HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990/07/18 - Agenda Packet4~ CITY C(JUNCIL AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETINGS 1st and 3rd Wednesdays - 7U0 pm July 18, 1990 Civic Center Council Chambers loam ria~ (`nnfPr rMvP Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 •*• City Councilmembers Dennis L. Stout, Mayo. Pamela J. Wright, covn<umrmbe. Deborah N. Brown, Mvyo. Prv-rrm Charles 1. Buque[, cvvnri/member William J. Alexander, covvramrmbe. r~• Sack Lam, nco Mvnvr.. James L. Markman, ao a~m.vc~ Debra J. Adams, nn~ clr.R City O@ice; 989-1851 lions Perk: 980-7145 ~Y City Council Agenda pT i ppi r ~` July 1B, 1990 e f i B 3 PAGE 1 All itua subaiLECd for the City Council Aguda anus M ie ~ ~ writi¢g. The dudllae for suEeitting thus itra ie 5:00 p.c. o¢ the wcd¢caday prior to Lhc aetivg. The Citp Clcrk'a ''~ ~ ~ i offiw recciwa all anch iteu. i i i ~ I A. CALL TC OADHA 1. Pledge of Allagienca to Plaq. 2. Roll Call: Baguet _, Alexander _, Stout _ i j i~ BLOwfI and w_~1_~_Fr_ i 4. AIOfOUNC~rfe/PARBAPlATIOMB 1. Presentation of Proclamei ion Dcclsring July se Parka and Recrent ion Month. I 2. PreeentatLOn of Proclamation Commending Meru Higgins and Staff of the Smergancy Preparsdncee Deperiment for ~ ~ i ~ t CHTI Training Bxsrciee~ i~ ~ 3. Preeen[etion to Anna LLs Narnendez in Recognition Of i her National AICP Award as a Student in the Picld of ~ li Planning. ~ C. COMMUMI GTIONS lR011 TBE PUBLIC ~ Tbia i• the tlac and platy for the geural public to addrua Lhc City Council. 8taie Lw prokibib tea City Council f[Oa addruaing any ina wt preriously included on the Agenda. The City Council ay raeire tutiaap ud art the Batter for j • subsequent acting. CoaawaL are Lo M lieitad !o fin einutaa per lndiridual. ~ p. CONODPf rx.awnas The following Coatut Gicndai items arc upected Le be ~ j ~ rnutiae a¢d ¢oa-controreraial. Taey will a aete6 upo¢ by tW Comcil at one !ia without diseuaWa. Any itq ay M revered by a Comcilaaalber or sober o! tae udieaae toe dissuasion. 1. Approval of Mlnutce: June 20, 1990 i City Council Agenda July 18, 1990 PAGE 2. Approval of Warrant n, Register Noe. 6/13/90, 6/20/90, 1 6/27/90 and 8/26/90; and Payroll ending 6/21/90 for the ~ totnl amount of $9,857,098.68. ' I i ' i 3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule 24 ae of June 30, 1990. I I I 4. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On Sale Beer 6 Wine 30 ~ Hating Place for R 6 R Bnkery, Portico Management corporation, 9558 Base Line Road. I I 5. Alcoholic Beverage Apollcet ion for On Sale l+aer a lane '•° j Hnting Place fot Drngon Bxpreae, Tah-Chuan snd Saho Fang ~ i Lu I, 9028 Archibald Avanua. 6. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On Sele Beer s Wine 34 Hating Place for Celato'e, Cathryn L. and Joseph J. I Calato, 9640 Center Avenue, Suite 150. 7. Alcoholic Bevernge Application for On Sale Beer for B 36 K Sub, Doo Young and Hyun Yank Lee, 9026 Archibald ~ Avenue. B. Alcoholic Baversga Application for On gale Baer 6 Wine 38 Basing Piece for China Duck, Ouc Bao and Mei Tel Cheu, 8621-8 Haven Avenue. I 9. Approval of Surplus Property Disposition - Waiver of 40 ~ ~ Publication. i, ~ 10. Approval of the SnvLronmental Initial Study, Parts I and 41 I Si for the proposed Banyan Street Improvement Project ~ ~ from Saetwood Avenue to Hellman Avenue; end issuance of i i a Categorical Bxemptlon therefor. RESOLUTION NO. 90-274 42 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THB BNVIRONMBNTAL INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE ~ OF A CATEGORICAL H%EMPTION POR TNH PAOPOSEO BANYAN BTREBT IHPROVEMENT PROJECT PROM BASTWOOD AVBNUB TO HSLLMAN AVENUE 11. Approval of a Resolution confirming the Importance of 54 the Kenyon Way Rsilroad Croaeing at the Southern Pacific Rsilroad Croaeing aaat of NLlliken Avanua. City Council Agenda July 19, 1990 PAGE it 55 I I RESOLDTION xo. 9o-z 75 A RBSOLUTION OP TN8 CITY COUNCIL OP TH8 CZTY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, RBQUSSTING IMMSDIATB CONSIDBRATION BY TNB SOOTHBRN i ~; I PACIFIC RAILROAD FOR THE COA'STRUCTION OP TH8 I ~ i RSNYAN WAY AAILROM CROSSING ANO URGING TH8 I I PAOCBSSING THSREOP t 56 12. Approval to order the annexation of CUP 89-17, located i I ~'; ' on the northweet corner of 19th Street and Aaethyet I '~ i Avenue, to Lnndecape Maintenance District No. 3 and i ' '~ ~I Street LSghCing Maintenance District Noe. 1 and 6. I ~~ I 57 I RESOLUTION NO. 90-276 A R850LVTION OP TlRS CITY COONCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDBAING THE ANNEBATION OP CBRTAIp TBRRITORY TO LANDSCAPE HAINTBNANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 AND STRHBT LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 POR CUP 89-17 i 60 13. Approval of a Federal Government Resolution (CO 90-100) I deatgnating individuals ae repreeantetivee of the City I of Rancho Cucamonga for the ac9uieition of federal I '~, ~ i surplus property. t 64 ' 14. Approval to execute contracts Eor caoputer hardware/ ~ j ~, ; ! software maintenance witA AC3 Caoputing (CO 90-101), Cal II i ' it I Comp (CO 90-102), NBI Incorporated (CO 90-103), Prime Computer (CO 90-104), 2achnic Computer Sarvicea (CO 90- '~,, I 105), Tektronix (CO 90-106) and United Computer Syeteme (CO 90-107) in the total amount of $111,333.00 to be funded from Contract Sarvicea Accounts 33-4130-6028 fez ~ Piecal Year 1990/91. A 65 15. Approval to award and ezacute a Profassionel Sarvicea li Agreement (CO 90-108) for praparet ion of n drafk specific plan for the Biiwanda North Area to C.M. ~; ~; ~; I En9lneerinq in the emovnt Of $lS,?00.00 to fle funded j from Contract Services Account No. 01-4333-6028 (PY 89/90 ). 67 16. Approval to execute Agreement for Inetellation of Public Improvement (CO 90-109) Detwen Fred C. Smith and Blyee 8. Smith end the City of Rancho Cucamongs for SErwt Improvements locetad along rho north portion of the Smith parcel for tM Nlnstesnth Strsst project from Cernw,lien Strwt to Amethyst Etrest. City Council Agenda July 18, 1990 PAGE RESOLUTION NO. 90-277 6g A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CZTY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT POR INSTALLATION OP PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROH FAED C. SMITE AND ELYSE E. SMITH AND AUTBOAIEINO THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERA TO SIGN SA!ffi 17. Approval to execute Agreement for Ineiallstion of Public Improvement (CO 90-110) Detesen Melvin N. Smith and the ii`j' Oi MifiCNU buaiy.i'ry'a wpa u .. . along the north portion of +eheu Smith uparcel for `ihe Nineteenth Street project from Carnelian Street to Ameihyet 9LreN. RESOLUTION NO. 90-773 A RESOLUTION OP TIDI CITY COUNCIL OF TH6 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMOIIGA, CALIFOPJ72A, ACCBPTING AN AGREEMENT POR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IRON IOSLVIN N. SMITH AND AUTHORZ2ZNG TtB MAYOR ANU CITY CLBRK TO SIGN SAME Improvement (CO 90-111) beiwwn'JOan Gataa,v-Ruesall Pittants, Dlena Fittante St. Clair, and Salvatore Pittants and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street Improveman[e located along the north portion of the Pittants parcel for the Nineteenth Street project from carnelian Street to Amethyst Street. ABSOLUTION NO. 90-274 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEIBMf FOA INSTALLATION OP PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FROM JOAN GATES, AU88ELL PITTANTE, DIANE FITTANTE ST. GLAIR, AND SALVATOPa FITTANTE AND AO^-^.lORIfINO THE HISYCR AND CITY CLEIiR TO SIGN 9AMB 19. Approval to execute Agreement for Inatallei ion of Public Improvement (CO 90-117) Nissen Csry L. Youell and Mnette R. Youell and the Clty o[ Rancho Cucamonga for street Lmpzovement• located along the north portion of the Youell grcei for the NinetNnth 8trnt project from Carnelian Street to Amethyst Street. 69 70 71 72 73 PAGE City Council Agenda July 18. 1990 5 ]4 AHSOLVTION NO. 90-280 A RESOLUTION OF THS CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA. ACCEPTING AN AGAESMBNT POR INSTALLATION OP PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROM CARY L. YOVELL AND ANNETTE K. YWELL AND ALTHORI2ZNG TEPc MAYOR AND CZTY ~ CI3AR TO SION SANS 10. Approval to execute Agreement for Inetallat ion of Public I 75 Improvement (CO 90-113) between The Department of veterans Affairs of the State of Cal ifornLa and Glenn .~, .~,~---~ ~~~~ „ _- _,_enFn IY~g ~mnn ~• fns Rhpwh u - i Improvemente located along the north portion of the Kurvtr parcel for the Nineteenth Street project from Cnrnelinn Street to Amethyei Street. ABSOLUTION NO. 90-2 V1 76 A RESOLUTION OP TH8 CITY COUNCIL OF TIDL CITY ~ OP RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIPOApIAr ACCEPTING ~ AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OP PUBLIC i ZMPAOVEHERT FROM THE DEDAATNENT OS VETERANS APPAIRS OP TIDE STATB OP CALIFORNIA AND GLENN M. RUAUTS AND AVTNORI2ING THE H11YOR AND CZTY CLSAI( TO 9IGN SAlf6 21. Approval to execute Agreement for Installation of Public ]] Improvement (CO 90-314) between Stanley V. Fulton and Beverly A. Fulton and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street improvements located along the north portion of the Fu lion pnreel for the Nineteenth 9traet project from carnelian Stzaet to Amethyst Street. RESOLUTION NO. 90-282 ]8 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TN6 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA. CALIFORNIA. ACCEPTING AN AOREBMBNT POR INSTALLATION OF PUHLIC IMPROVEMENT PROM STANLEY V. PULTON AND BEVERLY A. FVLTON AND AUTHOA222HG THa MAYOR AND CITY CLERR TO SICN 9AME 22. Approval to execute Agreement for Instellatlon of public ]9 Improvement (CO 90-115) between Mohammad Hsidarian end the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga for Street Improvements loeatad along the north porelon of the Haidarian pared for the Nineteenth Strht project from Carnelian Street to Amethyst 8tnat. PAGE City Couneil Agenda July 18, 1990 I ~ I I RSSOLUTION NO. 90-283 $Q i A AASOLUTION OP TH8 CITY COUNCIL OP TfHS CITY I ' I OP IUNCRO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGR68MENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC ~ IMPAOVBMBNT PROM NOF7AMNA0 HAIDARIAN AND ~. I I I AUTHORIZING THB AAYDR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN I i, I I SA.~ I li I ~, 23. Approval to execute Agreement toz Installation of Public $1 I Improvement (CO 90-136) between Che[les Srwin Hunniford ~ I ' I ' Sr., and Vivian Lorraine Hunniford and the City of I I I I ~ Rancho Cucamonga fot StYNt Imornvrrr..~- 1--1:3C .a.,,y I I I I the north portion o[ the Hunniford parcel for the I Nineteenth Street project ftaa Carnelian Street to I Amethyst Street. $2 ABSOLUTION NO. 90-28d i '~ A RHSOLUTION OF THS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY i OP FUNCRO COCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING I ' I AN AGASBlBNT FOR INSTALLATION OP PUBLIC '. IMPROVEMENT PROM CARRELS ERNIN HUNNIPORD ', ' I 9R., AND VZVIAN LORRAINB HUNNIFORD AND I I ', AUTROAI SINO TN6 MAYOR AND CITY CLERE TO SIGN I ! SAME l I " l i ~I~ i, 'i ~~~ y4. Approval to execute Agreement £or Installation of Public $3 I ~ ~ ~ ! I~ Improvement (CO 90-117) between Aldo zanrwao and Alba I I, '~~~ I Zenroeao and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Stteet 'I I, Improvements located along the north portion of the '~,i ' 'I Zanraseo parcel for the Nlnetaenth Street project from ' I i ''~ Carnelian Street to AmetAysG street. ~ ~ $Q RESOLUTION NO. 90-285 A A830LUTION ON TfBI CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~~ I i OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIIOANIAr ACCEPTING t AN AGREEIRNT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC ' IHPAOVEHENT BAOM ALDO LANROS80 AND ALGA ~ i ~, i ZANAOSSO AND AUTHOAILINO THE HAYOA AND CITY ~ I CLERE TO SIGN SAME 25. Approval to execute Agreement for Installation of Public $5 ~ Improvement (CD 90-118) WlwNn DennL Rey Brown end Jacquelynn L. Brown and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Strpt Improvement located along the north porLlon of the Brown parcel for tM NLnetwnth street project from Carmuan Street to Amethyst Street. city Council Agenda July 18, 1990 PAGE RESOLUTION NO. 90-286 ~ 86 A AESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP T8E CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA~ CALIPOIiNIA~ ACCSPTINO AN AGRBBNENT !OR INSTALLATION OP PVBLIC IHPROVBMENT PAOM DENNIS MY BROWN AND j I JACQUELYNN L. BROWN ANO AUTHORISING THE i I i NAYOR AND CITY CLBRR TO SIGN SAMB I 26. Approval to execute Agreement for Inatallatlon of Public 87 Improvement (CO 90-119) Wtwaen Debra Dee Dawn Dutton I j and the City of Aancho Cucamonga for Sirwt Improvements ~ ~ located along tea north portion oY th1 Dutton parcel for ` i the Nlnatwnth Strwt project from Carnelian 8trwt to I j Amethyst Strwt. i 8H RESOLUTION NO. 90-267 ~ A RESOLUTION OP TIA CITY COUNCIL OF TFR CITY ( OP RANCHO CUCANONOA. CALIYORNIA. ACCEPTING ~ AN ACREEtgNT tOR INSTALLATION OP PUBLIC I i IMPROVEMENT DROM DEBRA DEA DAWN DUTTON AND AUTHORISING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLEAE TO BION SAME 89 27. Approval to execute Agreement for Inatallatlon of Public Improvement (CO 90-120) Wtwaen Tuyet Lan Tran and Debra I ~ D. Dutton end the City of Rancho Cucamonga for SLrwt ! improvements Located along the north portion of the Tren and Dutton parcel for the Ninetwnth Strwt project from Carnelian Sirwt to Awthyet Strwt. I I I i RESOLUTION NO. 90-288 I 9~ A R880LUTION Ot TN6 CITY COUNCIL Ot THE CITY of RANCHO COCAMONOA~ CALIPORNIA~ ACCEPTING AN AGREElRNT DOR INSTALLATION OP PUBLIC IMPROVEIRNT PROM TVYET LAN TMN AND DBBAA D. DUTfON AND AUTNOAIEIN6 TH6 MAYOR AND CITY I CLERK TO SIGN SAME i 2B. Approval to execute Agrwmant for Inatallatlon of Public 91 Improvement (CO 90-121) betWwn Jimmy Eru Hall and Pamwla Ruth Nall end the City of Mneho Cucamonga for Stswt Improvements laaatad along the north portion of tN Hall parcel for the Ninstwnth Strwt project from Carnelian street to AmatAyat 8lrwt. City Council Agenda July 18, 1990 PAGE 92 RBSOLUTION NO. 90-289 ~ A ABSOLUTION OP TF@ CITY COUNCIL O! TRB CITY i ; ~ OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ACCBPTING I I I i ~ AN AGRBBIRMf POR INSTALLATION OP PUBLIC j j IMPROVE116Irr PROM JIMm 6ERA HALL AND PAlBLA ~ i RUTH HAIL AND AUTHORIZING THB MAYOR AND CITY I I ~ CLBRE TO SIGN SAME I 29. Approval to execute Agreement for Installation of Public 93 I improvement (CO 90-122) betNesn oacar W. Phillips and Geraldine Phillips and the City of Rancho Cucamonna A- I _ - .Wr. _, _..._..._ .....e.,.u a:mig the north portion of the Phlllipa pared for the Nineteenth Street project from Carnelian Street to Amethyst Street. 94 ~ RBSOLUTION NO. 90-290 A Ra8OLOTION OF TFiE CITY COVNCIL OD THE CITY OP AANCHO CUCANONCA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AORBBIBNT POR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FRO1/ OSCAR N. PHILLIPS AND GBIUI,0IN6 A. PHILLIPS ANO AVTNOATEIN6 TAE MAYOR AND CITY CLBRR TO SIGN SAME 30. Approval to axaNU Agreement for Installation of Public 95 it ~ ~ Improvement (CO 90-123) between T.N. Reeves end the City 'I I of Rancho Cueemonge for Street Improvsmxrnt• locsted ~ along the north portion of the Aeve• parcel for tDe I I Ninetenth Street project frao Carnelian street to ' Amethyst Street, i 9F ~ PESOLUTION NO. 90-291 ~ A RESOLVTION O7 TIRi CITY COUNCIL OF TNB CITY ~ OP RANCHO CUCAMONG}., CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT POR INSTALLATION OP PUBLIC IMPROVElDSNT FROM T.N. ABEYES AND AUTMORI2ING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERIC TO BICN BAM6 ~ 97 I al. Approval to execute Contract Caenge Order NO. 3 (CO 9O- 019) for Haven Avenue OaieMey Entry Monument for construction of utility crooinq stews for LM future entry swnumant, in Maven Avenue in the amount of 513,000,00 end authorise tM Administretiw Service Director to expend en eddit tonal $13,000.00, over the original contingency approved Dy Clty Council, from the Beautification Fund Acoount No. 21-667-8719. City Council Agenda July 18r 1990 PAGE ~ 32. Approval to execute Contract Change Order No. 2 (CO 90- 98 050) for the Rochester Avenue Parkway Beautification Improvement Project in the amount of $26,480.00 and I authorize the Administrative Serviese Director to expand an additional 518,600.00, aver the original contingency i approved Dy City council, from the esautificat ion Pund Account No. 21-6647-8935. I ~ i 33. Approval to exocute Improvement Agreement and 99 I Monumentetion cash deposit for Tract 13280, located i ~ north of ease Line Roatl between Milliken and Rochester i i ~dnmiLCe¢ oy Tne LO eK c:ompany an¢ release OS ~ previously submitted Improvement Agreement and Nonumentation deposit accepted by City Council on January 18, 1989, free The Nilliam Lyon Company. V RESOLUTION NO. 90-292 l0U A RB60LOTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OF TBE CITY OP IUNCBO CUCANONOA, CALI[ORNIA, APPROVING INPROVElOtMf AGAEEIRNT AND N011010NTATION CABN DEPOSIT [OR TRACT 13250 AND AEL6ASING T~ I IMPROVENENT'AGREEHEBT AND MONOHENTATION CASH j DEPOSIT PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED BY CITY COUNCIL i ON JANOARY 18, 1989 ~ ~ I . ! ~ 34. Approval to axecuie Improvement Agreement end 102 i Improvement Security !or 7645 Alia Cueets submiited by i Dave Boggs. I 103 RESOLUTION NO. 90-293 ~ A R630LUTION O- THB CITY COVNCIL O! THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALI[ORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGR68l0NT AND IMPROVBMENT SECURITY POR 7645 ALTA CU83TA ~ 35. Appcovnl to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for 105 Trset 32420, located on the notthweet corner of Hallman Avenue and 6th street, submitted by Rancho Parka I. i RESOLUTION NO. 90-294 1W A REEOLUTZON O[ THE CITY COUNCIL O[ THE CITY O! RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIlORNIA, APPROVING INPAOVEI~NT AOREEIOtNT EXTENeION ~ AND IMPROVEMENT BECURTTY [OR TMCT 12420 yC City Council Agenda ~~~:f ~ ~3 Suly 3&, 1990 e • 4 3 PAGE 30 36. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Bxtenaion for 108 i Tract 12671-1 thru -d, located on the northwest corner i of Milliken Avenue and Hountnin View Drive, submitted by Leuie NaMe. f ~ ~ 110 i ' i ~ RESOLUTION NO. 90-295 ~ i, ~ t I A ABSOLOTION OF TAR CITY COUNCIL OP TN8 CITY ~ OP RANCHO COCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING i IHPROVEMBNT RGAEBP4NT 8%TBNSION ANO 7HPAOVVVVgm ----..... ~~„~ .,, aoii-i 1'HAU i i -d ! i i ' i ~ 37. 8pproval io execute Improvement Agreement Bxtenaion for 111 Tract 12832 (Day Creak Boulevard), located on proposed i Day Creek eoulevard Datwaen Highland Avenue and Victoria Park Lane, submitted Dy The William Lyon Company. ABSOLUTION NO. 90-296 113 A ABSOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCZL OP THB CITY ~ I OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVLHLAT AGREEMENT bXTBNSZON ANp ii ; ~ ~ ' IMFROVElONT 96CURITY POA TRACT 12832 (DAY ~ CRBBR BOULBVARU) ! I '~ 38. Approval to execute 2mproveawnt Agreement Bxtenaion for I 13A I j Tract 33279, located on the anuth aide of Highland ~i I Avenue between Roohenter Avenue and Milliken Avenue, i ' ~ submitted by The Nilliem Lyon company. I ~'i ! i RSSOLUTZON NO. 90-297 i 115 ~ ~ i i ~ A ABSOLUTION OF TNB CITY COUNCIL OP TNB CITY ~ OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING !~ IMPROVEMENT AGAEBMENT BXT$NS ION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TIUICT 13279 i 39. Approval to execute 2mprOVament Agreement Eztenaion for ~ 117 ' li ` Tract 13318 Landscape, located on the aoutheaet corner ~ ~ I ~ i of Hermoen Avenue and Manznniia Drive, aubmittad by ~ j ' ' Mayflower Eayoun. i 119 ABSOLUTION NO. 90-298 A RB90LUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF RANCAO CUCAMONGAr CALI-OIU7IA, APPROVING IMPAOVBMBNT AORBBMBNT B%TBNEION AND IMPAOVBMBNT BBCUAITY FOA TRACT 13318 LA~roacAPe PAGE City Council Agenda July 18, 1990 11 40. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement ExGneion toi 120 Tract 13359, located on the east Bide of Sapphire Avanua between Orchard Sireet and Jennet Streai, euDmitted by H.R. Heim, Incorporated. 122 ABSOLUTION NO. 90-299 A RESOLUTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP AANCNO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPAOVSMBNT ACAEEMBNT EXTENSION AND _._..-........ e~......~.. ~.... .a.....2 .a.,a. i I 41. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for 123 Tract 13768 Banyan Sireet Bridge, located on Banyan Street at Deer Creek, eubmlttad by M.J. Brook. 125 ABSOLUTION N0. 90-300 A RESOLUTION OP THX CITY COONCIL OP THE CITY OB RANCHO CIICAMONCA, CALIFON7IA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13748 BANYAN STABET BRIDGE 42. Approval Lo exeeuG Improvement Agreement Extension for i 126 Parcel Map 9897, located on the ecuthaaet corner of ~.iwrcn ac rest anG Terra VS eta Parkway, eubmiited Dy Lawie Homes. 128 ABSOLUTION N0. 90-303 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMFROVEMBNT AGREEMENT E%TBNSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POR PARCEL MAP 9897 43. Approval io execute Improvement Agreement Extension for 129 Haven Avenue Improvmenta, located on the out eider of Haven Awnue Daiween Chunh Strut and Baee Llne Aoad, eubmiibd by LewL Homes. NESOLUTION q0. 90-302 iii A RESOLUTION 0! THE CITY COUNCIL OB THE CITY OB RANCHO CUCAMOHOA, CALIBOANIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT tXTENSION AND IMPROVEMQNT SECURITY POA RAVEN AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS ~ PAGE city council Agwnda July 18. 1990 12 44. Approval to accept Improvementas Release of Bonds and Notice of Camplwtion for: Tract 12642, 12935-44 Lendeceoe locatwd on the eouthenet corner of Milliken Avenues and Benvan Street Release: Faithful Psrformnnew Bond (Street) $822,000.00 Acceptf Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 82,200.00 RESOLUTION NO. 90-303 A R630LVTION OP TRA CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP MNCfiO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA. ACCEPTING TEB PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POR TRACT 12fi42s 12935-64 LANDSCAPE AMD AVTNOAI EIAG TFOS FILING OP A NOTICE OP COMPLETION YOR THE WORE DR 87-42. located on thw north aide of Civic Cantwr Drive bwtsrawn Vt Lca Avenue and Rad Oek St coat ReUnus Peiihful Pwrformanew Bond (street) $ 1.500.00 RRSOLUTION NO. 90-304 A A680LVTION OP TN6 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIPOANIII. ACCEPTIHG THE PUBLIC' INPAOVEt+RNTO POR OR 87-42 AND AUTHOPIEI NG THE PILING OP A NOTICE OP COMPLETION FOA TN6 1/0AA DR 88-43 located on the northeast corner of Hexmoee Avanua end Bharon circle Rwleaea: Faithful Parlormenew Bond (Street) $ 3,300.00 RESOLUTION NO. 90-309 A RasocuTloM GP THE clTr couNC1L or TRa c1TY of RANCHO CUCAMONOAr CALIFORNIA. ACCEPTINO THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR OR 88-{3 AND AVTHOAIEIN6 TIR FILIM6 OF A NOTICE O! COMPLETION FOR THE NORE 132 133 134 135 136 137 PAGE City Council Agenda July 18, 1990 13 ' ~ 45. Approval to accept thrw Traffic SSgnaL locnied at ehs 138 j , ~ interwct Soon of Raven Avenue end Victoria Street, Bau ~ Line Road end Aemona AVMYe, and Bun Lino Road and i i Valencia Avenue, Contract No. 59-114, as complete, release the Donds and authorize the City Engineer to i i i ~ i i ~ file a ^NOtice of Completicn", i i 139 RESOLUTION NO. 90-306 ' i ~ A RESOLUTION OP TF16 CITY COUNCIL OP TRB CITY ~ I OF RANCEO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING ~rna pual)tc tEPROVEMLNTB YOR THR66 TRAFFIC ~~ SIGNAL6 LOCATED AT THE INTBR86CTION3 OP HAVER AVBNU6 AND VICTORIA STR86T, BASS LINE ROAD AND AAMONA AVBNOB, ANO BA98 LING ROAD ANO VALENCIA AVBNLB, CONTRACT NO. 89-114 AND AUTHORZ LING TH6 FILING O! A NOTTC6 OP COMPLETION POR TIHt HOAR 46. Approval to accept the Victoria Stzut Improvements, 140 from Gnat Avenue to ust of etiwanda Righ School, ' contract No. E9-135, se compleb, releue the bonds and authari:e the Clty Engineer to file a ^NOt ice of Caapletion". 141 ~ i R680LUTTON ND. 90-307 j II A RESOLUTION OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL OP TNB CITY ~ OF IUINCNO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING ~ ~~ THE PUBLIC IMPROVBlRNT6 POR VICTORIA STRBBT IMPAOVBMBNTS, PROM EAST AVBNU6 TO BAST Ol i ~ I ~ ETIWANDA HIGR SCHOOL, COHTRACT NO. 89-135 i ' i ANO AUTRORZEZRG TAB FSLZNC OP A NOTZCa OF t COMPLBT ION FOA THE WORK 47. Approval io accept the Vineyard Avenue Street 142 Improvements, from Bth street to north of the Atchison, mopeka and Santa Pe Railroad Crossing, Contract Mo. 89- 141, as complete, relase the Donds and uthorize the i I i i I city Engineer to file a "Eot ice of Campletlon". ~.:. PAGE City Council Agenda .7uly 18, 1990 14 ABSOLUTION NO. 90-308 144 A ABSOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OF THR CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGAr CALIFORNIA, ACCBPTING TR8 PUBLIC IMPROVP.IffiNTS POR VINBYARD AVBNVB STREET :MPROVRNSNTS, FROM 8TH STASET TO NORTH OF TRB ATCNISON, TOPBIUI AND SANTA PB RAILROAD CROSSING, CONTRACT NO. 89-141 AND AUTHORIlIBD THB PILING OP A NOTICS OP CONPLBT ION FOR THR NORR 48. Tha fc of !L and as at one title. i. Approval to vncaLe a portion of Rinloek Avenue, located south of Highland Avenue. eppzoximataly 40 fNt wide tad 263 EeeG long and Betting the date of public hearing Eor August 15. 1990. RESOLUTION NO. 90-309 A ABSOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TAE CITY OP PANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIPDANSA, DECLARING ITS INTBNTION TO VACATE RINLOCR AVENVB LOC11TE0 80UTH OP pICHLAND AVEEIUBr APPRORIHATELY 40 PBBT NIDB AND 243 PBET SANG - APN 1076-101-O1 ^. corEENr owINANCEE poring OrdiAaaces ban bad public hearings at the tiae at avadiag. Eecoad readinga sn eryactad to ba tontine a-conlmvanial. Thy will M acted upoa b! Lbe Council Lisa without discnuioa. The City Clark viii rand tba My its cw M reaovM far diaeuaaion. CONSZDEAATION OP AN ORDINANCE ADDING CNAPTBA 9.19, PEACE. MORALS AND NELPAAE Tn THE CODE OP THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONDA ORDINANCE NO. 422 (eecand reading) AN ORDINANCE O- THE CITY COVNCIL OP TIDS CITY OT RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIPOANIAr ADDING CHAPTER 9.19 ABATEtgN'! OP CERTAIN NUISANCES TO TITS) 9 - PUBLIC PEACE, MORALS AND NELlAAE TO THE CODE OP THI CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA 145 146 150 150 PAGE City Council Agenda July 18, 1990 ~ 15 1. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS The follwinq itws ha~a bean ad~ertiaad and/or posted •• public hwzings a ragnirad by Ur. The chair rill open the wstieg Lo recsl~s public Lwtiaoay. 1. CONS:DSAAIZOR OF SNViRON601NTAL ASSBSSM$NT AND ~ 1~6 OSVBLOPMENT RHVIBU 89-12 - DAVI83 - An appeal of the Planning Cawiuion'• dseision denying the developwnt of an industrial complex contnlning •ix industrial buildings totaling 22,940 equera fast on 2.2 acres of I land in the General Industrisl OLerict, Suberea 3 of I the Induatriel Specific Plan, located on Beron Boulevard, east of Helms Avenue - APN 209-031-87 and 86. (COntinusd Eros Juan 70, 1990) RESOLUTION NO. 90-238 167 A RBSOLUTION OP TAE CITY COUNCIL OIYT(Oi CITY OP IUINCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING AN APPEAL OB THB PLANNING CONMI98ION'8 DBNIAL OP OSVBI.OPMBNT AHVIHN NO. 8 -12, TNH OHVEIAPMSNT OP AN INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX CONTAINING SIX INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS TOTALING 22,940 SQUARE PEST ON 2.2 ACRES OP LAND IN THB GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, SUBAREA 3 vP THE INDUSTRIAL SPHCIlIC PLAN, LOCATED ON PBRON BOULBVAAD, BAST OP HELMS AVENVE 2. CONSIDERATION OP A REFUSE RATE ADJUSTMENT - 169 Recomnendet ion Eor the Council's Conaideretion to set the rates for residential end commercial/ induetriel refuse callact ion within the city of Rancho Cucamonga 162 RESOLUTION NO. 90-310 A RESOLUTION Ol THE CTTY COUNCIL OP TH8 CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONCA, CALIFORNIA, 9BITING AATEB FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COlURRCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL RENEE COLLECTI N6 NTTHIN THE CITY OF IU\NCHO CUCAlbNGA I 167 3. APPROVAL TO OADEA TIR FORMATION 01 BTIIHHT LIGATINO MAINTBNANCH DISTRICT NO. 7 FOR TRACT EDS. 13565. -5 TNRU -9. Lix!iTED ON THE NORTN HIDE 01 24TF1 8TR_HET. Ra-e,T OP NI~wDliiw_elrt.rmc ROAD PAGE City Council A9entle July 18, 1990 16 ABSOLUTION NO. 90-311 ' A ABSOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TNS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIPOANIA, ORDBRING ~'i ~ ii TH8 WOAA ZN CONNBCTION NITN POAHATION OP STRBHT LSGNTING HALNTSNANCB DISTRICT NO. 7 li ~i ; AMU ACCEPTZNC TN8 FINAL fiNOIMSSA'S ABPORT i POA TRACT NOS. 13565, -6 TFDiU -9 OO PODL The follouiog iteea seta ao legal publication or posting requiraauta. The Chair Hill open the eating to receip public tealiwnp. NO Items Submitted. II. CITY MANAOBR'N BTAPP AHPOIlT6 The folloNiag itwa do not legally require say public batiaoay, altheagh the Chair Yy opea the acting for public input. 1. IN SBTTLSMBNT - wane sane auuus 'IV tle PUNOSO FROM_ACCOVNT NO. 01- 4785-6018 2. QjSCUSS20N Op TNS WOODS DEVELOPMENT HORSE TMILS I The £ollouinq itus have bee requested by the City Come/l £or dUcuasioa. They are ut public hearing itpay althoug4 the Cbsir auy open the acting for public input. 1. CONSIDHAATION TO APPOINT JEANNB LOCNART TO THB RANCHO 3. CONSIDBMTION O- INBTALLAT2ON OP 9TRHBT NANB 9IONS AT THH TBRNINUB OP CUL-D[-8AC8 NHICN AAVT NAJOA 9TABBTS (COntianad trw June 6, 1990) 168 175 182 i83 187 PAGE city Council Agenda July 18, 1990 17 6. CONSIDE TION O! ITY nr I .'S PO I IES er~n'Ig0 193 '. I DEyBLDPMENT AOREHIRN'1' TIME EITENSIONS 11N0 0CL9PlalCIES OP STAUCIOAES NZTBIN OEVEI-0PRENT3 PAIOR TO 11CCBPT ura ~; OP PUBLIC IMPROVElOSNTS I I, I J. IDEIIlSlIC>TIOI/ OP ~^'~"~ !DE IIETL 7iESPIEO i I ~ ___._ Thia i¢ Lb 41M !or CStT Council to ldenlif! Ue itra !hq rich to dlacnsa aL the dart Meting. TDeM Liao rill not b !, ,I diaeuased at this Metiuq, ealy idaatitied for tba uart '~~ I L ~ L _' [. C0IMONICl1TI0116 lRgl T8s POELIC This ie the tide asul pleca for the gawsel pnDlic to addraM tb CiLy Cowcil. Eteb Lr pmhibita the Cit! Cowcil taw addreuiag Y! Lsw aat pmionsl! Lneluded w the Meuda• The City Comcil My raeai~e lMtiaoa! and ut the MtUr for a eubaaquant aratiag. CCMenta era W b liaitad to fife rinutas par lndiPidwl. I, I I L. aO.TOVllb00T i I ~, i :, Leo a J. nuar~, ~.i~y ~irrw ei eim '"ry er xancne weamonga, j hereby certify that a true, acCewU copy of tb foregoing agenda wne posted on July 13, 1990, uventy-two X72) hours i I ~ prior to tM meeting per OOWCnMDL Cods 56953 at 10500 C1vic ~I I Center Drive. I i I ~ I June 6, 1990 CITY OP AANCEO CUCANONGA CITY COUNCIL MZNUTES Recular Meet ina A. CALL TO ORDBR A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga met on Wednesday, June 6, 1990 in the Council Chambers at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:20 p.m. by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councilmembera: William J. Alexander, Dehorah N. Brown, Charles J. Buquet, Pamela J. Weight, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; James Harkman, City Attorney; Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager; Jerry H. Pulwood, Deputy City Manager; Rick Gomez, Community Developmant Dlractor; Ruaa Maguire, City fingineer; Shintu Boaa, Deputy City Engineor; Dan Jemee, Sr. Civil Engineer; Joe Stofa, Associate Civil 6ng ineer; Leure Bonacorrai, Landacspe Daeignerl Bred Bullet, City Plannet; Latty Nwndarwnn. Pri ncinal Planner: Jwrrv Grant. Huild ina Official: Joe Schultz. Community Services Manager; Diane O'Neal, Administrative Analyst; Susan Mickey, Administrative Aide; Patty Riffel, 8xecutive Aeelatant; Jan Sutton, Deputy City Clerk; Chief Dennis Michael and Alex Ahumada, Administrative Services Officer, Rancho Cucamonga Pire Protection District; Lt. Bruce Zeinerr Rancho Cucamonga Police Department; and Dehra J. Adamer City Clerk. • + B. ANNOUNC~ffB/PIIESBNTATIONB B1. Mayor Stout read a letter from the Internet tonal Inaiitute of Municipal Clerks recognizing Debra J. Adamw, City Clark, for achieving the statue, through continued education, of Cert if tad Municipal Clerk (CMC). 62. BSayor Stout and Councllmenbar Euquat prasantad a proclaraL ion Lo Tpn Mazner of the Make-A-Wish Foundation for their work in granting wishes to terminally ill Children, • • • x No communication wee made from the public. City Council Minutes June 6, 1990 Page 2 R R # R R # D. CONSeFl CALENDAR D1. Approval of Minutea: May 2, 1990 May 8, 1990 D2. Approval o£ Narrant=, Reg Tatar Nos. 5/16/40 and 5/23/907 and Payroll ending 5/9/90 for the total amount of $2,073,421.48. D3. Approval of 1989/90 budgetary Adjustments. D4. Approval to execute a new agreement fC0 90-081) for sharing the coats of tiie maLntenance of traffic signals at city boundaries between the City of Ontario and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. D6. Approval to ezecut¢ annual contract (CO 90-062) with the Ean Bernardino County Bheriff'e Department fot an Automated Fingerprint ID System (CAL-ID) in the amount of $46,080.00. D6. Approval to execute Agreement (CO 90-083) with the Ban Bernardino County Flood Control District for Day Creek Phase 3A improvements from Airport Drive in the Ciiy of Ontario to I-16, just south of Arrow Route in the City of Ranchc Cucamonga, in an amount not to exceed $i0.E million to Da funded by San Bernardino County Flood Control District with Bureau of Reclamation Loan Funds. ey an agreement approved prevlou sly wits the Flood Control District, the said Pwdwrwl lean amnn nt will ha r¢na{A by thw Cltv'w Radwvwlnnmwnt Anwnev from Pnnd 22. _ _ _ D7. Approval to execute Aeimbureement Agreement (CO 90-084) for Undergrounding of Overhead Utilit Tee for Parcel Map No. 9416, located east of Haven Avenue, between Highland Avenue and Lemon Avenue, submitted by Dlvere ified Properties company IiI - UR 004. RESOLUTION NO. 90-231 A RESOLUT70N OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO WCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMSNT EXfiCUTED ON JUNE 6, 1990 POR UNDHRGROUNDING OP A PORTION OF OVERHEAD VTILITIES LOCATHD EASTERLY OP HAVEN AVENUB, BETWEEN HIGHLAND AVENUE AND LEMON AVENUE De. Approval to execute Program Supplement No. 14 (CO 90-OB8) to Local Agency - State Agreement No. OB-5420 between Lhe City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Siaie of Cal Sfornia for the modificatior. of existing Railroad Croeeing protection devices et the Rochester Avenue at Atchison, Topeka end Santa Fe Railroad Croeeing No. 2-95.0. The supplement eats the Federal portion of the project aC $119,700.00 and the City's portion et $13,300.00 with provision to Sncraaee the City portion should the need arise. Finding fox the Supplement Agreement shall De from 9yeieme Development Funds. City Couneil Minutes June 6, 1990 Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. 90-232 A RESOLUTION OP TH8 CITY COUNCIL OF TID3 CITY OP RANCHO WCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING TNS ERSCUTION AND SIGNING OP PROGRAM SOPPLSID;NT NO. 14 TO LOCAL AOHNCY - STATB AGAEHNBNT NO. OS-5420 POR CROSSING PROTECTLON NOD IPICATIONS AT TH8 AOCNHSTHR AVBNUH AT T!ffi ATCHISON, TOPHRA AND SANTA PS RAILROAD CROSSING NO. 2-95.0 D9. Approval to execute annual contract (CO 90-006) with 9nn Bernardino County for Animal Control Services to account for personnel and supply costs. Contract amount of $62,700.00 to be funded from General overhead Account No. 01-6285- <„+o D10. Approval to accept Improvements, Aeleaae of Bonds and Notice of CanPlaiion for Tract 13722 located on the northwest corner of Victoria Park Lane and Hilliken Avenue. Aeleaae: Pa ithful Performance Bond (Street) $1,367,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 136,700.00 RHBOLVTION NO. 90-233 A RESOLUTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCBPTINO TFO; PVELIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR mo el`T ti'199 aNn >NTN(1PigTN(i TNe 9TLTNn (14 a N(1TTM[ (1P COMPLETION FOR THS WORK MOTION: Moved by Brown, seconded by Buquet to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. E1. ON RATION OP TA E M N - an Ordinnnce amending 4he Rancho Cucamongn Municipal Code by revising street address assignment and posting requirement e. ORD INANCS NO. 418 (second tending) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TN8 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TF2 RPS7CH0 CUG4NONGA MUNICIPAL CODB BY DBLHTINO POATION9 OF 9AN BEANARDIHO COUNTY PROVISIONS AOOPTHD BY ORDINANCE NO. 17, HNTITLED "POSTING 08 STREET NUHBERB" AND BY ADDING CHAPTER 8.26 SNTITLED "STR86T AOORES9 POSTING", TO TITLE 8 O! 9AID RANCHO CUCAMONCA MUNICIPAL CODS Debrn J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of ordinance No. 418. C iiy Council Minutee June 6, 1990 Page 4 MOTION: Moved Dy Alexander, seconded by Wright to approve Ordinance No. 418. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. ~ • x • x B2. CONSIDERATION OP AN ORDINANCE OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA AMENDING SECTION G MUNI PERTAINING TO EYEHPTION6 PROX AHOVIASMHNTS TO CONSTRUCT PUBLIC IMPROVE!ffiNTS ORDINANCE NO. 420 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COONCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO l'UI:AMUNUA, VhLtl UNnIA, aMEMUtn(i SGGTIUM 12.OS.DSO OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO EIEMPTIONS FROM REQUIREMENTS TO CONSTRUCT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of ordinance No. 420. MOTION: Noved by Alexander, seconded by Wright to approve Ordinance No. 620. notion carried unenlmouely, 5-0. ~ . . • ~ x E3. CONSID RAT ON TO R GL T RG PLACE ORDINANCE NO. 421 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THH CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL IFOANIA, AMENDING SECTION 2.12.010 OP CHAPTER 2.12 OF TITLE II OF TN6 PANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE LOCATION OP CITY COVNCIL MEETINGS Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the tit la of Ordinance No. 421. MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Wright to approve Ordinance No. 421. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. ~ x • • ~ Fi. CONSI--vERATION IO AMaND CHAPT-eA 8.24 OF THE AAHCHO CUCAMONGA 11UNIGIP~GQD3 8Y ADDING NEN 96CTI0N9 8 24 040 9 24 050 S 24 060 AND 9 24 070 PERTAINING TO Stnff report presented by Jack Lam, City Manager. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no reaponae, tAe pu611c hearing wne closed. City Council Minutes June 6, 1990 Page 5 OAD INANCS NO. 419 (second reading) AN ORDINANCB OP THS CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCA1fONGA, CALIFORNIA, AfffiNDING C(iAPTEA 8.24 OF TFO; RANCHO C'JCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODS RY ADOING NSW SECTIONS 8.24.040, 8.24.050, 8.24.060 AND 8.24.070, PERTAINING TO GRAFFITI REMOVAL AND THE SALE OS AEROSOL RAIt:T Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, reatl the title of Ordinance No. d19. MOTION: Hovel by Buquet, Seconded Dy Alexander to epptove Otdinanoe No. 419. RESOLUTION NO. 90-234 A RESOLUTION OP TFIB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORISING RENARDS AS DEFINED IN ORUINANCS NO. 419, AMENDING CHAPTER 8.24 OP THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO INFORMATION LEADING TO THH CONVICTION OP ANY PERSON PLACING GRAFFITI ON ANY PVBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Buquet to approve Resolution No. 90- 234. Motion carried unanlmouely, 5-0. • • e P2. A UAL O 4, 5, 6, 7 AND B FOA FISCAL YEAR 1990/91 Stnff report preeented by Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager. Counci lmember Brown questioned the difference in amounts for Ae9ee9ment District No. 3, Zone B. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated he felt the correct amount was pro aent ly $165.00 and would be inc ceased to $175.00, but would double check this and let Councllmember Brown know which was correct. Counc ilmeeiber Wright eeked Mr. FulNOOd to explain the formula for figuring taxes, which he proceeded to explain. Councllmeniber Nright eeked if nny special notice had been sent out to the property owner e. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated only whet wne required Lo be published in the newspaper. Counci lnmmber Wright lslt another attempt should ba made to let the public know about this, end that this item be brought back et another meeting for the Council to approve. Clty Council Minutes June 6, 1990 Page 6 James Markman, City Attorney, pointed out that the public was made aware of Lhie which was handled ae legally required. Jerzy Pulwood, Deputy City Nanager, stated Warren Divan was also present to answer any quest lone. i;aycr Stcut yoked aho.!t the carry over in the amount of $338,349.00 ae mentioned in the staff report on page 115. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy Cliy Meneget, eteted this ie money that was not expended eo it would be cazrietl over to the next year to assist in helping fund the district maintenance costa. Mayor Stout asked what would happen next year when there ie no carry over funds to assist with maintenance Coate. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Nanager, stated that is why the City ie using the CPI, end that the City many have to go Se oveY the CPI. ccune llmember Baguet stated he agreed with Mayor Stout•e concerns regarding the 5338,349.00. councilmember Alexander asked if there Would ba a problem with continuing this until the next meeting In order to gat aoau of the questions answered. James Narkman, City Attorney, added you could not raise the rate, only lower it, xnA did not fwet thw nontinuence would be benaficiel. He etaietl you cannot make up the $338,000.00 6y adding more to a pnrticular district. Mayor Stout eteted he tlid not want to have to give a big increase next year to make up for the $338,000.00 which ie being carried over this year. He added he would still like more inEOrmation on how Lhie will impact that area in future year e. Ccuncilmamber Brown commented that District 2 will now have retnil stores to get involved with this. R690LUTION NO. 90-235 A RESOLUTION OF TMS CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CVCANONGA, CALIFGRNIA, TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS NITNIN Z.ANDSCAFE NAZHTBNRNCB DZSTRZCTS NOS. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ANC 8 POR PISCAL YEAR 1990/91 PURSUANT TO TN6 LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ACT OP 7977 IN CONNECTION NITN LAEDSCAPE MAZNTENANCB DISTRICTS N09. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 AND 8 MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by euquet Co epprova Resolution No. 90- 735. Motion carried unsnimously, 5-0. R r~ R r ~ City Council Hinube June 6, 1990 Page 7 F3. CONSIDERATIO TION POR TBB ANND N S N 2. 3. 4. 5, AND 6 POR PISCAL YEAR 1990/91 Siaff report preeenied by Jerry Fu lwood, Deputy City Manager. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addreeeing the Council were: Victor Falco, 11692 Copper Peee (Caryn tract), stated ha has a refund due him and has requested it in writing, but has not yet received it. Ne asked that this be done because he has not received the services this money was to cover. „~~,; „--, ~+.y. w.nager. stated the money can be rebated gr reserved. Ccmncilmember Wright asked for Mr. Pulwood to explain the process for tracking those individuals who have not paLd, which he explained !o her. James Proet, City Treasurer, felt the Council should be very clear tonight in what they are approving as it related to the Caryn community in the amount of 5167,000.00. Aon Berman, 11577 Mammoth Peak (Caryn treci), felt the recarvee should go to the homeowner. There being no further response, the publ lc henrinq was closed. Mayor Stout stated LC was not long ago that the Caryn Community brought forth petitions asking for a park, and felt it should go to a vote of these people if they want to pick up the maintenance on the park. Councilmember Brown felt the residents of the Caryn community should be made aware of haw much this would inereaea their aeaoeemente. Councilmember Buquet added he Eelt the City shoo ld make sure they have a way to maintain new projects they develop. Councilmembez Brown concurred with Mayor Stout that the people should be able to vote on it. Councilmember Wright stated she agreed with the rebste approach, and fait the people should be able to vote on St. RESOLUTION NO. 90-236 A RESOLUTION OB TH8 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY 07 RANCHO CUCAFANOA, CALIlOANSA, TO LEVY AND COLLECT AeBESSIOiNTe WITHIN STA68T LIONTIN6 NAINTENANC6 DISTRICTS NOS. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6 YOR PISCAL YEAR 1990/91 PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPE AND LIOXTINO ACT O! 3972 IN CONNECTION KITH STREET LIOBTINO MAINTENANCB OISTRICTB NOS. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6 w City Council Ninutrs June 6, 1990 Page H MOTION: Moved by Alexander, eaconded by Baguet to approve Resolution No. 90- 236. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. • • R • • R F4. D 14121. LOCATED ON TBS SOUTHNSST S Staff r~^yort pr2sentM by Rosw Naquire, City 8nainner. AHSOLUTION NO. 90-23J A RHSOLOTION OF TNS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDING NAP, TRACT NO. 14121 MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Alexander fo approve Reeolution no. yu- 237. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. F6. D V S - An appeal of the Planning Cammlasion•e daciaion denying the drvrlopmenE of an Lndustrial complex containing nix induetrisl buildings totaling 22,940 square feet on 2.2 acres of lend in the Ganrral Industrial District, Subarea 3 o£ Cher Industrial Specific Plan, rotated on Freon Boulevard, rest of Helmer Avenue - APN 209-031-87 end BB. John Mwnnwrinn. lwawl rnu nwwl rwnrwwwntinn Mr. ^wviww. wwks.,l If fFiw rnntA no continued to June 20, ere submitted in their letter. Mayor Stout asked Mr. Mannerino to please let the City know ere soon ere possible if they are not ready by that date. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There was no reeponee at this time. A880LVTION NO. 90-238 A RBSOLUTION OP THH CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP IUINCMO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING AN APPEAL OP THE PLANNING COMNISSION'S DENIAL OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEN NO. 89-12, TNB DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDUSTRIAL CONPLHX CONTAINING SIX INDUSTRIAL eCZLDZt7G8 TOTALING 22,940 SQUARE FEET OH 2.2 ACRES OF LANG ZN TNB OENBML INDUSTRIAL DIBTRICf, SUBAREA 3 O! TNS INDUBTAIAL SPECIPIC PLAN, LOCATED ON FERON BOULEVARD, EAST OP HELM9 AVENUE NOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Buquet to continua the public hearing to June 20, 1990. Motion carriW unanimously, 5-0. R R R • • • City Council Minutes June 6, 1990 Pages 9 ~PDBLIC B<,11RIN68 No Items Submitted. + • R ~ • x H. CITY NA1D166R'8 STAP R$~ORTB H1. SD TIO G E N N O NOS. 10827 0827 A O R N AND HE o5 VBNV6 U D INDU IBS (COatinued frog Nay 16, 1990) James Markman, City Attorney, stated this was continued fray May 16, 1990. He ~a wu sne ie~ue~ nave been ieeolved and atat.t recomnanae npg~..°ui .,_ ....: extension. MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Baguet to approve the extension. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. • x • ~ H2. CON O PR O 13728 AT 8Y HILLSIDE /SAPPRIA6 VENTURB Staff report pseaented 6y Auee Nagai re, Clty Engineer. .:vuuu mwu.....~ 1y:.1 _ .._ __ __,_ _~.!• aFn.aA Fo no1 e~ oA ,nHl taP wOTk was done, and felt the informat ion `should be disclosed to tae homeowner. Mayor Stout Drought up the Idea of the Department of Aeal Estate disclosing the information. Councilmember Euquet Eelt it should not Da left up to the developer to notify the buyers, but that there should be written verification thnt the buyer is aware of the eituai ion. Councilmember Alexander suggested tact signs be placed in the tract with this informal ion. Councilmember Wright etatetl she would be very leery if she saw signs in a trnct where sae waa thSnking of purchasing. James Markman, City Attorney, felt this could be done if it was the Council's d Lrection. Councilmamber Wright asked how the developers are disclosing the informntion ae requested by tae city. Bred Euller, City Plannsr, stated the City hse found it difficult to monitor devalopawnis. City Council Minutes Suns 6, 1990 Pegs 10 Councilmember Wright stated she liked Councilmember Alexander's idea. RHSOLUTION NO. 90-239 A ABSOLUTION OF TIffi CITY COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVBMBNT AGRBBMENT BXTBNSION AND IMPAOVSMENT SBCURITY POR TRACT 13728 MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Alexander to approve Resolution No. 90- 239 as amended. Motion carried unan irtpu sly, 5-0. • • R R R f Mayor Stout called a recess at 8:00 p, m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:00 p. m. with all members of Council present. . . . . . R I. COUNCIL HUBINEHB I1. CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION POR THIRD ALTRANATR POR AB 939 TANA PORCE (Orel Report by Taak Porce NeNberj Councilmembar Brown stated she had put this item on the agenda because nt the last AB 939 Taek Porce meeting she attended, it use brought up to deeignetp Councl.lmember euquet stated he was interested in being named the additional alternate. ACTION: Council concurred that Mayor Stout should send cozreepondenca designating Councllmember Baguet as the third alternate for this teak force with the approval of the Board of Supervisors. R R R R R f I2. CONSIDERATION OF TIME CAPSVLB AT CIVIC CENTER - Oiecueelon of Ltems, length of time, and size for Time Capsule aG Civic Center. Staff report presented by Diane O'Neal, Adminietratlve Analyst. Diane O'Neal, Administrative Analyst, added th6 BnVlconssnta: Managamant Commission wee aieo suggesting current environmental newspaper articles and articles on the latest San Prancieco serthqueke Ds included in the time capsule. She also presented informeticn on who can assist the city in putting the time capsule together. The Council concurred that Councilaambers Brown end Huquet seelst with this project. city Council Mlnutee June 6, 1990 Page 11 Councilmember Brown stated she would also like to add into the time capsule the book that was signed by various individuals from the Bicentenninl celebration. The Council also concurred that the articles to go into the time capsule be available for public viewing at the July 4th Dedication Ceremony. R R R• R f 13. PO ON P NT Staff report presented by Brad Buller, Ciiy Planner. Councilmemher Wright stated she did not feel the City has gone fnr enough to accomolish what thwv wawiwd to In tbo sir=t ~++~- RF- -aa^^ - -: page 378 was misleading. She stated her intent use to hove the -parking structure connected to each unit, which would be similar to parking for tawnhomes. She al eo felt the lack of visitor parking should be addressed. Mayor SCOUt felt everyone should be able to lock up their car in an enclosed area. Brad Buller, City Planner, felt the Councll~e concerns should go to the Planning Commission. NOTION: Roved by Wright, eecondee by Brown to refer this matter to the Planning Commission. Notion carried unanimously, 5-O. R R f f• f JI. Councilmember Brown asked for a report on multi-family zoning that had previously gone back to the Planning Commission for [eview. J2. Councilmember Baguet asked for an item to came bock on a policy Eor disclosure statements for new housing. J3. Councilmember alexnnder asked for a report on coneiderat ion of day care for City employees. J4. Councilmember Buquet asked for an item to be on the next agenda to eetnblieh a Code 8nforcement Subcommittee, end that ha was interested in serving cr, it. • : • R . R R. canaMICaxiaws raoM xs Poel.ic R3. Neil Ratz, 7684 aainsy, from the Noodridga treci, was quaationinq boor the fifteen houses were approved !or raluae. Rasa Msquirs, City Snginaer, explained how the policy worked for these releases. Clty Council Minutes June 6, 1990 page 12 Mayor Stout stared the City has no authority ae to which houses are completed first for release. Auee Meguire, City Bngineet, stated if there are houses ready to De released, thst the developer needs to inform the City of thia. Mr. flats stated he felt hie house was ready to bn raleaned and .~n~rad «~,o«_ to happen. » x • • • : 1.. ADJODRMMBTlT MOTION: Moved by Brown, seconded by Alexander to edjourn Lo &xecutive Seeeion to disease personnel matters. Bxacutive Seeeion to adjourn to the June 7, 1990 budget workshop. Motion cerried unanimously 5-D. mhe meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully euboittad, DBDia J. Adams City Clerk Approved: June 20, 1990 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY CODNCIL MINOTSS Regular Meetinc a A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga met on Wednesday, Jvne 20, 1990, in the Council Chambers, 10500 Civic Center Orive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were councilmem6ere: William J. Alexander, Deborah N. Brown, Char lee J. Buquet II, Pamela J. Wright, and President Dennis L. Stout. A1eo present were: Jack Lamr Ciiy MansgerJ Jemee Markman, City Attorney, Jerry e. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager; Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager; Rick Gomez, Cammun ity Development Directory Olen Jones, Sr. RDA Anelyat} Ruee Maguire, City HnginearJ Mika Oliver, er. Civil 6nginser7 Joe Stofe, Associate Civil HngineerJ Brad Bullsc, City Planner) Otto Kroutil, Deputy City Planner; t an n.. wnndPnann Pni nni nel Plannon• Rti.nR ahMM aRannl e~P Plannon• Mi YI Rnsf! Associate Planner; Alan Warren, Aeeociaie Planner; Aichard Alcorn, Code enforcement Supervisor; Joe Schulte, Coemunity Bervicee Manager; Rathy Soreneen, Recreation Superintendent; Paula Pachon, Adminiatrat ive Aaeiatant) JSm Hart, Adminietrat ive Bervicee Director? Susan Mealy, Pinence Manager; Jim Proet, City TYeaeurer; Duflne BakeY, St. Adminl¢trative Aaeiatant? Patty Riffel, Bxecutive Aaeiatant; Chief Dennis Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District; Lt. Hulce Zeiner, Aanche Cu canw+nga Police Department} and Debra J. Adam, City Clerk. ~ w • • x B1. Preeentat icn of Proclamations to Miee Softball America; A.C.B. Softball) A.C.H. S-Hal i; Aaiieho Ley14n; 'atlwande Lecicn and Afln4ho ?ony Coit for volunteer service to iha residents of Rancho Cucamonga. Mayor stout presented all proclamatlone with the exespt ion of Aencho Loglon end Aanchc Pony Colt who were not present. B2. Jack Lam, City Manager, atsted that Item D33 hee new Resolutions along with a new staff report. City Council Minutes June 20, 1990 Page 2 83. Jack Lam, City Manager, requested an Executive Session to discuss personnel matters nt the end of the City council meeting, and for the Bxecut ive Ses elon to adjourn to .Tune 29 at 5:30 p. m. in the Council Chambers. CCOMNORICATIONS_[$Q~"l~_ P _~{C No communlcat ion was made from the public. . w . « x D. CONSm11 Dl. Approval of Minutes: Hay 16, 1990 ^2. Approval of Warrant e, Register Noe. 5/30/90; and Payroll ending 5/24/90 and 6/7/90 for the total emount of 51,449,915.95. 03. Approval to adopt a resolution declaring four traffic signal controllers ae surplus items. RESOLUTION NO. 90-242 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING FOVR TRAFFIC SIONAL f:nNTROT.i.RRfi AR fi11PDT.i1R TTRM.a 04. Approval of the Environmental initiel Study, Parts I and II, for the proposed modification of an existing traffic signal at Foothill Boulevard and Haven Avenue and issuance of a Categorical Exemption therefore. RESOLUTION NO. 90-243 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TXE ENVIRONMENTAL INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OF A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION POR THB PROPOSED MODIFICATION OF TNB BXISTINO TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT FOOTHILL BOULBVAAD AND HAVEN AVBNUB D5. Approval Of the Bnvironmental Initial Study, Parts I end II, for the prcposatl traffic signal at AocheateY Avbdue and Foothill Houleverd and iwaua0ro of a Categorical Exemption therefor. RESOLUTION NO. 90-244 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPAOVINO THE ENVIRONMENTAL INITIAL 9TUDY AND ISSUANCE OP A CATSOORICAL EXEMPTION FOR THE PROP08ED TRAFFIC BIONAL AND STREET INPROVEMENTe AT ROCNBSTER AND FOOTHILL BOVLEVARD City Council Minutes June 20, 1990 Page 3 D6. Approval to authorize the levy of Assessment Administration Charges for the Collection of A9eeeeaxtnte in the Alta Loma Channel District (84-2 ), the Sixth Street Industrial Perk Refund Diei riot (82-3R), end Che Rancho Cucamonga Drainage District (Bb-2 ). RESOLUTION NO. 90-244 A RESOLUTION OP TAB CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE LBVY OF AN ASSSSSHENT SURCHARGE POR TH8 6XPHNSHS INCURRBD IN THS COLLHCTION OF ASSBSS!ffiNTS IN VARIOVS SPECIAL ASSHSSMBNT DISTRICTS D7. Approval to op n escrow with Tzni-een Lu, et. al., for purchase of land at 12774 Summit Avenue, tc obtain the right-of-way for the Nett Southern Califotniar Incorporated development of Tract 13812 on 9umait Avenue between Btiwanda Avenue and Nnnley Avenue (Bluegrass Avenue), for $75,500.00, plus escrow fees of $2,400.00 to be paid from Account No. 01-4638-8543 (Deposit Account from Oavelopar) and authorise the City Engineer to execute all necessary document e. De. Approval to open escrow with Sdn Bllenn, for purchase of lnnd at 12628 end 12472 Bees Line Road, to obtain the right-of-way for the Hughes/Lyon/Victoria Associates' development of parcel 11838 on Base Line Road, west of Victoria Park Lane, tot $04,550.00, plus escrow fees of 54,000.00 to be paid from Account No. 01-4637-4437 (Deposit Account from Developer) funded 6y Hughes/Lyon/Victoria Associates and authorize City Hngineer to execute all necessary documents. D9. Approval to authorise and direct the Nsyor to execute settlement documents (CO 90-087) relating to eminent daaain for the enee Line Road Nidaning, Phase II, Project at 12649 Bean Line Road, Caae No. RCV 040801 (City oP Rancho Cucamonga, etc., V. De Lila Lopez, etc., et al.) and direction of the City Attorney to proceed in conformity therewith. RESOLUTION NO. 90-246 A RESOLVTION OP TNX CITY COUNCIL OP TNS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRHCTINC THB lA11YOR TO BXBCUTE SHTTLHMBNT DOCUMBNT9 RBLATIN6 TO BMINRNT DOMAIN CASE NO. RCV 040801 (CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, &T0., V. OS LILA LOPHE, ETC., HT AL.) AND DIABCTINC THE CITY ATTOANBY TO PROCEED IN CUNPORMITY THBRENITH D10. Approval of the Jolnt Use Agreement (CO 90-OBB) by and between Central School District end the City of Asncho Cucamonga (Dletrict and Park fecilii tea). D11. Approval of Alte Loma Hiqh School Pool Rental Agreement (CO 90-089) between the city and chaffey school Dletrict Eor City's use of Alta Loma Righ school pool for sunnier swim program. City Council Minutes June 20, 1990 Page 4 012. Approval to implement the Drug Abuse Reeiatnnce Eduontion (DARE) program through the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding (CO 90-090) between Alta Loma, Central and 8t iwanda Scheel Districts, the Aanchv Cucamonga Police Department, and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. D13. Approval to execute Agreement for Inetellation of Public Improvement and Dedication (CO 90-091) between Lucile Laub and the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga for et rest frontage Lmprovemente along Church Street and Ramona Avenue at Parcel No. 1077-301-39. RESOLUTSON NO. 90-247 A ABSOLUTION OF Tk@ CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY OF AANCNO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORN IA, ACCEPTING AN AGR88MENT POR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INPROVSMBNT ANO DEDICA^_ION FROM LUCILS LAUH AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLSRR TO SIGN SAME D14. Approval to execute ReimDUteement Agreement (CO 90-092) for installation of a portion of Mneter Planned Storm Drain fncilitiee in connection wish development of CUP 87-26 (Thomas Wlnery)r located at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue; between O.A.S. Investors, and the City of Rancho Cucamonga - DRA-11. 015. Approval to execute Reimbursement Agreement jCC 90-093i fez installation of portions of Master Planned Storm Drain linen 2-1 and 2-2 in connection with tlevelopnxant of Tract No. 12870, located northerly of Highland Avenue between East Avenue and Stiwande Avenues between N.A.D.P. T., a California Limited Partnership and the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga - DAA-014. D16. Approval to execute Reimbursement Agreement (CD 90-094) for installation of a portion of a Master Planned Storm Drain Factl itiee in connection with development of Traci No. 12895, loceied west of Baker Avenue, between Arrow Rcvte and Foothill eoulevartlt between Cit iland Development and the City of Rancho Cucamonga - DPA-013. D17. Approval to award and authorization to execute contract (CO 90-095) for the Cucamonga Elementary School Field Improvement Project wish Sunrlee Landscape Company, Santa Pe Springs, Cnlifornle, in the amount of $536,222.28 ($487,474.80 plus lOt contingency) to be funded from Perk Development Pund Account No. 20- 4532-8926. C18. Approval to authorize ozpanditure and Saauanea of a Purchase Order in the amount of $400,000.00 with Laird Conairuction for the Eiiwenda High school Pield Improvement Project, Phase Ir 1n accordance with the City~a Maintenance Agreement, CO 89-132. The improvements will be funded from the Park Development Fund Account Number 20-4532-8926. D19. Approval to execute Change Order No. 1, Contract 89-199, Area VI Highland Avenue Storm Drain trpo Archibald Avenue to the Lower Alta Lame Channel, for extension of Master Planned Storm Drain waetwerd to Jedaita Avenue and eaain Lateral Sn Jadsite Avsnua ae a result of a prel Lainary design Hydrology Study. City Council Hinutee June 20, 1990 Pages 5 D20. Approval to award end authorization for execution for a revieed agreement (co 90-096) with Cucamonga County Water District. D21. Approval to execute revieed maintenance agreements (CO 90-097) between the State of California (Coltrane) end the City of Rancho Cucamonga for maintenance ayreement for state Acute #30 and 3tnte Route #66 from east City ]imlte to west City limits. A850LUTION NO. 90-267 A A850LUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO uwaa, uu,ie ~np•a, xrrauu«w ., ein.n.aa:.i:.:y AGA86H&NT5 BBl'W&&N THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA (CALTiUN3) ANU RANCHO CUCAMONOA TO 86COMH 8PP8CTIV8 ON JULY 1, 1990 D22. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security foi 5751 Cebroea Place, submitted by gendolph S. Davie and Sandra P. Davie. RHSOLUTION NO. 90-248 A RESOLUTION OF TH8 CITY COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT ACR86M&NT AND IMPROVBMBNT 58CVRITY FOA 5751 CABROSA PLACE 023. Approval to adopt the attached Resolution pursuant to City Connell meeting of June 6, 1990 extending the Improvement Agreement for Tract^ 10827, 10827-3 end 10827-2, submitted by Aelco Industries. RESOLUTION NO. 90-249 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL IPOANIA, APPROVING IMPAOVBMBNT AGRSHNBNT EXTENSION AND IMPROVBMBNT SECURITY FOR TRACTS 10827, 10827-1 AND 10827-2 PURSUANT TO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 6, 1990 D24. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Bxtenelon for Tract 13650 located on the southeast corner of PootRill Boulevard and Baker Avenub, submitted by Northwood Development. ABSOLUTION NO. 90-250 A P.ESOLIrl'ION OF THH CITY COUNCIL OF THH CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INPROVENBNT AGRBBMBNT 8%TBNSION AND IMPROVEMENT SBCVRITY POR TPACT 13650 025. Approval to execute n one-year extanelon of exlet ing street striping contract (W 87-07) with the ad]uetnient of three price schedule cntegoriee, with Orange County Striping Service, Inc., to be funded form Oas Tex Account No. 09- 6637-6028, Contract Services (!Y 90/91). City Council Minutes June 20, 1990 Page 6 D26. Approval to accept the Storm Drain for Tract 12895 located on the west aide of Bakst Street betwsen Poothill Boulevard and Azrow Routes, euhmitted by Rancho Citil and Development. D27. Approval t0 accept Improvements, Releaee of Bonds and Notice of Completion for: Tracts 10827 and 10827-1 located on the northweei COrneY of Haven Avenue and Manzanita Drive Tract 10827 Releaee: Paithful Performance Bond (Street) $350,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 35,000.00 Tract 10827-1 Re lee es: Paithful Performance Bond (Street) 5818,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 81.800.00 RESOLUTION NO. 90-251 A RESOLUTION OP TfiE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF AANCNO CUCAMONGA, CALI80RNIA, ACCEPTI NO TBE POBLIC IlIPAOVBMENTS POR TAAC.Tfi 10827 ANO 10827-1 AND AUTHORIBING THE FILING OP A NOTICB OP COMPLETION FOA TFN; NORR T a t 13318 1 efed on th uth a t c r er f H A ue a d Manzanita Drive Re lea ae: FaI G~Iu: 7aciJrNanCe bond (otr68t) $136,800.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 13,680.00 ABSOLUTION NO. 90-252 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP IUINCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUflLIC ZNPROVEXENTB POR TRACT 13318 AND AUTHORIZING THB PILING OP A NOTICE OP COMPLETION POA THS MORE Releaee: laithful Performance Bond (Street) $352,000.00 City Council Minutes June 20, 1990 Page 7 AESOLUTION NO. 90-253 A RBSOLUTION OP TNB CITY COUNCZL OP THS CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THR PUBLIC IMPROVElD;NTS POA DR 87-51 ANO AOTHORIrTNG TNB FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION POR THE WORR DA 87-55 located on the northeast corner of Roct~eter Avenue and Btq Street Release: Faithful Perfcrmance Bond (Street) $219,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 90-254 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TES CITY OF 11ANCH0 CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC 2MPROVBIffiNT6 POA DR 87-55 AND AOTHORIEINO THB PILING OP A NOTICE OP COMPLETION FOR THB WOA1( Parcel Man 10771 1 tad the southweet corner of Wilson Avenue end Canistel AVenae Release: Falthful Performance Bond (street) $ 76,000.00 AESOLUTION NO. 90-255 A RRSOLUTION OP THa CITY ODVNCIL OP THB CITY OP IUNCMO CVCAMONGA, CALIPOIWIA. ACCEPTING TH8 PUBLIC IMPROVENBNTS FOH PARCEL MAP 10771 AND AUTHORIZING TID3 PILING OF A NOTICE OP COMPLETION POR THE NORR D28. Approval to release Maintenance Guarantee Bond foz: Tract 12650-3 located on the southeast e f Haven A anus and Boulder Canyon Road Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 24,800.00 ft 12802-2 -5 -6 Storm D sin located t.t~~a9t f M; ~t Spruce Avenue Re16as6: Nainienarce Cuarant66 9ond (Street) $ 13,400.00 Releaser Maintenance auarantae Bond (Want) g 42,000.00 Maintananca Guarantee Bond (Feat) $ 60,600.00 Maintensnce Guarantee Bond (Major Sta) $129,600.00 Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Storm Drn) g 92,500.00 City Council Minutes June 20, 1990 Page e 029. Approval to accept the Traffic Signal at the intersection of Milliken Avenue and Righland Avenue, Contract No. Be-089, ae complete, release the bonds and authorize the City Bngineer to file a "Notice of Completion". ABSOLUTION NO. 90-256 A RE30LOTION OF TAE CZTY COUNCIL OP TRS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING TBB POBLIC IMPROVBNBNTS POR TAH TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT THE INTERSECTION OF MILLIKEN AVBNUB AND HIGHLAND AVeNOB, CONTRACT NO. RR-089, AND AVTLIORIZINC TRS PILING OP A NOTICE OF COMPLETION POR TNS WORK D30. Approval to accept the Hillside Road Street Improvements, from Hermosa Avenue to Mayberry Avenue, Contract No. 89-104, ae completo, ieleaBe the bonds and authorize the City Hngineer to file a "Notice of Completion". RESOLUTION NO. 90-257 A RHSOLUTION OP THB CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CVCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCHPTING THB PUBLIC IMPR0VHM6NT8 POR HIIJ.SLDB ROAD STREBT IMPAOVElBNTS, PROM HBRMOSA AVSNUH TO MAYBERRY AVENV6, CONTRACT NO. 89-104, AND A0ITLORIE 2ITG THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION POR THE WORK D31. Approval co release the bonds and to accept the Maintenance Bond foz the Old Town Park Project (CO 69-106). D32. Approval to accept the Traffic Signals at the intersect lone of Archibald Avenue and Lemon Avenue and Haven Avenue and 7th Street, Contract No. 89-175, ae complete, release the bonds and authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion^. RHSOLUTZON NO. 90-258 A ABSOLUTION OP THR CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THB PVBLIC IMPR0V6N6NT8 POR TRAFFIC SIGNAL6 AT THB INTHA6HCTIONB OF ARCHIBALD AVBNUR AND LEMON AVENUE AND HAVEN AV6NU6 AND 7TH STREET, CONTRACT NO. 89- 175, AND AUTHORIZING THB RILING OP A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR TH8 WORK 033. Approval to set a Public Henzinq fcr July 16, 1940 for Refuse Rata Adjustment. D34. Approval to sat n Public Nanrinq for July 18, 1990 for the formation of street Lighting Mnlntenanee District No. 7 for Tract Nos. 13565-5 thru -10, located on the north aide of 24th Street, seat of Wardn~en-Bullock Roed. City Council Minutes Juno 20, 1990 Page 9 RSSOLOTION NO. 90-259 A ABSOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TFB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, INITIATING PROCEEDINGS POR THE FORMATION OF STRHET LIGHTING HAINTSNANCB DISTRICT N0. 7 PURSVANT TO TH8 LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 ABSOLUTION NO. 90-260 A RBSOLUT ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, GIVZNG PRBLININARY APPROVAL OF CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT POR STREET LIGHTING NAINTENANCS DISTRICT NO. ABSOLUTION NO. 90-272 A RESOLUTION OF TN8 CZTY COVNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DHCLARING ITS INT&NT ION TO FOAM STRBHT LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT ND. 7 AND OFFHAING A TIME AND PLACE FOR FIBAAING OBJHCTIONS TNBRBTO MOTION: Movsd by Wright, seconded by Alexander to approve the Consent Celendnr. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. • R f f f R a. coMSaeT oaoxaAerca6 No Items Submitted. R • • f f !. ADVERTISED PUBLIC 86ARYM66 F1. CONSIDERATION OP AFPROVAL OF AMENDING MAP9 POA TRACT N09. 13565-1. 13565- 5 5 NORTH SIDE OF 24TH STREET AND BAST OF (COntinuM frame MaF 16, 1990) Steff report presented by Joe Stofa, Associate Civil Engineer. Mayor Stout opened Ghe meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was cloacd. RESOLUTION NO. 90-226 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDING TRACT NAP NOS. 13565-1, 13565-5, 13565-7 AND 13565-8 NOTION: Novsd by Wright, seconded Dy Brown to npprove Aesolutlan No. 90-226. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. City Council Hinutee June 20, 1990 Page 10 • x F2. CONSI06AATI0N OF SNVIRONMBNTAL ASSSSSlDINT AND DEVSLOPHBNT REVIEW 89-32 - DAVLES - An appeal of the Plnnning Commission's decision denying the development of an industrial complex contnining six industrial buildings totaling 22,940 square feet on 2.2 acres of land in the General Industrial Dieiricir Subaree 3 of the Industrial Specific Plan, located on Feron Boulevard, east of HeLUe Avenue - APN 209-031-87 and 88. (CSatinuaC f"- June 6, 1990) StaEE report presented by Aick Games, Comaunity Development Director, who stated it ie being requested by John Hannerino that this item be continued to July 16, 1990 in order to hopefully resolve this matter. He added that staff teconxnends continuance. Bohn Mu. a ~. apt---..__ - •wc epl'^..... r =.... ~.. uy .~r. w ....uLiuun the item 'in order to resolve the matter.^~ RSSOLVTION NO. 90-238 A RESOLUTION OP TtB CITY COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OP [UINCHO CUCANONGAr CALIFORNIA, OBHYING AN APPEAL OP THS PLANNING COMMISSION'S DBNIAL OF DBVBLOPI~NT ASVIBW NO. 89-12, TNH DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDUSTRIAL CONPLBX CONTAINING SIX INDUBTRIAL BUILDINGS TOTALING 22,940 SQUAAE PEST ON 2.2 ACRES OP LAND IN TH8 GEIPEAAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, 3UHARSA 3 OP THE INDUSTRIAL SPBCIPIC PLAN, LOCATED ON PERON BOULEVARD, BAST OF HBI.MS AVENUE MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Brown to continue the Liam to July 18, 1990. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. x • R • + F3. CONS S TON APPROVE PO T O U O ANNU L 4 O W O fe5_pD1 Staff repot! presented by Jerry Fulwoodr Deputy City Manager. Councilmember Alexander asked if the City was a little low in the increase, would they be able to come back again next year if they needed to. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated ii was 4 poeeibil ity to came bock again next year. Councllmembar Brown asked if the people were told at the time this district was put Into place, that the raatdunl for the bond indebtedness would go Cowards meintennnca. Councilmember Wright stated they were not, but felt that psopls now ore more aware of what le gong on and that they didn't like how things vote set up in the post. She ended she didn't like the wey thingo are being done new. councllmember Brown enkad it the nefdent• ware notified of this City Council Minutes June 20, 1990 Page 11 Jezry Pulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated they were notified as legally required, but that they did not mail any notices to aech property owner in ehle district. Councilmember Baguet stated this ie being brought forth because of the annual hearing required by the 1972 Landscaping and Lighting Act. He stated he has pcobleme increasing this nq matter how small the amount Se. Re felt moxa consideration should be given ee to what the long term rate will be eo that Lhe increneae ere not necessary. Mayor Stout stated he felt this was set up low originally in order for the people io go fot it. Ma felt the parka were worth the increase. C.,,,..~___~...e_ --c.:.-. 1-~.. ap y---x- -. -c.._-_a.-1- .n. a one _ __ ...gc are not residents are charged a fee. Joe Schultz, Community Services Nanagar, stated yes. Jack Lam, City Manager, etaietl these funds are not very significant in amount. Councilmamber Wright asked whet the $53,963.00 amount would do. Jerry Pulwood, Oepuiy City Manager, stated it could go back to the residents. Councilmember Wright felt it should go beck to the residents. Mevor Stout opened the meet inq for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing wee closed. Councilmember Buquet etnted he ie having a hard time approving iha increase Mayor Stout suggested leaving the rate et $35.00 ineteed of $35.18. ABSOLUTION NO. 90-261 A ARSOLUTIOM OP THH CITY COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFOANIA, TO LEVY ANO CDLLBCT ASSBSSMBNT9 HITNIN THS PAAR AND RBCRIAT ION IMPROVBNSNT DISTRICT 85-PD (NBRITA66 AND RBD HILL COMMUNITY PAMS) NOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Brawn to approve Resolution No. 90-261 w!th the rate nt $35.00 inntend of $35.18. Mction carried 4-1 {WZ!ght ne). • ~ O. PUBLLC R7IRIBBB City Council Hinutee June 20, 1990 Pages 12 G1. O ACTION TO ACOUIRB PUBLIC RIGHT-0F-WAY. FOA THE SUMNIT AVENOH WIDBNING AND RBALIONMENT TRACT NAP 13812 PROJECT BBTWEEN BTIWANDA AVBNVE AND HANLBY AVBNUB fBLV~'AaSS AVENVBI AT THE PAOPBRTIBS LOCATED AT 32726 AND 12692 SLn:wIT AVBNtlB tRPN.o 0 Staff report presented by Hike Olivier, Sr. Civil Bngineer. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the City Council was: Edward Peterson, P.O. Hox 3007, Arcadia, stated he did not agree with the realignment that was taking place on the five acres to the west. He added he liked the realignment that was ptevloualy approved. Ruse Maguire, City Engineer, stated this was changed because they felt it was a better design. Nr. Paterson orated he was told this would not change any yield of hie lot. There being no further response, the public hearing wee closed. ABSOLUTION NO. 90-262 A ABSOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALZ POANIA, DECLARING TFID P08LIC N86D AND NBCESSITY TO CONDEMN CERTAIN NBAI. PROPERTY COMMONLY ANOWN A9 12726 AND 12692 SUNHIT AVENUE LOCATBD ZN THB CITY 08 RANCHO CUCAMONGA ASSESSOR'S PARCBL NO. 0225-111-OB AND 0225-111-09 AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF MOTION: Hoved by Baguet, seconded by Alexander io approve Resolution No. 90- 262. Notion Carr led unanimously, 5-0. • R • R R R 02. CONSIDERATION OP AN ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTER 3.19. ABATEMENT OF CERTAIN NVISANCAS TO TITLB 9 - PVBLIC PHACE. MORALS AND WELPARB TO THB CODE OP THE CITY OP RANCAO CUCANONGA Staff report presented by Jerry 8ulwood, Deputy Clty Manager. Jamaa Markman, City Attorney, atatad this Ordinaaea usually works quitc well, antl that it ie n good adminietcat ive procedure. He Eelt It has a poaltive Lmpect, and would be effective for the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Mayor Stout felt this ordinance did not qo Ear enough. He Eelt the City Attorney's office should go forward end do more than whet has been pzopoaed. CouncilmamDer Euquet agreed with Mayor stout sa far as checking into aomethinq stronger. City Council Ninutas June 20, 1990 Page 13 Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. Councilmember Buquet suggested the Council go one step further and direct staff to do something through the state legislature in order to try to change the penal code. ORD INANCB NO. 422 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTHR 9.19 AHATBMBNT OF CRRTAZN gOISANC65 TO TITLE 9 - PUBLIC PSACS. lbRAL3 AND WELFARE TD TNR CODS OP TRB CITY OF RANCNO COCAMONGA Debra J. Aflame, Clty Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 022. MOTION: Moved by Buquetr seconded by Aleaander to waive full reading and set second reading for July 18, 1990. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. R R R R R R H3. CO S D FO A 99 CT Staff report presented by Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. ARROi.lTT TON NO. 90-06i A RESOLUTION OP TEB CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OP GENSAAL HUNTCIPAL ELECTION TO BS HELD IN SAID CITY ON TUESDAY, THB fiTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1990 POR THS ELECTION OP CERTAIN OFFI CEAS OF THE CITY AS RBQUTASD BY THS PROVISIONS OP THS LAWS OP TNH STATE OP CALIFORNIA ABLATING TO G&NERAL LAW CITIES, AND CONSOLIDATING SAID SLACTSON WITN BTATEWID6 GENERAL HLSCTION TO SS HBLD ON SAID DATE RBSOLUTION NO. 90-264 A RESOLUTION OP TNS CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL IPORNIAr ADOPTING REGULATIONS POR LAND IDATSB POR SLSCTZ'!S OFFZCS, FERTAINIPiC SO HATSAIALS SVBNZITED ro T[DE SLSCTOAATS AND TXB C08T8 OP TNS CANDIDATES STATEMENT POR THB GBNBAAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO H8 HELD IN THS CITY ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1990 MOTION: Moved by Buqueir seconded by Brown to approve Resolution Nos. 90-263 end 90-264. Motion csrrled unnnimouslyr 5-0. R • • f R R City Council Hinutee June 20, 1990 Page 14 H2. 8 ATUS - 1990 UPDATB Staff report presented by Alan Warren, Associate Civil %ngineer. Councilmember Brown asY.ed what the general plan density wee. Alan Warren, Aseocinte Civil %ngineer, atsted if you were to use the 758 range, ii: is 558 aingle family/45a multi-family dwelling ratio. Councilmember Brown asked when it waa adopted and if there has been any amendments to it. Alan War renr Associate Civil 8nglneer, stated in 1981. Jack uem, city Manager, added the density ieeue has gone back before the Planning Commieeton ae requested by previous City Councils. Councilmember Hzight asked if staff has figures that spell out what the percentage of the City's multi-Family ie within each of the areas that ie in the pie chart e. She also stated she felt it was her impression that it was the Council•a intent io have this brought back to specifically address the Sesue of the 75t aingle family/25a multi-family dwelling ratio or the adjustment of the 658 aingle Family/351 multi-family dwelling ratio and was surprised that this was not being presented tonight. eratl Buller, city Planner, etnted that last yenr when Council raised this ieeue it was left that the projec[e woultl be watched, investi9nte the planned communities, and monitor. He stated what he saw ar. thw times waa a markwr rrwnd Chat appeared to be reducing voluntarily the densities in several areas, epecif is ally %tiwanda where there are over 3,000 multiple family unite designated. He stated what they chose to do was keep the Planning Commission informed as to the density ranges with the projects that were coming ae well ae any other requests with density increases. Ma atsted ae far ae bzinging back a planned proposal to obtain the 758 aingle femilyJ258 multi-family dwelling ratio, he did not understand it to be brought Dack at this time, only that it was a Council goal. Mayor Stout asked if there ware any aveilebla figures that would approximate the number of dwellers in mu iii-Family unite versus aingle family attached. Alan Warren, Aeeoctate civil Plannez, stated the City dose not have nny current figures at this point, that the latest Eiguree ere from the 1980 census. Mayor Stout stated the School Districts have a formate they use in estimating potential etudente for the future, end asked Lf staff could talk with them to see if they have done some raeearrh in this nrea. Bred Buller, City Planner, stated the City has had ease convereatlone with the School DLatricte and added that they base Gheir figures on etudente per unit, not whether there are two parents or a aingle parent per unit. He did not think their figures would give Mayor Stout the informet ion he needs. City Council Minutes June 20, 1990 Page 15 Mayor Stout stated he would like to get the figure at 759 single family/25t multi-family dwelling ratio and asked that this information come back. Councilmember Brown asked if after they got tRe information Mayor Stout was asking far, could they change this through a General Plan Amendment in order to change the density. Mayor Stout asked when this could come back. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated approximately four to Biz weeks. Mayor Stout suggested the first of Auguai. Councilmember Wright asked if the evai:able multi-family Lnformation could also be included. Brad duller, city Planner, stated he would bring back an amendment to renegotiate this with the Lewis' also. Councilmember Hrown Yelt the deneiiy bonus Seeue should also be looked at. Mayor stout suggested this ba further discussed at a special workshop in enrly Auquet. Bred Buller, City Planner, stated the City could send notices to the lergar developers and the BIA. The Council concurred they would like good press covecage on this. ACTION: Item to come back Sn August. } , ~ f R A Mayor Stout called a recess at 9:05 e.m. The meeting was called back to order at 9:30 a.m. with all members of Connell present. • # I ! R H3. CONHIOBRATION OF ePRCIFIC PLAN 90-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - Pte- zoning of approximately 6,754 acres consistent with the City of Rancho Cucamonga General Plan and located generally north of Highland Avenue, south of the National Pcrost Bcurdary, cast of the city of 8cntana and west oP Nilliker. Avenue, in the area known ee 6t Lwandn North. staff report presented by Niki Brett, Aeaoc iate Planner. Mayor Stout asked why the Specif lc Plan hee to conform to the General Plan. Rick Gomez, Community Development Director, stated !t compliments the Gsnsrel Plan. Mayor stow! orated ha wente the option of changing the Oansral Plan also. City Council Ninutee June 20, 1990 Page 16 Rick Gomez, Coamiurity Development Director, stated that option axiete, and that if a certain area does not conform with the General Plan, that the General Plan should be changed also. Councilmeniber Brown asked if the prezoning is in line with what the coneertium wants or what the City wants. Mike Eratt, Associate Planner, stated 1t is in line with what the City :.ants Further questions were asked about the specific plan. RESOLUTION No. 90-265 A RESOLUTION Vt ilfb . ~•Ci.. C _.._ _~.. nF PDNf•Vn CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, OFjINTENT TO PREPARE A'SPECIPIC PLAN FOR APPRO%IHATSLY 6,754 ACRES CONSISTENT NITH TNH CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA GENERAL PLAN AND LOCATBD GENERALLY NORTH OP HIGHLAND AVENUEr SOUTN OP TNS NATIONAL FOREST BOUNDARY, BAST OP THB CITY OB FONTANA AMD NEST OP NILLIBEN AVBNUE IN THE AREA RNONN AS BTIWANDA NORTH MOTION: Moved by 0uquet, seconded Dy Wright to approve Resolution No. 90-265. Motion carried unnnivauely, 5-0. • • • • • . Nd ADDAnVAT. 9Y) RRT ANN1111T. RPRC.i AL TA% POR COlDtUNITY FACILITI89 DISTRICT NO. 54-1 fDAY CREEK DRAINAGE EYNTEMI IN TH% ANOONT OP 5350.00 P80. ACA$ Staff report preeentod Dy Jerry Fulwood, Deputy Ctty Mnnager. RBSOLUTION NO. 90-266 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIBS DISTRICT NO. E4-1 MOTION: Moved by Brown, eecondfxl by Alexander io approve Resolution No. 90-266. Motion enrried unanimously, 5-0. R • t • H5. d~$QVAL TO SET A.YNVRL,~ SS-2 IETIWANDA NIGF0..1\NOSI Staff report presented Dy Jetty Fu lwood, Deputy Clty Reneger. Councllmamber Brown asked if there was any aeeeeefnant dletrict Lhia would be tied to. Jerry Pulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated no. Couneilmsmber Brown asked L! there was a cap !ot any given yr.ar. City Council Minutes June 20, 1990 Page 17 Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated no Councilmember Brown stated she would ba willing to vote for this if it had a cap and if the residents knew exec[ ly what they would be expected to pay in the coming year e. Since it dose not have a cap, she did not feel she could vote for it. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, eieted staff has developed a special diecloeu re statement for the reeidenie which will help inform them. Councilmember Brown stated she would like to see the disclosure form before she voted on this. Councilmember Buquet felt information should be given to new Home buyers with a breakdown of whet their payment ie expected to be over the next few years. Mayor stout asked if this could come Dack at the June 29 nx3eting. pHSOLUTLON No. 90-268 A AHSOLVTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OF TNH CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHOEY'Ar CALIPORNiA, HSTAHLI SHINO ANNVAL SPBCIAL TA% POR COMMDNITY FACILZTIHS DISTRICI NO. SH-2 MOTION: Moved by Brown, seconded by Buquat to continue the item to June 29. Motion carried 4-1 (Nright no). • • • • • ~ H6. APPROVAL TO HRHCUTB IMPROVEMBNT AGRBHMBNT H%THNSION FOR TRACT 12902 LOCATHD ON THB 9oUTHH89T CORNBR OP HBAMOSA AVENUH AND ALMOND STABST SUBMITTHD HY NORDIC wOOD3 II staff report presented by Ruse Maguire, City 8nglne0r. James Markman, City Attorney, stated he concurred with staff's recommendation. Ruse Maguire, city Engineer, stated the following two conditions should be added to the Resolution: 1) no further occupnnciae until 1001 completion/ and 2) that this bo the lest extension, with the project to be inspected Ln forty-five days with eignif icent progress to be wads, end LE it Le not, the City Attorney will et art proceedings egainet their Donde. RESOLUTION RO. 90-2b9 A RBSOLUTION OP TNB CITY COUNCIL OP TFIB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI ROANIA, APPROVING IMPROVHNHNT AGRBBMHNT L%TBN82ON AND IMPROVBlLBNT 38CURITY FOR TA 12902 MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded Dy Alexander to approve Resolution No. 90- 269 as emended. Notion serried unanimously, 5-0. r a o e x ~ City Council Ninutee Jura 20, 1990 Page 18 H7. CO S O CI S HO IN CON V S 2 B00 MH S C O 3 000. 0 Staff report presented by Jack Lem, City Hannger. MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Wright to approve the participation with the Weet End Communications Authority. Notion carried unanimously, 5-0. • . ~ x . x HB. CON IO AAT ON O 1 CO SOAPING P STUDY Staff report presented by Duane Baker, Sr. Administrative Assistant. Mayor Stout stated De felt the cities on Lhe west end were noL in favor of this. He felt it was okay to approve the $1000.00, but if there were any further requests £or money, it should come before the City Council for discuss ion. Councilmember Alexander asked if there would be staff time involved. Duane Baker, Sr. Adminietrat ive Assistant, responded yes. Councilmember Alexander stated he waen •t eo sure the City wanted to get involved with this pro]ect. The Council concurred Chet they did not want to do anything that would involve an assessment district. Councilmember Wright felt it was a good Sdea For a staff member io be preeeni at the meet inge. MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Brown to approve $1000.00 from the unallocated Fund balance. Moeion carried 4-1 (Alexander no). Mayor Stout suggested that the staff representative should also let this group know about Rancho Cucamonga'e concerns. • • • • x I. COUNCIL W8IN888 Il. CONSSDER$~zOY. .OF SBYABLISHiBG_ A COD's fiNFORCnMfiN2 6UBtOMMIT-a6fi (Oral DSscussion) Councilmember Buquet stated ha asked for this Item to be placed on the agenda because St had been brought up et the Chamber Retreat elating the image of code enforemwnt was a negative service the City provided. Ha suggested there G a suDCOmmiites asteblisDad to work on improving the coda enforcement services end to also check Dow other cities handle tMir coda enforcement ppograme. He atnted he would like to serve on the subcosmittee. City Council Ninutee June 20, 1990 Page 19 councilmember Alexander stated he would also like to serve. ACTION: The Council concurred that Councilmxmibere euquet and Alexander would serve ae the Code enforcement Subconmittee. R R R R R R Z2. pT5CUS5Z0`• ^F HEE^'°^ ROO.°. RAbLS IN CI"'C C'NTPR Councilniamber 3rown mated she put this item on the agenda because she felt a bit of history should be cone idered in naming the conference rooms, and would like to request that the Rietoric Preservation Commies ion come up with the names fn. •he .,.r.n. councilmember Wright concurred and felt the past should be tied into this. Mayor Stout stated he agreed with the intent but that it should be kept simple ao people can find their wny to the conference rooms. Mayor Stout opened Lhe meeting for public comment. AdCreaeing the Counc ii weer JSm Proet, Clty Treaaurer, stated he did not think people have ever had problems finding rooms in any other fecility because of the name that it had. He felt the her !Gaga of the City should be preserved. Councilmembet Btown felt the Hletoric Preeervstlon Cwmieeion should come up with a !let of naniee for thw City Cnnnrll to rhrn.. o.,.,,. ACTIONr The Council concurred that n eubconmittee of Brown and Wright work with the Hietor is Presetvation Conuniesion on a list of names Chet would come back to the City Council for approval. ! h * ! * w I3. AEOUfi ST POR INFORMATION RBG R IN DAY as (Information will be provided through a forthcoming memorsndum) Jack Lam, Clty Manager, stated a memorandum is forthcoming on Lhie item in the next two weeks. R R R R* R J1. Councllmendrer Buquet ota[ed he would like a long term financial plan for the City to ba discussed. Ne eddad he would W willing to work with atslt and Chen coma beck to ihs Council with a report. Councilmambar Rrown felt theca might b0 a nand for workshops on Chia aubjwt. • R R • R R City Council Ninutes June 20, 1990 Page 20 AI. Jacqueline Solda, 11849 Mouni Ounieon Court, elated ehe had contacted Joe Schultz about the lack of progreme for two year olds. She oleo commented about the problems ehe hed with the registration process Lhrough Community Services. Mayor Stout asked her Lf ehe would be willing fo work with the Pnrk and Recreation Conmieeion on a registration program. Jacqueline Bolds stated ehe hed been told by Mr. Schultz there would be more progreme in the fnll of 1990. x2. Rick Todd, 6690 Meliman stated he hed ecmeone from the city come to hie residence and want Lo lake n portion of hie property. Me did not Eeel the price the City was offering aim wee a fair pries, and Pelt the City should be offering him market rate. Rues Maguire, Ci.iy Engineer, stated this ie part of the state highway project and that the item would be taping up fot a public hearing on July 18. A3. Pat Dutton, 11405 Cenova, stated he wag inteieated in the multi-family item workshops ahd asked [or a notice to be sent to aim once the dais ie eat. MOTION: Movetl by Biown, seconded by Alexander to adjourn to HxeCUtive Session to disease personnel matters. Executive Session to adjourn to the June 29, 1990 meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. The meeting adjourned et 10:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dsbre J. Adams City Clerk Approved: o .................................i:iiisss":......... c - „~~ :;: ~: ;~:3: ~~SSS `~4]:" .,. .,.. ..~~.... :~~oe....~~~~. ..,...........:.'e.me... 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L T Ea E U U L v E 0 0 O L U L O O ~ O L o c L L y a ~ rn w • w o m o s N _ i N C c a m o n w 6 N O N a U L C 2' Z ]~ C a O 9 10 41 h` ~ o ~' 9 a u z ~ ~ s Y ~ u m c v a RI vl U T i~ P _ J m O 6' L a L L ao u a a w ~+ w in c Q o L ' C aK 6 N p Z o Vt Q ~ ~. ~~ 6 -~ W /J f:1 P J ~ ~ E 3i N L E ~ rn K 1 D' • 1 n n COPY._~ - .._.. _.....~.T...r..__ 1 8 1 N C d r+ Np11CA,W3E ta. AlCO11WIC aEO.]ia IICApyf) I. IYIF(s) OF nCFN3E(s) f6E NO. [a U<paMwY d AbISY< M<.ap. [gnlnl 1101 Ywd.v[ II[RgE iq. SUJY74 Snrmr<o, Cd1. T.tt16 rt1VC163~6 ~..~....o.n. w<.....~ Ji vVE ~SfYA6 n1:.L :a12 19A:' [.[Y CODE ~ 5 Iio «H<rivmd MYMY appku b fiorun Mvibd m la6o.e Poe. Ixu<d x. NAAIE16) a A[RNANTI3) T.n4. [<rndl 06601] lh•Y-max A[p[N udw 5<c xau ^ CIT.dIw De<n [.6wnp El1«nY<Pox: 7-]-90 J. mrySl 0[ 16AN6ACOONIS) ~ lK' 7rn r~rc. :ot. 3 i~...~A y dl - CT 1] 1. Nonx d 6uWxn S lxnlian ol6wn~«-NumMr and SxM I - n.le Ar Tienl.l Av6.. i I city and Lp Ced. County ~>L.v i]lLmna iLil Yl7i SAe. na<a.><,•[ro TOTAL 3 1511-.u ...._._ r ,. _ _ _. e.oroo. comM A<1 > .<pubxwn d ~. P.pwmxm p... 11. E<plwn a "YES" anl.<r x ixmo V w 10 an an an«Mrm1 wnl<n Nell M GXT<O Por< ar INr npplicollM. Ix. Applkanl opr«< lo) IMI airy mawpv <npbyd in omwl< li«nxd pr.mir<.ill Mn all •. proli6<ar'rom of a G<nx<, and Ibl IMI M will rw Yiabx a coax w pnmil ro M Mdaxd wv of Me prori6m< d M< Almbolf< Mxa[< eomml An. __ lx. STATE Of CALI[OANAA Caumy d ________________.21otA10x________Pox______.. _.___5 26 JO__.. uiMr MMM1 / <v M +M.,wr . «. M M ygmn... M MxH ~Tw nn I..r< ~Mn ~• nn ~Wnn~ ~ ~ ifs n..r ~ ~.yYw:~ N ~ M ~<M,nn. n n.Ma M <n n M ~m ~M Nniln~~~rrn • ~.Mr I'~+A~. ili nn X~ ,mlw<<Mvxr,r~b .ion ~ F .?e A, wl.~.r . M1 imm.n .~w n. i<4~.+< ~.~M.M1 w DTtir It AFRICAN 51GN H!E! _________________________________________~ .___________.___._._._.____________________.____.______.._. .9!_________________________________________________ .._........__. .___...__._.___. •fvucd[rroq ar radEnvaaoa - IS. siAi[ [M Ullf0[NIA [amry W......._~~A1O6 ....... ..........Pex..... 5/7/90 u.r w~.n..I sn .<w J^r< ~. W.. n.i14. w< w . h ~.<.+ .nwn< W. w M ,x<.<n Ir xn In.<w.< nom/. c/twn. <Ar ~niM ~. n iw<M. III M x .nAr .fin wn.aa w . n..Mr< Fnnnl A~MM W. r h ~rrWN .+< ~.w., •4~.< .. 4:' .rW~~ ~ A^wA n~In n <Mn•M h A. OLrn.: ill Ax M x.nx <rV+w:n . s«nM w<ntlw u ti ~~ ~< n^M M1 n <..<~< w+rN w ~< 2~ u~w. ~ Iuw M Y w nwtlw <~14w1n 'n <M N. M 0.<.r~a~ ~ nwY.Nµ <Mn<r n w MM. i+n rnln. N x.nM. <i wn N x~~A< «.Mnr ~r M .nW... h nM xn +i~nx . iM I~.nr .~ nn4w Y<4mr N A Fwrwr~ m ~t 1 6. Il lnmlw<li«nwd, 1. An hemM<ImiM SIro. TYpolk.rw 61-r1J757 Ciry limi6t Y68 6. Aldlirq Addm< lil G6<rmt kem 31..JIuInM eM SxM rt<.ri ~Tw.l Da Na w*. teb1F rA4 Lbws For Ehp,nII1.M Ur on]E All6<M/: Q Eomrbd nelln, ^ .............._.----------------------~---~._ cones AUIIED .."~---'----------------------°----- ,..~.., n ^Iwwd: M d-.........lMI M .........:.:..: •..______..... 06b en.____............A6nip Nw ._............_._____. APN# 209 211 32 Currently Zoned; General Industrial within sub-area 4 of Industrial Specific Plan Zoning of Ad.iacent Properties; North General Industrial, Industrial Specific Plan Sub-areas 4 & 3 South Medium Residential, 8-14 OUs AC East :General Industrial, Industrial Specific Plan Sub-area 4 (vacant) West :General Industrial, Industrial Specific Plan Sub-area 4 33 Joe torrez 25 .tun ' 10 90'l8 Archibald Ave. Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 81750 ~'~ COPY ~ v __..M.._...~.d. ~....I.......~,trA__ ~~ Q 1 (!q O C d A/MIG7pN !a ucollo!]e wow lln3rn 1. rrrl/sl a 11ceAS!(n mi rAO. fa 019wuw d A4aiJk lnwaol CaiMd 1101 Fad.sq IIlGEOR Op, 30)959 Sma.IJS,fd1. 9lili IISrIril0e ~« r«.I ~IUnw~ 00 iili MF i MLIi ~ASItIb aILCi u COO! ]613 il~Mn]Id ~~ielul~b Ir.Id L 11AA!!(A or AlfIKANTIA TIIIt. hrn,il IJIJfO. G!L[yn L. i 1 J. OIIpb AL'it~d ~~ SIt ]~ ~ N11Nw Oath IiiW Vw IIIKNn Dox: - x me(sl d 1MNSAC110NIn ~ lK. lY1E ~~._' a - ~ is ! x00.0O It ' } iepvil M ~I9x.00 4~Ntw1dlltln111 G].w~i _ s i sa iw., twsl. sso w c ~ C~ pp ry1 f]l l Wl'~O~NOi110116i 977]0 Mlp ~iurNna IOTAI fi9B.00 T I 6 ~ ~M1wNM WMMa. _ n nwmtx MNwY Tw1!llwwl w nrnWMen M M Onlarnllet pw- 11. laplain a'?!3" mn+Ir p 01we a w 10 en m IlgshTlM «hkb Mdl Iw dlnnld pert d Mil Ofa31a3^^. 1]. ApplkwN IpNt Iel MM ar/ mwwiw Iwpbyd in Mrs11 Iklnrli pwiNr .ill hart eq IM g1eltilarieM d a lelmw, end (bl rbt M «91 M w11oM w awr w pvNt b M rlNaMi anY of tM po.IJam d MI Alaebdk lnlrail Cwm11 AN. 1]. 3TAn d tA1v0e+u Caunry'N __ ~^rLL0'- tw 6/]]/~--.___ _. YnV ~~ J ~:wr~ w1. A~ ~~ ~1 ww~ Mw. ~«xIw wJ .:1: W M w'nw.. w M M :M wI1«w~. w .b N M «MF«I ~«t+nM. ~1 In iw1N1 7/14Min. M~ nMri ~ :r. M~ yM:M w e Ynnr el M y~M ~M M Nn Mn +««r w Tn M .w+~ +wwr «I M .«A ti .x :rwn Mr aM w ~ i4 wr x. Nrnr :wn :4 nNMM w «M.wn M w:r hn w w1:«~ h.wr :. W W/es+~ w n11bx~YMar n w i..MU .r .~ Iw .X4E w~ nN:rw« n +4: M nwnlw ./J1«Mw~ w w~w« nwn~w :w W n wFF .ti rw N ~ Mw w N iNM r .wn n.. n:wM1 11F xJ ..w Mn nw.I+:s. In n ww :4 ~mM «NXwM :r :w M«~Nw w r ey w w:JinX . wNn~ N w hww~ ~r.1:.. N ~mlr:w w X iAwM w FMn F O.I~w IwAww~ Ifl Ir Y :mJw «MMM. w~ w N«Iw~n F wM1r Xw 1M4w w h hr..M in rMwr ~wIW1 w M~..w. , ~~~ / - // /// .. SIGN MElE ~.-_-...__ .............. ..._s=____.G.T ...._ ._a-.._.__._.__._.........__... ~rruc]!Tlof! ~r nuw~n!!o!! 13. sun a uuloaMA caalry N_-_.._....__.....____..__-_._--IML...°----...----_-.--- urw w..1. • .w1... «I .w... Nww 1..+• ...........Mw. w w.. n w » .. i+....... I.wwi.. Jw. « M ~...n. 1«,~. ^~ w :r. rww+r •4v wM:rM. M «Iwn1 w n:J.:rw ww w+..:r .~ in Wn ~n ww r W.F .ww gWM4 w «++rw .. JI Mn1~w Y M N:nIW ~~wwl Mo4N Id.w wJ w r.Jw ^ n Y ,mow w:t .r Nslw~ iM.w/ M .I«. wrM N W W/YMr . Mu n iM ti4w X wn.M M M el~«iw: i4 Iwl +w •W ~Rwl«, w FEW MJw x r +W V MMr Aw Fr~« M . 4~ r n Mw «: ~~N w4n1 M :r. ~ wnM1 IT ISM b ~ « w4X w :~wMw ~W~+ y W wM 1w A^r1~w w 4 wk w wwMM ~1MI~Y~ItwIl111Y1M Irti«, b..llw~•'InN:rn1« ~ I.n«e.l nw J MIA w IIFrs nn iwNM 111 bM NN MtY1 Mlor7'M! Lirl Pw Dlrrlwlw Uw UM1! ~~~' ~ ~'~ ems' 3/]]/90 ^ MwwrY ptpr4 ~i s ~~ ~ '~ ~~~ ~~ . l~ ^_ C C =- `~ ~~ (< Fo 5- ~m w I ~ mC. U a ~ _ ~~~ ~u 1, __ l]313 I ~ Il i ~C I N~ n ~ ~ I it ~ R~ I ~ ~~ I I N$ i i ~ i - ~ ____ I -_ - I a i ~ ~. InII r I 6 I t $y ~b a ~ l ~ ~ 'o 0 9640 Center Ra nchoucamonga, Ca. 81750 APN 210 391 23 n,rrrnrly 7nned: Industrial Park within sub-area 6 of the Industrial Specific Plan anU Haven Ave, uveriay. Zoning of Ad iacent Properties: North Industrial Park, Industrial Specific Plan sub- area 6 and sub-area 5 South Industrial Park, Industrial Specific Plan sub- area 6 and vacant area in City of Ontairo. East Industrial Park, Industrial Specific Plan sub- area 6 and Haven Ave Overlay. West Industrial Park and General Industrial, In- dustrial Specific Plan sub areas 6 and 5 25 Jun 90 Joe torrez I ~ 99 i b--- n J COPY.:: - ..~ _..~..~..~._.__ MVG110M ~ M(pq{R .E... J~tl 1, tt1F(S)'J1 LICFNSFI!) 111E NO. r. oer.rreNl d umrk E1.waw C.nFal I w v t p ~ ao111T No. u1, vfEl! luwnlel sa ar ;.N^N..eNw..-•^-' al Yli EEE11 lµ cone xss E..N.r"a"+°a..n~~bE...appe° 1« F~N.e z. mat a ,F1n¢.Nrpl T"'O' """'" lar Ooo ToYO ~sgbe Nna.r s.e. a.tu ^ EENMb dale iYYew F11NaNb 4e1N: ~r OYw }oeq J. TY1H51 Of TeANSACENJN(S) ~ IK' 111E __ ___ S ~ _ • F4w d Wtlwr • Ewb !, LscK~r. of fwinnr-NNmb.: e! 5!lew J• + l ,. w l t ~ ^ aw. C~l v u tl t ~ ~e d Cw1~r ^teor cs~ f11]0 Nv YrnYelm iOT~I S 100.00 > ~= r}w A IIN~ N-1lXfV ~~ CM urnAt Inl.aiw . t MaLrle AddrNO IIf 6Eelom Ira. !)-NNnMr wld Snw1 nMl Ir.~l 9. Nara yee obr eenll .wNi.M d a Ielenyl 10. IIsNN yw N.v .Ialebd aer d ~ pe.'wne d t. tkdo4 A; ~ lu~m' IeV w 11 tn} M « rqubteb d IFe ONpsFmb wn 11. }~IVIe a "1G" Mwv b 9«M V w IV m m NIRIwMnI vFRF Ydl b MNIN VOn IX IAr ePPE~OEM. 1}. N~rrlwenl apob lel Ibl wl' babwr oMAryNE b ak.NN Iww.W pwn~«r .NI Feb dl Yr µel~lkaon OI O Ik1mw. OM (FI Ma M vMl ml Webb « [ew « 1erbE b M Nblabd onY d IAN pe.:iwn d M ~bddk Nr«eEe conlrW M. 11 ETtiF W G1110eMA Ceenn d._Laelt_______________________Eeb._~~K~._._.__. IwAr r..b A rn+rl Mru Newnr w~ +~ yFa. ~ Mr nMvn.. r. .4 J M ~~ r+~+ Nr .~brlb Me+r.. M n~4.M w .Jr M rwrMbiw w n .M: ,T er~b nrNU~;~ ~M I.wr Y s.Nnr rrrl .I M r.A ti W M rF w. wY+r ~ rrKrNr M ~. rwr .;i.r ire u w. Syr. ~ .rWrrr whnl w r ~~.Mwr .,N. M1 In~x;u h rrr ~.-bl..w.n n rY. x. e.Ms .tiwx.... wbwN N.N. F n MMI ., Nrrr~+ ww.rr w brr iMb :4 Yr ~ -W Nr A•le i:ib i~W +. x.r 0.rwTwr~ ti,. ..W.w . nNn..r w ~ ti ~,. ms. M,~N ~ ;ti+r F r;Mw rl N~An: IP n~ M rr.N.r ~M.+'+..~r ~ -,Na.~• N. www M1 ~.~ ~ M I~n~rr .,w, ,.. m.lY InY~~^. M1 e.^I~ it A114CAM ~-...~ ~~`Ir~7 ~.~-, SKAI MEe !1_._.___________________________________n .!....._.._________..___________....._._..._......_.______.. •rt,EK~noEE ~r nuwsnROa Is. sr~Te a cwrolEx~ c.Nlly d-------`u••••u• ..............ow.-__-_-_!~?o[L°-__... ti I.b+...,I..n.F. w .r.W......+• ...w .~ :1~ :."..`..w;`.~ •i .: » +.w .r.~ ~.r .....r b ;4 WwM W.nMp Yeirr F/r~ rn1 rr rwrl~ ~~ a N:r rblis+ M r~~ N :M1I br~ir~~n tip, N iJ ~~ n ~F..r y Y tt.n~; ;11 M M ~~I+ .ye.n ~ nbr~ r'ww ~r ,~~ w VNr w rn~~r N . ;w 1~r~ '4« Iw Aw NMr 4 ~~1 :Y Nn ~ hr r~n4 44w4~ N M ern~w~ ~ wMws ~. N W F ~+«~ rl xwNr~ ~ 4 YF~N ~ ;.M. wn r..W~ M wrlw~: 'rl M w w,n4 ~rNrw, +r ~ ~M~n F W~ M wYar r M IIr..M w ,...l;:.N MYIMr w;V ew~~ Q rlle.a /w d___.______AY r__._______ .................. oEln on...............__AwNp Iw. }t. letMbn FSwr1r one etM CIII' Olle ~ Cede CooM1 tY]f E[dWL tw., ttwY CYYYY ITAI terl0 lY tYYNIY 0. NN w*E HMr 7'AY eA.rl Den DewnwYt ule ou11. IFweM6 O E«w4t nelko, ^ AtN~r sewn, ~ -'---'-'-'------..._. --------_calro w11tm ---------'--~~~ _.__._.__._.._. '~ S rR~6r B K SUBS 9026 Archibald Ave Rancho Cucamanqa, Ca. 81750 gPNfl 209 211 32 Currently Zoned; General Industrial within sub-area 4 of Industrial Specific Plan Zoning of Adjacent Properties: North General Industrial, Industrial Specific Plan Sub-areas 4 & 3 South :Medium Residential, B-14 DUs AC East ;General Industrial, Industrial Specific Plan Sub-area 4 (vacant) West :General Industrial, Industrial Specific Plan Sub-area 4 37 25 ,dun 1990 COPY._..~.....~~. ____ YRSIFAl1OM Rq AlCO1NIK ~M/M FFS7tlElf1 1, rvfE(SI P IICENSE(Sl NlF ND. Tt DRRSenxR M Akehdk Mwep. CpnlrN 1aal Smed,rof RSeerRidN m BATS eFLR • riles RECEWf NO sD)e)) sw._.Ae, cdR.9x1e ~xm annc cua cEacRARNICAI .n.x.inn.wri..' h CCDE )515 t e'n' ~'w'b m~ A ~b OeN le luwd ]. NAME(SI Of AffIKANI(51 i.mp. Rwmir AppRRd vndw Sec ZqM :::Wl, Duc BAp c Nel TRH FM<1ire DeRx Iunenee FIIxNn DRln: ]. 1YIE(5) Of TRANS.ACTION(5) fFE lH:. me t Npr )G0.00 NI AmpAl lee 198.00 1. Ne W Svq ~ ~ Gniru uck S, lxolien el Ivwnx.-NVmM< o~d SNM aAi i-a nARev Aw. Ci7 aM ZiP CoG CwmR y iANCHO C'4C.rNOIOf. 91]]0 Bkp Mrvazdlm tOTAI A90.00 ~` I I ~. SMx h~ • I lkmN -_ nn eremnx mriw YeR Y~° Ciry limiryp 5. Moilirq Add..u fil diRxenl lrRin n-Nwebm eM SNM n.,yi,.,,.1 150] Dpnner Y., MOn[cL1r. G ?I)6! p~N 9, MarR Yw mx bwn <en•in.d W a M1bny1 lo, Ibrn you .ver .iobNd onY M dN preririxn. of dN AkRhdk Rermvgn Cmrrd M w repRbeam vl the DnponmeM p.n roininp Iv MO Afri I t. F.plein o "YFS" emxm b iM1m. 9 m 10 en en Mrwhm.m eN<M1 J.vll be dwmed w<r of Ihia eeWko0w. IZ. ApPlkam Rgrew (Rl Ihie airy meneper nrnpbYM in oxwk li<enxd wxniur hill barn 11 M. gwlM<a0mR el a Rwnw, end ' .bl rhM IN hill M riNaN a <ewe war ro 4 riebrH any of rh. po.iiem of the AkohWk S..wape CmFOI A<r. _ i n <r.r[ ne .u uMUU vt o+. M. .. r _ ___________________________________________ __________c.,.. _......... /^M I MM xx., M.. m xxn..n w :+ „M a» r~, . ti tinxA, 1. .N+w M 1 . M:M :I N•N ~~Mn~ n i4, ~aM . yMn. ~rMrn ~ M ~ ~ • n.Mr ,i n..a/w~,~ M,r rN axn ~wnx~ w, r ...u...n x nN. h .xur.nr ...r. i...w ..w m rM ~ i...l~h n 14 ARRICANI SIGN NFRF .. ~ ................... je_____ ............................................... ~nuurFOn ~r rwESrtROR 1!. STATE Of CApfORNIA Cemry el.... .................DaN__._._.__._......_..___..... YMn .N~r ,.~ ~~iA.x~, rr • M lank,. , ~x M M ~ ,n.~wwx w..n... « ..r_ ~.: ,w.,.,.x.w n x..x, ~,n `:... '..... . xx, ~'.." lynn. .:Ix. m'M.i.l wx.. wMmw e.N. I.,.r.....~~ .A.xw . A. +... n ...~1:~ w..w • wx:., ~u *n . w,.l~. n 'mx ~..r . r. A. x ~rx wn~ n.w n:M M~ wnM. M 4r n M •0.r~w.w~. N. n .. '"" . ti~ .« ,,..n. w ..,n.....~ ».. m n.nM w.nr« , ., ,.w.en. wn.n . n..n„,x ..A `,,.~.. .+.x, „ >...~--I r x xw..n .. oP Na WNR leb.R 1Zdf unrr ForlhwNNRn! Vw ~ Anwhed: ^ RwardN nelke, ^ fiM<Iery RRPwA ~~__._ 5/]/ 0 ..______ .................... __._.._CDRIFS MAILED ......... ~'.___._____________.....___....... '~ Rew.el~ Rw W bb al ,•r^n1 1]~M m RxeiM Ne ..~, ~,...~ w... ~ s.ro7 e.odM. mr. w.do ,Mai F~.vt Mi t R,el. 042: - ~ Haven A:e Y I i Na7 IWm Gnwa 410f fl.ae SlW --M1t SMrlbw,i M17 ar Spny ups rn. r..~n shw- .un ~ A.y u.,k... ~~~ evsl t17] MrJVN, Al '§ ~4 A. 4 ~+ r~ ------ ~t Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 RPNR 806 622 34 Currently Zoned: Commercial W ithin the Haven Ave. Overlay Zoning of Adjacent Properties: North Commercial, Haven Rve. Overlay South Commercial, Haven Rve. Overlay Specific Industrial Plan sub area 6-Industrial Park East Commercial, Haven Ave. Overlay Specific Industrial Plan subarea 6-Industrial~Park kest Haven Ave. Overlay and Open area Vacant 39 25 jun 90 joe terrE2 --- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE; Ju 1y 18, 1990 TC: Mayor, Members of the City Council and City Manager FROM: Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director BY: Joan A. Kruse, Purchasing Agent SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO SURPLUS PROPERTY DISPOSITION - YAIYER OF PUBLICATION RECpMEN0ATI0N That the City Council waive the requirement for published public notice inviting bids for the disposition of surplus property. BACKGROUND Nith the move into the Civic Center> the City must dispose of surplus furniture used within the rental facilities at the Base Line Business Center and Ninth Street. A considerable portion of desks, chairs and tables were used to outfit the Public Safety Facility. The Community Services Department will also utilize excess furniture at the Led ig House, Lions Park and Ra ncha ~ucamonya rie iyliuuriwuu i,en lur. iue ,emu iuvei, eiii~ii in~~u~ca ~Ea 5, .~~~~~.. and tables, remains at the rented facilities. The City has been advised by the owners of the Base Line Center and Ninth Street properties to vacate as quickly as possible. It is requested that rather than a full blown formal bid, with advertising, which would add approximately two weeks, the Purchasing Division be allowed to proceed with an informal bid process without advertising to De submitted to several surplus furniture dealers to hasten the property disposition. The informal bid will be structured so that the successful vendor purchases the entire lot of inventory. The rental cost of keeping the surplus furniture in storage in these buildings at the rate of approximately 31,000/day will be more than offset Dy the speedy disposition of the surplus. As you are aware, the rate of return on used _ .. c...a.. .t..t th. ,.f t^ ete rho Aollan ,,,.,,,w, , ,~ ,., ~„~ .y, ,~ .,, ~ ~..,. „ ..,, ...... _.. _ _ Respe~c~tfu l ly(su~~bmi~tted~ JTm Hart Administrative Services Director JH/JAK/deh n-. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Henry Murakoshi, Associate Engineer e~3 SUBJECT: Approval of the Environmental Initial Study, Parts I and tI for the proposed Banyan Street Improvement Protect from Eastwood Avenue to Hellman Avenue; and issuance of a Categorical Exemoti on therefor. It is hereby recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution accepting and approving the Environmental Initial Study, Parts I and tt for the proposed Banyan Street Improvement Protect from Easbvood Avenue to Hellman Avenue; and issuance of a Categorical Exemption therefor and direct the City Clerk to file a Notice of Exemption pursuant to the California Environnw!ntai Quality Act. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Thi< rennrt OretPll}C an Fnvi rnnmental Acceccment Tni ti al Studv for thr proposed Banyan Street Improvement Protect from Eastwood Avenue to Hellman Avenue, In conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act and State Guidelines, the attached document has been prepared to permit construction of the above-mentioned improvements. Said protect entails the widening of a collector street. It is the Engineering Staff's finding that the proposed protect will not create a significant adverse impact on the envlromment and therefore recommend that these improvements be classified as Categorically exempt. Resp ~itted, / .~ !/ Maly menu RESOLUTION N0. 9O'r)' 7Y A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OF A•CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION FOR THE PROPOSED BANYAN STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FROM EASTWOOD AVENUE TO HELL141N AVENUE. NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has reviewed all available input concerning the proposed Banyan Street Improvement Pro3ect from Eastwood Avenue to Helinw7n Avenue: and WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment Initial study has been prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves the Environmen a ssessment Initial Study and issuance of a Categorical Exemption for the proposed Banyan Street Improvement Pro3ect from Eastwoo6 Avenue to Neil man Avenue. SECTION 2: The City Clerk is directed to file a Notice of Exemption pursuant owe aTlfornta Environmental Queltty Act. ~~ S. ~~, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW APPLICATION INITIAL STUDY -PART I selieRA~ For alt pro,lects reputrtng environmental revier, this form Host Da completed and submitted to Lhe Development Review CoswittH through the department where the protect application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Pianntng Division staff w111 Drepan Part II of the Initial Scuev •nn mw . 'oar .o .~anniny ~oss+ssion. 1M Planning Goaatission will make one of--three~,determtnatlons: (1) The Dra~ett will have no significant enviromnental impact and a Megatiw Declaration will De filed, 2) The project wi 11 have a slgn ifleant anvi ronMntal impact and to Enviraaeental Impact Report will be Drepared. or (3) An additional infor+aatian report should be supDlled Dy tM applicant gluing further tnforeation concerning the proposed pro~act. Date Filed: Pr0~ect Title: Re Ct nnnf imnr•nvnmantc Faefw~n~ n Hellman Applfcaot's Mama, Addrefl, Telephoto: .itv of Ranc ha Guramonaa Enaineerina Division 10500 Nv;n r.n....• n..a .... ~',,, Lucannnaa. l:A_91730 Name, Address, telephone of Person To iM Contacted Concerning this Pro~eet: Henrv Murakoshi, Associate Civil Engineer (714) 989-1862 ext. 23'x3 lOCat tan of Pro~eet: Banyan Street. Eastwood Avenue to Hellman Avenue, within the northwest corner of Rancho Cucamonga _ Assessor's Para} Ib.l List otMr pef+llts necessary Irde local, regional, state and federal agencies and the agency lssuinq such peraitsl Rcnc "TJ PROJECT DESCRIPTION Proposed uie or proposed prO,leCt: Pro iect involves new pavement from existing edge of pavement to the ultimate oa vement width (20' half width) minor Swale grading and new tlriv approaches _ Acreage of pro,lect area and sVUare footage of axlsLing and proposed bufldfngs, 1f any: N/A Descr/6e the envfrormental sett lna of the pro~act stta lnelud tog lnforeat ton on topograDhY. s~~~Y. DTants (trNS land antsuls, any cultural, htstarfcal ar semic asDaets, land use of surrounding properties, and the description of any extstfng structures and CMIr use (attach netassary S heeLS): ThP tooth PidP of Ra nvan unAer cnnstructiotLis residential. The north side is an orange prove. Street width 15 reduced from a collector road with full improvements to an unimproved two-lane road. A dirt shoulder on each side is used for parking and pedestrian traffic. This shoulder will be improved to A.C. pavement. Two historical landmarks, }hP Wa ~rnn/Thn.nu wn~~CP ?nrt }hP fnorlit~ wn11fP arP lnratPA to the Is the project part of a large pro~ecL, aM of a serlas of efiautattve actions, wA1eh although lndlvldwily small, may as a whole have significant environmental 1eouL No ~~ YtLL THIS PROJECT• vES NO 1. Create a substantial change in ground contours2 _,., X 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise of produce vibration or glare? _ K 3. Create a substantiai change in demand for muninpai • serv5cas (Police, f1n, water. sewage, etc.)1 ~ ,~, 8. Create changes in the existing Zoning or General Plan designattonst _ x_ 5. Remove any existing treed Haw manyl_L X 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potenttatly hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives2 _ X Explanation of any YES answers above (attach addltlonal sheets if necessary): Une windrow of 3-4'diameter Eucalvotus tree will be removed to accoxmodate A.C. shoulder 1. Estimate the amount M ewran~ anA en11A .. ~ -~t7ri:,i Lnii yr uj Ri will generate dally: 8. Estimate the number of auto and truck trips generated daily by this protect: 9. Estimate the amount of grading (cutting and fi111ng) reeulred for this protect, 1n cub lc yards: 10. If the protect lnvelves tM construction of nstdentlal units, eaalplete the fares an tM next Dage. CERTIFIGTI4s I h.reey certify that the stateeenta furnished above and in the attaMed exMbits present ehe data and tnfofmatton required for this inttia! aviiuaLton to LM bast of my a011ity, and that tM fKLs. stattlaents. and inforwation prefentad are true and correct t0 tM best of my knowledge and be11N. I furtMr understand that addltlonal inforwatl0n may be raduired to be submitted Defoe an adpwte avalwtlon can be glade by tM Planning Division. Date: G-yp-9o SignatuN T1ele Associate Civil Engineer ~~ RESIOENTiAI CONSTRl1CTfON The following information should be D-ovtded to the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division in order to a16 the school dtrtrict to assessing their ability to accommodate the proposed nstdential 4evelopment. peve]opers art re7utred to secure lecten free tM school district for accommodating the increased number of students prior to Issuance of building permits. .,..».. u. .~.i"ri i~r~r ~iw d~itiLi.~ Ti ~~t iiiw.. Specific Location of Project: PHASE I PHASE 2 PNASF 3 PHASE 4 TOTAL 1. Member of single faeily units: 2. Hun'ibar of multiple famitly units: 3. Oate orooosad Lo begin construction: 4. Eartlest date of occupancy: Model} and ! of TenLetlre 5. 9ed~ Prta aanee 7~P CIIY OT AANCRO C•CAYDYGA PART II - IsITIAL STUDY EhUIROY!ffVTAL CEEC:~:.IST DAT°: APPLICA:T: City of Rancho Cucamonea FILI:(C DAT:: LOG NlJt1DER: PADJEC:: man van: Street Imorovement~ - Ea<twood Avtni t H llman Avenue PRnSr~- i.0!'