HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990/01/03 - Agenda Packet CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETINGS 1st and 3rd Wednesdays - 7:30 p.m. • January 3, 1990 Lions Perk Community Center 9161 Base Line Road iwwiw w~wuuugx r• City Councilmemben Dennis L. Stout, brYyYr Pame18 1. Wright, Counrilmembn Deborah N. Brown, bravo. Pro rLm Chadea J. Buquet, Counrllmember William 1. Alexander, covnrilmembeL •• tack L-AR1, rq. Nnnnoer Lames L. Markman, cur A«n.ne~ Debra 7. Adams, oro c~L.e II City <MBce: 989-1851 Lions Park: 980-313 city Council Agenda January 3, 1990 pACe All itau aubeitted for tDS Citp Couveil AgesW suet W in writing. Th• dpolina for subeitt in9 these Stga L Ss00 p,e. oa the Medn•sday prior to the seating. Tha City Clerk'a Offie• reeeivse aii suck itps. A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Pledge of Allegiance to Flag. 2. Roll Call: august _, Alexander _, 5t out _, Brown and Wright _. $. ANN0UNCENRIT$/PRESENTATSOM• 1. Pzeeentetion of 5-year Service Piny to Coaimle•Soner Aay McIlvain and Councilwoman Pam Wright. S. COMMDMICATIOEE FROM TEE PDai.ir Thin is the !Le and place for Lha general public to address the Oitp Couvcii. 9tnte lam pmhiDitc the Citp Council Era addrudv9 any issue not previously inalud•d oo the Agenda. The City Comcil uy reeeiw teatiawny •vd ut the e•tbr for • aubuqueat wetiag. CveeentE are to M lieLLed to fi vw einules par iadividusl. D CON86NT CALENDAR the following Conaevt Calendar ite•s era expecCSd to be routine and nov-controversial. Thq mill be acted upon Dy the council at one Lice without dLcussioa. Any ilas uy be reevved by • Couneilwnber or seMber of the •udieoce fos discussion. 1. Approval of Mlnutaes November 28, 1989 November 28, 3989 November 29, 1989 i OeCembez 6, 1984 December 12, 1989 (Wright absent). December 20, 1989 2. Approval of Warrant e, Register Noe. 12/6/89, 12/13/89 and 1 12/20/891 and Payroll ending 12/7/89 for the total anrount of 52,428,515.82. f'i~ ~~ ~ir' ~JLr City Council Aqenda January 3, 1990 PAGE 14 3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule as of 12/21/89. 4. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On Salsa General 21 Eating Place for Chili's Grill a Bar, Chili's, Incorporated (P-12), 747 feet east of the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Haven Avenue. 5. Alcoholic Beverage Application for O!f Sale seer d Wine 23 far Nre. P's Quick Cu ieine, Eatl 7. III and Rrieten A. Pritchard, 9045 Vineyard Avenue, Unit 6. 6. Alcoholic Beverage Application Eor On Sale Beer S Wine 25 Eating Place for Saleitee Mexican Grill, Armando L. end Dolores D. Compean, Vincent M. and Suzanne Y. Padua, 10540-A Bees Line Aoad. 7. Alcoholic Beverage Application for Off Sale General for Z/ Warehouas Liquors, Elizabeth Louise Dickey, 10277 Foothill Boulevard. s. Approval to authorize the advertising of the "Notice 29 Inviting Bide" for the Rocheetar Avenue Seat Side Parkway Beautif icetion Improvement Project between Foothil3 Boulevard and Baee Line Rond to ba funded from Beautif icniion footle, Account No. 21-4647-8935. RESOLUTION NO. 90-001 3p A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP Tlfe CITY 08 RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CAL IPORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECI PICATIONS FOR TFIE "ROCHESTER AVENVB EABT SIDE PARENAY BEAUTIFICATION iMPROVBMENT PROJECT BETWEEN FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND BASH LIMB ROAD", IN SAID CTTY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVES~23E TO RECEIVE BIDS 9. Approval to authorize the advertising of the "NOtlce 34 Inviting Hide" Eor the Arrow Route Street Improvement and Slgnal Upgrade at Haven Avenue Improvement Projects, from Boat of Hernwee to Haven Avenue to M funded from Systems ~ ~ Development Puna Account No. 22-4637-8858 end TDA Article H Account No. 12-4637-8831. ~'i~~ ~~ '-'v~'13 `c~C~ City Council Agenda Janunry 3, 1990 PAGE RESOLUTION NO. 90-002 35 A ABSOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCNO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVZNG PLANS AND SPECIPICATIONS FOR THH "ARROW ROUTE ETRSET IMPROVEMENT ANU SIGNAL VPGRADE AT RAVEN AVENUE IMPROVBMBNT PROJECTS", FAOH EAST OF HERNOSA 'ib HAVEN AVENUE, IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLEAR TO ADVERTIES 1b RECEIVE BIOS 30. Approval to redeem bonds, publish and mail Notice of 39 Redemption for prepaLd Aeeeeemente within the 6th Street Snduettial District (82-iA) for approximately $25,000.00. 11. Approval of the Banner policy and appropriation of 41 $12,000.00 from the undee Lgnated balance of Pund 25 foc design, pu rcheee, end install anon of the banner poles. 12. Approval of Parcel Map 12504 located at the southwest 43 corner of Lomita Court and Arehlbeld Avenue submitted by Walrick Properties, Ltd. RESOLOTION N0. 90-003 44 A RESOLUTION OP TN6 CITY COUNCIL OF TNH CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PANCSL MAP NUNBSR 12504 (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 12504) 13. Approval to open eecrou with Rollin and Ann Smith for 4S purchase of land at 4322 Etiwanda Avenue, to obtain rho right-of-wny for the Base Line Road Widening Project between Victoria Park Lens end Interstate 15 for $44,000.00, plus escrow coats of $2,500.00 to De paid from 5yeteme Development Pees Account No. 22-4637-8731 and authorlr the Clty Engineer to execute all necessary documents. 14. Approval to authorlxe contrneting with two Interne to 46 assist wish the preparation of computer equipment to the ~ civic Center to be funded from Contract SetvLcee Account 33-4130-oWR far approximately $5,000.00. 15. Approval of E[Lwande North Environmental Impact Report 47 Consultant COntreot - A request to npprova Utter Amendment Mumbsr 2 (W E9-041) Cor required addl[SOnal services by Michael erandman Auoeietss, Incorporated in ihs amount of $48,500.00. said [ands have Wen deposited with the City by the applicant. k ~r ~t_` CLty Council Agenda January 3, 3990 PAGE 16. Approval to execute Recreational Joint Uee Agreement (CO I 51 90-001) with San Bernardino County Flood Control District fot Community Trail Purposes on Alta Loma Storm Drain and Alta Loma Baeine No. lr 3 and 3 and authorlring the Mayor to sign same. .7. Approval io award and execute contract (CO 90-002) tot 64 Atee V Hillside Road Storm Drain, Phase II, Improvement Project located between Archibald Avenue and Alia Loma Channel to C.B. Cooke, Incorporated for the amount of $334,281.00 (5303,892.00 plus 30t contingency) to be funded with Drainage Punde, Account No. 23-4637-8862. le. Approval co execute contrace (CO 90-003) for the Milliken 67 Avenue Median and Eaet SLde Entry Monument Tmprovament Project located from Fourth to SLxth Streets awarded to Valley crest Landscape for the amount of $481,606.00 ($437,823.26 plus lot contingency) to be funded from Beautification Funds Account Nos. 21-4647-8814 and 21- 4647-8719 (PY 89/90) Awarded November lr 1989. 19. Approval Co execute Agreement for Installation of Public 68 Improvesiant and Dedication (CO 90-004) between E. Lorraine Halloy and the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga for street frontage improvements along the property at 8783 Attow Route, for the Baker-Arrow Route Storm Drain and Street Reconstruct icn Protect. RESOLUTION NO. 90-004 69 A RESOLUTION OF THE CISY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE AGREEMENT FOR ZNSTAI,I.ATION OP PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AND DEDICATION PAON E. IARMINB MALIgY POR THE BARBA-ARROW ROUTE STORM DRAIN AND STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT 20. Approval of egreemant (CO 90-005) between the City of 70 Rancho Cucamonga end Scott Cable Communications, Incorporated, foz additional construction Permit Ptovie lone. ~ ~ 21. Approval OE Map, execution of Improvement Agreesent, 71 Improvement security end Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Melntenance Diatrici No. 1 and Sirest Lighting Mnlntensnce District Nos. 3 end 2 Eor Tract 13621, located on the northeast corner of Hi llslde Road and Hermoes Avenue submitted by Sehame Development Company. !'", ~r1 ~,~ 4r' rte', ~~C City Council Agenda January 3, 1990 Pnce RESOLUTION NO. 90-009 72 A ABSOLUTION OF THS CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY OF AANCFIO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECVRITY, ANO FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 13621 ABSOLUTION NO. 90-006 )$ A AESOLJTION OP TI7B CITY COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OP IUNCRO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDEAIN6 THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANOSCAPS MAI NTBNANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND STABET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO3. I AND 2 FOR TRACT 13621 22. Approval of Map, execution of Imptovemer.t Agreement, ~6 Improvement Security and Ordering the AnnexatLon io Landecepo Maintenance Dietrict No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance Diet rlet Nos. 1 and 2 for Tract 13891, located north of Wilson Avenue, vest of Deer Creek channel aubmiited by Pacific International Development, Incorporated. RESOLUTION NO. 90-007 ~~ A RBSOLVTION OP THB CITY COVNCIL OP TXE (:T TV OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVBMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY, AND FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 13891 RESOLUTION NO. 90-008 78 A RESOLUTION 08 THS CITY COONC IL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CVCAXONCA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TM6 ANNEXATION OP CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND STREET LICNTIN6 MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NoS. 1 AND 2 POA TRACT 13853 23. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement, Improvement 81 Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape ~ ~ Maintenance Dietrict No. 3 and Street Ligiltinq MaLntenance Dietrict Noe. 1 end 6 foY CUP 87-29, locntad et the southwest corner of t.omite Court and Archibald Avenue submLiied Dy Weixick Properties. City Council Agenda Janu my 3, 1990 PAGE RESOLUTION ND. 90-009 82 A ABSOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IHPROVSt~NT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEIIBNT SECURITY POR CONDITIONAL USS PSAMIT NO. 87-29 RESOLUTION NO. 90-010 83 A AESOLUTLON OF THB CITY COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OR-BAING THE AA'NHXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 AND STAEBT LIGHTING MAINTENANCB DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR CVP 87- 29 26. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement, ImprovemenE 86 Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Noe. 1 and 6 for DR 88-13, locntetl on the north aide of Trademark Parkway, seat of Haven Avenue eubmitta6 by Reiter Rinker Gateway. ABSOLVTION NO. 40-011 $~ A ABSOLUTION OF TH6 CITY COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVBMENT AGREEMENT AHD IMPROVEMBNT SECURITY 1 POR DEVEIAP!ffiNT RBVIEW NO. 88-13 88 RESOLUTION NO. 90-012 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH6 CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, ORDBAING THB ANNEXATION OP CERTAIN TBRAITORY TO LANDSCAPE NAINTBNANCB DISTRICT NO. 3 AND STRBBT LIGHTING MAFN~ENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR DR 88- 13 25. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement 6xtenaion for 91 Tract 13441 located on the northeast corner of Victoria i Perk Lane end Eenyon Way eubmftted by Grupo Development. RESOLUTION NO. 90-013 93 A ABSOLUTION OB TN8 CITY COUNCIL OF TH6 CITY OB RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMBROVBIOSNT ACREEMEMf EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TMCT 13441 ~~~/ ~~~ s ''~~•it Y!~ City Council Agenda 7 January 3, 1990 PAGE 7 26. Approval to accept Improvements, Releaae of Bonds and 94 Notice of Completion for Parcel Map 8617 located on the northeast corner on Highland Avenue and Milliken Avenue. Releaae: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $288,OOO.OD Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 28,800.00 95 RESOLUTION NO. 90-014 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPOANIA, ACCEPTING THS PUBLIC IMPHOVEl02NT5 POR PARCEL MAP 8617 AND AUTHORIZING TR8 FILING OF A NOTICE OF CD!@LSTION FOA TEffi WOAR 27. Approval to accept improvements, releaea of Maintenance 96 Guarantee Bond for Tract 12238 located on the northwest coiner of Church Street and Hallman Avenue. Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 46,540.00 28. Approval to accept Improvements, releaea of Maintenance 97 Guarantee Bond Eor Tract 12835 located on the asst aide of Vineyard Avenue north of Arrow Highway. Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 8,300,00 6. COMSENT ORDINAMC6S The followi¢g Ordinanesa bare bad public hesringa at the tiaa of firer ruling. eacond readings era •:pactad !a Aa routine aad non-controrarsial. Thy will Da acted upo¢ h7 the Council at oaa Lisa witbau! dieeuuion. The CiIP Clark will road tba litla. AuT itacu Da raaovad [or diacuuion. 1. APP OVAL OP TRSBPASSIN- O IN xCg xCOMlU3NpSD TO TNB CITY 98 I ` CO(I~CIL BY TH6 PVBL IC 3AFBTY COMMISSION - Ordinance prohibiting traapaeaing on prlveta property. ORGiHAIiCS NO. 408 (eacond readLng) 98 AN OADINANCE OP THE CITY COVNCIL OP TNS CITY OF MNCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, A10;NDING CHAPTER 9.18 OF TITLE 9 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONCA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING A NSN SECTION 9.18.012 ENTITLED "TAESPASSEB UPON PRIVATE PROPERTY PROHIBIT80" F"f~ ~ T~ r b~~ s City Council Agenda January 3, 1990 PAGE F. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARIMGe Tbs following itua Dave Map advertised and/ax postal u public bearings as required by law. The chair rill open the eeatiag to receive public LeatLgay. 1. PUBLIC HEARING TO RECB IVE INPUT REGRADING THE PROPOSED 111 V O O BANYAN BTRBET BBTWBEN ARCHI BALD AVENUZ AND NBPMOSA AVBHUB WITHIN ASS8SSM8NT DISTRICT 84-2. AWARD AND AUTHORISATION FOR 6RECUTION OF CONTRACT POR SAID PROJECT BTAlP NEQVEBTS ITEM E6 CONTIR06D TO JANUAET 11, 1990 2. CON 0 n 101 to the Rancho cucamonva Munlcloal Code oertaininv Co ~etab11eh1np a film permit proceae RESOLUTION NO. 90-015 1~~ A RESOLUTION OF TFD[ CITY COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIPORNIA, 85TABLISHING FILM PERMIT RBGVLATIONS ORDINANCE NO. 410 (flrat readLng) llll AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP TFB CITY OP R11NCN0 CUCAMONGA, CALI PORNIA, ADDING A NEW a.awrraa o. ae '[V THE RANCHO CUCAXONCA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE PILHING PEPMIT PROCESS 3. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESBNBNT AND 6ENEAAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89- SSI 03A _ - A City initialed application to amend the Housing Element of Lha Aencho Cucamonga General Plan to delete the policy wAlch limits the number of very low and low Sncaoe avbeidized houaing unite Within any Single development project. RESOLUTION NO. 90-016 147 A ABSOLVTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-03A, Al~NDIN6 THE i ~ C$NEAAL PLAN HOUSLXC ELEMENT 6Y DELETING THE POLLCY WHICX LIHITS THE NUMBER OT VERY LON AND IAN INCOME SUEBIDIEED HOUSING UNITS WITHIN ANY SINGLE PROJECT, AND MAEINC PIND LN63 IN SUPPORT THEREOF .-ri~~, =ti ~t,. dry City Coun^,il Agenda January 3, 1990 PAGE 4. N B N ND T fH0 CU NGA UNI 149 CODE BY ADDING A NBW CHAPTER 19.16 ANO ADDING A NEW I 0 5 RTA NG U RHNE RESOLUTION NO. 90-017 154 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNS CITY OF A1ViCN0 CiiCAHONGA, CALIFORNiA, ESTABLISHING A XERISCAPB ASSESSMENT SYSTEM POA REVIEW OF LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS ORDINANCE NO. 411 (first reading) 157 AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIbNGA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING A NEW CNAPTBA 19.16, ANO ADDING A NHW SHCTION 17.02.135, TO THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO BSTABLZSHING XBRZSCAPE RSQVIABHENTS 5. CONSIDHRATION OF AM$NOINC PAACHL MAP 11030 LOCATED ON 1bO THB NORTFOS119T CORNER OP HAVEN AVHNVE AND POOTHILy H RESOLUTION NO. 90-018 161 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY w nnncnu Cl~OM1oNOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDING PARCEL MAP 11030 s. 162 CODES POR INCLUSION IN THE MIM{I CIPAL CODH BUILDING REGULATIONS 0ADINANCB NO. 412 (flrat [aading) 166 AN GYD INANCB OP TRB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIPOANIAr AMENDING CILIPTEAS 15.04, 15.08, 15.12, 15.1fi, 15.20, 15.28, 15.32, 15.36. 15.40. AND 15.06 OY TITLE 15r BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION, OP THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADOPTING BY ~ i REFERSY.CS THS `VHIPORM ADM1N13TMTIVE CODS"r 1988 EDITION/ TN8 UNIFORM BVILDING CODE. 1988 EDITION INCLUDING ALL APP&NOICE6 THERBm) TNH "UNIFORM BUILDING CODE STANDARDS^, 1988 EDITIONi THB "UNIFORM MSCHAHICAL CODL", 1988 EDITION, INCLUDING ALL APPENDICES THERETOt THE "VNIPORM PLUMBING CODE"r 1988 EDITION INCLUDING ALL APPENDICE87 THE "UNIFORM CODE r 5•-~~ y~~~i PAGE city Council Agenda January 3, 1990 30 POR THE ABATSNER'I OF DANGEROUS BVILDINGS", 1988 BD ITION) Tim "UNIPORM HOUSING CODE", 1988 EDITIOH7 THE "UNIPOAM BUILDING 98CVRITY CODE", 1988 EDITION{ AND THB "UNIFORM SIGN CODE", 198E EDITIONS NITR CERTAIN AHENDNENTS, ADDITIONS, DELETIONS AND EXCHPTIONS TO SAID 00065, INCLUDING PENALTIES O. PUELIC HEARINDB 'i Tae following ilwa Mve ao legal publication or poeliag '' raquirewnts. The Clair will open the acting to receive public teatiaoaP. 1. - An nppeal of 208 ' the Planning Commioion'a decleion to deny without prejudice a request for a carport addition to an ezlettng automotive repair at 8517 Norte 6rOVe Avenue. APN 207- ' 220-05. (COaliaued froe Deceeber 6, 19 s9) i AESOLVTION NO. 89-596 233 ' A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, VPHOLOING THE ~. PLANNING COleII SSIOM'9 DECISION TO DENY WITHOUT PREJVDICE MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. 89-22, 'i 1.Ul:A'taD ON TH6 SOUTHEAST CORNER OP ARROW ~ HIOHNAY AND GROVE AVENVB IN THE GENfiML COMMHACIAL DISTRICT AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF ' 2. MODIFICATION TO DBVELOPMBNT REVIEW 8E-32 - N°LSON - 235 Appeal of a Planning Camelssion decision to deny n request to modify a condition of approvsl requiring eurety for the raaaval of the eriatlnq detention basin and CoweMUCelon of a storm drain tacil ity for n development on 1.55 actea in the Oaneral Industrial Dlatrict (Subarea 14) of tho Industrial 9peciflc Plan, located at the Southern terminus of Hyssop Drive, north i of 4th Street, - APN 229-333-02. rr..i,~ C'h" ~j~, PAGE City Council Agenda January 3, 1990 11 RESOLUTION NO. 90-019 257 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING AN APPEAL OP A PLANN2NG COY.MISSION DECISION TO DENY A RBQUSST TO MODIFY A CONDITION OF APPROVAL POR DEVELOPMENT RBVISN 83-32 REQUIRING SURETY FOR THE REMOVAL OP THE EXISTING DETENTION BASIN AND CONSTRUCTION OP A STORM GRAIN FACILITY POR AN INDOSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ON 1.55 ACR83 OP LAND LOCATED AT THS SOUTHERN TERMINUS OP HYSSOP DRIVE AND NORTH OP 4TH STREET 3. CONSIDERATION OP ADOPTION OP ATTACHED RESOLUTION NHICH 259 ~PEATSD RBINSPECTIONB RBSOLUTION NO. 90-020 264 A AESOLUTZON OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING HOURLY RATES FOR PULL TSME INSPECTION PROVIDED UNDER RANCHO CUCAMONCA MUNICIPAL CODE FOR REPEATED RSSNSPSCTIONS <• 266 V - A ieaOlut ion amending fooe for various permit and plan chocking services provided by tAe eu ildinq and Sefety Divlaion. Rb30LUTION NO. 79-18 2]3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING AESOLUTiON 79.1, SECTION 1.0, AMENDING PEES FOR PERMITS AND SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION 5. CONSIDERATION OF ESTAELI3NING SPEED LIMITS ON lAIRMONT 2$6 NAY VINTACH R2VE SBVHNT~i STREET AND VICTORIA PARR LA.:E ,.kY~±~ ~rt~. 4~f PACs City Council Agendn January 3, 1990 12 ORDINANCE NO. 413 (first reading) 293 AN ORDINANCE OF TH8 CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ANBND ING SECTION 10.20.020 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY CODE, A80ARDING PRIMA PACIB SPEED LIMITS OPON CERTAIN CITY STREETS S. CONSIDERATION OP SEATEBOARD ORDINANCB ABOOHHEN^ED TO THE 296 C U O -Ordinance reetrlcting the use of ekateboer~a in the public right- oE-way. ORDINANCE NO. 414 (first reading( 297 AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, ADDING CNAPTBR 10.68 TO THE RANCHO NCAMONGA MUNICIPAL fpDB PBATAINING TO THE U9B OP ROLLER SIUT89 AND SIMILAR DEVICES IN CERTAIN AREAS 7. OF-WAY POR 299 AND HAVEN AVENUE - PuDlie Nearing of protests regnrtling Eminent Domain action to ncquire public eight-of-way for the 19th Street Nideninq Proiact Detwean Archibaltl Avenue and Hdven Avenue et the property located et 6'729 Hermosa i :..mme ~+rn tu[-~Ut-Utl), 10223 19th Street (APN 202-201- 40), and a vecent lot on 19th Street (APN 202-201-72) for the construction of street improvements across the frontage of ealtl property. RESOLUTION NO. 90-021 3~Q A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP IVINCNO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE PUBI~IL NBBD AND NECHRSITY TO CONDEMN A PORTION oP CBATAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATBD IN TM8 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ASSBSS0R'9 PARCEL No. 202-201-OB, FOR TH8 NIDENING, REALIOHMENT, CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT O! 19TH STREET (BTATE ROUTS 30) B8TN8EN ARCHIEALO AVENUE AliD HAVEN AVENUE, AND HARING PINDINOS IN 9UPPOAT THEREOF ~l rx,'.''`~ PAGE Clty Council Agenda January 3, 1990 ~ 13 RESOLVTION NO. 90-022 305 A RESOLUTION OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP PANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI FOIW IA, DECLARING THE PUBLIC NE80 AND NHCESSITY TO CONOBMN A PORTION ' OP CHATAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA~ CALIFORNIA, ASSHESORS PARCEL NO. 202-201-40, FOR TNS WIDENING, REALIGNMENT, CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT OF 19TH STRHST (STATE ROUTE 30) BETWBSN AACHIBALO AVEN06 AND HAVEN AVENVP„ AND HARING FINDINGS ' IN BUPPORT THEREOF 310 RESOLUTION N0. 90-023 A RHSOL'JTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP TH8 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING TFtE PUBLIC NEED AND NHCBSSITY TO CONDEMN A PORTION OP CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN TMS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL IPOANIA, ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 202-201-72, FOR THE WIOHNING~ REALIGNlAiNT, CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT OP 19TH STREET (STATB ROUTH 30) BETWEEN ARCNIBALD AVSNUB ANO MAVEN AVENUE, AND MARLNC FINDINGS IN SUPPORT TFIEREOF 8. W!-WAY POR 315 CPBSR CHANNEL TO 1300 FRET EAST TNEAEO! - Public Haering regarding Eminent Domeln ecLion to acquire public right- of-way for the Cucamonga Storm Dr¢in, Phase 3, located at 7797 Vineyard Avenue (APN 208-091-24) for ih0 canetruct ion of storm drain Lmprovementa across said property. RESOLUTION NO. 90-024 320 ' A RESOLUTION OP TN8 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONOA, CALSPORNIAr DBCLARINC THS PUBLIC NSSD AND NECESSITY TO CONDEMN A PORTION OP CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA, ASSBSSOA'S PARCfiL NO. 205-051-24, POR THE ALSONMENT, CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMBNT OP THE CUCAMONGA STORM DRAIN (PNA88 1), AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THSRSOY "n PAGE City Council Agenoa January 3, 1990 ~ 14 R. CITY MANAOER'3 STAPP RHPORTB Tha following itra do not lagallp raquira app publio tastLOVp, although the Chair ry open tha rating for public input. REQUEST BY ALTA LOMA LI AGIm TO fU; ITY ~ 325 COU.7C... AEGAADIN6 OSS OP REO XIL P OR THE 1990 SEASON REPORT ON OPEN SPAC6 STUDY OF FLOAT IN Ph 0 IGNATSON I 326 PRIORITY RECOlODSNDATioNS FOR P nr ACO +r armr_u (COOtinuad fros October 1E, 1989) REPORT ON HISTORY 7~N0 FEASIBILITY OP D OP I 332 CH.?FFBY I_ RGIONA* p~A R, Tha following itra haPS hra rsqurtad by the city Comdl for diacuasioa. They an not public haarfaq itra, although the chair ry opaa the rating for public input. 1. CONS IDBMTION OP RR RniIIT Tnw v PLIGHTS OVER TFte CITY OF Raxrwn r. n^ T(COntinuad trots llacanbar 6, 1989) BTAFF RHQV68T6 THIS ITm1 BE CONTINUED •iv JANUARY lI, 1990. CONSIOBRATION OP REAPPOINTMENTS TO TH8 A I 359 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION RO R OP DI CTOR CONSIDERATION OP APPOINTMRNT9 OF P B IC SAFETY I 360 COMHIS__ SIppgR9 _ Council SuDCOmmlttee recoamandat ion for Public Satety Comoieaion Appointmenie. J. IDENTIRCaTION O! ZTENS roR wR -- Thin 1a the lies for Citp Comcll to idsvtifp the liga why wish to diacuta at the part ratfag. Thaws itesa Mill not Da diacuasad at thin ratiag, Daly identified for the nsrL meeting. ~~. y.yi i / `"\.,~ .• ~_ PAGE City Council Agenda January 3, 1990 15 R. COMMUNICATIONS yR011 THE PUBLIC Thin Le the ties and pLce for the general public to addra as the City Council. Btab law prohibit. the Citp Council froN addr•edag nap issue not pr•vioualy included oa Lhs Agcoda. The City Comcil up radive tutlaoay and ast the utter tar a suha•queat .acting. CooeOts are to b• Baited to five miautcs par ia6ly iduai. L. ADJOURNMENT NEBTIN6 TO ADJOURN TO A JOINT NEBTINO NITS THE RTSTORIC PRESERVATION COIOIIBSION ON JATRIARY 9, 1990 AT '/t00 P.M. AT T~ LIONS PARR COMMUNITY CRlTER. I, Debra J. Adams, City Clark of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby ccrilfy that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was poetcd on December 29, 1939, seventy-two (72) bourn prior to the meeting per Government Coda 54953 at 9320-C Base Line Road. i ~~iti, ~i.. '~ 4; November 28, 1989 CITY GF RANCHO COCAMONGA CITY COVNCIL MINUTES Joint Meeiin4 with the Rancho Cucamonga Plnnn'n4 C n A. CALL TO ORDxIt A joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission of the Cliy of Rancho Cucamonga met on Tuesday, November 28, 1989, Ln the Llone Park Community Center, 9361 Bees Line Road, Aancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mayor Dennle L. Stout. Present were councilmambers: William J. Alexander (left at 8:25 p. m.), Deborah N. Brown, Chnrlee J. Buquet II (nrrived at 6:44 p. m.), pemala J. Nright, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present ware planning Commie/ioners: David Blaka/ley, Suzanne Chitiea, Peter Toletoy, Betsy Weinberger, and Chairman Larry McNiel. Also present were: Jack Lem, City Manager? Linda D. Deniola, Deputy City Manager; Rick Gomez, CommmLty Development Director; Jen Raynold/, Aeeietnnt RDA Analvet: Rrad Rotta. n,«~ n3_y~_r~ ~~~~ ,~~ yapucy silty P1annBt; LaYYy Henderson, Principal Plannrr; Nancy Fonq, ^Senlot, Planner; Au98 Megu ire, City Engineer; JoB Stofa, As/oclate civil Bnglneer; Laura Bonaccors i, Landscape Dee igner; Cindy Hackett, contract Engineer] Jerry Crant, Building Official; Jim Martin, Plan check Coordinator; Patty Riftel, Executive A9eietant; Jim Frost, City Treasurer; and Debra J. Adams, Clty Clark. ~ . . + . A D. ITEfUI OP DIDCVDDION Jack Lam, City Manager, outlined the items to De die cue/ed nt the meeting. He presented elides of eha site and gave atetierica on the shopping center. He presented elides on the conceptual design of iha shopping center. He presented information on the improvenwnia to take place to get reedy Eor the mall. Ho also gave Liasframae Pur comolet ing the project, •eith tctal compirtier. to a done in 1992. Jack Lam, city Hanager, turned the meeting over to Dan Pslix of the Hahn Company. Dan Felix, rho Mahn company, ehenked the City for the opportunity to have thi• meetinS. and to ba able to get the necu/ary Sntoematlon frao rho City Council and the Planning Commiufon in order to qo forward wish thi• project. Ne introduced Duncan Dudingor, Project Manager, and Bill De6ie1, architect from The City Council/Planning Commission Minutes November 28. 1989 Page 2 Jarde Partnership. Mr. Pelix told how shopping centers are put together. He stated the reason Cho moeting was delayed back in September wan because they wanted to expand the tiro[ phase of building for the shopping canterr and had gone back to Jarde and asked them to do this because Lhey realized the City had and was growing eo much. Dan Fel: x, the Hahn Company, turned the meeting over to Bill DeEiel, arch iiect, who gave background on hie crxnpany and sll tY.e ehoppinq centers hie company hoe been involved with. He ei sied they did Lake a look ni this 60 days ago to re- evaluate the plan in order io make it a better project. He stated there will be the conununlty aide and the regional aide of the ehopping center, and aiated that the major stores can be moved around in order to accomodate them. He explained how the parking would be designed, and how the access would be designed leading into the mall ae it relates to the various grade level e. Ne talked about the water features within the ehoppinq canter, and how the various levels open up to this. Dan Felix, the Hahn Companyr Wtatad the elides the[ are Wing presented tonight are not what will actually be in the Rancho Cucamonga mall, but Lhey are being shown to get Sdeee Erom the City as to what they like end do not like, so they will know whni to present to Lha Planning Commission in Pebzuary. Jack Lam, City Manager, ntated that anises the City Council specifically wanted to, they will not see the design of the ehoppinq center until after it has been approved by the Planning Commission. Maycz Stout aiated that one concern of hie wee the connection from the ehoppinq annte. ~n....~... fir, __•L......... yi wleu4. More diecuasion followed regarding the connection of these two prapert ies, Commissioner To}etoy asked what was the reason the majors were not in favor of the water. Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, Stated Lt was mainly the liability aspect. F.ayor Stout asked if theme was still to be community apace to the ehoppinq center. Jack Lamy City Hanagerr stated year there would be. Chairman McNiel elated he felt the City should let them know who[ architectural style this Proiact. Should be. Commissioner Chit Lee stated she felt some of the Italian, sic., architecture tnet we9 previously included should still remain. chnirman McNiel stated he felt Horton Pla:a wnW a vary trendy Whopping center, and felt the Victoria aerden• Regional mall Whould not be dWeignad thn[ way. CLty Council/Planning Conmie9lon Minutes November 28, 19 H9 Page 3 Dan Pelix, the Nahn Companyr stated he felt "timeleaeneee^ was an important aspect of the shopping center. Counci lwotnan Wright einted eha did not feel th is should be a generic ahopping center either. Bill DeEiel, architect, stated it would not be. commieaicner Chitiea stated that in their tour of Horton plaza they noticed the quality of material used, and felt this was very important for a Rancho Cucamonga shopping center. Councilwoman Wright asked if this was a coveted mall. Dan Pelix, the Nahn Company, stated St was a climate Controlled mall, but that the food court waa both Lnaide and oui. Councilwoman Wright asked if they have taken the wind factor into coneideretion. Dan Pelix, the Hahn Company, stated trey would invectigete this. Commissioner Chitiea felt they ahoulO 6e aencitive of Lhe design both inside and out, and also added she fell the noise factor should be considered eo thnt the shoppers will be more relnxed. Commissioner Toletoy stated ha liked the idea of curvee within a ahopping canter, that he did not like along, straight look. Commissioner Wetnbergar stated she really liked the Mein Place in Santa Ana. Mayor Sieut etaeed traffic circulat Lon should also De eonaidered to handle built- out circulation. Councilwoman Weight etaeed easy parking should be considered, end further etaeed this will be one thing that le looked at Ln Pebruary ae to how the ahopping center will ff.t with the City circulat ton plan for thin area. councilman Buquet added ~a le very concerned with traffic circulation. Dan Feltx, the Hahn Cgnpeny, stated they ors eeneii Lve to rheas concerns. councilman Buquet stated he dou not went tM chopping canter i0 look like the ehopging center !n San Berne rdino. He furLF.er stated ha ie aiso concerned about the wind factor. councilwoman Brown orated her concern wee how the Victoria Lakes project would fit In wttD the ahopping center. councilwomen Wright ctaLed she felt everyone should be unrltive to the acceac to bosh the Victoria Lakes project and the regional moll. City Council/Planning Commission Minutes November 28, 1989 Page 4 Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, eteted iE the City does rtot want them to connect to the Victoria Lakes project, they should et ate ibis to him. Counc'lman Alexander stated he liked the idea of the shopping center not being trendy, and felt the idea of pride was very important and the idea of conservation in all areas should be considered. Commieeioner Chit tea stated she was dieapm toted in not see 1.^.g ary underground or covered parking. Councilman Buquet Eelt the Ldea of leveled parking should also be Considered. } } R • R f Councilman Alexander left the meeting at 8:29 p. m. . w } } . . chairman McNiel stated he did not wens to Fee a "sea of esphalt^ ae the site plan now showed, and concurred with what Commlesioner Chitiae had suggested, each as the underground or covered parking. Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, stated they are aware of the City~e etandarde, and will work with the City on this. He conmented Chat structure parking ie very expensive. Commieeioner Toletoy asked if such things ae skating rinks wars part of the plan. Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, stated that in recent years, they have not put skating rinks Ln shopping centers. Commiaeioner Toletoy asked if daycare cantata were to be a part of [he shopping center. Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, elated they will work on this issue, which would be considered in the amenity package. Chairman McNiel stated he bed concerns regarding the "regional elde^ and the "community Fide^, and dLd not want one aide to have to be eacrlficed. Dan Felix, the Hehn Company, stated this would not occur. Jack Lam, city Hanaget, added that iD 1984-1989 thorn was a traFFic study taken, and added that there will to a new tratfic study accompl Sehed. Commleeioner Chltiea comawnteQ she felt the view of Cucamonga Peek should be considered in the view of the design. Dan Pelix, the Hehn Company, stated they are trying to put together eomethinq that the mej ors will like, but that they do not want to have a •Ltuat ion whets the tail ie wagging the dog. City Council/Planning Commission Minutes November 2B, 1989 Page 5 Councilman Huquat stated he is disappointed with the amount of iime i1 has taken to get this far. He fe1L a firm cc:®1LSaent should be made in order to get this to move forward. Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, stated they would like Lo bring the emended plane back in Pebruery. Jack Lam, City Hanager, stated he would like Lhie to come Dack in mid-February at the latest. Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, added Lhey plan to open with four major stores, with the other two following. • • f f • R There were no communicntions Eor the Council or the Plnnninq Conmiesion. . • • • . The Planning Commiadon ndjcuzned at 8:50 p. m. The City Council took • recess et 8:54 p. m., end would edjourn Co a special meeting following the recess. Respectfully submitted, Debra J. Adams City Clerk Approved: November 28, 1989 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 5cecial Meeting A special meeting of the City council of the city of Aaneho Cucamonga met on Tuesday, November 28, 1989, Ln the Lions Park Community Cenierr 9161 Baae Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 9:05 p.m. by Nayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councilmembsra: William J. Alexander, Deborah N. Brown, Charles J. Buquet II, Pamela J. Nrlght, and Mayor Dennle L. Stout. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager] Linde D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager; Aick Gomex, Community Development Director; Brad Buller, Ciiy Planner; Larry Henderson, Princ lpel Planner; Aus• Maguire, City 6nginaer; Jerry Grant, Building off is iali Jim Martin, Plan Check Coordinator; and Debra J. Adams, City clerk. • ~ • ~ B. CONSENT CALmIDAN Bi. Approval to eet public hearing for December 20, 1989 relative to adoption of updated versions of uniform Codes for inclusion in the Municipal Code Building Regulations. MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Wright to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. C1. $~:[;E T SPHERE Ur INFLUENCE ANEA Staff report preaenud by Jeok Lem, City Maneger. Councilwoman Brown etetad thnt Supervisor Welker had suggested there should be some kind of a committee aetabl iehed to work on soning, etc., for this, end that it was not included in the Aeaolution. Jeck Lam, City Msneger, suggaatsd the! on pegs two of the Resolui ion that the following words be added nt the and of Namber 5, ^end that a technical committee comprised of City end County staff W mated Co study same". City Council Minutes November 28, 1959 Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. 89-568 A ABSOLUTION O- THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP MNCHO WCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE SUPPORT OP THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY BOARD OP SUPERVISORS RELATIVE TO THE CITY ACTIONS TO ANNEX TH8 ETIWANDA NORTH SPHERE AREA MOiiON: Moved by Brown, seconded by Buquet to approve Resolution No. 89-568 as amended. Motion carried unanimously, 5-O. • • . . e C2. DISCUSSION OF AGRICULTURAL PRESERVB Staff report preeented by Brad Buller, City Planner, who stated the informai ton preeented was for Ccuncil'e review. councilwoman Brown stated it was between Chino and Ontario ae Ear ae who should get it, but felt an 6IR should W done with whoever Lakes tae plan. She stated that according to the County, they will De using the grant money and other money eources to purchase ae much of tae agricultural preserve se pouLble. She felt if the County had the money, and the land was avaLlablo to purchase, Chet they move forward with taut. Ccunc ilman Alexander felt the City could possibly be getting into the power struggle with chino end Ontario. Councilwoman Wright stated she was not auto anything Rancho Cucamonga said would have any effect on this ieeue, and was not sure Rnncho Cucamonga should get involved. Councilman Buquet felt this would be a •no win" situation for the City. Mayor Stout stated ha has hie personal opinion On this ieeue, but did not feel ae a repreeentatlva of the Ciiy he could make a statement on behalf of ihs people of the Clty, not knowing if it was of importance to them to get involved with this. Jack Lam, City Manager,..wggaetad that Lf the City wanted to make some statement about the egriculturnl preaarve, but not wlah to gat into the debate of tAe envlronmentnl issues or taking sides with the Cliy or whetaver, they could take the stand that the agricultural preaarve is an ecomonic reeoures in the County that hoe been vary important to the economy of the region. He stated the Council could poaeiDly support its coot Lnuatlen to the extent that it continues co be economically vleOle. xe felt this way the Couneil woultl not be making a determination of when it would became uneconomically vleble, then there would be no eidee token on the issue of who gate the sphere. Counlimen Alexander end Suquat felt that etatameni would at ill ba indicating the city was taking eidee an the ieeue. City council Ninutee November 29, 1989 Page 3 Ccuncilwoman Wright stated eha has personal feelings about this, bvi agreed with Mayor Stout •e feelings on doing something about this. Mayor Stout stated ha did not see the City taking a position on this issue due to the comments made, but that if any Councilmembere wantetl to make a pereonel atatemant they could on that basis. ACT lON: Nc action taken w • w R D• COMNVMICATIONa TROM TH6 POBLIC Joe DiIOria, the Caryn Canpany, felt pressure should De epplletl In a proactive manner on the regional mall, and felt a task force should be established to help meet the Pebruary dote. Jack Lam, city Manager, stated the City has a staff team establiehad to work with the developer of thle project. Joe Dilorio, the Caryn Company, felt meetings should take place on a weekly bee ie. Rick Gomez, Community Development Director, ateted this Le whet is being done in order to work things cut. councilwoman Wright suggested n task force be made up of the Planning Commission ..•... ....e ..11r w..u~ii w work un cna project. Rlck Gomez, Community Development Director, stated staff plane to keep the Planning commies ion and City Council informed of what happens with the meet rage that will take place. Joe DSIOrio, the Caryn Company, stated hls concern was that the Hahn Company might take the shopping canter our of Rancho Cucamonga and go to Pontana. Councilwoman Brown euggyeiad a subcommittee bs fo[med to Lncluda Councilmember Buquet and Mayor Stout. Mayor Stout suggested they let staff work with the dwelopst is planned, but for he and Councilmember Buquet to monitor this closely. ___.._ilwcma.^. Wright atatad eha did no[ agree. Mayor Stout stated he did not feel eomethinq should be done behind the Planning Commission's bock and did not [eel a decleion should be made tonight. Councilwoman Brown stated that ii should W conveyed to the Planning Commission that the Clty Council LB not trying to usurp their power. November 29, 1989 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Spacial Meeting A. CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Aancho Cucamongn met on Wednesday, November 29, 1989, in the Flower Room of the 9ycnmoYe Inn, 8318 Foothill Boulevard, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Tha meeting was called to order at ex 10 p. m. by Mayor Stout. Present were councilmembere, Nilliam J. Alexander; Charles J. Buquet II; Pamela J. Wright; and Mayor Dennis L. SLOUL. Also present were: Jack Lam, Clty Manager) Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager; Duane A. Baker, Sr. Adminietrstive Asaistnnt; Debra J. Adams, City clerk; Vndereheriff Dick Nilllama, Sen Bernardino County Sheriff's Department; and Captain Eugene Gilmore, Rancho Cucamonga Sheriff'• Department. ~ ~ • : Jack Lam gave an overview of the items on the agenda Eor diecueelpn 1. Disease ion of orcaniratlonel and operation Philosophise of the Sher lff's Die artment ns it Raletee to contract Cit lee. ^ick Nilliame, Ugderahe~f, caked that the City Council ask questions that were of concern ao that ha may be able to address those concerns. He went on to explain how tea Station Coamandsr• bsaically act ae a Chief of Police. He etatetl they are to take dLracL LOn from the City Manager and the City Council. He felt [hat both the City end the County Sheriff's Department were not working together ae they should, and suggested that Doth the Clty and the SAerlff'e Departmen[ sit down and diar,lg9 the !eeu4e that k'6YC important t0 toe City ee that the Sheriff •e Department COUld find out how they could go about achieving what tN city ie trying to accomplish. Na stated ha did not feel Captain Cilmors had the cut horiiy hs should have. Councilman Alexander stated he felt communication between the two agencies wee very important. City Council Hlnutee November 29, 1989 Page 2 Dick W11 Hama, Underaheriff, stated there will be a lot of changes within their organization Sn the very near future. He Pelt there should De continual meetings to discuss probieme and concerns. Re brought up the identification cancerne Por the City, and that he could understand the City's position. Councilman Alexander Drought up the fact that ha felt it was a problem when you have an off tear who ie familiar with Raneho Cucamonga'e community, and they gat promotes and moved to another ar¢n. Dick will tame, llnderahertff, atatad he realiz¢d this was a problem and that it needed to be addressed and corrected. Councilman Alexander atatad ha felt the community was sensitive to this issue. Councilman Huquet stated he felt there needed to ba a balance in order to meet the needs of both the Sherift'e Department and the City. Councilwoman WcLghL asked whet would happen if a Deputy's philosophy disagreed with the City's. Dick Williams, Undareherifl, elated Aa would apprsciatt heating from the City council of such a problem, and than ha would deal directly with the aituae ion to resolve it. He stated he hoped the Cliy Council would Ldentify the problems, and he would be happy to deal with ahem. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated he did not feel Captain dilmore had the Ereedao to deal with soma of the problems that have coma up. Councilmen Alexander stated ha tall the 9heriff'• Department would be cooperative with the City during the process of the upcaoing Law Bnforceunt Study. Dick Williams, Undeceheriff, stated that if it came about whece there was a transition of a police department caning about in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, that the County Sheriff's Department would ba willing to tacilltate that transition. Councilwomen Wright asl{~1 chat with this willingness to eccamadate the Clty'e concerns, wMn could tM CiLy and the County sit down ^_o dimuu those Leeuee. she aeke4 if the City could expect the seeaions to tale place even though the City is conduMing the Law Enforcement study, end further stated she hoped same of the changes that have bean diecuuad could still take place. she asked how soon they could get together for thus discuuiona. Dick Wllliama, Undereheriff, felt they could do this attar the first of the year. Ha suggested that the Clty Council express tAslr concerns so ha could alt down wLth Jack Lem, City Msnsger, end try to work them out. City Council Minutes November 29, 1989 Page 3 Hayor Stout stated this wan like a new family business when it [tatted out between tae city end the County, Dut with tAe way the Ciiy hee grown, things have changed and the City ie trying to give tae beet possible service they can. He aid*_ed he felt it has been a problem that the City has not had any say-eo in the hiring of personnel. He stated he felt it was a problem that he dose not really know who ie working at the Aaneho Cucamonga Substation. He further stated he hoped th ai the Deputise working Ln Rancho Cucamonga would be proud to be working here. Hayor Stout further [feted he can gee where Lhe philosophy ie changing as far ae the Sheriff moving personnel out of Rancho Cucamonga, and twat now pose ibly the City may aAVe a Bay-eo Sn this matter. He stated he would like to aee pride in the Rancho Cucamonga deportee tAat are working in the Clty. Councilman Buquet etatad hn agreed with whet Mayor Stout was saying, end would hope that the Sheriff would consider tale. Hayor Stout stated ha felt it was a problem when you save a Deputy who gate a year's experience in Rancho Cucamonga and than Ls transferred to another station, then you bring Ln somsonn who has to W trained, and thn City has loot the expertise that was previously hers. He felt ihs City really needed to have more control over thin. Ae mentioned that as felt the last time ha Aad talked to Dick Williams, Vntlereherlfl, that they had a good diecueslen end felt there will be better cooperation between the Sheriff end Lhs Clty Ln iAa future. Councilman 9uqu.t etatad he felt the work control was a problem, and the word "controlling" needed to W defined. He stated ha felt if tats typo of diecueslon *•a ~-!:=- -__ _ _org t - cw~, :..~ .. .uuiw, c w ac cne point wa ere et now. He Eelt the problems that~are in axieience now can De worked out. He etatad he felt there was a great deal oP pride in the Reneho Cucamonga Deportee. councilman Alexander [tared he felt that [here le better cooperation new because everyone hee "grown up^. Councilman Buquet etatad he felt iha city would discover that tAey do have a good Ching. Councilmen Alexander etatad he hoped tM study would be a fair study. Dick Williams, Underaharit [, etatad ha did not foal tAey have done en of ticiant job, but that afies hearing span of tM complaints, that rhos problem[ could be worked out. councilman Alexander etatad ha felt that eEUr 6alnq hero tonight, iha problems could be worked out. Hn stated teat even though tASre were problems, hn felt there warn n let of posit lvas to W looked at also. City Council Ninutea November 29, 1989 Page 4 Captain Gilmore, Sherif£'^ Department, stated that when ha first Came here, they did not have any input in the involvement of the Sheriff's services, but felt that in the laei year and a halt, there hoe been more involvement with the City, and that Lt ehould ba treated ae a bueineae eo they would hnve a say-eo in the Sheriff's operation. Cou ncil~: omen Wright etaLed she liked Mayor 9tout•e statement about the pride of the law enforcement aarvieae in this City. Mayor Stout stated he appreciata4 being listened to by Dlck Williams, Undaraheriff, and thei they were both trenting this ns a buelneee. Ne stated that whether or not Lha city gets Chair own police department, it hoe nothing to do with the Sheriff's Department Deing bad. He stated that all he wants ie to provide the beet pouible service to the City thnt can ba provided. . ~ ~ . 2. Diecuaeion of Uvcominv Lew 8nforceaant Studv. Jack Lam, City Manager, eiatad the City Council ass a Subcoaaitiee of two, and the Public Safety CammLaion hoe s Subro®Lttee o[ thrw. Ha stated Hughes, Heise and aeeocietae will b• the coneulisnt conducting ihie eLUdy, that tale will ba going to the Public Safety Cammieaion and the City Council for their approval to execute the contract e, and that the work ehould W atertad at the Daginning of January. He atatad tea study should take about four months to do, and that the findings will bs prevented back to tM Public Safety Camlaiaalon and the Clty Council. Mark Gutgluock, ruidant, asked what the study would enroll. Mayor Stout stated ha ehould see Jack Lam, City Mnnager, regarding the Hegilest for Proposal. The meeting adjourned et 9:17 p.m. Reepectfully submitted, OeDra J, edema City Clark approved: City Council Ninutes November 28, 1989 Page 4 Councilwan eaquet qlt this project should ba handled the soma way an !M Civic Center wes hand lad Hints that was so 9ucce9atu 1. Risk GomeE, Community Dwslopmeni Director, auggwted hs go back and work on the schedule, and suggest dates that the Council end Planning Commineion might want to get involved in the plnnning process. Mayor Stout euggaeted thin come back on the December 6, 1989 Council ngenda. Jack Lam, City Nnnager, stetad that in defense of the builder, he Peale this ie the "real khing^, and thst they are moving ahead. Na telt the only thing the City needed to push thaw on wet getting the design process eLnrted mare quickly. Councilwoman Nri9ht etetad her main concern was that thin was going to ba a generic shopping canter. Jack Lam, City Nansger, ateiW ha did not foal it would W this way. f R • f MOTION: Movsd by Buqust, seconded Dy Alexander to sdjourn. Notion cezried unanimously 5-C. Heating adjourned ei 9:52 p. m. RupacGfully eubmittad, Debra J. 1~dame City Clerk Approved: December 6, 1989 CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONGA CZTY WONCIL MINOTES A. CALL TD OADER A regular meeting of the City Council of the city of Rancho Cucamonga mat on Wednesday, December 6, 1989, in the Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Baae Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Ths meeting waa cal lad to order at 7:;0 p.m. by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Preaent were Councilmamhere: Nilliam J. Alexander, Deborah N. Brown, Chnrlee J. Duquet II, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Also present wets: Jaek Lam, City Nenagers Aa1pR Ranson, Deputy City Attorney; Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manngai; Rick Comex, Coaawnity Developaafni Director; Brad Buller, City Planner; Lazry Nandaraon, Principal Planners Richard Alcorn, Coda 8nforcement 9uparviwr; Ruea Maguire, city 6nginNr; Jerry Crant, Building Officials Jim Martin, Plan Chock Coordinator; Paul Quintana, Plan unecanc; .,us -vuuiL~, - ~r ~ •-~~ `~5= - ~- _- ^" _____.._.. Duane Dakar, Sr. Ad~iniatretive Aeeiatsnt; Diana o~Neel, AdminietreCivsYAnalyst; Su enn Mickey, Administrative Aida; Chief Lloyd Almond, Rancho Cucamwnga Pire Protection Districts end Debra J. Adams, City Clark. • . . B. AIBIOVNC~7T8/PREBNNTATIOM9 B1. Preaent at ion o6S0-year SeYVlce Pln to Peul Quintana. Preeentat ion was made to Pnul Quintana Dy Mayor Stout. B2. Nayor Stout referred Co the latter tCOm LeWiq Momae Development Corporation asking that their appeal be withdrawn (Item P1 on the agenda). • • • • . . C1. A homeowner trom the Nordic tract (who did not Ldentify haraelf tram her chair) asked chat Lha Nordic itao (Item IY on the nganda) W moved forwud on [he agenda for diecuealon. City Council MLnutae December 6, 1989 Pe9e 2 Mayor Stcut responded they try not to do this, but stated he felt they would not nave to wait very long Defore their item came up. R R R R R C2. Cou ncil,woman Hrown read a letter from Charles Haynos, President, Caryn Homeowner's Association, camaending the City Council and City staff for their efforts in the Rock Crusher matter. "December 5, 1989 Honorable Mayor Stout, City Council, and City Staff: The reeidenie £rom the Caryn Community would like to express our sincere thanks for your leadership and support in helping to defeat the quarry and winning (sic) operation behind our community. This has been n long nerd fought battle and without your continued efforts we would have surly (sic) loot. Special acknowledgment mu et be given to Mr. Brad Huellar (sic) for hie exceptional testimony on Monday, December 4th before the board of Supervisors. Tha entire fight has taken a teem effort from 1956 when the Victoria Community flrat epoko out. we later joined forces Co become pert of Chat teem. Prom the support of Lhe eupsrvisore to the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the ree idente, working together hec shown its rewards. We are aware th{a maV not Wa near hnh fnr nnw wa non .ornm Rn mm lt..oe and rho nl •.r can get on with other duties. " This ie a wonderful Christmas gift from the city to the residents, and we thank you. Sincerely, CARYN HOMEOW'N8R5 ORGANIZATION Char lee Heynee, President" R R R R R R C3. Chuck Naynee, President, Caryn Homeowner's Aaeocietion, 11360 Mount Willi• Court, stated he wanted to correct the interpretation of rho lettor he had sent *o Th? Da11y Report regarding thank!ng them for the protection he had zncciced by the Sheriff's Dopertmant, and eddod this letter was strictly a psreanal note of appreciation and was not intended to refer to any political sanction ae Lo the police study now being done by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Ho furthor eteted he did not approve of the way the City Council hnndlsd Hnrk Cutglueck aL the last mestinq. Ne added he did not approve of Councilmen Buqumt'e attitude, end felt ha owed Mr. 6utglueck an apology. Councilman Huquet felt Mr. Haynes made n cheep shot et him, and added if aomeone nag eomeihing to discuss it should be sgendized. City Council Hinutee December 6, 1989 page 3 Jacquelyn Bolder stated she concurred wish Hr. Baynee• comments regarding Hr. euquet'e attitude at the last meeting. R R • R • • D. CDNB®IT CALENDAR D1. Approval of Minutes: 1i-01-89 11-14-89 11-15-09 D2. Approval of Warrants, Register Noe. 11/15/89, 11/22/89, end 11/29/89; and Payroll ending 11/9/89 and 11/22/89 for the total enwunt of $3,361,750.31. D3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule as of November 29, 1989. ^4. Alcoholic Beverage Application for Off Sale General for Haven Wine 6 Liquor Company, Dominic, ]Caren and Prank BOLra, 9401 Naven Avenue. 05. Approval io nuthorize the advertising of the "Notice Inv itinq Bider" Eor the "Parka Hsintenance Retrofit ProjeM" to be funded frwo Mnintenancs Account No. 01-4647-7063 and the 'Parke Capital Retrofit Project" to be funded from Park Development Pund Account No. 20-4532-7043. RESOLVTION NO. 89-569 A RESOLVTION OY THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPBCIPICATIONS POR Tf7E "PARRS NAINTENANCB RETROFIT PROJECT" AND THE "PARKS CAPITAL RETROFIT PROJECT", IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING TNB CITY CLEAR TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS D6. Approval to reject ell bide for the Haven Avenue Gateway Bntry Monument, located on the northeast corner of Fourth Street and Naven Avenue, ne non- responsive to the nssd~of the City and authorize staff to re-bid this project. D7. Approval to award the Nsst earyl Park Improvemenl Project to Hondo Company, Snnia Ane, California, for the amount of $1,591,834.00 p],ue l0a contingency to be funded fras Perk Development Pund 20-4532-8015. D3. Apprcral c. updated dispcs it icn rspcrt fcr ergo irad properties at /OCOS through 10095 Arrow Route. D9. Approval to certify municipal election results held on November 7, 1989 ere it relates to Msaaure P - Uae or Discharge of gate end Sene 8lteworke Within the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga. City Council Minutes December 6, 1989 Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. 89-570 A RBSOLOTION OP TRS CITY COUNCIL OP TBS CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECITING THE PACT OF TBE GBNBAAL MONICIPAL 8I.%CfI0N if%i.U IN T88 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA ON NOVBlIBBR 7, 1989, DECLARING THE R%SVLT AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS PROVIDED BY THE PROVISIONS OP LAW 010. Approval for the City to contribute $175.00 to help sponsor the publishing of a prevention manual on "Lange, Otoupe, and Cults", to be funded from Account Oi-4122-6028. D11. Approval of %nvironmental Aeeesemebt and Tentative Tract Map, Number 14263 - E.G.M. Development - confirming a City Council decision made on November 15, 19%9, for m appeal o! Planning Commteeion conditions for a residential subdivision and design review o£ 32 condominium unite on 3.35 acres of lnnd, located on the sect side of Cernelisn Street at Vivaro Street - APN 207-022-54 and 66. RESOLUTION NO. 89-571 A RESOLUTION OP TAE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A TENTATIVE TRACT HAP, NUMBER 14263, TO PERMIT A RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OP 32 CONDOMINIUM UNITS ON 3.35 ACRES OP LAND IA THE MEOION AESIDENTW,DISTRICT AND LOCATED ON THE NEST SIDS O! CARNELIAN STRBBT AT VIVBAO 9UPP0RT THBREOPyyw~•• • ............ `._ .-_.__._ ___... __.__ __ D32. Approval of Annexation 89-03 Nomoaiend Development - a request to approve an annexation of approximately 25 acres of san Bernardino County unincorporated area located at the northeast corner of Highland and Rocheeter AVertueB - APN 225-152-O1, 02, 03, Od, and 18. RESOLUTION NO. 89-572 A RE8OLOTI0N OF TFB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY 08 RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ANNEXATION R9-03 (LAPCO 2547) HOMESTBAD DEVELOPMENT, AND ORDERING TERRITORY ANNEXED TO TNB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA OSNEMLLY LOCATED AT THS NORTHEAST CORNER OF NIOHLAND AND ROCHBSTBA AVENUES, AND MAXINO FINDINGS ZN SUPPORT THEREOF D13. Approval of a Aseolution regarding projects bsnefittin9 the project area end making certain findings in regard thereto. City Council Hinutae December 6, 1989 Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. 89-573 A RBSOLUTION OF TBE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP AANCNO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REGARD ZNC PROJECTS BENEPITTING TBE IUNCHO RSDEVSLOPNENT PROJECT AND MARINO CBRTAIN FINDINGS IN REGARD THERETO D14. Approval to establish an amount required of a deveiopment ae a contribution 1n lieu of the conetzuction of Median Island Landecsping on Hi]liken Avenue between 4th Street end 6th Street. RESOLUTION NO. 89-574 A ABSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNB CZTY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING AND ADOPTING A CONTRIBUTION AMOUNT PERTAINING TO TIB CONSTRUCTION OP lDSOIAN ISLAND LANDSCAPING ON NILLIREN AVENUE BETWBLN 4TH BTAEET AND 6TH STREET IN THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA D15. Approval to execute Professional Services Agreement (CO 89-199) with Don Greek and Aesocietee, Incorporated tc prepare plans, epecificatiane and estimate for the Area VI - Highland Avenue Storm Drain fray Archibald Avenue to the Upper Alta Loma channel for a fee not-to-exceed $35,710.00 to ba funded from the City- wide Storm Drain Foes, Account No. 23-4637-8949. RESOLUTION NO. 89-875 A RESOLUTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP AANCNO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, TO AWARD AND BEECUTB A PROFESSIONAL 3ENVICES AOREENHNT WITH DON GREEE AND ASSOCIATES, INCOAPOMTBb OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA TO PREPARE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTINATB FOA AREA VI - NIGitLAND AVENUE STORM DRAIN PROJECT PROM ARCHI BALD AVENUE TO THE UPPER ALTA LOMA CHANNEL D16. Approval to exeeyte Contract (C089-012) Change Order Nos. 1 and 2 for the Amethyst Street at 19th Street Intersection Improvement Project, to be funded from City Wide brainags Fund Account No. 23-4637-8749 end Syeteme Development Fund Account No. 22-4638-8769. D17. Approval to execute a Orant of Easement (CO 89-200) with Southern Cai if crate Edison for electr ioai atrrvicn to Gld Pvwn Park. D18. Approval to execute n Orant of Easement (CO 89-201) aith Cucemongn County Water District through Eeet and Weer Beryl Parks. City Council Hinutea December 6, 1989 Page 6 RESOLUTION NO. 89-576 A ABSOLUTION OP TM6 CITY COUNCZL OP TAE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING POR GRANTING OP BASEMENT THROUGH BAST AND WHST HHAYL PARRS TO CDCAHONQA COUNTY WATBR DISTRICT POR SANITARY SBWBR LING INfiTALLATION D19. Approval to execute an Agreement for acquisition (CO 89-202) of oEf-site property, security, deposit end the related chmgea to Parcel Map 11838 located approx imataly 800 feet weer of victoria Park Lane and north of Baee Line Aoad, eubmitied Dy Rughee/Lyon/Victoria Associates. RESOLUTION NO. 89-577 A ABSOLUTION OB T~ CITY COUNCIL OP 17ffi CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN ACQUISITZON AGAEENENT, fiSCURITY, DEPOSIT AND AELATBD CNANGBS TO PARCEL MAP 11835 PROM HUGHES/L'YON/VICTORIA ASSOCIATH9 AND AUTHOAI2ZNG TN6 MAYOR AND CITY CLEAR TO SIGN SAME D20. Approval to adopt resolutions approving egreeaient• with Cnltrans (co 89- 203) and with We9tetn Land PropertLee (CO 89-204) and the City of Rancho Cucamonga to provide project administration and inapsetian of public improvement to be installed on Foothill Boulavazd from Dear Croak Channel to Rochester Avenue. AAAOT.tfTTON NO. A9-S7A A ABSOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TN6 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING COOPERATIVE AGRHEHENT BETWBEN THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OP TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONOA, POA TH8 ADMINISTPATION OP CONSTRUCTION OP STATE HIGHWAY IHPROVEMBNTS ALONG STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE 66 (FOOTHILL BOULEVARD) eBTNEEN DEHA CREEK CHANNEL AND ROCHESTER AVBNVE IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA RHSOLUTION NO. 89-579 A AHSOLUTION OY THB CITY CODNCIL OP TNB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AGAE610NT BETWEHN NESTHAN LAND PROPBATZBS AND TTI6 CZTY OP RANCRO CUCAMONGA POA TN6 WIDENING OF FOOTHILL HOCTLEVAPD XETWEEN DEER CAEElC CHANNEL AND AOCHHSTER AVENUB IN TN6 CITY OB RANCHO CUCANONOA D21. Approval to order the annexation o! DR BB-29, locntad at the southwest corner of Nillikan Avenue and 5th Street to Lendacapa Maintenance District 3 end Street Lighting Hnintenence District Noe. 1 and 6. City Council Hinutee December 6, 1989 Page 7 AESOLDTION NO. 89-580 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH6 CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING T}IE ANNBXATION OP CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE HAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 AND STABET LIGHTING HAINTENANCB DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 POR DR 88-29 D22. Approval t0 execute Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenmce District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenmce District Noe. I and 6 for DR 88-32, located on the eaei aide of Hyeeop Drive, north oY dth Street, submitted by Hyeaop Properties, a California General Pnrtnerehip. RESOLUTION NO. 89-581 A RESOLDTION OP TA6 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OB RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEl~NT AGREHNENT AND IHPAOVBMENT SECURITY POR DBVELOPHENT REVIEN NO. SB-32 AESOLOTION NO. 89-582 A RESOLUTION OP TAS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO COCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TAB ANNEXATION OP CERTAIN THARITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DIBTAICT NOS. 1 AND 6 POA DA 88-32 uaa. apya uvei ui riori •avuuiiu.. u. :wya u.e...u::+y..a..~.Ar :WV-~•d~^~••- ....C-_ =i and ordering the Annexation to Street Lighting Heintenance District Noe. 1 and 3 for Tract No. 14121, located at the southwest corner of NighlanQ and Milliken Avenues, submitted by The Nilliem Lyon Company. RESOLUTION NO. 89-583 A ABSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO COCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEHENT AGR86MENT AND IMPROVBMEN7~SECOAITY AND FINAL MAP OP TRACT NO. 14121 A830LUTION NO. 89-984 A RESOLUTION OP TH6 CITY COUHCIL OP THE CITY OF IUNCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, OROSRIN6 TH6 ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY 1V STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N08. 1 Ahu 3 POR TRACT NO, 16121 D24. Approval of Map, execution of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Lmdacepe Maintenance District No. 1 and Strome Lighting Maintenance District Noe. 1 end 2 for Parcel Mep 9431, locstad on the seat aide of Beryl Street, south of Hillside Road, submitted by James Bice. City Council Hinutee December 6, 1989 Page 8 AESOLllTION NO. 89-585 A RESOLUTION OF TFte CITY COUNCIL OF TH3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 9431, (TENTATIVB PARCEL HAP NO. 9431), IHPAOVEHENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY AESOLVTION NO. 89-586 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOA PARCEL MAP 9431 D25. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extanelon for Tract 12642, 12935-44 Landscape, located on Lhe southeast corner of Banyan Street and Milliken Avenue, submitted by Xaufman 6 Broad. RSSOLUTI ON NO. 89-587 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND I!(PAOVEMENT SECURITY POA TRACT 12642, 12935-44 LANDSCAPE D26. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Bxtension for Tract 13644, submitted by Woodridge ~EStates, ^Ltd.` RESOLUTION NO. 89-SRR A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13644 D27. Approval to exeGilte Improvement Ayr~eement Extension for CUP 87-26, located on the northeast corner of Vineyard Avenue and Foothill Boulevard, submitted by OAS Investors. RESOLUTION NO. 89-589 CUCAMONGA, V,'CAGIFORNIAr`m APPROVING VIMPAOVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR CUP 87-26 D28. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for 6737 Baet Avenue submitted by Gerald Hessler. City Council Ninutee December 6, 19&9 Page 9 RESOLUTION NO. H9-590 A RESOLUTION OH TRB CITY COUNCIL OP T08 CITY OF RANCHO COCANONGA, CALIFORNIA. APPROVING LMPROVBlBNT ACREEiffsNT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POR 6737 BAST AVENUE D29. Approval to accept Improvements, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for Parcel Map 9192, Street Improvements, Storm Drain end Block Walls; and Approval to ezecute Improvement Agreement and Securities for Parcel Map 9192, Landscape, located on the northMaet corner of Hlghlend Avenue and Rochester Avenue, submitted by Marlborough Development. Release: Faithful Performance eond (Street Improvement) $1 ,019,356.00 Faithful Performance Bond (Storm Drain) $ 676,482.00 Peithtul Performance Bond (Block Halle) $ 534,555.00 Accept: Heintenanee Guarsntea Bond (Street Improvement) $ 101,936.00 Naintenanea Ouarentae Bond (Storm Drain) $ 67,448.00 Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Block wells) S 53,456.00 RRFOT.nTTON Nn. R9-501 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING TH8 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POA PARCEL MAP 9192 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OP COMPLETION FOR THE NORR RESOLUTION NO. 89-592 A RESOLUTjQN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THB CYTY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGRBSMSNT~ IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POA PARCBL NAP 9192 LANDSCAPE D30. Approval to accept Improvement e, Release of Bonds, and Notice of Completion for: Tract 9649 located n the southwest c r of Nilson Avenue end Hermosa Avenue RQease: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $ 510,000.00 Ciiy Ccuneil Minutes December fi, 1989 Pages 10 RESOLUTION NO. 89-593 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPR0VElDiNTS FOR TRACT 9649 AND AUTHORIZING THE PILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION POR THE WORE Tract 13443 located on the southwest corner of Victoria Pnrk Lane antl Fairmont Wav Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $ 487,503.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Hond (Street) $ 48,750.00 RESOLUTION NO. 89-594 A RESOLUTION OP TN6 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL IFOPNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13443 AND AUTHORISING THE PILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION POR THE WORK Trace 13642 located on the east aide of Bervl Street between 19th street and Hamiltor. Avenue Release: Faithful Perfornlenca Bond (SLreeL) 5 210,000.00 n.. ., .........._., RBSOLUTION NO. 99-595 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCZL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL IPOANIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 136d2 ANU AUTHORISING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOA THE WORK MOTION: Roved by WrigJyk, seconded by Brawn to approve the Conesnt Calendar. Hot ion carried unanimously, 5-0. . . . . . 8. CONSENT OADINANCBS E1. ENVIRONMENTA_ ASSESSM..NT AND TPBR VISTA COMMVNITY P RNDMENT S9 O1 WESTERN PROPERTIES - A request to Change various school, tra11 and park Biie deeignatione; to nllow the eetsbliehmant of auto service etntione subject to the conditional Use Permit prooeee along eolected mayor arterials; to delete a portion of Orchard Avenue; and to update the Lendecspe Design ouidelinee and land uee maps to reflect previous project approvals end "ae-built^ conditions - APN 227-151-08, 13, and 14; 1077-d21-O1, 16 end 18i and 1077-091-36. City Council Minutes December 6r 1989 Page I1 ORDINANCE NO. 407 (second reading) AN OADINANCB OP TH8 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING TERRA VISTA CONHUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 89-01, TO CHANGE VARIOUS SCFIOOLr TRAIL AND PARE SITE DESIGNATIONS) TO ALLOW TBB ESTABLISHIffiNT OF AUTO SBRVICE STATIONS SUBJECT TO TH8 CONDITIONAL US8 PERMIT PROCE33 ALONG SELECTED MAJOR ARTERIALS) TO DELETE A PORTION OF ORCHARD AVENUE{ AND TO UPDATE THE LANDSCAPE DESIGN GOIDELINES AND LAND USE MAPS TO REFLECT PASVIDUS PROJECT APPROVALS AND "AS-BUILT" CONDITIONS, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF Oebra J. Adams, City Clerk, read title of Ordinance 407. NOTION: Moved by Baguet, eecondad by Alexander to waive full reading and approve Oidinanoe No. 407. Motion Cariied unanimously, 5-0. P. ADVERTI86D PUBLIC aEARINOE F1. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL OSE PERMIT 88-32 - MODIFICATION - WESTERN PROPERTIES - A request to appeal tha conditions of approval imposed by the Planning Commission requiring s pedestrian passageway through Building K, within tha Terra Vista Towne Center, located at the northeast Corner of Hnvan Avenue and Foothill Boulevard - APN 1077-421-05, O6, and 13. (Continued frog Noveeber 15 1000\ RESOLUTION NO. 89-541 A RESOLVTION OF THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING THE APPEAL AND VPHOLDING A CONDITION REQUIRING A PEDESTRIAN WALI(WAY THROUGH BVILDING % AS IMPOSED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION POA THE APPROVAL OF MODIPICAT ION TO CONDITIONAL USS PERMIT BB-12 WITHIN THE TERRA VISTA TOWN~CBNTER, LOCATBD AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HAVEN AVENUE AND FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, AND MARINO FINDING9 IN 9UPPORT THEREOF - APN: 1077-421-05r 06, AND 13. ITEM NITBDRAWM SV NEBTERN PROPERTIES. (See letter diBLribuiad to CSty Council) G. PVBLZC HEARIN08 G1. APPROVAL OP TRESPASSING ORDINANCE RECOMMENDED TO THE CITY CWNCIL BY THE PUBLIC 9APETY COMMISSION - ordinance prohibiting traepaeeinq on private property. Stetf report pzeesnted by Duane Baker, Sr. AdminieLrative Aeeietant. Mayor Stout stated he ie in receipt of a memo from Clyde A. Boyd, Chairman of the Public Safety Commleeion, which he felt answered hie questions. City Council Minutes Deoember 6, 1939 Page 12 Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. ORDINANCE NO. 408 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OP TN6 CITY COVNCIL OP TH6 CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 9.18 OP TITLE 9 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIkAL CODE BY ADDING A NSW SECTION 9.18.012 BNTITLED "TRESPASSES OPDN PRIVATE PROPERTY PROHIBITED" Oebra S. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 408. MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Brown to waive full reading of Ordinance No. 408 and set second reading for December 20, 1989. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. + • ~ . . ~ G2. MINOR DBVELOPMHNT REVIEW 89-22 - GEIVETT - An appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to deny without prejudice a request for a carport addition to an existing automotive repair at 8517 North Grove Avenue. APN 207-220-05. Rr ad 8w llar, City Plennar, stated thn applicant was not present and asked that the City Council allow him the opportunity to call Hr. Geivatt to see if there was a scheduling mieundezetendinq. Mayor Stoui suggested the item bo trailed until later Sn the meeting in case Mr. Geivatt did show up, and for staff to try to contact him right away to see if he was planning on attending this meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 89-596 A RESOLUTION OF TfOq CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP PANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, UPHOLDING THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TILDENY WITHOUT PREJUDICB MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW No. 89-22, LOCAT60 ON THB SOUTHEAST CORNEA OP ARROW HIGHWAY AND GROVE AVENUE IN THE GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT AND MAEING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF Brad Buller, City Planner, stated they have mode a call to Mr. Geivatt and were iyn g.~rnooof,~l In pognFtng Fy;.r a.^.d --v~octod thi6 bO ......t i.:UOd t.. t::3 DOC~~ber 20, 1989 meeting. NOTION: Moved by Brown, seconded 6y Alexander to continue Stem G2 until the December 20, 1989 meeting eo Chet staff can notify Mr. Oeivett to be in attendance. Motion cerr tad unanimously, 5-0. ~ ~ • . Ciiy Council Minuiee December 6, 1989 Page 13 B. CITY MANAOER'8 eTAPP REPORTS H1. SEr.gCTION OP CONSULTANT TO CONDUCT 'AW BNPOALTNxWT STUDY - Recommendation of cvnaultant based on evaluation of Law Enforcement Subcommittees. Staff report presented by Jack Lam, City Nnnager. Councila,~n Alexander stated there was a lot of evaluation done to make this decision and felt Hughes, Heise 8 Associates was very qualified. NOTION: Roved by Brawn, seconded by Alexander to approve Hu ghee, Heise 5 Associates. Notion carried unanimously, 5-0. • • • M rt H2. CONSIDERATION OF PALES ALARM OADINANCS AS RECOMMENDED TO TH8 CITY COUNCIL BY THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMHISSI ON Staff report presented by Duane BekeYr Si. Adminiatrat ive Aeeist art. Councilwoman Wright asked if the Chamber of Commerce knew this was being discussed. Duane Baker, Sr. Administrative Assistant, stated they had not thus far, but depending on the action Council took tonight, staff would know whether or not tv discuaa this with the Chamber. Jack Lam, City Hanager, euggeeted that fir et reading be delayed until the Chamhar can nive them Inmrt fns thfu nMinennn Mayor Siout euggeeted that in view of the holidays, this be continued to the firer meeting in February eo the Government Relntione Subconmittee o£ the Chamber of Conmerce can give their input to the ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 409 (fir et reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO C^JCAMONGA, CAI.I PORN IA, AMENDING TITLE 8 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE HY ADDING A NEW CHAPTER H.26 ENTITLED "SERVICE CHARGES POR FALSE ALARHS" AND PROVIDING FOA SERVICE CHARGES TO DEFRAY THE CO8T5 OF FALSE FOLI C6 ALARHS MOTION: Moved by Wright, ascended by Alexander to continue the item to February I44i1. Mntin NoA nim ol.. -n f R• 1 f f N3. ANIMAL CONTROL OPTIONS Jnck Lam, City Manager, gave bsekground on this item and Informed the Council why it waa brought before them. Amore detailed staff report was presented Dy Duane Baker, Sr. Adminietrat iva Resistant, who presented elides. City Council Minutae December 6, 1989 Page 16 Mayor Stoui stated the report was put together well. He mentioned that he and Councilman Buquat are the Subcommittee {or this issue and reported on the problems the City hoe had viih the County. councilman Buquet stated he felt this concept would be a better dollar value for the City. councilwoman Wright ateted she Se eppreciai ive of the City Council Subcommittee and the staff report, and felt it was a very complete report. Mayor Stout commended Sack Lam, City Manager, for hie management of this. Councilman Buquet commended Duane Baker, Sr. Administrative Aesi start. Councilman Alexander felt this was an expene ive way to go, but was in favor of it 1008. NOTION: Moved by Alexander, eecontled Dy Wright to adopt at aff'a recwmnendation to establish a City operational animal control program. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. • • e H4. $ECO"MEYDED REC'ONAL HAL:. FROGRAK FOR DEVELOPMENT Steff report preaenred by Rick canes, Camm:nity Development Director. Councilwoman Wrioht exoreeeed her nnnrwrnw far fhn r,.~,nnn ms.... sale ~.. ..+..e input ae to the design. Mayor Stout recommended a Regional Hall Subcommittee be established to be responsible to the Council for reviewing matters with staff on an as-needed 6aeis, and that if there were any concerns by the eubconmittee they be reported to the Council. Councilman Buquet stated whet he would like the Council to accomplish ie a tole where the City Council ie highly vie ible to make sure things stay on track. Councilwoman Wright stated she did not want thle to delay things, but stated things could be delayed at the end if things weren't ae the Council wanted them to be. Hd wr Stout at atad he would ii kw rn a n •no o~n........+.•se w..,....,.,. s +,+. _a.vn p._ _.._ _____..~..-____ _______ .._ .... prey loos Involvement with the project. Councilwoman Brown suggested Councilman Buquet also serve on this Subcommittee. Mayor Stout concurred. Mayor stout asked Jack Lem, Cliy Mnnsger, to set up the mechanlem Por the Council Subcommittee's involvement with this project. City Council Minutes December 6, 1989 Page 15 R R R f f f I• COUNCIL SUSINE38 Zi. ARPORT ON AIR TRAFFIC TRAINING OVER PE SID NTIAL (Oral Report) (COatiaued fro. Novanbar 15, 1989) Councilman august stated he has asked for ihie to be placed on the agenda Decease of hie own concern and concerns expressed by residents. He et ated the area north of Highland has been used for flight training purposes. Ha suggested that a Resolution come back asking appropriate agencies and ant itiee to zeatr.ict this type of activity over the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Hayor Staui asked that thla Resolution come back at the December 20, 1989 meeting. • • R f I2. UPDATR ABPORT ON NORDIC WOOD9 (Oral Report) Staff report presented by Jerry Grant, Building Official, who elated at their last meeting the homeowners fell things ware not getting done as feet ne they should. He stated on November 22 another meeting was scheduled with Masers. Reto end Stranger, which included the City Attorney, to ntiempt to work out some of these problems. He gave further 1nPormation on what still needed to ba corrected. Councilwoman Brown stated the Subcommittee and staff have met wish Nortlic C99IdPnf.fl rn nPh lhlnn. rP4on n...e ..s C_4n n_ .~! _ _ v.__~:.y :'. but that recently [hinge have not been. She stated she is ~henring there mare also other tracts of Nordic's with the same problems. Councilman Bugvet stated he felt there had been some progress made, but added that at their meeting with Neeers. %eto and Stranger, he was told things would be taken care of. He stated the residents were present tonight to speak and felt they should be given that chance. Councilwoman Brown at~ted Ghat Jim Markman, City Attorney, ie looking at every legal alternative ae to what the City can do to correct this problem. Hayar Stout asked if the Nortlic street work on Hillside end 9epphize (the street patch) could be repairetl because it was dropping. Ru ea Mnmii rP. nrrv Fnm nPPn a.~.w r.n •.- .:Quid .`.ova it Jz. the iial fur repair tomorrow. _. ___, _ ~_.___, ______ Mayor Stout openetl the meeting for pu611c Lnput. Addressing the Council were the fallowing who expressed to the Council the problems they ware having with Nordic: Devalopnent: City Council Hinutae December 6, 1989 Pages 16 Jnn Wilder, Stratton Court Mr. White, 5565 6aetwood, Alta &at etas Carl Mille, SS 1Z Bcaiwood June Rays, 5558 Haetwood Rebecca Oliver, 6tratton Court Don Spaerback, 10078 Izon Mountain court ~~rt McClendon, 5578 Eastwood Pete Alexakus, Iron Mountain Court Taere being no further response, the public input session was closed. Count llman Buquet atated he would like to see the City Council move forward and continue to work on this. He added he wee disappointed Co hear of the Raetwood situation. Councilwoman Brown atated it Sa frvatreting to haaz of all the proDlame, but Eelt tae Subcommittee had accomplished acme of the things. She stated she had a problem with the City only being able to do eo much with a poor 6uildar. She asked that this De taken up the ladder to someone in Sacramento. Councilman Alexander asked Sf the BIA could gei involved with this. Jerry Grant commented staff could approach the BIA on this, and felt taey would support Whnt the City might want to do as far as going up tae ladder to get thinge reaolvad. /.nnnni l.nan 4..m.n4 in l_• __ __ ___ ___ n__4 ~.., ,a 4_ ___ l n..a ......~~.a _____ .., ..~ ~_~.. .a_.... _. ~ - .... nnni ~.uv City can do to gat thinge reaolvad. Councilwoman Hrown concurred. Mayor Stout suggested a letter be written to the State Contractor's License Board outlining to teem the situation with Nordic Development. Larry Wilder, Stratton Courtr atated there has bean complaints filed with the Contractor's Licenee Hoard and that they do no[ seam very responsive. Aick Gomez, Cortmunity Development Director, stated there Sa a meeting scheduled to talk wish the State Contractor's Licenee Boetd. Mayor Stout atated he wanted the State Contractor's Licenee Board to have __meffiing y„ ,,rlting fr^ the C .y cf Aarc..o - -,:.oyes ai,uut tbv probiene With Nordic, andnwanted copies to go to the Clty•ayelected legislators. Mayor Stout asked if pressure could be put on tae tract at Rilleide and Sapphire to get improvements completed. City Council Mlnutee December fi, 1989 Page 17 Ru ea Maguire, city ffnginaer, stated the Council had done something similar tonight through an improvement agreement extension on Hermosa, and that if he was given direction, would not allow occupancy on the Hillside/Sapphire Craci until all the improvements were complete. Mayor Stout asked that direction be given for the City 8ngineer to do this. The Council concurred. NOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Wright to send written correspondence to the State Contractor's License Board in Sacramento, wish a copy to the Colton office regarding the problems with Nordic Development, and with written correspondence to the City•e elected' officials on consumer protection legislation with n copy of iha Stets Contractor's License Board letter attached to this. All back-up information on this subject ie to be included in these letters. A copy should oleo be Bent to the County's ^_oneumer Affaite Division. Notion carried unanimously, 5-0. Hayor Stout naked that the Subcommittaa continue working on thin also. Councilmambers Brown and Buquet set the next meeting with the homeowners for Priddy, December 8 at 10:00 a. m. at the Lions Pnrk Community center. x x x x x x J IDENTIlI GTIOR O! ITEMS !'OR RRIT 166TIR0 Jl. Councilwoman Brown stated that We9t Covina has an ordinance, and that under nuisance abatement can evict membeza of gangs, drug users, etc., from condominiums and apartments, and would like it discussed at the next meat ing. She asked far staff to get a copy of that ordinance for diecuceion of same. Councilman 0uguet suggested staff obtain Pomona'e ordinance also. Mayor Stout suggested Loe Angeles De checked out oleo, and that if it was acceptable with Councilwaonn Brown, that this qo to the Public Safety Commiecion first, and that Jack Lam, Clty Manager, sae ihei this is put on their agsnda. 1r X • Ii • R xl. Donald Hale eteted he did noL get to epeek earlier, but informed the Council about the problems he is having with Nordic Development. • • Y R • R City Council Minutia December 6, 1989 Page 18 4• AWODRNlO47T MOTION: Moved by Brown, seconded by Buquet to adjourn to Executive Session regarding property acquisition, and £or the Executive Beecion to adjourn to the December 12, 1909 meeting with the Cucamonga County Water District. Motion carried unnnimnualy, 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 9:60 g.m. Reepectfn lly submitted, Debra J. Adams City Clerk Approved: December 12, 1989 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA C1 T''t COU7iCli M1NDT&S Joint Meeting Joint Meeting of the Clty Council and the Cucamonga County Water District R. CALL TD ORDER A joint meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Cucanrongn County Water District met on Tuaeday, December 12, 1989, at the Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Baee Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, Cal ifocnia. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p. m. by Nayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councilmembere: William J. Alexander, Deborah N. Brown, Charles ?. 9ucTaet II ;nrr ived 7:40 p.m.), and Mayor Dennis L. Bicut. Absent was Councilmembar: Pamela J. Wright. