W,FO` '~.\1 EXPZAEE 6-30-92 ~/~ ~e~ ~ no S79d r y l} 6 6!3 :<,. .~~ .,~~y,: /.~ s o r ?j 9 u 1- m~ 3j ~f ~1J m • ol- N1. W~ WaF~ N fOJI ^_.^_ ~ r n~ I NC~ :g -~~ I C N Nm _ee m ~rE ' WPi I 3= a~ ~ ~ ~_3AV Oww ' .~ilb' ~ I dNOWb'~'/. ~ xl vN r '.T X ' nn ~(~ V m s - ~ V W I ~, -b9 i2T Tnlp i N ~ ~Lu •S ' , 29'+oz t I ~ ~~ o= I a ~' Q i o R ~~ ~ ° Z a~~ z ~ + ~r ~ m ~ o'^'iP ~'n N $Y ~ um6 N '~ NCI~IN 3N Z Q W~~ V J ~ .. >WV O rca~F yo O w ~ ~ I N N Wr ? Wy(( ~O' L „ u~ n ' h mW . b .S 'JNLL f I L2Z ~GB ' + GQ . _ DWG c° « .69 LS2 r Wu wY F °u~ ~ W ~ a> aau °z je"_!~ ~ ~ ~Lb - ~Nb' °n ~ N ~ N °rv _ ~ ~ ~ i K 1 \1 . wa oi t u~ o~9' ~b6'622 bG'i9l B J I ~ ~ `?Y f °LL"n qG : ~ M o i W a~r V N ~_ wa J 0 a ~ pp W~F fl ~In . Q ~ i (~ ~9G'6Z2 ' X e O c.1 S1 ~ ~ l h 96 652 y Q I ~ a ~i 1i r ~ si ~ ~1/i 1 ~ 07 ~ Q9 b 0 1 \n 8 ~ 6~ OL 1 2 rN N ~ Q N $ r.Qu ~~ ' 1 I .. •~ S ~9 _ ~ e ~ ~ Kh- , , ~ ~ St a ~ F b y4 ~ ' y ~ ~GO O92 '~ Z Kr V ~ ^ ~Y --- CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 2, 1989 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council ! FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner ~! BY: Dan Coleman, Principal Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 89-01 ~'~ - s a s men o cr era or ! car was es w n g or ood Commercial Districts. I~ RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends approval of the a a-Et c>1~Ordinance. II. BACKGROUND: The City's existing zoning regulations define a car wawa Conditional Use within the office and commercial zones. This is a land use activity that is not permitted by right, but one which requires a special permit (Conditional Gse Permit). At a recent City Council meeting, a resident requested that the City's codes be modified to prohibit car washes altogether 1n the Neighborhood Commercial District. This request came about as a ..., -..la ..t -..41In ..--nn..- J...nl..t-.. J-.I n.. .-....J •... .null n.at .... L.. ~. a "coin-op car wash at Lemon and Haven. The basic premise of all zoning is to distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate uses of land in a given area. In a Neighborhood Comnertlal District, some uses, such as re*.ailing, are clearly appropriate and are permitted by right. Other uses, such as manufacturing, would not be considered appropriate and are prohibited. However, some uses, because of the nature of their business activity, cannot be so neatly defined as appropriate or inappropriate for a given district. These are uses that require special consideration in order to operate in a manner compatible with a surrounding neighborhood. P.utomobile service stations, ..F.r, nMn day re facilities ar se; that would ty,^.'cally ^t bey permitted by yright within any ~dtstrict, but would require special review and consideration. The Conditional Use Permit (CUD) is the process used in most cities in California to determine if an ac tivtty is compatible with surrounding uses, The CUP process is intended to afford an opportunity for broad public review and evaluation, and to provide mitigation of any potentially adverse impacts. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT RE: DCA 89-01 August 2, 1983 Page 2 The City Council and Planning Commission felt that car washes should continue to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis under the Conditional Use Pe nnit process. The Council also determined that standards were necessary to forma basis for reviewing car washes, and directed staff to preoa re such an Ordinance. Similarly, the City has in the past established criteria for the review of shopping centers, gas statio..^.s, arcades, and fast food drive-thru restaurants. The Neighborhood Commercial District is intended to provide areas for immediate day-to-day convenience shopping and services far the residents of the immediate neighborhood. Typicai uses would include such activities as, food stores and supermarkets, general retail (clothing, florist, beauty shops), pharmacies, offices and banks. Coin-operated car washes and autonwtic car washes fall under the category of automotive services in the zoning regulations. Other auto-related uses include, gas stations, repair shops, and parts sales. All autonotive service uses require a CUP within the Neighborhood Commercial District, except for sales of parts and supplies. A major consideration in reviewing the compati6i li ty of a car wash with surrounding residential land uses is location and orientation to the neighborhood. More intense uses, such as a car wash, can be uii l- ,- w4- nA ..1.l ... tin ni ..~ ~J --.~~ ..- elements, including setback, building orientation,n screening by other buildings, screen walls, and heavy landscaping. Fast food/drive-thru restaurant is another land use that requires a CUP, In 1988, because of the number and frequency of new applications, the Planning Commission established criteria for fast food restaurants which address compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood. These guidelines may provide some assistance in addressing the compatibility of car washes with residential areas. I1[. ANALYSIS: The attached Ordinance would establish the following cr era for developing car washes within Neighborhood Conercial Districts: A. 't' - C' washes •h all b^ located 't 1' ^t 200 feet away prom any residential district ~ Requiring an~increased setback for the more intense car wash use from residential areas provides a physical separation which addresses nuisance issues associated with car washes. These nuisances include noise, visual, trash, air pollution from car exhaust, and traffic. This 200-foot setback is adapted from Lhe fast food drive-thru policy which was developed in response to these same neighborhood compatibility issues. The 200-foot setback also /~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT RE: OCA 69-01 August 2, 1989 Page 3 encourages other types of retail buildings to 6e placed as a buffer between residences and car washes. B. Site Planning/Building Orientation - Wash bays and vacuum areas s~iaT e screene rom public view. This criteria is intended to address the visual apn ea ra nce of the car wash activity and minimize impact upon the character of residential areas. The City has a similar policy regarding screening of automotive service bays. All new automotive service stations are required to orient the service bays away from the primary street frontage. C. Supervision - One on-site attendant shall be provided during us mess ours. The purpose of this requirement is to provide adequate supervision and management of a car wash facility to control noise, litter, loitering, and other nuisances. D. Hours of Operation - Nours shall be limited to 7:00 A.M, to T~00-F:f~ un es otherwise specifically established as a Conditional Use Permit Condition of Approval. This criteria would prohibit car washes from operating in residential areas during sleeping hours. During the evening and early morning hours, ambient sound levels decrease; therefore, any noise associated with a car wash use would he perceived as much louder. E. Site Area - The minimum site area within the Neighborhood ol'mmercraT District is 5 acres. The proposed Ordinance would require a mini mum site/lot area for a car wash of 1 acre, provided it is contiguous to, or a part of, an approved or existing neighborhood shopping center. This site area requirement is intended to 11 encourage car washes to locate within neighborhood shopping centers, and 2) encourage car washes to be combined with related facilities. The proposed Ordinance would apply to both automated and coin- operated car washes only within the Neighborhood Commercial Districts. The attached Exhibit "A" shows the location of all Neighborhood Commercial Centers. 'there are six centers which have not yet been constructed or approved for development. iY. PLANNING COMMISSION: The Planning Commission conducted a public ear ng olio n7uly~6~regarding the proposed Ordinance. A numbor of concerned residents spoke in favor of the proposed Ordinance. Jerry Grvebel, applicant fora car wash at lemon and Haven, and his architects, spoke against the proposed Ordinance. One tenant within the ad,~aining retail center spoke against the proposed Ordinance. After considering the public testimony and staff report, the Planning Commission voted unaninrously in favor of the proposed Ordinance (see attached Resolution). /d CITY COUNCIL SiAfF REPORT RE: DCA 89-O1 August 2, 1989 Page 4 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Staff has completed the Environmental ec s an as a ermined that the approval of this Amendment will not cause significant adverse impacts. If the City Council concurs with these findings, issuance of a Negative Declaration would be appropriate. Res a fully 1 , t. B le City anner BB:DC:ko Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Location of Neighborhood Comnercial Centers Resolution of Support from Planning Commission Ordinance ~3~ ,i d `` ~ i7 = L ~ d V !a Q L ~ ~~ lO ~ ---r-' . __.. \ ' _. _ ~• ~~_ I~ ''. N I 9 ~ C ~ Z C y ~ O t0 O tll a v ~ •x a a W Q > 0 ~ • I ~ i \ I~'3AY JfYY `~ ' .~~,i i ~ s' .~ _~_ ~ ~ .~- - _ _ _p~yqJ~-~1 I "e <I a° alp ai J ;~ i w: ~ yq~ w m ~ }~~5.1., ~ . -! ~ - alit .» ~ F _ _ 7^Jt ~,Ylr?._ •7 L~„Jl_ ~ 3AM M3AY J~ i11_ __ y-_ ~_ ~~~~'~_•_~tl_'i I ~IWJI _. -' _' - i'.% .-r-~i ~ L-.__. _ _~,.~ ._. ,` _- C _.. ~'- ~FY YYA NIA - i J J ~ --r _ II•L r' _- _ _ i _i_I .~ ~ ~ - .. _ - 1 ~1 1 . I -r:._ .. ,' i . ~ ~• ~ ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. 89-105 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 89-01, AMENDING TITLE 17 OF THE RANCHO CUCPMONGA MUNICI PIU. CODE REGARDING CAR WASHES WITHIN NE IGHBORHODO COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. WHEREAS, on the 26th day of duly, 1989, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing pursuant to Section 65864 of the California Government Code. SECTION 1: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has made the fallowing i~ndings: 1. That the Amendment will provide for development of a comprehensively planned urban community within the District that is superior to development otherwise allowable u Men alternate regu latlons; and 2. That the Amendment will provide for development within the District in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development and growth management policies of the City; and 3. That the Amendment will Drov lde for the n.,cr r~irr inn. improvement, or extension of transportation faotlities, public utilities, and public services required with the District. SECTION 2: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has found that this amendment will not create a significant adverse effect on the environment and hereby recommends to City Cpuncil the issuance of a Negative Declaration. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to Section 65850 to 65855 of the California Government Code, that the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Lucamorpa hereby recommends approval of Development Code Pme ndment uG_rll 2. The Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Councfl approve and adopt Development Code Amendment 89-01 to modify the Municipal Code per the attached Ordinance. /3~- PLANNING COMMISSION' 'ESOLUTION N0. 89-105 OCA 89-01 , Ju ty 26, 1989 Page 2 APPROVED AND PDOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF JULY, 1989. PLANNING COM!A[SSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCPMONGA BY ATT"e ST: a I, Brad Buller, Deputy Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, da hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Ccnm fission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 26th day of July, 1989, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CHITIEA, MCNIEL, NEINBERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY, TOLSTOY /3~ ORDINANCE N0. ~~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 17 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MANIC IPAL CODE REGARDING CAR HASHES WITHIN NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS. uE rIr uurn ~r uE CITY 0 p un rLlr nn c npn T ec T .. Y CO,,...... T„ F ANC.... AMONGA E_ P... FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Section 17.10.030.F. 6. is added to Chapter 17.10.030 to read as of~Tlows: 6. Car Washes (Neighborhood Commercial D~istri ct). To ensure that the goals and objectives of the General Plan are implemented, a Conditional Use Permit shall be required for car washes within Neighborhood Commercial District. Car washes shall comply with the following criteria: (a) Such business shall be located at least 200 feet from any residential district. (b) Wash bays and vacuum areas shall be screened from public view. (c) An on-site attendant shall be provided at all times during business hours to control noise, litter, and other nuisances. (d) Hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., VIII ClJ UUICIw IBC )ilClllll.al ly eo i.auii~ue~ an a wii~itrv~i i u~iri o'i ul. Automatic shut-off of water and electrical systems, except for Vsecu rity and fire protection, shall be provided during non-b usT ness hours. (e) Minimum site/lot area for car wash shall be 1 acre, provided it is contiguous to, or a part of, an approved or exists nc neighborhood shopping center, SECTION 2: This Council finds that this amendment will not adversely effect thee en~ment and hereby issues a Negative Declaration. SECTION 3: The City Council declares that, should any provision, section, pa rag rap if, sentence or word of this Ordinance be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any peemptive legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, .,,.. .,n ,..„n,- ,.a ~n:. n,.n: n~~~n on.ii fnli fnrro pa u^yrar~~ ~,~..., ~.. ~,.. ,.,,~.....,~ .,~~., ..~.., ~.,.,,..,. ..._., ._.,~.., ... ._.. ._. __ and effect. ~d4 CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE N0. CAR WASH July 26, 1989 Page 2 SECTION 4: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of Lhis Ordinance a~sFaTl cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its adoption at least once +n The Daily Report, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City o n an o, an c rculated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. ~~ ~3~ - CITY OF RANCHO CliCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Date: To: From: Subject: August 2, 1989 ~p ~'~-NOS / 9 yy i <,/ / 9 ~~ ~ T ~~ A F- i Z _--j9T Mayor, Members of City Council, and City Manager Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager Central Park--Second Phase--Design Development City Council authorize Community Services staff to proceed with the Design Development Phase of Central Park and receive Request for Proposals to complete this second phase for the 100 acre Community Park--the central hub of the City park system. HACRGROIIND• Central Park Design Development was placed on "hold" until the Community Services Department completed some tasks which are outlined below with commentary. In October 1988 City Council created a community LOA LVL Vb VVIYWLLLCC VVIYpLLCCV Ul LCII VLLILCIIti at large, fifteen different youth sport organization representatives and two Park and Recreation Commissioners to review existing park and recreation facilities, assess the long term needs for these facilities and develop a future action plan for providing park and recreation facilities. Through numerous meetings and hours of study the citizen task force developed facility priorities. All of these facilities are contained in the July 19th report you adopted titled, "The Establishment of Appropriate Standards for the Development of Necessary Dnhl~ _FV r~1~h~uv11 T_fii c_ __ v~1- i11 _ _ __ .~ .. F _ . ___ v~~ the foundation of our masterplan. In addition, based upon the Task Forces findings, the Park and Recreation Commission and staff identified three specific areas for immediate consideration by City Council. Central Park Second Phase Development August 2, 1989 Pages Two These included: The need for acquisition of land for future park and recreation facility development. • The development of plans for the use of and renovation of existing school sites by the City. This expenditure of City funds to renovate and improve school playground areas for community recreation will help meet the City's short term park and recreational needs. • To proceed with phase two, the Design Development phase, of Central Park. Based upon the task force findings you asked Community Services staff to address the items above before proceeding with the third item cited above--Central Park second phase. Staff than went to work on the two items ident ifiad above and are addressed in (B) and (C). (uj w a,uyi, vi~y eLCa,t ~e we i,ave uuyuic cti fifty-four (54) acres of parkland in the northeast Etiwanda area. This site will contain numerous lighted ballfields and soccer fields. Sta££ is also planning on a 20,000-30,000 square foot community center to accommodate indoor recreation programming. This park is anticipated to be built within three to four years. • Through efforts of the Redevelopment Agency approximately thirty-five (35) acres of parkland has been acquired in the industrial area of the City located just south of Foothill and west of Rochester. ~~ Central Park Second Phase Development August 2, 1989 Page Three • This site will be the City's Sport Complex and it is anticipated play will begin April, 1991. It will contain approximately four lighted ball diamonds and two lighted soccer fields. Contained within the site will ba a City baseball stadium. • Planned, anticipated parks are being built in the planned communities--Terra Vista and Victoria. In addition to efforts planning and developing the ebova sites; staff addressed item two of the task force findings; the development of plans for the use of and improvement of existing school lands. (C) • Staff feels we have accomplished a win-win situation working with two school districts. Attached to this report are site drawings of planned improvements to Cucamonga Elementary School (passed by Council July 19th) and Etiwanda High SChnol (nn anPnda 0.