HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989/09/06 - Agenda Packet • CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETINGS 1st and 3rd Wednesdays - 7:30 p.m. . September 6, 1909 Lions Park Community Center 9161 Base Line Road Rancho Cucamonga •~• City Couucilmemfgen Dennis L Stout, .Mayo. - PemE18 J. Wright. CoumilmrmDer lleborah N. Brown, .Nero. norm Chvles 1. Buquet, coaerilmrmDr. - William J. Alexander, coorrnmsmer. •~• Jack Lam, Ory.Nonogrr lames L. Markman, au ~+rar~r, Debra J. Adams, my clrrx City Office: 969-1831 Lions Park: 980.3143 Ciiy Council Agenda Sep[e:..ber 6, 1989 PAGE All itra subeilted fot the City Council Aggda coat W is writing. The dudliae for aubaultiieg thane itge is Bs00 p.e. oa the Nedneaday prior to the ueting. The Citp Clerk'• Office receives all aueh ilgs. A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Pledge of Allegiance to Flag. 2. Roll Call: coquet _, Alexnnder _, Stout _, crown _, and Nright _. 6. ANNOUNC~zfB/PRESENTATIONS 1. Presentation of 10-year pin to Dan COlemnn, Principal Planner. 2. PreeenteLion of 10-year pin to .7oi 6lnpeon, Office Ace ietant. 3. Presentation t0 the Poothill Pira Protection District Board of Directors for Lheir service to the conauunity. 4. Presentation Of "Drug Use I8 Life Abuse" PLOClemeiiOn. 5. Presentation of Prnrlwmw~{nn fn. w.~{..""s or.c.IV.w Recognition Day. C. COMMUNICATIONS FROM TH6 PVBLIC Thin is the ties and place for the general public to addreaa the City Council: State Lw prohlbit• the City Comcil frow addraaaisg aoy isaua not pzevioualy included oa the Agsada. The Ciiy CouacLl up receive bstLOny and aei the utbr for _ a aubaequent eeeting. Cogenta ere to bs liaiiad to five einutes per individual. R CONSENT CALENDAR The following COSUat Calendar iiseta •ra expected to be routine ud non-coatroveraial. Thep will be ecled upon by the Council at oaa tiu witAouL diacuaalon. Anp Stq uy be revved by • ComciLenber or eaaLar of the udiuce for diacusaioa. -~ City Council Agenda September 6, 1989 PAGE 1. Approval of Ninutes: August 2, 19&9 (euquat, Wright absent). August e, 1989 (Brown, 8uquet absent). 2. Approval of Narrsnte, Register Noe. 8/23/89 and 8/30/&9, 1 and Payroll ending 8/27/89 for the total amount of $2,205,728.71. 3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule 13 ae of August 31, 1989. 4. Approval to authorize the advertising of the 'Notice 21 Inviting aide" for the Hidden Parm Road culvert Improvement Project, located seat of Carnellsn on Hidden Farm Road to bB funded with Drainage - General City Account 23-4637-8765 (PYS 88/89 and 89/90). AHSOLUTION NO. 89-381 22 A AESOLOTION OP TRB CITY COOXCIL OP THH CITY OP RANCHO COCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS A11D SPHCIPICATION9 8OR THH "H SDDHN FARM ROAD COLVSRT", IN 9AID CITY AND AVT11ORIEING AND DIRECTING TNB CITY CLBAK TO ADVHRTSSH TO RSCHIVS BIDS 5. >nn al M . ,wnm~nAMlnn !n nnnal.•.n! (.~..w..) v1~Al ...a n ~~1 Avenue (SR30) between Hevan Avenue end 19th street transition utilising the City•e contractor, Laird Construction, pursuant to the existing annual Emergency and Routine Nsintenance Contract in the amount of $216,000.00 ($205,964.50 plus 91 contingency) to be funded through TOA Article 8, Account No. 12-4637-8903 (PY 89/90). 6. Approval of the Environmental Initial study, parts I and 27 II, for Haven Avenue, Highland Avenue and 19th Street east of raven, Yhaeee 1 and 2, Including the re-opening of Highland Avenue fran asst of Haven Avenue to west of Deet Creek and the improvement of Hevan Avenue between 19th Street and Highland Avenue to providm three lenea of traffic Ln each direction end issuance of a Categorical Exemption therefor. City Council Agenda September 6, 1989 PAGE ASSOLOTION NO. 89-382 29 A R63OLUTION OF TBH CITY COUNCIL OP TRB CITY OF RANCRO CUCAMONGA, CALI POANIA, APPROVING TRS SNVIAONNSNTAL INITIAL STUDY AND SSSUlfNC6 OF A CATBCORICAL SXSMPTION FOR THS PROPOSED RS- OPSNING OP RIGNLAI7D AVBNV6 7. Approval of updated current City Policy end procedure 42 for various Landacnpe and Street Lighting Maintenance Dietticie within the City. 8. Approval of City Sngineer•e approval of Terra Vietn and 5J Vletoria Planned Ca~munitiea Improvement Implemenietion Policies. 9. Approval to award the Sapphire Parkway Renovation and 75 Trsil Retrofit Improvement Project f[am Banyan Street to Jennet Street for the amount of $85,980.90, to be funded with Beautification Funds, Account No. 23-d5d7-0845 (PYs 88/89 and 89/90). 10. Approval to execute contract (CO 89-141) for the Vineyard 77 Avenue at the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Pe Railroad Croeeing Improvement Project located between Eighth and Ninth 9Lreets awarded to Larsen and Leaverenz, Incorporated, for the amount of $62,233.00 ($56,575.00 plug l0a [.nntinnencvl hn M fnndad f...m a~.a~.... Development Account No. 22-4637-8850, (FY 88/89) (Awarded July 19, 3989). 11. Approval to execute a five year lease agreement (CO 89- 78 147( with the State of California for property south of Beryl Perk, for the sum of $150.00 per month to be funded from Engineering Maintenance Account 01-4647-3900. 12. Approval of Real Property Improvement Agreement (CO 89- 79 151( wish the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection Dletrict for public improvements eaaocieted with Plre Station 3, located on Baee Line Aoad, east of Day Creak. 13. Approval of Map, execution of Improvement Agreement, 8~ i i Improvement Sea~rlty, Real Property Improvement Contract end Lien Agreement (CO 89-152(, and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance Dletrict No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance Dietrlct Noe. 1 end 6 for Parcel Mep 11671, located between 4th end 6th Streets end between Pittsburgh and Buffalo Avenuee, eubmitted by MSaBion Land Company. 4~ City Council Agenda September b, 1989 eACe RBSOLOTION NO. 09-303 81 A AESOLOTION OP Tfg CITY COUNCIL OP Tim CITY OP AANCRO CGCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCBL MAP MOMBBR 11671, (TSNTATI'!6 PARCEL NAP NO. 11671), REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMBNT ODNTAACT AND LIEU AGAEElBNT, IMPAOVSlRNT AGREElBNT, AND IMPROVRDSRT SECOAITY AND AVTRORIrING TH6 MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN TNB SAH6 RSSOLOTION NO. 89-384 82 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COONCIL OP TNB CITY OP ANICEO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING T88 ANNEIATION OF CERTAIN TENRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DIBTRICT NO. 3 AND STREET LICRTING MAIN26NMCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 POH PARCEL MAP 11671 14. Approval t0 release Aeel Property Improvement Contract ~ and Lian Agreement (W 09-153) releasing Aaweaor's Percal No. 201-253-36, located on the north side Of Lemon Strest beiaaen Archibald Avenue and London Avenue, submitted by Peul F. McMichael and Cheryl A. McMichael. RESOLUTION NO. 39-385 85 A A630LUTIOH OP TH6 CTTY MlmrTi. nv m~e n~mv OP RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, RELEASING A PEAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTAACf AND LIEN AGABEIDINT PROM PAUL P. MCMTCHAEL AND CHERYL A. MCMICNASL 15. Approval to execute Contract Change Order No. 2 (CO 80- 86 Oed) aith ASL Consulting Engineers to provide additional design services for Hermosa-Church SCOrm Drain. The Change order Se for the total amount of 010, 35D.00 to _ bring the contract total to 593,844.00 to be paid frao Drainage Punde, Account No. 23-9637-8761-4603-4110 (PY 89/90). n U Clty Council Aqendn September 6, 1989 PAGE 16. Approval to exeeuts Contract Change order No. 1 (CO 86- 87 071) Eoz Che ease Liv Road Nidening Project, Phase I, Htiwanda Avenue to the Interstate Highway 15 by G.P.S. engineers, for the adtlitional design of water line supports, as requested by Lhe San Gabriel Valley Municipsl Nster District, and redesign of the storm drain to avoid a recently installed water line Ln Htiwnnde Avenue requested by the Cucemonge County Hater District, in the amount of $9,700.00 to Drinq the contract total amount to $54,883.00 to De funded by Eiiwsnda Drainage Fees, Account No. 19-6637-8840 (PY 89/90). 17. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement extension for 89 Tract 12969, loceieA on Lhe south side of Arrow eigAway at 8dwin Street, suhmlttad by 8agop and Yeghla Ynzedjian. ABSOLUTION NO. 89-386 91 A ABSOLUTION OP T1~ CITY COUNCIL OF TTB CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIAr APPROVING IMPROVEMHNT ACA68MHNT 8%TBNSSON AND IMPROVBMSNT SeCORITY POR TMCT 32969 13. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for 92 Tract 13270, located on the northwest coiner of Chutch street and Milliken Avenue, submitted by Nestern Properties. RESOLUTION NO. 89-387 94 A RBSOLVTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGAEHMHNT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POA 1'PACT 13270 19. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for _ 95 Tract 13271, located on the northwest corner of Terra Vista Parkway end M1121ken Avenue, euDmitted by Lewis Momee. ABSOLUTION NO. 89-388 97 R PESOLVT ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CSTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREBMENT B%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SBCVRITY FOR TRACT 13271 fl ~n City Council AgeMe September 6, 1989 PAGE 20. Approval to exawte Improvement Agreement Bxteneion for 98 Tract 12671-1 through -4 located on the northeast corner of Nillikan Avenue end Mountain View Drive, submitted by Lewis Baese. RBSOLUTION NO. 89-389 100 A RESOLUTION OF TNB CITY COVNCIL OP TFf6 CITY OP RANCEN) CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INPROVBlBNT ACRSBNBNT BFTBNSION AND IMPROVElOSNT SBCUBITY FOR TRACT 12671-1 TkNtWGH -4 21. Approval to accept Imprw®enta, Relaeee of sonde, and Notice of Completion for: TraM 13562-1 located on the south aide of Nilecn Avenue 101 between Ceniatei Avenue and Dear Creak Releeaez Faithful Performance Bontl (Street) $B66,DOD.DD Faithful Performance Bond (steam Drain) $437,000.00 Acceptz Maintenance Guarantee Bond (street) $ BB,6e0.OD Malntananca Ouarentaa Bond (storm Drain) $ 63,700.OD ..__.______. .._. _. _._ sn7 A ABSOLUTION OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL OF TNB CITY OP RANCNO CUCANONCA, CALIPOIWIA, ACCBPTING THB PUBLIC IMPROVBMBNTS FOR TAACT 13542-1 AND AGTNORI2ING THB PILING OP A NOTICB OP COMPLETION FOR TRB NORE m_r.cr_ 13561 locnted an th nth ast corns of 103 Fatherlands View Looo and Vintave Drive Releeae: Faithful Performance Bond (street) $103,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bnnd (St zest) $ 10,300.00 4 City Council Agenda September 6, 1989 r,-oe ABSOLUTION NO. 39-391 A R690LOTION OP TRS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCIW COCAlWNGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING TNB PUBLIC INPAOVElRNTS POR TRACT 13561 AND AUTHORISING TH6 PILING OP A NOTICE OP COMPLETIOIP POR TBB HOAR Tract 10035 located on tha north aide of Camino Predsra 144 ~5 Street et Predera Court Ae:eeee: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $244,000.00 Accept: Naintenanca Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 24,40D.00 RESOLUTION NO. 89-392 1~6 A ABSOLUTION OP THH CITY COUNCIL O/ TH6 CITY oP AMC[N) WCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCBPTIN6 TH6 PUBLIC IMPROVBMENTS POR TRACT 10035 AND AUTHORISING TH8 PILING OP A NOTICE OP CONPLHTION POA THB NORR Tract 13563 located on the west side of Netherlende View 107 Loon south of vintage Drivs Release: Faithful PerEOrmence Bond (street) 5112,OOD.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 11,200.00 RESOLUTION NO. A9-393 108 A RESOLUTION OP THH CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA. CAL IFOANIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPAOVSMENT3 POA TRACT 13563 AND AUTHORI KING TNB PILING OP A NOTICE OP COMPLHTION POR THE NORR 7 City Council Agendn September 6, 1989 PAGE Traci 13558 locaiM on the east aide and west Bide of 109 V ou Gunn o ur Hountain Court Release: Fa ithfnl Performance Bond (Street) $145,000.00 Accept: Neintensnce Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 14,500.00 RHSOLUTION NO. 89-394 110 A RHSOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP TffE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCHPTING TNH PUBLIC IHPAOVBl03NT8 POR TRACT 33558 AND AUTHORISING TFUi PILING OP A NOTICE OP COMPLHTIOH POR THH NORR Tract 13275 located on the north Bide of Niahland Avenue 111 1200 feet east of Navan Avenue Relenee: Faithful Performance Bond (street) $ 52,000.00 Accepts Maintenance Guarantee Caeh Bond (Street) $ 5,200.00 11: ....................... ... .... A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OP TH& CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ACCBPTINO THH PUBLIC IMPROVElD:NTS FOR TRACT 13275 ANO AUTHORI2ING THH PILING OP A NOTICE OP COHPLHTION FOR TNH NORR 22. Approval to release Maintenance Bond for Tract 12532 113 located on the south aide of Victoria Street between Archibald Avenue and Ramona Street. 23. Approval io release ceeh depoeite in the amounts of 114 $2,500.00 and $1,256.00 to ALH Limited Partners for Model Home Sales Office and (2) SubdivLeion Signs for Tract 13353. 2d. Approval to release cash depoeite in the amounts of 114 $2,500.00 end $628.00 Lo A. C. S C. Investment croup Limited for Model Home sales office and Subdivielon Sign for Tract 13742. City Council Agenda September 6, 1989 eACe 25. Approval of Parcel Nep, execution of Improvement 115 Agreement, Improvement security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Nalntenance DietriM Noa. 1 and 2 for Parcel Nep 12573, located on the east aide of Archibald Avenue, south of Lemon Avenue, submitted by L.A. Chanco, Incorporated. ABSOLUTION NO. 89-396 116 A RESOLUTION OF TNB CITY COUNCIL OF TNB CITY OP AANCFIO CUCAMONCA, CALI POANIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NO. 12573 (TBNTATIVB PARCEL MAP NO. 12573) IMPAOVBMBNT AGASSXSNT, AND IMPROVBIlENT SECURITY RSSOLUTION NO. 39-397 117 A AS60LUTION OF TIB CITY COUNCIL OP TIO; CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDBAING TR% ANNEIATION OP CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAP% MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND STREET LION1'ING MAIIITERANC6 DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOA PARCEL MAP 12573 26. Approval of Mep, execution Of Improvement Agreement, 120 Improvement Security and Ordering the Mnexation to Street Lighting Ndntensncs Di wtr+rr nn. + ...! ? __: Tract 13873, located on the northwest corner of Atwood Street and Victoria Park Lane, south of Southern Pacific Railroad submitted by The Nilliam Lyon Company. RESOLUTION NO. 89-398 121 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING _ IMPROVEMENT AOREHM%NT, IIIPROV%MBNT SECURITY, AND FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 33873 RESOLUTION NO. 89-399 122 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TN% CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONOA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TM8 ANN%rATION OP CERTAIN T%RRITORY 1'O STR88T LIGHTING IMINT%NANCB DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 3 FOR TRACT 13873 PAGE City Council Agenda September 6, 1989 10 27. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement, Improvement 125 Security and Ordering the Annexation to Street Lighting Maintenance District Noc. 1 and 2 for CUP 87-05, locnted at 6723 Btiwanda Avenue auMRLLted by Croee and crown Lutheran Chureh. RESOLUTION NO. 89-400 126 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INPAOVEl03NT AGABEHENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POR CONDITIONAL USE PBANIT NO. 87-OS RESOLUTION NO. 89-401 12] A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP TH8 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMOHOA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNB%ATIOH OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHTING NAINTBNANC6 DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 POA CONDITIONAL USS PERMIT 87-OS 28. Approval of Parcel Map, execution of Improvement 130 Agreement, Improvement security and ordering the Annexation to Lnndecape Naintenance District No. 3 end Street Lighting Maintenance Oletrict Hoa. 1 and 6 for Parcel Mep 11852, located east of Utica Avenue, 300 feet eoutA of Arrow Route, submitted Dy Barton Development RESOLUTION NO. 89-402 131 A RESOLUTION OF TRB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY of RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 11852, (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. -11852(, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY RESOLUTION NO. 89-403 132 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDBP.ING TXE ANNEXATION OP CBRTAIN TERRITORY TO LANOSCAPB MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 3 AND STREET LICHTIHC MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR PARCBL MAP 11852 29. Approval Lo execute Improvement Agreement and Improvement 135 Security for Tract 12462, located on the south Bide of Summit Avenue, seat of Etlwenda Avenue, euDmitted by First Family Homae. ~~ PAGE City Council Agenda September 6, 1989 11 RHSOLUTION NO. 89-404 136 A RBSOLOTZON OP TNB CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OP RANCRO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING I!D'ROVElBNT AGR66MSNT AND IMPROVEMBNT SBCOAI TY POR TRACT NO. 12462 30. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement end Improvement 138 Security !or Tract No. 12835, located on the eaei aide of Vineyard Avenue, 600 feet north of Arrow Route, submitted by Park Vineyard Joint Ventura. AESOLOTION NO. 89-405 139 A RHSOLOTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVBlBNT AGRBBMBNT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POR TRACT NO. 32835 E. CONSENT ORDIKANCEB The followiaq Ordiaa0eea have Da4 public horinga at Lhe tLe of first seaAing. eecoad raaAinga era eapacLW to M routine and non-controversial. Tbq will W acted uqn Dy the Comcil at me Liao wltbon! discuoiou. The City Clerk will read the title. Any i!o can W rawved for dLacuuion. 1. O P R O H~II.CIPAL CODS BSTABLISNING A DRAINAGE PHE POA NEN DSVBLOPNBNT IN TH8 BTIWANDA AND 6AN SBVAINE AREAS - Recommend that the City Council adopt the ortllnance relative to the eetnbliehment of an Etiwanda/San Savaine Area Drainage Plan ORDINANCE N0. 402 (second Yeading) 141 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP MNCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI POPNIA, ADDING .l NEW CHAPTER 13.09 TO TN& RANCHO C[ICAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODB, BSTABL IBNING A DRAINAGE FEB FOR ALL NEW DBVELOPHBNTS WITHIN THE ETIWANDA/SAN SEVAINE LOCAL DRAINAGE ARBA ~~ ADVERTISED PVELIC EEARINGB TDa followiaq iteaa Dave been adrertUe4 and/or gated u public Daaringa o requiraA by law. The chair will oqn CDe voting to receive public batlwony. PAGE City Council Agenda September 6, 1989 12 1. APvR OP ENVIRONMENT A S NT CONDITION USE 148 PERMIT E9-19 - UNIVERSAL ARCADH - An appenl of the Planning Cammieelon'a approval of a request to establish an arcade in a leased apace of 850 square feet within an existing co®ercial center on 1.26 acres of land in the General Com~ercial District, locatM at the southwest corner of Arrow Aouta and Malven Avenue - APN 209-041- 151. (Cenlinvad frw Augaa! 14, 1989) 189 ABSOLUTION NO. 89-406 A RESOLOTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TN8 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORN IA, DENYING AN APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMIES ION'S DECISION TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL VSH PERHIT 89-19 FOR AN ARCAOS TO OPEAATB IN AN EXISTING COMlBRCIAL CBNTER ON 1.26 ACRES OP LAND IN THE GENERAL COlD7ERCIAL DISTRICT, LOCATED AT THE SOUTtINEST COANBR OP ARROW ROUTE AND MALVEN AVENUE, AND HARING PINDINGS IN SUPPORT THHRSOF - APN 209- D41-u 2. ENVIAONNFNT i $ RHT AuD D P Rum DI TRICTS 191 AMBNDM%NT H9-02 - BLACKMON HONE3. INCORPORATED - A requeei to pre-zone approximately 25 scree located on the northeast corner of Highland and Rocheete[ Avenues io Low Density Realdentiel (2-4 dwelling unite per acre) - APN -I 36, 1989) 3. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 89 03 191 - BLAC%MON HOMES. INCORPORATED - A request to approve e development agreement (CO 89-149) for approximately 25 acres consist ing of 78 residential lots located a! the northeast corner of Highland and Rochester Avenues -APN 225-152-01, 02, 03, 04 and 1B. (Cnntinuad from August _ 16, 1989) 4. ENVIRONNENTAL ASSESSMENT AND ANNEXATION AGREEMENT 89-03 - 191 BLACKMON HOMES. INCORPORATED - A request to approve an annexation agreement (CO 89-150) for development and annexation of approximately 25 acres located on the nor*.neaet corner of Highland end Rochester Avanuoa -APN 225-152-01, 02, 03, 04 end 18. (COnLiavad Troy Augua! 16, 1989) 5. V~ICATION OP THB PRONTAGS ROAb - PLAZA DE LAS SRISAB - ON 15Z FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OP FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND RAMONA AVENVB APPRO%IMATBLY 30 PEST WIDB AND 544 FEET LONG - APN 208-301-15. 16. 17 Yet } PAGE City Council Agenda September 6, 1989 13 5. wD w 193 0 MAINTBNANC6 DISTRICT NO. 7 RESOLUTION NO. 89-407 19Q A RESOLVTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THH CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALI FORRIA, OADERI:iG TN6 NOAE IN CONNECTION WITH THB ANNE%l1TION TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 AND ACCEPTING TH8 FINAL 6NGIN68R'S REPORT FOR TRACT MO. 12462 7. 199 LENIS ROlO35 - An appeal of a Condition of Approval requiring participation in a School District Conmunity Paellitias District for a residential subdivision and design review of 118 condominiums on 5 lots and a single family lots on 9.07 acres of lend :n the Medium Density Residential District (5-14 dwelling unite per acre) witAin tAe 'Terra Vista Planned Community, located et the southwest corner of Terre Vista Parlnray and Milliken Avenue - APN 1077-091-36. (APPLICANT EAB NITeDFANN TA6 APP671Z.. TEIB ITAI HILL NOT HE asARD) PUBLIC NEARINOB O . The following itus have eo lgal pablicatiw or poetiag requiraants. The Chair will opea the meetiaq to receive public testimony. 1. R -0 201 LANG AND INTBRSTATB 15 - Public Hearing of protests regarding Eminent Domain action to acquire public right- _ of-wny for the Base Line Road Nidening Project between Victorin Park Lane and Interstate 15 at Che property located at 12658 Baee Llne Aoad (APN 227-111-33) for the construction of street Smprovemante across tae frontage of said property. RE8OLUTION MO. 89-403 210 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARZNG THB PUBLIC NE60 AND NECBHHITY TO CONDEMN A PORTION OP CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF Y~n n PAGE city council Agenda September 6, 1989 14 2. EMINENT OOMIIIN ACTION TO ACOUIRB PUBLIC RIGHT-0F-NAY POR 213 THB BASE LING ROAD NIDSNING PROJECT BSTNHAN VICTORIA PA_R IdHiB_ AND INTSRSTAT6 15 - Public Hearlnq of protests regarding Hminent Domain action to acquire public ri9hC- of-way for the ease Line Road Nidening Project between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15 nt Lhe property located nt 12659 Enee Line Road (APN 227-171-39) for the construction of atzeet improvements acroee the frontage of said property. RESOLUTION NO. 89-409 221 A AHSOLOTION OP TN6 CITY COUNCIL OP THH CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DSCLARIN6 THB PUBLIC NEED AND NHCESSITY TO CONDS[47 A PORTION OP CHRTAIN REAL PROPHRTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND MAKING PINDINOS IN SUPPORT THEREOF 3. EMINENT DOMAIN ACTION TO ACOUI RS PUBLIC RIGHT-0P-NAY POR 224 TH6 BASS LINE ROAD NIDENIAG PROJECT HSTNEBN VICTORIA P Ar LANE AND INTERSTATE 15 - Public Hearinq of protests regarding Eminent Domain action to acquire public right- of-way for the Base Line Roed Nidening Project between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15 at the property located at 12951 Baaa Line Road (APN 1100-011-01) for the construction of street improvements across the frontage s --u ..........~... RESOLUTION NO. 89-410 231 A P.HSOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING TR6 PUBLIC NEHD AND NHCSSSITY TO CONDEMN A PORTION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPHATY LOCATED IN TH6 CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONCA AND MAKING FINDINGS IN 6UPPORT THBREOP 4. EMINENT DOMAIN ACTION TO ACOUIRR PUBLIC RIONT-0P NAY PDR 234 THE BASE LINE ROAD wIDENINO PROJECT BETN66N VICTORIA PARR LAMB AND INTERSTATE 15 - Public Hearinq of proteeta regarding Eminent Domain action to acquire public right- of-way for the saes Line Pond widening Project batwnen VSctorla Pack Lane end Interstate 15 at the property located at 7322 8iiwenda Avenue (APN 227-171-04) for the construction of street improvements acroee the tcontege of said property. ~T ~r PAGE City Council Agenda September 6, 1989 15 RBSOLVTION NO. 89-411 241 A RSSOLUTION OP TNH CITY COUNCIL OF TFi6 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING TE@ PUBLIC NEED AND NBCESSITY TO CONDEMN A PORTION OP CBRTAIN REAL PROPERTY IACATSO IN THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT TNEABOF N. CITY MARAO['R'8 BTAFF REPOATB The following iteee do not legally require say public lestiaoay, elthougb the Chair eel open the eeetiag for public iapuL. 1, CO 244 89-1541 MITN THS COUNTY OP SAN BERNARDINO TO ALLOW 9 PAOGRAN TO BS USED TO ASSIST FIRST-TIME NOlB BUYERS IN TH6 CITY RESOLUTION NO. H9-412 248 A RESOLUTION OF TN6 CITY COUACIL OF TINS CITY Op RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A HOME MOATGAGH FINANCE PRIXSRAM IN COOPERATION AUTHORISING TH8 MAYOR AND CITYy CLEAR •TO EXECUTE POR AND ON BSNALP OP THE CITY IN A COOPSRATIVB AGREEMENT BETWEEN THB COVNTY OF SAN BEANARDINO AND THE CITY 2. CONSIDERATION TO SUPPORT "PET LOST 6 FOUND OP RANCHO 250 CUCAMONGA" WITH A 3150.00 CONTRIBUTION - A request by a group of residents to help support their organization, "Pet Loet 6 Pound of Rancho Cucamonga", witA a $150.00 contribution. 3. REPORT ON SIDEWALES FOA PL CIDA COL WEST OF SIEAA 252 MADRE STREET - A report on the hletory of thle project and consideration cf conatructing sidewalks on Plecida rrnorr,. 4. CONSIDERATION OP ROCH83TER AVENUE IPOOTNILL BOC R17 A TO 259 nASE LINE R0AD1 BSAVTIFICaTION CONCEPTS - Consideration and approvsl of Landeanpe concepts and coat estimate for th0 Rocheeter Avenue Heeutif Lcat ion project (Foothill Houlevard to Baee Line Aoad) with recommendation to proceed with construction documents. ~~ ' PAGE City Council Agenda Septead~er 6, 1989 16 s, 269 R E, 276 OP CALIFORNIA CITIBS ANNOAL CONPBRBNCB 7. R 280 SERVZC88 PLAN POR THE CITY OF AANCRO NCAMONGA W V W V PRIVATB PERSONS RESOLUTION NO. 89-413 2$1 A RESOLUTION OF TNB CITY COllNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CAL IPORNIA, ADOPTING A DIUPT HMBRGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLAN I. COUNCIL BUSINE88 The following itas hag been requuted by CDe City Council fns diacuaion. 1Tq are oo! public boring itua, although the Caair uy open tDe ueling for public input. 1. STATUS REPORT ON NORDIC DBVELOP!ffiNT 2B2 2. G A ION9 A SA 68 CENTERS 2$4 J. IOENTIFIGTION OF ETEMB FOR M6iT MEETING Thia is the ties for Citp Council to identify tha iteu Lacy visa to diacuai a! the next weting. Than Sins will not ba discuued at thin aeettng, only identified for the next _ Neeting. E. COMMUNIGTIONe PROM THE PUBLIC Thi• L tae tiu end platy for the gusral public to address the City Council. Binte law prohibits tIIe City Council from addrauing any issue not pradoualy included on LDe Agenda. The City Comcll uy receive tuiiuny an4 wt the uLler for s subsequent ueting. Coaasnts are to M llaited to lave Nioutsa par individual. {~T f PAGE city council Agenda September 6, 1989 17 L. ADJONMMEIR N66TIN6 TO ADJOORN TO JOINT MEa'TINO NITH T06 CBA106R Of CON16RC6 OM eePTmm6R 12, 1989, 7s00 P.N. AT Tee LIO118 PARR COMIIOIfITy CAfTmI I, Debra J. Aflame, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on September 1, 1969, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per cover,unent Code 56953 at 9320-C Base Line Road. Auguai 8, 1989 CITY OP RANCFIO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINDTES Joint Meetinc (Joint Meeting of the City Council and Chaffey College) A. CULL TO ORDER A joint meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Chaftey College rose on Tuesday, August e, 1989, at the Lions Park Community Center, 9161 ease Lina Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councilmembere: William J. Alexander, Pamela J. Nright, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Also present ware: CLCy Manager, Jack Lam? Deputy Clty Manager, Linda D. Daniels; Deputy City Manager, Jerry B. Pulwood; Community Services Manager, Jce Schultz; community Development Director, Rick bomez; Adminietretive Analyst, Diana O'Nea17 Adroinietrat iva Aide, Susan MLekay; and City Clerk, Debra J. Adams. Present Pcwm Chaffey College ware: Jerry young, president/Superintendent; Don Berz, Bxecutive Vice Preeldent7 Dennie ChunLng, Vice PreeLdeni/euenieee Services; Steve Menzel, 8xecutive Director/Personnel Services; Bill Bescoby, Boardmembez; James Barton, eoardmamber; ieebel Scully, Boardmember7 Robert 6dmoneon, Boardmember7 and Paul A. Treadway, Hoerdmemher. Absent we[e Councilme:mbere: Deborah N. Brown and Charles J. Buquet II R R R Mayor Stout stated this Se the second meeting the City has had with one of the community groups. Counci lmember Alexander asked Lf the Chatfey College Board would have to call the i.r meeting to order. - Dr. Jerry Young, Chaffey College, stated they would not have to call their meeting to order, but added that they hnd advertised for this meeting. R . R R . R B. ITBMB O! DISCUSSION B1. Discussion of joint use of college facilit tea. Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager, stated they have enjoyed the working relationship with the College staff including the cooperntion they have received from Janet Niz. He stated that the Clty needs facil it lee very badly, and ha furthor added thnt the City hna tniked wish the Drlgeby•e Eor the poseiDillty city Council Minutes August 8, 1989 Page 2 of using the vacant land which is near the College. He added he has been working on this with Jim Anderson of Chaffey College who etatetl that he would be looking into this possibility with the Crigsby'e, but that he has not heard anything back from the Grigeby`s or fray Mr. Anderson regarding their discussion on using this land for sports facilities. Mayor Stovt felt both the City and College should work out an agreement where they both could Denefit. James Barton, Chaffey Colleger stated he felt everyone should introduce themselves at this point 1n the meeting because eo many new faces. At this point the Chaffey College staff, City staff, and the City Council introduced themselves. Jack Lam, City Manager, added that Rick Gomez has come Dack to the Ctty and stated that, with the reorgenizniion of the Clty Manager's office, Jerry Pu lwood and Linda Daniels have becape Deputy City Managers. Or. Jerry Young, Chaffey College, stated that Dennis Chuning, had cape to Chef fey College from Pnsndena City Collage, end Don Harx had cane to Chaffey College from the Pereltn District. He added that Steve Menzel, who ie in Personnel, has been with the College for approximately three (3) years. Mayor Stout naked how Chaffey College felt about working on some of these projects with the City. Oi 11 Onannh.. nF~ffm. hnlluno ah •!M Flro.r An ha.m nFFUn nh1 ineFi nne !n amm~ of the other areas that•the College serves, but they do want to work with the City of Rancho Cucamonga also. Counc ilmember Wright stated this is why the agreement hee to benefit everyone. James Barton, Chaffey College, felt that Chaffey College should take their assets and do what Se necessary eo they will be continually growing. He further added he felt some kind of Joint Powers Agreement could be worked up for the land that ie available. Isabel Scully, Chaffey College, asked if the other neighboring cities that the College services could also use these facLlic tee and enter into the agreement to assist with the financing. Mayor Stout stated this was a poaeibil ity. James Barton, Chaffey College, stated it was hie opinion that some of the students Ln our area are going to Mt. San Antonio College instead of Chaffey College for one reason or another. Hayor Stout stated he felt that people ere really starting to be familiar with the location of Chaffey College, and the City ie trying to do the improvements to make it more attractive end more appealing. He etnted he felt the College was a very important aeewt to the City. City Council Minuiee Auquat B, 1989 Page 3 James Barion, Chaffey College, stated they are not objecting to working on some of the ideas with the City, but that they also have to check with the other neighboring areas for their needs. He £elt there should De some type of evening child care set up as one of the future programs. Joe Schultz, Community Bervi cee Manager, stated the City could talk to representatives of the other neighboring ciiiea about the lend that ie available Eor the various sports ueear and advise ahem ihai this land could be used for possible sports tournaments. He added that, ae negoiiationa continue with the College, staff will continue io update the City Council. Paul Treadway, Chaffey College, stated that he agreeel with Jana±e Barton that they do have to check wish the other neighboring cities as far as their needs. He stated he was Ln tavor of an agreement to help out both the City and the College. Ne added he [alt there should be an alternate access into Chaffey College. Mayor Stout stated that Banyan and Wilson will both be extended seal acroec Haven into the Fontana area. Ne also advised of the improvements to Milliken, and stated that the City Se aware of the clrculatlon problems up in thin srea. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated that Lemon Avenue will eventually be redesigned. Paul Treadway, Chaffey College, felt the population at the College would be greater if the access into the College was better. • ~ James Barton, chatfey college, stated that what hoe been talked about already was the college's main concern, and Commented On the conaultani they have hired to assist them with making things better at the College. He felt they should start working closer with the City, and would like to have on going meet loge with them. He felt everyone should start planning for the lncreaeed population S.n the City of Rancao Cucamonga. He further euggeeted that the College should pose ably get the City a llet of actLvit lee that they offer. Janet NSx, Chaffey College, etaied In Auguei a new list would come out. Mayor Stout stated he liked the act ivitiee the College offers to the convnunity. councllmembec Wright etaied she feels the city end the College have many mutual areas of concern, and that everyone should work toger.her nn these rnmerne. She brought up each eubj acre eel Computer Links, Cable TV, Cultural Center, Museum, and Child Care, and euggeeted all of these areas be worked on Dy both the College and the City. James Berton, Chaffey College, asked about the problems Lhat eiill exist with the Cable TV. Dlane O'Neal, Adminletret iva Analyst, stated that the Comcaet contract i^ expiring, and that ae noon ee the th1rO company frnnchlae agreement comae on, City Council Minutes august 8, 1989 Page 4 Lhe City would be working with Cheffey College on puDlie scceee which should De towards the end of the year. Paul Treadway, Cheffey College, asked Joe Schultz if the City's Community Services Department 1e working wish Cheffey Collage's Community Servicee Department. Joe Schultz, Coamlunity Servicee Manager, stated they are working together. Paul Treadway, Cheffey College, asked if the cable companies could get involved in the education process. Don Berz, Chnffey College, stated Lhai where he previously worked, the cable company worked with them on different programs. James Rarton, Cheffey College, stated if there moss an education program available through cable, he felt it mould be a reel asset to the community. Dr. Jerry Young, Cheffey Collage, stated that the work on Haven and Wilson has helped the College out tremendously. Ne appracinted the City calling this meeting, and even though the Collage serves other elites, he feels they hove a special relationship with the City of Rancho Cucamonga. He felt as the population grows, as it is predicted, they could not continue to handle Lhe increased amount of students Ln Rancho Cucamonga. Mayor Stout thanked the College for their attendance. Du,t TnesAmy ~fiaffay l~nlle~e a~R1M fin wn1A 114a Rlt fAU nnn~N Rn>nnl nR M get together and discuss same of these problems. • R R R . . C. COMMUNLGTIONB PROM TH6 PVRLIC No communication was made from the public. R R R R R R D. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Wright to adSourn. Motion carried unanimously 3-0-2. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra J. Ademe City Clerk Approved: August 2, 1989 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES A. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga met on Wednesday, August 2, 1989, at the Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Baee Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting wee Called to ordeY et 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Dennia L. Stout. Present were Councilmembere: William J. Alexander, Deborah N. Brown, and Nayor Dennia L. Stout. Also present were: City Mflnager, Jack Lam; Deputy Clty Nanagerr Linda D. Daniels; Deputy City Manager, Jerry a. Pulwood; Executive Assistant, Patty Riffal; City Attorney, James Markman; City Clerk, Debrs J. Adams; Senior Administrative Assistant, Duane Baker; Administrative Analyst, Duane O'Neal; Administrative Services DLTYCtOi, Jim Nart) City Treas~•ser, Jim P[Oet; Community Development Dirsctor, Rick Comex; City Planner, Brad Buller; Principal Planner, Dan Coleman; Princ ipel Planner, Larry Henderson; Associate Planner, Alan Warren; City Engineer, Russell Haguire; Seniot Civil 8nglneer, Mike Olivier; Aeeoclate Civil Enginees, John L. Martin; Community Services Manager, Joe Schultz; Recreation Superintendent, Rathy 8orenaen; and Park Proiecte Coordinator, Dave Leonard. Ahaent were Councilmembere: Charles J. Buquet, and Pamela J. Wright. . • . • . e B. ANNOVNCENBNTS/PREBENTATION3 B1. Presentation to Liz Stoddard, Finance Manager, wishing her good luck in the City of Hesperia. Presentation was made to Elizabeth Stoddard by Mayor Dennia L. Stout. • ~ • • ~ x C. CONNUNICATIONS FROM THE PVBLIC No communication was made. w D. CON86NT CALENDAR Jack Lem, City Manager, stated ins account number ae shown on the Agenda for Item D13 of 22-4637-8853 was nc longer valid, end that the account number should rend 12-4647-8904. city Council Mlnutee Auquet 2, 1989 Page 2 D1. Approval of Minutest June 29, 19891 July 5, 1989, July il, 1989. D2. Approval of Wnrranis, Register Noe. 7/19/89 and 7/26/89 and Payroll ending 7/20/89 for the total amount of $2,578,220.68. D3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule ae of July 26, 1989. D4. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On Sale Beer 6 Wlne Eating Place for Jim's Pizza, James A. Edwards, 9653 Base Line Road. D5. Alcoholic Beverage Application Eor On-Sales Beer 6 Wine Eating Place for Ponderosa J1014, Pyong Ru end Yony Sik Hong, 8463 Haven Avenue. D6. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On $alee General Eating Place for The Polo Orounde, Rancho C Hquities and Csrl F. Lucas Jr., 10877 Foothill Boulevard. D7. Approval to authorise an Adminletrative Pee (CO 89-129) for the callecti.on of special taxes within Community Facilities District 88-2 D8. Approval of Joint Bee Agreement (CO 89-130) with Chaffsy Union High School District for use of Alta Lana Wigh School Multi-Purpose Aoom, capital improvements and renovation of playfielde at Alta Laos High School. To be funded from Account 20-4532-0926 (PY 89/90). D9. Approval of Joint Uee Agreement (CO 89-131) wish Chef£ey Union High School District for uaa of Etiwanda Nigh Sehool Playfielda, capital improvements and __ _ s_1i n_nn_ n_f_ nl_urf_i_n_1_Ae .Y vH uo M. vl nA nl.nnl Mn fn nrlnA _f_rn.n rnnn.. ._ .. ..,, nnnnon .. c ..~ ... ... _._ ........ .._~.. ......_ ,^ ... _......_.. ... .. ..... 20-4532-8926 (PY 89/90). D10. Approval to execute Renewal Agreement (CO 89-132) for the Citywide Emergency and Routine Pavement Repair Annual Nalntenance Contract with Laird Construction. The contract amount of 575,000.00 to be funded from account 01- 4647-6028-6000-7305 (PY 89/90). D11. Approval to execute Renewal Agreement (CO 89-133) for the Citywide Concrete Repair Annual Maintenance Contract with Raymor Electric, Account Number 01-4647- 6028-6000-7113 (FY 89/90). D12. Approval to execute contract (CO 89-134) to Memorex Telex for a teleconvnunicat ion system and voice and data cabling for the Civic Center/PUblf.c Safety Facility for the amount of 5413,882.00 to De Eunded from RDA Account Number 13-51700 and Generai Pund O1-4245-7044 (Audgeted LD PY 89)90). D13. Approval to execute contract (CO 89-135) Eor the Victoria Street from Eaet Avenue to Et iwanda High School awarded to Lereen end Leaverenz for the amount of 596,000.00 ($B?,210.40 plus 10Y contingency) to ba funded from 8yetsme development - Account No. ~_ ._-----~-ov"~ 12-9647-8904 (PY 89/90) - Awarded 7-19- 89. City Council Minutae August 2, 1989 Page 3 Dib. Approval to enter into a five year lease/purchase agreement with Xerox Corporation for a 6090 High Speed Copier in Che amount of $130,000.00. 1st year payment budgeted in PY 89/90, Account Humber 01-4246-7044. D16. Approval t0 Open BBCYOw with Francisco D. Urena and Edward Y.W. Lin, et. al., for purchase of land st 13004-13042 end 32974 ease Line Road, reepectlvely to obtain the right-of-way for the ease Line Road Widening Project between Victoria Pnrk Lane and Interstate 16 for $13,000.00 and $16,000.00 raapectively, plus escrow costa of $6,000.00 to be paid from Syeteme Peas Account No. 22-4637- 8730-4fi0fi-417. 016. Approval to adopt updated 8tiwanda/San Sevaine Area Master Plan of Drainage Report end Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Drainage Policy. R850LUTION NO. 89-346 A RESOLUTION OF TIffi CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE UPDATED ETIWANDA/SAN SEVAINB AABA MASTER PLAN OP DRAINAGE REPORT AND ADOPTING THE HTINANOA/SAN SBVAINE AREA DRAINAGE POLICY D17. Approval of Parcel Map 12276, Improvement Agreement, and Improvement Security and ordering the annexation LO Landscape MalntenenCe District No. 1 end Street Lighting Maintenance Dietr ict Noe. 1 and 2 for Parcel Map 12218, located on the seat aide of Hellman Avenue and south of 19th street, submitted by Hix Development Corporation. A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMeeR 12218, (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 12218, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY RESOLUTION NO. 89-347 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OP CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND NTREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCR DIBTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR PARCEL MAP 12218 718. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement and Improvement security ter DR 87-19 and 87-20, located on the north and south aide of Sharon Circle, seat of Hermosa Avenue, submitted by indumar Investments, Incorporated. RESOLUTION NO. 89-348 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIAr APPROVING IMPROVEMBNT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEHENT SECURITY POR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW N09. 67- 19 AND 87-20 City Council Ninutee Auguei 2, 1989 Page 4 D19. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Bxteneion for Tract 13645 located on the eouthweet corner of Rochester Avenue and Victoria Park Lane, submitted by The William Lyon Company. R88OLUTI0N NO. 89-349 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIPORNIAr APPROVING IMPROVBMBNT AGREEMENT BRTSRSION ANO IMPROVEMENT SECURITY TOR TRACT 13445 D20. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Bxteneion for Tract 13722 located on the northwest coiner of Victoria Park Lane and Milliken Avenue, submitted by The Nillinm Lyon Company. ABSOLUTION NO. 89-350 A RESOLUTION OB TER CITY COONCIL OP TNB CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPAOVSNRNT AGAEEMBNT SRTENSION ANO IMPROVEMRNT SECURITY POR TRACT 13722 D21. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for Parcel Map 9498 Haven Avenue and PerCel Mnp 9498 Fourth Street, located on the northeset corner of Naven Avenue and 4th StraeC, Submitted Dy Reiter - Rinker Gateway. RESOLUTION NO. 89-351 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY OP RANCHO BRTBNSIONIAND IMPROVSHENT•SBCUAITY POR PARCEL •MAP~9498 HAVEN AVENUE AND PARCEL HAP 9498 FOURTH STREET 022. Approval to accept Improvements, release of bonds and the Notice of Completion fon MDR B6-24 located on the east side of Santa Anita Avenue north of 4th B set. Faithful Performance Bond (SCraet) $ 6,000.00 RBSOLUTION NO, 89-352 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONOA, CAL IPORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POR HOA 86-24 ANO AUTHORIZING THE FILING OP A NOTICE OP COHPLBTION POR THE WORE DR 37-69 located on the west aide of center Avenue north of 4th Street Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $ 112,000.00 City Council Minutee August 2, 1989 Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. 89-353 A REEOLOTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP TNH CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING TES PUBLIC IMPROVHI~NTS FOR DR E7-59 AND AUTHORIZING THB PILING OF A NOTICE OP CO!lPLHTION T t 12642 d 12935-44 Storm Drain to tad th east aide of Milliken A between Ban st set and Highland A en Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $ 930,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 93,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 89-354 A RESOLUTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OP THR CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, ACCRPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POR TRACTS 12642 AND 12935-44 STORM DRAIN AND AUTHORIZING THB FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION POR THE NORR D23. Approval to release Maintenance Bond for Tract 12830 located on the west aide of 0ery1 Street south of 19tR Stteet. ..-_..__.._..__ _____..___ _cnd ~_._^^~) a va ooc nn 024. Approval io accept Improvements, release of bond for Tract 13066 located on the south aide of 19th Street east of Amethyst Street. Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 30,600.00 D25. Approval to annex Tract 12462, located on the south side of Summit Avenue between Etiwanda and Enet Avenuee to Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 and ee[ting the Public Hearing for September 6, 1989. RESOLUTION NO. E9-355 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THfi CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CITY M:NC (NRRR'S RRPORT POR ANNEYATION OF TRACT 12462 TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCfi DISTRICT NO. 7 RESOLUTION NO. 39-356 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, DECLMINO ITS INTHNTEON TO ONDHR TH& ANNE%ATION TO LANDSCAPH MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO, 7, AN A388SSMHNT DISTRICT, PURSUANT TO THB LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OP 1972 AND OFFSAINO A TIlB AND PLACB OP HEARING OBJECTIONS THERETO City Council Minutes August 1, 1989 Page 6 D26. Approval to eet Public Rearing for Septendiar 6, 1989 - Vacation of the Proni age Rond - Plaza De Lae arises - A requeet to vacate the frontage road on Foothill Boulevard, loceLed ei the southwest Cosner of Foothill Boulevard and Ramona Avenue, approximately 30 feet wide and 544 fe¢t long - APN 208-301-16, 16, 17. RESOLUTION NO. 89-367 A RESOLUTION OF THS CITY COUNCIL OF TNS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE T88 FRONTAGE RWU1 ON FOOTHILL BOVLSVARD, LOCATED AT THfi SODTHNEST CORNER OP POOTH ILL BOULEVARD AND RAMONA AVSNU@, APPROIINAT&LY 30 PSET NIDB ANO 644 FEET LONG - APN 208-301-16, 36, 17 MOTION: Roved by Brown, seconded Dy Alexander to approve the Consent Calendar ae amended. Motion carried unanimously 3-0-2 (BUquet and Nright absent)., + • • • w . E. CONSENT OIIDINANCES No items euDmitted. F. ADVERTISED PUaLIC BEARINGS P1. RO DEVH DH N H9-O1 - CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONGA - Eetabl Sehment of criteria for car washes within NeighDOrhood Commercial Districts. Staff report presented by Dan Coleman, Principal Planner. Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 398. Hayor Stout asked if theie were other opportunities for car washes other than in this particular small neighborhood convnercial area. Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, stated yea. Councilman Alexander asked if it was poeeible for the Manager of the car wash to also be the Hanager of the other related activit See in this center. Mr• rnleman ntarPd Lt 18 Po9sibl?• Hayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing Connell were: John Varna, 6331 Revere Avenue, expressed hie concerns for the residency manager of the car weeh who would have the dual responeibilit lee. He fell this wee Snadequnie end he felt thn site would need more supervision then that. He also conmrented on the location of the car weeh in relationship to GAB residential arse as far ee the acreage is involved. He added he City Council Minutes August 2, 3989 Page 7 felt what staff had done was adequate, especially ae far ae the shielding, and stated he felt that the ear wash at the location of Lemon and Haven was not large enough for the car wash. Robert Brooke, 10331 Orange Street, stated ha felt the ordinance should be approved. He did not like the idea of a car wash in hie backyard. John Verne, 6331 Revere Avenue, inquired about rezoning OP property. Mayor Stout stated that it Le possible to rezone a piece of property, but it can be a difficult process. Alicia Nederoff, 6341 Revere Avenue, stated she felt there would be many problems for n car wash to go in at Lemon and Haven. She stated she would like the Ordinance to go through. Mayor Stout pointed out that it was the Council who had asked this Ordinance to come before them [anlght, and asked the audience to limp what they any in Pevor of tare ordinance since they were already sold on the idea. Gene Alrldge, 10410 Lemon, stated he felt the Ordinance ehauld be approved. Jerry cruebel, the owner of ChaPPey Plaza which ie next to the Lemon and Haven site (hie OEf tee is in Santa Ana), stated ha had pulled n previous proposal in order to work up the beet possible fncil ity for this location. He felt there were some good ideas in staff's ordinance. He felt there __ _ _~., ., _ ____ w.. ~.,. ~e,• ....e i~ o would be adequate instead of two and^one-half smaller ones. ke staied'he felt this was copied after the feet food ordinance. He felt the co~mnunity would really use and like this car wash, and was asking that everyone work together on this issue. There being no further response, the public hearing was closed. Councilman Alexander asked how many car washes are being presented to the City. Brad Huller, City Planner, etatetl there are none coming up at the present rims. Councilman Alexander wondered if the City Council waa rushing to get this Ordinance approved, and asked if there wne enough research done to gat the necessary information for this. Mayor Stout addetl that if there was any clean-up to be done to this Ordinance, it could be done Inter if necessary. He oleo elated there le n lot of acreage in the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga that would be more nppropriate foc a car wash. Ha stated the issue Le to protect the nelghbochood area. He felt n car wash was not an appropriate use for this location of Haven end Lemon. Jerry Gruebel, the owner of Cha Efey Plaza, asked et this point if he could address the City Council again. city Council Minutes August 2, 1989 Page e Mayor Stout said he may. Jerry Gruabel stated he would withdraw hie application Lf the City Council would drop the Ordinance tonight. He further atnted he would work with staff to make the Ordinance better. James Hazkmnn, City Attorney, stated that this discussion was meant not only for Hr. Gruebel'e eituat ion, but that there could also be other applications filed tgoorrow for car washes. He did not feel the City council should delay the ordinance. Councilwoman Brown felt the Ordinance should not ba any lees than what had been written and was ready fo proceed with it tonight. ORN INANC6 NO. 398 (first reading) AN ORDINANCB OF THR CITY COONCIL OF TN6 CITY OP IIANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, A!ffiNDING TITLE 17 OF TH6 RANCHO CUCAHONCA MONICIPAL CODE REGARDING CAA WASHES NI THIN NSIGH80RHOOD COEDffiACIAL DISTRICTS MOTION: Moved by Brown, seconded 6y Alexander to waive full reading and set second reading for the Auguai 16, 1989 City Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously 3-0-2 (SUquat and Wright absent). Mayor Stout stated that Lf Mr. Gruebel could give any nddit tonal input prior to the second reading he would coneioer St. R • . Heyor Stout stated this has been on the agenda many times before. Ne explained about the construct ion to take place in the various etagea of the park. He stated this Se a ten year project. F2. CENTRAL PARR - SBCOND PHASE DEVELOPMBNT - Public Hearing i0 receive comments from the public regarding Council direction to authorize the Community Services Department staff to receive Request for Proposals to complete the second phase of Central Park--Design Development Phase. Staff report presented by Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager. Jae schu ltz, Community Services Manager, explained the steps ehte project has gone through before proceeding with this phase of Central Pnrk ee requested by t..^.e C= y Council. He farther explained what this phase woold include.. Mayor Stout opened the meet ln9 for public hearing. Addressing the Clty Council were: Wilma Brenner, senior Cltiaen located at 8631 Ramona Avenue, eteted she would like to sae Central Park proceed. City Council Minutes August 2, 1989 Page 9 Rimer Stevee, Senior Citizen located at 7497 Sierra Linda Court, felt it ores very crowded at the Rancho Cucamonga Neighborhood Center and would like to see the Central Park project proceed. Mdree sotar 7121 Pox Site Lane, stated he wanted to see the park get stetted ae soon as possible. Nancy McCormick, 9748 Aampehire 6treat, stated that parking was a big problem at the Aancho Cucamonga Neighborhood Center and ores in favor of the construction of Central Pnrk. Craig 8arrae, 10913 Manchester Street, was in favor of Central Park going in and wanted to see it started ee soon ae possible. Nelle Ayala, 8203 Archibald Avenue, etaied she ie in charge of the nutrition program for the Senior cif izene at the Rnncho Cucamonga Neighborhood Center, end etaied they have outgrown this facility. She felt Central Park should proceed as it has been planned. Rolle Mecobb, 6931 Lamar Court, stated she had served on one of the Taek Porcee and knows the hours the Community services Deportment hoe put into this project. She felt the master plan for the park ores a good plan and felt this should be a pneeive perk. Loren Aivel, 7336 8erkda le, etaied she did not want there to be sports Eielde in this peck. N. in •Fn children to gcowCup+Ln ;.nx, .... ...c p r.. .. __ _ ,_ __ ~____ _._ ..._ Mayor Stout asked for n show of hands of those that were in the audience who were in favor of Central Park proceeding ae a passive park. Let the record indicate chat the majority of people In the audience were in favor of Central Park proceeding es a passive park. Debbie Rnucklee, stated she is not opposed to the plan and felt the existing facility at the Rancho Cucamonga NeighDOrhood Center is very crowded. She stated she ores not aekLn9 for a sports field in Central Park, but felt there should be new sports Eacilit tee constructed. Mayor Stout stated that the City will do Lte beet to provide Eacilitiee to adequately meet the sports needs. There bring no further response, the public hearing ores Closed. councilwoman Brown stated her posit ion has not changed ae far ae Wanting a paesLVe park. She stated she also feels the crunch of the crowded fac LlLtiea. She added that, with the sports groups corning to the Clty Council eteting their needs, the city hee developed n Task Force to addxeee the sports groups concerns. She wanted the park to remain the eeme and oleo create new eport• f ielda. City Council Ninutea August 2, 1989 Page 10 councilman Alexander orated he echoed everything Councilwoman Brown had said, and added he felt thaC JOe Schultz, Community Services Manager, hoe done an excellent job with this project. Hayor Stout a10o Commended Joe Schultz. Ne further stated he felt a maximum effort hoe been put forth to get this far, but stated he did not feel all of the problems were over yet thnt there was et ill work to be done. MOTION: Moved by Stout, seconded by Brown to auihotixe et off to proceed with the request for proposals for the second phase of Central Park. Motion carried unanimously i-v-2 (HUquet and Wright absent). • • ~ A receea was taken et 9:00 p.m. with the meeting called back to order at 9:25 p.m. w Items P3, P4, P5, PS, and F7 were considered as one time. F3. V CA DECLARATION FOR THE PROPOSED BASE LIMB ROAD, PNASE II NIDENING PROJECT. BETWEEN VICTORIA PARE LANG AND BTINANDA AVENUE. P4. A V OP SS 88UANCB OP A NEGATIVE EC NIDENING AND STOAH DRAIN 1MYaU 06 F5. APPROVAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND ISSUANCE OF A NEGATIVE DSCL IO POA T PAOPO AMBTH AVEN S OMIN AND STREET RECONSTRUCT SE N 19TH AND GH ANO VE P6. V S N DEC A O O H SS V S P S ETWE ARCH SA N C F7. APPROVAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND ISSUANCE OP A NSGAT IVE ECL O O N AVENUE. PROM CENTER AVENUE TO HAVEN AVBNUB. Staff YepOri pi0eented by Mike Olivier, Senior Civil Bngineer. Mayer Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being n0 resp~nee, the public hearing was cloeed. R660LUTION NO, 89-336 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH6 CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPAOV ING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OP A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOA THE PROPOSED BASE LINE ROAD, PHASE II NIDENING PROJECT City Council Minutes Auquet 2, 1989 Page 11 RESOLUTION NO. 89-358 A RESOLUTION OF TH8 CITY COUNCIL OF TH6 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TNB ENVIRONMHNTAL ASSESSMENT INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OF A NBGATIVS DHCLAMTION POR THS PAOPOSBO BANH LINH ROAD WIDHNI NG PROJECT, PHA68 III, WIDHNING AND NTOAM DRAIN IMPP.OVHMBNTS RESOLUTION NO. 89-337 A RESOLUTION OP TWL CITY WUNCIL OP TF03 CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TEt6 BNVIRON!ffiNTAL ASSBSSMBNT INITIAL ST WY AND ISSUANCB OF A NEGATIVE DECLAMTION FOA TNB PAOPOSSO AMETNYST AVENUE STORM DRAIN AND STREET RECONSTRUCTION RESOLUTION NO. 89-338 A R830LUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TN6 CLTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE BNVIRON!ffiNTAL ASSHSSlDINT INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OP A NEGATIVE DECLAMTION POR TNS PROPOSBD AREA V HILLSIDE ROAD STORM DAAI N, PNASH II ABSOLUTION NO. 89-339 CUCAlIONGA, u••CALIFORNIA, APPROVING. THB ~BNVIRONMENTAL ASSBSSI4:NT INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OP A NEGATIVfi DECLARATION POR THE PROPOSED ARROW ROUTfi WIDENING PROJECT MOTION: Moved by Brown, seconded by Alexander to approve Resolution Noe. 89- 338, 59-358, 89-337, 84-338, and 89-339. Motion carried unanimously 3-D-2 (SUquet and Wright abeent~. . w ~ P8. AM8t7DM'.'iT TO TH CO M R I - An amendment t0 Chapter 17.22 of the Municipal Code, modifying parking requirements for condominium conversions to De coneietene with Development Code parking tequireme.^.t s. Mayot Stout gave en overview of whet this item wne regarding. Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, reed the title of Ordinance No. 399. Mayor Stout asked if there were some instances where parking sparse would ba lessened. City Council Nlnutea August 2, 1989 Page 12 Brad Buller, City Planner, etaied thnt the numbers of parking spaces were not being reduced, that it might only be the types of parking. Mayor SCOUT asked if there could ba a minimum of two parking epacee per unit. Brad Buller, City Planner, suggested thnt this be done through the Development Code as opposed to the Municipal Code. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was cloeed. ORDINANCB NO. 399 (ftrst reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMBNDING CNAPTBR 17.22 OF THE HVNICIPAL CODE, MODIFYING PARKING RELUIREtffiNTS FOR CONDOMINIUM CONVERSIONS TO BB CONSISTBNT WITN DEVBLOPMBNT CODB REQUIRBMBNTS MOTION: Roved by Alexander, aecondad by Brown to waive full reading end set second reading of Ordinance No. 399 for the August 16, 19&9 city council meeting. Notion carried unanimously 3-0-2 (BUquet and Wright absent). • 1 • k k • O. PUBLIC REIIRIN08 C1. ....-. ........ .......... .......... m.. ............ .......... nm...• ne ...., wn m,m nwnv ...... ROAD WIDENING PROJECT BETWEEN VICTORIA PARK LANG AND INTERSTATE 15 - Public Hearing of protests regarding Eminent Domain action to acquire public right-af- way for the Base Llne Road Widening Project between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15 at the properC Tee loceied at 13096, 32656, 12659, 12951 and 13053 Bees Line Road and 7322 Etiwenda Avenue (APN•e 227-131-06, 227-111-33, 227-171- 19, 1100-011-OS and 06 respectively and 227-171-04( for the construction of street improvements across the frcntege of said properties. James Markmanr City Attorney, stated that since there was not a four-tlfihe quorum to vote on this item as required by lawn it was recommended to continue this to the August 36, 1989 meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 89-341 R PESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THS PUBLIC NASD AND NRCBSSITY TO CONDEMN A PORTION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN TNB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND LIAR INC PINDING9 IN SUPPORT THBAEOP POR APN'S 227-131-De, 227- 11-337 227-171-19, 1100-011-01 AND 06 AND 227-1fi1-04 MOTION: Moved by Alexander, aecondad by Brown to continue the item to Auquai 16, 1909 City Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously 3-0-2 (Baguet end Wright absent(. • • • • • • city council Minuiee August 2, 1989 Page 33 6 CITY MAAAOER'8 BTAPP R6PORTB H1. STATUS OF MULTI-PAMILY DEVELOPMENT - A review of residential development ae it pertains to the Clty'e single family/multi-family housing mix. Staff report presented by Larry Henderson, Principal Planner. After discussion and various questions being asked of staff regarding Ghie Ltem, Mayor Stout asked for staff to work with the William Lyon company and Lewis Homes on this euDject Decauee they are large land owners. He further stated he felt a lot more cgmfortable now then he originally did about this information. Brad Buller, city Planner, elated Chat staff would keep the CLty Council informed of their efforts regarding the statue of multi-family development. Mayor Stout asked that this information also be shared with the Ylanninq Commission. R R 1• 1 R I. COVNCIL aU8INE36 I1. CONS IDBRATION OF APPOINTMENT TO PILL VACANCY ON HISTORIC PRBSBRVATTON CONMISSIOp. Mayor Stout stated he end Councilwoman Nright, ae the suDCOmmittea for the Historic Preservation Coswieeion, were recommending Steve Preeton be appointed as the new Historic Preservation Commissioner. MOTION: Moved by Brown, seconded by Alexander to appoint Steve Preeton ae the new Historic Preservation CommLesioner. Motion carried unanimously 3-0-2 (BUquet and Wright absent). x I2. JOINT UBB AGREEMENT UPDATE - Report on status of negotiations with San Bernardino County Flood Control District for n Joini Use Agreement for recreational (trails) purposes. Staff report presented by Dan Coleman, Principal planner. Mayor Stout asked when the master agreement would become effective. Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, stated It was a little farther down the llns. ACTION: Report received and tiled. R R I3. TPAILS STUDY UPDATE - Review of statue of the preparation of a Trails Implementation Plan. Staff report presented Dy Den Coleman, Principal Plannec. Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, referred to hie staff report of the progrses that has taken place on this item. City Council Minutes August 2, 1989 Page 14 Mayor Stout asked for the completion date of the treil• implementation plan. Dan Coleman, Principal Plenner, stated approximately winter bore. Mayor Stout asked it this would go to the other eomnleeione before coming Dnek to the City Council. Dan Coleman, Principal Plenner, stated yes and that it mould oleo go to other special interest groups. ACTION: Report moss ieeelved and filed. R Councilwpoan Brown asked that sn iiem to consider a proposed station at Bth Street end Archibald for the commuter Aail be put on the next agandn. She also eteted she Tad not mentioned this under tM announcement section, Dut stated that today SANBAO hed approved to move forward to Lha Board of Bupsrvisore to place on the bellot the deli-Cent Sales Tax Msssura I and Comomter Rail Measure J. • • • + x aKLK WIIlCtlllbbU, VL u ~0.. .... ,.,,_ i.. Wn rl• wanted to comment on •the Ltem of~multi-f emily•development, ^end nfelt thenCity Council should look at all the areas and did not feel Rancho Cucamonga should be all apactmente. • • • • • . MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Brown to adjourn the meeting to a Executive Session to disease pending litigation regerdinq the puller ve, City of Rancho Cucamonga case, and for Bxecuiive Session to adjourn to the August 8, 1989 joins meeting with Chaffey College. Motion serried unenimouely 3-0-] (BUquet and Wright absent(. The meeting adjourned at 10112 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debre J. Adams City Clerk Approved: " oeoeoon..ooP.nooooovo °o Rio°o o:.e roo.nan n..P eoa..~n onn oon ~ $ ~ nP n. .~:n n ~ n ii ~ ~ ~ mn m ........ m mmm mmmmmmmmm.'~,o„°.;°e°, m°n°.°,aT°naaea~aaaT$no .nao i u V y VWUyy ~WW Jy yU~W wS V a C~nr~ V auW~ .i _ x~y Y~YY~ nN u y .nU~Z¢wa ws°e a'iwh~aai:.W-n i`i.a r ~~n > > > Zi wV~~nw~7uaomio.n VVn r~nu rr rnftoy¢y J ~ o ~W i a ' My~ a=i~ m uO~wOiPi~yuWi~iu~wulm alw~ ~~00 G_6¢6y ~. n ;et=„mul wwu n J ~ VVwu FiU~Grwwy~r~nmQSUZQQ Li~~~Oa O m ~ r ~o ~(aYala~.aall~y••~ui l~fo ~uyVyVUyV O n neo mPPnOPYamnn n~anmm~POmPn m m n. ,ep~.m„~tinmonn°o .°.n Ric^Rany m m .. .... m ...../ m °o rr~=°orc°o°o°°o~Sry"mn$PaP s . ...,..mmm..m mom mmmm..m mmm~m~mmm«mm«mm~..Tmm.,mm.. .. _ _ .. .. .. .. .. u i .. o o am k' ii.fOa z) j3 mJUU~~ ¢a rX~c¢'a`u 6>~ ~ ~~C ~1~wrz aOw oow~~+nyeo~/a a~j~wip e~+uii>tnin amoan~n ~rttoo~+6ri > >Ou ~ r~ u N n3¢ ~n ~TnO~w~ J?a YIOi ~S~ .~ w~~ ~~~x9.~`.v3~3`e.oe~o o:Na~o ogaooe ~oe~ow W~', w'wmL cos«rr ..aora .. ° .... m m .. .. ... .. manryr:m ao«..« „88 'am"r ~Rry uwW u°z~ :~~ u it y y u. iV~~ VW 50° ~ iFO ~VO¢u ~j~~m 'u. ~.~m im' ih~z r Y~YVYw~Z~wiN »"aoy'o uV~+o~YVOr.no Vi¢N~»VU~m.V Uti¢C~~iyir¢Yii~nni¢ m ~O u ~~ V tSZ u 3 O) LL ~lo.~m~.~.p Zaf tf r ~w~Wi ¢¢tt <wZVrv iS~„ N„~=o ua ~uOUVV~r y~ VS'~m l'JVVV~V ~~~iSi iw i~J i~ulnr OOrOpOp QrvmHn'~pmOr.NO n.. _. mm mm mom ~m .. ~ ~y nOia°o nro ago°=:~on: ~r°o°°>oM °o cow°o~ m$: aanmoo~~m.~anoco :C ~n nn ~ G~ n n~ ~ p oW rvF OOOe~ 0 0 i~Y WWWWY ~2 6 «g p~ ? ~~ u n J 23m~W WhN~ n a Z ~2L M7mi~N~o n ~ iA Y NN N7nn=„^Oin ~mW r V I J+ U Vag u ~ u0~ u n N~ u SSp u ~W¢ t¢ = V~M ZILVI W l V¢Z iIJO~f 6ZUifoSh Vwnt~nOOm SSi f J iCn li6ii3 nvVII~YYiIY YYY I~~~~CO~Mn~iiw nP yOVOmolnmfM1rvwMrv ~~~PPrv o ~w ~ n~mm Yiy j ^ Y^ mn -n^NOn+m ^ Phw Oon n n n i m . ~ n.. time-~~.°:°°aP.rmryT^^o ~mreSTmr~.e~W> mm mm~~~mmmm~mmmmmmm°~~°Tammeoeaea~aoo~asm UUpWUi u uu u M ~w w yo~N ~VWZ~wHwV i3¢ tU:~ ~O+i Vo nrcu wmLL+rnu¢NOU)uN ¢m~ S~u~~ONUNN)~HM~~w u~¢ .b rUSN ~i„ Z~i zVUnr i3V ¢ r1M1~ 6Zi~ oooeoaaeva~:assvvaa~aaa>a=aa~~e~~3ro;.~~~ .r ram ~R"^m'S~ m~ m. ~ rmT ~_ m ~: Pmuy N pOmOg0 ppO 0 J O m P P n O _ e'O nrvm.e inan4PJ i aaO.paaaaaaa a~OauJa apaYa~OdOOLOa J.CL LO« nnn ? 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Maguire, City Engineer BY: Linda Beek, Junfor Civii Engineer SUBJECT: Authorize the advertising of the 'Notice Inviting Btds" for the Hidden Fan Road Culvert Improvement Pro,)ect, located east of Carrellan Street on Hidden Fan Road, to be funded with Drainage - General City Account No. 23-4637-8765 (FY 88/89 and 89/90) RECOMMEMDATIpI: [t is recommended that City Council approve plans and specifications for the Ntdden Fan Road Culvert Improvement Protect located east of Carnelian Street on Hidden Fan Road and approve the attached resolution authorizing the City Clerk to advertise the "Notice Inviting Bids'. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The sub,)ect protect plans and specifications have been completed by staff and approves by the City tngineer. Ine tngineer's estimate ror construction is 577,485.00. Legal advertising is scheduled for September 12, and 19, 1989, with the bid opening at 10:00 a.m., Friday, September 22, 1989. Respe 1 ubmitted, t .~ R Attachment v RESOLUTION N0. ~ % '~ U A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "HIDDEN FARM ROAD CULVERT", IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO gDVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS. WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to construct certain improvements in the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga. WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of certain improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES that the plans and specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for "Hidden Farm Road Culvert". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVER that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for doing the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to wit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED DIGS OR PROPOSALS" Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, dtrectinq this notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the said City of Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the Office of the City Clerk in the offices of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on or before the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M. on the 22 day of September 1989, sealed bids or proposals for the "Hidden Farm Road Culvert" in said City. Bids will be opened and publicly read immediately in the office of the City Clerk, 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Bids must be made on a form provided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, marked, "81d for Construction of Hidden Farm Road Culvert". PREVAILING WAGE: Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor is required to pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the public work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. [n that regard, the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California is required to and has determined such generai prevailing rates of per diem wages. Copies of such prevailing rat@s of per diem wages are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and are available Lo any interested party on request. The Contracting Agellcy also shall cause a copy of such determinations to be posted at the job site. The Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (525.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day or portion thereof, if such laborer, workman, or mechanic is paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages hereinbefore stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1771.5 of the Labor Code as amended by Chapter 971, Statutes of 1939, and in accordance with the regulations of the California apprenticeship Council, properly Indentured apprentices may 6e employed in the prosecution of the work. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprenticeable occupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public works project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade for a certificate of approval. The certificate wilt also fix the ratio of apprentices to journeymen that will be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen in such cases shall not he less than one to five except: A. Nhen unemployment in the area of coverage by the joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 Dercent in the 90 days oriar to the request for certificate, or 8. Nhen the number of apprentices in training 1n the area exceeds a ratio of one to five, or C. Mhen the trade can show that it 1s replacing at least 1/30 of its membership throygh apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or D. Nhen the Contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight journeymen. The Contractor is required to make contrlbutlons to funds established for the administra*.ion of apprenticeship programs if he employs registered apprentices or journeymen in any apprenticeable trade on such contracts and if other Contractors on the public works site are making such contrlbutlons. The Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 1n the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Administrator o~ p~ticeshlp, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and Tts branch offices. Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with and be governed by the laws of the State of California having to do with working hours as set forth in Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California as amended. The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (525.00) for each taborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the ezecution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon any of the work hereinbefore mentioned, for each calendar day during which said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours in violation of said Labor Code. Contractor agrees to pay travel and subsistence pay to each workman needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments are defined 1n the applicable collective bargaining agreements filed in accordance with Labor Code Section 1773.8. The bidder must submit with his proposal cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, pdyable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least ten percent (lOS) of the amount of said bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract if the same 1s awarded to him, and in event of failure to enter into such contract said cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bond shall become the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. If the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest binder, the amouns of the lowest bidder's security shall be applied by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the low bid and the second lowest bid, and the surplus, if any, shall be returned to the lowest bidder. The amount of the bond to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shall be one hundred percent (100Y) of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond Tn an amount equal to fifty percent (508) of the contract price for said work shall 6e given t0 secure the payment of claims for any materials or supplies furnished for the performance of the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, or arty work or labor of arty kind done thereon, and the Contractor will also be required to furnish a certificate that he carries compensation insurance covering his eagloyees upon work to be done under contract which may be entered into between him and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work. No proposal will be considered from a Contractor whom a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Contractor shall possess a Class "A" License (General Engineering Contractor) in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 7000 et, seq.) and rules and regulations adapted pursuant thereto at the time time this contract is awarded, The work is to be done in accordance with the Drafiles, plans, and specifications of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on file in the Office of the City Clerk at 9320 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Copies of the plans and specifications, available at the offtce of the City Engineer, will be furnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and payment of =25.00, said 325.00 is nonrefundable. Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and specifications will be mailed when said request is accoapanled by payment stipulated above, together with an additional nonrelmbursable payment of 515.00 to cover the cost of mailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the requirements of Section 902 of the General Provisions, as set forth 1n the Plans and Specifications regarding the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, the Contractor mqy, upon the Contractor's request and at the Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute authorized securities 1n lieu of aanies withheld (performance retention). The Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga, California, reserves the right to re,~ect any and all bids. By order of the Council of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga, California. Dated this _ day of 19_ PASSED AND ADOPTED by Lhe Councii of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, this dyy of 19 yor ATTEST: y e ADVERTISE ON SEPTEMBER 12, 1989 SEPTEMBER 19, 1989 d CTPY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer eY: Monte Prescher, Public Norks Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of recommendation to construct (reopen) Highland Avenue (SR30) between Haven Avenue and 19th Street transition utilizing the Citys contractor, Laird Construction, pursuant to the existing annual Emergency and Routine Maintenace Contract 1n the amount of f216,000 (f205,964.50 plus 5Y contingency) to be funded through TDA Article 8, Account N0. 12-4637-8903 (FY 89/90) RECOMIEIDATION: It is recommended that City Council apprbve the plans and special provisions for the Construction of Highland Avenue (SR 30) between Haven Avenue and 19th Street Transition project, approve the project for construction by Laird Construction Company, Incorporated, pursuant to the provisions of the existing annual Emergency and Routine Maintenance Contract 1n the amount of f216,000.00 (f205,964.50 plus 58 contingency) and authorize the AdminlstraN ve Services Director to expend the funds from the TOA Article 8 Account No. 12-4637-8903 (FY 89/90) tlAI:KUHUUNU/ANAL TSIS Pursuant to City Council action of Apr11 19th Council meeting, pro,)ect plans and special provisions have been completed Dy DG11 Consultants, Incorporated, reviewed by staff and approved by the City Engineer. Staff applied for and has received a penatt for construction from the California Department_of Transportation. Staff solicited and received a proposal from the City's existing maintenance contractor, reviewed the proposal and finds 1t to be acceptable. The Engineers estimate ts' f212,535.50. Respectf submitted, / r ~ ~e - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Mike Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of the Environmental initial Study, Parts I an6 II for the Haven Avenue, Highland Avenue and 19th Street east of Haven, Phases 1 and 2, including the re-opening of Highland Avenue from east of Haven Avenue to Nest of Deer Creek and the improvement of Haven Avenue between 19th Street a~ Highland Avenue W provide three lanes of traffic in each direction and Issuance of a Categorical Exemption therefor NECONEIOATION• It is hereby recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution accepting and approving the Environmental In1Ua1 Study, Parts I and II for the Haven Avenue, Hlghtand Avenue and 19th Street east of Haven, Phases 1 and 2, lnctuding the re-opening of Highland Avenue from east of Haven Avenue to west of Deer Creek and the improvement of Haven Avenue between 19th Street and Highland Avenue to provide three lanes of traffic in each direction and issuance of a Categorical Exemption therefor BACIf9tdND/ANALYSIS Th/a ns,v,nF nnhe rn~1 ..nn.,wM_l 11~~a~e~w,art TrIH ~I ~L~A., i~r ~4~~ proposed re-opening of Highland Avenue from east of Haven Ilvenue~to west of Deer Creek and providing three lanes of traffic 1n each direction on Haven Avenue between 19th Street and Highland Avenue. in conformance with the Cattfornia Environmental Quality Act and State Guidelines, Lhe attached document has been prepared to permit construction of the above-mentioned reconstruction and maintenance work. Said project consists of removing approximately two to three feel of soil on Hlghtand Avenue, capping Highland Avenue with asphaltic concrete, constructing a connection of Highland Avenue and 19th Street in the vicinity of San Benito Avenue and restrtpln9 Haven Avenue from 19th Street to Highland Avenue to provide three lanes of traffic in each direction. CCSR September 6, 1989 Page 2 It is the Engineering Staff's finding that the proposed project will not create a significant adverse impact on the environment and therefore recommend that these improvements be classified as Categorically Exempt, since said work entails the maintenance, reconstruction and resurfacing of an existing roadway. Respec ubletxiod, i /;`i~~ , RH Attachment V~v RESOLUTION N0. ~y ' ~ ga- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OF A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION FOR THE PROPOSED RE-OPENING OF HIGHLAND AVENUE NHEREAS, the C14y Council of the City of Rancho Cucanron9a has reviewed all avaTlabie Input concerning the proposed Re-opening of Highland Avenue; and NHEREAS, an Environaw•ntal Assessment Initial Study bas been prepared pursuant to the California Enviornmental Quality Act, as amended. NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucanpnga does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves the Envlronmen ssessment initial Study and issuance of a Categorical Exemption for the proposed Re-opening of Highland Avenue. SECTION 2: The City Clerk 1s directed to file a Notice of Exemption pursuant to~he~al'ffornTa Environmental Quality pct. ~9 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW APPLICATION INTTIAL STUDY -PART I ,~„ GENERAL For ali prof ects requiring environmental review, this form rust be Como let=_d and wbmitted to the Cevelopment Review Co.^.eaitt ee *.hrough .he deP arrment •d here the project application is Wade. Upon rete iDt of this application, the ?tanning Division staff sill prepare Part II of the initial Study and make recommendations to Planning Commission. The 7lanning Contni ss ion will make one of three determinations: (1) the project dill have no significant environmental impact and a 9egat ive Declaration sill be filed, ;?) The project sill have a significant environmental impact and an Environmental :rp act deport will be prepared, or (3) An additional information report should be supplied by Che applicant giving further information concerning the proposed profect. late Filed:_~LL~y~,;, 'qgq 7roj ect Title: u' hi d A h x A d h ig h e 'Lion. Applicant's Name, Address, Telephone: Citv of Rancho Cucamonga Rome, Add ross, Telephone Of Per50n l0 tle COnLLCted Concerning this Project: Nike Olivier , 9320 Base Line Road. P.u. Rox 8u7. Rancho Cucamonga CA 91130 (714) 989-1862 Location of ?roj ect: u•~hta„d hn.wnnn ua,.a., ~„a Woe. rraetr rh~~~ai ~~d Ha,~ee he r~.~pa Lq rh cr roar ~nA Highland Assessor's Parcel List other permits necessary from local, regional, state and federal agencies and the agency issl ing such permits: S[a to Encroachment, City Construction ~~ 1 cir. OF AAVC30 cut:~ovcA rut: II - r.;IILaL s^•DY E\'CIRGS>.STAL CHEC:LLi$i DATE: Auausr 9. 19A9 '1-°pL -Cry" _L'tv of Rancho Dw _....:G DA:E: LOG SDN9ER: P,°,C7EC~: H'flhl i d h H- d - d h 19 h< T n P?;O.:EC' LDCATIG:;: Highland Avenue between Haven Avenue and Deer Creek I. ~'CI iC ^ AL (`?ACTS (Explana ciao of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets). YES >Lil"' \0 I. So is ar.d Geo to r:. Will the proposal have s~;m c_...... results in. a. Cnstab le ground condic ions or in changes in geo .ogic relat io nshios? 6. Disrupciors, displacements, compaction or burial of the soil? c. Change in topography or ground surface contour inierv als? d. The destruction, covering or modlf Scotian of any un'_que geo le gic or physical feacur es? e. My potential Increase in wind or eater erosion of sa f.l s, affecting either on or of` site canditons? .. changes !n eros.,,n ,..tat. -, or ~epoa.....,,. 3. Exposure of people or property co geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landsl id ea, mud- slides, ground failure, or similar hazards' h. An increase Sn the race of extraction and/or use of any mineral resource? 2. Hvd ro lace. Wl11 the proposal have signlf scant results in: ~ ' V X X _ X X X X PROJECT OESCR2PTION Proposed USe Or proposed project: Ae-open Highland Avenue between Haven Avenue and Oeer Creek Lhannel, construct 19th Street connection [o Highland Avenue, construct improvements to Highland Avenue east of Haven Avenue and restripe Haven Avenue between 19th Street and Highland Avenue to provide 3 lanes of traffic in each direction. Acreage of project area and square footage of existing and proposed huildings, if any: ~~ g , Descrl6e the envirommental sett in of the projec! site including Information on topography, so sta tty, pants (trees), land animals, any Guttural, historical or scenic aspects, land use of surrounding properties, and the descrfptlon of any existing structures and their use (attach necessary sheets): The oroposed site was previously Highland Avenue. It has been covered with 2-i feet of soil. There are no existing trees within the _ project limits and no structures will 6e effected, The surrounding areas are residential on the south side, with some commercial at the northeast corner of Highland and Haven Avenues. The north side of Highland is the proposed 210 Freeway, Is the project part of a larger project, one of a series of cumulative actions, which although Individually small, may as a whole have signfficant environmental Impact Ho VIII THIS PROJECT: YES YO .. .re at=_ a substantial rh an ge in ground contours? % _ 2. 'eate 3 substan *.ial change in existin g noise of produce 'Iibr 3ti0n or g13f e? X ;. .re ale a substantial change in demand for municipal ;erv ices ;police, fire, 'water, sewage, etc.)? _ X 3. ~roate changes in the existing Zoning or General plan designations? _ x S. ?.=.mo ve any existing trees? '~iow many? _ X 6. :re ate the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials zucn as toxic substances, flamma6les or explosives? _ X Explanation of any YES answers above (attach additional sheets if necessary): The 2-3 feet of soil that was imported [o cover Highland Avenue between Haven Avenue and Deer Creek Channel is going to be removed, which will drop the around level back to its original elevation. 1. Estimate the amount of sewage and solid waste materials this project will generate daily: N/A 3. "stimate the number of auto and truck trips generated daily by this project: N/A 9. Estimate the amount of grading (cutting and filling) required for this project, in cubic yards: Approximately 120 CY 10. If the project involves the construction of residential units, co~lete the form on the next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and ba1`-f further under Land that addi coal infcrmat~on may be required be submitted before an adequate evaluation can he made by the Planning Division. pate: ~ Z z' Y~~I Signature ~~-~ ~h~av.r~y ~.)--~J ~ a ~` RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION The following informat ton should be provided to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Oiviston in order to atd the school district in assessing their atrility to accommodate the Drapased residential development. Developers are reouired to secure letters from the school dfstrtct for accommodating the increased number of students prior to issuance of buf lding permits. Name of Developer and Tentative Tract No.: Spec if lc Location of PraJect PHASE f PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 TOTAL 1. Number of single family units: 2. Number of multiple family units: 3. Date proposed to honin rnnsir~~ri inn• 4. Earliest date of occupancy: Modell and t of Tentative 5. Bedrooms Price Ranae 3~ ?age > YES .iY'3' ::C a. Changes in currents, or the course of direction of (loving streams, rivers, or ephemeral s[:eam channels? ~ b. Changes Sn ab sorp [ion rates, drainage patterns. or the race and amount of surface water runoff? ~ c. Alterations [o the course of flow of flood vacers? ~ yy d. Change in the amount of surface vacer in any Body of water? ]L, e. Discharge into surface vacers, or any alteration of surface water quality? y_ f. Alee rarior, of groundwater characcezist its? ~ g. Change in the quantity of gzoundwacers, either through direct additions or vich- dravals, or through incerierence vich an aquifer? Quality? Quantity? % h. The reduction in [he amount of eater othet- vise available for public vacer supplies? X i. Exposure of people or property cu water rata tea naza ras such as iiuudiug m ac i~Lea". ,y 3. Air Quality. Wiil the proposal have significant res in cs in: a. Constant or periodic air emissions from mobile or indirect sources? % gtacionary sources? ~ % b. Deter io roc ion of amb lent air quality and/or Interference vich the act alnmenc of applicable air quality standards? X c. Alteration of local or regional climatic condi[ionr. affecting air movement, mo is [ure 4. Hioca Flora. I:i 11 the proposal have significant results Ln: a. Change in the characceriscics of species, including diversity, dip cr Sbu[lon, or number of any spec Ses of plants~~ IL b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare ar endangered species of planes? ~ % a. Changes in currents, or the course of direr cion of aoving streams, rivers, or eph_veral scream channels? b. Changes in ab sorp cion rates, drainage pa [:erns, or the race and amour.[ of surface va ter runoff? c. Alcera[fons [o the course or F1av of flood voce rs? d. Change Sn the amount of surface vacer in a-: body of vacer? ' e. Discharge Into surface vacers, or any al:e ra cion of surface vacer qualicy? f. Alte ra cion of groundva ter characceris clc s? g. Change in the quantity of ground-vacers, either through direct addlcio ns or vith- dtavals, or :h rough in cerf erence victi an aquifer? Qua ll ty? Quantity? h. The reduc cion in the amount of vacer ocher- vise available for public voter supplies? 1, Exposure of people or property co vacer related hazards such as flooding or seiches? 3. air Oualf cv. Will the proposal have sign Sficanc results in: a. Conscanc or period lc air emissions from mobile or ind Srect sources? Stationary sources? b. Deterioration of amb lent air quality and/or Sncerference with [he a[[alnmenc of applicable air qualicy standards? c. Alcerac ion of local or regional cllnacic condicionr. affecting air movement, mo is cure or cempe r.: .~. re? 4, Blo Ca Flc ra, hill the proposal have significant results Ln: a. Change in [he charauerl5 tics cf spec les, including diversity, disc ribuclon, or number of any species of plan[s~ b, Red uctlon of the numbe r5 of t~iy unique, rare o[ endangered species of plants? ?aye i YES `!4Y?' `:0 - 1L - 1L __ ~ - __ X_ X ._ X _ X __ % ._ x X 1L _ _, x v ~S. .;`...~ c. Intzcduccicn Of nev ar dSsrup:!ve soec'_es of plants into an area? X d. Reduc cion in the poceacial for agricultural x production? - :aua a. Gill the proposal have significant results a. Change in the charaocerlscics of species, incLad in3 diversity, disiribucion, or nuvhers of any species of anivals'. b. Redact SOrt of [he numbers of any unique, rara or endangered species of animals^. c, Incroductica of nev or disruptive species of animals into an area, of result in a barrier [o the migration or vovement of anivals? d. Deterioration or removal of existing fish or v11d1 ife hob itat'. Poo uia:ion. Gi 11 :he proposal have significant resui is in: a. will the proposal alter the location, disiri- bution, dens icy, dlversicv, or grouch race of the h.-an population of an area? h, Gill the proposal affect exis cing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? Soc io-Economic patio ls. Niel the proposal have sig^:: icant results in: a. Change in local or regional so cio-economic chara<teris cSc s, including e<onomSC oz commercial .diversity, Cax race, and property values? b. N111 proje<c costs be equ!tably dis cr Sbuted among project benef is Saries, i.e., buyers, tax payers or project users? Land Cse and P'_aan ina Cons ideratlons. 6111 the ,^531 h3 ~? signli is ant CeaLLlCa ln' a. A substantial aloe ra clon of the present or planned land use of an area? b. A conf lice vl[h any designations, obj eccives, policies, ar adopted plans of any governmental entities? ~~ c. M 1mpaU upon the qula icy or quaneizy of existing consuaptive ox non-consumpc eve recreaclonal oppo RUnl[Ses? 5 6 x X x X x - X ~L. - _- ~ - _- ~ _ x- . ?aze g. '. ransoorta Cion. Will the proposal have si gn if ican: resui is Sn: a. Genera[ ien of substantial adds:tonal vehl e.Aa: movement? x b. Eff eta on existing streets, or demand far nev scree[ conscruc Lion? g c. Ef felts on existing narkf ng facilities o. , demand for nev parking? x d. Substanc Sal Smpact upon existing cranspo.-ca- :Son sysceas? x e, Alcerac ions to present patterns of circula- cion o- movement of people and/or goods? X f. Alterations to or effects on present and potenclal va ter-borne, rail, mass transit or air traffic? X g. Increases in traffic hazards [o motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedes crians? x 9. Cultural Resources. Will the proposal have s ign if is ant resuics in: a. A disturbance co the integrity of archaeological, palannrninol rol anA /... Mi 1 - - .± ___ __ _____. .-.. d 10. Y.ealth. Sa.'ety, and Nuisance Fac co rs. Will the proposal have sign if ican[ resin cs in: a. Creation of any heal ch hazard or pa ten[ial health heza rd? '- ~ b. Exposure of people [o potential health hazards? ~ c. A risk of explosion or release of hazardous subs [antes in [he even[ of an accldenc? __ ~ d. An Sncrease in the number of Lndivldua is or species of vector or pa[henogen is orKa nl;ms ur ehe exonanre et n In co such p e_p __ organisms? -_ ~ e. Increase !n exiscing noise levels? __ ~ f. Exposure of people to po[entSally dangerous noise levels? ~ ~ g. The creaclon of~a3 ' lonable odors? _ ~ h. An increase Sn light or glare? ~ ?age 5 :'EE "_aYSt VO 11, Aes ch e[Scs. 4111 the prooos al have slgnif l<ani :es ui is ii: a. '. he obsizuc cion or degradaclon of any scenlc vis is or view? ~ b. 'Che creation of an ae5 eheilcally offensive site? c. ~ conf llct vlth the ob]e<tive of desl3na ced or potential scenic corridors? ~ 1~. L'cilicies and Public Services. 4111 [he proposal have a signif icanc need for new sys Gems, or alterations co the following: a. Electric power? ~ b. \atutal or packaged gas? ~ ~ c. Communications systems? ~ d. 4acer supply? _ ~ e. Wastewater faciiities? ~ .. Flood control structures? ~ g. So 11d vasre facilities'. ~ h. sire protection? 1L._ i. Police procett SO n? X ]. Schools? X k. Parks cr otfier recreational fat ili[1 es? ~ 1. Naintenan<e aE public facilities, including roads and Elood control facilities? _ ~ m. Ocher governmeneal services? ~ ~ 13. Ener¢v and Scarce Resources. 4111 the proposal nan o ci ,• <a^._ :esul :,, .. g^__- .. a. Cse of substantial or excessive fuel or energy? ~ b. Subs canclal increase in demand upon existing sources of energy? ~ c. An increase 1n [he demand for development of new sources of energy? ? J ~ d. M increase or perpetua i lon of [he <onsump[lon of non-renewable fo ms of energy, when feasible renewable sources of energy are available? _ ~ ?axe 5 YES ~aY9E So e. Substantial deple[Son of any nonreneva6le or scarce natural resource? ~ 14. Mandatory Findin¢s o.' SS¢~ificance. a. Does the project have the poten cial co deerade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the ha6 itat of fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop b elov self sustaicing levels, threaten co e1l~inate a plan[ ar animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plan[ or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California his Cory or prehis rory? ~ 6. Does [he project have the potential Co achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-ten, environmen cal goals? (A short-term Smpacc an the envi ronmert is one vhi ch occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long- term impacts will endure yell into the Eucure). ~ c. Does the proj etc have impacts vh.ch are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? (Cuaulacively considerable means that the incremental effects of an individual proj a<c are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of pas[ proj ec cs, u:. rr~uuu •c •4L4LC pl Uf Cel!/. d. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse ef£eccs on human beings, either directly or foditecc'_y? ~ II. DISC'S SI04 OF EVlZAOa`.'@XTAL EVALL•ATIO~ (i.e., of afflr^a Give answers [o the above questions plus a discussion of proposed ciclga [ion measures). ~~ ?=ee Zli. OETE?M'VgTIOV On the basis of this initial evaluation: I and the proposed project COTLO `IOT have a sign is icanc of?etc ~__, on the environment, and a SEGq:R'< DECLIHAIIO`1 will be prepared. I find chat although the proposed project could have a signif lcanc ei'. ect on [he environmenC, [here will no[ be a signif icanc e3czct LJ in this case because the mitt gacion measures descrit ed on an attached sheet have been added co the project. q \EGATItT_ DECLgRgSIO~ i7ILL BE pREPgFtED. ~ I find [he proposed prof etc MAY have a signif icanc eifecc on [he ~ envir:,ment, and an E\'V IRO :3ffvT I~gCT AEpORT is zeGul: ed. % I find the proposed project CATEGORICALLY E%EMPT per Article 19, L lass I(C), Section 15301 of the California Envi ronmen [al Quality Act. _ 0 1 r ,lC~ Dace L l - ~I~t ~1~~A~ V U\.V'~.J Signa cure ~Q~~\1 Ov Clui ~ ~-.N qIN '~--r Title 1.f This project, to reopen a closed street, will return the street [o its pre-clcsed condition, which included historic drainage depositions along the northerly pavement lines and street flow drainage characteristics. 6-b The pro iec[ will be funded from City-wide systems development fees. 8-e Traffic from 19th could shift to Highland Avenue. I - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Shintu Bose, Sr. Civil Engineer ~~: ~~r SUBJECT: Approval of updated Current City policy and procedure for various Landscape and Street LTghting Maintenance Districts within Lhe City. RECOMIENDJITION: It is recommended that the City Council approve by minute action, the attached updated policy and procedure for the sub,{ect districts. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS During the past several years, several new Landscape/Lighting Oistrtcts have been formed to address the issues of maintenance by the City of Landscape areas and street lights in newly developed or proposed developing areas throughout the entire city. This growth in the number of districts has necessitated the updating of current policy and procedure to Tncorporate those districts. The attached policy and procedure documents summarize, in conformance with the original district formation documents, the boundaries of the various districts, type of projects to be annexed and the assessment rate for those pro,{ects. The documents also define the typical landscape areas which are to be incorporated in the Maintenance Nork Program and the permit/inspection/acceptance procedure for these work program areas, Respect u y fitted, r _ , ~`_"~~ RHM?SB-r}y~' J- Attachments ~~ Total Cl. Pages 2a C1. ANElfAT10N TO STREET LICHT A10 LARDSCAPE DISTRICT PROCEDIRIE Preface I. All proposed projects (Tract Map, Parcel Map, D.R., CUP and MDR) are required by the Planning Commission or City Planner as a "Condition of Approval" of the projects to join landscape and Lighting District. 2, Projects are annexed to specific Districts and its work program areas (the areas and/or other items which are to be maintained by the districts) are determined in accordance with the annexation Policy set in Exhibit "A" and .. B ~~ 3. All annexation items are set for the City Council Agenda as consent calendar item at the same time as the corresponding projects tract or parcel maps and/or bands and agreements are set for City Council approval. Where no map ar bond is involved, this item is set for City Council agenda for approval concurrent with the issuance of building permit. 