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Nanager; Jerry e. Pulwood, Deputy City Manager; Aick Gomez, Community Development Director; Jerry Grant, Building Official; Diana O'Neal, Adminiet rat ive Ana lyat; and San Sutton, Deputy City Clerk. Present from Cucamonga County Water District (ccWD) was the Board of Directors consisting of: Charlie Weet, President; George Auykendal 1, Director{ Jerry W11eon, Director; BoD Neuteld, Director; Beverly Braden, Director; and Nac HeSween, ConLiollez. Also present from CCND were: Lloyd Michael, Genetnl Manager; George Blanchard, Assistant Manager; and Jaymie Foote, Public Information and Water Conbezvation Coordinator. x z x x x: Mayor Stout stated this was one of a cons inuing eeriea of meetings the council was having with Co:aniaeione and outside agencies to improve communlcatlon on issues that affect the community. f R f R x f City Council Minutes December 12, 1989 Page 2 B. L1'DIB OP DIHCDSBIOW B1. Discussion of Ptomaed City Xeriacam Ordinance A. Water Conservation Heasvres H. Reclaimed Water Mayor St,:ut stated the City ie in the process of preparing an ordinance for Cvunc ti's approval. .Terry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated that the Planning Department is working on that ordinance now, and it ie scheduled to be presented to Council sometime in January 1990. He further stated he believed that CCWD has been working with the Planning Department on the concept. He felt there has been a strong conmitauant from both agencies to achieve this goal. Councilman Alexander stated ha has learned quite a bit after attending meetings with CCWD, but that he et ill hod many questions regarding xarieceping. Mayor Stout stated the ordinanoe also encourages going to irrigation systems that are more water conservative. He feels the City is moving in the right direction with this ordinance. Rick Gomezr Community Development Director, stated the ordinance, hesides covering recoarnended plant materials, also looks st the latest technology. ?heir intent ie not to turn the City into a desert, Dut by using the latest technology on more trediiional plant materials, it will help to conserve water as much as possible. councilwoman Brown stated another issue she would like tc discuss was the use of two lines for water, one for treated water for drinking, and a secondary line Eor reclaimed water to be used on landscaping, washing care, ate. She felt it needed to be done over the long run. She stated she would like CCWD'9 opinion on this issue. Charlie We9t, PresLdent, stated this issue has been discussed several times at their Board meetings, and that Lloyd Michael, General Manager, has been love Lvetl in this issue for a longtime. Lloyd Michael, General Manager, stated currently eswage from this area ie being treated at RP1 below the 60 freeway, and bringing it back up to this arse ie not cost effective. He stated that when RP4 ie built in the Etiwande aces, it would be easier Lc brLng recta iazd water tc this area, Dut fait the[ U,e reuiamation of sewage water should ba through underground Deeine. If the basins were recharged, then ii could be used in the local market. Mayor Stout inquired about the Clty of Anncho Cucamonga being the largest customer of CCWD, and eeked if Lt would be possible to run linen to some of the meter parka using reclaimed water. City Council Minutes -ecember 12, 1989 Paqe 3 George Blanchard, Assistant Manager, mated it might be possible to lake a line to some of the parka when RP4 was constructed, but completion of the plant ie four years away. He stated CCND is looking into it already, though. Beverly Braden, -irector, stated eRe ie concerned with the issue of landscaping and parkway meters. She stated the aawunt of consumption for greenbelt areas in the industrial area ie more than the consumption by the industrial user in their plant e. She felt this issue should be addressed when RP6 was built, that ehie would be an ideal use far the reclaimed water and would be coat effective because the lines would be brought into one centralized area. Lloyd Hlchael, General Manager, stated that with the location of RP4, they are concerned about pumping reclaimed water north of Foothill Boulevard due to the lift involved. Mayor Stout asked where does the reclaimed water currently go. Lloyd Michael, General Reneger, stated it goes down to Prado, and then on to Orange County. Mayor Stout naked if we Rave to give a certain amount to orange County. Lloyd Richael, General Manager, stated 17,000 acse feet par year, Dut that this waa an obligai ion of Chino 9aein Municipal Waier -ietrlet, rot of Rancho Cucamonga. Re stated that 1f YI6 could reclaim 100a of our water, we mold, and then Lt would ba up to Chino Baain Municipal Netar DSetrict to purchaae the water from CCND to swat their obligation. Ha stated thev ere cutzently sending over 30,000 acre feet per year. Hayor Stout asked what are the allowable uses far reclaimed water. Bob Neufeld, ^irector, stated that reclaimed water can be used for anything except edible crops. Councilwomen Brown asked about the water that is used for duet coot col by the water trucks, if it wee, or could ba, reclaimed water. George alanchnrdr Aaeiatant Ranegaz, stated that is currently water they get from the fire hydrant system but that reclaimed water could De used. He stated that with the location of AP4 in 6tiwandn, though, the developers would probably complain if they Rad to send their water trucks cut there to be filled with reclaimed 'water. Councilman Buquet stated the County will be cracking down soon on Boll control, that deveiopere will have to set up sprinkler systems on every development over five acres. Ha felt maybe we could work something out tc tie Ln with the County's plan. City Council Hinutea December 12, 1989 Page 4 Lloyd Michael, General Manager, stated that the City of Upland hoe a reclamation plant at their golf course to uee for watering their green e, but it ie expensive to operate. Their permit is each that if it becomes out of sync and there is an odor problem, they can diechnrge to Chino eosin Municipal Water District. Hs felt it might be possible for the City to do something similar in the higher elevations. He Felt that the City•e xeriecapa ordinance was a step in the right directio ~.. Councilwoman Brown stated that oven tRe simple thing e, like the right time of day to water landscaping, are important and ehoultl be utilized. She stated that the City ie lnatallinq a computerized system at the City Yard to be able to control the sprinkler system more efficiently, like when the winds are blowing. Hayor Stout asked 1E CCWD has ever con sideted stepped water rates. He felt it would provide an incentive to people to irrigate efficiently. Lloyd Michael, General Manager, stated their Board is currently considering that issue. He was worried that law Lnceme people might ba hurt by such a policy, because if you had a sufficient income and liked your landscaping the way it was, you would go nhead and pay the higher rate instead of trying to conserve water. He stated they were looking nt different size meters and lots, antl then working on stepped rntee accordingly. He stated that in January 1990, they will be changing some of their rates, but they were looking at ways to be fair to a1.1 o£ the citizens. Councilman Buquet stated that if the system wee set up with a type of "life line" rate like the other utllitiee uee, and than factor in the variables, it still seemod like a prudent thing to do, that it would provide an incentive for people to conserve. Lloyd Michael, General Manager, stated he felt they hays been fortunate in that their rates have teen lower Lhan the surrounding area a. He felt the advantages they have enjoyed in the past are now due to supplemental water supply, eo the rate structure for supplemental water will be influencing their rate structure more. councilmnn Buquet aeked7f possibly the City nrd CCWD could combine efforts and apply for some type of grant funding source. If the funding was available, then they could explore running dual feed lines from the reclamatlon source to new developments for landscaping uses. ..~ - •..-^cad, Deput"r °-ty Manager, at ated that L1 thn Lnndecaon fie intenance Oietricte and the parka, the City Se Lnsta111ng water sensor meters to help conserve wetez and reduce coats. He etatod that the industrial area ie covered by a separate Landscape Maintenance District, end their goal ie to have the came type of sensors installed in that area also. Beverly Braden, Director, stated what she le concerned about are the greenbelt erase that are maintained by the ownersr not the City maintained property. She felt they needed to work with the owners on conserving water. CLty Council Xinutes December 12, 1989 Page 5 Mayor Stout asked if the industrial users pay separate rates far their landscaping water usage. Lloyd Michael, General Xanager, stated they pay the same rate. Beverly Braden, Director, felt that Chtough the xeriecape ordinance might come the abii_ty io control certain types of Landecaning. Councilwoman Brown stated that after the xeriecape ordinance was passed by Councilr CCWD could meet with the Planning Commission to work on in[erpretat ion of what plant materials should be used. Bob Neufeld, Director, Eelt there was a need to educate the people at the City end in the community, and that one day we will have mnndatory water rationing. Mayor Stout asked if there were et ill any agricultuzal uaere in the city. George Blanchard, Assistant Xanager, stated there were very few left. Ha stated that some of the City parka were under the agricultural rates. Charlie West, President, stated he lLked that the xeriecape ordinance required that one or tWO model homes in new devalopoente be xeriecaped. He felt it would help more if all the model homes were xariecaped. Councilwoman Brown felt it might be an example for citizens of the community if they were able to sae what xeriscaping could look like and Chat it could be attractive. Councilman Hogue[ felt that if the developer was requiretl to put in xeriacaned front landscaping on all new homes, the chances ate that the people moving in would not pull ii out to put in mare traditional, water wasting landscaping, they would just leave it in. sob Neufald, Director, et aced the City might want to take a portion of new City parka and xeriscape ae an example for the citizens. Rick Goloez, Community Development Direct, stated that Le going to be done at Don Tapia antl Central parka. Beverly Braden, Director, asked if there was any encouragement by the City on retrofitting land seeping. Rlck Gomez, Community Development Direct, stated ao far they have been mostly alming at new development. Councilmnn Baguet felt if there was a way to develop a rebate program for telandeeaping it might 6e helpful. He also thought that if landscaping compan tee could promote certain types of lnndecnpe matarlele, maybe they could be given a break in their business llcenne Eeee as an Lncentive. City Council Minutee December 12, 1989 Page 6 Bob Neufeld, Director, felt there needed to De a change in people's thinking, and the issue needed to be dealt with in a creative manner. R f f I f 2. Oieeues on we ce Hayor Stout stated the council has been struggling with this issue, aspecia/:y with the lnetallat ion of septic tanks. ee stated that in the past septic tanks were encouraged by the Water District ae a means of rarycling water to the water basin, but it seems to be turning into a problem now. George Blanchard, Aeeietant Manager, spoke about a small tract at Carnelian and Heechwood consisting of 31 homes. He ea id originally 2-3 residents had approached the Board about extending the aewez 6ecauae their septic eyeteme had failed. When CCWD surveyed the tract, they found that six eyeteme had failed, and that part of the failure was due to improper Boil percolation. He stated the pzoblmn with doing the extension La the coat, that on this tract the set imate that each homeowner would hove to pay to have the sewer extended was 510,000.00, which did not include the coat of abandonment and connection to the sewer main. Hayor Stout asked who has juziedict ion nn deciding what type of eyetem will 6e installed. George Blanchard, Aeeietant Hanager, stated the City. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated he thought Lt was [he water District. George Blanchard, Aeeietant Nanagez, stated that if a home ie within 600 feet of a sewer line, then it mu et be extended, otherwise the soil is tested for percolation ae defined by the Building Code. Councilwoman. Brown naked if the Clty scold require that all residences be hooked into the sewer eyetem. George Blanchard, Aeeietant Hanager, stated thnt would be in contradiction to the earlier statement abut allowing septic tanks for percolation purposes. Jack Lam, City Hanager, stated that Jerry Grant, Building Official, has been with the City since its Lncorporation and has nlwaye been against the installation of septic Lanka, that eventually thsy fail and than people want to be hooked up a the aeaer. 9s stated they have discussed this asvsral tlmca '_n the past and Mr. Grant has not bsen in favor of having eept is tanks. Councilman euquet stated he ie not convinced that the eept is tanks are still carving their original purpoeo of water reclamation through percolation. He felt it waa easier and leee expansive for the developers to inetell them, and than when they fei led ten or eo years down the line, the developer would not be reeponeible. City Council Minutes December 12, 1989 Page 7 Hob Neufeld, Director, stated he felt their policy on septic tanks has changed over the past ten years, that the percentage of water they provide for percolation has dropped considerably ae the City hoe grown. He further stated that maybe they should take the lead and require hook up to the sewer eyetem. Lloyd Michael, Ceneral Manager, stated Lt used to De that if you could pass a percolation test, you could have a septic tsnk on lees than half an acre lot. New regulntione were pneeed in October thnt required that septice be inetaiied on no lase then hnlf an acre due to the degradniion of the water supply by nitrates. He stated he was worried bow they were going to handle 5,000 eept ics, since there were approximately 1,500 - 2,000 septice currently under construction in northern Alta Loma, and all across the noztR end of the Ciiy. Hayor Stout asked if 8tiwande was on the Bawer eyetem. Lloyd Michael, General Manager, stated not at tae present time, though it was planned for in the future. He stated that the Caryn tract was the first one to be hooked up to the sewer. councilwoman Brown asked if the Brock and criffln homes were an the sewer. Lloyd Michael, General Manager, elated all the homes are on the sewer in that area. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated that over the years there hne been increased concern on the pert of the Council on this 199ue, mostly due to the failure a. He stated he thought the Council would be favorable at looking at new development being required tc hook up to the newer eyetem. He stated the City Attorney advisee that the City cannot unilaterally require that because the City is not responsible Eor iha[ service. He felt that maybe the City could work jointly with the Hoard to develop a plan. Councilwoman Bro•..m asked about the Cccopase Rosa tract above Chaffey College, and why they were allowed to have septic tanks on lase than half an acre lore. Lloyd Michael, Ceneral Manager, stated that when they were under conetzuct ion the developer Dad the c~ce of inetaliin9 either eept Lce or hooking up to the sewer lines. He stated there was only a $d 00-500 difference in choosing to hook up to the sewer, Dut they chose to Lnatall septice instead. He stated Chet a! that time, if they could pass a percolation Gast, which [hey did, they were not required to be on half an acre lots. Jerry Grant, Building Of Eicial, stated there has always been that impression that ycu could not install a eepi is if on lase than half an acre, but actually it was allowed se long ae you could pose a percolation teat and had the ability to double the size of the system on the Lot. Jerry Wilson, Director, stated that there was a time when septice were restricted to half acre lots or larger, Dut Ln the 1970•e the regular ions were changed to allow installation es stated by Mr. Oxent, and were only currently changed back. city Council Ninutee December 12, 1989 Page e Mayor Stout asked if they could explain why the developer chose to go with the septic system. Lloyd Michael, General Nmeger, stated for coat savings, probably, but that they were never given an explanation ae to why. Lloyd Mic..ael, General Manager, elated they supported the City progressing toward annexing their sphere of influence. He stated that the County's rescricc ions were not the same ae the City's, and that water coneumpt ion in that area was 80tYOnON1C81 Ca0par@Q t0 CCWD'e MBei@Y Plan. Mayor Stout asked if CCWD would be inter~eted in an ordinance prohibiting on- site septic tanks. ' Beverly Braden, Director, stated that she personally would not have a problem with that. Jack Lam, City Manager, felt the legal counsels for the two agenciee would need to confer to define a newer policy. Bob Neufeld, Director, felt the timing wne right becnuee they were going to have to look to water quality in the Haar future due to the nitrates in the water basin, and the septic tanks ware Hat helping that situation. Mayor Stout stated ha wanted to avoid proDleme they were encountering now in other areas where developers were plnyinq the County against the City. He didn't want to have a developer cane to the City and be told they would have to hook up to the sewer to receive approval of a project, and than have the developer go to the Hater District and be told it would be acceptable not to hook up to the sewer. Be felt they Headed to have concurrent, compatible polic is s. Bob Neufeld, Director, stated Ghat George Blanchard, Assistant Manager, would check with their legal counsel and bring suggestions to the next Board meeting on what they can do. Counc llwmman Brown et sled she felt it was important that this be done concurrently with the C~ . • . • ~ 3. Discussion of Zteme o Llnyd Michael, General Manager, stated that both agenciee are serving the same constituency, and felt the cooperation between the two agenciee on the whole has been good. Mayor Stout stated that there will always be disagreements on how to handle certain issues, but felt that the bottom lino Se that both agenciee have dealt together ae professionals, and that hoe been important in helping to resolve conf licte. City Council Minutes December 12, 1989 Page 9 sob Neufeld, Director, Pelt thnt the sludge disposal problem will become a mejor concern in tRe Weet Hnd, and that the City might want to be involved in this issue. He felt the District was going to be faced with imposing charges on the citizens to have the sludge Rnuled,out of the area. Ne also felt that certain EPA controls on odors could have a mejor coat Impact on the community, and felt the county has been slow to move on these problems. x x x x • C. CDMMDNICATIDIIH FRDiI THE PSfHLIC There were none. x • • x + D. ADJODRIVInDI'P MOTION: Moved by Blown, seconded by Alexnnder to adjourn the meeting to an Bxecutive Saes ion to discuss legal mnttare. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Wright absent). The meeting adjourned at H;65 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jm Sutton Deputy City Clerk Approved: December 20, 19&9 CITY OP NANCHO CDCAMONGA CITY CO!MCIL MINUTES Due to lack of quorum, the regular meeting of tha City Council scheduled for December 20, 19&9, wes adjourned, with all items to De rescheduled for January 3, 1990. Debra J. Rd City Clerk ~. !~ V .. ~ lr v ~. v V V Y Y Y~ Y .. V V .. .+ v 2 aNm ytl ¢N nX sll „I PIIS \M~ Nn9 wX hX mu mn ' wV n~ - ~~ 7.~ _ )n 1u, J >. ; n Z.1 F.rJ, u, JJ:)V'~U u"I l.]F FM1 K.n 'J = .Y IX'un' NLL 'J lU'Ia FFO~M1 Jm~] 1 F 1 ~Il )N Rin6 Til.1< 2 LL V ^.u'.u ~~ ,:frt n z ~:i z<rn-u i..<rr.. zn I ~ rn~~~~a.:.~~~a ~~il'v~ioi Yz.J.~ uu+ i ,. zz..u vN Ja ~~ LO~>J JJU.t02¢YU SN.~ K• •V~~LU <'.YNK J ~ NA jyq MOJH OJJ<i~~Y 2.Y Y ¢~,u;Jyl-IK.YJ Jn KSJI-O <NF~ .(;i r SY-I-.U Kr li~l 9 ~WN < N ~-JUUJ VLm].+JKhh Fiu JUNy.JN rt.~NO J•~nbU¢JJ¢yJ Lr~I-Y J JJ r,zn.~o «<n K ana a~Y N.w-~ 112X J ¢ Y N«««<a<at.!<1<t«ammmmm.ammmUVVVUVVUUVVu ry¢Y M1 mU N O„FmPJmMm nNmPw m.n mmr1lN PO NnI rlvM1woFf n+l P.~m mmor.lV On N OVO Jm In iThmOh+Xm nNmmmONmMmmmNJ Om In.Y P rINn JN NFI+h nSP m +YmT m m +Y m m.Yy HMrYw %~M PMNMmV rY nnm J.Y X ~' n w~.~mH o .0 OhN10POm NinpOmONi00PO O.y.ynPOOm000 P.ONN ONnP ONOmONJmOONOm :N ry+IO OO N~ONOOh000mOn F.pP nN N ~OyN.-.m %~v~N-10'Jf-OU;S.n~iL moOSPiOOp v+~N O.*i.pi4nmN.n „hNm.OTHNmN+1+1FmryNJOON NNOO~mNOm~NN P.pom m N r+ m N mrXA mmMNNm al +1 .pN i m yH N ti N n zii u n n n n a• agpno qN ¢qOX mPONmJNiM1mPOtivmJNmM1mPOHNmJ NtlnmPOtiNmJNJnmPONNm X2M hFFJh mrmmmmmmmwTPP wPPPO0o0o0oa00tititititititiHtitiNNNv VVPPPPPPmPmPPpJJViJJVJVVVJNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN~nNN PPwPPPPPPPPPPPPPPwPwPPPPwPwPPPPwwPPT w ¢¢n mmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmNmmmmm i 1 J 1 I] I i 1 !! ! a Y!e !!t! !! _ J i\ II u SJUJ Yar m emsn m ''"' m^ J JN ~]M1 E I 7 ¢ Orl ^ OVnV N ~ n f~ O O.LL > F LL S 1 \ ~a.u ti I~'S ~y O ~J ='nU u JSY~UI-J K< ( iY r~•] LLL~ ~J CI ~ nJJ~ ~n nl I > Olrv S n .~r sY.~~~[i.vJ>ZO 1tt uLU3naS.a 6>Jap¢VJO'JF YUSrc>J, W uu 2 u2m urc\ S3 'n n1'• all iln oll n \116 r1 N 11 X11 ~II rl 611 O11 2N POI 11211 mll nmu dx oPN..Pm..N bnommoaooo ~o°o.°..+nooomo.Prmo o ~o'~Oe~~mmopooooorvm PN..NOOmn N a N aop~NONN .:,e.: ~~.;r;r; ~rm~ ~.~.~ m'r~ m~.;m..~mr.,'~.m.: m r~.nPPN PnP r., m beNmrvntiJONaN OT1o ~OPNnN ju10+V b~n~0'NNOdmNHNmV bOmoom V nNN ^~ Y1 JaH bnm nOn F .m NNNNO NJ T n N T V r! m JOIN mnmPO'1NnJN~OnmPO•nNMJNbnmPO•~NTJNbnmP Or~NnJ N~OF NPOtiNTJ •1T TTTMTJJJJJJJJJJNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNM~NNNNN PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPaPPPPPPPPPPP onnmm~nnmm~mnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmmnnnnnnnnmmmmm~nTTTTTT n~ A • P N N ~s \n __ F U IV w II 1 VU Ot!' fJ) \ J U N Yew 1 U~~ nfl 05 > > eiz7 ,IU - ~J F11 iron ~" J:i - ~ Pr~n:1 .i ri~n.°~ v n J L... 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CdN. 9]t~t ~~ ~~~PaCt GFOGRAMIUI ' aw~ CODE Mi5 rsR R^dwRae ha.M. RFPIw Iw gmGitlmtl/l 0O1 fhawRE draibEd w 104.0 luuad Irtlarlgln/19Ef imry. rman T. NAME(51 Of AR9l1r.ANT15) ARdkA aae. s.c lq4 t7 aau.t'S, [IC- It111 F11Mi.R DvIJ. )R Altit fWLOV Etmtiw Dol.: ]. iYEE(t) OE TtAN1ACTONIS) FFE lK. ttR 1 6 Orl~nal ,OW.lA /) f^lA-'Nr ~1PE135710) 4 Nam. of Mi:w~ aili'• f2131 t tttr ~ S Laolion d tR w u-l1u,Elar and SFM J~ R d llCAA' ~ ~ ~ ~ ( E~'~IS I I L a Elw i CHO C L w. ROIT o PDMq,, axr~ C~L ~R ~ 1 f171! r t OTAFJ A II hamiEw Ila~d, Slw iIPR N Ekw~o ri L AsNMt Adb.. OF dlw.d ka.! sue tat w~a w. ~ 9. NR..tW ..v s.9R a.idn.d a. ^/i ~ i AEA i I. Eybin a'Y6" mEw N Rana 9 , Apgkenr aR.m: ,o) rM o~y +wm :~ (61 rFw N..11 •w riRIaLE w aaw Il. STATE W CANdMA .V ~ ~ wR~ ?E~d'A X11 ..KM1 wI M. A1..~ . : Il 11. AIRI~ CAM,/~L~ ~~_ ~~ +~~~'~InIrEIAWY.-/u~M1mi?n In.idr G?? l:Jh? yii I0. Mew Ew Rw? .IaMM wry d IIN p^rdaw d M AkoM1Olk tnmatf CPwd AN r rpalw;o1. N rM D^Pa.^^Rd aw~ le'Abll/A<rE ~ in an•dR Ramwd wREELx dR dl q. awlifieKwn of a IwmuR, aM - waxr,. ~~ .r rv h .n:lsr „ i4 :-...r -.n .- nM q i A:.n r ~. SFM IKI~y~Y'ltf(_:_1L[L<i ___ /_______ _______YYU-1.LL.1]D2_.................. . .__.___.____ ra„~~ - ........... .................... '. Y~Yf.M1YN q iR~MMtlId! . b _ S:II .:~ narCmo 'I u. srsrz o9 aurotwA EiMt r..________.._._.__....._.._...w..__._______ _______________ ar...rm ..m.rv ~. f.w~ +.. qra +~• hw...+r. r .m, nl n , .. I:.~. - .................. ...~..:...,... 'i wyi+ ...w ~/Y.M N rrI ~ .w. w w:w. Nn•r• ~ w wdF m A. r r., w:...~: r ... . V I:nlr M.wl w.. ~ ~4h. wY ~ ~ +. ~.v r ~ ....w..rr +n /.~ H ~ ~a~id ~./w w.nl F w. fl M Mn ~ ~ nt~ -~.Nr'n ~, ~~Mw M1M1 w... .. ~+:~- wA u~ ~. A. n.:w. M n~AY w Vr ~ :Y n~M. w4:V n Mw . r a~:....r~ ~M..nn n ~ 4 ~ wMr A y~..?.~ ~ ~ Y.n .a eww I .~~~ n .r., A• x~Y +M+~w ~.. 4 ..w. ~. F ..r.. n.. ~Ynw+ ~ w ae.~ -.:a .~,wW:1 Wn w w NRI~w/. ' I IA NamdRlNDrmfREEp IT. SiindwR(gdDawrdO It Liomw NRmLmbl I I I 19. lwAm IMIw ad tkM QRy and llf Cad9 Dwray Uo NN NrYm Ifl9E97'W Wi->baPiEEArM ~Qµa I AnwMM ^ bnrdM tiMR 1 .~. .: ~~~/~ ................._.. ~. __dta en.__L...___..., t?awq w, .. _.__............. APNM 1077-471-05 CHILI'S GRILL AND BAR 10500 Blk. Fvoth ill Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 91 Located within the Terra Vista Town Center Property Currently Zoned: Cortmunity Conmercial within Terra Vista Planned Conmunity Zoning of adjacent Properties: '- North: T. V. P.C.- Office Fa.~k South: I.S.P. Sub Area 7-Industrial Park East T, V. P,C. -Office Park West Ocncral Coninerc ial M, Burgan Dec. 16, 1969 c~~ 1 ..rl....-rrw.+wfw I.wwP.rwASwrrN.l.._r_..r...b......ow C0 11M11C~11OM 10~ YOOIIGIK Y11~Mi II~WU) 1. iTIry51 GE UCFNSry51 ME NO. r., ap.s,r.nl er Mr.A.lk s.blw. ceMlal IWI Sroedrq 9r wewrdlw ut[ Gl. Err s Mlw tfCE1f~ NO.y 1 C G Sevalwn, CaN. VdEIE r.r...r....wrr....rw.r 0~ 15 TA. a.d.r.IFa.d AP.dI appF..Ia. lk.n... d..rriA.d w l.dawu Ual. INPd ]. NAMNS) Of AMIKUR(3) TPp. hNPll rhti'CXAir()r Pa[i J.,III . rtr!sten A. Ieu t~ ~'~Y(Jinw ~ EE~r ~r ]. lY.[151 Of TMNSACIIOI115) ~ lK. TVR Nw ] 166.6U 20 Mowl f.. 36.00 4 N°^"IIES':eY1 {AilcR Nl.ine S. l:.XOn a15w.rP~lr..b.. errd SI.M Vln.y.cd Aw.. Uulr d d 0 l 5 C ~ . . ~d Lochd CuC~ooq. 91J]0 6.n Mr1fA[dlno TOTAI + 111.00 d. N Fend... 6awwd, 1. An h.Mil.. M.ib Tr Shan T n• d UPnr flry lhdl.i S~Wilirq AdMw. fi1411.wn1 han SI-IduwEP aM MM ltii~lMl 9. Nan you mr bnn :anMd of o I.brrti 10. Ilan Iar e..r ddebd Pry el Mw pro.MMm b Nw AkahdN '~ SmreSd Cwd.al M v nwloNeP el rM Aapnn.ranl Pr. ~'~-~ IdMIrF b Mw AM /ff~ I I. fnpbin a "Tf5".mrr.r b ibm. V M 10 an an a6aeMrnl ..Akl, Droll b dwwM FaN b NN. eFF1k.Nan. I]. Appliem apron Ial IIrP erry mmropr .rrrpleT.d M on-r.l. sn,rw P.wlwd .M F... ey rAe qu.4lkaNw of a La.n..., eM 14111M he vlll rol .iolvb P aww e. PrrnN b ba .Idaud my M 1M pwiNaw M IM AMhdir MNPefa CenFel A.1. ^. s}AIF Of GIIN>IIIEIA Cwnry W .____ w.~~~~_____________G.M_..__.................... .4w I M wMs+ rw.+.Nw rnrr h ran.r.a .wrMrv. Y r.x q..rvrv r nM+~+r Aa r. N. ...Wrr r a IMVr Mrnx ~. Ir vMnM ..4 ~4 IMVnr rv NM 6'FV.IYn:n N'..dr. v wrrsr.r v v....NTr.v/v vr1.M1 w. n IM. r 1~+ vr.... •vrNr1 rW (n .r N41. N rvrly ../rsNn r! h Nwrw v r. pr. ~WrM . nMwr. .. v b w: bn •r rrv..r.vr ~~ -n. rnNx-/+wrw rr M ~:Yr.N.~F~~ +. iN.w. _ n r.Mrnr rWhw• M..w v '..i.n ...r rnir .r w rr. c+rr.r ~ w ~ /~ y . $IGN NEEF ... .~ ~Y !% •nuenTfotd ~r nuF]sFno~ IS SfAif CM Gl1iOaNIA Cwrrry d .. .. -Del......_.... .. Y.M .tir. I ~e....r~.v. w.rr • M M r4 My.. r:v.rlo .rI..1~N wwv uw~n u Y r..:.Nr r..r ...yrr+ .. u,~..n wr'M M4..rrN r.wJw rr. • wYM1w w.N v F4srL r.h.wN r .nv .vrM .1 W w.rvwn Ivv N M NN~M ..N Ir rb Pwr+: rll N+ W +.r4.Nr v v...M .vh, n r rI. r .wbl. M wnwr M . ~ v w Nb v .v......e ..y.N n vr.w .. ~. n v .wNSrly u • ..w v nw4.M nl...+r w w Iv r M +~r.v v . Yrr.M v r.yn nr e..rv N Y.nr..v.:.r .rw h w.r1w wW.rrv rr Y ~.uv_n ti MA- h vrlu v x. M..r M r.:wAN.. NMlrrl s Y a..w.rr AmrhN: ^ Anard.d mlMh ^ NdNa..r r.Fna ~ ~ io 3 Y~/ ^ ..................................... r.. ...._cahes A1Axeo .._...._.......__ ___.__.____._____.-_____. r.r,w. ~bnf..lrFw.f..._._.._.hIE M .......... ........ (MIis PI_...._____.____..AwIP /Y.._-__.__.____..._, wr Do Not Nr4e MIMO TAM Lbp Fn Dep.rtPeN Ude QJy .,--._Y._-.----~ ~ ... ___-__ ~ .~ _; f ~i I ~' ,L ,~. ~ ~ , i L, II . i,' i ~' I I , ' I I'~' i'~1~ - ___ ., ~ ~' ii i,ll, ~ '..I --.. I ~ it rf I',~ ~ r II V I ~~ ~: i I I,:.. ~- ~, ~~ f I I( _._- -_. o_,~-.~l'. j._ .i it . I _:1'' o~ ' .'ili 1111"If l; l~~i~i _ ~rqT I - J . r ;, _ I •s ~ ~! ~• - -- ~_ ~~, ~~ APNN 208-101-10 ~ ~- ;~ - ~r'~~~ r~r~! ~ I I ~~ ~ ~~ ~~i Mrs P's QUICK CUISINE - _ _.. 8045 Vineyard Ave. Unit 6 ~ ~ ~ .I ~ ~ ~ ~~ ' 91730 il. ... :1,. .. ,, '~. ~~ ,I k Rancho Cucamonga, Ca I ~ ~ !~ ~.I ~1~ Currently lorated within the ~I ~I ~~~ i .~,, ~(,I ii~lliiilTl j, ~~f Thomas Winery Plaza ~~ ' ~~~ ~ i '`_,____~~ ProPertY currently Zoned; ?' ~ ~~I=- -__-_ ., .1 .-'-L-._~-...-_t=- .- --I~ Comnericial ~;; ~~ .. _ Irp; ~-- --~-acs-~--~--. ...-- Zoning of Adjecrnt Properti es ;~ North; Comnericial South; Commericial within Foothill Specific Plan East Commericial within Foothill Snerifir P1,3n West Commericial within Foothill Specific Plan ~~ joetorrez r 19dec89 tOP~,w~ DEC 1 S 1989 A/E~~w'E w1ti M Nw W.IN Yww IW lL~-Iw YMIt~]WN /p •EOOIWIK 6MM! llvUw`il 1, TYEf(5) 0E IICEN5F151 fllf NO. iu OnperwwY d Alwhdk Ewwn6n CnrArd Ip016mnd.er !nn N[Y[01no a SAIJ[ 86611 c 6IN6 RECFI~~6 swrarwe, cal. vela ~.r.wK..~...,...w..r att6c PI.eC6 C~E"^"~J#is rn. r.rs.r.Prw n.wer nPp.. w 61wu1 Nwn16W m Idwe o11. Iwd 2. r]A.EIS) a APn1(tI1T(]) mcr 1-!0 )~-P. ..,::1 lAlsxTw! cv6mwrlo6 E~ on~1n ~ ~ ~ MwN.. ow.: C06PBW. A[YrgO L. - P[n. 9. TYPry51 OE iMNlACTN1N(!) ~ _ IK ttR "'WP6AY. nolocns [1. - Viw ItWnR NO _ 5100.00 Al PA00A~ 'lircrlnt M. - VatY P[M./6a.Vp0 ]IR{]Ai. 1~'~ '"°°'' '"""°' .' - ""`. rrwneWr `~ wmeno eucan A ~lcuo 4111 AN ! Invlbn d Euurr.wNr.rrbw aN ser 103gA W n1W 6 W ' ., . 0 r.QArbrl~r i 1 }y ~ fl)Ol W iOTAI lA~.aO b N Ilwiwr Yrw~L - ). M Irmiw Imid1 9~ !4. rFyr a 4omn g~!~ cW u:r:n) • ~ ~, rw~n waaWT~O~ f1M7 hr.. 'r.w11 r~1 no.. )r ..w svwr ww.nwE p•' 11. [gNan a "r A" amrw b ilww v w 10 w wr a.wilr.a MW1 rlrY w ArwA Pwl a IM eppli[el{wr. IT. Aml.wV srwl lel rM w^f +'n^~Ow unpbEn! b mdn Ourwd wrw. .Al Mw ali Art lVnXlkuriwW a e Ncmwn, uM (b) rM M .ill wobM w V dMawl N An d Arn Alldrol4 EwMOpn CwuW M. 1l. STATE 01 C4IIORIIA Yf ~ ~Y~EM____ __________ _Obw____.__ 13-~~..___ _ .. .~ w. ~~ wwwwa : r ~ w r rrn M WYrI Y wY r .rrrM++ w n u.rr. 1 n ~tirlw+r A.rr •rrrr rF rw. m.. ,ri r.. ....r w. nww w ~w Yw ~ id w vM w 4 y 4~W xw r~lr: w .M w.r rw:W nr ~w~ i~l w+ W tiles .wlFwlw w • qww M • Irrq nr ~wnrw ... ~..w .:.n m wn w~4a:Y VI w •W ~wrr w r. r. w . ~ w _ Mn.r w Mw wr u.nrw w ~ r -~~ M w~ ti wr :..rrn ~n n rr.+^.~ rru. 1/ AIPLICAM ., o d.»-_~yicf, r~ s rwsenow n Tuwuon I!. ]TAT! q CA11TpEHIA Cnnn1P d_..__.....~______________________0n1~.__..._____._.__._______... 0. Nvt NrIN Mbw TAY Liwl Pw Dq/wor11 V~~IP M1wMAr ^EVild nnXe. -- 1]•6-6f ^ ~w1wl wPwA (~ p _.____....__________._.___{ =s3.....__,cdle rAULD ........................__..._.__..__..... I j •nnr.nl: Ew d.......__.M: w .............__. _.. _.._.__.. oEk~ w.___..._.__....bwy1 W. VMn tie w rwFr. rY ww. J. IArr~ ~r ~nr~, .wNn ~ rFn :rl F w rVw M • rm.+ 4 ti rwrwwl +n+rw unr:~w Yv .V V A ~. W •wdw ~M r n~i.wN: ',f I.wAr +en 11nw~ F w M1 ww1M Mrr~wn nreiM W ~ w +wAw r T. wirwr ~ :yFn wrwM wi :4 r~ M Y/4wwi ~~,Fy ~~w F ~~ F Y Pwrw~ :b Yr v ~w +FM1.ti. w wwwl wrrlw N A~F ~w ti .n wr ~rF `rr w+J4 v M w ~Wr :4 ~t ~w nM M~yw:ww w r~i IW w .YrWrr~ nMwr~w w w Iw wr raw I ~w w w Ir4wA w rrlwF w/ nMw. M rrYw.:M ti :M wrr~ ~M'•r.~r wr ~ ~.w~• Fr wrr Ar ~wwYWwwr .M ~rMM rW~w:lw 4lwY~r. ~ ;i APNN IOJG-481-08 SALSITAS ME %I CAN GRILL 1 10540-A Baseline Rd. Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 91739 Property Currently Zoned: Neighborhood Commercial Zoning of ad,i scent Properties: North: T.V. Planned Community-Medium Residential South: T. V.P.C.- Medium Restdential East T. V.P.C.- Medium Residential West Low Residential Mary Burqan ~~~ Dec. 19, 1989 Located within the Terra Vista Village ~ I.. ~. ly.r '~ un p ~. ®, ~~ e ~ ~ a~ ~^ ~ wr end ~ ® ~ ~~ APNd 208-331-08 1 ~ miwei ~~ ~ p • , f. r w ' 1 ~ 1 1 1 ® 6 ~ ~ ~ ® ® ,^ B ~ ~ o~ / .... . ~ f j% 1 ' / ® • ' .. iuu i ~00Ln111 uiva. Rancho Cucamonga, Ca 91730 Property Currently Zoned ;Comore rcial Zoning of adjacent Properties; North; Conmerici al/Within the Foothill Specific Plan South; Med/High 12-14 OU's/AC East Comnericialh~ustrial Park ISP sub-area 6 (vacant) West Office/Foothill Specific Plan li' r` joetorreZ ` 19dec84 CITY OF' RANCHO CUCAbIONGA STAFF REPORT oATE: January 3, 1990 n T0: City Council and City Manager `~ FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer 8Y: Linda Beek, Junior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Authcrize the advertising of the "Notice Inviting Bids" for ~ the Rochester Avenue East Side Parkway Beautification Improvement Protect between Foothill Boulevard and Base Line Road, to be funded from 8eautificati on Funds, Account No. 21-4647-8935 RECOMMEMDJITIOM: It is recommended that City Council approve plans and specifications far the Rochester Avenue East Side Parkway Beautification Improvement Protect between Foothill Boulevard and Base Line Road and approve the attached reso~utlon authorizing the City Clerk to advertise Lhe "Notice Inviting Bids . BACKGROUNDIANALYSIS The subtect protect plans and specifications have been completed by J. F. na..i Ar e...i. .J- ..i- -~~~..LG~oy^, r:.,..~','. ,`y >tvii d,iv ayp,otN uy LIIC Vliy Engineer. The Engineer's estimate for construction is 5300,000, Legal advertising is scheduled for January 16, 1990, and January 23, 1990, with the bid opening at 2:00 p.m. on February 22, 1990. Respectf fitted, ~~ RHM: w Attachment ~~ RESOLUTION N0. 9('' Q O A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "ROCHESTER AVENUE EAST SIDE PARKWAY BEAUTIFICATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BETWEEN FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND BASE LINE ROAD" IN SA20 CITY AND AUTHORIZING ANU DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS. NHEREAS, it is the intention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to construct certain improvements in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of certain improvements. NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES that the plans and specifications Dresented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for "Rochester Avenue East side Parkway Beautification Improvement Project between Foothill Boulevard and Base Line Road". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for doing the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to wit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS' pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the said City of Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the Office of the City Clerk in the offices of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on or before the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 22nd day of February 1990, sealed bids or proposals for the "Rochester Avenue East side Parkway Beautification Improvement Pro,iect between Foothill Boulevard and Base Line Road: in said City. Bids will be opened and publicly read immediately in the office of the City Clerk, 9320 Base Line Road, suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Bids must be made on a fortm provided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Califor•n1a, marked, "Bid for Construction of Rcchester Avenue East side Parkway Beaut!flcat!on Improraaent Project between Foothill Boulevard and Base Line Road". PREVAILING WAGE: Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor is required to pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a Similar character 1n the locality in which the public work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. In that regard, the ~~ Director of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California is required to and has determined such general prevailing rates of per diem wages. Copies of such prevailing rates of per diem wages are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and are available to any interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy of such determinations to be posted at the job site. The Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (f25.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day or portion thereof, if such laborer, workman, or mechanic is paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages hereinbefore stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1777.5 of the Labor Code as amended by Chapter 971, Statutes of 1939, and in accordance with the regulations of the California apprenticeship Council, properly indentured apprentices may be employed in the prosecution of the work. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1771.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him, Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprenticeable occupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public works project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade for a certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of don rent lrP< to inunna_won !wa• ..tn ~.~ ~...a +~ a~M1 ~~~fvi uw,iCc ~i i.im contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen in such cases shall not be less than one to flue except: A. when unemployment in the area of coverage by the joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request for certificate, or B. When the number of apprentices in training to the area exceeds a ratio of one to 1ve, or C. Nhen the trade can show that 1t is replacing at least i/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or ~. Ahen the C.on trac tnr prnyiAeg evi da.^,ce that he 2mpl ay; regi ;tered apprentices on alt of his contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight journeymen. The Contractor 1s required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs 1f he employs registered apprentices or journeymen 1n any apprenticeable trade on such contracts and if other Contractors on the public works site are making such contributions, ~I The Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the AAninistrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with and be governed by the laws of the State of California having to do with working hours as set forth in OT vision 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California as amended. The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (=25.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the execution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon any of the work hereinbefore mentioned, for each calendar day during which said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours in violation of said Labor Code. Contractor agrees to pay travel and subsistence pay to each workman needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments are defined 1n the applicable collective bargaining agreements filed in accordance with Labor Code Section 1773.8. The bidder must submit with his proposal cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, payable Lo the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least ten percent (l0i) of the amount of said bid as a guarantee `~:OL `~. ~~.'.00~ i cii tfir iuw vim yrUyuaed UUOLrdCL 17 Lne Sdme is dwd riled to him, and in event of failure to enter into such contract said cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bond shall become the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. If the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the lowest bidder's security shall be applied by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the low bid and the second lowest bid, and Lhe surplus, if any, shall be returned to the lowest bidder. The amount of the bond to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shall be one hundred percent (1001) of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond in an amount equal to fifty percent (508) of the contract price for said work shalt be given to secure the payment of claims for any materials or supplies furnished for the performance of the work cdntrac*_ed to be dons by the Contractor, ur eny Mork or labor of arty Kind done thereon, and the Contractor will also be required to furnish a certificate that he carries compensation insurance covering M1s employees upon work to be done under contract which may be entered into between him and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work. No proposal will be considered from a Contractor whom a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. ~ ~~ Contractor shall possess a Class "A" License (General Engineering Contractor) in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 7000 et. seq.) and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto at the time Lime this contract is awarded. The work is to be done in accordance with the profiles, plans, and specifications of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on file to the Office of the City Clerk at 9320 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Copies of the plans and specifications, available at the office of the City Engineer, will be furnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucanwnga and payerent of fL5.00, said f25.00 is nonrefundable. Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and specifications will be mailed when said request is accompanied by payment stipulated above, together with an additional nonreimbursable payment of $15.00 to cover the cost of mailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the requirewents of Section 902 of the General Provisions, as set forth in the Plans and Specifications regarding the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, the Contractor may, upon the Contractor's request and at the Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute authorized securities to lieu of monies withheld (performance retention). The City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, reserves the right to reJect any and ail bids. By order of the fnunril of rh,. r+w „s D"n _F_ r, ~.„~~~~ ~~l ~ f~~;,;~ Dated this day of 19 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, this day of 19 ATTEST: y er ADVERTISE ON January 16, 1990 January 23, 1990 _3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAA40NGA STAFF REPORT DATE: January 3, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Linda Beek, Junior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Authorize the advertising of the "Notice Inviting Bids" for the Arrow Route Street Improvement and Signal Upgrade at Haven Avenue Improvement Projects, from east of Hermosa to Haven Avenue, to be funded from Systems Development fund Account No. 22-4637-8858 and TDA Article B fund Account No. 12-4637-8831 RELOMIEMDATIDN: It fs recommended that City Council approve plans and specifications for the Arrow Route Street Improvement and Signal Upgrade at Haven Avenue Improvement Projects, from east of Hermosa to Haven Avenue, and approve the attached resolution authorizing the City Clerk to advertise the "Notice Inviting Bids". BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS ~`~ "~j cCt V~~J Ci.t N1 d~ia auJ ape~iiiv.o Lieua iia•e ueeu ~uixyieieu uy Linville Civil Engineers, reviewed by staff and approved by the City Engineer. The Engineer's estimate for construction is 5200,367. Legal advertising is scheduled for January 9, 1990, and January 16, 1990, with the bid opening at 2:00 p.m. on February 6, 1990. Respectful s bmitted, --~-- r '- i RNM:18:d1w"-'~ ~~~ Attachment RESOLUTION N0. 9~ - Q~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "ARRON ROUTE STREET IMPROVEMENT ANO SIGNAL UPGRADE AT HAVEN AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS" FROM EAST OF HERMOSA TO HAVEN AVENUE, IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS. MHEREAS, ii is the intention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to construct certain improvements in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of certain improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREDY RESOLVES that the plans and specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for "Arrow Route Street Improvement and Signal Upgrade at Haven Avenue", from east of Hermosa to Haven Avenue. BE IT FURTHER RESOLYEO that the City Clerk is hereby authorized a'id directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for doing the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially 1n the following words and figures, to wit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS" Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE [S HEREBY GIVEN Lhat the said City of Rancho Cucamonga wtll receive at the Office of the City Clerk in the offices of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on or before the hour of 2:00 o'clock P. M. on the 8th day of February 1990, sealed bids or proposals for the "Arrow Route Street Improvement and Signal Upgrade at Haven Avenue" from east of Hermosa to Haven Avenue: in said City. Bids will be opened~pd publicly read immediately in the office of the City Clerk, 5320 Base Line Road, Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Bids must be made on a form provided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, marked, "Bid for Construction of Arrow Route Street Improvement and Signal Upgrade at Haven Avenue" from east of Hermosa to Haven Avenue.. PREVAILING WAGE: Notice is hereby given that 1n accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor 1s required to pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the public work 1s performed, and not Tess than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. In that regard, the ~~~ Director of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California is required to and has determined such general prevailing rates of per diem wages. Copies of such prevailing rates of per diem wages are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and are available to any interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy of such determinations to be posted at the ,job site. The Contractor shall forfeit, as Penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (525.00) for each laborer, workman, or mecnanic employed for each calendar day or portion thereof, if such laborer, workman, or mechanic is paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages hereinbefore stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under hfm, in violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1777.5 of the Labor Code as amended by Chapter 971, Statutes of 1939, and in accordance with the regulations of the California apprenticeship Council, properly indentured apprentices may be employed in the prosecution of the work. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen Tn any apprentTCeable occupation to aDD1Y to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public works project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade for a certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of aDDPen tTCPC }A 1011 rI~Y Vmna •ha• uT 11 n .nA J.. •~. . contract. The ratio of a rentices to ourne ~ r.~f~,~..,,~~ V1 Li~~ DD 1 ymen Tn such cases shall not be less than one to five except: A. When unemployment in the area of coverage by the joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request for certificate, or B. When the number of apprentices in training in the area exceeds a ratio of one t~five, or C. Mhen the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or D, When the Contractor pr~ivides evidenc< chat he employ, registered apprentices on all of hTS contracts an an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight journeymen. The Contractor is required to make contributions Lo funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if he employs registered apprentices or journeymen in any apprentlceable trade on such contracts and if other Contractors on the public works site are making such contributions. ~j l , The Contractor and subcontractor under him shat! comply with the repui rements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained Fran the Director of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen °mployed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with and be governed by the !aws of the State of California having to do with working hours as set forth in Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Lobar Code of the State of California as amended. The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (f25.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the execution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon aqy of the work hereinbefore mentioned, for each calendar day during which said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to labor more than eight 48) hours in violation of said Labor Code. Contractor agrees to pay travel and subsistence pay to each workman needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreements filed in accordance with Labor Code Section 1773.8. The bidder must submit with his proposal cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, payable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least ten percent (108) of the amount of said bid as a guarantee that the hi ddar rill nM>r info the ^e _ .~- ~o .~.- _ ui ucu to him, and in event of failure to enter^into such-contract said cash,n cashier's check, certified check, or bond shall become the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. If the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the lowest bidder's security shall be applied by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the low bid and the second lowest bid, and the surplus, tf any, shall be returned to the lowest bidder. The amount of the bona to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shall be one hundred percent (1001) of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond to an amount equal to fifty percent (50~) of the contract price far said work shall be given to secure the payment of claims for any materials or supplies furnished for the performance of the work contracted to be done by ehe Contractor, or arty work ^r labor of any kind done thereon, and the Contractor will also be required to furnish a certificate that he carries compensation insurance covering his employees upon work to be done under contract which may be entered into between him and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work. No proposal will be considered from a Contractor wham a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. _~7 Contractor shall possess a Class "A" License (General Engineering Contractor) in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 1000 et. seq.l and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto at the time time this contract is awarded. The work is to be done in accordance with the profiles, plans, and specifications of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on file in the tlfflce of the City Cierk at 9320 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Copies of the plans and specifications, available at the office of the City Engineer, will be rurnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and payment of (25.00, said (25.00 is nonrefundable. Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and specifications w111 be mailed when said request is accompanied by payment stipulated above, together with an additional nonreimbursable payment of f15.00 to cover the cost of mailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the requirements of Section 902 of the General Provisions, as set forth in the Plans and Specifications regarding the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, the Contractor may, upon the Contractor's request and at the Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute authorized securities in lieu of monies withheld (performance retention). The City of Rancho Cucamonga, Cai ifornta, reserves the right to reject any and ail bids. By order of the founril of tho r.i ty of aBn~hn r~~~.,q...~", r.l~s_r.?_. Gated this ^ day of 19, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, this day of 19 or ATTEST: y er ADVERTISE ON January 9, 1990 January 16, 1990 ~~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: January 3, 1990 T0: Mayor, Members of City Council and City Manager FROM: Jerzy B. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager BY: Bonnie Cabrinha, Spec.i al Districts Supervisor SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO REDEEM BONDS, PUBLISH ANG MAIL NOTICE OF REDEMPTION FOR PREPAID ASSESSMENTS WITHIN THE 5TH STREET INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (82-1R) FOR APPROXIMATELY $25,000 RECOMMENDATION: Approval to redeem bonds, publish and mail the Notice of Redemption to bondholders reflecting $25,000 of prepaid assessments. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Property owners have prepaid assessments within the 6th Street Industrial District (82-1R) totalling approximately 325,000. e xeauctxon in interest expense rs realizable within this district by redeeming outstanding bonds early. Re lly s b 't d~. ~. Jerry B. Fulwood Deputy City Manager r JHF:BC:de Attachment: Not.ire cf Redemption 1~6~-+s,~: ~--o~ao~j ~-~1-q~ NOTICE 08 REDEMPTION TO THE 8OI.DERS OF: CITY OF RANCHO CDCANONGA 6T8 STREET ZNDDSTATnr. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 82-1A NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Rancho Cucamonga (The "Agency"1 has called for redemption on March 2, 1990, S25,G00 principal amount of the Agency's "City of Rancho Cucamonga" 6th Stree*_ Industrial District No. 82-1R (the "BOndc") ar rho redemption price of 1059 of the principal amount thereof, plus accrued interes*_ to the date of redemption. Hond Certificate Amount of Redemption 168 $5,000 174 55,000 194 $5,000 217 $5,000 325 55,000 Or. March 2, 1990, the Bonds or portion thereof, designated for redemption will bec ort~e due and payable at the above stated redemption price and payment will be made upon presentation and surrender at Bank of America National Trust and Savings iesspciatior„ Carporate Agency Service Center, Bond and Coupon Processing, 55 Hawthorne Street, 8th Floor, San Francisco, CA (if delivered) or F.O. Box 37109, San Francisco, CA 99137 (if mailed) . aL i~a wipux ace agency Division, 555 South Flower Street, 5th Fioo r, Los Angeles, CA (if delivered). :pretest payable March 2, 1990, will be paid in the usual manner on presentation. From ar.d after March 2, 1990, interest shall cease to accrue on the Bonds called for redemption. All holde r.s submitting their Bonds must also submit a form W-9 in order to avoid a 209 back-up withholding under the Interest and Dividend Tax Compliance Act of 1983. Failure to provide a comp;.eted w-9 will result in a 20? back-up withholding to bondholders. The .`n rm w-A .. s r,e obtai ;~.. ,.. o... she in~vrn?7 Revenue Service. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON6A, CALIFORNIA Dated: January 3, 1990 ~~C CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: January 3, 1990 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Pianner e~3 . SU&]ECT: APPROVAL OF THE BANNER POLICY AID THE APPROPRIATION OF I. RECOiMEIDATION: The City Cauncll approve the Rancho Cucamonga nner o cy and authorize the establishment of an expenditure account in Fund 25 of (12,000 for the design, purchase aM installation of far banner poles. II. PURPOSE: To establish a City policy for coamunity event banners an a establishment of an ezpenditureaccount in Fund 25 for the design, purchase and installation of four poles for two special comimnity supported banner locations. One banner will be located on Baseline, west of Haven and the second on Archibaid, south of Foothill. Th1srAactlon will implement the City Council's reQuest for the caasunity VtoVspeci 1 ~cowaunityn~ev~entsoannFOllowing Council's authorization, it is anticipzted that the poles wili be installed by July in order to ailow the flying of banners beginning July 1, 1990. Resp 11y yi muted Br 1 City anne BB:sp Attachment: Banner Policy CITY OF RIWCHO CUCMIONGA BANNER POLICY APPROVAL S Requests to harp a banner mist be made in writing to the Department of Commm ity Services prior to August 1 of every year. The banner ntJ St: Be for a comnrnity-wide event and open to the general public, and I_j Be of Significance t0 the City's heritage, and n Be sponsored by the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and ^ Be approved by the City Courcil. DURATION Only six special event banners per locatton are permitted during each calendar year and may only be displayed for a period of up to two weeks. The City reserves the right to take any and all six display periods. However, a hearing of the Park and Recreation Commiss ton will 6e held in Septe~er of each year to consider all applications that have been deemed conplete and submitted with fee pr for to august 1, Final approval shall be made 6y the City Caunctl. FANNER LOCATION The only designated banner lotatfons are on Archib old north of Fnn rhll t and Ra co I ine ~....~ ..c u...__ SPECIFICATIONS A11 banners are three feet in height and thirty feet in length, and upon receipt of a proposed message and required fee, the Ctty wilt ca, se the preparation of the banner to begin and will display the banner during the approved display period. The sign copy shall be limited to the none, date, tfine, and locatton of the event. Final approval of the message on the banner will be made by the City Council with the approval of the application. The installation and removal of the banner will be the responsibility of the City. Following the dtsplay pentad, the banner wilt be returned to the applicant. The establfshed fee includes the preparation, installation, removal, and storage of the banner. I d` - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA STAFF REPORT DATE: January 3, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer 8Y: Nil lie Yalbuena, Engineering Technician SU&IECT: Approval of Parcel Map 12504 located at the southwest corner of Lomita Court and Archibald Avenue, submitted by Nei rick Properties, Ltd. It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution aopraving Parcel Map 12504 and authorizing the City Clerk to cause same to record. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Parcel Map 12504 was approved by Planning Commission on July 26, 1989, for the division of 3.58 acres of land into 3 parcels in the Neighborhood Commercial District located on the southwest corner of Lomita Court and Archibald Avenue. Improvements are to be constructed at the time of ouiiding permic issuance. Respect ubmitted, RH .s m Attachment ~- RESOLUTION N0. %O " UC7~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 12504 (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP N0. 12504) WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map N~mrSer 12504, submitted by Nei rick Properties, Ltd. and consisting of 3 parcels, located at the southwest corner of Lomita Court and Archibald Avenue, was approved by the Planning Conmission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on July 26, 1989; and NHEREAS, Parcel Map Number 12504 is the final map of the division of land approved as shown on said Tentative Parcel Map; and WHEREAS, all of the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the final map by the City Council of said City have now been met. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES that paid Parcel Map Number 12504 be and the same is hereby approved and the City Engineer is authorized to present same to the County Recorder to be filed for record. ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUOAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: January 3, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: John L. Martin, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Recommend approval to open escrow with Rollin and Ann Smith for purchase of land at 4322 Etiwanda Avenue, to obtain the right-of-way for the Base Line Road Widening Protect between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15 for f44,000.00, plus escrow costs of f2,500.00 to be paid from Systems Development Fees Account No. 22-4637-8731 and authorize the City Engineer to execute all necessary doducments YFC'O~FYDmTiDY~ Recommend approval to open escrow with Rollin and Ann Smith for purchase of land at 4322 Etiwanda Avenue, to obtain the right-of-way for the Base Line Road Nldening Protect between Victoria Park Lane and Interstate 15 for (44,000.00, plus escrow costs of f2, 500.00 to be paid from Systems Development Fees Account No. 22-4637-8731 and authorize the City Engineer to execute ail necessary doducments BACK6ROUID/AIWILVSIS: a was mucus ny agrees cnaz cne c1 Ly wools purcnase cne ~micn s proyersy ~ianu and improvements) for a purchase price based on an appraisal prepared by an independent appraisal consultant. The mutually acceptable result is the above recommendation, plus the City absorbing nornial closing costs. Since the City Engineer, by Resoltuton, is authorized to accept the dedication on behalf of the City, permission is sought hereby to also allow the City Engineer to execute and-validate escrow documents on behalf of the City. ----- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAil10NGA ' ,^~ STAFF REPORT .A J. CA.TE: January 3, 1990 TO: Mayor, Members of City Council and City Manager FROM: Jerry H . Fulwood, Deputy City Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO AUTHORIZE CONTRACTING WITH TWO INTERNS TO ASSIST WITH THE PREPARATION OF THE COMPUTER EQUIPMENT FOR THE MOVE TO THE CIVIC CENTER TO BE FUNDED FROM CONTRACT SERVICES ACCOUNT 33-9130-6028 FOR APPROXIMATELY $5,000. RECOMMENGATION: Approval to authorize contracting with two interns to assist with the preparation of the computer equipment for the move to the Civic Center to be funded from Contract Services Account 33-4130-6028 for approximately $5,000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The preparation of the computer equipment for the move to the Civic Center and the installation of said equipment would generate additional responsibilities, such as the backing up of all data and the inventory of all software and hardware, that staff would be unable to handle with the utmost efficiency. To minimize lost production time, would require the assistance of two interns, one month prior to the move-in date and one month after to provide support to sta.`f in accomplishing these tasks. Rej/lspectfully sub~m it~todn~ ~j ~5~ ~ \~- y Fulwcud r . .,_ , ..,.., qcr JBF:de CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: January 3, 1990 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Miki Bra tt, Associate Planner a~ SU&]ECT: ETIWANDA NORTN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT CONSULTANT reques o approve a er en men er or require additional services 6y Michael Brandman Associates, Inc, in the amount of (48,500. Said funds have been deposited with the City by the applicant. I. RECOMMENDATION: Staff reccasnends that the City Council grant by m nu a ac on a attached letter amendment for additional services in preparation of the Etiwanda North Environmental Impact Report in the amount of 548,500. II. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Additional services on the Etiwanda Worth nv rormen a nryact Report are required 1n order for the consultant to expand the scope of work as described in She proposed Letter Amendment (see attached). in summary, the Purpose of Chance C,~~, nunuer 2 is co arrow the City's consultant to actively coordinate preparation of studies by the applicant's consultants, and also to interact with responsible agencies on preparation of adequate mitigation measures required by the environmental process. Funding for the Environmental Impact Report is by the applicant, the Etiwanda North Consortium of Landowners. A check has been received by the City. III. CONCLUSION: Staff-recommends approval by minute action of Letter 7mren3me~Number 2 to the Professional Services Agreemrent entered into on March 1, 1989 with Michael Brandman Associates, tnc, and requests the MAyor to sign same. Resp~fully submitted, ./ / !l ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ City,-1a BB:MB;ko Attachment: Additional Services Authorization No. 2 -ReE~Cu,~Er~~ytu- ~~,...ww~y~ipM(1Nr ar awrlrsn nrur•• ~ NOV E819~i ; ti TIBf~(. '.':. ., ~ r ,,,~ \.•,wi.ire. Navemb~~- 16, 1989 Ms. Mikki Britt Citv of Rancho Cucamonga 9340 Baseline Road, Suite B Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 SUBJECC: Additional Services Authoriution No. 2 for Etiwanda North Specific Plan EIR Dear Ms. BratL• As discussed with you, we have been required m perform the folkrving additional setvici in order to complete the scrcencheck Environmental Impact Report (EiR) under Task B: M1teetirrgs and Protect Coordinatbe The Etiwanda North project has been an ectrcmely interactive planning process with significant coordination involvement not previously assumed in our original Scope of Work and initial Additional Services Authorv~tion. During the intervening period between the submittal of our initial services authorvation on Auvust 10 tOAV o..d rti........., rrnn c__ _ _ considerable amount of time attending meetings, wnfercnce calls, and actively coordinating the project. Various MBA perwmel have already input a total of 252 hours of additional time involving mcetings and project ooordinalioo m date above what was allocated in our original Scope of Work and previom additional services requiL The additional boon contributed by individuals to meetings and project coordination arc as follows: Curtis Ailing 20 hours 7. Michael Davit 106 boon Mel Hinton ttrhours Dave Levine 94 boon Dan Lowery 16 Any 252 hours it is expec!ci that another CO hour. of meeting sad wurdinaiion rime li still needed to wmpkte Task B. Including the 40 hours to compkte Tuk H, we arc requiting an irrcrcate of 516,88(1 to compensate for the additional mating and project coordination time. • ~ h~.i l{J!~\~rnuc. <.uva 1n.i. ~L~nun'~'i~ i 1141 a, iiii Fn I~NiJ ~ ill. ~.mu An.l L,,, {nco!,. ,n 14'w' t4 rti~dldu Ms. Mikki Brate November 16, 1989 Page 2 Review and Analysts of Changes la TraRlq Hydrology, and Biology Three categories of analysis underwent significant changes during our effort in Task B to prepare the screencheck EIR. These areaz are traffic, hydrology, and biology. A brief discussion of our ellor[ .squiring additional wmpensation follows. 1. Traffic The tratTic report by DKS was not delivered to us on the date it was originally scheduled. [n lieu oC the full report, MBA was given piecemeal information and was advised to proceed ahead with our analysis Cor traffic/ciroulation, air quality and noise impact utilising the incomplete information. To maintain schedule, we proceeded with the available data. Eventually we received the complete report from DICS. However, as you well know, the traffic report did not meet the City's expectatiom and was returned to DICS for revuion. At this point in time, MBA had nearly completed the anatysu using the information DICS wtially had provided. In response to the City's comments on the DKS tratEc report, MBA was compelled to review and rc-analyze the previom effort and make appropriate cotrectiom to the traffic%irculatan, air quality, and noise sectiom of the screencheck EIR under preparation. The additional cost for this effort was 55,400. 2. Hydrology At a field review in September with the wildlife agencies, San Bemardirn County Flood Control --~• -= ~-........, .,-,.::L. ,.iy, is wn. uwiut3l rhar lour xparate alternatives would need to be analyzed for hydrology in Etiwanda Creek. Thu enalysiv was determined to be important to demomtrate the differcerxs aaang the alrcmatfve in their ability to prexrve alluvial xrnb habitat, as well as to provide adequate flood control protection. Thex alternative are briefly described below: Alternative 1: Provide a debru basin in Etiwanda Canyon and rock-tined levees. Alternative 2: Provide debris basin both in Etiwatrda Carryon and either stave or below Twenty-Fourth Stmt. again with rock-lined levee. Alternative 3: provide a debris basin tithcrabove or bekmTwenty-Fourth Street and rock- lined levee, Alternative 4: Provide a debris basis in Etiwanda Grryoa and channelize Etiwattda Creek either with concrete or armortttac Three of these alternative are new and were tat previomly under wmidemtion. The additional effort to incorporate three alternative into the hydrok>gy analyse [or Etiwettda Creek is estimated to fps[ f7,300. L~ q Ms. Mikki Bratt November 16, 1989 Pagc 3 3. Biology 'Ihe additional effort required to complete the biologics! analyse has been significant, consisting of an extremely interactive program in devebping alternatives and providing comultation to the consr-tium consultants. Dave Levine haz spent mmiderable amounu of time working directly with LSP. and Vail Speck Taylor (VST) on the existing conditions in Day Crcek, Etiwanda Creek, and San Sevaine Creek. The majority of this effort has been involved in analysing impacts to sensitive alluvial fan scrub habitat Specific and detailed analyse of each of the crcek areas was necessary so that VST weld develop appropriate mitigation measures For the overa8 rewurces management plan. In turn, the mitigation measures devekped by VST needed to adequately mitigate biological impacts determined in the sercencheck EIR This mitigation activity also required extensive management attention by Curte Aping, senior resources management personnel, and me. The cost for additional biological work to complete Task B u 516,77A. These changes to the previousty approved scope of services for Task B and previous agreement constitute significant additional services under our contract To complete [he additional work deuribed above, MHA labor and the cost of our rcimburaabks wiB be billed ro you in axordance with the invoicing provisions of our contract. We request approval of these sdditknal professioml fees and reimbursable expenses totalling (48,500. Please sign and return ene emoted copy of the letter az yrour agreement to authorize the additional budget xnd services described herein Because of the substantial amount involved, we need to receive ezpeAitious authorvation. If }roe have arty questions, please caB me. Sincerely, MICHAEL BRANDMAN ASSOCIATES ~ ~ L- Curtis E. Ailing, AICP Principal - Envvonmental Se ACCEPTED BY: ' CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA fya:01811116 MBA JN 0180005 c~~ CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: January 3, 1990 n T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council L~ FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Dan Coleman, Principal Planner I SU&IECT: APPROVAL OF RECREATIONAL JOINT USE AGREEMENT WITH SAN I i I. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recamnends City Council approval of the a ace greement through minute action. II. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to the City's General Plan Master Plan of ra s, s off has negotiated a Joint Use Agreement with the County Flood Controi District for the Alta Loma Channel Community Trail. This Agreement represents a year's worth of negotiations with the County. The Agreement provides for hiking, biking, and equestrian use along the sides of the channel similar to our existing Agreement for Cucamonga Creek and Demens Channe',. The Agreement is also the first step toward the actual troll development and use. Through the Agreement, the City can now proceed with the acquisition of trail rights over properties where the Dictrirr n~t~ rias easements and the eventual trail development. The Agreement has been approved by the City Attorney as to form and content. In the future, staff intends to proceed with negotiations with County Flood Control on a Master Joint Use Agreement for trail access on all of the remaining channels. The attached Agreement will serve as the basis for the Master Agreement and will hopefully expedite the process. The General Plan designates Deer Creek, Hillside, Day Creek, and others as Community or Regional Trails. Upon City Council approval, the Agreement wail be sent to the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors (Flood Control Board). Ci BB:DC:ko Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Vicinity Map Agreement CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 1'IEM PLANMNC DIVISION ~~ N EXHIBIT: SGI.E: .~- 5c~ TRANSPORTATION/FLOOD CONTROL DEPARTMENT ~ /= \~~lidir,i, ~\~\ // ~ co~~co~~$ o ~ No ENVIRONMENTAL 925 EAtt Third 9bNt Ben BNRrrdRO, CA 93!16-0936 X7111 38 7-2800 iii \~~ ~~~r)III~~~\\ KEN A. MILLER Director Novenber 27, 1989 RECEIVED-. CRYOi RANp1p ~e: 1-405/2.07 w IMN'w roman., 1-406/2.07 City of Rancho Cucamonga P. 0. ?'nx 807 NOV Qg Rancho CUrannrr4a, Cl+. 91730 ~ ~ ._ , ~'~1j r .l, q _~ Attention: Mr. Dan Colehan ~ ' Senior Planner u Re: Zone 1, Alta Irna Storm Drain Alta Irna Basins 1, 2, 3 P130FT76ID CQTIkI USE PC32EQ•43JS Attached are two draft copies of the above refer~rced Proposed agxeemmt and the original and three copies of the above refc,,.,...,w Proposed agreaaent. the two draft copies have been highlighted to show the pzoposed revisions. Most of these revisions are required due to an existing oo,men use agreement between the City and District on Alta Irma Basin No. 2 arc] the District only. tavin7 an easenpllt over a portion of Alta Irna Basin No. 3 and an aassaro..' over a portico of Alta Irna Stonn Drain. 'lhe °__---t areas aze hicklighted in blue or. the exhibit attached to the proposed agreemJrt. Please review the revisions to the proposed ^~, if the revisions are aa~ptable to the City, then the original and threE copies tray be exeryta3 by the appropriate City officials and returned to the District for further processrng. If the proposed revisions are not acceptable to the City please provide any proposed tevisiom, cz~eka or concerns on two of the copies that were provided and return then and the original agreeiwnt to the District for our review. A hic~lic~tted draft ropy is a.so being sent to Andrew V. Arozynski, Assistant City Attorney. 1f you have arty questions regarding the above, please mnltact the undersigned at (714) 387-2673. Very truly Yours, WMC: es Attadmrllts cc: Supervisor Mikels w/attadmierrt Andrew V. Arczyrlski w/attadment K. Williams KAM/FVC/Reading File WILLIAM M. NLLINS, Chief Field Eryineerirq Division ~J c uN.n r,~ e `. Ya Lei ~ - 4rro.w SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT STANDARD CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT USE ONLY William M. Collins, 387-2633 hops N.m.. It <omtx[ b<mon mm oq prym.m or nwip[ nri <ampbt. Ju lollowlny: ' Alta i,ma efn rn-.' e.vmrn«enlm<p: At to T R= N ~ J THIS CONTRACT is entered into in the State of California by and between the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, hereafter called the District, and N«n. "F n' fi --'~'-'~'' r b A00<m D rl A•. O'] hereafter called ~ vn.n. n nn. , ,p/: ;~ F<pnl IC No. or Son.15<cunry No. `5'.g~y 1 ,~Ay `~~ti Iaa~"3:3 IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS; ~ ~ ' (Use rpece be/ow nd edditionN bond Meet; Set /a.•th mrvip to ~ d, amount to b Peid, manner o/AaYment, time far perfomunce or completion, ~tennination of fefNfttery pr~ ytd cwm Tor lemrinetion, other corms and conditions, and attrAPlns, tAecificetions, and sddenW_ Nam.l SSETH WHERFIsS, DI f .ate IwSj'ya,' ixe to enter into a cooperative effort to provide a ~' rr aa.~eaLiw l<si join~~tt~,oT"toB Alta Loma Stozm Drain std Alta Imla Basins ND, 1, 2 and 3. S;.csl ~.w/ W~~r `•"'•"•YF aTIQ C~LTY 11aV0 ~1teTad iftt0 a p¢@ViQ7B CCf®OII UHB AglE~ttr AR'eeme+rt 86-289 !or Alta Lo>® Basin No. 2, said agceematt L w>pe=ser3ed yvld sbay7 begwle lull and wid trpm mvattian o! this agxvlm~nt by tlr DTSTRICl' tud C1TY. WtHRFAS, CTM desixt±s tom'effect, at CITY cost, the CrAlStrtlCtitxt of a mIIti-use trail system, bicycle trails, equestrian trails, pedestrian trails aryl associated wrnerlience landscaping amenities (i. e. benches, hitching posts, signs, access gates, drinking fountains, etc.) and app'y+~~~, within tha property used Por the Alta Iola Storm viain and Alta Lots Basins No. 1, 2 and 3 which will necessitate C1TY~S usa of certain DISIRICi' properly; . WHEREAS, said multi-use trail syst® and appurterrargea will oaxgry, in part, porti~r of the DISIRICC awned lards, hereinafter called "DLSIRICT IANDS" (as shown in ye11Dw on attached Esdtibit "A'r); and L' ~1 }.frill qp. 11/r0 e.rr' oly WfDiREAS, said mmrlti-uae trail system and appurtmanoes will ocngry, in part, portiecB of lards the DLSIIZLQ' holds easement on twreirafter called "DISIftICl' EASE{4Z7f" (as shown in blue -an attadred Exhibit "A") and C1TY shall aoquin the urderlyirg Pee owners approval for said multi-use trail systaa and appistenanoes over DISII2ICf EASEtgNf; WHIIiPAS, C1TY desires to OOIU^tIlrCt said multi-use trail system aril a~+*~'e^"+.~ and to maintain said nnrlti-use trdil syste,n acd apputter,arrce_s within DLSiRICP W7I1S and DISIRICP EASF2gZ7f (which DISII2ICf LAND and DLSiRICP EASES1FTIf are hereinafter referned to has 'AREA of CaP9JN USE'), which AREA OF OSMYk7 USE is shown on attached map marked "E7~ffBTT A" at;acl,ed hereto and ixoraxrate3 herearith; Wt~TtFi1S, DZS1RICf desires to preserve, maintain, m,rmvs~truct and operate flood control and water mrtserlation works within atd across said AREA;'OP CQ•4PkI USE. NCW, ~~, TT IS UNDERS1T70D AND 1. OLSiRiCf heretry oorvsents to CPM'S.x: ,construction, re~struction and rtaintenafA.~a of n+<~4~, 4nr.y+ a multi-use trail system and a~~hereto, at CITY'S sole ~~ within the AREA OF OCbADN USE: Provided however ~ that no such use, oca@arwy, construction, reconstruction or st b~aEfected by the CITY, it suxessors or assigns, in any ma`riri~ "Y ~' -7iray interfere or conflict with ern' structures, facilities, oper~a^F~~+, ,~ ~ or uses whidr DISTRICT has or intends to have upon said laazde~ ,A CI'H~strgi sutmit mmlete alone and rnnw.* a n..+=if 'w •<- - -^,~~ CITY'S contra "~' toAgi ues-t a permit for the Proposed ooa~pancy to DISIItLCT'S Flood Control EYlgineer~ least sixty (60) days prior to the date of sudr intended ocwpanry or use and obtain. DISIHICf'S written approval and require a permit to mnstnret, therefore, which approval atd permit shall rwt be withheld, if in the opinion oY the Flood Oontrol Engineer, the Proposal does rot interfere or conYlict- with the DIS1RICf'S interests. Upon termination of this agreement, all facilities, structures and landscaping installed by CITY shall ba wowed prior to the termination date. CPIY, its sugcessors and assigns shall assume i1r11 resparoibility for the operation atd maintenance of the nulti-use trail system and T~ ~+ 2. CITY acknowledges DIS1RICf'S right to AREA OF OCDfdCN USE and the priority of DISTRICT'S right within DISTRICT IANDS and DL3IRICT p'a~^a. Ewcept in emergerx:ies, CPfY shall give reasonable rotioe t0 DZSRLICf and receive DLSTRICf approval before perfozmilg arty work on CITY facilities in said AREA OF C[Zt41tl USE, or whidr said work will in arty way alter or d7ettvct the flow of or potential flow of waters within said flood control a~ water oonsezvation works. Page 2 of S ]. DISIItICl has and reserves the right to usa AREA of Q2M1Yd USE in airy manrrr not in conflict with CITY'S needs Por the pxcposed mAti-use trail system and a« ^r , without necessity for ary further penait or permission from CITY. DLSiRICf shall, except in emergencies, give reasonable notice to CPM before performing any work wtrich may affect CITY'S facilities in said AREA OF COt~I USE. 4. DISiRiCf ardor the Courrty of San Bexmaxdi.rw shall unify atd bald harmless the CITY, their officers, agents, volunteers and e~loyees from aril against arty and all claims, demands, lass or liability of any kind or nature whidr the CITY, their officers, agents, volunteers or erployees, ::y ss`~in ar inarr or which may be inposa3 upon them, for Property damage, injury to or deatR of arty persons. CPIY shall irdennify, deferrl and hold San Bernaxduw, their officers, agents, any and all claims, dematris, loss or ] DISIRICP ardor County of San Hernarr5l e~loyees, may sustain or incur a~whi ~~' damage, injury to or death of ar>}~„pe2aec CT ardor the County of erployees from and against kind for nature which the icexs, agents, volunteers or imposed rrpott them, for pttiperty In ozder to aoaaplisb; ~~w`i ' rcation herein provided for, the CIT1C shall seau+e and maintain ~ttimx~,out~*,,,tpe term of the cmtract and shall require CITY'S contractor to ~~, the"L~~ types of ihsurarre or aQlf iirsutanoa with limits a.qq y° ~t'~' ,~ Workets~ Compnseation: A Program of workers' co~ation insurance or a state-appr~ed se1P-insurance program in an amaart and form to meet all applicable r,rnrn; ,; rmronr= of the Iabor Cti.$e oc the State of California, including Employer's Liability with $250,000 limits, covering all P°T~+^= providing services on behalf of tha CITY or DLSiRICf/Caurty of San Bernaa3tno and all risks to such per..ons under this agreement. workers' ovation: Statutory Workers' Ccnioensation Ittvurance. The CITY shall wire the carriers cf t'ria caleiage to waive all r,{ghts of s2br.3a~?~: against the DISTRICT or the County of San Bernardirn, their officers, volunteers, eoployees, contractors and subcontractors. JW Page 3 of 5 comprelunsiva General and Automobile In.^uraue: This wverage to include contractual coverage arxl automobile liability coverage for Domed, hued, and ron-o.~ned vehicles. the policy shall have mr~bined single limits for bodily injury and PYtipPSty damage of no less than one million dollars ($1,000,000). Errors and omissions liability insurance with combined single limits of $1, 000, 00o for bodily injury and property damage, CITY shall fuafish certified copies of all policies and effiorsements to the DISTRICP evidenc_ng t're insurance coverage above rerniiced prior to the t of performance of servicrs herettntler, which shall provide that such insurwse shall not be terminatsl or expire except without thirty {30) days written notice to the DISPF2ZCf. •'.~ •~ '~..:i '' ~'.'"'~ All policies, with respect to the cyver~e alive r+equit>':d, ext>?pt for the Workers n .,: Conq~tsation insuratrx ooveza~sobtaifY~addititmal ~dorsenrnts nantirg the DI'1RICP aryl the County oP San-6er*+airliii8~their ett~ltryees, agents, volunteers and officers as additional namsi`•insiggc~ wi~~Yespect to liabilities arising out of the performance of services,here under, ~.. .. ,•,q ..,y All policies required^aRip~r~pgre'to be primary and rbn~ntrikuting with any i^sv~ance or self-insurarx~pxpgramf;ied or acD¢inisteted by the CITY. The CITY shall ~requ~te the carriers of tttis coverage to waive all riots of subrogation against-the DISTRICP and the Nunty of San Bernardira, their officers, volunteers ~ , employees, contractors arcl svboontractors. 5. CITY sha11 protect the debris retentietrt areas of the basins frtm public trespass. special fencing or other IDeafts of delineatifg the multi-tlIIa trail syst® shall be used to bar reel>3atiocu'T area users fztm retention area Of the basins ofd the amass roads thereto. 6. Upon fourteen (id) days notice t4 rl~ CITY, DISiRIC! may close all or any part of the multi-use trail system to the public during storm maintpswae activities, during routine maintenance work, during the time warlc is being performed in acvoxr]arga with ~exmits issued by the DISTRICP and to if~nlre public safety durifg severe storm coTditicne. tburteeli day rtotiw fat applicable to ®atgewy aeinteftanoe or repair aituatitxt9. J / Pagc 4 of 5 7, t~ shall ba responsible for policirq efforts to prohibit motorcycles, thx~-chieel reczeatimal vehicles and other motor vehicles fzge usitg the multi-use trail system. 8. CITY shall be r+e,^pottisible for pick up and dispczsal of all trash within areas Ut1112~ by the public for mtllt:l-use trail reCCedtlOllal plllpDSe.. n.rat nt t0 11115 d ~'ree111Pl1t. 9. Either party can terminate this agreement upon sixty (60) days notice to the other tarty. 1I-IIS AGREEhID.T shall inure to the benefit of and be assigns cf both parties. ,: il,,.e, (~.'..'' F y~ SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY F LOOD CONTROL DISTRICT ~- Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTESTED: Secretary of the Flood Control District Apprpvtl n 1o L.t~l form e..~.....n .... un.,..., upprr cpr~.x upon the successors and CPM OF RAL7CFp CIJCNQY7GA r5brc IrcpmoraNon, eonW~nY, rrc.l By ~ IAU!!INIKd S('fI1C!J.YI Dated Title om _ yum AWmY AOmininrnor/CAO ow OSIiUf~{P) eb. 33/10 f ~~ S 0r5 i I. i ~' _ - cM1.. it _ s.s _.~ ~•(I ~. `' '' ,i I _ ~: 11 i ~~1 { 4S I~ , I ~ ~ 1' f!, ;~ 111 ~~~ o~- _~: _~,_ - :. ..,: '' __ ' l i~~ ~~N~~1.. ~.{ III µ__Y9 J ~._ _ i~~ ... !1 .~ iie O ~ ~ ~ •t; 1 i [ ~% _ :. ~. _. t::. _ I' . . - _ i I ~'__~IL_ ~-' _ _ ...._ 1 ~~ 1hI ~ ~ _~ 1~i .;y y;~ -- - ~ ~ r'` ~ :~ -... :__ - s i ~~t _ r ,. ~; >~ ,-'; ~~ .: ~~ i S ~ ©©© ! ~ , ~ ~IYI. ~,y ' r ail :. '~ -.---_..._.-_..-. ~ I ~•~ ~I ~~ j;~~. 'r a. j ^{ _ ,~ j ~ , 1111 i:il r :.. i -t ~ I .I ~ I ~'.. ~i I i ' ~ i !t e, t _ _ ~ i ova =T ~ fi.o y~.l f•r;• - - - - I ; o L..I: ~ lit ~ ., ..~ _ I I i .~ :' r i ~ ~~ ~ p ~ O O • r "f ~ N.. ~ :: ~~ :: 333""" a ... r ~ i. ..' j Yt I"• 200' ~~- a W a fl ~I w p i_07 ii s r:wavu l TIC J w Q m C = O ~gs,]sOx/4/x rc s .%~I-3 Aa,s Q 1 eni,n. +-I--~~•--a. fJ0 cr,prHILL FROSTLESS LOT i4 MB 20/34 22 xas a.e ~.y,vvt ron .w... FRvIT ::G. TRACT PJa.2 0 _~T ib w x r sxs.ix' IIIi.i ]' HI6H<.ANO -qVE. NOTE~BwrFp per TR. 9S67xx9.isy~ro- ALTA LOMA STORM DRAIN FLOODECONTROLODISTRICI Portion SI/2,SW1/4,S~ction28,T.IN.,R.TW. °010° °~~ an 8.0. 7.17.8 sA[ MA D.P.1.400/e: G X~A'~~p 1 \' p'f1 ~' • Shta+ 3 v~ 5 I.IN.R.7W. $.B.B.dM. ,^ _ .~ n~ a nyo clr 202 stead Associotiow-Mfi 6/46 / ..6~,y,;sooa • ~c l~ hys& c.~. rfa.-. ~.-o,h f ra5~ '•~5, snnpv~w. ~ I lVa cw v : p,caglw. w~ . Lrc. ra 26rni ...._L._.. . .. _~gVENUE ~Y'`;"~ i ..,.. I S 'I .... ~~.c ~ ~ ~ i z'j ~a ~ STATE HGWY. 30 I < ~, :I • M I i, aac ac r.a l k tiw I ^ ~ R ~ I M. .. ~~ ISJ01 :!'JW r ~ 1 ~ ,a ~n I. ~ 1,~2 ,1~WL ~ ~ l I ~' ~ I M•i 11 N ~I \ I ~ ~ ^ 'i ~ I 452 AC WL al 'J i I I i' ~' 2.SK ~/L /). }(\ / /: ~ I 1 I 1 J~ I, n C i i T~ •l~n 'I I: ~ ~I y d p ~ .r I I f . i I I ti I I r.._,pY / / n~ ` 2 ~ I " ® X16 , I " I :a 1 ~ ...~.-.. ~ y In 1 ~ 1 ~~ i1 I . i_wl _ ,E 311. ~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~^~ ___~ ____~ 1 tii 2 } . 81.IL ST EET 51 F assessor's Map ,,.~,..., BOait 202 Pape 17 sal 9emareino orrelry -~ __ __- :_ _-..._- _ - - T L """' SNaa-.1' 4 eE 5 _ _ - ~. ~.GOrr- Z H/~NL e. ~Tf1YP T•il,)J' /.HTi'.L'1~'M ~ '~ \ \ n LOT 6 /, po.F. X109 )' i"J) ES a m Curet 'ae pc 1/'/ ~ ~I A e,zp~.~p- /.c ~ 3 a•s)),z)• o N L•25>L' ~ \ _ 232 ~ N p T. nJ.>v 953 ~~~ ~ G L•: 100• m~ D m .~ i` ~. ~~ p. a'/.0 I J I •~ _ / t n ~ OJ1 ~J W ~! i. /i. W R• L _N 5o Auss<o>v/' 1 '~ I a•)zsdo• I ~ ; ••'f L. )aS. H' .ii ,r ~,~~,lJ ~ T/i S.Of ~~yl~ w n N n w N ~ I i,C.:~~) i n l .I t W 8m __ `- ~ ~-8~~in. car c - - - -~ VAC. ST. - } - ~ - rN n~. yr i. mw i - - •+. . a _1=19TH --{QLIYE) - -~T---I--- T ALTA LOMA STORM DRAIN Pfn. lof~ S d 6, Bloek 3, Cucamonga NomaffWa~ Auoeloflon Traef, M.& 8N6; Ptn. Govarnmonl Lol 1, Soe. 33, ilR, RTW.,SEM ~~3 -,-. i., ~ ~. ~..r, :.. SAN el¢RNARDINO COUD FLOOD CONTROL DIETR~ Mmaaa IrcfL n o W. S. G. 12.1 mt ra. D. P. I-400 SY,aa~ 5 ~ S CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: January 3, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Linda Beek, Jr. Civil Engineer a~3 SUBJECT: Award and authorization for execution of contract for Area V Hillside Road Storm Drain, Phase II, Improvement Protect located between Archibald Avenue and Alta Loma Channel far the amount of 5334,281 (f303,892 plus 10% contingency), to be funded with Drainage Funds, Account No, 23-4637-8862 RECONENDATIOM: It is recommended that the City Council award and authorize for execution the contract for Area V Hillside Road Storm Drain, Phase II, Improvement Protect to the lowest responsible bidder, G. B. Cooke, Incorporated., for the anaunt of 1303,892 and authorize the Administrative Servivices Director to expend 5334,281 (f303,892 plus 10~ contingency) to be funded from Drainage funds Account Ho. 28-4637-8862. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Per previous Council action, bids were solicited, received and opened on December 7, 1989, for the subtect Drotect. G. B. Cooke, Incorporated, Ts the apparent lowest responsible bidder with a bid amount of f303,892 (see attached bid summary). The Engineer's estimate was f243,168.50. Staff has reviewed alt bids received and found them to be complete and in accordance with the bid requirements. Staff has completed the required background investigation and finds all bidders to meet the requirements of the bid documents. 0.esp ~u ltted, lei--"--~-~ v _~ ~ RHM:LB: Attachment cc: Purchasing .. ~~ o~ 3 ~ a ~ ~ '~ y ~ a a s as s' .9 ~~ "a s .a Y 8 E B r a ~ g "s e £i a .. ~ ~I -J .. o Y A 9 S L 8 ., ~ ~ ff ~ ~ 8 ~ 8 ~ V ~ W y ~ z 3 a ~ ~ s g o a i a S ' 9 ,~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ' . ~ g 0 b a . ~ g ~I ~ `~'`I~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: January 3, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Linda R. Beek, Jr. Civil Engineer g~ . SUBJECT: Execute contract for the Milliken Avenue Median and East Side Entry Monument improvement Project located from Fourth to Sixth Streets, awarded to Palley Crest Landscape for the amount of f481,606.00 (f437,823.26 plus 10~ contingency) to be funded from Beautification Funds Account Nos. 21-4647-8814 and 21-4647-8719 (FY 89-90) Awarded November 1, 1989 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that City Council authorize the Ma,YOr and City Clerk to execute the contract documents for the Milliken Avenue Median and East Side Entry Monument Improvement Project, and authorize the Administrative Services Director to expend f481,606.00, (5437,823.26 plus l0i contingency) to be funded from Beautificatl on Funds Account Nos. 21-4647-8814 and 21-4647-8719 (FY 89-90). Background/Analysis On November 1, 1989, City Council awarded the subject project to Palley Crest Landscape. Staff has received the executed contract documents, bonds and insurance documents; reviewed them and found them to be complete and in accordance with the contract proposal. Respec 1 ubmitted, RHM: Ba i f~ cc: Purchasing CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: January 3, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: John L. Martin, Associate Civil Engineer {s SUBJECT: AF~roval of Agreement for installation of public improvement and dedication between E. Lorraine Malloy and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for street frontage Improvements along the property at 8783 Arrow Route, for the Baker-Arrow Route Storm Drain and Street Reconstruction Protect. IIECDMMEIOATIOM: Staff recommends the adoption of the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement and Dedicatt on between E. Lorraine Malloy and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for street frontage improvements at 8783 Arrow Route, in con,{unction with the Baker-Amok Route Storm Drain and Street Reconstruction Pro,~ect. BACK6ROIIND/AMILL YS I S The City contacted the owner of the property at 8783 Arrow Route in April of 1987 for exchange of Rights-of-Nay for improvements. At that time, the owner Ms. Malloy, agreed to the exchange and signed the Dedication and Agreement. Unfortunately, there was a ,joint tenant on the property still showing on record, who had passed away and the title was never cleared. Therefore, the Ju~wnen Le were invaiia until a ueatn of Joint Tenant Certificate was recorded. Staff was told by the County Recorder that the attorney for the owner could record such a document. Staff contacted Ms. Malloy's attorney who requested transmittal of the original documents to his office for action. This was done in August of 1988. The attorney made additional improvement demands upon the City, not originally agreed upon by the owner and the City. Staff agreed to add these Improvements, but the attorney failed to comply with the request of recording the Death of Joint Tenant Certificate and the transmitted original Agreement and Easement Deed. Staff has worked closely with Ms. Malloy and her sister Ms. Jones to obtain a new Agreement, Easement Oeed, and a Death of Joint Tenant Certificate. The new Agreement lnciudes some of the items of concern that the owner would like to have replaced due to prior construction. The signing of the agreement and deed nullify the need for further dealings with the unresponsive attorney who purports tG re'yrESent Ma. Maiioy. Resp / tted, L ~pam Attachment RESOLUTION N0. 