-7-R91. Av nainrt existing school land we have avoided paying $65-75,000 an acre for land; and the school district attains renovated/improved outdoor playfield that simply were not a high priority for them due to financial constraints. The following are planned improvements: • Cucamonga Elementary--additional two 175' Little League Fields, two 250' softball fields, two 195' X 330' soccer fields, relocation of the existing hardcourt area and the addition of four basketball courts, renovation cf tF,e axistinq play area, concrete work to include sidewalks ' ~V Central Park Second Phase Development August 2, 1989 Page Four and mow curbs, expansion of vehicle parking in two locations to accommodate +/- 83 cars, irrigation of the playfields, drinking fountains, and finally, landscaping to include trees, shrubs and turf. Staff anticipates the above to cost $275-300,000 to be paid out of Park Development Funde. Construction will begin as soon as possible around school schedules. Etiwanda High School - Renovation/ Improvement to six ballfields, two will be lighted; a lighted football/soccer field; two soccer overlays; a restroom facility; new drinking fountains (6); and finally, landscaping to include trees, shrubs and turf. The landscape architects estimate for the work is $582,760 which includes a 104 contingency. Staff anticipates this figure will be lass than this amount by bidding the project. This project will also be paid out of Park Development Funds. Construction will commence and end summer 1990. Chaffey College--Diseuesions are currently taking place that will add baseball and soccer fields for community purposes. All of the above projects will take time but the plane are in place and scheduled. This leads us to the final point...identif ied by the Park and Recreation Commission after receiving and studying the Community Task Force findings; and that is (the reconunendation before you)...authorize Community Services staff to proceed with the Design Development Phase of Central Park and receive Request For Proposals to complete this second phase for the 100 acre Community Park. Anticipated ti^e .~,..,,< <., cightcen .,...nths. Respectfully su..//b--mitted, '+fJc~iw~5 / Joe Schultz /}/ Community Serv ces Manager /~ 1 ~ ¢'~ ~T Y5 :A~ °~i $ u w ~ 3 Q€~ 555 ~: i= J rW- ~~p p~f Y;e ~~ x, z sa~ ~~i ~Q~ `<~~ g~s ~3 ~ g 6 Q 1 ~ o a - U =' °_ ii' ¢.'-~-_ ;1~ NErS~.,r_- .; . r r(:' . ~ .. - ;~ ~: - _: ,: w .~ I ~ Y -_ _. ~.. __ ~ N ~ .I.. ~ f l,r~~ a F I 4 a ~ a ~ ~ ,f ' ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ICI (~~~~ ~ I r ~~ ,. .~ ~ '~. N ~~,~~ lJ ' ' ~ `~^ z ? ~, d 1 { k '1' T P ~ 5 ~ ~ ~~P~ { =.~ Yjl ~1 ~f. Ir {I aa.~ ~. s L_~ O © Q t_~_'i L O i~j ~ U ~ Z Va~ \~ ` n U a U H O 2 '~ r---~ U ~~Z y~~ {-=~~ a w rt~aQ ~~a ~~k o~ ~~~ ~ ~p~~ ~~ ~ ~ , t r ~ la~l ~ 6;s a~~~5 ~ ~~~e~0~8 }ri va~i 35xp3 !~ ~ s e~ y ~ ~ ;i .~ O a ~, L S M1~ . i •iy '~O e ~ ~ (I1u ~ ri ): ~ ~ TI J '> i ~ 1 t ~ `__~ Q i~~ Q c~ 3a ~_~ a ~ Q ~ 0 ~' U a . ~-~ ~ _,~ _____ UU ~_ -._ _-_.._ -3rwanv oivew+~nv- J y O~ h O ill J LL U ~~Z a /'~( °~ a N - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DA?E: August 2, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: John L. Martin, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Ueclarationf farvi the~proposedSeBasen Lined RoaduanPhasef ti Widening Project between Yictcria Park Lane and EtT wanda Avenue RECUlEIWiTION• It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached Resolution approving the Environmental Assessment and issuance of a NefranvYi~torlaaPark for the proposed Base Line Road, Phase II Nidening Project, Lane to Eti wanda Avenue. B11C1(61t01MD/ANALYSIS: This report presents an Environmental Assessment initial Study for the proposed Phase II of the Base Line Road improvement Project for City Council approval and issuance of a Negative 6eclaration. In conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act and State Guidelines, the atcacned ducuuien'sa im.a i,c2~, -v~::pa~..- .-•^°- --~- of the street widening improvement. These Improvements generally entail the widening of Base Lfne Road within the existing right-of-way and as provided by voluntary dedication or purchase of public rights-of-way. It is the Engineering staff's finding that the proposed project is in conformance with the proposed development of Base Line Road as a major divided arterial street will not create a significant adverse impact on the environment and, therefore, recommend that these improvements be classified as a Negative Declaration. Resp y submitted, /~fl /~~~--`----y .. ~ i RHM:JLPI: Dam Attachment 1~v ,~ 'C.'. tlO.. ~~ ~L~'• ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW '`~ "° APPLICATION ~~ Z INITIAL STUDY -PART I GENERAL Por 311 oroj ec is requiring environmental nevi ex, this fprm must be comp i_ted and su anitted Cv ..c Jeve Jpri2nt °. - a,..... _ _ ..r ;; gh '.-e dep me^'- ',v.^. ^^-ne or of ect 30o 1~IC32100 'is mane. cilponvreceiat`of to is aoplicat ion, ~4e °'enning ]ivision staff will prepare ?art II of tr,e Initial Study and m~a~se reconmeooations to ?13nning Commission. The 7lanning 'ommiss ion will make one ~f tnree determinations: (1) The pro iect will have no significant =nvi ronmen tal impact and a 'legative ]eclar ation rill be filed, ;2) The project rill 'nave a sign if is ant environmental impact and an Environment al :-,pact ?eport will be preaared, pr ;3) An additional information report mould he supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the prpposed project. Cate Filed: ?roj ect Title BASE L[NE ROAD WIDENING, PHASE 11 Aopl~c an is 'lame, Address, 7elepnone:Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga, P.Q. Box 801, A~~S_pppa~»3~ (7141 9R4-186 Vame, Add ross, Telee hone pf Person To 9e Contacted Concerning this Project: Mike Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer ',.cc anon of project: Base Line Road Widening, Phase II, between Victoria Park Lane and Etiwanda Avenue Assessor's Parcel No List other permits necessary from local, regional, state and federal agencies and the agency issl ing such permits •. lane closure, street closure and construction permits from the City ~ l-~3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Proposed use or proposed project; widen Base Line Rnad to an interi nadwav section of 66 feet curb to wrb with la Fnnt madian 1+rn ~+d;n~ r...,, ~~~~o r~ ar e%i5tlnq a prOpOSed sLreeL inte rsection~ Acreage of project area and square footage of existing and proposed buildings, if any: project area ~2 acres Describe the envirommental settln of the project site including information on topography, so stab lty, p ants (trees), land animals, any cultural, historical or scenic aspects, land use of surrounding preperttes, and the description of any existing structures and their use (attach necessary sheets): Base Line Road is 75% improved on the north side, but has only 13 feet of pavement south of the centerline. Land use on the south side of Base Line is prima riiv re sidentiai and egricui to rai. There are no cultural. historical or scenic aspects to be significantly impacted. is the project part of a larger project, one of a series of cumulative actions, which although tndtvidually small, may as a whole have signiffcant environmental impact Nu .--, HILL TN iS PROJECT: vr5 40 .. :^e d'e a subs tantl al :han ge in :routs contours? _ g ?. :^eat=_ a suhsid^.!ial change in existing noise of aro duce i'p^a!ia^ Jr j'i dro) _ X :. .^?ate 3 5]75 !Ln!idi Chan ~_ 'n demdpd ~Jr TUn`C~p dl 5arV1 C25 ;]p11Ce, f1re, '.4at er, SeWdge, eLC.)? % 1, -^?ate ~h ap g°_5 1n tha ?x 15t :np '_pning 0r General ~~d^ Ce5'gnat ions? K 5. ?>_~o ve any exit ing trees? low many? 25 % 5. re d!'_ the need for ase or disposal of aotentially 'r aza~dous Tat eri als such as toxic substances, "]n'!Idbl'_s Or eXp 1051'+?5'. X °_xp l do ati on of any VES answers above (att ath adAitional sheets if necessary): Trees must be removed for street widening 7. Estimate Che amount of sewage and solid Baste materials this project will generate daily: N/A 3. Estimate Che number of auto and truck trips generated daily by this project: N/A g. Es *.imate the amount of grading (cutting and filling) required for this proiec t, in cubit yards: 1,000 c. y. 10. If the project involves the construction of residential units, coeq lete the form nn the next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in Lhe attached exhibits present the data and information required for this fn it'at evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of m_v knowledge and oelief. i furtner understand Thai addiiionai information may be required io be submitted before an adequate evaluation can be made by the Planning givision. ~. Gate: `z ' Signatu, `~ Title ~ ' -., ix~~~-~.o_~iy /~~ ~ a ._~ ~: RESICENTIAL CDNSTRUCTIDN The following information should be provided to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division in order to aid the schooi district in assessing Cheir ability to accommodate the proposed residential development. Developers are repaired to secure letters frOr1 the school district for accoasncdating the increased number of students prtor to issuance of build tng permits. Name of Developer and Tentative Tract No. Specific Location of Protect: PHASE I PHASE 2 PHASE 3 DHASE 4 TOTAL 1. Number of single family units: 2. Number of multiple family units: 3. bate proposed to begin construction: 4. Earliest date of occupancy: Model/ and ! of Tentative 5. Bedrooms Price Ranae CI :"? OF RA:;CY.O C:'C.4°.OhGA 9A:_ ~- • -: -~~-- Ci i Y 'vF RnirCii"u CUCAiduniv~ "C~=~ : Base Line Road Hidenina. Phase II "~C:=-- =DC^':CS: Between Victoria Park aa< aad~ki wznda Avenue - "`PdC:S (Explanation of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attach ed sheet;). }•rs vw~- VO 1. So i_s and ;ecip r:. Rill the proposal have si gna: itan: results in: a. Cnscahie grturd co nd icions or in changes in geo la Sic relationships? X b. Dis rupcio rs, displacements, comp ac cion or burial of the soil^. yy c. Change in topography or ground surface contour incerva ls? ~ d. The destruction, covering mr modif ioacipn of ary unique geologic or physical features? e. ,1ny pocenclal increase in wind or water erosion of so lls, affecting eirher on or off site condico ns? _~ E. Changes in erosion si::a[:on, or deposition'. X g. Exposure of people or proper[;: to geo leg is ha xa rds such as ear c;:q cakes, landslides, mud- slides, ground faliure, or sSmll ar hazards? X h. .1n Increase Sn the race of extra c[lon and/or use of any mineral resource? ~ 2. 4vd ro loxv. Uili [he proposal have significant re sult, in: ' ,/~ ~a ye y'Cj vjfa: :.O a. Changes in cuzren cs, or the course of direc ciao of cowing streams, ravers, or eph ece ral sc: can channels? % b. Changes Sn ab sorp cion races, dra inage patterns, or [he race and amount of surface water runoff? X c. .ll ceracions co the course c: floe of hood va cers? X d. Change in the amount of surface eater in am body of wa ter? ~ X e, -is charge into surface waters, or anv alteration of sur?ace eater quality'. ~ .. Tlceration of groundwater characceris trcs? ~ g. Change in Che quantity of gro^.ndaacers, e is her through direct additio~s or wlch- dravals, or ch rough incezf xrence with an aquifer? Quality? Quanc icy? % h. :he reduce ion Sn [he amount of water o~her- wise ova ila6le for public water supplies? X i. 2xpos ure of people or property to water •_._•_~ „=..e w> >uuii as fiuudiug uc se:<nes: Y 3. Tir Qua ll tv, G111 the proposal have significant results fn; a. Constant or periodic air emiss loos from mobile ar indirect sources? X Scationa ry sources? ~ 6. De ter to ra[Son of amh Senc air qua11[y and/or Interference with the attainment o£ applicable a1r quality standards? g c. Alcerac ion of local or regional ci inacic cond icions, affecting air noveaenc, moisture _. ___~.. _._.e? X 4. 31cca Flora. ui11 the proposal have sign i. icon[ results in: a. Change to the characceriscics of species, Sn eluding diversity, distrihutlon, or number of any species of plants?/~/~'~ ~ b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered spec Ses of plants? X 5 6 c. la[rpducticn of new or dis: a?rive s?ac'_es p. plants into an area' x ... ~educ Con Sn the pocea Cal fo: agr'_::a rural production? X -']. Hilt Cha prO JO Shc have Slyn It:[3^: reSLLiti a, Change in the c::^.arac tezisCCS of spen es, ._r!'.... .. .sit distr _b ___o... __ .. _..., ___ • of ary sport es of aaia is'. ~ b. Reduct Son of the nuc6ers of any unique, rar- or endangered species of ani.a is^. ~ c. _..t roduction o: new or disrun Give species o: anx-als into an area, or result in a 6arr_er to the ~iyration or Hove?,enc of ar.ioals? ~ d, ~eceric:acipn or renovai of existing fish or wildlife habitat'. ~ otvi]: ion. WiA the propo sat have significant re w! :5 1a: a. Will the proposal alter the location, discri- b~reon, tens _cy, di•: ors ::;:, or grew cn :ate of the M.:-an pppul scion of an area? ~ 4, -,~1 ~4y n eal afFe.~ a •~_ .... ........:.... . ~ create a denand for additional ho us ing'. ~ x Soti rEcono~ic Factors. Will [he proposal have sign .tics^.t results >.n: e. Change 1n local cz regional sot lo-economic charact eris[1cs, including econoaic or coccercial diversity, tax race, and property values? X b. Uill project cosn5 Se equitably discr ibuced asonq project beneficiaries, i,e., buyers, tax payers or proj ec[ users? ~- - -- '- -'ire Cons ideractn^.<. 'b i.i :'ne ^ proposal have s>,gm ficapc resuia rn! a. A substantial alceracion of the pr.esenc or planned :and use of an area? X b. A conEl ict with any destgnat ions, objectives, policies, or adopted plans of any governmental entities? ,/n ` - ` X ~ c, M lnp act upon [h q( u l~alty or quantity of exls[Sng consumptSve or non-consumptive roc teat tonal oppo rtunSCies? ~ 22 tTs iAV~c •tC B. Trar.sportacion. Lill the proposal have signif Scan[ res ui:s in: a. GaneraClon of substantial add1 :!oval vehicular mavecenc' X h. Ef fec cs on exis cing streets, or demand ioz new street cons [ruction? ~ t. Effee is on exis ring parking fat i'_Sties, or desand for nev parking? X d. Substantial impact upon existing [ransporca- tion sys teas? ~ X e. Alterations co present pace er^s of cizc~la- clon or movement of people anL/or goods'. _~ f. Al cerations co or of fects on present and poten cial wa ter-borne, rai'--, mass transit or air craific? _ ~ g. Increases Sn traffic hazards co motor vehicles, bicyclis [s or pedes iri.ans? ~ 9. Cu:cucal Resources. Lill the proposal have s::,n:f Scan[ results in: a, d disturbance [o [he integrity of archaeological, paleontological, and/or his cor ital. resources' _ y 10. Yealth, Safetv, and ~'uisance Factors. LS11 [he proposal have signif icon[ resin c5 la: a, Creation of any health hazard or poten cial health hazard? - ]L h. Exposure of people [a potential health hazards' -- ~ c. A risk aE explosion or release of hazardous su6scances in [he even[ of an accident? ~ d, An Sncrease 1n [he number of individuals or species of vector or pa[r.eno genic organises ur the exposure of oeoo le co such v.ganiss? X e. Inc: ease Sn exiscing noise levels? X f. Exposure of people to po tent la lly dangerous noise levels? X g. The creation of ob~ecilonable oda rs? X h. An increase in light or glare? X ~~ - ?age , ll. nes c.",e tl cs. N111 the proposal have signlf Scan[ :es ua Sn: a. :^:e o6strucc!m or degradation of anv scenic ~ vista or view'. X _. t`~e creation of an ass th ei ica llv offensive site.' ~ ~ c. A conflict vi ch the ohj xrdvx ~f de=_!gnared or potential scenic corridors? X 1~. L't!1_'des and Public SerHces. Hill the proposal have a slgmficanc need for nev svscems, or aloe scions m [he following: a. Electric power? ~ b. 7:atuzal or packaged gas? ~ c. Communi cations sysceas? ~ d. Lacer supply? ~ e. :ray [ewdCEr faC 111:Ses? .. F1 aoJ concroi strut[ ures? ~ g. Solid vas ce facil Sties? ~ h. r'i:e protection? X 1. ?ol ice pro cect ion? ~ ~ 1. Schools'. ~ k. Parks or ocher recreational fat iii des? X 1. Na intenance of pub llc fat Slit Ses, including roads and flood control facilities? X _ m. Other governmental services? A ~ 1J. E^.er¢v ar,d Scarce Resources. H111 the praposai ._. _ agn ......a, res u. ~s ,r~: a. L'se of sub scandal or ee cess ice fuel or energy? ~ b. Subscantlal Sncrease in demand upon exist Snq sources of energy? ~ c. M Increase in [he demand for development of nev sources of energy?/~/ ~ d. M Srcrease of pexpetua[Son of the consuop[ion of non-renewable forms of energy, uh en feas36le renewable sources of energy are ova llab le? X ]22 ) YES .`l1'i3' .`:0 e. Suh s[antial depletion of any nonrenevabie or scarce nac~ral :esour.e? X lr. `:andato r: F!ndinzs of 5lr if icanee. a. Does the project have the ?oc en cial to degrade [Fe quality of the environment, substantially reduce toe habitat of °. ish or wild life species, cause a fish or vildl ife popula [ion co drop below self sustaining levels, threaten co eliminate a plant or animal comunlty, reduce ehe number or ze str ict the Lange of a rare or endangered plan[ or animal or eliminate Smportant exam?les of Chx major periods of California his Cory or prehistory? X S. Does the proiea have the potential Co achieve short-tern, co c.