4. Occasionally, the City may choose to initiate the annexation of some specific projects to the Landscape and Lighting Maintenance Districts. This process will require approval by the City Council through public hearing process pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" of the California Street and Highway Code. The processing of those "specific" projects shall be coordinated with the Resource Service Department. Administrative Procedure 1. The developer of Lhe project shall be required to submit the "Consent and Waiver" form (see Exhibit "C") for annexing to Landscape and Lighting District duly signed by all the legal owners of the property to the Development Processing Section prior to recordation of map or issuance of building permit, whichever occurs first. 2. Project Engineer (In-house staff to charge of the project) is responsible to set the annexation item for City Council agenda as Consent Calendar item in accordance with "City Council Agenda Procedure" (See Engineering Procedure Manual). 3, The Ctty Council report package shall include the following: 1, Staff report providing Background/Analysis and Recommendation for City Council action. 2. Resolution ordering the annexation including exhibits for the project boundary and the itemized list of work program areas as referred in the resolution. Sample copies of the report package are enclosed as Exhibit "0". ~3 w C1 Page 2 4. After approval of the annexation by the City Council, the Resource Service Department will receive a copy of the approved resolution for their use. 5. A copy of the staff report and the approved resolution is kept in the protect file and a copy is transmitted to the Maintenance Department. `~`~ C1. Page 3 EIWIBIT 'A= LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT (LMD) LMD No. 1 - "GENERAL C[TY" District Boundary: All Residential Properties within certain portions of the City, excluding all properties within the boundaries of LbU No.'s 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and Commercial/Industrial properties of LMD No. 3. (See Exhibit "E".) Note: This district Ts yeneraity Located within the westerly part of the City canprising of Alta Loma areas and a portion of Cucamonga areas.) Nork Program Area: a. Certain parkways and median islands within the District boundary per page 10 of Exhibit "A" b. Gateways within the district boundary. c. Street trees within all parkways. d. Community Equestrian trails. e. Freeway slopes adjacent W residential projects. Projects to be Annexed: a. All RESIDENTIAL (Single Family and Multi-family) subdivisions within the District boundary. b. Residential Subdivisions within LMD Na. 3 boundary. Note; 1. Individual single family residences and institutional projects are not annexed. 2 Commercial projects within this district boundary are annexed to LMD No. 38). Assessment Unit: a. Single faintly residence: 1 dwelling Unit = 1 Assessment Unit b. Multi-family residence: 1 dwelling Unit • 0.5 Assessment Unit ~s C1. Page 4 EXHIBIT "A" LMD No. 2 - "VICTORIA' District Boundary: Victoria Planned Comaunlty boundary as approved by Ordinance No. No. 143, as amended by Resolution No. 392 and others "outpleces" as shaven on the District boundary map. (See Exhibit "E".) Work Program Area: a. Yictoria Park Lane. b. Parkways per page 10 of Exhibit "A". c. Street trees within parkways and within dedicated easements. d. Parks, including lighting. e. All public trail systems, including lighting. Protects to Annexed: a. All residential pro,{ects. b. Non-residential pro~ectt (Commercial/Industrial/Institutional) c. vacant lots. Note: Uri gi nal vic cor is rianneu Gummmiiy area yer uruium~Ce nG. /.3 ho; previously been annexed to Lhe District. As further subdivisions occur, re-annexation need not to be done, only reapportionment is done far assessment purposes. When development occurs on those properties outside the original comwnity area per Ordinance No. 143, those new developments shall require annexation. Assessment Unit: a. Residential (single 8 multi-family): 1 dwelling Unit 1 Assessment Unit 6. Non-residential: 1.0 acre = 2.0 Assessment Units c. Vacant Land: 4.0 acres - 1.0 Assessment Unit ~~ C1. Page 5 EXHIBIT "A" LMD No. 3 - "INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL" (LMD No. 3A A 38) District Boundary: a. Industrial and Foothill Boulevard SDecific Plan areas. b. Non-rest dents al areas within LMD No. 1 boundary. (See Exhibit "E") Nork Program Area: a. All median islands within the District boundary. b. Special parkway locations (Example: Northeast corner of 6th Street and Buffalo). c. Freeway I-15 slopes adt scent to Cowtaerci al/Industrial Drot acts. d. Special Area - Retention basin, I-15 slopes for PM 7349. (LMD No. 3A). Protects to be Annexed: a. All Non-residential (Commercial, industrial, etc.) protects within this boundary. b, All Non-residential protects within LMD No. 1 boundary. Note: All residential protects within this boundary are annexed to LMD No. I. Assessment Unit: a. Zone A: (LMD No. 3A) PM 7349: 1 Lot = 1 Assessment Unit (for the cost of maintaining landscaping, storm drain and retention basin with the parcel map boundary). b. Zone B: (Ail other protects - LMD No. 38) Industrial/Commercial/Institutional; 1.0 acres = 1.0 Assessment Unit LMD No. 4 - "TERRA VISTA" District Boundary: All of Terra Vfsta Community Boundary as approved by Ordinance No. 190, excluding the proposed Central park area. (See Exhibit "E") C1. Page 6 EXHIBIT "A" Work Program Area: a. Certain parkways in residential areas per page 10 of Exhibit "A". b. Street trees within parkways and within dedicated easement. c. Public parks, greemvays, trails and gateways, including lighting. d. Median islands. Note: 1/2 width of the median islands on the peripheral streets of the boundary. Projects to be Annexed: a. RESIDENTIAL (single A multi-family) projects within the district boundary b. Non-residential (Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, etc.) projects within the district boundary. c. Vacant properties. Assessment Unit: a. Single family residence: 1 dwelling Unit = 1 Assessment Unit b. Muiti-family residence: I dwelling Unit = 0.5 Assessment Unit c. Non-residential projects: 1.0 acre = 2.0 Assessment Units d. Yacant properties: 4.0 acres 1.0 Assessment Until LMD No. 5 - "TOT LOTS" District Boundary: Tract 11915-1 (See Exhibit "E") Note: This tract is also included in LMD Na. 1. 'Rork Program Area: a. Tot lot within the boundary. b. Open space areas within the tract. ~f $- C1. Page 7 EXHIBIT "A" Project to be Annexed: Tract 11915-1 only Note• This district stands on its own. No additional areas will be annexed into this district. 1 Dwelling Unit = 1 Assessment Unit Note: This tract is also annexed in L1~0 No. 1. LMD No. 6 - "CARYN" District Boundary: All City areas North of Highland Avenue, Between Deer Creek Channel and Day Creek Channel. (See Exhibit "E") Nork Program Area: a. Parkways per page 10 of Exhibit "A". b. Median Islands - X11 nuAtir an4e !nail ey elowe_ na_c on c_ Gnwnnw o<_ nfr, inr LiAi ne all appurtenant improvements. d. Street trees within parkwdys and within dedicated easements. Project to be Annexed: a. All residential projects. b. Non-residential Projects (Commercial/Institutional). c. Vacant lot. Assessment Unit: a. Residential (single and multi-family): i dwelling Unit = 1 Assessment Unit b. Non-residential: 1.0 acre ~ 2.0 Assessment Units c. Yacant lot: 4.0 acres 1.0 Assessment Unit ~1 Cl. Page 8 EXHIBIT "A" LIED No. 7 - "ETINANDA NORTH" District Boundary: All city areas East of Day Creek Channel and North of Highland Avenue. Nork Program Area: a. Parkways per page 10 of Exhibit "A" b. Median Islands c. All public regional and community trail systems including all appurtenant improvements. d. Public parks, greenwdys, paseos or greenway systems, Including all appurtenant improvements. e. Street trees within parkways and dedicated easement. Pro,)ects to be Annexed: a. All resldentlal protects. b. Non-resldentlal Protects (Commercial/Instltutlonal). Assessment Unit: a. Residential (Single and Multi-family): 1 Dwelling Unit Assessment b. Non-resldentt al: 1.0 acre = 2.0 Assessment Unit LMD MB - "ETINANOA SOUTH" District Boundary: All City areas East of Etiwanda Avenue, Between Foothill Boulevard and Highland Avenue including the traingular property bounded by I-15, Foothill Boulevard and Etiwanda Avenue. ~~ Cl. Page 9 EXHIBIT "A" Mork Program Area: a. Parkwalys per page 10 of Exhibit "A" b. Hedian Islands c. All public regional and community tra11 systems including all appurtenant improvements. d. Public parks, greemvays, passes or greenway systems. e. Street trees within parkways and dedicated easement. Protects to be Annexed: a. All residential protects. b. Non-residential Protects (Coaaercial/Institutional). Assessment Unit: a. Residential (Single and Multi-family): 1 Dwelling Un1t = Assessment Unit. b. Non-residential: 1.0 acre = 2.0 Assessment Unit f Cl. Page 10 ElD1IBiT 'A' LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT (LMD) 1. Major street parkways and adjacent slopes along "Back-On' lots in single family residential subdivisions. 2. Parkways on side streets along "Side-On" lots when contiguous to (11 above. 3. All street trees in parkways. 4. Other street trees in dedicated easements. 5. Designated public Greenbelts, Paseos, Trails (pedestrian and bicycle) and contiguous areas as appropriate. 6. Community Equestrial Trails when located within parkways, easements and Greenbelt areas. 7. Certain Railroad embankments, Freeway slopes and Utility corridors under special condition by Planning Commission. 8. City Entry Monuments. 9. Median Islands. 10. Public Parks in LMD N's 2, 4, 6, 7 b 8. a. Parkways contignous to multi-famSly residential subdivisions. Note: Certain parkways on maJor streets may 6e annexed to the work program depending on the design of the project and only at the discretion of the City Engineer. b. All parkways except street trees adjacent to Commercial/Industrial and Institutional protects. c. Parkways along residential corner property when it is not contiguous to City-maintained parkways. d. Private-trails, private-Darks, tot lots except for Tract 11915-1, S~- Cl. Page 11 EXHIBIT 'B' STREET LIDHT IMINTENANCE DISTRICT (SEND) SLMD 81 - "MAJOR STREETS" District Boundary: All areas throughout the City. Work Prrogram• Street lights on mator streets (Arterials and certain collector streets as shown on the map, Exhibit "E" - "NOrk Program Areas for SLMD Y1.) Protects to 6e Annexed: a. All Residential Subdivisions (Single and Multi-family). b. All Non-residential (Commercial/Industrial/Institutional) protects. Assessment Unit: a. Single family protects: 1 dwelling Unit • 1 Assessment Unit b. Multi-family protects: 1 dwelling Unit ~ 1 Assessment Unit c. Industrial/Commercial and Institutional protects: 1.0 acre 2.0 Assessment Units SLMD N2 - "CITY WIDE" District Boundary: a, All City areas except properties within SLMD N'S 3, 4, 5 and Comneercial/Industrial areas of SLMD N6. (See Exhibit "E") b. A11 residential areas 1n SLMD M6. Work Program: All street lights within the district boundaries except those in SLMD N1. Protects to be Annexed: a. Single Family Residential Subdivisions wt thin this district boundary. b. Single family Residential within SLMD i6 boundary. Note; Multi-family residential proetcts are not annexed. ~~,. C1. Page 12 EXHIBIT "B" Assessment Unit: Single Family Residence: 1 dwelling Unit = 1 Assessment Unit SLMD N3 - "VICTORIA COMMUNITY" District Boundary: a. Victoria Planned Comwnity area as approved by Ordinance No, 143 as amended per Resolution No. 392. b, qil other "out-pieces" as shown an the District Boundary Map. (See Exhibit "E") Work Program• All street lights within the Qistrict boundary, except those 1n SLMD dl. Projects to be Annexed: a. Single and Multi-family Residential Subdivisions. b. Non-residentl al (Commercial/Institutional, etc.) projects. Assessment Unit: a. Single family residential: 1 dwelling Unit = 1 Assessment Unit `u. iiiii ti-iuniiij .cai dci,tiui: ~ d:':)i'r~y 'o'iit- 1 ~:.^.7-.'•m.^.^t ',.'^it c. Non-residential: 1.0 acre = 2.0 Assessment Units SLMD M4 - "TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY" District Boundary; ~~ Terra Ytsta planned Comaunlty as approaved by Ordinance No. 190, excludl~ng the proposed Central Park area. (See Exhibit "E") Work Program: All street lights within the district boundary except those 1n SLMD M1. Projects to be Annexed: a. Single and Multi-family Residential Subdivision. b. Non-residentl al (Industrial/Comaerclal/Institutional etc.) projects. 5~{ Cl. Page 13 EXHIBIT "B" •..e«~..e..r u.,t ~. a. Single family residential: 1 dwelling Unit = 1 Assessment Unit b. Multi-family residential: 1 dwelling Unit = 0.5 Assessment Unit c. Non-residential: 1.G acre = 2.0 Assessment Units SLPD M5 - "CARYN" District Boundary: All City areas rarth of Highland Avenue, between Deer Creek channel and Day Creek Channel. (See Exhibit "E") Nork Program: All street lights within the district boundary except those in SLID M1. Projects to be Annexed: a. Single Family Residential Subdivisions. b. Non-residential: 1.0 acre = 2.0 Assessment Units SLPO lib - INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL Disir•i~l -ouunuary a. Industrial and Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan areas. b. Non-residential (Camaerd al/Industrial, etc.) areas within SLMU N2 district boundary. (See Exhibit "E") Work Program: All street lights within the district boundary except those in SLMD N1.~ Projects to be Annexed: a. Non-resldenti al (Camaercial/Industrial, etc.) projects withtn Lhe district boundary. b. Non-resldenti al projects withtn SLMD b2 boundary. Assessment Unit: Non-residential: 1.0 acre = 1.0 Assessment Unit ~-~ Cl. Page 14 EXNIBII "C' COIISENf AMD WIPER TO ANRE1fATI0M FOR NNEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscapin- and Lighting Act of 1972" (the "Act"), befog Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. Street Lighting Maintenance District No. and Street Lighting Main e£ nonce District No. (hereinafter referre3'~as the "Maintenance District"); and, NNEREAS, the provi dons of Article I1 of Chapter 2 of the Att authorize the legislative bogy t0 order the annexation of territory to the Maintenance District; and, NNEREAS, the legislative bogy mqy, pursuant to said provisions of the Act, order the annexation of territory to the Maintenance District without notice and hearing ar filing of an Engineer's "Report" as would other~+ise 6e required by the provisions of Lhe Act if all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed have given written consent to the proposed annexation; and, NNEREAS, the undersigned, the owners of all property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District, acknowledge that pursuant to the provisions of the Act, the undersigned would be entitled to notice and hearing and the preparation of an Engineer's "Report" pertaining to Lhe annexation of the property arced by the undersigned to the Maintenance District. The undersigned, however, acknowledge that they are aware of the proposed annexation to the Maintenance District of the property owned by the lt~L aL.. nJn.~~J..wnA .n I.f vn 1n unuerai yutu, o,lU wdl"c aiV 6iw ai) iigut '1n n "~. u~ .~.. y^.... .uy °"y. .• -- notice and hearing or the filing of an Engineer's "Report pertaining to~the annexation of the underslgneds' property to the Maintenance District. NON, THEREFORE, it is hereby declared by the undersigned property owners as follows: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. That the undersigned, constituting the owners of the property described 1n Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and further constituting all of the property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District, hereby consent to the proposed annexation of said property to the Maintenance District without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report" pertaining to such annexation. DATED: '"~`f~ Cl. Page 15 E)DIIBIT 'C' CERTIFICATE OF SUFFICIENCY OF CONSENT AMD WIPER TO AMIEIUITION FUR TO STREET LI(RRIM6 lNINIEWINCE DISTRICT M6- AMD STIIEET Li6NTIN6 WINTENAMCE DISTRICT NO STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA RUSSELL R. MAGUIRE, the undersigned, hereby certifies as follows: Tbat I am the duly appointed CITY ENOIREER of the CITY ff RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA. That on the day of 1989, I reviewed a Consent and Naiver to AnnexaE'fon pertain ng to annexation of certain property to the Maintenance District, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the City Clerk. That I caused said Consent and Naiver to Annexation to be examined and my examination revealed that said Consent and Naiver to Annexation has been >13ned by the owners of a. cT t;x pro`c:ty within the `.xrritory proposed to ue annened i.u Liie nuinixumrw Gial'nkt. That said Consent and Naiver to Annexation meets the requirements of Section 22609.1 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. EXECUTED this day of 1989, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGl1 STATE OF CAL IfORNIA .~ 7 cl. Page 16 EXHIGIT °D" DATE: TO: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: SUBJECT: Approval of Map, Improvement Ageement, Improvement Security and ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. for located at/on submitted by It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving accepting the subJect agreement and security, ordering a annexa on o andscape Maintenance District No. and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. and authoring the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreemen an to cause said map to record. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS located at/on the , cne uevelopmenc uiscric i, was aypruveu uy use ri onn niy ~inwlii ssi uii on for the division of acres into lots parce s. The Developer, is submitting an agreement and secur y o guaran ee a cons ruc on of the off-side improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: S Labor and Material Bond: f Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. Letters of approval have been received frao the high school and elementary school districts and Cucamonga County Nater District. C.C. d R.'s have also been approved by the City Attorney. The Consent and Naiver to Annexation form signed by the Developer is on file in the City Clerk's office. Respectfully submitted, ~~ RHM: Attachments C1. Page 17 EXHIBIT "D" RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. AND STREET LIGHTING MIIINTEIUNCE DISTRICT NOS. AND FWI- NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously forwed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. Street Ltghttng Maintenance District No. and Street Lighting Main nonce District No. _ (hereinafter referred"l;o as the "Maintenance District"1; and NHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972' authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, alt of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed"annexation without notice and hearing or i 11 iuy ui oii i.i,yifwm a nc y~r ~ NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLYES AS FOLLONS: SECTION I: That the above recitals are ail true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative bogy hereby orders the annexation of the proper y as shown in Exhibit "A" and the work program areas as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including tie Tevy of alt assessnw;nts, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. -~9 CI. EXHIBIT "D" Page 1B ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. ANNEXATION N0. -, TURF GROUNOCOVER sq. f[. s-q. ;tree[ 19tH Streee 12,9b5 McOian Parkway Ira i l ~~ O i ~e r`~ s ifs i1 i . r,~ ~:, , ~~ 1, ,. NOTE: NMERE APPLICABLE, E%HIBIT TO SHOM SQUARE FOM.4GCS G: HLL AREAS TO BE MAINTAINED TNROUGHUUT PROJECT. PLEASE SHOH LEGEND OF AREAS i0 BE MAINTAINED LEGEND: ~~ GROUNDCOVER ~'`~~~'^ CITY OF RANCHO`Cl~'CA~~IONGA ^ rancr iz9sz ', rrC.~,~~= ~`~,'~ F~ ,Z ENGINEERING DIVISION ~ T oL 6 ' VICINITY MAP 1\`II im EXHIBIT "D" C1. cage 19 EXHIBIT 'B' PROJECT NAME: N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: STREET LIGHTING IMINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of Law s Lo be Annexed District No. 3B~J~L r~lL~~OQU2T30II, 1 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT District No. Street Nave Turf Ground Cover Trees Jq• ti. ~G. TL. [a. ~-l~ CI. Page 20 ~e Y ~ a 3 y ~ ~? ~ r ~ e ~ s ! v v ~~ E%HIBIT "E" ®~~a I j 3~ ~1 _~~. !! , I- - n T 3 -°~~_ ca -r. `1 .~~ ~~TIj1]- .~~ti~l ~~l ~ ~~~_ ~~ {y if .II ~ ~ _ -_jw ~.- J ~ :. L!t=1- -~~ ~~ ~'.:_ ~~ -,gym 'I C_ ~.1 ", /(//~ 1~'' iJI'/ V~ ~.! i rL _"._ ._ f~- .~ ~~~ ^ ~~' CI. EXHIBIT "E" I 1 I t _ // u I ~ '~ ~ ~ i _- y ~ ~ u .. N ~~ f_ - ~ ~ r ' -- ° ° s w ~ '= ~ C 1 ~{ Q 2 - -- - ~ _ _ _ ... 8 ~"rt~. ~ - ~ r H / V F \~ ~ i ~ ' . J F~ _ _ ~ ~ 'i~~ T_ ~ £ VM'Nf IYIIY . I _ ~__ .J~ F~ ~ ~ _ { ~ . - ~ w _ f J~ .~ TM% ~ . Q ~ i cr ~Tr? ; q~~7i ' i I .~• y 4 Vi=i T ~L•~ri "i~ ~~ ^ _ _ ~ :_ i~ _ ~ .....~ ~ ~1~~ ~y III .~ ~• C1. Page 22 LANDSCAPE/IRRIGATION, STREET TREE AND STREET LIGHT PERMIT/INSPECTION/ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE City/District Maintained Landscape Areas 1. Ali landscape/irrigation installation that is to be City/District maintained shall require a separate "Construction Permit". A• Applicant shall submit an application fora Construction Permit to the Engineering Division in the same manner that is required for other public improvements to be constructed in public rights-of-way or easements. 1. In addition to all other requirements, the plans for assessment district or public maintained landscaped areas shall show assessment district number and plant establishment periods. 2. No inspection or work in the public right-of-way is to occur without valid permit. 2. The inspector shall inspect all trenching, pipe materials and sizes, valves, control wires, controller, pressure test, backfill etc. pursuant to "Green Book" Specifications and City Standards, inspector shall inspect planting for fertilization, root control, soil amendments, backfill, spacing location, size, and healthiness. The inspector shall seek the assistance of the Maintenance Section regarding questions concerning healthiness of plant nmterlal. 3. All irrigation controllers and meter pedestals shall be fully enclosed duel purpose (single cabinet for electric meter and controller) enclosure with approved size and type of controller. during the establishment period, the inspector shall make regular monthly inspections and notiry developer of any deficiencies. One month prior to end of establishment period the inspector along with the Maintenance Section shall inspect landscaping for final clean-up and acceptance. Aqythtng other than mirror plant replacement, minor weeding, etc. shall require the developer to continue the establishment period for the required period for the new plant material. Nhen acceptance 15 to be considered by City Council, the inspector shall make final inspection to insure all clean-up items have been completed. Engineering shall supply tha Resource Services Department with square footage and estimated monthly cost for any landscaping within a district. 5. Acceptance will not be other improvements have acceptance, assessments, maintenance bond for irrigation guaranteeing the City. recumnended to City Council until such time all been completed and are also to be recomnended for if appropriate, are in effect and the 1 year lOS public improvements including landscape and workmanship and materials have been received by C1. Page 23 Property Owner Maintained Landscaped Areas 1. All landscape/irrigation installation to occur in public rights-of-way or easements that is to be maintained by the property owner(s) will be included Tn the permit for the construction of the other improvements within rights-of-way or easments. A. If there are no other improvements, a separate permit will be required. 1. Applicant shail provide, at time of submitting application, one set of landscape/irrigation plans stamped approved by the Planning Division. D. No inspection or work in the public right-of-way is to occur without valid permit. 2. On property owner maintained landscape areas, the Inspector shall inspect trenching, depth, pipe material and size, and 6ackfilling. Inspector shall inspect plant materials for size, location, spacing and root control. The inspector shall seek assistance from the Planning Dl vision for inspection of planting and compliance with conditions of approval. 3. Owner maintained landscape areas will be recoawended for acceptance when ail landscaping is 100% germinated and Planning Division has been consulted and all other public improvements have been completed and are to be accepted. v Li cci. ii cdi 1. All street trees to be planted in public rights-of-way or easements will be permited under a landscape/trrlgatton construction permit or other improvement permit, whichever is appropriate. A. If no other permit exists, a separate permit will be required. 1. Applicant shall provide, at time of submitting application, one set of tree planting plans or minor drawing, whichever is appropriate for size of protect, stamped approved by the Planning Division. 2. On all protects, Including local streets, the inspector shall inspect all tree staking and tying. Stakes shall 6e installed per City Standards and shall be secure. Ties shall be per City Standards and alt protruding wires shall be stapled to stake and trimmed. Ties shall be of sufficient diameter to allow for considerable future growth while still providing tree support. Trees will be accepted at the time other improvements are accepted. A. If there are no other improvements, trees will be accepted 1n the same manner as City/District maintained landscaped areas. ~5 C1. Page 24 Street Ltghts 1. Street light installation will be permited under the construction permit for the construction of other improvements. 2, Street lights shall be complete and energized prior to recommendation for acceptance. Street lights will be accepted at time the other improvements ara accepted provided assessments, if appropriate, are 1n effect or other arrangements have been made fnr the payment of energy charges by developer. 3. Engineering shall supply the Resource Services Department with the number of arterial and/or local street lights prior to detenainatton of deposit requirements. n,mv no v w urvn nvn ~ vr.vn . ~:~a . "r STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Barrye R. Hanson, Sr. Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Concurrence with City Engineer approval of Terra Vista and Victoria Planned Communities Improvement Implementation Policies RECOMIEMDATIOM- Staff recommends Council concurrence with the attached Improvement Implementation Policies by minute action. BACKGROUND: In response to Council direction, staff has prepared a set of improvement implementation policies for the Victoria Planned Coswnity. Similar policies were developed for the Terra Vista Planned Community in 1987 and 1988. The Terra Vista Street Improvement Implementation Pol icv was mrPCOMaA in the Planning Commission on May 27, 1987. The Commission agreed with the policy. They felt it would enhance the image of Terra Vista as a planned community in addition to improving traffic circulation. DISCUSSION: The attached policies consist of six (61 individual sheets each containing a separate policy as follows: 1, Victoria Planned Coa~mmity - Lakes Area - Street Policy 2. Victoria Planned Community - Lakes Area - Drainage Policy 3. Victoria Planned Community - Undeveloped area north of Base Line Road -Street Policy. 4. Victoria Planned Community - Undeveloped area north of Base Line Road -Drainage Policy 5, Terra Vista Planned Community - Street Policy 6. Terra Vista Planned Community - Drainage Policy `-lam CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT IMPLEMENTATION POLICIES SEPTEFBER 6, 19d9 PAGE 2 The Victoria Planned Co~nuntty was separated into two general areas because the tap have separate and unique characteristics. The remaining portion of the Planned Comaunity was not included because either the property has been conditioned to nuke the necessary improvements or the improvements already exist. There are three basic components to the street policies: 1, Streets shall be constructed full width to reduce future disruption to traffic flow. 2. Two means of access shall be provided to all pro,(ects for emergency vehicles and general traffic use. 3. Pra,(ects located within designated areas shall construct specified segments of ma,)or streets. There are three basic components to the drainage policies: 1. All projects shall be protected from upstream flows. 2. Projects located within designated areas shell construct specified drainage facilities. 3. Projects Located within Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Zones shall have the flood zone destgnatton removed at the Developer's expense, so that the future homeowners do not have to pay for flood insurance. Since me terra vista Improvement Implementation policies have been in effect, the amount of disagreement between the City and the Developer has been greatly reduced. Respe submitted, i ,` ~ -"~ R N d Attachment `-(~~ CITf OF RANCHO CUCAMOR611 - EM6IIEERIN6 0[Yi5I0N YICTpIIA PLANED COIMWITY YICTdIIA LAKES AREA ORAIKA6E IMPROYEMEMi IMPLEMEMTATiOK POLICY Proposed Developments shall construct drainage Facilities as follows: A. All sites shall be protected from upstream flows by Interim or permanent facilities. 9. All protects within a FIRM Flood Zone A, B or D shall have the Zone dentgna tson removed by FEM11 at the Developer's expense. C. Peak reduction facilities shall be provided for connections to or upstream of portions of Dyy Creek Channel which are not improved. D. Protects within the Areas shown on the map below (left) shall construct the specific drainage facilities designated below (right): AREA FACILITY LEGEND 1 The Master Plan and Local lines within Church m~ Area Boundary St. and Day Creek Blvd. The Master Plan and 1 Area Number Local line within Base Ltne Rd. and Day Creek Blvd. 2 The Master Plan and Local lines within Buller j ~ May, Day Creek Blvd., East loop Rd. and . ~~ s 2 ~i Victor/a Park Lane. The Local line extending ~ ~ ~ ' LYJY LVVY 1.Y Li rip "Y TL.-. Local line within Base YLine Rd, extending westerly from Victoria Park Lane. ~. i Reconstruct the existing channel parallel to _ ., ~,,,,,, the Freeway as necessary. ~ ' 1! ~;,,;; ~ 3 The Master Plan line within Buller Nay and 3~ ,,~ j~l ~ W Day Creek Blvd. Reconstruct the existing F' channel parallel to the Freeway as necessary. ~~-°° Note: All lines shall extend from an acceptable i "~ ~ downstream connection to the most upstream ~ '- / ~~ T"=~ooo' protection of h s;~further if needed for ~'~~9 .~ neer a e CITY DF RAIICIKI CIICAIIOIIGA - EK6IKfENIM6 DIVISION YICTORLI PLAKIEO COIMMITY YYCTORIA DIKES AREA STREET IIPROYEIENT IIlLEIENTATION POLICY Proposed Developments shall construct street improvements as follows: A. Streets ad,j scent to or required of pro,l ects shall be constructed full width to include curb on both sides of the street. 9. Streets shall be extended (full width) of!-site to an existing public street(s) in order to provide two separate mean of access. C. The Developer shall be elTgtble for reimbursement of the cost of off-site improvements frog future Development of the ayacent property upon its development. D. Projects within the Areas shown on the map below (left) shall construct the specific street segments designated below (right): i AREA STREET SEGMENT LEGENO 1 Bass L1ne Rd. - Day Creek Channel to Day Creek a>• Area Boundary Blvd. 1 Area NuaOer Day Creek Blvd. - Base Ltne Rd. to Footh111 Blvd. I ~~ a 2 Church St. - Rochester 0.ve. to Oay Creek Blvd. Ba Rd da e Ltn Oa C e k Ch el t Eti ; F I . - s e y r e ann o wan i Day~Creek Blvd. - Same as Area 1. M111er Ave. - Day Creek Blvd. to Etlwanda Ave. ~ ~~" 3 Miller Ave. - Same as Area 2. ' " Day Creek Blvd. -Same as Area 1. Foothill Blvd. - Oay Creek Blvd. to Rte. 15 ' ~. ,.,., l~~ r: r. +, Church St. - Same as Area 1. W ~, = :; p~ 4 Church St. - Same as Area 1. ., , ' Oay Creek Blvd.- Same as Area 1. Foothill Blvd. - Rochester Ave, to Day Creek Blvd. 5 Foothill B1 v4, - RochesGr Ave, to Rte. 15. ~ Bay Creek Blvd, - Footh111 Blyd. southerly ^ ~", tow' through curve. Buller Nay - Day Creek Blvd. curve to Rochester. y g neer ~aEe ctn c .tANCHO CUfJNNI1NA - ENBINEERIN6 ./I6IDN YICTptIA PLANNED CpMINIn UMBEYEL/pED AREA MDRTH DF BASE LINE ROAD STREET IMPROYEIEMT IMPLEIENTATION POLICY „- I,GC~ Proposed Developments shall construct street improvements as follows: A. Streets adj scent to or required of prof ec is shall be constructed full width t0 include curb on both sides Of the street. B. Streets shall be extended (full width) off-site to an existing public street(s) in order to provide two separate mean of access. C. The Developer shalt be eligible far reimbursement of Lhe cost of off-site improvements from future Development of the adjacent property upon its development. D. Pro,l acts within the Areas shown on the map Delow (left) shall construct the specific street segments designated below (right): LEGEMO f>• Area Boundary 1 Arla Nunbfr - '~~ ~` ~ i, :•~; AREA STREET SEGMENT 1 Highland Ave. - Nest area boundary to Rochester Ave. Lark Dr. - Nest area boundary to Rochester Ave. Rochester Ave. - Victoria Park Lane to Highland Ave. T * Lark Dr. - Same as Area I. * Rochester Ave. - Same as Area 1. 3 Oay Creek Blvd, - Base Line Rd, to Highland Ave. Victoria Park Lane (full parkway ingrovements on I~n1M ei A~~) OnnMs---,. 11 ••n ~~ n.<~t~nn -.. ...~ portion east of Day Creek Blvd. Silverberry 8 Sugar Gum Sts. - Across the Edison corridor. Highland Ave. - Rochester Ave. thru the southerly relocation to meet the existing portion east Of Oay Creek Blvd. 4 Rochester Ave. - Base Line Rd, to Ytctorta Park Lane. Ytctoria Park lane - Same as Area 3. 5 Rochester Ave, - Same as Area 4. Base Line Rd. - Rochester to Day Creek Channel. 6 Base line Rd. - Oay Creek Channel to Oay Creek Blvd. Day Creek Blvd. - Base Line Rd. to SPRR. 7 Base Line Rd. - Day Creek Blvd. to east area boundary. 8 =Base Lfne Rd. - Nest area boundary to Victoria Park Lane. " Subject to possible legal restrictions for // school development. ~ S`//~i 7~ ~ nee a f cIn a ,ANDMD cucAloNGA - EN611EERIN6 . /ISIDN VICTORIA PLANED CBIMMIn UMDEYELDPm AREA NORTH OF BASE LINE ROAD DRAINAGE UPROYEIENT DB~I.OENTATIDN POLICY 1 "= aooo' Proposed Developments shall construct drainage facilities as follows: A. All sites shall be protected from upstream flows 6y Interim ar permanent facilities. B. All prof ects wi thin a FIRM Flood Zone A, B or D shall have that Zone designation removed by FEMA at the Developer's expense. C. Peak reduction facilities shall be provided for connections to or upstream of portions of Day Creek Channel which aro not improved. D. Dro,iects w1tMn the Areas shown on the map below (left) shall construct the specific drainage facilities designated below (right): LEGEND on». Area Boundary 1 Area Number ~w '~ r ~ W ; ~i ~;ii 4 Y;r u:r ~„ rrMr~ i 1 o' r 5 1Mr.r Sr i` ~ ~~ 1~ ,.,~ ~ r~ r AREA FACILITY I The Local line within Lark Dr. and Rochester Ave. to Day Creek Basin. 2 The Master Plan line within Victoria Park Lane. 3 The Master Plan line within the easterly diagonal segment of the Highland Ave. relocation from Day Creek Blvd. to north of Highland Ave. The Master Plan line within Victoria Park Lane and Day Creek Blvd. to north of Highland Ave. 4 The Master Plan lines on the north side of the SPRR and within Victoria Park Lane. 5 The Master Plan lines within Base Line Rd. and on the north side of the SPRR. 6 The Master Pian and Local lines within Base Line Rd. and Day Creek Blvd. 7 ~ The Local line extending southerly from Base Line Rd. to East Loop Rd. within the Victoria lakes Area. 8 ~ The Local line within Base Line Rd extending easterly from Victoria Park Lane. ~ad~~{~ ' 0.equtres Master and Local sysfam south of '0 ~ ,~ Base Ltne Rd, per Victoria Lakes Area policy. Note: All tines shell extend from an acceptable downstream connection to the most upstream pro,)ect boundary and further 1f needed Por protection of the site. ~ _~ ~~ ~~ /O near a a ctn aF RARCIID turJearcA TERRA VISTA PLANED COMMIn STREET IIlROYF1EMT DPLEIEIIfATION POLICY Projects within Terra Vista shall be required to construct street improvements as follows: A. Streets adjacent to projects shall be constructed full width to include curb on the opposite sides. 8. Streets shall be extended (full width) off-site far enough to provide two means of access. C. Projects within the individual Development Areas shown on the map below shall construct the specific street segments designated as follows: AREA STREET SEDMENT 1 Foothill -Haven to Spruce and Naven - Footh111 to Town Center 2 Faothiii -Haven to M1111ken 3 Foothill -Haven to Rochester 4 Rochester - Footh111 to Poplar 5 Rochester -Foothill to Church 6 Rochester -Church to Base L1ne 7 Base Line - M1111ken to Rochester ' 8 Base Line - M1111ken to Mountain Y1ew 9 Same as adjacent area depending upon where access 1s taken. 10 M1111ken - Footh111 to Base Line I1 Spruce -Foothill to Elm 12 Most of this area 1s alrea~ condtttoned or developed. 13 Haven -Church to Base Line Note: Pro,lectz that cross area boundaries (at corners in Particular) shall construct all segments required for each affected area. LEBEND ~ Area Boundary 'j Area Number 1" 2D00' DQSi L/ M! RD. r r ^ r I - W W ~ W W F~ I~ r W W W W ~• • ~~ W ~ _ r 2 ~a i 4 Y Y W 1, ~' l W W ~ ~ r ~ s _~ e/ /~ ' r W ~ M " 1~rlT CC~ _ - 1 C ~ /Darn/La OLVQ / ~~ ,c a clTr aP aArcla aifalai~A TENIUi riSTA KArEO colrulm DMINA6E IIlIIOrElENT IIiLOORATIpI POLICY Protects within the individual Developeent Areas shown on the aep below shall construct the specific drainage facilities designated as follows: AREA FACILITY 1 Portions of Master Plan syster 3 and 4 fray the site to Deer Creek Channel. 2 Portions of Master Plan Systewt 1 and 2 frowt the site to Deer Creek Channel. 3 Portions of Master Plan Systewt 1, 2 and 5 front the site to Deer Creek Channei including adeQuate retention facilities. 4 Sane as Area 3, except no devetapeent approvals until park basin suing resolved. 5 Sage as Area 3. 6 Portions of Master Plan Systee 6 frar the site to Day Creek Channel. If prior to caagletlon of Day Creek CMnnel Phase III, provide one retention facility for the entire area. 7 Sane as Area 6. Use Area 6 retention facility increased to accotteaodate all of Area 7, Note: 1. All developeent shall provide protection fray upstreaxt drainage. 2. Offsite street extensions ^4Y be exaapt frata this policy as approved by the City Engineer. LE6EN0 ~ Area Boundary 1 Area Nuaber 1" 2000 O~si LiM! RO. ar ~ . r r i r u r r: w r u u ~ r ~ Aa . _ I~_„~,~„ ur~ ~7~ ~~ W -R,- /~~ S~ ~ W ~ ~ aw r r ` t w d1 ~ ~ ~ ' • u \ IjCt ~ er v\ "~ ~ ~ ~ r W r ~ r w ., ~1. M C ~ ~~ C a• i 110 ~rC f00TM/LL OLVQ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 !~~ T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Linda Beek, Jr. Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Award the Sapphire Parkway Renovation and Trail Retroftt Inproveaent Protect fray Banyan Street to Jennet Street for the amount of (85,980.00, to be funded with Beautification Funds Account No. 21-4647-8845, FY 1988-89 and 1989-90 REGOI~E1~11TIOM: It is recoswended that the C1;y Council accept all bids as submitted and award the contract for Sapphire Parkway Renovation and Trail Retrofit Ingrovenent Protect to the lowest responsible bidder, Gateway Construction, Inc. for the aspunt of (85,980.00. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Per previous Council action, bids were solicited, received and opened on August 9, 1989, for the subject project. Gateway Construction, Inc, is the apparent '°.vest responsible bidder with a bid amount of (85,980.00 Icon afiarhaA h1A uu~aarvl. Tha Fnalneer's estlaxte was 561.585.00. Staff has reviewed all b1As received and found these to be complete and in accordance with the bid requirements, Staff has caspleted the required background investigation and finds all bidders to sleet the requirements of the bid documents. Res , y~ su fitted, .. ~_~ ~. „ '~ RHM: Attachment cr. Purchasing 7-S a m a P f N O 2 r v < o 0 U U 7 U S LL~ O ti U O W 2 O J t N O O 4 O Y N 8 t(1 WNW i ti W F li 6 O 6 ~ W r A OC N (~ g x d 4 A oC r m 0 z a - 0 ~ ~ Q N Y 2 Z U H W a a- g 4 3i Y 4 ~ cJ 4 6 W OC S d N _ O rw m , yy F O O W 1 - U Y 6 O 6 J 7~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Linda R. Beek, Jr. Civil Engineer _ ; :: SUBJECT: Execute contract for the Vineyard Avenue at the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Crossing Improvement Protect located between Eighth and Ninth Streets awarded to Larsen and Leaverenz, Incorporated, for the amount of 562,233.00 (556,575.00 plus lOS contingency) to be funded from Systems Development Account No. 22-4637-8050, FY 88/89, (Awarded Juiy 19, 1989) RECOMMEMDATIOM: It is recommended that City Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract documents for the Vineyard Avenue at the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Crossing Improvement Protect, a~ authorize the Administrative Services Director to expend (62,233.00, (f56,575.00 plus lOS contingency) to be funded from Systems Development Account No. 22-4637-8850, FY 80/89. Background/Analysis On July 19, 1989, City Council awarded the subtect protect to Larsen and Leaverenz, inc. Staff has received the executed contract documents, bonds and Insurance documents; reviewed them and found them to be complete and in accordance with the contract proposal. Resp f y submitted, cc: Purchasing - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1939 TO: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Bob Zetterberg, Maintenance Superintendent's "''"~ - ,: r SOBJECT: Approval to execute a five year lease agreement with the State of California Eor the property south of Beryl Park, Eor the sum of $150.00 per month to be Funded from Engineering/Maintenance account 01-464-3900 Zt is recommended that City Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a lease agreement with the State of California, Department of Transportation, for the property south of Beryl Park, for the sum of $150.00 per month. Background/A?alysis The current lease for this property was renewed May 4, 1989 at no cost to the City. Due to changes in administration [he State of Caliiu u+ia, uci,aa i+ueui vi 7aauapua iaaiu++, i+aa uee+uaai it accessary to charge a fee Eor the use of this property. As stated in the May 3, 1989 staff report, Chia parcel of land is the area used to trans Eer disposable materials that are generated by the maintenance section during its day-to-day operations and is a necessary part of its operation. Res y ~ b tte8, RHM ~2:1~ 7~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 F~ TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council t9n FROM: Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AN IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA RECOMMENDATION : Approve the Improvement Agreement between the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of certain public improvements associated with Fire Station 3. BACKGROUND: The Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District currently leases a temporary site for Fire Station 3 from the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, located on Base Line Road, east of Day Creek Channel. With the acquisition of new fire fighting equipment, it is necessary to expand these facilities to accommodate the new equipment. ANALYSIS: Ctty policy regmres the tmprovement of tsase Ltne Icoatt as a result of the expansion of these facilities. However it is proposed that the construction of the required public improvements be postponed, and coordinated with the Base Line improvements budgeted by the City for Fiscal Year 1990191. The Fire District could then reimburse the cost of the improvements attributable to the Station 3 site. This item is the same as item 2 on to consent calendar for the Fire District. Agency Counsel has reviewed and approved the attached Improvement Agreement. Respectfully sublm~itted, Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager Attachment: Real Property Improgvement Agreement STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager ~, FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Gary H. Sheu, Assistant Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security, Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6 for Parcel Map 11671, located between 4th and 6th Streets and between Pittsburgh and Buffalo Avenues, submitted by Mission Land Company RECDMNEIDATION It is recommended that Lhe City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Parcel Map 11671, accepting the subject agreement and security, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6, and authorizing the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Parcel Map 11671, located between 4th end 6th Streets and between Pittsburgh .nn n~~fsal,, av,,,,~o~ i~ rho nanoral industrial District. was aooroved by the Planning Commission~on September 14, 1988, for the di Vision of 97.96 acres into 26 parcels. The Developer, Mission Land Conpany, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: (1,438,000.00 ~ labor and Material Bond; f 719,000.00 ' Monumentation Bond: f 3,700.00 Copies {f the lien agreement and the improvement agreement and security are availab w: in the City Clerk's Office. The Cons nt and Natver to Annexation form signed by the Developer is on file in the Cr y Clerk's office. tied, ~~~ _ , _~ sum ~~ RESOLUTION N0. X q.-3~ 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGl1, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL IMP NUMBER 11671, (TENTATIVE PARC0. IMP N0. 11671), REAL PROPERLY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AIR) IMPROVEMENT SECURITY AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE SAME NHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map No. 11671, submitted by Mission land Company, and consisting of 26 parcels, located between 4th and 6th Streets and between Buffalo and Pittsburgh Avenues, being a division of 97.96 acres into 26 parcels wtthln the General Industrial District was approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on September 14, 1988; and NHEREAS, Parcel Map No. 11671 is the final map of the di vision of land approved as sham on said Tentative Parcel Mep; and NHEREAS, all of the requirerents established as prerequtslte to approval of the final map by the City Council of said City have now been met by entry into an Improvement Agreement guaranteed by acceptable Improvement Security, Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement by Mlsston Land Company as developer. NON, THEREFgIE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that said Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and said Lien Agreement submitted by said developer be and the same are hereby approved and the M4yor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement and Lien Agreement on behaif of the City of Ranch Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest; and that said Parcel Map No. 11671 be and the same is hereby approved and the City Engineer is authorized to present same to the County Recorder to be filed for record. ~' RESOLUTION N0. ~ ~_ 3~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFgINIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 3 AND STREET LIOHTIN6 M1IINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR PARCEL IMP 11671 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucaapnga, California, has previously forsaed a special aaintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 3, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and NHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and NNEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and Incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLONS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative body hereby orders the annexation of the prope~iy asas shown in Exhibit "A" and the rcrk prograa~ areas as des~rined 1n Exhibit "R' attached hereto Lo the Maintenance 01str1ct. SECTION 3: That all future proeeedings of the Maintenance District, includ}ng .,e evy of all assessments, shall be apo1lcable to the territory annexed hereunder. ~v ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. s STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 and 6 LEGEND ®_ CITY``M~INTGINEO n ~IIEET TREES OUGN. 473 W J 2 W W V CI'T'Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA My~l Etvan~rE>~a nrvrs><ox E1fNIBIT 'B' PROJECT MIME: PARCEL MAP 11671 N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: 97.96 acres N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 195.92 units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of Lamps to be Annexed District No. _5800C-95WLZ6;Dl1DI£,TI00-1T50Q 1 --- 34 --- --- 6 22 --- --- --- --- LANDSCAPE MIIINTENIWCE DISTRICT Median iuri District No. Street Naeie Sq. ft. ~ruunJ Cuver Sq. ft. Trees Ea. 3 6th Street --- 19,440 38 4th Street --- 46 Pittsburgh Avenue --- 67 Buffalo Avenue --- 71 Misslon-Park Drive --- 26 Mission V1sta Drive --- .53 Richieond Ptace --- 132 T9;44U X33 JAA:9/6/89 ~3 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 ~~ , T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Mike Olivier, Senior Civ11 Engineer SUBJECT: Release of a Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement releasing Assessor's Parcel No. 201-251-36, located on the north side of Lemon Street between Archibald Avenue and London Avenue, submitted by Paul F. McMichael and Cheryl A. McMichael RECONEMDATION: It is recommended that the Councii adopt the attached Resolution releasing the Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement, and authorizing the Mayor to sign said release and the City Cterk to record same. BACK6ROIND/ANALYSIS A Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement was approved by Council on May 8, 1986 and recorded on June 9, 1986 as Document No. 86- 150123 in the office of the County Recorder. San Bernardino County, California. The agreement was for the installation of certain public improvements including, but not limited to curbs, gutters, drive approaches, sidewalks and street pavements along a portion of Lemon Avenue in the City of Rancho Cucamonga completed and accepted by the City in 1987. The Lien against Lhts property was paid for, in full, on August 24, 1989. Respec submitted, M• Attachment B ~I RESOLUTION N0. ~ r ~ .