HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990/05/02 - Agenda PacketCITY ' r_ COUNCIL I I ~ ACi~1V 1~A II CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETINGS Ist and 3rd Wednestlaya - 7:00 p.m. May 2, 199J Lions Park Community Center 9161 Hase Line Road Rancho Cucamonga t/M City Councilmembers Dennis L. Stout, Mayor Pamela 1. Wright, Covnrilm<mber Deborah N. Brown, Mayor Pm rem Charles J. Buque4 coundrm<mbr. William J. Alexander, cornenmrmDer •~• i Jack Lam, c;o~Monogrr James L. Markman, cm~ Aunrne.~~ Debra J. Adams, clrv errrw City Office: 989-1851 Lions Park: 480-3145 City Council Agenda Hay 2, 1990 PAGE All items eubvittad for the Citp Cocacil Ageada must be is I i writing. The deadline For submitting these items is 5:00 p.m. i oa the Wedaeaday prior to the meeting. The Citp Clerk's ' I, ~ III Office zecaiven ell such items. i ~ i I % ' ! ! A. CALL TO OADER ~ !i I ', I 1. aVll Vata. uYUO~. ~• Tles~nricr _____ ' II CI !! Brown , and Wright ! ~~ ~~' B. ANNOVNCENENTS/PRSSSNTATIONS !i 1. Presentation to Lloyd Michael, Retiring General Manager, ~ Cucamonga County Water District. C. C0IRIVRICATION9 PRON TR6 PUBLIC Tbis is the timm and place foz the gmamral public to address the Citp Couacil. Stets law prohibits the Citp Council from addraa•ing any issue not previously iacludsd oa the Agenda. Tha Citp Couacil may recaivm testimony sad wt tbm matter for a subsequent meetivg. Co~eats •re to be limited to five ~ ainutea per individual. I I ~ p. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Covaent Calendar items are aapectmd to 6e routine sad nos-coatroveseial. Thep will be acted upon by the ~ ~ Council et one time without discuaaion. Anp itu up he ~ removed by a Councilmsmbmr or member of !hm audience for discuaaion. ! 1. Approval of Minutes: April 4, 1990 2. Approval of Warrants, Register Noe. 4/18/90 and 4/25/90 1 and Payroll ending 4/11/90 for the kotal amount of $1,705,565.71. 3. Approval to transfer $50,400.00 between Community 9 Development Block Orani funded 9outhweet Cucemonge Street ImprOVemant prof acts. 4. Approval to adopt a raeolut ion In support of H.R. 3389 10 wAich Sa thm Billboard Control Act o[ 1989. City Council Agenda Mny 2, 1490 PAGE ~~ ~~ RESOLUTION NO. 90-175 1Q i I i II A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THfi CITY I OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, TO BUPPORT H.R. 3389, THE BILLBOARD CONTROL ACT OF 1989 ' I 5. Approval to award and execute a Professional Service9 16 I '. Agreement (CO 90-064) with RJM Design Group, I I *_ncormretna. r~ n-~~+-~ ^__,-,o, npvculca2lone ana I i I I estimates for landscaping the Milliken Avenue Underpass '~ I East and Weat Parkways (7th Street to Jersey Boulevard) and Median (6th Street to Jersey Eculev4rd) for a fee I ~ ', ~~ I ~. not to exceed 537,000.00 to be paid fran the I ~ I Redevelopoent Agency Eu nda, Account No. 13-50300. An I ' additional 106 contingency allowance to De established I for use under the approval of the City Engineer. j 6. Approval Co execute Improvement Agreement and 16 Improvenent Security for 2arcel Hap 9350, located on the northeast corner of ease Line Rond and Milliken Avenue, submitted by The William Lyon Company. I I RESOLUTION NO. 90-17b I ' 1] I I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY I ! OF RANCHO CVCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ...^^^,pv p „T SECVRITY POR PARCEL MAP 9350 = 7. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for ~ 19 I ~ Tract 10349 located on the west aitle oP Sapphire Street ~ at Thoroughbred Street, submitted by V7alton Hillside '. Estates. 21 RESOLUTION NO. 40-177 I j A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~ OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND ~ ~ IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POR TRACT 10349 ~i o .1 _ ..,...., _ A ___ ___ __ __ Appmv_ tc nxncuta I,~.p.,..om_n. y_oer„ent Exte..vi.... f... JJ Pnrcel Nap 9498 located on the northeeei corner of Hevan Avenue end 4th Street, submitted Dy Reiter-Rinker Gateway. PAGE ~q ci[y Council Agenda 8 i aY ~ Hay 2, 1990 3 e roP m' ?$3` ~ li ~~~ I l i RESOLUTION NO, 90-178 2) I i ~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY II I I OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING '~ i IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND I IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOA PARCEL HAP 9448 i i ii 9• Approval to accept Improvement e, Release of sonde and ~ i nocxce ox compxecxon ior: ~ ~ DA 87-05, located on the eouthweet corner of JereeV 28 I I I ~, ! i ~. Boulevard and Vincent Avenue. l I I I '~ ~i Reiaasa: ' Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $440,000.00 I 29 RESOLUTION NO. 90-179 A RESOLUTION OF THS CITY COVNC IL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DR 87-06 AND I 'i AVTNOAI2ING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF I COMPLETION POR THE WORZ OR EE-21, located on the south aide of 9th Street 30 i II et P e a v, e P i Release: i I Faithful Performance Bond (Street) S 11,000.00 i i I ~ RESOLVTION NO. 90-180 i 31 ~ I A RESOLUTION VF TH$ CITY COUNCIL OF TH6 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING TH8 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DR EE-21 AND I AVTNORIZING TH6 PILING OF A NOTICE OP COMPLETION POA THE WORZ 30. Approval to accept the Old Town Pnrk Project. RESOLUTION NO. 90-181 ~ 33 A RESOLUTION OB TH6 CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THS PVBLIC iMPROVEHSNT3 FOA THB OLD TOWN PARS PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING TH6 FILING OB A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR T_NS WORA City Council Agenda May 2, 1990 PAGE 11. Approval of Preliminary Engineer's Reports and Setting 34 Public Hearing on Jure 6, 1990 to levy the Annual Assessments and approve the Final Engineer's Reports for Landscape Maintenance Districts Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. RESOLUTION NO. 90-182 i 38 ~ I ~ _ _ Vr ~' N O ~ CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA OF OF RANCHO I PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CITY BNGINEER"S II ' ANNUAL REPORTS FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE j I DISTRICTS NUMBERS 1, 2, 3A, 3E 4, 5, 6, 7 i i I ~ ,uru a ~I ~~ RESOLUTION NO. 90-183 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TN6 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING IT3 INTENTION TO LEVY AND NLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCB DISTRICTS NUMBERS 1, 2, 3, d, 5, 6, 7 AND ~ 8 FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990j91 PURSUANT TO THE L9MDCCAPIN6 ANn LIGHTING ECT OF 1972; Apo OFFERING A TINE AND PLACE POR HEARING OBJECTIONS THERETO ii 12. Approval of Preliminary Engineer's Reports snd Setting 79 i Public Nearing on June 6, 1990 to levy the Annual Assessments and approve the Final Engineer's Reports for i Lighting Maintenance Districts Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, i and 6. i 83 RESOLUTION NO. 90-184 A RESOLUTION OF TXS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CITY ENGINEER'S ANNUAL REPORTS FOR LIGHTING MAINTENANCB I I DISTRICTS NVM36RS 1, 2, 3, d, 5, ANO 6 City Council Agenda May 2, 1990 PAGE RESOLUTION NO. 90-185 I IQ$ A RfiSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ~ ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS NUMEERS 1, 2, 3, 6, 5, AND fi FOR FISCAL YEAR 199C ~.- PL:...UR1P: TO ..... i LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OP 1972; AND ~ OFFERING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HHARING OBJECTIONS THERETO I ~ I - .vavum nonT NANCF.R ~~ The following Ordinavicea have had public hearings at the Line of first reeding. Second readings are expsetsd to be routivs i ~ and nov-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one tLa without discussion. The Ci[y Clark rill read the title. Any ites can be reswved for discussion. it No Items Submitted. ,y. MVEATISBD PUBLIC BEARINGS I The following itess have boon advertised and/or posted •s ~ ~ I publ is beeringa se required by lsw. The chair rill open the I meetivg to receive public testimony. i 1. CONS O TON NE 110 AS A PRIVATE STREET AND E%EMPTING THE ABUTTING i ~ PROPERTIES PROM AEO7IAEMENTS BET PORTH IN CHAPTER 12.08 I OP THE MUNICIPAL CODE 112 ~ RESOLUTION NO. 90-186 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI POANIA, DEBIGNATTNG STRANG LANE AS A PRIVATE STA88T AND EXEMPTING THE AEUTTING PROPERTIE9 PROM ~ p„v,QUlpypv-Nmc :m cv>nmp IM ny_e pmaR 12.^° OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE 2. 114 );J;AR 1990-91 - The adoption of the Plnal Statement of Community Devnlopment Object ivse for program year 1990- 91 and the preliminary selection of projects based on an anticipated grant of $463,000.00. City Council Agenda May 2, 1990 PAGE I REEOLVTION NO. 90-187 1 145 I I ' I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY I li OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING I THE FINAL STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I ' I OBJECTIVES AND PROJECTED USE OF FUNDS FOR CI ~, I THE COMMVNZTY DEVELOPMENT BLOCR GRANT I I pp•-••~~RIU. °.... ^RCJ^VP.T~ YET° 1....-._. 3. STREET NAME CHANGE 90-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA -A 147 '. i proposal to change the name of Rochester Avenue (old ~I i '~~ I portion) from 4th Street to a point approximately 600 ~ I~ I feet north of 6th Street, a distance of approximately i~ I i I i 8/10 of a mile. Planning Conmiseion recommended name t change to Charles Smith Avenue. Proposal to oleo change I i the name of the portion of Rochester Avenue (new portion south of 6th Street). Planning Conmieeion recommended name Change to Aocheater Court. Alternative et rest I ~ names may be considered by the City Council. i RESOLVTION N0. 90-188 175 A RHSOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THfi CITY 1 OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING 9TREET NAME CHANGE NO. 90-01 TO CHANCE THE NAME OP TWO PORTIONS OF ROCHESTER AVENUE TO CHARLES SMITH AVENUE AND ROCHESTER COURT ' i RESPECTIVELY G. PUBLIC OEARIN09 I i The following items hove no legal publication or posting requireme¢ts. The chair will open the meeti¢g Lo receive public Leatimowy. 1. ON P P OP C 178 V 8493 W N V N I ' (CO¢Einued Srom April 18, 1990) I I I i I I B. CITY HAHAOSR'S STAPP REPORTS I Thm following ilws do sot legally require anp public batlmony, ellhough the Chelr mey open the acting for public 1 i¢put. 1. CONSIDEMTION OP TMCT 13318. MAYFLOWER-BAYOUN - 19~ Dweloper'e request o[ April ZB, 1990 to accept s cseh deposit Ln lieu of withholding occupancy. City Council Agenda May 2, 1990 PACE I ~ I I. COUNCIL BVSI17E83 II I II The following itesa have beau raqueeted by the Citp Council i ~ for diacuaaion. Thep are not public hearing items, although ~ I the Chair may open the meeting for public input. II ~ i I 1. CITY ADDRESSING POLICIES I 194 i 2. CONSI ERATION TO A PROVE TH s vA c u 'ne ~~~ SPORTS PIELD LIGHT CURFEW POLICY AT RED SILL CITRUS TITTLE LEAGUE SENIOR FIELD FOA THE DATES OP JULY 8 - 20 I I - Thie variance will apply only to the 90-foot base path i '. field locaietl at the northwest and of Red Hill Park. I ' ! I I 204 I ? DISCUSSION O SU PORT OF NO 5 M I W EA ~ ~ I IST ICI SITION N W R C N V N 8 I 4. CON ON O G 2Q$ PROPOSITIONS 108. 111. AND 116 RESOLUTION NO. 90-189 214 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COVNC IL OP THE CITY OF PANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING PROPOSITION 116, TH8 RAIL TRANSPORTATION BOND ACT ' I i Rfi SOLUTION NO. 9U-19U I G1D i A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CJUNCIL OF THE CITY i i OF PANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALSFOAN IA, SUPPORTING ' 'I ii PROPOSITION 111, SNE TRAFFIC CONGESTION I~ i RELIEF AND SPENDING LIMITATION ACT OF 1990, i I AND PROPOSITION 108, THE PASSENGER ARIL AND ' CLEAN AIR 80N0 ACT OF 1990 5. E W DA NO T S C Report by Council Suhconwittee. (orel Report) 6. s HALATRION SPPAYING PROGRAM (Orel Report) This ie the tLe for Citp Council to SQeoLltp the itae they wish to diwuss et the next meeting. These itae will not he discussed et this westing, onlp ldentitled for the mez! eating. City Council Agenda Nay 2, 1990 PAGE i R COIOIONIGTIONS PRO11 TH6 PUBLIC I This is !ha ties and lace For the eaeral p g public to address the City Council. state law prohibits tae City Council frva addressing sap issue not prey ioualy included w Lhe Agenda. The City Covacil may receive teatiaoap and set the attar for ' a aubaequeat meeting. Cowmeuta are to bs limited to five 1 1 1 1 1 1 minvtea gar individual. L. ADJOIIMMQiT NEETZNO TO ADJOURN TO AN BZECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSSION LAMIR RELATIONS. I EZSCUTIOB 8698ION TO ADJOURN TD A JOINT AEETINO NITS TA6 ~ PLANNING COMMI99ION ON TV68DAY, MAY 8, 1990, 9t30 P.M.r IN TE6 POAUN OP T~ LIONS PARR COidlRi2TY GAITER. i, Debra J. Adams, Clty Clerk of the City of Aancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foragoing agenda was pasted on April T7, 1990, seventy-two (7T) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54953 at 9320-C Baae i I Line Road. i April 4, 1990 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA CITY COUNCIL HINUTEE Remtlar Hinutee A. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga met on .._.. .:=y, nPi 11 +, s" c cne Lions Park community Center, 9161 Baee Line RoatlCe Aancho Cucamonga, vCal ifornia. The meeting was called to order at 7:26 p.m. by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councilroenibara: William J. Alexander, Deborah N. Brown, Char lee J. Buquet II, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; JamN1a Merkm;an, City Attorney; Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy City Hanager; Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager; Rick Gomez, Community Development Director; Olen Jones, 8r. ADA Analyst; Ruee Maguire, city Engineer; Chuck Wachter, er. Public Works Inspector; Monte Preacher, Public Works Engineer; Cathy Becker, Public Works Inspector; Otto Erout il, Deputy City Planner; Lsrry Xendereon, Principal Planner; Nancy Pong, ar. rrannnr; nrecc Horner, a9eoclaca manner/ Jeiz wraVOL, Aeelet8n< Planner; Jerry Grant, Building Official; Jim Hart in, Plan Check Coordineior; Joe Scaultz, Community Services Manager; Ingrid Blais, GI9 9uperv ieor; Jim Xart, Administrative Services Director; Susan Neely, Finance Manager; James Frost, City Tzeasurer; Duane Baker, Sr. Administrative Ae9istant; Diane O'Neal, Administrative Analyst; Susan Mickey, Administrative Aide; Chief Dennis Michael, Aancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District; Lt. Bruce Feiner, Aancho Cucamonga Bherif f's Station; and Debxa J. Adams, City Clerk. B. ANNOVNCEIBMPS/PREEBNTATIOIPB B1. Preeentakion of Proclamation Declaring April 1990 ae Census Honth in Aancho Cucamonga. Mayor Stout made the presentation to Nacho Cracia, Crace Jones and Maria Pagan. B2. Preaentntion of Proclamation Daeignet ing April es Aecycling Month in Conjunction with Celebration of Earth Day 1990. Mayor Stout roads tha presentation to Grace Jones. City Council Minutes April 4, 1990 Page 2 H3. Presentation of Proclamation Declaring April 1990 ae Earthquake Preparedness Honth. Mayor Stout read the proclamation. B0. Mayor Stout presented a proclamation to Jerry Grant, euildin9 Official, for being recognized as Building official of the Year by the California Building officials. 85. Sack Lam, City Manager, stated that Mayor Stout has been selected Nayor of the Year by WE TZP and will be presented with the award at their annual conference. H6. Councilmember Drown suggested staff attend an informational course to De held a., t.^.e Clarion Notal an May 31, 1990 dealing wLth entering unsafe buildings after an emergency. 87. Councilmemher ezown reported that Caltzane has advised the lawsuit from 1985 involving nn employees union, that the employees won, and informed that this could have affects on the City doing business with Coltrane. Sha suggested staff ohtain a copy of the Lawsuit from Nee McDaniel to look at this more closely. f • • R C. COMMUNICATIONS PROM THE PUBLIC ~i. nwyuaac uy aceve narcrnu, n pwcnnciei rnaiunnc or cna wuuur wye ancacnn, tc discuss with the City Council the release of utilities Eor IS homes in Tract 13644; discuss Building Division's inspections of Tract 13604; and discuss Engineering Division's review and acceptance of public improvements on Hermosa Avenue. Steve Martino, 10161 Woodridge, eteted to Council what hie request wee which he had submitted in writing to the Citp Clerk's Office. He also distributed additional information to the City Council. He pointed out to Council the Stems on the list et ill left io be completed es required by Engineering. He felt different standards were being used tox different project e, and felt that if it wasn't Nordic that wee in question, that the people would be allowed Lo move in. Ne cefarred to the tranaeript of the August 16, 1989 City Council meeting, end various areetinge he hse had wish staff end xepreeentativee from Nordic. Ha felt Nordic did not haw the money to eo rurtnsr worn necauee ins ciey would not reUUe utilitiss which were holding up escrows from closing. Mayor Stout eeked Mr. Hartino if he had Einal inspection on hie house. Mr. Mari ino stated no. City Council Minutes April 4, 1990 Page 3 Mayor Stout suggested that if the street was capped, which he felt could be done this week, and if the west aide drainage is corrected, he elated he would not mind releasing fifteen houses, and to re-evaluate the community trail situation if Nordic dose not finish it. He felt this would protect the City also. He stated he would ask Aick Gomez, Community Development Director, to work on which fifteen hcuaes should be released. Counc it memher Rum,et felt the City Council aheu ld he very cautious with this idea. The Council questioned the legality of them taking any action at ihie meeting. James Markman, City Attorney, stated the Council could add an action to the agenda by four-f ifthe vote and then act on Lt. The Council discussed the policy and procedures for releasing homes within ihie tract and expressed their concern for leverage with Nordic. James Markman, City Attorney, stated that if these homes were released ae suggested by Mayor Stout, it does not eliminate what Engineering has stated in the record w!th regards to completing the trade and the hazard it could create. Jerry Grant, Building official, suggested that the fifteen houses to 6e released be completed before this ie done and util tiles are turned an. Be also brought up an emergency access road that has not been completed yet. Hike Robles atsted he felt the Clty Council was misusing the information cnay nave Dean recelving. Me al ao aiatem no Lelt tnelr et Cetoh of Hermosa was not dangerous, Dut wee, Sn fact, one Of the beet parts on that street. He added all he wanted was to be able to move into hie house. Councilmember Alexantler elated he did not want the prospective homeowners to be punished, but did not want them to come back at a later date and say they were sorry that they ever Waved 1n. Hs added he felt the City was et a point where they could start releasing homes. Mre. Huggins of Woods I atsted she has had nwetinge with Mr. Stranger who has made promisee and not kept them. She added she hue received a copy of Mr. sullivan'e report. Hhs atsted she Eelt the people before the Council tonight should be allowed to move into their homes, bu[ felt they would hnve the aeme prableme she ie having once they did move in. She asked for a solution nmw that the r Dore has 4een made 4y Nr. Sullivan. She commended Jerry Grant, Bu Lldinge0ff ic1el, for hl• award and fos hla efforts in helping them. Tom Aohl, 8xecutive Director of the BIA, stated they wmt to help with the Nordic eitue[ion, and have had meetings with staff about thin. Ns added they would do whet the City Council would like than to do. City Council Minutes April 4, 1990 Fags 4 MOTION: Moved by Stout, seconded by Alexander to declare an emergency addition to the agenda for the purpose of considering a modification to the resolution with respect to the subject tract. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. MOTION: Moved by Stout, seconded by Alexander that if Nordic cap paves the last eight feet width of asphalt, and corrects the west aide drainage issue, and the houses are in an acceptable condition like any other tract with respect to acceptance. that they release up to fifteen. o_ _. ass .`.ocses, the order to he determined, leaving twelve houses to be he1d,A which could be considered deyendiny rr prouraea on cna nyuverr ie.. ... e... ..____.. __rr!^^ unanimously,~"6-0 ,~ Mayer Snout sal led a recess at 8:56 p.m. The meeting was called back to order d~ ~.V7 li. lll• with any ma,6C/e1a JL ,.p111,V t1 IICVVartC. • Ii D CONBEMP CALTMDAA 01. Approval of Warrant e, Register Noe. 3/21/90 end 3/21/90; and Payroll ending 3/39/90 for the total amount of $2,764,465.44. D2. Alcoholic Beverage Application for Off Sele Begs fi Winer T 6 N Harker b Deli, Nghia Thi and Tang Van Do, 9319 Foothill Boulevard, /lA. u~. arconoirc neverage Application for On Sale Beet fi Wine Eat irtg Place foz unnamed reeteurant type business, Dan and Vaneaea Aahtan, 8671 Base Line Avenue. D4. Approval to authorize Che Advertising of the "Notice Inviting Bida" for the Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Contract far Landscape Maintenance Aeaeeame nt District No. 6 to be funded by Account Nos. 48-4130-6027 and 45-4120- 6028. RE SOLVTION N0. 90-132 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALI PORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECI PICATI0N9 FOR THE "LANDSCAPE AND IARICATION MAINTENANCE CONTRACT POR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 6", IN SAID CITY AND AVTRORI2ING AND OIFECTINO THE CITY CI.ERE TO ADVERTISE "'O RECEIVE BIDS D5. Approval of Article 8 Claim Tranaportatior. Punde for Pfacsl Year 1989/90. D6. Approvnl for the expenditure of 5175.00 for en advartleamant in the Ne- Tip Annual Conference program, to be funded from Account No. 01-4122-6028. D7. Approval to authorize destruction of city recarde which era no longer required under Ooveznment Code Section 34090. City Counetl Hinutee April 4, 1990 Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. 90-133 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTFIORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CITY RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS WHICH ARE NO LONGER REQUTAEO AS PAOVIOEO VNDEA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 34090 __. _eval _., actor. ,. rea,.lutio.-. ir. -npro Of -.ate le3i-' or, protect: the ability of,local government to adopt building etandardsawhichLUare more stringent than those adopted by the state fire marshal and state houeinq law. RESOLUTION NO. 90-134 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORMA, TO SUPPORT SH 1830 (GREEN) AND AB 2666 ~:::,.... ::~ Ce. .. ..u___.-.__.... _.-._ ..___ _~____ T~+~ AHILITY OF CITIES, COUNTIES AND `FIRE m•DISTRICTSw TO ADOPT BUILDING STANDARDS NHICH AR8 MORE STRINGENT TRAM THOSB ADOPTED BY TN6 STATE PIRB HAASHAL AND STATE HOUSING LAW D9. Approval to deai9nate the Stegmeier House, located at 7050 Btiwanda Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, ee an Historic Landmark (LD 90-01), APN 227-101-13. RESOLUTION NO. 90-135 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TFQZ CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING HISTORIC LANOMARA 9D-O1 THEREBY DESIGNATING THE STEGMEIER HOUSE AND BARN, LOCATED AT 7050 ETIWANDA AVENUE, RANCHO CUCANONGA, AS AN HISTORIC LANDMARX n10. Approval of Parcel Map 13108, located scuth o£ 24th Street at Wardman Bu Llock Road, submitted by Caryn Company (APN 226-111-02). RESOLUTION NO. 90-136 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TN& CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CAL IFOANIA, APPROVING PARCEL HAP NO. 13108 D11. Approval to annex Tract 13886 and Parcel Map 11394, located at the northwest corner of Baaa Lina Ro:tl and Etiwanda Avenue, to Landacapa Nsintenene9 9tst tier No. 2, anbmitted by T_!:e 9armahian Cctapary. RESOLUTION NO. 90-137 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNY CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OB CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPB MAINTENANCB DISTRICT NO. 2 POR TRACT 13806 ANp PARCEL NAP 11394 City council Minutes April 4, 1990 Pages 6 D 12. Approval of the Enviro(wental Initial Siudy Porte I and II for the Carnelian Street Storm Drain, Street Rehabilitation and Widening from San Bernardino Aoad to north of Roberde Street. AESOLUTION NO. 90-138 A RESOLUTION OF THH CITY COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OF RANCHO CUDAMONOA, CALi-r ORNIA, i,PFfiD'+Iw.+ ^•HE E:ti ZR~.'xgYTA:. ....T:AI. STWY ANO ISSUANCE OF A CATHGORICAL 6XSMPTION FOA THE CARNELIAN STAEHT STORM DRAIN AND 9TRHHT IMPROVEMENTS FRON SAN BERNARDINO ROAD TO NORTH OP RO3HRD5 STREHT D 13. Approval to award and authorization fot execution of contract jm 90-050) for Rocheeter Avenue Parkway Improvement Proj eci, located 142 Eeet south of Chervil Street, to eopark Enterprises for the amount of $331,114.00 (5315,346.50 plus Si contingency), to be funded with Seautification Punde Account No. 21- 4647-8935 (PY 89/90 and FY 90/91). 014. Approval to award and authorization for execution of contract (CO 90-003} for Milliken Avenue Median and Gateway Improvement Project locnted from Fourth and Sixth Streets to Volley Crest Landscape for the amount of $434,590.00 (5613,395.13 plus Sa contingency), to be funded with Beautification Punde Account Noe. 21-4647-3814 and 21-4647-3719 (FY 39/90 and FY 90/91). 015. Approval to award and authorization for execution of contract (CO 90-OS1) for Amethyst Street Nldening, Area II, Storm Drain, Phase I, Improvement Project located enet of Amethvet Avenue, north of 19th Serest to Highland Avenue to Kershaw Construction for the amount of $267,611.00 (5243,233.75 plue l0i contingency), to be funded from Drainage Pund Account No. 23-4637-8865 and TDA Article B Fund No. 12-4637-8905 (FY 89/90). 016. Approval to award end execute n Professional Sarvicen Agreement (CO 90- 052) between the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga and Centemial Civil Eng!neers for the preparation of a Project Report for Foothill Boulevard Implementation Program, Phase I, from Grove Avenue to Lion Strwt, excluding the Southern Pacific Railroad Vnderpaee. The not-to-exceed fee of $204,126.00 glue 101 contingency will be footled from Redevelopment Agency Punde, Account No. 13-50300. D17. Approval to execute the Construction and Maintenance Agreement (CO 90-053) between Lhe City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Atchison, Topeka and Soots Pa Railway Company (A.T. 6 5.P. CO.) fOr the proposed Milliken Avenue Cride SeuaratiJn at the A.T. & S.F. Aaliway crossL-,7 dacignasad FUC f:c. 2-95.EE rcrth of Sixth Street. city council Minutes April 0., 1990 Page 7 RESOLUTION NO. 90-139 A RESOLUTION OF TIC CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF AANCRO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ANO BXECUTING TH8 CONSTROCTION AND MAINTENANCB AGREEMENT BETWEEN TAE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA AND THE ATCBISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FS RAILWAY COMPANY POR THE PROPOSED MILLIRHN AVENUE GItAOB SEPARATION AT THE A.T. fi S.P. RAIiwA'i UROSSiNG DESLGFATHD -rDC ::0. 2-9S.OS NORTH OP SIXTH STREET Oltl. wpprovaa or cne nails ncc nyc<m~.e.a ~..-..- (CC =- _-- ---- ••-- .. proposal to implement the use of the Mille Act-to reduce property tax on- the property locatetl at 7050 Etiwanda Avenue, APN 227-101-13. R25oLUTION NO. 90-140 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TNH CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A HILLS ACT AGREHMENT (ARTICLE 12, SECTION 50280 OF TFffi CALIPORNIA OOVHRNMENT CODE) POR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7050 BTIWANDA AVENVE D19. Approval to award and execute a Professional Sarvlcae Agremaent (CO 90- 055) between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Jay Rim Engineers, Incorporated, to prepare de6ign Flans, apecitications and estimntes fez Azea IV Archibald Storm Drain, Phase lA and 18 for a fee not to exceed $96,749.00 plus 101 contingency to bs funded from Drainage Pund, Accoun[ No. 23-4837-8947 (lA)r and 23-6637-8948 f1H1. D20. Approval to execute Contract Change Order No. 3 (CO 87-164) with 9SI Consultants, incorporated, to provide additional engineering services for Etiwanda/son Seveine Area Master Ylan of Drainage. The Change Order ie for the total amount of $18,748.86 to hying the contract total to $103,748.86 to be paid from the Etiwanda Drainage Fund, Account No. 19-4637-8766. D21. Approval of Summazy Vacation Of a portion of Liberty Street, Map, execution of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security, and ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance DietricC No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Noe. 1 and 2 for Ttact 13898r located et the northweet corner of Lemon and London Avenuae submitted by earnfs Hi:rahl and Jowph Say. 9ESOLUTION NO. 40-141 A RESOLUTION OP TN8 CITY COUNCIL OP TNB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIPOANIA, APPROVING 2MPROVEMENT AOAEEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY, AOREEl7ENT POR ENCAOACRlRNT INTO CITY EABEMHPT OR AIOHT-OP-NAY, AND PINAL NAP OD TRACT NO. 13898 City council Minutes April 4r 1990 Page 8 RESOLUTION No. 90-142 A RESOLUTION OF THA CITY COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUMMARILY ORDERING THE VP.CATZON OF A PORTION OF LIBERTY STREET RESOLUTION NO. 90-143 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFOAN IAr ORDERING THS ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN ............. ... _-.-_-.__ ._.__.___.n..rrs n___.._._ .._. _ ._._ ______ LIGHTING HAINTENANCEnDISTRICT NOS. 1TANDT2 FOR TRACT^13898{ D22. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance DS wr.l ,.. y_ _ _ _ Liyhtiny naintannoee District Noe. 1 and 6 for Tznet 11428, Socated easterly-of Center Avenue between Church Street and Foothill Houlevard submitted by QBM Companies, RESOLUTION NO. 90-164 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CSTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING 2NPAOVEMENT AORBENENT AI4D Z7M1PROVEMENT SECURITY FCA TRACT NO. 11428 RESOLUTION NO. 90-145 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPOANIA, ORDERING TAE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE OISTAICT NO. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR TILICT 11428 D23. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance Dletrict No. 3 and Streek Lighting Maintenance District Noe. 1 end 6 for CUP 88-38, located on the weer aide Of Haven Avenue between Hillside Road find Carzazi 9treei eu~itted by Hillside Community church. RESOLUTION NO. 90-146 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THR CITY OF RANCHO CDCAMOFGA, vv^Fti.i FGHH2A, APPRv7iNG IHPRG'vBNBRS ACREEI{SIY'T ANC IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. BB-38 RESOLUTION NO. 90-147 A RBSOLUTION OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL OF TF1E CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONOA, CALIFORNIA, ORDBRING TH6 ANNEXATION OP CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LAND8CRP6 MAINTENANCE DIeTA2CT NO. 3 AND STNi6T LIOHTINO MAINTBNANC6 DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 8 FOR CONDITIONAL U86 PSAMIT 88-38 City Cmuneil Minutes April 4, 1990 Page 9 D24. Approval of a Supplement to a previously approved Improvement Agreement of Tract No. 13851, located north of Wilson Avenue, we et of Deer Creek Channel, for Systems Fee Credit and Reimbursements for the Wilson Avenue Crossing Structure of Deer Creak Channel, submitted by Pacific International Development, Incorporated. RESOLUTION NO. 90-148 A RESOLUTION OF TXE CITY COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE SUPPLEl~NT FOR THE PAEVIOVSLX APPROVED IMPROVEMENT AGAEEMBNT OF TRACT NO. 13351 D25. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extena ion for Tract 132'0 located on the northwest corner of Church Street and Milliken Avenua, submitted by Western Prapea'E tan. RESOLUTION NO. 90-149 A RESOLUTION OF THH CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INPR0VEH6NT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY BOR TRACT 13270 D26. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13271 located on the rort`.west corner of Terra Vista Parkway and M±li iken Avenue, submitted by Lewis Homer. RESOLUTION NO. 90-150 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMHNT AGREEMENT EXTENSION ANU IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOA TRACT 13271 ^27. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13273 located on the southeast corner of Milliken Avenue and Mountain Viow Drive, submitted by Western Propertiee. RESOLUTION NO. 90-151 A RESOLUTION OF T!18 CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP RANCHO LTICAMONCA, CALIPORNZA, APPROVING IMPROVBMBNT AGA66M6NT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT BECURITY POR TRACT 13273 D23. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement 6xtonsion fO! TreCt 13280 Landscape, located on the north Bide of Baee Line Road betWaen Milliken Avenue and Rochester Avenue, submitted by William Lyon Company. RESOLUTION NO. 90-152 A RESOLUTION O! THE CITY C0IR7C IL O- TH6 CITY O! W1NCNO CUCANONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AOI16ElBNT 8XIRNSLON AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POR TRACT 13280 City Council Hinutse April 4, 1990 Page 10 ' D24. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Bxtension Eor Tract 13283 Landscape located on the northwest corner of Sale Line Road and Rochester Avenue, submitted by William Lyon Company. RESOLUTION NO. 90-153 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COVNCIL Op THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFOIin 1A, APPROVING TMPRO'veMeh'i AGRznHERI EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TIUCT 13481 D30. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement 8xtenelon for Tract 13444 located on the south aide of Fairmont Way between Milliken Avenue and Kenyon Way, submitted by William Lyon COmpaay. IYE11 REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION BY COVNCILNEMSSA RVQORT. RESOLUTION NO. 90-154 A RESOLUTION OF TFIE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CCCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREE!ffiNT EXTENSION AND IHPROVB!ENT 38CVRI^aY POR TRACT 13444 D31. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13753 Landscape located on the north aide of Save Line Road between Milliken Avonue and Rochester Avarua, submtted by William Lyoa Company. RESOLUTION NO. 90-155 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNfi CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGRSEHENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13753 LANDSCAPE 032. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for Parcel Mflp 10295 located On Elm Avenue between Spruce Avenue and Church Street, submitted by Lewis Homes. ABSOLUTION NO. 90-156 A RESOLUTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVINO IMPROVBlRNT AGRREMBNT EXTENSION AND IHPROVEMENT SECVRITY POR PARCEL HAP 10495 n33. Anprovai rn execute Improvement Agreement Extension £OZ far22i Hay L1C30 located on the northeast corner of Poothlll Boulevnrd and Haven Avenue, submitted by Lewis Development Company. RESOLUTION NO. 90-157 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP T!R CITY OP RANClIO COCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPAOVINO IMPROVEMENT AOR[EMENT $XTeNSION AND IMpROVBNENT SECURITY POR PARCEL MAP 11030 City Council Ninutae April 4, 1990 Page 11 D34. Approval to accept Improvement a, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for Tract 12870 Storm Drain, located on the north side of Highland Avenue between Eaet Avenue and 8tiwanda Avenue. Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $774,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond {Street) 5 77,400.00 RESOLUTION NO. 90-150 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL O! TH8 CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POR TRACT 12870 STORM DRAIN AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOA THE WORR D35. Approval to accept Improvements, release of Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Tract 13059 located on the west aide of Fairmont Avenue between Highland Avenue and Base Line Road. Haint enance Guarantee Hood (Street) $ 50,000.00 D36. Approval to accept Improvement e, release of Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Tract 13192 located on the norm aide of Terra Vleta Parkway, east of Spruce Ave.-.ve. Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) S 15,800.00 D37. Approval to accept Improvements for the Alta Lome Storm Drain (A.D. 84- 2), Contract No. E9-025, an crnoplete, release the bonds and euthorire the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion". R%SOLUTION NO. 90-159 A ABSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TAB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING TH% PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POR ALTA LOMA STORM DRAIN (A.D. 84-2 ), CONTRACT NO. 89-025, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OP A NOTICE OP' COMPLETION POR TXE HOAR MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Brown io ayprove the bnlance of the consent calendar with the exception of item D30. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0 • R • R R R DISCUeBION O! ITKM D30. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement %xteneion for Tract 13444 located on the south aide of Fairmont Way between Milliken Avenue and Kenyon Way, eubmitteQ by NL11 tam Lyon Compnny. Councilmembar Buquet ststed ha had this removed for diecuselon Mcauee ha thougnt this wee a trnet that had bean granted a previous extension and wanted clarit icetion on thnt, because at thn time Lt won n potential for property City Council Minutes April 4r 1990 Page 12 ownership transfer and they needed additional time, and if this was the same tract he hoped it had b3en clearly communicated to the development interest that we don't want to continue granting extensions. Rues Maguire, City Engineer, stated he did not feel this ie the one diecueaed at length, but if the Council wished, it could be pulled off and xeeearched. councilmember Buquet stated he did not want to do this, but felt the Council had given a previ c•_e e..f east c., «., tF;e •.q..« ~..,, mow-.. .w^~ .e_' ___ Pen •e,e would be handled before it would be neceaeary to grant any further'exteneione. RESOLUTION NO. 90-154 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF lUNCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMBNT SECDRITY POR TRACT 13444 MOTION: Moved by Baguet, seconded by Brown to approve Reeolutlon No. 90-154. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. B. CONSENT ORDINANCES Nc Items Submitted. • . + . w F1. CDNSIDEAATION OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIPIC PLAN AMENDI~NT 90-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend ills PoOth111 BOUleveid Spec if io Flan by adding pharmacy use in the Specialty Commercial District of Subereae 1, 2, and 3; clarifying the intent of wordings in several areas of the Specifie Plnn text for consistency purposee; clarifying the Development District and atsndarda for the area at the end of San Bernartlino Road in 6ubarea 2; and modifying the plant palette for the Poothill Boulevard landscaped median ielend. (CONTINUE TO APRIL 18r 1990) Jack Lam, City Hanager, eteted a continuance ie being requested until April 18, loon due to fur^_.her ~.g ' nd Jerti e~^q _~___~~..__. HOTIONI Hoved by Baguet, seconded by Alexentler to contlnus the Item to April 18, 1990. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. • • ~ . City Council Minutes April 4r 3990 Page 13 F2. CONSID^eRATION OF AMENDMENT TO ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT ORDINANCE NO. 290 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - An amendment to Chapter 5.12 of the Municipal Code modifying regulations for entertainment permits. Staff report presented by Nancy Fong, Sr. Planner. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public heating. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 290-A. ORDINANCE NO. 290-A {first reading) AN ORGINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 5, CHAPTER 5.12 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODB TO MODIFY REGULATIONS CONCERNING ENTERTAINMENT PERMITS MOTZON: Moved by august, seconded by Wright to waive fu 11 reading and set second reading of ordinance No. 290-A for the April 18, 1990 meeting. Motion carried unanimouelyr 5-0 O. PUHLIC HEARINGS It should be notetl that Rick Gomez, Community Development Director, le Pt the ......,. s... .r.e a: e..,.v e,,,., s ..,,.. ~, G3. CONSID RAT ON O MEDI N O ENIN S D L NG WITHIN MEDIANS THE TERRA VZSTA PLANNED COMMUNITY - An appeal of the Planning Commiesion'e decielon to deny a median opening on Church street between Weet Blm Avenue and Spruce Avenue. (Continued Fme March 21, 1990) Jack Lam, City Manager, etatetl there ie a letter from a reeident, Marnie B. Petrovick, to 6e included in the record, which will be kept on tale in the Clty Clerk's Otfice. Mayor stout asked that a copy be made for the City Council and be made part of the record for this Lt em, and that he would share it wish the Council tonight. staff report presented by Brett Horner, Associate Planner. Mayor Stout stated that according to the diagram on the wall, it has the orange dote that say those median breaks are to be deleted, end asked what that meant. Brett Horner, Associate Planner, stated that at the Marsh 14 Planning Commission meeting, when the Planning Ccmmlesion adopted the policy Eor the minlmum median lengths, they also directed staff to correct some of the axleting medians that do not meat the policy on Terre Vleta Parkway and Church Street. City Council Minutes April 4r 1990 Page 14 Mayoz Stout asked who would be responsible for paying to remove the medians and having them re-landscaped. Russ Maguire, City Engineer, stated that it would depend on the particular area and the development statue of that area. Councilmember Brown asked how much the people will be paying for the renovation of the medians that do not meet Lhe policy. ..