`.e dis ad~:an[age of long-[er_:, envizovten cal goals? (A short-term Smpact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definiti•:e period of time while long- [em impacts will endure yell into the future). X c. Does [he pzoj etc have impacts which are Snd ividually limited, but cumulatively [onside rabic? (cuaulatively considerable means [ha[ the inc renenc=_1 effects of an individual project are considerable when viewed !n connection with the eftects of past projects, and probable future prof eccs). X d. Does the project have environmental effec cs which will cause substantial adverse effec cs on human beings, eich.er directly or indirectly? X II. DIS °'S SIOY OF El.^1TROS'!F,tiTAL isALIIATIO.7 (S. e., of affiz^_a Give answers [. the above questions plus a discussion of proposed eicigacion mea sures).^ ' ~~ On [`:e basis of this Snlclal evaluation: ~ i find the proposed project COti ;.] YOS have a sig^::iwnc etfect `J on the env i:onaen c, and a :~zG+T:.~ DEC'~U:ICY will be prepared. _ I find iliac al taough the proposed projett could have a sl3niflcr.: ~xK ~ eiiect on the env ironaenc, Ch ere will not be a sl¢nif Scant e_f iect In this case because the oicl3acion oeasures desc: iS ed on ar. a [tat ned sheet have been added m the protect. A SEG ~:.._ DEC::vR.iTIOY ~7ILL SE PREP,42ED. I fi^,d the proposed project Y4Y have a sl3niflwnc effect o.. :he `_ envlrnnenc, and an E:R'I iOS".S: ITNdOT RE?OR: is reGu:red. Dace /~ Si n ~~-e ~ I~ ENVIRONMENTAL IhWACT BASE LINE ROAD NI DENING, PHASE [I le. This project necessitates the complete or partial removal of a eucalyptus windrow along the south side of Base Line Road which may cause wind erosion to offsite properties. Therefore, replacement street trees will be required with future development of adj of ntng parcels. 56. Funding fer subject project resulted Fran Citywide Systems Development fees. 8a. Widening of the existing road bed and replacement of deteriorated asphalt may result 1n additional traffic volunes due to improved condi tions. 8e. Although the project is not intended to be an alternate or replacement circulation arterial, traffic circulation may increase due Lo improved conditions. 121. Upon project completion, additional roadway surface will be added to existing street system requiring additional maintenance and upkeep. '~~ RESOLUTION N0. gq'3~`p A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE PROPOSED BASE LINE ROAD, PHASE II NIDENIN6 PROJECT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has revievred all available input concerning the proposed Base Line Road, Phase II Nidentng Pro,~ect; and WHEREAS, said improvements require an Environmental Assessment; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment initial Study has been prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves i~ironmental Assossment Initial Study and issuance of a Negative Declaration for the proposed Base Line Road, Phase II Widening Project. SECTION 2: The City Clerk is directed to file a Notice of Detenntna obi n pursuant to the California Envlromental Quality Act. X55 - CITI' OF RANCHO CCCANONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 2, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: John L. Martin, Associate Civil Engineer ~i, -4 ~ SUBJECT: Approval of Environmental Assessment and Issuance of 'a Negative Declaration for the proposed Base line Road, Phase III, Nidening and Storm Drain Improvements from Yic toria Park Lane to Rochester Avenue gECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached Resolution approving the Environmental Assessment and issuance of a Negative Declaration for the proposed Base Line Road, Phase III, Widening and Storm Drain Improvements from Victoria Park Lane to Rochester Avenue. 8AOI6ROUND/ANALYSIS: This report presents an Environmental Assessment Initial Study for the proposed Phase III of the Base line Road Improvement Protect for City Council approval and issuance of a Negative Declaration. In conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act and State Guldelioes, the attdt hed dbCUmenLS have been prepared Lo permit ConstruC tlOn of the street widening and storm drain improvements. These improvements generally entail the widening of Base Line Road within the existing right-of- wdy and as provided by voluntary dedication or purchase of public rights-of- way-.and the installation of a storm drain from the future Oay creek Boulevard to 790 feet west. It 7s the Engineering staff's finding that the proposed project fs in conformance with the proposed development of Base Line Road as a motor divided arterial street will not create a significant adverse impact on the environment and, the protect does not interfere with or detract from the Historic Landmark within the protect area and, therefore, recommend that these improvements be classified as a Negative Declaration. Re spec~fW'ry~ sub_mi tted, ~~ ~ r RH :pam Attachment I ~~ ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW APPLICATION INITIAL STUDY -PART I GENERAL For all projects reQUir ing envi ronmentai review, this form must be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Planning Division staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study and make recommendations to Planning Commission. The Planning Commission will make one of three determinat tons: (1) The project will have no siggnificant environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, (2) The project will have a significant environmental impact artd an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or (3) An additional lntonaation report shculd 6e suoDited by t!:e .^,plicant givin5 further information concerning the proposed Droject. Date filed: June 29, 1989 Project Tit le• Base Line Road Nidening, Phase III Applicant's Name, Address, 7e lephone: Cit of Rancho Cucamon a 9320 Base Line Road, Suite "C", Rancho Cucamonga, CA U Name, Address, Telephone of Person To Re Contacted Concerning this Project: Mike Olivier Location of Project: Base Line Road from east of Day Creek Channel to Victoria Park Lane Assessor's Parde} Na.: N/A L!st other permits necessary from local, regional, state and federal agencf2s and the agency issuing such permits: Lane C1^_sure, Street Closure and Construction Permits from the City. I~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION Proposed use or proposed protect: widen Base line Road to an interim roadway section of 66 feet curb to curb with a 14 foot median providing turn pockets at existi na and orooosed street intersections and a sturrtt drain from the future Day Creek Blvd to an existino drain in Base Line Road lust east of Day Creek, will be installed as part of this ornject. Acreage of protect area and square footage of existing and proposed buildings, if any: Prot ect area 8.6 acres Describe the envirommental Bettina of the protect site including information on toDOgraphy, so s~a6TTity, Dplants (trees), land animals, any cultural, historical or scenic aspects, land use of surrounding properties. and the description of any existing structures and their use (attaeh necessary sheets): The project area is level with drainage from the north to south. The north side of the pro lets area has tri tuned eucalyptus trees that infringed on the existing power lines, along with 2 developed sites> one a Fire Dept, substation, with no i...p ru vements and one a storage facility with full improvement5.a 11 other na rro:c varanr. nn t_he snu t_h side there i_s_a historic lantlma rk structure nrr o.h HP uah: n r..m ~~ !,;~^ ,.u'vr n wIm yai Lei, ail Utlier pa rceis _ ;rc No other unique aspects apply to Lhis area. Is the protect part of a larger protect, one of a series of cumulative actions, which although individually smolt, may as a whole have sign iffcant environmental 9mpact No. I~ NiLL THIS PROJECT: VES NO 1. Create a substantial change in ground contoursi _ g 2. Create a su bstantiai change in existing noise of produce v iD rati on or glare? ~ 3. Create a substantial change in demand for muntc lpal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)? _ % 4. Create changes in the existing Zoning or General Plan des ign ations7 _ % 5. Remove any existing trees? How manyt~ X 6. Create the need for use or disposal of Dotentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammables or explosivest _ x Explanation of any YES answers above (attach additional sheets if necessary): In an effort to preserve the historic site (winery), the proposed alignment was moved northward making it necessary to remove a Eucalyptus windrow to complete the project. 7. Estimate the amount of sewage and solid waste materials this protect will generate daily: N/A 8. Estimate the number of auto and truck trips generated daily by this protect:- N/A _. _ _ 9. Estimate the amount of grading (cutting and filling) required for this protect, in cubic yards: 3500 C.Y. 10. If the Drotect involves the construction of residential units, caiglete the form an the next page. CERTIFIGTI011: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and to the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this in ittal evaluation to the Dest of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the Dest of my knoaladge and be!!ef. 1 further understand that additional information may 6e required to be submitted before an adequate evaluation can be ma a by Che Planning Division. Date: -' ~ % Signatur ~ ~---~--~_f Title .a'-~~~. I.•..) I RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION The following tnfarmat ton should 6e provided to the C1ty of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Divis ton in order to aid the school district 1n assessing their ability to accommodate the proposed residential development. Developers are re9uired to secure letters from the school district for aceommodat ing the increased number of students prior to issuance of Duiiding permits. Name of Developer and 7entatlve Tract Na. Specific Location of Pro~ect• PHASE i PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 TOTAL 1. Number of single family units: 2. Number of muitiple family units: 3. Date proposed to 4. Earliest date of occupancy: Model/ and i of Tentative 5. Bedrooms Price Ranee 1 / ~ Ci^: OF YA.tiC90 CL'C ,.°.OSGd 7:,: r : 6-2v-89 ,Lr?*_. C,::r.: City of Rancho Cucamo naa . _.. _.:G DALE: LJG %CN3_R: ??.o.: r_C:': Base Line Road Widening, Phase !II p=,o~EC~ toc;,:IC`:_ between Victoria Park Lane and East of Day Creek Channel 1. es;?cr.m~;-At :?~ACCs (_xr lana[ion of all "yes" and "maybe" ansvets are required on attached sh ee u;. Yr5 ygv'or `:0 1. So_ls and Gee_e zv. Aill the Droposal have signif icanc resuics in: a. i:ns[a'o Ie gzcur,d conditions o: in changes in 5w:~g~c cei ac zo nsmps: b. Disrupcio ns, displacements, compaction or burial of Che soil? c. Change Sn topography or ground surface contour intervals? d. Fhe destruction, covering or modification of any un!que geo le gic or physical feacu: es? e. Any potential Sncze ase Sn vind or voter erns ien of soils, a£f eccing either on or of: sire condiCO ns? _.._ _.. ~:oa.c;~ ,...a ~.~,,. yr eDo,.~-u.~. g. Exposure of people or property co geolegit hazarCs such as earthquakes, landslides, mud- slides, ground failure, or similar hazards? h. An Snc tease In [he rate of exeraccion and/or use of any mSneral resour<e? ., Hvd ro lozv, AL11 the proposal have significant results in: ' /_ I n X X X z X X X 3aje , Y°S u4Y32 a. Changes in currents, or :he course of direciSon of (loving streacs, rivers, or epee me{al Scream chdnne l5? __ b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rase and amount of surface vacer runoff°` % c. .ll CeraC Ions co the course or floe of flood VaCe{ca d. Change in the amount of surface vacer in any body of vacer.' ~ e. Discharge Srto surface voters, or any alters cion of surface va ter Guali e:? K .. dlterac to r. of groundvater character is clcs? R g. Chan 3e in ch¢ 9uancl Ly of groundaacers, either Chz ough direct adds [Sons or vlch- dravals, or through in cerf erence vich an aquifer? Quality? QuanL Sty? a_ K ... 'he reduction in tie amoun c. of vacer o[heY- vise ova liable foY public vacer supplies? X 5 ~~~~ .,c _ _- -__ Ly .,. .....~. ~ ' such as flooding or se fiches a. related hazards ~, 3. ASr Cuali cy. W111 the proposal have signif Scone results in: a. Conscant or periodic air emissions from mohi le or Sndirect sources? % Stationary sources? X b. Deteriorac ion of amb Sent air quality and/or interference vich the attainment of applicable air quality standards' X c. ,1l cera cion of local or regional climac is ten- a.u05, dff ecci nv .air mnvamenr_ mni5r~ira or tempe ra mre? 4. 3fo;a r era. 6'i it the p:opas al have signif Scan[ results 1.^.: a, Change in the characterisxics of species, lnclud ing dLverslcy, dlscrSbuclon, or number of any species of planes? // ~ ,_ ]L b. Reducclon of [he numbers of any unique, rare or eadange red species of pl ones? __. M .. /atm duct ion of nev or dis:'~ptive s?ecies c. planes iR :o an area? g ~. dedur. ion Sa :he ?oceR ttal fo: agricui ru ra: produc ci~-n' x -_ar.a. ~i11 the ?ro posa! have signiifar.t resui^s a. Change in the charaote riscics of species, inc L.d ia; diversity, distribu r'on, or nuab ers of any species cf anL-ais? X 5. Reducc!pn of cF.e nucbers of any unle,ue, ra:~ or endangered species of anixals'. X c. .ntroduc r_ta of nev or disruncive sneces of am ~a is inro an area, or result in a barrier co the of;ra Can or covenenc of anlcala? X d. Deter ic:ation or recoval of existing fish or wild life habitat? g ~• ocuiation. ~i11 the proposal have significant re suaa is: a. ~i11 the pro no eat ale er [he iecatien, disiri- butitn, dens it y, diversicv, or growth race oc Ch2 RtLdR pO p'f1dL10R OL dR dY2a? X .• w2_1 c.:e proposal affect existing housing, or create a decand foz additional housing? X 6. Socio-'cc onenic Fa<m rs, Will [he proposal have si;n.f icon: resuics in: a. Change in local ar regional socio-economic chars ctecis[Sc s, iRC luding economic or cocercial dlve[s icy, [ax rate, and pzoperty values? X b. W111 project costs 6e equi Wbly distr ibuCed amon¢ p[oj ect benef iclar Ses, i.e., buyers, tax payers or project users? % ~. `se and rta^.n Lrs Cons t:'etatlons. '•: i:i the proposal have sagnLf lean[ resuics In.' a. A substantial alcerac ion of the pres enc or planned land use of an area? X b. A conflict vlih any designations, obj ec ti•~es, policies, or adopted plans of any goverraencal enci; ies? f ~~ ~ c. An icp ace upon [ alty or quan[lty of existing consumpclve or non-con sung clue rec [eaclonal oppo r[uni[fes? ~ ?a3e . °ES :AY _ g. '.ransno riatlon. Will the proposal have sl3n if icon[ resui is in: a. Generation of sub scantial addit'_onal vehicular movement? R h. E_'.`e<is on exls[Snq scr eels, or demand far nev street conscruccion? g . ECFn LS CX i.v~ n'g Yo :,6 a<11_.~Ca, VC ^ demand for nev parking? x d, Sub staneial Impact upon existing transporta- tion sys reins? A e. Alterations [o present patterns of <ircula- clon or movement of people and/or goods'. g f. Alterations to or effects on present and pocen clal va ter-borne, rail, mass transit or air tzaff ic'. A g. Znc teases in erafflc hazards co motor vehicles, h icycl is cs or pedestrians? X 9. Cultural Eesources. Will the proposal have si g^..a ca^.c results in: a. A disturbance co [he Integrity of archaeological, ~__--._.-ere- , .-..., ... u.~.... ~..e~ •CiV L,.CO. Y 10. He alth, Safecv, and Nuisance Factors. Wi11 the pr oposal have signii icanc resui cs Ln: a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard? ~ 6, Exposure of people co potential heal ch hazards? ~ c. A risk of explosion or release of hazardous substances Sn the even[ of an accident? ~ d. An inc zease in the number of Snd iv lduals ar species of vector or pa[henogenic oroani <m~ n_r_ rna o .,a .. .., .. ,.e organisms? ~ e. Increase In exls ting noise levels' z f. Exposure of people [o potent; ally dangerous noise levels? // ~ ~ g• / lam The creation of obJ ct ionable odors? ~ h. An increase in light or glare? ~ ?a3e i li. Aes ^e[Scs. :fill the proposai have s13n 1`, Sca nc -e su~ts Si: a. ^~e oS scruc c!oa or deg:ada clop o'. am' scenic •Hsca or view? % 'o. ~he c: ea[ion of an aesch eclcally off ers ive site', R ~. 1 c.,a...- -.~ hz obzcif:e of designs red or pocencial scenic ca rridors? g 12. LLS li[!es and ?ubl is Services. :711i the proposal have a scgnif franc need for nev systems, or alCeraciens to [he follovir.g: a. Zlett ric paver? g 6. .`la [oral or packaged gas? J( c. Comauni<aGions systems? x d. pacer supply^. x e, wasceva[er fat111cie5? g .. flood cancroi structures^. g g, solid vasce facilities? g h. Fire protecC ion? x i. Police procecila n? __ X j. schools? ~ R k. Parks or other retrearional far ili[i es? 1( 1. :"a Snrenance of public fadli[Ses, includ Sng roads and flood Control Eacilicles? X m. Other governmental services? 8 ll. Ene r¢v and Scarce Resources. 17111 the proposal f1 l'JP 410 a. L'se of substantial or ee cess Ice fuel or energy? g b. suSscanc Sal increase in demand upon existing sources of energy? yy c. An Increase In the demand Ear developmene of nev sources of energy? / ~ / X d. ~' l l An increase or perpec ~tion Of the tonsuep ciao of non-renewable Earns of energy, when feas Lb le renewable sources of energy are available? ~ ?are 5 v°S `ay3_ ::0 e. Subscan[Sal dep le [!on of any nonrenewable or s<aree natural resource' ~ 1.. 