-J Q A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, RELEASING A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT FROM PAUL F. McM1CHAEL AND CHERYL A. MdAICHAEL VAIEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga adopted Resolution No. accepting a Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreemen rom au F. McMichael and Cheryl A. McMichael ;and NHEREAS, said Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement was recorded in Official Records of San Bernardino County, California, en June 9, 1986 as Document No. 86-150123;and requl red. NHEREAS, said Real Property Contract and lien Agreement is no longer NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the C1ty of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby release said Real Property Improvement Contract and lien Agreement and that the City Clerk shall ceuse Release of L1en to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. g5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Mike Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer ~- SUBJECT: Approval to execute Contract Change Order No. 2 with ASL Consulting Engineers to provide additional design services for Hermosa-Church Storm Drain. The Change Order is for the total amount of (10,350.00 to bring the contract total to 593,844.00 to be paid from Drainage Funds, Account No. 23-4637-8761-4603-4110 (F.Y. 89!90). Approval to execute Contract Change Order No. 2 with ASL Consulting Engineers to provide additional design services for Hermosa-Church Storm Drat n. The Change Order is for the total amount of f10,350.00 to bring the contract total to 593,844.00 to be paid from Drainage Funds, Account No. 23-4637-8761-4603- 4110 (F.Y. 89/90). The firm of ASL Consulting Engineers is engaged in preparing plans, specifications and estimates for Hermosa-Church Storm Drain. The original design extends from the Church Retentiod Basin (southwest corner of Church u t.. nt nd Y• II ~• n). tin nt....l .. 1.. rl.u ..F CL-....t. tl.. -tl-..l - ~J ~ J in Hermosa Avenue to the outlet of-the Alta Loma~Creek~Channel intoVHermosa Avenue approximately 400 feet north of 19th Street. Due t0 funding restrictions, the first construction phase of the project will extend from the Church Street Basin westerly in Church Street to a point in Hermosa Avenue ,just north of Church Street. Therefore, it is necessary to expand their contract to include additional services 1n preparing plans, specifications and estimate for unitizing into phase 1 and interim basin pickup in Hermosa Avenue ,just north of Church Street, and adjusting hydrology and hydraulic calculations to reflect changes in rainfall intensltites for Hermosa-Church Storm Drain. TMs will provide interim basin pickup in Hermosa Avenue until additional funds become available to extend the storm drain northward. The Change Order is for the total amount of =10,350.00 to bring the Contract total to 593,844.00 to be paid from Oratnage Funds, Account No. 23-4637-9761-4603-4110. Resp~f submitted, ~/ STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Mike Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Contract Change Order Ne. 1 for the Base Line Road Widening Protect, Phase I, Etiwanda Avenue to the Interstate Nighwdy 15 by GPS Engineers, for the additional design of water line supports, as requested by the San Gabriel Yalley Municipal Water District and redesign of the store drain to avoid a recently installed water line in Etiwanda Avenue requested by the Cucamonga County Hater District, in the amount of (9,700.00 to bring the contract total amount to (54,883.00 to be funded by Etiwanda Drainage Fees, Account No. 19-4637-8840 (F. Y. 89/90) RECONEIDAT[pl: Approval of Contract Change Order No. 1 for the Base line Road Widening Protect, Phase I from Etiwanda Avenue to the Interstate Highway 15 by GPS Engineers, in the amount of (9,700.00 to bring Llle IIA LUII LI aLI LU 1.al uIFYUIIL Lu j]4 ,GOi.VD IN Utl IYIIUCII Uy Etiwanda Drainage Fees, Account No. 19-4637-8840 (F.Y. 89/90). BACKGROUiD/ANALYSIS The Engineering Design Staff has met with several utility companies for the subtect protect. Two of the utilities are water purveyors, Cucamonga County Mater District and San Gabriel Valley Municipal Hater District. The Base Line Protect includes a Master Planned Storm Drain, which runs in Base Line Road from Etiwanda to Interstate 15. This drain crosses and conflicts with the Mater lines of each water purveyor. In the case of the Municipal Hater District Line, special bracln9 was requested, where our Storm Drain crosses the 48 inch water line. In the case of the Cucanonga Line, they designed and installed a new line this year without considering the City designed Storm Drain. STAFF REPORT -CHANGE ORDER Al FOR RASE LINE ROAD WIDENING PROJECT SEPTEMBER 6 1989 PAGE 2 in order to avoid these lines in the oast expeditious and equitable manner, the contract change order was prepared so that modifications could De made to the existing prcliminary City designs. Respectfull ted, RHM:N0:1y ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 - `~ T0; City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Marks Inspector's SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 12969, Located on the south side of Arrow Highway at Edwin Street, submitted by Hagap and Yeghia Yazed,{ian RECOMMENQATIOM It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub~ett agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mdyor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 12969 were approved by the Ctty Council on September 8, 1988, in the following amounts. I YI YIII YI fi11VI1W 11Vt YY~IY• ~1LJ,VVV Labor and Material Bond: t 56,500 The developer, Hagop and Yeghia YazedJian, is requesting approval of a 3-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available 1n the City Clerk's Office. Respe ,y s ttted, R . Attachments ~~ City of Rancho Cucamonga Aug,14,1E9. Dear Sirs, By the end of this week,all improvements will be finished except for paving of the street (Edwin).We like to do the paving after we sell the homes .our aim is to keep the street closed with gate ,so the Secu- rity Guazd can control the area more easily from destruction or vandalism. Your's Truly rM''r.y" Z~^--~ Hagop Yazedjian Yeqhia Yazedjian RESOLUTION N0. V 9'3~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12969 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucaaanga, California, has for Tts consideration an Iagrovea~ent Agreement Extension executed on September 6, 1989, by Hagop and Yeghta Yazedjian as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-wAy adjacent to the real Droperty specifically described therein, and generally Located on the south side of Arrow HighwAy at Edwin Street; and NNEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, 1s to be done in conjunction with the deveiopment of said Tract 12969; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified to said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that sold Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and Lhe same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Cierk Lo attest thereto. ~I CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and Ctty Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilleland, Public Norks Inspector`"~r~ SUBJECT: Approval of Ieprovement Agreement Extension for Tract 13270, located on the northwest corner of Church Street and Milliken Avenue, submitted by Nestern Properties RECOAEIUIITION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,~ect agreement extension an4 security and authorizing the MalYOr and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13270 were approved by the Ctty Council on September 22, 1988, in the following amounts: Faithful Dnrfnrmance Bond: 5500.000 Labor and Material Bond: (250,000 The developer, Nestern Properties, is requesting approval of a 6-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are ava11a61e in the Ctty Clerk's Office. Respectf ubmttted, /' AHM~ . Attachments / ci Lewis Homes Management Corp. 1156 Nonh Mouvgiv Avevue / P.O. Boe 670 / UplavA, Catifomia 91785 714/985-0971 FAX: 7l4/981~9799 August 7, 1989 Mr. Steve Gilliland Community Development Department Engineering Division P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Re: Improvement Agreement Extension - Tracts 812671-1, 13270 b 14150 (formerly 13271) Dear Mr. Gilliland: Enclosed, in response to your letters of July 28th, are our three checks in the amount of $251.00 each for three extensions for required fees, together with three sets of three executed extension applications. We are currently waiting for the bonding on Tract 12671-1 and - tj - - - -+,j ^ --ta"i•••• +11 ...hinh fa of nl ntnA A~•three-month yextension should ba; sufficient for Tractn12671-1. With respect to Tracts 13270 and 14150 (formerly 13271), we are requesting a six-month extension for each tract. Construction is not complete on either tract with paving, curb and gutter still incomplete on Tract 14150 (13271). Please call me at (714) 949-6688 if you have questions or need further information. Very truly yours, LEWIS HOMES MANAGEMENT CORP. Do ~~ mp DMT:sd Enclosure RESOLUTION N0. ~q - 3~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13270 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extrnstan executed on Septrmber 6, 1989, Dy Nestrrn Properties as developer, for the Improvement of pubitc right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the northwest corner of Church Street and Milliken Avenue; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subJect to the terms thereof, is to be done in con3unction with the development of said Tract 13270; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the C1ty of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and Lhe same are hereby approved and Lhe Mayor is hereby authorized to sign Bald Improvement Agreement Extrnslon on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. 9~f rrmv nc unwrrcrn rrrrnMnur_n _,v,~ STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. G1'1liland, Public Norks Inspector SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13271, located on the northwest corner of Terra Vista Parkway and Milliken Avenue, submitted by Lewis Noses RECONEMDATIOM it is recauwended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub~ett agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13271 were approved by the City Cauncll on September 8, 1988, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: >;/8,5W Labor and Material Bond: ;39,250 The developer, Lewis Homes, is requesting approval of a 6-month extension on sa16 improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clsrk's Office. Respec i submitted, - r RH :SMG:sd /~ 0.ttachmefiis 1 Lewis Homes Management Corp. 1156 North Momuin Avenue / P.O. Box 6701 Upland, Ca5[omia 91785 7141985.0971 FAX: 714X81-9799 August 7, 1989 Mr. Steve Gilliland Community Development Department Engineering Division P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Re: Improvement Agreement Extension - Tracts X12671-1, 13270 b 14150 (formerly 13271) Dear Mr. Gilliland: Enclosed, in response to your letters of July 28th, are our three checks in the amount of $251.00 each for three extensions for required fees, together with three sets of three executed extension applications. We are currently waiting for the bonding on Tract 12671-1 and one r: r., .~a,.ra r~ wriA a rPtai ni na wall which is not completed. A three-month extension should be sufficient for Tract 12671-1. with respect to Tracts 13270 and 14150 (formerly 13271), we are requesting a six-month extension for each tract. construction is not complete on either tract with paving, curb and gutter still incomplete on Tract 14150 (13271). Please call me at (714) 949-6688 if you have questions or need further information. Very truly yours, LEWIS ROMES MANAGEMENT CORP. Do~ M.M. Thy DMT:sd Enclosure 9~ RESOLUTION N0. ~~] - 3~ 8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROYING IMPROYEMENi AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13271 NHEREAS, the City CaurH:il of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on September 6, 1989, by Lewis Homes as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way ayacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the northwest corner of Terra Yista Parkway and Milliken Avenue; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, 1s to be done in conjunction with the development of said Tract 13271; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identif~~d in Bald Improvement Agreement Extension. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor 1s hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. q~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector~C SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 12611-1 thru -4, located on the northwest , submitted by Lewis Homes IIECOMMENDATIOM It is recommended that the City Council adapt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,~ect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign Bald agreement. ' ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 12671-1 thru -4 were approved by the City Council on August 20, 1987, in the following amounts. Faithful Perforwance Bond: (1,034,000 Laour anu ra ieriai Gww: ~ Gi7,uuu The developer, Lewis Homes, is requesting approval of a 3-month extension on said Tmprovement agreement. Copies of the improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Resp ~ s tted, _ f~ RF(M: : dl w Attachments Lewis Homes Management Corp. I I56 NoM Momtaio Avmue / P.O. Box 670 /Upland, Catifomia 9085 ]131985-0971 FAX: 7141981-9799 August 7, 1989 Mr. Steve Gilliland Community Development Department Engineering Division P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Re: Improvement Agreement Extension - Tracts X12671-1, 17270 S 14150 (formerly 13271) Dear Mr. Gilliland: Enclosed, in response to your letters of 7uly 28th, are our three checks in the amount of $251.00 each for three extensions for required fees, together with three seta of three executed extension applications. we are currently waiting for the bonding on Tract 12671-1 and rho ``: by va nhn *n aAA a rata lninrt wall Whi rh is not cmm~l eted. A three-month extension should bo sufficient for Tract 12671-1. With respect to Tracts 17270 and 14150 (formerly 1]271), we are requesting a six-month extension for each tract. Construction is not complete on either tract with paving, curb and gutter still incomplete on Tract 14150 (1]271). Please call me at (714) 949-6688 it you have questions or need further information. Very truly yours, LEWIS HOMES MANAGEMENT CORP. Do~ M.M. Th4 DMT:sd Enclosure I I RESOLUTION N0. ~~-3~ I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12671-1 THRU -4 NNEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on September 6, 1989, by Lewis Haines as 6eveloper, for the improvement of public right-of-wAy ad,{acent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the northwest corner of Milliken Avenue and Mountain View Drive; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subfect to the terns thereof, is to be done in coniunction with the development of said Tract 12671-1 thru -4; and MHEREAS, said I~grovement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the MAyor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. 1 ~Q CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russall H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector ~ SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion RECOMMENDATION: ~.. i The required street improvements for Tract 13542-1 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and tt is recoamanded Lhat Ctty Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds in the vaunts of 543,700 and (86,600, authorize Lhe City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bonds in the amounts of 5437,OOO~and 1866,000. Background/Analysis Tract 13542-1 - located on the south side of Nilson Avenue between Canistel Avenue and Deer Creak DEVELOPER: Grigsby Development oYOV uliw n•e,iue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9730 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond Release: Faithful Performance Bond Respe u y ubniitted, °~-~ - . ~ ~"~% / V R~SMG:sd ' Attachment STREET STORM DRAIN S 86,600 1 43,700 1866,000 1437,000 l RESOLUTION N0. ~~'~ / A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROYEMENTS FOR TRACT 13542-1 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the construction of public inyroveaM•nts for Tract 13542-1 have been eo~pleted to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Cangletion is required to be filed, certifying the work coa>P1ete. NON, THEREFORE, the City CounNl of the City of Rancho Cucaaanga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the CTty Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Caagletion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. l nrmv no n . wrn vn rn rn . vnvn . STAFF REPORT ~ + ' ~' i DATE: Septeeber 6, 1989 ,+ T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks inspector SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Coagletton RECONEIOATIOM: The required street ingrovements for Tract 13561 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that City Council accept said ingrovements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond 1n the amount of f10,300 authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Perfonwnce Bond in the amount of f103,000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 13561 - located on the southeast corner of Netherlands View Loop and W ntage Drive. DEVELOPER: Marlborough Development Zu25 Cen jury varic LdSL Los Angeles, CA 90067 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) (10,300 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) (103,000 Respect ,~ubmitted, RHI~~ :dlw 1' Attachment !~~ RESOLUTION N0. ~q - ~9 r A RESOLUTIgI OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE DUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13561 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the construction of public tagroveaents far Tract 13561 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Coagletion is required to be filed, certifying the work coiaplete. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucaapnga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Caryletion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. fob --CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks InspectorC~~= SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion RECOMMENDATION: '' ~ 5 ~ ~; The required street improvements for Tract 10035 have been completed 1n an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of (24,400 authorize the City Engineer t0 file a Notice of Campletion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 5244,000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 10035 - located on Lhe north side of Camino Predera Street at Predera Court. UEYLWYER: KaIIC IIU MDDUGIa LCD P.0. Box 7000-311 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 Accept: Maintenance @uarantee Bond (Street) 524,400 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 5244,000 Respect ul submitted, Attachment 05 RESOLUTION N0. ~ ~- 3 !~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC [MPROYENENTS FOR TRACT 10035 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the construction of public ingrovenents for Tract 10035 have been cosryleted to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Caagletion is required to be filed, certifying the work coarylete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucaaonga hereby resolves, that the cork is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Caayletion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. l / W nrrv nc n n nrr on rr rr n xnnur_ n STAFF REPORT ,.~, ' DATE: September 6, 1989 ti T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works lnspecto~ SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion RECa~ioATtaM: The required street improvements for Tract 13563 have been completed in an acceptable Wanner, and it is recommended that C1ty Council accept said iWprovements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the aWOUnt of (11,200, authorize the C1ty Engineer to file a Notice of Cospletton and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful PerforWance Bond in the anaunt of 5112,000. Background/Analysis Tract 13563 - located on the west side of Netherlands Vier Loop, south of Vintage Drive UtVtLUYtR: MarlDOrougn Ueve lopmeni 2029 Century Park East Los Angeles, CA 90067 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) S 11,200 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) f112,000 Respec y submitted, / r RHM:SMG:s Attachment O~ RESOLUTION N0. ~ I r 3 A RESOLUTIQN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CAL IfORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13563 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE Of COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the construction of public ingrovee~ents for Tract 13563 have been copq~leted to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Conpletlan is required to be filed, certifying the work coaQlete. NON, THEREFORE, Lhe City Council of Lhe City of Rancho Cucaaonga hereby resolves, that the work 1s hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Coapletion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. I/ V - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: September 6, 1989 City Council and City Manager :3 .~ i Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector~~ Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion The required street Improvements for Tract 13558 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenarw:e Guarantee Bond in the amount of 514,500.00, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of f145,000.00. Background/Malysis Tract 13558 - Located on the east side and west side of Sierra Crest View Loop at Mt. Gunnison Court and White Mountain Court DEVELOPER: Marlborough Development 2U29 GenLUry YerK Iasi Los Mgeles, CA 90067 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond {Street) 514,500.00 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 5145,000.00 Resp su fitted, i RHM:. ~i Y_~ Attachment X09 RESOLUTION NO. X 9.39 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13558 ANO AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NNEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 13558 have been completed to the satisfaction of the Gity Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. l `- - CITY 0~ RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks InspectoF-~; SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion RECOMMENDATION: S ~: ti The required street Improvements for Tract 13275 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and tt is recowaended that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Cash Bond in the amount of 55,200 authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Coagletion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 552,000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 13275 - located on the north side of Highland Avenue 1200 feet east of Haven Avenue. GN CLUYCIt: uAI UI'J uereiuyweul 3800 Nest Alameda Avenue, Suite 800 Burbank, CA 91505 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Cash Bond (Street) 55,200 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 552,000 Respectful submitted, i rr R M/ `/ Attachment RESOLUTION No. 89.395 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO GUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13275 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE MORK MHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 13275 have been coapleted to the satisfaction of the City Engtneer; and MHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engtneer is authorize6 to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. I/d' - CITY OF RANCHO CliCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 ~T~ T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, C1ty Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector~~~ SUBJECT: Release of Maintenance Bond for Tract 12532 located on the south side of Victoria Street between Archibald Avenue and Ramona Street RECOMIEMDATIgI: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds Background/Analysis The reQuired one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship. DEVELOPER: Pacer Homes 310 North Narbor Boulevard Fullerton, CA 92632 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 560,600 Respectfully submitted, ~~~ r RHM: I I CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Richard L. Alcorn, Code Enforcement Supervisor SUBJECT: RELEASE OF CASH DEPOSIT R ECOMMENOATION: Mork for the follaNing tracts has been completed. Cash deposits are hereby recommended by the Planning Division to be released to: AMOUNT OF TRACT N0. DEPOSIT PURPOSE DEVELOPER 13353 E2,500.00 Model Home Sales AHL Limited Office Partners E1 ,256.00 Subdivision Signs 13742 E2 ,500.00 Model Hame Sales A.C. 6 C. Invest. Office Group Limited E 628.00 Subdivision Sign Re c u llv,wbngtted.- Cit~/ BB:ns I I n,mv no n ____ _~ _____._____ ................. ,..3~''. ~. STAFF REPORT - DATE: September 6, 1989 , T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Millie Valbuena, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: Approval of Parcel MaD, improvement Agreeaent, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2 for Parcel Map 12573, located on the east side of Archibald Avenue, south of Lemon Avenue, submitted by L,A. Chanco, Inc. RECOMEMDATIOM: It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Parcel Map 12573, accepting the subiect agreement and security, and ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2, and authorizing the City Clerk to cause same to record. Background/Analysis parrot Mao 12573 was aooroved by the Planning Coawisslon on June 28, 1989, for the division of 2.72 acres of land Into 2 parcels in the Medium Density Residential District, located on the east side of Archibald Avenue, south of Lemon Avenue. The Developer, L.A. Chanco, inc., is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the setting of the ngnuments in the following aarount: Monumentation 52,500.00 The Consent and Natver to Annexation fans signed by the Developer Ts on file in the City Clerk's office. Respect ,1 bmitted, ~~~~~~~~~~~-.~ RHM: pY~AICf sd Attachments II RESOLUTION N0. ~9-,~ / A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL IMP NUMBER 12573, (TENTATIYE PARCEL MAP N0. 12573), IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY NHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map No. 12573, submitted by L.A. Chanco, Inc., and consisting of 2 parcels, located on the east side of Archibald Avenue, south of Lemon Avenue, was approved by the Planning Coawisslon of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on June 28, 1989; and NHEREAS, Parcel Nap No. 12573 is the final nap of the division of land approved as shown on said Tentative Parcel Nap;and NHEREAS, all of the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the final nap by the City Council of said City have now been net by entry into an Improvement Agreement guaranteed by acceptable Improvement Security by L.A. Chanco, Inc., as developer. NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that said Improvement Agreement and said improvement Security submitted by said developer be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest; and that said Parcel Map No. 12573 be and the same is hereby approved and the City Engineer 1s authorized to present same t0 the County Recorder to be filed for record. I l ~.1.~ RESOLUTION N0. ~~_ 3 ! 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDN6A, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNE%AT10N OF CERtAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 AND STREET LIGNTIN6 MAINTENANCE D[STRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR PARCEL MAP 12573 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1912", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance D15trict No. 1, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 (hereinafter referred Lo as the "Maintenance District"i; and NNEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of CMpter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize Lhe annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhlbtt "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLONS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are ail true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative bogy hereby orders the annexation of the proper y1-as shown in Exhibit "A' and the work prograA areas as described in Exhibit 'B" attached hereto to the Maintenance Dl strict. SECTION 3: That all future Droceedtngs of the Maintenance District, including a evy of all assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. { l .A. ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 _ R ~.~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COUNTY OP SAN BERNARDINO STATE OF CALIFORNIA PMT EXHIBIT '8' PRO.IECT NAME: PARCEL MAP 12573 N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: 2 parcels N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 2 units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of Lamps to be Annexed District No. bBW~-95DOL~S;OW' 1T~T-1T,3IItf 1 -- - - - - 2 - - - - - LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Turf Ground Cover Trees District No. Street NaaN! aq. rc. Sa. fi. Ea. 1 Bristle St. --- --- 15 Caledon St. --- --- 26 Archihald Ave. --- 5,515 5 JAA:9/6/89 llq CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Millie Valbuena, Engineering Technician N:s, SUBJECT: Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 3 for Tract 13873, located on the northwest corner of Atwood Street and Victoria Park Lane, south of the Southern Pacific Railroad, submitted by The Nilliam Company RECOMIENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adapt the attached resolutions approving Tract 13873, accepting the subJect agreement and security, ordering the annexation to Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 3, and authorizing the MAyor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Tract 13873, located on the northwest corner of Atwood Street and Victoria Park Lane, south of the Southern Paclftc Railroad in the Medium High Residential District, was approved by the Planning Commission on ..n. nn ,noo eCr the :171 ci o.. ^-s 7 7m --'-- jar.. i lne, The Developer, The Nilliam Lyon Company, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts; Faithful Performance Bond: (72,000.00 Labor and Material Bond; (36,000.00 Monumentation: f 2.450.00 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. Letters of approval have been received from the high school and elementary school districts and Cucamonga County Mater District. The Consent and Maiver to Annexation form signed by the Developer is on file in the City Clerk's office. Res 1 sybmi tted, ~-^ =-~ ~z, / i RHFr :JAA: Attachments / RESOLUTION N0. ~ ('~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROYEMENi SECURITY, AND FIN4L MAP OF TRACT N0. 13873 NHEREAS, the Tentative Nap of Tract No. 13873, consisting of 1 lot, submitted by The Nilliam Lyon Company, Subdivider, located on the northwest corner of Atwood Street and Yictorta Park Lane, south of the Southern Pacific Raliroad, has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by said Subdivider for approval by said City as provided in the Subdivision Nap Act of the State of California, and in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and NHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the Final Nap of said Tract said Subdivider has offered the Improvement Agreement submitted herewith for approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient Improvement Security, and submits for approvai said Final Map offering far dedication for street and highway purposes the streets deiineated thereon. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL t)F THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: That said Improvement Agreement be and the same 1s approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute same on behalf of sate City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and 2. That said Improvement Security is accepted as good and sufficient, subject to approval as to forty and content thereof by the City Attorney; and 3. That the offers for dedication and the final Map delineating same be approved and the City Clerk is authorized to execute the certificate thereon on behalf of said City. /~ RESOLUTION N0. ~Q _ 3~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~ RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGNTiN6 MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 3 FOR TRACT 13873 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucaaeonga, California, has previously forsed a special waintenance district pursuant to the teraK of the 'Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Street Ughting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 3 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, at this time the City Council {s desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, all of the owners of properly within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposeQ annexation without ratice and hearing or f711ng of an Engineer's "Report". NOW, THEREFORE, THE C[TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative bogy hereby orders the annexation of the proper as shown in Exhibit "A" and the work program areas as described 1n Exhibit "B" attached hereto to the Matrrtenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including a evy of all assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. Qd~ 'A• ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 3 n ~~ sou~HeAx '~ ~OAC~M ~,;~NAI(fl0/0 '-, ~._-..-eiw_ _-. eddy:(/ ~~ -' ;;; °~a'' ; ~ Ill 90 ;'30b2 ~ , '. ~ ^ x I ~ ~~~ ~ ~ /"~ i / ~ ~ ~ ~ y^ I ~, ~ ;y ,,,..,.,. ,, -`~ 1 ~ ~4. - ; ~~ ~ i .,,~.y .u . '~. e ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ',i lNOI A PuU ,.., • !', B! ;f J f0Y1:L`llA j;9! 4,97 !a,`ll3 ~ " ~ ~` .,., ~ rs~ va ~ m~roa o ri L \1 ~ ~, ~~~ _ W ~ um.r "aio CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO TR 13P~7.3 F STATE OF CALIFORNIA a EXHIBIT '8' PROJECT NAME: TRACT 13873 N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: 124 d/u N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 62 units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Na. of L s to be Annexed District No. T,RWC- -9500L~22;DOTl--'1T,306 1 --- --- --- --- --- 3 2 --- --- --- --- LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT District No. Street Naa~c Turf Ground Cover Trees Sq. ft. Sq. fL. Ea. JAA: 9/5/89 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Millie Vaibuena, Engineering Technician -. ~:> SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2 for CUP 87-05, located at 6723 Etiwanda Avenue, submitted by Cross and Crown Lutheran Church RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving CUP 87-05, accepting the subject agreement and security, ordering the annexation to Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND CUP 87-05, located at 6723 Etiwanda Avenue, in the Very Low Density Residential District, was aDProved by the Planning Commission on November 25, 1987, on 5 acres of land. The Developer, Cross and Crown Lutheran Church, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the constructfon of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond; 5109,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: f 54,500.00 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. A letter of approval has been received from Cucamonga County Water District. The Consent and Naiver to Annexation form signed by the Developer is on file in the City Clerk's office. Annexation to the appropriate landscape disirict will be accomplished in the near future upon completion of the formation of a future landscape maintenance district. Respectf t ed, r / ~~ _ RHM: NV: JAA~sJ ~.._ Attachments /~ RESOLUTION N0. ~ 9 - L~ OQ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 87-05 NNEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement executed on September 6, 1989, by Cross and Cram Lutheran Church as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way ad,~acent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located at 6723 Etiwanda Avenue; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvemeMS, described in said Improvement Agreement and subiect to the terms thereof, is to be done In coniunction with the development of said real Droperty as referred to Planning Caamission, Conditional Use Permit No. 87-05; and MHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement is .secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified to said Improvement Agreement. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, HEREBY RESOLVES that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. /~ w RESOLUTION No. X 9. Y o ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 87-OS NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucaapnga, California, has previously forned a special iaatntenance district pursuant to the tenas of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special naintenance district known and designated as Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and NHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, at this tixie the City Council Ts desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, ali of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NDY THFYFFn11F TNF fTTV rnnYP TI f1C Tuc rrry nc o"ww ~L~~~ww• HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLONS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative body hereby orders the annexation of the properly as shown in Exhibit "A" and the work prograa areas as described in Exhibit "B' attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including~e Tevy of ail assessiaents, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. /~ 7 [11 t11WT 'A' ASSESSMENT DIARiRAM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 QI 0 x 3 W B4SEL lN£ SL CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONaA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO (' LIP f3/ D5 STATE OF CALIFORNIA EXHIBIT •B• PROJECT NAME: CUP 87-05 N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: 5 acres N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 10 units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of Lapps to be Annexed District No. 38WC--95 _t_ 1 --- I --- '-- -° 2 --- --- --- --- --- LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Turf rr^~~.".'! !'.:'.r ~ 2<a uistricc no. Street Name Sq• ft. Sq. ft. *Ea. JAA:9/5/89 /~ 9 STAFF REPORT - DATE: Septeaber 6, 1989 T0: CTty Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Millie Vaibuena, Engineering Technician ~, SUBJECT: Approval of Parcel Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 ' and 6 for Parcel Map 11852, located east of Utica Avenue, 300 feet south of Arrow Route, submitted by Barton Development Company RECOMIEiDATIOM It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Parcel Map 11852, accepting the subiect agreement and security, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Parcel Map 11852, located east of Utica Avenue, 300 feet south of Arrow Route, in the General Industrial District (Subarea 81, was aDProved by the Planning Commission on October 12, 1988, for the division of 12.51 acres into 22 parcels. The Developer, Barton Development Company, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: ;916,000 Labor and Material Bond: ;458,000 Monumentatlon: ; 3,500 Copies of Lhe agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. Letter of approval has been received from the Cucamonga County Mater District. 1'ne Consent and Waiver to Annexation form signed by the Developer is on file in the City Glerk's office. Respectf u tfid, ~~ / ,~` Y T~ RHM: Y:JAA:sd--' Attac ents /~ O RESOLUTION N0. ~ q- ~~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL IMP NUMBER 11852, (TENTATIVE PARCEL IMP N0. 11852), IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY NHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map No. 11852, submitted by Barton Development Compagy, and consisting of 22 parcels, located east of Utica Avenue, 300 feet south of Arrow Route, was approved by the Planning Comw1551on of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on October 12, 1988; and NHEREAS, Parcel Nap No. 11852 is the final map of the division of land approved as shown on said Tentative Parcel Nap; and NHEREAS, all of the requirements established as prerequisite to 'approval of the final map by the City Council of said City have now been aet by entry into an Improvement Agreement guaranteed by acceptable Improvement Security by Darton Development Company as developer. NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that said improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security submitted by said developer be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign Bald Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest; and that said Parcel Map No. 11852 be and the same is hereby approved and the City Engineer 15 authorized to present same to the County Recorder to be filed for record. /31 RESOLUTION N0. ~~_ l 0 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAtpNGl1, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEIlATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING IMINTENAHCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR PARCEL MAP 11852 MHEREAS, the City Council of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga, California, fias previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the term of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Cade of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 3, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and MHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and L1 hung Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of addittonat territory to the Maintenance District; and MHEREAS, at this time the City Cou~il is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit 'A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, all of the owners of property within Lhe territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLONS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative bogy hereby orders the annexation of the prop~y as shwm to Exhibit "A" and tfie work program areas as described in Exhlblt "B" attached hereto t0 the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including~ie Tevy of ali assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. 13.E EXW&T 'A• ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. t AND 6 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ //85Z EllNIBIT •8' PROJECT MIME: PARCEL MAP 11852 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of L_aups to be Annexed District No. 6,'W~-'11;0613-~501T 1 --- --- --- --- --- b 10 ___ -_- --_ ___ LANDSCAF2 MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Turf District Na. Street Naale Sq. ft. 3 JAA: 9/6/89 Ground Covar Trees Sq. ft. Ea. 6 13~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: N1111e Yalbuena, Engineering Technician - ~ SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security for Tract 12462, located on the south side of Sumait Avenue, east of Etiwanda Avenue, submitted by First Family Haines RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the sub,~ect agreement and security for Tract 12462, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Tract 12462, located on the south side of Summit Avenue, east of Etiwanda Avenue, in the Yery Low Residential District, was approved by the Planning Commission on December 14, 1983, for the division of 18.49 acres Into 27 lots. The Developer, First Family Homes, is submitting an agreement and security to ,~,a r. nroo rha rnncrrurrinn of the off-site improvements in the fallowin4 amounts: Detention Basin: Faithful Performance Bond: 511,600.00 Labor and Material Bond: S 5,800.00 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. RespeC 1 s ~m tted, RHM:NY.~IAA•~i~- Attachments RESOLUTYON N0. ~9- ~(~ '-/' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT N0. 12462 NNEREAS, to met the requirs~nts ^^LablisFad prerequisite to approval of the Final Map of said Tract said Subdivider has offered the Improvement Agreement submitted herewith for approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient Improvement Security; NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLYES as follows: 1. That said Improvement Agreement be and the same is approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute same on behalf of said City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and 2. That said Improvement Security is accepted as good and sufficient, subject to approval as to fona and content thereof by the City Attorney. 13(~ CpTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA E~`IGINEER,ING DIVIffiON l37 /\ V ~ N rrr•;~I: rR /2462 zz'rI.E: ITT: SUWIT AVENUE I -- --- - CITY OF RANCHO CliCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ` DATE: September 6, 1989 / , ~ ) TO: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Millie Valbuena, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security far Tract 12835, located on the east side of Vineyard Avenue, 600 i feet north of Arrow Route, submitted by Park Vi neyard Joint Venture ~, RECO!lEMDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the subject agreement and security for Tract 12835 and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Tract 12835, located on the east side of Vineyard Avenue, 600 feet north of Arrow Route in the Medium Residential Development District, was approved by the Planning Commission on May 14, 1986, for the division of 9.52 acres Soto 4 parcels. The Developer, Park Vineyard Joint Venture, is suomttttng an agreement ana security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Renewable Time Certificate of Deposit: Faithful Performance/Material 8 Labar (100,000 Copies of the agreement and security are available 1n the City Clerk's Office. Respec ,jl ~bmitted, RHN:WY:JAA:sd i~ i~ ~~ Attachments RESOLUTION N0. ~q - ~ '~S A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ANO IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT N0. 12835 WHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the Final Map of said Tract said Subdivider has offered the Improvement Agreement submi4ted herewith for approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient Improvement Security. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: 1. That said Improvement Agreement 6e and the sane is approved and the Mdyor is authorized to execute same on behalf of said City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and 2. That said Improvement Security is accepted as good and sufficient, sub,~ect to approval as to form and content thereof by the City Attorney. '~~ S aiy in "w . `^" . n ~~= Ilrw ~'NM~ __ : ~ / 3 1 ~nxi M hi ~~w 5 Nf""y ~ ~i "'^ y ~IY"Iw•Wf r /~~" ~ ~ i 4 w ~ " 11Y\.N UIWM II ~ w ~ I 1 • '~ S , ' J ~ a i ~ 7 i y: 3 • O 2 w ,,,{ '~ ~, i ~ J i I -~ vo- a aa~ ~ i I _'1 ,\ EXHIBIT "A" ""'""" r ~, ~ ~__... ~W. 'L CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA L~ ENGII4EE[tIIdG D3V18ION I l V\ N r~: rR tz875 TITLE: EXE®1T: ORDINANCE N0. 402 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING ANEW CHAPTER 13,09 TO THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE, ESTABLISHING A DRAINAGE FEE FDR ALL NEW DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE ETIWAND A/SAN SEVAINE LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Section 13.09 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is to read as follows: ETIWANDA/SAN SEVAINE AREA STORM DRAIN PL PN 13.03.010 Purpose 13.09.020 Ora inage Improvement Fee 13.09.030 Fees--Amount 13.09.040 Limited Use of fees 13.09.050 Fee Adjustments 13.09.060 Single drainage fee payment 13.09.070 Developer Construction of Facilities 13.09.080 Drainage plan 13.09.090 Exceptions 13.09,100 Effective Chapter 13.09.010 Puroose In order to implement the goals and objectives of the Public Health and Safety Element of the City of Rancho Cucamonga's General Plan, and to mitigate the drainage impacts in the Eti Wanda/San Seva ine Local Drainage Area, as described in Section 13.09.080, caused by new development, certain public drainage improvements inu st be or had to be constructed. The City Council has determined that a development impact fee is needed to finance these public improvements and to assess such fee for a development's share of the construction costs of these improvements. In establishing the fee described in the following Sections, the City Council has found the fee to be consistent with its General Plan and, pursuant to Government Code Section 65913.2, has considered the effects of the fee with respect to the City's housing needs as established in the Housing Element of the General Plan. 13.09,020 Ura inage Improvement Fee A Drainage Improvement fee is hereby established for the EtiWa nda/San Sevaine Local Drainage Area, to be assessed on approval of a tentative map, a parcel map, the waiver of a parcel map, director reviews, site approval, location and development in local drainage areas, to pay for drainage improvements. The City Council shall, by resolution, set forth the specific amount of the fee pursuant to Section 13.09.030, describe the benefit and impact area on which the development is imposed, list the specific public improvements to be financed, describe the estimated cost of the improvements, de scr ib r. the reasonable relationship between this fee and the various types of '~1 Ordinance No. 402 Page 2 new developments and set forth time for payment. As described in the fee resolution, the development fee shall be paid 6y each developer either prior to the recording of a subdivision map, a parcel map, the waiver of a parcel map or the issuance of a 6u it ding permit. The City Council may review and adjust this fee to determine whether the fee amounts are reasonably related to the impacts of developments and whether the described public facilities are still needed. Upon review, the Engineering Department shall report its findings to the City Council at a noticed public hearing and recommend any adjustment to this fee or other action as may 6e needed. 