9d _ Q~ U A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF f1ANCH0 CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA ACCEPTING THE AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AND DEDICATION FROM E. LORRAINE MALLOY FOR THE BAKER-AKRON ROUTE STORM DRAiN AND STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT MiEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has establis'^ed requirements for construction of frontage Improvements in a manner ±hat shall be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; and WHEREAS, the widening of existing roadway section along Arrow Route and tnstallati on of curb, gutter, sidewalk, street light and street pavement at 8783 Arrow Route shall be made part of the Baker-Arrow Route Storm Ora1n and Street Reconstruction Project; WHEREAS, E. Lorraine Malloy has agreed to dedicate right-of-way as a reimbursement to the City for said Improvements. NOM THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does resolve as follows: 1. Accept the Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement and Dedication. Council authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to sign same, and directs the City Clerk to record same in Lhe Office of the County Recorder of San Bernard/no, California. L(% I CITY OF RANCHO CCCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: January 3, 1990 T0: City Council and C1 ty Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector a SUBJECT: Concurrence of agreement between City of Rancho Cucamonga and Scott Cable Communications, Incorporated, for additional Construction Permit Provisions RECOMIEMOATIOM: It is recommended that City Council concur with the Hold Harmless Agreement, Construction Permit/Additional Provisions, between Scott Cable Communications, Incorporated, and the City of Rancho Cucamonga executed by Scott Cable Communications, Incorporated, and the City Engineer and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same signifying concurrence. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Scott Ca61e Communications, Incorporated, has requested that Lhe City Engineer provide additional provisions to existing standards for the economic installation of cable T.Y. Staff has reviewed the request and finds that certain areas such as interior tract streets can be treated differently than " >ti cc i,a au~ii nn ae,.uudar'y iliyiMgys due i0 Smaller I.1.'s (Irafflc Index) and~structual sections, 1.e. cable at shallower depths (12" min.) in interior tract streets has no effect on the structure of the street. However, the cable 7s more readily subject to damage resulting from maintenance and surface construction activities. Also, unlike natural gas and electrical, the signal transmitted by the cable is non-hazardous. Therefore, the cable at shallower depths poses no threat to the public or construction or maintenance workmen. In addition, Scott Cable Communication, Incorporated, maintains the position that any damage, relocations required, etc. to the cable resulting from shallower depths is less-costly than installing the cable deeper initially. The City Engineer, having the authority to develop and approve standards recognizing the City's desire to provide citizens with economic cable T.V. service and taking into consideration staffs finding's has approved additional provisions provided Scott Cable Communications, Incorporated, accepts responsibility for the integrity of the cable. The additional provisions will be '-^orporated or. a case by case basis when permit applications are submitted, The Hold Narmless Agreement will apply to all permits where the additional provisions are incorporated. Respe , ubmitted, ~ --~--~~ _- ~ - --- - CITY OF RANCHO CIICAMONGA , STAFF REPORT ' ~- DATE: January 3, 1990 y _i T0: City Council and City Manager ' FROM: Russell H, Maguire, City Engineer ~~ BY: Willie Valbuena, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No, 1 ' and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 for 2 for Tract 13621, located on the northeast corner of Hillside Road and Hermosa Avenue, submT tied by Bahama Development Company ~I RECOMIENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Tract 13621, accepting the subJect agreement and security, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Ligh ti n9 Maintenance District Nos. 2, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. ANALYST S/BACKGROUND Tract 13621, located on the northeast corner of Hillside Road and Hermosa Avenue, in the Ver.Y Low Resldentiat nter.•:.•t _ ••--••-+ y~~ - - =j•p•~..,~ ~ ,.fc Mann lilg ~ommtsstan on January 13, 1987, for the division of 5 acres into 7 lots. The Developer, Bahama Development Company, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful performance Bond: f3911,000,00 Labor and Material Bo~td: f195,000,00 Monumentatlon: S 2,750,00 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. Letters of approval ha 4e been received fray the high school and 212merlta'ry school distracts and Cucamonga County Nater District. C.C. 8 R.'s have also been approved by the City Attorney. The Consent and Nalver to Annexation form signed by the Developer is on file in the City Clerk's office. Res/pec s bmi ;ed, U .. RNM:N . dar '~ Atrachments ""?i RESOLUTION N0. ~.~~ 1~` A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CWNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY, ANO FINAL MAP OF TRACT N0. 13621 NHEREAS, the Tentative Map of Tract No. 13621, consisting of 7 lots, submittec by Sahama Development Company. Subdivider, located or. the northeast corner of Hillside Road and Hernwsa Avenue, being a division of has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by said Subdivider for approval by said City as provided in the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, and in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 28 of said Ctty; and NHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the Final Map of sold Tract said Subdivider has offered the Improvement Agreement submitted herewith for approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient Improvement Security, and submits for approval said Final Map offering for dedication for street and highway purposes the streets delineated thereon. NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, HEREBY RESOLYES as follows: 1. That said Improvement Agreement be and the same is approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute same on behalf of Bald City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and 2. That said Improvement Security is accepted as good and sufficient, subject t0 approval as Lo fora and content thereof by the City Attorney; and 3. That the offers for dedication and the F1na1 Map delineating same be approved and the City Clerk 1s authorized to execute the certificate thereon on behalf of sold City. 7.~- RESOLUTION N0. 90 - a7 ~p A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNYA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. i AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR TRACT 13621 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 1, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and NHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972' authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, ali of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Fnat neor'c "Rannrf" NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLYES AS FOLLONS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative body hereby orders the annexation of the prope~y as shown in Exhibit "A" and the vrork program areas as described in Exhlblt "B" attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including -ETie~evy of ali assessments, shall be appilcabte to the territory annexed hereunder. ~, ~~ 'A' ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 W `~ ALMOND STREET ~ 2 W Q F [~ m W J O c m s N = V W = a --~. NIILSIDE r r x W WIL30N i ~ ~ ~.` AVENUE W 7 2 W t a W t z CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONtiA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO TR /3(0~/ STATE OF CALIFORNIA EXNIB[T 'B' PROJECT NAME: TRACT N0. 13621 N0. OF O.U. OR ACREAGE: 7 D/U NO. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 7 UNITS STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE OISTRICT No. of Lamps to be Annexed District No. 58fJ0C--95DDC-`~6~D0- '1'1,DW2T,36D 1 °- 8 --- --- --' 2 --- --- --- --- --- LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Comaunity Ground Cover Equestrian Trail Trees Otstrlct No. Street Name Sg• ft. Sq. ft. Ea. i Filkins Avenue --- --- 18 Hillside Road 4176 6284 17 Nermosa Avenue --- 3276 9 JM:1/3/90 ~~ - CITY OF RANCHO CtiCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: January 3, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer y ~ I BY: Millie Valbuena, Engineering Technician I SUBJECT: Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2 for Tract 13851, located north of Nilson Avenue, west of Oeer Creek I Channel, submitted by Pacific International Development, Inc. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Tract 13851, accepting the subJect agreement and security, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. ANALYSIS/BACKGRWND Tract 13851, located north of Nilson Avenue, west of Deer Creek Channel, in the Very Low Density Residential District, was approved by the Planning Commission on October 12, 1988, for the division of 38.90 acres into 61 lots. The Developer, Pacific International Development, Inc., is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-Site improvements in the following amounts: Irrevocable Latter of Credit Faithful Performance: (1,042,000.00 Labor and Material: f 521,000.00 MonumentatiElF Cash: f 5,450,00 Copies of the agreement and security are available 1n the City Clerk's Office. Letters of approval have been received from the high school and elementary school districts and Cucamonga County Na ter Distrlc t. The Consent and Naiyar to Annexation form signed by the Developer 1s on file in the City Clerk's office. Respec su ~ Ttted, ~RHM V:J Atta menLS .~, RESOLUTION N0. ~~ ' GG 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY, AND FINAL MAP OF TRACT N0. 13851 WHEREAS, the Tentative Map of Tract No. 13851, consisting of 61 tots, submitted by Pacific International Development, Incorporated, Subdivider, located north of Wilson Avenue, west of Deer Craek Channel has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by said Subdivider for approval by said City as provfded in the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, and in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and NHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the Final Map of said Tract said Subdivider has offered the Improvement Agreement submitted herewith for approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient Improvement Security, and submits for approval said F1na1 Map offering for dedication for street and highway purposes the streets delineated thereon. NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: 1. That said Improvement Agreement be and the same is approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute same on behalf of said City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and ... ihui said ii+yr urepeuL Sewri iy is a~~eyleu as youd and sufficient, subject to approval as to form and content thereof by the City Attorney; and 3. That the offers for dedication and the Final Map delineating same be approved and the City Clerk is authorized to execute the certificate thereon on behalf of said City. 7~ RESOLUTION N0. Gl~, ~O A RESOLUTION ~ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEIfATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR TRACT 13851 ;HEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 1, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"1; and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit `A" attached hereto and incorporated hereto by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLONS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this 1eg151ative body hereby orders the annexation of the grope-~ as shown to Exhibit "A` and the work prograe areas as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including ~'Fifie Tevy of all assesssents, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. 7C~ EXINOIT •~• ASSESSMENT DIAGiRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 2! __ 2\~ 29 n~-. ;1 -- .l I I eAaa^y.~.v ; x - ji Q •y'. +~~ m ?-~ Z } ~ 7 =; ~@ 1 ~~ I ® D~:]OTES CITY ~ INTAINED ARE} n D NOTES STREE211 N LjGHTS n I ~ m 2] 'i 2] ' 2' .~ ~a ~ 1 --.~ ~]+ 2i [ '° .e v 20 19I ..y u '$( 6 ]5 i9 i 50 ~+]y~ ]7 i a ~ m I +_ ..uvu war ]5 i) +U ,,]9 +I 5] ~ 5+ a ~ iz ~5 ~ 53 I] ~+ ie ~ ~.// 5J i2 iii ii a 50 59 5 I ] 5 3 ~ ~.m swr + I ]~, ~ ~ , ___s~o H~.•.,, .-~. 1 W/LIaN .4Vi.VUL CITY OF RANCNO CUCAMONaA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA TR ~385~ EXHIBIT 'B' PROJECT NAME: Tract 13851 N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: 61 lots N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 61 units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Bo. of Lamps to be Annexed District No. 5800-95II0~-I'6;DDQ Z2;OOU-2T51W 1 --- 4 --- --' --- 2 42 --- --- --- --- LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Equestrian Trail Ground Cover Tree uiscricc No. Street Name Sq• ft. Sq. ft. Ea. 1 Nilson Ave. 1680 5920 15 Hillside Rd. Lot 'A' 2640 1760 --- Hillside Rd 5520 --- 22 High Meadow P1. --- --- 71 Carriage P1. --- --- 52 Martingale Nay --- --- 19 Tra11s End Ct. --- --- 17 Z07 JAA:1/3/90 ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: January 3, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Nillie Valbuena, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 for 6 for CUP 81-29 located at the southwest corner of Lomita Court and Archibald Avenue, submitted by Nei rick Properties REC01lENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving CUP 87-29, accepting the sub,iect agreement and security, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6, and authorizing the Mayor and the Ct ty Cierk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND CUP 87-29, located at the southwest corner of Lomita Court and Archibald Avenue, in the Neighborhood Commercial District, was approved by the Planning ~ummissiun mi may ii, iyoo, fUr LIIC tiereiuymen i. ui d wmner~iai ai i,e. The Developer, Nei rick Properties, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: 512,340.00 Labor and Material Bond: S 6,170.00 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. A letter of approval has been received from the Cucamonga County Nater 0lstrict. The Consent and Waiver to Annexation form signed by the Developer is on file 1n the City Clerk's office. Resp y ubmitted, R .NV:J Attachments RESOLUTION N0. 4~ - ~ p 9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAl10NGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR CONDITdONAL USE PERMIT N0. 87-29 ',. 1EREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, ^alifcrnia, has for its consideration an Improvement Ayreement executed on January 3, 1990, by Nei rick Properties, as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adJacent Lo the real property specifically described therein, and generally located at the southwest corner of Lomita Court and Archibald Avenue; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subiect to the terms Lhereaf, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said real property as referred to Planning Commission, Conditional Use Perait No. 87-29; aM WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement 1s secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement. NON, THEREFORE, THE C[TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. `.Jv RESOLUTION N0. Nom. O / A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY qF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNE%ATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 3 qN0 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR CUP 87-29 N,;EREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972°, being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 3, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street lighting Maintenance District No. 6 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and NHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenarce District; and NHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NOM, THEREFORE, THE C[TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLYES AS FOLLONS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this 1eg151attve body hereby orders the annexation of the proper y as shown in Exgfblt "A" and the work program areas as described in Exhibit "B' attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including"-L~Tevy of all assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. `J- ~:XIYEIT •A• ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 '1-~-._..~.. - --~_- - - 1 ~ - ~n~ I ~ ~m I t, ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ,~ ', . , ,, i, ~ ~ ~; '~ ~~ i~ ~< ;,i i o!' ~~ ~p ~~~ ~ ii~° it E ~~ ~ ~ ~.. r ~ ~~ 0,'~ .. ', I P ° i ~~ 211.1i' - 'i-~ CITY OF RANCilO CUCAMONGA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO I STATE OF CALIRORNIA GUS 87-a9 .~ EXHIBIT 'B• PROJECT NAME: CUP 87-29 (PM 12504) N0. Of D.U. OR ACREAGE: 3,58 acres N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 7.16 units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of Lamps to be Annexed District No. , 1 --- --- --- -'- --- 6 --- --- -° --- °- LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 3 Southwest corner of Archibald Avenue d Lomita Court Turf Ground Cover Trees Sq• ft• Sq. ft. Ea. --- --- 38 JAA:1/3/90 ---- CITY OF RAtiCHO CCCAMONG~1 STAFF REPORT DATE: January 3, 1990 T0: City Council and City Hanager ' FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Willie Valbuena, Engineering Technician ~~ SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and ~~~ Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 I, and Street lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6 for '~, DR 88-13, located on the north side of Trademark Parkway, east of Naven Avenue, submitted by Reiter Rinker Gateway '~ RECOI~EIUATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving DR 88-13, accepting the subject agreement and security, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND D4 88-13, located on the north side of Trademark Parkway, east of Haven Avenue. in the Industrial Dark District. was aooroved by the DlannT na Commission on May 31, 1988, for the division of 6.38~acres into 1 parcel. The Developer, Reiter Rinker Gateway, 1s submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: (396,767.00 Labor and Material Bond: f198,384.00 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. A letter of approval has been received from the Cucamonga County Water District. The Consent and Waiver to Annexation form signed by the Developer is on file in the City Clerk's office. Respect y ubm tied, `~R .~ V:JAAaj Attachments RESOLUTION N0. ~~ _ ~'' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ANO IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DEVELOPMENT REVI EN N0. 88-13 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement executed on January 3, 1990, by Rieter Rinker Gateway as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adtacent to the real property speciflcaily described therein, and generally located north side of Trademark Parkway, east of Haven Avenue, and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subJect to the terms thereof, is to be done in con,lunction with the development of said real property as referred to Dlanning Commlsst on, Oevelopment Review No. DR 88-13; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is Identified in said Improvement Agreement. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor 1s hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement an behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~~ RESOLUTION N0. ~~- ~,~. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEI(ATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS, 1 AND 6 FOR DR 88-13 i1HEREAS, the City Counci} of Lhe City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Att of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said speciai maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District`); and NHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated hereto by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance Dlstrict have filed with the City Clerk their written consent Lo the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or iiiiny of an Enyineer's "iceporc°. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLONS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct, SECTION 2: That this legislative body hereby orders the annexation of the proper y as shown 1n Exhibit "A" and the work program areas as described in Exht6lt 'B"attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance Dlstrict, including a evy of all assessments, shall be applicable W the territory annexed hereunder. ~~ EXNI&T •A• ASSESSMENT DIAGiRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 ~~ i iL _ ~ i_,__ a .fl- a _ 7A T.r-IT--_V"~ J. _. 1 -._l..J-i_n_~ III I'~~ R ~L-. J">~-~rI ~~~~lt___.__n-~: .I ~° ~•~~ of .~I <r -. ~I ~ ~, In 9~ Y~ ~_ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ I~I~ ~~ t' I ~~ ~t _~----1 ~ 1 ~~I ~~ ~~ ~_. _~V~ A J ~ ~v ~~ ~ I 'I '~~ o -~ - ~I - ~~~ °-a--°-°~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ i n r~ n n ~J 'I --~ r -~ r--~ n _\n i '~ ~~ ..,.._~~ q ~~ . ~ U q ; li ~ ~~ I€ j i ~~:.~ i ~ ~~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON~A COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 1 i STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~~~~~ EXHIBIT 'B' PROJECT NAME: OR 88-13 (9496) N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: 6.38 acres N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 12.76 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No, of Lamps 4o be Annexed District No. 38IJ0~-95 S~-2T,SDiT 1 --- -° --- --- --- 6 11 --- °' --- --- LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Median Turf Ground Cover TYPPC District No, Street Name Sq• ft• Sq. ft. Ea. 3 Trademark Pkwy (Median) --- 8800 19 Nfnston Ave. --- --- 8 Utica St --- --- 18 Bentitey St. --- --- 20 65 JAA:1/3/90 -- 9c. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: January 3, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer ~ l BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspec ~ SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract No. 13441, located on the northeast corner of Victoria Park Lane and Kenyon Nay, submitted by Grupe Development RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resclution, accepting the subiect agreement extension and security and authorizing the MAyor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSI $/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract No. 13441 were approved by Lhe City Council on November 17, 1988, in the folloNing aaaunts. Faithful Performance Bond: 5300,000 Labor and Material Bond: =150,000 The developer, Grupe Development, is requesting approval of a 5-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the Ctty Clerk's Office. Respectful ubmitted.,- ~----/ ,RHM: :~ Attachments November 17, 1909 Steve M. Gillilantl Community Development Dept. Engineering Division P.O. Box 007 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Dear Steve: This letter will serve as a formal request for an extension of the Improvement Agreement for tract 13441 for a period of 5 months from the date of the original document for the following reasons: 1) The street paving is incomplete and needs a 1" overlay. 2) There is removal and replacement of concrete, curb and gutter for cify compliance. 3) Site slope landscape is not complete and is in process. Please grant Crupe Development an extension for the above referenced time frame. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Cordially, J hn 5. Gunnison rolect Manager JSC:rvf /1 /~ GROPE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY -SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 940 South Coast Drive, Sulte 260, Costa Mesa, CA 92626,714/754-7788 ~6swe caMVUw RESOLUTION N0. C~p _ ~' 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROYING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION ANO IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT N0. 13441 WHEREAS, the City Council of the Cfty of Rancho Cucamonga, California. has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on January 3, 1989, by Grupe Development as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adfacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the northeast corner of Yictoria Park Lane and Kenyon Nay; and WHEREAS, the Installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and sub,~ect to the terms thereof, is to be done in con,~unction with the development of said Tract No. 13441; and WHEREAS, said Lmprovement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and Lhe same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the Ctty Clerk to attest Lhereto. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: January 3, 1990 T0; City Council and City Manager FROM; Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspecto `=,~~~; SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion y RECOMIENBATION: e~3. The required street improvements for Parcel Map 8617 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of 528,800 authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 5288,000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Parcel Map 8611 - located on the northeast corner of Highland Avenue and Milliken Avenue. utvtwrtW: Raurman ana nroaa 3602 Inland Empire 81vds, MC-ilo Ontario, CA 91764 Accept: Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 528,800 Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 5288,000 Respectf yy~tybmitted, ~i~!/% Attachment RHM;`SMG'dTw RESOLUTION N0. s-7~- Q~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 8617 ANO AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF R NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Parcel Map 8617 have been comp',eted to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and fife a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~. DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT January 3, 1990 City Council and City Manager Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Public Morks Inspect Release of Maintenance Bond for Tract 12238, located on the northwest corner of Church Street and Hellman Avenue It is recommended that the City Council authorize tt~e City Clerk to reiease the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds Background/Analysis The reRuired one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship. DEVELOPER: Citation Builders 17731 Irvine Boulevard, X201 Tustin, CA 92680 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) f46,540 Respectful ,submitted, ~/v(J~l ~~ RHM: w DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCA.MONGA STAFF REPORT January 3, 1990 ' City Council and City Manager Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Puhlic Works Inspec Release of Maintenance Bond for Tract 12835 located on the east side of Vineyard Avenue north of Arrow Highway RECOMIEIDAT[ON: It is recommended that the C1ty Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds Background/Analysis The required one year aaintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship. DEVELOPER: Park Vineyard Jo1nt Venture 23632 Golden Springs Road ,y270 Diamond Bar, CA 91765 aeiease: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) (8,300 Respectf y submitted, Jr HM: ORDINANCE N0. 408 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CU CAMON GA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 9.13 OF TITLE 9 OF THE RAfI CHO CU CAMON GA MIN ICIPAL CODE BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 9,18,012 ENTITLED "TRESPASSES UPON PRIVATE PROPERTY PROHI67TE0" Rarity 1, 5, The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION .: Chapter 9.18 of Title 9 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended to read, in Words and figures, as follows: "Chapter 9.18 "MISCELLANEOUS OFFENSES "Section: "9.18.012 Trespasses upon private property prohibited. 9.18.012 Trespasses up_o n_priva to property prohibited. "(a) No person shall remain upon any private property or business premises, after being requested by the owner or lessee or other person in .. i• ;y~. ~~ i~u ,v rii ri V~IC 1. ~' VI pI CII11)C!• "(b) No person, without permission, express or implied, of the owner or lessee or other person in charge of private property or business premises, shall enter upon such private property or business premises after having heen notified by the owner or lessee or other person in charge thereof to keep off or keep away therefrom. "(c) Exceptions. This section shall not apply in any of the following instances: (L}. Where its application results in or is coupled with an act prohibited by the Unruh Civil Rights Act or any other provision of law relating to prohibited discrimination against any person on account of color, race, religion, creed, ancestry or national origin; (2) Where its application results in or is coupled with an act prohibited by Section 365 of the California Penal Code or any other provision of law rel atinq to duties of lfln Ya al,a YC "\ i.14 . (..~ III 'ts appi iCdLiun wuuid resuii in interference awith mor ^inhi bi ti^on of peaceful labor picketing or other lawful labor activities; (4) Where its application would result in irlte rference with or inhibition of any other exercise of a constitutionally protected right of freedom of speech including, but not limited to, peaceful expressions of political or religious opinions, not involving conduct otherwise prohibited by the California Penal Code; or (5) Where the person who is upon another's private property or business premises is there under claim or color of legal right. This exception includes, but is not limited to, the fallowing types of C~( J Ordinance No. 408 Page 2 situations involving disputes wherein the participants have available to them practical and effective civil remedies: marital and post-marital disputes; child custody or visitation disputes; disputes regarding title to or rights in real property; landlord-tenant disputes; disputes between members of the same family or between persons residing upon the property concerned up until the time of the dispute; employer-employee disputes; business-type disputes such as those between partners; debtor-creditor disputes; and instances wherein the person claims rights to be present pursuant to order, decree or process of a court. SECTION 2: The City Council declares that, should any provision, section, paragraph, sentence or word of this Ordinance be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, and words of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The Dail Re~rt-, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of ntari0 'o, California, and circulated fn the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. 99 - CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: January 3, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguf re, City Engineer BY: Mike Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer ~J,, ~~ SUB.IECT: Public Hearing to receive input regarding the proposed intention to excavate the Alta Lonw Basin No. 1 north of Banyan Street between Archibald Avenue and Hermosa Avenue within Assessment District 84-2, award and authorization for execution of contract for said protect. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Public Hearing, Award of Contract and Authorization for execution of contract for the excavation of Alta Lava Basin No. 1 within Assessment District 84-2 be continued from the City Council Meeting of January 3, 1989, to the City Council Meeting of January 17, 1990. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On November 79 19A9 hi Ae taro nnngnn s,. .he +ti^ ^` ,",'t.: L__ Basin No. I. Funding from Assessment District 94-2 was^sufficient Ito award to the low bidder; however, since the bid opening the low bidder has requested his bid be withdrawn due to a bidding error. Since the low bidder has provided staff with adequate backup data to indicate a bidding error, staff has been negotiating with the second bidder to excavate as much as possible from the basin depending on available assessment funds. These negotiations should be completed in tine for the Council meeting of January 17, 1990. Respec' ~ uhmit>'ed, R. Y cc: Donnie Cabrinha, Special Districts Analyst CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: January 3, 1990 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Dan Col eman, Principal Planner e~3 . SUBJECT: FILM PERMIT ORDINANCE - An amendnent to the Rancho Cucamonga n c pa o e per aining to establishing a film permit process. I. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the propose un c pal Code Amendment for film permits. II. BACKGROUND: In 1988, California lost f3 billion worth of feature m~-~Tevision shows and commercials to other states. In an attempt to recapture the filming industry, a law was enacted Tn 1989 to standardize filming permit procedures within California's communities, This law, AB 4680, required the California film Commission (CFC) to deveiop a "model process for granting (film) permits." 111. ANALYSIS: The attached Ordinance was drafted to conform to the me~~'i1m permit process developed by the California Film Commission. Essentially, the Ordinance designates the Community Development Director as the "Film Permit Officer" to work directly with the film industry. Responsibilities would include promoting the City to attract motion picture production and to expedite the permit process by coordinating all City deparQment reviews and approvals. Also, staff drafteC'the attached Resolution to establish some basic regulations for filming within the City. These regulations include items such as, criteria for filming in residential neighborhoods, requirenents for public safety employees, traffic control, and property clean-up. The State laws provide for the City to recover costs incurred as a result of filming activity. For example, police and/or fire personnel may be required to handle crowd control, traffic control and to supervise the use of pyrotechM cs. The Issue of permit fees and other related fees will be addressed by separate report to the Council. G CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT RE: FILM PERMIT ORDINANCE January 3, 1990 Page 2 R/es/p}tLfl~lly subni ~/(//~ .~~~~~~ ~2ZZ~E~j Brad,6ui r / ~ i, pity an r ~~~ G' BB:DC :k Attachments. Assembly Bill No. 4fi80, Statham Ordinance Resolution I L~ ~. .. ;:; _,o:.„'~5 c°~'c oo c°'Gm~c~='q °-~"c35°pc~n'='~ - ^ y 5 .., ° w 3. ~ ~ -' n = a R 3 = _ ~ ~ o °o m c- , ° w .° c =' N.o-, m' p o-N ~3w_.-~ov °,oEEa~am Fa m-m ..F~^ _;'~ o o ~ ~.°~~ n ~Ro o yaw m'O Urad~,° ~'~6000 oT ~'N O'~°'-'~ o~m •a5i'o '0~m^M~°m5w'~Sbov<°~~t~ R-m3,~°o°wv~'<~~~n°CF•~ PEuY ~°°~~o.'.mn~9.H n '~m~3 <m °'n Roy ~=c°~ o$m s$ m~ •a.~^~o o~ n ^c «^~O R3 sow {n{oo o'°' m 5'6@'@3-'c; ~j a 5Gc m 3 g rt .°c.?.~ ho°p~° RC~,m awmp~ mg-oi o'~e^e¢45.Ac _°'~~o.mO° -o'?~o mt~ s'•.'~ gPwZ°6'mS o~•' H „P~R~n3 `S.c°Lo~ ,~L~~ o~~H~`~M~ Rwmo~n K .Q ~ .la °'tl ~ F'"~ e~ n(~a o p1vow C3o '~`PO~~ ~o. 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WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has adopted Ordinance No. _establishirtg film permit procedures. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESO LVEO by the City Council that the followin filming regulations be established: SECTION 1: Filming on Private Property. The permittee is required to obtain tha property owner's permission, consent, and/or lease for use of property not owned or controlled by the City. SECTION 2: Filming in Residential~Netghborh~oods. For protection and safety reasons, a M to protect the integrity of the City's residential neighborhoods, the following regulations shall apply: A. As part of the permit application, written permission will be required from the property owner(s) and or tenant(s) of each location to be used. 8. For the conven fence of the general public, all activity 6y a permittee between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. may be restricted. Rs a condition of film permit approval, all surrounding residents and/or businesses within a three hundred foot radius of the filming stivity may be required to be notified of date(s) and time(s) in which late evening and early mo rnirg fi lmirg is Lo take place. v. Fi ini my a~liv iv ie>, w~i~ n>yuoi it e, >iieu>, yuviiu e~a.c» systems, bull horns or other loud noises, may be approved sub,i~t to review by the Film Permit Officer. O. Helicopter lard ing s, or filming from the air will not be permitted, without explicit written perm isston from the City Manager. E. Exceptions to these restrictions may be granted in extreme ciramstaaces upon review 6y the Film Permit Dfficer and/or Public Safety Agency or Department. SECTION 3: Required Public Safety Employees. A. Police and/or fire personnel requirenents shall be determined by those departments and any personnel required at the location(s) shall be at per ~ittee's expense. 8. Additional Public Safety erryloyees may be requested by the permittee at the time the applicatlon is filed. C. The responsibiltties of the Public Safety e~loyee(s) enconpass the interest of the citizens of Rancho Cucamonga as well as the movie coop any. These officers are a to ees of the Cit oat the movie coop any and they will en once a ty regu at ons. /~-7 CITY CWNC IL RESOLUTION FILM PEPMIT REGULATIONS Page 2 O. On-site supervision by Public Safety personnel are in the public interest, however, the requirenent far both a firefighter and a police officer may be modified at the discretion of those departments in circumstances where one public safety official is deemed sufficient. SECTION 4: Clean Up. The permittee shall conduct eperaticns in an orderly fa sh ien with contimaus attention to the sto raze of equipment riot in use and the cleanup of trash and debris. The area used shall be cleaned of trash and debris upon coop letion of shooting at the scene and restored to the original condition before leaving the site. To enwre cleanup and restoration of the site, an applicant may be required to post a refu rd ab le faithful performance bond (amount to 6e determined) prior to permit approval or as a condition of the permit. Upon completion of filming and inspection of the site by the City, the bond may be returned to the applicant. SECTION 5: Public Norks Department (Roads and Streets). If the applicant mist pa equ pmen trvc s, a or cars n zones t at will not permit it, the permittee must post the street as required by the City Engineer. The applicant mist also obtain permission to string cab'.e cross sidewalks, or from generator to the service point. Traffic Control: For filming that would impair traffic flow, an applicant must use a it•orn is Highway Patrol (CHP), County Sheriff or local law enforcement per son reel and comply with all traffic control requfrements deerred necessary. I. tf required for traffic safety or as a condition of the ff lm permit, an applicant shall fu rr~ish and install advance warning signs and arty other traffic control devices Sn conformance with the Manual of Traffic Controls, State of California, Oepartirent of Transportation. All appropriate safety precautions shall be taken. 2. All interruptions of normal pedestrian or vehicular traffic mist be aithorized on the permit. Police officers or Fire District personnel assigned to on-site wpa~w is ion may further restrict operations based on safety concerns. 3. Traffic shall not be detoured without prior approval by the City. "v. Uii le ii au LhuriZ ed by t'ire vi Cy, LainO rd Cari iir aii be dr ivein in the direction of traffic and shall observe all traffic laws. 5. Any emergency roadwork or construction by State or local government agencies and/or prfvate contrs brs under permit or contract to the City shall have priority over filming activities. ~n~ CItt CWNCIL RESOLUTION FIIM PERMIT REOULAT[DNS Page 3 SECTION 6: Flood Control. The permittee shall obtain all necessary permits and approva s from the an Bernardino Flood Control District prior to filming in a flood control facility. SECTION 7: State Hi hwa s. The permittee 5h all obtain all necessar; permits z approva s rom the State Department of Transportation (Caltrans} prior to filming on a State Highway, inu iu ding, but not iim ited to, Foothill Boulevard, Igth Street and High lard Ave rate east of Haven. I ~~9 ORDINANCE N0. ~' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITf OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING A NEN CHAPTER 5.16 TO THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE FILMING PERMIT PROCESS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DOES GRDAIN AS FOLLOHS: SECTION 1: The Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding ~ a~.16 thereto to read, in words and figures, as follows: Chapter 5.16 FILM PERMITS Sections: 16.010 Purpose and Intent. 16.020 Definitions. 16.030 Permit Required. 16.040 Exemptions. 16.050 Film Permit Officer--Responsibilities, 16.060 Fees. 16.010 Permit ApDlicatton. 16.080 Determination by Film Permit Officer. 16.090 Appeal to City Council. 16.100 Permits--Approval Period. 16.110 Permits--Amendments. 16.120 Rules and Regulations. 16.130 Public Facilities. 16.140 Traffic Control. 16.150 Insurance and Indemnity. 16.160 Suspension. 16.170 Revocation. 16.160 violation as a Nuisance. "5.16.010 Purpose and Intent. This chapter is intended to standardize m ng pe proce ures to facilitate filming within the City of Rancho Cucamonga, to assure that such activity is consistent with the public health, safety, and general welfare and the protection of property. "5.16.020 Definitions. For the Durpose of this chapter, the following wor s an p rases are defined and shall be construed as hereinafter set out, unless 1t is apparent from the context that a different meaning was intended; A. Fil^ or fill ng shall include, but shall not be united to, feature motion pictures, video tapes, television, and cammerctals. B. Production shall mean the activity of making a film for commercial or noncommercial purposes on property owned by the City or an private property within the ~urisdictlon of the City. ~~ ~ CtTY CIXI NC IL ORO INANCE FILM PERMITS Page 2 C. News purposes, as specified in this chapter, shall mean filming or video taping for television news broadcasting by reporters, photographers or camera persons in the enploy of a newspaper, news service, or similar entity, of new events concerning those persons, scenes, or occurrences which are in `'•__ news and of general public interest. The filming or video taping ^f such =_h al! be for regu'.arly scheduled news progrags (but not Magazine or documentary programs) and special news prag rams which are not preplanned and are broadcast within twenty-four hags after the event. 0. Charitable purposes shall mean filming or video taping for a motion picture or television production conducted by an organization in which no individual either directly or indirect ly receives a profit from the Production, mari<eting or shaving of the films or tapes. E. City shall mean the City of Rancho Cucamonga, a min tripal corporation formed and operating pursuant to the laws of the State of California. F. Pev~ittee shall mean any person, firm, corporation, or group or continatton acting as a unit to whom or which a film permit is granted by the City under the provisions of this chapter. "5.16_030 Permit Required. Except as otherwise provided, it shall be unlawful for any person to erg age in the business or activity of filming, iuc' tey iiiy m ylwu~nly wi.iml i/Ib u, ICO UII IIIULIUII pIL WIC x1110 Vr eleG Lr0n 1C video tape for public exhibition as motion pictures or for television, at any place within the City, other than at or in an established motion picture or television studio or entirely within an erclosed strvctu re or bui idirg, with no outside storage of filming equipment, without a film permit from the Film Permit Officer. Any person interested in filming within the City shall complete in full a film permit application as stated in this chapter and provide to City all the information requested therein. "5.16.040 Exeaipd:ions. The provis tons of this chapter shall not apply to: A. The filming or video taptng of motion pictures solely for private or family use; B The film ii.y or vid eG taping of rgttWl pictures far Use in a criminal investigation, civil proceedfrg, and emergencies such as fires, floods, ponce actions, etc.; C. The filming ar video taptng of motion pictures for news purposes (but not magazine or documentary programs); D. Education, Government, and Public Ikcess and Local Origination programs for cable television systems franchised within the Ctty; CITY COUNCIL ORO INANCE FILM PERMITS Page 3 E. The filming or video taping of motion pictures by the City itself (e .g. video taping of sewer lines and Media-Services programming); a M F. Any other activity as deemed in the public interest by the film Permit ff icer. "5.16.050 Film Permit Officer--Res ons ibili tie s. This chapter shall be administered by the omm~n ity Deve opnte nt irec for whose responsibilities shall include the following functions to be carried out either directly or by subordinate employees: A. Ma rlc et ing. Attraction of motion picture production to the City. B. Coordination. The Film Permit Officer shall work directly with Lhe permittee to assist in exped it irg to the greatest ez to nt possible the issuances of all use permits necessary for motion picture production, by coo rd inat irg all City department reviews and approvals. If other non-City agencies have jurisdiction, the Film Permit Officer shall notify wch overlapping jurisdictions and shall inform the permittee in writing on the permit. "5.16.060 Fees. Each application shall be accomp ained by a non refu nd ab a a~ ict ati ion aM investigation fee pity ab le Lo the City which shalt be set by resolution of the City Council; provided, however, that no fee snail oe requ treD or app itca nts rt imtng or vtheo taping nor mutton plc LU re or television production for charitable purposes, as defined in Section 5.16.020. If the Film Permit Officer determines that any potential danger Lo the public's health, safety, or general welfare or property would be eliminated by the presence of police or fire protection at the site of the film ing or video taping for nqt ion picture or television production, the Film Permit Officer mAy grant the film permit upon condition that the permittee pity in advarce to the City, the costs of such police or fire protection as may be required. For filming permits wh Sch necessitate the City to provide services to the permittee in addition to police or fire protection, service charges shall he imposed. Such charges will be determined by the ap piicab le servicing City deD artment(sl and shall be based on the x tool cost inairred by the City io prvv id ing such services. SUCK service charges shaii tnc Ju de, Dut 5h all not be limited to, charges for labor, supervision, overhead, administration and the use of any and all City equipment, supplies, etc. Additional charges may be iiryosed to cover the cost of extraordinary film permit investigation and/or staff costs, if the Ctty Manager feels this is necessary. In addition to the fee(s) required herein, a business license tax (whatever the current rate may be) shall also be required and shall be pdyable to the Cfty. 1 I ~- CITY CW NCIL ORDINANCE FILM PERMITS Page 4 "5.16.070 Permits--Application. An applicant must submit a permit request, on a Stan and ized app ication orm as established by the California Film Commission, at feast two (2) working days prior to the date on which such person desires to conduct filming activity, including preparation, shooting and stri e days. If such activity interferes with traffic or involves stunts or speCiel effects, ar. apFlicaticn gust be submitted at least far (4) working days in advance and ten (10) working days in advance for road closures. Permit application information may be given by the production company to the City by telephone. The production cony any shall keep a copy of the permit posted on-site in a con spieu a s place at all tines. "5.16.080 Determination b Film Permit Officer. Before granting any film permit pursuant to this chapter, the i m ermit ficer shall determine that such filming or video taping for motion picture or television production will not unreasonably interfere with the public health, safety and general welfare or unreasonable enlarger any property. In making this determination, the Film Permit Officer shall take into cons ideratfon the noise, traffic hazards, fire hazards and other environirental problems, including health and safety which are likely to be cat sed by wch activities. In granting the permit, the Film Permit Officer may further impose arty reasonah le condo ions as are necessary to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare or property. "5.16.090 Appeal to City Council. nny ayy i i~auL ayyi ieveu uy any ua; is fun ui cite Fr im term rt Officer with respect to a film permit may appeal such decision to the City Council within ten (10) days following notice of such decision. B. A written request for such appeal shall be filed with the City Clerk and all such requests shall contain the following information: (1) The name and address of the applicant; (2) The date of the decision in question; (0) The.s¢asons for the appeal; and (4) The grounds relied upon for relief. The appeal request shall be acc aipafned by anon-refundable appeal fee in an amount to be set by resolution by the City Ca nc 71. Upon receipt of the appeal request, the City Clerk shall set the matter for hearing 't r2gu lar ~etiRy Gf the City Ca flCii nu islet titan thirty ("s0) dgys following the date the appeal request was filed. Notice of the tlme and place of the hearing shall be mailed to the applicant, by certified mail, no later than ten (10) days prior to the date set for hearing. Said notice may also designate certain records that the applicant is required to produe at the time of the hearing. 113 CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE FILM PERMITS Page 5 C. At the hearing as prescribed by this section, the applicant and the City may submit any and all evidence as they believe to be relevant. The City Council may require the presentation of additional evidence from either the applicant or the City, or from both, and may continue the hearing from time to time for the purpose of allowing the presentation of additional evidence. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the City Council may, by resolution with findings, approve, reverse, or modify the decision of the City Manager and such decision of the City Council shall be final. "5.16.100 Permits--Approval Period. Permits granted pursuant to this chapter s a e va or a per o of time necessary to film a specific shot or sequence of shots, including preparation, shooting and strike days. "5.16.110 Permits--Amendments. Minor additions, corrections or alterations a perni s a e ma a available by way of application for an unlimited number of "riders", which shall be attached to the original permit in writing. However, a permit cannot be extended or amended by rider after the completion of the filming activity. Significant changes to the original permit shall require a new permit application. "5.16.120 Rules and Regulations. The designated Film Permit Officer is hereby au or ze an ret a promulgate rules and regulations, subject to approval by resolution of the Council, governing the form, time, and location of any film activity set forth within the City. He/She shall also provide for the issuance of Dermits. The rules and regulations shall be based upon the following criteria: 1. The health and safety of all persons; 2. Avoidance of undue disruption of all persons within the affected area; 3. The safety of property within the City; and d. Traffic tergestion at particular locations within the City. "5.16.130 Public Facilities. Use of any public facility within the City mdy requ re an a ona ren a or use agreement. "5,i6,td0 Traffic Control, Fpr filming that would impair traffic flow, the applicant sna be requ red to submit an application for temporary major closure to the City Engineer, concurrent with the film permit request. The permittee shall comply with all traffic control requirements deemed necessary. "5.16.150 Insurance and Indemnity. It shall be a condition of the issuance an con nue va y o any m permit granted pursuant to this chapter that the permittee first obtain, pay for, and maintain a Dolicy of general ltabtlity insurance approved as to form by the City Attorney which ~L' CItt COUNCIL CRO INANCE FILM PERAITS Page 6 shall inwre the City, its officers, aril elryloyees against any liability, or claims of liability, brought or made by or on behalf of any person for personal injury or property damage caused by or arising out of any negligent xt or omission of either the permittee, his agents or erlployees, inc ludirg any officers or erlp loyees of the City, or caused by or arising out of the cord iti~~ of any City-owned or controlled property, whether real or personal, aril Deco rr irg during the period and as a result of the activities for which such film permit was issued. The amount of coverage to be provided by such policy shall not exceed one million dollars (SI,000,000.00). The permittee may satisfy the requirelrent tlryosed by this section through the presentation of a certificate of in w ranee, for at least the required amount of coverage, which iMicates that, by endorsement thereto, the City, its officers, aril elrp loyees have been added as additional inw reds. Such certificates shalt additionally provide that the required inw ranee will not be modified, charged, or terminated unless a written notice thereof has been transmitted to Lhe City Clerk. The permittee shall use the stand ar ized inwrance form as established by the California Film Commission. "5.16.160 Sus ension. Any film permit iswed pursuant to the terms of this chapter may e w ect to immediate wspensfon if it is found necessary for the protection of public health, safety, or general Welfare. Such suspension shall only be instituted upon the rec omnendation of the City that immediate protective action is necessary. In the event of such a suspension, the Film Permit Officer shall within twenty-four hors after the w spens ion: (1) cause to be served upon the film permit holder a written statement containing the grounds for suspension and a notice of hearing to ~iwn ~w lc ve;vie Lim Fi n0 ~mmiL vii il.m' a! W wily file i i 110 permit !hW id llet be suspended periling revocation hearings; and (2) cause to be served upon the film permit holder a notice of revocation hearing before the City Coo roil as provided in Section 5.16.160. The hearing before the Film Permit Officer shall be held not later than five (5) days following the service of the notice to the film permit holder. "5.16.170 Renovation. A. Any ff lai-permit granted or iswed purw ant to the pravis ions of this chapter may be revoked after a public hearing before Lhe Ctty Council. A film permit may be revoked under the follow ing Circumstances: Where it has been determined that the permittee has violated or has failed to colmly with any of the v rd ifldrlCeS, !C ]V IUL SVfU, ur appiicab ie regu iat ions of the city; Where it has been determined that the permittee has violated or has failed to colryly with any of the terms or conditions of the film permit; 3. Where it has been determined that the film permit has been granted pursuant to false or fraudulent information I I CITY COUNCIL ORO INANCE FILM PERMITS Page 7 contained in the film permit application; 4. Where it has subsequently been determtned that the filming activity will fail to meet the criteria enumerated in this chapter for granting a film permit; or 5. Where it has been dete Wined that the preservation of the public health, safety, and general welfare de ma rd revocation of the film permit. B. A notice of revocation shall be mailed to the perm it tee, by certified mail, stating the grounds for the revaation and providing a date within thirty days of the mailing of such notice for a public hearing before the City Council. Upon the conclusion of the public hearing, the City Council may, by resolution with findings, revoke or modify the film permit and thn decision of the City Council sha'.1 be final and conclusive as to all matters in controversy. 5.16.1 R0 Violation as a Niisance. Any filming, video taping, or related activity co ucte contrary o t e provisions of this chapter shall be and is hereby declared to be an unlawful action and a public nuisance. The City may commence an action at law or in equity in the name of the City in any cart of conryetent ,iu risdiction against the Dermit holder to enwre compliance of the terms and provisions of this chapter. All remedies prescribed herein will be cumilative and the use of aqy one or more remedies by the City shall not bar the use of any other remedy for the purpose of enforcing the yi~vni~na a; Lii ii ~iiap i.er. '' CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: January 3, 1990 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner 9V: Alar. Marren, Associate Planner SU8.I ECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT fl9-03A - , y m ra a app ica on o amen a ousrng Element of the Rancho Cucamonga General Plan to delete the policy which limits the number of very low and low income subsidized housing units within any single development project. [. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends that the City ounc'~ii approve General Plan Amendment 89-03A for adoption as part of the General Plan Housing Element. II. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: On June 13, 1989, the City and the e eve opmen gency entered into a court settlement to address grievances on how redevelopment funds are allocated for low cost housing needs. A stipulation of that agreement was that the Housing Element provision which limits the number of very low and low income subsidized housing units in aqy single project be VCIC~CV II NII YYC VGIIV~Y~ ,~Yr~• At its meeting of November 29, 1989, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed amendment and recommended fts approval. The deletion should not negatively impact the City's housing stock as it only allows for an increase Tn the portion of very low and low income subsidized units. Policies affecting the total number of housing units in the community are unchanged. Exhibit A indicates the Planning Commission/staff recommendation far the amendment with the ssrikeewis showing which passages are to De deleted. II [. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Staff has completed and reviewed the ;,'lT~a 'St~uay, aid The Envt ronrrental Checkl is!, Part ?? of the Initial Study and has found no significant adverse environmental impacts are expected to occur as a result of the proposed General Plan Amendment. Possible increases in low income housing and in demands on camnunity services can be mitigated through monitoring programs and policy adjustments considered at the time increases are determined to be significant. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT ENVIRON. ASSESSMENT 3 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-03A January 3, 1990 Page 2 IV. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: Based on the facts and conclusions listed a over- s~aTi'~7Teves the City Council can make the following findings regarding this application: '. The proposed amendment would not have significant impacts on the environment nor the surrounding properties as evidenced by the conclusions and findings of the Initial Environmental StuQy; and The proposed amen~neni is in conformance with the General Plan as it does not affect the total number of potential residential units promoted by existing Fbusing Element policies. V. CORRESPONDENCE: These items have been advertised as a public earin~'-ig n TFie Daily ReVOrt newspaper, and notices posted in three (3) public p aces. VI. ACTION: If the City Council concurs with the findings and recomaendation of the Planning Commission, it would be appropriate for the City Council to approve General Plan Amendment 89-03A for incorporation into the General P1 an Housing Element by the adoption of the attached Resolution of Approval. Resoeetrfully submitted, /. C ~i~ ~, ~~ Bra r City ann 88:AN:sp Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Proposed Changes Resolution of Approval P1 anTg Commission Report, November 29, 1989 Planning Commission Minutes, November 29,1989 II~ Chapter Two, Section I, fifth paragraph of the General Plan Housing Element shall be amended as follows: "In addition to the o6 jec tives and action programs, the City has identified policy areas which contribute to the pursuit of the housing goal. These policies are as follows: 1. The City shall use development agreements as a procedure with projects prov idirg affordable hosing which utilizes incentives offered by the City. 2. Ever-eeneentrat#en et: very Sew anA #ew #»eeme peusepelA wn#i:s in any sing}e pre3eet sha:i be aveidaA. Fer bk#s pe##ayr Llae nwmber of very #ew and #ew #eeeme sake#A#aeA peas#qg wn#Es spa3l net eneeeA F6 pereenL #n any ene gre$ee6. 9. Provide input, such as cost/benefit balance, and recommendations to the California Energy Commission in its preparation and updating of energy eff is Sent residential guidelines." V NORTH CITY OF R~tiCHO CL'CAMONC,~ rr..~vv~viNC av>s~orv 1 I ~: L-PL 89-0~4 Tm.E: QED cH,urEs EXHIRIT~ ~ SCALES CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: November 29, 1989 T0: Chairman and Mendters of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Alan Warren, Associate Planner a~3 . SU0.IECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-03A - - amen n o e pus ng emen o e anc o ucamonga General Plan to delete an existing policy which limits the number of very low and low income subsidized housing units to 25% in any protect. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: On June 13, 1989 the City and the e eve opmen gency entered into a court settlement to address grievances on how redevelopment funds are allocated for low cost housing needs. A stipulation of that agreement was that the Housing Element provisions which limits the number of very low and low income subsidized housing units in any single protect be deleted from the General Pian (see attached excerpt copy). The deletion should not negatively impact the Ci tv's housino stock as it only allows for an increase in the portion of very tow and low income subsidized units. Policies affecting the total number of housing units in the community are unchanged. Exhibit "A" indicates the staff recommendation for the amendment with the sEriNeeu6 showing which passages are to be deleted. II. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT; Staff has completed and reviewed the n a u ar and the Environmental Checklist, Part Ii of the Initial Study and has found no significant adverse environmental impacts to occur as a result of the proposed General Plan Nnendment. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: Based on the facts and conclusions listed a ove-~- s~aft^3Tfeves the Planning Commission can make the following finCings regarding th',s apaltcation: 1. The proposed amendment would not have significant impacts on the environment nor the surrounding properties as evidenced by the conclusions and findings of the Initial Environmental Study; and C~ PLANNING CGMMISSIGN STAFF REPGRT RE: GPA 89-03A -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMGNGA Novenber 29, 1989 Page 2 2. The proposed amendment is in conformance with the General Plan as it does not affect the total number of potential residential units promoted by existing Housing Element policies. rY, rnpprcpn,NpENCE: These items have been advertised as a public heari~~ Daily Report newspaper, and notices posted in three (3) public paces. V. RECGMMENOATIGN: It is recommended that the Planning Commission recomrend approval of General Plan Amendment 89-03A by the adoption of the attached Resolution of Approval. Resp lly s ted, Brad r ~ City P1 nner BB: AN:ko Attachments: Exhibit "A" -Proposed Charges Exhibit "8" -Agreement Excerpt Resolution of Approval l~ I 17. vitAin so days of the entry of judgeant pursuant to this ttipulation for Entry of Judgaent, the City shall vend Sts Housing Elesant to delete the currant polity of liaitinq Ue number of vary lov and lov ineoae auhsidised housing units to ts= of any ens heua inq project. (polity attached as Exhibit ].) Th• City shall net adopt any ineoaa related occupancy rrstrietiona vhieh are inconsistent vitA the provisions o! this Stipulation for Entry of Judgaent. ~~ 11 31. Tn the first housing project developed oz assisted Dy 11 the Agency with the L i K Fund, the 1lganry shall make available 11 to plaintiffs, as • first priority, appropriately sised units et 1t affordable cost to each of them. 15 15. Mithin five vozkinq days of the entry of judgsent, 16 pursuant to tAi• ftipulaiion for Entry of Judgaent, plaintiff 17 Pedro Carrillo shall dississ, with prejudice, Gse Ho. OCV ]a ~2a]6, Pedro Carrillo va. AS1 Deraena 7ntereated in the Matter Tleintiffs and defendants in 21 that action shall hear their ova costs, attorneye~ fees and 21 expanses incurred in oomiaetian rith that action. 21 16. She dKinltlena Oon4lned Sn 5lulth aM tafety Code 2t {550052.5, f001f.5, 500f7 and 50105 u they currently exist, 2S shall apply to this itipulatad Jadgsent. 26 17. plsintilts relpw, oalw and torevaz discharge City 27 and 1lganey iron any aM ail claiaa raised its this actiefl, Or 2f vhicb could have been raised Sn thin aMion, except as ~ ~ ~ i CITY OF ,~,,: GSA 8`1- c34 RA.'vCHO CUCAI~IONGA T(rt,E: eyr EbrcbQq- PLANNING IXVLSK)l~( I ~ ~ EXHIBIT fl SCALE RESOLUTION N0. 89-144 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-03p, REQUESTING TO AMEND THE GENERAL PLAN HOUSING ELEMENT BY DELETING THE PCLICY NHICH LIMITS THE NUMBER OF VERY LON AND LON INCOME SUBSIOI ZED HOUSING UNITS NITHIN ANY SINGLE PROJECT, AND MAI(I NG FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF A. Recitals. (i) The City of Rancho Cucamonga has filed an application for General Plan Amendment No. 89-03A as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject General Plan Amendment is referred to as "the application". (11) On November 29, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed publlc hearing on the application. (Tii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOH, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: i rh~~ r,...,+."~,... pe.eti., er,e'tfi~"lt~ si,.n" rti.• "it of •tie s"ter" set forth Tn Recitals, Part "A", of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced publlc hearing on November 29, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The application applies to approximately all of the land to the City which is ~signated for residential development by the General Plan; and (b) This amendment does not conflict with the Land Use or Housing Policies of the General Plan; and (cl Thtc amendment 9xs promote th. goals and ob?ecrives of the Housing Element; and /<> j PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 89-144 RE: GPA 89-03A - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA November 29, 1989 Page 2 (d1 This amendment would not be materially injurious or detrimental to the properties within the City and would not have a significant impact on the environment. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Conmission hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the proposed amendment would not have significant impacts on the environment as evidenced by the conclusions and findings of the Initial Environmental StuQy; and (b) That the proposed amendment is in confornmnce with the General Plan as it does not affect the total number of potential residential units promoted by existing Housing Element policies. 4. This Commission hereby finds that the profeci has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Conmisslon hereby recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby resolves that pursuant to Section 65850 to 65855 of the California Government Code, that the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby reconmends approval on the 29th day of 1r.u.....,. n.. t non ~s r.......A nl .. lM.....Lu...~ un on M11 Ji nA ~..w.A. rl~~.. ~.... 7~M . Section 1, fifth paragraph of the Housing Element to read as follows: "In addition to the objectives and action programs, the City has identified policy areas which contribute to the pursuit of the housing goal. These policies are as follows: 1. The City shall use development agreements as a proceduffiwith proiects providing affordable housing which utilizes incentives offered by the City. 2. Provide Input,. such as cost/benefit balance, and recommendations to the California Energy Commission to its Dreparatton and updating of energy efficient residential guidelines." 6. lire Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. ~•~ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 89-144 RE: GPA 89-03A -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA November 29, 1989 Page 3 APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 29TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCP.MONGA BY:_ ATTEST !, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 29th day of November, 1989, by the following vote-to-wit: RYES: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY, CHI TI EA, MCNIEL, TOLSTOY, NEINBERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE l~~ CITY OF RIWCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COPMISSION MINUTES Special Meeting Nove~er 29, 1989 Chairman Mc Niel called the Special Meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Plann irg "omnission to order at 1:00 P.M. The meeting was held at Lions Park Commnity Ce rter, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Chairman MCNie1 then led in the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT: David Bl ak es ley, Suzanne Ch it sea, !arry McNiel, Peter Tolstoy, Betsy Weinberger ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Bruce Abbott, Associate Planner; Brad Buller, City Planner; Dan Coleman, Principal Planner; Nancy Fora, Senior Planner; Tam Grahn, Assistant Planner; Barrye Hanson, Senior Civtt Engineer; Ralph Hanson, Deputy City Attorney; Brett Horner, Associate Planner; Russ Maguire, City Engineer; Betty Miller, Associate Civfl Erg sneer; Gail Sanchet, Secretary; Alan Warren, Associate Planner + . + + + nuunnur cucurc Brad Buller, City Planner, announced that on Deceriber 6 the City Courxil would be hearing an appeal on the illegal carport on the corner of Arrow and Grove. Mr. Buller gave an update on the issue of armexation. He stated the City Ccuncil had a adopted a strongly stated Resolution of Intent to annex and requested that the County process all development to the Sphere through the City. He stated the Resolution had been forwarded to the County Board of Supervisors. • x ~, * + APPROVRL OF MINUTES Mct:O.^.' ^bVBd by al okay ley ..,.dw by Ph1t1e3, Una,^,!"xJ ay Car. iad, C^, adopt the minutes of Novenber 8,1989, as amended. .•... CONSENT CALEPOAR ~~ / A. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DEVELOFMENT REVIEW 89-09 - G[LBERT AJA -The eve opment of two warehouse/ istr ibution bui dings tota ing 05,400 square feet on 15.4 acres of land in Lhe General Industrial Oistric t, Subarea 11 of the Industrial Specific Plan, located Bath of 6th Street, east of Pittsburgh Avenue - APN: 229-263-22. Motion; Moved by Tolstoy, seconded 6y Ch itiea, unanimously tarn ted, to adapt the Consent Calendar. R t N 4 PUBLIC HEARINGS B. MOO IFICATIONS TO CONO ITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR CON)ITIONAL USE PERMIT 88-35 OEL AEI N N request to modify the coed ition of approva requ irirg Lhe un erg rou ing of utilities along Base Line Road for the development of a shopping center and related Parcel Mao at the northwest corner of Base Line Road and Victoria Park Lane - APN: 227-111-28, 34, and 35. (Continued from October 25, 1989.) Barrye Hanson, Senior Civil Ergfneer, stated that a request had been received from the applicant to continue the item to Decenh er 1, 1989. Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing. John Potter, Hughes Investments, Two Corporate Plaza, Newport Beach, stated they had requested the continuance becrose they were trying to work at the details of the and erg rou nd ing with Southern California Edison and City staff. Motion: Moved by Ch itiea, seconded by Blokes ley, to continue Modifications to Cunu ii ium ui npprvvai iur CunuiL imiai use rermiL oo-3G anu rar•cei riap iio3o to Dece~er 13, 1969. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMM[SSIONFR 5: BLAK ESL EY, CHITI EA, MC NI EL, TOLSIOY, WEI NBERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE -carried • * • + C. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ANO GENElRP1 PLAN AMENDMENT 89-034 - CITY OF rcHnc ru wcmunuq nn amerp ment to the Housing tiemmnt or the Nanc no camonga~i~,`ea n~ Plan to delete an existing policy which limits the nu~er of very low arxl low Sncome subsidized housfng units to 25X in arty project. Alan Warren, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Chairman McN1e1 asked if the anerdment would put the City in co~liance with state law. Planning Commission Minutes -2- November 29, 1989 ~~ Ralph Hanson, Deputy City Attorney, stated the amendment reflects current State law. Chairman hkNiel opened the public hearing. Hearing no to 5t imony, Lhe public hearing was closed. Motion: Moved by Ch it iea, seconded .by Bl ak es ley, to adopt the Resolution approving Environmental Assessment and General Plan Ame rdment 89-03A. Motion carried oy the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESL EY, CHITI EA, MCNI EL, TOLSTOY, WFINBERGER NOES: COMAISS[ON ERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE x w ~ ~ ~ -carried D. ENVIROMIENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TtniA uvt rAiicEE mnr lZ'JYb - U'ntll nuttn R subdivision o acres o a n o parse 5 in the p~~ity Commercial District of the Foothill Boulevard Sp ectfit Plan, located at the northeast corner of Vineyard Avenue and foothill Boulevard - APN: 208-101-Z1. Barrye Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer, presented the staff report. Commissioner Blaicesley asked when the sidewalks world be redone. Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing. D.. a.. C,....iM. naf imme Mne 9lg1 Rne irwea ronror n. iva i.viro a,rnud wish the conditions of the Re sa lution. He stated that Cal-Trans had told him two weeks ago that they world se rd him a letter outlining the conditions for charging the sidewalk. hie said he had presented staff with a proposal for treatment around the fountain, which he felt world be brought to the Commission shortly. Russ Maguire, City Engineer, stated the City has already sent Cal-Trans a letter with the hold harmless agreement on the sidewalk. He stated Cal-Trans would approve the color~,Q sidewalk, but it would take time. Chairman NkNtel stated there have been some concerns regarding the runber of paHcing spaces at the center. Mr. Strotnk stated he had talked to the prospective tenant and the tenant ~wnu!d r^t be at the heari.^.g rhi~ eluni.g, ~ adiA they nnewnd to fi1rthor study the prospective tenant mix and the parking situation. Fie said he had brought Pat Brown, the engineer, if the Commission had any quest tons. Hearing no further testimony, the public hearing was closed. Planning Commission Minutes -3- Novenber 29, 1989 i3~ Commissioner Chitiea felt the division was straightforward and she supported it. Commissioner Tolst oy asked if each parcel would have ingress and egress from the street. Mr. Hanson stated there was a reciprocal access easerte nt. Chairman McNiei asked if there was a blanket park irg easement as well. non fn le non, Or jnr ip al Dl donor, fu 11 the que SC inn w35 ddequdte ly covered ... standard coMition R.5. Motion: Moved by Ch idea, seconded by Bl akes ley, to adopt the Resolution approving Environmental Assessment and Tentative Parcel Map 12596. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY, CHITIEA, MCNI0., TOLSTOY, WEINBERGER NOES: COMNISSION ER S: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE -carried w + ~ r + E. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT RNO TENTATIVE PARC0. MAP 12263 - HUGHES iNVE STM ENTS - A subdivision of 12.9 acres of lard into 11 parcels in the Neighborhood Commercial District of the Victoria Comnuntty Plan, located at the southeast corner of Highland and Milliken Avenues - APN: 227-011- 22. F. ENVIROIMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND COIO ITIONAL USE PERMIT 89-OB - HUGHES INVESTMENTS -The development of an fnteg rated shopping center consisting of bui irgs totaling 121,252 square feet on 12.9 acres of land in the Neighborhood Commercial District of the Victoria Conminity Plan, located at the satheast corner of High lard and Mf111ken Avenues - APN: 227-011- 22. Brett Horner, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. He suggested removing planning condWon 5 calling for aithentic river rork to be used, as no stone work was proposed. Chairman Mc Niel asked if the proposal was at the min imlm required parking for leasable space. Yr. iiuriier rc ip prided dff irmat iveiy, bui staied th ai the parking caicu iations included parking for 6,000 square feet of restairant use, and the restmrant space has not been leased, so they could lease to less intensive users and have wrplus parking available. Planning Commission Ml nutes -M Novenber 29, 1989 /~~9 Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, stated more parking-intense service uses had not been factored into the design. Commissioner Ch it iea asked if the condition requiring authentic river rock could be left in the Resolution as a pre Lett ive measure in case stone elements were proposed in the future. Mr. Horner suggested the wording could be charged to reflect that if any fieldstone elements are proposed, they mist be aithent is river rock. Commissicner Ch it fea felt the condition should remain. Commissioner 8l akesley asked for clarification regarding the earthquake danger addressed in the environirental assessment. Mr. Horner stated the site lies within the City's Special Study Zone, which was adopted because of the inferred Red Hill fault. He stated test ire aching was conducted and they found no evidence of recent far ltirg. Mr. Coleman stated that other proJec is in the same vicinity have also fou rd no activity. He stated there are known faults ffiove EtiwaMa and known faults below Red Hill, and by drawing a straight line between them, ft infers there may be a fault in the area. Commissioner Tolstoy asked if the problems of trucks turning off of Nood rv ff Place had been resolved. Mr- Hanson stated that the driveway had been widened out and redesigned. Commissioner tolstoy asked if the landst aping had been reduced. Russ Maguire, City Engineer, stated that the redesign slightly increased the laMscaped area. Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing. Geoff Reeslund, SC PA Architecture and Planning, 2603 Main Street, Irvine, stated he represented the developer, Hughes Investments. He stated they were pleased with the pro,lect and had worked for over a year. He discussed the design of the buildings. John Potter, Hughes Investments, stated they started the General Plan amendment a year ago and they were very pleased with the concept woMCed at with the Design Review Commfttee. He questioned the need for Planning condition 7, which requires the tenant lease agreements to iMtcate the site falls with to the Citv's adooted Red Hill fault zone. He stated he did not wish to unnecessarily alarm people. Mr. Coleman stated that it is a disclosure policy of the City's C>ereral Plan. Planning Commission Minutes -6- Nove~ter 29, 1989 ?,c~ Don Jackson, William Lyon Co npany, 8540 Archibald, Rancho Cucamonga, questioned the coN ition that required street irryrove ments and median landscaping of Milliken Avenue from Base Line to Archibald, because he Lh ought the improvements and median landscaping had already been completed and turned over to the City for maintenance. He felt the condition should read from Victoria Park Lane to High lard. Mr. Maguire stated that the City has not accepted the street improvements and he wasn't w re if the lard sc aping has been accepted. He stated the road still has to b~ signed, striped, and marked as a six-lane arterial. Mr. Jackson stated the William Lyon Co ripany believes the roadway has been turned over to the City for maintenance. Mr. Coleman stated that cord ition 6 only applied to the project frontage. Mr. Maguire stated he didn't anticipate timeline problems. Mr. Jackson stated they anticipated pulling permits in May or June ]390. Commissioner Tolstoy asked who would eventually construct the right turn lane for the freeway. Mr. Maguire stated the construction would be the responsibility of whoever builds the ram. Jim Bailey, William Lyon Company, stated that they had a plan that had been approved by the City and they had already built the Milliken street improvements. He stated they did not wish to retrofit Milliken nav because it had been built acco rdirg to a Ctty-approved plan. Mr. Maguire stated that the William Lyon Conp any's canes ltant calm in to the City and revised the street plans. He said the revised plans have been approved and the plans now only need to be executed. He said the plans predominantly involve signing, stn ipirg, and ma rkirg to the six-lane configuration. Mr. Batley stated that their engineer took it upon himself to change plans withal advising the William Lyon Company. Mr. Maguire stated that'tlre plan originally approved had only interim striping b ec ai se it was a dead~nd street. He said it was the City's opinion that the Victoria Comrunity Plan had always called for Milliken to be a six-lane arterial. Mr, n3i ia_y cta tad i,t yac hi,c 1rid ar ct3nding th 3t they ha„d alro ady rr_y~ln reA Milliken street irnprovenents according to plan. However, he was willing to charge the plan. He asked for the removal of condition 7, which required installation of a traffic signal at Highland and Milliken because the traffic signal was already budgeted for. Planning Commission Minutes -6- November 29, 1989 I 1 Mr. Maguire suggested that the condif. ion be rewritten to state the signal must he operational prior to occupancy. Chairman Mc Niel asked whether any walls or fencing were proposed along Highland or Woodruff. Mr. Horner stated no perimeter fencing was proposed. Mr. Coleman stated that Highland Avenue will cease to exist at the location when the `^eeway is built, and the freeway will back up to the project. Conn issioner Ch it lea asked what type of fence Cal-Trans would erat. Mr. Coleman stated they would install chain link at their right-ofivay line. Chairman McNiel asked if the William Lyon Company had considered security fencing along the freeway. Mr. Potter stated that the site falls and the building would be below Highland Avenue. He stated they proposed lard sc aping behind the buildings and treated the building architecturally to give a pleasing appeal, but they saw no security reason to build fencing. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated that typically Cal-Trans will put a chain link fence to identify their bw rd ar ies. Mr. Potter stated that the chain link fence would not 6e visibly seen from the freeway bec ai se of the drop. Chairman Mc Niel asked tf Cal-trans would still install a chain link fence if •An .1 ....n lnnnw n.~• „11 Mr. Maguire stated that generally Cal-Trans will not duplicate a fence, so long as the fence is substantial. Ne felt a co~inat ion of block and heavy wrought iron would be acceptable to Cal-Trans. Mr. Coleman stated that as the freeway is being locally funded, Cal-Trans wilt probably not landscape and any fencing would be seen. Mr. Maguire stated that.,fhe area world definitely be visible from the on-rags. Mr. Reeslurd stated that in the past they have built adjacent to Cal-Trans' right-of-way, and Cal-Trans has put up a chain lids fence, becaise they do not want to be responsible for maintenance of the enhanced fencing. y. M "! t a h2 h a been !mot, ith ,~^is .^ Cal-?cans d+d not s,~ r2 sta c a rea w ,pro .` dable-fence. He said that if a fence was not built, Cal-Trans would definitely put in a chain lilt fence. Chairman Mc Niel stated that even if Cal-Trans placed a chain link fence next to one with pilasters and wrought iron, the masonry and wrought iron fencing would 6e more visibly noticed. Planning Commission Minutes -7- Novenber 24, 1489 I -~ d- Mr. Bailey suggested calling a meeting with Cal-Trans Lo see what they would like. He caitioned against speMirg a lot of money at Cal-Trans' bou rd ar ies bec az: se they may tear it out to build the freeway. Chairman McNiel suggested that the Resolution be cord it Toned that if nothing is resolved with Cal-Trans with regard to Lhe fencing that a fence superior to chain link be butlt. Mr. Bailey wggested that staff approve the fencing. Mr. Pnf t=• =_ta fed that there was no room to fence behind Albert son's. Mr. Coleman suggested the fence be placed on top of the retaining wa 11. Mr. Potter stated that would be acceptable. Commissioner Ch it tea stated the City reeds assurances that whatever Cal-Trans installs will be compatible with the wall Lhat the developer installs. Hearing no further testimony, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Ch itiea commended the architect an the evolution of the design of the pro,lect, particularly 1n relation to the plaza area. She appreciated the concern for quality shown by the developer aM the architect. Motion: Moved by Ch it iea, seconded by Slakes ley, to adopt the Resolution approving Environmental Assessment and Conditional Use Permit 89-08, with modificat tons to require that the traffic signal at M5liiken and Highland be operational prior to occupanty, installation of a six-foot high masonry and wrought iron fence along Highland Avenue, and the use of authentic river rock -+~„-._.!~ enA MnHn rarr ind by tha nw Lm is ra aril r21..+•~n.. ... r r __ . following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY, CHITIEA, MCNIEL, TOLSTOY, WEINBERGFR LADES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMIMISSIONIRS: NONE -carried Motion: Moved by TolsYglt, seconded by Blakesley, to adopt the Resolution approving Environmental Assessment and Tentative Parcel Map 12263, with modification to require that the traffic signal at Milliken and Highland be operational prior to ocapancy. Mutton carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BLPKESLEY, CHI TI EA, MCNIEL, TOLSTOY, WEINBERGER NOES: COMIMISSIONQiS: NONE RESENT: COMMISSIONERS: NDNE -carried ~ . • + w Planning Commission Minutes -B- Nove~er 29, 1989 1~ G. ENVIROMIENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARC0. MAY 12tl9ti - the ne ra ndi striai District, Subarea 8 of the Inds strial Specific Plan, located on the south side of Arrow Route between Utica and Red Oak Avenues - APN: 209-142-62. Barrye Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer, presented the staff report. Commissioner Slakes ley asked if there was an access easement for the different parcels. Mr. Hanson responded affirmatively. Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing. Dale Frisby, Barton Development Corry any, 10535 Foothill Boulevard, Rancho Cucamonga, stated they took no exception to the staff report. Ne said that as each parcel would have Sts own driveway onto the parcel, there would be no need for an access and maintenance agreement; however, they planned to imp lenent such an agreement so that the entire park would flow as one and would be consistently maintained. He stated that they preferred to utilize meandering sidewalks on Utica and Red Oak, whereas the condition as written stated that a mininum requirement would be for straight sidewalks. Ne stated that all the pro Jec is to the south have meandering Sidewalks. Chairman McNiel stated the conditions should ref lst that mea Merirg sidewalks should be utSlized. Hearing no further testimony, the public hearing was closed. M~~:nn• Mn..nA by Tnlahrw <arnndoA by RIakPC 1PV, to adnnt the Re SOlUtion approving Environimental Assessment and Tentative Parcel Map 12848, with modification to require meandering sidewalks on Utica and Red Oak. Motion tarn ted by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: H.AKESLEY, CHITIFA, MC NI 0., IOLSTOY, NEINBERGER NOES: COfMISSI0NER5: NDNE ABSENT: COMMISSIONER„ NONE •*+~. 8: 20 P.M. -Planning Commission Recessed 4~'1R P.M, _ Giannir§ rnrnn icc inn Rarpnynnod • • f -c arr ted Planning Commission Minutes -9- Nove~dfer 29, 1989 1 ?,~ N. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT 89-02 - POLO GROGbS - A request to consider w spension or rev ocat ono an enter to Snirent permit approved for Harry C's restaurant (presently Polo Grounds), located at 10877 Foothill Boulevard - A PN: 2 0& 352-10. Nancy Fong, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Commissioner Bl akes ley asked how often entertainment permits are normal iy reviewed. Rrad Kollar, C;ty planner, slated tha*. ent rtainnent permits ..._ rereved an real ly. wmmis sinner Bl ak es ley asked when the wbject permit should nett be reviewed. Ms. Fong suggested that the permit cwld be reviewed in Nove~er i991. Chairman Mc Niel opened the public hearing. John Ramsey, Polo Grounds, 10877 Foothill Boulevard, Rancho Cucamonga, stated he submitted plans within two working days of the last meeting. He said the Fire Oepartimnt returned the plans to him yesterdAy. He had three concerns about the Fire Department comments: 1) There appeared to be an addition error on the veiling calalations. 2) They requested a co~lete building sprinkler plan, and he had submitted only the tenant fmp roveine nt charges, which he felt should 6e adequate. He stated, if necessary, he could have a plan prepared and wbmitted within a month. 