9anda:o r~ Find Sngs o: Si¢~if is once, a. Does [he proj etc have the potential co degrade the qua SSty of the environment, subscancla liy reduce the habitat of fish or vlldl ife species, cause a fish or wildlife oopula clon co drop bel o++ self 9USta1^.i .^.g ieve'_a, ...reate.-. :- ellainace a plant or animal co®unity, reduce the number or resericc the range of a rare o: endangered plan[ or animal or eliminate Smpo rtant examples of the major periods of California his co ry or prehistory? ~ b. Does the project have the oo cen[ial to achieve short-tern, co [`.e disadvantage of long-Cem, environmental goals? (A short-corm impact on the environment is one uh ith occurs in a relatively brief, def inicive period of tlae while long- [em impacts will endure ve!1 into the future). ~ c. Does [he project have impacts which are Sndividua lly limited, but cumulatively considerable? (Cumulatively considerable means :hoc the ineremencal effects of an individual project are considerable when viewed in tonnecclon ulth [he off ec cs of pas[ projects, d. Does the project have environmental of feces which will cause sub sc antial adverse effects on human beings, either direr tly oz indirectly? K Ii. DiSC:'SSi04 OF ESt'IROV`^_'S?AL E\p1,~,1TI0TI (i. e., of off iz-azive answers to [he above questions plus a discussion of proposed mitigation measu r's). ~:_e On the basis of th!s initial evalua cion: I N_nd the proposed proj ecc COL'J VOT have a sign if itanc effect XXi on the envizomaent, and a SEG:.: P.-c DEC'..,:dA;i0:7 viii be ?re pared. _ I [i'd chat alciough the pro?osed proj ecc could have a sign i.'lca~c effect on the envirowenc, there viii not be a s1¢ni:'_c ant er'ec 'J in this case because the eiciga clon veasures descr.'o ed on ar. ac [ached sheet have been added co the project. d I:EGn:I'.~ DEC'...:R.1TI09 RILL HE PREPARED. - I find the proposed pzoj ec[ !!4Y have a signs .`Scant effect on the - envir-'ent, and an E\Z'IRC\~S: I:ffACT REPORT is rec ui: ed. Dace `~ ~~ ~~ u.e ~~ ~~ , Ti -1 ~ (~ 7 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT BASE LINE ROAD NIDENING, PHASE II1, le. This protect necessitates the complete or partial removal of a eucalyptus windrow along the north side of Base Line Road which may cause wind erosion to offsite properties. Therefore, replacement street trees will be required with future development of adtoining parcels. if. Erosion will be diminished due to the onsl9ht storm drain included as a part of this protect. 2c. Surface water now on the sight will be diverted to the proposed storm drain. 6b. Protect will be funded by Citywide Systems Fees and Storm Drain Fees. Be. Due to the improvement of the roadway conditions, there may be more frequent usage. I~g RESOLUTION N0. ~ (' ~-.JV A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSPENT INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OF A NEGIITIYE DECLARATION FOR THE PROPOSED BASE LINE ROAD PROJECT, PHASE III, WIDENING AND STOAM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the City Counc7l of the City of Rancho Cucanonga has reviewed all available input concerning the proposed Base Line Road Widening, Phase ItI, widening and storm drain improvements WHEREAS, said improvements require an Environmental Assessment; and WNE REAS, an Environmental Assessment Initial Study has been prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves t e nv roraental Assessment Initial Study and Issuance of a Negative Declaration for the proposed Base Line Road, Phase II1, widening and storm drain improvements. SECTION 2: The City Clerk is directed to file a Notice of Oeterminat o~ant to the California Environmental Quality Act. /~ 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 2, 1989 ~~~ TD: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: John L. Martin, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Environmental Assessment and Issuance of a Negative Declaration for the proposed Amethyst Avenue Storm Drain and Street Reconstruction from 19th Street to Highland Avenue [t is recommended that the City Council approve the attached Resolution approving the Environmental Assessment and Issuance of a Negative Declaration for the proposed Amethyst Avenue Storm Drain and Street Reconstruction from 19th Street to Highland Avenue. BACKBIOUN[1/ANALYSIS: This report presents an Environmental Assessment Initial Study for the proposed Amethyst Avenue Stornl Drain and Street Reconstruction from 19th Street to Highland Avenue. In conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act and State UUIUCI IIIC>, LIIC Y4LGb11CJ UYLInMel14> ~le,e well Vl cydicJ w Vci n,it v i>ti u6ti Jig of the storm drain improvement. These improvements generally entail the Installation of a 48" storm drain under the existing road bed or within drainage easements as provided by voluntary dedication, and the reconstruction of the existing pavement section. [t is the Engineering staff's finding that the proposed protect is in conformance with the proposed development of Amethyst Avenue as a coilectar street will not create a significant adverse impact on the environment and, therefore, recomnend that these improvements 6e classified as a Negative Deciaration. Respe bmitted, i v . ri:~l.-- RHM:JL1~1-aa1~ Attachment 170 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW APPLICATION INITIAL STUDY -PART I GENERAL For all pro,lects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department where the pro3ect application Tz made. Upon receipt of this applicat ton, the Planning Division staff will prepare Part IT of the Initial Study and make recommendations to Planning Commission. The Planning Commission will make one of three determinations: (1) The protect will hove no siggnificant environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, (2) The pro,J ect will have a significant environmental Impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or (3) An additional information report should be supplied by the appitcant giving further information concerning the proposed pro,lect. Date Filed: June 13, 1989 ~i vj e~L TiLie- A~~~C~r~L nreuue Shinn ura in anp-Street Reconstruction Applicant's Name, Address, Telephone:, Citv of Rancho Cucamonga. P 0. Box 80~ __ Renrhn Cora mnnna. f.A 91730(714) 989-1862 Name, Address, Telephone of Person To Be Contacted Concerning this Project: John L. Martin locattan of Pro,Jeet: Amethyst Avenue north pf 19th Street to Highland Avenue A55eSSOr'S Parcel'NO.: N/A list other permits necessary tram local, regtanal, state and federal agencies and the agency issuing Such permits: construction permit and road closure permit from City PROJECT DESCRIPTION Proposed use ar proposed project: construct storm drain system extending from north of 19th Street to Highland Avenue and reco_n_s t_ruct strut to ral section of l;methyst P,venue Acreage of project area and square footage o4 existing and proposed buildings, if any: Pro,iected area- 2 acres Describe the environmental settln of the pro~ect site including information an topography, sa sta ty, pants (trees land animals, any cultural, historical or scenic aspects, land use of surrounding properties, and the description of any existing structures and their use (attach necessary sheets): The project is situated fn an area that slopes to the south. There is an earthen swa le at the east right-of-way which drains into a patch of berry vines. The berry vine will be removed to install the storm drain. The storm drain will then trove rse _an easement through an asphalt coveredyarking lot ..A C C n t• {11 •Fnn !in n1n ~LVV II CU n,<icting rha nnal nn 19th Street east of Amethyst Avenue. is the project part of a larger Dro~ect, one of a series of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact NO MILL THIS PROJECT: VES 'i0 1. Create a substantial change in ground contours? ~ _ 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise of produce Vibration or glare? b 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)7 _ ~ d. Create changes in Che extst ing Zoning or General Plan designations? ~ ~ 5. Remove any existing trees? How many? _ ~ 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, f lammab les or explasives7 x Explanation of any YES answers above (attach additional sheets if necessary): Eliminate existing natural drainage Swale across priva to property. 7. Estimate the amount of sewage and solid waste materials this project will generate daily: ry/q 9. Estimate the number of auto and truck trips generated daily by this project:__ N/A 9. Estimate the amount of grading (cutting and filling) required for this project, in cub lc yards: 1000 C.Y. 10. If the project involves the construcLton of residential units. complete the form an the next page. CERTIFIGTION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information Dresented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaluation can be made by the Planning Division. Gate: ",'/< I'"~ ~ Signatur ~ ~z'-•--•- --_~.~ r (~ Tit 1e ~ ~` RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION The following information should be provided to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Oiviston in order to aid the school district in assessing their ability to accommodate the proposed residential development. Developers are required to secure letters from the school district for accommodating the increased number of students prior to issuance of build tng permits. Name of Developer and Tentative Tract No. SDecif is Location of Pro,lect: PHASE I PHASE 2 PNASE 3 PHASE 4 TOTAL 1. Number of singie family units: 2. number of multiple family units: 3. Date proposed to oegm cansirucnon: 4. Earliest date d} occupancy: Model} and I of Tentative S. 8edraams Price Ranee I~I CI :':' OF 3AVC80 CCC.ti 0`:GA E:.-d2d0:C.S'dL CHEC'w:.:E: DA:E: June ]3, 1989 A??L:ca-: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ?.°.0 ~ Ame th yst Street Storm Drain and Str t R rnncr.~ r; n,~_ ?EC.EC _~cAT:cs: North of 19th Street to Highland Avenue - "".iC:s (Exp lacacion of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on atca cSed s'n ee s;. YES ^:0 .. So fa and Seale z~~. riiii c::^.e p:eposal ha'.. s: ;nif icanc resui cs Ln: _`^ ... .._ .. _.. _.. _.. __ _ e geoiog is relationships? X S. Oisrupc icns, displacements, compaction or burial of the soil? X c. Change in [oDography or ground surface contour in cereals? g d. The destruction, covering or modification of any uri que geo is gic or physical features? X e. Any nocential increase in wind or eater erosion of so iis, affecting either on or of _` sire co ^.d i[n ns'. ._ X .. Changes in erosion silcacie n, or deposit Lan? ~ _ g. Exposure of p¢eple or property co geologic hazards such as ear [.`.quakes, landslides, mud- slides, ground failure, or similar hazards'. h. An Increase !n the race of exeract ion and/or use of any mineral resource? / 7 :. Rvd ro le¢v. Nill the proposal havE sig~ cant re sui cs in: a. Changes in currents, or the course of direccltn of :loving screams, r1•Jers, or eph et:eral scr can channels? S. Changes in absorp ci on ra res, drainaee pate r.^s, or the race and amours of surface vacer tuna if? c. A3 ceracions co the course or floe cE flood vacers? d. Change Sn Che amo uac of surface vacer in anv body of vacer? e. Dis char;e Snco surface vacers, or anv aice ra don o£ surface vacer qual icy? :. A1Ceracion of groundvacer charac ceriscScs? g. Change Sn the quart clcy of groundvacers, either through direct addiclons az vich- dravals, or ch rough interference vich an aquifer? Quallcy? Quantity? h. :he reduction Sn the amount of vacer ocher- vise available far public vacer supplies? i. Exposure of people or property to vacer re laced hazards such as flooding or se is hes? ~. viii c.:e propasai nave s:gn:::can[ resin cs~in: a. Cons cane or perlodlc air emis dons free moh ile or ind irecc sources? Stationary sources? b. Deeer io ration of amb ienc air quality and/or interference vl[h the attainment of applicable air quality standards? c. Tlteration of local or regional cli~acic conditions, affecting air movement, mo is cure or cempe taco re? e ic:a. hill the proposal have sign ifitanc results ln: a. Change En the ch araccer is tics of species, including dlverslcy, dis cr lbuclon, or number of any species of plants? / 7 b. Red uct Sort of [he numbers of /anJ unique, rare or endangered soec Ses of olan cs? YES ."_4Y'_. 1:C z x X Y X _ X - ~ ~ x X - X Y 5 6 7 c. Incrodur, iDn of nev or d!srup rive species of DLants into an area'. ~ % -, Reduc coo in the potential far agri cu itural preduc :!cn? % -_r.a. mill the proposal have sign if'_canc results a. Change in the charac ce r'_sr cs of species, including diversic:, dls tr l6'.:ion, or nu.^:t ers of anv soe c:es of anials^ ~ b. Reducc ion of :he nu¢hers of any unique, razz or endar.ge red so ec ies of an ixa is^. -. .,.t rodur_ion o2 nev ar CSsruptive species ox aninals into an area, or result Sn a 6a:rier Co :he ~i g:a cion or ¢ovenenc of aniWals? g d. De cerio roc ion or re¢ovai of ezis tang fish or wildlife hob i:ac'. ~ ?or u". a:!c-,. mill the proposal have significant resu! s ia: a. mil: the proposal alter the location, distri- hucion, dens icy, diversicy, or grow ch race of -..- r....n pcpulaciun of an araa? % b. Aill c`,e proposal of .`etc ex is ring housing, or crea ce a de¢and for additional housinv° % got io-Econo¢SC Factors, bill the proposal have signtf Scant results an: a. Change in local or regional sac io-economic charac:erls[Scs, !ncluLing econcaic or comercial diversicy, tax race, and property values? ~ b. Vill project wscs Se equitably disiribuced among project benef is Saries, i.e., buyers, tax payers or project users'. ~ Lan^_ :fse and plat.^.inv rc r. r. deracians. trill the LODa Sal have sieet[;q ant re5!li3 1... a. A substantial nice rat ion of the present or planned land use of an area? % b. A conflict vi[h any designations, objectives, policies, or adop [ed plans of any governmental entities? 1 7 7 ~ c. M 1¢D act upon the 'qulaicy or quantity of existing oonsumpclve or pan-consumDtlve r ecreaclonal oppo rcun lcles? % ~,.e B. 'ransnorta Con. Biii the pnposal have signi"<ar.t r esui cs in: a. Generation of subs :an:ial add Lion al vehicv la: mavecen:? X b. ~_`feccs en existing scz ee ts, or decan"_ for new s[Leet co ns tz lcLion? ~ c. Effects on ex is Ling parking fat i'_'_:i es, or demand for new parking? ~ d. 5ubscantial impact upon exiscing cranspor:a- tion svscexs? X e. A'_tarac ions to present patterns of circnla- cinn or movement of people and/or goods? X f. Alcerac ions to or effects on oresenc and potential water-borne, rai 1, mass [sans it or air traffic? ~ g. Increases Sn traff is hazards co mo cos vehi<'_e=_, b icycliscs or pedes [Lions'. X 9. u: al Resou rtes. Bill the proposal Nava sign:: icanc results in: a. Adis [urbance co the in[e ¢ri[v o.' archaeoleel r.al. paleoncolo glcal, and/or historical resources? ~ 10. °ea 1[h. Sa.`ecv and Vu is once Factors. Bill the pro posai have sign if icanc results in: a. creation of any health ha zazd az po cenclal health horned? X 6. Exposure of people co potential health hazards^. - -7L c. A tick o£ explos SOn or release of hazardous substances in the even[ of an accident? X d, An increase Sn the number of ind ivSdua is or aperies of vet ter or parkenogenzc organisms mr ehe exposure of people co such organisms' X e. Increase !n exiscing noise levels? __ X f. Exposure of people to potentially dangerous noise levels? 17 ~ ~ g. The creation of obJecclonahle odors? ~ h. An increase in light or glare? _ Y ?age _ __ vS= };0 __. ,e sche L'rs. ::ill the prooosai have sign Sf icanc resu: cs Sts: a. '^:e o6srr•_c t'_on o: deg:adaclon of any scenic vls ca or view? X ... :'.:e c:ear ion of an ass thetlcally offers l•/e s ice? - ~ c. B conil'_ct uith [he obj ee clue of des!3nated or potential scenic coradors? ~ __. ___ 1es and Public Services. +ill the proposal have a s:gmficar.c need for aew systems, or alceraclons to the following: a, Electric lover? ~ S. `:a cu:al or packaged gas? Y c. Comuiunica[Sons systems? ~ d, racer supply? X e. :lascevacer facilities? X •. Flooe control structures? X c .i:a . h. =ire protect ion? X 1. Polite protection? X j. Schools'. X k, Parks or other recreational fat ili:les? X 1. Maintenance of public Eatllicles, includin3 roads and flood control fac111 ties? ~ m. Other governmer.c al services? ~ ~ 11. -^ - '-' carte ae soa:oes. viii Te ornnnsai ~ hav e stgaif icanc results in: a. l'se of substantial or e_e cessive Euei or energy? ~ b. Subscanclal Increase in demand upon exist Sng sources of energy? ~ c. M Sncrease 1n [he demand for deve lopmenc of neu sources of energy?' ~~ X d. An increase or perpecuarlon of the consuap tion of non-renevab le fo rs of energy, when Eeas Lh le reneva63e sources of energy are available? X :a^a e. Suh stant'_al deplecior, of an7 nvnrecevabie or scarce ra total :esour e? __ ~ 14. :",acdaty r: F•ndiazs of Slr.. if tcaa<e. a. Does the project have the pole^.t 1a1 rn deerade the qua11.~ of the env aronmenc, sub scant iaii•; :educe the hab ica[ o: fish or wildlife species, cause a ftsh or v11d L'f~ n_~ulativn w ,.