13.09.030 Fees--Amount A. The fees required to be paid 6y this chapter shall be set by resolution of the City Council. B. The City Engineer shall, in the exercise of his discretion, determine which facilities are to be constrvc ted with a particular development as a condition of such development. C. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the fee shall be based on the net of the area of the entire parcel, after exclusion of the area of all public street and highway rights-of-way and public lands, with respect to which a Building Permit is issued. D. tf the parcel with respect to which a Bu ild in9 Permit is issued is larger than one acre, the fee shall he based on: 1. The area of the developed portion of the parcel. As used in this chapter, the phrase "area of developed .~- ..c .~... ..;..~ ,.t yw ton vi uic yui vii" iCu is u.. 1rC.: ... -.... .. the parcel lying within a single rectangle whishVencloses all improvements, landscaped areas, storage areas, parking areas, required access and required setback lines. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subdivision 1 of this Subsection, the fee shall not be based upon that portion of the area of the developed portion of the parcel which was lawfully developed prior to the effective date of the original ordinance (Ordinance 75) originally codified in Chapter 13.08 and which remains unchanged; provided, however, that this exception shall not apply once the total area of additions to structures, or new structures, constructed after the effective date ei nel prA ir,a nro rQd ifi,ad i, n, fn, is rbap to r, exceeds firfty percent of the area of the structures on the parcel which existed on the effective date of the ori9 final ordinance codified in this chapter. 1 ~~- Ordinance No. 402 Page 3 E. When fees are collected upon the issuance of a building permit, the amount of the fee and the area for which the fee shall be considered paid shall be determined by the Building Official. When fees are collected prior to the recording of a final or parcel map, the amount of the fee and the area for which the fee shall be considered paid shall be determined by the City Engineer. 13.09.040 Limited Use of Fees The revenues raised by payment of this fee shall be deposited in a planned drainage facility fund in a separate and specfal account and such revenues, along with any interest earnings on those accounts shall 6e used solely to: (a) pay for the construction of facilities described in the resolution enacted pursuant to Section 13.09.020 above, and/or to reimburse the City for those described or listed facilities constructed by the City with funds advanced by the City from other sources, or (b) reimburse developers who have been required or permitted by Section 13.09.070 to install such listed facilities. 13.09.050 Fee Adjustments A developer of any project subject to the fee described in Section 13.09.020 may apply to the City Council fora reduction or adjustment to that fee, or a waiver of that fee, based upon the absence of any reasonable nl.l:nnnh in Mf.nnnn !hn Ana in.nn fl and nn Hnl nor ne lh ,4 development and either the amount of the fee charged or the type of facilities to be financed. The application shall be made in writing and fii ed with the City Clerk not later than (1) ten days prior to the public hearing on the development permit application for the project, or (2) if no development permit is required, at the time of the filing of the request for a building permit. The application shall state in detail the factual basis for the claim of waiver, reduction, or adjustment. The City Council shall consider the application at the public hearing on the permit application or at a separate hearing held within 60 days after the filing of the fee adjustment application, whichever is later. The decision of the City Council shall be final. If a reduction, adjustment, or waiver is granted, any change in use within the project shall invalidate the waiver, adjustment or reduction of the fee. .Oq .O n'0 iinnia dra ine r fee paYmcnt No portion of a parcel shall be subject to payment of a drainage fee more than once. If a drainage fee has been previously paid with respect to a parcel, or portion thereof, credit shall be given for such prior payment, and a proper apportionment shall be made, toward any fee payment required by this chapter. 1 Ordinance No. 402 Page 4 13.09.070 Developer Construction of Facilities A. Whenever the construction of planned drainage facilities is necessary for the proper drainage of a subdivision, the City Engineer may require the subdivider tp construct such facilities as described in a resolution adopted pursuant to Section 13.09.020, with credit being given by the City toward any fee payment required by this chapter. If the cost of such construction exceeds the fee which would otherwise by payable with respect to the subdivision, the City Council will enter into a Reimbursement Agreement with the developer. In the event a Reimbursement Agreement is entered into, reimbursement sh ait be made only after fees required by this chapter are collected in connection with a subdivision or development on other property in the area encompassed by the local drainage area described in the Reimbursement Agreement. The basis of reimbursement shall be the developer's actual cost of construction of the planned drainage facilities not to include any oversiz ing of the facility by supplemental size, length, or capacity. The term of a reimbursement shall be as specified in the agreement and shall not exceed 10 years. 8. Planned drainage facilities constructed in a local drainage area may be eligible for reimbursement from areas outside of such area as determined by resolution of the City Council. C. Reimbursement of additional costs to the developer due to any ov ers iz ing of the facility by supplemental size, length or capacity may be reimbursed from future development within that local drainage area. Any reimbursement shall be made at the time set forth in Section 13.09.020. ,a nn non n... :...... .,, ... The Et iwa nda/San Sevaine Area Master Plan of Drainage Report (August 1989), together with construction cost and other related material, revisions or amendments subsequently adopted by the City Council, are found to be the Drainage Plan for the Etiwa nd a/San Seva ine Local Drainage Area as defined in the Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Master Plan of Drainage Report (August 1989). For the purpose of this chapter, "planned drainage facilities" means facilities contained within said Drainage Plan and subsequent revisions. Where the City Council has found that drainage and land use configurations are significantly different, those areas may be separated into local drainage areas by resolution for the purpose of policy and fee requirements. 13.09.090 Exceptions lira inagn fn ac 5h3ii not nn ra qiJ fired 3c a rnn,d i}ien of the i55n3f![e of 6u iid ing permit for: A. Alterations; /`~~ Ordinance No. 402 Page 5 B. Reconstruction. Where permits are issued within two years of the destruction of a structure due to fire, vandalism, wind, earthquakes or other natural or man-made disasters; C. An addition to a single-family residence when the addition does not exceed six hundred fifty square feet in floor area; D. Construction of garages, carports, storage buildings, patio covers, swimming pools, and similar structures, accessory to a single-family residence. 13.09.100 Effective Chanter Provisions of this chapter shall control drainage in the Et iwa nda/San Seva ine Local Drainage Area as defined in the Etiwa nda/San Seva ine Area Master Plan of Drainage ReDOrt (August 1989) notwithstanding any other statement in this cad e. SECTION 2: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The Daily Report, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. I ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: Septenber 6, 1989 Mayor and Members of the City Council Brad Buller, City Planner Steven Ross, Assistant Planner a leased space of 850 square feet within an existing commercial center on 1.26 gyres of land in the General Commercial District, located at the southwest corner of Arrow Route and Malven Avenue - APN: 209-041-51. RECOMMENDATION: Staff retamnends that the City Council consider the~la~~ommission's decision and either uphold the Planning Commission's decision to approve Conditional Use Permt 89-19 by denying the appeal, or direct staff to prepare a Resolution of Dental far Conditional Use Permit 89-19, based on public testimony and information presented on this matter. II Since the City Council meeting of August 16, staff has received a petition regarding this protect (see Exhibit "BB"). In addition, we have discussed this matter further with Dr. John Costello, Superintendent of the Cucamonga School Otstrict and attached is Exhibit "CC" clarifying the Dosition of the Cucamonga School District. BACKGROUND: The City Council held a public hearing on this item at its meeting on August 16, 1989. At tha4 meeting, the Council heard testimony from the appellants, as well as the applicants. The Council was not able to approve or deny the aDPeal because the vote was split 2-2. The absent Councilmember, Chuck Buquet, was asked to listen to the recording of the meeting so that he would be eligible to vote at the September 6 meeting. CITY COUNCIL STAPF REPURT RE: APPEAL CUP 69-19 - UNIVERSAL September 6, 1989 Page 2 Res lly ted, c ad r City ann BB :SR:ko Attachments: Exhibit "AA" - Letter from Judy Matthews Exhibit "BB" - Petition Regarding Arcade Exhibit "CC" - Letter from Cucamonga School District Exhibit "A" - Rugust 16, 1989 Ciiy Council Staff Report with Attachments Exhibit "B" - July 12, 1989 Planning Commission Staff Report and Resolution of Approval Exhibit "C" - Resolution No. 89-93 with Conditions Exhibit "D" - July 12, 1989 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Exhibit "E" - Appeal Notification Information Resolution of Denial of Appeal /~ ~ F,UG 15'~ 7~~ 12 Deer Creek Rd. Pomona, California 91766 August 12, 1989 The City of Rancho 9320 Baseline Rd. P.0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, Cucamonga Ca. 91730 Attn.: Steven Ross, Assistant Planner Dear M:. Ross: This is [o acknowledge receipt of the Ci[y Council Staff Report of July 12, 1989 which you sent [o me upon request, and to offer my concerns regarding approval of CUP 89-19. (Universal Arcade) As I indicated in my initial phone conversation with you, Z am the pro petty owner of 9760 Arrow Route, Rancho Cucamonga. Though I personally do not reside at the home located there, I do maintain an interest in [he area and how it is being developed. I have been very pleased to see commercial development take place at the Arrow Route/Archibald Avenue location, and find the new strip center on Arrow Route very functional and convenient for local residents, as well as it upgrading the appearance of that site. Thus, I have no objections whatsoever about the commercial center itself. ROWPVPr. afrPr lcar..; .. ~F,, .. ._ .~. ,. -"'Y"•"~l ~~ e~eU11e~1 dIl arcade in the center, I was moved to communicate mycdisappreval of such. One of my greatest concerns is the proximity of the arcade to the local elementary school. As you must know, the video and arcade games are a real lure to young people. They often r.ongregate for hours in video game centers, ar.d though I read of Clle proposed plan for two adults to be on the premises, I do not feel this is adequate supervision. The center is currently very nice and accessible to people corvine and going. An arcade often causes loitering of young people, congested sidewalks, etc. In addition, with [he Rancho Cucamonga Neighborhood Center close by, I do not feel the arcade ;s compatible with the general peDUla[icn that feeluents that al o,r. i envision many youngsters "hanging out" at the arcada ..,, ~, ~, ..i ~.. ~,nrr .. _ fo.[1,, be tlrecn there eud Jack-in-~~ihe-tlax. I Lin appreciate the enjoyment of perhaps a family fun ^I~n ter [ha r. could be placed in a good location, but for an arcade r~' h~• plat ed n qh[ behind an elementary school i5 nn[, in my CITY OF ~~$ ITEM: ~-~ a P 8u - ~g uuut,~. A~.x~ RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE: L crr<2 FicaM TNIH IAAI7 kC,d PLANNING DIVISION EXHIBIT:~sCALE: judgement, using wisdom. It is my contention that some other service or business be selected for the center, and that the arcade be more suitably placed elsewhere. I am confident the city of Rancho Cucamonga wants to maintain a certain integrity and image for [he community, and that second consideration will be taken to protect that. ^Iy apologies for being unable to attend the August 16th City Council meeting due to a scheduling conflict. Thank you for the opportunity to express my view concerning this maCter. Respectfully, Judy K. Pfa tihews JKM/j km R CHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION ITEM: C,UP 0q-Iq U~e~Arwe TITLE: ~ ^ ~ 7aN ~'^~K-s EXHIBIT: ~L SCALE: PETITION ACAINST'INE INSTALLATION OF A VIOfO ANCADE IN OUR NEICIINOftN00D the aignacur<a belw rep[eeme the cicisena in the neighborhood euxroundiy rhn small ahoppinN center on the corner of Malvern .nd Arrw Ntp., Paadm ~ucamnn0.a, vho era sNSinac the inatallacirrn o[ • video arceda buatnue kvwn ~~~ i!n iverael Arcade, .?oLa Oi..... rte,-.Q-,-/_, G..e~ 474~ ~BJ~ z, ty Q~~iO QJtJh~'~-' ~..'Y1 12• C- ~. ., .,;, n.!~//sr.1 ~' ~L.:r-i1~ 2P~~ r..~r.o_ ~t .N. _ 8S9f Gl~dew ~lr Q ~-r v 'g•_ lam, ee-(Lt__f DL' 8~ a~ Rn.n.aan R~_-l~Aeq .9. Cj~//6h_/1a• L ~CC. l50 Exri,o,r '~~" 1 PgEIi10N AGAINST 1N6 [NSTALWTIDN DP A VIDHD ARCADH IN DiNI NHIGN{DRIIDDD The eigwtutee belw repreeeet tha cizizene in Me wighborhood mrramdiv{ the ewll ehappin6 venter on tha comer o[ XAlvern ped Arrw Hy.. Pvwbo cncemnge, vho vre a eg ivet thv imtelLtiov of a viMO ercede bwinov Rnopn ne tinivered Arudv. NgID3 ADD{HSS 1. 2. 1 / ddzs! 7 ~b /~ .._ 4.P ls' V ~ A y/~1 ~ ~ OHofJG~IIS G(rCl( P. .P6 si R 1.~,..._s...: u. al.5rf !d`...~... /fir '~"id1E'Gl II. Ss(.' L 9 ,..~._ R.,,c - -GJ~ar•.-37, ~.t, u. 4,SCD /JO~PI~,: .¢B C~.uew C.d.3'n~e JV•• /z 3 U ~SZ3C zI. /-` vv~ u. n Z1. I4. 26. `./kc ~ji~su ~Sf Yk/b StG~A / C.}.IC~(~n~A 9fl/]f/ S41./vvLl Cui.aiYmr6F{ PE[IFION AGAINST iNE INgtALLAtIDN DF A VIDEO ARCADE [N ONR NEICNRGRRDOO ^m oignatures helov represent the citizens in the neighborhood eurrowdlvg ~Im Snell shoppin6 censer an she corner of Malvern evd Arroe Noy., Rancho i'~i-+monge, who ere aco=nac eha inetalletton of a video arcade buainau kvom ~~~ i'n iverael Ar<ede. s _ o. c •.i m. °'r_QJ ,i. ~ ~ On ~~ C~ACq tz._Il_~v,._~~, nY'1 »E ifX Yk. .Ce cn, 1• Vin' ~'n~A«,_ ~i _>`_. 98'7 /1- `k~r~y ~ ~C~ 5 /9~~uc~. asst ro~.r, /c~, r = /~. vs S~7a0 91730 e rJ, !! V ~i13~ ~lss(,,, /I~t, .L~e ~~ _ ~~ ~ 3 w c •~00 ~rmOS .:. ~ ESiA PITLCIDN 6 CONI'IU W INSSAWCIDN Dft DHA AEGDA Dft V[DEDS EN SD VECINDAD: ~aa firnan abajo aon de less eteovae de la vecindad quienes roan is punts .IC viate contra la ineealac ibn de um erceda d< videos (Unlveraal Arcade] ~n el centres caver..ial pequedo lecalizade en le esquina de la calls Malvern In Artev Ilvy. fxAne ADDEESs '.~~~. A~r-~- i ,~.,i Y f16ZP %,c ' ~~~ ~. , _ ` ~~LL ggsz ,a_~~ /f ~ ( . ~ (~ ~~ ~s~ /lwt, ~. 2C_ 855 C+-~t!Q~.~. ;€' ~ , xsyi w;!lD.~ Qf•. 853) WIUaW OR RC. 6+30 Wi~Lia Q (1 _ 941fa .,42~fIN~ R ~ ,- - _. I ... rt(a~~erz~_ 9S'So it ~ ~ ~, rye. " ~ 4. ;. L~~6'a ru/rerrc2. 9SSo Qrrotu i'.,e.. ~~:. 47350 ~-l<r0~.1 /. C F\• 9~.S~P ~ , .. ,. 1 I ESTA PBTICION ES CONTM U [NETALACION D8 UM ABCADA D8 piD8O5 @! 8U VBCINDAD! 4v fines ebajo eon de La LeO°'e de la vecindad quirno torso L punts de vine csvtra L insnLciEa ds ury arcade de videos (Universal Arcade) rn el cenero cveerc Ll pequedo locals vdo en la esquire de la calls Nslvarn ~' In Arrow qvy, NAN6 ADDNl85 I. x/97-G' ~/„~/~(X ST '• 13'JP ~ ,. - `~ ~ tigys 0.1P~~ t` ~4s<s A(a.~ '•~ ~ _y7NS f~L P/jyiF 9. 10, Il. 12. U, 14. .W _ _ ~~ _ ~ .~ l6, V. IB. 2B, 29. ]0. {i ..,.3 ~~? Lt4',,:u1llIL;i12t3ta. ~;. 8776 Archibald A~.mue RdMhO CuCdRgn9a Calilwnia 91130 9698 171419879492 August 31, 1989 Mayor Dennis Stout City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730-0807 Dear Mayor Stout: BOARD OF TRUSTEES IDRI BARRIOS KENNETH BRADSHAW LUIS GONZALES DAVIU OR~EGA JULIAN RMCON JOHN F CO57ELID. EoD Supennrendant The Board of Trustees of the Cucamonga School District would like to formally oppose the granting of the conditional use permit 89-19 for Universal Arcade. The arcade, which is in our attendance area, is incompatible with the aree and will create supervision and safety problems for our school and the local neighborhood. The Cucamonga School District did not receive any written communication prior to the Planning commission's action on July 12, 1989, and as a result did not have an opportunity to register this objection to an arcade that is within 60D Peet of Cucamonga Elementary School. In contrast, the Central School District received all communication regarding the arcade in writing; and therefore, had an understanding of the scows and natures nr rti.+ ...,., __~__. attachments) I also would recommend that the process for soliciting any school district input be modified to require that all communications be in written form as opposed to a reported telephone survey, which can lead to incomplete and/or miaintarpretion o! information. Finally, I would suggest that any time a parmlt is appealed, the agencies that provided input should be infotned so that the data contained in the appeal could be considarW by them. At your September 6, 1989 Council Meeting, Mr. Phillip Tenpenny wi31 represent the Cucamonga School District and ba available to gnawer any questions regarding our objection. It I can answer any questions regarding this objection, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincere~y, i J /' ,J hn F. Costello, Ed. D. / uperintendent Attachment cc: City Council Jack Lam /~ y~ ~X,H/6/T "Cc ~. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August I6, 1989 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Steven Ross, Assistant Planner S UB JEC 7: APPEAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONO ITIONAL USE PERMiT 8 -I - UNIVERS L D - appea of t e P ann n9 Commission's approval of a request to establish an arcade in a leased space of 850 square feet within an existing commercial center on 1.26 acres of land in the General Commercial District, located at the southwest corner of Arrow Route and Ma lven Avenue - APN: 209-041-61. I. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommeMs that the City Council continue this it- em until September 6, 1989 as requested by the appellants. II. BACKGROUND: The netghbo ri ng Drope rty owners, Jeff and Janice bbo tt, have appealed the Planning Commission's decision to approve Conditional Use Permit 89-19 for the Universal Arcade. The appellants were not in town when notice was mailed to their residence or when the Commission approved the Conditional Uze Pe rmft for the arcade. the appellants are requesting that the City Council delay any action on the appeal until September 6, 1989 so that they can attend the hearing due to a prior commitment out of town (see Exhibit "C"). Another resident who expressed concern about the approval of the arcade was Judy Matthews. Mrs. Matthews owns property adjacent to the Abbott's, but lives in Pomona. She supports the appeal and has requested that the Council uphold the appeal by denying the Conditional Use Permit request. The applicants, Terrence Batiste and Michael Earl, do not agree with the appellant's request that this item be heard on September fith and have requested that the City Council hear this appeal at their August 16th meeting due t0 their increasing financial burden (see Exhibit "B"). IIi. ANALYSIS: A. General: /~ Applicants propose to operate an arcade within an existing commercial center. The proposed use calls for 20 video games CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT RE: CUP 89-19 APPEAL August 16, 1985 Page 2 Lo be operated with tokens within an 850 square foot leased space. The primary issues related to the establishment of an arcade are supervision, safety, and compatibility with surrounding uses. in their letter appealing the Planning Commission's approval !see Exhibit "A"), Mr. and Mrs. Abbott stated that they were concerned that the arcade would promote loitering, as well as become a target for drug dealing. B. Su Derv is ion: The Conditional Use Permit was approved with several conditions addressing supervision, including that persons under 18 years of zge would not be allowed in Lhe arcade during school hours unless accompanied by a parent or guardian, with the exception of summer break, and that two (2) adults, 21 years of age or older, including one fl) supervisor, shall be present at all times during business hours. This was a concern voiced by both the Central School District and the Cucamonga School District (see Exhibit "C"). The Cucamonga Elementary School is located less than one-half mile from the site, and two other schools are located less than two miles away. Both school distrTCts are in support of the Permit provided that these conditions are enforced. C. Sa fete: The Rancho Cucamonga Sheriff's Oepa rtment was contacted regarding this matter. They stated that there have been fights and loitering at arcades in the past, but these can he controlled by increasing adult supervision and not allowing kids to loiter around the premises. The department also suggested that a uniformed security guard be present. The Planning Comm ss ion felt that adequate supervision would be provided if two adults (one being a supervisor) over 21 years of age were present. D. Neighborhood Comoa tibili ty: The conditions imposed by the Planning Commission's Resolution of Approval for the arcade require the applicants to meet all of the conditions listed before their arcade can operate. These conditions are imposed to address neighborhood c ompz tibil ity concerns with the opera Liao of the arcade (see Exhibit "H", Resolution 89-93). It should be noted that similar Conditions of Approval were placed on several other arcades within the community. in conclusion, before the City Council this evening is a request of the a ppetlant to hear this item on September 6th and a request of the arcade /~ / CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPDRT RE: CUP 89-19 APPEAL August 16, 1989 Page 3 applicant that this item be heard tonight. The second matter is the appeal of the Conditional Use Permit. Should the Council determine that it wouid be appropriate to hear the appeal tonight, staff has provided the attached Planning Commission Staff Report fully describing the proposed use (see Exhibit "F"). R ec 11 ub ad Bul r Ci nner BB:SR:ko Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Letter of Appeal from Mr. 6 Mrs. Abbott Exhibit "B" - Letter From Application Requesting August 16, 1989 Hearing. Exhibit "C" - Letter From Mr. b Mrs. Abbott Requesting September 6, 1989 Hearing Exhibit "D" - Memo From Conversation With Mrs. Matthews Exhibit "E" - Memo From Conversation With John Castello, Cucamonga School District Exhibit "F" - July 12, 1989 Planning Commission Staff Report and Resolution of Approval Exhibit "G" - July 12, 1989 Minutes of Commission Meeting Exhibit "H" - Commission Resolution of Approval No. 89- 93 !~ wx ., -<. ~'~ July 21, 1989 Ctteaso'ga; ~'. ~ ~ 91730 71~-987-7588 Ile vor Uennia L. Stout Ci cy of Rancho Cucamonga California Uenr Elayor Stout: VJ 6 V! .: 1 V ~ ' cm of aancho cud a:::,,.,.. Af)Atl Nl 'i,i ~~.. .. JUL 211959 f'. i18191Dill112111?d3(4,:., E we are concerned residents abiding at '9786 East Acrow in Rancho Cucamonga. Our house vas re<ently landmarked by the City Council and far [ha[ ve are very grateful. During the first two veeka of July we were out of town, and upon our return, we had rnceived a notice by mail informing us of a ~,ul, lit hearing (July 12th) concerning an Environmental Aaeea amen[ and Conditional Use Permit 89-19 for the establishment of an arcada in a leased space of 850 square feet located a[ [he southwest eornar of arrow Rouse and Nalve cn Ave. Tire notice and the hearing were both ,+i th in [he two week period during which ue were gone. Ne object strongly to chic addition. An arcada is not a cmm~e rc ial es cablishment [hat encourages cue togare to en ear, purchase, and exit. By it's very astute, an arcada promotes loitering. tie believe cl,nc any es[ab lishmene chat encourages young adoleacenta to "hang-out" ran become a prima cargac for drug doling. i0 rough my vock as a teacher at Cucamonga Elementary School, [ happen '::w,+ that the housing area on the south side of the school is a hub For drugs. This arcade could be a prime spot Eor drug-related activities. tr rl,is same elementarv school iust south of [he oraooeed arcada. I k nos. eh at the majority of the children ara•on eha school lunch program vhe re by both breakfast and lunch ace provided for them at no charge. These ~I,i Ld ran don'[ even have naney for lunch. From my own experience as a ,nrenc, [ know that most Children vane to spend between $7.00 to $5.00 each rime ch ey go co an arcade. Uo [ha children need Che added encouragement to :pe nd lunch money or find vays to secure the money in order to play the e ~mna ac an arcade? \s a ~ea<he r, i find it diet ceasing [ha[ an arcada vould b• allwad r~ he situated Chia close to a schao 1. To nm eh is encourages children v, tither "ditch" school or make an extra stop on theic vay home of tar ~. i„ ~, I . ~.'n n personal no ce, after speaking [o the City Planner and after having '.,r Boma raven Qy declared a laalmark by this Ci cy'Council, ve van under ~lic impression chat the City of Rancho Cucamonga uas in Created in oreeerying ~~~ lace gricy of the community. CITY OF /59 ITEM: C UP 8A-LA RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE: L c+i[a osAfrEAL- Aew7r PLANNING DIVISION ERHIBIT: A-I SCALE: Hayor Denis L. Stout July 21, 1989 Page 2 A:c residents, our vie ion was to upgrade our property ao that is became an asset and a thing of beauty to our <omunity. Na Eeal very ~lefini rely chat this arcade in [his location is net in keeping with chic goal. An arcade will not be an improvement to this particular section of our city which is still primarily all residential dire^.tly east of Malvern Ave. Based upon the above, we are asking Cte City Council to hold another public hearing so [hst citizens whose lives this directly affects and who were not informed in Cima before the Ltet hearing, may have a voica~. ~ ,t Sincerely, (/'~/. w~f..f Jeff Abbott Janice Greber-Abbott cc: Deborah Brown Charles Buquet wilLiam Ale<ander Pana:L Wright Brad Bualler CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON A PLANNING DIVISION ITEM: CUP 8q-iq TITLE: LErr~R of AneAL-Aaeor-r EXHIBIT:~y~9CALE: Jaly zs, 1989 RECEirED- m of awa+oaawoNe~ . armor- ~>t~rxvlr• City of Rancho Cucamonga JUL Y,,g'~ City Planning/City Clerk ~~ Attention: Brad Bueller ! ~'~/{~/' ` Dear Mr. Bueller: We have been informed that the matter regarding the Appeal of Cnnditi onal Permit fos Universal Arcade loca-ed at 9755 Arrow BiRhway has been held over [o the September 6, 1989 City Council Meeting. Please accept this letter as our request chat the matter be placed back on the agenda for the August 16, 1989 meeting. We have been advised [hat the staff report and minutes are complete and are ready for presentation a[ [his meeting. Therefore, we ask chat the matter go forth as orginally scheduled on August 16, 1989. Thank you in advance for vour cnooeratinn Sincerely, Terrence A. Batiste ~ ~ // ~ -"~ 7ariene Batiste '-1^. '~~ ~ ?lichael Earl , ~ !/~~~~ _ ~, Jennifer Earl I CITY OF ~~p ~ ITEM: Clef 8a-tq RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE:LEt1E>l~ita'`A~~UUINT PLANNING DIVISION E%HIBIT:.~_ SCALE: ,::. __ ~-- - - Au& o! ':~~ - .- ~.:n,".~~; lip; July 31, 1989 JLS. Deh6ie Adams Ci tv Clerk City of Rancho Cucamonga California Re: Appeal on Permit 89-19 - Universal Arcade - Arrow Nwy. Dear 21s. Adams: This letter i9 an appeal to the City Couneil not to hear the above referenced matter until September 6, when it has been scheduled co appear before the Council. When we filed our appeal on July 21 and paid Che $126.00 fee, we were given the dates of ei5her August 16 oz September 6. We informed the Ci[y Plaonet that the Sep [ember 6 date vas beet for un because we had planned Co be avaq fron the City on the AugueC 16 date for a conference in a distant city. The dates had already been set a year in advance. This date oP September 6 was Chen assigned as the date when this appeal would be heard. Nov ve have been informed that the individuals proposing this arcade do eo[ wish Co wait chat long and want it heard an Augwt 16. We underatmd that theq have spent monies which they would not have spent if they had know theze was an objection to this arcade and that they need to have it heard as soon as possible. On the other hand, we were only given two weeks notice that [hit •.+,.. ..c: .c e.w wi,nu wn did learn of 3C, we atrll had 1 day to appeal which~wewdid and then paid Che fee. We era the voice raising the objection eo this arcade being in our neighborhood. As the voice, it has a right [a be heard. If Che appeal is heard on [he 16th, one of two things will heppan, we will not bn heard or one of us will nos be able Co attend a conference which we had plena to attend. We strongly urge the Ci[y Council [het in all fairness to all the parties: the individuals wan [ing the arcade, and [hn individual9 who w i11 have to live with it in their nnighborhood if it is allowed to open, chat the September 6 date is equitable to all. Sincerely,'' / L/I%~/~yL~ /~ i /i lll~,` rr 1. /Jeff Abbot Janice Graben Abbott CITY OF ' W ~- ITEM: 1 _ ~ uwp I RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE:~rrA^'"S ~'eiG2y~N~ Atb~Aa~en_ PLANNING DIVISION EXHIBIT: ~ SCALE: u ~ r yr aniv~,nv ~.v~.nwivwvn MEMORANDUM v TO. FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: 7 ~Q 4~~ S Nom,,,; GZZ -81A0 ie,i-: Cc<)) yZ4 ~ 1 CITY OF RANCHO PLANNING /~~ CUCAMONG'A DIVISION ITEId:~uP R4-19 _ TITLE: T~°`' M~nkts PH„N[ CAI,} EICHIBIT: ~ SCALE: -.. - °° CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM TO: CGC FROM: SUBJEC DATE: ~~~ CITY OF ((~~ RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION ITEM:-CIAP 8q- IA TITLE:3~Se ~'~' ERHIBIT: E SCALE: - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 12, 1989 T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Steven Ross, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 89-19 - ~ _- reques o es a s an area a n a easel-d space ot~850 square feet within an existing conercial center on 1.26 acres of land in the General Commercial District, located at the southwest corner of Arrow Route and Malvern Avenue - APN: 209-041-51. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Approval of a non-construction Conditional s>1 a wit-for an arcade. B. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: lbr I - Single amt~Ty~denflal; Median Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre). Cnufh _ rhi nn Ra<in IAmirl nal Wiar nicYri rt• Inw Raci Aonti al (2-4 dwelling units per acre). East - Neighborhood center; Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per ac rel. West - Jack-in-the-Box; General Commercial C. General Plan Designations: ro ec e - enera omnerctal North - Medium Residential South - Low Residential East - Low Residential West - General Commercial D. Site Characteristics: The applicant proposes to lease an 850 square oo space w Lh1n Arrow Plaza, a 12,895 square foot retail center. The center is presently occupied by the Arrow Plaza Market, IH Yldeo Store, as well as the Bit-D-Spice Cafe. In addition, the Chino Basin Municipal Water D15trict is in the process of leasing approximately 3,500 square feet for administrative use. The applicant is proposing to lease the space which is ad,~acent to Malvern Avenue. The Rancho Cucananga Neighborhood Center occupies the site on the other side of Malvern Avenue. / - lD PLANNING COMMISSI01 'AFF REPORT RE: CUP 89-19 - UNIVERSAL ARCADE July 12, 1989 Page 2 E. Parking Calculations: Arrow Plaza• Number of Number of Type Square Parking Spaces Spaces of Use Footage Ratio Required Provided Bit-0-Sp1 ce 1,800 1/100 18 18 Cafe Arrow Plaza 2,700 1/250 11 li Market H+ Video 1,800 1/250 7 7 Arcade 850 1/250 3 3 Remaining 5,798 1/250 23 23 TOTAL 12,898 (1/lOD, 1/250) 62 62 The Universal Arcade 1s considered a retail use, which requires a parking ratio of 1 stall per each 250 square feet of gross floor area. This parking requirement is within the Limits of what is provided on-site. l i~.Ybl ~~IYtI VII ~ IVI. ~ IINIG ~ ^Y amusemen ~ ev~ces v eo, pinball games) within a business is defined as an arcade and requires a Conditional Use Permit per Development Code Section 17.10.030. II. ANALYSIS: A. General: The applicant proposes to operate an arcade within an ex~~ comnerclal center. The proposed use calls for 20 video games to be operated with tokens within an 850 square foot leased space. The primary issues related to the establishment of an arcade are availability oP supervisors, safety, and compatibility with surrounding uses. B. Parkin The available parking 1n the center meets the requ red number per the Development Code. Parking should not be a problem for the arcade because it would cater to younger people. Bicycle parking will be required for the site. This could be provided by closing a parking stall and installing a bike rack. A bike rack could also be provided on the eastern side of the building near the electrical transformer. ~~~ PLANNING CgMISSION AFF REPORT RE: CUP 89-19 - UN1reRSAL ARCADE July 12, 1989 Page 3 C. Foothill Fire and Sheriff's Comments: 1. The Foothill Fire District has reviewed the proposed use. They will require review of the Tenant improvement Plans prior to occupancy. The Sheriff's Department reviewed the plans and had several concerns regarding persons loitering around the premises, amount of supervision, bicycle parking, and possible fights. The Sheriff's Department suggested that "No Loitering" signs be Dosted in front of the arcade, and that the amount of adult supervisors be increased, including a uniformed security guard. It was also suggested that ample bicycle parking be provided. D. Neighborhood Compatibility: The applicant indicates that person- s u~r~years ot~age will not be permitted Into the arcade during school hours unless accompanied by a parent or guardian, with the exception of summer break. This was a concern voiced by the Central School District. There is one school located loss than one-half mile from the site, and two others wt thin two miles. There are several different uses permitted within the Arrow Plaza Center, but no conflicts have been foreseen. Current tenants include H! W deo, the Bit-O-Spice Cafe, and the Arrow Plaza Market. Appropriate measures should be taken to insure t~1t ~.~° ^..t nhhn.i nn lnna nle _ nn! Ai clnnhnrl W 4hn arraAn The wall separating the arcade and the tenant to the south should be designed to eliminate any concerns regarding noise. The Neighborhood Center Co the east does not appear to be a conflict, and the arcade could be a complimentary use to the Center. E. Environmental Assessment: Staff has completed the nv ranmen a ec s an has determined that the development of this proiect will not cause significant adverse impacts. If the Planning Commission concurs with these findings, Issuance of a Negative Declaration would be appropriate. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: A. The proposed use is fn accord with the General Plan and the o6~ectives of the Development Code as evidenced by the Conditional Use Permit provisions for amusement devices. B. The proposed use, together with the conditions appitcable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements to the vicinity. // PLANNING CgMISSION AFF REPORT RE: CUP 89-19 - UNIVERSAL ARCADE July 12, 1989 Page 4 C. The proposes use complies with each of the applicable conditions of the Development Code. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised as a public hearing n e a y eport newspaper, property posted and notices sent to all proper y owners and existing tenants within 300 feet of the prof ect. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recaaanends that the Planning Coawissioh approve own iElonai Use Permit 89-19 through adoption of the attached Resolution with Conditions and issuance of a Negative Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Applicant's Description of Arcade Exhl6it "B" - Ylcinity Map Exhibit "C" - Site Plan Exhibit "D" - Interior Floor Plan Exhibit "E" - Letter from Centrai School District E~h', Cit "F" L^tt.".r e: M• r^.C t4.11 d•: aCiri^.t Exhibit "G" - Memo from Sheriff's Department Resolution of Approval /~ BUSINESS PLAN UNIYERSAL ARCADE DESCRIPTION: TWENTY VIDEO MACHINES OPERATION WITH AT LEAST ONE ADULT SUPER- VISING DURING ALL WORKING HCURS. ;-0ACHTNES TO BE OPERATED BY TOKENS EXCHANGED AT MANAGEMENT BOOTH SET UP IN ARCADE. OPERATING HOURS: BUSINESS HOURS TO BE BETWE F.N THE HOURS OF 10:00 A.M. THRO L'GH 11:00 P,M. SUNDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, WITH 40 MINORS UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN ALLOWED DL'R ING SCHOOL HOURS WITH THE EXCEPTION OF SGMMER BREAK. HD ORS WILL BE SUBJECT TO CITY CRDINANC ES. INTENDED RESTRICTIONS: YO SMOKING. NO LOITERING AROUND FRONT ENTRANCE. NO HORSEPLAY INSIDE PREMISES. OBJECTIVES• PROVIDE A PROFITABLE MEANS OF ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE HEAVILY POPULATED YOUTH IN THE AREA SURROUNDING THE SHOPPING CENTER AND THE INTERESTED ADULTS WHO ENJOY THE CHALLENGE OF A VIDEO :,Y n GTn GiiG CnoT GE JUPEttviDlVrv, VUttJLLVhb~ AND~ALCLOSE~ASSOCIATE WHO IS EMPLOYED 8Y THE LOS ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT WHO WILL BE USED AS A SUPPORT MEANS OF AUTHORITY D L'R ING HIS OFF HOURS. EXPERIENCE: WE BOTH HAVE MANAGED SEVERAL OTHER BUSINESSES SUCH AS SERVICE STATIONS, CONVENIENCE STORES, WHICH OPERATED A SMALL GROUP OF VIDEO MACHINES, AND HAVE OWNED AND OPERATED A LAUNDROMAT. I HAVE COACHED JUNIOR RICH SCHOOL BASKETBALL FOR SEVERAL YEARS GIVING ME WHAT I CONSIDER VALUABLE EXPERIENCE IN SUPERVISING 5'0 L'9G ADULTS. BACKGROUND: W'E ARE BOTH STRONGLY ROOTED IN CHURCH HAVING STRONG CHRISTIAN CONVICTIONS. WE HAVE CHILDREN OF OUR OWN (BATISTE-TWO, EARL- IHREE) RANGING IN AGES FROM ONE THROUGH NINE. WE ARE BOTH STRONG FAMILY ORIENTED MEN OF INTEGRITY, NOTED BY BOTH FRIENDS 77A ND PEERS. Gil l l ~F J~P -/ ITE3[: r ~~~ 89.10 u.,wccs~a, A2~,w RANCHO CUCAMUNGA TITLE: ~ -~..,ny ~f Aacaue PLANNING DIVISION EXHIBIT: ~' I _~ ~~\ -~ i3 I i ~~ ~. nM iinu vunrv n MN1 AMA W RAM ~ n r. ~~~...,. ry~ n u ~ ~ ar nxna -v-.~~ ~ r --t , ~ - M I• L r 'I r~ y. e. n ^ ~,_ ~~ uu~... ~~niv ~~~r ~f ~~ ~.. I/ v \ORTH CITY OF !7 Q ITEM: CND 9N' 14 UMU62G1• M.~.noc RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE: u,~~u~r ~k~ PLANNING DIVISION ERHIBIT: ~ SCALE: N''"'> .. __i,. .._ .•v sr ~~ W ,~ ~ r _ _ .. w, J w ~ 1 i; ~ e r r+~ n r ~ s u~~., , ,~i ,,,,~,.~ ~~,~,. .. ,, ':~ ~_= ~ w~.wwr iw ~'~ww ~~rr r~r V i\ORTH CITY OF ~ 7( ITEM: CuP gQr i~ UN~VeR5rk~1aA0E RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE: SITE ~L/q/~ PLANNING DIVISION ERHIBIT:~_9CALE: r5 a ~. ~ y ------ ------- _T - e~ J I I r:~_~ i I it ~ e +~i W?'~ : S 1__. ~ Q v w i I i >~~: ~, r ~, i J7` p2 O tg ~~ o~ •~~ 3~ ~ ~ i I y 1 ~~'.` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~w ili ° ~___' i '~T~ --~ ~ ~ I ~ ~^-- , '--- ~ ~ `---i r-- V ` , i `--- ~; yy i i ,_y , f~ ~ ~ S 1 C it W a i b ~.. T(~ r___ L___ti __~ I ~ ~ ~ ~_~ ~ •~-~a a a ~ 9' I ~ ~` "~I CITY OF (~~ RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION •.~ NORTF ITEM: Gu P hG_ i p Mu~,E~=Say ri 2cn ~. TITLE: INnawrt. cti~ ~'_~N EXHIBIT: ~_ 9CALE:.~ rs Central School District 9457 Foothill Blvd.l Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 1 (714) 9g9-8541 S une o, 1989 /~ ADNIIiLSfRAT10N 1 F7rwm N. Jooe~ au~q t n>•awma>• Ingrid Vogel wur. war. , wn eoa -RECEIVEO~ ~ ~fY~ JUN -7 ~ pM 7~g~pat~2i1r2t814ff-8 Sbaron L Nagel uar. war. , ~ natwv ~ ow Mr. Steven Ross, Assistant Planner Community Development Department P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 RE: Conditional Use Permit 89-19 Oniver sal Arcade Dear Mr. Ross: i am writing on behalf of Central School District concerning the conditional use permit for universal Arcade. Central scnool Districts insists that children under 18 are not allowed into the facility unlebs they are accompanied by a parent or guardian. Central scnool District is in support of the permit as long as the facility specr~ica uy enforces cros supulau on durrng normal school hours. Thank you Eor including Central School District in the planning of facilities that could potentially impact this district. sin cg rely, ~ /• , Ingrid ':agel AssiSta nt Superintendent, Dusine sa Services JJ }1 CITY OF 17~ RANCHO CUCAMON A PLANNING DIVISION ITEM: ( U P Bq- - q L1A+wts,M, aacros TITLE: l ~arE,c Faer. Cen~t.~ Sar«w Du,,, EXHIBIT: E ~~r( ~ ~ n'1r'~~n 1I¶~1' In1'~ ~~~7~I{~~Y ~~Y~ ~7 T~ ~p ,~v~ P. O. BOX 35 • 6623 AMETHYST ST. • aAN[HO CUCAMONGA 91701 17141 9a7-4535 Tune 26, 1989 Stevcn Ross, Assistant Planner City of Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Hex E07 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 RE: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 89-I9 UNIVERSAL ARCADE Dear Steve: ~.;t cCEI~ ~DgNOI r cge. ~O.t:G ,JUN ~8'~ pp 7tat9i~~il~" ~11~zj91'11518 i Thank yeu for the proposed site plan for the above business. If the foal space plan remains the same. we will have the following requirements: 1. Tenant improvement plans must be submiUed to [he fire department for plan review for the proposed office and bathroom. There will be a fee for this urvice. .w. c. T .•-•:... °p1: e: r_f0.-" °e ... Ct^ ' s IneA m Fn dd na ...nr .___ ., n~ra s be a public would, therefore, not It azsembly, and state code requirements will not be applied. 3. Fire extinguishers will be required. The size, amount and locations will be determined when tenant improvement plans are submitted. 4. Carc should be taken to provide adequate wall outlets, therefore ' eliminating the need Cor extension curds. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this project. I look forward to receiving the tenant improvement conswetion plans. S/i~n~ce rely. // ~/ CLI~ta.. ~ (/~(~~P//~tl Vera A. Ashur Fire Prevention Inspector CITY OF 177 RANCHO CUCAMONGA ITE1[: ~.u P ~'9 ~ 19 uut~usnt Ax~9E TITLE: LcrTfn c,tam (a,xM1uK„xA Durx~~i -___ } PLANNING DIVISION EXHIBIT: ~ MEMORANDUM DATe: 6/z 6 /"v TO. ~/LE EROh1: S1G/E K. SL'BIECT: /~~nL Gau ~ GLIf G.tMeya C48~.iC U~ RL: M ~Liff 2 we+1L e•{ ,vuesu - nL. lai u(f;/L• nwL Fir fe....~(~ B/KL ~LRf r~~YILN 11 G w iDO !1f ~ LO .« L.. / - Q f1/Il.{ i/4M'/6n. lLfrte++,. ~K/Of - _ CITY OF ~ 7 j - RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION ITEM: CuW 94 14 ~tw~n ~a. AticAOe TITLE• Memo Faow~ ~kfrt~nh Dirt. EXHIBIT: ~ RESOLUTION N0. 89-93 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 89-19 FOR THE UNIVERSAL ARCADE, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHNEST CORNER OF ARROW ROUTE ANO MALVERN AVENUE IN THE GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 209-041-51 A. Recitals. (1) Mike Earl and Terrence Batiste have filed an application far the issuance of the Conditional Use Permit No. 89-19 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subJ ect Conditional Use Permit request is referred to as "the application". (ii) On the 12th of July, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. (iii) All legal prerequisites to 'the adoption of this Resolution have OCCO Red. 8. Resolution. NOJ, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission herebr soecifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and Correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearlrtg on July 12, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The application applies to property located at the southwest corner of Arrow Rate and Malvern Avenue, APN 209-041-51 with a street frontage of 485 feet and lot depth of 213.5 feet and is presently improved with an existing commercial center; and (b) The property to the north of the subject Site is a gas station and Single family homes, the property to the south of that site consists of the offices of the Chino Basin Municipal Water District, the property to the east is the Neighborhood Center, and the property to the west is a fast food restaurant; and 'i' ~xNi~'T "G'~ PLANNING LOMMISSIOt 'SOLUTION N0. 89-93 RE: CUP 89-19 - UN..~RSAL ARCADE July 12, 1989 Page 2 (c) The aDPlicati on contemplates the operation of an arcade consisting of 20 video game machines wi thin an 850 square foot teased space. 3. eased upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the proposed use is in accord with the General Plan, the ob,i ecti ves of the Development Cade, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. (b) That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially in,lurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. (c) That the proposed use compiles with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code. 4. This Commission hereby finds and certifies that the protect has been reviewed and considered in caapltance with the California Environmental Quality pct of 1970 ard, further, Lhis Commission hereby issues a Negative O eclaration. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth to paragraphs 1. 2. 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application su6~ect to each and every condition set forth De low: Plannt 1) No Dersons under 18 years of age may enter, be or remain in any part of a game arcade during the .hours school is in regular session. This 1lmitatlon shall be prominently posted at the entrance of the fac111ty, in letters not less than 1" in height, and shalt be enforced by the adult supervisor. 2) The hours of operation shalt 6e no earlier than 10:00 a.m. and no later than 11:00 p.m. far arcades located in the General Commercial District. 3) This approval is granted for 20 video game machines. I PLANNING COMMI SSIC 'ESOLUTION N0. 89-93 RE: CUP 89-19 - U.,.IERSAL ARCADE July 12, 1989 Page 3 4) Separate public restroams for men and women must be Drovided within the approved building and controlled. 5) An interior waiting area with seating f acilittes shall be provided for patron wishing to relax or wait far an amusement device to hecame available. 6) Change-making or toker. ezcharge facilities shall be provided for patron use inside premises. 7) Adequate exterior lighting shall be provided for evening security adJacent to all entrances and exterinr walls of the building where the games arc located. All lighting shall be arranged and shielded ~o as to eliminate excessive glare or reflection onto ad,)otning properties or businesses. 8) Access to the gage area must be from the main entrance to the primary use and not from a separate exterior entrance. The rear exit shall be for "Fire Exit Only". 91 Adequate interior clear space shall be Drovided for safe and convenient patron circulation ono shall meet the following minimum standards: (a) Amusement devices shall be located no closer than 12' tram any wall assembly separating the arcade from any ad,)acent - building or portion of a building. (b) Provide a minimum of 60" between amisement devices and any entrance or exit. (c) Wherc amisement devices are located along one side of an aisle, provide a minimum unobstructed aisle width of 66". lihere amusement devices are located along both sides of any aisle, provide a minimum unobstructed aisle width of 90•. (d) Additional interior clear space may be required } by the Building Ofiictal, Foothill Fire District, or Sheriff's Department in order to maintain public safety PLANNING COPMISSIO .SOLUTION N0. 89-93 RE: CUP 89-19 - UN.JERSAL ARCADE July 12, 1989 Page 4 10) Bicycle racks shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Planner in a location that does not obstruct pedestrian ar vehicular circulation. They shall be installed prior to occupancy. 11) All signs or, the exterior of the hui lding or visible from the outside, such as window signs, shall require Planning Division approval in accordance with the Sign Ordinance. 12) No amusement device shall be used for purposes of, or in connection with gambling. The winning of anything of value shall constitute gambling, except the winning of a prize in a scheduled tournament. 13) No persons shall be permitted to enter, be or remain in any part of the arcade while in the possession of, consumtm3, using or uMer the influence of any alcoholic beverage or drugs. This shall be prominently posted inside the arcade 1n letters not less than 1" in height and shall be enforced by the adult supervisor. 14) The walls, ceiling or floor, ar any combination ~h.r.nf ni fh. MH1A tnn_ nr ctrurtuM. or partian~ thereof, shall be Insulated or otherwise constructed so that na vibration that is detectable without the aid of any mechanical device or instrument will be allowed to be on the outer perimeter of the arcade. 15) Th1s approval shall became null and void if a Certificate of Occupancy is not issued within 24 months from the date of approval, unless an extension has been granted by the Planning Commission. Failure to comply with Conditions of Approval or applicable City Ordinances shall cause the suspension of the Conditional Use Permit and possible revocation of the Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission. 16) Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of Certificate of Occupancy is granted. I ~~ PLANNING COMMISSIC~ 'lESDLUTION N0. 