HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990/05/16 - Agenda PacketCITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY OF RANCIIO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETINGS 1st and 3rd Wednesdays - i:00 p.m. May 16, 1990 Lions Park Community Center 9161 Hase line Road Rancho Cucamonga ^~• City Cauncilmembers Dennis L Stoul, mayor Pamela J. Wright, cnuruirmrrnder Deborah N. Bmwn, mayor norem Charles J. Huquet, covKnmrmGr William J. Alexander, coenn/mrrn6rr •~e Jack Lam, cry m•~nnar. I James L, Markman, cirv nrro.ney Debra J. Adam,, coy co-..t City Office: 989•I851 lions Perk: 9811-3145 ;v,t.. PAGE City Council Agenda Hay 36, 1990 ~ I All iteas aubritted for the Citp Couaeil Agenda coat ba fa writing. Tha dsadliae for subaitting thsss items is 5:00 p.a. on the Wednesdap prior W the eeeting. The Citp Clerk's i Offics reeaivea all such itesa. ' A. CALL TO ORD61t 1. Pletlge of Allegiance to Flag. ! ~ , 2. Aoll Call: Buquet _, Alexander _, 6tout ! i' ! ~ Brown , and Wright ~ I B ANNOONC®O!NTS/PRRSRWPATIOMB i I I I 1. Preeentat ion of Procl alpatiop Deeigrtnt ing Nay a9 W8ter I I Awareness Nonth. I I ~ i I 2. Presentation of Proclamation Designating May ae Foster 1 1 Ceres Awareness Month. C. CONNOMIGTIOMH PROM TATS POALIC This is the tLa sad place far the waaral public to addevs^ ! ~ the Citp council. elate law prohibits the City Comeil irw addre esinc .. +....~ .._ _ '_-'-~_alr :waiwied on rae Agsn L. ' ! ~ i The Citp Council sap rsceiw totfaoay and set the utter fur j a subsequent uetiag. Co~eate iri 'o W 1Lilad to five I I I I ~ minutes per individual. D. coMeyHT GLmIDAR Tbs following Coasaat Gleadar ltws are expaeted !o De I tontine and son-controgrsial. Thep will ba acted upon by the Comcil nt ones time without discussion. Asp ttsa sap be resovsd by a Comcilse~ber or srbec of the audiswe for discussion. 1. Approval of Minutest 3-14-90 i 4-i6-v0 2. Approval of Wsrrnnte, Aegleter Mos. 5/2/90 and 5/9/90; 1 and Bayroll coding 4/5/90 for tM total amount of 51,703,337.43. 3. Approval to receive and file current investment S~hadule 13 se of April 30, 1990. - s PAGE City Council Agenda Mey 16, 1990 2 f i 4. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On Sale Beer 6 Wine 19 Bet ing Place for La Vina, Roberto R. Lira and Lupe , ~~ Saldana, 8030 Vineyard Avenue. i i ~ ~ ~ 5. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On Sele Heer & Wine 21 I ~ Sating Place foz Casa Dei so 1, Bdmundo and Naria ~ ~ ~ 9aachez, 10062 Arrow Route. ~~ II I ~ 6. Alcoholic Bevetege Application for Off Sale General, I 23 I ~I 1 1989 Conditional Priority !46 for UCnzcc3 Coziness, Sung i ~ ~ I li j Ril Sung, 3045 VineyazC Avenue. ~ I l 7• Alcoholic Beverage Application for On Sale Beer 6 Wine 25 i i ~ '~ ~ Sating Place foz Joe's New York Deli, Oavid J. and Lupe Jean Drane, 8645 Haven Avenue, 1550. f 'I ~I '~ i 8• Approval to authorize the Advertising of the "Notice 27 i ~ Inviting Bide^ fot the Biiwanda High School and it i Cucamonga Elementary School Recreation Field Improvement ^,.A--._ i RESOLUTION NO. 90-191 29 A RESOLUTION O! TAB CITY COUNCIL OP TH8 CITY 08 RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CAT ZFOANIA, APPAOVIN6 i ~ ~ ~ PLANS AND SPECIFIGTIONe POR THE STZWANDA RIGN SCHOOL AND CUGMONGA 6LBMBNTARY SCHOOL ~ ..J _..-........ :. .: riin4vanaaa' YNUJBLT3, IN ~ i SAID CITY, AND AUTHORIYINC AND DIAELTING THE ~, ~ ~ CITY CLERK TO ADVBRTI88 TO RECEIVE BIDS ~ ~ 9. Approval to authorize the ra-advertising of the "Notice 34 ~ ~~, Inviting Bide" for the Baee Line Road Nedian eeaut ificetion Phaea I, Improvement Pro}ent from Haven 1 ~ I Avenue to Deer Greek Channel," tc bs funded from ' ~ Landecspe Maintenance Diatclet No. 4, Account No. 63- i 4130-8956 and Fran Meaaura ^I" Arterial, Account No. to I be determined (PY 89/90 and 90/91). ~ 35 ABSOLUTION NO. 90-394 A ABSOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL ep THB CITY ~ RAHiO COt7AMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECYFIGTIONS POR THB "BASS LING ROAD MEDIAN BEAOTIPIGTION PHASE 2, FROM HAVEN AVENUE TO DEER CABEE CHANNEL," IN SAID CITY AND AUTHOAI BIND AND OIRBCTIN6 TH6 CITY CLBRR TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDe PAGE City Council Agenda Mny 16, 1990 3 10. Approval to initiate self-&:nding of the City's workers' 39 Compensation Program by joining tna Califotnie Municipal IneuranCO Authority Workers' Compensation Pool. I1. Approval to change meeting location to 10500 civic 41 Center Drive, foc the Historic preservation commission, Park and Recreation Commission, Planning Comaieeion, and Public Safety Commies ion. RESOLUTION NO. 90-193 42 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP TNA CITY OP RANCRO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CHANGING THE PLACH POA HOLDING ABGOLAR MEATINCS OP ~..a n• rRa3aRVAT1UR WMMT SSION, PART. ANO RECREATION COMMISSION, PLANNING COMNISSIOH, 11N0 PUBLIC SAFETY COMXISSION 12. Approval to destroy records which are no ;. ~:_. nr required I 43 ae provided under UoYernment Code Section 34090. 44 RSSOLUTLON NO. 90-394 i A RE&OLPfIOH 0! TB8 CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY 08 RANCHO COCANONOA, CALIFORNIA, AUTRORISING TNS DESTRUCTION OP CITY ASCORDB AND DOCIRfLNT3 WHICB AAE NO LONGER RHQUTASD AS nv'rlvou unuax uuValtNMENT CODS SECTION 34090 13. Approval of a Resolution to support the preservation of 54 the Vnlted States Rouie 66 Nlghway ne an historic highway. RBSOLUTION NO. 90-195 I 61 A RESOLUTION OF TRH CITY COUNCIL OP TRH CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONOA, CALI POANIA, SUPPORTING THB MOVSMHNT TO PRHSHRVE THE UNITED STAT88 ROUTE 66 NIGNNAY Ae AN RISTORIC NIGfIWAY 14. Approval of a Resolution of Denial for an Appeal of the 62 Notice to Abste Public Nuleancee nt 8443 Ltiwanda. City Council Agenda May 16, 1990 PAGE RES0LDT7JN NO. 90-196 ~ 63 A RESOLUTION JF TN8 CITY COUNCIL OP TAE CITY OF RANCHO COCAYONGAr CALIFORNIA, DENYSNC AN APPEAL oP TAB NOTICE TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCES AT 8493 BTINANDA, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN 229-041- 11 15. Approval to order the annexation of landscape areas to 65 the work program of Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 for Tract 13565-1 thru -4, located on the north aide of 2 h Stra aM_ ea_[ of Nardman-SUllock Road, and the Annexation of Tract 13565-5 thru -10 to Landscape Halntenance Diatrict No. 7 and Street Lighting Ha irtenance DSettict No. 1. RESOLUTION NO. 90-397 ~ 66 A NESOLUTION OP T8E CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OADBRIRG THE ANNE%ATION OP LANDSCAPE ARE118 TO THE HOAR PRa75UfN 08 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 FOR TRACT 135E 5-1 THRU -4 RESOLUTION NC. 90-19& I 67 n aaa~~.u'a'1UN UP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TH8 CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OP CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 AND STREET LIOHTIHG MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 YOA TRACT NO. 13565-5 TtNiU -30 16. Approval [o execute a Confidentiality Agreement (CO 90- 65 071) and authorize AI VA Corporstion of Salt Lake City, Utah to examine our Plnance System Source Code to further determine their interest in usage of our Pinancisl Package. 17. Approval to authorize execution of contract (CO 90-072) I 95 with the Nsrner Grcup to conduct a study eve l!!ntinq Computer syatama [or uq by the City t0 be funded from Contract 8etvicea Account 33-4133-6028, at a coat not to exceed 520,000.00. City Council Agenda May 15, 1990 PACE 18. Approval to award and authorization for execution of 99 contract (rn 90-073) for Highland Avenue Reconstruction Improvement Project located from Herawea Avenue to Mayberry Avenue to Bob Br!tton, Incorpornted, for the amount of $131,148.00 ($119,226.00 plus l0a contingency), to be funded with TDA Article 8, Account Nc. i2-4637-5930 (vY 89/90). 19. Approve?. to nward and authorisation for execution of I 101 Contract (CO 90-074) foY seas Llne Aoad and Rochester Avenue Traffic Signal and Safety Lighting improveaxant Project to Aaymor eleMric for the amcunt of $120,866.00 ($109,878.00 plus 10a contingency), to be funded with Sy=tame Cal=1vpmant funds -Account No. 22-4637-8943 (FY 89(90). 20. Approval t0 award and suthoriaation tOr execution for I 104 the Landscape and Irrigation Naintenanca Contract (co 90-075) for Landscape Maintenance District No. 6, to Landscape Nest, Tncorpereted, of Loa Angalaa, Celffornie for the aawunt O! 512,000.00 to be funfled by Account Number 45-4130-6028 (PY 89/90). 21. Approval to execute Agreement of inetallaticn of Public ~ i06 Improvenent and Dedication !CO 90-076J between John A. Sepe and Irene sepe and the City o! Rancho Cucamonga for eidewelk improvements at the northwest corner of a~e~-• ' e nvs nue anc Ninth Street along the Sepe parcel for theme sierra Madre Avenue-Ninth Street to Arrow Route { Project. RHSOLVTION NO. 90-199 ~ 1~7 A RESOLUTION OF TNB CITY COUNCIL 08 TNB CITY OF RANCHO COCAXONOA, CALIFORNIA, ACCHPTINC AN AGA88lUtNT FOA INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INPROVHMANT ANO DADICATION FROM JOHN A. SHPB AND 2AHN8 SHPH AND AUTHORIYINO THE HAYOR AND CITY CLBRR TO SIGN SANB 22. Approval to execute Agreement for installation of Public ~ 208 Improvement and pedication (CO 9C-0775 between Micheal D. 8rovn and the City o[ Rancho Cucamonga for aidswalk lmprovsmsnta at the northust corner of sierra Nedra Avanua and Ninth 8lrNt along tae Bream parcel for the eisrre Madre Avanua-Ninth Strpt to ArroN RouN Project. PAGE City Council Agenda Nay 16, 1990 A850LUTZON NO. 90-200 SOB ' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TF1E CITY i I OF RANCEO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGR$EtlENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC I It4+ROVENENT AND DEDICATION FAON MICRAEL 0. ~ I BROWN AND AUTNORZZING TH6 MAYOR AND CITY ~ , CLEAR TO SZGN SAHE 23. Approval to execute Agreement for Installation of Public 110 Tmprovemsnt (CO 90-078) between Hiroshi Suruki and Renee ~ ~ Suruki and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street ~, i ~ Improvements located al ono tn+ ~~-«. ~-_t:cr. .. Lhn ~ ' Suzuki parcel for the Nineteenth Street project from Archibald Avenue t0 Maven Avenue. ~ ~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. 90-201 ~ 111 ~ A RESOLUTION 0- THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY `~ ~ OP RANCHO CUCAHONCA, CALI PORNIAr ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IlA~ROVEMBNT FROM NIROSEI SORORZ ARO ASAEE SURDRI AND AUTHORIZING TEE HAYOR AND CZTY CLEAR TO SIGN SAME 14. Approval to execute Agreement for Installation of Publ lc 112 I I Improvement (CO 90-079) between Prad N. Ronina +nd .*+... f I nwuing an0 the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga for street Improvements located along the north portion of the Aoning parcel for the Nineteenth Street project from Archibald Avenue to Haven Avenue. i RESOLUTION NO. 40-202 113 A A680LOTION OP TFOS CITY COUNCIL OP T!@ CITY OF AANCNO CUCAlbN(iA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGRE6N8NT POR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMBNT FAON FRED W. BONING AND JANE BONING AND AUTNOAILINO TEE MAYOR AND CITY ~ 1 ~ CLERR TO BIGN SAMB i 25. Approval to execute Ag:oemenL for inatnilat inn Of Pu^1!c iiv ~ i ' Zmprovement (CO 90-000) between Millard Herr end Modn Harr end the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga for Street i Improvements located along the south portion of the Herr parcel !or the Nineteenth Street project from Archibald Avenue to Nawn Avenue. j PAGE City Council Agenda 1 May 16, 1990 , 1 RESOLUTION NO. 90-203 115 ~ I ~ A ABSOLUTION OP THB CITY COONCTL OP TF1B CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGRBBNBNT POR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVBMSNT PAOH HILLARD HBRR AND RF10DA HERR AND AUTHORISING TAB NAYOR AND CITY CT.ERR TO ~ ~ S;aN SAME I ~. 1 26. Approval of Map, execution of Improvement Agreement, 116 ~ Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting ~ Maintenance District Noe. 7 and 2 for Trnct 13316, i located at the northeast corner of Archibald and Carrari Avenues, eubmltted by Friedman Homes. ABSOLOTION NO. 90-204 118 A RESOLUTION OP TBS CITY COUNCIL OP THH CITY OP RANCIPD CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING SMPROVEIRMI' AGAEEMeiT IMPROVA4MT SECURITY, 0Eb ICATION ARD p1NAL P F ~ NO. MAP OF TAACT 1 3316 ~ Rsaol.uziDN ND. 9o-2ob 119 f A ABSOLUTION OP TH8 CITY COUNCIL of TNR f!T'rv uP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING ' ~ ~ THE ANNE74.TION OP CBATAIN TBPRITORY TO ~ I D STREET LIGHTSN MAINTBNANCB DISTRICT NO ~ i 1 AND 2 POR TRACT 13316 ; ' ~ 27. Approval to axscuts improvement Agreaownt end 122 ~ Improvement Security for Parcel Map 11671 located between 4th snd 6th Strwts end between Pittsburgh and Buffalo Avenue, submitted by the Mieaion Land Company. RESOLUTION NO. 90-206 123 A RESOLUTION OP THS CSTY COUNCIL 08 THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAAHOA, CALIFORNIA; APPRQVIN3 ~ I1/PROVEMENT AORBBMEMT AND IMPROVEMEMT SECURITY POR PARCEL MAP 11671 ~. , City Council Agenda Msy 16, 1990 PAGE 28. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement, Improvement 125 Security and Monumentation Caeh deposit for Tract 13281 located at the norihaeet corner of Baee Line Road and Rochester Avenue, eubmitial by Covington Hoarea, and release of previously submitted Improvement Agreement, Security and Manumentation deposit accepted by City I Council on January 18, 1969, for The Milllam Lyon Company. RESOLUTION NO. 90-207 f Ili 126 A PESOLUTION OP TFIIi CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY j OP RANCHO WCAMONCA, CALIPOANIA, APPROVING IHPROVElBNT AOR8EH8NT AND IMPROVHMENT 1 SECURITY POR TRACT 13781 AND RELeASINO THE IMPROVEMENT AGRBEt0INT AND SECURITY PREVIOUSLY ACCP'?TED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ~ I I JANUARY 10, 1999 29. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement, Improvement 128 Security and Monumentation cash Leposit foY Tract 13873, located on the northwest corner of Atwood Street and Victoria Park Lane, submitted by Atwood-Victoria Joint Ventura and release of previously submitted Improvement i Agreement Security and Nonumantation Daporit accepted by City Council on Ssptambsr 6, 1989, Eram Ths Nllllem ~ Lyon Company. 129 RESOtuxloN No. 90-209 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TtDf CITY ~ OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPOANIA, APPROVING I I IMPROVEMENT AGAESMSHT AND INPAOVENBNT ~ SECURITY POA TRACT 13873 ANO RELEASING THE IHPAOVBMENT AORBENHNT AND 88CURZTY I PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED BY CITY COUNCIL ON 38PTEMBBA 6, 1989 30. Approval to execute Impsovsawnt Agrasmwmt 8xtansion [or 131 Tract. 17870 located on the north side of Hlghlend Avenue between 8tiwanda Avenue and Hest Avenue, submittal by V Daly Hamoo. 133 RESOLUTION N0. 90-709 A A830LOTION OP TA8 CITY COUNCIL OP THt CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALITOAY.IA, APPROVING IMPROVgINNT AORSNRIPf 8IT8118ION AND IMPROV8Mi11T etcuRYTY POR TRACT 12970 Ciiy Council Agenda rp p ~+' i May 16, 1990 d eP p >7` d`g PAGE 9 31. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement 8xteneicn for 134 Tract I3425, located on the north aide of 19th Street between Haven Avenue and Highland Avenue, submitted by Glenfed Development. RESOLUTION NO. 90-210 136 i A RE90LUTZOR OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TFD; CITY ~ OF AANCRO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGRSSHSNT RRTENSION ANO I[tPROVElD3NT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13425 32. Approval to execute Improvement AgYeement Extension foi 137 Tract 13440 located on the northeast corner of Kenyon Nay and Lerk Drive, submitted by S.P. Rhoades Development. ~ RESOLUTION NO. 90-211 139 A RESOLUTION OP TN8 CITY COUNCIL OP TNS CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPAOVINO ~ IMPROVEMENT AGREBlD1NT SRTENSION AND INPROVBNENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13440 33. Approval to execute Improvement AOraement Extension for 140 Tract 13441 loca[ad on the northeast corner of Victoria Park Lene end Kenyon Nay, submitted by r......e ~ uevelopment. R830LUTION NO. 90-212 142 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AOREfiMENT E%TEN91ON AND IMPROVE!l6NT BECUAITY FOR TRACT 13441 34. Approval to execute Improvement AOrssmsnt Sxtenaion for 143 Parcel Mep 9350 located on the northeast corner of Baee Lino Road and Hil liken Avenue, submitted by The Nilliam Lyon Company. 145 ~ ~ RESOLUx1DN Ho. 9D-2v I A RESOLUTION OF TFIE CITY CotR7CIL OF THE CITY OP RANCFIO COCANONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPAOVTNO IMPROVElOiHT AOAIEMgPT E2TElI8ION AND IMPAOVLlRNT eECORITY FOR PARCEL lIAP 9350 City Council Agenda ~~" ~y`,} May lfi, 1940 ~ eP •' cp 3~ PAGE 10 35. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Exieneion for 146 Parcel Nap 11341 located on the northeast corner of i Church street and Milliken Avenue, auhmitted Dy Lewis i Homes. RESOLUTION NO. 90-114 148 R RESOLUTION OF T1t& CIIY COUNCIL OF TH8 CSTY ~ ' I i ~ i OF RANCRO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGASElU3NT BYTHNSION ANU ~ IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCBL MAP 13441 i 36. Approval to accept Improvamenta, Release of Ronde and 149 Net±ce ^.° Cw..yylG..ic.. i~a .rocs i3sde' iocaueo on the I northeast corner of Hanyan Street and Caniatel Avenue Release: Faithful Performance Bond (street} $210,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Cuerantee Bond (Street) $ 11,000.00 ~ RES0I~UTION NO. 90-215 150 ~ i ~ A RESOLUTTON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC SMPROVBMENTS POR TRACT tac.t> ..!C i ~ ~ ~ ~ AU'CHORIEING THE PILING OF A NOTICE OP WnYLaT1VM YUR 'fbE IM)alt 37. Approval to accept the Maven Avenue Median Improvements, 151 Phase III, from south of Lemon Avenue to north of Nlleon I ~ Avenue, Con[rect No. 89-013, release Lhs bonds and i authorize the city Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion". A830LVTION NO. 90-216 152 A A890LUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONnA, CALI-ORNIA, ACCEPTING THB PObLIC IMPROVEMYNTB POR T~ HAVEN AVENGE MEDIAN SMIPROVENENTS PHASE YII, PROM ~:& ~ OP LHNON AVENUE TO NOATp OP NIISON AVENUE, CONTRACT NO. 89-013, AND AOTHORI82NO THE PILING OP A NOTICB OP COMPLiTION POR THB NOAE 1 PACE City Council Agenda Nay 16, 1990 I3 38, Approval to accept the Base Line Road Beautification 153 Project, from Carnelian Street to the west city Limits, Contract No. 89-075, release the bonds and authorize the City Engineer to file a ^NOSice of Completion". ` RSSOLUTION NO. 90-237 l I 154 A RESOLUTION OF TR8 C1TY WONCIL OP TBB CETY I ~ ~ ~ ~ { OF RANCHO CUCAlIONGA, GLIFORNZA, ACCEPTING TH8 PUBLIC IMPROVBMEHTS FOR TBB 8AS8 LSNB ROAD HBADTIFIGTION PAOJSCT, FROM CAANHLIAN STRSHT TO TNH WBST CITY LSMITS, CONTRACT NO. 89-075, AND AOTRORIZINC THS PILING OP A NOTICE OF COMPLSTION POA THH WORE ~ I 39. Approval to accept tae Carnellen Street Parkway 155 Renovation, Eras Vineyard Avenue to south of Baae Lina 1 Road, ConttacC No. 89-OS9, release the bonds and authorize tae City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion^, AESOLDTION No. 9o-xle 156 ~ A RESOLUTION OP THE CZTY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO COCANONOA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING 2RE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS BOR TN6 CARNBLIAN STAHHT PAREWAY RETROFIT. PROM vrvYvw.._ I AVHNUB TO SOUTH OP BASE LINE :~, CONTRACT 99~~CSS, ANO AUTHORISING THE FILING OH i ' ~ ni .;; 5__% L's C'.::.~-.:inc.......:. :dn nvnn ~ 40. Approval to nccept the 9lerra Madze and Placide Court 157 ~ Street Improvements, north of Arrow Route io Via Carrillo, Contract No. 89-106, :eleaee the :.ands and authorize the Clty Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion". AB80LUTION NO. 90-219 159 . A R680LUTIOH OP TF0 CITY COUNCIL OF T!!E CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING ~ 2HE PUBLIC ZEPAOVEMEHT5 80R THE SIERRA #ADRfi ' ' ' ' AND PLACIDA COORT, NORTH OP AIIROW ROUTE, (CONTRACT N0. 89-106) AND AUTNOAIEINO TH6 PILING OP A NOTICB OP COMPLETION FOR TAE MORE City Council AgenAa O P 6a j' Hey 16, 1990 ~e e'4dr PAGE 12 41. Approval to necept the Sapphire street Parkway Retrofit, 160 ~ from Banyan Street to north of Jennat Street, Contract No. 89-160, release the bonds and authorize the Ciiy Engineer to fine a ^Notice of Coopletion". I ~ RESOLUTION NO. 90-220 I 161 I i ~ I A RESOLUTION OF TBE CITY COUNCIL 08 THE CITY I I OP RANCHO COCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING TR8 PUBLIC IMPROVBNENTS POR THB SAPPHIRE STREHT PARRNAY RETROFIT, PROM BANYAN STA88T TO NORTH OP JBNNET 9TRSET. CONTRACT NO. B9- 160. A!fi AUTBORT2TNC THE FILING OP A NOTICE I I OP CoNPLBTION POR TBE HORR 11 42. Approval to accept [N Alta Lana Baatn Hxeavation I 162 (Assessment District No. 84-2), Contract No. 90-017, III release the bonds sntl authorise the City Engineer to file a ^Rotica of Completion^. RESOLUTION NO. 90-221 lb3 A RESOLUTION OP TBB CITY COUNCIL OP T~ CITY I OF RANCRO CUCAHONOA. CALZPORIYIA, ACCEPTIl14 TBE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS /Oli THE ALTA LONA ~ BABZN EEGVATION (A88ES81SENT DISTRICT NO. I . 84-21 . ODRTpa,^n !°` ^ . iu~u wPl'tlURIEIRG I THE PILING OP A NOTICE O! COMPLETION R'OA TBE I I I I NOAE 43. Approval of Preliminary Bngineer'e Report and Setting 164 Public Hearing on June 20, 3990 to levy the annual I i ~ aseaeemente and approve the Final engineer's Report for the Park and Recreation Ilsprovamant District (PD-85). PE80LUTION NO. 90-222 167 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TNB CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONOY~r CALIFORNIA, OP . PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CITY LYfiSNEER'9 ANNUAL REPORT POR THE PARE AND RECREATION I IHPADV$MItpT DISTRICT (PD-a5) PAGE City Council Agenda Mny 16, 1990 13 I ABSOLUTION NO. 90-223 173 i j I A ABSOLVTION OF THH CITY gUNCIL OP TH8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTIOA TO LEVY AND gLLECT ASSBSSHHNTS NITRIN THS PARR AND RECREATION I IMPROVBMBNT DISTRICT (PD-86) AND SETTING A j I TIHB ARO PLACH FOR PiIBLIC NBARING TRBAEON j ~ I . B. CWfBENT ORDIRA71CE8 ~ , The followiny Ordiascse have had pablie Lacings at the rise of fire[ reading. Second readings aro eryected to G routine I eau uca-ce,ii:eYaalal. TrcY xil' we waled upon b• the Couneil a! one tLe without diecuseios. The City Clerk rill read the tit L. Any its can G rewoved for disauesion. No Items Submitted. j r. ADVmrTIS® Puwlc REAnINas Tha following itsa Gve Gen advrtieed and/or potted ae publie Garinge a required by law. The chair will ops the awatiog to revive public teetiaway. ~ 1. gNBIDERATION OP STRBBT ADDRESSING AND POSTING SJ6 RBOUZRBMSNTS - an Ordinance amending Lhe Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code by revising atreat address assignment and poet ing requirements. ~~ ~ oRDINANC6 No. 418 (firer rending) 177 AN ORDINANCE 08 THB CITY COUNCIL O- THB CITY OP RANCHO C[ICANOMDA, CALIFORNIA, AMERDIfl0 THB RANCHO COCAMONGA MUNICIPAL qDE BY DELETING PORTIONB OF SAN BERNARDINO gUNTY PAOVI SIONS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 17, B 8 2 ADDING CHAPTER 6 ENTITLED "STREET ADDRESS ~ "'STING', TO Tiia.6 6 OF 6niD AAtiCH0 CUCAMONOA MUNICIPAL qDE 2. gNSIDERATIOM TO AMINO CHAPTER B.T4 Or TIQ< R11NCH0 S~I~MQ~A NIIIIICIPAL WD! 8Y ADDIIIG NLN BlCTIONB LBO 8.2d. 0d0. 8.26.050. B. 2d.060 AND 8.2d. 070. PERTAINING TO GRAlrITI REMOVAL ARO TR! 8AL! Or AlROHOL PATNT PAGE City Council Aq~nda Mey 16, 1990 14 ORDINANCE NO. 419 (fiLBt leading) 181 AN ORDINANCE OF T[OT CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 8.24 OF TRS RANCHO CUCANONGA MIfNICIPAL CODH BY ADDING NEN SECTIONS j 8.24.040, 8.24.050, 8.24.060 AND 8.24.070, PHRTAINING TO GRAFFITI ReNOVAL AND TBE SALE OP AHAOSOL PAINT ~ 3. CONSIDERATION TO DESIGNATE BELLA VISTA DAIVH AS A 183 ~ PRIVATE STRBHT AND EREMPTIAG TH8 ABUTTING PROPERTIES ~ PRON AEODIR610TNT5 S8T PORTS IN CHAPTER 12.08 OP TH6 NVNICIPAL COOH ABSOLUTION NO. 90-224 185 ~, A RESOLUTION OP TFB CITY COUNCIL OF TH6 CITY iii OP AANCBO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DBSIONATING '~, BSLLA VISTA DRIVH A8 A PRIVATE STREET AND ',, 61IEMPTZN6 THE ABUTTING PROPERTIES lAOM ~'~ REQUIREMENTS SLT !OATH YN CIIAPTSR 12.08 of THE MUNICIPAL CODE 6. CONSIDEAATIOH TO DSSIONAT6 9COTT I.NR AA A PRIVATB 188 STHHET AND EEEMPTING THE AHUTTIN6 PROPERTIES TAON I I I I I C~DH AHSOLUTION NO. 90-225 190 A RHSOLUTION 08 TH6 CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, D88IONATING SCOTT LANG AS A PRIVATE STREET AND BXHNPTING TH6 ABOTTINO PROPSRTIHe FROM RHgOIAE1RNT8 SET FORTH IN CNIIPIER 12.08 OP TI$ NONICIPAL i CODE 5. CONSIDERATION TO AMEND MAog TAaCT NOS. 13565-1. 13565- 193 5. 13565-7 AND 135fi5-8. IOCATED NORTN,y^at,lgUIOITT AV~~ AND BAST OP NAAOMAN-BULLOCK-ROAD. BUBMIT;OiD BY STANCAAD ~ ~ ?AC:S:C GF 6IinNG's COUi.^.Y ~ R690LOTION NO. 90-226 194 A A680LOTION 0! THE CITY COUNCIL O! THE CITY O! RANCFIO CUCAMONOA, CALIlOMIA~ APPROVING AI@NDIN6 TMCT MAPS HOE. 13565-1, 13565-5, 13565-7 AND 13565-8 PAGE Clty Council Agendn May 16, 1990 35 s. s 196 ~' QF RANCHO CDCIINONGA AMENDING SECTION 12.08.050 OF TN8 RANCHb CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO $%ENP^IONS PROM RBOOIRB!@NTS TO CONSTRUCT PUH'IC IMPROVEMENTS I ORDINANCE NO. 420 (first zeadingj 199 I AN ORDINANCE OP TRS CITY COUNCIL OP TIC CITY OP IUNCRO COCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, AtffiNDING SECTION 32.08.090 OP THE RANCHO COCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO E88MPTION3 FROM I ASQOIRBMERTS TO CONSTRUCT POBLIC I IMPAOVE!ffiNTS O. POELIC HHIIRIN68 Tae following itra have oo legal pcblieatir or posting requirrrte. Tae Caeir will open tae eeeting !o receive public testieony. 1. 201 i ORDINANCE NO. 421 (first reeding) 202 I i l ~ ..................a .,. ...o .... w.,n..... ~ .m ..a.a OB RANCHO CUCAHONOA, CALIPORNIA,e ANHNDIMG SECTION 2.12.010 OP CBAPTER 2.12 OP TITLH II OP THE RANCHO CUCANONGA HONICIPAL CODE I PERTAINING TO THE LOCATION OF CITY COUNCIL McETtiiGb RESOLUTION NO, 90-22'1 2~S A AHSOLUTIOR OP TIC CITY COUNCIL OP THH CLTY I OB RANCHO COCAMGNOA, CALIPOANLA, DETERMINING T}78 DAY AND TIME OP CITY COUNCIL MBHTINCS ~ I ~ E. ci2z MAMAao1•E srArr R~oRxe I The following itrs do out legally require .ey public teatiaony, eltaougb tAe Cams say open tae Beeticy for public lnpul. 1. OVBRYIHN OP CODE ENIOACEMlNT PAOOAAM 204 2. AEOUEST BY NOMHONNHRB Tt) ADDAEEE CITY COVNCIL RHGARDIHG gQgQjQ_p~pp~Q (onl Diaenoloe) PAGE City Council Agenda Nay 16, 1990 16 3. CONSIDERATION TO AEVIHN INPROVBHeNT AGRBBNBNT $;TENSION POS REQUEST POR TRACT N09. 30827. 10827-1 AND 10827-2 TMITBD op MANEANITA DRIVE BHTNHNIV NAVSN AVENDS AND RBRNOSA AVENUE. SUBNITTBD BY REI.CO INDUSTRIES 4. CONSZOHRATION OP ANNE%ATION 90-01 - TIB CITY OF RANCHO 206 COCANONGA - A reguast to expand the bounderiaa of the ~ City Sphere of Influence by approxieately 1,155 acres ~ ~ in private ownership shove the National Foraat boundary ~ in the vicinit of Da Creek and y y portions of the San Bernardino county unincorporated area asst thereof. i RESOLUTION KO. 90-228 ~ 208 I A ABSOLUTION OP TBE CITY COUNCIL OP TBE CITY OP AANC80 CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OF ZNTENT TO ANNE% 1,155 ACRES 01 TERRITORY INTO THE AANCFIO CUCAMONGA SPIRRE OP INIZVENCB (ANNEIATIOR 90-O1) IN PRIVATE ONNEASNIP ABOVE TBE NATIONAL FOREST BOUNDARY IN TIC VICINITY OP DAT CREEK AND PORTIONS 0Y THE SAN BEANARDINO WONTY ON2NCORPOAATED AREA ' EAST T86REOP 5. CONSIDEMTIOII OP ANNB%ATION 90-02 - T~ CITT OF RANCHO Z1J f COCAMONtlA - A Laquest t0 aMax approximately 3,700 aCrtl vi va quasigy i~u iiwy iu Liwr use yeuga~siiy iwCgcYe u north of tha existing City limit, west of Etiwanda Avenue and neat of Milliken Avanua. R83OLOTION NO. 90-229 221 A ABSOLUTION OP THB CITY COONCZL OF THS CITY OP fUNCF10 CVCAMDNOA, CALIPORNIA, Ol INTENT TO ANNEE 3,700 ACRES OF URBAIIIEINO TERRITORY ~ (ANNE%ATION 90-02) IN Tffi AREA tlENEp71LLY Lia:A ,D NORTH OP TAE ESISTINO CI^aY LIMIT, NEBT OP YTINANDA AVENUE AND EAST OF MILLIAEN AVENUE 6. CONSIDERATION OF ANNEEATION 90-03 -THE CITY OF !!ASICNO Z17 ~ ~ ~ vdCANONOA - A saC to aD(Ia1f a rage ppro%lmably ],556 aerea of urbanl:ing territory in tM area gansrally located north o[ tha axistinq Clty llait, uat of atiwanda Avsnus and west o[ tha axLtinq City limit. City COwcil Agendn ~Q l' d` Mey 16, 1990 e ep osy 3 PAGE 17 ~ AHSOLUTION NO. 90-230 _ 236 A RESOLDTION OB T86 CITY COUNCIL OP Tf7S CITY JF AANCRO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OP INTBNT TO ANNEy 2.556 ACHES OP IIRHANZEZNO TERRITORY {ANNEEATION 90-03) IN THE AN8)1 GENERALLY ~ IACi.:ED NORTH OF TAE BEISTING CITY LIMIT, EAST OP HTIWANDA AVBIQUB AND NEST OP TFIS 82ISTING CITY LIMIT i I. COUI/CYL BUSIRE88 The following itws bare brn ragautad by the City Comcil ~ :or eaareasaon. IneJ era rt pablaC arrang atwa, alahouga the Gair uy opm the mating for public input. 1. CONSIDERATION OB APPOINTiRNT OB JOIH! NEI.CRER TO PILL PM19 VACANCY ON TH8 PLANNING COla/ISeION ' J. IDENTIPIGTION Ol ITm18 POR NRST MEETIRO Taia is kba tine for City Comcil to idrtify the itwt they wish t0 discuu tt Lha rrt ratiNq. Thus itau will not M discussed at this rating, only idwtifiad for Lba as:t ~- ._..~. R. COMNUIIIGTIORB PROM T~ PURLIC This is Laa Liu and pLca for tea gueral public to addrwss ~ ~ tae CAty Cowcil. etata law prohibits the City Comcil fraw addruaing uy issue net prniously inclrad on !ha Agenda. Taa City Cowcil uy raeaira tutirny and sat the rltar fot a aubaaquwt rating. Cereals era W M liRitad to fire winutw par lndiridwl. V ' L. AWOIIRMmT N6S.ING TO AAiOUNR TO A HUD06`F NOAEbBOF OII rt ]9, 1990 AT 6,00 P.N. IM TER yOAIM. I, Dpbra J. Adams, Clty Clark of aha Clty of Rucho Cucamonga, heresy certify tact a true, ecwrate copy of the foregoing agenda wee posted on Hay 11, 1990, savwty-tao {72) hour prior to the mwtinq par Oowrrani Coda 51953 at 9320-c etas Line Road. Harch 14, 1990 CITY OP RANCHO CDCAMONGA CITY CODNCIL MINOTES Joint Meetinc Joint Meeting of the City Ccuncil and the Aancho Cucamonga Community Foundation A. CALL TO OADER - CITY COUNCIL A joint meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Rancho Cucamonga Community Poundntion met on Wedneadny, March 14, 1990, at the Rancho Cucamonga Neighborhood Center, 9791 Artow Highway, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Mayor Osnnis L. Stout. Pra6ent ware Counellmambare: William J. Alexander, Deborah J. Brown, Charles J. Buquet II (left at 8:30 p.m.), Pamela J. Wright (arrived at 7:17 p.m.), and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Hanager; Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager; Jerry B. Pulwood, Deputy CSty Manager; Rick Gom6z, Community Development ^irector; Jce Schultz, Community Services Manager; Diane O'Neal, AdminisLZative Analyst; Susan Mickey, Adminiettat ive Aide; Eva Herzitt, Office Assistant; and Debra J. Aflame, City Clerk. • M • R n. cITP cDDNCIL euslNBSa B1. pisevenion of Counev AB 939 Taek Porce. Staff report presented by Diane O'Neal, Adminietrntive Analyst. Mayor Stout felt the City should write a letter to the Board of Supervisors staring the*. F.anchn Cucamonga dcea not ondnrSe the Board•a pmpoSai for the Tnek Poros membership. Jack Lam, Clty Nenager, atatsd staff would prepare a iviEar fur the Mayor's aigneture. ACTION: Staff to prepare letter to the Board of Supsrviaors ?a suggested by Mayor Stout stating Aancho Cucamonga does nnY sndorea their proposal tar msmbsrsAip of the Tssk Porce. City Council and Community Pountlation Minutee Hnrch 16, 1990 ' Page 2 R R • • R 1( C TO OADER - CO/aRBiITY FdDNDaTIDA The Rancho Cucamonga Community Foundation moss called to order st 7:10 p.m. by chairman Robert Dutton. Present were Boardmembere: Guy Beyeredorf, John Hannerino, Tiina Aoae, William Purkieer and Chairman Robert Dutton. Absent were BOardmambere: Jeanne S. Barton and Betty MONay. R • R + • + D1. Die eeion of P a:ra s or P~oiecte Planned by the Cij; Co it Which Can Be Aeei tad b the Ranches ~+•^•men community Foundnt ion. Mayor Stout pointed out to the Poundetion members that the City Council has bean having joint meetings With the vsriaua public agencies and Commiaeione. Be stated these meetings are intormsl end are to diecva^ Seeuee of mutual interest. Chairman Dutton seated ha mould like to know Prom the City Council if there are any goals or objectives the Foundation can sestet them with. Boardmember Nannerino asked if theta moss anything the City Council would like the Poundetion to direct their efforts fowarde. mayor Stout stated the Rancho Cucamonga Community Foundation moss set up to be independent. Ne stated he did approve of the projects they were preeently working on, i. e., YMCA, art a, etc. Boardmember Xannerino brought up information on the art place the Poundetion wee negotiating with Lewis Aome9 [or Aaven avenue. R R • • .r R Councilwoman Wright arrived at 7:17 p.m. Chairman Dutton mentioned that the Foundation Wes mainly concentrating on CM arts at the present time. Xe also mentioned the oral history program they were corking on with the Historic Prnervation Co:®luion. Be further added they warm xerkinq on a needs u:::amoat vMreby they would try to apia! various organizetione in devdopinq 8rojecte they wars promoting. City Council and Community Foundaiion MSnutee March 16, 1990 Pnge 3 Chairman Dutton suggested to the Council that a City staff person would be helpful to assist with writing grants for them. Ma further added he felt the City might want to send this person to classes to learn to do this. The Council and the Foundation discussed at groat length the possibility of financing meohanieme for the YMCA project. Councilwcman Brown suggested a staff report be written with all the different alternatives and ideas discussed tonight. Mayor Stout asked for the Foundation to give the Council ideas for assist ing with fund raisers. Councilwoman Nriqht asked if the City was a member of the L.A. Music Canter and do we see those programs. Boardmember Aosa and Susan Mickey, Administrative Aide, stated they ere working on this at the preeect time. Councilmen Alexander stated M would like to sae name talent come Into the Clty. • • • • I R DZ. Discussion of Items of Mutual Concern. ThSw item was diwn,wwwd ww nwrt ~} item D1. w • • • • e Councilman Baguet left at 8:30 p. m. : r r • . ~ 6. CCNMMMICATIOM6 t•AC11 TNL PDMI.IC No communication wee made from Che public. ~ • • • • . MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded Dy Brown to adjourn the City Council messing. lotion carried unanimously 4-0-1 (BUquet abesnt~. The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p. m. i,. City COnnCll and Community Foundation Minutes March 16, 1990 page 4 HOTIOH: lfOVed Dy MaMerlno, Seconded by Roes to adjourn the Rencho Cucamonga Community Foundation. Motion carried unanlmouely 5-0-2 (Barton, McHay abaentJ. The meeting adjourned ai 8:35 p. m. Aeepectfully submitted, Debza J. Ademe City Clerk Approved Dy the Community Foundation: April 2{, 1990 Approved by the City Council: April 18, 3990 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Aeaular Meeting A. CALL TO ORIfER A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga met on _., uay, npru io, lysu, in the Lions Perk Community Center, 9161 Baee Line Roadc~Rancho Cucamonga, California. Tae meeting was called to order et 7:20 p.m. by Mayor Denn ie L. Stout. Present were CouncilmamDers: William J. Alexanderr Deborah N. Brown, Char lee J. Buquet II, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Oennie L. Stout. Also present were: Jack Lam, City ManaQar: aanwe M2C4mnn, ^it, 'i.. -.:racy, Liu3a D. Daniels, Deputy Clty Manages; Jerry H. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager; Rlck Gemez, Cor..munity Devaiopment Director; Olan Jones, Sr. RDA Analyst; Ruee Heguire, City Engineer; Peul Rougaau, Traffic 6nginset; Leure HOneccorai, Lendscnps Deeigner; Brad Buller, City Planner; Otto Aroutil, Deputy city Planner; Larry Henderson, Prlncioal Planner; Nanev Fone. Seninr Planners Rl nheM atnnnn rnnn Enforcement Supervisor; Gail Sanchez, Planning Co®iseion Secretary; Jerry Grant, Building official; Joe Schultz, Community 9ervicea Manager) Dave Moore, Recreation Supervisor; Janie Lynch, Recreation Coordinator] Susan Healy, Finance Manager; James Frost, City Treasurer; Duane A. Baker, Sr. Adminiacret Lve Aeelatant; Diane O'Neal, Admintatrat ive Analyst; Susan Mickey, Admi.-.i^_tzative Aide; Chief Dannia Michael end Division Chief Lloyd Almond, Rancho Cucamonga Plre Protection Dietrlci; Lt. Bruce Zeinerr Rancho Cucamonga Sheriff's Station; and Debra J. Adams, city Clerk. R R R R• R councllmembar Wright asked if the flag anlute could be moved [o the first meat ing occurring ae 7:00 p.m. instead of waiting until the Council meeting began, if that d16 not present a legal problem. Jamae Markman, Clty Attorney, said there were no legal raquLremanta about thin, entl that it was up to the Council. Heyor Stout asked tact this be placed on the agenda o£ the meating watch would be etr rt inq fir et. x • • • R R City Council Minutes April 18, 1990 Page 2 ' B_ ANNOUNCRMRNTS/PRRSEHTATIONB el. Presentation to Lloyd Michael, Retiring General Manager, Cucamonga County Water District. Lloyd Michas? was not preeenr, to accept hie proclamation. B2. Presentation of Proclamation to Dave Moore and Janie Lynch for their Heroic Effor ~s. Mayor Stout presented proclamations to Dave Moore and Janie Lynch for their heroic efforts. i . ~......... v . v.....,....:.: ,,,, s B3. Presentation of PmrlamMinn R.. n...<n v v, .. service on the Planning Commission. Mayor Stout asked Chairmen Larry McNiel of the Planning Commission to join him for the presentation to David Blakealey. He also recognized Planning Conuni aeioner Peter Toletoy in the audience. Mayor Stout presented David Blakealey with a proclamation for hie service ae a Planning Commissioner. David Blakealey thanked the CLty Council and the Planning Commission for the opportunity to be of service. Chairmen Mca iel stated it would be hard to replace David Blakealey. and was sorry to see him leave the Commission. B4. Mayor Stout made a presentation to Jason Nang for winning third place in en essay content about Earth Day. 85. Jack Lam, City Meneger, stated the City Council needed to adjourn to en Executive Session to discuss property acquisition. R 1 R• R R C. COMMUMI GTIONS PROM TR6 PDRLIC C1. Larry Upham, Bella Vista, stated he could not get a permit for hie residence because of regulations within ordinance 58. He felt the City Council should review this ordinance, because ha felt he waR being held hoatege because of it. Mayor stout suggested Mr. Upham contact Rlck Oomez, Community Development Director, ebout hie problems. • R • R D1. Approval of Minutes: Msrch 21, 1990 March 28, 1990 City Council MSnutes April 18, 1990 Page 3 D2. Approval of Warrants, Register Noe. 4/4/90 and 4/11/901 and Payroll ending 3/28/90 for the total amount of $1,622,179.67. D3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule as of March 31, 1990. D4. Alcoholic Beverage Appiicat ion for On Sale Beer and Wine Public Eating Place for COCO's, GRC He staurant a, incorporated, 7269 Haven Avenue. D5. Approval to deny use of Systems Development Feee far the construction of full intersection improvements including traffic signals at the intersection of Highland and Eaat Avenues fOr Vesting Tentative Tract Map 13945. 06. Approval of and authorizat.inn to o.o~n~o r..~.... rm a __ ___ with San Bernardino County Flood Control District for joint use of-Plood Control District Land at the Cucamonga Creek Bridge Widening Project at Arrow Route. D7. Approval to execute Real Property Improvement Contract aid Lien Agreement (CO 90-060) and Ortlering the Annexation Lo Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Noe. 1 and 6 for CUP 88-37, located at 7649 Etiwanda Avenue submitted by Mercy Ambulance Service, Incorporated. AESOliJTION NO. 90-160 A RESOLVTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, ACCEPTING A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND i.T RN AC.AFRMRNT FROM MRRfv aMannaunv evourne INCORPORATED, AND AVTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERR TO SIGN THE SAME RESOLUTION NO. 90-161 A RE SOLUT ZON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNE%ATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRI C'!' NOS. 1 AND 6 FOA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 88-37 D8. Approval to award and execution of a Professional 9ervlcee Agreement (CO 90-061) for a marketing/ feasibility study for the proposed 1200-seat Rnncho Cucamonga Central Park Performing Arte Theater to Mitza Productions in the amount of $15.000_00; rn na f~inRan from FnA rC^.tra^t Se_ 'icon RCCCUni M-. L'- 50200. D9. Approval to award and execute a profaaeional Servicaa Agreement (CO 90- 0621 batwean the City of Rancho Cucamonga and DOA Conaultanta, Incorporated, for the preparation of design plane, contract epecificatione and engineer'' estimate fo:~ Hnvan Avenue Rehabll Ltetion and Widening from 4th street to Foothill Bou levnrd. The not-to-exceed fee of $169,700.00 plus 10t con[ingenciee to bo funded Erom System Development Fund, Account No. 22-4637-8936 (14t), and PAU, Account No• 24-4637-8838 (86t). City Council Minutes April 18, 1990 Page 4 ' D10. Approval to award and authorization for execution of contract (LO 90-063) for Arrow Route Street Improvement and Signal Upgrade at Haven Avenue from east of Hermosa Avenue to Haven Avenue to Hohaaealy Engineering, Incorporated Eor thB amount of $227,784.00 ($207,076.68 glue 108 contingency), to be funded with Systems Development Fund Account No. 22-4637-8850 and TDA Azt icle S Account No. 12-4637-8831. Oii. Approvai of Map, the summary vacation of n portion oY Utica Avenue, execution of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security, and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance D~vtrict No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance Noe. 1 and fi for Parcel Map 11410, located at the eouthwe et corner of Arzow Route and Utica Avenue, submitted by Vtica-Haven Associates. RLSOLa'1'lOn nO. 90-762 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY OF AANCMO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBBR 11410, IMPROVEMENT AGRF,EMENT, AND ?MPP.OVENENT SEC!'RI'!^_' RESOLUTION NO. 90-163 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUMMARILY ORDERING TN8 VACATION OF A PCRT/CSI OF UTICA AVEHL'E RESOLUTION NO. 90-164 A AESOLUTIO:! OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 POR PARCEL MAP 11410 D12. Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 12895, located on the west aide of Baker Avenue between Foothill Boulevard and Arrow Route, submitted by Oreai Wall Builders. RESOLUTION NO. 90-165 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMBNT EX5'aRD :/~N AND iM4ROVRMENT SECDP.ITY POR T_PP.CT 1?xo5 D13. Approval o[ Improvement Agreement Bzteneion for Trnet 13367 located on the north side of Highland Avenue between Hellman Avenue anQ Amethyst 9trsst, submlicad by Qv inteaeence Development Company. Clty Council Minutes April 18, 1990 Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. 90-166 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEEffiNT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SfiCURSTY FOA TRACT 13367 D14. rproval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Elm Avenue located on Elm nve nue*hetween Church Street and Spru c¢ Avenue, eubm fitted by Lew is Nomea. RESOLUTION NO. 90-167 A RESOLUTION OF ., CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PANCHO CUCAHONGA, __.__r.. :I n, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR ELM AVENUE o i6. Approval to accep[ Improvement a, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for: Tract 10827-3 located o th th aid f Na x n't d e b t He Avenue and Hermosa Avenue Release: Paithful Performance Bond (Street) $420,000.00 Accept: Msintenanre Guaranies eord (Strati) $ 42, OOC.00 RESOLUTION NO. 90-168 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POR TRACT 10827-3 ANO AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OP COMPLETION FOR THE WORK DR 86-36 1 t d nth th e'de f 6th Str et b twe Utica Aven a and Cleveland Avenue Release: Faithful Performance Bond (street) $880,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 90-169 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OP AAHCFI0 CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IHPROVEMRNTS FOR DR 56-36 inND AUINORIEINC THS PTY.4 Nn of R NOTICE OF COro`minH FOR TNS WORK Parcel M o 7902 located on th south net c f Wit A _ _ A_ Mavberzv Avenue Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) S 49,000.00 City Council Minutes April 18, 1990 Page 6 RESOLUTION NO. 90-170 A RESOLUTION OF TFO: CITY COONCIL OF THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCi,MOivGA, CAL ie-ORNIA, ACCEPTING 'PHB PUHL IC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 7902 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION MOTION: Moved by "viright, seconded by Alexander to approve the Consent Calentlat. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. • • • • • • B. CONSENT ORDINANCES E1. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT ORDINANCE NO. 290 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - An amendment to Chapter 5.12 Of the Municipal Code modifying regulations for entertainment permit e. ORDINANCE NO. 290-A (second readlnq) AN OAD INANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TN6 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE H, CHAPTER 5.12 OF TEN? R7lNCH0 CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE TO MODIFY REGULATIONS CONCER4IIIG ENTERTAINMENT PERMITS Debra s. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 290-A. MOTION: :loved by Buquet, seconded by Nriqht to waive Full readlnq and approve Ordinance Ido. 290-A. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. • • A k • f F. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARIN09 F1. CONSIDERATION OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIPIC PLAN AMENDMENT 90 OS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA - A request to amend the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan by adding pharmacy use in the Specialty Commercial District of Sabarese 1, 2, and 3; clarifying the Lntent of wordings in save: el areas of the Spec if lc Plan text for coneiei aney pu rpoeee; clarifying the Development District and standards for the area at the end of San earnardino Road In Subarea 2; end modifying the plant palette for the Foothill Boulevard landecapetl metlien ielnnd. (Continued Pros April S. 19901 >t aif rend rt orw swot wd by NaRry FOnq, HeRiOr FlaDII?L, who etaietl ens would be assisted by Laura Bonaccorei, Landscape Designer. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the publ lC nearing was cloee4. City Council Minutes April 38, 1990 Page 7 RESOLUTION NO. 90-171 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY nF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, AECOMISL`NDING APPROVAL OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 90-01, BY ADDING PHARMACY U36 IN THE SPECIALTY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT OF SUBAREAS 1, 2, AND 3) CLARIFYING TR8 INTENT OF WORKINGS IN SEVERAL AREAS OP THE SPECIFIC PLAN TEXT POA CONSISTENCY PURPOSES) CLARIFYING TRS DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AND STANDARDS FOR TRB AREA AT THK END OP SAN BEANARDINO ROAD IN SUBAREA 2) AND MODIFYING THE PLANT PALETTE POR THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD LANDSCAPE MEDIAN ISLAND MOTION: Moved by Browny seconded by august to approve Reeolut inn No. 90-171. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. R t • / fe G1. CONSIDERATION OF AN APPEAL OP NOTICE TO ABATE PVBLIC NUISANCES - 8493 ETIWANDA APENVE - APN 229-041-I1 Nayor Stout stated he was in receipt of a letter from Goad, Wildman, Hegnees 6 Walley asking for item G1 to 68 continued to Nay 2, 1990. NOTION: Moved by Stout, seconded by Alnraade. «.. ..... ir._o I_-~ ~. ~„ ,.;er ;,, 3990. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. 1 • ~ R R N. CITY MANA66R'e STAPt REPoRTB .i ~.. SZN~&E_RATI ~Op1PLST~IN j?OA IRACT 12577 LOCATED ON PTLORIMS COURT AND 19TF1 BTNSST Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $179,000.00 Aecspt: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) S 17,900.00 RESOLVTION N0. 90-172 A AESOLUTIO:7 OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP Tf7E CITY OP AANCSO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING TH6 PUBLIC IMPAOVElRNTS IO1l TRACT 14577 AND AUTHORISING THB PILING OP A NOTICt Ot COMPLETION kOR THE WORK Jsck Lam, City Mansgsr, stated that this item hsd bNn placed in this particclar 1mca0 icn o! the agenda WceuN the City Council hsd r~gasstsd any item nf~rrinq to Nordic mt be placed on the Convent Calendar. City Council Minutes April 18, 1990 Page e MdfION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Brown to approve Resolution No. 90-172. Motior. carried unanimously, 5-0. • • . . . H2. CODE ENFORCE!lENT ACTIVITY WITHIN TiB3 10200 BLOCK OF ASBFOM Bruce Robbins, 10200 Ashford, stated he was questioning City regulations in the Ordinance which adopted the Development Code ae it pertained to hie neighborhood. He mentioned various things hie neighbors had been cited for, and felt this Ordinance should be reconsidered. r..,.~~: tmamher euauet stated this probably came about because of a complaint received at City Hall, and that ata£f then proceeded to go through the area io investigate the complaint. Mayor Stout stated he did not feel it would be wrong io look into these regulations covered Ln the Ordinance, but stated he knew there ware other cities that ware more strict than Aancho Cucamonga. He stated he has received various calla before regarding ihia cubyect, and that people are planned the City Le trying to have some kind of control. Re also stated this could have an affect on eomeome~e property value. Councilmember Nriyht stated she feels there have been tools designed to help them get rid of eituntione that are really problems. she felt the Ordinance wne very necessary. Counc ilmember Buquet stated ihia ie designed to assist people Ln keeping the property ir, their neighborhood in good condition. James Mnrkman, City Attorney, stated every City hoe a property maintenance ordinance. He stated the way to lock at this ie to picture ovary house in Rancho Cucamonya having the same condition, and then figure if thnt ie acceptable as a standard Cu Le set by tta City Council. Councilmamber ouquet stated Ghat hs hopes Mr. Robbins would understand that the City le duet trying to come to a reasonable approach. Councilmember Brown felt it needed to be addressed ae far ne having eAaquate tacil it tae to put recreational vehicles. Oounciimember Scown eieo concurred with Mayor Stout that mighbvring prvp`rti.: can atfact the property value of their neighbor's hoa:ea. Councilawenbar euyuet stated ha d1A not think it was up to the City to find R.V. spaces for an ownac of en A.V. Ha added ha fs1L Cola Enforcearnt nee alwsya bent over beckwsrda to work with people that have bean cited. The City Council conmanded Mr. Aobbina for hie presentation. City council Mlnutee April 1B, 1990 Page 9 Aen Levering, a resident of Ashford, stated he lives next door to Mr. RoDbine, and he was oleo cited because hie vehicle was dirty and hie 6uehea were too large. Ne added that the parson that came to hie house went all around hie house for things that she might 6e able to write up. He eteied she also canvassed the entire neighborhood in order to find poeai6le violations with other people's homes. TRere being no further response, the public input session was closed. Councilmember Alexander stated ha felt the comments received should De looked at and reviewed. Mayor Stout euggeeted that the Planning Commission review this. Councilmember Alexander concurred. Brad Buller, City Pinnner, offered a ride along program for the city Council and Planning Commission to go witR Code Enforcement Offlcere eo that they would be more aware of the program. Councilmember Wright suggested that information be presented on the method of the Enforcement Program, end also the regulations should be looked et. Councilmember Buquet euggeeted that the City Council nlno receive pictures to go along with the revises of the Ordinance. __ _ ~..