__ : Y.agu v-t, City miyineer, statetl he did not know the answer to this at the moment. Councilmember Buquet expressed concern for making someone go back and filling in the medians retroact ively. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the Council were: Don Thompson, Lewis Homes, referred to a letter doted March 13, 1989, signed by 8111 Silva, at that time the Caputy City Engineer, regarding the Church Street medians master plan which was approvod prior to them et art ing the medians in Church Street, and stated because of this statement made in the latter, that ie why they are appealing the Planning Commission's decisicn. Ha also Yeferred to a meeting between Lewis Homes and City eta Ef whereby they would be allowed one mid-h lock medlar. break on church and Terra Vista Parkway. He also referred to page 186 of the agenda which described Commercial/Mixed Uee Access, which he felt was an .~nn~ .~ of •hn mo..a vi aka Dian Ho ale aaod hiv rnnrorn about delays in the project because o£ this eiiuai ion~.'a Fred Aguire, expressed hie opposition to the Planning Commiseion'e decision. He later referred to a memo dated January 18 from Brad Buller, City Planner, to Shintu Boee, Deputy City Engineer, regarding proposed denial of the median break ae St relates to safety, and pointed this out to the City Council. Tom Dellaguil 1, Lewis Homes, stated he was the landscape architect for Lewis Homes, and explained he did not feel Lhe deletion of some of the trees would ruin the aesthetics of the Landscaping. There being no further response, the public hearing was closed. Ma yn~ Cf n~~h of of nA 41~a! ~~-_~ wih1. hFn m-oTnn plannnil re,nnjn L~loa• hho Idea wa0 to get these kinds of problems ironed out in the beginning and then tlesign the project around it. He felt that now, for come reason, this ie back, BCS through Ghe process, and Lt woe being decided that it was now not a good Lden to do Lt that way enymora. He felt It was a good idea to change ecmathing it it raleted to public safety matters or something like that, but did not ass that Lssus here. He elated it makes him think that the Planning Commission wesn•t carelul enough when they designod the project. He felt thLe hurts the craditebility of the people who approved the project in the beginning, but added he would not appzovw this now as Lt was eubmLtted then. City Council Ninutee April 4, 1990 Page 35 Councilmember 0uquet stated he felt when Chia project came before the Council it was their intent to takes the traffic. that normally ends up on the main etraetsr to bring it in ae soon ae you could to deal with all the traffic impacts and internalize the whole process. He stated he felt it bothered Terra Vista and Victoria when there ie a tendency to bring things back to the Council on the planned communities, which was well intended, but the Council should keep in mind there was a very large picture font was planned and for them not to eub- optimize too much. Councilmember Brown referred to the policy before them and the staff report tlated February 14, page 3, where it was stated to the Planning Commission that they have three alternatives. She etatad her preference was number 2, which states to continue to review proposed median openings on a project-by-project ..ae.n ihcwyil ti.e Eechniue. en.. ..aaly:..a. a.. car.-.---__ r-uas:. Councilmember Alexander stated he felt the public safety iaeue previously Drought up is important ae they relate to median breaks. Councilmember Hclght etatad she did not think a maintenance district fee should be tagged on tc some of these people. she felt maybe Lhe Council should be looking nt the Planning Crnmiesion'e whole policy, not just one sepect of it. Hayoz Stout pointed aut the issues v»re: 3) Terrs Vista median openinq, 2) this specific appeal and policy affect ne it relnten to retrofitting, and 3} if the Council wants to become involved in the policy itself. He stated he did not feel the Council was cdnpeieni to discuss the policy issue at tonight's meeting, _ _ 1. e- ~:.w lF inn rn•...nll u~n~a ~n Innk aT If. HeieddedJhe`did'notfeel'that strongly about it. MOTION: Moved by Wright, eecontled by august to uphold the appeal. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. Mayor Stout pointed out that with the action the Council has taken, staff can take it ae direction that they were not interested in closing the medians et this time. Ruse Maguire, Clty @nglneer, etatad that based on the Council's action they would go back and amend the map to bring back to the next Council meeting to get their approval. Mayor stout felt the Planning Commission should ba made aware of how the City ..vv....~- .'nnla about the ,~diz„ b k : _. Ruse Meguira, City @ngineer, etatad he understood the direction to bs to set aside this plan and let it be project-by-project. Councilmambere Wright end Buquet felt Lf the policy Leaue became a problem, the Council could get involved at that time. City Council Minutes April 6, 1990 Page 16 Councilmember Nrigh! stated she still felt the Council could end up Deinq the appeal board on median breaks. Mayor Stout stated the Council is a very strong supporter of tY.e Planning Commission and the job they are doing, but etatad if he were Bitting on the Planning Commission at this time, he would disagree with what the policy enid. He did not want them to get the wrong idea what the Council felt about the policy. R R R R R R A. CITY MANAGBR'S STAFF REPORTS H1. STATU REPORT ON AAF 2C SIGNAL AT FOOTH R S R Auee Maguire, City Sngineer, stated this ie a permit project ao that Caltrane• recent action should not affect this, and that it is on schedule. Mayor Stout asked if the staff could wriia a Resolution Eor Lhe next agenda expressing to Caltrans how important this signal wee to the City. Ruse Maguire, Ciiy Engineer, stated stuff could do this. Jack Lam, City Hnnager, staced they would 'nave this back for the April 10 egenda. H2. REPORT ON FLOOD INSVAANCE Staff report pras0nted by Jack Lemr Ciiy Manager. ACTION: Report race Lved artd Eiled. R R Y R• R ;. COVNCIL BOSIffiae No Items Submitted. R Y• R R Y 1T0 0TVt~1TI~N ~M tTYYO M J1. Mayox Stout asked Por the bounty and reward ayetama for graffiti special iota to come beck at the April 18 meeting. k R R R R R City Council Minutes April 4, 1990 Page 17 R. C0MMVNICATIOM9 PROM T~ POBLIC R1. Lewis Trout stated ha had sent a leiiar to the City requesting other information be included in the report on the bounty and reward systems for 9raf£iti. Mayor Stout stated he would also like to see information on minors involved in nprnv nai nt inn of araffit;, and the nu rahaai .,,, s ~_____1 i:~ld: cane. K2. Ron Hutton stated he would like to discuss at the next meeting the acquisition of 17 acres for a possible park site. ._ cc __~... =~at?A the Council tloee not 1LY.e to talk about nronerty acquieit ions in~public,•but that Mr. Hutton could discuss Chia with eta £f, antl suggested he contact Jack Lam, City Manager. A3. Mayor stout informed the Council of the varlou^ deteile planned for the July 4th Civic Center/Public Ssfety Pacility Dedication that have bean worked out by the City Council Subcommittee and staff for thin event. A4. councilmem6er Baguet suggested a new plan of action regarding Nordic be worked up. i ~ 1 • k n MOTION: Moved by Grown, eecortdad by Alexander to adjourn to Executive Seeeion regarding pending litigation of the property located at 12659 Base Lins Road. Motion carried unanimaualy, 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra J. Adams Clty Clark Approved: I I ~ n °o° '•O °° °°° o ° ° ° = P ° ° ° ° ° ° oo o Pa P e w• • e r +e ono e • in• .ae wmiw nw~ ee o ew e - ~ L ~ n pOam4VPOmTAONOnah P r~m enaOwaNlPmol N _ y =lowwye.r PNnu+m~~ _ ~+ ~ ~ ~ .~ .~ w v •• w •1 r• N N w P N r A N J• ° w •3• • >• ~• i m ~ ~ ~ N N A r r r r rrr r • Nar•N PO m•Nah OP MNA•NahbPOwNT•AahePOwNA•N a••iP °••NA•N • •••• ••NN Ow aNaaa aa PPM}h>.h hhbOeiOloo!•PPPPPPPPPPOOOOOo •Z >w NN TTTT Tw11 A AATA • AA 1•i•1•11•.••V11111111•111•••IINNNNNN AAAAATAATTTTTATTTTATAAATTTAAAATTATT •`: Oi •1 •••• 1• 11•11 11 11•1••••IY•1•IV••i•1••••••••••••1•• > < I U 1 1<1 1• I b l I • • V • • y mW } • Th NN N O wO! 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X IIN ITIIN NT V W• :Y• X CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 2, 1990 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Larry J. Henderson, Principal Planner ~` JUtlJGL I: IKHn]rCn Ur rUO UJ bG^Piu iiiTi Gi.i ELG niciii oL~i.n GrtMnl rKUUnnm - The transfer of 80,400 6e tween Community Development Block Grant funded Southwest Cucamonga Street Improvement projects. R ECOMMENOATION_ Staff recommends that the City Council transfer 580,400 from the 1989-90 Southwest Cucamonga Street Improvement Project to the 1988-89 Southwest Cucamonga Street Improvement Project. ABSTRACT; The street improvements to Plac ida Court and the portion of Sierra Madre to the north of Arrow Highway, which were funded through the 1988-89 CDBG program, were originally estimated to require 5202,000 to complete. Current estimates are that the projects will require 5282,400 to complete. Therefore, an additional SBD,4DD is required to complete tM s prejec t. The improvements to Sierra Madre, south of Arrow Highway, which were funded through the 1989-90 CDBG program, were originally estimated to reau ire bC]u ,iluu to complete. Current estimates indicate that these improvements may be completed for 5154,000. Therefore, 595,000 is available from the 1989-90 CDBG ailoca tion for street improvements to cover the increased costs of the '988-89 improvement project. Should thn City Council adopt the recommendation, staff will amend the ]988-89 and 1989-90 CDBG applications to complete the transfer of funds between the two projects, and transfer 580,400 from Account A28-4333-8951 to Account fl 28-4333-8A11. BACKGROUND: The City's Citizen Participation Plan for the CDBG program requires that, prior to approving any change to the allocation of CDBG funds that would add, delete, or change any CDBG project or funding allocation 6y 25 percent or more, the public be notified and provided an opportunity to comment on the chance. A Public Notice was puhlishnd ;n Thn na ilv Reporr, Lipon consideration of the proposed trans ier of funds 6y the City Council under the Consent Calendar, the Citizen's Participation requirements will be met. Lity Planner BB:LJH/j fs ~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor and Members of the City Counc il~l"",,~~ FROM: Susan Mickey, Administrative Aide ,)ciit't, HUBSECT: HILLHOAEP CONTROL ACT OT 1989 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached resolution which deals with the Billboard Control Act of 1989. BACROROVND/ANALYeI9t At the request of the City of Pontana, the Planning staff of the city of Rancho Cucamonga studied for recommendation H.R. 3389, which le the Billboard Control Act of 1989. The City's Planning staff, along with the Aaretican Planning Association find the League of Callforn is Citiee, ie in eupport of H.R. 3389. R¢apectfully submitted, /( Susan Hickey Adminietrat ive Alde SH:ksd SM\2U9 Attachment O 4 ............................... •..+......•. +.......... • NASH[NGTON ON-LIVE BILL TEXT REPORT 04/23/90 7 UI S•T rONGRESS IST SF.$$ION H. R. 9790 ~ ~ + r.l..,~,~ ~ti.,~, ~•.d e, to L1 m1t oul'd nnr advertl r,l n'7 -, .1.. -~~~• -.. l.,, ro.~t xe ',nd Federal-aid primacy highways. .'Y nr Y~: 'JAY 'Jr KGMHtSENTATIVE$ OCTOBER 2, 1989 Mr. (.EWi$ „p Ge^rgls IEor himself and Mr. SHAW) introduced the following btl1; which was referred in the committee on Public Norks and Tr.anspnrra r)rn A BILL ,~ am~M t1eLe ^_?, Un iteA States Code, to limit outdoor advertising ed+aoent to lntersrsre and [seer at-ata primary nlgnways. • Rz tt •anacted by the Senate and House of Repreeenta [Sues of the Un ited+ •5tsrzs of America in Congress assembled, RR 33ft9 +w+•+wwwww••w•uwwwu•u+++++•w+....+.•w.w+•.++w++•+•+•+++++++•+.w.... + WASHINGTON ON-LINE BILL TEXT REPORT 04/23/90 S F.C TION t. SHORT TITLE. 2 This Acr may be erred ss the "61116oard Con[rol Act of 1989^. .rr• -.• rlynrHrc. The !bngress finds [hat- ~U the Hinhway P,eauti Eicatlon Act of 1965 was on qln ally enacted to ltm a the prop F.erstlon of billboards slnn9 interstate and Federal-aid primary highaaye and to promote the public health, safe ty, and uelE Sre; !~) des pate the expenditure cE more than 8200,000,000 for billboarA remov sl since the ensctment of the Hlghasy BeautlEic anon Act of 1085 hnnd roAa of ihnnvnnAa of Mllhn^r.~a aH 11 arenA olnnn mnrh highways end many more are being erected; ar.d (3) the Ceneral Accounting Of Erse and the Inspector General of the Uepartmen[ of Tranaportatton have reported Thar neu billooa nis .are being erected 3 times as Easr as cld billboards are being taken down. u F.C. 3. RESTRICTIONS ON OUTDOnR AD'JERTISIN ADJ HCENT TO INTERSTATE AND FEDERAL.-AID PRIMARY HIGNMAY5. tj: SENERAL RESTRICTIONS.-s ectton ;1 ~:a t.~._ .:3, !Int t,.d £aste r: Coda, :s nm.:nded- .., :n 3'1 b[:ec tt ~.~n lb), by stn king lire lent ;'•.•n t?nc e; :::: :n aubseotinn cc ), by :nst;r rt nq "EEliac'T r~o cn Teni Cur User n.-:,n T•rz vi: r)r.n :J r!).~ .-t z:. Ticn ~!: '. r;d ;u ~~etd u:.) fir t!':z :-m.:.v a. •.... -:qne, dept rys, v:d il~v~c ~s w.. ~~, .+- ..._~ ~.,uiurm ~'a lY._ .r•q u.r.ment-. ~_ •n:~ eui:~s acc:un." .,tT Zr the pau nd at the end ,+[ Cite Lvv' ...e n: rn: e; I{R 3:'±7 • WAC;HINGTON :?N -I',I N F: SILL 'i BBT REPORT :)4/23/90 ..................•.•.•...r....r....""".".""""...."••"""•.......e..""""ww+"""""a 3 cat vt eubaect u:n (k ), by striking tiub)ect to compliance with su b_ ection (g) of this sec UOn Eor the payment of Just r..ompens atio n, nor. hing" and insarcinq "Nothing"; :4t :r. subsection :1 ), by a.r:k inq "or ••"•ith respect tc fail vtg :.. agr•-e ea tc~ the size, lighting, and spacing i,E aigna, die pays, and devtc es nr as to unconed commercial or utd ustrf al araaa in wh u•h _:tyns, di:rpia ys, and devices may 6e erected and mainCOrned under 3~.ib&?C[lOn ld) cY this 3eCCt Un,°; (51 by Srl'1)a ng f.ub3BCY1o Y:3 :gi, (m ), to ), (O 1, 3Il•1 (p) and ,ede_:y-r.a ting subsactl.:ns .hJ, .i), (, (k;, ;1;, and (q) as aubsecnnna cg), th ), ill, cJ), lk ), and ill; and :h7 by adding at the end the Colic wing new subaec tlons: "lm) Fur pu[poaee of this section, a State shall be treated as Calling r.o provide eEE ve control of thr- erection and maintenance of outdoor od vertising alg dla plays, and devices wileas Che State aubm lta to the tiarrarary nnr Ifl tLC Clip •, ne••amtrs• 1s_ ^,E esch yeas of to the date ... ...~ enactment of this subsection an Inventory of conEorminy and n~;n-contorming signs, dos plays, and devices to such State. "(n) Nut later than January 1Sth of each year aEtr_r the date oG the enactment of r,hta subaertlo n, the Secretary shall submit to the Congress a detailed report on the extent to which each State has compiled with the requi n:ments of. this aectlo n. Such report shall include a compilation of the lnvento rtes aubmltted to the Secretary under subaec hon (m) and a description of Che efforts made by the Secretary under subaec eton (1) to aaeure [hat neceanacy dlrectlonal i`nformatlon about Eacllttiea pm vid ing NR 9389 ~. f •f ffflfff11t1fffflf"1111"fflfff111ff111fYf11f1fffflffff"lf lff lflfff4Yff 1fef 111, 11• goods and aervtces in the interest of the traveling public is available to meta cis ts.". (b) PROHIBITION AGAINST REMOVAL OF VEGETATION.-Subsection (d) of such ~ection la amended to read as foL OUS: ":d) Fur the purposes of this szc[ic n, a State shall 6z r,reated ax failing to provide effective control oC the zrzc tion ar.d maintenance of cutd~~cr ~dvertisiny ~;iy ns, dis olayal and Devices SE the State allows vi~:gets ucn located on any land on which the S[a to (or any political subd n~ia ion of Lhz 3ca[e) owns a ri yht-of.~way fur any highway on the :n t.: t.=.t are ay.-a ~~m or the primary systzm to he cut, altered, or removed for the ,•ur~~ose of )mprov:ny the via ability of acy outdoor advert[sing .y n, display, or 'ev:ce which- ... al~e3 f~]t IOnCOrm LO th°_ rugplCP.m S.^.t4 Of {hla ~~..u „ vut whl ct~ is not rzqu:red to be removed before September 1, 1995, undec subsection (e ), or "f;0 a dzscn bzd 1n clsuse ('J, l3 ), t4), o[ (5) of xu6section ._). ,, :c) SIGNS LOCATED IN c:UMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS.-Subaec lion (e>. of 2 such section :s amended t-o read as follows: "(e) Notw r[hstanding subsection (c J, for [he purposes of this sec ti on, .~~eE ec[ive c.onrrol of. tl:e zrzction and maintenance of outdoor advertising r;yns, displ:,ys, and dev u:ea does not require the removal 6eEore Szptambar 1, 1'?95, of any sign, display, or device which is ].awfully in ~,R:s Cet~ce ,.n SepC P.mbzr 1, 1989, and which is located- ~U in an area zoned industrl al or commercial under authority of HR iFf9 . .. .. .......111 uf1f.f..1.1... ..1.1 f.f....f411f1f1ff1111,f uff"111111..« " WASHINGTON UC1-LINE BILL TEXT REPORT 04/23/90 + •1f'f••ff111111111111111111111111111}ff111f11if111111f1111R}M1f4f11R11f1f 11181111 5 SCa[e la W, Or ":2) Sn unzoa~d commercial or lnd us trial areas ae determined by y'ceme r~{ be C9leEn. the aEVer di 3talea and the Secretary .". SEC'. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. The amendmznts made by section 3 shall apply with rea pect to each Stele after [hz close of the first regular session of the legisle LUre of such Slate [hat occurs after the date of enactment of this Act. HR 3309 BILL N07 /3 RESOLVTION NO. 90-~~~ A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, TO SUPPORT N.R. 3389, THE BILLBOARD CONTROL ACT OF 1989 WHEREAS, H. R. ]389, the Billboard Control Act of 1989, was introduced by Congressman John Lawie of Georgia on October 2, 1989; and WHEREAS, H.R. 3389, returns to states and local governments the right to regulate existing billboards under their own land use laws; and WHEREAS, H.H. 3389, plecea a moratozium on new blllboazd construction along interetates and Federal primary aide highways; and WHEREAS, N.R. 3389, shall find a 9tatB Lo De in non-compl tense if vegetations located on any land on which the State owns a right-of-way, ie ,.n...-~..i n.. •An visibility of any outdoor advert ieing sign, 'display, nor device` NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby support N.A. 3389. SM\209 ~'. h' z' i I~ ~; .. `'r"":~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 2, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: John L. Martin, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Aoprovai to Award and Execute a Professional Services ii Agreement with RJM Design Group, Inc., to prepare plans, ~ •pccif!cat:crs ai e;t{mui.es for Landscaping me nn liken V ! Avenue Underpass East and Nest Parkways (7th Street to i Jersey Boulevard) and Median (6ih Street to Jersey Boulevard) for a fee not to exceed 537,000.00 to be paid from the Redevelopment Agency funds, Account ~ ,J_cnBnn e„ additional 1D: cai,tii~yercy allo::arte w, to established for use under the approval of the City Engineer. REGOMEIOATION: Rpproval to Award and Execute a Professional Services Agreement with RJM Design Group to prepare plans, specifications and estimates for Landscaping the Milliken Avenue Underpass East and Mest parkways (7th Street to Jersey Boulevard) and Medians (6th Street to Jersey Boulevard) for a fee not to exceed (37,000.00 to be paid from the Redevelopment a: F:i ~ .. ~°` '°~i'y6iiCf 6iivwa.i~c w ue mwu„aneu for use under the approval of the City Engineer. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The City has contracted with the architectural flna of RJM Design Group to prepare plans, specifications and estimates for the Milliken Avenue Underpass East and Nest parkways (7th Street to Jersey Boulevard) and Medians (6th Street to Jersey Boulevardl. The proposed project consists of landscaping the Parkways (7th Street to Jersey Boulevard) and Lhe Medtens (6th Street to Jersey Boulevard) of the Milliken Avenue Underpass. The Landscaping will complete the Milliken Avenue Underpass, the structural portion of which is scheduled for construction 1n the summer of 1990. Res 1 submitted, ~, . .M:ly S CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: May 2, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer RY: W111n Valhuana e-z~~~,.,• r~wi r.,,.a.,ee~ SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security for Parcel Map 9350, located on the northeast corner of Base Line Road and Milliken Avenue, submitted by The Nilliam Lyon Company RF.COMMENDATIpI It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the subject agreement and security for Parcel Map 9350, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Parcel Map 9350, located ort the northeast corner of Base Line Road and Milliken Avenue, was approved by the City Council on March 16, 1988. The Developer, The Nilliam Lyon Company. 1s submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Ellena Park - Storm Drain Faithful Performance BonA: f116,300.00 Labor and Material Bond: f 58,150.00 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. Rasp 1 submitted, :S ~~7 Attachment RESOLUTION N0. "I~~i { CP A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROYIN6 IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND I!N'ROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL M11P 9350 NHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map No. 9350, submitted by The Nillias Lyon Compagy, and consisting cf 3 parcels, located on the northeast eorner of Base Line Road and Milliken Avenue, was approved by the Planning Co~lssion of the City of Rancho Cvcaaanaa on November 27. 1985: anA NHEREAS, Parcel Map No. 9350 is Lhe final sap of the division of land approved as shown on said Tentative Parcel Map; and NHEREAS, as part of the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the finai sap by the City Council of said City have now been set by entry into an Improvement Agreement guaranteed by acceptable Improvement Security for E11ena Park Stop Drain by the Nilliam Lyon Company as developer. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by 4he City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security submitted by said developer be and the same are hereby approved and the M4yor 1s hereby authorised to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest. I~ H IGNLAND AVENLJL~ ~. C x D C m z C m -~ Y w BAlFL/fYL liOAD CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMgNGA ~aa ame~ox A 0 r m H m A D G m T. G m /V N !1'SY: _I°M 935 T1TLL~[LEN.4 PARK ~8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~'' DATE: Mdy 2, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer , BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Mocks Inspecto~~ SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 10349, located on the crest side of Sapphire Street at Thoroughbred Street, submitted by Mal ton Hillside Estates , RECONEIDIITIOM It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the MAyor and Cfty Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 10349 were approved by the City Council on July 2, 1987, in the following amounts. Faithful Perforwance Bond: f326,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: f163,000.00 The developer, Halton Hillside Estates, is requesting approval of a 6-month extension on said Improvement agreement. Copies of the Iaprovement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Res~itted, 1 i , :SMG• ALLdChmen t5 !9 5 Thy 2025 east financial way % post office box 775: glenEora, caldomia 91740 i X818) 983-8505 April 5, 2990 Steve M. Gilliland Atblic Worits 71~ector City of Rinds CucaIDQya Y.O. Hox 807 ]ta-x3Yy Ncamwge, CA 9!729 Fee: Expiration of IRuo~rent Agre®ent far lYact 10349 Deal'2II'. Gilliland: Eltclased 38 atr request for an extsneion m the 1lopxwem9t Agreeora+t f~ 1Yact 10349 slag with as check in ttW amaart of $251 f~ that mctertsion. Nbrk r®eini7y at this time W rover the work in the ir~rovemant agreamnt to as follows: 1. Finish cgadi~ on the last 32 lob in tract of 57 lloueee 2. Planting of street trsee on fi~ul 32 lob 3. Rove and r~lace damaged sub std ~~ aleaY 4. lay down fine! muss of pavitg m streets ~. rinrstt grade tw (2) arms in horse trails Work m all of the above it®e, ew0ept far !b. 5, 18 in plvgreae. On Item No. 5, r+e are dsititg tar n deb~timo from l~ry Nideri who is inwlved in acme 4 on the hatse trails adjaoatt to our propmty whidi need to be bletded into tin horse tnliL whidt rrs have mfstrucbd. 7]le iaprvv~tt s9raamerd far 'itarot 10349 eo~iree on Apr11 S, 1990. Wa believe the above item will b• Depleted in appxaocimtaly 90 to 120 days, but request an extansirn fCr six (e) sonUts frc~ April 5. 1990 to cover any wntitngsrcise. Sincezaly, ~2{rC ivAiIICi7 001Q'At7Y ~~---~- F]eecvtivu V1oe Prssidrtt ~o I~ co~~y RESOLUTION NO. q0- f 77 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 10349 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement AgreeieeR*. Extenston executed nn wav ? icon nq u_l t;,: ~ ;~;,;~ iaiai:es as dereioper, for tiw: improvement of public right-of-way ayacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the west side of Sapphire Street at Thoroughbred Street; and NHEREAS, the iDStallation Of such improva~onte ,Inerrine.l ++ s+ig Improvement Agreement and subject to the Lamas thereof, is to be done -in coniunctlon with the development of said tract 10349; and NHEREAS, said Iwprovenent Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which 1s identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, CaUfornia hereby resolves, that said improvement Agreement Extenston and said Improvement Security be and the sane are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the CTty of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Cierk to attest thereto. ~' CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 2, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer i 8Y: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Parcel Map 9498, located on the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and 4th Street, e~ilriffaA Av Owi}br_ainkwr Ga?BYav RECOMENDATIOM It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Parcel Nap 9498 were originally approved by the City Council on December 19, 1985, in the following amounts. Haven Avenue Median 4th Street Median Faithful Performance Bond: f66,500.00 550.000.00 Labor and Material Bond: 533,250.00 f25,000.00 The developer, Reiter-Rinker Gateway, is requesting approval of a 12-aanth extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension a available in the City Clerk's Office. Respe fitted, ~~ Attachments A.H. REITER DEVELOPMENT April 5, 1990 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attn: Steve M. Gilliland Public Works Inspector RE: E%TENSION OF IlfYROVEMENT AGREElH?NT OF PARCEL MAP 9498, FOURTH STREET Dear Steve: t.:~~4 :; - 199.1 "~ K5 n'GNG CUCA MUNGA ENGINEERING DiVi$IGry This request for extension is based on the undecided determination by the City regarding the requirement o£ a median on Fourth Street. The Bond for this improvement fe still in place. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, A. N. D T CO. ,/ '~ Au at H. to /rm Encls. d3 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7250 • Newport Bexh, California 926567250 • 014) 751594 Pullman at Redhill A.H. REITER DEVELOPMENT April 5, 1990 ~, .. rrt ~~ 'L0, i CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA "~" "~ R4Nt,~AO Ra~chooCucamonga, CA 91730 `rFCiNFFR7NG pySiONNGA Arrn~ Steve M, O;t L+'send Public Works Inspector RE: EBTENSION OF IMPROV@ffiiT AGREEMENT OF PARCEL lfAP 9498 HAVEN AVE., MEDIAN ISLAND Dear Steve: Per our agreement dated July 12, 1989, we are again requesting another extension until such time as we develop the adjacent parcel, which should occur this Fall. Enclosed you will find previous correspondence reaardinx this matter. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly y ra, A. H TF CO. Aug st H. a ter, III /rm Encls. ~~ Mailing Address: P.O. Boa 7250 • Newport Bexh, Giifornia 9265&7250 • (771 751541 Pullman as Eedhill A.H. REI i ER DEVELOPMENT ~ July 12, 1989 CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA evx oll/ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attn: Steve M. Gilliland Public Works Inapec[or RE: E%TENSION OF IMPROVE!ffii1' AGREEMENT OF PARCEL NAP 9498 HAVER AVE., l~DIAN ISLAND Dear Steve: The referenced improvements have been completed by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. However, the total fee for the entire improvement was $87,670 as of 1/11/89, which was more than we could afford at that came. We were able to pay a fee of $28,745 for that portion of land thet we were improving and bonded the unpaid amount. n.- ..r ii -- c -- '=~=l..p sire rema maer of the site, we will then pay~the City the amount then due for their construction of the Median Island. I have enclosed a letter dated January 11, 1989 to the City of Rancho Cucamonga regarding this subject which may be of information to you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, A. H. REI MEIiT CO. r A st H.'Reiter, III /rm Encls. ~S Meiling Address: P,O. 90>< 7250 • Newport Beach, California 916567250.01q 751.1591 Pullman at Redhill January 11, 1989 Mr. Russ Maguire way ia,ceriny iieirdi:=•n Cif: City of Rancho Cucamonga Post Office Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Re: Parcel Yap 9!98 Raven Avenue Median Dear Ruas: Confirming our telephone conversation yeatarday, I propose the following alternative for releasing the bonds for the median island eonstmction. I am requesting that the fee of 587,670.55 ba divided into prooortionate lenotha of our orooerty as it '.a A.v.t„1wA s,,. example, our first phase boundary on Raven has a length of 565 feet to the center line of Trademark, or approximately 35i of the 1,593 feet of property along Raven. I propose that we pay _331,000.00 today, maintain the surety bond of 566,500.00 on the property for your security (copy of bond bill and our payment enclosed), and pay the balance as the remainder of the property is permitted fox development. Please let me know your thoughts on this matter at your earliest convenience. t Sincerel ~ ~ '~'~"~ ~L ~'~~~ ~? r _ . 1 A at R. Reiter III ~R~ enca. a~ MsiNaR Addrnf: -,O. aos 7250 • Nawpon eexh, Glilwnu 925567250 • G'S0 751594 hllmm r Rtdhill i RESOLUTION N0. qo - ~ 7 p A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CWNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 9498 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an improvement Agreemenk Extension executed on May 2, 1990, by Reiter-Rinker Gateway as developer, for the Imp rV YemenG Ui p~~llL r190 L-ul-w¢7 uuj abeni. w iic iwi yrLyeli,j ~pe~if l~dlly described therein, and generally located on the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and 4th Street; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described fn said Improvement Agreement and subject to Lhe terms thereof, is to be done in confunction with the development of said Parcel Map 9498; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor 1s hereby authorized to sign said Imprcvement Agrement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~7 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF ftEPOftT GATE: Milt' 2, 1990 T0: Ctty Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer 9Y: Stove M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector cult lrrT• oolapvn of nnnda nnA HnN r" of ftaenUHnn The reQuired stritii 9~yrr~rt's far " B7 W re hcc.^. ^^-~le•_ed in an acceptable canner, and it is recoauended that City Council accept said improvecents, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Coepletlon and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Perforcance Bond in the acount of 5440,000.00. 8ACK6ROUND/ANALYSIS DR 87-06 - located on the southnest corner of Jersey Boulevard and Vincent Avenue ua'iEWPin: nuwar rropercies 5321 Franklin Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90027 Release: Faithful Perforaance Bond (Street) (440,000,00 Respe f y sub fitted, R :SMG:s,lc~ .. __ Attachcent RESOLUTION N0. 9O - I79 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGl1, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DR 87-06 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK YHEREAS, the construction of public ingroveerents for OR 87-06 have been cawtpleted to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and YNr9raS a Nnl1ro of fnemiaf.irtn ie ,vm,i w,A M ~,_ en ew ~..}iF ~i n~ the work couplets. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Coupletton with the County Recorder of San nernardino County. °e.' rtrtT An n A MI'~IIA l~T ih A TJ/IAfC A STAFF REPORT DATE: Myr 2, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager 1 FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion The required street improvements for OR 88-21 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recowended that City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Cash Bond in the amount of (11,000.00. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS DR 88-21 -located on the south side of 9th Street between Hellman Avenue and Vineyard Avenue DEVELOPER: Fasson 8989 9th Street Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Release; Faithful Performance Bond (Street) f11,000.00 Resp y ub ted, e R~iM ~M6:sJm Attachment RESOLUTION NO. 9D"I8D A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAlM)NGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR OR 88-21 ANU AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NNEREAS, the construction of public inprovesents for OR 88-21 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is repaired to be filed, certifying the wore complete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. 3~ - - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~An+ ~ - ~ oy STAFF REPORT ~~' c y ~ , c' 7 ~~ ~ F}-'~~, A Z DATE: May 2, 1990 - =_ er; Ile I TO: Mayor, Members of City Council and City Manager FRO ~ ~ M: •7oe Sohult2, Community Services Manager ( BY: Raren McGuire-Emery, Associate Park Plann~3r SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF THE OLD TOWN PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT RECOMMENDATION: That the (airy nOU.^.cil; i. Accept as complete the Improvement of Old Town Park; and 2. Authorize final payment to Martin J. Jaska, Inc., for the work; and 3. Approve the attached resolution authorizing the community Services Manager to Pile a Notice of Completion for the Improvement of Old Town Park; and 4. Release the project retentlon within the specified time after recordation of the Notice of Completion. BACRGROiR7D; The improvement of Old Town Park has been completed to the satisfaction of the Community Services Manager. It is therefore recommended that the City Council accept the project from the Contractor, Martin J. Jaska, Inc., as complete, authorize final payment, anfl direct the Community Services Manager to file a Notice of Completion for the work. It is also recommended that the contractor's retention be released with a surety bond in the amount oP 591,118.10 (108 of the original contract amount), being continued for the required one-year maintenance and warranty period for the project. Change orders for the park improvements did not exceed 48 of the original contract amount. Respectfully submitted, Y Y~ L Joe Schultz Com~ty Se es Manager JS/kls Attachment 3~ RESOLUTION NO. 90- 'O' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE OLD TOWN PARR PROJECT AND A?~THORT-ZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for the Old Town Park Project have been completed to the satisfaction of the :.eTieynr Ji wmm4nicy aervicsa7 and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion ie required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, ba it resolved, that the work is hereby accepted and the Manager of community 6ervicee is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder oP San Bernardino County. PASSED, APPROVED and ACCEPTED the 2nd day of May, 1990. avoc. NOES: ABSENT: L. Stout, Mayor ATTEST: Debra Adams, City Clerk ---- - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 2, 1990 T0: Mayor, Members of City Council and City Manager tn.,,,. .. ~...y .,. .,....., .., ~r,.,.s .. ,.r ......,.7.._ ~ I, BY: Bonnie Cabrinha, Special Districts Supervisor ~ SGBJECT: APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORTS AND SETTING ii PUBLIC riEnRiivG Oi: JUi:E u, .">;~ .~ .... ..... <...... .. ASSESSMENTS AND APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORTS FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. I, 2, 3, 9, 5, 6, 7 AND 8. RECOP4IENDATION: Staff recommends that City Council adopt the attached Resolutions civi.^,g preliminary apprcval of Ci*_y Engineer's Reports, der larin9 its intention to levy and collect assessments within Landscape Maintenance District Nos. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 for Fiscal Year innn,oi ...a ..rvo.;..., a limo ~nrl n]arc fnr a Puhlir Haarinn. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Because of City Council's enhanced commitment to the City's Assessment District oroaram over the last five years the assessments wick ir. the Landscape Maintenance Districts have been invclved in a downward trend. 'This trend started i.n 1985 and has continued into June of 1990. However because of inflationary pressures of infrastructures maintained, the cost Districts are beginning [o increase to recommendi r.g some assessment increases. n.-: ,. .. a.,.. ,rnT~ ......,. ,..n y^ ...... ................. ._.. ~.. _.. _.... ..._ to address this issue. Currently the (CPI) Only those districts requiring an increase one. and increases in amount within some Assessment the point that we are Staff believes tha*_ _ ~i; _ ref lectsa 5~ increase .~ will be recommended for CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE GISTRICTS May 2, 1990 Page 2 The following is a summary of these assessment districts: S,andscape Maintenance Dist. No. 1 - General City my.,. ,.a rC~c nn~ ..4~ .r... n increase of 5$ and an increase to fund the capital improvement projects approved by City Council in October of 1989. A list of the approved improvements is attached to the Engineer's Report. Lands^_ape Maintenance Dist. No. 2 - Victoria The area being maintained by the district will double during 1990/91. The cost of maintenance is the basis fcr the 5~ increase in the assessment rate ($204.75). The cost of maintaining the parkways and parks has increased dramatically and even with the increase proposed expenditures will need to be monitored very closely to insure sufficient funds for the year. T,a nra SCapc Maintenance Dist. NO. 3 ZCNE A - HYSSOP This eight parcel district continues as projected and no rate increase is needed for fiscal year 1990/91. 'LONE B - COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS Commercial and Industrial properties make up this dist r.ict and provide the funds for maintenance of median islands within the commercial and industrial area. The concept for the assessment rate at formation was to spread the necessary costs over the acreage within the district. An increase of 55.00 per acre is necessary to provide sufficient funding and the major expenditure continues to be contract maintenance. The proposed rate is $170/acre. Landscape Maintenance Dist. No. 4 - Terra Vista The recommended rate ($110.25) includes a 56 increase necessary due to the increase in park maintenance costs. Four neighborhood parks will be maintained in 1990/91. Expenditures will be monitored closely to insure sufficient funding. 3~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS May 2, 2990 Page 3 Landscape Maintenance Dist. No. 5 - Tot Lot This district does pct charge in number of units or area mgint gineri Th? riiLronY a~cecmm~nt rate of StQS __ _~i £fi to (`nvPr I`n the fns l00(1/Q'I Landscape Maintenance Dist. No. 6 - Caryn The current rate (5195) is sufficient to fund maintenance for fiscal year 1990/91. Since landscaping has just recently been accepted for maintenance by the district it is recommended that. the rate remain stable until a maintenance history pattern can be deue loped. This provides sufficient funding for unexpected expenditures that can not be projected at this time. We are further analyzing this district considering a one time rebate or special credit to reflect assessments not utilized in earlier years. Also we are researching the utilization of these funds for a possible nark site. Please review the Carvn Freliminary Engineers report as extremely preliminary. Landscape Maintenance Dist. No. 7 - Nor..*.h Etiwanda This is the first year for assessments in this district and the rate (S75.G0) is based on funds reguired to maintain landscaping cn the first tracts withi r. Etiwanda Highlands. The rate for this district will increase as development occurs. Landscape Maintenance Dist. t7o. 8 - South Etiwanda This is the firs*_ year for assessments in this district. The rate (595.00) is based on projected tests for landscaping for the first tracts within the district. The rate for this district will i.-, crease as development occurs. Rns~eGLfuiiv auuni ii. i.e ii. erry B. Fu lwood ~~~ Deputy City Manager JBF:de Attachments 3C~ E1Q{®I'f 86/88 88/87 87/89 88/89 89/90 90/91 landscape Maintenance $38,00 $28.00 $25.50 $25.00 $25.00 $35.00 DisWCt 1 (General City) landscape Mairdenance $223,71 $223.77 $1y5.0U DlsWCt 2 Nlctorla) landscape Maintenance $0,00 $258.75 $258.75 District 3A (Hyssop) $195.00 $295.00 $204.75 $258.75 $258.75 $258.75 landscape Maintenance $0,00 $0,00 $0.00 $45/per acre $165/per acre $170.00 District 3B (Medians) landscape Maintenance $154.10 $128,34 $105.00 DLStrict 4 (Terre V1sta) $105.00 $105.00 $110.25 i.andscape Maintenance $163,64 $113.41 $111.00 Dismct 5 frot LoU landscape Maintenance $0.00 $0,00 $195.00 Dlstnct 6 fCarynl landscape Maintenance District 7 (North Etiwanda) landscape Maintenance Uistricl 8 (South EOwanda) $105.00 $105.00 $105.00 $195.00 $195.00 $195,00 $75.00 $95.00 37 RESOLUTION NO. ~~ " A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CITY ENGINEER'S ANNUAL REPORTS FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS NOS. 