89-93 RE: CUP 89-19 - L. lERSAL ARCADE July 12, 1989 Page 5 11) The barking lot shall be posted "No Lotter ing" in letters not less than 1" in height on signs Lo the satisfaction of the City Planner and Sheriff's Department. 18) Two (2) adults, 21 years of age or alder, i ncludf ng one (1) supervisor, sh ali be present at all times during bu 5lness hours. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF JULY, 1989. PLANNING COMMj5SI0N OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII BY [, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the Ctty of Rancho ... .•.• .•- s. .,.~ e...i~~.,.. ,w.i, ..n C~cara~~ya do `zrz`y car. ._. ,_ .. .- -- =•.- regularly~introduced, passed, and adopted by thePlanning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 12th day of July, 1989, by the following vote-ta-wit: BYES: COM!IISS[ONERS: BLAKESLEY, CHITIEA, MCNIEL, WEINBERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMiSSIONERS: TOLSTOY l80 approval of Hearing they testimony, the public hearing was clo Commissioner a stated that the proposed use t cause any adverse impacts on the surroundings and that a tonal lardscapirg and the block wall adJa o the school would mprove the area from its present situation. S saw no overat in the land use. Because the outdoor storage was 1 she suppdr a protect. Chairman McNiel also,. suppor roject and felt the Residential designation did not make~a lot o He felt the use was an extension of an existing situation witfi~ net n ns Foothill Rentals. He felt it would be a benefit to the co ~ y. Motion: Moved by Chi seconded by Slakes adopt the Resolution approving Environme ssessment and Conditional it 89-16. Motion carried by the fo vote: AYES NOES: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY, CHITIF,A, MCNIEL, NONE F. ENVIRONMENTAL RSSE SSMENT ANO COLA ITIONAL USE PERMIT 89-19 - UNIVER511L ARCADE - A request to establish an arcade in a leased space of 850 square ei• ei within an existing commercial center on 1.26 acres of land in the General Commercial District, located at the southwest corner of Arrow Route and Malvern Avenue - APN: 209-041-51. Steve toss, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report arxl suggested changes to the Resolution, includirg correction of spelling of applicant Batiste's name, deletion of the words "and after curfew" from Planning Condition 1, and deletion of the requirement that the approval would become void upon a charge of ownership. Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing. Applicant Michael Earl introduced his partner, Terrence Batiste, and stated they were available to answer questions. Chalrman .dr.Niel A\ked if the applicants agr@ed tp tha Shariff's recommendation that a uniformed security guard be present. Mr. Batiste stated they did not feel a uniformed security guard should be required. r ?l arming Commission Minutes -4- July 12, 1989 Mr. Earl stated that Mr. and Mrs. Batiste, as well as he and his wife, plus the full time employee would be supervising and he felt the searlty guard would be unnecessary. !ie said he also had a close associate who works for the Los Arge les Police Department, who was helping them and would be giving advice in different areas. Chairman McNiel stated that the shopping center is located in a marginal neighborhood and the shopping center has already had a graff itt problem. He suggested that it was a good idea that they have some sort of uniformed security, even if one of them wore a uniform. Commissioner Chitfea felt that the term "uniformed security" connotes someone who is trained and 17censed. She felt the requirement was approprf ate for the safety of the premises and the patrons. Mr. Earl stated that both he and Mr. Batiste have had experience dealing with the younger generation. He stated he previously owned a service station where he dealt with younger people. He felt they had the necessary experience. Mr. Batiste stated he presently works for Walnut Lhrtstian Junior High as the basketball coach. He stated he also works as a volunteer with the football coach at Ganesha High School, and both he and Mr. Earl were very active with their church. He felt he provides a positive attitude for younger people. Commissioner Weinberger asked if bike racks aM "no loitering" signs wa ld be provided. Mr. Gat iste stated they wou id be provided. Conm issioner Weinberger felt a uniformed security guard was a good idea, but neA_.nA ..H.. •hn a ~aAn u e hntnn ei nn lnA m_~h fn_ n n_.d Ae •hn n anA Chn fn l• Y:-.. ^ ..a r n the other businesses in the center should help pay for the guard. She felt they should first have an opportunity to show they could control the problem themselves. Chairman Mc Niel stated that in the past the Commission had required arcades to provide a security guard. Commissioner Weinberger felt that as the arcade would not 6e serving alcohol, the guard should not be a requirement until a problem developed. Commis sinner Bl akesley felt the applicants were aware there was a potential problem and he felt it should not be requf red as a co nd itton, even though he recommended they have a security guard. Commissioner "h itiza felt perhaps a guard could be required only during evening hours because the evening clientele would be different, as during the day schoo i-age children would not be present. Commissioner 3lakesley stated he wasn't sure what kind of history there was for arcades, and felt the same requirements might apply to the convenience Manning Commission Minutes -5-1 July 12, 1989 1 store at the other end of the building. He felt that singling out the arcade was unfair. - Brad Buller, City Planner, stated that the recomne nd anon for the security guard referred to the interior use, and the issue of graffiti outside the business could be considered separately for the entire center. He stated the Commission could establish certain hours for the guard, or could delete the cond it Son. Commissioner McNiel stated that when arcades first started to su rfate there was tremendous resistance from neighboring businesses and residents and experience has shown perhaps they were false fears. He felt it might be appropriate to perhaps review the entire center to see if a security guard should be required for the entire center with the cost being spread among the businesses. Commissioner Chit tea suggested that the requirement for a security guard be replaced with a condition that two adults, including one Supervisor, be on the premises at all times, and that the Conditional Use Permit could be modified in the future if a problem develops. Chairman McNiel felt that the requirement far two adults might be relaxed in the future if the Sheriff's department gave a•favorable report in the next four to six months. Commis sinners Ch it lea arxl Slakes ley concurred with Chairman McKie l's suggestion. Motion: Moved by Ch it ie a, seconded by Rl akesley, to adopt the Resolution approving Environmental Assessment and Conditional Use Permit 89-19, with modifications to require the presence of two adults at all times, but delete the requirement Tor a recur icy guard. riocion serried by file iui iuw my vu Le: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: RLAK ESLEY, CHITI EA, MC NI EL, MEIN BERGER NOES: COMA SS[ONER S: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS:. TOLSTOY : : . + x on to APN: 221-61 -, d01_i /~ 57 ihr~ -carried Highland Avenue - thru 68, and 227- Planning Commission Minutes -6- July 12, 1989 I g~ r ~: R- ~ -r.ECEfYeD-- :m~~ r;J.ufoalGUpiO. IrrfI6MtIT 6f RYIILItw a a:w~wc ovcm lI/Ir16R DIt[SIa ~181~~-ya ! 1~1~j,~ ~„ /~ ; ,rail c1aNc for tM city of Rancho Cuuron~a do irr.ny sraa~ Lhat on f~,r„ 19% at approaiMtaly / =' o'cloet '~ ~ to-.r./ r. I A~po:1tM in LM Cacaronga Branc-6'31rfIil•URitad Statii•'-diTII/fiu lou at 9601 6usinass Canta- Oriw, a latter addrassad to aM ra9a-d1e9 519md: ~, ~„ / ~ , % ' Data: ~ / ' -~-- (IllA4 ilET16M A6RlR SIiM1MIE) i I$~ CXNi3~r "E" NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COU NC iL The Rancho Cucamonga City Council will be holding public hearings at 7:30 p.m. on August l6, 1989 at the Lions Park Community Building located at 9!61 Base Line Road, Ra nt ha Cucamonga, California 91730, to consider the following described project(s): ARL ROE - An appeal of the Planning Commission 's approval of a request to establish an arcade in a leased space of 850 square feet within an existing commercial center on 1,2E acres of land in the General Commercial District, located at the southwest corner of Arrow Route and Malven Avenue - APN: 209-041-51. Anyone having concerns or questions on any of the above items is welcome to contact the City Planning Division at (714) 989-1861 or visit the offices located at 9340 Base Line Road, Unit B. Also, anyone objecting to or in favor of the above, may appear in person at the above-described aeeting or may submit their concerns in writing to the Planning Division, City of Rancho Cueasmnga primr to said meeting. Au qu;t 1, 198" Ra nchc Cu camonga City Ccu nc it Oa to 18.E 'Cn Y~n1 ousin nun. Water Dist. Balderrame, Agustin noon ~i~ ~.u rp. 8555 Archibald Ave. 9808 Salina St. P.O. Box 290 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91130 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Gallas, T% Y5221 Hernandez, Antonio Et al Lampsa, Henry J. Oe Lara, Martha F. 9815 Alpine St. 9838 Alpine St. 4615 Stewart Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91101 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Cervantes, George Matthews, Cl eotis 6 Judith McCoy, John F. 9816 Salina St. 12 Oeer Lreek Road 9648 Calle Vejar Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91136 Pomona, CA 91766 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Coma rena, Tom F. Kidder, Robert K. Lin, In gkuan d Fujeh 9828 Alpine St. 502 Via Lido Nord 8430 Archibald Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Newport Beach, CA 92 660 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739 Graber, Oonald P. Allen, Patricia TR Reiter, August H. III 9786 E. Arrow Hwy. 9931 8e1 Air P.O. box 7250 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91130 Montclair, CA 91763 Newport Beach, CA 92658 Jan d Jeff Abbott Marietta, Charles N. Jr. Hottel, Richard E. 9186 E. Arrow Hwy. 110 W. 14th 8t. 9842 Salina Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91130 Upland, CA 91186 Ra ncha Cucamonga, CA 91730 nanN a, Ai ueil i•i u Liii ion ii. (auw~mia, i~w,y i•i. v", ame,, riiiiiaw ~. e Gaiiy L. 9645 Calle Vejar 9807 Alpine St. 9834 Salina Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Riot, Henry L. b Christine L. Velazquez, Jose Etal Matthews, Cleotis d Judith 9644 Cal1e Vejar 9833 Alpine St. 9160 Arrow Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91130 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Foddma ker, Inc. Fisher, Lawrence Medina, Abel P. Etal P.O. Oox 783 9820 Alpine St. 9824 Salina St. San Diego, CA 92112 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Rantho Cucamonga, CA 91130 King, Gregory D. Assistance League Mike Earl 9423 Alpine Street P.O. Box 927 533 E. "D" Street Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Upland, CA 91785 Upland, CA 91786 I ~~ Terrence r. ou ~. ,._ 10955 Santa Barbara P1. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 Bit-O-Spice 9759 Arrow Rte. AA Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 H + VSdeo 9755 Arrow Rte., 4D 8 F Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Arrow Plaza Market 9155 Arrow Rte. k8 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Ig7 rREON11i tw-- oual G{r~eNn''M~'fM f,UG 15'~ a~ AFFIDAVIT Of PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORVIA ~s f.OUVTY OF SAV BERV:IRDI~O I, Maurine D. Pagan , do hereby certify that I am the Legal Advertising clerk of THE DAILY REPORT, a daily newspaper of general circulation, published in the City of On- tario, County and State aforesaid and that the attached advertisement of NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ___._ CITY COUNCIL was published in said newspcper One (1) time fn wil~ Ln~ne• n iooo I certify under penal;y of pe(jury shot the foregoing is trve,a(~d correct. ,,__~,,~~ , / , 0 {, „ ~I - ;Signature) Dated of Onrorw, Col~iorn is •h is _ 4tn day of Au?ust, 1989 l~~ RESOLUTION N0. U I - L.[ O A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CWNC IL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIR, DENYING AN APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 89-19 FOR AN ARCADE TO OPERATE IN AN EXISTING COMMERCIAL CENTER ON 1.26 ACRES OF LAND IN THE GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF ARROW ROUTE AND MALVEN AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 209-041-51 A. Recitals. (i) An application has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by Terrence Batiste and Michael Earl (hereinafter "applicants") for a Conditional Use Permit for an arcade totaling 850 square feet of an existing commercial center located on 1.26 acres of land at the southwest corner of Arrow Route and Malven Avenue. (if) On July 12, 1989, the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing an that date by adopting Resolution No. 89-93, thereby approving Conditional Use Permit 89-19. (iii) On July 21, 1989, Jeff and Janice Abbott (hereinafter "aDpellanCS") submitted a letter appealing the Planning Commission's approval of Conditional Use Permit 89-19. fivl nn au ~u ct lfi t0A0 thn ri t_v rnunr it rood ur taA a duly nnf it nA public hearing on the appeal of Conditional Use Permit 89-19 and continued that hearing until September 6, 1989. Resolution, NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: I, This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts 's et forth in the Recitals, Part "A", of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above referenced meeting on September 6, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, this Council hereby specifically finds as follows: ~ 89 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. RE: CUP 69-19 APPEAL September 6, 1989 Page 2 (a) The application applies to property located at the southwest corner of Rrrow Route and Malven Avenue, APN: 209-04i-51, with a street frontage of 485 feet and lot depth of 213.5 feet and is presentiy improved with an existing commercial center; and (b) The property to the north of the subject site is a gas station and single family homes, the property to the south of that site consists of the offices of the Chino Basin Municipal Mater District, the property to the east is the Neighborhood Center, and the property to the west is a fast food restaurant; and (c) The application contemplates the operation of an arcade consisting of 20 video game machines within an 850 square foot leased space; and (d) That the Planning Comniss ion held a public hearing on the proposed arcade and addressed possible concerns and that no public testimony was received at that time. 3. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced meeting and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the p;^oposed use is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Development Code, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; and (b) That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially Injurious to properties or improvements fn the vicinity; and (c) That She proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs t, 2, and 3 above, this Council hereby denies the appeal. / ~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT BATE: September 6, 1989 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Jeff Gravel, Assistant Planner g~3 , SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS AMENOM ENT 89-02 - BLACKMON HOMES, iNC. - A request to Pre-zone approximately 25 acres located on the northeast corner of Highland and Rochester Avenues to Law Density Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) - APN: 225-152-01, 02, 03, 04, and 18. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ANO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 89-03 BLACKMON HOMES, INC. - A request to approve a Development Agreement for approximately 25 acres consisting of 78 residential lots located at the northeast corner of Highland and Rochester Avenues - APN: 225-152-01, 02, 03, 04, and 18. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND ANNEKATION AGREEMENT 89-03 - BLACKMON HOMES, INC. - R request to approve an Anneza Lion Agreement for development and annexation of approximately 25 acres located on the northeast corner of Highland and Rochester Avenues - APN: 225-152-01, 02, 03, 04 and 18. ISSUE: The applicant is requesting a continuance of the public hearing on Development Districts Amendment (Pre-zone) 89-02, Development Agreement 89-03 and Annexation Agreement 89-03 scheduled for the September 6, 1989 City Council meeting to the September 20, 1989 meeting. The project has a new owner, Homestead Land Development Corporation. Homestead is requesting a continuance which is supported oy staff. The purpose of this continuance is to discuss the scope of the project and answer any questions which may arise. [I. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recomne nds that the City Council grant a co r,tinuance of Development Districts Amendment (Pre-xene) 89-02, Development Agreement 89-03 and Annexation Agreement 89-03 to the w alive date of September 20, 1984. spet s6 , ad u er Ci an r f /"l~ B B:JG :mlg Il ~-It CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Nalt Stickney, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Vacation of the frontage road - Plaza De Las Brisas - located on the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Raawna Avenue, approximately 30 feet wide and 544 feet long - APN 208-301-15, 16, 17 It is recomaended that City Council open the public hearing and continue the hearing for October 4, 1989, to hear the subject vacation. Background/Analysis On Naveaiber 14, 1985, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 85-114, and approved Conditional Use Penalt No. 85-19, located at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Ramona Avenue in the General Caimmrcial District. One of the Engineering Conditions is that the frontage road within the pro,~ect $iidi i ~c 'idCd tcu'. The subJect frontage road is approximately 30 feet wide and 544 feet long fronting Foothill Boulevard. No property uses this frontage road for access purposes. The subiect rights-of-way vacation was found to conform with the General Plan on Planning Comisslon's meeting on July 12, 1989. Due to the extended posting Lisle requirement for public hearing per Section 8300, et. seq., of the Streets and Highways Code, 1t is necessary to hold the public hearing on October 4, 1989. Respe y ubmitted, ~ '- L/ - ~ i RHM: 9~- STAFF ftEPOftT DATE: $eptea~ber 6, 1989 ~~~~ T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Judy Acosta, Engineering Aide SUBJECT: OROERIN6 THE NORK IN CONNECTION MITH THE ANNE%ATION FOR TRACT N0. 12462, LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF SUMMIT AVENUE BETNEEN ETINANDA AVENUE AND EAST AVENUES TO LANDSCAPE MAINTEtU1NCE DISTRICT N0. 7 RECOMMENDATION: [t is recoaaended that City Coundl approve the attached resolution ordering the work in connection with the annexation of Tract 12462 to Maintenance District No. 7 and approving the Engineer's Report. OACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Attached for City Council approval is a resolution ordering the work in connection with the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 for Tract No. Tract 12462, located on the south side of Suaaeit Avenue between ltl Manea antl last 11VenUeS. the aeYe lOper or Lire SUDJect LraCt nos been notified of the public hearing by nwtl. The attached resolution also approves the Engineer's Report tentatively approved by Resolution No. 89-355. Respectf Ai i itted, RHM:J/ . Attachx«•nts / (~ RESOLUTION N0. ~ 9 ~ V 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE NORK IN CONNECTION KITH THE ANNEXATION TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 AND ACCEPTING THE FINAL ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR TRACT N0. 12462 WHEREAS, the City Councii of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga, California did on the 2nd day of August, 1989, adopt its Resolution of Intention No. 89-356 to order the thereto described work in connection with the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance Oistrict No. 7, which Resolution of Intention No. 89-356 was duly and legally published in the time, form and manner as required by law, shown by the Affidavit of Publication of said Resolution of Intention on file in the office of the City Clerk; and NHEREAS, after the adoption thereof, notice of the passage of said Resolution of Intention, headed "Notice of Improve~aent", was duly and legally posted in the time, form, manner, location, and number as required by law, as appears from the Affidavit of Posting said notices, on file in Lhe office of the City Clerk; and NHEREAS, after the adoption thereof, notices of the adoption of the Resolution of Intention were duly mailed to all persons owning real property proposed to be assessed for the improvements described in said Resolution of Intention No. 89-356, according to the names and addresses of such owners as the same appears o~ the last marling or as known to the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, whTCh said copies were duly mailed Tn the time, form, and manner as reyui red by law, as appears rrom the Ariidavic of mailing on ripe in the office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, said City Council having duty received considered evidence, oral and documentary, concerning the ,iurisdtction facts in this proceeding and concerning the necessity for the contemplated work and the benefits to be derived therefrom and said City Council having now acquired ,jurisdiction to order the proposed work. NOM, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, as follows: SECTION 1: It is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga at the public interest and convenience requires the annexation to the District and the ordering of Lhe work, and said City Council hereby urderi that the work, es set forth and described in said Resolution of Intention No. 89-35b, be done and made; and SECTION 2: 8e it further resolved that the report filed by the Engineer si~6y finally approved; and SECTION 3: Be it further resolved that the assessments and method of assessmen>-in~fie Engineer's Report are hereby approved. SECTION 4: De tt finally resolved that said assessments shall not begin unt a er 0 percent af~ ~d yracts have been occupied. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Engineer's Report for Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 for Tract No. 12462 SECTION 1. Authority for Report This report is in compliance with the requirements of Article 4, Chapter 1, Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of California (Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972). SECTION 2. General Description This City Council has elected to annex all new subdivisions into Landscape Maintenance District No.7. The City Councii has determined that the areas to be maintained will have an effect upon all lots within Tract 12462 as well as on the lots directly abutting the landscaped areas. All landscaped areas to be maintained in the annexed tracts are shown on the recorded Map as roadway right-of-way or easements to be granted to the C{ty of Rancho Cucamonga. SECTION 3. Plans and Speclftcations The plans and landscaping are as stipulated in the conditions of approval for the development and as approved by the City Engineering Division. Reference is hereby made to the suD~ect tract map or development plan and the assessment diagram for the exact location of the landscaped areas. The plans ana speciiicacrons ror ianescapea improvement on cne ineiviauai aevelopment is hereby made a part of this report to the same extent as if said plans and specifications were attached hereto. SECTION 4. Estimated Costs No costs will be incarred for parkway improvement construction. All improvements will be constructed by developers. Based on historical data, contract analysis and developed work standards, 1t 15 estimated that maintenance costs for assessment purposes will equal thirty (5.35) cents per square foot per year. These costs are estimated only. actual assessment will be based on actual cost data. The estimated total cost for Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 including this Annexation 1s as follows: Existing This New District Annex Total (Phase 1 ons ruction) Landscape Area (SQ. Ft.) 328,982 6,578 335,560 Trees 833 20 853 No. of D. U. 318 27 354 19~ Per Lot Annual Assessment 335,560 x =0.35 5117,446 853 x 55.00 3IZT 7IT f12_~7~ 5352.78 Assessment shall apply to each lot as enumerated 1n Section 6 and the attached assessment diagram. Nhere the development covered by this annexation involves frontage along arterial or collector streets, which are designated for inclusion in Lhe maintenance district but will be maintained by an active homeowners association, these assessments shall be reduced. SECTION 5. Assessment Diagram A copy of the proposed assessment diagram 1s attached to this report and labeled "Exhibit A", by this reference the diagram is hereby incorporated within the text of this report. SECTION 6. Assessment Improvements for the District are found to be of general benefit to ail lots within the District and that assessment shall be equal for each unit. Nhere there is more than one dwelling unit per lot or parcel of assessable land, the assessment for each lat or parcel shall be proportional to the number of dwelling units per lot or parcel. The City Council will hold a Dublic hearing in June, to determine the actual assessments based upon the actual costs incurred by the City during the previous fiscal year which are to be recovered through assessments as required by the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1912. SECTION 7. Order of Events 1, City Council adopts Resolution of Preliminary Approval of City Engineer's Report. 2. City Council adopts Resolution of Intention to Annex to District and sets public hearing date. 3. City Council conducts public hearing, considers all testimony and determines to Annex to the District or abandon the proceedings. 4. Every year in May, the City Engineer flies a report with the City Council. 5. Every year in June, the City Council conducts a public hearing and approves, or aadtfies and approves the individual assessments. Properties and taproveiaents to be included within this Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 MAINTAINED AREA TRACT D/U _ 12462 27 Suawit Avenue --- --- 20 Coateunity Equestrian Trail --- 4,578 --- 198 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 CIIWIT ui~ui~~ LEGEi.1D GITY MAIn1TAlUEO A¢EJ',S • ST¢EET LI (MT'i S,o;~°~+I.;^ crrn or asricso cvan~toxo~ :~`~~ oouriTY or sari a~xeaon~o ~;~~ SPATS Or CALQORMA N eaouu4wE¢ (s.F T Q ~SLlMMIT tlIE.) TQAIL Q (EPhT P.L) CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: BraC Buller, City Planner BY: Brett Horner, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 13351 - LEWIS H - n appea o a and it ion of pprova requiring participation in a School District Community Facilities District for a residential subdivision and design review of 118 condominiums on 5 lots and 8 single family tots on 9.07 acres of lard in the Medium Density Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre) within the Terra Vista Planned Community, located at the southwest corner of Terra Vista Parkway and Milliken Avenue - APN: 1077-091-34. This appeal has been withdrawn by the applicant, Lewis Homes, and therefore, can be removed from tonight's agenda. Unfortunately, the letter of withdrawal was not received until after the item was noticed to the public for a hearing. Re p lly itted, D d e City tanner BB;BH:mlg Exhibit A - Letter from Lewis Homes Ni the swing Appeal 19~ FROM LEUIS NUMES d.:L I?d9 I<:06 p, Lewis Homes Management Corp. l UO Nnrlh Muuupm A~'cnuc / P.O. Box 670 / Upl,.od, Calilcrna 917AS 11Jt9A5.0971 FAX: 714;9919799 August 14, 1989 City of Reecho cucamonge Planning Division P.O. Box 807 Rancho CIICamOnga, CA 91730 Ra: Tract 13351 (Terra Vista) Appeal GantLamelA: Please ramous our appeal of the school/hello-Room condition on Tract 13351 from eonmidetntion. Wa QO not wlmh to pursue the immua on this tract. If you have any quamtlone regarding this matter please do not nasicnce co concact ms r.i (7 iJj iY>~oooo. vary truly yours, Donald ompson DMT:ad W CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager PROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: John L. Martin, Associate Civil Engineer SUB.IECT: Pubitc Hearing of protests regarding Eminent Domain action to acquire public right-of-way for the Base Line Road Nldentng Protect between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15 at the properties located at 12658 Base Line Road (APN 227-111-33) for the construction of street improvements across the frontage of Bald properties. RECOMIEMDATION• Staff recommends adoption of the attached Resolution of Necessity - directing staff to proceed with condemnation of right-of-way for the construction of street improvements for the Base Line Road Nldentng Protect between Ylctoria Park Lane and Interstate 15 at the properties located at 12658 Base Line Road (APN 227-111-33) in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACK6ROUN0/ANALYSIS: Th15 is an Eminent Domain action to acquire right-of-way for the Base Line Road Nldentng PraJect. The protects limits are between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15. The owner of this parcel (Mrs. Maryland Little) has met with Engineering Staff on several occasions. To date, there has been no equitable solution reached. The surrounding developer (N1111am Lyon Co.) was conditional to build the improvements along Base Llne Road in front of the subtect parcel. Engineering staff obtained and recorded an Easement Deed with the previous owner. However, tt was found later that a few days before the owner signed, he had filed for Joint tenancy with the present owner. The present owner retained an attorney to stop the street improvements. Unfortunately, the previous owner has passed away, and, the street has remained unfinished, without resolution, for over a year. This right-of-way 1s needed to complete the intersection of Base Line Road and Yictorla Park Lane. Unfortunately, the uncooperative actions of the present owner require the condemnation action. Staff contends that public safety will be Jeopardized should the present protect proceed without Lhe missing improvements at this site. ~( CCSR Re: Base L1ne Road Nidening September 6, 1989 Page 2 Although negotiations continue, it is felt necessary at this time to enact a Resolution of Necessity to proceed with condemnation of such right-of-way for the proposed Base Line Road Nidening Project. RespecLfuFly.submitied, i RN~: pam Attachment l NOTICE OP INTENTION 08 THB CITY CODNCIL OP THS CITY OF RANCHO CIICANONOA TO ADOPT A RE80LD'a'ION OF NSCSBBITY TO CONDEMN A PORTION 08 CERTAIN RBAL PROPERTY LOCATED NITHIN T88 CITY OP RANCHO COCANONOA, CALIFORNIA, A888880R8 PARCEL NO. 227-111-33 FOR THE AIDENINO, REALIGNMENT, CONBTRDCTION AND INPROVEMBNT 08 BA88 LING ROAD BSTIfBEN VICTORIA FARR LANE AND INTSRBTATS 15 YOD ARB HSRBHY NOTIPISD that, pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure section 1245.235, the City of Rancho Cucamonga intends to consider for adoption a resolution of necessity to condemn, for a street improvement project a portion of that certain real property commonly known by the street address 12658 Base Line Road, City of Rancho Cucamonga (Assessors Parcel No. 227-111-33), and which property is further described by the legal description and the map depiction attached hereto as Exhibit "A". The hearing by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to consider the adoption of said resolution will be conducted on September 6, 1969, at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the Council Chambers; Lion's Park Community Building, Lion's Park, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Y00 ARE 80RTHER NOTIFIED that, pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1245.235, if you desire to appear at the above-referenced time and place for said hearing, you may be heard on the matters as follows: 1 X03 i. Whether the public interest and necessity require the project; 2. Whether the project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least prlvate injury; and, 3. Whether the property sought to be acquired is necessary for the project. To appear and be heard on any of the above-referenced items, you must file a Written request to appear within fifteen (15) days of the mailing of this Notice by filing or flelivering a written request to: Debra J. Adams, City Clerk City oP Rancho Cucamoga 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Failure to file a written request to appear and be heard as outlined above can result, by law, in a waiver of your right to appear and be heard at the hearing. For further information, contact: John L. Martin, Associate Civil Engineer City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91770 (711) 989-1862 Dated: ~ ~~-~`~ J~,q~ D bra J. A ma, C ty Clerk C\I)f1 NOT 110.C ~ p~ APN 227-ill-33 AOOiTtONAL PIGNT-OF-NAY PEQU[RCO fOP BA SCL trIE !ft0AD1 NICENING 1 :NAT CLRTAlN PAPCEL OF CAND [N TN6 CITY aF MNCNO CVCANONG A, L COUNTY Or SAN BERNARD INO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DElCRIR 6p A9 y POLGONSr 4 y BCINC A PO PTION aF GOT 11 Dt RLOCR V' OP ETINANOA COLD NY S LANDS, A6 9NONN ON A MP pCCDRO ED [N RDOR 7r PAOE 7/ OP MP 7 NOORl. IN TI16 OPPICE Or THE COUNTY RCC DRDER OF 9AIp LppNTY, R NOPL DA RT ICULARLY DCSCR[Ek0 AS tOLLONh 9 10 R¢GINNI NO AT TNL SOV TN CAST CORNER OF TNL NEST 7]0.00 FLLT Of 11 4AIp LOT lit A6 SA [O PoINT (3 SNONN ON A MP OP TMCT I 12 N0. 170/Ir PECOROED IN BOOR 167r PAQ ¢S 1R tN ROUGH {3 INCLU92V6 ~ ly Cf NAP NOOKS IN T116 OrrICL OP THk COUNTY p000A0ER Of SA10 11 CW NTYt SAID POINT AL30 NCIND A POINT ON TN6 NOpTII LINE OP 30 RASELtNL (POAD) 6{.00 recr NtDE, ANO TIIE SOVTNGSS [OANtp OP lR I THAT CCPTA[N OHEp TO :TIE COVNM Or !AN RERNARO INOt A BOGY 17 CORPOMTL AND POLITIC, PECOAD LO OW[TiR CA 1]r 1965 IN ROOK 61]0, 1R PAGE I7f OF off IC SAL PLCOADS OF 5A[0 Cau N'TYt TNLNCE AfAKK: TNC 19 EAST LiN¢ OP 9A[D TMCt N0. 37011 AND THE EART LINL Of $A10 j $0 DLED N TH6 COUNTY OF SAN SE PN ApO[NO ANO TEL NORTpLRLY ' L1 pPO LONOATtON TN EPEOf AND 7NL Np TCP LY LINE OF TNAT CLRTA[N DELO II R7 RLCOp0E0 ]ANllAAY 3T, 1911 tN RaDR 16f 7, PA06 70l OF OfRC[AL 7] RLCO wB OT SAIp COpN^1 TY!ENCL N C° CE' 10' E 1/.71 FEbT TO THE 71 ~'~ NEOINNINO OF A NON-T AND{NT CUPV¢ [ONC AVE EAltL RLY AHD IIAVINO A 73 RAD (V! OF :0.00 FEET A RAO IAL CUI F. TO 9A ZD POINT SCARS ]E '' N A9° 51. 9]• Nl TX EHCC LLA V[NC C!IC FAST CINE OF THL uLST i 27 I )10.00 PFET OP 7A(D (OT l/ ANb TN NIUI^M A YOPTIOtI OF SAID LOT 1/ ' 2N APD p:J .'II i'f. .:'t;NLY AI PN, j51D t"iPC C, -'IPF'R;II A c; F'ITRAI. Aa•~LF: ^f i `0 ON /1' 00•, :. tl AW, Y,STA N: C ^f ~ r.: l FEET f0 A POIIIT ON A 30 ;"N P~O'Bip 'u N9E, ~'~:;CAVF !If)NTH CpLi '~•IP NAVtNO A PAO1J] CF 1~~ 31 ,-IP, 1q YI.L :: .. ~•d0%:., ,.4f Apo-,r'UI SA.,; n, INi 9PAP! d .2 I NAN 1 a J 4 7 a 7 e 9 10 11 IL 1] It 1! 1a~i 17 le 19 20 21 22 E] 21 2a 2/ 27 ~ ze 29 ~D 71 'I 32 ~, r. .. ..,.. s ,. .. .. .., .. ! 50 tI' 0T N~ TH ENCL LASTEPLY ALONG SAID [upVt, THROUGH A CENTML AN .LE Or 7D 1S' SO'. AN ARC D3lTANCt OL 109.11 rR[T TO A POINT ON SAID CU 0.VE~ A MOIA4 LINE TO SAID PO3NT IEAAI 5 to /{' 17' N, SAID POINT ALiO BEING A POINT ON TNC NLSTLRLY BODNDARY Or THAT CE RTA tN LANp CONVEYED BY OCED TO DAVID F OLAN AND AUDRLY DtD1Dt DEAN RKORO CD dV LY 2fr SfU A! INS TRUM[NT N0. 9]-17300! Or OrrtC1AL RECORDS OF SAID COVNTYr 'LH EHCL ALONG SA30 ROD NDA RY S 00 O1' 21' N 37.76 YERT TO A POINT ON SAID NORTIILRLY LIx6 or eAlLLiNi (ROAD) Dcsc 0.IBLD NLREINt TRLNCL N B9p 9S' 19' N 127.13 LL LT TO TqL POINT Or BEGINNING. E%C OPTING TRtq[r RON 7T1AT PORTf ON CONVOY CD TO TIIL COUNTY OP SRN BLANA g02N0 DLSCAIILp A9 MRCLL N0. 2 IN THAT CERTAIN DL60 RLCORDEO pCTOLCR ii, 1!{S IN LDOA 1500, PALL i75 OP OittC[AL RECOnos. CONTAtvg t01H SOVARE rLLT DR,0.927 AC REI. t EXHlB!) A-6 pPN 22)-111-33 J EXHi01T~.A-4 0 W 2 Q~~ Q fi b0 TWO p~y~~ ~e ~~-yI4~~ ~ "'v~~ W ~ ~' 000 ~~v ~~9 2 ~ ~ FMS' ~ 3 Z ~~Q' i0 N ~. ~ i ~ Ex ~y OLO .'4/l4/ ,m NcN/~! ~' • /sa N 227af11 m o ~ o ,~ v'2~~ ^ e W ~ i ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ Y ' ~ ~ ~ A I 2/.• I 4L . L -, i~ ~, ~ ~ ~1y N' ~ ~ W rd ••84 49 'PO ~ 3 ~ 2 B9'3E ~9 Y/ t ~~ o. ) ,:,~~ i i i ...... t. ves•.~3 >s-w?T rte' l •~ NT 0.1~0~2i/NN/N[j" II _ ~ .CriOf NL/.rc OLD ~.. ~~.~JE L/NE ~RO.a ~~~ ' .~! ! ~~. v.d .u s'7PPi° T r' .1 ~ DECLARATION 07 MAILING Ol NOTICE 01 INTENTION TO CONDEMN PROPERTY DEBRA J. ADAMS, City Clerk, City oP Rancho Cucamonga, hereby declares ae follows: That on August 18 , 1989, 1 mailed, by first-class mail, postage fully prepaid, a copy of the attached "Notice of Sntention of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to Adopt a Resolution of Necessity to Condemn Real Property Located Within the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, Assessors Parcel No. 227-111-33 for the Widening, Realignment, Construction and Improvement of Base Line Road between Victoria Park Lana and Interstate 15 to all persona owning an interest in said parcel whose property may be acquired and whose names and addresses appear on the last equalized tax roll and anyone who, to the City's knowledge, has an interest in said property. The names and addresses of all persons to whom said notice was mailed are set forth on Exhibit ^1" attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of California that the foregoing Ss true and correcct and that this declaration was executed this 18th day of August, 1989, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. ra J. me, City Clerk c1~~1\~ECi 1 ~ O SIHIBIT 1 Maryland Little 9425 Reaha Canyon Roady Colton, California 92324 Maryland Little P. O. Hox 285 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739 Maryland Little c/o Donald E. Maroney, Esq. Maroney and Brandt, Inc. 592 North Euclid Avenue P.O. Box 1350 Upland, California 91785 EXHIBIT 1 C11 ]~1 o[ct 2 ~ OR RESOLUTION N0. ~9- Cf ('~ g A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DECLARING THE PUBLIC NEED AND NECESSITY TO CONDEMN A PORTION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII AND INKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF A. Recitals (1) The City of Rancho Cucamonga has conducted a study pertaining to the widening, realignment, construction and improvement of Base Line Road between Yictoria Park Lane and interstate 15 1n the City of Rancho Cucamonga (hereinafter referred to as the "project"). Based upon such analysts, it has been determined that the most reasonable and feasible plan for widening, realignment, construction and improvement of Base Line Road will require the acquisltlan of a portion of that certain real property comaonly known by the street address of 12658 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and more particularly described to the attached Ezhlbit "A". (i1) Pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code Section 40404(a), a City may acquire private property by condemnation when tt is necessary for establishing, iaying out, extending and widening streets; (i11) Pursuant to the provisions of Callfornla Goverment Code Section 7267.2, prior to adopting this Resolution, the City has made an offer to the owner of record to acquire the property for the full amount of fair market value as established by independent appraisal valuation; (iv) On September 6, 1989, this Council held a duly noticed hearing pursuant to the terms of Callfornla Code of Civil Procedures, Section 1965 975, and catA Iwarl nn was enneludnd nrlnr to tM aAnntinn of this Resolution; and, B. Resolution NOM, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION 1: In all respects as set forth 1n the Recitals, Part A, of this Reso ul~n. ' SECTIpI 2• That portion of the property which is required fora right-of- way orfi ~E improvement purposes referenced hereto is situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and is more specifically outlined in the legal description and map attached hereto as Exhi6lt "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. (~ Resolution September 6, 1989 Page 2 SECTION 3: Based upon the substantfal evidence presented to this Council during~e move-referenced public hearing, including written staff reports, the City Council specifically finds as follows: a. The public interest and necessity require the proposed project; b. The proposed project is planned or located in the canner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; c. The property defined to this Resolution is necessary for the proposed project; and, d. An offer of fair market value has been made to the owners of said real property pursuant to the terms of California Government Code Section 7267.2. SECTIgI ~: The City Council hereby declares tts intention to acquire the proper'"described in Section 2, above, by proteedings in Eminent Domain. The City Attorney is ordered and directed to bring an action in the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of San Bernardino, in the name of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, against all owners and claimants of the property described herein for the purpose of condemning for street improveaent purposes, and to do alt things necessary to prosecute said action to its final determination in accordance with the provisions of law applicable thereto. The City Attorney is authorlud and instructed t0 make applications to said rmirf fnr an Qrdar fi r(nn tha asnunt of <rurlfv by ray of wnnav A~nnc7tc ac may be directed by said Court and for an Ordar permitting Lhe City to take possession and use of said real property for the uses and purposes herein described. SECTION 5: The City Cterk shall certify to the adoption of this Reso ui-£fon: PASSEO and g00PTE0 this day of IiI l l Resolution Septewber 6, 1989 Page 3 I, DEBRA J. ADAMS, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution as introduced at a regular meetigg of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucaaonga held on the ddy of 19@9 and was finally passed at a regu arTmeefing Tthe City ounc o e ity of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of 19@9, by the following vote; AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAINED: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ATTEST: e ra ams, y e City of Rancho Cucamonga ~' d' CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell M. Maguire, City Engineer BY: John L. Martin, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Public Hearing of protests regarding Eminent Domain action to acquire public right-of-way for the Base Line Road Nidening Protect between Vittoria Park Lane and interstate 15 at the properties located at 12659 Base Line Road (APN 227-171-19) for the construction of street Improvements across the frontage of said properties. REDOMEMBATIDN: Staff recomaends adoption of the attached Resolution of Necessity - directing staff to proceed with condemnation of righbof-way for the construction of street improvements for the Base Line Road Nidening Protect between Victoria Park lane and ]nterstate 15 at the properties located at 12659 Base Line Road (APN 227-171-19) in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACK9tgMD/AWILYSIS: This 1s an Eminent Damaln action to acquire right-of-way for the Base Line Road Nidening Protect. The protects limits are between Victoria Park Lane and T11}AYC}r}P In The property owner of the parcel in question, APN 227-171-19 has been contacted personally by staff and invited to attend neighborhood meetings to discuss the protects. In all contacts, personally and written, staff has alerted the property owners of the City's intention to adopt a Resolution whereby upon development of each property, a condition of development will be to reimburse the City for frontage improvements plus the cost of right-of-way acquisition. As of this date, negotiations have completely Palled with this owner. Although pleasant in nature, all discussions with the owner have ended with the statement from the owner that "1n no way will any dedication be made to the Ctty, even 1f Dy court order". The intersection of ease Line Raad and Victoria Park lane cannot be completed with this protect as planned, without this dedication and would create thereby, a oublic safety hazard. 'ICJ I CCSR Re: Base Line Road Nidening Septe~ber 6, 1989 Page 2 Although negotiations continue, it is felt necessary at this time to enact a Resolution of Necessity to proceed with candeamation of such right-of-way for the proposed Base Line Road NSdening Protect. Respectfully~suGaitted, 1 ~ /~, R •JLM;paot--~ Attachment ~' NOTICE 08 INTENTION OP T88 CITY COONCIL OB TH8 CITY OF RANCHO COCANONOA TO ADOPT A RE8OLDTION OP N8C888ITY TO CONDBlDI A PORTION OP CERTAIN REAL YROPBRTY LOCATED NITBIN THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONOA, CALZPORNIA~ A88888OR8 PARCEL NO. 227-171-19, POR TH8 1fID8NIN6, ABALIONNENT, CONSTRUCTION AND INPROVBMENT 08 BA88 LINE ROAD BSTNESN VICTORIA PARE LAMB AND INT8R8TAT8 15 YOU AAS HEREBY NOTIF18D that, pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure section 1245.235, the City of Rancho Cucamonga intends to consider for adoption a resolution of necessity to condemn, for a street improvement project a portion of that certain real property commonly known by the street address 12659 Base Line Road, City of Rancho Cucamonga (Assessors Parcel No. 227-171-19), and which property is further described by the legal description and the map depiction attached hereto as Exhibit "A". The hearing by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to consider the adoption of said resolution will be conducted on September 6, 1989, at 7:10 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may ba heard, in the Council chambers, Lion's Park Community Building, Lion's Park, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. YOU ARE PURTBER NOTZPIED that, pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1245.235, if you desire to appear at the above-referenced time and place for said hearing, you may be heard on the matters as follows: I ~`-1 1. Whether the public interest and necessity require the project; 2. Whether the project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; and, 3. Whether the property sought to be acquired is necessary £or the project. To appear and be heard on any of the above-referenced items, you must file a written request to appear within fifteen (15) days of the mailing of this Notice by filing or delivering a written request to: Debra J. Adams, City Clerk City of Rancho Cucamoga 9320 Base Lina Road, Suite C P.O. BoX 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Failure to file a written request to appear and be heard as outlined above can result, by law, in a waiver of your right to appear and be heard at the hearing. For further information, contact: John L. Martin, Associate Civil Engineer City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 (71A) 984-1862 ~ //!~ Dated: E-I~" `C~~ ~ ~ C~~ ra J. ms, C ty Clerk ~,:,.,~z„a~ ~r c~2 That portion of Lot 7, in Block "S" of the Etiwenda Colony Lands, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of san Bernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 2 of Maps, Page 24, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, also ea shown on the Record of Survey recorded December 10,1982r in Book 47, Pages 51 to 55 inclusive, of Aedocd of Surveys in the office of the County Aecocdsc of said County, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of sold Lot 3, 150.00 feet west of the east line of said Lot 3. said point of beginning also being the northeast cornet of that land described in a deed cscordsd in Book 8453, Page 604, of Officipl Records in the office of the County Recorder of said County; thence SO°05'45"W 16.92 feet; Chance N89°11'34"W 209:07 feet eo the beginnln9 of non- tangent cucve coneav• to the soueheast, having a radius o! 24 feat, a radial line through said point bears N6°44'22"E; thence westerly along Bald cucve 9.02 feet through a central angle of 21°32'18 to the west 11n• of eh• land described in sai8 decd, said curve being non-tangent to said west line, a radial line of said ~.~..,. ~nrnueh acid last :hentioned point bears N14°7'56"W; thence along eeid west line NOw05'15"e 1~.uY fermi Lu eG~ a-"" 1!.^.e ^f eeid Lot 3; thene• along said north line 589°55'19"E 219.00 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 4,074 Square Feet. ~~ 7 Rxx[a[T ^w" OE LILA LOPEZ, TRUSTEE OF TRUST ~A' DE LILA LOPEZ a SHIRLEY ANN WREN, TRUSTEES OF TRUST ~~ 1' 1-I> ~_ ~ ~-E BASELINE ROAD I G ~.6°39'1l" R a IeOp' L r 109 2]' i : 101.7y' ~ N89°SS'19"W OLD BASELINE ROAD .q q i ni W' • •o ¢ ° EXIST. R/W e °>• n 8!°3S'H w 'g 2iB.00' 1 PARCEL A~ PROPOSED R/W .o ' . -_ R r IifO' L 209.31' T s 101.88' ~ I ULTIMATE FUTURE R/W" II1rI ~ o = zi° Sz're" ~ L r 9.02 1 ! P ` 1 •„ O 7 r LSi' 1 ~ ~ °s •_ z T O "o =RCS "' AREA a 4,074 S.F. r~ w wl a:ALE ~ =)0 OI PORTION LOT 3 BLOCKS ETIWANOA COLONY LANDS ~ M.B. 2, PG. 24 R.S. BK. 47, PG 51-55 ,~ ~ l~ ,, ~, e P,D_ 8-.