HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989/12/06 - Agenda Packet J r~ CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETINGS 1st and 3rd Wednesdays - 7:30 p.m. Decalber 6, 1989 Lions Park Community Center 9161 Hale Line Road Rancho Cucamonga •r• City Couocilmembera DlMi3 L. SLOUt, Mayor Pamela J. Wright, COYMIITf111ofI DeboMh N. Brown, Mayar hoTrw Charles J. Buquet, eoYnruYUmb. - William J. Alexander, coYY~nYr.~Ye.. ~~• Jack Lam, cur MCnYFa James L. Markman, ctrr.t::.::,~y Debra J. Adams, nro cLrt Clty 08ia; 989-1831 I~ooa Part 980.3113 City Council Agenda December 6, 1989 PAGE All itua auaadtted for the Cltp comcil Agenda aunt be in writing. The deadline for auaitting teens itua is 5:00 p.a. oa the Nedneadap prior to tae seating. Ths City Clerk's Office rocelvaa •13 •ucb Stun. A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Pledge of Allegiance to Plag. 2. Roll Call: Buguet _, Alexander Stout _, Brown , and Wright D. ANNOONCEIiD1ANT8 /PRESENTATIONS 1. Presentation of 10-year Service Pln to Peul Quintana. C. COINNIfICATIONe TADN TEE PDBLIC Taia is tae tie. aad place for the general poblic to addrua tae City Comcil. Stets law probibita tae Citp Comcil fru •ddroasiag anp laaue not provionslp iacludW on tae Agenda. Tas Citp Comeil up receive tntiaoap aad w! the a•tbr for e aub•equut ueliag. Coaawnla are to be llaited to five dnutu per indivldwl. D. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Conaeat G1enAar Stua ars expecteA to be routine and eon-rnatroveraial. Ta•y will be acted upon by the Comcil at me tia witaout di•cuasion. Any Stu Nay Da reeoved by • CounoilNaaber or weber of tae •uAisnee for diacuaaion. 1. Approval of Minutes: 11-01-89 11-14-89 11-15-89 2. Approval of Warrants, Register Noe. 11/15/89, 11/22/89, 1 ~ aad 11(27j89; and Fayroll eO31ng ii(9j89 and iij22j69 £or the total amount of 53,361,750.31. 3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule 13 ae of November 29, 1989. t ~~ City Council Agenda December 6, 1989 PAGE d. Alcoholic Beverage Application for Off Sale General for 20 Nnven NLne i Liquor Company, Daoinic, Saien and Flank Borre, 9401 Haven Avenue. 5. Approval to authorize the advertising of the "Notice 21 Inviting Bide" for the "Parke Maintenance Retrofit Project" to be funded from Maintenance Account No. 01- 6647-7063 and the "Parka Capital Retrofit Project" to be funded Pram Park Developaront Pund Account No. 20-4532- 7043. RESOLUTION NO. 89-569 36 A RESOLUTYON OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIBOANIA, APPROVING PLAN9 AND 9PSCIPICATI0N3 POR THB "PARRS MAIMTSNAMCE RSTROPIT PROSBCT" AND THS "PARRS CAPITAL RSTAOPIT PROJBCT", IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORISING AMD DIABCfING THB CITY CLERS TO ADVHATISH TO RBCBIVB BID9 6. Approval to reject all bidB foY the Haven Avenue Gateway 4j Entry Monument, located on the northeast corner of Pou tth Street and Haven Avenua, as non-raaponaive to the needs of the City and authorize etsff to re-bid this project. 7. Approval to award the Neat Beryl Perk Improvement Project qp L.. U....1...:.,wp"ur, o.u1> :...o, G:ii..,..,ie, i.,i Li,e dwww of $1,591,834.00 plus 101 contingency to be funded from Park Development Pund 20-4532-8015. 8. Approval of updsted disposition report for acquired Q6 properties et 10005 through 10095 Arrow Route. 9. Approval to certify municipal election reaulte held on Q6 November 7, 1989 ea it relates to Measure P - Use or Diacbarga oLSafe end Sane Pireworke Nithin the City of Rancho Cucamonga. RESOLUTION NO. 89-570 4~ A RESOLUTION OF TXS CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY ~ ~ OP 4AY.CY.O COCA.°RNCA, CALI PCRY YA, RECITING T77E PACT OP THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA ON NOVEMHSR 7, 1989, OBCLARING TXB RESULT AND BUCN OTHER MATTBRB A8 PROVIDED BY TH8 PROVISIONS OF LAW r~ Ciiy Council Agenda December 6, 1989 P~~e 10. Approval for the Clty to contribute 5375.00 to help 52 sponsor the publ iehln9 of a prevention manual on ^Gangs, Groups, end Cults", to De funded from Account 01-4122- 6028. 11. Approval of Bnviranmentnl Aeeaeaa~ent and Tentative Tract 53 Nap, Number 14263 - H.G.M. Development - confirming a Ciiy Council decision made on November 15, 1939, for an appeal of Planning Commission conditions for a residential subdivision and design review of 32 condomLnium unite on 3.35 acres of land, located on the west aide of Cernellan Street at Vivero Street - APN 207- 022-54 and 64. RESOLUTION NO. 89-571 66 A RB30LUTION OF TNB CITY COUNCIL OP TH8 CITY OP RANCFW CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP, NUMBER 14263• TO PBRNIT A RESIDENTIAL 9UEDIVISION OP 32 CONDOMINIUM UNITS OM 3.35 ACRES OT LAND IN TFR MBDZOM ReSI06NTIAL DISTRICT AND LOCATED ON TiR WEST SIDE OF CARNELIAN STA88T AT VIVERO STRHET, SUNCHO COCANONOA, CALIPOAHIA, ANO HARING PIND INGS IN 9VPPORT THEREOF 12. Approval of Annexation 59-03 Raa,setaad Development - a 69 ..sY Yn ~ .. -.. ...v ~ u p~. .. -~i~ u~.lj a.. er ncree of San Bernardino County unincorporated area located eC the northaeet corner of Highland end Rochester Avenues - APN 225-152-01, 02, 03, 04, and 18. RESOLVTION NO. 89-572 ~~ A RESOLUTION OF TNB CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF IUNCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ANNEjdl"ION 89-03 (LAFCO 2547) HOMESTEAD DEVELOPMENT, ANO OAUBRING TERRITORY ANNE%BD TO THH CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA GENERALLY LOCATED AT TH8 NORTFRAST CORNER O! HIGHLAND AND ROCHESTER AVENUES, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THBAEOP ~ 13. Approval of a Reaolutlon regarding pro]ecte benef itting 80 the project erect end making certain findings in regard thereto. city Council Agenda December 6, 1989 PAGE RESOLUTION NO. 89-573 82 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REGARDING PROSSCTS BeNBPITTING THH RANCHO RBDSVSLOP7fENT PROJECT AND HARING CERTAIN PINDINGS IN REGARD THERETO 14. Approval to establish an amount required of a development 86 ae a contribution !n lieu oP the construction of Median Island Landeceping on Milliken Avenue between 4th Street and 6th Street. RESOLUTION NO. 89-574 a8 A RESOLVTION OF THB CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO COCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, SSTASLISRING AND ADOPTING A CONTASBVTION AMOUNT PERTAINING TO TNB CONSTRVCTION OP MBD IAN ISLAND LANDSCAPING ON MILLISBN AVEHUB BBTNBBN 4TH STREET AND fiTN STREET IN TlDg CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA 15. Approval to execute Profea0ional Services Agreement (CO 89 89-199) with Don Greek and Aeeoeiatee, Zneorporated to prepare plane, epaciEicatione and eetimnte for the Area VI - Highland Avenue Storm Drain from Arch ibnld Avenue to ` ' $35,710.00 to be Punded from the City-wide Storm Drain Pees, Account No. 23-4637-8949. RESOLUTION NO. 89-575 9~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNB CITY OP RANCHO CDCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, TO ANARD AND 6E8CUT6 A PROPBSSIONAL SERVICES AGR66MSNT NITH DON~AESR AND ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFOAN IA TO PREPARE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATE POR AREA VI - HIGNLAND AVSNVS STORM DRAIN PROJECT FROM ARCHIBALD AVENVE TO TH6 UPPER ALTA LOMA CHANNEL i i 16. Approval to execute Contract (C039-012) Cnange order Noe. 91 1 end 2 Eor Lne Mwtnyet Street at 19th street Intersection Improvement Pro}ect, to be funded frwn City Nida Drainage Pund Account No. 23-4637-8749 and Systems Development Pund Account No. 22-4638-8749. City Council Agenda December 6, 1989 PAGE 17. Approval to exewte n Grant of 6aeeaxfnt (CO 89-200) with 92 Southern California 6dieon for electrical service tc old Town Park. 18. Approval to execute a Grant of %aeement (CO 89-201) with 93 Cucamonga County Water District through Haet and Neat Beryl Pazks. ~ RESOLUTION NO. 89-576 A AHSOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCANOMCA, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR GRANTING OP HASB!ffiNT THROUGH BAST AND WHST BHRYL PARKS T'O CUCAMONGA COUIiTY WATER DISTRICT !OR SANITARY SHWBR LING INSTALLATION 39. Approvsl to execute an Agreement for Acquleltlon (CO 89- 95 202) of off-site property, security, deposit and the related changes to Parcel Map 11838 locnted approximately 800 feet v»at of Vletoria Park Lane and north of Saes Line Road, submitted by Hughes/Lyon/Victoria Associates. ABSOLUTION NO. 89-577 g/ A RESOLUTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN ACQOISITION AGAHH!ffiNT, 9SCURITY, DHYOSIT AND NUGHBS/LYON/VICTORIA-" ASSOCIATESy •AND AUTHORIEINC THH MAYOR AND CITY CLSAK TO SIGN SA.~ 20. Approval to adopt resolutions approving agreements with 98 Coltrane (CO 89-Y03( and with Naetern Land Properties (CO 89-204) end the City of Rancho Cucamonga to provide project edminietretion and inspection of public improvemOpl, to be installed on Foothill Rouleverd Erom Deer Creek Chsnnel to Rochester Avenue. ~ ~ ~. city Council Agenda December 6, 1989 PAGE RESOLUTION NO. 89-578 ~ 09 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COIiNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCRO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIAr APPROVING COOPERATIVB AGAHSMBNT BSTf0SEN TRB STATB OP CALIPORNIAr DEPAATMBNT OP TRANSPORTATION AND TSB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMOPGA, BOR TFU3 MMIMISTAATTOH OP CONSTRUCTION 08 STATE RIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS ALONG STATE HIGHWAY ROUTS 66 (FOOTHILL EoOL@VARD) HSTWBEM DSBR CASEK CHANNEL AHD ROCHBSTER AVBNUE IN THB CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA 100 RESOLUT?ON NO. 89-579 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AGi18SMENT BETWEEN 17ESTERN LAND PROPERTIES AND THE CITY OP RANCf10 CUCAMONCA POR THB WZUENING OP FOOTHILL BOULEVARD BETWEEN DEER CABER CHANNEL AND ROCHESTER AVENUE IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 21. Approval to order the annexation of DR 88-29, located at 101 the aouthweat cornex of Milliken Avenue and 6th street to Landecnpe Maintenance District 3 and Street Lighting Naintmnancs Dimtrict Noe. 1 and 6. ABSOLUTION NO. 89-680 10~ A RESOLUTION OP TFIB CITY COUNCIL OF TH@ CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIPOANIAr ORD6AING TH8 ANNEYATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO I,AtfDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING HAINTBNA.NCE DISTRICT NOS, 1 AND 6 POR DA 08- 29 22. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement, Improvement 105 Security and Ordering the Artnexnt ion to Lendecape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street LSghtinq Maintenance Dietrlet Noe. 1 snd 6 for DR 65-32, located on the seat aide of Hyeeop Orive, north of 4th Street, ~ ! ~ sub!Di rtod by HyaeoF Propcztiee, a California General Partnership, s City Council Agentla December 6, 1989 PAGE ABSOLUTION NO. 69-581 106 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OP RANCHO CUC]1MONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INPAOVSMBNT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POR DEVELOPMENT RHVISW NO. 88-32 RESOLVTION KO. 89-582 107 A RESOLUTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OF TFffi CITY OF RANCHO CDCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANN87UTION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTBNANCB DISTRICT NO. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING HAINTENANCB DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOA DR 88- 32 23. Approval of Hep, execution of Improvement Agreement, 110 Improvement Security and OrdaYing the Annexation to Street Lighting Meintenenca District Hoe. 1 and 3 for Tract No. 34121, located at the souLhweet corner of Highland end Milliken Avenues, submitted by The Nilllam Lyon Company. RESOLUTION NO. 89-583 111 A RSSOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO WCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ..i nJ~ai:nnl rwnannenx aNU iMFxUVBNBNT SBCVRITY AND FINAL NAP OP TRACE NO. 141T7 112 i RESOLUTION NO. 89-584 t A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNHXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 3 FOR I TRACg,~o. 143a1 24. Approval of Map, execution of Improvement Agreement, 115 Improvement Security end Ordering the Annexation to Lantlecepa Naintenence District No. 1 and Street Lighting Meinienance District Noa. 1 end 2 for Parcel Map 9431, ~ ~ ~ ~ locstcd ca tF.a east aide of Beryi Street, south of Hillside Road, submitted by Jasies Bice. ~. city council Agenda December 6, 1989 PAGE RESOLUTION NO. 89-585 116 A RESOLUTION OF TNB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALI PORNIA, APPROVING PAACBL MAP NUMBER 9431, (TENTATIV$ PARCEL HAP NO. 9431), IMPROVBMENT AGREEMENT AND IHPAOVBlIENT SECURITY RESOLUTION NO. E9-586 11? A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THS ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPB MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 POR PARCEL MAP 9431 25. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension foY 120 Ttact 12642, 12935-44 Landacepe, located on tAe eoutAeaet corner of Banyan 9trest and Milliken Avenue, eubmiLted by Xaufman 6 erond. RESOLVTION NO. 89-587 121 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CDCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVElDiNT AGABSMENT EXTENSION AND • e 44 LANDSCAPE 26. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for 172 Tract 13644, located on tae southeast corner of Hermosa Avenue and Vista Grove Court, eubmltted by Noodrldge Estates, Ltd. RESOLUTION NO. 89-585 124 A AEbYSLUTION OP TNB CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPAOVelOSNT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POA TRACT 13644 i ~ i ~ i i 27. Approval to executes Improvement Agreement fixtenaion for 12~ ~ cUP 87-26, located on tae northeast corner of Vineyard Avenue and Foothill Boulevard, submitted by OAS Inveetor0. Y~n V City Council Agenda December 6, 1989 PAGE RBSOLOTION HO. 89-589 127 A ABSOLUTION OP THE CITY CQUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INPROVHMHNT AGREHlUSNT E%TENSION AND INPAOVENENT SECURITY POR CUP 87-26 28. Agproval to execute Improvement wgreement Bxtenaion for 128 6737 Saet Avenue submitted by Gerald Hessler. ABSOLUTION NO. 89-590 131 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVBI~'NT AGREBMBNT BXTBNSION AND IMPROVEMENT 6ECURITY POR 6737 BAST AVENUE 29. Approval to accept Improvements, Release Cf Bonds and 132 Notice of Completion for Parcel Nap 9192, Street Improvements, Storm Orain end Block Wnlle~ and Approval to execute Improvement Agreement and Securities for Parcel Mep 9192, Landscape, located on the r.orihaeet corner of Nighland Avenue end Rochester Avenue, submitted by Marlborough Development. Release: Faithful Performance Bond Faithful Performance Bond (Storm Drain) $ 674,482.00 Faithful Performance Bond (Block Wall e) $ 534,555.00 Accept: Mainienence Guarantee Bond (Street Improvement) $ 101,936.00 Mainter{yp¢e auerantee Bond (Storm Drain) $ 67,448.00 Maintennnce Guarantee Hond (Block Nelle) $ 53,456.00 133 i i i RESOLUTION NO. 89-591 i A ABSOLVTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROV6IHSNTB POA PARCEL MAP 9192 ANO AUTHORIZING THB PILING OF A NOTICE OP COMPLETION POA TNB WORX PAGE City Council Agenda Decemher 6, 1989 30 ABSOLUTION NO. 89-592 134 A R69OLOTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVBNBNT AGRBENBNT, IMPAOVBNENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL NAP 9192 LANDSCAPE ~ 30. Approvnl to accept Improvamarts, Release of Honda, and Notice of Completion tor: Tract 9649. located on the southwest corner of Wilson 135 Avenue and Helnooen Avenue Releeee: Faithful Perfornance Bond (street) $ 510,000.00 RESOLUTION N0. H9-593 l36 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY OP RANCHO CVCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEN6NTS POR TRACT 9649 AND AUTHORI SING THB PILING OP A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WOAII Tra t 13443 1 tad nth th eat corns F Vi t 1 137 Perk Lane and Pairmont Wsv :. iceee: tlPaitAful Performance Bond (Street) $ 487,503.00 Accept: Maintenance Guernntee Bond (Street) $ 48,750.00 RESOLUTION NO. 89-594 138 A RESOLUTIOH 08 THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OB ~[7CH0 COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THB PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13443 AND AUTHORISING THE PILING OF A NOTICE OP COMPLETION POR THE WORK Tract 13642 located on the seat aide of Bervl c-~.sor 139 ' ' ~s`v - 17": ^t et and Ha "t-' A Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $ 210,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guerantae Bond (Street) $ 21,000.00 PAGE City Council Agenda December 6, 1989 11 RESOLUTION NO. 89-595 I 140 A R830LOTIOM OY TH6 CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAItONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THB PDBLIC INPROVEl~NTS FOR TRACT 13642 AND AUTHORIZING TNB FILING OF A NOTICE OP CONPLSTION POR TH6 NOAH E• Ca186MT ORDINAMC6~ The following Ordivaveae Gave had pablie hearings at the tine of first reading. second readings are sxpeclad to De routine and non-coatroveaial. They will ba acted aeon by the Council ~ at one tLe without discuaaivv. The City Clark will read the title. Avy itar env ha removed for diseuaaioa. 1. ENV U P AMHNDMENT 89-01 - NBSTHRN PROPERTIBS - A request to change various school, troll end perk Bite designations; to allow the establishment of auto service etatlone subject to the Conditional Use Permit process along selected major stYeriale; to delete n portion of orchard Avenue= end to update the Lendecape Design Guidelines and land use maps to redact previous project approvals and "ae-built" conditions - APN 227-151-OH, 13, and 16; 1077- ~, 421-01, 16 end 18; end 1077-091-36. II I ORDINANCE NO. 407 (second reading) 141 AN ORDINANCE OP THS CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORN IAr ADOPTING TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN AMBNONE%T 89-01, TO CHANGE VARIOUS SCHOOL, TRAIL AND PARR SITH DESIGNATIONS; TO ALLOW TN8 ESTABLISHMHNT OF AUTO SERVICE STATIONS SUBJHCT TO THE CONDjfiIONAL VSE PBRMZT PROCESS ALONG 36LECTBD MAJOR ARTBAIALSi TO DBLfiT6 A PORTION OF ORCHARD AVENUE/ AND TO VPDATB TH6 LANDSCAPH DESIGN OUIDBL INNS AND LAND UBB MAPS TO AEPL%CT ~i PAHVIOV9 PROT%CT APPROVALS AND "AS-BUILT" CONDITIONS, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT ~ ~ ~ ~ T'HEkEOF ~ !. ADVERTI660 PUELIC HEARINOB The following itus have baev adverliaed evd/or posted as public hearlvgs as required by law. The their will opw the acting to rewivs public tutlmony. yn~ r, ~ PAGE City Council Agenda December 6, 1969 12 1. s ae-lz 144 MOD2PICATION - NHSTHAN PROPEATI65 - A request to appeal the conditions oP approoel imposed by the Planning Commission requiring a pedestrian passageway through Huilding R, within the Terra Vleta Towne Centel, located at the northeast coiner of Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard - APN 1077-421-05, O6, end 13. (COStinuad from November :5, 1989) RSSOLUT ION NO. a9-541 168 A RESOLUTION OB THH CITY COVNCIL OP TFIE CITY OP AANCFIO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING THE APPEAL AHD VPHOLDING A CONDITION REQUIRING A PEDESTRIAN NALRNAY TINtOUGH BUILDING R AS IMPOSHD BY THH PLANNING COMMISSION POR TNB APPROVAL OF MODIPICATIOP TO CONDITIONAL USE PBAMIT 8a-12 NIT9IH TH8 TERRA VISTA TONNE CENTER, tAC11TED AT THB NORTHHAST COANBR OP HAVEN AVENOB AND FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, AND MAKING PINDINGB IN SUPPORT TNEAEOP - APN: 1077-421-05, O6, AND 13. 4• POBLIC HEARINOB The following Ltee haven no Imgml publication or posting raquiremeate. 't'ae wur Maio opea sae eeecing ra zeceave puD1Le Nelimony. 1. AP D TO TH CITY 1]1 COV ISS ON - Ordinance prohibiting trespassing on privets property. ORDINANCE NO. 409 (first reading) i]Z AN OA~jj7ANCB OP THH CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY OP AANCNO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 9.18 OF TITLE 9 OP THH RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING A NEH SBCTLON 9.19.012 ENTITLED "TAHBPAS688 UPON i i PAIVATH PROPERTY PROHIBITHD" i 2. - An appeal cf 1)4 tha Plenninq Cammiesion•e decision to deny without prsiudice s request fore carport ndditlon to an existing nutomotive repair et 8517 North Grove Avenue. APN 207- 220-05. PAGE City Council Agenda DBCemher 6, 1989 13 198 RESOLUTION NO. 89-596 A RESOLUTION 08 THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCANONCA, CALIFORNIA, VPHOIID ING THE PI.7INNINO COlMISSION' 3 DECISION TO DENY WITNOVT PRBJUDICB MINOR DEVELOPMENT AEVIHW NO. 89-22, LOCATED ON TN6 HOUTRBAST CORNEA OP ARROW RIGNNAY AND GAOV6 AVBNVE IN THE GENERAL COlBBRCZAL DISTRICT AND HARING PINDING9 IN SUPPORT TI~RBOF H. CITY MANAOSR•8 STAPP RBPORT9 The following Stns do not legally require any public tsslfaony, eliboog6 the Cbeir Bey open the seating for puDl ie input. 200 1. W N TVDY - Recaamendetiov of consultant based on evaluation of Law 8nforcement Subcommittees. 243 z. o x D o THE CITY COUNCIL BY THB PVBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION ORDINANCB NO. 609 (f lret rending) I 245 au nwnrvaxnv n -y'y y~ anC ui'1'Y OP RANCHO CVCAMOHGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ' TITLfi BOP TNS RANCHO CUCAMONCA MUNICIPAL CODB BY ADDING A NBW CNAPTHR 8.26 ENTITLSD "SBRVICE CHAROE9 FOA FALSE ALARMS" AND PROVIDING FOR SfiRVICE CNARC83 TO DHPAAY THE COSTS CF FALSE POLICE ALARMS 247 3. ANIMAL CONTROL OPTIONS d. COMPNpfiIT~F ION I Y. FROG a F R DBVB P PMT 256 I. eGUncIL Bve1NEH3 i ~ ~ i ~ Th0 to110wiug Stews 6AV. been ryauvtoa by thw tiiy Cauvcil for dLCUUioa. Thq ere not public hearing iteu, alibough the Chair eey opeo the Msiiag for public input. 1. RBPOAT ON AIR TRAFFIC TMININ6 OVER RESIDENTIAL AREAS (Orel Report) (Continued lror NoveWer IS, 1989) 2. UPpAT6 REPORT ON NORDIC WOOD9 (Orel Report) J C y~1nr, n pACe Ciiy Council Agenda December 6, 1989 14 J. IDRRTITICATIOSI OT ITID18 TOR IIRTT IOtRTIwn This is Lhe tLe for Citp Comeil to idrotifp the itos Lhsp wish to diswN aL Lhe nest wting. TheN itrs will cot ba diaeussed at Lhis ~aetiag, enlp identified for the next Netiag. R. CdMORICATIg18 !ROM THR POBLIC This Se the fir cad platy for the gewsal public ko address tha Cltp Comcil. Elate law prohiDita Lhe Citp Cowcil frog addreutag enp issue not previously ivcladed oa the Agenda. The Citp Comeil Np raceiva. Leetiaonp and set Lha Nttar for subsequavt Netinq. Coaants are to De lieited to five einutaa per iadividwl. L. ADJM1Rq®ff IRRTilei TO ADJOORIf To A JOIMT I~TIRO NITH T86 cDCAROROA COORTY 1lATm! DIeTRICT OM DR000RR 17, 1989, 7s00 P.M. AT T86 LIORS PARK COMOJRITI CRRTRR. I, Debra J. Adams, City Clerk of Lhe City of Aencho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy o[ the foregoing agenda was posted on Decead»r 1, 1989, seventy-two (72) hours ~..:.... w li,v wwuriuy per wvarmsenc Coact !9953 nt 9320-C Baee i Line Aoed. i 4~ November 14, 1989 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA CITY COVNCIL MINUTES Adiourned Joint Meeting An adjourned joint meeting of the City Council of the City of Aaneno Cucamonga and the Park and Recreation Commieaion was calletl for Tuesday, November 14, 1989 at '1:00 p.m., to be held at the Liona Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. oue to a lack of quorum, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor stout. Respectfully submitted, Jan Sutton Deputy Ciry Clerk Approved: November 1. 1989 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINDTES Re4vlar Minutes A. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga met on Wednesday, November 1, 1989 in the Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Rase Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councilmembera: William J. Alexander, Deborah N. Brown, Charles J. euquet II, Pamela J. Nright, end Mayoz Dennis L. Stout. Also preeent were: Jack Lam, City Manager; James Markman, City Attorney; Linda D. Daniels, Deputy city Manager; Jerry R. Fulwood, Deputy Ciiy Manager; Rick Goma z, Community Development Director; Ruee Megu ire, City Engineer; Paul Rougeau, Traffic Engineer; Bob 8ettarberg, Maintenance superintendent; Hike Olivier, Senior Civil Rnqinear; Joe Stofa, Associate Civil Engineer; Brad Buller, City Planner; Larry Henderson, Principal Planner; Cindy Norris, Assistant Planner; .1.,fo x.., adm:~: oR..f ,..e aae:.,....~. _ _ _ Plan Check Coordinator; Jan Sutton,'Deputy City Clerk; Duane baker, senior Administrative Assistant; Diane O'Neal, Administrative Analyst; Patty Aiffel, Executive Assistant; James Frost, City Treasurer; Chief Dennis Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection Oiet rict; Int. Bruce 2einer, Rancho Cucamonga Sheriff's Station; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. R R R R f R B ANN00NCEMBMPB/PRESpITATIONS B1. Preeentat ion of 30-yenr Pin to Dave Leonard. (COVtinusd froc October 18, 1989) Continued to November 15, 1959 meeting. 02. Presentation of 10-year Pin to Tino Torre z. Presentation was mode by Mayor Stout. R3. Mayor stout stated he ie Sn receipt of n latter from Lewis Homes regarding Item F5, ne they are asking to continue thle Ltem to November 15. City Council Hinutee November 1, 1989 Page 2 B4. Jack Lam stated that Resolution 89-544 has been corrected which has been distributed. C. COMMUMIGTIONS PROM T86 PURLIC No communication was made. • • R f f i D. CON36NT GLENDAA O1. Approval of Minutes: September 26, 1989 September 28, 1989 (BUquet, Wright absent) October 4, 1989 October 10, 1989 (wr!ght absent) October 18, 1989 D2. Approval of Warrant e, Register Noe. 10/18/89 and 10/25/89, and Payroll ending 10/12/39 Yor the total amount of 51,216,139.75. D3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schadu lc ae of October 25, 1989. D4. Approval to authorize the "Notice Inviting Bide" for the We9t Beryl Park Improvements to be funded from Pntk Development Fund 20-4532-8015. RESOLUTION ND. 89-493 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "WEST BBRYL PARR IMPROVEMENTS" ON GRNBLIAN AT HIGHLAND AVENUE IN SAID CSTY AND AUTRORI2ING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERE TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS D5, Approval to authorize and request proposals for design consultant services to develop plane and ep'eclf icat ions foc Don Tiburclo Tapia Park. D6. Approval to award the Milliken Avenue Median antl Monument Improvement Pcoject from 4th to 6th Street to Valley Crest Landscape Eor the amount of $437,323.2ti, to be funded with Beaut if Lcation Funds Account Noe. 21-4647-8814 and -2i-d6d7-6715 IFY 351901. D7. Approval to reject all bide for the Haven Avenue Median Improvements, Phase IV-A, without prejudice. D8. Approval to procure copiers through a 5-Year Lease/Purchase Plan. City Council Minutes November 1, 1989 Page 3 D9. Approval to award and execute a Profeeeional Services Agreement (CO 89- 174) with Herman Aimnel and Associates for the preparation of traffic signal plane for khe intersections of Spruce Avenue at Terra Vista Patkway, Archibald Avenue at Eighth Street and Vineyard Avenue at Arrow Highway (upgrade) in the amount of $16,500.00 ($35,000.00 plus l0a contingency) to De funded from TDA, Article 8 funds in the following amounts: Account 12-4637-8918, $5,390.00; Account 12-4637-8914, $5,390.00; and Account 12-4637-8915, $5,720.00. 010. Approval to execute contract (CO 89-175) for the Traffic Signal and Safety Lighting at the intersections of Haven Avenue and Seventh Street and Archibald and Lemon Avenues awarded to Hovey Electric for the amount of $211,395.00 ($192,177.00 plus 109 contingency} to be funded from SB 325 Fund Account Noe. 12-4637-8911, 12-4637-8912, respectively, awarded September 20, 1989 (FY 89/90). D11. Approval to execute contract Change Order No. 1 (CO 89-306) for Sierra Madre and Placida Court for conetiuction of sidewalk on Placida Court. D 12. Approval to execute Amendment to Contract (CO BB-085) for Code Enforcement Representative. D 13. Approval to execute Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement (CO 89-176) between Jack A. and Janice E. Maraee, 5i. and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Si rest Improvements located along the north portion of the Mareee parcel for tae 19th Street project from Archibald Avenue to Haven Av¢nu e. RESOLUTION NO. 89-49d A RESOLUTION OF TXE CITY COUNCIL OF THP. [.i TV nc any..n0 ..wnnwnUx, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FROM JACK R. AND JANICE E. MARSEE, SR• AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLER% TO SIGN SAME D14. Approval tc execute Agreement for Installer ion of Public Improvement (CO 89-177) between John P. and Emma J. Amodt and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street Improvements located along the north portion of the Amodt parcel for the 19th Street project from Archibald Avenue to Hflven Avenue. ~... RESOLUTION NO. 89-995 A AESOLVTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OA RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FROM JOHN P. AND EMMA J. AMODT AND ADTHORIZING THE MAYOR ANO CITY CLERY. TO SIGH SAME D15. Approval to execute Agreement for Inetal.l at ion of Public Improvement (CO 89-178) between Carrie Candice Johnson Hall and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street Improvements located along the north portion of the Hall parcel foc the 19th Street project from Archibald Avenue to Naven Avenue. City Council Mlnutea November 1, 1989 Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. 89-496 A RESOLUTION OF THS CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OP PVBLIC IMPROVBMENT FROM CARAIE CANDICE JOHNSON HALL AND AUTHORIZING THB MAYOR AND CITY CLBAK TO SIGN SAME D36. Approval to execute Agreement for Installation of Publie Improvement (CO 89-179) between Lawrence end Elvira M. Orne}ae and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street Improvements located along the north portion of the ornelas parcel for the 19th Street project from Archibald Avenue to Haven Avenue. RESOLUTION NO. 89-a97 A RB SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OP PUBLIC IMPROVS!ffiNT PROM LAWRENCE ANU ELVIAA M. ORNELAS AND AUTHORIZING Tt{E MAYOR AND CITY CLEAR TO SIGN SAME D17. Approval to execute Agreement for installation of Public Improvement (CO 89-180) between William 0. Angel and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street Improvements located along the north portion of the Angel parcel £or the 19th Street Project from Archibald Avenue to Haven Avenue. AESOLVTION NO. 89-998 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONRA. CAT.TVnPNTa arrv nmrvn a. .. __.___ .._ ._., ..~-.,,--~~~--~~ OF PURLIC IMPROVEMENT FROM WILLIAM aD.oANGEL AND•AUTHORI ZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SANE 018. Approval to execute Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement (Co 89-181) between Marcus e. Telada and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for sidewalk improvements located along the northern portion of the Telada parcel 4or the Sierra Madre/Placida Court project. RESOLVTION NO. 89-499 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA~ CALIFOANIA~ ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IHPAOVEMBNT FROM MARCUS E. TELADA AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME D19. Approval to execute Agreement for Inatellat lon of Public Improvement (CO 89-182) between Herlbetto O. Oliva and Aoeie M. Oliva and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for sidewalk improvements located along the northern portion of the Oliva parcel for the Sierra Mndre/Placlda Court project. Clty Council Minutes November 1, 3959 Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. 59-500 A RESOLUTION OF TH8 CITY COUNCIL OF THH CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREHMENT POR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FROM HBRIEBRTO O. OLIVA AND AOSIE M. OLIVA AND AUTHORIZING TNS HAYOA AND CITY CLERIC TO SIGN SANE D20. Approval to execute Agreement for Inetallat ion of Public Improvement fC0 89-153) between Stanley C. Cabunoc and Rose M. G. Cabunoc end tRa City of Rancho Cucamonga for sidewalk improvements located along the southern portion of the S. Cabunoc parcel for the Sierra Madre/Placida Court project. RESOLUTION NO. 89-501 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREHMENT FOR INSTALLATION OP PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROM STANLEY 0. CABUNOC AND ROSE M. G. CABUNOC AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME D21. Approval to execute Agreement for Ineiallai ion of Public Improvement (CO 89-156) between Pedro C. Cabunoc and Leonila C. Cabunoc and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for sidewalk impravemente located along the eout heaetern and souihe rn portion of the P. Cabunoc parcel for the Sierra Hadra/Placltla Court project. RESOLUTION NO. 89-502 A ABSOLllTION OF THH CITY COUNCIL OP TH8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. C.AZ.T PORNTA. AMP.PTTNO aN ar.RrvMxwm FAR Tuamnrrnm my OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMBNT PAOH PBDAO C. CABUNOC ANO LEONILA C. CABUNOC AND AUTHORISING THE MAYOR ANO CITY CLEAR TO SIGN SAME D22. Approval to execute Agreement for Inetallat ion of Public Improvement (CO 89-155) between Mary D. Asebedo and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for sidewalk improvemerite located along the southern portion of the Aeebedo parcel for the Sierra Matlre/Placida court project. RESOLUTION NO. 89-503 A RESOLUTION OF THS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL IFOANIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMHNT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROM MARY D. ASEBHDO AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME D23. Approval to execute Agreement for Ineiallai ion of Publlc Improvement (CO 59-186) between Walter P. Gage, Jr. and Aathleen A. cage and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for sidewalk improvements located along the eouihern pore ion of the Gage parcel for Lhe Sierra Madre/Placida Court project. City Council Minutes November 1, 1989 Page 6 RESOLUTION NO. 89-504 A RESOLUTION OF TH8 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA~ CALIPORNIA~ ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IHPAOVSMENT PROM WALTER P. GAGS, JR. AND KATHLEEN A. GAGE AND AUTHORIZING THS MAYOR AND CITY CLERE TO SIGN SAFE D 24. Approval to execute Agreement for Installer ion of Public Improvement (CO 89-187) between Gary D. Rird and Sherri Lomond and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for sidewalk improvements located along the southern portion of the Bird/Lemond parcel for the Sierra Madre/Placida Court project. RESOLUTION N0. 89-505 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA~ CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT POA INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPAOVEI~DINT PROM GARY 0. BIRD AND SHEARS LSMOND AND AUTHORIZING TH6 MAYOR AND CITY CLEAR TO SIGN SANE 025. Approval to execute Agreement for Inst el lotion of Public Improvement (Co 89-188) between David J. Rogoff and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for sidewalk improvements located along the northern portion of the Aogoff parcel far the Sierra Madre/Placida Court project. RESOLVTION NO. 89-506 A RESOLUTION OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO Ci1CAMONC.A. CAi.TFORNTA. ACf:ItDTTNn AN AC.RRP.MRNT MR TN.eTAT.i.4Tt0N OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FOAM DAVID J. ROGOPF AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLBAK TO SIGN SAME o2fi. Approval to execute Agreement for Znatallation of Public Improvement (CO 89 -1E9) hetween Michael J. Judge and Nancealee A. Judge entl the Ciiy of Rancho Cucamonga For eidewelk improvements locnted nlong the northern portion of the Judge parcel for the Sierra Madre/Placida court project. RESOLUTION N0. 89-507 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA~ CALIFORNIA, ACCSPTING AN AGRE8MENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMSNT FROM MICHAEL J. JUDOS AND NANCEALSE A. JUDGE AND AUTHORIZING THS MAYOR AND CZTY CLEAE TO SIGN SANS 027. Approval to execute Agreement for Installation of Pub1Lc Improvement (CO 89-190) between Stephen E. Paler end the City of Rancho Cucamonga for sidewalk improvements located along the northern portion of the Filer parcel for the Sierra Madre/Placida court project. City Council Minutes November 1, 19 R9 Page 7 RESOLUTION NO. 89-508 A RESOLVTION OP TXS CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL IPORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT POR INSTALLATION OP PUBLIC SHPROVEM@NT FROM STEPHEN E. FILER AND AUTHORIZING TFffi MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME D28. Apg.. oval to authorize the assignment of an Adult Crossing Guard at the intersect ion of Vintage Drive end Sierra Crest Loop for Cazyn Elementary School. D29. Approval to open escrow with Mary Phyllis Bonehire, et. nl., for purchase of land at 12951 Hasa Line Aoad, to obtain the right-of-way for the Base Line Hoed Widening Project between Victoria Park Lane and interstate 15 fcr $74,750.00, plus escrow coats of 55,000.00 to be paid from systems Feea Account No. 22-4637-8730-4117 and authorize the City Engineer to execute all necessary documents. ^30. Approval to open escrow with Walter A. Florieni and Evelyn J. Floriani for purchase of a portion of land at 77 b7 Vineyard Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, to obtain right-of-way for the Cucamonga Storm Grain (Phase I) Project for $1,344,00, plus escrow costa of $1,000.00 to De paid from Drainage Fund Account No. 23-4637-8847-4603-4117, and authorize the Clty Engineer to execute and validate escrow documents on behalf of the City. D31. Approval to span escrow with Feliz 6. Queeada and Vi ctorla R. queaada for purchase of a port ton of land at 7745 Vineyard Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, to obtain the right-ot-way for the Cucamonga Storm Drain (Phase I) Project for $8,784.00, plus escrow coats of 51.000.00 to he ._~•rd a...m ^___. c c ._.._ ..,,,.,..... No. 23-4637-8847-d603-4117, and authorise th0 City Engineer to execute and validate escrow documents on behalf of the City. 032. Appcovel to vacate a portion of Jasper Street - Tentative Tract No. 12820 - located south of HighlanQ Avenue and west of Carnelian Street approximately 13 feet wide and 130 feet long. RESOLUTION NO. 89-509 A RESOLUTION~'OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONUA, CALIFORNIA, SUMMARILY ORD@RING THE VACATION OF A PORTION OP JASP@R STPEET D33. Approval of Parcel Map and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintena nc¢ ^ist rict No. 3 snd Street Lighan~ Maintenance ni st riot Nee. 1 4cd a for Parcel Mep 12121, located on the east aide of Rochester Avenue north of the A.T. b S.P. Railroad Ttacke, submitted by the Fullmer Company. ABSOLUTION NO. 89-510 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL NAP NVMBER 12121 (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 12121) City Council Hinutee November 1, 1989 Page 8 R830LUTI0N NO. 89-511 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEYATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 AND 5TRHET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR PARCEL MAP 12121 D34. Approval of Map, the Vacntion of a portion of Rinlock Avenue, execution of Improvertrent Agreement, Improvement Security and ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Noe. 1 and 2 for Parcel Map 11655, located on the south aide of Devon Street at xinlock Avenue, submitted by James O'Brien. RESOLUTION NO. 59-512 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COVNC IL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 11685, IMPROVEMENT AGAESHENT, IMPROVEMENT EBCUAZTY AND THE VACATION OF RINLOCR AVENUE RESOLUTION NO. 89-513 A RESOLUTION OF TFIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDBAING THE ANNEEATLON OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPB MAINTENANCB DISTRICT NO. 1 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR PAACBL HAP 11 Any 035. Approval of Mep, execution of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 antl Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2 foz Tract 13930, located on Wilson Avenue between Hellman Avenue and Amethyst Street submitted by Winbrook Development, Incorporated. RESOLUTION NO. 89-514 A RESOLUT It(S~ OF TN8 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMBNT SECURITY, AND FINAL NAP OF TRACT NO. 13930 RESOLUTION NO. 89-515 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEEAT ION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND STREET LIGHTING NAINTENANCS DISTRICT N09. 1 AND 2 POR TRACT 13930 City Council Minutes November 1, 1989 Page 9 D36. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security and ordering the Annexation io Landscape Mnintananee District No. 7 for Tracts 13565-1 thxu -4r located On the north aide of 24th Street and east of Wardman Bullock Aoad, submitted by Standard Pacific of Orange County. RESOLUTION NO. 59-516 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNC SL OF THE CZTY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IHPROVBMENT SECURITY FOR TRACTS 13565-1 THRV -4 RESOLUTION NO. 89-517 A AESOLVTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 FOR TRACT 13565-1 THRV -4 D37. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and OrderLng the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Noe. 1 and 6 for DR 88-43r located on the north aide of Sharon Circler east of Hermosa Avenue submitted by Garrison Management, Incorporated. RESOLUTION NO. 89-518 A PHSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP TNB CITY OF RANCHO ___._._.. _.____._._ _.. _...._.. _..... ~°avram xrovvwnm avn IMPROVENNT SECURITY FOR DBVELOPlDSNT REVIEW NO. a8-43 RESOLUTION NO. 89-519 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA. ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DIBTRICT NO. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 ANO 6 FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 88-43 D38. Approval to execute improvement Agreement, improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintennnce Dietr ict Nos. 1 and 6 for DR 89-lOr located or. the southeast corner of Milliken Avenue and 6th Street submitted by Genesis Real ewrgr ... RESOLUTION NO. 89-520 A RE6OLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECVRITY POA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. 39-30 City Council Minutes November 1, 1989 Page lD RESOLUTION NO. 89-521 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TBRRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE CI STRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 89^10 D39. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13748, located on the southwest corner of Milliken Avenue and Vintage Drive, submitted by H.J. Brock and Bone, Inc. AESOLUT ION N0. 89-522 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POA TRACT 13748 D90. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 1385], located on the northwest corner of Hilliken Avenue and Vintage Drive, submitted by M.J. BYOCk and Sone, Inc. RESOLUTION NO. 89-523 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECVAITY FOR TRACT 13&57 ^41. Approval t0 execute Improvement Agreement Bxtenelon for Tract 13858, located on the southwest corner of Hilliken Avenve and Banyan Street, submitted by M.J. Brock and Sons, Inc. RESOLUTION NO. 89-524 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL IPORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT B%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13858 D 42. Approval to execute improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13442, located on the northwest corner of Victoria Park Lane and Eenyon way, submitted by Eaywood Homes. Rp m1nTION NO. °_9_525 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIAr APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TSN9I0N AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13442 D43. Approval to 0xecute Improvement Agreement Extension for Parcel Map 9350, located on the northeast corner of Ba9e Line Road and Milliken Avenue, submitted by The William Lyon Company. Clty Council Minutee November 1, 1989 Page 11 RESOLUTION NO. 89-526 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION ANO IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL NAP 9350 D44. Ap^roval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for Parcel Map 9897, located on the southeast corner of church street and Terra Vi wta Parkway, aubmittetl by Lewis Homee. RESOLUTION NO. E9-527 A P.ftSOLUTIOfl OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURZ TY FOA PARCEL MAP 9897 D 46. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extenaion for Parcel Map 11341, located on the norihenet corner of Church Street and Milliken Avenue, submitted by Lewis Homes. ABSOLUTION NO. 89-528 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPOANZA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TEN SION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCBL MAP 11341 D46. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Exten eion for Tract 12902 lnnaf uA n 1bo on.H l....n a~ rnnnen ____ _ by Nordic Wootle II. RESOLUTION NO. 89-529 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12902 D47. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extenaion for Tract 13367, located on the north ei~e of Highlantl Avenue between Hellman Avenue and Amet hyet Street, eubmlttetl by Qulnieaaence Development. RESOLUTION NO. 89-530 A AESOLUTI ON OF TR@ CiTY f:f)IINCtL OP THE CITY OF ?ANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGRSEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPAOVB[~NT SECURITY POH TRACT 13367 D4 B, Approval to accept Improvement e, Release of Bontle, end Notice of Completion forx City Counc!1 Minutes November 1, 1989 Page 12 Traci 12642 and Tract 12935-d4 Maior Streets, located on the northeast corner of Hilliken_AVenua and Highland Avenue Release: Faithful Performance Bond (street) $207,600.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $207,600.00 ABSOLUTION NO. 89-531 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI FOANIA, ACCEPTING THS PUELIC IMPROVEMENTS FOA TRACT 12642, 12935-44 MASTER STREETS AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OP A NOTICE OF COMPLETION POR THE WORK Traet 1 936 located on the wes aide <•f Hil lv' w Loo at Kett a Peak Plac and Mt. Palomar Street Release: Paithful Performance Bond (Street) $108,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 10,800.00 RBSOLVTION NO. 89-532 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THB PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12936 AND AUTHORIZING THE PILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR T'HE WORK T t 12939 1 C t d the set 'd f H'L1 L oat T' a P k rt Pikee Peak Court and Rattle Peak Place Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $ 85,000.00 pc cept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (street) $ 8,500.00 RESOLUTION NO. 59-533 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCBPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12939 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICS OF COMPLETION POR THE WORE Approves to accept the Red H111 Park Storin Drain Improvement Project, Contract No. 89-082, ae complete, releaee bonds and autharize the City Engineer to file a ^Notice of Completion". City Council Minutee November 1, 1989 Page 13 RESOLUTION NO. 89-534 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IHPAOVEM&NTS FOR RED HILL PARR STORM DMIN AND AVTHOAI2ING THE FILING OF P. NOTICE OF COMPLETION POR THE WORK 050. Al ~roval of Proposed Intention to Excavate the Alta Loma Basin 2IO. iocated north of Banyan Street between Archibald and Hermosa Avenues withir. Assessment District 84-2 and the ca111ng for bide for said basin excavation, As seesment District No. 84-2 (Alta Loma Storm Drain) - Hid No. 3, to be funded from Aasea ement Diet tict Drainage System Pu nd, AcCOUnt No. 80-463'1-6028. RESOLUTION NO. 89-535 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTHNTION 1b ORDER CERTAIN CHANGES AND MOOIPICATIONS IN THE WOAX IN A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND SETTING PUBLIC HEARING RESOLVTION NO. 89-536 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REFERENCING PREVAILING WAGS SCALE AND DIRECTING CALL POR CONSTRUCTION BIDS MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by wr1nM .~ +« _,_ _„c -~,,,~,,,, ~a~s„der. Motion carried unanlmoualy, 5-0. • • • w + x E. CONSEIPT ORDINANCES E1. ENV ONHENTAL S SS NT AND D VE PMEN DT RICTB EI MENT 89 02 HLACKMON HOMES. INCORPORATED - A request Co pre-cone approximately 25 acres located on the northeast corner of Highland and Rochester Avenues to Low Density Resident Lel (2-4 dwellingvnite per acre( - APN 225-152-01, 02, 03, 04 and 18. ORDINANC% NO. 400 (second reading) AN OADI NANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONOA, CRLIFOR7 ZA, APPROVING DRVELOPYTNT _-.....^.I CT AMENDNENT 89-02, PRE-EONING APPAOX IMATELY 25 ACRES OF VACANT LAND TO LON DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (2-4 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE( LOCATED AT THS NORTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND AND ROCHESTER AVENUES AND MAEING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEP,BOF -APN 225-142- 01, 02, 03, Od, AND 18 Debra J. Adams, Ctty Clark, read the title of oYdtnance No. 400. City Council Minutes November 1, 1989 Page 14 MOTION: Moved py Alexander, seconded by Buquet to waive full reading and approve Ordinance No. 400. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. E2. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT AGR88MENT 99-03 - BLACRMON HOMES INCORPORA?ED - A request to approve a development agreement (CO B9-149) for approximately 25 acme conai sting of 78 resident Sal lots located at the northeast corner of Highland and Rochester Avenues - APN 225-152-01, 02, 03, O4 and 18. ORDINANCE NO. 401 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT H9-03 FOR APPAORIMATELY 25 ACRES OP VACANT LAND LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND AND ROCHBSTEA AVENUES, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN 225-152-01, 02, 03, 04, AND 18 Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, reatl the title of Ordinance No. 403. MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Buquet to waive full reading and approve Ordinance No. 401. Moi ion carried unanimously, 5-0. R R R R• f C] I.I~4G rf•PnTm~n„ m_n wvv,m n,f.nmvn n nn_ n.. .ter... ..~.. rr ... .............-~ ...... inu ~vu~ OISSOLVING V N ATING IN ITS PLACE A CITIZENS ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION ORDINANCE NO. 307-A (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF TM6 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2.28 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE DISSOLVING THfi ADVISORY COMMISSION AND CREATING IN ITS PLACE A CITIZENS ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Debra J. Adams read the title of Ordinance No. 307-A. Councilman Alexander stated he was not sure who the Subcamnittee would be for t hie Commiaaion. Councilwoman Nr lght stated she understood that there was a desire for the Advisory Commies ion Subcommittee to continue to serve, end stated she also understood there wee going t0 be a compromise where there would 6e one person from each current Subcommittee to nerve, and that would be handled by drawing straws. City Council Minutes November 1, 1989 Page 15 Councilwoman Brown Biated eha did not remember agreeing to draw straws Eor anything. She added eha remembered Chat since she and Councilwoman Wtighi serve on the Recycling Subcommittee, the recomgrendation by staff was fo- the Lwo of them to stay ae the Subcommittee for the Cit izene 8nvironmental Management Commission, and that Councilman Alexander would be the alternate for that Subcommittee. Diane O'Neal, Adminiatretive analyst, etatad the! was correct, and t*.a« Councilmeniber Wright had made that suggest ion, and if this could not be done, it could be put on the agenda to discuss it. She stated the staff report did recommend that the SuDCOmnittee be made up of the Solid Waste Recycling Subcommittee, antl that subsequent to that the Citi:en•e Advisory Commies ion Subcommittee raised concerns that it should be perhaps one member from each Council Subcommittee rather than just two £iom the Solid Waste Recycling subcommittee. Counc ilwomnn Brown etatad thin was not discussed nt the iime Lhie was approved. Mayor Stout etatad he did not remember any of this diecueaion. Councilman Alexander asked tsar this come back at the next meeting to decide who would serve ae the Subcommitt0e for the Citizens Environmental Management Commission. NOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Baguet to Hdive full Yeading and approve Ordinance 307-A. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. F ADVmlTIBED PUBLIC BEARIN03 F1. CONBIDERATION TO ORDER TFL DETACNALNT OF TRACT 13063 LOCATED EAST OF EAST AVENUE. SOUTH OP HIGH~I AND AVENUE. FROM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCP DISTRICT 1 AND THE FORMATION OP LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DI TRICT NO A Staff report presented by Russ Maguire, City Engineer. Mayor Stout opened the meat ing for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was clod. RESOLUTION NO. 89-537 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGa, CAi.i ROANIRr OPnERING T~ WOsr IH COHMECT.IO:7 k. Tfi THE OETACNNENT OF TRACT 13063 FROM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1, THE FORMATION OF LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE UISTRlCT NO. 8 AND ACCEPTING THE PINAL BNG INEER'S REPORT MOTION: Moved by HuquOt, seconded by Brown to approve Resolution No. 89-537. Motion carried uneninauely, 5-0. • R ~ • } w city Council Minutes November 3, 3989 Page 16 F2. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN NDMENT 89-02A - E.G.M. DEVELOPMENT - A sequeet to amend the General Plan Land Oae Map from Flood Control to Medium Density Aeeident Sal (8-14 dwelling unite per acre) for approximately 1.78 scree of land located on the west aide of Carnelian Avenue, east of the Cucamonga Creek Plood Control Channel, and south of Vivero Street - APN 207-022-64. Staff repot[ presented by Cindy Norris, Assistant Planner. Mayor Stout asked if the large flood control channel that diverts water off of Carnelim into the Cucamonga Channel, was there something in this development that was euppoeed to modify that or how would this ba designed. Cindy Nortie, Assistant Planner, stated the channel to the eeuth would remain, antl that there is a channel to the south that will actually leatl into the flood control channel. She thought flood control lmprovemente to the north have been peoposed. Rues Maguire, City Engineer, stated it ie in this budget to do the work for this location. Mayor Stout asked if the traffic signal ai Vivero would be installed before occupancy. Rues Maguire, City Engineer, stated yea. Hayor Btaut opened the meeting for public hearing. Addr¢esing the Council was: Pete Plteaei, architect for the project, expreaeed hie euPPort for the project to be approved. .,ouncrlman Buquet asked what would the net unite per acre be. Mr. Pitaeei answered 9.5 unite per acre. Councilwoman Brown asked what was the net unite per acre across the street. Councilwoman Wright stated she thought it was 4.5 unite per acre, There being no further re^ponae, the public nearing was cloned. Councilwoman Wright asked who designed the road, Rues Maguire, City Engineer, stated it was done by the County. Councilwoman Wright stated th le re the point aha ie tryang to make that the City .