~_ .., ~,... ...., .. ~~... n, w.. n ..:, with regular informational reports on `code enforcement^ violations thnt~^are reported to them, and also the action that wee taken. Ne stated he felt they would sea a high level of achievement by Code Enforcement. Councilmember Buquet euggeeted that staff put together information on the Code Enforcement process, end if n Councilmember felt they wanted more information or. a certain arse of the Ordinance, thgy cou Sd moat with staff to have their questions answered. Councilmembar Brown euggeeted that Rancho Cucamonga contact tM City of CRino regarding how they handle their enforcement procedures, and oleo any other c itise that might be helpful. Mayor Stout euggeeted that Montclair b• looked at also. ACTION: staff to come back with a report on the Code Enforcement process st ihs May 16, 1990 meeting. • rt x. coBNCfn eoefpcss I1. REPORT ON BOUNTY ANO RENAAD ByETEN9 POA ff1UPPITI sta!! report presented by Duane Baker, Br. Administrative Aseietent. Clty Council Minutes April 1&, 1990 Page 10 Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public comment. Addressing the City Council was: John Seton, who asked various questions about the graffiti program. He expressed hie concerns fo the City Council about the problem with graffiti and felt something should be done to atop it. He added he did not feel what the City was doing eo far was working. Councilmember Wright stated the City hse not ignored this problem, and has yuat recently created a tool for dealing with graffiti on private property, and ie paying attention Go the graffiti problems as they affect both residential and public areas. She stated the effort tonight ie to re-asses what the Ciiy Council already hse, and to possibly make it better. She felt Hr. Seton should _gs~. ^ cations to help solve the problem, instead of criticizing what the City Council ie trying to do. Councilmember Hrown stated the Cit}' ie trying to resolve the graftlti problems, and is making progress to ellminaie the situation. Jack Lam, City Manager, reported on the graffiti policy that hse been created and the response time for removing graffiti, both on public and private property. He also reported on the graffiti removal machine the City has purchased. He added a great deal of effort hse bean made through the City to atop the graffiti problems, He stated the City dose not know all the answers, but ie trying new things all the time to make the program batter. r .W,^ Tom..,.. veer r......,.. Wn,.....on n« a .n..d wren rh. cralf r r.,rt char wee presented, ha agreed with the information on the bounty system, he felt S.B. 3977, which was proposed by Senator aopp, should Do endorsed by :he Council. and felt the City should urge Senators Ayala and Leonard, and Aseem6lyman Bader to also support this. He oleo liked the suggestion Ghat was made in the staff report ae it related to the City of Diamond Har, He stated he liked the idea of penalising those that ass caught pate ing on the graffiti. He elated he would like to commend the staff, the City Attorney, the City Council and the Daily Remrt for ell of their effort e. Linda Hyler, La Vine Street, stated behind her house Le the biggest graffiti mural in Alta Loma. she etatad she hse reported thi• to the city, and that it is getting worse end worse. She stated the Clty ie not doing anything above thin. Sh^_ felt her neighhorhood was unsafe becauo o! the gralfiti activity. She also stated she felt the City should advezt!ce a_ the J.n!or Y.!gh a.^.d H!qh 3chccl level for tROSe etudenta to be the ^enitchea^ on the people who are actunlly putting on the graffiti in order for Gham to get the reward. she oleo etatad she ie willing to help the City get the graffiti ofE the well behind her house. Councilmamber Buquet felt the City ie taking a step in the right direction. He felt law enforcement should know the importance of this issue and to provide as last a reoponw ae pouibU when they receive a cell about graffiti that U in progrue. Ciiy Council Minutes April 18, 1990 Page 11 Jack Lam, City Nanager, stated staff le looking at next year's budget for additional graffiti removal. Councilmember Huquet felt an educational program to people who Ball spray cane should be initiated. Mayor Stout stated he agreed with staff's recommendation, and asked that they proceed with the Ordinance. Mayor Stout etatod that he did not necessarily agree with Senator Aopp'e suggestion ae far ae to :i:.~ awny eoa:eone'e driver license because he etaied they naw do this with drunk drivers, and that it dose not really work. Re added ha would like co see this ordinance Drought back to the city Council. -.. .;ay„ -, ty .-.yi^.caz, ~...: ..'.. 'Ty vip - Irl'Jpel ty _ _ give is welcomed, that if they desire to go ahead and start reagving it,ali,t ie fine with the City. Nayor Stout suggested Chet Rues Maguire, City 8ngineer, talk to Mrs. Myler and would like a report back to the City Council after he hoe done this. ACTION: Report received and filed. Staff to proceed with nacsasery ordinances ae recommended by Council. . • . • • . T9 MNCTni91TTI1N IlP a PP CIIi.nTTnN TN CNPM9T pA MInITV,C nRPTCTl1N nN T1CR P_ORCB AB 939 - Approving membership of a solid Naeis Task Force required under AB 939. Councilmember Brown felt the City Council should move forward with this Resolution. RESOLUTSON NO. 90-173 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL 08 TH6 CITY O/ RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING lBIMBEASHIP OP TN8 SOLID NA8T8 TASN POACE RBCVSRBD UNDHR A.B. 939 (STAYS 1989) AND RSI.ATHD MATTERS NOTION: Moved by Brown, seconded by NtighY to approve Aaeolution No. 90-173. NoYicn csrried anarl~uaiy, S-0. . . . : w ., I3. RBBOLVTION CONPTRMZH6 THE IMPOATANCB O} TNB }OOTHIZJ. BODLEVARD AND ROCIRSTER AVENUE INTERSECTION Staff iapori prasantad Dy JaCk Lam, CLiy Nanegar. Mayor Stout eeggeeted the following wording be eddwd es she iesi n"renrnnhe Clty CouneLl Hinutea April 1H, 1990 Page 12 "It ie hereby resolved that because of the potential foz lose of late and severe injury at this intersection, the Department of Transportation urgently ie requested to make every effort to expedite the review and processing of the remaining portions of this important project.^ RESOLUTION NO. 90-174 A RESOLUTION OF TINT CITY COUNCIL OF TAS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, STA633ING TO TN8 DEPAATMHNT OF TRANSPORTATION TH6 INPOATANCH OF TRH FOOTHILL BOULEVARD ANO ROCHESTER AVHNUE INTERSECTION TO THB CITIZENS OF TR8 CITY AND URGING FIRST PRIORITY PROCESSING OF TAE CITY'S PROJECT HOTION~ Moved by Stout, seconded by Buquet to approve Aeeo lut ion No. 90-174 ee amended. Hot ion carr lee unanimously, o-u. It wne also suggested this Resolution be forwarded to the State Department of Transportation, Senator Ayala, Senator Leonard, and Assemblyman Bnder. + • • a J. IDENTIRCATIOM OT ITaMB MIR NEST IRBTIMO Jl. Hayor stout stated he wne in receipt of a letter from Cltrvs Llttle Lwague to be placed on the next agenda regarding a curfew policy for ligRte nt a City perk for special events. J2. Mayor Stout Meted there was no agraamsnt for the vacancy on the Planninq Comolaeion after the interviews had taken place, and would like the top two candldetee to be interviewed by- the entire City Council if they ware Ln concurrence. Council concurred to Lnierview the candidates at the conclusion of the May stn joint meeting with the Planninq Commission at approximstsly 7100 p.m. J3. Councilmember Buquet requested a report on the possibility of tnkinq over from Caltrnns the maintenance and permitting functions of state hlghweye in Rancho Cucamonga. J4. Mayor Stout and CouneilmamWX august asked for a reeolutlon on the May 2nd agenda to support chino Baeln Municipal Mater District end [hair position, with tht d!ecuca!cn tc include ~atez cendez~:a!ion. J5. Councilmembsr Brown stated arts mould like to sea on iRe next agenda SCA 111, 116 and 10H. Jack Lam, City Mnnagsr, etsted rheas are already scheduled for tlu next mNtlnq. • • • • • e City Council Ninutss April 18, 1990 Page 13 R3. Lewis Trout, 7861 Laucits, expressed his intermat in Rancho Cucamonga establishing a water conservation policy as the City of Dpland has donor. Heynr Stoui stated the City does not control the water, that the Cucamonga County Water Dletrict dose this, but ha felt the City and the Natet District should work together on this issue. Jack Lam, City Hanager, stated thle can ba brought back at the next meeting fot discussion. R • • • R MOTIDN: Moved by Buquat, seconded by Alexander to adjourn io Sxacutiva Session to discuss property acquisition. notion carried unanimou.: v, 5-0. The meeting ad]ourned at 9:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra J. Adams N ~.. l~ls~1 Approved: F\ uJfn Yi\ Owe i> 00 lNW .rr.J° u L X w^ Y11 ~i• \~ i• ~Si pll r<• •i~ O M1 0 Z ~i Pi OI fi 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 p000hp00p00 a pmeoroNOpee e Paewmaro••o M N P P ~mOrryNP+000 + n « aJm +e N N «PPOONOnmOpNOONPNawN000 NaaOHNOPNOFPOOaN ::OrpNN PMN NI'~O NhPPwNNNwaONNwNi~~N +N «•N « V NNN n n ^ n n n _ __ N ~• • •~•~•Nf • M •Y• •••• JP'O m~aNNAh~nlVam•OPPPNPPPPPPOOOOOOOMHHHrN~nMw~NNNNNN NNaNmmNhhPhM1hhPNhhmmmOmmOmmmmOmmNmOOmmOemm N a«M+•mNmNNNNmNAmNmNNNNNNmNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNmNNNNmm pNVi•VIV••••••f•1•11••••••VV••+•V•1•V•IV•• W W 1 1 1 I 1 1 I• I> • > I • m •• a N •N OYN h N h NN : h00 Nm W P mM1a N!h • m nN Mi0 6Y V /IZO r•YMWV a\\W \l0 W h Of • N LN N<NNNNN •IY W N!m Z + Y>! • N • +s•O•mV • i • N• VOW L J a O S > > r u selw it >z V VPV VOVVVMV IlO.OS rrV =V VpV VpVPVVVPV OOVyhy NNY )<< P N N \ ` ~ i • W~lYirWi IUNi Z Y W OJMY N W tLLIiWLLVYN i ~ Wo < \ O { YOOYYY.P NLLNv P O O N P O WPO!«l6OOWN 1f ILLWiOWWYp V V U O U Y Y MLNIUZ V Y V V U Z O U r> VUrUWiN P _ n wOOM1OJYFFYp r >JIf NIOZhPi f F IZiYJIUYWOL > Y > > > > •wwNN<N INf< _ ~ NI V p ( yM Y i p W ZN J U i Y u P Ys _ s i ~ u Iru .+ W O i WZN Y _ YNi f WN s r_ _ ~ m w : NN W OWN O J : W(\iOF NrVf J l F .MNWON UwM1 i J > J N iN(WLLN JY N > priJ6LLLLLUlJ _V p O > = f_ LL WW• rWL V> i > N L •irV MO: N O p i i N Y_L ( L i r 7 p , O~fi pJOfOV V L. 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S 5 Ssxa~~iaa ~ ~ ~~r ~ :' 13 _~:£ {°._ 8_€f ~~f° k_..Sa e ~i;~Y .S^2: ~g Y$Y+- ~~ a :s~ " __jg~ y{~:~ 's~z e " ° _ cue ~g ~sS ; ~^ .E{tb i~L:? ,..=_.5: i i ~ 01 w~ fi 1 ~JJ' k E Ni ~; I~ ~~ E o' S:i.888&SRS& 8 & &&C fi_e- n v °~~~ aaa-~rd3~ ~ q~°_ =m~a ~ . ~BeSBS'eB5S5 e a ~~~ ?52c ~ E~I < mm. mmmms~.m .. m 8 m ~m~ m m.~mm a ~ R. mas>esRRR~^ s m m RRS a ae~m a . 55tR5X~e8eO5 8 e S 885 8 B ~_ M a &SS°Cs&&SSR x a= Sep _- _a8'~' S R `5 s 8838ssR888R s R 8 88 T^n n.^~ - 8 8 'as"a ?°a°R °R ~~~s _ g ~aa s":i's~ ~ ~ "a` - 4yk~ .. ,,. _ ___ .. .. _ F kS Xa RsRE8R8_SRe 8 R a RR8 R _»$`~ p .°,, 8'~, zs e~~°~~ag$gs ~ ~ ? € ~~e s °_?~ e ~ a s E aassdssasso ~ _ eas ~ ~:a c:~ = a us .r m -__ - -- ' ~~' =Xff YU~oEF=S ~ ~ ~ff2 eene S ~~ ^^ ~~ 1i Y~.-6g~=~ ~ S~5 ~~~R~~g6~rs" Gs ~~ ~~~~ a ~kk:a ffi '~ ~k 'a ~ c ~' a s ~ ~ ~ ~ _ W ~ ~ € ~ ill ~'g~ 5 ~ b a ~ G ~-» 'd B ~~i ~g§~~$~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ €~8~~ ~~ ~~ s /5 - :~ a gu ', 8 f _ ~ 3 J i ... 0 ~' ~~ % ~ ~-`s_ a sao ~°~ ., S "s5 °e ~z ~ _ - ~_ ~- i ~' ~~ i ~ r Y ~~! ~a ~ II n eS .~.. 8$ a~ G18 S~ ~$ 8 ~ ~X em - _~ ~.. R ~~~ ~s °"a>~~g ~~ a ~x ~s ~s ~s s !4 iP .: - -$ AC 8 d~ ~8 r~ ~~ ~ Y a ffi m ~ ~ ~^^S„~ 8 8 ~~ E ~., .. .~b V _ ~ R^ dW CEP°Se°8.°-°-e~ o .; .~~ e a? m a e vauu... ~' S588E 38• S__~q w aR 39J ~4~a ~ i ~ ~ s ~ ` ~ a ~ € ~~ ~~~~~~a~~~~~e~se~~## a ~ ~$ g€ a~ y ., ~ ~ a` ~ e q ~ ~ 8 A - - - W.1 ~h:~ .R. ~ , t 't $[ k ~ Y ~ £ ~ .-. @ _ .. 4i p f? R 5" 6 % . K _ .. m - x W~ e ~'x' g~a ~ e_.o ' ~o ~~e ...-' a8m ~ ~. 5s. ~3g ;A ~ =k" ~~~ J e ^_ xe 3 .. ~ ~ ~ g ~ :x ~ ~s§~ ~ ! y COPYrr--~ -- i.Np rrw.rA~.w.taL~ wwEUnaE Eoe tacoLLaEe 9R9fRM EICgq 1. TYIe{S) a uosaryg IRe NO. )w [ILpwra d A. .. Mvp« Co~wel IA) tl9 eld al 9ali RD s 9LIt Syr ~. ~4 e 9[ EaoarYS. Cd1.9919 ~....«..u.r. w..... PTfI.: eGStt G[OGf COO! K/S Iip idp~nlLa A.weT LL9Rw M eaww delvibd w le4.n OLw Isnd }. NAME(SI W AwlK.OET(3) Tts, hLil 631N LEL, InEe[m R. App9N p+dw RLC )a1M E'wdw Oelw iemeece E9ndw Ow a/EJ/99 S. T)LEIS) OF iLANSACTIOHIS) lH lK. 111! ~.n. s Is9.o9 a 4 Nw«N Wins u vine S. S«wiNl N Wup.-Nlwbw o-la swwl 9931 afa9)rG 1s. cM wd na cp+ Cew+r RRecb trwor 91))0 W YL9as rare s n rt . E..N neNNw Infl« 9 Mvn yw e.er bew.welLwe d a w rpu4Xwo N IM MpMnml prv 11. Cy1Nn a "TLS' Owwl p ibnr 9 w 10 On p1 NbNpeM wllkll rMll r pwnlM pelt N Neil O(pRfYI1M, I). Appliom whew (N IM oq rnalepLt epNLELd M emmle SeewM PSntw .N Sew eN Np sANL.New N O LLenILe, eM A) MN M wNl r .ieleY w caw w pewN b M wdLM wtT N x.. pe-iiwn d IM Akehnik MwpL. <ombl A.1, _ u. sole or eu9a9Na eeeNE N._u.e.>._r______.____..____.wN._.UwnR ....+..... w....p...... M w . .. A..r+...... N .. .+ ........ r ..... r n...w ....» .~ ... ....N.., ~ wL~n ti ,F /n.r ..i. 'Wr4 + M Y'wn r ~ wMwr Mrn r. ~ ,NFL ,M. Mn^h~ne w.. wM..'w. . M1 ~wle w1Yel~ ~ T~ ~~Ie it .r ~r ~ en.lr wr • I^ e w ~Wx ~. Ye`+^+.1 .nn .rr ~I.~ ....n b~ n nrfe w M ~. wN ti ~~ /~. n W ~iA M1 {AIM,-y • wMrne w rr :rte F ..Mti / ~nl~~i IN ti w u~rl~ synM .r 4 -•MN~-. F MM 4 ww~e ~ nn ism A rMi.~ ih..r w Or~~~ I G _ _______ __ _ ___ 1 ~.___, r ~.I11_.~iLCl..~_ ...a ~~_____.. _______. SIGN MLLE .. .. .. ~ . _. AMLICATIOM ~~ 7MN>tAR011 IS. STATE W CAIIrowJIA ~°nNtl' N__..__L199JGEM.____....__.__..... Rew......._1/1~(11~_,_ __._._ uW ~eLr / r r~rn ~e Yw'r ww~ M.. sn4r W wn .1 h ~rwr e.w ie M iY r~Ne~N Wrwr~ .~,el w Ar IeTt nor pel+M~ MF r..e~M ~r M n~.l~ wNMw Mph MN" ~t M tiY i+4, r~Mw w ~.nJe w wiW rwWrl 4V w~ ti nn A~ ti ~4n whwl rn Te nMlw / en rM4M~ I.w x iA w/e n wwJ F it MN~: Ili M nw ~IFw1r rr n,w~ neYe n w uA. w rwlW Y wrw .1 ~ Ye. ~ w Mp . ~,n+e rt~ r ~, ti rwr Yn ewll M M n Lbw v inyv wlirwv~ n W .IN M tp~e w ~ tM^ a nMMM wlea e ~ 4 q eti4 / ~~ ~ e iM1M a +~~ wn n,M~ M wnl~; iY e+ M +M su~u wn ~ ~~~+ tr nY M ~f w~4 Wn~-M.~„wrn'T W:~nw0.e~+~ EEe Nd wIW Llew /1Y C9vr r« DywwwNl u« oLy AIIedIeA 69wpldwl w9o, ~ mil) ~A a/19M ^ ___.____.__..__.. ._. .____._._.-_cone :uLeR._....._....__._._..-.._...__.._._._ ~«,,.~ 8030 (Sassy teer) ol~ rd Ave. Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 f N Currently Zoned; Conmercial - Within Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Area TWO ]onion of Ad iarann Prnnartiac North: Medium Residential 4/8 Dus Ac South: Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Area TWO/Commercial East Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Area TWO/Conmerc ial West Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Area 'fWO; Low Residential APNN 207-102-15 ~~ U2may1990 ~~ ~~, tcrrez ~~ 1 ....-- ---...... .... <....._. riAUw,w e~..wr urElrAli/w .o/ .EEOlioiEe rP.11w uvi~ln 1. lvtg3l w 1xENSgs1 mE nfo. 1w OepwFwlN d Aimblk Eenwgi CP1lIN aCEM Aq. 1901 ined.at ~ 5990 SaParie, CdE. 9lElt IIIpEE9SUE AI Beta ei0 E Yllu OGEAFIIUL '^'^•"°""~`°"^"' 9A51MG pLn CODE ]615 EFe urlMillud Awy oPPEe<b Oae tww<dvAwwb4w0 6wed 9. NAAIEI31 P AnE1tANrry) T"°P' Ierwil App4ed <eldw ~ ~t ~ ~ 9ANCb9Tr xOnndP i IMrL t unw I !l1dIM Oaw Elle<Aw paN,M l1-90 J. TYlNSI a IMNSACTIM.ES) ~ lK. , lnE E 9er nt 1sG. Jp it Ct 11 ). No11Y 01 iuwYa Cue 41 901 S. Ewaian d Eginti<-NU~bw cad Slrwl 10061 Krw lCe. CiN w1d DP CeM fo.nly - ea yceFOPae 91))0 yen 9eieetdlOa ~ TOiAt ISJ.JO e. N nemyl e<11eq, ]. AY trelnixl lmiM Shaw TyW aEi<eme At-196192 Cm0.3 !Y C9y GNNi Yee E. Yaliry Addrw IN 6Ewmr Iron1 S}Nu:Ww cad S0w1 rr..tl rl«N c.e. ate. r. ne.e vw1 ~« exn <an.l<nE a o laanyr lo. Nan laa ...< ~aalnd wry a x1. waa:wn a x:. AAMaAc Eerwge faarN M w repulwbn< a dY OYpemlYnl q<. 11. E,<piwn a'YR^ Owww b Nnwl p q 10 en an a11a<A111eN rAYA 111aN b deemed Pe^ d NYI app0<oMon. I9. ApplkeM epees le) rM 010' lneeeEn< elnPlsyed M awldw9<enW 91en111e< will han e0 IM paa119<^IiaO+ a a C<e~w, and AI Mc b will rot .L•bY q aaer w w<wir Y b <IagW Ben a M weewww d M. AAddie ln..lee. ra.ea Ae1. r I} 9TA1! W CAIIlOpI9A [aunty'a.._u!!!LS4! ......................Oae.___._.._._._ ___._____ _.. u.wr rn+MY M sir. ~ vrr -Les µr w<+r W-. ~wArr ~< m..li W :r M w~4~y. N rn d M ..+-~.. -... .Fes' M h ~4rN ~w~nrw u M1 w w rM'r M rn wwM cal 1M rN -M n^nn ~M rw nn wY'n<« w r<rx~M ti . w .•qw1 MwN :w +M+w:'r w w4n:~w.11~r :< F .<+ArM -.M nx ^~Yelw:.~, n <: M n-.Ne <n:evein ~ rrye< n~n4 i~ er4 x MMr x- mw1+ N < 4v. u w Mµ ~ II I4en~+y Yw~.M r.. er n.inM1 NI An rq ^M 4r w ^I:N M.:+1M wN4wn n Mai -~ V- Mw'+~n ~ N~ nnM'~r< < wlxwn w ~ Y ~.:.rNv n-.. w - r< M:M .. .n nr0. ~w Ifl Mn N " ~ rMYw:n car M nMrv 4r r~l.wn ..Y IyrM ~.e r. i.J. r n ..,,.. .. M1 aewx~v x ' r la YrtICAM //w1' L,, ~ ~- ~~ ~/ ' SIGN NElE _l`~A't~~fJil-r;'N•_[_~~ .4.....T_.. .y_1~~._ ...._.._. ~. _..~... ~~ .. .. AMIICAt10N /T TRAtIfR11EM I3. STATE Of UlI10ENIA COUnIy d..__... PSY082M____ ______________ DaN ____...... 3(10(90.___...._ ur<w rnN~ y / r. M -1.wr MY., rwMn u.i • :ii n .4~11~ .nw.n Mer N :y .rw<n .nr w< xwuln calve'-:. M~..+1.• r<,w'. n.x1. +W<a<r n u 1+rw .r.. +Nxwq w .r..nMe xu ewM i'x.n ~-.YI w4. <n< a nwnln w e h <MVe+ r.< can r'r. N x +rbr:w. MMx wd rwAw x <.M M M1 wev::P M M vn Je ww4gw w nM.w n~Nn n M rwir w Mxlr M1 w1~+ N .:rn 1n+ ~N rw r< nw nlrr `n wNn Y <xr r nn nwlw wMniw. M aww~e u w r.nM.M .I car vMw Y x~1~ e u euw< w ix mwe N wxMw::e Mx can :rwAw w14w•x rr ~ -TM<-. Ir nRw M1 wM4M w Mr Rw.xr -M w .N11^/ ILYN< w Y Arm-v Id. NamaY a 4<m<nd0 It. die!1eNMil a LYnnwl<t le. licnrw Nueb<f0 _ ~- ~_yy Iv, Ewodan Nunlbr ad SIIW CHy aM LP Code feemT Go NIX WTW /ilow TA(e LGe; Fet 3ArpawieT Uw O+iE ArrhM1 Q Ewgded mM<e, ^!µ.)~...~..A ._...~~ ..._CIMIII YePM __,___VI_I r_I Ilx___ __ .noes q ...~ .. .._._.. 0 E<nevell foe d.......___,hN w ............................. O/n m.....____..___...1M<elPr Nw ...__..........____... .w n'...nw w0a ~, a Q r1 ltJ 1 ,r cnsn DE soL 1DD62 arrow Rt, Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. gi730 fun~ently Loned; General Conniercial Lacat~~~ iW Lliin the Turner Center Zoning of Adjacent Properh es: Nnrth~ Mndi um Rncidrnf ial (t_14 nnc / Dr South; General Commercial/ Low Residential 2-4 Dus Ac East Mediun Residential II-14 Dus / Ac iJest Loor Residential 2-4 Dus /Ac And Medium Residential 8-14 Dus/nc 02may1990 ,{oetorrez e ~:- COPYf.rd.l.r-Aw..r.ry.. A.m r,A.W,.Tµ AeeflC~tMN1 10! ~FWeeGfK YYQIMF Ift60Nq I. nrt(A of uccNSrysl RlE NO. 1e: Dpslmr d Akddk inxey CgrIM 1PoI Yoadnal no.rn, :e ~)PF s^" ;2,V2pgL Ive9 Cend 1. ro~a' ~ effie'F fp. , ~ 'I s,~.arr.m>, corr. vsele .... w•a.•.a. ,., rrlar, cv .:f flEOGeAM11G115 coof irM.row«~ ~r+r.e~ Fw ~ Z. NAMEIS) OF App11CANT(SI Imq. MrnN ....N;r '(p.^..I na! AppGd urldm §•c~Itl4 ~ FR•rxw Oa•: " ERediw DoN: ], npf(s of TeANEACMONI3) ~ LK' nvE .:.a ~ ~ .... :1 ;^ i. ygLy racer.. 1-:5:r]r I l Nnm. of euiwr lecnc 1-~y,. :,r ,o S T 3. luarlon el euWnnf~~~Nwbw and SM1r .a.a .. -p .. ,.... --- i -_ ~ ~i~e~o Zpee aPQa ,1v1J ue~pne~i ,f tn0 lOi/rl f Ul. e. 6 V Mmrw licem•d, _ ). M• pumiw ImiM sMw LYH el Liunw Gry limits Yeb e'f~bi"e.,'~an~•~.a~",'~'aAd r'~..p'i~e~`.•r ....~~r-rm e. Mm•Yw •.m bem rmHMd d a relenYY )0. Mow you ww riabM anY d Iha vramim• el rh• Alrphplrt e•wmq. Conrad Arr w r•eubrm. el rhn Dnp•mMm p•n )dniry ro M. Artt , I L Faplmn a "YFS" anrwm a ~Nm• 9 w ID on en anwhmmr mheh Drell M dwmN pan IZ. Applironr aprm• lal IMI any menee•r •mpbyN in an~M• Ikmwd q•miw will har. all rh• gwl~firamn• alp 4wnw, and _(yl that M1e will ml .ieloN w w pmmil ro M delor« mY of rb ww of the Akebdi< M.wee• Cmrrd Atl. q. STATF OF CAIIfgN1A Caunry d rw N w rMx.nr x,. r.w~• .•tl xulw P~wM1nx r M1 qlv.. . wwn. ~Axn^• ~wX~. Mr M rJr.rM .. .YrM v Xn n...r.~.r ` r rrr6r .r rmhrr ~l~ nn i4 xwMn wN V.iNw ...r Y ..Nx. fr r.W. h w. n.n ~ .M iv.nr aim .. rr Y iMU~r rv 11. ApRICANi SIGN XfFE ___________________________________________ 1FflKAT10N A TRINMROR I3. SUtf OF CAIIfOeMIA Cwnry d.__......_ .. ..................__ ...Den Vww w+irr .r -Yn ~in••~r wrr.r K., ~ W .. n Wn .m•r n Mr I M wr.xwn. Mr ~•~iM x nNwlyrw .. w .nNr .M '~ M i4wi.ln M +rM n+ w wNnw w '~ ~• wn•.M . w.M wwwnr... n.w.• xnA. .~'n ww w MM rw.r+' w+nM .+F ~~wr hn mwM.m M M .nlv Wnm RM n+ rn,rin.w eMnrv H . M +•nNr.w . r nwN N n.nNm. .~ hti m xwM .N..i..n ..r M ~n•wm. F .~ x~r .rxue.u . rn. ik.nv..~u m rrw M .wM. . w eYrmwr ^ ML.wy Iw d ..Ar1 M .Ollkn M ..N•.1e1 /1R Do Nd MYW Erroe TA4 Ling Fa Dap.Drurlr Ow Ode Afla•rrNr ^ R•rc•dN mlka. • i ~ ; ~ No Name Business/Jun >Yona ~,1° .'-'s;;: 1- 6 neyar Ave. 1 It9~ ~;._!'P~_'~, .L~ ~ •' ), Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 81730 ~ ~ - ->-_~, ~~ ,{r' ,~~~ µ ~ ' v Locat~d• Within the Thomas i~ _~ - 1 A ___ Winer Plaza/Foothill I t - _ SPecific Plan Area Two I I ~ "=I"'-~ ~- - ----6- -_,.I Currentl Zoned; t•. ~. .,, n I i Zoning of Adjacent Properti es !_j •~ -- -~~ -_ ~E~-- ~' j-_ ::_ North: Conmerdial and Medium ~~, ~~3J ~ J "! i Residential 4/8 Dus Ac ~-_ ,iq ~o-,^ :' 1 •~ _~~ Foothill Rl vd Snarifir Plan '"______! --1% F-k ~!! South: Commercial and Medil~! "~~~ ~ I - -~ (~ ' Residential 4/8 Dus Ac ~'~ r,=~ --~-~~ -_---~~ ~ ~`-j~_~~'~'~''~'~~ '" 1-'._ ~~ Foothill Blvd. Specific Plan ~ ~ '''• .~J, ' ' ~-"~ -"~ - ~ -'-' ml East Commercial/ Foothill ~~ - - P-"- -~ _ - pp -_ Boulevard SPecific Plan i II ; ~~~ - I -~ '~"~ ~ • ~ • j ~, I i I I I'J - =!°.~--- - ___ West Commercial/ Foothill ~I j• .J-_ .:: ~~ ~ ~iV~~ ,ii, i _ ;~ Boulevard Specific Plan '-- - ~) ~,~?~.+ ii~~~ ~~ t-! ,~ ..,m 1 a APNN 208-101-21 ~' ~~ .-f~' ;~~ ~,i; i "~„ t''II ~ - - - _ ~ Tn~u~IIT ~_ I ~ ~ lj j1 ~ ~~ 1 ~" ~ ate` ~ ----- i.. .~~- ~ ,~ b.. .PI. i;.f~-:-~. Tfl '.Y LN..e_fA v 1 ~~ i !~ '~ i P ~Y ,I 1~ J III ~ \ ~I ~ ~ ' ' - ~~ ^' 1 ) ~'-~~ s ,Ii# z Il N --- -- r^cr`- j p THOMAS WINERY PLAZA 1 02may1990 • Soetorrez coPV._6:.~.....~ dI66iEenrEOrd Sw •SCOxoEt EERI~dNE EKNWf7 1. nrrysl w ucENSHSI ~ inE ND. lr OrrmEmta a AswAtpt StwraEi Cmta IPo PSwtrlb QI BAL[ iQG i 4Ff RECENT NO. ~~~ Emn:nb, CAI. 9li1E rwnwe..onrr,.,.,„xl Li:TSC ITX2 ~ CODE 1615 Iitinwt m~TIe11o~N I~b ]. NAMyS) 01 ATKAM(S) itmp, rnleil ~P_RMe, DiYt61. ie6 fa Jyn Appt;td wldv S.c 31011 [Eeavt Ontn Iieuaoee E6ttIAt Doe: _ 3. 1rrVS1 w TRANSArnoN(s) '~ tR:. TYIE wr.b/. s 1gn, nn 11 CT: 31 e. Nomt a luinet Jw'i I1i11 roil uRll 3. lxelion d Ewn«,~.luws. end sl..w +•' cay end ap ced. CetmY IlieGe t]rmr a1]]a ~ TDUE ISO.D6 ~ e. SAV. l a ut.em it-31'ISn ]. An Iruniltt Intidt Yp Gh t'rmRtl }H R. Mali:q Addrta fil bRwtnr Inn SJ~imlltt a:d Slrwl rrwl rr„.I 9. Nmt yw, nn bttn nnWtltd d a lawyi 10. Non You ttw tb4bd ^^I a Nm pe.~~em of IM Akanlt Np rt!~evt lama kl w r.pukNen. el mt OtgMntnl pr I I. EgNMn a ••TES•• ontwx b ibmt V w 10 an w eryxRnml wN[R Jell N MtnN pw1 d mil epplitalgn. 1T. Appl' mm WntE (e) IAw eM mwbetr NnPleltd m a:l~telt IktnN6 pmnnt: nRl Amt eR IM queSRtelion d e Bttnlx, wd (b) IAM At xiR MI tielolt w [euM w omnX b bt vlaleKd wn d IAe ee.i.iew et ~Iu IIeMdL Mwwx fnnxnl lw q. STATE OR GIIWRNIA CwnlY a .____ tiHte~_____________ _____. Deb..._._ __._._.. .4. ,--xr. J ~~~. ~ ..~. r..x ~Yw. ~, xmtu .,I n r. ,F wwa. h .r~lsrn. w Y Tlu rn. ,x~t w h :w.wi.t w ili M .mow .mlMxrr .r M~ nr ,..n w y~l •~r ,wr.. rnw w. I~M a rr r~ix Mn rlu .~ti^~ M w +/on~ :ww .. h .wlsx. a wlwrrx Ml.m ,. 4 '.NnM ..M n~w/+wrwr i aY nMnw.w. w n~x1 rw,lw .n~ n • w t. .w.~.r hr n.,nry Vb I nr+wr M YnMnl In In w w. r,~xA. wlbrYn n h. SFr.-~ ~wNxwn n J xwnlw~ w Mt. ~Mre .~ x n w xrM~M ., Iw xr. u.av 4n..1 w .i...rr r. ~M I,~Irw. le M rw ~rwrnw rls.n rr M ~.,rw ~ xxnr ..:.In« w ,r r~.r,w ~w .. ,..r I..µ n M Mwww, ~ x 11. AMIIGM ••• /~ /{~/-~ SIGN NERE ;_~w/.~.~~IC-S/~"~______________ _________`...f __. _.'~ _.____ ___-G_______..._......__., ~nEKdEt3aE ~r nIdEElnnwE U. STAR p CAtIR0RNIA Cwmry d...u!T<!!4..____________________Onr....__A[16/1C._____.______ u,r ..+,. ~ ..... ...,. ~ Rn... ,.rota ..: ...~ n I .tw.t ~ h :w.. ~ ....:w .ti:.n... ~ wm.lix. r. tw .rnw ..rl-.- :, M Fail; li I:~.:.'A"rn ..ice . ~.+w _ : m.nw th. w1 . r,.xn .~.. h .w... art. I..n.. xwww .. h ...., twn...r ,.:.rn,~r ~ n yryn.tltr h OLnYr )I M rY u.rxb wIYw4 w wNn,t nnlw n rw Y x ,nrJt rF nr~+ M ~ L. w My M nrrw/ +.4 wtn ,Iw ^r+n tT warn h M wr w wNY.rlx, F Y, Owwtix w ..M.,rs x w Iw wx u.A,w w ,rwA.w w u M~ w ran ~ n.a,w .: e.n1+: Ill ,F. ww nww w4:rrwr M N ~Kre F xtx, h wM+w+ w r.:mr~.,nv rwN,+t'Mw,r r. rlx mtw~rt 8613 Ytw Aw.. Sl0. Yeaee =---. Oi mno Oo Nd 1Y1Ne tddrlr Ex11 E.IRy Fa UrSirtR11R1 V11 OME AMAtl6 [~ Rttw4d nelltt. ` - ^ Mabry RRRmR vl EVE ^ .............___......................_._......_ corks AV:E[D .L_i-Lffi___.___________.........___..... ,tt.rt. [] 141:...ArE.a.--------~"-------------------------- oRlu ae----------------A'^4'k.. .-------~---------- 8645 Haven Ave. M550 Rancho Cucamonga, Ca, 91730 Located; Within the Haven Tech Center and Haven Ave. Overlay District. _L'u_rre~ntl~-Lone-d~; General Industrial ar W~~i~in Industrial Specific Plan sub-area 6 Zoning of adjacent properties; North: Haven Ave. Overlay District and feneral Industrial Park sub- area 6 of the Industrial Specific Plan. South: Haven Ave. Overlay District and General Industrial Park sub- area 6 of the Industrial Specific Plan East: General Industrial Park sub- area 6, 10 and I1 of the Industrial Specific Plan West; General Industrial Park sub- area 5 and i0 of the Industrial Specific Plan APN !~ Y09-142-43 `F' tb a~ -C i c Joe torrez 02 may 1990 CITY OF RADICHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: BY: May 16, 1990 ~q ~~c^n+o !N ~9 Z" + r. a v xi I~ ~~ A i'-', rd z _` ii> - ie; ---~ Mayor, Members of City Council and City Manager Joe Schultz, Community Services Manages Karen Emery, Associate Park Planner SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO AUTHORI28 THE ADVERTISING OF THE "NOTICE INVITING BIDS" FOR THE ETIwANDA HIGH SCHOOL AND CUCAMONGA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RECREATION FIELD IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS, TO BE FUNDED FROM PARK DEVELOPMENT FUNDS, ACCO[ntm un, 20-4532-8926 It ie the recommendation of the Community 8arvicea Department that the City Council approve plane and epecilications Por the Etiwanda High School and Cucamonga Elementary School Recreation Field Improvement Projects end approve the attached Reaolutlon authorizing the City Clerk tc advertise the "Nnf.i rw Tnvihinrt A1Aa." BACKGROUND Recreation Fie18 Improvement Plane have been prepared for both Etiwanda High School and Cucamonga Elementary School, as per the joint use agreement established with each schcol district. Improvements at Cucamonga Elementary School will include the addition of two little league fields, two softball fields, two soccer fields, relocation of the exiatinq hardcourt arse, the addition of Pour basketball courts, renovation of the exiatinq play area tot lot, parking lot expansion, anfl related hardscape and landaeapa improvements. The architect's estimate for these improvements Sa $467,578.36. Improvements at Etiwanfla Hiqh School will include ^ix ball fields, two oP which will be Sighted, n lighted soccer/football field, two soccer overlays, a reetroom facility, new drinking fountains, and related handscape end landscape improvements. The architect'^ estimate for these Improvement ie $765,461.70. APPROVAL TO AUTEIORIZE ADVERTISING "NOTICE INVITING BIDS" May 16, 1990 Page 2 Because the improvements are on school distrlct property, the Community Services 1?apartaent has facilitated the development of plans and specifications Tor raviav snd approval by the school district aupsrintandant. Additionally, the plans for Etiwanda Hiqh School era also being revived by the Office of the Stnte Architaat due to the structural engineering required Por the ball field light footings and the rastroom facility. The major portion of the construction of these two laailities ie scheduled to be completed during the sumur vacation period. The ball Held grading and Snstallation will be the first priority, allowing the fields to be playable by the loll. Remaining comtruction will Yollow in a timely manner through coordination with each school district. Re ful submitted, Jo Sc It r „ fy ¢e.. w~....~.~ ~ ~--- - - JS/KE/kl• Attachment 9/ RESOLUTION NO. 90-NlMC A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS ANO SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE ETIWANDA HIGH SCHOOL AND CUCAMONGA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RECREATION FIELC IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS, IN SAZD CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS WHEREAS, it is the intention oP the City of Rancho Cucamonga to construct certain improvements 1n the City of Rancho Cucamonga. WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of certain improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Counc ll of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve that the plane and specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby '~ - 'y±G.-.u a.-iu eyeGii iGA uSi:e ~a ~iwu.ivo iy.`. School and -`Cucamonga Elementary School Recreation Field Improvement Project". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bide or proposals for doing the work specified in the aforesaid plena and epeciPications, which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to wit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS ON PROPOSALS u,,.a,,...t r„ oaa..l„r i,,.. „a the r..,...~it nc the nlf ~ s n..,..wc Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the said City oP Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the Office oP the City Clerk in the offices oP the City oP Rancho Cucamonga, an or before the hour of 2:00 p.m. on THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1990, sealed bids or proposals for "ETIWANDA HIGH SCHOOL AND CUCAMONGA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RECREATION FIELD IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS in said City. Side will be opened and publicly read immediately in the office of the City Clerk, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. PREVAILING WAGE: Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions oP California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor is required to pay not less than the general prevailing rata of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the public work is par£ormed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. In that regard, the Director oP the Department o! Industrinl Relations o! the State of California is required to and has determined such general prevailing rates of per diem wages. Copies o! such prevailing rates oP per diem wages are on Lila in the office of the City Clerk oP the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and ere evaileble to any interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall canoe a copy of such de~texminaticns to ba posted at the job sits. cJC~ Resolution No. 90-XXX Pages Two The Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Twentyfive dollars ($25.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for anch calendar day or portion thereof, if such laborer, workman, or aechanic is paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages hereinbefore stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of Bald Labor Code. Zn accordance With the provisions in Sections 1777.5 oP the Labor Code as amended by Chapter 971, Statutes of 1939, and in accordance with the regulations of the California Apprenticeship Council, properly indentured apprentices may be employed in the prosecution oP the work. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concarnin? the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or nny subcontractor under him. Section 1777.3, ae amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprenticeable occupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public works project and which adminiatars the apprenticeship program in that trade for a certificate of approval. The certilicete will also fix the ratio o! apprentices to journeymen that will be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeyman in such cases shall not be lees than one to five except: A. When unemoloVmant in the area of coverega by the ioint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an overage of 15 percent in the 9o days prior to the request for certificate, or B. when the number of apprentices in training in the area exceeds a ratiol~ oP one to five, or C. When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 oP its membership through epprenticeehip training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or D. When the Contractor provides evidence that he employe regietered apprentices on all of hie contracts on en annual average of not lass than one apprentice to eight journeyman. The Contractor Ss required to make contributions to Lunde established Por the administration of apprenticeship programs i! he employe regietered appzantiaes or journeymen in any apprenticeable trade on such contracts and if other Contractors on the public works vita are making ouch contributions. 30 Resolution No. 90-X7IX Page Three The Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements o3 Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices. information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may ba obtained from the Director oP Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Administrator oP Apprenticeship, Snn Francisco, California, or Prom the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. Eight (S) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work fcs all workman employed in the execution oP thi^ contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with and be governed by the laws of the State of California having to do with working hours as set forth in Division 2, Pnrt 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California as nmua~,i u~i. The Contractor shell Porfait, as a penalty to the City o! Rancho Cucamonga, twantyfive dollars ($25.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the execution o! the contract, by him or any aubeontractor under him, upon any of the work hereinbalore mentioned, for each aelanAar day during which eeid laborer, workman, or meohnnic is required or permitted to labor more than eight (9) hours in violation o! eeid Labor Coda. Contractor agrees to pay travel and subeietence pny to each workman needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and mubaimtanoe payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreuente filed 1.~ accordance witn uoor coae section 1777.5. The bidder must subait with hie propoeel cash, cashier's check, certified check, ~r bidder's bond, payable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga !or en amount equal to at least tan percent {1oR) oP the amount of said bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract iP the name is aaarded to him, and in event o! failure to enter into such contract said cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bond chaff become the property of the City of Rancho Cucamongs. If the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount o! the lowest bidder's security shall be applied by the City to the difference between the low bid and the second lowest bid, anA the surplus, if any, shall be returned to the iowoet bidder. 31 Resolution No. 90-XJIX Page Four The amount oP the bond to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contract Por said work shall ba one hundred percent (1001) of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond in an amount equal to fifty percent (sot) of the contract price Por said work shall be given to secure the payment of claims for any material or supplies furniehafl for the performance of the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, or any work or labor of any kind done thereon, and the Contrnctor will also be required to furnish a certificate that he carries compensation insurance covering his employees upon work to be done under contract which may be entered into between hie and the enid City oP Rancho Cucamonga For the construction o! said work. No proposal will be considered Prom a Contractor whom a proposal form has not bean issued by the CSty of Rancho cucamonaa. Contractor shall possess a Claee "A" License (General Engineering Contrnctor) in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business snd Professions Code, Section 7000, et. seq.) and rules and requlntions adopted pursuant thereto at the ties contract is awardefl. The work is to be done in accordanee with the profiles, plane, and specifications of the City of Rancho Cuaamonga on Ilia in the Office of the City of Rancho Cucamonga of the City Clerk at 9b20 Baseline Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Copies of the plans and epeciticntione will be tarnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and payment of 530.00 , said 530.00 is nonrefundable. Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and speciPicatlon will be mailed when said request is nccompanied by payment stipulated above, together with an additional nonreimbursabla payment of 815.00 to cover the coat of meilinq charges and overhead. The successful bidder will ba required to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the regUiretente of Section 902 of the General Provisions, as set forth in Plane and Speoifications regarding the work contracted to ba done by the Contractor, the Contractor may, upon the Contractor's request end at the Contractor's sole cost and expanse, substitute authorized securities in lieu 6f monies withh^id (performance retention). The City oP Rancho Cucamonga, California, reserves the right to reject any end all bide. .~ &,. Resolution Mo. 90-X7IX Page Fivn By order of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. Dated this day of , Publish Date: May 21, 1990 and Mey 28, 1990 Dann a L. Stout, Mayor ATTEST: Debra Adams, C ty Clerk Z, DEHRA ADAMS, CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council o! the City of Rancho Cucamonga, cnlitornia, at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the day of , 1990. Exacutafl this dny of , 1990 at Rancho Cucnmonga, California. Debra Adams, C ty Clerk 33 -k's -- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 16, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell 1!. Maguire, City Engineer 8Y: Linda Beek, Junior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Authorize the readvertising of the "Notice Inviting Bids" for the Base Line Road Median Beautification, Phase I, Improvement Protect from Naven Avenue to Deer Creek Channel, to be funded from 6andscape Maintenance District N0. 4 Account N0. 4J-a13U-a`JOD ana fral Measure `1" Arterial, Account No. to be detervined, (F.Y. 89/90 and 90/91) It is recommended that City Council aDDrove the attached resolution authorizing the City Clerk to advertise the "Notice Inviting Bids" for the Base Line Road Median Beautification, Phase I, Improvement Protect from Haven Avenue to Deer Creek Channel. BAdC6RD111~/AMALYSIs The subtect protect plans and specifications were approved and Cl 4lillly "pi VY 411V11<CV YY 411C icyiii ai MVVIIYII IIICCYI IIy VI 1'N, MII L 1990. No bids were received on the bidding date of MAy 3, 1990. The title has been changed free Base line Road Median Retrofit to Base Line Road Median Beautification, Phase 1, Improvement Protect to better indicate the scope of the protect. The Engineer's estivate i~or construction of Alternate "A" is (155,500,00 and Alternate "8" is 553,000.00. Legal advertising is scheduled for May 22, 1990 and May 29, 1990, with the bid opening at 2:00 P.M on June 2'_, 1990. Respectf r submitted, ~ •~-- R :oam Attachment RESOLUTION N0.nJO -' % ~- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CWNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "BASE LINE MEDIAN BEAUTIFICATION, PHASE I, FROM HAVEN AVENUE TO DEER CREEK CNANNEL", IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS NHEREAS, 1t is the intention of the City of Rarkho Cucamonga Lo construct certain improvements in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. NHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of certain improvements. NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEC that the plans and specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for 'BASE LINE MEDIAN BEAUTIFICATION, PNASE I". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for doing the work specified 1~i the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to wit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS C'2 PROPOSALS" Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, ea ao .ea.. r,..•.. r.u e_ _a. ~. .~_ .~a .~ .._ ....R ~, ..~'°„ny a 3'titc, iivTi~~ Iu rii.na.uT GIVEN that the said City of Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the Office of the City Clerk in the offices of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on or before the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M. on Thursday the 21 day of June 1990, seated bids or proposals for the "BASE LINE MEDIAN BEAUTIFICATION, PHASE I" in said CTty. Bids will be opened and publicly read immediately in the office of the City Clerk, 1500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. Bids Host be made on a forni provided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho C:+camonga, California, marked, "Bid for Construction of BASE LINE MEDIAN BEAUTIFICATION, PHASE I". PREVAILING NAGE: Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor is required •a pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character to the locality in which the public work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. In that regard, the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations of t`x State of California is required to and has determined such general prevailing rotes of per diem wages. Copies of such prevaiitng rates of per diem wages are on file 1n the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 9320 Base Lfne Road, Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and are available to any 1nLerested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy of such party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy of such detenainatlons to be posted at the ,lob site. The Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (525.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day or portion thereof, if such laborer, workman, or mechanic is paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages herelnbefore stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under htm, in violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1777.5 of the Labor Code as amended by Chapter 971, Statutes of 1939, and in accordance with the regulations of the California Apprenticeship Council, properly indentured apprentices may 6e employed in the prosecution of the work. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprenticeable occupation t0 apply to Lhe ~otnt apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public works protect and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade for a certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to journeymen that will De used Tn the perforwance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen in such cases shall not be less than one to five except; A. Mhen unemployment Tn Lhe area of coverage by the joint apprenticeship n~.t•~n N. -I..J --n -uyc Vf 1.1 1/GI I.G 114 111 1.IIC iV Ygri ill IVI' W the requestyfor certificate,. or B. Mhen the number of apprentices to training in the area exceeds a ratio of one to five, or C. Mhen the trade can show that it 1s replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an•annual basis statewide or Locally, or D. Mhen the Contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprcntiee to eight journeymen. The Contractor 1s rcqulred t0 make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship prograas if he employs registered apprentices or journeymen in any apprenttceeble trade on such contracts rnd if other Contractors on the public works site are making such contr16ut1ons. The Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1771.6 in the employment of apprentices. ~f Inforsation relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirelaents say be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. Eight (8) hour; of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with and be governed by the laws of the State of California having to do with working hours as set forth in Division 2, Dart 7, Chapter 1, Articie 3 of the Labor Cede of the State of California as amended. The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (525.00) for each laborer, worksan, or mechanic employed in the execution of the contract, by his or any subcontractor under him, upon any of the work hereinbefore sentioned, for each calendar day during wi~i Gi -aim i'~U~°" w.4.waw nr ~arAani~ i~ ..° ..±Md ~- -,- ..y.. ~ P~'a.i uie.: w id`u3Y more than eight (8)~hours insviolation of said Labor Code, Contractor agrees to pay travel and subsistence pay to each werksan needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments are defined to the applicable collective bargaining agreesents filed in accordance with Labcr Code Section 1773.8. The bidder oust submit with his proposal cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, payable to Lhe City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least ten percent (lOf) of the amount of said bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract if the sale is awarded to his, and in event of failure to enter into such contract said cash, .N ..-1.. ..L...L ~I Vi.• ' "' a wu n, VI vVIN inoli VR1111P. HIG yruyeriy UI' NIC City of Rancho Cucasonga.~ If the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the lowest bidder's security shall be aDD11ed by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the low bid and the second lowest bid, and the surplus, if any, shall be returned to the lowest bidder. The amount of the bond to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shall be one hundred percent (10011 of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond in an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the contract price for said work shall be given to secure the payment of claims for any materials or supplies furnished for the perforwance of the work contracted to be done 6y the Contractor, or any work or labor of any kind done thereon, and the Contractor will also be reautred to furnish a certificate that he carries compensation 7asuraace covering his esployees upon work to De done under contract which may be entered into between his and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work. No proposal will be considered Eros a Contractor whoa a proposal fors has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Contractor shall possess a Class "A" License (8enerel Engineering Contractor) in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 7000 et. seq.) and rules 37 and regulations adopted pursuant thereto at the time this contract is awarded. The work is to be done in accordance with the profiles, plans, and specifications of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on file in the Office of the City Clerk at 9320 Rase Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Copies of the plans and specifications, available at the office of the City Engineer, will be furnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and payment of 535.00, said 535,00 is nonrefundable. Upon written request try the bidder, copies of the plans arM specifications will be nailed when said request 15 accompanied by payment stipulated above, together with an additional nonreimbursable payyment of 520.00 to cover the cost of nailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the requirements of Section 902 of the General Provisions, as set forth in the Plans and Specifications regarding the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, the Contractor mqy, upon the Contractor's request and at the Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute authorized securities in lieu of monies withheld (performance retention). The City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. Dated this 16th day of May, 1990. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, this 16th d;y of May, 1990. ar ATTEST: .. ...ar ADVERTISE ON Mqy 22, 1990 May 29, 199(1 CITI OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION The City Council adopt the attached resolution requesting that the City be allowed to self-insure its Workers' Compensation tovera ge and authorize the staff to initiate the process to self-insure Workers' Compensation by joining the California Municipal Insurance Authority Workers' fompen sa ti on pool. BACKGROUND The City currently insures its Workers' Compensation exposure by purchasing insurance through the State Insurance Fund. The premium for this coverage is based on a percentage of payroll. The percentage is based on the type of work performed (i.e, maintenance employees premium is approximately 7X and office crop iuyee> are ip~, nuuuaiiy, Lire i,i iy pny> appr un imo le iy i«~,vw iu pr em iuni for coverage for all City employees. The City has low losses, therefore, receives a premium rebate two or three years after the close of the calendar year in which the premium was paid. In past years, the City has received between E40,000 and E60 ,000 per rebate. During calendar year 1998, the City experienced actual losses of E2,343 for medical and temporary disability ezpen ses and in calendar year 1989, the City experienced actual lasses of E5 ,699 for medical and temporary disability expenses. Essentially, for a premium of approximately E400,000 over two years, the State Insurance Fund paid a total of E8,042 in losses. This leaves a net income to the State Insurance Fund of E291 ,958. The City, in all likelihood, will receive a total of approximately E80 ,000 to E100 ,000 fn calendar years 1991 and 1992 as a rebate from the State Insurance Fund because of our low losses. Still, for E8,042 in actual costs, the State Insurance C..nA 6.A nG 1An 1V 1e4 txrln Ono inn a 9 •n F inA ni a ii 1M• ~vn v rJ Ji ~ pi o na.• .~ r same E400 ,000Vhad been invested, the tote restVincomenwou ld shave Deen more than E130,000. In an effort to further maximize the City's financial resources, staff 15 recommending that the City join a Workers' Compensation pool and self-insure its Norkers' Compensation exposure through the California Municipal Insurance Authority. (The Cf ty currently belongs to the Callfo rn to Municipal Insurance Authority for general liaDil7ty coverage and as part of the general liab111ty pool we are eligible to join the Workers' Compensation pool). APPROVAL TO IRITIATE SELF-FUIIOI116 OF THE CITT'S iIORKERS' COMPEIISATION PR06R1W May 16. 1990 Page 2 Many cities have experienced the same low loss and large dollar premium as we have, therefore, suggested the implementation of a pool to cover Workers' Compensation exposures. The pool concept would allow all agencies to benefit as the premium collected is used to pay actual expenses and the balance of the premium is invested with the interest being put Datk in the premium pool as available funds to use. Caring the first three years, the pool would charge the same rates as the State insurance fund with a 5% reduction. Ou ring this three year period of time the pool would invest the pooled finances with the goal of earning enough interest to reduce overall premiums and cover administrative costs. [t is anticipated that the pool would be able to rec,,;.e its rates to approximately 50% of the State Insurance Fund rates by year four. This reduction would equate to actual dollar savings of more than EI50 ,000 annually for the City. The self-insured program, as reconanended, has a E250,000 pooled self-insured retention, and commercial excess coverage would be purchased to cover the pool up to 5 million dollars as required by law. The pool would contract with the third party administration firm of Keenan and Associates to handle clafms adjusting. By self-insuring the City's Workers' Compensation exposure, the City will experience long term savings through its safety and loss prevention oroarams, control over medical costs, handling Workers' Compensation cases more efficiently, and prudently investing excess premium revenue. Tire eiLa~iieJ re su iuiiun is required oy ve Sca ce or ca nrorma oe TOre an agency can self-insure its Workers' Compensation exposure. Staff believes self-insuring the Workers' Cnmpen sation exposure is prudent and appropriate for the City and recommends that the City Council authorize initiation and implementation of the prog rar, through the California Municipal Insurance Authority. Re spec tfull submitted, Jack Lam, AICP City Manager JL/JH/dah ~O CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 16, 1990 y' TO: Meyor and Members of the City Council PROM: Debra J. Aflame, City Clerk ~iP~1(1,`Cp~V,~"•'A•!,•ri/- SUBJECT: V It ie recommnded that the attached Resolution be approved by the City Council changing the regulnr meeting place fot the Rletoric Preservation Caamieeion, Park end Recreation Caa~miselon, Planning cc®ieaion and Public eefety Ccanlieaion. Background/Malvais The Civic Cantor/Public eefety facility will W reedy to occupy the first part __ loan mF..ra in~e n_11 r...l~~ m_.M lnn~ ni YFn ~Mn..n 11 ~V n.\ n_n_rl_~n_I_n_.._w_ n~ T.nn _ ___ __ __ _ ..... _• ..... ~.. _... • .... ~ > ._ ... ..a .... _ .. .. _.. may be held in iha council chembere located at 10800 Civic Gntar Drive as outlined Ln the atter~Y.~••ti resolution. Please contact me 1£ you hove any gueetions. /die Attached ~" .' /93 RESOLUTION N0. 90-#'*' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CHANGING THE PLACE fGR HOLDING REGULAR ME'cTI NGS OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COF1w11SSI0N. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION, PLIWNING COMMISSION AND PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga will be npving to its new office facilities to be located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Ra ntho Cucamonga, in June, 1990. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: Regular meetings for the following commissions shall be held in the Council Chambers at the Civic Center complex located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California, with respective effective dates: Historic Preservation Commission effective June 7, 1990 Park S Recreation Commission effective June 21, 1990 Planning Commission effective June 13, 1990 Public Safety CommT SSion effective July 3, 1990 SECTION 2: Said regular meetings shall continue to occur as follows: Historic Preservation Conmission first Thursday of each month at 7:00 p. m. Park & Recreation Commission Planning Commission Public Safety Commission ~~ third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p. m. second 8 fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p. m. first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p. m. a - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAb10NGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 16, 199C T0: City Council FROM: Debra Adams City Clerk/Re rds Manager SUBJECT: DESTROCTIOS OP QITY DOCOURRTS It is recommended that City Council approve the Revolutie.^. grant!ng authorization to destroy records listed or. the attached form. Under the authority of Government Code Section 34090, a department head may destroy certain city records which are two years old under his charge ae long as such destruction ie first approved by the city attorney and city eounell. Also under the same Government Code Section, authority ie granted to destroy records which have Seen microfilmed, DA/tr attachment ~3 ,. RESOLUTION N0. 90- i / " A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CITY RECORDS AND DOC LM ENTS WHICH ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED AS PROVIDED UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 34090 WHEREAS, it has been determined that certain City recnrds and rr the charge of the following City Departments are no longer required for public or private purposes: BUILDING & SAFETY COMMUNITY SERVICES PLANNING WHEREAS, it has been determined that destruction of the above- mentioned ma ter to is is necessary to conserve storage space, and reduce staff time, expense, and confusion in handling. and informing the public; and WHEREAS, Section 34090 of the Government Code of the State of California authorizes the head of a City department to destroy any City records and documents which are over twe years old under his or her charge, without making a copy thereof, after the same are no longer required, upon the approval of the City Council 6y resolution and the written consent cf the City Attorney; and WHEREAS, it is therefore desirable to destroy said records as listed 1n fxhih it °A" >H>rh>d hon>4n nA m>Ao ..~ 6...~..s a > .. ... ..... 3y[, ~~.~~,.,.. making a copy thereof, which are over two years old; and IJHEREAS, said records have been approved for destruction by the City Attorney. NOW, THEREFORE, this City Council of Lhe City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: That approval and authorization is hereby given to destroy those records de scrl6ed as Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. SEr, TION 2: That the City Clerk is authorized to allow examination by and donation to the Department of Special Collections of the University Research Libra r.v, Un iVE r>ity Lf Dali fo rrl id, or pih er hictnr irai 5er inty designated by the City Council, any of the records described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, except those deemed to be confidential. SECTION 3: That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution, and thenceforth and thereafter the same shall be in fLll force and effect. r I DEPARTS~NT Building 8 Safety RETENTION 2 Years PREPARED ex/DATETony Russell/4-25-90 saE1,P No. Records Center TZTI,E OP DESCRIPTION OP CONTENTSs 1985-87 Residential Plans 9950 FOOTHILL 9610 SANTA ANNTA 7930 HAVEN #li 9950 FOOTHILL #E 6331 HAVEN #1 9121 HAVEN #220 9950 FOOTHILL M 1C661 HOLLY 11155 JERSEY 8301 UTICA 9034 ARCHTAAi.O 9065 HAVEN 1 10296 PEPPER 8301 ELM 10681 FOOTHILL 6331 HAVEN #6 9431 HYSSOP 1087T FOOTHILL 10370 COMMERCE CTR. #110 7890 HAVEN 13A 9121 HAVEN #240 9238 BALLY 10350 COMMERCE CTR 180 9950 POOTHILL A HELLMAN 4 7TH 9757 7TH 937s HYS30P 10390 COMMERCE CENTER 9955 BTH 9421 PERON 9950 FOOTHILL Z 10660 ACACIA 9050 UTICA 800 6829 ETIWANDA 9805 6TH 201 7 onn WAVPN in 7018 DAVENPORT 9000 ARROW RTE 7890 HAVEN 8356 REDHILL 9065'HAVEN #20d 9281-B PITTSBURGH 8560 VINEYARD #203 9955 6TH 9287_ HAVEN 8819-20-40 REDOAE 9322 HYSSOP 10390 COMMERCE CTR 260 9120 HAVEN 5797 7TH AP POE DESTRDCTION BLi G~ SPAR 1 ANDY 7lRCLYEEEI. SSt. City A+ AESOLDTION NO. DATE DESTROYED ~:,: £.. . 9216 RALLY 8301 ELM 6596 HERYL 10532-74 ACACIA 9535 ARCHZBALD 9485 HAVEN PM 4256 900 ROCHCESTER 9267 HAVEiv' e03tl HAVEN 8560 VINEYARD 8358 REDHILL 9017 ARROW 9500 HAVEN #260 P.AVEN/BASELINE 7900 HAVEN #B 9121 PITTSBURG 9950 FOOTHILL #P 7670 PARADISE 9125 ARHIBALD #C 10350 COMMERCE CTR 10470 FOOTHILL #111 8293 GROVE 10681 FOOTHILL #325 9955 6TH 12645 7TH 9281 PITTSBURG 10390 COMMERCE CTR #220 10655 LEMON 9121 HAVEN #100 8386 UTICA 9121 PITTSBURGH 10350 COMMERCE 10700 CIVIC CENTER DR 9100 9TH 901759077 ARROW 10900 FOURTH 10877 FOOTHILL 10390 COMMERCE CTR 9047 BRIDGEPORT 10222 BALLY 4038 CENTER 10727 7TH 7890 HAVEN 9950 FOOTHILL #2 6331 HAVEN #7 8520 ARCHIBALD 10096 6TH yiuu rl'n 9007-77 'OR~W 8270-80 ASPEN 10340 FOOTHILL 8038 HAVEN 9055 HAVEN 10390 COMMERCE #280 8560 VINEYARD 8667 19TH 8560 VINEYARD #212 8303 ELM 9269 UTICA #150 9229 UTICA #145 6797 CARNHLIAN 12434 4TH 12434 HAVEN 9500 HAVER #150 160 30670 CIVIC CENTER 9047 BRIDGEPORT 9950 FOOTHILL 8300 UTICA 8493-33 ETIWANDA 7900 HAVEN #24-26 9121 HAVEN #140 9238 BALLY 7940 HAVEN 10722 ARROW 6943 TkINITY 8820-26 8TH 8628 UTICA #BOo V 9i0C YITTSHURG 30700 7TH 10470 MAHOGANY 6331 HAVEN #3 7930 HAVEN #101 8560 VINEYARD #510 9950 FOOTHILL #M 9000 ROCHHSTER 9521 BUZSNESS CENTER DR 9165 ARCHZBALD 9126 ARCHIBALD 913b ARCHIBALD 9757 7TH 9153 9TH 9121 HAVEN #280 8560 VINEYARD #107 9108 PITT58URG 9033 9TH 9077 9TH 12434 4TH 10655 7TH #801 f2) 9267 HAVEN 9500 HAVEN #130 8560 VI^??YARD #405 9036 HAVEN #304 Ce37 GRO'vE 9269 UTICA #190 10370 COMMERCE #110 10252 6TH 9658 9ASELINE 10722 ARROW #610 9625 UTICA #100,200,300,400 9216 BALLY i n47n wnOmuicT. lt01 9555 FCOTHILL 6331 HAVEN #12 10655 7TH 11190 WHITE BIRCH 6632 ARCHIBALD #204 8925 BASELINE 11190 WHITE BIRCH 9033 9TH 5566 VINCENT 5300 UTICA #215 6401 HAVEN (PAYLESS) 9005 OTICA 8858 VINCENT 12250 4TH 10655 7TH 10350 COQ^:ER~:: #110 7900 HAVEN 27 9000 RO~':[ESTER 10504 R.UGE CANYON 9955 6TH 7207 HAVEN 9843&51 6TH 5707-27 UTICA LAURAL (ASPEN PNZI) 10860 6TH ARROW 9345 SANTA AHI7if 6778 ROCHESTER 9950 FOOTHILL X 10535 FOOTHILL 150 7956 HAVEN 9267 HAVEN 220 9045 HAVEN 109 9651 BUSINESS CTR 9535 ARCHIBALD 9121 HAVEN 285 9125 ARCHIBALD B 6610 AMETHYST 9467 MILLIKEN 9229 UTICA #100 7201 ARCHIBALD ii663 'r HCOD 6300 UTICA 7890 HAVEN #922 8656 UTICA 7690 HAVEN #M 10350 COMMERCE 6431 MILLIKEN 11190 WHITE BIRCH 9261 PITTSHURl; 9121 HAVEN #270 9433 Y.YSSOP 9121 HAVEN #260 6829 ETIWANDA 6632 ARCHIBALD #202 9950 FOOTHILL 9121 HAVEN #160 9265 LT7CA 10655 7,N #601 9375 AP.^NIBALD 8669 19iH `lUDV V'1'1UY 9449 SA:rTA ANITA 6331 HAVEN #6 ?0096 6TH 6865 UTICA 9335 MILLIKEN 9, 2' aAVEN 9645 SANTA ANITA 6924 MILLIKEN 8680 HELMS 10374 TRADEMARK 8325 HAVEN 7746-56 HAVEN 6401-55 WHITE OAK 8400-60 MABLE 1,^y; 12360 BASELINE 7243 EN 6604 PECAN 10900 4TH 601 8623 BASELINE 8656 UTICA 300 10350 COMMERCE CTR 300 9229 UTICA 150 9135 ARCHIBALD F 7840 HAVEN 9155 ARCHIBALD 306 6426 ZIRCON C ~) :ij; ;~.. 9804 CRESCENT CTR 601 9804 CRESCENT CTR 8283 GROVE 9017 ARROW 10900 4TH 8830 ROCHESTER 8359 POOTHILL COUNTRY CLUB 10700 CIVIC CTR B 8840 197E 995C OCT..,... 8072 ARCHIBALD 8293 GROVE 9230 BALLY 8865 UTICA 10900 4TH 9500 HAVEN 210 9238 BALLY 7930 HAVEN 9105 MILLIKEN 9229 UTICA 130 973C 19Tk 9229 UTICA llD 9055 NAVP.N 1D0 10013 8TH A 9421 FERON 101-104 8283 GROPE 107-710 9121 HAVEN 290 8283 GROVE 208 11470 ,30,80,70 6TH 9518 9TH 8 8710&8736 BAKER 12434 4TH 10900 4TH 9688 BASELINE 6371 HAVEN 3 9590 FOOTHILL 1035D COMMERCE CTR 9507 COMMERCE 9950 FOOTHILL A 9950 FOOTHILL E 9669 FOOTHILL 9610 SANTA ANITA 9077 ARROW 9100 9TH 9955 6TH 6TH8: HAVEN 7201 ARrHIBALD 11 9035 HAVEN 101 y000 OHDGL IIVG oIV1 U11VH 9590 FOOTHILL 11352 MT. ABBOTT 8632 ARCHIBALD 207 8886 VINCENT 793D HAVEN 13A 12695 6TH 10470 FOOTHILL 9267 HAVEN 10959 JERSEY 10601 CIVIC CTR 140 9546 SANTA ANZTA 6TH & BUFFALO 30370 COMMERCE 5930 POOTRILL P 9950 TURNER °744 RANCHO 7980 HAVEN H 91C3 PTTTSBURG 12434 4TY. 10110 CHURCH 10681 FOOTHILL 301 9950 FOOTHILL 1 9153 9TH 10727 7TH 8560 V. NEYARD 300 9269 UTICA 155 8736 BASELINE 9121 HAVEN 170 N '6' HAVEN .. 8283 GROVE IU7 ,'L10 9500 HAVEN 260 9500 HAVEN 280 9596 BASELINE NWC HAVEN & 6TH 9267 HAVEN 101 11190 WHITE BIRCH 9626 BASELINE 10390 COMMERCE CTR 9600 HAVEN 180 9121 HAVHN 250 9006 VTICA 9121 HAVHN 23U 9034 ARCHIBALD 9281 PITTSBURG 9373 HYSSOP 6301 UTICA 10390 COMMERCE CTR DR 180 9950 POOTHILL 11633 6TH 1{) 9805 6TH 203 7201-11 ARCHIBALD 10350 COMMERCE DR 6371 HAVEN 4 7930 HAVEN 10470 FOOTHILL TOWEP. STE 9172 FOOTHILI~ 10470 POOTHILL 200 0635 9COTHILL 333C JERGEY BLDG 4 9000 ROCHESTER 10374 TRADEMARK 8263 GROVE 108 10681 POOTHILL 393 9345 SANTA ANITA 10506 7TH 8645 HAVEN 360 10535 FOOTHILL 11370 COMMERCE CTR C 9121 HAVEN 200 1D7O0 JERSEY 9345 SANTA ANITA iu6&i cuuIriliL JG1 91'11 HAVEN 235 8477 ARROW 10477 LEMON 931b BASELINE 9535 ARCHIBALD 10532 ACACIA 10470 FOOTHILL 110 9955 6TH 8701 ARROW HWY 9239 UTICA 105 8955 FOOTHILL 10900 4TH 9045 HAVEN 109 7746&56 HAVEN 8283 GROVE 206 10470 FOOTHILL 107 8784 ROCHESTER 9483 HAVEN 300 9292 9TH 9950 FOOTHILL Y 9545 SANTA ANITA 9950 POOTHILL N-O 9518 9TH A 9950 FOOTHILL J 10900 4TH ouzo nrz~riinnnu iutau atn ovu 10370 COMMERCE 140 10855 7TH 10900 4TH 9596 BASELINE TR 13057 9640 HASELiNE 10670 6TH 10370 COMMERCE 130 10681 FOOTHILL 8283 GROVE 109 9105 MILLIKEN 10900 4TH 7201 HAVEN 11155 JERSEY H&N 10096 6TH 11150&90 ARROW 7930 HAVEN 8865 UTICA 10959 JERSEY 8789 ROCHESTER TR 12672 TR 9619 TR 12523 TR 12632 TR 12020,12019,11663 TR 12339812319-8 TR 32040 TR 12414 mn _x_19-1---~ TR 12362 TR 12572 TR 11013 TR 11934 TR 13066 TR 13052 TR 11932 TR 9288 TR 10046 TR 12944 TR 13022 TR 13117 TR 12046 TR 12490 TR 12439 TR 13203 TR 9441-11609 TR 11893 TR 11915-1 TR 9472 I'~ ~. ~' TR 10047 TR 12319-4-7 TR 13057 TR 12673 TR 12936 TR 12938 TR 12588 TR 1252b TP. 10047 Tfi 12833 TR 12739 TR 12895 TR 12726-27 TR 10076 TR 12238&12530 TR 13118 TR 12942 TR 12943 TR 12673 TR 12590-1 TR 12802 PM 7441 mo 115.0-I Tn 11191 TR 33027 TR 13192 TR 10362 TR 12237-2 fix'., { 8 ~ DEPARTMENT Community Services RETENTION 2 yedrS PREPARED BY/DATE TOnY Russell/Q-18-90 sRELP No. Records Center TITLE OP BO% DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTSt RECREATION PROGRAM FILES 1986 RECREATION PROGRAM FILES 1587 CLASS SUMMARY REPORT 1982 TO 1987 Chrono files 1987 GRAPEVINE PRODUCTION 1985-1987 Recreation Facility Renta] 1987 Special Events 1986-1987 HEURCA'1'1ON CEN'1'ERS A'f'fENDANCE SHEETS 1986-1987 Resolution & Ordinances 1986 POR DESTRUCTION BY: RESOLUTION NO.__~ DATE DESTROYED ANDY ARCEYNBEI, Asst. City Abtorney DEPARTHENT PI ANNTN6 RETENTIDN 3 YEARS PREPARBD SY/DATE TONY R SS /.r,-7_g0 sBBr.P No. RECORDS CENTER TITLE OP SOR• DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS: CDBG BLOCKS GRANTS 82-83 402-05 CDBG CORRESPONDENCE W/HUD FY 82-83 402-05 HCD PROGRAM INTER CITY MEMOS 81-82 402-05 CDBG WORK PROGRAM 82-83 402-05 HCD NEEDS ASSESSMENT 1982 REQUESTS FOR FUNDING FY 82-83 INLAND MEDIATION 83-84 ENV. REVIEW RECORD: NORTH TOWN STREETS PHASE III ENV, REVIEW 82-83 RECORD: HOUSING REHAVILZTATION PROGRAM. HELLMAN AVE. RECONSTRUCTION JOBS BILL FUNDS 402-U5 HCD: LETTER OF CREDIT PORM HUD (1982-83J 402-05 HCD: FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 82-83 c-~vu cw~cI i6nJnrii:l law nvtnn rx e[-ne STAFF REPORTS 82-83 402-OS HCD: FY 82-83 STAFF TIME/HRS LOG HOTRH TUWN PHASE III -AUGUST 1982 HCD: NORTH TOWN STS: PHASE TIT FY 82-83 CDBG FY" 82-83 STATUS REPORTS 402-OS CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION AND MINUTES CDHG FY fit-83 402-05 PRE-1982 COOPERATIVE MATERIAL CITY/COUNTY 402-05 CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 1982-83 402-05 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY COOPE$ATING CITIES RE: CDBG 402-05 2983 NEWSCLI PS - CDBG PROGRAM 402-05 REQUEST FOR PUNDING 83-84 d02-05 83-84 REPORTS TO CITY COUNCIL AYPROV® POR DESTRtlCTZON B7C: At80LtlTION ~. -~1• ~ ~ D DARE DtaTROYEO i' AtDY ARCRYII9 ._4sst. City Attorney 402-05 CITIZENSHIP PARTICIPATION 83-84 402-05 A3-A4 LEGAL NOTICES HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN: APRIL 1983 402-05 PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES 83-ed PROGRAM CDBG REHAB/REPAIR PROGRAM FY 82-83 402-05 83-64 ENVIRONMENTAL UPDATES CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 16, 1990 T0; Mayor and Members of the City Council rpDM: Rick Gomez, Community Development Director BY: Larry Henderson, Principal Planner SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT THE PRESERVATION OF THE UN TEO STATES ROUTE 66 HIGHNAY N HI570R C HI GHN Y RECOMMENDATION; Approval of a resolution to support the preservation of the United States Route 66 Highway as an hfstorlc hfghway. BACKGROUND: 1n March of this year, the City ,io fined the San Bernardino County Tourism Development Council, Route 66 Preservation and Promotion Committee. The purpose of the membership of this group is to preserve and enhance the histo rtc image and interest of Route 66 and also to promote Route 66 as an economic resource. The attached Resolution is the first format step by the City Council to acknowledge and formally va rt icioa to in *n< or~,tc cc .."rua~,, :;~^ and Frmiwcion committee actirit ies. The Historic Preservation Commission adopted a Resolution recommending City Council endo r5ement of the move to preserve Route 66 as an historic highway on Aprii 5, 1990. submitted, ¢omnl~uaiCy Development Director 1~(tG:LH:sp Attachments: City Council Resolution March 17, 1990 City Council Memorandum April 5, 1990 H15toric Dreservation Commission Staff Report and Resolution CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM _ , DATE: March 13, 1990 `-' r T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Rick Oomez, Coaewnity Development Di recta SUBJECT: PROPOSED COMMEMORATION OF ROUTE 66 I have contacted Mr. Bob Wnay of tM San 8ernardtno County Tourism Development Council who requested our appointment of a spokesperson to serve on their Route 66 Preservation and Prametion Coewtttee. TM purpose of this group is to preserve and enhance tM historical image and interest of Route 66, while also promoting Route 66 as an eeoiwmic resource. I have contacted a few neighboring cities wM ail seem to be following the same direction of commemorating tM history of Route 66 and participation, on a limited bests, with this group. I would recomeend tMt tM City of Ranch Cucamonga become a member of the Route 66 group by submitting our applteatton along with LM s50 annual membership fee and tMt ( or a member of tM Planning Department attend the meetings. Also, wt would Mre our Nlstoric Preservation Commission consider adopting a similar resolution to tMt of our neignoonng cu es crating tree nisten cal importance of Route 66 1n our City. If you should have any questions, please give N uil at any time. RG:ko Attachment SS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Aprfl 5, 1990 T0: Lha irman and Members of the Historic Preservation Commission FROM: Larry J. Henderson, Principal Planner SUBJECT: COMMEMORATION OF ROUTE 66 - To consider a resolution recommending the City Council support efforts to preserve Route 66 as an Historic Highway. BACKGROUND: The Cf ty's Community Development Director, Rick Gomez, has requested this item be placed on your agenda for consideration. A copy of the Memorandum dated March 13, 1990 to the Li ty Council from Mr. Gomez is attached for reference. This request was initiated through the San Bernardino County Tourism Development Council they requested the City appoint a spokesperson to serve on their Route 66 Preservation and Promotion Committee. The intended purpose of this group is to preserve and enhance the his toricai Image and ~4uilu ~~, wi,iie oiau prumu i.iny nuu ie oo as an economic resource !see attached copy of Tourism Today Newsletter). Inasmuch as, the City of Aancho Cucamonga has, through it's historic preservation efforts and the adoption of the Foothill Specific Plan recognized the historic value o1 Route 66 (Foothill Boulevard), staff has prepared the attached resolution for the Coswission's consideration. If the Historic Preserve Lion Commissfon approves the Resolution, sta ff'would then forward that Resolution with a similar Lity Council Resolution for final action by the Ctty Council. Respectfully submitted, 0~1. ' O' Larry J. Henderson, AiCP Principal Planner LJH/jfs Attachment: Memorandum date Merch 13, 1990 Tourfsm Today Newsletter Resolutfon y, 66 Tourism Toa.ay :~ The Quarterly Publication of the ' ra°"r~ San Heraas+diao Comtq Totartam Developsaeat CasncH TDC Takes Lead On Route 66 Route 66 Temtory was approved as the official marketing theme for the TDC in San Bemu- dino County and environs. The Board of Directors unanimously agreed to concentrate then attention on the Mother Road, as the once- majorlink between Chicago and Santa Monica was known. Appro- priately, this bold decision wu uken in Los Angeles County during the December 3, 1989 meeting of the Board at the Rancho Santa Ma "e• -ic Garden in Claremont. The ail, .cance is because the TDC can legitimately range beyond in San -emardino Countv harden. as splained below. The vast geographic xope of he TDC was vividly illustrated in alt year's fvst printing of the Visit ;an Bemar~dkto County map of ourist attrutions. Eight bordering ountip were included tm that map n addition to San [temardirto ounry, one of them (Riventde :ounry) in iu entirory. Baatsse the 'DC is chartered by the Snaetary d rte b assist in Ute balanced devei- pment of tourism in San BemWitro ounry and its environs, it can cross s bailer with impunity, p long U 596 of its member roside, own °' 'Y. or work within San Banu- n. ,runty. To barer serve the growing mbar of visitor retracing what Winter Quarter -::a;;: ~. :- Sa the new Michael Murphey video tecotdng d CttYoer,1'teis OstiRattq 66, including the Bartow segment fpanaaed by the TDC,patlrllarogy Route 6ti actividd. Spokesmen far tac6lttrute 66 tY wBl Ee tatrgM t, ,fir . .. .. IMte: Janwry 31,1990 ~~,~.,, Time: 1:30 p.m, s [ a~"~ r. i Place: Ckndora FatMy RatYurant,1020 & Alan Ara;, (calf north on Grand or tone HIO A~atws tresses 210IlMsk ~:::.r Hear the latest news on the TDCt etferb b pteaxve aaoss Califamia. n,s„'t mi•. itt retttains of this prime eaampk of Americana, the TDC assumes respat- sibiliryfromthe Arizona border b the AmnA:._D...M.,. r.....t.. ~n.~...~ . _____.._ __.,.. ...-._w the names of the streeu occuionally change, the psendally suburban, foothill character of the old highway continues wptwald uninterrupted from San BemaNita past Ne Loa Mgeks County line, past the wt:sbm end of the Califatnia ti6 Caltrana dQuge in La Veme, all the way to Pasadena wham it finally veered south away from the base of the San Oabrkl Mountains. Becatue of its New Ytafs Day world•widc Towna- ittpt of Roes fame. Pasatlea repte- sane the strongest destination among the foothiu chip. Estettding the TDCs sphere of in0atta b the Arcadia -Pasadena balder uswea that westbound oW U.S. Rob ti0 travei- encan Rod their way to a suitabk, strong travel node Ott San Bllnardin0 County's svastem ptximebr. The long, foahill stretch of Old Highway S7 6ti is shown on the map by the TDCs hiaraian, Darin Rune, in this issue. (~ WR 2) in brief, dre TDC hu irrlttdtd dtc Loa Mglp Cowry abtubati fatxhiR ptxtian of the toad west of the San Bentudinp Caunry Line u a service b OW U.S. Raub 66 trtvekr who wish b keow while the toad went Titw, db TDCs sphae of inAmtrce an Raub 66 estetda all rite way 6om the Aritotta btltder b tlta ArcdlrPtlsadana boMar. Tha TDC kavp b the Catvmtioo cud Visibr Bttr+eaw (CVS'd fn Ptwdasr, La Mgelea std Saab Mtbia the ctw roily of Krouse 6g prabcdon sail ptottrotigt duosgh thetr Mal waschea of db Main Stro01 d Attsea ices on ices ttttjectory accesses rite Golden State. We itrvib the chkf t:saudvp of these throe CVB's b tnopaase wiN w in ariag fa tNs tatrow tetnnant of Ataerkatn which trade its (sae Route ti6 Territory, pg 2) final dash across their unique cities before temtinarng at Palisades Park overlooking the PacJe Ocean in Santa'rlonica. We urge them to prominen[Iy feature Highway 66 on ail new printings of their maps and other promotional material. The economic impact of this rapidly growing segment of the visitor market argues for this minimum level of service and recognition. Anvthino bur a ".-b...L.A.. only" organization, the TDCs market- ingmission is tempered by tiuee important guidelines: 1. The enhancement of the quiliry of life of the local resident; 2. The enhancement of the quality of he tourism participant experience; end 3. The prexrvation and enhancement f environmental quiliry in iq broad. strense--ecological, historical, .ulturil, and sociological- f[UCC 'ylaws, Article IL Purposes and tbjectives) One all three counq, the TDC perfectly tilltm'd for Route 66. ringing back the ok! rwd wiU reprove the quality of life of resi• -rats and visitors alike, with a xroi- reoverriding concern for preserving t remaining historical ekmenu. At the Annual Member Mcetlng on December S, the new emphasis on the most famous road N the world was evident throughout, u shown by the following Agcnda: 1. Dave McQueeney-Route 66 Evens 2. Deborah Robertson-66th Anniver- sary of Rouq 66 in 1992 3. Bob Lundy-Barstow Filming of Route 66 Video feaatring Michael Martin Murphey 4. Bymn Sreinbaugh-Planning the Prexrvation of Route 66 3. Ray Hinson-Bkyck Bliq on Route 6b from Oatman Acrwa San Bernar• .t:.., ~...._... 6. Kathy Wang-1990Quatterly Member Meeting 7. Mike Boultinghoux-National Old Trails Road Projat: Bartow to Netdks 8. Darin Kuna-Keynoae Address ao Route 66 TAe Rauk 66 Preserredon sad Promotion Coaaunitla atrcast- ftdlycorducted iq firn meeting Deambar ! 3th at the Bartow Station Inn. Co-chaimrcn San Fwids of Sanq Monica ~atd Darin Kuna d Uphutd wiU present then lint prog- ressreport a dte Wines Qwtter mating in Gkrtdora i'aouuy 31. They are seeking an hiuaieal desig- nation for the kgettdary highway. - Kirkland Named LACVB President ~•. . The TDC welcomes the n< president of the I.os Mgeiw Convrn- tion and Viaiton Bureau (LACVB), Ceorge KirkWt4 due the end of January, 1990, Acceding ro John F. Lkweeyn, Chaimaan o the Bond, "The LACVB ho been extremely sutxwsful in iq miaaioa of getting the best bureau executive in the connay. The biting of Oearge Kirkland is a meuure of the Burew's absolute commitment m be a major player in the mating, convention and teutism industry: ~ (7ltta m iNembetyeoanl dated December 5, 1989): In a city farrow far iq image• malcm, Oeorye Klridand says no one has helteted m rttake a clear impes- aion on augiden abort Lp Mgeles, and the result b a Rtuy ttsces drat repels would-be oonventittaen. T would be eilve m deny dtae is an image pttsbkm," said Kirkland, who will become the head of the LACVB a0er a bss-ofbwi- nesashakeup. T'm not eying it'>;bad,' he acid in an intervkw last wall: 'it's jtgt oat clew. Everyaoe has m ittgge in mind when they think of San Dkgo a San Frandico a Pilm Sptinp. At one tittle, Hollywood and dte Stan was past of Los Mgeks' image. but not s0 mttch mytttttre.' (TIM Sun, Deamba l8, 1989) ~~ As otv wekomittg galore to Mr. Kiridand, we ttomktate him v apokesttran fa Les Angefa. We hope he atxepn this horror, and works with w. Ps'rhaps the bee btareau executive and rho igtgeat COUIItY in the rnuntry deserve each otlta. Tatwl~ Tsaq Ib R IIsM ~Ird gatrb, Gl17a: plp laUOle gabs: 8e-tansy Nirlau pain Kano -rMYaa: KarpapAka TapaaeagfOttphk DatOa Tad pCaaw Route 66 Territory con't from pg 1 endat ion to identify the barn and site as Surveyed ~ Dete Ins icant due to the barn's deteriorated condition and la f a define history. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: SSiONERS: HAS KV ITZ, PRESTON, RRNER, C00 CHMIDT NOES: COAMI RS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISS IONE BILLINGS ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: --carried MOTION: Moved by Pre ctnn, <ar ~ .,y Ar r., ea_nA , lethx ro the ,^nOperty owners asking that the from the 8a rn be donated for the reconstruction/reha bil' n of the Chaffe cia Barn and that staff supervise the disma of the Mells Barn. AYES: C IONERS; PRESTON, ARNER, BANKS, C NAS KV ITZ, SCHMIDT NOES: OMIT SSIONERS: NONE COMMISSIONERS: --carried N. COMMEMORATION OF ROUTE 66 Larry Henderson, Principal Planner, presented the Staff Report. MOTION: Moved by Banks, seconded by Preston, to approve the resolution encouraging the commemoration of Route G6 as a nationally significant highway as it was one of the longest and earliest transcontinental roadways in America and that Route G6 be preserved as an his torlc highway. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BANKS, PRESTON, ARNER, COOPER, HAS KV ITZ, SCHMIDT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE AN<E T~ ~D iSSi Dii " N ~ EaS. BILLINGS --carried • w ~ x HPC MINUTES -Z- APRIL 5, 1990 ~9 RESOLUTION N0. ~u-Oti A RESOLUTION OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL SUPPORT THE MOVE i0 PRESERVE THE UNITED STATES ROUTE 66 AS AN HISTORIC HI GHNAY. WHEREAS, the United States Route 66, a 2,000 mile highway from Chicago, Illinois, to Santa Monica, California, has played a major role in the 20th Century history of our Country; and, WHEREAS, Route 66 has become a symbol of the American peoples heritage of travel and their legacy of seeking a better life; and, 'WHEREAS, Route 66 served as a funnel for the 20th Century migration from the Dust Bowl of the Central States; and, WHEREAS, Route 6fi has been memorialized in such books as The Grapes of Wrath, songs, motion pictures, television programs, and has become an accepted part of the American culture; and, WHEREAS, during the early 1980's, structures and features along Route 66 began to disappear, an historical loss to the nation; and, WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga adopted the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan which wax specifically designed to acknowledge and promote the preservation of historic features of Foothill Boulevard, also known as Route 66. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga takes this opportunity to retammend to the City Council the approval of an approprfate resolution to encourage that Route 66 be commemorated as a nationally significant highway, that was one of the longest and earliest transcontinental roadways in America, and that Route 66 be preserved as an historic highway. , APPROVE D ADOPTED THIS 5TH DAY OF APRIL, 1990. BY: .~/ Rob Schmidt, Chairman AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ARNER, BANKS, COUPE R, HASKVITZ, PRESTON, SCHMIDT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BILLINGS ~~ RESOLUTION N0. ~ ~ ' ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL[FORN[A, SUPPORTING THE MOVEMENT TO PRESERVE THE UN ITEO STATES ROUTE 66 HI GHMAY AS AN HISTORIC HIGHMAY. NHEREAS, the United States Route 66, a 2,000 mile highway from Chicago, Illinois, to Santa Monica, California, has played a major rote in the 20th Century history of our country; and, NHEREAS, Route 66 has become a symbol of the American peoples' heritage of travel and their legacy of seeking a better life: and, vurn .~ ':3u to 66 SNGeu' as d fu iiiiei fui the ZD iil Cei~iu ry miyra iiun from Lhe Dus t~Bowl of the central states; and, WHEREAS, during the early 1980'5, structures and features along Route 66 began to disappear, an historical loss to the nation; and, wHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga adopted the Foothill 8ouleVa rd Specific Plan which was specifically designed to acknowledge and promote the preservation of historic features of Foothill Boulevard, also known as Route 66; and, wHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga Historic Preservation Commission recommended by resolutf on on Aoril 5. 1990 to the Citv Counr.il the preservation of Route 66 as an historic highway. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council df the City of Rancho Cucamonga encourages the commemoration of Route 66 as a nationally significant highway that was one of the longest and earliest transcontinental roadways in America and that Route 66 be preserved as an htsto ric highway. ,}. ~( ;~..>. CP1'Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 16, 1990 ' 'I0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Richard L. Alcorn, Code Enforcement Supervisor SUBJECT: RESOLUTION OF DENIAL FOR AN APPEAL OF THE NOTICE TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCES AT 8493 ETIWANDA AVENUE - APN Jt229-041-11 RECOMMENDATION_ It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution of Denial. BACKGROUND: Ai their regular meeting on May 2, 1990, the City Council denied an appeal of the Notice to Abate Public Nuisances at 8493 Etiwanda Avenue, APN 1229-041-11. Based upon substantial evidence presented at that meeting, including written and oral staff reports, the FSrd togs of the Council were as follows: A. The conditions on the groperty constitute a Public Nuisance as described in Sections 8.23.050 and R.93.nFn of rho Municipal Code. 8. The methods of correction ordered were the minimum necessary to ensure complete abatement and prevent recurrence. ... Denial of the appeal would permit continuation of the abaie- meni process which would ensure that this matter is concluded Sn a timely manner. CONCLUSION: City Council denied the appeal, thereby sustaining the decision of the Code Enforcement Otf icer to abate the property. Ae a result, ataff prepared a Resolution of Denial which Ss included as an attachment to this staff report. Res~~,111y ttgd, City BB:RA:nas Attachment: Resolution of Dental RESOLUTION N0. !~ , / 9(p A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING AN APPEAL OF THE NOTICE TO ABATE PUBLIC NUSSANCES AT 9493 ET INANDA AND MAKING FINDINGS THEREOF - APN: 229-041-11 A. Recitals. (i) On March 1, 1990, a Nuisance Abatement Hearing was conducted subsequent to Code Enforcement proceedings on the property located at 8493 Etiwa nda, APN A229-041-11. The alleged violatians were: Substantial lack of ...c...c..... ~ a. pr~periy aiung Lhe northern property boundary by existence of overgrown, dead or decaying vegetation; local feeder trails which were impassible or unsafe blocked by vegetation and lacking proper maintenance; and six illegally installed flag pole structures constituting a hazard to pedestrians. These conditions were in via la tion of Sections 8,23.050 and 8.23.060 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, and del Tared to be a Public Nuisance. (ii) As a result of the hearing, a Notice to Abate was Tssued on March 9, 1990, ordering specific methods of abatement to 6e completed within ten {10) days. The methods of abatement outlined in the Notice to Abate were: Rehabilitation of the landscaping and continued maintenance of same along the northern property boundary; rehabilitation of trail/trail area and of six fiag pole^s tructu res and foundations. (iii) On March 20, 1990, an appeal was filed with the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The appeal was scheduled to be heard by City Council at their regular meeting on April 16, 1990. (fv) On April 10, 1990, the attorney for the property owners requested a continuance of the hea rtng for an appeal of an Order to Abate a Public Nuisance. The request was granted and the hearing was rescheduled for the regu tar meeting of the City Louncil on May 2, 1990. (v) A11 legal prerequisites to the adoDtton of this Resolution have occurred. 8. R~so lotion. NON THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby find, determine and resolve as follows: Co3 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. ABATE PURL IC NUISANCES - 8493 Etiwanda May 16, 1490 Page 2 1. This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of the Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Council, including written and oral staff reports, this Council hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The conditions on the property constitute a public nuisance as described in the Municipal Code. b. the methods of correction ordered were the minimum necessary to ensure complete abatement and prevent recurrence. c. Denial of the appeal will permit continuatfon of the abatement process which will ensure that this matter is concluded in a complete and timely manner. 3. Based upon the findings set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, the Council hereby denies the appeal of Notice to Abate the Public Nuisances at 8493 Etiwanda Avenue, RPN # 229-041-I1. 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution, and it shall thereupon take effect and be in force. ~~ e CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Mqy 16, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Judy Acosta, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: Ordering the Annexation of landscape areas to the work program of Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 for Tract 13565-1 through -4, located on Lhe north side of 24th Street and east of Nardman- Bullock Road, and the annexation of Tract 13565-5 through -10 to Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 RECOMMENDATION It is recanwended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions ordering the annexation of landscape areas to the work prograwt of Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 for Tract 13565-1 through -4 and the annexation of Tract 13565-5 through -10 W Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1. ANALYSIS/BACKGRWND ira~L riot' riua. i3aoa-i ii~rvuyii -r were aypruveu uy vi it' i.uuncii on September 20, 1989. At that Lice, only the assessaw!nt units were annexed into Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 with the understanding that the landscape areas would be annexed into the work program of Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 with the remaining phases -5 through -10. Tract 13565-5 through -10 will also be annexed into Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1. The Consent and Naiver to Annexation form signed by the Developer acknowledging the annexation is on file in the City Clerk's office. Respectful s bw,itted, v j (~,...~~~ RiRi:bAAa s~ AEEachments RESOLUTION N0. 9Q ~ I -/ 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF LANDSCAPE AREAS TO THE NORK PROGRAM OF LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 7 FOR TRACT 13565-1 THROUGH •~4 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the 'Landscaping and LTghting Act of 1972", 6eir.9 Dtvtston 15, Dart 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 7, (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance 0lstrict"); and NHEREAS, the provisions of Arti;le 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, at this time the ciry Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this 1e91slatlve bogy hereby orders the annexation of the proper as shown in Exhibit "A" and the work pragram areas as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including T:1te levy of all assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. lotp ~;. +ua .a a~+- pax ~av-e[,tax aer ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 r. av .M ~'.' - LEGEND ' i i w MtO+AM ~ t~+•r teu- ® WTY MAWTyNEO A11[4S ~ 1rNtlt 'n1{~ TRACT 13565 ~hos~ l~ 2 CITY OF RANCHO ~UCAMONGA >~~~~ ~8 _„ -'EXHI~FT A'- N ~-- ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 ,.o~` ` :4~, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA "`~`% ~, ~~~ ~i ~ 'EXH181T A' . ~~ ;~ N un ~' ~ `' ~9 LEGEND M\01AN m a..*a~•" rw..` TRACT 13565 ® GTY MAWTLNEO Al~A! ~~ stwaa~ ~waa Y{'IgsG 3 ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 e ~ f ~ I m e /o n ~ n z n ~ 2/ rs c /3 10 1A \~M\ ~ ~ 13 ?O /I /G ( i/ 21 yr 27 /lI ~~ ~z ~ .n 1'1 ~ .a I */ 3a ~I1ASe 3 LEGENO IL.Lld NfO~AN m fMR7~~W t1U1- ~~ uTr KAreTaNEC Ar~ss ~ SeiiR ~i~ TRACT 13565 ~hax3~,4 ~.a" ` 3r, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA "`~`~ f ~7~y ~~ ~ 'HkN181T A• ~~ 4 `3 N xn 70 RESOLUTION N0. G~n_i9v A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRIT~tY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 7 AND STREET LIGHTING M1IINTENAtk:E OISTRICT N0. 1 FOR TRACT 13565-5 THROUGH -10 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance dl5trict known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 7, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and NHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972` authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, at this Lime the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A' attached hereto and incorporated herein ty this referenced to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to 6e annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their wrttten consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NON. THEREFORE. THE riTY rt_n_iur_r_i_ nc .ue ~ITv ~~ ........,. ,......._.._. HEREBY RESOLYES AS FOLLOMS: ~ ~~ ~ ~ w ~~~ °O1""""'~'" SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative body hereby orders the annexation described in Exhibit B"attachedxhereto to"the Main enance District, areas as including SECTtTi IFT of all assessments roshallnbe applicable tonathe territory annexed hereunder. ~~ ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 7 \\ / ~ ~ 3 z 9FN` 1 ~2 ~ ~ 3 ~, a, ~' , s ~ /~ a \ ~ \ , Zo /a e ~ \ ~r ` . a ~ -Z/ /~ ~ I ,f / 3/ / 9 POtt a~ 22 /G r \ ~ ~R~ ~ c /Z ~~~' ~ ~ 32 'J ~3 /J E ~ 1~ 2~ 1 /4 .,., 97 7 94 II SB 13',\ /3 I /O I ~~~ CITY MAWTAMED LANDSCAPE AREA raEC uA,Lr{TEkeurc {~~~~ EOUESTRAM TRAIL MAWTENANCE TRAC~`,135f5 PHASE 5. CC A\~D I ,,o ;c, CITX OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA "~~°~ ~7~.F ~`> A 'EXHIBIT A' ~: ~~^r"^~ lc , ~~ ~. 7 ~ un z' ~~ `z N ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 ~~~~ CITY MAWTAINED LANDSCAPE AREA ?REE MAW?ENAWCE •~~~~• EIXIESTRAN TRAL MAWTENANLE \\ TRACT ~ 3~~~ ~ rhHSt b "O~• CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA "`~`~ ~>~~ ~' ~~ ~ fi~i ``1y ~ 'E%HIBIT A" VL f> ~V l~l un y ~ I ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 P \"'-' ` a~ `y, ~F~ q Yam ~ ~ww.~ CITV MANTANED LANDSCAPE AREA TRFF 1MNTFNAkr{ TRACT '~°565 •~NN EOUESTRAN TRAI MANTENANCE PHASE 7 .a" ""0:r CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA "`~ • , , ~ ~> •exHreT n~ ,, ~-~ c; ~ `a !n ~ ~~ ~~ ,Z ~~- ~L 73 N un ASSESSMENT GiAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 ~~~~ qTV MANTANED lA1ASCAPE AREA ~~ TREE MANTENANCE TRAG~; 13565 iiY~i~ tWESTRAN TRAI MANTENANCE PHASE ~8 „~ c~~i~; ,o b CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~:, ~~ •exrllslr A• • • 47 ~n~„o ;_ GL a tit L fs 7"f~ un / ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 ~~ / ~j // ~ .._/ 37 _ 3L ~~~' 35 \ ~ I ~ 17 ~/ ~ \ _l ~ \ yg 2 15 \ ~ 3o za U~ 3/ 13 \ 4 YYY ~~I 3Z 2 /O 2/ /~ ZO /2 /9 /s ~ 9 \ J B /8 /} 1~ ,_ .: , /U /7; 5 1 ~/ \ ~~ \\ ~~~~ GTY MAMA~4D 1AN06CAPE AREA ®s TREE MAWTENANCE ~ ~ T 1 3 5 65 •~~~~• EDUESTRAN TRAI wgrENANCE PHA E 9 .o" "" ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA `"~`~ ~ ~Y ~ `~^. ~~ 47~~~~ :: ~~ 'EXHIBIT A' ~~ ~~ '? 7s N Vt f> un 1 i ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 5 ~ \ /2 /9 y ~ ~ /O // /1 /3 /4 /5 /7 Ic ~ rlAC 3 . ~o $ i ~ rf ~u3' A~~ `~ ~ ~ ~a 1/ Z 21 9 27 ZCe ~ L5 19 ` 73 / ~ \ ~ ~ I ~~~~ GTY MANTAIE[1 lANOSCAPE AREA TRA(,.T 13565 ~~ TREE MAItlTEkANCE •~~~!• EWESTRAM TFQ euwTENANGE pHA 10 ~l' t/p , t'tt~C ~~o tcT CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ' ~, ~ rte` \ ~ A ` 'EXHIBIT A' ~ 4~.~ '- ` ~; ti ~: 7~ ~' N trn ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 \' ~\ K ~.i ~A.~- ~~ _ ._ \, i ~,' CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO n ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA TRACT 13565 U 7 7 PHASE 5 STREET LIGIi~~ MSMI ENANCE DISTRICT NO. ~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONQA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO STATE OF CALIFORNIA TRACT 13565 ~g PHASE 6 ASSESSMENT DIARiRAM STREET LIGH7'M~Ki IYIAINTENANCE WSTRICT NO. 1 a~ `9,E N ~ G Y~ Z~~ O ~~ CITY OR RANCHO CUCAMONOA COUNTY OR SAN 6ERNARDINO n ~ STATE OR CALIFORNIA TRACT 13565 v `]C~ PHASE 7 , ASSE±bSMENT DIAGRAM STREET LIGMITMIG IWANITENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 29 30 3/ 3Z 3! 33 CITY OF RANCNO CUCAMONOA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARpINO n ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA TRACT 1 U~ x ~~ PHASE 8 ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM STREET LIGHTNR MAMiTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 ~./ I 3y % ~ I 33 _,~ ~ ~s 'r~z~, ~ ~ _~ ~e ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~S i ~ ?R ~3 \ 22 1 ~ ?i 9 ~ ~B .~ ~2 ,y, ~s /1 / ~~.• ` ~~ 1 ~ ~~- 9 9 '••6 ..~ • '.~~ v 5 1 ~ . 2.. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COUNTY OF EAN BERNARDMIO ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA TRACT 13565 ~ ~ ~ RI PHASE 9 ASSESSMENT DIAGRAiN STREET LK~IFITIN(; MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 5 x 9 ~ 3 `, ~` 2 `i C 7 ~ 9 \ /a , // 1 /2 /,3' /q I /5 8 \/~ /8 ~ /9 Zn /m ~~° r rf 2/ 22 ?3 \ f/ CITY OF RANCHO Ct1CAMONOA CONNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO r~ ~ TRACT 13565 ~1 + STATE OF CALIf~ORN1A PHASE 10 V ° G^+ ~ EXHIBIT 'B' PROJECT NAME: TRACT 13565-1 THROUGH -10 N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: 216 d/u N0. 0~ ASSESS. UNIT: 216 ur.*.ts STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 1 2 No. of Lamps to be Annexed - o' - --- 16 --- --- --- LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Community Turf Ground Cover Trees District No. Street Name Equest.Trail Sq. r't. Sq. ft. Ea. 7 MND Easement 66,7 i5 74,860 Z10 24th Street 31,482 44,660 62,170 215 Wardman-Bullock 21,975 125 San Sevaine 31.440 64:069 64;070 9A4 Alhambra Court 17 Alta Dena Court 11 Annandale Court 64 Arcadia Way 44 Bradbury Way 32 Baldwin Court 26 San Mart no Way 18 Claremont Lane 60 Crescents Nay 6,300 97 Crestllne Place 107 Covlna Place 53 W £:: E101I6IT 'B' cant. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Coaaaunity Turf Ground Cover Trees District No. Street Nave Equest.Trail Sq. ft. Sq. ft. Ea. Glendale Court 32 Glendora Drive 32 Hacienda Court 45 Hastings Ranch Rd. 45 Ridgeline P1 ace 45 San Dinws Lane 44 Los Robles Court 18 Pasadena Court 12 San Gabriel Court 13 San Sevaine Raad 75 Montclair Court 21 JAA: 5/16/90 ~~ -- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 2, 1990 - T0: Mayor, Members of City Council and City Manager ;: FROM: Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager BY: Bob Trammell, Data Processing Supervisor SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO EXECUTE A CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZE KZVA CORPORATION OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TO EXAMINE OUR FINANCE. SYSTEM SOURCE CODE TO FURTHER DETERMINE THEIR INTEREST IN UTILIZING OUR FINANCE SYSTEM. ~ Recommendation: Approval to execute a confidentiality agreement and authorize Kiva Corporation of Salt Lake City, Utah to examine our finance system source code to further determine their interest in utilizing our finance system. Background History: The Kiva Company has been in business for approximately one and one half years. Their software is currently installed in the City nF T1ha.nF.- n,i nc~ rir.r n! Try... no hac .oncnrla ainnerl a nnnr rant for ±hem to install there. Additionally, they are in negotiations with several cities inside and outside of California for installation during the forthcoming fiscal year. Kiva currently markets applications for Planning, Engineering, Building and Safety, Business Licensing, complaint tracking, work order management, public safety and code enforcement. Kiva cornoration does not at this time market a financial package, They have been searching for a well written, progressive, municipal finance package written in ORACLE, that they could market with their G.I,S. programs. They have approached the City and would like to explore the opportunity to market our Finance system. They .... ....., aya ~„ ...,~.y^, .... may., ~..~,. ~. .. ...... .., ,. ,. st of f~~and~have spoken to otherr cities Finance and Purchasing Departments about our software. Financial Analysis: Estimating sales of a new product is a matter of educated guesswork, at best. However, Kiva believes that they could realistically expect to sell 5-10 copies of our Financial Software each year. In discussions with Kiva, the City could expect to Memo to Jerry B. Fulwood KIVA GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS May 2, 1990 Page 2 receive approximately $30,000 per sale as commission. Thi.=. is an expected revenue stream of $150,000 to 5300,000 per year. Even poor sales of only 3 systems per year would result in a revenue of $9 ..- ,-. e.-.a-- faea after ,.he ...,,. year ^P ale ...,ald be i03 of Vthe,sales price. Some scenarios are as follows: P14NUAL POTENTIAL REVENUE STREAM Sales 90/91 91/92 92/93 93/99 99;95 5 $150,000 5165, OOC $180,000 $195,000 $210,000 10 $300,000 $330,000 5360,000 5390, ODO $420,000 15 $550,000 $995,000 $54C,000 $585,000 $630,000 20 $600,000 5660,000 $720,000 $780,000 5690,000 .f an agreement is mode with Kiva, there will be an increased workload on the Management Information Systems staff to convert our system to match their standards. We would also need to re-write ^.-fc :n nna!`rF cn_r >R n..n rt .ncYaaA of in ('OF(li. Wa Pctimata that'the modifications would take four to six weeks to complete utilizing our current staff. Therefore, there would be no budgetary impact. After the initial changes, Management Info rn~ation Systems would make additional enhancements to the system to increase functionality and marketability. Since these enhancements will be required whether Kiva markets our Finance System nr nnt, no additional staffing would be required. Kiva would be responsible for any customization to the Finance system that would be required for other cities. Current Status: Kiva has requested that they be allowed to examine the source code for our Finance System. City staff, after consulting with the City Attorne yes office, has been working with the firm of Lyon and Lyon to determine what legal issues the City needs to be concerned with before proceeding further. Memo to Jerry B. Fulwood KIVA GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS May 2, 1990 Page 3 According to Samuel Stone, an attorney at Lion and Lion, before the City could actually license the software, the following steps must be completed to provide protection for the Ci.t y: - An expert witness must establish that the system was not a rewrite of the previous finance system. (This has been completed and a preliminary copy is attached for your review. A final copy is being developed by the attorney.) - A suitable non-disclosure agreement needs to be written to rnhenf fhe ('itvre intPrPCt in YhP CnliP. IThie hac hPen completed and a copy is attached for your review.) - Copyright notifications will need to be inserted in the code, and for maximum protection, the code should be registered. We will accomplish this task once Kiva agrees to market ouz package. :de recem.^.end to proceed with 3llcWing Kiva to examine our ORACLE source code to verify that it meets their requirements. If it does, we recommend formation of a negotiation team to negotiate ...:.r. .. .n~:n~ia ~F x;va rn allow them to market our financial package. JBF:BT:de At tdChment5 g7 ~. ~~ ERIC S. LESIN 203 SOti TH rORTO~ AVF.~UE. LOS:1?i(:ELES.CA 9000-1 t213t 331-0002 April 10. 1990 Sam Scone Lyon St Lyon 3'_00 ParA Center Drive; Suite I I i0 Costs Mesa. C4 9_6.G near cam. Pursuant m your request and operating in accordance with x~hat I understand your instructions to be. I have held two meetings xith the administration of the Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga in order to rev ievv their nex~ computer based city accounting administrative system. The purpose of the rev le~c vco~ ro determine il` the nrx. ~q item infrineed on an> Copl rights nl' the nld com- puterized ..~>tem which it replaceU. „•s !eruct ,> a prePasinan repo r, v. ~~~. ~~ ~uairnai ices iim aaiv hies and cop obsercanons. DATA GATHERING; I met with Bob Trammell. George Baker and Vaeili Giulia on two occasions to discuss the old and new system. review the design meth- odology. compare the input output formats and the computer code used in pro- gramming [he system, BACKGROUND: The City purchased a system early in the last decade that was based on a procedural language known as Basic which ran on \1'ang System '.00 The nature of the system x~as such that it required all of the input to be processed as a group. The resultant output came only after all input related to the "Batch" was entered and verified. Batch processing is n methodology that has been replaced in modern data processing operations by transaction processing n'hich allows individual transactions to be entered and verified as m content and acceptabilip, one a[ a time. on a tmnsaMion bosis. It became clear to the City that the initial batch \Sang system was inadequate and [hat it would need m be replaced by something that xould meet its then current and future needs. The primary reasons being the fact rho[ [he old system xas lal slox~. (bl had proren inaccuracies in that individual reports did not balance and Icl did not allox~ for the introduction of modern techniques of darn processing that would enable the City to grow. In 1988 the City ecplm~ed a np ml_irr n( snlmion=_ including the pn55ibiliry' that the Oracle corporation could produce n complete, modern transaction driven, relational database system that x~ould provide the accuracy. grovrth and control that they City required. However the prices quoted were outside of the means of the Citc and the decision was mode to program the system in-house. ~8 RESULTS: City programmers adopted the methodology and Technology pro- posed be the Oracle Corporation and using the Oracle Relational Dambase system on a Prime computer produced the new system in early 1989. SYSTEAI COMPARISON I hose compared the new and old system in three critical areas and find that there is only eery superficial similariq~ to the old system. The similarity arises our of the fact that both systems are designed to earn out the business of the Cin~ and since the business of the Ciry~ Aid nor suhs[antially change durng the lime tha! the. systems were implemented [here must exist some similarities in report appearance. BASIC ARCHITECTURE COMPARISON: The earl)' \Yang System is a Batch system based on a procedural language with a "flat" file sysem. The replacement is a transaction based relational database system. The nature and design of the sys- tems ore fundamentally incompatible and cannot be successfully compared. iiv f•U t wmt'.4 tt taON: I he input systems. although both screen based. quick)) dis erge as the older is bamh based and the newer is screen based. The older collects nIl input on a series on machines and then processes [hem to get the output. The new system collects all data invoked in a single transaction (i.e.. a purchase order) seril'ies the correctness and acceptability of each field and then processes or rejects [he transaction at the time of entry. The anH• similariry~ between the two system invoh~es the use of some of the same words which describe input fields. OUTPUT COMPARISON: TAis is the point at which one would expect the most marked correspondence between the system. Y'et we find upon close examina- tion that most output reports are very different in format due ro the more advanced concepts employed in the newer system and some changing needs of the Cin~. CALCULATIONS'PROG RAMMING COMPARISON; I have reviewed a code sample from the new Oracle hosed system and find it consistent with transaction based relational database programming. The programming techniques used are themseh es inconsistent with a Basic Iprocedurall language approach. More emm- ples of the program in Oracle and Basic hate been requester: and will be reviewed. SL'htalAR\ There is. in my opinion, no substantial similarity in the old \Yang Basic based system and [he new PrimeOracle based system that would lead anyone to question the intellectual cross polini- zation of the new and old sysmm nor the similarity of form or function of the two systems. Sincercls. i~ ~ 1 t _/ ~ t ~y THIS AGREEMENT, is entered into this day of 1990, by and between the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Rancho Cucamonga, California, 91729 (hereinafter referred to as the "City"j and Kiva Corporation, 5525 South'900 E, Suite 325, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84117 (hereinafter referred to as "Kiva") for the purpose of facilitating discussions and transfer of information from the city to Kiva with respect to the City's software rePerrad to as Municipal Finance System (hereinafter referred to as the "Software") and for protecting the proprietary rights of the City thereto. riivn wuuici nice to wtain a wpy cc cne source coae xor cne Software on magnetic tape Por inspection by its staPP to determine the level of customization necessary to integrate it with its existing product line, and to better understand its functionality. Kiva understands that this source code is proprietary information which is the property of the City and will ensure that it ie not shown to, discussed with, or in any other manner whatsaever disolassd by Riva to any person who is not an employee of Kiva or the City, or who is not directly related to the inspection of the source coda by Riva'e staff. 