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 4, 5, 6, 7 AND 8. RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga that: rnrucorno r~taoo„i i~ aro i_anuscape arm ugnnng Act of 1972, the City Engineer is required to make and file with the City clerk of the city an annual report in writing for which assessments are to be levied and collected to pay the costs of the maintenance and/or improve- ment of said Landscape Maintenance Districts Nos. i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7 and 8. WHEREAS, the City Engineer has made and filed with the City Clerk of said City a report in writing as called for under and pursuant 1o said Act, which has been presented tc this Council for wnsideration; and WHEREAS, said Council has duly considered said report and each and every pan thereof. and finds that each and every pan of said report is sufficient, and that said report, nor any pan thereof, requires or should be mod'rfied in any respect. NOW, THEREFORE, It Is ordered as folbws 1 . That the Engineer's Estimate of itemized costs and expenses of said work and of the incidental expenses in connection therewith, contained in said ,vymi w, aiw vain ~i iiww ae ua, ~r Ni6uimim i;r dyyiv.vu iai,.. confirmed. 2. That the diagrams showing the Assessment Districts referred to and described in said report, the boundaries of the subdivisions of land within said Assessment Districts are hereby preliminarily approved and cen- firmed. 3. That the proposed assessments upon the subdivisions of land in said Assessment Districts in proportion to the estimated benefit to be received by said subdivision, respectively, from said work and of the incidental expenses thereof, as contained in said report is hereby preliminarily approved and confirmed. 4. Tiral said rnpuri siiaii stand es lire Ciiy Engineerk Annu&i Reyuri for ilia fiscal year 1990/91 for the purposes of all subsequent proceedings. 38 City of Rancho Cucamonga Annual Engineer's Report iandscape Maintenance District No. 1 (General Clty Parkways & Equestrian Trails) Fiscal Year 1990/91 The 1990/91 annual report for [andscape Maintenance District No. 1 (General City) is prepared in compllance with the requirements of Article 4, Chapter 1, Divisfon 5 of the Streets and Highways Code. State of California (Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972). Protected operations and maintenance costs for Fiscal Yeazs 1989/90 and 1990/91 are provided in this report. Protected costs are used to establish the necessary assessment rate to furnish the highest quality landscaping at the lowest possible assessment rate, Assessments are used to furnish services and materials for maintenance, operation, servicing and restoration of parkways and equestrian trails with the district. The maintenance of Landscape Matntenauce Dlsh4e[ No. 1 is considered of general benefit to all areas In the diatrtet and the cost shall be divided as lndtcated in this report. Maintenance of parkways and equestrian trails include repair of irrigation systems, removal or replacement of all or part of landscaping improvements. The maintenance also includes providing for the life, growth, health and beauty of the landscaping. Trimming, spraying, fertilizing and/or treating for disease or inJury as well as removal of trimmings, rubbish or debris are part of the ongoing maintenance. Walls fmmediatety adJacent to parkways are repaired and kept free of graffiti as part of the maintenance process. Capital Improvements within Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 were constructed by the developers of the indtvidual subdivisions. The plans and Improvements are as stipulated to the conditions of approval for each development and as approved by the Engineering Division. Fiscal Year 1989/90 Review General City During fiscal yeaz 1989/90 additional moisture sensors were installed in various pazlcways for the conservation of water. Moisture sensors have proven to be of great benefit in the reduction of water usage and subsequently water costs. As of Projected 59/90 Budget 02/2S/90 06/30/90 Assmt. Admin. $ 36,172 $ 36,172 $ 36,172 Overhead $ 1,130 -0- $ 1,130 Maint./Oper. $ 15,000 $ 785 $ 5,000 Veh. Matnt. $ 5.500 -0- -0- Cont. Trees $ 5,000 -0- $ 5,000' Trail Maint. $ 12,000 -0- $ 5,000 Contract -Van. $ 10,000 -0- $ 10,000 Contract - Matnt. $ 80,000 $ 56,547 $ 80,000 free Mafnt/Admin. $ 17,000 -0- $ 5,000 Capital Exp. $ 15,000 -0- $ 15,000 Water $ 17,000 $ 13,938 $ 22,128 Electric $ 6,000 $ 3,925 $ 6,000 Cap.Imprvmts. 51 20.000 -O- _p_as TOTAL $339,802 $111,371 $ 190,430 " The contingency account for trees established to provide funds for tree replacements required due to a maJor storm or disaster has $10.000. Thts money is in a reserve account and can only be expended upon approval by City Council. City Council reviewed possible capital improvement protects during the current year and the $120,000 budgeted will be carried over and budgeted for possible 90/91 capital protects. During the current fiscal yeaz the following tracts (diagrams attached) were annexed to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1: Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 Annexations for Fiscal Yeaz 1990/91 ANNEXED MAY 3, 1989 ANNEXED JUNE 7, 1989 ANNEXED AUGUST 2. 1989 ANNEXED SEPT. 6, 1989 ANNEXED OCT. 4, 1989 ANNEXED OCT. 18, 1989 ANNEXED NOV. 1. 1989 ANNEXED NOV. 15, 1959 APIYEXED DEC. 6, 1989 ANNEXED JAN. 3, 1990 ANNEXED FEB. 21, 1990 ANNEXED MARCH 7, 1990 Tract 12420 Tract 13359 Par~rl Mom 1991 fi Parcel Map 12573 Tract 13727 T.-aet 19g9n D.R. 87-34 Tract 13810 Tract 13930 Pazcel Map 11685 Tract 13813 Parcel Map9431 Tract 13851 ILGL.L 1JVLl Tract 13891-1 Tract 13891-2 Tract 13890-1 Tract 13890-2 114 AU. 6 A.U. Z nT1 2 AU. la Au. 16 AT7 3 AU. 7 AU. 23 AU. 3 AU. 6 AU. 5.88 AU. 61 AU. i iv u. Fiscal Yeaz 1990/91 The proposed expenditures for fiscal year 1990/91 reflect the intent to provide continued high quality maintenance as well as maintaining a reasonable assessment rate. Expenditure History Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 (PPneral ('ih• Protected Budget 88/S9 89/90 90/91 Assmt. Admin. $ 29,515 $ 36,172 $ 40,940 Overhead -0- $ 1,130 $ 1,280 Maint./Oper. $ 2,430 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Veh. Matnt. -O- -0- $ 1,000 Cnnt. Trees $ 4,000 $ 5,000 $ 500 Trail Maint. -0- $ 5.000 $ 12,360 Contract -Van. -0- $ 10,000 $ 6,000 Contract - Mafnt. $ 57,048 $ 80,000 $184,250 Tree Maint/Admin. -0- $ 5,000 $ 14.000 Capital Exp. $ 9,289 $ 15,000 -0- Water $ 15,087 $ 22,128 $ 25,500 Electric $ 4,655 $ 6,000 $ 5,800 n.. A., m c, nen _ Addt'1. Cap Imp. $345, S79•• Loan Repayment _ $ 59.807 TOTAL $1 73,874 $190,430 $567.808 " Includes $120,000 from 89/90 Budget " Capttat Reserve Fund Loan to District Projected Carryover $ 47,006 6 months funding $254,001 Capital Carryover $120,000 RE9UIRED REVENUE u ~ ^ted ^s^ ^t ..^.ecei-'- T r Cie., c^^mc.. Pao w4ir0,6v2 Budgeted 89/90 Carryover $ 47,006 Capital Carryover $120.000 TOTAL $567,808 Due to protected maintenance coats there w61 be no funding of equipment or vehicles projects during fiscal yeaz 1990/91. It is estimated there wlll be 13024 assessment units within this district in fiscal year 1990/91. After review of expenditures, assessment receipts, posstble carryover funds and protected costs, the assessment rated will be set at $35.00/unit. Assessment receipts for any fiscal yeaz are not realized until after December 10 and a portion of the estimated carryover funds will be used to fund the district for the first six months of 1990/91. 1990/91 Assessment Rate 9899 Assessment Units x $35.00 $346,1 15 3125 Assessment Units X $14.88 = $ 54,687 89/90 Budget Carryover $ 47,006 89/90 Capital Carryover $120.000 TOTAL = $567,808 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 <o~ s/o S60 S50 S40 S30 S20 82/83 83!84 84/85 85/86 86/87 87!88 88/89 89/90 90/91 Fiscal Year -~ Assessment Rates CAPITAL IMPROVMENT PROJECTS Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 DESCRIPTIVE LOCATION ESTIMATED COST S/s Base Line, Ramona to Cambridge $ 34,500 S!s Base Lino, c y H of Cc.^.t e: $ iS,750 S/s Hase Line, from 500' E/o Center $ 18,000 NWC Haven 6 Wilson, Haven from Wilson North; Wil son from Haven to Mayberry; Mayberry from Wil son to N/o Poplar S 55,500 N b S Side of Victoria E/o Haven to E/o Mango E/s Haven S/o Victoria $ 36,000 S/s Banyan from Zircon Lo Carnelian $ 33,000 SWC Lemon b Hermosa; Hermosa from Highland to Lemon, Lemon from Hermoa to 750' West $ 19,500 N/s Wilson, E b W of Birchbay $ 15,750 NEC Hermosa and 26th $ 19,500 E/s Haven, N/o Railroad c is cnn E/s Hermosa, N b S of Railroad $ 37,500 W/s Archibald from 200' S/o Almond to 175' N/o La Colina $ 27,000 N/s Banyan E b W/o Jadeite; W/s Archibald N/o Banyan E/o Amethyst from S/o Sunflower to Manzanita $ 16,500 NEC Archibald and Wilson; Archibald ErOm S/o Cottonwood to Wilson, Wilson E/o Archibald $ 12,000 E/s Beryl N b S/o Culpepper S 13,5p~ S/s Lemon from 350' W/o to 600' E/o Mayberry $ 15,000 S/s Alta Loma from Revere to Mayberry; includes W/s of Revers Erom Alta Loma to Highland and E/o Revere from 185' N/o to Highland $ 13,500 W/s Beryl N b S/o Sunflower $ 15,000 N/s Banyan from E/o Zircon to W/o Vineyard $ 11,250 W/s Hermosa N b S/o Ironwood $ 11,250 N/o Lemon E/o London $ 13,500 N/s 19th E b W/o Mayberry $ 13,500 E/s Archibald N b S/o Sunflower $ 12,000 S!s 4_eto.__ ~ 5 W,~^ ~~ndcr. $ 12,710 S/s Wilson from Archibald to Amethyst; W/s Archibald S/o Wilson $ 13,500 W/s Archiblad N b S/s o£ La Gloria; N b S/s Of La Gloria W/n Arrhihal~ $ 2?,~Q~ TOTAL $527,250 City of Rancho Cucamonga Annual Engineer's Report Landscape Maintenance District No. 2 V[ctoria Planned Community Fiscal 1990/91 The annual report for Landscape Maintenance District No. 2 is prepared in compliance with the requirements of Article 4, Chapter 1, Division 5 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of California (Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972). i'uis iepuii ucais wiui ine maintenance costs for fiscal year 198y/90 ana me protected maintenance costs for fiscal year 1990!91. These protected costs are used to determine the assessment rate required to provide the highest quality of landscaping at [he lowest possible assessment. The funds are used to furnish services and materials for the ordinary and usual maintenance, operation, servicing and restorallon of pazkways, parks, and troll improvements. Maintenance of this district is considered of general beneQt to all azeas within the district and costs shall be divided as indicated in this report. Maintenance of parkways, parks and trails include repair of irrigation sysiems. removal or replacement of all or part of landscaping improvements and necessary cleaning and repair of trails. The ma/ntenance also includes providing the life, arnwfh hralhh anti hnanfir nr ffio In~,.le__..a.n 'M ~. ~~~6 ;Yruj.:.6, fGCuiuiug ai~u/ua ~._..y. treating for disease or intury as well as removal of trimmings, rubbish or debris are part of the ongoing maintenance. Walls Immediately adtacent to parkways are repaired and kept free of graffiti as part of the maintenance process. Park, parkway and trail improvements within Landscape Maintenance District No. 2 were constructed by the developers of the individual subdivisions. The plans and Improvements are as stipulated in the conditions of approval for each development and as approved by the Engineering Division. Review of Fiscal Year 1989/90 There were no unusual maintenance problems during the year. Maintenance of the districts pazltways continues to be the largest expense. 89/90 As of Pro,Jected Budget 2/28/90 6/30/90 Accmt Arlmin ¢ tq.t)5ft ~ ld nFR V @ in _nta Overhead $ 3,329 -0- $ 3,329 Maint./Oper. $ 30,000 $ 7,612 $ 20.848 Veh. Maint./Oper. $ 12,000 -O- $ 5,000 Contingency 'IYees $ 5,000 -0- $ 5,000 iAan RePaY• $ 50,000 -0- $ 50,000 Trail Maintenance $ 5,000 -0- $ 3,000 Contract Serv. $270,000 $215,101 $322,656 Contract Vandalism $ 35,000 -0- $ 35,000 Tree Maint./Cont. Adm. $ 15,000 -0- $ 5,000 Capital N:xpend. $ 10,000 -0- $ 10,000 Water $150,000 $ 62,875 $120,000 uict, i,;c a 1'L,000 $ 3,614 $ 7,500 Park Maint. $142,000 $ 18,849 $ 72.000 Irrigation Restrn. Q 10.000 _0_ $ 5.000 $763,385 $322,106 $678,389 Fiscal Yeaz 1990/91 The protected expenditures for fiscal year 1990/91 will provide for the continued maintenance of parkways, parks and trails. The square footage to be maintained will double as the maJority of paztrways in the area of Milliken between Base Line and Highland have been accepted. Landscape District 2 Budget 90/91 Admin. $ 17,060 (lvPrhearl $ 2.49$ Maim%Oper. $ 9.700 Veh. Mafnt. $ 11,000 Contract- Routine $346,500 Contract- Vandal. $ 10,000 Capital _0_ Water $170.000 Electric $ 14,000 brig. Res, -0- Contingency $ 500 Loan Repay. $ 55,458 Cont. Admin. R on igv Trail Malnt. ~ 38,117 Pazk Maint. 242 $977.949 Due to protected maintenance costs there will be no funding of equ[pment or vehicles during the 1990/91 fiscal yeaz. PROJECTED REVENUE It is estimated there will be 3982 assessment units and approximately 415 acres to be assessed as vacant land. After review of current expenditures, assessment receipts, projected maintenance costs the assessment rate for Fiscal Yeaz 1990/91 will necessitate a 5% increase from $195/unit to $204,75/unit. Asessment receipts for an}• Pscal year are not rcccivcd until after December 10. A portion of the estimated carryover funds will be used to fund the district maintenance costs until January. 3982 A.U. x $ 204.75 = 415 Acres x $ 51.19 = 1989/90 Carryover = Interest = Pcnaitiesj~ei. _ TOTAL $815,315 $ 21,244 $ 75,000 $ 58,833 "/.pots $977,979 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Landscape Maintenance District No. 2 $230 5220 5210 $20U s l9u ~--r~ 82/83 83/84 84/85 65/86 86/67 87/86 86/89 89190 90/91 Fiscal Year -~- Assessment Haies City of Rancho Cucamonga Annual Engineer's Report Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 Zone B - Cummercia]/Industrial The 1990/91 annual report for Landscape Maintenance District No. 3- Zone B (Commercial/Industrial) is prepared in compliance with the requirements of Paticlc 4, Chapter 1, Division 5 of IF~e Streets and Highways Code, State of California (Landscape and Lighting Ack of 1972), :':s rip^rt prcvl~es i.,.onnation outimmg protected costs for fiscal year 1990/91 for Zone B (Commercial/Industrial), The projected costs aze used to establish the necessary assessment rate to provide the highest quality landscaping while maintaining the lowest assessment rate. Specitlcally, assessments will be used to famish services ~^d mataribis for the maintenance, operation, servicing and restoration of median Islands within this district. The maintenance of Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 - 7.one B is considered of general benefit to all pazcels within Zone B and the costs shall be divided as indicated to this report. Maintenance activities include the repair, removal or replacement of all or any part of any median island improvement, providing for the life, growth, health and beauty of the landscaping, trimming, spraying, fertilizing or treating for disease or InJury; the removal of trimmings, rubbish, debris and other solid waste, the maintenance, repair and graffiti removal from areas adtacent to the ruUlvaterl arnac Median island Improvements within Landscape Maintenance District No. 3, Zone B were constructed by developers and/or City contract. The plans for median island improvements are as stipulated in the conditions of approval for each development and as approved by the Engineering Division. Fiscal Year 1989/90 Review The maintenance of Zone A (Hyssop) continues normal and routine. This portion of Landscape Maintenance district No. 3 remains constant with eight parcels. No changes are anticipated for 1990/91. 89/90 As of Projected Budget 2/28/90 6/30/90 Assmt. Admin. $ 32 $ 32 $ :i2 Maint./Oper. $ 10 -0- $ 10 Veh. Malnt, $ 135 -0- $ 100 Conrad Serv. $1,450 $ 886 $1 450 Water $ 300 $ 152 . $ 250 Electric $ 150 $ 92 12 $'L,077 $1,162 $1,967 Fiscal Year 1990/91 Assmt. Admin. Overhead Mafnt./Oper. Veh. Maint. Contract Matnt. Contract -Vandalism Water Electric PROJECTED REVENUE 8 Assessment Untts ®$258.75 = $2,070 1990/91 Budget $ 32 C -0- -0- $1,450 $ 44 $ 315 ~~ $2,070 After review of expenditures, assessment receipts, projected expenditures, the assessment rate for 1990/91 will remain at $258.75 per parcel. City of Rancho Cucamonga Annual Engineer's Report Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 ZONE A HYSSOP The 1990/91 annual report for Landscape Maintenance District No. 3- Zune n is prepared m compitance with [he requirements of Article 4. Chapter 1, Division 5 of the Streets and Highways Code. State of California (landscape & Ltghtmg Act of 1972). This report provides information outlinfnF actual mainrnnance costs for Zone A (Hyssop) for 1989/90 and projected costs for fiscal year 1990(91. The projected costs are used to establish the necessary assessment rate to provide the highest quality of landscaptng while maintaining the lowest assessment rate. Assessments wW be used to furnish services and materials for the maintenance, operation, servicing and restoration of parkways in the district. The maintenance of Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 (Zone a) is considered of general benefit to all parcels within Zone A and the costs shall be divided as Indicated in this report. Maintenance activities include the repair, removal or replacement of ail or anv part Of anv ImnrnvemenL nrnvidtnd fnr rhr lifr, amadh fiaaltfi pn~1 beauty of the landscaptng, trimming, spraying, fertilizing or treating for disease or injury; the removal of trimmings, rubbish, debris and other solid waste. the maintenance, repair and graffiti removal from walls immediately adjacent to the cultivated areas. Parkway improvements within Landscap°_ *'.a'..^.fcnunce District No. 3, 7,one A were constructed by the developer. The plans for the improvements are as stipulated in the conditions of approval far the development and as approved by the Engineering Division. Fiscal Year 1989/90 Review Replacement of trees damaged by wind were replaced during the current fiscal yeaz. There were no maJor problems with maintenance and water consumptlon have been reduced. During fiscal year 1989/90 the following protected were annexed to Zone B of Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 (Commercial/industrial). ANNF,XED APR!!. fi. 7 QRQ DR 87-44 1.5 ACRES DR 87-42 .64 ACRE A!4NF~'D MAV 17 lOR0 PM 12057 1.81 ACRES ANNEXED JUNE 7, 1989 DR 88-07 5 ACRES ANNEXED JUNE 21, 1989 DR 88-25 1.5 ACRES ANNRXRn . R ii.v 6 l oR0 PM 11891 131.03 ACRES ANNEXED SEPTEMBER 6, 1989 PM 11852 12,51 ACRES ANNEXED SEPTEMBER 20, 1989 MDR 89-07 3.82 ACRES DR 87-48 2,86 ACRES ANNEXED OCTOBER 4, 1989 DR 88-21 2.27 ACRES DR 88-14 2,8 ACRES PM 11222 ANNEXED OCTOBER 10, 1989 DR 87-34 1.7 ACRES ANNEXED NOVEMBER 1. 1989 PM 12121 PCL 1 2.07 ACRES PCL 2 1.92 ACRES PCL 3 3.79 ACRES DR 78-10 4.6 ACRES DR 8&43 i.78 ACRES ANNEXED DECEMBER 6. 1989 DR 88-29 2.34 ACRES DR 88-32 1.55 ACRES ANNEXED JANUARY 3, 1990 DR 88-13 6.38 ACRES CUP 87-29 3.58 ACRES ANNEXED FEBRUARY 7, 1990 DR 88-19 PM 12058 ANNEXED FEBRUARY 21, 1990 DR 88-I1 Fiscal Year 1990/91 All parcels within Zone B will be assessed on a net acreage basis for the maintenance of landscaped medians on Haven Avenue from 4th Street to Deer Creek Channel, Foothill Boulevazd and 4th Street from west to east City Limits, Milliken Avenue and Rochester Avenue from 4th Street to Foothill boulevard, 6th Street from Haven to Rochester Avenue and other median islands on major divided highways within the Industrial Specific Plan Area and Footr:ill Boulevard overlay area. For Rscal year 1990/91 the median island on Haven Avenue from 4th to Deer Creek Channel and other portions fronting commerctaiimdusuie; u~.~;.,Y.:::;:~i• Projected 1990/91 Expenditures aJ,mt an...d.. Pv 720 Overhead $ 255 Maint./Operations $ 13,214 Veh. Malnt./Oper. $ 5.775 Contingency -Trees $ 500 Contract -Vandalism X Contract - Routine 1 27,283 Tree Maint./Cont. Admin. $ 4,675 Water $ 10.000 Electric ~- -~~ $168,130 After review of expenditures for 1989/90 and projected costs for 1990/91 ft has been determined the assessment rate for Zone B will be $170 per acre. 989 Acres ~ $170 = $168,130 d CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 $300 5260 5260 $240 $220 $200 88/87 87/88 88/89 89/90 90/91 Fiscal Year -~- Assessment Ra[es City of Rancho Cucamonga Annual Engineer's Report Landscape Maintenance District No. 4 Terra Vista Planned Community FYscal Yeaz 1990/91 Tt'"' "'^-'-'-~ '^^-r~%~ ~~~ :.Deal yeaz 1990/91 Cor Landscape Maintenance District No. 4 (Terra Vista) is prepared in compliance w7th the requirements of Article 4, Chapter I, Division 5 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of California (Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972). T.`.i~ r;,po:. r:uvlucs ~nformavon ouuining actual maintenance costs for 1989/90 and projected costs for fiscal year 1990/91. The projected costs aze used to establish the necessary assessment rate to provide the highest quality landscaping and fhe lowest possible rate. Sgeetfically, assessments will be used to famish services and materials for the maintenance, operation, servicing and restoration of pazkways, parks and trails within this district. The maintenance of Landscape Maintenance District No. 4 is considered of general benefit to all areas within the district and the cost shall be divided as Indicated to this report. Maintenance of parks, parkways, and trails include the repair, removal or replacement of all or any part of any improvement, providing for the life, growth, health and beauty of the landscaping, trimming, spraying, fertilizing or treating for disease or injury; the removal of trimmings. rubbish. dehrla and r,rha~ ~~i~a .,..,,.«.. ..._ waiureuanee, repair and gratfftl removal from wails immediately adjacentyto the cultivated areas. Parks, parkways and trails within Landscape Maintenance District no. 4 were constructed by the developer of the individual subdtvlslcns. The plans and improvements are as stipulated to the conditions of approval for each development and as approved by the Engineering Dhtlslon. Review of Fiscal Year 1989/90 Maintenance during the current 8sca1 yeaz on landscaped areas continued to be routine. Currently there is $12,750 1n a reserve account for the replacement of trees lost in maJor storms or disasters. These funds can only be expended upon Council direction. During fiscal year 1989/90 the following tracts were annexed to Landscape Maintenance District No. 4; ANNEXED October 4, 1989 Tract 13304 59 D.U. ANNF.7lF:Tl nt..__m,.c: :° :~~., Tract 13662 29 D.U. ANNEXED February 21, 1990 Tract 13664 & -1 28 D.U. F7sca1 Year 1990/90 Landscape Maintenance District No. 4 contimies to experience normal and routine maintenance activities. Two pazks (Coyote and Spruce) and being maintained by the district with the work being perfornied by City Crews. The pazkway maintenance continues to be handled by a contract maintenance company. Projected Budget 88 /89 89/90 90/91 Admin. Assmt $ 11,276 $ 11,276 $ 12,504 . Overhead $ 1,480 $ 1,480 $ 1,640 Maint./Operations $ 14,000 $ 13,000 $ 2,500 Veh. Maiat./Oper. $ 6,600 $ 1,000 $ 6,000 "'" Contlngency -Trees ro S,OOC W ~ ~'~' 2 000 = $ 1 911 Trail Maintenance $ $ 3,209 000 14 $ $ . 10 000 $ , 4,300 Contract -Vandalism Contract-Routine $ , 99,000 $ . 98,000 $ 56,813 Tree Maint./Cont. Adm $ 12,000 $ 7,500 $ 2,693 Capital $ 10,000 $ 10,000 -0- Water $ 52,000 $ 46,000 $ 50.000 Electric $ 5,900 $ 3.600 $ 5.500 Park Maintenance $1 00,000 $ 40,000 $208,660 Base Line Medians $173.000 $ 173.000 ~_ $141,382 $353,021 i TERRA VISTA PLANNED COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT BENEFIT MATRIX FISCAL YEAR 1990/91 Medians Parks Parkways Single Family 1554 A.U. $16,003.25 $91,603.54 $101,769.40 1n WUi'auiiiY a:ro (uv. @t r atnn 1S W•v,~~~•-•~ 4~4'] 17A 11 r.- .---~-- @ 47 '?11 Rn ~ --.~__..... Commercial 113.44 Ac. $ 1.165.48 $ 6.661.35 -0- Vacant Iand 64.54 Ac. ,$_ 6 1. 2 ~_ -0- $33,051.00 $185,389.00 $134.581.00 ESTIMATED COSTS Medtan Maintenance $ 33,051.00 Park Maintenance $ 185,389.00 Parkway Maintenance $ 134,581.00 Benefit Units Medians Parks Parkways Single Family 1554 A.U. 1554 A.U. 1554 A.U. Multi Family 1478 A.U. 1478 A.U. 739 A.U. Commercial 227 A.U. 227 A.U. -0- VacantLand 129 A.U. -0- -0- Single Family BenefitAssmt. $134.73 X 1554 = $209,370.42 Credits -0 Carryover $24.48 X 1554 = $ 38,041.92 Net Benefit $110.25 $17],328.50 :£ Multi Famffy Beneft Assmt. $ 91.45 X 1478 Credit -0- Carryover -0- Net Benefit $91.45 _ $135,163.10 $135,163.10 Commercial Benefit Assmt. $ 69.26 Credit -0- Carryover -0- Net Benefit $126.57 Vacant Land Benefit Assmt. $10.25 Credit -0- Carryover -0- $10.25 X 113.44 Acres = $7,856.85 $7,856.85 -- X 64.54 Acres = $ 661.54 661.54 City of Rancho Cucamonga Annual Engineer's Report Landscape Maintenance District No. 5 (Tot Lot) Fiscal Yeaz 1990/91 The 1990/92 annual report for Landscape Maintenance District No. 5 (Tot Lot) is ~:::.j,i: ~d iP. CCmpHanrP with the requirements of Article 4, Chapter 1, Division 5 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of California (Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972). This report provides information outlining actual maintenance costs for 1989/90 and protected costs for fiscal yeaz 1990/91. The pro;ected costs aze used to establish the necessary assessment rate to provide the highest quality landscaping at the lowest possible assessment. Specifically, assessments will be used to furnish services and materials for the maintenance, operaUOn, servicing and restoration of pazkways and the tot lot within the district, The maintenance of Landscape Maintenance District No. 5 is considered of general benefit to all azeas in [he district and the cost shall be divided as indicated in this report. Maintenance of the tot lot and parkway Include the repair, removal or replacement of all or any part of any improvement, providing for the life, growth, health and beauty of the landscaping, irtmming, spraying, fertilizing yr treating for disease or inJury; the removal of trimmings, rubbish, debris and other solid waste, the maintenance, repair and graffiti removal from walls immediately adjacent to the cumvatev areas. Parkway and tot lot improvements within Landscape Maintenance District No. 5 were constructed by the developers of the individual subdivision. The plans and pazkways aze as stipulated in the condillons of approval for each development and as approved by the Engineering Division. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Landscape Maintenance District No. 4 5160 5150 Si90 $130 $120 $110 5100 85/86 86/87 87/88 86/89 89/90 90/91 Fiscal Year -~ Assessment Rates Review of Fiscal Year 1989/90 Maintenance continued normal and routine in Landscape Maintenance District No. 5. There were no annexations to this dtstrtet during the current fiscal year. The district was formed with the 44 volts within the tract and there az no plans to expand this district. Fiscal Yeaz 1990/91 Projected Budget 87/88 88/89 89/90 90/91 Assmt. Administration $ 176 $ 176 $ 176 $ 176 Overhead -0- -0- $ 23 $ 65 Maint./Operations $ 30 $ 75 $ 75 $ 167 Contingency-frees -O- -0- -0- $ 50 Veh. Malnt./Oper. -0- -0- -0- $ 25 ContractServ. $2,534 $4,836 $3,000 $3,751 Water $ 227 $ 300 $ 200 $ 200 Electric $ 158 $ 108 $ 75 $ 80 Tree Maint./Con. Adm. _0_ -0_ _O_ Q 223 $3,125 $5,495 $3,549 $4 ,737 Th1s district will continue to contain the original 44 volts. After review of expenditures, assessment receipts, possible carryover ($117) and projected costs, .1:C :.......n...... :: :II:C f:: F:C~IIS VC.°..` lf•At•/O1 ::in :......°.1.. ~t @1l1F M Assessment Rate 1990/91 44 Assessment Units X $105 = $4,620 89/90 Carryover $ 117 $4,737 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Landscape Maintenance District No. 5 ~~/~ S16o Slso slao 5130 5120 5110 5100 85/86 86/87 87/88 88/89 89/90 90/91 Fiscal Year -Q- Assessment Rates City of Rancho Cucamonga Annual Engineer's Report Landscape Maintenance District No. 6 (Caryn Planned Community) Fiscal Yeaz 1990/91 Tltr 1QA(1/Al arennwl rrntirt fnr Tnnriernnr MM..ta.,~n~o rNcfeirf Tin a (Caryn Planned Community) is prepared to compliance with the requirements of Article 4, Chapter 1, Division 5 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of Calffomia (Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972). This report provtdes information on actual matntenance costs and protected costs for fiscal year 1990/91. The projected costs are used to establish the necessary assessment rate to provide quality landscaping whlle maintaining or lowering assessments. Assessments will be used to famish services and materials for the maintenance, operation, servicing and restoration of parkways within the district. The maintenance of Landscape Maintenance District No. 6 is considered of general benefit to all aeeas in the district and the cost shall be divided as indicated in [his report. Detailed maintenance activities include [he repair, removal or replacement of all or any part of any improvement, providing for the life, growth, health and beauty of the landscaping, trimming, spraying, fertllizing a.b j::: j ~ . s...v. .. ..b'. and other solid waste,Vthe maintenance, repafr~andgraffiti removal from walls immediately adJacent to the cultivated areas. Parkway improvements within Landscape Maintenance District No. 6 were constructed by the developers of the indtvidual subdivistons. The plans and parkways are as stipulated in the conditions of approval for each development and as approved by the Engineering Division. Review of FYscal Year 1989/90 Parkways for several tracts were assumed for maintenance during tiscal year 1989/90. The previous problems with plant materials were corrected and the financial responsibility for maintenance of Phase I have been taken over by the District. Budget As of Budget g4/4n 2/2R/90 90/91 Assmt. Admin. $ 3,756 $ 3,756 $ 4,684 Overhead $ 643 -0- $ '73S Maint./Oper. $101,430 $91,055 $ 3.000 Veh. Maint./Oper. $ 1,264 -0- $ 1,000 Cont. -Trees $ 5,000 -0- $ 1,000 Trail Mafnt. -0- -0- $ 1,000 Contract -Van. $ 6,400 -0- $ 10,000 Contract -Routine $ 46,000 -0- $242.800 Tree Main/Con, Adm. $ 2,600 -0- $ 4,000 Capital $ 5,000 -0- -0- Water $ 32,000 -0- $ 15,000 Electric $ 3,000 -0- $ 3,000 brig. Restor. $ 10,000 -0- $ 2,000 ------- $217,092 -------- $94,811 ------- $288,222 There were no tracts annexed Into Landscape Main tenance District No. 6 during fiscal year 1 989/90. Fiscal Year 1990/91 Protected 1990/91 Expenditures Assmt. Administration $ 4,684 Overhead $ 738 Maintenance/Operations $ 3.000 Vehicle Maint./Operations $ 1,000 Contin(!enev-Trees $ 3,000 Trail Maintenance •°: ! ^'' Contract -Vandalism $ 9,000 Contract -Routine $227,360 Tree Maint./Contract Admin. $ 19,440 Capital -O- `."ater $ 15,923 Electric $ s,uvu Irrigation Restoration -0- $288,222 It is estimated [here wtll 1171 assessmenx units wixhin this district during 1990/91. After review of possible expenditures and assessment receipts, and protected costs, the assessment rate wll] remain at $195.00. 1990/91 Assessment Rate 1171 X $195.00 = $228,345 89/90 Bud. Carryover = $ 59,877 $288,222 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Landscape Maintenance District No. 6 S3G0 5250 5200 5150 $1C0 87/88 88/89 89/90 90/91 Fiscal Year -n- Assessment Rates Cfty of Rancho Cucamonga Annual Engineer's Report Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 (Ellwanda North) Fiscal Yeaz 1990/91 The 1990/91 annual report (or Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 (Etlwanda -.~~a.~ 1~ -..-~..n.nR in rmm~lianra aW tfi the rPm ~irrmrntc of ArHrlr 4 (`h ~_r~~. i Divisfon 5 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of California (Landscape aad Lighting Act of 1972). Thts report provides Information on projected costs sc: ;~,;~ year 1990/91. The p: ;coed c o sr: iabcu iu esrabifsn the necessary assessment rate to provide quality landscaping at the lowest assessment rate. Assessments will be used to furnish services and materials for the maintenance, operation, servicfng and restoration of parkways with the district. The maintenance of Landscape Matntenance District No. 7 is considered of general benefit to all azeas m the district and the cost shall be divided as indicated In this report. Detalied mahntenance activities ineludc the repair, removal or replacement of alt or any part of any improvement, providing for the Iffe, growth, health and beauty of the landscaping, trimming, spraying, fertilizing or treating for disease or injury; the ~~~6~. a -~~ dole, uae auauaaleumwc, aciaaia and graffiti removal from walls immediately adjacent to the cultivated azeas. Parkway improvements within Landscape Maintenance District No. 6 were constructed by the developers of the individual subdivtsions. The plans and parkways are as stipulated to the conditions of approval for each development and as approved by the Engineering Division. Review of F7sca1 Year 1989/90 Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 was formed during fiscal year 1989/90. No expenses have been incurred. The district was formed on June 21, 1989. The following tracts have been annexed into this district: ANNEXED AUGUST 2, 1989 TRACT 12462 27 UNITS ANNEXED AUGUST 16, 1989 TRACT 12659-1 138 UNITS TRACT 12870 67 UNITS ANNEXED OCTOBER 4, 1989 TRACT 13566-1 112 UNITS TRACT 13566-2 TRACT 13566-3 TRACT 13566-4 ANNEXED NOVEMBER 1. 1989 TRACT 13565-1 132 UNITS TRACT 13565-2 \C~\V l 1JJVJ-J TRACT 13565-4 PROJECTED 1990/91 EXPENDITURES Assmt. Administration $ 2,880 Overhead $ 432 Maintenance/Operations $ 3,000 Veh. Matnt./Operations $ 1,500 Contingency -Trees $ 3,000 Trail Maintenance $ 1.078 Contract -Vandalism $ 2.565 Cuntuet - Ruuiuic 519.955 Tree Maint./Contract Adm. $ 5,094 Water $13, 796 Electric $ 7pp $54, 000 It is estimated there will be 720 assessment units within landscape Maintenance District No. 7 during fiscal yeaz 1990/91. To cover the proposed expenditures the assessment rate will be $75.00 720 A.U. X $75.00 = $54,000 City of Rancho Cucamonga Annual Engineer's Report Landscape Maintenance District No. 8 (Etiwanda South) Fiscal Yeaz 1990/91 The 1990/91 annual report for landscape Maintenance District No. 8 (Etiwanda South) 1s prepared in compliance with the requirements of ArOCIe 4, Chapter 1, Division 5 of the gtreets and Highways Code. State of California (Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972). This report provides information on protected costs for fiscal year 1990/91. The protected costs are used to establish the necessary assessment rite to provide quality landscaping at the lowest assessment rate. Assessments will be used to furnish services and materials for the maintenance, operation, servicing and restoration of parkways within the district. The maintenance of Landscape Maintenance District No. 8 is considered of general benefit to all aeeas within the district and the cost shall be divided as indicated to this report. Detailed maintenance actlv/ties Include the repair, removal or replacement of all or any part of any Improvement, providing for the life, growth, health and beauty of _ __~' _ _ _ _ c~....:'' _.._ c _ ~'.. a.. .. . ..N::.6, .... ..6, uj..::j'...b. nb ...6 .., :j L: j~ removal of trimmings, rubbish. debris and other solid waste. the maintenance, repair and graffiti removal from walls immediately adJacent to the cultivated areas. Parkway Improvements within Landscape Maintenance District No. 8 were constructed by the developers of the indlvfduaI subdivisions. The plans and parkways are as sflpulated in the conditions of approval for each development and as approved by the Engmeertng Division. Review of F[scal Year 1989/90 Landscape Maintenance District No. 8 was formed during fiscal year 1989/90. The district was formed on September 20, 1989 with Tract No. 13063. This tract has 73 assessment units. No other developments have been annexed to date. IROJECTED 1990/91 EXPENllITURES Assmt. Admin. $ 2g2 Overhead _p_ Maintenance /Operations $1 ,193 Veh. Maint./Operations $ 25 Contingenrv - T*ees ? 5y!+ Contract -Vandalism $ 510 Contract-Routine $3,402 Tree Maint./Contract Adm. $ 'l13 Water $ 650 Electric $ 150 $6,935 It is estimated there will be 73 assessment units within Landscape Maintenance District No. 8 during fiscal year 1990/91. To cover the projected expenditures the assessment rate will be $95.00. 73 A.U. X $95.00 = $6,935 RESOLUTION NO. qD ~ ~V A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS NOS. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 AND 8 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1990!97 PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972; AND OFFERING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS THERETO The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, pursuant to the provisions of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, being Division 5 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, does resolve as follows: f)ccnriMinn of Werk SEGTION 1: That the public interest and convenience require and it is the intention of this City Council to levy and collect assessments within Landscape Maintenance Districts Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 for the fiscal year 1990/91 for the maintenance and operation of those parkways, parks and facilities thereon dedicated for common greenbelt purposes 6y deed or recorded subdivision tract map within the boundaries of said Districts., Said maintenance and operation includes the cost and supervision of parkway maintenance (including sprinkler systems, trees, grass, plantings, landscaping, ornamental lighting, structures and walls, and related facilities) in connection with said districts. SEGTICdJ 2: The foregoing described work is to be located within the roadway rights-of-way and landscaping easements enumerated in the report of the City Engineer and more particularly described on maps which are on file in the City Clerk's Office, entitled "Assessment Diagrams Landscape Maintenance District Nos. t, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. SECTION 3: That the contemplated work. in the opinion of said City Council, is of more than local or ordinary public benefit and the said City Council hereby makes the expense of the work chargeable upon the districts, which said districts are assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, and which districts are described as follows: All that cenain territory of the City of Rancho Cucamonga included within the exterior boundary tines shown upon that cenain 'Map of Landscape Maintenanw District iJo. i', "Map of Landscape Maintenance District No. 2", Map of Landscape Maintenance District No. 3", "Map of Landscape Maintenance District No. d", "Map of Landscape Malntenance District No. 5", "Map of landscape Maintenance District No. 6", "Map of Landscape Maintenance District No. 7", and "Map of Landscape Maintenance District No. 8", indicating by said boundary lines the extent of the territory included within each assessment district and which maps are on file in the Office of the City Clerk of said City. 77 CfTY COUNCIL RESOLUTION WJOSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS May 2, 7990 Page 2 Reference is hereby made to said maps for further, full and more particular description of said assessment districts, and the said maps so on file shall govern for all details as to the extent of said assessment districts. Reoon of Encineer „~ ao-\T .CFCTIr1M d• Tho (`~e, !~:_..~a ... ~ n» . w, r~ ., n~_ ~ h_e ~ m.l thn annual report of the City Engineer which report indicates the amount of the proposed assess- ments, the district boundaries, assessment zones, and the method of assessment. The report title "Annual Engineer's Report" is on file in the Office of the Ciry Clerk of said City. Reference to said report is hereby made for all particulars for the amount and extent of the assessments alu' .or the exient of iirn wore. SECTION 5: Notice is hereby given that on the 6th day of June, 1990, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Ciry Council Chambers in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, any and all persons may appear and show reuse why said work should not be done or carried out or why assessments should not be levied and collected for fiscal year 1990/91. Prctesfs must be in writing and must contain a description of the property in which each signer thereof is interested, sufficient to identity the same, and must be delivered Io the Ciry Clerk of said City prior to the time set for the hearing, and no other protests or objections will be considered. If the signer of any protest is not shown upon the last equalized assessment roll such protest must contain or be accom- pametl by written evloence roar sucn signer Is me owner or me properly so oescnoea. SECTION 5: All the work herein proposed shall be done and carried through in pursuance of an act of the Iegisialure of the Stale of California designated as the Landspping and Lighting Act of 1972, being Division 5 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Califor- nia. SECTION 7: Published notice shall be made pursuant to Section 6961 of the Government Code. The Mayor shall sign this Resolution and the City Clerk shall attest to rho same. and the Clry Clerk shall cause the same to f>a published 10 days before the date sat for the hearing, at least once in The Daily Report, a newspaper of general clrculatbn published in the City of Ontario, California, end circuialed in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. -- - ---- CITY OF RANCHO CIJCAMONGA STAFF REPORT -=:; DATE: May 2, 1990 T0: Mayor, Members of City Council and City Manager FROM: in o c'..- -~~• --A _~ .._ r ..,,. _,jci aY: Bonnie Cabrinha, Special Districts Supervisor SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORTS AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON JONE 6, 7.990 TU LSVr ~rnc nrvmuar. ASSESSMENTS AND APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY ENGINF.F.R'S REPORTS FOR LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1, 2, 3, ~, 5, 6. RECOP4fENDATI0P7: Staff recommends that City Council adopt the attached Resolutions Giving preliminary approval of City Engl.^...er's Repor*_s, declaring its intention to levy and collect assessments within Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1, 2, 3, 9, 5 and 6 for Fiscal veg. 10Qn/4t onA nffa>•i nn a H mo and nlara for a Pnhlir HPaTlnn. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Various adjustments ir. assessment rates are being proposed for fiscal year 1990/91. Through detailed monitoring of revenue and expenditures over the past four years patterns Y.ave developed. Lighting Districts 2 through 6 are basically the same type of districts and history indicates the assessment rate will ultimately level out between 515.00 and 520.00 and then increase based on inflationary pressures. For the next three years an attempt to reach that goal will allow some districts to have reduced rates. Lighting Dist r.i ct No. 1 - Arterial This district has had a rate of $7.52 per unit for several years. With projected Southern California Edison Co. rate increases it is recommended the assessment rate be increased to 68.25 per unit. This will prcvide sufficient funding for fiscal year 1990/91. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT LIGHTING MAINTF,NANCE DISTRICTS May 2, 1990 Page 2 Lighting District No. 2 - Local The recommended decrease in assessment rate from 520.00 to 515.00 per unit wiii pa~vidc saffici a,-.t .. ~,~..-r~g by ,.~.ng ...... ryovcrs of 1989/90 aVarlaJJl e. LUt,d~ i nv..u+.~.. .-.. -.._ _--. °^'°^T"° rn FnnA tha expenditures for 1990/91] Lighting DistricT. No. 3 - Victoria •~.t iJVJ/ly ..4rryv .. u~u~ 'i v .... .~ .~.. .. v.~~v:..~.t~~.i nom.... . proposed assessmentL rat eJ ofy ($i5.00)y~par unit to fund this district. sufficient funding a7.lows for lowering the rate by 55.00 per unit. Light i.^.g Ci., ,.ric~ ...,. 9 - .terra Vista A 1989/90 carryover projection is the basis of loweri rig the assessment rate within this district to 510.00. This is a $10.C0 decrease in assessments. 9:c believe that the rates will level out to between 51.5.00 and 520.00 within the near future. Projected expenditures were not realized the available 19b9/90 carryover projection provides sufficient funds to allow the assessment rate to be lowered to 51.00 for 1990/91. The excess carryover is reflective of an error in last year's assessments. The assessment should have been $20.00. However, a charge of $35.00 was incorrectly assessed. Next year we will be adjust i.ng the assessment back to its correct assessment which is approximately 515.00 per unit. Lighting District No. 6 - Commer r_ial/Industrial The recommended assessment rate of 515.00 along with 1989/90 ._: i_tii- c.... .~.. ..: Il .........: .i .. ....GG:..:.:~.F F..n rilnn Fns lUUll/UI avaiiau lc •u..uo .... 1.~........ .. u.... ..., ~.,. ~.. .......... .y .. ,,~ ~~~_. ~~. As of this date tae have not received any of Scuthern California Edison's formal street ligh*_ rate estimates. Therefore we have been very conservative in our estimates to allow for the possibility of handling incr=axed cost for Street Light 80 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS May 2, 1990 Page 3 Maintenance. Any carryovers from 1990/91 will be used to maintain or lower the assessment rates for 1991/92. However we will attempt to avoid the peaks and valleys of assessment rates we are currently ::peri _..__ R speccfully submitted, ~~, VJerry B. Fulwood Deputy City Manager J5F:de Attachments 81 EICHIBIT 84/86 86/88 88/87 87/88 89/89 89/90 90/91 Street Light Maintenance 9.64 $8.91 $7.52 $7.52 $7.52 $7,52 $8.25 District 1 Street lAght Maintenance 30.22 $31.7a $2J.Ot1 $23.00 aLG.vO aio.GO District 2 Streel Light Maintenance $48.65 $48.03 $35.00 $27.00 $20.00 $15.00 Dlstnct 3 Street Light Maintenance $27.14 $32.21 $25.00 $22.00 $20.00 $10.00 District 4 Street Light Maintenance $38.50 $35.00 $35.00 $I.00 District 5 Street Light Mainterance $25.00 $20.00 $15.00 Dlslrict 6 4.]0' RESOLUTION NO. 9~' /~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CIIY ENGINEER'S ANNUAL REPORTS FOR STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS NOS. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6 ..~ovir cv iq ii,o viir wuioei J. iiro `~niy ::, ,iari::ii0 ~uGdiirouya ii ml. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972, the City Engineer is required to make antl file with the City clerk o7 the city an annual report in writing for which assessments are to be levied and collected to pay the costs of the maintenance and/or improve- ment of said Street ugnnng rviaintenance uisrriois ivus. i, 2, 3, 4. 5 and 6. WHEREAS, the City Engineer has made and filed with the city Clerk of Bald Ciry a report in writing as called for under and pursuant to said Act, which has been presented to this Council for consideration; and WHEREAS, said Council has duly considered said report and each and every pan thereof, and finds that each and every part of said report is sufficient, and that said report, nor any part thereof, requires or should be modified in any respect. NOW, THEREFORE, it is ortleretl as folbws 1 . That the Engineers Estimate of itemized vests and expenses of said work ane or me mcieentar expenses w cunner:rirni titerewtii, wmeineu iu seiu report be, and each of them are hereby preliminarily approved and con- firmed. 2. That the diagrams showing the Assessment Districts referred to an described in said report, the boundaries of the subdivisions of land within said Assessment Districts are hereby preliminarily approved and con- firmed. 3. That the proposed assessments upon the subdivisions of land in said Assessment Districts in propodion to the estimated benefit to be received by said subdivision, respectively, from said work and of the incidental expenses thereof, as contained in Bald report Is hereby preliminarily approved and confirmed. 4. That said report shall stand as the Ciry Engineer's Annual Report for the fiscal year 1990/91 for the purposes of all subsequent proceedings. 83 Annual Engineers Report Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 Arterial Streets Fiscal Year 1990/91 The annual report for Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 (Arterial c,-....-~..~ 35 _-.-„-.., ~.,A ~., rnn,n/ienro wi}h }h ram~iramrn}_ ni A.+Irlr d ('hanf rr 1 Jl\bb1.01 Y~~. (/W bu u. ~... .y.~ .. P .~ Division 5 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of California (Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972) This report deals with the protected costs for fiscal year 1989/90 and the projected expenditures for fiscal yeaz 1990/91 to determine annual assessments. The assessment will be used to furnish services and ntatertals for the ordinary and _s,~a~ Maintenance as provtded by Southern Callfornla Edison Company. Maintenance is considered of general benefit to all azeas in the District and costs shah be divided as indicated !n the body of this report. Detailed maintenance aeUvlUes include the repair, removal or replacement of all or any part of any improvement providing for illumination of the subJect azea. Street lights were constructed and installed by the developers of the individual subdivisions. The plans and street lights are as stipulated fn the condfUOns of approval for each development and as approved by the Engineering Division. Fiscal Year 1989/90 Review 89/90 As of Projected Budget 2/28/90 6/30/90 Assmt. Admin. $ 69,752 $ 69,752 $ 69,752 Overhead $ 2,751 -0- $ 2,751 Capital Expend. $ 13,000 -0- -O-' Electric $ 49,000 $ 35,666 $ 53,496 Contract Serv. $ 4.172 $ 1.815 $ 3.120 $138.675 $107.233 $129.119 'i.ow bid was ro2000 over budge[. Project not awarded. During fiscal yeaz 1989/90 the following tracts and lights were annexed Into Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1: ANCIEXED APRIL 19, 1989 TRACT 1`1462 27 ASSMT. UNITS ANNEXED MAY 3, 1989 TRACT 12420 114 ASSMT. UNITS ANNEXED MAY 17, 1989 PM 12057 3.62 ASSMT. UN[TS ANNEXED JiJNE 7. 1989 DR 88-07 1 ASSMT UNIT '1'}LAC 1- 13sba b AJSmi uidfTS ANNEXED JUNE 21. 1989 UR SS-25 3 ASSMT UN[15 ANNEXED JULY 5, 1989 PM 11891 262.06ASSMT UNITS ANNEXED AUGUST 2, 1989 PIvi 12218 3 ASSA3T UNITS ANNEXED AUGUST 16, 1989 111 J/JV T l1V Vl~~I V1~31~! ANNEXED SEPTEMBER 6, 1989 PM 11852 22 ASSMT UNITS PM 12573 2 ASSMT UNITS CUP 87-05 10 ASSMT UNITS 'TRACT 13873 124 ASSMT UNITS ANNEXED SEPTEMBER 20, 1989 DR 87-48 5.72 ASSMT UNITS MDR 89-07 7.64 ASSMT UN[TS TRACT 13565-1 TO 4 132 ASSMT UNITS ANNEXED OCTOBER 4 , 1989 ~ n iLUiVT i3JW-1 TV 3 112 ASSiv/T UlVI1J TRACT 13737 12 ASSMT UNITS TRACT 12820 16 ASSMT UNITS PM 11838 2 ASSMT UNITS TRACT 13304 59 ASSMT UNITS DR 88-21 5 SSMT UNITS DR 88-14 5.6 ASSMT UNITS ANNEXED OCTOBER 18, 1989 DR 87-34 3 ASSMT UNITS TRACT 13810 7 ASSMT UNITS ANNEXED NOVEMBER 1, 1989 DR 89-10 9.2 ASSMT UNITS PM 11685 3 ASSMT UN[TS PM 12121 15.56ASSMT UN[TS TRACT 13930 23 ASSMT UNITS DR 88-43 3.56 ASSMT UN[TS ANNEXED NOVEMBER 15, 1989 TRACT 13662 29 ASSMT UNITS TRACT 13813 6 ASSMT UNITS ANNEXED DECEMBER 6, 1980 PM 9431 5.85 ASSMT UNITS TRACT 14121 47 ASSMT UNITS DR 88-32 3.1 ASSMT UNITS DR 88-29 4.68 ASSMT UNITS ANNEXED JANUARY 3, 1990 DR 88-13 12.76ASSMT UNITS CUP 87-29 7.16 ASSMT UNITS TRACT 13851 61 ASSMT UNITS TRACT 13621 7 ASSMT UNITS eiiviv~ncu ri:,iiniiAni i, roar DR 88-19 12.08ASSMT UNITS TRACT 13886 23 ASSMT UN[TS PM 11394 18.74ASSMT UNITS PM 12058 7.58 ASSMT UNITS ANNEXED FEBRUARY 21, 1990 TRACT 13664 & -1 28 ASSMT UNITS DR 88-11 .80 ASSMT UN[TS ANNEXED MARCH 7. 1990 TRACT 13890-1 & -2 166 ASSMT UNITS PROJECTED 1990/91 EXPENDITURES Assmt. Admin. $ 57,760 Overhead $ 3,155 Electric $ 58.215 $119,130 PROJECTED REVENUE 14440 A.U. x $8.25 = $119,130 A protected $69,282 1989/90 carryover will fund this district until assessments are received in January, 1991. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Street Light Maintenance No. 1 aav S9 $8 $7 84/85 BS/86 86!87 87/88 88/89 89/90 90/91 Fiscal Year -~ Assessment Rates Annual Engineer's Report Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 Local Streets Fiscal Yeaz 1990/91 The annual report for Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 (Local c.~.,,,«.1 n- -...........,i ~., ..mm~lt~nnn pith thr rnm drnmant ~f Arti_rlr 4 (`h^n~nr 1 ...........a ... a.-_rW .,.- ___ __-_~-._..__ .... ............ Division 5 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of California (Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972). This report deals with the protected costs for fiscal yeaz 1989/90 and the minr}rrl amenlJltprP_.S fnr flsral year 1990/91 to determine annual assessments. Y J" The assessment will be used to furnish services and materials for the ordinary and usual maintenance, operation, servicing and restoration of street light improvements as provided by Southern California Edison Company. Maintenance is considered of general benefit to all azeas within the District and costs shall be divided as Indicated to the body of this report. Detailed maintenance acUvtUes Include the repair, removal or replacement of all or any part of any Improvement providing for illumination of the subject area. Street lights were constructed and installed by the developers of the Individual subdivisions. The plans and street lights are stipulated in the condlUons of main vvni ian cna.ia aic vcw~aucui aaau m aia~awcu iay uac uugiuccaiug iiviaiw ~. Review of Fiscal Year 1989/90 89/90 As of Protected Hudget 2/28/90 6/30/90 Assmt. Admin. $20,268 $20,268 $20,268 Overhead $ 2,027 -0- $ 2,027 Electric $60,000 $31,233 $53,160 Contract Serv. ~ 4.565 $ 1.986 $ 3.408 $86,860 $53,487 $78.863 During fiscal year 1989/90 the following developments and lights were annexed mto Street Lighting Maintenance Distrlet No. 2: ANNEXED APRIL 19. 1989 TRACT 12562 27 ASSMT UNITS ANNEXED MAY 3, 1989 TRACT 12420 114 ASSMT UNITS TRACT 13748 102 ASSMT UNITS ANNEXED JUNE 7, 1989 TRACT 13359 6 ASSMT UNITS ANNEXED AUGUST 2. 1989 p??? i99.tR 3 ASSMT UNITS ANNEXED AUGUST 16, 1989 PM 5996 4 ASSMT UNITS AN-HEXED SEPTEMBER 6, 1989 PM 12573 2 ASSMT UNITS CUP 87-OS 10 ASSMT UNITS ANNEXEll SEl'PEMBER 20, 19$9 TRACT 13565-i TO -4 132 ASSMT UNITS HIVIVP.AGV Vl.1V~GR 4, iao9 TRACT 13566-1 & -3 112 ASSMT UNITS TRACT 13727 12 ASSMT UN[TS TRACT 12$20 16 ASSMT UNITS DR 87-34 3 ASSMT UNITS ANNEXED OCTOBER 18, 1989 TRACT 13810 7 ASSMT UNITS ANNEXED NOVEMBER 1, 1989 PM 11685 3 ASSMT UNITS TRACT 13930 23 ASSMT UNITS ANNEXED NOVEMBER 15, 1989 I RrHCT 13$13 6 AC~iJMl IJ NIIJ ANNEXED DECEMBER 6, 1989 PM 9431 5.88 ASSMT UNITS ANNEXED JANUARY 3, 1990 TRACT 13851 61 ASSMT' UNITS TRACT 13621 7 ASSMT UNITS ANNEXED MARCH 7, 1990 TRACT 13890-1 & -2 166 ASSMT UNITS PROJECTED 1990/90 Assmt. Admin. Overhead Electric $19, 524 ~ 2.327 565.851 $86, 851 After review of current expenditures, protected revenue and possible carryover ($134,721) it has been deternttned that the assessment rate for Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 can be lowered to $9.00 from $20.00 for fiscal year 1990/91 The protected cazryover funds will be used to support this dtstrtct until assessments are received in January. Lowering the assessment rate will still provide sufficient funding for this district 4881 Assmt. Units x Carryover 1/2 of 90/91 $15.00 = $73,215 $134,721.17 (43,425.50) si-tiss.s~- 90/91 Budget 90/91 Assmts. (86,851.00) $ 4,444.67 $ 43.929.00 $ 48,373.67 The protected $48,373.67 will be used to fund the first have of ftscal year 1991/92. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Street Light Maintenance District Na. 2 sao sin Szo sio 85/86 88/87 87/88 88/89 89/9a 90/91 Fiscal Year -~- Assessment Rates Annual Engineer's Report Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 3 (Vfetorla Planned Community) Fiscal Yeaz 1990/91 The annual report for Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 3 (Victoria Planned Ccmmunity) is prepared in compliance with the requirements of Article 4, Chapter 1, Di+ision 5 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of California (l..andscaping and Lighting Act of 1972). This report outlines the projected costs for fiscal year 1989/90 and the protected expenditures for fiscal year 1990/91 to determine the necessary assessment rate. The assessments wlll be used to furnish services and materials for the ordinary and usual maintenance, operatlon, servicing and restoration of street light improvements as provided by Southern California Edison Company. Maintenance is considered to be of general benefit to all azeas within the district and costs shall be divided as Indicated 1n the body of this report. Detailed maintenance activities include the repair, removal or replacement of all or any part of any improvements providing for the 111um1natron of the subject area. Street lights were construMed and installed by the developers for the individual subdivisions. The plans and street lights are as stipulated to the conditions of approval for each development and as approved by the Engineering Division. Fiscal Yeaz 1989/90 Review Assmt. Admin. Overhead Electric Contract Serv. 89/90 As of Projected Budget 2/28/90 6/30/90 $13,928 $13,928 $13,928 $ 1,393 -0- $ 1,393 $48,000 $29,612 $50,760 $ 3.910 1 7 1 $ 2.928 $67,`l31 $45,241 $69,009 During fiscal yeaz 1989/90 the following projects within the Victoria Planned Community were annexed into Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 3: ANNEXED SEPTEMBER 6, 1989 TRACT 13873 ANNEXED OCTOBER 4, 1989 PM 11838 n niNFXNT) t)F.rF.MRF,R ~, 7PRR TRACT 14121 ANNEXED FEBRUARY 7, 1990 TRACT 13886 PM 11394 62 ASSMT UNITS 2 ASSMT UNITS 47 ASSMT UNITS 23 ASSMT UNITS 18.74ASSMT UNITS Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 3 experienced normal and routine expenditures during the current fiscal year. Fiscal Yeaz 1990/91 Projected Expenditures Assmt Admin. $15,848 Overhead $ 1,742 m~< .,~~ i:~ic~iu~. $72,790 After review of expenditures, protected revenue, and projected carryover funds ($85,218) it has been determined that the assessment rate for Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 3 can be lowered from $20.00 to $15.00 -per assessment unit. The projected carryover funds will be used to support this district until the assessments aze received during January. 3962 A.U. x $15.00 = $59,430 Carryover $85,218 1/290/9I Bud. (36,395) $48,823 -~ 90/91 Budget (72,790) (23.967) 90/91 Assmts. $64.382 $40.415 The projected $40,415 will be used to fund the first half of fiscal yeaz 1991/92 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Street Light Maintenance District No. 3 ss~ $30 $20 $ ]. 0 Fiscal Year -~- Assessment Rates 85/86 86!87 87/68 88/89 89/90 90/91 Annual Engineer's Report Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 4 Terra Vista Planned Community Fiscal Yeaz 1990/91 The annual report for Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 4 (Terra Vista Planned Gommunil j Is re aced m cum ~iaucc wiui is "^" ^f ^^~•^~^_ 4, Chapter 1. Division 5 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of Calsfornia (Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972). This report deals with the projected costs for fiscal year 1989/90 and the pl ojccicli capcuviiure~ far .fiec_l year 1990/91 to determine the annual assessment rate. The assessments will be used to furnish sernces and maceriais for the ordinary and usual maintenance, operation, servicing and restoration of street light improvements as provided by Southern Calttomta Edison Company. Maintenance is considered of general benefit to all areas in the District and costs shall be divided as indicated 1n the body of this : -port. Detailed maintenance activities include the repair, removal or replacement of all or any part of any improvement providing for llluminatron of the subject area. Street lights were constructed by the developers for the individual subdivisions. The plans and street tights aze as stipulated in the conditions of approval for each neveiopmenr anti as appruved i,y WC ml~luccl ink uivi~iuu. Fiscal Yeaz 1989/90 Review 89/90 As of Projected Budget 2/28/90 s/30/90 Assmt. Admin. $11,352 $11,352 $11,352 Overhead $ 1,135 -0- $ 1,135 Electric $33,000 $10,307 $21,600 Contract Serv. ~ 1.789 $ 778 $ 1.560 $47,275 $22,437 $35,647 Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 4 experienced normal and routine expenditures durin6 th~^ current fiscal year. During fiscal year 1989/90 the follow[ng projects were annexed to this district: ANNEXED OCTOBER 4, 1989 TRACT 13304 59 ASSMT UNITS ANNEXED NOVEMBER 15, 1989 '1'RAt;'1' 13(162 ANNEXED FEBRUARY 21. 1990 TRACT 13664 9e -1 143 ASSMT UNITS 28 ASSMT UNITS FISCAL YEAR 1990/91 Protected Expenditures Assmt Admin. $ 7,124 ~vernead ~ i,4vi Electric $35.000 $43.526 After review of current expenditures, protected carryover ($106,436), protected expenditures and revenue it has been determined that the assessment rate for Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 4 for fscal year 1990/91 can be lowered from $20.00 to $10.00 per assessment unit. A portfon of the protected carryover will be used to fund this district until assessments aze received in January. Projected Revenue 1781 x $10.00 = $17,810 Carryover $106,436 1/2 of 90/91 (21,763) 90/91 Budget (43,526) $41,147 90/91 Assmts. $1'!,810 $58,957 1"he protected $58,957 will fund the first six months of fiscal yeaz 1991/92. s CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Street Light Maintenance District No. 4 saa Sao S2o S10 h~ 85/86 86/87 87/88 88/89 89/90 90/91 Fiscal Year ~-®-- Assessment Rates Annual Engineer's Report Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 5 Caryn Planned Communty Fiscal Yeaz 1990/91 The annual report for Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 5 (Caryn Planned Community) is prepazed in compliance with the requirement of Article 4. Chanter 1 Di~tision 5 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of California (Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972). This report deals with the projected costs for fiscal year 1989/90 and the projected CwyCndttUrio fOr liSl'al yCal ijyVJ yl LU UCLCLIIllI1C IJ1C d1ltlYtU 4oxbaniWR rate. The assessments will be used to famish services and materials for the ordinary and usual maintenance, operation, servicing and restoration oi' street light improvements as provided by Southern Califomia Edison Company. Maintenance is considered of general benefit to all azeas within the district and costs shall be divided as indicated in the body of this report. Detailed maintenance activities include the repair, removal or replacement of all or any part of any improvement providing for illumination of the subJect azea. Street lights were constructed and installed by the developers for the individual subdivisions. The plans and street Hghts are as stipulated In the conditions of approval for each development and as approved by fhe Engineering Division. Review of Fiscal Year 1989/90 89/90 As of Projected Budget 2/28/90 6/30/90 Assmt. Admin. $ 3.756 $3,756 $ 3,756 Overhead $ 470 -0- $ 470 Electric $ 8,000 $2,811 $ 5,640 Contract Serv. $ 343 $ 150 $ 300 $12,569 $6,717 $10,166 Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 5 experienced normal and routine expenditures during the current fiscal year. The following tracts were annexed to the district during 1989/90: ANNEXED JUNE 7, 1989 TRACT 13745 102 ASSMT UNITS TRACT 13858 61 ASSMT UNITS TRACT 13857 69 ASSMT UNITS Fisca] Year 1990/91 Projected Expenditures Assmt. Admin. $ 4,680 Overhead $ 538 Electric $ 8,000 $13,218 After review of current expenditures, projected cazryover ($58,511), projected expenditures and revenue it has been determined that the assessment rate for Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 5 for fiscal year 1990/91 can be lowered from $'20.00 to $1.00. A portion of the projected carryover will be used to Fund this district until aJJCJJU3Clll 1CCClpW A1C ICI:CIVCU LL1 UAl1UAly. Projected Revenue 1170x $1.00 Carryover 1/2 of 90/91 _ $5,850 $58,511 (6,609] $51,902 90/91 Budget 90/91 Assmts. (13, 684) $38,684 -- $5,850 $44, 534 The projected $39,854 will fund this district for the first six months of fiscal year 1991/92 and provide sufficient funds to maintain the lower rate for approximately three yeazs. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Street Light Maintenance District No. 5 S90 W S30 d Y M Cy S20 G N N d tll Q $10 SO 87/88 88/89 89/90 90/91 Fiscal Year -~- Assessment Rates Annual Engineer's Report Street lighting Maintenance District No. 6 Commercial/ Industrial Fiscal Yeaz 1990/91 The annual report for Street Lighting Mafntenance District No. 6 (Commercial/Industrial) fs prepared in compliance with the requirement of Article 4, Chapter 1, Division 5, of the Streets and Highways Code, State of California (Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972). This report deals with the projected costs for fiscal year 1989/90 and the projected expenditures for fiscal year 1990/91 to determine the annual assessment rate. The assessments will be used to furnish services and materials for the ordinary and usual maintenance, operations, servicing and restoration of street light improvements as provided by Southern California Edison Company. Maintenance is considered to be of general benefit to all azeas in the district and costs shall be divided as indicate din the body of this report. Street Lighting Mafntenance Distrtet No. 6 was established for Commercial and/or Industrial properties mainly within the Industrial and Foothill Specific Plan azeas. Areas Included in the work program are the street lights within the rights-of-way or designated easements of streets dedicated to the Clty and are 11111114U lV IV40f J441 W. X114 Y, n t/1 V~f 0l1lJ 4/14fYU4J 1f WfaN~44 V Y~f1W in rights-of-way of major streets. Detailed maintenance activities include the repair, removal or repiacement of all or any part of any improvement providing for the illumination of the subject area. Street lights were constructed and installed by the developers for the individual projects within the district. The plans and street lights are as stipulated 1n the conditions of approval for each development and as approved by the Engineering Division, Fiscal Yeaz 1989/90 Review 89/90 As of Projected Budget 2/28/90 6/30/90 Assmt. Admin. $2,272 $2,272 $2,272 Overhead $ 284 -0- $ 284 Electric $4.200 $ 800 X2.000 $6,756 $3,072 $4,556 The following projects were annexed to Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6 during Hscal yeaz 1989/90: ANNEXED MAY 17, 1989 PM 12057 1.81 ACRES ANNEXED JUNE 7, 1989 DR 88-07 5 ACRES ANNElSE1J Ji1lV~ G1, iya9 DR 88-25 L5 ACRES ANNEXED JULY 5, 1989 PM 11891 131.03 ACRES ANNEXED SEPTEMBER 6, 1989 PM 11852 12,51ACRES ANNEXED SEPTEMBER 20,1989 MDR 89-07 3.82 ACRES DR 87-48 2.86 ACRES ANNEXED OCTOBER 4, 1989 DR SS-21 2.27 ACRES DR 88-14 2.50 ACRES vr~n nn~rnnnn . a .non ~,.,~~..~,.~DR 87-34 ~•` ~~~ •JVU 1.7 ACRES ANNEXED NOVEMBER 1, 1989 DR 89-10 4.6 ACRES DR 88-43 1.78 ACRES PM 12121 7.78 ACRES DR 88-32 1.55 ACRES ANNEXED DECEMBER 6, 1989 DR 88-29 2.34 ACRES ANNEXED JANUARY 3, 1990 DR 88-13 lniUP V7 29 - 6.38 n Ln J.JO ACRES AI.RGJ ANNEXED FEBRUARY 7, 1990 DR 88-19 6.04 ACRES PM 12058 3.79 ACRES ANNEXED FEBRUARY 21, 1990 DR 88-11 .40 ACRES F1sca1 Yeaz 1990/91 Protected Expenditures Assmt Admin. $ 5.568 Overhead S 317 Electric $ 4.500 $10.385 The rate of development and acceptance of street lighting within Street Lightmg Maintenance District No. 6 determine the actual expenditures of energy chazges. It has been determined that an assessment rate of $8.00 per assessment umt wtii he necessary io cover co protecred expenattures. Protected Revenue 1392 A.U. x $15.00 = $20,880 Carryover $10,566 1 J2 of 90/91 Bud. (5,193) $ 5,373 90/91 Budget (10,385) (5,012) 90(91 Assm[s. $20,880 $15.868 The protected $6,124 wtll be used to fund th e first six months of fiscal year 1991/92. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Street Light Maintenance District No. 6 >LO $29 $22 $20 S18 516 S1~ 8B/89 89/90 90/91 Fiscal Year -~ Assessment Rates RESOLUTION NO. 9Q - ~O~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS NUS. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1990/91 PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972; AND OFFERING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECilONS THERETO The City Council of the Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga, pursuant to the provisions of the landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, being Division 5 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: That the public interest and convenience require and it is the intention of this City Council to lery and collect assessments within Street Lighting Maintenance Districts Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 for the fiscal year 1990/91 for the maintenance and operation of those parkways, parks and facilities thereon dedicated for common greenbelt purposes by deed or recorded subdNision tract map within the boundaries of said Districts. Said maintenance and operation includes the cost and supervision of straet lighting maintenance (including repair, removal or replacement of all or any part of any improvement providing for illumination of the subject area) in connection wnh said districts. SECTION 2: The foregoing described work is to be located within the roadway rights-of-way and easements enumerated in fhe repon of the City Engineer and more par- ticularly described on maps which are on file in the City Clerk's Office, entitled "Assessment Diagrams Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. SECTION 3: That the contemplated work, in the opinbn of said City Council, is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, antl the said Ciry Council hereby makes the expense of the work chargeable upon the districts, which said districts are assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, and which districts are described es follows: All that certain territory of the Gry of Rancho Cucamonga included within the exterior boundary ones shown upon that cenain "Map of Sireei Lighting Mainienanue District No. 1", "Map of Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2", Map of Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 3", "Map of Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 4", "Map of Street Lighting Malntenance District No. 5", and "Map of Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6", Indicating by said bouMery lines the extent of the territory Included within each assessment dlstrid and which maps are on file in the Office of the Ciry Clark of said City. ~~U cmcouNCILRESOLUnoN STREET tJGHTING MAINT. DISTRICTS May 2, 1990 Page 2 Reference is hereby made to said maps for further, full and more particular description of said assessment districts, and the said maps so on file shall govern for all details as to the extent of said assessment distdcts. ye,lwt •• ~... n_-Mueinn Nn lhac wmerrnr,xl thn Jtlil IVIV 4[ IIIC 411y txml M~ ~i .a .~. .r .. _ . annual report of the City Engineer which report indicates the amount of the proposed assess- ments, the district boundaries, assessment zones, and the method of assessment. The report title "Annual Engineer's Report" is on file in the Office of the Ciry Clerk of said Cily. Reference to said report is hereby made for all particulars for tha amcunt and extent of the assessments a..J 6.1 ;,,e deiaPii of iha work. SECTION 5: Notice is hereby given that on the 6th tlay of June, 1990, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Giry Council Chambers in the Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga, any and all persons may appear and show cause why said work should not be done or carried out or why assessments should not be levied and collected for fiscal year 1990/91. Protests must be in writing and must contain a description of the property in which each signer thereof is Interested, sufficient to identity the same, and muss be delivered to the City Clerk of said Ciry prior to the time set for the hearing, and no other protests or objections will be considered. If the signer of any protest 1s not shown upon the last equalized assessment roll such protest must contain or be accom- panied by written evidence that such signer Is the owner of the properly so eescrloee. SECTION 6: All the work herein proposed shall be done and carried through in pursuance of an act of the legislature of the Slate of California designated as the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, being Division 5 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Califor- nia. SECTION 7: Published notice shall be made pursuant to Section 8961 of the Government Code. Tha Mayor shall sign this Resolution and the City Clerk shall attest to the came, end tha City flerk Shall raase the lama tQ [>!} pt)blighed 10 days before the date get fpr the hearing, at least once In The Daily Repcn, a newspaper of general circulation published in the Ciry of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. /09 CITY OF RANCAO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 2, 1990 TD: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Nalter C. Stickney, Associate CTvil Engineer SL'DJEC?• nFS~ruaTlnN DF STRANG LANE AS A PRIVATE STREET AND EXEMPTING THE ADUTTING PROPERTIES FROM REQUIREMENTS SET FOR IN CHAPTER 12.08 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE It is recommended that the C1ty Council adopt Lhe attached Resolution designating Strang Lane as a private street and exempting the abutting properties from requirements set for to Chapter 12.08 of the Municipal Code. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Proj ects which are adjacent to streets that have rwt bean previously deterniined by the City as private are required t0 dedicate any needed right-of-way far the construction of pu611c improvements and, unless -' ~ .. Lo ^+'^+^^_t °!±@ ^~ ~~~° arP ronllirPd to construct needed improvements within these public rights-of-way. These requirements had become the focal point of objections by owners of property on certain residential streets, particularly 1n the Alta Loma section of the city, as they developed their property. Their contention was that, because these streets were unique fn nature and are of substandard design and construction, that the imprevement of the street would have a negative effect on the abutting property and the streets should remain private. Because of these concerns, on July 5, 1989, the City Council adopted an Ordinance which established a mechanism for the review and determination of whether a street could be designated as a Private Residential Street. This would thereby exempt the abutting properties to these streets from the requirements set for in the Municipal Code for the dedication of public right-of-way and the construction of public 1~~~rn vaaortg, CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT STRANG LANE NAY 2, 1990 PAGE 2 This action regarding Strang Lane was triggered by a property owner who, when applying for a building peralt, was informed Lhat an irrevocable offer to dedicate was required prior to the issuance of a bull ding permit. The owner contended that Strang Lane, which his property abuts, was private and that the offer to dedicate requirement would rwt pertain. The owner was then informed by staff that the offer to dedicate was indeed required by the Municipal Code, however, per Ordinance 58-C, a , e,icw d-d :.', ~..~,^I^_~1nn ~.rv hP Ili Ao hV }hp f,{}V rM10Gil a5 }n thB exemption of certain requirements. The owner subsequently submitted a petition of 9 owners of property abutting Strang Lane (6GY of the total parcels affected). The petition requests that the City Council make a determination at this time. Re ly submitted, •dlw Attachment RESOLUTION NO. QO-~~~y A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING STRANG LANE AS A PRIVATE STREET AND EXEMPTING THE ABUTTING PROPERTIES FROM REQUIREMENTS SET FOR IN CHAPTER 12.OA OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ' c el Ly bVV11L a or` the pity or Rancno Cucamonga has decided that certai~n~residential streets, being unique in nature, function as private residential street; and WHEREAS, the City Council Has decided that properties aoutttng private streets should be exempted from certain requirements noreatly attributable to public streets; and WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted Ordinance No. 58-C creating and establishing the authority to designate certain streets as private residential streets. WHEREAS, the City Council finds as Yoilows: A. A portion of Strang Lane, situated from Carnelian Street to the '-' •'i YY~ J v / ~.FV Li Y11 VI LIIC requirements set forth in Chapter 12.08.055 of theVRancho Cucamonga Municipal Code; B. The designation of said portion of Strang Lane as a Private Residential Street will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of those persons and properties adjacent to, and in the vicinity of, such street; C. That a Private Residential Street designation for said portion of Strang Lane is in conformity with the General Plan; NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, Hereby resolves as follows: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: Said portion of Strang Lane located between Carnelian Street to a eas r1y terminus of Strang lane 1s hereby designated as a private street and the abutting properties are exempted from the requirements set forth from the provisions of Chapter 12.08 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. SECTION 3: With the designation of that portion of Strang Lane as a privates ree shall ,join the list of so designated private streets set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated hereto by reference. II 1 RESOLUTION N0. QO-~~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING STRANG LANE AS A PRIVATE STREET AND EXEMPTING THE ABUTTING PROPERTIES FROM REQUIREMENTS SET FOR, IN CHAPTEP. 12.08 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ~ru iiHcREnJ, Tne City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has decided that certain residential streets, being unique in nature, function as private residential street; and iin~nEi.S, the City Council nas decided that properties abutting private streets should be exempted from certain requirements normally attributable to public streets; and NNEREAS, the City Council has adopted Ordinance No. 58-C creating and establishing the authority to designate certain streets as private residential streets. ~~ NHEREAS, the City Council finds as fo~.daws: , A. A portion of Strang Lane, situated frogiCarnel an Street to the easterly terminus of Strana Lane (aoornximx alv t7nn " ,11 ,.s rHe requirements set forth in Chapter 12.08.055 ~of the Rancbo'/Cucamonga Municipal Code; B. The designation of said portion of Strang Lane as a Private Residential Street will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of those persons and properties adJacent to, and in the vicinity ot', such street; C. That a Private Residential Street designation for said portion of Strang Lane is 1n conformity with the General Plan; NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, Nereby resolves as follows: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: Said portion of Strang Lane located O~tweert'Carnelian Street to a eas rly terminus of Strang Lane is hereby designated as a private street and the abutting properties are exempted from the requirements set forth from the provisions of Chapter 12.08 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. SECTION 3: Nith the designation of that portion of Strang Lene as a private s ree , shall loin the list of so designated private streets set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. I I eY E%HIBIT "A" DESIGNATED PRIVATE STREETS Name of Street Portion of Street 1. Strang Lane Carnelian Street to 1300' east !3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~- GATE: May ?, 1990 ~ I T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad huller, City Planner BY: Lx rry J. Henderson, Prinr.i nal Pla nnPr SL'°JEC T: C06"iNiI TY OEV ELu"rriEitT oiOCk ~RNNI APPLICATION PROGRAM YEAR t 990-91 - The adoption of the final Statement of Conunity Development Objectives for program year 1990-91 and the preliminary selection of projects based on an anticipated grant of E463 ,006.00 RECOMMENDATION: It is recomne nd ed that the City Council take the following actions: a. Receive for discussion and public input the Final Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of funds (Final Statement) for the Community Development Block Grant (COBG) program year 1990-91; b. Adopt the attached Resolution approving the Final Statement, making all findings, dete rm ina tf ohs, and certifications and adopting all policies therein, and authorizfng the Mayor to submit the Final Statement, and any amendments thereto, and to act in connection with the submission of the Final Statement and to provide such additional ABSTRACT: The Citizens' Participation Plan provides that the City Council hold an advertised public hearing prior to approving Lhe Final Statement for the CDBG Program. Notice of the public hearing was published in The Oa ily Report. Following the pu6l is hearing, staff will amend the Final Statement, if necessary, as directed by the City Council, and submit the Final Statement to the U.S. Oepa rtment of Housing and Urban Deveiopment (HUD). BACKGROUND: On March 21, 1990, the City Council he]d a public hearing to discuss the community's objectives for the Community Oevelopment Block Grant (C68G) program and to set priorities among the projects suggested by City staff, community organizations, and residents. Following the public hearing, the City Council approved the Preliminary Statement of Community Development 06jectives and directed staff to prepare a Finai Statement of Community IIP VP Inn111P f1T Ilh lPf+IVPC roll Vnn in~f o,l Ilfn of C~~nAe uF in« •n.~l..Ann 0.n Intl nin<_.. activities: __„___..__ _.._ .. _„ ___ .._~ _. .,.,,.....,,,,,, ,,,,,.,.,,~, ~„~ ,,,~~,,,, l,y a. Housing Rehabilitation ; 80,000 h. Historic Preservation incentives 20,100 c. Southwest Cucamonga Street Improvements ?40,000 d, Senior Shared Housing 6,300 e. Administration 86.600 TOTAL `;433,000 ~~~ CITY COUNC A STAFf REPORT CGBG APPLICATION FY 1990-91 May 2, 1990 Page 2 Subsequent to the public hearing, HUD notified City staff that a minimum of $25,000, up to $30,000, Will be allocated to the City in addition to the $433,000 previously anticipated. The final figure depends upon the recapture of certain funds previously allocated by the U.S. Congress for other federal programs. HUO has requested that the City make its selection of projected activities based upon an anticipated grant of $463,000. Staff recommends that Lhe additional funds be allocated in tno fnilowi^.g ma.,.._.. a. Support of ge ne rai administration and capacity building activities for the Planning Division such a5 the development and modification of general and specific plans; environmental, traffic, and other studies; and clearinghouse functions. $6,000 is the maximum amount of the additional CDBG award which may be used for such purposes. Project Funding: $ 6,000 6. Establishment of a contingency fund until such time as the City Council deems it appropriate to allocate these funds to existing or new activities. Project funding: $24,000 The rec omne nd ed Projected Use of Funds allocates a minimum of 89 percent of the 1990-91 C08G allocation to activities which benefit lower-income persons. There are no LDBG funds received in prior years which are currently not allocated to ongoing activities. No CDBG program income is anticipated to An ~ ~~l.A l.. C .. A.. a __ _._..-.. ... ..,. .]~ ,..., ..y ~~ ]Eon. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: A71 of the proposed projec is are continuing projects which have, in previous years, been reviewed for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). All of the proposed projects are exempt from CEQA review. All of the projects have been previously reviewed for compliance with NEPA and found to have no significant environmental impacts, contingent upon the implementation of mitigation measures regarding flood insurance and historic preservation review previously adopted by the City Council. CONCLUSION: The actions rec omne nded above are adequate to meet all pre- submission requirements for the CGBG Program in order fnr the City to receive its 1990-91 CDBG program year entitlement. Upon the submfssion of the Final Statement, Lhe funds will be made available to Lhe Lity on or about July 1, i99 ri. Res f ully tt Bra er City tanner BB:LJH/j fs 'IS Attachment: Exhibit "A" - Final Statement of Cgmmunity Resolution of Approva~pment Objectives Final Statement of Community Objectives for the 1990-91 Community Development Block Grant Program CRy of Rancho Cucamonga Nnuaiw ,~ssoa~,hs e+creas a air+tns ,//III,.,yN,MwFl~f~ gYMMI May, 1980 x~~': rl ~ FINAL STATEMENT OF nnwn~~rrwnmv ncwmr nnwmw.m nn mnmrrma. .,... ...w.. .... AND PROJECTED USE OF FUNDS FOR THE 199091 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MAY 1990 (' TABLF. OF CONTENTS ~~ I. STANDARD APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 1 II. INTRODUCTION 2 III. COMMUNI'T'Y DEVEI.oPMENT PLAN 4 IV. FINAL STATEMENT CF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTTVIS 5 l1 DDnTi'r('CT ITCL Y~C tT TAfIIC 't V[. POTENTIAL IMPACTS TO FLOOD PLAINS AND PROPOSED MI'T'IGATION MEASURES it VII. STATEMENTS OF POLICY 14 h Citizens' Participation Plaa 14 B. Relocation Assistance Plan 15 C. Residential Anti-Displacement Plan 16 D. Criteria for Substantial Change 18 VIII. CERTIFICATIONS 19 A. Grantee Certificatioas 19 B. Certificadoa Regarding Dtug-Free Workplace 22 C. CertiSptioa Prohibiting Excessive Fcrce 25 D. CertiScation Regarding Lobbying 25 02928/0412/065 wldn\rpt\rp62 I~~ n [ rcT ~e r[GUILS Fieure No. ~escrin ion Papg Floodplain Boundary Map 13 ' ~ _I APPLIGATICIN FUIi Lyn.II.IIINm .P..rrn,akwl~ FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 1. rrrt MtbaYNlpbl. Lyn gwvw.r n.n suu aPy,aml, I.rrMik .POMrtNaI i na.PPNe.NNr a C ^ on Knon ^ CGIwIK1b^ ~. yn IKC4Y®W rtbiLL.a~KY FMnY MInbIW '~ Nprt(.MIIIKIM ~ ^ NYlrrarWUC11g1 L rrKKY1T N1I011W11011 c.YN Nrna pbaxolcw 41x1 ACCIW (P^'. city. cwnry It.M IM LP COd.): Wni. W WrpIWN ^MMN d tN. Pkkn bl b WNSYO m rMn.ll inph4q ma riPltlnn fPM k.. reel l .NrYrl.n IE.IIIIIIGINN NU11.A IUN] r. nNW YM1IUNi: N^M AOPloin.lr NIM rlr Eoa) m ~ A !YY H MM.pkq.M 9cNN P6 B. COI/1h L &.4 C.na.YO beNUm d Ngnr L.kMp a lYN ar.rrlNYTION G MrkyN J. PnNb U^IwwN b. To.nWp n YWnTI~a. u ...w u I:anw+w m u swan .. ;,CSiR~ i MN.rrirrop/ Y. ReL10rb.nblgl . MWPn. .111.1 wW WIYb Mlklq N bN..F. ^ ^ Q IPd Oimid N. ObM I.WIA~ A .1vw.tW 4D.arw.rk. C.YVe OvNm o Orn..r Ow.bn aaw (MNdhR LNrM brr®.yt.Plin la uT~i a~rrm~urwi ob.Mme 11. awawm mu a.rRICJNll rlowcn nn~ IL YIW .rMLT~O K rnLNbI.T WbrL caunHM MM .k.R 11. Il SWI MN EMVq hY ...pp4aM : 0. rp.q la ..1NY1N rykaNa le. a.iRq++IbN wlawcr ro iMM W' wF.n WNIM allm InH rLaeLm .. F.OMn 1 .0/ a YI! TM/ WII.PPIICATNHl.1k1GT10N w.t Y.OE.V.a.~IF TO :11E ]r.TE 02afllVE OP061 tL/s.IIOCEp rq nNFW ON a ....wn 1 .W o.n .eau / // b NQ Q PnaaMY mNOT Oa~161W Nfa 1]]r} e ~.rr / m ~ oN rlloon.Y Nat rloT IEBI lREarE7 r ]r.iF ran IILVaw . and a w 1. noyk..NON. 1 .m n. wMY.lkllf a/YMOVFIrbN.Ir/1MIK b.br1 ^ rr n Yr• MYd1 .n bp.MM ^ No / Tara 1 .m 11 ro rNb btlr a w IIIMInLbb/ uq K W. LLL yu .1 r1.L.r.lIyTON.nYMIb.Tlgl.r/ inllt.Iw oo.nw+, to amwlrNU RM am .vnlbl.se w rNt bbralnrlo Cobra TIn YRK.Nr kIbTM...rRJ1R IIIK eer.Lr Ilml Ts.rrcN~.bwnYnbn •rw.wltr.ne/ a.w.ab.e . rrbp N.1b a.1Nnw11.b n.p..bbklr. a nb < rwywn rwnlblr e /tnlw.d.llmawlbnl.l...Wa. . o.asrr ~3Q tor' v~r.~o a oln c,l~~ r :. ue II -INTRODUCTION The Final Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds {Final Statement) is the primary document establishing the ways in which funds from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program aze to ne used to support neighborhood improvement activities throughout the City. 71tis document establishes a comprehensive set of long-term goals and short-term strategies which will most effeCively target these impsrtant resources to meet the cemmunity's needs. Upon approval by the Ciry Council of the Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga, City staff will incorporate the Final Statement into the Cit}~s application for funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under the CDBG program THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT "ROGRA_M The CDBG program is funded by the federal government through HUD. The program provides federal funds dmectly to cities and counties for a variety of housing, community development and public service activities. The amount of funds which may be received by each eligible city and county is determined by a mathematical formula which measures the community's population, the age of the housing stock and percentage of persons L+'ving in poverty. Each city and county decides for itself how the money can best be used to meet the -~: _: a., \ir:.M:.. .I.,. .:.i.l:.. ..1.I:n1.eA l... r1.. ..h city and county evaluates its own needs, then designs and operates activities to meet those needs. The primary goals of the CDBG program are to improve the living conditions and economic opportunities of lower income persons, to prevent and eliminate community blight and blighting influences, and [o meet urgent needs for which no other resources can be found. A minimum of 60 percent of the benefits of the CDBG funded activities must be directed to activities which assist lower income persons; either by providing benefits and services directly to lower income persons, or by improving neighborhoods which are occupied primarily by lower income persons. Each year, communities wishing to receive CDBG funds must provide to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development an application, along with an evaluation of the community's needs, long-term goals, short-term objectives, and proposed activities for the coming yeaz. The application also includes several -2- ~-~ statements of polity regarding how CDBG funds will be used to minimize displacement of residents, provide relocation benents where necessary, and evaluate the need to receive additional community input prior to amending its proposed activities. Finally, the application must also include a series of certifications by which the community agrees to meet the requirements of federal law in carrying out its CDBG funded activities. COMMUNITY PARTICB'ATION IN THE CDBG A_pPLCATION PROCESS In preparing the CDBG appligtion, each cotttmttnity is required to establish a Citizens' Participation Plan that provides the public an opportunity to review and comment upon the proposed uses of CDBG funds. The Citizens' Participation Plan for the City of Rancho Otcamonga is ineiuded in this document In accordance with the Citizens' Participation Plaq the CDBG progam staff solicited ideas for projects to receive CDBG funding during the upcoming year. Letters were sent to all community groups and agencies which have previously submitted suggestions, as weB as to aB city departmeats. An advertisement was published in the local paper iavititlg additional suggestions. The City Council approved the Preliminary Statement on March 21, 1990 sad directed staff to prepare the Final Statement. A public hearing on the Final Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds is a required part of the Citizens' Participation Plan. Notices of the public hearing to be Geld on the Final Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds were nnhlichad in ~hn Inoul nanny nn Anril 70 1000 -3- ~~ In order to integate the projects and activities undertaken through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) progam with other housing and community development activities undertaken by the City and to coordinate long-term goals and short-term objectives, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby adopts the following Community Development Plan: THE GENERAt PLAN The General Plan is the primary document establishing the goals and objectives of the housing and community development projects and activities to be undertaken by •~;, C;, • ~~ n.,..~n., f},ramontta. All projects and activides undertaken through the ~ -- ---- CDBG progam are to be in compliance with the General Plan. In additiov, to selecting projects and activities to be undertaken through the CDBG progam, the City will fast consider those projects which most directly serve to implement the goals and objectives of the General Plan "rtip. HOUSING a~':IS'rANCE PLAN The Housing Assistance Platt, which is prepared each year for submission to the U.S. Department of Hottsing and Urban Development (HUD), is the primary document establishitg the gotils and objectives of the housing development, mortgage and rental assistance, and residential rehabilitation activities to be undertaken by the City compliance with We Housing~Element of the General Plan. - Lt developing the Housing Assistance Plan, the City will fast consider those projects which most directly serve to implement the goals and objectives of the Housing Element. ,OMM LAITY FDA t PMFNT 4 ENCY SPEC G PLANS The Specific Plans adopted by the Cotitmutdty Redevelopment Agenry aze the primary documents establishing the goals and objectives of the Community Redevelopment Agency funded activities to prevent and eliminate blight and blighting influences in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In selecting projects and activities to be undertaken through the CDBG progam in lower-income and Community Redevelopment Agency target azeas, the City will lust consider those projc u ww'Ch mv,t "..irLC~y ~..~ t0 ~p:~m~.^.t the p'Oal,°. ~Cd tJbjtCtjyrc of [}t~ $peCIfIC Plans. -4- ~~3 In order to establish long-term goals aad objectives for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby adopts the following Statement of Community Development Objectives: roMMUVITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES T~ - ~•~It.~ and ctahilix dnt?rinratino nniohhnrhnnda fn n._rvPnt artd i. ~... - eliminate blight and blighting influences, and to eliminate conditions detrimental to the health, safety, and public welfaze. 2. To upgrade the City's subs[andazd rental and owner-occupied housing stock tltrougn various forms ui irunuwu; :Wistance for residential rehabilitation. 3. To provide improvements to public azeas aad public facilities which make them more useful and attractive, including developing and improving parks and recreational facilides. 4. To fund public servioes which improve the quality of the living environment and complement physical development activities being conducted is the City. S. To fund public services which improve the quality of life for lower-income persons, including senior eftiuns and handicapped persons. 6. To assist with the expansion of facilities and public services which improve the quality of life for senior citizens. 7. To provide incentives for the preservation of historic properties through the elimination of structural code deficiencies. 8. To provide information and affirmative support toward the goal of ensuring that all residents have access to a decent home of their choice in a suitable living environment. 9. To provide the administrative capacity to implement the City's CDBG program, fair housing, and landlord/tenant mediation services and to a..i.:ate the w h~~irt~ i mentarjnn of (-nn~ral Tian nd coo: :esea:c., p..........,, aad imp.eW 1_---- a__ Housing Element revisions. ~d -S- SPECffIG COh"k~f!it~:; ;' D .Vy' Pb'~N"' N nC In order to provide for the development of specific activities in support of the goals and objectives described above, the City Council of the City of Rancho Ghcamonga hereby identifies the following specific needs to be met through the CDBG program; 1. Financial assistance for owners of single-family residences occupied by lower- income households to encourage housing rehabilitation is needed to improve the quality of housing affordable to such persons, and to prevent the deterioration of the housing stock which otherwise might result from a lack of TCSOULCes [Or homing manicuaiaw a avic : o..., ^f ;;,^,' -' ^<=a .......p `ma'r"' by such households. The provision of such assistance also conMbutes to the Cih~s general efforts to promote housing quality staadazds and eliminate structural code deficiencies city-wide. 2, The provision of incentives for the rehabilitation of historic properties and the elimination of strucnval deficiencies is needed to prevent and eliminate blight, blighting influences, and condiri~as detrimental to public health and safety. 3. The continuation of the City's ongoing efforts to design and conSWM street improvements in the Southwest Cucamonga area is needed to improve the living environments and prevent the deterioration of the iramportation infrastructure in this older neighborhood. 4. The provision of counselling and refersal services to assist senior citizens in locating shazed housing is needed to promote independence, and to increase the availability of high•quality affordable housing choice fot senior citizens. ~- /~5 V • PROiECt'FD USE OF FUNDS A. NEI HBORHOOD PRECERVATION 1. Houin¢ Rehabdit~tion pro¢r~ Description: There ace three components to the Housing Rehabilimtion Program: a. The Low-Interest Loan Program will provide amortised low-interest loans of up to $20,000 to owners of single-family residences occupied by lower-income persons, excluding mobile homes. b. The Deferred Loan Program will provide non- amortised loans of up to $15,000 to senior citizens, households beaded by handicapped persons and very-low income famihes who are owner-occupants of single-famiy residences, excluding mobIle homes. The loans will be due and payable upon sale of the home. c. The Home Rehabilitation Grant Program will provide grants of up to 55,000 to lower-income owner-occupants of single-family residences, including mobile homes. Location: All programs will be available city-wide. Eligibility: This project is eligible under Section 570.202 of the CDBG regulations. Benefit: All loans and grants will be used for the rehabilitation of residences occupied by lower-income households. Project Funding: $80,000 2. H~rtoric Preservs ion mm~~+ves Description: Historic Preservation grants and loans will be provided to owners of historic properties for the elimination of conditions detrimental to public health and safety as defined by local codes and health ordinances. .7. ~.~ ~ Location: The program will he offered city-wide. Eligibility: This project is eligible under Section 570.202 of the CDBG regulatio»s. $enefit: All loans and grants will be used for the elimination of condidoas detrimental to public health and safety, in order to meet the eligibility criteria of preventing or diaeradng spot bli~t. Project Funding: 520,100 $. COUTHWEST CUCnMONGA 5 FET IMPROVEMENTS Description: This project imoives the design and consvuction of streets, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks for specific streets in the Southwest Cucamottga neighborhood. Location: The project will be undertaken at the following locations: 1. Construction of Improvemeau for Vinmar Avenue, north of Salina Avenue and Salina Avenue, from Calaveras Avenue to Sierra Madre Avenue. 2. Desiga of Improvements for Vinmar Avenue, from Nin[6 C,...~ ~n !`FnR.. Cb..~ 3. Desigtt of Improvements for Sierra Madre Avenue, from Ninth Street to Chaffee Street. 4. Construction of Improvements for Calaveras Avenue, from Arrow Highway to Ninth Street. Eligibility: This project is eligible under Section 570.201(c) of the CDBG regulations. Benefit: The sweets to be improved are located in an azea 51 percent or more of whose residents are lower income. Project Funding: 5240,000 -g- ~a ~ C. SENIOR SHARED HOUSING Description: Tlils project is a continuation of a public service program to provide a matching service for those who wish to share their homes with senior citizens in need of housing as a means to increase housing choices and promote independent living among lower-inrnme senior citizens. Lxation: This program will be available city-wide. Eligibility: This project is eligible under Section 570.201(e) of the CDBG regulations. Benefit: The services will be provided to lower-income senior citizens. Project Funding: 56,300 D. Description: This program will provide for continuing the administration of the CDBG program, including activities to coordinate the implementation of the CDBG program with the City~s other community development and planning activities, and support for general planning and capacitybuiiding functions. This project also includes the Fair Housing Program and the r .,...~i....t m..,,.,. nrt.n:o«.... v.,.~.q.., Location: This program will support CDBG eligible activities ciTy-wide. Eligibility: This project is eligible under Section 570.205 and 970.206 of the CDBG regulations. Benefit: This program provides for benefits to the persons and neighborhoods to be served by the above-0escrfbed programs. Project Funding: CDHG Program Administration 577,805 General Planning S 6,000 Fair Housing Program 5 4,333 T andinrii~T!.^.ant ]vied!anOn C o dfil Total 592,600 -9- ~8 E. CONTINGENCY Description: Funds set aside for use at a later date either to continue existing activities or to assist in the development of Pature activities. Location: To be determined at a later date. Elitdbilitv: To be determined at a later date. Benefit: To be determinetl at a later date. Project Funding: 524,000 F. PRrIr;RAM INCOMI~A~ FROM P >:VIO R Description: Funds received as a result of carrying out an activity funded through the CDBG program, or CDBG funds provided to the City in previous years which aze not currently allocated to any activiri. Project Funding: No such funds aze anticipated to be available during this program year. G, PPRrFNTAGE OF FUxDC WHICH BENEFIT LOWER LNCOME This Projected Use of Funds allocates a minimum of g9 percent of the 1990. 91 CDBG allocation to activities which benefit lower-income persons. N. TOTA i ~ PROdEC?'ED FUNDS ~44.~,Q94 -la lag Under federal Executive Order, the City of Rancho Cucamonga is required to protect floodplains and to reduce the risk of losses from floods by not conducting, supporting, or allowing activities to take place in floodplains unless the activities constitute the only practical alternatives to meeting community needs. Although most of the water courses in the City have been channeled to reduce flood ti.~.+. ~1•r.r ~rP cmm~ arena whirh ara nntentially cnhiert to flnndin¢ in a 10(1-yeaz flood, As indicated on the map attached as Figure 1, several of the proposed activities are to be undertaken in floodplain areas at risk fora 100.yeaz flood. These activities are designed to alleviate the deterioration of public and private property already located in the floodplain. Therefore, these activities do not directly or inriirertly amnort development within the floodplain. Staff of the Planning Division of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has assessed the long- and short-term risks of undertaking the activities within the floodplains, and has assessed mitigation measures which may be included in the design of the activites. Public notice of the intention to undertake activities within the floodplain was pub:ished in the local newspaper to provide citiuat the opportunity to comment upon the aNvitles. Notices were also provided to interested public agencies. COIiTHWFCT CIICA_MONGA STREET IMPROVEMENTS Staff considered in previous yeazs alternatives to providing public improvements in areas of Southwest Cucamonga located in identified flood hazazd zones. All street improvements proposed for funding through the 1990.91 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) hive previously been reviewed and approved by the City Council. The Council has previously made a finding that the street improvement activities which are proposed for the 1990-91 CDBG program are the most practical and desirable alternatives, and that adequate mitigation meastres have been identified and designed into the projects. The design, location, and size of the projects Gave not changed subsequent to the Ending. Therefore, no new Ending is required. HOU~II~; RR AA .TTA?'lO*I PROGRA+~4 ~itdD HIS'T'ORIC PRESERVATION INCENTIVES The Council has also made a previous fmding that the Housing Rehabilitation Program and Historic Preservation Incentives Program are the most practical and desirable alternatives, and that adequate mitigation measures have been identified -11- 130 and designed into the projects. However, adding additional funding to these ongoing programs requires a new fording. Staff considered alternatives to undertaking these activities in the floodplain areas and found them impractical and undesirable. One altemative would be to exclude properties in these areas from the programs. This would leave residences in these areas which are occupied by tower-inwme persons unprotected from the de[erioration which may otherwise result from the deferred maintenance likely to occur where financial assistance far home improvements is unavailable. 8xcluding historic properties from the program would similarly fail to protect such properties. The other alternative, removing the structures from the floodpiain, is clearly imnrartical in order to mitigate flood hazard impacts for swctures wltic6 are to be rehabilitated under these programs, the ~ty may require that owners of properties located in flood hazard areas show evidenty~ of federal fl.v.,i ;.._-•---- -.,.erage befc:c rehabilitation assistance is provided. FINDING in order to approve operating the Housing Rehabilitation Program and Historic Preservation Incentives Program within the floodplain the City Council finds that: 1. It is necessary to undertake the activities in the floodplain in order to protect residences occupied by tower-income persons and historic properties from the dnrnrinrarinn mhirh may nthenviae r'ailr from the dnferr~d maimenanr~ li4~ly to occur where forancial assistance for repairs and improvements is unavailable. Adequate measures designed to mitigate the risk of property loss which may result from underialdng the aciivities have been identified and included in the operation of the activities. The activities conform to applicable state and regional floodplain management standards. -12- 131 ®~oo rue noon eouMOer V ~ NORI'Fi Cl~ ~' f1F_M~ jZA~[-~ ~'[JCA ~~, Flood ChannN PLANNING DIVLSIpV 13~ FIGURE: ~ ScALE~ None ,-1 l.r A, t't-t7EN ' P R IPATION PLAN The City of Rancho Cucamonga encourages and solicits the participation of its residents in the process of identifying projects for funding through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. The City will, in conducting the CDBG Program; follow this Citizens' Participation Plan. Outreach' The City of Rancho Cucamonga encourages citizen pamctpation; with a particular emphasis on participation by persons of low- and moderate-income and residents of neighborhoods which aze experiencing physical deterioration. In order to reach as many residents and community arouos as pacciblq letters will be sent to community organizations and individuals who have participated in the program or suggested projects in resat years. In addition, a display advertisement will be published in the Daily Report at least a month prior to consideration of the final statement. 2. LVotice. The City of Rancho Cucamonga provides atiuns with advanced notice of all meetings related to the CDBG program and makes copies of atl related materials available for public review as soon as notice is given. Notice of the heating on the Preliminary Statement of Community Development Objectives will be published in II,n r1pnV RP..nn 9~ IPPOt to /IPVC Trll,T I/, tI1P hPPnnP 3. Technical Assistance. The City will publish the names and telephone numbers of staff familiaz with the CDBG program who aze available to answer questions and help residents and community groups package a proposal. 4. Public Hearings. The City of Rancho Cucamonga uses public hearitgs to obtain citizens' views and to respond to proposals and questions at all stages of the program. A hearing is held on the Preliminary Statement of Community Development Objectives at which the City+s housing and community development needs are reviewed, past policies and programs are discussed, and each proposed project is explained. A final calertjnn of n}ijerriync and prno~amc is IhPa made And published for public review and comment. The hearing on the final grant application is held a month later. All hearings aze duly noticed. Agendas and staff reporu are available in advance. The meetings are held in the Don's Center, which is fully accessible to the handicapped. t4- 133 5. Amendments to the Final Statement The City has established a definition of "substantial change" for the purposes of amending the Final Statement of Objectives. Any additioq daletioq cessation or substantial change to any CDBG funded activity shall be considered by the City Council at a regulazly scheduled meeting so as to provide the public with an opportunity to comment upon the proposed change. 6, i an¢~,~oe Accessibility, Several neighborhoods have substantial hispanic populations. At meetings where it is likely that the attendees will not be bilingual, the City will provide an interpreter to ensure that residents can understand and participate in the procedures. 7. Rgspon~iveness. Once projects have been funded and aze under way, the City is committed to ensuring the satisfactory execution of each nrpjeM. Staff prnvidwc a K...nl • to 'all tvTiitdtl tumplalllt5, _ ...} espo..~.. usually within IS working days. B. REL ATION Ac I T NC P ?N Recent changes is the regulations governing the expenditure of CDBG funds require that the City establish a policy governing the provision of relocation assistance to any family, individual, business, non-profit organization or farm that results from implementation of its CDBG programs. It is the polity of the Ciry to avoid displacement of aB families, individuals, businesses, non- profit organization and farms in canying out its CDBG programs. No displacement is expected to result from the activities proposed for the 1990.91 program year. However, in the event that operation of any of the CDBG funded activities results in the voluntary or involuntary displacement of any family, individual, business, non-profit orgarzation or farm (whether ow:ter o: renter) We City will provide relocation assistance in accordance with the standards and guidelines set forth in the federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act, Section 7260 (et seq.) of the State of California Government Code (Title 25, Chapter 6) and the guidelines issued by the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development, as applicable. 'Ihe City will meet its relocation responsibilities through the use of irs staff aad consultants, supplemented by assistance from local realtors, social agencies, and avic organizations. It is the City's objective that all displacees be relocated with a minimum of hardship in accommodations which aze decent, safe, sanitary, and suitable to their individual needs; located in areas not less desirable than their current location in regard to public utilities and public and commercial facilities; and -15- 13'~ reasonably accessible to their customers or places of employment and priced within their 5nancial means. The City will handle those cases requiring relocation which result from implementation of CDBG activities on an individual case-by-case manner. Services provided to eligible displacees shall include but not be limited to: • Providing information on project activities, rights, benefits, and options open to them. • Maintaining liaison between displacees and agencies of firms with resources to assist them (e.g., Chamber of Commerce, Small Business Administration, Office of Local Economic Development, lending institutions, realtors, etc.). • Locating, inspecting, evaluating, or stimulating the production of accommodations to meet the needs of all displacees. • Assisting displacees in obtaining financing. • Assisting displacees in securing priority consideration for rental assistance, public housing, or other housing assistance activities. • Making referrals to appropriate social, community, and welfare agencies. • Keeping records, maintaining files, and coordinating all relocation activities. • Providing all families, individuals, businesses, institutions, and fazms which aze displaced by CDBG funded activities with written notice of this policy, the types of services available to them, and the amount of relocation assistance for which they maybe eligible, (Payments will be in the amounts established by state and federal guidelines.) City stall and consultants will be available to answer questions and provide information, and, by their early involvement, to see that relocation proceeds with a minimum of hardship. C, RESIDENTIAL ANTI-DISPLACEMENT PLAN Section 164 of the Housing and Corruntmity Development Act of 1974 requves each grantae to adopt, make public, and certify that it is following a residentialanti-displacement plan providing one-for-one replacement units in •16- 13,5 cases where residential units are demolished as a consequence of an activity funded through the CDBG program. The plan must include steps that will be [aken to rt+;n;m;~P the displacement of persons from thew homes resulting from any activity funded under the CDBG program. It is not anticipated that any demolition of residential stmcnues will occur as a result of any of the activities proposed to be undertaken during the 1990-91 program yeaz. However, in accordance with the Act, the City of Rancho Cucamonga establishes this Residential Anti-Displacement Plan. 1. The City of Rancho Cucamonga will replace all occupied and vacant occupiable lower-income dwelling units demolished or converted to a use other than as lower-income housing as a direct result of activities assisted with funds provided under the Housing and Community ^°~~-i..~.~.~t Act of 1974, as amended, as described in 7A CFR 570.606(b)(1). 2. All replacement housing will be provided within three years of the commencement of the demolition or rehabilitation relating to conversion. 3. Before obligating or expending funds that will directly result in such demolition or conversion, the City of Rancho Cucamonga will make public and submit to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development the following information in writing: a. A description of [he proposed activity. b. The general location on a map and the approximate m[mber of dwelling units by number of bedrooms that will be demolished or converted to a use other than as lower-income housing as a duect result of the proposed activity. c. A time schedule for the commencement and completion of the demolition or conversion. d. The general location on a map and approximate number of dwelling units by number of bedrooms that will be provided as rplaccment dwcllina units. e. The source of funding and a time schedule for the provision of replacement dwelling units. •17- 13~ The basis for concluding t]tat each replacement dwelling unit will remain alower-income dwelling unit for at least 10 years from the date of initial occupancy. D. CRITERIA FOR SUBSTANTIAL CHANGE Federal regulations for the CDBG program require the City to notify affected citizens and provide them the opportunity to comment on any proposed aMiviTy which is added deleted, or stbstantially changed in terms of purpose. scope, location, or beneficiaries following the submission of the Final a[a[cu[oQ[ Vi l.VUUliwui •••• ~1.:..-.;,.-- , ~ a«_:--: ~d ~.~ ~( J vfr~ ~~ ~~w ~ v~v .ti Funds to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The regulations require the City to adopt and make public its definition of "substantial change." TLe City of Rancho Cucamonga shall consider a "substantial change" to have occurred under the following t~rcumstances: 1. The amoun! to be allocated to any activity is proposed to be increased or decreased from the amount in the Final Statement by more than 25 percent. 2. The location of the activity, or the target uea or eligibility criteria of the program, is changed from that described in the Fiml Statement 3. An activity not included in the Final Statement is proposed for funding. 4. An activity included in the Final Statement is proposed for elimination or cessation. Should the City Council consider a substantial. change in any CDBG funded activity, the public will be provided an opporttnity to comment upon the proposed change as provided in the Citizens' Participation Plan. -18- 137 A. GRANTEE CERTIFICATIONS In acrnrdance with the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, and with 24 CFR 570.303 of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) regulations, the City of Rancho Cucamonga certifies that: It possesses legal authority to make a grant submission and to execute a communiri develooment and housing program. The City Council has duly adopted a resolution authorizing the Mayor to submit the final statement and amendments thereto, and all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and aL`i1•QrjyiIlVO the Mavnr tC o~ i_ ..V~h~'n~ .u:rw ~I.e S1bm:S`s:Gu iti we v° final statement and to provide such additional information at may be required. 3. Prior to submission of its final statement to HUD, it has: Met the citizen participation requirements of ?F570.301(b). b. Prepared its fatal statement of community development objectives and projected use of funds in accordance with 857(17l11lrl and made the final statement available to the public. [t is following a detailed citizen participation plan which: a. Provides for and encourages titian participation, with particular emphasis on participation by persons of low- and moderate-income who are residents of slum and blighted areas and of areas in which funds aze proposed to be used and provides for participation of residents in tow- and moderate- income neighborhoods as defined by the City. b. Provides citizens with reasonable and timely access to local meetings; information; and reccirds relating in the grantee's proposed use of funds, as required by the regulations of the Secretary of HUD, and relating to the actual use of funds under the Act. -19- 13$ c. Provides for technical assistance to groups representative of persons of low- and moderate-income that rzquest such assistance in developing proposals with the level and type of assistance to be determined by the grantee. d. Provides for public bearings to obtain atizen views and to respond to proposals and questions at all stages of the community development program, including at least [he development of needs, the review of proposed activities, and review of program performance, which hearinq^ shall be head _r's: °..~yunto ounce, at times and locations convenient to potential or aMUal beneficiaries, and with accommodation for the handicapped. _, Prn.dd~; Fn. n ~~ev L~^C.eII one. rn .urinnn nmm~lainte anA grievances, within 15 working days where practicable. f. Identifies how the needs of non-English speaking residents will be met in the case of public hearings where a significant number of non-English spealang residents can be reasonably expelled to participate. S. The grant will be conducted and administered in compliance with: a. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Public Law 88.352, 42 r r c r aorwu .. ~.n i b. The Fau Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601-20). 6. It will affirmatively further fair housing. 7. It has developed its final statement of projected use of funds so as to givc maximum feasible priority to activities wldch benefit low• and moderate- income families or aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; (the fittal staument of projected use of funds may also include activities which the grantee certifies are designed to meet other cotntnunity development needs having a particular urgency because existittg conditions pose a carious and hnmediau ducat to the health nr wn~1n_ pf rhn rnmrr qty any}' nt~itr na dal rr.rn~rcnt ark nnr available); except that the aggregate use of CDBG [ands received under section 106 of the Act, and if applicable, under action 108 of the Act, during the 1990.91 through 1992-93 program years, shall principally benefit persons of low- and moderataincome in a manner •za 139 that ensures that not less than 60 percent of such funds aze used for activities that benefit such persons during such period. 8. It has developed a community development plaq for the period specified in pazagraph 7 above, that identifies community development and housittg seeds and specifies boW short- and long-term community development objectives that have been developed in accordance with the primary objective and requirements of the Act. 9. It is following a current housing assistance plan which has been appmvcu vy nv L. 10. It will not attempt to recover any capital msts of public improvements assisted in whole or in part with ftmds provided under Section 106 of it miaranM~ rind r 'wc Act - 't.i atnc .,.;,:lnn; _om a e_ Sestinn if1R p_____ of the Act~by assessittg`any amount against properties owned and occupied by persons of low- and moderate-income, including any fee chazged or assessments made as a condition of obtaining access to such public improvements, unless: a. funds received under Section 106 of the AM aze used to pay the proportion of such fee or assessment that relates to the capital costs of such public improvements that are financed from revenue sources other than under Title I of the Act; or h. for tmrnoses of assessin¢ am amount against nrooerties owned and occupied by persons of moderate inrnme, the grantee certifies to the Secretary that it lacks sufficient funds received under Section 106 of the Act to comply with the requirements of subpazagraph (a) above. 11. Its notification, inspection, testing, and abatement procedures concerning lead-based paint will comply with §570.608. 12. It will comply with the acquisition and relocation requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 as required under §570.606(a) and federal implementing regulations; the requirements in §570.606(b) governing residential anti- disnlacement sad reio~tion assistance elan under SECGOn 104td) of the Act (including a certification that the grantee is following such a plan); the relocation requirements of §570.606(c) governing displacement subject to section 104(k) of the Act; and the relocation -21• J~~ requirements of §570.G06(d) governing optional relocation assistance under Section 105(x)(11) of the AcK. 13. It will comply witit the other provisions of the Act and with other applicable laws. B. CERTTFfCATION RE R IN A DR - F WO tcv ar The Ciry of Rancho Cltcamonga certifies that it will provide a dm¢-free workplace by: 1. Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a rnntrolled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and soecifyinv rhp ..::acs tha: w:l; be ixicen against employees for violation of such prohibition. 2. Establishing adrug-free awareness program to inform employees about: a. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace. b. The City's polity of maintaining adrug-free workplace. c. Any available drug counselling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance oro~ams. d. The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace. 3. Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph 1. 4. Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph 1 that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee will: a Abide by the terms of the statement; and b. Notify the employer of any criminal drug statute comictian for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days after such wmiction. -~- ~~~ Notifying the U.S. Department of mousing and Urban Development within ten days after receiving notice under subparagraph (4)(b) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction Taking one of the following actions, within 30 days of receiving notice under subparagraph (4)(b), with respect to a~ employee who is so convicted: a. Talrlna nn_n_mnrinm vn•n~nnl nnj..n n n:n~~ 0....6 n n.ei...,eu _ _b.._..... a up to and including termination. b. Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a federal, s'.ate, or local hearth, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency. 7. Mating a good faith effort to continue to maintain adrug-free workplace through impkmenuttion of paragraphs Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. -23- I Ala PLACE OF PERFORMANCE FOR CERTIFICAITON REGARDWG DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REQUIItEMENT3 Name of Grantee: TLe City of Rancho Cucamottga, California chant Program Name: Community Uevetopment Block Grant Program Grant Number: B-90-MC-06-0556 Date: May 2, 1990 Place of Performance: Rancho Cucamonga City Hall 9320 Base Line Road and 10500 Civic Center Drive Ranrhn llv~,.o..nou robs ...:n o1"19n •24 1~3 C. In accordance with Section 519 of Public Law 101-140, the 1990 HUD Appropriations Act, The City of Rancho Cucamonga certifies that it has adopted and is enforcing a polity prohibiting the use of excessive force bylaw enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in nonviolent civil rights demonstrations. D. CERTIFICATION REGARDING LgB~-Y~N~r The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: 1. No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the u:.do ~ie:.cd, ::, :.:; rc:a~~ fnr': ~ac= =gig ar atte~nring to influence an omcer or employee of any agency, a ivic:xtucr ~f Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of amp cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. 2. If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to a~ person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in rnnnrrrlnn w;th th;c federal ronKaM. vrant Inan. nr cnot>erative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standazd Form- LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance: with its inStmCtmnS. 3. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawazds at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this rrtii_fiCBtitm ig a prere,~i,i~ile fi,F making i,r 2nterin¢ ir~t0 ibis h-aii5aCti0iL imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U. S. Code. Any person who fails to file the regttired certification shall be subjeM to a ~tivil penalty of not less than 510,000 and not more than 5100,(100 for each such failure. Signed: Dennis I. Stout, Mayor I ~~ -25- RESOLUTION N0. 9O ' ~ v A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FINAL STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY OEV ELOPMENT OBJECTIVES AND PROJECTED USE OF FUNDS FOR THE COhfriUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM FOR PROGRAM YEAR 1990-91 WN FR FAC, tho Pity of Rancho Cucamonga is an Entitlement Citv under the regulations governing the Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, notice of the availability of funds for eligible projects was published in The Daily Report and mailed to interested comnun ity groups; and WHEREAS, the City staff has received proposals for projects and programs from various organizations in the community; and WHEREAS, on March 21, 1990, the City Council heard public testimony and received all public input regarding the City's Community Development Biock Grant Program for the 1990-91 fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the potential environmental impacts of each project, and has reviewed all possible alternatives and mitigation measures included in each. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does ~~~~~~~ ~_.+~~.~ o~~~ Lo ee Lim iuiiuwiny ac~imu: 1. Adopt the Final Statement of Conunity Development Objectives and Projected Use of Funds (final Statement) for program year 1990-91 and make all findings, determinations, and certifications and adopt all policies therein; 2. Select the fo 7lowing projects and programs to be funded out of the City's 1990-91 Community Development Block Grant award: Pro.iect/Program Amount a. Housing Rehabilitation E 80,000 b. Historic Preservation Incentives 20,100 c. Southwest Cucamonga Street Improvements 240.000 d. S^,. Shred Hcu - 6,-s"u0 e. Program Administration, General Planning and Fair Housing Pr gram 92,600 f• 9e+ieY fTrn~ri) PPosRun 24.000 TOTAL 1990-91 CDBG Projects/Programs E463,000 3. De termfne that the proposed projec is are the most environmentally desirable and that adequate mitigation has been included in each to avoid significant environmental impacts under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA); ~~s CITY LOUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. FINAL STATEMENT FOR CDRG FUNDS 90-91 May 2, 1990 Page 2 De to rmine that ali of the proposed projects are exempt for environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (Section 1530I of Lhe CEQA Guidelines); and ..a.u t.".o rite :he Mayer sigr, t`e application fur the City's program year 1990-91 Commu pity Dnvetn nmont agcy rr,-t ,,,- „~,,;, allocation, to submit the Final Statement and amendments thereto, and all understandings and assurances contained therein, and to act in connection with the submission of the Final Statement and to provide such additional information as did~'ve required. / ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~. ._ DATE: May 2, 1990 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council copM• k.an nn itnr: rity Ptannor ~ BY: Alan Warren, Associate Plan nor SUBJECT: STREET NAME CHANGE 90-Ot - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A proposal to change the name of Rochester Avenue old portionl from 4th .:. yv .... dyy~ 1' f,^ •• +!6 of 6th Ch. n1 distance of approximately A/10 of Ya ~mile.J Planning Commission recommended name change to Charles Smith Avenue. Proposal to also change the name of that portion of Rochester Avenue (new portion) south of 6th Street. Planning Commission recommended name change to Rochester Court. Alternative street names may be considered by the City Council. RECOMMENGATION: The Planning Commission recommends that the City Lounci °utho rite the renaming cf the cld portion of Roch e; ter Avenue, between 4th Street and its "T" intersection with the new portion of 7Roc hester Avenue, to Charles Smith Avenue. The Planning Commission also recommends that the new oo rtion of Rochester Avenue south of 5th Street ho rhanned rn Rnr hnctnr rn~~rr BACKGROUND: In February of this year, a businessman, soon to move into the industrial area, requested the Planning Commission to consider the renaming of the portions of Rochester Avenue near fith Street. The Planning Commission concurred with the businessman's and staff's concerns regarding the double intersections of Rochester Avenue and 6Gh Street and directed staff to initiate the format process to correct *.he problem. On April 11, 1990, the Planning Commission determined that the old portion of Rochester Avenue from 4th Street to its "T" intersection with the new portion of Rochester Avenue should be renamed Charles Smith Avenue and the new oortion of Rochester Avenue south of 6th Street should be named Rochester Court. DISCUSSION/ANALYSIS: The issues analyzed in the renaming process included setectio^. ofnamT? appropriate for u ir, the General area, and develcoment of a street naming plan which took into cans ideration the ultimate planned roadway configurations in the ironed is to area. Significant issues considered by the Planning Commission in making its recommendations included the following: A. The double Rochester intersections !old and new portions) with 6th Street is a potentially confusing and unacceptable sf tuatfon wh tch needs correc Liao. ~~ I CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT STREET NAME CHANGE 90-0~ May 2, 1990 Fage 2 D, Because of the old portion of Rochester Avenue just north of 6th Street is to be replaced by a freeway ramp and the Rochester Avenve intersection at 4th Street i5 planned to be abandoned, it was determined that the name change would be most appropriate between these points. This name change Dlan conforms to the City Code pruv is ions for street naming and the plan has been reviewed by the Fi .^P nic Yrirt anA 1hP Sh Priff'S DP na r}mnn} C. Accepting the suggestion by the Historical Preservation Commission rHPCI to rename the street after persons significant in the early development of the area, Charles Smith Avenue was selected due to his Significant activities in the early develooment of the community of Hocnester. The Fire District has commented that first and last name combinations should generally be avoided, but that Charles Smith Rve nue should be "okay." The Sheriff's Department did not object to the proposed change. Other names suggested by the HPC which the City Council may wish to consider include "Amiee", "Di Carlo", "Lopez", "Masi" and "Van Fleet" from families which were involved in the area's develooment in the late ]800's/early 1900's. For further detailed analysis of the issue, please refer to the attached Planning Commission Staff Reports and Minutes. tNV1HUNMtNIAI gNALYSIS: Apart from the minor impacts listed in the Planning Commission Staff Report of March 28, ]990, 5ta ff does not see any possibility that the street naming plan may have a significant effect on the environment and therefore this activity is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act, per Section 150fi1(b)(B). if the name change is approved, a Notice of Exemption shall he filed for the project as required by CEQA Section 15061(di, FINDINGS: Based on the information contained in this report and staff analysis of the proposal, it is recommended that the following findings he made in regards to this action: A. That the proposed change is consistent with the goals, policies, and standards of the General Plan; B. That the proposed change is consistent with the circulation element of the General Pian; C. That the proposed change will not cause significant adverse impacts upon the environment; D. Tha! th; proposed change is deemed necessary to protect the public health, ',e fety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare by correcting the double Rochester Avenue Intersection at 6th Street. '~~ CITY COONCIL STAFF REPORT STREET NAME CHANGE 90-01 May 2, 1990 Page 3 CORRES PONOENCE: This item has been noticed in The Daily Report newspaper, posted at designated areas along Rochester Avenue, and written notices were sent to property owners, and residents/businesses who faced onto or abutted Rochester Avenue. ar7tnu.: rf the City Council - -curs pith the findings end recommendations of the Planning Commission, it would he aporoor is to to authorize the name char.pe of Rochester Avenue as ou Ylined by the adoption of the attached Resolution of Approval. R ye ull it~~ ` Brad B e City goner BB;AW/j fs Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Area Map of Recommended Plan Exhibit "B" - Resolution No. 90-44 Exhibit "C" - Planning Commissivn Minutes of April, 11. 1990 Exhibit "D" - Planning Commission Staff Report April 11, 1990 Exhibit "E" - Planning Commission Minutes of March 28, 1990 Exii iui~ "F" - "r iann mg commission Sta it Keport March 28, 1990 Exhibit "G" - Resolut ton No. 90-23 Exhibit "H" - Planning Commiss TOr. Minutes of February 14, 1990 Exhibit "I" - Planning Commission Staff Report of February 14, 1990 City Cou rcil Resolution of Approval ~~9 ~ ~ _ ,, ~ ~_ `, y3f4Ji'~pM h %~1, ~' q.y ~% ~ MARINO O CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DMSION ~ 5~ rv ~ I~BINOM~fO ro o~ t5 wwtE L.~ r Sr ITEM: kbc1K57ER qUE NR1+IE ~NAN~fi 7TiLE:f~mh+MePED GGAN MtkA MAP 7V EXHIBIT: A SCALE: - RESOLUTION N0. g0-44 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF iNE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE APPROVAL OF STREET NAME CHANGE N0. 90-01 TU CHANGE THE NAME OF TWO PORTIONS OF ROCHESTER AVENUE TO CHARLES SMITH AVENUE AND ROCHESTER LOURT RESPECTIVELY, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF A. Recitals. !+) n.; pph.gary 1a, loon: rho P7q nn inn fommic<inn of the City of Ra ntho Cucamonga reviewed a written request by Mr. Irving V. Augur to rename a portion of Rochester Avenue in the area of its intersections with 6th Street. On that date, the Planning Commission, by its adoption of Resolution No. 90-23, declared its intention to initiate the process to rename portions of Rochester Avenue immediately north and south of 6th Street. (ii) On March 28, 1990, and continued to April I1, 199C, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing for the above-mentioned street rename proposal, Street Name Change No. 90-01, pursuant to the City Code Lha pter 12.12. (iii) The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division Drepared a report which addressed the justification for the change, recommended a street namf ng plan, provided alternate replacement names, aM discussed the fmpac is of the recommended change. ,: .) ~~~ ieyai Pre, eyuiaiies w cne aaopiton of to 15 Resolution have ocw rred. Resolution. NON, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined arld resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rant hq Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the farts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on March 28, 1990, and continued to April 11, 1990, including written and ora'. staff reports, this Commission hereby specifically finds as fgllews: a. The current Rochester Avenue street naming situation which results in two (2) Rochester Avenue intersections at 6th Street 1s potentially confusing to the general public and emergency personnel and it should be corrected. /~ / Exh ~ lift' B PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 90-44 STREET NAME CHANGE 90-01 April 11, 1990 Page 2 D. The proposed name "Charles Smith Avenue" has historical significance to the general area, where Charles N. Smith helped develop commercial activities near Rochester and 8th Streets in the late 1800's, c. The street name change, "Charles Smith Avenue," applies to approx i..a tzly 8/10 of a mile of Rochester Avenue between the southern Rancho Cucamonga City limits and its inte rsec ttonlterminus with the new portion of Rochester Avenue, a. ine street name change, "Rochester Court," applies to that portion of Rochester Avenue that is approximately 820 feet west of the I-15 Ere eway from its terminus 600 feet south of 6th Street to its intersection with 6th Street. e. This proposed street name change would not be materially injurious or detrimental to the properties adjacent to Rochester Avenue and would not have a significant impact on the environment nor surrounding properties. f. That this street name change proposal is in conformance with the provisions of Che City's Street Naming provisions, City Cade Chapter 12.12, 3. Based upon the substant sal evidence presented to this Commission during the public hearing and upon the Soecf fic fi ndinax of farr< ear s,.. s,, paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. That the proposed name change is consistent with the goals, policies and standards of the General Plan. b. That the proposed Change is consistent with the Circulation Element of the General Plan. c. That the proposed change will not cause significant adverse impact upon the environment. d. The proposed change is deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare by providing only one (1) Roc ho star Avenue interiee Eton at 6th Stre.r, 4, Thts Commission hereby fiM s that the project has been reviewed and considered for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) of 1910 and determines this action to be exempt from further environmental review, as provided in LEQA Sect ton 15061 (B)(3). Asa $-2. PLANNING GOMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 90-44 STREET NAME CHANGE 90-01 April ll, 1990 Page 3 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs I, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby recommends to the Lity Council the approval on the I1 th day of April, 1990 of Street Name Change No. 90-O1. 6. The Deputy Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption o. phi; Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THiS 11TH DAY OF APRIL, 1990. PLANNING COMH ISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA GY rma I, Drad gul ler, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Comm1551 on of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held gn the 11th day of April, 1990, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY, MCNIEL, NEINBERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: CHITIEA. TOLSTOY 1~3 '13 - 3 aaop7~ . . t : CONSENT CALENDAR A. VARIANCE 90-01 - VE ial of a req low the construction of a house to enc ro the required interior d setback by 5 feet for a singe residence located in the Low Re District (2-4 dmellin per acre) at 98 i7 Feron Bouieva rd - APM: ~~ .~i~~•~Laca. ,~+~+ uy o,a xes,ey, unam meU5ly Carr1}.~0 r r • , ~ a~!BLIC HEARINGS G. STREET NAME CHANGE 90-O1 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A proposal to change name o oc hester venue o d port on rom th Street to a pof nt approximately 600 feet north of 6th Street, a distance of approxfmately 8/10 of a mile. Suggested name change to Smith Bros. Avenue. Proposal to also change name of that portion of Rochester Avenue (new portion) south of 6th Street. Suggested name change to Rochester Court. Alternative street names may be considered by the Planning Conwission. (Continued from March 2B, 1990.) Alan warren, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. ~nairman Mcniel opened the public hearing; but Aearfng no further testimony, he closed the public hearing. Chairman McNiel stated that the Cf ty likes to apply historical names to parks or streets but the opportunity does not frequently arise. He felt Smith Bros. Avenue sounds too moth 1!ke cough drops. He it ked the name Charles Smith Avenue, but wondered if the double name could cause problems for emergency services. Ne supported Smith Family Rvenue. Commissioner Blakesley agreed that Smith Avenue sounds too generic. He felt that the name Smith Bros. Avenue requires a knowledge of local history to appreciate the meaning. He supported Charles Smith Avenue. Commissioner Ikinberger did not like Smith Famfly Avenue. She supported either Sm?Lh Bros. Avenue or Charles Smith Avenue. Lommissioner Blakesley stated that Charles Smith was the pr}ncfpal Smith brother and he was very important to the specific location. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated he would verify that Lhe Firc District and Sheriff's Department support the name Charles Smith Avenue before forwarding it to City Council. Planning Commissfon Minutes -2- April tl, 1990 I~~ Exh;b'~t C Motion: Moved 6y Bla ke sley, seta nd ed by McNiel, to adopt the Resolution recommending Street Name Change 90-01 with modification to change names to Charles Smith Avenue and Rochester Court. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKE SLE Y, MCNIEL, WEINB ERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: CMITI EA, TOLSTOY -carried R M f i i - n ~uuuiv~ 1 ndu strial District (Subarea 11), located on the northwest co of treet and Buffalo Avenue - APN: 229-252-29. (Continued om Ma rrh 90.) Chairman McNiel d that the applicant had requested the item be tinned to April 25, 1990. pened the public hearing. There were no public co Motion: Moved by Weinberger, nde Assessment and Tentative Pa rte by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLE .:"v CS. euririiSSiirnEna: nunt ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: CNITIEA, r t ~ • + d by glakesley, to 12338 to April 25, -carried Environmental Motion carried D. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ANO ATIVE TRACT 132 - LEWIS MOVES - A resi entia subs v s on an gn rev ew of 1 con um un is on 4.36 acres of la M in the Med esidential District (8-14 llfng units per acre) of the Terra Y Planned Community, located the southwest corner of Mountain V rive arxl Milliken Avenue - APN: -091-36. Dan Coleman, Princi anner, presented the statf report. Chairman McNfe ned the publit hearinq. George Ch is Nomes, D. 0. gax 670, Upland, salted he was avails to answer tons. Planning Commission Minutes -3- ~~ April 11, 1990 C-Z CITY OF RANCHO CUCAi~IONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: April 11, 1990 TO: Chairman and Memhers of the Planning Commission FRDM• Rr~A Rnn nr r: ~.. oi__'_,. BY: Alan Na rren, Associate Planner SUBJECT: STREET NAME CHANGE 90-01 - CITY OF RANCHO _C_UCAMONGA - A proposal to change name of Rochester Avenue (old portion) f.,.m eth St n..et r~ pn;nt app _ ,tet,. 5nn sn et rih ns 6th Street, ~a distance of approximately 8/IO~of na mile. Suggested name change to Smith Avenue. Proposal to also change name of that portion of Rochester Avenue fnew portions south of 5th Street. Suggested name change to Rochester Court. Alternative street names may be considered by the Planning Commission. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: At the March 28, 1990, meeting the Planning Commission favored the proposed street renaming plan but was generally unsatisfied with the use of the name "Smith". The ~n - '-' "'-- '" "' ,t,.. ~~ ~~ a ii~iie more resea rcn on the SmithJBro thers ~to ~d ete rmine if the street name could be enhanced to give it more local identification. Attached is a copy of the Daily Report article "Rochester: A town that faded away", September 21, 1980, which outlines the rather significant history the Smith Brothers, Cha rtes 6. and Rudolph Smith, played in the development of the Rochester community. With this information, the Planning Commission may wish to consider the followf ng names to identify the renamed street: Charles Smith Avenue Charles W. Smith Avenue Rudolph Smith Avenue \mi1F e~n~ ~..--..- Smith Family~Avenue Amiee Avenue Di Carlo Avenue Lopez Avenue Ma 51 AYenpe Van Fleet Avenue The street name should be relatively easy to pronounce and not produce confusion with any other street names. Staff recommends "Smith Bros. Avenue". II. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission choose a name far use on the portion of Aochester Avenue from 4th Street to the new Rochester Avenue roadway for inclusion into the attached Resolution. , _ Ex hlb~t' D PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT STREET NAME CHANGE 90-01 April 11, 1990 Page 2 Respectful y s~u bum ityed, ~~`v°~ ~~ nrae nutter / City Planner BB:AW:js At taC hmen ts: Exhibit "A" - Daily Rennrt Arl irla; Sanromhar 91, inRO Exhibit "B" - Area Map of Recommended Plan Resolution of Approval 157 '~. 2 Pegee fznn the Pant BEDFORD CONLEY Ro<Aeeter Avenue k all Shat b tell to raniM us d Ne loan Mtween Etiwanda aM ftorN Cuumonp. Begin ning b is», alter Ne Doom period, Il nruggled bard for eztsten<e. CDarlesw Smith. the founder, made hit Brst purMau n! land an JuIY 28. IB11, aril eonliwM buYlnt Drlvate IanCS aM railroad property Ntd he Nd about i,000 acres. Ne came Rnm Ra.'hefter. Penn., mar Pltteburgh, probably for~hls hea1N, aM settled b Cunmmga. He IollowM Ne plant d Ne promatns d Cueamrxlga enA nne.rin by bvins al Orame Avm», a tree-Ilned double boulevard Nree MI» lang. TM Ind was dtvtdld into lenacre bts, and Ne deeds carried a temperarce clause. Water was bmught to etch Id by concrlN pipe TM stuck d the Rochnter Rater Company was wDxrihM before the land wort an »k by SmI1D and At woe, brother. Ella Colton and Berth CdtM. The lard was Ilrsl dlered at 1106115 sw xn b iebruary 1889, for thou who wwM (wild a house aM }tart planting. EmuRA IoM w» add Na fire! year n Ihal a past ot0ee was n1aDlifhM. and • alon, lumber yard, teleDAMe, and MlN were put up. TM SeuNern Paulic put In a switch aM a nag atop. TM xhml building was complNM In Ura aprfng d IMI. Belore April 1. Int. Rmlth Dad bw{At 720 xra 10.000 feel away In a canyN. TM wars rote to Ne wrtatt Md then larther dean wort underground, nil to reappear M hit Iona. Ne conatncted !Noels, dlteDM, /bore, and dams. and put In pip» at a cost d tf0,000. Nben tM water wet turned m N. neat summa, there w» a 176 mch now. Immedialdy, tM Etiwanda Co. Drought suit agalmt the Rochnter Co , cblming II rMxad lMlf warn aupp- IY The case ass In the courts for two Teen. More Than 770 acre nNgether Md MM hnproved b)' 1»7. and the Rocnetter Fruit Co. Dulls a packing houu. Before Ne trouble about tM water began, Rudolph Emith, a brother, relurnM W Penmylvanla to spend several months "hunting" mbnMra. He retlwllld m Oc- tobcr In2, aith a party of roarly IW people aM lhetr Irelght. ADoul the ume time CMrI» also brfwght Mck more utllera. for whom a big welcoming parry w» hdd in the packing houu.. Ezperta Md Men Drought N loatudy the watts wore In Inc null d tM EtlwanN G. and, Mted aw thNr fin. dingt, the court lound petits! the. Rochester Water fn. on Feb. 11. 1901. RorhenM was Mit wrlb only wells. The Bmith! had spent /rlelY In providing water, pbn- llnp aM general Improvemema » Wrl their two. Thry must have Stan Iv orr iaady caaD, for aermai aulta, orally under 1100, wen bought apt»t them Inr rot lurnirq orv monks tolladd br'IM Rat'Mner Fruit Co. AI om lime. BerlDa and EIA Cotton Nd la guarantee {100 court lees ao fhe&nYlp emW apprai the JWgrnm4. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DMSION 158 y wptelbe]'.I~ f •~98D' T. Rochester:. A town that faded:away.~ By BERNICE In spite of the Smnhe' Nf brullt», in tltO7lM trail was " ' }till ultling up. The stwrkeeper w» ddng • nn0 buslmst and the attMdantt at Ibe xhod w» the tartest rvcr mrollM. Grapn were the main prMu'Ct aM It w» »i0 Nero ' .w» plenty d a~atrr Inr poutaa aril alhlA. ~• 6 TM yaan IADA-99 brnuRM little rain/all aM the Rochester company, as with lM Sn Anlmin and ~~ Curamm¢a crompanin. cnuW nil wpoly tM'neMs Crnpf IaiIM and tM exndu} MRan. Aioa of IM land amt to non-r»IdMI owmrs wM hired foreign latwrm to work In the rfnesardt. 'M '+ f. , ,... n. q,v }vmv <anpany. o,n rn Ia~C! N'a}Nine }N'!d m fill - iIMIDH tM} l0 rYTrfTII. ~' By loll fn moor Md mm'M aaay that Nep»I dfln aa} ' closM aril mad ad} adrrsud to Nnrtq Curamnnpa. ' Even the Rachexter R'atrr Co. movM its Madyu~rten to Lot AnRrln. a In 102] IM Rnr'M}err .frhrdl a'» lord and lM~puptb ; IrdnllMfed D,Y bU} In a t'afamlalga KMMII. EYM lh¢nid hrtl N'as takm aimrg. Bwldtngt deterhrated until tAryr ', AisanprorM. Thu old Inwn at EIBMA lnrcel arA " Roch»tm Avmw 4 ro more. „ . _... ITEM: 37RElT NM11E c11M1LE 9o•W 'iT[1.E DAILY RlEiphRr SEPI. 21~ r80 N El(HtBIT: A SGLE: U-s ~:~-~z ~~9, `: ~,.4J MAR~MO CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANMNG DNiSION I SG~ ro ~ A61NOwfp bMIM) roNURiWC , tb gIM4A:: KwMlE:i ii';:a;.. 'ITI'LE(~m~'MlDED aAN NPr11 E7(HIBTT: 8 SGLE: - ~_ i N E. STREET NAME CHANGE 90-01 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMOMGA - A proposal to change name of Rochester Avenue old portion from 4th Street to a point approzima to ly 500 feet north of 6th Street, a distance of approzima to ly 8/10 of a mile. Suggested name change to Smith Avenue. Proposal to also change name of that portion of Rochester Avenue (new portion) south of 6th Street. Suggested name Change to Rochester Court. Alternative street names may be considered by the Planning Commission. Alan Warren, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Cnmm'ssioner 91y4nstny asked for clarification of the plat ement of the nrn nn<cA f~ - . __ ... ~. inv. Shintu Bose, Oepu ty City Engineer, indicated the placement. Commissioner Blakesley asked if the name Smith Brothers Avenue had been considered. He felt Smith Avenue sounds too a_ene rir. Mr. Warren responded that one aspect of the street naming polity is to keep names as simple as possible. He did not feel Smith Brothers Avenue would be a problem. Chairman Mc Niel opened the public hearing. John Ga rasic h, 9233 Rochester Avenve, Rancho Cucamonga, did not recall having heard of the Smiths in the history of the area. He asked how long the provision had been in effect to change street names to historically significant names. Chairman McNiel stated the City has tried to do so since bet oming a City. Mr. Garasich felt it would be better to align the freeway offramp to provide for travel immediately north on Rochester Avenue. He felt Rochester should run north/south in its present location and the leg turning into Rochester Court should be named something else. He stated he had already endured two address changes at his pre se ni location: one address change because he had been given the wrong address when he first moved there and the second address change brought about when the post office moved and changed the xip code for all post office boxes. He felt the cost of new signs, sta tlonery, etc. was prohibitive. Rarrye Hanson, Senior Livil Engineer, stated that the proposed Smith Avenue portion north of 6tA Street 1s only temporary, and the street will become part of the freeway ramp. Mr Sa rasa" "' es'ed th6t the Cii -~v9 y wail until construction of the freeway ramp, instead of making changes now. Nearing no further testimony, Chairman MtNie1 closed the public Aearinq. Chairman McNiet stated ft is unacceptable to have two streets named Rochester. Fla nning Commission Minutes // -R- March 28, 1990 ~tP 0 EXh~b~~+ E Commissioner Slakes ley stated he traverses the area daily aM he felt the overall traffic pattern will be better in its ultimate conf lgu ra lion. He felt the change should be made as soon as possible, because the area is developing rapidly and delaying the change will only affect more people. He supported the historic aspect of the name Smith and felt Rochester Court is appropriate. Commissioner Tolstoy agreed it would be better to have a more colorful name. He thought perhaps the name could he more indicative of the buildings that were located in the area rather than just Smith, Commissioner Chitiea agreed with the assessment of the reasons for the name change. She thought perhaps a different histar lcai name rnuln bt ;el a;, led. She did no[ wi<b to ~ __ _m!t!; ,",,;;,,,,~ un a rre eway 51 an. Mr. Bose stated the offramp sign will state oth Street, Chairman Mc Niel fe'.t that if the Smith Brothers were siani fi ca nt in the area their COnLrihp limn ehn~ld ,rAt `vc iyno roe because their name 15 too Cemmpn. Commissioner Chitiea suggested adding a first name of one of the brothers or changing the name to Smith Brothers Avenue. Chairman McNiei suggested staff research the name further and return the item on April 11, 1990, with additional sugges ttons. Motion: Moved by Blak esley, seconded by Weinberger, to continue Street Name Change 90-01 to April tl, 1990. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISS IDNERS: BLAKESLE Y, CHiTi EA, MCNI EL, TOLSTDY, NEINBERfER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE .. f + . 8:35 P,M. - Planning Commis sign Recessed 8:50 P.M. - Planning Commission Reconvened • • f R f F.MENTAL ASSESSMENT ANO CONDITII -carried request caonsn a nquor smrc to a t,uz square roos tea sea ce within the Th Winery Plaza, in the Specialty Commercial riot. Subarea 2 of the ill Boulevard Spetifit Plan. to d at Clio nor ihza et. corner of `got 8ouieva rd and Vinegar venue - APN: 208-10]-2l. Anna-Lisa Hernandez, Assistant Planner, pre Planning Commission Ninutes/ -9- 1~/ aff report. Narch 28, 1990 E-Z CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT OATS: March 28, 1990 T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission BY: Alan Na rren, Associate Planner SUBJECT: STREET NAME CHANGE NO 90-01 - CITY Of RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A nrmpp cgl ±o cn.a nge name of Rochester ..venue ,old portion) from 4th Street to a point approximately 600 feet north of 6th Street, a distance of approximately 8/10 of a mile. Suggested name to Smith Rve nue. Proposal to also change name of that portion of Rochester Avenue (new portion) south of 6th Street. Suggested name change to Rochester Court. Alternative street names may be considered by the Dlanning Commission. BACKGROUND: On February 16, 1990, the Planning Commf ssion declared its intent Lo in ilia to the process to rename portions of Rochester Avenue (Resolution No. 90-23) immediately north and south of 6th Street as requested by Mr. Irving V. Augur of Leisure Crafts. Thit ar lion roc to 4"n Her ancn tho D1"nnlnn rn".,,:..:nn ~_~ Lhe potential confusion of having two Rochester Avenue intersections within 450 feet of each other on 6th Street. II, DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS: The issues analyzed in 4he renaming process included selection of name(s) appropriate for use in the general area, and development of a street naming plan for consideration by the Planning Commission. Street Names: Staff thought this would be a good opportunity to consider the use of historically significant names for the new street name(s). The Nistorit Preservation Commission (HPL) provided some suggestions for names significant to the area in question. From the information gathered, staff believes "Smith" would be the most appropriate. The Smith Brothers, from Rochester, Pervl SVi Vbnia pained deveinn thn Emm~"lnity of RCC h"eLe." .n iafifj "nd they operated various businesses near Rothester and 8th Streets (refer Lo Exhibit "A"), Other names suggested by the Historic Preservation Commission include "Amiee", "D1 Carlo", "Lopez", "Masi", and "Yon Fleet" from families which were involved in the area's development in the late 1800's/early 1900'x. r~ Exh~b~t F PLANNING COMMI SSIO ,7AFF REPORT STREET NAME CHANGE N0. 90-OS - ROCHESTER AVENUE MARCH 28, 1990 Page 2 Street Name Plan: The solution proposed is that the name change include all of the Rochester Avenue roadway from its intersection with lth Street to its "T" intersection with the new Rochester roadway (just north of 6th Street). Also, the dead end Stub street just south of 6th Street would be named Rochester fnuri r.e re. ... .~: - ''`~ ~~~~~i• ine roiiowing issues and impacts were considered in the selection of this solution: 1. There wavid not be any offset street name intersections. 2. This Plan was fa vnred ~.y .he c, ra a,;d Si;eri ff uepa rtments 3. The need to have Rochester Avenue as a continuous name from the north to the south parts of Che community may he a mute point since the City's circulation plans for the area provide for the eventual abandonment of the Rochester Avenue/4th Street intersection. 4, This Plan would cause 65 property owners/business locations/residents to change their address. 5. This Plar, is in conformance with ail provisions of the City's street naming provisions, City Code Chapter 12.12. 6. Smith Avenue rill aid ,..,,,, n.....:_ . .. _._ _.. _,.. ,.... ty ~~i„i i.o. 7, Recorded subdivision maps wnuld need to be amended, 9. Utility companies, emergency services and the Post Office would have to revise their systems to accommoda to the name changes. 9. Street signs will need to 6e replaced. This Plan was also reviewed by the Postmaster and the City of Ontario. No concerns were indicated by Ontario. As of the writing of this report, no response has been received from the postmaster. [II. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: Apart from the minor impacts listed in Part I, staff does not see any possibility that the street naming Ple.". would have a SitUn,i firanr efse~t ~,_~ the enYirunment and therefore, this activity is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act, per Section 16061(b)(3), If the name change is approved, a Notice of Exemption shall be filed for the project as required by CEQA Section 16061(d), IV. FACTS FOR f1NDINGS; Based an the information contained in this report and staff analysts of the proposal, it is recommended that the following findings can be made in regard to this action: !~3 F-2 PLANNING COMMISSIG ,TAff REPORT STREET NAME CHANGE N0. 90-OS - ROCHESTER AVENUE MRRCH 28, 1990 Page 3 A. That the proposed change is consistent w5th the goals, policies artd standards of the General Pian; 8. That the proposed change i5 consistent with the circulation element of the General PTan; ;, Th a* the prdpased change will not cause significant adverse impacts ~;:~^. the environment; D. That the proposed change is deemed ^^r?ssary to ora tect the public health, safety, comfort, Convert fence, ~^~ genera? welfare by correcting the double Rochester Avenue intersecnu~~ at 6th Street. V. CORRESPONDENCE: This iCe+., ^"s been advertised in ,the D~a fly Report newspaper, designated areas were pasce~ ~7nno Roc Res ter Avenue, and written nptices were sent to property owners and residents/husines sec who faced onto ar aou tted the afTec Cad portions of Rochester Avenue. VI. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Cpmmi scion conduct a public Rearing and consider alt aspects pf the street naming plan, If the Commission concurs with the justifications for the staff Rerommend ed Plan, it would be appropriate to approve the attached Resolution. / RL~e~spectful ly submitted, ' Brad 8u ler City Planner BB :AN:mlg Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Etiwanda The Pirst 100 Years, Page 12 Exhibit "B" - rea Map of ecammende lan Resolution of Approval { / ~ -3 ~ ~ rn ~ ~.; ~.' :,.. ,.a0.! A';'! . ~. _. . _,.. .....! ..d .. v~~, c - err-! ~~~.:. Ii1c cc.! r ..u ~ .~.. .. ~. <.... rr .. .... .. .... ...n i. _ .. .~.. a .C.. .\ .. ... ..~ ~ ~~: 1 .. .. R.I• , ,. ,..~.i...~ .. ~ ,ii ~ •~. ~~.~lt 'Ll fl r~ . ,.':t .• ~. ,..c .,i...~,. I:t Ihc' '~"H Iti`~~~ ~ hi~LJfl t'l~r ~hC 1: ('.I .1'.:' 111... ~~i~i ll'~1 .1~ r cog I, IM1C ~~va le finlw~~md FU4,^¢H,nn~.l Fr,ui •+ Item: f~1+~sTe9z AUE uNJE a ~~ I z ~ TYUC: E'riwq/JOA, YXa LST ir~YRS, N Ott: A Ms4: - F.~ I''.. .i.i i,l 4... ",oqm H,~irl ~.... , ~ . a~.i .. .. 3 ,~, of ~~ .d ~ ~~,,,;r~mo y ~ ~, r' ~.z r. ~„. S~N~ MARINO 0 CO .o o! ne~vimNw ~ ~ m owwta:: ii:iiiiii:. ~SWWCEii ii~iiii:. ~a•:::.. I H CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ITEM: '¢ ^~ NAa1E cMAnK.~ PLANMNG DIVISION'~~ ~,E;1~~MEDED F[.AU AReA MAP N EXHIBIT: i3 SGLE: f •' RESOLUTION N0. 90-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO INITIATE THE PROCESS TO RENAME PORTIONS OF ROCHESTER AVENUE IMMEDIATELY NORTH AND SOUTH OF 6TH STREET A. Rzcitals. (1) The City of Rancho Cucamonga has received a written request and Justlfication from Mr. Irving V. Augur of Leisure Crafts to rename a portico of Rochester Avenue south of 6th Street. (1'.i AL i'c§ regularly scnedui eti meeiiuy vn Feb Nary i4, iiaO, `u`,c Planning Commission reviewed Mr. Augur's request and Justlfication. (f11) That the requested was reviewed pursuant to Section 12.12.040 of the Rancho Cucamonga City Code. B. Resolution. NON, THEREFORE, it is hereby found. deter+atned and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commiss ton hereby sDeciflcal ly finds that all of the factc aeL iurcn in me meci*.a15, Part A, or this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon lnfonmatlon presented to this Cowu1551on at the above-referenced public meeting, lncludtng written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Comatsston hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) That Rochester Avenue currently intersects 6th Street at two locations as the result of new Rochester Avenue street improvements and the retention of the older Rochester Avenue roadway. (bi That this sltuatton does not comply with the City's street naming provlstons of Ctty Code Chapter 12.12 and should be corrected. (c1 That this Comeission hereby directs staff to begin process to correct ibis street name problem, pursuant to City Code Sections 12.12.040 and 12.12.050, to change the names of portions of Rochester Avenue immediately to the north and south of its intersection with 6th Street. (d) That staff shalt provide this Commission with street name alternatives for its conslderctlon during the formal street naming process. 3. The Deputy Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. I X07 Exh~b~i- G PLANNING CpMISSIOn nESOLUTiON N0. 90-23 RENANIN6 PORTIONS OF ROCHESTER AVENUE February 14, 1990 Page 2 APPROVED ANO ADOPTED TNIS 14TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1990. PUNNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA R • •C~T LY f'.~ ?C~t,~,nl ATTEST: i~~~2~~~1~1~~ I, Orad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Coawlsston of the City of Rancho Cucaaanga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Coawisslon of the C1ty of Rancho Cucasonga, at a regular neeting of the Planning Cewalsslon held on the 14th day of February 1990, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY, CHITIEA, MCHIEL, TOLSTOY, MEIMBERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE /~8 ~-Z lcop should be kept to an absolute minimum. He felt that if ~ P Commissioner Chitiea It [he loss of the trees for a dian break vrould create a significant re Lion in the effect the me n is supposed to be creating. She felt the brea move away from the p ned community theme. Commissioner Tolstoy felt Chat th median eaks dilute the design of the pia nned community. / ton 'n ium project has its major entrance in the middle of the block en perhaps a project should be rethought. Ne stated that as both m and Spruce wil a signalized in the future, a driver could make a -turn and return to the 'ec t. Lo mmts sto ner Chitiea Stated that the reeks ovld slow dawn traffic. Chairman Mc Niel felt that Chur Street will be heavily traveled street and median breaks tend to cause fe Cy problems bec aus of cross traffic. Commissioner Tolstoy s ed he would like to directs ff to keep cuts in the median to a minimum Ne requested the developer take er median cuts into consideration. Chairman McN~ suggested staff prepare a policy resolution s Cing forth a minimum d' to nce for length of medians with the minimum gth being approxi e1y 280-320 feet. It s the consensus of the Planning Commission that the specific requ t of t is Homes fora median break an Church Street between Elm Avenue and Sp e treet be denied and that staff prepare a policy resolution to set a mini length of medians at approximately 280-320 feet. .. + . . J. CONSIDERATION OF RENAMING A PUR 7ION OF ROC NESTER AVENUE Alan Warren, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Commissioner Chitiea asked if alternate names were already selected. Commissioner Tolstoy asked how far south new Rochester is Dla nned to go. Mr. Marren responded that a new project has recently been completed to the south and the street will not go any further south. Oan Coleman, Principal Planner, stated it will become a cul-de-sac bulb. Commissioner Tolstoy asked how many established businesses are on new Rochester. Mr. Marren responded that there are four buildings, but he did not know how many businesses were involved. Planning Commission Minutes -l l- February 14, 1990 ~~Oq 6xh~bt't H Commissioner Blakesley stated that the current traffic flow in the area is annoying. He asked what the final configuration will be. Mr. Na rren stated that the old section of Rochester north of 16th will be abandoned when Che freeway ramp is put '.n place and Rochester would have a dogleg configuration. Commissioner Blakesley asked if the offramp is still a possibility. Russ Maguire, City Engineer, stated that CalTra ns keeps changing its mind. He said trey currently havz a '-Yalion of one ailz bztwzzr ra ~p s. He stated the City will keep the offramp in their long-range Dla ns. Commissioner Blakesley asked why Rochester was not moved in its entirety to the west to allow one continuous flow. He stated that Rochester now has a lot of traffic, including truck traffic which cannot negotiate the corner very well. Mr. Maguire stated that Rochester will not connect to 4th Street in the ultimate configuration. He stated that Rochester will come to 6th Street and end. He said that 6th Street will be a cross-town arterial and the on; off ramp will actually be for 6th Street. Commissioner Blakesley asked if Milliken will carry the traffic now on Rochester. Mr. Maguire responded that the treffic would be carried on Milliken once Milliken is completed. He safd that Rochester, south of 6th Street is not intended to provide anything other than area service. Commissioner Tolstoy stated it is not appropriate to have an old Rochester and a new Rochester. He felt staff should be directed to solve the problem. He felt Rochester should have been planned to go all the way from the north part of the City to the south. Chairman Mc Niel stated that when Milliken and Oay Creek are completed some of the problems will be solved. Commissioner Blakesley stated this section lies close to the freeway and he felt it may be aDDropria to to shut it off. Motion: Moved by Ohltiea, seconded by Blakesley, to adopt the Resolution to initiate the process to rename Dortians of Rochester Avenue. Motion carried by the following Vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY, CHITIEA, MCNIEL, TOLSTOY, NEINBERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: C0141I55[ONERS: NONE -carried Planning Comnisston Minutes -12- (70 February 14, 1990 H- 2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT e GATE: February 14, 1990 T0; Chairman and Meebers of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner B1: xi an warren, xs soc lace rianner SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF RENAMING A PORTION OF ROCHESTER AYENUE 1. GACxu"RGiirw wiG Dis-i, USSiOWS: ine Planning biv 7s ion has received e repues ram r. rv ng ugur of telsure Crafts to initiate the procedure for consideration of changing the nave of cerkin portions of Rochester Avenue near its intersections with 6th Street. (Refer to enclosed letter, December 26, 1989.) City Code Section 12.12.040 allows for the Planning Commission to initiate the procedure by a Resolution of [nkntlon. Mr. Augur wii) soon occupy a space within a multi-tenant industrial building which has frontages on the "old" and "new" portion of Rochester Avenue Irefer to Exhibit 1). He is concerned over eO tentla7 rnnfucinn .w~a"ei~~ :.