3) The plan check stated that fire extirgu thhe placerent would be determined at tine of final inspection. He said that Chief Almond had told him where he needed to locate the extinguishers and he world place them in those locations, and world object if +p ~.. elf ~ - nyr i~ici i vu nmio c~ iui i,na stated he woo ld~wo rkywith Brad 0ul ler on the~placerent of bike racks. Ralph Crare, Rancho Cucamonga fire Distr is t, stated that during the period of waiting for plans, the Polo Grounds had substantial co~liance. He recomne nd ed the hearing be continued until full wiry li once was achieved. He said the Fire District requested the co~lete butlditg sprinkler plans in writing in Pugust. He said there had also been conversations with the fire protection conryany that the Polo Grounds had hired. Camnissioner Blakesley asked if there had been any ocaparcy load vfolations. tM. Crane stated there had only been one unsubstantiated compla7M. Hearing no further testimony, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Tolstoy stated he was tired of wasting the Commlsslon's time on this item. He said he was willing to allow one more continuance to achieve full coitpliance, but he would oppose any further continuances. He felt the applicant had had plenty of time to resolve the situation. Planning Commission Minutes -10- Novenber 29, 1989 1 ~-`~ Chairman Mc Niel reopened the public hearing. Motion: Moved by Bl akes ley, seconded by Tolstoy, to continue Entertainment Permit 89-02 to Ja ru any 10, 1990. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: CODT1ISSfON Qt S: BLPKESL EY, CHI TI EA, MCN[EL, TOL STOY, WEINBERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: CONM[SSION FR S: NJNE -carried .... ~ uv virtuin~cn ~.vc H»c »muri wru wnui uvn~ ux rcrcmii 00-16 - UtYCltDU1G/ - A request to moth y a previas y approved master p an or t e eve npim nt of a fast food restaurant pad in the Neighborhood Conine rc ial District on the northeast corner of Haven and Highland - APN: ZO1-211-66 and 61. Bruce Abbott, Associate Planner, presented the staff report and presented a letter from Lucky Stares opposing the proposed parking configuration. He suggested adding a Condit ton to the Resolution requiring approval from Wcky Stores for the parking carf igu rat ion shown in Exhibit A, but allowing the configuration shown in Exhibit Bas an alternative. He discussed the parking options shown in Exhibits A and B. Lh airman Mc Niel ab~ec ted to the parking configuration shorn in Exhibit 8 bec al se of far parking spaces along the driveway. He stated the City is not in the position to resolve any conflicts between the applicant, Lucky Stores, and the shopping center owner. He asked if the newly proposed condition protected the City's interest. Mr. Abbott stated that if the applicant could not get approval from Wcky Stores there world be no protect. Commissioner Tolstoy stated that when the item was reviewed in Oesfgn Review they requested a fence to block pedestrians from crossing fn front of traffic. Mr•. Abbott stated that the plan would be reviewed by staff during plan check and the fence would be verffied at that time. Commissioner Blakesiey asked if the authentic river rock was being used. Dan Coleman stated the proposal called for La Habra stucco stone, as used on the remainder of the shopping center. He said that the Design Review Committee recommended matching the materials to the rest of the Center. Chairman McNtel opened the public hearing. John O'Meara, Diversified Shopping Centers, 2910 Red Hilt, Costa Mesa, aJreed with the staff report. He felt option A would be the best site alternative for the DroJect and thought Wcky Stares world agree to the opt ton. He felt Planning Commission Minutes -11- Noven6er 29, 1989 /~~ option B would also work. He stated that the gentleman from Lucky Stores that needed to review the plan had been i11. Chairman +t Niel asked if option B were utilized if the four parking spses along the driveway could he moved. Mr. O'Meara stated the spaces ca ld be eliminated, as they exceeded the total park irg requ ireimnts. He obj~ted to erg ineering cord it ions 1 and ?, regarding Naven Avenue median requirements. He stated the original site plan approval ~n April 1985 and Parcel Map approval in August 1985 required installet non of a median, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. He stated that dining processing the City approved a 550-foot median along the front of the center. He 5a id at the time there was an existing iredian approximately 200-300 feet from Lemon Ave rue, and they were going to install the median from Lhere to the end of their development. He said that plan was approved by the City Erg ineer in April 1966. He stated that they were in the process of starting construction and the City was in the process of deciding what to do with the Haven Ave rue median. He said the City contxted them and requested that they asphalt the area and pay a E65,000 in-lieu fee. He said at that time their estimate for Lheir cost to const rvct the median was only $41,000, but they agreed to go ahead and modify their plans and pay the additional cost. He stated they neglated to pay bec al se the City never sent a bill. He said when they were clearing their bands the City said they had to install the median. He said now that they were in the process of constructing the McOonald's they have been conditioned to construct the median or pay in- liei fees of E95 ,000 for 645 feet of med tan and cord ition 2 requires but ldirg a median of 603 feet from their signalized entry all the way down to Highland Ave rue at an estimated cost of $178,000, bring tng the total cost to approxfma to ly E215,000. He felt it was unfair to place these conditions on such a small portion of the overall project. He said Union 011 was not r Na..+ed ~mMan feo_ vhnn fho~ n cod as rainy }his No hnliovod they~sha id only have to pay the E65 ,000 tha4 they or ig foal ly agreed to pay. He stated Mc Donaid's only has 263 feet of frontage and 1,248 feet worth of median is being required. He asked for removal of Erg ineer irg cord it tans 1 and 2. Chairman Mc Niel asked why the E65,000 wasn't paid. Mr. O'Meara stated that the 565,000 wasn't paid becaise Lhere was no paperwork on the modifications ard~a one thought of ft. He said that they would not have agreed to the change back in 1986 if they had been told the cost was going to be 5275,000. He objected to the Engineering requtreirent for installation of sidewalks along the Cal-Trans fronta3e. Ne felt that SmproveireMS were put in as part of the original shopping center and McOOna id's is 400 feet from where the sidewalk starts. He said that Union Oil wasn't ,;red to put a.^.yth i.^.g to when they were approved. He objected to req_..- Engineering conditto^. 5 which required that Haven Ave rue landscaping be coiryleted in conformance with the Haven Avenue beautification study. He said that all of the Haven Avenue landscaping has already been installed, and he did not feel it was approprfate to apply that condition at this time. Planning Commission Minutes -12- Nove~er 29, 1989 3-7 Barrye Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer, stated the intent of the condition was not to require the developer to remove and replace ex istirg la rd sc aping, but merely Lo require that any new work should conform to the Haven Avenue land sc aping. Chairman Mc Niel stated that the sidewalk, curb, and gutter were needed through the freeway right rof-way even th ough .it may not have been required of Union Oil. Mr. O'Meara stated that even though he did not want to spend the money for the sidewalk. he realized it was a needed item and he was wil ling to build it. Chairman Mc Niel stated that regarding the median there would have been sorre normal escalations of costs since 1986. He felt it was the developer's responsibility *A pay Lhe 565,000 median costs without waiting for an invoice from the City. Russ Maguire, City Engineer, stated that McOonald's does not stand alone. He said that when the parcels were created the original Parcel Map called for the construction of the Haven nedian. He stated the next building would also get the same conditions. He stated there is not agreement between the City and the developer regarding the events as they took place. He said the only legal document is a standard developirent construction agreement which states the developer shall build the median and a surety band was with it. 1•e said there is no paperwork lim it irg the arrant of the cb ligation or fn-liar fee. He said the City can find no back up or pawerworic that establishes such a limit. Mr. O'Meara stz tad they have a plan stg ned by the City Erg sneer. Mr. Maguire stated there was nothing an the plan that stated an in-lieu fee ,.. rA 6n na:A in~lnaA nF •hn nwli~n rnncf mr~im No ca id }haf Lm /nmrim condition 1 was out of the hands of the Piann fng Commission, as City Council has adapted an ordinance that orders Commissions, Committees, and staff m mandatort ly condition any maps, building permits, or applications to pdy a set fee based upon cost. He safd staff had explained to the developer that if they ob Sec tad to the fee, they mist approach the City Council. He stated that coMttton 2 cold be modified by the Planning Commission. He stated that the City had bid the section out and the bid came to a total pro3ect cost of 5150,000. Ne said the Ctty re3ected the proposal becarse Cal-Trans was requiring certain ite~wfth the Highland/Haven reopening configuration and the City was having t0 shift Haven easterly, thereby wiplfig at a pcrtion of the Haven median. He felt it would only be physically possible to build a few hundred feet of the median, instead of the pro3ected 603 feet. Chairman MtNtel stated that the burden of respansibitft.y is an the entire pro.',x. no. S.~at on MrOonald's. M-. O'Meara stated he had no way of billing the other tenants in the center, as Lucky, Pay Less, and Union 011 owned their sites. Hearing no further testimony, the public hearing was closed. Planning Commission Minutes -13- MovMber 29, 1989 `J~ Chairman Mc Niel stated that when the center was being built, the costs should have been attached to the individual sites. He suggested rewo rd Sng cord ition 2 to require construction of the Haven Aveme median no further than Hig hlard Avenue. Commissioners Ch it tea, To lstoy, and Ch it iea concurred with the rewording. Commissioner Ch it iea felt site plan option B was unacceptable. Conmissic~'r To istoy agreed and felt only option A should be considered. He felt optio^. B was too mich of an obstacle. caa rse. Commissioner Blakesley stated he was concerned with the layout bec ai se less than 60 percent of the parkSrg spaces were available without crossing a major drive aisle for the whole shopping center. He did not wish to see kids traverse across a major drive aisle to re a:h the restai rant. He hoped there was at least a landscape barrier between the central parking and the driveway to disco rage wa lk irg through the drive-through area to get down to the restaurant. Commissioner Ch it iea preferred some other alternative if option A cau ld not be utilized. Mr. huller asked if option A was not xceptab le to Wcky Stores, if the Commissioners wished to have the alternate design returned to Lhe full Commission or if Design Review Committee approval wau ld be acceptable. Chairman McNiel felt comfortable with Design Review Committee approval becarse the item would have to go through technical revtew prior to Design Review Committee approval. Commissioners Blakesley and wetnberger concurred. Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Blakesley, to adopt the Re so lut ton approving Environnental Assessment and Conditfonal Use Permit 86-18, with modifications to require approval from Wcky Stores for site plan option A or an alternative approved by Design Review Committee and to require construction of the Haven Avenue median no further than High lard Avenue, Mutton carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BLIIKESLEY, CHITIEA, MC NI EL, TOLSTOY, wEINBERGEgI NOES: CCMMISSIONEAS: NDNE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE -carried M : R A R NEW BUSINESS Planning Commission Minutes -14- Noveir6er 29, 1989 ~3~ J. MODIFICATION TO DEVELO PN ENT REVIEW 88-32 -NELSON - A request to modify a co ition o approva requ ring wrety or t e removal of the ez (sting detention basin and construction of a storm drain facility for a developirent on 1.55 acres in the Cf ne ral In di str ial Oistr ict, Sibarea 14 of the Industrial Specific Plan, located at the southern terminus of Hyssop Drive north of 4th Street - APN: 229-331-02. Betty Miller, Associate Civil Engineer, presented the staff report. Chairman M-Nie1 asked if the condition were removed if there would be any leverage -., require anyone to remove the basin. Ms. Miller responded there would be no way to force removal of the basin. Chairman Mc Niel invited public comrerR. John Nelson, Nelson Oevelopme nt Coiryany, 18 North Central, Upland, stated he felt the cost of removing the detention basin should be shared by the owners of all eight lots in Parcel Map 7349. Ne fa It the removal of the detention basin was provided for under Section 3 of the Erg sneer's Report for La rd scope Maintenance District No. 3, as accepted by City Council Re sa lotion 83-152. Ne also thought the that the assessments for the area cau ld be ad Justed under Sections 4 and 7.6 of the Engineer's Report. He stated that the City's position that the removal of the detention basin was not maintenance was discussed at the time the original application was processed, but he did not feel the issue had been resolved. Chairman tkNiel asked if the basin is on Mr. Nelson's property. Mr. Nelson responded affirmatively. Barrye Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer, stated that the City's position is that the "repair, removal or replacement of alt or any part of any inprovement, to include landxaping, detention basin, "applies only TA maintenance, such as a catch basin be irg rvn over by a truck and dammed. He stated the in7Ent of the Landxape Maintenance District was for maintenance, not the filling in of a detention basin. Ralph Hanson, Deputy City Attorney, stated that there were discussions with the applicant's attorney; and the City attorney's opinion was that the removal refers to removal of deb f'15, not the entire detention basin. Commissioner Ch idea stated there was no means to go batlc and access the other property owners in the area a fair portion of the cost of removal of the basin. Chairman tkNtel stated it would not be passible to determine a fair portion, as when the applicant purchased the property, he bought the piece of grand Sncluding the detention basin. He did not feel it would be fair to assess other property owners to fill 1n the deteritton basin area, thereby iaprovirg the applicant's property to a developable state. Planning Commission Minutes -15- Nove~er 29, 1989 ~~© Mr. Nelson stated the hearing was not to talk abort fairness, but abort legalities of what the report states. There were no further public comments. Conn iss inner Tolstey asked when the detention basin world become obsolete. Barrye Hanson responded the bash would 6ec oim obsolete when Day Creek Channel is con strutted up to that aut let. Oan Cn lema n, Pr inc ioal Planner stated the basin was part of the old parcel map. Clt airman Mc Niel felt the purchase price of the property would have reflected the encv nb ra races thereon. Commissioner Blakesley felt that both Section 3 and Section 4 of the Engineer's Report referenced maintenance-type activities, and he saw no connection with the abandonment and filling in of the detention basin. Commissioner Chitiea greed and reiterated that the heading reflected it was a Maintenance District. Motion: Moved by Blakesley, seconded by Tolstoy to adopt the Resolution de raying Modification to Development Review 88-32. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ItAKESL EY, CNIT'i EA, MCN[EL, TOLSOY, wEINBERGER tAES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE -carried * A * A A DIRECTOR'S REPORTS K. Tom Grahn, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report. Commissioner Blakesley asked if there was any detail of the proposed pro~ec t, Mr. Grahn stated Chat the pro.lect was still in the initial phases of submittal and has not been accepted as co~lete. Commissioner Blakesley asked why the item was presently being reviewed. Planning Commlsston Mfnutes -16- Nove~er 29, 1989 ~L~I Mr. Grahn stated that the applicant submitted a request to develop the site and part of the request vas to delete the streets. He stated that state law provides that an amendment to the circulation element of a specific plan may only be initiated by the Planning Conn fission or City Ca ncil. Conn issioner To lstoy asked tf Fzron would 6e brought west to Hellman. Mr. Hanson responded affirmatively. Commission^r Tolstoy stated he wanted to see an analysis of the proposed rhargeS. it was the consensus of the Planning Commission to direct staff to initiate a study to consider an Amendment to Subarea 2 of the In di stn ial Specific Plan for the deletion of the extension of Fiower Street and a portion of the ex ins ion of Feron Boulevard. : ~ . ~ L. THE PRDPO SAL TO ESFA BLI SH DESIGN PDLICIES REQUIRING ADD [TIO NN_ ~r [TES TFSFf~S-f~ nou Lo N u n Nancy Fong, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Commissioner Tolst oy asked how the policy would be presented to applicants makfng submittals. Drad Buller, City Planner, stated that the policy would be distributed to applicants as early in the process as puss fb le. Commissioner To lstoy felt the policy sh au ld perhaps go further. He felt more emphasis sha~ld be plaeed on a focal point. Vice-Chairmen Ch itiea stated the policy touched on building articulation, but she felt it shald refer to the movem=nt of the planes of the building to reflect variation. Mr. Buller suggested that the Commissioners should alert the staff when they see a building they 11kg,,, Staff cold then go take a picture and co~ile a photo album. Vice-Chairmen Ch it lea stated she had arehftecturel magazines that someone could look through. C,^mmtsstoner Blakesley felt the pol!cy was good b~~se it stresses Yariefy in the plane and the appearance of the building materials. He suggested the goat statement shald not state building materials other than concrete, because corcrete is acceptable if used creatively. Planning Commission Minutes -17- Nove~er 29, 1989 I ~ ~" Commissioner Tolstoy felt there should be a statement to alert the developer that the Commission is looking for mere than a token focal point at the entrance. Commissioner Bl akesley stated that if the building is co~osed of small suites, one strong entrance would not be viable. Comniss icner Tolstoy felt a milts-tenant building should have a number of focal points, one for esh tenant. Chairman McNtel stated that at times large buildings are built as sinale- tenant bui ldirgs, but are later leased at as multi-tenant bui ldirgs. He asked what process Che developer would have to go through to modify the Building for miltiple tenants. Mr. Buller stated that interior changes require approval of planning staff and bui ldirg and safety staff. He stated ex ter for changes would require a minor development review with staff approval unless staff determines that the alteratfons are significant, at which time they can bring the item to the Planning Commission. Chairman McNiel suggested that any time an additional tenant use is introduced that the pro,iect shald come hack through the design review process. Commissioner Chitiea stated that the appiicant would not be able to go back and knock off a corner of the building to create an entry statement if additional tenants cane in later. Commissioner Bl akesley felt the policy was appropriate as written. He liked the idea of the sc rapbodc with examples. Mr. Buller felt it was better to leave a snore flexible, open approach. Commissioner Chitiea felt concrete could he used with creativity. Chairman McNtel felt the policy was appropriate as written because the goal encouraged the use of sonething other than concrete, while concrete was listed under both the recommended primary and secondary building materials. Commissioner Chitiea felt brass and copper should be added to the listing of secondary Building materials. Chairman McNiel 9elt perhaps some commentary could be added with respect to secondary entrances. Mr. Buller felt it would be app,.,pr;are ro s*a+x that all entrances shall be sensitive to users. Commissioner Tolstoy suggested that the Resolution should be reworded and returned at the next meeting. Planning Commission Minutes -18- Movenber 29, 1989 /~i~ It was the can census of the Planning Commission that the Resolution shwld 6e returned to the Decenber 13, 1989 meeting for further consideration. * * k * * M. XERISC APE ORDINANCE Dan Coleman, Pr inc ip ai Pianne r, stated Lhat the Ordinance would be rewrn ing to the Planning Commission for public hearing on Decenber 13, before being fo rwa rd e' to City Council. Commissioner 8l ak es ley asked if the Ordinance would apply to public or private lard. Mr. Coleman responded it would pertain to landscaping on private land. * * * * * COMMSSS[ON 91 SINESS N. STATUS OF PARKING SITUATION AT THOMAS VINERY PLAZA LOCATED AT NORTHEAST LL N Brad Buller, Senior Planner, wggested the Commission cold receive and file the report. He referred to a letter from the property owner requesting that the item be considered only after they had coop le ted a parking study. Chairman McNfel felt that perhaps the Commission sha ld have developers cps ify a but ld tog for potential elt urination or reduction in size if they later ds ide to introdn ce a park lrg -intense use. He felt the City's parking r'tlyuire neuis are nut wu oi,, my out. Commissioner Biakesley stated that developers often paint themselves into a corner to mak im ize floor space. Mr. Butler stated that the City has not done an analysis of shopping centers, but it is seldom that the parking fs maxed out. Commissioner Blakesley stated he appreciated tl:e other side of the coin, and did not wish to devots.rmre space than nsessary to panktrg lots, but he felt that when some of the centers are totally teased out, there will be parking p nab lens . * * * * * Commissioner Cn it tea asked wino was re spiirsib le fJr iflak ing SUre that 'u 2Ye lepers restore sites to their original caMition following trenching for seismic studies. She stated that trenches are sometimes hundreds of feet long, the rubble is draped on the side, and trails are disrupted. She said the pits are dangerous. She stated she had traveled in areas months after the trenches are dug, and the drbrts still blocks trails. Planning Commission Mt notes -19- Nove~er 29, 1989 I r~ Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, stated developers hire geologists to perform the studies arrJ save money by not paying the geologists to backfill the trenches. He said under state law the City 15 ohlig ated to have its awn geologist review those reports and comment on the environmental review. He said one possibility would be to have the City hire the geologist to do the trenching at the developer's expense. The City could then make backfil ling part of the contract. He felt another possibility would be to require a grading permit for trenching, but it would probably require some changes to the grading ordinances. He felt if a grading permit were required, b ackfil l~^g cold be required as part of the permit process. + + + + + Commissioner tie inberg er updated the Commission on the status of the library. She stated that a grant application needs to be submitted on the lih rary by June 1. She stated that the design consultant has presented the design concepts to the library subcommittee, and the library was proposed as a 40,000-60,000 square foot facility, but it is felt an 80,000 square foot library would be nore appropr fate. Commissioner Chitiea felt that becaise the exterior of the building was now being addressed, a Planning Commission subcommittee should be selected to address architectural concerns. Chairman Mc Niel agreed that a wbcommittee should be forned to give input. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated that there would be a presentation at tfie next Planning Commission meeting regarding the library and the sports coirylex. He stated that feedback world be appreciated. ~~ wbScfiiiii . file . u~iii niy winni5ii~,i gnat oeL~ we inumym mu Larry McNiel world formVa subcommittee on the library. Commissioner Chitiea felt that considering the importance of the facility and the amount of architecWral ingredients, it was necessary that the Commission submit comments early. + + + a + PUBLIC COPIMEMTS ._ There were no pu611c comments at this time. a++++ •^ „vU RYq ENT Mutton: Moved by Tolstay, seconded by 8lakesley, unanimously carried, to ad,~au rn. 11:00 P.M. -Planning Commission Adjourned Planning Commission Minutes -20- tbverber 29, 1989 Re sp vt tfu~lly submitted, Buller Planning Commission Minutes -21- rbve~er 29, 1989 /~~ RESOLUTION N0. 1~ - Q(~ A RESOLUTION OF THE C1 TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-03A, PMENDI NG THE GENERAL PLAN HOUSING ELFM ENT 8Y DELETING THE POLICY NHICH LIMITS THE NUMBER OF VERY LOW AND LOW INCOME SUBSIDIZED HOUSING UNITS NITHIN ANY SINGLE PP OJ ELT, AND MAILING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. Recitals. (i) The City of Rancho Cucamonga has filed an application for General Plan Amendment No. 89-03A as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the sub,iect General Plan Wnendment is referred to as the "application". (ii) On November 29, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and, following the conclusion of said pu611c hearing, adopted Resolution No. 89-144 thereby recommending to this City Council that said application be approved. (iii) On January 3, 1990, the City Councii of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duty noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on Lhat date. (iv) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resnhitinn hava ncn~rroA. 8. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part "A", of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. This CountiTTereby finds and certifies that the pro,iect has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Envirommental quality Act of 1970, and further, this Council hereby issues a Negative Declaration. 3 based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing, including written and oral staff reports, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) The application applies to approximately all of tha land in the City which is designated for residential development by the General Plan; and (b) This amendment does not conflict with the land Use of Housing Policies of the General Plan; and I~~ CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. ENVI RON. ASSESSMENT d GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-03A January 3, 1990 Page 2 fc) This amendment does promote the goals and objectives of the Housing Element; and (d) This amendment would not 6e materially injurious ar detrimental to the properties within the City and would not have a significant impact on the environment. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above, this City Council hereby resolves that pursuant to Section 65850 to 65855 of the California Government Code, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves on the 3rd day of January, 1990, General Plan Amendment No. 89-03A which amends Chapter Two, Section I, fifth paragraph of the Housing Element to read as follows: "In addition to the objectives and action programs, the City has identified policy areas which contribute to the pursuit of the housing goal. These policies are as follows: (a) The City shall use development agreements as a procedure with projects providing affordable housing which utilizes Tncentives offered Dy the City. (b) Provide input, such as cost/benefit balance, and recommendations to the California Energy Commission in its preparation and ^nAA}ln0 Of POPYnV Pffiri Pn} rPi{AP11H T7 II,IIAPH nPC ~ I 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: January 3, 1990 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Dan Coleman, Principal Planner ..ems' SU&IECT: XERISCAPE ORDINANCE - A proposal to amend the Rancho ucamonga n cipa Code by adding a new Chapter 19.16 and adding a new Section 11.02.135, pertaining to Xeriscape requirements. I. RECOIMENOATION: Staff recamaends that the City Council adopt the a ac r nonce and Resolution establishing Xeriscape requirements. tI. ANALYSIS: This Ordinance and Resolution were prepared at the punt s direction to conserve water in the landscape environment. The concept for these documents was approved by the City Council on June 21. Staff has been working with the Cucamonga County Mater District, the City's Engineering Division, and landscape anA irrigation p.onr~e i^ "_r.'t!n; t.`,c ~r:,pc,~J Ordinance and Resolution. Copies of the Draft Ordinance and Resolution were also given to the Building Industry Association for review and comment. the Ordinance establishes a requirement for Xeriscape principles to be used to the preparation of Landscape and irrigation canstniction plans. It Ts also proposed Lhat the Planning Comulssion's existing policy to require water saving landscaping and irrigation in model home complexes became part of this Ordinance. The Resolution creates a sysLiSM for reviewing landscape and irrigation construction plans to ensure that Xeriscape principles are implemented. Points would be awarded for the various techniques employed. Each protect oust achieve a defined minimum number of points to be considered for approval. Staff will prepare a packet of Information concerning the Xeriscape Ordinance, including a suggested plant list, for handout to landscape architects and builders. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT RE: XERISCAPE ORDINANCE January 3, 1990 Page 2 Attachments: CCND Resolution Planning Commission Resolution Ordinance Resolution /.5~7 RESOLUTION N0. 1989-11-3 •~°IANNNI@OIV1B10N DEC1 ~ RESOLUTION OF THE CUCgNON6A COUNTY ~ ?~~~ WATER DISTRICT SUPPORTING THE ADOPTION OF AN OROINAMCE ESTABISHIN6 XERISCAPE REQUIREMENT S• BY THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MHEREAS, it is the goal of the Cucamonga County Water District to promote water conservation throughout its service area; and WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga is within the service area of the the Cucamonga County Water District; and WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga will be considering adopting an Ordinance which pertains to the esta6lfshment of xeriscaDe requirements. -- NON, THEREFORE, BE IT~RESOLVEO, that the Cucamonga County Water 6istrict hereby supports the adoption of an Ordinance estab115hing xeriscape requirements by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of November, 1989. Roberk eu e President ATTEST: r a r .~--- ecre ary STATE OP CALIFORNIA ) COONTY OP SAN BERNARDINO 1 I, Lloyd W. Michael, duly appointed Secretary of the Board of nirectora of Cucamonga County Water District DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoingg is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 1389-11-3 and that the same has not been amended or repeal~- DATED, November 21 , 1989 . (SEAL ) /~~e.I/.~~1~L~(~,. e ry/f Lpe Boar3-dE DSCeCGOLa I ~ ~~ RESOLUTION N0. 89-155 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROYAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 19.16 AND SECTION 17.02 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO XERISCAPE REQUIREMENTS NiiEREAS, on the 13th day of December, 1989, the Pt anni ng Commission held a duly advertised public hearing pursuant to Section 65854 of the California Government Code. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RES04VED. 1. That pursuant to Section 65850 to 65855 of the California Government Code, that the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends that the City Council approve and adopt the attached Ordinance amending Title 14 of the Rancho Cucanonga Municipal Code. 2. That a Certified Copy of this Resolution and related material hereby adopted by the Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the City Council. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1989. I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Camm155ton of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 13th day of December, i9R9, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY, CHITIEA, MCNIEL, TOLSTOY, WEINBERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: CgMiSSIONERS: NONE ~ ~~ PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE ciTV nF uaurwn rur ewnur e, RESOLUTION N0. ~0 - ~ ~ 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A XERISCAPE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM FOR REVIEN OF LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS s;?IEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has adopted Ordinance No. establishing Xeriscape requirements in the landscape environment to r'~uce the consumption of water, which requires that a Xeriscape Assessment system for review of landscape and irrigation plans be esta611shed. NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that a Xeriscape Assessment System is hereby established based upon the foil owing criteria: SECTION 1: DEFINITIONS A. "Permeable paving" shall mean a paving material that permits water penetration to a so ep of 18 inches or more, lnciuding non-porous surface material poured or laid in sections rat exceeding one square foot in area and collectively comprising less than two-thirds of the total surface area of the lot and loosely laid materials, such as Crushed stone or gravel. B. "Planted Area" shall mean Lhe total area of the site not covered by buildings, par ng o s, driveways, ar streets, and shall include patios, plazas, sidewalks, hardcourts, swimming pools, spas and parkway areas. ~. 'iurr shall mean a single-bladed grass or sod. D. "Mater Conserving Plant" shall mean any plant which exhibits drought tolerant charac er std-{~ is to say, wilt, in designed location, survive with limited supplemental water. Marathon or other hybrid fescues and warm season grasses shall be considered water conserving. A listing of these plants shall be made available by the City Planner. SECTION 2 LANDSCAPE CRITERIA The City Planner and City Engineer shall review each project for compliance with the %erlscape Ordinance. A project must receive a minimum of 60 paints 1n this category. 1 h f CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION t10. RE: XERISCAPE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM Page 2 Landscape Technique Points 1. Hater conserving plants used in 75% or more 20 of total planted area. 2. Turf limited as follows: 20 a. Residential Pro,{ects - 45% of total planted area b. All Other Projects - 25% of total pt anted area 3. Pi ants placed or grouped according to their 10 watering needs. 4. Nardscape (non-irrigated) surfaces, such as 30 alluvial rock or decorative paving, used in 10% or more of total planted area. 5. Permeable paving used Tn 5% of total planted area. 5 6. Where turf is used, utilize proven varieties of 5 lower water requirement turf, such as Marathon. 7. Where no groundcover is used, utilize wood chips, 5 bark, or other mulch, to a depth of 3 inches on top of exposed soil, such as underneath shrubs, or landscape fabric under soil. e. Soil amendments to improve water holding capacity 5 of soli, where soil conditions merit. SECTION 2: IRRIGATION CRITERIA The City Planner and City Engineer shall review each project for compliance with the Xeriscape Ordinance. A project must receive a minimum of 60 points in this category. Irrigation Technique ~ Points 1. Low gallonage irrigation system, or higher 20 gallonage systems with automatic controller capable of repeat cycling, used for more than 154 of tetat planted area. tOria nr T,rir4le not be used in turf areas). 2. Automatic controller for irrigation system. 20 I S5 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. RE: XERlSCAPE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM Page 3 3. Irrigation system designed to water plants 10 according to their water needs (i.e. - landscape materials which require different watering needs are irrigated by separate control valves), 4. Soil-moisture sensors (e.g. - tensiometer) used in 10 confurction with automatic controller. 5. Rain sensors (e.g. - Raincup) used in conJunction 5 with automatic controller. 6. Nind sensors (e.g. -anemometer) used in con,)unction 5 with automatic controller. 7. Irrigation is sensitive to slope factors (i.e. - low 5 gallonage heads, water basins) or protect has no slopes greater than 5 feet in height which require landscaping. 8. Use of reclaimed or recycled water. 5 ~~ ORDINANCE N0. ~ II AN ORDINANCE pF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING A NEN CHAPTER 19,16, AND ADDING A NEN SECTION 17.02.135, TO THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO ESTADLISHING XERISCAPE REQUIREMENTS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA GOES ORDAIN AS FOLLONS: SECTION 1: The Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding Chap er 6 thereto to read, in words and figures, as follows: Chapter 19.16 XERISCAPE REQUIREMENTS Sections: 19.16.010 Purpose and Intent. 19.16,020 Xeriscape definition. 19.16.030 gpplicab111ty. 19.16.040 Exceptions. 19.16.050 Procedure. 19.16.060 %eriscape requirements. 19.16,070 Model Hones. 19.16.080 Statutory authority in case of conflicting Drovisions. "19.16.010 Purpose and Intent. Hater is an increasingly limited and costly resource. s e n en o his chapter Lo establish a water conservation plan to reduce water consumption in the landscape environment using Xeriscape principles. "19.16.020 Xerisca a Definition. "Xeriscape" shall Wean a combination o an scope ea ures an chniques that in the aggregate reduce the demand for and consumption of water, including appropriate low water using plants, non-living groundcover, a low percentage of turf coverage, permeable paving and water conserving irrigation techniques and systems. "19.16.030 ADplicabllit~y All required iandscaping plans shall ^omply with a prov s ons o EFfs chapter and tha Xeriscape Assessment System, "19.16.040 Exceptions. The following shall be exempt from the provisions of s c ap er: X57 CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE N0. RE: XERISCAPE REQUIREMENTS Page 2 A. Yards For single family homes, except model homes as required by Section 19.16.010. B. Interior remodels, tenant improvements and Aemolitlons. C. Schools, parks, golf courses or similar public open spaces. D. Changes of use. E. Projects which da not require a Conditional Use Permit, Development/Design Review or residential subdivision. F. Structural additions or detached structures which do not result in an increase of more than lOS of the floor area, or 1,000 square feet, whichever is greater. G. Replacement or repair of existing plant material or irrigation systems in conjunction with routine maintenance. "19.16.050 Procedure. fie City Planner and City Engineer shall establish a orma or p ans and any other procedural guidelines for submittal as deemed necessary. "19.16.060 Xerl steps Requirements. A Xeriscape Assessment System adopted by Resolution of-the City oTn~T-shall establish Xeriscape criteria for review of landscape and irrigation plans. The Council shall establish as part of the assessment system the minimum number of paints a project is required to achieve to receive approval of the landscape and irrigation plans. "19.16.070 Model Homes. Ta pranote water conservation through education, a s ng a am y residential developments with more than two models planned, shall lamdscape at least one-half of the models entirely with water saving landscaping and irrigation in accordance with the following requirements: 1. Plant Materials: Each "water saving" model shall tonTin excTusl'vely law water use plant materials as identified on a iisi available frnm the Planning Division. Other low water plants may be approved by the City Planner. 2. Irr1 ation S stem: Each "water saving" model shall con n exc us ve y an irriggati6n system that provides a high efficiency in water application according to site conditions. (Drip or trickle may net be used in turf areas). ~~ CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE N0. RE: XERISCAPE REQUIREMENTS Page 3 3. Signs: Each "water saving" model complex shall provide the following information to potential buyers: a) Front Yard Si n: A four (4) square foot sign s a e oca ed in the front yard of each 'water saving" model such that it is clearly visible to buyers. The sign shall indicate that the model features a water saving landscape and irrigation design, b) Interior Dispiay: A drawing, or combination of rawing3-'- s, s~be displayed inside each "water saving" model or the sales office which provides a schematic of the landscape. These drawings shall include a key identifying the common name of the plants used in the "water saving" model yards. A brochure with the sane information may be distributed with the sales information to potential buyers to satisfy this requirement. 4. Literature: Additional literature describing water conserv ng landscaping and irrigation is encouraged to also be made available to the potential buyer or referenced on the interior display or brochure. "19.16.OEtl Statutory authority in case of confl lcti na orovi si ons. nu Liiiny in ants Cndpter Shall be deemed ~-LO a eC , dnnd Ord toga any Other laws or ordinances pertaining or applicable to the properties and areas affected by this chapter. SECTION 2; The Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding Sec o"~i n TT~2.135 to read, in words and figures, as follows: "17.02.135 General Development Standards. The provisions of this section s a app y a eve opmen w n e City of Rancho Cucamonga, unless otherwise specif~ad herein. I. Nater Conservation: Landscaping and irrigation must e es gne conserve water through using Lhe principles of XerlSCape as defined 1n Chapter 19.16 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, except where exempted therein. SECTION 3: The provisions of this Ordinance shall not apply to osi{f~e p~oJects which have been approved or accepted as complete for processing Dr1or to the effective date of this Ordinance; provided no material amendmients or extensions are made to such previously approved pro,~ects. 1 ~~~~' --- CITY OF RANCHO CtiCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ,.,..~, ~- DATE: January 3, 1990 _ T0; City Council and City Manager FROM: kussell H. Maguire, City Engineer By: Nillie Yalbuena, Engineering Technician ICI SUBJECT: Approval of Amending Parcel Map 11030, located on the i northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard, submitted by Lewis Homes of California RECOMMEIDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving Amending Parcel Map 11030, and authorizing the City Clerk to cause said map to record. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Parcel Map 11030 located on the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard was approved by the Planning Commission on November 30, 1988, and recorded on March 14, 1969. The developer, Lewis Homes of California, is submitting the amended map to provide the .,:'~ ,.,.~.., w~.:n ~~ ,.. tiic ,JL lino iur i.irc uetteiiL ur Taryec ane Mervyns. Lewis Homes of California has an approved agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements on file in the City Clerk's office. Respectfu udaitted, ~~ f -~~ RH y Attachment RESOLUTION N0. /~ . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDING PARCEL IMP 11030 NHEREAS, the Amending Parcel Map 11030, consisting of 12 parcels, submitted by Lewis Homes of California, Subdivider, located on the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard, has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by said Subdivider for approval by said City as provided in the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, and in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and WHEREAS, the original Parcel Map 11030 was approved by the City on November 30, 1988, as Resolution No. 88-235 and recorded on March 14, 1989, Book 137, pages 18 thru 23; and NNEREAS, the developer has made a significant number of changes of lot lines to accomoodate specific comaercial development units; and NHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the Amending Parcel Map said Subdivider submits for approval said Amending Map offering for dedication for public use the streets delineated thereon. NOM, THEREFORE 8E IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the C{ty of Rancho Cucanonga, California, that the offers for dedication and the Mending Map delineating same are hereby approved and the Ctty Clerk 1s authorized to execute the certificate thereon on behalf of said City and record said mno. I ~%' January 3, 19~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT 70: Mayer, Members of the City Council and City Manager FROM: Jerry Grant, Building Official SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF LATEST EDITIONS DF THE MODEL CODES _ i9 1417 JI I. P.ECOMM EN RATION: It is recommended that the City Council conduct a hearing and hold first reading of Lhe accompanying ordinance which will adopt the 1988 Editions of the Uniform Codes listed in the ordinance. [I. BAC KGROIIN ~: The accompanying ordinance will bring all of the City's Building Regulations into line with all of the latest codes adopted by the State Building Standards Commission. Under State statute, certain specified model codes must be adopted into the State Building Standards code within 180 days of their publication. Local jurisdictions - ,. r. ~ ~~ :;,~ doya for aJupciun ur cnose cones, with amendments,~or State Regulations automatically 9o into effect. (The date for local adoption to avoid automatic application of the State Regulations was January 1, 1990, however the differences are minimal in those codes proposed for adoption.) Additionally, any modifications made by local agencies to the technical regulations adopted by the state (at least those affectiryq residential construction) may only became effective if the local jurisdiction makes express findings of need for change, due to local conditions. Further those modifications must relate Lo local geological, topographical or climatic conditions and are to he fit ed with the State Department of Housing and Community Development in order to nar pma offor tire, The only portion of City Building Regulations not proposed for this adoption package is the National Electrical Code. Publication of the electrical code, (although on a 3 year cycle like Lhe other codes) takes place approximately one and one-half years after the other model codes. Thus, the State has yet to adopt the latest electrical code, and, since we may not adopt before the State, it will be processed at a later date. c~c^MO,yo z[t~ 9 Kt j 7 F rG O~ h ~z Z Staff Re part: Adoption of Latest Editions of the Model Codes January 3, 1989 Page 2 finally, a Resolution of express findings of need for our local modifications of the State Requirements will be available for adoption at the second reading of the ordinance. III. ANALYSIS; Moit of the changes that have taken place in the p..hl fished new editions of the code are technical ;n nature. We have attached a listing of significant changes and a brief explanation of their implications for City Council information. Probably the most significant chanyes, from Rancho Cucamonga's point of interest, are those that now incorporate wind-resistant provisions for roofing materials into the body of the code. By including those requirements in the oubl ication, our enforcement of the provisions for high wind resistance have been made easier. Sn addition to the published version we are proposing several additional modifications to provide further anchorage requirements for composition (asphalt) shingles. As revised, the code will mandate installation of those roofing materials that have been tested for higher-than- normal wind resistance and will innrease the fastener re quiements by 50%. Likewis=, we haze mod ', find the concrete and clay the installation requirements to allow for greater flexibility and utilization of materials, previously allowed on an experimental basis, that have chnW„ c+....: c: ,. ,... far, Finall we have - 'rc _,"" `~~~' Y proposed mare specific anchorage requirements for ea ve and perimeter tiles to increase the wind resistance in those vulnerable locations. A second change from our prior codes is an increase in the fir= retardante values for roof coverings of residential buildings, primarily upon request of the Fire Oistric t. Aside from modifications proposed for roofing materials, the City changes proposed are repetitions of those adopted under current re gulat7ons. IL should 6e noted that administrative provisions and regulations, addressing elements of construction that are not regulated by the State building Standards Code, need not m P. Pt thn tact of hoing nCCciS ary diie to ~~gPninniral io pogra phical or climatic" conditions. Therefore, the Resolution of express findings of local need, to he provided for second reading of the ordinance will only address those issues pertinent to the technical issues that are different from those adopted by the State. /~3 Staff Repart: Adoption of Latest Editions of the Model Codes January 3, 1989 Page 3 IV. SUMMARY: State law requires that we adopt certain model codes covered by the accompanying ordinance. The building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical codes adopted as a part of the ordianance will meet the responsibility of state mandates. The remaining codes included in the adoption will bring our building regulations into consistency with the v~ry latest available code technology. A Resolution of f; ^.ding=_ of local road ';ii11 be pros ded to the Council for consideration at the second reading of the Crdinance. Respectfully Submitted, ~~ rry Gr~~ wilding Official /~~~ Ana~ary of Major Changes to 1988 Unifona Building Code 1. Hazardous materials - An Ad/Hoc Committee appointed by the International Conference of Build', ng Officials and the Western Fire Chiefs Association reviewed Lhe entire field of hazardous materials handling and storage as regulated by Lhe Uniform B~iilding Code and Uniform Fire Code. The results of their study have now been incur porated ;nto the b.,i lni.;g ccd e. Changes relative to this work appear throughout the body of the 8u ilding Code. The most significant Change requires storage or use of explosive materials take place in an independent building located remotely from other structures and properties. Additionally, provisions are now included regulating health-hazardous materials. 2. Criteria is now included to require fire separations between adjacent dwelling units in the same building, regardless of fire sprinkler protection. 3. The requirements for smoke detectors in dwelling units have been rewritten to be more specific and to require additional detector locations. 4. Provisions of allowing installation of fire separation as alrn ~~aro s,.. s; .... ,i1"-C ... - .7 p;c ~ ~ . ati u~lui ea iia ve been revised to no longer permit•the al ternate.~ 5. Provisions allowing fire resistive comps rGmenta tion in lieu of fire sprinkler systems in high rise buildings have been deleted from the code. 6. Roofing requirements have been completely rewritten incorporating references to hi gTi wind resistance. L<J ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CU CAMON GF, CALIFORNIA, AME f1D(NG CHAPTERS 15.04, 15.08, 15.12, 15.16, 15.20, 15.28, 15.32, 15.36, 15.40, AND 15.44 OF TITLE 1s, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION, OF THE RAN CNO CUCAMDN GA MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE "UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE CODE", 1988 EDITION; THE fIIFORM dUIL DI NG CODE, 1988 EDITION INCLUDING ALL APPC;Oi CES IHEI(CI U; THE "UNIFORM BUILDING CODE STP.NDARDS", 1989 EDITION; THE "UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE", 1988 EDITION, INCLUDING ALL APPENDICES THERETO; THE "UNIFORM PLUMBING CO CE", 1988 EDITION INCLUDING ALL APPENDICES; THE "UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABA~iEME NT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS", 1988 EDITION; THE "UN IFORh1 HOUSING CODE", 1988 EDITION; THE "UNIFORM BUILDING SECURITY CODE", 1988 EDITION; AND THE "UNIFORM SIGN CODE", 1988 E DITIOfI; WITH CERTAIN AMENDMENTS, ADDITIONS, DELETIONS AND EXCEPTIONS TO SAID CODES, INCLUDING PENALTIES A. Recitals (i) Article 2 of Chapter 1 of Part 1 of Division I of Title 5 of the California Government Code authorizes the adoption, by reference of the Uniform Administrative Godo, 1988 Edit; on: the Uniform 3u it diny Code, 1988 Edition; the Uniform Building Code Standards, 1988 Edition; the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1988 Edition; the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1988 Edition; the Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous 8u it dinos. 19RA Pd;t;~~• rFe u.,: f_rm nuusi ny Boa e, tvtsct tdt tion; the Uniform Building Security Code, 1988 Edition; and the Uniform Sign Code, 1988 Edit~i on, each as pu hl fished by the International Conference of Building Officials and/or the International Association of Plum king and Mechanical Officials. (ii) At least one ropy of each of said Codes and Standards certified a5 full, true and correct copies thereof by the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga have been filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga in accordance with the provisions of Government Code Section 50022,6. -- (iii) A duly noticed public hearing, as required by California Government Code Section 50022,3, has been ronduc ted and concluded prior to the ado pti cn of this Ord inane?. (i vi Aii iegai prere qut st tes to the adoption of this ordinance have occurred. B. Ordinance. NOW, TfIE RE FORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby find, determine and ordain as follows: SECTION 1: In all respects as set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Ordinance. / I~/ Ordinance No. *** Page 2 SECTION 2: Title 15 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, entitled "Bu it dings and Construction", of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga are hereby amended, provided that said amendment shall not apply to or excuse any violation thereof occurring prior to the effective date of this Ordinance and provide further that the Uniform Codes as ada oted herein by reference and amended by Ordinance No. 311 of this City shall continue to 6e applicable to construction for which permits have been issued prior to the effective date of this ordinance. S ECTi vN s: Chapter 15.04 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended to read, in wards and figures, as follows: Chapter 15.04 CODES ADOPTION Sections: 15.04,010 Codes Adoption 15.04.010 Codes Adoption. The "Uniform Administrative Code", 1988 Edition; the "Uniform Building Code", 1988 Edition, including all appendices thereto; the "Uniform Building Codes Standards", 1988 Edition, the "Uniform Mechanical Code", 1988 Edition including all appendices thereto; the "Uniform Plumbing Lode", 1988 Edition, inct uding all appendices thereto; the "Uniform Cade for *_he .4batement of Cangzrax Buildings°, 19dd Edition; Lhe "Uniform Housing Code", 1988 Edition; the "Uniform Building Security Code, 1988 Edition; and the "Un'iform Sign Code", 1988 Edition; are hereby adopted in their entirety as the Bu it dins and Cnnstrnrt;no oa,~~r a.:,.,c ,.f - C;t~ ;, nancno Cucamonga, together with the amendments, additions, deletions and exceptions set forth in Chapters 15.08 through 15.44 below. SECTION 4: Chapter 15.08 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended to read, in words and figures, as follows: Chapter 15.08 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Sections: 15.08.010 Section 202(c) Amended--Right of Entry 15,06.020 Section 204 Amended--Appeals 15.08.030 $artinn 2n5 net Ct2d iS.Od .040 Section 301 (a) Amended--Permits Required 15.08.050 Section 301 (b)I Amended--Building Permits 15.08.060 Section 301 (b)4 Added--Grading Permits 15.06.070 Section 303(a) Amended--Issuance 15.08.080 Section 303(d) Amended--Expiration 15.08.090 Section 303(f) Added--Unfinished Buildings 1(c~ Ordinance No. *** Page 3 15.08.100 Section 304 Amended--Fees 15.08.110 Section 305(h) Amended--Reins pec ti ons 15.08.120 Section 305(i) Added--Repeated Rei ns pet ti ons 15.08.130 Section 307 (a) Amended--Energy Connections 15.08.010 Section 202(c) Amended--Right of Entrv. Section 202(c) of said Uniform Admim stra ti ve Code is hereby amended to read as follows Section [02(cj Ri glit of Entry. The Building Official, or his duly authorized representative, shall have the authority to enter any bu it di ng or premises for the purpose of investigating the existence of suspected or reported damage or defects which constitute an iimediate danger Lo human life or an inonediate hazard to public safety or health. Except in emergency situations, the Building Official, or his authorized representative, shall not enter any occupied building or premises without the consent of the owner or occupant thereof, unless he possesses a warrant authorizing entry end search of the premises. No person shall hinder nor prevent the Building Official, or his authorized representative, while in the pe rfo nna nce of the duties herein described as emergency situations or while in possession of a warrant, from entering upon and into any and all premises under his jurisdiction, at a17 reasonable hours, for the purpose of inspecting the same to determine whether or not the provisions of this code, the referenced technical codes and all cther a7plicable laws or ordinances pertaining tc the protection of persons or property are observed therein. 15.06,020 Section_ 204 Amended--An na al s. Corti oo Ana o4 ~a;n Uniform Rdministra ti ve Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 204(a) Appeals. A decision of the Building Official regarding interpretation or implementation of any provision of this Title, the Uniform Admini;t rative Code, 1988 Edition, or the teahn ical codes referenced therein shall be final and shall become ef'fec ti ve forthwith upon the service of the decision of the Building Official, in writing, upon the pe rmittee, applicant or other person affected by the decision, hereafter called pe rmi ttee. For purposes of this section, service upon the pe rmittee shall mean either personal delivery or placement in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, and addressed Lo the pe rmittee at his last known business address; provided, however, that the permittee may, within ten (10) days after the effective date of service of the decision of the Rgilding nffiri al file ,,,, app.^al with tiie wit" ~ierk ~ - r in wr~t;nc. s peclfying the reason or reasons for the appeal and requesting that the Board of Appeals review the decision of the 8uil ding Official. Section 204 (b) Board of Appeals. The City Council or such other five (5) persons, other than employees of the City, that the City Council may appoint, shall act as a Board of Appeals in making a final determination of any appeal filed in accordance with the I l~8 Ordinance No. *** Page 4 provisions of Subsection (a) of this Section. The City Clerk shall schedule a hearing on the appeal at reasonable times and at the convenience of the Board of Appeals, but not later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the written appeal. The permittee may appear 'in pers cn before the Board or be represented by an attorney and may introduce evidence to support his clzi m. The Building Official shall transmit to the Board all records, papers, documents and other materials in support of his decision and shall provide a copy tirereof to the permittee appealing the deci sicn of the Building Official. The permittee appealing the decision of the Building Official shall cause, at his own expense, any tests or research required by the Board to substantiate his claim to be performed or otherwise carried out. The Board may continue such appeal hearing from time to time as deemed necessary by the Board. The Board may, by resolution, affirm, reverse, or modify in whole or in part, any appealed decision, determination or interpretation of the Building Official. A copy of the resolution adopted by Lhe 9oard shall be mailed to the permittee and the 8o ard's decision shall be final upon the mailing, by United States Mail, postage prepaid, to the permitte e's last known address of record. Notwithstanding the foregoing, substandard residential buildings with Section 203 of the Uniform relation to a dangercus building with Section 205 of the Uniform Buildings. appeals filed in relation to shall be processed in accordance Housing Code and appeals filed tin shall be processed ir, accordance Code for Abatement of Dangerous ru.ua.usu Sett~on 2U5 Oel et ed--Y iol ations and Penalties. Section 205 of said Uniform Admrnlst ra true Code rs hereby deleted. 15.08.040 ~ Section 301(a) Amended--Permits Required, Section 301 (a) of said Uniform Admim stratrve Code is hereby Amended to read as follows: Section 301(a} Permits Required. Except as specified in Subsection (b) of this section, no building, structure, site preparation or building serrFee equipment regulated by this code or the technical codes adopted by this Title shall be commenced, erected, constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, removed installed, converted or demolished unless a separate appropriate permit for each building, structure, site preparation or building service equipment has first been obtained from the bu it dino official, A separate grading permit shall be required for each site and may cover both excavations and fills. Grading permits may be issued based upon submittal of either a preliminary or a final grading plan. (See Sections 7005 and 7006 of the Uniform Building Code Appendix, as amended, for grading plan information) I W / Ordinance No. *** Page 5 Where preliminary and final grading plans are submitted separately for plan checking and or permit, fees shalt be calculated from the work to be accomplished under each submittal. Separate 6u it ding permits shall be obtained for major drainage structures and retaining walls submitted for checking as a part of a grading plan. 5.08.050 Section 301(6)1 Amended--Building Permits. Section 301 (b) ..f said Uni for•~i Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 301(6)1 Building Permits. A building permit shall not be required for the following: A. One story detached accessory buildings used as toot and storage sheds, playhouses, and similar uses, provided the projected roof area does not exceed 120 square feet. B. Wood, chainl ink, plastic, metal or similar fences not over 6 feet in height above the lowest adjacent grade. C. Oil derricks. 0. Movable cases, counters and partitions not over 5 feet, 9 inches high, E, Retaining walls and masonry fences which are not over 3 feet in height above the lowest adjacent grade. unless supporting a surcharge load or intended for impounding flammable liquids. F. Water tanks supported directly upon grade if the capacity does not exceed 5000 gallons and the ratio of height to diameter or width does not exceed two to one. G. Platforms, walks and driveways not more than 30 inches above grade and not over any basement or story below. H. Painting, papering and similar finish wor!c. I. Temporary motion picture, television and theater stage sets and scenery. u. Window awnings suppo rteo by an exterior Wall of Group R, Oivi si on 3, and Group M Occupancies when projecting not more than 54 inches from the supporting wall. I /v Ordinance No. *** Pa ge 6 K. Prefabricated swimming pools accessory to a Group R, 0ivi si on 3 Occupancy in which the pool walls are entirely above the adjacent grade and if the capacity does ,rot exceed 5000 gallons. L, The changing or the advertising copy or message or. a painted or printed sign. M. Painting, repainting or ci eaning of an adverti si nq_ structure provt ded no 5t ructu ral changes are made. N, Signs less than 6 feet above grade that are not el ett ri tally lighted. 0. Changing of theater marquees and similar signs specifically designed for the use of changeable copy, Unless otherwise exempted by this code, separate pl umhi ng, electrical and mechanical permits are required for equipment installed in conjunction with the above exempted items. 15.08.060 Section 301 6 5 Added--Gradin Permits. Section 301 (b) is he~e~amended by adding subsection 5 to Section 301 b to read as follows: 5ertion 301(h)5 Grading Perm.i ts. A gradi rg permit is not required for the following: 1. Removal of surface de oosi is of imnrnno rtv ~t aron m>ro.: ~t or refuse. ~ ' 2. An excavation below finished grade far basements and footings of a building, retaining wall or other structure authorized by a valid building permit. This shall not exempt any fill made with the material from such excavation nor exempt any excavation having an unsupported height greater than 5 feet after the completion of such structure. 3, Cemeee ry graves. 4. Refuse disposal sites controlled by other regulations. 5. Excavations for wells or tunnels or utilities. 6, Mining, quarrying, excavating, processing, stockpiling of rock, sand, gravel, aggregate or clay where established and provided for by law, provided such operations do not affect the lateral support or increase the stresses to or pressure upon any adjacent or contiguous property, ~I OrdSnance No. *** Page 7 1. Exploratory excavations under the direction of soil engineers or engineering geologists. 8. An excavation which (a) is less than 2 feet in depth, or (b) which does not create a cut slope greater than 5 feet in height and steeper than two horizontal to one vertical (2 :1) and which does not exceed 100 cubic yards. 9. A fill less than 1 foot in depth; placed on natural terrain wi ih siope not exceeding 5 horizontal to 1 vertical (5:1), provided that the grading is in an isolated, self-contained area and does not endanger private or public property. 10. A fill less than 3 feet in depth and not exceeding 100 cubic yards, placed on a single parcel, provided that the fill is not intended to support structures or does not obstruct a drainage course. 11. An excavation for pipeline or other underground utility lines installed under a separate permit, provided that any necessary erosion control measures are made part of that permit. 12. Public Works projects not requi rf ng a building permit including sewer and storm drain construction, utility trenches, power transmissS on tines and appurtenant access roads and retaining walls or grading accomplished as part of street maintenance activities. 13. ftec urri ng, regularly scheduled maintenance of existing facilities where no new construction is involved. 14. Emergency repairs to existing facilities resulting from natural or civil disaster including, but not limi±ed to, rainstorm, flooding, ear thsl ide, heat storm, earthquake, riot, sabotage, and the like. 15.08.010 Section 303(a) Amended--Issuance. Section 303(a) of the Onifo rm-lldministra tf~e Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 303(a) Issuance. The application, plans and specifications, and other data, filed by an applicant for permit shall be reviewed by the Bu it di n9 Official and may be reviewed by other departments of this .iurisdiction to verigy cempl iacce :, 'h any aG-vlica 6le 1aWS under their jurisdiction. If the 6u it ding Official finds that Lhe work described in the application for a permit and the plans, specifications and other data filed therewith conform to the requirements of this code and the technical codes and other pertinent laws and ordinances, and that the fees specSfied in Section 304 have been paid, he shalt issue a permit therefor to the applicant. ~~ Ordinance No. *** Pa ge 8 E BCEPTI ONS: Electrical permits shalt only be issued to a person or persons qualifying under one or more of the following categories: A state licensed contractor or authorized representative of a state licensed contractor but only to the extent and for the work the oerson ;s licensed by the State of California to do. A bo nafide owner of a single family dwelling for electrical work within that dwelling, including buildings and quarters accessory thereto. A representative of a charitable, non-profit organization for temporary work in connection with Christmas tree lots, carnivals and similar non- permanent installations, provided that work covered by the permit is to be performed by members of the organization and furthermore that there are to be no persons employed at the location where such temporary wiring is installed. Such permit shall expire within a time specified by the Building Official, not exceeding six (6) months time, and shall not be renewed. A representative of another city, county, state, di5t ri ct or nt.her nnli oral u6Ai ~.+;~.... e_., _1 _Ct~i:al work io be performed on the premises of said political subdivision. When the 6uil di ng Official issues a permit where plans are required, he shall endorse in writing or stamp the plans and specifications "APPROV EO". Such approved plans and specifications shall not be changed, modified or altered without authorization from the 6u it ding Official, and all work shall be done in accordance with the approved plans. The 8u it ding Official may issue a permit for the construction of part of a building, structure or building service equipment before the entire plans and specifications for the whole building, structure or hli it dingy Ser P`.Ce e^yUitT,l2 nt hdVE been Suimil iced nr apprn yud provided adequate information and detailed statements have been filed complying with all pertinent requirements of the technical codes. The holder of such permit shall proceed at his own risk without assurance that the permit for the entire building, structure or 6u it ding service will be granted. 173 Ordinance No. *** Page 9 15.08.080 Section 303 (d) Amended--Expiration. Section 303(d) of said Uniform Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 303(d) Expiration. Every permit issued 6y the Building Official under the provisions of the technical codes shall expire by limitation and become null and void, if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the ?ate of such permit, or if the building or work authorized by such ~e rmit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days. Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit shall be first obtained to do so, and the fee therefore shall be one-half the amount required for a ri ew permit for such work, provided no changes have been made or will be made in the original plans and specifications for such work; and provided further that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one year. Any pe rmittee holding an unexpired permit may apply for an extension of the time, within which to commence work under that permit, when he is unable to commence work within the time required by this section for good and satisfactory reasons. The Building Official may extend the time for action by the pe rmittee, for a period not exceeding 180 days, upon written request by the pe rmittee showing that circumstances beyond the control of the pa rmittee have prevented action from being taken. Na permit shall 6e extended more than c nce. r. order to renew action on an extended permit after expiration, the pe rmittee shall pay a new full permit fee. 15,OR.090 Sec ti nn 303(fl Added--Unfinished 8u it di nos. Ser.tinn 303 of said Uniform Administrative Code is hereby amended by adding subsection (f) to read as follows: Section 303(f) Unfinished 3u it dings and Structures, Whenever the 6u it di ng Official determines by inspection that work in or on any building or structure for which a permit has been issued and the work started thereon hus been suspended for a period of 180 days or more, the owner of the property upon which such building or structure is located or other person or agent in control of said property, upon receipt of noETte in writing from the Building Official to do so, shall, within 90 days from the date of such written notice, obtain a new permit to complete the required work and diligently pursue the work to completion or shall remove or demolish the building or structure within 180 days from date of the written notice. i5.08. 100 Section 304 Amended--Fees. Section 304 of said Uniform Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 304 (a) Pe rinit Fees. The fee for each permit shall be as established by Resolution of the City Council. The determination of value or valuation under any of the provisions of this code shall 6e 7~~ Ordinance No. *** Page 10 made by the Bu it di ng Official. The value to be used in computing the bu it ding permit and building plan review fees shall be the total value of all construction work for which the permit is issued as well as all finish work, painting, roofing, el ectri tal, pl um6i ng, heating, air-conditioning, elevators, fire extinguishing systems and any other permanent equipment. Whenever any work, for which a permit is required by this Coda, has been commenced without first obtaining said permit, and when such work ;; di;cu ve red as a result or an roves ti ga ti on by Lhe Building Official or his duly authorized representative, the permit fees specified by the City Council shall be doubled. The payment of such double fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all other provisions of this Cade nor from any penalty prescribed by law. Section 304(b) Plan Review Fees. When a plan or other data is required to be submitted by Subsection (b) of Section 302, a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting plans and specifications for review. Payment of a plan review fee shall be considered as permit application only for Lhe work described on the application form and for which the plan review fee is paid. Where plans are incomplete or changed so as to require additional plan review, an additional plan review fee shall be charged. Fees for plan review shall !>° as set forth by City Council Resolution. Section 304(c) c'x pi rail on of Plan Review, Ao pl ica bons for which ~~ pe rmrt is tssuea wt thtn 160 days fell owing the date of application shall expire by limitation, and plans and other data submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the Building Official in accordance with law. The Ou it ding Official may extend the time far action by the applicant, fora period not exceeding 190 days, upon written request, showing that circumstances beyond the co nt r•ol of the applicant have prevented action from being taken. No application shall be extended more than once In order to renew action on an appl icaticn after expiration, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay ~ new plan review fee. Section 304 (d) Ex einption From Fees. Neither the State nor any other county, city, district, nr other pol;,r;,cal subdi:^ lion, oar an'v pu bl is oFfi~er or body aeti ng to ms official capacity on behalf of the State or of this or any county, city, district, or other political subdivision shall pay or deposit any fee required by this cu de. This Section does not apply to the State Compensation Insurance Fund or Public ilou si ng Authority or where a public officer is acting with reference to private assets which have come under his jurisdiction by virtue of his office. 1 r -J Ordinance No. *** Page 11 Section 304(e) Refunds. In the event that any person shall have obtained a permit and no portion of the work or construction covered by such permit shall have been commenced and provided such permit has not expired as provided for in Subsection (d) of Section 303, the pe rmittee, upon presentation to the Buiiding Official of a written request, shall be ent iil ed to a refund in an amount equal to eighty percent (&]%) of the permit fee actually paid for such permit; however, the portion of the fee retained by the City shall never 6e ~ess than twenty dollars ($20.00) or the total amount paid, whichever i5 iei>. In the event a permit is issued in error by the Building Official, all fees shall be returned to applicant upon written request. Nu portion of a plan chec ki n9 fee shall be refunded, unless no checking has been performed on a set of plans, in which case eighty percent (80%) of the plan checking fee shall be refunded; however, the portion of the fee retained shall never be less than twenty dollars, ($20.00), or the total amount paid, whichever is less. No refund shall be granted on an expired permit or plan review. The Building Official shall satisfy himself as to the right of such applicant to such refund and each such refund shall be paid as provided by law for the payment of claims against the City. 15.08.110 Section 305(h1 Amended--Rei ns pecti ons. Section 305(h) of said Uniform Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 305(h) Rei ns pections. A rei ns pe coon fee, as set forth in City Council Resolution, may be assessed far each inspection made necessary due to work not being ready at *_he requested time of inspection, or for work not corrected after the issuance of a prior written correction notice or for a rei ns pec ti on made necessary because of faulty or deficient workmanship or materials of construction regui at ed by this code or the technical codes adopted hereby. In instances where rei ns pec bons fees have been assessed, no addi ti anal ins.pec tion of the work shall be performed until the required fees have been paid, 15.08.120 Section 305(i) Added--Repeated Rei ns pe coons. Section 305 of said Uniform Administrative Code is hereby amended by adding subsection (i) to read as follows: Section 305(i) Repeated Rei nS pe cti ons. In the event that, as related to any one or two family dwelling or any multiple family building for which a building permit has been issued, and a second r ei ns pe cti on has been performed in accordance with subsection (h) above, and further rei ns pecti on is determined by the building Official to be necessary to achieve the performance of accepted 7~ Ordinance No. *** Pa ge 12 construction practices related thereto; or in the event that second rei ns pee ti ons have been required three or more times within any project, the 8u it ding Official shall require posting of a cash deposit to be drawn upon to cover costs of providing inspection and/or rei ns pection of the dwelling unit(s), or project, cn a full time basis, Further, all inspections for the dwelling unit(s), or project shall be suspended until such time as the deposit is received and judged by the °~il diny Officiai so be sufficient to complete inspection of the workuremaining. The estimated costs of providing this increased level of inspection shall be determined by the Building Official in accordance with a Resolution of the City Council establishing hourly charges. Additionally, Lhe deposit shall be based upon a reasonable determination of the time necessary to comet ete the entire building or project which the dwelling unit or units or multiple-family 6u it ding is a part. The expenses incurred by Lhe City in providing additional inspections shall be deducted from the deposit posted and any remaining balance shall be returned to the depositor upon comDl eti on of the dwelling unit(s) or project. Upon dete nnina tion by the Building Official that the original deposit is insufficient for any remaining inspection costs an additional cash deposit shall be provided for completion of all anticipated inspections. For the. pu rposc of this subsection a "prni..r*" ,5 t::c -- -- reaioenn ai hutldings heing co ns trut ted under separate building permits within or upon an individual tract map, parcel map or parcel. 15,08.130 Section 301(a) Amended--E rtergy Connections, Section 301(a) of said Uniform Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 307(a} Energy Connections. Ne person shall make connections fran a source of energy, fuel or power to any building service equi Anent whicb~rs regulated by the technical codes and for which a permit is required by this code, unless such required permits are obtained and applicable final building, electrical, pt umbi ng and/or mechanical inspections have been made and all conditions of development approval have been completed or guaranteed, except as provided for in Subser. tine an 7lb) SECTION S: Chapter 15.12 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended to read, in Words and figures, as follows: ~7 Ordinance No. *** Page 13 Chapter 15.12 BUILDING CODE Sections 15.12.010 Chapters 1,2,3 Deleted 15.12.020 Section 420 Added definition--Swimming Pool 15.12.030 Section 1101 Amended--Group "M" Occupancies i5. i2. "u40 Section 1103 Amended--Fire-Resistive Protection 15.12.050 Section 1107 Added--S winming Pool Fencing 15.12,060 Table 23-D Amended--Allowable Deflection 15.12.070 Table 25-U-R-10 Deleted 15.12.08C Section 2907(5) Amended--Bearing Walls 15.12.090 Figure 7.9-1 Amended--Building Setbacks from Slopes 15.12.100 Section 3204 (d) Amended--Nonrated Rnof Covering 15.12.110 Section 3204(e) Deleted 15.12.120 Section 3208(5)3 Amended--Asphalt Shingles 15.12.130 Section 3206(5)5 Amended--Clay or Corcr ete Tile 15.12.140 Table 32-A Amended--Minimum Roof Classes 15.12.150 Table No. 32-B-1 Amended--Shingle Application 15.12,160 Table No's. 32-D-1 and 32-D-2 Amended--Roofing Tile Application for All Tiles 15.12.170 Appendix Chapter 12 Deleted 15.12.180 Appendix Section 3210 Amended--Reroofing 15.12,190 Appendix Section 7003 Deleted--Permits Required 15.12,200 Appendix Section 7004 Amended--Hazardous Grading 15,12.210 Appendix Section 7005 Added Definitions--Final, Prel iminarv Gra dins Plans 15. 12, 2't0 Appendix Section 7006 Amended--Plans and Specifications 15.12,230 Appendix Section 70D1 and Tables 70-A, 70-B Deleted 15.12.240 Appendix Section 7008 Amended--Bonds 15.12.250 Appendix Section 7010 Amended--Fills 15,12.260 Appendix Section 7013 Amended--Erosion Controls 15.12.010 Chapters 1, 2, and 3 Deleted, Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of said Uniform Building Code are hereby deleted in their entirety. 15.12.020 'Section 420 Added Definition--Swimmin Pool. Section 420 of said Uniform Building Code is hereby amended by ad iti on of the Poll owing de`i ni fion: Sec lion 420 $wimning Pnnl, 5W'.m"` ng Pool ar~v -dy of Water created by artiriciai means designed~or used for swimming, inmersion or therapeutic purposes. 15,12.030 Section 1101 Amended--Group M Occupancies. Section 1101 of said Uniform 8u it ding Code is hereby amended to read as follows: I Ordi name No. *** Page 14 Section 1101 Group M Occupancies shalt be: Division 1. Private Garages, carports, sheds and similar structures accessory to residential structures, and agricultural buildings. Division :, Masonry Walls over 3 feet high, fences over 6 feet high, tanks, towers and swimming pools. For occupancy separations, see Table 5-B. 15.12.040 Section 1103 Amended--Fire Resi sii ve Protectior. Section 1103 of said Uniform Building Code 15 hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1103 Fire Resistive Protection. For fire-resistive protection of exterior walls and openings as determined by location on property, see Section 504, Part IV, and Appendix Chapter 11. 15.12.050 Section 1107 Added--Swi mmin Pool Fencin Section 1107 of said Uniform Bui ding Code is hereby added to read as follows: Section 1107 Swinming Pool Fencing. Every person in possession of land under a contract, or as owner, lessee, tenant, licensee, or otherwise, upon which is situated a swimming pool, having a water depth exceeding 16 inches, shall, at all times, maintain a fence or other structure completely surrounding such pool and extending not less than five feet (5'-0"), measured vertically, above any walking surface, wall or other climbable st ructore. within rwn roo* ro~_n~~„a the exterior of the enclosure. Openings in such fence or structure, other than those created by gates or doors, shall be of such size so that a sphere exceeding 4" (q inches) in diameter will not pass between adjacent mem 6e rs. Members of such pool enclosure shall not be arranged so as to materially facilitate climbing or scaling by small children. Gates or door openings through such enclosure shall be equipped with self-closing and self-latching devices designed to keep, and capable of keeping, svc}T`door or gate securely closed at all Limes when not in actual use; however, the door of any dwelling occupied by human beings which forms any part of the enclosure herein required need not be so equipped. Required latching devices shall be located not less than four feet, six inches (4'-6") above the ground, The pool enclosure shall he in lace and a by p apprcve~ the Du ii ding Off iriai before water is placed in the pool- E %CEP TI ONS: The provisions of this section shall net apply to public swimming pools regulated by State Building Standards approved by the State Building Standards Commission. I Ordinance No. *** Page 15 Any fencing serving as an enclosure for a swimming pool, lawfully in existence on the date of adoption of this ordinance, and meeting the requirements for fencing in effect at the time of construction of the swimming pool, may he continued, haweve r, any replacement of fencing in whole or in part, shall comply with the requirements set forth aho ve. 15,12.060 Table 23-D Amended--Allowable Defl ec tion. Table 23-0 of said ~.Inifo rm Building Cede is hE; eby aioended to read, in words and figures, as follows: TABLE Z3-D MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION FOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS 4EMBER LOADED MEMBER LOADED WITH UYE LDAD PLUS UVE LOAD ONLY DEAD LOAD TYPE OF MEMBER LL LL ~ K D.L) Gbar M•rm•n. Rml MvmEer• SuPPOImq PbM. Roof M•mMr• ~WDDrdq ONa LD•a• EadMrp L/'J80 l/2b Sa Pxuntd WloW 'SUtnti•nl aW a umbr,MX M DrwM•a fa kt moN in •caxa•ro wiN 5•NDn 2J05 (~. L 1, ~ lv LOia o L. o.m La.a N . F•cDx 4WnxMa by Twil• No. I1E l . L•npT oI nixnMr in ~rre unr.• u aenectwn 15.12,OIU Table 25-U-R-10 Deleted. Table 25-U-R-10 of said Uniform Dui ding Code is hereby deleted, 15.12.080 Section 2901(6) Amended--Bearing Walls. Section 2907 (b) of said Uniform Bui dins Code is hereby arc~ended to read as follows: Section 2901(6) Bearing Walls. Bearing walls shall be supported on masonry or coruscete foundations or piles or other approved foundation system which shall be of sufficient size to suDPort all loads and resist wind forces. Where a design is not provided, the minimum foundation requirements for stud bearing walls shall be as set forth in Table No. 29-A. 4 Yt'L UTiDIi.~i: A One story wood or metal frame building not used for human occupancy and not over 400 square feet in floor areas may be constructed without masonry or concrete foundations if walls are supported by and anchored to a Portland cement concrete slab not less than 3 1/2" in thickness. ~~^ Ordinance No. *** Page 16 2. The support of buildings by posts embedded in earth shall be designed as specified in Section 2907(9). Wood posts or pales embedded in earth shall he pressure treated with an approved preservative. Steel posts or poles shall be protected as specified in Section 2908(1). '.5.12.090 Figure 29-1 Amended-Building Setbacks from Slopes. Figure 29-1 is hereby amended as shown in the following figure: FACE OF F'(lO'nNG H/2 tlDT NEED ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ NOT' EXCEED 1A' I 4N,a OR 5' MIN. OUT IINEED NOT EXCEED 40' Z 7GE OF SLOPE FACF. OF STRDCTURE FIGURE 29-1 15.12.100 Section 3204 (d~ Amended--Nonrated Roof Covering. Section 3204,d of said Uniform Building Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 3204(d) Nonrated Roof Covering. A nonrated roof covering shall be ary mineral aggregate surface built-up roof for application tc roofs having a slope of net more than 3 inches in 12 inches applied as specified in Section 3208(b)4, consisting of not less than Lhe following: 1. Roofing Plies: Three layers of felt; and 2. Surfacing Material: 300 pounds per roofing square of gravel or other approved surfacing material, or 250 pounds per roofing square of crushed slag. 1~1 Ordinance No. *** Page 17 15.12.110 Section 3204!e) Deleted--B aecial Purpose Roofs. Section 3204 e~ of said Uniform Building Code is hereby deleted. i5. 12.120 Section 3208(b)3 Amended--A sah alt Shingles. Section 3209 (b)3 of said Uniform Building Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 32086)3 Asphalt Shingles. Asphalt shingles shall comply w'th UBC Standard No. 32-3 and shall have been tested and listed as s. table for installation, as wind-resistant roof covering, at wind vei ocity of nct iess than g"u in pi.. As pil alt ;hingl zs shall be installed according to manufacturer's recommendations and Table No. 32-B-1. 15.12.130 Section 3208(b)5 Amended--Clay or Concrete Tile. Section 3208 b 5 of said Uniform Building code is hereby amended to read as follow;: Section 32 G8(b)5 Clay or Concrete Tile. Tile of clay or concrete shall comply with UBC Standard No. 32-12 and shall 6e installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and Table No.'s 32-D-1 and 32-D-2. 15.12.140 Table No. 32-A Amended--Minimum koof Classes. Table No. 32-A of said 'Jnifo rm Building Code is hereby amended to read, in words and figures, as follows: TABLE NO. SS-A -- )1lWRlW[ ROOF CLABBER Trrse a con•r^ucnoB ~ v m rv v occmnno r.