- hying co live with a road that was deelgned by someone other than the City, and felt this was ludlcroue because her ftret tmpreeeion was you would be pouring more traffic onto an already overcrowded street end putting in a signal in a space where people are already complaining about too many eignale in that City Council Minutes November 1, 19X9 Page 17 area. She felt the City wee trying Lo squeezes every square inch of buildable land by putting something on it. She felt people have the right to develop the Land, but that it was creating too much traffic. Mayor Stout stated he hne some of the same concerns that Councilwoman Wright has. He felt twat with the correction of the curve problem when the flood control channel is installed ae it should be and the eignalizat ion to make it safer, it would be an acceptable project. Councilman Baguet felt there were too many unite for the property that was there. He felt this approval should 6e made in conjunction with the property to the north eo that there is a flow in the continuity. He elated what he woultl like to see the City do is condition it eo that the street improvements ehou Ltl be made, and the signal installed and operational, prior to the work starting on that project, other than grading. Councilwoman Wright asked how he felt about lowering the density. Councilman Baguet stated he felt !here were too many unite planned there, but was uncomfortable about just grabbing a number out of the air and changing it. Er ad Buller, Ciiy Planner atatad the Medium Density range is 8-14 unite per acre. He gave an overview of the hLetory of the approval of this project, and stated that all that ie before Council tonight is a General Plan and Development Dietr lct Amendment. He stated it the Cossncil warte3 to condition the project, they would have until Priday, November 3 !o do this. councilman Ruauet naked that this be brought back to the City Council on an appeal basis and that the action before them tonight be continued following the action on the appeal. Councilman Alexander stated he agreed with the eignalization, but felt the density was fine. Mayor Stout stated he agreed with the Development District Amendment and General Plan Amendment, and that the question Se what is the appropriate zoning. He at ated he did not have any problem with approving the action before them tonight, but felt the ~r'oject should be brought back and Contlit Toned. RESOLUTION NO. H9-538 A RESOLUTION OF TXB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUOAYONGA, CAS.IPORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 99- 02Ar AMENDING THE GBNBRAL PLAN LAND USB MAP FAOH PL000 CONTROL TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL {5-14 DWBLLING UNITS PER ACRE) FOR APPROXIMATELY 1.78 ACRES OP LANG LOCATED ON THB WEST SIDB OP CARNELIAN, EAST OP TH6 CUCAMONGA CR86R PLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL, AND SOUTH OP VIVERO STA86T, AND HARING PINDINGS IN SUPPORT TNEREOP - APN 207-022-64 City Council Minutes November 1, 1989 Page 18 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND OSVELOP!ffiNT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 87-12 - E.G M DEVELOPMENT - A Yequest io amend the Development Dietricta Hap fYOm Flood Control to Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling unite per acre) for approximately 1.78 acree of land located on the weal aide of Carnel.'_an Avenue, east of the Cucamonga CreeK Plood Control Channel, and south of Vivero Street - APN 207-022-6d. ORDINANCE NO. 404 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, LALIPORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT NO. A7-12, AMENDING THS DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS MAP FROM PLOOD CONTROL TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (8-14 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) POR APPROXIMATELY 1.78 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF CARNELIAN, EABT OF THE WCAMONGA CREEK FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL, AND SOUTH OP VIVERO STREET, AND MA%ING PINOINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN 207-022-64 Dehra J. Aflame, City Clerk, r¢ad title of Otdinarce 404 HOT ION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Alexander to waive full reading of ordinance 404. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. MOTION: Moved by Brown, seconded Dy Alexander to set second reading of Ordinance 404 for November 15, 1989. Motion carried, 4-1 (Wright, no). NOTION: Moved Dy Stout, seconded by Alexander to continue Resolution 89-538 to be heard in conjunction wish the second readinc of O.dinwnro nnn „____- Carr tea unanimously, 5-0. » » » » » » F3. ENV O RENTAL SS SS AND G P ND N N 89-02C - FU E ESTATE. INC. - A request to amend the General Plan Lend Use Nap from Office to Medium Dene ity Residential (8-14 dwelling unite per acre) for 3.556 acree of land located at the southeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Church Street. The City will also consider Neighborhood Commercial and Low Medium Dene ity Aeaidential as alternel4ve des Lgnationa - APN 1077-332-26. (ITEN TO AE CONTINDED TO NOVEMHEA 15, 1969 MEETING) RESOLUTION NO. 89-539 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI2k OP RANi:Hn CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT R9- 02C, AMEND INO THE GSNERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP PROM OFPICE TO MEDIUN DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (8-14 DWELLING UNITB PER ACRE) FOR 3.556 ACRES OP LAND LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ARCNIBALD AVENUE AND CHURCH STREET, AND RAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THERfiOP - APN 1077-332-26 City Council Minut ee November 1, 1909 Page 19 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT NO 89-04 - FUTVRE ESTATE. INC. - A request to amend the Development Diatzicte Map from "DP" (office/Profeeeional) to "M^ (Medium Density, 8-14 dwelling unite psr acre) for 3.556 acres Of land located at the eouthea et corner of Archibald Avenue and Church Street. The City will also consider "NC" (Neighborhood Commercial) and "LM" (Low Medium) ae alternative dlstrids - APN 1077-332-26. ORDINANCE NO. 405 (first Fead ing) AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING OEVEIAPHENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT NO. 89-04, AMBND ING THE DBVELOPMENT DISTRICTS MAP FROM "OP" (OFFICE/PROFESSIONAL) TO "H" (MEDIUM DENSITY, 8-14 DNELL ING UNITS PER ACRfi) FOR 3.556 ACRES OF LANG LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ARCHI BALD AVENVE AND CHURCH STREET, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THERE OF - APN 1077-332-26 MOTION: Moved by Buquetr seconded by Alexander to continue the item to November 15, 1989. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Brown aDSent). 1 R • • • f Fd. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDM_NT 89-02D - RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - A request to amend the Land ^ae Element of the General Plan from Flood Control to Civic/COmmu pity for 3.15 acres of land, located on Lhe north aide oY Banyan Street, seat of the Deer Creek Channel - APN 201-191-24. Staff report. presented by Jack Lam, city Manager, who et ated Cintly Norris, Assistant Planner. waa avan+bin ~~ __„_r - ~ ycc.,L ~,,,,a, "r car carer information was presented by Cindy Norris, Assistant Planner. Mayor Htcut opened the meeting foY public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. RESOLUTION NO. 89-540 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89- 020 AMENDING'173E GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP FROM FLOOD CONTROL TO CIVIC/COMMUNITY POR APPRO%IMATELY :1.15 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BANYAN STREET, EAST OF THE DEER CREEE CHANNEL, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEAROF - APN 201-191-24 MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded Dy Baguet to approve Resolution No. 89- 540. Motion carrLed unanlmouely, 5-p. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 89-OS - RANCHO CUCAMONOA REDEVELOPMENT AOSNCY - A request to amend the DevelopmenC Districts Map from Plood Control to Low Residential (2-4 dwelling unite per acre) for 3.15 acres of land, located on the north sitle of Banyan Street, salt oP the Deer Creek Channel - APN 201-191-24. City Council Hinutee November 1, 1989 Page 20 ORDINANCE NO. 406 (f fret reading) AN ORDINANCB OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT NO. B9-OS AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS MAP FROM FLOOD CONTROL TO LOW DENSITY RESIDBNTIAL (2-4 DNELLING UNITS PER ACRE) POR APPAOX IMATELY 3.15 ACRES OF LANG LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BANYAN STR6%T, EAST OP DBER CRE£% CHANNEL, AND HARING FINDINGS 2N SUPPORT THEREOP - APN 201-191- 24 Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 406. MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Brown to waive full reading and set second reading for November 15, 1989. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. f f R R R f F5. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL US% PERMIT 88-12 - MODIFICATION - WESTERN PROPERTIES - A request io appeal the conditions of approval imposed by the Planning Commies ion requiring a pedestrian passageway through Building X, within the Terra Vista Towne Center, located at the northeast corner of Haven AVenue and Foothill Boulevard - APN 1077-421-05, 06, and 13. RESOLUT SON NO. 89-541 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PANCHO REQUIRING A PEDESTRIAN WALEWAY THROUGH ^BUILDING .X AS IMPOSED BY THE PLANNING COMMIS BION FOR THE APPROVAL OF MODIFICATION TO CONDITIONAL VSE PERMIT 88-12 WITHIN THB TERRA VISTA TOWNE CENTER, LOCATHD AT THE NORTHEAST CORNEA OF HAVEN AVENUE AND FOOTHILL BOVLEVARD, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN 1077-421-05, 06, AND 13 MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Brown to continue the item to November 15, 1989. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. R R } } } R 6. PUBLIC BNARINOS vi. OOFS7DRRAT~oN oP E N' n iN_ n n_ nUI P.E PVBLIr P.I r.H F WP.Y PnR THE CUCAMONGA ST_ORM..DPAIN, PHASE I, PROM THE CVCAMONCA CREEH CHANNEL TO 1300 FEET EAST THEREOF - Public hen[Sng regarding fiminent Domain action tc acquire public right-of-wny for the Cucamonga Storm Dtain, Phase I, located et 7785 Vineyard Avenue (APN 208-091-23) for the construction of storm drain improvements ecroea said property. Staff report presented by Mike Olivier, Er. civil Engineer. City Council Minutes November 1, 1989 Page 21 Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. RESOLUTION NO. 89-542 A AESOLVTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE PVBLIC NEED ANO NECESSITY TO C0NDfit47 A PORTION OF CBRTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, AS6ESSORS PARCEL NO. 208-091-23, AND HARING PINDINOS IN 6UPP0RT THEREOF MOTION: Moved by Brown, seconded by Alexander to epprove Resolution No, 89-542. Motion carried unanimausly, 5-0. R R R R R R R. CITY MANAOBR'8 STAFF REPORTS H1. CONSIDERATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PAOPOSEO ASGIONAL AIR QUALITY ELEMENT Staff report presented Dy Diane O'Neal, Administrative Analyst. RESOLUTION NO. 89-543 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO C JC 4.ONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVT NG PARTICIPATION WITN 6AN BERNAADINO COUNTY POR THE PREPARATION OP A REGIONAL AIA QUALITY ELEMENT POR THE PURPOSE OF IMPROVING AIR QUALITY WITHIN SAN B&RNARDINO COUNTY MOTION: Moved by Stout, seconded by Brown to approve Reaolut ion No. 89-543. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. R R R R R R H2. STATUS REPORT ON PILOT GRAFFITI REMOVAL PROGRAM AT 8TH STREET. WEST OF RARER ALONG THE ATCNISON TOPEAA AND SANTA PE RAILAO Staff report and elide presentation given by Jerry Fulwaod, Deputy City Menage r. Councilwoman Brown asked when the graffiti had been removed. Jezry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated ii had been removed on October 13, antl added that ae of this meeting no graffiti had reappeared. Councilman Alexander asked if the City of Ontario was working with ue. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy Clty Manager, stated ye e. Councilwoman Wright commented that the nalgDborhood now complimented the City becau ee of the graffiti removal. ACTION: Report received and filed. City Council Minutes November I, 1989 Page 22 H3. AEVIE97 OF P NTEN DISTRI NO. 1 GENERAL CITY CAPITAL SDBDIVISION PLAN Staff report presented by Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager. Mayor Stout asked if you could have a combination of proactive and reactive. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated yea. Mayor Stout further asked if it was possible to let the people that want to, pay a little more for better services. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated this would have to be approved through the City Council. Mayor Stout asked whet is the mechanism for setting up a subdistrict. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated that in talking with the City's Bond Counsel, it is basically the same as setting up any landscaping or lighting district. He stated the property owners would cane into City Hall and state that they wont certnin improvements done, eta £f would make the presentation to the City Council, the City Council would have to approve it, and xhen Le is put on the tax rolls. Councilwoman Wright asked if Mr. Pulwood knew how much above the 575.00 the people would hove to pay for the lmprovemente near Archibald and Wilson. Jerry A:lwood, Deputy City Manager, stated that Lt depends on the number of property owners, with the coat being spread outr and that there are variables involved. Councilwoman Wright asked if the property owners would know ahead of time what the additional cosy would be. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy Clty Manager, stated yes. Councilwoman Wright aeke"~if all three phases would begin at budget time. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, etaiad that if there was a neighborhood that wanted to do eomethtng now, that it could 6e done, but stated that if they could wait, it would be presented to the City Counc'_1 in June as part of the master Dian. councilwoman Wr lght asked what hoe been past practice for staff in approving the type of district as It relates to a project that involves eha majority of homeowners. City Council Minuted November 1, 1989 Page 23 Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated staff does not feel comfortable in recommending anything to the City Council at the present time without at Least 758 to BOe of the property owners being in favor of thie7 however, he et ated staff likes to come in at a higher level of 908. Mayor Stout asked Mr. Fu lwood if he could put together some kind of booklet that would explain thin process and how it works which could De given to residents. Jerry :ulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated he and Aues Maguire, City Engineer, could work on this. Councilwoman Brown felt there still might be the argument that the person across the street who is in no assessment district at all, ie benefitting from a small group of people just Decause they are on the other Bide of the street and are in District One, and nre going to bear the entire coat of what may be improvements Lo the other aide of the street as well because they are facing it. She asked if it was possible that alt other parcels in the City could be annexed into ^istriei One with no assessment die[rict charge or fee to those that are not currently paying, but would De included in the master plan with those individual neighborhoods that come forward and be able to vote on whether they wanted to take on that new project. Even the ones that were not paying, if they wanted to get into the process, they could opt to get into it and they could be told how much they would have to pay. She felt this would offset some of the inequities. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated that once those properties are annexed into the district, which would have to be clear¢d with Bond Counsel, that once they are annexed into the maintenance d+~*^+^~, .,._ _~,... ~ yua~ uc o.~u is rs very difficult not to aeaeea them. Ne felt you may be able to set up a eubdietriet within District one, but felt this should be deterretl to legal counsel for advice. Cot ncilwoman Wright stated this all goes back to when the City hatl new development paying its own way. Ruse Maguire, City Engineer, stated that any new development that comes into the city at the present time tloee pay its own way. Councilman Alexander asked if it was pose able for homes not Ln an aeeeesment district, that when a home changes hands, could they possibly go into District one. Jame9 Markmanr Ctty Attorney, wteted that L..a Nluht be a real prObl em foe .^lu wha:, asked to do this. He stated to nnnex into an aeeeesment district, there Se a June public. hearing where you can annex into an aeeeesment tlietrict, He did not feel you cnultl pass en ortlinence that would automatically annex people when they transfer owners of a home. Councilman Buquet stated he felt the Council should again review the concerns that have been raised as the process gate further along because he felt this situat Lon was etmilar to setting up same of the previous aeeeesment districts. City Council Ninutea November 1, 1989 Page 24 Councilwoman Brown stnied she did not feel that everyone would be able to afford this. Councilman Buquet stated he would like to see this on a priority basis and that this could be handled with those people that want to do this. Councilwrman Brown concurred with Councilman euquei'e suggestion. Mayor Stout stated that he felt we need to do something, and that it could not he completely resolved tonight. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Hanager, suggested to the City council that if they would like to take this approach, they would eventually have to approve funding so that Engineering could bring in a consultant to do a study. Hayor Stout opened the meeting for public input. Addressing the City Council woe: Phil Yenovkian, 5835 Burgundy Avenue, stated he ie glad to see the City moving ahead on thia. He asked if the City would be looking for funding of the projects that were proposed at the last meeting at budget time in June. Councilwoman Wright answered yes. Mr. Yenovkian added he did not feel there would be a problem with getting people to pay for the improvements. ACTION: Aeport received and filed. I. COUNCIL BVSINEBB 11. REVIEW OP THE CITY'S BUSIN SS LICENSE ORDINANCE SOLICITATION SE TION (Oral Report) (Continued fro. October 18, 1989) Councilwoman Brown stet ~ehe had put this item on the agenda because she had been asked to by a resident. She stated chat if the fireworks measure passes, that possibly the sports groups, etc.r could raise money by painting curbs ae ie done in the City o£ La Mirada. ,: amee Mar¢man, City Art nrney, referred to t.^.e informal ion .`.e had paaaad out :com the League of California Citieer and asked the Clty Council to please read this at their convenience. He further stated there were different avenues to control the eoLiciting, i.e., register people at City Hall Who are going door-to-door, residences and businaeeee posting "NO Bollcitora" signs (he added an ordinance could be worked up eo that SE someone was not nCSding by these elgna this could ba ca11eA a miedemeenor(, and curb pelnting (he added that the City of Ln Mirada hoe hired a man that does this for them). City Council Minutes November 1, 1909 Page 2E Hayor Stout asked Sf the City could look into subcontracting this with the var SOUS City groups. Councilwoman Nright asked what could someone do to check on a solicitor. Lieutenant Bruce Ze iner, Sheriff`s Department, stated if his office gets a call from a resident, they have the resources to check an individual out. James Markman, City Attorney, asked whet wouid happen if someone tloea not get off the property when asked to or violates "NO Solicitat ion^ signs. Lieutenant Bruce Zeiner, Sheriff's Department, stated that person would be subject to arrest. Councilwoman Brown felt that residents should be made aware that ae part of the Neighbornood Watch Program people should be watching out for their neighbors when they see someone strange in their area. She added she felt this should De publicized Sn our local papers. Councilwoman Brown stated she would like further information on curb painting. Mayor Stout added there was a great deal of the City that does not even have addresses. Councilwoman Brown felt this should also 6e looked into. ACTION: Report received and filed with furthsi information to come back to • R f R I2. REPORT ON TRUCE ROUTE DESIGNATIONS ON HAVEN AND MILLIKEN AVENGES Staff report presented by Paul Rougeau, Traffic Engineer. ACTION: Report received and Filed. • f f • • R i3. UPDATE REPORT ON NORDIC WOODS (Oral Report) Staff report presented by Jerzy Grant, eullding Official, who reported on the progress that has been made, and stated shat the next Subcommittee meeting was scheduled for November 17. Cnu Heitman ku Haar fair rho resldcrtrn had calmed down bocau oe rhe!r ^__..___.._ ____ getting taken care of with the progress thni had been made. Councilwoman Brown felt it was n good sign that none of the residents were present at ehle meeting. Mayor Stout stated he wanted to make ears the community trail le cleaned. Staff concurred that it would ba. City Council Hinutee November 1, 1989 Page 26 ACTION: Report received and filed, with an update to be given at the December 6, 1989 Council meeting. • R R M i R I4. CONSIDBAATION OF RESOLUTION REDVCINC NOXIOUS FUMES AND SMOKE EMITTED BY VEHICLES Staff report presented by Councilman Buquet. Cocncilwoman 8sown suggested she take this to Carol Beewick to place on the SANBAG agenda. Councilman Buquet concurred. RESOLNTION NO. 89-544 A REu^OLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REDUCING NOXIOUS PUKES AND SMOKE EMITTED BY VEHICLES MOTION: Moved py Buquet, seconded by Alexander to approve Resolution No. 89- 544. Motion carried unanimously, 5-O. fi R R R • # J. P CA ON O I J1. Councilman Buquet stated he would like a rer,%,rt nn •no ;~~+^, -_- .1„y .. w:iyrncron of Infrest ructure and traffic circulation improvements prior to construction work starting fora project. J2. Councilman Baguet asked for a report on the possibility of prohibiting air C:affic training over the City's residential areas. J3. Councilman Alexander asked foi a report on street widths. J4. councilmen Alexander asked for a report on the City's addressing policy of structures ihroughou4ihe City. J6. Councilwoman Brown asked for n report on the MAOLEV, and stated Paul Taylor, E%ecut ive Director, end Rues Haguire, City Engineer, would be coordinating thl¢ report. R R R Y R R F. COIORINICATIONB PROM TEE PUBLIC No communication wee mode. • R Ii R City Couneil Minutes November 1, 1989 Page 27 NOTION: Moved by Brown, seconded by Alexander t0 adjourn to Executive Session regarding the Rock Crusher. Thn Executive Seeeion will adjourn to the November 14, 1989 joint meeting with the Park and Recreation Commission. Motion carried unanimously, 5-D. The meeting adjourned at 9:57 p.m• Aeepectfully aubm it ted, Debra J. Adams City Clerk Approved: November 15, 1989 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA CITY COVNCIL MINUTAS Regular Minutes A. CALL TO ORDBR A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Aancho Cucamonga met on Wednesday, November 19, 1989, in the Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, Celiforni a. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councllmembere: William J. Alexander, DeDOtah N. Brown, Charles J. euquet II, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; James Harkmart, City Attorney; Linda ^, Daniels, Deputy City Manage[; Ause Maguits. Cify engineer; Bob 2etterberg, Ma inte panne Superintendent; Jeff BAYne0, Parke Supervisor; Brad Buller, City Planner; Dan Coleman, Principal Planner; Brett Horner, Associate Planner; Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager; Dave Leonard, Perk Projects Coordinator; Jim Hart, Adm inietrative Services Director; Jim Frosty City Treasurer; Duane o na.. Mickey,cAdm in iet rative'Aitle; Chief Lloyd Almand,y Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District; Lt. Biuce Feiner, Rancho Cucamonga Sheriff's Station; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. • • • a e. ANNOVNCBNSNTS/PRSSBNTATIONS 81. Presentation of 10 ~•ear Pin to Dave Leonard. (Continued from November 1, 1989) Mayor Stout made the presentation to Dave Leonard, Park Projects Coordinator. B2. Presentation of "Honor" award received by the City of Aancho Cucamonga from r.ha na r.i onwi da Pro tossionat Grounds Msnsgeme.^.t S_crety Eor C,,..: ,... Park, sob 2etterberg, Maintenance Superintendent, gave the backgrountl on this award. Jeff Barnee, Parke Supervisor, presented elides to show haw the City won this, and presented the award to the Mayor end City Council. B3. Mayor Stout announced that 22 Lndivlduals graduatetl from the Sheriff's Citizen Patrol Program which he hatl attended the ceremonies of earlier. city council Ninutee November 15, 1989 Page 2 R • • • 1 1 C. CONNVNICATIONS FROM THB POBLIC Councilwoman Brown read a letter frwo Chuck Haynes, President of the Caryn Eomeowners Association for the record. "November 14, 1909 Captain Gary (sic) Gilmore Sheriff's Office Rancho Cucamonga Captain Gilmore: i would liY,e to expreae my sincere thanks and appreciation to you and Detective Emerson for the services of my he lath (sic), security antl well being when I went to San Bernardino before the County Board of Supervisor e. I had passed off the call threatening my life sa some crank call. After talking to you and Councilwoman Deborah Brown I was convinced this may be more that (sic) an angry caller. Detective emereon made sure every possible security measure was taken for my safety. Not only was he proffesional (sic), he made sure I was ae relaxed as possible. During the entire day Z was never out of hie sight. Ne was constantly on the move watching for any poaelbility that might present itself. Detective Emezeon was polite, sincere, iniellegent (aie) antl undaunted in hie A~.ti nv T fu1F mnYn IiYO T Fe.1 • ~N nnA ...iFF .en VFa• ., n.. My hat goes off to the fine law enforcement agents of the Rancho Cucamonga Sheriff's Department. It's too Dad we wait for an opportunity like this hefore we express our appreciation. I was relieved and thankful that you considered and offered your services. Again, my thanks and appreciation. chuck Haynes, Preaitlent Caryn Homeowners Organization cc: Detective Emerson City of Rancho Cucamonga" w w • • w D_ CONSENT CALP.NDAR Councilwoman Wright asked if the improvement agreement extension on Foothill and Baker relatee to the item on the agentla where the Council will 6e discussing a matter of similar nature. lack Lam, City Manager, stated the exteneiona era either for work in progress or work already approved, antl asked if Rues Naquire, City Engineer, could see any part Lcular problem with any of these. City Council Minutes November 15, 1989 Page 3 Rues Maguire, Ciiy Engineer, stated what these refer to era contractual agreements between the City and the developer, and added that the extensions vary in length of Lima granted. D1. Approval of Warrant e, Register Noe. 33/1/89, 11/8/89 and Payroll ending 30/26/69 for the total amount of $1,786,227.21. D2. Approval to authorize the advertising of the "Notice Inviting Aids" fcr the Area V Hillside Road Stoxm Drain, Phase SI, located between Archibald Avenue and Alta Loma Channel Improvement Proj eci, to be funded from Drainage Fu ntla, Account No. 23-4637-8862. RESOLUTION NO. 89-545 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVINO PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TBE "AREA V HILLSIDE ROAD STORM DRAIN, PHASE II" IN SAID CITY AND AVTHORSCING AND DIRECTING THS CITY CLERE TO ADVERTISE TO RBCEIVB BIOS D3. Approval to purchase a graffiti removal truck Prom Hydro-Tek sye terra, Incorporated oP Redlnnde, California, in the amount of $40,227.00 to be funded from Account Number 01-4647-7045. D4. Appmval Of an amendrz~ent to the Policy and Procedure for various Landscape and Street Lighting Haintenarce Districts throughout the City. D5. Aoprovel of Mao. executi nn of Imnrnocmnnt a~...em....r _ __,_,,,_„_ __~__ and ordering the Arnex ation to LandeCepe Maintenance Di et rict'NO.~-1-and Street Liyht ing Maintenance District Noe. 1 and 2 for Tract No. 13813, located on the west side of Hellman Avenue 900 feet south Of 19th Street, submitted by William Perry Roofing Company. RESOLUTION NO. 89-546 A RESOLUTION OF THE f.ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFURN IA, APPROVING IMPROVP.MENT AGREEMENT, INPROVEMENT'SECUAITY, ANO FINAL MAP OF TRACT N0. 13813 RESOLVTION NO. 89-547 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCfi0 CJCA.90NGA, CALZFORIiZA, OAD-aAING THE ANNR%ATinN OP CEP.TA IN TERRITORY TU LANDSCAPE lfA INTBNANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND BTREET LIGHTING HAINTENANCB DISTRICT NOS• 1 AND 2 POR TRACT NO. 13813 D6. Approval to execute improvement Agreements Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexnt ion to Landscape Maintenance District No. 4 and Street Lighting Maintenance Dietrici Noe. 1 end 4 for Tract 13662r located on the southeast corner of Haven Avenue and Raae Line Roatl submitted by Lewis Homee of California. City Council Minutes November 18, 1989 Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. 89-548 A RESOLUTION OP TNB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVRNENT AGREEMENT, IMPAOVEMBNT SECVRITY, AND FINAL MAP OP TRACT 13062 RESOLUTION KO. 89-549 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI PORNIAr ORDERING THE ANNBAATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 4 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. I AND 4 FOR TRACT 13662 D7. Approval to execute Improoement Agreement and Improvement security for OR 57-48, located on the south aide of 9th street between Hellman and Archibald Avenues and releaee of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security previously accepted by City Council on September 20, 19A9, both submitted Dy Sebastiano Filpi. RESOLUTION NO. 89-550 A RSSOLUTION OY THS CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI PORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVBMBNT AGREEMENT ANO IHPAOVEMHNT SECURITY POR DBVBLOPMSNT REVIEW NO. 87-48 AND RELEASING THfi IMPROVTiNBNT AGAEENENT AND SECURITY PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED nR. Annrnml fn oxorute Tmmrnvmm~nt Anranmonta •nd Tmnrn.,omon! m~...:~:.... i.,~ Tract 12462 located on the south aide of Summit Avenue, between atiwanda and Eeat Avenues, euDmitted by Piret Family Homes and releaee of Improvement Agreements and Improvement Securit tee previously accepted by City Council on April 19, 1989, submitted Dy Radnor/Brougham/CUCamonga Partnership. RESOLUTION NO. 89-551 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVENBNT AGREEMENTS AND IMPROVEMBNIF SECURITIES POR TRACT NO. 12462 AND RELEASING THB IHPROVEIDINT AGREEIffiNTS AND SECURITIES PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED D9. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement and Improvement Securlty for Tract 13280, located north of ease Line Road between Milliken and Rochester Avenues, eubmittetl by She Luek Caapeny end releaee of Improvemenr. Anranmenr and Improvement Securlty previously accepted by Clty Council on January 1B, 1989 eubmittetl by The Nilliam Lyon Company. City Council Minutae November 15, 1989 Page 5 RESOLVT20N NO. 89-552 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COVNCIL OF THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INPROVENENT AGREEMENT AND IHPAOVEMBNT SECURITY POA TRACT 13280 AND RELEASING THE IHPROVBHCNT AGREEMENT AND SECURITY PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED OSO. Approval to execute Improvement Agreert~ent Extension for Tract 10210, located on the northwest corner of Sapphire Street and Almond Street eubmittetl by Nordic Development. RBSOLUTION N0. 89-553 A RESOLVTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVBMENT AGREEMENT EXT@NSION AND 2MPROVE!ffiNT SECURITY £OR TRACT 10210 D11. Approvai tc execute Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 12373 located on the east aide of Haven Avenue between Lemon Avenue and Banyan Street, submitted by Paragon Homes. RESOLUTION NO. E9-554 A RESOLUTION OF TH8 CITY COUNCIL OP THH CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CAL IFOAN IA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SHCURITY FOR TRACT 12873 D 12. Annroval to wxwcutw Tmn_rnvwmwnf Anrnnmanf P.rf wnnl nn of Trw nt liA Cn t~~af u.+ on the southeast corner of Poothill Boulevard and eakar Avenue, submitted by No rt hwoode Development. ITHM REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION BY COVNCILNONAN HRIOHT RESOLUTION N0. 89-555 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13650 D13. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13728, located nn the northwest corner of Sapphire Street and Hllleide Road, submitted by Hillside/Sapphire Venture, Limited. RESOLOT ION NO, 89-SS6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVBMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT EECUR ITY FOR TRACT 13728 014. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extenelon for DR e6-36 locatetl on the south aide of 6th Street between Utica Avenue and Cleveland, submitted by General Dynamics. city council Minuie6 November 15, 1989 Page 6 ABSOLUTION NO. 89-557 A ABSOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEM%NT AGREEMENT EXTENSION ANO INPROVBHBNT SECURITY FOR DA 86-36 015. Approval of Improvement e, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion Pnr: n,.« ivo3g 1 t d th th id f Te VL Loop taftwee Mineral Peak Court and Hammoth Peak Court Release: PaLthful Performance Bond (Street) $13j'~600. 00 Accept: Naintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 13,960.00 RESOLUTION NO. 89-550 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVBMENTS FOA TRACT 12938 ANU AVTHORIZING THE PILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION POA THB WOAR T L 12943 1 Gated ih seat 'd of Hillview Loon at Plkee Peak Court d T'on P k C rt Ae lease: Falthfui Performance Bond (Street) $109, OOb.b0 Accept: MaLnienance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 10,900.00 RESOLUTION NO. 89-559 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, ACCEPTINO THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12943 ANO AUTHORIZ INC THE FILING OF A NOTICE OP COMPLETION FOR THE WORA Tract 12944 located on Terrace Vlew LOGO at Mt. San Antonio street and Conner Pase Court Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Stree!) $135,000.00 Accept: Naintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 13,500.00 RESOLUTION :iO. 89-560 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TH$ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIPWWIA, ACCEPTING TXE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12944 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OP A NOTICE of COMPLETION FOR THB WORN City Council Minutes November 15, 1989 Page 7 Tract 12952 located on the south aide of 19th Street between Haven Avenue and Doer Cieek Channel Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $950, tl00.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 95,000.00 ABSOLVTION NO. E9-561 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF AANCNO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, ACCBPTING TH8 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOA TRACT 12952 AND AVTHOAIZ ING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OP COMPLETION FOR THE WOAR DR E7-61. located on the west side of Rochester Avenue. south of 6th Street Release: Faithful Performance Hond (Street) $242,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 69-562 A RESOLUTION OP TN8 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THB PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DR E7-61 AND AUTHORISING THE FILING OF P. NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR TH6 WoAR Parc 9 n d t week corns o Haven Avenue a d Hillelde RnaA Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Sires!) $ 29,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 69-563 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 9064 AND AUTHORISING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OP COMPLETION FOR THE HORA D16. Approval to accept the Improvement of Peron Boulevard, between Hermosa Avenue and Ramona Avenuer Contract No. E9-105, ae completer release the bonds and authorise the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion^. RESOLUTION N0. Rv-5{+4 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, ACCEPTING THB PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PBRON BOULEVARD, FROM HBRMOSA AVBNUE TO RAMONA AVENUE, CONTRACT NO. E9-105, AND AUTHOR IEING THB FILING OP A NOTICE OF COMPLBTION POR THB WORE City Council Minutes November 15, 1989 Page 8 D 17. Approval to accept the Siurry Seal Program PY 88/89, Contract No. 89-307, as complete, release the bonds and authorize the City Engineer to file a ^Notice of Completion". RESOLUTION NO. 89-565 el AESOLVTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOP. SLURRY EEAL PROGRAM FY 88/89, CONTRACT NO. 89-107, AND AUTHORIZING THE PILING OP A NOTICE OP COMPLETION FOR THE WORK 718. Approval to accept the Highland Avenue Project, from Haven Avenue to 19th Street, and authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion". RESOLUTION NO. 89-566 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR HIGHLAND AVBNUfi PROJECT, PROM HAVEN AVENUE TO 19TH STREET, AND AUTHORIZING TH8 FILING OF A NOTICE OP COMPLETION FOA THE WORK MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Hrnwn to approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Item o12, and the correction Ln the anrount to De released in item D15. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. + . w nlennc¢mw no +mcv o~v a....~......, ... ............. ....._-..-_-_. ..._____ .._..._, ___ ..,...__.__ __ ________ ____~__. _..._.._ ..~_--...,.a .....,,.....o.: of xract 13650 located on the southeast cornet of Poothill Boulevard and Baker Avenue, submitted by Northwoods Development. RESOLUTION NO. 89-555 A RESOLVTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION ANO IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOA TRACT 13650 Councilwoman Wright stater the reason the asked for this particular item to be pulled ie because they are asking for a six month extent ion, and asked iE they would be allowed to occupy these unite before they have completed all of the work on Baker or Foothill. Russ Mavuire. City Engineer, at wr pd rryar Dgwicnlly they Set .^._ _-- Via.^.^y c..--- they can prove tAey have reeeonable and safe access to the Bite. nonce they have done this, than occupancy ie released proportionally to completion up to 958, at which point it !e held until Council accepts the tract. He further stated that moat of these extenaione, when it includes landeceping, oleo include anywhere from a one to three month lendecape eetnDliehment period. City Council Ninutea November 15, 1989 Page 9 Councilwoman Wright stated that on this one specifically they are asking for an extension on the sidewalk and landscaping on Foothill ae well as Baker, and stated that it hoe been her experience throughout construction that they nave not maintained ndequate signal men or whatever ie needed during the construction phase. She asked if we are obligated by law to grant the extension. Auss Ma^uire, City Engineer, atated the City is not obligated to grant the extension, but atated if we do not grant it, what will happen is the contractor will be in violation of the agreement, and that the City•e only option is to not force completion, but take them into court and have the bonding company complete the project, which usually takes longer. He atated if Councilwoman Wright feels uncomfortable with Lhie, they can be granted only three months and then come back again. Councilman Alexander atated he agreed with Councilwoman Wright as it relates to safety antl access, and chat even though the extension might be granted, he felt no form of occupancy hoe to be granted until each time ae al: safety issues relating to access are completed, and Baked if this was correct. ,]amen Markman, City Attorney, stated [hat if the Council wants to come back and artend the agreement this can be done. Councilwoman Wzight atated this ie not her only concernr and atated that this major corner ie almost completed and to sit like this for six months wouid create an eyesore. RU98 Maguire, City Engineer, atated the Council could take a minute action rii ~on!• ah off • niAnr fAn •,.... and Baker, the safety ^ieeue, and that this be applieC to withhold'anyyoccupancy. Councilwoman Wright atated she ie also concerned that the vita site uncompleted and asked if they would have to keep progreeaing over the Biz month period. Rues Maguire, City Engineer, stated he did not know of any vehicle other than saying you can't move anyone in. Councilwoman Brown atated there era two improvement agreement extene ions on the agenda for Nordic, and fiat the Council knew what kind of problems the City was having with them. Counciiman euquet asked if there was a way to express to the contractor the concerns that the Council nee. Russ Maguire, Ctty Engineer, atated Chat eieff needs some kind of leverage of "no occupancies" by minute action. councilwoman Wright atated that would be her motion, and asked if they could reconsider Nordic if this le voted in the affirmative. CLty Council Ninutee November I5, 1989 Page 10 James Marlusan, City Attorney, stated they could reconsider it iE they wanted to bring it up. Mayor Stout said he agrees with the safety Lseuee on Baker and Foothill, and felt he could justify the holding of occupancies, but had concerns about rushing the landscaping iaeue too much and not getting a quality job. Councilmen Huquet felt staff should be able to do whatever is necessary t- yet the iob done. MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by 0uquet to approve the extension with the proviso that no occupancy be allowed until the infrastructure on Baker and Foothill is complet¢ with an appropriate percentage of occupancies to be released, which is to be determined by staff, with no occupancy allowetl beyontl chat until the landscaping is complete on the two perimeter atreeta. Motion carc ied unanimously, 5-0. . . . . . . Councilwoman Wright asked chat Stem 010 be reconsidered if staff felt it should be along wish any others. Councilman Buquet felt this should be looked at by legal cou noel Defore the Council does any further reconsldetatione. . R ~ + ~ w E1. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT DEVBL 3"T CT A NDM...NT 89 05 RANCHO CUCAMONGA AEDE JELOPMENT AGENCY -A reque et to amend the Development Diatric to Map Eros. Flood Control to Low Residential (2-4 dwelling unite per acre) for 3.15 acres of land, located on the north aide of Banyan Street, east of the Deer Creek Channel - APN 201-191-24. ORDINANCE NO. 406 (second reading) AN ORD INANCfi OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT NO. 89-05 AMENDING TN6 DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS MAF FROM PLOOD CONTROL TO LOW DENBITY RESIDENTIAL (2-4 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) FOA APPROXIMATELY 3. 1: ACRES OF LAND LOCATED OF THE FORTH BtpE OP 9.ANY.*_N cmocam EAST O. DEER CAEER CHANNEL, AND MAEING PIND INGS IN SUPPORT THEAEOP pAPN 201-191- 24 Debca S. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 406. MOTION: Moved by Brown, seconded by Alexander to waive full reading and approve Ord Lnance No. 40fi. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (BUquet absent). R fl • • Y City Council Minutes November 15, 1989 Page 12 F2. ENVIRONl~NTAL ASSSSSHENT GH P N AMBNDMENT 89 02A E G M DEVELOPMENT - A request to amend the Ganeial Plan Land Bee Map from Flood Control to Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling unite per acre) for approximately 1.78 acres of land located on the west aide of Carnelian Avenue, east of the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel, and south of Vivero Street - APN 207-022-64. (COntiauW from Nor~ar 1, 1989) Staf£ report presented by Ruse Maguire, City Engineer. Councilwoman Wright caoplimented Hr. Pitaeei on the des iqn of the unite, but added she felt there were too many unite on this parcel, and felt the signal was needed. Ehe stated she felt the build-up numbers were too large 6ecauae it would generate too much traffic and too many people. She brought up her concerns of law enforcement because of this project, but stated her main concern was density. Councilwoman Brown felt denalty should be more consistent in this area. Mayor Stou[ stated he felt with all that was involved with this project, that it would make Carnelian more safe. Councilmen: Alexander stated he agreed with some of Councilwoman Wright's concerns. RESOLUTION NO. 89-538 A ABSOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TR6 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDM@NT 89- n7e •Mnunrur. m,+v rvvww. ____, __,_ ___ .-,. _ ,-...---- - T TO MEOIUX DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (8-14•DWBLLING UNITS ^PER^ACAE) FOR APPROXIMATELY 1.75 ACABS OF LAND LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF CARNELIAN, BAST OF THE CUCAHONGA CREEK FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL, AND 30UTH OP VIVSRO STREET, AND MAKING FINDINGS ZN SUPPORT THfiREOF - APN 207-022-64 MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Euquet to approve Reeolut ion No. 89- 538. Motion carried, 3-2 (Brown and Wright, no). ENVIRONMENTAL ASSBb'SR~NT AND DEVELOPM_ DTSTRICT FNDH NT 87 12 E G M DEVELOPMENT - A request to amend the Development Districts Map from Flood Control to Medium Dene ity Residential (8-14 dwelling unite per acre) foe approx imetely 1.78 scree of land located on the we at aide of Carnelian Avenue, east of tl:e Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel, and south of Vivero Street - AA. 207-022-vv. ORDINANCE NO. 604 (second reading) A77 ORDINANCE OP TNB CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AlD1NDMENT NO. 87-12, AMENDING THB DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS MAP PROM FLOOD CONTROL TO MEDIUH DENBITY RESIDENTIAL (8-14 DWELLING UNITS PBR ACRE) POA APPROXIMATELY 1.78 ACRES OP LAND City Council Hi notes November 15, 1989 Page 11 !. ADVBRTIBHD PUBLIC NHARINOB ITEMS F1 AND !2 WHRH CdfBIDER® TODHTBQR. F1. ENVIRONMHNTAL ASSHSSl~NT AND THRTATIVE TRACT 14263 - E G N DEVELOPMENT - A request to appeal the conditions of approval Lnpoeed by the Planning Commission regarding the timing of toner xu ct Sort of required frontage et roct improvement e, including inetalletion of the traffic signal, for a rea ident ial subdivision and design review of 32 condominium unite on 3.35 acres of land in the Medium Residential District (e-14 dwelling unite per acre) and the Fiood Control District (a proposed Medium Residential Cietrict), located on the west side of Carnelian at Vivero Street - APN 207-022-64 and 64. Aaeoc fated with this project is General Plan Amendment 89-02A, Development District Amendment 87-12, and Tree Removal Permit 89-68. Staff report preeented by Ru99 Maguire, City Engineer. Mayor Stout opened the greeting for public searing. Atldreaeing the Ci[y Council wee: Pete Pitaeei, architects stated that he agrees with the appeal that has been fi,lad. He preeented photon of soma oY the structures at this Bite which are to be removed, and preeented photos of the City's general plan which shows the proposed site. He added there was a meeting on August 30 with the residents in this area whereby they stated some of their concerns, which have been addressed, but further stated the residents did like the project. Councilwoman Wrlght asked if the done ity was not changed for thla project, could they still proceed wits it. Mr. Pitaeei et aced no. Councilwoman Wright asked sow many feet there were between each structure. Mr. Pitaeei stated 18 feet, and added they have not asked for any variances for thlo project. Councilwoman Brown asked what the square tootnge of the lore were. Mr. Pltassi stated the unite are 1400 to 1600 square fees, but did not actually know the size of the late, that they vary in size. There being no further response, the public hearing was closed. MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Alexander to grant the appeal ea amended and come back with a Resolution at the December 6, 1989 meeting. Motion cnrr latl unanimously, 5-0. City council Minutes NovembeY 15, 3989 Page 13 LOCATED ON THB HEST 9IDE OP CARNELIAN, EAST OP THE CVCAMONGA CAEBA FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL, AND SOUTH OP VIVERO STREET, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN 207-022-64 Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 404. MOTION: Moved Dy Buquet, seconded by Brown to waive full reading of ordinance No. 404. Motion carried unanlmouely, 5-0. MOTION: Roved by Buquet, seconded by Alexander to approve Ord inflnce No. 404. Motion carried, 3-2 (Brown and Wright, no). f f • ~ • R F3. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO 89-02C - FUTURE ESTATE. INC. - A iequeet to amend the General Plan Lantl V6e Map from Oftice to Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling unite per acre) for 3.556 acres of land located at the eoutheaet corner of Archibald Avenue and Chur<h Street. The City will also consider Neighborhood Commercial and Low Medium Density Residential ea altetnai ive designations - APN 1077-332-26. (COatinuad fron November }, 1989) RBSOLUT ION NO. 89-539 A RESOLUTION OF THS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNSA, APPROVING CENBRAL PLAN ANENOHENT 89- 0X, AMBNDING THB GENERAL PLAN LAND VSB HAP PROM OFFICE TO 3.556 ACRES OP oLAND„TLOCATSD AT THE SOUTHEAST „CORNER OF AACHIBALD AVENUE AND CHURCH STREET, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN 1077-332-26 ENVSAONHENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT NO 89-04 - FUTURE ESTATE. INC. - A request to amend the Development Districts Map from "OP" (Office/PYOfeseional) to "M" (Hedlum Density, 5-14 dwelling unite per acre) for 3.556 acres of land located et the eoutheaet corner of Archibeld Avenue and Church Street. The City will also consider "NC" (Neighborhood Commercial) and "LH" (Low Medium) ae alternative districts - APN 1077-332-2fi. (COntiaued fron November 1, 1989) ORDINANCE NO. 405 (fire[ read Lng) AN ORDI NANCk OP THE CT_TY COnyrlL OF TPE CITY CP RA::CHO WCAMONGA, CAL IPORN IA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT NO. 89-04, AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS HAP PROM "OP" (OFFICE/PROFESSIONAL) TO "M" (MEDIUM DENSITY, 5-14 DWELLING UNITS PBR ACPE) FOR 3.556 ACR68 OP LAND LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OP ARCHIBALD AVENUE AND CHURCH STREET, AND MAKING PTNDINGS IN BUPPOAT THBAE OF - APN 1077-332-26 City Council Ninutea November 15, 1989 Page 14 Mayor Stout stated it hue bean indicated to hLO through the staff report that there is a request to have this item token off the agenda and would return to the City Council after it is heard by the Planning Commission regarding school impaction problems. James Markman stated this will be senoticed prior to coming back to the City Council. ACTION: Item removed from agenda. • • R } F4. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 88-12 - MODIFICATION - WESTERN PROPERTIES - A request to appeal the conditions of approval imposed b the Y Planning Commission requiring a pedestrian passageway through Building R, within the Terra Vista Towne Center, located at Che northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Foothill Hou levetd - APN 1077-421-OB, 06, and 13. (COatiauad from Novaaber 1, 1989) RESOLVTION NO. 89-541 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIPOANIA, DENYING THE APPEAL AND VPHOLDING A CONDITION RBQUIRING A PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY THROUGH BUILDING E AS IHPOSED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSSON FOR THE APPROVAL OF HOD IFICATION TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BB-12 NITHIN THE TERRA VISTA TOWNB CENTER, LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF NAVEN aVFN11F aNn Pm•vVA• _ _ _ _ _ __ THEAEOP - APN: 1077-421-OS ,n 06,, AND-13.~ V- yV•~V^ MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Brown to continue the Item to December 6, 1989. Motlon carried unanimously, 5-0. F5. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSE95MENT TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT R9-D1 - WESTERN PROPERTIES - A request to change various school, trail and park site designations; to allow tlreatnblishment of auto service etatlone subject to the Conditional Uee Permit process along selected major arterials; to delete a portion of Orchard Avenue; and to update the Landscape Oeeign Guidelines end land use maps to reflect prevloue project approvals and "ae-built" conditions - APN 227-151-OB, 13, and 14; 3077-421-01, 16 end 18; and 1077-091-36. Staff repot preeenLed by Brett Horner, Aaancf ate Planner. councilwomen Brown stated that in the staff report it notes that one of the parka had been deleted because the difference had been taken up Dy the other two parka, which ware water retention basins et one time, antl asked if that had already been decided prior to the delei iOn. She felt this had been addressed one year ago, and it was nct burring any deletion of any park in the future. City Council Minutes November 15, 1989 Page 15 Brad Buller, City Planner, stated that the perk issue and the retention bee in i.a sue wets discussed and that this aaendment ie an administrative update to actually catch up with soma of those actions that were taken in the past, and staged this ie the fozmal action to put it back in the communiey plan ae it Ls today. Councilwoman Brown stated her question ie that the decision to make the parks the acreage they are was not dependant upon deleting a park a year and a half later, and asked if this was the case, or did we know a yenr and a half ago that Etiwanda Bchool District was not going to need the school feciliiiee. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated he thought it was over a year and a half ago that the Ciiy knew the Jr. High would not be there, nor did they need the elementary school sites. Councilwoman Bzown stated she knew abeut the Jz. High, that they had swapped that land quite awhile ago, Dut that she was talking aDOUt the other piece. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated Dan Coleman, Pr incipnl Planner, ie notlding hie head that this was correct, that we did know a year and a half ago about the elementary school also. Councilwoman grown asked i£ this was in line with City standards or the Development Agreement. Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager, stated thin ie in line with the Development Agreement. Councilwoman Brown ae ked if they could apply new conditions to an alrn_ady existing Development Agreement to make it consistent With City standards. James Markman, City Attorney, stated this sou ld be done if the developer agreed with it. Mayor Stou^_ eteted Wa are forcing Lewis Homes to bung their plan in compliance with a decision that was already made in the peel. Brad Buller, City Pleniler, stated we have requested that they comply and that they ate doing thi e. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the City Council were: Don Thompson, I.ewie Home e, clarlf led the park acreage issue and felt this amendment to the Terra Viete Community Plan waa a ^housekeeping" item. Me referred to item I and stated this was not one of their favorite items, but that they do not hove nny objection to this. Mr. Thompson said Lewis Homes dose not want to donate more perk land. He informed the Council what their plnne were to upgrade Terra Viete Planned Community. City council Minutes November 15, 1989 Page 16 Jim Frost, City Treasurer, gave background on the established Terra Vista Cortuaunity Plan and did not feel there should be any compromise with the standards set for Terra V1eta. There being no further response, the public hearing was closed. Councilwoman Broun etatetl she zealizee thaC Terra Vista ie a very nicely planned rnmmunity, but felt she end the entire City Council were concerned about the park land standards. ORDINANCE NO. 407 (firer reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AANCAO CUCAHONGA, CALIPOANIA, ADOPTING TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN ANBNDMENT 89-01, TO CHANGE VARIOUS SCNOOLr TRAIL AND PARR SITE DESIGNATIONS, TO ALLNN TFIE BSTABLISFMENT OP AUTO SERVICE STATIONS SUBJECT TO TH6 CONDITIONAL VS8 PHPMIT PROCESS ALONG SELECTED MAJOR ARTERIALS) TO DELETE A PORTION OF ORCHARD AVENUE: AND TO UPDATE THE LANDSCAPE DESIGN GUIDELINES AND LAND USE MAPS TO REFLECT PRSVIW9 PROJECT APPROVALS AND "AS-BUILT" CONDITIONS, AND MAEINC PINDINGS IN SVPPOAT THER80F Oebra J, Adema read the title of Ordinance No. 407. MOTION: Roved by Euquet, seconded by Alexander to waive full reading and set eecontl reading far December 6r 1989. Motion carried unanimously, 5-G. R R• R f f F6. AMENDING THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA'S CONPLICT OP INTEREST OF CODE DUE TO CHANGES IN PERSONNEL JO8 CLASSIPICATION TITLES Staff report presented by Jack Lam, City Manager, Mayor stout opened th¢ meeting for public hearing. There being no further response the public hearing was closed. RESOLUTION NO. 80-049B A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGAr CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A CONPLICT OF INTEREST CODE POR DESIGNATED CITY PERSONNEL MvTi OH: Honed by Buquet, seconded by Nrighi to approve Reeolut icn No. 80-0498. Motion carried unanimously, B-O. R R R . f O• PVELIC EEARIN93 No Items Subm Ltbd. City Council Minutes November 15, 1989 Page 17 R • } R R R 8. CITY MANAOBA'S STAFF REPORTS No Items Submitted. R R R R R R I. COUNCIL BVSINESS I1. RECOMMENDATION OP COUNCIL TO DEBIGNATE A HEMHBR OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO REPRESENT THE CITY AS A MSMbBA OF TH6 ADVISORY COtOZITTEE ON THE PREPARATION OF A DRAFT AIR QUALITY SCENERY - Council designee will be a member of the Advieocy Committee to be coordinated by Ban Bernardino County to faei Litate direct City involvement in the preparation of a draft Element. MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Brown foc Stout to be designated ae the Member of the Advleory Committee on the Preparation of a Draft Air Quality Element, with Brown ae the alternate. Motion carried unanimously, B-0. R R R R R R I2. DISCUSSION OF COUNCIL SUBCOMMITTEE FOR THE CITI2EN5 ENVIRONMENTAL HANAGEMENTCOMMISSION ICEMCI - City Council to designate Council Subcommittee for CENC. Mayor Stout et ated the reason this ie on [he agenda was becau ee there are more neoole inters at ed {n hwi na_ nn rhiu Snhrnmmirr eo than rhnne a.a .r..,.,., avai1a61e. Councilwoman Brown stated she would like to serve ae an alternate because she already serves on other Solid Waste Committees. Councilmen Buquet felt because of the transition he would like to be on this Subcommittee. councilman Alexander eu eared the Subcommittee cone iet of Councilmembers Wright and Buquet, with Counc~woman Brown ae the alternate. Councilwoman Brown felt she has put a lot of time into ihie issue and she would like to be part of the Subcommittee. She did not know why Councilman Buquet was interested !n ihie now, because he did not bring anything up at the previous meeting. Councilman Buquet stated he wee only on one Subcommlttae and that was the Cit iz ens Advleory ConMleeion. He et at ed he has not complained about ihie and would like to be on this Subcommlttae. Councilwoman Wright et eted she did not want to insist on being on this Subcommittee, and felt drawing straws was the way to go. City Couneil Ninvtes November 15, 1989 Page 18 HOT ION: Moved by Alexander for the subcommittee to consist of Councilmembers Buquet and Wright, with Councilwoman Hrown ae the alternate. Notion died due to lack of second. Councilman Buquet stated he would not let this go on and would withtlraw his name so councilwoman Brown could be on the Subcommittee. MOTION: Moved by Grown, seconded 6y Alexander for the Hubcosaoittee to cons iat of Councilmembere Wright and Alexander, wish Councilman Buquet ae the alternate. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. x + + n + Mayor Stout called a recaee at 9:17 p.m. The meeting was called back to order at 9:30 p•m. with all members of CganC it present. + x • • • + I3. MAGLAV DIHCUSSION - Peul Taylor, Axecutive Director for the California- Nevada Super Speed Ground Transporter ion commission will provide the current status of the Maglav. (Oral Reporty Paul Tay lOr, BxeOntiVf Director £Ot the Cdl ifOYnid-N¢Vada SupeY Speed GY6pnd Transportation Commission presented a etnff report and elides. Mayor Stout asked i4 a stet ion was in Rancho Cucamonga, would there be money included for infrastructure improvements because of the increased traffic. Mr. Taylor ie It there wouiu ua. Mayoe stout asked if this included parking structures. Mr. Taylor stated yes. Councilwoman Hrown stated the Yeaeon she had this put on the agenda was for interlocking commuter rails. She felt we needed to adtlrese What traffic impacts this might have since Measure I was passed. Sae felt if this was in Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga would set. get to vote on Lt and felt Rancho Cucamonga should look at thin and stay involved. Mayor Stout felt the City should design where they want it to be locatetl. Councilman Buquet felt Aancho Cucamonga should qet more information on this before we decide whar our [Gait ion is on Li. Mc. Taylor stated he would keep the City informed ACTION: Report received end filed. • • • + ., City Council Minutes November 15, 1989 Page 19 I4. ARPORT ON ESTABLISHING CITY POLICY RROUIRING COHPLETION OP CERTAIN PUBLIC O IO O 8 CONS N Staff report presented by Ruae Haguire, City Engineer. ABSOLUTION NO. 89-567 A ABSOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING REQUIRHMENTS FOR THE fYLBTION OP CBRTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR E%ISTING COLLECTOR AND ARTERIAL STREETS AND HIGHiVAYS PRIOR TO CO14~BNCING ON-SITE CONSTRUCTION MOTION: Novel by Suquet, seconded by Alexander to approve Resolution No. 89- 567. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. R • • t James Markman, City Attorneys stated he and Ruee Maguire, City Engineer, had discue9ed Items D10 and D13 on the Consent Calendar, and they Felt they did not need to be reconsidered. Me stated the original approval would stand as submitted. I6, REPORT ON U S AND T WI THS Staff report presented by Auee Heguire, Clty Engineer. r,.n~~:~ma~ at maenn. .~.~.n ..~tw .. s~.,...... n..fw .: a..- s _ _ feet curb to curb, the City is to•heve 26 feet clearance' He ^felt `this was needed so emergency apparatus could meet their standards. Ch ieE Lloyd Almond, Flre District, explained the necessary access requirements and why it wee needed. Ha referred to hie handout on emergency access in residential tracts. Mayor Stout asked if there should be 26 feet between curbs. Chief Lloyd Almond, Fite Dietrlct, stated yes. Ruse Magu firer Ciiy Bnglneez, stated the City hoe about 400 mllee of street that are 36 feet wide. Ca mlc iifiia ii 6uqual stated he fait there were soma araaa rhos needed rn be Ion wcd at. Chief Lloyd Almond, Pite District, atnted there needs to be two ways to access a street. Councilman euquat suggested that a report come pack with more information with alternnt Ives and options included. City Council Minutes November 15, 1989 Page 20 Councilwoman Wright asked that something come beck from the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District. Councilman Alexander stated he would like to see mote inveetigat ion done on this matter. ACTION: ^. ity Council concurred a report was [o come back in January, 1990. Mayor Stout brought up the parking problem in the Woods Development. Councilman Buquet suggested that citations 6e issued. Ccurc ilwoman Wright asked if condaointume and apartments have to consider access in their approvals. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated yes. x • • x • • I6. T O OD Staff report presented Dy Jerry Grant, Building official. Hayor Stout stated that up until recently, the Cliy did not put address numbers on street eigna. He Pelt soma kind of method should be developed eo that ne ighboehooda can be better ident iEied. He did not feel Aancho Cu camong a's numbering system wne very well planned out. He felt numbers should be put on et rest eigna, especially along Baee Line. Councilmen Buquet felt we also need a better marking system end that we should get street eigna up Thai have come down for whatever reason. Mayor Stout asked for this to go to the Community Development Department, Public Safety Commission, Sheriff's Department and Fire Department for investigation. Councilmen Buquet felt there should 6e a coneietant place for the addresses to go on bu tidings. Ne felt painting curbs was a good idea, Dut that the placement was also important. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated staff will look Into it and come Dack with a report. ACTION: Aeport to come beck to Council. • R • • • R I7. REPORT ON AIR TRAPPIC TRAINING OVER aSID NTI I A Rae (Orel Report) ACTION: Item continued to December 6, 1989 meeting, • R • • R City Council Minut ea November 15, 1989 Page 21 I8. ANNRXATION DISCOSSION - A diecuesion to develop a resolution of intent to annex the City's Sphere of Influence. (Orel Report) Councilwoman Brown stated that it appears there is support now by the County to annex the sphere. She stated some of the concern was if the Ciiy was to go ahead with a Reeoluiion of Intent to Annex, that those people already in the process mould drop tomorrow end apply with the County, and if this were to ever qo through, they would fall back because they applied before the annexation took place. She asked James Markman, City Attorney, that Lf there was a vote to move forward with annexation, could there also be a motion to ask the County to put some kind of a hold or whatever on the parcels up there until (as Mr. Walker suggested) the County and City etatf got together to work tut a preannexat ion, prezoning of that sphere. James Markman, City Attorney, stated he did not know what the County would do. Me suggested that the City ask the County to apply City atandarde in the interim. Mayor stout stated he and Councilman Buquet would be meeting with supervisor Mike le, but felt there should be a position paper written from the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the Board of Supervisors telling them exactly what the City would like to happen. Ma felt the City thou ld be on recozd ae to what it wanes, because he hoe henrd from other eourcee the City hoe never told them this. Counc iiman Buquet agreed that we should correspond with them about thi e. Mayor Stout suggested the tollowing be related to the County: 1) that the City wa nha tho Rnhana of Tnf L,annn nroa to haves Cihv ahandanda adnnf ad ro. ~hosr n~.~n general plan; 2) request annexation of all Ccunty areaa in the sphere; and 3) request from them that Lhe Ciiy process all development through the sphere area. Me added he would like to do this if the Council concurred. Councilwoman Wright stated that the wanted it to be known, after reading today's newspaper, that the City hoe been fighting the issue of annexing the sphere and has been doing everything possible to complete the annexation. She asked that it be put on the record with an answer by the City Manager that it has in the peat bean Lhe intent and direction of Che City Council that the City annexes, and do everything possible to annex the sphere, and asked if staff hoe taken that direction to do everything possible to complete the annexation of the sphere. Jack Lam, Clty Manager, et ated yes. councilwoman Wright clarified if the developer calla the shots ae far ae be ing annexed into the Ciiy, that Lf he dose not want to 6e annexed, it does not occur. Jack Lam, Ciiy Manager, tiered that ie correct because there ie a requirement for over 511 of the eeeeeeed valuer ion to concur with the annexation, and stated that at this point in time, there is no Formula that would allow any of that property to De ennsxed into the City. City Council Minutae November 15, 1989 Page 22 Councilman Buquet added that part of the problem ie that ther¢ has not been the opening frog the County. Councilwoman Brawn eteted she was surprised to hear that the City had not done anything to annex the County Flood Control area since this was one of the first things she had worked on after being elected. Mayor Stout stated it should 6e included that the City has always Deen working on the annexation in the letter to the County. He to rther asked if this had been annexed into the City some time back, could this have stopped the Rock Crusher? James Markman, City Attorney, stated no. The City Council concurred with Mayor Stout's suggestion regarding the letter to the County. Mayor Stout stated he would work with staff on the preparation of the letter. Mayor Stout opened the meet Lng for public input. Addressing the City Council were: Gerald Recon, Caryn Homeowner's Aeeoclat ion, stated their aesociat ion commends the Ciiy in moving ahead with annexing this land. He stated they would like for the City to oonsider 3 to 4 homes psr acre and would like to go on record with this request. He added he would like to go on record asking that the Chef fey Reg tonal Park be put Dack in the maeier plan. He fnrrhar aAAed ha annrari atwA that. it. is Aiffinult at times to set thince accomplished through the City, but felt it was worthwhile for the City to do what they du. Councilwoman Wright stated to Mr. Recon that the City hoe not let the annexation issue lay idle, and that the City hoe done everything possible to get the annexation through. Mark Gutglueck, resident of Rancho Cucamonga, expressed that at some of the workshops end~eetln9e regarding this issue, he felt citizens were not allowed to attend or give input. Mayor Stout ae;ced Hr. Gutglueck Lf he had any proof of hie charges. Mr. Gutglueck ea id he was excluded Erom one of the meetings held Ln April, 1958 which included Hr. GiSCrio and Hr, Aizzc, several clt izens and a couple eteff members. He elated he told the group h¢ was from the press and was told they would cancel the meeting if he insisted on being present. Mayor Stout asked Brad Buller, Clty Planner, if he knew of any such meeting. Brad Buller, City Planner, eteted no. City Council Minutes November 15, 1989 Page 23 James Markman, City Attorney, stated that if he is talking about a meeting where staff is working with developers and their etaf£e, and that if there are not three Councilmembere, then it ie common not to have the press there while those types of agreements are negotiated. He ata[ed this Se not what he exactly called a community workshop. Councilman Buquet stated that regardless of What happens in a meeting, a majority of the City Council would have to vote on an Seeue that was aciv al l_v to take place. Mr. Gutglueck added he would like to see what will happen to this property once it ie annexed and felt the people eheuld know this. He elated he did not want there to ba thousands of unite on this property. There being no further input, the public hearing was closed. ACTION: Letter to go to the County regarding annexation Of property a6 outlined by Mayor stout above. • x I9. DISCUSSION ON UPCOMING LAPCO HEARING ON TH8 P S RVATION OF THE AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE AS IT RHLATRS TO TH8 EPPORTS OP THB ROMP ANO THE COUNTY WIDE OPEN SPACB STUDY RECENTLY INITIATED BY TH6 COUNTY (Oral Report) Staff report presented by Counc tlwoman Brown, who stated that this was put on the agenda M±cause on November 29, 1989, LAFCO will be hearing the debate of the preservation of the Agricultural Preserve. She stated she felt the council should encouraee i.APCO to kaan their wnrd ihnh ino.....~n or i..~~. ~,.,,~ .,,_ _ year window before they open It up to the Clty of Ontario to cement over~^ She added this ie nothing more than to support this negotiation through a letter from the Mayor. Councilman Baguet stated he did not have enough background Lnformation on it to do anything tonight. Mayor Stout asked if this could be heard at the November 2B meeting eo written information could be provided about this issue. ACTION: Item to be placed on the November 28 agenda • x • • + J. Z-EHTIFICATIOR OF ITbIIS FOR NEYT NEHTINO J1. Councilwoman Wzlght would like n report on the feaeibil ity of what can be done on the Cheffay Regional Park issue. J2. Councilmen Alexander asked chat the Seeue on increasing the City Treasurer, City Clerk end Planning commleelonere' salaries come back. City Council Minuta~ November 15, 1989 Page 24 J3. Councilman Alexander asked twat the skateboard issue be referred to ins Public Safety Commieaion. Mayor Stout stated he has asked the City Attorney to look into this. J4. Councilwomen Brown asked For n report on campaign reform. Mayor Stout elated this can come back Ln a memo to the City Council, and that they could then decide if the matter should go on an agenda. Councilwoman Brown concurred. R. CCNIBMIGTIONS PRO11 T06 PBBLIC No communication was made from the public. MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Blown to adjourn to Executive Seeeion to disease property ecquieiiion end the Pourth Street Rock Cruehez. Motion carried unen irtrouely, S-0. Meeting adjourned at 11t 45 p.m. 9oaronPfnl lv anMmihh cA Debra J. Adams City Clerk Approved: i 1 e 1 1 G . ii o o 0 o o e e e = M w p •Neewwse a M f es NweOweeO o~eM•10fwe IwVVINwINe McMM•1weZH•yM•1•IVp w i ~ • < w O ee ~ ~ f fOYIONIwMt0.1Oe~~>>PPOONN \• 1 e3Y• N u y ~• • w wN t ww N N m'I N N N NNNNfYwf•N1.1 MfV1• O•NnN n•VYM•wN \•<• N•~ • ••IY M w u N•i• b• 11 <i • O• • •• /1 N N n I. 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SEAR p CAIIIOrrA Cwrry'•1 ___......__._...__...___.M•___..___.---___ YW der r wYn. rY .~ Jfr wrr M". re•~ J rrry III IY 4 Y rte. ~ M I ti were ~ reM 14 7rYr rw•wwiw ~r w Mir rwr^ r~rr ~~ _ wIF wY~ti we Mwr h tees ref rw Y ~ ~/ M M w L. nl ew w wMS~ ~ rrrrwrr 4r r ~ V\M Lenl Y Y wWwr ~ ylrr , y4 A wiYl ~/• Y •M~r F MI• M rrr1YM~ M 4 4 F rwl~ wrYM~ ~ rwrl r~rl~ Y r ww w rYr F ww+ r ~ Yr ~ w ww rr wi+ ru YY rn Y .4r awl Art ~rn1 ti Fr ~ "W. w Ve weyw M •M .N Y •wMM ~ e pw ~ MAY ~ ~~ Y ~ M .n e.•Y I rwr.w ~ 4 Aw.N .r IrMr w ~ti A ~ N A~ ~ ~wMr rM~rel~ wr b .W~~ F Ir w wMr~ ~ iw lei .1e .r +nlrl W Wr w .....-r. ar!lc~tlon ~r ~wlwala! Sen Mcrerdlm 11/]/Sf 1!. SMR q CAIMOIMA Cwwry •1..........__.___....~.__~._Da•..._._______._.___ IFi. ewAV A rrMr. we wrw • a - ~r hlr~, MMrw1 wn nl F Y F rr~• ~ w rwrrn /ti~ A Y wwwr Mwr. ,.l Y h 1eTIF rA~ w11rMw. YI r _ s ~r Y weMb rn~w YYF nl YI V 4Ar w4r wY/u ~ wwMr •I Yr/ Y Ar whe eMW4 YM Y•r~ r Y "~~ ~ w w wY~ ~ ~ V. WM ~ r w~ nr A YY rwlr.~ l+, 11 J rw1~ Y rrrn.r Y/ M MwFr In FI F rwAe w/Y/~ ~ IMF r~r/ Y r rY w ~Jr r nr~ r ~ Y. ~ w IA r•~r rrM `Y rr A..1/r Art •weF Ar Fr ~ .W Y YM/e rW~ Y M a Y pest I Y eW o rYrYi rM~rw Y e M Mr rwe~ A wM~~ ~ Y AM ~ Yn wr ~rw~ I rMAM•Ae.e~ L.erY ~Ir err b r~r er A11rr M .rY... w •rw.r . wAti eAwr w r •YMMM l) n..rl r vs~ro IS Wrr NY.~Mrlrl W10nv L. MoLghu ~.~ ~ ' y_. ]i-1/SfS] If. IMelM _ Ileewle elr l6wl _ .,_. Pr fw1 W~••e ___ __"~'^~.__ d NM frrlN Iei}r 1'SN W./rDgnrr•1 UrOey Awdr1~ ^Utw46 •Nw. «.wl n S•eerrl: M •1_ ~...... ~~IMI.1..... Yul_ SerurJlm.__.. Mn w .................11we41 Mw .._....._ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAlaIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 6, 1989 T0: City Counoil and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Linda Beek, Junior Civil Engineer a~3. SUBJECT: Approval to authorize Lhe advertising of the "Notice Inviting Bids" for the "Parks Maintenance Retrofit Project" to be funded from Maintenance Account No. 01-4647-7043 and the "Parks Capital Retrofit Protect" to be funded from Park Development Fund Account No. 20-4532-7043 RECOMEIMTION: It is recommended that City Council approve plans and specifications for the Parks Maintenance Retrofit Project and the Parks Capital Retrofit Project and approve the attached resoiutton authorizing the City Clerk to advertise the "Notice Inviting 81ds". BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subject project plans and specifications have been completed by Randolph Hlubik Associates, Inc., reviewed by Coaaatnity Services and the En9lneertng Maintenance staff and approved by the City Engineer. The Engineer's estimate for construction is agoi,rea.w. Leyai auverLiainy is scheduled for December 11 and December 18, 1989, with the bid opening at 11:00 A.M., January 5, 1990. Respectf tted ..~ i '~. Rgn:LB:s~ Attachment CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA MEMOftAivD'JM Cate: P.ugust 1, 1989 To: R s Maguire, City Engineer ~, From: m Hart, Administrative Services Director Subject: 'RESPONSE TO YOUR NEMD OF_,URE 14, 1989 DIRECTED TO JACK LNh Your memo of June 14, 1989, was given to me on July 28, 1989 for handling. In essence, your recommendations for handling ca Dita7 expenditures have been accepted, except that, rather than use the City's Capital Reserve Fund, we have established an expenditure account in the Park Development Fund to cover the Red Hill drainage expendf tares. ~~ Account number 20-4532-8954 has been established with a budgeted amount of 5539,000 to cover those ezpendi tares. Your staff needs to code new bills, formerly coded to 25-4285-7043-4603-4121 to the new account number listed above. If you have any questions, please contact me. JH/rs cc: Jack Lam, City Manager Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager Joan Kruse, Administrative ASSistant Jerry Fu lwood, Deputy Lity Manager Bob Zetterberg, Maintenance Superintendent CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORAND~JM ~, GATE: June 14, 1989 Q T0: Jack Lam, City Manager V ~,( ~'I / FROM: Russell H. Maguire, Ct ty Engineer ~.4; Y~~~ BY: Bob Zetterberg, Maintenance Superintendent SUBJECT: Capital Reserve Expenditure The Maintenance Section had budgeted several capital improvement protects in the Parks Program for 1988/89. These protects were divided between the Capital Reserve Fug and the General Fund. It has been brought to our attention that the Capital Reserve Funds arc depleted, and we cannot fund any new budgeted protects nor pay for completed, or 1n-progress protects. These protects ware prcvlously~ approved and requested by Council. Our two motor concerns are the C1ty-Wide Retrofit Protect for ail C1ty parks and tha Reconstruction and Rehebilttattan Protect at Red Hill/Heritage Parks. tf the Capital Resarve account can fund Rad H111 and Heritage Parks Protect, the Eng. /P.W./Matntanance Section's budget, through transfers, will be able to Pund the City-Wide Protect which is estimated at f203,000.00. Th. Mllnuin~ i. . ~nef hruYAmw, of fir rani Ml ,ve~rv~ A,nA. ,r~A~A in complete the Red Ni ll/Heritage Parks Drotects beginning in 1988/89 wiM carryover into 1989/90. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES - FACILITIES Red H11i Park Soccer/Baseball F1N ds Reconseruction and ReAaD111tatton 5163,165 Drainage - Uke and AmphlthNter 218,900 Lake Btosystam 30,000 Athletic Equipaasnt Storage Boas and Ibliroflt 172,425 Heritage Park Athletic Equipment Storage Room 8 Retrofit 74,945 Sub-total 5659,485 Capital Reserve Expendtwrc June 14, 1989 Page 2 The following coepani es have either been paid or funds encumbered for the Red Hill and Heritage Parks protects: Corona Industrial 564,700 laird Construction 20,000 Randal Ismay ~ 17,105 Linville 6 Assoc. 18,800 5120,605 Fund Balance needed to complete the Capital Reserve Projects 5538,880 RHM: BZ ad cc: Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager Liz Stoddard, Finance Manager Bob Zetterberg, Maintenance Superintendent -~ a~ CITY OF RANCHO C^rAMONGA ~~cus,o~ MEMORANDUM ~'~ _ 'T DATE: July 12, 2989 ~~ n \ - 2 TO: Liz Stoddard, Finance Manager ~ / ~a-- - ~ FROM: Russell H. Maguire, Ciry Enginee ~ i ( ~/ ~ I ~{ BY: Bob Zet[erberg, Maintenance Super iwftkn ene' SUBJECT: Transfer and Ca[ryover of Funds Under separate cover, relevant Co this memo, you will find five (5) Fund Transfer Request sheets. Tnree (3) of these sheets deal with the transfer of funds. into Maintenance accounts 01-4647- 1200, 01-4647-1300 and 01-4647-6028. The purpose Of these three (3) transfers is to provide operating balances for these accounts through June 30, 1989. The remaining two (2) Fund Transfer Requests involve Che transfer of funds from Maintenance accounts 01-4617-3931 and 01-4647-3932 into 01-4647-7043. This request is being made per the June 14, 1989, memorandum and the luncheon discussion of June 16, 1989, which was attended by Jack Lam, Jerry Fulwood, Rus9 Maguire, Bob Zetter berg and yourself. It was noted at that time that iE Capital Reserve, or other funds, could fund the Capital Improvement Projects at Red „ _. transfers, would fund the-Citywide~Retrof it~~Project. the total amount to be transferred out of 01-4647-3931 and 01-4667-3932 to 01-4647-7043 is 5150,000.00. Foc further dollar breakdowns, please refer to the June 14 and Tune 27 memo9 written to the City Manage[. In addition, there was $84,000.00 Project in fiscal 198,x@9 which remains in the design phase. I would like that additional 5119,000 for the total of for design and construction of the carried Porward to Fiscal Year 1989/90 budgeted for the Retrofit unexpended due co delays the entire amount plus an $203,000, previously noted Park Retrofit Projects, be account no. 01-4647-7043. RHM:BZ:ld cc: Jack Lam, City Manage[ Jerry Fulwood, Deputy Cicy Manager :TY ;7 9ANCH0 C-^. AHCYGA '. 3AN>FER OF F'.'NCS PEi~CEiT ~• G EP ARTN ENT: ~A_/ N 17RE?ABED 3Y: ZC// /' / :A'; E: ~ 9 Y / °- ~_]-~N: •. ?ALnViE BEFCRE -RA NSFER °_:(PENDITCRE D'cCREABE (Round to nearest do Llarl 9JDGET ACCJ_`:T ?.._ ^E[AEABE AFTER :dn::52 IROUnd to nearest do L:ar~ 4 ~f6s~~1- //40 ~ ~ ODD, ~ ................................................ M ACC NT +: BALANCE BEFORE TRANSFER EXPENDITURE INCREASE (Round to nearue dollarl BUDGET INCREASE (ROUrd eo neareer dollarl ACCOCNT BA C: AFTER TRANS ~~~ `~'7- ~ ~p~0 ~. i~oo I I I I ................................................ F'eABCN FCR TN Ii RE^,'.'ES:: Transact ion Ds u, Reference No., Councll Noee, P,O.. etc. Tti;r t.Fnrf~ w%// rvfFi ri~nT/yy f'vn J a «o~nT so ar fio fvro v. ~e an oP~rdTtnq 6G/ante ~ rou qti 6/?0/ f"9 ............................................... ~~ n. :VACS: ~ IEPARTwES^ / , ~ -~ ~ ,_N;N:o'. RA72':E SE R'J I. °a ~F;NANCE __~ ! ~ _ CTY ~F RANCRO CCCAMONGA TRA NS EER OF FUNDS REDO EST DEP ARTNENT: ~~/ ~ / /"~/~( TN I PREPARED aY: / 2N~ib~/ / raj ~/ ]ATE: b .[% ~/ °?CY _ALA NC°_ BEFORE E%PE NDITURE BUDGET ACCOUNT BAL: ~~C-LNT '~ TRANSFER DECREASE DECREASE AFTER 'RANSE (Pound !o reeceat dollar! ~4ound !o nearesc daLla r; j `~ / ' I q sOO ~o Y !/0o ................................................ TO ACCOUNT •: BALANCE BEFORE TRANSFER E%PENOI'fURE INCREASE (Pound to naera-t dolls rl BUDGET INCREASE (Round to ne-reat dollar ACCOUNT Bq4 ER TRANSE ~~77 J/' y ~ --~~1- ;~' Sao, _o i~~~ I I I L 2EASON FCR THIS RE~L'EB T: T[enwct ion D-te, RefKenc• No., Coune it Note, P.O., etc. ~i%r 7"i~nr~e~ c,..%/ fv{~,~cia~T/y~ frnd a«ovnT so Gr to ptovi~P ~cn o~t"r~fiA9 6a/wq<< 7xrav9,~i 6/7n/~ JJ ~f JVALS: / i _ /, f :EPAHTMENT: ~/~~ " +: `!IN ti". RAiIVE .E NANCE ~_J 7 i5 :TY :[ RANCHO ^'CAMC NGA TRANSFER OF FINDS HEQCE52 C Ep AR TNENT: ~- f /lam ~• PREPARED 3Y: n 'J. .~- 2e~~~re~~ DATE : ,> 9 `~ --Cy n.. 7N: +. 3ALn NCE 3F.FC RE 'RANSEER E:{pEND2TURE OEC REASE I Round co neareie dolLarl BUDGES AC[G [:+'. 2A L; DECREASE AFTER 7..n..5. Bound to nearest dotlan ~/~ w6w rf- st` r~ 00~ f ~O~/ ................................................ TO ACCCCNT +: SAL.AN[E BEFORE TRANSFER E%PENDITDRE INCREASE (Round to neareit do Marl BUDGfiT ACCOUNT EA., INCREASE AFTER TRANS (Round to nsarsat dollar 0~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ 30 000. J ~~2~ ~ ~ ~ ................................................ °EASCN F.R TH tS RE;~::ES T: Transaction Dau, Re fe renn No., Council Nots, P.O., etc. ' r~ f.1 J ~,'~ T/~F/I ~Fe ~r,.i//'' // fv{~iGi~n ,c ~ un a cr'oinT SO 4r To ~J rdtiid~ cY/I D~ltiie7f/1G) 64~w'nCC r/> ra u~`i G~7n/ Y~ ~ r .vA LS: EPARTAEN is :.=w:!::STPA.:YE SERV 95 C:TY :F RANCHO CCCAMCNGA TRANSFER ^F RECCEET FC N OS „EPARTME}!T: /~~Q1 /V / ?REPARED 3'!: (J. ~ - 7 L~~/~/~~/" CA:E: y ~ ~ ~% °CM 3n LA;:CE 3EFDRE E%PENDITL'RE BUCGZT ACCCCNT 3AL.' .~C..C:ST ~. CFnvSFER DECREASE DECREASE AFTER CRA::_i Oi - ,> J s~~; ................................................ TO ACCOUNT •: BALANCE SEFOAE TRANSFER EXPENDITURE INCREASE (Round to nunat do Llarl BUDGET INCREASE (Round to nearaat dollar ACCOUNT BAL,' ER TPANSi ~~ Y e L7- S~ 000, ~7i' , ._ ~ I I I I ................................................ ?EASCN i:R TNIS PENEST: Transaction Dace, Ra[aranp No., Council Noce, P.O., etc. ~er Mono v'f 6/P+'~~t% To ~ ~cir !ten -Pion r'~/l ti_-9~~r~ ~..,%/ ~vn>a ~c/..ce ~ Ci~Tr./tii~e l7eTo~/T • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . /~ ,,. .;'JAL: ~-f",(' ._~,:N:3T?AT.'JE 3ER'J L'Ea~ .. E ~_ ~ :~ :TY :F RANG RO 77CAHCNGA TiANSFrR OF FINDS RECC'_5^ PARTMENr:,~~A ~ /~.~ I RREPARED BY: ~ Ze~id~r ,'.ATE: ,% i 9~r~ J -- .__-CS' •. 3A LAa'cE aeecRE -?.1.`:S FSR EXeeuolrORe DECREASE I ROUnd m nearest do Marl Bcocer Acc~cNT __~_, DECREAEE AFTER :?A::ii (Round co nearssc dollar y i ~~ ~ ~ ~~- ~~ / ~ p0// ''a 7'7 `.0 ACCOUNT •: BALANCE BEFORE rRANSFEP EXPENDITURE INCREASE (R011nd co neawat dolLarl BUDGET ACCOUNT BAL. 1NCPEASE ER TRANS IROUnd eo nearest dollar 0~ - 7/ ~~ ................................................ ..-~nSCN F7R THIS FEQUES r: rranaaccion Date, Rafertnc• No., Council Note, P.O., ecc. ~'e~ /'+tMO of ~~/`f~~9 To Jeci~ ,C.F.I. ~i'or, ~v/l Mtc~virr ~~%/ {vn,/ ~~/<~« o~ C%Tr7c.i~~ 2e•~e~%7`' ~? J i / /'/O ~~L~ ~F I:ALc; ~ /~' i ,~ ~ CEPAR".`".ENT: ~~''tr~ ..: Y:`I:ST?AT:':E SERV[ ca. .NANCE is CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: June 27, 1989 ~ ~ .vl i T0: Jack Lam, City Manager r ` ~'~ FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer B'f: Hob zetterberg, Maintenance Supecin[enden b~. SUBJECT: Capital Reserve Expenditures ~ -..,: Per the June 14, 1989, memo and our meeting of June 16, 1989, we have further broken down Che cost figures to explain where Capital Reserve Funds have been expended and/or anticipated expenditures. Total actual and estimated Capital Facilities Improvements and Capital Facilities Maintenance is $862,485.00. RED HSLL PARK Soccer/Baseball Fields Reconstruction and Rehabilitation $163,i65 Drainage-Lake and Amphitheater 218,900 .... ~, .. ... Sro wm dU,000 Athletic Equipment Room a Retrcfit 172,425 HERITAGE PARK Athletic Equipment Storage Rm.sRetroEit 7x,995 Total 5659,A85 To date we have expended or encumbered funds Eor the following projects: RED HILL SOCCP [,/Baseoa!! F!e!CS RC ~,.. ~..uvu and Rehabilitation Laitd Construction 5 20,000 Corona Indust na! 5!,700 ~I Capital Reserves Expenditures Page 2 Linville 6 Associates 18,800 Lake Biosystem Ldnd9Cape b WdteC Management Consultants 20,000 Total 5123,500 Leaving an estimated $538,880 to be funded Eor work and budget line items for Red Hill/Heritage Parks. The following is a breakdown of the estimated $203,00 0 referred to for Citywide Park Retrofit Program. These .costs are separated into Capital Facilities Improvements, and Oper ation and Maintenance needs. Capital Facilities improvements Church (Athletic Storage b 21,543 Trash Enclosures) Coyote Park (Athletic Storage b 25,045 Trash Enclosures) Hermosa Park (Athletic Storage b 27,200 •1•rasn Enclosures) Spruce Park (Athletic Storage b 18,047 Trash Enclosures) Windrows Park rAthletic Storage 6 20,200 Trash Enclosures) Victoria (Athletic Storage b 19,941 ' -~ T[dSh EOC109U[e5) 101 Construction Engineering and Contingency 13,197 Total $1 45,173 Eng./P.W,/Maim .- Operations and Maintenance Hermosa Park (Seat walls 6 Mow) Curbs 10,700 Capital Reserves Expenditures Page 3 Church Park (Seat walls 6 Mow) Curbs 10,170 Coyote Canyon (Seat walls S Mow) Park Curbs 14,033 Spruce Zack (Sear wails a Mow) Curbs 3,637 Windrows Pack (Planter & Mow) Curbs 4,037 Victoria Grove (Planter b Mow) Curbs 9,529 lOS Construction Engineering and Contingency 5,210 To[al $ 57,316 RHM:BZ:la cc: Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manage[ Liz Stoddard, Finance Manager 33 ~- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORAivD'JM ~, ~ DATE: June 14, 1989 '"'~j-- =;~ T0: Jack Lam, City Manager ~, ~ ~~ I ~ jI y FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer~~~~--~ ' JJJ ~ BY: Rob 2etterberg, Maintenance Superintendent I i SUBJECT: Capital Reserve Expenditure The Maintenance Section had budgeted several capital improvement protects in the Parks Program for 1988/89. These protects were divided between the Capital Reserve Fund and the General Fund. It has been brought to our attention that the Capltai Reserve Funds are depleted, and we cannot fund any new budgeted protectt nor pay for completed, or 1n-progress protects. These protects were previously approved and requested by Council. Our two orator concerns are the City-Y1de Retrofit Protect for all City parks and the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Protect at Red Hill/Heritage Parks. If the Capltai Reserve account can fund Red Hill and Heritage Parks Protect, Lhe Eng./P.M./Maintenance Section' s budget, through transfers, will be able to fund the City-hide Protect which is estimated at f203,000.00. Thy foil nut nn ie a rnH h.._L A.,..n ni wwt capita - -- - fuiw'" i,ecucu to complete the Red H111/Heritage Parks protects beginning in 1988/89 with carryover into 1989/90. CAPITAL ERPEMDTTURES -FACILITIES Red H111 Dark Soccer/Baseball Fields Reconstruction and Rehabilitation S163,i65 Drainage -lake and Aatphttheater 218,900 Lake Blosystua~ 30 000 Athletic Equlpaw;nL Storage Room and Retrofit 172,425 Heritage Park Athletic Equipment Storage Room A RatroftL 74,995 Sub-total 5659,485 35~ Capital Reserve Expands CUre June 14, 1989 Page 2 The following companies have either been paid or funds encumbered for the Red NT 11 and Heritage Parks projects: Corona Industrial f64,700 Laird Construction 20,000 Randal Ismey 17,105 Linv111e d Assoc. 18,8110 f120,605 Fund Balance needed to complete the Capital Reserve Projects f538,880 RHM:BZ:sd cc: Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager Liz Stoddard, Finance Manager Bob Zetterberg, Maintenance Superintendent ~~ 'e, ti; RESOLUTION N0. n~- ,5~p~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLAN$ AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "PARKS MAINTENANCE RETROFIT PROJECT" AND THE "PARKS CAPITAL RETROFIT PROJECT", IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING ANO DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO AOVERTI SE TO RECEIVE BIDS. NHEREAS, it is the intention of the City of Rancho Cucanonga to construct certain improvements in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of certain improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES that the plans and specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for the "Parks Maintenance Retrofit Protect" and the "Parks Capital Retrofit Protect". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for doing the work specified 1n the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to wit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS" "rur•amnL i,u a Reauiuiiun uF Liie WUr0.11 ui Lir< Ci l,r ui nm,uw Cuum"unya, San Bernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the said City of Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the Office of the City Clerk in the offices of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on or before the hour of 11:00 o'clock A.M. on the 5th ddy of January 1990, sealed bids or proposals for the "Parks Maintenance Retrofit Protect" and the "Parks Ca Di tai Retrofit Protect" in said City. Bids will be opened and oublicty read immediately in the office of the City Clerk, 9320 Base Lioc._Road, Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Bids must be made on a form provided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, nwrked, "Bid for Construction of the Parks Maintenance Retrofit Protect and the Parks Capital Retrofit Protect". DREVAIL[NG NAGE: Natfce is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 1, Chapter 1, articles 1 and 2, the Contractor 1s required to poly not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character Tn the locality Tn which the public work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. In that regard, the Director of the Department of 2ndustrial Relations of the State of California is required to and has determined such general preva111ng rates of per diem wages. Copies of such prevailing rates of per diem wages are on file in the ,,.)~J RESOLUTION N0. OECEiBER 6, 1989 DAGE 2 office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and are available to any interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy of such determinations to be posted at the ,lob site. The Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (525.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day or portion thereof, if such laborer, workman, or mechanic is paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages herelnbefore stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. !n accordance with the provisions of Section 1777.5 of the Labor Code as amended by Chapter 971, Statutes of 1939, and in accordance with the regulations of the California apprenticeship Council, properly Indentured apprentices mqy be employed in the prosecution of the work. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen Tn any apprenticeable occupation to apply to the Joint apprenticeship coawittee nearest the site of the public works protect and which administers the apprenticeship program in that Lrade for a CerClflCdie or approval. Ine CerLlil CdGt M111 also rix Lne ratio oT apprentices to Journeymen that will be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to Journeymen 1n such cases shalt not be less than one to five except: A. When unemployment in the area of coverage by the Joint apprenticeship cammlttee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request for certificate, or 8. When the numberof apprentices in training in the area exceeds a ratio of one t0 five, or C. When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or 0. Mhen the Contractor provides evidence that he employs registered aDDrentlces on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight tourneymen. 3~ RESOLUTION N0. OECENBER 6, 1989 PAGE 3 The Contractor is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if he employs registered apprentices or ,journeymen in any apprenticeable trade on such contracts and if other Contractors on Lhe public works site are making such contributions. The Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Adxinistrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with and be governed by the laws of the State of California having to do with working hours as set forth in Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California as amended. The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-flue dollars (225.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechaMc employed in the execution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon any of the work hereinbefore mentioned, for each calendar day during which said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours in violation of said labor Code. Cun Lral. LUP ayrees io pay travel and subsiscence pay co eacn workman neeoea to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments are defined 1n the applicable collective bargaining agreements filed in accordance with Labor Code Section 1773.8. The bidder must sudktt with his proposal cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, payable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least ten percent (l0i) of the amount of said bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract if the same is awarded to him, and in~ event~f failure to enter into such contract said cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bond shall become the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. If the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the lowest bidder's security shall be applied Dy the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the tow bid and the second lowest bid, and Lhe surplus, if any, shall be returned to Lhe lowest bidder. RESOLUTION N0. DECEMBER 6, 1989 PAGE 4 The amount of the bond to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shall be one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond in an amount equal to fifty percent (SO%) of the contract price for said work shall be given to secure the payment of claims for any materials or supplies furnished for the performance of the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, or any work or labor of aqy kind done thereon, and the Contractor will also be required to furnish a certificate that he carries compensation insurance covering his employees upon work to be done under contract which may be entered into between him and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work. Yo proposal will be considered from a Contractor whom a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Contractor shall possess a Class "A" License (General Engineering Contractor) in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 7000 et. seq.) and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto at the time time this contract is awarded. The work is to be done in accordance with the profiles, plans, and specifications of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on file in the Office of the City Clerk at 9320 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Copies of the plans and specifications, available at the office of the City Engineer, will be furnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and payment of f30.00, said f30.00 is nonrefundable. Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and specifications will be mailed when said request is accompanied by payment stipulated above, together with an additional nonrelmbursaDle palyment of f15.00 to cover the cost of mailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be required to enter Into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance wifh_ the requirements of Section 902 of the General Provisions, as set forth in the Plans and Speciflcatlons regarding the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, the Contractor mdy, upon the Contractor's request and at the Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute authorized securities in lieu of monies withheld (performance retention). The City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, reserves the right to reject eny and all bids. 39 RESOLUTION N0. DECEMBER 6, 1989 PAGE 5 By order of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. Dated this day of 19 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, this day of 19 or ATTEST: y e ADVERTISE ON DECEMBER 11, 1989 DECEMBER 18, 1989 TQ CIPY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Deceaber 6, 1989 T0: Ctty Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Michael D. Long, Sr. Pub11c Norks Inspector SUBJECT: ReJect all bids for the Haven Avenue 6atewgy Entry Monu~ent, located on the inrtheast corner of Fourth Street and Hsven AvJenue as non-responsive to the needs of the City and authorize staff to re-bid the protect RECONNEMDATIOY: IL is recoaaaended that C1ty Council retest all bids for the Haven Avenue 6atew~y Entry Monument ss Detng non-responsive Lo Lhe needs of the City and authorize staff to re-b10 said protect. BACK6ROIIND/ANALYSIS Pursuant to previous Council action bids were sought and opened. The apparent low DtdMr, Gateway Construction, ins elafand and wbstantlated an error 1n their bid. Aftsr additional eonsldtratlon, staff teals 1t 1s 1n the best tnterost of the Ctty to seek new bids for this protect. Resp s balltted, l _ / . w CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Data: TO: From: Sy: Subject: December 6, 1989 ~~ ~~ o Q ~ F U Z U > 1917 Mayor, Members City Council and City Manager Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager Dave Leonard, Parlu Project Coordinator Award oP Nest Beryl Park Improvements Prof act it ie recommended City Council acaapt the three bids submitted for the Nast Beryl Psrk Improvement Project end nward the agreement to the lowest responsible bidder, Hondo Company. Hondo~a bid plw lob wntingancy is $1,751,018.00 and will be Yunded from park development fund 20-6532-8015. Par City Council euthorisetion on Nevwmhwr t: lonc hiA. v.r~n solicited and received on November 22, 1989 for construction of the Neet Beryl Perk improvements shown on exhibit A.. Three bids were received as shown on the bid summary sheet exhibit B. The lowest responsible bidder was Hondo Company of Santa Ana, California at $1,591,834.60. Execution of the agreement is anticipated at the December 20, 1989 City Council asetinq. The contrnct allows 90 working days for construction followed by a 9o calendar day maintenance period. Providing there era no problems with weather or supply of items specified, the project will be ready for Council acceptance in the second week of Auquat, 1990. JS:DL:dh l Y t ~O a ~i ~a x ~~ t Y Y Q a a J Y w m F w ® , "'" / ~ 2 '"'~T EXHIBIT A °o O t~ ~ %i ~ '~ N r •( o i5 i{ ' j: ~. a ' 3. ~~: 3 S C N N L t' ~ )i 9 K. ~~ G J s H ~ G ~' N O U S F Il -1 ~ i § i s i i = = = ~ ~ ~ ~ = 1 1 I ~~ ~ pl Gl ~ ~[ Y U N Y ~ W M M p ~" ~' ~' ~ Y°~ a 1 a ~ f ~ ~t 1 ,r, r 1~ EXHIBIT 8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Jim Markman, City Attorney John L. Martin, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of updated disposition report for acquired properties at 10005 thro 10095 Arrow Route BACKBROIND/AMAITSIS• Disposition of Land and Improvements: The City received an Order of Possession for the land and improvements at 10005, 10047, 10075, 10081 and 10097 Arrow Route 1n July, 1989. The possession then became actuai the week of November 1, 1989. Subsequent negotiations with the Droperty owners led to acquisition of certain stock goads. These goods have a value that has been reviewed by the City Attorney and is available for review through his office. Disposal of these goods requires action by the City Council. Aiternattves for the dlsDosal have been reviewed by Staff, the Consultant Negotiator and Lhe City Attorney. It 1s doubtful that the City could receive rare than five cents on the dollar for these goods if a salvage attempt was made, which would mean a return of about 1500 on salvage efforts. Considering the time and expense 1n consultant fees that would be incurred through salvage efforts, it appears that another means of disposal would be advisable. The suggested means of disposal would be to distribute the stock goods through appropriate local agencies involved in distribution of goods and necessities to the poor, neegy,and homeless. In light of the holiday season approaching, this would seem Lo be the most advantageous means of disposal. Perwission is therefore wequested that Cowa11 authorize distribution of the stocked goods to charity organizations 1n the surrounding communities for Lhe purpose of assisting the less fortunate. This action would aiso authorize staff to lnctude the inventoried stock into the appraised acquisition value for fixWres and equipment. This would bring the total to 1116,006.00 for items acquired other than land and improvements. ResD~ matted, - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 6, 1989 TO: Mayor, City Councii and City Hager PAOM: Debra J. Adams, City Clerk SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO CQTIPI NBNICIPAL RSCLIDN ItEEDld9 HELD ON IIOV61®ER 7. 1989 M IT NHSIPTif TO 10llIDOHE P - OEE OE DIlG11R06 OP 6AP6 AND BANE RECOMIRwATION Approvel of Rewlution certifying the election ruult~ of Measure P voted upon at the November 7, 1989 eLction. EACROROUND On June 7, 1989, the City Council approval a Rewlution calling for the election !o consider prohibiting tM uL, uw or dLeRer9e of cafe and sane fireworks within [he City of RancAo Cucamonga, except by licensed public display. On November 7, 1989 the following vote were cant for this proposed measure (Measure P): Yee Votes 6,897 No Votes 3,854 Attached to the proposed Resolution for your approval, ie a certificate of Registrar of Voters with the Official statement of Votes cast for and ageinet Measure P. should ycu hnva any queealone, please feel free to contact me. /dja Atiechsd `r. a RESOLUTION N0. 69-~ ~ A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCRMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECITING THE FACT OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ON NOVEMBER 7, 1989, DECLARING THE RESULT AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS PROV[DEO BY THE PROVISIONS OF LAW WHEREAS, a general municipal election was held and conducted in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, on Tuesday, November 7, 1989, as required by law; and WHEREAS, notice of the election was duly and regularly given in time, form and manner as provided by law; that voting precincts were properly established; that election officers were appointed and that in all respects the election was held and conducted and the votes were cast, received and canvassed and the returns made and declared in time, form and manner as required by the provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California for the holding of elections in cities; and WHEREAS, the Registrar of Voters of the County of San Bernardino canvassed the returns of the election and has certified the results to this City Council, the results are received, attached and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A". NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does hereby resolve, declare, determine and order as follows: SECTION 1: That there were 33 voting precincts established for the purpose o~fioTTing said election consisting (of consolidations) of the regular election precincts in the City of Rancho Cucamonga as established for the holding of state and county elections. SECTION 2: That said regular municipal election was held for the purpose of c~dering the following ballot measure as required 6y the laws relating to cities in the State of California, to wit: Shall the Ordinance Amending Chapter 8.12 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal code to Prohibit the Sale, Use or Discharge of Safe and Sane Fireworks within the City of Rancho Cucamonga, except by licensed public dfsplay. SECTION 3: That the number of votes given at each precinct and the number of votes given in the Cfty to the measure were as listed in Exhibit "A" attached. SECTION 4: That the whole number of votes cast in said City was 8,751. SECTION 5: The City Clerk shall enter on the record of the City Councii off they, a statement of the result of the election, showing: (see Exhibit "A") ~7 Resolution No. 89-";" Page 2 (1) The whole number of votes cast in the City: (2) The ballot measure voted for; (3) The number of votes given in the City to each measure. SECTION 6: That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution and enter it into the book of original Resolutions. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 SS 16 17 IB 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 csQnlcsa Op RECISTR~R oy v0lERS STS ~ CALIpOgIA ) i aa. CODtly OP SM aRR1aRDLp ) . I, CERdt6 D. JaCODERR, Ye6latrar of 4otera, County of San serurdino, State of California, DO lRYL6y CRQIpr that pnranaat to the provLioea of Section 17080 et aeq, of the G1lfornL 6lectioaa Code, I did canvas the '~ retarne of Che wtee uat far each elective office and/or neunre(a) in the ~ city of Rancho CocawoeRa Ileuore p ac the spacial Mmf =lpal alectlw cooeolidated with the Cowolidated aleetioe held on Ravs6ar 7, 1969. I 90R'~R CERfIy! that the atateaent of votes Gat, [o which ChL eertifiute is attached, shows the CoGI nw6er of ballob cast in said Citq or DLtr1e[, and tM whole o0her of wtea cut for each caodidatc aed/or aeaure in acid City oe Diatriet !o each of the reapact£w preciwcu therein, ud [hat the totals of the respective color and Che [otaL as show for each candidate and/or neunre ere full, tree and correct. ~! WISR6s8 ary hud sad Official Saal Chia 20C4 d• of y Ilovaeber, 1969. GiRA16 R. .idAORSBI Ragi¢trar of 4otara °~ ` ~O~l SBAROw IiRIlaCBDlI Dnp Y f 2• 3• L W W r F O J C O 3 l: P a v 1 Y _i r C_ yO 2 Y' FS n< <~ FS O i Y N h, C• aY r0 C• _h _V ~W re wz ~~ i. ~r WO ~> Yw OY e• •• •• w~Ch•IC<POYCOhIw N'wff Nffll< 6i02vpYh rriWt3K\q 20 Pn1~='^nM^iN^'N~\f^wwN<NP= ZW<OJiW r ww w w w <IWZO YZ<1 O •wN YWA fO1q~1~wP PI\i1 _A _NOf _OOj<_N _N _N~rnNwlf ZW<OOYW r Nl~w N N w w MMMMMNMMMMMMMMMMNNMNNMNMMM ~JY233~ M1W2YWZr<YW Nylr1yi19 wNwNrNNOw+wwO01M\+q\ ^^PNNNINNNw<IOOPryP~IP ww hNN hNM1N~~NNN~N~NN /1C awn<N\ONnN.CP<C<iiVlNPfin rO2Z33w 0=0PNNNNriNNP wMO~<OOPIA•NP• ' '~ IY.I M11~'N~nNNNV'NM1MNNw~wwN <Vn0<~<N Oi<itNPl~nagf wNNw• YWbrOwWSWO )OhWRN e ^ ~ < wNtNY•N\t\Ni• <NN<I'N'n Ow Nl Y\ C O < A _ i N O Ory I O aN __ ~ W \ ; f PN1~ w M• • N N NNwN~'~ M '~ tM :Or 11yy P~I1 P.0+•~~yy NYi w1N N s1 rrrNNNM<1+1~Aq•f w 2 N 1 1P wr i~iiiaaiY ~ 'sa~}i bi ~ ~Y Yt~~~i~Y i~'~ Y i s [ t i i •rNNIw1P•+NMIIN1w NA r t i c£Ps=~~~= nwnwwnnwooaiooeq~ \oofsafffffffPO• o P n :~' i' u l si ii ° - > o i u . a N aa ooie '°.' a a ~ • No•r rrrrr NIWr1•m x ~s ,AA.A < ::ssssz::szs::zaaxsx I.n....r ~TTTTTTAT11N1111 C O rrrrrANAA •AATPJr•iV; S y xlOiOiafxa0'ix PNPVNP ^~ » »>VyJr J.irr OMVwVO a . rrrrr r <V « <V4MMNNN~ O : ~ m «<OOPN•r00 •ii0• = V ATTTA 4 O O • VYNNr N • •rro• • ~ > ~ VOOaJN4 • 1 OVNrNNi OLTtiOi OAxTrO.