-- •`~Y 6 elav self sustaining levels, threaten co eL'minace a plan[ vz animal camunity, reduce the pother or zes ¢'_cc the range of a raze or endangered plans or animal or elicina ce icpor:ant examples of the eajor periods of Califo pia his corgi or prehistory? K h. Does the project have the potential to achieve shot,-ter, ce the disadvaacage of lone-ce n, enviro:ti:.encal goals? (.1 short-[ero impact on the envirvnmenc is one which occurs it a relative l•r 6rieF, def icic l•+e period of time while long- cer impacts will endure yell Sn co the .Future). ~ c. Does Che project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively cons ide rabie? (Cuaulac ively cons SLarahle means chat the incremental effects of an individual pr vjecc are cons Sdera6le when viewed in _n ~• nn vV •h •6n eF: mom- __ __ __ and pro hab :e future prc iec is). Y d. Does the proj etc have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human heings, eit`.er directly or ind ire[t'_y'. ~ II. DISCL'SSLD~ OF T_~^7IyOV`^:1;Tp1, ~VAhJATI09 (i.e., of aifira cive answers m the above questions plus a discussion of proposed eitigatlon measures). /~ O ?a-= ', On cSe basis o: this iniclal evaiuacion: - .iad the proposed proj ecc CCJ SCT have a si3nii icanc e:'ecc i an the envi: oruen c, and a `~~C.;T:'.c Lc~.:+&.1.ICV will be pre?ared. _ __-_ cSac al c.`.ough [he ?ro?osed pro iecc could have a s13n:: 1car AA '~, ei:acc on cSe env iromen :, rh ere vi11 no[ be a sicn:i L^anc e£decc ---- in c=is case because she ni tr3aclon oeasures descrxb ed oa an - -:aed sheet .ace been added co the project. A tiEG;I P: T_ CEC::u'1dT10:7 WILL HE PAP.P.1.4=D. I find the pro?osed ?LOj ecc ~~: Save a signL icanc e:ier_ o.. :4e ~_ env.: en[, and an E:a'I iC ~`.=tiT I`SPdCT REPCRT is :ecu:;ed. ~ i n l :ace ~' 13" ~ gua case ~~y~~T rie l ~~ ENVIRDNMENTAL IMPACT AMETHYST AVENUE STDRM DRAIN AND STREET RECONSTRUCTION BETNEEN 19TH STREET AND HIGHLAND AVENUE lb,c, d. Removal of existing natural drainage Swale and grading of Swale area to match existing ad,{acent contours lf. Concrete subterranean storm drain will eliminate onsite erosion hazards presently experienced through natural drainage Swale. ?a,b,c. Flaws through existing natural drainage Swale diverted to a subterranean storm drain. 6b. Protect funds received from Citywide Storm Drain fees I ~~ RESOLUTION N0. ~q- 337 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON611, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE PROPOSED AMETHYST AVENUE STORM DRAIN AND STREET RECONSTRUCTION WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has reviewed all available input concerning the proposed Amethyst Avenue Storm Drain and Street Reconstruction; and WHEREAS, said improvements require an Environmental Assessment; and NHERERS, an EnvTrormental Assessment Initial Study has been prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality qct, as amended. NON, THEREFORE, BF. IT RESOLYEO, that the Ctty Ccuncti of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves ~Fe Environmental Assessment Initial Study and issuance of a Negative Declaration for the proposed Amethyst Avenue Storm Drain and Street Reconstruction. SECTION 2: The City Clerk is directed to file a Notice of Determine o~pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. /~ - CITY OF RANCHO CliCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 2, 1989 TD: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: John L. Martin, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Environmental Assessment and Issuance of a Negative ' Declaration for the proposed Area V Hillside Road Storm Drain, Phase II from Archibald Avenue to the Upper Alta Loma Channel It is recommended that the city Council approve the attachEd Resoiutiun approving the Environmental Assessment and issuance of a Negative Declaration for the proposed Area V Hillside Road Storm Drain Protect, Phase II from Archibald Avenue to the Upper Aita Loma Channel. BACK6RDUN0/AMILLYSIS: This report presents an Environmental Assessment Initial Study for the proposed Phase II of the Area V Hillside Road Storm Drain Improvement Pro,~ect for City Counctl approval and issuance of a Negative Declaration. In conformance with the California Environmental Ouallty Act and State r.~~~dat~~aq rqo ~ttarp>n ~,.r~~rrs h.ve ~<r ,. .e~ an „e..~,it c.n~rr,~crtcp of the storm drain improvement. These improvements generally entail the installatllon of a storm drain with n the existing right-of-way. It is the Engineering staff's finding that the proposed pro3ect is in conformance with the proposed development of Hillside Road as a collector street wtil not create a significant adverse impact on the environment and, therefore, recommend that these improvements be classified as a Negative Declaration. Respe y~submttted, ~~ "R11M:JL :aam Attachment / V ENVIItONMENTAL REVIEW APPLICATION INITIAL STUDY -PART I 6EMERAL For all pro~ea is requiring environmental review, this form must 6e eomplet ed and submitted to the Deve iopment Review Cammi tree through the department where the pro,lect applicat ton is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Planning Division staff will DreDare Part I1 of the Initial Study and make recommendations to Planning Cammiss ion. The Planning Cammf ssion will make one of three determtnattons: (1) TAe project will have no siggnificant environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, (2) the pro,i ect will have a signif leant environmental impact and an Environmental Impact ReDOrt will be prepared, ar (3) An additional iMormatton report should be supplied by the applicant giving further informetlon concerning the proposed project. Date Filed: June 14, 1989 Project Tit 1e: Hillside Road Area V Storm Drain, Phase II Applicant's Name, Address, Telephone: Gity of Rancho Cucamonga, P.U. Box 807, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (714) 989-1862 Name, Address, Telephone of Person To Be Conta<tGd Concerning this Pra~ect: Mike Olivier, Sr. Civill Engineer Location of Proleet: Hillside Road between Archibald Avenue and the Upper Alta Loma Storm Drain Assessor's Parce} No.: N/A list other permits necessary tram local, regional, state and federal agencies and the agency issuing such permits: City construction permit and road closure p2.m 'u ritV u( San BN rna rdinn Finnd L0.^.t rni Ere roach„Rni ci mil, Iv~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION Proposed use or proposed prof ect• install 66" RCP 5to rnl drain as per the City Storm Drain Master Plan in Hillside Roaa between Arc hi ba id Avenue and Upper Alta Loma Channel Acreage of protect area and square footage of existing and proposed buildings, if any: Project area ~ 1.5 acres Describe the en virommental se~ttlnq of the protect site including lnformat ion on topography, so stai~lity, plants (trees), land animals, any cultural, historical or scenic aspects, land use of surrounding properties, and the descript tan of any existing structures and their use (attach necessary sheets): The Hillside Road Storm Drain Pro iect is situated in the north oortion of the City willed Road drainc ea~te rly from Arr hihald Avan ic_ The land surrounding the Rro,iect site is residentially zoned. The new storm drain will join the existing flood control channel east of Archibald Avenue. lz the protect part of a largr. protect, cne o! a caries of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact No. (v~ MILL THIS PROJECT• YES NO 1. Create a substantial change in ground contours? _ ~ 2. Create a subit antial change in existing noise of produce vibration or glare? ~ ~ 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)? 4. Create changes in the existing Zoning or General Plan designations? _ ~ 5. Remove any existing trees? How many?_ _ ~ 6. Create the need for use or dtspos al of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, f lamma6les or explosives? K Exp lanation of any YES answers above (attach addittonal sheets if necessary): 7. Estimate the amount of sewage and solid waste materials this pro,lect will generate Aa11v: .~,~ 8, Estimate the number of auto and truck trips generated dally by this prof ect :._ N/A 9. Estimate the amount of grading (cutting and filling) required for this pro,lect, to obit yards: 0 10. If the Dro~ect involves the construction of residential units, complete the form an tha nett page. CERTIFIGTI011: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this Initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that tha facts, statements, and infon»at ion presented are true and correct Eo the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that addittonal information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaluation can by the Planning Division. Date: " ? ~G Signal Y-~ Title ~- ~~ 7 RESSDENTIAL CONSTRDCTiON The following information should he provided to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Divi si an in order to aid the School dl5 trict in assessing their ability to accommodate the proposed residential development. Developers are required to secure letters fran the school district for accommodating the increased number of students prior to issuance of butldin3 perm is. Name of Developer and Tentative Tract No. Specific Location of PHASE I PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 TOTAL 1. Number of single family units: ,^ 2. Number of multiple family units: 3. Date prapmsed to begin construction: 4. Earnest date of occupancy: Modell and i of Tentative 5. Bedrooms Price Range I V~ CI :": OF RANCHO CL'CA. A:;Gn 2:1.4: L - IS:::.;L 5-7 ^~dI R0:2^:: ,L CdEC ~:.:ST ..~" June 14, 1989 ti p:.:;.ti~:: CITY OF RANCHU CUCAMUNWi P2C.; °_C:: Hillside Road Area V Storm Drain, Phase Ii 2BC.:EC: LOCA:I :):: Arc hibal0 Avenue to the Upper Alta Loma Storm Drain (Fxv anacicn of all "yes" and "maybe" arsvers are requireC on atc ach ed shoe cs; 1. Soils and Gec io 2^. will [he proposal have s:za:f :cant results in: a, Cns:ab :e ground co ndit[ons or ir. changes in geologic relationships'. b. Gisrupc ions, displacements, compacclon or burial of Che soil? c. Change !n topography or ground surface contour into rva ls? d. The destruction, covering or modification of any uC?quo get leg!t or physical .f eacures? e. Any potential Sncrease in wind or vacer erosion of soils, of .'eccing either on or of.` Bice condite ns'. .. Changes in erosion sil :aclon. or depos it!on'. 3. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as ear chquakes, landslides, mud- slides, ground failure, or similar hazards? h. An increase Sn [he race of excracclon and/or use of any mineral resource? 2, Hvd ro loev, U111 the proposal have signifScanc results In: /~` Q i?S "_iY2E SO X X X X X X X vr~ v.wn_ a. Changes in currents, or the course of direr tlon o? flowing streams, rivers, or ephemeral scr can channels? X S. Changes Sn absorption razes, drainage patterns, GL [h¢ is C¢ and amo u^[ of sur:ac¢ Nat'vL LU;fO L L'. X c. A.l terac ions t0 Clle COUrSe Or .'1JW Of flOOC wace rs? X d, Change in [he aneunc of surface water in anv body of vacer? X e. Discharge into surface wace rs, or ar.) al to ra don of sur ace vacer quality'. X .. Alce raefon of broundvater cha roc ter is tSis? X g. Chan 3¢ Sn the quand cy of grcurdwacers, e icber through direce addi[Sons or wlch- drawals, or through inc erference with an aquifer? Qualityl Quantity? ~ h. :he reduction Sn the amount of water other- wise available for public vacer supplies? ~ .. --cxncsure of people or property co vacer related haza rd5 such as flooding or seithes? ~ 3. ASr Ouali CV, Will th¢ nr~pneat have a+e~+F+~~^• res ul cs in: a. Constant or periodic air emissions Eton mobile or indSrect sources? X_ Scadonary sauce es? ~ b. Deterioration of ambient air quality and/or Snterf erence with the attainment of applicable air quality standards? ~ c. Alteration of local or regional climatic conditions, of Eec[ing air moveaen[, moisture or tecpera cu re'. ~ 4. 31:: :n = ra. l.'ill the proposal have significant results 1^: a. Change Sn the characteristics of species, in cYudln3 dive rs icy, disirlbuc ion, or number of any spe des of plants?/~~ ~y b. geduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered spec lea of plants? _ Y c. ?nt roducticn of nev or dis: upc Y:e species a: plants into an area? x ... 3educC on ir, the potential for agri cu':ural produr!on? x ?zn a. Wi:: the proposal have sisni_'!car.r results a. Change is the characceris[ccs of species, incind i-g divers cy, distriDu coo, oz numbers of any spec es of arinais? x ~. rteduC aOn oI the ntL^hers oL ar.V un lpue, raz3 OZ endd^.geted sp2C125 O: dai2dl$? X c• introdur ion of nev or disruoc i';e soecies o? an!~a1s isW an area, cr result in a barrier to the migration or mo v¢r..ent of anivals? _ g d. 'Jere ric:a:ion or removal of existing ash or vile L•_e habits:' _ _ ~ >~ ==u'utian. 4:i'1 the proposal have significant :esu_ts m: a. ::ill [he proposal alter the location, dis[ri- buaon. Cers iey, di•;ers icy, or grow [h rate o[ the h.:.an population of an area? ~ b. W!L1 the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? ~ ~~ -_ ~~i~ cnc mss. will the proposal have stgn:f icon: results zn: a. Change in local or regional sot So-economic charact eris[ics, inc lud Sng etonoalc or cocercial diversity, tax rate, and prooerty values? X b. W111 project costs be equitably Cistr ibuted among project beneficiaries, i.e., buyers, tax payers or project users^. X _ 7. i.and Ise anC Plana in¢ Co asides dons. '•: iii the p:opo sal have s:gnrf leant resui •s in? -~ '• -~- '• o. - :iun of the present or ~ ~ ~ a planned land us e of an area? X b. A co nflicc with any des lgnations, objectives, policies, or adopted plans of any governmental entities? I Q ~ / K c. An Lepact upon the qulalty or quaneiey of exis sing consumptive or non-consunDCive retreat Tonal opportunities? g ?ace . iE5 i'A°'° `.C g, '. ransoorzaeion. Will the proposal have s13ni_!can: z es uics in: a. Generation of subs:an:ial addl:lonal vehicaar movemenU X S. EE .`eccs on exis [Sng s[z eets, or demand 'er nev scree[ cons cruccicr.? X c. Ef feces on ex is tine parking faci:ifies, nr demand for nev paiking? X d, Subs [anclal imp ac: upon existing transporta- tion systems? X e. Al terac Sons to present patterns of circula- cion o: movement of people and/or goods? X f. Alcerat ions [o or effects on present and po ien [1 al va ter-borne, :ail, mass trans!: or air traffic? X g. Increases Sn [raffle hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclis cs or pedestrians? X 9. Cul tural Resources. Will the proposal have s :g a.f icar.: results in: a. A disturbance to the incegr icy of archaeolo3lc al, paleon:olo¢SCal, and/ar hiemriral tea nnrr><+ v 10. 4ea lth. Saf etv, and Nuisance Factors. W111 the pro posal have signiticanc results in: a. Crea[Son of any health hazard or potential health .*.a za:d? ~ b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? ~ c. A risk of explosion or release of hazardous subscanc es in [he event of an acciden c? __ ~ d. M increase in the number of individuals or speclas of vector or pacheno gen lc ._ga^.Ssms e. the exposuza o` peo-via .o .,,.c b. organisms? ~ e. Increase in exis[Sng noise levels? __ ~ f. Exposure of people co potentially dangerous noise levels? 9~{1' ~ __ ~ g. The creation of bj ecCionab le odors? ~ h. M increase Sn light or glare? 1 ?age __. Aescheiic5. :7117. the proposal have signlf is ar.c esu as Sn: a. "^~e obstruction or degrada[San o'. an•; scenic ~ vista or view? ~ b. .^..e creation of an aeschec!ta 11y offens Sve si ie'. ~ c. A mn~li ct with the objet i've of des!~natN o: pocer.c ial 5cenit co rrlde rs? ~ 1~. U[!I _'t Ses and ?ublic Services. :fill the proposal have a stgaiEicanc need for new systems, or alte raciors co the Tollov ing: a. Eieccrlc power' ~ b. Nacu:al or packaged gas? ~ c. Communications systems? ~ d. Water supply? ~ e. Was cewater facilities? X E. Flood concrol s[rlcru:es? % g. Solid vas ce facilities? ~ h. Fire protection.' ~ 1. Police procac clo n? ~ j. Schools? X k. Parks or ocher recreaclonal Eac ilii1e51 X 1. Ha incenance of public fat ilicies, including roads and flood concrol Eaci11[Ses? % ©. Ocher gove rnmeneal services? yi .~. ''ner¢v and Scarce gesnur es. W111 the propo sai ~•--~ s g-~.. ...ant iesuiis in: a. Cse of subscant ial or excesslee fuel ar energy' g 6. Substantial Sncre ass in demand upon existing sources of energy? X c. M increase in [he demand Eor development of new eo urces of energy /q9~ ~ d. / M Lntrease or perpe(udclon of the consumption of non-ren eva6le fo ns of energy, when feas Lb le renewable sources of energy are avalla6le? ~ ?d'2 5 yrS v.l•_33 ;.0 e. Subscanc ial deplec!on of any nonrenevab le or scarce natural :esou rc=_? - R - 1G. :!andator: rind ings o' Sie^ificance. a. Does the project have [he pocen c!al to degrade the qua llty of the environment, substancialla reduce the hab i:a[ of fish or xlldlife species, cause a fish or wildlifa popula [ion co drop below self sustaining levels, thre area elimira [e a plan[ or animal co~unl cy, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plan[ or animal or eliminate Smporcanc exavples of [he major periods of Califo to is history or prehis [o cy? $ b. Does the proj etc have the pe[encial to achieve short-ce rm, co the disadvantage of long-ce rm, environmental goals? (A shoo-term impact on the environment is one vh ith occurs Sn a re laclvely brief, definitive period of time vh ile long- term impacts wi'_l endure well into the future). X c. Does [he project have imparts vhich are individually limited, but cumulacSvely cons iderab ie? (Cumu lac ively considerable means Chat the incceventaL of Eeccs of an individual proj etc are considerable when viewed in tonne r. ion with the effects of past projects, and ornha6:n fn rnro e1 d, Does the project have environmental effec cs vhich will cause subscan cial adverse effec cs on human beings, eich.er directly or iadirec ciy? ~ ... D:SCLSS .;;;; OF ESCi70H!ffi:?A1 iPAL'dA iIO'7 (i.e., of aff is acive answers [o the above questions plus a discussion of proposed eicigacion measu: es). 