HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989/11/15 - Agenda Packet CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ' CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETINGS 1st and 3rd Wednesdays - 7:30 p.m. November 15, 1989 Lions Park Community Center 9161 Base Line (toad Rancho Cucamonga •~• City Counsilmembera Dennis L. S[out, Mayo. Pamela J. Wrigh4 CountilmrmAn Deborah N. Brown, Moym harm . Charles J. Buquet, coundrmrmbr, William 1. Alexander, eounr~Imem6e, •~• Jack Lam, orv,Nonox+. James L, tYlarkman, rn~ dnn.no~ Debra J, Adams, oro cir..t City O%ice: 989.1851 Lions Park: 980.3145 City Council Agenda November 15, 1989 PAGE All tiers subrittad for the Citp Council Agenda my ct be iv writing. The deadline for subritting these item is Se00 p.m. oa the Nsdnesday prior to the reeting. The City Clerk's Office receives all such items. A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Pledge of Allegiance to Flag. 2. Roll Call: coquet _, Alexander _, Stout __, Brown _, and Wright B. ANNOUNCBNENTS/PRESENTATIONS 1. Presentation of 10-year Pin to Dave Leonard. (Continued fror November 1, 1984) 2. Presentation of "Honor" award received by the City of 1 Rancho Cucamonga from the nationwide Professional Grounds Management society for church Park. C. CONNUNICATIONS lROM THE PUBLIC This is the tLe avd place far the general public to sdd re as the City Couvcil, state law prohibits the City Couvcil fror address ing sny issue vot previvuely included on the Agenda. The Ciip Council ray receive testiroay cud set the ratter for a subsequent reeting. Couenta are to be lisited to five minutes per individual. D. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calevdsr itase arm expected to be routine end eon-'controversial. They will be acted upon by the Comcil at one Lisa without discussion. Any tier say be removed by a Couacilaerber or rerbar of !ha cud fence for discussion. $ ~ ~ i i +_. Approval of Warrants, Register Nos. 11;1;89, 11; a/ao and Payroll ending 10/26/89 for the total amount of $1,786,227.23. 2. Approval to authorize the sdvertiaing of the "Notice 11 Inviting Bida" for the Area V Billelde Road Storm Drain, Phase II, lOCatetl between Archibald Avenue and Alte Loma channel Improvement Project, to be funded from Drainage Funds, Account No. 23-4637-8852. r~~ 1 City Council Agenda November 15, 1989 PAGE ABSOLUTION NO. 89-545 12 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPHCIPIC.ATIONS FOR THE "AREA V HILLSIDE ROAD STORM DRAIN, PHASE II" IN SAID CITY AND AUTHOAI2ING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLHA[( TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS 3. Approval to purchase a graffiti removal truck from Hydro- 16 Tek Syeteme, Incorporated of Redlands, California, in the amount of $40,227.00 to be funded ftom Account Numner 01- 4647-7045. 4. Approval of an amendment to the Policy and Procedure for 1) various Landscape and Street Lighting Maintenance Districts tha-oughout the City. 5. Approval of Hap, ezecut ion of Improvement Agreement, 44 Improvement Security and ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Noe. 1 and 2 for Tract No. 13813, located on the west aide of Hellman Avenue 900 feet south e£ 19th Street, submitted by William Perry Roofing Company. RHSOLUTION NO. 89-546 45 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CLTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECVRITY, AND FINAL HAP OF TRACT NO. 13813 RESOLUTION NO. 89-547 46 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IOQICHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPOANIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OP CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND STREET LIGHTING HAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR TRACT NO. 13833 i i i i i i 6. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement, Improvement i 4y Security and Ordeting the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance Oletrlet No. 4 and Street Lighting Maintenance Dietrlct Noe. 1 and 4 for Tract 13662, located on the eoutheeat corner of Haven Avenue and Baee Line Roed submitted by Lewis Homes of California. +-w~~ City Council Agenda Novenibez 15, 1989 PAGE RESOLUTION NO. 89-548 5Q A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPAOVEIffiNT AGREE!ffiNT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY, AND PINAL MAP OF TRACT 13662 I 51 RESOLUTION NO. 89-549 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CIICAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNBXATION OF CBRTAIN TSRAITOAY TO LARDSCAPE MAINTENANCB DISTRICT N0. 4 AND STREET LIGNTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR TRACT ~ 13662 7. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement and Improvement 53 Security for DR 87-48, located on the south aide of 9th Street between Hellman and Archibald Avenues and release of Lmpzovement Agreement and Improvement Security previcuely accepted by City Council on September 20, 1989, both submit tad by Sebaetiano Filpi. RESOLUTION NO. 89-550 55 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCZL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ~ IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. 87-4E AND RELEASING THE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND SECURITY PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED e. Approval to execute Improvement Agreements and 56 Improvement Securities for Tract 12462 located on the eeuth aide of Summit Avenue, between Etlwanda and East Avenues, eubmltted by Plrst Family Homes and release of Improveme~lE Agreements and Improvement Securit iee prey iouely accepted by City Council on April 19, 1989, suhm fitted Dy Radnor/Arougham/CUCamonga Partnership. RESOLUTION N0. 89-551 5S i ~ A RESOLUTION OF TH6 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY i OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEHENTS ANO IHPROVEMENT SECURITIES FOR TRACT NO. 12662 AND RELEASING THE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS AND SECURITIES PREVIOUSLY ACCBPTEO nt 'I n City Council Agenda November 15, 1989 PAGE 9. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement and Improvement 69 Security for Tract 13280, located north of Baee Line Road between Milliken and Rochester Avenues, submitted by The Lusk Company and release of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security previously accepted by City Council on January 18, 1989 submitted by The William Lyon Company. RESOLUTION NO. 89^552 6~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOA TRACT 13280 AND RELEASING THE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND SECURITY PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED 10. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension Cor 61 Tract 10210, located on the northwest corner Of Sapphire Street and Almond Street submitted Dy Nordic Development. RESOLUTION NO. 89-553 63 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAN.OHGA, CALZ PORfII A, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 10210 11. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for b4 Tract 12873 located on the east aide of Haven Avenue between Lemon Avenue and Banyan Street, submitted by Paragon Homes. RESOLUTION NO. 89-554 66 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPAOCFMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12873 12. Approval to execuia Improvement Agreement Extension of 67 Tract 13fi 50 located on the southeast corner of Foothill ~ ~ ~ , , 9culevard and Baker Avenue, submitted by Hcrthwocda Development. 69 RESOLUTION NO. 89-555 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIPORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13650 r+ Y-y = ..r - '' ~~ City Council Agenda November 15, 1989 r,-ce 13. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extenaion for ~~ Tract 33728, located on the northwest corner of Sapphire Street and Hillside Road, submitted by Hillside/Sapphire Venture, Limited. RESOLUTION NO. 89-556 ~2 A RESOLUTION OF TME CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SBCURITY FOA TRACT 13728 14. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extenaion for ~3 DR 86-36 located on the south bide of 6th Street between Utica Avenue antl Cleveland, submitted Dy General Dynamics. RESOLUTION NO. 89-557 ~5 A RESOLVTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIPOEWIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREE!ffiNT EXTENEION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POR DR 86-36 15. Approval of Improvements, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion Eor: Tract 12938 located on tha north side of Terzace V'ew ~D L b t Mi 1 P k C t and Ma th Peak C t Release: Faithful Performance Hond (Street) $136,900.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 13,960.00 '~ RESOLUTION NO. 89-558 ~~ A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12938 ANO i ~ ~ I ~ AVTHORISING THB PILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FoR THE WORE r~n Tl~ City Council Agenda November 15, 1989 PAGE Tract 12943 located on the east aide of Hil Lview Looo at ~8 Pikes Peak Court and Tioaa Peak Court Releaae: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $109,DW.UD Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (street) $ 30,900.00 RESOLVTION NO. 89-559 79 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12943 AND AUTHOAIZI NG THE FILING OP A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORE Tract oc a V w oo at Mt. San 80 Antonio Street 8nd Conner Paee Court Re leflee: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $135,000.OD A^_cept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 13,500.00 RESOLUTION NO. E9-560 81 A ABSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12944 AND AUTHORIZING THE PILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOA TEE WORK TYect 12952 1 tad o th th 'd f 19th St t 82 4etween Haven Avenue and Deer Creek Channel Releaae: Faithful Performance Bond (Streot) $950,000.00 Accept: ~ ~ i Nai ntenanca Gunrant?e Bend (Street) $ 9`-,000,m ~ RESOLUTION NO. R9-561 83 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12952 AND AUTHORISING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK )~~ City Council Agenda November 15, 1989 PAGE DR 87-61. located on the west aide of Rochester Avenue. 84 south of 6[h Street R¢lease: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $242,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 89-562 Bb A RESOLUTION OF TINT CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTZNG THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POA DR 87-61 AND AUTHORISING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION POR THE WORK P 1 M 9064 1 tad th th t co f Hav 86 Avenue and Hillside Road Release: Pa it hful Performance Bond (Street} 6 29,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 89-563 8~ A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POA PARCBL MAP 9064 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OP A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORR 16. Approval to accept the Improvement of Feron Boulevard, 88 between Hermosa Avenue and Ramona Avenue, Contract No. 89-105, ae complete, release the bonds and authorize the City @ngineer to file a ^NOtice of Completion". RESOLUTION NO. 89-564 B9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP PAlICHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNI A, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOA FERON BOULEVARD, FROM HERMOSA AVENUE TD RAHONA AVENUE, CONTRACT NO. 89-105, AND AUTHORIZING THE PILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORE ' ~ ' i7. Approval to accept the Slurry Seal Program FY 88/89, ' 50 Contract No. 89-107, ae complete, release the bonds and authorize the City Engineer to file a "NOG iCe of Completion". 7 ~.. ~ . City Council Agenda November 15, 1989 PAGE RESOLUTION NO. 89-565 91 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PVBLIC IHPAOVEMENTS POR SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM FY 88/89, CONTRACT NO. 89-107, AND AUTHORIZING THE PILING OF A NOTICfi OF COMPLETION POR THE WORK 16. Approval to accept the Highland Avenue Project, from 92 Haven Avenue to 19th Streetr and authorise the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion^. RESOLUTION NO. 89-566 93 A A850LVTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMCNTS FOR HIGHLAND AVENUE PROJECT, FROM HAVEN AVENUE TO 19TH STREET, AND AUTHORIZING THE PILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NoAK E. CONSENT ORDINANCES The folloxing Ordinsncas have had public hearings st the Lire of first resdin9. Sscond readings ere expected to be routine end non-controvrrslsl. Thev will be actM upon by the Council st ane tva without discussion. The City Clerk will reed the title. Anp Stec can De revved for discussion. 1. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 89-OS - RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - A request to amend the Development Districts Nap from Flood Control to Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) for 3.15 acres of land, located on the north aide of Banyan Street, east of the Deer Creek Channel - APN 201-191-24" oROINANCE NO. 406 (eecontl reading) 94 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY i ~ ~ ^F AP.NCHO L+JCAHONGA, CALI Ff}RNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT N0. 89-OS AMENDING THB DEVELOPMENT DISTRI CT3 MAP FROM FLOOD CONTROL TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (2- 4 DWELLING VNITS PER ACRE) FOR APPRO%IMATELY 3.15 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BANYAN STREET, BAST OP DEER CAEE% CHANNEL, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN 201-191-24 City Council Agenda November 15, 19 A9 TAG£ T. ADVERTIBW PVBi.IC HEIIRLNGS The following itaa Dave Desa advertised sad/or posted ea public Dsatiaga as required by law. Ths eDair will open tDe aeetiag to receive public teatlwnp. 1. ENVI RON!ffiNTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 14263 - 6 E.G.M. DEVELOPMENT - A request to appeal the conditions of approval imposed by the Planning Coauaiseion regarding the timing of construct ion of required frontage street imptovenrenta, including installation of the traffic signal, for a residential subdivision and design review of 32 condominium unite on 3.35 acres of land in the Medium Residential DiettiCt (8-14 dwelling unite pez acre) and the Plood Control District (a proposed Medium Residential Distzict)r located on the weei aide of Carnelian at Viveco Etreet - APN 207-022-54 end 64. Aasoclated with this project ie General Plan Amendment E9-02A, Developoent DSatriCt As~endment 87-12, aRd Tree Removal Permit 89-58. 2. ENV A S NT D P ND 89 128 02A - B.G.M. DBVELOPMENT - A request is amend the General Plan Land Use Map from Plood Cont:cl to Medium Dena ity Aeeidantial (8-14 dwelling unite per acre) for apptoximniely 1.7E acres of land located on the west aide of Carnelian Avenue, east of the Cucamonoa Creek Plood control channel, and south of Vivero Street - APN 207- 022-66. (Coat inoad Eros Novsaber 1, 1989) AESOLUT ION N0. 89-538 j/0 A RESCLUT ION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-02A, AMBNDING THE GENERAL PLAN LANG VSE MAP PROM PLOOD CONTROL TO !lZDT UM DBNSITY RESIDENTIAL (A-14 DWELLING UNITS PBR ACAS) POA APPRO%IMATELY 1.78 ACRES OP LAND LOCATED ON THE NBST SIDE OF CARNELIAN, EAST OP THE CUCAMONGA CREEE FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL, AND SOUTH OF VIVEAO STREET, AND i i ~ i ifARIMG FINDINGS IN SUPPORT TY.EREOP - APN 2C7- ~ i t 022-64 J~' r~ . rACe City Council Agenda November 15, 1989 30 $NVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT SZS AMENDMENT 87-12 - B.G.M. DEVELOPMENT - A request to amend the Development Districts Map from Flood Control to Medium Density Resident Lal (8-Ld dwelling unite per acre) for approximately 1.78 acres of land located on the west aide of Carnelian Avenue, east of the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel, and south of Vivero Street - APN 207-022-64. ORDINANCE N0. 604 (second reading) 172 AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT NO. 87-12, A[ffiNDING THE DEVELOPL~NT DISTRICTS MAP PROM FLOOD CONTROL TO MSDIVM DBNSITY RESIDENTIAL (8-14 DWELLING UNIT5 PEA ACRE) POR APPROXIMATELY 1.78 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON TNB NEST SIDH OF CARNELIAN, BAST OP THE CVCAMONGA CAEER FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL, AND SOUTH OF VIVERO STRBST, AND HARING PI NOINGS IN SUPPORT TFISREOF - APN 207-022-66 3. ENVT O EHTAL AS ° N NDM NT HO. S7A ~ 89-02C - FUTURE ESTATE. INC. - A request to amend the General Plan Land Use Map from Office to Hed lum Density Residential (e-14 tlwellinq unite per acre) for 3.556 acres of land located at the southeast corner of Archibald Avenue end Church Street. The City will also consider Neighborhood Commercial and Low Medium DenaLty Re6 idential ae alternative designations - APN 1077-332- 26. (Continued frov Novevber 1, 1989) RESOLUTION NO. 89-539 1~4 A RESOLUTION OF THS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0P '1VfNCMO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-02C, AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP PROM OFFICE TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (8-16 DWELLING UNITS PER ACAS) FOR 3.556 ACRES OP LAND i i i ~ ~ LOCATED AT THE 90VTHEAST COANEP, OP ARCHIHAL^ AVENVE ANO CHURCH STREET, AND MARI NG FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN 1077-332-26 PAGE City Council Agenda November 15, 1959 11 ENVIMONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT SJA O. 9-04 FUTU ESTATE INC. - A Yequeat to amend the Development Districts Hap from "OP" (Office/Professional) to "M" (Medium Density, 8-14 dwelling unite per acre) for 3.556 scree of land located at the equtheaet corner of Archibald Avenue and Church Street. The Ciiy will also consider "NC" (Neighborhood Commercial) and "LM" (Low Medium} ae alternative districts - APN 1077-332-26. (Continued from Novea~bar 1, 1989) ORDINANCE NO. 405 (first reading) 174 AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT NO. 89-04, AlBND ING THE DEYELOPID/NT DISTRICTS MAP FROM ^OP" (OFFICE/PAOPESSIONAL) Tb "M" (MEDIUM DENSITY, 8-34 DNELLINO UNIT9 PBR ACRE) POR 3.556 ACRES OP LAND LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNBR OP ARCHIBALD AVENUE AND CHURCH STREET, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SVPPORT THERE OF - APN 1077-332-26 4 C ID ON 88-12 - 1/6 I MODIFICATION - wESTBRN PROPERTIES - A request io appeal the conditions of approval imposed by the Planning uonmreelon requiring a pedestrian passageway through Building R, within the Terre Vista Towne Centez, located at the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard -APN 3077-421-05, 06, and 13. (COaiinued froa November 1, 1989) RESOLUTION NO. 89-541 Z~0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ' OP RAYPYO CUCAMONGA, CALYFOANIA, DENYING THE APPEAL AND UPHOLDING A CONDITION REQUIRING A V VA B PR ICA O L P P O ~ TI N TO ~ND 1 MO WN E I R OE STA TO E i ~ ' ~ ~ ' ~ CEHTER, LVCATEU AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HAVEN AVENUE AND FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, AND MAAINC FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 1077-421-05, 06, AND 13. PAGE City Council Aqenda November 15, 1989 12 5. ENVIRONNB ASS SME V STA COlDfU ITY LAN ZO2 AMENDMENT 89-0 - NESTERN PROPERTIES - A request tc change various school, trail and park site designations; to allay the eatebliehment of auto service stations subject to the Conditional Uae Permit process along selected major arterials; to delete a portion of orchard Avenue; and to update the Landscape Design Guidelines and land use maps to reflect previous project approvals and "ae-DUilt" conditions - APN 227-3E1-O8, 13, and }q; 3077- 421-01, 16 and lEI and 1077-091-36. ORUI NANCB NO. 407 (first reading) 223 AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING TERM VISTA COt41VNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 89-01, TO CHANGS VARIOUS SCHOOL, TMIL AND PARE SITE DESIGNATIONS; TO ALLON THE ESTABLISHtgNT OF AUTO EERVICB STATIONS SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONAL US8 PBRMIT PROCESS ALONG SELECTED MJOA AR1'BRIALS; TO DELETE A PORTION OP ORCHARD AVENVS; AND TO UPDATE THE LANDSCAPE DESIGN GUIDELINES AND LAND VSS MAPS TO REFLECT PRBVIOVS PAQTECT APPROVALS AND "AS-BUILT" CONDITIONS, AND HARING BINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF 6. S C OP O C NGA F CT OF pg3 I TE OF CO E DUE CHANG 3 N PERSONNEL JOB CLASSIFICATION TITLES RESOLUTION NO. 80-0498 294 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFOAN IA, ESTABLISHING A CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE FOR DESIGNATED CZTV~TEASONNEL O. PVBLIC BEAAING9 ~ ~ The following itepe Aave no legnl publicatioo or pociiaq i ~ ~ j requize~ssb. The Chair will open the vesting to receive public batiaasp. No Items Submitted. PAGE City Council Agentla November 15, 1989 13 H CITY MANAGER'6 STAPF REPORTS The following itga do not legally require nap publ i< teatiaouy, although the Chair nay open the nesting for public input. ':o Items Submitted. I. COUNCIL BUSINESS The following iteec have been requested by the city Council for diceuasioa. Thep are not public hearing iteas, elthaugh the Chair •ep open the seating for public input. 1. RECOMMENDATION OF COUNCIL To DESIGNATE A HEMHER OF THE 297 CITY COVNCIL TO AEPRB$~y3' THE CITY AS A MEMBER OP THE DV SOR COlD1 AEP O OP A DRAFT AIR oVALITY ELEl~NT - Council designee will be a member of the Advisory Committee to be coordinated by San Bernardino County to facilitate direct City involvement in the preparation of a draft Element. 2. SCUSSSON OP CO U E FOR THE CSTT2EN5 298 E IR T 9 C -City Council to den agnate Council 6ubconmittee for CEMC. a. MAGLEV DIECVSSION - Paul Taylo[, 6xecut ive Director for the California-Nevada Super Speed Ground Transporter ion Commission will provide the current statue of the Mag lev. (Oral Report) 4. REPORT ON ES E NG C TY CY AE UIRING CO LETION 299 OF CEAT N UBL MPA VE 3 PR OR TO CING ON- SITE CONSTNVCTION RESOLUTION NO. 89-567 30~ A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING REQVIREMENTS FOA THE COMPLETION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR EXISTING COLLECTOR ANO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ARTERIAL STREETB AND HIGHWAYS PRIOR TO COMMENCING ON-SITE CONSTRUCTION 5, N O W DT 301 6. R N 303 F1~~ PAGE ~~~~~ City Council Agenda November 15, 1989 14 7. REPORT ON AIA TRAPFIC TRAINING OVER RHSIDENTIAL AREAS (Oral Report) 8. ANNEYATIGN DISCUSSION - A discussion to develop a resolution of intent io annex the City's Sphere of Intlvence. (Oral Report) 9. pISCUSSION ON UPCOMING LAFCO HEARING ON THE P SERVAT ION OF TIDS AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE AS IT LATES TO THE EFFORTS OF THE ROMP AND THE COUNTY-WIp&_OPHN SPACH STUDY RECENTLY INITIATED BY THE COUNTY (Oral Report) J. IDRyTIRIGTION OF ITEMS POR NEST MBBTING Thies is the tiaa for Ciip Council !o ideatifp Lhe items they eis6 to diacuu at the nsrt westing. Thew itwa Mill eo! be discussed at thi• .eetiag, only identiflad for the next .eating. E. COIDNNSGTIGMR RnY TwR W1Ri.Tr This is the Lime and place for the general public to address the City Comeil. BLaLa LM prohibits the Cilq Council from addraating nay issue not previously iaeluded on the Agenda. The City Council wy recaivs teat iawav and set the mattwr for e subaaquent weting. Coweaia •re to be limited to five minutes per individual. L. ADJOURNMENT MEETING TO ADJOURN TO A JOINT NBRTIN6 OR TEE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COIBII SBION TO DISCUBB T®S VICTORIA GARDENS RBOIONAL MALL WITR TH6 HABN COMPANY ON N0VE!®6R 28, 1989, 6:70 P.M., AT THE LIONB 91lRR. CONMINITY Cp(TER. Ir Debra J. Adams, City Clerk of Lhe City of Rancho Cucanronga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the Foregoing agenda was posteQ on November 9, 1989, seventy-two (72) hours ~ i i prier to the meeting per Ooreramert Cods 54953 at 9320-C Sage i Line Road. ~} 43~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 TO: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer By: Jeff Barnes, Maintenance Supervisor Landscaping & Parks x-. r SUBJECT: Landscape Maintenance Honor Award for Church Street Park, presented by the Professional Grounds Management Society On August 4, 1989, the City's Engineering Maintenance section submitted Church Street Park as an entry in the annual Professional Grounds Maintenance Awards competition. This National Awards Competition has twelve entry categories for hotels, industrial sites, interior landscapes, university grounds, etc. Church Street Park was entered in Category 6: Best Maintained Di~L o...-~.....: -~- ----•~~--~•'• ,.. ~> u, nii,iecic r~r eld. After the judging was completed, there was only one award given in Category 6: Church Street Park. The Bonor Award was presented to the City's Maintenance Superintendent on November 12, 1989, at the Green Team Conference and Trade Show in St. Louis, Missouri. After experiencing sl~pess in Dur first competition, we plan to continue with award winning entries each year. The City is proud of the efforts expended by Maintenance Crew Supervisor Jeff Fowler, the East Side Grounds Crew, and all others associated with this achievement. The Community Services Department and the athletic gz~ups who use Church Street Park also deserve recognition in the receipt of Honor Award for Church Street Pk. November 15, 1989 Page 2 this award. Without their help and concern for the care of the facilities, we would not have had an award winning entry. Res f submitted, i R :JB:1 cc: Bob 2etterberg, Maint. Supt. Maint. Section Staff C~ m ..: ~ ~.. ~~ .~.~.,..ao,~~.M.,...e.~m.,....o °3s oea =a z~~a~~ ~,e^: ?; ~_ ~~~ ,o a a m .. ~".~ . ::.:' mow. :.°. 0 o e ~:Y .~ : s"iow~:Ta :~uy° Wi YJJJJJit uoinl+~ r~n• wjnenF~-~0~4nJHNOyM~lJ~~naMT 3 ;.. aa.oo.~:.e esxe ~p~asoM::e~~ePo:°:a,~ea,eao ~.~~_ :e::e=== === s Y~ w.y ~ 1 ~os lua Ou~a wu0 W y~iu s ; w~M1u O•~ ~W O w :*~ Iww vi NI Iw i[wo Y~1 09 ~ 1; =NY` FM1 I In N OWy'ZVT ii ¢fYfa OJ'u~iu6Tl-au=iJliil Or u mnJl ws2 i~ r OIe aief~wma~r .n...in.n~..~n ~- ~n...~~ y~~nw~rwOw~~~o!oayuw 1 wn~Ji~f i W+Wi'.~uxrviW ti~mn ~• w~ S ~ Lo µii J~iFwurtiv 7iL~iN Nu1w uJ ~:an~~ o o~rY~JL ~~I~inNU. 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N V~ Y 11 P ~O \ NN tL NNOFN VO w Y Y\t M YV pi~ 00\00 00 N\ L n O J LN JOL OOeaO iL N~ dF Y .N WO 00 Ut N iWN NJ~'INW Ii~nNNNNNNaLW O~1 J:I \O=Ni NN OOp0000f,n ~ W L.Wi ur.~.....~... ___ _ P+ N ~~ O L V h y ~ W i ^ O MOaaaNahaNNOPOPNNNNNNM PIVOWOJP wroP~ NONNNNYNw~~NJ11~wNaah PFN NyN N y w NNMNgyN /O ----CITY OF RANCHO rUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Linda Beek, Junior Civil Engineer I SDBJECT: Authorize the advertising of the "Notice Inviting Btds" for the Area V Hillside Road Storm Drain, Phase II Improvement Protect, located between Archibald Avenue and Alta Loma Channel, to be funded from Drainage Funds, Account No. 23-4637-8862 RECOMEIDATION: It is reconwended that City Council approve plans and specifications for the Area V Hillside Road Stor+n Drain, Phase II irmpprovement Protect, located between Archibald Avenue and Alta Lama Channei, and approve the attached resolution authorizing the City Clerk to advertise the "Notice Inviting Bids". BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subJect protect plans and specificatians have Deen completed by Associatd Engineers, Incorporated, reviewed by staff and annmvan ny the ~t a.. r__. .. w 4~,y~~~~~,. The tngineer's estimate for construction is 5217,668.50. Legal advertising is scheduied for November 23, 1989, and November 30, 1989, with the bid opening an Thursday, December 7, 1989, at 2:00 P.M. Respec I yu itted, ~" ~~~/ RHM:LB:sd Attachment RESOLUTION N0. p l' -J ~ -cJ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "AREA V HILLSIDE ROAD STORM DRAIN, PHASE II", IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADYERTI SE TO RECEIVE BIDS. WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to construct certain improvements in the City of P.ancho Cucamonga. WHEREAS, the City of Rancno Cucamonga has prepared plans ar~d specifications for the construction of certain improvements. NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES that the plans and specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for "Area V Hillside Road Storm Drain, Phase II", BE IT FURTHER REStlLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for doing the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to wit; "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIOS OR PROPOSALS" Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE iS HEREBY GIVEN that the said City of Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the Office of the City Clerk in the offices of the Ci tv of Rancho rura,"nrn~ - ycfa;- -~~ ••° c u,c ~~~~~~ ui 2:uu o'clock P.M. on the 7th day of December 1989, seated bids or proposals for the 'Area V Hillside Road Storn Drain, Phase II" Tn said City. Bids will be opened and publicly read lmaediatety in the office of the City Clerk, 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Bids must be made on a form provided for the purpose, addressed to the Cittiy of Rancho Cucamonga, California, marked, "Bid for Construction of Area V Hillside Road Storm Drain, Phase II". PREVAILING WAGE: Notice is hereby given that Tn accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor is required to pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the public work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing -ate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. In that regard, the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California fs required to and has determined such general prevailing rates of per diem wages. Copies of such prevailing rates of per diem wages are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and are available to arty interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy of such determfnations to be posted at the ,lob site. RESOLUTION PAGE 2 The Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (f25.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day or portion thereof, if such laborer, workman, or mechanic is paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages hereinbefore stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under hiro, in violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1777.5 of the Labor Code as amended by Chapter 971, Statutes of 1939, and in accordance with the regulations of the California apprenticeship Council, properly indentured apprentices may be engloyed in the prosecution of the work. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Gode concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1177.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprenticeable occupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public works project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade for a certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to journeymen that will be used to the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen in such cases shall not be less than one to five except: A. Mhen unemployment in the area of coverage Dy the joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request for certificate, or B. Nhen the number of apprentices in training in the area exceeds a ratio of one to five, or C. When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 of Its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or D. Nhen the Contractor provides evidence that he eaploys registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight journeymen. The Contractor is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if he employs registered apprentices or journeymen in any apprenticeable trade on suth contracts and tf other Contractors on the public works site are making such contributions. The Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1771.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices. C_. RESOLUTION PAGE 3 Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the Dl rector of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with and be governed 6y the laws of the State cf California having to do with working hours as set forth in Division 2, Part 1, CAapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California as amended. The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (525.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the execution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon any of the work hereinbefore mentioned, for each caiendar day during which said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to labor more Lhan eight (8) hours in violation of said labor Code. Contractor agrees to pay travel and subsistence pay to each workman needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreements filed in accordance with Labor Code Section 1773.8. The bidder must submit with his proposal cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, payable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least ten percent (l0Y) of the amount of said Did as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract if the same is awarded to him, and in event of failure Lo enter in LO SOfh rnnlra~t ^•?.a. Cu a`~, ..~~.?cr : cP~ac,, ~eriiriea cneck, or bond shall become the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. If the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the iowest bidder's security shall be applied by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the low bid and the second lowest bid, and the surplus, if any, shalt De returned to the lowest bidder. The amount of the bond to be given Lo secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shell be one hundred percent (1002) of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond in an amount equal to fifty percent (503) of the contract price for said work shall be given to secure the payment of claims for any materials or supplies furnished for the performance of the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, or any work or labor of any kind done thereon, and the Contractor will also be required to furnish a certtfica*_e that he carries compensation Insurance covering his employees upon work to be done under contract which may De entered into between him and Lhe said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work. No proposal will be considered from a Contractor whom a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. '~ RESOLUTION PAGE 4 Contractor shall possess a Class "A` License (Generai Engineering Contractor) in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 7000 et. seq.) and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto at the time time this contract is awarded. The work is to be done in accordance with the profiles, plans, and specifications of the City of Rancho Cucamonga cn file in the Office of the Cfty Cle^k at 9320 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Copies of the plans and specifications, available at the office of the City Engineer, will be furnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and payment of 525.00, said f25.00 is nonrefundable. Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and specifications will be mailed when said request is accompanied by payment stipulated above, together with an additional nonreimbursable payment of f10.00 to cover the cost of mailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Tn accordance with the requirements of Section 902 of the General Provisions, as set forth in the Plans and Specifications regarding the work contracted to 6e done by the Contractor, the Contractor say, upon the Contractor's request and at the Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute authorized securities in lieu of monies withheld (performance retentioni. The City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, reserves the right tq reject any and all bids. By order of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. Dated this day of 1989. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Council of the rity of Rancho Cucamonga, California, this day of 1989. or ATTEST: y e ADVERTISE ON NOVEMBER 23, 1989 NOYEMBER 30, 1989 '~ CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Gary Varney, Maintenance Supervisor Streets 8 Storm Drains SUBJECT: Approval to purchase a Graffiti Removal Truck from hydro-Tek Systems, Inc., of Redlands, CA, in the amount of ,;40,227.00 to be funded from account number 01-4647-7045 RECONEMDATION: It is recommended that the City Council award the purchase of one (1) Graffiti Removal Truck to Hydro-Tek Systems, Inc., of Redlands, CA, in the amount of 140,227.00. The purchase is to be funded fraa account number 01-4647-7045. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS AL 2:00 P.M. on Tuesdaty, October 31, 1989, bid proposals for the purchase of one (1) 6raffitl Removal Truck were received and opened in the City Purchasing Office. Two bids were received from the four sent out. Those received were Fiydro-Tek of Redlands, CA and Bauer Coating of Los Mgeles, CA. The two bids that were rat received were from Hydro Blaster of Jpa rR1, weY Otq Olrl G 11.wiW1 GIrY 1~1MCilt vi Lawiwiui,, rn. uw~ w to build a unlt as specified within the t/me frame allowed. The-bid received from I{ydro-Tek 1s in compliance by meeting or ezceeding the City speclficatians on performance and equipment standards expected. it is to be noted that the savings from other purchases will compensate for the (2,227.00 bid overage of the 138,000.00 budgeted. Respe ~tted, .~ / :sd '~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 ~Y T0: City Council and City Manager ~C FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: JuQy A. Acosta, Engineering Atde SUBJECT: Approval of an amendment to the Policy and Procedure for various Landscape and Street Lighting Maintenance Districts throughout the City RECOI~EtDATIgI: It is recommended that City Council approve by minute action, the amendment to the attached Policy and Procedure to require the establishment of Lighting Districts No. 7 and 8. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The updated Policy and Procedure for various Landscape and Street Lighting Maintenance Districts within the City was approved at the Council's sleeting on Septeaber 20, 1989. Attached for your approval is the amendment to the Policy and Procedure including the addition of the new Ltghtirtg Districts No. 7 and 8 which will be concurrent with the Landscape Districts or the same numoer.. upon approval, we wools require the next, reasonably scheduled development in these areas to form these districts 1n accordance with their conditions of approval. Res su itted, f . ,w Attachment cc: Jarry Fulwood I CITY' OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~ MEMOSANDUM ~'t° '„ < > A F ~ 2 - III ~> 19A DATE: October 5, 1989 TO: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer FROM: ,Larry B. Pulwood, Deputy City Manager SUBJECT: 10EM11TIOE 07 LImET21a7 mAIETEWCE DIETRICTB Per our conversation, please set up a separate lighting dis- trict to coincide with the formation of each landscape dis- trict. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact ma. JBF/pr cc: Rick Oomez, Director, Community Davelopmsnt Bonnie cabriMa, Spacial Districts Analyst I~ Total C1. Pages 25 C1. AMRElU1TIDM TO STREET LIGHT A10 LANDSCAPE DISTRICT PRDCEDURE Preface 1. A11 proposed projects (Tract Map, Parcel Map, D.R., CUP and MDR) are required by the Planning Camaission or City Planner as a "Condition of Approval" of the projects to join Landscape and Lighting District. 2. projects are annexed to specific Districts and its work program areas (the areas and/or other items which are to 6e mai ntat ned by the districts) are determined in accordance with the annexation Poilcy set in Exhibit "A" and .,D ~~ 3. All annexation items are set for the City Council Agenda as consent calendar item at the same time as the corresponding projects tract or parcel maps and/or bonds and agreements are set for City Council approval. Where no map or bond is involved, this item is set for City Council agenda for approval concurrent with the issuance of building permit. 4. Occasionally, the City may choose to initiate Lhe annexation of same specific projects to the Landscape and Lighting Maintenance Districts. This Drocess will require approval by the City Council through public hearing process pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" of the California Street and Highway Code. The processing of those "specific" projects shall be coordinated with the Resource Service Department. Administrative Procedure 1. The developer of the project shall be required to submit the "Consent and Naiver" form (see Exhibit "C") for annexing to Landscape and Lighting District duly signed by all the legal owners of the property to the Development Processing Section prior to recordation of map or issuance of building permit, whichever occurs first. 2. Project Engineer (In-house staff in charge of the project) 1s responsible to set the annexation Item for City Council agenda as Consent Calendar item in accordance with "City Council Agenda Procedure" (See Engineering Procedure Manual). 3. The City Council report package shall include the fallowing: 1. Staff report providing Background/Analysts and Recaamiendation for City Council ac ti an. 2. Resolution ordering the annexation including exhibits for the project boundary and the itemized list of work program areas as referred 1n the resolution. Sample copies of the report package are enclosed as Exhibit "D°. I CI. Page 2 4. After approval of the annexation by the City Council, the Resource Service Department rill receive a copy of the approved resolution for their use. 5. A copy of the staff report and the approved resolution is kept in the pro,{ect file and a copy is transmitted to tFie Maintenance Oepartment. C1. Page 3 EXHIBIT 'A' LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT (LMD) LMD No. 1 - "GENERAL CITY" District Boundary: All Residential Properties within certain portions of the City, excluding all properties within the boundaries of LMD No.'s 2, 4, 5, 6, J, 8 and Caamercial/Industrial properties of LIB No. 3. i5ee Exhibit "E".} Note: This district is generally located within the westerly part of the City comprising of Alta Loma areas and a portion of Cucamonga areas.) Work Program Area: a. Certain parkways and median islands withtn the District boundary per page 10 of Exhibit "A". b. Gateways withtn the district boundary. c. Street trees within all parkways. d. Comaunify Equestrian traits. e. Freeway slopes ad,~acent to residential projects. (Sub,(ect to City Council authorization.) Prof ec is to oe Annexed: a. All RESIDENTIAL (Single Family and Multi-family) subdivisions wt thin the District boundary. b. Residential Subdivisions within L10 No. 3 boundary. Note: 1. Individual single family residences and institutional projects are not anmarced. 2 Caimaerctal protects within this district boundary are annexed to LMD No. 38 ). Assessment Unit: a. Single family residence: 1 dwelling Unit - 1 Assessment Unit b. Multi-faintly residence: 1 dwelling Unit • 0.5 Assessment Unit dI C1. Page 4 EXHIBIT "A" LMD No. 2 - "VICTORIA" District Boundary: Victoria Planned Community boundary as approved by Ordinance No. No. 143, as amended by Resolution No. 392 and others "outpieces` as shown on the District boundary map. (See Exhibit "E".) Work Program Area: a. Victoria Park Lane. b, Parkways per page 10 of Exhibit "A". c. Street trees within parkways and within dedicated easements. d. Parks, including lighting. e. All public trail systems, including lighting. f. Freeway slopes. (Subtect to City Council authorization.) Protects to Annexed: _ a. A11 residential protects. b. Non-residential protects (Commercial/Industrial/Institutional). c Vacant. lots. Note: Original Victoria Planned Caamwnity area per Ordinance No. 143 has previously been annexed to the District. As further subdivisions occur, re-annexation need not to be done, only reapportionment is done for assessment purposes. When development occurs on those properties outside the original comianltY area per Ordinance No. 143, those new developments shalt require annexation. e«e~,~..