+n TS •• • NO>N000000000>N4f JIax ~~ 'O ~ O N V• N PPMONiP 1Cm2iC <y VO4~OOMOi10~OVii1•OP n I eN00000000000NOOPNY Tr T CGZxC< x N N V OOCO0000000•OOOiV4 MNMMMMMMNMMNMNNNNNNN e r TO>rxTna =~ n. ~w n~ CS n< [9 m T _ fl t >9 J 11 m V n 9 TaC.r>AZ iy ~ > r0 i••OrN. rT< Nr.O 1-Sn OaAi> T V ~++~r~rar.a .nr~r Yr y S AGCY>Ti ^_ ~ ~OJeOaNOPiON00•P i.VrO OS Y~txOiAarT 1r.6r2Cxi e= T_ x R a a 0 r 9 r c r w C A m n •~ i i CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 6, 1959 To: Mayor and Mambere of the City Council FROM: Dunne A. Baker, 89nior Administrative luaiet sUBJ&CT: ~~~~ It ie recomsended Chet tM City Council authorise the City to expand 5175 to purchase n Msinees card ad in support of tM ^oenge, Broupe entl Culte^ Prevention Manual. The Clty has boon contested by the BMri[t'^ Emplo7pu Benefit Association which ie sponsoring the publishing of a prevention manual entitled, "Gangs, troupe and Cults." A minimum of 15,000 copies will Do distributed. The gonl of the publication ie to aducste and prevent any more children from becoming etatLetice in the growing crime problm associated wifA gangs and cults. The $175 will purchase a business card glre ad showing tM City ns a supporter of the publication. The $175 would M budgeted tram the City Manager's special Projects Account -01-412P-60Y5. DAB/eef -~ 89-725 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF RETORT DATE: Dete~ber 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Betty A. Miller, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT IMP, - o a eso u on con rA ng a unctl decision awde on Noveaber 15, 1989, for an appeal of Planning Caw•ission conditions for a residential subdivision and design review of 32 condaa11n1ua units on 3.35 acres of land, located on the west side of Carnelian Street at Ylvero Street - APN 207-022-54 and 64 Staff recaawends that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On NoveiWer 15, 1989, the C1ty Council heard the appeal of Tentative Tract Nap, Nuatber 14263 W add a eondttlon of approval requiring the fo~r~lthe nproiect eec Theme attached pResolutionsweflects oCity nCouocrll's decision to approve the appeal. Respectful subaitted, RHM: .- AttachaNlnts '~ ~l gu a sg ^-s~s~: ,_~ 3 =~~ Ins ~=~-Y3 -Y;3s~~~33_ t-s~"~-3x3sw ~'c:~~~33ei;is ~g:9 x~_g"a'_2 ..g°'S 'may B g'd E~ ~sx.k_ggx ~~~acik°a- $ C~"Yy€°8 ~!'~~ ;3,;gs s ~x-_a~,3 s s ~=-,3P, g3?~ s sc a y ~ig~c•f3;~ F~=i'taz3F:i? v ~ff ~; ~~ ~~ 3 k^ ~ `s 3 5~ F~ s s ~ = ;~ a s` s~? Ytr i - . saiO3 - Ss; 1 3 g: ~s 3 .~~ " ~S - g~ ~ }'>~ ~~F~ i ~~~ ! xc3ar ~SYYr o -ssr s_~~s y s'! s di:~lf3 333 ~y ~ v iy3~ ~7~ SaY ~"`: l~ ~ ° ~` g~~ ~~~~ a=~5 .~;_ ~s ~5 e '~ I s..ll } r a 3~. ~ I ~. s ~ ~ c3 i~s I ~ ~ s ~ ~~ a ~ ' 7si ll~ ~ #i ; ; ~ j i ie$ ~, ; e j ~: k ~ ~s! ~~ ! ~ a ~~ ~ ~ ° ~ s ~~~ ~s i~ ~ ~~ s 5 SR s •s~r-ra 1 1_3-1~ ~fili3~rt~ t g'~ss~~ NI W a~; l;'a ~ Sal ~l ads .~ ac = Y"pp ;~ E~13 z__a as sl'i d. r~~ 3 ralk 3~"~ a a = F ~: Ts Y~'= d~ ~ .70 ! b=; a ~j%k ~3~~a '~ gg$ta • ~i g •,~r ~`~i-7 ^° ; _1; alala l• i '<a3c~ ~~~~Y ~ ~~ l=id !~ l~= ziy3 'j ,.ai t ~- •~~ ~ssy as s = a., ;z ~ s ~i~ j~ r'~ ;a" ar ai=a ~ a 3iss ;a ;{ i ~~ i :z~~ a ~~~ •a~t ai _~~ lp ~~ ~~S ~~~~ v 'i 9 8 :, F ~I V as_ ~~~ ~~ c s ~_~ .J s~ ~ ~~s as~ 3s ~ =~ 8~ ~s= {f ~ ; ii F f ~~ ;~ s~ t t~ ass= ~s; l~ ] . - ~_~ ~i ~ = ~~ ~s~ f1 t ~ ~ ii~ f S ~ ~i a ''-l ~ ~ ~ I y •~ ~Yli~ ~at~S~ ~'~a1$r N i~_r~ la:~~ ~y;L~ i~~~a ~ i i i i Coo t 1~ - a~~ ai- ; a 3SYi i~3~ S! j :1 it ~=l ~Pr ~ ~ 3_~_ si'a i y ~a .~= ~ ~ p c ~ = a ~';~ as 3a :~ ~ -~¢k ;9a 5 ~ -~S~ ~~a~ ~t ~8 y~"i !5i • t ~~3 : i• j d a•`_~~ ;~ Sa =j l5i ~_6 as=s" i ~l iY~~ :~ }~~ ~3~= i= a j~~~~ Sa is a~a4 y 3~ ~~~i !'~ ~ ~az~~ ~~ #'ri ~_~ a i 1 aTi < F ta:s r: t Eq g_s -issgaa E-s rE. r ~ Y ;~a 3 ? a~ ea .$~33i;~=3€ ~ s~a s Ea s: .g .t~E 9 - Y ga~o r£, ?~' ~~Y sR r~:=a=~-'°'s =„3e~ ;j izac dyY: ~ :a scs !a '~~"'~s's~Er days= s.3 3ssE aE;s a'.! ~! d?~ ~~ ax~isFap==s a~ysa sd ~'""S l~~R ~j ,cE' ~as =; c3-~~i~Es"sx =s33~ ~ ,ieY <V3Y 'a~slp<i£ s!p is `~~~:~!?s F~g~s ~E E"-.: ==a ~ rar ~: dEs"~•s~3~F c3i3c ~ ~s~~ EsE f :E~ ~ ~t ~ "i ~ 1 v ~ ~ 1 ~, ysy s~; ar s ~ }:er rr s _ 'i Fe 3i ~~ ~ ~ Yr~ it '~ t~; t~i ~ 3 y~ a _~ 3=li s y+Di ~'f ~~~~ ~~ r~ ~ s~ ~al~ 3~ il~~ ! e ~~ ! 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YE= ~ __~ =yi l~33 :€~ ~I \I <I ~~ ?~~ E3~~ ii r ;i t~-_~ d: ~i 3 "~a i 9d~ S: i~ ~ ~ ~io3 i~ i=~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ g ~i~ i ~~=P ?i si_ ~q=Sn i~ -ii'~ ~~ r;,lcc ~s =F -I_s : ~€. ~3 i~ *3;`s ~s b - a ~y~s Pik i s ~~! I~i ssD ~! o MYd i~~Y ~~~~ ~~~ •I ~, ~- u s • s~ :~ .~ '' ;~ B ¢~ ss~ xa _Y _ *z~ za i s"~i ~; I &3F ~~ ~S3 ,? I $Ya -3= ~Y~ ...; -3e yip; ~T sEa "ss3 VI y y3,~' SY t~ Y i ar! ~~ i a~ ii ~~ a~ 3=i ; 138 s !~y ]i~ a~ , 3~~~ ~~J `'~ ~`€~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ '~~ iLL~n3 .~7~ ~7 ~ ~I y ~ scs 33 ~ ; a s ~ ~ ~ , ~~ ~ ~ D ~~ ~ ~ ; ~~~ ads ~ ~ p gyp. i} b ~qs ~ ~ ~~ ~i ~ ~ ~ , _ , a ~ ~~ ~ ~t C ~ ~ ! ~ I I • 1j/O ~ R sr_ ~a~ ! g s r: . ~ i! r ~ ~'s~ i ii~ Y3 DSfi 7ys ]i~ ~ ~i ~yY _~ ~~~ ~ s IS8 ~?~ S~ ~ n ~a~ ~~= ~ a~ ~s~ ~ l,~ 4=~ ~ r ' ~ =ri a = ~I ~I NI t RESOLUTION N0. ~Q $ 71 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP, NUMBER 14263, TO PERMIT A RESIDENTIAL SU80(VISION OF 32 CONDOMINIUM UNITS ON 3.35 ACRES OF LAND IN THE MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT AND LO(:ATED ON THE NEST SIDE OF CARNELIAN STREET AT VIVERO STREET, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AND MAKING FINDINGS AND SUPPORT THEREOF A. Recitals. (il E.G.M. Development has fiied a request for Tentative Tract Map, Number 14263, described above in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subJect Tentative Tract Map request, is referred to as "The Tentative Tract." (iT) On October 25, 1989, the Planning Cowmisslan of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a hearing on the subiect matter of the Tentative Tract and, following the conclusion of said Nearing, adopted their Resolution No. 89-135 thereby approving the Tentative Tract. (iii) Counciimember Buquet filed a timely appeal of the Tentative Tract approval represented in said Resolution No. B9-135 because of a concern for the impact of on-site construction traffic on Carnelian Street, an existing arterial street. (1v) On November 15, 1989, the Citv Council of the City of nancno Cucamonga conducted a duty noticed public hearing on the subiect matter of the appeal of the Tentative Tract and, on said date, concluded the public hearing. (v) All iegai prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NON, THEREFBRE, 1t 1s found, deterviined and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A of this Resolution, are true and correct. 2. This Council hereby finds and certifies that the pro,',dct has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quaiity Act of 1970 and concurs with the issuance of the mitigated Negative Declaration issued on October 25, 1989. ~f'~ CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. TENT TRACT NO 14263 - E G M DEYELOPMENT DECEMBER 6, 1989 PAGE 2 3, Based upon the Substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced November 15, 1989, hearing, including written staff reports, the minutes of the above-referenced October 25, 1989, Planning Commission meeting and the contents of Planning Commission Resolution No. 89-135, this Council specifically finds as follows: a. The Tentative Tract applies to property located on Lhe west side of Carnelian Street at Vivero Street within the Medium Residential Development District. The northern half of the subject site contains three single family residential structures and a detached garage which will be demolished. The southern half of the subject site is currently vacant and unimproved; b. The properties surrounding the subject site have the following land use designations and are developed as noted: North -Medium Residential - Single Family Residential South - Flood Control - Yacant East -Low Residential - Single Family Resldenttal Nest -Flood Control - Cucamonga Creek Channel c. The Tentative Tract contemplates the subdivision of the subject site into thirty-two (32) condominiw lots. Such a subdivision as is contemplated is permitted within the Medium Resldenttal Development District and such a dwelling unit density as is contemplated is permitted pursuant to the density standards of the Development Code of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga; Tea ve.ci o~M,leni as syec: hied w711 not contradict the goals of objectives of the General Plan or Development Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and would not promote a detrimental condition to the persons and properties in the immediate vicinity of the site; e. The Carnelian Street Improvements, Including the traffic signal, shall be substantially complete and operational prior to commencement of on-site construction in order to minimize potential traffic conflicts within Carnelian Street; 4. Based upon the substantial evidence Dresented to the Council during the above-referenced public hearings and upon the spectflc findings of facts set forth 1n paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: a, The Tentative Tract is Wnsistent with the General Pian and Development Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; b. The design or improveaents of the Tentative Tract ere consistent with the General Plan and Development Code of Lhe City of Rancho Cucamonga; ~- f~ 7 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. TENT TRACT NO 14263 - E G M DEVELOPMENT DECEMBER 6, 1989 PAGE 3 c. The subject site is physically suitabie for the type of development proposed; d. The design of the proposed subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or avoidable injury to humans or wll dlife or their habitat; _. ?he Tentative Tract is not likely to cause serious health problems; and f. The design of the Development will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 above, this Council hereby approves Tentative Tract Map, Number 14263, subject to all the conditions set forth in Planning Commission Resatutton No. 89-135 (a copy of which is attached hereto and marked as Exhibit "A°) and inclusion of an additional condition as agreed to by the Developer to read as follows: The public street improvements on Carnelian Street shall be constructed, and the traffic signal at the intersection of Vivero and Carnelian Streets operational, prior to the issuance of building penaits. 6, This Council hereby provides rwtice to E.6.M. Development "" "' t7nc wi Lhi.. wiiiCh juu i..iui ,e",ew ui Liir. ueciaiun reyresenced by this Resolution must be sought is governed by the provisions of California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6. 7. The City Clerk is hereby directed to: (a) certify to the adoption of this Resolution, and (b) forthwith transmit a certified copy of this Resolution by Certified Maii, Return Receipt Requested, to E.G.M. Development at their address as Der City records. peg RESOLUTION N0. 89-135 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT N0. 14263 ANO RELATm TREE REtdOVA! PERMIT 89-58, FOR THE O EVELOPMENT OF 32 CONDOMINIUM UNITS ON 3.35 ACRES OF LANG LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE Of CARNELIAN STREET AT Vl VERO STREET IN THE MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (8-14 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) AND THE FLOOD CONIAOL DISTRICT (R FROPO SEO MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT), ANO MAKING FI 20IRG5 iN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 2W-022-54 AND 64. A. Recitals. (i) E.G.M. Development has filed an application for the approval of Te r.tat ive Tract Map No. 14263 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Reso lutfon, the su6fect Tentative Tract Map request is referred to as "the application". (iii On the 11th of October, 1989, and continued to October 25, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. ~ _ (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Reno tution have occurred. B. Resolution. iii,e, Trim EFun e, rt rs nereoy rou rq, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the Cfty df Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1, This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Baud upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission airing the above-referenced public hearings on Oc tdber 11, 1989, and October 25, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, together wftn public testimony, tM4s Conan iss ion hereby speciflcal ly finds as tot lows: (a) The application applies to property located an the west side of Carnelfan Street at Vivero Street with a street frontage of 634 feet and lot depth of 346 feet at the north end and 115 feet at the south end; and with three (3)osingle famtlyrhomels and toep(1) garage, the soathernihaif of the protect site is vacant; aM (c) The property to the north of the project site contains single family homes, the property to the Bath is vacant, to the east are stogie family homes, and to the west is the Cucamonga Creek Channel. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 89-135 tt 14263 - E. G, M, DEVELOPMENT October 25, 1984 Page ~ 3, Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during Che above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs I and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) the tentative tract will be consistent with the General Plan, _evelopment Code, and specific plans; end (b) The design or improvements of the tentative tract will 5e co ns'stent with the General Plan, Development Code, and specific plans; and (c) the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; and (d) The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable in,iury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; and (e) The tentative tract is not likely to cause serious Dubl is health problems; and ~ _ (f) The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access threw gh or use cf the property within the proposed subdivision. 4. This Commission hereby finds and cert7ftes that the Dro,fect has been reviewed and coot iAarnd ,n c,..~??,act ••i :`. ;;,a Cwiiiu rnia environmental quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Commission hereby issues a Negative Declaration. 5. Based upon the fiadfngs and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application sub,)ect to each and every condition set forth below and in the attached Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Planning Division: (1) The applicant shad Drovide fora future trail connection to the Cucanonga Creek Channel. This shall include a pedestrian connection leading from the project site to the west property line; however, the access point shall be gated and Locked until such time as an agree:aent ',s made be Eween the City, the Corps of Engineers, and the Flood Control District which will allow for an extension of the regional trail system adjacent to this site. The connection shall be designed to the satl5faction of the City Planner and City Engineer prior to the issuance of building permits. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 89-135 TT 14263 - E.G.M. DEVELOPMENT October 25, 1989 Page 3 (2) Landscaping along the west side of Carnelian Street shall conform to the Carnelian Street Beautiff cation Concept and shall he subject to review and approval by the City Planner and the City Engineer prior to the issuance of building permits. (3) A final atous tical analysis shall be prepared for review and approval by the City Pla.^,n<r prior io the issuance of building permits. Should the acoustical analysis recommend the construction of a sound retention wall along Carnelian Street, the design of the wall shall be approved by the Design Review Committee prior to the issuance of building permits. !4) Tree Removal Permit 89-56 is approved as follows !a) Trees No- 3, 4, 6-I4, 16, 17, 20, and 39 shall be preserved in place. (h) Trees No. 1, 2, 5, 15, 19, 22_31, 33, and 40 shall be preserved by tra ns plan tf ng elsewhere on the site. (c) Trees No. 18, 21, 32, 38, and 41-43 shall be removed and replaced with the largest nursery grown stock available, as determined by the City Planner. (d) Trees No. 34 and 36 shall be preserved in place or transplanted elsewhere on site. (e) The location of all trees to be preserved in place and new locations for transplanted trees shall be shown on the detailed landscape plans. (f) The applicant shall follow ail of the arborist's recommendations regarding preservation or transplanting measures. (g) Those trees required to be preserved in place shall be pro'fected in accordance with Municipal Code Section 19.08.110. (6) Prior to the recordation of the final map or the issuance of building permits, whichever comes first, the applicant shall consent to, or participate in, the establishment of a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District pertaining to the protect site to Drovide in contunctton with the applicable School 01str1ct for the construction and maintenance of necessary school established suchwavComnunftq Fa illtilesDDistrict h Lhepapplicant shall, in the the alternative, consent to the annexation of the protect site into the territory of such existing District prior to the recordation of the final map or the issuance of building permits, whichever comes first. PLANNING COMMi SSiON RESOLUTION N0. 89-135 TT 14263 - E.G.M. DEVELOPMENT October 25, 1989 Page 4 _ Further, if the affected School District has net formed a Mello- Roos Community Facilities District within twelve months of the date of approval of the pro jest and prior to the recordation of the final map or issuance of building permits for said project, this condition shall be deemed null and void. If the developer and any affected school districts reach a private agreement, this tend itior~ shall be deemed null and void, (6) Thfs approval is specifically contigent upon approval of General Plan Amendment 89-02A and Development District Amendment 87-12, a change in density from Flood Control to Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre). Engineering Division: (1) An in-lieu fee as contribution to the future underground ing of the existing overhead utilities (telecommunita Lion and electrical except for the ti6kv electrical) on the opposite side of Carnelian Street shall be paid to the City prior to approval of the Final Map. The fee shall be one-half Lhe City adopted unit amount times the length of the project frontage. (2) The existing overhead utTl ity service lines crossing Carnelian Street shall be undergrounded, or eliminated. (3) Street improvements on the west side of Carnelian Street north and wui.ii ui i.iie prujeci aiLe aitaii be cunsuuc t:ed generally to conformance with the preliminary traffic plan dated dune 15, 1988, as approved by the City Engineer. (4) Construct a right turn pocket north of the project driveway on Carnelian Street which is eleven (11) feet wide and 230 feet long, including the taper. Install a catch basin north of the right turn pocket with sufficient capacity to offset the decreased capacity caused by the encroachment of the driveway intoshe existing channel. The right-of-way line shall parapet Lhe curb line seven (7) feet behind the curb face. The sidewalk shad be located at least five (5) feet behind the curb. (5) The project driveway shall be redesigned without a gated entry. Either combine the two driveray medians into one continuous one or delete them. Provide straight curb itnes on both the north and south edges of the entry drive aisle. (6) Install a traffic signal at the intersection of Vivero Street and Carnelian Street. The developer shall receive Systems Oevelopaent Fee credit and reimbursMient for seventy-five (75) percent of the cost of the signal, if approved by Ctty Couneit. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 89-135 TT 14263 - E.G.M. OEV ELOPNENT October 25, 1989 Page 5 !71 The Carnelian Street sidewalk shalt be property line adjacent !8) An in-lieu fee as contribution to the future reconstruction of improvements on the west side of Carnelian Street south from the project entrance to the existing curb and gutter terminus shall be paid to the City prior to the issuance of building permits or Final Xap apps val, whichever occurs first. (9) Flood protection measures shall be provided along Carnelian Street generally as recommended in the preliminary Flood Report and as verified by a Final Flood Report approved by the City Engineer. (10? 1t shall be the developer's responsibility to have the current FIRM Zone A designation removed for the project area. The developer's engineer shall prepare ail necessary reports, plans, hydraulic/hydrologic calculations, etc. Preliminary aDDroval shall be obtained from FEMA prior to approval of the record map or issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. The designation shall be officially removed prior to occupariey or improvement acceptance, whichever occurs first. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. ";n"vrw niiu MUUrILU Tn ib to in Uql Uf UO TUBER, 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF 7HE CITY OF RANCHO CUCA.MONGA BY AT I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Dlanning Commission of the City df Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that Lhe foregoing Resolution was duly and r2gill a;ly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Dlanning Commtss ton of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Gommisslon held on the 25th day of October 1989, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CHITIEA, NC MIEL, TOLSTOY, NEINBERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY CITY OF RANCHO CUCAbfONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: Dece~er 6, 1989 T0: Mayor and Meyers of the City Ca ncil FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Jeff Gravel, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ANNEXATIDN 89-03 - HOMESTEPD DEVELOPMENT - A request to approve annexation o approximate y x res of San Bernardino County unincorporated area located at the northeast corner of Highland and Rochester Avenues - APN: 225-152-01,02,03,04 and 18. I. RECOhMENDATION: Staff recommeMS approval of the attached eso ui2~oi Annexation for the wbJect property. II. BACKGROUIU: The following are actions which have occurred and are necessary to conrylete the Annexation process. A. On April 19, 1989, the City Council approved Resolution 99-208, Intention, to Annex. B. On June 26, 1989, the San Bernardino Canty Board of Supervisors approved the Tax Exchange Pareeme nt. C. On July 5, 1989, the City Council approved Resolution 89-321, Tax Exchange Agreement between the City of Rancho Cu camorga arW the Canty of San Bernardino. 0. On July 17, 1989, Local Agency Formation Commission, in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act adopted a Negative Declaration far Resolution No. 2216 approving annexation of the sub,iect property to the Cttywf Rancho Cucamonga (see attached Resolution). E. On July 26, 1989, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission recommended approval to pre-zone the wb~ect property for Low Densfty Residential (2-4 dwe111 ng units pcr ar ry_1 F. On July 26, 1989, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission recommended approval of Development Agreement 69-03. G. On October 18, 1989, the City Council approved Ordinance 400, adapting pre-zone of the street property as recommended by the Planning Commission. W 1 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT ANN EXATIOti 89-03 -HOMESTEAD DEVELOPMENT December 6, 1989 Page 2 H• On October 18, 1989, the City Council approved Ordinance 401, adopting the Development Agreement for the sub,j ect property. I. On October 18, 1989, the Cf ty Council aoproved Resolution 89-375, adopting the Annexation Agreement for the wbJect property. III. CONCLUSION: The Council's final action prior to UIFCO issuance o the Certificate of Completion is to order the annexation of the subject property to the City of Rancho Cucamonga through approval of the attached Resolution. Respectfully wbmitted, ~i~V ~~/Brad Buller Citv Planner BB:JG:,js Attachments: Exhibit "A" -Map LAFCO Rewlution 2216 Approving Annexation Resolution of Approval ~~ LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION COUNTY OF SAN EERNAROINO 1)S Wut Flnh aewl. ewona Floor Ban aamammo, a 9x11bUa0 . Ptq xel3eae E'POpO5A7. N0: t.AY00 25{7 BT]:RIMG HASH: JULY 17, 1989 A850LV1ZOM NO. 7216 A .~~.SOLO'PIW tk T~ IACJIL MmICp POMMTION OOMIQSSIQI OP 1ffi COgIPlY OP SAN 2SLRNA4DAW 11AtSR6 DSLl~RIMATSCN OM I.AYW 75{7 ARD aDPto+in9 one City of Rancho Cucavronge Annexation IBlackmon)larea generally locaeed at the northeast corner of Rxheater and Highland avenues, north Ranchc Cucamonga areal On aotioo of Carsiasiomr NU9aL, duly aecaodad by Coasiaaioner ScAUiliaq, end carried, the total Agency lox~ation Coslaalon adopia tae follorlnq [ewlutf.on: VltptBllS, an application fot the proposed Annexation in the County of San Bernardiw was heretofore filed w1<h the Executive Officer of tnis Local Agency Pormation Conmiaaion in accordance with ehe Cortese/%no% Local Oovatnment Raorganl xaGion Aet of 1985 IdaVt. Code Section 56000 et. seq.), and old Rxacutlw OlESCer Ma examined uid appiic+tion +nd executed hie crst if Scats In accordance wStR law, determining and certltyinq [hat acid f113nga era autficiant; and, 11R'OMAE, at tae times and in tM !o[m and Harmer provided by law, sold E%<cutive Officer Ras given notice of puDlle Raailrtq by this Cglmlaalon upon acid application; and, M®1E75, aald E%acutlw Offlear Ms raviawd available in- formation and piepazed a zApozi including Ria recomaandationa thereon, said filinga and report and related Snformatlon having been ptneneed to and considered by thla cgaeiaaion: and, --~- v yui,iib it iuy uY cnla LuNaraaian Mat na to upon me date and ac the tine and DLp apecltiad in add notice of public Rearing and Sn order ar otdara conelnuinq aueR Raring; and, M®jA$, at ouch haring, tRL comaialon heard arW received all otel and wrltta proGata; tea Comdalon considered all plena end proposed eRAnqu of organlaACfon and rarganlration, objwtlona and evidence wR1eR raze made, Dresentsd, oz filed; St received evidence ac co whatMr. tRe brritory L SMADitad or uninhabited, Smpzoved ar unLaprovadl and all Dateona pnant wra given a opportunity to Max and be MArd in zeapaet to any eAttar nlatlnq to acid application, Sn evldaea ptesated at the Maringt MOM. tMMmOQ, MM IS tLOLy®, that CM Local Agency PoxtaAtlon Coamlaaloa of the county of Sa ne:ardlno dwa Mreby deNxmim, waolw, orGt, ana tSM ~e follarr. StLSiO. 1. 17M HAeCUYlve Officer 1• Mraby autherf sad eM dj[eated to mall carsitiad coplee of thla resolution Sn the nAeur Drovlded by Section %s57 of tM dovezasnt Ca W. BMCfia1 ]• TM Dropoal Sa approved eub~sct io tM tsrma aM condltlonA MalnAfu[ spedtied: ~, ;,,, 1Ta eonductfn9 +utlwrlty toe Ch1e Droeasdinq shall ba t • City Connell of tM City of ManeAo CucaMOnye. RE304VTION NO. 2216 Cesdition ~ 3a TRe bounder Ses nre approved es set Ear<h in Exhibit "A" attached. Cooditlon No. ]. The following dirtincCive short form de- s_gnat4on shall Ea used throughout this proceeding: LAFCC 3507. Condition Na. {. Included in the City's resolution depicting final action shall be the detachnront of County Se w ice Area 70 without split of assets or li abilities. Cooditlw ib. 9. The conducting authpri<y Sa authorized to pzcceed wzihou[ notice, he arlnq or election with loot landowner cc' :ant. Coeditlw 1~0 6. The dace Of issuance of the cent Sf irate c. Completion ann 11 be ehe effactivs dace of this annexation. SECTfaI 3. Tree conducting authority Se hereby directed to initiate appropriate proceedings in compliance with this resolution enC State law IOOVt. Code Seecion 57000 through 570531. SECTION a. The conducting authority shall not make any changes Sn the boundaries hereby approved not shall it Lapoae any new conditions ax modify any conditions hereby imposed unless and until St receives the approval o£ the tercel Agency Pornutian CaaRission for such ehangee, modifications, or conditions, yurswnt to the Drocadurea preacilWd in section SfiB57 of the GoverM,eni Code. SECTIQI 5. Upon caapletion of its proceedings, the coMUetinq authority is directed to adopt its ovn su03ution vetting loath !ter action relating to the prepoal considered W toward tM required number of certified copies of the rssolution to Ne Local Agency Formation Commission luovt. Coda Section 57075 through 57179), S[CTIQI 6. gpOn racalDt of the resolution of tW conducting authority approving Bald action, the Cett Sfiub of Caeplatlon atoll W prepared and filed. SRCTICaI 7. ADProval by the Lgeal Agency Yoreatl0n Camlasion indicates vas of ChL proooul by tM eoMUelSng authority wou16 accomplish the proposed change at organl,aatlon 1n a rasonaorr nr,u.u ., maximum chance of success and a adnimm disruption of servica~to <he functions Of other local agacla in ehe uu. 36C7ICaI d. Y NOS. The folla+lnq findings era noted Sn conformance with commlss on po IcY: 1. The sw7we 2i sera era L lpally uninhabltsd. TM County lueasor Wa debzsdos6 the valve of laM to W 31as,B71. The subject territory is vithln tW sphere o! Sntlwnce ueigna to <M City of Rancho Cwmonga. 2. The yropaellRS not Wan WvertEsed Sn local newyagn, u parsitted by lar for Droposals with IOOa laodowner eonsene. 1. The Cowey end tM CSeY o! tancW Cwssonga geoaral Dlan MdgWtiogs era coWletent, perslttlbg tour dwelling units to eM acre. The Dropoaed develoDrnt o! 7a dwliltq unlu ha already Wan approved by tW County aed la rxmalstent with laM wa daalgnatiqua. ~. A NpK1w Oeelaretion ha Dees yreWred purswnt to the provieioa o! tM Gli[ornfa gniioasraul pualiey Age (CRQA) SMSCating tM abnaaeiab x111 Ww a doe-sEgailieat eltect on tW avitorret. WCO adapted tW Msgatiw Dsdlaratlon aM a copy Es on t1U in tM o!lSCV of Cke Clark. TW CUrk Ma hen EwtruccM to file a aotiw o! Wtsniaatioa rithln five days. 5, Lxal Agencies currently arving CM site are listed in tM tile. Cowry Service ACea 70 end Sta iaprev~ant soae rill W detached upon completion of eM DropoNl. too other agencies will W "73 1 affected. 6. The city of Rancho Cucamonga hu indicated in Sis plan far municiyel services, that a full range of Sts services may be made available nw, and at the required azpanded level upon development. 1Te Plan foc S•[viees has Dean reviwed and competed with the standards established by the CammLSion. The Cammiaaion finds chef such Plan conforms with thou adopted atandarde. ~. TTe developing study area will benefit from amezation to the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga. 8. Th1a proposal is consistent with ComaLaion po liey and direction. 9. All notices required by law Dave bean given. No protest has been received. 30. The CSiy and County haw negotiated the ttanater of ad valote-., tszaa a required Dy Ch1s propoul. Coplu of the resolutions edopted by the City Council of the Cley a! Rancho Cucamonga and the San Berntzdino County Board of Supervisors are on file in the LhFCO office outlining the eseMnge of revenws. TB25 kt'P[Otl kPPMVfp klm ABOR'fm by !De Leval kgency iocsrtion Coa~iesion of the Comfy of San Mrnardtm bf the tollovlSq vote: kyd6: CadQSBIO1001S: Willy, Schu111nq, Grant, Taylor, Nikels, Olun dDLS: 07dILSSIOaOa: None 11dSAft: OQdQdaId~18: Bammock, Bertolottl (oLen wtinq in Ria auadl, Sragnesa (Willy wtinq 1n n1a stud l . e. a~ ~ e a a e a a a a a 8TnSa of CALIR7tlIA 7 lad. I, OkIRf A. dOBOf, fsecutlw Ottioer of tRe Local k9mcy Pormailon conwiulon of CDe County of San Ber'urdlno, California, do Mreby certity this rago:d to W • Tull, CrW, and car:eoc copy of tM action taken Dy said Ca:aalnlon by wte of ebe eaaaDere pnesnt as eM acme appears in Ne Official 111nuCa o! x1d Costalaaion at its [egoist meeting of July 19, 1909. 11nI7mx July 35, 1999 • '~~/~~~ i 0~/ M.~'R ~DOaNtiw OPliwi 7 7~ P.ah SDSL I I~ I I rp„yE OCw3nf u3! Or •/, J' tOGt. ACFlICY Pnp353TTON r(A; 'TC TOA s.!l~s ro L/t LOCKVYOOD ENGINEERING City of Rancho Cucamonga (Affected Agency)a~! 3113/89 8 SURVEYING COMPANY, INC. (gtac~,m..e p,,,3,° Sip,. , ~ ar Cld. 3e0 w.n Pootnm eouN.ro ANNEXATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION Riallo. GOlorma 9a7)a onunnwx ece ra 9101 LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that portion of Lha Neat 1/2 of the East 1/Z of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 30, T. 1 N. R. 6 u, S.B.B, fi M. being more particularly described as follova: Beginning at Che Northwest corner of the South 1/2 of the South 1/2 of the Northeast 1!4 of the Southeast i/4 of aaid Section 30; Thanca S 89°35'09" E along the North line of said South i/2, South 1/2,Northaast 1/4, Southaaet 1/4 a distanne of 660.00 feet; Thence S 0°02'02" N a distance of 329.87 fsae to the South line of said Northeast 1/4, Southeast 1/4 Section 30; Thence S 89°35' 21" E along the said line a distance of 2.91 feet to the Northeast corner cf the Nest 1/2, Southeast 1/4, Southeast 1/4 of said Section 30; T. hence 5 0°04'02" W along the aaid Eas[ line of the Yest 1/2, Southeast I/4, Southeast 1/4 of Section 30 a distance of 1791.48 feet to [ha South line of said Sacticn 30 being the existing Rancho Cucamonga city limit lion; Thanca N 89°36'09" N along the aaid South line a distance of 662.15 fast to the Southwest corner of said Southeut U4, Southeast 1/4, Section 30; Thrace N 0. 02'02" E along the said Naat line oftha East 1/2, Southaaet 1/4 Seetfon 30 a distance of 1649.55 feat to [ha true point of bag in log ~~~ ~,~~ ?-„-~, 7~ No. 9101 W ~i 7I 97 Tr i3f_7S ssasest ~ ~.B t a~ L ~ Ropwis r~.r ~i -; \ N7. 9101 L•o 121192 Cirr Liro,rJ l.9vJUa~ e t t s.... ~.2,_a9 ~~~~~~~~~ P.paA~JLO ANULXr9T/~O/N -- o..J~..... .wa _ ..~T~ _ tee. ul• T!I JfT O! CSI I.ll/f , - ,-_r ~~- I` y ~~ IOOCWOOD ENOW~INO • 7lIRVry1N0 COAVANY, ING 1 ww lr~~r RESOLUTION N0. R q , ~ 7~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ANNEKATION 89-03 (LAFCO 2547) HOMESTEAD DEVELOPMENT, AND ORDERING TERRITORY ANNEKED TO THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAM(1NGA GENERALLY LOCATED~AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND AND ROCHESTER AVENUES, AND MAKE FINDINGS IN SUPPORT HEREOF A. Recitals (i) Pursuant to the Cortese/Knox Local Government Reorganization Act (Government Code Section 56000), the City of Rancho Cucamonga is conducting annexation proceedings. (ii) The Local Agency Formation Commission of San Bernardino County has reviewed the proposed annexation and on ,luly 17, 1989 adopted Resolution No. 2216 approving the territory described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and authorizing the City to order the same. (iii) The terms and conditions of annexation as approved by the Local Agency Formation Commission are as follows: Condition No. 1 The conducting authority for this Droceeding shall be the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Condition No. 2 The boundaries are approved as set forth in gnu i~iL "i1" aLLaciled, Condition No. 3 The following distinctive short form designation shall be used throughout this proceeding: LAFCO 2547: Condition No. 4 Included in the City's resolution shall be the detachment of County Service Area (CSA) 70 without split of assets or liabilities. Condition No. 5 The conducting authority is authorized to proceed without notice, hearing or election with 100 percent landowner consent. Condition No. 6 The date of issuance of the Certificate of Completion shall be the effective date of this annexation. Iiv) The reasons for this annexations are: 1. The territory described in the title of this Resolution is located within and consistent with the established SDhere of Influence of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and is contiguous to current City limits. 77 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. DA 89-03 - HOMESTEAD DEVELOPMENT December 6, 1989 Page 2 2. The annexation of said territory represents a logical extension of the City's boundaries and urban services. 3. The City Council has determined that the annexation of the property to the City would be beneficial to the public proposed of the City, in that the property will provide for development, within the City, in a manner consistent with the City's General Pian and with related development. (v) Regular County assessment rolls are to be used by the City of Rancho Cucamonga for tax purposes. (vi) Subject property will be taxed for existing general bonded indebtedness of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. (vii) The subject 25 acres is legally uninhabited. (viii) The Laca1 Agency Formation Commission has authorized this Council to approve this annexation without notice and hearing and without an election. (ix) All legal prerequisitl?s to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. 8. Resolution. NON, THEREFORE, The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does A~nn4.. it ..J.. Ls J~ • ... .. • . -'•J , , „U ~CiVI"Ci Yi IVIIVw i. 1. This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in this Resolution, this Council hereby orders that the territory described in Exhibit "A" annexed, and directs the City Clerk to transmit three certified and one nun-certified copies of fde Resolution to the ezeaLlve officer of the Local Agency Formation Commnl5ston of the County of San Bernardino, along with the applicable fees Section No. 54402.5. Exh1Dlt I F^ 11 ,cn rve ucwsnF CSF OF .~ • ~ IOCKW000 ENGINEERING b SURVEYING COMPANY, INC. aml wnl Foolnill Doulavmd Poalto. CuJornu aa7e LOCAL AGFNfV PORN TTON fONNTCCT N sMFFif xo 1/1 City of Rancho Cucamonga (Af£actad Agsncy)0•re 3/13/89 (RLekM.n M,+... Appl: ~a..r 1, a rvr oesc,wrww ANNEIGTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION ncFro 9101 LRGAL DESCRIPTION All that portion of the Nest 1/2 of the Bas[ 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 70, T. I N. R. 6 M, S.B.B. Q M. Ming more particularly descrihad as follows: Beginning ,.c the Northwest corner of iha South 1/2 of the South 1/2 of the Northeast 1!4 of the Southeast iJ4 of said Section 30; Thence S 89°35'09" E along thn North line of said South 1/2, South 1/2 ,Northeast 1/4, Southsast 1/4 a distacce of 660.00 feet; Thence S 0.02'02" M a distance of 329.87 feet to the South line of said Northeast 1/4, Southeast 1/4 Section 30: Thence S 89'35' 21" E along the said line a distance of 2.91 feet tc the Northeast corner cf the West 1/2, Southeast 1!4, Southeast 1/4 of said Section 30; Thanca S 0.04'02" M along the aald East line of the Mss! 1/2, Southeast 1/4, Southeast 1/4 of Section 30 a distance of 1391.68 feet [o iha South line of said Section 30 Ming the axlsting Rancho Cucamonga city limit lino; Thmca N 89°36'09" M along tM as id South line a dSatancs of 662.15 feat to iha Southwest toner of said South aaat l/4, Southaaat 1/4, gection 30; Thmca N 0' 02'02" E along the said Mast line oftha East 1/2, Bout Mast 1/4 Baction 30 a disCmca of 1649.55 feet to the true point of Mgining ~~~ ~~ ~_~x_as EXHIBIT 'A' ~- ~3f7~ w VOR'fH L~~' ~ ITE6k~NEJCATpH~yQ7 R.-1.~IC~~O CL;G1VK~fGA rm.E yam I~u~ PIA.ti~i1NG DIVLS101V EXHIBIT '~' SGLEtl4~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 6, 1989 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FRGM: Linda ll. Daniels, Deputy City Manager BY: Olen Jones, Senior Redevelopment Analyst ~K`- ~9 1 n o; o A F_j $ Z _ !.D 1977 I SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION REGARDING PROJECTS BENEFITTING THE PROJECT AREA AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS IN REGARD THERETO. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the attached Resolution. BACKGROUND: Health and Safety Code Section 33445 states that a redevelopment agency, with [he consent of the legislative body, may pay all or a part of the costs associated with a public facility provided that (i) it is of benefit to the project area, and (Z) there are no other rcasonale means to finance the improvements. The redevelopment plan for the Rancho Redevelopment Pmiecr idenriff~c several public facilities for which the City Council has generally authorized the Agency to pay. However, with the proposed sale of lux allocation bonds which the Agency is pursuing, it is necessary to give specific approval of the facilities which will he funded from [he proceeds of existing and future Agency bond issues ANALYSIS: The attached resolution, uud its appendix, identifies 12 specific projects which are proposed [o be funded from Agency resources. These projects include: • Fire Facilities Capital Improvement Program (Fire Stations 3, 4, and 5: Maintenance lacili!y; training facility. • Milliken Avenue Underpass • Sports Complex • Uay Creek Floocl Control Channel • Etiwanda/San Sevaine Flood Control Channel • Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Public Improvements • Central Park • Public Improvements associated with the Regional Shopping Center The approval of the attached resolution will allow Agency funding of these projects as anticipated by the redevelopment plan. This item was approved previously this evening on the Redevelopment Agency agenda. Respectfully submitted, ~, . Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager ~' REBOLOTION NO. ~,J 7~ A RE80LDTION OF THE COifNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CDCANONGA REGARDING PAOJ8CT8 BENEFITING THE RANCHO REDEVE7APMSNT PROJECT AND NARING CERTAIN FINDINGS IN REGARD TBERBTO. A. Aecita}s. (i) The Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California (Health and Safety Code Sections 33000, et seq.), among other provisions granting powers to redevelopment agencies, contains Section 33445 which provides that a redevelopment agency, with the consent of the legislative body, may pay all or part of the value of the land for and the cost of the installation and construction of any building, facility, structure or other improvement which is publicly owned, either within or without a project area, upon a determination by such agency and such lea_lalativJ ti,..n., ti.. _~_..._.,_..,.:__ ~ _~v.• u~u .. JYVII building, facility, structure or other improvement is of benefit to such project area and that no other reasonable means of financing the same are available to the community. (ii) The officially adopted redevelopment plan as heretofore amendeO~Sf Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency ("the Agency" hereinafter) for its Rancho Redevelopment Project provides in part for the construction of community facilities to serve said project area. (iii) Attached as Appendix "1" is a document which provides for the Agency's funding of certain capital projects 1 from tax increment resources in specified maximum amounts ("the Public Projects" hereinafter). (iv) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resol ~tion related to the Public Projects have occurred. B. Resolution. HOW, THEREFORE, be it found, determined and resolved by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Council hereby finds that the facts set forth in the Recitals, wart A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. The City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby consents to the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency's funding of the costs and expenses related to the Public Projects specified in Appendix "1^ hereto pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445. 3. This Council hereby specifically finds and determines that the construction of the Public Projects by and through Agency's funding will be of benefit to the Agency's Rancho Redevelopment Project. 4. This Council hereby specifically finds and determines that norther reasonable means of financing is available to the community to construct the Public Projects other than through the Agency's funding thereof as specified in Aopendir. "1" heretc. 5. Pursuant to California Health and Safety Code section 33421.1, this Council hereby finds that Agency's provision of public improvements which owners or operators of 2 site within the Rancho Redevelopment Project Area may have beer. required to provide as specified in Appendix "1" hereto is necessary to effectuate the Rancho Redevelopment Plan. 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this __ day of ~! 1989. Mayor I, BEVERLY AUTNELET, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the city council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of _ , 1989, and was finally passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of 1989, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAINED: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ATTEST:_ City Clerk of. the City of Rancho Cucamonga S\131\CCRESOL ~~3 PuClic Improvement Projects to Be Financetl By RDA Pro~ect Location Cost Source of Funtlin Day Creek Day Canyon, north of $SO,000,000 Taz Increment City through entire Tax Allocation Bonds length of Project Area Community Facilities District Etiwanda/San Sevaine Etiwantla & San Savaine $94,000,000 Tax Increment canyons, NE of City thru Tax Allocation Bontls entire length of Project Area Foothill Boulevard Foothill Boulevard $30,000.000 Tax Increment Improvements lax Allocation Bonds Fire Station 3 Base Line, west of $3,500,000 Tax Increment Rochester Avenue Certificates of Participation Fire Station 4 Jersey Boulevard and $5,500,000 Tax Increment Training Facility Milliken Avenue $2,200,000 Certificates of Participation Maintenance Facility $3,500,000 Fire Station 5 Deer Creek Channel and $3,000,000 Tax Increment Banyan Street Certificates of Participation Sports Complex Rochester Avenue, south $7,000,000 Tax Increment of Foothill Boulevard Tax Allocation Bonds Central Park I Base Line, west of I $40,000,000 Tax Increment Milliken Avenue Tax Allocation Bnnda Regional Shopping Foothill Boulevard and $7,300,000 Tax Alocatbn Bonds Center 115 pncludes land and offsite improvements) Milliken Underpass Milliken Avenue, south $4,500,000 lax Increment of Jersey Boulevard Tax Alocation Bonds 11/20!89 2:49 PM ---CITY OF RANCHO C[;CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 6, 1989 ,' -~ T0: City Council and Cf ty Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Walt Stlckney, Associate Civil Engineer I I SUBJECT: io establish an amount required of a development as a ~ contribution in lieu of the construction of median island landscaping on Miiliken Avenue from 4th Street to 6th Street '~. RECOMMEIml17IDM: It is recommended that the City Counril adopt the attached resolution establishing a funding mechanism and a linear foot rate for contribution by private development on Milliken Avenue from 4th Street to 6th Street toward the cost of a landscaped median on Milliken Avenue. BACKGROUND With the City's desire to construct a uniform landscaped median on Milliken Avenue extending from 4th Street to 6th Street, the City has designed a median Improvement plan for the above specified limits. ANALYSIS Due to the City's desire to have a uniform median design throughout the limits of the median and in order to install medians in locales where development is not expected in the near future, the City has designed and will construct median landscaping on Milliken Avenue. To offset the cost of the landscaping incurred by the City, a cost which private development would have been required to bear, it has become necessary to establish a funding mechanism fq>=the construction of that median. The attached resolution establishes a unit amount of 572.00 per linear foot of property fronting ~on Milliken Avenue from 4th Street to 6th Street. This unit cost was establTShed by prorating the estimated costs associated with the Milliken Avenue Median Beautiftta tion Prc.tect to the total preperty frontages appiicabie within the limits specified above. Due to the physical nature of the protect, this method was determined to be the most equitable means of distributing the contribution required of development. This method has been used for Phases I, II and III of the Naven Avenue Median Beautification Protect. CITY CDNNCIL STAFF REPORT DECEMBER 6, 1989 PAGE 2 In order to best adjust the unit cost to a current year value, the unit cost for contribution will be increased on a fiscal year basis by the Prime Interest Rate as determined at the beginning of each fiscal year. Respectfully-sub~m/i tied, jr i ~ RHM:WS ay----"' Attachment ~~ RESOLUTION N0. ~~- -J ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING AND ADOPTING A CONTRIBUTCON AMOUNT PERTAINING TO THE CONSTRUCTION ON MEDIAN ISLAND LANDSCAPING ON MILL IKEN AVENUE BETWEEN 4TH STREET AND 6TH STREET IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA WHEREAS, the City has coll.^c cod fr:,m properties fronting Milliken Avenue, fees in lieu of construction, bonds for participation in construction and/or lien agreements to participate in the construction of Milliken Avenue Median Landscaping; and WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga is constructing a landscaped median within Milliken Avenue from 4th Street to 6th Street; and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes Lhat it is necessary to establish methods to equitably share said cost among those benefited by said improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES that: 1. All fees collected in-lieu of construction for Milliken Avenue Median Landscaping be deposited in a construction account or fund to be used for the pending Milliken Avenue Median Landscaping construction. 2. Ail bonds received from developers guaranteeing participating in .,,e ^"-~c.:cc -` °i.;i.ai A.~„~~ rieuian Landscaping oe called in or otherwise converted to a liquid asset and deposited in a construction account or fund to be used for the pending Milliken Avenue Median Landscaping construction. 3. A11 lien agreements pertaining to the construction of Milliken Avenue Median Landscaping be amended to make payment to a construction account or fund to be used for the bending Milliken Avenue Median Landscaping construction or to reimburse the City for the construction thereof. _ 4. All remaining undeveloped properties fronting onto Milliken Avenue shall be required 6y Condition of Development to reimburse the City for the cost for their proportionate frontage of the Milliken Avenue Median Landscaping construction. A contribution in lieu of the cnnstruc*_ien fuT 3nld landscape^_ xedian `hall `vc an dr~uuiit equal to 572.00 per linear foot of property fronting on Milliken Avenue, Corner property frontages shall be measured to the prolongation of the ultimate right-of-way of the side street. Payment of said contribution shalt be made prior to building permit issuance or recording of the Tract of Parcel Map, whichever occurs first. The unit contribution amount shall automatically be increased on a eacpnafiscal basis by the Prime Interest Rate as determined at the beginning of year. 8~ CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BV: December 6, 1999 City Council and City Manager Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer John L. Martin, Associate Civil Engineer e~3 . SUBJECT: Approval and execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Don Greek and Associates, Inc., to prepare plans, specifications and estimate for the Area VI - Highland Avenue Storm Drain from Archibald Avenue to the Upper Alta Loma Channel for a fee not-to -exceed 535,110.00 to be funded from the City-wide Storm Drain Fees, Account No. 23-4637-8949. RECOMMENDATIDM• It 1s recommended to award and execute a Professional Services Agreement with Don Greek and Associates, Inc., to prepare plans, specifications and estimate for Area VI -Highland Avenue Storm Drain Protect. Such work to be done for a fee not-to-exceed 535,730.00 plus ten percent contingency at the City Engineer's discretion, to be funded from City-wide Storm Drain Fees. BACKGROUMDIANALYSIS: On August 10, 1969, two firms responding to a Request for Proposal for the Area VI - Highland Avenue Storm brain ore~ar« .~~~itted dcta^tG scov~ ~; work, background reference and design team credentials to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. A third firm declined to respond t0 the request. Two of the firms met the professional and scope of service requirements estabitshed by staff. A ranking of the fee proposals are as follows: Don Greek and Associates 535,710.00 Jaykim Engineers, Tnc. 536,500.00 Staff recommends Don 6rrek and Associates, Inc., for award of the pro,lect. The Not-to-Exceed fee will be paid from City-wide Storm Drain Fees and is included in the Capital Improvement Program list for 1989-90 with budget allocation therefor. Respectfy]iy; submi*_ted, %%/ ~/~ RHMCJLMJIam•~~i' Attachment RESOLUTION N0. V 9 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA TO AMARD AND EKECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT NITH OON GREEK AND iSSOCIATES, INL., OF RANCHO CUCAMONGq, CALIFORNIA TO PREPARE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATE FOR AREA VI - HIGHLAND AVENUE STORM DRAIN PROJECT FROM ARCHIBALD AVENUE TO THE UPPER ALTA LOMA CHANNEL WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga desires to install the Master Pianned Area VI -Highland Avenue Storm Drain from Archibald Avenue to the Upper Alta Loma Channel, and as a consequence sent out Request for Proposals to several engineering companies to design such protect for construction; WHEREAS, the firm of Don Greek and Associates, inc., has represented as qualified to perform the services in the Request for Proposal and was chosen by the City Engineering Staff to provide professional engineering services for field surveys, engineering design, studies and calculations for the preparation of plans, specifications and estimate for the Area YI - Highland Avenue Storm Drain Protect. NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED, that the City Council for the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve to award and execute a professional Services Agreement with Don Greek and Associates, Inc., to provide professional engineering services to prepare plans, specifications and estimate for the Area Vt - Highland Avenue Storm Drain from Archibald Avenue to the Upepr Alta Loma Channel. Such work shall 6e performed fora fee not- to-exceed =35,710.00, to be funded by City-wide Storm Drain Fees, Account No. 23-4637-8949. A contingency fund in an amount of tAA ,.f !