- li.e: ro oi' .L •r o CT c A m y rI DECLARATION Op NAILING Op NOTICE 08 INTENTION TO CONDENN PROPERTY DEBRA J. ADAMS, City Clerk, City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby declares as follows: That on August ~g 1989, I mailed, by first-class mail, postage fully prepaid, a copy of the attached "Notice of Intention of the City Council of the city of Rancho Cucamonga to Adopt a Resolution o£ Necessity to condemn Real Property Located Within the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, Assessors Parcel No. 227-171-19, for the Widening, Realignment, Construction and Improvement of Base Line Raad between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15 to all persona owning an in[ereat in said parcel whose property may be acquired and whose names and addresses appear on the last equalized tax roll and anyone who, to the City's knowledge, has an interest in said property. The names and addressee of all persons to whom said notices was mwilnn o set forth on Exhibit "1" attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correcct an_d that this declaration was executed this 18th day o£ August, 1989, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. r C'' bra J. A ems, City Clark C~ll41 DEL] ~ ~ 1 1 88HI8IT 1 De Lila Lopez, Tzstee, Trust A 21659 Base Line P.O. Box 63 Etiwanda, California 91739 Shirley Wren, Trustee, Trust B 21659 Basa Line P.O. Box 63 Etiwanda, California 91739 De Lila Lopez, Trustee, Trust B 21659 Base Line P.O. Box 63 Etiwanda, California 91739 EXHIBIT 1 ~~ Q c~u~~oac3 RESOLUTION N0. ~ (' ')` C~ 9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII OECLARIN6 THE PUBLIC NEED ANO NECESSITY TO CONOEMI A PORTION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUDPORT THEREOF A. Recitals (i) The City of Rancho Cucamonga has conducted a study pertaining to the widening, realignment, construction and improvement of Base Line Road between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15 in the City of Rancho Cucamonga (hereinafter referred to as the 'pro,)ect"). Based upon such analysis, it has been determined that the most reasonable and feasible plan for widening, realignment, construction and improvement of Base Line Rand will require the acquisition of a portion of that certain real property commonly known by the street address of 12659 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and more particularly described 1n the attached Exhibit "A" (ii) Pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code Section 40404(a), a City may acquire private property by condemnation when 1t is necessary for establishing, laying out, extend/ng and widening streets; (111) Pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code Section 7267.2, prior to adopting this Resolution, the City has made an offer Lo the owner of record to acquire the property for the full amount of fair market value as established by independent appraisal valuation; (1v) On September 6, 1989, this Council held a lily noticed hearing pursuant to the terms of California Code of Civ11 Procedures, Section 1245.235, and said hearlnq was concluded prior to the adoption of this Resolution; and, B. Resolution NOM, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION 1: In all respects as set Forth to the Recitals, Part A, of this ResoTtif o .- - SECTIOM 2: That portion of the property which 1s required fora right-of- way orl~eef improvement purposes referenced herein is situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and 15 more specifically outlined in the legal description and map attached hereto as Exhl bit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. ` l Resolution September 6, 1989 Page 2 SECTION 3: Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during a ve-referenced public hearing, including written staff reports, the City Council specifically finds as follows: a. The public interest and necessity require the proposed protect; b. The proposed protect 1s planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private intury; c. The property defined in this Resolution 15 necessary for the proposed protect; and, d. An offer of fair market value has been made to the owners of said real property pursuant to the terms of California Government Code Section 7267.2. SECTION 4: The City Council hereby declares its intention to acquire the properly de~bed in Section 2, above, by proceedings 1n Eminent Domain. The City Attorney is ordered and directed to Dring an action in the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of San Bernardtrro, in the name of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, against all owners and claimants of the property described herein for the purpose of condemning for street improvement purposes, and to do all things necessary to prosecute said action to its final deteraination in accordantt with the provisions of law applicable thereto. The City Attorney 1s authorized and instructed to make applications *.o said Court for an Order fi xlna_ the amount of security by way of mnnay Aenncltc ac may be directed by said Court and for an Order penaltting the City to take possession and use of sa1A real property for the uses and purposes herein described. SECTION 5: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Reso uT-tin: PASSED and ADOPTED thls_ _ day of , yor Q ~~ Resolution September 6, 1989 page 3 I, BEBRA J. ADAMS, City Cterk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify tha4 the foregoing Resolution as Introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of 1989 and was finally passed at a regu ar m-T' eefing of"the City ounc o e ity of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of 1989, by the following vote; AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAINED: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ATTEST: e ra ams, y e City of Rancho Cucamonga 1 EXHIBIT A-1 DE LILA LOPEZ, TRUSTEE OF TRUST 'A' DE LILA LOPEZ a SFfIRLEY ANN WREN, TRUSTEES OF TRUST 'B' d a w ¢ N N y, ' ° O y O ~ '~ O O z /~ BASELINE ROAD ° --- - H °39'4l" -~ x ~-~_ I R = IHOO' _ l = 209.27' T = 104 73' __ _ - . ~ _~~ ~ n B9°55'19~W ~ OLD BASELINE ROAD .q ~ i '~ W O " °' ' I b "' ~ ° EXIST. R/W s 7o' ~ ~ ~° ~ p . P.O.B. ~ -" N 89°33~19~W n 218.00' .,., PdRf.Fl d~ PROPOSED R/W~ ,~,; 1 a 0 = 21°32'I6~~ R = 2 4' L = 9.02 7 = 4.56 w 0 .~ 0 0 0 z R = /660 L = 209,54' T = 109,68' ULTIMATE FUTURE PARCEL A AREA=4,074 S. F. io ° ri /~~ U SCALE 1"= 30 PORTION LOT 3 BLOCKS ETIWANDA COLONY LANDS M.B. 2 , PG. 24 R.S. BK. 47, PG. 51-55 ° N H9°33'19"W 21B,Od EXHIBIT A-2 V ESTEES: De Lila Lopez, Trustee of Trust "A" under Trust Agreement dated June 14, 1974, as to an undivided 1/2 interest and De Lila Lopez and Shirley Ann Wren, Trustees of Trust "e" under Trust Agreement dated June 14, 1974, as to an undivided 1/2 interest. That portion of Lot 3, in Block "S" of the Etiwanda Colony Lands, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 2 of Napsr Page 24, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, also as shown on the Record of Survey recorded December 10,1982, in Book 47, Pages 51 to 55 inc l'u sive, of Record of Surveys in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 3, 150.00 feet west of the east line of said Lot 3, said point of beginning also being the northeast corner of that land described in a deed recorded in Book 11453, Page 604, of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of said County; thence SO°05'45"W 16.92 feet; thence N89°14'34"W 209:07 feet to the beginning of non- tangent curve concave to the southeast, having a radius of 24 feet, a radial line through said point beats N6°44'22"E; thence westerly along said curve 9.02 feet through a central angle of 21°32'18 to the west line of the land described in said deed, said curve being non-tangent to said west line, a radial line of said curve through said last mentioned point bears N14°7'56"W; thence along said west line NO°05'45"E 15.09 feet to the north line of said Lot 3; thence along said north line 589°55'19"E 218.00 feet to khe point of beginning. Contains 9,074 Square Feet. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 L.~_.( T0: City Council and City Manager ~-'t_.-~ FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer 8Y: John L. Martin, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Public Hearing of protests regarding Eminent Oamain action to acquire public right-of-way for the Base Line Road Nidening Pro,)ect between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15 at the properties located at 12951 Base Line Road (APN 1100-011-01) for the construction of street improvements across the frontage of said properties. RECOMMEMDATION• Staff recommends adoption of 4he attached Resolution of Necessity - directing staff to proceed with condemnation of right-qf-way for the construction of street Improvements for the Base Line Road Nidening Pro~ett between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15 at the properties located at 12951 Base L1ne Road (APN 1100-011-01) in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACK9t01MD/AIYLLYS IS TMs is an Eminent Damaln action to acquire right-of-way for the Base Line Road Nidening Pro,)ect. The pro,{ects limits are between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15. The property owner of the parcel in question, APN 1100-011-01 has been contacted personally, by staff, and invited to attend neighborhood meetings to discuss the projects. Same property owners met with staff, on 51te, to discuss the proposed project. In all contacts, personally and written, staff has alerted the property owners of the City's intention to adopt a Resolution whereby upon development of each property, a condition of development will be to reimburse the C1ty for frontage improvements plus the cost of right-of-way acquisition. As of this date, negotiations to acquire such right-of-way continue without execution of a purchase agreement for the sub,{ect parcel. Although negotiations continue, tt is felt necessary at this time to enact a Resolution of Necessity to proceed with condemnation of such right-of-way for the proposed Base L1ne Road Nldening Project. Respectfj+l+y submitted, ~ ' ~~ RHM:JLM: Attachment 1 J ~y l N0TIC8 OH INTBNTZON OF TBE CITY COIIMCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA TO ADOPT A R880LDTION OP NSCB88ITY TO CONDEMN A 80RTION OF CBRTAIN AEAL PROPERTY LOCATED AITHIN THS CITY OP RANCHO CDCANOMGA, CALIFORNIA, A88E880R8 PARCEL NOB. 227-181-20 AND 1100-011-11 FOR TH8 NIDENING, AEALIGNNENT, CONSTRIICTION AND IMPROVEMENT OF HA88 LINE ROAD BETWEEN YZCTORIA PARE LANB AND INTER8TAT8 15 Y00 AR8 HEREBY NOTIFIED that, pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure section 1245.235, the City of Rancho Cucamonga intends to consider for adoption a resolution of necessity to condemn, for a street improvement project a portion of that certain real property commonly known by the street address 12951 Base Line Road, City of Rancho Cucamonga (Assessors Parcel No. 227-181-20 and 1100-011-11), and which property is further described by the legal description and the map depiction attached hereto as Exhibit "A". The hearing by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to consider the adoption of said resolution will 6e conducted on September 6, 1989, at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the Council Chambers; Lions Park Community Building, Lion's Park, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. YOU AAS FORTRER NOTZPZED that, pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1245.235, if you desire to appear at the above-referenced time and place for ssid hearing, you may be heard on the matters as follows: ~1 1. Whether the public interest and necessity require the project; 2. Whether tha project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; and, 3. Whether the property sought to ba acquired is necessary for the project. To appear and be heard on any of the above-referenced items, you must file a written request to appear within fifteen (15) days of the mailing of this Notice by filing or delivering a written request to: Debra J. Adams, City Clerk City of Rancho Cucamoga 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C P.O. Box a07 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Failure to file a written request to appear and be heard as outlined above can result, by law, in a waiver of your right to appear and be heard at the hearing. For further information, contact: John L. Martin, Associate Civil Engineer City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 (714j 989-1862 Dated: P -/~"-£''s9 C\U~\IpT31RC ~~ ebra J. dame, C ty Clerk DECLARATION 01 M7IILINO OY NOTICE OD INTENTION TO CONDBNN PROPERTY DEBRA J. ADAMS, City Clerk, City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby declares as follows: That on Auqust i8 , 1989, Z mailed, by first-class mail, postage fully prepaid, a copy of khe attached "Notice of Intention of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to Adapt a Resolution of Necessity to Condemn Real Property Located Within the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, Assessors Parcel Nos. 227-181-20 and 1100-011-11 for the Widening, Realignment, Construction and Improvement of Base Line Road between Victoria Park Lana and Interstate 15 to all persona owning an interest in said parcel whose property may be acquired and whose names and addresses appear on the last equalized tax roll and anyone who, to the City~s knowledge, has an interest in said property. Tha name9 and addressee of all nwranna to whnm aaiA nnH nn mn wail n.i are set forth on Exhibit "1" attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws oP the State of California that the foregoing is true and correcct and that this declaration was executed this 18th day of August, 1989, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. xi~~1,~.6 ~~.~,~ ' ra J. ems, C ty Clerk ~~ m u~ioecz 1 EXHIBIT 1 Lee Moria B. Crawford c/o Samuel Crowe, Esq. Covington 3 Crowe P.O. Box 1515 Ontario, CA 91762 Mary Phillis Bonshire c/o Samuel Crowe, Esq. Covington & Crowe P.O. Box 1515 Ontario, CA 91762 Mary Lee Phyllis Noriega c/o Samuel Crowe, Esq. Covington & Crowe P.O. Box 1515 Ontario, CA 91762 Jack Harold Bonshire, II c/o Samuel Crowe, Esq. Covington & Crowe P.O. BOX 1515 Ontario, CA 91762 EXHIBIT 1 C11)~108C2 ~~ 2 Michael Ray Crawford c/o Samuel Crowe, Esq. Covington & Crowe P.O. Box 1515 Ontario, CA 91762 Thomas Robert Bonshire c/o Samuel Crowe, Esq. Covington 6 crows P.O. Box 1515 Ontario, CA 91762 Kathy Jean Reinhard c/o Samuel Crowe, Esq. Covington & Crowe P.O. Hox 1515 Ontario, CA 91762 Bonnie Odessa Hargis c/o Samuel Crowe, Eaq. Covington b Crowe P.O. Box 1515 Ontar4 o; CA 917F9 RESOLUTION N0. ~~ ` A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGl1 DECLARING THE PUBLIC NEED AND NECESSITY TO CONDEMN A PORTION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF A. ReclUls (i) The City of Rancho Cucamonga has conducted a stogy pertaining to the widening, realignment, construction and improvement of Base Line Road between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15 in the City of Rancho Cucamonga (hereinafter referred to as the "prolecY). Based upon such analysts, it has been dete~vined that the oast reasonable and feasible plan for widening, realignment, construction and improvement of Base Line Road will require the acquisition of a portion of that certain real property comsonly known by the street address of 12951 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and more particularly described in the attached Exhibit "A". (ii) Pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code Section 40404(a), a City may acquire private property by condemnation when it is necessary for establishing, lAying out, extending and widening streets; (111) Pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code Section 7267.2, prior to adopting this Resolution, the City has made an offer to the owner of record to acquire the property for the full amount of fair market value as established by independent appraisal valuation; (1v) On September 6, 1989, this Council held a duly noticed hearing pursuant to the terms of California Code of Civ11 Procedures, Section 1945.235; anA ca1A hearina wac rnnrL,AaA nrinr to tha aAnniinn of iM e Resolution; and, B. Resolution NOW, THEREFORE, it 1s hereby found, determined and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION 1: In all respects as set forth 1n the Recitals, Part A, of this Reso u on. SECTION 2: That portion of the property which is required for a right-of- way ors ree Improvement purposes referenced herein is situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and is more specifically outlined in the legal description and map attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. ~3( Resolution September 6, 1989 Page 2 SECTION 3: Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during e a ove-referenced public hearing, including written staff reports, the City Council specifically finds as follows: a. The public interest and necessity require the proposed project; b. The proposed project 1s planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public goad and the least private injury; c. The property defined in this Resolution is necessary for the proposed project; and, d. An offer of fair market value has been made to the owners of said real property pursuant to the teens of California Government Code Section 7267.2. SECTI9N {: The City Council hereby declares its intention to acquire the proper-ty~~bed 1n Section 2, above, by proceedings in Eninent Dacain. The City Attorney Ts ordered and directed to bring an action 1n the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of San eernardirro, 1n the name of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, against all owners and claimants of the property Cescribed herein for the purpose of condemning for street improvement purposes, and to do ail things necessary to prosecute said action to its final detenalnatlon in accordance with the provisions of law applicable thereto. The City Attorney 1s authorized and instructed to make applications to said Court for an Drder fi xi no the ammmt of cxurlty by way of mnna_v Annnd tc ac may be directed by said Court and for an Order penattting the City to take possession and use of said real property for the uses and purposes herein described. SECTIDM 5: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Reso uT-Efon: PASSED and ADOPTED tM s day of ~~ Resolution September 6, 1989 Page 3 I, DEBRA J. ADAMS, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution as introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of 1989 and was finally passed at a regu ar m-T eefing of-the City ounc o ity of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of 1989, 6y the following vote; AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAINED: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ATTEST: e ra ams, y er City of Rancho Cucamonga X33 Thak Portion of Lot 4, in Block "R" of the Etiwanda Colony Lands, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County cf San Bernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 2 of Maps, Page 24, in the office vE.the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot 4 of said Block Rr thence along north line of said Lot 4, said north line also being the south :ins of Base Line Road 66 Eeet wide, N 83 44'39"E 660 feet to the no rtheaet corner of said Lot 4. thence along the east line of said Got 4, S 0 02'25"£, 11,08 feetr thence 5 B8 15'24"W, 629.27 fees co a Poinc on a line thet is parallel with and 60,00 feet south, measured at right angles Co the proposed centerline of Hasa Line Road as shown on the Specific Plan of Ba e• Line Road, Master Plan Amendment No. Sv-403, on file in the office of County Engineer, San Bezrardino County Rcad Departmentr thence S 45 01'08"W, 28.26 feet to a point on a line that is parallel with and 11.00 feet ease of the west line of said Lot 4r thence aivny Saiu ideL .. p1_all^'_ '!,.^.p e n n9'75"F.. 256.fl9 feet; thence S 0 14'46"W,~200,00 feet;-thence S e9 57'35"W, 10.00 feet to the said were liner thence along Bald west Line N 0 02'25"W, 504.15 feet Co the point of beginning. Contains 18,610.97 Square Fce[ ~JCJ ®IBIT "A" N ~_-~1 V. °i ~ d I, ~ - ~'~~ """":,...:',`r .ii w.o. ~ ••I •~AOm ~aww7 aanins i? APN 11 0-U1:-Oi --. ~~ •I _ ~~ .o~ soa r.n ~m ..u ,o .o .', ...r .~ I ~ ,rc~ / • T.or T.u ro ~ I ~ ~ I I, o a g z ~~ z --__~ a. a I a . W W • ~ i u ° ~ " 1 ; ~ w ¢ z; ~ ~ K ~ ~ `y ~ ~ e • ~ I. 8 I ww I ' ~ x c ° ¢ W :~ ~ ~ y m ~ V< ry ~ ~~ ¢ o ~ ; t ~I a. $ m< .. ~ W W m n ~ _ • a.„ OI ~ 4 2 , W J y~ Z Q L k V 4 v 'pia x y~ 2W I~ QIo q Gq W Q' ~ q j i 1 K J tJ z m >: i a s w ~ ~ t L W ; U w~U . .I •. i~ - I I _ it I '1~~.' ..r r u. ...rnTrm. I .. '" ..u roioe 'v'i r.uo oi:" ~..u, ro . 'T i -I ~ .er~1A~,~ r Irl Oo 0' nt ii ~. ~ .y rimv nc o ~ r.rrvn rt rr n nRnnrr . STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: September 6, 1989 City Council and City Manager Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer John L. Martin, Associate Civ11 Engineer Public Hearing of protests regarding Eminent Domain action to acquire public right-of-way for the Base Line Road Widening Project between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15 at the properties iocated at 1322 Etiwanda Avenue (APN 221-171-04) for the construction of street improvements across the frontage of said properties. Staff recommends adoption of the attached Resolution of Necessity - directing staff to proceed with condemnation of right-of-way for the construction of street improvements far the Base Line Road Widening Project between Victoria Park lane and Interstate 15 at the properties located at 7322 Etiwanda Avenue (APN 227-111-04) in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACK6RDUND/ANALYSIS: This is an Eminent Domain action to acquire right-of-way for the Base Line Road Nidening Project. The projects limits are between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15. The property owner of the parcel in question, APN 227-171-04 has been contacted personally, 6y staff, and invited to attend neighborhood meetings to discuss the projects. In all contacts, personally and written, staff has alerted the property owners of the City's intention to adopt a Resolution whereby upon development of each property, a cond7tton of development will be to reimburse the City for frontage Improvements plus the cost of right-of-way acquisition. As of this date, negotiations to acquire such right-of-way continue without execution of a purchase agreement for the subject parcel: Although negotiations continue, 7t is felt necessary at this time to enact a Resolution of Necessity to proceed with condemnation of such right-of-way for the proposed Base Line Road Nidening Project. Th15 1s done to avoid further delays in constructing the improvements currently on hold due to lack of right-ef-way. Respeyt{ul y-submitted, ~> ~. RHM:,Ri4:~anr~~` Attachment ~3~ r DECLI~RATION 08 NAILZNO OP NOTICE OP INTERTION TO CONDEMN PROPERTY DEBRA J. ADAMS, City Clerk, City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby declares as follows: That on August 18 , 1989, I mailed, by first-class mail, postage fully prepaid, a copy of the attached "Notice of Intention of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to Adopt a Resolution of Necessity to Condemn Real Property Located Within the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, Assessors Parcel No. 227-171-04, for the widening, Realignment, Construction and Improvement of Hasa Line Road between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15 to all persons owning an interest in said parcel whose property may be acquired and whose names and addresses appear on the last equalized tax roll and anyone who, to the City's knowledge, has an interest in said property. The names anA aAAroevvv nP all •n ...A n... :.a ..N .... -,• set forth on Exhibit "1" attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. I declare under penalty of perjury oP the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correcct and that this declaration was executed this 18th day of August, 1989, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. n ~, N. ,blc.~ce.~ L~.( ,i'2'Ynn ~ rde r~J. ems, C ty Clerk C11]a\DECa ~~ 88BZ5ZT 1 Rollin R. Smith, Trustee 34 Harbor Sight Drive Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Ann N. Smith, Trustee 34 Harbor Sight Drive Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Benjamin George Connor c/o Bank of America NT S SA P.O. Box "A" Torrance, California Attn: Dorthie Kirkpatrick Mary L. Connor c/o Bank of America NT & SA P.O. Box "A" Torrance, California Attn: Dorthie Kirkpatrick EkHIATT 7 ~~ c~i>~~otc~ 2 NOTICE OF INTENTION OF T8E CITY CODNCIL OF T88 CITY OF RANCHO CIICAMONOA TO ADOPT A AEBOLOTION OB NEC88BITY TO CONDEMN A PORTION OB CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WITHSN THS CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONIU, CALIFORNIA, A88888OR8 PARCEL NO. 227-171-0~, FOR T88 AIDENZNO, REALIGNMENT, CONBTROCTION AND IMPROVEMENT OF BABE LZNS ROAD BETWEEN VICTORIA PARK LANE AND INTERBTATE 15 YOB ARE EEREBY NOTIFIED that, pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure section 1245.235, the City of Rancho Cucamonga intends to consider for adoption a resolution of necessity to condemn, for a street improvement project a portion of that certain real property commonly known by the street address 7322 Etiwanda Avenue, City of Rancho Cucamonga (Assessors Parcel No. 227-171-04), and which property is further described by the legal description and the map depiction attached hereto as Exhibit "A". The hearing by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to consider the adoption of said resolution will be conducted on SeptembQr 6, 1989, at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the Council Chambers,- Lion's Park Community Building, Lion's Park, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. YOD ARE 8OATHER NOTIFIED that, puTeuant to California code of Civil Procedure Section 1245.235, if you desire to appear at the above-referenced time and place for said hearing, you may be heard on the matters as follows: 1 ~3 -7 1. Whether the public interest and necessity require the project; 2. Whether the project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; and, 3. Whether the property sought to be acquired is necessary for the project. To appear and be heard on any of the above-referenced items, you must file a written request to appear within fifteen (15) days of the mailing of this Notice by filing or delivering a wr to request to: Debra J. Adams, City Clerk City of Rancho Cucamoga 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Failure to file a written request to appear and be heard as outlined above can result, by law, in a waiver of your right to appear and be heard at the hearing. For further information, contact: John L. Martin, Associate Civil Engineer City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 9ase Line Road, Suite C P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 (7141 989-1862 r~ q Dated: Z7-; C'" ~" D ra J. A as, City Clerk C1 ll~\NOb\RC 2 ~~v RESOLUTION N0. ~ [' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DECLARING THE PUBLIC NEED AND NECESSITY TO CONDEMN A PORTION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF A. Recitals (i) The City of Rancho Cucamonga has conducted a study pertaining to the widening, realignment, construction and improvement of Base Line Road between Victoria Park Lane and interstate 15 1n the City of Rancho Cucamonga (hereinafter referred to as the "project"). Based upon such analysis, it has been determined that the most reasonable and feasible plan for widening, realignment, construction and improvement of Base Line Road will require the acquisition of a portion of that certain real property commonly known by the street address of 7322 Etiwanda Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and more particularly described in the attached Exhibit "A". (ii) Pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code Section 40404(a), a C14y may acquire private property by condemnation when it is necessary for establishing, laying out, extending and widening streets; (1U ) Pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code Section 7267.2, prior to adopting this Resolution, the Ctty has made an offer to the owner of record to acquire the property for the full amount of fair market value as esta611shed by independent appraisal valuation; (tv) On September 6, 1989, this Council held a duly noticed hearing pursuant to the terms of California Code of C1vi1 Procedures, Section 1245.235. and said hearlna was concluded prior to the adoption of this Resolution; and, B. Resolution NON, THEREFORE, Tt is hereby found, determined and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTIgI 1: In all respects as set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Reso ul-fion: SECTION 2: That portion of the property which 1s required fora right-of- way or'f streef improvement purposes referenced herein is situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and 15 more specifically outlined 1n Lhe legal description and map attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and Incorporated herein by this reference. ~~ l Resolution September 6, 1989 Page 2 SECTION 3: Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during a ve-referenced public hearing, including written staff reports, the City Council specifically finds as follows: a. The public interest and necessity require the proposed project; b. The proposed project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; c. The property defined in this Resolution 1s necessary for the proposed project; and, d. An offer of fair market value has been made to the owners of said real property pursuant to the terms of California Government Code Section 7267.2. SECTIpI 4: The City Council hereby declares its intention to acquire the proper~e~bed in Section 2, above, by proceedings in Eminent Domain. The City Attorney is ordered and directed to bring an action in the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of San Bernardino, in the name of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, against all owners and claimants of the property described herein for the purpose of condemning for street improvement purposes, and to do all things necessary to prosecute said action to its final determination in accordance with the provisions of law appllcabte thereto. The City Attorney is authorized and instructed to make applications to said Court for an Order fixing the amount of security by way of money deposits as may oe directed Dy said Court and for an Order permitting the City to take possession and use of said real property for the uses and purposes herein described. SECTION 5: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Reso uT~Efon. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of , yor d l Resolution September 6, 1989 Page 3 I, BEBRA J. ADAMS, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution as introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of 1989 and was finally passed at a regu ar mee ng o the Ctty ounc o ity of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of 1989, by the following vote; AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTA [NED: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ATTEST: e ra ams, y e City of Rancho Cucamonga ~ ~3 That portion of Got 1, in BLock "5" of the Etawanda Colony Lands, in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, ae per map recorded in book 2 of Mepe, Page 24, in the office of th! County Recorder of said County, also as shown on the Record of Survey [ecorded December 1C, 1982, in Book 37, Pages 51-55 inclusive, of Record of Surveys in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Beginning at~the northwest corner of said Lot 1 of said Block S; thence along the north line of ssid Lot 1, said north line also being the south line of Beae Line Road 66 feet wide, S S9'S5'19'E 652.05 feet to the northeaa[ corner of said Lot 17 thence along the east line of •aid Lot 1, sold east line aloo being she west line of Etiwanda Avenue BO feet wide, s O'04'03'E 504.10 feet] thence S 89'S5'S7"W, 10,00 feet to a point on a line that is pat allel with and 10.00 feet west measured at tight angles to said east liner thence N 0'13'08"E, 200.00 tact to a point on a line that Sa parallel with and 9.00 feet west, measured at right angles, to said Beet line= thence along said lest mentioned parallel line N 0'04'03"W, 255.12 feet; thence N 44'59'11"K, 31.15 feet to a point on a line rhea is parallel with and 27.C0 Teat South, measured at right angles, to the 6aid north liner thence N 68'47'10"N, 47.15 feet to a point on a line that i• parallel with and 10.00 feet aoutn, measuieu oL .iya an^., lea !^ th! •e+A north liner thence along said lest mentioned parallel line N 89'55"19"W 577.13 feet to the west line of acid Lot 1; thence along said lest mentioned west line N 0'00'51"E, 10,00 '.set to the point of beginning. Contains 12,057.05 Square Feet ar~R 227-i71-U4 ~~ E%N 1B IT "A" 3n N3AO VON4MIU 9' NPN Cr,- /~ ~ ,' I~~~ iii a~ ,1. 0 ~ ; ~i' Z~ ' . . I << i ~ ~,! .' f h .I _i W • '~ F ~ N I n 2 ; 1 ' ~mz I ~ m = ' h t I ~ ~ =ice zi i ioa z V W F Z'Y ¢ n j iFrz ~ n Y i i M1 I ~ CI,~ k 0;1 J. ~ ' ` [~" n .,~ ~o i° L O y h N h`~ ~~o r q pr Yio ~„ ~_ VOh NWH n W V -'ou kaa n ~~L O0.m N o s ~i ~iw y Y W Y W d q y Q 7 a W a m ~~ ~, :I _ .~i. / CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council PROM: Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager SUBJECT: Consideration of a Cooperative Agreement with the County of San Bernardino to allow proceeds of the County's 1989 Home Mortgage Revenue Bond Program to be used [o assist first-time home buyers in the City. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt [he attached resolution and authorize the Mayor to execute a Cooperative Agreement with the County of San Bernardino to allow proceeds of the County's 1989 Home Mortgage Revenue Bond Program to be used to assist first-time home buyers in the City. BACKGROUND: The City and Redevelopment Agency have sold over $50 Million in Mortgage Revenue Bonds to assist first-time home I,nvnve . .,nr~h~~:..o naw houses in the ('ity The last issue sold was the Rancho Cucamonga-Palmdale-Porterville-Colton H o u s i n g Authority issue in 1986. Rancho Cucamonga has been one of the most aggressive cities in the State in the use of this financing mechanism. ANALYSIS : Mortgage Revenue Bonds are a form of "conduit" financing, meaning that there is no direct cost to the issuer of the bonds. Instead, the debt service on these bonds is paid by the individual mortgages. Because the interest paid on the bonds is tax- exempt, the interest rate on the mortgages is lower, thus enabling tnany people who would normally be unable to qualify for a mnrt ooage to hrrnmr_ home pw[tet5 Thls nmgram is targeted specifically for first-time home buyers whose income does not exceed $38,500, to assist them in purchasing homes priced up cam` $102,780. ,tp~ As the local housing market has matured, the price of the majority of new housing units has risen beyond t h e purchase price limitations for the Mortgage Revenue Bond program. For this reason, it has not been possible for [he City or Redevelopment Agency to solicit adequate developer interest to issue Mortgage Revenue Bonds. The County is proposing a County-wide program to finance the resale of existing homes, and in keeping with the City's commitment to provide financing for first-time home buyers, participation in the program is warranted. There is no cost to the City resulting from this Cooperative Agreement or the implementation of the program. Agency Counsel has reviewed and approved the Cooperative Agreement. Respectfully submitted, ~~t~tdcv Q. ~'c. a..e/ Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager Attachment: Resolution Cooperative Agreement ~~ RESOLUTION NO. ~" ~ w~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING A HOME MORTGAGE FINANCE PROGRAM IN COOPERATION WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ARID AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE CITY WHEREAS, there is a shortage in the County of San Bernardino (the "County") and in the City of Rancho Cucamonga (the "City") of decent, safe and sanitary housing, particularly of housing affordable by persons in the lower end of the purchasing spectrum, and a consequent need to encourage the construction of homes affordable by such persons and otherwise to increase the housing supply in the County and in the City far such persons; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County has adopted an ordinance declaring its intent to engage in a home mortgage finance program (the "Program") pursuant to Chapters 1-5 of Part 5 of Division 31 of the Heal~~ and Safety Code of the State of California (the "Act") and to issue bonds pursuant to the Act to provide funds for the Program; and WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that it is in the beat iota rest of the City to adopt the Program and to _ •s.e e~in nF •fio D_~nnvam by fho f`,nn ntw v{thin the geographic boundaries of the City pursuant to the Act, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, as follows: SECTION 1. Each of the foregoi rg recitals is true and correct. SECTION 2. The City hereby adopts the Program for the purpose of increasing the housing supply in the County and in the City and consents to the operation of the Program by the County with respect to all property located within the geographical boundaries of the City. SECTION 3. The COOOeYative Aarzzment tetwaer, the County and the City (the "Agreement"), in substantially the form attached hereto, is hereby approved, and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver said Agreement, for and in the name and on behalf of the City. The Mayor, with the advice and consent of the City Attorney, is authorized to approve any additions to ~~~ 6870a or changes in the form of said Agreement which they deem necessary or advisable, their approval of such additions or changes to be conclusively evidenced by execution by the Mayor o£ said Agreement as eo added to or changed. The Mayor, with the advice and consent of the City Attorney, is further authorized to enter into such additional agreements With the County, execute such other documents or take such other actions as they may deem necessary or appropriate to carry out the purpose and intent of the Agreement or to cooperate in the implementation of the Program. SECTION 4. This Resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1989, by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Mayor LTTFRT• City Clerk SEAL) ~'~9 COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA THIS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement"), made and entered into as of 1989 by and between the County of San Bernardino, a political subdivision of the State of California (the "County"), and the City of Rancho Cucamonga, a political subdivision of the State of California (the "City"), W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the County has determined to enoage in a home mortgage finance program pursuant to Chapters 1-6 of Part 5 of Division 31 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California (the "Act") to make or acquire, directly or indirectly, loans to finance the construction or acquisition of homes in the County, all as provided for in the Act (the "Program"); and WHEREAS, the County, pursuant to the Act, has adopted the Program by Ordinance No. 2496 and has determined to cooperate with the City pursuant to the Act in the exercise of its powers under the Act for purposes of the Program; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter Provided, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION 1. The terms used in this Agreement. shall, for all purposes of this Agreement, unless otherwise defined herein, have the meanings assigned to such terms in the Act. SECTION 2. The County agrees to undertake the Program, including the issuance by it of revenue bonds therefor pursuant to the Act as soon as practicable. SECTION 3. The City hereby agrees to cooperate with the County in the exercise jointly or otherwise of their powers for the purpose of financing home mortgages pursuant to the Act, by agreeing that the County shall exercise its powers to make or acquire home mortgages under the Program, all as ...___ _ +fically set forth in the Act; with respect to propertyf located within the geographic boundaries of the City. SECTION 4. The City agrees to undertake such further proceedings or actions as may be necessary in order to carry out the terms and the intent of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the County from entering into one or more agreements with other political subdivisions ( ~1 6870a within the County, if deemed necessary znd advisable to do so by the County. SECTION 5. This Agreement may be amended by one or more supplemental agreements executed by the County and the City at any time, except that no such amendment or supplement shall be made which shall adversely affect the rights of the holders of any bonds issued by the County pursuant to the Act in connection with the Program. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed and attested by their proper officers thereunto duly authorized, and their official seals to be hereto affixed, all as of the day and year first above written. COUNTY CF SAN BERNARDINO CZTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Hy ATTEST: 8y APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney BY Chairman, Baard of Supervisors ATTEST: By Deputy Clerk, Bosrd of Supervisors APPROVED AS TO FORM: COUNTY COUNSEL By Deputy ~~Z7 6870a CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 TC; Hdyor and City Council FROM: Duane A. Baker, 5r. Admini etra[ive Assist a EDBJECT: Reoue et for SuL port of "Pet Loet 6 Found of Rancho Cucamonga" Staff has received a request from Fred and Lynn Wiese, who in conjunction with area veterinari ana and other concerned ett izener are ee[abliah ing a eervice in the community known ae "Pet Loot & Pound of Rancho Cucamonga^. The purpose of this organization will be [o provide a central telephone number where a person can call to look for a to et pet, or to let someone know about a Found pet. This program would in no way involve the temporary housing of pate in the volunteers' home. This group ie asking for the City to donate 5150.00 to the organization to help with the initial set-up of the telephone line and equipmen*_. Shortly, the Clty Council will be making a dectelon regartling the City's own Animal Control Servicee. Regardless of what that decision may be, staff fsele that this rea idente group will provide an important channel for citizens to become involved in Rancho Cucamong a'e Animal Control Program, whatever that may be, These residents are committed to providing this eervice, and are asking for the Council's support; however, regardless of what the Council's decision may be, they are still planning to continue with providing this eervice. Once their service is esiabliahed, staff will be providing assistance to the group by working ae liaison between them and San Bernardino County Animal Control Services and Shelter in Devote. Again, the goal of this group is to help the animals in the community and the people that love them. DAD:jls attachment 89-622 v 50 Fred & Lynn Wiese 8455 4illside Rd. Alta Loma, CA 91701 August 6, 1989 City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Attention: Duane Baker We are concerned pet owners and animal lovers who have been frustrated repeatedly with the way San Bernardino County Animal Control has handled our problems with lost and found pets. We feel there is a great need within the city for a central telephone number for a person to call to look fora lost pet or let someone know about a found pet. We are volunteering our time to provide such a service for Rancho Cucamonga only. We propose to have one telephone line to our house ]i sted as "Pet Lost & Found of Rancho Cucamonga", connected to an answering machine in case we are not able to answer the phone. The cost fur the separate line is a $75.00 installation charge plus a $10.85 per month service charge. In addition, we would have to purchase a telephone with an answer machine at a cost of between &75.00 and $125.00. It is Our idaa to spread the word within the commune ty Lh rough articles in the newspaper and the "Grapevine", notices posted on bulletin boards in grocery stores and veterinary offices in t, Gy:,. _ _ _ _ _ End Animal Shelter,JPomona Valley Humane Soc ~i ety ,u Upland Mimal Shelter and San Bernardino County De vo re Shelter about our service. When a person calls with a lost or found animal, we would record the description and location of the animal that is IosL or foand and cross reference it with other calls in an er'fo rt to connect the two people by telephone. Anain, we feal there is o real need fnr a service like this and it can be provided at no cost to anyone other than the expense fur the line installation, telephone-answer machine and monthly phone service. If the city can help at all with these expenses it will be yreatly aDP reciated. Sineereiy, Lynn Wiese (714) 947-2980 (busrness) (114) 944-8483 (home) ~~l -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 'r~ T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Mike Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer ', SUBJEC R Sidewalk for Placida Court west of Sierra Madre Street RECDNEIDATION• It is recommended that the Council consider all input and should the Council decide to construct sidewalk on Placida Court, that staff be directed to prepare plans for a contract modification and process the necessary documents to allow the City to construct said sidewalks based on voluntary dedication of all necessary rights-of-why. BACKBROIIMD/ANN.lfSIS: At the last City Council meeting on August 16th, Mr. David Rogoff addressed members of the Council and asked why the City deleted sidewalks on Placida Court. As Council probably recalls, following various advertised public hearings, the Council recommended funding the street improvement program for the southwest hiramnnna nci~hhnnhnnA fhnn ~I. •Ln ~s r~ ..~~ ~,. .,i„ ..t ai..-i~ Funds. This included Yia Carrillo Drive, Sierra Madre~~Avenue, Avenida Ve,iar and Placida Court. Nork on Yta Carrillo Drive was completed in May, 1989 and work on Avenida YeJar has ,lust been completed. Construction is currently underway on Sierra Madre Avenue and Placida Court and is expected to be completed by November of this year. to the past, the City has not acquired any rights-of-way using CDBG pro,iect funds but has limited the construction of improvement to existing or voluntarily donated rights-of-way. In September of 1988, during design of the improvements for Sierra Madre and Placida Court, Mr. Rogoff submitted a letter to the City with five other signatures requesting the City not to construct sidewalks. Me pointed out to Mr. Rogoff, in a follow-up letter, that in 1986 a much larger number of area residents had petitioned street improvements, especially the installation of sidewalks to provide for the safety of children walking to schaol. Since a sufficient 50' right-of-way was available for Sierra Madre Avenue, sidewalks were included in the plans. However, Placida Court had only 40' of right-of-way. this provided only one and one-half feet of right-of-way behind the curb and since some of the residents on Placida Court had signed Mr. Rogoff's letter requesting no sidewalks, we thought it 111 advised to seek ~~~ CCSR Re: Sidewalks on Placida Court September 6, 1989 Page 2 donations for right-of-way along Placida Court. Based on this and since Placida Court is a cul-de-sac street, and not a route to schcol, sidewalks were not Included on the improvement plans. Also at the August 16, 1989, City Council meeting Mr. Rogoff complained improvement construction by the Cucamonga County Nater District and Southern California Gas Company and the poor job of temporary resurfacing they installed after upgrading their facilities. we have reviewed this concern and we feel these two agencies did acceptable work and malnlained the temporary paving in reasonable condition. After Mr. Rogoff's comments at Council's last meeting, staff sent a letter to Mr. Rogoff indicating that the City may be willing to construct sidewalks on Placida Court if all of the property owners voluntarily agree to donate an additional five feet of right-of-wqy since the City standard for a curb adjacent sidewalk is six feet back from the curb. This would result in 25 feet of right-of-way fray the centerline of the• street consistent with other streets in this area. These dimensions and widths are necessary to meet state requirements due to obstructions such as fire hydrants, street lights and mall boxes which are within the sidewalk area. Construction of a sidewalk will require removal of two IB-loch trees, portions of existing walls, chain link fence and various planter boxes. For each mature tree removed, two fifteen gallon trees can be planted and all other existing improvements will be replaced or modified to fit the new sidewalks. Respectfylty submitted, ~~`~~_ _ _ ~ ~- ~ ~~ ~ RHMi iPa9 ... -- Attachments x-53 1'JV I,1 I.l,,',1,1 1 u.ulu ulr ~w .,r unnq;a, CA 111'/9U The Clty of Itancnu fucamunga Utflce of Thx Mayor Rarwho Cucamnga, CA 91730 :xept. 9, 198d Sf r: It has come to the anent loo mf the hpn,eownere. nr my neighbor hood, chat 1t is the Sntxnt ion pf the City of Rnnchu wcn mpnga to put in st dewal hs anA curbs Sn our area. To the hest of our knnwl edge, at the tiles n1 ter lust r{urry regarding sldewalks, the nerghbprhood generally reJ ectnd Uie concept about .^. to 1. Furthermore, most of the supporters ut cf dvwnl k; fn our ne ighbmrheud nave since moved out, In addition, rulmr has It that it i=. the Intentlun of tfie. city to rermve mst of the shade trees in the nul ghbur nuou in ordxr to enpl are these sldewalks, Df course, f assume, that the filly ul' 11a1irhn taco nxrot;a, 6elleving Sn utilizing all legal me UUrdol nl; Lrs, nor completed an environmental impact study of this mnvo it it'i: pl,mned. I have been asked by other redden is U1 [hn uei y,hburhuod to request tram the city, o copy of this envl rnmu<uwl lmpaot vlndy, as well ns a copy mf the ce lculetlons regarding the sw vey lur the placelor.nt of sldewalks In our neighborhood. It is the cunteatiun of tu. r„n ~hnn, bond colmoittee that the rmJorl Cy mf rxsldents here would Ju:,t ~., ~,nnn nut hove sidewalks mid merely have our strueis repo Sred. Please provide us with a copy of all relevant studies upon whlr.h yrn era basing your pl ginned destruction o1 the flavor mid cmci art nt the neighborhood, SSn a el ~ U ;; ~,~~~: Da log f,I,cltl zee ~e ~ ~ ~ tti- nW O-A~y.I~~OJ~Q oQ+tiII 1..2ri vvhf, ~~y6/,°,ta 1 ~; s yS Y ~ ~,,,~ 1 ~ 11 `.. , . ~~~ ,.- r1hC)r. 8`i t3 SfERan MF~yo_G `ti.G. ~'~''~ S`t°j SiC,c,C,a n,AO¢~ ,e (. 9/77 a.