0 91 If, after examination of the source code, Kiva finds that it is written in a manner acceptable to it, Kiva intends to enter into negotiation with the City to obtain marketing rights for this Software. If, after examination, Kiva finds that the code is not acceptable to it and that it does not wish to pursue obtaining the marketing rights, Kiva will return any and all material sent to it; and ag~eee tc destzoy .ny .^.pi.=o cf th= mo..~rial that may exist on its media, whether magnetic, paper, or in any other format. Kiva also agrees to not copy any ideas, algorithms, screen layouts, or data base definitions from the City's Software. The City desires to cooperate with Kiva concerning such marketing representation of the Software, and desires to allow Kiva to more fully evaluate the interest of Kiva therein. The City has expended substantial time, effort and Punds with respect to the Software, and considers its information pertaining thereto as confidential, and desires to protect its Software, know-haw, copyright rights, and other proprietary information pertaining thereto. The city is willing to reveal to Kiva the source code on a confidential basis on the following terms. 9i Z 1. "Confidential Information" shall mean the source code for the software, and includes all written and oral information, as well as information stored in any storagr, medium, relating to the Software, as well as any other technical information, test data, techniques and apparatus disclosed by the City to Kiva or obtained by Kiva through observation or examination of any of the City's documents or materials pertaining to the software. 2. Riva agrees that to the beat of its knowledge the, City is the owner of the Confidential Information, and Kiva further agrees that Kiva will not disclose any of this Confidential Information to third parties and Xiva will not use any of this Confidential Information except for the purposes of evaluation noted above provided; however, Xiva shall have no liability to the City with respect to us~3, or disclosure to others not parties to this Agreement, of such information as Xiva can establish by credible written evidence to (i) have become generally publicly known, without fault on Kiva's part, subsequent to the City's disclosure of such information to Kiva, (ii) have been otherwise rightfully known by or available to Kiva prior to communication by the City to Xiva of such information and Riva provides to the City within two weexs of the date of this Agreement written documentation evidencing such knowledge, or 9a-' ~;, (iii) have been received by Kiva at any time as a matter of right, without a binder of secrecy, from an entity other than the City. In this regard, Xiva agrees that the fact that Kiva had prior knowledge of a particular item of the City's Confidential information, or that such a particular item is or becomes generally known to the public, shall not permit disclosure by Kiva to others or use of the same in connection with one oz more other known items disclosed by the City unless the particular combination itself, as well as its advantages, uses and operability, were previously known to and not abandoned by Kiva or the pu611c generally Por the soma specific purposes and uses as disclosed by the City. 3. Kiva agrees that any disclosure within its own organization will only be such as is necessary to carry out the intent of this Agreement, and Kiva further agrees that any of its officers, employees, agents, or representatives to whom any such confidential information is disclosed, or who view or examine any of the source code of the Software for such purposes shall first have acknowledged the confidential nature thereof and have agreed to be personally bound by the terms of this Agreement. Kiva hereby agrees to identify with reasonable particularity to the City upon the City's request those persons within its organization to whom Kiva has disclosed such information. ~i 3 4. Kiva agrees to promptly return to the City all material, anfl other documents and things made available or supplied by the City to Kiva an3 all copies thereof. 5. This Agreement shall not be construed to grant any license or other rights to Riva except as specified herein. 6. Kiva agrees that the laws of the State of California shall govern the construction and interpretation of this Agreement, and Riva agrees to jurisdiction and venue in the Courts of San Bernardino, California, in the event of litigation pertaining to this Agreement or subject matter thereof. Kiva Corporation BY : rimy w gnat e) City of Rancho Cucamonga BY: (Signature) /7~'fib'HRT-L. Wt~. K/nrsoN (Printed Name) MAY ~0, 1490 (Date Signed) (Printed Name) (Date Signed) 9~ 5 --- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 2, 1990 TO; Mayor, Members cf y Manager City Ccuncii and Cit FROM: Jerry B. Fulwood, y Deputy City Manager flV BY: Robert Trammell, Data Processing Supervisor SUBJECT: APPROVai. 'rv AV11fVK1LG GAG~.v a,vH v. ..v ...-..._ oiTTV TN F. WARNER GROUP TO CONDUCT A STUDY EVALUATING COMPUTER SYSTEMS FOR USE BY THE CITY TO BE FUNDED FROM CONTRACT SERVICES ACCOUNT 33-9133-6028 AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED 520,000. Recommendation: Approval to authorize execution of contract with the Warner Group to conduct a study evaluating possible computer systems for use by the City tc be funded from con±ract. =_ervices amount 33-4133-6028 at a cost not to exceed 520,000. n....tr..........A /Tnal.rai c Funds have been set aside for the current computer reple.cement, however, the City needs to complete a study in order to make the most intelligent choice regarding needs, cost, and quality, etc. p rior'to looking at a new computer system. During earlier years of development, the City purchased three minicomputer systems for three different pux•poses. These systems were a Wang 2200, a Prime 2755, and an NCR Tower. The Wang 2200 was purchased to run the Cit yes finance department. The hardware and software were purchased from Management Services Institute (MSI) in March, 1983. In 1986, the City chose to retain rn m nr afn me na rriwa ra and voCLwace. In 1988, Management Information Systems began writing a new Finance system to address the shortcomings of the MSI system. The new system was written in ORACLE, a state of the art computer language, that is very efficient and hardware independent. This new system has now replaced all of the MSI code except for payroll and cash receipts. 9N City Council Staff Report WARNER GROUP CONTRACT May 2, 1990 Page 2 The Prime 2755 was originally purchased from Environmental Systems Research Institute to run the City~s mapping system - a software product known as ARC/INFO. Although it was upgraded from the 2~cc :li ~. .,a ,.. :g:. . ..,, po F.,..,.. en.,ag.. ,.,, .,... ,.,,..ay ~ .,,,,.~ demanding mapping software needs. ^ In addit ior., the Prime system is running the new ORACLE finance system and several smaller software applications such as worn C:« Cl....r nd; n.~ r;t}. .-d ~t nr; r____.....ag, „y ... «__. _ _.. __ ya_ _.,., ______. _ A r.ew module for the Planning Department should also be coming on line in May or June. We are currently using the Prime system for much more than it was originally designed for. The NCR was purchased in 198e for the Community Services Department to be used for class registration and word processing. Current Situation Currently, the City of Rancho Cucamonga does most of its data processing on three minicomputer systems, an NCR Tower, a Prime 2755 and a Wang 2200. These three systems suffer from the same „r .,mom .,a mots., - Inadequate support from the vendor - High maintenance rates - Prime is budgeted at $45,000 / year - NCR is budgeted at $11,959 / year - Wang is budgeted at $12,000 / year - Obsolete levels of hardware and software - Lack of ability to communicate with each other - Insufficient capacity. The current Management Information Systems plan calls for rewriting all the applications on the Wang and NCR systems into ORACLE. and running [hem on either one computer system, or on a group of and- payroll remain mon•. the nWang o Cash Receipts will go pinto production mode on move in to the new Civic Center. we have not yet begun to migrate .he NCR based systems to Oracle. 9~ ,...ty Ccuncil Staff Report ',1 ,:NER GROUP CONTRACT May 2, 1990 Page 3 We are also currently in the process of developing ORACLE based systems for Planninq, Building and Safety, and Engineering. The computer programs that we currently have, are running on the egr .emely n,nrinaded PRTMR 27.55 system. This has occurred because of the intense development of programs over the last five years. Further, technology has changed considerably since the system was originally purchased. Additionally, we are attempting to standardize our office automation requirements to improve cne coull~~lo:,-1i=; -_ "he platforms used by clerical staff. Currently, many documents have to be retyped as they are moved from one area to another because of incompatibilities between the NCR, MS DOS, Apple Macintosh, Prime, and NBI systems. This incompatibility also sometimes requires retraining of staff when transfers within the City occur, and occasionally eliminates or reduces the opportunities for clerical staff providing overload assistance in other areas - sometimes within the same department. Other. office automation requirements that would prove beneficial to the city would be electronic mail, citizen complaint tracking, calendarino and schedulinq of people and resources such as conference rooms, pool vehicles and equipment. Comouter Consultant All City departments were asked to participate in a s*_'udy to find a consulting firm to perform such ns study. The requirements were documented end an RFP was issued. Twe!vc - .nooses to the RFP were received, with bids ranging from approximately 515,000 to 557,000. The responses were received and reviewed by staff from twelve different departments. The criteria fur selection included appropriateness of response, quality of written response, prior experience doing this type of study, Il n[]M I'ti ~. dlldlll Q_ Vf tI1C Y4iiC • cots ,,, u.,~ i[~a31 gv :1°rnmer~h~ .nn ~1 objectivity and non ualignment with any computer hardware or software vendor, After this review, three firms were selected for oral interviews. These firms were Peat Marwick, The Warner Group and Berry Consulting Group. 97 a, City Council Staff Report WARNER GROOP CONTRACT May 2, 1990 Page 9 P_11 three firms were interviewed in one hour sessions on February 26, 1990. Each firm was read questions from a previously prepared list, and given a short period of time to address the Committee wl -ny .ar ., .. _..^.f o_...at_o.. char rho fair Wn~tld aFFiat us~innmaking ourV dec ision. The unanimous opinion of the group was chat the firm best able to assist the City was the Warner Group. Due to the compiexiLies of selecting a computer system _., a constantly changing industry, Management Information Systems recommends that The Warner Group perform an evaluation of hardware environments for the City to migrate to in order to achieve better cost control and to provide better computer services to City staff and the public. The Warner Group has completetl or has underway projects for over seventy-five public agencies, most of them municipalities. They understand o r needs, the way nur City operates, and have a great deal of er:perience in doing the type of study we need done. The Warner Group proposed to complete the study for a rate not to __. yea. evn nnn Wn;,-n ;~ tnn amrn,nr. approved in fiscal Year 1989- 90^budget. BT:de Attached - Reference list i•. - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 16, 1990 T0: CTty Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Linda Beek, Jr. Civii Engineer SUBJECT: Award and authorization for execution of contract for Highland Avenue Reconstruction Improvement Project located from Hermosa Avenue to Mayberry Avenue to Bob Britton, Incorporated, for the aaount of 5131,148.00 (5119,226.00 plus 10% contingency), to be funded with 70A Article 8, Acuunt No. 12-4637-8910, Fiscal Year 1989-90 RECOMMEIOATIOM: It Ts recommended that the City Council award and authorize for execution the contract for Highland Avenue Reconstruction improvement Project located from Hermosa Avenue to Mayberry Avenue to the lowest responsive bidder, Bob Britton, Incorporated, for the amount of 5119,226.00 and authorize the Administrative Services Otrettor to ex~~nd (131,148.00 (5119,226.00 plus 10% contingency) to be funded frots TDA Article B, Account No. 12-4631-8910. Per previous Council action, bids were solicited, received and opened on April 19, 1990, for the subfect project. Bob Britton, Incorporated, is the apparent lowest responsive bidder with a bid amount of 5119,226.00 (see attached bid summary). The Engineer's estimate was 5123,240.10. Staff has reviewed all bids received and found them to be complete and in accordance with the bid requirements. Staff has completed the required background investigation and finds all bidders to meet Lhe requirements of the bid documents. Respectfully submitted, i i ~ ~ ---> :,.. R~I~LjlB• / ~ Attachment cc: Purchasing a ~ a ~ Q 5 s ~~ e R ~ ~~O ~. . - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Date: May 16, 1990 ~~ T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Linda Beek, Jr. Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Award and authorization for execution of contract for Base Line Road and Rochester Avenue Traffic Signal and Safety Lighting Iuproveaw:nt Protect to Ralyiaor Electric for the awount of f120,866,00 (f109,878.00 plus 10% contingency), to be funded with Systeaa Developaw!nt Funds, Account No. 22-4637-8943, F.Y. 89-90 RECOMIEIDATIOM: It is recoawended that the City Count+l award and authorize for execution the contract for ease Line Road and Rochester Avenue Traffic Signal and Safety Lighting Iaryrove~aent Protect to the iowest responsive bidder, Rayapr Electric for the aaaunt of 1109,878.00 and authorize the Adiuinistrative Services Director to expend f120,866.00 (f109,878.00 plus l0i contingency) to be funded fraa Systearo DevelopaKnt Funds, Account No. 22-4637-8943. erlclcsRmlloiAMAtrsls Per previous Council action, bids were solicited, received and opened on April 19, 1990, for the subteCt protect. Rayagr Electric is the apparent lowest responsive bidder with a bid aaqunt of f109,878.00 (see attached bid suawary). The Engineer's estlawte was 5100,000.00. Staff has reviewed ail bids received and fount they to be coaplete and in accordance with the bid requlreiaents. Staff has caaipleted the required background investigation and finds all bidders W meet the requireaw!nts of the bid dacua~ents. Resp 'udattted, *~~.~L~ / ,~,`, , r R :LB' Attachaxnt cc: Purchasing 8 C ~„ 8 A 4 0 S z 8 x F ~ ~ tau G /~~ •a... as ~•' 8 6 O M S P H W ~ f r g 0 ~ ~ ~I y~ 8. 88 W s ~ ~ .. ~ (I (I11 ?I: W i i 6 ~ YY11 F is C W ga J /03 5.: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 9, 1990 TO: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Jeff Barnes, Maintenance Supervisor Landscaping and Parks SUBJECT: Approval to award and authorization for execution for the Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Contract for Landscape Maintenance District No. 6, to Landscape West, Inc. of Los Angeles, California for the amount of $12,000.00 to be funded by account number 45-4130-6028 (fiscal year 89-90~. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the award and authorize the execution of the Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Contract for Landscape Maintenance District No. 6 for the balance of fiscal year 1989-1990 and for fiscal year 1990-1991 to the lowest responsible bidder, Landscape Weat, inc. of Los Angeles for the amount of $12,000.00, to be funded by account number 45-4130- 6028. it is further recommended that the City Council approve the issuance of a ourchase order in the amount of SL7.nnn.nn r., PnoA regular Maintenance and extra work for the months of June and July 1990. After the fiscal 1990-1991 budget has been approved and Funding is allocated for Landscape District No. 6, the contract will either be renegotiated as necessary to meet available funding or continued at the current level of service by ieauance of a supplemental purchase order. Contract is renewable for 3 years on a year to year basis starting July 1, 1990. , Background/Analysis Per previous Council action, bids were solicited, received and opened on Thursday, May 3, 1990. Landscape Weat, Inc. was the apparent lowest responsible bidder (bid suawary attached. Staff has reviewed all bide and found them tc be complete and in accordance with the bid requiremenks, Reape / ubmitted, ~: ~ . / / ~ ` _// cc: Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager Bob Zetterberg, Maintenence Superintendent Bonnie Cabrinha, Special District Supervisor. ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ,~.~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 16, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell i. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Nenry MurakoshS, Associate Livii Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement and Dedication between John A. Sepe and Irene Sepe and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for sidewalk improvements located along the eastern and southeastern portion of the Sepe parcel for the Sierra Madre Avenue-Ninth Street to Arrow Route Protect. It is recomeended that City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement and Dedication between John A. Sepe and Irene Sepe and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKGROUND/ANRI.YSIS ine acvunea SUDJeCL Agreement between the City and John A. Sepe and Irene Sepe provides for sidewalk improvements which Include sidewalk {nstallation and other related work, along the eastern and southeastern portion of the Sepe parcel. Mr. and Mrs. Sepe have agreed to grant to the City a Sidewalk Easement to allow for the installation of a sidewalk along Sierra Madre Avenue in return for the construction of said improvements. Said sidewalk improvements will be constructed in conjunction with the City's Sierra Madre Avenue-Ninth Street to Arrow Route Project. Respectful) bmitted, r ~ i RNM;NM_~YF:1y Attachment sl D F RESOLUTION N0. (~ - ~ 99 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCJI, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN A(;ItEEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AND DEDICATION FROM JOHN A. SEPE AND IRENE SEPE AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE SAME MiEREAS, the C1ty Council of the City of Rancho Cucaaanga has established requirements for construction of sidewalk iAproveaw!nts 7n confunction with the Sierra Madre Avenue-Ninth Street to Arrow Route Project; and NHEREAS, installation of a sidewalk and other related work, iocated along the eastern and southeastern portion of the Sepe parcel shall be abde a part of the Sierra Madre Avenue-Ninth Street to Arcow Route Project; and NHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Sepe have agreed to dedicate sidewalk easeaent to the C1ty for said inproveeents. NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the C1ty Councll of the C1ty of Rancho Cucamonga, Caiifornia, does accept said INprowwent Agretwant, and authorizes the Mayor and the C1ty Clerk to sign sale, and directs the City Clerk to record saav! in the Office of the Courrty Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. t; /0 7 ~;` ,: 3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 16, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Henry Murakoshi, Associate Civ11 Engineer e~3 SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement and Dedication between Michael D. Brown and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for sidewalk improvements at the northeast corner of Sierra Madre Avenue and Ninth Street along the Brown parcel for the Sierra Madre Avenue-Ninth Street to 4rrnv Rnpta prni xt, RECDMI~MDAiIDN: tt is reconmw!nded that City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation of Public improvement and Dedication between Michael D. Brown and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The attached subiect Agreement between the City and Michael D. Brown provides for sidewalk improvements which include sidewalk installation and other related wnrk, along the western and southwestern portion of the Brown parcel. Mr. Brown has agreed to grant to the City a Sidewalk Easement to allow for the installation of a sidewalk along Sierra Madre Avenue 1n return for the construction of said improvements. Said sidewalk improvements will be constructed in con,~unction with the City's Sierra Nadre Avenue-Ninth Street to Arrow Route Project. Respec y ubmltted, / l RN M:KF:ly-- " Attachment RESOLUTION N0. 9Q-~C7D A RESOLUTION OF THE C-TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNSA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR iNSTALLATiirii ~ PUBLIC iNPROYcMENT AND DEDICATION FROM MICHAEL D. BROWN AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE SAME WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has established requirements for construction of sidewalk improvements in conjunction with the Sierra Madre Avenue-Ninth Street to Arrow Route Project; and WHEREAS, insta11at1on of a sidewalk and other related work, located along the western and southwestern portion of the Brown narrel chill ho nuwn part of the Sierra Madre Avenue-Ninth Street to Arrow Route Project; and WHEREAS, Mr. Brown has agreed to dedicate sidewalk easement to the City for said improvements. NON, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED, Lhet the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does accept said Improvement Agreement, and authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk to stgn same, and dtrects the City Clerk to record same in the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino Lounty, California. /09 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT uAT"e: May iu, i95i) TB: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Henry Murakosht, Associate Civ11 Engineer ~_ l )GJ SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement for Ins tallatlon of Public Improvement between Hiroshi Suruki and Renee Surukt and the City of Rancho Cucamonga far Street Improvements located along the north portion of the Surukt parcel for the NTneteenth Street protect from Archibald Avenue to Haven Avenue. RECOMMEIOATION: it is recommended that City Council ado t the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation otP Public Improvement between Hiroshi Surukt and Renee Surukt and the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tho aH •n hnA e_u htnM a~n_.,yn.t .Q t"".^1 tai: na ••• __.~. 'iiiviti ,. . Renee Surukt for street improvements which include curb and gutter lnstallatlon, street pavement and other related work, along the north portion of the Suruki parcel. Mr. and Mrs. Suruki have agreed to grant to the City a Right-of-Nay Easement to allow for the installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work 1n return for the construction of said improvements. Said street improvements will be constructed 1n contunctTon with the City's Nineteenth St~.~t Protect. Respectful hmltted, P.NM:HM:iB:-:Ty Attachment ~~ NESOLUTION N0. /fl - a ~r A RESOLUTION QF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FQ4 INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FROM HIROSHI SURUKI AND RENEE SURUKI AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR ANO CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME NNEREAS, the C14Y Councii of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has estab115hed requirements for installation of public improvements along Nineteenth Street; and NHEREAS, Installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work, located along the north portion of the Surukt parcel shall be made a part of Lhe Nineteenth Street Protect; and NHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Surukt Aave agreed to dedicate the necessary Right-of-May easement to the City for said improvements. NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does accept said Improvement Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the Ctty Clerk to sign same, and directs the Ctty Clark to record same in Lhe Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, Caiifornia. /'' `, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Ma,y 16, 1990 , T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, Cit}~ Engineer BY: Henry Murekoshi, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement for Installation of Public ~ Improvement between Fred W. Koning and Jane Koning and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street Improvements located along the north portion of the Koning parcel for the Nineteenth Street pro,{ect from Archibald Avenue to Naven Avenue. i RECOMIEMDATIOM: It 1s recommended that Ctty Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Fred N. Koning and Jane Koning and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The attached subJect Agreement between the City and Fred N. Koning and Jane Koning for street improvements which Include curb and gutter in>i,aiiai.iun, sEreer, pavemeni and other related work, along tire north portion of the Kaning parcel. Mr. and Mrs. Koning have agreed to grant to the City a Right-of-May Easement to allow for the installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work in return for the construction of said improvements. Said street improvements will be constructed in connJunction with the City's Nineteenth Street Project. Respeyctful) ~//~~~//~yfitted, RHMifiM:KF:Iy _.- Attachment RESOLUTION N0. 9~'d0~- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEIENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FROM FRED N. KOHING AND JANE KONING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has established requirements for installation of public improvements along Nineteenth Street; and WHEREAS, installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work, located along the north portion of the Koning Darcel shall be ma do a a.e _e _.._ ....-~~..o~ni.n aor<ei 1'rojBCL: and NHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Koning have agreed to dedicate the necessary Right-of-Nay easement to the City for said improvements. NON, THEREFORE, BE [T RESOLVED, that the Litt' Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does accept said Improvement Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign same, and directs the City Clerk to record same in the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. 113 nimv nc n w,.,nvn n,.n ,..n..... STAFF REPORT V DATE: May 16, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Nervy Murakoshi, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement for Installation of public Improvement between Millard Herr and Rhoda Herr and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street Improvements located along the south portion of the Nerr oareel for rho Hineteenth Street protect from Archibald Avenue to Naven Avenue. It 1s recommended that City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Millard and Rhoda Herr and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKf~lOUND/ANALYSIS The attached subject Agreement between the City and M111arG Herr and a hnb Yu s,. .~...a a. ins fellation street - ~n ~~~~ ~+ *n,~n ,°~,u„e guru anu yaster pavement and other related work, along the south portion of the Herr parcel. Mr. and Mrs. Herr have agreed to grant to the City a Right-of-Nqy Easement to allow for the installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work in return for the construction of said improvements. Said street Smproveaa!nts will be constructed in conJunctton w1tA the City's Nineteenth Street Pro,{ect. Respecgtfull bmitted, RNM:HM:KF:1v \_~ Attachment /` RESOLUTION N0. 90 . d.03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FROM MILLARD HERB AND RHODA HERR AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR ANO CITY CLERK TD SIGN SAME VAIEREAS, the City Council of the Cfty of Rancho Cucaawnga has established requirements for lnstallatlon of public tmprovewents along Nineteenth Street; and NHEREAS, lnstallatlon of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work. located along the south portion of iho Nerr parcel shall be wade a part of the Nineteenth Street Protect; and NHEREAS, Mr. and Nrs. Herr have agreed to dedicate the necessary Right-of-Nay easement to the City for said improvements. NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ctty Council of the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does accept said Improvement Agreement, authorizes Lhe Nayor and the City Clerk to sign same, and directs the C1ty Clerk to record same to the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernerdlno County, California. ris CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 16, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell M. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Lucinda E. Hackett, Contract Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security, acceptance of offer of dedication and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2 for Tract 13316, located at the northeast corner of Archibald and Carrara Avenues, submitted by Friedman Homes RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Tract 13316, accepting the sub,{ect agreement, security, offer of dedication, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2, and authorizing 4he Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Tract 13316, located at the northeast corner of Archibald and Carrara Avenues, in the Very Low Density Residential District, was approved by the Planning Commission on March 25, 1987, for the division of 84.5 acres into 123 lots. During the review process, various property owners to the south of the tract have voiced their concern regarding the proposed storm drain facility that extends southerly of the tract boundary approximately 107 feet. This facility is an emergency spillway channel and is part of the debris basin system. Staff has met extensively with these property owners over the past few years to listen to their concerns and desires. First, they wanted to underground the system in a pipe and fill in the canyon to enlarge their backyards. This is not possible due to the fact that this is part of a debris basin system and must be an open channel with a service road to malntatr, the outlet structure. Their second desire was to terminate the channel at the southerly boundary of Tract 13316. This also cannot be done because the channel has t0 pass under Lhe Community Trail and Lhen be directed towards the existing natural drainage channel. Their third choice is to extend the channel southerly of their properties. This is a viable concept and the channel could be extended approximately 250 feet south, but it is not needed for development and there 1s ltttie or no benefit for the abutting properties. Friedman Homes have met all the requirements of their tract and state law requires that administrative action be taken to approve the map. If the channel is to be extended, it will here to be conditioned upon future developments 1n the area. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TRACT 13316 - FRIEDMAN HOLES MAY 16, 1990 PAGE 2 The Developer, Friedman Haves, is suMaitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Street Story Utility Improvements Urain Landscaping Undergrounding Faithful Performance Bond; j2,100,OD0 j1,300,000 j380,000 5435,000 Labor and Material Bond: j1,050,000 f 650,000 (190,000 (217,000 Copies of the agreement, security and offer of dedication are available in the City Clerk's Office. Letters of approval hsve been received from the high school and elementary school districts. C.C. i R.'s have been approved by the City Attorney. The Consent and Nalver to Mnexatton ford signed by the Developer is on file in the City Clerk's office. ResD ly fitted, ///~/L / RNM!~EH:J r Attachments rl7 ~~: L'ou't s•2~.ga RESOLUTION N0. ~}o-~p'~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY, ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER OF DEDICATION AND FINAL IMP OF TRACT NO. 13316 NHEREAS, the Tentative Map of Tract No. 13316, consisting of 123 cots, suboitted by Friedwn Hayes, Subdivider, located at the northeast corner of Archibald and Carcari Avenues has bean suhaitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by said Subdivider for approval by said City as provided in the Subdivision Nap Act of the State of California, and in caapliance with the requirewnts of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and NHEREAS, to neat the requirewnts established as prerequisite to approvai of the F1na1 Map of sold Tract said Subdivider has offered the Iayrovewnt Agreewnt sub~ltted herewith far approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient Iagrovewnt Security, and subanits for approval said Final Nap offering for dedication for public use the streets delineated thereon. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucaeonga, California, as follows: 1. That said Iaprovewnt AgreewnL be and the saw 1s approved and the Mayor 1s authorized to execute saw on Denaif of said City and the City Clerk is authorized t0 attest thereto; and 2. That said Iaiprovewnt Security 1s accepted as good and sufficient, subject to approval as to fors and content thereof by the City Attorney; and 3. That the existing offers for dedication along Almond Street be accepted, subject to approval as to fon and content thereof by the City Attorney; and 4. That the offers for dedication and the F1na1 Map delineating saw be approved aiM the City Clerk is authorized to execute the certificate thereon on behalf of safd City. r'' RESOLUTION N0. 90 -ap,~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CWNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON611, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. I AND STREET LIGHTING WIINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR TRACT 13316 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cuca~onga. California, has previously foned a special aaintenance district pursuant to the tens of the 'Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972', being Division 15, Part 2 of tM Streets and Highways Code of tM State of California, said special aaintenance district krwlm and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 1, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 (Mrelnafter referred to as the "Maintenance District'); and " WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of CMpter 2 of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize tM annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, at this ttak the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A' attached Meta and Incorporated Mrein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, all of tM owners of property Wthin the territory proposed to be annexed to LM Maintenance District Mve filed Wth tM City Cierk their written consent to tM"proposed annexation Wthout notice and hearing or filing of an Engineers Report . NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: TMt tM above recitals are aii true and correct. SECTION 2: That this 1e91slatlve body hereby orders tM annexation of tM proper as shown 1n Exhibit "A' and tM work programs arses as described in Exhlblt 'B" attached hereto t0 the MainteMnce District. including SEC~of ell alssesssxmtsrosMllnbe applleablenW tM territory annexed Mreunder. /IR 'A• ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 ~ FAK~LL 2 ~LL(.AL D!iOGFVTION I ~I /'~\ ~ 44 ~ // N a1'Da'34'N Do.oo~ I I V ry N I 'h ^~ / 43 O y _ `~~~ry00 K'v ~DM1 I ~ ~ ~~.~ N 00'LIla4 a to4ea I I ~J+• I 4L ~ I 41 ~ ° ~70.00~ ~~ Ik I L I ~LE6AL /c '~ .70.00' n s~•~e iS' ~7'f.K Poi" N y1.9I'CE'D 171.A6 ---r- - i ~'~'O ~~t-i - ill --~-- i, % ~ ~ ~a ~~ ~~~~ ~s4 ~s3 ix'al ~ i i i ~ I I ~,-------I _'~~ ~ i ~os s~eoNrsic,,~ I i c~ i u I ~ Q I za $L----y a~ ~ I° I; I~ ra I~ 12 CITY O~ RANCNO CUCAMONGA ~' COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 1 ~ STATE OF CALIIQORNIA TR 133(0 :~ __ EAIIBIT •B' PROJECT NAME: TRACT 13316 N0. OF O.U. OR ACREAGE: 123 d/u N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 123 units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT District No. No. of Lases to be Annexed 1 --- 9 --- 2 80 --- -" LANDSCADE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Cossunity Turf Ground Cover Trees District No. Street Noss! Equest.iral2 Sq. ft. Sq. ft. Ea. 1 Carrarl 63,920 -__ 16,550 28 Archibald --- 24,800 37 Basin --- 442,791 351 Alsp~ --- 8.680 91 JM: 5/16/90 I l' CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 16, 1990 T0: Ctty Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Millie Yalbuena, Assistant Civil Engineer SU&IECT: Approval of Impravewent Agreea~ent and Improvement Security for Parcel Map 11671, located between 4th and 6th Streets and between Pittsburgh and Buffalo Avenues, submitted by The Mission Land Company RECOMMEIOIITIOM It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the subtect agreement and security for Parcel Map 11671, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Parcel Map 11671, located between 4th and 6th Streets and between Pittsburgh and Buffalo Avenues, was approved by the City Councti on September 6, 1989. The Developer, The Mission Land Company, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the Nedtan Landscaping on 6th Street between Buffalo and Pittsburgh Avenues in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: =116,500.00 Labor and Material Bond: = 58,250.00 Copies of the agreement and security are available 1n the City Clerk's Office. Respe 'y submitted, J` i , ~r,' / / RHM: Attachments RESOLUTION N0. 9o.,~b~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL M11P 11671 NHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map No. 11671, submitted by The Mission Land Company, and consisting of 26 parcels, located between 4th aM 6th Streets and betweep PfttsburgA and Suffalo Avenues, was approved by the Planning Coweisslon of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on September 14, 1988; and NHEREAS, Parcel Map No. 11671 is the final mnp of the division of land approved as shown on said Tentative Parcel Msp; and MHEREAS. as part of the requirwwnRs e~*ahltshad .e n.nreaui ei to to approval of the Final Map by the Cib Council of said City have now been met by entry into an Improvement Agreement guaranteed by acceptable taprovement Security for median landscaping on 6th Street between Pittsburgh and Buffalo Avenues, by The Mistton Land Company as developer. NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Countil of the Cib of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that said Improvement Agreemknt and said Improvement Security submitted by said developer be and the salve art hereby approved and Ltw Mayor is hereby authorised t0 sign Bald Improveaent Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk t0 attest. 1~3 /- SITE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA EN(}II~iEERIN(3 DIVISION N 1TEY: ~ABCEL MPIP 116'11 T1TL>L~ VICINITY M_ pP CITY OF RANCHO CLICAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: Mdy 16, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Millie Valbuena, Assistant C1vi1 Engineer ~. . SUBJECT: Approvai of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Monumentatton cash deposit for Tract 13281, located at the northwest corner of Base Line Road and Rochester Avenue, suMaitted by Covington Homes and release of previously submitted Inprovement Agreement Security and Monumentation deposit accepted by City County i on January 1a, Iwsv, from ine wTlliam Lyon Company RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resoiution accepting the subtect agreement and security, rcieasing Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security accepted by City Corgi^.11 on January I8, 1989, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Cierk to 51gn ,.nd release said agreements and authorizing the Finance Department to refund the Montaaentatton cash deposit. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Map and Improvement Agreement and Security for Tract 13281, located at the northwest corner of Base Line Road and Rochester Avenue, was approved by City Council on January 18, 1989. The new Developer, Covington Homes, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements 1n the following dmeant~: Faithful Performance Bond: 2843,200.00 Labor and Material Bond: 2421,600.00 Monumentation: f 12,650.00 Copies of the agreement and security are available 1n the City Llerk's Office. Resp ls~bmitted, s,~m %~ Attachments / ~_ RESOLUTION N0. ~- X07 A RESWUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROYIN6 IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13281 AND RELEASING THE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND SECURITY PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED RY CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 18, 1989 NH€REAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement executed on Mdy 16, 1990, by Covington Haines as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-w;y adJacent to the real property specifically deurlbed therein, and generally located at the northwest corner of Base Line Road and Rochester Avenue; and release of previously submitted Improvement Agreement Security and Mnnweentation deposit accepted by City Council on January 18, 1989, from The NTlliam lyon Campa~y. NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified 1n said Improvement Agreement. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIN: CITT OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby spproved, release of previously submitted Improvement Agreement Security and Mbnumentatlon Deposit accepted 6y City Council on January 18, 1989, from The N1111am Lyon CampagY, and the Neyor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreeamnt on behalf of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. I\~ 11---____-- r°--HO iab-s~ l i • s ~ o......~ ~ i V crrY of n~sr: _TR X928/ N RANCHO CUCAMONGA 'P1Tl.~e EN(iIIdE6RW(} D1Y1~ON /~ 7 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 16, 1.:90 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell M. Magui~:, City Engineer BY: Millie Yalbuena, Assistant Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Monumentation cash deposit for Tract 138ia, located ;,n the northwest corner of Atwood Street and Victoria Park Lane, submitted by Atwood-Victoria Joint Venture and release of previously submitted Improvement Agreement Security and Monumentation deposit accepted by City Council on September 6, 1989, from The William Lyon Company. IIECOIIEIDATIOM: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution accepting the subiect agreement and security, releasing Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security accepted by City Council on September 6, 1989, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign and release said agreements and authorizing the Finance Department to refund the Monumentation cash deposit. BACKBRWID/AMIU.YSIS Map and Improvement agreement and Security for Tract 13873, located on the northwest corner of Atwood Street and Victoria Pa!•k Lane, was approved by City Council on September 6, 1989. The new developer, gMOOd-Victoria Ja1nt Venture, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site Improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: =72,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: :36,000.00 Monumentatton: f 2,450.00 Copies of the agreement and <_ecurity are available in the City Clark's OfffcE. Respect `submitted, RNM: a Attaehment ' RESOLUTION NO. GO'a~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY Cg1NCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING tMPRDYEMENT AGREEI~NT AND IMPROVEIffMT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13873 AND RELEASING THE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND SECURITY PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED BY CITY COUNCIL ON SEPTEMBER 6, 1989 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its censideratlon an Improvement Agreement executed on May 16, 1990, by AMood-Ytctoria Joint Yenture as developer, for the iaprovement of public right-of-wady adiacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the northwest corner of Atwood Street and victoria Park Lane; and release of previously submitted Improvesent Agreement, Security and Monumentation deposit accepted by City Council on September 6, 1989, from The Nilliam Lyon Company. NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement 15 secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Iprovement Security, which 1s identified 1n said Improvement Agreement. NOM, THEREFORE, THE C[TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security be the same are hereby approved, release of previously submitted Improvement Agreement, Security and MDnumentetlon Deposit accepted 6y City Council on September 6, 1~9, from The Nilliam Lyon Company, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of Lhe City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~aR 'f;l Ai r~ ~0~15n 1 •JIJ~ 1,1'3 1`.)01,30- 9~i CITX OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~NQII~IEERII4O DIVISION 'i =f i ~~~ i 4' if ~ I ..~ rl iifJN e f is i I ~ ~ IMxf A IJ/U ~ _ lv • ~;~~1=,.`8!;S J =~0'11;1,'l0A C0!tpl'/ !;1,'03 r' ~ j ~ ; ~'t ._ - iris ~ 1 %'r ' ~~ ~ I I~~::;~:; W ~ \ I i J. --~_ r ~ ~. ~ c _ d u/ .w v..nrm x iu rrau:~i~8 N (3c~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUB.IECT: May 16, 1990 City Council and City Manager Russell N. Maguire, Ctty Engineer ~~^^ ~ Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspeccoe~c•~~_ Approval of Improvement Agreement Extensionion fY Yor Tract 12870, located on Lhe north side of Highland Avenue between Etiwanda Avenue and East Avenue, suhmitted by Daly Haines RECOIIEIDATIOM It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,~ect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public Improvements for Tract 12870 were approved by the City Council nn anril 7 loan in ~M roll,w.In~ a.,~_,. t~ Faithful Performance Bond: 51,373,000 Labor and Material Bond: S 686,500 The developer, Daly Homes, is requesting approvai of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available Tn the City Clerk's Office. Respec ~~ su fitted, --~-~~_ R SG,dlw Attachments /3 DALY HOMLS O F C A L I F O R N I A gIECE1VE® April 23, 1990 ,- ' '~: '~' v1i rENCINEE(tING Giv SwN ~A City of Rancho Cucamonga Post OffiCE BOX 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Attention: Steve M. Gilliland Public Works Inspector S..s`~°^~• T`"^^^^emert eemert ~.,r Tract 12i'si0 Dear Steve: In accordance with the City of Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code 16.36.450, we are hereby requesting an extension of the Improvement Agreement for Tract 12870. Enclosed please find our check in the amount of $251.00 and three copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension. Our bonds have also been renewed. Phase I, which consists of 22 lots, is presently under construction and the onsite improvements should be completed by ~~ne ~u, iyyu. Plans for Phase ZI and Phase III are being resubmitted to Planning to comply with the 1988 code change by the end of April. Upon receipt of the building permits, construction on Phase II will begin with Phase III beginning within 90 days from Phase IZ start date. we anticipate completion of all phases by July 1, 1991 and request our extension through that date. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, u /^i/ /NuMES Or' CAl.l h'o1tN IA, INC. lM ~~ y ~~ Carol S. Hale Warranty Department M,;nager Enclosure 131- 41661 Enierpris3 Circle North, Suite 227, Temecula, CA 92390 (714) 694-1777 Fax: (714) 699-9220 ~. RESOLUTION N0. ~~ ~aQ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONW, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INPROVENENT A6REEIENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12670 MHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on MAy 16, 1990, by Daly Haines as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way ayacent to the real property specifically described thereto, and generally located on the north side of Highland Avenue between Ettwanda Avenue and East Avenue; and ~dEREAS, the installation of such improvements, aescribed in sai6 Improvement Agreement and sub,~ect to the tees thereof, 1s to be done in conJunction with the development of sold Tract 12870; and MHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho CucaaaMga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on Dehalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. X33 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Mdy 16, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector~T SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13425, located on the north side of 19th Street between Haven Avenue and Hiahl and Avenue, subwi ttaA by nl anF>A nnvalnnmpnt ~ RECOMMEMDATIOM It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,~ect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the ~ublic improvements for Tract 13425 were approved by the City Council nn Anri 9n, lOAA, /n fM i~t7nue,~ ,,,_ ~.~_. Faithful Performance Bond: 5623,000 Labor and Material Bond: 6311,500 The developer, Gtenfed Development, is requesting approval of a 4 month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Cierk's Office. Respectfully fitted, ,._ i Attachments 131 ~, GLE~FEC DEVELOPMENT CORK A GIFFMIE FEOEMl COMF1vvv April 23, 1990 Mr. Steve Gilliland City of Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 RE: TRACT 1325 - YIBTA ROYALS, i~ Dear Steve: RECEIVED ''" r uF AA NCNO CUCNMONCA ENGINEEAINC DIVISION i am writing to request an extension of the Improvement Agreement for the above referenced tract. Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. To give you a progress updated on this tract, we are currently undergoing final inspections on the last phase and we expect to be ~7mpleted by July 70, 1990. Items remaining for overall completion will include remov,~l and replacement of curb and gutter, capping of the streets, and completion of street lights. Therefore, Z reauectfully request that the City Council grant us an extension of the Improvement Agreement of 120 days to August 20, 1990. If you have any questions, please call me at (818) 377-3059. S' N Jose J. o Jr. As Vic President P oject Manager JJS:ph ~3~, <:. RESOLUTION N0. L)o-210 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON6A, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEIENT A6REENENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13425 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on Nay 16, 1990, by 6lenfed Development as deveioper, for the improvement of public right-of-wary aa~acent to the real property speciftcally described therein, and generally located on the north side of 19th Street between Haven Avenue and Htghland Avenue; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, 15 to be Done in conjunction with the development of said Tract 13425; and NHEREAS, satd Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which 1s identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same era hereby approved end the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. 