~ c^r!rxt -^- - 5~4aii <i w be escao n sned for use under the approval and direction of the~C l ty Engineer for extra work or change order during the course of plan preparation. ~~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Michael D. Long, Sr. Public Norks Inspector SUBJECT: Approval of Contract Change Orders No. 1 and No. 2 far the Amethyst Street at 19th Street Intersection Improvement Project, to be funded from City-Hide Drainage Fund Acrount No. 23-4637-8749 and Systems Development Fund Account No. 22-4637-0749 RECONEMOATION: It is recommended that City Councll approve Contract Change Orders No. 1 (518,078.00) and No. 2 (5138,825.001. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In November 1988, CTty Councll awarded Mobassaly Engineering said protect. Because of delays by Southern California Gas Comparyr, Cucamonga County Nater Distrtct and the California Department of Transportation, construction on this pro3ect was not started until late October 1989. During the period between the award and actual start of construction, Cal trans finalized tholr n/an ••] •~~;~;; •esclta~ in muuerace rA major changes from the original 61d documents. •A1so during this interim period, the stores drain depth was increased to avoid unreiocatable CCND property, The delay also resulted In minor increases in materials cost and labor rates. Although the contents of said change orders were negotiated simultaneously, Change Order No. 1 was drafed first and executed by the Contractor in order to allow construction to continue. Contract Change Order No. 2 was finalized shortly thereafter. Both change orders Incorporate portions'a>Z the changes described herein. Res y s ltted, , .a.,~.~. Y -~ v ~/ R - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~~' , 4 >~' ~ FIi Date: December 6, 1989 ~ 19_~ To: Mayor, Members of City council, City Mango From: Joa Schultz, Community Services Manager ~/I~~Y- By: Karen McGuire-Emery, Associate Park Planner Subject: Grant of Easement to 6outhern California Edison for Old Town Park That the City Counoil approve the attached Easement Document and authorize the Mayor's signature. BACRGROIIMD• The construction of Old Town Park, locnted at 10033 Feron B7vA.. is d^*.e3e'_c~ to .:Owyia Ldu in renruary OP 1990. This facility will include a lighted softball field, basketball hardcourt, play area tot lot, restroem Pacility and picnicking amenities. Security lighting is provided as standard City Park design. Included is a Grant of Easement for Southern California Edison which requires the Mayor's signature to provide electrical service to this facility. Attachment: Grant of Easement per N.O. 6834-2246 JS : iCIRG-E : dh CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Date: December 6, 1989 .. To: Mayor, Members of the City Council and City Manager FIOID: Joe Schulte, Community Services Manager BY~ Dave Leonard, Park Project Coordinator Subject: 0.C.W.D. Sewer Easement, Beryl Parks Recommendationc• City Council adopt a Resolution granting Cucamonga County Water District an easement for sanitary sewer pipeline through East and Weat Beryl Parka and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the GRANT og En~EM~_}~ document. Backaround• Proceeding of the March 15th, 1989 had City Council authorizing staff to prepare documents granting a sanitary sewer easement through East and West Bervl Parkas. rn nnnal.+n.~.+:_ a_.. `i+o basement, the Water District waived $43,356.25 in connection fees related to the development of West Beryl Park. To conclude the agreement, the attached resolution of intent and the GRANT DF EASEMENT document requires Council action. JS:DL:tp RESOLUTION NO. 89 - 5 7 W A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA PROVIDING FOR GRANTING OF EASEMENT THROUGH EAST AND WEST BERYL PARRS TO CUCAMONGA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT FOR SANITARY SEWER LINE INSTALLATION. WHEREAS, the Cucamonga County Water District has need to install a sanitary sewer line between Carnelian Avenue and Beryl Street; and WHEREAS, the Water District has agreed to waive $43,356.25 in connection fees to the City related to the development of West Beryl Park; and WHEREAS, development oP both the sanitary sewer and the West Beryl Park projects provide substantial benefit to the community; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved, the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby grants an easement for sanitary sewer pipeline through East and West Beryl Parka to Cucamonga County Water District. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED the 6th day Of December, 1989 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: Dennis L. Stout, Mayor Debra J. Adams, C ty Clerk ~~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ^-` STAFF REPCTRT DATE: December 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: 7hlliip Yerbera, Assistant Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of an Agreement for Acquisition of off-site property, Security, Deposit and the related changes to Parcel Map 11838, located approxfmately 800 feet west of Yictor{a Park Lane and north of Base Line Road, submitted by Hughes/lyon/Victoria Associates It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving an Acquisition Agreement, Security, Deposit and the related changes to the Parcel Map and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Parcel Map 11838 was approved, Agreement and Security accepted, and annexation to ~anascape/street ngntmg maintenance alstricts oraerea oy the City Council an October 4, 1989. As a condition of approval of this Parcel Map, the Developer is required to Duild certain public street improvements on Base Ltne Road. In order to construct these improvements, additional right-of-way is required from the proiect's ad,{acent property owner. During the plan check procedure, the Developer's engineer indicated that contact and negotiations were under way for obtaining the easements. As such, staff did plan check and approve as to fora the easements documents. As the map was nearing completion, the acbmml easement book and page recordation data was left blank on the map. This was done in the spirit of cooperation and so that the plan check process would rwt be delyred while the Developer obtained the required easements. The Developer nor indicates thet he is unable to obtain the signatures for the required easement document. As such, the map is incomplete and not able to be recorded as approved or intended. -~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT PARCEL MAP 11838 DECEMBER-6; 1989 ~..- - PA6E 2 The City is authorized by State law to acquire by eminent domain that property necessary for street improvement purposes. In order that the Parcel Map may record before actua9ly obtaining the additional rtghi-of- way, the Developer is submitting an Agreement, Depostt (f10,00D) and Security (f50,00D letter of credit) for the acquisition. Th{s Agreement allocates costs arM responsibilities towards obtaining said property. In addition, minor changes have been made on the map to reflect the Agreement. Copies of the Agreements and Security have been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney and are available in the City Clerk's office. Respectf submitted, i ~f ~ r / l ~ R . Attachment 9~ RESOLUTION N0. ~ - 5 7 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALLFORNIA, APPROYIN6 AN ACQUISITION AGREEMENT, SECURITY, DEPOSIT AND RELATED CHANGES TO PARCEL MAP 11838, FROM HUGHES/LYON/VICTORIA ASSOCIATES AND AUTHORIZING THE M11YOR ANO CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME NHEREAS, the Developer, Hughes/Lyon/Victoria Associates, has submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga an aDDiication for approval of Parcel Map 11838, located on the northwest corner of Base Line Road and Victoria Park Lane in the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and NHEREA5, for the Developer to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to recording of the final map of said development said Developer has offered the Acquisition Agreement submitted herewith for approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient security and deposit; and NHEREAS, the Developer will have delineated on the final mep reference to said Agreement and off-site property acquisition to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior t0 the recordation of said final map. NON, THEREFORE, BE [T RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, as follows: 1. That said Acquisition Agreement he and the same is hereby approved and the Mayor 1s hereby authorized to sign said n~yuiai iiun nyreemrnl un uena if OT said Vi ry ane LIIC L15Y GIerK Ts authorized to attest thereto; and 2. That said Acquisition Agreement is accepted as good and sufficient, subiect to approval as to fora and content thereof by the City Attorney; and 3. That the Acquisition Agreement and off-site property right-of-way shall be delineated on the final map and said map shall be recorded, su-yect to approval as to form and content thereof by the City Engineer. ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF R~~ ORT DATE: December 6, 1989 TO: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Monte Prescher, Public Works Engineer SUBJECT: Adopt Resolutions approving Agreement between Cal trans and the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga and between Western Land Properties and the City of Rancho Cucamonga to provide project administration and inspection of public improvement to be installed on Foothill Boulevard from Deer Creek Channel to Rochester Avenue RECOMMEIMTIOM: It is recomaended that City Council adopt the attached Resolutions approving agreements between Cal trans and the City of Rancho Cucamonga and between Western Land Properties and the City of Rancho Cucamonga allowing the Cfty to provide administration and inspection of public improvements to be installed on Foothill Boulevard (a State Highway) between the limits of Oeer Creek and Rochester Avenue. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The cost of the proposed improvements to be installed by Western Land Properties on Foothill Boulevard exceeds the maximum dollar amount allowed by Cal trans to be constructed under permit. Therefore, Cal trans has asked the Ciky to administer the project in the same manner as a Capital Improvement Project. It Ts not possible for the City to administer the project in that manner without incurring extensive delays due to the requirements of public contract law. The City and Cal trans have agreed bhet if the City provides fuii time inspection and other ac ti vitles as ouL•lined 1n the Cooperative Agreement that the intent can be met. Western Land Properties has agreed tO reimburse all City cost and accept the terms of the City/Cal trans Agreement. Respesubmitted, i ~ ii . iv, 4 =~ i M:MPad - Attachments RESOLUTION N0. ~q. ~ 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETNEEN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONG11 FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF CONSTRUCTION OF STATE HIGHNAY IMPROVEMENTS ALONG STATE HIGHNAY ROUTE 66 (FOOTHILL BOULEVARD) BETNEEN DEER CREEK CHANNEL AND ROCHESTER AVENUE IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA NHEREAS, the City has required, as a condition of the development of Parcel Map 11030, the widening and construction of various 7morovements to State Raute 66 (Foothill Boulevard) between the Deer Creek Channel and Rochester Avenue, which requires a penait from the State of California, Department of Transportation; and NHEREAS, prior to the developer obtaining a permit for said street widening and construction of improvements, the State of California has required the City to administer and inspect the construction of said improvements; and NHEREAS, the Cooperative Agreement defines the terms and conditions under which the improvements are Co constructed. NOM, THEREFORE, the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve that said Cooperative Agreement be approved and the Mayor is authorized to sign said agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the City Cierk to attest thereto. ~9 RESOLUTION N0. ~q - 5 ' `7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY DF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN NESTERN LANG PROPERTIES AND THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FOR THE WIDENING OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD BETWEEN DEER CREEK CHANNEL AND ROCHESTER AVENUE IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA WHEREAS, Nestern Land Froperties is the owner of that certain real property located at the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Footh711 Boulevard referred to as Parcet Map 11030 in the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and NHEREAS, the City has required, as a condition of the development, Nestern Land Froperties to widen and construct various improvements to Foothill Boulevard, a State highwaiy, between the Deer Creek Channel and Rochester Avenue, which requires a permit from the State of California, Department of Transportation; and NHEREAS, as a prerequisite to obtaining a permit for said improvements, the State has required the City to adainister and inspect the construction of the improvements; and NHEREAS, the Agreement identifies the obllgattons of responsib111ties of the the two parties. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve that said Agreement be approved and the Mayor is authorized to sign said Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Cf tv ~~.._~. ... ern ru u1. 1.ciL 411cIQLV• /iJ~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA -" STAFF REPORT DATE: December 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: JuQy Acosta, Engineering Aide SUBJECT: Ordering the Mnexation of DR 88-29, located at the southwest corner of Milliken Avenue and 5th Street, to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6 RECOMlE1DATION: It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution ordering the annexation of DR 88-29, located at the southwest corner of Milliken Avenue and 5th Street, to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Attached is the Consent and Nalver to Mnexation fore signed by the developer for the subject project. This fon enables the City to annex property to existing maintenance districts where all the property owners uu.e yranteJ iiieir consent w such an annexation wicnout conaucting a public hearing or posting. This font of annexation is permitted by the Streets and Highways Code. Also included is the Certificate of Sufficiency executed by the City Engineer. In addition, attached is the resolution to be adopted by the Council to f(nalize the annexation. Respec submitted, r r R .s • Attarhaent ~_ RESOLUTION N0. ~' ~, ~8(~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR DR 88-29 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previousiy fonaed a special maintenance dl strict pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972', being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known a~ designated as Landscape Maintenance District No, 3, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and NHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A' attached Aereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance 0lstrtct; and NHEREAS, all of the owners of Droperty within the terrttory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to Lhe proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY CWNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLONS: SECTION 1: That the aba4e recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That `his legislative bogy hereby orders Lhe annexation of the proper y as shown 1n Exhibit "A" and the work program areas as described in Exhibit "B' attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That alt future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including ~F'ie ~ of ail assessaents, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. ' ~~~ EXIl17 •A' ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 STREET LIGNTKIG MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FIFTIi SiREE( 4~' ~ 0 I~I~IIII I~I~I~I~ OKu Z TFWKSfa~WHr ' ~ 411~f LIYR 1 Q ~~'ILE~~K~ KV 601f ~ ~ ~ LCGrJ.I~ MR GRY rl/J~I'(FaIMIG6 4~~ (.NM j~Z 51~If. ~~Olh J` y. siW1 ifW 2s i. .•V T Sit ~~~* Z /~ CITY Of RANCHO CUCAMONM COUNTY Of SAN 9ERNARDINO STATE OR CALIFORNIA DRRB-29 EXHIBIT 'B' PROJECT NAME: DR 88-29 N0. OF O.U. OR ACREAGE: 2.34 acres N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 4.68 units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of Larps to be Annexed District No. -Z2;>~'~;"5W' 1 --- 1 _'- --' --- 6 1 ___ ___ ___ ___ LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT n(M+i n• Y.. iti c2u iVYI11C 3 Milliken Avenue (1/2 Median Island) 5th Street TurY Ground Cover Trees .`,q. T[. Sq. ft. Ea. --- 3,342 15 --- --- 10 12-6-89:JAA - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF RF:rQRT DATE: December 6, 1989 TO: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Willie Valbuena, Engineering Technician ~. SUBJECT; Approval of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 for 6 for DR 88-32, located on the east side of Hyssop Drive, north of 4th Street submitted by Hyssop Properties, a California General Dartnership RECOMENDATION !t is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving DR 88-32, accepting the subject agreement and security, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND DR 88-32, located on the east side of Hyssop Drive, north of 4th Street, in the General Industrial Oistrlct(Subarea 14), was approved by the Planning -~~---° -° --••--v , ~ , .~. Lim Jiriaion ui i.as acres Into 1 lot. The Developer, Hyssop Properties, a California General Partnership, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Phase I Phase I! Faithful Performance Bond: 3130;000 ;2g'3DD- Labor and ~terlal Bond: f 65,000 f14,250 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. The Consent and Maiver to Annexation form signed by the Developer is on file in the City Clerk's office. Respe ,~ bJm1 tted, M:WV.IJAA;dIw Attachments RESOLUTION N0. ~9~ G~I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY of RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW N0. 88-32 WHEREAS, the City Council of California, has for its consideration an December 6, !489, by Hyssop Properties, a developer, for the lmprovement of public property specifically described therein, side of Nyssop Drive, north of 4th Street; the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Improvement Agreement executed on California General Partnership as right-of-way adiacent to the real and generally located on the east and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and sub,Tect to the tenas thereof, is to be done in con,iunction with the development of said real property as referred to Planning Commission, Development Review No. 88-32; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement. NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY DF RANCHO CUCAMDNGII, HEREBY RESOLVES that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. r~V __ ~ _ RESOLUTION N0. ~~, ,rJg~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNE%ATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 3 ANp STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NDS. 1 AND 6 FOR DR 88-32 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, CalTforria, has previousiy for;sed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 3, Street Lighting Maintenance District No, 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance DTstrict'1; and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of addltlonai territory to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, at this tine the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A' attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report. NON, THEREFORE, THE CiTY COUNC[L OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1; That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative boQY hereby orders the annexation of the proper as shown in Exhibit "A' and the vrork program areas as described in Exhtblt "B' attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including ~e T"evy of all assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. ~~~ EXIIRI7 •A' ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 STREET LIGHTMIG MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 Ate 8 VL ~• VY.~ ~c~ ~,~ ~~s ~~ SITE DETENTION $ASIN ., ~~ ~, e a 1• CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COUNTY OF SAN 6ERNARDINO STATE OF CALIFORNIA DR f3R-32 ' EXHIBIT 'B' ~^ - PRU]ECT NAME: DR 88-32 ND. of D.U. OR ACREAGE: 1.55 ac ND. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 3.10 units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE D15TRICT No. of Lawps to be Annexed District No. , 1 --' °- --- --- --' 6 1 -'- --- --' --- LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Turf Ground Lover Trees District No. Street Naae Sq. ft. Sq, ft. Ea. 3 --- --- --- --- JM:12-6-89 ro9 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ' STAFF R~rORT DATE: December 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager ~~ FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Millie Yalbuena, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, S~nproveQRnt Security and Ordering the Annexation to Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 3 for Tract 14121, located at the southwest corner of i Highland and Miiliken Avenues, submitted by The Nilliam Lymn Canpany RECOMMENDATION It is recomaended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Tract No. 14121, accepting the subiect agreement and security, ordering the annexation to Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 3, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Tract No. 14121, located at the southwest corner of Highland and Milliken Avenues in the Low Medium Density Residential District, was approved by the Planning Commission on August 23, ;989, for the division of 9.3 acres into 47 lots. The Developer, The N1111am Lyon Company, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: faithful Performance Bond: f692,000 Labor and Material Bond: f346,000 Monumentation: f 4,750 Copies of the agreement an~'security are available in the City Clerk's Office. Letters of approval have been received from the high school and elementary school districts and Cucamonga County Mater District. The Consent and Waiver to Annexation form signed by the Developer is on file 1n the City Clerk's otfi[e. Respe y u fitted, //~~ / `~NM+NYriAA: dl w Attachments RESOLUTION N0. ~g_ tJ~`~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY, ANO FINAL MAP OF TAACT N0. 14121 NHEREAS, the Tentative Nap of Tract No. 14121, consisting of 47 lots, submitted by The Ni111am Lyon Company, Subdivider, located at the southwest corner of Highland and Milliken Avenues has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by said Subdivider for approval by said City as provided 9n the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, and Tn compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 2A of said City; and NHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the Final Map of said Tract said Subdivider has offered the Improvement Agreement submitted herewith for approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient Improvement Security, and submits for approval said Final Map offering for dedication for street and highway purposes the streets delineated thereon. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: 1. That said Improvement Agreement be and the same ip aDProved and the Mayor 1s authorized to execute same on behalf of said City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and ~. T6ui aaiu improvement Security is accepted as good and sufficient, subject to approval as to fons and content thereof by the City Attorney; and 3. That the offers for' dedication and the F1na1 Mep delineating same be approved and Lhe City Clerk 1s authorized to execute the certificate thereon on behalf of said City. y RESOLUTION N0. ~Q, ~.J~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNSA, ORDERING THE ANNE1fATI0N OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 3 FOR TRACT 14121 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Califorr.ta, has previously forced a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the 'Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972', being Division i5, part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 3 (hereinafter referrad to as the "Maintenance District"1; and NHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, a! this t/me the City Councfl fs desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated hereto by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or fittng of an Engineer's "Report". NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RFGM VFC ~c Fro i nuc: SECTION 1; That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative body hereby orders the annexation described inn E- x bit "O"attachedxhereto to"the Mai tenance District, areas as Including SE eT~of ~1 assesusments roshali nbe applicabi entto athe terrlt ry annexed hereunder. ~( 'A' STREET LIGHTING MAM'~TENANCE~pISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 3 ~/ - _~ A T _ ~--~ ELL {. _. •~ .n ~~~ ~ ~ f c v>`y P 1 W I II f ~I i~ w~p Yn 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONQA _ COUNTY OF sAN BERNARDINO STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~- YI![I,YEM IYfMUE __~L1.pyY]_____ E10IIBIT 'B' s- PROJECT NAME: TRACT 14121 N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: 47 d/u N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 47 units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of Lamps to be Annexed District No. 1 --- --- -'- --- --- 3 12 --- --- --' _° LANDSCAPE IMINTENANCE DISTRICT a.. uruunu i.uver District No. Street NaMe Sq• ft• Sq. ft. JM:12/6/89 frees Ea. ~/~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA -" STAFF RETORT GATE: 9ecember 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Willie Valbuena, Engineering Technician SUBJECT' Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance Ofstrict No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2 for Parcel Map 9431, located on the east side of Beryl Street, south of Hillside Road, submitted by James Bice RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Parcel Map 9431, accepting the subJect agreement and security, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. I and 2, and authorizing Lhe Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Parcel Map 9431, located on the east side of Beryi Street, south of Hillside Road in the Yery Low Development District, was aDProved by the Planning Commission on February 12, 1986, for the division of 2.94 acres into 4 parcels. The Developer, James Bice, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Perfornrance Bond; 566,200.00 Labor and Material Bond: 533,100.00 Monumentation: s 2,600.00 Copies of Che agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. A letter of approval has been received from the Cucamonga County Mater District. The Consent and Nalver to Annexation form signed by the Developer is on file in the City Clerk's office. Res 1{ Submitted, r C ~ L~~ R /Attachments RESOLUTION N0. ~9~ 5Q~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 9431, (TENTATIVE DARCEL MAP N0. 9431), IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, ANO IMPROVEMENT SECURITY NHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map No. 4431, submitted by James Bfce, and consisting of 4 parcels, located on the east side of Beryl Street, south of Hillside Road, was approved by the Planning Co®lsston of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on February 12, 1986; and NHEREAS, Parcel Map No. 9431 is the final map of the division of land approved as shown on said Tentative Parcel Map;and WHEREAS, all of the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the final map by the City Council of said City have now been met by entry into an Improvement Agreement guaranteed by acceptable Improvement Security by James Bice as developer. NON, THEREFgiE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security submitted by said developer be and the same are heroby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest; and that said Parcel Nap No. 9431 be and the same is hereby approved and the City Engineer 1s authorized to present same to the County Recorder to be filed for raw~nrA Il V/ _. __.. RESOLUTION N0. ~~~ .5'8 CP A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~ RANCHO CUCAMDN6A, CALIFORNIA, OROERIN6 THE ANNE%ATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 ANO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR PARCEL IMP 9431 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucaagnga, California, has prevlousty foraxd a special sulntenara:e district pursuant to the teros of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special xaintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 1, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District); and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the 'Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972' authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and iMEREAS, at this tiiae the City Council 1s desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on ExMb1t 'A' attached hzreto and Incorporated herein by this refereed to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, all of the owners of property witAin the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District Mve filed with the City Cierk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and heartna or f!i~."., ~° ar. C;yi„E2I'a "nnyura'. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITT COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the above rectuls are ail true and correct. SECTION~2: That this legislative body hereby orders the annexation of the proper as shown 1n Exhibit 'A" and the work progra~a areas as described to Exhibit 'BLLtached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including~e eTy of zll assessiaents, shell be applicable to the teMtory annexed hereunder. !( exHSrr •w• ASSESSMENT pfARiRAM LANDSCAPE MANTENANCE D15TRN;T NO. 1 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 HILLSIDE HOAO w W K r J~ m' CiTl/ OF RANCHO CUCAMONt#A ~ COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO - ~ PM 9431 STATE OF CALIFORNIA - EIWIBIT 'B' ~- _ PROJECT NAME: PARCEL IMP 9431 N0. OF O.U. OR ACREAGE: pcl 1: .46 acres N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 5.88 units 2: .46 acres 3: .52 acres 4: 1.50 acres 2.94 acres STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of LalMps to be Annexed District No. , 1 °- --- --- --- --- 2 2 --- -° -'- --- LnnUm.Nrt rN INItNANGL U1yINIGT Turf Ground Cover Trees District No. Street Neale Sq• ft. Sq. ft. Ea. 1 @eryl Street --- --- 10 I~R - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 6, 1989 To; City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gf11t1and, Public 4orks Inspectpr ,~ ~- z J. r SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 12642, 12935-44 Landscape, located on the southeast corner of Banyan Street and Milliken Avenue, submitted by Kaufman d Broad RECOMIEIpATION It is recomaended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subtect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the constructicn of the public improvements for Tract 12642, 12935-d4 Landscape were approved by the City Council on March 6, 1986, in the following amounts. Fa14hf~~1 Dnnfn.wene~ ogre. Bonn m~ Labor and Material Bond: =411,000 The developer, Kaufman A Broad, is requesting approval of a 90-day extension in order to maintain a current Improvement Agreement during the landscape establishment period. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectful ,submitted. ~~~~-- HM:SyC sd~ ~__ Attachments RESOLUTION N0. g~' -~-7U A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCA.MONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12642, 12935-44 LANDSCAPE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Eztension executed on December 6, 1989, by Kaufman a Broad as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adiacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the southeast corner of Banyan Street and Milliken Aveue; and NHEREAS, the installation of such Tngrovements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, 1s to be done 1n conjunction with the development of said Tract 12642, 12935-44 Landscape; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in Bald Improvement Agreement Extension. NDN, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor 1s hereby authorized to sign said improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Cierk to attest thereto. ~~I CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - -- STAFF RPH'4RT DATE: December 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. G111iland, Public Norks Inspector SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13644, located on the southeast corner of Henaosa Avenue and Yista Grove Court, submitted by Noodridge Estates Ltd, RECOMNEMOATIOM It is recommended that the City Councii adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,iect agreement extension and security and authorizing the MAyar and City Clerk to sign said agreement. And, pursuant to Resolution No. 09-567, it is also recommended that City Council direct staff to grant no occupancies until such time that all improvements on Hermosa Avenue that are conditioned to be constructed are 1005 compiete. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to 4uarantoo rno ~~.-tract;;,,, of the oublir. im..,.r~-•~ ~„- ;,.,,,L i,iog4 were approved by the City Council on May 19, 1980,~in the following amounts. Faithful Performance Bond: 5496,000.00 Labor and Material Bond; 5248,000.00 The developer, Moodridge Estates, Ltd., is requesting approval of a 3-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available jp the C1ty Clerk's Office. Respe submitted, ,~ ~" Attachments NORDIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY October 31, 1989 Steve M. Gilliland City of Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 RE: Woodridge Estates Tract 13644 Dear Mr. Gilliland: Enclosed herewith you will find three originally executed copies of an extension agreement and a check in the sum of $251.00. A substantial portion of the offsite improvements have been completed. We will need approximately three additional months to complete the improvements in total. We would appre~ate an extension for that period of time. Sincerely, WOODRIDGE ESTATES, LTD. ~ ~ A California LlIDited Partnership ,p7 H~ f~4p " ~ ^ By: NORDIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY A California Corporation O '~,~F~/~ . i~ Its General Partner ~ ~y By: Harri J. Kato secretary HJK:vi Enclosures n....oo..x...w .w.. wo G WIIfMOM, fib 01711 I~3,..,~ -_~ ~ c RESOLUTION NO. 8~, .58(~' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13644 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on December 6, 1989, by Noodrldge Estates Ltd, as developer, for the improvement of public right-af-way adiacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the southeast corner of Hermosa Avenue and Y1sta Grove Court; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in con,{unction with the development of said Tract 13644; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured aM accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same arc hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~a~l - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: BY: SUBJECT: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector=~~J' Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for CUP 87-26, located on the northeast corner of Vineyard Avenue and Foothill Boulevard, submitted by OAS Investors RECOMENOATION ]t is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for CUP 87-26 were approved by the City Council on October 6, 1988, in the following amounts. FdithfUl YerfOrmanCe Bend: 591 ,UW Labor and Material Bond: f475,000 The developer, OAS Investors, is requesting approval of a 4-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the,City Clerk's Office. Respec Subm tied, ~RHM:SMG'a~~~` Attachments O A S Investors PochaN l O'\cill HON'aYd :\dM of irhacl L SvRUSa Octobe- 11, 1989 Mr. Steve M. Gilliland Public Works Inspector Community Development Department Engineering Division, City Of Rancho Cucamonga Past Office Box 807, Rancho Cucamonga, Cq 91730 2081 6usine55 Censer Drive Su;ie 290 Ir\'Ine. Cdll(Or01a 92 i 1 5 171 JI Bs3~7i00 ~~e~~ v~® .~,t ; :i i_:;Y~ .I ~ ~ ~~~~ NC C V SApy hCA Subs ect: Expiration of Improvement agreement for CUP 87-26 Dear Sir, Reference in made to your letter of September 28, 1989 in which you state that the required improvements are not complete. We believe our improvements io be complete and your racards in ennnn 41e ann ~1hu1~ _ nin_ __ __ _ ____ _ applying in writing for an extension~tonthe Improvement agreement for a period of one hindred and twenty days in order that you may review your records and confirm that in fact the required improvements are complete. Enclosed with this letter please find, in triplicate and notarized, the form sent with your letter of September 28th . also enclosed is a check in the amount of !281.00 for with we expect a refund once you ascertain that the improvements ar• in fact complete. Sincere /~/~yr''~ .4nr _ ,.. i^VeSinr3 H ar~1 Rdler General Partner I ~ RESOLUTION N0. ~9~ 5~9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR CUP 87-26 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on Decer!+er 6, 1989, by OAS Investors as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the northeast corner of Vineyard Avenue and Foothlli Ooulevard: and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subiect to the tennis thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said CUP 86-26; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to stgn said Improvement Agreemertt Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~d CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPOftT DATE: December 6, 1989 `~ T0: C1 ty Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Morks Inspector~~~- SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for 6737 East Avenue, located at 6737 East Avenue, submitted by Gerald Hessler RECOMMEIDATIOM It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,iect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for 6737 East Avenue were approved by the City Council on November 20, 1986, in the following amounts. Faithful Performance Bond: S33.OD0 Labor and Material Bond: :16,500 the developer, Gerald Hessler, is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfykky fitted, .~~~ `1fH dlw Attachments ~~. fr G'G~'S,~ // S A9 ~~~. ~J~~ .Fr ~ .5'tamer,~ra!a+,~r~.~~,~o.~,/lA~i~ar1`a~'6?97E~'.~c~, ~~ ~~ .~ ~./~acc ~ `~'i,'~ ~zlGT`ear~a~~C ~ eta-~~o~ ~) La~ ~ ~oxt~ aJ'ZiiL ~ic~ . Tr~ioc ~ ~ cm~ri~'~i~e ~. Gysi~ a~. f ~~',~e. .~~~~~~~~ ~~~ z~ ~~` ~~'~i~- Cl/f~ err Firr~',9ic! t~.ts~~wr.~ ~'~YY~, e~.~r~ T a_ . '~%lu~ .~rd~~.a~l~ ~sy t<,rerxra~~2u~~ic latL~ .~~~~~ o T ~~ ~~~~~~ f~~~-~. ~ ~..:~,~•,,,~ »?,~i,; ~~,~~.~srT.~~t~[ va¢ . free, ~~ ~ lam` .~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ u ~~~a~ ~~ ~ /~ J~'s~ L ae~-nom ~a ~ ~c~i~C <ilcu~a~r~. ~¢ ~, sDtu~~~,YG~~-~~ G.~'erc~r~wt~> ~ a~'~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~,r~"'~'r~, ins y.~i~ v v ~~~~ ~3~ RESOLUTION N0. ~~- ~7O A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROYEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR 6737 EAST AVENUE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on December 6, 1909, by Gerald Hessler as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located 6731 East Avenue; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is Lo be done in conjunction with the development of said 6737 East Avenue; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified to said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~~l - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 6, 1989 ~}-' T0: City Council and City Manager ~~CJC` FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve Gilliland, Public Ylorks Inspector ~ -, SUBJECT: Acceptance of Improvements, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for Parcel Map 9192, Street Improvements, Storm Drain and Block Nalis; Approval of Improvement Agreement and Securities for Parcei Map 9192, Landscape, located on the northwest corner of Highland Avenue and Rochester Avenue, submitted by Marlborough Development The required Improvements for Parcel Map 9192 street improvements; storm drain, block walls have been completed in an acceptable manner and it is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Bonds in the amounts of f101,936, f67,448, and 553,456, authorize the City Engineer to fife a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bonds 1n the amounts of f1,019,356, f6?4,482, and ;534,555, The remaining Bond for Parcel Map 9192 is for the security of the landscape construction. At this time, the landscape is complete. However, a 180 day es tabl isrment period is required. Therefore, it is recommended that the landscape not be accepted, but accept a new Improvement Agreement and Securities for Parcel Map 9192 Landscape for an eight month period in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond (1,443,607 labor and Materials Bond f 721,804 BACKGROUND{ANALYSIS Darcel Map 9192 - located on the northwest corner of Highland Avenue and Rochester Avenue. DEVELOPER: Mari borough Development ?029 Century Park East tv1554 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Respectful)y ,submitted, ( 1~r~--~_-,r A .SG:dlws t~ RESOLUTION N0. xq, S /~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR 9192, STREET IMPROVEMENTS, STORM DRAIN ANO BLOCK MALLS, ANO AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Parcel Map 9192, Street Improvements, Store Drain and Block Nalls, have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work ^omplete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engl neer 7s authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. r,~.~ RESOLUTION NO. ~ I' ,$9d' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEi~NT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCE MAP 9192 WHEREAS, Parcel Map No. 9192 has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucanwnga by said Subdivider for approval by said City as provided in the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, and in caapltance with the requi remonts of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and WHEREAS, to meet the requirements established for approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient Improvement Security, and submits for approvai of Improvement Agreement. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES as fol laws: 1. That said Improvement Agreement be and the same is approved and the Mayor 15 authorized to execute sane on behalf of said City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and 2. That said Improvement Security is accepted as good and sufficient, subiect to approval as to foria and content thereof by the City Attorney; and / ,:.) nxmv nc. o ~ ~xn xxn n STAFF REPORT DATE: December 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspecto_ SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion REGU~ENINITIDN: The required street improvements for Tract 9649 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it 1s recommended that City Council accept said improvements and authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion. The Faithful Performance Bond 'nos been in effect for the required one year maintenance period. Hence, the usually required Maintenance Bond is not necessary. Therefore, it 1s also recommended to authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 5510,000.00. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 9649 - located on the southwest corner of NTlson Avenue and Hermosa Avenue. DEYELOPER: Pennhill Development 3991 MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 240 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 5510,000.00 ResPettf ,s ltted, RI~M:SNG:sd"~ Attachment Ir~ RESOLUTION N0. ~~ ~ ..J ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEDTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 9649 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK 6''IEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 4649 have Dean completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notfce of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamongga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 6, 1989 T0: City Council and Cfty Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspecto SUBJECT: Release of Bonds an4 Notice of Completion RECOMMENDATION: The required street improvements for Tract 13443 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recomeended that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of f48,151 authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 5487,508. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 13443 - located on the southrest corner of Victoria Park Lane and Fairmont Way. uE7Ei.uiin: neyubiic ueveiopmenc 180 North Riverview Drive N130 Anaheim, CA 92808 Accept: Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) f48,751 Faithful Perfornwnce Bond (Street) f487,508 Resp cJyfu ly submitted, ~~. ~ ~;^~ 1 .. -~_~.~_.' . is t,~- ~, _ ' ~~ RNM'S15~9fi~ Attachment RESOLUTION N0. ~`j~' -J J A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13443 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING Of A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK knEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 13443 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion fs required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. (~~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 6, 1989 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maouire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Morks Inspec tore SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion RECOMMENDATIDN: The required street improvements for Tract 13642 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it Ts recommended that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of :21,000 authorize khe City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the CTty Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 1210,000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 13642 - located on the east side of Beryl Street between 19th Street and Hamilton Avenue. utrtt.urtR: Hix ueveiopment 437 South Cataract Avenue N2 San Dimas, CA 91773 Accept: Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 521,000 Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 5210,000 Respect ul submitted, it ~~ RHM: S[IG;A1ar~'~ Attachment RESOLUTION N0. gq• 59 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13642 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK WhcREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 13642 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be fried, certifying the work complete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. / ~O ORDINANCE N0. 407 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 89-01 TO CHANGE VARIOUS SCHOOL, TRAIL, AND PARK SITE DESIGNRTIONS; TO ALLOW THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AUTO SERVICE STATIONS SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONAL USE "E RMIT PROCESS ALONG SELECTED MAJOR ARTERIALS; TO DELETE A PORTION OF ORCHARD AVENUE; AND TO UPDATE THE LANDSCP.PE DESIGN GUIDELINES AND LAND USE MAPS f0 NEFLE C( PREVIOUS PROJECT APPROVALS AND "AS-BUILT" CONDITIONS, AND MAKING FIN DtNGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does ordain as follows; SECTION 1: The City Council hereby finds and determines the following: A. That the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, following a public hearing held in the time and manner prescribed by law, recommends that the Conpnunity Plan text amendment hereinafter described, and this City Council has held a public hearing in the time and manner prescribed by law and duly heard and considered said recommendation. 8. That this Community Plan text amendment is consistent with the General Plan of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. C. That this Community Plan text amendment is ca nsi stem with the Development Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. D. This Community Plan text amendment will have no significant environmental impact as provided in the Negative ~c+cl ara tion filed herein. SECTION 2: The Terra Vista Community Plan text, commencing on Page I-3, is hereby amended, in part, to read as attached. S FfTff1N 1: Tho Tnnra IJ i5t3 Ce,R.T.LLnify nlan }",vt chall h" a~nanded to refl ect the following changes: A. On Figure IV-23, the following trails shall be provided (not deleted): 111 Ordinance No. 407 Page 2 1) Trail type "E" which runs Southerly from the intersection of Church Street and Poplar Drive, along the south side of Poplar Drive, to connect with the north-south trait midblock between Church Street and Rochester Avenue. 2) Trail type "D" which runs northwesterly from the intersection of Church Street and Poplar Drive to connect with the greenway mid-way between the Milliken park site and Terra Vista Parkway. 3) Trail type "D" which runs easterly from Milliken Avenue, between the park site and the RC land use, and northerly along the east side of the park site, to connect with the greenway. 8) On Figure IV-23, the parkway trail type "E" located on the east side of Terra Vista Parkway and Mountain View Drive shall be realigned as an interior trail type "D" to go through the park site at the easterly terminus of the greenway and northerly and westerly t hrou 9h the residential block to connect Mountain View Drive, and continue as a trail type "E" along the east side of Hountain Yiew Drive to Base Line. C) Special pavement treatment shall be provided street crossings, subject to approval of construction specifications by the City Engineer. D) Primary and secondary nodes, where trails terminate at the perimeter of Terra Vista as depicted on the conceptual exhibits presented by the applicant, shall he provided. Detailed designs and materials shall be reviewed and approved 6y the Planning Commission in conjunction with projects as they are submitted to the City. E) HdVP.n AVMUe shall be deleted from the list of streets with the potential to have gas stations located on them. F) The local street standard shall reflect the current 5D fQnt Wide City Standard for local streets which allows for par kWdyS. G) The language on page V-19 for Mini-warehouses and Recreational Vehicle/DOat Storage shall be reinserted as originally proposed by the applicant. / ~~ Ordinance No. 407 Page 3 H) Sixty days after City Council approval of this amendment, a revised original text and graphics, incorporating all of the changes and conditions made since the plan was adopted in 1983, shall be submitted to the City Planner for review and comment. Following City Planner review, the developer shall submit 50 three-hole punched, unbound copies of the final Terra Vista Community Plan to the City Planner for distribution to the City Council, City Clerk, Planning Commission, Public Library and staff. SECTION 4: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The Dail Re rt, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of ntario, Ca ifornia, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. r~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: December 6, 1989 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council r-"nOM: Brad 8uiier, City Planner BY: Nancy Fong, Senior Planner e`~3 SUBJECT: CONO iTIONAL USE PERMIT 68-12 - MODIFICATION -A request to appea a on on o prova npose y the Planning Commission, requiring a pedestrian passageway through Building K, within the Terra Vista Towne Center, located at the northeast corner of Naven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard - APN: 1077-021-OB, 06, and 13. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council uphold the on on o proval, requiring a pedestrian passageway through Building K as imposed 6y the Planning Commission, and deny the appeal. II. BACKGROUND: Since January 1988, the Planning Commission has been con u~cfing a series of workshops regarding the design of the Terra rista iowrte ~.emer. accacnee is a chronology or ine Commission workshops and Design Review meetings summarizing the topic of discussions. At the July 6, 1989 workshop, the Commission reviewed the various site modifications that have occurred through design review of Major 2 (Mervyn's) and Major 3 (Montgomery Ward). The Commission indicated their desire to provide a pedestrian corridor through the east side of the center to 1) provide direct access from the parking area at~he rear of center, 2) provide a more direct access from future multi-family residential across the street, The Planning Commission directed staff to prepare a Resolution formalizing the approval~of these various site modifications. On Septenber 27, 1989, the Commission conducted a public hearing to review these iiludificdt;ens. After lengthy discussion over the pedestrian passageway through Building K and the concerns with the Montgomery Ward Tire, Battery and Accessory Building, the Commission conditionally approved the modification to Conditional Use Permit 88-12 with requirement for the pedestrian walkway (see Exhibit "D"). Exhibit "B" is a list of these various site modifications, while Exhibit "C" shows the approximate locations of these modifications. CITY CWNCIL STAFF REPORT CUP 88-12 - MODIFICATION -TERRA VISTA TONNE CENTER December 6, 1989 Page 2 Copies of the September 27, 1989 Planning Commission minutes and the applicant's appeal letter have been included in this report for your review too. 1II. ANALYSIS: In order to assist the City Council on reviewing the app; this section of the report describes the Commission's established design policies and the discussion and deliberation the Commission has had regarding this issue and the applicant's concern of the required passageway. A. Summery of Planning Co~7ssian consideration and discussion. A need for the oedestrlan oassaaewy through Buildi~w K. In the Commission"s deliberations, the following factors were considered as reasons for a pedestrian connection on the east side of the Terra Vista Towne Center: a. There are over 140 parking spaces located at the rear of the buildings in this half of the center, most of which are concentrated behind Building 'K', with no access to the storefront entrances. Providing pedestrian access to these parking spaces wwld encourage their use one promote a snorer route ror employees who would typically park there. b. There will be over 500 multi-family dwelling units located across the street which cwld benefit from a more direct access into the center. c. As part of these modifications, the applicant deleted two interior pedestrian connections from the entertainment complex at the north end of the center. d. The site plan for the center differs stgnlficantly from the original Terra Vista Caawunity Plan concept in which the greemvgy trail system lead directly through the heart of the center all the way to Lhe corner of Haven and Foothfi7 Eo eia:eurage pedestrian patrons by separating them from vehicular traffic. J~{S CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT CUP 88-12 - MODIFICATION -TERRA VISTA TO41NE CENTER December 6, 1989 Page 3 e. The Community Plan envisioned this center as one in which clustered buildings "joined together by covered walkways sheltering pedestrians" and "masses of the various buildings in the center will be divided so as to be human-scaled and not appear monolithic". Established design policies for pedestrian connection. The City's General Plan and Development Code contain policies which encourage shopping centers to be designed as human-scale, pedestrian-oriented centers. It has been a long-standing design policy from the Commission to require continuous pedestrian connection throughout the site to connect buildings with parkimJ areas, open space and plaza areas. For example, the Foothill Village Shopping Center, Located at the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Hellman, has two pedestrian corridors leading to the back parking area because of a significant amount of parking in the rear. The neighborhood shopping center on the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Highland Avenue, Haven Y111age, has a pedestrian connection to the back parking area which connects to the apartments to the east. B. Applicant's concern of the pedestrian Dassage w;y through 1TuiTding At the Commission meeting of September 27, 1989, the applicant raised concerns with opening up a section through Building K as a pedestrian corridor to the parking area behind it. One of Utie concerns was the proximity of Montgomery Nard truck and loading activity. The pedestrian corridor may increase the conflict between pedestrian and truck traffic. Mother concern is the possib+ilty of encouraging jay-walking which would pose a security problem. It should be noted 'that the specific footprint and elevations for Building "K" have not been submitted. The pedestrian corridor could be located closer Lo Building "J" to avoid conflicts with the loading area of Montgomery Nord. The Planning Commission also stated to the applicant that they would be willing to work with them Tn determining the final location and design for that pedestrian corridor to alleviate any safety and security concerns. It is staff's opinion that safe pedestrian access can be provided with careful pianning. ~`fW CITY COUNCiI STAFF REPORT CUP 88-12 -NODIFICAT70N -TERRA VISTA TONNE CENTER December 6, 1989 Page 4 IY. CONCLUSION: Based on the above discussion, the Planning Commission e eked-a pedestrian passageway through Building K is necessary and a desirable amenity and feature. Staff concurs with the Fanning Commission. Staff feels that it is premature for the applicant Lo state the safety and security concerns, when the exact location and the design solution have not been attempted. RespGCtfu 1y bmi d, /M~., / w Brad Buller City Planner BB:NF:,is Attachments: Appeal Letter from the Applicant Chronology of the Meetings on Terra W sta Town Center Planning Commission Norkshop Minutes of July 6, 1989 Planning Commission Minutes of September 27, 1989 Exniuic n - rreviausiy Rpprovee nice vian Exhibit "B" - Revised Site Plan Showing Various Site Modifications Exhibit "C" - List and Summary of the Proposed Modification Exhibit "D" Resolution No. 89-120 Resolution of Denial Il~ Lewis Homes Management Corp. 1156 Nash Mouauu Avmm / P.0. Bas 670 / Uplaed, GlJomia 91965 / ]id 916]518 October 9, 1989 Members of the City Council ~~ City of Rancho Cucamonga c/o Debbie Adams, City Clerk P.O. Box 607 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Re: Terra Vista Town Center, Rancho Cucamonga, CA Ladies and Gentlemen: At the meeting of the Planning Commission held on the evening of Wednesday, September 27, 1989, certain actions were taken by unanimous vote concerning a proposed pedestrian passageway to be included in the footprint of our proposed "K^ building located within the above-captioned project. We hereby respectfully appeal the decision of tha Planning Commission to the City Council, and request an immediate hearing to he held on this matter. riind ly contact me with the scheduling date as to the earliest City Council meeting that can be held to resolve this issue. vo..., a... t.. . ^ n i t ~ ~, I~~~ . Richard A. Mager Executive Director l Commercial Development RAM/nc - -RECEIVED- aTV CF R/VIQID WD 6N~NN0 prylq!UN OCT 101983 ~ x 7,8~9~t0 ~i1L ro ~~-i2 MOD _ ,~'~G L~7'f~K ~ ~~ 1989 CFRgpl06T BF TERRA VISTA TOIRI CENTER Jan. 19, 1989 DRC review of all street furniture Jan. 19, 1989 DRC review of Modification to theater court/entertainment center Jan. 19, 1989 Planning Commission Workshop regarding Target store elevations Feb. 2, 1989 Planning Commission Workshop regarding Target store elevations Mar. 16, 1989 DRC review of buildings A, R, T Mar. 16, 1989 Planning Commission Norkshops regarding Mervyn's store elevations Aprii 6, 1989 Planning Commission Workshop regarding Montgomery Ward elevations Aprii 6, 1989 DRC review of building A, 0 May 4, 1969 DRC review of Mervyn's Elevations May 31, 1989 PC Workshop Mervyn's and Montgomery Ward elevations July 6, 1989 DC Workshop Montgomery Ward PC review of modifications to comprehensive site plan ~,.., n'<x'' .; c~~~~a DM:sp ~~~~pp//yy~~ N~K Cr11~-aw~'l/ ~'I Iy I~~ /987//988 CHRONOLOGY OF TERRA VISfA TOMN CENTER DRC/PC RevT ew Dates (PC dates shown in bold face type) October 22, 1987 General DRC review of protect November 19, 1987 General DRC review of protect December 9, 1987 Development Review 87-39 approval by Planning Commi ss i cn February 4, 1988 DRC review of "architectural details" as required by condition of approval April 27, 1988 Approval of Conditional Use Permit 88-12 by Planning Commf ssion !; May 19, J,88 DRC review of Mod dl and Target June 15, 1988 City Council review of Haven Avenue median island opening June 22, 1988 Planning Commission approval of Modification ifl July 13, 1988 Planning Commission determination of "regional center" for purposes of preparing Uniform Sign Program October 20, 1988 ORC review of Theater court area revisions (Mod it21 November 30, 1988 Planning Commission review of Phasing Pian December 8, 1988 DRC review of Theater Court area revisions (Mod N2) December 1~, 1988 Planning Commission review of a revision to the Phasing Plan Mote: Not included~n this chronology are Design Review Committee wo~reshops regarding development of sign program. / 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCPMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION Ad you rned Meeting vu ly 6, 1989 Terra Vista Town Center Workshop Chairman Larry Mc Niel called the special meeting to order at 9:45 P.M. at the Rancho camp nga Neighborhood Center, 9791 Arrow Highway, Rancho Cucamonga. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT: Suzanne Ch it ie a, Larry McKie 1, Peter Tolstoy ABSENT: David Blakesley STAFF PRESENT: Brad Buller, City Planner; Oan Coleman, Principal Planner; Russ Maguire, City Engineer; Betty Miller, Associate Cf vii Engineer; Debra Meier, Staff Consultant R # f A f Si[e Pian Modifications Tom Bond, of Architects Pat ifica, began the discusston by describing the changes on the site plan as represented in the modification. Mr. Bond explained that the footprints of building 5 and P have been ad,lu sted slightly to allow a view corridor toward Mervyn's. Since these buildings ti, - beer "rte°` - "c'a c~ - .• .y„ 0 :.y ~, prxasci~~y s, .~~~ ~~Gt~r 1~~,,, Suwl,; still be considered conceDtu al in nature. The Commission suggested that when build togs S and P are ready for Design Review that such features as a perimeter trellis and laMSCapirg would most likely be required. ' Mr. Bond explained that Pads 1, 2, 3 and 4 are restaurant pads. Pads 1 S 2 depict a final footprint as these restaurants are known users. Mr. Bond then described the modification to buildings E/F and G/H. Each pair has now been combined into one building, due to percetved leasing problems of the original design. The Commission accepted the concept of carbining the buildings. However, fFe i~1.r,1~Nv d i i ~irri~ i ~ ~ n expresse concern w th the re a. sh p o. these bul~dirgs to the traffic circle and entertainment center. They do not want to lose any opportunity to capture overflow from the entertainment center to buildings E and G. In add it ton, the Comalssion expressed concern regarding the service areas. The building frontage (or appearance of frontage) should continue around the buildings as much as Dossible. The final design, including footprint, service area screening, and landscaping must be resolved through spec iftc Design Review of building E/F and G/H. ,Q~dL t0 G,1~$$~12. NDIDlFfc47~on1~ r~(,~Bq ~p~l//!~A'tl ~~A4~fHDP Mr~1~f ! 5c~ The Commission discussed the possibility of creating a pedestr tan corridor through Lhe east side of the center. Such a corridor could allow pedestrian traffic from future multi-family residential on the north side of Town Center Drive, as well as direct access to the front of the center from the parking area at the rear of Lhe shop buildings. Tam Bona stated such a feature could present security and maintenance problems. The Commission reiterated their position that it would be a desirable feat,. e. Mr. Bond explained that building 7 was being deleted from the original plan, as requested by Mervyn's. The Commission did not obi ect to deleting building T. Staff was directed to prepare a resolution of approval for the site plan modifications. Mon to ornery Nard Mr. Bond updated the Commission on the progress of the Montgomery Nard building elevations. A. Main Entrv Mr. Bond explained that the transition panels on either side of the entry had been expanded, as they had discussed at the previous meeting. The Commission was still uncomfortable with the proportions of the M r.. TA n.• nn}nA a1 roA nl.~snn •n el ron..~Mn •An n ennn u,i.,n n n appearance. Mr. Bond stated that they had looked at that idea and felt that it did not complement the structural aspect of the trellis, which worked very simply and elegantly. The Commission then suggested the possibillty of placing another set of columns near the building face. Mr. Bond agreed to pursue that suggestion. B. Promenade Mr. Bond Indicated that he had eliminated the kiosk that had p revioas ly been in front of Mo^tgomery Hard wi!h+.^. the pedestrian promenade through the parking tot. He went on to describe the promenade as it related to the entry of Nards. Planning Commission Minutes -2- .luiy 6, 1989 ~' The Commis sf on indicated that the promenade should a'. ign with the center of the store entrance. They felt that it would provide a more complete and finished appearance, rather than looking like an after- thought. Mr. Bond agreed to look at redesign of the promenade to achieve the proper alignment. C. Kids Store '"r. Bond explained the most recent charges to the Kids Store e levatton. The Commission was satisfied with the level of detail used on the building fate under the arcade. They suggested that the the accent be replaced with a sconce light. The Commission also suggested that the accent tiles used across the front elevation be replaced with precast quatrefoil designs. The use of the quatrefoil should extend across the entire Montgomery Ward elevation, in addition to their use an the Kids Store. The sig nage for Kids Store includes yellow letters with purple trim. In addition, the "i" in Kids and the "t" in Store are figure representations of children. Also included in the overall scheme is a rainbow striped, colored awning. The Commission expressed opposition to the awning colors and sign design used for Kids Store. They stated that all the Montgomery Ward spr_iatty sig nage should be consistent with the approved sfgn program, with respect to the 24" shop size sig nage and approved colors. D. Electric Avenue Mr. Bond described the modifications to Electric Avenue as a result of the previous meeting. ~ The Commission was satisfied with the window pattern and the metal Lattice form used within the arch. They suggested that the same metal mullion pattern be used within the stucco arch features, similar to window mullion pattern. Nithin the recess of the arch the darker gray/betge building color will be used. The Commission indicated to Mr. Bond that particular attention should be given to the available plaza area east of Electric Avenue when the adJ scent shop buildings are ready for specific Design Review. That area should include, accent paving, seating, and pedestrian features similar Co other p',azas on site. Mr. Bond explained that the sfgnage proposed for Electric Avenue is a red letter with a teal green trim. Planning Commission Minutts -J- July 6, 1989 '~ 1" As expressed earlier, the Commission is opposed to the mix of accent sign colors and preferred consistency with the sign program as approved. E. Rear Elevation Mr. Bond described the additional details that were added to the rear elevation, including the added layer of molding below the roof line, treliis at customer pickup area, metal lattice, and espaliered plant material within each arch form and the painted wainscot with a '.llnose plaster trim. The Commis lion was satisfied with these changes and suggested that, in addition, the quatrefoil design be included as an accent to the rear elevation. F. P.u to Express Mr. Bond described the architectural modifications including the arcade and tower at the southeast building corner, and the addition of a pone-cochere over the auto entrance. The Commis ton was generally sat isf led with the archftectu re; however, opposed the accent colors and 5lg nag e. Mr. Bond also indicated that they would need to add an old tire storage area at the rear elevatfon. The storage area would be made of t10' high masonry walls and metal gates. The accent color scheme consists of a 61ack and white checkerboard file fascia along the south and east elevations at the top of the ~w~.. 1: _ t6~ _ .~ s^p,;,,, ~~~. ,. ,i~u vv uu i i iwn a,e ,eu, a1K1 LIIC signage is red and black. The Comm 1551on historically has not favored the use of checkerboard patterns on building architecture and they expressed their concern about using such a pattern within Terra Vista Town Center. There was mined reactions to the red metal frame and window mullions. Commissioner Ch itiea felt that the color was too strong a shade of red; however, Commissioner Tolstoy thought that the use was appropriate. ~. Bond explained that the signage of the TBA (Tire/Battery/Accessory) included "Auto Express", underlined, with "Montgomery Nard" underneath. The Commission agreed to the verbiage, but stated that the black/red design was not to conformance with sign Drag ram color criteria. Conclusion - Montgomery Nard The general building design, building colors, and materials were approved by the Commission. The unresolved issues include the final design modifications Planning Gommissian Minutes -4- duly B, 1989 ~.J~ to the Entry and Promenade, and the "Image Package", including signs and accent colors. The Commission expressed great concern regarding the color package as proposed by Montg amery Ward. They agreed that the proposed colors would significantly detract from the intent of the sign program, and open the possibili*_y for any and all tenants to use unlimited colors and designs. Rdjou rnment The workshop adjourned at 1:25 R.M. July 7, 1989. Pe sP ectfu'. ly Submitted, Brad Buller Secretary Planning Commission Minutes -5- July 6, 1989 !~ Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Weinberger, to adopt the Re solution approving Entertainment Permit 89-04. Motion carried 6y the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CH[TI EA, MC NI EL, TOLSTOY, WEINBERGER NOES: C0.'MISSION ER S: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BLAK ESLEY -carried • 4 x # E. MOO IrICATION TO COLA ITIONAL USE PERMIT 88-12 - WESTERN PROPERTIES - ' ~ Proposed various m nor rev s ons o t e site p an an bur ng es iqn of a previously approved 71-acre shoppf ng center (Terra Vista Towne Center), that involves such items a5 ad,fu stment to on-site cu r6 line, combination of build inns into one, shifting of building orientation to provide view corridor, arthitec to ral enhancement for building edges, etc., for property located at the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard in the Community Commercial Oistr ict of the Terra Vista Planned Community - APN: 1077-421-Ob, 06, and 13. Nancy Fong, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. She indicated that Home Depot shown on the map was not part of Lh is rev tew. In response to a question from Lommis sinner Tolstoy regarding the approved phasing plan for the center, Brad Buller, Lity Planner, stated staff would forward a memo to all the Commissioners regarding the status of the phasing plan. Chairman Mc Niel asked the distance from Spru ee Avenue to the first driveway on Town Center Drive. ms, tong responded rt was roughly 150 Feet. Chairman McN iel asked if that was an acteptab le distance. Ms. Fong stated that Engineering policy normally requires approximately 200 feet, Chairman McNtel asked if the intersec tidn of Spruce Avenue and Town Center Orive will be signalized. Barrye Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer, stated it will be signalized shortly. Chairman MCNieI opened the public hearing. Tam Bond, Arc hitec is Pacifica, stated they were requesting the chant as hocau se of items addressed in the Design Review process and tenant requests. He indicated they wanted to combine Butldfngs E and G iota one building betwse they felt it would make the building easier to lease. He stated all the Stems had been reviewed at Design Review and he understood they had been tentatfvely agreed to as being reasonable. Planning Commission Minu ~~g~'~2 /~hC~1l~~ Septe~er 27, 1989 9/Zl~B9 (cY'/H~~~(iaJ /4ink~is S5 Mr. Bond stated they would be converting some of the stalls that are to the rear of the center and relatively inefficient for patrons to the front of the center. He said they were having no trouble meeting the City's cr ter is far parking, but were having some problems meeting the tenants' criteria. He said they were attempting to have ample parking by restaurant pad 4 on the corner. He stated if the parking is moved to the front, approximately 50 spaces would Se added to the front. Commissioner Tolstoy asked if a Le na nt had been secured for Building q. Richard Nag er, Western Properties, stated a tenant has approved the site but document; have not Seen signed. Commissioner Tolstoy asked if there would be future requests to charge Building A. Mr. Bond rA sponded no and noted that Lhe foundations are already befog poured. He requested an opportunity to comment on Plano trg condition 5. He believed the conditioned walkway would encourage pedestrians to walk through and into the service area and increase the possibility of someone ridf ng a bike through the corridor out into the path of a truck at the nearby Montgomery Ward dock. He also noted that the Montgomery Ward pick up door will provide access to the ma to body of the store and would enable patrons to pass through the store. He also felt a pedestrian walkway wau td encourage ,l aywa ik irg aM would become a security problem. He preferred that the item be addressed at the Oes ign Review level and have the coed ti ton removed from the Resolution. Chairman Mc Nf el stated several corridors had already been eliminated and the City wishes to provide for pedestr tan attess througha t shopping centers. He indicated the parking behind Build logs d and K would not be used by theatre patrons because it is too far removed front the theatres. He said that withal the corridor by 8ui id ing K, the only pedestr tan thoroughfare is along Main xreet or cnrougn Lne sia res. He felt that perhaps the loading area of Montgomery Ward could be moved if that presented a problem. He felt any problems generated by the pedestrian walkway could be addressed. Mr. Bond felt there is parking ava11aD1e for shopping patrons and it could be better addressed at Oes ign Review, Commissioner Tolstoy stated that high density Dousing would be located directly xross the street and he felt they should have an easy access to the center. Mr. Bond stated that they felt it is better to creak a ma,lor separation between buildings or not create a separation at all. Commissioner Tolstoy stated he wag id prefer to see a separation, rather than a turn idor. Hearing no further testimony, the public hearing was closed. Planning Commfssfon Minutes -6- SeptlliEar 27, 1989 ~ 5 jQ Chairman McNiel stated there are still some Questions regarding the TBA building as it relates to Ma,lor 4 and sign age, and in light of those guestions the Commission wished to hold approval in abeyance until the issues have been resolved. Mr. Mager stated that placed Western Properties in the untenable position of not being able to resolve the Montgomery Ward location within the project. Mr. Buller stated the previous meeting was a workshop of design review matters. He stated the workshop did not cans ider the Co Mitional Use Permit. He stated the modifications td the Conditional Use Permit being considered ton iaht constituted the formal action required as a follow up to the Commfssion's design workshop. Mr. Bond asked if the City Council were to deny the appeal of sign colors and graphics if the Plann irg Commission would then give approval of the TBA without the other issues being resolved; i.e., Major 4. Commissioner Ch it iea stated the dr iveway adjacent to Spruce would have to be resolved to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Chairman McN 1e1 stated the basis configuration of the 6ui ld lrg and architecture were acceptable. Commissioners Ch it iea and Tolstoy concur rcd. Commissioner Tolstoy stated he was not eomfortab le with where the bu lid ing was go irg to sit. Mr. Bond stated they could commit that the TBA would sit where it shows on the plan, unless Montgomery Ward withdrew from the project, in which case the build ina would not be built. Mr. Bond then asked if City Council were to approve the color pads age requested by Mon igomery Ward if the Planning Commission would then approve the TBA. Mr. Buller stated that at the Design Review workshop the Planning Commission gave approval to the TBA but reJected the image /signage package. He stated that•if the package that has been appealed is not upheld by the City Council, then it goes back to the Planning Commission for approval of the sign age, mullion color, and tile. Commis stoner Ch it tea Staled that If the checkered tile, slg nage, and mullion color are approved, she would not support that TBA in that location because she feels it would be 1naDproprlate to the center, particularly as an entry statement, with the Montgomery Ward-requested standards. She stated that the TBA has not yet been approved in that location. Chairman McNtel stated that when the sign program was first put together, Western made a commitment that they mould live up to the sign program. Planning Commission Minutes -B- September 27, 1989 I~~ AYES: CIXAMISSIONER S: CHiTIEA, MC NI EL. TOLSTOY, WEIN BERG'cR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESL EY -carried R 1 k ! f Chairman ~MCNieI welcomed Lhe attendance of Scout Varsity Team 617 from Alta Lema in the audience. Team Coacnes Dennis Coda aM Scott Watson indicated they we ro attending to earn credit toward merit badges for citizenship in the community. R # ! 1 F. ENVIROMIENTAL ASSESSMENT ANO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-OZE - CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA - A request to amend Sec Lion nvironmen a esou rtes, an ect on V, ub lit Safety, elements of the General Plan as they relate to hfils ide development and grading and will involve revising the definitions of hillside from 10% or greater to 8% or greater, as well as restricting development on slopes which are 30% or greater. Chairman Mc Niel iMicated that staff had requested withdrawal of the application to allow it to be heard at a later time in con~u nc Lion with a proposed Hil is ide Oevelopme nt Ordinance. Motion: Moved by Ch itiea, seconded by Mc Niel, to withdraw Environmental Assessment and General Plan Amendment 89-02E. Mot ton carrted by Lhe following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CHITIEA, MC NI EL, TOLSTOY NU tS: COMMISS TUNER S: NONE ABSENT; COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY ABS?AI N: COMMISSIONERS: NEiNBERGER -carrted +•:R• G H. - nlGw/nG\~ O7-V!L M1MbIN reques o amen e a se emen a the nera an rom ood Control to Civic/Comnunfty for 3.15 acres of lard, located on the north side of Banyan Street, east of the Deer Creek Channel - APN; 201-191-24. ~~~~~~+~ ncuc.cwmcni rw.cm.~ - n request co amens the Development str cts ap ram o on rol to Low Residential (2-4 dwelling unfts per acre) for 3.15 acres of land, located on the north side of Banyan Street, east of the Deer Creek Channel - APR: 201-191-24. Planntng Commission Minutes -10- September 27, 1989 J-5~ r /' yy G~ ,vym siv ~.m~ ~' iv ~~- ~~ ~ s' . __- ~~ ~ n ~i ~ ~,~. ~ s ~-'' ~ ~ o~ ~~ ~~ 4~~ ~ °~ ~ .~ - ~ I ~ 0~, ~ mia :° ai~ ~o.R_ ~~ _3ii 7- -fir: i ~II ~'_~~ ~~~i-~~° eee;~, _ '_' ___ -_.___ _ ~ ~,... ~ - -- _- 1 i I ~ __lY%R flgi I / \ I v V ~10fYfH CITY OF ~: Cl1i'~B l2 It~IVCHO CLICA.VION(u1 '~TITLE:.j/T~oiT~RA Y/ylfl R.ati`tii~c av~or, ExH-err: 1owNc ~R v~. 9a~gs C-c /i-~e~~s~ ~~a 5i: q7 iiiiiE qqi i i7~_ < << K X39 a v v i v o d alace,ggo q~ u~e~ 1 ; d - g ..,.....1 r .. ~ 4a"ss~ E ! Qiiiie~ aaiiiiiii~ ry:< 9: t1,Ot 3116i11iBli a:m i •-^ceca-:1 ~,. %~~~ s~ i r; ~ ~%~% ~~~ ~ / ;,~~~ ~~ '~ ~ 'Ire ~','~ / ~ ~' ' ~~~ ,,; ~~~ ~ '~>~ ~;\~ H ~ \ 11\~ r ~~a ~ I ~~lS 1~ pl~~ /i// ,l I ~~ ~ a----C1-1 G~--~-~ ~~;~ V~ 1 RHSr _ ~ ~ Q~ a----o , r- ~~ ': 1- 1 1 ~ FJ bd 6 ~--1 Q /- 1 0 di- u ~~- ; -~~ . 0 4 ~~I-I ~- - ~ -~ ~~~~~ ~~--^ e- -v ~ ~ ti_j r~~}I ...,.. r.w E - y ~p C7 ~~ _~ f' ~; or= ~ ~~~ $x ~~ 0 6. 1I~.~1, V EJiNIBIT "C" CUP 88-12 - M9DIFICATSON List cf Ya rious Site Modifications ADDroved by Planning Commission on September 27, 1989 A, Modification of Major 2 to incorporate the Mervyn's Store. B. Adjustments to retail shop building edges of Buildings B and E, adjacent to Mervyn's. C. Adjustments to Buildings S d P to create a view corridor for Mervyn's. D. Adjustments to the surrounding curb lines behind Mervyn's, including the creation of additional parking and another driveway to be used as overflow parking for the Theater. E. The elimination of Buildings T and M to create greater visibility of Target and Mervyn's. F. The combining of Buildings E 8 F and G b H into single 5:::`d'ry; Sy ,.~~~,.'„y i^i.er iur• upen-air corriaor. G. The incorporation of Mongomery Ward into position of Major 3. H. Adjustment to retail shop building edges of Buildings K d L adjacent to Montgomery Na rd. I. The incorporation of a Tire/Battery/Accessory (TBA) facility for Montgomery Nard adjacent to Major 4 Tabled by Planning Ca~lsslon. , J. Miscellaneous adjustments of various curb lines and driveway location to accommodate the Montgomery Nard location. K. Parking area north of Bui141ng Al moved to south of Building A7 L. Adjustment to the orientation of the theater, the theater court, and the westerly parking lot including the alignment of the driveway. W/ r r RESOLUTION N0. 89-120 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO LUCAMO NGA PLANNING CONPI[SSION APPROVING A MODIFICATION TO GOND ITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 88-12 PROPOSED VARIOUS MINOR REVISIONS TO THE SITE PLAN ANO BUILDING DESIGN OF A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED 71-ACRE SHOPPING CENTER (TERRA VISTA TONNE CENTER) THAT INVOLVE SUCH ITEMS AS ADJUSTMENT TO ON-SITE CURB L[NE, COMBINATION OF BUILDINGS INTO ONE, SHIFTING OF BUILDING ORIENTATION TO PROVIDE VIEN CORRIDOR, ARCHITECTURAL ENHRNCEMENT FOR BUILDING EDGES, ETC., FQ't PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HAVEN AVENUE ANO FOOTHILL BWLE VARD IN THE COtMt1 NI TY COPMERC[AL DISTRICT OF THE TERRA VISTA PLANNED COMMUNITY ANO MAKING Fi ND INGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF, - APN: 1071-421-05, O6, ANO 13 A. Recitals. (i) On Aprfl 27, 1968, this Commission adopted its Resolution No. 88-75, thereby approving , subject to specified conditions, a community shopping center on 71 acres of land in the Community Comcerctal Oistr ict of the Terra Vista Community Plan. (ii) Western Properties has filed an application for the modification of the Cord it Tonal Use Permit No. 88-12 as described in 4he title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Conditional Use Permit request is referred to as "the application". (iii) On the 6th of July, 1989, the Planning Commission conducted a Design Review workshop at an adjourned meeting to discuss the design aspects of the revised site plan; and (iv) On the 27th of September 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cu camorga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hear ing on that date. (v) All legal Drerequtsites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THERffORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the Cfty of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth to the Recitals, Part A, of this Re solution, are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantiai evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearings on July 6, 1989 and September 27, 1989, fncluding written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, thfs Comaission hereby specifically fills as follows: ..++aaaaur"ewiDT[ON N0. 89-120 CVP 88-12V- NESTER. XOPERTI ES Septe~er 27, 1989 Page 2 a. The application applies to property located at the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard with a street frontage of 12,700 feet and lot depth of 11,440 feet and fs presently in various stages o` construction; and b. The property to the north of the subject site is an office complex under Construction, the property to the south of that site consists of an office codex, the property to the east is vacant land and the property to the west is an entertainment/office complex. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the sp ecif ft ffrdfrgs of facts set forth in pardg raph5 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds aM coot iudes as follows: a. That the Rroposed use is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Development Code, aM the purposes of the district in which the site is located. b. That the proposed use,' together with the conditions applicable thereto, wilt not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. c. That the proposed use conpiies Mith each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code. 4. This Commission hereby tinds and certifies that the orntort ~_; been reviewed and considered in comolianre pit` t6~ Caiirornia Environmental Quality air ^f :;';, o,xi, norther, this Commission hereby issued a Negative Declaration on April 13, 1988. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the appltcation subject to each and every condition set forth below. Planning Div isfon All pertinent Conditions of Approval as contafned fn Resolution Nos. 88-75, 88-118, 88- 236, and 88-236A shall apply. Any building footprfnt depicted on the site plan that has not rece!ved Design Review approval by the Planning Commission, shall be considered conceptual in nature. At the time of Design Review of Buildings Sand P, the inclusfon of perixter trellis and landscape features shall be Incorporated into the architectural design, to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission. J~3 PLANNING I [SSION RESOLUTION N0. 89-120 CUP 88-12 - MESTE ~PROPERTI ES September 27, 1985 Page 3 4. The rear elevation aM service areas of Build irgs E and G shall be designed to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission. M appearance of a building frontage shall continue arou rd the rear of the building as much as possible. The final design, including footprint, service are screening, and landscaping, shall be resolved during the Design Review of these two build in s. 5. A pedestrian walkway shall be provided through Building K. The corridor shall be desfg ned to the satisfaction of the Plannfrg Commission di ring Gesign Review of Building K. 6. The incorporation of a Tire/Battery/ACCes wry (T BA) facility for Montgomery Nard, adjacent to Major 4, is not part of this approval, as shown in Exhibit "A." Engineering Division Or iveway location adjustments shown on the modified site Dlan are acceptable, subject to the following: a) The easternmost driveway on Town Center Drive shall be relocated westerly such cn ac cne east edge o. the driveway is a minimim of 200 feet from the BCR for Spruce Avenue, or as otherwise approved by the City Engineer; and b) The northerly driveway on Haven Avemie shall be separated from the sottherly driveway by a minimum of 300 feet, meow red at driveway center lines; and c) The southerly driveway on Haven Avenue shall conform to City Council Resolution No. 88-410. 2. All aoolica6le landscaping and street improvement pions shall be revised to reflect the driveway relocations and approved by the City Engineer prior to final map amendment, is wance of building permits, or is wance of encroachment permits, whfchever occurs first. w r DLUTION N0. 89-120 ~ CUP 88-12 - NESTEI VROPER Ti ES ~ ~ Septeaber 21, 1989' Page 4 3. Parcel Map 11030 shalt be amended to bring all non-vehicular accesses and ifgresslegress easement locations into conformance with the Conditional Use Permit as modified. 6. The Secretary to thins Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROYEO AHD ADOPTED THIS 277H OAY OF SEP7EM8ER, 1989. PLANNING COMMS SIGN OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 8Y: ~ arr cl a a'rman AT7E57: I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adapted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 27th day of Septe~er 1989, by the following vote-to-wit: RYES: COMAi55(ONERS: f.Ntircn, BC~.'u'L, iULSIOY, NEINBERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE A 85ENT: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY ~~~ /~~ l ~7 RESOLUTION N0. g~' S A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO C UCAMONGA, CAL iFORNIA, DENYING THE APPEAL ANO UPHOLDING A CONDITION REQUIRING A PEDESTRIAN MALKNAY THROUGH BUILDING K AS IMPOSED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THE APPROVAL OF MODIFICATION TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 88-12 WITHIN ?HE TERRA VISTA TOWNE CENTER, LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST .,JRNER OF HAVEN AVENUE ANO FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 1077-421-,05, 06, AND 13. A. Recitals. (i) Western Properties has filed an application for various modifications to the Conditional Use Permit No. 88-12. Hereinafter in th+s Resolution, the subject request is referred to as "the application". (ii) On July 6, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a Design Review workshop at an adjourned meeting to discuss the design aspects of the various modifications to the site plan. On September 27, 1989, the Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing. Following the conclusion of said hearing the Commission adopted Its Resolution No. 89-120 thereby approving the CUP 88-12 modification subject to certain conditions. (iii) The decision represented by said Planning Commission Resolution No. 89-120, Condition 5, was timely appealed to this Council. (i vl Un November 1, 1989, and continued to November 15 and Decenber 6, 1989, this City Council conducted duly noticed public hearings with respect to such appeal and concluded said hearing on that date. (v) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. 0. Resolution. Nqi, THEREFORE,it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part "A", of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearings on November 1, November 15, and December 6, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) The application applies to property located at the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard with a street frontage of t2 ,700 feet and lot depth of t1 ,440 feet and is presently in various stages of construction; and ~ ~g CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. CUP 88-12 - MODIF [CATION - TERRA YI STA TONNE CENTER December 6, 1989 Page 2 (b) The property to the north of the subject site is an office complex under construction, the property to the south of that site consists of an office complex, the property to the east is vacant land planned for High Residential (24-30 units per acre) and the property to the northwest is an entertainment/office complex; and (c) One of the site plan modifications consists of combining Buildings E and F, G and H into one building and deleting the interior open pedestrian corridors. These pedestrian corridors provide a north/south connection for the future multi-family north of Towne Center Drive, the theatre and the shopping center to the south; and (d) There are over 140 parking spaces located at the rear of the buildings in this half of the center, most of which are concentrated behind Building "K", with no access to the storefront entrances. Providing pedestrian access to these parking spaces would encourage their use and promote a shorter rate for employees who would typically park there; and (e) There are over 500 multi-family dwelling units planned across the street which would benefit from a more direct access into the center; and {f) The site plan for the center differs significantly from the original Terra Vista Community Plan concept in which the greenway trail system led directly through the heart of the center all the way to the corner of Haven and Foothill to encourage pedestrian patrons by separating them fran venicuiar train c; and (g) The Community Plan envisioned this center as one in which clustered buildings ",coined together by covered walkways sheltering pedestrians" and 'masses of the various buildings in Lhe center will be divided so as to be human-scaled and not appear monolithic"; and (h) A pedestrian corridor is a desirable amenity and feature thst needs to be provided at the east side of the center through Building K. Such a corridor will allow pedestrian traffic from the future multi-family residential as well as direct access to the front of the center from the parking area at the rear of the shop buildings. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs i and 2 above, this Cauncii hereby finds and concludes that the pedestrian walkway would be consistent with the objectives of the Terra Vista Community Plan, Development Lode and General Plan. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above, this Council hereby denies the appeal. i~q FILE NO.: MDR 89-35 (COMPLETENESS COMMENTS) NOiE: This inforllu ti on is provided to assist in the preparation of a development package complete far processing. Additional information may be necessary based upon a more thorough analysis during the Oevel opment Review Process. Planning Division A. Additional information needed prior to finding the aoolication CgAplete' -- 1. Section 9.1.4 (c) of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan (FBSP) states that "existing non-conforming structures may De altered or reconstructed by Conditional Use Permit if such alteration and reconstruction is found to promote the design policies of the Specific Plan or the historic goals and objectives of the City." Therefore, a Conditional Use Permit is required to alter the structure (see attached forms and applications). 2. As per Engineering Comaent No. 4, an Alignment Study will be required to show the ultimate location of curb and gutter. The partway between the curb and property line shall conform to tho requirements of the FBSP, which calls for an eight foot sidewalk behind a five foot turf parkway. 3. A completed Nazardous Naste and Substance Site Statement (attached), must be submitted. 8. The ~followin are technical issues which do not meet the y s ve oilmen an or ec c or ommun y an ~1-ndards d o t es. 1. fie required building setback from Foothill Boulevard Ts 25 feet from the face of curb, measured from'the ultimate right-of-way location. The existing setback appears to be as close as 15 feet in some locations and 25 feet in others. Because of the Dullding's significance as a potential local landmark, the nail-confonming structure may be allowed to be altered if other non-conformities are eliminated, as discussed below. 170 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 6, 1989 TO: Mayor and Nembere of the City Council FROM: Duane A. Baker, Senior Adminletrat ive Aaei SVBJECT: TRRBPA8BIN6 ORBINA. i~ RlCOalaapdat lop It ie recommended thnt the City Council adopt the attached ordinance entitled, "Trespasses Upon Private Property Prohibited," ee recommended by the Public Safety Commission at their November 7, 1989 meeting. Backaroupd At the Public Safety Commission meeting on October 3, 1989, the Commission ~~. ' _ ~.. ..icy xcmrnay co arart a trespassing ordinance that tlealt with privateuproperty. In addition, the Conmiaeion also directed staff to look at other cit tee with aimllar ordinances and determine why they were enacted and if they were effective in accomplishing their purpose. At the Commission meeting on November 7, 1989, staff preeented the Commission with the attached ordinance drafted by the City Attorney and other similar ordinances from surrounding communit lee. Based on the information preeented and the discussion at the Commission meeting, the Public Safety Commission recommended that .the attached Treepaaaing Ordinance be sent on to the City council for final action. Attachment DAB/eaf _.-.20 '/''fib^-'~ OROI NANCE N0, i° AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON GA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 9.18 OF TITLE 9 OF THE RANCHO CU CAMON GA MUNICIPAL LODE BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 9.18.012 ENTITLED "TRESPASSES UPON PRIVATE PROPERTY PROHIBITED" Recitals. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Chapter 9.18 of Title 9 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended to read, in words and figures, as follows: "Chapter 9.18 "MISCELLANEOUS OFFENSES Section: "9.18.012 Trespasses upon private property prohibited. "9.:8.012 Trespasses upon ariva to property prohibited. "(a) No person shall remain upon any private property or business oremi ses, after being requested by the owner nr 1PSSPP nr other ne r<nn in charge to leave the property or premises. "(b) No person, without permission, express or implied, of the owner or lessee or other person in charge of private property or business premises, shall enter upon such private property or business premises after having been notified by the owner or lessee or other person in charge thereof to keep off or keep away therefrom. "(c) Exceptions. This section shall not apply in any of the following instances: (?~- Where its application results in or is coupled with an act prohibited by the Unruh Civil Rights Act or any other provision of law relating to prohibited discrimination against any person on account of color, race, religion, creed, ancestry or national origin; (2j Where its application results in or is co upied with an act prohibited by Section 365 of the f.Tlifnr n,ia DPna1 feAc _, any ^th° pr 0`J e10 ^f 1' rflat i;l^y t0 duties of innkeepers and common carriers; (3) Where its application would result in interference with cr inhibition of peaceful labor picketing or other lawful labor activities; (4) Where its application would result in interference with or inhibition of any other exercise of a constitutionally protected right of freedom of speech including, but not limited to, peaceful expres stops of political or religious opinions, not involving conduct otherwise prohibited by the California Penal Code; or (6) Where the person who is upon another's private property or 6u si ness premises is there under claim or color of legal right. This exception includes, but is oat limited to, the following types of 7~- ' Ordinance No. +** Page 2 situations involving disputes wherein the participants have available to them practical and effective civil remedies: marital and post-marital disputes; child custody or Visitation disputes; disputes regarding title to or rights in real property; landlord-tenant disputes; disputes between members of the same fancily or between persons residing upon the property concerned up until the time of the dispute; employer-employee disputes; business-type disputes such as those between partners; debtor-creditor disputes; and instances wherein the person claims rights to be present pursuant to order, decree or process of a court. SECTION 2: The City Council declares that, should any provision, section, paragraph, sentence or word of this Ordinance be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, and words of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The Oail Re ort, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of ntario, a forma, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. I ~~ - CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT ii g DATE: December 6, 1989 TD: Mayor and Members of the City Council i FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Vince Bertoni, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: MINOR DEVELOPMENT REV IEN 89-22 - GEI VETT - An appeal of e ann ng mm ss on s ec s on o deny without prejudice a request fora carport addition to an existing automotive repair at 8517 North Grove Avenue. ~ APN 207-220-05. I. RECDMMENDAT ION: Staff recommends that the City Council uphold the ann ng mm ssfons decision to deny without prejudice Minor Development Review 89-42. II. BACKGROUND: The applicants, Howard and Yolanda Geivett, had procee e o build the carport, without building permits, after having been informed by the City Dl anner that it did not meet City Standards li.e., setback) in 1987. In June 1989, the applicants filed a new application for the same structure (after it had been hnilf :lln aii..l The n11~ ..~, .r, .. .~.., m...-t..- Commission~s decision to uphold staff's Beni 1-for an ~i ll egal and non-c onfonning carport addition to the north side of their existing automotive repair shop located on the southeast corner of Grove Avenue and Arrow Highway. The Planning Commission held a meeting on this item on October 11, 1989 and heard testimony from the applicant. The issue is not whether the structure was built illegally. Rather, the Commission'~deliberations focused on the numerous non- comformities of the carport and site improvements. In addition, the Commission noted that prior to construction, staff had Identified how the carport could be altered slightly to meet City required setbacks from Arrow. Subsequently, the application was denied without prejudice allowing the applicant to reflle the anpiica ti on wi thnu4. waiting nne year. III. ANALYSIS: The existing auto repair shop does not conform with cucurreTDevelopment Code requirements for required setbacks, parking, storage screening, and landscaping, as described in the attached D1anning Commission staff report. The addition constitutes an alteration to a non-conforming stricture which increases the discrepancy between the existing conditions and the code requirements. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPURT MDR 89-22 - GEIVETT December 6, 1989 Page 2 In order to uphold the appeal, variances must be applied for, public hearings held, and approvals granted. It is the Planning Commission's opinion that there are no exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the subject property that the strict or literal interpretation of the Code crn:ld result in a practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship which would be necessary for a variance to be granted. Resp ly s itte :' Bra e City P?anner BB:VB:sp Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Letter of Appeal Exhibit "B" - Planning Com~ission Minutes Exhibit "C" - Planning Co~nisslon Resolution of Denial Exhibit "D" - Planning Commission Staff Report Resolution of Denial 175 ai+ "~'^r10 CbLAFbMN~ ~' pp///q~~I~~,I~, /~/I -" 8917ENORTM G OVEERVE. I fa,~,,.Q~~ KW RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA.91730 ~I ~ Li{~p •n • ~ yJ,, fll~i ':itv r~~,nc ~1 .xtv ^~ F'?Hero CLw amenga .O,gq. Nr,: 6'anrno Curam~~nga,CA 91729 October .,1989 94hdEC'i :AF'F'ErL OF CITV PLANNING CUMMI59ION DECISION TO DENY MINUR DEVELOPMENT (REVIEW R9-2<^=RESOLUTION 89-130). A CARPORT ADGITION TO qN E%ISTIN6 RUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SHOP AT 8517 NUF'TH GROVE AVE. Dear Council Members, This t=tier is our appeal for you to reconsider what should be rnquyreo to leave the carport in place or be located elsewhere on the name property. We believe that tM basis for tM orginal dsnul and that of Planning Commission Resolution e89-130 Smpow an enormous capital outlay on our part. We •lso consider !M denials to be more than Just a financial burden. It i• impractical. therefore actually slowing or eliminating any possibility of improving tM Lee Wise Garage facilitiu ar properties. Most improvements such as the urpor! in question would require approval and be denied on the same basis. We would be willing to work with the planning commission an a long range plan to upgrade the propsrty.howsvsry tM carper! devslapmMt should not,in our opanion.be linked to • code which would require ~naaaive upgrades. The "Minor Development" in this calm is an uoerade adding to the pride which we have for our facility and ppsrallon. The carport is a well built structure. I! i• not • sloppy makeshift addition ar an •yesors !o anyone. please refer to the eoeloswd letter of appeal !o tM Planning Commis- sion dated September 16,1984. for our prwious anawsrs to .the original dental. '~. 7°"'.T L C 1 l ly. ~ ^rq . r ! # f 4 f NEW BUSINESS L. MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 89-22 - GEIVETT - An appeal of the City Planner's o ec ision to eny a request or a carport addition to an existing au Mrtrot ive repair shop at 8517 North Grove Avenue - APN: 207-220-05. Vince Ber toni, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report. ~h airmz, Mt Niel invited public conment. Howard Ge ivett, 8517 Grove Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, stated the carport was built a[ a time when he was in partnership with another person, and he was not the sole owner. He felt it was unfair of the Ctty Lo require approximately E 100,000-5150,000 worth of improvements for such a small add ition. He stated he was a small businessman and could not afford the improvements, but proposed phasing in a portion of them. He stated the carport was built in order to protect his personal vehicle and that of the Manager. There were no further public comments. Chairman McNtel stated the City attempts to make the community a nice place to live. He said the City must function urder the codes in place because if exceptions are made for some, they mist be made for all. Commissioner Chid ea felt findings could not be made to grant a Variance. She felt if the applicant had approached Lhe Cfty prior to building the carport, some mit fg anon measures might have been taken. She felt the applicant had placed the City to a dffficult position 6y building a structure they knew was out of conformance and then expect the City to give approval. She stated it _a_lf- __o_d_ _ nnin ninl nn n_n_.M l~~nn •M •Fn AAA ....~ •L- vac a c {mn na nnn-n -..- .. - -.- .... ...--..-• rr ~ . -~~. appeal. Commissioner To istoy agreed with Commissioner Chit lea. He stated Lh at Arrow Highway is an inQartant street and felt the carport is quite prominent to Arrow Highway. Commissioner Blakesley stated h1s sympathies were with the applicant, but he could not support the appeal. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated staff had met with the appiicant and discussed revitalization of the corner. He stated that the applicant felt tt was unfair to require so many improvements for the addition of such a small structure. The applicant was encouraged to pursue master planning the corner. He suggested the Commission deny the appeal without prejudice to aiinw Lh,o appii,raRt th! 3bi 11Ly LO retU Tn with new ideas. Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Chitiea, to adopt the Resolution denying the appeal of Minor Development Review 89-22, with modification to indicate dental without prc~udice. Motion carried by the following vote: Planning Commission Minutes -14- October 11, 1989 17 7 ~~ "tom" ~'~ ATE9T1 COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY, CHITI EA, MC NI EL, TOLSTOY NOES:~~ COMIISSIONER S: NONE 4BSENT: COMMISSIONERS: WEINBERGER -carried Commissioner To lst oy stated he hoped the applicant would return with a master plan to help the corner as we 11 as the applicant's business. He suggested a phasing plan might be appropriate. Ch airma- Mc Niel felt the applicant's position was untenable and the Commission had no rec arse but to deny the appeal. He invited Mr. Oe i•rett to comment. Mr. Ge ivett stated the carport would not have to be located where it is and he could take it down. He felt however that any Minor Development Review application to place a carDOrt elsewhere on the property would still trigger the same conditions. Chairman Mc Niel stated that the Commission however, would be in a position to consider phasing of certain improvements. Mr. Ge ivett stated that he was given the impression that so long as he put in a carport or made any other modifications, he would have to make all the improvements. He safd therefore, he felt he was being forced to leave things the way they were. He said he wau ld like to Improve the Droperty ,lust to make it more attractive, but the Lity-required improvements would not help his business. There were no further pubiic comments. Russ Maguire, City Engineer, stated that Ordinance 58 does not give staff or +h< Olgnninn rnmm ieeinn sny Ltih_,Au n~.M i. +...... ~. w•M ~t~ u` applicant builds a carport, the requirements for public improvements are triggered. Because the Ordinance does not say the improvements have to be built immediately, the City does have the ability to set a reasonable timeline for the completion of all improvements, and generally Engineering gives twelve months and will allow one extension. Mr. Buller stated that 1n meeting with the applicant long range plans could be discussed. He said the Commission would have discretion regarding Levels of landscaping within the,jpMscape setback. He Bald that to pull permits for a carport would stilt trigger the improvement requirements, and tt would make more sense for the applicant to consider more substantial improvements, such as add it tonal office space. He said the improvement requircneMs world only apply to the parcel the applicant was making improvements upon. R i i f t Plannfng Comm1551on Minutes -15- October 11, 1989 ~~ RESOLUTION N0. 