~ u.."~. a. Residential (single 8 multi-family): 1 dwelling Untt - 1 Assessment Unit b. Ron-restdential: 1.0 acre = 2.0 Assessment Units c. Vacant Land: 4.0 acres - 1.0 Assessment Unit ~~ C1. Page 5 EXHIBIT "A' LMD No. 3 - "INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL" (LMD No. 3A d 38) District Boundary: a. Industrial and Foothill Boulevard SDecific Plan areas. b. Non-residential areas within LMD No. 1 boundary. (See Exhibit "E") Nork Program Area: a. All median islands within the District boundary. b. Special parkway locations (Example: Northeast corner of 6th Street and Buffalo). c. Freeway slopes ayacent to Coa~oercial/Industrial projects. (Subject to City Council authorization.) d. Special Area - Retention basin, I-15 slopes for PM 7349 (LMD No. 3A). Projects to be Annexed: a. All Non-residential (Caieaerciat, Industrial, etc.) projects within this boundary. - b. All Non-residential projects within LMD No. 1 boundary. Note: All residential Droiects within this boundary are annexed to LMD No. 1. ..~e......e". ii"~.. a. Zone A: (LMD No. 3A) PM 7349: 1 Lot 1 Assessment Unit (for the cost of maintaining landscaping, storm drain and retention basin with the parcel maD boundary). b, Zone B: (A11 other projects - LMD No. 38) Industrial/Commercial/Institutional: 1.0 acres 1.0 Assessment Unit LMD No. 4 - "TERRA V[STA` District Boundary: All of Terra Yista Community Boundary as approved by Ordinance No. 190, excluding the proposed Central perk area. (See Exhibit "E") C1. Page 6 E%NIBIT "A" Nork Program Area: a. Certain parkwAys in residential areas per page 10 of Exhibit "A". b. Street trees within parkwAys and within dedicated easement. c. Public parks, greenways, trails and gateways, including lighting. d. ;4zdian islands. Note: 1/2 width of the median islands on the peripheral streets of the boundary. Protects to be Annexed: a. RESIDENTIAL (single b multi-family) protects within the district boundary b. Non-residential (Commercial, industrial, Institutional, etc.) protects within the district boundary. c. Vacant properties. Assessment Unft: a. Single family residence: 1 dwelling Unit • 1 Assessment Unit b. Mufti-family residence: 1 dwelling Unit • 0.5 Assessment Unit c, Non-residential protects: 1.0 acre • 2.0 Assessment Units d. Vacant properties: 4.0 acres 1.0 Assessment Until LMD No. 5 - "TOT LOTS" District Boundary: Tract 11915-1 (Sae Exhibit "E") Note: This tract is also included 1n LIO No. 1. Nork Program Area: a. Tot lot within the boundary. b. Open space areas within the tract. ~~ cl. Page 7 EXHIBIT "A" Protect to be Annexed: Tract 11915-1 only Note• This district stands on its own. No additional areas will be annexed into this district. 1 Dwelling Unit = 1 Assessment Unit Note: This tract is also annexed in LMD No. 1. LMD No. 6 - "CARYN" District Boundary: All City areas North of Highland Avenue, Between Deer Creek Channel and Day Creek Channel. (See Exhibit "E") Nork Program Area: ~ ' a. Parkways per page ID of Exhibit "A". b. Median Islands c. qll Puoltc parxs, crate ;yscems, paseos, ~reemvyys, etc., including all appurtenant improvements. d. Street trees within parkways and within dedicated easements. e. Freeway slopes. (Subject to Ctty Council authorization.) Protect to be Annexed: a. A11 residential-iro,)ects. b. Non-residential Projects (Commercial/Institutional). c. Vacant Lot. Assessment Unit: a. Residential (single and multi-family): 1 dwelling Unit = 1 Assessment Unit b. Non-residential: 1.0 acre ~ 2.0 Assessment UM is c. Vacant lot: 4,0 acres 1.0 Assessment Untt ~5 C1. Page 8 E%HIBIT "A' LMD No. 7 - "ETINANDA NORTH" District Boundary: All city areas East of Oay Creek channel and North of Highland Avenue. Nork Program Area• a. parkways per page 10 of Exhibit "A" b. Median Islands c. All public regional and community tra11 systems including all appurtenant improvements. d, Public parks, greern+ays, paseos or greenway systems, including all appurtenant improvements. e. Street trees within parkways and dedicated easement. f. Freeway slopes. (Subtect to City Council authorization.) Protects to be Annexed: a. All residential protects. b. Non-residential Protects (Commercial/Institutional). Assessment Unit• a. Residential (Single and Multi-family): 1 6weiling Unit - Assessment Unit. b. Non-residential: 1.0 acre " 2.0 Assessment Unit LMD M8 - "ETIMANDA SOUTH" District Boundary: All City areas East of Etiwanda Avenue, Between Foothill Boulevard and Highland Avenue including the traingular property bounded by I-15, Foothill Boulevard and Etiwanda Avenue. ~~ Cl. Page 9 EXHIBIT "A" Nork Program Area: a. ParkwAys per page 10 of Exhibit "A" b. Median Islands c. All public regional and community trail systems including all appurtenant improvements. d. ?ublic parks, greemvays, paseos or greem+ay systems. e. Street trees within parkwyys and dedicated easement. f. Freeway slopes. (Subject to City Council authorization.) Projects to be Annexed: a. All residential projects. b. Non-residential Projects (Commercial/Institutional). Assessment Unit: a. Residential (single and Multi-family): 1 Oweiling Unit - Assessment Unit. - b. Non-residential: 1.0 acre • 2.0 Assessment Unit 'C/ C1. Page 30 EIOIIBIT 'A' LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT (LMD) 1. Ma,)or street parkways and ad,)acent slopes along 'Back-On" lots in single family residential subdivisions. 2. Parkways on side streets along "Side-On" lots when contiguous to (1) above. 3. All street trees In parkways. 4. Other street trees in dedicated easements. 5. Designated publSc Greenbelts, Paseos, Trails (pedestrian and 6lcycle) and contiguous areas as appropriate. 6. Cowwnity EQuestrial Trails when located within parkways, easements and Greenbelt areas. 7. Certain Railroad embankments, Freeway slopes and Utility corridors under special condition by Planning Commission. (Sub,{ect to City Council authorization.) 8. City Entry Monuments. ~ - 9. Median Islands. 10. Public Parks and Lands. txciusions• a. Parkways contignous to multi-family residential subdivisions. Note: Certain parkways on major streets may be annexed to the work program depending on the design of the protect and only at the discretion of the City Engineer. b. All parkways aaaept street trees adjacent to Commercial/Industrial and Institutional projects. c. Parkways along residential corner property when it is not contiguous to City-maintained parkways. d. Private-trails, private-parks, tot lots except for Tract iigt5-I. ~g C1. Page 11 EXHIBIT 'B' STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT (SLMD) SLMD NS - "MAJOR STREETS' District Boundary: All areas throughout the City. Work Frogram: Street lights on major streets (Arterials and certain collector streets as shown on the map, Exhibit "E" - "Work Program Areas for SLMD M1.) Projects to be Annexed: a. All Residential Subdivisions (Single and Multi-family). 6. All Non-residential (Conaerclai/Industrial/Institutional) projects. Assessment Unit: a. Single family projects: 1 dwelling Unit = 1 Assessment Unit b. Multi-family projects: 1 dwelling Unit = 1 Assessment Unit c. Industrial/Commercial and Institutional projects: 1.0 acre 2.0 Assessment Units SL4D N2 - "CITY WIDE" District Boundary: a. Ail City areas except properties within SLMD d'S 3, 4, 5, Commercial/Industrial areas of /6, 7 and 8. (See Exhibit "E") 6. A11 residential areas in SLMD N6. Nork Program: All street lights within the district boundaries except those in SLMD Yl. Projects to be Annexed; a. Single Family Residential Subdivisions within this district boundary. b. Single Family Residential wt thin SLMD #6 boundary. Note: Multi-family residential Drojec1tsgare not annexed. d 1 C1. Page 12 EXHIBIT "B" Assessment Unit: Single Family Residence: 1 duelling Unit = 1 Assessment Unit SLMD M3 - "VICTORIA COMMUNITY" District Boundary: a. Victoria Planned Canmunity area as approved by Ordinance No. 143 as amended per Resolution No. 392. b. All other "out-pieces" as shown on the District Boundary Map. (See Exhibit "E") Nork Program: Alt street lights within the district boundary, except those in SLMD Nl. Pro,)ects to be Annexed: a. Single and Multi-family Residential Subdivi5lons. b. Non-residential (Caxwercial/Institutional, etc.) pro,~ects. - Assessment Unit: a. Single family residential: 1 dwelling Unit • 1 Assessment Unit u. I~tYI LI-leml ly I'ep1Ue0 Lla i. i dwell Illy u111L - i MSaeSmxeui. u~iit c. Non-residential: 1.0 acre 2.0 Assessment Units SLMD Y4 - "TERRA YiSTA COM141iNITY" District Boundary: Terra Vista Planned Ge~aunity as approaved by Ordinance No. 190, excluding the proposed Central Park area. (See Exhtbtt "E") Nork Program: All street lights within the district boundary except those in SLMD i1. Projects to be Annexed: a. Single and Multi-family Residential Subdivision. b. Non-residential (industrial/Co~aerclal/Institutional etc.) projects. 3~ C1. Page 13 EXHIBIT "B" Assessment Unit: a. Single family residential: 1 dwelling Unit = 1 Assessment Unit b. Multi-family residential: 1 dwelling Unit = 0.5 Assessment Urit c. Non-residential: 1.0 acre = 2.0 Assessment Units SLND #5 - "CARYN" District Boundary: All City areas north of Highland Avenue, between Deer Creek channel and Day Creek Channel. (See Exhibit "E") Nork Program: All street lights within the district boundary except those in SLhD Y1. Pro,iects to be Annexed: a. Single Family Residential Subdivisions. b. Non-residential: 1.0 acre ~ 2.0 Assessment Units SLMO M6 - "INDUSTRIAL/COFNERCIAL" U 15 Lr'ICL pVw1lUCry a. Industrial and Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan areas. b. Non-residential (Commercial/Industrial, etc.) areas within SLND 62 district boundary. (See Exhibit "E"1 Nork Program• A11 street lights wiN~M the district boundary except those 1n SLMD !1. Proiects to be Annexed: a. Non-residential (Commercial/Industrial, etc.) pro,~ects within the district boundary. b. Non-residential protects within SLND N2 boundary. Assessment Unit: Non-residential: 1.0 acre A 1.0 Assessment Unit 31 C1. Page 14 EXHIBIT "B" SLMD M7 - "ETIMANDA NORTH" District Boundary: All City areas east of Day Creek Channel and north of Highland Avenue. Mork Program Area: All street lights within the district boundary except those in SLMD A1. Projects to be Annexed: a, All residential projects. b. Non-residential projects (Commercial /Institutionall. Assessment Unit: a. Residential (single and multi-family): 1 dwelling unit • 1.0 assessment unit. 6. Non-residential: 1.0 acre • 2.0 assessment units. SLMD MB - "ETINANDA SOUTH" District Boundary: All City areas east of Etiwanda Avenue between Foothill Boulevard and Highland Avenue including the triangular property bounded by I-15, Foothill Boulevard and Etiwanda Avenue. Work Program Area: All street lights wt thin the district boundary except those in SLMD M1. Projects to be Annexed; a. All residenttal~grojects. b. Nan-residential projects (Commercial/instituttanal). Assessment Unit: a. Residential (single and multi-family): 1 dwelling unit • 1.0 assessment unit. b, Non-residential: 1.0 acre 2.0 assessment units. 'J C1. Page 15 EIWIBIT 'C' CONSENT AIU WIPER TD AMNElD1TI0N FOR WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, has previously formed a special oaintenance district pursuant to the tents of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" (the "Act'), being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, special aaintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. Street Lighting Maintenance District No. and Street Lighting Main e'1: nonce District No. (hereinafter referred-i- as the "Maintenance District"); and, WHEREAS, the provisions of Article I( of Chapter 2 of the Act authorize the legislative body to order the annexation of territory to the Maintenance District; and, WHEREAS, the Legislative bogy aAy, pursuant to said provisions of the Act, order Lhe annexation of territory to the Maintenance District without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report" as would otherwise be required by the provisions of the Act if all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed have given written consent to the proposed annexation; and, NNEREAS, the undersigned, the owners of all property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District, acknowledge that pursuant to the provisions of the Act, the undersigned would be entitled to notice and hearing and the preparation of an Engineer's "Report" pertaining to the annexation of the property owned by the undersigned to the Maintenance District. The undersigned, however, acknowledge that they are aware of the proposed annexation to the Maintenance District of the property owned by the undersignea, ana wave arty ana alt rignc wmcn sne unaersigned awy now nave w notice and hearing or the ftitng of an Engineer's 'Report' pertaining to the annexation of the undersigneds' property to the Maintenance District. NOM, THEREFORE, it is hereby declared by the undersigned property owners as follows: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. That tho wererslgned, constituting the owners of the property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein 6y this reference and further constituting all of the property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District, hereby consent to the proposed annexation of said property to the Maintenance District without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report" pertaining to such annexation. DATED: 33 Cl. Page 16 EXHIBIT 'C' CERTtfICATE OF SIFFICIEMCY OF CONSENT AID WIPER TD ANNEXATION FOR TO , STREET LIGHTING NAIMTENAMCE DISTRICT MD- AMD STREET LIGHTING ININiENAIiCE DTSTRIGT ND. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY Of SAN BERWRDINO CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON6A RUSSELL H. lU1GUIRE, the undersigned, hereby certifies as follows: That I am the duly appointed CITY ENGINEER of the CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA. That on the day of 1989, t renewed a Consent and Naiver to Annexation pertain ng annexation of certain property to the Maintenance District, a copy of which Ts On file 1n the Office of the City Clerk. That I caused said Consent and Naiver to Mnexation to be examined and my examination revealed that said Consent and Naiver to Mnexation has been signed by the owners of all of the property within the territory proposed to oe annexes to the maintenance uistrict. That said Consent and Naiver to Annexation meets the reQulrements of Section 22608.1 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Caiifornia. EXECUTED thts day of 1989, at Rancho Cucamonga, Califarnta. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA STATE OF CALIFORNIA 3~{ EJfHIBIT "D" Cl. Page 17 E)DIIBIT 'D' DATE: T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: SUBJECT: Approval of Map, Improvement Ageement, Improvement Security and ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. and Street Lighting Maintenance District Hos. for located at/on submitted by It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving accepting the subject agreement and security, ordering a annexe on andscape Maintenance District No. and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. and authar~Ting the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreeme-mod to cause said swp to record. - BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS located at/on the e eve oilmen s rict, was aDDrove y e ann ng omm ss on on for the division of acres into lots parce s. The Developer, Ts submitting an agreement and secur y guaran a cons ruc on of the off-side improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Perfonaance Bond: _ Labor artd-Materlai Band: E Copies of the agreement and security are available 1n the City Clerk's Office. Letters of approval have been received from the high school and elementary school districts and Cucamonga County Mater District. C.C. 8 R.'s have also been approved by the City Attorney. The Consent and Nalver to Annexation form signed by the Developer is on file 1n the Clty Clerk's office. Respectfully submitted, RHM: Attachments 35 EXHIBIT "D" C1. Page 18 EXHIBIT 'D' RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTION ff THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. IIND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. AND ~~ NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formw!d a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1912', being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance dl strict krrown and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. Street Lighting Maintenance District No. and Street Lighting Main e>-nance District No. (hereinafter referred-E' as the "Maintenance District"); and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and NNEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take - proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to Lhe Maintenance District have f11ed with LAe City Clerk Lheir written consent to the proposed annexation without notice ana nearing or filing of an Engineer's 'Report. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative body hereby orders the annexation of the proper ~as showm•1n Exhibit "A' and the work progrma areas as described 1n Exhibit 'B' attached hereto to Lhe Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including t~ et ry of all assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. 3c~ cl. Page 19 ~w..+.\ ~ - ~~ ~/ ~ - ~~ ~; / 4 ~ ed' ~ f l ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~r~ ~ ~- ~ /Y I `~\`l1 ~ .'~ ~ NOTE: MNERE APPLICABLE, EXH181T TO SHOM SQUARE FOOTAGES OF ALl AREAS TO BE nAI NTAI NEO THROUGHOUT TURF GROUNOCOVER PROJECT. s~- s Street 19th Street 11,965 PLEASE SHOM IEGF.NO OF AREAS TO nedian BE MAf NTAINED Parkway GROUNOCOVER Trail LECENO: ~~ `~~' CLTY OF RANCHO'CUCAu~tO~K'A TRACT 119x1 ~~~ n ;; \s ENGINEERING DIVISION ~~„ ~_...,3 VICINITY MAP N ~ Exxxaxz "o" ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM IANOSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. ANNEXATION N0. C1. Page 20 EXHIBIT '0" EXHIBIT 'D' EXHIBIT '8' PROJECT NAME: N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of Lamps to be Annexed District No. 1 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Turf Ground Cover Trees District No. Street Name Sq• ft. Sq. ft. Ea. 3$ C1. Page 21 i ' ~ y ' Q i i ~ ~ ~ i s ~ r ~ 4 :: a EXHIBYT "E" . _ 7 ~ j -;- -? 3 q .~ H'J ~''I R1~ ? ~ . _~~_.-f.......::..r f '~IFw~~~'~T~~ ~~ I ~ C~ .~ i~~ ~ _ C r- ~l Q4~~~_~' J _,-L ~Sj-~.__ _ ~~ y~ 1 i ; 1-_y~ ~ ~Y J ~ ~. _ _ y~ j i yr.~.; ~; 3r ~• t _ _~ J ~ ~i~~~ .~,,~ , . ~; 1 '._ - / r'°-_ -F~' ._~ ~#~ • r '~~ . '~1' ~ti' 3~ ~~ C1. Page 23 LANDSCAPE/IRRIGATION, STREET TREE AND STREET LIGHT PERMIT/INSPECTION/ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE City/District Maintained Landscape Areas 1. A71 landscape/irrigation installation Lhat is to be City/District maintained shall require a separate "Construction Permit". A. Applicant shall subnit an application for a Construction Permit to the Engineering Division Tn the same manner that is required for other public improvements to be constructed in public rights-of-way or easements. 1. In addition to all other requirements, the plans for assessment district or public maintained landscaped areas shall show assessment district number and plant establishment periods. 2. No inspection or work in the public right-of-way is to occur without valid permit. 2. The inspector shall inspect all trenching, pipe materials and sizes, valves, control wires, controller, pressure test, backfill etc. pursuant to "Green Book" Specifications and City Standards. Inspector shall inspect planting for fertilization, root control, soil amendments, backfill, spacing location, size, and healthiness. The inspector shall seek the assistance of the Maintenance Section regarding questions concerning healthiness of plant material. .i. Rii irri ga ciao concroiiers and me~er yeues Lais siiaii ue iuiiy eu~iuaeu dual purpose (single cabinet for electric meter and controller) enclosure with approved size and type of controller. 4. During the establishment period, the inspector shall make regular monthly inspections and notify developer of any deficiencies. One month prior to end of establishment period the inspector along with the Maintenance Section shall inspect landscaping for final clean-up and acceptance. Anything other than minor plant replacement, minor weeding, etc. shall require the develop~- to continue the establishment period for the required period for the new plant material. Nhen acceptance is to be considered by City Council, the inspector shalt make final inspection to insure all dean-up items have been completed. Engineering shall supply the Special Districts Management Department with ;guars footage and estimated monthly cast far any landscaping within a district. 5. Acceptance will not be recommended to City Council until such time all other improvements have been completed and are also to be recommended far acceptance, assessments, 1f appropriate, are in effect as cleared by the Special Districts Management Departaw!nt and the 1 year 101 maintenance bond for public improvements including landscape and irrigation guaranteeing workmanship and materials have been received by the City. ~I Cl. Page 24 Property Owner Maintained Landscaped Areas 1. All landscape/irrigation installation to occur in public rights-of-way or easements that 1s to be maintained by the property owner(s) will be included in the permit for the construction of the other improvements within rights-of-way or easments. A. If there are no other improvements, a separate permit will be required. 1. Applicant shall provide, at time cf submitting application, one set of private landscape/irrigation plans stooped approved by the Planning Division. B. No inspection or work in the public right-of-way is to occur without valid permit. 2. On property owner maintained landscape areas, the inspector shall inspect trenching, depth, pipe material and size, and backfilling. Inspector shall inspect plant materials for size, location, spacing and root control. The inspector shall seek assistance from the Planning Di vision for inspection of planting and compliance with conditions of approval. 3. Owner maintained landscape areas will be cleared when all landscaping is 1003 germinated and Planning Division has been consulted and all other public improvements have been completed and are to be accepted. Street Trees i. Aii aireei Lreta i.u ue pianeeu in puuii~ ri yida-ui-way ur mae,rwu La will be permited under a landscape/irrlgati on construction permit or other improvement pernlt, whichever is appropriate. A. If no other permit exists, a separate permit will be required. 1. Applicant shall provide, at time of submitting application, one set of tree planting plans ar minor drawing, whichever is appropriate For size of protect, stamped approved by the Engineering Division. 2. On all projects, including local streets, the Inspector shall inspect all tree sWking and tying. Stakes shad be installed per City Standards and shall be secure. T1 es shall be per City Standards and all protruding wires shall be stapled to stake and trimmed. Ties shall be of sufficient diameter to allow for considerable future growth while still providing tree support. Trees will be accepted at the time other improvements are accepted. A. If there are no other improvements, trees will be accepted 1n the same manner as City/District maintained landscaped areas. C1. Page 25 Street Lights 1. Street light installation will be permited under Lhe construction permit for the construction of other improvements. 2. Street lights shall be complete and energized prior to recommendation for acceptance. Street lights will be accepted at time the other improvements are accepted provided assessments, 1f appropriate, are in effect as cleared by the Special Districts Management Department or other arrangements have been made for the payment of energy charges by developer. 3. Engineering shall supply the Special Districts Management Department with the number of arterial and/or local street lights prior to determination of deposit requirements. ~~ - CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 ~ T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Phil Verbera, Assistant Civil Engineer SUB.IECT; Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance 0l strict Nos. 1 and 2 for Tract 13813, located on the west side of Hellman Avenue approximately 900 feet south of 19th Street, submitted by Nilliam Perry Roofing RECDMEIOATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Tract 13813, accepting the subJect agreement and security, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Tract 13813, located on the west side of Hellman Avenue approximately 900 feet south of 19th Street, in the Low Resldenti al District, was approved by the ol. ..a... r....a »a.. ,.......a ,n ,nao d':~~iJa i •.~ u~un u_ u.. u~~ .u ~uuw u, V, IVY u1M1 V~ •..i Y41 Gi 1114V V lots. The Developer, Nilliam Perry Roofing, 1s submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site Improvements Tn the follow!ng amounts: Faithful Performance Irrevocable Authority to Pay Letter: f76,000.00 Labor and Material Revocable Authority to Pay Letter: 538,000.00 Monumentatton Cash Band: f 2,700.00 Copies of the agreement and security are ava11aD1e in the City Clerk's Office. A letter of approval has been received From the Cucaax:nga County Nater District. The Consent and Nalver to Mnexation form signed by the Developer is on file 1n the City Clerk's office. Respe ed, /~ RHM: V:JM: s .1,~ RESOLUTION N0. ~ - 5 ~ CP A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY, ANO FINAL MAP OF TRACT N0. 13813 NHEREAS, the Tentative Map of Tract No. 13813, consisting of 6 lots, submitted by Nilliam Perry Roofing, Subdivider, located on the west side of Hellman Avenue, approximately 900 feet south of 19th Street, has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by said Subdivider for approval by said City as provided in the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, and in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and NHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the Final Map of said Tract said Subdivider has offered the Improvement Agreement submitted herewith for approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient Improvement Security, and submits for approval said Final Map offering for dedication for street and highway purposes the streets delineated thereon. NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: 1, That said Improvement Agreement De and the same is approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute same on behalf of said City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and 2. That said Improvement Security is accepted as good and sufficient, subject to approval as to forma and content thereof by the City Attorney; and 3. That the offers for dedication and the Finai Map deiineating same be approved and the City Clerk is authorized to execute the certificate thereon on behalf of said City. T~ RESOLUTION N0. ~~- S ~ 7 A RESOWTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 ANO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR TRACT 13813 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 1, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and MHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the 'Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972` authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit 'A' attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's 'Report'. NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESDLVES AS FOLLONS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative bogy hereby orders the annexation of the proper y as shown in Exhibit 'A" and the work program areas as described 1n Exhibit 'B' attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including ~ieTevy of alt assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. ~I^ •A• ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 1O~I. .STRFFIT NII.LMAN AYE. LEGQm +~~.a ~S171t8T LIIXf CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA IR 13813 EXHIBIT 'B' PROJECT NAME: TRACT 13813 N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: 6 d/u N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 6 units STREET LIGHTINE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of Laaps Lo be Mnexed District No. ~-95IIOL ~_ ~ ^eT5I1U 1 --- i --- --- --' 2 3 --- --- --- --- LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Turf rmunA rover Trees District No. Street Nave Sq. ft. Sq. ft. Ea. 1 Heliwn Avenue --- --- 22 JAA:11/15/89 ~V -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT - ,. DATE: November 15, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Niiite Valbuena, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and ~ Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 4 i and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nas. 1 and 4 for Tract 13662, located on the southeast corner of Haven Avenue and Base Line Road, submitted by Lewis Names of California ~ RECp9ElOATIOM It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Tract 13662, accepting the subiect agreement and security, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 4 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 4, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Tract 13662, located on the southeast corner of Haven Avenue and Base Line Road in the Medium Density Residential District, was approved by the Planning commission on wovemoer au, luau, ror cne a:vision or o.au acres loco cv rocs. The Developer, Lewis Homes of California, 15 submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: 5166,576.00 Labor and Material Bond: S 82,288.00 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the Ctty Clerk's Office. Letters of approval have been received from the high school district and Cucamonga County Mater District. The Consent and Natver to Mnexatton forum signed by the Developer 1s on file to the City Clerk's office. Respectfull submitted, R W: A:sd Attachments RESOLUTION N0. ~~-.J ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY, AND FINAL MAP OF TRACT N0. 13662 WHEREAS, the Tentative Map of Tract No. 13662, consisting of 29 lots, submitted by Lewis Hones of Callfornia, Subdivider, located on the southeast corner of Haven Avenue and Base Line Road, has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by said Subdivider for approval by said City as provided in the Subdivision Map Act of the State of Callfornia, and in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and NHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the Final Map of said Tract said Subdivider has offered the Improvement Agreement submitted herewith for approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient Improvement Security, and submits for approval said Final Map offering for dedication for street and highway purposes the streets delineated thereon. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: That said Improvement Agreement be and the same is approveA and the Mayor 1s authorized to execute same on behalf of said City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and Tiiac saiu imyruvemeni Sec:uriiy is accepced as good and sufficient, subject to approval as to forty and content thereof by tha City Attorney; and That the offers for dedication and the Final MoD delineating same be approved and the City Clerk 1s authorized to execute the certificate thereon on behalf of said City. 5c~ RESOLUTION N0. O~~ _5 ~ 9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY~TO LANDSCAPE IMINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 4 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 4 FOR TRACT 13662 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terns of the 'Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of tNe State of California, said special maintenance dl5trict known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 4, Street Lighting Maintenance Distrtct No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 4 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and NHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance Distrtct; and NHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit 'A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance Distrtct; and NNEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance Distrtct have Hled with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF Tiff CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLONS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative bogy hereby orders the annexation of the property as shown 1n Exhibit 'A" and the work program areas as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto Lo the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including ~Tevy of all assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. 5~ cx~T •~• ASSESSMENT OIAORAM LANDSCAPE MAMITENANCE DISTRICT NO. 4 STREET LIGHTING MAMATENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 4 h~c _ BASE G,J.vE .ra-•O p ,~~ gY , ~ -- _ -~_'~--~ ^'~ i ---~ ~ to of '~j ~~J `~ T I ~_ i ~ ~t~ WI ~I I !Yo 2 3 5 d 9 is i iL /3 H /S /Q !I I wi;I~I~I~ILtm I~~1~•\" CITY Of RANCNO Ct1CAMONOA CONNTY OR SAN BERNARDMlO STATE OR CALIFORNIA ~cr Mo .~z ~~ EIWIBIT 'B' PROJECT NAME: TRACT 13662 N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: 29 d/u N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 29 units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of Lames to be Annexed District No. 1 --- 3 3 --- --- 4 8 --- --- --- --- LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Turf Ground Cover Trees uia Li i~L riu. $i.reeL rioMK - ii. Sy. ii. Ea. 4 Base Line Rd. 500 500 18 Naves Ave. 700 700 20 Street 'A' --- --- 27 Street 'B' --- --- 15 JM: 11/15/89 S~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Novelaber 15, 1989 (~ T0: City Council and City Manager ilC~ FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Willie Valbuena, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security for DR 87-48, located on the south side of 9th Street between Hellman Avenue and Archibald Avenue and release of improvement Agreement and Improvement Security previously accepkd by City Council an September 20, 1989, both sugaitted by Sebastiano Filpi RECOMIFJDIITIOM: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the subject agreement and security for DR 87-48 and release of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security previously accepted by City Council on September 20, 1989, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS uR ni-qo, locates on the soutn side of 9th Street Detween Hellman and Archibald Avenues, in the General Industrial District, Subarea 3, was approved by the Planning Cosatssion on June 23, 1988, for the division of 2.86 acres into 1 lot. The Developer, Sebasttano Filpi, is submitting an agreement and security k guarantee the construction of the off-sik improvements to the following amounts: Irrevocable Letkr of Credit Faithful Performance: (6,100.00 Labor and Makrial: (3,050.00 The above-mentioned security replaces the security accepted 6y City Council on September 20, 1989, from the same developer. CITY CGUNCIL STAFF REPORT DR 87-48 NOVEMBER 15, 1989 PAGE 2 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. A letter of approval has been received frog the Cucamonga County Nater District. Respectf submitted, i ' ."~. 1 / Attachment 5'~ RESOLUTION N0. ~4 ' ~ ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROYING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ANO IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEN N0. 87-48 AND RELEASING THE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND SECURITY PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, accepted an Improveaent Agreement and Improvement Security on Septenber 20, 1989, by Sebastiano Filpi, as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-wyy adiacent to Lhe real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the south side of 9th Street, between Hellman Avenue and Archibald Avenue; and NHEREAS, the Developer is requesting that the City Couneit release the Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security previously submitted and replace tt with Faithful Performance and Labor and Material Irrevocable Letter of Credit; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement is secured and accampanled by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL dF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES that said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to accept Improvement Security on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~5 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 J T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Nillie Valbuena, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreements and Improvement Securities for Tract 12462, located on the south side I of Summit Avenue, between Etiwanda and East Avenues, submitted by First Family Homes and release of Improvement Agreements and Improvement Securities previously accepted ~ by City Council on April 19, 1989, submitted by Radnor/Brougham/CUCamonga Partnership RECOMMENOATIOM: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the sub,iect agreements and securities and authorizing the Mayor and the Cfty Clerk to sign said agreements and to release the agreements and securities previously accepted by City Council on April 19, 1989. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS i, 6cL i2+ua", iuw LeJ uii Liic auu Li, of Je ui iYlMli. nreuue, ue Lween ii.iwm,Ja and East Avenue, in the Very Low Residenttat District was approved by the Planning Commission on December 14, 1983, far the division of 18.49 acres into 27 lots. The Developer, First Family Homes, is submitting Improvement Agreements and Improvements Securities to guarantee the construction of the offslte improvements in to fallowing amounts: Detention Basin Eastern Comtaunity Trail Offslte Improvements Cash Maintenance for Detention Basin Faithful Performance Bond Labor and Material Bond f 11,600.00 S 5,800.00 s la,ooo.oo s l,oao.oo 5326,OOD.00 (163,000.00 S 20,000.00 CITT COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TRACT 12462 NOVEMBER 15, 1989 PAGE 2 The above-mentioned securities replace the securities accepted by City Council on April 19, 1989, from Radnor/Brougham/Cucamonga Partnership. Copies of the agreements and securities are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respe terry s fitted, ~~~ ~~ RNM• .sd Attachment 57 RESOLUTION NO. ~~- ~,j / A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY DF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES FOR TRACT NO. 12462 AND RELEASING THE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS AND SECURITIES PREYIOUSLY ACCEPTED NHEREAS, Trott No. 12462, located on the south side of Summit Avenue, between Etiwanda and East Avenues, was approved by City Council on December 14, 1983; and NHEREAS, First Family Homes, has offered the Improvement Agreements submitted herewith for approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient Improvement Securities. Said Improvement Agreements and Improvement Securities replace Improvement Agreements and Improvement Securities previously accepted at the City Council meeting of April 19, 1989. NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: That said Improvement Agreements De and the same are approved and the Mayor is authorized Lo execute same on behalf of said City and the C1ty Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and 2. That said Improvement Securities are accepted as good and sufficient, subJect to approval as to fona nA non L~~t ~Fnrnnf 4u Kn Neu 11t in.nn nu, ea .~• ..... r~ ~ w ,v .. 3, That the Improvement Agreements and Improvement Securities accepted at the City Council meeting of April 19, 1989, are hereby released. S$ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 T0: Gity Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Willie Valbuena, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security for Tract 13280, located north of Base Line Road between Milliken and Rochester Avenues, submitted by The Lusk Company and release of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security previously accepted by City Council on January 18, 1989, submitted by The William Lyon Company RECONEIMTION: It is recaamended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the subiect agreement and security, and authorizing the Mdyor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to release the Agreement and Security previously accepted by City Council on January 18, 1989. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 13280, located north of Base Line Road between Milliken Avenue and c, ~fY. - .y •.j Commission on December~9, 1987 for the division of 23.958~acres into 152~1ots. The Developer, The Lusk Company is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site iagrovements in the following amounts. Faithful Perfonaance Bond: (528,420 Labor and.Yatertal Bond: f264,210 The above mentioned security replaces the security accepted by City Council on January I8, 1989 from The William Lyon Company. Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. Rasp e 1 suhmitte~, ~~ HM:WV• Attachment RESOLUTION N0. ~~- 55a- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT N0. 13280 AND RELEASING THE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND SECURITY PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED NHEREAS, Tract No. 13280, located rarth of Base Line Road between Milliken and Rochester Avenues was approved by City Council on January 18, 1989: and NHEREAS, The Lusk Company has offered the Improvement Agreement submitted herewith for approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient Improvement Security. Said Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security replaces I~rovement Agreement and Improvement Security accepted at the City Council meeting of January 18, 1989. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCMNINGII, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: 1. That said Improvement Agreement be and the sane 1s approved and the Mayor 1s authorized to execute same - on behalf of said City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and 2. That said Improvement Security is accepted as good and sufficient, sub,~ect to approval as to forty and wuieni ii,ereuf Ly the i,iry nccorney; and 3. That the Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security accepted at the City Council meeting of January I8, 1989 is hereby released. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: November 15, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: SUBJECT: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Marks Inspecto~ Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 10210, located on the northwest corner of Saphire Street and Almond Street, submitted by Nordic Development RECONMENDATIOM It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subJect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of Lhe public improvements for Tract 10210 were approved by the City Cauncil on November 17, 1988, in the following amounts. STREETS INTERCEPT CHANNEL Faithful Performance Bond: 5557,700 (587,400 Labor and Material Bond: f278,850 (293,700 The developer, Nordic Development, is requesting approval of a 8-moMh extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are availabls,jn the City Clerk's Office. Respe y ibmitted, Attachments NORDIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY October 24, 1989 Steve M. Gilliland city of Rancho Cucamonga P. 0. Box 607 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 RE: Skyline I, Ltd. Tract 10210 Dear Mr. Gilliland: Enclosed herewith you will find three originally executed copies of an extension agreement and a check in the sum of $251.00. Because of the complexity of the storm drain and grading improvements in this tract, we will need an additional eight months in which to coaplete all the improvements. A substantial portion of the storm drain improvements are installed along with a portion of the water system. We are commencing work on the streets and the other utilities at this t•.ima. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me at 987- 8308 or 944-3866. sincerely, SKYLINE Z, LTD. A California Limited Partnership By: NORDIC LAND COMPANY A California Corpcr>•ation Its General Partner v i~-P~W ~~ ~~ V By: Harri J. Keto /~ President HJK:vi Enclosures l~f~~,}- ~~ :r~iaw w~rtw N~NCW CVC~~. CA OI i%1 n ul wonea RESOLUTION N0. ~'~- ,~J S 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGII, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 10210 MHEREAS, the City Counc7l of the City of Rancho Cucaegnga, Ca)iforn~a, has for its consideration an Ieprovenent AgreeaKnt Extension executed on November 15, 1984, by Nordic Developisent as developer, for the Taproveaient of public right-of-wqy adjacent to the real property sDeclfically described therein, and generally located northwest corner of Sapphire Street sand Alaand Street; and WHEREAS, the installation of such taprovenents, described in said Improveieent Agreeaw!nt and subject to the tents thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the developaent of said Tract 10210; and MHEREAS, said Iproveaw:nt Agreewent Extension is secured and accoaganied by good and sufficient IRroveaw!nt Security, which is identified in said Isiprovegent Agree~ent Extension. NOM, THEREFORE, the C1LY Council of the City of Rancho Cucaapnga, California hereby resolves, that said Isgrovesw!nt Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. W -CITY Ofi RANCHO CliCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer ' BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Morks Inspec tor, SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 12873, located on the east side of Haven Avenue bebveen Lemon Avenue and Banyan Street, submitted by Paragon Homes RECOMMEIDATION tt is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subiect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 12873 were approved by the City Council on November 19, 1981, Tn the following amounts. Faithful Performance Bond: f560,000 Labor and Material Bond: ;280,000 The developer, Paragon Homes, is requesting approval of a 6-nanth extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respe ul suLyi tfed. RHM~G_d1w -- Attachments ~ `Y 1 THE ~Y~'~j~~ COMPANIES ' .~ October 30, 1989 ~'%F , %y < .. Mr. Steve Gilliland `~`-; - city of Rancho Cucamonga ~~~,°.• P.O. Box 007 Q~?,. -~ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 ~G yi 2 ~y, Re: Expiration of Improvement Agreement for Tract M 12873 Dear Steve: In response to your letter dated September 29, 1989 which we received in our office October 20, 1989, we hereby formally request an extaneion for Tract e12873 and enclose our check in the amount of 8251.00, We have experienced construction delays and therefore must request an extaneion for a period of six months, If I can be of further asaiatance please do not hesitate to call me. 5incnreiy, PA~RJAGON HOMES, INC, ~w~l '~`/\/ Vanessa Kirkpatrick /vk enclosure ~{' IpNISfh Shret Suirc 100, Sonfo Manka, CaliJ6mla APIW ghQhpni/1!3/393-M31 Fox /1f3/341-R87/ A/ailind Nldner, P,q aox I1JJ, SOnOAJOnK'O, ('e/ibrnp te/aJ RESOLUTION N0. ~q_ ~ ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12873 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on November 15, 1989, by Paragon Homes as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-wqy ad,{acent to the real property specifically described thereto, and generally located on the east side of Haven Avenue between Lemon Avenue and Banyan Street; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said improvement Agreement and sub,{ect to the terms thereof, 1s to be done in con,{unction with the development of said Tract 12873; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the CTty of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. / ~ --CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM; Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspecto~ SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13650, ~ located on the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Baker Avenue, submitted by Northwoods Development RECOMEIDATIOM It is recoamiended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mdyor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13650 were approved by the City Courrcil on November 3, 1988, 1n the following amounts. Latthiul pnnsn.w.~r~n an nA• tvta Ma Labor and Material Bond: (109,539 The developer, Northwoods Development, is requesting approval of a 6-month extension an said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Res tied, _. --- R m Attachments CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. October 17, 1989 City of Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Division Steve M. GSlliland P.O. Sox 307 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Re: Extension of Improvement Agreement for Tract 13650 Dear Sir: This letter is wrltten to request a six month extension of the Improvement Agreement for Tract 13650. _~ .~ ..t. _. _,... .. Ave,~the paving of Poothill~Blvd, the undergrounding of utilities on Bakes Ave., the sideva lk improvement on Bakez Ave., and the landscaping of Foothill Blvd. and Baker Ave. I have executed the extension forma provided and included a check foz 251.00 dollars as you requested. If there is anything else needed oz you have any questions please feel Eree to call me. Sincerely, N orthvoods-Racncho Cucamonga LTD. 1ef70 W. ARROW RT. /141 • UP~ D, CALIFORNIA Y17M • (714) W6-0g7 RESOLUTION N0. ~ 4- 5 5 -J A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CDUNCIL OF 7HE CITE OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13650 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed un November 15, 1989, by Northwoods Devet opment as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Baker Avenue; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvenrents, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in con,~unction with the development of said Tract 13650; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified to said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the Ciiy of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the MAyor 15 hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. U/ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve N. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspecto~~t~' 5U6.]ECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13728, located on the northwest corner of Sapphire Street and Hillside Road, submitted by Hillside/Sapphire Yenture, Limited RECOMMENDATION IL is recomttended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subJect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13728 were approved by the City Council on October 20, 1988, in the following amounts: Cai~bFul Da.inrwunra annA• 1717 nnn Labor and Material Bond: 5356,500 The developer, Hillside/Sapphire Venture, Limited, is requesting approval of a 5-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available to the City Clerk's Office. Res ectfu submitted, R :SMG: Attachments NORDIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY October 24, 1989 Steve M. Gilliland City of Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 RE: Hillside/Sapphire Venture, Ltd. Tract 13728 Dear Mr. Gilliland: Enclosed herewith you will find three originally executed copies of an extension agreement and a check i n the sum of $251.OO. A substantial portion of the outside improvements have been completed. We will need approximately five additional months to complete the improvements in total. We would appreciate an extension for that period of time. Sincerely, HILLSIDE/SAPPHIRE VENTURE, LTD. A California Limited Partnership By: NORDIC bEVELOPMENT COMPANY A California Corporation Its General Partn er / ~ Y K By: H Secretary HJK:vi Enclosures `7/ imaownn ~w wry wA RAnCW CYCAMfMgA. CA 91 )JO m Rwonm RESOLUTION NO. ~'9_ ~C t~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13728 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed an November 15, 198g, by Hillside/Sapphire Venture, Limited, as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adJacent to the reai property specifically described therein, and generally located on the northwest corner of Sapphire Street and Hillside Road; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and sub~ett to the tenas thereof, 1s to be done in con,Junction with the development of said Tract 13728; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which 1s Identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Courotl of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the tame are hereby approved and the MAyor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 T0: City Council and Ctty Manager FROM: Russeil H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Morks Inspector~~ SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for DR 86-36, located on the south side of 6th Street between Utica Avenue and Cleveland, submitted by General Dynamics RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for DR 86-36 were approved by the City Council on October 22, 1987, in the following amounts. Faichiui rerrormance Bontl: StltlU,WU Labor and Material Bond: (440,000 The developer, General Dynamics, is requesting approval of a 90-da,y extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available to the C1ty Clerk's Office. Respectfu ubmltted, R 6:s Attachments GENERAL DYNAMICS /e/%y Systems Division P.O. Box 5nA00, Ontario, California 9 7 76 1-1085.714~945~7C00 17 October 1989 602-MJM-89-139 City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Development Department Engineering Division P. 0. 9oz 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attention: Mr. Steve M. Gilliland Public Works Inspector Subject: Expiration of improvement Agreement for OR 86-36 Dear Steve, General Dynamics, Valley Systems Division requests an extension of the above referenced Improvement Agreement from October 21, 1989 to December 31, 1989. This extension is needed to comply with the Cucamonga County Water District requirement that an existing water valve located in Utica Street be removed. They requested its removal when it became apparent that it was not and would not be used in the foreseeable future. General Dynamics is currently in the process of selecting a contractor to remove the valve. As rpmir crun, nloa~e f; pn •tta ctcd < Eec~u tau and nu ca rrzed copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension form and check in the amount of E251.00. Thank you for your consideration and assistance. Please contact me at (714)945-7727 if any further information is required. Since ly~/!~ Michael J. Ma hr Project Manager Building 602 cc: Pield Engineer Phil Agnew MJM/ds 7 `~ RESOLUTION N0. ~~- ~,5 T A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CWNCIL OF THE LITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION ANO IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DR 86-36 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on November 15, 1989, by General Dynamics as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way ad,~acent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the south side of 6th Street between Utica Avenue and Cleveland; and NHEREAS, the installation of such tmprcvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subiect to the terms thereof, is to be done in con,~unction with the development of said OR 86-36; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: November 15, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Ncrks Inspector~~AV SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion RECOMMENDATION: ~. The required street improvements for Tract 12938 have been completed to an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that City Council aceept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Band in the amount of (13,960 authorize the Ctty Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of f139,600. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS TR 12938 - located on the north side of Terrace View Loop between Mineral Peak Court and Mammoth Peak Court. UtvtLUPtN: Marlborough UBVelOpment 2029 Century Park East ,11550 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Accept: Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) (13,960 Faithful Performance Bond (Street) (139,600 Respectfu Lsubmitted, ~.. „ ~ RHM:SMG:dIw Attachment RESOLUTION NO. ~-I-,~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12938 ANO AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK i1HEREAS, the construction of public ingrovemonts for Tract 12938 have been co~pleted to the satisfactfon of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Coppletion is required to be filed, certifying the work co~plete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Corpletion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. / I DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: - - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA s' STAFF REPORT November 15, 1989 City Council and City Manager Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion RECOMMEIDATIgI: The required street improvements for Tract 12943 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it 1s recomeended that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of (10,900 authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the CTty Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of f109,000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 12943 - Located on the east side of Hillvtew Loop at Pikes Peak Court and T1oga Peak Court. ,..:CLO"~~: '+Bil'uuiuuyii uereiuyrenL 2029 Century Park East N1550 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Accept: Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) (10,900 Faithful Performance Bond (Street) (109,000 Respectfull fitted, ~~_ ~, RHM. Attachment RESOLUTION N0. ~~-,$ ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12943 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 12943 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. 7~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Marks Inspector~~ SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion REC01lEIDATION: ~. ~: The required street improvements for Tract 12944 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it 15 recommended that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of f13,500 authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of f135,000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 12944 -located on Terrace Yier Loop at Mt. San Antonio Street and Copper Pass Court. DL.~VLVIIM 67ei i`vui uuyii uerel uyx,eui. 2029 Century Park East /1550 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) f13,500 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) f135,000 Respe'c/tful~ly~~s~ubmitted, ,~~~~~'sf~ < . ~~ f ,~= RH w Attachment RESOLUTION ND. ~ 1- J!- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12944 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 12944 have been completed to the satisfaction of the Ciiy Engineer; and NNEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. v~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: November 15, 1989 City Council and City Manager Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works InspectorT Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion RECOMMENDATION: The required street improvements for Tract 12952 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that CTty Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of 595,000.00, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond Tn the amount of ;950,000.00. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 12952 - Located at the south side of 19th Street, between Haven Avenue and Deer Creek Channel. DEVELOPER: Glenfed Development 16601 Ventura Boulevard /200 Encino, CA 91436 Accept: Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 595,000.00 Faithful Performance Bond (Street) f950,000.00 Respectfull bmltted, /~(~( RHM:SM Attachment RESOLUTION N0. ~~- 5 ~` A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12952 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 12952 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be flied, certifying the work complete. NON, THEREFORE, Lhe City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the CT ty Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. ~~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Noveaber 15, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager F0.0M: Russell H. Maguire, CTty Engineer BY: Steve M. G11111and, Public Norks Inspecto~ SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Caapletion RECOMMENDATION: The required street taprovenents for DR 87-61 have been coapleted in an acceptable nwnner, and 1t is recoaamnded that City Council accept said ingroveaw!nts, authorize the City Engineer to f11e a Notice of Caagletion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Perfowance Bond to the aawunt of 5242,000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS DR 87-61 - located on the west side of Rochester Avenue, south of 6th Street DEVELOPER: Rochester Associates i,i2 ria Ithaca Newport Beach, CA 92663 Release: Faithful Perforwance Bond (Street) (242,000 Respectfull bwlitted, ~~~~ RHM:SMG:sd AttacFnent RESOLUTION NO. ~~_ ~ (p A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFDRNIA, ACCEP?IN6 THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DR 87-61 AND AUTHORIZING THE F1LIN6 OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK 'WHEREAS, the construction of public tyroveiaents for DR 87-61 have been cocpleted to the satisfaction of the CTty Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Coagletlon is required to be filed, certifying the work cauplete. NON, THEREFORE, the Cify Council of the City of Rancho Cucaawnga hereby resolves, that the work 1s hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Coigletfon with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. 8~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector SUBJECT: Release of Bunds and Notice of Completion RECOMMENDATION: The required street Improvements for Parcel Map 9064 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the Ctty Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 529.000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Parcel Map 9064 - located on the northwest corner of Haven Avenue and Hillside Road. DEVELOPER: LDS Church, c/o Ron Ishii Chino, CA 91710 Release; Faithful Performance Bond (Street) (29,000 Respectf 1 fitted, ~~.~~~~ RHM:SMG:dIw Attachment RESOLUTION N0. gq- .J ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 9064 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COHPLET30N FOR THE MORK dHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Parcel Map 9064 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NNEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying Lhe work complete. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. 8 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: November 15, 1989 T0: City Cnuncil and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Michael D. Long, Sr. Public Mork Inspector SUBJECT: Accept the Feron Boulevard from Hermosa Avenue to Ramona Avenue, Contract No. 89-105, as coarylete, release bonds and authorize the City Engineer to Ft le a "Notice of Completion." RECONENDATIOM: It is reconmended that City Council accept the Feron Boulevard from Hermosa Avenue to Ramona Avenue, Contract No. 89-105, as complete, authorize the City to file a "Notice of Coagietion", keep the Faithful Performance Bond in the mount (69,828.60 to be used as the l0i Maintenance Bond for one year, and authorize the release of the retention in the anqunt of f6,803.89 and the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of (69,828.60, 35 days after Lhe recordaLlon of said notice if no claims have been received. Also, approve Lhe final contract amount of f68,038.90. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The sub,{ect pro,{ect has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The final contract amount is f68,038.90 which includes 0 change orders. Respectf 1, u itted, .,i .' ~~ i RHM Attachment RESOLUTION N0. ~C-,. ~.r~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR FERON BOULEVARD, FROM NERMOSA AVENUE TO RAMONA AVENUE, CONTRACT N0. 89-105 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Peron Boul ¢vard, from Hermosa Avenue to Ramona Avenue, Contract No. 89-105, have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and MHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of Lhe City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work 1s hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Noticf of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. r CITY OF RANCHO CUCADfONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November I5, 1989 T0: City Council and Ctty Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Michael D. Long, Senior Public Norks Inspector SUBJECT: Accept the Slurry Seal Program FY 88-89, Contract No. 89-107, as complete, release bonds and authorize the City Engineer to File a "Notice of Completion. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended Lhat City Council accept the Slurry Seal Program FY 88- 89, Contract No. 89-107 as complete, authorize the City to file a "Notice of Completion, keep the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of f131,385.01 to be used as the lOS Maintenance Bond for one year, and authorize the release of the retention to the amount of 512,216.42 and the labor and Materials Bond in the amount of f65,692.50, 35 days after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received. Also, approve the final contract amount of 5122,164.20. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS IOe sUej eGG pruj e(:[ i1aS ueen lumyleLCU In au.u r,iau~e wi ui um oyy, J"oJ plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The final contract amount is f122,164.20 which includes -D- change orders. Respect l~sLbmitted, /i <<, !'_ ~~~ Attachment RESOLUTION N0. ~Q_ C / A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR SLURRY SEAL PR06RAM FY 88/89, CONTRACT N0. 89/107 AND AUTNORIZIN6 THE FILING OF A NOtICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Slurry Seal Program have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. (~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 TD: City Council and City Manager FRDM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Michael D. Long, Sr. Public Norks Inspector ~r SUBJECT: Accept the Highland Avenue Protect, from Haven Avenue to 19th Street, as complete and authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion" RECDMEMDATIDN: It is recommended that City Council accept the Highland Avenue Protect, from Haven Avenue to 19th Street as complete, authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion, and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of (16,836.33, 35 days after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received. Also, approve the final contract amount of =168,363.28. BACKGROUNB/ANALYSIS The subtect protect has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Tiie iinai cuutract amount is iioii,3o.i.2ii wnicii inciuues -u- ci~anye orders. This protect was done under the provisions of the City's annual emergency repair contract, purchase order and previous Council action. Respe y su itted, / .+~-,. s '-i - ~. :MDL:dIw ~- Attachment RESOLUTION N0. ~~- S~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CWNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR HIGHLAND AVENUE PROJECT, FROM HAVEN AVENUE TO 19TH STREET, ANO AUTHORI2IN6 THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the construction of Dubiic iproveav:nts for Highland Avenue pro,~ect, fron Haven Avenue to 19th Street, have been copleted to the satTSfactlon of the City Enginreer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Copletton is required to be filed, certifying the work coplete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucaaan99a hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of CapletTon with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. 93 ORDINANCE N0. 89-406 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CU CAMON GA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT N0. 89-05 AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS MAP FROM FLOOD CONTROL TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (2-4 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) FOR APPRO%I MATE LY 3.15 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BANYAN STREET, EAST OF DEER CREEK CHANNEL, ANO MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 201-191-24. A. Recitals. (i} On September 27, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing with respect to the above-referenced Development District amendment. Following the conclusion of said public hearing the Planning Commissi an adopted Resolution No. 89-122 thereby recommending that the City Council adopt Development District Amendment No. 89-05. (ii) On November 1, 1989, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing and concluded said hearing prior to its adoption of this Ordinance. (iii} All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga ordains as follows: SECTION 1: This Council hereby specifies and finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of the Ordinance are true and correct. SECTION 2: This Council hereby finds and certifies that the project has been reviewed ~d considered in compliance with the California Environmental puality Act of 1970, and further, this Council hereby issues a Negative Declaration. SECTION 3: The Rancho Cucamonga City Council finds as follows: f,l the prnparty is sui to bla to,~ the ase oropo;ed, as it has been designated surplus by the Flood Control District and will be adequately protected from flows from the north, as determined by the Engineering CiYision as a result of hydrologic analysis and proposed flood protection measures; and (b) The site is of adequate size and shape to meet all development standard requirements, as evidenced by the design of the related development proposal, CUP 89-24; and 9~ Ordinance No. 406 Page 2 (c) The site will have adequate access to accommodate the proposed use, based on compatibility with the adjacent residential collector street and proposed future roadway improvements; and (d) The proposed use is compatible with existing and future land uses in the area, as land to the north and east will be used for flood control purposes and the residential properties to the west and south have been designed in a manner which minimizes possible use conflicts; and (e) The proposed amendments will not have significant impacts on the environment nor the surrounding properties, as evidenced by the conclusions and findings of the Initial Study Part Il; and (f) The proposed amendments are in conformance with the General Pian, as evidenced by the ability of the proposed land use designation to satisfy the stated goals, objectives, and polfci es contained in the documents; and (g) The proposed amendments are in ca nformante with the polities and objectives contained within the Development Code, as evidenced by the ability of the proposed site to meet development standards. SECTION 4: The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves Development District Amendment 89-05 changing the district designation from Flood Control to Medium Densfty Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) far those properties lxated on the north side of Banyan Street, east of the Deer Creek Channel. S ECT iDN 5: The Ma vor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The~Dai~l~y Re~or~t, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. 9s - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 TO: City Council and CTty Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer 8Y: Betty A. Miller, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 14263 - E.G.M. - reques appea a con ons o approvaT'-imposed by the Planning Commission regarding the timing of construction of required frontage street improvements, including installation of the traffic signal, for a residential subdivision and design review of 32 condominium units on 3.35 acres of land in the Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre) and the Flood Control District (a proposed Medium Residential District), located on the west side of Carnelian Street at Yivero Street - APN: 207-022-54 and 64: Associated with this protect is General Plan Amendment 89-02A, Development District Amendment 87-12, and Tree Removal Perwit 89-58. 1. O~r,IYl.YI,.~T:/ W Staff recommends that the City Council grant the appeal request to add a condition of approval requiring the completion of street improvements prior t0 issuance of bull ding permits for the protect. A Resolution refl ecting the CSty Council's action will be provided on the Consent Calendar of the next regularly scheduled City Council hearing. II. BACKGROUND: On October 25, 1989, the Planning Camwisslon unanimously approved Tentative Tract 14263 along with the associated General Plan and Development District amendments. As Dart of the approval for the Tentative Tract, conditions consistent with City Standards and policies were imposed, including a condition that approval was contingent upon City Council adoption of the General Plan and Development District amendments. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TENTATIVE TRACT 14263 - E.G.M. DEYELOPMENT NOVEMBER 15, 1989 PAOE 2 On November 1, 1989, the City Council held a public hearing on General Plan Amendment 89-02A and Development District Amendment 87-12. During the discussion, Council member Buquet indicated that he would be appealing the Conditions of Approval for Tentative Tract 14263 in order to add a condition requiring the developer to complete infrastructure improvements on Carnelian Street and install the traffic signal at the Intersection of Carnelian and Vivero Streets prior to on-site construction. The Council decided to continue General Plan Amendment 89-02A to the November 15 meeting, to coincide with the second reading of Ordinance 404 for Development District Amendment 87-12 and the appeal of Tentative Tract 14263. A copy of Councilmember Buquet's appeal letter is attached for your reference. III. ANALYSIS: The traffic study submitted by the Developer, and accepted by the City Traffic Engineer, indicates that a signal is warranted at the intersection of Carnelian and Vivero Streets under existing traffic conditions. The widening of Carnelian Street in the vicinity of this protect is among the priority protects on the City's Capital Improvements Protects list, with design work budgetted in the current fiscal year. Council members have expressed concern that the addition of construction traffic to an existing situation which is already problematic will create serious and unacceptable impacts. Current City practice is to require completion of public improvements prior to the release of occupancy. Those improvements are guaranteed by an agreement and security acceptable to the City Engineer and the City Attorney and executed prior to F1na1 Map approval or issuance of building permits. Because of the particular concerns associated with this protect, a special condition could be added to the protect approval to read as follows: "The public street improvements on Carnelian Street shall be constructed, and the traffic signal at the intersection of Yivero and Carnelian Streets operational, prior to the issuance of bull ding permits." 97 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TENTATIVE TRACT 14263 -E.G.M. DEVELOPMENT NOVEMBER 15, 1989 PAGE 3 IV. CONCLUSION: Conditioning the completion of the improvements prior to the issuance of building permits is appropriate and not in conflict ai th the Planning Commission approval. Respectful .wln~ittted, RHM: Attachments: Appeal Letter Planning Commission Minutes Dlanning Commission Staff Report Planning Commission Resolution !~ - _----C-'ow~I.Yre~J oC ~P/~i/_4~ o~ '7°~'~9lryid6 - ---- ,rl~afw~ -~ f ~UB~/NG , r w-sr1 7~_ co_w~,T/o,~ - S .R.~°N/~i vs}L '70 .~°CPGN~ G'oM /LB't'~ - - _. - ----CONSY_/~(G7/ate _d1~ YN~ G .IIGN.4L -- -- - - ..._ _~S _ OROFl412T'K fi2o,JTIfC~ /~rFieal~rrtuG~___- rw~Paa/srK~ts >°~ro~ '~ ~y aw~-s("-rE"~ C~o^l.fTnuG7foi.~/ /}GYI~IYy pr~rf8y /rf~~ -- -- -- _ ---~eti42a__ ~r 7°~ n~ex,- Qswc~a.iz C'c-r~ G~,NC~c. ------!" Vie,-„~~ o„r u~E~D~-., , n~o~~ 1~5.1~4~- -.---- ~NKYOu ~¢ Nou/t A-31'rJ'r'14~rCK rN ~~' A?°C~eA felt it was wise to request the two-week continuance. Mr. Wi stated the developer was in general agreement with t raft a9 regiment ch had been presented to the School Board. He final ag reenents c be obtained by the end of the week. Commissioner Tols asked if the School Board had ai thor d the mitigation measure. Mr. Wi 11'sms stated the ool Board and develo ad reached agreement in Drinc ipa i, but no doaments a been signed. Hearing no further testimony, the lic ing was closed. Commissioner Chit iea felt continua the oniy prudent direction. Motion: Moved by Chit iea, ded by oy, to continue Environmental Assessment and General Pla ndment 89-02C a nvironmental Assessment and Development District nt 69-04 to Nove~er 1989. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMM OHERS: CHITIEA, MCNIEL, TOLSfOY, WE GER LADES: [SSIONERS: NONE ARSE COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY -carried E. ENVIRON.yENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL. PLAN AMENDMENT 89-02A - E.G.M. n cvci norc„r n :'cgc.-a to y;'-d LYc vc„aiui Fian tarsi vse map rrom r1000 ontro to Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) for approxfmately 1,78 acres of land located on the west side of Carnelian Avenue, east of the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel, and sath of Vivero Street - APN: 201-022-64. (Continued from October 11, 1989.) F. ENVIROIMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT PMENOMENf 87-12 -E.G.M. o EYELOFMENT - A request to amend the Development Oistr ict~4ap nom o ontZ`~ W Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acrc)~ for aDProximately 1.78 antes of laM located on the west side of Carnelian Avenue, east of the Cucamonga Creek Fload Control Channel, and Bath of Vivero Street - APN: 207-022-84. (Continued from October 11, 1989.) G. ENVIROM4ENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 14263 -E.G.M.. DEVELOPMENT - res en a su v s on a es gn rcv ew o con n um un is on 3.35 acres of land to the Medium Residential Oistrfct (8-14 dwel tirrg units per acre) and the Flood Control District (a proposed Medium Residential District), located an the west side of Carnelian at Vivero Street - APN: 207-022-54 and 64. Associated with this project 15 General Plan Amendment 89-02A, Development District Amendnent 87-12, and Tree Renaval Permit 89- 58. (Continued from October 11, 1989.) Planning Commission Minutes -3- October 25, 1989 The staff report was presented by Cindy Norris, Associate Planner, and Tom Grahn, Assistant Planner. Ms. Norris stated that the applicant had forwarded copies of the school'mit ig anon agreements to the City today and staff had forwarded the agreements to the City Attorney for review. Chairman McNiel opened the pubHt hearing. Pete Pitassi, Pi tassi Dalmau Architects, stated they had ab tamed signed ag reenents with both School Oi stric ts. He requested approval. Commfss~oner Ch it lea asked if the applicant was content wfth the conditions in the Resolutions. Jeff, Bu rvm, 6057 Della Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, stated they were perfectly hapDY with the conditions. Hearing no further testimony, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Ch idea asked if the Ctty Attorney had read the agreements and was comfortable with their contents. Ralph Hanson, Deputy City Attorney, stated he had seen the agreements and they were appropr tale. Motion: Moved by Tolstay, seconded by Chitiea, to adept the Resolutions recommending approval of Environmental Assessment and General Plan Merriment 89-02A and Environmental Assessment and Development District Mendment 81-12 and approving Envtranmental Assessment and Tentative Tract 14263. Motlon carried by the following vote: RYES: COMMISSIONERS: CNITIEA, MCNIEL, TOLSTOY, NEINBERGFR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BLIIKESLEY .. r r. w Park OtsZ}~~$f at the northea RPN: 210-081-11. acres or lam ins 6, and the Haven er of Maven Aveof -c arr led (strict, located Parkway North - Barbara Kra11, Ass Chairman McNt ned the pubNc hearing. ric tier ' Planning Comisslon Minutes -4- staff report. October 25, 1989 ` ~l CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~E DATE: October 2°_, 1989 T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FRCM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY; Tom Grahn, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSES5T4ENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 14263 - N res entia su iv rs on and es ign review o ~ co omin ium units on 3.35 acres of lard in the Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre) and the Flood Control District (a Droposed Medium Residential District), located on the west side of Carnelian at Vivero Street - APN: 201-022-54 and 64. Associated with this pro,lect is General Plan Amendnent 89-02A, Development District Amendnent 87-12, and Tree Removal Permit 89-58. This item was continued from the October il, 1989 Planning Commission meeting due concern over school fnpactions identified in the associated General Plan Amendment. Recommended changes to the Resolution have been 11X. iuueu in LIIC aLL0.11tJ ne au iu 4lulli Yi nyyi v~6i. However, if the Planning Commission is unable to take affirmative action on General Plan Anendment 89-02A and Development District Amendment 87-12, staff would recommend that the Commission consider an additional continuance or direct staff to prepare a Resolution of Dental. Resp ly su d, i Bra City D1 ner 68; TG:~alg AttachnM•nts: Staff Report from October 11, 1989 Re soiution of Approval for Tentat/ve Tract 14263 Resolution of Approval for Design Review of Tentative Tract 14263 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ,~ GATE: October 11, 1989 T0: Chairman and Meyers of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, Ctty Planner BY: Tom Grahn, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT A[U TENTATIVE TRACT 14263 - N - res en is su v s on a es gn revrev ewon~ominium units on 3.35 acres of land in the Medium Resfdenttal District (8-14 dwelling units per acre) and the Flood Control District (a proposed Medium Residential Otstrict), located on the west side of Carnelian at Vivero Street - APN: 207-022-54 and 64. Rssoctated with tRts protect is General Plan Amendment 89-02A, Development District Amendment 87-12, aM Tree Removal Permit 89-58. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Req~uested: Approval of the detailed site plan, grading p anan, air soaps escape plan, building elevations and the issuance of ~:2ya ~.~ D2cla~ ~Ltoa. 8. Protect Density: 9.55 dwelling units per acre. C. Surroundln Land Use aM Zonin ort - scant, s ng a am y resident cal; Medium Resfdenttal District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) South - Vacant; Flood Control District East - Single fatuity resident tai; I_ow Residential District (2.4 dwelling units per acre) Nest - Vacant, Cucamonga Creek Channel; Flood Control District 0. General Plan Desi nattens: o ec e - e um esfoenttat and F1oad Control (Medium Resfdenttal destgnattan proposed) North - Medium Residential South - Flood Control East - Low Resfdenttal Nest - Fload Control PLANNING COMMISSif STAFF REPORT TT 14263 - E.G.M.._JELDPMENT Dctober 11, 1989 Page 2 E. Site Characteristics: The northern half of the project site contains three single family residences and one (1) detached garage. All four (4) structures will be demolished. The southern half of the site is vacant. There are a number of mature trees on-site which required the preparation of an arbor ist report. The pro,j ect site is relatively flat, sloping approximately six (6) percent from north to south. IL ANALYSIS: A. Back routs: Associated with this project is General Plan ,4me rdment 89-02A and Development District Amendment 87-12, both applications were required as the southern half of the project site is currently designated Flood Control. The General Plan Dmendment proposes to charge the Flood Control land use des ignatlon to Medium Residential. The Development District Pmendment proposes to charge the Flood Control lard use district to Medium Restdential. B. General: The applicant is proposing sixteen (16) two-story u~plex uunits with two (2) elevations, totaling 3,035 square feet. Unit q totals 1,420 square feet and Unit B totals 1,615' square feet. C. Desi n Review Committee: On Septenber 7, 1989, the Committee ~('B ees ey, c e , rautil) reviewed the protect and recommended approval with the following conditions: 1. Remove the glass block element and replace with standard windows. 2. Extend the pot shelf element on the right and left side elevations cf Bui ldirg Type 1. 3. A texturized paving treatment ar concrete bard should be provided along the front of all garages to create a pedestrian path Leading to the recreation area. D. Tree Removal Permit 89-58: The applicant has submitted a reques Or a remova 0 twenty-five (25) trees, Out of a total of forty-three (43) trees, fn con,lunctton with the development of this tract. The ma,j4rity of the trees RroROSed for removal arc Eucalmws side~roxl n~rosea (Red IroMark}, which were planters pares of~he Carnel)an beautification project, and are in conflict with street right-of-wqy improvements along Carnelian. Their removal is necessary to obtain a deceleration lane leading to the project entrance. Extensive arborist studies were performed to determine the health and condition of the existing trees, and their w itabiiity for preservation in place or through transplanting. Based upon the arborist reports, staff is ~~~ PLANNING C0MMISSI0" STAFF REPORT TT 14263 -E.G.M. IELOPMENT October 11, 1989 Page 3 recommending that seventeen (17) trees (mostly Red Ironb ark) be preserved in place, seventeen (11) trees be transplanted elsewhere on-sfte, and seven (7) trees be removed aM replaced. The City's Tree Preservation Ordinance requires that replacement planting be of the largest nu rseryy rown stock available. A detailed listing of each tree is shown in Exhibit "H° (reference rw~ers correspond to the lard scope plan). The two Lemon trees are exempt; hence staff recommrds their removal. The applicant has volunteered to preserve the large Erglfsh walnut tree near the north property line even though it too is exeript. E. Gated Entrance: The applicant originally proposed a gated entra nc~. Fbwever, the site plan, does not afford sufficient depth to provide a visitor stacking and turn around area between the right-of-wary and the gate. The applicant has agreed to delete the gate rather than revise the site plan. F. Environmental Assessment: Part I of the Inftfal Study has been corny ete y e app scant. Staff has completed Part II of the Environment Checklist and has fou M, no significant impacts on the environment as a rewlt of this protect. - III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The Drotect will be consfstent with the ener~n arr~LFie Development Code. The protect, with the added mitigation meow res, will not be detrimental to the public health or safety, or car se nuisance or significant environmental impacts. In addition, the proposed use and Site Plan, together with the recammeMed Conditions of Approval, are in corryliance with the applicable provfsions of the Development Code and City standards. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: This Stem haz been advertised as a public hearing m e e a 1~Report newspaper, the property posted with a sup plemen a nil o~ii•<affon sign, and notices sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the protect site. V. RECOMMENDATION: a Staff recommends the Commission adopt the at ac eso utton of Approval. Rea lly tt d, r B to City tanner BD:TG:ts ~~ PLANN[N6 COMMISSIO" ttAFF REPORT Ti 14263 - E.G.M. /ELOPMENT October 11, 1989 Page 4 Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Site Ut iliCation Exhibit "8" - Site Plan Exhibit "C" - Tract Map 14263 Exhibit "D" - Grading Plan Exhibit "E" -Landscape Plan Exh ib ft "F" - Building Elevations Exhibit "G" - Floor Plans Exh tb it "H" - Tree Removal Lege rd Resolution of Approval for TT 14263 with Standard Cord it ions Resolution of Approval for TT 14263 DR with Stand and Cord it ions W CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA r1EM: PLANNING DtvISION 'ITrLE~ ~rtiW~~ar~ N 7 F?