^. v^. t.ml n 1-BA n e.r. 1-BA n w 1 a ^ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. AB, 7.1 B B ^ -~ B -~ 8 B -~ AJ 8 H B H B B B B B A• ^ • B B ^ ^ B B ^ Bl,a B s B a a B_ a e B Bas B a • e o e e e s e~ s a B e B B B ^ BI A A A A ^ ^ s ^ ea, e,a H,e w e e a e e ^ B s u.a w e a ~ e • ^ i I B i A ^ a• .. e~ -- i -- • -- Y B B B ^ C~ C Ce Ce c' RI ^ ^ H • ^ ^ ^ 8 H~ BH B s e B e ^ B ^ B B~ cHx B Peeary c. a...c waui1 MR.. mm~W reef arnx/ x~ se nq„uem,nu wr ew n.wnNe PR. Rre M.Yn IIT. Ns7 Tx~Ev Ins Ordinance No. *«• Page 18 15.12.150 Table No. 32-B-1 Amended--Shingle Aoot ication. Table No. 32-B-1 of said Uniform Building Code is hereby amended to read, in words and figures, as follows: TABLE N0.31-&1~5111NGLE APPLICATION .WMLTeMNNIy sgTNFANITEOMOw xnx ypp. pp( t.II IO LIIe IlVN b1] .:Ix iIOOVNI CELM NEWHEMENI A.pwll 'M9r w b INNMe la rMr N+tlM lea. AwIMq pr Mrm b SMbn Sete AI N z51) IT ) rq NY b M Yr M y.' M tlwlry. norm. mN Nrxr m.r M inrre r a. urr .NrNer..a rw is r NN.e z UNDENIAYAEM r ] ..i:w .n Ix nowt. powma IM ~ yn. iunzeary .a .rnr vrW.FF n irngra.6iMN NFar {powG reyaip .Ma wtlr M-OwrYJ we rr .mW1 +M ni unMiynn mTrro a Yo Ymn a mbwbrWe rro. is Nn Nrs.e .wds I~ saq Nzn .: IeNA~rb1 .1w1 N w M.Nbi1 byN OM: N M Me. MT MMMr YM MW E. YIy.01YIMw. MYYO/y. 60in !~ br MW.Y am., rtl MNir^M' 9w A M rnrr•I WMe. eNV e'T om AnnamY.: MN Iw Y'Me WY M WE umrrf bp.Nr YIN Ru .0 mr0 :ri00 r mr•E YieT MT brrrq.omrro6Mn mN iPeNe :NmNNFx mNNW EMII M arl NY 4 Tar M NI .eNe b e r 13 nowwma NNibW plw .pWry Imm M rw w M mN n . N+ Mw +.r M .awM q M wA .1 Ip N iirAU xn~M1 IM .Hunt 'wl M a M thew einrW Iop.Xw. TABLE N0.33'&t-(COnsinbd) ATTACHMENT ~..........i.... .r .....- ., -... ... ..._.. ... .. ~l.~e:nm leyuy Ivla+nn NNNn wbm. FYIw NI IMpN wM M ipWNINN a U B L.91Tgbe M. AI] FT11rFF br W ~ Ilouxn b pNMMe ne0 lM NYMIy ]'t MI N 1Mrp1 M IMAnY d lM NNNrwp, w.aNlr r rm en.gr aue M w.unx a alt M 'MbreLO.C or ,Y,a+auMs nNNe1PT imNwbx eo Nw Asy aunxr. No al.lw.a I eoN ae-so wl wV Apr GiNM NVNrIe .. ba rsl ti Mm IquvH h Mnawwe YeNUmN M mNYitllon m TNaN rM repNm Aetw mvr NV r eNAeIIY IMM .eMi r tl rT eaxwt Ezpsxw Vw nNna001ili0le MiwWMMtlIb1ENM DU' VTtl NMgIM FW aba . NO VCNW wwbw N:pai~NY MI raNe TeYVNmINEbIMIW aMraol. Hp eM Meee NNIW NN MMIYMeIe'JWYaMT Nitlile00 NAe peeYep~tl Wexlr fLASHNIO ws.abn exMlrl I e vrrn awlrr~nx I i rN s.an~ xzM Iq x I ca NNOw mmzn...<n r m.,.Ne Taiunn. NMyr uNe a.nTrTS EN mYMNANMe mNlwba l~~ Ordinance `70. *** Page 19 15.12.160 Table fJo. 32-D-1 and 32-D-2 Amended--ROOfin4 Tile Ao Dl ication. Table No. 32-D-: and 32-0-2 of said Uniform Suil di ng Code are hereby amended to read, in words and figures, as follows: TABLE No. 32-II-I -- ROOFING TR,E APPLICATIONI FOR ALL T[LES 900P MAR ]1/$a]iO ISN TR.\M ]:1] ~I fa]MDOV]Y tlta RRbIR¢]IQIR] I 3uLd<hrthm(pv 5svec.<'K I6Y <^d til]Ihll V In chm`u w j Smealw oVrv cltrnat<un<. exmt Nal utmdlry lmm :Aeew <uh)¢I NM~Eme: m flre~ mIM p IM mm I:.ic 3{ m<l~u vuMe Ju menor .atl INe of Ne Mtlt~u p rtoM~ mvnM v:< yntlmL l^1`yva el wtlniaymml <IWI be aWIIW `IVM4'Whvm ~l ye ~ 1 u pg O1 d('~^mW Ugc~M.llhm<pprvwl mnmmymnvW yM ~~ ~ {v 5v~1»n JZIX Id 4 a ofc~ SuR.me rot:.gvud, o0:v ^itrnen aw ~duh (dl m T)x ]l l<II <Ne IappN 3 ukFa aM mE d lapp a Im ~91R O~wm cgnnl<n~rrkWt nark nw M thm N<. II gavgt 5/I6:rkA Avd. Fuurv<`NY mnply nN Nc 11C $untlard y4lT ru:mm JWl he luµmouehuym<mulnto JU <huNNS 3/4 rquvm:rnu <f L . h or J~nugh N< Wcbvu. o! W<<M1nN:ry~ vl:kh Irr. Aluchrym3 r cWy a mrcrtu tlk C SwduN Ye< Q.6 uW 93.15 t b \' nJl vm h mO V 6 d ll ll v 14 'd . ., w.. e p ~ . . u w e mu s . a µ~P.:~ Se al turmv. Z9 One 6<uvv le vle Plat W< T'° lu¢nm pv vle. Onty one lrtmer.n <bpu e(]:14 aM Iv< I< vIr rllh nuullM .yl:t v<eWVy l.5 pavM< pe quoe lost .INOUt rvWa1 I<P, u'e /rum++pm nlt IuNry <.IJN rw pate llun l8lrche.8 The NotlIR 01ndn mmlmum rW®Ae pa sau,q 93oe k I c w Sao] [I s. ru a " ~'r ~ +: ae:na~ "- wlw r:r,a.b snw;..r..l..w..m:nb.. r ea w..wmn n. n.1. ''n 'i.°..~eM".lrr:.b0..e.u~ v' ~wrm.R<...... ..ruv<om~Nn.M1 wtW a.. . a. a.,n, wu: uu. a.~+.or:rwli~'rr:a uj°m.lw.. rneu n V. ay.U I ~- cur oR co11CR6T¢ LoorNa nu APPUCAnoN mrzRUCN3ec nls mrn rrtc3ecm4c Mcao¢ wee Boor ewre a: t2 Mo overt Dra vromvstrtlrtr s.nd m<I.nrNme ~'m~'eT~~ bltl NutANA ene Oyer oI 1Yp~ L' kll Yppfd'1 xNe hNOnulh <M 6 NcAn rmMlh, n<ept Nu na Enrtn na.. mlke%Ra'rbl at u'{Sam oe nrn cps wl 341naM1n Yrde :he u¢Mr ":l l:n< IN„W IaNL I<v llvln<Alne4 IWM `ntl rltl <menuf ucerher N a o! Ve u2erkttm'n1 <AYI pe r wel Urmvn< u Mo.n ',n flAurt pp pp R~ We murM1L oNv cl:m`u `nu One kyv n«ryduh Rh or Typ]Il kA kppd3N<M1U hogmullyaM em<M rune`Ily iTAW r61A11 Vonubn,mryunl nalk mt Yr Nrn .W. 11 Puee. 5/IbNCM1 M1M, tyfe ulWUrcn MAPllen `A`II romply wN Ne rtquv<menu I V&e, ]unE<A No 3513 + prwa..n.u x Inn] m<.An N pmm<:< mm m< e.n<n. erNme a/4 Nm <r rn:aN Ik NkRnue nl Ve `nnlnlnL .nvn<rer I<Irr. nluann` wrt br rlq w ron<r<k vk MW net be ml4r Wn l4 PAP `b `A`II compY rn:A V. o.c. spntlW< nx J3d and ]3~1] Ilermvul Ertun<<rt - ryqulM rn oltl JroNNe br Yape i 1] <rp w>,~ {IarrNUl Mlkn<art rqu4W fw WpP ortr T.l].r br n: Irmme:l Tikbr 51I. human nm :<gvlM 59] b ler \an 13.11 Me I<Ymer evep elver mr 13 13 b 3..13. ne luunrc mry n4 r rU: p ur rlke rtYU'.rt one r,,:< 3rltl rIUNIN "IPaul Ytunh vrc r,n . lbl .e: vll~m 9 oare (mt ' n uk ulnd llk rI:M1 m A1 4 vunb ai vlrt mp ~ . ~ r p ru l I. 5 ryn~mu (nn WINou~Arnerc One luiver er<ry 111e TI4 LnGhp d N<M1 nYnlmum Ilb Fr* Sn'nw1510e kl 1 c ua 331tl 10 i u a. wuuwrwn<rr*an. !N 1TMM ~ ~ j~w~~ Yr wow 4w.r wu q.-+r..r.~<knr n War rn.w.In. n]"""tl. a.rew nu.<.M ur rr rr a~r~-W .+naraur W eYr'v+rarwenurr r-rawrw r+ __r/< ~ ~ w1r~~<Mirw .<wnni :rfirrrr.u*~rrwr r<~nw~rur n~un AObbr~j nr~rr+< ~y~y~rorrti Wrv n~ M1~a<I~`y~e.~lwu:.r~w`.n~rwnr r.w_w. n,...r wlvr~. ry.... .Mr.r."~"A..:ti. i r~`l Ordinance No. 412 Page 20 15.12.164 Subsection 3103(h) Added--Spark Arrester. Section 3703 of said Uniform Building Code is hereby amended by adding a new subsection (h) to read as follows: Section 3703(h) Spark Arrester. All chimneys attached to any appliance or fireplace that burns solid fuel shall be equiped with an apprcved spark arrester. The net free area of the spark arrester shall be nut '. ess than four times the net free area of the outlet of the chimney. The spark arrester screen shall have heat and corrosion resistance equivalent to 12-gauge wire, 19-gauge galvanized wire or 24-gauge stainless steel. Openings shall not permit the passage of spheres having a diameter larger than 1/2 inch and shall not block the passage of spheres having a diameter of less than 3/8 inch. 15.12.170 A endix Cha ter 12 Oel et ed. Appendix Chapter 12 of said Uniform Building Code is hereby de eted. 15.12.180 Ap Pendix Section 3210 Amended--Reroofing. Section 3210 of the Appendix of the Uniform Building Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 3210 Reroofing. New roof coverings for existing buildings shall not be applied without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Building Dffi cial. An inspection may be required to determine the acceptability of an existing structure for reroofing. A final ins pec tr on and apps val shall be obtained fra-~ the Building Cff ici a7 when reroofing is completed. 15.!9 1g0 An nn ndiv Snrtinn 7007 Onl nt ed--Pn rmity Rennired. Section 1003 of the Appendix of said Uniform Building Code is hereby deleted. 15.12.200 Appendix Section 1004 Amended--Hazardous Grading. Section 1004 of the Appendix of the Un'ifo rm Building Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 7004 Hazardous Grading. Whenever the Building Official determines that any existing natural slope, or any excavation, embankment, fill or other condition created by a grading project has become a ha zap to life or limb, or endangers property, or adversely affects the safety, use or stability of a public way or drainage channel, the Building Official may give the owner of the property upon which the condition is located, or other person or agent in control of said property, a written notice to abate the condition. U POn receipt °f ,•,ch r~~.~- ce frpa `he Bu it dirr ^ff icial, he v owner or other person or agent~~in control of said property shall within the period specified in the notice repair or eliminate such natural slope, excavation, embankment, fill or other condition so as to eliminate the hazard and be in conformance with the requirements of this Code. ~ g5 Ordinance No. 412 Page 21 15.12.210 Appendix Section 7005 Added--Definitions. Section 7005 of the Appendix of the Ur.t form Bu tl dtng Code is hereby amended by adding the following definitions: 1. Final Grading Plan is a plan showing all detailed drainage tnformati on, grade elevations, locations and floor elevations of any buildings. 2. Prel iminarv Grading Plan is a plan showing bu it dinn pad elevations, typical drainage met hods to be utilized, and similar generalized information, usually excluding finish floor elevations, building locations, and specific drainage details. 15.12.220 Appendix Section 7006 Amended--Plans and Specifications. Section 7006 of the Ap pendtx of satd Unt form Bu tl ding Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 7006(x) Plans and Specifications, When required by the Building Official, each application for a grading permit shall be accompanied by three sets of plans and specifications, and supporting data co ns`sti ng of a soils engineering report and engineering oeol ogy report. The plans and specifications shall be prepared and signed by a civil engineer when required by the Building Official. Section 7006(6) A grading perr~it may be issued based upon a preliminary grading plan where insufficient precise detail of site improvement exists at the time of grading permit issuance. Where grading is accomplished based noon a n„nt ;m;~~„„ ~„, a;.... .., ._ .,._ submittal and approval of a final grading plan shall be required prior to the issuance of any building permit for the Site. Preliminary grading plans shall include sufficient detail to assure that at the time of final grading plan submittal, ail standards and specifications of this code and other City grading regulations will he met. Section 7006(c) Information on P1 ans and in Specifications. Plan shall be drawn t'3 scale upon substantial paper or cloth and shad be of sufficient clarity to indicate the ~t at ure and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of this Cade and all relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. The first sheet of each set cf plans shall give the location of the Wnr'k and name anA aAAre4e Of the ann-cii drid the oN r~nn nv Wnnm rbn,. were prepared, The plans shall include the fallowing information: General vicinity of the proposed site. Property limits and accurate contours of existing ground and details of terrain and area drainage. !i ~ r ~. Ordinance No. *** Page 22 3. Elevations and finish contours to be achieved by the grading. •1. Quantities of excavation and fills. 5. Oeta it ed plans of all surface and subsurface drainage devices, walls, cribbing, dams and other protective devices to be constructed with, or as a part of, the proposed work together with a map showing the drainage area and the es iima ted runo ti of the area served by any drains. 5. Location of any buildings or structures on the property where the work is to be performed and the location of any buildings or structures on land of adjacent owners which are within 15 feet of the project site or which may be affected by the proposed grading operations. 7. Size, type and condition of ve aetation that is to remain. 8. Legal restrictions such as property lines, easements, setbacks, etc. 9. Utility structures, catch ba st ns, manholes, culverts, etc. 10. Drainage, sewer, water, gas, electric or other utility 11ReS. 11. Any unusual site conditions. 12. Go ntou rs, both existing and proposed, shall be shown in accordance with the following schedule: Natural Slppes Maximum Interval 2% or less 2 feet Over 2% to and inc iud in9 9% 5 feet Over 9% 10 .feet 13. SpeeTfications containing information covering construction and material requirements. Section 7006 (d) Soils Engineering Report. The soils engineering report required by subsection (c) shall include data rega rdiny the nature, dirt rihutinn and ctrcn rti ~s o ;~t;.,g ~,.:ls , _..g _.. „•. cp nc~vs;ons and recommendations for grading procedures and design criteria for corrective ine asures when necessary, and opinions and recommendations covering adequacy of sites to be developed by the proposed grading, including the stability of slopes. f~ Ordinance No. 412 Page 23 Section 7006(e) Engineering Geology Report. The engineering geology report required by Subsection (a) shall include an adequate description of the geology of the site, conclusions and recommendations regarding the effect of geologic conditions on the proposed development, and opinions and recommendations covering the ode quzcy of sites to be developed by the proposed grading. Recommendations included in the report and approved by the building official shall be incorporated in the grading pi ans ar specifications. Section 1006 (f) ?ssua nce. The provisions of Section 303 are applicable to grading permits, The Building Official may also require submittal of the following additional information with the permit application. 1. Extent and manner of cutting of trees and clearing of vegetation, disposal of same, and measures for protection of undisturbed trees andj or vegetation. 2, R schedule defining staging and timing of construction and estimated extent of disturbance at strategic points during construction. 3. Equipment, methods, and location of spoils disposal. 4. A pt an definine the schedule, equipment, materials, and personnel that will be used to maintain all protecti va deviees and drains ee far;7 +~'cc ,;,,,nn un the approved g. ~ ny pi dn. 5, her gnati on of routes upon which materials may be tra ns pe rted and means of access to the site. 6. The location and manner to be used for disposal of excavated materials and control of erosion from such materials. 7, Recomoypdations as to the mitigation of fugitive dust and dirt which may be offensive or injurious to Lhe neighborhood, the general public or any portion thereof, including due consideration, tare, and respect for the property rights, and protection of said neighborhood er any portion thereof, 8. Limitations on the area, extent and duration of Lime of exposure of unprotected 5o it Surfaces. 9, Phas; ng of operations to minimise water run off or other environmental concerns. ~~ Ordinance No. *** Page 24 Section 7006(h) Inspections. In performing regular grading, it shall be the responsibility of the permittee to notify the Building Official at least one working day in advance so that required inspections may be made. Section 7005(1) Protection of Adjacent Property. During grading operations, the permittee shall be responsible for the prevention of damage to adjacent property and no person shall excavate on land uff iciently close to the property line to endanger any adjoining pu bi is sheet, sidewalk, alley, or other public or private property without supporting and protecting such property from settling, cracking, or other damage which might result. Section 7006(j) Tampor ary Erosion Control, The pe rmittee shad put into effect and maintain all precautionary measures necessary to protect adjacent water courses and public or private property from damage by erosion, flooding, and deposition of mud or debris o ri g~ina Ling from the site. 15.12.230 Ap Dendix Section 7007 and Tables 70-A and 70-B Deleted. Section 7007 and Tables 70-A and 70-8 are hereby de eted. 15.12.240 Appendix Section 7008 Amended--Bonds. Section 7008 of the Appendix of the Uniform Building Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 7008(a) Bonds. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit involving 5000 cubic yards or more of cut and fill, the applicant shall first post with the Bu it dins Official, a hn nd to accnre char the work to be performed under the permit, if not completed in accordance with approved plans and specifications, will be corrected to eliminate hazardous conditions. Such bond shall be executed by the owner as principal and a corporate surety authorized to do business in California. In 1 ieu of a surety bond, the applicant may file a cash bond, or deposit and assign to Lhe City savings and loan certificates or other instruments of credit. Where unusual conditions or special hazards exist, the Building Official may require a bond for grading involving less than 5000 cubic yards. The ho nd renui red by rh;s Sec*i C,^, may ^1"d^ inC`dentai Of -Site grading on property con ti gua us with the site to be developed provided written consent of the owner of such contiguous property is filed with the Ouilding Official. The Building Official may waive the requirements for grading necessary to remove a geological hazard, where such work is covered by an agreement and bend posted pursuant to provisions of other Ordinances. ~~l Ordinance No. 412 Page 25 The bond required by this Section may include incidental off-site grading on property contiguous with the site to be developed provided Written consent of the owner of such contiguous property is filed with the Buiiding Official. The Building Official may waive the requirements for grading necessary to remove a geological hazard, where such work is covered by an agreement and bond posted pursuant to provisions of other Ordinances. sec tion 1008(b) Amount of Bonds. The amount of the bond shalt be --d upar the number of cubic yards of material in both excavation and~fil i, plus the cost of all drainage or other protective devices, work necessary Lo el iini nate ge otogi cal hazards, erosion control planting and required retaining walls. That portion of the bond based on volume of material shall be computed as set forth in the following schedule: 100,000 cubic yards or less 50A of the cost of the grading work Over 100,000 cubit yards 50% of the cost of the first 100,000 cubic yards plus 25% of the estimated cost gf that portion in excess of 100,000 cubic yards. Section 7008(c) Reduction in Bond. When rough grading has been completed in conformance with the requirements of this Code, the 6uil ding Official may at his discretion consent to a proportionate reduction of the bond to an amount estimated to be adequate to insure completion of the work, remaining to 6e oe rfnrmad r~,o ^..~«_ rere rreg to rn this Section shall be as approved by the Ou ilding Official. Section 7008 (d) Conditions. Every bond shall include the conditions that the principal shall: 1. Comply with alt of the provisions of City ordinances, applicable laws, and standards. 2. Comply-•with all of the terms and conditions of the grading permit. 3. Complete all of the work authorized 6y the permit within the time limit specified in the pe nnit or Within any extension thereof granted. No s~^h extc ns ~cn cf tiiae shnii r ei ease the surety upon the bond. Section 7008(e) term of Bond, The term of each bond shall begin upon the filing thereof with the Building Official and the bond shall remain in effect until the Work authorized by the grading permit is completed and approved by the Bu ildiny Official. ~~ Ordinance No. 412 Page 26 Section 7008;f) Default Procedures. In the event the owner or his agent shall fail to complete the work or fail to comply with all terms and conditions of the grading permit, it shall be deemed a default has occurred. The Building Official shall give notice thereof to the principal and surety on the grading permit band, or to the owner in the case of a cash deposit or assignment, and may order the work required to complete the grading in conformance with the re quiremcnts of this Code be performed. The surety executing the bond shall continue to be firmly bound under an obligation up to the foil ame n' c° the bo nJ, For the payment of all necessary costs and expenses ~t hat may be incurred by the Building Official in causing any and all such required work to be done. In the case of a cash deposit or assignment, the unused portion of such deposit or funds assigned shall be returned or reassigned to the person making said deposit or assignment. Section 7008(9) Right of Entry. In the event of default in the performance of any term or condition of the permit, the Building Official or the surety, or any person employed or engaged in the behalf of either, shall have the right to enter upon the premises to perform necessary corrective work or make inspections. Are owner or any other person who interferes with or obstructs the ingress to or egress from any such premises, of any authorized representative of the surety or of the City of Rancho Cucamonga engaged in the correction or completion of the wcrk for which a grading permit has been issued, after a default has occurred in the performance of the Le rms or conditions thereof, is guilty of a misdemeanor. 15.12.250 Appendix Section 1010 Amended--Fills, Section 7010 of the Appendix of the Um form Building Code is hereby amended to read as follow s: Section 7010l,a) Fills. Unless otherwise recommended ir. the approved soils engineering report and approved by the Building Official, fills shall conform to the provisions of this Section and to Figure A, Typical Lot Cross-Section for Fills. EXCEPTION: The provisions of Building Official for minor structures. this section may be waived by the fills not intended to support srac ro wuxcux axscrovwrow 4~ N76IINE 'A' ~rtnca wr am~a roa rrtu I' Ordinance No. *** Page 27 Section 7010(b) Fill Locations. Fiil slopes shall not be constructed on natural stapes steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical (2:1). Fill slopes shall be located so as to toe out not closer than twelve feet (12') horizontally from the top of a lower natural or cut slope nor closer than twelve feet (12') from a 2:1 slope influence line projected from lower natural or cut slope where that slope equals or is less than 2 horizontal to i vertical (2:1). Section 7010(c) Preparation of Ground. The ground surface shall be prepared to receive fill by removing vegetation, noncomplying fill, top-soil and other unsuitable materials, scarifying to provide a bond with Lhe new fill, and, where slopes are steeper than five to one, and the height greater than 5 feet, by benching into sound bedrock or other competent material as determined by the soils engineer. The bench under the toe of a fill on a slope steeper Lhan five to one shall be at least 10 feet wide. The area beyond the toe of fill shall be sloped for sheet overflow or a paved drain shall be provided. Where fill is to 6e placed over a cut, the bench under the toe of fill shall be at least 10 feet wide but the cut must 6e made before placing fill and approved by the soils engineer and/or engineering geologist as a suitable foundation fur fill. Section 7010(d) Fill Material. Detrimental amount of organic material shall not be permitted in fills. No rock or similar irreducible material with a maximum dimension greater than 12 inches shall be buried or placed in fills. EXCEPTION: The Building Official may permit placement of larger rnrk when thx cnilc xn ni nxxr nrnnxrly dxvi<xc a mot hnA of placement, continuously inspects its placement and approves the fill stability. The following conditions shall also epply: Prior to issuance of [he Grading Permit, potential rock disposal areas shall be delineated on the grading plan. 2. Rock sizes greater than 24" in maximum dimension shall be 10 feet or more below grade measured vertically. 3. RoL'RS shall be placed so as to assure filling of all voids with fines. Section 7010(x.) Compaction. All fills, including bac kf ill in utility trenches, shalt be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of d^ 'ty dzterm nod ~y U.B C Standard Nn 70-i. In el ace density shall be ,dot ermined in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 70-2, 70-3, 70-4, 70-5, or equivalent as approved by the Building Official. I l ~j' Ordinance No. *** Pa ge 28 EXCEPTIONS: 1. Fills exempted elsewhere in this ordinance and where the Building Official determines that compaction is not a necessary safety measure to aid in preventing saturation, settlement, slipping, or erosion of the fill. 2. Where lower density and expansive types of soil exist, permission for lesser compaction may be granted by the Building Official upon showing of good cause under the conditions provided herein. 3. Alternate methods of filling and compaction mey be utilized on utility trenches or other specific projects when recommended by the soils engineer and approved by the Building Official. Section 7010(f) Slope. The slope of fill surfaces shall be no steeper than is safe for the intended use. Fill slopes shall be no steeper than two horizontal Lo one vertical. Section 7010(9) Oraina ge and Terracing. Drainage and terracing shall 6e provided and the area above fill slopes and the surfaces of terraces shall be graded and paved as required 6y Section 7012. 15.'.2.250 Section 7013 Amended--: ros ion Controls. Section 7013 of the Appendix of the Uniform ui ding Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 7013(a) Erosion Controls. The faces of cut and fill slopes shall be prepared and maintained to control against erosion. The protection for the slopes shall be installed as soon as practical avid prior to calling for final approval. Section 7013(b) Other Oevices. Where necessary, check dams, cribbing, riprap or other devices or methods shall be employed to control er osien and provide safety. Section 7013(cj" Planting. The surface of all cut and fill slopes more than five (51 feet in height shall be protected against damage f ram erosion 6y planting with approved grass or ground cover plants. Plants and planting methods used shall be suitable for the soil and climatic conditions of the site. E %CEP iIONS: Planting need not be provided for cut slopes rocky in character and not subject to damage by erosion, when approved by the Building Official. 9~ Ordinance No. *** Page 29 2. Slopes may be protected against erosion damage by other methods when such methods have been specifically recommended by a so its engineer, engineering geologist, or eouival ent, and found to offer erosion protection equal to that provided by the planting specified in this Section. Section 7013(d) Irrigation. Slopes required to be planted shall be ~rovi ded with an approved system of irrigation designed to cover all ,,ortions of the slope, and plans therefore shall be submitted and approved prior to ins tai7ation. A tuncti onal test of the system may also be required. EXCEPTION: Requirements for installation of a permanent irrigation system may be modified upon specific recommendation of a landscape architect or equivalent authority that, because of the type of plants selected, the planting methods used and Lhe soil and climatic conditions at the site, such irrigation system will not be necessary for the maintenance of the slope planting. Section 7013(e) Release of Bond. The planting and irrigation systems required by this Section shall be installed as soon as practical after rough grading. Prior to final approval of grading and before the release of the grading bond, plantings shall be well established and growing on the slopes. SECTION 6: Chapter 35.16 of the Ranrho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended to read, in words and figures, as follows: Chapter 15.16 MECHANICAL CODE Sectians: 15.16.010 Chapters 1, 2, 3 Deleted. 15.16.010 Chapters 1 2 and 3 Deleted. Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of said Uniform Mechanical'CIIde, 198 Edition are hereby deleted. SECTION 7: Chapter 15.20 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended to read, in words and figures, as follows: fha ntar 15,7g PLUMBING CODE Sections: 15.20.010 Part I Deleted--Administration 15.20.020 Section 1004!x) Amended--Materials .9~~ Ordinance No. *** Page 30 15.20.030 Appendix Section Dl(b) Deleted 15.20.040 Appendix Section D3.4 Deleted 15.20.010 Part I Deleted. Part I o` said Uniform Plumbing Code, 1988 Edition, entitled "Administration" is hereby deleted in its entirety. 15.20.020 Section 100M1(a) Amended--Materials. Section 1004(a) of said iiform Plumbing Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1004(a) Materials. Water pipe and fittings shall be of brass, copper, cast iron, galvanized malleable iron, galvanized wrought iron, galvanized steel, lead or other approved materials. Asbestos-cement, PE, or PVC water pipe manufactured to recognized standards may be used for cold water distribution systems outside a huil di ng. All materials used in the water supply system, except valves and similar devices, shall be of a like material, except when otherwise approved by the Administrative Authority. 15.20.030 Ap Dendix Section D1(b) Deleted. Section D1(b) of Appendix D of said Uniform Plumbing Code is hereby deleted. 15.20.040 Appendix Section D3.4 Deleted. Section 03.4 of Appendix D of said Uniform P umbing Code is hereby deleted. SECTION 8: Chapter 15.28 of the Rancho Cucamonga t4un ici pal Code is hereby amended to read, in words and figures, a5 follows: Cha Dter 15.28 CODE FOR AB ATEME N7 OF DANGEROUS BUIL DI NCS Sections: 15.28.010 Section 103 Deleted 15.28.020 Section 201 (c) Deleted 15.28.030 Section 203 Deleted 15.28.040 '32cti on 205 Amended--Bn and of Appeals. 15.28,050 Section 206 Added--Summary Abatement. 15.28.060 Section 801 Amended--Demolition Procedure. 15.28,070 Section 802 Deleted. 15,28,080 Section 90: Amended--Expenses Incurred by City in RP na i: ^ nr Dwnnli tjnn, iS. 28,090 Section 902 Rmende d--Council Ruling. 15.28,100 Section 903 Amended--Objections. 15.28.110 Section 904 Amended--Passage. 15.28.010 Section 103 Deleted Section 103 of said Uniform Code for Abatement of Oan gerous uil dings is hereby deleted, I~~ Ordinance No. *** Page 31 15.28.020 Section 201 (c; Deleted. Subsection (c) of Section 201 of said Uniform Code far Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is hereby deleted. 15.28.030 Section 203 Deleted. Section 203 of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is hereby deleted. 15.28.040 Section 205 Amended--Board of ADPeal s. Section 205 of the L~iifo rm Code for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is amended to read as follows: Section 205 Board of Appeals. "Board of .4p pe al s" as used herein shall mean the Board of Appeals as set forth in Section 204 of the Uniform Administrative Code as adopted in this Title. Appeals to the board shall be processed in accordance with the provisions contained in Section 501 of this code. 15.28,050 Sections 206 Added--Summar Abatement. The Uniform Code for bait of Dangerous ui dings is amende by ad ing Sections 206 and 207 to read as follows: Section 206(a) Summary abatement. In addition to the procedures provided for abatement of dangerous buildings as set forth in Chapter 4 of this Code, the Building Official is hereby given summary power to secure from entry any structure or premises which in his discretion he determines to be immediately dangerous, or immediately hazardous or in other manner injurious to public health or safety. Such structures may be secured by the Buil dins Official by na ilina of boards over the doors and windows of such structure, however, he shall not be limited to only this method and may use other methods at his discretion to accomplish the same purpose which may be more appropriate under the circumstances. The Building Official shall also post a sign stating in effect "DANGEROUS BUILDING, 00 NOT ELATE P."; or other appropriate sign upon the structure or premises in at least one conspicuous plate. The Building Official shall immediately upon such action send notice to the owners of the real property upon which the structure or condition is located, as shown on the last e'~031ized assessment rolls. Such notice shall contain the following information: That he has secured the structure or corrected the hazardous conditions. Z. The cost incurred by the City thereby. 3. That he has posted signs as provided by this section. 4. The reasons why he has taken the action. I C~ `I- ' Ordinance No. *** Page 32 That an appeal may 6e made within ten (10) days to the City Council, as provided in this Section. That if his action is not annulled by the City Council, the cost of securing the property shall become a lien upon the real property, unless the cost is paid to the City within thirty (30) days of the mailing of the notice. If any owner of property, or any person having any interest in property affected by the action of the Building Official in securing a structure or abating a hazardous cu ndi ti on as permitted by this section, is aggrieved by the action of the Building Of£iciat in securing the structure, such person or persons may appeal the action of the Building Official by filing a written notice of appeal with the City Clerk within ten (10) days after receipt of notice of the action by the Building Official. The notice of appeal must be verified under penalty of perjury and must state the grounds upon which the action of the Building Official is appealed. The City Council shall, upon receiving such notice of appeal, hear any evidence or other relevant matters presented by the appellant or the Building Dfficial at its next regular meeting after the filing of the notf ce of appeal, provided however, if the notice of appeal is filed less than ten days prior to the day of a regular meeting of the City Council, the hearing shall not be held at the firs*_ regular meeting, but at the following regular meeting. After hearing all evidence and other relevant matters presented at said hearing, or without hearing if no appeal is made upon the report of the Building Official, the City Covnc it may then confirm, amend, or annul the action of the Building Official. tf the action of the 6u it ding Official is annulled, the City, at its own expense, shall remove any and all instruments used to secure said structure, and shall remove any and all signs stating that the building is unsafe to enter. If,'110weve r, the City Council confirms the action of the Building Official in securing the structure at the hearing on appeal, or, if no appeal is taken, at any other regular meeting, or adjourned meeting, then the cost incurred by the City in securing the structure shall become a lien a na lost tha nr npa rty, nd a ro5nl et'. 7^ ^£ the City CeL'r,c it co ntrnning the action of the Building Official, including the imposition of a lien upon the property upon Which the s 4ructure is located to pay for the cost of securing it, may be adopted upon receipt of a report from the Building Official, Such resolution may be filed with the San Bernardino County Tax Assessor, and the lien imposed ~~ Ordinance tlo. **" Page 33 thereby may be collected for the City by him, along with the next annual tax levy and assessment on said property. Section 206(b) The same procedure, as provided in subsection (a) for abating through securing from entry any structure which is determined by the Building Official to be immediately dangerous or immediately hazardous may also be used by the Building Official in connection with the summary abatement of all other dangerous or hazardous conditions upon private property which the Building Official determines, at his discretion, as constituting an immediately dangerous or hazardous condition. The 8u it di ng Official may then summarily abate such nuisance, at his discretion, in the most appropriate in anner under the circumstances, which may include, but shall not 6e limited to the following methods: fencing, draining water from swimming pools and filling with appropriate ballast, removing fire hazards, filling or covering open holes and grading or strengthening land fills or excavations. Although the manner and method used by tl~e Building Official shall be at his discretion, he shall, in making his determinations, seek the most economical method and endeavor not to p7 ace an undue economical hardship upon the owner of the property, and only use those measures which will eliminate the dangerous and hazardous features. 15.28.060 Section 801 Amended--Demolition Procedure. Section BOi of the Onifo rm Code for Abatenent of an gerous Buildings is hereby amended to read as follows: C evr;nn nm o.,.~o a~~.o an.e„ ....e „o .._ . a,...,i ;.; ,,.. ;. r., be done pursuant to Section 701(~c) 3 of th i~s Code, the Building Official shall issue the order therefore and the work shall be accomplished by City personnel or by private contract under the direction of the Building Official, or he may employ such architectural and engineering assistance on a contract basis as he in ay deem reasonably necessary, if any part of the work is to be accomplished by private contract, standard public works contractual procedures shall be followed. 15.28.070 'Section 802 Deleted. The Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is hereby amended by deleting Section 802 in its entirety. U .28.080 Section 901 Amended--Ex Dens es Incurred by City in "e Ga it or DeGN?tlan. $eCtiJn g0i u( tiie iinifurm fade fn_r !hc Rnarumnnr n_f Dangerous Buildings is hereby amended Lo read as follows: ~~n Ordinance No. *** Page 34 Section 901 Expenses lnt ur red by City in Repair or Demolition. The 6u it ding Official shall keep an itemized account of the expense incurred by the City in the repair or demolition of any building done pursuant to the provisions of Section 701 (c) 3 of this Code. Upon the completion of the work of repair or demolition, the Buii di ng Official shalt prepare and file with the City Clerk a report specifying the work done, the itemized and total cost of the work, a description of the real property upon which the building or structure s or was located, and the names and addresses of the persons entitled to notice pursuant to Subsection (c) of Section 401. 15.28,090 Section 902 Amended--Council Rul ina Section 902 of the Uniform Cade for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 902 Council Ruling. Upon receipt of said report, the City Clerk shall present it to the City Council for consideration. The City Council shall fix a time, date and place for hearing such report, and any protests or objections thereto. The City Clerk shall cause notice of said hearing to be posted upon the property involved and served by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the owner of the property as his name and address appears on the last equalized assessment roll of the county, ff such so appears, or is known to the Clerk. Such notice shall be given at least ten (30) days prior to the date set for hearing and shall specify the day, hour, and place whin the Council will hear and pa ii upon the Building Official's report, together with any objections or protest which may be filed as hereinafter provided by any person inter e.s ted in or affected by the ora ~~Sed r.har aes. 15.28.100 Section 903 Amended--0 b`ections. Section 903 of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Bui dings is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 903 Objections. Any pe rsun interested in or affected by the proposed charges may file written protests or objections with tha City Clerk at any time prior to the time set for the hearing on the report of Lhe Building Official. Each such protest or objection must contain a desctTpti on of the property in which the signer thereof is interested and the Braun ds of such protest or objection. The city clerk shall endorse on every such protest or objection the date it was received. The protests or objections shall be presented to the City Council at the time set for the hearing, and no other protests -• ^~~ CL.C •~.. sh;.ll b2 wu~idered. 15.28.110 Section 904 Amended--Passage. Section 904 of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is hereby amended to read as follows: I11 Ordinance No. *** Page 35 Section 904 Passage. Upon the day and hour fixed for the hearing, the City Council shall hear and pass upon the report of the Building Official together with any such objections or protests. The Council may make such revision, correction or modification in the report or the charge as it may deem just; and when the Council is satisfied with the correctness of the charge, the report {as submitted or as revised, corrected or modified) together with the charges shall be confirmed or rejected. The decision of the City Council on the report and the charge, and on all protests or objections, shall be final and con c7 usi ve. SECTION 9: Chapter 15.32 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is amended to read, in words and figures, as follows: CHAPTER 15.32 HOUSING CODE Sections 15.32.010 Section 104 Deleted 15.32.020 Section 201 Subsection (a) and (b) Deleted 15.32.030 Section 203 Amended--Housing Advisory and Appeals Board 15.32.040 Section 204 Deleted 15. 32.010 Section 104 Oel et ed, Section 104 of said Uniform Housing Lode is hereby de eted. 15.32.020 Section 201. Subsection (a) and (b) Deleted. Subsections a and (b) of Sec tton 201 of satd Uniform Housing Code are hereby deleted. 15.32.030 Section 203 Amended--Housi ng Advi sorv and Appeals Board. Section 203 of satd Um fore Housing Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 203 liousi n9 Advisory and Appeals Board. "Housing Advisory and Appeals Board" as used herein shall mean the Board of Appeals as set forth in Section 204 of the Uniform Administrative Code hereby adopted. Appeals to the Bo and shall be processed in accordance with the provisions contained in Section 1201 of this code. 15.32.046 Sarr;nn Ana net e. ma Sectioo 204 of the Unifar~a iio using Code is hereby deleted. SECT tON 10: Chapter 15.36 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended to read, in words and figures, as follows: ~~n Ordinance No. *** Pa ge 36 Chapter 15.36 SIGN CO D'c Sections: 15.36.010 Section 103 Gel eted '5.36.020 Section 303 Deleted _x.36.030 Section 304 Amended--Fees 15.36.040 Chapters 5 through 12 and Chapter 14 Deleted 15.36.010 Section 103 Deleted. Said Uniform Sign Code is amended by deleting Secti nn 103 in its entirety. 15.36.020 Section 3D3 Deleted. Section 303 of said Uniform Sign Code is hereby deleted in its entirety. 15,36.030 Section 304 Amended--Fees. Section 304 of said Uniform Sign Code is hereby Amended to read as follows: Section 304 Fees. Fees for sign permits and plan checking shall be calculated as set forth in Secti an 304 of the Uniform Administrative Code as herein adopted and amended in this Title. 15.36.040 Chapters 5 throw gh 12 and Chapter 14 Deleted. Said U ei form Sign Cvde is hereby amended by deleting Chapters 5, 6, 7, S, g, 10, 11, 12, and 14 in their entireties. S FfTiON 11~ fha nTan 15 60 of Thn Ranrhn fnramnn na Mnniri nal fnda i< hereby amended to read, in words and figures, as follows: CHAPTER 15.40 D UIL DING SECURITY CODE Sections: 15.40.010 Section 4101 Amended--Purpose 15.40.020 'Section 4102 Amended--Application 15.40.030 Section 4106 Amended--Doors and Hardware 15.40.040 Section 4107 Amended--Sliding Doors 15.40.050 Section 4108 Amended--Windows 15.40.060 Section 4109 Amended--Garage Vehicular Access Doors 15.40.070 Section 4110 thrauah 4115 Added--4ultiple-fa~~ily Developments 15.40.010 Section 4101 Amended--PUrvos e. Section 4101 of said Uniform Building Security Cude is amended to read as follows ~~I Ordinance No. *** Page 37 Section 4101 Purpose. The purpose of this code is to establish minimum standards to make newly constructed dwelling units and additions to dwelling units, and private garages resistant to unlawful entry and to facilitate protection of property. 15.40.020 Section 4102 Amended--AD nl icati on. Section 4102 of said Uniform Building Security Code is amended to read as follows: Section 4102 Application. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to openings into dwelling units of Group R, Division 1 Occupancies, Group R, Division 3 Occupancies and into garages of Group M-1 Occupancies, as defined in the Uniform Building Code, including openings Set ween attached garages and dwelling units. E%CEPTI OHS: 1. An opening in an ezte ri or wall when all portions of such opening is more than 12 feet vertically or 6 feet horizontally from an accessi 61e surface of any adjoining yard, court, passageway, public way, breezeway, patio, planter, porch or similar area. 2. Rn opening in an exterior wall when all portions of such opening is more than 12 feet vertically or 6 feet horizontally from the surface of any adjoining roof, bal cc ny, landing, stair tread, pi atfunn or simiiar structure or When every portion of such surface is itself more than 12 feet above an accessible surface. 3. Any opening in a roof when all portions of such roof are more than 12 feet above an accessible surface. 4. Openings where the smaller dimension is 6 inches or less, provided that the closest edge of such openings is at least 36 inches fray the locking device of the door or window assembly. 5. Openings protected by required fire door assemblies having a fii'2'end ura nce rating of not less than 45 minutes. 15.40.030 Section 4106 Amended--Doors and Hardware. Section 4106 of the Uniform Building Security Code is amended to read as follows: [e~ri on 4106(x) Odors ~^d 4ardware Swinai n•i pe deitrian door`s end their hardware regulated by this chapter shall comply With UBC Standard No. 4t-1, Part 1 or equivalent standard. Doors and hardware shall be installed as tested. EXCEPTION: Odors and hardware fabricated and installed as set Forth in Subsections (b) through (i) below. ~ c~~ Ordinance No. *** Page 38 Section 4106(b) Door Construction. Such doors shall be of solid construction with a minimum thickness of one and three-quarters inches (1-3 /4") except for recessed panels which may be not less than nine-sixteenths inches (9jl a"') thickness. Section 4106(c) Locking Devices. Such doors shall be equipped with a double or single cylinder dead bolt lock. The bolt shall have a minimum projection of one inch (1") and be constructed so as to repel cutting tool attack. The dead bolt shall have an embedment of at least three-fourths inch (3/4") into the strike receiving the projected bolt. The cylinder shall have a cylinder guard, a minimum of five (5) pin tumblers, and shall be connected to the inner portion of the lock by connecting screws of at least one-fourth inch (1 /4") in diameter. A dual lacking mechanism constructed so that both dead bolt and latch can be ret ratted by a single action of the inside door knob, or lever, may be substituted provided it meets all other specifications for locking devices. Section 4106(d) Inactive Leaves. Inatti ve leaves of double doors shall be equipped with metal flush bolts at Lop and boi~om having a minimum cross-sectional dimension of one-half inch (1 /2") and a minimum embedment cf five-eighths inches (5/8") into the head and threshold of the frame. Section 4106(e) Blocking. In wood framing, horizontal blocking shall be placed between studs at dour lock hei oht for three (3} stud spaces each side of the door openings. Any spaces between jambs and L ri tune rs and adjoining studs shall be shimmed solid. Section 4106(f) Stops. Doer stops or wooden jambs far in-swinging doors shall be of one piece construction with the jamb. ,lambs for all doors shall be ro ns true led or protected so as to prevent violation of the strike. Section 4106(9} Glazing. Glazing in exterior doors and other glazed openings within thirty-six (3fi") inches of any locking mechanism shall be of fully tempered glass or burglary resistant glazing, except when double cylinder deadbolt locks are installed. Section 4306(h) Strike Plate Installation. In wood frame construction any open space between tri inners and wood door jambs shall be solid shi tuned by a single piece extending not less than 6 inches above and below the strike plate. Strike plates shall he attachad to ~..,.od ,., ih ~~,.. les., than two "lo. ° „ 2" .,,reap. All strike plates of doors in pairs shall be installed as tested. Section 4106(1) Hinges. Hinges which are exposed to the exterior shall be equf pped with non-removable hinge pins or a mechanical interlock to preclude removal of the door from the exterior by removing the hinge pins. d~ Ordinance No. *** Page 39 15.40.040 Section 4107 Amended--Slidin doors. Section 4107 of the Uniform Building Standard Code is amended to read as fo lows: Section 4107 Sliding doors. Sliding Door assemblies regulated by this chapter shall comply with UBC Standard 41-1, Part II or equivalent standard. 15.40.050 Section 4108 Amended--Windows. Section 4108 of the Uniform .ail ding Security Code is amended to read as follows: Section 4108 Windows. Window assem6l ies which are designed to be opens hle and which are regulated by this Chapter shall comply with UBC Standard 41-2 unless surh windows are protected by approved metal bars, screens or grilles, See also Uniform Bu it dint' Code Section 1204. 15.40.060 Section 4109 Amended--Garage 'J ehicul ar Access Doors. Section 4109 of the Uniform Building Security Code is amended to read as follows: Section 4109(a) Garage Vehicular Access Doors. Rolling overhead, solid overhead, swinging/sliding or accordion doors provided for vehicular access to private garages shall be constructed and installed as set forth in this section. Section 4109(6) Such doors shall Ge provided with an exterior covering of one of the following: Fxteri nr nradn nt wand not incc thaw f;vn_cV „tee~~w~ :~.. ~.,,~ (5/16") in thickness. 2. Aluminum not less than four-hundredths of an inch (.04") in thickness. 3. Steel not less than three-hundredths of an inch (.03") in thickness. 4. Fiberglass having a density of not less than five ounces (5 or.'j per square foot. 5. Wood siding not less than nine-sixteenths of an inch (9/16") in thickness. Cu~tien nt nn(e) LvCki w" Dc'r iCcS Aii 1vCkinn deViiei utli iii no n cylinder lock shall have a minimum five (5) pin tumbler operation with the locking bar or bolt extending into the receiving guide a minimum of one inch (1"). Slide bolt type locking assemblies shall have a bolt diameter of not less than three-eighths inch (3/8"). Slide bolts shall penetrate the receiving guide not less than one and one-half inches (1-1/2") and shall be attached with three (3) bolts ~~~~~ Ordinance No. *** Page 40 that are not removable from the outside. Rivets shall not be used to attach slide bolt assemblies. Doors exceeding sixteen feet (16') in width shall be provided with opposite, centrally located locking points, either at each side or at top and bottom of the door. EXCEPTIONS: 1. for doors nineteen feet (19') or less in width, a single locking point may 6e used if centrally located at the floor or top of the door. 2. Doors provided with torsion spring counter-balance type hardware. Section 4109(d) Frames. Frames for garage vehicle access doors shall he constructed of one of the following: i. Aluminum not less than twelve-hundredths of an inch (.12") in thickness. 2. Steel not less than six-hundredths of an inch (.06") in thickness. 3, wood not less Thar. or,e and one-half inches (1-112") ir. thickness. 1F.d0.070 Serti nn 4110 ihrm mh 4115 adds d--Mnl ti nla Fam ilv De velopnent s. The Uniform Building Security Code is amended by adding Sections 4110 thrcu gh 4115 to read as follows: Setti on 4110 Complex Diagram. There shall be positioned at each entrance of a multiple-family development, an illuminated diagr amr~atic repr ei entation of the complex which shows the location of the viewer and the unit designations and locations within the complex. Section 4111 1'Tghti ng. lighting in multiple-family dwellings shall be as follows: Aisles, passageways compl ex shat i be it fiYe - _Fer do ~d tX~ ho urs ^of darkness. resistant covers. and recesses related to and within the building laminated with an intensity of at least twenty- ! 2S) fcctcandl es at the around level during the Lighting devices shall be protected by vandal- Open parking lots and car•po its shall he provided with a minimum of one (1) foot candle of light on Lhe parking surface during Lhe hours of darkness. Lighting devices shall be protected by vandal resistant over5. d ~~ J Ordinance No. *** Page 41 Section 4112 Keying. Upon occupancy, each dwelling unit in a subdivision or multiple-family development shall have locks using keys that are not interchangeable with any other dwelling unit in the subdivision or multiple-family development. Section 4113 Definitions. 1. "Burglary Resistant Glazing" means those materials as defined in Unde rw ri to rs Laboratory bulletin 972. 2. "Double Cylinder Ueadbol t" means a deadbolt lock which can be activated only by key on both the interior and the exterior sides. 3, "Door Stop" :neans the projection along the top and sides of a door jamb which chef ks the door's swinging action. 4. "Dwelling" means a building or portion thereof designed exclusively for residential occupancy, including single- family dwellings. 5. "Fl ushbol t" is a manual, key or turn operated metal bolt normally used on inactive door(s) and is attached to the top and bottom of the door and engages in the head and threshold of the frame. 6. "Single Cylinder Deadbol t" means a deadbolt lock which is activated fran the outside by a key and from the inside by a knob, thumb-turn. lava r. nr similar marhanicm SECTION 12: Chapter 15.44 of the Rancfto Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended to read, in words and figures, as follows: CHAPTER 15.44 PENALTIES AND REMEDIES Sections: 15.44.010 Added--Penalty for Violations 15,44.020 Added--Civil Remedies Available 15.44.030 Added--S eve ra bility t5,aa ntn Q; e„no n__oe ,t .y f,, y:,.l, *:-,- Sectior. 15.44, U10 of the Rancho CucamongaV~Mun ici pal Code~Vis amended Ito read as follows: Section 15,44.010 Penalty for Violation of Title. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, partnership, or Corporation to Violate any provision or to fail to comply with any of the requirements of this Title or the Codes adopted hereby, Any person, firm, ~~~ Ordinance No. *** Page 42 partnership, or corporation violating any provision of this Title or the Codes adopted hereby or failing to comply with any of its requirements shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months, or 6y 6oth such fine and imprisonment. Each such person, firm, partnership, or corporation shall be deemed guilty of separate offense for each and every day or any portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this Title or the Codes atlopted here 6y is committed, continued or permitted by such person, firm, partnership or corporation, and shall be deemed punishable therefor as provided in this Title. 15.44.020 Amended--Civil Remedies Available. Section 15.44.020 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: Section 15.44.026 Civil Remedies Available. The violation of any of the provisions of this Title or the Codes adopted hereby shall constitute a nuisance and may be abated by the City through civil process by means of restraining order, preliminary or permanent injunction or in any other manner provided by law for the abatement of such nuisances. 15.44.030 Amended--S evera bilit Section 15.44.030 of the Rancho Cucamonga Munici pa Code is amended to read as follows: Section 15.44.03 Severa bil ity. The City Council hereby declares that should any Drovi si on, section, paragraph, sentence or word of this Title or the Codes hereby ado oted be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences and words of this Title and the Codes hereby adopted shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 13: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at feast once in The Daily Report, a newspaper of general circulation pu bi fished in the City'Sf Ontario, California, and ci rc u; ated in the City of Rancho Lucamon ga, California. ~~ / CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: January 3, 1990 T0: Ma rand Members of the City Council FR rad Butter, City Planner B Ytnce Bertont, Assistant Plarmer ~p G~'HO„y~ K` 9 ~; ~ ~~~ ~~~~ !'Z _... P w; ; EJECT: MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEN 89-22 - GEIVETT - An appeal of the ann ng mm ss on s ec s on o eny without prefudice a request for a carport addition to an existing automotive repair at 8517 North Grove Avenue - APN: 207-220-05. The City Council continued this item from its meeting on December 6, 1989. The previous Staff Report is attached for your reference. Attachment BB: VB:sp CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~ C DATE: December 6, 1989 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Vince Bertoni, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEN 89-22 - GEIVETT - An appeal of e ann ng ommtsston s ec ston o deny without ~ prejudice a request fora carport addition to an existing i automotive repair at 8517 North Grove Avenue - ~ APN: 207-220-05. I. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council uphold the ann ng onm ssions decision to deny without prejudice Minor Development Review 89-22. II. BACKGROUND: The applicants, Howard and Yolanda Geivett, had procee e o build the carport, without building permits, after having been informed by the City Planner that it did not meet City Standards (i.e., setback) in 1987. In June 1989, the applicants filed a new application for the same structure (after it had been built illegally 1. The aoplicants are nnw annealinn rho o7,n„i ~,. Commission's derision to uphold staff's denial for an illegal and non-conforming carport addition to the north side of their existing automotive repair shop located an the southeast corner of Grove Avenue and Arrow Highway. The Planning Conmission held a meeting on this item on October I1, 1989 and heard testimony from the applicant. The issue is not whether the structure was built illegally. Rather, the Commission's deliberations focused an the numerous non- comformittes of'the carport and site improvements. in addition, the Commission noted that prior to construction, staff had identified how the carport could be altered slightly to meet City required setbacks from Arrow. Subsequently, the application was denied without prejudice allowing the applicant to refile the application. without wa?ling one year. 1I I. ANALYSIS: The existing auto repair shop does not conform with Curren evelopn~ent Code requirements for required setbacks, parking, storage screening, and landscaping, as described 1n the attached Planning Conmission staff report. The addition constitutes an alteration to a non-conforming structure which increases the discrepancy between the existing conditions and the code requirements. CITY CDUNCIL STAFF REPDRT MDR 89-22 - 6EI VETT December 6, 1989 Page 2 In order to uphold the appeal, variances must be applied for, public hearings held, and approvals granted. It is the Pi anning Commission's opinion that there are no exceptional or extraordinary circumstarkes or conditions applicable to the subject property that the strict or literal interpretation of the Code cald result in a practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship which would be necessary fora variance to be granted. Resp ly~itte ~ / ~ Bray e~ f City P anner ~, BB:VB:sp Attachments: Exhibit "A" -Letter of Appeal Exhibit "B" - Planning Commission Minutes Exhibit "C" - Planning Commission Resolution of Denial Exhibit "D" - Planning Commission Staff Report Resolution of Denial ~' O t' , -~tcL`EIY::D~ ~ , LEE WISE GARAGE ~i-~3Ifs9 ' --' 8317 NORTH GROVE AVE. ~DI RANCHO NCAMONGA.CA.9173U tp)f' Y ~:yry Co~•n .yl .~tY Ot H'?nchp I-UComCnda w~nrnn Uucamnn~a,'CA 91729 October 23,1999 CC`-~u~ ~ ~"'~'~~~ 5115.!EC'i :HF'F'6 ~L OF CITV PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION 70 DENY MINOk JE'~i'cLGF MENT (REVIEW 99-22gRESOLUTION 89-13U 1. q CARPORT ADDITION TD AM EXISTING AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SHOP AT 8517 NORTH GROVE AVE. Gear Council Members, Thys lerrer is our appeal far you to reconsider what shau ltl 6e requyrstl to leave the carport in place or be louletl elsewhere on the same property. We believe that the basis for the arginal denial and that o} Planning Cawmissien Resolution N89-130 impose an enprwoue capital outlay on our part. We also consider the dM lets to be wore than lust a financial burden. It is impractical, tMre}ore actually stowing or eliminating any possibility of iwprovinq tM Lee Wise Garage facilities or properties. Most iwprovewents such as the carport In question would require approval and be denied on tM saws bads. We would bs willing to work with the planning cowwission on a long range plan to upq rode the property,howver, tM carport developwent should not,in our opinion,W linked to a code which woulo require ~nasaive upgrades. The "Minor Dewlopwent" in this us! is an upgrade ...y L LLo pr iv. wnacn we nave Tvr our iaellity and operation. The carport is a well built structure. I! i• not • sloppy, wakeshift addition ar an eyesore !o anyone. Please refer to the enclosed letter of appeal to the Planning Cowwls- sion da*_etl Septewbo 16,1989, for pur previous answers to the orlg loot denial. ~' .} •~ ~~ C 1 11Yr `§II ^'~e., r ~~I • f ! # ~ NEW BUSINESS L M[NOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 89-22 - GEIVETT - An appeal of the City Planner's decision to eny a, reouest or a carport addition to an existing automotive repair shop at 8517 North Grove Avenue - APR: 207-220-05. 'Jince Ber torsi, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report. Chairman McNiel invited public comment. Huward Geivett, 85i7 Grove Rvenue, Rancho Cucamonga, stated the carport was built at a time when he was in partnership with another person, and he was not the sole owner. He felt it was unfair of the City t7 require approximately $100,000-E150,000 worth of improvements for such a small addition. He stated he was a small businessman and could not afford the improvements, Gut proposed phasing in a portion of them. He stated the carport was 6u ilt fn order to protect his personal vehicle and that of the Manager. There were no further public comments. Chairman McNiel stated the City attempts to make the comet pity a nice place to Live. He said the City must function uMer the Lodes in place because if exceptions are made for some, they mist be made for all. Commissioner Ch St lea felt findings could not be made to grant a Variance. She felt if the applicant had approached the City prior to building the carport, some mitigation measures might have been taken. She felt the applicant had placed the City in a difficult posit ton by building a structure they knew was gut of conformance and then expect the City to give approval. She stated it was a self-imposed non-canforming condition and she did not s~innnrr rao appeal. ~~ Commissioner Tolstoy agreed with Commissioner Chit lea. He stated that Arrow Highway iz ar, ingor tarsi street and felt the carport is qu tie prominent to Arrow Highway. Commissioner Blakesley stated his sympathies were with the applicant, but he could not support the appeal. Brad Buller, Ctty Plattner, stated staff had met with the applicant and dfscussed revitalization of the corner. He stated that the applicant felt it was unfair to require so many improvements for the addltton of such a small structure. The applicant was enca raged to pursue master planning the corner. He suggested the Commission deny the appeal without prc~udice to allow the applicant the ability to return wfth new ideas. Mutton: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded 6y Chit tea, to adopt the Resolution denying the appeal of Minor Development Review 89-22, with madtflcation to indicate denial without preJudtce. Motion carried by the following vote: Planning Commission Minutes -14- October I1, 1989 \ ~~ Ji ~'~I,ti~i-~' ~~~5 AYES COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY, CHITIEA, MC NI EL, TOLSTOY NDES:~' COIMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: WEIN BERG ER -tarried Commissioner To lst oy stated he hoped the applicant would return with a master plan to help the corner as well as the applicant's business. He suggested a phasing plan might be appropriate. Chairman McNiel felt the applicant's position was untenable and the Commission had no ^ec ou rse but to deny the appeal. Ne invited Mr. Geivet*. to co^em:•nt, Mr. Ge ivett stated the carport would not have to be located where it is and he could take it down. He felt however that any Minor Development Review application to place a carport elsewhere on the property would still trigger the same conditions. Chairman McNiel stated that the Commission however, would be in a position to consider phas irg of certain improvements. Mr. Ge ivett stated that he was given the impression that so long as he put in a carport or made any other modif icat tons, he would have to make all the imp ro venent s. Ne said therefore, he felt he was being forced to leave things the way they were. He said he would 17ke to improve the property ,lust to make it more attractive, but the City-required improvements would not help his business. There were no further pu611c corment s. Russ Maguire, City Engineer, stated that Ordinance 58 does not give staff or the Planning Commission any latitude on public imnrnvom.nse we ..,. <e .~- appitcant ou uds a carport, the requirements for public improvements are triggered. Because the Ordinance does not sdy the improvements have to be built immediately, the City does have the ability to set a reawnable timeline for the completion of all improvements, and generally Engineering gives twelve months and will allow one extension. Mr. Buller stated that in meeting with the applicant long range plans could be discussed. He said the Comaission would have discretion regarding levels of landscaping within the landxape setback. He said that to pull permits for a carport world st711 tr'lgger the Improvement requirements, and it would make more sense for the applicant to consider more substantial Improvements, such as addttlonal office space. He said the improvement requirements would only aDP1Y to the parcel the applicant was making improvements upon. : • ~ ~ r Planning Commission Minutes -15- October 11, 1989 ~~~ RESOLUTION ND. 89-130 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION DENYING WITHOUT PREJUDICE MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW N0. 89-22, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ARROW HIGHWAY AND GROVE AVENUE IN THE GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT ANO MAKING FI IaINGS IN SU PPOfiT THEREOF. APN: 207-220-05. ".. Pec oats (i) An application has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga 6y Howard and Yo larch Ge ivett (hereinafter "applicant"), for a Minor Development Review for the approval of an existing carport addition to the north side of an automotive repair shop located on the sau theast corner of Grove Avenue and Arrow Highway, hereinafter referred to as "the application". (i i) On September 8, 1989, the City Planner denied the application. (iii) The City Planner's denial was timely appealed to the Planning Caron fission on Septenber 18, 1989. (iv) On the 11th day of October, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cu camorga conducted a meet irg on the application and concluded said meeting on that date. (v) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution has occurred. o. ne so wtron. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and re so lvEd by the Planniry Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as fcl lows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically flnds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Re so lutfon are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission dur irg the above-referenced meeting on October 11, 1989, inc lud irg written and oral staff reports, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The application applies to property located at 8517 Grove Avenue, with a street frontage of 169 feet and lot depth of 225 feet and is presently improved with ac auf~motive repair shop, an asphalt parking lot with is spaces, and no street frontage landscaping; and (b) The property to the north of the sub,iect site is single family residential, the property to the south of that site consists of commercial (vacant), the property to the east is single family residential, and the property to the west is the City of Upiand; and ~~~ ~" ~XIII~I~ 11~ II PL _.. ~ .u N0. ~ -130 RE: MDR 89-22 - GEI VETT October 11, 1989 Page 2 (c) The carport addition was built without Minor Development Review approval or building permits; and (d) The carport addition does not conform with the City's setback requirements; and (e) The carport addition constitutes an addition to an ex ist'ng non-conforming structure; and (f) The carport addition is inconsistent with the intent of the Development CWe regulations which pr ohihit the enlargement of non- conforming structures. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dun irg the above-referenced meeting and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the proposed project is not consistent with the objectives of the Development Code, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; and (b) That the proposed project is not in ca~liance with each of the applicable provisions of Lhe Development Code; and (c) That the proposed project is not consistent with the General Plan. " "---d „N„~~ Chi f6~diuy~ anu conclusions sec rortn in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above, this Commission hereby denies the application without prejudice. 5. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 11TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCPMONGA BY RTTEST <~ 15 .u .30 RE: MDR 89-22 - GEI YETI October 11, 1989 Page 3 i, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was Qn 1y and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cu camorg a, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 11th day of October, 1969, by the fcllowing vote :o-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY. CHITIEA, MCNIEL, TOLSTOY NOES. COMMISSIONERS: NGNE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: WEINBERGER d /~(~ CITY OF RANCHO C[:CAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~C ATE: October 11, ;989 T0: Chairman and Members of the Pianning Comm ssicn F40M: Brad Buller, City Planner 9°: Vi...,.. 8e. ..,.. Asr slam ,..lar~ner SUBJECT: MINOR OEV ELOPMENT REVIEW 89-22 - GEIVETT - An appeal of the Ct ty Planner's decision to deny a request for a carport addition to an existing automotive repair shop at 8517 Grove Avenue - APN: 207-220-06 I. ABSTRACT: The applicants, Howard and Yolanda Geivett, are appealing staff's denial for an illegal and non-conforming carport addition to the north side of their existing automotive repair shop located on the southeast corner of Grove Avenue and Arrow Highway. [I. BACKGROUND: In 1987, the owners of the automotive shop submitted an~cation for a Minor Development Review for a carport addition, At that time, the City's requirements for setbacks and cn-s tte parking were provided to the applicant in a letter dated September 16, 1987 (see Exhibit "A"). In addition, the applicant was informed that the existing garage facility was non-conforming During the review of this previous Minor Development Review, staff suggested ways that the applicant could modify his proposal to be consistent with required setbacks. The width of the carport cculd have been reduced from 24 feet to 19 feet and meet the setback requirements from Arrow. The applicant chose not to modify his pro DOSaI and did not pursue the application further, The appl itant proc~Qed to construct the carport addition without Planning aDProvals and without building permits. This apDl icaticn for a Minor Development Review is the result of Code enforcement action against the property owner for illegally erecting the carport. On June 13 198 h 3, t z property owner iiied a new application for Minor Development Review 89-22 (see Ex hibfts "E" and "F"). Again, staff notified the applicant that the carport itself did not meet Code requirements and that the property, as a whole, did not meet Code requirements for landscaping, parking, and public improvements (see Exhibit "8"), City policy has been ko require properties to be upgraded to current development standards as a condition of any "7 ITEM L ~i ~,1t4 ~ 't t PLANNING COMMISSION 'AfF REPORT RE: MOR 89-22 - GEIVETT Octa ber 11, 1989 Page 2 development application. The Development Code allows the City Planner to establish, through the conditions, a phasing plan for on-site improvements. The City Planner met with the applicant to discuss the City's requirements, at which paint the applicant indicated they desired action on their proposal as submitted. .,. °G.S: The ca rpurt structure is ii feet by 24 feet and is located 40 feet from the fate of Lhe curb of Arrow Highway and 5 feet from the easterly property line. The property fs currently zoned General Comre rc ial with an existing residential development directly to the east. Minor Oe velopment Review 89-22 was denied by the City Planner on September B, 1989 (see Exhibit "C"? for the following reasons; A. Arrow Nighway is a designated Special Boulevard with a 45-foot huild ing setback from the ultimate curb face. The proposed carport addition encroaches 5 feet into the setback. Commercial structures must observe a rear pro De rty line setback of 20 feet when a structure i5 adjacent to existing or planned residential developments. The addition is located 5 feet from the rear property line. B. Currently, the on-site parking is inadequate and must be revised to meet current standards. City standards i eyuiie pa ric my shuuid oe prov iaea at a rate of 1 space for every 400 square feet of gross floor area, with individual stalls which must be 9 feet by 19 feet in size and double striped. The building area totals 6,100 square feet, which would require 15 parking spates. There are 13 stalls existing that are single-striped. C. All areas for storage or maintenance of equipment and vehicles must be completely screened from view. The existing storage area, located at the southeast portion of the site, is visible to the south from Grove Avenue and Nfnth Street. Commission polity is to require solid masonry screen walls for screening. 0. The City's Development Cede requires <_treet frontage landscaping, which i5 45 feet 5n average depth for Arrow Highway and 35 feet along Grove Avenue, as measured from the ultimate curb face. The site has no landscaping along the street frontages. The landscaping must include a combination of undulating mounds, with trees, groundcover, and shrubs to screen parking areas. ~~ ,~_~. PL ANMING COMMISSION 'AFF REPORT RE: MOR 89-22 - GEivETT October 11, 1989 Page 3 1 'mi Led to, curb and gutter where driveways are rel ecated, sidewalk, street lights, and street trees. The applicant is now appealing City Planner decision of denial (see Exhibit "L"). In order to uphold the appeal and approve the carport addition, the Planning Commission would have to approve multiple variances as described above. The applicants have indicated in a letter dated September 16, 1989, (see Exhibit "0") that they would be willing to provide the 5c reeving for the storage area and landscaping for the current open dirt areas on the property. IV. NON-CONFORMITY ISSUES; As described above, the property and structures t ereon are non-confa rming; hence, the Drovi si ons of Development Code Section 17.02.130 govern. The non-conformity provisions of this section are intended to "limit the number and extent of non-con Porming structures b rohibi tin their being moved, altered, or enlarged in a manner tat wou d increase the .,pc.~~ ~~~, - ou ny structure shall be altered in a manner that would be inconsistent with required setbacks. The City Planner has determined that the carport addition constituted an aliera Lion which is inconsistent witn tnese requianons lsee Exmhic ^A^). STAFF'S COMMENTS: !f the Planning Comm scion wishes to uphold the appeal, variances must be applied for, publft hearings held to consider same, and approvals granted. In order to grant the Variances, certain findings would need to be made indicating that there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved and that strict or literal interpretation of the Code would result in a practical difficulty or unnecessary phys4eal hardship. In this instance, it is staff's opinion that there are no unusual circumstances aDDllcabie to that property, nor would a physical hardship be incurred, if the applicant were required to locate the structure consistent with setback requf rements. V[. REC OMMENDRTION: Staff recommends that the Planning Camm755fon deny the appea through adoption of the attached Resolution. ~~c~ 1 _3 PLANNING COPiM iSS10N 'AFF REPORT RE: MOR 89-22 - GEirETT October 11, 1999 Page 4 Res [ ully sub ed, Bra City P1 ~n ner BB :VB:ko At*.ac hments: Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" Exhibit "C" Exhibit "D" Exhibit "E" Exhibit "F" Resolution - Minor Development Review Letter No. 1 - Minor Development Review Letter No. 2 - City Planner Letter of Denial - Letter of Appeal - Site Plan - Elevations ~f Denial z_y ~~_ ~t..~ CITY OF RANCHO CUC.4MO4GA /-• Se pteroer cC, 1987 Pnt OTn b. bt. Il+erdo CJC,mmµ Cyrtpp„ 91114, ''..' 191.', a. ~, P.alph Pl urt;off 8517 Grove Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 SI1&1 ECT: Minor Development Review 87-46 - Carport AddT tT On at 8517 Grove Oear Mr. plumhoff; Your application for the above-mentioned described project has Deen reviewed for completeness and accuracy of filing. ps result of the review, the project application has been found to De incomplete for processing. More Importantly, pursuant to Development Code Section 17.02.1306, I have reviewed your request and determined the fallowing; 1. The existing site and structures are non-confarnsl rg in front yard and interior side yard setbacks and parking facilities, as follows: a. me exist ing 46'6' x 48'6" body shop structure has a setback of 30 feet from Grove Avenue, whereas a 35 fool setback is required. L `.ec~ b. The existing 32' z 125' building bas a setback of~eet from the easterly property line, whereas a 20 foot setback is required. c. The existing on-site parking does not Beet the required parking ratio of 1 space for every Opp sgwre feet of gross floor area, which shall be 9 feet by 19 feet in size and double striped. 2. fie proposed carport structure constitutes an addition to the existing non-confaneing structure. The DevNopment Code defines an addition as 'any construction which increases the size of a building or facility to terse of site coverage, height, length, width, or gross floor area'. 3. inE proposed carport would have a setback of 40 feet frog Arrow, whereas a 45 foot setback from curb 1s required. Your existing butlding setback is 61 fee4 fro. Arrow, ihervton any expansion can not be any larger than 11' z 19'. 4. The proposed carport would be lneonslstent with the intent of the DerelopmenL Code regulations which prohibit the enlargement of non- betweenielgilstingcconETtlodsamd the standarrd`s'~`f'orsDsi1tbiCk firwirArp'row v..« o.w.N v aww.n ` `--' 7CITl l~l ~ ,. Al I D,nnnL NoW C~.w••1 lwnum ll _j Llher Ki,e cur r,w. Pwnw, 1. Wnalw I~urenM Wuu~wu RALPH PLlMHOFF RE: MOR 87-46 September 16, 1987 Page 2 As a^ alternative, staff suggests that the carDart be scaled down in size to 17' z 19' which would not encroach into the regal red 45 foot setback from Arrow. Staff could work with you on a request fora 17' x 19' carport subject to landscape improveaKnts along the street frontage. However, staff could not support the 17' x 24' carport as proposed. Please contact staff within 14 days as to your intention to proceed as proposed or t0 codify the carport. Failure to respond within 14 days will be assumed to Indicate that you do not want to modify your request and final action will be taken. Sincerely, COMIUNITV DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION r u City P anner BD:OC:ko ^JQS~ L _~ ~:- ; ~-`/` PITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ,.~on:c<se. :ar a,r:no c~.,ma~a, owe,-:, +c_v ~-w++=~~.+•: .,-~ August 1, 1989 Howard & Yolanda Geivett 8511 No-th Grove Avenue Rancho ~ucamorga, CA 91130 SUBJECT: MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVI Ew 89-22 - A CARPORT ADDITION TO AN ESISTING BOOM SHOP AT 8517 NORTH GROVE AVENUE Dear Mr. & Mrs. Ge ivett Your application for the above-referenced protect has been reviewed by the Planning and Engineering Divisions. As a result of the review, it has been determined that the add itipn cannot be approved as designed because it does not meet Development Code Standards for required setbacks. Attached please find a list outlining the setback requirements, as well as required improvements for parking, landscaping, screening, drfveways, and streets. An identical application for a carport addition at the same address was submitted to the Planning Division on August 19, 1987. At that time, the setback requirements and public improvement were discussed aM the applicant decided to withdraw the M/nor Development Review application. Since then, the addition has been built without building permits or Planning and Engineering approval. Our development requirements have not changed; thercforc, the setbacks and required improvements arc the same as in 1987. The City Planner has reviewed a request to enlarge the non-conforming structures and determined Lhat the Planning D1vlston would support a 11' x 19' carport wb~ect to certain improvements along the street frontages. You have the fallow/ng'optlons: 1. Modify your M1nor Development Review request to allow a 17' x 19' carport, which would ultimately require reconstructing the carport that was built wtthOUt oermite, 2. Remove the carport and withdraw your Ninon Development Review request. .3a.~ ~kr~~r``~u Wdbam I Ale,a nder ~ Chinn 19uyua II , va.,rr. Den n:, L Srvw Dabarah N eruwn ramela ~ WnaM tack Lam. AICP ~_7 Howard 6 Yolanda GeSvett MOR 89-22 August 1, 1989 Page 2 Please contact staff within 14 days the carport or remove 1t. Pai lu re 6e assumed to indicate that you da and the matter will be Wrned over to ens;re removal of the structure. Sincerely, as to your intention to modify to respond within 14 days will not want to modify your reques4 to ar Cade Enforcement Section COMMUNITY OEYELOPMENT 0 ARTMENT PLA DIVISION Oan Coleman Principal Planner DC:VB:mlg cc: Code Enforcement, Joe Torrez Attachments: Letter dated September 16, 1987 Ptarming and Engineering Comments ~~ L ~~' Planning Division The following are technical issues which do not meet the City's Oevelopme nt Cade: !. Arrow Highway is a designated Special Boulevard with a 45-foot build iiq setback from the ultimate curb face. The proposed carport location enr, root hes into this setback and therefore must be relocated. 2. Currently, the on-site parking fs inadequate and shall be revised to meet current standards. Parking shall be provided at a rate of 1 space for every 400 square feet of gross floor area, with individual stalls which shall be 9 feet by 19 feet in size and double striped. 3. All areas for the storage or maintenance of equipment and vehicles shall be completely screened from view. The existing storage area, located at the southeast portion of the site, is visible to the south from Grove Avenue and 9th Street. Comm isstan policy is to require solid masonry screen walls for screening. 4. The City's Development Code requt res street frontage landscaping, which is 45 feet in depth for Arrow Highway and 35 feet along Grove Avenue, as meawred from the ultimate curb face. Therefore, the two areas labeled "open dirt" on the proposed site plan shall be landscaped to these standards. The landscaping shall include a combinaN an of undo latirg mounds with shrubbery, which shall be 5-gallon in sfze planted at 3 feet on center, for screening purposes, as well as ao orooriate arou Mcover and trees. 5. See add itlonal comments in Septe~er I6, 1987 letter. Engtneering Division An additional 6 feet of right-of-way shall be dedicated along Arrow Rate. Provide an offer of dedication for an entry monument at the Intersection (see attached sketch). Refer to the attached Driveway Policy regarding the placement of driveways on arterial streets, including Arrow Route and Grove Avenue. Both driveways shall be reconstructed to Commercial Standards (Ho. 306 attached) a~.d relocated as follows: a) Locate the Arrow Route driveway as close to the east property line as possible and roduce the width to 35 feet, and b) Locate the Grove Avenue driveway on or near the sw Lh property line and provide a ~otnt use easement fn favor of the property owner to tha south. ~,c;. L - 1 Planning Uivis ion Page 2 Street improvements along both Dro ject frontages shall be brought up to current City standards, including curb and gorier where driveways are relocated, sidewalk, street lights aril street trees. 0 ...^ v1 T^ C['IY OF RANCHO CUCAMOYGA ~ ., ~. ,,. a,.,+„r e,~,n~ c.amc~y. c..~m,.~. .,-- -~., ... September 8, 1989 Howard Ind Yolanda Geivett 8517 wrth r,.ove Ave,,^.u> Rancho Cucamonga, LA 91130 SUBd EC T: MINOR DEVELOPM ENi REVIEW 89-22 - A CARPORT AOD ITION TO AN E%ISTiNG BOOY SHOP AT 8517 NORTH GROVE AVENUE Dear Mr, 8 Mrs. Geivett: The Planning Division has denied your request for a Minor Development Review based upon the fallowing technical issues whfch do not meet the City's Development Cade: A. Arrow Hf ghway is a designated Special Boulevard with a 45-foot building setback from the ultimate curb face. The proposed carport location encroaches into this setback and therefore must be relocated. B. Currently, the on-site parking is inadequate and must oe revised to meet current standards. Parking must De provided at a rate of 1 space for every 400 square feet df gross floor ., .. ~- ~ ~'+'" ' "i iLalla wu iii imisc U! y teeL Dy 19 teeL in-size and double Vs tripod. C. All areas for the storage or ma into name of equipment and vehicles must be completely screened from view. The existing storage area, located at the southeast portion of the site, is visible to the south from Grove Avenue and 9th Street. Comas ss ton policy is to rcqutre so11d masonry screen walls for screening, D. The C1ty's~Development Code requires street frontage landscaping, which is {5 feel 1n average depth for Arrow Highway and 35 feet along Grove Avenue, as measured from the ultlmaU curb face. Therefore, the two areas labeled "open dirt" on the proposed si;e plan must be landscaped to these standerds. The iandscaptng suet Include a combination of undulating mounds with shrubbery, whfch sMll be 5-gallon in st:e planted at 3 feet on center, for screening purposes, as well as appropriate groundeovar and Lrees. ~X({'lQl1~ ''C" ~~~~. 1VJIum l Ale.+nJer :. ~.~n-~~~~~•• Churlet l euywt 11 ~~ D,nnis l Sion DeFOrah N aroe n ~~~ D+mele I Nnahr I+.A l+m L~ICP L,11 The denial is based upon the following findings: A. the proposed project is not consistent with the General Plan. 8, The proposed project is not in accordance with the objectives of the Development Code, or the propose of the district in which t•"•e sf to is located. C. The proposed project together with the conditions applicable thereto, will be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially ir.ju riaus to properties or improvements in the vicinity. ~~. The proposed project will not comply with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code. This decision shall be final following a ten (10) day appeal period beginning with the date oP this letter. Appeals must be filed in writing with the planning Commiss ton Secretary, state the reason for the appeal, and be accompanied by a S62 appeal fee. If you should have any questions, please d5 not hesitate to call Vince Bertoni at (714) 989-1861. Sincerely, ~~~~ "c'rii G~innTi$riT P~ 6y ~~ Brad ler Ci ann 88:VB:sp l ~-~~ .~: M. ~ SEP j$1999 ~ my 9517 Na rtn Oro ve Avenue Ir jb~~yq,~_~ Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 51730 ~~{ar`1N7p~ Sepf.ember 16, 1999 Bred 9ui le r, City Planner -ommur.i cy Development Depe rtment ?:enn: rg ::tuts ion ::y o: 3a nc ho ^_uc ama nga post 'ffice Sox c'Y,`7 3s.^.c ho Cucamonga, Cal ifornie 9729 S CBC°CT; APPEAL OF CITY PLANNING DECISION ^.0 DENY MINOR DEYELOPME.YT I REVIEW 99-22J - p CARPORT ADDITION TO AA EXISTING ACTOMGTIVE "e?AI3 SHOP AT 9517 NOpTN CpOVE AVENUE Deer Mr. Buller: °henk you for your recent visi .: to Lee Wise Oarage and for taking your time to ezpls in the City's plans Cor beeut.i fice t.ion end future develc pmen r.. :'hank you also ..^or explaining the posaibili ry of appealing the original denial of the minor development propoasl. This letter is our appeal for you t.o taco nedder rhnt should be required to leave the carport in pleee ar be located elasrhsre on the same property, Tour Dasia for the origlnsl dental of this development propoeel end stipule tiona cone am ing other developments would impose m enormous cepi rel outlay on our part.. We consider such ^ capital outlny to be imprecticel, therefore actually storing or elimina ring any possibility oT improving the Lae Wiaa Garage tacit itiee or pro parties. In the folloring paragraph re rss to fe the purpose of the carpo M. end respond to r,he Sseuee tai red in A, 9, C, and Dot your letter dm tea Saptemeer e, 1999. please refer r.o the enclosed pictures of the property ea you coneid ar these points. Fu rpoae of cnrpo rt.-- To pro rec t. tro care, Horerd's personal car and that of the shop mnager. A. Tho carport. a constructed encroacho only slightly on the 45' setback from Ar~ov Highray. W believe chat •t this time the carport i• not detrimental to hulth, utsty, riI art a or u Ur1a11 ia~urioua ro properties or iaprovaemte in the ans." I~ at • laf.er tiu, nearby properties wn improved and the esrport pproved fo be Sn~urioua to those propmrties, iha carport eonld'-eaelly D• reaored or relocated. Could • raiver De • coved nor regal ring the removal of Lhe •truc ruse Sn the evmnt that euoh • probla arieea? B. Parking area le eutflciest. Marking could be arranged lamediaEaT'to meet. c1 t, codas. Tve tw indoor parking epaca are prauntly in use. ~o three help to meet the quote regal red by the city? C. Sc raening of eouthaut. storage •eea could M rorked out, though sou type of accus is nacnsaey. D. If th• landscaping requlraunt can ba ut by landacapiag only the "open dirt" erase, ve coo have an intareat le making that S mprovesemt to our property. 