~.- .:,",~; cSS i,iy ui iru f[reeLS w1 Ln the same name. The duplication of names was the result of the City's realigning of Rochester Avenue in antlclpatton of an I-15 Freeway on/off ramp at 6th Street (per General Plan and Industrial Specific P1 an provisions). When the roadway was reconstructed, staff began referring to the portion tacated between 4th and 6th Streets, and closest to the freeway as, "01 d" Rochester. The new alignment was referred to as "New" Rochester. All of the street name signs involved list both new and old roadways as "Rochester Avenue." The nevi street portion terialnaks as a stub street approxlmakly 600 feet soutA of 6th Street, and new industrial development south of the street tenainus would apparently preclude any further exterslon of tha "New" Racheskr. With additional industrial development expected in the immediate area, the potential exists for similar street addressing problems on surrounding parcels. At the very least, the present situation can be confusing to motorists. I7~ Cxh'~b'~'t' T PLANNING COMIISSI01. STAFF REPDRT RENAMING PORTIONS OF ROCHESTER AVENUE February 14, 1990 Page 2 After review of the situation by the Planning and Traffic sections, the Fire District, and Sheriff's Department several al ternatlves, all of which would improve the situation, are worthy of further consideration by the Planning Commission. II. RECOMAENDATION: If the Planning Commission concurs with the concerns o r. Augur and believes the issue should be studied a,rrFe. t« W,.,na ti. ..,., ,,...._«~ .~. "~ ;fanning commission W direct staff to begin the'prrocess to formally Consider renam}ng a subject portion of Rochester Avenue by the adoption of the attached Resolution. Resp lly submitted, Brad er City P anner 88:AW:js nccacnmencs: ~etcer from Mr. Augur, Deceaber 26, 1989 Exhibit 1 - Area Map Resolution of Intention ~~ i •-Z PO BOX 5528, 3061 MARIA STREET RANCHO DOMINtiUEZ, CA 90224, PHONE, (213) 7746810 FAX (213) 6324141 ~~,w LeBsure~rafts art and crap melsdel slop 1902 -RECEIVED- ~roF tiwppgawa~~e, '•.wmr, rrrarM. December z6, 19s9~ JAN x 199Q 7~B~9~140t1g [~ City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 Attention: Brad Buller, City Planner RE: 9387 Rochestet Avenue P.C. No. 99-16253 We have entered into an agreement to occupy the building currently designs tea ae 9307 Rochester Avenue. Two dietlnetly separate bueineesea will occupy this building. LelaureCrafta Company will occupy Chet portion of the building facing I-15 and the older airaai currently Aval nnvf aR nv onnnn Jas r..t al v... nk...._ ..: ,, _--...... ~~-. -_-u ~_ _e the building facing west and front on a new street designated aey Roc heater (new71. This is terribly confusing and over a period of lime will present problems from a safety standpoint (fire ar police in event of an emergency), as well as a terribly confusing situation for cuetomare, suppliers, transportation companies, map mekera, etc. We expect to occupy these premises about March 15, 1990. Xa would hope that the City of Rancho Cucamonga could rename ono of thew atreeta eo that LcieureCref to Company facing seer would have one street name and number and that Van Aken International fronting the new street would have another street mare end number. ihauk lu4 You far your kind eon aideretinn in th±! as ttet, I e.-. ~.L/'A Sincerely ~ J!! L6I0[7N~E7~V7'f~ ~ \1~x ~~'f~ 3r61ng W. Au~ Preeid~q((t ~~to: P r Co ion ~--~• Ok 173 ~ -3 F- North -- ~ ------- r~ t ~- 1 Por. Sec. 18, T. IS., R.6W.,S.B.B.Q 1 ~ ~J ~ A'f~4 of Ccwx~ERN Q ROCHESTER ~A t- - ~ - -- 4YIJ " ~ ~ .O a u ~~. s Aj.. 'u M• R. 9~ O ~0~1a ~ Nq C ira.aa m N 1 u. ~y ~ a O , o '" N ~ ~~ O I . • aS ~.. Og~M OOH' .\~~ ~ ilr..e. l~ C ~ h. _e ~ M ~ yt " aog M ~NO~ .,~ ~ /tee i/ ~_ /Ij in ~ _ - .. .. .-._-~.. q1i - r"'d`j¢ \ ~ Iii, - . ~ N h F ~ I 8O ...~. .~ ~,I x ,. ~: a n o a N ¢ ~^, ~ N N ~ N 1'A/M2 ~ ~k1 Y} i ~` " , ` ~ Q~ ` ^ ]I I _ a~Rr. SD~~aS 0 !lI.IJ ® ~ /L J ZN~9! >LL 71t 7]1,2I jB1 ~ n M ~ oRt'' ~b ^ _ a A a ~ o M " .'1~1A~A ".pI ¢ U ~ ~~~ $I 1 '~8 Q m ` S U 115, a I i~.+a.`° .. ~' s. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ITEM; RaUtESTt.,C ~lAUq~C~ PLANNING DIVISION 'ITfI.E: AIC~~Q NAO EXHIBIT; ~, SGLE: - 1 7~ z- V RESOLUTION N0. qO" ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING STREET NAME CHANGE N0. 90-01 TO CHANGE THE NAME. OF TWO PORTIONS OF ROCHESTER AVENUE TO CHARLES SM1TN AVENUE ANO ROCHESTER COURT, RESPECTiVELV. A. Recitals. ~i) Dn February la. 1990, tnr Pt"^^+~; ,ion or the City of Ra rc ho Cucamonga, reviewed a written request by Mr."l ruing V. Augur to rename a portion of Rochester Avenue in the area of its intersections with 6th Street. On that date, the Planning Commission, by its adoptf on of Resolution Ne. 90-23, declared its 9n to n4 to initiate the process of re naming the portions of Rochester Avenue immediately nnr"h ;,qG >vu th of 5th Street. (iil On March 28, X990, and continued to April ]1, 1990, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing for the above mentioned street renaming proposal, Street Name Lha nge No. 90-01, pursuant to City Code Chapter 12,12 and recommended to the City Council approval of the street name change. (iii) On May 2, 1990, the City Council conducted a duly noticed public hearing for the above-mentioned street renaming proposal, pursuant to City Code Chapter 12.12. ~iv1 The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division prepared a report which outlined the Planning Comnfss ion's recommenH,*+^^t _rd ~c;tf~fcacion ror the gyn.^;:, ;, -~.~~vu ai ce rna to replacement names, and provided copies of the Planning Commission Staff Reports and Minutes. (v) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of the Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts Set forth in the Ret ita l5, Part "A", of this Resd lu lion are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evil eaee presented to this Covntii during the ahoVe re fere,-,ced pub iic hearing on March 28, 1990, written and oral 5ta ff reports, together with public testimony, this Council hereby specifically finds as follows: a, the current Rochester Avenue street renaming situation which resuits in two (2) Rochester Avenue intersections at 6th Street is potentially confusing td the general public and emergency personnel and should be corrected. 175 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0, STREET NAME CP.ANGE 90-01 May 2, 1990 Pa qe 2 b. The proposed name "Charles Smith" has historical significance to the general area, as Charles Smith helped develop commercial activities near Rochester and 8th Streets in the late 1900's, c. The street name change, "Charles Smith Avenue", applies to approximately 8/10 of a mile of Rochester Avenue hetween the southern Ra rcho Cucamonga City limits and its intersection /te rmi mrs wlth rha nnv nnr.a,,,, ,. nocnester Avenue. '- -~~ -' d. The street name change, "Rochester Court", applies to that portion of Rochester Avenue that is approximately 820 feet west cf the I-16 Freeway from its terminus 60U feet south of 6th street to its intersection ,Ji1h r. 1h Cf npc4 e. This proposed street name change would not be ma teriaily injurious or detrimental to the properties adjacent to Rochester Avenue and would not have a significant fmpact on the environment nor surrounding properties. f. That this street name change proposal is in conformance with the provisions of the City's Street Naming provisions, City Code Chapter !2.12. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to 4his Council during the public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in nA ra nranh 7 and 7 a6n..o lhie rn....:~ •-_-~.. e - ~ ~ -• - - ---••_.. ,.,., ",~ ,.iw ., aril wmiuVC) e! fUIlUwS: a. That the proposed name change is tens istent with the goals, policies, and standards of the General Plan. b. That the proposed change is consistent with, and takes into consideration, provisions of the Circulation element of the Gene rai Plan. c, That the proposed change will not cause significant adverse impact upon the environment. d. That the proposed chartye is deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general weifa re by providing only one (1) Rochester Avenue intersection at 6th Street. Th it i,nn nr i, i hnr<hy si.^.d •. th • the a,, project has been reviewed and considered for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) of 197G and determines this action to he er.empt from further environmental review, as provided in CEQA Section I606t(b)(0), and directs the Lity Clerk to file a Notice of Exemption wfth the County Clerk, as provided in CEQA Section 16061(d). 5, Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Council hereby aDProves, on the 2nd day of May, 1990, Street Name Change No. 90-01, to hecome effective July 6, 1990. I ~~ CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. STREET NAME CHANGE 90-01 May 2, 1990 Page 3 6. The Lity Clerk shall send written no tlc es of the change to the Post Office, County Glerk, Fire District and Sheriff's Department sixty (60) days before the effective date Of the change. X77 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAtdONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 2, 1990 T0: Mayor and Members of the C+ty Cou r.cil FROM: brad boiler, City Planner av. o;,. r,a.a ei~n... r.,a,, r.. ~.....,mnn• o~n....,,;~,,. ri-`~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AN APPEAL OF NOTICE TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCES - 8493 ETIWAN DA AVENUE - APN: 229-041-1] KtCUMMtNUAIIUN: It is recommenned coat the t,ty County i deny the appeal and sustain the Notice to Abate issued by the Cade Enforcement Officer. BACKGROUND: [n August 1989, Code Enforcement was requested to investigate property maintenance violations in the Victoria Woods Apartment project located on Eti wa nda Avenue, south of Foothill Boulevard. Citizen complaints received by both Engineering and Planning Divisions reported that the local pedestrian trail along the north boundary was blocked by overgrown vege to lion and debris. An ir•s pec ciao of the site confirmed a lack of ma in tena ore of the trail area along the northern property 6ounda ry. She lack of maintenance and blockage of the trail constituted a hazard to oed es tr is ns util iz ina this area. In addition, six flag pole structures were illegally installed along the Et iwanda Avenue frontage. The flag poles constituted a hazard due to their illegal construction without required permits or approvals, and their proximity to the public right-of-way. ?he trail area is located ful iy within the property 6ounda ries of the Victoria Woods Apartment project. The trail is a part of the original development of the apartment complex, and is within a Dublic access easement. The Basement provides a pedestrian connection between Etiwanda Avenue, a future trail, and a possible park site to be constructed to the east of Lhe project. The appellant claims that their obligation for maintenance of the trait area concluded six 16) months after final approval of the project. ,A,rr on}a tyro ne rnpnr f_y fdn ,,,~infnnanen by the !'!ty AaeS oat aatur automatically. r The trail area must meet specifications far public improvements, and landscaping must be established. The area Is then offered to the City and accepted through a written agreement. Thfs has not been done. Consequently, the Engineering Div isfon has not considered this trail area for City maintenance, and the area has never been annexed into a City operated maintenance district. Unless this occurs, maintenance of the area will continue to be the sole responsibility of the private property owner. I r CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT ORDER TO ABATE May 2, 1990 Page 2 EFFORTS TO DATE: Code Enforcement first notified the property owner in a telephone conversation Oc to6er 2, 1989. The flags were removed following this contact temporarily during the installation of a permanent monument sign, but were replaced upon final approval of that sign by the City. No response was made with regard to the trail maintenance problem. Subsequent personal and telephone contact was made ^th c^p loy2es o - - and the owner's attorney, with no re suits. Un December 7, 1989, a1Wa rn ing Citation was mailed to the prcpe rty owner, by certified mail, with no YPSnnn SP rena rd inn the rnwn .. ;,.t, .;o~~ ~o rrespondence from the attorney for Pa tsc heck/Nackbarth failed to address code violations or to acknowledge their presence. (Copies of the warning ci. to tion and the correspondence are attachedt. On February t5, ~99n, ba cement proceed logs were initiated. Following notification ~to'-a 11~ involved par*_ies by certified mail, a hearing was conducted on March t, +990. Becky Deal, apartment manager, represented Lhe property owners at Lhe hearing. Information provided su poo rted the determination that public nuisances existed on the property which required abatement. A Notice to Abate was issued on March 9, 1990, ordering specific methods of abatement to be completed within ten !101 days. The appeal of the order to abate suspended Code Enforcement action pending a hearing by the City Council. Since the issuance of Lhe Notice to Abate, the property owner has taken some action to correct the nuisance violations. the above ground portion of the flag pole structures have been removed, and iehauii ica cion or cne crate area one landscaping has begun. Preliminary contact has also been made by the appellants with the Engineering Division to int lode the trail area into a City Landscape Maintenance Cistrict. Completion of all work as required by the Notice to Abate has not occurred to date. CONCLUSION: It is staff's opinion that conditions on the property constitute a public nuisance. At the time of the hearing, the nuisances existed as described, and the methods of corrections ordered were the minimum necessary to ensure complete abatement and prevent recurrence. By sustaining tha decision of the Code Enforcement Officer, the continuation of the abatement process will ensure that this matter is concluded in a complete and timely manner. ~ ~ R/.'` c"'ul i" w wit' "' Bra Bul r City nner ~_2~~ BB:RA:mlg Attachments: Notice and Warning of Violation Notice of Hearing nhi te~{rtof Rn~a ~onse/1Ga ry A. Oa pelo zh~~ittAB~ - ~~~eellanp I ~ 9 - i ~ I -I-- CI'!Y OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA I roa oume eo. xl. a.mno eaon,o~y, uuw.m. wm, pul w94Wt January 16, 1990 CERTIFIED iaay Patscheck pi^w_ :, is pa .:ue:,i~ 27285-Las Ramblas Ml]0 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 SUBJECT: 8493 ETIWANDA AVENUE/APN N229-041-i1 Dear Mr, Patscheck: In prior telephone conversa tione, notices given to your employees, and a telephone conversation with your attorney, Gary A. Dapelo, on January 3, 1990, you were requested to voluntarily correct Municipal Codn_ violations. Mr. Dapelo agreed to respond in writing regarding this matter by January B, 1990; however, no response was received. An inspection of the property on January 15, 1990 shows these violations still exist: All property, yards, and buildings shall be maintained in a man- ner which does not detract from the appearance of the immediate neighborhood, Coniinuoua maintenance ie required. Landscaped eivuy lira uer pia pruperay ooundery wlCn oyergroNR, Oea4 ana decaying vegetation and similar conditions must be corrected. (RCMC Section 17,OB.070B) ' All signs or decorations which are not expressly permitted are prohibited. The flags and ISght bulb strings erected et the property are prohibited and reeoval Se required. (RCMC Section 14.16.020) The use of flags ie permitted only Sn conjunction Nith en mp- proved residential eubdlvleion sales office, or a commsrclel or industrial sales or leeeing ottice. The use of the flags must also conform to specific requlrementa. The flogs Sn ass et your location do not meet City requlrementa because an apartment rent- al/leasing office is not permitted to have flags. Removal Of the flag. !e requ~re3. Violation of the Municipal Code is considered a miedemeenor of- fense. Since the violation has not yet been corrected, a Werning Citation (attached) is being Sesued. If compliance hoe not been made by January 30, 1990, the City will have no choice buY to issue you a corn rt appearance Citation. ~~ 6rn.dn..M„ auw. William 6 Ale+ander Charier l flugnrl II dry Mrarryr IAnnif L. Slnul nebnrnh N. Brown P.melr i Wriphl leak ism. AICP Ray Patscheck January 16, 1990 Page Two I urge you to contact me to dSscuse this matter. IP you have ahy questions regarding this second Notice of Violation, the attached Warning Citation, or the requirements of the Municipal Code, please telephone me at (T14) 969-1861. oincereiV, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISS N i~~~~ Richard L. Alcorn Code Enforcement Officer RLA:nas Attachment: Notice and Warning of Violation No. 2303 cc: Gary A. Dapelo, Attorney Good, Wildman, Negnese 6 Walley 5000 Campus Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 IVI NOTICE AND WARNING OF VIOL._ IONISI OF CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIpAI COOE DEPARTMENT Of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ray Patscheck N0. l.i113 Name Address .~~~~~~ itiwanda Ave. Rancho r amonda Your ere hereoy nolllled Met on or aoavt December 7 ,7g, 09 , Iha lollowinp eectlonlet al the gancM Cucamorpe Municlpsl Code were lound In violation: __ni.vrru- rrUVertV ~IdlnLendOCe. Ldnd<fdnPd ~~rrd along north nronerty bounds rv. :1.16.029- prohibited S+^ Fla:; and Ll~ti[L Cnlh strings, !1. H.05U- lice of Flanst AnarUnent rental/ lnasinq office is not permitted to use flans. `Continued violation will result in a Court _ Arpearance Ci Latino, II the elwve vlolatlorNe) of the Ranch Cuamcnpa Municipal Coda are not corrected wllhin 1'1 drys, salon will Mlakan In kswnq OlHCer R. Alrnrn Dete .(4/lE/90 Tole :111n Fnfnrramnnt Ofrr phone .(.jjq.~.~jj. _roct WARNING; Any perwn violating enY of the provisions or failing to comply with my of tha mandatory requin- menes of th< Code [M11 be guiiry cl • misdamearror. Any person cenvieted of < miMememor urlMr Me proeisiom of the Cade, [hall M subprct to < lim not to eACead Ifva hundred dollsn 15600.00), or to imprisonment for a period not to exceed six 161 mpnMe, or to both loch fim eml imprisonment. ISN Oanllllaa Sac. a1.Opg01eXg) of IM RandM Cuumonpa a _~ L O ~ 9 C _ t W C N /^~ Nol'SCE w NP191ING RV IiC177AIIHB T!@ atIS1T2CE w A PUBLIC NUISAt~B AIID ABAI4 ZN 491JL¢ OR IN PARE HOLiQ 1a hereby given the m th Sat day of 1au;dt, 1990, at the lair at u:ao . of acid e.y, th ceae fltrott.®,t drrit:r or th eiey of pettch0 Cucsvga or their duly au[horirM teluvsmWtive will hld a Public Neeriro at Pancho Llaamp City Hall, located at 932C Beee ..ne POad, f/ancM Cucamatya, to ascxrtain thtner certain preelaea aitwted Sn the City of Pancln Curaaaps, Stale of Callfornla, WIwI ctrl daiypeted m: Streci Addteea: Ja93 C115AlAA AVk7eR qpH a229-0a1-11 Cescrlptlm: Parcel located m tee mrtheeat coxrer of ttitnrda Avenue std Arrow Rape crostitutes a Pub11c mifaaice aub~ec< to ateteaent by the tehabilitatim of such ptenlsea Or by eh repair or de:olitlm of bullditpa or sttvctutea Or i,o- ptovaenta situatM thereat. Airy ptvele® or cadltime threw Wrh are foutd, in tFole or in pert, Co ^aut!^,tte a ?lbllc Nofemtcr en 'sfi.~t ,,y ar.i~ H.?3.050 a^L 9.23.~C cf tee Ratr.M LUaavga Mmieipel Code, wM h pttaptlY abated q' ter weer or patron in p®m1m of ouch Pttaisea. If not ptvptly abetad, such tatlasncee may h abated W a:mSeipal authoritlee and LM ratrhiliatim, eepair m dttmolltlm M71 he aaaeeaed t@m stlrh preafa~ Yd auOh rata will a:tetltute a lien upm such lard mail peed. Rr seeped violatiar owrlat of the fol7owiq: 1. SLbatantial latlt of ~1lttatrtlm ar rrpiact of ptepQty slap th tnrtlern ptvperty traadnY W th axletenw of ovarytan, datd or daayinp vepeta- t1m. 2. Iecal feeder trails rltldt an Saprlble ar t9rate bltdad by tw9etatlm std lacklro PrnPer mintatwtce. 3. Stx ~6) !lq pole atructuraa S11e0W1y Strtallad and oartltvtiq a hezaN to padeatrlur. Re aeUtode of abateaant available ue: 3. PeMbilitatlm of th latNacaplq aM cmtiaad ealntanrxv of lattlacepiro slap the tvrttem pxoprty botadary. 2. Aafrbilitatlm of trail/tall area std cantittuad .aittcm.ar to pteuatt blotlapea aM utwfe caditim. 3. Rental Ot six (8) flq poL etrucnaw std Eaadatl0tr. All petaae havlq sty oblactlm to, or intent 1n seed mitten, are hr'a'bY rotltld to acted Bald hsrlro, td:a+ thlr trtfaary std aviaanoa will tr bald erd q1v~ due otaridantlm. Neeriq 0ltScer: R1rlterd L. Alwm, Code Cttorc~K 9uparvleor tAfIC! 239Um AID W1I[Sl: Rte. loth day~+~/ 1 Issued a: wtdria L. AlpOltl Caa. mttnrOr~t apervl.er crn w f7AI1CIU alcAlaaA rudxno olvlnon/Lens mvcAClo~rr 9390 M76 LIti RDAO RAlIL7p CU'M~N011, CALII0191IA 91730 183 n I.AW OFFIC E9 OF „ aAAIR EFO GOOD. WiLnncex. HE6wE99 Ec W~LLEY a q= „ w„, co oo o O p wLC ou 90~9o 5000 CwMPUS ORIVE c ~R~ef c ea yr vcwpos>'~u~~. csutoaxu eseeo c ~ y o.u~w. wl.owAly O UG..A 99 [ „U B F• 1, 955 ~i100 I~!• ~~.1) nEC9[ 4 M1E4 F P e C I O„n A 9T L„.y A LOJi] G aIAOOHA F'3rIN[ • ~Ra ~~O LAS w ViC+E9v _o.a E w.u cr rAn hl•) eaa~oeaa Fnhr~a ~r~ 07 In den yZA FEDERAL EZPRB88 P.i- -- .,orr. Code-Enforcement Supervisor City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division/Code Enforcement 9320 Base Line Road Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Re: 8493 Etiwanda Avenue, APN A229-041-11 Hearing to Date Nuisance March 1, 1990 Time 11.00 a m Dear Mr. Alcorn: The purpose of this letter is to resoond to a Nntino .]f Hearing to Determine the Existence Of Public Nuisance And Abate The Nuisance In whole or In Part which is scheduled for hearing on the above-referenced date. Further, this letter is an attempt to resolve those issues prior to any hearing on the matter due to a serious conflict with both my calendar and the calendar of the owners of the subj sot property which make it virtually impossible £or an authorized representative to attend the hearing presently scheduled. However, the manager of the property, Ms. Rebecca Deal will be available to attend should that need arise. Please notify immediately upon receipt and review of this correapondenca whether indeed such attendance is requested. we will respond to each o! the three alleged violations in the order presented as follows: Allegation No. 1. Substantial lack of maintenance or neglect of property along the northern property boundary by the existence of overgrown, dead or decaying vegetation. Response: According to the conditions of approval the problem at the northern boundary is a result of the cities failure to maintain the pedestrian walkway originally constructed for the benefit of the community to the north at the sole cast of the developers. Said conditions of approval required the developers I S~ ~~ Richard L. Alcorn February 27, 1990 Page 2 to maintain the landscaping along the walkway for a period of six months after the projects final approval. The linal approval oP the project was November 2a, 1988. Therefore our clients agree that the nuisance should indeed be abated. However, the culpable parties, the city itself, is not our clients. We would greatly appreciate year assistance in abasing the nuisance. Allegation No. 2. Local feeder trails which are impassible or unsafe blocked by vegetation and lacking proper maintenance. Response: We would reincorporate by teference the fwets r?ieed in response to violation number i as the same holds true with regard to the local feeder trails. Allegation No. 3. Six (6) flag pol• atructurea illegally installed and constituting a hazard to pedaatriana. Response: It is our client's contention that trio Plaq poles create no hazard whatsoever to padestriane and that no evidence of such hazard exist because these flags era well maintained in the area above the waterfall^ fenced oft from any pedestrian making it virtually impossible Por a pedestrian to be affected in nny way 6y the Plags. In closing, wnlle our chants have indicated that they do not wish to antagonize you any further, it Sa their position that you have by bringing these unjuatitied and unsubstantiated claims attempted to harass or otherwise personally confront our clients without justification. The basis for our cli.nt contention in this regard ie that there were no citations issued, no prior written warnings or notifications sent other than telephone calls, cite visitations by you or your reprasentativaa wherein employees and others were threatened with going to jail if they did not immediately remove the offending slgna without nuthorization form their superior. We trust that our response ko this matter end the lasuas raised will be investigated by you and the hearing will ba taken off calendar indefinitely. Vary truly yours, D, WI , HS SS 4 WALLEY .i A. O GAD/jmm 1 ~~ NOTICE TO ABATE No tic• is hereby given by the Code Ento cement Ctticer at the City of ftanc F.o Cucamonga, or their duly authorized representative, that by virtue of pro cretll ngs under the authority or the Rancho :.u camm:ga Municipal Code Section 4.23.010: YCU ARE HEREBY NOT IPZEp TO ARATR PROM VOUR PRCPRRTY SITUATLp IN THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, sTATL OP GALIFORN IA, KNONN ANp DESIGNATED AS, ^~ ..__. _,._, e.ra eu Wanda Avenue APN m229-OU^I1 Description. Parcel located on the northeast corner of Etlwanda Avenue and Arrow Route where the owner is listed in the County of son Bernardino Assesa or'a/Tax recn M. +e• Patscheck/Nackbarth, A General Part nerahip 27285 Loa Rsablae, Su1[e 110 Mf aefan Vfeio, CA 92691 the PuD31e Nuf aanca(a), aM ut311z1ng the wthad(e) of correc Lion u outlined !n Exhibit A of thU NotSCa to Abate. If said nuiaancee are not abated wlehSn ten X10) days of the date this notice was Sseued, the Cade Lntorceaant Ottlcer may order said conditldna abated by public esployeea, private contractor, cr ocher persons, and the coat of Bald abatement and all directly re- leced inveetlgatlve and edel nlatraiive costa shall be bl lied di ree tly to the property owner or levl ad and uaeasa0 against the property ao a special aoasaurtt lien. AaY appeal trop Lola order moat ba !n wri tf ng and brought within ten (10) days o! the dace of this notice to the CSty Clerk, woo will sec the sane for hearing before the City Council and no tlfy you o[ the data of auto hearing. Failure to abate or to aDPeal within the times allotted may also make you subject to criminal and civil remedies. Your cooparatidn is appreciated, NOTICE I49UZp AND MAI:,=~: This ~9'h_ day o[I/_'~/~RjL~X_/_'___J 1990, Issued 9y: Richard L. Aj Code Lntor<ament Suparvfaor CITY OE RANCXD CUCAMONDA PLANNI Ng p1VI320N/GOOF LN-ORC 6MENT 43T0 BA9L LINE ROAD RANONO CUCAMONOA, CALIPOflNIA 91730 Si/ Notice to Aba ee i8xhlblt A Bt93 eLwanda, RencRO Cucamonga Match 9, 1990 L1®I62T A YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIPIEO TO ABATE FROM VOUR PROPERTY THE PDLLOWING PUBLIC NUISANCE(9~, AND UTILIZING TH888 METH00(S) OP CORRECTION: Vlolatl On: Su hetant Sal lack c! maintenance or negleec oY property along the northern property boundary by cne exist- ence of overgrown, dead or decaying vegetation. lSndingm: She indicated area is located within the property tine hnsnder La ^f •he sab!ecf ~ -v a!-!-^-~ -~• _ is ..a nfn a pedestrian access easement (frail), there is no agree me of on record authorizing or requlrinq the C1fy of Rancho Cucamonga to provide aaintenance. The malntena nee of sand ncaplnq or other improvements located on this private property is the responslDillty at the property atmer. kethod ^! Ccrrr_t!an: Tn. reeovat and oromor eiapoeal ~! the existing overgrown, deaq and decaylnp wgetatlon, and debris. Repair of Srrigatlon system to proper tuncclonlnq. Recondlfioninq of soil and the replacement of plant materlale as Oer the origSnal development landacapinq Dlan. Contlnuaua melnCenanee of plant materials and landscaped areas in a healthy, thrlvf nq condition free of deferloration, weeds and the accumulat!an of deDrls. Violation: Lucel feeder trolls whleh are SmDaemSble ar un- safe, blocked by vegetation and lacking proper uintenance. if nd Sngm: The maintenance of local Peed •r trolls and fa- provements located within eaaeasntc on privaca property is the responnlbility of the pioDerty owner, lNthod o! eorHCtion: Overgrown vega tattoo and debris which is encroachlne enr~ •h. rears .,,.n.,.. .... wt^^~~^.. . shall be removed and dSspoeed of properly. Continuous main- tenance of the trefl area is regal red. VSofatloa: 51x (6) flag po]a structures illegally Snntalled and cone citutlnq a hazard to psdeetrians. l1 Mlnpm: Plaq pole afructuree were Snefal Ld without City al ~:^°n' and without required permits or itu pectin ne. The proximity of the lllegml atructuro and LAe1r open aeceu to the pu bite rlpht-ot-way/public eldew lk tonal ltu cem a hazard to pedwe cr3sns. Method o! eorractlon: The removml oC the six (6) Clap pole et ructuro lnclud Snq the Dolu, bases, tootlnp• and taunda- Uone. '~~ d' ~ o W ~-•~ N ~° u 1 . ~`~ U~ n a ~ 3lbN3Ad i'~ N ~ v m~ ~~~ v~ :,~ M J ~1 J J I n - ~ 0 8N ~ ® ; ~ rv r c is I~~ ~, , y '' ~, ~~~ ~ Z J O h M ~Y/N3AV n 0 U /y~ uNN ~-'i aOCr w z~ N j Jo tl L 6 ~~ ~_ Y !!'11^ p U quo V.;~ ~~e ,~ a y _ ri u v p~ 1 ® FxNIBIT i,R,~ r ~8$ ~W 4 and $ om g~ $ a ~4~ ~qC .~:t a"aa V O $my << Ali o ~~ .,~ ~~ ~ v z D z ti N ~ N H ~ ~ a v z ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ^~ ~ ~ .; ~~~~~~~% CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION ' 8A 4' Z~ a rn ~ z .-. a m ~~ m -i -i~r moo.. D ~ N ~ ~ O Z J~ 3 C71 D ~A 'O ~. S I \I . ITEM: Tl1'LE:_ ~lTt= ~_ N EXFiISTT:~~ SCALE: CITY OF RANCHO C1iCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~ ~_~ ~- ' DATE: May 2, 1990 €-~ -1 .~ ~ T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer I BY: Monte Drescher, Public NorKS Engineer i SUBJECT: Tract 13318, Mayflower-Bayoun, Developers request of April 25, 1990 to accept a cash deposit in lieu of withholding '~, occupancy. I, BACK6ROUMD/ANALYSIS The subject tract is complete except for the establishment period of landscaped areas to be pubtically mafntained. Construction of this development has presented no unusual problems. The landscaping work did not commence until recently and the designated establishment period is 6 months. Staff, pursuant to Resolution No. 88-557, is withholding occupancy on one dwelling until such time the establishment period has been completed. It is aooarent that wi thholdina the dwelli na may exceed what is necessary to meet the intent of the resolution. The developer has proposed to post a cash deposit to insure that the establishment period is completed. The proposed amount appears to be sufficient. The area is Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and contains approximately 7,420 square feet of groundcover area and approximately 24 trees in resident maintained parkways. The current contract for groundcover maintenance is f0.0189 per month per square foot, The current average cost of maintaining new parkway trees is 522,00 a year each. This totals to 5841.43 and 5264.00 or E905.43. Respectful.l:y~}ubmi tted, i ~ iii, i gA r RHM:MP:pam Attachments ~1a~~flower-aayoun REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS Apri' 25, 1990 uAND ^PLIVERED Mayor Der.P.is L. Stout Members Of The City Councel Rancho Cucamonga. Ca. 91729 „__,,, ,y_, nehv,; anama. City Clerk Gentlemen: ~a ce 1 of 2 r~ ` TI ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~. -' ~~ Mayflower-sayoun is the developer of Tract X13318, commonly knowr. as Hermosa Vistas. All the homes in Hermosa Vistas have been sold except one, Lot 18. commonly known ae 10191 Kernwood Court. Although Planning has signed off on Lot 18, Engineering has not, pending completion of the Landscaping Establishment Period required by City Council Reaolutlon ae-nor. In Lne case of Hermosa VSStas, all public improvements and landscaping are now field complete, and the Landscaping Establishment Period has commenced. The undersigned finds itself in a bit of a problem. Thinking that we wculd have completed the Landscaping Establishment Period by new, we entered into a contract to sell Lot 18. we have extended the escrow time after time, and our buyers are becoming quite upset with us and tired of living in rented quarters. We fear that we are going to be sued. What we would like to do is io accomodate both the legitimate expectations o! the City and of our buyers, namely we would like to get our buyers into their home and ensure that the city will be put to no expense during the Landscape Establishment Period. To that end, we propcse iv post a cash bond with the City in the amount of 51,500.00. Our contract with The Landscape Center provides for for 5750.00 to cover both the anticipated monthly maintenance charge for the landscape during the Establishment Period, plus the cost of replacing the pnrceniage of trees and ground cover, etc. likely to fail during the Establishment Period, We have doubled that number to $1500.00 to arrive ai our cash bond offer. Iq- !1!1 ri ILI\1'I1 .\\f'IIUI'. hlllh' Lell • Ih ll ll 'hfl (~l l~ lllllutl}(r 1. 1'..\!117a1) • IT I~Li 4)J~F 11.41e1 mayflower-Bayoun REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS page 2 of 2 We respectfully request the City to allow us to post the said cash Sond and to waive the requirements oP Resolution 88-557, thereby allowing engineering to sign ott on Lot i8. =he City's acceptance of our offer would enable Mr. A Mrs. Lo rg. (ocr bayers) to move into their home and would guarantee the City a satisfactory completion of the ..~..cscapng estaolishment Period for Hermosa Vistas. ?lease contact the undersigned with question or comment. S i~ncetely~ \ i ..ohn Baayoun. Ma}~tlower-Bayour. f 9.~ !)_'1 ii II. I\r'rl .\\r'IIUI•, ~iU llr' I: dl • hill trl trl 1.1 lr ,Irl l(111}~J.. l:~\ 1117:311 • ii131 O-V-1-!13r Mr ~~~(" I . ~ ~"- April 24, 1990 CITY COUYCIL OF RANCHO CUCMIONGA RE: RESOLUTION A 88-557 DEAR 2IE"IBERS: THIS LETTER IS TO REQUEST TO BE ON THE AGENDA OF THE CITY COUNTIL 21EETING PIAY 2, 1990. i~1R. JIPI LONG HAS PURCHASED A HOME AT 10191 KERNWOOD, ALTA LC^IE IN THE HERMOSA VISTA TRACT. ST IS PI5' UNDERSTANDING FROM THE ACENT FOR THE BUILDER THAT HE IS WILLING TO PLACE MONEY IN THE CITY TREASURER FOR THE PURPOSE OF .!A INTAINING THE PLANTS THROUGH THE ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD . CYDER THE ABOVE MENTIONED CIRCUMSTANCES M'E WOULD LIKE A WAIVER ON TIIE F,S T,4 BLISHMENT PERIOD SO THAT THE BUYER MAY CLOSE THE ESCROW ON HIS HOUSE. THAYK 1'OL' FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. SINCERELY, ~ ~ SUE SINGER Iq3 Rff/ ~ 9n-~ smpin 9959 amhlbald, auNe 190 oncho cuumonya, ca111omia 91790 ~n.no~' phone: (71{) 999.5688 i May 2, 1590 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ._. .-, -, u,^`er=_ c` the City Council ant City Manager FROM: Rick Gomez, Community Development Director BY: Jerrv R. Grant. Building Dfficial SUBJECT: RESIDENTIAL AND C01lIERCIAL BUILDING STREET ADDRESSING RECDMMENDAT ION -C coc^MO,yr, ~^ 9 z 1 [ rJ ~' A J t`_ ~ iD 19 i7 i It is recommended that the City Council review the accompanying draft ordinances and provide direction to the staff regarding acceptability of the proposals. If determined to meet the Counci]s desires, we will advertise and schedule hearings as necessary for the ordinance at a future council meeting. BACK6RDUND At the City Council meeting of March 1, the City Council directed staff to prepare ordinance than ge!s) Lhat would improve the visibility of building street addressing thereby improving emergency response and citizen accessibility. Staff was also directed to further investigate and review the potentials of a program of curb house number Painting either through city contract with an independent contractor or through a system of permits to service clubs and/or charitable organizations. gNAI.YSIS Staff has prepared the attached ordinance revising the minimum size of identifying street numbers and adding provisions for erecting street address signs for commercial, industrial and multi-building developments located so as to be vi=_ible from travel lanes of adJ scent streets. Review of the design, inrati n_n anri vivini i;t,v wtm id i,e ai LUilvii5h ed a5 dart of the dcVciv~2iit review process. In regard to the issue of curb painting, staff has contacted several nearby cities that have undertaken programs of house numbering. A number of interesting comments were returned during the data gathering process. of the cities contacted, the majority favored utilization of an outside contractor to perform the project. Repainting of residential properties was accomplished on a two or three year cycle at costs varying from f1.8ti to f2.46 per address, The advantages of using a single firm for the task were the Staff Report: Residential and Ca~rercial Building Street addressing ~Y 2, 199U Page 2 minimal amount of administration necessary, and the ability to control uniformity of the process. The principal disadvantage is the need for allocation of funds to pay the costs. Using a three year cycle, costs would he approximately $30,000 per year for Rancho Cucaman ga. Those cities that are utilizing or have allowed independent or non-profit or na niratinns to solicit work from homeowners related varying criticisms of the methods used in solicitation, disparity in uniformity of numbering, inaccuracy ;n numbering, etc. Others indicated that service clubs seemed disinterested in undertaking the jobs, apparently because of the need of special izeA equi Anent and/or physical abilities in working so close to the ground. The major advantage of allowing independents to do the work is that no direct costs accrue Yo the City. [n as much as there are advantages and disadvantages to each alternative, staff has prepared an ordinance which would allow for either process. The document also provides for standards to be followed by those performing the task which should result in the highest practical degree of uniformity practical. It is anticipated that these standards would be developed by staff in the interim. siRnaRr The accompanying ordinances will revise the street addressing provisions of the Municipal Code consistent with Council direction of March 7th, and also provide for a permit process and standards for curb address painting either by °i t° coctr ac t^r ^• :nde~o„no„t nroansva r.i nn. If either or both ordinances appear satisfactory to the City Council, the staff will schedule them for the action agenda. 19~ ,RAFT Qi~~.~.° ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA ADDING CHAPTER 8.27, ENTITLED "PAINTING OF STREET ADDRESSES ON CURBS", TO TITLE 8 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE. A. Recitals. (i) A uniform method of painting street addressed on curbs is necessary for expedient response by emergency services. (ii) Establishing a permit requirement and development of uniform standards for persons performing such pa ir~ting is an appropriate method of assuring uniformity. (iii) A71 legal prerequisi is to the adoption of this ordinance have occurred. B, Ordinance. NOw, THEREFORE, the City Counr.il of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby find, determine and ordain as follows: SECTION 1; In all respects as set forth in Lhe Recitals, Part A, of this Ordinance. SECTION 2: Title 8 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, entitled "Health and Safety", of the City of Rancho Cucamonga is hereby amended by addition of Chapter 8.27 to read as follows: Cha Dter 8.2) PAINTING OF STREET ADDRESSES ON CDRBS Sections: 8,27.010 Permit Required 8,27.020 Business License Required 8.27.030 Minimum Standards for Curb Numbering $ 27 Leh permir GonniPed Hn narynn; fiPiil, CD'rLardtiGn or partnership sha11~ paint, stenci or otherwise mark upon any curb, street, roadway alley or sidewalk within the City, and house number or address without having first obtained a public works Dermit from the City Engineer or his designee. I~~ Ordinance No. Page 2 8,27,020 Business License Required. Any person, firm, partnership or corporation engaged in the painting of house numbers pr street addresses on any curb within the City for any ren umbe ra tion, whether by donation or otherwise, shall first obtain a business license from the Administrative Services Director or his designee. 8.27.030 Minimum Standards for Curb Numberina. Numbers painted or stencilled on curbs shall be done so in accordance with City standards. Copies pf the standards are to be Drovided tp permitees upon issuance of the SECTION 3: The Mayor shall sign this ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to 6e published within 15 days after its passage at least once in The Da ilv Report, a newspaper of general Circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. PASSED, APPR04ED, and ADOPTED this 2 day of May, 1990 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Dennis L. Stout, Mayor 19? DRAFT 0 N LY ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO LUCAPIONGA AMENDING THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE BY DELETING PORTIONS OF SAN BERNRRDINO COUNTY PROVISIONS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE N0. 17, ENTITLED POSTING OF STREET NUMBERS AND BY ADDING CHAPTER 8,26 ENTITLED "STREET ADDRESS POSTING". TO TITLE 8 OF SAID RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE. A. Recitals. (i) The County of San Bernardino has adopted a uniform system of house numbering for the County and said uniform numbering system has be. en made a p"~ C ,.~ ~,~t ...,,.