89-130 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMAIS SION DENYING WITHOUT PR E~UD ICE MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW N0. 89-22, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ARROW HIGHWAY AND GROVE AVENUE IN THE GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT RND MPKI NG FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. APN: 207-220-05. A. Rec ita is. (i) An application has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by Howard and Yolanda Ge ivett (hereinafter "applicant"), for a Minor Development Review for the approval of an existing carport addition to the north side of an automotive repair shop located on the southeast corner of Grove Avenue and Arrow Highway, hereinafter referred to as "the application". (i i) On Septenber 8, 1989, the City Planner denied the application. (iii) The City Planner's denial was timely appealed to the Plann ling Commission on Septenber 18, 1989. (iv) On the 11th day of October, 1989, the Planning Commis lion of the City of Rancho Cu camorga ca nduc ted a meeting on the application and co^c luded said meeting on that date. (v) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution has occurred. 8. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved 6y the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commis lion hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Rec ito is, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-ref2Rnced meeting on October 11, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The application applies to property located at 8517 Grove Avenue, with a street frontage of 189 feet and lot depth of 225 feet and is presently improved with an automd*_ive repair shop, ar. asphalt parking lot with 13 spaces, and no street frontage landscaping; and (b) The property to the north of the su6,)ect site is single family residential, the property to the south of that site consists of commercial (vacant), the property to the east is single family residential, and the property to the west is the City of Upland; and 179 ~x4tib~f11~') PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 89-130 RE: MDR 89-22 - GEIYETT October 11, 1969 Page 2 (c) The carport addition was built without Minor Development Review approval or building permits; and (d) The carport addition does not conform with the City's setback requirements; and (e) The carport addition constitutes an addition to an exist ng nen-conforming structure; and (f) The carport addition is inconsistent with the intent of the Development Code regulations which prohibit the enlargement of non- conforming structures. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commis Sion dlrirg the above-referenced meeting and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commfss ion hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the proposed project is not consistent with the objectives of the Development Code, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; aM (b) That the proposed project is not in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Cade; and (c) That the Drpposed project is not consistent with the General Plan. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above, this Commission hereby denies the application without prejudice. 5. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 11TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1989. PLANNING COMIISSION OF THE Cltt OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY ATTEST ~~ PL.. .u. N0. 89-130 RE: MOR 89-22 - GEI VETT October 11, 1989 Page 3 I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamo ngc, do hereby certify that the fo regoirg Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 11th day of October, 1989, by the foilcwing vote-to-wit: AYES: COM4ISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY, CHITIEA, MCNIEL, TOLSTOY !TOES: CGytMI$S,ONERS: "CHE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: WEINBERGER X81 CITY OF RANCHO CCCA:NONGA STAFF REPORT DAi E: October 11, 1989 .O: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission ~ FROM: Brad Butter, City Planner ii 6t: Vince Ber toni, assistant Planner ~i SUBJECT: MINOR OEV E!OPMENT RE VIEN 89-22 - GE NETT - An appeal of the City Planner's decision Lo deny a request for a carport addition to an existing automotive repair shop at 8517 Grove Avenue - APN: 207-220-05 I. ABSTRACT: The applicants, Nowa rd and Yolanda Ge ivett, are appealing staff's denial far an illegal and non-conforming carport addition to the north side of their existing automotive repair shop located on the southeast corner of Grove Avenue and Arrow Highway. II. BACKGROUND: In 1987, the owners of the automotive shop submitted an application for a Minor Development Review far a carport addition, At that time, the City's requi^ements for setbat k5 and on-site parking were provided to the applicant in a letter dated September 1fi, 1981 (see Exhibit "A"). In addition, the applicant was informed that the existing qa rage facility was non-r nnfn rminn in nature. During the review of this previous Minor Development Review, staff suggested ways that the applicant could modify his proposal to be consistent with required setbacks. The width of the carport could have been reduced from 24 feet to 19 feet and meet the setback requirements from Arrow. The applicant chose not to modify his proposal and did not pursue the appiication further. The applicant proceeded to cons¢ruct the carport addition without Planning approvals and without building permits. This application for a Minor Development Review is the result of Code enforcement action against the property owner for illegally erecting the carport. On June 13, 1989. the property owner ftl ed a new appl is anon for Minor Development Review 89-22 (see Ezhtbits "E" and "F"). Aga1n, staff notified the aDDl icant that the carport itself did not meet Code requirements and that the property, as a whole, did not meet Code requirements for landscaping, parking, and public improvements (see Exh161t "B"). City policy has been to require properties to be upgraded to current development standards as a condition of any IiFM L . i , PLANNING LOMM [SSI ON 'AFF REPORT RE: MDR 89-22 - GEIVETT October 11, 1989 Page 2 development application. The Development Code allows [he City Planner to establish, through the candi Lions, a phasing plan for on-site improvements. The City Planner met with the applicant to discuss the City's requirements, at which point the applicant ind'ca ted they desired action on their pro posai as submitted. III. ANALYSIS: The carport structure is 17 feet by 24 feet and is located 40 feet from the face of the curb of Arrow Highway and 5 feet from the easterly property line. The Droperty is currently zoned General Conine rc ial with an exi; Ling residential development directly to the east. Minor Oe velopment Review 89-22 was denied by the City Planner on September 8, 1989 (see Exhibit "C") for the following reasons: A. Arrow Highway is a designated Special Boulevard with a 45-foot building setback from the ultimate curb face. ' The proposed carport addition encroaches 5 feet into the setback. Commercial structures must observe a rear property line setback of 20 feet when a structure is adjacent to existing or planned residential developments. The addition is located 5 feet from the rear pro pertY line. B. Currently, the on-site parking is inadequate and must be revised to meet current standards. Citv standards require parking should be provided at a rate of 1 space for every 400 square feet of gross floor area, with individual stalls which must be 9 feet by 19 feet in size and double strf ped. The 6uf ld ing area totals 6,100 square feet, which would require 15 parking spaces. There are 13 stalls existing that are single-striped. C. qli areas for storage or maintenance of equipment and vehicles must be completely screened from view. The existing storage area, located at the southeast portion of the site, is visible to the south from Grove Avenue and Ninth Street. Commf ss ton policy is to require solid masonry screen walls for screening. D, The r;ty's n.Yelopment Ccdc requires street frontage landscaping, which is 45 feet in average depth for Arrow Highway and 35 feet along Grove Avenue, as measured from the ultimate curb face. The site has no landscaping along the street frontages. The landscaping must include a combination of undulating mounds, with trees, groundcover, and shrubs to screen parking areas. U~ ~_~. PLANNING COMdISSION 'AFF REPORT RE: MDR 89-22 - GEirETT October I1, 1989 Page 3 tree cs n, a,c -o-;, inese impro vemenu would include, out not be limited to, curb and gutter where driveways are relocated, si?ewalk, street lights, and street trees. The applicant is now appealing City Planner decision of denial !see Exhibit "C"). in order to uphold the appeal and approve the carport addition, the Planning Commission would have to approve multiple variances as described above. The applicants have indicated in a letter dated September 16, 1989, (see Exhibit "D") that they woultl be willing to provide the screening for the storage area and landscaping for the current open dirt areas on the property. iV. NON-CONFORMITY ISSUES; As described above, the property and structures thereon are non-conforming; hence, the provisions of Development Cade Section 17.02.130 govern. The non-can farmity provisions of this section are intended to "limit the number and extent of non-conforming structures b r~ohibitin~ their being moved, altered, pr_enlarged in a manner Lhat would increase the - - .,e~,.~ ,~. - ~ ..y structure sha be a tered in a manner that would 6e inconsistent with required setbacks. The City Planner has determined that the carport addition constituted an alteration which is inconsistent with these regulations (see Exhibit "R"). STAFF'S COMMENTS: If the Planning Commission wishes to uphold the appeal, variances must be applied for, publ it hearings held to consider same, and approvals granted. to order to grant the Variances, certain findings would need to be made indicating that there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved and that strict or literal interpretation of the Code would result in a practical difficulty or unnecessary phyrkal hardship. [n this instance, it is staff's opinion that there are no unusual circumstances applicable to that property, nor vrould a physical hardship be Incurred, if the a ppi tcant were required to locate the structure consistent with setback requirements. Vi. REC OFIN ENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commlss ion deny the apps through adoption of the attached Resolution. 1~ I PLANNING LOhH ISS ION 'AFF REPORT RE: MDR 89-22 - GEirETT October 11, 1989 Page 4 Res c ally sub e~ Bra City P'. 'ner ~ BB :VB:ko Attachments: Exhibit "A" Exhibi*. "B" Exhibit "C" Exhibit "D" Exhibit "E" Exhibit "F" Resolution - Minor Development Review Letter No. 1 - Minor Development Review Letter No. 2 - City Planner Letter of Denial - Letter of Appeal - Site Plan - Elevations if Denial ~$5 .~ _ ti -~-- , ... ~\ C771' OF RA.tiCHO CL%CAMONGA V ~~ Sep ce:roer .c, !987 Pm~ Qlly b, qt, p.nLO C.umwµ CtlJmvn 9i 1]0. .•,. ig.y~ Rai pn pl umhoff 8517 Grove Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 SUBJECT: Minor Development Review 87-46 - Carport Addi Lion at 8517 Grove Dear Mr. plumhaff: Your application for the above-mentioned described protect has been reviewed for completeness and accuracy of flltng. As result of the review, the pro,l ect a ppiica lion has Deen found to be incomplete for processing. More importantly, pursuant to Development Cade Section 17.02.1306, I have reviewed your request and determined the following; The existing site and structures are non-conforslirg in front yard and intertor side yard setbacks and parking facilities, as follows: a. The existing 46'6' x 48'6" bogy shop structure has a setback of 30 feet from Grove Avenue, whereas a 35 foot setback is required. G ~.ec ~ b. The existing 32' x 125' Dutlding has a setback of~eet from the easterly property line, whereas a 20 foot setback is required. c. The existing an-site parking does not aa!et the required parking ratio of 1 space for every A00 square feet of gross floor area, which shalt be 9 feet by 19 feet 1n size and double striped. 2. The proposed- carport structure cansLltutas an addltlon to the existing non-confonaing structure. The Developawmt Code defines an addltlon es 'any construction which increases the size of a building or factltty 1n tenas of site covercge, height, length, width, or gross floor area'. 3. The proposed carport would have a setback of 40 feet frame Arrow, whereas a 15 foot setback Fran cub 1s required. Ypur existing budding setback is 6{ feet free Arran, thercfon any expansion can not be any larger than 17' x 14'. 4. The proposed carport mould be lneonsl3tent rlth the lndnt of the Developawlnt Code regulettons which prohibit the enlargegdnt of non- betweeleiistln9cconAltloA aind the st~,i^diri/z/f~o,JrRse/tbidl fir~/ds'~ltcil Arrow w.w. Q1CIth V amen ~~ JrlMy xme ~ /~{ 1 \ Nl ( [NY ~,I I D~ru L Slow Chal•• 1 Ilunue111 1 .~ PuwUJ. W 1 - ^aM lawtnM Wn,emm RALPH PL DMHDFF RE: MDR 81-46 September 16, 1987 Page 2 As a- alternative, staff suggests that the carport be scaled down Tn size to 1%' ,c i9' which would not encroach into the regal red 45 foot setback from Arrow. Staff could work~th you an a request fora 17' z 19' carport subject to landscape Improvements along the street frontage. However, staff could not suDDOrt the 11' z 24' carport as proposed. Dl ease contact staff within 14 days as to your intention to proceed as proposed or to modify the carport. Failure to respond within 14 days will be assumed Lo indicate that you do not want to modify your request and final acLlon will De taken. Sincerely, CpMUNiTY DEYELDPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNI N6 DI YI SION r u City P anner BB:DL:ko /~7 L l~ J n,~~~ i-%~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA .,.: o~:~,~. a„ wr a,~:w c,omo~a+ e,:,:o,~„ ~r:v '.n +ea.,.:~. yJ august 1, 1989 Howard & Yolanda Gefvett 8511 Nc-th Grove Avenue Rancho curamonga, CA 91730 SUBJECT: MINOR DEYELOPMENT REVIEW 89-22 - A CARPORT ADDITION TO AN EXISTING BOGY SHOP AT 8511 NORTH GROVE AVENUE Dear Mr. a Mrs. Geivett: Your application far the above-referar,ced pro,ect has bean reviewed by the Planning and Engineering Divisions. As a result of the review, it has been determined that the addition cannot be approved as designed because it does not meet Development Code Standards for required setbacks. Attached please find a list outlining the setback requirements, as wall as required improvements for parking, landscaping, screening, driveways, aM streets. An identical application for a carport addition at the same address was submitted to the Planning Division on August 19, 1987. Rt that time, the setback requirements and public improvement were discussed and the applicant decided to withdraw the Minor Development Review Hell. ail nr ci.CC t!:•~ 'wt -Edi t'G,-: `'ci+ `uiit niuluuL vui;u my permits or 71ann1rg and Engineering approval. Our development requirements have not charged; therefore, the setbacks and required improvements are the same as in 1987. The Cfty Planner has reviewed a request to enlarge the non-conforming structures and determined that the Planning 01v1s1on would support a 17' z 19' carport wb~ect to certain improvements along the street frontages. You have the following options: 1. Modify your Minor Development Review request to allow a 17 x 19 carport, which would ultimately require reconstructing the carport that was hunt witha~t perlalt;. 2. Remove the carport and withdraw your M1nor Oavelopaient Review request. 1V:Ilum I Aleaanarr CNrln I auyuel II pn a..,,,. Dennn L Srow DApnh \ arunn ~"J P~mrla I Wnaht p<k Lum, ~ICP ~~ / Howard 6 Yolanda Geivett MDR 89-22 August 1, 1989 Page 2 Please contact staff within 14 days as to your intention to modify Che carport or remove it. Failure to respond within 14 days will be assumed to indicate that you do not want to modify your request and the matter will be turned over to our Code Enforcement Section to e~su re removal of the structure. Sincerely, C DMMUNITY DEVELD PMENT D ARTMENT PLA DIVISION Dan Coleman Principal Planner DC:VB:mlg cc: Cade Enforcement, .lae Torrlx Attachments: letter dated Septen>Der 16, 1987 Diann ing and Engineering Coesmnts ~ g~ z _~ Planning Division The fallowing are technical issues which do not meet the City's Development Code: 1. Arrow Highway is a designated Special Boulevard with a 45-foot building setback from the ultimate curb fate. the proposed carport location encroaches into this setback and therefore mu si be relocated. 2. Currently, the on-site parking is inadequate and shall be revf sed to meet current stand ands. Parking shall be provided at a rate of 1 so ace for every 400 square foal of gross floor area, with i Mividu al stalls which shall be 9 feet by 19 feet in size and double striped. 3. A11 areas far [he storage or maintenance of equipment and vehicles shall be completely screened from view. The existing storage area, located at the southeast portion of the site, is visible to the south from Grove Avenue and 9th Street. Commission policy is to require solid masonry screen walls for screening. 4. The City's Development Lode requires street frontage 'and sc spiny, which is 45 feet in depth for Arrow Rtg hway and 35 feet along Grove Avenue, as meawred from the ultimate curb face. Therefore, the two areas labeled "open dirt" on the proposed site plan shall be landscaped to these standards. The landscaping shall l nc lode a combination of undo lot irg mounds with shrubbery, which shall be 5-gallon in size planted at 3 feet on center, for screening purposes, as well as annrnnri afn nmuMrnver aM •ro •e i. See additional comments in Septenber 16, 1987 letter. Engineering Division An additional 6 feet of right-of-way shall be dedicated along Arrow Rate. Provide an offer of dedication for an entry monument at the tntersectlon (see attached sketch). Refer to the attached Driveway Policy regarding the placeaent of driveways on arterial streets, including Arrow Route and Grove Avenue. Both driveways shall be reconstructed to Commercial Standards (Ro. 306 attached) and relocatad as follows: a) Locate the Arrow Route driveway as close to the east property line as possible and reduce the width to 35 feet, and b) Locate the Grove Avenue driveway on or near the south property line and provide a ~ofnt use easement in favor of the property amen to the south. 190 L_`~ Planning of vis ion Page 2 Street improvements along both project frontages shall be brought up to current City standards, including curb and gutter where driveways are relocated, sidewalk, street lights and street trees. ~9~ .~_lo "~~ ~' CITY OF RANCHO CUCANOVGA ,,. ,~,i.. m. ear a.~.no<w~~onq, r,,,mm++r_a -i:~•~..~ l.~ September 8, 1989 Howa r. and Yolanda Geive tt 851' ~:o rth urove Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 SUBJECT; MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVI EN 89-22 - A CARPORT A00ITI ON TO AN EXISTING BODY SHOP AT 8517 NORTH GROPE AVENUE Dear Mr. t Mrs. Geive tt: The Planning Division has denied your request far a Minor Development Review based upon the following technical issues which do not meet the City's Development Code: A. Arrow Highway is a designated Special 8ouleva rd with a 45-foot building setback from the ultimate curb face. The proposed carport location encroaches into this setback and therefore must be relocated. 8. Currently, the on-site parking is inadequate and must be revised to meet current standards. Parking must be Dro vided at a rate of 1 space for every 400 square feet of gross floor area, wicn tnaiv taual stalls wn un must De 9 feet by 19 feet in sire and double striped. C. All areas for the storage Or maintenance of equipment and vehfcles must be compYeteiy screened from view. The existing storage area, located at the southeast portion of the site, is visfble to the south from Grove Avenue and 9th Street. Coxwission policy is to require solid masonry screen walls far screening. D. The C1ty's Development Cade requires street frontage landscaping, which. fs 4S feet in average depth for Arrow Hlghwey and 3S feet along Grove Avenue, as measured from the ultimate curb fate, Therefore, the two areas la De led 'open dirt' on the ¢roposed site Dlaa aunt be landscaped to these standards. The landscaping gust include a tom6lnatian of undulating mounds with shruDDery, wA1ch sM11 be S-gallon in sire pirated at 3 feet on center, for screening purposes, as well as appropriate grourtdcovar and trns. v:. lvilb,m I AleanJar ~~ Charln ~ euqurt li ~~ ~+ Den rat L SMm Delnrah V. aro..n aICP Pemeb I Nnaht I+.A L+m L_II The denial is based upon the foilowing findings: A. The proposed project is not consistent with the General Plan, 9, The proposed project is nat in accordance with the objectives of the Development Code, or the proDOSe of the discr ict in which the site Ts located. C. The pro pe sed project together with the conditions applicable thereto, will be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. G. The proposed project wilt nat comply with each of the applicable provTSions of the Development Code. This decision shalt be final following a ten (10) day appeal period beginning with the date of this letter. Appeals must he filed in writing with the Planning Commission Secretary, state the reason for the appeal, and be accompanied Dy a E62 appeal fee. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Vfnce Bertoni at (114) 989-1861. Sincerely, P wi~%~ f~V~iLl\1 VL~AI\II'I CI\I (\I~RwI Brad ter Ci ann 88:VB:sp / 9.~ ~-~~ . ~ hglOp 'JAId1Y .,tm,r. •. ,rv ~ sEP 181999 ~~WaA~,e Bred Buller, City Planner :ommur.i ty Development Department ?anr.i r.R Civision _cy of Re recto Cucemo nga ?oss ::'face Sox 307 Ra ro ho Cucamc nge, California 9729 b517 North rove Avenue Rancho Cucemenga, Ce. 9173C September 16, lye9 S URJEC^.: APPEAi OF CITTY PLANNING DECISION TO DENY MINOR DEYELGPMENT '~9EYIEY 3q-22J - A CARPORT ADDITION TO AN EAISTING AL'TOMOTIY6 4e-PAI3 SHCP AT A517 HOATH OP.nVr 4yr!ygr wear Mr. Buller: °hank you for your recent visit to Lee YSSe Ge rage and for taking your time to ezplain r.he City's plena for 6eeu f.ifice lion end fu Lure d evela Amen t. ' Thank you also for ex pleining the poaal bill ry of appealing the original denial of the minor development propoeel. This letter is our apppeal for you to raconalder chat should bs raqui red to leave the carport in pleee or G lots tad elnrhere on the same property. Your basis for the original denial of this development. propoeel end stipule tione co ncarning attar development• would impose m eno tmoua ceps tel outlay on our para. Ye consider each a capital outlay to be impractical, th ere fare actually elowing or alimina Ling any possibility of improving the Lee Yiee Garage fsc111tise or properties. In the fo lloring Deregrsph w ree to to the purpose of the carport and reapo red to r,he issues raised in A, D, C, end Dot your letter dated September 8, Igeq. Please rater ro the e¢cloeed pictures of the property ea you canaidar r.heea points. Furpoae of cerpo rt.-- To protect fro care, Horard'a personal car and that of the shop ma¢ager. A. The carport a• constru~Ud evcroacho only allghtly on the 45~ setback from Aeror Highr•y. Ye believe that •t tni• tlme the carport is ¢ot 'datriman4l to health, sate ty, re err or uGriQl !a,{urlcua to propertin os improvue¢ta in the ans." I~ •t • later tiu, nurby proyestin rrn improved a¢d thr emrport~pproved ro 6r ln~urioua to those properhea, the carport corSV easily M remond or rrlocatrd. Could a raivar br • roved ¢or requiring the removal of the atructurr S¢ the rw¢t tlut anon a problrm arium? B. Parki¢g area fa •utficir¢t.. harking could Da arra¢ged immediabT"to uet ci ty codes. Trrlra i¢door parki¢g •yacas err prewntly Sn use. Do these help to Bert the quota regal red by tree city? C. Se Waning o! southuat •toraga •rw could M rorkrd out, though ewe typo of acceu is ¢acamaary. D. If thr landaeaping rpuinga¢t eau Dr mat ny la¢dgcapi¢g only rhr "oprn dirt" ^nu, w too have t¢ i¢tanat in wkiag that improraa¢t ro our property, / 9 ~( ~ ~~~T ,,o„ Z.)3 W era not, opposed to improving Y.he appurance of our yroparty. Actually, va vould be pleeead to make certain improvemante rithin practical soaomic lima ra. Tha carpet rt le itself such en improvemens. gany of our cue tomars end neighbors have commented on the cleanliness of our facility in general and have coRplimen tad ua on the cerpo rr. eddi Lion in pe rf.lcular. Furthermore, though not an eaaentiel part of our busineae, the cerpo rt ie a convenience we enjoy. Wa believe +hat the plane you outline for r.Re improvement of our city are very deai re ble. These surely vill gree tly enhance en already e n,; cya tle place to live and an appealing place to do bueineaa. Please undera rand char. our intent is to pertic Spa to with you in this effort ir. an economically Ceaeible fashion. :hank you for recomid Bring our prapoaal. Me look forrard to hearing of your decision concerning r.hia appeal. Very incere ly, nova'awm .o° lends Ge ~a tt 9.5 L_~y ~~ ~ c~w~, ~ .~ E, I• n w ~. } i ggf} ~ S,~ ~ 3i + ~i I IB -- a I S I g~ 1 7 n< j ?~ `T~ n ~ ~~ t ~k ~, ~ i l1 y ~£ \ , ~ti ~ ~~ ;~ ~t .~~". ~CAMONGA CITY OF° DIVISION N~ 0 v0 o ~ 0 tl~~ ' 7m~ ~iTE PL.AII) „ c~amrr: sGtis 'r9 ~ - =' -1 L i 3. ~. I I~ 0 ._... ,. "~~ CITY OP^T_,..,`";,•• ~I~CAMONG/Q 1'I~k~~ PLANMNQ B1V{SION '~, -t . -t-~ 19 ~~ N RESOLUTION NO. X ~^~q (~ A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMO NGA CITY CWNCIL UPHOLDING THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO DENY WITHOUT PREULOICE MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW N0. 89-22, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ARROW HIGHWAY AND GROVE AVENUE IN THE GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT AND MAILING F?ND INGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. kecitals. (i) An application has beer, submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by Howard and Yolanda Geivett (hereinafter "applicant"), for a Minor Development Review for the approval of an existing carport addition to the north side of an err tomot ive repair shop located on the southeast corner of Grove Avenue and Arrow Hfghway, hereinafter referred to as "the application". (ii) On Septenber 8, 1989, the City Planner denied the application. (iii) The City Planner's dental was timely appealed to the Planning Commission on Sep termer 18, 1989. (iv) On the 11th day of October, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a meeting on the application aM concluded said meeting on that date by adopting Resolution 89-130, thereby denying without pre,iudtce Minor Development Review 89-22. (v) The Planning Commission's action was appealed to this Council n Mh~J•nn 77 t0A0 by fbn arw,ll~anl (vi) The City Council heard the applicants appeal at fts meeting on Dece~er 6, 1989. (vii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution has occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THERffOSIE, it is hereby found, dete rmtned and resolved 6y the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced meeting an December 6, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, this Council hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The application applies to property located at 8517 Grove Avenue, with a street frontage of 189 feet and lot depth of 225 feet and is presently improved with an automotive repair shop, an asphalt parking lot with 13 spaces, and no street frontage landscaping; and 198 CITY CDUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. MDR 89-22 - GEI VETT Dece~er 6, 1989 Pale 2 (b) The Droperty to the north of the sub~ett site is single family residential, the property to the sw th of that site consists of commercial (vacant), the property to the east is single family residential, aM the property to the west is the City of UDland; and (c) The carport addition was built without Minor Development Revier approval or building permits; and (d) the carport addition does not conform with the City's setback requirements; and (e) The carport addition constitutes an addit ion to an ex istirg non-conforming structure; and (f) The carport addition is inconsistent with the intent of the Development Cade regulations which prohibit the enlargement of non- conforming structures. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council dining the above-referenced meeting and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the proposed project is not consistent with the ob,)ecti ves of the Development Code, and the purposes of the district in wh fch the site is located; and ~v~ Tiia~ i.ire prvyuaeu prvjet.t is nui in coop Trance wrtn eacn or the applicable provisions of the Development Code; and (c) That the proposed pro,lect is not consistent with the General Plan. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3' above, this Council hereby denies Lhe appltcation without prejudice. 5. The City Clerk shalt certify to the adoption of this Resolution. 199 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 6, 1989 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROH: Duane A. eakerr Senior Administrative Aeeiet~ SUBJECT: SNLECTION O- CONSULTANT TO PBRTORN LAX BNPORC6M6NT STUDY Recooendation The Law Enforcement Subconrnitteee of the City Council and the Public Safety Commission recommend that the City Council authorise the staff to prepare and the Mayer to sign and execute a contract with Hughes, Ha ise 6 Associates to perform a law enforcement study for the City of Aancho Cucamonga. The amount of the contract will not exceed 5i 9, 000 and will be based on the attached proposal. Funds will come from the City's general overhead account /01-4285- 6028. Backg rouvd On November 27, 1989 a Subcommittee of the Public Safety Commission and a subcommittee of the City Council Ceme together and lntervlewed two firms to conduct a law enforcement study for the City. The firma that were interv Lewed were Hughes, Ne ise D Associates of Paaadena and Ralph Andersen 6 Associates of Sacramento. Based on the firma interviews and the proposals submitted, the Subcommittees have recommended the selection of Hughes, Heise 6 Associates to perform the law enforcement study based on the attached proposal. This recommendation ie being forwarded to the Public Safety Commission Eor their cone tderation on December 5, 19A9. Staff recommends that the CLiy Council ewartl the law enforcement study contract to Hughes, Neles 6 As eociatea based on the recommendation of Che Law Enforcement Subcommittees. The Public Safety Commission will forward its zecommendatlone to the City Council after Lte December 5 meeting. Attachment OAB/aaf Proposal to Conduct a Police Department Feasibility 3tudq ivovemoer ~, 1988 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HusFua, Haisa & Asaaciabs 3~dh 990 Raymond Avenue Paaadaoa, California 91106 ~~~ "~'^h MAW ` ~ae~.~te~ 615 Mar:ne.s isW+p B~vp,Su4e ~aB M A N g G E M E N t C O N S V L T A N T S $an MaNO. Cnnprn:y 9aape p5 S aav^orp a,e $~ae 22G a+SI90.6nt asatlera Canio,-a BnCS 8+018841 +++ November 7, 1989 Mr. Duane Baker Senior Administrative Assistant City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Base Line Road Rancho Cucamonga, California 91901 Dear Mr. Baker: We ate pleased to present our proposal to conduct a study of the feeaibility of establishing a City Police Department for Rancho Cucamonga. Information contained in our proposal reflects pour request for proposal; data gained through interviews conducted to research background to the projset; and our extensive previous experience in conducting analyses of lsw enforcement issues and operations for cities and counties strop the Western United States We believe Hughes, Heiw & Associates brings a unique mix of skills and experience to the progoasd Psgjactinciuding: • Iaaw EntorcemwtAi'sna9_~_P~oa - Hugbes, Hein & Associates has Comalerwrt mn.e lam w ~~i~ .r °•"'a• +atP reiatq projects than any other consulting tiem providing ssrvias in~sdiforaia. projects have ranged from management audits of largo, urban police departments such as Anaheim, Anchorap, sad Puadstu through program evaluation of various policing programs such a burglary case screening and enhancement to evaluation oP polip faeflity needs sad proparation of space programs for such clisnq u Glendale, Pasadena, Rislto, and Concord In total, wa have conducted more than 100 projects involving analyse of law saforcemsat service in the let 10 ears. The qualiflcationa saetlatrbf this propaai provide an extensive listing of our Project sxpsrisap including clisnk raferonoss for nc6 project who can speak to the quality of our wont. d~~ • Police Department FeoibiGty 9tndies - We have worked with the City of Cupertino to evaluate the feasibility of establishing an in-hoop City Police Department ja]jau of wntracting for law enforcement prviae with the Santa Clara Couaty Sheriffs Department. 'Chis yroject included all of the analytical components required by Rancho Cuamoaga For the current undo aeand we haw provided a copy of our Baal report for Cupertino feasibility eeudp In addiltion~ we also asata~rothaehrnm~ml~ity olier in Fresno County to evaluate the feadbility of establishing a City Police Department n an alternative to contrasting for law enforcemnt services with the Fresno County Sheriffs Department. ° H[ghly Ezperleaced Project Team - Wa have proposed to conduct the projeM with senior memben of our staff -ail oP whom Gave over ten years' experience aaalyziag law enforcement issues for local government. John Haip and Richard Brady are principals of the firm, and Nicholas Conway, who hu been a consultant to laal government for 10 ysan, is a senior associaq with the Brm, and directs our Pasadena offs. Mat importantly, at least on• member oPonr project team played a major role is each of the projects Gated is the gaalitjattoas seMi~ of our propaal. As a result, these projecea nPrasent at ody the quali8ationa of tthhe 8rm, but the specific barhground and experisna ~ the project team which would work with Rancho Cnamoap. T'he proposal which foDow opens with one uodsrsgadiag of the Rancho Cuamonga's decision to consider ptabliehing a City Pdia Drip ort~men~ ach~edu a at eeceioa daceibe oar approach to the project iadudiag a proposed work Propat our project eryerieaa i~luding nPennas for each; and provide rosumu fn. e.._ ....~..._ _e _..- ---._. with our estimab of project cat, ~ '. V~• r•~n.`.:..m. Tne propoW rnncludas We appreciate the opportunity to submit our proposal. IP you have any questions or requiro additional information, Plena do not hesitate to contact me at (81B) 581111. Sittarely your, ~/~c. G.! IIEc.<t John W, Hsip D~ ~ ~~~ Principal ..~ U~ TABLE OF CONTENTS t. OUR UNDERSTANDING OF PROJECT I93UE3 AND OBJECTIVES .................... ..1 I I. PROPOSED PROJECT WOR$ PLAN AND WORE SCHEDULE ............................. ..3 III. RELEVANT PROJECT' EXPERIENCE OF HUGHES HEI99 do ASSOCIATES .......................... 14 IV. PROJECT TEAM ORGANIZATION AND @UALIFICATIONS ...................................... 2D V . PROJECT COST ................................................... ZI EXHD317:p ~jlnwe Paae I . PROJECT WORK SCHEDULE ................................ >3 .~(7~ I. OUR UNDER9TANDIN(= OF PROJECT I3$UE9 AND OBJECTIVES ..~b.5 I, nrm srr IN OF This section of our proposal diacuaseH our understanding of the issues and the specific objectives and goals of the study effort. 1. BarJcp~ouud Since its incorporation in 1977, the City~a population has more than doubled. More important, this dynamic population growth is expected in coming years, given tho Cit 'e strategic location and projected expaneioa of housing stock. Compared to much of the real of the Inland Empire, City nsidenea enjoy higher than avenge personal and household iarnma aad educational attainment levels. As the case with most newly incorporated atioa, in the yeah immediately Following incorporation, Rancho Cucamonga contrasted for moat municipal services or racoived services from government orgaaiaations in place before the City incorporated. F1s time passed, the City hu moved to assume direM control of moat key municipal services. For example, reorganisation established the City Council as the Board of Dincton of the previously iadepeadently governed Foothill Fire Protection District, bringing firs services under direM City control. Since innrpontion, law enforcement Nrvicw for Rancho Cucamonga have been provided under contract by the San Bernardino Sheriff's Bepartment. Estimated coats for 1988.1989 totaled 36.8 million including direct rnaa for contracted services and additional costs related W overtime and vehicle maintenance which era estimated at the beginning of the Hecal year but billed based on actual expeziena. Under the Lrms of the mntr.M, iy. C~•- •-•---~-- c~e.°.a~ a.~.uuuia of neid patrol and traffic enforcement coverage plus support elements involving inveeti alive services, dispatch, clerical services, and miscellaaeoue equipment ea~ operating cows. In FY 1988-1989, basic services included: • 1400 hour of Held patrol u>rit coverage par week. • 440 hours of traffic enforcement coverage per week. • 320 hours of investigative wrvioa per week. • A toW of 88,240 direct service hours for patrol, traffic, and investigation. • A rnd per wrvia hoar of 362.83 based on char$ee for Held units, satimated overtime, and estimated vehicle maiauaana. When tWl coatnct cosq iclerlal sea@', dispatch, etc.) are considered. iota cat per direct Hald sad inveayga~ive service hoar wu 368.34. Thew cosu include flu full cat of Hdding a patrol, trafIIc, sad invwtlgatte unit including direM staffing cosq, command structure, sad other DepartmeaW overhand items, d Based on interviews conducted in cor{juaction with the preparation of this proposal, there appear to be no signiHpnt levels of community complaint asaadated with ehs law enforcement wrvicee provided by the 3aa Bernardino County 9heriSs Dspartmenk Nevarthelew,the City Coundl hu determined that it ie an appropriate time W evaluaG We feasibility of utabiishing an ia•houw polies departmeak 3sveral ficton eppear to underlie this deciaioa. They include the following: • Some rnncern regarding whether ar not the Sea Bernardino County SheriS's Department, with its large, ceantywida aervfce area, can effectively fashion sad deliver law enforcement prvicee, which are coapbtely consistent with community speetae t limo, to a ammuaity like Rancho Cucamonga which is Dena ly different (demographically and acanominlly) than tlu rest of tta Departmmc'e wrvice area. • A wnw of uaaaw that nay coatraMwl arrangement will allow a city of the wise and aomplezity of Rancho Cucamonga to deliver law enfommant grvicN which are completely consistent with sad wndtive to community nwds sad e:pectatimu. • An interest in determining whether or not the resources dwoted W centraat service could geaarste increased service IeveL if they wen employed to support an io-hours Polls DeparMnR bath now and as Reecho Cucamonga grows. g. CyecHws M a result of than aongrru, the Cih by deeded to move ^heeA alR ---r; u:ai.i•. evaiwc t~alu:a spp~chu for providing Lw enforcement wrvices. s iacl • Evaluatlng current service levels provided through the contraM with the San Bernardino Sheriffs Departmeak • Determining wtuthee or not • City Polls Department could rapliceb chcee wrvia levab~[ayt e~gnivalent or leswr cost. • T with eefabB~ slting~t is-hones Polio Depareas~~ would be The section which tbllotee describes in same detail how we would work to acltien these study oblsctim ibr the Cih. X07 II. PROPOSED PROJECT WORN PLAN AND WORH SCHEDUL] ~~~ II. The section which follows presents a detailed description of how we would conduct the law enforcement feasibility study for Rancho Cucamonss. Wa have structured our approach to address each of the issuN raised is your Request Far Proposal. However, wa would surest oaa modiHcstion W the work approach m outlined in the RFP, The RFP requNL the consultant to conduct the Feasibility analysis from two penpsctives. To strnMUn an in-house Department and eetimaG its coat to provide tlu same level of service a. the current contrail system. If the cost of m in-houN Department exceeds the coat of the current contract, structure a Department and illustrate service levels which would 1» achieved if an in•honea Department were established at the same level of cost u the current contract system. We believe than is an additional issw which should be considered in the analyrie and that involvN the adequary of current Nrviq levsb compared to tlw City Council's azpactatioas and to basic standards for pOlip NrPtM ID an al'han and Nburhan eIIttrpnmeat, If saaiysu indicatsr thtt than an an'sip level isetw aesociated~ co~aratisv~ a~1 qoo oP~ths ~tnct ~pP~ etch pd awn inn odusa Department in achieving prWrred senior levels. 3inp the same daq elements an required to reTfa•bA f1.:..iJ.~t-_ _• ~ the alter111tiVM Vnn with little ei _W~y..~ .~ui impoerant study Com Went can be eaomplishad 6nillcant impact on pro/act cost or elapsed time. As a result, we have inrnrponted this element in the tank desaiptioas which follow. Task 1 - The purpoN of this Snt task is to thonuo6ly understand iNUN sad ezpectations which have _ the PubUlict9af~ trenlta 7e~Lw~tt ~o f the City Qouncil. undentandin~,~i-a ~0°' ~ ~ t To develop this level of • IaGrview the Cih Council. tttambaze of the publle 9afity Commiseiea, sad the City h5'aaaksr and approp~aq tneoabers of hL etaB ~© 1 • Interviews will focus on determining attitudes and isauea in the following areas: Iaeues related to current eerviea levels provided by the San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department including: • • Timeliness of response to community generated calls for service. • • Pro-aCtive crime suppression approaches. • • Crime prevention programs. IdeatiHcatioa of Sheri@'s patsoanel with and responsiveness to various componeau of the Rancho Cucamonga community. Respotuivenne of the 3heriiPs Department to law enforcement concerns of the City Council. Financial issues eurromding the delivery of law enforcement services, both now and in coming years. Once these initial interviews haw been completed, we will prepare an issue list which will provide the basis for subssquwt aoalytinl aRotta. Task 2 - Tc :,ato`ui.ei, r iraeie for et111CtaTiOg aA in-hoop Department, it ie necessary to develop a detailed portrait of current worklad sad prV]M demand for law enforcement services in Rancbo Cucamonga. Through analyds of dispatch and other appropriate documents maintained by the 3heei13s Department, we will document workload is terms of the following: • Community gaaented calla for prvia (CF9) by time of day sad day of week. • Amount of a~cer time (primary response and backup) required to handle all CF9. • Respotw limp by priority or urgency of call. • L?fficar initiated activiries carnally accomplished by field patrol peraoand. • Arrests sad bookings including ofAtwr lima required for Onwl to detention fidlities. 4 ~1 ~ • Number of reports written by field petrol personnel and average amount of time devoted to completing inddeat repoeta. • Number oP cease forwarded to investigative staff fot fallow-up investigation by offiasa type. • Traffic enforcement workload. Theae data will be profiled is statistical form and will aubeequently be employed to structure as in-hoop Polies Department, Concurrent with our analyse of worklpd, we will document how the Sheriffn Department currently sarvea Rancho Cucamonga through interviews with appropriate command and supsrviaoq stall and review and analysis of relevant operating documsnta. The currant aervia system will ba profiled in terms of: • Average deployment of Held peraonael bl lima of day and day of weak • How traffic enforcement is handled including aRawtioa of reapoaaibility between regular Hdd patrol unib and dedicated traffic enforcement unite. • Whether or mt calls for aaeske a» aeraeaed at diapatc6 and handled without dispatch oP a sworn patrol offipr including the types of calla sereeaed or handled b7 aiteraative aoaana. • Nature and saps of crime prewntioa oeoarams cur..nNy ~^^.^'da3 :.. ~~ia WWmamLy gam as: Neighborhood Watch School liaison and/or 'schod offioen" Counsel on ammerdalNadtutrfal security Other~amm~nni~t ~ fp~ 'ty anaideratiau Ws will Wen evalaate~mrkload and prvice data to ptabllah a basis for structuring an is-hmua Police Department. Th4 wfll invoM addrwsiag aac6 issues e. the following: • Are rasponp limp to calls for aeevia aanaistsnl wiW Nrvice level ezpeetatlaoi far • sly like Rancho CuamoagaT 6 ~~ • Given eta@' deployed under the contract and call for service workload, what level of olBcer/deputy time is available for pro-active patrol or aelf- initiated activities? Ie there an appropriate balance between uncommitted time and time required to handle calls, arrests and bookings, and report writing? To what extant does an imbalance eziat and dose this result in edl overload for field patrol pereomel with negative impact on response times, or dose it result in field patrol overatafRng during some time periods with resulting low field patrol personnel utilization? • Are crime prevention Programs coaeistent with community needs? Aze e~risting Programs comparable to approaches taken by other progressive law enforcement ages©es elsewhere is California and the United Stelae? • Are aen-sworn Personnel employed y handle lower priority workload? Have CF9 martagemeat techniques been employed y focus sworn otScer time on high priority law enforcement tctivities? Upon completion of the steps outlined show, wa will document the results in a narrative and statistical report which we will review with the projed steering rommittee to confirm eerviea level objectives which can bs employed as a basis for atruMUring as in-house Polio DsPartmank Task 3 - ~LIIEfh L~' 11a-Lea Cwtad et ~ Cn : r+ etti.-a r Consistent with the requirement entlin..l :.. _ n_e„ uewiied analysts of current contractual law snforcemant services to ensure there is an accurate basis for comparing the rnsts of an ia•houw Department in subsequent study work tasks, Thu will induda: • Reviewing eristing and historical coatraM documents y determine the basis for charYittg Rancho C the 9en Beraerdiao County ghee ~~s ~fap~r~~~oroemeat services by ' Conducting fdloswp analysis y document ell c s for the most recent 1Z months for which data an available. 'Phis will indude atymptlng y relay cwy y ~~ nndetwd u wall u the laud of cos tion~ipp sach~i im loyad~to~c! ~~fp~iac6f service componaak se well es actual coy c$yrgaj a~ Patel. • Identifytag potential iaayaps in costs likely to M ezperiengd over the nert 12 months mneider(ng owl eswlatioa ptrovisioas tillowabb under the coatraet sad rnst ennds o projsdad by Sea Betasrdino County. 6 X11 The results of this task will be documented in the form of a narrative and statistical coat analysis. To the ertent that any issues are identified, the analysis will include identification of any inconsistencies is current contncR coat allocation and charging approaches. Task 4 - F.atsblier. n--i.. c~_~__ .. . _ -- level objectives which c psi em oeed as a ~ ~a ~ develop a sat of service in-house Police De P y bassi for structuring sad coating an Partment. As noted at the beginning of this work plan, these objectives mey or may not reflect currant urvia levelr provided by the San Bernardino 9heri~s Department. Recommended arvia level objectives would deviate from current service levels in thow instances in which current services fall below service levels preferred by the City or below reasonable service levels typically observed in progrewive urban and suburban communities. Service level objectives would bs formulated for; • Response times. • Uncommitted. pm-active patrol time. Traffic enforoemsnt empharia. • CaR For wrvice management polieiu. • Use of non-sworn penomsl to handle lower prioritq calls. - - ----° +..~ .-.. krve- Scope of crime prevention programming desired. Once these recommended objsctives have been formulated, wa will review them in detail with the project steering cammittw at a me{jor progrea meeting. Based on gtudanoe provided by the wmm;ttN, ncommead objectives will )H adjusted at appropriste, and ono finalised, wtII provide the bow for structuring an in-house Polio DeWrtntsnt is subenquent s work tasb. Task 3 - ~ IslRnn.. An W,. ]y,,. Aa required in the request lbr Proposal. and u reeommended at sowral p01n Parel>~ve.: Pte, we will struetuee ra in-house Potia Department Hvm three • o~tTRa 4sed sad staBid to tbWl the serrias level objectives 7 X13 • A department organized and etett'ed to replicate current services provided by the SherilTe Department, if those services differ from the service level objectives formulated is Tank 4. • If the two variations described above cost more than the current contraM, a department organized sad staffed at a level equivalent to the current contract and clear ideati&cation of gaps between service levels such a department could provide and service level objectives esta6tiahed in Taak 4 and current service levels provided under the contract. The basic analytical sub-leeks required to drop sad evaluate each of these variations are summarized in the paragraphs which follow. Task SI - Convert W.rkL..a ..a o~.a~ . - -.... - -- The worklosd and arviu level data developed in Tasks 2 and 4 will be converted to the pereoo-hours or person-years required to handle them. To make Chia conversion, we will seed to consider and determine the following: • The aversge amount of time which could be expected for an oficer to handle a CFS, a well ae provide backup for calls, report writing, arrest and booking. • The average amount of lima which should be available for a patrol officer to engage in pro-active crime control work (which is a service level decision). • T`" '°'°'.'vwiup which could eslst batweea CFS workloads and response times W calla. This nlatioaship will bs calnilatad through use of the PAT1tOI.P1;AN computer madd for aaalyang patrol operations and resource needs. • The Percentage of CFS which could be •screewd• sad handled either by anon-sworn powtlon or by s complaint clerk. The trait dtation level which could be a:pseted given traffic volumes and tiu average amount of time needed to law a trait station or provide a warning. The peroentage of roported crimp which era likely to require follow•up invatlgatloa sad the average ameunt of tame IIadad for investlgatlon. The amount of Hnt-live supervidoa middl/top maoapmertt uacssary to plan sad control various -bade' polip ary(as. ~~~ The person-hours or Years of time which may be Headed to provide other Programs noL directly related to patrol, investiastioa and traffic enforcement, such as communisations, recruitment and selection, training mamQemeat, research earl plaminQ and the like. The amount of time (as measured by person-hours) available for each sworn and non-sworn emplogae, for work, after time losses occur because of vacations, sick leave, holidays, breaks and equipment servicing. The product of Chia work task will be a matrix which shows, by future time serv(cestbaeed on Fo oars or person•yaars oP lima needed to provide "basic" police recasted workload and desired aarvios levels to bs provided. Task 3.2 - llydselnn a Plan n/A....d~w_~ __~ a~.~_ -' _ . -- In this work task, the resource needed, u measnnd by parson-years of effort required, will be converted into the attmber and type of podtioaa required foe a Police Department in the City oC Rancho CupmonQa. However, before thin can be done, the consultant, in tatjunctioa with the Project StN~ Committee, will need to determine the philosophy npoa which thin department would M established. IC is okay that eM orsanisatioaal philosophy for a municipally operated polio departmeae would be that of r 'service' and heap a(8gr" mode rather than the more traditional Lw eaforoenumt coaflptttation. This would mean, in part, that flora would be a eoatbinatioa of sworn and non-sworn personnel providing 'basic' poliq services and that the mat efHciaaC delivery systems now known would be employed in the f'.it. ,,r R....w., r...______ a..~rt, trained ponce otflcen would ~t be - "e` :•` handled by non-sworn Personnel• modern work ~~ whuh could be techniques would be sm o ~°iD~ and ~e management to assist in ~ ~' ~o~ rvo~d ~ made W stimulate the community department world follow eta n6 sad e~eepva unerai' the mu°'e'pal Police financial realitia of the 1990'x. Do °°s Practise applicable to the In this work tuk we would also set forth the Ivey ~tudelines which ws feel should bs utilisd is deeaLoptnd a mwddpal polip o*Sadsation Cor the City of Rancho Cucamonp sad t4 servip delivery system for Lw enfbrameat. It is likely that the ptidelinea, around which a plan of organisation and staf9n(< are based, could 6a d follows: Masdmising the rue of pars-Proteuioaala end aoa-swore psnonnel ouch u Community Berv{p Aidsa, is handl{ng various workloads such ai routine and nonhwrdons called-!br servfeea sad reutlne and paper oriented follow-up iav~tive work, ~t5 Minimizing the militaristic hierarchy found in many police agencies to facilitate deasion making at the lowest posdble organizational level. This guideline could be utllized to reduce the number of different ranlrs required in the police department and, possibly, employing the "police agent' concept. • Redudng paper work, processing, and storage, • Using one person patrol units and the more efficient 5/8 work week rather than the 4/10 plan. • Tailoring the police services delivered by the department to the unique crime control and service needs of different facets of the community. • Developing and using information so that police services can be etHaently and effectively managed on an oa_going bads. The specific plan of organization and stafiiag developed will be reviewed with the Project Steering Committee to obtain their critique before the plan is (finalized. Tact 5.3 - Ilet~rmiae thw Faufmaeat d F -Milo •- - - In this work teak, the typsa and number of equipment will be determined for the provision of 'basic" polip ssrvioes u wstl Y other supporting fimcpons which would be most economically performed by a poliq daturtmeat in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Also, span needs will M asssped. In this task, we will: • Determine Wa types end number of vehicles needed (usinv nnnlinn ._. ._: ccp-,, 'u,;j~uuyr crow ragmrsn for lockup to cover downtime. • Determine radio and other communication equipment comparing "stand alone' costa with conttaetual wrvipa sad other service needs, both "eland scone" and shard with other agencin. The evaluation would include cossidantlon of the feuibilitq of joining Ontario's Pre- Com consolidated dispatch pater as as altematlve to s 'stand alone" police dispatch pater. • Determine the t~pas and number of variow equipment (e.g. bandies talkies) which should ba provided W sworn and non•sworn psraonnel. • Determine required oRla equipment and other types of equipment needed, u appropriate. • Determine the amount sad types of building and land spay needed to howa a muddpall operated polippdeparpount, and compue that with spay to M availa~a is the new u c atfity fadl{ty. If additional facility or parting span is required, determine optloaa for s:pawioa and estimau costa, to ~ ~ (Q Task 5.4 - capital outlawmk teak, the cotuulting team will develop a pnposed operating and lianclao Cucamon~t fo~ bu atabGabmant of a Cityroperated police department in dget would sat forth: • Salary and fringe benefit coats for various types of personnel. • Material and supply costa for the department. • Vehide and equipmeat operation costa. • Contractual eervip costa (e.g. sudt ea those for communications if not oa a'atand alone' heels). • Gapital outlays requind for equipment and facilities, induding debt sarvip when needed. • Other coats aseodated with the opsntion of a munidpal polies department such u liability iaaarann gad other insurance costs. Other additional mats which wonld need to M a-aluated and estimated iadude the impact of snppoetiag a hu-ga, in-houw Polio n the Citya admialatsatin a~ support in6rastrneba;,s indudD •n~g.