13~ CIT]' OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 16, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works InsPectort SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13440 located on the northeast corner of Kegyon May and Lark Drive, submitted by J. P. Rhoades Development RECONE1~11TIOM It is recowaended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,~ect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13440 were aooroved by the City Council on Apn i o, 19a9, in the following amounts. Faithful Performance Bond: 5379,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: 5189,000.00 ~. The developer, J. P. Rhoades Development, is requesting approvai of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Res bmltted, i~194: Sl~:s,)m~.. Attachments !37 J. P RHOADES DEVELOPMENT 1301-C Parkcourt Place Santa Ana CA 9270LSOB0 P.O. Box 1973, Santa Ana CA 927041013 1714) 972~99A4 FAX (714) 97303&5 April 19, 1990 Mr. Steve H. 6111i1and PJDOICBOx^807^:y: WC.~~ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Re: Tract 13440 - Highland Vineyards RECEIVE® AFG~ 1 199;1 Ca' Or RANCHO Wga:d,7wGA ENGINEERING OIVIS1Car Dear Steve: an ext naionaof the 1mDt'ovement agreeDillenta for athis3tractrequests J. P. Rhoades Development has experienced a significant slo3r down in sales over the past 6 months. Sin-a "the>_s+F=s ~siaading invwnfnrv° in all rnrranf nh~y_• `t :-. construction on the fourth and final phase. Ne ant is ipatedd construction to start on the fourth phase by September of 1990 alth improvements being completed by April 1991. Please extend our Improvement Agreement one more pear. Thank you," ~~~ Timothy Palmquis PROJECT MANAGER TP/jc/pubwrks.hv i 3$ RESOLUTION N0. go~ai ~ A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY CDUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION ANO IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13440 NHEREAS, the City Councll of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Exknsion executed on May 16, 1990, by J. P. Rhoades Development as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adiacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally lotakd on the rrortheast corner of Kenyon Nqy and Lark Drive; and WHEREAS, the instillation of such improvements, described in said improvement agreement ane suDJect to the krtis thereof, 1s ti De done 1n conJunctton with the development of said Tract 13440; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Exknslon is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Exknsion. NON, THEREFORE, the City Councll of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Exknsion and said Improvement Security be and the same arc hereby approved and the Naryor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extinston on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to atkst thereto. 13q ~:; CITY OF RAN^AO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~~'' ' GATE: May 16, 1990 T0: City Counct'. and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. fiiililand, Public Works Inspecto~ SUBJECT: Approval of improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13441, located on the northeast corner of Yictaria Park Lane and Kenyon Nay, submitted by Grupe Development RECOMMEIMTIOM It is recommended thaz the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subJect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13441 were approved by the City Council on November 17, 1988, in the following amounts. Faithful Performance Bond; (300,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: f150,000.00 The developer, Grupe Development, is requesting approval of a 6-aanth extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available to the City Clerk's Office. Respectf 1 bmltted, r .5 m ~~ ALWChmeni5 / l D 3 April 10, 1940 Steve M. Gilliland Public Works Inspector CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P. 0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Re: Tract 13441 Dear Steve, ~F of APR ~~'~ 2 ^bNF~,~o ?~9~ Hi,~o'N~foN~ We hereby request an extension of our improvement agreement for Tract 13441 in Rancho Cucamonga Por the followinq reasons: i) We are unable to complete the landscaping in all of the phases because the homes in the last two phases are not finished. _ m4.. _ ..^ ~a ....~V ..l , ~.. ~..~~~- ..p...... u~r u..r v w.'p l....a mw ~c uj •va inspection. 3) The asphalt has not been finished and cannot be finished until the homes are complete. 4) The drive approaches are not complete in all phases. We expect that these improvements will be complete vithln eix (6) months of the date of this letter end request an extension for that time period. Thank you. Cordially, J ~i' ~ohn~S. Gunnison Project Manager JSG:dl GROPE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 940 South Coas} DrNe, Sulfe 260, COSta Mesa, CA 92626,714/754-7788 • fAX 714/754-0582 ~ oxa conaHrr RESOLUTION N0. q~l •,a ~~ A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY CWNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13441 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cuca~onga, California, has for its consideration an iagrovement Agreement Extension executed on May 16, 1990, by Grupe Development as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adiacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the rrortheast corner of Victoria Park Lane and Kenyan Nay; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said tmornvpmant Agreement a,-,d ;rujra;g io ii~e terms tnereof, is to be done in conJunction with the development of said Tract 13441; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which 1s identified in said Improvement AgreemerK Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said improvement A9rcement Extension a~ said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved arld the Msyor 1s hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the C1ty of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. I1~ fi`' CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 16, 1990 T0: City Council and City MAnager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector~~ SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Parcel Map 9350, located on the northeast corner of Base Line Road and Milliken Avem,a~ ei_Mitt~: by 1'~: all iaw yvir ~uwgrdry% RECOMIENOATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subJect agreement extension aM security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGRODND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security t0 guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Parcel Msp 9350 were approved by the City Council on October 20, 1988, in the following amounts. Streets Storm Drain Base Line Roed Faithful Performance Bond: 5383,131.00 f502,515.00 ;616,155.00 Labor and Material Bond: (192,566.00 (251,258.00 f308,018.00 The developer, The M1111am Lyon Company, is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available 1n the City Clerk's Office. Respec ,, submitted, ~LiFiW: aM6: s,ia~-- Attachments ~~3 ~~ . ~~ ~~7LLL1N Ll"O~i ~inr~n~/ 8540 ARCHIBALD. SUITE R, RANCHO CUCAMCNGA, CA 917?0 171d1 980-44dd April 10, 1990 Mr. Steve Gilliland Public Works Inspector City of Rancho Cucamoga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91729 RnFe ..__. c„pi._ __ _ wpr„vcwmu • ngaccmc«~ for Parcel~Map 9350 Dcar Ste•:e: We are in receipt of your Letter of 3-26-90 regarding the above expiration. The work not yet completed under Parcel Map 9350 is as follows: Infrastructure sidewalks Infrastructure [rails Final cap of street Street Lights Tract 13753 perimeter walls We estimate the time to complete the above work to be ten months, however, we hereby request an extension time of one year. Please contact me with your comments and any questions. Very truly yours, ~~Gy> Christine Meiss n urg Assistant Pro'ec Manager :cm163 rk I ~ , l i`. [~? REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT ^> 'h:~ .. RESOLUTION N0. 90 .a13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 9350 ?~ iw<; ., WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an improvement Agrepeent Extension executed on May 16, 1990, by The Killian Lyon Coapagv as developer, for the inryrovenent of public right-of-walr adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the rrortheast corner of Base Line Road and Milliken Avenue; and uucoce< ~bn tncr_allartnn ns .mob t~,....o..~....~^ - .. Improvement Agreement and subiect to the tervis thereof, ism to be dons min conjunction with the deveiopment of said Parcel Nap 9350; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Ixgrovement Security, which 15 identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, Lhat said Improremeni Agreement Extension and said Ixgrovement Security be and the sane are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~T~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: May 16, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Morks Inspectoc~ SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Parcel Map 11341 located on the nerthwaet cnrnwr of rhurrh Ctrwwt anA Milliken Avenue, submitted by Lewis Haines RECOMIEIDATIOM It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUkD improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Parcel Mep 11341 were approved by the City r., y, Oct,:Scr ^ --~~- -~~ , l+w, in un: iuiiuwiny axx)Unia. Streets Stores Drain Traffic Signals Faithful Performance Bond: f302,000.00 5180,000.00 5110,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: (151,000.00 ; 90,000,00 ; 55,000.00 The developer, Lewis Homes, said Tmprovement agreement. 1s reQuesting approval of a 6-month extension on Copies of the improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk' s Office. RespeSt ,1Jsubmitted, R~ :sjm Attachments ~~~ ~'~ 'i Lewis Homes Management Corp. 1156 Narth Mounuin Aveuuc I P.O. Boa b701 UFIanQ CaU(omia 91785 7141985.0971 FAX; 7141981-9799 R E C E I V E D dPR 20 1990 March 10, 1990 Ci fY OF AANCHO CUCAMUNGA ENGINEERING DIVISNIN City of Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Division Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attn: Stave Gilliland Ref.: Improvement Agreement Extensions Gentlemen: Enclosed, together with the executed and notarized Improvement Agreement Extensions for P.M. 11341 and related Milliken Avenue improvements, is our check in payment of the $502 fees. We only need to complete the median landscaping which, now that the design's settled and the plans are submitted, will take about three months to build after the plan check is completed, so a six month extension should suffice. call me at 949-6698 if you need more information. Thanks for your attention to this matter. SincerA ly, LEWIS HOMES MANAGEMENT CORP. /,.. / Don M. Thompsl~n Terra Vista Manager DMT:ksk Enclosures I X17 .,y.. RESOLUTI(kl N0. 9~ -af 5I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND Ii~ROVElENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 11341 MHEREAS, the CTty Countii of the City of Rancho Cucuonga, California, has for its consideration an I~provtv.ent Agreea~ent Extension executed on May 16, 1990, by Lewis Hoaxes as developer, for the ieyrovewtent of public right-of-wqy adtacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the northeast corner of Church Street and Milliken Avenue; and MNEREAS, the installation of such isgrovesents, described in said Inproveaient Agreeaw!nt and subtect to the tenas thereof, 1s to be done 1n rnn Olnr Yi nn vifh 1Fn Auvnl nrwr...t ne .fit` P~. ~i ,,.. tte,i! • ~A i1HEREAS, said Ia~proveaw+nt Agrees+ent Extension is secured and accoapanled by good and sufficient Ia>provesient Security, which {s identified in said Isyroveexint Agreeaw!nt Extension. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucanonga, California hereby resolves, that said Iaprovaiaent Agreeav3nt Extension aM said I~eprovesient Security be and the sane are hereby approved and the Magor is hereby authorized to sign said Ixyroveaent Agreesrcnt Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucaapnga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. "IU u f1TTV /11.1 i] I11/V 1i 11 /~ STAFF REPORT y~ DATE: T0: FROM: BY: May 16, 1990 City Council and City Manager Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion The required street Improvements for Tract 13542 have heon ~^!~`let_^_ !c an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that Ctty Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of 622,000 authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Coyletion and authorize the City Cierk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 6220,000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 13542 - located on the northeast corner of Banyan Street and Canistel Avenue. DEVELOPER: Grigsby Development 8480 Utica Arenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739 Accept: Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) S 22,000 Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 6220,000 Respectfully submitted, ~~/) / / :~ Y Attachment i~q f .41` RESOLUTION NO. 9p ~~/S A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC INPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13542 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF GOlN'LETION FOR THE NORK NHEREPS, the construction of public improvements far Tract 13542 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonlga hereby resolves. that tha y'nnl[ 1< herohy ar~aMaA aM the .ri~° E'-~+~~• authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. ~ ,$b <a, ~: - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Mqy 16, 1990 T0; City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Michael D. Long, Senior Public Marks Inspector SUBJECT: Accept for the Haven from south of Lemon Contract No. 89-013, authorize the City Completion" Avenue Median Improvements, Phase III, Avenue to north of Nilson Avenue, as complete, release the bonds and Engineer to file a 'Notice of It is recommended that City Council accept the Haven Avenue Median Improvements, Phase III, from south of Lemon Avenue to north of Nilson Avenue, Contract No. 89-013, as complete, authorize the City to file a "Notice of Completion", retain the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of f1,309,703.38 to be used as the Maintenance Bond, and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of (65,661.71 and the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of 5554,851.69, 35 days after the recordation of said notice tf no claims have been received. Also, approve the final contract amount of (1,313,234.15. BACK6HWIfi/ANALYSIS The sub,fect protect has been completed 1n accordance with the aDDroved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The final contract amount, based on protect documentation is 51,313,234.15, which includes six contract change orders for transplatatlon of M stork cedar trees; an additional catch basin; ce~nttrees Rduet-otoN~laysaylnbobtain~nga ~terSCE meterans9rading S.B.C.F.C.D. property and reconstructing a chain link fence; installation of a footing for a stone monument for the historic cedar trees and construction of revised striping. Re~spec tied, r/~! -~----~ RHM:MDL:pam Attachment l5! RESOLUTION N0. COQ- ~/~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMOMGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR HAVEN AVENUE MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE III FRO!! SOUTH OF LEMON AVENUE TO NORTH OF NILSON AVENUE, CONTRACT N0. 89-013 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the construction of public iaproveaw!nts for Haven Avenue Median Iaprovewents, Phase lII, frow south of Leann Avenue to north of Nilson Avenue, Contract No. 89-013 have been caagleted to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and dHEREAS, a Hatice of Coepletton is required to De filed, certifying the work cosplete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucaaanga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and fife a Notice of Coapletion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. -mil ~S, r, - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 16, 1990 i T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Michael D. Long, Senior Public works inspector SUBJECT: Accept for the Base Line Road Beautification fro~p Carnelian Street to the west City Llalits, Contract No. 89-075, as coaglete, release the bonds and authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Coagrtetion" RECONEMDATION: It is recomax:nded Lhat City Council accept the Base Line Road Beautification fraa Carnelian Street to the west City Listts, Contract No. 89-075, as coaRlete, authorize the City to file a "Notice of Completion", retain the faithful Perfonaance Bond in the aaaunt of 593,749.00 to be used as the Maintenance Bond, and authorize the release of the retention in the aaqunt of 58,297.31 and the Labor and Materials Bond in the aaaunt of 546,874.50, 35 days after the recordation of said notice 1f no claims have been retetved. Alsa, approve the Pina1 contract anmunt of 5122,391.39. The subject protect has been coNpleted in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the Ctty Engineer. The final contract aawunt, based on protect docuaH:ntation is 5122,3'x1.39, which includes three contract change orders for increased size of wall footings; addition of large boulders; construction of a teaporary fence and painting to the entry sanuaw!nt at the west City Listts. Respect 7~ ubalitted, RHM:MD . Attachment RESOLUTION N0. 90•,7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNiA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS / FOR BASE LINE ROAD BEAUTIFICATION FROM CARNELIAN STREET TO THE HEST CITY LIMITS, CONTRNCT N0. 89-075 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK MHEREAS, the construction of public tegrovements for Base Line Road Beautification free Canelian Street to the west City Limits, Contract No. 89- 075 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a police of Completion 1s required to be filed. certifvina the work complete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work Ts hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. '~~ 3. a~.': CITY OF RANCHO CUCAbIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Ma,y 16, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FRCM: Russell M. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Michael D. Long, Senior Public Norks Inspector a~yiu -:. SUBJECT: Accept the Carnelian Street ParkwAy Retrofit, from Vineyard Avenue to south of Base Line Road, Contract No. 89-089, as complete, release bonds and authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion" RECOMMEIDATION: It 1s recoawended that the City Council accept the Carnelian Street Parkway Retrofit, from Vineyard Avenue to south of Bese Line Road, Contract No. 89-089, as complete, authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion', retain 4he Faithful Perfonwnce Bond in Lhe amount of f98,661.00 to be used as the Maintenance Bond, and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of f24,164.57 and the Labor and Materials Bond 1n the aarount of f49,330.50, 35 days after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received. Also, approve the final contract amount of f115,%2.97. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subJect protect has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and W the saN sfaction of the City Engineer. The final contract amount is f112,391.39 aAich includes 1 contract change order for construction of a masonry wall, and miscellaneous irrigation work. Respectful submitted, RHM:PgL:s m cc: Purchastrtg RESOLUTION No. 9~-0~ 8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ~' THE CITY OF RIUICNO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING 7HE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR CARNELIAN STREET PARKNAY RETROFIT, FROM VINEYARD AVENUE T6 SOUTH OF BASE LINE ROAD, CONTRACT N0. 89-089 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the construction of pubiiC ta4roveaw'nts for Carnelian Street Parkway Retrofit, frog Yirvyard Avenue to loath Of Base Line Road, Contract No. 89-089, have been coaQleted to the satisfactfon of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a No*.ice of Coapletlan is required to be filed, certifying the work coaWlete. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucaagn a hereby resolves, that the work 1s Nereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized t0 sign and file a Notice of Cospletfon with Lhe County Recorder of San Bernardino County. I ~~ DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: Mdy 16, 1990 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT City Council and City Manager Russell H. Maguire, Ctty Engineer Michael 0. Long, Senior Public Norks Inspector „~~ Accept the STerra Madre and Placida Court, north of Arrow Route, Contract No. 89-106, as complete, release the bonds and authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion". RECOMEIOATIOM: tt is recommended Lhat City Council accept the Sierra Madre and Placida Court, north of Array Route, Contract Ne. 89-108, as complete, authorize the Ctty to file a "Notice of Completion, retain the Faithful Perforaance Bond in the amount of 1164,311.00 to be used as the Nalntenance Bond, and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of 111,598.88 and the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of 1164,311.00 35 days after the recordation of said notice if iq claims have been received. Also, approve the final contract amount of 5231,973.28. nervcpnnuni~wu Yerc The subJett protect has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer with an exception noted herein. The final contract amount, based on protect documentation, is 5231,973.28 which includes 1 contract change order previously approved by Ctty Council for sidewalk on Placida Court and 1 contract change order for sluff watts, additional on-site work and tree removal throughout the protect, late fn the day of Mqy 9, 1990, staff was advised by Heritage Construction that certain items, relating to delays in construction and the contract changgee orders, were missin from the proposed final contract amount. Staff laaaedlately reviewed all on-file documentation relating t0 this claim without finding Justification for it. Heritage Construction was advised of these 7 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT SIERRA MADRE 8 PLAC[DA COURT MAY 16, 1990 PAGE 2 findings. Staff was then informed that the aforementioned items would be submitted for inclusion 1n the final contract amount. After receipt of these items, they will be carefully reviewed, compared to reports and the contract documents. tf ,justification for payment Ss found, the necessary steps will be taken to obtain the funds. As this process lust use thx prescribed federal procedures, it will take soae for it to be completed. RespecLful~iy submitted, .,.v ,f :HL• Attachment SO RESOLUTION N0. ~) o `a~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC INYROYEMENTS FOR SIERRA MADRE AND PLACIDA COURT, NORTH OF AKRON ROUTE, (CONTACT N0. 89_106) AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COipLETiON FOR THE NORK NNEREAS, the construction of pubitc isproveuents for Sierra Madre and Placida Court, north of Arrow Route, Contract No. 89-106, have been caapleted to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Coayletion is required to be filed, certifying the work coaplete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cuca~onga authorized oto sign and fi e a Notice of Caapletione with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. /sg CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: May 16, 1990 ~''` T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Michael D. Long, Senior Public Norks Inspector SUBJECT: Accept the Sapphire Street Parkway Retrofit, fras Banyan Street to north of Jennet Street, Contact No. 89-160, as conpiete, release bonds and authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Caapletion` It is recoegended that the City Council accept the Sapphire Street Parkwa0~ Retrofit, from Banyan Street to north of Jennet Street Contract No. 89-106, as coeglete, authorize Lhe C1Q~ Engineer to file a LNOtice of Coapletion" accept the Faithful Perfor•ance BoM in the mount of 585,980.00 as the Maintenance Bond to be retained for one year, and authorize the release of the retention 1n the aeaunt of 58,297.31 and the labor and Materials Bond to the aeaunt of 542,990.00, 35 drys after the recordation of sold notice if no clalam have been received. Atso, approve the final contract mount of 5122,391.39. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subject project has been coapleted in accordance with the approved plans and specif!catlons and to the satisfaction of the CTty Engineer. The final contract aeaunt is 5122,391.39 which includes 3 contract change orders for coagensatton caused by utility delags and 9ncreases Tn bid proposal lteaa. Respectfully dented, ~~ RHN: :. ^ cc: Purchasing ~~~ RESOLUTION N0. g~ -~O A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR SAPPHIRE STREET PARKNAY RETROFIT, FROM BANYAN STREET TO NORTH OF JENNET STREET, CONTRACT N0. 89-160, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COipLETION FOR THE NORK NNEREAS, the construction of public isprovenents for Sapphire Street Parkwdy Retrofit, frarA Banyan Street to rwrth of Jennet Street, Contract No. 89-106, have been coapleted to the satisfaction of the Cify Engineer; and uHEREAS, a Notice of Caapletlon is required to be fiied, certifying the work corplete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the city of Rancho Cucamonggaa hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Capletion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. /lo( ~'- DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT -'"" May 16, 1990 City Council and City Manager Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer Michael 0. Long, Senior Public Norks Inspector Accept the Alta Lame Basin Excavation (Assessment District No. 84-21, Contract No. 90-017, as complete, release bands and authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion" asrnmcruTr~r. It is recommended that the City Council accept the Alta Lama Basin Excavation (Assessment District No. 84-2), Contract No. 90-017, as and authorizehthe release off the iFalth f PerfonaanceiBonditnCo~leti~ounk of (113,000.00, waive the contractural requireaaMt for the Maintenance Bond, and authorize the release of the retention 1n the amount of (11,300.00 and the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of 5113,000.00, 35 days after the recordation of said notice if tlo claims have been received. Also, approve the final contract amount of (113,000.00. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subfect project has been completed Tn accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The final contract amount is f113,000.00 which includes no change orders. Respectfull submitted, cc: Purchasing ~~ 1 RESOLUTION N0. G)o-~}~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC INPROVEMENTS FOR ALTA LOMA BASIN EXCAVATION (ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 84-Z), CONTRACT N0. 90-017, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the canstruction of public improrements for Alta Loma Basin Excavation (Assessment District No. 84-21, Contract No. 90-017, have been compieted to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NON. 7REpccnar~ the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. /t~3 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 16, 1990 TO: Mayor, Members of City Council and Cit y Manager FROM: Jerry B . Fulwood, ((( iLL~~~ Deputy City Manager AY: flonnie Cabrinha, Special Districts Supervisor SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORT AND SETTING A LTC iiEARi NIi ON JUNE 20, 1990 TO LEVY THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT AND APPROVE THE FINAL ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR THE PARR AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (PD-85) RECOFII9ENDATION: Staff recommends that City Council adopt the attached Resolutions giving preliminary approval of the City Engineer's Report and declaring its intention to levy and collect assessments with i.^. the Park and Recreation Improvement District for Fiscal Year 1990/91 and offering a time and place for a Public Hearing. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Pursuant to the requirements of the Landscaping and Liahting Act of 1972 a preliminary Engineer's Report for Park and Recreation Improvement District PD-85 has been prepared. Staff has reviewed three options in preparation of the preliminary Engineer's Report: i. Increase assessments to provide for debt service and full maintenance costs. This option was viewed as unacceptable since City Council has indicated a desire not to increase park assessments; 2. Establish a loan for maintenance from the General Fund to PD- 85. Pay back would not occur until the year 2005 when adequate cash flow would be available to handle maintenance costs. 3. Increase existing assessments to coincide with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) which is approaching 54, then use remaining funds to help offset a portion of maintenance costs. This may /4~ City Council Staff Report APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORTS May 16, 1990 Page 2 create an opportunity since many residents believe the rate for a single family dwelling would not exceed S39.99, If Council approves this recommendation the rate would be adjusted to $35.18. In support of staff's recommendation for option 3, the following information outlines actual PD-85 rates for 1989/90. This occurred as a result of a County error, in assessing a 5~ administration fee for fiscal. year 1989/90. 1989/90 ASSESSMENT RATES County Chg. Assmt. in Error Processing Single Fami ly Units 533. 50 S 1.68 S 0.25 Less tP,an i .5 acres 16. 75 .89 0.25 1.5 to 3.50 acres 50. 25 2.51 0.25 3.51 to 7.0 acres 117. 25 5.00 0.25 7.01 to 14. 0 acres 239. 50 5.00 0.25 19.01 to 25 acres 469. 00 5.00 0.25 25.01 acres or larder 837. 50 5.00 n ~s PROPOSED 1990/91 ASSESSMENT RATES Single Family Units Less than ].,5 acres 1.5 to 3.50 acres 3.51 to 7.0 acres 7.01 to 14.0 acres 19.01 to 25 acres 25.01 acres or largez Assmt. Processing 535.18 $0.25 17.59 0.25 52.76 0.25 123.11 0.25 296.23 0.25 492.45 0.25 879.38 0.25 The projected total amount to be collected using the 535.18 cost factor as opposed to the 533.50 are respectively 51,078,863.64 as compared to $1,027,361.25. This will provide $172,224.69 in additional revenues that can be used to help offset the projected maintenance cost of 5956,815. I (vs City Council Staff Report APPROVAL OF PAELIMINAFY ENGINEERS REPORTS May 16, 1990 Page 3 The attached chart reflects a history of the rates since formation for your consideration. ?RF:?C:de Attachment // A RESOLUTION OF't7iE CRY COUNCIL OF THE CI1Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OF PRELIMWARY APPROVAL OF CITY ENGINEER'S ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE PARK lu~ID RECRIiAT10N IbIPROVI:MENT DISTRICT IPD-85) Rt:sOLVED by the City Council of the Ctty of Rancho Cucarnonga that: WHEREAS, pursuant to the Iandscape and Lfghting Act of 1972, the CIty Engineer Is required to make and tilt wtth the Clty Clerk of the City an annual report in writing for wl+.lch assessments are to be IMed and collected to pay the costs of the maintenance and/or Improvement of said Park and Recreation Improvement District (PD-85), WHEREAS. Lhe City Engineer has made and flied with the Clty Clerk of Bald City a repoR, attached hereto, in writing as called for under and pursuant to Bald Mt, wh[ch has been presented to this Counefl for conslderatlon; and WHEREAS, satd Counetl has duly considered said report and each and every part ..^yr a n,-a^ •~_• ^ - -;,..j i.o.. '`s:wu iGfiirii in &iuwuu:i. d..u u:di saiu .epu. i. uOC any part thereof, requlrcs or should be modNed in any respect. NOW. THEREFORE, 1t is ordered as follows: 1. That the [l~gfneer's estimate of Itemlud costs and expenses of said work and of the Incidental expenses in connection therewith, contained in Bald report be, and each of them are hereby prehminardy approved and confirmed. 2. That the diagrams showing the Assessment District referred to and descRbed Ln said repoR, the boundaries of the subdivlsfons of land within said Astessment Dlatrtcta are hereby prelindnarlly approved and confirmed. 3. That fhe nrnnnaeri vaanen.q..,+: .•~,_; ; ;~ 8ti":.:':.... w` inuu ut saw Assessment DlsMCt m proportion to the estimated benefit to be received by said subdlvlsfon, respectively, from said work and of the incidental expenses thereof, as contained in Bald report is hereby prellminardy approved and confirmed. 4. That said repoR shall stand as the Ctty Engineer's Amual Report for the fiscal year 1990/92 for the purposes of ait subsequent pmttedings. I fir City o(Rancho Cucamonga Annual Report 85-PD F1sca1 Year 1990/91 AVI7IORIIY FOR REPORT This report for the 1990/91 fiscal year is pmpared pursuan? to the order n(thr CIty Counru of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and m compliance with the reGutrements of Article 4, Chapter 1, Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972, belrig Division 15, Section '2251)0 of the Streets and Highways code. Provisions for this annual assessment are included m Chapter 3 of the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972. The purpose of this mport Is to set forth findurgs and [he assessment analysis for the annual lery of assessments (or the Pazks and Recreation Improvement District No. 85-PD, thereafter referred [o as "the District". Th1s District, using direct bene[it assessments, has been created to provide funds to finance the cost of eonstrueilon, mamtrnance, operation anu ticor payrncm v: Heritage CommuNty Pazk and Red Hlll Community Pazk m the City of Rancho Cucamonga. FINDINGS Section 22573, landscape and Lighting Act of 1972, requires assessments to be levied according [o benc(it rather than accorcllng to assessed value. The sectlon slates: 'The net amount to be assessed upon lands within an assessment distrtct may be apportioned 6y arry formula or method which (afrly dlstnbutes the net amount among all assessable lots or pamels m propart:on to the estlmated benefits to be received by each such IOr w pd~eci imw um supwvuuww. The means of determining whether or not a parcel will benefit from the improvements is contained in the Improvement Act of 1911 (Division 7. commencing with Section 5000 oC the Streets and Highways Code. State of California). The 1972 Act also provides for [he classihcatlon of vanous areas within an assessment dlstnci into benefit areas wham, by reason of variations in the nature, location, and extent of the improvements, the vartous areas will receive differing degrees of all territory :ecelvmg substantially the same degree of benefit from the improvements and may consist o(contlguous cr rcreanitguous areas. As the assessments an IMed on the bash of brneflt, they are considered a user's fee, not a tax; and, therefore, are not gwemed by Artklc XIIIlti Properties owned by public agencies, such as a city, county, state, or the federal government, are not assessable without the approval of the particular agency and, normally, are not assessed. Certain other pamels used (or rallroad rnaintine right-tit-way; nubiio utility transmission riuhi-n(-way. cmiuLUn areas, and non- profit organvattons U.e., churehes, clubs) are also exempt from assessment. The assessment ter moblie home parks wdl be based upon underlying lo[ acreage DISTRICT ANALYSIS A. Improvement DlsMCt Boundary The unprovement dlsMet Includes all of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga with the general exception of teed east of Deer Creek Channel and the Victoria & Terra Vtsta Planned Commumtles. All parcels of real property a6ected are more partfculazly described m maps prepared in acrordance with Section 327 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, which are on Ne m the olflce of the San Bernardino County Assessor m the Hall o[ Records, 172 West Third Street, San Bemardlno, Call(orNa and which are hereby made a part hereof by reference. B. DlsMCt Name City of Rancho Cucamonga Park Improvement Distne[ No. 85-PP C. Facilities The ezlsting works of improvement are generally described as follows: The construction of Heritage Community Park including, bu[ not Iknlted to, ¢radlna. nlantina n+iaanor•., c _ o rc_ds, drea!'r_:, p~r?r':.g '^•s oo*•~••e. restrooms, equestrian faculties, playground equlpmenq picnic facilities, athletic faculties, and walking. Jogging and equestrian treas. The construction of Red Hul Community Park including, but not Welted m, grading, pkrnting, lrrlgatlon, onslte roads, sidewalks, parking lots, lighting, waterscape, restrooms, sensor citlun (acuities, playground equipment, picnic fac111t1es, maJor Itghted athletic faclutles, Jogging troll, underground storm drain system, and adJattnt pubkc street Improvements. ESTIMATE OF WORK The Landscaping and Lighting Act a[ 1972 permits carrying forward surpluses or recovering ueitcua m auuxyueui C.xei yce.a. C.,~i~ :~.~ •• ~.•. ~ ~: ~' :~ :~..~~ W. :::-::i. `~ surplus credited against assessment or any deMits shall be secluded in the assessment for the following 8sca1 year. 1990/91 Fiscal Year Estimated Costs & Budget Summary Balance from 1989/90 Budget $ 28.995 Contnbutlons (interest earned) Redempllon Fund/Umited to Pay Horid Deb[ Service $ 39.448 Speetal Reserve Fund/Wmlted to Pay Bond Debf 9eMce $ 16,965 Total Estimated Avauabie Funds $ 77,408 County Spetlal Charges $ 5,971 Adminlstratlon Charges $ 94.752 Consultant's Fees $ O Debt Service Instalbnent 11/2/91) $ 295,483 Debt Service [nstaltment (7/2/91) $ 510,482 Operation & Maintenance $ 195.318 $1 ,101,955 Balance to Aeaeasment $1.024,547 METHOD OF SPREAD The Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 Indicates that assessments may be apportlored by any formula or method which fairly dismbu[es costs among all lots or pamels with the District m proportion to the estimated benefits receNed. A. Definitions The DisMCt is divided Into three categories for the purpose of determmmg the assessments as follows: CATECOkY A ~ includes parcels based on the number of existing res!dential units within certain razrges of parcel size. CATEGORY B -includes all parcels not de0ned m Category A or Category C. CATEGORY C -includes exempt parcels. Exempt parcels were discovered by searching the County Assessor's computer tapes for those pamels that arc listed as exempt by the • .-~ n....l„nh _A n... nn_ nne,_.een_,i ~min~ ._~_ 1_n_a_a_ 1_5_,n_n IQ~dYl rn nnnrl,~Minrt the anAMh several parcels were mduded es exempt that show pazeel sizes m excess of 1.5 acres and type codes ot, for example, residential or agriculture. These parcels were added back into the mils and assessed. B. Formula The assessment formula is based on actual land use information contained m the current San Bemarduw Assessor's computer Nes and nserssor s parcel maps. Category A: All parcels containing existing residential tlwelling units and meeting the tollowfng conditions. Number of F~Isting Res Parcel Sbe Range Dwelling UNts/Parcel Less than 1,5 acres and 1 or more dweWng units 1.51 to 3.5 acres and 2 or more dwelling uNts 3.51 to 7.0 acres and 4 or more dwelling uNts 7.01 to 14.0 aetes and 8 or more dwelling uNts 14.01 to 25.0 sexes and 15 or more dweWng uNts 25.01 acres & larger and 26 or more dwelling uNts Category A R based on the number of existing tesldentlal uN[s. The actual assessment for Bond Debt Service per existing residential dwelling uNt may decrease each year as more restdential uN[s are buUt within the improvement district, Maintenance costs, however, aze expected to 'ncrease annually and wt{! somewhat offset the sr.!ICtpated decrease in assessments due to new development. Category B: All parcel not de0ned m Category A or Category C. Category C: All exempt parcels as defined below 1. All properties currrnUy tax exempt; 2. All public ownerships: 3. RaBroad malNme rights-of-way; 4. Ma,]or uUllty 4onsmfssfon rights-o4way; 5. Mineral rights; 6. Parcels so small they currently cannot be bu8t upon; 7 All r~nmully assessable parcels within an assessed valvatlon of less than $500 and 1.5 acres or kss; and 8. Non-pm8t organUations (l, e., churches). C, Summary of Prellminary Assessment Amounts Category A Y,~::...:..e.r :,~ sate w:ii~i~ wi:: uc :c.:cu uu~iug fie~el yeas 1990/91 Is $35.16 per dwelling uNt for those parcels m Category A Category A parcels contalntng more than one resfdentlaf dwdllng umt wdi be assessed for an amount equal to $35.18 times the number of dweWng units. Category B: The assessment which may be leveed for parses wtthm Category B during tlscal year 1990/91 shall Ix according to the following schedule: Definition A¢,e~v+ent Per Parcel less than 1.50 acres $ 17.59 1.51 acres to 3.50 acres $52.78 _ _ _ _ ~1N . 7.01 arns to 14.0 acres X246.23 14.01 acres to 25.0 acres $492.45 25.01 acres & larger $879.38 Category C: The assessment shall be $0.00 for Category C parcels. PRgJFCTED 1990/91 ASSESSMENTS SSrrgle Family Units 26,538 at $35.18 = $ 933,808.84 Less than 1.50 acres 895 az $ 17.59 = $ 15,743.Ob 1.5 saes to 3.50 acres 3~ ffi $52.78 = $ 19A99.12 3.51 acres to 7.0 acres 216az $123.11 $ 26,591.76 7.U1 accts to 14.0 acres 142 ffi $246.23 = $ 34,974.68 14.01 acres to 25,0 acres 51 a! $492.45 = $ 25.114.95 25.01 acres oz larger 27ffi $879.38 = r8 ?3.74328 $1.078,863.64 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Parks & Recreation Improvement District sso $99 S99 $97 S96 a95 _-. _ $99 S93 ""~...~_ _. $92 S 41 '-""" -- $40 S39 $39 $37 $36 $35 $39 S33 $ 31 ~' --II S30 ~ r ~ r ~ i ~ ~ 85/86 86/67 87/88 88/89 89/90 90/91 Fiscal Year ~ Assessment Rates II 128t30LUTtON NO. ~~ - ~3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING [TS INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITH(N THF, PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (PD85) AND SETTING A TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARING THEREON WHEREAS, the City Couned of the Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga. California, has prcvlously formed a special assessment dlstrtet pursuant to the terms o(Ihe "Landscaping and Lighting Ac[ of 1972", being Division I5. Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Callfomfa. m what Is known and designated as "PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARKS). WHEREAS, at this time the Clty Council 1s desirous to take proceedings to provide for the annual levy of assessments for the next ensuing fiscal yeaz to provide Cor the costs and expenses necessary to pay debt service on the bonds Lssueu and costs for annual mafnieriance for the Assessment District; and WHEREAS, at this time there has been presented and approved by this Cfty Council, [he Engmeer's Report, as required by law, and this Cfty Council !s deskus o(contlnuing with the proceedings for said annual lery. NOW, THEREFORE. Tt [S HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: RECITALS SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. DECIt\RATION OF INTENTION SECTION 2: That the public lntettsl and convenience rcqulres, and It O [he mtentton of this legislative bod~, [o undertake proceedings Cor the annual lery and collection of assessments for the ..d .. ...... n.. fir IV,n fnltn.~.l ro rln~ro n1-r1 Impnn_rrmm~n{~ Innl,~.il_ne ,inhl n__n.lna n___ Y,.l ~..~t v ..::}... r,... bonds Lssued to assist In flnanctng said Improvements Construction of park and recreational improvements m Herttage and Red Hil] Commumty Parks. including but not limited to, land prepazation, including grading, landscaping and irrlgadon systems, together wtth appurtenant work. Chat no new improvements or any substantial changes m existing improvements aze proposed as a par o[these proceedings. BOUNDARIES OF MAINTENANCE DISTRICT SECTION 3: That Bald works of improvements are of direct benefit to the properties wlthln the boundanes of said Assessment DisMCL which Assessment DisMCt the legtalattve body previously declared to be the area benefited by said works of Improvement, and for particuktrs reference is made to the boundary map as previously approved try thLS leglslatlve body, a copy of which Is on file in the O(Uce of lh° CStI• Clerk and open Cor public Inspection, and designated by the name of this Assessment District. REPORT OF ENGINEER SECTION 4: That the "Report" of the Engineer, as prelkNnanty approved by this legislative body. Is on Ne with the Clty Clerk and open for public inspection. Reference Is made to satd "Report" for a Cull and detailed descrlpnon oC the exlatmg works of improvement, the boundanes of the Assessment District and arty zones therm, and the proposed assessments upon assessable lots and parcels oC land wlthln the Assessment District 173 PUBLIC HEARING SECTION 5: NOTICE [S HEREBY GIVEN THAT WEDNESDAY, THE 20TH DAY OF JUNE, 1990 AT THE HOUR OF 7:00 O'CI.OCE P.M., IN THE MEETQiG PLACE OF THE C[IY COUNCIL AT THE LIONS CENTER, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALiFORN1A, [S THE TIME AND PLACE FIXED BY THIS LEGISLATIVE BODY FOR HEARING PRCrIES'15 OR OBJECI7ONS IN REFERENCE TO THE ANNUAL LEVY OF ASSESSMENTS AND TD ANY OTHER MATTERS CONPA[NED [N THIS RESOLUTION. ANY PERSONS WHO WISH 1'O OBJECT TO THE PROCEEDINGS OR THE ANNUAL LEVY SHOULD FILE A WRITTEN PROTEST W17H THE C11Y CLERIL PRIOR'l'01FfE TIME SEl' FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING. NOTICE SEC17ON 6: That the City Clerk 1s hereby authorized and dlreMed to glue notlce as causing a copy of this Resolution to be published 1n the batty Report, a newspaper of general etrculatton withID the City; said publication to be completed not Less than ten 1101 days prior to the date set for the public hearing. PROCEEDINGS INQUIti(EJ SECITON 7: For arty and all Warmatlon relating to these proceedings. Including WnrmaHOn relating to protest procedure, your attenllon >s directed to the person designated below: Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy Clty Manager P.O. Banc 807 Rancho Cucaznariga. CA 91790 Telephone: (7l4) 989-1851 I ~ 1 Per Restdentlal $34.65 Vacant Land 1.5 acres or less $17.32 Vacant Land 1.51 to 3.5 acres $51.99 Vacant Land 3.51 io 7,0 acme $121.19 Vacant Land 7.01 to 14.0 acres $242.59 Vacant Land 14.01 to 25.0 acres $485.16 Vacant Land 25.01 acres or larger $886.42 nunvuwl. A88F.881lEN T awre$ ~6taz is~zraa ~s4 ~i $33.50 $33.50 $93.50 $33.50 $33.50 $16.75 $18.75 $16.75 $16.75 $16.75 $50.25 $50.25 $50.25 $50.25 $50.25 $137.25 $117.25 $117.25 $117.25 $117.25 $234.50 $234.50 $234.50 $234.50 $234.50 $469.00 $469.00 $469.OD $969.00 $469.00 $837.50 $837.50 $637.50 $837.50 $837.50 ~~ r May 16, 1990 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT T0: Mayor, Members of the City Council and City Manager FROM: Rick Gomez, Conenunity Development Director BY: Jerry R. Grant, Building Official SUBJECT: STREET ADDRESSING AND POSTING REp1IREMEIRS c~`~^Mo ~~ ~'~ O` O~ F ~ IZ U`~> ien I It is recommended that the City Council conduct a hearing and hold first reading on the accompanying ordinance. BACKBROUNO At the City Council meeting of May 2, 1990, the Staff was directed to schedule the attached ordinance for public hearing and consideration at this Council Meeting. ANALYSIS The ordinance has been slightly revised from the version presented at the May 2 meeting, to clarify that enforcement of the initial posting of street addresses is to be a function of Lhe Building and Safety Division and enforcement of maintenance provisions df the ordinance will be by the Rancho Cucamonga Fire ;strict. SUMMARY The accompanying ordinance will complete revision of the street addressing provisions of the Mumicipal Code consistent with Council direction. Incorporated therein are requirements for an increase in the minimum size of numerals, additional posting of addresses adjacent to street rights-of-way for mul t+-building sites, review of location and visibility during Development Raviex c, nresies aid added emphasis visibility of the numbrs against their background, Res pectiuiiy ss~u/omitted, rry R rant~~~ euildir~Official JRG:11 ORDINANCE NO.~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AMENDING THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE BY DELETING PORTIONS OF SAN B~RNRRDINO COUNTY PROVISIONS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE N0. 11, ENTITLED "POSTING OF STREET NUMBERS" AND BY ADDING CHAPTER 8.26 ENTITLED "STREET ADDRESS POSTING", TO TITLE 8 OF SAID RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE. A. Recitals. (i) The County of San Bernardino has adopted a uniform system of housa nwvbzrizy fo.- the Courrty dr,d said uniform numbering system has bzen made a part of the County General Plan. (ii) The City of Rancho Cucamonga has continued the County uniform numbering system Since incorporation, (iii) It is necessary for the purpose of emergency response to maintain a numbering system that is consistent with other jurisdictions and as free of confusion as possible. (iv) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this ordinance fia ve occurred, 8. Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby find, determine and ordain as follows: SECTION 1: In all respects as set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Ordinance. SECTION 2: Sections 63.071 through 63.076, inclusive of Lhe San Bernardino County Code adopted by Ordinance No. 17 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga are hereby deleted. SECTION 3: Title 8 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, entitled "Health and Safety", of the City of Rancho Cucamonga is hereby amended by addition of Chapter 8,26 to read as follows: C.".a pter 9.25 STREET ADDRESS POSTING Sections• 8.26.010 Assignment of Street Addresses 8.26.020 Dosting Required Ordinance No. Page 2 8,26.030 Size and Location of Numbers 8.26.040 Multi-Building Properties 8.26.050 Street Address Numbering Review 8.26.060 Enforcement 8.26.010 Assignment of Street Addresses. Street addresses shall be designated and ass+gned by the Co!mnunity Development Department, a designs teJ division thereof or other agency in cooperation with the Community Development Department. B.Z6.020 Posting Required. Street address numbers shall be conspicou sly posted and thereafter maintained on each building located in the City Of RanrhO f. {Iramnn ga, E%C EPTI ONS: 1. Buildings accessory to residential buildings. 2. When street address numbers for a single family residence would not be visible from Lhe street due to distance from the street or obstruction, numbers may be posted on a post or other independent structure. Such numbers mounted shall otherwise meet the requirements of this chapter. Numbers posted on free standing mail boxes, are acceptable under Lhe provisions of this subsection provided no more than one mailbox is installed at the same location. 8,26.030 Size and Location of Numbers. All street address numbers posted pursuant to this chapter shall meet the following minimum requirements: a. Numbers shall be no less than four (4) inches in height with a corresponding width. b, Numbers and their background colors are to he of significantly contrasting shades. c. Numbers are to be readily visible and readable from the street on which the building or building fronts. d. Numbers painted on curbs are not acceptable as a substitute for the requir'emeiii5 of Ihls r.ha nta r, 8.26,040 Multi-Building Properties. Properties developed with more than one main building and where visa bility to all building street numbers from the street is obstructed or is otherwise unreadable, shall, in I ~V ~~ , Ordinance No. Page 3 addition to the numbering for individual buildings, also be provided aith independent structure; located adjacent to the street frontage upon which the address numbers have been assigned, showing in readily visible fashion, the beginning and ending numbers assigned to that parcel. Where numbers are assigned on more than one street frontage, such independent structures shall be provided on each frontage. 8.26.050 Stree t_ Address Numbering Review. For other than single family residential grope rties, location, size, contrast, visibility and mounting of street address numbers for new projects shall be subject to and a part of review under the "Land Development Review" process of Chapter 17.06 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. 8.26.060 Enforcement. The Building and Safety Division shall he resnonsi hl? fnr initial inctatlatinr of ctrCC 'dd r2^„ t .. au~aba rs i"eyuiiau uy this Chapter. The Fire Chief of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire District shall be responsible for enforcement of maintenance provisions of this Chapter. SECTION 4: The Mayor shall sign this ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within 15 days after its passage at least once in The Daily Report, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 2 day of May, 1990 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Dennis L. Stout, Mayor 4' ~. 