19~ on the basis of th!s Sn iclal evaluation: i fled t.`.e proposed project COCLJ VOT have a sign!f icaat effect L_', on :he environvenc, and a SEC6IIl~ DEC'..;RdTiC;; will Se ?repared. _ ind ;hat although the pro?os ed project could have a slgnif it aat 'i XX er"e c; on the enviro:~ent, there will not be a sign if!tanc effe r. ~- In c`.is case hecause the eiti gacion veasuzes descr!b ed on ar. ac;at'aed sh eec have been added co the project. A ):EG+II :S DEC:.:.RATTO\ UIL:. EE PREP?.AED. I f!ad the proposed prcjeci ~qY have a slgni `. Scan[ effer. or. ;he `_ envir-aenc, and an E:1'I50^."_'Si i:3AC: REPORTS rec u:.: ed. ~~ n'/ Y /~ c Dace~(.'~ ureC 19.5 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT HILLSIDE ROAD AREA V STORM GRAIN, PHASE II 2a,b,c. The existing surface street flows wilt be diverted to the subterranean storm drain. 6b. Protect funds received from Citywide Storm Drain fees. 12f. A Junction structure to Join the new H111side Storm Drain to the Upper Alta Loma Channel is included as part of thls Job. 121. The City w111 have to provide maintenance for the new storm drain. 19~ RESOLUTION N0. ~ ~' ,~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT INITIAL ST WY AND ISSUANCE OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE PROPOSED AREA Y HILLSIDE ROAD STORM DRAIN PRWECT, PHASE iI NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has reviewed all availab]e Input concerning the proposed H111s1de Road Storm Drain, Phase II; and NFIEREAS, said improvements require an Environmental Assessment; and NNEREAS, an Environmental Assessment Initial Study has been prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves nv ronmental Assessment Initial Study and lssuante of a Negative Declaration for the proposed Area Y Hillside Road Storm Drain, Phase II. SECTION 2: The City Clerk is directed to f11e a Notice of Determina on pursuant to the California Enviromaental Quality Act. I~~ rrmv nc a eur~n rrrr nnrn~rr_n .~~ STAFF REPORT DATE: August 2, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, CTty Engineer BY: John L. Martin, Associate Ctv11 Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Environmental Assessment and Issuance of a Negative ~ Declaration for the proposed Arrow Route Widening, from east of ~ Hermosa Avenue at Center Avenue to Haven Avenue 'i It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached Resolution approving the Environmental Assessment and issuance of a Hegative Declaration for the proposed Arrow Route Nldening Protect, from east of Hermosa Avenue at Center Avenue to Haven Avenue. BACK9lDUND/ANALYSlS• This report presents an Environmental Assessment Initial Study for the proposed Arrow Route Improvement Protect from Center Avenue to Haven Avenue, for City Council approval and issuance of a Negative Declaration. In conformance with the California Enviromaental Quality Act and State VYIVCIIIICis YIIC Y41rtl4YGV W4W1F ~, 1.i F/~GrY rc of the street widening improvement. 4YTheseGimprovementsWgenerally 4enta1l the widening of Arrow Route within the existing right-of-way and as provided by voluntary dedication or purchase of public rights-of-way. Included with this protect will be a traffic signal at the intersection of Arrow Route and Haven Avenue. It is the Engineering staff's finding that the proposed protect is in conformance with the proposed development of Arrow Route as a mat or arterial street will not create a significant adverse impact on the environment and, therefore, recommend that these improvements be ciasslfted as a Negative Declaration. Respec ubmltted, /~- xi ~ , RHM:JLM:pam Attachment l9~ O C~,C.\.btp VC -?' .~ ~• ENVII20NMENTAL REVIEW s; ~y;`° ~~~~ APPLICATION INTTIAL STUDY -PART I ~~-- GENERAL For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and submitted to the Oeve iopment Review Committee through :he department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of this apPlicat ion, the planning Division staff gill prepare Part II of the Initial Study and Take recommendations to Planning Commission. The Planning Commission wilt make one of three determinations: (1) The prej ect will have no significant environmental impact and a Yegat ive Declaration will be filed, (2) The p ro leer will have a significant environmental impact and an En vironmentai :mp act deport will be prepared, or (3) An additional information report should he supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. Date Filed: June 14. 1989 Project Title: ARROW ROUTE W1D NING Applicant's Name, Address, Telephonexity of Rancho Cucamonga. P.U. Box BO1. Rancho Cucamonoa CA 91730 (714) 989-1Bfi't Y ame, Add ross, Telephone of Parson To Be Contacted Concerning this Project: Mike Olivier Sr. Civil Enai veer Location of Project: Arrow Route east of Hermosa from Center Avenue to Haven Avenue Assessor's Parcel No.: N/A List ocher permits necessary from local, regional, state and federal agencies ann the ananrv icciiinn ouch narmiti: City CeriStructien and read closure permits PROJECT DESCRIPTION Proposeo use or proposed project: Widen Arrow Route to obtain a functional major roadway section with 4 lanes for travel and a two-way left turn lane. Install a traffic signal at Haven Avenue antl Arrow Route Acreage of project area and square footage of existing and aroposed buildings, if any: Pro iect area ~ 3 acres Describe the environmental sett in of the project site including information on topography, soi stabi ity, p ants (trees), land animals, any cultural, historical or scenic aspects, land use of surrounding properties, and the description of any existing structures and their use (attach necessary sheets): The project site is a relatively level location that drains to the south. Parcels north westerly of the Arrow Route project are fully developea"' a oartment complexes. The oa reel north Baste rlv of Arrow Route is untended v ineva rds. The area south of Arrow Route alono the entire project is a vacated golf course, used for grazing. !s the project parr, df a tar9er project, one of a series of c~m~latfve actions, which although SndNOviduaily smaii, may a5 a whole have significant environmental impact 0~ MILL THIS PROJECT: 1. 'reate a substantial change in ground contours? ?. reate a suostan?i al change in existing noise of produce r oration or glare? ?. Lr=ate a substantial change in demand for municipal se rv~ces !police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)? 3. ~re ate changes in the existing Zoning or ;eneral Plan designations? :. Remove any existing trees? How many?~_ 6. create the need for use or disposal Of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, Flamm a6les or explosives? YES 90 X X _ x X _ ~ Explanation of any YES answers above (attach additional sheets if necessary): in order to complete the street widening, the seven evergreen trees will have-to 7. Estimate the amount of sewaq ~Aand solid waste materials this project aitl generate daily: N 9. estimate the num NeA of auto and truck trips generated daily by this project: 9. Estimate the amount of grading (nutting and filling) required for this project, in cubic yards: N/A 10. If the project involves the eanstruetfen of residential units, co~lete the farm on the nett page. CERTIFIUTION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exh ihits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct [o the best of my knowledge and -d d t dd'tion 1 ^f t' b °d Gel ief. `urther u,. ers tan tha a a ,~, ora 'on may a requ:r_ be submitted before an adequate evaluation can be a e by the Planning Dfvision. Date: i7 Signa re ~~^_~-~~~ c Title -'~~-s ~ of f-3 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION The following information should be provided to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division in order to aid the school district in assessing their ability to accommodate the proposed residential development. Developers are reQUired to secure letters from the school district for accommodating the increased number of students prior to issuance of building permits. Name of Developer and Tentative it act No. Specific Location of Prcject PHASE I PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 TOTAL 1. Number of single family units: 2. Number of multiple family units: ?. Date proposed to begin construction: 4, Earliest date of occupancy: _ Model/ and A of Tentative 5. Bedreoms Price 0.ange ~C/" I-4 CII'.' Oi RA.gCHO CL`CA.YONGA PART I: - I:7Ii:Ai ST:~Y E\'VIR01^~:AL C'.'.EC?:L'S: DA:f; June 14, 1989 A.opLI CA:-; Cl7Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA F?'_^.tG OAif: LOG tiu'lIDER: PRO~fci: Arrow Route Widerino PR07fci LOCA:IOY: ra =+ of Hermosa Ave nue from Center Avenue to Haven Avenue I. ENL'IRO\'~HtAL I`1PACii (Exp lanacion of all "yes" and "miyba" anavara era requlrad on area<hed aheeca). YES `tP.Y9E NO 1. Soils and Geoloav, w111 cha proposal have s:gn::Scanc raaulrs in: a. L'ns cable ground eenditfona or !n changes !n gee lag:: relacionahlpa? X b. Dlsrupclons, diaplac amen cf, compac clon or 1'' • •,~6 iV~• y ~~ ~ p~ c. Change in topography or ground ausface contour lnurvala? __ $ d. The deacruetion, covering or modif Scaclon of any uolque geologic or phyaleal faaeurae? ~ ~ a. Any peaecial inerua~a 1n vlnd or voter aroafon e[ aeiL, atteec ing either on or oLf aiu eondlCOna? _ ~ % f. Chanties in areaion ailca clon, or depot lc ion? _ % g. Hxposun of paaola or ;rope: :c ca 3eoiogic haze rdf fuck as ear c.",quakes, landslides, mud- slldu , ground failure, or similar hazards? ~ __ g h. An increase in cha ra a of eeeraccion and/or use of any aineral refou [ce? _ ~ X 2. Hve roto iv. Vf 11 the proposal have sign if SCan~ re su.cf in: ~ O 1 c. Incroduc tion of nau ar dls zupclve spat lea of plan ca Into an ar u? d. Raducclon in eha pocenclal for agricultural yroducclon? fauna. Will tM propovl have algnlf is ant results in: a. Change 1n [M chanccerL [Sts of specle#, including dlvaraicy, dlatribu clop, or numbers of any species of animals? b. Reduce ion of the numbers mf any unique, rare or endangered species of anlmala? _. Incroduc tion of nav ar dlsrup ciw apacles at animals into an azu, or result 1n a barrier co eha migzaclon or mevaaxnt o[ aa'_mala? d. Decerlarufon or removal of axle [Sng fish ar vildllte habitat'. 5. Povulac ion. W111 eha proposal have algnificanc results in: a. Will the proposal altar eha location, diatri- bucion, density, diversity, or grouch ra c• of the basso population of an area? b. Will [ha proposal affect axis eing housing, or creac• a dsmand for addlcfonal housing? 6. Socio-Economic Factors. Will the proposal have a ignii icanc results in: a. Change [n looal or regional anclo-aeonomlc charge urlstlcs, including «onomic or commerc lal dlvaralty, tax rate, and property valuae? b. Y111 pso]eet costa he aqul:ab ly dis cributed among peo~eet bent! leiariea, i. •., Duyere, tax payers oe project uu ra? 7. Land Va• and Plannine Conald eraclo na. WL11 eha O rO Dm#xl haV1 slgnlf icanc results ln'. a. A aubecantial alterac ion of the present or planned land use of an area'. b. A conf lice vleh any deaf gnationa, ob]eccivea, polic iea, or adopted plans of any governmental enci acs? ~~ /- c. M i_paee upon the qula lty or quantlcy of ex is eing cansu:pc ive or non-consunptlve rec reacional oppa rcunlclu? _~ -- JL - Y X 1(. X X _ ~ ~ X e ~ X ,, . vcS ;!4:'32 11. Aea chatia. 4111 [M proposal have aignif Scant caul ca in: a. 'fha obatruc clon ar dagrada tion of any scan is vlaca or vlw? X b. 7ha erucion of an an chaclcally off anaiv of u? c. A conf licc of eh cha ob]acclva of daalgnacad or pocan clal atonic corridors? _ ~ 12. L'e it iciaa and Pu611c Sarvicaa. u111 [ha propoaal have a algnif Scan[ Woad for nw syacama, or alcera[lona co [ha Eolloving: a. Electric pwar? X b. NacurA or packs{ad gas? % c. Coo®unicationa eyatma? X d. Ya[ar supply? ~ _ % e. 1laatwacar faculties? __ X f, Flood control atrutcuraa'. X g. Solid vaata Eaeil itiaa? X h. Firs protection? % 1. Police pro [action' X ]. Schools? X k. Parka or ocher ractaaclonal tae S11c1aa? % 1. Tlaint mane a! puD lle laci11t1n, includ ing roads and [lood nantrol faefliciaa? ~ s. Other gowtaaancal aarvieu? _ ~ 11. Enar er and Seate• Raaoure •a. Viill the propoaal have aignlticanc raaulca Sn: a. ua• of aubx uncial or sac usiw Eua] or anar gy? X b. Subacan cial incre as• in dmand upon aafscing sou rcaa of energy? ~ ~ c. M Snc reaaa !n ch• dmand Eor davalopmenc o[ near aourc ea of aner gy? X 5 O ~ _ d. .ln lnereas• or parpec t lon of cha cone umpcion of non-nnwabl• [o na of energy, Whan teas lb la rmavaDle wureaa o! anargy era available? Y % Pa-e III, DESETIINASION On tha basis of chla inlcial avaluacion: i ii I find cha propoaad Dro]ecc COUL7 NOS have a aignlEiune af:aes L__J on Wa anviromaanc, and a hF0A2IVE DECI:.RAi208 will ba prepared. _ I find chat although cha proposed pro]acc could have • denl!l cant X% eff act on cha anvlronmanc, chars will ncc b• a aigniEicanc eifecs ~-~ in eh is caa• 6auufa eha miciga clon malsuru dascrih ad on an attached shut haw bean added co she pro]acc. A AEGATI7E DEC'..1IUSION uILL BE PREPARED. I find eha Dro9caed Dro]¢c !1AY have a aignif Scant •ff act on the ~_ envl: ^manc, and an EWIROW.E'NT II~AOT REPORT Sa raqu lred. Data ~' ~ n _ ~ ,,//.. cure ~ C.L~ S ~/~~(/~ -~ Tlcl ~~T ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AKRON ROUTE MIUENING 6b. Project is to be funded by City Systems fees collected from developers. Ba,d,e. The improved road conditions proposed for Arrow Route, may result in adGitional vehicular movements. ~~~ RESOLUTION N0. ~~' 3,~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE PROPOSED AKRON ROUTE NIDENING PROJECT NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has reviewed all available input concerning the proposed Arrow Route Ni dening; and NHEREAS, said improvements req~!ire an Environmental Assessmen*.; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment Initial Study has been prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLYED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves a nv ronmental Assessment Initial Study and issuance of a Negative Declaration far the proposed Arrow Route Nidening, east of Hermosa Avenue from Center Avenue to Haven Avenue. SECTION 2: The City Clerk is directed to file a Notice of Determina ol:'f n pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. ~~ rrmv no n n nir on r, •r n wxnwrr STAFF REPORT ~ ~' GATE: August 2, 1989 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner I BY: Vince Bertoni, Assistant Planner ' SUBJEC is AMENDMENT TO THE CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION ORDINANCE - An li Amendment to hapter o the urt is ipa a modifying parking requirements for condominium conversion to be consistent with Development Code parking requirements. I. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends approval of thisthis MunicipT Code Amendment. II. BACKGROUND: Staff has initiated thfs Amendment to the Municipal ~o3e to correct an inconsistency between the Condominium Conversion Ordinance and the Development Code. In 1980, the City Council adopted the Condominium Co nversien Ordinance which established specific parking requirements. These requirements included the provision of two covered, on-site parking spaces per unit in a garage or carport. At the time, this was consistent with t.hc v ivy's parKi ng standards for new development which also required two covered on-site parking spaces per unit for apartments and condomfn iums. When the Development Code was adopted in 1963, the parking standards for apartments and condominiums were changed to be based on the number of bed; ooms ezch unit contaf ned. These standards currently range from 1.3 off-street parking spaces per studio unit to 2.3 off-street parking spaces per four bedroom unit. The park irg requtreme nts for the Condominium Conversion Ordinance, however, were not changed. t[[. ANALYSIS: Staff is initiating this Amendment to bring the oo n~domin ium Conversion standards into consistency with standards for new development, In order to clear ua this inconsistency, staff recomne nds the following: Section of the Municipal Code shall be amended to read as follows: Each unit shall provide parking as required by Development Code Section 17.12.040. 9 ~~ 1 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION August 2, :989 Page 2 k/ lly A ted, Brad er / City P anner BB:VB;mlg Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Staff Report of July 12, 1989 Exhibit "8" - Planning Conn issi on Minutes of July 12, 1989 Planning Commission Resolution Recommending Approval Ordinance dI ^ - CITY OF RANCHO CtiCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 12, 1989 T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: W nce Bertoni, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: AMENCMENT TO THE CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION ORDINANCE en n o ap er o e n ctpa L_.._, modifying parking requirements far condominium conversions to be consistent with Development Code parking requirements. I. BACKGROUND: In 1980, the City Council adopted Ordinance 119 which es a s e requirements for the comerslon of apartments to condominiums. These requirements included the provision of two covered, on-site parking spaces per unit in a garage or carport. At the time, the City was using County of San Bernardino Standards for parking which also required two covered, on-site parking spaces Der unit for apartments and condominiums. When the Development Code was adopted in 1983, the parking requirements for apartments and condominiums were changed to a standard based on the number of bedrooms each untt contained. After a revision in 1987, these Standards currently range from 1.3 off-street parking spaces per unit for a studio to 3 off- street parking spaces for a four bedroom unit. II. Analysis: Staff has recently received requests for condominium conve~ons and has initiated this amendment to bring the Condominium Conversion standards into consistency with standards for new development. In order to bring these two into consistency, staff recommends; Section shall be amended to read as follows: Each uni*. shall provide parking as required by Development Code Section 17.12.040. I1I. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission a opt-the ~'fached Resolution recommending approval of this ordinance amendment. d II xh~h~t 'fl" PLANNING CO~E~tI SSION STAFF REPORT N0. AMENDMENT TO THE CONDOMINIUM CON YERS [ON ORDINANCE July 12, 1989 Page 2 Re~ lly s ed, / Bra er City Tanner BB: VB:js Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Existing Condominium Conversion Regulations Exhibit "B" - Existing Development Code I~ 17.22.040 Prope rtv development standards. A. General Requirements. No final map fer the purppses -f ,_onduminium conversion will be accepted for filing unlessVthe following requirements, which shall be conditions of approval of the tentative map, are approved: 1. Each dwelling unit shall conform to current noise and energy insulation standards required by the latest adapted (:nifo rm Building Code or other applicable law or regulation. 2. Each unit shall have installed smoke detectors as required by the latest adopted edition of~he tt~; f.,.m 3. Por each unit there shall be provided a minimum of two covered, on-site parking spaces per unit in a garage or carport, plus an additional twenty percent of the total spaces provided for ¢uest parking non-covered. ~ _~ for gas and electricity unless the city approves a plan for equitable sharing of communal meteziag, 5. Each unit shall be provided with separate water shut-off valves and electrical main shut off. 6. Each area for trash placement and oir-k,~., ~h~it uc edey uaceiy desrgna ted and all refuse shall be removed on a re ¢ula rly scheduled basis from the premises. 7. Permanent mechanical equipment which the build- ing official determines is a potential source of vrbration cr noise shall be shock mounted cz isolated, or otherwise mounted in a manner aoprcved by the hu;ldi.^.g cff.c ial to lessen the transmission of vibration and noise. R. ~liuminated addresses, and if found necessary by C~llg17!%I ~ i~r~G~t~lI~N/~/~1? ~ ~~~~ ,26 ~~4~ NORTH CITY OF ~'~ ITEM: °r°'•"" """"a"'"` RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE: ~«~-~ ~•~ «~• PLANNING DIVISION ERHIBIT: ~ SCALE: 17.12.040 Parki nq Requirements. The following sec- tions list the required amount of parking for each category of uses, special requirements and optional requirements. A. Residential. 1. Single-family detached dwellings (conventional): Two parking spaces within a garage; 2. Cluster development on omi townhouse, apar'-'"•ents. a c•% se:.ti-detached singe- amity (zero ioc line, patio homes, duplexes, etc.) and mobile home parks: a. Studio: 1.3 off-street parking spaces per unit of which one space shall be in a garage or carport, b. one bedroom: 1,5 off-street parking spaces per unit of which one space shall be in a garage or carport, c. Two bedrooms: 1.8 off-street parking spaces per unit of which one space shall be in a garage or carport, d. Three bedrooms: 2 off-street parking spaces per unit of which one space shall be in a garage or carport, e. Four or more bedrooms: 2.3 off-street parking spaces per unit of which two spaces shall be in a garage or carport, f. In addition to the required number of parking spaces for each unit, one of f••street uncovered parking space shall be provided for each four units for visitor parking. For single-Eamily zero lot line, patio homes, and duplexes, on-street parking may be substituted for visitor parking, where sufficient street pavement width and distance between driveways has been provided, g. rircy percent or the total required covered spaces shall be within enclosed garage structures, h. For developments containing five or mare uri ts, up to thirty-five percent of the required uncovered spaces may be compact car size, i. The use of carports requires approval from the design review committee; ~~ ~~ NORTH CITY OF ~l~ RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION ITEM: °~'~`~ ~~ TITLE: P.,-rg °'°""'°• EXHIBIT: a SCALE: boundary being ed to a maxi mim height of 12 feet, annexation of the paseos to the. La nd stop 'ntenance District, and addition of the suggested language regarding the scho impaction issue. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISS iONEP.S: BLAKE SLEY, CHITI CNIEL, WEINBERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: TOLSTOY -carried k k * * * I. AMENDMENT TO THE CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION ORDINANCE - An amendment to apter o the un c pa e, m i y:ng par ing requirements for condomf nium conversions to 6e consistent with Oeve 7opment Code parking requirement s. Vince Bertoni, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report. Commissioner 8l akes ley stated that it made sense to require the same parking for both condominiums and apartments, but he felt in the future they might consider requiring garages instead of carports. Chairman Mc Niel opened the public hearing. Hearing no testimony, he closed the public hearing. Motion: Moved by Weinberger, seconded by Blokes ley, to adopt the Resolution recommending approval of the Pme ndment to the Condominium Conversion Ordinance. Motion carded by the following vote: AYtS: 6uMFlu)luntR J: DLIV.L~LE1, L^IIlEM, ~Il. iVI EL, IIG1nRLRUCM1 NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMA SS IONER S: TOL STOY -carried • * * w 9:55 P.M. - Planning Commission Recessed. 10:05 P.M. -Planning Commission Reconvened. + . • . . .t. yAR tANf.F A9-08 - iE SIS REAL ESTATE - A request to reduce the minimum huildtng se CD ack, the m m pdrK tng Setback, dnd the average iarlds taping depth requirements far a 50, fice facility on 4.6 acres of land in the Industrial Park Otstrfct (Subarea of the Industrial Specific Plan, located on the southeast corner of Mil like nue and 6th Street - APN: 229-341-02 and 04. Related file Development Rev -10. Planning Commission Minutes -16- July 12, 1989 ~i-5 ~Xh~I~1T ~~~„ :~., ~. ~ RESOLUTION N0, 89-96 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO AMEND THE CHAPTER 17.22 OF THE MINICIPAL CODE, MODIFYfNG PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR CONDOMINIUM CONVERSIONS TO BE CONSISTENT KITH DEVELOPMENT CODE PARKING REQUIREMENTS. WHEREAS, on the 12th day of July 1989, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing pursuant to Section 65864 of the CaUfornia Government Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1, That pursuant to Section 65650 to 65855 of the California Government Code, that the Planning Commission of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approval of this amm~dment. 2. The Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council approve this amendment tc the Minicipal Code per the attached Ordinance. APPROVED AND AOOPTEO THIS 12TH DAY OF JULY 1989. PLANNING ATTEST: SSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA i, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cuc aoanga, Cc hereby certify that the fo regcin4 Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 12th day of July 1989, by the follaving vote-to-wit: AYES: COM19 SSi0NER5: BLAKESLEY, CHITIEA, MCNIEL, WEINBERGER NOES: COMMiSSiONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMf SSIONERS: 1TCLSTOY d~~ ORDINANCE N0. 3~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA AMENDING CHAPTER 17.22 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, MODIFYING PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR CONDOMINIUM CONVERS10N5 TO BE CONSISTENT WITH DEVELOPMENT CODE REQUIREMENTS. WHEREAS, an this 2nd day of August, 1989, the City Council held a duly noticed Public Hearing pursuant to Section 65864 of the California Government Code. The City Council of the CTty of Rancho Cucamonga does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Section of the Municipal Code shall be amended too re~foilows: Each unit shall provide parking as required by Development Code Section 17.12.040. X17 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 2, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: John L. Martin, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Public Hearing of protests regarding Eminent Domain action to acquire publ lc right-of-way for the Base Line Road Nideni ng Protect between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15 at the properties located at 13096, 12658, 12659, 12951 and 13053 Base Line Road and 1322 Etlwanda Avenue (APN's 227-131-08, 227-111-33, 227-171-19, 1100-011-01 and 06 respectively and 227-171-04) for the construction of street improvements across the frontage of said properties. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the attached Resolution of Necessity - directing staff to proceed with condemnation of right-of-way for the construction of street improvements for the Base Line Road Nidening Pro,~ect between Victoria Park Lane and interstate 15 at the properties located at 13096, 12658, 12659, 12951 and 13053 Base Line Road and 7322 Etiwanda Avenue (APN's 227-131-08, 227-111-33, 227-I71-19, 1100-011-O1 and 06 respectively and 227-171-04) 1n the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACK6ROINID/ANALYSIS: This is an Eminent Domain action to acquire right-of-way for the Base Line Road Nidening Protect. The projects limits are between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15. The property owners of the parcels in question, APN's 227-131-08, 227-111-33, 227-171-19, 1100-011-01 and O6 and 227-t71-04 have been contacted personally by staff and invited to attend neighborhood meetings to discuss the pro,lects. Some property owners have met with staff, on site, to discuss the proposed pro,~ect. In all contacts, personally and written, staff has alerted the property owners of the City's intention to adopt a Resolution whereby upon development of each property, a condition of development will be to reimburse the City for frontage improvements plus the cost of right-of-way acquisition. As of this date, negotiations to acquire such right-af-way continue without ezecutlon of a purchase agreement. ~~~ CCSR Re: Base Line Road Nidening August 2, 1989 Page 2 Although negotiations continue, it is felt necessary at Resolution of Necessity to proceed with condemnation of the proposed Base Line Road Nidening Pro,{ect. This is delays in constructing the improvements currently on right-of-way. Resp~eetf 1,~ sudnitted, RHM L : paPl-m AttacFunent this time to enact a such right-of-why for done to avoid further hold due to lack of X19 RESOLUTION N0. ~' ~ I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DECLARING THE PUBLIC NEED AND NECESSITY TO CONDEM! A PORTION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF FOR APN'S 227-131-08, 227-111-33, 227-171-19, 1100-011-01 ANO 06 ANO 227-171-04 A. Recitals (1) The City of Rancho Cucamonga has conducted a study pertaining to the design, c^^~tructton and street widening protect for 9ase Line Road. Based ;upon the study conducted, it has been determined that the most reasonable and feasible alignment for the proposed street widening will require the acquisition ofi right-of-way across a portion of the properties known as 13096, 12658, 12659, 12951 and 13053 Base Line Road and 7322 Etlwanda Avenue, more particularly described herein: (iii Pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code Section 7267.2, prior to adopting this Resolution, the City has made an offer to the owners of record to acquire the properties for the full amount of fair market value as established by independent appraisal valuations; (111) Pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedures, Section 1240.010(b), a City may acquire private property 1n condemnation when said property is a remnant as described in Sec tlon 1240.010(a) of said Code. (iv) Pursuant to California Government Code Section 40404, a City may acquire private property by condemnation when it is necessary for extending and widening streets, as well as for the construction of drains, sewers and acqueducts; (V) On July 19, 1989, this Council held a duly noticed public hearing pursuant to the terms of California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1245.235 and said public hearing was concluded prior to the adoption of this Resolution; and, (vi) All legal prerequisites have occurred prior to the adoption of this Resolution. R. Resolution NON, THEREFORE, It is hereby found, determined and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION 1: In alt respects as set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this v ccn,~ i7'T'nn; SECTIgI 2: That portion of the property which 1s required fora right-of- way ol• r street widening purposes is situated 1n the City of Rancho Cucamongga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and is more specifically outlined 1n the legal descriptions and maps attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. O Resolution August 2, 1909 Page 2 SECTIQI 3: Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during~Fie a~ve-referenced public hearing, includ7ng written staff reports, the City Council specifically finds as follows: a. The public Interest and necessity require the proposed project; b. The proposed project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; c. The property defined in this Resolution is necessary for the proposed project; and, d. An offer of fair market value has been made to the owners of said real property pursuant to the terms of California Government Code Section 7267.2. SECTION A: The City Council hereby declares its intention to acquire the proper'-fy~e~bed in Section 2, above, by proceedings in Eelnent Domain. The City Attorney is ordered and directed to bring an action 1n the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of San Bernardino, in the name of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, against all owners and claimants of the property described herein for the purpose of condemning and acquiring a right-of-way for street purposes, and Lo do ail things necessary to prosecute said action to its final determination in accordance with the provisions of law applicable thereto. The City Attorney is authorized and instructed to make applications to said Court for an Order fl zing the amount of security by way of money d ~•• .IV ~ u fui -u~i ~-iLt1 i •An N~.• K VJ~w, u toYtake possession~andyuse of ~saldVreal property for theruses and purposes herein described. SECTION 5: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Reso uT~Ton PASSED and ADOPTED this day of ayor ~d I Resolution August 2, 1989 Page 3 I, DEBRA J. ADAMS, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution as introduced at a regular meeting of the Ctty Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of 1989 and was finally passed at a regu ar mT eef~of-the City oun-CST of-tfie~lty of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of 1989, by the following vote; AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAINED: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ATTEST: e ra oats, y er City of Rancho Cucamonga - --- CITY OF' RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~ , _ j'; DATE: August 2, 1989 i0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner 8Y: Larry Henderson, Principal Planner Alan Warren. Associate Planner SUOJECT: STATUS OF MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT - A review of residenti a. eve opmen as i per dins o~ie City's single family/multi- family housing mix ABSTRACT/RECOMMENDATION: This report study contains information reques~e y tfie 'Cify Eouncil related to the management of growth in Rancho Cucamonga. The accompanying study is a small part of a larger Councii review of the issues affecting residential growth in the community. It is intended to give the Council statistical informs lion to help it provide staff with direction in fomnulati ng residential growth management policies. Council direction is requested. iI. BACKGROUND: Ir. May of this year, the City Council received from s-faf~an outline of an Ar ti nn Prnnram .r -_!