(HIDIT: i+l SGLF: ~'~ \ ,,,, _~ _ _ ~ -__O _ _~ ~.o..o yy \ ~ r_- ~~ =_= - .~ _r. 3 _ \ ~ I 6 ~6 ~ ..~uw v. ~ -~4*.v. ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ea co ~ ~2 111 I1~ \ ::......~ .~., ~_ .~ ~ le _ i ~ ~ z. ~~ + ~I ` ~ ~ : 1 ~ f ~ w . . ~. ~~~~ -ky ~ > '~ ~ \ r.rn ~ ~ I ~ ~yl ~~ta i ` = q°c~ .. ~: ~ 1 ,16 r ~ 1 p~ ~ 'Ahr~~~ J - : r ~ . ~ • ~ .j ~o \ ~~ ~~ •II I d / q IS N \ \ _ _ ~t •i I 1 IY \FI~~YY__ \ o la's __.~_ y 4~'" i _~ - „a , \ ~a j0 ~~ u I'' ^ y ~y ~ ~ P O ~ ° • ~ it v1 I3 I I ~ ..~ 3 uo \ „ I: I ° 4 •eo ao INe IE ~I~t~ ,a ~ - I:o ~ s O ~ + ., ,,~ \ y- I~ ~, • ~ , ~, " ~ sr 3 v~p~ \ ~Q M ~ \ am ° ~ /1 I I \ • ^I (:l - \ ~, ~ DETAILED BITE PLAN l1~-n4 _.,_. BUIi~GUND~Y CAEEH S. F ATTACHED ~~® a~r~¢® ~. ~~ a~L ~~~ 5 e ?: ~: ~ ! i - - C ~ - ~ a ~ o ! t ~ d a y }} t ~~. ,c } !l. i;fi Z:I= ~a1= a#e3 a:e5 ~1: ~efi9%2 4~ ! ! '' ~:1"e a:~e ~:~~ li~~ il1~ l~ a58' ~ ~°i~ '~I :i~~ ' ~ !i ~ i f i j ~~ ~ is wv ':°~~;,, E-. 4th' ~ ~ ~ L . C ~ ._ _. 1 \~ !~ ~~ w ~a '^1 ~ i _~M r- ~ i 1- { _ \ ~ , { ~~ ~+ ~.- ~ ~ T ~. L ~ -.\: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA 17EM: PLANNING DIVLSION 1tr~ ~~-~ N ' ~ O EXHIlIT SGLE '~~ ~aL~AEEa ~ Tu fie. ~/tee/v~d . ~ `TOT Im _ 1 sTUCCO wAU '~~ a .~ ~ /- -- CRASH CATE ~M~RCLLTlO CURL _4AMOERMO WAlR - WROVGa1T RO11 FENCING wI1R YASONRT OlA3TER3 al te' o.c. pl a>• ea MALONRT 3TV000 WAIL AMOK RLTAILNO WAIL M~ - EMTRT OATEL ~ SeEC1A! RAVEiO M;OESTRIAN lM a MgIE A OEIlCTORV f0 /LOGO COIITROL TRAL ARQRINT EIOII EENCM RECREATION ARlA ar1111 MALONRT MLASTlRL '~' IH: ~ EIA LARD-OIR ARG-~ _ y I ~ f: RIIR WOOD TREIUL q d1111MO IOUITAN , ~ =OWACTEC E01l ." IM ROMEO CUIIL ~ ' ~ ~ M e v~ 1 .\ ~4~ aaALONRT STUCCO EMELL.~ ~ ~! •, CITY OF RANCHO CL~CAMONGA ITEM: PLANNING DIVISION ~,~, N ` I I EXIiIdIT: SCALE: ~~ ~' ~T . iti%, <! ` ~. a 3 =i ~~yy ~ ~ ~1 WM ~I U. F W V ~~~ i. ~ ~ ! ~~~ :j 11~ i! i~ ~• ~+ V W~ ii L~+ ~;s ~ rte`/, a b F ~~`: WSY'. ~~°;~; . .,~:.. '[ ~_ !~ 3: i~e 113 ~~ ij a! i~ A w H W ~ W _U~ ~'Q~ - ~b~®~' ~~~~~ ~~ !gP ~~~ Ws~ ~, ~ c! ! _~ .. 1 ~ l I ®~~: It ~ S~ E~ ~ ~U i ~ ~~'~ 1\ ~ ! ~ c ~• ~C~i ~ ~ ~~ ~~ k l ~ T,~~n 1~~y~y ~ 1+~1 n iii j W~ V~ ~ x a. ~~~ ~~~ EXISTII- i TREE LEGEND No. Name IIe1[ht sra iume(n o a ~: 1 Rosy-red lronDerk 35' I S' 10" Remove ~ ~~ QR epff~5s,{• A ;F-~ T Rasy-rctl Ironbark 25' !0' 7" Remove A 3 Rosy-rctl lronoerk 15' 10' e^ M J Rosy-red IronDark~ ]5' 15' 6" #F 5 RosyVetl lronoerk 20' IS' 6" liemavc F 6 Rosy-rM lronDerk JV' 15' 9" e 7 Rosy-red lronoerk 10' lU' 6" X d Nosy-red lronoerk 1$' !5' 9" K 9 Rosy-rea IrODDerk 15' S' i" - IV Rosy-red lronoerk ?Y IS' B" # I I Rosy-red lronDerk 70' li' 9" R 12 Rosy-red IranDerk 26' li' 7" IF 19 Rosy-red Ironeark '10' l0' S" ,p U Rosy-red IraODerk TO' 10' i" ' #R 1$ Rosy-red lronDerk JS' TO' f" Remove R l5 ftosyred IfOODefk 70' 15' e" * I7 Rasy-rctl IronOerk 3$' TU' e" 'Q.y* IB Rosy-red lronDerk 2$' !5' 12" Remove ,Yyr• 19 Rosy-red IronMrk 10' IO' B" Remove is 20 ftosy-red lronDerk 10' TU' 10" _ fRR 1l Rosy-red lron0ark JO' IS' 9" Remove R1f 1Y ~ROSy-rctl lronDerk 75' IS' 9" Renove RN 29 Rosy-red lronoerk JO' IS' 13" Remove RR 2J Rosy-red lronDDfk 70' IS' 9" Remove ~ k 15 Rosy-red lronDerk 25' I S' 9^ Romove RM 28 Rosy-red lronWrk 70' IS' 11" Remove S'X 27 Rosy-rcdlronoark 75' IS' I1" Remove ,MR 18 Rosy-red lronDerk L$' IS' 10" Romove fR 19 flasy-rctl lronDerk 2$' 10' 9^ Remove f}' 70 Rosy-red lronoerk TO' 10' S" Remove +Pf 3l Rasy-red IronOark ]0' 1S' l0" Remove sF Re 72 Nosy-rM lronDerk ]0' Romove eR 73 Rosy-rctl Iroy~rk ]S' TO' IU" Remove "~ J" ~ ly M Mexican Pan Palm 75' 10' IB^ C.skN FGe /Irz 7~•nS~e~w[se~ p( 35 Mekiwn Pan Pelm 33' IO' 10" " / 78 Lemon IS' IS' 9^ Remove 1~~ ]7 L<mon 1$' 7U' IS" Remove (E7P y,~A` 78 Shamel Ash d0' 'r0^ /R/dm~~dve 1 * ]9 English Walnut SO' 00' T2" ~EiccR6P/, - ~ 10 EucelYplus 10' 70' 17" Remora NiR /t ^W~/VtryAa~t 73' 73' Tf" Rnnove nl'Nk 12 daM 4'M/y/lar(b /N /S' 73" 1111'q 1] YM'ir'/s~/~~ 7Y f!' 70• Ramova 9•g•d Yp0(1 IM 111b•AH !•p011•, ion roomm•nli• IM bn•wNq; 7F ~P««r. ~,>~..115~ L~u` ~ ~~N N MkTf•ngp•117 •IR•gMM a17-•n•. ~"• - ~+Ywf1•m•w Ifnd npyw. RESOLUTION N0. 89-135 A RESOWTION OF THE PLANNING COIMISS[ON OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMOWA, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT N0. 14263 AND RELATm TREE REMOVAL PERMIT 89-58, FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF 32 CONDOMINIUM UNITS ON 3.35 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE NEST SIDE OF CARNELIAN STREET AT VI VERO STREET IN THE MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (8-14 DNELLING UNITS PER ACRE) AW THE FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT (A PROW35E0 M~IUM RESIOENTI AI. OISTR ICT), ANO NAKING FI WINGS IN Sl1PPQtT THEREOF - APN: 207-022-54 AW 64. A. Recitals. (i) E.G.M. Development has filed an application for the approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 14263 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the sub Jett Tentative Tract Map request is referred to as "the appllcat ion". (ii) On the 11th of October, 1989, and continued to October 25, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearfng an the application and concluded said hear irg on that date. - (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. WN, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as fol laws: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to thfs Commission during the above-referenced public hearings on October 11, 1989, and October 25, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The application applies to property Located on Lhe west side of Carnelian Street at Vfvero Street with a street frontage of 634 feet and lot depth of 346 feet at the north end and 115 feet at the south end: and (b) The northern half of the protect site is presently improved with three (3) single family hones and one (1) garage, the southern half of the protect site is vacant; and (cj The property to the north of the protect site contains single famfly homes, the property to the south is vacant, to the east are single family homes, and to the west is the Cucamonga Creek Channel. I 1 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 89-135 TT 14263 - E.G.M. DEVELOPMENT October 25, 1989 Page 2 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs I and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) The tentative tract will 6e consistent with the Ger.e ral -rlan, Development Code, and specific plans; and (b) The design or improvements of the tentative tract will be consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and specific plans; and (c) The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; and (d) The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; and (e) The tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems; and (f) The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. 4, This Commission herebv finds and ra rfifioe gyn.. .w.... peen reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Conmission hereby issues a Negative Declaration. 5, Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commis Sion hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth helow and in the attached Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incarpo ra ted herein by this reference. . Planning Division• (1) The applicant shall provide fora future trail connection to the Cucamonga Creek Channel. This shall include a pedestrian connection leading from the project site to the west property line; however, the access Dolor shall be gated and locked until such time as an agreement (s made between the City, the Corps of Engineers, and the Flood Control District which will allow for an extension of the regional trail system adjacent to this site. The connection shall be designed to the satisfaction of the City Planner and City Engineer prior to the 15suance of building permits. I PLANNING COMM [SSION RESOLUTION N0. 89-135 TT 14263 - E.G.M. DEVELOPMENT October 25, 1989 Page 3 (2) Landscaping along the west side of Carnelian Street shall conform to the Carnelian Street Beautification Concept and shall he subject to review and approval by the City Planner and the Cf ty Engineer prior to the issuance of building permits. (3) A final acoustical analysis shall be prepared for review and approval 6y the City Planner prior to the issuance of building permits. Should the acoustical analysis recommend tine construction of a sound retention wall along Carnelian Street, the design of the wall shall be approved by the Design Review Committee prior to the issuance of building permits. (4) Tree Removal Permit 89-58 is apprc ved as follows: !a) Trees No. 3, 4, 6-14, 16, 11, 20, and 39 shall be preserved in place. (b) Trees No. I, 2, 5, 15, 19, 22-31, 33, and 40 shall be preserved by transplanting elsewhere on the site. (c) Trees No. 18, 21, 32, 38, and 41-43 shall be removed and replaced with the largest nursery grown stock ova ila6le, as determined by the City Planner. (d) Trees No. 34 and 35 shall be preserved in place or transplanted elsewhere on site. (e) The location of all trees Lo be preserved in place and new locations far transplanted trees shall be shown on the detailed landscape plans. (f) The applicant shall follow all of the arborist's recommendations regarding preservation or transplanting measures. (9) ThaSE trees required to be preserved in place shall be protected in accordance with Municipal Code Section 19.08.110, (5) Prior to the recordation of the final map or the issuance of building permits, whichever comes first, the applicant shall consent to, or participate in, the establishment of a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District pertaining to the protect site to provide in contunctlon with the applicable School District for the construction and maintenance of necessary school facilities. However, if any School District has previously established such a Community Facilities District, the applicant shall, in the the alternative, consent to the annexation of the protect site Into the territory of such existing District prior to the recordation of the final map or the issuance of building permits, whichever comes first. I g PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 89-135 TT 14263 - E.G.M. OEYELOPMENT October 25, 1989 Page 4 Further, if the affected School District has not formed a Mello- Roos Community Facilities District within twelve months of the date of approval of the project and prior to the recordation of the final map or issuance of building permits for said project, this condition shall be deemed null and void. If the developer and any affected school districts reach a private agreement, this condition shall be deemed null and void. (6) This approval is specifically contigent upon approval of General Plan Pmendment 89-02A and Development District Amendment 87-12, a change in density from Flood Control to Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre). Engineering Division: (1) pn in-lieu fee as contribution to the future undergrounding of the existing overhead utilities (telecommunication and electrical except for the 66kv electrical) on the opposite side of Carnelian Street shall be paid to the City orior to approval of the Final Map. The fee shall be •ane-half the City adopted unit amount times the length of the project frontage. (2) The existing overhead utility service lines crossing Carnelian Street shall be undergrounded, or eliminated. !_~) cf noPf imnrnvomontc nn fhP WPGf NAP of fa rnPlian Street north and south of the project site shall be constructed generally in conformance with the preliminary traffic plan dated June 15, 1988, as approved by the City Engineer. (4) Construct a right turn pocket north of the project driveway on Carnelian Street which is eleven (11) feet wide and 230 feet long, including the taper. Install a catch basin north of the right turn pocket with sufficient capacity to offset the dertgased capacity caused by the encroachment of the driveway into the existing channel. The right-of-way line shall parallel the curb line seven (7) feet behind the curb face. The sidewalk shall be located at least five (5) feet behind the curb. (5) The project driveway shall be redesigned without a gated ertiry. Either combine the two driveway medians into one continuous one or delete them. Provide straight curb lines on both the north and south edges of the entry drive aisle. (6) Install a traffic signal at the intersection of Yivero Street and Carnelian Street. The developer shall receive Systems Development Fee credit and reimbursement for seventy-five (75) percent of the cost of the signal, if approved by City Council. ~~9 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 89-135 TT 14263 - E.G.M. OEV ELOPMENT October 25, 1989 Page 5 '7) The Carnelian Street sidewalk shall be property line adjacent !8 `, An in-lieu fee as contribution to the future reconstruction of improvements on the west side of Carnelian Street south from the project entrance to the existing curb and gutter terminus shall be paid *_o the City prior *.o t".e issuance cf bu",ding per`ts or Final Map approval, whichever occurs first. (9) Flood protection measures shall be provided along Carnelian Street generally as recommended in the prelfmina ry flood Report and as verified by a Final Flood Report approved by the City Engineer. !10) I? shall be the developer's responsibility to have the current FIRM Zone A designation removed for the project area. The developer's engineer shall prepare all necessary reports, plans, hydraulic/hydrologic calculations, etc. Preliminary approval shall be obtained from FEMA prior to approval of the record map or issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. The designation shalt be officially removed prior to oc cu pansy or improvement acceptance, whichever occurs first. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 25TH OAY OF OCTOBER, 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY rry I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do he rcby certify that the fcrego inq Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 25th day of October 1989, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CNITIEA, MC NIEL, TOLSTOY, MEINBERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY ~~ 0 3v sa~ga~a~ .. ..~"-c fix:-g ~Fa: _a ~9~_E 6:° •gs~~ a8~5•o~~a~g" E'z'ppY6 $•°~ ^~~g. :i5 '~z~Y 5~~3:~"~gy' ~fi ~s: ~Z~ d5 '~i :r~ E:CSx ? ..3gff.S2=~ 5•t~~ frYi _.~~E Yom. ~J~•_li is~xe,=~^s~ a5aga sea-e = b-s- .E.g`oxaae: y~Fg. °~ x ~, "$~~ ~~x:..a ~€~ax55`=>-:~ -,fin ~xi =-~Fa~ -;a :~-~• ;s5nx=a3~~ax ks='s$ ,Ea ~~ urec ~~~3 ~~=~~n ~gc:.;F~;ses as..d's~ Y~s•;~ a~-i Yg`g`- a.a~ • F~egssi~"e:~^ Y ~a~a3 8~d ~~~ 3-s €a $i a~aE[' x y ~ ~ N a~ c ~~ ~~~ s r ag ~ a •s-r-aa ~ °° x N c F_3s~iax _~ i~. ~ , t a=~~Y_a=~ F.~4~ a gr ~_ ti »f •~3~af - ~~sa3E a jad ~ • ~~ ssY3~~za~ - ! a ~ ~#°~--m3a y ~~ ~ s- ...._ ~ '' ~ !: i a ~'= _ ~ ~~`~~ - s = _ ~= ' ~ .; ~~ ~ ~ I V ~I /~ I m N z v ~~II7 ~~a FL io.y e.:" £y9~ Aas~ ~}~E~~s~~ XyZS 8i: °g°` 3.~x =, it g~Y. ~ '~~5~'3 `a poC 59,-a'~°3 '.:g 't _gC 8__.~~~YY _~~ rasa ~s'a~'r~ ='i> 5s a'.~i~. ^c`==a Y€_=g; cgs _ 6:~~; 5~... ..8 g~ a ~:'x~ ~~a~ ic~~ Disc[ ~~aa~ As»ess3Y$ ~I y I •-acr~as ~`_7Y-~ Ya=.~'~ =~°pps1-$ ~~yxYxt R gaS~ t oSL a~p~a ge^. ±y__ ga=~Y:3 a'!E-ss~ Y~a g~>L~ a 3 ~ .~s Y z$ ~ ~5.~ g9 a g ax "F ~ gg s ~~a a EYE ~ ~ "~~5 g'fio g ~ YS gY=g_ 3 ~ SgE~ gg ~p FY$~ o ~8 ~'~3 .e ~ff 8F~ ~$8` : 5" ri ~~i ~; 3a g ~ a~~; ad ~i ~~ ~ s !l ~; a ~I ~ I ~ ELOa >x °~ f;i i~ v'E~wi~i!iY: 3sr.~ =.~9~ ~=_~ sip- ;: 3Cg ias it :ire=, ~a ~ ~ ~_r~~~ _t,p 3iso as 3~~ ;! ~~i t~ is~~~ ~i9 ~ i~ ~~~~~" ~ E i r°-= i a3 s.. ~~~ i~ ~_Ijzi~ i3es~a ~ ~ aj ~j~a 3J ~se :,fit ~~ ; zantisi~d i~~~_r~ i~i s= '~ _ i r sy_.. r ,_ E s-E ~! 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UlYtLUYmlNI - A request t0 amens the lieneral PIaO Lana seDo Control to Medium Density Residential (8- 14 dwelling units per acre) for approx/mately 1.78 acres of land located on the west side of Carnelian Avenue, east of the Cucamonga Creek Fl ood Control Channel, and south of Vtvero Street - APN: 207-022-64. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AIfENDMENT ai-iz - l.u.m. ulrewrmlNi - A request to amens the eve oilmen s r c s p rom Flood Control to Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling untts per acre) for approximately 1.)8 acres of land Located on the west side of Carnelian Avenue, east of the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel, and south of Vtvero Street - APN: 207-022-64. I. RECOMMENDATION: If the City Council concurs with the findings and conc u~ of the Planning Caawission for recawNendatton of approval of the General Plan Amendment 89-02A and Development District Amendmnt 87-12, then adoption of the attached Resolution and Ordinance would be appropriate. II. ISSUE: At their regularly scheduled meeting of November 1, 1989; -City Council--requested that the General Dian Amendment be continued to the meeting of November 15, 1989 and that the 2nd reading for Development District Amendment 87-12 De set for this date. The purpose for the continuance was to allow the General Plan and Development District Amendments to be heard eoncurrentiy with an appeal on the related Tentative Tract 14486, which was approved by the Planning Commission on October 25, 1989. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT RE: GPA 89-02A 6 DDA 87-12 - E.6. M. November 15, 1989 Page 2 Res ullyY~ ra Bul r \\ City nner BB:CN:ko Attachments: November 1, 1989 City Council Staff Report Resolution of Approval for General Plan Amendment 89-02A Ordinance of Approval for Development District Amendment 87-12 ~a9 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DgTE: November 1, 1989 T0: Mayor and Menbers of the City Council FROM Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Cindy Norris, Rs satiate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ANO GENERAL PLAN PMEMONENT 89-02A - request to ame t e nera an a snL~e awl }}p ram Flood Control to Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) for approximately 1.78 acres of land located on the west side of Carnelian Avenue, east of the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel, and south of Vivero Street - APN: 207-022-64. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT D15TR1LT request to ame t e eve opment str cts ap rom ood Control to Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwe111ng units per acre) for approximately 1.78 acres of land located on the west side of Carnelian Averue, east of the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel, aM south of Vivero Street - APN: 207- 022-64. RECOMMENDATION: On October 25, 1989, the Planning Commission recomre a tat General Plan Amendment 89-02A and Development District Amendment 87-12 be approved by the City Cau ncil to amend the General Plan and Development District designations fray Flood Control to Medium Density Residential. [f the City Council conwrs, adoption of the attached Resolution and Ordinaroe. of aDDroval wauld,be appropriate. t[. ABSTRACT: The City Council w111 review the firdings and coot us ons of the Planning Commission and make a determination on the proposed General Plan and Development District Mendment requests, to change the infld use designations from Flood Control to Medium Oenstty Residential for the suD~ect property. III. BACKGROUNOA)ISCIf5510N: The Planning Commission reviewed these aDD ca ons a their regularly scheduled meeting of October 11, 1989. At this meeting the Commission reviewed the CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT E.G.M. OEYELOPMENT GPA 89-02A 6 DDA 87-12 November 1, 1989 Page 2 proposed amendments for consistency with the General Plan, potential far traffic impacts, campatib711 t)' with surrounding land uses and the possibility for significant environmental impacts. As a result of potential unmitigated significant negative environmental impacts identified by both the Chaffer High and Central School Districts, the Planning Commission recomaended that the public hearing be continued to October 25, 1989. Both the Chaffer Joint Union High School and Central School Districts have indicated that the students generated from the additional residential units would significantly effect their ability to prcvide adequate service to the students of the districts. As a result, staff and the Commission encouraged the applicant to work with the districts to find soiutions that would mitigate these potential impacts. The result was the execution of impact mitigation agreements between the applicant and each district. Nith these agreements in place, the anticipated impacts will be mitigated to an insignificant level. ps a result, the Planning Caamisston recommended approval of a Negative Declaration and approval of General Plan Amendment 89-02A and Development District Amendment 87-12. if additional details are needed concerning the above discussion, please refer to the attached Planning Commission staff reports. IV. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: Based on the conclusions listed in the a c e ann ng ommission staff reports of October il, and October 25, 1989, the City Council can make the following findings regarding these appllcatlons: 1. The property is suitable for the use proposed, as 1t has been designated surplus by the Flood Control District and will be adegamtely protected from flaws from the north and east, as detenalned by the Engineering Division as a result of hydrologic analysts and proposed flood protection measures; and 2. The site 1s of adequate size and shape to meet all development standard requirements, as evidenced by the design of the related development proposal, Tentative Tract 14263; and ~~~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT E.G.X. DEYELOPMENT GPA 89-02A 6 DDA 87-12 November 1, 1989 Page 3 3. The site will have adequate access to actomnodate the proposed use, based on extensive traffic analysis by the Engineering Division and proposed future roadway improvements; and 4. The proposed use is compatible with existing and future land uses in the area, as the proposed site is separated from any existing residential use by the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel and Carnelian Avenue td the east and west, and the existing Cucamonga County Mater District reservoir to the north; and 5. The proposed amendments are in conformance with the General Plan, as evidenced by the ability of the proposed land use designation to satisfy the stated goals, ob,lectives, and policies contained in the text; and 6. The proposed amendments are in confonaance with the policies and obleCtives contained within the Development Code, as evidenced by the ability of the proposed site to meet development standards. 7. The proposed amendment will not have adverse impacts on the environment, public services, nor the surrounding properties, as evidenced by the conclusions and findings of the Tnif lal Stu Aw Da rf TT anA thn 1~wnT s~en~.H nn ,.e mitigation agreements between the property owner and the Chaffey Joint Union High Schoot Distrtat and the Central School Dtstrlct. V. CORRESPONDENCE: This Item has been advertised as a public hearing e e a ort newspaper, and notices sent to property owners with n ee o e protect site. YI. ACTION: tf the City Council concurs with the recawaendation of the PTann'fng Caawiss~ for approval of General Plan Mendment 89-02A and Development Dtstrlct Amendment 87-12, then adoption of Lhe attached Resolution and Ordinance would be appropriate. Respectfully si I grad But ~r City Planner 88:CN:mlg '~r~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT E.G.M. DEVELOPMENT GPA 89-OZA d DDA 87-12 Novenber 1, 1989 Page 4 Attachments: Planning Commission Staff Report of October 11, 1989 Planning Commission Staff Report of October 25, 1989 Planning Commission Minutes from October 11, 1989 Planning Commission Resolution of Approval for GPq 89-02A Planning Commission Resolution of gpproval for OOA 81-12 Resolution of Approval for General Plan Amendment 99-02A Ordinance of Approval for Development District Amendment 87-12 ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 11, 1989 T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Alan Marren, As satiate Planner Lindy Norris, Assoc Late Planner SUBJECT: CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT GENERATION RATES - I Since the wr tt irg of the GPA 89-02A and 02C reports, additional information reg and ing the student generation rates has come to our attention. Instead of a generation factor of .7562 (students/unit) far s trg le family deve topment for the anticipated elementary studeMS, a lower .4252 figure is used by Central School District as an overall rate for the district. See attached Central School Distrfct letter with amended note, dated October 9, 1989 from Ingrid Yogel. Therefore, the follow lrg number of students is now ezpet ted from the two GPA developments: Rate Students student/units z units generated VfN ViY-V LI, Chaffey High School Central Elementary GPA 89-02C Chaffey H1gh School .,~ Central Elementary .15 32 5 .43 32 14 Subtotal - 19 .15 40 6 .43 40 17 Subtotal - 23 TOTAL - 42 In add it ton, attxhed are revised Exhibits "0" (GPA 89-O2C) and "I" (GPA e9-02A) which reflect amended school enrollmtnL percentages for the revised student generation figures. PLAaIiIRG caMrilssT^y sraPP aEPOar GPA 89-OZA. & 02.. P.C. AGEIDA ITEMS E 6 I Ocmber 11, 1989 Page 2 Re sp lly s ted Bra Bu r City a ner BB:CN:mlg Attachments: Exhibit "D" -GPA 89-02C Exhibit "I" - GPA 89-02A Letter Prom Central School District 1~5 DISTRICT WIDE SCHOOL ENROLLMENT FIGURES Por combined GPA's 89-02A e C NEW STUDENT53 CURRENT CAPACITY GPA'$~ B9- 2 i OF IOTA= DISTRICT ENROLLMENT PERMANENT (TEMPI. 02A 11~ 02C jXJ_ ENROLLMENTS Central 4253 25123 42633 14 .3 1? .4 .1 Chaffey 4620 3800 46201 5 .09 6 .! .2 3 as generated by the antSclpated resident ial project on the eltes of the GPA's. 2 X o! current enrollment-district wide 3 figures from CSey Master Envlronmantel Assessment-1988 13(p Fichib~'fa~~ (BPA~9•DIG~ Fxh,b~f Z~ (GvA ~'9-a~A) ADMINLSSRA17ON C¢7titral School District ~°N•Je~•• auwswrwawweawv 9af7 foothill 81vd./ Rancho Cucamonga. Caliiomu 91i 70 ' ptll 989•BSat ~ Vo4al S6araa 4 Ny.l July 36. 1989 •a•t.aVP'r. ,rwa111wR law Yr. TSmotn. J. Aa tklna 7ro]aee arcnic+et pi c•ui-0alaau arehieara 9617 Lnvan Avanua, Sutla 330 Rancho Cveawonga, CA 91770 Daar nr. wackin•~ i as to racalpt of Your July 36th laCtae doling vi th youc planned conat ructi on on GM .ti ac aide of carnelian Street ac cha /ngrwotlen oC Catneliaw and viweo. You asked Lor anwae• eo wo qua•eiona, queaclon I1. .ill the Canesal lahool District sad eha apeeiLlc Llaayetary School which aarva ehla peo~eee Da l~paeead ae eM tine thla pro]ace v111 b• eeeupted lappcoaiucely Auquat 199017 M sponge, voile Viace ele.aneary seheol aeevu thla area. It 1a overcrowded ac eM praa•nt tlwe and, yea. It will b. LnpaeGd even Cuzeher ae eh. ciao the pre]eee !a eenpiaud. queatlon /3+ peed upon CM apeCiLlo lntocrlation wppl lad conNrniaq ehla oro late, viii our pre~eet haw a •lgnit Scant nagatiw lwpaee upon the dlaerietT Reaponeer Youe plant to build 72 3-bedtoo~, 2y-bath hnsu will haw a ^igalLloane negative i~Dact upon eM dlatrlct. we vi ah tMt w court Give You d1lteran! lntor>.atiortr but w can't. it you haw any addleloaal queatlona, lot ua knew. flncenly. ~~ Erwin M. Jones fuparlneaadeae lo!q!eq ap Oaneratioh tae to[ [or Caneral 6ehoel Dlattloc in afngla YawilY hoax .7562 Diat[ltt Overal/l 1CVaraga • .at S2 `/~ ~~ 137 aoaab or laufTlu NeMr 1. fin anbnla t. bNn OAtir 41r. fvlh A. a/auu A•MN TqW a,Mrw CN,1 ~uwar. urner. WMw DISTRICT WIDE SCHOOL ENROLLMENT PIGURES Por combined. GPA's 89-02A & C NEW STUDENTSI CURRENT CAPACITY GPA'$~ 89- 2 DISTRICT ENROLLMENT PERMANENT (TEMP). 02A ,L%1 02C j%j, Central 4281 25123 42633 3{ .3 17 .{ % OF TOTA1 ENROLLMENTS 7 Chaffey 4620 3800 4820. 5 .09 6 ._ .2 1 as generated by the anticipated residential project on the sites of the GPA's. 2 % of current enrollment-d3atrici wide 3 figures from City Master Environmental Assessment-1988 ~~~ •01G E'xhr'bi f 4D~ (3PI-S'I ~ E~h~bi~'Z CAA ~1-G~A~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Qc to her 11, 1989 T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Lindy Norris, Associate Planner e~3 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENOM ENT 69-02A - E.G.M. DEYELO MEN - request to amend the General Plan Land Use Map from ood Control to Medium Density Residential (8- 14 dwelling units per acre) far approximately 1.18 acres of land located on the west side of Carnelian Avenue, east of the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel, and south of Vivero Street - APN: 207-022-64. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT - .M. D V L N - request to amen the Dave opment Districts Map from Fl ood Control to Medium Density Residential (B-t4 dwelling units per acre) for approximately I.7B acres of land located on the west side of Carnelian Avenue, east of the Cutamonga Creek Flood Control Channel, and south of Yivero Street - APN: 207-022-64. RELATED FS LE: TENTATIVE TRACT 14263 PROJECT AND S[TE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Re nested: Approval of a General Plan and Development District ndment to change the land use designation from Flood Control to Medium Density Residential. B. Surrounding Land Use and I.onlne: North - Existing single family (proposed multi-family, TT 14263) and Cucamonga County Mater DlstricL water tank; Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling units per atre). South - Vacant with existing drain channel; Flood Control. East - Carnelian Avenue and existing single family; Low Density Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre). Nest - Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel and existing single family residences; F1 ood Control and Low Density Residentlel (2-4 dwelling units per acre). PLANNING COMIiiSSf ON SL f REPORT RE: GPA 89-02A d ODA 67-12 - E.G.M DEVELOP. October I1, 1989 Page 2 C. General Plan Des tanati ons: Project Site - Flood Control North - Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) South - Flood Control East - Low Density Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) West - Flood Control and Low Density Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) D. Site Characteristics: The subject property is vacant with the exception of a an scaped parkway of Eucalyptus trees and shrubs directly adjacent to the existing curb and flood control channel along Carnelian Avenue. The parcel has a varying topography with the majority of the site having a grade varying from 2 to 5 percent while the portion located at the southeast end has slopes varying from I1 to 20 percent adjacent to the flood control channel. Directly to the north are three (3) existing older single family homes which are to be removed as part of the proposed development for Ten W ti ve Tract 14263. Further north is an existing water toot and approximately four (4) single family homes all which currently front onto Carnelian Avenue (see Exhibit "C"). The land north of these homes has been deveiopeo wicn mui ci-iamiiy units. ~io the east are exisn ng single family homes which rear onto Carnelian Avenue, while to the west, are existing single famf ly homes separated from the subject property by the Cucamonga Creek flood Control Channel (a pproxfmately 150 to 200 feel wide). fI. ENViRONNENTAL ASSESSMENT: Staff has reviewed the Initial Study, Part I, and t e responzes from the school districts and completed the Environmental Chec kl lst, Park II of the Initial Study, and, except far schoeLlmpaction, has found that no other significant adverse environmental impacts will occur as a result of the proposed Generel Plan Mienda>ent 89-02A and Development District Amendment 81-12. Both the Chaffey High School and Central School Districts Aave '. ndica ted that there will be Significant negative impact an their ability to provide services as a result of the Drpposed amendments and planned residential project. The potential student generation for each district as a result of the proposed aarondment will be as follows: ~~ PLANNING COMMISSION Sl. ," REPORT RE: GPA 89-02A a OOA 87-12 - E.G.M DEVELOP. October I1, 1989 Page 3 rate students students/unit x units * generated Cha ffey Nigh School District .15 32 5 Cent rat School District .7S 32 24 TOTAL 29 *Ba sed on a total of 32 units as requested in the development proposal, Tentative Tract 14263. District-wide school enrollment figures are attached in Ezhi hi[ "I". (n response to the district's concerns, staff had requested that the applicant work with the school district towards developing agreements to provide appropriate mitigation measures. As of this date, the applicant has been able to come to an agreement with the Lhaffey Joint High School District, but an appropriate mitigation measure has not been reached with Central School District. Staff is currently in contact with the school dis tr lct to aid in reaching some form of agreement. Therefore, as adequate mi Ligation toward resolution of potential significant impacts has not been reached, staff is unable to make Ci~c JcCe nuinai~uu .n iorm ui prepm~a Liun ui a ireya clue Declaration. III. LAND USE ANALYSIS: A. Background: On June 25, 1984, the sub,lect property was declared surplus by the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors, as improvements to the Cucamonga Creek Fl ood Control Channel had been completed and the easements were no longer necessayr. On March D, 1989 the Planning Commission reviewed a request from Burgundy Creek Ltd, fora proposed Development District Amendment from Flood Control to Medium Density Residential. The Planning Commission found that due to the unusual site configuration and pctential traffic hazards an Carnelian Avenue, that a determination on land use could not be made until further information was presented with the application, including a development proposal and traffic analysts. Additionally, the Planning Commission determined that a General Pian Mmendment would be necessary to change the land use from Flood Control to Medium Density Residential. I PLANNING COMM ISSIOR 51...F REPORT RE: GPA 89-02A a DDA 87-12 - E.G.M DEVELOP. October 11, 1989 Page 4 The Planning Commission also raised concerns regarding master planning of the su b,ject parcel with properties to the north with regard [o access. However, 5ta ff has determined that this would not be possible as the property located directly north of oroposed Tentative Tract 14263 continues to be retained by the Cucamonga County Water District. According to district representatives, the reservoir on this sf to functions as an integral part of their system and it is not anticipated that ft will be eliminated. Additionally, a berm is located along the south end of the property which functions as a levee Lo protect against overflows and access would not be possible. B. Traffic Anal sis and Generation Rates: As a result of the proposed deve opment project, the Engineering Division has conducted an extensive traffic analysts of the props sed site, and found that the resulting traffic can be appropriately accoamodated as a result of future roadway improvements. Carnelian Avenue, which is a designated secondary arterial, is pro,jec led to have traffic levels of up to 26,000 vehicle trips per day. As a result, access to Carnelian is limited and the street will be designed with an ultimate right-of.way of 88 feet, (64 feet of pavement wf dth). Additionally, to reduce potential hazards to motor vehicles, bicycles, or pedestrians, a right-turn lane will be provided for south bound traffic ar.d the proposed an veway a n goes witn vivera street. A traffic analysis, prepared by O'Rourke Engf nee ring, indicates that due to existing tra fffc levels on Carnelian, a stop light will be necessary at the Vivero intersection to help reduce speeds and thereby reduce the number of accidents between Base Line and Foothill. Additionally, the study concludes that, "this in to rsectton is warranted based on existing conditions, not as a result of the proposed pro,ject." A comparative analysis of traffic generation rates as a result of the pro,jett for the Low (L), Low Medium (LM) and Nedfum (M) land use categories was prepared by staff as shown in Exhibit "0". It was fouiM that the traffic levels would vary slightly, with the LM designation tending to generate a greater amount of traffic (240 vtpd) than either the L (i80 vtpd) or M (195 vtpd) categories. Therefore, although traffic generation rates for different land uses will vary somewhat, the resulting traffic levels will be relatively minor in comparison with levels predicted along Carnelian Avenue as a whole. The street will be designed to carry the projected traffic load at an adequate level of service whfcA will mitigate the proposed traffic concerns. ~~~ PLANNING COlM ISSION Sl... F REPORT RE: GPA 89-02A a OOA 81-12 - E.G.M OEV ELOP. October 11, 1989 Page 5 Land Use Anal vsis: The proposal to designate the subject property as Medium Density Residential rather than Low or Low Medium is consistent with the policies contained in the General Plan with regard to loc ational and compatibility considerations. The General Plan states that the Low (L) and Low Medium (LM) Residential designations are intended to entourage lower intensity single family housing. The Low Medium Density designation is described as one which "encourage(s) greater housing diversity without changing the single family character of the surrounding residential character." As a result, this designation can 6e used as a transitional housing type or as a buffer from higher intensity uses. In contrast, the Hed ium Density Residential designation is constde red a more appropriate use "adjacent to parks and other open spates, along transit routes and major and secondary thoroughfares, and near activity centers, such as recreational centers, libraries, shopping centers, and entertainment areas." It can serve as a buffer and can better accommodate impacts as a result of traffic and noise. Due to the location of the proposed protect adjacent to the flood control channel, with a proposed future regional trail, ~~~~ Cm ..ellmi „venue, wii is ii is a des igna tea secondary arterial, a higher intensity use is more appropriate as opposed to one which would encourage a single family character. Additionally, as Lhe project site is separated from any adjacent residential development by some form of edge or ba rr ter, the higher density development will not cause a nega Live impact on surrounding exis Ling uses. IV. DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ANALYSIS: State law requires that the Deve opment D str ct, .e., on ing Ordinance, be consistent with the General Plan (Section 65860, Government Code). If findings can be made to warrant the General Plan Nnendment to Medium Density Residential, then similar finding should also 6e made roga rA ing the Development District Amendment change to Medium Density Residential. V. (ACTS FOR FINDINGS: in order to approve the General Plan and Deve opnknt D str ct Amendments, the Commission would have to determf ne that the change would promote the land use goals and policies of the General Plan and not be materially detrimental to the adjacent properties or cause significant adverse environmental impacts. Following are the findings that are necessary: ' ~~ PLANNING COMMISSION Si r REPORT RE: GPA 89-02A a DDA 87-12 - E.G,M OEV ELOP. October 11, 1989 Page 6 I. The property is suitable for the use proposed, as it has been designated surplus by the Flood Control Oistr ict and will be adequately protected from flows from the north and east, as determined by the Engineering Division as a result of hydrologic analysis and proposed fl ocd protection measures; and 2. The site is of adequate size and shape to meet all development standard requirements, as evidenced by the design of the related development proposal, Tentative Tract 14263; and 3. The site will have adequate access to accommodate the proposed use, based an extensive traffic analysis by the Engineering Divis ton and proposed future roadway improvements; and 4. The proposed use is compatf ble with existing and future land uses in the area, as the proposed site is separated from any existing residential uses by the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel and Carnelian Avenue to the east and west, and the existing Cucamonga County Na ter Cistrict reservoir to the north; and 5. The proposed amendments are in conformance with the .. r - - viC cu uy uie oul i i Ly U I LtIC proposed land use designs Lion to satisfy the stated goals, objectives, and policies contained in the text; and b. The proposed amendments are in conformance with the policies and objectives contained within the Development rode, as evidenced by the ability of the proposed site to meet development standards. However, the proposed amendments may result in significant negative impacts on the abflity of the Central School District to provide adequate service as evidenced by the fact that an appropriate mitigation agreement has not been reached between the property owner and the District. ViI. CORRESPONDENCE: Th1s item has been advertised as a public hear ng in a Dail Re rt newspaper, the property posted with a suppiementa arge not cation sign, and notices sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the pro Jett s1te. ~~ I PLANNING CDMMISSLON Sl. REPORT RE: GPA 89-02A 8 DDA 87-12 - E.G.M DEVELOP. October 11, 1989 ~ , Page 1 VItI, REC OMMENDATIDN: As a result of the potential negative impact to school services, staff recommends that the Planning .Commission conduct a public hearing and consider all written and oral input in considering the following determinations: A. That the General Plan and Development District 6mendments be denied, based upon the fact that no definitive mitigation measure is avaT Table to resolve the resulting impact an the ren tral School District. If the Commission favors this option, staff would recommend that the denial be "without prejudice" so that the applicant may re-apply at any time if a mitigation measure or solution is found; or That the General Dlan and Development District Amendments be continued until a more definitive agreement is presented, which clan fles the mitigation measures on the school impact issue; ar L. That the Planning Commission determine that the potential impact as a result of the General Plan and Development District Amendments, of approximately 29 additional students (elementary and high school), is not sufficient to result in a significant impact on school services. N1 th such a determination, the Planning Commission can recommend a Nega tfve Declaration and then consider approving the GPA and wA "yyl i~°Liuu a. Res ~ lly sub d, Brad u 1 City Pla er BB:CN :ko Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Vicinity Map Exhibit "B" - General Plan Ezh chit "C" - Location Map Exhibit "D" - Traffic Analysts Exhibit "E° - Proposed Site Plan Exhibit "F" - Letters of July 26 and August 22, 1989 from Central School District Exhibit "G" - letter of July il, 1989 from Chaffey Joint Union Htgh School District Exhibit "H" - Letter of September 21, 1989 from Applicant Exhibit "1" - School Enrollment Figures I ~~ Vicinity Map N.T.S. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA ITEM: PLANNING DIVISION ~,~; y/~j~~ N ' ~(„ EXHIBIT: SGLE; u :;: Golf .; . - ~: ;• - . , E ~ - ~ - _ . . 4 ... ~; . : , .: .. : : .. . . . ~"~:~ .:~..;h..:f CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION ~ ~' f pia .~f •~ ,• pq~uc ~~:- - ., i,: ;. .. e ......, ~ ~~, ~ ' N~o ,M. ~~~ :'`'a,r'' ::5:11 C3~d1i': ~:• ., ITEM: ,mE: _CscntreL Y/an N EXHIBIT: $ SCALE: ~` 1 r-a!fL ne,1 Prodo \ ~ - ~ u Q ~'i~ rl li LJ - ` n// _ ~ Q f u n .