~~/ Q CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA October 12, 1988 David Rogoff 8229 Placida Court Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 ~~ ~~ rml Olnce Bo. 9m, Rancho Cuamonga, Glifmni, vl')10. I>Itl vev~IBSI SUBJECT: STREET IMPROVEMENTS FOR SOUTHNEST CUCAMONGA NEIGH80RHOOD Dear Mr. Rogoff: I am happy to provide information about street improvements in the Southwest Cucamonga Neighborhood. Street improvements have Deen budgeted for Sterra Madre and Placida Court during the current fiscal year. Improvements for Southwest Cucamonga streets, especially the Installation of sidewalks to provide for the safety of children walking to school, were requested by area residents. Two petitions were presented to the Ctty Council. In 1986 twenty-two residents presented a petitton requesting street improvements for the area northeast of Arrow and Grove. They asked that the work Deg1n on Sterra Madre and Placida Court. In 1987 forty-seven residents oresenteA a netltlnn roaloctlnn_ street Improvements for the area southeast of Arrow and Grove. Following advertised public hearings 1n March and Apr11 1986, 1987 and 1988, the Ctty Council recommended funding the street Improvement program for the Southwest Cucamonga nelghDorhood through the use of community Development ~1 k Grant funds. Funding has been approved for Via Carrillo, 5lerra f dre, Placida Court, and Avenida Velar. A contract has been awarded for improvement of Y1a Carrillo. Improvements for Sterra Madre and Placida Court should be completed during the Spring of 1989. As a part of the street improvement program, fences will be moved by the City to the property line. Mature trees 1n Lhe public right-of-way will be preserved where passible. The public right-of-way 1s too narrow to provide a parkway to support a street tree program. However, 1f a mature tree needs to be removed, the City can provide and plant two fifteen gallon replacement trees on private property ad,lacent to the right-of-way. This will be done at the request of the property owner. The replacement trees will then be the full repanstb111ty of the prop1erty owner. d~~ ~nmulm.nhr DeM~nh T' brown lelirey King e~ a.,.r,• Urn ms 6 ~IOU1 Chutes I. Buqu el it Pamela I Wngh1 Lauren M. Wuserman ~-.~.. c . ~1~ ~~`z ~ CI 1 Y OF RANCHO CUCAAtON(..\ ~~ August 23, 1989 David Rogoff 8229 Placida Court Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 I'i ~.~ iri 11 ~ I iV,~~i,i~~l~i~am~~i~u~ I ~I~I~~rn in iii Vl Ii I VI VNV~I NCI Subject: Proposed addition of sl dewalks on Placida Court Dear Mr. Rogoff: In reply to your statements during the August 16, 1989 City Council meeting, the reason sidewalks were not Included as part of the original project is that the City lacks the necessary right-of-way to install sidewalks (see attachment 2). As shown on the plans, the City has 20 feet of right-of-way on both sides of the road centerline. However, the proposed road will extend 18 feet on both sides of the road centerline. Taking Into account the 0.5 feet for the thickness of the proposed curb, only 1.5 feet of width remains for a sidewalk. City Construction Standards require a curb adjacent sidewalk to be 6 feet wide. However, the City can install sidewalks on Placida Court if all of the listed residents (attachment 1i agree to donate an additional 5 feet of right-of-way Isee attacnment zi. A ieccer ur ieilm a ~IUtl l.La 1' - residents stating that they are willing to donatete the necessary right- of-way to the City would start the process. The City requests that you solicit your neighbors to indicate by petition or letter their willingness to donate the requested right-of-way. It must be stressed that this 1s an "all or nothing" type of project. If any residents decline to donate the right-of-way, sidewalks cannot be installed on Placida Court. Since construction has already begun, a rapid reply is desired. If you have any questions, please tali Mike Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer at (114) 989-1862, Extension 320. Cordially, COFSIUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION ~ r ~<«~~9,C~,~«« ~ZRUSSeII H. Maguire City Engineer RNM:MO:pam 1 ~ /~ Attachments (2) ~.7 C l\Jlenn l \I. .,n„L r p ~.li, I i i„p.. 111 ,. nn. I i .I, ~.tl Ile lam all V In ~~ u I gyn. l.i l\uqM 1,e1 I nn \II ATTACHMENT 1 Properties where right-of-way 1s needed: Property Owner Address APN Pedro Cabunoc~ 8272 Placida Ct. 0207-161-32 Stanley C. d Rose M. G. Cabunoc 8262 Placida Ct. 0207-161-33 Et1as G. d Mary D. Asebedo 8252 Placida Ct. 0207-i61-34 Nalter F. 6 Kathleen A. Gage 8242 Placida Ct. 0207-161-35 Dwight D, b Della Nalker 8230 Placida Ct. 0207-161-36 David J. 6 Terry M. Rogoff 8229 Placida Ct. 0207-161-39 Michele J. b Nancealee A. Judge 8241 Placida Ct. 0207-161-40 Stephen E. Filer 8251 Placida Ct. 0207-161-41 Herlberto 0. S Ros1e M. 011va 8261 Placida Ct. 0207-161-42 Mpr~{.q n, roi,na aoac ol,~i a. r«, n?m_i5i .n3 G a_R~y1 V .{ 7~ ~I ~ ~ .. UI e $971 V •. O . •~ * 'no / ~ . I ~°_ ~ ~ V Idd ~ ~ ~ '. .• ~~ o ~ Iy .w ~ui~ ~~~ iAM. i ~Il~:,' 1 9 (~~~`u•ilYl ~ / PP~W.S'9<J<r 9/'[, 5r 1 ~ X.I/C BGNfS - ~s-•• NI l.'1 `~ j I 1 zV7-I bl-Sl~ - ~.;~~_' ~~ Cl 1'U7-161-39 ~. ~~,, /~~. ecn a.r, ~ A~ I~ rr ~~ - o-i7ii i ~~~ - ~~ n, mal, o'~ O'~ ', . ~ ~"i~ I• ~"~ 207-161-36 n °' h~ C 707 IGI Y~l •A ~~~ ~ a2<a ~?kl0 e: a -. i~iMMM/ m -~-I .e•a ..'re ~ `~~11 ~ ~I a F e'w we cP.Pr• ~~`•k. Bit • - _ 1 ~~i~ )FwM<T<FS J ~ ___ •.J Jog e'wwcom ~P^ tY~~ ~ ~ I' e' (fl'' ~ ~ I ~~ ~':•f C~cnl:v n ~il 107-IGI-34 )~~i ~ 2117-Ifll -'III ~ _I _ ~~ a2a't I w 62'~ d,l~' a ~'1 ~ ~~t le .,. .. ~, I' rf~ '\NJ ~ ~V- ~uv PrM1.~ecn ~.wnvz ~!(~'o'h ~ aru -21,~_~„i .'i ~II Ilt "~ ~'~07-IGI-3S -~' ~ i ~I m~ F 1q.62 f" I I l ' v ~ ~ y ~~ . . - _ I"' ~m c''r I~ I ~ ~v' ~ i ~ ~n ~~~~i X17-161'32 (-~~ ~'ll I ~ a ~ ~ Fl~,~l,a 12~9931~Ofl~e~t <. ., y ., ~. ' „ I- - ~ Ill \\~ ,-.~.i~~+~ ~l +.. .' ~ Z ~, - __ •. ~11i 12oi tf__ --1-i III I I ~ ~`- __. .v X14 ' ~ ~ I J_ _II_ .,-~-- I I I -~-I ~s! ` ' ~ u ~ ' h - .~ ~~I ~ .o it ~i ~:IJ;';,~ ~ n u ~ '" ~~ a ~yL(In Cl ~ I - ~ ~ c. , :'; 1. a- ~K' D• ICI n.; la'g .I ul~~ ~ ~ w In r ~~~'"~ ;~ o ~~ ~ k~l; k A ~ ~~ Y 111 ~ 1 {~ ~ ° N /L/ O I A N M • - CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Laura Bonaccorsi, Landscape Oe signer _ „~'> SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ROCHESTER AVENUE (FOOTHILL BOULEVARD TO BASE LINE ROAD) BEAUTIFICATION CONCEPTS RECOMMENDATION: It is suggested that the Rochester Beautification concepts be approved and that staff 6e directed to proceed with the, preparation of construction documents. Background In November 1987, 1n response to property owners' interest, Council directed staff to review Che feasibility of landscaptng the east parkway on Rochester Avenue between Foothill Boulevard and Base Line Road. It was determined that for the landscape pro,~ect to be constructed, the adJacent tracts should be rod M lanAc~a nn mai Mnnanrw Mcf•irt afPn~ a nnti ti nn affnrt spearheaded by homeowners Jim and Sherril Drecious, the tracts were annexed to a landscape maintenance district on October 5, 1988. At that time staff was directed to involve the property owners in the design process, which would explore wall treatments as well as landscaping. Funds were subsequently set aside in the mid-year budget update and a consultant, J. F. Davidson Associates was selected in early 1989. The tracts were represented by 5 homeowners with Sherril Precious acting as the committee leader. Early in the meeting process, the committee established the following ob,~ettives. * to provide a unifying wall treatment to mitigate the "hodgepodge" appearance of the existing various "add-ons". * to provide screening or privacy for exposed lots. * to provide a lush "upscale" landscape which would enhance their community image. CtTY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT ROCHESTER AVENUE BEAUTIFICATION CONCEPTS SEPTEMBER 6, 1989 PAGE TVIO * to provide an attractive waiting environment for their children at designated bus stops. Design - Analysis The final design incorporates a combination of shrub/ground ^over areas with pockets of turf. By togging the existing wail-adtacent sidewalk the design allows for more intensified plantings adtacent to some of the less attractive wall treatments. Two types of evergreen Lrees are used; the Bottle tree (Brachychiton populneus) which is designated as the primary street tree for Rochester, and African Sumac (Rhus lances) which has been utilized for its screening potential. A third tree, the Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) is used at Intersections as a color accent. The proposed wall treatment will incorporate the design elements currently used by Lewis Hames for their perimeter walls. As duplication of the wall design is financially prohibitive the design proposes block pilaster "plant-ons", a continuous block cap, and stucco treatment matching the Terra Vista style wail. The concepts as presented tonight have the endorsement of the Rochester committee. It should be noted that the committee originally sought more elaborate wail design solutions such as additional walls, or wrought iron fencing. The committee was responsive to the budgetary constraints of the protect and should be commended for their ability to work with not only the opportum ties out Lne constraints as well. The budgeted funding for Rochester Beautification is 5260,000. The cost estimate for the concepts as presented is 5261,000. Respectfully-submitted, rr'.' is , _. ~..., -- ~RNM: tE: (Tl w Attachment ~ ~ n a ~~~~ h;~sp•~Wt rnuo.~ ~r~i- irtpc.- crane ~z= ~.. J p3~'HYUirfon FbPU~-r1E:.'S [3oT.~'1Pet app _ sl r~ ue~ OOODOO K.~ xY~rt.~l.~ tet'r.,e~~'.;r WV~oi.eR°> iNDrt IHpo-MrwT}b7t4 'NPf 4~ncrweR 'Tt+,C,H eL.~Y p'cFM UN ~~y-.,~.~..,on~4=~~ S^>R. ~ab7'.f••~ ~_~ r ~ n tx r nrY ~../LLJ~~ -. 1 F- F1L>~f'e¢- P/CV-E.KF~T'11'1~ wn_ ~ v~.,_.~¢ a.., .'_ ~ G i R.u ~.: J?a.r.` O 'va-Y Rerani~ ~~-. ~, , Tom-»s Re-rNwr+6 w•, ~•.. K.IVEF. F. +;_~ ~/ iy}1-'9 ~3,~3~ i. ~._.~ ..~- N LL 1. ~I a ~I F dpIMIM~ T~INN1 1 ~ ~ i .j; °i ~ ~ i l i I Y ?~ i ~ ~;i~ i~ ~ ~1 U l~~s 4l!l1l~i'I 3 ~B®e~ ~1~~ f1~ ..m~o ~~ I .S LL ~ ~ J ~ ~\ d \ t u e ~o S __ 1~e1: ~ rn~..i 1 ~~ r ~~~ ., ~ ~i' ~~ to ~I ~~~il ~~ ~ ~II;, Fj~ ~ 1,Iy{~( J 0 ~o °~ ~ ~~~, P A u I~ I I ~~ n yv.w , ' s fl ®: ~ ~ ~1s~- !~IEPi~! ~~ :III ~~o~~'q~~~mmo0 ~~ ~ -- I-- ~-~ •~ m ~~ - ~ i1 ~ u m L ~' a s N E F m ~ I V~ rs , ~ ~ !9 S - - ~i ~-i - ~~ n; 'T ---- -.7Tin ~vylil- 3 ~a m • I~~fn ~ ,1,~ ,~ F~ m, ~ 4 .~ F I I I' O' - -- .i ~9 ~ i R ~ ~u ~ s i ; ' ~ a ~j ( ~ ~ ~ i~ ~~ i' ~ i ~ s 1 ~ ~ ~ iii ~~:f S~iCtt~1 ~~ ~~~~ ~~®o~~~C~~•~m®o~ ~3 u ~ ~ ~.ua ~mn F- ~ 'h -- - o m ``~t5 n _ I n/ ~% OOH a l y - ~ ' 1 OO C - - j 5 1 I n ~ _ - d, ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~;~ F ~; i~ WIF MV1~~Y1YH ,~ iw ii v ~(/ 0 ©i ~ ~~ n= f ~) -- --. ~ ~ y .~ - - f~, m_ ,~ ~ s i ~~ ~~ f ~ d;l o \ ~ ~ ~1~#F~~~~1Eiii3 ~,~ ~~~ ~_ L ~a~ ~,. -- ~ ~~ m , s ~, - - ~; ~ ~~ ~, ~~ 2 ~ ~ ~P _ ._ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~Kal--- ~ I,Y V I ~ ~ ,e, E~~ _-_ _ - .~, m c ~-j~a~ya--~' .uhTr~ervT- I ~~ ~_ ~. ~ ~~ ~i^{ ~. ~~ ~~K I ~ I ~ i f ~ ' . ~ 1~#f ~~~iiEi~l ~~®o~~~n~~~omm I~ ~~-_~ ~F~ m" ~~ , _-_~- ~c' ^ N ., ~~ _. ~~~ w ~~'I 4 ~~'~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ _ ~o ~ N J m 0 4 ~~ ~.t i~~ ~~~ „~. ~r~ .~ ~~~~ j ' 1 ~ ~ ~, ~~ ~ ~~ u ~, kl i m_ y - ~~ m4 - ^ I rq ~I I~ ~~ 1 'P ~L ~~ ~~ ~~7 .\\ ~l o~ v ~m ~- H ~~i _~ a 3~ b ~~ _.04 ~~ i ~~i \ ~l ,~ _ .. `\1 L „. x C AV, ~o ~ 4 ;~ ~Z ~F ~ _Z ~~z ;~ n~` +r Z ~ ~ 1\ ~ ~ ~ n U1 ~~ 3 3 ~F ~ - =~` w ~a ~~ °~~ q3~ ~'z 1 ~~ ~ ~ oZ, :,, ~~c~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 18, 1989 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Susan Mickey, Administrative Aide SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF RE UEST BY THE ARTS FOUNDATION F S~ AN BERN ROIN C UNTY F R FI NANCf L SUPP R Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council consider the request far financial support in the amount of $1,500 made 6y the Arts Foundation of San Bernardino County. Backgrou nd: Staff was contacted by Patti Pate, Program Director of the Arts Foundation of San Bernardino, as to the possibility of securing a donation from the City of Ra nr hn fiir amn nnr M< u,ro wa< ,nfn,~moA rh ar .r v i.... 4~,.. .,. ~~~~,...:. a request to the City Council which she has since doneoc e___ ~ ~-~ ~~~~ ~_ ....,,.- Analysis: Last year the Arts foundation of San Bernardino County invested approximately $20,000 on programming and staff costs in Rancho Cucamonga. Please see the attached letter from Ms. Pate and Penny Oiiorio, President of the Arts Foundation, regarding the breakdown of services that were provided, Additionally, the Cities of Ontario and Colton have agreed to provide partial support for programming in their areas. Rene spec t, fatly Submitted, ~~`-~ Susan Mickey Administrative Aide CC: Jack Lam ~~ August 15, 1989 FHF. the City of Ranch Cucatonga C-0 Susan Mickey, Administrative Aide 9320 Baseline Road Rancho Cucaircmga, CA 91730 FOL'VDA'FIO at Snrv eEAtiRRaiHO mwty Re: Request for $1,500 to support the arts a;d culture Honorable Mayor and M®bers of the City Camcil: Thank you for the opportunity to request financial support and encouragement of our programs and services >_n the City ok Rancho Cucamonga. We know you are interested, as ve aze, in developing arts and cultural offerings in your camnunity. Tne doliazs we request will make it possible for the Arts Foundation of San Bernardino County to crontinue serving the needs of the residents Rancho Ncamonga through our programs. Y'ne Arts Foundation of San Bernardino County acts as anon-profit umbrella ayency county-wide and provides grants, services and programs to develop the arts and cultural offerings in the cities and unincrorporated areas of the county. wr programs address regional concerns on a local level. We respond to requests Eor services and vre accamodate many of these expressed needs in our programs. Iasi yeaz in Rancho Cucamonga, the Arts Foundation of San Bernazdi no County invested nearly $20,000 of our programming and staff costs in the following areas: 1) Tne presentation of aztists working in Rancho Cucamonga schools with teachers and youngsters to encourage the development of their self-esteem and creativity through the Pazthers in Arts Education program at coma Merced, Central El~tacy, Coyote Canyon Elenentacy Schools. Past programs took place at Dona Merced, Hear Gulch, and Central Flenalfary Schools. 2) Grants to Che Rex Wignall MuSC'tm at Ctaffey (Yn+n,.,; ty College bolsteri::g outstanding carwity outreach programs in art education; 3) The free offerings of ots festival program and hands on arts experiences at the Itancln Cucatmnga Wine EF:stival throgh "Arts Expx~s"; 4) Nw~rous staff hours in workshops, technical support and coordination of regional arts access to a larger market such as Inla(d Fl~ire West. Tnrs year, ws respectfully request the City of Rancho Cucamenga's approval of nur rra~ueeT• Rv S7,Sn0 fn_r partial c_+_mrr of ppr year-lnnl effnrtc rn the r;•y. Jt RanChO NCacnongd. 'k.her cities have also agreed to partially support sane of our programs and services such as the City of Ontario arcl the City of (blton. We hope your city will be able to vin thaT as well. We look forward to your important vote of support -~- and we rook forward to our continued ca:mitment to serve the arts and cultural needs of the C>_ty of Rancho Ncamonga. cs, `d 7 ,^ i . V i ... '., ,. ~~ Pprawmy~Iorio~. PLrXfraN Dltectv~vr.x im sn" ae"rvFnoino cn na0i-~ 851'wFSrs*r s. teo Ewa" -.. te, svs• e.rwmrre_ San Bernardino County • Namtlw Lwal two: Part A Document the impact of the previous ynr'a Lawl Two lundup, N appkaMa: Level II funding Aatl posi tine impact on the following agencies and indi uidual s: AFSBLoi partrtipat inq schools and l ahoy ns; their seru!ce poDul atiws; participating artists antl professional educators. These funds allowed program goals }or the year to be net, Level II support fostered the PortAer ref inenent and deuelaprnt of the AfSBLO art in edutation program 'Partners in Arts Etlu[at!on'. A listing of significant posi five wtcors aF boding follat. Docoenhtion is included as an attachment to this page: U the h!rinq o4 a professional arts reuulr as a put-lira coortlinatr to further tlevel op this program in 4-5-6 grades and to lay Ur foundation for pilpliaq tAe progran into the secondary grade levels; 2> tht neu dwbl inq of the number of resiNncies Cfro 12 to 20); 3) eapiorneat of profesai onal artists to sAare Ue rt unique creai ice language and ntthods of epressi on ri to teachers and stuerntsp I) rstaDlisMent of appropriate strut lural support ri tAin the LountY Super inlendenl of Schools Office antl tlevelp inq links ri to the lecher eduction depar te~r~t at Cal irornu SGtr Un iuersi ty, Ban Brrmrdinop S) pea idin9 pro(essioti wpporl and in-seruitt art eduction for the teaching professional during euh rraidrncy and at a Countr+iide tntAer conferenceq d) deuel opment o/ new ailianus for wpDOrt of li{Nwg arts eduohon Mrough libraries; and finall7 to increase the publ rt's awareness o£ tAe progr r~ and its goals via neeia couengr. Dazamer,tatim iraclar]PB tdse ftillovirag: 1. Budget foz Level II 2. Map cf Sze: Bernardino Cavity with residency locations marked 3. Resume of arts arlucation coordinator 4. Pazticipating Schools 5. Pazticipa[ing Artists 6. Application for: (Schools) (Artists) 7. Descrip[ion of '19schers are rb. 1 Conference", and Pang B. Partial iising of program's milestones Describe your Level Two request amount, axpendilrea, and do quafty, need, k[ped, aM ability to complete Me project N eppliceble, describe how the propct ie kmoxatiw. Atlaeh m projaol DreRM wtwch inehiMa CAC iwWa and applicant much expenonures. TOTAI REQUEST FOR Level Two: 453,560 A) PANRERS IN ARiS EDUCATIDf: t46,/00 fMlist in Rvsideue pogr rJ uhools k acne library settings B) TECMfl UL ASSISTANCE: 4 5,000 pfROgrw k Managtrat canwitanc ies and guidance for county arts groups) A> PARRfERS iN ARCS EDJCATIDf: Exoendi lures -- These funA rill M cud to paY for the 4ollowrng; U arts eduction coordi valor to tdninistery pLn and further devdq the program to prouier in-srrv ice to educators and devNop suDDOrt far and impinantat ioa of tea[hrr art edrUtioa and art curricula development witA scAOOls and un~uersitr IeacArr education dputrnts; 2) program wOprl afro wcA a milage, printing, Postage etc.; and 3) fees for professional artists to rock in hm-wek long r lager resident ies in puD1i[ uAool s, Wality -- TAe pu^itr of the progran is important to its roptaacr and wccess. TAia is rhy nrmbrrs of the progr am's originai pLnninq toxeni flee hwr an active role is lAe progrr's continuing rNinenrnt. SEE ATTACiNFNTS FurtAer, AFSBCO stiff and a urerninq cawi flee rruien applications and applinnt artists and applicnt schools ue interview0 to assort goal ily and (mtiortArogk. NSS9 -- The needs for Ihu puticiu progrr and dl its rtlerlatios Is !Ar recall t)f recuwendalions udr in aCAC-funded progr am conwlfancy dons by Kennedy and Lut:. Weds fr Gis progrr ur cotinmily restated at nmetings AFSB[n staff attends, i.e, stAOOI site meetings, district meetings, curri[ula deuel opnent meet mqs and verb nqs with utr iibruians. Applicant uAOOIS oust iAMify to rls education nerd ri thin tAeir orn curricula offerings that an Mist-in-residency will help tAn yet. Wality u4 eduction wi tAin a unifnd 4anrtwork has not hero considered eswntial until rrcentir. This progrr prtwides soy W the tools to mtegr sty the uts mto cl assrom~ etluuNOn vu tAe Notlel Currvculo Standares <N-B) and a model {r classroo to<her s, In its lint pilot year 1987-BB, 12 rev erncirs wee provides in tAe Lountr. Requests can greater than the aDil itr to fulfill, Twenty pose ble rrsidenn rs wai HDlr rn second yeu -- and again requests outstrip the ability to lull ill. NORE...Df ATTACHED PAGE `~~ 10 Page 19 Continued pAFT11EF tWfE: Arts Foun cat~cn of San Brrnartline Lountr MIEWEp TO LEVEI TWO REQUEST CINTINUED Impact Si qn iiinnt finann ai cammittment iron Partin pat,nq grades 9-S-d, and secondary sshr~cls meY.es a po=. ~t .e statement +bout the importance o5 arts education to tACSe s[hool 5, The potential number of cAitdr rn rev hed DY this request is 5,000. Nm,wurr, many more stutlents and teachers will oe reuhrd by this program, An estimated I?,pOG youngsters will view cut minah ray celebrate ohs and 250 teachers are reachetl tluriny the Teachers are Nu, 1 Conf erenn and at s, to visits. ' nnouative Satis4 r,nq these needs, with a program of this quality that has iwred rate antl long-term impact s an innouat we partnership between the AF58Co, schools and artists. LIBRApr CRIPONFIIT OF 'PARRIF.AS IN ApTS EOtICATION' PROGfbY1 A wccess}ul 'Partners in Arts Etluotim' Drogram was Di1o<ed into a library setting in 1988-89. AlthougA net s major focus of this sits in eduction program, public library sittings art witabir for the Dursuits, and expl or offer, 04 creative repression via a program which spans age groups antl encourages life-l onq inrninc date Program priorities are to prom de access in areas of most nerd i.e. inner city, remote or undrrserued locations. Public Ll brary atlpin, strati on must identify a cultural need in their cpewnity tAat will be addressetl b• puticipation in the 'Par tnrrs' program. Further, libraries must also provide for ongoing art etluction b; atldi h ohs tc tAe sit book collection available to Datrons. Imout The !input from this cmponent of the 'Partners' proyrmr, prow, des a cortmun~ty suDDOrt airuciare for arts eduction. Furihrr, libran es are repo r*etl to share program tests in sutst antic and ton gterrt, ways the ougA DaYment of artists, suDDl ns antl in-x'~np support as well as along-term comr,itment to in;reas,ng antl imOrou inq the art book colter ti on of the Ii Dr ar•. F hall., the common, h"s sense of pride in these libruv res,rknn es M=. Dorn remarkable For rxmaple more than 250 persons attended m 'open mq' exhi Di ti on of photographs completed Dy 'Partners' Portia pan is in tAr hest libr arv a hs! in resttwuq program ,n the utY of Lofton tpopuLtion 25,000, 46/, Nispan~U. Innouat, on This covponen; or tot 'Gar thee s' program is extremely innc.ative. The life are setting is unusual for an act wr sits exper rtnct, b.` suitable because of the role the library piers in its community to prrserue arts antl culture. Abili . t C tote if fully luntletl, AFSBtp staff will br able to camplrle th!s and all caponents of tAr program pro~eaetl to Dr in rro more tAan four librares ,n 1989-9G. A maximum of pragrma services will br prouitled at env level of lundiny that the staff mq can meet. 6) TECM11fAl ASST 6TPNCE: TAe se funtls will be used to prov, tle workshops glace tr paid pre}rss ~. [nal=, t: Indinq staff or col unteers of county arts agora a es. Funds will also suDDOrt <he d!stribuh on of technic ti informah on through print Prot ec ts. RATIRgL Members of the 1989-90 Peer Panel ru4eentled that Ai56Co st af4 provide consulrano es to elevate proiessi oraLsm, mproue progrmmn, nq antl to foster cooperation among :ppl,can' groups and others in the ueas of; budgeting, pl craning, grant wr,linq proyrwn duel oomint antl prrsrntinq, crab firally funtl rais,ng. These coo sal torah es are aimed to de the foilgtinq, out not nrcessarilr lima htl to br,ny~no similar agenn es together to focus on areas of caq+tibilitr and encouraging rrl ations6ips that (pater mutual bench t. For example - bring all preunting agenn es, community Metre groups, college theatre tlepartments tpgetner ipr networe,nq antl techmnl assistance consul Uncirs to encourage stronger retail onsh fps wA rtA mu include drool op,nq a Dlan for joint Drogramminq, inter-county touring and tAe possible sAarinq of techni u: err sonnet or [ostuws. This focused tecAni cl assistanceR Onwlhncy co.ponent is umed at improu inq tAr over a'~1 goal ,tr of arts agency offerings and to assist agencies and organiaUOn in streamlining same o5 ihnr peer alloy costs through cooprratiur ventures. HEED Ouality arts planning, progr anminy antl management needs to be prat rted Dr preustnt m order to bitl successfully for audiences. M ter Cwntr's overall pqul+tion inter+us, the population of potent ul +r is consumers is incrruinq. Many presenters need assist+ncr to effectivrb 11 sit lrogra and muage, OWLITY TAe quality of sits progr anau nq and mmagrment upabi lilies must G improved in ceder to c+p cure revenue !•s a yr au~ny popular on and pctrnta' audience. The arts conmunity needs nproued +ccesz to Mttrr methods of do~nq business and guidance in cooperate ue venture. Theca conwlt+ncirs will meet tpeu needs. Consultants w,ll be recmrtwntled br members of the Perr Panel and others with Droper expertise. IRaO.u.-IVE This aoDr c:h tc lo~nt problem solu,ny and )pint programming mmong groups is rnnaatire ~•~. M n countr. Tne AFSBCo role as crane tlinat or is appropn ate because our role is to foster the betterment of ter arts t om,un, b. A6I cI "~ TD CMPLETE AF58CO w i'. be able tp complete this loused Oro)ect MrougA in-k,nd st a4f wDDort and pa,d pr ofessionaTe will cope d,natt the ss workshops, e~~;Gan Bernardino County • CURRENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION ATTACNMENTa Check end describe me proprama you ue prcaeMy operaNrlp. NOTE: Multiyear funded partners should check eR eppropdels uteporiee ba Moub daeaibe only new propnma for fiscal year 1089-90. ~ 01 Repreainp: (fill out aupplemenmry queeDawke, papa 23) ~, 02 Technical ASSiatanc¢: 03 Residency: ^ D/ Tounnq rPresentinq: ^ 05 Gallery/Exhibitr. ^ O6 Art in Vublic Pleceal Parcent for M: 07 Me in Eduction: (hll out eupplemeMery gwatialneke, peps 21) JiLr OB NsweletlerlGbMer/lnlarmetion Sereine Qe. dkeetorkn, meEaq lisle, reeoaa NDrery): - Qnfezaszs: 'Bra AFSBCU acted as a rxrsponaor of a conference and will participate in aawtMr that are of significant interest to the region and provide a ahoNCase the arts within a wmeafity planning framewzk: 09 Feir/FesliveKe) 1988 "Ilarketvg tJfe Fast Valley ltuough Amenities end Aesthetics" featured apeaken: Hobert ltNUlty, president of Partners for 1Sva61e Places, :lal Ca:lclin, 9atita Bar'.ara Cas:cilmnr. acd otlxra. 1989 "Inland ~gire (lest", CYttario, California -the arts will Ce presented for the first Liss as a regional marketing fmture at an 10 Conlereneee: annual brokers and real estate conference. , NOTE, Muet 6e canpNted Dy ell eppliceme Whet new proprama, eenicee, a ectivhiee en plereled fp !goal yNr 1peFp0 A eAdNion to Ule eDove7 p!e will respond to crnaaality needs as appropriate. Continuing ~~~ the developnent and support of current progre:rs is an orgeniutimel goal end priority. THE FOI,'~DATION o~ SAN eERNA RDINO ;; u~iv Alts Foundation of c w .a: t Proara's aad cervices ti 1. ~B - The Arts Foundation gives arts program grants to qualified, non-profit organizations which offer arts programming to the community. Last year, we gave $147,500 in grants. 2. California Arta Council State oral Partn r - The Arts Foundation acts officially as a liaison for the California Arts Council programs and information. 3. Mondav Music Series - Free noon-time performances at the County Building during the spring. This offers an opportunity for performing artists to expand their audiences. Donation supported. ~- Arts ezpress - More than 20,000 youngsters and their parents have enjoyed these artist-in-residence workshops held in festival settings. Chi/dcen have a direct art experience and work with an artist. The audience for this program includes the entire family. These have been held in Chino, Ontario Worldf est, Rancho Cucamonga, San Berna rdinn. RedlanAc anA ~ .. v:....,...; ii.. ~~~ Target underwrites this program. 5. Partners in Art Pd +~~tion - This program has beer, a year in the pla nnine while working with school personnel, parents, community members, and artists. The first pilot pcog ram, featured artists working in a school setting with youngsters, their teachers, and the school community. Future programs include components for artists to work in community settings such as libraries. This way, the out-of -school adult can participate in an arts related experience. Schools and community settings match half the residency fee, and in some cases, such as libraries, add to the library's permanent art book collection. The California Arts Council has provided a partial grant for this progr a~n this year. Private donors also support this ploy ram. 6. 4uartecly Bersletter - Artworks focuses on upcoming and current aet activities in the County as well as issues facing the arts. The newsletter is distributed throughout the county and the stated, announces upcoming programs of interest to the arts community, as well as patrons of the arts. Thia program is entirely supported by corporate donations. / `{ 7. $gtroct seetiaam - These meetings are open to any 3ntecested person and generate many ideas Eor future Arta Foundation programs. They encourage and develop communication between groups. This program ie innovative and provides a risk-free setting in which to ahaee and brainstorm ideas. 9. Xo[kshoom - These workshops bring in experts in various aspects of non-profit management and arts management to develop the expertise of art organizations and artists in San Bernardino County. Topics have included 'Taxes and the Impact on Artists"; "Writing Grants,' and more. 9. Scholarship Proeza~s - Sc ho larshi pa support the artistic studies of accomplished young artiste who win a place in the California State Summer School for the Arts for high school students who pass audielone and are selected. These donations come directly from staff and board members of the Arte Foundation, as well as corporate donors for scholarship programs. 10. pleneiae sole - The Poundation'e leadership in the evolving arts public/private partnership is to provide leadership in arts r1ac.:S;;y ioauea wuu ~y-~wiue. 11. D±rectorie^ and Hefecral^ for Celtoral Information - The Foundation compiles information on the activities of San Bernardino County arts organizations and artists to increase and encourage a positive communication network. 12. osbec s_ervic,~ - The Acta Foundation provides a variety of other secvic es and program ae requested. ~~5 - CITY OF RANCHO CIiCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Sepieniber 6, 1969 TO: Mayor, City Council and City Manager FROM: Debra J. Adams, City Clsrk S^BJECT: 6ELECTION OP VOTING REPRBSBNTATIVB AND ALTERNATE POR ANNUAL LEAOUE OF CALIFORNIA CITI68 MEETING - OCTOBER 22 - 25. 1989 RECOMMENDATION It is requested that the City Council select a voting repraeent at ive and an alternate to De present at the Buetnees Seeaion of the Annual League of California Cit iee Conference October 22 - 25, 1989. BACROROUNO The League of California Cities SB ragas sting each City to deeignflte a voting representative antl an alternate to be present at the Busineae Seasion of the Annual League Conference in San Pranciaco on October 22 - 25, 1989. The League Conat itution provides that each city is ant it letl to one vote in matters affecting municipal or League policy. Attachetl for your information is a memo fzem the League of California Cities regarding this matter.. If you have any questions, pleaae feel free to contact me. /da Attached ^~r ~ii~r ,~~ y~~= League of California Cities CA 95814 ~91fi~44d-5790 1400H STREET SACRAMENTO .T/~ ~ " ~ 1~~` . ~ ~ ~ Ce~~oirva G.es '~'~~ ~'r..p. Sacramento, cA O August 1, 1989 ~(' T0: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON HENNINGHOVEN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR RE: DESIGNATION OF VOTING DELEGATE FOR LEAGUE ANNUAL CONFERENCE Dear City Official: This year's League Annual Conference is scheduled for October 22-25 in San Francisco. One very important aspect of the Annual Conference is the General Business Session at which time the membership takes action on conference resolutions. It is important for California cities to take the initiative in developing positive programs for the future. Annual Conference resolutions will guide cities and the League in our efforts to improve the quality, responsiveness and vitality of local government withir, this state. All cities Should 6e represented at the Business Session on Tuesday afternoon, October 24, at 2:00 p.m. at the Hilton Hotel in San Francisco. ~Nh~ will be present at the Business session. The League constitution provides that each city is entitled to one vote in matters affecting municipal or League policy. A voting card will be given to the city official designated by the city Council on the enclosed "voting delegate fn rm.~~ 7• the Mayor or a member of the City Council is in attendance at the Conference, it is expected that one of these officials will be designated as the voting delegate. However, if the City Council will not have a registered delegate at the Conference but will be represented by other city officials, one of these officials should be designated the voting delegate or alternate. Please forward the enclosed "voting delegate form" [o the Sacramento office of the League at the earliest possible time (no later than September 30, 1989), so that the proper records may be established for the Conference .~ The voting delegate may pick up the city's voting card in the League Registration Area at the Hilton Hotel in San Francisco. If neither the voting delegate nor alternate is able to attend the Business Session, the voting delegate or alternate may pass the voting card to another official from the sart~e city by appearing in person before a representative ni tho Crcdpnti315 r_nmmitYOe t^ make the exC.^. a.^.ge. An outline of the voting procedures that will be followed at this conference is printed on the reverse side of this memo. It is suggested that the Mayor and all Council Memhers from a given city try to sit together at the Business Session so that, if amendments are considered, there may be an opportunity to exchange points of view and arrive at a consensus before the city's vote is cast. Your cooperation in returning the attached "voting delegate forme as soon as possible will 6e appreciated. ~~~ S . 1 '~ League of California Cities •` ~I a 7 C F e vot' a Procedures ~.i:~ l' i. Each member city has a right to cast one vote on matters pertaining to League policy. 2. To cast the city's vote a city official moat have in his or her possession the city's voting card and 6e registered with the Credentials Committee. 3. Prior to the Annual Conference, each city should designate a voting delegate and an alternate end return the Voting Delegate Form to the League for use by the Credentials Committee. a. The voting delegate or alternate may pick up the city's voting card at the voting delegates' desk in the conference registration area. 5. Free exchange of the voting card between the voting delegate and alternate is permitted. 6. If neither the voting delegate nor alternate is able to attend the Business Session, the voting delegate or alternate may pass the voting card to another official from the same city by appearing in person before a representative of the Credentials Committee to make the exchange. i. wuallrlcauon or an lniuative reaoluuon ie juagea in pasc oy cne validity of signatures. Only the signatures of city officials who, according to the records of the Credent iala Committee, are authorized to use the city's voting card and who have left a sample of their signatures on the Credentials Committee's register will be approved. 8. In case of dispute, the Credentials Committee will determine the right of a city off icial to vote at the Business Session. .~7g CITY: LEAGUE OP CALIFORNIA CITIES 1989 ANNUAL CONPSitffiiCE 1. VOTING DELEGATE: 2. VOTING ALTERNATE' (NAME) ATTEST (NAME) (TITLE) Please Return To: LEAGDE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES :»CC K STREET SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 Not Later Than Thursday n r 0 Joao LO 1:\policy\acrea\edit100 ~ 79 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 29, 1989 ~-~..,- T0: Public Safety Commission FROM: Marti Higgins, Disaster Preparedness Coordinator S~~F.7F..CT: Presentation of the ^raft Multihazard Emereency Preparedness Plan The preservation of life and property is an Inherent respons16111ty of the local, state, and federal governments. The City of Rancho Cucamonga, therefore, has prepared this plan in an effort to ensure the most effective use of all resources (material and manpower) for the maximum benefit and protection of the civilian population in time of emergency. Our City approves and subscribes to those provisions of the California Emergency Plan and Emergency Resources Management Plan which apply [o city government. This city plan conforms to the State's plans and is an extension of those plans. The basis tenets of emergency preparedness are self-help and mutual aid. The policies, principles, concepts and procedures contained in this plan are designed to provide the 6as'_s for the City emergency organization and emergency operations. The objectives of this plan are to incorporate and coordinate all the tac111ties and personnel of the City into an efficient organization capable of reacting adequately in the face of any disaster; and, to conduct such operations as the nature of the disaster deems necessary, whether it be combat a local emergency or to assist other jurisdictions should they suffer an emergency. This Multihazard Emergency Preparedness Plan represents a land mark in Council's commitment to Public Safety in Rancho Cucamonga. ~~O RESOLUTION NO. 89-413 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A DRAFT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLAN A. Recita le. (i) Government Code Section RE50, et. seq., authorizes the eatabliahment of an emergency eery ices plan for the coordination of emergency services within the City of Rancho Cucamonga. (ii) The City Covncil of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has heretofore adopted lte ordinance No. 104 therein establishing the Rancho Cucamonga Disaster Council and setting forth the duties and powers thereof. In order to fully implement an emergency plan Eor the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Ordinance No. 104 authorizes the City Council to adopt resolutions and ordinances in furtherance thereof. Ae 9uc h, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has found it necessary to adopt a comprehene ive emergency plan which will provide for the organization of emergency services and coordination of emergency fund ions within the City and with other public agencies, private organizations and private persons. (iii) A11 legal prerequ is ilea to the atloption of this Rosolution have occurred. NOW, THEREFORE, 6e it found, determined and reap lved ae follows: Resolution. 1. In all respects ae ee~ forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this 2. EmeetlencV Plsn Adopted The Mult ihazard Emergency Services Plxn of the City of Rancho Cucamonga is hereby adopted ae the emergency plan of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and ie hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this P.e aolut ion. Said Plan, plus copies thereof, are currently on file in the Office of the City Clerk of-the City of Rancho Cucamonga and are available for inspection at that location. The Mult ih azard Emergency Services Plan of the City of Rancho Cucamonga may be amended from time to time by further Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga in order to more fully fulfill its policies and purposes. I. mhe r.+y clerk shall c=rt:ay «^ the ad^p«ion of this Pesolut Win. 1989 PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of / Mayot September 6, 1989 TO: Mayor end Members of the City Council FROD7: Jerry Crent, Building Official BY: Jim M17artin, Plan Check Coordinator SUBJECT: NORDIC WOODS PROGRESS REPORT t. RECOhDNENDATION: It is recommended that the Council direct sta f~ to continue to monitor action toward completion of the required code related and customer service problems end report back to Council as progress is achieved. [I. BACKGROUND: At the City Councii meeting oP August 16, sta~irec tad to continue to monitor progress of repair activity at Nordic Woods. Additionally, at the 'Novnr~ Afrnn/inn oll 4nnwn Nn rrlin nnatmm~rv .n fhn lwn Woods developments, who did not testify et the Council meeting, were sent a letter requesting a written summary of all customer service related problems experienced by each. Further, staff is in receipt of copies of letters sent by Nordic Development to their customers which likewise requested updated information regarding the remaining repairs. At the time o[ preparation of this report, we have received responses from three residents, two of which were not prior comp la infants. We will prov tde e further oral status report at the Council meeting as to completion status. Within the last Cew weeks, Mr. Herri Keto of Nordic has assured staff on several occasions that customer service urobieui5 wGJid be subsiantiatlV CuOYiletOd bV FPidflV. Aue itSt 18. As of the time of preparation of this report, repair work has been accomplished on a number of damaged driveways however, contrary to Mr. Keto's previous assurances, there has been little progress toward cone lotion of most remaining repairs. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA c~~° STAFF REPORT ~° "'. ~~~~~ < ,^ ~' T .. ° A F ~ 'Z j age Ste[f Report: Nordic Woods Progress Report September 6, 1985 Page 2 Finally, Mr. Ke to authored a letter to the City Council which expressed Nordic's desire to resolve these problems. He has indicated he will attend the Council meeting of Septe~er 6, in order to answer any outstanding questions. The City attorney has forwarded copies of the transcript of testimony at the lest meeting to the Attorney General's office [or their review and to Nordic Development for their information. The Planning Division has compiled the eccomp enying list of known projects involving Nordic Development representatives and their current status. III. CONCLUSION: The Building and Se [ety Division is continuing with its measured "allocation of manpower" [or inspections et the "Woods" project, based upon limited progress shown since the lest Council meeting. The "Woodridge" project, south of the "Woods" development is currently stopped from proceeding with combustible construction because of lack of access [or fire suppression equipment. This action was taken on August 23 by the Rancho Cucamonga Fire District [or the third time because of street and fire hydrant obstructions. Staff wilt continue to monitor both projects closely to maintain progress end will report beck to the City Council on a regular basis. Respectfully Submitted, Jer R. Gr e Ou ding Official JG:JM:II ~ ~3 CORRHNT NORDIC PROJRCTS Tract 10210; Almond, west of Sapphire. Status: Grading permit issued, rough grading underway. Tract 13728: Northwest corner of Sapphire and Hillside. Status: Building permits issued, slabs end framing underway. Tracts 12237, ("The Woods"?. Status: Cony le fe, except [or 12237-1, 12237-2: remaining customer service complaint response Tract 12902: ("The Woods II"). Status: Building Permits issued, in final stages, framing - metering inspections. Tract 13621: ("Woodridge"). Status: Building Permits issued, in framing stage, stopped by the Fire District because o[,access problems. Tract 12462: Summit, east o[ Etiwanda. Grading permit issued. Status: In rough grading stage. Tract 13644; Hermosa at Vista Grove. Status: Tract recorded, construction not comne need. 8613 Red Oak: (Conine rcial office building). Status: Rnildinn normi} i¢¢nnd and ar nnn ¢trunfinn DR 88-34: Corner White Oak end Elm. Ste tus: In plan check. ~~ ~ 3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM OATS: September 6, 1989 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Cou~,n/ci~l FROM: Ccu ncilmember Chuck Buquet C~,-!/~ SUBJECT: ADVERTISING REGULATIONS FOR AUTO SALES CENTERS request that the City Cou ntil consider amending the Sign Ordinance to allow advertising techniques that will promote car sales, but at the same time, 6e sensitive to the quality of st reetsca pe we envision for our City. An example might be the provision for allowing balloons to be flown within certain limits. Those limits may include such criteria as numbers, a maximum height the balloons may be flown, and the frequency and duration in which the balloons may be flown. I recommend that the City Council consider this matter and forward to staff a recommendation to begin processing an amendment to the Sign Ordinance to allow additional advertising opportunities for auto sales centers. If the Council concurs with this request, any guidance the Council can provide staff regarding the type of additional advertising that would be appropriate would 6e helpful. CB:ko L ~~~ ~~ ~vcA.lto ~~ ~' t r "~ r i "' ' o J ~ 1 > // 77 I ~ \ ~_ /.~ ~/ ~C~/ ;.~ ~p 1'' ~~/v~ ~/. • (77'1' OF RANC7-!O QlG1MONC,A CITY COUNCIL AGE.\L1~1 Joint Meetino Rancho Cucamonga City Council Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Commerce Seut ember 12. 19 R9 - ]:00 Lions Park Community Center 9161 ease Line Road Rene ho Cucamonga, California ~~~ ~~ryti~ ,t~,~ ~7 / 1 A. Call tc order /. (,~ F vl. Pletlge of Allegiance ~Iy~. j'. Roll Call: / ' y ~/ `1 JM1 Buquet ~, Alexander /\ , Stout '` Brown , Wright e. items of Diacusaiov ~n~ OO wnrvicew oc ~namoer act cult lee and Progrdm of Action. t. City staff and Chamber Committees - Now can they assist each other. ~/ Aeview of upcoming special events ~~4. Review of current Memorandum of Cndervtanding between the Chamber of Commerce and the city. 0. Cowmunic st iova from the Public This ie the time evd ple<e for the gaaeral public to addrua the City Council. State law prahibita the City Couocil from addru sing avy issue not previously included ov the Ageods. The Citq Council say receive testimony anq •et ibe matter fare subaequevt meeting. Couevts •rs to ba limited to five minutes p.r D. Adiournmevt i, Debra J. Aden, City Clark of the City of Aevcho Cucamonga, hevmby certiLy that a true, accurate Copp of the formgoiag agenda wu posted o0 9mphmbar B, 1989, seventy-two hours prior to the aetivg per Ooreromeat Code 54953 at 9320- C Beae Liae Road. ~~ - CITY OF RANCHO CliCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 12, 1989 TO: Mayor, City Council and City Managet FROH: Duane A. Baker, Sr. Adminietrat ive Aeaietan SUBJECT: C C OT SINDLR4 IN6 Attached fox your information ie a Memorandum of Undetetanding between the Clty and tF.e Chamber of Commerce. At the request of the Chamber, this item hae been included on the agenda to provide an opportunity to discuee the agreement which was adopted in 1983. OAB/dja Attached 1 w !~ ~ yl!~~F~hIiPH~i ~ y~_ V ~ a~2~ a~T 25 '~ 't'his ]yreasrat, affaotlvs July i, 1583, yy and betwen the ^ CITY OP RI1NC!!0 CUC111CA~Yl1, CaYltornia, a IRmielpal corporat Lon (hereinafter referred t0 as •CS ty°D, and she MifCSD CUGIIKJlf6i1 CHPJ4BER OT CCMRACD, a California Oorporati nn fw~rai~af-.k siivYreo to as the °Cbamber'), provide a follasti: 1. City and Chasb•r desire to work coaperativsly to proewte Rancho Cucamonga ea a buslnea, cultural, Wucatlonal, racraaticnsl, industrial anh rssideatial canter. Z, Chamber can assist City by diseastlaatiaq intotwation and properly foilorlag up inqulsiu relative to Ne varioaa activitle o.f City. 3. Chamber agrsas to carry out pra~otional actlrltie o0 behslf c1 CSir nrsi puoiia:se the City'r industrial, eeararclal and residential advantages sad ChaaWar aball perform tLa folloninq qM- era? eervicer. e. Planning, i. Distribute demographic and statistical intor- motion relative to the City. 11. asslat businesses rhich are nav to the Clty In obtaining necessnry inLornution concerni~ bwinesa lloensa raqulra- mente, coning and buildiaq rsgalrsaafata. ili. Servo ea aA Lhtsraadiary ?.1 N .-i~pr- ~,~~. in need of assistance to clerlty coda isbrpeatatloas or p3anel~ y policies in arus such ea that a+ratad bq the Sndnstrlal a. P7 sn- „Y -'f ~' Y „~ b. Community RsLtlma. ~ h'^s Assist filr ~~Yr~A,~a adsld+a o~ _. ..., .. .r., ... u~_.=... ^ ~ _.~ .t ~ annual Spring Cleanup Pzogrsu. 11. Bupport and coordinate major coas~unlty went• such ee the Wine Festival, Founder's Day Parade, Scanomic Develop- ment Confcrancas, and related actlvitf.as. c. Legislative Affaizs. i. Assist in the coordiaation of the 9aldv v1w Aublic-Privnta Coalition. ii. Coc:dinata sad zeviw ordinances which may im- pact the business or industrial cossunity. iii. Saviw, and, if appropriate, support or oppose pending leglelation st the Siesta or Federal lavsl which my have a direct impact on the City's business oz industrial camunity. d. Economic Develapnent. i. Assist City in all activities resisted to pro- S4 ti na ~COn!~C;u de`.'R lOpmelft witfl.^. tt:a .. ty. ii. Anwar inquiries relative to business, indw- tzial cr residantiel opportunities in the City. <. In conslderntion of Chamber perforeing the se rwicee above-daacrilxd City shall pay Chamber the sun of $1,000.00 per month commencing on July 1, 1983 and continuing on the first day or each month thereafter during wh.t ch this Agreement is Sn effect. 5. This Agreement shall continue 1n effect until bxminat.sd rn accordance with the f.,llowing prowl sionr Ei thar party say ter- minate v,ze .+greemank, without causes, by giving rrittm notiw of intent ien to terminate thin Agresnsnt to the other party trot lue than thirty (J0) drays prior to the affective date of tsalaatioe. 6. Chamber shell install a ~smMr of the C1tp Couarll, as designs tad by the City Council, as an ea-cf ticio srapaz of Chaubsrr'• .-~_ a •,.y -.: •41'L~~ e ,r, Eonrd of Directors. 7. Chuaher'e reletionshlp t0 the City ie that of ea iadee pendent contzaetor. DetYeen the ieztlee hezetor Chaai6sr 1e solely responai6le tc Sea esployeea, e)~ts an8 ladeyendaat aontractore and alI ether partiaa tOr all }Wit. earth. daatiau aa• ininriee (including vrmglul dNth) a;18p as ~t oz aafsaio0 Of ChYbei, its emplayeea, agents, oz iredipen8eat OOaCrutaze zeletinq to the services perforeed Or to to pezforara8 by Chamber bereander, a~ Chamber shall hold and nave C1ty haralaa in connection thezaedth. City shall be nomad to any 14ab1litp iaecraace poliap of Chaibez by a certificate ahowinq Cltp es an additional iaaraed and Bald ceztificate thal``1''ba !Sled wltA the CSty. DATLDt x~ r /~ , L9Y3. ATTEST: i rauren M, saeerman City Clerk CY3'y DF NdiCHB C~IiO~Ch, a Nuo1elpal corpo:atioe~ Byt ~`__ -~~~~~~~ IUNCHO COCAII(MNih C1ti1®RII Y CCOi1miC8, s Calltorvla nou- prolit corporstion, /'O .1 ' e:, President e (J N ~t' • ..r raretary ~. t9 .. _ .h. ~~...