2 -- 3 ~= ~1'3l t ~`~~~ Ya era not opposed ro improving the appearance of our property. Ac tuel ly, re rould ba pleaaad r,o make certain improvameata rithi¢ practlcsl economic limits. The carport ie itaalf each en improveaent. Many of our cue koaera and neighbo ra have commented on the cleanliness of our facili ty in general end have co~pl imen tad va on the cnrpo rt addition in pa rr.icular. Furthermore, though not. an eaae¢tial pert of our 6u sineaa, the cerpm rt is a convenience ve enjoy. we cal ieve Chef 'he plane you outline for the improvement of our city ere very desirable. These surely rill grey t.ly enhance an already e n„cya hie place to live and an epyeal ing place to do business. please ur,ders rand the f. our intent is to pa rticipe to ri th you in this effort ir. an economics l:y feasible fes hion. :hank you for reconaiderinq our propo ae 1. Ye look fo nerd to hearing oC your decision concerning Chia appeal. '/e ry inc erely, .-~ ~i+ J ~ 1 ~ I if .. ~6'~d.ii.~~tEQ` r and elands Ce act /~CJ L-ly R-R~ c~w~ , a i v °-~ ~~ ~ ~ ~1 .. ~~ + ~ ~ gg ~ .~ ~ Y~ i 7 ~N r L ~__ ~ ~ ~r I S ~ T ' r ~ iii I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a a N( 1 "; ~ °• v w ~ ~f~ ~ ~ ~f ` ~ b. ~~ 9 `~ v 1 --- y ~ ~ 1-u--~-~ 1~ f .~. _._ __ F _._-__---i-_~ 3 ...-.. /'~ ,t •~ ~~ ~, l.~y CITY OF ~~CAMONGA 1TF1N: ' PLAN~DIVfSION ~,g~ SITE PLAll1 „ ' F7QIDi~: 3C/11& c~~l L_~~ L 0 J_ ~~I I~, I o .. -_.. , '" *~ F ~~.r ~. ,~, _`, ~ crn ogFl~~cnMOlvcA~ n~ PLATVMIVC DIVL4ION ~,E AI t9~Ifi~R: SCAtB <_~~Z-I~ RESOLUTION N0. 89-596 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CU CAMON GA CITY COUNCIL UPHOLDING THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO DENY WITHOUT PREUUDI CE MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW N0. 89-22, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEP.ST CORNER OF ARROW HIGHWAY AND GROVE AVENUE IN THE GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THE RE Of A. Recitals. (i) An application has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by Howard and Yolanda Gei ve tt (hereinafter "applicant"), for a Minor Development Review for the approval of an existing carport addition to the north side of an automotive repair shop located en the southeast corner of Grove Avenue and Arrow Highway, hereinafter referred to as "the application". (ii) On September 8, 1989, the City Planner denied the application. (iii) The City Planner's denial was timely appealed to the Planning Commission on September 18, 1989. (iv) On the 11th day of October, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Ra nrho Cucamonga conducted a meeting on the application and cu nci uded said meeting en that date by adopting Resoiuti on 89-130, thereby denying without prejudice Minor Development Review 89-22. Ivl Thn nla ninn fnmmi:ci nn'c artinn wac nn al nd to Chic fnnnril nn October 23, 1989, by the applicant. •~ (vi) The City Council heard the applicants appeal at its meeting on December 6, 1989. (vii) All legal pr crequi si tes to the adoption of Chis Resolution has occurred. 8. Resolution. NOW, TtIE REFORE, the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby find, determine and resolve as follows: 1. This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set fc rth in the R~,.itaL, "art A, of this Resolutinr~ are iru2 and carrect. 2, Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced meeting on December 6, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, this Council hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The application applies to property located at 8517 Grave Avenue, with a street frontage of 189 feet and lot depth of 225 feet and is presently improved with an aut ano ti ve repair shop, an asphalt parking lot with 13 spaces, and no street frontage landscaping; and cJ ~'7 Resolution No. 89-596 Page 2 (b) The property to the north of the subject site is single family residential, the property to the south of that site consists of commercial fya cant), the property to the east is single family residential, and the property to the west is the City of Upland; and (c) The carport addition was built without Minor Development Review approval or building permits; and (d) The carport addition does not conform with the City's s ei ba ck requirements; and (e) The carport addition constitutes an addition to an existing non-conforming structure; and (f) The carport addition is inconsistent with the intent of the Development Code regulations which prohibit the enlargement of non-conforming structures. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced meeting and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the proposed project is not consistent with the objectives of the Development: Code, and the purposes of the district in which the Site is located; and (b) That the proposed project is not in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Devel ooment Code: and (c) That the proposed project is not consistent with the General Plan. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs I, 2, and 3 above, this Council hereby denies the application without prejudice. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. ~/~t~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAJIONGA STAFF REPORT BATE: danua ry 3, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Betty A. Miller, Associate Civil Engineer a~3 . SUBJECT: MODIFICATION TO DEYELOPMENT REVIEW 88-32 - NELSON - An Appeal of a ann ng onm ss on ec s on eny a request to modify a condition of approval requiring surety for the removal of the existing detention basin and construction of a storm drain facility for a development on 1.55 acres in the General Industrial District (Subarea 14) of the Industrial Specific Plan, located at the southern terminus of Hyssop Drive, north of 4th Street - APN 229-331-02 RECOMMENOATIOM: Staff recommends that the City Council sustain the Planning Commfssion's action by denial of the appeal request. II. BACKGROUNB: This protect, an Industrial building at the south end of Hyssop Drive ~f"iY IIV~NI ~Y~~ JY~iG 4, apps u) aL~. ~iy "1 ~ .. ~~ vrJ 11, 1489. On August 16, 1989, theVCfty Council dented pan appeal -of a modified freeway landscaping condition for the protect. On November 29, 1989, the Planning Conmisston heard the applicant's request that another condition of approval, requiring that surety be provided far removal of the ezfsting detention basin and construction of a storm drain facility, be modified. The request was denied. On November 30, 1989, the applicant appealed the Comnisston's decision to the Council. The applicant's appeal letter is attached as Exhibit "8". III. ANALYSIS: The drainage detention basin in question is located on the southern portion of the parcel being developed (Exhibit "A"). It was constructed by Ina o°iginal Oevelopar ^f tha property along Hyssop Ortve to reduce increased runnoff to Day Creek Channel. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT DR 88-32 - NELSON JANUARY 3, 1990 PAGE 2 Landscape Maintenance District Nn. 3 was established for "The furnishing of ordinary and usual maintenance, operating and servicing of any parkway and detention basin improvement..." (Section 2, page 2 of Exhibit "C"). The annual maintenance costs are shared equally by the eight tots in the District iSection 4, page 3 of Exnibit "C"), but no provi si or+ has been made fora capital improvement fund. The applicant contends that a reference to "removal" in Section 3 of the Engineer's Report for the formation of Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 (Exhibit "C", page 2) provides far the costs of removing the detention basin, and related storm drain work, to be borne equally by all properties within the District. However, that "removal" wording is in the context of "Detailed maintenance activities include: The repair, removal or replacement..." necessary in the upkeep of the detention basin. Upon completion of Day Creek Channel, within the forseeable future, the detention basin will no longer be needed. It is appropriate to condition development of the parcel on which that basin is located with its removal. It is not clear that the eight lots within the District will benefit equally from removal of the basin. IV CONCLUSION: These issues were discussed at the Planning Commission hearing, and it was determined by the Commission that the condition was appropriate as written. If the Council concurs, adoption of the attached Resolution would be appropriate. Respect 1 submitted, ~ ~s ~ , /" ~L i R :BAM:sd Attachments: Site Plan (Exhibit "A") App}icant'~-letter (Exhibit "B") City Council Resolution No. 83-152 Approving the Engineer's Report for Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 (Exhibit "C") Planning Commission Staff Report, Resolution and Minutes Resolution of Denial ~~ ~~~ ~ \~ :. m.u ..__T`,_ ~ ~~ 9~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ 3 .,~ ~. b ~ ` PROJECT SITE DETENTION \~ . 1` K J li j ~1 1~ ~ ~- C ~~ ~ I ~ ti r i ~~ f "* ~:' N ` _ iTEU: [~~ ~, - 32 MoD. CTTY OF - - RANCHO CUCAMONGA '1TTLt~ SITE pc-RN NN(}INEL+RIIVQ DIVISION ~ ~~ A .~_~ ~ L e~ ~ ~ NELSON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY November 30. 1989 City of Rancho Cucamonga ?320 Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 :,ttention: City Clerk Z want to appeal the decision made by the Planning Commission at their November 29. 1989 meeting, regarding item S.. MODIFICATION TO DEVELOPMENT REVIEfi 88-32 - NELSON. Please schedule this item to be heard at City Council level as soon as possible. sincerely, ~ ~~-~- John w. Nelson cc: natty [salon Young, '.ie nrie, Humphries, 6 Mason City Attorney's Office u'~stlPa.~d ~12~ ctt~')o~414~/sF+bbjj ~'(v^ EXN~(3/T „6,1 ~ _~' 19 N. Central Avends • UpIaM, CA 91788 • (710 991.1944 RESOLUTION H0. R3-:52 A PlSOCUTIDN OP iRE CSYY COUNCIL OF SHE ^_IYY OF RANCHO WCAMONW GIYINO :'S PREL3MINARY APPflOYAL '.0 `RE ENGIN!!P'S REPOPS FOP THE LANDSCAP! MAINTFIIANCE OISPP ICS Ho. 3 IM1~PEA9, Parc 2 a[ Oiviaton ,c rcoeme.^.c!-g v!ctt ar_... a California SCreta and Hlgnvaya Caea autnprlxN Cola rlty Councl:-CaV'_o... prpcaeeinga for the formation of an a aaaaAarnt dtatrict to Saprove and maintain iandecaping, DPln and atota drain lopace0 [herein; and NNEAlAS, purouant to Paaolutlon No. B3-'S1 thin City Council Snit laced prededinga !or the fprrtlon o! an aaaee]Nnt .SSatriCt co De knpm ae "Candacapa lYSntenand Dlatrlet No. 3" to tsDrove and matn4ln Iandacap:ng, Dwain and atop drela to M located In tM Doundar Saa of wale Landapapa tbinbnanca District and ordsrad cM preparation aM f131ng of a report In adeordanca with Aetlpla a (covnein{ with Sect ion 12565) of Cnaptar ~ of the California Stmt and Niahgya Codas and NXlRLAS, CMM Ma Dam pPaentad Co Chla Clty Lounoll CMC certain "City of Rancho Cumuonp Bn{Snwr'a Report for landscape NalnbMnoa DAacrlct Np. 3'. and NIRREAg, Cola CS[y Council Ms duly conalMwd aald Etginaar'a Report In eapn and swq part theraoq aM flnda CMt sadn and ewp part of aald En!!nwr•a Report la adaeuate aM aufflplsnt and Coat aald Report doaa not reQu1H a0dif1Cat1d11 Sn anq rllpaat. N04, YNLREPOPC, etta Ctt7 Caupcll of too CStq o! Ranenp CuCaaWDga doaa Mnoy reaolw u fo13oM: SECTION c: 1Tla cur Cauncll Mnoy /Sws its pnlleinary aDDroval 9ECTI0~ 2: Said Cu{lnwr'a Report which la Merrad to Sn the raCltala neN1MMw atoll stand as CM CSty Erylnwf'a Report for ehe purpowa of all autapuanE Dfocwei:ye In pomact3on with CM fore•tlpn ^Landacapa Malntananca Dlatrlet Nd. 3"• PASSED, APPROYlD, and ADOPTED Cola Ich day of Repteater, !903• AILS: Dani, gupuet, Eahloawr, Proat, Nilnla NOtl: NoM AS76NT: Mona ae a, wr ASfE3:: Uuran M. MaaNrPap, City Clarlt ~~3`~ sxN~~~T c : i o~ y Aeaolut ion Yo. 03-'02 Page 2 CITE q atrm WrJ1AMDA EtOI®'! ggPOR NII LarSaR tYIRYApE{ DIETIIICT r, 3 SECTION '. AU?HORIIT FOP 9EPOflT ThL roport Sa DroDarad Sn co»L'anre rtq the ro;u!neenta o Art tele Y, CTapbr 1, Oivia ion 5 of the Streata and Nighraya Cade' Etata of G11fomL (Gndxepl~ and Lighting Act pf .9921. SECTION 2. "OENEIIAL DESCRIPSION ih• roDOrt deals rltn the ea Gbaan»nt of Landxap• Maintenance District Mo. 3 in CM City of RaneM EVCNOn{a. Aroa to h included in CM wrk Dro{rr are ep•CSflwlly deflrotl in cM Deay of the report and on tM at4eMd Ae»aaNnt D1a{rN. TM total aroa of said parkgya being 6,657 apwrv het, ana , tlee.nuon basin Iocatetl on Parcel No. B. Wrk to M prmldN for, rich CM uaeaa»nea eatabilaned Dy ene Dietrict, era; m. rYwmas •r aer•lo» sad rtaeLL ebr w atllaarr aa0 u•wl rlat.e.sa., oparogq eN r+fdtD{ er »r larttt'a) aN a•trelee Leafs lapteeerat. Lpaw~at aalntear» L e»ald•rod or {•aeral t•eane to au w. >e w w.vl•e aetl o»c tru M a1.1d» .p . par toe seals. EECTIw 3• PLANE AMD SP{CIPfCITIOp TM pi»s aM epeoifiwelona for landauDln{, degn[ian basin and atdro drain aro co M praDarea M ene dn•IOper. Th. plane err as aeiprlat» 1n tM coMltiona Cf approol and as aDOrovM by eM Liey Enpnur aM City Plaxtlry Dirlalan. flebrono• la hereby rd• to CM or CM 1rdNaq ~.r•a, ',fie platy and ap»Sfleetiens rfor ylandsupe Saprovernta on LM 1Mir1dwl Parcels ero heroby wtle a part of this sport Co CM saN •aNnt » if said plans sM aDeCifleatlona wre attached n•roto. D•Ca1Ld tint»ann aptlvltiu inoluda: TE• repair, aatNeal T NpLa~tat Or all d' »] Prt, pr Nr lgro.rrt, » 1eolvaN laMa•aD1i. Ntrcls taula sae ataYa ar.la, pe.lalap r: tat. lsr., araa4, aria •r sates ar w S..a.NVSes. .,~Ir~ ia~nd ~ ,~ Sat1w. trtrns. tpgtds. rrells.Nt a~ Wat7i w ra~•al or eMt~lap, tmt1N, dearL •r atttr aalid rata. w tttWtrrp•, n/a1r W r•pLa~at u aes•raPP att all k1pllaa aPaleaa, aa{ of•rLi of drafrp islet w rtl» atnsewa, peat artrel. d•tria tom, fao• ro1a1r W all aaegeLra •Aat !ar w traarttLL rrseloalaa or w met. SECTION a. r~_.CSZ No cotta rill be Ncrmd for lapro••a•nt ooNtrwtlon. All SwrDr•.ne. VSll » dONLNpt•d br d»alo»rt. !Na on wu rro. oMV Cltbe, owtrNt ana17W r0 d»alopad Nrk atandat4a, It U sttlrttd CM rlntettatta• roata for uNaarnc porpe»t r1Y1 epwl Lnlrty cats (/.3D> par •9•aro foae Nr rear for Darkwy aM • Lwp 9w ItgpD anntul iy for »t»cipn bNln rtnc•autae. i'M» ooace •ro •aure» Dn1r, teeuat etweea»ta rill N oa•a0 N adewl dose Data. }It• »tirted total ooat far LroNa» IMSnt»apo• OSatrlCt No. 3 CoaprlNd of g lnta and per loe cNN W Horn MlOr: ~~C' ExHi~~r ~: Zo~y peaolu eon Va. 37-'O.2 Page ; ?o:al Annual Maintenance ~oac: Landecaptng 0.30 x '.DST 3+9 +T.ID Oecenaon Sea in - Lamp San 1006.00 antl Scmrm Drain ' 'p: PL 12 to tD Per Lot Anpwl Aaaeaaeant ~2g!T divided 7y 9 = 1352•+a ter Lot Monthly Aaaeaamant 129.35 Aaaeaavant aeall apply to eats lot a enumra tad 1n 5aatlon 5 and :he attschsd AaaseaDant Digram. SECTION 5. ASSE39ffiNT DIAGRAlI A copy o[ Cha propomad AaasaaaNnt diagraa is attached :o thin repo.^. and Lpalad "ExeitSt An. 36CTSDN 6. ASSESSIID:NN'f Ivprovarnt for tM antis diatrlet Ia found to pa of {ana ral Danafic co ell iota s1tD 1n CM Dlatrlet and asst uwasnt shall pa puQ Car sate parcel. 3ECTION T. ORDER OP Ea31ff3 i. City Count ll approves inatStutlon o[ OSatricc proceedings. 2. City Cwnc13 adopts baolutlon o[ Pw31s1nary Approval o[ Cier EngLar'a report. 3. City Cauneil atlovta Raaoiut ion o[ IntenEion to con a Diatr ict and eta a antlio norint date. u. Citq Cdure L' evrducta putL•c hurleg, nova Seers a ; csaumny end de tenlnp to fort a DSatrlet or ahbaon Orocutllrya. 5. Every year Sn M•T tee City Engineer f13sa a sport ~Itn Clcy Coum il. 6. Every vor b Juna. tee ffty Cm mnn wnnnn..r. ~a n.... _ a aDprovnr or mdifiu and aDW owe cM1a individual aaau asanta ~`I ~ ~XN~[ilrC : 3oF`I bseluL_ Ne. B3-112 PY{Y Y ETHIHIT ^A^ ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE GISTRICT NO.3 ~c J. i, % ~ }Y ( :i 1 Y} ; `. gi ~ 3 + E~ 5 ~ ~_ 5 ~ `` °' .-.. P ~ 9[ _ ( I :° yI ~i i '3 r T - II ~ :I 7 ^i 1=~ i ~a 1JTY~ yJ Z(Z Z J .mot c-. Y '~ ~ Y ;~ a ti T %\ l _ _I__ •~w 1Tl^((1 ~~~ EXH-8~T G~ ~°F`~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~- DAiE: November 29, 1989 _~ , T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Ba rrye R. Han son, Senior Civil Engineer BY: Betty A. Mill er, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: MODIFICATION TO DEVELOPMENT REY IEN 88-32 - NELSON - A request to ~'i mo y a con ono approva requ r ng ;ore y or the removal of ', the existing detenti cn basin and construction of a storm drain facility for a development on 1.55 acres in the General Industrial District (Subarea 14) of the Industrial Specific Plan, located at the southern terminus of Hyssop Drive, north of 4th S treet - APN 229-331-02 I BACKGROUND: Thfs project, an industrial building at the south end of Hyssop Drive just north of 4th Street, was approved by the City Planner on January il, 1989. On ,lone 14, 1989, the Planning Cometssion heard the a DDl icant's request to delete a condition of approval requiring the payment of an in-lieu fee for future landuaping within the I-15 Freeway right-of-way. The Planning Commission directed the City Planner to modify the condition to reduce the limits of the landscaped area. The Developer was not satisfied with the reduced requirement and appeaiea to the City Council, which denied the appeal on August 16, 1989. Now the applicant is requesting that another condition of approval, requiring that surety be provided for removal of Lhe existing detention basin and construction of a storm drain facility, be modified. The applicant's request letter 1s attached as Exhibit "B". II. ANALYSIS: The applicant contends that the Engineer's Report for the fornaatton of Landscape Maintenance 61str1ct Na. 3 (Exhibit "C") provides for the costs of removing the detention basin and related stormm drain work to be borne equally by all properties within the District because the report makes a reference to "removal" (Section 3, first line, last paragraph, Page 2 Of Exhibit 'C"1. His reference to "removal" has been taken out of context. The District was established for maintenance only, as stated in Section 2, "The furnishing of...ordinary and usual maintenance, operating and servicing..." The "removai" wording to Section 3 is 1n the PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 88-32 - NELSON NOVEMBER 29, 1989 PAGE 2 context of "Detailed maintenance activities include: The repair, removal or replacement..." necessary in the upkeep of the detention basin. Further, Section 4 on Page 3 of the resolution provides a lump sum (initially f1,000) annual assessment for detention basin maintenance and made no provisions for a capital improvement fund. All of the above were brought out and discussed wi*,h the aDRl lcant's attorney and the City Attorney's Office when the original application was processed. III. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the request for modification be denied. If, after consideration of all input, the Planning Commission concurs with this recommendation, adaptton of the attached Resolution would be appropriate. Respectfully submitted, l~a~vu~~2 /di+,u,~n.~ Barrye R. Hanson Senior Civil Engineer BRN:BAMad Attachments: Stte Plan (Exhibit "A" Applicant's Letter (Exhibit "B") Litt' Council Resolution No. B3-112 Fonaing Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 (Exhibit "C") Resolution of Denial d ~~ -2 \~~ ~ \\ 4 F \ Y \ ~~LI I i~i~ V~ b \~ c-Iniiiuil ~-. i PROJECT SITE DETENTION $ASIN Y N 1 CITY OF = RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~rtaar~nva nmstox I H ,, ~~ ~l J r~ Z ; ~~ V ~I I ' ~ i ~ ~ -- - nay: DR ~-32 MopN T1TL>~ 5 I TE PC-A N ~~j~_ 3 ` A L~ NELSON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY October 23. 1989 City of R. .cho Cucamonaa Pl a.-..-.i,-,4 Depar t:r~ent 9326 9aseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Re: Modification co Conditions of %~FProval. DR 88-32 ~ . , . , L.: ,~at~:;c Gentlemen: The City of Rancho Cucamonga has required that in order for the owners of Parcel 8. Parcel Map 7349 to obtain a building permit for our project, they must poet a bond to cover the costa of filling in the existing Detention Basin end related storm drain work, upon completion of the Day Creek Channel. The owners believe that resolution 83-152 and Engineers Report for Landscape Maintenance Diatriet No. 3 addresses the responsibility for the coat of removing of the Detention Basin and related storm drain work, and that this cost be prorated among all of the Droperty owners of Parcel Map 7349. ?herefore, we are regveatinq a Modification to the Conditions of Approval, and are specifically requesting that we be required to only pay for our prorated share of the cost of said work. Furthermore. we are requesting that ae only be required to post surety for our prorated share of the coat of said work, and then only if all r,he property owners of the other seven lots are required to do so. Please advise us es_ co your decision et your earliest convenience. Respectfully submitted, ~~~~~~ John W. Nelson President, Nelson Development and one of the owners of the project and on behalf o! the remaining owners o! Che project. ec: Barry Mason Young, Henrie. Humphries, 8 Mason ExN~eiT 6 1 B N. Central Avenue • UpIaM, CA 91788 • (7 1 41 981 4 941 ^~ AEgOLVTION NO. 0a-112 A PESOLUTION OP THE CITT COUNCIL OF THE CIlT OF RANCHO GVCAMONCA, CALLPORNIA, OpOERING THg NOIIR IN CONNECTION NIT'H TN6 PORNATION OP LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTflICT N0. 3 ACCEPTING THE PINAL ENCINgER'S DEPORT NHEREAS, CM City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga (the "City") sic on SeptuDer '/, 1983, adopt Peaclutlon No. 93-152 gluing 1ta prcllmSwry apProvnl to an engineer's Report (the "Eng Sneer's Deport") prepares Sn conMCCion vSth Cne format lpn of an aaeesswnE district to De knovn as "L+naec+M Meinte:unce DSaCrlet No. 3" pursuant to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972: and V18iP8A9, Lns City Council of the City dad on S<Dtwber 7, 1903 adopt Resolution No. 83-153 declnrine Stn intention to oraer !M forrtion of u aveuwnt district to M Imovn as "LandaomPo M+Snten+nc; Ota Grief Ne. 3" and to levy and collect aauesrnLn purmw:t to the L+ndee+ping ans Light Sng Act of 1972; and NIRiRBAS, a certified copy of held ReaoluClan No. B3-i53 xan duly publishes In tns tLw, Con +cM mMner requirod Dy lax as anom Dy the Afflaavlt of Publlcetlon of xld Resolution on file Sn the office of the Clty Clerk of the Citq; ana IgRREA3, a notice of puD11c hearing x+a duly wiles to all persons oxnirg property xlEhln Me proposed L+ndec+pe lbinten+nce DSStrlet No. 3 Sn the !!me, fen ans Bnner +s rooulrod DP lax; and fMgRE19, • puDllc he+ring M+ Dun Mid and this Clty Cpu hell hes duly recelvM aM emaldered evisuoe, ofLL +n0 0oduuntery, concerning the neceu itv for the contwola t•d vnr4 •ns rn• n•n. r, t• e,. ~. a •. .w.-.r«. ans Chia -ley conned nu now +epuired ;arise 1e e10n Lo oraer the proposes xerk. NON, 17IBREPf1PE, the CAGY Council of the Clty of Raneno Cucamonga does hereby reaalve sa folloxa: SECTION 1: 1T Se CSty Council hereby gives its final approval to the gng ineer'e ReDOrL. 58CTION 2: ThSa CS Cy Counoll harebq orders the forty tlon of ^LandacaDe WSntan+nM Dlatrlst No. 3^ and the win tenuce of certain landscape Swrovewnta to W loco tad xithin MId Landscape M+lntemm~ce O1nfZct, m more p+rtlculsrly deecriDea Sp the Engineer's Report. SECTION 3: IDis City Cawail heroby confirw tM dl+gru of ^LandacsM M+SnCIMIMa OSetMOL No. 3" +a tyro pRtSpul+rly deeerlbed to said Englneer'e Report us Mroby confine Ena uunawnts for flae+l year 1983-BY and Cne uthod of aauaawnt a more pavtlculmrly deearibed in the 8nsinor'a PeDOrt. SECTION a: The Clty Clerk of Eha Citq of Rancho Cucamonga fa henDy authorizes ens directed to file the ai+gru and ouaewnt contained In the Engineer's Report, or • certified copy Marmot, xlth the Counq Auditor. PA99BD, APPROVED, nM ADOPTED Ehla Stn dey of ODtdWr, 1983. AY69: Oanl, BuyuaL, Bohloswr, Frost, Mikela N089: NOM AB96Nt: Nona E,c ~ 1 bl Resolution No. 83-112 Page 2 ~' / J n Mikele, Mayor AtTEST: ~~`~ wen M. Yaaaer0an, Clty .lark clrf ap gdNCao scum e~olim~s mopT !Og •en.r•ae IIaIRYgNC6 DLSTIICT ~. 3 SECTION 1, AVTHOflISI POR flgPORT lhis report Sa proparad in coryllance vlth Me roqulfern4 of Arclc Le V, Ghaptef 1, Division 5 of the Streets and XSgnvaya Code, Sta4 of 411 forma (Landawping and Lighting AcE of 1972). SECTION 2. CTAigflAL DE~v'PIp^:I^N 1Ta sport deals vith the en4D14hrnt of Landetam Wintenance DSnGitt No. 3 in CM Clty of ga,wM Cutaaoma. Aroa to M Imluded Sn Ne wrk progrr aro awolflwlly dwttn.n ~n rn. e,.a. .. ~.• report end on CM at4ched Aanear•nt Olagru. i)ie tb43 Brea of said parknya M3~ 6,057 agwro feet, end a de Mntton Deain located on ?aMel No. B. York to be provSded for, vitn the aneemrnts ertael4ned by Ma DSatrlat, sre: The furnl•hlpg of rn10r and rt•rLL for the ordlaary and mull va~r egrstla~ aa0 Mn'lain{ of aq paatvaY sea 4trtim Oaefo Lapro••aans. Lgbaarnt anlntraar fa aorldand of graral Dartit to all arts fn tLa Dlasrios and coat aWll M di.iaad r . per lot DuL. SECTION 3• PLAW AND SPlCIPICATION9 Tree plane and apacltleatiom for landaosping. dateption Main end atop drain are to M pr•parad D) Eha dsvlopar. TM plane an as atlpulatad in the conditions of approoi and se approved b) CM CSC) 6ng1n••r end Cit) Plamlry D1YSalon. fl•fltYnea Sa MNDy rde to tM aoDiect Paro11 Map and the asaeaarpt dlagrr for the exact location of the landaeapa area. The plane .ne ap•ei ttea S3oDe tpr laadscepe EV Cast c:. G:6 it Perv•ie an MnbY rata WPE Of EDla report to the rr exten0 as Sf avid pLna end apaolfSCaElgna vary at4aned haroto. Da413ad rlnt•nanee ectlvitiea lnalude: The repair, M>kAal ar rgLDawpt of au ar aaT part of aq iaprma~at, to faelma l..a.paylq, atrsloe pufa sad .w. arala, pro.ldsps tar w un, groaW, harltL and M.cs o[ eb laae.e.pleg, lmluafa~ aaltirefaa, Lrlpelae, trlirla~r wEVSdt, hrtiliala{ m tawtlar rot m,aw a 1D,}a'l: tea eaal Dt LrirtlaP. ~vehir, aaMa sad othr .Dud wa, es. rfstaaare, rspa4 M rpLeoaas ~`{~ ~xh;b~f c ~ ~o~ ~ Resolution No. 9?-~12 Page 3 as maceevary of all irrlgatlom ayetams~ amd clsamlog of imlet amd mtlet strveGarp, peel coetrol, deMia rempval~ rapalr ama all +ame]ate; sore[ for the eummmmtul flmelSOmlog of Ne Qatar. secriax u. esrlnATen cows No coats veil De incurred for SmDrovemnt mnatructton. All Improves:.^.ta v!L •. ocs:n:cta bl dave:upara. oases on Dace Prom other cities, contract analysis and Ceveloped work atanderdn, It is <atlmtM the mintenance ooa ca for asaeaamnt purpoaen will neual thirty cenq (1.30) per smuare foot per year for parkvay antl a Lump Sum 11000 annually for detention paaln minteiunce. Sheae coats are eatimted only, actual aaaessmnta will De Deeed on actual coat Cats. The eatimted total cent for Landampe !Llncelmnce DSa treat Np. 3 crapriaed of B lots and per lot costa are shown below: total Annual Melntemnce Coat: LandacaDing 0.30 x 6057 11817.10 Detention Basin - Lump Sum v 1000.00 and Ston Drain itlTAL 1~0 Per Lot Annml Aaeevament 12817 divided Dy 8 1332.1Y Per Lot Monthly Aeaeaamnt = 129.35 Aaaeaamnt atoll apply to eacn lot as enumrsted Sn Section 6 end Che attached Aaaeaaannt Diagram. SECTION 5. A338391RNr pIACpAM A copy of the proposed Asasaarnt dlagrm Ss attached to Chia report and labeled ^BxniDit A^. .aa~i wn o. asarawutar Improvarnt for the entire district le found ca De of general benefit to all lots within the Oia treat and Chet aaaemment anal! he exuat for each parcel. SECTION 7. ORDER OP EP@Ii3 1. City Council approves inntltutlon of Dletrlct Dreceedinga. 2. City Counc l3 adopts Resolution of Prellainatq Approval of Clty Englear'a npdrt. 3• City Council edopte Resolution of intention to form a pistrlet and lets a public Maring date. a. City Council conduota DuDllc hearing, nenaidaro all Ceatlrny ana dsteninea to fen a Dlatrlet ar abandon proceedings. s. every Yaar In May, the City erylneer f1LS a report wltn City Council. 6. Every year Sn .une, the Clty Council condueta a public nearing and apDrcvea, or and Sfiea and apDrovea the tndlvldml aaaeaarnes. cxhl'b~f C ~~9 -~ ~ ~ peeolutlon No. 83-112 Pege Y E%HI8I1 "A" ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0.3 .c L ~. S-i/;') ~~~ j- '" u '' ~i ~ i a i j V } '~ q $ s .£ Y 5 `~= L-~ - ~ : g" w \ T T ~i '- _ :7 . ' '- e ~ -- N ~., ~ r I u z ^~ -, ~, -. Y . ~ i _ c ` ct =i i] Q E 1 ~P ~~ kx h~b;>L C `~ ~ `~ RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMM6SION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCPMONGA DENYING A REQUEST FOR A MODIFICATION OF A COIU ITION OF APPROVAL FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 88-32, LOCATED AT THE SOUTH FRN TERMINUS OF HYSSOP DRIVE, NORTH OF 4TH STREET - APN 229-331-02 A. ecitals. (i) On ~a ru ary 11, 1989, the City Planner approved, subdect Lo special conditions, Development Review 88-32, which provides for the development of one indu str tai building on 1.55 acres of land within the General Industrial District (Subarea 14) of the Inds strial Specffic Plan. (ii) On October 23, 1989, a request was filed by Nelson Development Company to modify the condition of approval requ Srirg the developer to provide surety for the removal of the existing detention basin and construction of a storm drain facility. (iii) On Novenber 29, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga coMuc ted a meeting on the application and concluded said meeting on Lhat date. (iv) Ali legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. Iaw, iiiv, EFCn E, ii i> i~ereuy fpU 110, Oeterlin OeO and re s0 lVed by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucanprga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby sDecifical ly finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and C OrreCt. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced meeting on Nove~er 29, 1989, including written and oral staff reporLe, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The requtrerent to provide surety for the removal of the existing detention basin and construction of a storm drain facility is consistent with current Planning Commission policy aM is necessary for the 0 rd2r'ly date i3'y~iEi~t of the area. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced meeting and upon the specific findings of facts set forth 1n paragraph 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: .J _ -J ~~ ! PLANNIN6 COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. DEVELOPMENT REYI EM 88-32 -NELSON NOVEMBER 29, 1989 PAGE 2 (a) That the requirenent to provide surety for the removal of the ex istfng detention basin and construction of a storm drain facility fs necessary and reasonable. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraph 1, 2 and 3 above, this Commission hereby denies the requested condition mod 'SCation. 5. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND POOPTED THIS 29TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry e a rman ATTEST: ra u er, ecretary I, Rrad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Coa~aissfon of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and `cg;,,or7;; -:~aducaJ, yd;;cu, mu uduyiXU uy ii~e iianning i.ommtsstan or the City of Rancho Cucanonga, at a regular meeting of Lhe Planning Confssion held on the 29th day of Novenber, 1989, by the fallowing vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: 'COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: t ~ d RESOLUTION N0. 89-150 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCPMONGA PLANNING COMI(SS[ON OF THE CITY OF RANLHp CUCAMONGA DENYING A REQUEST FOR q MODIFICATION OF A CONOIT(ON OF APPROVAL Fp1 OEVELO PMENT REVIEW 98-32, LOCATED qT THE SOUTHERN TERMINUS OF HYSSOP DRIVE, NORTH OF 4TH STREET - APN 229-331-02 A. Recitals. h) On da nary 11, 1984, the City Planner approved, subject to development of lone i du str~al nbuf Rd ingw on881355 acresh ofrlande5within the General In di strial Oistr ict (Subarea 14) of the industrial Specific Plan. (ii) On Oc taker 23, 1989, a request was filed by Nelson Development Company Lo modify the condition of approval requ lrirg the developer to provide surety for the removal of the existing detention basin and construction of a storm drain facility. Rancho Cucartq nga ncorducn ed a9meet8rq oo the napplicat oin sand coot ludedi sad meeting on that date. (iv) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. 9. Re sc lu tion. NOk, THER EFpi E, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Plano ira Commis inn M fH. rtw „s o..v w., n......- . . ._.._.._ __.-....,yam ,., ~„~ lo,.. 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Remlut loo are true and correct, 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced meetlrg on Noveaber 29, 1989, including wrttten and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds a;,Sollows: existing detention baste andreconstwct oniof saresytormrdrafi If ac 1111ty tis consistent with current Planning Cometssion policy and is necessary for the orderly development of the area. 3. Based upon the wbstantlal evidwrce presented to this Commission dining the above-referenced meeting and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraph 1 and 2 above, this Coewrissian hereby finds and concludes as follows: ~~ 7LANNING COMMISS '~ RESOLUTION N0. 89-150 DEYELOPMENT REYI ~.. 88-32 -NELSON NOVEMBER 29, 1989 PAGE 2 la) That the requirement to orov ide surety for the removal of the existing de Bent ion bdsin and const rvct ion of a storm drain fac ~i lity is necessary aM reasanab le. 4, Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraph 1, 2 and 3 above, this Commission hereby denies the requested condition modification. 5. Tho Secretary to this Commits ion shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED TNiS 29TH OAY of NOVEMBER, 1989. PLANNING COMAISSION OF THE CIO OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY ATTEST I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Piann ing Commis Ilan of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the fo regotrg Re so lutton was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commissfon of the City Of Ranrhn 6iramnm> at ~~In^ -"'t' y a` ~Ly wnm i>a TUn ire i0 on the 29th day of Noven~er, 1989, by the-folloNingwote-to-Nit: AYES: COMMiSSI0NER5: BLAKESLEY, CHITIEA, MCNIEL, TOLSTOY, WEINBERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: CQMISSIONERS: NONE ~~5~~ J. MODIFICATION TO DEVELOPMENT REYI EW 88-32 -NELSON - A request to modify a c ord it ion o approva requ ring wrety or the removal of the existing detention hasin and construction of a storm drain facility for a developim nt on 1.55 acres in the Cr ne ral In NStr ial District, Subarea 14 of the Industrial Specific Plan, located at the southern terminus of Hyssop Drive north of 4th Street - APN: 229-331-02. Betty Mi filer, Associate Civil Engineer, presented the staff report. Chairman MtNiel asked if the condition were removed if there would be any leverage `.o require anyone Lo remove the basin. Ms. Hiller responded there would be no way to force removal of the basin. Chairman Mc Niel invited public comment. John Nelson, Nelson Development Company, 18 North Central, Up is nd, stated he felt the cost of removing the detention basin sha ld be shared by the owners of all eight lots in Parcel Map 7349. He felt the removal of the detention basin was provided for under Sation 3 of the Erg ineer's Report for Labsc ape Maintenance District No. 3, as accepted by City Council Resolution 83-152. He also thought the that the assessments for the area could be ,lusted under Sections 4 and 7.6 of the Engineer's Report. He stated that the City's position that the removal of the detention basin Was not maintenance was discussed at the time the original application was processed, but he did not feel the issue had been resolved. Chairman Mc Niel asked if the basin is on Mr. Nelson's property. Mr. Nelson responded affirmatively. 0.arrva wamm~ Gn . evil cnn Mnn. ... w.d .~-. _~. ... "~ itj'o yviii ion ;o i.ii ai. the ~"repair, removal or replaceire nt of all or any partVof aqy inprovene nt, to include landscaping, detention basin, "applies only to maintenance, such as a catch basin being run over by a truck and damaged. He stated the intent of the Landscape Maintenance District was for maintenance, not the filling in of a detention basin. Ralph Hanson, Deputy City Attorney, stated that there were discussions with the applicant's attorney; artl the City atmrney's opinion Was that the removal refers to removal of dears, not the entire detention basin. Commissioner Ch idea stated there Wns no means to go bade acrd access the other property owners in the area a fair portion of the cost of removal of the basin. ~ai!•Imn NrNiai C}afPd \t wM1lld nM ba ilJi tV d ds When the a licant `pons' 2 2t2rmrin2 a fair portion, PP purchased the property, he bought the Diece of ground lncludfng the detention basin. He did not feel 1t would be fair to assess other property owners to fill 1n the detention hasin area, thereby improving the applicant's property +b a developable state. Planning Commission Minutes -15- Nove~er 29, 1989 ~J Mr. Nelson stated the hearing was not to talk about fairness, but abort le3alit ies of what the report states. There were no further public comments. Comm iss inner Tolstoy asked when the detention basin would berome obsolete. Barrye Nanson re sp anded the basin would become obsolete when nay Creek Channel is constructed up to that art iet. Dan Co~~man, Principal Planner stated the basin was part of the old parcel man. Chairman Mc Niel felt the purchase price of the property would have refiec ted the ena~ra noes thereon. Commissioner Bi akes',ey felt that both Section 3 and Section 4 of Lhe E rg ineer's Report referenced maintenance-type stiv it ies, aM he saw no can nec Lion with the abandonment and filling in of the detention basin. Commissioner Ch it iea agreed and rette ra ted that the head irg reflex ted it was a Maintenance District. Motion: Moved by Blakesley, sec anded by Tolstoy to adopt the Re solution de nyirg Modification to Development Review 88.32. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Bi.AK ESL EY, CHITI EA, MC NI d, 10 LSi0Y, WEINBERGER NOES: COMMISSIOM ER S: fANE n acrnr• rnewrccrnurn, c. _~~„ ,~~ « : w w x K :yr~ rn. - ore, nor cv. Tom Grahn, Assistant Planner, pr taff report. Commissioner Blakesle if there was arty deta _ proposed protect. Mr. Grahn st _..3t the p.~da;t yes st!1', ',n the is it iai pha5 'ubm it cal and has een accepted as complete. Planning Commission Minutes -16- Nover~ber 29, 1989 1 _<_~ Cam. RESOLUTION N0. ~~- ~ r l A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING AN APPEAL OF A PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION TO DENY A REQUEST TO MODIFY A CONDITION OF APPROVAL FOR- DEVELOPMENT REVIEN 88-32 REQUIRING SURETY FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE EXISTING DETENTION BASIN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A STORM DRAIN FACILITY FOR AN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ON 1,55 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED AT 7HE SOUTHERN TERMINUS OF HYSSOP DRIVE ANO NORTH OF 4TH STREET A. Recitals. (i) An application has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by John Nelson (hereinafter "applicant") for a Development Review for the development of an industrial building totaling 28,367 square feet on 1.55 acres of land on the east side of the southern terminus of Flyssop Drive, north of 4th Street, hereinafter referred to as "the application.' (ii) On January I1, 1989, the CTty Planner conditionally approved Development Review No. 88-32 requiring surety for the removal of an existing detention basin and construction of a storm drain facility. (i11) On October 23, 1989, the applicant requested a modification to this condition of approval to prorate the costs among the eight ~ rn wfl ~~ ~~t"i- L~::.A..-i iu p~ ~v i~,tu~,Y~h.G VIi Y11,r4 I,V. J• (iv) On November 29, 1989, the Planning Commission heard the modification request and concluded said hearing on that date with a Resolution of Denial No. 89-150. (v) The Planning Commission's action was timely appealed to this Council on November 30, 1989. (vi)On January .3, 1990, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a hearing on the subiect matter of the appeal and on said date concluded the public hearing. (vii) All legal prerequisites to Lhe adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOM, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the City Council afi the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Council hereby specifically finds that all the facts set forth in the Recitals, Dart "A", of this Resolution are true and correct. ~~7 RESOLUTION N0. DR 88-32 - NELSON JANUARY 3, 1990 PAGE 2 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced meeting on January 3, 1990, including written and oral staff reports, this Council hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) ?he application applies to property located at the southern terminus of Hyssop Drive with a street frontage of 1132 feet and tot depth of 1227 fees and is presently vacant; and (b) The property to the north of the sub,{ect site Ts vacant, the property to the south of that site consists of the City of Ontario, the property to the east is Day Creek Channel and the property to the west is the I-15 (Devore) Freeway; and (c) The applicant had full knowledge and disclosure of the recommended condition prior to the City Planner's approval of the application; and (d) The applicant made no attempt to timely appeal the condition following the CTty Planner's approval. 3. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced meeting and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the modification of the condition for removal of the detention basin would not be consistent with City poiicy; and iui inac cne moaitican on of the condition for removal of the detention basin would not be consistent with the ob,)ectives of the General Plan; and (c) That the condition for removal of the detention basin is not unreasonable nor inequitably aDOlied to properties within Landscape Maintenance District No. 3, 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above, this Council--hereby denies the application. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. ~~ January 3, 19~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Jerry Grant, Building Official BY: James Martin, Plan Check Coordinator ~p cox^MO,yo ~`C 9 t Y 4 ~~'.~ F II' ~ Z Ia ~_ ien ~ SUBJECT: FEE RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING HOURLY RATES FOR FULL TIME INSPECTION I. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution which sets forth houriv rates for expenses incurred by the City for full time inspection required under Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code Section is nn inc ate. ve ~,,,ron oo;~~~ .t:o„~ II. BACKGROUND: The Building and Safety Division has ezperienc ed several instances of inferior workmanship in residential developments which routinely require excessive re inspec tions in order to esta 6l ish code compliance. These instances result in a disproportionate expenditure of staff Lime yet do not guarantee that hidden code violations will not exist after completion. Providing full-time inspection will tend to reduce the potential for defects to be concealed by'subsequent work. This resolution esta bli5hes fees, on an hourly basis, which will compensate the City for all expenses incurred while providing full time inspection under Section 15.08.135 a ed o~ Uryer~ty Ord inar~ce ,, ., . The rates listed on Table 1 of the Resolution, ir.c orpora to all direct and indirect costs to the City, including salary, fringe benefits, building occupancy charges, operating expenses, departmental overhead, general overhead, fixed asset charges and a cost of living adjustment factor. These figures were then rounded to the next ~ 5.00 increment. Staff Report: Fee Resolution Establishing Hourly Rates For Full Time Inspection January 3, 1989 Page 2 III. CONCLUSION: On residential developments which have demonstrated a repeated inability or unwillingness to rectify code violations in a expeditious fashion, it may become necessary to invoke the provisions of Section 15.08.135 and require full time inspection. This esolution establishes hourly rates under which the City may recoup costs for providing such inspections either by regular full time employees or through contractual inspection personnel. Respectfully Submitted, ~2/~~ Jerr~. Brant Building Official JN:JRG:11 rJ ~ ~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM November 28, 1989 TO: Debra Adams, City Clerk "~.rr~~~V FROM: Jerry Grant, Building Official BY: Jim Martin, Plan Check Coordinator SUBJECT: JUSTIFICATION FOR FEE. INCREASE PER ATTACHED RESOLUTION I. PREFACE: Government Code Section 54992 requires that not less than 10 days prior to the adoption o[ fees, the local agency shall make available [o the public, data which indicates the amount of cost, or estimated cost, required to provide the service Cor which the Pee or service charge is levied. Pursuant to this requirement, tae Collowing justification of Cee increase for the fees established by the attached Fee Resolution is hereby provided and it is requested that this information Ae made available [or the general public not ie ter titan December 6, i989. [1. BACKGROUND: The attached Fee Resolution establishes hourly (ee¢. by nnCitinn fn ho nhu od wh nn it hen..m..e ___ to apply the provisions of City cf Reneho Cucamon ge^^ Municipal Code Section 15.08.135 for full-time inspection. The fees established were celcula fed based upon the methodology established within the report 'COST CONTROL SYSTEM fur the CITY OF R.4NC}}O CUCAMONGA' as prepared by Management Services Institute (M. S.I.) in August, 1987. Attention was also given to the requirements of AB 1600, which requires that fees equate to the service provided. III. ANALYSIS: The hourly rates determined include all direct and indirect costs incurred by the City Building end Safety Division when providing full-time inspection. These costs include wages, benefits, physical plant costs (building .:pa cy char;, cs), op Brat nK expans-- Kenerai and departmental overhead, and'Piz ed asset charges. (Costs for contractual inspection include proportionate shares of the indirect costs, however wages and fringe benefits are substituted by the hourly rate charged to the City by the Cirm providing inspection personnel.) The individual hourly rate calculated was then rounded to the next X5,00 increment in order to facilitate accurate accounting calculations. Sta CI Report: Subject: Justification For Pee Increase Per Resolution November 28, 1989 Page 2 IV. CONCLUSION: The figures provided were based upon wage end benefit costs as of the start of fiscal year 1990/1991. The basic hourly rates were derived from those figures set [or th in the current Salary end Fringe Benefit Resolution 89-295. Cost estimates Cor fringe benefits (35%), general e d departmental overhead (18% end 19% respectively) were ..asad upon the best aveiiab ie iu forum lion within ti:e ivi. S. I. report. All indirect costs, with the exception of operating expenses end fixed asset charges, were calculated proportionate to the level of responsibility within the Building and Safety Division. These figures appear in the attached Tan le. Operating ezp enses and the tix ed asset charges, §6.14/hr. and §0.68/hr. re sp active ly, were equally distributed to ell positions. In conclusion, the methodology employed in determining the hourly rates to be charged was based upon the best available information and meets the requirements of state law. Re sp ec t[ully Submitted. ,~~ ~i~' err tt. nrran[ Bui ing Official JG: JYI: 11 cc: 11e yor City Council p n n tl H 0.~yp OagW^ ~y" ~~~ V/(y^ ~I^ 5u a 3~ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 O m OO n m Y( m Ifl ul VI m OO m C w OO m OO d OO d Ifl {O N N N N N M N N w w N N ~~~ n Oi p n d CI N < O N <U (~ y OI Oi y m OI N O ID W O O~ m O IF m O N ~~ n N m N [0 N N N m N IM1 N d N d N O N l7 N N N CI N ~ 0 P 0 ~ q ~O { ~ m m ~ m m m m n ~ m N ~ ('1 N t'1 N f7 N N N N N lV N N N N N N N w N N ~ . g~ m 8 R ~ m 5I Yi Yi 8 R m ~ n `~ ~ v'~ °u{ $ a a ~ m ~ $ N N N N N N N N N N N N O ~a y m n O y f0 t~ W ~ N N N {~ (~ ~ n tC N h N 41 N V N Y N V N V N Y N t7 N 1n N th N N N ~0 O r i b I p 0 INS, Y 0 m N t7 O y < ,~ A ~O i /~ y~ O N m N r N n M h M ro N W N m H N M YI N d N ae' ~° ~~ y~/~f N ((pp O ~ ((y~ C N p Cl ~ ~ p 0] {~ N m C'1 A `Ie M d d N N m {O m N fV N N N N N N N w N N N N O O ~ N Y ~ N ~ n ~ N t ~ rn O O d ~ e~r N m N m w is N n w K w w ~u w w w vi w d w v N p ~ u~ °r rn o oi m m ~i N .4i 8i t ~ IO N N N N , N m m , ~ ~ m ~ N N N N N N N N M N N N n ® 61 i ? n ~ ~I ~tj y~ M1 ~ l I 'D~1 L~ ~ i F Z U ~ N qj ~ L ~ ~ ~ y 9 y g ~ 9 u to ~~3 RESOLUTION N0. ~Op~Q A RESOLUTION OF THE C[TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON6A, CALIFOFNIA, ESTABLISHING HOURLY RATES FOR FULL TIME INSPECTION PROYIDEO UNDER RANCHO CULAXON6A MUNICIPAL CODE FOR REPEATED REINSPECTIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has experienced the construction of residential housing projects with an increasing amount of inferior workmanship and hidden building defects, and WHEREAS, the frequency of the poor wo rkmanshio and hidden defects are not uniformly distributed throughout the residential projects being constructed within the City of Rancho Cucamonga, but rather are concentrated in particular projects where requests for inspections, reinspections and re pea±ed reinspec Lions are numerous but do not prevent the later discovery of code violations and inferior Workmanship, and WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga experiences significant expenses which 5u bstantially exceed the amnnnf of income genera tea from Duilding permit fees normally collected on permits for certain projects which require excessive inspections and reinspections, and WHEREAS, secondary expenses are incurred by the City of Rancho Cucamonga when supplementary staff or administrative time is required to monitor and document activity on certain projects which require excessive inspections and reinspections, and WHEREAS, -f he frequency of the occurrences specified above results in a manpower shortage within the Building and Safety Division of the City of Rancho Cucamonga due to the demand put on the Division by certain projects which require excessive inspec lions and reinspections, and WHCREAJ, the above occurrences constitute a continuf ng and immediate threat to the health and safety of Lhe public, NON, THEREFORE BE iT RESOLYEO, by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, as follows: ~/ I Resolution No. Page 2 Pursuant to the Building Regulations of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code a cash deposit, in an amount approved by the Building Official, shall be posted by the bu i', der to be drawn upon to cover the costs of providing inspection and re inspec tion services on a full time basis, for repeated reinspections. Accordingly, the following Table 1 shall be utilized in r.alr,ulat;ng the _:^.ou r. is to be deducted from the ~a~h deposit under those provisions. TABLE 1 Position Hourlv Rate Building Official Deputy Building Official Plan Check Coordinator Building Inspection Supervisor Senior Pian Checker Counter Plan Checker Plan Checker Inspector Specialists Inspector Public Service lechn ician Senior Office Assistant Office Assistant Contract Inspr_c tion Service $ 80.00 $ ~o.oo $ 65.00 $ 55.00 $ 55.00 $ 55.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 E ao.oD $ 40.OU $ 35.00 $ 20,00 + hourly aYn rFa nA 1~4. h January 3, 19~ CITY OF RANCHO CtiCAMONGA STAFF REPORT T0: Mayor, City Council, City Manager FROM: Jerry Grant, Building Official ~U~MO'~Gs 9 3 C T Ji .~j } lp F'. ~ ,Z __~D - ~4;t I SUBJECT: ADJUSTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION PERMIT ANO PLAN CHECK FEES RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the accompanying Resolution adjusting the fees for permits and plan checking that are administered by the Building and Safety Division. BACKGROUND: Fee schedules for oermits and plan checking in the building and Safety Division have not been adjusted since their original adoption in 1919, Since building permit and plan check fees are based upon huilding construction valuations which have risen, the ac tuai costs to the neveloper for those particular services have increased. However, plumbing, mechanical, electrical and grading permits and their related plan check costs, being based upon units of service, have not changed at all in the past decade. Under State law, and consistent with the Gann Initiative of 1979, fees for services are required to reflect the cost of providing those services. State statutes also require that "data indicating the amwtnt of cost, or estimated cost required to provide the service for which the fee or service charge is levied and the revenue sources anticipated to provide the service" must be filed with the City Clerk not less than 10 days prior to increasing fees. The purpose of this report is to provide, for the public, Lhat justifying data. A memorandum incor ooratina the ~~fc. .adti oii in iii ii re purl and the accompanying Baia were hied with the Clerks office on December 22, which complies wfth state notification requirements. ANALYSIS: In developing Lhe data necessary to justify these increases, we have used the following in making our computations, Staff Report: adjustment of Building and Szfety Division Permit and Plan Check Fees Januery 3, 1989 Page 2 First, using the tentative 1990-91 Program of Services, (Budget), full time salaries, fringe benefit and overtime for the Division (except for the Building Official) were calculated based upon originally requested positions. To that were added anticipa±ed costs of operating expenses and proportionate charges for occupan-y and maintenance of the new civic center. Then a Departmental overhead of t9Y was added, wnicti includes salary a,^,d fringe benefits for the Building Official, and a proportionate part of the Community Development operational costs. Next a general overhead of IDR was incorporated to cover General Cve rhead provided by administrative support departments. Then, charges for amortization of equipment utilized by the Division, and finally, allocations to the Engineering and Planning Divisions for their direct involvement in the construction plan check and inspection were included, aggregating the totals shown on the accompanying computations. We have reviewed this methodology with David Griffith and Rssociates (consultant conducting the current fee study) and they have indicated that Lhey will be following a similar process which may necessitate some adjustment to individual schedules at the conclusion of their study, but, in general, should be equitable. In light of the several months necessary to complete their study, it is staff recommendation that implementation of YFn fne[ [Fn~.IA n• An Anl~ nA L.. ,. in preparation for the 1990-91 fiscal Vy ear LVV ~ ..c ~~~~,. ~,. .c„ ~~~~ In arriving at the estimates of fee increases used in the comparison, the proportionate part of the actual revenues generated 6y the various permit/plan check categories, the distribution of types of construction experienced in calendar year 1988, the anticipated revenues for F.Y. 1969-90, and fee schedules outlined in the 1988 Uniform Administrative Code (except those for Building Permit, Building Plan Check and Grading Plan Checking fees) have been us ed.* * Dr;dln'v ~i - ~ Ck fees reiiia in un r. iinunr•d in iha inm_ar quantities of work however, the schedule has been expanded to provide appropriate fees for large quantity projects. Building Permit and Building Plan Check fees have been modified Lo remain similar to current fee structure, but increased at lower valuations to more nearly cover costs of providing inspections for small projects. ~~~~ Staff Report: Adjustment of Building and Safety Division Permit and Plan Check Fees January 3, 1989 Page 3 Employing the above data, in staff's view, is reasonable as a base for calculation of proposed fee increases, since construction is predicted to remain relatively steady in the Riverside/San Bernardino area throughout the next several years. Exact revenues are impossible Lo predict because the nature, sizes and types of construction that take place determine exact fzes. - above re fer_nceJ Ja i.a provides a good estimate based on logicalc rea Boning, accepted accounting practices and the most factual information available. Assuming thzt development remains reasonably parallel with that experienced in 1988, and thus far in 1989, the increases proposed should generate approximately 5803,000 in additional fees annually. This amount will provide adequate funding for additional personnel proposed for the 1990-91 tentative budget and restore the balance of staff to development demands. It will also provide a minimal reserve fund of approximately 8.8% in the event of a downturn in the development economy. The proposed schedule will affect various fees differently; some will increase more than others, (electrical permit fees will more than double); others remain substantially unchanged (most grading plan check fees). Overall, it is estimated that Lhe new fees will result in approximately a 28% increase in total revenue generated by permits and plan checking processed through the Building and Safety Division. In light of the length of time since uiese rees nave peen moni n ee, and ine potential to balance service with demand through the hiring of additional personnel, staff believes this to be a moderate increase. SUMMARY: Adoption of the accompanying Fee Resolution amending fees for various permit and plan checking services provided by the Building and Safety division will provide funding to cover the costs of increasing personnel levels in the Building and Safety Oivisi on to those originally pro pcsed for the 1990-91 tentative budget sitached, and commensurate with development demands. The Resolution has been prepared to became effective concurrently with the Ordinance adopting new Building Regulations. Any minor adjustments made necessary as a result of conclusions reached in riia, icc a~VUr uu~icV ~iJ uV~cl I,ay bill VC Ill ,luc al. U IalCl UatC. R e s p e c t f u l l y S~u`b mn~i'.t'~t//eJ-d , J e r R~ n/ `jt Building Official JRG:11 ~/ SUMMARY OF FEE INCREASES P.ESULTiNG FROM ADOPTION OF PROPOSED SCHEDULES Building Permit/Plan Check Fees b 485,056 Electrical Permit Fees 150,836 Plumhi r,g Permit Fees 125,348 Mechanical Permit Fees 34,345 Grading Permit Fees 7 612 Total Anticipated Incr. 803,1 7 Total Estimated Building and Safety Division Costs - FY 90-91 53,316,711 Anticipated 89-90 Revenues I' 52,794,776 Difference (S 521,935) Total Anticipated Fee Increases S 803,197 Anticipated Contingency (8.5%) f 281,262 (Difference Between Increased Fees and Projected Costs for F.Y. 1990-91) `~ ~ 1 DERIVATION OF FEE INCREASE ESTIMATES 1988 Building Construction Activitv 2• Use Ca tegorv Provortign of Total Valuation Single Family Dwellings ~ 59X Multifamily Dwellings 13X Commercial a Assembly 8uildfngs B.SX Indust ~ial Buildings 9X All Others 11.SX Total Buildin Permit Plan Check Revenues Calendar Year 1988 - 2,739,768 Estimated Percentage of Building Permit/Plan Check 3 Fee lnc reases for Various Categories of Uses Use Category Estimated Percent Increase Single Family Dwelling 21% Multifamily Dwellings q% Commercial/Assembly Buildings 5X Industrial Buildings 3% All Others 30% Estimated Dollar Increase in Buil ding Permit/Plan Cnec king Fees 3. Bldg. Catego~ 1988 Revenue Activitv Rate Incr. Est. Incr. S.F. Cwelling 52,739,768 x .59 z .21 1339,457 M.F. Dwelling " x .13 x .09 ~ 32,055 Comm./Assbly. x .085 x .OS • 11,644 Industrial x .09 x .03 7 397 Others " x .115 x ,30 ~ , 94.521 Tot al 1485,056 ESTIMATED PERLENTAG~OF INCREASE FOR SUPPLEMENTARY PERMITS Estimated Percentage of Increase for SuoPlementarv Permits Electrical Permits 112% Plumbing Permits 62% Mecha•"•• "1 Permits `i% ~ Grading Permits 40% Totai Electrical Permit fees for 1988 - 1134 675 Anticipated increase 112% - 1134,675 z 1.12 1150,836 .~7c7 Total Plumbing Permit fees for 1988 - E202,174 Anticipated increase 62% - (202,174 x .62 = E12S,348 Total Mechanical Permit fees for 1988 - E67,345 Anticipated increase 61% - E67,346 x .61 - E 34,345 Total "rading permit fees for 1988 - E19,030 Anticipated increase 40% - 519,030 x .40 = S 7.612 NOTES: 1. Information provided by Administrative Services Dept. linear Trend Regression Method and 1989-90 Program of Services. 2. City of Rancho Cucamonga, Building and Safety Building Activity Report for 1988, 3. 9a sed upon Building and Safety calcualtions for typical permits comparing current fees and new fees. X71 COMPUTATIONS OF TOTAL OPERATING COSTS OF THE BUILDING 8 SAFETY DIVISION ESTIMATED COSTS 1969-90 1990-91 Personal $erV1Ce5 Pay Roll 51,123,444 51,311,528 Overtime ~,OOD 3,000 Employee Benefits 361,295 451,478 Services b $uDDlies Building Occupancy Charge 193,341 201,074 Operating Expenses 395.336 413.060 Sub Totals 2,075,416 2,380,140 Overhead Departmental (19%) 394,329 452,227 General (10%) 207,541 238,014 Fixed Asset Charges 43.278 51,956 Total (2,675,564 =3,122,337 Allocations to Other Agencies Engineering Div.(GradingPl.Chk.) 5 4,021 5 4,222 Planning (Construction P1. Chk.) 180.906 189,952 Total =2,860,491 :3,316,711 ~ 7~ RESOLUTION N0. 7q~ / ~+ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO LUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION N0. 19-1, SECTION 1.0 AMENDING FEES FOR PERMITS AND SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION A. Recitals (i) Section 54992 of the Government Code requires that prior to levying a new fee or increasing and existing fee or service charge, local agencies shall hold a public meeting at which oral or written presentations can be made; and, (ii) Notice of the time and place of the meeting is to be mailed 14 days prior to the meeting to interested parties having previously filed a written request for such notice; and, (iii) Ten days prior to the meeting, data indicating the amount of cost or estimated cost required to provide service for which the fee or service charge is Lo be levied, shall be made available to the public; and, (iv) No valid request for mailed notice is on file with the City: and, (v) Copies of the required date was Wade available in the City Clerks office to the pu 6lic on December 20, 1989; and, (vi) All legal prerequisites to ado pLion of this Resolution have occurred. B, Re5oluti on NON, THEREFORE, be it resolved as follows: Section 1,0 of Resolution 79-1 of the vity Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga is amended to read as follows: l.0 Buildfn Permit Fee A fee for each building permit or service shall be paid to the ui din9 Official as set forth in the following schedule of Fees: Total Vaiudtion OF Ynrk F2e5 f1.00 to f100tl.00 (25.00 51001.00 to 12,000,00 (25.00 far the first (1,000,00 plus (2.00 for each additional (100.00 or fraction thereof, to and including (2,000.00. ~~ ~3 Resolution No. Page 2 52,001.00 to 525,000.00 S25,ool.ao to Sso,ooo.oo 550,001.00 to 5100,000.00 5100,001.00 to 5500,000.00 1.1 Plan Review Fees: $45.00 far the first 52,000 plus E7.50 for each additional 51,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including 525,000.00 5217.50 for the first E25,000.00 plus 55.50 for each additi onat 51,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including 550,000.00 5355.50 for the first 550,000.00 plus 54.00 for each additional 51,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including E100,000.00 5555.00 for the first 5100,000.00 plus 52.50 for Bath addiLS onal 51,000.00 or fraction thereof (a) When the valuation of proposed construction exceeds one thousand dollars, and a plan is required to be su dni tted, a plan review fee shalt be paid to the Building Official at the time of submittal of plans. (b) Plan review fees for buildings and structures shall be equal to seventy-five percent (75f) of the building permit fees set forth in Section 1.011E'Petn. (c) Plan review fees for electrical, mechanical aM plumbing work shall be equal to 25% of the total permit fee as set forth under the pertinent Section 1.7, 1.6 and 1.9 herein. (d) Plan review fees for grading shall be a5 set forth in the following schedule: puantity of Cut and Fill Fee 50 - 100 yards 5 50.00 101 - 500 yards / 100.00 500 - 1,000 yards ~ 7u[ 200.00 Resolution No. Page 3 1,001 - 2,000 yards 250,00 2,001 - 3,000 yards 300,00 3,001 - 4,000 yards ~ 350,00 4,001 - 5,000 yards 400,00 F,n01 - IO,OnO yards 500."uG 10,001 - 50,000 yards 600,00 50,001 - 100,000 yards 100.00 100,001 - And Up 900.00 The sum of cut and fill yarda ges shall be used in computing grading permit and plan checking fees. (e) Additional Plan Checking made necessary to changes in pia ns. or incomplete plan submission, 555.00 per hour for the estimated time of checking revisions. 1.2 Compliance InspectionslReinsoections: Inspections to determine compliance of existing construction witfi applicable codes when not included in an active, valid building permit ., - =" '"'""= •-"- gad- ~_'_ -;,~ vue Lu nark noc being reaay at tt me specified, or work not ~ corrected after prior written correction notice ................................................... ........ 530.00 1.3 Chance of Occuoanc v: Change of Occupancy Inspection ................................... (50.00 1.4 Relocated Buildings: Fees for inspection of a structure to be relocated into or within the City, 5ha 11 be 5100.00 when located within 25 miles of Lity offices, plus 52.00 per mile, round trip, when located more than 25 mites from City offices. i,5 an anal of anaroTe^ NO" C21 An appeal of a notice to abate a substandard or dangerous building .........................................................100.00 ~~5 Resolution No. Page 4 1.6 Inspection For Temporarv Utility Connection or Temporary Occupant Inspection .......................... ... .. .. .. .................... 530.00 1.7 Inspections outside of normal business hours ~~i nimum charge four hours) ... .. ...................... E50. 00 per hour 1.8 Inspections for which no permit fee is specifically indicated (minimum charge-one-half hour) ........................ 550.00 per hour 1.9 'clec trical Permit Fees (a) Permit Issuance: For issuing each permit ................. ......... ... ........ 515.00 For issuing each supplemental permit ......................... 4.50 (b) System Fee Schedule (Note: The following are in additon to permit-issuing fee.) New Residential Buildings: The following fees shall include all wiring and electrical equipment in ar on each building, or other electrical equipment on the same premises constructed at the same time. For new residentf al buildings units not including the area of garages, carports and other noncommercial automobile storage areas constructed at the same time, per square foot .............. .......... ........ .. ......... .035 For new gara~ea, carports and other minor accessory buildings constructed in tonJunc Clan with a new residentf al building per square foot ............... .............................. .02 For other Cypes of residential occupancies and alte ra tigns, additions and modifi cat!ons to ozistinq residential buildings, use the UNIT FEE SCNEOULE. `/ 7~ Resolution No. Page 5 Private Swi mminy Pools, Spas: For new private, residential, permanently installed spas, hot tubs or, swimming pools for single-family and multifamily occupancies including a complete system of necessary branch circuit wiring, bonding, grounding, underwater lighting, water pumping and other similar electrical equipment directly related to the operation of a swims ing pool, each........ 3u.'"uu For other types of swi mmfng pools, spas and al tera lions to existing swimming pools, use the UNIT FEE SCHEDULE. Carnivals and Circuses: Carnivals, circuses, or other traveling shows or exhibitions utilizing transportable-type rides, botYiildisplays and attractions. ~__ For electric generators and electrically driven rides. each ..................... ........................ 15.00 For mechanically driven rides and walk-through attractions or displays having electric lighting, each .............. ..... ......................... 4.50 Fora system of area and booth lighting, each ................ 4.50 r_ '~.• ~..'. 1l iii V1.11if 1]~1lOy] OIIU attractions, use ~the~UNIT~FEE CSC NEDULE. Services: For services of 600 volts ar less and not over 200 amperes in rating, each .................................. 18.50 For servi^.es~f 600 volts or less and over 200 amperes to 1000 amperes in rating, each .......................... 37.50 For services over 600 volts or over 1000 in rating, each .... 75.00 Temporary Power Service: Fora temporary service power pole or pedestal including all Dole or pedestal-mounted receptacle outlets and appurtenances, each .......................... 15.00 ~~~ Resolution No. Pa qe 6 For a temporary distribution system and temporary lighting and receptacle outlets for construction sites, decorative light, Christmas tree sales lots, firework stands, etc., each .......... .............................. 7.50 (c) UNIT FEE SCHEDULE (Note: The following are in addition to permit issuing fee.) Receptacle, Switch and Lighting Outlets: For receptacle, switch, lighting or other outlets at which current is used or controlled, except services, feeders and meters. First 20, each ......... ........... . .75 Additional outlets, each ............................... .45 Nate: For mul tioutlet assemblies, each 5 feet or fraction thereof may be considered as one outlet. Lighting Fixtures: For lighting fixtures, sockets or other lamp-holding devices First 20, each ........................:.............. . .75 Additional fixtures, each ............................ . .45 For pole or platform-mounted ifgh Ling fixtures, each ........................................ . . .75 for theatrical-type lighting fixtures or assemblies, each ....................................... . .75 Residential Rppliances: For fixed residential appliances or receptacle outlets for same, including wall-mounted electric ovens; counter-mounted cooking tops; electric ranges, self-contained room, console, or through-wall air conditioners; space heaters; food waste grinders; ' dishwashers; washing machines; water heaters; clothes dryers; or other motor-operated appliances not exceeding one horsepower (HP) in rating, each ............................. ............ ........ 3.00 Note: For other types of air conditioners and other motor-driven appliances having larger electrical ratings, see Power Apparatus. ~~7~ Resolution No. Page 7 Nonresidential Appliances: for residential appliances and self-contained factory- wired, nonresidential appliances not exceeding one horsepower (HP), kilowatt (KW), or kilivolt- ampere (KVA), in rating incluAing medical and dental devices; food, beverage, and ice cream cabinets; illuminated show cases; drinking foan to ins; vending machines; laundry machf nes; or other similar types of equipment, each ......... ........ 3,00 Note: For other types of air conditioners and other motor-driven appliances having larger electrical ra LingS, see Power Apparatus. Power Apparatus: For motors, generators, transformers, rectifiers, synchronous converters, capacitors, industrial heating, air conditioners and heat pumps, cooking or baking equipment and other apparatus, as follows: Rating in horsepower (HP), kilowatts (KM ), kilovolt-amperes (KVA), or kilovol t-ampe res- reactive (KYAR): Up to and including 1, each ............................ 3.00 Over 1 and not over 10, each .. ......................... 7.50 Over 10 and not over 50, each ......... ................ 15.00 Over 50 and oat over 100, each ........................ 30,00 Over 100, each ......... ............................... 45.00 Nate: 1. For equipment or appliances having more than one motor, transformer, heater, etc., the sum of the combined ratings may be used. 2. These fees include all sWitahes, rtrr,~ft broakers, ~Untac tars, Thermostats, relays and other directly related control equipment. ~~ Resolution No. Page 8 ilu sWayS: For trolley and plug-in-type bu sways, each 100 feet or fraction thereof .............. ........ .. .. ............. 4.50 Note: An additional fee will be required for lighting fixtures, motors and other appliances roar are connected to trolley and plug-in-type busways. No fee is required far portable tools. Signs, Outline Lighting and Marquees: For signs, outline tigh ring systems or marquees supplied from one branch circuit, each .... ............ 15.00 For additional branch circuits within the same sign, outline lighting system or marquee, each ............... 3.00 Miscellaneous Apparatus, Conduits and Conductors: Far electrical apparatus, conduits and conductors for which a Dermit is required but for which no fee is iie rein set rorin ...................................... 11.00 Note; This fee is not aDDlica ble when a fee is paid for one or more services, outlets, fixtures, appliances, Dower apparatus, 6u sways, signs or other equipment. ~~~ Resolution No. Page 9 1,10 Plumbipg Permits (a) Permit Issuance For the issuance of each permit ........... ............. 515.00 For issuing each supplemental permit ...... ........... .... 4.50 (b) Lnit Fze Schedule (in addition to issuance fee above) For each plumbing fixture or trap or set of fixtures on one trap (inc lvding water, drainage piping, acid bac kflow protection therefor) ..................... ........................... 6.00 For each building sewer and each trailer park sewer .. ... 15,00 Rainwater systems--per drain (inside building) ........... 6.00 For each cesspool (where permitted) .......... ........... 22.50 For each private sewage disposal system ................. 45,00 For each water heater and/or vent ........................ 1,50 Far each indu str tal waste pretreatment interceptor including its trap and vent, excepting kitchen-type grease interceptors func tl ~~ing as fixture traps .... .. .. 12.00 cur ins caiian on, alteration, or repair of water piping and/or water-treating equipment, each ............. 3,00 For repair or alteration of drainage ar vent piping, each fi ztu re ............................................. 3.00 For each lawn sprinkler system on any one meter, including backflow protection devices therefor ........... 9.00 For atmospheric-type vacuum breakers not included in lawn sprinkler system: 1 to 5 ...................... ............................. 7.50 over 5, each ............................................. 1.50 For each backfiow protective device other than atmospheric-type vacuum breakers: 2 inches and smaller ..................................... 7.50 ~~ l Resolution No. Page 10 over 2 inches ................. .......................... 15.00 For each gas piping System of one to four ou ttets ........ 3.00 For each gas piping system of five or more outlets, per outlet .................... ............................ .75 Swi mni ng Pool or spa piping including water heater....... 10.00 (not irclud ing gas piping) 1.11 Mechanical Permits A fee for each mechanical permit shall be paid to the Building Official as set forth in the following schedule of Fees: (a) Permit Issuance For the issuance of each permit .... ..................... 15,00 For issuing each supplemental permit ..................... 4.50 (b) Unit Fee Schedule (In addition to issuance fees above) For the installation or relocation of each forced-air or gravity-type furnace or tw rner, including ducts and vents attached to such appliance, up to and including 100,000 Btu/h ....................... ....... .. .................... 9.00 ~vr iirc ins calla lion or relocation of each forced-air or gravity-type furnace or burner, including ducts and vents attached to such appliance aver 100,000 Btu/h ........... 11.00 For the installation or relocation of each floor furnace, including vent ........................................... 9.00 For the installation or relocation of each suspended heater, recessed wall heater or floor-mounted unit heater ........ 9,00 For the installation, relocation ar replacement of each appliance vent installed and not included in an appliance permit ................................................... 4.50 For the repair of, alxeratten of, or addition to each healing appliance, refrigeration unity cooling unit, absorption unit, or each heating, cooling, absorption, or evaporative cooling system, including Installation of controls regulated by this code ....................... 9,00 ~~~ Resolution No. Page 11 Far the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor to and including three horsepower, or each absorption system to and including 100,000 Btu/h ......... 9.00 For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over three horsepower to and including 15 horsepower, or each absorption system over 100,000 Btu/h and including 500,000 Btu/h .. .... ........ ....... ........ 16,50 Far the lnstallati on or rloca Lion of each boiler or compressor over 15 horsepower to and !ncluding 30 horsepower, or each absorption system aver 500,000 Btu/h to and including 1,000,000 Btu/h ......... ............... 22.50 For installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over 30 horsepower to and including 50 horsepower, or for each abserption system over 1,000,000 Btu/h to and including 1,750,000 Btu/h ........ 33.50 For the installation or relocation of each boiler or re fr lgera Lion compressor over 50 horsepower, or each absorption system aver 1,750,900 Btu/h .................. 56,00 For each air-handling unit to ar~d including 10,000 cubic feet per minute, including ducts attached thereto .......................... ........................ 6.50 Note: This fee shall not apply to an air-handling unit which is an integral portion of a factory assembled appliance, --l ;c; ;. .apm ,lire wuier ur absorption unit for which a permit is required elsewhere 1n Lhis code. For each air-handling unit over 10,000 c6n .............. 11.00 For each evaporative cooler other than portable type ..... 6,50 For each ventilation fan eonnec Led t0 a single duct ...... 4.50 For each +t~otilatton system which is not a portion of any heating or air-conditioning system authorized by a permit .............................................. 6.50 For the installation of each hood which is served by mechanical exhaust, including the ducts for such hood .... 6,50 For the installation or relocation of each domestic- type incinerator ........................................ 11.OD c~~ 7 Resolution Na. Page 12 For the installation or relocation of each commerc tal industrial-type incinerator ............ ................. 45.00 For each appliance or piece of eGui pment regulated by this code Gut nat classed in other appliance categories, or for which no other fee is listed in this code ......... 6.50 1.12 ?rading Permit Fees A fee for each grading permit shall be paid to the Building Official as set forth in the following Schedule of Fees: Quantity of Cut and Fi11 Fee 50 cubic yards or less ............. .. .. .......... .. ... ...... ... E15.00 51 to 100 cubic Yards .............. ................ ......... .... 22.50 101 to 1000 cubic yards -- E22.50 for the first 100 cubic yards plus E16.50 for each additional 100 cubic yards or fraction thereof. 1001 to 10,000 cubic yards -- E111.00 for the first 1,000 cubic yards, plus E9.00 for each additional 1,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. 10,001 to 100,00 cubic yards -- E198.00 for the first 10,000 cubic yards, plus E40.50 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. 100,001 cubir va rAc ;; `.~ wQ ivr the n rst lUU,000 cubic yards, plus E22.50 for~each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. ~~~~ Resolution No. Page 13 C, Effective Date This Resolution sha!1 ~ become effective concurrent with Ordinance amending City Building Regulations. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this day of 1990 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Dennis L. Stout, Mayor ATTEST: Debra Adams, City Clerk ~~~ - --- - CITY OF RANCHO CCCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~ ,~- GATE: January 3, 1990 ~ T0: City Council and City Manager i '~ FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Paul A. Rougeau, Traffic Engineer ~~I SUBJECT: Recommendation to establish speed limits on Fairmont Way, Vintage Drive, Seventh Street and Victoria Park Lane. I RECDMIENDATION: It is recommended that Section 10.20.020 of the Municipal Code be amended to provide for speed limits of 35 MPN on Fairmont Nay from Highland Avenue to Victoria Park Lane; 35 MPH on Vintage Drive from Milliken Avenue to east end; 45 MPH on Seventh Street from Nellman Avenue to Archibald Avenue; and 35 MPH on Yictoria Park Lane from Fairmont Nay to Day Creek Boulevard. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Continuing surveillance of streets in the Cfty has resulted in conducting traffic and engineering surveys for the purpose of establishing speed _ ..~i~_ ~.... tr ~.~ 99950 9995a nA 6nnn1_anHOF of tha California~Vehicle Code. The Vehicle Code allows cities to set speed limits at other than 25 MPH or 55 MPH in accordance with such surveys in order to more precisely establish the "reasonable and prudent" speed required under basic State speed law. This speed then becomes the basis for enforcement, eliminating the extreme discretion which otherwise could occur. Such a survey, less than 5 years old, is also required where radar is used for enforcement. Surveys as requtred,,,~bove have been conducted on listed streets. The surveys involved the determination of the prevailing speed of existing traffic by the use of radar, an analysis of the recent accident history and a search for any conditions not apparent to drivers which would require a reduced speed, The results of these surveys are summarized in the attached table. After review of these results, it was found that Lhe safety record of Fairmont Nay, Vintage Drive, Seventh Street and Yictorla Park Lane are well within expected levels and there are no unusual conditions not apparent to drivers. Thus, the observed prevailing speeds must be the predominant conslderat'.on in determining the speed limit. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT FA IRMONT/VINTAGE/1TH STREET AND VICTORIA PARK LN. JANUARY 3, 1990 PAGE 2 On Fairmont Nay the pace speed (the IOMPH band with the greatest number of vehicles) ranged from 30 to 40 MPH, a critical speed of 37 to 38 MPN, with a number of residential intersecting streets with a school and park site ad,lacent to it and a higher than expected accident rate. It is recommended a 35 MPH limit be established for this section. On Vintage Orive the pace speed ranged from 32 to 42 MPH, a critical speed of 40 MPH, with a number of residential intersecting streets, with a school site ad,~acent to it and a lower than expected accident rate. It is recommended a 35 MPH limit be esta blTshed for this Section. On Seventh Street, the pace speed ranged fran 36 to 46 MPH, a critical speed of 46 MPH, with two residential intersecting streets and light industrial adJacent to it, and a tower than expected accident rate. It is recommended a 45 MPH limit be established for this Section, On Victoria Park lane the pace speed ranged from 29 to 39 MPH, a critical speed of 36 to 39 MPH, with a nun~er of residential intersecting streets, with a lower than expected accident rate. It is recomeended a 35 MPH limit be established for this Section. CONCLUSION: A speed limit should be established that would be considered reasonable by most of the drivers on the street and still orovi de for effecN ve enforcement. A speed limit such as this is set at, in most cases, the first 5 MPH increment below the speed at which 85 percent of ,the drivers are going. If accident rates are higher than expected, a further 5 MPH reduction from the 85 percent level acconyanied with a higher level of enforcement should reduce the accident rate to within expected levels. The proposed speed limits are expected to be exceeded by 17 to 66% of the drivers observed, however the limits should provide an effective tool for law enforcement due to the circumstances under which they will be 1n force. r Respe submitted, /~ v ~ i ~-. ~ RHm~il~AR:1y cc: Clyde Bayd, Chairman, Public Safety Commission Attachment d~ 2 -~ W W Z t V 0 LL O :P 2 0 J d v`J X89 ;, ., s~~ ., a ~~ c~ ~~~ s = - ~ ~ Wes: a ~~~- _~ - ORDINANCE ND. ~ 1~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 10,20,020 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY CODE, REGARDING PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS UPON CERTAIN CITY STREETS A. R°_Clta15 (i) California Vehicle Code Section 22357 provides that this City Council may, by ordinance, set prima facie speed limits upon any portion of any street not a state highway. (ti) The City Traffic Engineer has conducted an engineering and traffic survey, of certain streets within the City of Rancho Cucamonga which streets as specified in Part b of this Ordinance. (iii) The determinations concerning prima facie speed limits set forth in Part 8, below, are based upon the engineering and traffic survey identified in Section A (ii), above. B. Ordinance NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLONS: Section 1 Section 10.20.020 hereby is amended to the Rancho Cucamonga City Code to read, in words and figures, as follows: 10,20.020 Decrease of state law maximum speed. It is determined by City Council re solu on an upon a ass o an engineering and traffic investigation that the speed permitted by state law is greater than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist upon such streets, and it is declared that the prima facie speed limit shall be as set forth in this section on those streeis_or parts of streets designated in this section when signs are erected giving notice hereof: Declared Prima Facie Name of Street or Portion Affected Speed Limit (MPH) i arrninairi 8vo _ Ganvan r~ u,...~n nnn ~ ~ ~ ~ cn ~~ 2, Archibald Ave. - 4th St. to Banyan St. 45 3. Arrow Rt. - Baker to Haven 45 4. Baker Ave. - Bth St. to Foothill Blvd. 35 5, Banyan St. from Beryl St, to London Ave. 35 6, Banyan St. - from west City limits to Beryl St. 40 ~ Q3 ORDINANCE JANUARY 3, 1990 PAGE 2 Declared Prima Facie Name of Street or Portion Affected Speed Limit (MPH) 7. Base Line Rd. - West City limits to Carnelian 45 8. Base Line Rd. - Carnelian to Hermosa 40 9. .3se Line Rd. - Hermosa to Spruce 45 10 Deryl St. - Banyan to end 45 11, Beryi St. - 800' n/o Lemon to Banyan 4D 12. Carnelian St. -Foothill Blvd. to end 45 13, Center Ave. -Foothill blvd. to Church St. 40 14. Church St. -from Archibald Ave. to Elm 40 15. Bth St. - Grove to Haven 45 16. Etiwanda Ave. -Foothill to Summit 45 17. Fairmont Dr. -Milliken Ave. to East end 35 18. Grove Ave. - 8th to foothill Blvd. 40 19. Haven Ave. - 4th Street to Wilson 45 20. Hellman Ave. -Foothill to Alta Loma Or. 35 21. Hellman Ave. - 500' n/o Manzanita to Valley View 40 22. Heitman Ave. - 6th to foothill 45 23. Hermosa Ave. - Base Line Road to Nilson Ave. 45 24, Hermosa Ave. - Wilson to Sun Valley Dr. 40 Zu. riernmiaa nve. - oiii 5i. w ease pine wd, qo 26. Highland Ave. - Amethyst to Hermosa 35 27. Highland Ave. -from Hermosa Ave. to 800' west of Haven 45 28. Hillside Rd. - ranch Gate to Amethyst St. 35 29. Hillside Rd. - Haven to Cani stel Ave. 35 30. Lenwn Ave. - Archibald Ave. to Haven 40 31. Lenron Ave. -Jasper St. to Beryl St. 35 32. 9th St. - Baker Ave. to Archibald Ave. 40 33, Red Hill Country-Club Dr. -Foothill to Alta Cuesta 35 34. Rochester Ave. - Foothill Blvd. to Base Line Rd. 50 35. San Bernardino Rd, - from Vineyard Ave. to Archibald Ave. 35 36 Sapphire St. - Bdiiyd~i la end 45 37. Sapphire St. - 19th to Lenan 40 38. 7th St. - Hellman to Archibald Ave. 45 39, Spruce Ave. - Elm Ave. to Base Line Rd. 40 40, Terra Y15ta Parkway - Church to Bet pine 40 41. Yictoria St. - Archibald Ave. to Ramona 35 42. Victoria St. - Etiwanda Ave, to Rt. 15 40 43. Victoria St. - haven Ave. to Mendocino 40 ~9~ ORDINANCE JANUARY 3, 1990 PAGE 3 Name of Street or Portion Affected Declared Prima Facie Speed Limit (MPH) 44. Victoria Park Ln. - Fairmont Nay to Base Line Rd. 35 45. Victoria Windrows Loop (north 6 south) 35 46. 1,neyard Ave. - Church to Base Line Rd. 40 47. Vineyard Ave. - 8th St. to Foothill Blvd. 45 48. Vintage Dr. - Milliken Ave. to East end 35 49. Whittram Ave. - Etiwanda to east City Limits 40 50. Wilson - Amethyst Ave, Haven Ave. 45 51. Wilson - Haven Ave. to 200' east of Canistel Ave. 40 (Ord. 169 Section I (part), 1982: Ord. 39 Section 5.1, 19781. Rancho Cucamonga 5/82 124 (il Both sixty-five (65) miles per hour and fifty-five (55) miles per hour are speeds which are more than are reasonable or safe; (ii) 'the miles per hour as stated are the prima facie speeds which are most appropriate to facilitate the orderly movement of traffic and are speed limits which are reasonable and safe on said streets or portions thereof; iiiii ine mu es per nour states are nereoy seclarea to oe the prima facie speed limits on said streets; and (iv) The Traffic Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to install appropriate signs upon said streets giving notice of the prima facie speed limit declared herein. Section 2 The City Clerk -shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published as required by law. Section 3 The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the savF to be published witiiin fifteen (i5) days after its passage at least once in The Daily Report, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of n ar o, a ornia, and circulated in Lhe City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. -/~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: January 3, 1990 T0: Hayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Duane A. Esker, Senior Administrative Aa ei et ant SDBJECT: SIWTBBOARD ORDINANCE RECONNSNOATION It ie the recommendation of the PuDl is Safety Communion that tha City Council adopt Lhe attached ordinance restricting the use of skateboards. BACICOROUND At the request of the City Council, the Public Safety Commieeion considered at its December 5, 1989 meeting, several ordinances regulating the use of skateboards in the public right of way. After examining the sample ordinances and discussing the item, the Public Safety Commission voted io recommend to the City Council an ordinance identical to ono currently being used in the City of Brea. Attached for the City Council's consideration ie the proposed ordinance for the City of Rancho Cucamonga. fteaoectfully eubmttted, / LtG t a A t chment DAB/eaf 89-769 OROI NANCE N0. '""/~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CU CAMON GA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER 10.68 TO THE RANCHO CU CAMON GA MUNICIPAL CO UE PERTAINING TO THE USE OF ROLLER SKATES AND SIMILAR DEVICES IN CERTAIN AREAS .he City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Chapter 10.66 hereby is added to the Rancho Cucamonga ilunici pal Code to read as follows: Chapter 10.66 USE OF ROLLER SKATES AND SIMILAR DEVICES Sections: 10.68.010 Use of Roller Skates, Coasters, Skateboards, etc., Restricted. 