4 i a a - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 16, 1990 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council 1.7tOM: Duane A. Baker, Senior Administrative Assts SUBJECT: Graffi_yOrdinznce nc..........adaflan It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached ordinance which would establish a reward for the conviction of those caught defacing property and would restrict the sale of aerosol paint cans under siz ounces to minors. It is also recommended that the City Council establish the award amount as one hundred dollars (5100.00) to be paid upon conviction. Background At the direction of the City Council, staff researched the above graffiti ordinances and presented them [o the City Council for review. Upon review, the City Council asked for the ordinance to be drafted in final form and brought back for first reading. The attached ordinance is the one reviewed by the Council previously, If the Council adopts the attached ordinance it is recommended that a resolution establishing the award amount at une hundred dollars (5100.00) to be paid upon conviction be drafted. This resolution would be brought back for your consideration at the time of the second reading of the ordinance sa that both could come into effect simultaneously, ORDINANCE N0. ~'~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUC AMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 8.24 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING NEW SECTIONS S.Z4.040, 8.24.050, 8.24.060 ANO 8.24.070, PERTAINING TO GRAFFITI REMOVAL AND THE SALE OF AEROSOL PAINT iiuN, TH ER CFO RL, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Chapter 8.24 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended, by the addition of Sections 8.24,040, 8.24.050, 8.24.060 and 8.24.070 to read, in words and figures, as follows: 8.24.040 Rewa rd_fp r_in_fo rma tip n. The City Council may, by resolution, offer and pay a reward, the amount to 6e determined by any such resolution offering such reward, for information leading to the determination of the identity, and the conviction, of any person who willfully places graffiti or other inscribed ma to rtal upon public or privately owned permanent structures located on public or privately owned real property within the City. 9,74,050. Sale of aerosol oa int containers - sto rase re uirements. Any business or establishment offering for sale to t e public aerosol paint containers weighing six (6) ounces or lass (net we iaht of contentsl, shall keon. store and maintain such containers in a place that is locked and secure, or otherwise unavailable except by special request. 8.24.060. Penalties. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, partnership or corporation to violate any provision or to fail to comply with any of the require- ments of Section 8.24.050 hereby adopted. Any person, firm, partnership ar corporation yielating any prevision of said Section or failing to comply with any of its requirements shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars (51,000,00), or by imprisonment. Each such person, firm, partnership or corporation sha 11 ne deened guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or any portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of said Section is committed, continued, or permitted to continue by such person, firm, partnership or corporation and shall be deemed punishable therefor as provided herein. 8.24.070. Civil remedies available. The violation of any of the provisions of ection .4,050 hereby adopted shall constitute a nuisance and may be abated by the City ~$r Ordinance No. *** Page 2 through civil process by means of a restraining order, preliminary or permanent injunction, or in any other manner provided by law for the abatement of such nuisance. SECTION 2: Severa bility. The City Council declares that, should any provision, section, paragraph, sentence or word of the Drd ina nce hereby adopted be rendered or declared invalid by aqy final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction or by reason of any oreemptive legis latie.^., the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences or words of said Ordinance hereby adopted shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (1C) days after its passage at least once in The Dail Re ort, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, Ca iforn ia, and circulated in the City of Pa ~,,: ho Cc..a n~rga, Cali `u-1a. IS~- s~~'+ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 16, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell R. Maguire, Ctty Engineer BY: Val ter C. Sttckrley, Associate Civil Engineer i SUBJECT: Designation of Bella Vista Road as a private street and exempting the abutting properties from requirements set forth in Chapter 12.08 of the Municipal Code RECOMEMNTI^!i: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution designating Be11a Vista Road as a private street and exempting the abutting properties from requirements set forth 1n Chapter 12,08 of the Municipal Code. BACK6RWIO/ANIILVSIS Protects which are adiacent to streets that have not been previously determined by the City as private are required to dedicate any needed right-of-way for the construction of public improvements and, unless exempt due to project size or type, are required to construct needed '.,r.,.ro:cr:~:i :aCa;,, Gwae yuuiic rights-or-way. inese requirements have become the focal point of obJections by owners of property on certain residential streets, particularly in the Alta Loma section of the City, as they developed their property. Their contention was that, because these streets were unique 1n nature and are of substandard design and construction, that the improvement of the street Mould have a negative effect on the abutting property and the streets should remain private. Because of these concerns, on duly 5, 1989, the City Council adopted an Ordinance which established a mechanism for the review and determination of whether a street could be designated as a Private Residential Street. This would thereby exempt the abutting properties to these streets from the requirements set forth in the Municipal Code for the dedication of Dubitc right-of-way and the cosntruction of public improvements. This action regarding Bella Vista Road was triggered by a property owner who, when applying for a building penait to construct a swlewing pool, was Informed by the Engineering staff that an irrevocable offer of dedication 1s required prior to issuance of a building perwit. The property owner contended Lhat Bella Vista Drive, which h15 property CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT BELLA VISTA ROAD MAY 16,1990 PAGE 2 abuts, was private and that the above mentioned engineering condition would not pertain. The property owner was given an option of filing an application to the City Clerk's office per Ordinance No. 58-C for the review and determination of the street as private and eventually setting up a public hearing date for the City Council review. The owner subsequently submitted a petition of 29 owners of property abutting Bella Vista Road (70.75 of the total parcels affected). The petition requests that the City Council make a determination at this time. The referenced sub~eci has been sent to tAe F1rc District and discussed with the Fire Marshall. The main concern of the F1rc District is the proper maintenance of the street. Moreover, 1f street 1s not properly maintained, the Fire District can enforce requirements per 1985 UFC Section 10.207- Fire Apparatus Access Roads. Respec submitted, ~~ /! 9 RHM: :La<.% ..".it.c ~^ri IV~ ?„. fit,;., RESOLUTION No. 90-aa~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING BELLA VISTA ROAD AS A PRIVATE STREET AND EXEMPTING THE ABUTTING PRODERTIES FROM REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 12.06 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE dectded that certain5re ident~ streets,obei 9 antque in nature ufunctlonhas private residential streets; and private streetsERshouldhebeitexemptedl frpa dcertainthrequiorementss nornially attributable to public streets; and creating and Nestab 1~sh1 g h authority tos des~ig ate a erta nestreets~as private residential streets. NHEREAS, the City Council finds as follows: Street and Carnelian tStnreet f meetsa allisof the requirementst set forth i n Chapter 12.08.055 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code; Private ResidentlalrnStreetgwillonotf adversely iaffect theihealth, safetysor welfare of those persons and properties ayecent to, and 1n the vicinity of, such street• portions of Bella Vista Road is 1ne conformity with the Genera9nPlann for said NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, hereby resolves as follows: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: Said portions of Bei1a Vista Road iocated between Sapphire Stree a"t~Carnelian Street is hereby designated as a private street and the abutting properties are exempted from the requtrements seL forth from the provisions of Cnapter 12.08 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. SECTION 3: N1th the designation of that portions of Be11a Vista Road as a pr va s rest, 1t wsyall ~otn Lhe list of so designated private streets set forth on Exhlblt A attached hereto and incorporated hercln by reference, ' Q~ EXHIBIT "A" DESIGNATED PRIVATE STREETS Nave of Street 1. Strang Lane Portion of Street . Carnelian Street to 1300 feet east Private Street designation adopted based on 60i representation of petitioning property owners and 1003 favorable representation at public hearing 2. Bella Vista Road 3. Scott Lane Sapphire Street to 1325 feet east Carnelian Street to 1320.5 feet west Palo Alto to 630 feet north r~~ } EXHIBIT "A" DESIGNATED PRIVATE STREETS Nanx' of Street Portion of Street 1. Strang Lane Carnelian Street to Private Street designation 1300 feet east adopted based on 60% representation of petitioning property owners and 1008 favorable representation at public hearing 2, Bella Vista Road Sapphire Street to Private street designation 1325 feet east adopted based on 70S Carnelian Street to representation of petitioning 1320.5 feet west property owners and 100% favorable representation at Public Hearing. 3. Scott Lane Palo Alto to 630 Prlvate street designation feet north adopted based an 83% representation of petitioning property owners and 100% favorable ranra«"r"r~.... ,. _ Public Hearing. ~ ~~ cj~w 3 S-t'1 `iM 1g 1J nn~~ c - , V ~KH~53tT ~I~ G~o6°~ W ~`~ `4'il~ `/ ~y ~C~ Y I°n~ 1 r 1" ~1JG.,'t'Q S`~Y~~ +~i6g0. z ~~ ~JC ~ ~ Ly0-Y ~`C I V"'~~ ~ x ~oS e~ Almond J S/TE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ENGINEERIIVti DIVLBION gpN WNr1~Ww ROYD RORK x~i n~ o~~ z lc N rr~c: ~A V/sTA dP Tilts: parr. MA '` - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 16, 1990 i T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Nalter C. Stickney, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT; Designation of Scott Lane as a private street and exempting the abutting properties from requirements set forth in Chapter 12.08 of the Municipal Code RECO1/EIiD11TI0M: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution designating Scott Lane as a private street and exempting the abutting properties from requirements set forth in Chapter 12.08 of the Municipal Code. BACK6ROI11<0/AMIILI'SIS Protects which are adJacent to streets that have not been previously detenai ned by the City as private arc required to dedicate any needed right-of-way for the construction of public improvements and, unless exempt due to protect size or type, are required to construct needed n ru,cii2rit5 itniii "u~i: `~`~'~' ^e' T1:CC^. wu(..n....n1_ Fave become the focal point~of obJections by owners of property on certain residential streets, particularly in the Alta Loma section of the City, as they developed their property. Their contention was that, because these streets were unique 1n nature and are of substandard design and construction, that the improvement of the street would have a negative effect on the abutting property and the streets should remain private. Because of these concerns, on July 5, 1989, the City Council adopted an Ordinance which established a mechanism for the review and detenxinatton of whether a street could be designated as a Private Residential Street. This would thereby exempt the abutting properties to these streets from the requirements set forth 1n the Municipal Code for the dedication of public rtght-of-way and the conntruction of public improvements. Thfs action regarding Scott Lane was triggered by a property owner who, when applying fora building permit, was informed that an irrevocable offer to dedicate was required prior to the issuance of a building permit. The owner contended that Scott Lane, which his property abuts, was private and that the offer to dedicate requirement would not CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT SCOTT LANE MAY 16,1990 PAGE 2 pertain. The property owner was given an option of filing an application to the City Clerk's office per Ordinance No. 58-C for the review and determination if the street is private and eventually setting up a public hearing date for the City Council review. The owner subsequently submitted a petition of 5 owners of property abutting Scott lane (83.33f of the total parcels affected). The petition requests that the City Council make a determination at this time. The referenced subJect has been sent to the Fire District and discussed with the Fire Marshall. The main concern o9 the Fire District is the proper maintenance of the street. Moreover, tf street is not properly maintained, Fire District can enforce requirements per 1985 UFC Section 10.207- Fire Apparatus Access Roads. Resp ly submitted, ~ ~ AfM: Attachment X89 RESOLUTION N0. 90 ~~2$ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OESIGNATIN6 SCO7T LANE AS R PRIVATE STREET AND EXEMPTING THE ABUTTING PROPERTIES FROM REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 12.08 Df THE MUNICIPAL CODE NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has decided that certain residential streets, being unique in nature, function as private residential streets; and NHEREAS, the City Council has decided that properties abutting private streets should be exempted from certain requirements normally attributable to public streets; and NHEREAS, the City Council has adopted Ordinance No. 58-C creating and establishing the authority to designate certain streets as private residential streets. NHEREAS, the City Council firxls as follows: A. A portion of Scott Lane located between Palo Alto Street and its' northerly tenalnus, approximately 635 feet north of Palo Alto Street, meets all of the requirements set forth in Chapter 12.08.055 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code; B. The designation of Bald portion of Scott Lane as a Private Residential Street will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of •bnee n anA n nn..N ~~ ,M .....~ ~.. ~,~, i.i LI:L "i:i~i~~° C. That a Private Residential Street designation for said portion of Scott Lane is in conformity with the General Plan; NON, THEREFORE, the City Courx:ll of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, hereby resolves as follows: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are ail true and correct. SECTION 2: Said portion of Scott Lane located between Palo At to Street and its nor er y terminus, approximately 635 feet north of Palo Alto Street is hereby designated as a private street end the abutting properties are exempted from the requirements set forth from the provisions of Chapter 12.08 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. SECTION 3: Nith the designation of that Dortton of Scott Lane as a private s reef,-fE'shall ,loin the list of so designated private streets set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by rcfercnce. I ~ t7 EXHIBIT "A" ~, ~~~~.. DESIGNATED PRIVATE STREETS P'•Q~~'~-b Name of Street Portion of Street 1. Strang Lane Carnelian Street to Private street designation 13D0 feet east adopted based on 60i representation of petitioning property owners and 100E favorable representation at public hearing 2. Belts Vista Road Sapphire SLreaL to 1325 feet east Carnelian Street to 1320.5 feet west 3. Scott Lane Palo Alto Lo 530 feet north '~l ~T' z :, PLO ctz, 4T frn ~~ /'/t 7 ~~ 'Aril ~~ rrf 3 b j.~.w< & ~ r/e W %I JGJ !l t off PALO AG/O f 1 I J y /I. ~J ~.I < ~ ~ ~~~ v ca I~ ~ ~ ~ ; 4~ ~V c(ry 1~ ~ S O G 1 Po! 0000 = t~ Laf W ~ ~ ZI \ V r a •an cor r~ J'} r~ ioGr~ ~~f ~ J 3 B.46EL/NE ,(~ I, 1 Pot. cor 2 Po.. LOT ~c~rJ• f ~ ~Gl 2 f I Il I4~ ~ I~I 1 ~~ ~ L AvpNUI /FI/IR Ii W 'v U23 ~ c~ ~V U Wy C ~~~ 4 4~ 1 1rt ~~r. J1~J ~jJ2~ MCC ST. ~ 2 r i CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~a~u~ra amr~toN n~:~rr uHe N '17TL~e M ' A'~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 16, 1990 i T0: Ctty Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: N1111e Valbuena. Assistant Civii Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of amending maps for Tract Nos. 13565-1, 13565-5, 13565-7 and 13565-8, located on the north side of 24th Street and east of Hardman Bullock Road submitted by Standard Pacific of Orange County. RECOMMEIDATIOM: it is recommended that the City Council adoyt the attached resolution aDDroving amending Tract Map Nos. 13565-1, 13565-5, 13565-7 and 13565-8 and 2 and authorizing the City Clerk to cause said Baps to record. BJICIC6RW Ip/ANALYSIS Tract Map Nos. 13565-7 and 13565-8 located on the north side of 24th Street and east of Hardman Bullock Road have been previously approved by the County ar~d the Design Reviews were approved by the Planning Commission on November 8, 1989. Tract Mep Mo. 13565-1 has been previously approved by the County and the Design Review for Tract Mep No. 13565-5 hoc ham •nnrv~uul by •hu of ...~.,. .. 1989. The developer, Standard ~Paclflc of Orange County, 1s~submitting the amended maps to provide the necessary adjustments to the lot lines. Standard Pacific of Orange County has an approved agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements on file in the Ctty Clerk's Office. Respect 1 submitted, / /~ RHM:N Attachment .i RESOLUT]OM N0. 9O 'c~r~ ~p A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AMENDING TRACT IMP NOS. 13565-i, 13565-5, 13565-7 and 13565-8 NNEREAS, the Mending Tract Maps 13565-1, 13565-5, 13565-7 and 13565-8 submitted by Standard Pacific of Orange County, Subdivider, located on the north side of 24th Street and east of Hardman Bullock Road, has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by said Subdivider for approval by said City as provided in the Subdlviston Map Act of the State of California, and in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and NHEREAS, the original Tract Map Nos. 13565-1, 13565-5, 13565-7 and 13565-8 were originally approved by the County of San Bernardi nn ann tie Design reviews for tha <aiA .,n~ ..I_c y-~,-, a~.f•vred oy the Planning Caimaisslon of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and NHEREAS, the developer has made a significant number of changes of tot lines to accommodate specific residential developmerK units; a~Xl NHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the Mending Parcel Maps said Subdivider submits for approval said Mending Maps offering for dedication for public use the streets delineated thereon. NON. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that the offers for dedication and the Mending Maps delineating same are hereby approved and the C/ty Clerk 1s authorized to eXeCUte the cortlflrafo hharann nn hnM.te s ..~~ Vie... _- ~ _... -" - +.~ .t/ IIV IibVIV iY 1V ICOV7• I9~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAbIONGA ~Q~IId(i DIYIBION rrnt:d ~ _~ ins fia~:u: n~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REFORT DATE: May 16, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Shtntu Bose, Deputy City Engineer SUBJECT: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL ff THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AMENDING SECTION 12.08.0551 OF TIE RANCHO LUCAMDNGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO EXEMPTIONS FROM REQU?REPENTS TO CONSTRUCT PUBLIC IMPROYEMENTS RECOMMENDATION: It is recoassended that the City Council approve the attached Ordinance anending the City Munfcipal Code Section 12.08.050 to provide exeeptions fros the requtree~ents of off-site i~proveew:nts for certain type of protects 1n coesercial/industrial areas. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On February 7, 1990, the City Council approved a report (copy attached) to awdify a provision in the Municlpai Code Section 12.08 Thereby oro.ieets for ^lnor additioae to [fx~nnrNalHnAwlefal AnilMw~e y.n exearyted frowt the requirements of off-site street iprovea~ents. The attached approved report specified the details of the proposed categories for the "Exeeptions". As a follow-up to that Council action for the report, the ordinance is presented LonTght for your consideration to amend the appropriate Code Section to incorporate the erodlfications as approved previously. Respect liy sudaitted, ~ l/~ R :SB: Attaclaeents CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~` DATE: February 7, 1990 ~~ i0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer SUBJECT: Report on the implementation of the provisions of Public Improvements requirements for Commercial/Industrial/ Institutional Buildings RECq/EIpATIOM: It is recommended that the City Council approve the modifications to the requirement of offsite street improvements for comaercial/ industrial/institutional buildings as proposed in this report and direct the staff to proceed with the amendment to the appropriate code sections. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The requirement to dedicate missing rights-of-wyr and to construct missing offsite street improvements for any new development protect, other than subdivision, is governed by the provisions of the City Code Section 12.08. As a condition for issuance of building perwli for these protects, the code requires the applicant t0 dedicate missina riahte-nf_rav ,,,n ~~ f...r,li ,p missing street improvements along the frontage of the property. Some exceptions to the construction rules are applied when a permit is sought for building alteration, reconstruction, addition up to 650 square feat to a single family residence and certain accessory structures to a single family residence. No provision exists in the code for any exception to the offslte improvement construction requirements for minor addition to a commercial/ lndustrlal/ institutional building ar for ancillary structures. The City Council has previously raised save concern regarding the fairness of these requirements far commercial/lndustrlal buildings. The provisions of the code is based on the basic premises that this type of developments increase traffic flow and thereby compromise the safety of the general public. Improvements to the a4iotning street mitigate that adverse impact. In reality, it has been found that construction of certain type of additional structures and/or expansion of an existing bull ding to a certain extent does not intensify the present use of the property, nor does 1t generate any significant additional trafPlc to warrant full frontage mprovemonts. CITY GOUNCR STAFF REPORT FEBRUARY 7, 199u PAGE 2 CONCLUSION: Based on the above findings, the staff is recowaending to amend the appropriate sections of the Code to exempt from the requirements of offsite construction improvements for: 1. Cumulative additions to existing commerotal/institutional buiiding up `~ 500 sGUare feet and industrial buiiding up to 1000 square feet, Dut not more than 505; (percent) of the floor area of the existing building. 2. Ancillary structures to commercial/industrial/institutional building (i.e. structural covers over existing outdoor storage. eum hm,cv. carport structures over existing parking stall and similar~structuresf which does not intensify the present use of the property. Ancillary structures, as rested here, do not create any increased traffic activities in the area. The expansion of an existing building to the limit as proposed does not require, according to the Develop~ent Code, sultlple off- street parking facilities indicating comparative y tnslgniflcant traffic impact on the ad~oining streets. Exemption of the offsite construction requirements for these protects will not be detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the residents. It is also recommended that the existing code provision for 'Exception' be amended to provide additional clarification as follows: x. nrteratron wmcn noes not intensify the use of the structure. B. Maintenance and Reconstruction in kind when the cost of which does not exceed 50f (percent) Of the value of the existing structure. C. Addition to a single family residence when the cumulative additions do not exceed 650 square feet. Should the City Council concur with these recommendations, the staff wi11 work with the City Attorney and prepare an amendment to the Code Section 12.08 to fncarporate the above modifications for Your consideratlgn. Respec submitted, Attachment: CoDY of City Code Section 12.08 i ~ RNM./ 19F( ORDINANCE N0. ~~~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CL'C,MtAl116A AMENOIN6 SECTION 12.08.050 OF THE RANCHO CUCMpNGl1 MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO EXEMPT10N5 FROM REQUIREiffNTS TO CONSTRUCT PUDLIC IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLONS: Section 1• Section 12.08.050 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is herehV an,nnAoA in w.A< anA of ^yurc„ d5 fGi1Gw5' "12.08.050 Construction of vubl!c 1 rovements - Exce ons. Drov s ons c ~ _e~ on s a no apply to the following: "A. Alterations rhlch do noC intensify the use of the budding or structure; "8. Maintenance and/or reconstruction of a building or structure provided the total cost does not exceed fifty percent (50i) of the fair market value of the existing building or structure; "C. Any addition or cumulative additions, within a sixty (60) month period, to an exlstina c!a,-•o-fww„ 7a reniuance pronaea that such addition or additions do not exceed a total area of six hundred fifty (650) square feet; "D. Arly addition or cumulative additions, wlthtn a sixty (60) month period, to an existing comaerclal and/or office building totaling less than five hundred (500) square feet or an existing industrial tru11d1ng totaling less than one thousand (1,000) square feet. The provisions of this subsection shall rtot apply tf such addition or additions constitute more than fifty percent (SOf) of the gross door srea of the eztsting building; "E. Construction of garages, carports, storage buildings, Dat1o covers, sw/wing pools, spas, and similar structures accessory to a singie=family residence; and l99 ORDINANCE N0. PAGE 2 "F. Construction of accessory structures to a connerctal/industrial/office building (e.g. structural covers on existing outdoor storage; fuel puaq building; carport structures aver existing parking stalls; and, sinilar structures); provided such accessory structures do not intensify the use of the building or property." Section 2: The City Council declares that, should any provision, section, paragraph, sentence or word of this Ordinance be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action in a court of canpetent Jurisdiction, or by reason of any preenpttve 1eg151ative, Lhe remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, and words of this Ordinance shalt remain in full force and effect. Section 3: The M+tyor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the sane to 6e published within fifteen (15) days after its Dassage at lease once in The Daily Reppoort, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of~o; CTiTornia, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. ~VO CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Nay 16, 1990 IO: Mayor and MemDere of the Cit Council PROM: Debra J. edema, City Clerk suBJECT: co a PLEC6 Aecow~na xfoR It ie recommended that the City Council approve the attached Rewlutlon and Ordinance which will change the requlsr casting place of the Clty Council. With the Civic Canter/Public 6afety facility being ready to xcvpy the firer part of June, 1990, Lt ie necaa nary to cnange the regular meetl,g place of the City Council. We have tounQ that instead of the meeting place Delnq daaignated Dy Resolution, it Dne bean done in the pest Dy Ordinance. However, an Ordinance change would not be effective until until July 7, 1990. To deal with this, Council must adopt the attnchsd Resolution deeigneting the regular mccting place for all regular f!eetin;e that would occur between the June 6 and July 7 dates, and the Ordinance which would be effective for any msetinge occurring after July 7. Both the Ordinance and the Resolution ere earring regular ageting dates for the City Council to tb held in the council Chambara located et 10500 Civic Center Drava, Rancho Cucamonga. If you Dave any queetiona, please feel to contact a,e. /dje Attechmente: Ordinance and Raaolution +' ~s, ~. i. i H %ss;y fir:': ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCPMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 2.12.010 OF CHAPTER 2.12 OF TITLE II OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAI N[NG TO THE LOCATION OF CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ~tICREAS, the vl ty PAUnC II of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Section 2.12.010 of Chapter 2.12 of Title II of the Rancho Cucamonga Mln is ipal Code hereby is amended to read, in words and figures, a. follows: "2.12.010 Meeting Place. Regular meetings of the City Council shall be~ield in the Council Chambers located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California." SECTION 2: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the sane to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in Inland Valle Gail Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of ntario, Ca ifornia, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. d ~- ;t aa~ RESOLUTION N0. 90-~' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THE DAY AND TIME OF CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: Pursuant to Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code Section 2.12.02D, the regular meetings of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga set to occur an June 6, 1990 and ,klne 20, 1990, shall take place in the Council Chambers, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Ra ~ha Cucamonga, California. Jo3 ~. ~;. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~- DATE: May ~6, 1990 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Richard L. Alcorn, Code Enforcement Supervisor SUBJECT: OVERVIEN OF CODE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council consider the information provided in this report as a basis Eor discussion of the current Code Enforcement Program. BACAGROUND: The City Council, at their April 18, 1990 meeting, directed staff to prepare a report outlining the current Code Enforcement Program. This request Was the result of discussion regarding Code Enforcement action on the 10200 block of Ashford Street. Subsequently, at the May 2, 1990 City Council meeting, a resident produced signed petitions requesting the Council to review Recreational Vehicle storage regulations. Since this request vas an element of the report previou sl}' requested, the City Council determined that these matters could be heard concurrently at the May 16, 1990 City Council meeting. This report presents an overview of the City's Code Enforcement Program, its scope, objectives, and procedures used. It provides ~mdtivr, G' ieVei of OBrV1Ctl, number o£ Ca8e6 handled, andvtypical compliance rates and tlmeframes. The report also reviews the history of the Recreational Vehicle Ordinance and outlines the enforcement procedures currently in use. d~~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT CODE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM May 16, 1990 Page 2 SCOPE OF PROGRAM: T;,e Code Enforcement program is divided into twelve operational areas, representing the varied areas of responsibility. A. Areas of Operation: 1. Pronerty~ Maintenance and Aesthetics: Activities involving the maintenance and improvement of the aesthetic quality of the community. Includes upkeep of buildings, yard areas, landscaping and other improvements. Problems of outside storago and screening, graffiti, care of parking areas and trash enclosures, accumulation of trash and debris. 2. Land Use and Zoning: Activities involving the land use provisions of the Development Code. Includes illegal uses of property, monitoring of non-conforming uses, reviewing compliance with conditions of approval for use permits, and monitoring of development requirements for landscaping and parking. 3. Sian Regulation: Activities related to maintaining compliance with the City Sign Ordinance. Includes continuous monitoring, inspection, Daraonal contact and education of businesses, reviex of sign permits, anfl the removal of illegal signs within the public right- ot-way. 4. Vehicle Parkins and Sterave: Activities related to the control of vehicles on private property. Includes the storage of inoperative vehicles, recreational vehicles, lawn parking, commercial/oversize/overweight vehicles, vehicle repair, and vehicle painting. regulations on public streets, parks, and publicaceess areas. Includes abandoned vehicles, commercial/oversize vehicles, recreational vehicles, unattached trailers, vehicles parked "for Sale" or for advertlslnq, vehicle parking on restricted residential streets, and vehlclea illegally parked on private property. Cooperative enforcement and communication Se maintained with the Sheriff's Office. Public Nuisance Abatement: Activities related to conditions detrimental to public health, safety or welfare. Includes fire/health/safety hazards, pool/water security, unsecured vacant structures, accumulation of junk and refuse, inoperative vehicles, odors, graffiti, and other hazardous or nuisance conditions. ~O ~ -rl CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT CODE ENPOACEHENT PROGRAM May 76, 7990 Page 3 7. Lnimal Regulation: Activities related to regulations involving the keeping of animals. Includes zoning violations, noisy animals, sanitation related complai rt s, location of animals and enclosures, excessive numbers of animals, slaughter of animals and bee keeping. Cooperative enforcement and communication with the contract animal control agency. 8. Permits and Development: Activities related to compliance with permit requirements for uses, development, construction, and physical alteration of property. Includes Minor Deve lopmsnt Reviews, satellite dish and antenna installations, skateboard ramps, equipment screening, temporary use permits, modal home sales facilities, special events, recycling facilities, tree removal, etc. 9. Business Regulation: Activities related to business operations which require specific approval due to their location, type of activity, or transient nature. Includes home occupations, entertainment, roedalde vendors, door to door solicitors, etc. Cooperative enforcement and communication pith the City~s Husiness License Tax Division. t0. weed Abatement: Contract service provided by the San Bernardino County Department of Agriculture. County nazara noatement urricers iaentuy Lira nazara conditions related to weeds, tumbleweeds, combustible and noncombustible debris, requiring removal or causing abatement. Program requires coordination with the County, information referrals, and contract administration. tt. Vector Control: Contract service provided by Wast Valley Vector Control for Lhe control of flies, rats and mosquitos. The Vector Control Officers provide routine inspection and insecticide spraying of commercial dumpsters, chicken ranches, and agricultural sites. They conduct txapplnq surveys, respond to requests and are involved with extensive public contact especially during fly season. Program requires coordination with contract oeraonnel, inf armation referrals, and contract administration. t2. Commun itv Awareness: A proactive program intended to educate the public about City regulations and the objectives of the Code Enforcement program. Includes articles in the Grapevine, public speaking, community meetings, participation in community events, preparation of informational materials, correspondence, and extensive positive public relations. ~~ CZTY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT CODE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM May 16, 1990 Page •. B. Staffing: The Code Enforcement staff consists of three (3) Code Enforcement Officers, one (1) Code Enforcement Technician, and one (1) Code Enforcement Supervisor. The technician provides office support services xhich include telephone and two-way radio communications, public contact, records management, coordination with other departments and outside agencies, clerical coordination and support. The supervisor provides line level supervision of daily operations, is involved in program development, and answers directly to the Deputy City Planner. The Officers work independently and are assigned to a specific geographic area (see Exhibit "H"). By dividing the City into geographic seas, each assigned officer becomes very familiar with the problems, and the people. A high degree of personal contact helps to build a rapport between the officer and the community. It is often this personal touch which is the deciding factor in obtaining voluntary compliance. In a City of 116,D00 residents, covering over 36 square miles, that comes to about 29,000 residents and 9 square miles per officer. The ma]orSty of the requeet^ received by Code Enforcement relate to residential uses, xhich involves the monitoring of over 27,000 single family homes. As we continue to grow, the demands on the program will also increase. ENFORCEMENT PROC ORE: Matters of immediate threat to public health, safety, or welfare receive top priority, with the intention of immediate resolution. Existing laws ars used to their full extent to eliminate such public safety problems. The more routine and less severe code violations involve a longer time frame for compliance. The philosophy behind most of these activities is to obtain voluntary compliance with City requlat ions. This is achieved through extensive personal contacts, and by informing rather than enforcing. Every effort is made to work with an individual property owner, resident or business. The goal is to provide service to the Community by responding quickly to all complaints and to achieve a cooperative r25w Ut i.... tC th£ problem Xitb!.^. _ _____nahle +imo poLiOd. The following description of the enforcement process is representative of these average code violations: Initial Contact/Two Week Follow yp: Initially, an attempt ie made to make personal contact if possible. A written notice is left at the location outlining the non-compliance items and requesting correction. A ~0~~~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT CODE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM May 16, 1990 Page 5 follow-up inspection is scheduled in two weeks to verify correction (The two week time period is required ae a minimum time period within which to require action by a property owner). If at the time o! the re- lnspectlon conditions have noticeably improved, a sequence of inspections will continue until the violation is corrected. Letter Notification/Two week Foliow-uo: Subsequent to visiting the site and attempting contact with a responsible party, a formal notification is mailed. This is considered a formal notice that non- compliance conditions exist and require correction, and will stets that legal action will follow. Thez• ar• three common types of notification, depending on specific conditions: a. First Notice: Requests compliance by a apecif is date, and indicates possibility of legal action. Intended to generate a rssponss. b. Second Notice/Soecial Letter: Requests compliance by a specific date, indicates possibility of legal action. Intended to generate a response. c. Warning Citation/Final Notice: Formally outlines violations. references orior notices. contains a Warning and Not Sca of violation form which states the City's intent to prosecute the violation St St is not corrected by a apecif lc date, intended to result in compliance. Approximately 90~ of all violations are resolved by this stage. Citations and Court Action: The last stage is the issuance of a Court Appearance Citation. The majority of the Municipal Code requirements enforced era miadwmwanora, with T fPw selected sectlc.^.L bainy designated as infractions. Infraction Citation/30 Dav Process: An infraction is a offense similar to a traffic violation. purishmert car. cc:.ai-t -f a fine -ly, up to 8250 The court cannot order correctiveVactlon, and Lhe defendant cannot request a jury trial. Infraction citations are effective as a preventative meeaure by imposing penalties on frequent violators or minor offenses. Examples of infraction violations are vehicle parking and storage, and entertainment permit requirements. ~o~-D CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT CODE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM May 76, 1990 Page 6 b. Misdemeanor Citat+ons/30 to 90 Dav Procaas (or loncer): PunishaSla by up to a S1000 fine and/or six (6) months in jail. Upon convletlon the court may order correction of the violation, probation to deter repeated violations, and reimbursement of the City's expenses. The defendant Ss entitled to a jury trial. Misdemeanor citations ars effective in obtaining compliance for chronic or severe violations. The process is slow, and requires a substantial amount of etafE time from preparation through the trial phase. The outcome can vary greatly from case to case with no guarantee of success. Examples of misdemeanor violation^ era sign regu la =ions, illegal tree removals, property maintenance, business license, and land use issues. Code Enforcement issues an average of tan (10) citations each month. Of this number, eight (8) would be infraction citations. An average of two misdemeanor citations are issued each month. Ne have not relied heavily on th• use of citations for misdemeanor violations due to slow court processing and delays encountered after completion of the case. To enhance the use of the court in resolving Code violation cases, it would be necessary to spend efgnif icantly more staff time fn Wrens ration and at the trial stage. This would have a severe impact on our ability to deal with the majority of violations. Fortunately, we are currently able to resolve the vast majority of our cases without legal action. Abatement Notices: The abatement process is an alternative to the use of citations and the court system. Code Enforcement ie' just beginning to incorporate the routine use of abatement into the overall program. The abatement process involves a civil procedure whereby a nuisance, ae def inad in the Municipal Code, is determined to exist on property and a remedy is provided that results in the physical removal (abatement) of the violation. The respective Ordinances establish minimum time periods for each stage -f t,`.s abataTant process. The abatomant proca~c can ensure the elimination of the violation, and allows for coat recovery. a. Nuisance Abatement/9i_to 90 Dav Procaas: Deals with conditions on private property that are detrimental to public health, safety or welfare. Includes property maintenance, illegal structures, stored materials and other conditions. Job- E CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT CODE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM May 16, 1990 Page 7 b. Vehicle Abatement/30 to 45 Dav Process: Deals with the storage of inoperative, wrecked or dismantled vehicles stored on private property. In practice, this tool is reserved for the most extreme cases as the Vehicle Code requires abated vehicles to be destroyed. Since the adoption of the Abatement Ordinance, about 25 vehicles stored on private property have been abated. LEVEL OP SERVICE: The following statistical data is representative of an average month of Coda Enf orcament Activity. Recuests for Information: Code Enforcement staff a,..i iiae iuyuita uuai eyu__ _ _ _._.__ __ _ wT telephone and at~the Planning Counter~on a daily basis. There are about 50 inquiries each day, averaging over 1,000 each month. Recuests for Service: Raqueats or complaints are received by Coda Enforcement primarily by telephone. A single request often represents more than one Droblem and more than one property. The average number o! monthly requests is 147. The average number of anonymous requests equals 18i of the total, or 26 requests. Tnlfl•1 T__n_enu n_h_/nne• Whun r n_nAlnn •n • .at fnr service, the Code Enforcemen{ Officer conducts a general inspection of the property. If Violations in addition to the original complaint are found, they will also be acted upon. Other properties in the Brea will be checked for similar violations, and theca residents will also be contacted. Not all contacts result in active cases, but the average request will result in 3 to 5 additional inspections. Pollow-uo Activity/Inspections: All cases involve follow up inspections to verify improvement or final compliance. Normally two follow-uy inspections will occur during the first thirty (30) days. The average number of monthly inspections performed by Code Enforcement is 446. Observations: During the activities conditions Enforcement Officers which initiative. The average upon in one month is 186. course of conducting field re observed by the Code they act upon on Chair own number of observations acted ~~~~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT CODE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM May 16, 1990 Page S Cases in Procress: Each Code Enforcement Officer is responsible for monitoring the status of their active cases. Each officer carries an average of 125 active cases at any given time. These cases range from initial contacts, to being actively involved with court action. With four officers on staff that is an average of 500 active cases. Abatements: The process of closing out cases is ongoing. Once the violations have been corrected no further action is taken. However, the officers do monitor locations with a history of repeat violations and enforcement action nroceede more rapidly when violations are repeated. An average of 136 cases are abated each month; however, they are quickly replaced by new cases. Compliance: The time frame for compliance in a typical case is relatively short. Often, an initial contact will be followed by two inspections wlthir. a thirty (30) day period and result in compliance. Approximately fifty percent (508) of the cases result in voluntary compliance within 30 days. Ninety percent (908) of the initial number of cases will result in compliance in 90 days. As time continues, approximately ninety-five percent (958) of the cases will result in compliance within a ciw (F1 mnnth ns.r1M . with tho rematndnr of the cases resulting in legal action. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARKING REGULATIONS: Prior to 1988, regulations regarding vehicle parking and storage restricted parking on both public and private property. Recreational vehicles were restricted from being parked 'over n1g!:t on City streets. On private residential property, they could be stored in the side yard , rear yard, or within the Front yard area on an improved surface between the driveway and the nearest side property line. Since the establishment of a Code Enforcement Program, the City received a substantial number of calls requesting the relocation Gf sWieu ieCredtitiildi vehicles. Reeidehta Objeeted tir the storage of boats, trailers, motor homes, camper shells, and similar vehicles in public view and adjacent to their driveways. Concerns were raised with large vehicles stored behind the sidewalk, interfering with visibility, and with the effect these vehicles may have on the quality of the neighborhood and property values. Zn addition, the appearance and maintenance of some of the RV's was of great concern to many. As a result of these numerous complaints, revised requirements were developed which dealt more specifically with recreational vehicles. Prior to adopting the regulations public hearings were held by both the Planning Commission and the City Council. ~~l' G CZTY COUNCIL STAPF REPORT CODE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM May 16, 1990 Page 9 Current Regulations: This ordinance resulted ir. two material changes. First, recreational vehicles may no longer be stored (parked for more than 24 hours) within the front yard area. Second, recreational vehicles stored in side or rear yard areas must be screened from view by a five (6) foot Senca or gate. The current regulations reflect a standard that is applied to all items of storage in residential arena. Building materials, household items, storage containers, etc. hove been required to be stored within the garage or an enclosed yard area since the adoption of the Development Code. The requirement for storage of recreational vehicles was intended to meet these same requirements. Rgereatonal V htcle Enf or m n procedure: Because this was a new ordinance, our focus has been on notification and not enforcement. Informational articles were published in the Grapevine and mailed to every residence in the City in an effort to make the community aware of the recreational vahicl• storage limitations. No active enforcement was started, with the intention of allowing time for adjustment to the new regulations. However, our informational program also resulted in a great number of requests that the ordinance be enforced and Code Enforcement began to respond to specific complaints. As the result of a complaint, a vahicl® owner will bo contacted and informed of the parking regulations either personally or in w•+rinn. mho nhiontive of this initial contact i^ to Drovide information and to schedule the removal of the vehicle within a reasonable period o2 time. Cade Enforcement sta2f makes every effort to work cooperatively with the owner to resolve the matter cooperatively. As with other enforcement issues, similar violations observed in the same neighborhood as the original complaint will also receive notification, Code Enforcement has lengthened the process of enforcement to allow ample time for the vehicle owners to be contacted prior to any further enforcement action. To date, no citations have been issued Eor recreational vehicle parking violations on private property. Code Enforcement has handled this issue with a significantly greater degree of latitude with regard to the time frame for --mpliarce. To date, Cede Enforcement .*.as been successful in obtaining compliance following an initial contact in at least 501 of the cases handled. Additional recreational vehicles have been relocated when owners have been recontacted a second time. Although this process is time consuming, it has resulted in a significant reduction Sn the number of recreational vehicles stored in front yards, dol ~ n CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT CODE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAH May 16, 1990 Page 10 CONCLUSION: The Code Enforcement program for the City of Rancho Cucamonga is effective Sn providing service to the community. The focus of the program is to respond Promptly to requests for service and to obtain substantial compliance for Lhe majority of cases in a reasonable amount of time. Code Enforcement staff has been successful in using a cooperative problem solving approach that has resulted In the great majority of cases being resolved without the need for legal action. If the City Council desires to change the focus of the program, specific direction would be required such ae prioritizing the areas of enforcement, restricting response to certain requests such as anonymous complaints, or identification of spacif lc community needs. It should be noted that change would affect the current high level of responslvenass to citizen requests, and alter our current level of service. Res c ally Stt , Bra er / City P anner BB:RA/jfe Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Average Monthly Items by OParational Areas Exhibit "B" - Assigned Areas for Coda Enforcement Officers Exhibit "C" - Ordinance No. 360 I V ~, . AVERAGfi MONTHLY ITEMS BY OPERATIONAL AREAS OPERATIONAL AREAS REQUESTS INSPECTIONS OBSERVATIONS PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 51 110 1fi AND AESTHETICS LAND USE AND BONING 8 8 I 2 SIGN REGULATION 3 120 61 VEHICLE PARKING AND STORAGE 31 107 64 PARKING CONTROL (PUBLIC PROPERTY 12 84 32 /PUBLIC ACCESS) PUBLIC NUISANCE 9 10 2 ABATEMENT ANIMAL i REGULATIONS 17 8 1 PERMITS AND DEVELOPMENT 8 15 2 BUSINESS REGULATION F 2 3 WEED ABATEMENT 1 1 1 VECTOR CONTROL 1 ' 1 COMMUNITY AWARENESS 3 2 1 TOTALS 147 448 188 SUBJECT: OVERVIEW OF CODE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM EXHIBIT "A" MAY I8, 1990 CODE ENFORCEMENT ASSIGNED AREAS »..M .,...»»