~ i \\ U --, \ ] L _• I Q lJ \ 'CaQ 1. J /~ E~ rl \ , 1~\ i /~~ rl J U 4 ~~.LJ \ 1~'\~•• lJ _ \ P ~ t:'~ ~r-r~rr `v) \~ \\ ~ L~. O S y~ ~ ~ ~ 2 ~y ~ L J \~ 1 J L" w ~~- \ ) ~' ~rL ~" 3 (~> ~/ ~ ~ s ~, G~.!F.LO~E nvG ~~. __ SITE: ~t . l ~ ~~ ~~10 q, ry~ ~ ~ , ` `~ ~ r . , ~ ~; w~'~(J r~~ ~+ LJ LJ LR 1f~J1f !lY rl r l_~ L J L J \~ L: rl LJ \~i v.. _ r 1 ' V ,~~ LJ r-~ ~ l ~ rl rl LJ Q LJ LJ :~ ~ •• L r; ~:~ r~ Cam) i J CJ C' ~ ~ ~ C'-1 ~, f..,~,, oPn~~a LJ ~ ~ J ~' ~ ~ , 1 ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMOIYGA ITEM: PLANNING DIVISION TTTLE: LdCQ~%D/1 /nAtl N I ~g EXH18R: SGLE: EIIHIB IT 'D' Traffic Generation Mal ys is Staff has ^_onduc ted a comparative analysis of the traffic generation rates for the proposed project site based upon possible differing land use categories. The generation rates for the Low (L) and Low Medium (LM) categories were based on average lot sire. Addf tionall y, staff assumed a single family (including duplex) type of development to occur in the Law Medium category, rather than a clustered development L IB units x 10.00' 180 (vtpd) LM 24 units x 10.00* = 240 (vtpd) H 32 units x 6.10* 195 (vtpd) As can be seen, the Law Medium category would tend to generate a greater amount of traffic than either the L or H categories. it has generally been found that single family type developments tend to generate htg her rates of traffic due to the larger number of persons per household. However, traffic is generally more concentrated from multi-family projects as a result of limited access points. " Average daily trtp genera tf on obtained from the General Plan Master Environmental Assessment. I ~~ ~ i \ S~ -~-+ \ i' ~ IB ~' .....: w.r •~ ~. ~~` CV' ~ ror.. r. ~ _ _ ~~~ i~~• ,~~ _ ~~ ~N ~ y `\\ ...._ ~, ~~~ r" IG iy l\ 1 l4 ~ \ O ! ~ 1j3 i] ~ ........... l \ . .a 73 13 .z u ~~ ;-f ~= ~~ ~. -- r.: F 1 1 - - .. ~• F, ~. rs :i7~ Elil y~i. ,~9~ i~ m ~ wti~ B~ ~. ,o 20, Po r. Lot I I3 3 w'- ~y~~e..z//F' lOa I- ~ vs ao ~ O2 III yr III ti irk' U _ ~1 •~rJ -r ~ 1 1 I i\ .. ............... _,.4 ° ~ ~ ~ 3 1 , .. ~ .:o w a '~•- ~- ~ O oq i 12 F .\', 'Ja '70 \ ~ \ ~II o O n \ I . o rl o ~ M \ r .«.. w R p~ a+)~ I o .r Marr.. \ \ ~'I D 0 ~ 1 ~ ) N CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ITEM: PLANNING DIVISION T~,E:pi~~DOSItd J~ifL/~~eA N I~ E%HIHIT: ~ SGLE: ' ..DMINISTRATION Central School District ~-~N.~~a su~enrnrenoenr 9157 foothill Blvd, / Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 ; (7141 9H9-8541 Ingrid Vogel wear .su~r.,eusineas ShatoD L Nagel July 26, 1989 wisr.avnr.,rwereucr ron Nr. Tim.:[hy J. Watkins Project Archn sect •)~„ , Pitaasi-Dalmau Archi toots 9627 Haven Avenue, Suite 220 Raneho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Dear Nr. Watkins: I am in [ecei pt of your July 26th let[er dealing with your planned conatcuctt on on the we at side of Carnelian Street nt the inte section of Carnelian and vivero. Yau asked for an ewers to two questions. Q wstien il: Will tM Central School Diatri et end the apaeif is Elements ry Sehool which acute this project he impacted at the tl me this project will be occupied Tapp rozamately August 19901? Respon ee: ValLe Viata Elemenis[y School serves thin area. IC is overcrowded at [he present time endr yea, it will be impa cced even further at the time the project is compte tad. Question 12: Hawed upon the specific inf ocmation suppL ied concerning thin r.•,i• ~ •, w~i~ . ~~e.~ a :y.. ....mn :eye.i ve uupauc upon the district? Reaponae: Ycur plane to build 12 7-bedroom, 2:1-beta homes will have a si gniEicant negative impact upon the dietricc. We wish the[ we could gl ve you different information, but w¢ can'[. if you have any additional qua scions, let us know. Sincerely, / •~1 1 ~n N-JOn~~ Super in [endent ao NfMI L SIO) aMUMJ t NnRfn I~' NO AND OI INLI II Ia Ilehba Xu1r: u...n.. Nwh A Uueer Arnlrre h.Lv v. ,,,. Fxh)hrf ,:,~- l ADMMISTRATION Central School District 9457 Foothill BWd. ~ Ra n:ho Cucamonga, California 91730 ; (714) 9R9~8541 August 22, 1989 Mr. TimotL/ J. Wntk ins, Project Arc hit etc P itassi-Da lmau ARc hitects 9267 Haven Avenue, Suite 220 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Wa tKins: Erwin N. Jones suwswrnrenoewr Ingrid Vogel Asar. su~r.,eusrness Sharon L Nagel assr.svwr.,:nsrwuer,ow In response 20 your August 14, 1989 letter, I am providing you wrth addici oval information you requested concerning the impact of your Burgundy Creek Pro Sect upon Central School District. YOU caked fOC dn9NCC9 i0 91x gUG9tlOn9: Q ueation I1: What is the current enrollment and design capacity of the affected elementary arhoel, (Does the design capaoaty include ports hie units?I and the pro jeered enrollment at Ue pro jeci's completion) gesoense: The Valle Vista Elementary 6chool is dealaned for 5]R nupila and presently houses in excess of 620. [n a recent review we found ne adequate apace eo house coacher portable, thus, we transferred pupils to another school to meet enrollment projections for 19 q9-90. Although we do have portables on the graund9 it rs ehe only elementary school operating without a library and a nom outer center due m the lack of space. Question 12: What is the student generation factor used by ehe drscrrc< co determine the number of students expeceed from your pro 7ect? Response: The student generation factor used by ehe tliatt wt is .]562 her unit. Question 13: W111 your project impact the di5[rict's ability co nrovide adequate service to residents? tf so, under tihat :ondi ra or.s can the tlistrtcc provide adequate service? Response: Yes -- you[ project will (archer overcrocd an already ova r. rowded .,chccl. 'rJe can provide adaq ~a ca aers.w .. .:e imJ add rcienai ciass- caom space. Ques a on /4: Does the district use, or have plans w use, pnrtalae via ssrooms to handle the inc reaseA student on rollmencs? Response: We hays porcabin classrooms un every arts In the 9chwtl ~1: atc:ct to hanAlc the over ln('rCaalnl~q/J.9:Lllont ,•n rUl .".Cnr. w1D O~RI'1 /f 1{ Nrwrt 1. Slot 4n1„MS 1 ausm Drah,r ado sm4 .1 Mn..rr {ndrrw LJw ,,....,,,.., ,,,.. ,,....... ,,,... r,fh~h~t~ ~~• ~ Mr. Timothy J. Watkins Page TwD R/22 /R9 Question Y5: Does the tlist riot have plans to construct additional school facilities, and if so, what as the projected time Era me antl funding sources? Response: We are presently completing the third and final phase of Bear Gulch School. We are currently wo eking on 5ta to applications for three additional schools -- Terra Viste II Eoc 1991r Ruth Musser Mitldle School for 1982, and the Coyote Canyon Elementary School for 199_ to replace the temporary school built by Lewis Momes. The funding source is the State of California and at Dre sent no funds arc avatl- abie, Rowever, we hope to be Funded if the voters approve a sc hooL building bond issue at the neat election, Question 16: Does the dlst ri et nave a comprehensive master plan or 5-year action plan? If sor what do they entail? Response: Yea, we do have a comprehensive master plan and our 5-year action plan is described in Response IS above. I trust ch_s is en adeq voce rea ponce to yevr conoe rna. Sincerely, ee ~'°~ E' v Ingrid Vogel Assistant Superintendent 77 ~~ f ~~ Chaffey Joint Union High School xxll District ~, `• 271 WEST FIFTH STREET , ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA 917621698 p14) 9P6-8511 ~ E~ - SURpNTFND[xT OE lCNOd.f NSlarYTE lUpERMTENOENT lOApO MEMlERS S dm E. SmoMm INSTRUCTbN WmwNn E Min4y e•vN B Human ' xxt G Mann •SSgLNT lUVERINTENOENT R•YnwnaJ Snra VERSONxEL CN,4sJ VnaWY Danaq E GWa G•,ab 'N VMN July 11, 19E5 Pitassi-Dalmau, Architects 3267 Haven Ave., Ste. 220 Rancho Cucamonda, CA 91730 ATTN: Timothy Watkins RE= Burgundy Creek, Tentative Tract 14263 The above-referenced project, consistind of 32 tovnhomes, is situated in the Alta Loma Hidh School attendance area. The current combined capacities of Alta Loma and Gtieanda Hidtr Schools is 3800. Their combined enrollment !s 46C0. The oversde is housed In trailer classrooms; }weever, the service facilities (cafeteria, dym, guidance and administrative off lees, parking, sccass, library etc.) are voeYully tnadequata for that number of students. ur ~/~ .. .._. .. _..- .__.. projects at~both-schools, incraasing chair combined capacity to 4950. However, our projections ir.d Slate that by September, 1390, the combined enrollments of the two schools will, De 5550. We still will have to use trailer classrooms, and tha campuses still will be seriously overcrowded. The Chaffey District has a new high school (Rancho Cucamonga High School) for that area on the drav.nd boards. Wn have applied fur :date fondled, Dut the Stara has no money for the project. A State bond issue TS prupo sed Pcr the June, 1990 ballot. IP Lt lets on tha ballot and if the lssua is app raved and if the Chaf- fey District re<:nives sumo o! that money, perhaps wl: could op~:n Rancho Cucamonda Hidh School in 1930. Civcn the uncertainty uP State tur.dind f~.;r Ram_1•:e Cucamund~ Hidh School, the Chattay Distriut is ': om p::lled to inform you thst your project will have a stdniPiant n-duttve impr,.a upon :he District ar.d that the Chaffey Gi Y.rict sons no ue:esin rall~P .f that impa:Ciun coming fr•:m the :etc. I~ EnMld3 MIN UM4 •,JIM IIY NINNIIIxx .11N N1 ~I~.bn ~'r.Valllu 4xlVl ~x~ Ubn~xi•nlll ,'IN IY E><h;h~ t U While tha Chaffey District does levy davzloper fees pur sttant to Government Code Sections 53080 and ^053'35, those fees fall far short of producing enou¢h money to build the school facilities needed in Rancho Cucsmonga. Thz District, therdf or•a, will and hereby dons recummand that the City zither (1) Deny approval of Teatative Tract 14263, or (2) Condition the approval of Tentative Tract 14263 upon E.G.M. Development or any assidnzz'a not being permitted to pull permits and start construction in that tract until after State funding for Rancho Cucamonda Hidh School is secured and a wntract aaarded for the construction of that high school, yit (3) Condition the approval oY Tentative Tract 1:'.63 upon E.G.M. Devalopment's participation in a Mello Roos Community Facilities District or some other appropriate school facilities funding program beyond the current developar Peas levied by the District. ncarely JCQ, STEPHEN L. BGTTERB Director Business Sarvices SL8/sb cc~ Brad Huller I~ ~. r _EP 21 'B5 16;36 M„S 1£~,Etcf I7 ci rfx.,?Ir. 5 •pi.amber 21, 1989 Mr. Brad alller City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Department P. O, BOX 807 Rancho Cucamonga, calitornis 517)U-O8o'i RE: TYGCt n0. 10263 Deer Mr. Buller: n ~ _ in. ,. aril _ ~i. P. 2i ; Thla letter Sr intruded to voice our concern over the policies that era bring Qsvrl oped with regard to the obtaining of Will 9srva lrttrra from the Cnaffey and Central school districes. I would like to state that we have tried to adhere to ovary request the city has made of us. We have striven to make our project as high in quality and its submittal packagr ee completr es possible. our yowl is voey aimiler t0 the eity'• with regard to aesthetics and overall public accrptencr end eppeasrmrnt. crowding of the schools has avidrntly led to the need of a more stringent policy on will Srrt•s latbrs. ht the request of vour ulaif wa concaccad oosn dlatriets in order to obtain in 1'ormatlon about our prof acs's atfaet on the schools. Through our communication .with the districts ere have learned of a pending Mello-Roos which it in process to develop another school. Chaffey has an egrssmrnt which states you either pay an inorars•d f•r or rnier into the assessment district. We hat's agrsad eo have our approval conditioned to meet that reryuirement. I Would hope the city could work a similar arrangement with central school district. A project such as ours can not pay th• school taaa until wa record a construction loan. flanY,e will not record construotion Soena without rpprovals. Thus, wa gat caught Sn the mlddla it th•y must be paid in advance eP approv1•. our proj•ot will incur at least 580,000,00 in eeheol t•as plus whetavr SnoYaasa the districts decide en, A grcject Ot OUT ilia normally Ohly requlz•s $200,000.00 in Capital so y0U Can sea the trrmandoD^ impsct which would ocour 1! the tru n•rded to b• paid betore we could obtain tlnenoinq. I~~ ~xh+h, >< H. SEP 23 'E3 16.•A H;n L!•.LL EnT i~f G:L. If1: F ~ ! ~ I implore the city on nur behalf, as ;.yell as other small builders, t0 vary much look to conditioning approv4lS bASad on the developer entering into an ayreement with the district before hie map can record. mhe alternative of advanced ,payment efculd tinenoielly ruin small builders. Sincerely, Jaffrey S~BUru~m =_ Vice President JS Bpd /~7 H DISTRICT WIDE SCHOOL ENROLLMENT FIGURES for rombined GPA's 89-02A & D NEW STUDENTS= CURRENT CAPACITY GFA'~ 89- 9 $ OF TOTAL DISTRICT ENROLLMENT PERMANENT (TEMPf_ 02A ~ 02C jam" ENROLGMENTS Central 420: 25123 42633 24 .6 30 .7 1.3 Chattey 4fi 20 3800 4620+ 5 .09 6 .: .2 1 as generated by the anticipated residential project on the sites of the GPA's. 2 % of current enrollment-district wide 3 figures from City Master Environmental Assessment-1988 C['IY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ITEM: PLANNING DMSION C 7TiL& ,~•hno/ t5rt/`,7/lnre+n / N I C~ EXHIBIT: %, ~ SCALE: that a corporation wou Motion: Mo Tolstoy, seconded by Bl akesley, to adopt the Re lion approving Envir 1 Assessment and Tentative Parcel Map with modifications to re a recorded reciprocal access a intenance agreement in lieu of a No s Association, installation a common area landscaping prior to occupancy parcel, and reDlac of the existing fences with a shared masonry wall a east, nort west boundaries of the pro,lec t. Motion carried by the fo vot AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY, CN~A~NI EL, TOLSTOY NOES: COMMISS [ONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMYSSIONERS: RCN #+*~+ 8:45 P.M. Sng Commission Recessed. 9:00 - Planning Commission Reconvened. I. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMEIAMENT 89-02A - E.G.M. UC,LLYTILnI - /{ IYl1VCi4 4V OIICIN LIIC VCIICIYI rlYll LUIN ViC 1'1Q 11 IIVI11 IIVW ontr~~oT tq Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) for approzima tr!ly 1.78 acres of lard located on the west side of Carnelf an Avenue, east of the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel, and south of Vivero Street - APN: 207-022-64. J. tNV1NUNMtN fAL ASSE YSMENf ANU UtVtLUPMENI U1SIR1C1 PMENUMtNI tl/-12 - ucvuurnnni - x request to ammne me ueve iopmenc uistncts nap rrom noaa ont~CroT to Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) for approximately 1.78 acres of land located on the west side of Carnelian Avenue, east of the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel, and south of Yfvero Street - APN: 207-022-64. K. ENVl RONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 14263 -E.G.M.. DEVELOPMENT A residential subdivision and design review of 32 condomin tum units on 3.35 acres of land flf-the Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre) and the flood Control 0lstrict (a proposed Medium Residential District), located on the west side of Carnelian at Vivero Street - APN: 207-022-54 and 64. Associated with this project 1s General Plan Waendment 89-02A, Development District Amendment 87-12, and Tree Removal Permit 89- 58. The staff report was presented by Cindy Norris, Associate Planner, and Tom Grahn, Assistant Planner. Planning Commission Minutes -9- October 11, 1989 ~~ Commissioner Chitiea asked ff there is a sidewalk connecting the proposed pro,lect to the commercial area to the north. Mr. Grahn replied there is not. Commissioner Chitiea asked if the sidewalk extended north on the eastern side of Carnelian. Russ Maguire, City Engineer, replied that it does. Commissioner Blakesley asked why there was not a trail access. Mr. Grahn stated the Resolution requires the applicant to prepare plans add ressirg the access point leading to the west property line; however, there currently is no ag reeve nt between the Ctty, the Flood Control Oistr is t, and the Corps of Engineers for an extension of the Regional Trati. Commissioner Chitiea asked if anyone was pursuing the extension with the Flood Control District and the Corps of Engineers. Oan Coleman, Princfpal Planner, stated that once the Alta Loma Channel Agreement is approved, the City plans to prepare a master agreement for the rest of the City. Commissioner Blakesley asked where access was being contenplated. Mr. Grahn stated it was ,lust sath of the recreation center along the west pro,lect band any. Commissioner Tolstoy concurred with the rtecesstty for the turning lane, but felt the parkway along Carnelian would lose a lot of its charm. mr, urann stated the protect was condittcned to require conformance with the Carnelian Beautification Pro,lect. Chairman MtNtel opened the public hearing. Pete Pitassi, Pitassi Oalmau Architects, stated the pro,lect site was difficult to work with because of its shape. He proposed single family attached housing (duplexes) with an A/8 pattern instead of an A/A roverse pattern. He stated they also proposed two buildings for diversiftcatton. He stated the deceleration lane wouTtl' decrease the frontage along Carnelian, but they proposed landscaping in that location. He stated they received correspondence Fran Central School District late this afternoon and the developer Aad agreed to the proposed fee. He roquested that Lhe pro,lect be approved with a condition added that the developer agree with the School District mitigation meawres prior to tswance of building permits. He was concerned regarding Ergineerirg condition (8), aM wanted to confirm that it referred to curb and gutter tmproveamnts only. Planning Conmtssion Minutes -10- October 11, 1989 // Jeff Burvm, 6051 Oella Rveme, Rancho Cucamonga, asked haw the in-lieu fee was calculated. He stated their traffic study concluded that a signal would be needed at the corner of Vi vero and Carnelian even without the proposed protect and he, therefore, requested reimbursement at 100%. Mr. Maguire stated that even if a traffic signal were required without Lhis project, the ex istirg street configuration is only a "T" aM the signal would only have three legs. Therefore, the developer was being asked to pay for the fourth leg, particularly since the protect world have no alternate access. He stated that in the past the City has required larger developments to install and pay for entire signals. He further stated that without the Drot ect, the signal was not a high priority, and it would be several years before installation. Barrye Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer, stated the forriu la on condition (B) called for standard fair market value of full t~rovements; i.e., curb, gutter, sidewalks, and street lights. He stated the applicant would normally build the improvements, but the open channel needs to remain to pick up water off Carnelian. Mr. Bu rum stated he agreed with fair market value, but that on the u ndergrou nding in-lieu fee, the charge is approximately 50% higher than actual costs. Mr. Hanson stated that the numbers for utility undergrounding are generated by the utility companies, but the City can use fair market value for the other improvements. Mr. Maguire stated that the applicant would wbmit fu 11 and complete plans along with estimates of value aM cost. He stated Engineering world then estimate how much it would cost to build the improvements later. Mr. Bunvm felt they were perhaps getting to the point where the protect would not pencil out. He said that because their traffic study indicated the Lity should have a traffic signal at Vivero and Cannelton even withat the addition of their proteci; he felt that their payment of the normal systems fee should be adequate, instead of requiring them t0 pay for 25% of the Lraffic signal. Chairman McNtel stated that when the protect was last reviewed, the Drimary concern was the traffic it would generate and he felt the developer should have anticipated the possible need for a signal. Mr'. Burom stated that since the signal is currerKly nonexistent, he felt the City should work with the developer and be willing to prly for the signal. Hearfrg no further testimony, the public hearing was closed. Ralph Hanson, stated the developer was requesting that Lhetr Parcel Map be conditioned to pay the dollar amount nentlaned in the letter before the Commission frog the Central School District, but state law does not allow the Commission to lnpose such a coMltion on the protect. Ne stated a private Planning Commission Minutes -11- OrWber 11, 1989 ~~ agreement between the developer and the School District might be appropriate. He suggested if the Commission wished to approve the protect this evening, they might add language to Plann ing Condition (5) to state that if the developer and any affected School District arrived at a private a3 regiment, the condition would be seemed null and void. Commissioner Chitiea fe it it was essential to have some sort of agreement for school mit ig anon. She complimented Mr. Pitassi on the site plan and architectural design. She was concerned about the traffic into and out of the pro,t ect, and the only access being from Carneiian. She felt that the traffic generated by the protect will greatly affect the need for the signal and therefore felt the Lost of the far-way signal was partly a responsibility of the developer. She supported the pro,teti with a signal, a school mitigation agreement, and Engineering's cord itfons. Commfssioner Tolstoy agreed that he could not support the protect without a signal. He was concerned abort the breakup of the beaitification area and suggested the protect be conditioned to pay particular attention to the landscaping that the deceleration lane removes. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated that staff very carefully reviewed the removal and replacement of trees. He agreed that there should be a greater focus on a denser landscaping in the area of the deceleration lane. Commissioner Tolstoy asked tf it should be added as a condition, or tf it would be w fflcient to reflect the desire in the Minutes. Mr. Maguire suggested adding a condition requiring review by the City Engineer and City Planner to be w re the beautification theme is reestablished and the establishment of any add it tonal landscaping or tree easements necessary to assure control of the landscaping. Barrye Hanson stated that the Resolutfon called for the sidewalk to be property-line ad,tacent, separated from Lhe a rb. He asked If Lhe Commission was in agreement. [t was the consenws of the Commission that tf possible the sidewalk should wind through the trees. Chairman MtNiet coaeended the developer an the pro,tect's sensitivity to, goad site planntig and design, Mr. Buller stated staff would prefer a canttnuarce to allow an agreement on school ti~gactton to be 1n-hand before recomaerdtng approval. tk said that under state law the most appropriate time to consider school impaction would be during tie General Plan review rather than with the Map. Commissioner Blakesley stated his concerns had already been stated and he agreed with the praposad modifications to the conditions. Planning Commission Minutes -12- October I1, 1989 (p,l. Chairman M[Niel reopened the public hearing to allow the applicant to comment on continuance. Mr. Pitassi stated that because of financing, they did not want to delay the project. He said he was willfng to pdy the fee, and he would like to have the Map conditioned aM the pro,iect approved. Chairman McNiel stated that the School District letter requested the City impose a fee requirement and the City could not legally impose that fee. Mr. Pitassi felt the City cau ld impose the requirement of an agreement on the Map. Ralph Hanson stated the law is very specific about what the City can impose. He said it would not be a valid condition far the City to impose. Mr. Buller stated that because of advertls ing requirements the first availaD le City Council meeting would be Novenber 1. He said the Droject could be continued to the October 25 Planning Commisston meeting to allow time for the applicant to present the mftigation agreement; and if the pro,l ect were then approved, it could still he forwarded to City Council on Novereber 1. Therefore, no time Wald be lost if action cold be taken on October 25. Mr. Pitassi stated that he cw idn't sign the mitig atlon agreement wfth0ut approval of the map. Ne said the Chaffey Htgh School Otstr ict had agreed that as soon as the City gave approvals for the project, the School District agreement cold then be signed. Mr. Buller stated that the General Plan 1Mendment and the Development District Agreement could not be coM itioned and the City oust see evidence that school impaction is mitigated. Ciw imm~ iw:n lei wyyesieu cuniinu iig ine yrvja;i i.u uc iuuer cu aru xheuuiing the items for the November 1 Ctty Council meeting. He felt the Commisston needed to see the agreement before wpporting the project. Mr. Buller requested that the applicant conxnt to a continuance on the Map. Mr. Pitassi agreed to the continuance. Motion: Moved by Chittea, seconded by Blakesley, to continue Environmental Assessment and &nerai--Plan Mendment 89-02A, Environaental Assessment and Oevelopment Dtstric[ Amendment 81-12, and Environmental Assessment and Tentative Tract 14263 to October 25, 1989. Motion canted by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY, CHITIEA, MCNIEL, TOLSTOY LADES: CpMISS10NER5: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: wEINBERGFA -carried Planning Commisston Minutes -13- October 11, 1989 l~3 RESOLUTION N0. 89.133 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-02A, REQUESTING TO AMEND THE GENERAL PLAN LANG USE MAP FROM FLOOD CONTROL TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (B-14 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) FOR 1.78 ACRES OF LANG LOCATED WEST OF CARNELIAN, EAST OF THE LUCPMONGA CREEK FLOOD CONTRCL CHANNEL, AND SOUTH Of VIVERO STREET, RANCHO CULAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AND MAKING FI NO INGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 207-022-E4 A. Recitals. (i) E.G.M. Development has filed an application for General Plan Amendment No. 89-02A as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the su6,)ect General Plan Amendment is referred to as "the application". (f i) On October 11, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application. On this date, it was requested that the item be continued to the next regularly scheduled meeting on October 25, 1989. (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred, B. Resolution. unu rurprrnpr ~. i. w. ..., s.... a_t..-...i-_: _~ Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in Recitals, Part "A", of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence Dresented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearings on October 11 and October 25, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, together with, public testimony, this Comal~ton hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The aDDllcatlon applies to approximately 1.78 acres of land, fn basically a triangular configuration, located west of Carnelian, east of the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control CNannet, and south of Vivero and is presently vacant, said property fs currently designated as Flood Control; and ~~~ PL. ~ _ui N0. 89-133 RE: GPA 89-02A - E.G.M. DEVELOP. October 25, 1989 Page 2 (h) The property to the north of the subject site is designated Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) and has 3 existing single family homes. The property to the west is designated Flood Control and Low Density Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre` and is developed with the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel and single family homes. The property to the east is designated Low Density Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre! and is developed with existing single family homes. The property to the south is designated Flood Control and has an existing channel drain; and (c) The property i5 suitable for the use proposed, as it has been designated surplus by the Flood Control District and will 6e adequately protected from flows from the north and east, as determined 6y the Engineering Division as a result of hydrologic analysis and proposed flood protection measures; and (d! The site is of adequate size and shape to meet all development standard requirements, as evidenced by the design of the related development proposal, Tentative Tract 14263; and (e! The site will have adequate access to accommodate the proposed use, based on extensive traffic analysts by the Engineering Division and proposed future roadway improvements; and (f) The proposed use is compatible with existing and future land uses in the area, az the proposed site is separated from any existing residential uses by the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel and Carnelian Avenue to the east and west, and the existing Cucamonga County Mater District re servotr to the north; and (g! The proposed amendment will not have significant impacts on the environment, public services, nor the surrounding properties, as evidenced by the conclusions and findings of the Initial Study, Part II, and the implementation of a mitigation agreement between the property owner and Cha ffey Joint Union High School District and the Cenirat school District; and (h) The proposed amendment is in conformance with the General Plan, as evidenced Dy the ability of the proposed land use designation to satisfy the stated goals, obJectives, and policies contained to the text; and (i) The proposed amendment is in conformance with the policies and obJectives contained within the Development Code, as evidenced by the ability of the proposed site to meet development standards. 3. Based upon the substanttat evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearings and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Coaission hereby finds and concludes as follows: /~~ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 89-133 RE: GPA 89-02A - E.G.M. DEVELOP. October 25, 1989 Page 3 (a) That the subject property is suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed district in terms of access, sf ze, and compatibility with existing land use 1n the surrounding area; and (b) That the proposed amendment would not have significant impacts on the environment nor the surrounding properties; and (c) That the proposed amendment is in conformance with the Genera' Plan. 4, This Commission hereby finds that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Commission hereby recommends issuance of a Negative Oeclara Lion. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs t, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby resolves that pursuant to Section 65850 and 65855 of the California Government Code, that the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approval on the 25th day of October, 1989, of General Plan Amendment 89-02A. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the ado Dt ton of this Resolution. APPROYEO AND ADOPTED THIS 25TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the planning Coawissian of the C1ty of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duty and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by tha Planning Coawtsston of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 25th day of October, 1989, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSi0NER5: CNITIEA, NC NIEL, TOLSTOY, MEINBER6ER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY ~~~ RESOLUTION N0. 89-134 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CIICAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMEND [NG APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MIENGMENT 87-12, REQUESTING TO AMEND THE DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS MAP FROM FL000 CONTROL TO MEDIUM OENSI TY RESIOENT[gL (8-14 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) FOR 1.78 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE NEST SIDE GF CARNELIAN AVENUE, EAST OF THE CUCAMONGA CREEK FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL, AND SOUTH OF ViVERO STREET, RANCHO CUC,aHONGA, CALIFORNIA, AND MAKING FINDtNGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 207-022-64 R, Recitals. (i) E.D.M. Development has filed an apDiicat ion for Development District Amendment No. 87-12 as described in the t+tle of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the sub,lect Development District Amendment is referred to as "the application". (if) On October 11, 1989, the Pianning Commission of the Cf ty of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed puD11c hearing on the application. On this date, it was requested that the item be continued to the next regularly scheduled meeting of October 25, 1989. (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. 8. Resolution. NOW, THEREfORE, Tt is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. Th1s Commission hereby specifically finds that ail of the facts set forth in Recitals, Dart "A", of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial ev/dente presented to this Commission during the above-roferenced public hearings on October I1 and October 25, 1989, lnctuding wrl~n and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Waaalsslen hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The application apDites to approximately 1.78 acres of land, in bestially a triangular conflguratlon, Located west of Carnelian, east of the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel, and south of Vlvero and is presently vacant. Said property is currently designated as Flood Control; and I ~~ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 89-134 RE: ODA 87-12 - E.G.M. DEVELOP. October 25, 1989 Page 2 (b) The property to the north of the subject site is designated Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) and has 3 existing single family homes. The property to the west is designated Flood Control ar.d Low Density Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) and is developed with the Cucamonga Creek Fl odd Control Channel and single family homes. The property to the east is designated Low Oensi ty Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) and is developed with existing single family homes. The property to the sc ~th is designated Flood Control and has an existing channel drain; and (c) The property is suf to ble for the use proposed, as it has been designated surplus by the Flood Control District and will he adequa tzly protected from flows from the north and east, as determined by the Engineering Division as a result of hydrologic analysis and proposed flood protection measures; and (d) The site is of adequate size and shape to meet all development standard requirements, as evidenced by the design of the related development proposal, Tentative Tract 14263; and (e) The site will have adequate access to atcommoda to the proposed use, based on extensive traffic and lysfs by the Engineering Division and proposed future roadway improvements; and (f) The proDOSed use is compatible with existing and future land uses in the area, as the proposed site is separated from any existing residential uses by the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel and Carnelian Avenue to the east and west, and the existing Cucamonga County Mater District reservoir to the north; and (g) The proposed amendment will not have significant impacts on the environment, public services, nor the surrounding properties, as evidenced by the conclusions and findings of the Initial Study, Part II, and the implementation of a mitigation agreement between the property owner and Chaffey Joint Union High School Oistritt and the Central School District; and (h) The proposed amendment is in conformance with the General Plan, as evidenced by the ability of the proposed land use designation to satisfy the stated goa}~, objectives, and policies contained in the text; and (1) The proposed amendment 1s in conformance with the policies and objectives contained within the Development Code, as evidenced by the ability of the proposed site to meet development standards. 3. Bash upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearings and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Caanisston hereby finds and concludes at follows: / `+' PLANNI N6 COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 89-134 RE: DOA 87-12 - E,G.M. DEVELOP. October 25, 1989 Page 3 (a) That the subject property is suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed district in terms of access, size, and compatibility with existing land use in the surrounding area; and (b) That the proposed amendment would not have significant impacts on the environment nor the surrounding properties; and (c) That the proposed amendment is in conformance with the General Plan. 4. This Commission hereby finds that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the Califs rnia Envi ranmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Commission hereby recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. 5, Based upon the findings and conclusions set fa rth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby resolves that pursuant to Section 65850 and 65855 of the California Government Code, that the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approval on the 25th day of October, 1989, of Development District Amendment 87-32. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED ANO ADOPTEG T'dI5 25TH OAY OF OCTOBER, 1989. PLANNING COMtlISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ATTEST I, Brad Buller, Secretary pf the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and reguiarly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Ptenning Commission held on the 25th day of October, 1989, by the foiloNing vote-to-rit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CNITIEA, MC NIEL, TOLSTOY, NEINBERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NOME ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY I (09 RESOLUTION N0. ~~- 53 X A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-02A, AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP FROM FLOOD CONTROL TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (8-14 DNELLING UNITS PER ACREi FOR APPROXIMATELY 1.78 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE NEST SIDE OF CARNELIAN, EAST OF THE :UCAMONGA CREEK FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL, AND SOUTH OF YIYERO STREET, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 207-022-64 A. Recitals. (f) E.G.M. Development has filed an application for General Plan Amendment No. 89-02A as described `n the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the sub,Tect General Plan Mendnent is referred to as the "application". (ti) On October 25, 1989, the Planning Caaaaission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conatwted a duly noticed public Rearing on the application and, following the conclusion of said public hearing, adopted Resolution No. 89-133 thereby recanaw!nding to this City Council that said application be approved. (iii) On November 1, 1989 and November 15, 1989, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted duly noticed public hearings on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. (iv) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. Resolution. NOM, THEREFORE, tt is hereby found, deterwined and resolved by Lhe City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. ThTS Council. hereby specifically find that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part "A", of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. This Council hereby finds and certifies that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, and further, this Council hereby issues a Negative Declaration. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearings, including written and oral staff reports, this Councii hereby finds and concludes as follows: /7~ CITY CDUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. GPA 99-020 November 1, 1989 Page 2 (a) The property is suitable for the use proDOSed, as it has been designated surplus by the Flood Control District and will be adequately protected from flows from the north and east, as determined by the Engineering Division as a result of hydrologic analysis and proposed flood protection measures; and (b) the site 1s of adequate size and shape to meet all development standard requirements, a5 ev ide need by the design of the related development proposal, Tentative Tract 14263; and (c) The site will have adequate access to accommodate the proposed use, based on extensive traffic analysis by the Eng lneer irg Division and proposed future roadway improvements; and (d) The proposed use is compatible with existing and future land uses in the area, as the proposed site is separated from any existing residential uses by the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel and CarneH an Avenue to the east and west, and the existing Cutamorga County Nater District reservoir to the north; and (e) The proposed amendment is in conformance with the General Plan, as evidenced by the ability of the Draposed land use designation to satisfy the stated goals, obJectives, and policies contained in the text; and (f) The proposed amendment is to conformance with the Dolicles and ob,lectives contained within the Development Code, as evidenced by the ability of the proposed site to meet development standards; and (g) The proposed amendment will not Aave adverse impacts on the environment, public services, nor the wrrourdlrg properties, and evidenced by the conclusions and findings of the Initial Study Part II, and the implementation of mitigation aaggreements betwxn 4he property owner and the Chaffey Joint Union R/gh Schw1 District and the Central School District. 4. The C1ty Caunc!1 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves the application. 5. The C1ty Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. 17r ORDINANCE N0. 404 AN ORDINAN Cf OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT N0. 87-12, AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS MAP FROM FLOOD CONTROL TG MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (8-14 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) FOR APPROXIMATELY 1.78 '~,CRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF CARNELIAN, EAST OF THE CU CAMONGA CREEK, FL000 CONTROL CHANNEL, AND SOUTH OF VIVERO STREET, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 207-022-64 4. Recitals (i) On October 25, i999, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing with respect to the above-referenced Development District Amendment. Following the conclusion of said public hearing the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 99-134, thereby recommending that the City Council adopt Development District Amendment No. 67-12. (ii) On November 1, 1989, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing and concluded said hearing prior to its adoption of this Ordinance, (iii) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred. B. Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga ordains as follows: SECTION 1: This Council hereby specifies and finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of the Ordinance are true and correct. SECTION 2: T~j„ Council hereby finds and certifies that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, and further, this Council hereby issues a Negative Declaration. SECTION 3: The Rancho Cucamonga City Council finds as follows: (a) The property is suitable for the use proposed, as it has been designated surplus by the Flood Control District and will be adequately protected from flows from the north and east, as determined 6y the Engineering Division as a result of hydrologic analysis and proposed flood protection measures; and (h) The sSte is of adequate size and shape to meet all development standard requirements, as evidenced by the design of the related development proposal, Tentative Tract 14263; and ~7~ Ordinance No. 404 Page 2 (c) The site will have adequate access to accommodate the proposed use, based on extensive traffic analysis by the Engineering Division and proposed future roadway improvements; and (d) The proposed use is compatible with existing and future land uses in the area, as the proposed site is separated from any existing residential uses by the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel and Carnelian Avenue to the east and west, and the existing Cucamonga County Water District reservoir to the north; and (e) The proposed amendment is in conformance with the General Plan, as evidenced by the ability of the proposed land use designation to satisfy the stated goals, objectives, and policies contained in the text; and (f) The proposed amendment is in conformance with the policies and objectives contained within the Development Code, as evidenced by the ability of the proposed site to meet development standards; and (g) The proposed amendment will not have adverse impacts on the environment, public services, nor the surrounding properties, and evidenced by the conclusions and findings of the Initial Study Part II, and the implementation of mitigation agreements between the property owner and the Chaffey Joint Union High School District and the Central School District. SECTION 4: The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves DeYe~ent District Amendment D7-12 changing the district designation from Flood Control to Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) for those properties Comprising approximately 1.78 acres, located west of Carnelian, east of the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel and south of Vivero Street. SECTION 5: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The Daily Report, a newspaper of general circulation pu 6l fished in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. 73 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Alan Warren, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL. PLAN AMENDMENT N0. 89- lY[C - FUTU7fE ESTATE INC. - A request to amend the General an an se ap nom fice to Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) for 3.556 acres of laM located at the southeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Church Street. The City will also consider Neighborhood Commercial and Low Medium Density Residential as alternative deslgnattons - APN: 1017-332-26. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Aro DEVELOPMEIiI' DISTRICT AMENDMENT 189=D4 - FUTURE ESTATE INC. - A request to ameml the eve opment stn ct ap nom (Office/Professional) to "M" (Medium Density, 8-14 dwelling units per acre) for 3.556 acres of land located at the southeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Church Streit. The City will also consider "NC" (Neighborhood Commercial) and "LM" (Low Medium) as alternative districts - APN: 1077-332-26. I. RECOMMEroATION: On November 8, 1989 the Planning Commission coot nue neral Plan Amendment 89-02C and Development District Amendment 89-04 to the first General Plan amendment cycle of 1990. Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council continue this matter. II. BACKGROUroNISCUSSION: These applications were Initially scheduled to a ar y g looming Commission on September 27, 1989, but were continued to October 11, 25, and November 8, 1989 at the request of the applicant to an effort to resolve potential school imp action Issues. Both Chaffey Joint Union High School and Central School Districts indicated that the students generated from the additional residential units would significantly affect their ability to provide adequate service to the students of the districts. As a result, staff and the Commission encouraged the applicant to work with the districts to fled solutions that would mitigate these potential impacts. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT RE: 6PA 89-02C 6 OOA 89-04 - FUTURE ESTATE, INC. November 15, 1989 Page 2 Because the applicant, property owners, and school districts could not reach agreements there is an unmitigated impact on school services. Asa result, the Planning Commission could not recommend the issuance of a Negative Declaration. Therefore, the applicant requested a further continuance to try and work out the difficulties. Staff recommended to the Planning Commission that the continuance be extended to the first 1990 General Plan amendment cycle (January 1990) to avoid conflicts with the City-established yearly General Plan amendment review process. IV. ACTION: The City Cournc it should continue its review of the apTation until after the Planning Commiss/on completes its review. Because a date certain cannot be scheduled for the City Council review the hearing would be readvertised when that date can be established. Resp y submittal, i Ora utl C1ty er aa•eu•~~ 7.J CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA STAFF REPORT GATE: November 15, 1989 T0: Mdyor and Members of the Cf ty Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Nancy Fong, Senior Planner SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 88-12 - MODIFICATION -A request to appea a or, tan o pprova mpose~ the Planning Commission, requirirg a pedestrian passageway through Build irg K, within the Terra Vista Towne Center, located at the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard - APN: 1077421-05, O6, and 13. This item was Continued to Lhe November 15, 1989 regular Council meeting at the request of the applicant. No addttional information has been provided by the applicant at the time this report was written. Attached for your review is the November 1, i989 Staff Report. Respectfully submitted, ~ Brad Bu'I ler City Planner BB:NF:~s CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 1, 1989 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Nancy Fong, Senior Planner SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 88-12 - MODIFICATION -A request to appea a on on o prova mpose y the Planning Commission, requiring a pedestrian passageway through Building K, within the Terra Yista Towne Center, located at the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard - APN: 1077-421-05, 06, and 13. I. RECOMIENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council uphold the on an o proval, requiring a pedestrian passageway through Building K as imposed by the Planning Commission, and deny the appeal. II. BACKGROUND: Since January 1988, the Planning Commission has been con uc ng a series of workshops regarding the design of the Terra vista Towne Center. Attached is a chronology of the Commission workshops and Design Review meetings sumaartzfng the topic of discussions. At the July 6, 1989 workshop, the Commission reviewed the various site modifications that have occurred through design review of Major 2 (Mervyn's) and Malor 3 (Montgomery Nard). The Commission indicated their desire to provide a pedestrian corridor through the east side of the center to 1) provide direct access from the parking area a!-the rear of center, 2) provide a more direct access from future multi-family residential across the street. The Planning Commission directed staff to prepare a Resolution formalizing the approval of these various site modifications. On September 27, 1989, the Commission conducted a public hearing to review these modifications. After lengthy discussion over the pedestrian passageway through Building K and the concerns with the Montgomery Nard Tire, Battery and Accessory Building, the Commission condltlonally epproved the modification to Conditional Use Perwlt 88-12 with requirement for the pedestrian walkway (see Exhibit "D"). Exhibit "B" is a list of these various site modifications, while Exhlblt "C" shows the approximate locations of these modifications. PLANNING COIMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 88-12 - MODIFICATION -TERRA VISTA TONNE CENTER November 1, 1989 Page 2 Copies of the September 27, 1989 Planning Commission minutes and the applicant's appeal letter have been included in this report for your review too. III. ANALYSIS: In order to assist the City Council on reviewing the appe~his sec Lion of the report describes the Commission's established design poiicies and the discussion and deliberation the Commission has had regarding this issue and the applicant's concern of the required passageway. A. Sa~ry of Plawwing Commission canslderatton and discussion. A weed for the wedestrian wssaaewv thrauah Building K. In the Commission"s deliberations, the following factors were considered as reasons for a pedestrian connection on the east side of the Terra Yista Towne Center: a. There are over 140 parking spaces located at the rear of the bull dings in this half of the center, most of which are concentrated Dehfnd Building 'K', with no access to the storefront entrances. Providing pedestrian access to these parking spaces would emwraye i.iieir uae anu yrumuix a aiwrixr ruu Le Tur employees who would typically park there. b. There will be over 500 multi-family dwelling units located across the street which could benefit from a more direct access into the center. c. As part of these modifications, the eppllcant deleted two interior pedestrian connections from the enLstalnment complex at the north end of the center. d. The site plan for the center differs significantly from the original Terra Vista Community Plan concept in which the 9reenway trail system lead directly through the heart of the center all the why to the corner cf Naven and Foothill to encourage pedestrian patrons by separating them from vehicular traffic. 7 U PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 88-12 - MODIFICATION -TERRA VISTA TONNE CENTER November 1, 1989 Page 3 e. The Comxunity Plan envisioned this center as one in which clustered buildings ",coined together by covered walkways sheltering pedestrians" and "masses of the various buildings in the center will be divided so as to be human-scaled and not appear monolithic". 2. EstabliSAed design policies for pedestrian connection. The City's General Plan and Development Code contain policies which encourage shopping centers to be designed as human-scale, pedestrian-oriented centers. It has been a long-standing design policy from the Commission to require continuous pedestrian connection throughout the site to connect buildings with parking areas, open space and plaza areas. For example, the Foothill Village Shopping Center, located at the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Hellman, has two pedestrian corridors leading to the back parking area because of a significant anaunt of parking in the rear. The neighborhood shopping center on the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Highland Avenue, Haven Y111age, has a pedestrian connection to the back parking area which connects to the apartments to the east. 9, Applicant's carcern of the pedestrian passage MY through 1ruiTdfng 1; At the Commission meeting of September 27, 1989, the applicant raised concerns with opening up a section through Building K as a pedestrian corridor Lo the parking area behind it. One of the concerns was the proximity of Montgomery Ward truck and loading activity. fie pedestrian corridor may increase the conflict between pedestrian and truck traffic. Mother concern is the posstbfllty of encouraging Jay-walking which would pose a security problem. It should be noted that the specific footprint and elevations for Building "K" have not been submitted. The pedestrian corridor could be located closer to Building "J" to avoid conflicts with the loadlrg area of Montgomery Ward. The Planning Commission also stated to the applicant that they wcuid be willing to work with them 1n determining the final location and design for that pedestrian corridor Lo alleviate any safety and security concerns. It is staff's opinion that safe pedestrian access can be provided with careful planning. -1 PLANNING COMNISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 88-12 - MOOTFICATION -TERR11 VISTA TONNE CENTER November 1, 1989 Page 4 IV. CONCLUSION: Based on the above discussion, the Planning Commission e eiI-t mined-a pedestrian passagewAy through Building K is necessary and a desirable amenity and feature. Staff concurs with the Planning Commission. Staff feels that it is premature for the appiicant to state the safety and security concerns, when the exact location and the design solution have not been attempted. Respectfully s Brad Buller City Planner BB:NF:,Is Attachments: Appeal Letter from the Applicant Chronology of the Meetings on Terra Vista Town Center Planning Caeaission Norkshop Minutes of July 6, 1989 Planning Commission Minutes of September 27, 1989 [xh iuii "n" - rreviousiy approved Sii:e Tian Exhibit "B" - Revised Site Plan Showing Various Site Modifications Exhibit "C" - List and Summary of the Proposed Modlflcation Exhibit "D" Resolution No. 89-120 Resolution of Denial / ~(' Lewis Homes Management Corp. 1156 NoM Mwouifl Avenue / P.U. Ben 610 / UPIeeO, Gliforma 91]t5 1 711 9167518 October 9, 1989 Members of the City Council City of Rancho Cucamonga c/o Debbie Adams, City Clerk P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Re: Terra Vista Town Center, Rancho Cucamonga, CA Ladies and Gentlemen: `~ At the meeting of the Planning Commission held on the averting of Wednesday, September 27, 1989, certain actions were taken by unanimous vote concerning a proposed pedestrian passageway to be included in the footprint of our proposed ^X" building located within the above-captioned project. We hereby respectfully appeal the decision of the Planning Commission to the City Council, and request an immediate hearing to he held on this matter. Kindly contact me with the scheduling date as to the earliest city Council meeting that can be held to resolve this issue. . wry t ..l~yoa.„ i' i Richard A. Mager I Executive Director l Commercial Development RAM/nc SAL ~o ~SB-i2 NoD ~ ~rt~ - R ECEIVED- Iri DF RTNQIDQICN - aNNINfi oIN9:0n ,~ OCT 10199$ ~ 7~Si918 !~S( 1989 CHRBIQL06Y ff TERRA YIS1A TBMM CEIITER Jan. 19, 1989 DRC review of all street furniture Jan. 19, 1989 DRC review of Modification to theater court/entertainment center Jan. 19, 1989 Planning Cawaission Workshop regarding Target store elevations Feb. 2, 1989 Planning Commission Morkshop regarding Target store elevations Mar. I6, 1989 DRL review of buildings A, B, T Mar. 16, 1989 Planning Comai sslon Morkshops regarding Mervyn's store elevations April 6, 1989 Planning Cawaission Morkshop regarding Montgomery Hard elevations April 6, 1989 DRC review of buiidirg A, B May 4, 1 989 DRC review of Mervyn's Elevations May 31, 1989 PC Morkshop Mervyn's and Montgomery Ma rd elevations July 6, 1989 PC Morkshop Montgomery Ma rd PC~view of aadificatlons to comprehensive site plan I)a2+ .; " C~~-~a DM:sp ,~I/Op Crin~~Y ~ [,~pQ/E'.Sf~'!~ ~~ ~f~s Ig~- /~l89,/96B CHRONOLOGY OF TERRA YISTA TOWN CENTER DRC/PC Review Dates (PC dates shown in bold face type) October 22, 1987 General DRC review of protect November 19, 1987 General DRC review of protect December 9, 1987 Development Review 87-39 approval by Planning Comatssion February 4, 1988 DRC review of "architectural details" as required by condition of approval April 27, 1988 Approval of Condttlonal Use Permit 88-12 by Planning Conmissian 'I.°t' May 19, }88 DRC review of Mod NI and Target dune 15, 1988 City Council review of Haven Avenue median island opening June 22, 1988 Planning Commission approval of Modification t~1 July 13, 1988 Planning Commission determination of "regional center" for purposes of preparing Uniform SYgn Program October 20, 1988 DRC rcvtew of Theater court area revisions (Mod /2) November 30, 1988 Planning Comalssion review of Phasing Plan December 8, 1988 6RC review of Theater Court area revisions (Mod /2) December 14, 1988 Planning Commission review of a revision to the PAastng Plan Ibte: Not included in this chronology are Design Review Committee w~shops regardtng development of sign program. I4 2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCP.MONGA PLANNING COMMISSION Adjourned Meeting July 6, 1989 Terra Vista Town Center Workshop Chairman Larry Mc Niel called the special meeting to order at 9:45 P.M. at the P,ancho Cucamonga Neighborhood Center, 9191 Arrow Highway, Rancho Cucamonga. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT: Suzanne Chitiea, Larry Mc Niel, Peter Tolstoy ABSENT: David Slakes ley STAFF PRESENT: Brad Buller, City Planner; Oan Coleman, Principal Planner; Russ Maguire, City Erg sneer; Betty Miller, Associate Civil Engineer; Debra Meier, Staff Consultant .+.++ Site P1 an Modifications Tom Bond, of Architects Pacifica, began the discussion by describing the cha rc3es on the site plan as represented in the modif scatfan. Mr. Bond explained that the footprints of building 5 and P have been ad,lu sted slightly to allow a view corridor toward Mervyn's. Since these Buildings n a,c iiu~ ucc~i uuuyu .,qu yi u~wu uy u, ..w ~~...pi .n.. .uw ~.. still 6e considered conceptual in ~natu re. The Commis ston suggested that when buildings S and P are ready for Design Review that such features as a Derimeter trellis aM landscaping would most likely 6e required. Mr. Bond explained that Pads 1, 2, 3 and 4 are restaurant pads. Pads 1 d 2 depict a final footprint as these restaurants are known users. Mr. Bond then described the modification to buildings E/F and G/H. Each pair has now been combined into one building, due to perceived leasing problems of the original design. The Commission accepted the concept of canb In ing the buildings. However, the Commission expressed concern with the reiationshfp of these buildings to the traffic circle and entertasnment center. They do not want to lose any opportantty to capture overflow from the entertainment center to buildings E and G. In addition, the Commission expressed concern regardsng the service areas. The building frontage (or appearance of frontage) should continue around the buildings as much as possfble. The final design, including footprint, service area screening, and landscaping must be resolved through specific Design Review of building E/F and G/H. ,~dC ro ~1pSB'12. ~ADtFr~.dTmn- 7/6/B~ lsMl~/~'l~atl 6~AaKS~P M/~tlv~fs The Commis sion discussed the possibility of creattng a pedestrian corridor through the east side of the center. Such a corridor could allow pedestrian traffic from future mu?ti-family residential on the north side of Town Center Or ive, as wel? as direct access to the front of the center from the parking area at the rear of the shop buildings. Tom Bond stated such a feature could present security and maintenance problems. The Commission reiterated their posi ttan that it would be a desirable feature. Mr. Bond explained that 6ui ld ing T was being deleted from the original plan, as regue sted by Mervyn's. The Commission did not o6~ect to deleting building T. Staff was directed to prepare a resolution of approval for the site plan modifications. Montgomery Nard Mr. Bond updated the Commission on the progress of the Montgomery Nard building elevations. A. Main Entrr Mr. Bond expla lned that the transit ton panels on either side of the entry had been expanded, as they had discussed at the previous meeting. The Commission was still uncomfortable with the proportions of the emu ~. Tiici idyyc wu uiiiy yuir~.'. wlui-;.: w +t rv~y tLC~ t`:L appearance. Mr. Bond stated that they had looked at that idea and felt that it did not complement the structural aspect of the trellis, which worked very simply and elegantly. The Commission then suggested the possibility of placing another set of columns near the building face. Mr. Bond agreed to Wrsue that suggestion. B. Promenade Mr. BoM indicated that he had eliminated the kiosk that had previously been fn front of Montgomery Nard within the pedestrian promenade through the Parking lot. Ne went on to describe the promenade as it related to the entry of Wards. Planning Commission Minutes -2- July 6, 1989 I~~ The Commission indicated that the promenade should align with the center of the store entrance. They felt that it would provide a more complete and finished appearance, rather than looking like an after- 4hought. Mr. Bond agreed to look at redesign of the promenade to achieve the proper alignment. C. Kids Store Mr. Bond explained the most recent charges to the Kids Store elevation. The Lommts sion was satisfied with the level of detail used on the building face under the arcade. They suggested that the the accent be replaced with a sconce light. The Commission also suggested that Che accent tiles used across the front elevation be replaced with precast quatrefoil designs. The use of the quatrefoil should extend across the entire Montgomery Nard elevatf on, in addStton to their use on the Kids Store. The signage for Kids Store includes yellow letters with purple trim. In add iL ton, the "i" in Kfds and the "t" in Store are figure representations of children. Also included in the overall scheme is a rainbow striped, colored awning. The Commission expressed oppos tt ton to the awning rotors and sign design Used for Kids Store. They Stated that all the Montgomery ward specialty signage should be consistent with the approved sign program, with respect to the 24" shop size signage and approved colors. n. Flartr it Aven,e Mr. Bond described the modiftcations to Electric Avenue as a result of the prevf aus meeii ng. --~ The Commission was satisfied wfth the window pattern and the metal lattiee form used within the arch. They suggested that the same metal million pattern be u:ed within the stucco arch features, similar to window mullion pattern. within the recess of the arch the darker gray beige building color will be used. The Cowalsston indicated to Mr. Bond that particular attention should be given to tha available plaza area east of Electric Avenue when the adjacent shop bufldings are ready for specific Design Review. That area should include, accent paving, seating, and pedestrian features similar to other pld8 as do 41tC- Mr. Bond explained that the signage proposed for Electric Avenue is a red letter with a teal green trim. Planning Commission Minutes -3- duly 6, 1989 ~VW As expressed earlier, the Commission is opposed to the mix of accent sign colors and preferred consistency with the sign program as approved. E. Rear Elevation Mr. Bond described the additional details that were added to the rear elevation, inc ludtrg Lhe added layer of molding below the roof line, trellis at customer pickup area, metal lattice, and espaliered plant material within each arch form and the painted wainscot with a b~', loose plaster trim. The Commission was satisfied with these charges and suggested that, in addition, Che quatrefoil design be included as an accent to the rear elevation. F. Auto Express Mr. Bond described the architectural modifications including the arcade and tower at the sou theast building corner, and the addition of a Porte-cochere over the auto entrance. The Commission was generally satisfied wfth the architecture; however, opposed the accent colors and sig nage. Mr. Bond also indicated that they would need to add an old Lire storage area at the rear elevation. The storage area would be made of t10' high masonry walls and metal gates. The accent color scheme consists of a black and white checkerboard the fascia along the south and east elevations at the top of the n iuJ uw tine, tiro meiai ir'ame arxi wimiuw rmiiiunb are red, and me sig nage is red and black. The Commission historically has not favored the use of checkerboard patterns on building architecture and they expressed their concern about using w ch a Pattern within Terra V/sta Town Center. There was mined react tons to the rcd metal frame and window mullions. Commissioner Ch it tea felt that the color was too strong a shade of red; however, Commissioner Totstoy thought that the use was appraprlate. Ilr+. Bond explained that the sig nage of the TBA (Tire/Battery/Accessory) included "Auto Express", underlined, with "Montgaaery Mard" uMerneath. The Commission agreed to the verbiage, but stated that the black/red design was not 1n conformance with sign program color criteria. Conclusion - Montaomerv Nard The general building design, building colors, and materials were approved by the Commission. The unresolved issues include the final design modifications Planning Commission Minutes -4- July 6, 1989 187 to the Entry and Promenade, and the "Image Package", including signs and accent colors. The Commission expressed great concern regarding the color package as proposed 6y Montgomery Nard. They agreed that the proposed colors would significantly detract from Lhe intent of the sign program, and open the possibility for any and all tenants to use unlimited colors and designs. Adjournment the workshop adjourned at 1:25 R.M. July 7, 1989. Respectfuiiy Submitted, Brad Buller Secretary Planning Commission Minutes Q-5- July 6, 1989 IUQ Motion: Moved by To lstoy, seconded by we inberg er, to adopt the Re so to tion approving Entertainment Permit 89-04. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CH ITI EA, MC NI EL, TOLSTOY, wEINBERGER NOES: COMAISSIONER S: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONER S: BLAKESL EY -tarried ~/ .. + . x E. MOO IFICAT ION TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 88-12 - MESTERN PROPERTIES - ~ 1_ ropo se various m nor revs ons o t e si e p an an u ng es ign of a previously approved J1-acre shopping center (Terra Vf sta Towne Center), that involves such items as ad,ju stment to on-site curb line, combination of buildings into one, shifting of building orientation to provide view corridor, architectural enhancement for wilding edges, etc., for property located at the northeast corner of Haven Avenue aM Foothill Boulevard in the Community Comnerc tai Ofstrfct of the Terra Vista Planned Community - APN: 1077-421-05, O6, aM 13. Nancy Fong, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. She indicated that Home Depot shown on the map was not part of this review. [n response to a question from Commissioner To lstoy regarding the approved phasing plan for the center, Brad Buller, City Planner, stated staff would forward a memo to all the Commissioners regarding the status of the phasing plan. Chairman Mc Ntel asked the distance from Spruce Avenue to the first driveway on Town Center Drive. Ms. Fang responded it was roughly 150 feet. Chairman Mcniel asked if that was an acceptable distance. Ms. Fong stated that Engineering policy normally requires approximately 200 feet. Chairman McNiei asked if the intersection of Spruce Avenue and Town Center Drive will be signalized. Barrye Hanson, Senior Civ11 Engineer, stated it will 6e signalized shortly. Chairman Mc Niel opened the public hearing. Tom Bond, Arc hiteetF Pacifica, Stated Rhey vkro request irrg the charges because of items addressed 1n the Design Review process and tenant requests. He indicated they wanted to canbine Buildings E ofd G into one building becwse they felt it would make the building easier t0 tease. Me stated all the items had been reviewed at Design Review and he understood they had been tentatively agreed to as being reasonable. Planning Commission Minut~~ngr~2 ~I~y~~~'~D~ SeD~~er 27, 1989 9/z~/B9 ~R /~~~'fia+l Hv,J~f~ Mr. Bond stated they would be converting some of the stalis that are Lo Che rear of the center and relatively inefficient for patrons to the front of the center. He said they were having no trouble meeting the City's criteria far parking, but were having some problems meeting the tenants' criteria. He said they were attempting to have ample parking by restaurant pad 4 on the corner. He stated if the Dark irg is moved to the front, approximately 50 spaces would Se added to the front. Commissioner To lst oy asked if a tenant had been secured for Building A. Richard Mager, Western Properties, stated a Cenant has approved the site but documents have not Seen signed. Commissioner Tolstoy asked if there would 6e future requests to change Building A. Mr. Bond rA sponded no aM noted that the foundations are already being poured. He requested an opportunity to comment on Planning condition 5. He believed the conditioned walkway would encourage pedestrians to walk through and into the service area and increase the possibility of someone riding a bike through the corridor out into the path of a truck at the nearby Montg emery Nard dock. He also noted that the Montgomery Nard pick up door will provide access to the main body of the store and would enable patrons to pass through the store. He also Pelt a pedestrian walkway Wald encarage ~gywalking and world become a security problem. He Dreferred that the item be addressed at the Design Review level and have the co nd tt ton removed from the Resolution. Chairman Mc Niel stated several corridors had already been eliminated and the City wishes to provide for pedestrian access throughout shopping centers. He indicated the parking behind Buildings J and K would not be used by theatre patrons because it is too far rcmove6 from the theatres. He said Lhat withal the corridor by Building K, the only pedestrian thoroughfare is alone Main Street or through the stores. He felt that perhaps the loading area of Montgomery Nard could be moved if that presented a problem. He felt any problems generated by the pedestrian walkway could be addressed. Mr. Bond felt there is parking available for shopping patrons and it could be better addressed at Design Review. Commissioner Tolstoy stated that high density Iwusing would be located directly across the street and he felt they should have an easy access to the center. Mr. Bond stated that they felt it is better t0 create a me~or separation between buildings or not create a separation at a11. Commissioner Tolstoy stated he would prefer tc see a separation, rather than a corridor. Hearing no further testimony, the public hearing was closed. Planning Commission Minutes -6- September 27, 1989 X90 Chairman McNiel stated there are stf it some questions regarding the TBA building as it relates to Major 4 and sig nage, akd in 11ght of those questions the Commission wished to hold approval in abeyance until the issues have been resolved. Mr. Mager stated that placed Western Properties in the untenable position of not he ing able to resolve the Montgomery Ward location within the project. Mr. Buller stated the previous meeting was a workshop of design review matters. Me stated Lhe rro rk shop did not consider the Conditional Uie Permit. He stated the modifications to the Conditional Use Permit being considered tonight constituted the formal action required as a follow up to the Commission's design workshop. Mr. Bond asked if the City Council were to deny the appeal of sign colors and graphics if the Planning Commission would then give approval of the TBA without the other issues being resolved; i.e ., Major 4. Commissioner Ch it lea stated the driveway adjacent to SD^lce would have to be resolved to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Chairman Mc Niel stated the basic conf igu rat ton of the bui ldirg and architecture were acceptable. Commissioners Chltlea and Tolstoy concurred. Commissioner To lStoy stated he was not comfortable wfth where the building was ga irg to sft. Mr. Bond stated they could commit that the TBA would sit where it shoos on the pion, unless Montgomery Nard withdrew from the project, in which case the :. •.: te:..- -..,ate ..,.~ ha hui lf_ 11r nnnd fhnn acY aA if rifv rnu nril wew fn approve the color package requested by Montgomery Nard- if the Planning Commission would then approve the TBA. Mr. Buller stated that at the Design Review workshop the Planning Commission gave approval to the TBA but rejected the forage /signage package. He stated that•if the package that has been appealed is not upheld by the City Council, then it goes back to the Planning Commission for approval of the signage, mullion color, and till. Cammlssloner Chltlea stated that if the checkered tile, signage, and million color are approved, she world not support that TBA 1n that location becalse she feels it would be inaDProprlate to the center, particularly as an entry statement, with the Montgomery Nard-requested standards. She stated that the TBA has not yet been approved 1n that location. Chairman MtMiel stated that Nhen the sign program Nos first put together, Me stern made a commitment that they would 11ve up to the slgn program. Planning Commission Minutes -8• Septeaber 27, 1989 ~Q~ AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CHITI EA, MC NI EL, TOLSTOY, wEINBERG ER NOES: CONMISSIDNER S: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BL.4KESL EY -carried x x x x Chairman Mc Niel welcomed the attendance of Scout Varsity Team 677 from Alta Loma in the audience. Team Coaches Dennis Coda and Scott Nat son indicated they were attending to earn credit toward merit badges for citizenship in the community. x x x x x F. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-02E - CITY OF - request to ame ec Lion nvironme nta esou rtes, an ect ion ublic Safety, elements of the General Plan as they relate to hillside development and grading and will involve revising the def in ttions of hillside from 10X or greater to 8% or greater, as well as restricting development on slopes which are 30% or greakr. Chairman McNiel indicated that staff had requested withdrawal of the application to allow it to be heard at a later time in conjunction with a proposed Hillside Development Ordinance. Motion: Moved by Ch it tea, seeonded by McKie 1, to withdraw Envfronmental Assessment and General Plan Amendment 89-02E. Motion carded by the fol low irg vote AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CHITI EA, MC NI EL, TO!STOY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: NEiNBERGER -carried x x # x x G. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ANO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-OZa - RANCHO reques n amen e a se emen o t nera an rom ood Control k Civic/Community for 3.15 acres of la M, lacakd on the north side of Banyan Street, east of Lhe Deer Creek Channel - APN: 201-191-24. H. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ANO D€V€LOPMENT D15TRICT AMENCMENT 89-05 - RANCHO W bMlVnun mtu crcwmem ~wem.r - n request to angina cne Oeve lopment str cts ap rom o on rol k Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) for 3.15 acres of land, locakd on Lhe north side of Banyan Street, east of the Deer Creek Channel - APM: 201-191-24. Planning Commission Minutes n-10- September 27, 1989 l~ ~,; ~;~, ~.~`~ ~,a ,a - - ~ ~ ~_ '~I I~ ~~~ !i 1 DRIL .,~ D~~ ~-' ~' . ..~,,. ~ _ q \ .im~ma01n ~ ~ lti p~ ~ ~~ ~ I qJ. ~,~.:w ~p~"/i ,a '_ ~~ a ~~a a.~`il ~ ~~^ Q 4~. "~~ Diu P-- i `a ~¢rrEi ..1 -.__ ~ ice. s_eee _ __._• __ __._ _._....__._.. ._ rmai=__~ mu.m ..~w, -- --~ ,._~ _ . _, - _~ p - ~ - ---- -. ~ - ,. , '.. .:~ ~. :a.~R - _-- ....r. ~ . °----- ' ' .~,n .-rQ- ~~~, v V NORTH CITY OF ~,=,u; L[JpF~B t2 R.-~.'~CHO CUCA.~IOIVC~r1 TITLE:.IIT.~I~~'IERRA Yl~ll~ r~uvnl~c avlstgv ~~. 9Z18Y EXF1181T: TON' G ~ Gc~/i/B~ ~'~ d _'a,~.., i1i~ ~~ 1 ~ r {Ilil~ 111 j iii fli= ~r. n.yr nm a GuF• c c ~ c c eaaae=94i na'' ~ itte 3~®~~~ ~ $~~ " agiii~g Sd99411i0~j s R o s+u :n€cttu~ a ,qS~ ~ $~~~ ~s~= ~ :,.....~/mss r :. ~.~,~ir i ~°o a' s e ;~ '' ~:nP Bj ~M ~ ~° /~ ;~'~ ,,, ~~~ ;, ~ ~ e°--I ', 11 /\~ ~'-~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ H ____)I ~~..~ a O ~ I ~I ~ a ~~~ ~ , Q ; ~-Q-1 1 Q--~-1 1 ~ ,~ -, PHA Q~I ~ ~ ~~ ~.-.~ b -~ fr-a~~ ~fT~ a o~=~ l ~---av-----i a ~'--; -~~~ o-~o-; ~ o ~~ ~,~ a...~L rL... ~~ ~ ~. ~~+ ~v' ~ pp 6 z Q EXHIBIT "C" CUP 88-12 - MODIFICATION List of Various Si to Modiff cati ons Approved Dy Planning Comm scion on September 27, 1989 A. Modification of Major 2 to incorpara to the Mervyn's stare. e. Adjustments to retail shop building edges of Buildings B and E, adjacent to Mervyn's. C. Adjustments to Buildings S d P to create a view corridor for Mervyn's. D. Adjustments to the surrounding curb lines behind Mervyn's, including the creation of additional parking and another driveway to be used as overflow parking for the Theater. E. The elimination of Buildings T and M to create greater visibility of Target and Mervyn's. F. The combining of Buildings E 6 F and G d H into single buildings by deleting interior open-air corridor. G. The incorporation of Mongomery Mard into position of Major 3. H. Adjustment to retail shop building edges of Buildings K A L adjacent to Montgomery Nard. I. The incorporation of a Tire/Battery/Accessory (TBA) facility for Montgomery Nard adjacent to Major 4 Tabled by Planning Caaadsston- J, Miscellaneous adjustments of various curb lines and driveway location to accommodate the Montgomery Mard location. K, Parking area north of Building Al moved to south of Building A"1. L. Adjustment to the orientation of the theater, the theater court, and the westerly parking lot including the alignment of the driveway. ~q5 r r RESOLUTION N0. 89-120 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCPMONGA PLANNING COfMISSION APPROVING A MOO IFICATION TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 88-12 PROPOSED VARIOUS MINOR REVISIONS TO THE SITE PLAN AND BU ILO ING DESIGN OF A PR EV[OUSLY APPROVED 71-ACRE SHOPPI MG CENTER (TERRA VISTA TONNE CENTER) THAT INVOL YE SUCH ITEMS AS ADJUSTMENT TO ON-SITE CURB LINE, COMBINATION OF BUILDINGS INTO ONE, SHIFTING OF BUILOI NG ORIENTATION TO PROVIDE VIEW CORRIDOR, ARCHITECTURAL ENHANCEMENT FOZ BUILDING EDGES, E?C., FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HAVEN AVENUE ANO FOOTHILL BWLEVARD IN THE COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL OI STRICT OF THE TERRA VISTA PLANNED COMMUNITY ANO MAILING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF, - APN: 1071-421-05, 06, AND 13 A. Recitals. (i) On April 21, 1988, this Commission adopted its Resolution No. 88-75, thereby approving, subJect to specified conditions, a community shopping center on 71 acres of land in the Commnity Commercial District of the Terra Vista Camnunity Plan. (ii) Vlestern Properties has filed an application for the modification of the Conditional Use Permit No. 88-12 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resa lution, the sub,lect Conditional Use Permit request is referred to as "the applfcation". (iii) On the 6th of July, 1989, the Planning Commission conducted a Design Review workshop at an adJourned meeting to discuss the design aspects of tha rovi<nd aito nlan• ,M (iv) On the 27th of September 1989, the Planning Commfssion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. (v) Ali legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. 8. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby fount, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commfssion hereby specifically finds that all of the facts sat. forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearings on July 6, 1989 and September 27, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: i ~ ~ ~'Kli3iT ~ " LUTION N0. 89-120 CUP 88-12 - NESTER: ,lOPERTI ES September 27, 1989 Page 2 a. The application applies to property located at the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard with a street frontage of 12,700 feet and lot depth of 11,440 feet and fs presently in various stages of construction; and b. The property to the north of the subject site is an office complex under construction, the property to the south of that site consists of an office complex, the property to the east is vacant laM and the property to the west is an entertainment/office complex. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dun irq the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific ff ndings of facts set forth in Darag raphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. That the proposed use is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Development Code, and the purposes of the dfstr ict in which the site is located. b. That the proposed use,' together with the conditions applicable thereto, wiil not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. c. That the proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code. 4. This Commission hereby finds and certifies that the project has been reviewed and considered in rn,miia.^.cc •~•`,tb tha Culiiurnia environmental iryaiicy nct of 1970 and, further, this Commission hereby issued a Negative Declaration on April 13, 1968. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below. Plarming Division i. ATf pertinent Conditions of Approval as contained in Resolution Nos. 88-75, 88-118, 88- 236, and 88-236A shall apply. 2. Any building footprint depicted on the site plan that has not received Design Review approval by the Planning Commission, shall be considered conceptual 1n nature. 3. At the time of Oesign Review of Buildinnggs S and P, the inclusion of perimeter trellis and landscape features shail be incorporated into the architectural design, to the sat isfactton of the Planning Commlssgon. 1~7 PL... a .u N0. ~ - CUP 88-12 - HESTE ~PROPERTI ES September 27, 1985 Page 3 The rear elevation and service areas of Buildings E and G shall 6e designed to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission. M appearance of a bui ldirg frontage shall continue anon nd the rear of the building as much as possible. The final design, including footprint, service are screening, and landscaping, shall be resolved dnr ing the Design Review of these two buildings. 5. A pedestrian walkway shall be provided through Building K. The corridor shall be designed to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission during Design Review of Building K. 6. The incorporation of a Tire/Battery/Accessory (TB,A) facility for Montgomery Hard, adJacent to Ma,lor 4, is not part of this approval, as shown in Exhibit "A." Engineering Division Driveway location ad,iustments shown on the modified site pion are acceptable, subject to the following: a) The easternmost driveway on Town Center Drive shall be relocated westerly such Lii ci, vim e6at cuye u; ti,e ui iYewar is o minimum of 200 feet from the BCR for Sprvice Avenue, or as otherwise approved by the Cfty Engineer; and b) The northerly driveway on Haven Avenue shall be separated from the southerly driveway by a minimum of 300 feet, meaty red at driveway center lines; and c) The southerly driveway on Haven Avenue shall conform to City Council Resolution Ro. 88-410. 2. All applicable landscaping and street i~rrovement pions shall be revised to reflect the driveway relocations and approved by the City Engineer prior to final map ameMmerit, issuance of building permits, or fs w once of encroachment permits, whichever ocars first. /V CUD 88-12 - NESTEI RtOPtR II ES ~~ 99-120 ~ _ ' September 27, 1989' Page 4 3. Parcel Map 11030 shall be amended to bring all non-vehicular accesses and ingress/egress easement tocat ions into conformance With the Cord itional U;e Permit as modified. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPR UVEO ANO ADOPTr~ THIS 27TH 6AY OF SEPTEMBER, 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY : / /)/.C.C~F.Ls~.~t ATTE57: I, Bra4 Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution Nos duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Plannlrg Commission held on the 27th day of Septe~er 1989, by the folloNing vote-to-Nit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CHITIFa, MCN.IEL, TGuTG~> NtlNBERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: CDIMiSSIONERS: BLAKESLEY l ( 1 RESOLUTION N0. X ~ _ Gj ~ I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING THE APPEAL AND UPHOLDING A CONOITiON REQUIRING A PEDESTRIAN NALKWAY THROUGH BUILDING K AS IMDOSED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THE APPROVAL OF MODIFICATION TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 88-12 WITHIN THE TERRA YI STA TOWNE CENTER, LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST ,:ORNER OF HAVEN AVENUE AND FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 1071-421-,05, Co', ANO 13. A. Recitals. (i) Western Properties has filed an application fnr various modiff cats ons to the Conditional Use Permit No, 88-12. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject request Ts referred to as "the application". (ii) On duly 6, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a Design Review workshop at an adjourned meeting to discuss the design aspects of the various modifications to the site plan. On September 27, 1989, the Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing. Following the conclusion of said hearing the Commission adopted its Resolution No. 89-120 thereby approving the CUP 88-12 modification subject to certain conditions. (iii) The decision represented by said Planning Commission Resolution No. 89-120, Condition 5, was timely appealed to this Council. l 1Vl Un NOVemUer 1, LYt1Y ana NOVeI11Der i5, i`JOY, Lhis Li Ly WUnCIi conducted duty noticed public hearings with respect to such appeal and concluded said hearing on that date. (v) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOM, THEREFORE r-#t is hereby found, detenni ned and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part "A", of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to thfs Council during the above-referenced public hearings on November 1 and November 15, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) The application applies to property located at the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard with a street frontage of 12,700 feet and tot depth of 31,440 feet and is presently in various stages of construction; and d~ CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. CUP 88-12 - MW IFICATION - TERRA VISTA TONNE CENTER Nove~er 1, 1989 Page 2 (b) The property to the north of the subJect site is an office complex under can strvction, the property to the south of that site consists of an office complex, the property to the east is vacant land planned for High Residential (24-30 units per acre) and the property to the northwest is an entertainment/office complex; and (c) One of the site plan modifications consists of tomb in ing Buiid ings E and F, G and H into one building and deleting the interior open pedestrian corridors. These pedestrian corridors provide a north/south coon ect ton for the future multi-family north of Towne Center Orive, the theatre and the shopping tenter to the south; aM (d) There are over 140 parking spaces located at the rear of the buildings in this half of the center, most of which are concentrated behind Building "K", with no access to the storefront entrances. Providing pedestrian access to these parking spaces would encourage their use and promote a shorter route for employees who would typically park there; and (e) There are over 500 mrlti-family dwelling units planned across the street which would benefit from a more df nett access into the center; and (f) The site plan for the center differs significantly from the original Terra Vista Community Plan concept to which the greenway trait system led directly through the heart of the center all the way to the corner of Haven and Foothill to encourage pedestrian patrons by separating them from vehicular traffic; and (g) The Community Plan envisioned this center as one in which clustered buildings "Joined together by covered walkways sheltering pedestrians" and "masses of the various buildings in the center will be divided so as to be human-scaled and not appear monolithic"; and (h) A pedestrian corridor is a desirable amenity and feature that needs to 6e provided at the east side of the center through Building K. Such a corridor will ailow pedestrian traffic from the future multt-family residential as well as'Eirect access to the front of the center from the parking area at the rear of the shop buildings. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth to paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Courxa l hereby finds and concludes that the pedestrian walkway would be consistent with the obJectives of the Terra Vista Community Plan, Development Code and General Plan. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above, this Council hereby denies the appeal. ~o r CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Novenb er 15, 1989 T0: Mdyor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Brett Horner, Associate Planner ~ SU BdECT: ENVIRONMENTAL RSSE SSMENT AND TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN ~MENOMENT 89-01 - NESTERN PROPERTIES - A request to change various schoo Ira an par site designations; to allow the establishment of auto service stations subject to the Conditional Use Permit Process along selet ted major arterials; to delete a portfon of Orchard Avenue; and to update the Landscape Design Guidelines and land use maps to reflect previous project approvals and "as-built" conditions - APN: 227-151-08, 13, and 14; 1077-421-O1, 16 and 18; and 1017-091-36. I. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends approval of t iii sierra Pista Comiunity Plan Amendment with revisions wh tch will be presented in an addendum report. r, marvnan11Mr1• unetnrn urnrrn.. ioe ha" "~~Ixnihrnrl fh i" a"o rrlm"n~ hn th~Vista Community Plan in order to update many of the charges which have occurred over the past several years. Since 1983, when the plan was first adopted, a number of conditions for development have charged. For instance, the Etiwarda School District has indicated that only one elementary school is needed east of Milliken Avenue. Furthermore, several of the school and park sites Nave been relocated, trails have been realigned, lardscapirg guidelines have been revised, and lard uses have keen changed (in aGLOrdance with the plan through the Development Review process). The applicant also made several land use charges, such as the relocation of the YMCA site. However, the applicant is not seeking a higher or lower density than the plan currently ai lows. A "nC+ltral drn514y" CpnG ept 95 Ut119;ed. Nq addll lrtndl dwelling units will be permitted under this amendment. III. ANALYSIS: This amendment charges several sections of the Terra sta omnunity Plan. The charges are listed and discussed below and are shown graphlcalty in two exhibits, A and B, which are attached in the Ptanrning Commission Staff Report of October 25, 1989. CITY COIINC[L STAFF REPORT TVCP AMEb 89-01 -WESTERN PROPERTIES Novenber 15, 1989 Page 2 School Site Revisions: When the Junior high school site on ochester venue which functioned as the eastern terminus for the greenway system) was deleted per a request by the Et iwa nda School District, the Planning Commission requested that a new terminus be provided. Lewis Homes proposes to relocate the elementary school site originally DroDOSed between Terra Yista Parkway and Mountain View Orive (approximately 400 feet east of Milliken Rvenue) to the northeast corner of Mountain View Drive and Terra Vista Parkway and have it function as the eastern terminus of the greenway trail system. A park will also be located adJacent to this new 11.75 acre school site, which the Etiwarda School District (ESO) has accepted. The E~ has also indicated that it will need only one elementary school east of Milliken Avenue. Therefore, the B- acre school site proposed off of Orchard Avenue is being deleted. Park Site Revisions: The Parks and Recreation Commission note tat t e sc ool site on Orchard Avelmie is deleted, the adJacent East Greemvay Park becomes unnecessary in view of its proximity to the relocated and ezpaMed Milliken Avenue park (north of the YMCA site) and the relocated park at the end of the greenway. Although this park is being deleted, its acreage is more than being made up for by increasing the o ni <nvcral niwPr nark. Milliken AVPmIP nark will be increased from 8 acres to~ 10.54 acres and La Mission Park (at the northwest corner of Elm Avenue and Church Street) will be increased from 5 acres to 9.5 acres. La Mission Park, it should be noted, also functions as a retention basin for 100- year storm water. Originally two parks were intended to act as retention bastns for stolen water. However, City staff requested that only one park, La Mission Park, be designed to function as a retention site as welt as a park. As a rewit'of the elimination of storm water retention from the Milliken Avenue Park, this park and the Recreational Commercial (RC) site along Milliken Avenue are proposed to be switched so that the park borders the greenwAy trail system. The RC site thus moves to the northeast corner of Milliken AuenuP. and Church Street. The YMCA facility, which has been approved 6y the Planning Commission, will be located within the park site zone. C. Trail rea11 nments: The trail system east of Milliken Avemle re ect~ t e r~aus school and park site relocations and has been revised to interface with the new easterly greemvay trail terminis. A flashing yellow traffic signal will be required at this mid-block troll crossing on Terra W sta Parkway. X03 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TVCP PMEND 89-01 - NESTERN PROPERTIES November 15, 1989 Page 3 Eventually, a signalized intersection may also be installed at Base Line Road where the trail links up to the Victoria Planned Community Trail an the north side of Base Line Road, at Mountain View Drive. A st reets ide trail, similar to the one on the north side of Elm Avenue (east and west of Spruce Avenue) will be provided on the north side of Church Street and Terra Yista Parkway (east of Mountain View Drive). At its October 25, 1989 meeting, the Planning Commission determined that this amendment should be sent to the Trails Committee for review and approval prior to Planning Commission approval. The Trails Committee reviewed the project and proposed trail revisions on Nove~ker B, 1989. Unfortunately, the Committee's reconmerdations were not available prior to the completion of this report. Any charges recommeMed by that Committee or the Planning Commission which also met on Novenber 8 will be presented fn the addendum report. 0. Orchard Avenue Deletion: Since the elementary school site is e ng a ete on rc and Avenue, public street access is no longer needed in this area of the plan. Thus, the section of this road between Church Street and Terra Vista Parkway is proposed far deletion. The City's Traffic Engineering section has reviewed the proposed deletion and has indicated that it would be an acceptable change. E. Landsca a De sin Cu idelines: On January 25, 1989, staff and Lewis Fbmes presente a new street tree master plan and updated landscaping guidelines to the Commission as a courtesy review. These charges were worked out with Planning and Engineering staff, but were not adopted 6y Resolution. The Terra Vista Comminity Plan landscape standards will thus be updated only in sections which contradict the agreed-upon landscape revisions made earlier this year. F. Land Use Na U dates: The lard use map 1n the plan is also eirg rev se an u ated to reflect recent charges in land use and in the school, park, and trail locations. For instance, the Office Professional (OP) and Commercial (C) designations shown on a portion of the Towne Center develepment are being corrected to Cormunity Commercial (CC). The RC zone, where the YMCA site will be located, is being moved sathward W accommodate the Milliken Avenue park which was relocated so that it could be adjacent to the greenway trail. In add it ton, various zoning designations have been charged to reflect their "as-bunt" staWs. The Terra Ytsta Comnuntty Plan has always permitted development at one density range ~O~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TVCP AMEIO 89-01 -WESTERN PROPERTIES Navem6er 15, 1989 Page 4 higher or lower than the original designation. Since 1983, this has occurred with several projects throughout the plan. This amendment will reflect the latest land use revisions. The only significant land use charge occurs where the school and park site has been deleted along Orchard Avenue. This area has been redesignated as Medium Hfgh (MH) Density Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre). The applicant proposes to extend the MH site west of the deleted school and park site. However, this will not affect the density of the overall plan, as park acreage has been increased and Medium (M) Density Residential acreage decreased (from 328.7 acres to 300.1 acres). A summary of land use acreage charges is provided on Exhibit "C" of the October 25, 1989 Planning Commission Staff Report (attached). G. Auto Service Stations: The applicant also requests to amend the pan to permit alto service stations, subject to a Conditional Use Permit. Auto service stations could only be located along Base Line, Rochester, Foothill, and/or Mflliken Avenue. In addition, they would need to be separated from residential uses by a street, additional landscape setback, or other "buffer" of non-residential use satisfactory to the Planning Commission. Staff believes this proposal is acceptable store of thfs use would be subject to Design Review a nrl nrnroccim of a rnrrl Sf tonal Ilex Co.mit rho DY an~i«. Commission concluded that Haven Avenue should not be included in the list of streets for possible gas statfonTocattons. H. Mint-warehouses and Recreational Vehicles/Boat Store e: The app icant a so requests to ame a pan to permit mini- warehouses and recreational vehicles boat storage, subject to a Co rdTtional Use Permit. The Planning Commission believes this proposal is acceptable since these uses would be subject to Design Review and processing of a Conditional Use Permit. I. Local Street Standard: In reviewing the proposed amendment, the rg neerirg Oiv s on believes it is appropriate to revise the local street design to incorporate parkways aM eliminate the curb adjacent sidewalk standard originally approved for Terra Vista. This would increase the ipral street dedication from 46 feet in width to 60 feet in width, which is the City's local street standard in the area outside of Terra Vista, Victoria, and the Caryn Planned Comminitles. The Engineering Division believes that there are safety, aesthetic, and convenience concerns with sidewalks directly adjacent to the curb. If parkways are provided, the pedestrian is further removed from vehicular circulation. The X05 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TVCP AMEND 69-01 - WESTERN PROPERTIES November 15, 1989 Page 5 parkway provides an area for street tree planting, aM additional land scapirg. Further, the pedestrian is not inconvenienced by having to walk around mall boxes and other utility installations, and does not have to negotiate driveway approaches. The Planning Commission, at its October 25, 1989 meeting, determined that the local street standard should be charged to include parkways. The street sections within the Plan will need to be charged per the Commission's determination. Condition No. 5 of the Re so lu tfon of Approval ensures that the street standard will be charged. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Staff has completed Part II of the nvironmenta a st and has reviewed Part I of the Initial Study. The protect will not be detrimental to adJacent properties and will not cause significant environmental impacts. In addition, the proposed protect will not conflict with the abJectives of the General Plan: it wilt comply with all appiicable City Standards. For a complete environmental evaluation, please refer to the Initial Study, Part Ii. If the Council concurs with the staff findings, a Negative Declaration should be prepared. V. FACTS FOR FtIOINGS: The Nmerdment does not conflict with the land use DoT1T of~he General Plan. The Pmendnent promotes the n,l~ ns ~ti~ t~nA - _ nt~iwewf T.~ II~wu Mwnn~ w~lA nM ti~ materially 1nJurlous or detrimental to adJacent properties. VI. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised in The Da~fl Re o~rt newspaper as a public hearing and the properties n quest Lion Piave been posted. Notfces have been sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the sites proposed for new land use designations. /`R~e7sp''e`~ct~f/u~~lGl~y7'submit Led, ' Brad Bu91er City Planner BR; RH;kn Attachments; Exhfbtt "A" - Nove~er 8, 1989 Planning Commission Staff Report Exhibit "B" -October 25, 1989 Planning Commission M1 ru Les Exhfbtt "C" -Planning Commission Resolution 89-142 Ordinance with Community Plan Amendment ~U(p CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~ , DATE: November 8, 1989 T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FRCM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Brett Horner, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN - H N request to c arge various schoo trai an par site designations; to allow the establishment of auto service stations sub,lect to the CoM it Tonal Use Permit process along selected motor arterials; to delete a portion of Orchard Avenue; and to update the Landscape Design Guidelines and land use maps to reflect previous project approvals and "as-built" conditions - APN: 227-151-OB, 13, and 14; 1077-421-O1, 16 and 18; and 1077-091-35. I. BACKGROUND: This item was heard on October 25, 1969 and was can~nue~to tonight's meeting so that the trail revisions could be reviewed by the Trails Committee. Sirn:e that Committee met earlier today, it's reconmendattons will be presented orally to the Commission tonight. Per the Commission's discussion on October 25, 1989, the following conditions writ be piacea on cne proposed amendment: 1. The mint-storage uses proposal will be deleted from the Planned Community Text. 2. Haven Averhre will be deleted from the list of streets with the potential to have gas stations located on than. 3. The focal street standard w111 reflect the current 60 foot wide City Standard for local streets which allows for parkways. These Charges are reflected in the attached amendment packet. II. TRAIL PNENOMEMTS: The Terra Vista Planned Cgawmity feetures a terarchy o tra71 types. In addition to the primary greernvay troll, which is an east-west spine through the middle of the planned canaunity, secondary trails extend into and through all parts of the cdamunity (Exhibit "A-2"). Detailed cross-sections of each of these troll types are attached (no changes are proposed to the trail standards) in Exhibits "A-3" and "M4." .a 07 / Ex~tioir ~1 PLANNING COMI'tISSION STAFF REPORT TVCPA 89-01 - MESTERN PROPERTIES Novenber 8, 1999 Page 2 The developer of Terra Yis to is proposing to amend certain trail alignments as described below. The fol lowing numbers correspond to the attached Figure IV-23, Proposed Greenway System Oesign Features (Exhibit "A-1"): 1. Trail deleted which formerly ran along the south side of Poplar Drive and crossed over Church Street to connect with the 9 reenway. This trail was realigned to continue straight north across Poplar Orive to the intersection with Terra Vista Parkway and Church Street. The reason for charge was the deletion of the elementary school and park sites north of Church Street. 2. Along the north side of Church Street and the east side of Terra Yista Parkway, the trail type "E", which is a standard parkway with an additional 6 feet of landscaping behind the sidewalk, has been upgraded to greenway trail standards trail type "B." The type "B" trail will now provide a 25 foot minimum/30 foot typical trail width behind the standard parkway. The change was requested by staff and the Planning Commission to provide a stronger trail connection to the regional mall along Church Street. 3. The 15 foot trail that ran from the easterly terminus of the g reenway, north to Base Line Road, has been realigned to follow the parkway on the north side of Terra Vista Parkway and up the east side of Mountain Vtew Drive to Base Line Road. There are fM~r ro__ s v.,~ rn i~ rna me. First lv. tM former terminus of the greemvay, a Junior High School, was eliminated. Secondly, a park site was located at the end of the greenway to replace the Junior High School as a terminus for the greernvay. Thirdly, an elementary school site was added to the southeast corner of Terra Vista Parkway and Mountain Yfew Drive. Lastly, the trait was realigned to the intersect ton of Base Line Road and Mountain Vtew Drive to align with a trail within the Victoria Planned Coimunity. 4. Due to the creation of a new north-south street, Belvino, through the block east of Milliken, south of Base Line Road, the trail was realigned to follow the east parkway of the street and cross Terra Vista Parkway at the intersection (see comment No. 5). This will also eliminate a mid-block crossing at 9asg Line Road by alfonirg trail with a trial within Victoria. 5. The elementary school and park sites were eliminated from the block south of Terra Vista Parkway, east of Milliken (both were relocated farther east). The trail which formerly ran along the eastern boundary of the school/park was realigned to the middle of the block to cross Terra Vista Parkway aL the v ~~ PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TVCPA 89-01 - MESTERN PROPERTIES November 8, 1989 Page 3 intersection. Mid-block crossings have been discouraged in favor of crossing at a street intersection by the Planning Commission for safety reasons. 5. At a result of the elimination of storm water retention from the Milliken Avenue park, this park and the Recreation Commercial (RC) site were swapped so that the park borders the g reenway. The trail formerly ran between the Dark and RC site and around the east stde of the RC site northerly up to the g reenway. The proposed alig nnent is to continue the trail within the Milliken parkway from Church Street to the greemray. In rev iewi these ro osed trail cha es staff would offer the o aw m recommen at ons• 1. Keep the trail type "D" through the large block of future multi-family, north of Church Street, to connect with the greenway. 2. Realign the trail at the northeast corner of Terra Vista Parkweiy and Mountain View Or ive to go through the park and behind the school site as an interior trail rather than a parkway trail to provide more opportun ittes for access from the single family homes. I[I. RECOMMENDATION: Pending recommendations of the Trails Committee, staff reconmends that the Planning Commission adopt tfie attached Cco01:t!c^. .___""^.^^.A~n~ "~n.nwl of iho am"odmrnt to the City Council. Res lly su d Bra 1 City Pla ner BB:BH:mlg Attachments: Exhibit "A-1" - Proposed Trail System Exhibft "A-P° - Existlna Trail System Exhibit "A-3" - Greenway Traii Sectfons (Trail Types "A" and "B") Exhibit "A-4" - Secondary Trail Sections (Trail Types "C", "D" and "E") Resolution Recommending Approval with Community Plan Amendment ~~ / m d 2 N Q N m 3z a." E wm ~3 8 m w m ~ ¢ ~ o m . z U'¢ >o ~ ~i> mt= W a a i p m- ~n w ~_ ~r ~' _o° ~ w w O~ ~ ~~O r a U~ ~ 2F~ oQ~ Ii O T _ .msoa o u g, - - F- 1 _ q --'-- - - - -- - -i=--~ ESN ~~ ~_ ~~'~ ~ ~'.... ,, o`er ' ~.\ .r. . ~.e.. ~ u ~ N • ~" T9L ,~Q, .= '~~ a y e m a x ~ W ~.. ~~ ~ Zs: C m .~,,: °o,m'm I ~ O _n I 4 0 % ~_~_ _ yV E a. O W o ~~ '~ E~ A .. N ~ • Y'-~ N O m CgE_. ~.W V I GLL C ~ ~ a ~ ~ a = C ~~~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ O ~ ~ 8 O ~ ° ~ ~ ~ ~ o g p 0~ U _ I' I I ~. ~ '~ / ~' I V a~ V/ O O i I ~ ~~~ ~. c g ~ ~ ~.r-::~~--. b ... ;. ,,.. ..... .,~i.,o . ~c-t~T ,A_ ~,. n~ ~ n'. A! ~, 1~! (!1! I7E IT 1!' . - ::, zO Q®~ zg~>g ~ ~ a~ ~3ai g~ O+ a J W W h W F ~ ~ O ®~ ~ a~ Q C ~ Z W 0~ Q ~ ~j.4. F d~ UC7?U F ~ $~ Q ~ O O . ~ _-- -~~___ c E~~ B"~_ _____ --____- _ p~c ~ ' m ~ ~ ~ I~ 2z•g 2~2 rI 9 C ~ ~ ~wq1 ' ~~i~ I~ J W ~I ~q i ~ ~ ~ ~ H f> = I • ~ i p ~ - ~ W -~-_-_ - ~"'-'9'-'-~= ~ . 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ENVIRONMENTAL ASSE SSMERT Alm TERRA V1 STA C0IMONI TY RAN AM FNOMENT R9-nl - we~ienn murtwuta - q request td cnarge vanous scnooi, tratr, and pant site des ignattons to allow the esta611shnent of ar to service stations and mini-warehouse uses, w6,lect to the Conditional Use Permit process, along major arterials; to delete a portion of Orchard Avenue; and to update the Landscape Design Guidelines and lard use maps to reflect previous project approvals and "as-built" conditions - APN: 227-151-08, 13, and 14; 1077- 421-01, 16 and 18; and 1077-091-36. Brett Horner, qs sot iate Planner, presented the staff report. Commissioner Ch iL iea asked if the Trails Committee had been apprised of the proposed charges, and if so, what their comments were. M•. Horner stated the Trails Committee had not revfewed the proposed realignments. Commissioner Chit iea felt it would have been appropriate for the Committee to review the charges. Commissioner Tolstoy asked why Haven was listed as a possible location for aJ to serv lce and public service uses, as he felt there were no possible developable parcels left on Haven in Terra Yista. Mr. Horner stated there was some vacant area to the north of Lhe Town Center site. Commissioner Tolstoy stated he was under the impression that all of the lard along Haven Ave rue had been master planned and he did not recall any arW service uses. Mr. Norner stated the area north of the Toren Center site was originally intended for an office park, but the applicant has advised they do not wish to purwe that lard use and has recently indicated they may be ldok ing at a use such as a Home Clnb for the area. Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing. Don Thompson, Lewis Homes, stated Haven was included to the 1lstirg for at to service and public service uses only because it was a mayor street. He said they dfd not presently have any plan to put a gas station an Haven. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated he understood from Mr. Thompson's cament that he would not oppose deletion of Haven from the listing. Commissioner Tolstoy stated he would like to see Haven deleted. Commissioner Chltlea agreed that Haven should be deleted and she felt the potential mintivarehause and storage facilities designation should be disarased for several of the other streets listed. Planning Commission Minutes -}0- October 25, 1989 ~xN7~~r Chairman Mc Ntel stated there are currently three gas stations on Haven and it is one of the most heavily traveled streets in the comnin ity. He wasn't wre that it should be excluded. He felt a service station would be appropriate if treated sensitively. Commfssioner To istoy stated he questioned the inclusion of Haven because of the heavy use and the only oval la6le area. He felt it would cal se a problem. He definitely felt a minirare hou se would not be appropriate. Mr. Thor~pson stated Lewis was not in favor of adding parkways to the local streets because of the additional street ded is anon required. He said when the Dr.an was first adopted there was a hierarchy of streets and they felt a parkway would be approRria to for the more heavi iy traveled larger streets, but not for the smaller, local streets. They felt the parkway would adversely affect the affordable housing program and the City should not take on the added burden of maintaining additional landscaped parkways. He said dining the orig tool planning process, the developer put in the greenway to alleviate the need for pedestrian travel along the streets. Chairman McNiel stated in the original plan a ru mb er of Commissioners envisioned the greenway area to be imre grardfose than what it ultimately became. Mr. Thompson stated acreage has come out as anticipated. He discussed the "as built" and "status of infrastrvctu re" map. Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, stated it was staff's oversight that the trail realignment< were not reviewed by the Trails Committee. He atlined the proposed trail changes. Commissioner Ch it lea felt the trails merit a Closer look. She wanted to be wre that connections were to the proper locations. Mr•. Tharywn stated the trail realfgmnents were reviewed by the Parks Commission. Tom Oellaquila, Lewis Nomes, questioned who Engineering intended to mafntafn the parkways between the proposed sidewalk placement aM the street. Russ Maguire, City Engineer, stated the homeowners would be responsible for maintenance of the parkwgrs and the City would maintain the street trees. M~. Dellaqutla stated Lewis Hones felt it was more of a burden on the homeowner than a single, contiguous front yard. He said they have done studies of landscape design relating to maintenance concerns and one of the ma,lor conclusions was that small, narrow strips of landscaping should be avoided because they are more difficult to irrigate and mow. He felt it was unfair Lo increase the maintenance burden on the homeowner and that many homeowners would rip out the landscaping and install gravel, rewlting 1n a less attritive subdivision. Planning Commission Minutes -11- October 25, 1989 ~~~ Stan Belt, Lewis Homes, stated Terra Vista has a different community design than the rest of the local streets, in that they utilize loop streets going to a collector road, rather than using grid streets. Ne said the paved section of the streets is 36 feet, the same as the remainder of the City. He felt street-ad,lacent sidewalks give a more residential character to a neig hborhaad. Chairman McNiel asked if there were any rolled curb conditions in Terra Vista. Mr. Bell stated there were none because they don't take enough drafnage. He agreed that on more heavily traveled streets, the parkways should perhaps be added. Commissioner Tolstoy recalled that the first two coninity plans presented to the City had an extremely wide greenbelt area and he believed the greenbelt width was reduced downward during negotiations. Chairman McNiel stated it originally appeared as one long park as opposed to a landscaped parkway. Mr. Thonyson stated that so far only a 40-foot wide section of the greemvay has been built and the wider port tons have not been built as yet. He asked if the Trails Committee review could be made separately from the other items because there were no active pro,~ects in the area of the trail charges. Mr. Buller again reviewed the existing and proposed trail configuration. Commissioner Tolstoy felt it was important for the Trails Committee to take an overall look at the proposed system before the Punning Commission took action. Commissioner Chitiea concurred. Mr. Thompson requested that the balance of the amendment be adopted and allow the trails to be reviewed separately. He stated Lewis wished to start planning and wbmittfng the Rochester tract. Hearing no further testimogy, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Ch it lea felt it was appropriate to delete Haven Averwe from the listing of potential streets for auto service use. She was uncomfortable with mini-warehouse use ort tfie ma,lor streets listed. She felt tt was necessary to look at site-specific locations as opposed to blanket proposals. She also supported the proposed local street staMard. Commissioner Tolstoy Dreferred to separate mint-warehoux/storage uses from auto service uses, He felt some streets would be appropriate for mini- wareha ses and not service stations and vice versa. He also agreed with Commissioner Chitiea and supported the proposed street standard. He stated lie did not like sidewalks adjacent to the streets. Planning Commission Minutes -12- October 25, 1989 ~~ Chairman MtN1el felt that service stations and fast food are services that need to be provided. He said fast food restaurants have been allowed on Maven and they lock good. He felt the mfniJware hoax/storage facilities could be provided on internal streets within Terra Vista. Commissioner Tolstoy agreed with the need for service stations and storage facilities, but felt location was lnportant. He felt mini -storage facilities shwid be provided as clox to residential areas as possible bec aux that is where they are needed, but he did not feel Haven and Foothill were appropriate streets. He did not feel Haven was an appropriate location for service stations secaose of the amount of traffic generated north of Foothill, the only available area left. Mr. Buller stated with regard to review of the trails iswe that it would be possible to have the Trails Committee review the Droposed trail charges at their meeting on Novenb er 8, and the item could then be returned to the Planning Commission on Nove~ker 8, and poss tb ly reviewed by the City Council on Nove~er 15. Commissioner Tolstoy asked that the Trails Committee be given a map before the meeting showing the arrent trails and the proposed changes. Mr. Coleman stated maps will be provided. Mr. Buller stated he world like direction on appropriate streets for auto uxs and mini-s torageMarehouse facilities. He felt the Commission had inferred that mini-storage would be appreprfate on Bax Line and Rochester and perhaps interior streets. Commissioner Ch itiea felt tt was more appropriate to have mini-storage on a ma,lor street as opposed to a neighbofioad street, but she did not feel it was approprtace on rootntii, Haven, or uax Line. pine sia led Liral Lire wrrnnL mint-storage on Bax Line is a successful application. Chairman Mc Niel felt perhaps Mountain View Drive would be appropr/ate. He felt an inter for street might make more xnse to Drovide storage far the residents and did not feel Bax Line should be a catchall. Commlsstoner Tolstgy stated that building a mint-storage facility on an Interior street would probably not make economic xnx. He felt Rochester and Bax Line waid make exee~te~ locations, and Milliken cold be appropriate if designed properly. Chairmen Mc Niel stated he was opposed to identifying specific locations. He felt the design review process and Cord itianat Use Permit review process cold be uxd to adequately insure co~atib111ty. Commissioner Chitiea Droposed eliminatlrg Foothill and Haven fray the minl- storage lfstlrg. Planning Commission Minutes -13- October 25, 1989 ~~~ Commissioner Tolstoy agreed. He felt Foothill might be appropriate farther east or farther west, but not in Terra Vista. Ch of rman McNiel reopened the pub lfc hearing. Mr. Thompson stated the mini-war ehau se and recreational veh is le Noat storage uses were separated from serv ice station uses in the Terra Yista Plan. He stated that he had placed the mint-warehouse category in the Plan because he understood that Victoria had been reQUi red to have one, so he felt it would be nice to allow Terra Vista to have one. Chairman McNiel felt it should be included. Mr. Thompson stated he world be wi115ng to delete the mini-storage/warehouse facility category and was willing to delete Haven and Foothill from the service stat Son 17st irg. Chairman McNiel asked if the Commission could act on a portion of the amendment. Ralph Hanson, Deputy City Attorney, stated that legally the Commission could act on a portion. Mr. Butler stated that it may be Doss ib le, but not practical; Dec ar SC if the trails needed to be rerouted, then lard uses and street designations may have to be charged. Therefore, he felt the elements of the proposed amendment should not be separated. Commissioner Tolstoy stated trail terminations and connections need to be be considered by the Trails Committee. He said he would also like to see where the trails connect to Victoria. Commissioner Ch it tea stated the Committee would need to see typic ai sections in Terra Vista. Chairman McNiel asked haw the proposed new sidewalk condition would be implemented. Barrye Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer, stated that as new projects are approved, the new standard Wald De applied. He said it may perhaps be appropriate to finish oat-a street with the old standard. Chairman McNiel asked If it world make sense to use the different sidewalk configurations to identify different levels of streets. Barrye Hanson stated the proposed configuration is the normal lOtal street configuration. Chairman McNiel asked Mr. Thompson 1f the houses that would be affected by the new street configuration were the laryer homes. Planning Commission Minutes -14- October 25, 1989 .~~$ Mr. Thomason stated they were 2,500 square foot homes. Chairman McNiel felt the proposed sidewalk configuration world be appropriate as this was upscale hosing. He asked ff the developer wou id consent to a continuance to Nove~er 8. Mr. Thoiryson consented to the continuance. Motion: moved by Ch idea, seconded by Neinberg er, to continue Environmental Assessment and Terra Vista Commnlty Plan AneMment 89-01 to Nove~er B, 1989. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CHITI EA, MCNI EL, TOLSTOY, wEINBERGER LADES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESL EY -carried Mr. Buller asked the developer to provide blowups of how the plans handl^. terminus of the trails. . « ~ * ~ m e co ition o approva raga r rg a un ergrau ing of unlit along ~~ ine Road for the developnent of a shopping center and d Parcel Map a northwest corner of Base Line Road and V .a Park Lane - APN: 22 - 28, 34, and 35. Chairman M[Niel stated the Scant bad requested inuance to Nove~er 29, 1969. He opened the public irg. There were no public comments. Motion: Moved by ChiLtea, second Tols to continue Modifications to Conditions of Approval for Co nal Use Pe 8-35 and Parcel Map 11838 to Nove~er 29, 1989. Mott tried by the follow vote: AYES: COMMISS[ CHI TI EA, MCNIEL, TOLSTOY, NE ER NOES: C NERS: NONE ABSENT: /~MISSIONFRS: 8LP1(ESLEY -carried k M r/f/ Planning Commission Minutes \-15- October 25, 1989 dl9 RESOLUTION N0. R9-142 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO LUCPMONGA PLANNING COIMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF TERRA VISTA PLANNED COMMUNITY PMENDMENT N0. 89-01, TO MODIFY THE COMMUNITY PLAN TO CHANGE VARIOUS SC FgOL, TRAIL, AND PARK SITE DESIGNATIONS; TO ALLOW THE ESTADLI SHMENT OF AUTO SERVICE STATIONS SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PROCESS, ALONG SELECTED MAJOR PIiTERIALS; TO DELETE A PORTION OF ORCHARD AVENUE; ANO TD UPDATE THE LANDSCAPE DESIGN GU [DELINES AND LAND USE MAPS TO REFLECT PREVIOUS PROJECT APPROVALS AND "AS-BUILT" CONDITIONS, AND MAILING FINDINGS [N SUPPORT Tli ER EOF WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has held a duly advertised public hearing to consider all conments on the proposed Terra Vista Planned Conmun ity Pmendnent 89-01. SECTION 1: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commisston has made the following R. The Amendnent does not conflict with the land Use Policies of the General Plan. B. The Anrendrient promotes the goals of the lard Use Element. C. The Amendment would not be mater1a11y injurious or detrimental to the adjacent properties. SECTION 2: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has found that this pro ect w not create a significant adverse impact on the environment and recommends issuance of a Negative Oec laration on Novenber 8, 1989. NOM, THEREFptE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That purwant to Settian 65850 to 65855 of the California Government Cade, that the Planning Commisslm of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby reconmaends approval of Terra Vista Planned Comminity Intendment No. 89-01, as attached. 2. The Ptanning Commission hereby recomaeMS that the City Council of the City of P.ancho Cucamonga approve Terra Vista Planned Community Arterdment 89-01, as attached, subject to the following conditions: 1) On Figure IV-23, the following trails shall be provided (not deleted): ~X~.~.10 C PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 89-142 TVCP PMENDMENT 89-01 -WESTERN PROPERTIES November 8, 1989 Page 2 a) Trail type "E" which runs southerly from the intersection of Church Street and Poplar Drive, along the south side of Poplar Drive, to connect with the north- south trail midblock between Church Street and Rochester Ave rue. b) Trail type "0" which runs northwesterly from the Intersection of Church Street and Poplar Drive to connect with the greemray mid-way between the Milliken park site and Terra Vista Parkway. c) Trail type "U" which runs easterly from Milliken Avenue, between the park site and the RC lard use, and northerly along the east side of the park site, to connect with the greenway. 2) On Figure IY-23, the parkway Lrafl type "E" located an the east side of Terra Yista Parkway and Mountain Wew Or1ve shall be realigned as an interior trait type "0" to go through the park site at the easteriy terminus of the greenway and northerly and westerly through the residential block to connect Mountain Yiew Drive, and contlme as a trail type "E" along the east side of Mountain View Drive to Base Mme. 3) Special pavement treatment shall be provided street crossings, sub,)ect to approval of construction specifications by the City Engineer. 4) Primary and secondary nodes, where trails terminate at the perimeter of Terra Vista as de-icted on the conceptual ezhibtts presented by the applicant, shall be provided. Detailed designs and msterials shall be reviewed and approved 6y the Planning Commission in con,)unction with projects as they are wbmitted to the City. 5) Haven Avenue shall be deleted from the list of streets with the potential to have gas stations located on them. 1 I PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 89-142 TVCP AMENDMENT 89-01 -WESTERN PROPERTIES Novenh er 8, 1989 Page 3 6) The local street standard shall reflect the current 60 foot wide City Standard for local streets which allows for parkways. 7) The language on page V-19 for Minf -warehouses and Recreational Vehicle/Boat Storage shall be reinserted as originally proposed by the applicant. 8) Sixty days after City Council approval of this amendment, a revised original text and graphics, incorporating all of the charges and cord itions made since the plan was adopted in 1983, shall be submitted to the City Planner for review and comment. Following City Planner review, the developer shall submit 50 three-hole punched, uMou rd copies of the final Terra Vista Community Plan to the City Planner for distribution to the City Council, City Clerk, Planning Commission, Public Library and staff. APPROVED AND FDOPTEO THIS HIH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY ATTEST: I, Brad Butter, Deputy Secretary of the Pianning Commission of the City of Rancho Lucamorga, do hereby certffy that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adapted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Comatssion held on the 8th dAy of Nove~er, 1989, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY, CNITIEA, MCNIEL, TOLSTOY, WEINBERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: CgMISSI0NER5: NONE .gay ORDINANCE N0. ~ 0 7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Citt OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN PMENDMENT 69-01 TO CHANGE VARIOUS SCHOOL, TRAIL, ANO PARK SITE DESIGNATIONS; TO ALLOM THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AUTO SERVICE STATIONS SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PROCESS ALONG SELECTED MAJOR ARTERIALS; TO DELETE a PORTION OF ORCHARD RVENUE; AND TO UPDATE THE LANDSCAPE 6ESIGN GUIDELINES AND LAND USE MAPS TO REFLECT PREVIOUS PROJECT APPROVALS AND "AS-BUILT" CONDITIONS, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council hereby finds and determines the following: A. That the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, following a public hearing held in the time and manner prescribed by law, recommends that the Comunity Plan text amendment hereinafter described, and this Cfty Council has held a public hearing in the time and manner Drescribed by law and duty heard and considered said recommendat ton. B. That this Community Plan text amendment is root i<tsnY W4M fha ro noral Plan of tha r.1ty of Rancho Cucamonga. C. That this Community Plan text amendment is consistent with the Development Cade of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 0. This Community Plan text amendment will have no significant environmental impact as Drovided in the Negative O~laratton filed herein. SECTION 2: The Terra Vista Commnity Plan text, comm~encing on Page I-J, is hereby amended, in part, to read as attached. SECTION 3: The Terra Vista Community Plan text shall be amended to reflect t~ToT ~o ing changes: ~~ CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE N0. TVCPA 89-01 - MESTERN PROPERTIES Nove~rter 15, 1989 Page 2 A. On Figure IV-23, the follow tog trails shall be provided (no.t deleted): 1) Trait type "E" which runs southerly from the intersection of Church Street and Poplar Drive, along the south side of Poplar Drive, to connect with the north-south trail midblock between Church Street and Rochester Avenue. 2) Trait type "D" which runs northwesterly from the intersection of Church Street and Poplar Drive to connect with the greenwyy mid-way between the Milliken park site and Terra Vista Parkway. 3) Trafl type "D" which runs easterly from Milliken Avenue, between the park site and the RC land use, and northerly along the east side of the park site, to connect with the greenway. 