10.68.020 Yielding the Right-of-way. 10.68.030 Attaching to Moving Object Prohibited. 10.66.040 Skateboarding Prohibited on Private Property in Camnercial Zones. 10.68.050 Skateboards, Bicycles, Mopeds, and other Coaster Devices are Prohibited Upon P nc had Pn hl it Orn nc rtv 10.68.060 Penalty for Infractions. "30.68.010 Use of Roller Skates, Coasters, Skateboards, etc., Restricted. It shall be unlawful for any person upon roller skates or riding in or by means of any coaster, toy vehicle, ska to bu and or si miiar device to qo upon any roadway, other than in pedestrian crosswalks, in accordance with any and all other provisions of law. (Ord. No. 223, Sec. 105; Ord. No. 612, Sec. 1.) "10.68.020 Yielding the Righ t-o fYi el ding the t-of-way. 'the driver of a motor vehicle, prior to driving over or upon any sidewalk or public cross walk, shall yield the right-of-way to any person riding in, on, or by means of any skateboard, toy vehicle, rJl ier Skates. LO aster or Sian ii ar u'e'f iCe. Whenever any person is riding in, on or by means of a s katebu ard, roller skates, toy vehicle, coaster or similar device on a public sidewalk or public crosswalk, surh person shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian. (Ord. No. 612, Sec. 2.) "10.68.030 Attachin to Movin Object Prohibited. It shall -Ee-uTawful or any person n ing a sate oard, toy vehicle or similar coaster device to attach to any moving -~9 7 4° G1~~ CJ~ Ordinance No. *** Page 2 object, including but not limited to persons, bicycles, animals or motor vehicles. It shall be unlawfui for any person operating a moving vehicle to permit any person riding in, on or by means of a s kat ebaard, toy ve hi ci e, coaster or similar device to attach to the motor vehicle while the motor vehicle is in motion. (Ord. No. 612, Sec. 3.) "10.68.040 Skateboardin^ Prohibited on Private Property in Commercial Zones. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride u skateboard or similar coaster device upon private property located in any commercially zoned area in the city, so 1^ng as such grape rty is posted so as to give reasonable notice of such prohibition. (Ord. No. 612, Set, 4.) "10.68.050 Skateboards Bic Iles Mo ds and other Coaster Devices are Proh bited u n Posted Pub is Pro rt It she 1 be unl awfu for any person to ride any skateboard, toy ve hict e, bicycle, or any other coaster device, motorized bicycle, moped or scooter upon any putrlic property within the City of Rancho Cucamonga where notice of sucA prohibition has been posted. (Ord. No. SOS, Sec, I.) "10.65.060 Penal tv for Infractions. Any act or omission declared unlawful by the provt stops of this Chapter is an infraction punishable by a fine in an amount specified in Section 1.12.030 of this Municipal code." ~eCiiON 2: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the Gity Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The Da ilv Reoo rt, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. X98 vy J¢ P", `'['~ t ~'~~ ~4 aw'{P °p ~,~`yc, °o q a ~r ° ° ti9 C ;1' QZ`° a°°w'v`4 L ea. °`ee~cc P~z~AO, \o ~ t° ae eC 'h 1ti ° ~toay-t~~gti ~~ . ^a pgl~'V~~ ,,g'tis ~a~ oeoti ~p ~ ysa~'`o. L ~et ~ ~5 °`°~~` ,~ ~'~ w~,y w~ Sea4a` z ~r as ao S~c~+`a~ PQQ ytiea ~r c. ae .5. '~ ' D,• t,C¢ ~ r S'`Cye~¢'°f o ° e`oti ,,< ,~i ~ P,~ x- ~~ ~r ~~ c~;., CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: January 3, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: "`ke Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Public Hearing of protests regarding Eminent Domain action to acquire public right-of-way for the 19th Street Nidening Project between Archibald Avenue and Haven Avenue at Lhe property located at 6729 Hermosa Avenue {APN 202-201-OB), 10223 19th Street (APN 202-201-40 ), and a vacant lot on 19th Street (APN 202-201-72), for the construction of street improvements across the frontage of said property. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adepts on of the attached Resolution of Necessity - directing staff to proceed with condemnation of right-of-way for the construction of street improvements for the 19th Street Nidening Project hetween Archibald Avenue and Haven Avenue at the property located at 6729 Hermosa Avenue (APN 202-201-08), 10223 19th Street (APN 202-201-40), and a vacant lot on 19th Street (APN 202-201-72) in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACK6ROUMO/ANALYSIS: - ~~iy~'.ay, s.~~~ ~~„s prctea~ed ,.~.~~ acy~SSit~„~~ c. riy{Y- of~way4in~the following manner: 1. Appraised all properties. 2. Posted and had Hearing for assessment proceedings for 1911 Act (Chapter 27). 3. Conducted Neighborhood Meeting. 4. Made direct offers to purchase the needed right-of-way. Since the improvement cats exceed the right-of-way value, all but three owners have elected to donate right-af-way for the improvements on this project. However, even though the cast of the street lmporvements exceed the cost of right-of-way, three owners have refused the City's offer as well as any indication that they would care to donate the land for the improvements. Alth~:.~gh egof!>tio •in !t ,^ felt Hate sa- 't thi^ time. t- enact Resolution of Necessity~to proceed with condemnation of such right-of-way for the proposed 19th Street Widening Project. R u ubmltted, .1 : pam Attachmen '1C~ RESOLUTION ND. O ' ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ff illE CITY DF RANCHO CUCAM0N6R OECLARIN6 THE PUBLIC HEED AIR) NECESSITY TO CONDEIN A Pp1TI0N OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIDMGA, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSORS PARC0. M0. 202-201-08, FOR TIE MIDENING, REALIGNENT, CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROYEIENT OF 19TH STREET (STATE ROUTE 30) BEMEM ARCHIBALD AVENUE IUD NAYEM AVENUE, AND NAKIM6 FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. Recitals. (il The City of Rancho Cucamonga has conducted a study pertaining to the widening, realignment, construction and improvement of 19th Street (State Route 30) between Archibald .4venue and Haven Avenue in the City of Rancho Cucamonga (hereinafter referred to as the "pro,{ect"). Based upon such analysis, 1t has been determlend that the most reasonable and feasible plan for widening, realignment, construction and improvement of 19th Street will require the acquisition of an easement over a pardon of that certain real property commonly known by the street address of 6729 Hermosa Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, California, Assessors Parcel No. 202-201-08, and more particularly described in the attached Exhibit "A". (11) Pursuant to the California Government Code Section 40404(a), a City may acquire private property by condemnation when it is necessary for establishing, laying out, extending and widening streets; (iii) Pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code Section 7267.2, prior to adopting this Resolution the City has made an offer to the owner of record to acquire the property for the full amount of fair market value as established by an independent appraisai valuation; (iv) On JdNOary 3, 1990, this Council held a duly noticed hearing pursuant to the terms of California Cade of Civil Procedure Section 1245.235 and said hearing was concluded prior to the adoption of this Resolution; and, (v) All legal prerequisites have occurred prior to the adootton of this Resolution. 1 _3~~ B. Resolution. NON, TREREFg1E, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION 1: In all respects as set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution. SECTION 2: That the real property which Ts requT red for the street i,nprpvement purposes referenced hereto Ts situated Tn the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and is more specifically outlined in the legal description and map attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 3: Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing, including written and oral staff reports, the City Council specifically finds as follows: a. The public interest and necessity require the proposed pro3ect; b. The proposed pro3ect is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private 1n3ury; c. The property defined in this Resolution Ts necessary for the proposed pro3ect; and, d. An offer of fair market value has been made to the owners of said real property pursuant to the ternis of California Government Code Section 7261.2. SECTION ~: Th3e City Council hereby declares its intention to acquire the proeprty described 1n Section 2, above, by proceedings in eminent domain. the City Attorney 1s ordered an4 directed to bring an action in the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of San Bernardino, in the name of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, against all owners and claimants of the property described herein for the purpose of condemning for street improvement purposes, and to do all things necessary to prosecute said action to Its final determination in accordance with the provisions of law applicable 2 3~>I thereto. The City Attorney is authorized and instructed to make applications to said Court for an Order fixing the amount of security by way of money deposits as may he dT rected by said Court and for ar. Order permT tting the City to take possession and use of said real property for the uses and purposes herein described. SECTION 5: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED and ADOPTED this 3rd day of January, 1990 Mayor I, DEBRA J. ADAMS, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the 3rd day of January, 1990, and was finally passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the 3rd day of January, 1990, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: RBSIAINED: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ATTEST: e ra ams, e City of Rancho Cucamonga 3 ~~~' An easement for streets, highways and related purposes, in, over and upon that certain real property in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, described as follows: All that portion of Parcel 1, Parcel Map No. 9986 in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, according to the map thereof, on file in Book 127 of Parcel Maps, Pages 75-77, in the Office of the County of San Bernardino, State of California lying Northerly of a line 44.00 Peet Southerly of and parallel with the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Hermosa Avenue and the centerline of improvements of 19th Street as shown on said Parcel Map No. 9986, said centerline of improvements being a line parallel with and 3.52 feet Northerly of the North Line of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 1 North, Range 7 West, San Bernardino Meridian; thence along said centerline of improvements, North 89 degrees 56'51^ East 315.00 feet to a point on a curve concave Southerly, having a radius of 2000.00 feet; thence leaving said centerline of improvements, Easterly along said curve through a central angle of 2 degrees 24'14 ~~, an arc length of 83.91 feet to a point on a curve concave Northerly having a radius of 2000.00 feet; thence Easterly along said curve through a central angle oP 2 degrees 24'14", an arc length of 83.91 feet to a point o_° tangency with said North Line oP the Southwest 4uarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence along said North Line North 89 degrees 56'51" Eaet 1345.70 feet. Containing 11,692 square feet more or less. Exhibit "1" attached and made a part hereof. EZBIHIT "11" 0 J O !~ m w m S Z W ~ In ~O ~n °~ m W Z NW LL /~ V / r ~nN~nd m a W Z to ~ o ~_ Yip OP ~ O ~ N N Q N K Obi ~OnO~vriMM ~ O~NNNO. ODW W l71^10mN01 ~ N M ~ 33 3w -' io wra+m~e w n!n~~o ~ omY~n o'aa ~ !nNN~;'NN Z O~~tV fV~~CI (V ~ NN ZZ Q W m z o ~i~ Z~~ F- ~g z ~ ~= U U~E O x a 1~ ~^ H~ U r ~ w Q = ~ N F- }~ W m ti ~ 3 Q O~ ~ ~_ ~ Q o u~ ; ® z ~ ° ~ ~ + ~ ~c 1 W `~ n° ~ j C7 oQ o rnNn ~ Z Q V Z ~ ~ 1 1 1 ~~. ~ O a Z N aC~ ~ m O Y rn O Y ~ ~ O W m O .- ~' ~ ~ ~ I } m Z ~ I O M,S1.9f.00N 1 ~ ~ d Q N ~ H M ~i_~. iy F- ~ W N i 1 O ~ O Z o W O d' O W M U WNW O~"Sm o ! J ~ Z W W N J ~O Q N ~ Z O W O Z O pN 3 W ~ W Z O w ~ ~~0~ Z 'u" a w °- W z~ Q ~ ~3+i ~ d > Q 00 Q z~n~r ~DIi ^I^ RESOLUTION N0.~0• ~v A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII DECLARING THE PUBLIC NEED AID NECESSITY TO CONOEIM A PORTION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOGTED IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSORS PARCEL ND. 202-201-40, FOR THE YIDEMING, REALIGNMENT, CONSTRUCTION AID IMPROVEMENT OF 19TH STREET (SPATE ROUTE 30) BETIEEN ARCHIBKD AVENUE AID H11YEN AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. Recitals. (i) The City of Rancho Cucamonga has conducted a study pertaining to the widening, realignment, construction and improvement of 19th Street (State Route 30) between Archibald Avenue and Haven Avenue fn the City of Rancho Cucamonga (hereinafter referred to as the "pralect"). Based upon such analysis, Tt has been determiend that the most reasonable and feasible plan for widening, realignment, construction and improvement of 19th Street will require the acquisition of an easement over a portion of that certain real property comaonly known by the street address of 10223 19th Street, Rancho Cucamonga, California, Assessors Parcel No. 202-201-40, and more particularly descrl6ed in the attached Exhibit "A". (1i) Pursuant to the California Government Code Section 40404(a), a City may acquire pr/vale property by condemnation when 1t is necessary for establishing, laying out, extending and widening streets; (iii) Pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code Section 7261.2, prior to adopting Lhis Resolution the City has made an offer to the owner of record to acquire the property for the full amount of fair market value as estab115hed by an independent appra/sal valuation; (iv) On Ja}iOary 3, 1990, this Council held a duly noticed hearing pursuant to the terms of California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1245.235 and said hearing was concluded prior to the adoption of Lhts Resolution; and, (v) All legal prerequisites have occurred prior to the adoption of this Resolution. ~~~ 0. Resolution. NON, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION 1: In alt respects as set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of Lhis Resolution. SECTION 2: That the real property which is required for the street improvement purposes referenced herein is situated in the Cf ty of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and fs more specifically outlined in the legal description and map attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. SECT[Oli 3: Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing, including written and oral staff reports, the CT ty Council speci ft tally finds as follows: a. The public interest and necessity require the proposed project; b. The proposed project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; c. The property defined in Lhis Resolution is necessary for the proposed project; and, d. An offer of fafr market value has been made to the owners of said real property pursuant to the terms of California Government Code Section 7267.2. SECTIdI 4: Thje City Council hereby declares its intention to acquire the proeprty described in Section 2, above, by proceedings 1n eminent domain. the City Attorney is ordered and directed to bring an action in the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of San Bernardino, to the name of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, against all owners and claimants of the property described herein for the purpose of condemning for street improvement purposes, and to do all things necessary to prosecute said action to its final determination in accordance with the provisions of law applicable 2 3~ thereto. The City Attorney is authorized and instructed to make applications to said Court for an Order fixing the amount of security by way of money deposits as may be directed by said Court and for an Order permitting the City Lo take possession and use of said real property for the uses and purposes herein described. SECTION 5: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED and ADOPTED this 3rd day of January, 1990 Mayor I, DEBRA J. ADAMS, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the 3rd day of January, 1990, and was finally passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held an the 3rd day of January, 1990, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEI~ERS: A85ENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAINED: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ATTEST: e ra ams, y er City of Rancho Cucamonga 3 ~e / 88HIHIT A An easement for streets, highways and related purposes in, over and upon that certain real property in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, described as follows: All that portion of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 1 North, Range 7 West, San Bernardino Meridian lying Northerly of a line 44.00 feet Southerly of and parallel with the North line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35 in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, of the following described land: Beginning at a point 3956.70 Peet North and 693.00 feet East of the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 35; thence running East 627.00 Peet; thence Sovth 388.80 feet; thence Weat 627.00 feet; thence North 388.80 feet to the point of beginning. Except the East 359.04 feet thereof. Also excepting the Wast 134 feet. Containing 2535 square feet more or less. Together with the right to construct and maintain a slope over that portion of the remaining property adjacent to the aforesaid road easement. Exhibit "1" attached and made a part hereof. Exhibit "A" 1 v l r D m O Z ~ :n -i D ~ ~ ° Z r i ~ o o ~" o m z~ o s o ~, _ m ~ ~' c on ~ m o N ~O~ I - LL N ~ ~ -~ i y z p o m ~z { ~ y N I ~ m --i 77 a z O fTl _ N o m © ~ , O c ii m ~ N D ~ C ~ O p ~ ~ ~ m T I~ I~ I I /~_~ .J^ yT~ I H I O ~ Q a W i O ~ ~ ~ ~ n ' ~ m ~ Y ~ O n 3~0 - -ice _ ~~:~ ~ = m D C] g L C :f ~ ~ ~. ~ g~ , D ~ ~~ z a --- - ~ d= Zoo -D z N ~ ~ ~ y m T 0 = nT-' O Air' wm ~zs N u ~ m« ~~~ ~ ~~ ? 1 ,~OJ S az~ ~~ ,_, w t O a N T ci f ~= w\ ~~"> HERMOS.A N~ °~ ~ ~ 44' m !-' ~~ ~ a w A m N ? y I ~ O a ~ O NORTH 388.80' -~-~`~ , ~ W m ,o 1 ~ Nonni N N O AVENUE A m N I~ i~ 1 m ITI A C m m 3' p m p -i ~ C ~ ..' m N ` ~ v A 0 ~~ ~_ }~ 0 m x _-~ REBOLDTIOA MO. ~- oa 3 A R880LDTION OP T8E CITY COIINCIL OP TEE CITY 08 RAECEO CIICAMONGA DECLARIM6 TEB PIIBLIC EEED AED MECE88ITY TO COMDBMM A PORTION OP CERTAIE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ZN THE CITY OP AANC80 CIICANONRl1r CALIFORNIA, A888H80RH PARCEL MO. 202-201-72r POA TEE 11IDEMZNGr REIILZGHISBNTr CONBTRIICTZON AND IMPROVEMENT OF 19TH STREET (8TAT8 RODTB 30) BETIfBEN AACHZBALD AVENIIE AND HAVEN AVEMIIEr AMD MAICIM6 PIMDIHGH IM BIIPPORT THEREOF. A. Recitals. (i) The City of Rancho Cucamonga has conducted a study pertaining to the widening, realignment, construction and improvement of 19th Street (State Route 30) between Archibald Avenue and Haven Avenue in the City of Rancho Cucamonga (hereinafter referred to as the "project"). Based upon such analysis, it has been determined that the moat reasonable and feasible plan for widening, realignment, construction and improvement of 19th Street will require the acquisition of an easement over a portion of that certain real property known as Assessors Parcel No. 202-201-72, and more particularly described in the attached Exhibit "A". (ii) Pursuant to California Government Code Section aoao4(a), a City may acquire private property by condemnation when it is necessary for establishing, laying out, extending and widening streets; fiii) Pursuant to t))Q gr~visions of California Government Code Section 7267.2, prior to adopting this Resolution the City has made an offer to the owner of record to acquire the property for the full amount of fair market value as established 1 31 ~=~ by an independent appraisal valuation; (iv) On January 3, 1990, this Council held a duly noticed hearing pursuant to the terms of California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1245.235 and said hearing was concluded prior to thA adoption of this Resolution; and, (v) AlI legal prerequisites have occurred prior to the adoption of this Resolution. e. ResolutioA. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the City Council oP the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: BECTZON ;: In all respects as set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution. BECTZON ;o That the real property which is required for the street improvement purposes referenced herein is situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and is more specifically outlined in the legal description and map attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION ;: Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing, ircludinq written and oral staff reports, the City Council specifically finds as po112wa: a. The public interest and necessity require the proposed project; b. The proposed project is planned or located in the 2 3 I~ manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury: c. The property defined in this Resolution is necessary for the proposed project; and, d. An offer of fair market value has been made to the owners o£ said real property pursuant to the terms of California Government Code Section 7267.2. 8&CTION ~t The City Council hereby declares its intention to acquire the property described in Section 2, above, by proceedings in eminent domain. The City Attorney is ordered and directed to bring an action in the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of San Bernardino, in the name of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, against all owners and claimants of the property described herein for the purpose of condemning for street improvement purposes, and to do all things necessary to prosecute said action to its final determination in accordance with the provisions of law applicable thereto. The City Attorney is authorized and inatrvcted to make applications to said Court for an Order fixing the amount of security by way of money deposits as may be directed by said Court and for an Order permitting the City to take possession end use of said real property for the uses and purposes herein described. SECTION ~: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. 3 ~Id HEBIBIT nAw An easement for streets, highways and related purposes in, over and upon that certain real property in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as follows: All that portion of the southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 1 North, Range 7 West, San Bernardino Meridian lying Northerly of a line 44.00 feet Southerly of and parallel with the North line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35 in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, of the following described land: That portion of Parcel No. 2 of Parcel Map No. 1519 in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, as per map filed in Book 13, Page 75 of Parcel Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County bounded as follows: on the West by the west line of said Parcel 2; on the North by the North line of said Parcel 2; on the East by the East line of said Parcel 2 and its Southerly prolongation; on the South by the Northerly line of a 60.00 foot strip of land lying 30.00 feat on each aide of the following described centerline: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Hamilton Street and the Weet line o£ Tract No. 9345 as shown on the map of Tract 9345 in said City, tiled in Map Book 172, Pages 27 and 28 in said Records Office; Thence South 89 degrees 45'33" West 4.59 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southerly having a radius of 1703.53 feet and a central angle of 5 degrees 56'08"; Thence Westerly along said curve, an arc distance of 176.48 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve concave Northerly having a radius of 1775.23 fast and a central angle of 5 degrees 41'42"; Thence along said reverse curve, an arc distance oP 176.45 feet to the West line of Parcel 2. Containing 2360 square feet more or less. EYHZHIT a11" 31~ ~ - v D OC Y ~ ~ _ ~ r^ ~ z o -' ~ ~n -+ v D ~~ n ~ ~~ m C7 g O ~ _ O "~ O ~ Tl 7 _r .. O y ' O ~ Z -p m - N (J `~ C.J fTl f N ~ O m ~ o 'J C ~ c7 N a O ~~ ~ I ~ 1 Y D Z7 ~ . m ~ Z ~Z .. O y ~ ~ u ~ N I ~ J N ~ O .Z7 fTt c n O J n ~' m O ,7J D ~ p ~ (n C D O m -n o D ~ _/~~ ~/J~ y~ H H ~C O W 1 `~ y ~, ~ ~ ~ x ~o -r m D o Z ~ -~ _ - r~ _ ~ ~ ~~~ m m ~ ~i 8 ~ ~ D ~ ~ a~~ a ~:N ~ .~ ~^ 1~ /' ~=O ?mom _y p --l £ m r ~n\ T' m~'O i0'~ ~, x m~ n N ~m O E- MAYBERRY AVE. (N07 7'11 "E) 21.00' z = m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ _ l! ~ m T u cn u , ~ ~ u ~ m . ti 0 r~ .sr ~- '~ (il ~ ("Z ~~ r ~„ r~ z m m ~ rn N m I N ~~ m m -~ o S~ o ,~ ,, ~ z ~, N ~) ~ N O X D CITY OF RANCHO CliCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ,; t GATE: January 3, 1990 g T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BV: ;dike Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Public Nearing regarding Eminent Domain action to acquire public ~~ right-of-way for the Cucamonga Storm Drain, Phase 1, located at 7797 Vineyard Avenue (APN 208-091-24) for the construction of storm drain improvements across said property. ~ RECOMENDATIDN: ~ Staff recommends adoption of the attached Resolution of Necessity - directing staff to proceed with condemnation of right-of-way for the construction of the Cucamonga Storm Orain, Phase 1 Improvements adtacent to 7797 Vineyard Avenue (APN 208-091-24) in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACK9tDUMD/ANILLYSIS: This is an Eminent Oamain action to acquire right-af-way for the Cucamonga Storm Drain, Phase i protect. The protect limits are between Cucamonga Creek Channel to 1300' east thereof. n,,,:d ~„d r.lr w. no ann 7hnmac Cnl nan are nwnerc of the orooerty listed at 1797 Vineyard Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga. The owners of the subtect property have reluctantly assured the City that they are willing to sell a portion of land based on our contracted right-of-way consultant appraisal value for the storm drain protect, but in order not to delay the protect, we seek permission to begin condemnation procedures. The storm drain protect mentioned cannot 6e completed as planned, without acquiring a flue foot strip of land along the southeast side of this property. The City is willing to offer lust compensation for the appraised value of said property dilE the existing trees. Notice of Intent's were marled to Lhe Node's and Colgan's and all parties having a lien against the subtect property on December 19, 1989. Resoec tfthty sabmi tted. -_~~ R :MO:RC:pa Attachment NOTICE OF INTENTION ff TIE CITY COUNCIL OF TIE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIOMOA TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY TO COIIOEIM A pOIITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED MITHIN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAI~N6A, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSORS PARCEL N0. 200-091-24 FOt THE ALI6NIENT, CONSTRUCTION Alel IMPROYEIENT OF TIE CUCAM0N611 STORM DR11IN (PHASE 1) YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that, pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1245.235, the City of Rancho Cucamonga intends to consider for adoption a resolution of necessity to condemn, for a storm drain improvement project a portion of that certain real property commonly known by the street address of 7797 Vineyard Avenue, City of Rancho Cucamonga (Assessors Parcel No. 208-091-24), and which property is further described by the legal description and the map depiction attached hereto as Exhibit "A". The hearing by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to consider the adoption of said resolution will be conducted on January 3, 1990, at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the natter may be heard, in the Council Chambers, LTan's Dark Caantunlty Building, Lion's Park, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that, Dursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1245.235, if you desire to appear at the above-referenced time and place for said hearing, you may be heard on the natters as follows: 1. Whether the Wbitc interest and necessity require the project; 2. Whether Lhe project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; and, 3. Whether the property sought to be acquired is necessary for the project. To appear and 1fU'heard on any of the above-referenced hens, you must file a written request to appear within fifteen (15) days of the ma fling of this Notice by filing or delivering a written request to: Debra J. Adans, City Clerk City of Rancho Cucamong 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C P.0. Brx B07 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 1 ~~ Failure to fil~ a written request to appear and be heard as outlined above can result, by law, 1n a waiver of your right to appear and be heard at the heart ng. For further inforniation, contact: tike Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 (714) 989-1862 Dated: Debra J. Adams, City Clerk 2 317 A portion of the real property commonly known as 7797 Vineyard Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, California and more particularly described as follows: A 5 foot strip located Northwesterly and adjacent to the Nr °therly line of the Pacific Electric Railroad Company Right-of-Way, being the Southeasterly 5 feet of the following described parcel: A portion of Lot 6, subdivision "C" Cucamonga Vineyard Tract, in the County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per Map recorded in Book 21 of Maps, Page 67, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, Described as follows: Beginning at the Southerly corner of Lot 6; Thence North 0 Degrees 12 Minutes East, along the Easterly side of Vineyard Avenue, 204.37 feet; Thence East 179.85 feet to the Intersection of the Northerly line of Pacific Electric Railroad Company Right-of-Way; Thence South 41 Degrees 26 Minutes West, along the Northerly line of the Pacific Electric Railroad Company Right-of-Way to the Point of Beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the North 50 feet thereof. SXHTH2T ^A~~ 1 ~'~ PoR nor ~, sue "c " N1 B 2//~7 APA/ ZoB -o9i- - " AREA 1336S.f. Y , ,~ , ~uuM~ fay ' r / ~ e w» ClTT OF RANCHO Ir/ADE PROPERTY A. P. N. 208 - 09/ - 24 ~ ~ ~, i 5F ~' ;~ /~ i ' /. I~. ~~ EXt!!91 T, "A" N RESOLUTION N0. O -~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C011NCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANDN611 OECLARIN6 THE PUBLIC NEED AND NECESSITY TO CONDEMN A PORTION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY DF RANCHO CUCAMON611, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSORS PARCEL ND. 20p-091-24, FOR T{E 11LIf~NENT, CONSIRUCTIOM ND IMPROYEMENi OF THE CUCAMOM611 STORM GRAIN (PHASE 11. AND INKING FINDINGS IM SUPPORT THEREOF. A. ReclWls. (i) The City of Rancho Cucamonga has conducted a study pertaining to the alignment, construction and improvement of TM Cucamonga Storm Drain (Phase 1) 1n the City of Rancho Cucamonga (hereinafter referred to as the "project"). Based upon such analysts, it has been determiend that the most reasonable and feasible plan for alignment, construction and improvement of Cucamonga Storm Drain (Phase 1) will require the acquisition of a portion of that certain real property commonly known by the street address of 7197 Ylneyard Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, California, Assessors Parcel No. 208-091- 24, and more particularly described in the attached Exhibit "A". (it) Pursuant to the California Government Code Section 40404(a), a Ctty may acquire private property by condemnation when it is necessary for right-of-way for drains, sewers and aqueducts; (iii) Pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code Section 7267.2, prior to adopting this Resolution the City has made an offer to the owner of record to acquire the property for the full amount of fair market value as established by an independent appraisal valuation; (iv) On January 3, 1990, this Council held a duly noticed hearing pursuant to the terms of California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1245.235 and said hearing was c3ncluded prior to the adoption of this Resolution; and, (v) All legal prerequisites have occurred prior to the adoption of this Resolution. 1 ~~ B. Resolution. NON, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION 1: In ail respects as set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution. SECTION 2: That the real property which is required for the street `~provement purposes referenced herein is situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and is more specifically outlined in the legal description and map attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and Incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 3: Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing, including written and oral staff reports, Lhe City Council specifically finds as follows: a. The public Interest and necessity require the proposed project; b. The proposed project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; c. The property defined in this Resolution is necessary for the proposed project; and, .".• ..~ ,.,,_, .,f fsi1 ~iia,neC .aiue i,as been matte ca the owners of said real property pursuant to the terms of California Government Code Section 7267.2. SECTION 4: Thje Ctty Council hereby declares its intention to acquire the proeprty described in Section 2, above, 6y proceedings in eminent domain. The City Attorney 1s ordered and directed to Drtng an action 1n the Superior Court of the Stale of California for the County of San Bernardino, in the name of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga, against all owners and claimants of the property described herein for the purpose of condemning for street improvement purposes, and to do all things necessary to prosecute said action 20 iic final, rintermirafipn !^ a..Crdant2 a t1i the NrvVl3ian5 of IoM applicable 2 -~' thereto. The City Attorney is authorized and instructed to make applications to said Court for an Order fixing the amount of security by way of money deposits as may be directed by said Court and for an Order permitting the City to take possession and use of said real property for the uses and purposes herein described. SECTION 5: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ResolutY~. PASSED and ADOPTED this 3rd day of January, 1990 Mayor I, DEBRA J. ADAMS, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the 3rd day of January, 1990, and was finally passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the 3rd day of January, 1990, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AD SENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAINED: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ATTEST: e ra ams, y e City of Rancho Cucamonga 3 A portion of the real property ccmmonly known as 7797 Vineyard Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, California and more particularly described as follows: A 5 foot strip located Northwesterly and adjacent to the Nor *_herly line of the Pacific Electric Railroad Company Riynt-of-Way, being the Southeasterly 5 feet of the following described parcel: A portion of Lot 6, Subdivision ^C" Cucamonga Vineyard Tract, in the County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per Map recorded in Book 21 of Maps, Page 67, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, Described as follows: Beginning at the Southerly corner of Lot 6; Thence North O Degrees 12 Minutes East, along the Easterly side of Vineyard Avenue, 204.77 feet; Thence East 1'79.85 feet to the Intersection of the Northerly line of Pacific Electric Railroad Company Right-of-Way; Thence South 41 Degrees 26 Minutes West, along the Northerly line of the Pacific Electric Railroad Company Right-of-Way to the Point of Beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the North 50 feet thereof. EXHIBIT ~~A~~ 1 ~~ PoR nor ~, sua "c " MB 2//67 ~-- APIJ 206-09/-. AREA; 13365,F. ~, ~,~ ~ ~ ~. ' i n ~, / t i /, ~r°~M~~, CITY OF R.4NCH000GdMOhkiA a J ~ 3 WsaDE P/?op~RTY ~ A. P. N. Zo8 - o9i - 24 ~xrrre, r. "A" N ° ALTA LOMA `. , ~ , LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL INCORPORATED P.O. Baa 17/ Atta Loma, CA 91701 December 22, 1989 City Clerk, City of Rancho Cucamonga 9350 Baseline Road Ran r,ho Cucamonga, CA 91761 To whom it may concern: The Board of Directors of Alta Loma Little League would like to he placed on the agenda for the January 3, 1990 City Council Meeting. We would like to address the displacement of Alta Loma Little heague from Heritage and Red Hill Parks. Please call me to confirm the scheduling of the above agenda item at. 980-1301. Sincerely, rn..~ Cecilia M1L Sbaw, Secretary Alta Loma Little League ~~M ~~ - CITY OF RANCHO Cl'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: January 3, 1990 TO: Mayor and Members of [he Ci[y Council FROM: Joseph H. Schultz, Community Services Manager SUBJECT: Open Space Study -- Floating Park Designations RECOMMENDATION: Accept the priorirzation of neighborhood floating park designations, as determined by the Park and Recreation Commission, direct staff to pursue the prioritized acquisition of sites within each of the floating designations, and determine the appropriate financing mechanisms to be used for park development. BACKGROUND: In October, 1989, the City Council requested that [he Community Services Department prepare a plan for meeting the City's park needs, as identified by the "floating" park designations in the City's General Plan. In Ilvrnmhr~ lOAO the D.._b .....J D... _.....: .._ n_......a_ . _.. -. _., ..._ ...... ...... ................. ~,.....u uem~u ~c~m you n report identifying unmet floating park designations as well as potential park sites within the floating service area. In order to avoid affecting the land values for the potential sites, the Park and Recreation Commission chose to prioritize the floating designations based solely on service area needs. This prioritization took into account such things as other park lands available [o the population, current population, growth within the service area of the neighborhood park designation and probable land values. As identified on the attached map, the recommended priorities aze: B, E, C, A, D. Designations F and G are being met by the Sports Complex and U.S. Homes development. ANALYSIS : The City's General Plan designation depicts park locations that will meet the City's goal for open space standards within each service area. There are three basic phases to providing neighborhood parks: land acquisition, development and maintenance of the site. At the time of incorporation, the City chose to pursue land acquisition due to the lack of park facilities available to the community. Recently, the City has ~mdergone an aggressive park development and maintenance program so that those initial park lards could be developed for use by the public. With the developed park lands, trails and other recreational facilities available [o [he public [he City's park per population ratio is approximately 4.65 acres per 1,000. In order to continue to pursue the City's goal of 5 acres per 1,000 population, the acquisition of additional land for park development is recommended. This will ensure that as development occurs, Dark sites will remain available for future development. In order to acquire, develop and maintain the needed park facilities, revenue and financing sources should be identified. Within the city of Rancho Cucamonga a number of financing sources exist, or could exist, which could be used to acquire, develop and maintain park sites. These financing sources are identified as follows: 1. Park Development Funds: Currently the City has identified PO~~ non v.. .L Nw:n u~. wivtlu lcui :uuuJ Wil ll:il CVUIU UC used 701 tans acquisition and development of neighborhood parks. In addition, the City has received $750,000 from [he developer of the Caryn project which could be used for park acquisition and development for a site benefitting that area. Park development funds received in future years could be allocated to land acquisition and development of additional neighborhood parks. An additional source of park development revenue could be achieved from a future Redevelopment Agency tax allocation bond sale (FY 1992/93), a portion of the proceeds being used to repay the land costs for Central Park. „ .. .....: a.,.., p,., rcinp~T~eni funds arc allocated according to Council priorities, and are not available for reprogramming for land acquisition. Subsequent budgets will address the allocation of park development fu nds for land acquisition. However, c urrently no surplus funds exist for this purpose. ~~ Capitalizing the park development fund through the sale of bonds is impractical, since the annual revenue received fluctuates according to the amount of new development in [he City. Thus, to maximize the. ability to secure land, it is recommended that the City pursue the obtaining of term acquisitions, where acceptable to the property owner. By purchasing the property "on time" rather than all cash, the City will be able to increase its acquisition capability. However, with a term acquisition, [he City will not be able to develop the park until the note is retired. 2. Assessment District: The City has several assessment districts in place which pay for the maintenance of parkways, trails, medians and the neighborhood and community park system. Floating designations A, B, L, D, and E fall within existing Landscape Maintenance Districts. The Engineering Division estimates that annual park maintenance costs average $10,000 per acre, or roughly $100,000 per year for a ]0 acre neighborhood park. Thus for the maintenance of each '..b l...'r.....a -"1~ enmity inuu al.a c IIIa1111C11a11Ce .._.. .. _e.a ........... .. rte... ,..'. 5 P district, it is estimated [hat assessments would increase by the following approximate amounts: • LMD ( (General City Residential): $13.63 per unit. Floating designations A, B, and E fall within this District. It should be noted that only about IS% of the properties eligible to be included in this Landscape Maintenance District are currently being assessed Inrlusion of additional properties in the District (which will receive the benefit of the park facilities) could reduce the per unit assessment, and also raise additional revenues for landscape maintenance. • LMD 6 (Caryn Community): $85.47 per unit. Floating designation C falls within this District. • LMD 7 (North F,tiwanda): $18.16 per unit. Floating designation D falls within this District. Although no assessments have been levied in this District, the number of potential units in the District are identified in [he Engineer's Report for [he formation of the District. It should be noted that as more development occurs in these Districts, the per unit assessment will decrease. Additionally, the City could provide exemptions for lower income households in these Districts. As an alternative, the existing Landscape Maintenance Districts could be modified to include acquisition and development costs for the parks. 3. General Obligation Bonds: General Obligation bonds (GO bonds) are a financing method based on government's ability to generate revenues through increasing taxes. This form of financing could raise money for land acquisition and construction only. Following the passage of Proposition ]3, the ability of California local governments' to issue GO Bonds was severely limited. This form of financing now requires approval from 2/3 of [he City's ..b,ow~w •w,., a. 4. Community Facilities District (Mello-Roos): The City could create a Community Facilities Disvict for the acquisition, construction and maintenance of the new park facilities. This new District would be similar in nature to CFD 84-t (used for the construction of the Day Creek Regional Flood Control Facilities), and the CFD used to pay for Fire District Personnel. The revenues generated by the CFD can be used directly to pay the costs of the project, or can be capitalized through the sale of bonds. ~7d~ This financing mechanism also requires the approval of 2/3 of [he affected property owners. Additionally, as with other assessment districts, the City must demonstrate the benefit of the projects to the affected property owners. Respectfully submitted, ~i J ~ Jo ph H. Schultz, Comm it Services Manager ~D© a o ~ ?~ CITY OF RANCHO CtiCA4I0NGA `~G,MONc STAFF REPORT ~~"`/~v ti. s'. 1 iT i ilz F ~ Z Date: January 3, 1990 '~.> v 19l To: Mayor, Members of City Council and City na er 4 From: Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager BY~ Dave Leonard, Park Projects Coordinator Subject; Report on History and Feasibility of Development of Chaffey Regional Park Guiding the development of the San Bernardino County Regional Park System has bean the 1964 General Plan of Reciona~ Parks. This document was replaced by the ,1988 StrateRs~ v 2010: Our Parks a,,r„r" aster lan Hoth documents have provided goals and objectives for development of the County Regional Park System. The 1964 General Plan included the Rancho Cucamonga area a part of the "Valley" Planning Area. Exhibit "A" provides pages 8 through 24 of the Plan, covering the Valley Planning Area. As shown on page 13, the County, With the adoption of the Plan, proposed a Cucamonga-GUasti Regional Park and a park in the Chaffey College area. The 1964 Plan further established a goal to provide parka on lands alreaAv „".~e~ .._ _ to avoid removing land from the tax rolls. y~They two~llsites proposed were on county flood control land and, therefore, meet the criteria. The 1988 Strategic Master Plan 2010 provides a different approach to regional park locations. Rather than provide site specific locations, the 1988 Plan suggests "floating" designations. Rancho Cucamonga is included in the "West Valley Park Planning District." Exhibit ~B" covers the 1988 planning for the Wast Valley. As shown on page 47, section 2, item "F", the County still is considering a regional park for the upper Rancho Cucamonga area around Chaffey College. with development of the 1998 Strata ' _ `.`.inking on their land resource had ychangedr The~Flood ^COntrol District has adopted a policy to obtain full market value for lands made surplus to their needs. This policy became known when the City entered into negotiations for the purchase of Red Hill Basin foz Red Hill Community Park. Flood Control requested, and staff was directed (Exhibit "C") to remove the regional park designation for the Chaffey College area from the City's General Plan. This policy became prevalent and was probably the reason the County went to a floating designation with the 1988 Strategic Master Plan. _ Staff Report January 3, 1990 Page 2 Regarding future development oP a regional park in the ChaPfey College area, the Regional Parka Department has been directed to research the area. Second, Flood Control District has stated they would discuss the possibility of a park on lands surplus to their needs and would entertain long-term lease arrangements. The only apparent limiting factor is funding. To address this aspect, it is suggested that the Director oP Regional Parka, or his designer, provide Council with a presentation on the future outlook for regional park development. further, it is suggested that the City investigate the potential for a joint powers agreement between the City and County. This mechanism could provide the spark to establish the beginning of a regional park in the upper Rancho Cucamonga area. DL/JS:kla X33 ~M G~ C{3 F-+ ~, . ~ ~: t-a P-~ ~- ., ~ ~' /~ { J ~nN1 1 1 ~~A ~~ /.+ l 1 l f~, s~ ~: ,~ ~- ~: r t~:; s ~ ~_ ~q ~ =~ L W ^ 4 N T _ ~~ ~ ~ ~' 9 c V ~ _ - G O ~ y ? ' q 1 N Y L V 4 V ~ G q' ~~ryry q; ~ ~) « 'u 6 9 O~ ~~ ~~ ~ n ~ N L Y A. q O OL u W u M .l = 6 M O 6 ~ ~ y 9c '~ o q o ` q ` Q ~ n n a"' a ~ ~~ o ± .a O O 3 ' ~ J 1 q" G U 0 4 ° b m ~u F O B G. ~ T u .~ w N O S N v b ~_ u . N F M G Y y 0. b w G' T y' ~ L ~ !~ 3 L n p> u~ j n u A N m T u ubl O ~ d U L o N.~ W W N ~ q n^ U Y b U 4 G y N N O G1 y Y L y n V :~ q g N C O y S N m b M A 1 .. W N ~ T m C C ~ 1- q W 3 N N u qM M u .C W 6 O .a q i C C 9 C.~ O y ~] O ; ~ a j y b L q N F Y .q w w ~~ u b^ Co q ~= ~ r i u OW TO.~;g ~ b 3 n H 1 /IgN4'~ON ~4 a ~ ' mV ~ y j .S q d :~ N O q ° 3 u E e v b ~~ '4 Y W~ ~ ~ H 'O q w ' o ~ N J J ^ r ~ y . ~ 4 u~ N'oO' N y ~ W b 9 w 1 b]~ N i O a. W A Y I\ u v N q q q C N N m q L q 'M C] x . 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G n " a w a a ~ " V ^p' ~ L 6 T A Y ~ u ~ E aw.E a a.E $ ' ,a, P ~ ' U ~ o q y q ~ q S (~ n,S w 0 ~ c q ~ y u 3 u u i c y MCI u a .z E ~ '^ Q ~ ? ~ Q M E 'E '~' y ~ ~'Y ~ ~d~o ~ ~a~ %~ <.xu a~ ~= a ~~ 58 ~-- . . ._/, ay _;o° Y T a ~ y n6A N y r 6 q ~ N q ~9 9 OL ~' n ~ L_ Y O' 3 y ~ r 9 u N 2 ~ j d N O N y' M b N N ~ V L q q O 0 r n G u dy G } T qC 9 p 5 9 vl u j c. s°°~ *°_« a w m T ., w ,n N T ~ a ~ v F o rv U ~ X C 7 y ~ V ~ y u s.sq mg n .e v ~ u M q ~ T u m o tl d ~~ p N ~ N Y M ~ab8w ~ F q e O c s 9 o a a i " y °- s o w - ~ F d 'O ~ U M B ~ U oqi 0 O C O q "a 3 m o ^ L G d q d N ~ .y Y F w° v d sT O ~~~ .~ N -i~~ ~i; ;b ~`c IN~o ~ E ~ L q u ~ 9 S m o n~u ; m 4 N o ~ q i 3 ~ y On' ~ Y{ . .~ z_ !< ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ p r~ ~ a ;~~~ +~ d3 v m ° e ~ ~ ~vl 'O i V > " a q E ,3 1~, = 6 N ~ b O :'i'S? u ~.. " c ; ~U ~ N ~..". 'u "~ ~ o "n a ~ .. o j N F q u q ~ , W ~ ~ ._ o G $' ~ ~ n2 ~ a ~ a i ., `o ; ° e. 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M ~ N Y ~ a ' y a... ~.T ~p u4 z~p $a 2z o• G ~ ~ y `=_s~_ ., .• - ,~•- ~ 1 ~ ,- -~ ~ ~~.~ L:~ w nl 4~ 2 C,~J -,-, - ', ~ ~ ~.. ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~' ''S `~~ ~ ~E Y J S C .~ N f~ ~ _ ova=- _,;~ __ y o] a ~ , 3 0 `r ~~ ., i _ q a3 ~•- ~ ` - ~_ v ~` ~ n N G,~ WL' ' v 'y' c ° ^~ "~--~9 W~H g o 3 y '~ _ y ... _9v„ ,_M^^9 a ==q~~ ~~ m c" ~ a u O O N :'. Y O C u o.u M L ' 6 ~~~~ u E v a° ~ "o A E ~ c.. ~ F m~.. o~- ~' r \ ~/ E "W ~- ~• ~i5n San Bernardino County Regional Parks Departrr~ent Strategic Master Plan 2010: Our Parks Future _~ ~ ,EXHIBIT 8 Chapter VII: Regional Pazk Planning Districts The plan rcommends establishment of seven regional park piaming districts to be used as the basis for planning new pazks in the future. Each of the dtstricts' boundaries will coincide with census tracts or other logical boundaries to auist in future planning. Three valley districts will include: West Valley, Central Valley and East Valley. One dtstriM will encompass the San Bernardino Mountains and three districu are to be creaud is the desert portion of the trounty. Chapters VIII - XIV: Districts 1-~ Evaluation The physical features, population characteristics and reaeation resources of each planning district is described is Chapters VIII-XIV. A detailed analysis of current pazk recreation demands aced needs is provided and, based oa input from various sources, the futures uses aced "perceived needs" aze identified. Finally, a set of specific improvements aze identified for short-term implementation and a set of recommendations for coavderation over the long term arc identified Means of implementing these improvements and recommendation are discussed. Chapter XV: Master Plan Monitoring and Amendments in response to public requests for greaur acmuntabifiry, the final chapter of the Master Ptaa establishes a monitoring program to evaluau plan implementation on a yeazly basis. Also, in keeping with the goal of etuuring a dynamic plan, a procedure for amending the plan is provided. I '~-5~- ^ s VIII West Valley Park .Planning District ~~~ WEST VALLEY PARK PLANiVING DISTkICT (District 1) a. E:dsting Conditions Phvsicai Characteristics Tne west va..ey of San Bernardino County is a portion of the Los Anaeies coastal plain thaz is bordeced on the north by the San Gabriel Mountains and the San Bernazdino National Forest, on the west by Los Angeles County, oa the southwest by [be Chino Hills and Orange County and on [he south by Riverside County and [he San[a Ana River. The valley was created by a combination of regional fault activity and alluvial deposition that (eft an alluvial plain of debris on flanks of the San Gabriel Mountains to the north. Spanish aed American se[tlers were the first to cultivate this rich land before 1900. After the turn of the century, agricultural uses continued despite the rapid urbanisation of the region. The cities of Chino. Montclair, Upland, Rancho Cucamonga and Ontario are loca[ed within the West Vallev Planning District, as well as some unincorporated land under county jurisdiction. While agaicultural uses endure, much of the land in this district is transitioning to urban uses. 0.s land in Los Angeles and Orange counties becomes more expensive, more and more people continue moving into the azea for the lower- cost housing, although they often commute into Los Angeles and Orange Counties to work '[Iris phenomenon has contributed to the lazge and rapid population grow[h in this planing district, throughout [he entire valley, moun[ain, and near high-desert portions of the county. 2. Population Chazacterisda According to the 1980 cenaic the population in Planning Dutrict 1 was 287,708. The county estimates the 1985 population at 345,438, a 20% increase over five years. The Soudtem California Association of Governments (SLAG) further projects the population to increase to 801,736 by 2010, a 132% increase over the life of the plan. The racial makeup of the population is forecasted to remain fairly constant, but the age distribution of the popularion is projected to change slightly. The percentage of children and middle-aged adults seems to be increasing, while the percentage of young adults and older people has been decreasing. These data suggest a trend towazds an increase in Ute number of families with children. However, the average household size hoc been dropping from 3.04 in 1980 to an estimated at 2.73 in 1986. The pm_lecdon for 1991 is 2,66. Appazeatiy, more single penplr, and; er mere single pazents are also moving into the azea 3. Existing Recreation Resources Within the West Valley Pazk Planning District (District 1) aze five tides and one county service azea wilt pazk and recreation respoosibilides. Based on a survey condutted by the Regional Parks planning staff these local governmenrs cvrrendy provide 69 parks and have 14 others in the planning stages. These facilities encompass approximately 994 acres, of which 669 are developed. ~n ~5L VIII B. Park and Recreation Demands and Needs Based on information gathered from the public workshops and the "1987 public opinion and park user survey," the public indicates a perceived deficiency between the existing supply of recreation resoazces desrn'bed above and the regional public recreation opportunities needed to meet District 1 recreation demand. This document will new assess public perceptions of recreational needs with analyses of current uses, existing demand and projetted demand; then, recommendations are proposed to meet these demands. 1. Current Use and Needs Visitor use data from the major regional recreadon facilities within the West Valley Planning Distrin shows a moderate to sharp increase, coinciding with the population growth, over the last three years in Distrct I. Increase ~ 1985-R6 19g6•R7 over 1984-RS Prado Regional Pazk 254,(100 294,000 320,000 26% Cucamonga-Guasti Regional Park 143,000 203,000 200,000 40% ~~~~~ •... 7fic double-J7ume into Aide addr esitemenr ra a doy W CLenmongu-L•uaru Regioru( Pyk, _. Furore Use and Perceived Veeds , `7~T The West Vallev Park Planning District encompasses one of the fastest growing regions in the United States. Therefore, perhaps more than any other planning district in the county, it will require immediate planning action to meet projected recreational demand. Based on population projections, public input during the preparation of this Master Plan and field staff input the following perceived needs were identified for Distritx 1 (suggestions listed in no order of priority), a. Trans for equestrian, cycling, and hiking, connecting commuttities from the San Gabriel Mountains to the Santa Ana River to the east b. Camping facilities for youth groups and families. c. Open space areas, both as buffer zones and visual open space. d. Preservation of cultural resources related to the area's grape industry. e. Expanded and addidonal use of Flood Control District lands for recreation purposes. f. Mare regional recreation facilities. Suggested suitable locations for further imrosdgadoa include: 1. Property in the vicinity of Chaffey College, 2. Riparian areas along Deer and Day Creek, 3. Forest Service lands in the transidon zone between the alluvial plain and foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains (public lands can be obtained through mama! agreemenu between the county and Forest Service). g. Swim Facility at Prado Regional Park. 3. Recommendations Given the gap between existing regional recreation facilities acrd both current and projetted demand on those resources District 1, the following rernmmended actions should be taken: a. Regional Parts identify appropriate trail rnrridors between the San Gabriel Mountains and the Santa Ana River Trail System that tie into Guasd and Prado. b. Regitmal Parktdevelop a specific plan for (,}tcamonga-Guasti that incorporates additional public parking, picnic facilities, open spas, family and group camping areas, and a wine heritage museum with mncessiom, food service, displays and exhibits depittiag the grape industry's history in the region. c. Regional Parks coordinate with the Ffcttd Control Dis[riet and Edison Company to identify available flood rnntrol property and road rights• of-way that could serve as greenbelts far linear open space and trail rnrridors. d. Regional Parks imesdgate the possibilities of acquiring additional park lands identified in Section VIII2.F. and establish a list of site prioridcs to be evaluated depending on available funding. e. Regioml Parks pursue design and rnnstmction of a swim faality at Prado Regioml park ~s~ 4", E ~ Y C~v p I - F _~ V •~ ~~ .~ =i= ~~~.._. ~~ el = _ _ Uc I Gn N~ C UL Q I ~ _ Y y6 ~ 4 Q O Vi x ' I CI C I ICS l• C' 02 chi I F 4. C C_i Z IC~C ~ . IU 6 m i C Y + ~~ Vi Gi l C ~. : Y V Iii i i . . i . .i I : ' - i. C I O O ~~ e _•a ~LU1~ -__ Lu cL •~ CVCy ~ U¢ VhY6~6 Y6 C 9 u4 0 L _t 3: 5` E! gu° Vi i~u° C~ ~^ ..'~V~typ~> ~O 4N Ir OY ~rp i a ~ ~l ~a 5 • .- Ya Y V VK 6 A Y 6 ~ ~a ~ VIII 49 CITY OF RA.YCHO CL'CAMONGA MEMORANDUM ~,~cA.lro~^ t~ 9 ~- ii ~z p.. ~ Z -. 1917 DATE; May 1, 1986 TD: Jack Lam. Comaunity Developmeo[ Dire~~ PEDM: Lauren M. Wusarman, City Manager ~ /~.. SDBJECT: eaD BT .. E e g i You may recall that im our agreement Co purchua tha Bed 8111 8u in from the County, the City agreed to slimidate eha ragiooal Dark duigm ti oo in the epbeze of influence. to addition, re had agreed to elimiaata the open space deaigoati oo for the Alta Lou buffos. tr ? _ ~-?=:c::::i:.e ..... nave ooc yat changed onr General Plan io accordance rich the agreement.a We abould pl as to hudle [he changes at the earli eat opportunity. Pleue le[ me knot that Cbe schedule i^ for Geoeral P1 an Amudmuta, 0o ehae [his change un be made. Thaoka for your eoopara[i on. LMN/kep r cc: Brad Euller ~ Eill eollay /{',JAI ~ 2 EXHIBIT C CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Oec ember 2C, 1989 Mayor and Members of the City COanC it Pamela Wright and William Alexander, Subcommittee to the Rancho Cucamonga Community Foundation REAPPOINTMENT OF DIRECTORS TO THE RANCHO CUCAMONOA C NI Y F UND I N It is our recommendation, along with the four remaining Rancho Cucamonga Conmunity Foundation Board members (Bob Dutton, Gtiy Beye rsderf, Betty McKay and Nil Liam Pu rkf ss), that the City Council approve the reappointment of the three Board members whose terms expire at the end of December (Jeanne Barton, John Mannerfno and Tiina Ross). ~~~ ~~~~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: January 3, 1990 TO: Mayor and Members of th¢ City Council FROM: Duane A. Bnker, Senior Adminietrat ive AeaLetant SD EJECT: PUBLIC SAPCTf CONNI eB ION APPOINTMSNTB ATION it ie the recommendation of the Public Safety Commission 9uDCOmmittee (Council- memDere will lam J. Alaznnder and Deborah N. Blown) that Jamae Cusatalo De appointed to the Public Safety Commission. It is also recommended by the Subcommittee that Commissioner Pete Amodt and Commissioner Daniel Glaee be reappointed to the Public Safety Commission for another term. The terms of the appointment find reappointments will commence with your approval and will entl on December 31, 1992. Vacancies cn the Public safety Comaieeion were posted and advertised in the local newspaper. Appl lest lone were taken, and all applicants were then interviewed by the Public Safety Commieel.on Subcomm.itee. It Sa from these interviews that the Subcommittee ie making ire recommandationa for appointments and reappointments. Reepe lly submitted, ~.~~iLlh,. ,l , DAB/saf 89-768 15.12.164 Subsection 3703(h) Added -- Spark Arrester Section 3703 of said Uniform Building Code is hereby amended by adding a new subsection (h) to read as follows: (h) Spark Arrester. All chimneys attached to any appliance or fireplace that burns solid fuel shall be equipped with an approved spark arrester. The net free area of the spark arrester shall be not less than four times the net free area of the outlet of the chimney. The spark arrester screen shall have heat and corrosion resistance equivalent to 12-gauge wire, 19-gauge galvanized wire or 24-gauge stainless steel. Openf ngs shall not permit the passage of spheres having a diameter larger than 1/2 inch and shall not black the passage of sDhe res having a diameter of less than 3/8 inch. _~~y~ V January ~, 1990 Mayor Stout and Members of the City Council It has come to the Board's attention that, contrary to the City Council's discussion last May 3, the issue regarding the city and county division of responsibilities for library services had not teen determined and would be discussed openly in public in the near future. There has been no public discussion which the City Council had indicated would occur regarding whose role it would be, the city or the county, to provide future library services in Rancho Cucamonga. It is apparent that the County by default or by design are, in fact, designing a regional library to meet their needs first and the needs of the citizens of Rancho Cucamonga second. We ask you again, as we did on May 3, 1899, "Is it the intention of the city to permit the County of San Bernardino to operate the future library in Centro; Park?" Sincer\fl ly, ~ /' Jeffegy ~fl, Y~o uh gl l~ Presi ent Fries s of the `Library P.O. Boa llf3, AMa lama, CalNorab 917Y1 ;~ a~ $8 !o ee 00 ~P NV VN ON 9.9 ;[ .+e o` a- WN =4 ~'. i 6;. - -IT NY • 41 ~~ is v _ ~ ~ A i ~' ~~1; 0 0 x r i ~ f _ ~ i ~ ~ o ~ F• ~~ .. ~ .e i. L I ~ ~ E L ~~ w _ . _._.._.__...` hE LL NpN-. '.J, ;y ~. n . ;q ..~ d L d ~ ~ m a t- ~_._ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ N ~ m° 1, ~ 'g P ~,, n ~ ,: Z O ~ t0 N V 1 m O i O1 U ~ ~ •; 1 .L -A i; Y, t m wU - g ~ a ~- .~.-- - ~_ ;© ~ ~Ol ~ ^ ~ :' w ~ ~ ~. t~C~ , 7 ~ Vii` ..'. ~ ^ z _.__._. ._ .. ---AVENUE-- ~ -"' ._-..... _..__-__.._ ~ n: ~f) ~ (N ra ie-~~ b055 Lim Street Cuanxrga, G1 91730 Ikranber ~, 1989 Ikar Neighbor, 'Ihe plans for the proposed $iopping center m the rurLheas[ comer of Fmth;li ffivd. aid Lim St. include a restaraant, m it is possible Ghat Ur carter will he active 24 taus a ehy. 'R~e imin access Lo the center Brill be m Lim St. A left turn :tedian is planned for Foothill R1vd. at Lim St, and w.i'` an increase in traffic a signal light is noC ml.y possible, but likely. ?his plzn tas ore rta inr i..~w. IC dares cmrrerc:al Cxaffic into a rr'idential rriahMrtnad. (1u reighborhood tes boar plagued with p:~oblars tecause it is usal as a ~orUUt to and ciao Foorhi 11 Blvd. and the existing shopping center. Gus spent rorth m Lim St., ignoring the sign indiea[ing Drat it is rot e through street, aeeting a dmgerous sicuatim for everyone icing the inters~r:tim. The sidewal'cs a:e a Fezard witm the "lot speeders" try ro neke sudden corrxticns. :V;n, eighteen wlxrl vehicles often u:2 the iltters~tim at Lim and Fstacia co trun aramd. 4brst of a11, is the cros[ant screeching of tires m Lien and Esar:ia oral again m Fstacia a~ Orangaood (or visa-versa). 'Ihe spud and carelessness of drivers tas resulted in mm[less inciderces of property da~eee aid m s'ereral streets destroyed Use quiet and safe ataosplxre Drat stnrld exist in a residtn[ial reighbor- had. ?t is not too late to appaal to the planning camdssim Co carsider the traffic probleis of Uric nei¢htnrtwod before granting permivim to tuild Ue .mopping caster as planed. Yk i>en1 to agree on a plan ChaC roC only suits our indivf.dual derives, lot also nerts the criteria of the varirus depal"umnL of Uw Gi CV ~f R:nuro Cuafrunga. Chie plan 9rggesLed as a possible solutim~ renote solutim-is closing Lim St. at CSTacia to all eu. ubui..~ . ...io. a... Y...n u . ~ , ...m L phux~ w.cy v , w nccrmplish anyUring, xe must work t~egeLher; UreuprrperLy value of the least desirable tare affects t.h.~ property value of [he imst desirable hrne; ~~id if we do nothing, traffic will, without a doubt, increase. knuld yrri M willing Co s~ppor Ure clmilrg of Lim St, ac Fstacia as a nr~s of cmtroL.ling traffic? ?f yrxr agree, phase sigP r}ris letter and return it Co us. If Yar do m[ agree please write yawsugcestiavs and imy6e wz can m:ec with a City Plam~er to rmsider other possibilities. , Joe and Narimn Arnlnlt ~9-3132 Agrrz u, u~ ,..ua av ,rw rcesidencjvwcr kbuld ]i.'ra to suggest another plan Nacre f, Ll//i~.+: /~.~-. Address ~ :~~ 7~y/i>G! l r l~-P/l JJ~f~n6 JC~G~I 1 ~~~~ I / Barter //11~~ 0.a r_ i //~%/'3(;1r ~` E~,~/ca f!~'~1 - !. (' v ,~ e 4 k. :1i:~t' ,:Z.. '.r we ,a :i £~55 Lim Street Crraru:ga, CA 91730 Decanter ~, 1~9 Dar NeighMr, the plats for the proposztl Mopping rtnter m the rortlrivst mans of Fmthill ffivd. and Lim St. incl~sle a restaurant, sn it is pacsfble that the ca:t.s will be actiux 24 horns a day, the main access to the meter will ~ m Lim St. A ]eft tmi iredian is Alarmed for Foothill Blvd. at Lim St. aid wits m increare in traffic a sgriai. light is rot mly possible, but likely. '1}:is Alm: has one nejor i .w. It dunes camerriat traffic Leto a rmidential. migitborlwod. Our reighborhoal has boon plagued with problars because it is used as a shortcut to and flan Foothill Blvd. and the eristing mopping center. rats spced mrth m Lim St., ignoring the sign indicating that it is rot a through sue=t, asrting a dangerous 9.tmtim for every*sie using the inte:-sec:txm, the sidc~vcilks are a hard wl>en the "lost speeders" Cry [o mslre sxldm rarrx[ims. ,V so, e:gh[een wheel vehicles oftar u=,e the intersec•~m at Lim and Estaria to [urn axnad. Mrst of all, is [he oaistant xresrhing of tires m lim and Fstacia and again m Estacia aM Otangewml (or visa-versa). 71:e spxd aid mrelessless of drivers has resulted in camtless incid~ces of property daiege and m several streets destroyc'<I tl>e quiet and safe atm~splrse that Jlaild exist in a n~idaltial. reighhor- hood. it is not too late to appeal to the planning crnmivsim to consider the traffic problars of this neighborhood before granting perndssim to h, ild the shopping curter as Alarmed. !ik rrxd to agree on a plan chat rot mly suits oar individual de=_ires, tut also `nets the criteria of the various dryx:rrrrnL. of tl:e CiL,v of Fdruho G.rs,cnga. One plan ¢,ppested as a possible solutim--a ram[e soluti.m-is rlcsing Lim St at Fsracia M all hnh «m+romrv ,mhirlx 9hic nl an i~ mr ,.drM.~. f.,.a r~ b.r ~~.,..~.. i.,..... ;.. ..a .,..... ,_...d..~ . acccmpli:ll arvti:ing, we mst work tgether; the property value of the least desirable Frne affects [he propert.v ~alrm of the rtost desirable Irma; and if we do rothing, traffic will, wittv:ut a doubt, incravse. 4Rytrld you be willing m support rj,e closing of Lim St. a[ Psuxia as a mans of contmLlSng traffic'. Tf y+w agree, piidse sign tiu.s letter and return it m us. If you do rot agr_~ please write ywrsuggestions and mybe we ran rteet with a City Flamer to crosid¢ other possibilities. don mld Plirlene MilnlC 989-3';9'1 Wort-v rn rinv+ i.im nr 'rotor o....;,,,_.. rn ...._ Waild like to Biggest another plan Rmcer Pane ' ' ' ~ ~.. ~ i r~ Qeri Addrrss i ' .. '. ~ 1 ~~: ~. i fi" ,. ~ 9i7GS ~ 'C „ ~,t ~ : ~ _ - CY755 Lim Street Gramnga, G1 91?30 lkcm~ber 3D, 1989 Der `ei ghbor, The ?izns for Ce proposed ~wpping renter m the rortt~st comer of Foothill BLvd, and Lim Sc. irc_~s.'e a restai¢an[, ~ it is possible that the renter will be active 24 Loins a day. 1M nain access to the ratter will he m Lim St. A left turn rtedian is planned for Foothill Blvd. a[ Liar S[. auu wi"- at i~erease in traffic a signal light is rot mly Fossible, but likely. 7}tis plan hzs one 'a;'cr :..,.. It dunps crnmertial Craffic into a residential reiphhorhood. :L:r .cen'aorfcuf ;ras ~ plagu..d with pro6leis because it is used as a shorteue [o and fran :oot--: Blvd. and the eristing shopping curter. Cars speed rorih m Liat S[., ignoring the sign in'_ ~:~ng [hat it is rot a througJt street, ranting a dangerous situatim for eaenrone using fhe i~te::x::cn. 'I5e side.,al;cs are a Fezard w#ten t.':e "lit seceders" try to rteke sudda correcrims. li_=c, e!.;i;tan siieel teiticl~ often use the intersectim at Lim and Estacia to turn azound. {durst .,. _._ ~s L':e crosrant .screeching of tires m Lim and Fstacia and again m Estacia and Qange.,cal Icr ~dsa-.er=a). i`:e ~ and rarelcs>ness of drivers Fes resulted in cam[less inciderces of property damage and m se~. e:~'~ tce!s ikstroyed [he quiet and safe atmsa'~re rlet sltmld e~dsC in a residatuai. reighbor- ccx . IL 's rt too ]ate to appeal to the planning rrnmi:sim to consider the traffic problerfs of this :tc~:~~~cr^.cnd before granting perttdssiat to luil.d the shopping ranter as Alarmed. 4k need to agree c^ ~ ?:art that rot mly suits as individual desires, bit also rreets the criteria of the various !sxu-~.c:v; o: c^.c ~::[y of Rancho t:cmmnga. ~h~e pLnn suv~estcd as a pav~i.blc sulutim-a rcirote mlutim--is closing lim Sc, at lstacia to all - -_.~-.._, ..__ ,..... ..may, ..~ .~...... ,....... ... .+.c:.:xnly^h amthing, we mast work togethzr; the property value of the least desirable hate affects '::°c :rocert.+ Clue n`. the imst desinhle Fum; and if we do noUri rag, Craffic rdll, without a doubt., tact ~~. '.«;uid '.nu be wiling [o support the ciasing of Lim St. at Fstacia as a mss of cmtrolling traffic? It .,a; .>Q; erg, please srgn this Letter and re[um it to ro. it ycr do not agree plc-nse write yoursuggesiions and ~mybe we pan ireet with a City PL~uma [o onsider oche: possibilities. Jae and ~hrlrne Arnholt ~~32 n.._,,.. , ,, i :.~ . v....,,.:., v' e- W ---~- --~^~ ~- •-, ~ RenidniiiCw,~ l~rld like to suggest arwther Pte? Raker i/ Ba~~,1 9lhe a .,. G `n l(r~Aw-,q- ~- Y ~,v.u~;; 1l,iAd.tl +-,~.~ 1u. 777 ~C1 . ,' Fi ~' ~~S r '. a L. ;; R; @J55 Lim Street Ctcarcuga, G1 91730 Ilacenber ~, 1~ ~r Ve+.bor, 'I!:e piss for [ne proposed st»pping curter m the rorLheast wmer of Fmttuil Blind. and Lim St- irrlt~ce a restatnant, ro it is passible that tl>e ratter will 6e active 24 tntn-s a day. Dx nain zcce~ m [::e curter will. be m Lim St, A left turn rrtdim is planned for FooCull blvd, at Lion Sc. and w-:''- an increase in traffic a sigrc,l light is rot qtly possible, tut likely. 7}tis plan Fes or.=_ re!or : .... It dins camercial traffic, into a residential reighhorhoad. i?,~r :te:o~,bor;;ood tas '.rat plagued with problers bErause it is used as a ~nrtcut to and frm Fxt-i:l Blvd. and the en_=ting .Mopping (inter. Cars ;peed roz1:h m llm St., igyroring the sgn v-:dicut~ o ~at it is rot a the ough street, creating a dang¢nus situatim Eor everycme •,sing [},e i:.:erser.::m. the sidealks are a tezard whet the "last spee~.lers" try to milce sudden correc[ims. .lsc, egg^.[r>°s ~..d-~1 :•ehiclrs oftgt use the intersection at Lim and Fstacia to tour arrnmd. kbrst t' -; _ _e :>autznt screeching of rues m Lim and fBGxia and again m Fstacia rind Orangc~ua<i :`.:^ soee:i z•td nrelesstess of drivers to resulted in cam[less inriderces of property dartege and m sc•: r•ai sue. __*= destroyed U:e quiet and sfe abmspbere that should exist in a residential reighhor- °.cai. .- i•; not tao 2te to appeal to the planning camdssim to consider the traffic problats of tlris '.=.•c.3or;:xd before granting pemdssim to luild the .•~toppLtg ratter as planned. l4e need to agree :~, a pion ~at rot m1y suits celr L;aividual desires, roc also rteets [he criteria of the varioas .......^=ctL, .. e`:c Cit,• of R,:u9;,, f.x>r, ng,,, .he plan s:ggested as a passible solutim-a remte solutim-is closing llm St. at FsLacia to al.] but aeremev ur_hides. 7}rie plan ;s mr wirMlr font rte. h,r amro b.,e., ;.. ~..;..a .>,.,« ;.. ,._.,.._ .,. :c.ca-plis~ m~thing, xe rust work togeclnr; the property value of the .least desirable tore affects t-.e props.=;• tziue of tlm :mst desimble bare; and if we do rothing, traffic will, wdtlru[ a doubt, ^rrc-e. '•HUid :ou be will ing to ctppor. the rlnsing of um St. at Fstacia as a nests of cmtmlling ,Yoffie? :° :.a: agr~, please svj; tltis iatLer and retwn i.t W ua. if kn: do trot agree pease write yrursugges[ions and rmybe we am rteet with a City PLarnrer to crosid¢ other pasibilities. Jae and I`43rlate Arninlt 9l~}-3892 i~,rc2' Ui r-u.,y: WIAI .ll 1_Y4ff yt V~c:Amli(l.m~ 4uuld lice to suggest another plan Rentes~~'. Nzne ~ I I 1 -( +,r O»ner 1~ pa 1W EiYJ~ Llm $treer Curacnga, CA 91730 L~cei~6er 30, 19@9 lkar Yeighbor, 7t+.e plans for the proposed shopping rgrter m the roNxsst miner of Foothill Blvd. and Lion St. inclw'e a restaurant, ro it is possible that tlae tinter will be active 24 hours a day, 'Bie rein aces to the cc>trer will. be m Lim S[. A left turn median is planc~ed far Fwthill Blvd. at Lion St. and witJ, m increase in traffic a sigr:a7, light is rot w.y possible, but likely. 'this pla~i las one nejor i „ It du:rys mmercial traffic into a residmual reighhorhoed. (Ur reighborhmd tns been plagued with problers because i[ is used as a shorcut to and from Fmrhill Blvd. and rte e<isting ~wpping tinter. Cars symd rorth m Lim Bt., igmring the sgn Lpairating ttw[ it is rot a thrceigh street, amting a dangerous 4tuatim for euErvme using G:e irtersectim. 'R~ sidewallcs are a harard wiacn the "last speedets" try rr,, peke s:ddm rorrectims. :Uso, eighteen wheel uehir_les of tear use the irterseniim at iim and Fstatia to tom around. kbrsC oC aL, i:~ the mrsrant screeching of i1[e5 m Lim and Esracia and again m Fsraria and GrangA.md (c: visa-~rersa). The speed and ra*eless:ess of drivers has resulted in taintless incidences of property da:ege and m several streets destro}vnl the quiet and safe ahmspleie [hat should eest in a residential reighbor- huai. R is rot tin late to appeal to t'he planning camdssim to cavsider the traffic problen; of this neighborhood tefore granting p<+emissim to build the mopping G°fller as olanncni. Ore reed Co agrc~ on a plan that rot only suits cur individual desires, b.:t also rtcets the rriteria of the variau dettu't+rnL^ of G`c City of (~sho C;o.-nivu. One plan suggestr! as a possible solutia:--e renote solu[iu~is closir:g Lim St. at Estacia to all but emrermcv vehicles. 'Ibis Dian is nit wi t}xw if fai iltc, h:t nlrncn G,~n in inn that ;n ,.'s.,. r.. accrnv; ish anythiig, .~ mist work together; the ,property value of the least ~sirable tYrm affxts the property value of the oast desirable Item; and if we do nothing, traffic will, wi[hwt n dwbt. -:rc:rase. Iin1d veu 6e willing W ~z:pport tt:e closing at Lim S[. at FsLacla ns a !merts of cmtrolling traffic? 1f :.a: ag:m, plrasc .gn Lhis litter ar~d reriun it to u;. If }nu do rot agree please Ovate wurs:gges[ims and r:eybe w cvt imet with a Ci[y Planner to ansidas other possibilities. Joe ar:d :~rlene Arnholt 989-3892 n_. h .i: uG< u~T, o~ .u Nncl,Vnr%I Wu„ 1+6u1d like to viggesC ano[Irr p]an _ Rmter~ Name ~,'-,".,-~~tt~jjlL'll Ow~vr ~~ Address ~~)~}~~~~, l:a u7-~ ~i~idrll~'. i ~uu 214~~ C uC YaIYY p'.( f-1 (~ Fa `~I~l 'JC' .~~,. e :.s~ i X55 Lim Street Cucaionga, Gl 91TjD L>ecrniber ~, 15!39 lRar neighbor, 'Ihe plans far the proposed ~oopi::g center m G?e rort~st corner of Foot}v 11 pled. and Lim St. incline r -estautan[, m it s passible Gat t'+e meter ~..dl_' ~ active 24 torus a day. the nail access n. he ceter will to m Lim Sr. a 7,,.- ti,m .;~ m. W Y~ _~ fir Fw~:i;i 6ivd. ar iim St. and with m increase in Civic a siy~ai L=`:t is :ut m1y Iussihie, h:t likely. 1}iis plan las one rejor flew. It dmpC, cQ,rercq! Caffic into a residential neighborhood. Our reigitborhoocl !r3s hem olaeied ~'-ith probi.ea:s S~nuse it is used as a ~rortcut to cord from Frothili Blvd. a;~d the e<isCr~ ~ecpin¢ center. r~ oeeri mrGt m Lim St., igwring LSe sign indicating that it is cot a ~rcugh~ c-~~t, crz=__ne a dangerous sit:~tim for enenrone using the :.ntersectim. 'I}e sidewalks ?ce a :~a;>1?r;i .~ ..e 'lust spaeders" try w neke sudden mrreccims. Also, aightpai wheel ~ehicies oEtm usn :he inL=rse`tim at Lim and Fstar:a to [um aresmd. korst of all, is tlm rnnstant street. i.g pE 'ire m '.'m and Estacia aM amain m Estacia and Orangexmd (or «sa-versa). ?he speed and ^'u'elesa~ess of dr_~e._ :~a_s re:-ui'r_~ in cam[less inciderses of property dmuige and m several streets destroyed the „let snd .zte aC,c~~i~ere t'~at should exist in a residential reighbor- hnx1. IL is not teo late to app~1 :e t^a oianntn nn-1,~im .o ccnsicier rlr rraffir rnr, t., a Lc, gam- g -. ~~eig'nhorimrd f~fo.-c ~.in ,x::::i~;im to iz:llc :x mopping curter as planned. 4.e needo[o aree on a plan that not mly suit= ^'.u i.d ~tidual deru-e=•, but also nrets the crireria of the vario~ys deµnr-unmts of the City of Farcw ,:Lc~are'd. One plan suggested as a poss:bie sciutim~ rercte solutim--is clwing L.m St, a[ Escx:ia to all but Cumr',gmcv eetueles. '[his pear, s net wichou: Paul's, bit plcnse keep in ndnrl that in order to acrmplisli anvtluno, ve ,;LLtt wr; ^oz°c er; Gne oromrt~ value of the lease: desirable trne affects the property walue of the rmst deli.-able hrre; anti if rx do rothing, traffic will, without a doubt, increase. 4m:p;l ww ~ wi 7ling to suppor tte r_;vcinq nE l.;m St. at Fstxia as a netts of cmtroil ing traffic? If lcn agree plmse sign [his letter and rrtur i[ to us. If. vrnt do rc;t agree please write «wrsre~cstims .mod rtaybe xe ran imet with a City Plvmer to consider other possibilities. Agree In Cleve Lim at Fstada Would Like to stvgest anotlrr plan f.e :'ai i~n . . . .Im amt i6tl.ene liniliplt 9fI9-.'W97 Resident/(),mer Bunter ! Q,ms ,/ ~r i ~i ~ _ /'. i.;%. ~i ti~~. ~: `p~.. 8355 Lim Street Curarnriga, G1 91730 Decenber 3D, 1569 mar Neighbor, 'Ihe plans for the proposed ,shopoing crater m the ror[tmst miner of Foothill $,:i, and Lion St. ine]ude a r~srautant, s~ it is passible that [he cuter will he active 24 tarns a dac. 'Pie ;min access to [he carter will to m Lim S[, A left ruin nediai is plaareii for Fmthil $~d. at Lion St. and w„ h do increase in traffic a signal Light is rot mly possible, hu[ likeLv, This plan Ins one rtajar .aw. It dui tamerriul traffic ir.[o a [estidmtial rwiohlnrtrr.l. Our reighlnrhuod his hem plagued with problems beaux it is used ar a shortcut t: s;d fran Foo[Iti11 $vd. arul trro eeisting shopping center. Gus speed rorth m Lim St., igxrins tie 4gn Lndicating tliac it is rot a through street, ¢eating a dangeruis stuatim for eve .ene :sine aye ircersectim. 'Pie sidclalks are a tnaard what the "lost speeders" try to peke su2tm mr. ec'.:iats. Alsro, eighte~ Wreel vehicles of[m use the intersectzm at Lim aid Fs*xia to :_-. errrrd, 'nor r` all, is the constant screeching of sires m Lim and Fstacia and min m F.srx= aid karee.,oa: (or visa-versa), The speed and carelessness of drivers Ins trsul.ted in cgmtless ircidases of prate-:: ,i?~ge and ~n several streets destroyed the quiet and safe atmupFiere Hnt .Dw,ild exist in a ~'__dar=. ;~_zhber- Iteal. - It is noC too Lite to appeal to the planning crnmissim [o rmsider ttr traffic pr_b:e~s ~: ~~;- neigiilnrhood before panting perndssim [o build the Dropping caster as pLvmel. '~e ;~ -o -sree on a plan that cot mly sus is our individual dcsi.res, but also rreets the criCera c: _'ie ~.ar_o~ ~~~"!Hr ~J~ICCtS OC ^_M LrtV Of :loiiG'NJ Urarcnga. One plan suggestai as a ~sible wlutim~ rmp[e solution-is rlasing Lim St. ut stxa 'o a.:'. bin .,d.; n,... ~n.._ _ _ _ _ ,__ :_ ___ ., • ~~ we pi.,... ~ an muw :^a[ u; orner to .'xccmpl i.sh mything, ~ inst. wrk together; jtM property value of the least desir,.h'~e Ore af`a;:,_ the property value of Lhe :cost desirable ham; and if xe M rothvag, traffic wi11, ~.i~but a ,-iaihr., incrrau. ;urnLei }na be wilting to sueport the clrsing of Lim St, at Estacia as a mrore of cs.[.•-oLi:n__ traffic' if vznr am~m, piaase s!gn this Letter and mturn it to re. If }m~ do rot agrea please write }ausugges[ims and maybe we am met with a Ci[y ?lamer to omsider other p~ssibilfties. Jce and Fffilare Arntnlt Y39-31192 corm rn rrca t_^.: at !"~:t~:::_ Ke51[imt%IMEr lwuld like to wggest anotlrr plan Renter Owner Address ''{ L I d) I . •~ ~ .4 ~ U , C,•, ~-UC(A,WVON ~ l.~i t~il~7 JC --t-- ~yyKK4 y+.i M wM• ~ F ,..,, y r-.'.t ..r :' ,~ ~! , .~ . ,L .§ I 8fY5 Lion Street a,~,~, cq mnc rx~mmer 30, 1989 Llnr VeighMr, Tm plarcs for the proposed shopping cater m the rort`~st corner of Foothill BLvd. aid Iion St. inclide a restaurant, so it is Visible twat tre renter will 6e active 7l. bans a day, 'pie anin access to Um ce;ter wdll he m Lim St, .q 1efC Cur.! nedim: is planned for Foothill Blvd. at Lion St. and with m iirrr~ in traffic a stipial light is roc mly p'~-i61e, but LiFr1y. 'Rus plan has one najor f. .,, I[ dtmis camer_;^t traffic into a residential neiyhMrhoM. Our neighborhood has Men plagaed with probiare because it is used as a ~nrtCUt w and from Fmthili Blvd. and c5e e~dsting mopping cente-. Cars speed rorth m Lion St., ignoring the sigi indicating Lhat it is roc a through scree*_, ¢mtLig a dangerous situatim for everyone using the intersn:eim. the sidealks aze a hazard when t';e "last speeders" try [o Hake sudden correctims. ~ilse, eighteen rheel verticles often use the i.~tesser.:iai at Iim and Estacia to turn around. k6rst of a11, is the constant screeching of trey m Lim and Fstacia arcl again m Fstacia and Orangaood (or visa-ccrs~). the spent and carelessness of drivers has resulted in camtless imidemes of property damage aid m several streets destroyed the quiet and safe atrnsdrre rTat .~xwld grist in a residaiCial reip~bor- liaai. It is rot ten lace to appeal ro the planning cmmissim to consider the traffic problens of this neighborlx»d before parting ~rn;issian to band the ~mpping salter as plaimed. 4k need to agree on a plan that not cn'_y suits au individual desuas, d,t also ~reeGS the aiteria o[ the variau- ~i.•C.utne~~ls nC U:a Gtv of Fancro wcarenga. One plan suggested as a possible solucim-a nnpte solution-is clcsinq Lim St. at Fstacia to all accempl vsh anyThing, we Host work^together; Uie propetty valie of the least desirable~kxreVaffects t!x, prorxrty ialue of the ~;t desirable hare; and iE wP do mtl+.Lig, traffic will, wittqut a da;bt, incraiu . h'rnild wrw 6e willing tr; alpport the cl wing of Lim St. at Fstacia as a roans of cmtrolling traffic'. iC wrr agree, p1a~ sips tttis iecter and rattan it [o us. Tf yrxl ,b cot agree plaase write yr;ws.iggestior~s and rtoyhe ¢e ran Ireet with a City PLarmer to omsider other possibilities. Jae and Ft3rlene AtnlulC 993892 , norm ni r - ,i Watid like to suggest anotFer plan p~~ Address '7 / 3 5 G s %q e ~~ l~~-~,~"~ f,~~~r.,~J~ C r~ c ~l m nn& t~ &1: m! a.. ,,: i ;~ 5 ~.,;r ,E. a . ~; 'I ,~ ,.~, , 8055 Lim Sttcet 4ramtga, G 91T3D Ilecsaber 3D. 1969 11mr Neighbor, 'tile plans for the proposed ~ioppiag gaiter m the roztl,east mnrr of Foothill ffirri. aid Lim St. include a restaurant, ro it is possible that the meter will bP aCTive 7b traces a day. 'Rie min access to the o3~ter will be m Lim St. A left turn nedia~ is planed for Foothill. ffivd, a[ Lim St. aid with ai increase in traffic a ~@ial light is rot mly Izssible, tut likely. Phis plan tes one mjor flaw. It dw{c ,rnner~snt traffic into a residential nei~tborhood. Our rei~6orhoa! has ban plagted with problem beraroe it is usai as a ~nctcut Fn and firm Foothill Blvd. , d the edstixig ~Pldtt6 center. Cars speed rorth m Lim St., igroring rile sign indicating ricer it `•= nct s thraq_h street, ¢mtitg a dmgera~s situatim for everycm using tie intersectim. 'Rie sidewalks are a thm~ Jiat the "lost ~eede ~" ~'y *.n mlre sidda, mrxectims. ALv, ei~tteen Weal wliicles ottm tse t}e interaectim at Lim ad Fstatia to bun araM. kural of all, is the crostant srreedung of tires m Lim aid Fetar;a and again m Fatatia aid (}angeyuod (or visa-versa). 'Ihe speed ad carelzs~s of drivers has resulted in scentless inciderrs of propel tY d~~eh'e ad m several streets destroyed the q~riet and safe atrmspt~e that sharld east in a residential reighbor- hood. It Ss mt ten late to appeal to t}e platndng t~idssia~ m carsider the traffic problem of this neighhorFpod before ~mting petnussia~ [o hrild the ~PPi^G omfar as plaunai. Ik n~ to agree m a plan that rot ally Brits our individual desires. hit also nears the criteria of tM variwa depazmatts of the City of Renrho oram~ge. Ore plan sggested as a possible solutlaf-a terote solutim-is clo.Qng Lim St. at Ft,2acia to all but mert,_..cy vetucles. 'Qtis plan is rot withouC faults, bR please keep 1n mind that in ceder to accoiplish anytidtig, we mist wrk tageti,er; the ptcp,+tty value of the least desirable hom affects the property value of the host desirable hme; and if we do rotlwig, t,rtfic viii, witha.: a dcuht, increase. Wmld ya1 be willing to support the closing of Lim St, a[ rs :.._ ~:, ;,'-^^_ ~£ rcntmlling traffic? If yw agree, please sign this letter and rettIIn it m us. If 7W do rot agree ply ware ymr a~~tims and naybe we cgs neat with a City lnamer m consider ottns prxssibilities. Jce and hHrlene Arntnil 989-3892 Agree to close Lim at Fstxia ~ Resident/O.r.~et-~ Would like [o :aygast arotMr Pte! Renter i .. ~ ~, .- Nate ~+i: ~/~~ - Gm~ nadress >' ~ ~~ 9ac~ ~ c~ 2055 I.im Street Cucarcnga, CA 91731 lkcanber 3D, 1589 Thar Yeighbor, Tne plans £or the proposed strapping c.-rater m the rorth~st mrrer of Foothill Blvd. arl Iim St. include a mstaurant, ro it is possible LFat the renter will to active 24 hours a day. the rein acces< to [he cater will be m Lim St. A left turn radian is p]armed for Foothill Blvd. at Lim St. mtd wiCh m increase in traffic a signal ;fight is rot mlv ~ssible, but likely, 'Cris plan Fes one na jot :w. It dtmps cwnrarcial traffic into a residential rr~ighMrhmd. Q~r nei ghhorhoxl tas tzm plagued with problens barause it is used as a shortcut [o and frwn Fwthi i.l Blvd, and [he ecis[ing mopping carat. Ca.-s spewl rorth m Lim St., igtoring the sign indicating that it is rot a through street, creasing a dangerou sittatim for evrryme using the ir.[ersectim. 1}x: sitlcxrlks are a Lazard wttcn Ghe 'last speer!ers" try to make sudden mrrectims. .V.cxr, eightecxt ;.heel vnhi<le~ often use the interscu!im at Lim mtd Fstar+= to tun az-omd. 4ArsC oC a11, ±s tl:e constant ~reedung of tires m Lim and FsU:cia and again m Fsracia and Orangeowi (or visa-versa). The speed and :arPlessiess of drivers trvs resul[ed in countless inciderces of property gage and m .seve[al strrets destroyed tM quiet grid safe atnc.~.,re UaC shmld ecis2 in a residential reighbor- hood. it is rot too late to appeal co the planning crnmissim to consider rte traffic pmble~s o' this neigJtturFaxl before g~..nting penmssim Co fari]d the shopping crater as Alarmed. Mk need to agrrn on a pLnn tl.ar rot mly suits air individrL31. desires, bit also tenets the criteria of the vrrials ds;.v tnr.:s of Cx Ci.ty a,` 2;oc';o Gu„~r,ti~i. (h:e pbun sucpestcvi as a possible rolutim--a remte wlutim-is closing Lim St. ac Fstacia to :r11 but mr;rrencv vnltirles. This nlan is mr wi rhnm fa~,lr~ t..r ~td,~., v ..... ......:...t ..~...._ nc<mp]ivt anut4ing, we mLSt rerk together; Um property yrlue of the least desirable Fme affcrts r„~ property value oC the mist desirable ham; and if we do routing, baffi< will, wiLhwtt a cbttbt, inrrcxse. tiuu.id vnu k' wi]J ing to support Ghe dosing of Lim St. a[ FsLa<ia as a means of rmtrolling traaffic'. If ;w :rotes, plc:vc 1~-, this '.otter iNd ietunt it Gt u.i. If yw do rot agree please write yoWS.tggesiens and ~mybe ~ urn rrePt with a Cicy Planner to crosider other possibilities. Ice and ^~rlene Arnholt X1592 e ..,.. ;, ,., uw ..u ni a~ ,..iiot,iu -i tJwld like to suggest another plan Nam ~^ L~. .il,~-<- 3` ;~''C:~'- Yend~.t/^..~.~ ~~ Renter Q.ries_~ ,~~ l~r.~-. ~°~.c-~-r;, - t `7/ 7 3 0 !+ s:. . cu - r ~ ,:~. ,~~ ^ L,. s, 8D55 ISm Street Gram, G 91T1D Ilcmiber ~. 1989 ]ket Neighbor, The plans for the propostd stpppu~q mrter m the rortl~st mrrrPr of Fco[hill ffivd. and Lim St. include a rPStarsmit, ro it is prmz6le that the caster wN r i 6e xtive 7!~ haas a day. The ®in access fn the carter rill he m Lim St. A left han nediar is plannei for Foothill ffivd. at Lim St, arcl oath m incr~se in traffic a sigml. light is rot mly possible, but lowly. This plan Fes me nejor flaw. I[ dugs mmPrr;Pt traffic into a residmtial reighFnrtncd. Qs rrSghbor! ai F¢s F~ plagued with problars berase it is used as a stnrtnl[ to aM fro!! Foothili ni.w. ad the existarg stuppirrg meter. Cars speed rorth m Lim St., igrorirrg tan. sign indicating that it is rot a thtnugh street, a'mting a dangerous st[uatim for everyone udng the intersectim. the sidcalks are a telard vtrm the '1osC speeders" ti"Y to neke sudden mrra[ims. Also, eighteai rJieel rehirles oftar use the intersectim a[ Lim and litacia [o tom arniad. 