~~ ton - ~O'~ - pUeo11 protw{siag and other 17naadal mntnl ata@: • Penonaal - reernitine ana .a....i..- aepartmeat staff rMOnl'Cee. -____.__- ~•,.-:,: Ju 6wieiiug - Vehide maintenance for the Police Department Hest and impact of this incnmantal workload oa egttipmeat maintanancs staff and facilities nquinmenq. In this task ws will also p»ject pasibb enennq which would ba naivsd by the Citq to da&ay, in part, its polls aeeriw poste. 1'hass rrenu,q would indude: reimburnament Erom ppgl;.tra8lc Qnq gad {~yt~p ~~c may be avaiL-Ws; alarm flea; npott haadlirt~ (~ and so an. ~°G which The ptodneta of thb sat of tasks wonkl iadnde: ~~~~ flag and ravanna Madget for each of the variations begioaing of thb seetlon. • A capital a:pangs. start-ap budget for each earLtioa \u d~7 Tank 6 _ Perhaps the most significant challenge associated with moving from a contract law snforcameat eyetam to an in-houw Polip Department involves service transition, Careful planning is critical to avoid any deterioration in law enforcement services m the community sad to moderate duplication is coats, Key transition steps which will need to be enalyxed include the following: • How to bring a basic command infrastructure on board to accomplish those steps necessary to develop an is-house Police Department including. Coordinating and directing the recruiting and eeleetion program whtch wtll be requrred to staff sworn and non-sworn positions in the new department.] Developing operating policies and procaduree for the new department. Managing equipment ecquidtioa Coordmating wrvica transition fivm the San Bernardino Sheriffs Department. - Working with the City Conacil, the Public Safety Commission, and City staff to develop programs coasistaat with community expectations. How to transition transfer of MrViN r..r,nn.iA:l:~.. c__ .~. ,. uepartment to CM new Police De - --- ~-., """' "'• "I'tl°,i s maintained, yet daplication of stag a ~setvicent to enaura services are cosq aro miairnized. How to Recruit stns to mintmire sta~ap ~~ cosU sad to ensure that a cad» of esperieaad paraoanel an available to provide police services. Conddering the eompetltiw market for polio ot8cers across California, recruiting and election may be the most significant chall~o ~ odaud '"dth establiskiag an in-house Police Department unmonga. In accomplishing Taak 8, we will identity all transition steps necessary to address the lanes noted above and pnpa» a detailed transition and implementstioa plan which will consist of the following components: • Dotailad description of each traadtion step including estimate of the scarf time regrdred to accomplish each. • ftkommeaded timing of each step. 1J ~~8 • Responsibility for accomplishing each step, • 5pecffic costs associated with each step. Our ncommeaded transition plan and budget will ba documented in the Form of a m$lor progress report which will be reviewed with the Project Steering Committee. Task 7 The results of each of the preceding work tanks will be documented in the project final sport which will: • Provide a detailed evaluation of servia levels and rnsU associated with the current rnntract service system. • Establish dear service level objectives to provide a basis for structuring an fn-house Police Departmenk • Structure and display colts and nveaua related to operating an in- house Pollee Department indudiag multlple o rational sad cost variations a• regained by your RFP. Thin will ' nde in-depth saalYSis of the oonsisleaey of each organisational variatlm with law enforcameat service level objective. • A detailed trandtioa sad implanuntatioa pplan iadudins ideatitication of all start-up costs associated with esa6lishiag sn in-house Polin Departmenk • "_'lYcc:~L co:.pecin"caiiy required iD your Request For Proposal, the final sport will also indude idsntiSntioa of sgpe which could be taken to rssolw eny identified Nevice level issues within the atructun of the existing contract inducting cosq, receptivity of the $an Bernardino County Sheriffs Dspartmsats to rseontmeadsd aajusimenta, end comparative evaluation with the iahouw department and tlu sassing conirsM aituatlon. The sport will be reviewed is draft form with the project stessirrg committw. Once appropriau modiHca~ioat and dsriflntlons have bees based oa the committoe'a review, we will bs prepared to presses the Iiad rriwrt as you deem appropriaG. The exht'bit which follows tbL page shows s fdm• sehadule for eompletin` t}w tasiu outlined in this ssetlaa. Haled o0 our rnrrsat nndemaadias of study scope. we eapsct the project wlll regain 110 days to os®pleb. 1S ~~ j E~Wd Q ~ S Ir'1 ~ m U [~ a Ov g~g . 0. C O ~ M1 , ~1 ~ N 3 P i' 1 m N ~ O I p~ yy~ g3 V FG w • ' b ~ ` Yg ~ Y a a 2.~ 3.$ W~~ Y ~i3 `~~ ~ ~o~m ~~~1 u ~~$~ &t~ ~~ _ ^' ~~o III. RELEVANT PROJECT ESPERIENCE OP HUGHES, HEISS & ASSOCIATES ~~~ III. Hughes, Heise & Aneocistes was established in 1974 to provide a full range of management consulting services to local governments is California and the are provided from offices lxated ifie p~aoena e ~ ~ Mateo. 16, and our services Analysis of law enforcement issues has been as important part of our consulting practice over the 15 years since the firm was established. Approximately 150 of our 660 client aasignmeata Nava iavolzed local government law enforcement issues including: • Comprehenrive management sudits of more than 80 police and sheriff's departments. • Development of maaegameat and supervisory training programs for 25 law enforcement ageaoea. • Evaluation of police 6tdlity needs for 16 jurisdictions. • 30 projecU covering a range oP police programs and services ouch as evaluation of communications sad dispatch operations, police recruiting sad election programs, and the like. The section which follows provides a description of our rolevant project experience is the law enPorameat area. Ia reviewing the client assignments described is the parsgrapha which follow, it is importyat to note that one or more members of our propo projset team playact land role in each. of theses ~..,:._,.•. the specific experience of 6a team nve oh~aveg m~ ro~n~ ~perience, but Cucamonga. P Posed to work with Rancho Complete aaalysia of the fiasibil3ty of atablishiag an is-houu Police Department ia.lifalt of contractlag for Mrvip with the Santa Clare Connty 9heeiSs Department. Pradsct {alluded evalwtlon of coatna costa and arvia levels, dete*mfaatlen of s faciL'ty aasda assoeatsd with ^ Ci P~olia ~uipmant, snd determiaatlon oP trandtlon costa rs~~ q, ~al+ a°d Reference: Barham grown Aaistant City Manager (406) Z67~460f1 K ~11 • Analvaia of the Feasibility of F.athliwhine a S7i~Police Department P rliez .alife is Comps»ble project for this small city in Fresno County. In addition to the analysis aoociatad with the establishment of a City Police Departmsh the projeM included evaluation aF alternative coat»ctin~ approaches to address met and service level issues. Reference: Hurt Willa City Manager {209)848.2787 2. All~Tl'H. Hughes, Heise &c Associates has broad szperience conductitt~ management audits of police and ahariH departmenp. Each of blase projects hu included the basic elements required to conduct a Police Department feasibility study For Rancho Cucamon6a includins evaluation of Nrvia lewb; determination of field patrol atafl9n6 »qui»menq; evaluation of iaveatiaative ope»tions; »view of adminiet»tivs and support etal~ »quirsmenta; and aeteeement ot'vehicle and equipment adegnary. Additionally, moat of our manapment audio have also add»aaed the implicatiow of p»jeeted community growth on law enforcement statlitti<, equipment, sad fia'lity nede. Listed below a» »p»aantattvs msaa~emsnt audit pmjecte which have included each of the component noted above u well u »fe»nces for each project. • MwnaIIement Audit of the Pelin Desert wn Anaheim. C~iiferoia Reference: Ron Rothchild Bud6et Director (T14) dB67648 Rsfiretue: Phil Webber Bnd~atldaoe{er (907)9644609 psudena_ Calitereia Rafe»nM: Ed A)~jgm Deputy Ciq Manager (816)4064600 16 2~ 3 • ~Ylana¢ ma Auena Psr ny A i of H nolire Deoarrment k f'.alifornis Reference: Linda Holmes Currentlq City Manager in Walnut, California • tilanA¢emP (714)6967a4a Or AUd'! of 1• Q IICR~a ' El Ca:on. C Re°erence: al:Fsmis Bob Acker City Manager (618)411-1718 Escondido. ('.alifmmis Reference: Rad Wood Now, City Manager of Indian Wells (819)362489 Glendale. C slifemis Reference: Jim Res Former City Mew3er (818) 24320 • Msns¢eman t Aedi! sf Lie Pn 'n Densrlmen Oc-emid~ !`e1:P :- Reference: Ron Bradley City MaoaBer (819) 439A300 4en Aafsel. .~lifmnia Reference: Pam MWlai City Mana`ee (4111) 4869970 Rem f'.nanll Reference: r f is~i SheriII'John BmitL or ndersherlRJerq Findlq ~ ~~ • ~fa_~~ment Audit of the Sheriffs Department Refe»nce: Bud Gsrri(laa Undersheriff (416) 27?~6f1778 • J2~naoement Audit of he Rt+enifPe De ^rtmen . .o +nty Reference: Mich Gray Undenherifl° (91~694r1831 3. We have been retained by a number of rities to evaluate police facility needs and determine the space requiremeata and wnstructioa rnets naceewry to accommodate the Polies Department as communities Grow. Each of these projects iavolvad catalysis of law enforcement demand and service levels; projxtioa of etaRfn6 rsquirsmente [or all compone~nte of the dspsrtmant to establish a basis For determinins facility requinmenq; projection of space reQtdremsnG; end atlmatiea of apical sate. Recant projects and nParaaws a=e listed below. • gplice Faclity N Aaeeeement R:al ~+ .alifn is .°.<fe~cuue. iWy P1[m1r Police Chief (714) 831F?b72 • Police Facility P1entLna Rtudr Conrord. Galifemin Reference: Georg Straka P Chief (4 .9J39 C.n . A.... hR/mni. Reference: lCeu $iaeioman City M~Ler (707) b7Bb.981 M ~~JY • Police Facility Needs n tysia and Sitw_ F.yal,iatien Oranaa. Califemia Reference: Bud Shearer Polin Lieutenant (T14) 532-0212 • Evaluation of Police Deoarf+++ent Facility N ed San R_fa L .alife is Reference: Pam Nitrolai Citq er caLS)~o 1n addition to the projects described in the brat three sections, we have also completed a variety of projects focusin` oa apscilic pro8rams of oraanizatioaal units of law enforcement eQencies such u dispatch, support eervicea, and inveatiQationa. Illustrative projects end refirencn an listed below. • RtalRnv and Oaaratie.L nalyai• of Dienatch ..near On *ie. .alifm~ria Workload sad atat8a~ snalyeis of rnmbined, multi-juriadictioaal police and lire dispatch enter. Reference: Leo Badru Director of Communigtiow (714)9849901 • Co m ,nimtio • .enter 4 wfRna Rh.da Ran Ma M. lifnrnia Workload and sts~ analysis of oombiaed policai&v dispatch center. Refereaa: Kss~rooks Asaistaat City Mans`er (415)377.9300 11~ '1 • Evaluation of I ~ P Pr~r~m Ran .in ~. lif is Police De +k*nent ERectiveneu evaluation of pilot roQram deridned to enhance the eH'ectivsnaw of investlQation of bur~ar9 carer. Reference: Hill GurRarich Captain, 9sa Jow Police Department (SOB) 4T7a000 S ,M-.4tafien F aihility C +.lv .n i .. .alifo is Pelin De ~rtmwn Analysir of the cor4 and beneHU of ertablirhina polin sub-atationr in the City with spsdal focus oa evalwtins impact of aub•rtatiom of masimizinQ Held patrol time avaiLble to handle calls for service or provide pro•activr patrol. Reference: Tom Frasier Assistant Chirf, San Josr Polity Drparfmrnt (,tOB) 71f~000 StaHinB and oprntions study of rarnrds, communications, crime lab, proprrtyhvidena, crime prevention, and clerical operations. Referees: AprU Meadow Prnonnal Director C213) 2B6~1OB8 r • • . If you regain additional nfirencas or would like sample of our work related to any of the produc4listed abon, pk+aw do rot hedbG W contact us. .~~7 IV. PROJECT TEAM ORGAI~TIZATION AND QUALIFICATIONS ~a~ IV. AND AiT_Ai.1FI .ATION9 Since Hughes, Heise & Associates was established in 1974, it has been our phi]osophy Lo etafF all our projects with senior, experienced analysts and to actively involve one or more prindpals of the Hrm in each stage of our projects. We would employ thin same philosophy to work with Rancho Cucamonga. Our project team would consist of John Heies, who would serve as project manager and lead analyst, and Richard Brady and Nicholas Conway who would work with lbfr. Heies on each analytical component of the project. Brief summaries of each proposed member of our project team are outlined below and more extemive resumes follow thu page. John Helss is a prindpal of Hughes, Heies & Aesoaatee and has over 20 years' experjeace providing comulting services to local governments. He hoe broad experience in analysing law enforcement agency operations including numarow maaagemeat audits, several fadlity studies, and a number of analyps of police programs each as communications, investigation, and crime pnvsntion. Ha hoe an AB from Dartmouth College and and MHA from the Wharton School of Finance at the University oe Pamsglvaaia. • Richard Brsd~ i• also a prindpal of the Szm and hu 12 years' rnasulting esperienw with HughM, Heies At Associates. Ia addition to his broad ezperience conducting maaagemeat audiq of police and sherelPs departmenq, Mr. Brady was project mawgu and lead analyst on our polio department faadbility atudiq for Cupertino and Parlier. Ha has a AR ~._._ n.W:a;~~ yNN vuivel7iLy, iiayward and Maeteis and PhD degreq 6om Osford University in England. • Nicholu Coaw~y is a senior assodaq with the 8rm and has been a comultaat to local government for i? ysais. Prior to joining Hughes, Hein & Assoaates to direct our Pasadena offip, >u+ wu a prindpal with the management wrvias group of a Big Eight public accounting llrm. Mr. Coawsy has ezgasive axperleace in analysing the costs sad beneBte of cantrectiog for wrvia versus iohonse operations for dty sad of~thatySg rn c Shy. n: oompl.ted a maijor management aadit anal 8dd b partmeat with lead raepondbility for ysing patrol sad investiptira wrvias. Mr. Conway has e:taadve esperiena in worktag wtth dtiu is the Island Empire including San Bernardino Conway, the City o[ Saa Harnardiao end the City of owtana. He has a HS fSum the U~dvusity of Dekware sad as MPA from the Uwinrsity of 9outirra California. As noted earlier in this proposrl, one or more of the proposed project Gam members partidpated is each of the projects Wtsd in Section III of Lhie proposal. ~p ~~ / JOHN W. HELS.9 Principal • Consultant to over 200 governmental agencies in the peat 15 years. ' Prindpal of Hughes, Heiss & Associates for 15 years, • BA from Dartmouth and an MBA from the Wharton gdtooi of the University of Pennsylvania. • Former Project Manager with Booz, Allen and Hamilton for 8ve yeah. E:perieme Rabvant to the Pzgles; Has conducted a variety of analgaea of law enforcement operations is California and elaewhero in the United gtatq, 12elwaat sxparienq indudes: ' A mensgemeat audit of the Alameda County ghetilPa Department. ° A management audit of the Anchorage. Alaska Police Department. ' A management audit of the Pasadena police Department. ' A management, etaftins en.l ., _...___ _ County gherilPa Department (W "__..e....~ W°'yeie ui the daoaomish aahingWa). • A management and staffing analysis of the Escondido Police Department. • A management audit of the I{arn County 13harill a Department. • Poho~~mDapaeart tN stattg°g a°vyau f°r the Colorado gpringa, Colorado ' A management audit of the El Cajon Polip DaPartmmt. ' A management sad staffing analysis of eha peeaoaida, California Police Dspartment. pp • rn~ce~a m Contra Coaq Cam~ty~a fCallG°miao~~~ aIId flna°ciag police ' A manapaant audit of t6a Eaoondlda polio survey o commnNty attltudaa toward poUa ~Da~partmaa0 including a 0 • Evaluated coat-effectiveness of investigative case screening and enhancement unit of the San Joao Police Department, • Evaluated Brat you ICAP program for the San Jose Police Department (Burglarq Casa Management 9ystam). • Evaluated cosPeffecNveneae of consolidated recruiting and tenting of police officora for Four Bay Area polq departments. • Studied feasibility of joint purchasing for law enforcement agencies in Merin County. • Evaluated the eoat•effectiveness of a proposed county-wide Iaw enforgment information system for San Mateo County. • Projected poliq service ataII2ng and cosq associated with meeting alternative poliq arviq level targets through General Plaa build-out for Escondido. • Completed law anforgmeat facility planning studies for Concord and Ormge. • Conducted a management audit of the Bureau of Investigation of the Los Angelaa Cowry District Attonoey's OtEq. ~~ RICHARD P. BRADY Principal 13eckground • Doctorate is poiitical • Princi science from Ozford Pal of Hughes University, U.R, $A Heise & Aaeodatea. from California State TJniveraitq, Hayward, California • Twelve years consulting ezperience to over IQO local government agencies. Specialist in the analysis of Public Safety agencies. E:pairace Relevant to fhs Ptcdset Hae conducted eta@ing, management and operations audits of the following law enforcement agendas: • Anaheim P.D. • San Rafael P D Glendale P.D. . . • San Bernardino P.D, • • Butq County Sheriff Buena Park P D Snohomish County S.O. Anchorage P D . . Escondido P.D. . . Alameda rn....... m.._m Brisbane Public 9efety Deot. Kern County 3hiriS • W ivauonai tarty P.D. • Evaluated rnat-e$"eetivenesa of alternative apprwcha to eafo*cemaat service Gtand•alona, is-house department vsnu~i roan ra t with 9hertS~ Department) for. Cupertino, California - Parker, Cakfornia • fort the BanrJo~sa ~ppaa°rrtft~m~ee~~~~h' °P„tabkshiag substations of impact of altsn<native sub•statloa to tl~ons an bw~ ~o ~itnv~Wysme and avakahikty to respond to Reld service dsmaods, • Evaluated commtrdey relations program of the Sea Bernardino Police Department. • D ~p~ea~ °m0a' r•avitment Pt'oRams for the 9aa Jow Poifa ~3J- • Conducted police facility needs asseeemeats for: Concord - Rialto - San Rafael - Glendale - Orange - Redlands • Conducted staffing and operations analyses of law enforcement -ommunications and dispatch operations for Ontario end San Mateo, • Evaluated statAng and operations involving support services in the Beverly Hills Police Department. • Served as a technical advisor and project manager for a team of city analysts evaluating staff productivity and operations of support services (Records, crime lab, property coateol, etc.) in the Santa Ana P.D. x .~33 :vICHOLA5 T. COIVWAY Senior Associate • Twelve yearn' • Senior Associate wsth experience as Hughes, Heise & consultant to local Associates. government. • ~A from the University Formerly Principal of Delaware and MPA with Management from University of Services Group of Big 8 Southern California. Public Acrnunting Firm. Espaienro Ilabvaat to tba Prcdect Haa conducted a variety of public safetq studies in California and tha Western United States. Relevant experience includes: • Management audit of the Rem County Sherill's Department. • Organization and eta!$ng study for Sheriff•Manhall comolidation in San Bernardino Cowty. • Orgeaisation and staffing utilisation study for San Bernardino County's Public Defender's OL$a. • Organisation snd eta@iag study of San Bernardino County Probation Department. • Organization oP statSag urilizatioa fbr I.ca Aogalsa Comty~s Probation Department's juvelula service. • Orgsoizarion study for State of Arizona Department of Public Safety sad CotTactioaa. ._ Extensive pravioua azparlanca is svalwting tha coats sad baneAts oP service contractinE oondn¢ ^ wide range of govarnmanLl sarvica. Exparianp includes evalwting aatractln¢ fadbility for. • Alameda County - Vehicle 1Nain4mma • I.oa Aogalaa Cowty~ •- Dedpt sad implamantatlon oP methadology for aarvia contraatia~ sad osadact oP 6 pilot Paadbilib aatdia to avdwte ceatractln~ Gaaibiltty. ~-3`~ • City of Fontana •- ~faaagemeat study of all city departments. • National Oceanic and Aeronautical Agency -- Data Processing. • CAL7'RAN3 '- Property management. Pasadena -- Golf rnurae management. ~3S V. PROJECT COST .~3 ~ p, vantFrr ('(wr' The table which followe shows our estimate of the level of professional staff efTart required to accomplish the scope of wurk described in Section III of this proposal. . T •k Document Service Levels Estlmabed PtoQBSdonal CtfniMHen,. AO and Expectapons. 2. Profile Current Workload 8D and Service Levels. 3. Document Costs of the 40 Current Syetem. 4. Establish Haeic Service 40 Level Criteria. 5. Structure a Model In• 88 House Police Department. 6; Determine and Evaluate 64 Traneitioa Strategies aad Coats. 7. Prepare and Preaeat the ~ Final Report. T171'AL HOURS Costs aasoriated with this level of effort would be ae follows: 412 Hours i 390 33Z09Q MileB Clarlettl Report Production Sub-ToW E~cpeasa PROJOGf'P07 We would M pkaaed to eagr into the study u described in Chia proposal. L 3t1~ 926 ~~ 3y@a~ 'AL 3 s Arad prior contract ibr 389,000 to conduct Z/ X37 . ... ...._ .._..--___ ..- _., __ _ _ _g . ____. C[1Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA pmt Otfin Boy em. worho G¢amon a, Cahfamn 91II9. pIq 989-IhSt REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL LA~V ENFORCEMENT STUDY CTTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA The City of Rancho Cucamonga is interested in obtaining the services of a consultant to assist in evaluating whether the City should establish its own police department. Rancho Cucamonga is a progressive and rapidly growing citiy in San Bemazdino County. The City incorporated in November,1977 and has seen rapid growth during the last eleven yeazs. The City's population is currently 104,700 and is expected to be 132,500 by the yeaz 2000. Rancho Cucamonga is situated in the southwest corner of San Bernazdino County, 37 miles east of downtown Los Angeles and 15 miles west of downtown San Bernardino. The median age for residents in the City is 26.6 yeazs with a median family income (in 1987) of $41,951 which is the highest in the County. Rancho Cucamonga is a City dedicated to quality with award winning commercial and residential developments. Burgeoning commercial centers including The Victoria Gardens regional mall are under development, and there aze 351.25 acres of pazks with 214.8 acres of pazks planned for the future. The City's boundaries,. including the sphere of influence, compose some 49.4 squaze miles of which 65~9o is undeveloped. The City currently -contracts for law enforcement services on an annual basis from the San Bernazdino County Sheriffs Department. The current City budget for law enforcement is 56.1 million. The City gives public safety a very high priority and has in place a Public Safefy_ Commission com-_ osed of seven members of the community who are professionally and personally commited to ensuring the highest level of public safety for the community. The primary objective of this study will be to examine current cost and levels of law enforcement service as provided by the San Bernazdino County Sheriffs Department and determine what the cost and organizational structure would be to provide equivalent levels of service with a City police department. The City's goal is to ensure the highest level and quality ofy~ layyyw111ryryry enforcement service to the n,.v.~. William I Alexander-\ "f ~ Charles 1. Bvquet II Cuv M•.•er. ,. i ._.., ~ /` 1, _. I W r alcr Law Enforcement RFP Page 2 community in the context of the City's current and future £nancial condition. REQUIREMENTS The consultant will be required to make a comprehensive examination of current services provided by the County Sheriff with a detailed accounting of the cost incurred by the City for those services. Based on these findings, the consultant will prepare a comprehensive analysis of the costs that the City would incur if an equivalent level of service were provided by the City staff and what organizational structure would be necessary, including equipment, type and number of personnel and other operational requirements. The consultant shall also be required to identify the strengths and weaknesses of both law enforcement approaches - contractual and providing the services directly. The consultant should posses extensive knowledge of local law enforcement management, organization, workloads, productivity, and staffing levels. The consultant should also posses a broad background in analysis and implementation of law enforcement services in general law cities in California, including mandatory euqutrements antl restnettons of such services. The consultant may be required to attend evening meetings to make presentations to the Law Enforcement Subcommittees, Public Safety Commission, City Council, and others as deemed necessary. PROPOSAL CONTENTS The City of Rancho Cucamonga requests that respondents to the request for proposal provide, at a minimum, the items indicated below. A. Qjtalifications This section of the proposal should indicate the breadth of experience in working with cities and other agencies to examine law enforcement services. Include descriptions of involvement in analyzing law enforcement services and background in developing law enforcement organization, staffing, and equipment regmrements. ~~~ Law Enforcement RFP Page 3 2. Include at least three (3) references of clients for whom you have performed recent law enforcement consulring services as described above. Provide name, address, and telephone number of contact person. 3. Describe the structure of your firm, number of employees, and office location(s). B. Csope of Service Listed below are the services to be provided by the consultant. Any suggestions for modification to these services should be included in your proposal. In general, the consultant will be required to advise the City and otherwise coordinate and complete the following services: 1. Prepare an in-depth analysis of the City's current -evel of law enforcement service as provided by the San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department, including an identification of its service components. 2. Prepare a complete accounting of all costs incurred by the City on an annual hasis for such contractual law enforcement services, including liability insurance and other administrative charges. 3. Prepaze a detailed cost analysis of all factors required for the creaeion of a city police department based upon the same level of operational services as that of the present contractual services. Sepazate from the start- up cost and transitional costs, a detailed analysis of the annua! operating costs of such a department should be completed. Included should be liability insurance issues and cost. In addition, the cost analysis should list the specific staffing levels, recommended organizational structure and service components, equipment and other operational requirements on which the costs are based. 4. Review current law enforcement service costs from the County Sheriff` and compare to those costs d~~ Law Enforcement RFP Page 4 associated with a city police department for the same 5. If the cost for a city police department with equivalent service levels to the current contract is greater, what would be the recommended organizationat structure and operational requirements for a direct service option, should the City opt for its own police department, adlizing the same level of fundine as that utilized in our current law enforcement contract. 6. Based on the data collected and the consultants experience, indicate the amount of dme that would be required to transition from current law enforcement services to directly provided services without experiencing a major lapse in law enforcement service levels. 7. Compare and contrast contractual law enforcement services with direct provision and identify the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches from a fiscal and non-fiscal viewpoint. 8. Review and identify new financing methods to provide for the growing needs for law enforcement services in the community. 9. Prepaze a report and discuss findings and conclusions of the law enforcement analysis and comparison with City staff, -fraw Enforcement Subcommittees, Public Safety Commission, and City Council as appropriate. C. Study Annroach The proposal shall describe the firm's approach and time frame for completing the law enforcement study as outlined above. D. Char¢es for Consulting Services Description of consultant fee schedule and compensation should include reimbursable expenses. ~`~~ Law Enforcement RFP Page 5 1« Reaynnaihle Persnnn 1 Description of qualifications of person(s) who will have direct and primary responsibility for the provision of services and who will work with the City. F. Proposals from firms which do not contain all of the items outlined above will not be considered. Seven (?) copies of submittals in response to this request for proposal must be received by the City of Rancho Cucamonga no later than 5:00 p.m., November 9, 1989 at the following address: City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Base Line Rd. P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Attention: Duane Baker i~oii~iug in [nis request for proposal shall be deemed to commit the City to engage in any consultant services. No proposal costs will be reimbursed. Consideration of the submittals will occur as soon as possible following the above deadline and firms selected for oral interviews will be contacted immediately after the preliminary evaluation is completed. Any questions regarding this request can be directed to Jack Lam, City Manager or Duane Baker, Sr. Administrative Assistant at (714) 989-1851. d ~~ - CITX OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 6, 1989 TO: Mayor and Hembere of the City Council FROM: Duane A. Baker, Senior Adminietrat ive Aeeiet an SUBJECT: FALSE ALARM ORDINANCE Recomendatios Staff recommends that the City Council consider adoption of a False Alarm ordinance ae recommended by the Public Safety Commission. It ie further recommended that shoo ld the City CouncLl approve a Fa lee Alarm ordinance, that they direct staff to develop a fee schedule t_ come bacY, for City Council approval. Rackvzouvd At the August 1, 1989 Public Safety Commies ion meeting, the Sher iff'e Department gave a report on the number of false alarms to which they responded. That report noted that during the month of June, 1989, there were 409 alarm responses of which 406 were false alarms. A Bite that has a multiple number of false alarms is an unnecessary drain on law enforcement resources. The gcal of a False Alarr„ ordinance would be to reduce the number of repeat false alarms coming from any inet slier ion, thus improving the utilization of law enforcement patrols. The draft ordinance ae recommended by the Public Safety Commission will provide for fines to be levied after a set number of false alarm have occurred at a part icuLar site. This system ie much etmpler and sealer to implement than alarm o rdi nancee in surrounding common it iee which require perm Lta to be issued. This fact will tlecrease the administrative overhead involved in menuoring the system and make it much easier £or existing staff to absorb the additional work. For this ordinance [o work in Rancho Cucamonga, the Sheriff's Department would need to track all false alarm responses and notify the City when a particular e ire exceeded the allotted responses. Captain Gilmore has indicated that the Sher if.f'e Department would be able to track the false alarms without any d iEE icu Lt y. In terms of billing those in violet ion of the ordinance, the Ci[y'e Admin ietrative Se[vicee Department has indicated that it could handle the addi Clonal reeponaibilit iee utilizing existing personnel. False Alarm Ordinance December 6, 1989 Page Two After ex~ fining the facto and determining that there will not he a negative impacc on staffing antl services already provided by the City and that a positive benefit to law enforcement eervices could be gained, the Public Safety Commission recommended that the City Council consider adoption of the attached False Alarm ordinance. Attachment OAB/oaf 89-'121 ~~i ORDINANCE N0. ~~ AN ORDINANCE OF TI1E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CU CAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 8 OF THE RANCHO CU CAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 8.26 E NTITLEO "SERVICE CHARGES FOR FALSE ALARMS" AND PROVIDING FOR SERVICE CHARGES TO DEFRAY THE COSTS OF FALSE POLICE ALARMS A. Recitals. The City Council of the fi ty of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby ordain as fellows: SECTION 1: Chapter 8.26 hereby is added to Title 8 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code to read in words and figures, as follows: "Cha titer 8.268.26 "SERVICE CHARGES FOR FALSE ALARMS Sections: 8.26,010 Definitions, 8.26.020 Response servicz charge. 8.26.030 Billing. 8.26.040 Enforcement. "8.26.010 Definitions. For the purposes of this Chapter, the fallowing definitions shall apply: "(a) 'Alarm system' shall mean any device designed for the detection of an unauthorized entry on premises or for alerting others of the commission of an unlawful act, which device, when actuated, emits a sound beyond the business premises or residential unit or duelling protected by such device or transmits a signal or message to another location. "(b) 'False etarm' shall mean an activated alarm or alarm signal from any alarm system which is responded to within the City of Rancho Cucamonga by the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, but for which no emergency situation exists or where there is no evidence to indicate that there was an emergency situation as determined by the responding officer. 'Falsz alarm' shall net .^.clude these alarms activated by extr ordinary meceoroiogi cal, atmos pheri c~, or other conditions or means as determined by said Sheriff's Department. "(c) 'Fiscal year' shall mean the period from and including July 1 of any year to and including June 30 of the following year. "(d) 'Person' shall mean any fndividual, partnership, corporation, or other entity. ~~#5 Ordinance No. *** Page 2 "8.26.020 Response service charges. A service charge which is established by resolution of tfie City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga in order to defray costs incurred in providing law enforcement services in response to a false alarm shall be paid to the City, by each person who possesses premises, for each fourth and subsequent police response made to those premises generated by a false alarm during any fiscal year. "8.26.030 Bil lino. The City's Finance Department shall cause to be iss u.l a monthly bill for the unpaid service charges accrued during the billing pa rind and any prior periods. Such bill shall be due and payable within fifteen (15) days after the billing date. "8.26.040 Enforcement. The amount of any service charge shall be deemed a debt to the City. n action may be commenced in the name of the City in any court of competent jurisdiction for the amount of any unpaid service charges. All service charges shall be deemed delinquent fifteen (15) days after they are due and payable." SECTION 2: The City Council declares that, should any provision, section, paragraph, sentence or word of this Ordinance be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, and words of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3: The Mayer shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (16) days after its passage at least once in The Dail Re ort, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of ntario, Ca ifornia, and circulated in the Citv of na nc no wcamon ga, La nfornra. d ~ Y CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 6, 1989 TO Mayor and City Council I FROM, Jack Lam, AfCP, City Mananc( ~ i BY: Duane A. Baker, Sr. Administrative Assis t t SU6JECT: Animal Control Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council approve the schedule and work program for establishment of a City operated a, imal control program and authorise staff to send out Request for Proposals ro select an architect to design a City Animal Care Facility to be located on a site adjacent to the Sports Complcz. As listed in the goals and objectives of the City Council, staff has examined alternatives to providing amoral control servi:es to the City. Alter examining the service requirements as outlined by the Animal Control Subcommittee (Stout and BuqueO and exhausting the contrecling alternatives it was decided ,~ r.al., el ~... ,~.., r.,...,, _.. .... a..a Outlined below are the (aciors That need to be considered when examining an animal control program. In researching these factors, staff consulted wish such groups as the Humane Society of the United States and toured several (acililies including Monterey Numane Society, Peninsula Humane Society, City of Fremont Animal Control, Mario Numane Society. Southeast Area Animal Control Authority in Downey, Pomona Valley Humane Society, Riverside Humane Society, and County Animal Control in Devore. From the research and lours, staff has been able to establish a picture of the animal control needs of the community and Ihose things which need to be done to meet those needs. Number of Animals The first (actor that needs In be defined is the number of animals that cart he expected. The currcn( County estimate (or 1989-90 is 2,720 which is 2.6% of our 104,700 population. In comparison the Humane Sncicty of the United States suggests a formula of animals handled equaling 7% - 107x, of the human population, For Rancho Cucamonga that figure would he 7.329 - 10,470 (or the current year. From the research conducted it appears that the 7°6 figure is an accurate indicator for California cities similar to Rancho Cucamonga. 7 Animal Control December 6, 1989 Page 2 However, to be conservative a figure of 8.5% will be used. Based on the 8.5% figure, animal projections for Rancho Cucamonga are as follows: Year Animals/Year Animals/Dav' 1990 8,900 102 j 2000 11,900 136 2010 15.300 175 'Animalsr'Day based on a 5 day stay less 20% for early roleascs Services Provided The next piece of information required to determine the size and scope of a City program is the services to be provided. To determine this list of proposed services, the initial concerns of the City Council Subcommittee and observations made of other animal control programs were used. The following list of proposed services is an initial attempt to outline what a City program can do for the community. As work progresses and staff is hired, this list can be used as a guideline for the development of specific operations. Provide 24 hr. service via on-call personnel. 2. Have at least one certified state humane officer on staff. 3. Work with full complement of officers (3) Monday -Friday from 8 a.m. !0 6 p.m. a. Total personnel proposed would be 4 animal control officers, 2 dispatch clerks, 7, kennel attendants. and 1 animal nnntrnl coordinator. 4. Respond to every request for service. Respond to emergencies as quickly as possible, depending vn location, not to exceed 2G minutes and non-emergencies within 4 hours. 5. License dogs year round at the facility and actively canvass to license mare animals. Hold animal vaccination and licensing clinics at least three times a year, 6. Provide traps to residents free of charge (with deposi U. 7. Operate shelter and program from 8-6 Monday through Thursday; R-B Friday; 8-6 Saturday; closed on Sunday. The shelter will be open fur adoptions from l0-6 Monday through Thursday: 10-8 Friday: acid 10-G Saturday. 8. Program will provide public education materials and tours when applicable. 9. Shelter should have capability to handle livestock such as goats or horses. V Animal Control December 6, 1989 Page 3 10. Sheller should not have a veterinarian on staff but should contract for vet services. 1I. Shelter staff should be able to coordinate volunteer activities and utilize the volunteers to supplement educational and care capabilities. 12. Shelter should have 24 hr. self serve animal drop-oft. 13. Shelter could be built oo[entially to accommodate other enmmnnitiec sheltering needs to help generate revenue during that time period when full use of the facility is not needed. Size of Facility With the number of animals to be handled and the types of services to he provided defined, the size of the facility can be determined. Based on the numbers of animals projected it is estimated that the facility will require the following number of runs, cages, and square footage: Year Animals/Da Do Runs Ca es S Ft. 1990 102 61 41 6,300 2000 136 R2 54 8,000 2010 175 I05 70 10,200 In addition, when considering the design of an Animal care (aciliry, attention should be given to making the facility easily expandable beyond the 10,200 sq.ft, to accommodate any unforeseen circumstances that may arise. Land Needed & Sile Location To accommodate a 10,200 sy.tt. facility, cxtcmal stable, exercise areas, necessary parking and circulation, and room for unforeseen needs a site of I.0 to 1.5 ac res is needed. The calculations for the site size is outlined ir. Appendix A. In addition to being of adequate size, the site must be relatively isolated from residential uses in areas of the Cily that are zoned to allow animal care facilities. The above criteria limit the available area to subareas I. 3, ft, Il, 13, anJ 14 of the Induslria!'7Rrea Specific Plan. Fortunately, an opportunity has arisen for the site to be developed adjacent to the Sports Complex due to the impending acquisition of land along Arrow as shown in Appendix B. This would allow the Animal Care Facility to 6e develooed to take advantage of the Spnn.a f`nmpleq oft sites ?nd the exposure to the peopic to enhance pet adoption and use of the facility. Not only does the Sports Complex site provide for greater use of the facility but also the site meets all the requirements listed above and provides good access for service to the community. ~~9 Animal Control December 6, 1989 Page 4 Management Structure Typically, cities That have animal control programs have them under the police department. Rancho Cucamonga's stmeture will not allow the typical arrangement so the optimum structure is to have an Animal Control Coordinator who answers directly to the Administrative Services Director. Becau Administrative Services currently handles business licenses and some fine collection as well as hnilding maintenance it seems the mest reasonable location in the organization in which to place Animal Control. The Sheriffs Department will participate by assisting in off-hours dispatch and other support capacities. Capital Costs Itemized below arc [he projected capital costs for the animal care facility and the necessary equipment for the animal control operation. These casts exclude land which would be contributed by the Redevelopment Agency. It is estimated that the capital casts wit! be approximately 51,378,SS0 plus contingency which would bring the total amount to approximately 51,500,000. tem Facility (10,200 sq.ft.) 1,020,000 Fu rniturc 15,000 3 ea. Animal Control Trucks 60,000 3 ea. Computers 9,000 I na Primrr t non I ca. Typewriter 500 Communications Equipmcnl 20,380 Copier 3,000 Contingency 121,120 Operations Cost The annual operations fpst Cor the animal control program is estimated below. The operations cost include personnel, insurance, materials, supplies, and contract services. Also considered in determining the annual operations cost is an estimate of revenues generated by the program. For This report a figure of 5150,000 was used for revenue. This figure is based nn an increase over current County revenue Gom their operations in our Ciiy of 5126,700 due to cn Lanced scrvicec nmvirird by a Pity n Dram After subtracting estimawd revenue from the operations cost net annual cost for animal control is 5281,930. It is anticipated that with inflation annual operating costs, by the time the program actually begins, will be close to 5325,000. If the 575,000 that the City currently budgets far animal control is considered, the new program will cost approximately $206,930 more annually in today's dollars. Opera!ions costs arc itemized in Appendix C. ~ 50 Animal Control December 6, 1989 Page 5 Funding Sources The capital cost for the animal control service would be financed over a two budget year cycle utilizing various sources of "patched" revenues. These revenues ar outlined below: F.Y. 1989-90 animal control 250,000 contingency. 3. F.Y. 1989-90 contemplated savings 200,000 from 800 MHz financing. F.Y. 1990-91 animal control 250,000 contingency. 5. Capital Reserve Fund F.Y. 1989- 675,000 90/F.Y. 1990-91. Thic approach avoids placing any additional debt on the City's General Fund. ProJecl Schedule II the City Council gives direction this evening to proceed with development of a City operated animal care facility and animal control program. staff will begin the necessary work immediately. The proposed time schedule for a completed facility and program Stan time is 22 to 23 months (as outlined in Appendix D). .~ 51 APPENDIX A Lot Size Calculations Facility Square Footage Boilding ] 0,200 Stable Area 500 13xercise Area 180 Parking Stalls 7,011 (based on 9'x19' stall with 1 stall for every 250 sq.f[. of building) Pazking Lane (24' wide) 4,320 Parking Lot Landscaping (]0% of 1,133 pkng. lot) Set back (25' x 200' frontage) 5,000 TOTAL 28,344 additional circulation 2,400 tUN6 contingency 3,074 ~ Grand Total 33,818 SeL -!~ -, ~~ ~_ - ,_ , ,~ APPENDIX S ,~ca 'on of Animal Care Facii' ~~~ ~`r~ ~!F~ y , ~ .. ~; ~, ,. ;: ±. ~_ ~r, ~~,. ~_ _ DER- ~ 111.1_, 5 ~'i ~. I _ _ ~ _ ~.~, r.1 V.N ~,.' . '1EI' i ~ i ~~~OC]Ga~O ~J ~~~~i' ~1i - FJ v i ~~ U ~ C~ ~ .~` ° ~ ~;~r ° oti .~53 '~6~~K0~ C~UK~L~C~~~'~~ ~4 ~~tl~/I~'I~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA ~:;.,-~-=,~~ ~_ 1 '~ P ~ '~ _ ___ L• ~~~s APPENDIX C Annual Operating Costs Item Cost i Animal Control Coordinator 40,2 i 2 Animal Control Officer (4) 105,792 Dispatch Clerk (2) 46,224 Kennel Attendant (2) 41,424 Benefits C 35% 81,778 Personnel Total 315,430 Worker's Comp. 26,000 Liability Insurance 7,300 Office Supplies, Printing, & 4,000 Postage Community Awareness & 1,800 Education Uniforms & Accessories 3.000 Field Supplies & Equipment 2,000 Kennel Supplies & Services t 5,000 Custodial Supplies 2,000 Vehicle Gas, 11~Saint. & 24,600 (Dues & Subscriptions 2001 II11111I1g OC VCVCIUpfllelll L,JUV Emergency Vet Services 6,000 On-Site Vet Visits 4,000 Canvassing Services 10,000 Licensing Supplies 3,100 Misc. Services (Disposal, 5,000 Repairs) Supplies ~ Services Total 116,500 TOTAL 4 31, 9 3 less licensing & fine (150,000 revenue _ _ GRAND TOTAL° ~ 2iii,43 * 1989 Dollars ~5`~ APPENDIX D m m L O C U E ,~ 0 - -~-~ o 'u ~ ly ~ ~ M ~~~ i~ ~ m I ~ ._ P ' j y f C N I~ 6 Y j L s y LL _ 4y ~y C S U fr ~ ~ r ~! x 4 I II N g > d' i ~ ~ B s ~ & ep ~ w g a~~ 3 t m ~ ~ ° a t ~ 3 z ~ ~ 8 1 5 ~ ~ gBZ $ a:¢ ab¢ Z 7 ~ U ~5S CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMQRANDUM DATE: December 6,1989 TQ Ma rand Members oft i Council Yo tY FROM: ~ Jack la` Citv 1 na er BY: Rick Gomez, Community Development Director SUBJECT: VICTORIA GARDENS REGIONAL SHOPPING CENTER ~a0 G~MO,yp' ~ n z O z f I ~ _Z J ~- . -D 19r I I. ABCTRACi: This memo describes the program that is anticipated over the next nine months leading up m the Agency's approval of the architectural and landscaping plans in August 1990. II. PROPOSED PROGRAtir: The Owner Participation Agreement (OPA) establishes a schedule of performance for both the city (Agency) and the redeveloper (Hahn Foothill Associates). Essentially, the OPA requires the redeveloper to submit detailed architecmral, site plains, grading and landscape plans by June 30, 1990. The Agency must approve these plans within 6I1 days after receipt of the plans. The objectlve of this program is m assist the developer through the process to assure that 1) the mall proceeds in a timely fashion, and 2) the Bnal product meets the city's expectafions. A task force of staff, called the Project Review Team, has been assembled to coordinate this process (see Exhibit'A7. The major components of the program are: o Commission Workshops -The Planning Commission will conduct monthly workshop meetings with the developer, The first such workshop is tentatively -scheduled fur mid-February. Staff will continue to inform the Council of these meetings in advance. o Develotxr Meetings -Staff will meet bi-weekly, and as needed, with the developer to revmw progress m wmplenng the taslu which wnll culminate with submission of final architectural, grading and landscaping plans in June 1990. o Staff Mmtines -Weekly, or as needed, staff meetings of the Project Review Team will begin immediately. A detailed breakdown and Flowchart of the program is attached for your review and consideration. As a follow-up to these meetings, staff will report to the Council on a regular basis on the progress of the mall. III THP VEXT STEP: The nesFeteps indicated in this schedule are the rind to prepare the following: Preliminary grading and topography. Tra((ic/ciradalion study Parking study Wind analysis In addition, the developer, with Agency staf(assistance, will continue working with Southern California Edison on the corridor shift, preparation of drainage studies and initialing discussions with Caltrans regarding improvements along Foothill Boulevard. AUachments: Exhibit'A' -Project Review Team Organizational Chart 'B' -Schedule 'C' - Howchart z w cti ~F H~ 5 a I I Iq~ I~ I~ 1 i~ 1 1~ I-a I~ ~~ I m I m o I I J 1 1 I I ~ I I I_______.....____.__ ViCiOAIA GARDENS REGIONAL SHOPPING CENTER EXHIBTT'B' November 28, 1989 o City Council/Planning Commission Workshop December'989 o Developer meeting with staff to idenfify specific tasks and work products to accomplish t>zfore next Workshop. o Developer contract for engineering. traffic, parking, drainage, wind analysis, topography and survey. o Start ppreliminary off-site improvement discussions with Caltrans. o Continue meeting with SCE regarding corridor shift. January 1990 o Developer prepares conceptual site/architectural plans based upon: - wpimi Sire Tian - Conceptual Landscape Man/Urban Design - Architectural Concepts (including design guidelines for majors) March 1990 o Planning Commission Workshop Apri11990 o Manning Commission Workshop May 1990 o Submit Off-Site Improvement Plans o Planning Commission Workshop (Optional) Jw~e 1990 o Submit for formal Public Hearings on C.U.P. (full design review packeU July 1990 o Approval Off•Site Improvement Plans August 1990 o A proval Fiwl Architectural and Landscaping Mans (Conditional Use Permit/Design Review) ~~ February 1990 o Planning Commission Workshop: J ~, a V p Z W a e a 'O S. ~ 2 a N a Q Q 8. E " N Z p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ H z a °' ~ W V M oG z a f i O ~ ` ,s m ~' V ` Z' U m x = 6 H Z ~ ~ a U a W p a o ~ ~~' ~ ' i u - i ~ 7 0 ~ z o ~ g g ~ ~ 3 WW w ~ ~ d a 3~ K 3 LL . W ~ f a ~q ~~~~N,'r,T~~~~R! "yam. - '.1 ( ~ ~ !a'~` i 1 ~~_,~,s~u'~ I~ ~-~~~~ CARVN HOMEOWNERS ORGRNIZATtON •i~~ ~'~~~ ~Y P O BOX 2651 /I'/>11 RgNCHO CUCAMONGAr CA. 91730 ~\ +;J ~~. DeGeffibEr , L°Og ~nrr~~ i 4 Nnnnrable ^+a vor Stout, City Council, and Ci tv Staff: EIFGIIIVE ~fICEAS President - Chuct Naynes The residents from the Carvn Community would like Vice President - D+ve bubslt: to express our sincere thanks for your leadership and Treasurer- Cbris Atacb support in hel nine to defeat the puarrv and mi nning Secrehry- Scett Wrke operation behind our community. Parli+eeat+rian-Vona Klosky This has been a long hard fought battle and without lIDAAD Oi DIAECTDAS your continued efforts we would have surly lost. Special acknowledgment must be given to Mr. Brad eueller for his &r+ld Aieken exceptional testimony on Monday, December 4th hefore the Nite tier board of Supervisors. Leslie Van Ness Nlte Kl+sty This entire fight has taken a team effort from 1986 when lie AeN the Victoria Community first spoke out. We later joined Vic i+lce forces to become part of roar team. rrtnn cite auyV~, l of ~:,::; the supervisors to the Citv of Rancho Cucamonga to the Steve Hanley residents, workinn together has shown its rewards. We P+ut Amer are aware this maV not be over but for now we can return Kaibi Perez to our lives and the city can get on with other duties. Katti Hanley Dan Keeley This is a wonderful Christmas gift from the city to the R+tt Acteed residents, and we thank vou. i in e CPRVN HDMEnIJNERS RRC,ANIZA7I ON fharles Havnes, President e Lewis Homes Management Corp. 1356 NaM MaW~ A~s^ae / P.O. Boi 670 / Upnod, Califamie 91765 714965-0971 PAX 711961-9799 December 5, 1989 ' CcrP g~'1 n ~:. - . ., ..;r,~~:, 1 ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~O~vCA ~~ Dti05~,983 - '..'. . Planning Department City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attention: Ns. Nancy Fong Gentlemen: We hereby withdraw our appeal of the condition requiring us to add a passageway in Building,^R^ 01 Terra Vista Town Centar~ us ..~e, utll bs su4....i}~.,5 a rav.a ed Plo, 1r. -ice z..tk l.,lt sl.+.-}~I . Thank you for your consideration. 7 Sincerely yours, /~ /~ ~~ Richard A. Mager Executive Director Commercial Division RAM:mh '~rbbie CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM c~o,~ ~~ ~'~ r 0 0 F ~ Z U > 1977 DATE: December 3, 1989 TO: City Council FROH: Clyde A. Sopd, Chairman Public Safety Commission SVEJECT: TRESPASSING ORD3NANCE The origin of the proposed Trespassing Ordinance dates back to complaints brought to the Commission by citizens regarding undocumented workers trespassing onto private property. Citizens who reside on Arrow Route complained, among other [hinge, that workers were loitering on private property, blocking driveways, sidewalks, and the like. Councilwoman Wright also expressed concern about the public safety aspect of this eituat Len. The Trespassing Ordinance was one of several aspects the Commission utilized to mitigate the Arrow Route problem. A Commieaion.lnitiated teak force addressed other public health, safety and fire concerns. It is the Commission's feeling that this ordinance will assist citizens and law enforcement to dsal with a variety of problems Citywide resulting from trespassing onto private property. We therefore racononend its adoption. CAB:jle