8) On Figure IV-23, the parkway trail type "E" located on the east side of Terra Vista Parkway and Mwnta in View Dr the shall be realigned as an interior troll type "D" to go through the park site at the easterly terminus of the greenway and northerly and westerly through the residential block to connect Mountain view Dr iVP. aM r.00L ir111P TG T t.rx it tVrIP "P" alnrwr the east side of Mountain Vtew Drive to Base Line. Cj Special pavement treatment shalt 6e provided street crossings, subtect to approval of constriction spec ificatfons by the City Engineer. D) Primary and secondary nodes, where trails terminate at the perimeter of Terra Vista as depicted on the conceptual exhibits Dresented by Lhe applicant, shall be provided. Detailed designs and materials shall be reviewed and approved by the Plannlrg Commission in contunction with protects as they are submitted to the City. E) Haven Avenue shalt be deleted from the iist of streets with the potential to have gas stations located on them. F) The local street standard shall reflect the current 60 foot wide City Standard for local streets which allows for parkways. 1 CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE N0. TVCCA 89-01 - NESTERN PROPERTIES NovenDer 15, 1989 Page 3 G) The language on page V-19 for Mini-warehouses and Recreational Vehicle/Boat Storage shall be reinserted as or ig ina ily proposed by the applicant. H) Sixty ddys after City council approval of this amendment, a revised original text and graphics, Tncorpo rata ng all of the changes and conditions made since the plan was adopted in 1983, shall be submitted to the City Planner far review and comment. Following City Plarmer review, the developer shall submit 50 three-hole punched, unbound copies of the final Terra Vista Comm nlty Plan to the City Planner for distribution to the City Councfl, Cfty Clerk, Planning Commission, Public Library and staff. SECTION 4: The N~yor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause t e same to be published within fifteen (15) dAys after its passage at least once in The Da~11 Report, a newspawer of general circulation publlshed in the Ctty of tar o0n 1 Callforn la, and cirtu lated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. = C Q ~ O =aC A ~} u o~ r= w~u m 0 ~ q W Z v a ~+ U 2 Q.oi E U w r y °c o ~ V7 n v L Z~ C ~ n ~s ~ K Qy~M1' 0 W ~ T H U N O W v r ,~ r W W ~ a, ~ z a Wo ~ a v °C w a ~ ~ °' E 2 W OL y Y) Q 33 CN d W N W ~ 7 ; ~ U W = J Q W m b O A N d u1 " C 3 y Y ~' Y t y ~o« ~«;a o, c d ddL dNa..C «L.. Laoo N ., u m N~L NYLC d>U u`p~~ a ac E ~ ~ c y .'N-' nC d u0i~Q C T n .+ ~~> b~ Y U d 4 _ « ~ ¢ d Y ~EE d d C R~ d S ~«Y E `o«~ r«~ y m y m a .Y.;o Enc9m 4 d Y L N~ C N d d D L > y N YTI U F- Q N R W L T C L N C N yu L Y'~«C9 ~v~im~~.°~is d C~ d a Y Y L C9 ~ d« v'O O C n D~ N L9iL- A c a E C T'N~> t! 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Z ~, I!I J ~~ 9 ~ ~ W ~\~. ~_~ ~ 7 4;,~,~ 1.~ ro. .rte( ~.. ~ ~~ ~, ~ ~ 3 .. ; `\~~1 ~~ ~ ~ ', ' ~~~ ~~ ~~ .~91 ~;_ ~, Q ~ J a '8 N ~~__ ~- o~ 7~ s z J 0 ~3 ~ ¢ m W g ~ ~~; Y ~ Y 9~ Y i w~ g ae~~ g ~ ~ ~n ~ ~~ ~~~ g~ !~ ~~ g o ~ ~~ ~ ~8~i ~~~3~ ~i~. $~96y~ m~a W~ o, wiy <F V ~ ~~ ~ P V 10 ~ y _ __ _ _ Mt WNOOy_ _ ;; c~ ~+ y ~ i I ik J ~ Z~~N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;~ y p,7 J d DL CC ~ ~ __ ~%'C` ' ~ ~ 4 I. ~ U ~ __ ___,~ W m S i ~' a '~~. ~ i i I, : ~~ ~ ~ /' T ~~, /_~~~ _~ Z ~ J ~~~~ ~ ~i, N J i ~ ~ m -~ ~° C ~ o ~ '~ '~ \ W ~\ 3 I~ ~• I!I 3 ~~ ' 4 ~ ~ ~~ , ~ 8 ~ ~~ ~ ~ v~- i ~\ _ .. ~ ~ / - ~ /~/` _ .~ ~N ~ \ ~ ~~ ~ j ~ $ # e m C f~ . _ ~ _ Q d~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 To: Mayor, City Council and City Manag FROM: Debra J. e Adams, City Cierk SU BUECT: AIBNDIN6 TE6 CITY O! RA NCRO COCANONOA•6 CONlLICr O! INTEREST CODE pU6 TO CR ANOES IN Pm1.401 N1E[. JOH CLASSIlICATION TITLES RECOINO/NDATIO The City Council approve Resolution No. SO-0496 which ie amending the City's Conflict of Interest Code for dealgnated Clty personnel. eackarouad• 1'he amended Reaelu[Son before you, fer your approval, is a requirenrent oL The Polit Lcal Aeform Act of 1474, California Gover:Ment Code Sections E1000, et seq. Due to changes in personnel job classification tit lee and }ob reaponaibilit iea, it was suggested Dy the City Attorney's Office that the city's current Conflict of interest Code be amended through a public hearing, and that all affected personnel be informed of the amended Resolution which ie attached. This hoe been accomplished through the City Clerk's office. I: you have any questions regarding the approval of this Reao lotion, p].eaee feel free to contact me. /dja Attached PESOLUT ION NO. 80-0498 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, %STASLISHING A CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE FOR DESIGNATED CITY PERSONNEL A. Recitals. (i) The Political Reform Act of 1974, California Government Code Sections 81000, et esq., has in the past and foreseeably will in the future require conforming amendments to be made in Conflict of Interest Codes adapted and promulgated pursuant to its provisions. (ii) The Fait Political Practices Commise ion has adopted a regulation, 2 California Code of Requl at ion e, Section 18730, which contains the terms of a stantlard model Conflict of Interest Code, which can be incorporated by reference, and which will 6e amended to conform to amendments in the Political Reform Act after public notice and hearings conducted by the Fair Political Practices Commi salon pursuant to tha Adminietrat ive Procedure Act, California Government Code Sections 11370, et seq. (iii) Incorporation by reference of the terms of the aforementioned regulation and amendments to it in this City's Conflict of Interest Code will save the Council time and money by minimizing the actions required of this Cnnnr it to keep the Code in conformity with the Pc L•tical Reform. Act. (iv) Pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code Section 87311, a duly noticed public hearing waa conducted and concluded erior to the Adoption of Chie Reaolut ion. 8. P.es olution. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does hereby find, determine and resolve as follows: 1. In all reepects ae set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution. 2. A11 prior conflicts of interest codes adopted 6y the City hereby are repealed. 3. The terms of 2 California Code of Regulations Section 18730 and any amendments to it duly adopt=d by the Fair Political Practices Co^-issicn, along with the attached Appendices in which off iciala and employees are designatetl and disclosure categories are set forth, are hereby incorporated by reference and constitute the Conflict of Intereet Code for the staff of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 4. Persona holding deeigneted positions shall file stateme me of economic int ereeta puteuant to Seot lone 4 and 5 of the Conflict of Intereet Code. 5. The City Clerk shell cart ify to the adoption of this Reaolut ion. .~q~ Resolution No. 80-049B Page 3 APPENDIX "A"* Deaicnated Emnloveea Deputy City Manager Administrative Services Director Building official Community Services Manager City Engineer City Planner v`ommunity Development Director Records Manager (City Clerk) Senior Administrative Ass ietant Plan Check Coordinator Deputy Building Official Senior Redevelopment Agency Analyst Park Projects Coordinator Recreation Superintendent Deputy City Engineer Traffic Engineer Senior Civil Engineer Public Works Engineer Maintenance Superintendent Deputy City Planner Principal Planner senior Planner Administ tat ive Aesietant (Purchasing) Redevelopment Analyst v....~o.. o..,.o c.. .,. a..r Park and Recreation Commission Historical Preservation Ccmm iae ion Oieclo eu re Categgriea 1 and 2 1 and 2 1 and 2 1 and 2 1 and 2 1 and 2 1 and 2 i and 2 2 2 2 1 and 2 1 and 2 2 1 and 2 1 and 2 1 and 2 1 ana 2 2 1 and 2 1 and 2 and 2 2 1 and 2 1 Conaultante NOTE: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney and Planning Commissioners are required to submit diacleeure statements pursuant to State law (California Government Code Sections 87200, e[ seq.), not to is Code. *" With respect to coneu ltante, the City Manager shall determine in writing if a particular coneu ltant performs a range of duties requiring diecloeure hereunder. This determination shall include a deecript ion of the consultant's duties and a statement of the extent of disc to aura raga it emeuta. A uuuy of this detarmindtlon shall to Llled wits the Clty Clerk and a copy forwarded to the Clty Council. ~9 s Reao lotion No. 80-0498 Page 4 APPENDIX "B" Catecoty 1 Pereone in this category shall disclose all interests in zeal property within the jurisdiction of the City. Real property shall be deemed to to within the jurisdiction if it or eny part of it ie located not more than two miles outside the City•s boundaries or within two miles of any :and owned or used by the City. Cateaorv 2 Pereone in this category shall disclose all income from and investments in businesses which provide or sell services or supplies of the type associated with the job assignment and utilized by the city. In addition, as to any 6ueineee entity in which the person or hie or her spouse owns, directly, indirectly or beneficially, a ten percent or greater interest, the person eha 11 disclose hie or her pro rate share of the income and the sources of income of the entity if the enl ity provides of sells services or supplies of the type indicated in the first sentence of this paragraph. d~ T - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Councll PROH: Diane O'Neal, Administrative Analyst ~ C ~ // SUHQECT: AH O OR COUNCIL C A IEOR C O T P AR11 ON OR A A TT At the November 1, 1989 City Councll meeting, the Council approved Resolution No. E9-9G3 approving the City's participation with Ben Bernardino County in the preparation of a Regional Ait Quality Element for the purpose of improving air quality within Ban Bernardino County. The Resolution requires the City Council to authorize a member of the City Councll to represent the City as a member of the Advisory Committee to be coordinated by San Bernardino County to facilitate direct city involvement in me clement. DO/eaf 89-705 - C[TY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 TO: Hayor and Nembere of the City Council FROM: CF.arlea J. Buquet and William J. Alexander ~ ~ Council SuDCOmmittee for the Cltizene Advisory o Commission w'T S BBJECT: PIBCUSBIOR OI' CAU NCTL SpRCO1MITTR6 !OR TBS CIT ISBNB At the November 1, 1989 City council meeting, Ordinance No. 307-A was adopted amending Chapter 2.28 of th¢ Rancho Cucamonga Hunicipal Code diseo lying the Advisory Commieaicn and creating in its place a CLt izena Environmental Man- agement Commission. The discussion for eetabliehing the Council Subcommittee for the Citizens Environmental Management Commies ion was requested to be placetl on the November 15, 1989 City Council agenda. The Council Subcommlttee for the Cit izena Advisory Commission is recommending that one member from the Council Subcommlttee for the Citizens Adv iso[y Com- mission and one member from the Council Subcommittee for the Solid Waite/Re- cycling Subcommittee make up the Council Subcommittee for the Citizens Envi- ronmental Management Commission. CJB: WJA/eaf 89-704 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russeil H. Maguire, City Engineer SURJECi: Report on establishing City Policy requiring completion of certain maJor public improvements prior to commencing on- site construction RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended Lhat the City Council adopt the attached resolution establishing the City Policy requiring the completion of ma,{or public improvements prior to commencing on-site development work. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The City Council has previously voiced concern that on-site construction in certain Locations had adversely affected circulation on existing streets and highways and that required public improvements (i.e. traffic signals, street widening, sWrm drains, etc.) that were ultimately complete could have reduced these impacts initially. Rased on this, Council directed staff to prepare a policy resolution requiring nmm~lati nn of cartaln public improvements prior t0 cammencina on-site development work for these cases. The attached is that policy resolution which directs consideration of the above impacts and mitigation as part of the environmental review of aqy development. Respect submitted, :dlw Attachmm!nt RESOLUTION N0. ~~- 5 ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING REQUIREaffNTS FOR THE COMPLETION OF CERTAIN DUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR EXISTING COLLECTOR AND ARTERIAL STREETS AND HIGNNAYS PRIOR TO COM6ENC ING ON-SITE CONSTRUCTION NHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the need for public inprovements on existing collector and arterial streets and highways as part of private developments; and NHEREAS, the City Council is concerned regarding the possible negative impacts that on-site construction, prior to or concurrent with the required public improvements, may have on these existing streets and highways; and NHEREAS, the City Council has detenained the need to require completion of certain public improvements on these existing streets and highways prior to coawencing on-site construction there such work or access to it, might negatively impact these existing streets and highways. NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLYES as follows: 1. That the environmental reviews for all developments take Into consideration the Impacts Lhat on-site construction may have on existing collector and arterial streets and highways. Z. That such environmental review also consider the installation of certain public improvements which may include traffic signals, street improvement, storm drains and any other work along existing collector and arterial street and highways or their extensions and connections that could off-set or mitigate any negative impacts sated, prior to on-site construction. 3. That any development, for which negatfve impacts and off-setting or mitigating pub}1c improvements are noted, be conditioned to operationally complete such public improvements prior to commencing on-site development work. 4. That on-site construction does iwt include site grading. ~d~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 15, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer SUBJECT: CURRENT CITY STANDARDS FOR STREET WIDTHS BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS I accordance with the City Council request, attached is Table III-3, Street Classification from the Circulation Element of the General Plan. This document is the basis of the City's Standards for street widths. FTve 6as1c classifications of streets are shown: Local Residential, Collector Residential and Locai Industrial (Casiercial), Secondary Arterial, Mat or Arterial and Motor Divided Arterial. The main concern indicated in this request was for local residential width as it relates to clearance for emergency vehicles. The width sham for this classification of street is 36 feet curb to curb. With parking allowed on both sides, the resulting clear road width would range from 20 to 24 feet. This is sufficient to prov?de adequate access for emergency vehicles. iL aiwuiu ue nuLrd uiai aro yreceeding iniormacion relaus co oasic standard and from time to time special conditions dictate modification of these standards. These special conditions are usually addressed 1n the Environmental Review of any protect. M example of such special conditions, is the "WOODS" protect at Lhe rarth end of Hermosa Avenue, where preservation of the grove dictate lesser street width with rw parking controls. Respec a it ~~ R Attachment Street Clesslflcetlons TABLE III- 3 STREET CLASSIFICATIONS VSE CODE CROSS-SECTION CLASSIRCATpN Intmectian MidUock Mnor Major A f~ LocelReaidentiel ^ ^ ^ ma'y'- :I: ~ ^ ^ ,~ Collector - Reaidenti el g ~ T ---~~~ Lael - IMwtri el ~ 66' ROW ~J~ J~ y'S T T~ C }~ ee } I SecoMery Arterial ^ ^ ^ ~.yy y~ TTY ^ ^ ^ D ~r ~ I Mgor Meld ~ y ~~TT~ • ~~y 'I TTT I o* E t ~ +2e' ~ MejaDiNded Medal ~-T_li-_____.{- wwy'S5 TTT • .rt____ ~~.Ii J' ~TTTT~ • eo MyaDiNdedifiphwey F -~~ forwewhera apecfel i t n mechon haelmenl ~_.__JL_____~.~'- is required. yJ.~I.J~~S'STTTT • ~~ fu • ze CITY OF RANCHO CUCAL40NGA STAFF REPORT Novem` 'r 8, 1989 TO: Mayor, Members oY the City Councii and City Meneger FROM: Jerry Grant, Building Official SUBJECT: POSTING OF STREET NUYIDERS REC09IMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council review the staff report and accompanying data and, if felt necessary, provide direction to staff as to any further action. II. BACKGROUND: At the City Council meeting of November 1, 1989, the Cify Council asked for a review oP policies and ordinances regarding posting of street addresses for buildings in the city. Requirements for assignment and posting o[ street numbers were included in the Sen Berr.erdino County code, adopted by incorporation. 4Those parts o[ Ordinance 17~remeinuin effect today. After incorporation, end prior to organization of the Buiid ing and Safety Division, assignment oC street addresses (house numbers) for developments was the task of the County Surveyor's office. Soon after the Division was formed, trans4er o[ that responsibility was made to Building end~9afety "in cooperation with the Planning Department" as outlined in the county code. Enforcement o4 the Ordinance 17 provisions (presumably Por verification o[ installation) lies with the "fire agency having jurisdiction". In addition to the authority o[ Ordinance 17, the Building Code contains provisions for premises identi [icetion of new buildings and the Fire Code has similar requirements for both new end existing buildings. The Fire District has included the requirement on their Plan Check Report and reviews this as a part of their plan cheek of ell but single family residential buildings. Single femi ly dwelling compliance is a pert o[ final inspection by the bu(Iding Inspection ata Cf. .~03 Staff Report: Posting of Street Numbers November 8, 1989 page 2 Ordinance 17 and the Fire Code have provisions for contrasting background and Ordinance 17 establishes a minimum height of three inches for house numbers, although any of larger size are evident. All oP the pertinent codes s quire legibility and vis ibi;ity from the street fronting the property, although Ordinance 17 provides for alternative methods. III. ANALYSIS: By and large, businesses have fl financial incentive to post visible street addresses, particularly small users dependant upon media advertising for attree ling customers. Those dependent upon walk-by traffic for prosperity are less inclined to make addresses obvious to motorists. Regardless, obvious posting of the address oP each property is a code requirement, it for no other reason than to facilitate emergency response by police, [ire end emergency medical units. At the November 1 Council meeting, the opinion was expressed that o significant number of businesses do not have street addresses. The smell size of the identifying numbers (three inches high} may have contributed to that impression. It may e:so nave ueen iur[nerec, eirnougn ro a riini feu extent, [rom repainting of structures so as to reduce the required contrast between the posted numbers end their background or from damage or deterioration. Also, where multiple buildings occur on a site, we have allowed the posting of the numbers (under "alternative methods") so as to be visible Prom the main driving areas. It is also likewise that some house numbering that should have occurred under county jurisdiction may not have been accomplished. Finally, it is possible that, although subject to application by dual agencies, oversights in posting have occured in the final inspection processes. There has been no extensive e[Port by city sta PP to determine to whet degree house numbers are non-existent, but a survey of of ty-tour buildings facing Baseline Road, between Carnelian and Archibald, revealed only seven properties without readily visible addresses. Two were residential end the remainder were non-residential occupancies, including Alte Loma High School, end the library. 3~~ Staff Report: Posting of Street Numbers November 8, 1989 page 3 The remaining three buildings were constructed prior to incorporation, although two of those have undergone minor remodeling. (n addition to those without identifying numbers, tour single family residences (pre-incorporation) have numbers that have deteriorated or have been damaged. IV. StIlt1NARY: Based upon our preliminary survey end lack of any significant number of complaints regarding this matter, staff is of the opinion that current ordinances end enforcement policies are adequate to ac eomplish appropriate posting of new construction. In the event that the City Council is desirous of undertaking a retroactive program for posting of existing buildings not complying with current ordinances, it is suggested that it be on the basis of complaint rather than e structured, systematic survey. If the Council is desirous o[ increasing the minimum size of numbers to improve visibility, ordinances may be amended to do so. Reen..n~rn l:v nhmiHnA rry Gre/ant uil ing Official JRG:dm ~~~J POSTING OF STREET NUMBERS ~~63.071 - A74 Chapter 7 POSTING OE STREET NUMBERS Sertian$. 63.071 Adoption of Uniform Numbering System. 63.07' Designation of Numbers. 63.0'3 Posting Requiremznr. 63.074 Sizr and Location o(Numbers. 63.075 Exceptions to Posting Requirements. 63.076 Enforcement. 63.071 Adoption of Uniform Numbering System. the Board of Supervisors has adopted a uniform system of house numbering (or the unincorporated territories within the County of San Bemardino and such uniform numbering system has been made a part of the General Plan of the County upon recommendation of the Planning Urpartmrnt. 63.072 Designation of Numbers. Strrrt numbers shall tx desigrtated and assigned by the Planning Department or other agencies in cooperation with the %anning Department as approved by the %anning Director. 63.073 Polling Requirement. Slrert nwnbers shall be conspicuously posted on each building located in the unincorporated area o(tlte County of San Bernardino. If there iv mare than one building on a lot and only one street number is assigned, the number shall br posted on the principal building or the building nearest the Street. 63,074 Sizr and Location of Numbers. All street numbers posted pursuam to this chapter shall meet the following rcyuircmrnts: lal Numbers shall br no less than three f3) inches in height with a enmrspondmg width. Ibl Numbers and background colors must be of contrasting shades. Ic 1 Num6rTs must be visible and identifiable from the street an which the building ar buildings (root. rdl Ngtrn numbers on a building would not be visible from the street due to setback Idismnce from strerU m would otherwise be otstructed, xtnct numbers muy be posted on an independent structure such as a post, hui must nthzrwisr ntret the reyuirements of this secuan. Numbers posteC on mail bases are acceptable under the provisions of this subsection only when no more than one mail box is installed on a given lot. let Numbers painted on curbs are not acceptable as a substitute for the requirements herein. 482-I Ir7gdrsl 30~ 63.075 - 63,096 LAND USE, BUILDING REGULATIONS 63.075 Ezmptions to Posting Requirements. Alternative methods of posting street numbers may be authorized by the enforcing agency provided the enforcing agency determines that the mrlhod used complies with the intent of this chapter. which is to insure that all strrel numbers are properly posted and ran be readily ascertained t+y those agenacs charged with protection of the public peace, health. sa Gty and welfare. 63.076 Enforcement. Thr Firr Chiel', or his autltorizrd rrpresrnlative. of Ihr fire agency having jurisdiction shall be responsible for enforcing the provisions of this chapter. DIVISION 4. VALIDITY OF TITLE 6 This 'title and Ihr various parts. divisions, chapters. sections and clauses Ihrrcol are hereby declared [o he severable. II' any part. sentence, paragraph. section or clause is adjudged unconstihthonal or invalid. [he remainder of this Title shall not be a(Ircrcd thereby. Thr County Board of Supervisors hr, reby declares Ihat it would have passed this Title and each part thereof. regardless of the last that one or more parts thereof be declared uncortstihrtional or invalid. mnvrc/ 4A?-_ ~~ Stt.gt] UMFORY IUILpRG CADE~ is insW Id In a sell. Grab bars shall have an outride diameter of nos kss dw I ua ixhnor mme Nan I'ra inches and shall provide ackaranceof I'h inches beswxn the grab bar aM adjacent surface. Grab bau need Iwt be prondcd in Group R. Division I aprwsrent houses. 5. When it can a esublished tat Ne fxililks are usable by a person m a wheelcau, dimension other Nan those above shall be xcepubk. Ibl Aaeq to Laratwkr, MY+ar] and lbwH Flrtvea. In osM Nan Group R, Division J: Group M; Gsap R. Division I apartment housm and Gtap B, Divisions 2 and s storage occupancks. tdks room fxilitks shall a u folkws: I . Except far We projemkn of bowls asd wrist piping, a ckx unobsurcted space 30inebn in widh.39 inches in height aM 17 inMn N deph slullbe providW utsde! Y kW orc lavatory. 3. WMt rltbsoss m povided, p knt Otte slWl a insWkd so step Ne kaftan o! the minor is wihin b irlchrn of dse floor. 1. Wheretowel and dispoaalfixturts art providd.tlrey slWlaxceiaibk to Ne pllyskallY handicapped aodulew one slwlawiNUaicehet orthe - flaa. .cl Water FaaWn6 WMrt water fansaim sre provided, N kaat one slWl love a spout whldn lJ istchm of tlrt floc aM tall eve up-fmtq, hass6apmYW caMmis. Wbm (ouwimart IocatM saaaakove, drakove slWl kenos kaa Nan J3 inchn in wirbh. IYI amayYm• ~n c yuui ui~yiMn. u~ yiu~i~w. ~'. :.~:: _ _ _e_II ti ImW kd ro Nx the hmdact. dial and coin reeeivm am wihin 34 itlcllm of Ne float UtloMSrucsed access within'12 irsches of she sekphoa shall a provided. Such a`..a` slWl Is rwt ksa Nan )D ixhes in wsdN. vv.'T~--~~ OMM Sa. g13. The storag<ard handling ofcomprmsed gases sMll oomplY wiN the Firt Code. PIMIIIgM IAMltlllp1b11 Ss. gU. Apptovad asnbus a addmasm shall a ptovidW for all aw 6uildie{a io such a pouslon u to a plainly visibk and Iryibk from dte atrtes a sad frati~ prapeny. 3~8 ftxlgf-loaoi C uNlFOnklFmErnoE widtld end clearances esuDlished under this sntion shat! h mainWned a all times. ll/ S{gne. When rcqutred, approved signs w Omer approved nmitts shall be provided aW tnaintaitKd (or foe apparens access roads ro identity such mods aM prohibit the obstruction themof or bM. Pnmbn It10tr011c0Ytlon Sec. IO.IM. Approved numbers or addrtsus shall be placed on ill new and existing buildings in such a position u to be plainly visible and IegiDk from dse stmt or road (sooting the moparty. Said numbers shall contras with thew b~ck8round. Katy Boa Sac. 10.109. When access to or wimin a strucnue a w area is unduly ditcult baauae of snored openings or whrt immediate across is rKCessey for lik- saving or firt-fighting puryoxs, the chkf may rrquirc a key box to De insWled in an acttssibl<lontion.llse kry box shell be a type approved by the chief aW shall contain keys to gain mceaury access k requirM by the chief. DlWtlon 111 INSTALLATION AND MAM/TENANCE OF FIRE- PROTECTION, 41FE•SAFETY SYSTEMS AND APPLIANCES NnWIMbn Sec 10.301. la) type tfaqulsed. 711c Mkf sMll desigwe the type std number of firt appliances to be imWkd and trlahuained in aM upon all buildings and premises in the junsdicYion Mar tlun pnvare dwellings. 7flu shall ba done eccordine to toe rcWive sevpiry of praMbk firt, icelWing me rapidity with whkh it nwy speed. Such eppliurea shall fF o! a typo smuble tar the prababk chw of foe associated with such Wilding or prtmisa aM mdl have appoval of the chkf. Portable fisc extinguishers sIW I he in rcmdance with U.F.C. Student No. 'a1D) SpedY Hmrde. In accupancks of m esp«Wly hezudous future or wDerc specW heralds Gist in addition to the nmrml hared of the occupuscy, m where access for fire apptuem is unduly difficult, additional safeguards may fR required cmuisting of additkpd fire appliance units, nsore than ore typ of appliance, m special systertn suitable for the protec0on of the hared involvel. gush hvim orapplianccs may consist of automNie fine alarm systems, autonut- k spridtkr or wamr spay sysatm, standpipe end hose. FlxW a portable fire atinguishen, wiuble as0estas blankets, 6rWhing apparws, manual w ono- muic coven, carbon dionide, foam, lulogenated W dry chemical a Omer special fueextinguWling system. When such systems sre inedled, they mall be in acmNurce with theapplkaDle Uniform Firt Code SnnduMOrsWdWsof dm Nuirau~Firt Protesdion Association when Uniform Fin Cade SwdaNs do not apply. i f ti... _._..v `I~_ . ~C 1,.U FN Lewis Homes Management Corp. 1136 NaN Momtiq Aveque r P.O. Hoe 6TD / UFIm4 Califomo 91783 7 Hr9850973 FAX: 71a98A9799 November 23, 1989 Ns. Nancy Fonq City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Basa Line Road Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Reference: Appeal to City Council Dear Nancy: Wa hereby rsspecttully request that our appeal to the City Council regarding the paeaageway through the "$" building at the Terra vista Town Canter which is on the city Council agenda for Wednesday, November 15, be rescheduled and placed on the calendar ter the City Council meeting Sn December, 1989. Thank you very much Por your cooperation. vary truly yours, '1 G.!l . / ~f k . i ~~ Richard A. Mager ExncutivY Director Commercial Development blm ulll yr Rtll~u nv VUVn-ivnvn G~,~mp^'- MEMORANDUM ~~' ''^ z / r F s 'Jl~_ "u"' Ali 19]7 ~ COTE: 4cve^her 13, 1989 T0: Mayor and City Council n/1rv. ~ FAOM: Jan Sutton, Deputy City Cle~ SOBJECT: Correction to Consent Calendar Ztem 18 On Consent Calendar Item 15, Release of Honda for Tract 1]930, the correct amount of the Faithful Performance Hand should read $139.fi00.00. /m ~~_ GI(/om(e•Mwada Super Speed Tram CQ'MMS4KKI ~ .aRimSNTa~Sa'MAI~^tlYiW~fR'i~^ueO?,~9A<l~.T,rv W_SIIT~tMa'BV~Jw~vCtv~Iqu4 COMMISSIONERS CURRENT STATUS cafHOmie November, 1989 Aasamrnym..n P:one.d rcarz I On October 27, the California-Nevada Super Speed cna""' Train Commission named nine stations to De Aorta amnym considered in proposals by prospective private Franchisees for a 300-MPH train in the southern- commissionarKenrcevorxian Nevatla-to-southern-California corridor. This train would be the lnitial step Ln a larger network sanaror am Leona:d throughout the Pacific Southwest region which the M. o, McKOOwn bi-state Commission has adopted as a long-range goal. Angie Pepatlaxrs , The Commission's objective is that, at a minimum, SLpannsor oon ROm the super-speed train will start in the Las Vegas Neyor ROwa.e snider Valley and end in Anaheim. It will ~inciude a spur to Palmdale if others provide a link from there to Loa Angeles. The private franchisee will be asked to consider additional stations in California including, but not limited to, these: Barstow, Ontario, the Palm Springs area, the Riverside/Corona area, and the Victor valley; in Nevada, both Nevada downtown Las Vegas and surrounding Clark County will councilman A.ma ~ee~„~.~: tie considered. Vme,Chenman azucaA Agunera Private proposers will have re6poueitility for returning to the Commission by mid-1990 with a plan cemmissionar ray Binsham inelutling the route and stations {number and location) to be served; the plan should conform to Sanamr Nicx nom the Commission's objective unless the proposer Asxammyman Jacx Jenrey presents good reasons for its choice otherwise. Each proposer must present--as Part of its proposal--a Ja<x neey specific plan to serve commuters and reduce traffic congestion in San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange and o!wm~am woos Los Angeles Counties. Glaudrne Winiams On December 2, 1989, the Commission will decide whether the protect is sufficiently advantageous to born states to warrant proceeding; •a franchise would have to be awarded by bnrh states (legislatures and sew mpo, governors) to conatruot and operate the tr sin only E.eamrva oirearor with private financing (protect coat is estimated DIAECT REPLY 70 l: ''-f Ca6rorma O6ice Nevada Otrke Ca!Rania-NeVBda ' 2f! Cu'ver BI+d. Suite G 400 a S(ewerf Ave Piaya Dei Ray Cablornia 90293 Las Vegas Nevada 89101 Super Speed Groufro (2J3)S76g1]2 FAX (213)5]69227 P02)386~6631 FA%(702)396480] Jransowlafron ~~~~~^ Commission between E3.5 billion and S4 billion and the constriction period is projected to be 1993-1997). The prospective franchisee will determine the stations served and route followed, aubj ect to (1) concurrence in the proposal by the Commission, (2) environmental clearance and (3) final franchise award by the states. A conditional franchisee will be identified by the Commission in the second half of 1990; under the Commission's guidance, during 1991 and 1992, the conditional franchisee would be responsible for preparing the reports required For environmental clearance and obtaining permits necessary for right-of-way and construction. To attract a private entity for this development, the Commission must inform and encourage the private sector, including channeling to those known to be seeking a franchise all information, analysis and proposals by counties, cities and other parties. Therefore, the Commission is soliciting supplemental investigation by local Jurisdictions of how super- speed train service might xit wici~ yu uii~ pi u;.6 objectives, especially for improvements to the local economy and mobility of residents, workers and visitors, Tha Commission's process for identifying a conditional franchisee includes proposers' conferences and other means for local jurisdictions to communicate with prospective franchisees ae well as with the Commission. These will take place over the next four to six months. ...~,.., .,~ n . wrrvn rrrr e aanwre STAFF REPORT ~ , DATE: November 15, 1989 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Brett Horner, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN _ reques o c ange var ous sc oo ra an pa si a esignations; to allow the establishment of auto service stations subject to the Conditional Use Permit process along selected major arterials; to delete a portion of Orchard Avenue; and to update the Landscape Design Guidelines and land use maps to reflect previous project approvals and "as-built" conditions - APN: 227-151-08, 13, and 14; 1077-421-01, 16 and 18; and 1077-091-36. I. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends approval of s erra sta Community Plan Amendment. II. ABSTRACT: This is an addendum report to discuss the revisions ma~e~he Planning Commission at Tts November 8, 1989 meeting. It I. ANALYSIS: The Planning Commission recammerdea the roiiowing revisions at last week's meeting: 1. On Figure IV-23 (see attached) the troll type "E" which runs southerly from the intersection of Church Street and Poplar Drive, along the south side of Poplar Drive, to connect with the north-south trail midblock between Church Street and Rochester Avenue should be maintained and not deleted. 2. Trail type "D~whlch runs northwesterly from the intersection of Church Street and Poplar Drive to connect with the greenway mid-way between the Milliken park site and Terra Vista Parkway should be maintained and not deleted. 3. Trail type "0" which runs easterly from Milliken Avenue, between the park site and the RC land use, and northerly along the east side of the park site, to connect with the greenway should be shown on the trolls exhibit. 4. The parkway troll type "E" located on the east side of Terra Vista Parkway and Mountain View Drive should be realigned as an interior troll type "D" to go through the park site at Lhe PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TYCPA 89-01 - NESTERN PROPERTIES November 15, 1989 Page 2 easterly terminus of the greenway and northerly and westerly through the residential block to connect Mountain Ytew Drive, and continue as a trail type "E" along the east side of Mountain View Drive to Base Line. 5. Special pavement treatment should be provided at all trail street crossings, subject to approval of construction specifications by the City Engineer. 6. Primary and secondary nodes, where trails terminate at the perimeter of Terra Vista as depicted on the conceptual exhibits presented by the applicant, should be provided. Detailed designs and materials should be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission in conjunction with projects as they are submitted to the City. M exhibit depicting this proposal will be on display for the Council meeting tonight. 7. The mini-storage and recreational vehicle boa! storage proposal should be kept in this amendeent to the Terra Yista Plan. The Commission felt that such a use was needed in the Terra Vista Canmunity and that through the Conditional Use Permit process, one could be properly located to avoid use compatibility problems. NOTE: These revisions have been incorporated into the Planning Commission Resolution and Ordinance which is attached to the Staff Report dtstrlbuted previously with the City Council agenda. Re ully tt , Bra 1 City ann ~- BB: N:,js Attachments: Exhibit "A" -Proposed Trail System d J ~ ..~` O.• O~ O O0 •~ u OF' 2 ~: J ~ Y •V. a` ~ '- ---~ - - -° -~ -- - - - - - -~ MnIWM EXN~~ir'i9-' N d _ -~' ~ ~ N q y '/l rr y as =? Nm '~ ~ ~~ ai w w y m m ~ b L a' s W Q y U ~ L m ~ ~ 6 ¢ ~ LL = M C ~ ~ ~ ~ 'O t _ w O~ ¢ y r~r u ~ 21...9_ 1- d U = F- ~ 10- N ~ . 1 a y 0 _ ~....,~. o~ .~a _ ---.___ - U. _ .. _ ._ - Ear ~ ~ ~ ~ yCf n • - i J •` : ••••.•~••u •••••. •a•~.••• Y 10 f O~ m • • fYVf ~O U': r O [ • e aE • y ~ ~ ~ "~ ~ z - - H n J Y~ .~ ~.'•~rya 9~s ~• ,. _... ~ m a5 Y } T~ ~~ a 7a a - ? ~ Q° ~ d_ G: 'O ~ J O i ~ ~ '~ m C ., N `Y q, L day ; - ~ o .~~~t,~\R\~ •,. ^-~ ~ ` c W N ~ Q••~ W ~ 8 I ~ J N O O - O. ~.~.. _ '1..~ f A xr:.G ~ S e d O LI W G 1 y i +~n. .y ~~ O y+ ~~ 3 ~ L ~~ ~~~ ~~ F- 'i ri :r~ ri r~ ri TI~ ~ri 'rl TI TI Tl ~rl 'Fl TI Ti Tl Tl Tl Tl TI Eti~tT IE~ Dleclasoms o.c• 4yg~;i ![EkOE~DWI TO: City Council/Redevelopment Agency IRON: City Attorney/Agency Counsel ~a •~ CORlIDERTIAL D71TE: /~-~y'- j/ y R8: Authority for Executive Session-- Government Code Section 54956.9 We recommend an executive session to discuss the following litigation/potential litigation matter. The legal autyerity for conducting an executive session is pursuan o: [ Government Code Section 56956.9(a) [Pending suit] [ ] Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1) [Claim filed or other exposure to litigation] [ ] Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(2) [Discussion on propriety of executive session] [ ] Government Code Section 54956.9(e) [Potential initiation of litigation by client] [(.~~itle of litigation/case number or name of claimant or other identifying statement: .~ all others Discussion of potential settlement in the above matter in open, public session will, in our opinion, prejudice the City's/Agency~s position and/or that of its employees. A full and frank discussion of the matter is required in executive session. [ ] Full and frank discussion of the need to initiate or to decide to initiate litigation is required. 54346.9(cl Colinaei moat discuss the matter with Council] Agency only in order to determine the desirable approaches/goals of litigation. Any such discussion in public would hamper and/or prejudice the City's/Agency's ability to appropriately litigate the matter. t1:n ]2 VPRVN~GiI ec : (,av4.uL ~' ~ y/' c t Cl~i y~~~tL DATE: November 9, 1989 TO: President and Members of the Fire District Board Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: L. Dennis Michael, Fire Chief SUBJECT: EMERGENCY AGCES$,Jd RESIDENTIAL TRAGTC ~Il~: Standard street width in single (amity residential tracts in non wildland/urban interface (greenbelt) areas should be wide enough to allow minimum fire access (20 ft) where vehicles are allowed on both sides. Recommended minimum street width to allow adequate emergency access in single family residential tracts is 36 ft, curb to curb with parking allowed on both sides. Under no conditions should anything less than 36 ft, as above, be al- lowed anywhere in the city, (especially within the wildland/urban interface areas!), "No Parking" requirements in gxistipQ developments which provide less than 36 ft should be STRICTLY enforced to provide emergency access compliance with Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District {RCFPD) standards. The District strongly supports any effort to establish a new position dedicated strictly to parking enforcement, whether attached to po- lice, fire, or calla enforcement. Recommended agency to which this position should be attached is code enforcement. With that arrange- ment, ;~ parking requirements, (ie, handicapped) could be more ef- fectively enforced, not just those providing emergency access. RCFPD Ordinance 10, through 85 Unitorm Fire Code Article 10, Div II, Sec 10.207 (e), as amended, requires that the minimum unobtt~ed width of required fire department access is 26 tt. This width is cal- culated by the District to allow the on scene set-up of the truck company (19 ft, 8 in, outrigger to outrigger) along with the capabil- ity of an engine company or ambulance {t0 it, mirror to mirror) to pass by. Please note that, although these dimensions total 29.5 lt, the dimensions do not run the full height of the vehicles and conse- quently allow normal passage. Photos have been included as a part of this report to visually illustrate this requirement. The efficacious word here is "snob tr ~ ted". Currently approved in the city are dedicated residontial streets with a minimum width of 27-28 feet, curb to curb. In an attempt to pro- vide the minimum emergency access of 26 feet, "NO PARKING," signs have been required at various points along the streets. As the photos illustrate, the signs are generally disregarded. Enforcement of the parking requirements to prohibit the obstruction of the emergency access causes an additional impact on the regulatory resources, namely fire/police, which must be considered and balanced, should this type of "restricted parking' development be allowed to continue. Regarding the Nordic Woods type project, many lessons have bean learned from the "Belau" type fires. As early as 1965, in a report, 'Fire Safety Guitles for t.aiiivmie ~Jata;s`cd~', the Qnnnry Supervisor's Association identified certain fire access requirements for the wiidland/urban interface areas. Later, in 1978, the Northwest Interagency Fire Prevention Group, in a report, 'Fire Safety Considerations for Developments in Forested Areas', identified minimum emergency access requirements including 40 ft street widths with 10 ft (firebreak) strips on each side. Allowing this type of restricted~ccess development {Nordic Woods) to continue would essentially place us back at the pre 1965 era of fire protection planning while increasing the fire loss risk to the residents of such developments. Respectfully submitted, "~`'//// L. Dennis Michael Fire Chief LDM/rc Qne emergency vehicle can not pass another on this 28 ft street if a third vehicle is parked an the street. Two apparatus can easily manuever past one another on this 28 ft wide street with no vehicles parked on either side and neither apparatus set up for fireground operations. One vehicle can barely "squeak" past this truck company with outriggers fully extended on this 28 ft wide street. If the driver misses his spot, he will have to retract the outriggers and reposition to allow passage, causing a delay in activity response. "Squeaking" past will also require very slow movement and assistance by personnel on the ground in order to avoid damage. a 3ntl Nin tlH a ~_ •o r i • BOZS• ro• m r r r e u - r r o r 1 - ' id 1W AaVZO z • eczs • p o~ ~ r w / / a ~ w Q I I 2' O_ N 1 f- • ~ ~ L O N N / ~ N ~ / a - i / i tllll a LL o ~ id iii n3NUUS = o tlnuatla ' ~ S• rtzs• I ~ N 2 N // / ~ h N N // 00 o n a ~ / /// L 0 y / / 'ld lU 3NO1S an a n //~/ / _ 6LZS • a o m ~. ~ > ''-J~"~ ~ N '~oN ' ,,t`~ e ~ b905 ~ ~ ` "~ 'ld lu Ar70a +=, o u • • ~ •- w 1F ~ ~u O K~ in ~ -~~ • 0 1905 0 ~ • a - w ~ 1 j;p n 0 M~' •L915 • 6 • ~_ ~~It ~ w r e~ r1 ~. O N = Q n Q I 1 3nV tlS I 1 _~ OOOS• ~ = a ? I I BflV ~ o ° G o m a I I H p 1- o o F- I I _.._ .. ~~ ~ j o 7 II p - o t I Y L 1 I ~ 11 al I d m ~ V IH I I a INI I I ~ ~ O I-I I I o lal I 1 I=I I I _........J L__~.11 iN Vla'dd3d I ._____~-_______~ I I ~ INI al I °' Ipl Iol I=I IJI IQI 1 I 3ntl_dNOtJVa_~' 1. Illegal parking on both sides of Solitude Drive. 2. No Parking sign on the north side of Snowbird Drive and the south side, circled in red.