~T'rnN• n--- ~ 'vwnu t HP11 nLa Av n I. EWIRO"2'V1'AL I>@ACTS (Ezplanacion of all "yea" and "eaybe° anriere as squired on etcachad aheeeil. YES 4AYEE q0 1. Soils and Ceoloxv, V111 the proposal have slgni: icanc result: Sn: a. Cnscab le ground conditions or do changes In gee logic relationships? ~ X D. Disrupcione, diaolae.m....•_, _ _~_---,,,, ,,, Du r1a1 of the soil? X c. Change in topography of ground surface con COYr InteNals? X d. The deacruetian, covering or moditieation of any unique geologic or physical teacurea? _ ~ X e. My potential lnereaee !n vlnd of voter erosion of coils, at tooting either on os o[f du Bondi tone? X f. Changes in Bros ion slice[ ion. or depo eielon? _ ~ B• lxpeev re et people or properey co geologic haze cds weh as earth quake, lsndslldes, mud- slides, ;round failure, or similar hazards? ~ __ X h. M Snc[ease in [M sea o[ extraction and/or use o[ any mineral resource? X 2. Hvdroloxv. Vill the proposal have eigniticanc ruuics ln: ~~ • yeS °~'i__ _ a. Changes Sn currents, or the course of d!:ett!on of floving streams, rivers, ar eyhe-oral scream channels' __ ~ b. Changes Sn absorp c!on races, drainage patterns, or ehe race and amaunc of sur£ac• water runoff? c. Alceraclona eo chs coupe or tl tw of flotd waters? x d. Change in chs amount of surface eater !n anv body of vacer? ~ x 6. Discharge into surfau var... - _.. _..~ alters clop of surface water Quality? ~_ _- x f. Alterat lop of groundvapr charaeteriatica? ~ ~_ g g. Change in the quantity of {zoundvacesa, either through dirett addltSons or wieh- drawals, or ch rough Sn eerfenne• with an aquifer? Quality? Quaneiey? ~_ ~ h. The reduction !n chs amount of vacer ocher- wlae ava !!able for public va ur suppllq? ~ ~ 1. Exposure of peool• or nrr...... __ __, - ^ related hazards such as floodin{ oz salt hea? ~ 3. Alr Oualf;y, pill the proposal haw a3{niClcanc results in: a. Conaeanc or period is air amisaiona from mobile or indirttc aourcu? g Sca cionary aouruaT _ ~ b. Da urloration of amb lent air quality and/or inurfenhce vich chs attadnmenc of applicable ~ air qualicy standards? _ __ ~ C. Alta[at10n Of lOtil OL Tfgi0nil ClimaSSt Condition!, affau ing aiT movemene, mo if cure or Gmperatun? x 4. Biota F1__ra. pill the proposal have si{nitleant resulea in: a. Chsnge in ch• eharaeceriaUca of apacies, inelud!n; divers lty, discr Sbuclon, or number of any species of planes? i(~ _ __ ~ b. Reduction of the numbers o''tjj''any unique, rare or aodan{e red species of plants' 5 6 7 c. Incroduc clan of nav or dis captive species of planes into an asset ~ d. Raduction in the potential for agrlculcural produc cion? ~ Fauna. Gill the proposal have aignif icanc resul ca in: a. Change in the characgrla clq of species, including divers icy, dlacribuclon, or numb era of my apiClBa Of 3,lSmals? X b. Raduction of eha numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? _ ~ aniaala Snco an aru, or result in a barrier co the migration ar movement of animals? __ X d. Decerioratlon or removal of existing tish or wildlife habitae? _ ~ Population. Will [ha proposal hsva aigniflcanc rasuits Sn: a. 4111 cha proposal altar the location, dlscrl- bucion, dens icy, divsra icy, or grouch ra ca of cne h~uan population of an area? _ ~ b. 4111 the proposal affect existing housing, or -_-.•.. 1.~n.u.i iu. addicionai now ing: ~ X Soc io-Economic Factors. 4111 the proposal hsva signli icanc eatulta ln: a. Change in Ioeal or regional soclo-exonomic charactaeisciea, tneluding acono~le os co®arclal divassiey, tat rata, and Droparcy value? X b. Wi1L pro~atc coats be aQuina6ly dfacribuud aaeng pre~aeC benaf icier Saa, S. a., buyan, tat payers or pro~eec users? _ X land qae and plannln Consid erariana. piii eha propmaal hsva sign if icanc maul ca in' a. A aubaeancial al a roc ion of cha present or planned land uu of an aru? _ X ' b. A conflict with any daafgnatlona, ob~accivea, policies, or adopted plena of any govarnmancal enclaea? _ ~ c. M Space upon the gala icy or quantity o[ atlacing conau.:pclve or non-e sunp rive raarucienal opporcuniclu+/~~ _ X yr 5 •;~Y_ _ 8. T[a nsoorcatlon. Hill [he pra pos al have s13n!f Scant ren al ca 1«: a. Ganarac ion of aubacancial adds aonal vehicular movement? X S. E_'!ec cs on existing streets, or demand for v nav street conaczuc ciao? ~~ c. Effae cs on axlacing Darking fat dll Iles, or demand foi nsv parking? _ _ X d. Substantial impact upon existing cransDOrca- Cion ava uma~ e. Al ee ra dons co praaanc paecsrns of circula- clon or mevamanc of people and/or goods". _ _ X f. Alceratlona tm or affects on Praaant and potential va ter-borne, ra11, mass transit or air crafflt? X g. Lncruau in crafflt hasarda eo motor whieles, bicycliaca or pedea erlana' ~ % 9. Cu L:ural 0.esoutc ea. still the proposal have ugnif scene naulca Sn: a. A disturbance co the integrity of archaao lo61ca1. palaaneologlcsl, and/at hiaco rieal raaourees? ~ X 10. Health. Safety, and Nulsanu Fact ota. H111 the pra posal have aSgnlfiunc raaules in: a. Creation of any health hasard or potential health hasard? X b. Ezpotuza of people ro poundal hulch hasarda'. _ ~ e. A rink o! edploalon oe relufe mf hasardoue eu-aranua Sa the want o[ an aec idene' X d. Ap inzreasa Sn the number of ind lv !duals or apaelss of vector oe pa cheno6en lc organ SSma of cha exposure of paoDla co such organlsma? X •. Inc reaaa Sn exis dog noise law ls' ~, __ X f. Expaaure of Daople to potsnclally dangerous noise 1weU? X 5 _ O g. The creation of oblaccionable od ora? ,s X h. M incruae in light or glaze? ,__ X S VC] 11. Acs ehatics. M111 [ha proposal have elgnlf lcanc reauics ln: a. She obatruc coon or degradaclan of any ac an is VSaLa OL VSwi b. 'Iha treat ion of an ass chaclpslly o[f enaive site? _ ~ c. a conflict with the ob,l setiva of daaignaud or potential scenic corridors? ~ 12. Utll itiss and Public Sarvtcu. Mill the proposal have a aignit lcane need for nw ayac eau, or alterations to the tollwing: a. Electric power? ~ b. Natural or paekaaad gas? , ~ ~ c. Communications gatams? ~ d. Ma car supply? ~ ~ e. Maatwatar fac111tiea? ~ ~ E. Flood conirel atruecuns? ~ ]L g. So Lid vas ca facillclaa? ~ h. Fire protection? •_ X i. Pol iea pro catcion? % ~. Schools? _ % k. Parka or otMr raereatlotul laei11t1ea? _ ~ 1. Maintmenoa of public tae11lt1ae, lnelud ln~ roads ted Llood control fae111ciaa? % ^. OtMr ~ovassmencal urvleu? _ % 13. lna rer and Scaru Ruouren . Mill the proposal haw al~nifiuac :uulca ln: a. Use of sub scene lal or excise h•e fwl or energy? _ ~( b, Subscmclal incnaaa in deund upon existing sou rcu of mer`y? _ % c. M lncruse in the dmand foe development of new eourtu of energy? _ __ % d. M lncruu or perpetvat ion of cM consumption o[ non-nnwable tons of enemy, when fusible renwable eourus o! meryy are available? _ ~ .S~ ~~:- x=_s ~z:=_- sc a. Subaeancial deplae ion of any nonrenavab le [r scarce natural ruouru? 14. )tandacorv Findinaa of Sianitl tents. a. Dou cha pso]aet hava iM pogn[Sal eo d•{reds [h• quality of Ma anvironmant, aubacancially reduce cha habtcat of tfah ar vildlita species, cause • fLah or vildlita population co drop below calf auacainln{ lwalaa threaten to •liminaca • plane or animal cosawaiey, raduc• cha number or restrict eha ran{a of a rare or andan{asd pleat or animal or allmlaaca important examples of eha au]or periods o[ ~111.ao- Li nir. Cory o[ prahiacorq? __ X b. Dees the pro]acc hava the peuneial co aehiwa short-arm, co eha diaadvancaja oL ion{-nrm, anvisonmaneal {Dais? (A ahoet-term impact en the anviromanc is ons which occurs Sa a rslat3valy brief, datinielva period of time while ion{- earm impacts v111 endure wall iaeo cha tutus). _ ~_ X c. Dou cha pro)aet hava Smpaeea which as Sndividually 1lmlead, but eumulativaly considatabla? (Cumulat ivaly coaaidatabla magna chat cM lnc ramaacal aitaeu of an Lndividual peo~acc an conaidKabla when W w.d lu cvnnaccaon with cha •ttaees of pane pto]acca, and probab/• future pto]acta). ~ X d. Does cha pro]ecc hava anvlronmancal •Ifaeta which will cause aubseaneial adwraa aftaau on human bain{s, aiehar diseeiy os iadisecly? ~ __ % II. DISC:'SSION OF Eli1ZEDN!¢NSAL NALVA?ION (i. a., of attirmaciva answers co cha above gwaeloM plus • discussion of 9ropoaad mitt{scion muauraa). S~- S ?a: LII. DE'.EL`!LNATION On the bu is of chls SnSCial avaluaclon: 2 £ind ehs proposed prolecc COULD NOT Nava a algnitSCanc of £ect C on ch• anvironmanc, and a NILQJ(j~L/pRq~yltY=RQai will ba prepared. CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION _ I £Snd [hat although eha proposed prof ece could have ^ •SgnlEicanc I I effect on cM anviroomc, chars will not b• a algnifiunc eL£eet '-~ Sn ch is cue 6enausa cbs mitigation msasursa doer ib ad on an attached shut have been added co cha pro}eec. A BEGATri'E DEC'..UL\TZON DILL BE PREPARED. I ESnd cha proposed DrnS sec !tAY have a aignif Scant •Efe<c on the C env/roan[, and an EWIAGLRffNT L`~ACT REPORT Sa required. Dace G-20_90 ~~~~ Sigoacura accnriarn r;v:t c.,9;., Tiel• h, a. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ,4 DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer 8Y: Dan James, Sr. Civil Engineer ~ SUBJECT; A Resolution confirming the Importance of the Kenyon Nay Railroad Crossing located at the Southern Pacific Raiiroad north of ease Line Road between Milliken and Rochester "venues RECOMMENDATION: It is Hereby recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution requesting immediate consideration for construction of the Kenyon Nay Railroad Crossing and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign and forward said Resolution along with the related letters to Southern Pacific Railroad Company. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The City Council adopted the Victoria ConagnitY Plan on May 2U, 1981 ~~(~~~;~~.+..~ .-(.n ~t_N _.. nn ~..n r4 Fna tho ,.ni w_ t a< na~t of thu approval a~ railroad crossing was established for Kenyon May and therefore, the development of the residential comwnity was based on that railroad crossing. The developer, Nillfam Lyon Company, fs currentiy pursuing the crossing. However, southern Pacific is undecided as to the need for the railroad crossing. Attached are copies of letters received from vartous agencies supporting the railroad crossing at Kenyon Nay. staff also supports the railroad crossing. The attached Resolution requests that the southern Pacific Railroad Company process for construction of a railroad crossing at Kenyon Naq. Respectful~bmitted, tea/ i i7 :DJ:dI Attachments RESOLUTION N0. 7~-a~'J A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING IM~DIATE CONSIDERATION BY THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC AAILROAD FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE KENYAN WAY RAILROAD CROSSING AND URGING THE PROCESSING THEREOF. Whereas, the City has determined that the crossing is necessary and vital to the development {n the area and the protection of the public; and Whereas, various additional local agencies including but not limited to, schooY districts, fire department, police department, water district, etc. have also determined a need for the railroad crossing for the welfare and safety of all concern; and Whereas, Southern Pacific Railroad is undecided as to Lhe need for the railroad crossing. Now, therefore, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resoive that because of the potential for loss of life, severe inJury and extensive time delays, the Southern Pacific Railroad 1s urgently requested to make every effort to process the railroad crossing at Kenyan May. 5S CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: 6Y: SUBJECT: July 18, 1990 City Council and City Manager Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer Judy A. Acosta, Engineering Technician .~ Ordering the Annexation of CUP 89-17, located on the northwest corner of 19th Street and Amethyst Avenue, to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance uistrict rios. i d,iuu RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution ordering the annexation of CUP 89-17 to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Attached is the Consent and Maiver to Annexation fore signed by the developer for the subtect protect. This fora enables the City to annex property to existing maintenance districts where all property owners have granted their consent to such an annexation without conducting a puD11c hearing or posting. Also Tncluded is the Certificate of Sufficiency executed by the City Engineer. In addition, is the resolution to adopted by the Council to finalize the annexation. Respectfylly submitted, ,i. ~~ ~r ~ ~., RHM: sd Attachments RESOLUTION N0. 9Q. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR CUP 89-17 WHEREAS, the City Council of t~~e ",iy of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a spectat maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1912", beang Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and desiynoted as Landscape Maintenance District No. 3, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance Oi strict No. 6 (hereinafter referred r,. "e the "m"tntananrn District"1; and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, at this Lime the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or ~~i.,.y vi uu Enyineer s "ieeporc". YON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative bogy hereby orders the annexation of the pro r y s shown in Exhibit "A" and the work program areas as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including th~ a levy of all assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. 57 EXHIBIT •p• ASSESSMENT DIARiRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 STREET LIGFITMIG MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. Y AND 6 ~ 2ZSOa~ ,~ i r f 7 33' ' > o 0 e' ^~ ,-- - ~ ° 'x oV Ia 'F .. iQ ° 1 0 ~ ~~ I~ `i ~~i R. z ~ ' ~. ,,,, ~.... ~°-r, c~ ~ z ~e-cc ~1 g - ~% a d`~:,,z Gowrn~nw :/r..ul~~J 1 0° '`°"` """" M.°' `~f` ' 19tn STREET CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA C0~1NTY OF SAN BERNARDINO f ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA CUP 89-/7 El(NIBIT 'B' PROJECT NAME: CUP 89-17 N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: 2.42 d/u N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 4.84 units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of Lamps to be Annexed District No. 5800E 9500E lb,-WIICL;DDO1T,3DIT 1 --' 2 --- --- --- E i ___ ___ . e_ ___ LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Community Turf Ground Cover Trees District No. Street Name Equest.Trait Sq• ft. Sq, ft. Ea. 3 19th Street --- --- --- 11 Amethyst Ave. --- --- --- 10 s9 *> CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 TO: Mayors and Members of the City Council FROM: Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager BY: Olen Jones, Senior Redevelopment Analyst SUBJECT: CONSIDERATON OFA FEDERAL GOVERNMIIV'f RESOLUTION DESIGNATING CITY REPRESENTATIVES FOR THE ACQUISITION OF FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTIES. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the attached Resolution designating City representatives for the acquisition of federal surplus properties. BACKGROUND: Nono. ANALYSIS: From time to time, federal surplus property becomes available fnr dicnncitinn t~ Incal nuhlic aeencies. In order to maintain the City's eligibility to participate in this program, it is necessary to periodically update the names of the individuals designated as representatives of the City. It is proposed that the following persons be designated as the City's representatives: lack Lam City Manager Linda Daniels Deputy City Manager Jerry Fulwwod Deputy City Manager Jim Hart Administrative Services Director Respectfully submitted, Linda D. Daniels, Deputy Director CPO ~r SiAiE OF UNFpINIA-SYAiE AND CONSUMER Sa1Y1CF5 AGENCY GEdIGE DEUIfMEAAN, ae.V11e, DEPARTMENT. OF GENERAL SERVICES State Agency for Surplus Property ~ ~ ~ ~~ p YY l; I 2325 Moore Avenue ITY OF RANCHO CUCAMUI. Fullerton, CA 92633 ~ ADMINISTR~TiON (714) 992-09G0 ' MAY In 1990 7~8191nIll1~1312i314E.9~ A ancho Glr amDnoq, Cis, oI P.O. 80: 807. Rancho. Cucamonga, CA ~ 91730 MaY .B. 7990 Attention: -~- According to regulations cjbverning the Federal Surplus Property Proyram, all donee organizations must renew their eligibility periodically. Because our records indicate updated eligibility for your organization has not been accomplished in some time, we request that you complete the attached renewal application form and return it to us within sixty days from the date of this letter. Failure to respond within that time will result in automatic cancellation from the program. When~~your completed-form is returned to us, only those names listed thereon will be considered current. All previous authorizations .of personnel will be rescinded. You may attach an additional list to the form if needed. If you .have any questions, or additional time is required Por return of the completed form, please call. GERALD•E. SMITH, Directo~ State~Agency~£or Surplus Property GES/bt " attch. API .. State of California _ SASP Forte ZO1-A 11/U9 Dept. of General Serrlceac State ARenc2 for Surplus PropertP //,/ 2325 Moore Armue a/ _~_~~ /~ ~~~~ Y/ Fvllertov, C.1 92633 (714) 992-0900 :J 6 (O X~ P1.ICIBILTTY RENRNAL APPLICATION FBDRRAL SURPLUS PROPRRTI PROGRAM Name of orgenlzetlon Telep6ove Address Citl Count) ZSp Or{mintioo 1. .: PUhLIC ACFNCt___ IIOAPlOP1T ACmIC[ A. Cereerntlm J. hlnu Ednutlw !. Ecmmlc Derelopemt _[. h1nG awlN C. Flnutlm L. Older Iwrlrm Att !ar 3r.Clt{. D. Perks A aecmelm N. aowlaw Pntrr 8, Pebllc aeelth F. Pebilc Se[etr c. z er wr. uetee NORt - Gee{erle. rc-L-N N. oener lfnclades Ilbvp/eoeeis~) Mover of .{tea_ _I. Noeelua hgrw brollwt or wbr of dlwn wrrN R E S O L U T I O N "{a 7r REWLr® 61 eM Coreniq aaed, Q by tM CAiet Addefetnefre M[iw e[ thaw or{wlutlma vhich do wt Mra • prenlo{ 6aeN, sod barebr wderN LWt fM e[llcLl(o) and/or wplaree(e) vnow aw(e), tltla(e), eM d ters(e) en LwN Mlw eMll M r1 L (ere) Mrebr wtMrfnd m wr npreewutln(e) to ecwlte [tNnl wnlw prewrtr trw tM 611toroL Sute Atemr [ar Surplw Property wdw tM rerw oM LbMiNow ltetd m Me »reru side of ibis ton." NAME-(Prioe or tips) TTTLB SICNAIURB PASSED AND ADOPTED this Aq o[ .19 , h1 tM Gnnlq Hoed o1 -r tM tollevlq mbt Alet:_i aant~l ANntt_ Clark et sM Cwm1e{ amN o[ do MraN ureter Chet tM eoreplq L ell, [rw, and coy ect copy a • rewbtlm MopteO -1 tM awd et • wtlq Nerwf hdd et Sure{ubr pbce o[ wtin{ et tM 4eo eN -1 tM tob-a~twW, Mld1 reaolutlon fe on ills !o tM o![lce at the awrd. 0[ AOIDDR)Zm ehlo Es/ of ~~ I9 , hrt o fo Adelolstntin t lcar ltlrE i (S1wed) FOR STATE AG®ICT USB dpplfutlov sppeorLd: AppllrAtioo disapproved! Cet~enq o[ addltioval intottitiont Data Sidnede ~~ _ _ TERMS AND COND1710N5 (A) THE DONEE CERTIFIES THAT: l l) Nis • public a{[ncy; or a nonprofit inalilYlion or uganimien, exempt hem uaalivn under Section 301 of the Im[rul Reruue Codeof 1911; within iM mnnint o15alion 30JU) o(the Fedad PropenY and Admiaianlin Services Ad of 1919, m+mended, aM Ib[ rt{uhlioa of IDs AdminiNntor of G<nrnl S[nNO. (3) Ila publlea{etcy, the properly isne[dM arM will be cud bYlAe r«ipi<nl forunyin{oue or pmmolin{forlM mMrnuof yinnpolilininraolu or mort public purpo«a, nr, if • nvnproRt tax<ampt imljlution or mpr,imiov, IDr property is n<Med fm aM will be mod by IM reeipkm for sduulioul or public hea0h purpvus, including ranrthfvravch Pmpnu, o: (etpro{rams far elver individuk. ~ M pmpeny k not bemptquir[d Ivuvyvlba Vu orpuryou,or for wk yr other diaributlon; or for permantal uu outride Ih[ mte, exapl with poor approni of the able a{sary. p) Funds att anihDk to pay aV <om+od cWr{es incidem to doulioa. N) This wnuclivn shall Dr wbjea lmhe nondiuriminnion rcgukliom gvnrning the doulionvfwrylw penvulprvperlyhmeduMer Tilk Vl of the fivil Righb Act of 196+, Title VI, Section 606. of the Federal Property old Admininntive Scrvica Aa of ID19, a ametded, S¢lion S01 of the R<Nbilimion Acl of loll a+.m",M.A nn. rv ..rvw e~.....:__ ._._._ .... .. .... .. .__.,e.a :..a c....:... +m ..rah. •.+. n:...:,.,:..,:,.. +...r :avr l8) THE UONEE AGREES TO THE FOLLOWING FEDERAL CONDITIONS: (p Alliuma ofpropertY Shall be placed in uuforihepmpoubl for whkh¢quired within oneyorofreuipl andsMll b<LOnlinu<d in uufor m<h DUrpou(q fvf one yur from Ihr dale the proprrrywu paced in uu. Iv the erem Ihr property i+nol ao pb<ed in me. orconlinmd in uu, lhrdonenlull imnudiurlY nal;fy Ihr hale atwcy aM, aI Ihr dorce iexpenu, return a,uM1 prvpenY IYIhe aurcagevY, er olhenYt male the pwp[nypaikbk for Iumfer or aherdispoul by Ihr rW a aaMY. DrocidN IM propery intiV uuble u dnamined by the mu agnncy. f31 Swh+pc<ial lur,dlint or uu limimiom n arc Impoud by O[nenl Servka Adminisvation (G$A) on any itetn(q of prop[nY lirtsd hrrcon. (1) In the event lh<ywlunYinolwuud er hatbledurcquircd DYlBN ll and(3), IiOe and rigM1l mlhcpmunienof wch properly ahaflat lAroplion vfGSA rtrert Ip the Unimd Sutra of Ameriu old upon drnulW the dons atoll mkue each property Io rush p[rwa a GSA or ib dsrµnes sbV dual. (C) TIIE UONEE AGREES TO TIIE FOLLO W INO CONDITIONS IMPOSED BY THE STATE AGENCY, APPLICABLE TO ITEMS W ITH A UNIT ACV IIISITIDN COST OF fS,0000R MORE AND PASSENGER MOTOR VEH ICLES, REGARDLEBS OF ACQUISITION COST, E%CEPT V ESSELS 50 FEET UR MORE IN LENGTH AND AIRCRAFT: (q 'The Drop<ny shall b<uud only for IDs purpou(s) for rhkh acquired alto for no o1A[r purpoulq (3) Thne vh+a be a prriuJ of lutri<hon which will copier afrenuch prvprny has bmn uud for the pmpo«f0 for which acqulrtd for a paiad of I6 momb from Ih<dale the properly it pla<d in uu, ucrpt fonuch item+v( nulor cyuipment. lined hereon, on whkh the Hale a{[uy dni{ula • funh[r period of lnninien pl In thsaem th<prnpeny is not rou«d aueyuircd by IC%I) aM (3)and fedau rcslri<hom IBNII rod l3) haneapirtd Then Illk and ri{ht to IDs pesusvion 01 mch property mobs lot opbonol In[ rlrlugeaty rcvttl Io Inc 6laleol Uatormupd m<vpMC1N11 rtlo+nucn pmpeRY to rvcn perwn a lne bale agency shall dIRLI. lDl TIIE DONEE AGREES TO THE FOLLO W ING TERMS, RESERVATIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS: p) From lhr dneil r<ceives the prop<ny lin<d hereon and lMOUth Ih[prriodp)of lime the<ondiriom impoudby (Bl and (C)abore rtmain in effcn,Hu donee shall nYl all, Inds, leas, Igld, Nil, unnibuire, <rwumber, or olh<rmu diapvu of wch pmprny, of remora it p[rmanenlly, for vu outride the bur, without the prior approval of GSA unJn (B)ar the Hale aKrRY under (CI. The pruc«ds hem any +vle, ireAe, sou, loan. bailment, encumbnn«, or other dupoul of the properly, when wchadivn iumhori«d by GSA or by Ihealale agency, shall be remiu[d pwmptiy by Ihr done m GSA or Inc one a{eney, a the uu may be. 131 In the <venl any of the purpcrly lined baron iueld, W drd, IeaeA, locoed, bailed, cannibdixed, rncumDe«d, or othawia di+pmed of by the dome hom the doe it Icceiva Ih<prvprny Ihrou{h the period(s) o! Time the condiliom imposed by (B)and (C) «main in dfat, wilhvut th<prionppmral of GSA or the Hue atrncY, IAe dnn«, aslhe oplivn of GSA or the pas •tenq, rhall pay Io CiSAOr the bete atrneY. n the one may be, the proceedr of Ihrdi+poul or the lair moan value or Ih< (air renl+l slue of the property al the lime of m<h dispoul, a dnemriu<d Dy GSA er Ihr+nrc agency. Ill If al+nY Ymm, from Ihr date i1 r«eirn Ih<PmperlY throuth tM PerirWU) of lim<Ihr randitinm impnuJ hY IPIaIM ICI rtmain ineffeq, w) nlthe properly IiHra bacon i) nn looter+uita Dlr. treble, ur furlAc<nnJed by IAe dane<for the purpoac0llm xhich a<quiud, Ihr donee shall promptly nosily the one agrnry. trod shall, m di«cuJ by the vmm aFUT~ morn Ih<pwpenyto the aurc gooey. reka+e the pmprny to uother donee m+nolhrr Hue a{r,wY m adeparlmem m agency of the Ilniltd Stara, uV, or otherwise J,apuu of Jw OrnpenY.'1'hr praeedv from any ale shall he rcminvd Pmmplly Dy Ihr donee lv the m« eRr,rcy H! Th<dvmrrhvl!maker<pnrfalu the+tmra0rxy un theux. evndilion,aM lvcalivn uHhc pmprnylnlM hereon, and on otMrpertiunt malterta may b< rcgmred kom Ume IY Ilmt by the aide yrrwy. f11 Al the option of thennntencY,shedons may+bropte the condiliom relhnhin(Clalld the terms,re«rvalians,and rcnrktiom peninsnl th[rem in(D) by p+ymcnl of an amount a dnermimd by IM alale a{emy. lEl TIIE DONEE AGREES TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, APPLICA BLG TO ALL ITEMS OF PROPERTY LISTED HEREON: IH The properly acquirtd by Ihr donee is on m •n i+," "where ii bail, without wsmnry of any kind, (3) Whern donncanin inwnlrc<apintl dame{u mortmwfpropenyduew Bre or olherMmdund robe«Imwfordamyemdonued prop[ny wile unupind lams.condilion; raerntiom, or renrkliom awn, Ihs nun{<uy will beemilled to «imDurunrcnl bomlhe donee out of the imm~nn proceeds, of an+mounl equal Io the unamortiud portion of IAe hie vuue of the dama{ed or detlroysd doused Items. (h) TERMti AND CONDII IONS APPLICABhE TO THE DONATION OF AIRCRAFT AND V ESSELS ISO FEET OR MORE IN LENGtNI HAVING AN ACQUISITION COST OF 33,000 OR MORE, REGARDLESS OF THE PU RPOSC FOR WHICH ACQUIRED; The donalied +hdl be wbjal to Ihr lerma, wndiliona„ re«fvaliona, and rabiniom t<I forth in the Condilionn Tranrfer, Document eAttuled by Ihr autporixed donee rcprtumlire. ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE' July 18. 1990 TO: Mayor. Members of City CouncU @ Ctty Manager FROM: Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy C1ty Manager BY: Sandy Ramirez, Admtmslrative Analyst SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO EXECU-lE CONTRACTS FOR COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE WITH AC3 COMPUTING, CALCOMP, NB[ INC., PRIME COMPUTER, TECHNIC COMPUTER SERVICES, TEKTRONIX AND r UNITED COMPUTER SYSTEMS IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $111,333 TO BE FUNDED FROM CUN1RAt.i 5hicv iC6s ACCOiii~i iw. 3e-4iwvCiG i.... flSCAL YEAR 1990/91. S[a(f recommends Clty CouncO's approval Lo execute contracts for computer hazdware/software maintenance with AC3 Computmg. Calcomp, NB[ Inc.. Prime Computer, Technic Computer Services, Tektronix and United Computer Systems m the total amount of $111.333 to be funded from contract services Account No. 33-4130-6028 for Fiscal Year 1990/91. The computer eyuipment located throughout the Clly requkes periodic maintenertee and repair. The following vendors provide these services on some of the hazdware/software located throughout the various deparlmenLs. These pieces of equipment/software are essential for the suooort of Management Information Systems. Geol(rsphlcal Information Systems, Mapping and Word Processing CunMtons within the Ctty. ~t?MMARY: Followmg Is a breakdown of these services: AC3 Computing Products - CalCOmp - NBIInc. - Prime Computer - Technlc Computer Servces - Tektronlx - United Computer Systems - Westek Computer Services - pe uy submllle~ rry B. ulwood Deputy Cily Manager JBF:Im( Attachments (Apple Products) - $ 7.444 (Plotters & Digitizers) - $ 3.384 (Word Processingl - $21,700 (Mint Computer) - $34,645 1[mpact Printer) - $ 2,940 (Graphic Terminals) - $ 840 (NCR) - $ 5,760 (Personal Computers & PNnters) - $34,620 t-.! CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT r- DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council F"nuM: Brad 8u filer, City Flanner BY: Miki Bra tt, Associate Planner SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO AWARD AND EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Af.RFFMFNT FOR PRFPARATinN nc a nme rr corm r,r of Au rno fur ETIWANDA NORTH AREA TO C.M. ENGINEERING IN THE AMOUNT OF E18,700 TO BE FUNDED FROM CONTRACT SERVICES ACCOUNT N0. 01-4333-6028 (FY 89/90). RECOMMENDAT [ON: It is recommended that the City Council approve the subject contract and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the same. ANALYSIS: On May 2, 1990, the Council adopted an annexation strategy and on June 20, 1990, the Council df retied staff to prepare a Specific Plan for the Etiwa nda North area in order to provide pre-zoning for the area as required by law as a condition of annexation. Accord ina to the annexation stra teav. a Soerifi[ Plan will he nranared in two phases. The first phase will implement the City General Plan of January, 1989, as well as provide pre-zoning required by LAFCO in order to schedule a LRFCO hearing for annexation. The second phase will incorporate changes based on public comment and review and will require amending the General Plan. This contract is for the first phase. Staff requested proposals from qualified firms: Michael Brandman Associates C. M. Engineering Because of other commitments, tnclud ing preparation of the Eti wa nda North Specific Plan Draft EIR, Michael Brandman Associates was unable to respond with a proposal. However, based on the criteria of ability to prepare a draft plan in a six to eight week time frame and on the availability of consultant's staff familiar with the City and with the City's Planned Communities, staff recommends C.M. Engineering. Copies of the proposed contract are available in the office of the City Clerk. The City Attorney has reviewed and approved the contract as to form. C[TY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Prof, Serv, Agrmt,- CM Engineering July 18, 1990 Page 2 Resp ily subn' d, Brame ~ ~ r City Planner BB :MB:sp ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and Ctty Manager FROM: Russell H. Naguire, City Engineer eY: Henry Murakoshi, Associate Engineer e~3 , SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Fred C. Smith and Elyse E. Smith and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street improvements located along the north portion of the Smith parcel for the Nineteenth Street protect from Carnelian Street to Amethyst Street. [t is reconmended that City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Fred C. Smith and Elyse E. Smith and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The attached subi ect Agreement between the Ci tv and Fred C. Smith and Elyse E. Smith for street improvements which include curb and gutter installation, street pavement and other related work, along the north portion of the Smith parcel. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have agreed to grant to the City a Right-of-way Easement to allow for the installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work in return for the construction of said improvements. Said street improvements will be constructed 1n con,lunction with the City's Nineteenth Street Protect. Respectful submitted, ~~/',l,q' '~~ "RHM: dN:.CB~Iy-'' Attachment 7 RESOLUTION N0. 9f~'r~~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEhffNT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FROM FRED C. SMITH AND ELYSE E. SMITH AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has established requirements for installation of public Improvements along Nineteenth Street; and NHEREAS, installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other refaced work, located along lice north purtiGPi of ~~~2 Scath pa^cel shalt no made a part of the Nineteenth Street Pro,~ect; and WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Smith have agreed to dedicate Lhe necessary Right-of-May easement to the City for said improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE fT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does accept said Improvement Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign same, and directs the City Clerk to record same in the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. ~V CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ., DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and Cit3 Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Henry ttrrakoshi, Associate Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Melvin N. Smith and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street Improvements located alena the north portion of the Smith parcel for the Nineteenth Street I pro,Iect from Carnelian Street to Amethyst Street. RECOMMENDATION: 1t is recommended that City Council adopt Lhe attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Melrin N. Smith and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACY,GROUND/ANALYSIS The attached subiect Agreement between the City and Melvin N. Smith for street improvements which include curb a~ gutter Installation, street ynremeni. anu ui•in:r re ie Leo wore, aiuny Lin: noriir purii un ui the Snri in parcel. Mr. Smith has agreed to grant to the City a Right-of-May Easement to allow for the installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work in return for the construction of said improvements. Said street improvements will be constructed in con,lunction with the Cfty's Nineteenth Street Protect. Respectfully submitted, . ~ ,,,/ ~ !/`/' i' l ,i~ , ~. RHM:HM CB~~~ Attachment i .~ RESOLUTION N0. ~ p7S A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGq, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROYEMENi FROM MELVIN N. SMITH AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR ANO CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME WHEREAS, the City Council of Lhe City of Rancho Cucamonga has established requirements for installation of pu611c Improvements along Nineteenth Street; and MIEREAS, installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work, tocateA along the north portion of the Smith parcel shall be made a part of the Nineteenth Street Protect; and WHEREAS, Mr. Smith Nas agreed to dedicate the necessary Right-of-May easement to the City for said improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does accept said Improvement Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign same, and directs the City Clerk to record same in the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. ~o CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Henry Murakoshi, Associate Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Joan Gates, Russell Fittante, Diane Fittante St. Clair, and Salvatore Fittante and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street improvements located atnno thr north oortton of the Fittante parcel for the Nineteenth Street project from Carnelian Street to Amethyst Street. RECDMENDATIDN: It is recommended Lhat City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Joan Gates, Russell Fittante, Diane Fittante St. Clair, and Salvatore Fittante and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The attached subject Agreement between the City and Joan Gates, Russell Fittante, Diane Fittante St. Clair, and Salvatore Fittante for street improvements which include curb and gutter installation, street pavement and other related work, along the north portion of the Fittante parcel. Mr. and Mrs. Fittante have agreed to grant to the C1ty a Right-of-Nay Easement to allow for the installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work in return for the construction of said improvements. Said street improvements will be constructed 1n conjunction with the City's Nineteenth Street Project. RespectfulLy'tubmitted, . ~~~.; ~ ~; RNM:NM Attachment RESOLUTION N0. -/~~~ ( / A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC iMPROVEMEHf FROM JOAN GATES, RUSSELL FITTANTE, DANE FITTANTE ST. CLAIR, AND SALYATOftE FITTANTE AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY LLERK TO SIGN SAME WHEREAS, the City Council of the Cfty of Rantho Cucamonga has established requirements for installation of public improvements along Nineteenth Street; and WlIEREAS, instatlati on of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work, located along the north portion of the Fittante parcel shall be .!IT Ae Yy~ ~ ~~ t~K ~linC~Eiiltll Jti eat fI VJCV t; anU WHEREAS, The Owners have agreed to dedicate the necessary Right-of-Way easement to the City for Bald improvements. NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does accept said Ymprovement Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign sane, and directs the City Clerk to record same in the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. 7 ~- s :4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPOftT DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Henry Murakoshi, Associate Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Gary L. Youell and Annette K. Youell and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street Improvements located al ono the north onrtinn pf *hg Ym_nll ^+-^^~ for r-• --~ the Nineteenth Street project from Carnelian Street to Amethyst Street, RECOMEMDATION: It is reconmended that City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Cary L. Youell and Annette K. Youelt and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS rho aNarhoA <{!h /nr~ ea roonwnf hna.+nnn Flo Nw anA Pa ny ~ V~nell anA Annette K. Youelt for street improvements which include curb and gutter installation, street pavement and other related work, along the north portion of the Youell parcel. Mr. and Mrs. Youell have agreed to grant to the City a Right-of-Nay Easement to allow for the installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work 1n return for the construction of said improvements. Said street improvements will be constructed in conjunction with the City's Nineteenth Street Project. Respec 'f su muted, ® - -- RbI1:HM.:LY.ly- Attachment 3 RESOLUTION N0. ~f~ ' 2~0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGIIEEMENi FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FROM CARP L. YOUELL AND ANNETTE K. YOUELL AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME YMEPEA.°, L F City Ccundi of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has established requirements for installation of public improvements along Nineteenth Street; and NHEREAS, installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other relet_d '°~-'~, locatsd along 'he narih portion uT Li,e 'iouei i parcel shai i oe made a part of the Nineteenth~Street Pro,~ect; and NNEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Youell have agreed to dedicate the necessary Right-of-Nay easmnent to the Ctty for said improvements. NOM, THEREFORE, OE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Callfornla, does accept said Inprovement Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the Ctty Clerk to sign same, and directs the City Clerk to record sane in the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, Callfornla. 