., ~.,.. EXHIBIT "B" ~„ ~. ~.~. ~~-k ~:~---_ VIGINITY~ MAP ORDINANCE N0. 360 AN 6RDINANC6 OP TBE CITY CONNCII. OF TAB CITE OP RANGO COGlDNGA, GLIIORN7A, AN6NDING SOBSECTION 17.08.070-C AND 17.12.030-H, AND ADDI18: A NEq SOBSBCTION 17.30.050-0 1p TAB RAN(80 L9GlDNGA NINICI PAL CODE PERTA77311L• TO VEBICLS PARKING PI392N RESIOENTIA3.. OJNN$RC~ALiCFFIC3 AND INOOSTRIAL DISTRICTS A. Recitals. (i) On Nay 25. 1988, We Pleenin8 Coauission of the City of Rene*_o Cucponga conducted a duly noticed public bearing rith zespeet to the folloring proposed aentLent to Title 17 of the Rancho Cucawonga Mtnicipl Coda (hereinat ter referred to ss the sDevelo)~ent Codes) regarding regulations for vehicle parking •iehin reaiMntiali veeeercial and indnetrid districts of the City, (ii) At the conclusion of aid Ns7 25, 1988, pnbl is hearing, tha_ Planning Caweiesion adopted its Revelation No. 88-108 thereby seceeutending tbat thin Council adopt the proposed Dnelopeent Code uendeveta a qt forth in thin Ordinance. (iii) On June 15, 1988, the City Council o! the City of Rancho ttcuonp conducted a duly notiwd pabl is Haring rith respect to the proposed eloleimt Code uendeeats a wt fortb herein and said herring ru ceont..,re pa for co r¢e smpcion of this Ordinance. (iv) All legal prerequisited prior to the adoption of thin Ordinance have occurred. e. ordinance. iNE CI1T WDNCIL OP 'IDE CITY 08 RANCRO WGlD1iiA ODES REREBY ORGIN AS fl7LLON8t SECTION It That all of the facto set forth in the Recitals, hrt A, of thin Ordiwnce are etw snd correct. SECTION 2: Subuct ion 17.08.070-C of the Dndopaent Code of the City of R*ocho 4ltramnnga ie hereby meonded to road, in weeds tttd figoree, ¢e iollorst C. 4ehicie Psrkint. 1fie parking of vehicles in ali reaiGntial distriM• aball be anbjwt to the following proeisionet i. ~~ - L EXhrb;~ ,,~ „ Ordinance No. 360 Page 2 1. Sbe design guidelines and regulations for prking •zeu shall confotw to the pray iaions of Chapter 17.12 of the Developent Code; 2. Vehicle prking .hail be rithin the enclosed garage, carprt or other rgnited or authorized off-street paved prong azer. 3. All prkieg arse rithin public viwr Prow the street, public rightrof-ray or adjacent properties shall be peed rit6 • pneaMnt pving wateriel. 9nch area shall be waintained in a wseahle condition free of pthole• tad brobe seetiona sufficient to prevent wed end/or dust, rithoat acewnlation of loose waterial or other deterioration: 4. Pwhicles wq be prlud or Kored in ehw Hide or rear yard provided that such area is screened fra vier !rw the wtxNt, pobl is right-of-rq and adjawnt proprties by a fwru, rail, or gnfvalent screening waterial at least tiw (S) teat in height; 5. Vehicle prking rithin wide and rwsr yard area shall be liwieed to five pram (SR) of the total lot urea or tier hoadred (S00) gore feet, rhichever is gtewtwr, unless mostrrMad perwsrnt to an appovtd tiinor Onelopent Sevieri 6. Szcept a provided in Subsection 9 herein, vehicles prbd rithin public vicar in rgnired or snthoriaed prking cress rithin the front yard, corner side yard or side yard abutting • street shall 6e prbd or left standing for tde pornxy priods oP time not to exceed five (5) consecutive days 7. "Vehietea" a used in this section shall inelnde, bst not be liwited to, cowwercitl whicles, antowobilea, trucks, trsilera, wotor trncb, sawi-etaiLra, wotorcycles, wilds, peers, cawpr shells, boats of other large prtwbl• rwcreational and cauercial equipent: and 8. ib oowwercial vehicle rhich espeda a grown eight of one and one-halt (1 and 1/2) tons, or aueeda a ridt6 of eighty (80) lathes or ezpeda ^ height o! anwa (7) feet oe escwwdw a length of trtnty-fits (25) leeti no wpciat iced cork elated vehiclw (e, g. tortrnek, nabbed treekw, •ec.) sad na apoial4ed cork relwted prtable quipweat (r. g. ewwewt wises, trsilwn, etc.)i shall M psbd on any prtion of • reaideMiwl lot mlesws (1) it is actively idvolwd !a eking r~~~ ~' ~1 Ordinance Ho. 360 Page 3 pick-opt and deliveries; (2) in mnntetioe rith, and in aid eo the pezfonanee of a service to, or on, the property rhere the vehicle L parked, chile actively involved in aac6 activity; or (3) L coaforaance rith the conditions of apprnval for a valid Haae Occupation Petrit a• provided in Section 17.04.060 of the Oevelopwent Code; Ho private, non-casaercial ve63cle nhich ezceeda a gro ea reight of ooe and o:te-half (1 and 1/1) toot, or ezceed• a vidth of eighty (80) Lahea, or ezceeds • height of seven (7) fact or eicseds a length of twenty-five (25) feet; and no trailer, ssi-trailer, beat ~ j.0r _____ ___ :yniM.aut wail K pa[as0 or stored rithin the front yard, corner aide yard or aide yard abutting a atraet noleut (1) it is net a coraercial vehicle and is parfud for a taporaty period of cLe not to eaceed twenty-lour (24) hoary, (2) it is imrolwd ie lording oz ualwding activiy; and (3) it is parked io oawpl lance rirh airy other apps icable City ordioanw; 10. Violation of try penvision of obis erbaeMion shall be pmishable as sn infraction. SHCPIOR 3: Snbsaction 17.12.030-D(S) of the Daveiopent Oode of the City of Rancho GStca.onga i• hereby amended to read, L cords and fiaura. u col lwa: B. A:ry secondary paved drivwry or wtenaion of she priwary drivwry shall not be nwd for prking unleaat (1) it connects the pr Lary drivwry access to a pound access point rirh the atraet or public right-ofway (i. e. cirenlar drivwry) rirh a contiaaona pna^ent ridih not ezceeding delve (12) leaf; (2) it is as eateeaton of the prLaq drivarry sward the ataaat side or rent yard area; or (3) L wnseroetad piaaaaet eo an approved l;inor Oevalopaent RavLr. SBCTIOR 4: 8ubaection 17.30.050-0 is hereby added to the Dwelopeot Code of the City of Rancho Caeaaonga to be read, L rerda and figures, as follwet Vehicle Psrkine. She prkiag of vehicles L all cwaercial/ office and indnarrial diatricu shall be subject to the foliwing Prwisionst 1. 34e design guidellaes and agnlarioos for prking facilities shall oaatotn to the provLiona o! Cbaptee 17.12 of the Dwelopaent OoG aed any appllpble prwlHona of ebe Indnttrlsl Specific Plana ~~ - N iS„ Ordinance No. 360 Page 4 2. Vehicle prking shall be rithin buildings, garages of other required ar authorised off-street peed parking facilities. 3. All prking facilities rithin public vier fzow the etzeet, public right-of-ray or .dj.cent prnprtg shill be paved rith a pnoanent paving wateritl. Such area shell be aeinteined in a veeeble mndition true of potholes and broken aeetions sufficient to prevent and and/or dust, rithont secnsnlatioo of loose satezial or other deterioration; 4. No vehicle shall be prked for the purpse of dicplrying etch gehicl~ fns 01~ o; n;fi~~ rnw_eerp(al activity, including, but not limited to, lease, hire, advertising, etc, wleas sncb vehicle is prod by, or rit6 the mitten pnission of, • haaioesa on the proprty rhich is quitted, liwesed and approved to display vehicles for such pnrpaes; 5. [io vehicle shall be prked for the parpse of repir or waintenanaw unleui (1) sncb cork is prfotwed on vehicles orned or oprated by the eo-aite business rithin an ancloswd building or yard area screened Prat vLv fras the street, public right~o!-cry, adjacent proprtie• and tpuired of~rtreee prking tacit lilts rith public aeaaai or (2) !o co:meetion ritb a carreet on-site business quitted to prfons repir or meinttoance of vehicle and only during esubl iehed budnesa hours; 6. No vehicle rhich is diwbled, uolicenwd, wzegistered, inopretive or frrat rhich ee eesentinl or legally required oprating pct is rammed or missing shall be prked rithin public vier fraw the street: public right-of-rry, adj stunt popreies or ragnirad off-street prking facilitirs rit6 public eccasq No cawwercid vehicle exceeding a gron reight of one end one-halt (1 and 1/2) tons, or esweding a ridth of eighty (80) lushes, or a trailer or sri-traitor shall he prked rithin a memerciellefficr distriM umlass: (1) it is screened Craw public vier fraw the street. public right-of- rep and adjacent proprtipi (2) !t is actively involved in waking pick-spa and delivarieai or (3) in mndMion .ith, and is aid to, the prfonance of s service to, or on, the proprty these the whiele is prked, chile actively farolved io each activityi ~J l Otdinaace No. ]60 Page 5 8. "Vehicles" ns uwd in thin wetion shall include, but not be liwited to. tomsercial vehicles, autoaobilea, truelu, trailers, rotor truclu, ssi-trailers. rotorrycles, wopeda, carpere, e4per shells, boaia or other large portable recreational or coaaerciel equipaent; 9. Violation of a~ pravieion of this subsection shall ba pm:iehable as sn infraction. SHCTION 5: The City Council declana that, should airy provision, 6eciion, paragraph, wnteoce or cord of thin Ordinance be rendered or declared i,rvalid by any final court action in a court of coapetent jurisdiction, or by reason of e:ry presptive legislation, the reaaiving prwiaions, wetions, partlgrrytl", wtlie4ixw. ~:.u .ord: of t$i: Ordir._'act --`..:11 ice.«r. _a ft;l/ fe: ae and effect. 9HCTION 6: The fYyor shall sign thin Ordivnee and the City Clerk shall caves the ewe to be pabliahed ritkin fiftwn (15) days after its paawge at leant once in The Daily Meort, a nerspaper of general circulation pablished in the City of Ontario, California, wd circulated in the City of Rancho Cucwonga, California. The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall [sees the sae to be pabii~ad ritkin fifteen (15) days alter its pswge at leas[ once ie TW Daily Revort. • Mrspper of general circolatioe pnbli~sd in the City of Ontario, G1SPornia, and circulated in the Ciq o! Rancho Cneuonga, Glifornia. PASSED, APPROVHD, and AIIOPTHD this 6t6 day of .luly, 1986. AYES: Hrorn. Buquet. Stout. Bing, Wright NOES: None ABSENT: Nona O is L. Stoat, Nayor ATTgSTf Here Authelet, Ciq Clerk .~o~- t~ Ordinance Ro. 360 Pnge 6 I, BSVEBt.Y A. A0796LBl, CI1R Q.ERR of the City of Rancho Cucaonga. California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinavp ru introduced et s regnlar weeting of the Gouncii of the City of Rancho (bcuonga held on the 15th dq of Jame, 1988, and rea finally paaaed at a regular weetivg of the City Council of the City of Rancho Curaonga held on the 6t6 day of July, 1988. Raecnted this Jth dnp of Jnlp, 1998 et Renchn Cumavngn. California. erly Avthelet, City Clerk u;. ~ ~ _ ;;;.,c CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: MAy lb, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, public Norks inspecto~~ SUBJECT: Review of Improvemw:nt Agreesent Extension request for Tract Nos. 10827, 10827-1 and 10827-2, located on Manzantta Drive between Haven Avenue and Hermmsa Avenue, subwtitted by Relco Industries RECOMENDATIOY: It is recawmended that the City Council NOT approve the Improvemwtnt Agreemx!nt Extension for Tract 10827, 10827-1 and 10827-2. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Improvealent Agreemx!nt and Securities for Tract Nos. 10827, 10827-1 and 10827-2 were originally approved by City Council on April 17, 1986. There have been 4 subsequent extensions approved, keeping the pro,~ett current. However, each extension led to initial legal action due to the Developer intentionally failing to camgly with staff requests to extend the Agreemlent. "" lcttci5 brat .,ere re~erveJ Ir'u~ nClcV jUSLi rying Lhe iilme eXLens70n all sta ied that certain construction itemis would be colmpleted 1n a Nmlely manner. Relco has never mw!t those tame deadlines. Furthermore, in June 1989, City Council approved additional occupancies on Tract 10827-2 in which one house would remwin until the remwinder of the i~proveelents ware complete. As of this writing, the improvemw:nts remwln incomplete while an entire year has elapsed. Relco Industries has shown rp good faith to commplete the improvemcents and continues to argue with staff over Construction itemis and Conditions of Approval. TA1s has been an ongoing problem which has seen no relmedy. At this tlmle, the City Attorney has been contacted and his office has been proceeding with a demand against the securities. it is therefore recommended that City Council not approve an [mprovemknt Agreemlent Extension. Rasp 11 suMlitted, /, Attachment DATE: May 16, 1990 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Miki Bra tt, Associ ate Planner SUBJECT: ANNEXATION 90-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON GA - A request to expand the boundaries of the Rancho Cucamonga Sphere of Influence 6y approximately 1,155 acres in private ownership above the National Forest boundary in the vicinity of Day Creek and portions of the San Bernardino County unincorporated area east thereof. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Council adopt the attached Resolution of intent to Annex and authorize staff to submit the attached application for expansion of sphere territory, including a map, legal description, plan of services, and Exhibit "A", Vicinity Mao, to LAFCO. (See attached LAFCO application.) BACKGROUND/RNALYSIS: At the May 2, 1990 meeting of the City Council, Jii e~Leu eLaii i.u pr•eya re resoiun ons or Intent to Annex 7errito ry in the Eti Wanda North area of the Rancho Cucamonga Sphere of In fluent e. Annexation of 1,155 acres of territory into the Rancho Cucamonga Sphere of Influence is the first step in the anneza tion actions. This terrf tory is uninhabited. It consists of parcels in private ownership above the extension of the San Bernardino National Forest boundary. It is contiguous with the existing Rancho Cucamonga Sphere of lnfluente. (See Vicinity Map.) The reason for the proposed annexation of territory to the Sphere of Influence is to provide planning services to the area and in preparation of annexation of portions of the territory into the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Concurrently the City will process General Plan and pre-zone desf gnations in order to provide the City with the opportunity to comprehensively plan for this sensitive area. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends adoption of the attached Resolution of Intent to Annex territory into the City of Rancho Cucamonga Sphere of Influence. CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. AN 9D-O1 - ANNEX ETIWANDA N0. May 16, 1990 Page 2 Re ct lly t ~- Bra er City P anner RB :MB:sp Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Vicinity Map Resolution of Intent to Annex Annexation 90-011 Exhibit "A" - App)ica tion and Plan of Municipal Services Exhibit "B" - Legal Description and Map RESOLUTION N0. ~~ ' aag A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA OF INTENT TO ANNEX 1,155 ACRES OF TERRITORY INTO THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA SPHERE OF INFLUENCE (ANNEXATION 90-01) GENERALLY LOCATED ABOVE THE NATIONAL FOREST BOUNDARY IN THE vIC1NITY OF DAY CREEK AND PORTIONS OF THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY UNINCORPORATED AREA EAST THEREOF. RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California desires to initiate proceedings pursuant to the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985, Division 3, commencing with Section 56000 of the California Government Code, for the expansion of the Sphere of Influence; and WHEREAS, the territa ry proposed to be included in the Sphere of Influence is uninhabited, and a description of Lhe boundaries of the territory fs set forth in Exhibft "B" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, this proposal for annexation is a logical extension of the existing Sphere of Influence of the City of Rancho Cucamronga, and wntntna, the reasons for Lois proposed annexation area are as follows: the annexation would represent a logical extension of the City boundary and urban services, and would be beneficial to the publtc purposes of the City in that the property will provide for planning within the district, in a manner consistent with the City's general Plan and with related development. NOW, THEREFORE, this Resolution of Application is hereby adopted and approved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, and the Local Agency formation Commission of San Bernardino County is hereby requested to undertake proceedings for the expansion of the Rancho Cucamonga Sphere of Influence as described in Exhibit "A", according to the ternis Stated above and in the manner provided by the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985. a~~ LEGEND NUUUIN SPECIFIC PLAN 90-0I ETIWANDA NORTH uh;;9 ANNEXATION 9001 => 1155 ACRE AREA PROPOSED TO HE ANNEXF.n INTO THE CITY'S SPHERE OF INFLUENCE ® ANNEXATION 90-02 AND 90-09 => 5600 ACRE AREA PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED INTO THE CITY EXISTING CITY SPHERE OP INFLUENCE M ..~> CI11' OF ~~b~;~UCAMONGA ITEM: ANNEXATION 90-01 YI.AN nvC~~°ION T'"'LE: VICINITY MAP N ~,,,, ;,h,,~„ ~,_„~ F:Xt1IDIT: "A" SCALE: NONE Exxtert ~A• Justi ficellon for Proposal and Preliminary Environmental Descrlptfan Form For UFCO Use Only T0: local Agency Formed an Cormission 175 Me st Fifth Street, Second Floor San Bernar;tao, ~`i1 92415-0490 (714) 3X7-5X66 INTRODUCTION: The questions in this form are designed to obtain enough data about Me proposed Dro0ect ~7to to allow the Copmessfon and staff to adequately assess the protect, Br taking the time to fully respond to the questions below you can reduce the orocesslna tine far your pro.iect. You wy also fnc lode any additional inforemtfpn which you believe is pertinent. Uu additional sheets where neces- sary, or attach any relevant documents. GENERAL INFORIMTION 1. NAME OF PROP05AL: Etiwanda North Annexation 90-01 Expansion of Sphere of Influence 2. ADDLICANi: City of Rancho Cucamonoa 3. OENEML LOCATION: North o£ the existing Sphere of Influence above the National Forest boundary in the vicinity of Day Creek and portions of tfie can Aern r•Ainn !`rnmt~,nninnnrnnra tpA area and east thereof. 4, Does the eDpilcation possess 100E written consent o1 e¢h property owner to the suD~ect lerritory7 YES _ NO X (tf YES, attach written authorizettons.) 5. indicate ens masons that the proposed action has been requested. To provide Planning Services and to annex portions into the Citv. 6. Mpultl the proposal create a totally ar substant1a11y surrounded island of unlncorporatetl terri- tory? YE5 _ NO X I1 YES, Dlease Justify the proposetl boundary and attach that Justifica- a on [o this application. UND USE AMD OFYELODMENT POTENTIAL 1. To [a1 land area: 1.155 2. Dwelling units in aroe: None 3. Approxfmste populstion in area: None 1. indicate the General Plan designation of the a/fected city (1/ any): None San Bernardino County Gmercl Plan designation; Varies, primarily RCN 5, Describe any specfil land use conurns axDrcssed 1n the above plans, Im lamentation of policies and mechaniame to preserve area above Nat ono,. ores boundary set permanent Open Space. -z- 6, indicate the existing lane use. Open Space What is the proposed land uset Ul timately Open Space and 1 invited hillsid y Residential with mechanisms to transfer development rights to ax eas .. tnd'ca:e t`e ezi sting county zoning tttlu and dprs!Naz perxi tted. ate ^ +a •. General Plan. 8. Nas the area been prezoned? YES _ MO X N/A _ If TES, what is the prezoning classifica- tion, title, densities permitted. 9. Nill the proposal require public services iron any agency or district which 1s currently operating at or near capacity (inci udi ng sewer, water, poi ice. f1rc, or schools(? YES Ng R 2f YES, please explain. Section 56653 of the Government Lode requires the subn15s1on o1 a Plan for Services with every proposal ini tiatetl by a resal utl on of a legi sl atl ve body. Please attach to tR1s apPi icatlan a narrative descriptl on of the following: 1. An enumeration and description at the services to M extende0 to tM affected territory. 2, A descrl peton of Lhe level and range of thou services. 3. An tndtcefi on o1 when those services can M extenud Lo the Study area. 4. An tndl cetl on of any condltl ons the lout agency will inpose ar require within Lhe study aroa 1f the proposal is approved (for exearyle, tAe paymanG of fans, tM upgrading of structuros, roads, wtar and satyr facilities, att.). 5. Information with nspect to AoN tAe serviaa will be financed. 6. L1 st and ducrlM all special local talus, essaseantt, tees, outstanding Bands, Kc., thK w111 affect CM proposal ma. XGTE: Sponsors of a proposal inlttated try gtttion wy suhmt[ tM1r propoul witAout a PLn for Services. In tMse uses, tM UFCII offtce Mll notify tM aHecUd city or dUtrlct tMt tMy will M nquind to suMit a Plan for Sarvlcu. _~ FACTDNS OF CDNSIDEMTIDN FOR SPHERE OF INFLUENCE REYIEM please attach to this application a narrativ6 descriptOn of the folloHinq: I. Drcsent and planned land uses 1n Me arta. 2. The Dr_sent and probable need for public fac!itttes and services in the area. 3. The Drcsent capacity of public facilities end adequacy of puhllc services. 4. The existence of any soci ai or econonlc cossnunities in the area. ENYIRONNENTAL iNFORMATIDN 1. State general description of topography. Steep hillsides. 2. Describe any ezi sting taproveaents in the site as f of total area. Residential 0 f Agricultural 0 S Conmer<ta1 0 i Yacant 100 S rnm~a r.bi 0 c mw.. 3, Describe the adJacent lend uses. Open Space a, Describe site alterations that wi 11 be produced by improvesw•nt projects associa•ed with this proposetl action (gradlnq, flan chmnelizetton, etc.). None 5. Mill service eztmslons ascaroitshed by LMS proposal iodate DraRh on tAit s1b7 YES NO X Ad,lacent sites? YES _ NO X Unincorponad ~ Incorporated 6. Is this pro,iect a part of a Lrger protect or arias pf proietes7 YES X Iq _ I/ YES, please azDlatn. Areas to be included in the Etii+anda North Seecific P1 n. -a NorIDEs Please provide toe names and addresses of persons wM arc to M furn!shed coptes of the agenda and staff report and wM ,rc to be given mailed notice of Maring. RARE Larry Henderson ~~p~ pp, (714) 989-1861 AOORESi P.O. Box 807, Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 91730 NAME Miki Bratt !£LEPNOtR: 010. (714) 989-1861 ADDRESS P.O. Box 807. Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 91730 MAME TELEPNOME N0. ADDRESS CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that Lne stateRents furnisheo above and 1n tM atfa<hed esh161 is prosent the data and information rcgW red for this initial evaluation to tM Mst of ry ability. and tMt tM facts, statements, area inforomtion prosented htroin arc true and correct to tM best of oy knowledge and belief. WTE sI6101TURE OF AP1L[CANT DNOME AWNESS To :z enclosed with tMS form: 5 coptes o1 LMs Exhibit "A° with Plan for Servlcts 70 copies of tM sap 30 coptes of tM legal description 2 coptes o1 tM Voter location list 2 copUS of tM Prcaontng and Enrironarntal Wv1w Documents (1f appllabU) 2 copies of tM Wsolution or Pttltfan of In1HaNon (or landowmr wnaent toms) A itst of uwssor's parch nuubers F111ng fws ri.. !, PLAN FOR MUNICIPAL SERVICES ETIWANDA NORTH ANNEXATION 90-01 FACTORS OF CONSIDERATION FOR SPHERE OF INFLUENCE REVIEW 2. a. PRESENT AND PLANNED LANG USES IN THE AREA. The present land use is 1,155.10 acres of undeveloped open space. The planned land use is primarily undeveioped open space. Under the County of San Bernardino Nest Valley Foothills Community Plan a maximum of 78 dwelling units would be permitted, An application for development is being processed by the County (W121-49) which requests transfer of development rights from 765 acres of the subject area to a more accessible nearby site. Therefore, 765 acres of the study area would be reserved as permanent open space. It is planned to annex portions of this area to the City. A Specific Plan is being prepared td guide development of the area. It is currently proposed that most of the land will be reserved as permanent open space through the transfer of development rights. - - ~~~~ - w=~ ~ ~, ar arcs. wrr ens on-site service needs are minimal. They consist primarily of fire and police protect ton. Because it is expected that most of the area will 6e reserved as permanent open space, additional on-site service needs will continue to be minimal. xnvicc~. ine study area is presently served by the following local agencies: County Service Area fire protection; and the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department. THE EXISTENCE OF ANY SOCIAL OR ECONOMIC COMMUNITIES IN THE AREA. The area is uninhabited. a area consists of several sites which are privately owned enclaves within the San Bernardino National Forest boundaries. Each site 1s contfguous to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Sphere of influence to the south. The area depends far access on the existing and planned Ci[y circulation network. The area is closely related to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Miil depend on the City and its associated dfstricts for the necessary urban services. ~' v, L _ ,AL D _~ ~, MAr EXHIBIT •B• nor ~~ FOR T.2N. R.6 W, r. i N. R.6.w. PHERE OF INFLUENCE EXPANSIO I 6 5 4 3 I 7 8 y -~ I N.T.S. 2 2 ~E 18 ~ 17 I6 I~ I 19 I 20 ~E z„~ 1i21 22 3o I 2 9 I w l 28 I 27 "y26 [ HIGHLAND LiH d•AMiAnnw.SMrA Men W. CN~rnY Nfl3 (RI)iH91N MI f]N)iSIMM IFIGt',L ~IZaN SPF~ OF 1NfYUII7CE EXPANSION BEING ALL OP GOVERNMENT IIYP 1 AS SFG4N IN SECFiON 1, ROldS1~ 1 IY.~'!H~ RAM's 7 WEST, AND ALSO 'RB: SOVIIi ONE-HI1IF OP 'TSB; NORII6ffST Q7E-¢D,RIII2 AND '141E EAST Ott-HATE OP 7fBi SWIIflVEST ONE-QUARIII2 AND ~ SOI)lfQ+AST ONE~IAHIfSt OF SS7GTION 6, 2UId~LSEQP 1 NOKDi~ Itl1NGE 6 WEST AND ALSO 1f~ EAST CTS-HALF OF SEC120N '7 OF SAID 10Wti5FiTF AND RANGE AND ALSO 'III EASY ONE-FV+LF OF 7Sfl; SOU'tHEAJ"T Ot~~'ER AND 7HE WEST CNE-FP~IF' OF '1HE SdVIHW~T ONE'ER AND 7Ifl; 5a[71f~ASF Ot~- OUALiTAF. OF ZHE 90UI4dSF5T QJE-Q[IIilTFTt OF SFXTIQi 8 OF SAID 7UatSfQP AND IWiGE AND AISO 7S~ SO[RSN76T Q~-Q[II+FO.II2 OF SECPION 9 OF SAID ROhIJSEIIP AND RN~£ AND ALSO 'III WEST ONE-}4~IF OF '1ttB; SO[JII1W6T ONE-Q[A+iII'FSt AND 7}~ SOVIIQ~Sl' ~- QUARTIIt OF 1SR: SOV1f6IFST Q~~UAiti'ER OF SECPION 10 OF SAID 'RXdiSED:P AND RANGE AIL AS SHOWN CN A OOVIId~IIINf SURVEY. ~` CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA •^;;~' . STAFF REPORT " a - -:;~ :~ ~ ~ , DATE: May 16, 1990 TD: Mayor ar.d Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Miki Bra tt, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ANNE%ATION 90-02 - THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON GA - A request to annex approximately 3 „'00 acres of urbanizing territory in the area generally located north of the existing City limit, west of Eti wanda Avenue and east of Milliken Avenue. ANNE%ATION 90-03 - THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON GA - A request to annex approximately 2,556 acres of urbanizing territory in the area generally located north of the existing City limit, east of Etiwanda Avenue and west of the existing boundary of the City of Fontana. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the attached Resoiutions of Intent to Annex and authorization for staff to submit the applications for annexation, fnclud ing the map, legal description, and plans of services, to the local Agency Formation Commission and requests approval for payment of LAFCO fees. BAC KGROOND/ANALYSIS: At the May 2, 1990 meeting of the City Council, the Council directed staff to prepare Resolutions of Intent to Annex Territory to the City, Annexation 90-02 is a request to annex 3,700 acres of uninhabited territory into the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Annexation 90-02 is a logical planning unit located within the Day Creek drainage area. (See attached Exhibit A Vicinity Map.) Annexation 90-03 is a request to annex 2,556 acres of uninhabited territory into t",e City of Ranchc Cucamonga. Annexation 9C-03 is a logical planning unit located within the Effwanda-San 62vaine drainage area. (See attached Vicinity Map.) Pu roose of Annexations: The reason for the proposed annexations is to provide planning fora rapidly urbanizing area which is consistent with the City General Plan. As evidence of urbanization, applications for development within the territory have been submftted to the County and to the City. Also, a comprehensive annexation plan was initiated following several piecemeal annexations into the City. r~ 1~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT AN 90-02 & 90-Q3 - ANNEI('ATION May 16, 1990 Page 2 Pre-Zone: Concurrently the City will process a Specific Plan for the purpose of providing pre-zoning for the territory consistent with the Rancho Cucamonga General Plan. Envi ron^enta', As ses s~nent: An Env ironmen tai impact Report is being prepared for the pecific Plan and related actions including annexation actions. Plan of Services: The City will provide urban 5erv ices for the area. ,See 3t~ tac hod Plan of Services.) At this time the territory is undeveloped, therefore infrastructure must be provided prior to development. An infrastructure phasing plan will be required as a condition of development. The phasing plan must include provisions for roads, offsite traffic mitigation measures, drainage, flood control facilities, parks, open space, wildlife habitat mitigation measures, landscape and lighting, and schools. The City has completed a Fiscal Impact Report on the financial impact of annexation of this territory to the City. The report concludes that financial mechanisms are in place, or car, be provided, to ensure that necessary infrastructure and services will meet City standards and not cause a negative fiscal impact to the City. Several financial mechanisms are already in place to pay for required infrastructure. A Mello-Roos District has been formed by the Rancho Cucamonga Fire District to provide fire facilities and services for the area. Also, a Mello-Roos District has been famed to provide drainage facilities and police services. This latter district can be expanded to include territory which is annexed into the City. Further, Landscape and Lighting Distric is are in place and can be expanded to include territory which is annexed into the City. Facilities and services wf 11 also be provided by agencies other than the City. Cucamonga County Water District will provide water and sewer facilities. Etiwanda School District and Chaffey High School District will provide school facilities. The City will continue to cooperate with these agencies to ensure that adequate services and facilities will he pro, ;nod, LAFCO Application: Upon approval of the Resolutions of Intent to Annex, the Resolution and Application will be filed with the Local Agency Formation Commission. ~'~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT AN 90-02 8 90-03 - ANNE%ATION May 16, 1990 ' Page 3 CONCLUSION: Staff recommends adoption of the attached Resolutions of Intent to Annex urbanizing territory which are located in the Rancho Cucamonga Sphere of Influence into the City. The first is a Resolution of Intent to annex 3,700 acres of urbanizing territory (Annexation 90- 02). The second is a Resolution of Intent to annex 2,556 acres of ~rba^i zing territory !Annexation 90-03`. Res tf ly tt Bra Bu e City anne BB :MB:sp Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Vicinity Map Resolution of Intent to Annex {Annexation 90-02) Exhibit "A" - Application ar'. Plan of Municipal Services Exhibit "B" - legal Oesc ri pt ion and Map Resolution of Intent to Annex (Annexation 90-031 Exhibit "A" - Applicatio:~ and Plan of Municipal Services Exhibit "8" - Legal Description and Map ~~; a~9 LE( '°"""~~ SPECIFIC PLAN 9U-UI ETIWANDA NORTH :,. i~ {. ANNEXATION 9U-UI =_> II55 ACRE AREA PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED INTO THE CITY'S SPHERE OP INFLUENCE ~~ T~' i'ROPoSED T('i Bf. ANNF_k FD iNTli juE r•[I'V ~lr ANNEXATION 9Ud12 =_> 77W ACRES ANNEXATION 9U-UJ ==> 2556 ACRES EXISTING CITY SPHERE OF INFLUENCE CITY OF IZk1(~I~~-IOC,,^GUCAMONGA ITEM: ANNEXATION 911A2 & -03 PI,ANI~iN('lr D{.V 15ION TITLE: VICINITY MAP N 3. '..` ''' ;,~,.' ddA EXHII)IT: "A" SCALE: NONE RESOLUTION N0, 9D~ aa9 RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO ANNEX 3,700 ACRES OF URBANIZING TERRITORY !ANNEXATION 90-02) GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF THE EXISTING CITY LIMIT, WEST OF ETIWANDA AVENUE ANO EAST OF MILLIKEN AVENUE RESCV,'E O, by the City Councii of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Califs rnia, that WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California desires to initiate proceedings pursuant to the Cortese-Knot Locai Government Reorganization Act of 1985, Division 3, commencing with Section 56000 of the California Government Code, for the above-desc ri6ed territory; and WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be amexed is uninhabited, and a description of the boundaries of the territory is set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, this proposal is consistent with the Sphere of Influence of the affected City; and WHEREAS, the reasons for the proposed annexation of territory are as follows: 1. The annexe tfon will represent a logical extension of the City's boundaries and urban services: and 2. It is the City's intention to provide the usual necessary urban services to the area upon annexation, as outlined in the Plan of Services; and 3. The City has determined that the annexation of the territory would be henefic ial to the public purposes of the City, in that the territory will provide for development, within the City, in a manner consistent with the City's General Plan and with related development. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council as governing body of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California does hereby adopt, approve, resolve, determine, and order as follows: SECTION 1: Application and a proposal is hereby made to the Local Agency Fo r^;at icr, Commission of the County of San 8err!a rd i.^.o 'or Cha rg2 of Organization (Annexation) to the City of Rancho Cucamonga of the herein described property as outlined in the justfficatfon, whfch is Exhibit "A" to this Resolution and is by this reference incorporated herein as though fully set forth in accordance to the terms and conditions stated above and in the manner provided by the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act Of 1985. SECTION 2: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission of the~CO1unty of San Bernardino. d~ EAIIBIT •A• Just191cation for Proposal ono Preliminary Environmental Oescri ptlon Fonn For U1FC0 Use Only T0: Locai Agency Formatipn Canmisslon 175 west Fifth Street, Second Floor San Bernardino, CA 92415-0490 (714) 327-5866 INiRODULTtON: The questions to this form are designed to obtain enough data about the proposed pro,iect site to a11pw the Commission and staff to adequately assess th¢ protect. By taking the time to fu11v respond to the ¢uesti ons below rou can reduce tAe ro essi time f vour pro rect. You may also include any additional lnfornmtion which you believe is pertinent. Use additional sheets where netts- sary, or attach any relevant documents. GEXEML iXFOPoMTIOX 1. NAME OF PROPOSAL: _ELiWdnda North AOOe%dLiOn 90-02 2. APPLICANT: Citv of Rancho Cucamonga 3. sENERAI LOCATIOx: Generally bounded on the north Liy the National Forest on the cn nth h H'9h1 d Av th a t h Fti ands Av n and on th by Milliken Avenue. 4, Ooes the apPlicetion possess 1005 written consent of ea<A property owner in tAe subie<t territory? YES NO ~ (If YES, attac'~ written authori:ati ons.) '. India to the reasons tAat the proDOSed action Aes been requested. _).OOiCaI a%tenSlOn of r.i -v's se rvi nc ie a raofdly ~rDdn iZlOO area. E. Ncu7C the proposal create a totally ar substantially surrounded Island of unincorDOrated terri- tory? YES _ NO ~ If YES, Dlease iustlfy the proposed boundary and attach that .iustifica- ,~,un to this apps ication, LANG USE ANO OEYELOPMEXT POTENTIAL Tn+al land aria: 3,700 ?C res 2. wen inq units in area: 5 exf sting: 2.804 potential 3. Approximate population in area: 10 existing: 8.912 Dotentf al 4. Indicate the General plan designation of the effected city (if any): Open space and single tamily recidential San Bernardino County General Plan dell gna tlon: Open cma[e and cinpjp family re•identi al 5. Describe any special land use concerns expressed in the above plans. Reontres a [0 nrehensiVe davelnpmw_~ t nl to t lrh t f a t tl pub a Arai ~{mprnveX~nt ~naA 'lAlif erua inn anA fi nape~.nt -z- 6. indicate the existing land use. Vacant Mhat is the proposed land use? Sin+l_~ a family rcciApnt ial and ralatar ,c ac 7. Indicate Lhe existing county zoning title and densities permitted. Coilglstent Wlth COUnty 8. Nas the area Deen prezoned? YES ~ NO _ N/A _ If YES, wnat is Lhe Dreiontng classifica- tion, title, densities permit Led. _ Snerifir Plan. ron5i5tent with Rancho m-., i:., .. ^^1• nansity renaac from 1-3 units ner w~ - ~~ hl 9. Nili the praposat require Dublfc services frae any agency or district whtah is currently operating at or near caDatlty (including sewer, water, police, fire, or s<hools)1 YES ~ XO If YES, please expiatn. n 1 ~n ~ 1 7 'th hool districts to provide adeaua to °a^~'itics PUN FOR SERVICES Sects on 56653 01 the Government Code nqui res the submission of a Pien for Services with every proDOSaI initiated Dy a •esolutian of a legislative hotly. Please attacn to tMs application a narnHve Oescri ptlon of the foil coring: 1. An enumeration and description of the services to be extended to the affected territory. 2. A description of the level and range o1 tAOSe servlus. 3. An inOlcetton of when Loose services can Dc extended to the study area. 1. An Ind1<ation of any conditions Lne 1ou1 agency will impose or nqulre within the study ana 1/ the DroDOSaI is aDDroved (tar example, tAe Dayment of fees, tha uDgreding of stru<tuns, •eads, water and sewer fac111ties, etc.1• 5. Information witA respect to how Me services will be fimnced, 6. List and describe alt special local taxes, aasosments, foes, outstanding Donda, atc., that wilt affect the Dropossl ana. NOTE: Sponsors of a Droposal inltLted by patltton may submit MNr Oroposal wl Mout a Pian for Services, In tAese cases, the UFCO ofllce will iwetfy tM aiflcted city or dtstritt tMt tMy wilt De nqui nd to sudatt a plsn for Sarvlces. _~ FACTORS OF CONSIDERATION FOR SDNERE OF INRDEMLE REVIEN Please attach to CMs application a narrative description of the following: I. Dresent and planned land uses in the area. 2. The present and proDaDie need for public facilities and servi <es in the area. 3. The present capacity of publ i< faci11t1es and adequacy of pvbllc services. 4. The existence pf any sotlal or economic cossnunities in the area. ENV10.0NMENTAL INFO0.MIITION t. State general description of topography. AIIUVial fan With yarlaDle deg tees of Slppe 2. Describe any existing improvements in the site as i of total area. Residential ca i Aqrlcultural - Commercial Q i Vacant >99 i Industrial Q ; Other p ; 3. Cescribe the aaJacent land uses. No rth and ea<t are vacan t: south and west are Aeveloitin9 residential areas. d. Describe site atterttions that will be produced Dy tmOrovement projects associated with this proposed action (grading, flow channelizetlon, etc,), Grading and flow channe]izatf on 5. Nill service extensions accomplished by this proposal induct growth on this s1teT YES NO _ Adjacent sttes7 YES _ NO ~ Unincorporated _ Incorporated 6. [s tMS progect a part of a larger prokct or series of proiacts7 YFS ~ NO _ If YES, please explain. ,;; part of the Etiwanda North Specific Plan (90-01) which will ore-zone approximately 6.340 acres. -M NOTICES Please provitle the namea antl addttsses a4 persons wM are to M furnished copies of the agenda and staff report and who are to M given wiled nottu of Maring. NAME Ld. Henderson TELEPHONE N0, fj 141 989_1861 ADDRESS P.0_ Rox R07 ~dnrhn furamnnsjd_, f4 07770 NAME Miki Bra tt TELEDIIONE INI. (714) 989-1861 ADDRESS P.0_ Rox A07. Ranrhn fucamnn0a_ f.A 91729 NAME TFLFPxONE N0. gnpRFS[ CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits Oresent the data and information required for Nis 1nlti el evslnation to tM best of my ability, and Chet the facts, statements, and inforvmtion presented Mrcin arc true and corrc<t to the best of my knarleDge and bel tef. GATE SIGNATURE Oi APPLICANT PpnxF AWRESS To ba enclosed with CMS form: 5 copies o1 this Exhibit "A" with Plan for Serv Ices 30 Copies of the map 30 copies of tM I:gal Description' 2 copies of tM YoLer Location List 2 copies of CM Prctoning and Envirormmntel Review Documents (1/ apDliublQ 2 copLS of tM Resolution or Petition of Initiation (or landowner consent tones) A list of assessor's parcel numbers Ftltny Fees PLAN FOR MUNICIPAL SERVICES ANN EXATiON 90-02 ETI WANDA NORTH The purpose of this attachment is to briefly outline the factors of consideration relative to this annexation request and to br'e fly expand upon the information presented in the Plan for Municipal Services form. I. FACTORS FOR CONSIDERATION: A. Maximum Possible Service Area. The area proposed for annexation contains apprnx ima tely 3,700 acres and is loco led sotly within poncho Cucamonga's Sphere of Influence. As the following information clearly indicates, the area in question is also clearly within the maximum possible service area of the City of Ranc ha Cucamonga. The area is adjacent to the current City Limits on the south and west, and represents a logicai extension of the City's jurisdiction. B. Rance of Services. The City of Rancho Cucamonga is a general law City and is legally authorized, as well as capable of providing the full range of necessary urban services within its boundaries. Currently, a full range of necessary urban services is provided within the City Limits by the City and by several independent districts cooperating with the City. The same level of service provided by the City and its cooperating districts is Drooosed to be pruv idea in [ne annexa non area. C. Pro.i ec ted future Population Growth. The site is currently variously designated on the County's West Valley Foothills Community Plan. Portions of the site are reserved for flood control or very limited development because of slope conditions. Development in the County is allowed under the special development district (WF/PD! designation with a range of single family residential zones permitted. The City's General Plan also allows a range of single family residential development. D. Tyoe of Oevelopment Occurring or Planned. Applications for development of the area have been submitted to the County of San Bernardino for a portion of the area. The County approved PUD86-0130/W120-44, a project in the northerly portion of the City Sphere of infiu ence for 453 dwelling antis on 450 acres of land. Subsequently, the site was sold and an application for development of 762 acres is pending in the County. The County is also processing Development Plan W121-49, a request for 1,346 dwelling units on 1,101 '1 ANNERATION 90-02 Page 2 acres of land, {W121-49 fncludes a request for transfer of development rights from a 165 acre site in Day Canyon to flatter more accessible portions of the project. The transfer would reserve as permanent open space for the Day Canyon site which extends two mites into the National forest areas.) A Specific Plan is being prepared to guide the orderly development of the entire project area. The Specific Plan will be consistent with the Rancho Cucamonga General Plan. E. Present and Future Service Needs. Due to the undeveloped nature of the site, current on-site service needs are minimal. They consist primarily of fire and police protection. It should he noted that this level of service will be clearly inadequate should the property develop in accordance with the County approved plans or pending aoolications and extensive urban services would be required prior to development regardless of whether such development would occur in the County or City. the development of the project would require sewer and water services, electricity, natural gas, telephone, solid waste disposal, police and fire protection, schools, libraries, parks and recreation, and other services normally associated with urban intensity development. As already noted, the City of Rancho Cucamonga and its cooperating districts are capable of providing a full range of required services. F. Local Agencies Presently Serving the Area. The study area is presently served by the following local agencies: Chino Basin Municipal Water District; Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District; San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department; Southern California w loon imnpany, Sou iiier9i i.eilfu rn is hd5 bompa ny; YBCir1C Bell Telephone; San Bernardino County Department of Transportation and Flood Control; Etiwanda Elementary School District; Chaffey Joint Union High School District; and County of San Bernardino Libraries. As already noted above, the level and range of services currently provided by these local agencies is minimal, and only adequate to meet present limited service needs. G. Social and Economic Interdependence. As already noted, the site is contiguous tg the existing City boundaries on the south and west, and depends for access on existing and planned City circulation network. The site is closely related to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and will depend on the City and its associated districts for the necessary urban services. Residents of the site will also depend on businesses in the City far their coimnerc cal one ergnomic needs. H. Agricultural Preserves. No part of the property is located within any Williamson Agricultural Preserves. ~~ -~• ANNEXATION 90-02 Page 3 II, MUNICIPAL SERVICES A. Sewer Service. Due to the undeveloped nature of the site, ne sewer services are currently being provided. However, the site lies in the jurisdiction of the Cucamonga County Mater District for sewer collection and the Chino Basin Municipal Water District for waste treatment disposal and reclamation. Upon annexation by the City of Rancho Cucamonga, both Cucamonga County Hater District and Chino basin Municipal Water Oistri rt wfll continue to be the service providers for the area. B. Water Services. No water services are currently being provided due to the undeveloped nature of the site. However, the site is located within the service boundaries of the Cucamonga County Water District, wii inn wiii can i.inue ie be respuns ib ie fur "the provision or water to the site upon annexation. C. Cable Television. Cable service is not currently provided to the area. Upon annexation, ca61e TV will be provided by private vendors under a City franchise. D. Electricity. Electric service is and will continue to 6e provided by Southern California Edison upon annexation and development of the site. E. Solid Waste. The site is currently not being served. Upon annexation, private vendors will provide both collection and disposal services under a franchise by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. F. Streets. With the exception of Highland Avenue along the southerly 6ounda ry of the site, there are no streets or roads currently serving the area. Upon annexation and development of the site, the developer will he responsible for construction of all public streets in accordance with City Standards. Upon substantial completion of the street improvements, the C(ty will assume responsibility for maintenance and street sweeping. The on-going cost of street lighting will be absorbed through an annexation to (or formation of! a lighting assessment district. Flood Control. Current flood control protection is provided by the San~erna rd ino County Flood Control District. Upon annexation, regional flood control issues affecting the site will continue to be controlled by the Flood Control District; local drainage and flood con trui protection wiii fail under the jurisdiction of the City. Conmunity Development. Current planning and code enforcement services are provided by San Bernardino County. Upon annexation, the City will assume full responsibility for these services. ~' oV ANNEXATION 90-02 Page 4 I. Leisure Services. ' No parks and recreation services are currently being provided. Upon annexation and development of the site, the developer will be responsible for providing open space easement, plus a trail system through the project, in accordance with County and City approvals. Upon completion of these improvements, the City will assume maintenance of the trail. In addition, Citywide recreation programs currently run by the City will become available to the new residents of the developed site. Fi rally, library and museum services, currently vrovided by San Rernard+no County, will remair. under County's jurisdiction. Police Protection. Police protection is currently being pray by ~~the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Rancho Cucamonga , to Lion. Open annexation, the County Sheriff will continue Lo~rFovide police av. • .. Yom. ~ • ..~..... / K. Fire Protection. The San Bernardino Cou and Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District currently provide, re and rescue services to the area. Upon anise Lion, the Ra o Cucamonga fire District will continue to provide nec ess services for the project site. No paramedic services are c ly provided or planned. L. Am6u lance Services. Private endors currently provide ambulance services to the site. Upon annexation, these Services will continue to be provided by private vendors. M. Animal Control. Animal control is currently provided by San Berna rdina County. Upon annexation, San Bernardino County will wni.inuc iu pruviJe au inmi can crui services. N. Schools. The site is located in the Chaffey Joint Union High School District and the Etiwanda Elementary School District. Upon annexation and development, the site will continue to be served by Etiwa nda Elementary School District (K-8) and Chaffey Joint Union High School District. Prelfmina ry discussions with the Eti wands School District and Chaffey Joint Union High School District indicate that schools are at or near capacity in the area. Potential new school sites have been identified in the immediate nearby area. Consequently, as development occurs it will be necessary for developers to work with the districts to help provide school facilities. The Etiwanda School District has the ability to charge fees in accordance with SB 2926 and in addition, has a one time special district tax of 51,600 per dwelling unit, The Ghaffey Joint Uriiun High Schvai District also charges fees in accordance with SB 2926. 2a9 ANNEXATION 90-02 Page 4 S, Leisure Services. No parks and recreation services are currently being provided. Upon annexation and developme~~t of the site, the developer will be responsible for providing ape:i soace easement, plus a trail system through the project, in accordance with County and City approvals. Upon completion of these improvements, the City will assume maintenance of the trail. In addition, Citywide recreation programs currently run by the City will become available to the new residents of the developed site. Finally, library and museum servires, currently provided by San Bernardino County, will remain under County's jurisdiction. J. Police Protection. Police protection is currently being provided by the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department. The Chino Hills substation serves the western portion of the Sphere territory to Etiwanda Avenue and the Fontana substation serves the eastern portion to the Fontana City limit. Upon annexation, the Rancho Cucamonga su bs is iiun n ~ """"~t onl:nn a Ilnnn annovatinn. thn rn~~nr.. ,.... - -. Sheriff will continue to providenpolice services fnr the area. /~K. Fire Protection. The California Oepa rtment of Forestry and Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District currently provide fire and rescue services to the area. Upon annexation, the Rancho Cucamonga Fire District will continue to provide the necessary services for the project site. No paramedic services are currently provided or planned. L, Ambulance Services. Private vendors currently provide ambulance services to the site. Upon annexation, these services will continue L.. iA nA F., ahn nAn M. Animal Control. Animal control is currently provided by San 8e rnard ino County. Upon annexation, San Bernardino County will continue to provide animal control services. N. Schools. The site is located in the Chaffey Joint Union High School District and the Etiwanda Elementary School District. Upon annexation and development, the site will continue to be served by Etiwanda Elementary School District (K-D) and Chaffey Joint Union H;gh School District, Preliminary discussions with the Etiwanda School District and Chaffey Joint Union High School Distrf ct indicate that schools are at or near capacity in the area. Potential new school sites have been identified in the ironed is to nearby area. Consequently, as development occurs it will be necessary far de velnnere to work witri the districts to hEla provide school facilities. The Etiwanda School District has the ability to charge fees in accordance with 58 2926 and in addition, has a one time special district tax of b1 ,600 per dwelling unit. The Chaffey Joint Union High School District also charges fees in accordance with SD 2926. ANNE%ATION 90-02 Page 5 III. SUMMARY Applications for development of portions of the project area have been su hmitted to the County of San Bernardino. The entire project site is located in the City's Sphere, it is contiguous to the City boundaries on the south and west and represents a logical extension of the current City Limits. The City, with the assistance of its cooperating agencies, is authorized and capable of providing the full range of recessa ry urha.