4brst of aL', is the cuvtant sreetlirg of tires m Lim ad ]static ad again m }srar;P and Cl'mgaAad (or visa-versa). The speed and mrelessress of drivers Fes rewi[ed in oamtle_es imiderces r¢ prope<*V damge aM m how stYPets des[myed the quiet and safe ahmsph¢e Ucrt :iwtld edst in a resdartial neighhor- It is rot too late to appeal ro the planning cmtni ~'m to cm¢der. t)te t~ffic pvblars of this neighborhood before granting pendmm [o build the ~'oPPNB meter as platred. 4k rraed to agree m a plan that rot mly Brits our individual desires. but also its the eriteria aF the various depo[serts of the (Sty of pmrclro Gcamn~, (kiP plan °~,oo~.-rd1 as a amble roltim-a ran,tr rolutiar--is closvg Lim St. at fstacia to all but erergcncy vehicles. This plan is rut without faults. tut please laep in ndrd that in rrder to acca~lish mything, ere mrst work togeUrr`-; the ptnperty value of the lmst desirable hone affats /roperty lalUe Of the IfC62 desuahlP I..'Y! ~ if uP .4. m~Fim ~~..44:_,.._ii rI1LrS£152. "e. ....- , ~.. w~ o ... , !could vac he willing to support the closing of Lim St. at Fstatia as a ~s of cmtrolling traffic? if ya, agree, please sign this letter and return it to us. If yw do mt agree plmse erite }autsrggestims and maybe ree ~ neat with a Sty P1armPi to crosider other possibilities, Joe and tfirlaie Amholt X93892 Agree to close Lim at Fstacia~ Residm[/Q,r>a l~^F.ld l~riE ~. jai arwtiwr nl?n ~. - Rmter-q /i ~/ /"~ f til S ~'{V1 i ~~:'. ~f fMer Address C ` i /' s`fFlP~F1 ``~/ X55 Lim Street Cir-arnxlga, CA 91730 0.~c:enter 3J, 19f33 ikar Ne; ghMr, 7`:e plans for the propped ,shopping colter m [he rorL`>~st comer of Foothill ffivd. and Lim St. include a :*staisant, so it is passible that the renter will be xtiwe 24 taus a d;y. The fmin aa~v' to G`.e outer uiil to m Lim St. A left Gun rtedian is planned for Foothill Blud. at lien S[. and ~ai t`. an ircrmse in traffic a signal light is rot mly possible, tut likely. This plan less one ~re;or . IC duips camercial traffic inco a residential neighhorlwcd. CVr m_L~.bcr=.ocd i0a ~ plagued with probleis because it is used as a shortcut to and fran FmGhi_: 3.'.~: c. ~*ti ;. eeiseing :cropping curter. Cars speed mrth m Lim St., ignoring the sign -ineiicatL,2 at it is rot a thim¢h street, curling a dangerous situa[im for e~reryone using the ir,[er sec _'m. The si~e.alics aze a haard whet tF.e 'lost speeders" try to ndce sudden correctims. :llro, ^- - .~ ~.~eee_ ~,e^~cle<. of.al use the intersecam at Lim and Fsrr;a to cum aromd. ;~brst of ~, ,., .:e _..mstzr:: screec^,ing of tires m iim and Fstacia ald again m Estacia and Crangeaoal 7}~a soee:i .y:d .:saless;ass of clri~rrs tns resulted in countless incidences of property darege aid m se~erai .Trots desL Coed the quiet and s4fe atrnsphere that sirould exist vl a residential reighbor- Itaod. It is Trot tx :ate to appeal to the planning cmndssim to unsider [he traffic pro6larm of this neie^:to:'.tox 'x_,re granting ~nidssim to tuiid the shopping carter as planned. 4.p neevi to agree on a iliac mat .rt atie omits our indit2rluni desires, but also imets the criteria of the va~'ints ria; v'IY`-F*~.[f ^. .:.C G'_~: Jf °:..^c`,J .r.UC1v'llxa.~. Rle pion ,a:.;rc`ted as' a possible :rolutim-w rerote xlutim-is clwing Lim S[. aC [sracia co all bnC G.Er'2:p, ~,E'11dC5. 7}115 al%N i5 mf wi hly*,Y fantr~ b.r .a.... .. iM _ _ -L.. accrnniist .n::.- ne, ~,e :ust wrk [ogecher; C':e property value of the least desin6le~lureVaffec[s the proper, ~: ~~ n of the rest desinbie ham; and if we do nothing, traffic wtiLl, without a dwbt, iscrr:~~, k+nu ci }cu `.e ~,-i_i:ng m srpport the cl:sing of ISm St. at Fstacia as a ups of cmtzel.ling traffic? if i.ri aT O,. ,iwse sy. Lhis latter and ret,arl it to t,5. If you do not sere` please unite yvarsuggetims and m,yte we can ireet. with a City Planner [o crosider other ~sibrlities. Waild like to serest arather plan Address ~//b'7 ~sir'~a .Y ~qn rho. (7.r ~' p t ' ,. '~,_ Jce and hhrlene ArnFnlt ~3-3892 Renter X WIG t:~,.:o I .... :~;: ~r.'~ ~ do "~.: 8055 Lim Street a~cana~. G1 91T.i0 Ikcaber ~, 1984 Dear i~ighbor, 'Ihe pLvws for the pmpogd ~ioppi~ miter m the rort}mst miner of IoothiLl ffivd. and Lim St. include a rnsta.varit, ro it is possible that the varier will to attire 24 hens a day. the vain access to ire omter will he m Lim St, A left turn irediai is plam.ai for Iroothill ffivd. at Lim St. and with ro incrmse in traffic a sigml light is rot mly possible, but Likely. yiis plan Fos me rojor flaw. It duiQs n.merr;at traffic into a residential reighboi}nod. Our reighhor~: rod Fes been plagued with {coblere haaise it is used m a stnrtnR. fn ad frrn! eoothiii Isivo. ad the a¢s[ing slnppfng center. Cars screed rpRh m Lim St., rgnOrinB the sig: indicating [hat it is rot a through street, Qeating a dang~ts sitaatim for everyv~e using the ir:tersectim, The sidewalks are a Feerd whin the "lost speeders" try to ~ sudden mrrectiars. ALro, eigJ~tem wheel rducles often use the interrectim at Lim ad Fsrw•;a to ir¢n arnurd. 4brst of all, is the mn[ant screErlrv~g of tires m Ism and £star;= ad again m Fstacia aid Qargt~ood (or visa-versa), the speal and mrelesatess of drivers Fns rasul[ed in taintless incidaicpa of property damge ad m several streets destroyed the quiet ad wife atnmptere that should exist in a resideRial neighbor- hmd. Tt is rot tin late to appeal to the planing romd~ m to cvisiider il~e traffic poblarc of this neighbprFnod before grantug p°noLssim ro Grild tle .~ppping caner as pDusred. 4k read to agree m a p]an tint rot only suits as individual desires. but a]so nears the aitada of the various depurtrnents of the City of Rancho ara~n. (k~e plan a!~r~ m a possible vlutim--e reiulY rolurim-is closing Lim St. at Fstacia to all but erergern:y ~chicles. ?his pFan is rot w1[Fart faults. but please la?op in rwd that in order to ammglish anything, we nrrst work together; the property value of the least desirable Frne affects the property value of the imst desirable Frr.r~ a.vl if .o a.. ..,....;..., lJould yvu to willing m support the closing of Lim St. at Fsrx;n as a nears of cont:roLting traffic? If you agree, please sign this letter and return it to us. If }ai do mt ogee please write yuvsrggestiau and maybe we ~ ~t wdth a City Flamer to misider otlier possibilities, Joe aM !darlene ArnFnlt 98x}3892 Agree to clr~ Lim at Fstaria ~ Resident/Owtrr w_.ia , -N.... - u. c~ai an<i;ivr nian ~_`- ~ "~~ RmCPr Kane -_.`>\~t.l-'~, ~.(?'~'~,( _-~... ~_~~,!(=°~O,.r~er address~`t'~, ~ ~, V~tiC ~~ ~LLL 11(~~~ ~ ~ -~_ ~, ~~t"~0~ LdYS Lim Street Cucanvlga, G 91730 Aroecber 3), 1589 fir- Neighbor, Ilte filans for the propmed sopping ratter m tre rortheast corner of Foothill ffivd. and Lim St. include a restaurant, ro it is pasble that the cvster will 1>e activE 2l. MI1I5 a day. The rain access to the curter udLL he m lim St. h left hsn rtedian is plarvled for Foothill Blvd. at Lim S[. and with m inceace in traffic a gg~al light is rot mly possible, but likely. I};is plan has one ;mjor .., It dumcs cn~rr!al traffic vtte a residential reighborhmd. Our' reie~hhorhoxi hzs ~ alag'_~ed with problets hcrause it is reel as a shortcv[ [o and fran Foothill Blvd. and tie °dsting slopping centar. Cats spied :nrth m Lim St., igmring the sgn indicating that i[ s rot a ;nrcuyh street, creacir;g a dangerous situatim for evervme using the intursectim. 11~e deaL4s area !azsd ~ the "last speeders" try to nelce sudden cnrrcctims. :ll so, ei.,te~n w~: ~.e ices of:~ use ;}~ intersxtim at Lim and Fstacia to Cron arau~d. 4brst of atl, is the curs[-_c~ ~cer_-~ ~_ of tires m Lim and Fstacia and again m Fstacia and Cl-angcMOxl (or ~tia-cer sa), 'I}:e speed and mraiesstzss cf dr_yei-s has resulter~ in rrnmtless incidences of proper[}' danege and m .sevr"a] sL^rets des~royM t;e ai.et and safe aL~sphere t`at should eels[ in a ttsidential reighbor- hoed. IC is cot [m lain t'e aeo~i tc the planning crnmdssim to corvsider the traffic prohleis oP this neighMtfxxx{ Mfere grzntip, ae:-a_,;sim co build G'r sopping curter as planned. {le reed [o agrr~e on a plan G'~at no[ m:~: sits ac individual desires, br[ also meets the criteria of the variats dennrtm~rs of •:~ !', ~.. of ?sncis C;~,a;c;,~. One plan sugge.;[ed as a mssible rolutimti ranote rolutim-is closing Lim St. at Fstacia [o all but emergstcv vc~icl es. This clan is rot withrrt faiilr~. I,m ~1~~.. ~....., acc:mpi ran an}~'vn~, ~.,e .r_s: ~mr~ '.er3eL5er; the property value of the least desirable~haeVafferts I.he property ralro of Ux :cat desirable hrne; xtd :f .,e do muting, irtffic will, withalt a doubt, inernue. {wind ;.nu M will ine to support c'le [luring of Lim St. at Fstacia as a nearrs of cm[rolling traffic? If wart aorR-~, p!"ate- ~~: Lhis luttcr xld return i[ to us, If }w do cot agree pira=e ~a-ite }cwsuggescims and aayhe ae can meet with a City Planner to crosider other pxssibllic_es. Jce and `ti3rlnte AmFolt 584-3892 Avrm rn rl,xx, 1;... ., _ ___ __.. . ..« rte..-...:.. .......~... Rom, n..~«in...,.~ ~___ _~ ,_. /J 4krdd like to suggest am[trs plen_,~:-:~ I Rmter~ Nano ~ ,~~L'Lp/~~ ~~/ !';/~(. ~ c Owr~et Address ~r~' :~ Q' {~j/,(I ~T/;7if'vaf /~l~f r. .rt , h ~n r.. at .~ ~' 9 @J55 Lr.m Street Qsamn~, CA 9173D Ikran!rr 37, 1999 IC is rot Coo late to appml Co [M p]arvung comiissicn ro consider the traffic pmblms of this neighboti;mi ~forc granting penid.ssim to 6tu1d the shopping rrnter as p]armM. 4,e need to ague on a plar. [hat rot only suits mr individral desires, tzrt also ~eW^ the criteria of the vardnis deparrmx~ts of the City of Fanchn f,M~!~. (kie plan a;ggested as a possible wlutiar-,3 rmote salutirn-is clositg lien St. at Estacia to all but emrgency rHUCles. This p:an is rot wittxut faulrc ~. ~. ~r~ ;LL~i, ;,, uwu uet in order tc •~~^•^"-•'` ... .;,,K. we nusr work together; Ghe pm;ercy value of the least desirable Frne affects t!m property talue of the mat rksiru6le hrne; and if we do mrhing, traffic will, without a dmht, i ncrca~. k'nuld vrw be wtil ling to supmtt thr- e'cxsing of Lim St, a[ Estacia as a rm~aes of emtrolling traffic'' 1f yrn; agrr~, please sigi rJ;is letrar and rent„ it to us, Tt wu do :roc arm plmse write yoursuggestions and eeybe we can rtes[ with a City PLavnr Co consider ot},er possihilitics. ,Joe and tl3rlme ArnMlt ~}- X92 Address 3 Z.J ~G- /J1 ~ i{.? ~k'f~ f) Y . ikar `iei~lnr, S?re plans for thz proposed sioppLig center m the roriheast comer of Foofhi 11 Blvd. and Lim Sc. inCltvie a restaurant, ro it is possible that tfe ca~[er will to acciwz 24 Frnus a rNy. the imin acres-, to the water will 6e m Lim St, A lef*_ dsn nediar is Alarmed for Foothill Blvd, at Lim St. and with m incrmse in traffic 2 sgral light is rnt mly possible, br[ likely, Shin plan has one ~•uajor ~ ~ ra. It dur¢5 crnnercial traffic into a residential reighhorFncd. (>Jr reigir~rhood Fes l~ plagued with problers because it i, u:Fd as a shortcLt to and fran :outhilt Blvd. and the existing 5wpping Winter. rar~ speei rorth m Iim SC„ igmring the sign u;di~nting t}at it is rot a C+rough street, creating a dangeroLLS sinetim for everyme using the interscctim. The side.,aLts are a furard what the 'last speeders" try ro m~!ce sriden mrrEC LimS. .4iso, eigyhteen wheel udiicles of[ca; use the in[ersxtim at Lim and F~raria w nun arpmd. kbrst of a11, is tl;c ..orvswnt screectting of ti.res m Lim and Fbtscia and again m Estar;A and Q-angcuooci (or visa-r2rsa). 'Ihe sped aid rarelessrmss of drives tg5 resulted in enmttt-s5 inciderces of prop~s-Cy d~amgr' and m seve!al streets destroyed the quiet and safe atrtnsphere that shr~ild ~.st in a resid~ttial rrighbor- haxl. Agrm to ctcse Lim at istacia .Y hYnild like to Biggest another plan NaRC~r /c•d- / i ~/ 'i .S aec~d~.tj•~ `_ Renter ~/ Qn~er x/7~,~c°NU G oC,Ai»c~ti,~, ~~ .~ ,:~ .~ J .. t ;.r . . °O55 lim Street Cuam,~i, C1 91731 Ilrmber 31, Irk39 tkaz Yeighbor, 'The plans for the proposed 3ppping center m the rorthmst corms of Foothill Blvd, and lim Se. include a restain-dnt, so it is passible that the ce_ntet wlil he active 24 twrs a my. 7}m nain access to tt~ center will be m Lim St. A left turn nedian is planned for Foothi]1 Blvd. at Lim St, end with an 'ncrease in traffic a signll light is ro[ ally passible, but lilrely. 9ris plan has one trojor flaw. C dunes can,ercial trffic into a residential netighhortwod. Our mighborhood has lem plagued wit:'1 probLe~s because it is used as a siw~twt ~• a^^ ¢~ roothill Blvd. and the misting ~oppi ng center. Cars ~ mrth m Ism St., ignoring the sign indicating L'aa[ it is mt a through street, ¢eatir:g a dangerous situatim for evaryme using L'ie intersrctim. llx sidewalk a-e a tezard wF~ the 'last spEeders" try [o nuke ridden correctims. :llw, eighteen vJteel vrhicles often use the interse_.ion at [im and FsLacia [o turn araud. 4iorst c£ a11, is G:e constant zreeching of tires m Lich and stacia and again m Fstaeia and Orangexc~od (or td~--eersa). •[he spend and carelessness of drivers leas resulted in eoanrless ircide~:es of property danage and rn seven). s7seres destroyed the gtuet and sate arnnsohere tttat ~auld e;d.~-[ in a residm[ia1 mighbor- haxt. Ic is rot ton ]ate eo appeal to the pl<vuiing carmisaim to consider the traffic problme of tlris neighlxrhood before granting permission Co taiild the ~opPNg caster as planned. We need to agr?e en a Dlan that mC mly sti.CS our individual desires, tut also imets Un rsiterla of the variars depss ~~,«n1A of Ghc City of R'u~.rho Cucanonga. One pl.n sugzested as a possible mlutim~ renote ~nlutim-is cling Ism St. at FGCar;a to all ~,.,r mnrornrv eehieles. 11ris plan is mt ur_cbut faults, but please {mep in mud that in order Co accrnrylish ,sM}ring, wn mut wont rcgeu rt~~, i~ p: ;;,_;~• •~t.a of the lust desirable hale affects the property value of the nmt desirable tme; and if ,,e do ror}ting, taaffic will., wrtraut a ,uuO~, incrmse. lnt,ld ycni he wiLLing to :uppcrt Lhe el acing of Lion St, at E;tacia as a ncros of emtrolling traffic'.' i[` y'n .ega~, plrr,e sioyn this letter and return it to us. Tf yw do mt agrce please wri ce yrxusu~es[ims and reybe we ran irtet widt a City Planter m mrtsider other p~:sibilities. Soe aM Mkrlcne AMnlt 9B~1Yf32 ngrw. in ~l ~c '.:~."^. ;',« Feixia {' _/ RCSldtllt~lJMwS / lKUlc1 ~ w aiggest another plan Renter Address "a :. i ~'~-zL t'vt.,,~ ~.~ J_ 1 ti /~~ '1K l k~ ., ~ ~ p;,'. ,.. ~? l~ .a` 8(YS Lim Stxec# Qrmm~, G 9173D Derenber ~, 1989 Il~r Nei~abor, 'Ihe Plans for the proporad shopping canter m the mrtleust miner of Foothill ffivd. atd Lim St. include a restaum[, .m it is possible that the curter will be activ,? 24 loos a day. 1Fie ®in access to The tooter will be m Lim St. A left Run ~liaa is p]aamed for Fmthill ffivd. at Lim St. and with m irrr~sa in traffic a siypal light is rot only possible, h¢ likely. This plan has one ne,jor flaw. I[ duryrs mimercial traffic into a msidettial neighhortaood. Qs arigJtbor ncl has hem p]agted with pmblt~ ba-au:re it is usai a, a stpr[M to arcl frrm Foe`r-'"fit ~.':~'. «' t5e r.:_-tiny ahoPE,ing cenixr. Cars speed ror-Cir m Lim St., igroring the sign indicating that it is rot a tlrraagh street. a~tirag a dangerous sirietim for eryrryue rauag the intejsectim. 'The sidciaik_s are a hoard Tlim the "lost speeders" try m roke tddm mxzactions. Also, eighteen Merl vehicles often u~ the intersectim at Lim and Fsrar;o m tiun araM. 4brst of all, is the onstara[ scrns:hir~g of tire; m Lim and Fstacia and again m Fstacia and Raragapad (or visa-versa). 'Ihe speed and carelessness of drivers has resulted in muntlcs incidexes of 7soperYy daimge and m several streets destrnyad the giriet and safe aRrosphere that .should etdst in a rasidartial reighhor- hood. It is rot tno ]ate [o appeal to the planing camm~im to rursi.det. [he traffic probleis aE Uus neighborhood before granting pernussim to brild the ~h~ crater as p]arvacd. ~ reed m agree m a plan [hat mt mly tuts our individual desires, but also its the Qitaia of [he carious departments of the (sty of I+~~clp Qraimga. ~+e Piaa suggested as a possible rolutim~ tnmte solr2;m-is cl^,cr~ Ltm St. ai F :aria to ail but emerge;icy vehicles. this pion is rot without faults, tot please Imp in nurd [hat in order m ama~lish mvthing, ve m'st wrk rogerher; the prolws.ty valor of the least desirable hone aff~ts the lroprl-tY value of the most desirable Frne; and if we do rothu>A. traffic will. wltlnR a .4..hr. 4!oald yw th willing to support [he closing of Lim S[. at Fstacia as a nr~ts of controlling traffic? If you agrer., ple-ve sign this lettnr and rerun it ro as. If ya, do rot agree please write yoursuvgesti.ms and mryte ve ~ meet with a (1ty PLvvus to cmedda other possibilities. .lce and tf3rlere Artdtolt -- 9E~3B92 Agta~ to close Lim at Fstacia~ Resddmt/Owtne*r~ ~ _ kbuld like_ to aim/~tapF Pr "_ kmror ~' 7-~ _.___ Nate~LG~'J ~/.f~; // Ad~/~ ~;~ ~ f/,~,y'fC'Ct ~C'Ccf ~~.' Owner 8055 Lim Street Cucamnga, G 91737 pecenber J], 1959 L>Eer "leighbor, The plans far the prepared .dropping carter m Lhe rort`~st comer of Foothill Blvd. and Lim St. include n restaisant, m is is possible twat the carve '.i11 be xtive 24 hours a clay. The nnin access to the carter will M m Lim St. :1 left cu.:. r.;i~ is planned for Foothill Blvd. at Lion St. and with m Lrcr~ in traffic a renal liaC s net miy possible, but ].iicely. 'This plan tns one major '.nu. :t dance camietr;,t traff'_c into a -~dw_rtial rnighborhaxl. Cur mighhorhzd t¢s hear plagued with probi~ :.r_suse _ is ma'. as a Jlortcut to and trap Faathill Blvd. and G,t ecis[ing stwpuing celte:. ins ~ rortlr m Lim St„ imoring the sign indicating that it is roe a rlvou¢,Ji street, c.-- [e a :;aneercus situatim for evea-ore using Ghe in[er~ctim. The sidcalles are a h'uard ~.arer~`.e '^. ~- speeders" r~tv to ntilce sudden correctims. :llso, eizht«en wheel vehicles often use t`e 4n:ersx _a'. at ~im and t'stacfa to b'Sn around. kbrsc of all, is the constant ~rershing of t;.r~ r. _:m ~:c s~c:a and again m Fs[acia and Ctanet«na1 (or visa-e~ersa). 'The speed and mrelessn~s of drivers hss :e ti;r ~~ ~:t°ss incidences n: propert}' darege and m see'eral :;clears destroyed Uie quiet and 'z+~e st-rte-.=-e ~=t mould e~i5t in a rr=,'idertial reighbor- hwd. It is rot too late to app~1 to the planning ~m-,rs-fm :o crnsider W_ traffic probhms of L`ue neiglrLt>rhaod lefore granting pamissim w k~~c '+c scppirg rester as pl:vvied. lie rued [o agree on a plan that ro[ m1v suits ate individ u. ~J=, 'z_ aiw ;mats the a-i.teria of the ru-ire„ denu-tnent<. of twe ;.ity of Rancho rx:!:r'!t ~~. floe plan suggested u a possible solurirn~ rite ro:s^m-is closing Lion St. nt Fscacia [o alI but ancrgmcy icvuclas. This plan is rot witrout Dui `=. hrt nl ca~.+ ~~~ +~ ~::-~ ~'~a- '-, , , w:,N;;,i, arvunng, w~ mtst work togeG`urr; t>e prxr.: ralt~e of Lhe least desirble ham ,affects chr proper::y talue of the rmst desirable fra:e; s:r. ;' '.e is nothing, traffic wti1i, witlrouk a daubs, increase. Mould }nu k' w~Iling [n .srpjnrC the r_lrasine of um R.:;t svacia as a mans of eq;tmlLing traffic"' [t vent agree, plcasr~ s2 ~t this letter =_nd :u_........ i •.s. Tf yuu do rat agree pleas" write yowsvggestims exi ay`re we cur treat wi rh a City PLvmer to rorsicicu' ocher p~ssibilitles. ~~ ~/ ~,, r\gref CO GC6(' Llm aY F.Glxia F Joe and y6rlme Amfrolt ~9-~e9z ne><i rime iwer i ~ 4«nil.rl likn to sU(~jest another plan NartE ~4~(lc.il.~' (~ JGG/IE2 nddress (~~~ ~ 3 F5 rACiA 57 Nette[_ n ~. ~, ~~ p, e~ ,.,E " 9755 Lim Street Curarm~s, G 91730 Ikcenbai 3D, 1989 char `kighbor, 'Ihe plans for the proposed dropping raster m the ror[heast comer of Foothill ffivd. arni [im St. Lxlude a restaurant, m i[ is possible that Use renter will to activE 24 lass a day, 'Ihe ~iri access to Lhe rnnter will fe m Lim $[. A left turn nedian is planned for Fmthill ffivd. at Lion St. and with an incr~ in traffic a signsl light is rot mly possible, tut likely. This plan !as one ra,jor f :. It dunes crnme[cial traffic into a residential neighinrhood. Our reighborhaxl has been plagued with prcblerts because it s uses as a shortcut to and frar. Foothill ffivd. and the existing mopping center. Cars speed rorth m Lim St., ignoring U:e sien indi:ating etas it is rot a throuv,~ street, canting a dangerous situacim for evErvme using t'x' intersection. I}w sdewelks are a lazard xhen the "lost speeders" try to Hake sudden rArr4~ms. Also, eighteen wheel .ehicles often use the intersectim at Lim and Fstar;a to turn aramd. :ors of a11, is the rvnstant creeching of tires m Lim and Fstae;a and again m Fsracia acrd (kange,„mi (or visa-~rrsa). ?he ~pecd and carelessness of drivers Ins resul[crl in rthrntlcss incidences of property 2aare and m Several streets destroyed Lhe rpu.et and safe afivspher2 that shadd ebst s a residarelU reigirber- hoed. ?t. is cot ten Late ro appeal to the planning wmissim to crosider the traffic problars of Otis neighinrhood before granting renrdssim to Luild L`i shopping caster as planned. lie need to :Qr~ on a plan Ura[ cot mly suiCS our individual desires, but slw meets the criteria of the ear a~ de~:rt~n[s of [he City nP Fan~M rlr~4.;, Ifie pi:m suggestc~x7 as a possible solutim-~ rarote solutim-is closing Lim St. at Fstacia [o a': but erer„omcy vehicles. This P~ is cot without fau1 L==.. hie ~tm~ u..e.. ,....:.-+ ~~~~ =-. ~„ ..~~iFi LVi ,nrvu:uig, wr :rust wrk CageLher; Use property value of the lmst. desirable haae~affc~ct [hr propen.y ~a1ue of Um Host desirrblc kne; and if we do mtlung, traffic will, without a dm'ct, incrrnse. I,bul ci }nu h: wil.'ing to .support the closing of Lim S[. at Fst<uia as a ~u of control r.; [nf`ic' If ya, eRree, piease sign fhi.s Ice ter _nd rn~,:rn it m us. If yw do cot agree please write yowsuggestims std m3yM we ran met with a City 1'larmer m crosider ottar pcssi biiieies. Joe and hhrlane Atnholt 98¢92 Agree to close [im ar P.srari?_ Yacirimti(w. . Woiild likek to swept another/pL~v~ Renter w.„o .. ~ T Owner' nddre~ ~r ~ ~ , ,~ ,~ .5% i:i„~,~.,.;~: (Yr '~~;yam-. ,~I ,t, ~ ~ °z a „=' Li055 Lim Strret 4ramnga, G1 91730 Rrxnber '~, 1989 mar Neighbor, The plans for the proposed upping renter m the rortheas co[ner of Foothill ffivd. and (zet $C. include a !estaurant, so it is possible that the renter wlll to active ?4 hrnas a dav. 7}ie rain access M the tt~ter will be m Lim SC. A left nun ;rEdian is planted for tooCull 91vd. at [ion St. and with m increa~ in traffic a sig><al light is rot mly lnssible, but li~;.y. 7}us plat, has one !mjor ~ ... It dur~ps crntmrcial traffic into a residerrial. neighborhood. Qa<' nei~aborhood les bea pl2gued with probleis bcrause it is sued as a ~r[wt m and Errm. Foothill blvd. and the e.<isting dropping outer. Cars sped :icrth, m iim 4., i~oring the siys i:~,diutting tla[ it is rot a throuvf~ streeC, rra[ing a dargsrcu situatim for z<=_~: one ta~ing tiro intcrsertim. 7hc sidewalks are a I>ayu~d whm Lhe "lest spe°re.-s" trv to :ire .vddeo corrcctims. :tixr, <.i:j,tr=cn wheel uehicl~ often use the rntcrs~am at Lich and Fsracia ,o :,rr,: aromd. 'xbrst of nil, is foe crmsitmt crceching of tires to Um and estacia wd again m "s:~a and Orange,.ocd (or visa-mrsa). The sped aid carelessness of drivers less rr~u1[ed u: camtless incideica of ;: epe•-cy rlano¢e and m :~~:eml streets iiestroyed the quiet and safe a[tmsphere [haC snaIld exist 'n a -~ideatial n:iei;bor- hm1. it: i:s rot too late Cn appal [o the planning mrrriv~sicn r-0 crosider the traffic pmblrans of (iris nr[g:rborha~d 6e£ore granting ~rmissim to build Lhe shoppin¢ r9lter as pla,-nr'. '•,e need [o ngrer~ n:. a plan that not rxrl.y ~tiCS our individual desires, lot aso :mets the C':~. rs of t`te ~ar_c:nu •{sparenent., of Ce City of Rancho Cuc:manca. Clnr plain wggestsd v a possible rolutim-a rem[e solutiai-is closing L,;m St. at Estacia to al: hu[ rarrrs~uy va`u cles. lttis plan is rot withwC faults, tut nlase !re^_a in vnd fhet in ~r,i..~ ~~ .:.:..,,; ;,;, .~„~.,i„g, w: oust work together; the property nlt~e of tre least desirable Ftre affec`s ;:w iuoperrv value of the rtost desirable bocce; and if we do rothing, traffic w'i.!. without a drnibt, i ncr~ zLSn, hbuld you fx> willing to s;pport. the dc5ing of Lim S[, at Fs[ada a, a ins of cmtroLling traffic If r~u agrrx~, please sign this letter and ranim it [c ~.ts. If Kn! do rot aRrrn plav~ write yvursugpest ions and nrlyhe we em m.~C wiUt a City Plarmes to caLSider oCrr pt~sibl.li[ies, doe and k3rtene Arrilnl[ X89-3892 Agrer. to close Ciun at Fsn3cin ~\ „a,,,.,.~,t;:'M-u .~! Would 1ikp•'Co ;irgvesc anotMr pLui Reiter r i Address ~~~~~ CST/~,~//~/ ~, :.~'~ ,. r +' ,y! 2055 Lim Street Cucaronga, Cq 91T.3C 17ECenber 3~, 1939 Ikat'`ieighbor, '^:e pasts for the proposed shopping center m the rorC~st comer of foothill Ellvd, and Lim St. inc ~.~e a resWUrant, so it is possible that the rstter udll be xtive 2< tours a day. 'pie rain aces:-s to the cei[er will, 6e m l,im St. A lefC turn nEdiar~ is planned for FoottiLt H1vd, a[ [am St. and with m incrmse in traffic a sigr~l light is rot mly passible, but ].ike?.y. 'psis ply ~ one ;e;or f" IC dur~pa camercial. traffic into a residential neighborhmd. :~s :eig;:xnc~M ias been plagued with problems because it is used as a shortcut m and from =mci;:.T,vd. and Cie ecsting sapping center. Cars speed north m Lim S[., igroring [he sib irdiraLng teat it is rot a through street, ¢rsting a dangerous sitmtim For e,.ervw:e icing the :rte :~ct_m. •Ihe sidea:ks are a htza:d when the "lost spt~ders" try to mile sudden mrretti ms. "--s%, .+e`:t_._. Htiee! vevcles often use the intersccnm at Lim and Estacia to [um armmd. 4brst .: a;_, _ 'se cons^^,ar:t xreerhing of tires m Lim and Fstacia aril again m Fstacia aid Ot-ange..ood ,.,. ~asa-~rersa3. ~.e speed and .v'elessness of drivers has resulted in muntl.ess incidences of property darege and m ~:e'<y s~-~+ts destro~~ed the guise and :.ifs atrrosphere ehaC should exist in a residential mighbor- `.ond. _t is ~[ rm ]ate m appeal ro tl;e planning cmmissim to carsider [he traffic probteis of this -_-:'~or^md 'More Granting pernd slim to build the mopping center as pLvu~ed. 4ie necy to agree :c a plan ;hat rot miy suits nut individteil de,ires, but also rtrets [he criteria of the vax'iotu :epart-tents of the Citv of Rancho C~r~mnga, 'Fe plan suvgast~ as a possible stLutim~ romte wlutim-is closing Iim St. at Fstacia to alt '_ut ererge~cy ec4uc'_es. '[his plan v, rot without faults. but oleuse Iweo in mi nrl that ;r ,..,~o..,. -- " ~,.uwiv„ .M, oust wort: togetMr; Um property value of the leas[ rksirnble krre affects ~efaooe;-y ~aluc of the rmst desirable hens; and if we cb rothing, traffic will, wdthait a rbubt, '•~cul ~.ou ',~~ wi'_I sg to support the closing of Lim S[. at Fstacia as a m~arvs of cmtrolLirg traffic? .: }cu agree, pla;,se si qn Uus letter anti return it to ~.ts. if lou do not Genes plc°ase write yrnusugges[ims and neyhe we can met wiUt a City FJarmer to ansider ot'•er possibiti ties. .Tce and i•hrlene Amholt '~3t392 i Agrt~ to rlase Lim ar Fstxia X _ --,.... '~ ~•~~wnatvn,ea AMuld Like to mimes[ another plan Rm[er Ownai Addrrss v~' > n . i A i;,'Y7 .~ ~ kll~l~hu '~G~/'17~n~~,'i~,y i'fl 9~:?~n ~t. ~~ ,.=..i i ... ~ _@ h t l Y . Y 8D55 Lim Street f]>m¢nga, CA 9173D D~euber 37, 1989 Dear Neighbor, The plans Eor the propcEed Mopping center m the mrth~st corner of Foothill Blvd, and Lim 4. include a restaurant, so i[ is passible flat tlx• carter will 6e activE 24 haws a dav. the rain access to the center will he m Iim St. A left Lam median is plannai for Foothill R1vd. at [ion St. and wit :n incr~r in traffic a signal light is mt atly possible, but likely. This clan ias rrP irr ! ,w. Tr rh rrps rmmrrrial iriffir into a residential rei¢hlorFnod. (fir rni g~norho~ has hest plagued with probls~s lYCaus-e it is used as a shortcut [o and fra: Foothill ffivd. and tlx: eei.stute shopping center. Cars spr~d meth m Lim St., igroring L.e ~~. indi~ntir~; that it is rnt a Lhratgh street, amting a dangerous siCUatiat for eve,-yca;e us::,o ~e in[ersectim. 7}k side..aiks aze a terard when the "last speeders" fry to peke sudden corr~_ms. ~Iso, eighcern wheel vehicles often use the intersectim at Lim and Fs`atia to Cum arautd. 'tor=_ of aL;., v Che constant ~reerhing of tires m Lim :end Fsrar;a and again m Fsracia and Ora=_sou: (or visa-versa). the spc~xl and carelessric-ss of drivers tas resulted in camtless incidc3a.es of property darta-~ and s several street: destro}•ed d>E quiet and safe alrospF~ie that should erist in a msidential :e:mLor- haxl. Ct is roc roc ate to appeal rn the planning cmmissim to catisider the traffic probleis of neighborhood before gaming pennissim to build t•!x shopping crnter as planted. lCe reed 'o ~^ree. on a plan tl;at rot mly suits our individual desires, but also nhets the criteria of the ~a _n` iienarL'riU:Ca of the City of fLancno G.ranxiga. (he plan siggestcd as a ~ssible solutim~ tvm[e mlutim-is closing Lim St. at Fstac:a .n i. imi. eiet gn iw .a ti~ito. n pig, u , ~ .~,.. ,. yh.ux K...p ;. ,. -• - ~., ,trra:~pl vsh :mvllting, ye mist work toge[her;~lthe property value oL Uie least desirable hme •aEfc~ts the prrperey ~^luc of the Brost desirable trne; and if we do rothing, traffic will, wdthwt a da~6t, i ncrtct~e. lwr~d you 6e wtiLLing to atpport [he closing of Lim St, at Fs[acia as a means of cmtmlLn~ [raffi c' If you agrea, please sivn this letter and return it fn us, [£ ycxi do mt agree pla2se write youryiggesciais and rteyhe we ran rteet with a (Yty Planter to anszder ocher possinilities. .loe and hbrlcne Arnholt 989-3892 _. ,igree cn dose iim ac csi.u:iu inv nesiUmc%vwcr~ Iwuld like in .suggest anothar _ Rmt~. i~ ,v~,r:.~ , ~ -~ ~~ ' mss,.- ~ ~) 'Address . }. ~ ~ ) ,/f ~/1/l~~ ~r,~~~~~~//'/~.~ l`%~ to > ~/7.~~ .~<~ ~ , ~ ~~ F Nom. y , JI, t{''J ^ ~' ~ ».~ lit.:... n. Si t, :~~ '1.... .. / ,~ T 8055 Iim Street Curarzxiga, C1 9:730 @rentei 33, 1~9 R>ar .'leighbor, 'Ihe plarvs for the propcced .shopping ranter m the rorthasY comer cf Fmtlull ffivd. and Lim St. include a [nsta~sant, su it is ~ssible that Lie caner will 6e actiwE 24 tsnns a day, the rain access [o the renter will lx m Iim St. A left wm nediai is platmal For Fmthill gl,~, at Lim St. and wdth ai increase in traffic a signal. li3ht is mt mly possible, tut likely. This plan }as one rte,jor f:..., It durys camlercial traffic into a rasideitial reichMrbmi. r.Lr reighborhmd has been plagred with problms because it is tad .a a ~tortCVt to and frrn foothill 8lvei. and the eeisting shopping renrPr. Gars speed rorth m Lim St., igronng the sign indicating tla[ it is rot a thrmgh streeC, canting a dmeemus situatim for everyme using the ir,tersec[im. 'die side-~¢lks are a tr~ard whm the 'lost speeders" ttv to neke sadden corraticns. :11.x, eighteen •,licel veMcles often use the intersectim aC Lim and Fstar;a to [um aramd. Fbrst of ,:1]., is the rnrisL3n[ xrceching of tires m :im and Fst<acia and again m Fstacia and Orange..ood (or visa-versa), 'Ihe ;~:d and ou-eiessness of drivers has resutcd in camtless inciclares of property danege aid m several streets destmyc>;,' Uie quiet and safe aCmsphere that should e^~.^t in a residential reighbor- hax1. It is not too !ate co appeal. to tl>e planning crnmissim [o crosider the traffic problems of this neiphbonc~nd before gcancing oerndssim to hu.iei the Mopping rs~ter as piannai. kn need Co agree on a plan UtiIC me enly suits our individual. desires, but also rree[s the criteria of the ~aria,ss dBIknLTElICa Of Vs l.]ty OE Pdnr+~ til([a1CAga. Ono pL3n saggestai ns a p~ssi6le mluticn-a rmpce rolutim-is clming Lim St. at Estxia ro all .., r_..........t .:., ..,......, ,__ ,,,~:~„ w~ pi,«.., i~rep ui nwtu [Itic ui oraer to ar rrrrplish anything, we ^ust I,ork together; [Ile properly slue of [he least desirable floe affx[s the propery ~nlue of Lhe nrut desirable hrne; and if we do nothing, traffic wi]1, without a doubt, incrrise. kould yru Ix willing to wppon. the r~~c~sing of Lim St. ac Fstacia as a ~nxms of cmtrollinR_ traffic'. If yrri agree, please ngn this letter raid return it to us. if you do rot ague please write uwusuggestiars and rtayM w' ran rivet with a City Planner to rmsidvs other possibi7 itics. V .f ...... ............. .~v.u._~ _~__. 4Kw1d ]~ikle W :west anotfter plan naa:ess b"~.5c d' C T ~Ut .r) ABC, Jce and r6rlene Miliolt 9H9-3892 K25]aFSlt/tMlei~ Renter QRIe[ r F ~~ ..y,,:i. :.~.~/. s~,Jt ~ .:...f. ,+ . a i niY+kil BO55 Lim Street Qsarmga, G 91730 Ikcmber 3J, 1999 L~sr `leighbor, 1?te plans Eor tln prop,r;;ed siuoping ce•:ter m Ce ror_'~;- corner of Foothill Blvd. and Iion St. iirl~~Je a restat¢an[, sJ its ~ssible Lhat the r~tt°_- will be actiee 24 hours a day. 'The rtain access to the center xili be m Tim Sc. A left tun ;cdiat is plamed for FoothiL Blvd, at 110rt S[. and with an inriease in traffic a s:grkll light is :rat my possible, tut likely. 'This Dian has one najor f1. It d~ crn:s:r:.al traffic into a residential rieighhorhoed. Our rcrghhorhood Ms 6crn pla¢ued ~„ith sobiers Because it v used as a slxJrtnr[ to and fran Fmthill B7.vd. and the eris[sg ~tonnine cotter. Cars weed rnrLh m Lim SC., igrnring the sign indicating Chat it is rot a ~.rcu:;, e•~eet, c-ezt;n¢ a flange-ous situation for everyone using the incersectim. 'I}re sidc~v.¢Iks are > :am,-d st.~m ~.e '^.as[ speeders" try [o peke sudden correctims. Also. e.ght~vt xttee! va'~icles ;- ~ use tie !ntersec_m at Lim and Fsracia to tun aro,md. Iwtrst of a71, is Ute constant sre =-.w ~_ of ~°r= s :;on and "=tacia and again m Fstacia and (kangcwal (or visa-versa). 'the sued atd carelessness o; tr':ers :~><s renrited in cowtiess incidences of grope: [}~ darrege and m several sYrFV+ts destroyed r;.a ;.~;. s; ~d ~:e acra~e t; aC ~+nuld edst in a residential reighbor- haxl, It i; rot tot Late to appeal. ;o t:~e pL3rnine cart'ti,~im [o rnnsider the traffic pro6larns of Otis naiohhortrood before granCin¢ m_^,:~im :o `mild t'te >nopoing center as plarned. Lve need to aerm nn a plan that not mly suits zt :ndi :^d~.l desiras, `ut also nets the triter-ia of the vax~i.cus aF;t.rtrronts of J;c Cit: c.` "try.., ..x^:-,..e,~. One p]an su¢q<stel as a pos::Bie s~lut:a~a mote rolutim-is closing Lim 5[. at FsLacia to a1] but ener£encv vdlicles. ibis nian is m* s~n4.rt 6,n,~ her ~t mom„ i,,.,.., ;.. _ accn:rplish anything, xe ;us[ w>r:< ^oeet:.er; cite prcx^v value of the least desirable-hire ~affxts Lhr property vilue of Lhe ^~; ?esirab:e :w.e; and :_ xe do rotttinu, traffic will, xd[hatt a (klUbC, inn aasr. I.drrld y*w h: willing to aipocr G`e ccsng of Lim St. at Gstacia as a mans o[ cmtrnl ling tn, ffic? if y,„_ ate,,.., p'_c2^c sly, [~_ .a.ta :ad retwn it to as. If }ou do rot agree plc~se xr±te }'xu;trggesLrns and :lay(>e xe cwt ~~et xdth a City FLoruter m axtsider otlrr p..~csi bil itiE5. Jx and `t+clene Arnlwlt ~7-3992 ems,. _„ da, 11., at ..,,.r.: - \ vex:.,.... in....._ lJtuld like [o v{egest anot}>cr plyt Renter Nrnre_fX~GLiL.. ~~ ~ ~`~) .t p~7...i. _ I ~ [ Omer Ad'uxtss ~~ ~ ~Y ~i ~ ] ~fiY~' ( ~~.'I'(~ . i ~ I J _T_ ~,,. y¢~ , ~'. j. W55 Iim Streat Curarmga, G 91730 ilmianter ~. 1989 ~r `leighbor, 'Ihe plans for the proposed :hopping utter m the rortl~s[ miner of Footfall ffivd. and Lim St. include a reslaur'ant, ro iC is possible Ghat the rP"ter wil be active 24 fuss a day, The m;n access [o the eenter Md11 be m Iim St. A left rum rediat is planned for Foothill Blvd. at Lion St, and with .~ incrmse in ti-affic a signal light is rot mly passible, but likely, '[his plan has one :rtijor fL It Burps canrertial traffic ir:to a residential t~ip}thorhood. Our rei ;hborh<zed Iris Been plagued with problans Because it is used as a sMrtcvt to and fran Foothill Rl vd, and the ecsYing shopping renter. C:.rs speed rorth m Iim St., ignoring the sign indicating chat it is ;nt a thn~ouah streeC, cresting a dangerous situatim for everyme using the intersectim, i<ti sici^t.:!lks are a hazard Moen the lest speeders" Cry m rake sudden correcrims, Ai ro, eighteen wheel wrhicies often use the intense-im ac Lim and Fstacia to [urn azound. pars[ of a'.1, vs the constant screeching of ~~res m :im and Fstacia and again m Fstacia :end Orangewood (or visa-versa). the spied and rarelessTess of lovers has insulted in ramtleSS in~derres of property dviege aid m several streets destrcnctl Um qua ec and safe atmsTS:e:e that ~rml.d axis[ in a msidential reighbor- ha~d. It 1:; n0[ t1b la[P. t0 appU'11 C() t1K' p]3nRlflg COInI1551m Cp Cm51dPS r}If iTLff1C pl0blafLS OE t}a1S neiphbortx»d h:fore granting pennissim to build G.e .thopping rr~cer as planned. Me need to agree on a plan that rat mlv sots rntr individual desires, Ua aLco rtee[s the Qiceria of. Un various dcaa,~nt.v of rl.- f:i.ty "( icenuto f+xsn:onga. One plan suggested as a possible srlutim-a rcr,Ule wlutim-is closirg~ Lim St. at FsLacia 1:o all bnt merarxrrv ~d»Ao~ 9ht~ oLoe .~ ..,.~ .~.h.. ~. <..,a.~ ~... _ _ _, ____ ~._ _ ~. ~~~ ;,, ,., dam, w ...te ..~ .~...... accrmplish myth utg, w.e oust work together; the preperCV valueYOf tlx: least desirable bare affects tltr: property value of the Host desirably line; and if .~ do rwUanR, traffic will, witMut a doubt, incrmsc. leixad yrtu M willing to support the cluing of Lim SC. aC Fstacia as a rs~ms of cmtrolling traffic? [. yru :a.+rcx, please sign this letter and return it m us. If wu do rot agrce plc~_ write ymus~tggestiuvs and ~revbe we can r~eet with a City Planner to rmsider other possibilities. Jce and `hrlerie Arnholt 989-3892 bet ee ut e.uvv i.im ar %v: __ „oi a/O.,zrri IJ~mtld Like to s{vgest,~smotlrr plan Baiter Nam '`f~l~A'G7~/J- Qatar Address l75 ~ ~ ~ ~~~]/e( ~l~A +~ ~~nil~ LkP ~.n (~ui.~(OL 1/OLU/~Ze. 'R i~.t :.: ~~, ~. ~ii ., ~ ~~~~~ n_ G F ~ffFirlC ~~;=°_ r n~ ~k.a ., ' X155 Iim Street Gca¢nga, C4 9173D Ikcenber 37, 1~9 gar `;eighbor, 'Ihe plans for the proposed stropping renter m the mrCtrest miner of Foothill ffivd, aM Lim St. incline a restart, ro i[ is possible that the cuter will he active 24 tours a day. ltte main acce~ to the crater will be m Lim St. A left turn nedian is planned for Foothill RLvd. at iim St. std with ~n increase in ~-affic a si.;aul. light is mt mly passible, tut liu1y. 7}us plan tas one mtjor £.... It duryas crnnerr;at traffic into a residential m_fghborhoil. Our reighborheai F¢s Lem plagued wtiett problets becat~ce it is used as a shoRCUt to grid fron Foothill ffivd. and tt>e eeisting Mopping center. Cars spced mrth m Lim Se., ignoring the sign indicating that it is rot a throueJt street, creat:;ng a dangerous sictatim for evEtvme tying the intersection. llte sidevralks are a hazard ti~ L`e 'lest speeders" try to nuke sudden mrrectrcrts. ALro, eiglrCeFS: wheel ~Plucles often use the intersectim zt Lim and Es-,r;n m turn around. Mbrst of :_il, is the constant screeching of tires m Lim and estacia aril again m 'rsrxia and (kangc~.ood (or visa-rerst). line speei and carelessness of drivers trts r>?sulced in tmarless incidences of property dsrege and m several str«,et_s destroyed tl-~ quiet and safe atrtnspttzre chat stnould exist in a residential reighMr- hood. It is rat too late [o appeal w the plarurvtg tmmi':sim to crosider the traffic problems of this neighMrhood tefore panting perndssim ro btild .t,e Mopping tatter as pL-wted. l~ recd to agree on a plan char. rot mlv suits +u individtal desires, but also rmets Ghe criteria of the various dcrirtrv~fl.y ..C tl. fi tv ..C Ratur~ Cixarrngz. One p13n supges[ed as a possible solu[im--a rsm[e nolutiar-is closing Lim S[. at Fstacia to all ht it ,m+roenrv ~d»rlnc Tnic ~n on it ...r .~rM,r F., •t r.. t..r ..i.,...,, t...,... ; _ acc!mpliM anything, xe oust cork together; t.'x property value of the icist^desirable~Frne affects Gte psaperty ~altm of Ghe oast desirable tarn; ztrd it xe do meting, traffic will, without a dcenbt, incrax•. Mould you he willing to support ttu~ erasing of Lim St. at EsLacia as a nears of cmtrclLing traffic'. If yat agree, pievsr• siyat tJtis letter and return it to us. It }ou do not agree please write }owsu~es[ions and mrybe we inn treet with a City Plarnner to ansider other lussibi]i.tics. Jce and ~Wrlene Amholt 98rY3892 i i Au. u~ u, ri+~w i•i rx+ ar ficrrin o....:.+,~«in ...... Mould Like to s.tggest another plan 4m~ t Harm r,a~ ~ Yr1n~ fl~~ewro ~:~ ~Ha~,~.'r, ~~~ .i addr~ ~~33 .'~, •tiir L f}v~~ _•,Nr rEo ludo ntJ~6,-1- ~.. !. i ~~ ~.• N':Yi &155 Lim Street GY'aiuiga, G 917.1] Ikxenber Ti, 1999 ilnar Neighbor, P.ie plans for the proposed shopping center m the rortt~st comer of Footh;ll ffivd. arcs Lim St. v:c'_:xle a restaurant, w it is pzssible that [he caster will to active 24 hmss a day. 'The rain access to t`,e o3iter will be m Lim St. A left nun aedian is planned for Foothill 61vd. at Lion St. aid wit 'm incr~.m in traffic a signal light is rot ml.y possible, hrt likely, 'psis plan has on= re;or f. ,. It dunes mmertial traffic into a residential neiehhortwod. reigi~6or!;ocd has Lim p'agued with problart Fxause it is usal as a shortcut to and fran oot,`.iL ffi~~d. and G`e eri.sting :Jwpping center. Cars speed rorih a~ Lim St., ignoring the sib irdicting that is is rot a through street, trmting a dangerous situatim for everyone icing the :,tersttti.m. The sidertlks are a feBrd wixn Gte "lost speeders" try to ~ s;dds mrrectims. ~~.~, eic;e~n ~„hee'. vehicles oftrn use the interscctim at Lim and Fsracia to sum around. 'vbrst tf ~_'., vs Lhc crostant screeching of tires m Ism and Fsracia and again m Fstacia and Qangewoal o: ~.zsa-Versa). :`.•.e speed and rarelessiess of drivers Pas resulted in camtless incidences of property daiane and m ~'.,'ra1 strr~s destroyed the quiet and safe atrmsp'rre that ~rmld exist in a n=sidential neighbor- `.axi. .t snot too ?ale to appu>71 to the planning cmndssim to catsider the traffic probleis of this ..:a^.norhood Se:ore granting Ternrissim to 6ui1d the shopping caster as planned, 4ie reed to agree '- =plan tae rot mlv sots mr individual desires, but also rteets the ¢iteria of the various -';.3rarrm.+,~f' Use city of Fanc'rro uxarrnga. "ne plan siggested as a passible solutim~ rerote salutim-is closing Lim St. ac Estacia to all -,.;t ~~mromrv mnir lA~ 9M~ ate......... .:_.,.._.,. e„., ... ~.. _ '_._ r~C.l. ~...p .. wu n. uv ~, viun w ~.curmlisi ,a~~thing, we mss work together; U~e property value of the lease desirable Inne affects :^,a' ;,topers} ~:rlue of the frost desirable hare; and iF xe do nothing, traffic will, withmt a dwbt, i::cra~sc. '•w;uld ynu Iz wiLL'ng ro stipport the Dosing of Lim St. ac FsLacia as a ~.s of cmcrolling traffic? ,~; agree, pie-ace sign this letter and return it [o us. If }cu do rot agrc-e please write yrws.~estians and nuybe xe am rtee[ with a (Nty Planner ro ca~sider oL'ier nossibiLrtics. i i,ge ~r io , inv :.im m Rvr.?ri 4kaild like W suggest another plan ~a~f~lLxl; ~~ »<~l It r ~~ , }(} '4i ~ir IIjJ ~ ~~~'. h, ~ E Jae and "hrlem AnJr.+1t ~9-3tf32 ~ea.w,~,1/G.,K. Reti[er ~ v ,•+Y`°~' J Y y Y' / A 9055 Iim Street Cucanmga, G 91737 Ikcanher ~, lA9 !k~ar- `leighhor, The plans for tM proposed s'wpping renter m t';'s :c: _~«st corner of Footltill ffivd. and Lion St. include a restaurant, su it is iussi6le thzt Cg ~.c=' wiil to active 24 h;urs a day. The mr:n ace°GG to Um ca~[er wd11 to m Lim St. .1 le» ;:-: =edian is planned for Fmrh; li. Blvd. at [ion .St. and with an increase in traffic a signal lig~.ts me mly passible, but likely. 11us plan has one ;rejoi :aw, It dirips cumerial traff-c irtc a .~'dErtial neiehlnrFxYr~. ()ur mighborhrzd has heal plague-± witn ~ob1eT 'x.`~.~~ it is used as a shortcut to and from Fc»chili ffivd. aril the eriseing :hopoirg cente-. ~,:_:: speed mrrh m Liu: St., ignoring fhe sign indicating that iC is m[ z through greet, c~•.'_a_ long=_~ous situatim for cneryme icing the intersection. 'Ihe sidciaiks arr. a ! ad ~~, =-.e '^_w: _seders" m m nely s,:dden correctims. ,lino, ei ¢hteen wd~eel vehicles often n,e ~z ±n'~sa:-rn a[ :,i.m and Fstacia to turn aramd. 4arst rf aLi, is the constant screeching of =:.r~ s. :. s.c st<cia and again m esracia vcd Orange..v~d (or vise-versa). 'Ihe `mod and carelessness of drive_-s ;vs :a~v.i:__ _, _umtiess incidences cf property darrege aid a: xv~cral streets destroyed the quiet and safe a~r.:7-e== ;hat should east in a residential mighMr- haxl. lt. is mL toe late [o appeal to the ^iarn:,^,¢ c¢r_c.;_T m catsider [he Caffic problems of chic n;~ianborhood before granting pemussim to ~t e ~.ooning curter as piarmed. ke r~.rd Co agree nn s pion [hat mL only sots as irdi~. ~Cual ,'c:_s. Sot also [.cots the criteria of the various J;-Ivirnicvt_ of rrj:e Ci cy of fcu;~hc 1:~-~;;~,. floe plan suggested as a possible solut:ar~ :ec-=_ ~iutim-is closing Lim St. at Estncia to a1! • ... ~ .. ;~,.: w~•~ K<p ui uwiu uci[ to order ro .ucranplish anything, vz mist Bork [~w;eL`,er; tte ~r>=~: value of the least desirable bare affects Ure property ¢rLuc of the oast desL;,bie irret rr.:° ~.,e do r»ttung, traffic wi.L, without 2 darbt, in~rn3se, knuld gnu he wdliing to support LSc c_~ing of .;m :... aC sG~cia as a rtertvs nE cmrrollinR traffic? i f }cu agree, picas[: sigr thrs icttcr anti mtU1 i '_., :c ns. SE ymi do not agree please write ycrusuggescims ssi maybe ve con .met with a City Flarmer to considQ other passibll itics. .loo and yr3rlene Arnholt ~Y AN2 ~r ,/ ',/ tE,nv~ m riw. Lc^.. at L. ~_ ~ /~::~ "rtcvdenc/inner) kbuld Like Ca wppest anYther plan ~y~t.~. 7/!:~:. c-~; Netm ~yl~~' ~1 t~ ~', .,, .~ _ ~ I ,~1 i; Address 'In(' y ' ~ :" Q ..7 ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ '~.IRyrri'v _ ~, ~_ @JSS Lim Strr>?t Cu=armga, Cq 91737 Wcenber 37, 1999 I~r `eighbor, :}te mars for Uie proposal shopping center m Cte lurthmst comer of Foothi]1 Blvd. and Lim St. in~ude a .^sta~sar:t, w it s ~ssihle that Uie carter will be xtiee 24 tours a day, 'Ihe twin zaess ~ .`.e meter will be m Lim St. A left dun rtedian is panned for Foothill, Blvd, at Lion S[, a;r' ~„-:-- a7 in¢e~ in traffic a sigrol light is rot mly pocaible, tut Likely. This plan has ore ~vr m, I[ dunes rrnrrercial Craffic into a residential reiehhorhmd_ i~ :e_o~-:xr:^.ood tas been plagued with Iso61c-m; because it is user as a shortcut to and fran xt. ~___ 3':~d. atd :fe e<istirtg shopping center. Cars speed rorth m Lim St., ignoring the sign in.;cca_s.g '.^at it [s :nt a rh*ough srieeC, creating z dmgeravs situatim for eeeryme using the :- __ _.:n. :fe ide.~aLks aze a havard when tlw "lost speeders" tr}' ru ttuke sudden mrrec[iuts. al-c, ':: _".°~ ~.rpe: ~enicl~ cf[en ~.>se the inrerF-ctim at Lim and Estacia [o turn airnmd. 4brst e= =. _ `s ems;ar;[ zrecr~vng of tires m Lim and Fstacia and abain m 13sacia and Orangaocd r. ns~~: erse.• . %. weed ~.d c:relesness of driuErs has insulted in mwtless incidences of property chnege and m -~"~e'a- -...= :hs'u Dyed the quiet and safe admsptrre that should etdst in a residential reighl»r- :.x,:, _- := x:t tx ~'-_ x appeal to Uie planning cmmi~im [o consider the traffic problens of Uus ~.:_-.bcr..ocd hef:ra granting per:vssim co Giild rl>e shopping tinter as planned. 4k reed t:o agree p~:._n 'mat nn. onl~~ suiLS arc individual desires, but also tteets Ute airPria of Ute varies - ~r_-o-:~~t.~ "f L'e ~_tt~, of p:cho w-.armga. ~F•e aisn v:ggestM as a ~sibla rolutiora ranee solution-is closing Lim St, at Ps[aciti to all _ ~ c_..~`-. N. Yi`~ ~P yi i~LLyni uliil N o[aer to -:~':~a-nl i.4': at}T.~i^^~;. me gust wort: together; CheVpr operty t.il.ue of the least desirable torte affects .:.`R .-:cper:. va'.ie of the nDSC desirable ban=; and v: we do nothing, traffic will, withrntt a drxtbt, ,..~-z e. +~"~-d ~.*w ~ wE:_l:ng m suopert Ute closing of Iim Sc, at Estuia as a Hearts of cemtmll.inR traffic? ..` ..w agrr:., p;rese sign this letter and return it to us. If !.ou Rio roc agree phase write yoursuggestions and cavhe we cm tteet with a City Plarmer to con.^>ider other p^s~J';li[ies. .Ice and I~hrlene ArrJnlt ~9-3892 Arlo iu <icxa~ i.im ar Ecrxia - -__. Reniunli%IMIPSL World Like [o sup~esC another plan Ratter_ Owner ,.~.: ~~~. K ~3 t ~ i +• . ~ 1l !?a'.` „~' ~, .~.. :~ ", 4 fir ,:~ 8055 Lim Street Gxa~ga, CA 9773D 4'Leoher 3u, 1~9 LYar "eighMr, 'Ihc plots for the propceed shopping rester m Hte ror_`~st comer of FoothiLt Blvd. and Lim Sc, incluie a res`at¢ant, m i[ is pussibie that the cam![=^ :.i'1 he xrive 2G boors a dav. The rain access to the carrzr will tr m Lim St. A left turn ~1ian is planed for Fmrh;lt Blvd. at Lion SC. and wi~~'' an incrmse in traffic a signal light s roe may. passible, 6u[ Likely. 71ris pkar Fas one major ~ :w. It dtmps camerri al traffic into a :[-s denC al naivhhorhnd. Our reighbortwod has l~ plagusd with problem b°LUSe it s jai as a shoricat [o cmd from Fmchill Blvd. and the existing shopping :.enter. C,r_ savd rotth m [im Sl., ig:cr_ng Lhe sign indiriting tliat it is rot a through street, Qeatirs a ;a;,ercus .s:tuatim for e«enrone using U~ intee'sectim. the side:alks are a hazard when r_ie '"_~ ssae:e_'s" try m make mdr'es cerrec[iau. Also, eighteen wheel vahicles often use the intersr _r. zt ; im a,td Fscacia en [urn arrnmd, least of all, i_s the CGnS;:anC x:cerhing of tire=, m Licr. =.,: ~w=.c: =and again m :staci=: ;sd Orargmica! (or visa-versa). The speed and rarel4ssness of drivers has tesrlted -_, mtr~,ess incderces of propasty dartage and m se:rra1 streets destroyed the quiet and safe aUnsu-e-e :; at Mould east in a rrsidential. reighbor-~ hopl. it is nrt too late to appeal to the planning coimisc:m :n consider the traffic probiens of this nerghhorhwd !efore granting penrtissim to tuild c`n >.oopirg s=neer as Alarmed. '.+e need [n ;sree cn a plan that not m1y sots our individual desir=_, ]it als :nets the Qitena of trr various ~i,~~pninlnh oC Lx' City of F~:chc ::xaacnga. iau Akin suggested as a possible s~lutim~r rmoce x:uC:m-is clm'ing lien St. ai estacia to a1.1 huh i. roh:~l..~ 'R,; ~_ a.... _ ervrmrn ~ _ ~•• ^~t 1: ~.y :L,__, ...~ w~us neey >r uwui um LI ut nbr Lu arccmpli h ;mvthjng, w mist work together; Lhe.Vpretz--;.; :aLir of G`e least desirable Irm afftcts the property slue e' the frost desirable hme; and ._ ,e is 'nthvte, traffic will, w9.C'wut a doubt, inrnnse. liould vnu ~.; will in¢ to stippott t'he riming of Iim rt. at :,stria as a mats of cm.trolling traffic'. if nxi agree, pig! sign rius letter and return it to ~.s. If yrna do rot agree please write }avsuggcstiorvs and :e:~ce ,,n can reet with a Ci[y Planner to mnsider othe!' pa~sibilities. inrre m r - - k4wld Like to urggest another plan i ~/J~ Nam /p. ;i.w ,7,,~;i Zr.9/ A..I, . _ // Address d ~) J in ',~~-r .:l,,,w n~/ [(.: t t r r[. ;~' b.~f'~~.. 4, .~ ' M~ '~,,1~~'~P,. Jm and glen Arnholt ~A9-3&92 Rr~ident/Cwrs_ Renter fAmr 4 i7i:. i' ~R !u E055 Iim Street Qrainr~, G 91'i70 Ilecenber 3D, 1~9 mar "ieighbor, ?he plans for the proprsed sapping ranter m the rorLheas[ corner of Foothill ffiwd. and Iim St. include a restaurant, ro it is passible that [te o?nter will to active 24 hiss a day, the Hain access to the center will he m Iim S[. A left loco nedian is Alarmed for Foothill Blvd, at Lim S[. and wiC`t m increase in traffic a signal. Lgh[ is rnt mly pavahle, lot likely. This Alan Fes one msjor .nu, It dunes carmerrial traffic into a residential reighborhood. Our reighborhood has Gem plagted with problms because it is used as a shortcut [o and fmn Foottill 81vd. and the eristing :hopping mrrer. Cars o-peed rorLh m Iim St., igroring the sign indicating that it is rnt a thrargh street, a'eating a dangerous situatim for evetyor~e icing Hx ircersec[im. The sidewalks aze a hazard wtren Ghe "lost spenders" try m mrka sudden torrectims. ,11so, eighteat :heel wPhicles often use [he interscctim at Lim atd Fstatia to nun azourd. 4brst of all, is tle constant screeching of [fires m Lim and Estacia and ai;,vn m Estacia and Grange..ood (or e-isa-versa). the speed and nreless:c-ss of drivers trjs mulled in cwn:tless incideres of property d~rege and m several stree[.s destroyed nc~ quiet and s-ife atmsp}n;e tinC stxniid eels[ in a residential rnighbor- haod. IC is rot too late to appaal to tln planning carmi.ssim m consider the traffic problers d [his neivhborhrax{ More granting penmssim to hrild tile shopping :.enter as planed. 4k reed to agree on a plan tliac rot mlv slits vu individcel desires, but also greets the criteria of the uncials ?eparbrer:ts of t.e City of R:nc ~o G;c.rrng.~. fMe plan sugges[ai as a passible solutim-e rmote solutim-is clcsu~ I.im St. at Estacia [o all but ererzencv wt~'ticles, this nlan is mr wirMm ia~~r r~ ~.,. ~i,,.,.., i,,.,...:_ _ orcrmpli:h any':hing, we mrs[ work together; the propetty~valrre of the lease^desirable~ham affects tie propert+ value of the rtost desirable hme; and if we do tnt}ung, traffic will, withmt a doubt, incrcwise. Mold wu tc willing to support the clcsing of Lim S[. at Fstacia as a morns of cmtrolling traffic? ?f yap agrm, Aleut sign this letter aid re[wn it to us. If yw do rnt ap}-ce please write yo~usuggestiaws and rtaybe we r~ met with a City Plainer to cavsider other passihi.li.cies. Jce and Marlene Ilrntnlt 9BcY3432 n....,. . Wceild Lilco to srggesC another plan Rmter_ ~~R~~rtnV Shi RyL tZ •,, .~ Owner Cw.ewmor.~A Cn 91`130 !3(755 [im Street Cura~mga, G 91T.iD Cecm~6er 3J, 1999 lkar Neighbor, 'It;e plans for the praposc~7 shopping renter m the rorClast corner of Foothill BLvd. aM Lim St. include a msiaurant, ~ it is possible Cnt the center will he attire 24 trn¢s a dav. 1M Amin attess to Cle curter xdll ~ m Lim St. A left tum aedim s plamied for Foothill Blvd, at lion St. aid xd*h an inc-ease in traffic a siglal light ±s rot mly pos;;bie, but likely. This plan has one najor >w~, It d.mps conmrrial itaffic into a residential neigF.horhood. Qs neighborhood has been plagued with problens because ;t is war as a sfnrtcut [o and Ergo Foothill Blvd. and CM e<isring cropping center. Ca.-s speed rorrh m Lim St., igroring the sign indicating rJiat it is :nt a rh: argh street, crating a dangerous situatim for everyone icing the intersectim. the sidevallcs aze a Lard xhen the "last speeders" try to neke sudden mmctims. Also, eighte=n xhrel vehicl.a often use the irterscr,!im at Lirn an:i Esrx;a [o rum grand, 4iJrsC of a11, is the constant .2reerhing of tires m Lim and tstacia and again m Fstacia ald Orangftoal (or visa-versa). ~lf speed and czrelesmess of driver has resulted in camtless ireidrnces of property danege aid m - several sirats :hstroyed the quiet and s'lfe a[ttosprere Cut c~aCd exist in a residential reighb>r- hood. i[ is rot too ><ste to appal to the planning umrdssim to consider Cle Kaffir problems of this neighhorhmd before granting perrtissim to band the Mopping curter as Alarmed. 4k need to agree on a plan that alC mlv suits our :rdivZdual desirM, but also ~me[s the m.[eria of the varias denartm~nrs of rlp f;t,,, pr Pant'ro C~cas:~ ~. (kro plan ;t~ggestcxi as a possible solutim-a rtlm[e solutim-is closing, Lim S[. at Fst,r;,, to a1I but mxargency un4ides. 'Kris plan vs rot wiLhart. fanl ra. hen nh:.m i.m ..:.. ...:...:.~,.,._ :.. nrcrmpl Lsh ,mv2hinG, xe rtu,Y, xor4: together; Lhe pmnatty value of the least desirable hour affects itn lsoperty vnl.ue of Cle lens[ desirable hme; :uld if ~ do nothing, traffic will, xdthout a daub[, incr,use. luwld yvu Ix~ willing to support the clceing of Lim St. at Fstacia as a naves of rmtrolling traffic'. if gnu agn+r, pl.. saml Lxis loLtcr a;d rch:n i~ to us. If you do roC agree please um.tc your wggcstims and riaybe xe can m:eC vuth a City Flarsrr to crosider other possibiLi[ies. Aorm rn nlnm r:ry. ~r c....,.:..' Would like to suggi3sL alotFei plan i Nam -[l)I~ / l~' .. Address`.- 5 ~: t /'~ ,',v a ~~ ~%~ ~( - ~ ., G Jce and +mrlaie Arnholt ~3d92 f i(e.v.: Renter 0.ncr i~, 8055 I.irn Street Cuta¢xnga, G 917!0 Ikran6er ~, 123'3 ikar Neighbor, 'Ihe plans for the propxed shopping curter m the mrthmst coiner of PeoL,ill ffiwd, aid Lim 5[. incl~e a restaurant, m it is iASSible Ghat the cmiEr will be active 24 loos a dav. The Hain acres to the rv:ter will be m Lim St. A left tsn imdian is planned for Footri1181vd. at lion S[. a:d wiv'' mvicreare in traffic a sig~l. light is rot atl.y possible, but li~1y. 'This plan Ins one ntJor .,w, It dur~s tamerr_ial. traffic into a residential rpiehMr:.ood. (3ar reighbotiteod 1rs Gem plagued wit}; probleis because it is used as a S'brCCaC m and Czan Foov.ill Blvd. and tits ersting shoppu:g center. Cars speed myth m Lim St., ianring :tie sign indicating that it is rot a through sweet, creating a dmgerous situa[im for z«.ti~e using the in[ersmtia~. 11x ;ide~Uks are a turd when the 'lost speeders" trv m L~F ss?ei rorrec[iats. ?1su, uieJttem wheel edticles often use the intersxrian at i;:a; and Fstac2 to ;:.~;: a,-rmd. 'nett of aL., is Ux cavsranc screeching of tires m Lirn and Esracia and ariin a =;s~a and Ormge+.mel (ar visa-versa). 'I':e speed and carelessness of drivers hts resulted in countless incidemes at ?rcnertv danage sod at seve:,1 stre?ts ~scroyed the GuieC and safe avmsuhere that shaid edn~r :n a :~ida~tia1 reigitbor- hood. It vs me coo late to appal. to the planning crnmi.>im to cav;ider rlp Cai::c aoblca of this nci~ihorhaxi before granting pemissiu; to tcild Gx a5oppuig center as pi:_^ne".. 'ne :seed fo aeree cn a plan that mC m1y suits our individual desires, tztt also meets ;hP c'_t~:a cf tM tariau 'c;azir,£niS of i}~,. City of ?m~du Qx:artxt~t. !kie pJim suggesttrl as a povi6le mlutiort-a remte mlutiur-is cl~vig L:rn 4, at Fstacia to a11. but meromrv :nhi rl x. This nl a~ i~ ...« ,.drM... a.•n ... ~,... _,....__ i_ _ accrnmli~t anytJting, ~ Host work together; the proecrty value of ',ie leases ~ie,i-:Sie :ore affcct.s the jn'npettv Yalue of the imst desirable trsm; and if we do mihing, traf`:c wii;, wi'~nait a daabt, incrrase. l,ituld vnu M willing to :upp-tn the c'a;ing of Lim St. at Fscacia as a !ma><, of crntroLing traffic'.' .f ;rnn aercr., please si~i Uits letter and return it to us. If wni do mt agree plmsc write yoursuggestions and aeybe we can m~eC with a Cin~ Planr~ur w consider other possihilities. Jce and ?4rlere Arnlnit A34-~92 .. Ae. ~r to uaw• i.irvr m Evcria n n_, ~-~rn ___w khuld Like W srggest another plan Renter ~M 1 k e /A~,~.,Z.~~'~ a~ _ ,~ Address Sa YE P1on ~R2R q c C/ c~ n . e. • y,' yt. 4k I S ~~; S >< .':kY f r~"'• ..:: ut ~'nniq ''.~. 2D55 Lim Street Cira~mga, G 91731 llecenher 31, 1439 rear Xeighbor, 'Ihe plans for the proposed ~wpping center m the rortlxast comer of Foothill ffi~d, aid Lim Sc. include a mstataatt, su it is possible thaC the tatter will he aria,: 24 knus a dav. The rain acres [o t1:e center will he m Iim SC. A left Cum rte<Lian is Alarmed for Foorhill~Bl~d. a[ Lion St. and with an increase in traffic a 9.gna1 light is rot mly p~ble, but likele. 'Ras plan !as one nojor f It dunes Cmrtertial traffic into a residential neiyhLnrhoai. (a:r reighborhood I~os beat plagued with oroblen; because i[ is ussi a^, a shortcut .o and fra: Foot4i11 Blvd. and the existing shopping center. Cars sped rorrh m Lim St., i~rrg Che sirn ineiicatutg .sat it is rot a tltrcugh street, canting a dangerous situatim for rer-.me usir.~ the intersec[im. the :ide..elks are a harard wha~ the 'lost speeders" try to neke ~,.~ c~rrac-.ims. Ala, eighteat udteel eehicles ofcet use etx~ uitersectim at Lion and Fstacia to =:r, sand. i,brst of -ill., is t!te crostant screec^.ing of Gres m rim and Estacia aid again m fstac~ _.i Oraree..ooc (or visa-versa). 7}~e speed and cvelesmess of drivers has rssilted in camtless inciderces of prone., ~~~ ,aid m >PVera1 streets destroyed the quiet and suEe aGrospius'e that should e~.t in a r°<i,:e:rsl :e'jt!r~r- hood. ~- It is .ot too fete to appeal fA the planning cormissim [o consider the traffic ;¢ciie-s of c'us neiehMrhaM before granting pertrdssien to build Ghe }topping curter as pLamei. '.,e ;end to free on a plan Chat rot ml}• suits our individual desires, hit also Drees the rritera of tx ~a _ai aryrr^~;ts of C,c r:"t' .` R:u ~„tr, f~N'nitiriea. (xte plat suggested as a possible snlutim~ Smote wluLim-is closing Lion R. =_c `•star;a to a!': but erereemcv vehicles. This nlan is mr virrM.~t F..,.t.,. ,... _i ____ ~. accmmlish ;mvthing, wu trust. wrk together; the property talue`of the least desiroie~Yre azeec_s the propettv value of the «osC desirable hour: and ii we do rothing, tt~affic wi'_', ~.iL'ncut a idiot. incrrase. 'mould vwt be willing to support the cl.asing of Lim St. at Fs[acia as a ;na,-~s of c•Yt~oliirg ~affic? if yc!! anrw, p!msc ~;~ t:,is Iotter aul return it to us. If you do rot a,;ree plc~se write yausuggestions and neybe we cut neeC with a City Pamper ro insider OLher pp~51b111C1 C5. Joe and FFu'lene Am!n1C R3rY3992 /~ der... ~ A....., u._ _ 1 ~ / _ .,. .,~,.....,....n.., ~..~ . {~;u1d like Co suggest anotfer plan Renter Mare ~`y/,'i4 ': r '-:i/ (/'.C /r~~K' Q.ner address °~'5 r ~, r~ ~ ~r n !S t u..'Ani+i' i.:e~L__Ni73p r, y, l~ @J55 Lim S[ree[ C+ralrrrtga, CA 917 Dconber 3D, 1589 0.=ar Neighbor, the plans for the lsopms7 sMnping rrnter m the rortheast corms of Foothill ®.vd, reel Lim St. include a res'aurant, ro it is pa~cible that the center will bz actiroe 24 tours a dry. 1}re nein access [o the w_:ter udll fp m Lim St. A left loco nedi>en is plarmal for Footriill FIlvd. at Lim St. std with :n increase in traffic a signal light is rot mly possible, Ittt likely, 'This plan Fss one najor f. :, It dues camYrrial traffic inco a residential miohh,rhml, ~r mie~ihor: and ;~ k~ p]a¢uei vith prcblerE bcraue it is ursl a5 a sfiortcvt to cmd Iron Foot~lll. ffivd. and to eds~ino stopping center. Cars speed rorth m Lim St., ignoring the sign indicating tlat it s rot a t`~rough street, Qeating a dangerous stuatim for everyone using thz inter~ctim. l}te = „=„ali:s a.^a a .'nz2sd abet Lye '1as[ spreders' try to rake sudden corr2ctrous. Also, eights.. ~~' ~.r_~ir!es efts: use the intersec:im at tim and Es[acia to turn amend. 4brs[ of nL, is t'-.e ;.ons4._ ~rc'K:-'rg of Ores m Lim and Fstacia and again m Estacia and Ckange,.md (or visa-vers_.`. The spend anc .:s_essc~s of drierrs ten resultal in rOtmCiess irciderces of property datege and m .=-ever~1 sire== .ie:t:~ _r ~e Quiet and safe aL-os-piiere [ha[ ~ou1d eaast in a residential rieightnr- hoai, 7c vs rot ccc ate :o apeeai to tie plaruting camdssim to consider the traffic probleis of Iron neighborhoxl 'fEcr= 2.ncing ~[^d.ssim to Gelid the stopping center as planned. 4k need to agree nn a plan the: rot mi~: ~i[s as individual desires, but alw tme[s the eriterin of the varirus Af^uS;.T'ii5 ~n .« _- _ "L^.:..^.o UYTCnYI, One plan suggaced rs_ mssible rolutiora re;nte aolu[im-is cling Lim St. at Fstacia to all buC cremenr: ~cn,rl„~ Thies .. L..: _ _ ___ ..........:.~._. r_. ..- ~..,~ ylvu~e retp in nwxt uiac In orner to acampt is~ ar,.: ~',i^,s, .~, ,>n ~,or.: together: [he~properey value of th'e bast desirable trne affects the proper:} ~.iue;E .`.e east uesirabls !xne; and if we do nothing, traffic wiL', without a rbub[, inc cone. 4+uuld you tc ',i'-'i;o '.o s:ppor the closing of um Q. at Estacia as a name of cmtrolLin¢ traffic? If yr.,: agrs;, uira~ y_~ this ieernr and return it to tts. - Ik yw do roc ~reo piiav^e wr.[e wurs:gge_stims and nevbe we ran meet with a City Rlaruter m rmsider oUx~+r possibi:it.ies. Joe and yLhrlme AmM1t ~38r2 "C:"a: to ciu~ lien ar F,s~x -_ Rrviiinii,j~;~rkr~ Waild Likc to sv~es-t anothns plan Ratter Qmr Address ~ ~'', ` % / ;~ n; '~ rt i dr ~ It :;1 i?, ~ i . i . ~:FF ~Y .;; a ,. 8fY5 Iim Sheet C+>caRng" G 91T.30 Lkcanber 37, 1939 ~r `rei ghbor, 'I~e piart5 far the propcseii Mopping center m the rorLheas[ corner of Foothill Blvxl, and Iim St. include a restaurant, w it is possible that the curter will be active 24 hues a day, 'Ihe rein acc:i to .`.e meter wdll he m Iim St. A left trun nedian is plamed for Foothill Blvd. at Lim St. and w.-''. an increare in *raffic a signal light is rot mly possible, but likely. 71tis plan has ore ;oor _rvr. It dory,' cmnlercial traffic into a residattial riei¢hborhood. Qr r_g'rmriood Les ~ plagued with pro6leis because it is ~ as a s`mrtcut [o and fro :xcil: ffivd, and Lie edsting pupping center. (ars speed mrrh m Lim St., ignoring tt:e .~gn =.;_ra: sg .`vat it is rot a rhsough street, ¢FS[ing a dangerous situa[im for eernvne wing the :r.te:,ecti cn. the .~ desllrs are a hazard whm Ghe "last spc~ders" try to rteke sudden mrrcttims. a--w, e:°^.t--'su '+'heei ~r'rcles often ue the inter~crim at Lim and Fsracia to tom aromd. 4,orst -, ..:'~. s ::ne constant screes';ing of tires m Iim and Pstacia and again m Estar;a and Orangaood ,..r visa ~ ~: ersa?. '.`° opeod ..^.c r~relessness of driver has resulted in countless incidences of property damage aid m =e'. e.~._: r-r_; desirol~eci the q~,ri et and .safe a[rtosplmre that shwld moist in a msid~.ia1 neighbur- -.uxl. .-..:s no[ rm 'ate to appeal to the planning cmrdssim to crosider Che traffic pro6lrns of this -_:.i.bor;iood ~fa:e granting permissim to tulld the shopping cater as plamsd. 4ie need to agree ~- . z p.an ~,ac rot mlv sri[s oar individual desires, hot also rmets the criteria of [hie vu-ions -_, merest= ~d rLe city ni Fa^.dm uicaruip . '~F.e >>an siGgested as a possible rolutim-a ronote rolutim-is clmi,rg Lim St. at Estacia to n1L .._ ~rorr: id,i ~t cc Th:~ ~i.,.. .~...... c . :^ ^,_ •.___._.::: .- `~.: r,:.,,n. ~N ;, I~li„d ula~ u: u~uer ro zc:u-oi ish anything, we ;ust vrork together;n the praperty value of the least desirable ham af(ec[s [.`.c prop~r_._ ~aiue of Lhe must riesirahle hme; and if ~s do rwthing, traffic will, wiClwut a doubt, ..c: rse, 'I,c:iid vvu to willing to support the closing of t.im St. at Estacia as a neau of cmtrol.Ling traffic? -` is ugrrx, pirese sign this Letter and return it to us. If pcu do net agree please write yvursuggestiars and neybe we ran nee[ with a City Rlamier to misider other possibilities. .1ce and ?kslene Arnholc St39-31392 / i -~-1 M1L•J1llKIL/UHIf'I ~V Hould Like [o suggest another plan Rater_ Qner Addrrss ~„l ` 1.~ ~'~i ~c~~. V;i rr°~~i)~~ . - ~ i. ~i @755 Lim Street Qranmga, C4 91731 Deccniber 3), 1569 Rnr `elghbor, The piars for *he proposed dropping renter m the mreheast corms of Foothill ffiw'. and Lion St. inclu;e a restasant, ro it is possible tint the curter will be acti,re 24 hrss a day. '[he nnin access a cw.e colter udll !x m Lim St, A ]eft turn nediat is plannai far Foothill ffivd. at Lim St, mid with ?n incr~ in traffic a agent light is rot m1y possible, but likely. 'll~.is plan has one ne;'nr f: It dunes rrnnerrial traffic into a residential neighborhood. (fir reie.^.6crhoal lus ~ plagued with probleirs because i.t is used as a shortcut to and fran Fmthi:: ffivd, er:d the r~vr5 ~ ~PPing center. Cars speed rorth m Lim St., igroring the sigp indicaf~,g that it is rot a through street, creating a dangerous situatim for ever,¢ne using the interse_'tior.. 'lhe sdex¢lles are a hard when the "lost speeders" try to nelce sudden corrections. .lL.so, ~'e`.t~ ~dnei ~,tinicl~ often use the in[ersectim at Lim and Fsracia to tour around. Horst of i1., _ to wnsrant .screeching of [fires m Lim and Fstacia and again m F.stacia and OrangEV.ood ~or V13-!ELI9~. 7`.;e ~c^sd a:d c3relrsseess of drivers has resulted in camiless inciderces of property darege and m wvernl , -°°*_= destsoved the quiet and sate atrmspFere that should exist in a residential mighMr- hood. is rot ten ]ate to appeal to the p]arvting comd_~im to crosides the traffic problers of this ,'. :a;:5cr^aod before graitinq panmssim to Mild the =Feopping ratter as planrnd. 4k r~l 1q agree cn e pial: ;.gat cot Orly suits our individual ele--,fires, lot also netts the criteria of [he varirus 'ems-t-~c^.ts :f the G't: of P.;rc:o C;c,~es;~. :k~e pian st:ggcsted as a possible solutim-a rem[e solutim-is closing Lim St. at Fsracia to all but rretzeuv eehicles. This plan is cot withxR fanl ts. hit nl r.,..co k.wn ;n m; n,i rhor .n ,."~.,.~ r.. a<ro; o1:.4~, v:yrhing, ~.e mot work together; the property value of the least desirable Frne affxts ;fie prape~.~ ~a1ue fi the rtost desirble trne; :end if we do rotrdng, traffic will, withait a doubt, incre=tee, l~e1d }ou be willing m support t}ro closing of i.im St. ar. Fsraevn a? a was of em[roLLing traffic'. If •^~ .:3r rc, plu"1u~ sgn U~.is letter aril ren;rn it to us. If yui do roe agree please write yoursugges[ions and ~yhe ue can nee[ with a (.4ty Planner to ansider other pvcsibilities. Jce and rhrlene Arnhol[ 989-3892 A .~... ~ ry - w uuiE •uN~ a~ .~ M.~ci,lmr%I IAVSi Hbuld like to serest another plan Rmter_ Nave !.~,(~ I ~ . l,, ;, r ~~ Address ~ , ' rl i / a~ t. ~ ~..` fy YtdeF.l.. n f! I.~: ~t r ~3 ; #~ s .; '# . ' v 8L755 Lim Street Qranarga, G1 91T.D Ikrm;her 31, 1~9 Dear ^kighhor, 'Ihe plans Ear the proposed 3ropping caster m rte ror_`~st comer of Foorhi_Ll ffied. and Lim St. include a rnsTaiu-mlt, ss it is passible Lhat the ~ic~ kill be active 24 kwrs a rhv. 'Ihe .r„'n access to the salter will be m Lim St. A lef*_ nrrr r^..ia~ is planned for Foothill Bled, at !ion St. and wi'~. m increase in traffic a sgrgtl lign[ s rot miv ~usi.ble, iut likely. ?his pan has one rri,jor ~lw. It durys rnmercial traffic into a -.dc-~tial reighhorhood. Our neighMrhood tes t~:m piagual wirJ: probi~s becatc ~ is used as a shortcut to and fran Feottlfll Blvd. and the eristing ~loppLlg center. l"a,_ ~d torch m Lim SC., ignoring the sign indical;ng that it is rot a througJl sYree[, c~r_:ng = dang?rous stuacim for e~2raone using Cle in[crscrtim, '[he side:silks are a k,T,.d xre. ~.e '"_.a- speeders" trv [o rtake sadden wrrectims. :U so, eighceea wheel welucles ofvm use the :n _e<sr__-r. jt 1m and Esrar;:, to turn aramd. 4.brst o` all, is the rrxvs[anc screeching of tiro m .:m _._ =racia and again m F_staca and !kmge.,ood (or visa-versa). 1}le speed and carelessness of drivers tcrs re<ui[ri i:. s..;lr=ass incida;ces of propetty dariege and m several s[rr_c~[s destroyM the quiet and safe aL-c~s- '.^at sirxrld e~s2 in a residential neighhor- haxi. It is rot too ate to appml to the planning ru:rlis<_:a~. A uxisider the ~affic probles of this neighMrhood Mfore granting pemdssim to ', rtd L`p ;oppirg cater as plamied. I,e need [o aa;rec on a plan that mt mlv Grits our individua: iesir~. z_ i~ _"_ts the criteria of t'!e ~rarious depar., ~nt.9 of L;,• ^i t e .,f &ui,Ja ~ ir.uiu!~ e. One plan suggested as a passible wlucicn~ mute .c:_2:m-is closing Liul St. at Estacie co all het tm~rvavv vehirlx. 'lhic nl an is n, 4irMe Fo.. b. a,., ~,, o.„., ;,....;...i «, „~a„_ «,. accaimli:l::anyL'ting, we mrvst work together; Cne prone-: ~aiua of the least desi~ble `hare affcrts the property ~,:t!ue of thz rmst desirable ha: r:; and i:.e is :lothing, traffic will, witlxn;t a darbt, ins:•.~lse. lirnrld wu M willing to supFnrt the c1m'inq n£ Lim St. at Fstaca as a roans oC controlling traffic.? .f yai ague, please s; Wr llus ieLLer anal re[urn it tc ~,s, If. yrti do rot agrce plra=e write twrsY:ggestims and -acne .~ cvl irret with a iity Planner to crnsiei¢ other pcssibili[ie5. Jce and `tu-lak Arntlolt 9f3~?892 __ w usx~ l.iw :ri. F.vi;u i:, v„f: a.... rn .,.... Wmild Like to s:ggesC another par, p~~ CLr¢ naar~.s c~o~ "~ I~ I J~ rN/. y/ ~~ ~ ~ r ~ tti,-yLy, ~ ~`i [~ A v. ' K' fit " ~.. ,~ ~~ .. .nit ~ ... ... ~., E r >D55 Lim Street pranatga, G 91TjD Ikrsnber 37, 1ofi19 Ikar .'~+a hot, ll;e pLvvs for tt'e proposed 3wpping center m the rorthest corner of Foothill Blvd, and Lim S[. incluie a restaurant, m it is possible that the cater will be xtiv2 24 hours a dav. 'Ihe rain xc°,ss s .`+e miter will he m Lim St. A left hun nedian is placu><ji for FmthiLl Blvd, aC Li.m ..t. aid wi"~. an incrmre in [xaffic a signal light is rot mly possible, tut likely. This plan has ore ~re;or .... It dtmos ccr,Yre:r;a; traffic into a [esidenr~al neighborhood. tln' :ei2.boroai tas 1~ plagued with problems because it is used as a shortcut ro and fran :xc.i-_ Bi~'d, a;d [he eristing shopping enter. Cars speed rorth on Lirn St., ignoring the sign i-dicati-z '."at it is rot a ehrcugh strEet, aro[ing a dangerous stuatim for everycme icing the i,[ersr_~:m. 'Ihe sidewaBcs are a hazard ~ the "l~C seceders" try [o neke sudden mrrectims. ?.w, =1~~c~~t •seel ~a4iclz; often use the in::ersectim a[ Lim and Fstatia m [urn armmd. 4brst n^ aL:, _ _= renstanc 2reeching of tire;; m Lim and Estar;a and again m Estxia and Otangew.oa! (or ~i~re~). TMe speed a:e careles=nees of drivers has resulted N camtless incidences of property Q37ege and m ss'.erai .~... [_= fesercved the gttiet and safe atmzsphere ghat should Est in a residential reiphbor- had. _~ is :lot m late to appml to the planning cannissim to consider rlie a-affic problme of this ..e=hMria~ herore gaming pemdssim [0 6ui:d the mopping center as planned. le need ro agree ^c a pion .`at rot only sots our individual desires, but also ime[s the criteria of the varies "J1r~C^.L ... uC i ~ ,, i~ci,G il3 ~iF iYlNIxr1• :'re p'u3n .;v¢gested as a possible salutim-a ramie solution-is closing Lim S[, at Fstacia co all ~BL'C 4:1'ro~,e': '.L11r1P5. 1}ll.v n1aO i.v mt witM,r Paul rc her el..e~.. u..... ...:..d .~,..._ actratpls-. amtting, we mst work h>geUter; the property value of the least.^desinble Noire affxcs rte ;rope =.. ~aiue of ttw imst desirable ham; and if we do mtlung, traffic well, within[ a dmbt, :ncrea=e. trould you `_e wiling in suppor the cic>sing of Lim St. at Fstxia as a rtraris of cmtmlling traffic? If ,cu agr ce, pleae sigr, Lds u'Ctar aixl return it to us. If wu do rot agree please write yowsuggestims and `myl>e we cm rteet with a City Planner m moside otter {ossibiLities. Jae and `hrlene Anttmlt 963892 ,1g-s W clr.--~. :w,n, n„ wsta.;n_ vcsid~tt; Ln:,c, 4.ixil.d Like to wggest another plan _ Renter mare ~ , }~ ; ~'~'; , f~ ~n~ >s~'- 8055 Lim Street Cuo~mga, G1 9173:1 Ikrenber 3D, 1939 Ammar `ieighhrr, 'The plans for Lu proposed supping center m the rortlxast mrrer of Foothill ID.vd. and Lim St. incline a restaurant, ro it is possible flat Ghe renter will 6e acti,E 24 Irons a day. 'Bre nain access [o the caster will be m Lim Sc. A left turn nediao is planrcd far Foothill Blvd. at Lion St. and witty an incr~ in traffic a sgral light is rot mly pssible, but Likely. 'This pl<~m Ies me rejor 1 ,.. It dins camierr:ial traffic into a residential reighborhood. Our reigi:borhood Fes ~ pyngued wdth problens bECause it is used as a shortmt to and Fran Footv..1 Blvd. and [tr e¢isting :hopping center. C:rs speed rorth m Lim St., ignoring the sieri indicating t'at it is rot a through street, a'rating a long?roux sitrarim for _weryvne icing tiro inter-~~ertim. 1}x=. sidLVilks aze a Fr,vard Ma tree "last speeders" !rv to make sxlden correc[iuu. :llx~, eigi;tec~ wlx<rl rmiucles often use the intersmtim at Lim and Fsacia to turn aramd. 4.brs of all, is tl>e cuvstant Breeching of tires' m Lim and Gstacu+ and again m Esr.,r;a and Q~ange..oa; Tor visa-terns), 'The q;ecd and nrel essness of drivers ias rzulted in cumtless inciderces of property darege and a: several streets destroyed the quiet and safe atnasp`iere that sMuld exist in a rrsidmtial reigjtbor- haai. - It i5 me [co late to appeal to Ghe planning camdssim ro consider the traffic pmblr~ of this ncighMrhaal before granting pernusim to billd the :3~opping curter as platurc-0. 4k reai to agree nn a plar, traC tut mly sots mr indivWual d°S1IPS, but alsro freers the criteria of the carious d~,.ar?^rnts of t':e I:ity of (Larc,o fr~:mr.f f, Clre pl.uf sug~es[ci ns a possible rolutim-a rmgte solutim-is rlrsing Tim St. at Eater-ia to a': but en•rgmcv vehiclrs. lhis olm~ is mr wrlwrr fa„1 r~ b,...i.....,, r.,,_.: _ acnrroli.sh :mvt'ting, we :rust unrk togerJ~er; Che property value of'tlr least •dr~irable•MnaVaffects t:x; property value of the Most desirable hare; and if we do rothing, traffic will, wiUxwt a dmb[, incrarw•. hindd wu be willing to support tlu dosing of Lim St. at Is[acia as a mans of cmtrolling tmff_c if vnr egre?, p'--'L%e say, this letter and return iL to us. If v,>u do rot agree ulease write }rnvsupgestions and naybe we am treat with a City Plarmer to cavsirier other possibilities. hbuld like to w,Qges~~t//e''nrtlmr p]an_ Y~pne ~ j h(, ~~ F,ddress lyDe2p l/r!Y)~ ~(~ ` t .ice and Mrrlere Amtnl[ 989-3892 Vn.-:.1.-.r h~......= Renter Amer 23055 Lim Street Curaim~, G 917.10 Deranber 3D, lc%9 Ikar Neighbor, the plans far trs propc>vcd ~npping curter m the urnhmst comer of Footfall ~vd. aid Lim St. include a !estaurant, ro it is passible tint the cer:ter will to xtive 24 Inurs a day, 'lhe main access to the meter will Fn m Ism St. A left h¢n nedian is plav~d for Fmthi ll filed, at Iron St. aid with at increase in traffic a signal Light is rot mly possible, but likely, This plan has one major :w. It dutgs cmnrrr;at traffic into a msidential reighborhood. Qs reighborhood ins i>~n plagued with pcoblen; bcrause it is tsed as a shortcut to and fran Foothill 81vd. and the eeisting shopping renter. Cars spell rorth m Lim St., ignoring the sign indicatir:g Chat it is rot a tf¢ough s[rcet, rsssting a dangerous sittetim for evenrone icing the intersectim. 'Ihe sidewalks aze a ttawrd when the "lost speeders" try to milce sudden mrrectims. :ll ro, eighteen wimel e'°tticles often use the intersectim aC. Lim and Fstacia to turn around. 4brst o` all, is the constant screeching cf tires m Lim and Fstacia and again m Fstacia and 0rangcioorl (or viFt-eersa). ~Ihe speed and rarelesstess of drivels tes resulted Li camtless inciderces of property damge and m several streets destroyer) the quiet and safe aL.nsphere C•at should exist in a residential reighbo-- hnal. It is not rm ]ate to appgil. to the planning rtmnissim to crosider the traffic problctis of this nei,~;Lrorhnod before pranting pemd_ssim to Lund the mopping caster as planncxl. fie need w agree on a pion that rot rely suits mr uidividual desires, but also rieets the criteria of Ilse eariais dc~rt~mnrs of r}w C,i ry o£ ~,ca Cw.a:c:~. One Pin suggestei as a possible solutim~ tamte solutim-is closing Lim St. a[ Fsc3ria to al.l but ertsgetsy vahiclcs. 7}as Plan is ror. riUrnit foul re 6.r ,.tM~e k..., ;.. _:_., .~_. ,_ accmq.isn .mvuting, we mist wn:i< togetMr; the property value of [he least desirable trneVaffects clx property Blue of the masC desirable bore; and if we do mthing, traffic will, wit}qut a dmbt, i ncrrasa. mould you be willing rs, support the cluing of Lim St. at Ectacia as a meats of cmtroilrng traffic? if you agree, P'.r,nw sign rrss L~Cter and rcUa. ~~ it to us. IE yw cb rot agree please write yrwrsu~estims and maybe ss ran rmet wiUr a City Flamer ro ansider ocher pa~si.biLities. Joe and `Urlene AmJrolt ~Y3892 A¢raa to Am~+ 1.;.., ~r P.: r.,.;., f , r ~~.~~ 4kauld LiAke/to s;ggest anotl/eyr p]an Renter tr`'m: onf C bt-aM-fn. ~(DI/Q.(+Qnwr_- Address _ '1~ { 5 E~n~'i1~tA ec ,(~" ~ r ai o-y; .r .`3.~~ ,~.. ve ~ ~ F rf~y t~ : ~ 4 n. i.'f ~i ^~t~,~ti ~'ry s~~`t;: 6x~' r ]. .~5a*}•_ 6".1.'~. C.~'.J,~r £:055 Lim Street Qralmga, G1 91737 Ikcanbes 3J, I~ Ikar Yeightor~ 7Fe plans for the pcopcccd s`ropping ;enter m the rorthaist corner of Foothill ~vd. and Lim St. include a resr2utant, sp it is ~,ssi.ble trat [he ante.- will. he acCive 24 hceus a day, the train access to use ~[er udil. be m Lim St. A left tisn mdiarr is Alarmed for Foothill Blvd. ac Lim St. and '.'it''~ an incense in traffic a signal light is :rat mly possible, tx,t likely. This plan tar one rrajx _*..~, it dams camercial traffic. into a residential neighborhood. Our reig;,bar.;o~ :es xer piagi;ed with problea Lecause it is used as a shortcut to and frrni Foothiil B.'vd. and Ge e'¢st :rag dropping meter. Cars spc~xl rorrh m Cim St., ignoring tha sign indiontv-,e t''at it i roC a Trough 5reet, ¢~ting a dangerous situatim for everyone rsirg t}',e intersec_:m. 'he ~?e.:ai.~s are a Faard when cue 'lost soeerlers" try to make sudden correctims. .ti.w, eic ~°°^ '.a~°_ :=_ti~'es otrn use [he in[ersxrinn at Lim and Fstacia to turn aromd. horst of all, i= -:ne :onst:_cc xreec:'ung of tires m Lim and Estacia and again m Fstaci,1 and Qange~.oad (or visa-':9r.C-~,. 'Pte speed ant zreiesslev cf drivers tar resulted in camtless ira'iderces of property darlege and m several sCee_. ;es;rotr.: t^.e quiet and rife atrmsa~ere that shwtld eeist in a residential reighbor- hood. It is mt ten iata A apcE:.i to L'~e planning rmrtds~im to crosider tte traffic problems of this neieJrhortrml 'xZcre ?:ant:ra renmssim to build L'!e shopping center as plannei. 4k need to agree on a plan ghat x't ai': vats mr individual desires, but also beets the criteria of the various dFlmrtnwnta ~, .=e r_t. of ?__ chc C:.• ~.-a;~a. One plan sut~c~~ as a possible vtutim~ mote solutim-is clming Lim St. ac Fscacia to all belt efCro@;C': '.v_h1C1E;. This Uran )v rot Wi.th'llrt fanl tt, hen nlaacn Lm~ :.. ~..:..a «h..«_ :.. accrn;plis. ;n~tii,¢, .n -ust work together; ttu property value of the last desirable tore affects the grope. =.: ~z ;.n of L`:•a .'~st desirable hare; ar:l iF we do roLhing, traffic will, wittnut a dwbt, increa~. ~cerld }+xr ba wi;l-.ne to umpor ~ tl>e closing of Lim St. at Fstacia as a morns cf cwlts'olling traffic? TP yrni agree, ply r.r;; rh„~ 1etta: and rntur it to tr;. [f yvu do rot agree please write ;oursrggestims and rlayhe we ran ;met with a City I'Larmer to rmsider other possibilities. Jce and h6rlerle Arntalt X3892 Aorrw fn ~l~ t i~ at Fs^.r ,.~ Wail.d like to sr~cst another plan Renter Narta __ Qerer Address /1 ~,r _, 1 ~j ~ r l r .1 1^ ~ a >' ~ i ~ f it I.ro~ ~, ~t x `L~ .. at ~. ~ ~ ~.. 8055 Lim Stmt Grama:ga, G 91730 Daranber ~, 1989 Dear I~ighhor, the plans for the propmerl stnppvrg rater m the mrtha3st corner of teottdll ffivd. aM Lim S[. include a restaisa~t, ro it is possible that the curter wdl]. 6e active 7/. tags a day. 'Die rein access to the curter wi77 6e m Lim St. A Iefr turn redim is planned for Fnothi 7r Illvd. at Lim St. and with ar inrresre in traffic a sgrel light is rot mly possible, but likely. This play has one rejor `:aw. It divq~s comipT^iit traffic into a residential reighbortnod. Qn- reighboripod tas 6eai plagued udth problms bera~u it is used as a $nr[tut m ad fran Foothill Blvd. and the existing mopping renter. Cars speed rortir m Lim S[., ig~nr-i~g the sign indicatiRq that it is rot a through strret, amtitg a daigemus 5i[tatim for evY.rya~e using the inrersectim. 'Ihe sdealks are a Lazard r!a the 'lost speeders" try to reke sadden corrections. Also, eighteen wheel vehicles often use the intersxtim az Lim and Fstacda To ban araad. 4brst of all. is the oonstarit screeching of tires m Lim and Fatacia ad again m Fsrx;a aid Oraige~.ood (or visa-v~'sa). 7}ie speed and carelessness of drivtrs has resulted in mm[Less inrideroes of property daimge aid m several streets destroyed the quiet and safe atrmspheze ttet shmld exist in a residential neighbor- hood. It is rot ten late to appeal fn the planning como_~im to crosider the traffic probleis of this neighhortpod before granting pennissim [0 6ui.Id the ~PPinB center as p]amed. Fle reed to agree m a plan that rot arty suits as individral. desires. but also maats the criteria of the vartous deparrmaits of the fSty of !lancln Clratmg~. Qre plan suggested as a possible s~lutiar-e ram[e slut_iar-is rlasug Lim St. at Fstacia to all but eiergmcy tehicles. 'this plan is rot wittrad fanl rs: h.r nlswm L~ ; .a.,.:.u_.t :. __ w accanplish anyUung, ie mrst wrk together; the property value of the least^desirable tam affects the property value of the nrst desirable tale; and if we do rothing, traffic wits, wi[}nut a doubt, incresse. Hbuld yw be willing to support the closing of LLm St. at Fstacia as a nea2s of rmtrolt+^g traffic? If yw agree, plmse sign this letter and return it to us. If 3'm do rot agree please write yoursuggestiats ad reyte we cm neet vuth a (Dty I'laeier Co ml$der other pnsribilities. Joe and ihrlene Amtult 4828892 Agee to close Lim at E;tacia! ~ ~~,~~. Lam/ HFarld like' /[o a{ggest arother plan pmt Ada~BoQ s M~~'Tt3~f>4 ~°LJ~ 6i , ~ `~l'( ~,. 1 ~ ,l >,.' . _ A~ 8055 Lim Street ~~, G 9173(1 Lbrsober ~, 1999 ikar Neighhor, De plans for the proposed ~pp4'uW ct3tter m the rorGmast miner of Fmthi_ll ffivd, aM Iim St. include a cesta,u'att, ro it is pssble that the ct.ter Mdll be xtive 24 kolas a day, The oB.in access to the ratter wdll. t>z m Lim St. A left ruin ~diat is planned for Fmihi7l Rlvd. at Lim St. and with an incttsse in traffic a signal light is rot only possible, but likely, This plan has me mcjor `law. It dugs mmmt~:iat traffic loin a msidmtial neighhortnM. Our reighborhood has been pLaguJ Muth problan; '~ it is ~ as a efnrteut [o aM five Foothill ffivd. and the eristing ~npping miter. Lacs sped ror[h m Lim St., ignoric,g the siFP indicati~ that it is rot a tlaY.~gh .street, a'erc:ng a dangecwts situatim for eeeryate using the intersectim. Dte sidewalks ar~• a herd ~ tQ 'lint spa-ders" by to neke sdden mrxrttims. Also, eighteen rheel vEtucies oltat use rle intz xttrm at Iim ad &;tacia [o turn acn,rkl. Worst of all, is the rmstant .screeching of tares m um ad Fsr.M to and again m Fs'xia and Q'angeoad (or visa-versa). Dte speed and raro7essrss of di ivecs iss resulted ~~ mmrless inciderces of property data8e aid m seurral streets ~stroYed the m~iet and safe atcsaiiee [hat shacld ebst in a msidentiat reighbor- hood. It is rot tin late to appml to the planning c®ssm to catsider the traffic probleis of this neighborFnad before gran[ittg pandssim to 6tdl.c .he .~»pping center as placated. We need to agree m a plan these rot only sots an indittidtral der:.res, Sot also aeets the criteria of the varlets deFstriiatts of the City of Ranrl.~ Curaanga. ~ P~ r~Bgestel as a possible rolutim-a ce~ote solutim-is closing Lim St. at Estacia [o all but emrgency vehicles. Dos pl.m is roc without suits. but Dlease I¢eD in miM that in md~ ~~ au.wytiisrt myrJUCtg, w_ oust Mil; togeCier; the prooem~ value of the least desirable hate affects tfe property value of the wst ~ksiraGle hie; and li we do ro[hLg, traffic wi]l, withal a doubt, incrmse. World you fp willing [o rapport rite clasutg of L'm St. at FFrNia as a ~ of mntmLling traffic? If you agree, please sign this I.¢ter and tenon it to us. If yvu do rot agree please urri.G• yoursuvgestims aM ~eybe we ran ireet with a (Sty Flamer to musid¢ other p><sibilities. Jae and ~rlete Amltolt 989-3892 Agree to close Lim at Fst'aria~ Re<adettiQt~t pbuld li1<e.tm rrggest atother plan ~~. ~~T? ~G.t / / /l o.~ ;~;, ~i ~l'/ 7,j~ t i ~f a S ' qy~, Y~^y Z*, ~ ~ ~ ~a ~ STAFF REPORT v DATE: January 3, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks inspector SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion RECOMMEIDIITION: e`E'3 The required street improvements for Parcel Map 8617 have been completed to an acceptable manner, and Tt is recommended that City Council accept said ioyrovements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of 528,800 authnrtze the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of S2B8,000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Parcel Map 8617 - located on the northeast corner of Highland gvenue and Milliken Avenue. uErc~urcn: narioorougn uevelopment Corporation 2029 Century Park East Los Angeles, CA 90067 Accept: Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 528,800 Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 5288,000 Respect submitted, /~C% ~ 7 ___--- -- R~ :dlw Attachment ~iaa yr nni~~.nv vui.nmvi~~an GUt.nMp^' MEMORANDUM ~~ ,. DATE: January 3, 1990 / T0: City Council and City Manager ~~~ ~I~i ~_ 1 / 19]] FROM: Russell M. Maguire, City Engineerk~-;~ ~_ BY: Michael O. Long, Sr. Public Mortis Inspector SUBJECT: Contract execution of the Milliken Avenue Median and East Side Entry Monument Improvement Pro,{ect (Item D-18) Please remove the subject pro,lect from cansideration for execution, as Council members are aware, Valley Crest Landscaping was prime contractor for the Maven Medians Improvement Project, Phase I. After numerous requests to replace and/or maintain stressed and Qying palm trees, Valley Crest Landscaping has failed to respond. Therefore, consideration for execution will be withheld until such time as this problem has been resolved. Respectfully submitted, RNM:MDL: dIw ~w¢c -: ~ ~ :+- d ,_----- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA o<~ MEMORANDUM ~ ' Date: January 3, 1990 `-' ' To: Alta Loma Little League Board From: Joe Schultz, Community 5arvicea Manager Subject: Relocation of A.L.L.L. to Red Rili Park - 1990 The Yoliowing summarizes numerous, conversations I have had with Alta Loma Little League Board Members. I would ba happy to attend any board meeting you may have scheduled to discuss items you deem Important. The Community Services Department exists to facilitate successful programming by our constituents. Item ~1...Heritaga Park will serve as the site Pot A.L.L.L. tryouts on January 27, February 3 and February 10, 1990. Item y2...The A. L. L.L. W111 start their season at Red Hill on March 26 and continue through June 1990. Playoffs will ba conducted at Red Hill nt tields determined by the sports division within the Community Sarvicea Department. item y3...COmmunity Services hoe requested the late afternoon date of June 23 noc bu hwy. u. ~== '. °s~ Hill because the L.A. Rams will play the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Aepartment for a benefit game. Tha public is invited to attend thin special avant. Item A4...The A,L.L.L. has use Of two lighted fleld9 at Red Hill for their Monday through Saturday programming. Adult softball will be conductefl on Sundays. Item /5...The seat-field at Heritage Park will serve as a site for adult softball play Monday through S~inday, April through August. Item Y6...Adult softball will conduct a mini-winter season January 22 through March 18 at Red A111 Park. Haintanance will renovate Red Hiii 'rark for A.L. L.L. March 19 through the 23rd. Item A7...A.L. L. L. can use the concession wren at Red Hill Park throughout their season. rx - 1990 Ayta ~~ L1°£tAa S,aa9uat~°g d Hill Pa Relocation will all Pa90 2 e PnrX alds at Haliln lade the a119 tee ,~S...Tna summer cf 199ia• ~ns addle asst Potion of th i' ld tan Pia sillcbe ~ nstructed at will be ta_9B Park 1 ba made softball at Hari old wil ParX• a east P1a19911and ~e ball i to L• ltem ~9..t~s S~lIDmar oQasball• A• L.L•laat renovated a Will cork ~ ready to aaeommodat b Sore s~ymaer of 1g91Yniti 1 ~dpu that ices as Ztam ~lo• a b~ gall Xl a q Wing il9hted b• eball Ei f~o~oa ahastraCt d the ai»~0 aoilable tO Cters the 8 ar om Y wi21 be con 1 could ba ava otbax ma Sa stated ~oveitema mentioned or tO ti to discuss. wan .Shank Y°ui JS:kis cc. nitY CaounaR ~rea~ina9s ~..VsiMana4ar Yark T.am C1tY .Deputy ".-es naa..t Li $aM69u~s s~~iRecYBatioca SuPa intoridant Rua Sorensan~ 2{aintenan ieor $ b yettarbar9~ cation Super" Del Salgado' Recr ~. ~S ~- ~µ: ,x.