7'{ ', , . s- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT (~~ OATS: July 18, 1990 v T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Henry Murakoshi, Associate Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement for Installation of Publir improvement between The Department of Veterans Affairs of the State of California and Glenn M. Kurutz and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street Improvements located along the north portion of the Kurutz parcel for the Nineteenth Street Dro~ect from Carnelian Street to Amethyst Street. REC01lENDATIDN: It is recommended that Cfty Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between The Department of Veterans Affairs of the State of California and Glenn M. Kurutz and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The attached subject Agreement between the City and The Department of Veterans Affairs of the State of California and Glenn M. Kurutz for street improvements which include curb and gutter installation, street pavement and other related work, along the north portion of the Kurutz parcel, The Department of Yeterans Affairs and Mr.KUrutz have agreed to grant to the City a Right-of-Way Easement to allow for the installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work in return for the construction of said improvements. Said street improvements will be constructed in conjunction with the City's Nineteenth Street Project. Resper, tfully su it+.ed, RHM: qM: CA ay Attachment 75 RESOLUTION N0. 9p - ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMOMGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INPROYEMENT FROM THE DE.~ARTMEHf OF VETERANS AFFAIRS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND GLENN M. KURUTZ ANO AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has established requirements for installation of public improvements along Nineteenth Street; and NHEREAS, installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work, located along the north portion of the Kurutz parcel shall be made a part of the Nineteenth Street Pro,~ect; and NHEREAS, The Oepar4nent of Veterans Affairs and Mr. Kurutz have agreed to dedicate the necessary Right-of-May easement to the City for said improvements. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does accept said Improvement Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign same, and directs the City Clerk to record same 1n the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. 7(p nrmv ns n ~ wrnnn n• rn ~ vn~rn ~ STAFF REPORT ('~ DATE: July 18, 1990 v T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Henry Murakoshi, Associate Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Stanley V. Fulton and Beverly A. Fulton and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street Improvements lorared atom the north oertion of the Fulton parcel for the Nineteenth Street pro,iect from Carnelian Street to Amethyst Street. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached Resoiution approving the Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Stanley Y. Fulton and Beverly A. Fulton and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The attached sub,lect Agreement between the City and Stanley Y. Fulton and Beverly A. Fulton for street improvements which include curb and gutter installation, street pavement and other related work, along the north portion of the Fulton parcel. Mr. and Mrs. Fulton have agreed to grant to the Ctty a Right-of-Mary Easement to allow for the installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work in return for the construction of said improvements. Said street improvements will be constructed in conJunctton with the City's Nineteenth Street Prolett. Respec ul~y~£ubmitted, f~ - , / ~. 'ice/.. RKA:HM:CBay ~ / Attachment 77 RESOLUTION N0. Gj~ -~~- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGp, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC ihPROYEMENT FROM STANLEY V. FULTON AND BEVERLY A. FULTON AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAM: IMEkEAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has established requirements for tnstallatlon of public Tmprovements atong Nineteenth Street; and WHEREAS, installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work, located along the north portion of the Fulton parcel shall be made a part of the Nineteenth Street Project; and WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Fulton have agreed to dedicate the necessary Right-of-May easement to the City for said improvements. NOM, THEREFORE, BE [T RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does accept said Improvement Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk Lo sign sane, and directs Lhe City Clerk to record same in the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT (~ DATE: July 18, 1990 L~ T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Magid re, City Engineer BY: Henry Murakoshi, Associate Engineer i SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Mohammad Haidarian and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street Improvements located along the ' n"f6 nnn Ll ~n of t::: ~ui dui' " ,... ,ar, pcrtei For cne Nineteenth Street pro,~ect from Carnelian Street to Amethyst Street. RECOMMENC#TIDN: Tt is recomaended that City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Mohammad Haidartan and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The attached sub,tect Agreement between the City and Mohammad Haidarian for street improvements which include curb and gutter Installation, street pavement and other related work, along the north portion of the Haidarian parcel. Mr. Naidarian has agreed to grant to the City a Right-of-May Easement to allow for the Installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work in return for the construction of said improvements. Said street improvements wilt be constructed in conjunction with the City's Nineteenth Street Project. Respectf submitted, r ~% ' ~ •~% ~- ~ / / RHM:HM:CB: t Attachment ~9 ~ RESOLUTION N0. -/~' ~~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROYEMENT FROM MONAMNAD HAIDARIAN AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SANE NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has es to bl tshed requirements for installation of public improvements along Nineteenth Street; and MHEREAS. installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work, located along the north portion of the Nai dare an parcel shall De made a part of the Nineteenth Street Project; and NHEREAS, Mr. Haldarian has agreed to dedicate the necessary Right-of-Nay easement to the City for said improvements. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does accept said Improvement Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign same, and directs the City Clerk to record same in the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. ~r. ~(~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Henry Murakoshi, Associate Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Charles Erwin Hunniford Sr., and Vivian Lorraine Hunniford and the city ~f °2nth- ------_ Street Improvements located along the north portion of the Hunniford parcel for the Nineteenth Street pro,{ect from Carnelian Street to Amethyst Street. RECDMEIOATIDN: It is recomaended that City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Charles Ervin Hunniford Sr., and Vivian Lorraine Hunniford and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The attached sub,~ect Agreement between the City and Charles Erwin Hunniford Sr., and Vivian Lorraine Hunniford for street improvements which include curb and gutter installation, street pavement and other related work, along the north portion of the Hunniford parcel. Mr. and Mrs. Hunniford have agreed to grant to the City a Right-of-Nay Easement to allow for the installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work to return for the construction of said improvements. Said street improvements will be constructed in con,~unction with the City's Nineteenth Street Protect. Respec ,lylr'submltted, RNM~ HMiC Attachment RESaurIDN No. qp -d~'y A RESaUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI?Y OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AtltEEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FROM CHARLES ERWIN HUNNIFgiD SR., qND VIVIAN LORRAINE NUNNIFORD AND AUTHORIZING THE M4YOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME WHEREAS, the City Coundl of the Ci*y of Rancho Cucamonga has established requirements for installation of public improvements along Nineteenth Street; and WHEREAS, installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other rotated unr~ t..__,_e _i__~ ~._ -~.~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ one nunnttora parcel Shall be made a part of the Nineteenth Street Protect; and WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Hunnlford have agreed to dedicate the necessary Right-of-Nay easement to the City for said improvements. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does accept said Improvement Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the Cfty Clerk to sign sane, and directs the C1ty Clerk to record sale 1n the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. v~ ~'u; CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Henry Murakoshi, Associate Engineer e~3 . SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement for installation of Public Tmorovemnt hetwen a1M ]an..neen awA ~~ha '/sn...•e: ,Ra •h., City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street Improvements located along the north portion of the Zanrosso parcel for the Nineteenth Street protect from Carnelian Street to Amethyst Street. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Aldo Zanrosso and Alba Zanrosso and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS rhn ahea~hnA mih~xF as roni.nnf hnhwnn fha rity anA al An 7a nrneen wnd Alba Zanrosso for street improvements which Include curb and gutter installation, street pavement and other related work, along the north portion of the Zanrosso parcel. Mr. and Mrs. Zanrosso have agreed to grant to the City a Right-of-Nagy Easement to allow for the installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work in return for the construction of said improvements. Said street improvements will be constructed in con,~unction with the City's Nineteenth Street Project. Respectful srbmltted, ,-~ / i ~ ~-J~ - RHMENM:CB:1 AtWChment RESOLUTION N0. 9p 'a$ S A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FROM ALDO ZANROSSO pN0 ALBA ZANROSSO AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SALE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has established requirements for installation of pu611c improvements along Nineteenth Street; and n,i~n~no, m uo~l a.; ~~ ..~ . .:.:.'. y::__- , ~•.•••••• ^.. emnM qnA ntMr related work, located along the north_portion of Lhe Zanrosso,parcel shall be made a part of the Nineteenth Street Protect; and WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Zanrosso have agreed to dedicate the necessary Right-of-Way easmvent Lo the City for said improvements. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does accept said Improvement Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign same, and directs Lhe City Clerk to record same in the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. 81 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Henry Murakosht, Associate Engineer e~ . SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement for Installation of Public imnrnymn,.a ^..w:mC~ - - nuj u, uwn ant JacgwCly nn ~. Brown and the City ~of ~ Rancho Cucamonga for Street Improvements located along the north portion of the Brown parcel for the Nineteenth Street protect from Carnelian Street to Amethyst Street. RECONENDATIDM: It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for 2nstallation of Public Improvement between Dennis Ray Brown and Jacquelynn L. Brown and the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The attached subtect Agreement between the City and Dennis Rary Brown and Jacquelynn L. Brown for street taprovements which include curb and gutter installation, street pavement and other related work, along the north portion of the Brown parcel. Mr. and Nrs. Brown have agreed to grant to the City a Right-of-May Easement to allow for Lhe installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work in return for the construction of said improvements. Said street improvements will be constructe6 1n contunction with the City's Nineteenth Street Protect. Respectfully~itted, ~.„ RHM:NM:4`BaY y i Attachment RESOLlRION N0. 90 'c30 W A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAlDNGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN A(itEEME NT FDIC INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROYEMENT FRON DENNIS RAY BRONN AND JACp1ELYNN L. BRONN ANO AU1'NORIZIN6 THE tMYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGH SAGE N7EREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has established requirements for Installation of public improvements along Nineteenth Street; and -L .-A ..},~,. a}..ten} n ~M awA n}ly.+ WIILIltl1J, 1111 W11 al.l Ulf u, Guiu +•r g:....~.. _ related work, located along the north portion of the Broom rparcel shall be made a part of the Nineteenth Street Prof ect; and NfffREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Broom have agreed to dedicate the necessary Right-of-Way easement to the City Por said improvements. NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ctty Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does accept said Improve~ent Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign same, and directs the City Clerk to record same 1n the Off1ce of the County Recorder of San Bernardira County, California. V ~W 'N'or ~:.v CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FRDM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer gY: Henry Murakoshi, Associate Engineer JU6JLl.l: App rOYdl V~ nyreeweni !UI' 111OIA 11441 V11 VI 1'YV 11,. Improvement between Debra Dea Dawn Dutton and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street Improvements located along the north portion of the Dutton parcel for the Nineteenth Street protect from Carnelian Street to Amethyst Street. RECOIlEMDATION: It is recommended that City Council edopt the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Debra Dea Dawn Dutton and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS •4.. .L _, ~~uca nyi ccwcilt `YC ~wccil tilc viW n1iJ Deula "uca uown uu L'wn for ~streetY improvements which include curb arld gutter lnstallatlon, street pavement and other related work, along the rrorth portion of the Dutton parcel. Miss Dutton has agreed to grant to the City a Right-of-Nay Easement to allow for the installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work in return for the construction of said improvements. Said street improvements wilt be constructed in con,lunction with the City's Nineteenth Street Protect. Respectfully sOtjmitted, ~~~. ' RNM:HM~~B:Iy Attachment RESOLUTION N0. ~~ ~~g A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ~ THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IIVROVEMENT FROM DEBRA DEA DAMN DUTTON AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SICK SAME NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has established requirements for installation of public improvements along Nineteenth Street; and NHEREAS, installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work, located along the north portion of the Dutton parcel shalt De made a part of the Nineteenth Street Protect; and WHEREAS, Mtss Dutton has agreed to dedicate the necessary Right-of-Way easement to the City for said improvements. NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Lhat the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does accept said Improvement Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign same, and directs the City Clerk to record same in the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. 88 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell M. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Menry Murakoshi, Associate Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement for Installation of Public I ^t b^t" T °t L' T^ "d D^b^ D D"tt^ ^d ;~; ~ w ~ .. the VCity of~ Rancho Cucamonga -for Street Improvements located along the north portion of the Tran and Dutton parcel for the Nineteenth Street project from Carnelian Street to Amethyst Street. RECOMEIpATIDN: It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation of Public improvement between Tuyet Lan Tran and Debra D. Dutton and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKGROUNB/ANALYSIS The attached subject Agreement between the City and T4Yet Lan Tran and Debra D. Dutton for street improvements which include curb and gutter installation, street pavement and other related work, along the north portion of the Tran and Dutton parcel. Miss Tran and Miss Dutton have agreed to grant to the City a Right-of-Maly Easement to allow for the installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work in return for the construction of said improvements. Said street improvements will be constructed 1n conlunctlon with the City's Nineteenth Street Project. Respectfully submitted, i, RNM: NM: CB:.Ly~~~` Attachment RESOLUTION N0. 9~ -~88 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMROVEMENf FROM TUYET LAN TRAN AND DEBRA D. DUTTON AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SALE NHEREPS, the City Counttl of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has established requireaents for installation of public improvements along Nineteenth Street; and NHEREAS, installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other rotateA work. located alone the north portion of the Tran and Dutton Darcel shall be made a part of the Nineteenth Street Protect; and NHEREAS, Mtss Tran and N155 Dutton have agreed to dedicate the necessary Right-of-May easement to the City for said improvements. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Californla, does accept said Improvement Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the Clty Clerk to sign same, and directs the City Clerk to record same in the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardlra County, Californla. 90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Henry Murakoshi, Associate Engineer e~3 . SUOJECT: Approval of Agreement for Installation of Public Improveaent between Jimary Ezra Hall and Pamela Ruth Hall and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street Improvements located along the north Dortion of the Hali Darcel for the Nineteenth Street project Prom Carnelian Street to Amethyst Street. RECOMMEINI7IOM: It is recomiended that City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Jimgy Ezra Hall and Pamela Ruth Hall and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Ti,c otiduiicv Su~JRt nyi ocsut oc twdci tic vi tj aiiu Jixw~f [iio ii6ii dii.i Pamela Ruth Hall far street improvements which include curb and gutter installation, street pavement and other related work, along the north portion of the Hall parcel. Mr. and Mrs. Ha11 have agreed to grant to the City a Right-of-Nay Easement to allow for the installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work in return for the construction of said improvements. Said street improvements will be constructed in conJunctton with the City's Nineteenth Street Prolett. Respec/tfull fitted, /i . '. ~/~ /^~ ... Jam.- RHM:HM:CB:Ty ~ ~ Attachment »~ RESOLUTION N0. ~O-a89 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGl1, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN A611EEMENT Fpt INSTALL11TIgl OF PUBLIC 1WROVEMENT FROM JIMMY EZRA HALL ANO PAMELA RUTH HALL AND AUTHORIZING THE INIYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME NNEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has established requirements for installation of public improvements along Nineteenth Street; and NNEREAS, installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work, located along the north portion of the Hall parcel shall be made a part of the Nfnetee~th Street Pro3ect; and VRIEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Hall have agreed to dedicate the necessary Right-of-May easement to the City for said improvements. NOM, THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED, that the Ctty Council of the C1LY of Rancho Cucaaonga, California, does accept said Improvment Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the C1ty Clerk to sign same, and directs the C1ty Cterk to record same in the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. 9a CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT (~ DATE: July 18, 1990 U T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Henry Murakoshi, Associate Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Oscar N. Phillips and Geraldine A. Phillips and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street imerovenle nt5 lgcated 31Bn~ fha ep~~ih nnrttnn of the Ph1111 ps parcel for the Nineteenth Street protect from Carnelian Street to Amethyst Street. REC01/EMWITION: It is recamaended that City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between Oscar W. Phillips and Geraldine A. Phillips and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The attached subteCt Agreement between the City and Oscar W. Phillips and Geraldine A. Phillips for street improvements which include curb and gutter installation, street pavement and other related vrork, along the south portion of the Dh111ips parcel. Mr. and Mrs. Dh111ips have agreed to grant to the City a Right-of-May Easement to allow for the installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related xork in return for the construction of said improvements. Said street improvements will be constructed in contunction with the City's Nineteenth Street Protect. Respec it submitted, i :~ ~ _. -~ '~; ~ , RHM: H \~e ay/~ Attach~7f~ -- ~ 1 RESOLUTION N0. C,Q.~-rO A RESIX.UTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FQi INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FROM OSCAR N. PHILLIPS AND GERALDINE A. PHILLIPS AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME MiEREAS, the City Cowc11 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has esta611shed requirements for installation of public improvements along Nineteenth Street; and WHEREAS, installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work, located along the south portion of the Phillips parcel shall be made a Dart of tlw Ninoeoe~tti c{wg. o rya...... -,~ NfB:REAS, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips have agreed to dedicate the necessary Right-of-Nay easement to the City for said improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE [T RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does accept said Improvement Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign same, and directs the City Clerk to record same 1n the Office of the Cowty Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT (~. , DATE: July 18, 1990 C~ T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Henry Murakoshi, Associate Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement for Installation of Publtc Improvement between T. N. Reeves and the City of Rancho GlfaNnq~a f..+ Ct':BL iwPPvVcnic,iii iGGa Led aiuny Cfle Sump I portion of the Reeves parcel for the Nineteenth Street protect from Carnelian Street to Amethyst Street. RECONENDATIOM: It Ts recommended that City Council adapt the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation of Publtc Improvement between T. H. Reeves and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The attached subtect Agreement between the City and T. H. Reeves for cf roef In,nrnvanwn}t „h/~h 1nNuM rurh anA auf4nw /ne hllafinn ¢f ~onf pavement and other related work, along the south portion of the Reeves parcel. Mr. Reeves has agreed to grant to the City a Right-of-Nay Easement to allow for the installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work in return for the construction of said improvements. Said street improvements will be constructed in contunctton with the City's Nineteenth Street Protect. Respec~ul l,~submi tted, ~~ ..;> jl"/~ ~ _ ,~ , c ~P~-~~-' RHM:HM: C/l:ly., Attachment ~~ RESOLUTION N0. GI~'~-/~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO WCAMgNGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FROM T.H. REEVES AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucaaonga has established requirements for !nstaliation of ;rrblTc improvements along Nineteenth Street; and k1EREAS, installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related park, located along the south portion of the Reeves parcel shall be mane a part or the Hineteentn street Project; and WHEREAS, Mr. Reeves has agreed to dedicate the necessary Right-of-Way easement to the City for said improvements. NON, THEREFgiE, BE iT RESOLVED, that the Ctty Council of the City of Rancho Cucananga, California, does accept said Improvement Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign same, and directs the City Clerk to record same in the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. 9~0 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ,~=~ DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer 6Y: Michael D. Long, Senior FuLii~ iiurks inspcti for SUBJECT: Approval of Contract Change Order No. 3 (CO 90-019) for the Haven Avenue Gateway Entry Monument for construction of utility crossing sleeves, for the future entry monument, in Haven Avenue in the amount of ;18,000.00 and authorize the Administrative Services Director to expend an additional f18,000.00, over the original contingency approved by City Council, from the Beautification Fund, Account No. 21-4647- 8719 (90/91 FY ). RECOMMENDATIOM: It is recommended that City Council approve Contract Change Order No. 3 (CO 90-019) for the Naven Avenue Gateway Monument Tn the amount of ;18,000.00 and authorize the Administrative Services Director to expend an additional 518,000.00, over the original contingency approved by City Council, from the Beautification Fund, Account No. 21-4647-8719 (90/91 rri. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: As construction progressed, it was determined that it was advisable to run future irrigation and electrical conduit sleeves to the future monument on the northwest corner of Fourth Street and Haven Avenue. This also required the addition of pull boxes, Additionally, Tt was discovered that the reinforcing steel in the concrete walls was insufficient to handle the loads to which they will be subjected. Respect y sub~Eitted, ~/y v/ R / MDL:pam Attachment CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 ('1 T0: City Council and City Manager LJ FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Michael D. Long, Senior Public Works Inspector SUBJECT: Approval of Contract Change Order No. 2 (CO 90-050) for the Rochester Avenue Parkway Beautification Improvement Project in the amount of E26,480.00 and authorize the Administrative Services Director to expend an additional E18,600.00, over the original contingency approved by City wuncn, rrom cue u<o~.~~~.az~..,, .,., .... ........ ..... 21-4647-8935. RECOlMENOATION: It is recommended that City Council approve Contract Change Order No. 2 (CO 90-050) for the Rochester Avenue Parkway Beautification Improvement Project in the amount of 526,480,00 and authorise the Administrative Services Director to expend an additional 118,600.00, over the original contingency approved by City Council, from the Beautifiction Fund, Account No. 21-4647-8935 (90/91 FY .) BACKGROUND/ANN-Y515: Wall additions to the existing Rochester Avenue retaining wall were constructed at 7648 Wenbane, 7404 Nenbane and 7378 Henbane. Except for the wall at 7378 Henbane, the walls were constructed fllegally. Additionally, the structural integrity of the illegal walls cannot be determined. For protect continuity, it was decided to remove ail three wall additions. The residents of the three addresses have been offered replacement wall to be constructed on private property. Respec tf matted, i~ :MOL: ~- --CITY OF RANCHO CliCAA10NGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Nillie Yalbuena, Assistant Engineer .J. ~M.~ SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement and Monumentation cash deposit for Tract 13280, located north of 8a se Line RoaQ between Milliken and Rochester Avenues, submitted by the Lusk Company and release of previously submitted Improvement Agreement and Mnninnanf afinn Aenreei• ....~~A ~~ ~•. ~....r.C~' ~- t-_;:._~ 1R _~..... .iv .. .... 1989, from The Nilliam Lyon Company. RECOMIEIMTIOM: It Ts recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the subfect agreement and Mpnumentation deposit, releasing Improvement Agreement and Monumentation Deposit accepted by City Council on January 18, 1989, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign and release said agreements and authorizing the Finance Department to refund the Monuaentation cash deposit. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Improvement Agreement and Monumentation Cash deposit for Tract 13280, located north of Base Line Road between Milliken and Rochester Avenues, was approved by Cfty Council on January 18, 1989. The new Developer, The Lusk Company is submitting an agreement and Monumentatlon cash deposit to guarantee the setting of the Monuments for the subject tract in the following amount: Monumentation: S 10,000.00 Copies of the agreement and deposit are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respec~iLted, ~~RHM:MV ~k. Y' Attachment :ji RESOLUTION No. 9t7 d~e~' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROYING IMPROYEMENT AGREEMENT AND MONUMENTATION CASH DEPOSIT FOR TRACT 13280 AND RELEASING THE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND MONUMENTATION CASH DEPOSIT PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED BY CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 18, 1989. NNEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement executed on July 18, 1990, by The Lusk Company as developer, for the setting of Monuments •2 •bn neat n.~o c anlf1rl11u A..~_~abeA lFi...~In _..~ er n..>>y ~_._~_~ , a'-.._. north of Base'Line Road between Milliken and Rochester~~Avenues;~and~release of previously submitted Improvement Agreement and Monumentatlon deposit accepted by City Council on January 18, 1989, from Tice Nilliam Lyon Company. NNEREAS, said Improvement Agreement is secured and accompanied by a cash deposit, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES that said Improvement Agreement and said Monumentation Deposit be and the same are hereby approved, release of previously submitted Improvement Agreement and Monumentation Deposit accepted by City Council on January 18, 1989, frae The Niliiam Lyon Company, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho ruramnnna enA tha r/tv rl er4 fn at Met 4hawtn lo~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ENGIlVEERIId(3 DMBION /O~ N rcEM: TITLE: 7,?~'f;7' /~2~'~' E~~ - •r1.d - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: RECOMIENDATION: It is recommended that the City council adopt the attached resotutlon accepting the sub3ect agreement and security and authorizing the Mgyar and the City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS 7645 Alta Cuesta, is a single family residence located on Lhe east side of Alta Cuesta, south of Camino Norte as shorn on the attached Exhibit uAn The Developer, Dave Boggs, is submitting an Improvement Agreement and Security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements 1n July 18, 1990 City Council and CTty Manager Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer Niltie ValBuena, Assistant Engineer ,~ ~9 ~ Approval of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security for 7645 Alta Cuesta, submitted by Dave Boggs Faithful performance Bond 53,800.00 Labor and Material Bond 1,900.00 Copies of the agreement and security are available 1n the City Clerk's Office. Resp~ect~full ubmltted, ' / //~~~~ RNM:NV:3~ " Attachment /O ). ~,.. RESOLUTION N0. 9O ~ !~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FDR. 7645 ALTA CUESTA «+, ~;,. ,~., . WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement executed on ,luly 18, 1990 by Dave Boggs as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way ad?acent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located at 7645 Alta Cuesta• anA WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in con,{uncti an with the development of 7645 Alta Cuesta; and WHEREAS, said Iaprovement Agreement is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which Is identified in said Improvement Agreement. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON611 HEREBY RESOLVES that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. /03 N Z ~i ,NI 59 u4e ac s ~5" ~11~~+. J ~~-~ ' c (I~ fA) 57REET; - ~ --- 61 ;~ FFaR ~;n I $ L l ~ F PM 5/TZ Z \ J~~^ S. ~4 aG 1y L/ 2 60\~ 'S 6~ e~ ~ ~ D 1.90 ~ oaR.l~ 2 W7 aC ~~ Q 4i t O ( ry [. 45 ~~ a ~FM 6, ._~ +~ Iv. q O \ e ~~ _. A ~,'~ ~ ~\ 10 'F \~ - ° i ~i_ ,~ ~JI , ' -' ' IS ~ \ .58 -... .J ;~ .,,1 :. n ;~ o ~. -__r _ ~G `a, an r i~\ ` .j4T I~ o q \ ' S4 I• ~.., .,_`~ ° Y. V ' 1.754[, N ~i rr -,,~ ~, ~~ :~)Q ~. `' \ `t' \` Y\ 6 \ \ 1 \ \~ 151 G C \ ~ ~ `~ \ S ~ V CI'T'Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA EN1(3IIVEEBING DIYI9YON r~'Ees: 1'rrt.~: 245 ,~lJ~x C~~~; ,~. ERF~11h ~%a ~~ /D~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, Cify Engineer BV: Steve M, Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector II B~3 . SUBJECT: Approval of Inprovement Agreement Extension for Tract 12420, located on Lhe northwest corner of Hellman Avenue and oiir aLre6%, Suwni tied Ly ndn~rrU rarke i RECOMMEImIlTION It is recommended Lhat Lhe City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 12420 were approved by the City Council on May 4, 1989, 1n the following amounts. Falthfnl Dnrfnnonro annA• Linn nM Labor and Material Bond: 5150,000 The developer, Rancho Parke I, is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said inprovement agreement. Copies oP the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfull,t!submitted, ~~y~~ ~ ~~ i RHM:SMGysd ~- Attachments I~ ~~-; "~~ :4 i~/Ta 9l1 A~~~rr -,~ ^ M:a I ~ru ^~ , JENEL ~ ItEI EI UVNF\TI\C )t-Ing 1!~ -ytd1J Mr. :>t?v? Gilliland, Fuhl lc Wcrks Inspector City of Nancho Cucamonga, engineering D.ivisl on F.O. F~nx SO'1 hanchc Cucamonga, l.A 91729 he: Ga=nsion of Improvement Agreement For 'Tract 12420 Dear Mr, 6117i1and, Please ccn=_ider this letter a formal request for an extension of the l mprov=.ment Agreement for Tract 1242u, situated on the north west corr,ar of S1:-ah and Hellman in the City of Rancho %ucamonga. As discussed kianche Park Farther ,hip is making substantial progress towards the completion of tmnrovsments regardless of onslte phasing and respect Sully rmlur_st this extension to 5/.3/91, during which time we intend to complFte the =.Ir3t1 amr.,unt of work remaf ning Ilene than 5'/, of total) as necessary to secure bond releases. F'or your reference, real river rock walls along Hellman, new curb and Butter and paving, sewer and water main have been installed in con,j urw t,ion with Tra.-t 12?pD. your honorable extension of the Improvement Agr~••zment wi 11 enable itanche Park Partnership to coronlete SL's contr abut ion to tfte r,ommunity as planned and approved. I - vei far ym~r ceoperat SOn, ~~1//~O Unu~ WSi=.cn Vice i7e~;.ider;*, 02 Garporato F'lanotng and FrnJ~-~:t Ur ig that inn R~~C~sr;~n Jy','1] -... ig, een,y..,,.,.,, ~,, ~. sF; /U(p IfdIX ti Vmey~rJ Arr Omarln. Calilnrma )I'GI ('NI 9i'~d01N1 RESOLUTION N0. /~ 7~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROYENENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IWROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12420 kiEREAS, the Ctty Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for Its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on July 18. 1990, by Rancho Parke I as developer, for the improvement of pubitc right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described iirc rein, and yenerai iy iua.a i.eu un one nortnwest corner of Heilman Avenue ono 6th Street; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subfect to Lhe ternm thereof, is to be done in conJunctlon with the development of said Tract 12420; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improveaent Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resoives, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security De and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~~ GATE: July 18, 1990 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector II a`~3 , SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 12671-i __A_ 1 ~4 f tli~..n~~~ a.~...v~ u~rv .~.: .: , ur..-.t- ..u t~- um ..nw..+w w..i nor .. Mountain View Orive, submitted by Lewis Homes RECONENOATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,{ect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROBND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 12671-1 thru -4 were approved by the City Council on August 20, 1987, in the following amounts. Faithful Performance Bond: 51,034,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: S 517,000.00 The developer, Lewis Homes, is requesting approval of a 3-month extension on said ingrovement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respe~ ~ybmitted, r _ 'RMrY:SM .ly f~ Attachments Lewis Homes Management Corp. I15fi NorN Mountain Avenue / P.O. Boz 670: Upland, California 91785 714/985-0971 PAX: 714/98 L9799 June 18, 1990 City of Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730-0807 Attn: Steve M. Gilliland Public Works Inspection Ref.: Request for Extension - Improvement Agreement - Tract 12671-1 through -4 Dear Mr. Gilliland: We hereby request a ninety (90) day extension to complete the terms of the referenced Improvement Agreement. This extension is required to complete the Handicap ramps and sidewalk improvements at the intersection of Haven Avenue and Town Center Drive. This work was originally on the Signalization Plans but was required to be shown on the Street Plans by Engineering. Therefore, the Plan Check/Permit process has been delayed. Thank you for your consideration. Please call if you need additional information. Very truly yours, LEWI$ HOMES MANAGEMENT CORP. 1/~~~ y'~~/~. 6"'~L.