^. services fer the site. The annexa tior. area is uninhabited. a.~ :ns EXNIeIT •e• CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA ANNEXATION 90-02 ETIWANDA NORTN FTJS~E, 47IiI,IAbiS, LINLOREN & SHORP, INC. 2106.1301 ANNfOCATION WEST FEBIIIIARY 21, 1990 PAGE 1 OF 4 IG-71 T~"~L nx,_,arcrvrrr..~ FOR THE ANNEXATION INIO THE CPPY OF PANG;O NG~+*1Ci:GA 'THAT CERPAIfI [ORPION OF SECTIONS 8, 1'7, 18, 19, 2C, 29 AtFJ 70 OF :OSvi7SHIP 1 NOT2i'H, RANGE 6 WEST A37D SECTION 1 OF 70LJNSHIP 1 NOLTIIL, RANGE 7 {ZEST, SAN BF7tNARt7IIJ0 MERIDIAN, ALL WITICLI7 TS-IE 6[JP1PY OF SAN BF7iNARDINO, STATE OF CAISFORNIA, DESCRIBID AS FOL~lI7N15: 6EGINNING AT T}fE NORIFIEAST' 03RNER OF SAID SECiZ027 l i ; T}¢'VCE NOKIH 82 ° 4 i ' S0" WES t' 7.641.0^o FEET ALDN[; THE NOI11i: LINE OF SAID SECTION 17 ',[O THE SOUIIi~AST CORNER O£ THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SCVli~^I' QUAATII2 OF SAID SECTION S: TFIf3vCE NORIti ATA"IG THE EAST LINE OF THE SAID SCL'.CFiF'AS'T QUAHTII2 'IU THE NOKPHFAST NRNE52 OF THE SAID SOVIfIFAST QUARTET2; TFIFPICE WFSlERI.Y AIpt7G ISiE *IORSH LINE OF THE SAID SOiTTfffi1S1' QUARTER 'N 'IFIE N017Tfb~'EST COPNE.°. OF ^.`.iE SAID SC(,:IIFi15T QUARTII2, SAID FUINT BEING AL50 ON THE EAST LTNE OF THE WEST ONE-HALF OF IHE SAID S(%IIfh7ESP SRTAIZTII2 OF SAID SECTION 8; '.QffNCE NORIf[ ALAMG THE SAID E4ST LINE 'TO TEw NOS277Q~'ASP NRNII2 OF 'If¢: SAID WEST ONE-HALF; TF{ENC£ WE~TERI,Y AIThYG THE NOR1H LINE OF ~ SAID WEST` ONE-HALF TO THE NOIIISN7F_SP COPiv'ER OF T}Q; SAID WE51' O.:E :4',IF, Tnuvi:c SO'uuuacLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SAID WFST ONE-HALF 1O THE SOVTfiWFST 03RNII2 OF THE SAID WEST ONE-HALF; SAID FOII.'f HEING ALSO THE NORTfiFAST NRNER OF SAID SECTION 18; 2f@3JCE WESTERLY AIDNG 7f~ NOR1H LINE OF SAID SECTTON 18 Tb THE NORIIffIf.ST NRNEEi OF GOVEWv?~NT II1T 3 OF SAID SECTION 18: SAID IOIM' Bt'IN(' ALSO THE SOVPQ~ASI' WRNER OF GOVETNASFI.T IDT 6 OF SAID FVS~E, WIZISAAS, LLNDGRFN & SHORT, IIJC. 2106.1301 ANNEYATION WEST FEHRDAAY 21, 1990 PAGE 2 OF 4 ICr71 SECTION 6; TfiENCE NOR'1H ALONG IfiE EAST LINE OF SAID GOVLR`EgNT iOT 6 IU 'Pr::. NORIHEASP o7RN'II2 OF SAID GOVFR4P~dP LOP 6; T[-TENCE WEST ALONG ?~ NORI4i :.7idE OF SAID GOVFFfA1EtTP LOT 6 AND 1HE NORTH L.1NE OF GGVERla+lFIJP LCYP S OF SAID SECTION G IU A IGI27P ON THE EAST' LINE OF SAID SECTION 1, ICWNSFLTP 1 NORM, RANGE 7 FrvT; 'I"rQJCE: NORTH ALONG SAID EASP IaIt1E 'LCl TES NORIfIEASP CORNER CF SAID SECTION i, CTTT i.'a w U LL.t.. y~ 1 VL ___._ ~_._ ...._.. ...., ..,,.......-.,. wa.....a. w ~ . ouu SE~riQ 1; TffENCE WEST ALONG 9-]E NORTH III~IE OF SAID CAVERDII+IF1Tl IOP 1 'f0 THE NORIHh'EST CORNER OF SAID GOVERHI+II~1S3' IfJP 1; 'i4ifSICE SC(RH ALONG 17fE WEST LSNE OF SAID GOVERPP.3ElIP LOP 1 IO THE SOVII3WFST NRNER CF SAID GOVE1ZAIIdENP LOP 1; I7~NCE EAST AIANG THE SO[7PH I.IIJE OF SAID GOVFRCAffNP LOT 1 lq A Fi~R4T ON THE WFST' LLVE OF SAID SECTION 6, TVaNSEQP 1 NORTH, RANGE 6 WEHP; THENCE SOU1H ALONG SAID WEST LSE 7C1 "aI$' SOUPHWEST NRNER OF SAID GOVEfII~AfQTT LOP 5: 'IIiE4vCE FASL' ALONG 'THE SIX7TH LINE OF SAID GOVE[it~AID~T IfYP 5 IO THE SOUlIg'ASI' ~RNER OF SAID I11T S, SAID FOIIJP BEING, ALSO THE NORLHFAST WRNER OF GOVERNNII~NP IDP 9 OF SAIU SECTION 6; If{QVC~ SOJIFf ALONG '1L[E EAS'T' LrNE OF SAID OO~TERRA44F_7T IUP 9 AND TI Gr FAST LINE OF GOVEE~171 TOP 10 OF SAID SECTION 6 '.(b A kl7INT ON TEIE NORTH ISNE OF SAID SECPTOx 7; TII[~.ICE EASP AIDNG SAID NORM LINE 1U THE NORTHEAST WRNER OF THE WFS`P ONE-HALF OF SAID SECTION 7; '1LiENCE SR71H AI1XdG THE EAST I.IDi5 OF THE SAID WEST ONE-HALF 'IO A FVINT ON THE NORTH I.II7E OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE WEST AIDNG THE SAID NORTH LIIJE 'i17 THE NOR'~T CORNER OF GOVERM+IENT IO.P 3 OF SAID SECTION 18; Tfff~NCE SOtII}3 ALONG THE EASP LI2IE OF SAID GOVEIU`II~iINP IS7f 3 AND THE FAST IiQJE OF GOVF.RNaII2VI' IRIS 4, If7P 2 AND LOT' 1 OF SAID SECTION 18 70 A FfiJRTT ON THE NAITIfi I.IIJE OF SAID SECTION 19; 14II~2ICE WEST AIfJNG SAID NORTH LINE 70 'Lf~ NOIIIFMESP NRHFTi OF SAID SEC•TTON 19; I}i<•21CE SOUTH AIDNG THE WEST I.IIVE OF SAIU EUSNE, WILLIANIS, IZVDGT2EC] & SHORT, INC. 2106.1301 ANNEXATION WEST FEBIdJARY 21, 1990 ?AGE 3 OF 4 ICr71 SECTION 19 TTJ THE SOUTHF*FST' WRISIIi OF SAID SECTION 19, SAID PJINT BEING ALSO mi; ~30PTT?WEST' moxtco ns ern Sw:I().": ~.., .......,... SCX,... ..., .... .~ ..-... 2G4..,., FEED AIDAIG T'-D: WEST LINE OF SAID SECITON 30 'TU THE SOUf}iN1ES'P CJRtJEi? OF GO~7FREII'tIIJT 1fJT 2 OF SAID SECTION 30, SAID F~II.T B^cING ALSO A FUINT O:v TIC CENTEHI,-~IE OF BANYAN STREET AS SHCWN ON A NAP OF TRACT 13557 FILED IN LTe°2 3SIC 206 PAGES 94 THRIXJ(3{ 97 ISI 'THE OFFICE OF THE OCi1NTY PE03RDER OF SAID CJUNTY; THENCB ALONG SAID CQi'TERLI2IE SOU1H 89°34'46" PFL4P 4035.02 FEET 1U A FOINP ON THE CENTERLINE OF 120CE~'STER AVFNt1E AS SHIXVN qY SAID ri'AP OF TRACT 13557; Tf~NCE AIDNG SAID CINI'ERLIIJ$ SCVTH 00°02'02" WEST 989.72 :'EET 1t0 1S-LS NORI`.3WFST NR,~IEP. OF TItE SOC7I13 ONE-HALF OF THE SO[IiH ONE-HALF' OF THE. NORTHEAST ~Y iA1YTER OP TFffi SOUiHE74ST' QUAIIIIIi OF SAID SECTION 30; THINCE SOVTH 89°35'09" EAST ALONG TkiE: NVK1H LLNE OF' SAID SW1H ONE-HALF OF THE SCUM ONE-HALF OF T1LF NORTFILAST QIJARTET2 OF THE SGTR'ffflu~'T QTJAK:ER OF SAID SECTION 30, A DISTANCE OF 660.00 FEED; THINCE SOUI}I 00°02'02" WFS`I' A DISTANCE OF 329.87 FEbT TO THE SOUP•i LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTIIi OF THE SOUTf~AST Q(JAIII'ER OF SAID SECTION 30; THINCE SOUIH 89°35'21" EAST ALONG THE. SAID LIIJE A DISTANCE OF 2.91 FEET TLO THE NORII~ffAST OORNER OF THE WEST' ONE-HALF OF SIX71Sff1Sf QUAR1'II2 OF THE SCVI}iFAS'!' C~(:ARTER OF SAID SECTION 30; THINCE SCUiH 00°04'07." WEST ALONG THE EAST LIIdF. OF THE NIEST ONE-HALF OF '~' F[Y,j7gpcT tvnrm£p nr 71L SOUi4L"ST v'UA4:'E.4 ... .,.......... ..., „ DISTANCE OP 1391.48 FEED TO THE SOUILi LINE OF SAID SECTTON 30, (SAID i~Wi' BEING ALSO ON TES CENTII2LIT7E OF ITGHIAND AVFNtJE AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF TRACT 13557); THENCE AIfXJG SAID CENPII2LII4E SOUTH 89°36'09" EAST 662.15 FEET TU Tf~ SOTTTf~A;T CORNER OF SAID SECTION 30; THENCE CONTII4ITING ALONG SAID CENTF5tI~4E AND ACONG THE SW1Li LINE OF' SAID SECTION 29 SOLllfi 89°16'02" EAST 1647.92 FEET TC1 THE SOLT141FAST ODIII7ER OF THE WEST ONE-HALF OF THE 47E5T ONE-HATE OF T12E EAST 2106.1301 ANNEnATION WFST FEffidJANY 21, 1990 PAGE 4 OF 4 IG-71 EAST LINE OF SAID WEST 0.VE-HAIR 1U THE NORM LII:E OF THE SOCTH ONE-HALF OF 1}iE SOUIH ONE-}LIEF OF SAID SOViI1W°.ST (XJARSIIt, THINCE FAST AIDNG SAID NORM LLNE 'IU THF. WEST LIIvE OF THE FASP ONE-HALF OF TEfE EASE ONE-HALF OF Tf~ SAID SOUIIiWFST f~UAF{I'ER; T}If2iCE NORTH AIDFIG SAID WEST LINE TO THE SOOiH LIIJE OF THE NOATfiFAST (XiARTER OF THE SOCTi}Rv'~T QUAiII'ER OF THE NORTFIF]S'f' QUARTER OF 2FiE SAIC SOUIS~6~'EST QUAIM'EE2, THENCE WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LIIJE TO TtfE FAST LINE OF THE WEST 330 FEET OF TF1E EAST ONE HALF OF THE SAID SOJ1H',1EST QUAFII'ER; TFII~NCE NORTH AL[N7G SAID EPST LINE TO THE SOVIf{ LINE OF THE NOIIIH 40.00 FEED OF THE SAID SQ717iWES`T QUAFTI'E[i; TFiQiCE EAST ALONC SAID SOVI}? LINE 'iC1 A POINT ON THE EAST LITIE OF THE SAID SOUi4IWEST C$TASII`II2; THINCE NOHI}i ALONG SAID EAST LINE 40.00 FEET ICI Ti1E NOR'fflFAST OORbIII2 OF SAID SIX7iHWF:>T QUAIZl'ER; THENCE NOIIIH 00°11'49" WEST 2655.46 FEED TO TfiE NOIII}IFASf NFNEki OF 1fiE NOILifiWFST Q[JARI'II2 OF SAID SF,CIION 29; 'IIIINCE NOF1H 89°24'15" WEST 990.76 FEET 7t) A F0It7P ON THE EAST LINE OF THAT CERTAIN GRAND DEED FIIID IN H30K 8163, PAGE 20 OF OFFICIAL REOORC6, IN THE OFFICE OF T'iE CL'QJMTS REOORDEP. OF SAID Qx7N1'Y; T'427Cc NOR7fi, PmxSfii•"1.ST AND EAST AIDNG THE EAST', SQIt}{FASI AND SOU17i LTN6 OF SAID CE'KTAIN GRANT' DES ?O A ~IIvT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 20; 'ittEIic~ CpK1I{ 00'01'21" EASE 2642.II4 FEED ALONG SAID FAST LINE TO T13E NOKl}iE'AST ~RIiEt OF SAID SECTION 20, SAID FOZIJT BEING ALSO T!•iE SCU1fhiF5l' CORNER OF SAID SECTION 17; THENCE NOAH 00°09'74" EAST 2641.73 FEED ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECFION 17; THENCE NOKIH 00°14'10" EAST 1961.65 AIONG SAID EAST LINE TO TF~ R7INT OF BEGINNIIiG. ~O°+ .~ 1L MY( ~'Fs ~' ALL E)OiIBTT ^B" ATTACHED HEREN AND hVfDE A PARP HEREOF. p a\~ 'Y*, rr.\ ~ v c~ °, ,r ~ wow s ~E%PIStATIOPI ~ JUNE 30131992 ,~'\ rEOt rnr\F~Q'~.\~ 0 a WV FU z m ~2 ~ZU ("' O ~ m QLL = WO } W acs i +-,~, ,I ~~ S_ i~ I I jN i~ ~a.'~, ~i. I, ~ !1. ,' ,: r'i'~~-- I , ~,§'a I;i, i; e. 1 -. _. -: _ ~1 . .... Qi j„ ~, , ki I ~a, l ~ t i d:• ~ i .~a fit 1 = :.. ~- -1D- -~ ai. 'say I - T -- i r 93~ _ ~ ~, --. ii 13.. i i~!~ 0 ~ a~ '~ ° i f ~ # =`Ci Z ~ ~ ~~? i .i d E ~~ •W C ~ i N ~ N F a ... r i-_--N °a h~- ~I ao3~-s} _m N j: ~ ... ~:.~ ~~ i~ ~ .~ rp ,~ ni RESOLUTION N0. 9D . ~~(~ RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO ANNEX 2,556 ACRES OF URBANIZING TERRITORY !ANNE%ATION 9D-03? GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF THE EXISTING CITY LIMIT, EAST OF ETIWANDA AVENUE AND WEST OF THE EXISTING BOUNDARY OF TfiE CITY OF FONTANA RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California desires to initiate proceedings pursuant to the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of tga5; n;vis ie., ? .,,mm.,,.,c irg with Section 56000 of the Cal rtorn is Government Code, for the above-described territory; and WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed is uninhabited, and a description of the boundaries of the territory is set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, this proposal is consistent with the Sphere of Influence of the affected City; and WHEREAS, the reasons for the proposed annexation of territory are as follows: 1. The annexation wf 11 represent a logical extension of thr City's uoundaries ana uroan services; and ' 7.. It is the City's intention to provide the usual necessary urban services to the area upon annexation, as outlined in the Plan of Services; and 3. The City has determined that the annexation of the territory would be beneficial to the public purposes of the City, in that the territory will provide for development, within the City, in a manner consistent with Lhe City's General Plan and with related development. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council as governing body of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California does hereby adopt, approve, resolve, determine, and order as follows: SECTION l: Anpl ;ra lion and a pro posa'. is hereby made to the Locai Ayency Formation Commission of the County of Sen Bernardino for Change of Organization (Annexation! to the City of Rancho Cucamonga of the herein described property as outlined in the Justiffca Lion, which is Exhibit "A" to this Resolution and is by this reference incorporated herein as though fully set forth in accordance to the terms and conditions stated above and Tn the manner provided by the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985. SECTION 2: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of San Bernardino. a,~~ EAIEEIT •A• Justification for Propsal and Preliminary Envi ronmantai Description Fora For UFCD Use Only T0: local Agency Fornation Caewisstan L78 Mest Fifth Street, Second Floor San Bernardino, [A 92415-0190 (714) 387-5066 INTRODUCTION: The questions in this form arc designed to obtain enough data about the prapsed Dro.iect site to allow the Cammi sston and staff to adequately assess the project. Or taking LAe time to fully respond to the auesti ons below. you can rtduce the orocesainn time for roar Droiect. You may also include any addi tionai informecion which you believe is pertinent. tine atltlitionel sneets where neces- sary, or attach any relevant documents. GENEML INFOmigTiOX 1. NAME OF PROPOSAL Etiwanoa North Annexation 90-03 2. APPLICANT: City of Ranchn C[a CdlnO nqd 3. GENERAL LOCATION: nerally 1Dra tad north of the existi nq City limit, south of a. Does the appltca lion Dosses TOOL written consent of each Droperty owner in the sub3ect territory? YES _ XO ~ (lf YES, attach written authorizations.) .. Indicate tAe rtesonz that the propped action has been requested. LOD1Cd1 extension Of ~y'c cervices in a rapidly urba ni zina area. f. Mould the proposal create a totally or substenttally surrounded fstand of unfncorDarated terri- tory? YES _ NO g if YES, Dlease ,iustify the proposed boundary and attach that .1ustHica- .:oo [o tMS aDDlicetlon. UND USE qND OEYEIOPMENT POTENTIAL !. Tetat L•nd artc: 2,556 acres z. Dwelling ants in area: 4 existinD: 2.276 ootential J. Approximate papulatlon in aroa: 10 existi py: 7.283 ootential 4. Indicate tAe General Plan designation o/ tAe affected city (if any): ODen soace. utility rnrridnr_ and cInQIP faflll ly rP<ldPntlal San Bernardino county Benerel Plan designation: Resource conservation. sf pale family residential 5. Describe any special tend use concerns expnssed in the above plans. dui rec a comoTPh_ ensive dwvPtOnnwnt plan to mPPt each infra ctrurtura nwadc ac ArainaaP iR~j(vemnnic. rnaAe w17d11fP reenurcP cnncerva tinn- and fi rP mnnaQPmant -z- 6. Indicate the existing land use. ~aCa0t Nhat is the proposed land use? SinOlo family rrcidantial and rrlatad ucrc 7. Indicate the existing county zoning title and densi Ltea permitted. Consistent with fm,niv 8. Has the area Deen prezoned? YES ~ XO _ N/A _ If YES, whet 1s the Drezoning classHica- cion, title, densities De nni tted. Ftitva nda ~rifir Dlan rnncictrnt with Ra nr hn fur amon9d bona raj Dlan ~in o~nrrcc~ Oancity ra n,~r< from 1_7 nnitc oar drvrlnoahlr arrr 9. Nill the proposal repot re puDli< services from any agency or district which is currently oDerattng at ar near capacity (including sewer, water, poi ice, fire, or s<hoois)7 YES ~(_ NO If YES, please explain. Sr honlc: Orval n~aa rc will work rlncr ly with cr hoot dictrirtc to nrnviAr adamia LB '1= =ec PUN F00. SE0.ViCEi Section 56653 of the Government Code nqutres the subniss ton of a Plan far Services with every Droposai initiated by a resalutf on of a legislatlve Dooy. Please attacn tc this application a narra tl ve descrl Dtton of the following: 1. Fn envme ration and description of Me services to be extended to the affected territory. 2. A description of the level and range of tMZe services. 3, An indication of when Loose services can De extended to the stutly ana. 4. An indication of any conditions the local agency will impose pr nquin MtMn the study ana if LM proposal is approved (far example, the payment of fees, the upgrading of structures, roads, water sad serr_r fec!1!ties, etc.!. 5. IMOmetlon Mtn nsDect to how the services will be //nanced. 6. L15t and describe all special tool taxes, assessments, fees, outsLnding bontls, etc., Mtt will affect Lhe Droposai araa. ROTE: SDOntors o1 a Droposai initiated by petition m+y subalt LMir proposal MLMut + Dl+n for Services. In tnese cases, the UfCO ofitce will notify Me +ffected city or district tMt they will be nqul red to submit a Dlan for Services. _,. F1ICTURS OF Cg15IDEMTIUN FUR SPHERE OF INFLUENCE REVIEN Please attach to this application a narrative description of the following: 1. Present and Dlanned land uses in the area. 2. The present and probable need far public factl itfes and services in the area. 3, The present capacity of puD11c facil toes and adequacy of public services. 4. The existence of any tocial or economic <oawunlties in the area. enranvma:nia snrvw+n uun t. stage general description of topography. Alluvial fan with variable degrees of scope from 5-40%. 2. Describe any ezi sting iaryrovements in the site as i of total area. Residential <1 S Agrlcultunl _ Commercial p S Vacant >qq S Industrial __ _ p_, i Uther n z 3. Describe the adjacent land use ,Llo rth and Me SL are VdCdnt: SOUth dnd edSt dre develooing residential areas. 4, Descr!he site alterations that will be produced by improvement projects associated wi Pn tMs proDOSed action (;radtc9 !low channell zat!or., etc.;. 5. Nill service extensions accomplished by this DroDOSai induce growth an M1s site? YES ~ ND _ Fd,laceni sltes7 YES _ N6 ~ Unincorporated _ Incorporated 6. Is tMt Dro]ect a part o1 a larger protect or sarles of pro¢ctsT YES _ NU _ If YES. pleese exDhtn. a pT ri1 bf the FL1Wdnda Nnrih rnmrifir p1Tn _nt~ suhirh Will (1 rP Jl1nP ~pnrnsima toly fi_360 ar rac. -h MOTECES Please provide the names and addresses of persons who are to M furnished copies of the agenda and staff report and who arc [o be given mailed notice of hearing. NAME I ,1. Mr+nrlr r<on TELEPHONE I1O. (7141 989-1861 AoORESS P.0. Box 807. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 NAME Miki Bra tt TELEPHONi RO. (7141 989-18`01 aooaess P.0. Box 807. Rancho Cucamonga. CA 91729 NAME TELEPHONE NO. AODRE55 LE0.TIFICATI0N t nereoy certtfy that tM statements furnished above and in the attached exMDitt present tM data antl informs tion required for this initial evaluation to CM Mst of p ability, and tMt the facts, statements, and lnfonw tfon presented herein are true and correct to Me Mst of my knowledge end 6elirf. GATE 5I67W1URE OF APPLiCANi PHONE IIWNESS To be enclosed wi to this form: 5 copies of this ExMb1t "A" MLh Plan for Services 30 copies of Me map 30 copies o1 tM legal description T coDfes of tM Yoter Location L1st 2 copies Of LM Drczoning and Environmental Review be<uments (1f eppliabte) 2 coOles of Lne Resolution or Detitfon of Initiation (or landowner Conant tossn) A 11st o/ •ttessor's Wrcal numMrs Fi ling Fees ~' PLAN FOR MUNICIPAL SERVICES ANNEXATION 90-03 ETINANDA NORTH The purpose of this attachment is to briefly outline the factors of ce.^.sidera«ion relative to this annexation request and tc briefly expand upor~ the information presented in the Plan for Municipal Services form. I, FACTORS FOR CONSIDERATION: A. Maximum Possible Service Area. The area proposed for annexation costa ins approximately 2,556 acres and 15 Inca te0 Tp IIy wlin to nancno Cucamonga's Sphere of Influence. As the following information clearly indicates, the area in question is also clearly within the maximum possible service area of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The area is adJacent to the current City Limits on the south, and represents a logical extension of the City's ,)urisdiction. B. Range of Services. The City of Rancho Cucamonga is a general law City and is legally authorf zed, as weil as capable of providing the full range pf necessary urban services within its boundaries. Currently, a full rang? of necessary urban services i5 provided within the City Limits by the City and by several independent districts cooperating with the City. The same level pf service provided by the City and its cooperating districts fs proposed to be provided in the annexation area. C. Pro.iected Future Population Growth. The site is currently variously designated on the County's West Valley Foothiits Community Plan. Portions of the site are reserved for flood control or very limited development because of slope conditions. Development in the County is allowed under the special development district (NF/PD) designation with a range of single family residential zones permitted. The City's General Plan also allows a range of single family residential deveiopment. D, Tvpe of Development Occurring or Planned. Applications for development of the area have been submitted to the County of San Bernardino for a portion of the area. A Specific Plan is befog prepared by the City of P.ancho Cucamonga to guide the orderly development of the entire pro,{ect area. The Specific Plan will be cons'stent with the Rancho Cucamonga General Plan. I I ANNEXATION 90-03 Page 2 Present and Future Service Needs. Due to the undeveloped nature of the site, current on-site service needs are minimal. They consist primarily of fire and police protection. It should be noted that this level of service will be clearly inadequate should the property develop in accordance with the County approved plans or pending applications and extensive urban services would be required prior to development regardless of whether such development would occur in the County or City. The development of the project would require sewer and water services, electricity, natural gas, telephone, solid waste disposal, police and fire protection, schools, libraries, parks and recreation, and other services normally associated with urban intensity development. As already noted, the City of Rancho Cucamonga and its cooperating districts are capable of providing a full range of required serV is es. Local Agencies Presently Serving the Area. The study area is presently served by the following local agencies: Chino Basin Municipal Water District; Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District; San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department; Southern California Edison Company; Southern California Gas Company; Pacific Bell Telephone; San Bernardino County Department of Transportation and Flood Control; Etiwanda Elementary School District; Chaffey Joint Union High School District: and County of San Bernardino Libraries. As already noted above, the level and range of services currently provided by these local agencies is minimal, and only adequate to meet present limited service needs. G. Social and Economic Interdependence. As already noted, the site is wuCiyuuu~ iu vile ea isLing i.i ty oounaan es on the soutn, and depends for access on existing and planned City cf rculation network. The site is closely related to the Cfty of Rancho Cucamonga and will depend on the City and its associated districts for the necessary urban services. Residents of the site will also depend on businesses in the City for their comnerc ial and economic needs. anti us ltu ral Preserves. No part pf thn property is located within any Williamson Act Agricultural Preserves. [I. MUNICIPAL SERVICES Sewer Service. Due to the undeveloped nature of the site, no sewer services are currently being provided. However, the site lies in the ju risdictf on of the Cucamonga County Water District for sewer collect ion and the Chino Basin Munic ipai water District for waste treatment disposal and reclamation. Upon annexation by the Cfty of Rancho Cucamonga, both Cucamonga County water Distrtet and Chino basin Municipal Mater District will continue to be the service providers for the area. d ~~ ANNEXATION 90-03 Page 3 B. Water Services. No water services are currently being provided due to the undeveloped nature of the site. However, the site fs located within the service boundaries of the Cucamonga County Water District, which will continue to be responsible for the provision of water to the site upon annexation. C. Cable Television. Cable service is not currently provided to the area. Upon annexation, cable TV will 6e provided by private vendors under a City franchise. D. Elec tric itv. Electric service is and will continue to be provided by Southern California Edison upon annexation and development of the site. E. Solid Waste. The site is currently not being served. Upon annexation, private vendors will provide both collection and disposal services under a franchise by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. F. Streets. Ni th the exception of Twenty-Fourth Street along the southerly boundary of the site, there are no streets or roads currently serving the area. Upon annexation and development of the site, the developer will be responsible for construction of all public streets in accordance with City Standards. Upon substantial completion of the street improvements, the City will assume responsibility for maintenance and street sweeping. The cn-going cost of street lighting will be absorbed through an annexe tfon to (or formation of) a lighting assessment district. Flood Control. Current flood control protection is provided by the San 8e rnard iro County Flood Control District. Upon annexation, regional flood control issues affecting the site will continue to be controlled by the Flood Control District; local drainage and flood control protection will fail under the jurisdiction of the City. Conmunitv Development. Current planning and code enforcement services are provided by San Bernardino County. Upon annexation, the City will assume full responsibility for these services. Leisure Services. No parks and recreation services are currently being provided. Upon annexation and development of the site, the developer wSli be responsible for providing open space easement, plus a trail system through the project, in accordance with County and City approvals. Upon completion of these improvements, the City will assume maintenance of the trait. In addition, Citywide recreation programs currently run by the City will become available to the new residents of the developed site. Finally, library and museum services, currently provided by San Bernardino County, will remain under County's jurtsdistfon. ~'~3 ANNEXATION 90-03 Page 4 L. Ambulance Services. ~ Private vendors currently provide ambulance services Lo the site. Upon annexation, these services will continue to be provided by private vendors. M. Animal Control. Animas control is currently provided by San Bernardino County. Upon annexation, San Bernardino County will continue to provide animal control services. N. Schools. The site is located in the Chaffey Joint Union Hfgh School District and the Etiwanda Elementary School District. Upon annexation and development, the site will continue to be served by Etiwanda Elementary School District IK-8) and Chaffey Joint Union High School District. Preliminary discussions with the Etiwanda School District and Chaffey Joint Union High Schooi District indicate that schools are at or near capacity in the area. Potential new school sites have been identified in the imm¢dia to nearby area. Consequently, as development occurs it w111 be necessary for J eveiuyers cu worx wren the aistn cts to hetp provide school facilities. The Etiwanda School District has the ability to charge fees in accordance with SB 2926 and in addition, has a one time special district tax of E1 ,600 per dwelling unit. The Chaffey Joint Union High School District also charges fees in accordance with SB 2926. [II, SUi~IARY Applications for development of Dertions of the pro,lett area have been submitted to the County of son Bernardino. The entire pro,lect site is located in the City's Sphere, it fs contiguous to the City boundaries on the south and represents a logical ex tens ton of the current City Limits. The City, with the assistance of its cooperating agencies, is authorized and capable of provfdtng the full range of necessary urban services for the site. The annexation area is uninhabited. ~~ J:'--~ lice Protection. Police protection is currently being p ed by the erns rdino County Sheriff's Rancho Cucamon ubstatron. Upon anne'xatiion, the County Sheriff will continue~t provide police services for ~ area. K. Fire Protection. The an Bernardino Co y and Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District cu rr ly provi fire and rescue services to the area. Upon annexation, t cho Cucamonga Fire District will continue to provide the ne ary vices for the pro;;ect site. No paramedic services are rently provi ed or planned. ~: ANNEXATION 90-03 Page 4 ~'J Police Protec tian. Police protection is currently being provided by the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department. The China Hills substation serves the western portion of the Sphere territory to Etiwa nda Avenue and the Fontana substation serves the eastern portion to the Fontana city limit. Upon annexation, the Rancho Cucamonga substation will provide police service. Upon annexation, the County Sheriff will continue to provide police services for the area. %~K. Fire Protection. The Caliorrt is Department of Forestry, and Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection Cistric? currently provide fire arv.1 rescue services to the area. Upon annexation, the Rancho Cucamonga Fire District will continue to provide the necessary services for the project site. No paramedic services are currently provided or planned. ,.. Ambulance Services. Private vendors currently provide ambulance services to the site. Upon annexation, these services will continue to be provided by private vendors. M. Animal Control. Animal control is currently provided by San Bernardino County. Upon annexation, San Bernardino County will continue to provide animal control services. Schools. The site is located in the Chaffey Joint Union High School District and the Etiwa nda Elementary School District. Upon annexation and development, the site will continue to be served by Etiwa nda Elementary School District (K-8) and Chaffey Joint Union High School District. Preliminary discussions with the Etiwa nda School District and Chaffey Joint Union High School District indicate •4 ut -L~~lu ice.. __ ~ .) ~ sc hoo l+ sites have been identified in the immediate nearby area. Consequently, as development occurs it will be necessary for developers to work with the districts to help provide school facilities. The Eti wa nda Schnol Oistr ict has the ability to charge fees in accordance with SB 2926 and in addition, has a one time special district tax of E1 ,600 per dwelling unit. The Chaffey Joint Union High School District also charges fees in accordance with SB 2926. III. SUMMARY Applications far development of portions of the project area have been submitted to the County of San Bernardino. The entire pro.l a;t SI}P 1[ 1QfT}Pa lI1 i'nP fl+y~~ ~p11Y rC It ~e ~anfig~a{. to ilie 'vity boundaries on the south and represents a logical extension of the current City Limits. The City, wf th the assistance of its cooperetinq agencies, is authorized and capable of providing the full range of necessary urban services for the site. The annexation area is uninhabited. EXHIBIT •B• CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA ANNEXATION 90-03 ETIWANDA NORTH FUSCOE, WZIS.TAMS, LTNCGEtET7 & SEIORT, INC. 2106.1001 ASAEJLATION FAST' FIIi[dJARY 21, 1990 PAGE 1 OF 3 IG-72 LFX;AL DFSQIIPPION FOR TLL~' ANNEXATION INRO THE CITY OF RANC7i0 CUCAMONGA THAT CQ2TAIN POKPION OF SECIZONS 15, 16, 21 AND 22 OF TOWNSHIP 1 NORTTi, RANGE 6 WEST, SAN BERW+RDINO MEIiIDLAN, ALL WI'1HIN THE OOC7NPY OF SAN BERNARDINO, SPATE OF CAISEGRNIA,, DESCRTBID A5 EOLTI%+•S: BEGINNING AT THE SOUfHEA.ST OORPIFR OF THE WEST ONE-HATE, OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF SAID SECTION 22, SAID POINT BEING ALSO 014 Ttffi CENTII2L7!]E OF 24TH STREET SHOWN AS 54ASLIT AVENUE OEI A MAP FILED IN BDOK 73, PAGES 39 AND 40 OF RECARLS OF SURVEY IN THE OFFICE OF THE CY()E1TY REQ7RDFli OF SAID COUNTY; TLRAICE NORTH ,,. ~.. ...~, i - .Gi rccr i+i.uiw ~ru trttt'kdtLiNG 'iV '1tiE SOUIFIFASP ODRNER OF SAID SECi'ION 22; THINCE NOIITH 0°03'4B" EAST 2625.77 FEET AID:IG THE' EAST LINE OF SAID SECi'ION 22; THINCE NNl'IId[ANG AI2kIG SAID FAST LINE NORIIi 0°20'16" FA5^ 2630.50 FEED TO THE NORIHFAS"I'~HIJII2 OF SAID SECTION 22, SAID Fi7II7f BEING ALSO THE SO[RHFACi' 03RNE°. CF SAID SECTION 15; THENCE NORM 0°18'21" EAST 2627.72 AIDNG Tr~ EAST LINE OF SECTION 15; THINCE WNiINtTIIJG AIDNG SAID FIST' LINE NOFLTH 0'16'06" WEST 2625.38 FEED TO TFtE NOR!}IEAST WRNER OF SAID SECTION 15; THENCE SOI1Tkl 89'05'59" WEST 5285.45 FEED TU '17iF; NORIf!WES!' O?RNER SFv?D Sw~^.:0:: 15, SAID FOINP BEING AL50 THE NORI7ffAST CD>ZRH7ES2 OF SAID SECTION 16; Tf~T7CE SOVif{ 83.07'18" WEST 5363.00 FEET AiANG THE NOKI'H IaIE OF SAID SECTION 16 TU 'THE NOHIfN7E5T NRIQEF2 OF TIC NORT797F5P QJARTER OF SAID SECTION 16; TFTNCE SOVIH 00'14'10" WEST 1961.65 FEED AifNJG THE WEST' LINE OF SAID SECTION 16; Tlff7JCE SU71fi 00°09'34" WEST 2641.73 FEED Ai1NJG SAID WEST LINE TO Tf~ SQITFh7FST CORNFIt OF SAID SECTION 16, SAID POINT BEII4G AiSO THE NORIHWES•P 03RNER OF SAID SECTIOTi FVSOOE, WII,LIAMS, LINDQ2IN & SHOIII', INC. 2106.1301 AlWEXA'CIC4J EAST' FEBFJAAY 21, 1990 PAGE 2 OF 3 LG-72 21; THINCE SQIIH 00'01'21" WEST 2642.84 FEEL' ALONG THE WEST LINE CF SAID SECITON 21; RtQ~NCE SCilifi 00.01'31" WEST 2634.91 FEED AIDNG SAID WEST LINE IO THE SOUI'c@iFS'P NIII4FR OF SAID SECl'ION 21, SAID ~INf BEING ALSO ON Ti1E CENPIRLIIdE OF SAID 24TH SPItEFT; THINC'E AIDNG SAID CEPPEF2I~IE NORTH 89°12'31" E4Sf 2649.47 FEET; 1}{INCE OONFLNUING AIDNG SAID CENPERLINE NOF2D3 69 ° 12' S6" EAST 2649.75 FEED 10 THE NOIIIIffAST ~FII4II2 OF SAID SECTION 28; THENCE RYdPINUIIr'G ALONG SAID CENTERLJ74E NOH1H 89'41'47' EAST 1327.48 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF TILE FAST ONE-HATE O$ THE WEST ONE-HALF OF SAID SECTION 22; THINCE ALONG SAID WEST LaiE NOA2N 0.14' 52" FAST 2632.53 FEET; THINCE O3PTITNUING ALONII SAID WEST LINE iv'OnIIi 0°L'io" Ee+<<'i 2639.70 FF"i IO A IUII7P 01v' T.ic NO~ri iyZ~ OF SAID SD^SiCir' 22; THINCE AIDNG SAID NOIi37i LINE NOFZIH 89'55'28" EASS 1325.12 FEET; TE¢NCE NNPINUING ALONG SAID NORTH LINE NOHIti 89'55'36" cAS'P 56.63 FEET TO A IUIIJi' OF INIERSECITON W17H 2I{E NOAIH LII4E OF PARCEL 1 AS DESCRTBID IN A DEED 2U 1fE; SCIlIHERN SURPiUS REALTY CCY4PANY RECVRDF9 IN BOOK 8171, PAGE 84 OF OFFICIAL RENRC6 OF SAID CONN1'Y; 1f8:NCE AILING SAID NDF7IH LINE NOKIH 76'47'55" EASP 1304.29 FEET TO A PDINP ON THE EASE LINE OF THE WEST ONE-H71LF OF THE FA.'T ONE- HAIF OF SAID SECTION 15; THING AiLNJG SAID FAST LTNE SOVIH 0°17'08" WEST 296.25 FEET TO THE N0R1IiFA5I CORNER OF T}~ WESL ONE-HALF OF THE EASP ONE-HATE OF SAID Gpa 1'SON J2f ZS~Ttir'F .vY'I!i i3-17'ii8n W~'P 9r.9_i.58 X~1~ a~ m+F cncr r_~ nn cnl [i WEST ONE-HALF OF 7f{E EAST' ONE-HALF: THENCE NNI'IIi[fIIiG AI1X4G SAID EAST LIIJE SOUifi 0'08'54" WEST 2628.02 FEET TO T4~ Ii7IIif OF BFX:INIdING. FVSODE, 4TiIdSNS, LR~DGRfI~I & SFIOIM', INC. 2106.1301 Nd~P.TION EASP FEHIIIA~RSi 21, 1990 PPGE30F3 Ifr72 i~' :,,. ~'. 'w, ALL AS SfiOWN (XJ EXtiIS1T rrgr' A7TACtR~9 HEItE/0 ANO MADE A PALM' HFItEDF DAVID H. WILLiAMS L.S. 4131 F.1@IRATION DATE: JONE 30, 1992 a~~~ `_ a• •' ~ ~F i, 1 f i ~ ; i ~ i + ~ 1`T $+ t { r~~ k,... _._ ~ y , ~ 1 .~ '~ I'. -1`~'v ` l ' ~ ~ y a6 i ~ _; __ /_ 1 ~ ~. k 1 ~ t ~~F~ 'i ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~nl ~ `,•~ N ~ ~ - -'4 -- , ----f- I _ _ - ~ I ~~ ~ ~ iS~' S3~ ~ " ~ _ a i Fi m N ~f ~~ N ~ i ' ,. ~y iia ~ ~ J ' .._ °` A' .. _~_ ~ T- N ~ ~ i ~~. I ~ nl _,_ 0 N_. ;_~W.~._.N ~ M ~ E Z ~ ~ c C W V _ Winer, ~ wii HV .F ..._~ i ~.~. ~~O e F-= U ~~ ~ m Q ~y = W} Z Wav ~,,, Vim. . '+~~~ .. -::chi Cucasnnga pi~:nin~~~C r;.tcissi en .•~~~ n'~eeline Rued r~-~;v of oz.•. Pear Si..,. •av 1l. 16011 Rg51~r'~ct'H As r~si9.~as of London Steeet is xanch'; Caca~on~a se th~< u~.der:aigae3 'Nish t~ excress our co'icerns reguarding .. -, story. drain project, as it nre tams tc tnn runoff ~~:cro=^ oar pro^erties, to asthestics, envirc.r.^^.tal 1:: 'B.C L. 9C rCOUc At that this traci nl}51b bEr re jBG i,BC.. z Jt~efuily ycu Can appreciate OUT conccrnr as ho .e owners. P.ee nectfully tours, ~~~~~ sz~ ~ ~o~~~ ~~ . /"a y~ ~y~~ ., ,4C, . ~~ J, ~~ ~ C ~z ~ ff..~ -~ sz ~?J ~ „~ ~/A'~~ \ ~,--~- ~Z~~ larpo~l ~~3 SS ~ HONCHO BUT\oNU` ~~ ~ pMiN~`'TR 0 P X99 MP,~ 15 t~ ~~~~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ RESOLUTION NO. 90~C'JC~Y. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND 6PECIFICATIONS FOR THE CUCAMONGA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RECREATION FIELD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, ZN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS WHEREAS, it ie the intention of the City oP Rancho Cucamonga to canstrvct certain improvements in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared plans and specifications Yor the construction of certain improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve that the plans and specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and soeciftcatiens fcr the CGCaaOnya Elementary School Recreation Field Improvement Project". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is euthoriz ed and directed to advertise as required by law Por the receipt of sealed bids or proposals Por doing the work specified in the aforesaid plane and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to wit: ^NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS ON PROPOSALB^ Pursuant to a Resolution o! the Council of the City tii Rrnnhn Cucamonga, pan tlernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the said City of Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the office of the Clty Clerk in the offices of the City of Rancho Cucnmonga, on or before the hour of 2:00 p.m. on THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1990, sealed bide or proposals for CUCAMONGA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RECREATION FIELD IMPROVEMENT PRWECT in said City. Bids will be opened and publicly read immediately in the cffice of the City Clerk, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. PREVAILING WAGE: Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code, DSvislon 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor ie rewired to gay not less than the general prevailing rata of per lien wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the public work ie performed, end not lees thnn the general prevailing rata oP per diem wages Por holiday and overtime work. In that regnrd, the Director of the Department o! Industrial Relations of the State of California ie required to end has determined such general prevailing rates of par diem wages. Copies of ouch prevailing rates of par diem wages nre on til• in the office of the Clty Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 10500 Civic Canter Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, Cnlifornia, and are evailabl• to any interested party on request. Tha Contracting Ageney also shall causo a copy of such detorminations to be posted at the job Bite. Resolution No. 90-XXX Page Two The Contractor shall Forfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Twentyfive dollars 0'+25.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calanflar day or portion thereof, if such laborer, workman, or mechanic is paid less than the general prevailing rata of wages hereinbePore stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. In accordance with the provisions in Sections 1777.5 oP the Labor Code as amended by Chapter 971, Statutes of 1939, and in accordance with the regulations of the California Apprenticeship Council, properly indentured apprentices may be employed in the prosecution of the vnrtr. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Coda concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.7, ae amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprenticeabla occupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public works project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade for a certificate oP approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to journeymen that will be used in the performance oY the nnn4rwrf The w•/.. ..• ....-_-u __- _ _ .. ~rr~-••-~•--+ t.. jvua iiv}mou au nuuh uaseB shall not be less than one to five except: A. When unemployment in the area oP coverage by the joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request Lor certificate, or B. When the number of apprentices Sn training in the area exceeds a ration o! one to five, or C. When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 oP its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or D. When the Contractor nrovidee evidence ~11at ha nmployz registered appranticaa on all of his contracts on an annual average o! not lees then one apprentice to sight journeymen. Tha Contractor 1• required to make contributions to funds eatablishefl for the administration of apprenticeship programs ii he employs registered apprentices or journeyaen in nn apprenticeabl• trade on such contracts and 1f other Contractori on the public works •ite are making such contributions. Resolution No. 90-XXX Page Three The Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.8 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage a-hedules, and o~ner requirements may be obtained Prom the Director of Industrial Relations, ex-officio trio Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or Lrom the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with and be anvsrnna .,y «~_ 1.:::s -f L:,e oi.ata of calirornia hnving to do with working hours as set torth in Division 2, Part 7, Chnpter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State o! California as amended. The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twantyfive dollars ($25.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechnnic employed in the axaantion o! the contraot, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon any of the work hereinbefore mentioned, for each calendar day during vhioA said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours in violation of anid Labor Code. Contrwr.Tnr anr.~e «n ..... LrS~~. __+ _..~_1~`o Ve YnY i.v each worlagan needed to exscuta~tha work required by this contract as such travel and eubaistenca payments era defined in the applicable collective bargaining egrasmante filed Sn accordance with Labor Coda Section 1773.8. The bidder must submit with his proposal cash, cnshier's check, certified check, or biddar'• bond, peyeble to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at lest ten percent (103) of the amount of said bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract it the same is awarded to him, and in avant of failure to enter into ouch contract said cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bond shall become the property of the City of Rnncho Cucamongn. If the City of Rancho Cueagenga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount o! the lowest bidder's security shall ba applied by the City to the difference between the low bid and the second lowest bid, and the surplus, ii any, shall be returned to the lowest bidder. Resolution Ro. 90-XXX Page Four The amount of the bond to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shall be one hundred percent (1001) of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond in an amount equal to fifty percent (50Y) of the contract price for said work shall be given to secure the payment of claims for any material or supplies furnished for the performance oP the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, or any work or labor of any kind done thereon, and the Contractor will also be required to Furnish a certificate that ha carries compensation insurance covering his employees upon work to be done under contract which may be entered Snto between him and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work. No proposal will be considered from a Contractor whom a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Contractor shall poeass• a Class ^11^ License (General Engineering Contractor) Sn accordance with the provisions of the Contractor~e License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 7000, at. seq.) and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto at the ties contract is awarded. The work ie to be done in accordance with the protilss, plane, and specifications of the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga on Tile in the Office of the city of Rancho Cucamonga o! the city Clerk at 9720 Aa awlln~ nn..l n.^..w: ,..::~_ __ the plans and epecitications will be~LurnishadVUpon~application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and payment of 530.00 said 530.00 ie nonrefundable. Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and specification will be mailed when said request is accompanied by payment stipulated above, together with en additional nonreimbursabla payment of 515.00 to cavar the cost o! mailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be required to sntsr into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the requiramenta of Section 902 of the General Provisions, as set Perth in Plans and Specifications regarding the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, the Contractor may, upon the Contractor~^ request and et the contractor~e sol• cost and expense, substitute authorized eecuritiea in lieu of monies withheld (performance retention). The City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, resorves the right to reject any end all bids. '. Resolution No. 9D-XXX Page Five By order of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Calltornin. Dated this day or , Publish Date: May 21, 1990 and May 28, 1990 Debra Adams, C ty C ark Dennis L. Stout, Mayor I, DEBRA ADAMB, CITY CLERIC of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby cartity that the foregoing Resolution vna duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City o! Rancho Cucamonga, Cnlitornia, at a regular seating of said City Council held on the day of , 1990. Executed this day of calitornia. 1990 at Rancho Cucamonga, Debra Adams, City C ark u Ft ..~ ,,. .... ~ .,..W ......... ........._,._ MEMORANDUM DATE: May 11, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager (~ FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Dan James, Sr. Civil Engineer n s z r O Y F F ~ 2 U. D irn SUBJECT: "Approval of Amending Maps for Tract Nos. 13565-1, 13565-5, 13565-7 and 13565-8, located north of Sun~ait Avenue and east of Hardman-Bullock Road submitted by Standard Pacific of Orange County".~1,=5t Please remove and continue sub3ect item to the City Council Agenda of June 20, 1990 to alloy staff additional time to resolve a technical engineering detail. The Developer has been notified. RHM:DJ:dlw CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM GATE: May 14, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer / BY: Dan James, Sr. Civil Engineer char ~~, $' ~ n o ~ F i Qa z J ~> 1977 SUBJECT: "Approval of Nap, execution of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2 for Tract 13316, located at the liar t{IeasL Burner uF Aryiw_i bald and i.arrari Avenues, submitted by Friedman Homes" [•6Y" Please revise the sub,T ect title to read "Approval of Nap, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security, acceptance of OFfer of Dedication and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2 for Tract 13316, located at the northeast corner of Archibald and Carrar) Avenues, submitted by Friedman Haines" on the City Council Agenda of May 16, 1990. N:dlw ,i__a va i~cuwuvvwau¢vawra MEMORANDUM DATE: Mdy I6, 1990 T0: City Council and Ciiy Manager ` %~/i~ FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer/~~~~ BY: Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer (~ G Z~ ~~C of F_ U~~ ~I SUBJECT: "Approval to order the annexation of landscape areas to the work program of Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 for Tract 13565-1 through -4, located on the north side of 24th Street and east of Wardman-Bullock Road, and the Annexation of Tract 13565-0 Lhr0egil -1D LU La~idaLdye ain i~itelidllVt UIa GrIGt N0. / and Street Lighting Maintenance DTstrict No. 1".(_;Ba*a) Please remove subiect item from the City Council Agenda of Nay 16, 1990, until the final landscape approval has been received from MND. Staff will reschedule at a later date. RMM:DJ:s,~m s: _,. liG ~l irv'9° .~~ ~~~rt ~3 - y25G ~:;c ei;.. Ro _r 72.gr Sir&. i_i ~i 6` resit C::tS 0= ?.Jndoa StPCet In :;3!ICtD :iUC L::J::;?8 V.e ~i,e :dcre'i~ncd s.ish i, ex;•ress our contr. rn ._;-u ;rain.' the ctorc. :r;in ?ro zct, ss it retains tr~ acro;;s our fro nerd= b•. hee.tics, ervi_c;.era~.y, ._... ::;et, .,e reouc-at ~..w~ tt:ia .r3ct T'1537% bo ..~_. op.~t"uiiY Yow can ac~r~~ci:~.te oar concern .... ..., .-~ o::nar:: X25 ^. ,. ~.t~~ai.:.Y ~(~4rGf ..~ ~ / % /_ lii._l~Yon. . jlv~. . ~C/`lF-~ ~ k_~ ~l ~ S 7, S ~ C ~-~ ~ 6-~- .: ~:•~ ~ - .-.F.c.~. /' I 1 ZD ~ f vn1~11 ~ lr~''~~ ate. ~ .. Jyrro ~ i3>~~ ~ ~ ~ ~e~~ ~~;f~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~-~ w ~~ ~ p~ ~(~-at U/~+-rcriu' i~ tr_y/w~ ~ ~ . ~/ . (i r~vK~i-~r.(/'~~~~/~u i-r~-F. ~ •-v-~- //'' W'~ "" Q~~K.~.~- 0~lul.. ~w ~R~"-~.-r"'~„~/ ,hurl lu2o'J c~ c~~ ~flf.L~'t~fn.t t76 i4G~iZtGt~+~ LI~F.+ ~ /~~ l~a~ ~~~ ,~', .~ ~ _ , ~ Y'~ / uv~,rv~ec,~ ,c.u~.r~..-d~q„ c-!<-c~~.r~.-c. oz ys 7 in, o~ . Cu„e.~ ~ ~ ~-, ~ =~- ~.~. cad ~ ~~.;.~ ~~ ?~'. ~.:~~~..~ ,.~_ ,~.,:~!~.. ~.-~. 6 ~'9- ~ r.~v_ G~ _. .____. -.., ~, r Victoria Self Storage ~ . & ®f~nter Thank you for using Victoria Self Storage & RV Center. We would like to remind you that your prepaid rent is due for renewal. .._, _,_ ........ ow d.te~( V Please enGOSe S-3l o~ o ~ to eam yow discounted B mordh rate Mrough r 1- q- 9 d . „yO1 p„ror,e to keep this uMt on a manM by monM Dame, Yaw monMry rent u S . Tnb u the Doty noaoe you wW receive. your rental being delinquent 70 days after the above dw date. drYrJilwe ~ FiiWrctlwh amdNrorosn~n~wms I S.Y rWryiaUmei i Victoria Self Storage ~ & ®('errter 1236U Baseline Rd. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739 ;'a :4':, ,.``k 1.i," Y ~aseph N. Dilorio LY.wt Of11ae11ox 216, w. Lggune. G 42G7~-0216 Olflce (714) 499-5929 FM (7t4) 499-3173 Mey ? 6, 1990 City CoweD Members City of Rancho Cucamonga Re: Awexetton Nos. 90-01, 90-02 wd 90-03 Dear Cowcil Members: In addition to my letter of yesterday to Miki Brett: 1 continue to do a lot of soW searching on the annexation question. Pourteen years ego those of us who were working to incorporate the City wanted what is now Etiwande North to De pert of the City. I still would like to see that happen, but more than that, I wwt Etiwende Norlh properly planned, r~pectirig the rights o[ all who ere involved in the process. !n these past 14 years, I have Deen invclved to much of the regional and specific planning that affects this area. From that experience, given current cronditions, f agree with the other land- owners sponsoring the Etiwwde North Specific Plan that the process will work better and the end product will be better if it's completed in the Cowty end not the City. ft's our opinion that some City standards, while honorable in their intent, are appLed too erbitraeily to produce the highest overall standards. Processed In the Cowty, I believe the Bpecjfic Plan can respect a reasonable Interpretation of the City's standards but with more riexibWty to balance conflicting ctandard¢ and nhinrtivoe in nnMn ~.. ^...n._^: »y^ wit _~._: ^.. _..._ ...wn_ .~~`l::y a . cmw~nuie .... .......... w... interpretation of the landowners legal rights. I woWtl like to change my opinion, but if a complete awexation is to happen, then most of the other landowners have to be convinced. The largest end most critical lwdowner is the Cowty Flood Control District. To expect the Cowty to vote to hand over control of over 1,000 acres of valuable end sensitive property without a reasonable assurance of whet will happen to that lend is asking the Cowty to neglect it's fiduciary end leadership reaponslbility. To concwrenlly make incoreect end inriammatory statements that the Cowty is allowing Inadequate roads and flood control facilities to be bullt is not productive. The City ew't force this awexetion. u we're cooperative, differences could be tolerated, if not resolved, for the goal of responsible planning. If we're lucky, Wtimately most or aLL of Etiwande North joins the City, just like what those of us who were here 14 years ego wanted. I Look forward to the City/Landowner meeting celled by the Cowty for May 22, and would be happy to answer env questions now or later. \J/,R~~~s/~/pe/fctfull~y,/ ~~~/~~ JND/jas '~. 77te Caryn Company' ixwt oAJcG Box a16. do. Laguna. ce va~77-Dale O(flce (719) 499-59x9 PAX (719) 499-5173 May 14, 1990 Sis. &iiici Bratt, Associate Planner City of Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91729 Re: Annexation Nos. 90-O1, 99-02 and 90-03 Deer Miki: Thank you [or sending a copy of the Stott Report on the Intent to Annex. I have further distributed the information to some of the other landowners. As input into the City CouneN's discussions this Wednesday, t am confident that ell of the landowners wish to remain cooperative with the City end that some or ell may wish to annex into the City at a later date under the proper conditiore. As we've dis- cussed, it the City It preparing the Intent to Annex u preparation for a possible future friendly annexation(s), then the Council's actions may be appropriate. ll the intent is to somehow force an annexation, it's the landowners' understanding of the law that It's the vote of the landowners, both pr[vate and public, within the proposed annexation area that determines whether the issue can even be put to s vote. It put to a vote, the landowners ere the only ei~g~oie voters, end their votiiig rights prevaB. ' If youe views differ, please contact me. i will be happy to discuss the matter fwther before or at Wednesday's City Council meeting. Yours truly, G~~ 1~$~it~J' oseph N. Ditorlo President dND/jes