-ty Ocncra'. Pla,.. (ii) The City of Rancho Cucamonga has continued the County uniform numbering system since incorporation. (iii) It is necessary for the purpose of emergency response to maintain a numbering system that is consistent with other jurisdictions and as free of confusion as possible. (ivj Ali iegai prerequisites to [he adoption of this ordinance have occurred, n~Afn~nn~ NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does he r_by find, determine and ordain as follows: SECTION 1: In ali respects as set forth in the Recitals, Part R, of this Ordinance. SECTION 2; Sections 63.071 through 63.076, inclusive of the San Bernardino County Code adopted by Ordinance No. 17 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga are hereby deleted, SECTION 3: Title 8 of the Rancho fucamonga Municipal Code, entitled "Health an S~", of the City of Rancho Cucamonga is hereby amended by addition of Chapter II.26 to read as follows: Chapter 8.26 STREET ADDRESS POSTING Sections: 8.26,010 Assignment of Street Addresses 8.26.020 Posting Required -98 Ordinance No. Page 2 8.26,030 Size and location of Numbers 8,26.040 Multi-Building Properties 8.26.050 Street Address Numbering Review 8.26.060 Enforcement 8.26.010 Assignment of Street Addresses. Street addresses shali be designated and assigned by the Community Development Department, a designated division thereof or other agency in cooperation with the Conmu nity Development Department. 8.26.020 Posting Required. Street address numbers shall be cons picously posted on each building located in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. E$CEPTI DNS: 1. Buildings accessory to residential buildings. 2. When street address numbers for a single family residence would not be visible from the street due to distance from the street or obstruction, numbers may be posted on a post or other independent structure. Such post or structure mounted numbers shall otherwise meet the requirements of this chapter. Numbers posted on free standing mail boxes, are acceptable under the provisions of this subsection provided no more than cne mailbox is instal', ed at the same location. a ~e nxn Ci>o and Inra Linn of Nnmhers. All street address numbers posted pursuant to Lhis chapter shat meet the following minimum requirements: a. Numbers shall be no less than four (4; inches in height with a corresponding width. h. Numbers and their background colors are to be of significantly contrasting shades. c. Numbers are to be readily visible and readable from the street on which the building or building fronts. d. Numbers painted on curbs are not acceptable as a substitute for the requirements of this chapter. 8.26.040 Multi-Building Properties. Properties developed with more than one main building and where visa bil ity to alt building street numbers from the street is obstructed or is otherwise unreadable, shall, in ~qR ~. Ordinance No. page 3 addition to the numbering for individual buildings, also be provided with independent structures located adjacent to the street frontage upon which the address numbers have been assigned, showing in readily visible fashion, the oeginning and ending numbers assigned to that parcel. Mhere numbers are assigned on more than one street frontage, such independent structures shall be provided on each frontage. 8.26.050 Street Address Numbering _Re view. For other than single family residential properties, location, size, contrast, visibility and mnnnt inn_ of cir"nt nAdnn« n.nn~.n-. in. n _ -~..i, .~ .,s ~,... .. ,..a , part of review under the "Land Developmen tV Review" process of Chapter 17.06 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. 8.26.060 Enforcement. The Fire Chief of the Rancho Cucamonga .. .~ ..~ ~ Gr C.._. _ _. _.. _. .. _... _.~ _ ~ _ ..~..u ._..... provisions of~thi s~cha pte r. - SECTION 4: The Mayor shall sign this ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within 15 days after its passage at least once in The Daily Report, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. pASSE"u, AppRDV'cD, and ADOpTEO this 2 day of May, 1990 AYES: NOES: A6SENT: Dennis L. Stout, Mayor .~ (~(~ DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 2, 1990 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GUCAMp ~9 ~' ~ r z J O'i. VO Fi ~ j'Z iD 19ii ~~ Mayor, Members of City Council and Clty Manager Joe Schultz, Com~un±ty Services Earager "3-Ej4k9RARY VARIANCE OF THE SPORT FIELD LIGHT POLICY FOR THE DATES OF JULY 8-20. 1990 To approve the temporary variance of the sports field light curfew policy at Red Hill Citrus Little League senior field (northwest corner) for the dates of July 8-20, 1990. The current sports field light policy curfew is 10:00 p.m. The citrus Little League requests a temporary variance of the 10:00 p.m. baseball field light curfew so that they can host the District 21 Senior League All-Star Tournament. A similar variance was granted to Citrus Little League two years ago by the City Council. ANALYSIS This variance will apply only to the 90-foot base path field located at the northwest end of Rad Hill Park. The variance requested ie as follows: 1) 12:00 (midnight) curfew from Sunday, July 8 through Saturday, July 14. `~j j7n lighting +^eguired -.. c,_nday~ .z„1y /5. 3) 12:00 (midnight) curfew from Monday, July lb through Friday, July 20. 4) Thia variance will apply only to the 90-Loot baaa path field located at the northwest and of Red Hill Perk. !~ TEMPORARY VARIANCE OF SPORT FIELD LIGHT POLICY May 2, 1990 Page 2 So~RY As mentioned above, this variance was granted to Citrus Little League two years ago so that they could ..*.os*_ the ^!_t"ict 91 senicr :.eagae Aii-Star Tournanant. Staff recommends this variance be granted again in 1990. Respectfully submitted, l~ ilY J sc ultz Community s ces Manager JS/kls Attachment .a Da' ATV OF (;~. G , P.O. Box 533 APP. 1~ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 N o,q,n,lldZ)i)`~13+~ April 11, 1990 Mr. Dennis Stout, Mayor icy ox rtancno uucanonga 9320 Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 R8: TEMPORARY VARIARC6 08 TR8 8I8LD LIDBT CCRPSW Dear Mayor Stout, CStrue LSttle League would like request a temporary variance of the 10:00 P.M. baseball Pield light curfew for the dates of July 09 through July 20. This request Se being made so that Citrus Little League can hoot the Dietriet 21 Senlor League all-afar tournament. Diet rlct 21 boundaries are from Rialto to Rancho Cucamonga along the Interstate 10 corridor. We feel that hosting this tournament Se a greet opportunity to show our neighboring communities the Pine public faeilitiee that are afforded the youth sports organizations by the City of Rsncho Cucamonga. Please note that hooting these types o! tournaments are at beet a "break even" moneiary activity for our league and Ss not looked nnnn ac r hmd nw Llnn w.nt by rltnn. The variance requested Se ae lollowe: I) 12:00 curfew from Sunday July 08 through Saturday July 1/ 2) No Lighting required on Sunday July 13 3) 12:00 curlew from Monday July i6 through 8riday July 20 4) Thie variance will apply only to the 90 foot baeepmth field located at the north end of Red Rill Park (CStrue Senlor League FSeld). We are forwarding this request to you upon the recouendation of Mr. Joe Shoulte. Please advise us of any requirements that we must meet or actions thwt are required of us to aid the vsrlance granting process. Aa always, please call me should you hays ar.Y questions ar require aeeistence in this matte!. Sincerely, (/C/ImT/R/~Uf~S~`L S t t le/~/~L,eya~^g/ue Boyd` P. K~~Preeident 7976 Layton St. Rancho Cueemongs, CA 91730 n O 1 home phone: (731) 9{• - 9716 d _7 work phone: (213) 260 - 1770 or (7111 625 - {721 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Diane O'N881 Admin tat rat ive Analyst SVBJECT: PAOP086D HATER CONSERVATION RESOLUTION PROM CHINO &18IN MUNICIPAL RATER DISTRICT RECOq¢NDATYON IT IS RECOMMENDBD THB CITY COUNCIL REFER THS DRAFT WATER CONSERVATION RESOLUTION TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMNISSION POR REVIEW AND SUBSEQUENT RECOMlgNDATIONS FOR THE COUNCIL'S CONSIDERATION. BACROROVND The City received the attached request from the Chino Basin Municipal Hater District to adopt a water coneervat ion resolution. Water coneervat ion ie not new to the City. Recently, the City adopted a xeriscape ordinance and has supported the of torte of the Cucamonga County Water District to achieve voluntary water coneervat ion in the past. The issue of water coneervat ion Ealle within the purview of the City's new Environmental Management Commleeicn, and it is recommended the Commission be allowed to review the Diet rict •e request to adopt the attached water conservation reeolut ion and make n recommentlatlon to the City Council. Ree etfully submitted, ~,~..- G` r~/~ Diane O'Neal Adminietrativo Ane lyet DO:ked D\225 ~w April 12, 1990 ;y ~~d ~ I; ~ :~=C.' CHINO BASIN MUNICIPAL "" ~ ,; `N ATE 4 ° 4rn,n,:y711~, D I S T R I C T '{r. ~anr TAm rv c unee ,,, ~~ e City Manager *e~ecovicR •n., sea evoz City of Rancho Cucamonga r!+o MASS MDMAN GENEPgI MA NPGEN Post Office Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91729-0807 SnbieCt: Chino Ae sin /AWD RaaM ..H nn nn_q_, r__-..~-- Adoption oP Conservation Ordinance This letter sarvea to transmit for your review, Resolution 90-4-1 adopted by the Chino Basin Municipal l7eter District Soard of Directors. This Resolution recognizes that Calitornia is entering a forth consecutive year of below normal precipitation and pro er management of the local groundwater supply, as supplemented pby impcrted supplies, mandates that appropriate water conservation measures be undertaken to protect and conserve these supplies. Resolution 90-4-i seta forth water conservation activities that can be undertaken to accomplish these goals. Chino Basin MWD ie urging the County, Cities and water supply agencies wicnin its service area to adopt a conservation ordinance designed to mitigate the effects oP the continuing drought during Calendar Year 1990. Your support in this regard is appreciated. eIs Office Manager Sinc Don ~d et Yjb Encl. CONSERVE OS 8555 ARCHIBAID AVENUE ~ Po9T OFFICE BOM 897 ~ RANCHO CUGIMONGA, CAUfORN1A 91119 DWIOM 1. IIa1M 01090! A M'MM N)IIN L ANp1~fON e)WMD A OIWD ANNI W. Dlp/lllla h111/wM VlolrwNlnl MuN~llinwinw Am. 7RIINrII!nawa , RESOLUTION NO. 90-4-1 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CHINO HASIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, URGING ADOPTION OF CONSERVATION ORDINANCES TO MITIGATE THE EFFECTS OF THE 1990 CALIFORNIA DROUGHT WHEREAS, California is entering a forth consecutive year of below normal precipitation; and WHEREAS, precipitation for the current water year has been °^_b_t_^ti,~~y *~~^~+ normal in the watersheds of the imported water supplies serving Southern California, and many communities in cne State will suffer water shortages; and WHEREAS, precipitation in Southern California hoe also been below average and many local groundwater basins are being overdrafted; and WHEREAS, the chino Groundwater Basin supplies a substantial amount of the water used in West San Bernardino County but is dependent upon supplemental supplies imported from the State Water Project to meet all of the water demands in the "West End"; and WHEREAS, the proper management of the local groundwater supply, as "YY~ "Y~ wtu conservation measures be undertaken to _protect--and conserve these supplies; and WHEREAS, to accomplish these goals, water conservation activities that can be undertaken include: reduction of water use, low water use landscape design, wastewater reclamation and reuse, development of conjunctive use programs, and protection of the quality of groundwater supplies. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of chino Basin Hunicipal Water District urge all local county, cities, and other local entities in its service area to adopt a Conservation Ordinance designed to mitigate the effects cf the continuing drought during calendar year 1990; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the conservation ordinance herein solicited incorporates those conservation measures referenced above and as necessary the local water agencies cooperatively coordinate these ePfc-ts to maximize the beneficial utilization o! available supplies; and ~.. a b(r BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the resolution adopted by the MWD be incorporated herein as Exhibit "A^ to reinforce the need for all Southern California water supply agencies to partic ipata in this endeavor; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, tY.at a copy of this Resolution be sent to the governing body and Chief Executive officer of the County, City, and water supply agencies within Chino Basin Municipal water District's Service Area. .,....~.~.~ .....- ?rh_ _- .__'i loon. ATTEST: iSecretary of Chino Basin Municipal water District and the Board of Directors thereof (SEAL) Pr s fl nt Chino Basin M~~nirj`nal t~T uiSu icc ana the Board of Directors thereof a~7 CITY OF RANCHO CIJCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ORTE: April 27, 1990 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Rick Gomez, Community Development Director i ~~~~~C~. ~Jhaiucnni ron yr ntJULiJIlUNS SUPPORTING THE PASSAGE OF PROPOSITIONS 108, 111 8 116 Per your direction, the following resolutions supporting the passage for ~~JpvS~t~Ji~ u`. c ru6SCiijcr ndii diiU ~iemt Mil' oond I1C$ Oi lY`!U, Proposition lll,~the Traffic Congestion Relief and Spending Limitation Act of 1990, and Proposition 116, the Rafl Transportation Bond Act, are attached for your consideration. Information from SANBAG regarding these propositions is also attached for your information in considering these propositions. ty D~4elopment Director RPR 26 '90 69(]8 Sp1aRG 714-(385-4487 tj1QP.2/7 ~~~ 9'++Ui6 The San Bemer"o County 1Yaneporietion Canmiaeiat SAN BERNARDINO ASSOCIATED (iOYERNMENTS A PLANNING COUNCIL OF COOPERATING INTERACTIVE GWERNMENTB 444 North Arrowhead Avenue, 9ulte 101 San Bernardira, CalNornia 62401 (714) 884.8278 '^~"'"^ e m o FAX (714) 886.4407 Data: April 12, 1990 To: Mayors SANBAG Representatives City Clerks City Managers Arom: Wesley C. McDaniel, Executive Director 9ub3aot: A~~olution o! support !or propositions 108, 111 and 116 As you may know, SANHAG has endorsed these measures aiready. The campaign groups for these propositions ere eeking that we seek individual city endorsement ae well. Would you please place this matter before your Council .. ~,..ay~..y o N..a.~.,,., .~. o ~,.r.r...... ,. , covering propositions 111 nndy108,vand the County's4reaolution on proposition 116 are attachedr which could be modified to suit your purposes, please send a copy of your resolution oP support of Propositions 111 and 108 to: Me. Gillian Friedman Yea on 111 and 100 11400 West Olympic Boulevard, Suite 278 Loa Angeles, CA 90064 Please send your Proposition 116 resolution to: Mr. Jim Knox Trareportetion Director The Planning and Conservation League 909 12th Street, Suite 203 Sacramento, CA 95614 please call Mr. Czic Haley of our staff if you have questions, CL-90-280 ~~~ - ..:.. _ ;1 A?R zs '90 09~ 11 SgNBAG 7 ~4-M UT[B OP TMB BOAgp CF rPERV180RB P' 4i -- OF BAN BHRNAROINO COUNTY; CALIPORN!A iegislatian-St+~tt March 26, 1990 FROM: BARRY 11A6KER Caunty Supervleor, Fourth Dtatrlct SueJlCT: PROPOSITION 116--Tha Retl 7renaportetlon Bond Ac} RECCMMtN0ATI0N: Support PrOpea1t10n 138 beCWae 1t will prOVlde funds for the San Bernerdlno•Las Anpelea and Sen Bernnrdlno- Rivereida-Oranpa County rats eorrldors and other ra11 pro3acta. BACKOROUNO: Proposition 116 on the June B, 1990 ballot, identlfted ea the Rall Tranaportatlon Bond Aot, 1s tha Clean A1r Tranaportstton Impprovement Aot of 1990. The Act, if epprowd AyY Csllfornle vohra, w111 provide slmoat 33.99 b1111on statewide for pro~scta mostly bagd on par capita nud, TM funds aN psnsrslly spaNtbd for 11oht ra11s commuter rN1s in}eroity rNtl ecqulH tioa of rlyht•of•waya 1acOmotlves; a rs; equlpmenti track improvements; end other capital improwmsnta. A sum of SiY7 m1111on of the bond troceedl U earmarked for two commuter rail pro~scta directly aftecttnp the rvsidenN of San Bsrnerdlno Countyy. Thais pro,lects••ths San Bernardlno•los Anpeiss rs11 eorrldor and Sen Bernardlno•Rlwrsida-Oranpa County rNt eorrldor will each pat ~9B m1111on and 419 m1111on reepeetlvely. Ot Lhasa two elloeeNona, f61 m1111on to axpeeted to be 'spent on those pportlans of the pro~eots which are located 1nslda the County of San Bernardino. Addlttonelly, 5100 m1111on w111 ba evslleble to local apenela and Cai Trem on a competltlw basis for whale pools and t20 m1111on to locai ageoNas for capital outiey bleycla tonanuter pro~scta. ~ t"r __ Pe9a 1 of 2 Reaolutia~ tio. 90-110 oor gupur,3wr wallcrt Aouan ~t;IMd MMa BupervGora ~ crnxr+t Aal. (11 ~~.~~~ a Of 6UpE ~ Ii/fyy' rA ~tos APP RC~i t~ NVOIiOR~ iw MOTION ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ . ~ ~A 0 ,. ; lAI1L6NB~A'~~G'~ ~I~p 71~b~~. D 1 .p ; ~ A d c o ' ~ 09: St1 SRN6RG X714-~5-440' • •"~ ..... . - . P. S/7 :,~ , w ~, •. FROM: LARRY HACKER SUBJECT: PROPOSITION 316--The Ra11 Trnnsportatlon Rond Act March 26, 1880 Pspa 2 If the two ra11 proJlcts are bu11t, teas anlrgy wi11 be used in transportattoni mon tramp ortattan opCCOrtuMtlu w111 become era table to those who cannot drlvli theta w111 b1 tus eonpestton on the overcrowded !neweyl to and from Los Anpetaa, Rlvarslde and Oransae County tocationei and the 0lpradation of air qu111ty will 61 ncuced. This bond mlaeun U campatlbte with the oehlr transportation related proposltlons that have been piaold on th1 Juna 6, 1900 ballot. It also provldaa for na7locetidn of funoe to Dro~ecta -lonp tM desiSnated corridors 'riith app:•cva ^! eeetteable e encleai however, it provides for prohlbliiny the . divlrnlan of tnnalt !undo to other non•nleted purpoan. The San 8lrnardtno 9asociatlon of 6onrnminte is on ncord a aupporHnd thU propoaltton alnce 1111 of ISBS. .c3 ~+ '=CC ~1 O y,r ~ o y H = Opp ++ O C. C ~, ~ E .yr °~ ° ~ L H ~ W . _ 1~.. T O. ~ 6 ~ O '0 r E c S F r .° " s ~ o E~ ?~ ~ c 9 G.Fv n .^~ v j O " C v n o0 ~ G C ,. .,-~ c Vic. ~ it ~~d E ~ i'E 'nr"c ? on '~-- Eac ~v Ey cH ~.~s a^ ~ ~3 ~r>v° ~V o `°4 z _ o ~ o~ `o E ~' o w E m 3r iii oE'~~ o ~:= =&~'v °O "c ~._ F-2 ~~,Eo~ ~~, v ~,o .cis EA cc ~ c'ov-a cu?c'~c`'o" N 3°9 v•=N m~,a cyy L E C L i W 0.M > i 'O C = i~ C~ ti >`,Q d ~..C a G ti G _ i' 4 v .. E r/. tCi P. ~.~ 'C - ""J ~ w N. <~ 3 r Y ~ c V V~ "' ~E~S ~, C e 4 m r v ~ xf O 3 J w q C H ~ 0 .c ly°. ~ 3 F EO L 'O .• ~. ~ d G N ti s v A } C C O m w '~ .9 C r n .. ~~ G~ _~~' c ~ ~ C _~ Y, L '- S '1 y ~n Ct ~ 'c s c 6 ~ - _ F'+ s`~ ~ a v y g s a ~i'O e ~ g ~ ~: o 3 v u C # '• 3^ E E $.. ~ E ~ a ~. ~ _ z` N o ~ c `'~-'~'v ~ oC K Yu4" X C .'~. 'y `~. tai '~ P.'q VCOZ g~g'~+_'. a ~ ~ r ~ a a F C C ~' V O ~ ~ N _a C~ ~ C ~_ ~ S a. L_ '~ a L S J .3 N •~ ~~ r n tl~ Tl !6u- i s Y- o en C i- •; ~F a ~ o ~ ~ v `w o i n k° N~ Q `o ~ N ai °sy. ~ .= v. ~ p `'C Q y u V .C 3 !° u e'`+ 3 ~no e, a Z e ~ S.E ,`s ~ '~', c 5 v o -' g E°s°sQOVOG° '.~ .L. v dy '3 pC - Fi E ' E e `o s^ c E e y~ . F [Oc `~ e ~ tar v a T A v i 7 ac c .? .c ~~~ >~ a-Um G 2 E 3 Es _ 6o°cn E~ ~~~_r •r ~, c E & . m i ~YE~3 v~y - V~..~QO ~m~ ;.ate zc~ ~ v, C ~ ~ >• r m C C ."i. '6 G 0. rt i y G 'J rJ. ~ a. ry C .^ ~ ~ ^J - ~ a O E U E ~F ~ G E ~ ~M~ q Cj '•C-. P y 'GJ.J L ? J O "O' C i '° j X E . o c '> ma y' `o ~ a c a d ~ P 3 0 s =' L ~ F=9o oc~o ~ ~'~ c~ z , c_ . E . c _ a i ~ ~ n. ° ~ .. ~ c~ c o. . E ~ E 6 N ' ~ ,. .G i :n ~ C F- F- ~ z d~ G E; ~ 3 c ~ ~ v c G r. r . c o' ~- o _ c ,. r r c : ~ 3 0 r v , = ~ y p °' ~° ~ c E E J J] _-. ~ ~ A. F y ] ~ _ G + C E E '. y ~ ~ o° c cs .. .: r_'.. 4 ~ ~E '-' a~._ y ' ,s c v a y ~ .a 3 ~ E m ' o T ~' t0 V .~ ~~ ti N : c r C~ ~ E ~ j G C O V _ - . .. 'n Q~ F 7 O L O S OO V ~ O C 'O .X C C {I7 L ' E ~ ~ 'd .~ O C ti G v% t ~ y r ~ ~ 9 G C C rv . G ,m=~ r ~ GE Swi q.n ?_ E v, ~w u ~» G v a : ~- p z > _ ~ ~ o _ s G C F~ C O • ti G 2 .~ F fi '( il~ ~i W H m~~° x 3 ~n .V"j ,j ~ 4i 7C ° ~ ~ O '~ G H L u rl ~ ` ;' ~ b C ~E y~= 3 y Q ~ y N 1 - M ~' ~ ~ .-L~a G'... "^~J j.~F?J_ 'JO OOY~ Vp I~ ~~'0q ' N » C o o a d O v ~i '• ~ ~ Q om' y F .h ~ v O v i ~. °' v i 61 :.'C'E=a>, W'i~o=eo o.': voc E ' ~v'-c. o a'~a`c` ~i ~ E33z c ti:a m~' ~" ~ "'> ~ '~ o v 4 ~ o o yy~~ ~ V,,CCV C~ yy F C O ? '_ &' c t - y 00'~ ~.~ " c " c~~ O ~ v F 5 0 L ° ~ ~ u d v _ ~ ° c c ~ p p ~_ p~ y ~i WG ~ O~ q ~ N O CG .% ~ L ~ 5 ~ m N v_i ^ M ~"' ~ F"i G ~~ G H T C O C O~ S~ y ~S 1 E O N n^ ' o K o pp C C C ~ a ~. ~ m A 0. ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 Y $ ~ ° g ~ o o £ s E c m ~ ~ .y .~ .8 .~ G ? A .Z o ^ ' ` a a ' ~ ' w E x ~ m° oo b a .c $ . . U c o ~ 1° b ° A o ' ~ "' ' v $ . . ~ . oE c °c: v::~C . H G :C C y A ~ G c^^ c L ~J' v o0 r ry .F ~i C~ 0 y~ G Q ~ ' 0 " L y .{ 0 0 b N~ ~ , ~ ~~ j m q 't ... ~ NpNp q n C ~ ~ O' 0.9 G 0 v G ~~ 4~ G v E' v m m O G N N q .~ N 9 ~ . 'y N p ~ ~ `] ~ 3 L L OD ''.. 9 ' v U C T N MM N .p G. O O F q p C __ G. 0 0 , E A in L ~ • v Fc F m Z e O~ d G 0.L ~a GLr RESOLUTION N0. O ~ ~ -! A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCRMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING PROPOS iT ION 116, THE RAIL TRRNSPORTRTI ON BONG ACT. WHEREAS, Proposition 116, the Rail Transportation Bond Act, would provide $1.99 billion to improve and expand intercity, commuter and li oht rail ~. auoi2 vin ou yiw u, ~ai~rorm a; ana WHEREAS, Proposition 116 is compatible and consistent with the other transportation measures on the ,tune 5, 1990 ballot, and thereby will result in implementation of part of an overall transportation plan which will provide better transportation and cleaner air for all Californians; and WHEREAS, Proposition 116 provides that $98 million shall be allocated for the San Bernardino-Los Angeles rail corridor For expenditure for commuter rail; and WHEREAS, Proposition 116 provides that $79 million shall be allocated for the San Bernardino-Riverside-Orange County rail corridor for expenditure for ca^nu ter rail; WHEREAS, Proposition 116 provides that $20 million shall be altoca ted w vr0 u'ra~.. .:f .., oti ti ,,. ra elq M lnrat anri ec R:r .ai mrri~~ Fnr uhiryrle imnrnvNmonim^nrnior tc ^whirh imnrnyn cafc_t_y anA rpnvc nionro Fnr bicycle commuters; WHEREAS, Proposition 116 provides that $100 million shall be allocated to fund a competitive program for the acquisition of specified t~nmuter and intercity rail car and locomotive without the requirement of any matching funds; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga believes that rail transportation results in less energy use, more transportation opportunities for those who cannot drive, less congestion on already overcrowded streets and highways, and cleaner air; and NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does herabv rE iJiVe the SJGau PL i,f Lhe na Ica ne of ern nn citinn iin nn the .iune G 1990 ballot. ~r~{ RESOLUTION N0. "/~' ~ ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING PROPOSITION 111, THE TRAFFIC CONGESTION RELIEF AND SPENDING LIMITATION ACT OF 1990 AND PROPOSITION 108, THE PASSENGER RAIL AND CLEAN AIR BOND ACT OF 1990. nn EHLHJ, the state of California faces monumental challenges--meeting dramatically increased !aw enforcement and public safety needs, addressing spiraling health care costs, co pi no with unprecedented population growth, managing traffic congestion and teaching our children the skills necessary to compete in the modern workforce, and WHEREAS, Proposition 111 would alter the gover ninent spending limit Lo allow state and local governments greater flexibility in making use of already collected tax dollars generated by California's strong economy to address these needs; and WHEREAS, it would allow the state to increase user fees -- a 5-cent per-gallon fuel tax increase Lhis year and an additional 1 cent for each of the next four years to provide increased funding for maintenance and impro vemenL of highway and Lra nsit projects without reducing funds for other tri ti cal programs; and WHEREAS. hasi r. fundi nn mra re ntcec nrnvided to nn hlir crhnnlc nn •ho November 1988 ballot are retained; and WHEREAS, without a change in the government spending limit, it will be impossible to maintain the generally high level of education, transportation, health services, law enforcement, senior programs and other vital services to the residents of California; and WHEREAS, Propositions 111 and 108 are supported by a broad coalition including League of California Cities, County Supervisors Association of California, California Association of Highway Pa trnl men, California Taxpayers Association, League of Women Voters of California, California Chamber of Commerce, RARP (American Association of Retired Pers mrs ), State Leyi slative Committee, California Teachers Association, California Association of Hospitals and Health Systems, California Police Chiefs Association, California $td tli AUtGdiebiie As ii,i Teti un, Caiifnrnia i,npnrii of Pniira and Churiffa California School Boards Association, California Senior Legislature, California Transit Association, Californians for Higher Education, Californians for Better Transportation, State Building and Construction Trades Council of California,~and many others; and WHEREAS, reduction in the state's traffic congestion will require substantial investments in alternative methods of transportation in the expansion and construction of transit facilities. The June 1990 ballot also contains a E1 billion general obligation bond for urban, conmtu ter and ass Resolution No. intercity rail projects -- including BART, M,etroRail in Los Angeles and urban light rail to address this need. NOW, THEREfBRE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve the support of the passage of Proposition 111, the Traffic Relief and Spending Lirtii tation Act of 1990 and Proposition IoB, the Passenger Rail and Clean Air amid Act of i990 on the June b, i95o ballot. ~~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: May 2, 1990 ' T0: Member f jhe City Council A,,,,' FROM: Dennis ut and Chuck Bu~!ver, Co ~nc;l cobco,.,~;ttee cn Et iwa nda North SUBJECT: ETIWANDA NORTN ANNEXATION AND SPECIFIC PLAN STRATEGY - REPORT OF THE SUBCOMMITTEE R ECOHMENDATION Affirm direr Lion of the Subcommittee directing staff to take a strong position in support of the City's General Plan and development standards in the Etiwanda North area. Also, direct staff to work with the County to achieve planning results which will mutually benefit the County and the City. Further, direct staff to continue actions leading Lo annexation of the Etiwa nda North area. Finally, affirm Subcommittee communication of April 6, 1990, to the Conso rtiunl as follows: The City will not annex territory which has processed tract maps through the County. ThP. ri tv will lit: e~.. !~ lx.. -- -~~~~~ yvm iuia w en r0 rCe Lne City's General Plan and City standards. The City will not participate in infrastructure finance plans for development in the County. BACKGROURO Since December 1988 City staff has been negotiating to annex approximately 5,600 acres of territory generally located north of 24th Street and east of the extension of Milliken Avenue. On November 15, 1999, the City Council discussed the City's intention to annex the Etiwa nda North area. On November 29, 1989, the City Council passed Resolution 89-6fi8, requesting the support of the San Bernardino ~neniy Board cf 5Jp2r''v i53 rs Peintlva to i_ity ar!i~r `+ tv unnax the Etiwa nda North Sphere-of-Influence area. The BOS received and filed the Resolution without comment. On February 1, 1990, the City Cnuncil asked Mayor Stout and Councilman Buquet to serve on a Council Subcommittee on Etiwanda North Annexation Strategy. MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL ETIWANDA NORTH ANNE%ATION AND 57ECIFIC PLAN STRATEGY May 2, 1990 Page 2 On February 27, 1990, the Subcommittee met with staff to discuss the Specific Plan and annexation strategy. On April 6, 1990, the Subcommittee met with Supervisor Jon Mikels to discuss po tentiai future uses of County Flood Control District property in the Etiwanda North area. Supervisor Mikels expressed support for planning in Lhe Sphere area which will mutually benefit the County and the City. S••b scqucot'.y Ap- 19, ,990, ity 7lann utg Staff, County -r is nning Staff, and County Flood Control District staff met to discuss the future nc~= of r„„„to flood Control District (CFCD) DroDer Ly. CFCD staff indicated that when CFCD property becomes surplus, they will seek development consistent with the City'S General Plan designs do r,s and with surrounding development. At this time CFCD is reviewing their property in the City's Sphere-o f-Influence to determine when and how much will become surplus property. (Also, CFCD is preparing a feasibility study for =-: clcp-c ~- ~ D p~~r=~t.r >ouih ur ueer Creex oebrfs basin and north of Haven Avenues This property is west of the Etiwanda North area.) In the meantime, at the monthly meeting of the Consortium of Landowners held on April 4, 1990, a consensus vote was taken to process applications in the County. The Consortium's stated reason was that processing in the City was stalled. On April 24, 1990, Joe Dilorio submitted a revised plan of development for the University/Crest project to t',,e rounty, thereby reactivating the County aoplica Lion. ANALYSIS/DISCUSSION Toe Ci,.y's yoai muse oe to ac m eve aevelopment to the Sphere-o f-influence which is consiste r.t with the City's General Plan and with City standards. Annexation of territory is Lhe most direct means to retain control of the planning process. Therefore, efforts to annex territory should be diligently pursued. Toward that goal the City Council can adopt Re solu ticns of Intent to Annex at the May lfi, ]990, City Council Mee *_ing. Pre-zoning is required prior to annexation. The Etiwanda North Specific Plan would provide pre-zoning. The most comprehensive approach to development in the Sphere to rrito ry can be achieved by staff's revision of the Etiwanda North Specific Plan to bring it into consistency with City standards. The Specific Plan EIR is nearly complete and expected to begin a 43-day review period about June 15, 1990. The critical oath for the EIR is ..O,";p l2tioli vi uia bi ty'$ GfaVl ly MVd CI Tra fflC ~tUdy. Finally, it is obvious that to achieve the City's planning goals, City/County cooperation is requf red. Therefore, the City must continue to work with the County to he sure that development which occurs will mutually benefit the City and the County. ~'$ MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL ET INANUA NORTH luNNEXATION AND SPECIFIC PLAN STRATEGY May 2, 1990 Page 3 CONCLUSION By minute action the Council should affirm the annexation strategy guidelines developed by the Scbcomnittee as follows: - Affirm the message given to Etiwa nda North landowners and developers: * The City wilt not annex territory which has processed tract maps ±hrouah the Count v. * The City will litigate to the maximum extent possible to enforce the City's General Plan and City standards. ...- .a .,, n... n... ym ...e .y.. ~. ... ,..,. _--...--_.- ....~..,... r.-..- .r. development in the County. - Direct staff to continue to work with the County to ensure that development which occurs is mutually beneficial to the City and the County. - Direct staff to bring separate Resolutions of Intent to Annex sphere territory and to Annex the Eti wa nda North area to the May 16, 1990, City Council Meeting. - Direct staff to revise the Etiwanda North Specific Plan to conform to City standards in preparation for adoption as pre-zoning of the C.4..._ a -,...~.. .~.. .:.-. J. - Direct staff Lo complete and circulate the draft EIR for the Etiwanda North Specific Plan. DSJCB:gs ~i9 ?k~Y - :'_ !~a] ,t4 :?CM1 Cf+P~ry rOh~Fw,P -0 -' c'~- RTINANDA NORTH LANDOMNERS CONSORTIUM as The Caryn Company Rxi Offlce Box 216.80. (~gane. G 926<-"i-02i6 otfxe (Ira) aas-s~ rat [<u) a99st rs may z,ISSo City- Council Memners City of Rancho Cucamonga ?. 0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91729 Re: Etiwanda North St. stagy Deer Gentle People: The following is the response of the Etiwanda North Landowners Consortium to the City Council's Subcommittee report on the Etiwanda North annexation. The Consortium wishes to remain cooperative with the City's efforts while developing our properties with the rights given to us by the County's Generai Plen. It is our desire to produce a community that sets the highest overall standards for design, social and fiscal responsibility to the community. In that light, we suggest that in considering the Subcommittee's report the following items be brought forth: 1. It may not be In the City's best interests to refuse to annex properties in the Tuture. 2. It probably would be non-productive to litigate to enforce a set of standards that may be intunally inconsistent, out [t should ba vary productive for the City and County Sts!! to work cooperatively on the development of Etiwanda North. Annexa- tion must t:o a cooperative effort to be successful, now or in the future. h'e again nfter to cooperate ir: satisfying goals of the City and the County while respecting the landowners' rights, we suggest that a review by the Subcommitte Jointly with Staff and Consortium representatives be held so that the various issues may be addressed in the proper form. i'nenk you for your wiiiingneaa to itlke iatu tlccOiri,i tnd faalJ:~a of t.ie paopla mbbt atf22tad by your actions. Yours truly,,//~//(1 r~ c3~~'G Ca " ••~ ~ ph N. DHOrio, for the Etiwanda North Landowners Confortfum JND/Jas ETl-YANDA NOATfi LANDOWNERS CONSORTIDM Ito The Ceryn Company LL~st O/Ixxclbx 2f6. ~. Dune. G 98677-0216 Of9ce (<14) 499-5929 Fi1X (714) 499-5t73 May 2, 1990 M1ir. Brad Buller, City Planner City of P.anc.`.o Cucamo.~a P. O. Box 807 ......~~C CC„C.._ .o_, re1.Y _...._ n..__ Re: E:iwenda North Specific Plan/EIR Processing Status Dear Brad: Thank you for your letter oC April 20 and our subsequent conversation. I think we agree there has been a lack of communication between the Consortium and the City regerdltg objectives. Ropefully es the process continues between the City, County end Consortium, the objectives will become more clear and compatible. You indicated inconsistencies e~dat between the Specific Plan, the EIR end Tract Maps and the City's General Plan and Development Code. [ am aware of very few meaningfW inconsistencies and those seem to be caused by conflicts between the City's various standards end dr~ires. You feel "these inconsistencies indicate that under the densities prapoaad by the Consortium; City standards cannot be met". [suggest the standards can't ba "met" and still be consistent with the City's General Plan. Further, li has been understood Dy the Consortium throughout the process that the Ctty woWd agree that the lnndownar9 should have the same development rtghU !~~ .6e filly n> ,Ley wouiu iu ti,e i.vunty. iuis in no way anvute ce meant to mawate a qualttauve loweri:~g of standards. Anther, a respecLf W interpretstion of the City$ standards (some may be inconsisteni with others or with the County's) is one of the objectives of the Specific Plen N our effort to produce a project that setr the highest design, social end financial standards ever" achieved in the City. Regarding the EiR, my comments remain the some e' before: It's an exheuative end tomplete work to date; the continuing effort is aimed more nt implomentation and refinement of the miti- gation measures, etW; the most Important question is the amount of the Flood Control District's properties that should be preserved as Open Space. I woWd be happy to discuss this work or any other related items as you dlait'e. 7'henks for your help in the communication. Yours)t~rWY, ../(~/ Joseph N. Dliorio, for the Etfwandt North Landowners Coroortium JND/jaa cc: Supervisor Jon D. Mikels Mr. Jack Lam Mr. flick Gomez Mr. JoM McMeines MemDero of the Consortium City Council Members ETIWANAA NORTH LANDOWNERS CONSORTIUM cie Tl7e Cafyn Company Lb6t Ofrce Box 216.60. Cggvne. C4 92Gi i-0216 OfF•ce ~14) 499-5929 i'iLY (714) 4~-51 <'3 May 1, 1990 supervisor Jon U. mikels County of San Bernardino 8303 Haven Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Re: Etiwandfl North specific Plan -Differences Between City and the Etiwanda North Landowners Consortium Dear Supervisor Mikels: To respond to Bcad Bidier's letter of April 20 on this matter: CITY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. The City states the "Consortium has reduced for sizes far below City standards..:'. The Corsortium reduced lot sizes once to obey Str1f's directive to move the sidewa!4s five feet in from [he curb- Densities remain the same and are reflective of the densities allowed in the County's General Plan. B. The Consortium believes that the agreement between the City and the Consortium •.v as and is that the landowners, by agreeing [o annexation into the City, would not suffer eco- nomically and that they would receive the same density in the City that they are allowed in the County. That avera[e density is 1.5 dwelling units per acre, si~uilar to the Etiwande North Specific Plan (ENSP) and the lowest density anywhere in the City. ultimately, pro- during a specific plan is a matter of balancing different and sometimes conflicting standards end requirements. The test is always one of reasonable compllence and further discussions between the City and the Consortium might help define a reasonable balance between standards. U. CDtC0LAT10N A. Aa opposed to the City's inference that the Consortium hss neither studied or offered to support offsite mitigation end regional transportation needs, the Consortium has always hear. on record that it would volunteri),y pay the cquivatent of the City's Systems Develop- ment Fee and its fair share of any ef[aite mitigation and regional uanaportation costa. B. The City's "gravity" traffic model is not on schedule as the City msintaitro -it's a year overdue. it's initial output matches quite cleoely with the two eerller traffic models for the ENSP, es troN the eoroortium and the City's consultants maintain to be the case before the Consortium was charged 580,000 to rerun its traffic models s third time using the gravity model. Tho Specific Plan re[lecU the Circulation Element of the Cowty's General Plan and has the abillty to reflect certain parts of the City's Ganerel Plan.. The conceptual issue here tends to be whether or not one or more roads ought to erou Day Creek wash. Other issues Send to be technical implementation quostlorm. As the City evolves their traffic model, we will be happy to diacuas the matter with them. Supervisor Jon D. Mikek ENSP -Difference $eaween City and the Consortium Mey 1, 1990 Page Two lll. PAGES There seems to be some confusion within City Staff itself on the issue of City parks. Overriding any conflicting Staff opinions is the fact that Etiwanda North will provide seven acres of perks per 1,000 population as opposed to the City's enforceable require- ment of three acres. lei inGLLV 1tVVJ eiainr~.irv niny Tnn MaD Brad states the Council has directed Staff to observe a 1.8 percent limit. Council has also acknowledged in public meetings that ~,ey would accept a tax rate of two percent it the additional .2 percent were charged by schools or other non-City entities. The consortium would like to see necessary services paid for mrd maintain me is percent cap, but to do this, the City must also cooperate. To date, the City has mvMated a Landscape Maintenance District that charges up to flue to 50 limes what any other district in the City charges, and forced a Fire District CFD that will generate a surplus o[ more than one miLion dollars per year to the District. The Consortium agreed eo accept a Police CFA with the understanding that ell new development throughout the City would De charged for the services. Instead, only Etiwanda North is being charged. The financial impact reports that have been done by the City and the Consortium indi- cate that using "generally acceptable" accounting procedures, Etiwanda North could generate a suDStantial surplus to the City per year after payirµt its felt shoe of normal City level services. The City eculd use thst surplus to reduce the Etiwanda North tax rate. PBASWG PLAN As opposed to the City's statement that it requested a phasing plan end that the Consortium does not yet have a draft of such a plan, such a phasing "backbone" plan was submitted Yo the City in June, 1989. Several upd..ted versions of the purl are available for review. vl. RESOL'RCH MANAGBMHNT PLAN Again differing with the City, a Resource dtansgement Plan does not have to be and cannot be ratified Dy all affected agencies and entities before the 8pecifie Plan [s approved, It should siao be remembered that the Resource Management Plan Ls not nttrlbutabl¢ sot¢Ig to the ENSP although the Consortium is happy to work cooperatively in the very worth- while effort. YU. GRADINQ The Clty is correct that tho Coroortfum participated 1n the proctla of adoption of fire HIILaIde Development Ordinance. UntoMUtwtely, evidence tndtcatea tMt the grading atsndards oonfllet with certain Clty engineering requirements and probablir wlA not work on msny properties without a sizeable imbalance of earth work sad offslta gradits;. As the City b using the grading ordinance as an example of resolution at differences, then hopefully we can dfacuss resolution of dif[erencea In the implementation teaalDlUty of the ordinance. .~~ Supervisor Jon D. Mikeis ENSP - AiPFerenee Between City and the Consortium May 1, 1990 Page Three VIII. TENTATSYB MAP PROCESSING City maintains that it unilaterally terminated its agreement to process Tentative Maps because the February version of the Specific Plan contained development standards that were "tar out of line". The Consortium made no significant changes in the February very Sion, and the City has yet to specify what standards ere "so far out of line". The Consortium i~eiieves that the TPnt/.rrv~ ms..e . ~.~w..~_l.ew !~ ?:~.~ •~ •-__ - - - ment Standards irres etiva ofean ~discussions of the " ~~ ~ ~.~ ~,~~ ~ i~•~l~ pe y 5pecttic Flan standaras. IX. COUNTY PLOOD CONTROL DISPRICT PROPERTY Tho Consortium is heopv to see the City he¢In to participate in the discussions WitR the Flood Control Diatrfct. As shouid be well known by now, the Flood Control District must be satisfied with the tlisposition of iW- properties it the annexation of the entire Specific Plan area is to occur. CONCLUSION 1 understand it's your desire to have a meetitgq so that the Cfty, County and Consortium can dis- cuss openly end productively th¢ resolution of ditterenca., to prwiuc¢ the best plan and tRe best community for the area. We look forward greatly to such a meeting. Yours truly~,n/ ~ (/_j~ ~i~_/~_1Y_A_~ oseph N. Di[orio, for the Etiwsnde North Landowners Cotuortfum JND/jas cc: City Cow:ril Dlembers, City of Rancho Cucamonga Mr. Jack Lam Mr. Brad Bullar Mr. Jetty Pulwood Mr. Ridt Gomezu Mr. Runt Maguire Mr. Joe Sehultz 32:! .'. ,. __.. P. n0.