_.a_y ~!;+„-t;.c,; - - interest affecting the management of growth in the communi ty~~~One of the items of interest was the evaluation of the present distri 6u ti on of multi-family zoning and it was scheduled to be presented to the City Council at mid-year, III. CISCL'SSIC N: The Action Program proposed a study of multi-family Tan-d use designations City-wide which was to include the following: A, Contain an assessment of areas; - already developed, - vacant land with previous approvals, - inventory of vacant land designated for multi-family pro,j ec is without development approvals. B. Evaluate the distribution and balance of single and multiple family housing at the City's build-out. The study has been completed in the manner outlined above, using January 1, 1989 for Aetennining existing, approved and vacant uncommitted land. Wr`J -CITY COUNC I! STAFF REPORT RE: STATUS OF MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT Pugust 2, 1989 Page 2 IV. ANALYSIS: A review of the numbers (existing units, units on land under development review, and vacant uncommitted land) indicate the following: The City housing ratio for existing plus approved projects is 74% single family (SF) and 26% multi-family (hF). At build-out the ratio is expected to be 65% and 35% respectively. This ratio includes the estimated units for the sphere area. Refer to Exhibit "1". These figures indicate that the City's growth is following a standard pattern of residential development in expanding urban areas. That is, the predominance of sin97e family development occurs early in a comnu ni ty's growth to be followed by multi- family infi ll. Social and economic forces generally drive this patter of development. Approximately 89% of the residential land at build-out will be allocated for SF development, leaving about I1% for MF development. Refer to Exhibit "2". This statistic reflects the inherent increased unit density on land designated for multi-family development -more units on less land. o The housing ratio of those project currently under review (application submftted, approved, or under construction) is 68% CF and i9Z AF nno }n tha amnn nfc of cinnle fam: lv and miilH family zoned uncommitted land, the ratio of those units yet to be reviewed to build-out is expected to be 49% SF (includes Sphere estimates) and 51% hF. Refer to Exhibit "3". These figures indicate that the residential growth pattern is still essentially towards single family, but in the future as more and more single family land is used up, the residential development will gradually switch mere significantly to multi- family. o The majority (60%) of future (not yet approved) multi-family units will be built in the two large planned communities of Terra Vista and Ylctoria. Refer to Exhibit "4". Thic fi mire roller+c ana_in +he c+anda rd nattorn ci Hole family residential development significantly preceding multi-family Also, i[ notes the early efforts of the City planning to provide a mix of housing types in the planned conmunities. Based upon 1980 Federal Census estimates far persons per household, approximately 22.4% of the build-out population could be exper. ted to live in multi-family units and 17.6% in single family units. `~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT RE: STATUS OF MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT August 2, 1989 Page 3 This is reflective of the predominance of smaller rental units in multi-family complexes and a correspondingly lower persons/household than in owner occupied single family developments. VI. POLICY OPTIONS: The following options are suggested far the Couna s consl deration: 1. If the Council believes that the facts presented may not be consistent with its current thinking for residential growth, the Council should direct staff to prepare options for amending the General plan and/or Development District provisions. More specifically, if the City Council believes the current residential mix (74%/26%) or any other ratio is the most desirable at build-out, then staff could formulate the exact number of multi-family units which would need to be reduced to reach that ratio and prepare land use amendments to accomplish the objectives. Two alternatives which immediately come to mind are as follows: a. Ca;n .-one set ected properties to laver den;i ty multi- family or single family designations, and/or, h. RPdIIfP the density ra ones for all nr sel er toA multi_ family designations (i.e., reduce 8-14 dwelling units per acre to 8-12, etc.) 2. Refer this matter to the Planning Comui ssi on for discussion and return the matter to the City Council with additional input from the Planning Commission. Staff is looking for Council discussion and direction on these or other policy options. Resp lly subpz' ed, l ran.avl•• n .~ ~ity Plar~er BB:LH:AW:ko Attachments: Exhibits "1" - "5" City-Wl de Totals (Housing Figures) Map of Vacant Residential Land ~~ J c~_ W J Z z 'O^ a 0 U w_ m ? ~ W Z }JO rya V ~ W ~^J] J ~ 0 ~ F- J ~ iZ ~ U ~a~ Ups Qa~ J ~ ~ ~ C7'v F o~ Q J W Q J W J z QW ~ J , W W D m mm ~Ti N m~ cr m= a~ y J E~ ~z m~ ~o m~ ,. m ~~ om a~ ~m a .~. ma ~~ .~ A Erhibi p O O O O O O O O O O O O (O V N rn c 3 0 t ~+ ~ O ~_ ~ •~ U m Q >, c CU W ~ J ~ O ~ r .` a 0 m a C (f] tt L ~~ m J n ~ ~ LL J ~ c 7 Z m ~ ~ m (' m Z ~ J o J w m 3 b > ~ w J Q w laL Q W ' z J ~- ~ o 2 W M1~~ ~O aN W` F ~' or Zj G~ p OZ W s~ a; ap °°<a 0 Eahi~i O O O O O O iD V W N ~ cJ W_ W ~ ~ ~ ~ W Jc U W i Q ~ W W ~~ J 0 Z (~ ~Z ~ W 0 ~ Q pVo ~QQ. a~ U lai m ti 0 m N m N u N ~~ v m CO N ~ m m m C7 V a ~ ~ v N O m O O O O O O O O O ~ O tOD O t00 C'] N N ~ •- ~~~ N ~} O J J 3® W W } J LPL W J Z_ W ~ ~~ W w 0 m ~m y N mn a~ ~~ ~a ~~ mo m~ «( v ` dy < o ~- 7R . ~ Exhibit FUTURE MULTIFAMILY UNITS BY COMMUNITY VICTORIA 3886 31% VISTA 30% NFILL-CITY 16ia ioio •Bulld out level assumes density at 76AS of the allowable ranee, OROMANB 1 \ Cl E•hibit ETIN~ANDA 3017 24% .~ ~~ 4~ Y O fI) 7 ;. m V W y T '_C^ }~ }V vJ ,C ~ ~ C C C Q . y N '~ 3 ~o E 0 U ,a m m w 8 0 00 __ ~o _~ a~ _ U U a ~~ a j J ~~ o `L 0 < ~llV a J a Q o ~ F LiJ (7 z ~~ <, 0 LL ii i o z m V `P (~ J llJ ~~' lI ) CJ O ~ ~O N „' O om_ _m Emo ON m;h _O' m~ "'Z '~~ Dq~ and ~^ EKhihit CITY OF RANCHO CliCAMONCA LAD Il if VY NY ~®~ II ®~/i"~L~h~7 Single Femlly & Multi/emlly Aorsege/Unit Tebuletlons ~~I - CITY OF RANCHO CUCnMONGA r-I ! ~ "'~' ~ CITY WIDE TOTALS '* ` .rY: 19 e: }..l! e1} ... . neer :ItY r.v..v e}:9 ;)9 .I !e S] 1] m r.:. n196 .m1 .. . ue}e ._____ 9}! v.fc6xr uxC =Aeex 3L=^JSe xrla a. nN..lo; .e,ev - }u r ]an u f]n i •rY CONI. 11 P fCl.]] ]99- ] De 199 I]! ]99 m.,~}.a nl f! see .~ v o n.e m. a-ei eo f 9e x! 1] i n xo }a }} u. ]4. 1 ;f\ If ]9 161] x.J.-X 10x11. -I.I 11 9e ]Ot . lJe r]x }]6 _ ~ ' }Ot m ea. zn ea o L}e 9 :Il ~~v e) Ixtl]!].p6 be] ]OY , 1.}] 1911 )] T.rre vl.t. e.ler_ • lr~is x! wlsy c.. x-e ma .-n .]x.n ue- fn M1..ler Pl.n [ov0• }II :]\ ]11 x.Jl w•le~lel el.il 6p]-1 }}0 >Iw cow! t• gel f 0. 9]• ]]\ IOe9 Ne J,-X19x11. -}!I 61.0] B!}-I ]I] Pl.n cawt 1]]f P1.n [avn[ Iv} l]x uv ~ xr nv] ep }r v9s .~n .~ « mr i v nu }.} T]n ..-:rb N.a lva .-n n. fl! •I!-lei N Y .ev p! 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M19611f- }el fe 1 lfi-l lfe f06 1016 }fn 116i xlan ne-fal u u ` 9w. ]af eoe ~ l fv fv il }el re u}x iFn ae.}c vf- fw ffu-ufl xxa• n }fe }e uo ]!a ~c! m feet m --- CITY OF RANCEiO CUCAMONGA ea... n.. ;o-u uo le uo ail :• fl ff0 Lov\X av.l. el ]ef~ra of 9-]119 f'\ ). left Y•Ela.le-1.1 l91 ll -))l9 ~~, Oal X0[•1• I.l-.I9f 1>]1 -]]l9 iM91 'J9 a.JJ ]191 eft f0\ a ]]9] loll lf\ :a:Y ret.l•' xauae. n...i.n a a. :a ue v rei ui . n••. to-u :JV.Je eo •rv Loa qlu-n ~oe9.ee n~ nee a•19-f1 l9f.oa -If ea ~l^.\ luu rer ilu . x.a lucl •-el n~ .f 9. vee ~:\ ~ vJr. rf\ afw v.e m.~,rv ul e.: 9f oleo -vv ee f» nJa n\ ev99 Y.a.-x lvn of-JU m.u luf-J Uf 9a fn fr m9 x~enlv.aol n 9a uef-nv rev reu Jmv ronu. ,ot• vvl wr .v r•. e>e~Je Ta!•1 Jnl[elv<Wt 1•nEl •vv Jaev-fvJe ofoo-uau ev\ 0l9 nm rn ewe uefv rorus • nv avom Jeu J.u ua wooo~ uou-neu ici ~ naam J99w rot ~ien•ieevm 9f v] roru mJ9a .n9• eou a-ae age nvn..a •lea ee-»avu io\ auve ~. •vn•..1• ~xomm m~~~ aeao ~.vn•..1• Heim 1 ••e ]••e •• rer •vn.rn CITY OF RANCHO CI;CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 2 1989 To: City Council FAOM: Council Subcommittee for the Historic Pre serVation Commission Dennis L. Stout, Mayor Pamela J. Wright, Councilwoman SUBJECT: Anmintment to the HLetoric Preearvat ion Commission The Council Subcommittee for the Historic Preaervat ion Commission recommends appointing Steve Preston ae the new HLetoric Preeervat ion Commissioner. n ~~ ~ ~~~~ L' /1 DLS:PJW:jle 89-510 ~3~ rrTV nr.~nnwrrtin rrrrnvnnrrn _~s STAFF REPORT DATE: August 2, 1989 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Dan Coleman, Principal Planner ~a SUBJECT: JOINT-USE AGREEMENT UPDATE - Report on status of negotiations w n ernar no ounty Flood Control District for a joint-use agreement for recreational (trails) purposes. The Planning and Engineering Division staff met in February with the San Bernardino County Flood Control District to discuss a concept for a joint-use agreement for recreational purposes. Staff presented the City's desire is to implement its General Plan Master Plan of Trails and establish a system of regional trails along flood control channels. Recreational use would include bicycling, hiking, jogging, and equestrian trail users. Our most urgent need was to get an agreement approved for the Alta Loma Channel. oa>eu uymr Liw>e uiwuv iuu>, >Loii na> miwur dycJ `l Lire ~ 'irty immediately begin preparation of a Oraft Joint-Use Agreement for the Alta Loma Channel. The County indicates that this agreement would became the model for a "master" agreement in the future that would cover all of the remaining channels in the City, such as Hillside, Deer Creek, and Day Creek. The Draft Joint-Use Agreement for Alta Loma Channel was forwarded to County Flood Control in March. Subsequently, staff worked with County staff and the City Attorney's office regarding the technical points of the agreement. On July 14th, the City received a revised agreement from the County staff. The revised agreement is currently being reviewed by the Planning and Engineering Divisions and the City Attorney's office. Stdff'S Ye'ri rii ShrGUi u' `ve CGmpie Led this week. if the agreement is acceptable, it would be brought to the City Council for approval, possibly on August 16, Upon approved by the City Council, the agreement would be forwarded by County staff to the County Board of Supervisors for final approval. X35 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT RE: JOINT-USE AGREEMENT UPDATE August 2, 1989 Page 2 Staff will continue to keep the Council apprised of the status of the negotiations. Res fully fitted, Bra le City Tanner BB:DC:ko d- -- CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 2, 1989 T0; Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Dan Coleman, Principal Planner SUBJECT: TRAILS STUDY UPDATE -Review of status of the preparation of as ration Plan. ABSTRACT: This report has been prepared at the request of the y ouncil and will outline the status of the Trails Implementation Plan. To date, the Planning Division has completed about 90~ of the text for the Trails Implementation Plan and is in the process of completing the remaining elements of the study soon. This protect is a high priority item in Planning's current Work Program. II. BACKGROUND: The Preliminary Draft of the Traits Implementation aPl-n ~ nearing completion. The document 15 organized as follows: Chapter 1 -Introduction uytm - 'odtti,iy Chapter 3 - Tra11 Concept Chapter 4 -Design Standards Chapter 5 -Administration Chapter 6 -Implementation Appendix -Preliminary Construction Cost Estimates - Financing Pian The text for Chapters 1, 2, 4, and 6 is complete. Attached is a complete table of contents for the Plan. Those portions which have been completed are indicated by an asterik "*" The components which remain to be completed are the bicycie troll concept, part of the enforcement provisions, graphics, construction cost estimates and financing plan. A key component of the Trails Implementation Plan is a Financing Plan that will establish funding for troll Implementation. In order to prepare a Financing Plan, estimates for construction costs must be determined. Requests for Qualifications have been sent out to consulting firms to prepare these two components. x.37 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT RE: TRAILS SFUDY UPDATE August 2, 1989 Page 2 III. PROCESS: These are the steps staff will be following in the coming months: 1. Contract with consultants for preparation of the Preliminary Construction Lost Estimates. 2. Upon completion of the Cost Estimates, contract with consultant for preparation of a Financing Plan. 3. Staff will complete the text and graphics of the Trails Implementation Plan. 4. Distribute Plan for review to the Planning Commission and City Council. IV. CONCLUSION: The Trails Inrylementatton Plan has been identified as a~~orTty in the Planning Dtvtstan's Mork Program for 1989/90. Staff will continue to work on completion of the Plan as quickly as possible and will keep the Council apprised of the status. Res ully s itted, ~~ nraa euy~er ~~ City P Doer BB:OC:ko Attachments: Table of Contents for Trails Implementation Plan ~~ TABLE OF CONTENT'S Chapter l: Introduction 1.1 Purpose 12 Benefits of a Trail System ' 13 The 1981 General Plan Trails Element • 1.4 Relationship to Other Regulations ' Cfiapter 2: Setting 1.1 Location ' 12 Existing Trail System ' 13 Physical Characteristics ' 1.4 Population Characteristics ' 1S Recreation Characteristics ' Chapter 3: Trail Concept 1.0 Hiking and Riding Trails • 1.1 Overview 12 Primacy Loop Trail ' 13 Secondary Trails ' 2.0 Bicycle Trails 2,1 Overview 22 Primary loop Trail 23 Secondary Trails 3.0 Sphere of Influence ' Chapter 4: DesignSWdards 1.1 Trail Width ' 12 Hiking and Riding Trails ' 13 Bicycle Trails 1.4 Design Standards for Class I Bike Routes ' I S Design Standards far Class II and Class lit dike Routes 1.6 Trail Signing ' Chapter 5: Administration 1.1 Responsibility ' 11 Trail Alignment ' 13 Acquisition ' 1.4 Design 15 Plan Chrck Coordination 1.6 Construction and Inspection ' 1.7 Maintenance " 1.8 Enforrnmcmt 1.9 Trail Abandonement ' Chapter 6: Implemenfatlon 1.1 Regulatory Procedums' ^1 '~/ 11 Sounrs of Funding 13 Acquisition of Trails 1.4 Phasing of Troil Improvements Appendix 1.1 Preliminary Construction Estimate 11 Financing Plan O RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AGENDA Lions Perk Co®unity Center 9161 BaeO Line Roed Rancho Cucamonga, California 7:00 p.m. - August 16, 1939 A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Ro11 Call: Buquet__, Alexander Stout, Brown, and Wright. B, COIBAONICAT IONS PROM TAB PUBLIC This is the time and place fot !ho gevexal public to address the Pire Dis triet Board, State law prohibits the District Hoard from eddreasivg any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Di airict Board may receive test ivony and set tno ..n ro~ ins n wnAaem.ent meet inv. Comsenta ere to be limited to £ive minutes per individual. 0. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected tv be routine and non- controversial. They will be acted upon by the Board at one time without. discussion. Any item may be removed by a Boardmemher or member of the audience For tliscuseion. i!o Items Submitted. D. PUBLIC BEARINGS The following items have no legal publication or posting requir¢menta. The Chair will open the meeting to receive public testimony. ^o Items Submitted. Rancho Cucamonga Fire -2- August 16, 1989 Protection D1etYict Agenda B. STAFP RBRORTS mha fol loping ite~a do not legally require anp public testiaony, although Lhe Chair oap open tba meeting for public input. 1. CONEID@AATION OF IESD 7NC A LETTER OF INTENT FOR THE PI RE HOARD TO PARTICIPATE IN A NES 6N0 800 MHZ COMMUNICATION SYST O PARTICIPATE IN A SPA FOR THE OPERATION OF THAT SYSTEM (pg. 1) P. AD.TOURNMENT RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DIS'PRICI' STAFF REPORT DATE: August 16, 1989 TO: President and Board of Directors FROM: Duane A. Baker, Sr. Administrative Assis-> SUBJECT: 800 Mhz Communication System RECOMMENDATION: ~ <~~ . L Staff recommends that the Board of Directors authorize the District to issue a letter of intent to participate in a West End 800 Mhz communication system. Additionally, staff recommends that the Board authorize the District to participate in a joint powers authority (JPA) to finance and oversee operation of the system. BACKGROUND: In order to provide for the public safety and public service communication needs for the present and future of [he West End a comprehensive 800 Mhz communication plan has been developed. This 800 Mhz system will help insure that there are sufficient radio frequencies available to meet government communication needs as current frequencies begin to reach capacity. In addition by using an 800 Mhz the West End Agencies will have communications technology compatible with similar 800 Mhz plans being made by the County. The County has already received RFPS from two firms ro supply the communications equipment. These two firms are Electrocom Automation, Inc. and Motorola Communications & Electronics, Inc. Of these two firms, the Cou^{y hag identified Motorola as the preferred vendor. In order for [he West End agencies to take advantage of the bid prices given to the County a letter of intent must be submitted by each agency. The letter of intent does nu[ incur any financial obligations but simply lock; in the bid price. August 16, 1989 800 Mhz Report Page 2 In addition to the letter of intent to lock in the bid prices, it is recommended that the Disvict draft a letter of intent to join a ]PA to operate and maintain the system. This 1PA would sign for the frequency license from the FCC, provide a mechanism for financing the equipment, and provide a vehicle for oversight of maintenance and operations. Current estimates for [he District's portion of [he backbone system and Precom is $170,792 and the estimate for the equipment is $363,230. The City Managers of all the West End Cities are currently meeting to discuss the most appropriate financing methods for recommendation to their respective City Councils and Boards.