~% rc Jdseph M. Oleson Vice President/ Senior Project Manager JMO:ksk cc: Central Files Bond/Improvement Agreement file Jeanette Hayes, DRE/Surety Coordinator /09 RESOLUTION N0. 90-~q,5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12671-1 THRU -4 NHEREAS, the City Council of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on July 18, 1990, by Lewis Homes as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described - 3~ ;y -a .2d ,,,, „„-, ,,,,-•~--.. _ „_ of Mi7N4an Avenue and Mountain View Drive; and~~ WIiEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Tract 12671-1 thru -4; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which 1s identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security De and the same ere hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Imprevexw:nt Agreement Extension on behalf of the fifv of Ranrhn ruramnnaa anA Fb ri~~ r1nr4 ~n a~~ee~ ~M.n~_ // O Y. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT n ~4 CJ DATE: ,luly 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, Gity Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Morks Inspector II SUB.7ECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 12832 (Day Creek Boulevard,) located on proposed Day Creek Boulevard i hntween Highland Avenue and Victoria Park Lane, submitted by The William Lyon Company. ~ RECOMEIUATIOM It Ts recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting Lhe subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Magor and City Clerk to 51gn said agreement. ANALYSI SJBAOKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement SecuMty to guarantee the construction „f rho nyhtir ionrnvnaanie fnr Tract i9R3P fDav frank Rnulevardl were aooroved oy the City Council on May 22, 1986, to the following amounts. Faithful Performance Bond: i1 ,600,000.00 Lahor and Material Bond: f 800,000.00 The developer, M1111am Lyon Company, is requesting approval of a 12-month extension non said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respec y ubmitted, tPl: SM Attachments ~~~ ~,.., ~„ . .~~e'e~~'ILLIA~1 L1'O\~~rnm~r~r~t~/ BSdO ARCHIBALD, SUITE 8, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 17141 980-42dd !une 25, 1990 Steve Gilliland Engineering Department City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 RE: Day Creek Boulevard Improvement Agreement Dear Steve: Transmitted herewith is the executed Extension for Improvement Agreement for Day Creek Boulevard (Tract 12832) and a check for this extension in [he amount of $251.00. Per a conversation Chat Cary l.uque our Project Manager had with Russ Maguire, the improvements for Day Creek Boulevard will be completed when we proceed with one of two projects Windrows IV or - - .~ ..~. - ..~ ,.......,, ..~ o.~ .,~.ag p:xassad ...,... ~..~ ...ty at the present time. If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact our office. Respectfully, 2~ ri, ~nnr-/ Shari Newman Inland Empire 5n //~ REAL ESTATE DEV EIOPMENT RESOLUTION NO. q() -a9~p A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHD CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPRDVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12832 (DAY CREEK BOULEVARD) WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on July 18, 1990, by Nilliam lyon Company as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on proposed Day Creek Boulevard between Highland Avenue and Victoria park Lane; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and sub3ect to the tents thereof, 1s to be done 1n con,junctian with the development of said Tract 12832 (Day Creek Boulevard); and NNEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said I~rovement Agreement Extension on behalf of the C.i ty of Rancho rucemnnaa end iho rt•y r1erY ~~ s~~ngr rl.gw~p_ ll3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: C1ty Council and C1ty Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer c~~ BY: Steve M. G111iland, Pub11c Works Inspector II !a"c ~-- ~._~ ~" SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13279, located on the south side of Highland Avenue, between Rochester Avenue and Mi111ken Avenue, submitted by The W1111am Lyon Company RECOMMEIDATIgI It fs recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Cterk Lo sign sold agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agroement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the pubitc improvements for Tract 13279 sere approved by the City Council on November 5, 1987, 1n the following amounts. Faithful Perforniance Bond: (9,938,266.00 Labor and Material Bond: =4,969,133.00 The developer, The Ntlliam Lyon Company, 1s requesting approval of a Il 6-month extension on Bald improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available 1n the City Clerk's Office. Respectful s b ted, /~itfiM• :sd Attachments ~~~ .J/e~e~~'ILI,IAVI L~'Or~~~m~ur~r~ 0540 ARCHIdALD, SUITE B. RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CA 91730 VId1 980-22d4 Ju IY .'., :990 Mr. Stave Gilliland ?•.<biic works Inspector City of Rancho Cucamonga n n o Rancho Cucamonga Ca. 91730 R?: Request ° - six {6) month extension of Improvement Agreement, Tract p 13279. Dear Mr. Gilliland: PFr you letter dated 6-7-90, the following items require completion of construction. Pointing and patching of a1~: infrastructure curb and gutter. i" AC. cap and Lack coat on ail infrastructure streets. rr adN and construct roadway structural section from SPRR to 300 .:.t northerly on Rochester. :nsCai: _rrigation and planting within Cal Tracs Right of Way along ..+~!:_and Av=., North of Tra^_ts 14121 and 13490. ---5%:" .-. ~. enc. n__ _....a>~. TliCilire S~.e_t5, W.". _cydiTcd. duN to .,C overlay. n''<'. of the a'o •~ve items should be completed within a six (6) month ci^,e fraa.e. Should you ne•~~d additional information, please contact me at 920-2244. Sincerely, ~`~ Don Jackson, Construction Manager II REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT RESOLUTION N0. ~~ a.G~ 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROYiNG It~ROVEMENT RGREEMENT EXTENSION AND INPROVEIENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13279 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on July 18, 1990, by The William Lyon Company as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way ayacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally Located on the south 51 de of Highland Avenue between Rochester Avenue and Milliken Avenue; and WHEREAS, the installation of such Improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in con~unctton with the development of said Tract 13279; and MHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension 1s secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified 1n said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk Lo attest thereto. f/~~ ~. k ;:;'. CITY OF RANCIIO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~ , GATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FP,OM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector 1I SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13318 Landscape, located on the southeast corner of Hermosa Avenue and wp~antta Drive, submitted by Mavflower Bayoun. RECOMMEtJr1ATI0M It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subiect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13318 Landscape were approved by the City Council on July 7, 1988, in the following amounts. Faithful Performance Bond: 595,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: 547,500.00 The developer, Mayflower Bayoun, 1s requesting approval of a 6-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respec 11y submitted, RHM SMG~t~ Attachments 7 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA POST OFFICE BOX 807 RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CA 91729 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION ATTN: STEVE GILLZLAND DEAR SZR, Mayflower-Bayoun would like to apply Por a SIX (8) month extention on the improvement agreement Por tract 33318 lanacapinQ. the reason for such an application is to facilitate the course o! the lanacaping establishment period witch was started on 4/30/90 and will last the period o! 180 days 10/30/90. I apprSciate your help with this matter. Cordial _ ~ l john Baayoun /~g ~. RESOLUTION N0. 9o-a.98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13318 LANDSCAPE NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on July i8, i990, by Mayflower Bayoun as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adtacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the southeast corner of Hermosa Avenue and Manzanita Drive; and lCFHiw, cne instaiiatton or such improvements, cescn oea to solo Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done 1n con,iunction with the development of said Tract 13318 Landscape; and NNEAEAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the soak! are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. 3:. ll9 g:~. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector II e~ , SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13359, located on the east side of Sapphire Avenue between Orchard Street and Jennet Street, submitted by H.K. Heim, T nr RECOMENOATION It is recommended that the City Council adapt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13359 were approved by the City Council on June 8, 1989, in the following amounts. Faithful Derformance Bond: ;166,200 Lahor and Material Bond: S 83,100 The developer, H.K, Hetm, Inc., is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectf~y,submitted, _. _ /~~r - ~~- RIiM: G3 ~= AttAcbments 1 ',i `'~: H.K. HEIM, INC. 300 W. Baditb St.. Covina, CA 91723 Phone (818) 9156051 . Fax (818) 915-2305 AFFI L'~,AtED COMPANIES HEIM CO , L?D . TOKYO HEIM CO . L?D .OSAKA CANADIAN HEIM PROPERTIES ITD STAR HOME REALM June i8, i950 Steve M. Gilliland Public Woeks Inspector City of Rancho l'n^a^..C.^.^,a e oat utfice Oox 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Re: Improvement Agreement Tract 13359 Dear Mr. Gilliland: We hereby apply for the maximum extension allowed by law, for the aho ve referenced Improvement Agreement. The project has not been completed because we have not been able to satisfy City requirements to obtain our grading permit. After a resent meeting, with Mr. Jack ham, Clty Manager, it appeared the grading permit will be forthcoming. We will proceed with the work as quickly as the permit is granted. Enclosed ace: (1) Check for $251.00 (2) Three executed and acknowledged copies of Impc ovement Agreement Extension. (3) Letter from Ra[en E. St ofa, Office Assistant, autho[izing extension of grading plan check 89-16409 - Tract 13359. Please acknowledge this request in writing. _ ~ You ~'~ dery~uiy ,, '' r ~ •"p R 1~ H. g akman Jr. r V e Pre ident / ,i '"`% ~ ~ ' RHS/lm Enclosure I `I RESOLUTION N0. ~~ ~ / / A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13359 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Cai ifornia, has for tts consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on July 18, 1990, by H.K. Heim, Inc. as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjaceen~tt to the real propertyy specifically described therein, and generally located C9; and on yMtfatad~ri-So.fFbure Avt~briuxr-- `~--~ FhcLq-A lY. y~ ~1c n..~l S~. wnniech~, lire inscaiiariun ur weir imyr urameu La, Jei~r ii,EJ is sail Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Tract 13359; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. gas CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer e~3 . BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector IIL~7~~'T- S~J9JECT: Approval of improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13/46 Banyan Street Bridge, located on Banyan Street at Deer Creek, submitted by M.J. Brock. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Cfty Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,~ect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13748 Banyan Street Bridge were approved Dy LOe bl ty bounce on may ltl, 1Y69, In t/le TolloMl ng amounts. Faithful Perforniance Bond: 5229,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: =114,500.00 The developer, M.J. Brock, 1s requesting approval of a 5-month extension on said Improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respe su 1t ed, RHM: Attachments N J Brpck fl Sc^s, !nc June 26, 1990 City of Rancho Cucamonga Department of Engineezing P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 ATTN: .Steve Gilliland RE: Extension of Improvement Agreement for Tract 13748 Banyan Street Bridge Dear Mr. Gilliland: Enclosed please find a copy of your letter to me dated June 6, 1990, three (1) executed and notarized City forms for extension of the above-referenced Improvement Agreement, and a check for $251.00. Unfortunately, your letter was mailed to Brock Homes old address (note new address above), consequently, please forgive the length of time it has taken me to respond. Pursuant to your letter, I wish to request the extension of the above-referenced Improvement Agreement for a period of 12 months. The hriAae is rnrrantty nnAcr nnnahrnrN nn_ nn.; fo ~..rin;..y•..a_ •.. be open for traffic by October 15, 1990. The completion of the project was delayed by the lengthy Army Corps of Engineers plan checking process, and the fact that construction could not begin until the rainy season was over on April 15, 1990. However, as noted before, we are pursuing the completion of the bridge at the earliest possible date. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Please feel free to call me if you require additional information. sincerely, _.. ~.. 1 !,, ; . Steven R. She~artY t3 '~~ Operations Manager SRS/11 /d~ a„ 's:: RESOLUTION N0. QD '7~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE C[TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY fOR TRACT 13748 BANYAN STREET BRIDGE NHEREAS, the Ctty Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on July 18, 1990, by M.J. Brock as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way agiacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on Banyan Street at Deer Creek; and NHEREAS, the installation of such Improvements, described to said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Tract 13748 Banyan Street Bridge; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension 1s secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified 1n said improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the sane are hereby approved and Lhe Mayor 1s hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. t, I~~ .~,'. 'zy, . DATE: July 18, 1990 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector ii SUBJECT: Annrnv@t of t~rnpemerf egrnom@nt Extansi nn fnr Parcel MaD 9897, located on the southeast corner of Church Street and Terra Yista Parkway, submitted by Lewis Homes RECOMMENDATION It is recomoended that Lhe City CourH;il adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,iect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Parcel Map 9897 were approved by the City Council on October 20, 1988, in the following amounts. Faithful Performance Bond: f1,018,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: ; 509,000.00 The developer, Lewis Homes, is requesting approval of a 3-mm~th extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the Cfty Cterk's Office. Resp 1 Submitted, RHM:SMSay '~ - Attachments ~:: Lewis Homes Management Corp. 1156 North Mountain Avenue / P.O. Box 6701 Upland, California 91785 71d~985~0977 FAX: 7141981-9799 June 18, 1990 City of Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730-0807 Attn: Steve M. Gilliland Public Works Inspector Ref.: Request for Extension - Improvement Agreement - PM 9897 Dear Mr. Gilliland: We hereby request a ninety (90) day extension to complete the terms of the referenced Improvement Agreement. This extension is required to complete the left turn lane from Church Street at the Business Park entrance (recently mandated iy Li,e running comIDissionl ana LO worK ou[ the tleta116 Lor submittal of a substitute bond to cover the completion (final "cap") of Town Center Drive from Haven to Spruce: 5172 from Town Center Drive to Church; and Terra Vista Parkway £rom Town Center Drive to Church. Thank you for your consideration. Please call if you need additional information. Very truly yours, LEWIS HOMES MANAGEMENT CORP. / L% t / /( .)/~ {~ t /... Joseph M. Olesor. Vice President/ Senior Project Menager JMO:ksk cc: Central Filea Bond/Improvement Agreement File JBADette Nayes, DRE/Surety Coordinator 1~ 7 RESOLUTION N0. COQ-30I A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL If01tNIA, APPROVING IMPROYEMENT AGREEMENT ExTENS10N ANO IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 9897 Wd-eREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on July 18, 1990, Dy Lewis Homes as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way agiacent to Lhe real property speciftcally descrtbed therein, and generally located on the southeast corner of Church Street and Terra Vista Parkway: and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subJect to the terms thereof, is to be done in con,lunction with the development of said Parcel Map 9897; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and tNe same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. /iT V f j 'i. nrmv no n , wrn vn nr-n . srnvn . STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: July 18, 1990 City Council and Clty Manager Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer Steve M. 611111and, Public Norks Inspector II Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Haven Avenue Improvements, located on the east side of Haven Avenue between Church Street and Base Line Road, submitted by Lewis Homes. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction '` j,u i.v iwy~v76uci.ti iui iw ieri nreuuw Iwyrurm„en is were ayytvrCU Uy biro City Council on December 17, 1987, in the following amounts. Faithful Perfonaance Bond: 1144,500.00 Labor and Material Bond: S 12,250.00 The developer, Lewis Names, is requesting approval of a 3-month extension on said 1 rovement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectful bmitted, ~ ~~;_~ Rkn:~: y_-_~f~ ~ Attachments 1~9 Lewis Homes Management Corp. 1156 NoM Mounwin Avenue I P.O. Box 670 /Upland, Cati(ornia 91785 7I41985~09]I PAX: ?14/981-9799 June 18, 1990 City of Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730-0807 Attn: Steve H. Gilliland Public Works Inspector Ref.: Request for Extension - Improvement Agreement - Haven Avenve Improvement Agreement Dear Mr. Gilliland: We hereby request a ninety (90) day extension to complete the terms of the referenced Improvement Agreement. This extension is required to work ovt the details for submittal of a substitute bond to cover the completion (final "cap") Por Terra Vista Parkway from Helpine Place to Milliken. Thank you for your consideration. Please call if you need additional information. Very truly yours, LEWIS HOMES MANAGEMENT CORP. /////. ,5oseph M. Oleson Vice President/ Senior Project Manager JMO:ksk cc: Central Files Bond/Improvement Agreement File Jeanette Hayes, DRE/Surety Coordinator l3~ RESOLUTION N0. ~~~ 3n ~- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGp, CAL1FpiNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR HAVEN AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS NHEREIIS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its canstderatlon an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on July 18, 1990, by Lewis Haines as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described Li,efefi,, and generally located on the east side of Haven Avenue between Church Street and Base Line Road; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, descrlbed 1n said Improvement Agreement and sub3ect to the Lerms thereof, 1s to be done in con3unction with the development of said Haven Avenue Improvements; and NHfREAS, said Improvement Agremnent Extension is secured and accanpanf ed by good and sufficient Improvement Securi tiy, which is ldenttfted in said Improvement Fgreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hnrnhy ai,th~rifed to slan said Improvmment Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest tnereto. 131 y CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector II 4~ . SUBJECT: Acceptance of Improvements, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for Tract 12642, 12935-44 Landscape located on the southeast corner of Milliken Avenue and Banyan Street. RECONEMDATION: The required street improvements for Tract 12642, 12935-44 Landscape have been completed in an acceptable manner and it is recommended that City Council accept said ingrovements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Band in the amount ;82,200.00, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk Lo release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of ;822,000.00. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 1'L64Y, 1'1936-44 Landscape - located dt Lhe SOUtheaSt Corner Of Milliken Avenue and Banyan Street DEVELOPER: Kaufman 8 Broad 3602 Inland Empire Boulevard MC110 Ontario, Ca 91764 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) ; 82,200.00 Release: Faithful Performance Bond ($treet) ;422,000,00 Respec tfu)1 ~ wbmi tied, RNM:S :1~/ Attachment J~ RESOLUTION N0. 90 ".3~3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC. IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12642, 12935-44 LANDSCAPE, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING Of A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improveaents for Tract 12642, 12935-44 landscape have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer 1s authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. 133 ITiT V l1T.T D A Ai/~ V A /TT ifs A 1111\T/T A STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector II e~3 . SUBJECT: Acceptance of Improvements, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for DR 87-42, located on the north side of Civic Center Drive between Utica Avenue and Red Oak Street RECOMMENDJITION: The required street Tmprovements for ON 87-42 have been completed in an acceptable manner and it is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Cterk to release the Faithful Perforniance Bond in the amount of f1500.00. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS DR 67-42 - located on the north side of Civic Center Drive between Utica ,...r._ ..rd ,.cC ~ak Sir-M. DEVELOPER: Empire Partners 5265 State Street Ontario, Ca 91162 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (street) 51500.00 Respectfull submitted, r '~~ Attachment ~ i i'~ii ~ ie. RHM:SNG~ 13'~ RESOLUTION N0. CJO - 3pT A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DR 87-42 AND AUTHORIZING'THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for DR 87-42 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. 135 .r ~. ~~;:. n,mv nv, n , ern rxn n STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, CTty Engineer I BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector II SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion The required street improvements for DR 88-43 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it Ts recommended that City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of (3,300. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS DR 88-43 -located on the northeast corner of Hermosa Avenue and Sharon Circle. DEVELOPER: Garrison Management, Incorporated 1851 E. First Street. M1220 Santa Ana, CA 92705 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) f3,300 Respectfully submitted, {'i / ~Y~~ ~jtt''~.,,, ~ RHM:SMGdT~w Attachment 13co RESOLUTION N0. 9o'JO5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DR 88-43 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of Dublic improvements for DR 88-43 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the Coun~J' Recorder of San Bernardino County. I ~~ - CITY OF RANCHO CtiCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Michael D. long, Senior Du611c Norks Inspector ~~3 . SUBJECT: Accept 3 Traffic Signals located at the intersections of Haven Avenue and Victoria Street, Baseline Road and Ramona Avenue, and Baseline Road and Valencia Avenue, Contract No. 89-114 as complete, release the bonds and authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion". RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that City Council accept the 3 Traffic Signals located at the intersections of Haven Avenue and Victoria Street, Baseline Road and Ramona Avenue, and Baseline Road and Valencia Avenue, Contract No. 89-114, as complete, authorize the City to file a "Notice of Completion, retain the faithful Performance Bond 1n the amount (179,605.00, accept the one year Maintenance Bond in the amount of fi7,%0.50, and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of 517,%0.50 and the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of (179,605.00 35 days after the ~GFV~YV Yi V~~ Vf iV lv i1~Yl,r• if Ilv w1uT.M 11u ~~ u~~ r..ci i~c d• BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The sub,lect protect has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The final contract amount, based on pro,~ect documentation, is 5179,605.00. There were no contract change orders. Respectful) fitted, RNM: Attachment 3' RESOLUTION N0. 9e-3o(o A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR 3 TRAFFIC SIGNALS LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTIONS Of HAVEN AVENUE AND VICTORIA STREET, BASELINE ROAD AND RAMONA AVENUE, AND BASELINE ROAD AND VALENCIA AVENUE, CONTRACT N0. 89-114 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Yictoria Street Street Improvements, from East Avenue to east of Etiwanda Htgh School, Contract No. R9-114 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer 15 authorized to stgn and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. 139 r- - --- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 19, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell M. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Michael D. Lona, Senior Public Norks Inspector SUBJECT: Accept the Victoria Street Improvements, from East Avenue to east of Etiwanda Nigh School, Contract No. 99-135 as complete, elease the bonds and authorized the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion". RECOMENDATION: It is recommended that City Councii accept the Victoria Street Improvements, from East Avenue to east of Etlwanda High School, Contract No. 89-135, as complete authorize the City to file a "Notice of Completion, retain the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount f87,210.40 to be used as the Maintenance Bond, and authorized the release of the retention in the amount of (11,066.03 and the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of f87,210,40 35 days after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received. Background/Analysis The sub,{ect pro,{ect has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, The final contract amount, based on project documentation, is (110,660,26 which includes 1 contract change order for move-in costs for utility delays and overtime work requested to open area prior to school starting. Respectfully ltted, ~/~ ~ G ~ RNM:MDL:,ik Attachments RESOLUTION N0. RQ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RA.NCNO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR VICTORIA STREET IMPROVEMENTS FROM EAST AVENUE TO EAST AVENUE TO EAST OF ET[NANDA HIGH SCHOOL CONTRACT N0. 89- 135 ANO AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETIDN FOR THE NORK ~~:. ~.' as{>. MHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Victoria Street Improvements, from East Avenue to east of Etiwanda Nigh School Contract No. 89-135, have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be f11ed, certifying the work complete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the C1ty Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. ~~I - ----- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPOftT r.- DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council ant City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer i BY: Michael D. !ong, Senior Public Works Inspector SUBJECT: Accept the Vineyard Avenue Street Improvements, from 8th Street to north of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Crossing, Contract No. 89-141 as complete, release I 4h? hnnAe anA au_f Fnw+_e tFe Pfl ~r C_+-+--_~- !~ ,.,~ ~ x"-" ~- of Completion". " ,.. ~ ~ RECOMMEIMTIOM: It is recommended that City Council accept the Vineyard Avenue Street Improvements, from 8th Street to north of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Crossing, Contract No. 89-141, as complete, authorize the City to file a "Notice of Completion", retain the Faithful Perfonaance Band in the amount of 556,675.00 to De used as the Maintenance Bond, and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of 52.811.39 and the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of 156,575.00, 35 days after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The sub,Iect protect has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to Lhe satisfaction of the CTty Engineer. The final contract amount, based on pro,~ect documentation, 1s 556,227.76. There are no contract change orders. Respe y. submitted, L ,, RHM: L: h Attachment RECORDING REQUESTED BY: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P. 0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91729 NHEN RECORDED MAIL T0: CITY CLERK CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P. 0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91723 NOTICE OF COMPLETION AI(1T rr.- :~ HER:DY uir~n nine. 1. The undersigned is an owner of an interest or estate in the hereinafter described real property, the nature of which interest or estate is: Vineyard Avenue Street Improvements from 8th Street to north of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Crossing, Contract No. 89-141 2. The full name and zddress of the undersigned owner is: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, 105UU Ctvic Center Drive, P. 0. Box 807, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. 3. On Lhe 18th day of July, 1990, there was completed on the hereinafter described real property Lhe work of improvement set forth in the contract documents for: vineyard avenue Street Improvements from 8th Street to north of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Crossing, Contract No. 89-141 4. The name of the original contractor for the work of improvement as a whole was: Larsen b Leaverenz, inc. s. The real property referred to herein is situated fn the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, California, and is described as follows: Vineyard Avenue Street Improvements from 8th Street to north of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Crossing, Contract No. 89-141 The street address df said property is the Vineyard Avenue Street improvements from 8th Street to north of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Crossing, Contract No. 89-141. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, a manic ~poratton, Owner ~~;'~D ~ ~ DATE R ssell H. Ic~ 3 Clty-Ertg near RESOLUTION N0. ~~ - 3 08 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR VINEYARD AYENUE STREET IMPROVEMENTS FROM 8TH STREET TO NORTH OF THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILROAD CROSSING, CONTRACT N0. 89-141 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING Of A NOTICE OF COMPLETSON FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Vineyard Avenue Street Improvements from 8th Street to north of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad frocsina; rnntraci. Nn. A9_161 havw hwwn rnonlwted to thw satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. '~~ 'a e~ ~.. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Malt Stickney, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approval to vacate a portion of Kinlock Avenue, located south of HTghland Avenue and setting the date of public hearing for August 15, 1990 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution setting the public hearing for August 15, 1990, for the vacation of a portion of Kinlock Avenue, located south of Highland Avenue, approximately 40 feet wide and 248 feet long. In addition said resolution authorizes the City Clerk to cause same resolution to be pubttshed 10 days prior to the Public Nearing. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 9472, located north of 19th Street between Haven and Hermosa Avenues, was required to provide a temporary 40 foot wide secondary access north of Kinlock Avenue for emergency purposes. Upon development of the property to the west of Tract 9472 this temporary secondary access would no longer be needeu, ine nomeowners on KiNOCk Avenue and Heather Street filed a petition on June 7, 1989, requesting the City remove the temporary access road due Lo non-residents' usage. Engineering staff informed the applicant, Mr. and Mrs. Felipe Ant111on, of the possibility to vacate the access road upon development of Tract 13342 located west of Tract 9472, which would provide a permanent secondary access. On October 18, 1989, the secondary access built with Tract 13342 had been completed and accepted by the City Council; and as a result, the applicant is now requesting that the vacation occur. The vacation application was completed on April 17, 1990, at which time staff began processing the request. The subJect street right-of-way vacation is 40 feet wide and 248.83 feet long and is located south of Highland Avenue between Hernasa and Haven Avenues, through the Route 30 corridor. On June i3, i990, the Manning Commission determined that said vacation would conform to the General Plan and recommended that the vacation occur. Respec Led, ~~ R N• Attachment RESOLUTION N0. 9D '~~'7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, COUNTY Of SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE KINLOCK AVENUE LOCATED SOUTH OF HIGHLAND AVENUE, APPROXIMATELY 40 FEET NIDE AND 248 FEET LONG - APN: 1076-101-01 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION 1: That the City Council hereby el?!~t~ r^ --c^_ ~-.'..~~ Sec «i on wu'^"u, e[.-seq., of the Streets and Highways Code, also^knavnyas the Street Vacation Act of 1941. SECTION 2: That the Ctty Council hereby declares its intention to vacate a porE of n of Kinlock Avenue, located south of Highland Avenue, a City Street approximately 40 feet wide and 248 feet long, as shown on Map No. V-091 on file in the Office of the City Clerk, a legal descriptton of which is attached hereto marked Exhtbit "A" and Dy reference made apart hereof. SECTION 3: That the City Council hereby flzes Nedrresdgy, the 15th day of Augu-'stZ990, at 7:00 p. m., in the City Ha11 Council Chamber, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cuca~onga, California, as the time and place for bearing all persons obleCttng to the proposed vacation for the purpose of its determining whether satd City Street 1s necessary for present or prospective street purposes. crrrma ~: "at w,a Ciiy Sireec Superintendent shad cause notices to be pos consp cuously along the line of the street or part thereof proposed to be vacated at ieast 15 days before the hearing, not more than 30 feet apart and not less than three signs shall be posted, each of which shall have a copy of this resolution on them and shall have the following title in lettering not less than one inch in height: "NOTICE OF HEARING TO YACATE STREET". SECTION 5: The subJect vacation shall be sublect to the reservations and ezcep on~ff s, ig any, for existing utTlittes on record. SECTION 6: The Mayor shell sign this Resolution and the City Clerk shall attesf~a-tFe sale, and the Ctty Llerk shall cause same to be published 10 days before the date set for the hearing, at least once in Inland Yali Dail Bulletin, a newspaper of general eirculatton published to e o n ar o, a i ornia, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. '~~ EXHIBIT "A" 40 FOUT ACCESS EASEMENT All that certain real property situated 1n the City of Rancho Cucaaanga, County of San Bernardino, State of Califorla, being over a portion of Parcel 2, as said Parcel 2 1s shown on Nap No. 4232 recorded in Book 40, pages 57 and 58 of parcel nwps, said portion being a strip of land 40 feet to width and lying 2U feet each side of the following described center line. Beginning at a point on the northwesy line of Bald Parcel 2, distant thereon N89; 53'29"E 173.58 feet fraw the northwest corner of said Parcel 2; thence from said point of beginning So; 11'37"N 248.83 amore or less to a point on the ,.y~~hn rly line ne ~_a~ n~r_~~ n ~~i~«:.^.t _ _ .. ._ _ .uv ra'vi~ luY,iu fCEG frw Tile southwest corner of said Parcel 2.~ /~~ - - Hrw~wn '~v,~- -- - - Northrest Corner of PnrcN 2 173.38' _ N 89. 33' 29' N CITY OF t1'su: RANCHO CUCAMONGA mss: M ..,. a 1 A^y, 1 IY I l Pnr. 2 ~"~ -'~ 1~ , I P-,..~,.~ ~-~ I Southrest Cornlr of Porc~l 2 ~I - ^ ~ ~"~ `1~ ^ _ 1~ •1~8^ ^ D~1OII~RII~IO DM9[ON , ~g ~r I V N/Gh'L ANO „a .4 /ENUE ~~ _ ~%' •!>J ua $~' I eGl ND ~ ~'t -~ ~ ~F, ~~ ~f C5 I t moo. -~ ~`~0 2 09 10 ~ - ~ e r ~o• \\62h N0. a"'~-J' /9 rv s ne~cr ~ l T` ~ ~ e ~ 07 ff~ - o _;J' j 5 ND W wnua -~ ~ i ~' a ~ 11 i ~ m~ ¢, ~ ~ GP N~. :, r .. - ~~~.~,~ Y .a ~ ~~ P/ E. TRACT N0. 9305 ~ ~R• N CITY OF PPJdY: RANCHO CUCAMONGA Trrt.>C V/C/N/T~' MAP sxan~en~ra nrvrsiox >~~ _ "C " i~q ORDINANCE No. ~~' AN ORDIEANCE O! THE COONCIL O! THt CITY O! AANCEO CDCANONGA ADDINO CEAlTEA 9.19 AHATEI[ENT O! CERTAIN NOI9ANCE8 TO TITLE 9 - lOHLIC PEACE, NORALH AND 11ELlARE TO TEE CODS O! THE CITY Ol RANCEO CIICANONOA. A. Rsoltals. (i) The City Council hae found and determined that in certain structures or places in the City criminal street gang activity is present which hae caused and will continue to cause deleterious conditions to be present in the City, including but not limited to, offenses involving dangerous or deadly weapons, crimes against the parson and crimes against property and the related burden on law enforcement to respond to such activity. (11) The City council further found and determined that persons, including but not limited to, criminal street gangs, utilize structures and places within the City for the unlawful storage, sales, serving, keeping, manufacturing or giving away of controlled aubatancae as such are defined by State and Federal law and which are commonly referred to as "drugs". (iii) The City Council has determined that the utilization of such structures and places within the City for the uses set forth above are, and constitute, public nuisances as such are defined in state law end such activiti.a .rte ••ic'_ati:o ^` "c ~:::.li.: ;.eaicn, safety and welfare end further such activities interfere with the enjoyment end use of property within the City. (iv) The City Council desires to establish a process which will supplement the generel laws of the Stnta by adopting a nonjudicial adminietrativs abatement process which is intended to provide an alternative means by which such nuisances may be abated by the voluntary cooperation of thn property owner of the structure or place harboring the public nuisance. in the event such nonjudicial process tails to result in the abatement end cessation of such public nuisance the City may institute and pursue to conclusion n civil action to abate such nuisance. e. ordinanas. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does ordain as follows: section 1: In all regards as set forth in Section A, Recitals harainabova. I ~~ Section 2: Title 9 - Public Peace, Morals and Welfare is amended by the addition of Chapter 9.19 - Abatement of Certain Nuisances, which shall read, in words and Piqures, as follows: "9.19.1 - Purpose and intent: The City of Rancho Cucamonga hoe determined that certain activities which have been identified as public nuisances under State law are present and occurring in structures and places within the City. State law provides for the enjoining, abatement and prevention of such nuisances. The City desires to supplement the general laws relating to the abatement of such public nuisances by establishing a process whereby such nuisances may be abated by a voluntary cooperative effort between the City and the owner of the property whereon each public nuisances are occusing. The procedures established in this chapter describe and eatablleh this process and further, make provision for obtaining judicial relief in circumstances where voluntary abatement is not achieved. "9.19.2 - Definitions: As applicable to this Chapter, the Pollowing terms shall have the definition ascribed to them as follows: "A. 'Criminal Activities' as used herein shall mean any mindameanos or felony as defined by local, State or Pederal laws, including but not limited to, the oPPenaea set forth in Penal Cods Sections 186.22 (c) and 186.22 a. "B. 'Criminal Street Gang' as used herein shall have the meaning as defined in Penal Code Section 186.22(P): any ongoing organization, association or group of three or more persona, whether formal or informal, having as one of its primary ectivitiea the commission one or more criminal acts, as specified in subsection (a), which has a common name or common identifying sign or symbol, whose members individually or collectively engage Sn or have engaged in a pattern of criminal gang activity. "9.19.3 - Public Nuisances to be abated; Procedures. "A. Every structure or place used for the purposes of criminal activity by a criminal street gang, gangs, or inflividual members thereof, or each building or place wherein or upon such criminal activity tekee place, or as defined in Penal Cods Section 186.22(a) is a public nuisance and may be abated as sat forth herein. 151 "B. Every structure or place used !or the purpose of unlawfully selling, serving, storing, keeping, manufacturing, or giving away any controlled substance, precursor and analog specified in State law and every building or place where such activity occurs or as is defined in xealth and Safety Code Section 11570 is a public nuisance and may be abated as set forth herein. "c. Abatement procedures as set forth in State law which, respectively, relate to Penal Code Section 186.22 (a), Health and Safety Code Section 11570 may be commenced by the City Attorney as set forth herein. "9.19.4 - Allegation of Nuisance; Investigation. "A. Written Allegations. Any person may submit to the chief of Police written allegations regarding the existence o1 a nuisance as defined harem at a specific structure or place. Such written allagationa shall be factual in netura and provide epecitlc details which serve to support the allegations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Police Department or any coda enforcement agency of the City, may identify a structure or place which is believed to be a nuisance as defined herein. "B. Investigation of Allagntiona. "1. The Police Department shall investigate all allegations ragnrdino the wvf <f..;cc -f t:,e „uiaanca ••`ili~:.,y appropriate investigative procedures. Such investigation may include but is not limited to a review of calls for service for nuisance-relnted activities, statements or admissions of the property awnar or occupants of the subject structure or placs, and declarations from adjacent property owners or occupants. "2. The Chiat of Police shall determine St the results of the invaetigation aarrant proceeding to a nuisance abatement hearing. "a) If a nuisance abatement hearing is determined to 6e justified, the Chief of Police, or hie designee, shall proceed as set forth in Section 9.19.5. "Dj if a nuisance abatement hearing la not found to be justified, a written notice of such decision shall ba mailed by Pirst clear mail to the party who submitted the written ellagationa. ~~ 3 4 "9.19.5 - Nuisance Abatement Hearing. "A. When the Chief of Police has determined that a nuisance abatement hearing is justified, he shall establish a date, time and place for such hearing. "B. Notice of the hearing shall be sent by certified mail to the owner(s) of record of the property at the address as shown on the last equalized tax assessment roll, and to the party who filed the allegations. "1. The notice shall ba sent not less than ten (lo) calendar days prior to the date established for such hearing. "2. The notice shall contain the following: a) Zdentification of the street address and assessors parcel number of the subject property; b) Identification of the alleged nuisance and the evidence in support thereoL; c) A description of the hearing process and the rights of the property owner; d) An explanation of the alternative civil abatement process; and, e) A description of the appeal process. "9.19.6 - Nearing Procedure: "A. General Provisions: "1. The City Manager or his designee shall serve as the Nuisance Abatement Hearing 0£f icer. "2. The Nearing Ofticer shell have the power and duty to administer oaths and affirmations and to certify to ofticial acts. "3. The heerinq shall be recorded by means oP audio tape recording or any such other means as the Nearing Gfficer deems appropriate. "4. All persons presenting oral testimony shall be sworn prior to taking such testimony. "5. All written evidence shell be signed and dated by the parson submitting the same. Is3 "B. Presentation of Evidence. "1. Each party may call and examine all witnesses, present evidence, rebut any evidence presented against the party and be represented by anyone the party may choose. ^2. All relevant evidence shall be admitted and considered by the hearing officer, whether such evidence be oral or written. irrelevant or repetitious testimony 6ha11 be excluded by the hearing officer. "C. Decision of Hearing Officer. "1. The Hearing Officer shall, not more than five (5) working days after the hearing render a written decision wRich shall, on the basis of the evidence as presented, determine the existence or nonexistence of the alleged nuisance. "2. If a nuisance is found to existence the Rearing ofticer shall describe the nuisance with particularity and shall specify a time !rams for the voluntary abatement of the nuisance by the property owner by any lawful means. Further, the decision shall explain the civil abatement alternative if voluntary abatement fails to ebsts the nuisance. "3. The wrS rrep a..cici~.-. o:,.ili 'un served on the property owner and interested pariias by certified mail. ^9.19.7 - Appeal Procedure' "The property owner may appeal the decision of the Hearing otLicer on any grounds, on ar before the tenth (10th) day after the data of the Hearing Olficar's decision. Suoh appeal shall be vrittsn end shall describe with particularity the grounds for the appeal. Such appeal shall be tiled with the City Clerk; the Clerk shall piece such appeal on the first available City Council agenda. "The City Council shall consider the appeal 1n conjunction with and re~pactiva to the Yecord of the nuisance abatement hearing. The City Council may revise, amend or otherwise altar the decision of the Nearing Officer in its solo discretion Snaofar as such is supported by the evidence. '~ I "9.19.8 - civil Abatement: "When the property owner or other interested party respona ible for the subject structure or place fails to abate the nuisance within the time frame as established for such abatement, the City Attorney is authorized to proceed with a civil action to abate the identified nuisance pursuant to the applicable State or Federal law. Such abatement action may include seeking a temporary injunction and any applicable damages, costa, and remedies. In the avant such damages and coats are not satisfied such shall become a lien and charge against the subject structure or place." Section 3: That the City Clark shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cauainq it to be posted as required by law, and it shall thereafter ba in full force and effect thirty (30) days alter the date of its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 1990. DENNIS STOUT, Mayor I, DEBRA J. ADAMS, City Clerk of hA~ ni r.. ..• .._ _ Cucamonga, do Hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance~wae introduced at a regular mooting of the City Council of the City oP Rancho Cucamonga, held on the day of 1990, and was finally passed at a regular meeting oP the C ty~ council oP the City or Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of 1990, try the following vote: -- AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS; ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS; ABSTAINED: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ATTEST: C ty clerk of the C ty oP Rancho Cucamonga et I11\4a0q~p:eC 1. ].: (5S CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 TOt Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Rick Gomez, Community Development Oirec to BY: Bruce Abbott, Associate Dlanner SUBJ ECi: ENY [RONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVI EN 89-12 - DAYIES - An appeal of the Piann ing Commission's decision denying the development of an industrial complex containing six industrial buildings totaling 22,940 square feet on 2.2 acres of land in the General Industrial District, Subarea 3 of the Industrial Specific Plan, located on Feron Boulevard, east of Helms Avenue - APN: 209-031-87 and 88. (Continued from June 20, 1990) RECOMMENDATION: City staff and the applicant have reviewed the pro,iect and reached a conceptual agreement on the outstanding design. site planning, and landscape issues. Therefore, staff recommends *.hat the City Council continue Development Review 89-12 until the Council meeting of August 1, 1990 in order to allow the applicant time to revise the final drawings and for staff to prepare the necessary Resolution of Aoo royal. BACKGROUND: On June 1, 1990, City staff received a written request from the applicant's attorney to continue the public hearing scheduled for the above referenced appeal on June 6, 1990. The public hearing was then rescheduled for the meeting of June 20, 1990. At the June 20, 1990 City Council meeting, staff requested, with the agreement of the applicant's attorney, to continue the public hearing to July 18, 1990 in order to allow time to meet with the applicant and work out a solution to the outstanding architectural, site planning, and landscaping issues. ANALYSIS: On July 1990, Pity <ra se met with the apps ica nt and his representatives to discuss the outstanding issues. The issues that were discussed were those items that were recommended by the Design Review Committee at their February 22, 1990 meeting. The primary issue, as in previous meetings, was the proposed architectural design and building materials for the proposed the buildings. At the July 5 meeting, the applicant proposed that the two buildings in Phase 2, proposed to ad,{oin existing buildings wfthfn Phase 1, could be ~S CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT DR 89-12 - OAVIES July 18, 1990 Page 2 tonstruc ted with the same design and slumpstone material as the buildings fn Phase 1. The remaining two build togs in Phase 1 could essentially be close to the same design as the buildings in Phase 1 and he built of slumpstone block with some upgraded details. Staff agreed, and in add itian, strongly recommended that the buildings in Phase ? or. the north side of Feron Boulevard be substantially different in design, utilizing an upgraded building design. In response, the applicant has proposed a new building design for a portion of Phase z and ail of Fim;z ~ «h't,`, :^ "?ff=r°_°+ +° annna ra nce and improved in comparison with the existing buildings in Pire se 1. The applicant's new proposal is using slumpstone block for all of the buildings in Phases 2 and 3 keeping the design of all the buildings consistent. In order to do this, the applitant has agreed to certafn architectural, site plan, and landscape upgrades consistent with Design Review Committee recommendations. These upgrades will be reflected in the Resolution of Approval and revised development drawings which wfll be available at the August 1, 1990 City Council meeting. .~ l1 Director Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Letter Request for Continuance Exhibit "8" - Davies Industrial Park Master Site Plan 1 S~ A J9nN O, MANNENINO SA! BRIGUGLIO HAND De,LIVERED June 1, 1990 (`ity (`n nnril c/o Bruce Abbott P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Re: Environmental Assessment and Development Review R9-12 - Davies Council Members: Please be advised that we zepzesent Albert W. Davies, inc. This letter shall serve as our formal request that the above-referenced matter, currently scheduled to be reviewed on June 6, 1998, be continued. Mr. Manna*;nn h~v tenon n,.. of the country. Ne will not return until next week and will have insufficient time to prepare for the review with the council members. Please reschedule the review of the above- ceferenced project and notify us of the new date. Should you have any questions, please contact the undezsigned. Very truly yours, MANNERINO S BRIGUGLIO By A L ipp ~/ Paral oat ALT/cg ~~~~~ ,~• 9333 BASE IINE ROAD, SUITE t10 f RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 / TE1171 ~) 950.7100! FA%1741) 9N •5610 i I _ oe~.. Zl-6B'tla i e . _. ~ utltld 1p~ III 8 113StlHd a.:~; ~ ~'~ N t ____,___ ~, ..ate' S31AV~~ MJ'id 3L5 tl31S1M1Y e` ai ~~ l~ # ~\ ~~ ~i - ~, I ~~~- a!I ~ Y' C _- o ~ Z e' I ~i~3 1 I ~ ~~ ' <~ f i ;~14-~ ~ '------ -----' ! -------' I ~- ;; ~e3; ~ i 1 js= ~,St ~ ..... i 'S i !~ i .... .. .~.... .. .... iS~ ------- ~i I ~ti ~ ~ ~ . ~ //~~ a /.\ - ,.. _ ~ £i l set ~~ ___ . ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ , _ ~.: a ' ; ' a /, , ~, ~ i ~ y. t i j; i I t F i f L_.. ...J /~ iR~ ~ ~~ ~ ,. I - .._. .._. 1 ,. ~ ~ ; . 1 ~ , !~ ~ %l ` i .~'i ~ i ___ _.. L.__V.. 1~ yy ~ , i , 8 ~ !~ T i i S ~1 ~ ~_ ___ __ - _ _ _-__ _ "~ .: ~~ .~ ~ I c ~ ~ t p I ~ ' ' I iii" i~ ! i~# i a i~? ~~~ II~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. 90-236 A RESOLUTION OF THE CIiY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CU CAMON GA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING AN APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW N0. 89-12, THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX GONTA IN ING SIX INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS TOTALING 22,940 SQUARE FEET ON 2.2 ACRES OF LAND IN THE GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, SUBAREA .5 VY 1I1C 11Y IIU~I RIHL JP Cl.lf ll. YI.AI\, LU111\ICV VI\ FE RVI\ BDULEV ARD, EAST OF HELMS AVENUE A. Recitals (i) Albert W. Oavies has filed an application for the approval of Development Review No. 89-12 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Development Review request is referred to as "the applita lion." (ii) On the 11th day of April, 1990, and continued to the 25th day of April, 1990, the Planning Commission of Lhe City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a meeting on Lhe application. (iii) On June 6, 1990, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing to hear an appeal on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. (iii) Alt legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. 6. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby find, determine and resolve as follows: 1. This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to the Planning Commission during the above-referenced meetings on April 11, 1990, and April 25, 1990, and presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing on June 6, 1990 including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony. this Council hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The application applies to property located on Feron Avenue, east of liel ms Avenue with street frontages of 151.67 feet for Phase II and 154.88 feet for Phase III and lot depth of 393.48 feet and 222.56 feet respectively, and is presently unimproved; and (b) The property to the north of the subject site is an orchard, zoned Industrial Specific Plan, Subarea 3; the property to the South of the site consists of A.T. & S.F. Railroad, zoned IndAAUStrial gSgpecific Plan, SUbdP@@ $t ~1 DE'A8ey~8p~Ptjl~4~a@~re i ~ie$4t~'~t a ~aAnuofactu~ ~ng aendpcons t~ucti on service yard and office, zoned Industrial Specific Plan, Subarea 3. /5"7 Resolution No. 90-238 Page 2 (c) The architecture, materials, and site plan do not meet the design criteria es to 6lis bed for that district within the Industrial Specific Plan and Planning Commission Resolution No. 89-156. (d) The proposed architectural designs are incompatible with overall design goals of the General Plan. (e) The revisions to the proposed plans as recommended 6y Design Review Committee are appropriate £ar meeting the gaal> and de si an criteria of the General Plan and Industrial Specific Plan. 3. Based upon the subs to nti al evidence presented to the Commission and this Council during the above-referenced meetings and upon the specific findings of facts set fn rth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the proposed project is not consistent with the objec- tives of the General Plan; and (b) That the proposed project is not in accord with the objectives of the Development Code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; and (c) That the proposed project is not in compliance with each of the appli ra ble provisions of the Development Code; and (d) That the propas ed project without the conditions applicable thereto, will be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially tnJUrlous Lo properties or improvements in the vicim ty. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 a6o ve, this Council hereby denies the appeal. /~V CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT PATE: July 18, 1990 TO: Mayor end Nembere of [he City Council PROM: Jerry B. Pulwaod, Deputy City Manager BY: Diane O'Neal, Administrative Analyst av 8e'eCi. COMB RECOl4~NDATION it ie recommended the City Council approve the attached Resolution adjuetinq the reeidentiel rate for refuse collection Erom $31.40 to $13.30 per month end an aaj uatment of 17.08 in connsfrcial/industrial rates for basic refuse service effective July 1, 1990. BACRCROUND Staff and the three residential haulers have negotiated a $1.90 adjustment Ln L_r!r r,_ _ ~.l r.. mFie ~Aj..nYron~ la nnr~ael~ HeA nY • 9'1• inn.-e •ae In Me County'e`tlppinq fee e. The tipping fee factor le outside the control of the refuse haulers. This proposed rate adjustment ie requested to take effect ae of July 1, 1990. ANALYSIS fluap !ee Coate son Bernardino County nt the Neet Valley Solid Naets Landfill cite (Nilllken) has Dean experiencing large increases Ln operating and maintenance costa Aue to shrinking landf 111 capacity, increaelnq coet• for closures, en6 eecalstinq concerns regarding the environment. These expensae end preparalSon for the future have resulted Ln the landfill !es being raised 27t effective July 1, 1990. The nee fee oar ton deooe ited aili be $23.SOj incrases from 518.50 par ton. Thies 55.00 lncreaee represents a direct coat of 50.91 oath month par residential unit. This $0.91 should be considered a pass through coat. Nareover, the City Council should be aware that $23.50 per ton Ls still considered • low dump fw for an urban area Ln Southern cnllfornie. Ae surrounding Landfill •Ltae near capacity and nltarnative methods of disposal are dwBoped, the coats will oontinue to rise. Re EUee Rete Adjustment July 18, 1990 Page 2 A8 939 Racpcllag Leglslalios AB 939 ie the State of Cel ifornia•s comprehensive program for 6o11d Waste Hanagemant. This Legielntion mandates Local agencies to develop a source redvctic:. and recycling element ae pert of their general plena. Specifically, the legislation requires cities and counties to divert 25t of all solid waste from landfill or transformation facilities by January 1, 1995 through source reduction, recycling, and compoeiting actlvitles and to divert 504 by .;a:wary •, euuu. Additionally, the legislation creates a local fee authority for cities and counties to impose fees in amounts sufficient to pay the costa of preparing, adopting, and implementing an integrated waste management plan. The fees shell be based on the types or amounts of the solid waste, and shell De used to pay the actual cosh incurred by tM City or County in preparing, adopting, and implementing the plan as wall as in setting a,M collecting the local fwe. Pirat year eoete for prepuing the source reduction and recycling element have been estimated Co be $150,000 to $250,000. Tha estimated range costs era attribute63e to the compraheneivenaaa of the Bill and the continulnq amended emergency zegulatione attached to the legislation. Stnff has included n $0.53 first year fw for AB 939 Eoc both residential and came:ercial/industrial rates. This Eee ie estimated to generate $165,000. Coneuur Price Index The Consumer Price Index for the Loa Angslee/Anaheim/Riverside metropolitan ores (all urban consumers) for the period March, 1989 (index 126.2) through Pebruary, 1990 (index 133.6) was an increase of 6.64. This ceprewnte a $0.46 increase for the contract haulers. Othez Meat Vallap City Refuw Rates It ie very difficult to utilize a caeparison of other titles' rafuw rates to determine equitabil Lty. Tha major comparative factor Aencho Cucamonga has with the other cities in the West Valley eras ie Chat our rafuw is deposited at the Milliken dump nits niona with Upland, Chino end Montclair. St aft contacted the City's of Upland, Chino end Montclair and requested their rate adjustments for Council's review. The rates are a follows /~~ Refuse Rata adjustment July 10, 1990 Page 3 919 Upland $11.20 512.88 Chino $10.18 $13.22 Montclair 511.75 $13.70 Rancho Cucamonga $1/.a? $13.3? Rafuo Bervlw Aseaivad Each complaint the City receives from a resident concerning refuse service ie logged. mhe Clty has received five (9) in the peat twelve (12) months. It should be noted that each week the haulers pick up approximately 26,000 reeidentinl unite. Respectfully auhmiLted, ~~~6 ~ erry B. Fulwood Deputy Clty Manager DO/tlr W SJLa ~1 3)0 ABSOLUTION NO. 90-fee A RSSOLUTION OP TN8 CITY COUNCIL OP THH CITY OP RANCMO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SBTTING MTES FOR R882DBNTIAL ANO COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ASPUSS COLLECTING WITHIN THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA XBSREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga recognizes that of fect.ive July 1, 1990 the County of San Bernardino euhetentially increased the tonnage fees for refuse deeosited at the Hllllken Landfill site by 27#; and WBEitEAB, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga recognizes that since July 1, 1989, the lest adjustment in rates for residential refuse collection, there have been substantial increases in general operating expenses and employee wages 6y the permit refuse haulers within the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and fiRER6Ae, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucmwnga has determined that it ie necessary for the efficient operation and management of the residential nrtd commercial/industrial refuse collection aervice within Rancho Cucamonga that the muimum rates ba adjusted. NOW, TBEREroR6, DQ iT eEIIOLV® by the City Council of the Cliy of Rancho Cucamonga that the rates listed below become affective July 1, 1990: SECTION 1• ChetQ f S i - R id ti61. A. saelc Individual Reeidentiel Unlt rate utilizing Curb service and ..i w..., 1. Maximum monthly rate $13.30 par service. Maximum monthly rata differential for service north of Banyan Street $0.70 per service. 3. Maximum monthly rate for senior citizen $6.90. a. Senior citizen shell be anyone sixty-two (62) yeere old, head of household, end have a requaei with permittee. A. Multiple Aesidential Unit rate utilizing curb service and group payment. Maximum monthiv rats ehali ba 513.30 for the Eiret unit and $12.30 for each unit thereafter. 2. Maximum monthly rote differential For service north of Benynn $0.70 par unit. C. Multiple Reeidentiel Unit rata utilizing three (3) cubic yard retuea containers. / W Resolution No. 90-~*a Page 2 1. Maximum monthly rate shall be ae follows in reepact tc trequency of service. a. One service weekly $ 79.00 D. Two eervicae weekly $122.00 c. Three services weekly $165.00 d. Povr services weakly $208.00 e. Pive services weekly $251.00 f. Six eervlcae weekly $293.50 D. Temporary eervica (lase than thirty (30) days). 1. Three (3) cubic yard containers. a. Maximum rate of $66.00 for seven (7) days at a location. D. Maximum rate of 539.25 for each additional eervica (d~P) 2. Roll off container up to maximum forth (40) cubic yards. a. Maximum rate of 5291.25 per eervica (dump), however, container shall be serviced (dumped) at least once every :even (7) days. S A. Commercial and Tndu atr{al ratty uN 1{x{nn nnw and nnw half 11-1/71 cubic yard rafuae containers: 1. Maximum monthly rate shall be ae follows in respect to frequency of service. Un-co:opncted Compacted a. one eervica weekly $ 65.50 S 98.00 6. Two services weekly $ 95.75 5143.00 c. Three services weekly $125.75 $188.25 xoathly raGS is napsc! to frsquencT aDall sot M less than 85t of Lha stated uzisus rats. s. Crrercial and Sndustrial rata utiilainq twc f2) cubic yard rafuae containers: 1. Maximum monthly rate shall be ae follows in respect to frequency of eervica. r 1~3 Aeeo lut ion No. 90-~~~ Page 3 Un-compacted Compacted a. One service weekly $ 73.00 $109.75 b. Two eervicea weekly 5110.50 $166.SD c. Three eervicea weekly 5148.25 $223.50 Monthly rats in respect to Yregw¢cy ehali not be leas Ehaa 85L of !ba elated Y:faoa aeriiea. ... Commercial and Industrial rate utilizing three (3) cubic yard ref use containers: 1. Maximum monthly rate shall bo ae follows in respect to frequency of eervice. Un-compacted Compacted a. One service weekly $ 87.50 $131.00 b. Two aervicee weekly $134.50 $201.75 c. Three aervicee weekly $181.75 $314.75 d. Pour aervicee weekly $228.75 $385.75 e. Bive aervicee weekly 5275.75 $456.50 f. Six aervicee weekly $323.00 $527.25 Monthly ratan in respect to frequency shall not W leas than 85e of the stated Y:SI¢a rate. n /.rmme.-ninl •nA TnAn a~~l~l ..t. ~~i1 tw1_nn i .._ ;Ai n.,Al._. ~~_-A ___ ___ containers: 1. Maximum monthly rate shall be ae follows in respect to frequency of eervice. Un-compacted Compacted a. One eervice weekly $102.25 $153.75 b. Two aervicee weakly $161.25 $242.00 c. Three aervicee weekly $220.00 $330.00 d. Pour services weekly $278.75 5418.25 a. Pive eervicea weekly $337.50 $506.25 f. six aervicee weakly $396.25 $594.25 lionthly rakes in riepect to frequency shall ¢ot ba lean theA $Bi of the stated Y:SaY rate. 8. Commercial and Industrial rate util ising elx (6) cable yard refuse COntaineri t 3. Muimum monthly rate shall W ae follows in rsapaM to trequency of Yrviee. ~~ ~s Resolution No. 90-++• Pages 4 Un-compacted Caapscted a. One service weekly $121.50 5182.50 b. Tao eervicea weekly $203.50 $305.25 c. Three services weekly $285.50 $428.00 d. Sour services weekly 5367.75 $550.75 a. Five services weekly $449.75 $673.50 f. sir aervicoe weakly 5531.75 $796.50 Moaihly rates iII respect Lo frequency atoll sot M lees than 85\ of the ateted Mx4nN rate. !. icw¢ i~andiiny ¢nu vw P.., v .,y as .. s_ ' _~ ^-`~:.e~ a-iq cubic (counter-balanced lid). utilizing three (3) yard containers: 1. Maximum monthly rate shall be ae follows in reepeci to frequency of service. Un-caapaeted Compacted a. Two eervicea weakly $153.75 $201.75 b. mares eervicea weekly 5200.75 $272.50 c. Pour eervicea weekly $247.25 $363.50 d. Five eervicea weekly $293.75 $414.50 e. 81x eervicea weakly $340.50 $485.25 Nonlhiy rata io reapact to lregnenry shall not he leas Lhsn 85- of the staled .axieue raU. O. Rail off container up to maximum forth (40) cubic yards. Un-compacted Compacted e. Per service (dump) $301.00 5451.25 Container shall be serviced (dumped) at least four (4) times per month. Rata Ln respect to frequency shall not be lest than 85\ of the stated u:Lae tabs. H. Temporary service (lees than thirty (30) days). 1. Th raa (.7) cnhin yard containers. e. Maximum rate of $64.00 for seven (7) Qsya at location. b. Maximum rata of $39.25 for Data ndditionel service (dump). Hale in eeapeot to lrequeooP atoll net M lea than 0S\ of the slated eaxLae wb. W Reeoluiion Ro. 90-••* Page 5 2. Roll off container up to maximum forth (40) cubic yards. a. aaxinmm rate of $301.00 per service (dump), howevez~ container shall be serviced (dumped) at least once every seven (7) days. Rata is respect to fraquaecy abali mt ba lexs th:n 85L of tLa sLeied uxLuat reGa, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: July IB, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell M. Maguire, City Engineer dY: Judy A. Acosta, Engineering Technician e~ . SUBJECT: Ordering the Formation of Street lighting Maintenance District No. 7 for Tract Nos. 13565, -5 thru -9, located on ?h? nn.?h cidp of 96th Ctrppt. pact pf wardnNn-Bullock RnaA IL is recommended that City Council approve the attached resolution ordering the work Tn connection with the Formation of Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 7 and approving the Engineer's Report. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Attached for City Council approval is a resolution ordering Lhe work in connection wtth the Formation cf Street Ltghttng Maintenance District No. 7 for Tract Nos. 13565, -5 thru -9, located on the north side of 24th Street, east of Hardman-Bullock Road. The developer of the subject tracts has been notified of the public heartna by mall and notices were also posted at the site. The attached resolution also approves the final Engineer's Report tentatively approved by Resolution No. 40-272 Respectfully submitted, ,:~ / P RNM; J'IA: sd Attachment ~~ RESOLUTION N0. ~Q-,~'I A RESOLUTION OF THE CYTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE WORK IN CONNECTION WITH FORMATION Of STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 7 AND ACCEPTING THE FINAL ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR TRACT NOS. 13565, -5 THRU -9 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, did on the 20th day of June, 1990, adopt its Resolution of Intention No. 90-272 to order the therein described work in connection with the Formation of Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 7, which Resolution of Inten ti nn Nn, on_272 duly and ',<ga', ly publ'shed ir. the time, form and manner as required by law, shown by the Affidavit of Publication of said Resolution of Intention on file in the office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, after the adoption thereof, notice of the passage of said Resolution of Intention, headed "Notice of Hearing", was duly and legally posted in the time, form manner, locatton, and number as required by law, as appears from the Affidavit of Posting of said notices on file in the office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, after the adoption thereof, notices of the adoption of the Resolution of Intention were duly maiied to all persons owning real property proposed to be assessed for the improvements described in said Resolution of Intention No. 90-272, according to the names and addresses of such owners as the same appears on the last mailing or as known to the City Clerk of the r.iry of Rancho Cucamnnna ~h icti ~•?~ -- ~-- ,.,p~~, .ere uuiy maned in the time, form and manner as required by law, as appears from the Affidavit of Mailing on file in the office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, said City Council having duly received considered evidence, oral and documentary, concerning the jurisdiction facts in this praceediny and concerning the necessity for the contemplated work and the benefits to be derived therefrom and said City Council having now acquired jurisdiction to order the proposed work. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: That the interest and convenience requires the Fornwtion of said s r c and the ordering of the work, and said Ctty Council hereby orders that the work, as set forth and described 1n said Resolution of Intention Na. 90-272, be done and made; and SECTION 2: Be it further resolved that the report filed by the Engineer ~s e"F r' eTiy finally approved; and SECTION 3: Be it further resolved that the assessments and method of assessmenE~Fn ~e~ngineer's Report are hereby approved. SECTION 4; Be it finally resolved that said assessments shall not begin untTTS'P et r30 percent of said tracts have been occupied. /~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO TRACT NOS. 13565, -5 THROUGH -9 SECTION 1, AUTHORITY FOR REPORT Phis report is prepared in campliance with L'ne requirements of Article 4, Chapter 1, Division 15, of the Street and Highways Code, of California (Landscape and Lighting Act of 19721. SECTION 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ihis report proposes the es iabiisnment of a Street Lighting Maintenance District for Tract Nos. 13565, -5 through -9 only. This project comprises the area immediately north of 24th Street between Hardman-Dullock Road and San Sevaine Road. The District will eventually include the majority of the area referred to as the North Etiwanda Specific Plan, which generally includes properties from Day Creek to the east City boundary and Highland Avenue north to the National Forest limits. Areas to be included in the work program are the street lights within the rights-of-way or designated easements of streets dedicated to the City and are limited to local streets only as shown hereon. Street lights within major roadways, such as San Sevaine, Hardman-Bullock and 24th Street are not included. These areas will be included to the City-wide lighting district for arterial highways. SECTION 3, SCOPE OF WORK The specific areas to be maintained by the District as defined in the preced- ing section, will become part of the active work program at such time as the specific areas are annexed into the District. The normal process will be the dedication of the areas to the City, construction of the street lighting system, and upon demonstration of satisfactory operation, the acceptance by the District no later than the following July. The Developer will make a sufficient deposit with the Southern California Edison Company to provide for up to twelve (12) months of ordinary and usual maintenance, operation and servicing costs of the street lights in each development at the time of initial operation of the lighting system. Upon establishment of assessment effective July 1 of each year, any remaining deposit shall be refunded to the developer. Nork to De provided for, with the assessments established by the District, consists of maintenance, operation and servicing of street lights. Annual Engineer's Reports will 4e prepared and approved by the City Council defininy the specific work program for each year and its estimated cost. The plans and specifications for all street lighting will be prepared by the developers for the subdivision improvements and will be approved by the City Engineering Division. Detailed maintenance activities on the Street Lighting Maintenance District include: the furnishing of services and materials for the ordinary and usual maintenance, operation and servicing of any street light improvement and the repair, removal, or replacement of all or any part of any improvement, providing for the illumination of the subject area. /~9 SECTION 4. ESTIMATED COSTS As development proceeds within North Eti Wanda Specific Plan, the area to be maintained by the District will increase and so will the cost; however, the number of dwelling units will also increase. It is anticipated that the number of dwelling units will also increase at approximately the same rate as the maintenance area will increase, thereby keeping relatively constant the cost per dwelling unit, excluding cost of living increases. Based on historical data adjusted for inflation, it is estimated that the quantity of street lights and the maintenance and energy costs for assessment purposes will be as follows: A. Tract Nos. 13565, -5 thru -9 e es ma a cos a current dollars) for the District as initially foamed comorisina the 216 Awelling units of Tract Nos. 135fi5, -5 thru -9. Lamp Quanta ty* Rate** Annual Maintenance Cost 58 ea. 5800 Lumen x S 8.93 x 12 = E6,215.28 6 ea. 9500 Lumen x 10,16 x 12 = 731.52 TOTAL 56,946.80 NOTE; Arterial lighting shall be annexed into a separate district. * Assumed to be high pressure sodf um vapor, 5800 lumen or 9500 lumen; actual type and size may vary. ** All ni aht enerav service nor 7amn nnr ~„rnrti ~rri~~n~".. .~.i....,.....,.... All the costs are based on Southern California Edison Company monthly rates including maintenance. All costs and areas are based on current estimates and may or may not be valid for future years. The tool cost and unit cost vary as the monthly rate varies and as additional areas for maintenance are annexed to the District. The monthly rate is established by the Southern California Edison Company and is not currently controlled by the size of an area or any operation of the developer. The size of the areas being annexed to the District only has an influence on the total cost. The costs shown are estimates only, and the final assessment will be based on actual cost data. SECTION 5. ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM A copy of the proposed Assessment Diagram for the tracts that will comprise the original Maintenanw Disirirt, is attached to this report and labeled Exhibit 'A" - "Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 7". Exhibit "B" is a legal description of the District boundary. These exhibits are hereby incorporated within the text of this report, The District wilt originally comprise Tract Nos. 13565, -5 thru -9 only the remainder of the "Highlands" project, namely Tract Nos. 13565, -5 thru -9 wilt be annexed into the District at the time of recordation and City Council approval. I ~~ SECTION 6. ASSESSMENT Maintenance costs for the entire District are found to be of specific benefit to all developed residential, institutional and commercial property within the District in accordance with the following relationship: Land Use Single Family Detached Multi-family/Attache6 Residential Institutional/Commercial 1 Acre = Assessment Units 1.0 Assessment Unit .5 Assessment Unit 2.0 Assessment Units Estimated Annual Assessments Estimated Tract Nos. 13565, -5 thru -9 Total annual cost iSection 41 55,946.80 Assessment units Single family 216 d/u x 1 unit ~ 216 assessment units Estimated assessment rate ~ f6~80 , 532.16 per year Thus, estimated assessments of 532,16 per assessment unit will initially be required for the original District. Estimated assessments are for comparison only. Actual assessments will be set by public hearing each year 1n June and will be based on actual energy and maintenance expenses and developed land use summaries. SECTION 7. ORDER OF EVENTS 1. City Council adopts Resolution of Preliminary Approval of City Engineer's Report. 2. City Council adopts Resolution of intention to form a District and sets public hearings. 3, City Council conducts public hearing, considers all testimony and determines to for a District ar abandon the proceedings. 4. Every year in Ma,y, the City Engineer files a report with the City Council. 5. Every year in June, the City Council conducts a public hearing and approves or modifies and approves the individual assessments. ~~~ .A. ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM i,i"1 ,~~ ,- i CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA :' COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 1 ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA TR 13.Sbs ~ -.S -l-hru. -9 EXHIBIT "B" LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET LIGHTING (MINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 FUR TRACT NOS. 13565, -5 THRD -9 THOSE PORTIONS OF THE WEST HALF OF THE EAST HALF AND THE EAST HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP I NORTH RANGE G WEST. SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, COUNTY OP SAY BE RNARDINO, STATE OP CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 73, PAGES 39 AND 40 OF RECORDS OF SURVEY CF SAID COUNTY DESCRIBED .AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF TRACT NO. 135GS~G AS SFIOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 217, PAGES 37 THROUGH 43 OE MAPS OF SAID COUNTY, TFIENCE THE FOLLOWING COURSES: I. NORTH U°I8'13" WEST 139.23 FEET ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT BEING ALSO THE CENTERLINE OF RIDGELIKE PLACE AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF TRACT 13SG5-G TO THE BEGINNING OF A 400.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY; 2. NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVETH ROUGHACENTRAL ANGLE OF 35°53'28" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 250.57 FEET; 7. NORTH 3C~ Il'4l" WEST 324.50 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A I9UU.UU FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY; 1. NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OP 35°U I'SG" AN ARC DISTANCE OF I IGL71 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A G70.W FOOT COMPOUND CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY; 5. NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TH ROUGH ACENTRAL ANGLE OF 40°35'17" AN .4RC DISTANCE OF 474.72 FEET; G. RADIAL TO SAID CURVE NORTH 49°56'57" WEST 30.00 FEET; 7. NORTH 39°05'15" WEST A94.75 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF TRACT' NO. (3565 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED W BOOK 217, PAGES 59 THROUGH G2 OF MAPS OF SAID COUNTY; R. ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT USGS NORTH 89°79'30" FACT 1547 vu FEET TC THE NGRTH WEST CORNER OF LGT "Y` OF SAIU 1 kACf ISSGS; 9. SOUTH 28°40:37"EAST 44.01 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT"7."OF SAID TRACT 13565 6EING A POINT ON A 132RA0 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY; A RADIAL THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 73°SR'S1" WEST; 10. SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGHACENTRAL ANGLE OF I9°47:32" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 456.74 FEET; DOC-173 I1. SOUTH 2°01'24" EAST 159.03 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 1172.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY; 12. $OUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7°I 148" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 147,21 FEET; l3. SOUTH 5°10'24" WEST 114.61 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 1228.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY; I4. SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CCIRVE THROUGH A CENTP.AL ANGLE CF 34'.l C00" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 1228.00 FEET; 15. SOUTH 29°20'36" EAST 377.23 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 872.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE WESTERL Y; 1G. SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGHA CENTRAL ANGLE OF I7°1T12" AIY ARC DISTANCE OF 268.16 FEET; 17. SOUTH I1°43'24" EAST 249.94 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 780.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY; IR. SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TH ROUGHACENTRAL ANGLE OF II°25'l0" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 155.46 FEET; 19. SOUTH 0°18'13" EAST 71.77 FEET TO A PO[NT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT NO. f35fi5-6; 20. SOUTH 89°41'47" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 1 I4G.G2 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING DOC-173 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 ' 'PO: Mayor and Members of City CouneB FROM: Jack Lam, City Manager SU&IECT. STATUS REPORF ON MUNICIPAL COURT FINES RECOMMENDA77ON• Continue to participate Srr the setllcment of thLS issue as It means not only refunding past reeenues to the Ctty but also future One revenues well th access of our share oC the addlttonal $26,000 to lx funded frorrr Account No. 01-42856028. OACROROLiND /ANA4y515~ In February 1988, 13 cities in San Hemardlna County entered Into a)olnt agreement to Ne salt against the County over the allocation of fines collected from defendants who were and are convicted th municipal court, placed on "Sunmrary probation" or "Court probation" (defined m Penal Code Section 12l)3 as conditional sentence) and ordered to pay a floe. Sall was Okd m February 1985 in Sacramento Supertor Court (Sacramento Supertor Court Actlon No. 358193) entitled Clty of Vfctorvllie, et al. v. San 8ernardlno County et al, The relief sought 1n the law salt is a writ of mandate and mJunctlon compelling the County to pay the clttes then statutory share of One revenues and seeking damages fret[ February 1985 m the form of the fines menues collected by the County and placed m its general fund, together with Interest thereon. On July :4, 1989, Sactamento Supertor Court Issued a parilal Summary Judgement, thereby wiu~ m mvor of tine acres, nowevcr, me Courts COUid not determine the dollar amount owed to [he clues. The Clly of Victorvdle has been coordlnattng the eRorts of member clttes as well as funding legal expenses from the original $50,000 paid by all member clttes. Recently, the thirteen member clttes establtshed a cdmmtttee to expedite the resolution of this salt. The committee has recommended hiring a consultant to determine how much the County owes the eittea. [t is anticipated that the County may oppose funding this consultant's cost. Addltlonally, It is estimated that the addl0orW legal expenses above the 850.000 to Meyers, Tave, Rttwsh & Went will be $25,000. Vletorville would continue to act as facilllator and w01 bdl each partltlpant their appropriate share of the consultant's cost on a quarterly bases. The inltlal cost to Rancho Cucamonga th 1987 was $5,340, this was based upon population. A rnpy of the original Joint agreement fs included for your Infomretbn. (7~'s~p'e'~c^[U('ully submitted, a~J ck lam ~~ City Manager JL:Jmf Attachment CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT fLi~~`~ .._8~d._ DATE: June 17, 1987 ~~~ T0: FROM: SUBJECT: Mayor and Members of the City Council ~ ~ tvn Lauren M. Masserswtn, City Msnager PARTIC PATION IN JOINT EXERCISE 0 ONERS AGREEMENT KITH CITIES OF SAN BER UlRO N CO:fI 7 It is recoseaended thst an aspunt of (5,340 be allocated by the C1ty Council and that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Joint Exercise of Poren Agreeaxfnt on behelf of the C1ty. Backer nd The cotes of San Bernardino County hate been discussing with the County of San Bernardino for sere than a year the issue relating to the toss of floes collected through the Probation Oeparteent. The County has made no effort to resolve the toss of funds which ocean when tM courts ordv fines paid to Probation DeparLent rather tMn to the court. Nhen that accun, Probation receives all of the spney end .the City receives none. Ibrswlly, Lhe cities are to receive 80f of fines collected. while tt is difficult to determine the extent of loss to the city, all of the cities agree that several thousands of dollars have been lost each year fray this procedure. Si nee the County has indicated no wi119ngness to respond, it is rccoessended that the City of Rancho Cucamonga ~otn with other cities to San Bernardino County to forty a Joint Exercise of Powrs rcaaent whicA will provide for a fair allocation of cost Ior the proposed awsuit to be f11ed against San Bernardino County for improper distrl6utton of court fines. It Ss anticipated that the cost for this Legal challenge may reach as high as (50,000; therefore, that asqunt has been designated and will be shared on a population bests. Naturally, 1f the costs are less, a rebate will be provided to eacA caswunity. The City of Raroho Cueason9a's share is 55,340. Me antltlpate that tf the issue is resolved to the benefit of the cities, the asount we will receive in court fines will Par exceed the investment in legal fees. LMM/d~a Attached 7 ~P ' t~v~~yti Fem. j°~ryt 'ply ~.,"~ ~ ~:~ ~" < ~: ' ` ~ ~if ~`ar4.~ IJ.IJ iI i\A IMh.. . 1^f June Ir. 1987 Caur en Wasserman City Manager City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box B07 Rancho Cucamonga. LA 91730 Oear Mr. Wasserman: Eric lased please find a copy of the proposed Ieint Eeercise pf Powers Agreement providing far the allocation of costs of the proposed lawsuit to be filed against the County df San Bernardino foY improper distribution of court fines. The proppsed agreement has been prepared !n the fe nnat suggested Cy Me attorney advi si nq as on this matter, Elizabeth H. Silvers It would be appreciated if the agreement could 6e submitted to ypur City Council for approval as some as possible so that action can be taten an th iS matter, Roger WJghha rite has suggested Chat each City meet intlividually with then Super vi sc^ pr for to the fll:ng df khe lawsuit. Certainly, that is an :nOly 1VV'Jl )VY ~~rirr rr ~o .. Ir • ~ .:. ~..~. ..~1 ~~ ~4~. An~r~rn.. of ycur Council, we would Braque=_t ythat, meeting be heltlFas soon as possible inasmuch as we stro ugly feel that the minimum time should elapse between the tune we mate the Ccunty aware Ctat a lawsuit is to be filed and the actual frl ing of a lawsuit, For yp ur information, hcwever, before any legal ac lien ma, be tat.en, a formal claim must he filed with the County and sut milted rp the Boartl df Supe~'~+iscrs far an official action. The City of 4icto^ville feels thl=_ gives each of the Supervisors adequate not'. ce. After the agreement has Ceel siynad, please return It to us as soon as passible. 'When all cities irrvcLred have sigrstl the agreement, a cmnplete enecuted copy will he provided to you. !f your Council tloe5 not wish to join in tnis ac hdn, please noti Fy us sc that we may revise Ne agree:nert acpording l~-. [f you have any fur trier questim~s, please contact our Lity Attorney, Henry R, Kraft. Sincerely, /u...._.- .~~ -ay1. amen L. Cox City Manager ]LG c6 F_nc :osures I ~~ 7GIN7 E%ERCISE OF PGUERS RGREEMENT BY PNO ANONG THE CITIES OF THE COUNTY OF SPN BERPIARDIhIG 1. Parties. This Joint Er.ercise of Powers pgreement, dared far the purpose of reference only, is enured int^_ par=_uent tc Government Code Section 6502 6y and among the following public ??arc ies: City of Rdelanto City of Montclair C[ty of Barstow City of Yeetlles City of Big Bear Lake City of Ontario City of Chino City of Rancho Cuc amonpa City of Colton City of Redlards City of Fontana Ci ~y or Neal co fi ty ^~ ~r a,-„i Terrace City of San Bernardino City of Lama Linda City of Upland City of Vic to rville 2. aeci talc. Each Party to this agreement, is a municipal epreera- tion, duly authorized and existing untler the laws of the Stafe of Califor- nia, and situated within the boundaries of the County of San Ber ua rdi ne. ps such, Government Catle Section 34501 grants to each Party the pc:+er to sue antl 6e suetl in its awn name. f. dispute has arisen be been the Parties and the Ccu•, t, of San Bernardino regartling the collection and distribution of fines and fm fei- = c~..ac c,. b, ...a ......, :, ... ~_, ..c, :.cr....,... ..,c ... .. _: ..c..c.c ,. -. since 1980 or before, the County of San Bernardino has^i mp rcp er !. ,n thheld Che pro[eetls of Certain fines and forfeitures which shoulU he.s hex,. dis [r ihu tad to the Parties pursuant to Penal Catle Secticn 14EG. ~;egetis- ticns with the staff of San Bernardino County, urging the Court. to ~_ea=_= this practice antl to return monies imprpperly withheltl, ha+e h=en :::;=uc- ressful. the Parties therefore desire to pursue their nmmon foal b- filing suit agoinst the County of San Bernardi nc. 3. ~urocse. The purpose pf this agreement is to pra.ide fw th=_ efficient resolution of the Parties' common legal claim. «lthcuyh each Party has the right to bring similar litigation sap ar atelr in its own nee+r, the resuiti ng litigation by all t7 cities would be duplicative arc, i~~ se ne cases, proh ihi ti~ely costly. Through this agreement, the par H es daa [.~= !_ set rprth Che terms and Candltlone untler which One action ~ni': be +, ai nta l~ted rr. -: Par Cieai 0 Mi ] a far - nandY a•LCnt : : _„i~ ~ suchsiiti7a B eni to provide far the allocation of litioatie:•,ve•-.G en_ss; m~i to set fn rth .ar ious other matters relating to the prosecution, +f ;ne cities' claims against the Count? of San Bernardino. Tne par ti ss •ic :pct intend `.v create a separate puhlic agency through this a_ree:::ent aNl „n pravisi m• of to is agreement shculd h[ so cp nstruetl. aU the rl:atlan to File ~llf, BV exeCUtiO'+ of th ie aO, eS^:a,:r, gg~h Par tr+au the rises and directs that suit be filed antl dilige^:I, p~~:~a::ed, in the names of the Parties, against the Cow;br of San Be~~~rarC inc. It= Bo a:d ~~ of Super ai aors and such administrative off issrs~as may be avorgpriate, fm- ' the general purpose of insuring the proper di str ihutipn of fi,,e! and fprfeitures under Penal Code Section 1463 and securing repay nrent ~a the Parties, with such interest and penalties as may be appropriate, ?11 such fine! and fa rfei tures which have been improperly withheld by the County of San 6ernardino. g. Administration of Agreement. The atlministration of the sctivi- ties called far in this agreement is tlelegsSetl to and vestsd in an Adrnir,is- trative Committee. The Administrative Cpamit tee shall be campy ksed of the city manaoers of Fontana, Fed lands antl Victprville. Each member of the Adwinistr ati ve Committee shall b!, al all tunes, an officer or ewpioyee pf a Party to this agreement. If an~, me:~ber ceases to be an off icer or emplavee of a Party, or if Ehe member's agency ceases fp he a Party to this agreement, a new member shall be promo by seiec ied i.r ire soma manner as the orzg;nai member The Atlmini?tra rive Committee shall keep all Parties informed of the comppsi tion pf the c^:nrnit- tee. The Administrative Committee is authorized and dir ec tsdr m. behalf of all Far ties, to perfpnn all acts necessary gr desirah le tc execute and administer this Agreement including, but not limitsd !o: eel ectinq~antl retaining legal counsels pravitling day-to-day management aryd direction pf the litigation, including the right to deternri rye all ma treys of tactics and sty ateoy on which legal counsel requas is dire[ ti pni au tl:o, iziny, e•.alua ti ng and monitor ing legal expenses; and conduc!i:r? settlen~snt neggtietiens, if any, provided that eny preposetl sattIement ogre?meat d~~ali require the unaniwous consent of all agencies then Party to khe Aqr een~ent, < nr_~,..,...;_..., e....,:... rn. na..~.,.. s e:..~..~...r gyn. r;t .,a V is to r,zlle shall provide accounts nq services far all payments one receipts ;squired by the terms of this agreement, and shalt he reap[ usib le for the safeM eeping of all funtls paid by or to the Parties Co this Aqr eemsnr, obligation of the Parties. Each Party to thi; aqr emrre~:t sh ai!: a. Pay, upon demand, its "appropriate share" of aii e-pen=_e=_ incurred in khe performance of ec tiv sties [ailed for by this agreement. The "appropriate share" of each Party shall be calculated as fol'. c'..=_: a;; enpevses snail be spoor tim,etl among the parties with eacn Part• tsar i:y tns same percentage of those expenses which that Party's pepuiat ion bea~~! tc the ;;opuiatipn of all parties to the Agreement. For khs purpose of aopprtiuninq all expenses incurred under this agreement, khe Parties age?! Cnat tt:e following [able accm-a to 4; reflects the Parties to this :qr -amen!, :he puuu:atim, pf !aCn Party, ins nr_.pn l!tlpn pf elj Partja_, and rng percent of sacn Party's population with respect to the papuiatioo of a:l Far ties. pp c.r d. Population of Tc tit Gity pf Atle lamp y,?03 .Ec'; Cit, of Barstow _ 20.360 2.'3tl I?q ^! i s4a. t' < ~ ,+ ~ 1 ~,p ~j~ ~~ .+a '~ ~ ~~ City of fig Bear LaY.e: t N.y µ-% city Of Ch llW•, : _; . . City of Colton City of Fontana City of Grand Ter ra[e City of Loea Linda City of ~MOntclair City of Needles City of Gntar io City of Rancho Cucamonga City of Redlands City of Rialto City of San Beranrdi no City of Up lantl City of Vic torville 31,661 59,978 9,877 12,388 25,298 5,200 113,619 80,420 54,156 56,432 137,277 38,941 24,754 753x314 4.201: 7.96:: I .31 •; L 57~ 3.367. .59!: 15.09;: 10.687. 7.19': .49;( 10.23:1 .B2" 3.29•. 100.0': in Lhe event of termination by any Party to this qg,;eement, Ghe Oirgc rpr pf Finance pf the Lity pf Victorville shall rsc al c~~lat=_ the appro. priate share of each Per ty Co the Agreement based upon Fhe figw ee sex forth above and shal3 nptify eqU Party pf the rlsuits of !hat rota i•..via tion. t. Upon execution pf this agreement, pay to the Ki„ancq O irzctor of the City of Vic tarv iile the sum listed after the nam=_ of eac1, Party, wh;ch sum represents eiCh party's appropriate share of I,he fi, at Ved~'9 Bgtlmdted legal fxpensle: ro tai City of gtlelanto 310 AO City of Barstow 1,363.00 City of Biq Bear Lake 385.00 City of Chlno 3,430'.00 City of Colton 2,100,00 /80 ' f;< t `; ~: City of, FOntana~ ~. City of Grand Terrace City of Loma Linoa City of Mbntclatr City of Needles City of Gntario City of Rancho Cucamonga City of Rialto City of San Ser nartlino City of Uplantl City of Vic torville ,S ~rt~`+ 5 ,,. ,~ ' , - ~ S "..p • r.~' 3,980_00 ~ . ~ '.i t ~' 0'',' 655.00 335.00 l,bB0.C0 345.00 7,545.00 5,340.00 ],JTJ.VV 3,745.00 9,115.00 3,Q10.00 1,645.00 150,000.00 ' c. Pay, upon demand, its appropriate share or li tigaliQ ~r expense=_ which exceed the first rear's estimated expanses set forth and sr supper apr app b, about, or which are incurred after Julv 1, 1037, all w111a nn n.r a in nna~ ~nr rod our n n4 fn this agreement shall be dirsc Fed to the Director of Finance pf hhe Citr of 'yic tux vii te, who shall calculate khe amount awed 6y oath Parts under the formula set fer th in sub a_ectian a, above, and 6i11 each Percy at and i~~glr. Bills sh all be prepared far each calendar Quarter in which acti:ih occur? and ;hall be payable to the City of Victorville immediatel, upm~ demand, 3. rmi nation of Apreemen Thia agreement shall te~`.`i,:a~e a= !,. any Dar sy uoen occurrence of any of the follpwing cantle lions: a. l5 tlays prior written notice of termination h. a... ~a~`• yi.en to the then chairperson of khe Atlministrative Co~nmi ttee: p~a.idsd, hawe•:er, that the terminating Par tv shall be iiab le far its aoc~om is to sh ors of am er.penses incurred up to the date notice of ter:ni na lean is recee~•ed wh uh exceed the terminate ng Party's cents ibutiou w~de• pa~agraGh 7.b.; era n ..vidad {„rih.r, that in no event 3h ail a termi rail no cis'. __ snti t'. ed Fora n?fund of ate or am part of its coot ributim` ~`ade ontlei ^ p arapraph 7.6. b. Au tome lice ll y, uGen the tai turf of any Psrh to pa. iks appropriate shad of litigation fvpmses within 60 tlavs of date cf in~. cite. Q, Amen m nt. This Agreement may 6e amentled at any ti~M unm~ the approwl of all Parties to the Agreement. V CITY OF KANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1290 7D: Mayor and ripnlpre of the City Council niai7: stisatt tslcxey, t~anagemettc nnaiysc S[197BC1': '1~/ Q+ 11PPIImiD1BII' 1Ci'~ It is 1+e0o~ded that the City Catncil appcwe the appo;.a,~,s.r of JeamE Igd~art to tha Board of Di,..~-~.~ of the Raz~clw Qramotga 0.~mity Paadatim. When the Faadatim was ford by the City m~mcil in Aisil 1987, it was to ecimprised of a seven mamber Bontd of Directors. Due to the lraignatim riiiiia~u rucii.ien, uircu iy rv~w a vac:atcy m vie ooa[n. Ms. rmha,+ has dated a real 1lttaTeBt in the City of Ranctn Cuc~orga the Fwrdatim thmxlh her effete as a coKd~air of the 1990 Rancho CUCam C<ammity Fourdatim Nmym~s Ball. Tier badrgnotad in fmldtaising std o®a activities make her an ideal wrdidate to serve m the Hoard. Ms. Indtart the unaninnus approval of the Hoard of Di+~~ of ttie Paudation to fill vacatcy. R `es/pectfu,~llny SUhnltted, l.Jd""""`"~ y ~ Susan Mickey, Mat~aclenmtt Arelyst 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT RATE: ~.rly 13, 1990 TD: Mayes aryl M®ber's oP the City Oumcil F1tLY1: Susan M1ClCey, matmgemerR AnaiysC SU97FICf: i '10 OOtA'~ 52.500 10 Tf)6 GAIiDIIffit SPRIIt: SOC~Y It is reoo~erded that the city wmcil consider matc3urg a $2,500 dormtian made by the Parrr3yo wcamorcp Co®aarity Ftaadatim to the Gaxdiror Spring Society. ffie Gaxdimr Spring Society, in an effort to raise furde far their prncgmmirg season, has solicited help Pxcm e~ttxoirdirg cities. 7t~e City of Uplarrl is moisiay a iiv, uuu uwauu,, u,e uLy vi ~w,~ia~u+ +e uowy a .:rauu, „i v away. $10,000 aryl; the City of Mafinlair is making a donation of $5,000. All monies gave come fry the cities' geroral fords. Tfie Parrln C®mity Faudation had budgeted $2,500 to be used to help support the (a,.9irwr Spring Society and has asked that the City Couroil ^match" their contribution. 'lt~e Gardiner Spring Society is helping to fill a wid f~ the resid~ts oP aanaro until a performing arts facility can be built. Aoooxding to their reooetls, 25t of the Gardiner Spring Society seasm ticket holders are fry R,u~ctw 0.~oai9a. It is suggaeted that the City help ~t the Society in their efforts to provide quality entettairm~t f~ the residents of Imrdn Cucamotyga. Attached is a sd~le of the Society's upovairg season. Respectfully Submitted~J SueanHnnageoerrt1 Analyst Nav®ber 4, 1990 - Fioy Clark :a ~.. 9, i99u -3'lair*iai :cxc5a:s a~ Ir~FS`.al ...,zip Jaruaxy 12, 1991 -Big Bard Jaeiborae Fetavary 9, 1991 - I~uen Internatirnal Folk oarioe GYwp MdYCti 14, 1991 -Irish Rrnm2s April - ~i'k May 12 - ViCI'S B~qe l8~ `Mq','-[;2-90 T iJE 1 1 : c. P k7 2 /'~ M.4Y f 0 19w1 ~ ~ GARDINER SPRING SOCIETY FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS A Calilomia Non•Prottt Pubik BeneOt C:orporatlon Co-FwnE,M ny ~M CNIr el: Cnlno, IAonwld,, Ontxb, R~ndw Cuc~menµ Uy4na stay 1, 1930 RECErvEp NAY 4 19vu !•h~. Fblxrt DuttAn, PrC91d~t _ CITY CLERK c%uSecurlty Im~eSffnent/Managennt '~'~ u'~++rvU 10691 Footh111 Blvd, Suite 4i5 liv~ciw Ncanonga, CA 91730 Dear Sob, I want tb thsik you for Uie support of $2,500 thla yeu to the Gardiner Spring society ..*.or the Prefcosdng !1rts. Na welocme thL finencLal help and ae hone m keep your FOUIYddtiafl iilfoand OE Ol1Y axleavors i71 brixgirg Ferfcoaliiig Trta m the Inland Etpire. Wa look foswaerl 1n building a celatioiuhip that will further the gwyl{ o! our xa~ectiw orgmd2aticna. 9lnceroly, aor the x, Getty ~Y JSS eu~onreesRlnNO ~uarowuee ' cc .~h ~ : ~ GARDINER SPRING SOCIETY FC7I~THEPERFORA7ING ARTS A California Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation Co-Faund.d by tna Clu. ef: CIJm, Manta W, Onurb, xnq,o am.n,ny., UPlana And M a• cn.aav uam u.w.l6an seAoa olwa ~ifie ibcnrable Dennis strut Mayor, City of RdnCFn Cucartonga 2.0. Box 307 Rand~o Cucamnga, CA 91730 Gear i3ayoL stout; IJe were pleased m learn that the Arts Frnadation of the city o° Ranc1» Cucarong8 A13ACdted ~2, $00 1R tnelr budget for the Ca+riiwr sPr'rn4 Society for the PPSfonaing Arts. Dennis, since I last spoke m yw on the phone, we were adviagi by the City of Upland that the Society is in for 510,000 in the nav b~let. week we tret with A].lal ctrshan, President Of the inland Synptlony Association and he infaua6ad us that they nave been approved for $70,000 by the Qty of S~ Bearardir»: If we want Pp*f^++^i^g Arts presented to the dozens Of the inland trrQire, we reed fn pool the resauses of all the oonmalities in the West End. At a tied of budget pressures, it makes goad business sense in joining Dennis, I hope the City of Rancho Covmlmga will consider tte request of .$10,000 in the new budget for the ~*~++~~ Sprtrrg Society for the Performing Arta. `lour City Ww+7A be jOini7KJ Wit}1 !kmtdalr, Q1t8rlOr alyd Upla[d In bringing a ric3r variety of Perfoani:g Arts bo the people of the West tYd. Thank you and your CYty Wrmcil for your kind eonslderation. Sincerely, ~ ~ ~ HOCUCAUO,. itY ADM RoTION MRY 21 1990 '.•laL'aoa „' 'arr°dc` Preaident r~gt0~l~ ~c ~P OARDDilR RPRMD AUDITORIUM 1216 Norlh Evdld Avanw, Ordulo, G16orMa 91762 MaNnq Addmc 100 N. Moumain Avarua, 9uila Y36, Upland, California 91768 (7,~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: July 19, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM; Russell H. Maguire, City EnaTneer BY: Bob M. Porter, Assistant Engineer a~ . SUBJECT: Installation of street name signs at the terminus of cul-de-sac's which abut ma,{or streets tt is recommended to Improve identification of future cul-de-sacs which abut maJor streets and that pubilc Improvement standards be revised to require that additional street name signs be installed where cul-de-sacs abut maior streets. BACKGROUND At the June 6, 1990, meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, this matter of additional street name signs t0 identify cul-de- sacs which abut maior City streets, was discussed, with a request for .a--.~ i-s~~~t1 ~r L.i~~~I wn Iw..n• F.,w, of hen rv cnrv/roe u~°r unu n _... anennan alternatives and cost impacts ANALYSIS The three emergency service providers were contacted for input and comments. A11 indicated that any form of additional signing would be beneficial when responding to emergency calls. The Fire Protection District points out, however, that its units make extensive use of maps and previously established quickest response routes. By these means, a neighborhood is usually entered prior to the abutting cul-de-sacs being passed. This 15 shown in the attached report presented to the Fire Board on June 6. The report states that the sub,~ect signs would have a minimal benefit to Fire District responses. The ambulance serr'ce gets the name of the nearest maior rros4 street from callers and also uses maps in responding. This service does believe that the sub,{ect signs would be helpful because response is often not from a central point. 1~~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT JULY 18, 1990 PAGE 2 Similarly, the Police view is Lhat such signs would aid in finding destinations because of the single officer often in a car and the need to respond from anywhere in the City. In this case, directions from the dispatcher can't easily be given. Also, it was pointed out that the Police receive many more calls per day than the other services, thus often have several cars enroute simultaneously. A major question arises regarding the extent to which abutting cul-de- sacs should be considered for signs. The types of such streets encountered include the following: .A. <rreet ^pen to pedestrian traffic B. street visible but closed to pedestrians street closed with a block wall In addition, the character of the street adfacent to the cul-de-sacs should be considered. Where parking is permitted, street signs could cause an increase in parking on the major street, creating a nuisance, but no danger. If the major street has parking prohibited, there could 6e an increase in illegal parking, creating a hazard and an enforcement problem. In both cases, the signs could encourage left turns Into the curb at night. RECOMMENDED SIGNS If this type of sl gnt ng is to be used, it is recommended that only cul-de-sacs where the street 15 visible be signed. Where 61ack walls exist, such signs would not only be confusing to drivers but could result in resident demands for such signs even where house lots are between the cul-de-sac and the ma,j or street. A second type of signing has been discussed. It would be a directory, with a scaled map identifying the various streets within the immediate area. This type of sign is beneficial in apartment or condominium projects where the neighborhood 1s defined and limited and there 1s room to safely stop and read the sign. On a public street, this type of sign has a number of drawbacks. Anwng these drawbacks are size, as it would have to be large enough to be read from a distance; and location, as it would be best placed on a side street, off of heavily traveled streets, gtv+ng sufficient area to stop and read the Ci rectory. it could not be installed on residential streets with front yards and driveways. Finally, in an area with public streets, there would seldom be a single entrance with a limited and well-defined area where such a sign would be useful. The large number of signs required for the whole City would be prohibitively expensive. This type of sign 1s not recommended on public streets. 188 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPOIIT JULY 18, 1940 PAGE 3 Minor revisions of public improvement standards would assure installation of street mm~e signs in new developments. The other consideration would be retrofitting these signs in established areas throughout the City. An estimate of the number of established cul-de-sacs where these signs could be installed 1s approximately 150. An estimated cast of 5100.00 per installation would total 515,000.00. In conclusion, the installation of these signs would further assist emergency services and Lhe general public. Nith the addition of these signs to pro,Tect plans, they will be installed automatically with new development. There are no provisions in the current budget to fund the installation of these signs in established sections of the Ctty, thus the City Council would have to authorize addition of the work to the budget. Respectf ubmitted, RHM:B :sd Attachment /~~ ~,., a .., RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT STAFF REPORT DATE June 6, 1990 7Q President and Member of the Board of Directors ' FROM: L. Dennis Michael, Fire Chief ' SUBJECT: Installation of Street Signs Idemifying CuI-de•sacs Which Abu: ' Major City S[rceu During the May 16, 1990 Board meeting. a aur•Nnn w+_• •i<_ed rope;,ai..^.e ;:c - -~ : v: instantmg street signs to identify cut-de•sac's • which abut major streets, to assist emergency reapoesa personncl is the identifica[ion of such streets during emergency responses. I have discussed thin concept with staff and it is our opinion that installation of these signs would serve minimal benefit to emergency rcsponu personnel in determining cul-de-sac locations during emergencies. Fire personnel routinely review and study the city street, highway, and addressing grid system. Additionally, we have over many yearn. developed a sophisticated computer generated mapping system specific to our emergency response needs for all penonnel who rcsportd to emergencies. These maps are carried in all emergency response equipment. Also, in each station there arc wall maps illustrating [he entire city a[rcat grid system. Personnel generally utilize the wall map and/or map book to locate the quickest response route to emergency locations. Attached arc two examples of map pages caried in fire rcapoose equipment. Personnel would enter a street gaining access to a cut-de•sac prior to such street signs, as indicared by arrows. ANALYSIS Utilization of street signs to identify cut-de•saca abuttieg major streets or alternatively all strcers would seem to be of greater benefit b the general public than emergency rcapoeaa personnel. Therefore, I would recommend the[ City Eoginaering analyze and consider this matter for further j recommendation, should you desire to pursue thin concept. J~RJ~e/~c~t`f a t• lsy~lslub~m_i t t e d, L. Denni' Michel ~~~k~~ Fire Chief LDM/ss Igo 5BC4 -, -s 3, ~~,i.' °- ~ nnn a d ,rir..H. a~ ~ ' , ~. . fie S3luc ~yo~le) ' ~ W -`z <~ V O ~ ; 9E~ P ~ p a 4 m ~ - e a. P I-. p `O , n ~ ~ ~ ui:F~tr ,c V E~ ~ ~ ~ ~ °m ~Y < vi ~ ~ ¢n ~ po ~DVY m N n ~` L199 r699 ~ f /q ~-~ < i 7 !!0 OOOMMOl11M ~n~ ~Ih~ ~r r ¢i¢ ~n ~ ~t~n ~~2v u ~ fl y _ ~_\ _ ~ ^~ - t ,= r- I s ~~ ~_ 1 ; ~~ ~=~__ ~ _- _ _- - a J=Iy _ - _ - > a = a ~ a a > I _ _ _ ~ y - ~ ° 'a , 1-I ~° a - a o ' _ Y ~ _ ~ ..i-~ p Z~ Q ~ ~ w~ ~ a ''~ ~ OOOL ,y CbOc ~ ~ 3e _ - - Sys _ - n .9a _ 1~ S91L m ' p w n > °a ~>W~~N~CS ~~D a ;_jZ _ _ >CtlN ~ ~ I ~x. ' n -y+ n ZiOL p e ni. _ a a ~o ,p ~ ~AV be>N o-' a a a p ~ ct ~~• v ,~ .>cCl m 9LlL ~` p ZbOL m cva01 m ~ trZ~ _ n ~ NN bLC 9BZL a ZyZ Vf ~ ~D n i O ~ a ~ ~ ~__ >_Sln vtltl I s~ • ~ ~ < ~ ~ ~ ~ a b91L J p Y J a y ,~ ~` J y aSVI` r ~ a ~ ~ .AILS' y-~ :::_,~ ~ , ZLJG ~ 3 bGIL _, >> v ~~ ~ ac ,-yy Z90L ~ ZZOC a '^ o_ p V .~ n O .. 17999 a° I `' ,.F~~ ,, a ^' C. , z a ~ w v X5.8. i ~ ' ' J M l9a ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CLiCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 1990 To: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Englneer SUIIJECT: Consideration of City Council's policies regarding development agreement time extensions and occupancies of structures within developments prior to acceptance of public improvements. RECQ~EIDIITION: That the City Council adopted the following as policy and direct the City Attorney to draft the necessary ordinances to amend the Municipal Cade to incorporate that policy. A. occupancy/Completion No person shall make connections fray a source of energy, fuel or power to any building or structure which is regulated by code and for which a permit is required unless, in addition to any and all other code, regulation and ordinance requirements, all development improvements required by the conditions of development approval have been completed and accepted by the City Council, except: That in developments containing more than one building, structure, or unit, connections made be made to a percentage of those buildings, structures or units proportional to the percentage of completion of the development improvements, as determined by the City Engineer, provided that; 1.) Reasonable, safe and maintainable access to the building, structure or unit being connected exist to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and 2.) In no case shall more than ninety-five percent (958) of the buildings, structures, or units he connected prior to completion of all development improvements and acceptance of those improvements by the City Council. 9. public Notice Thet Lhe Occupancy/Completion Policy be publicly noticed to all prospective owners or occupants of the buildings, structures or units within a development by the following: CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT JULY 10, 1990 PAGE 2 1.) A 18"x24" notice posted in a prominent location in the developments sales, leasing or rental office(sl, 2.) A 8 1/2"x11" notice handouts p7 aced in a prominent location in the developments sales, leasing or rental office(s), and 3.) A legal notice signed by the prospective owner or occupant at the time any contract of sales, lease or rental is entered into. All such notices shall be in a form and context as approved by the City Attorney and the developer shall certify to the City, again in a form and context as approved by the City Attorney, the posting, availability and signiny of all such required notices. C. Construction time Extensions All time extensions to development construction agreements will only be for the minimum time necessary for the completion and acceptance of the developments improvements as based on written justification from the developer and as finally recommended by the City Engineer except: i.) For first or second time extension requests where the City Engineer believes that there are unique or extenuating circumstances, such requests shall be schedule for a public discussion before the City Council, and 2.) For third or greater newer time extension requests, such requests shalt be scheduled for a public discussion before the City Council. a4 cunh nnM in Ai nn..nN nn. ~... s....... •,... r, ~.. r_..__,• ..y VV IIV,~, MIG V1 Y~ YVV/IAII ,1111 in addition to approval of the time extension request, consider denial or conditional approval of such request. The conditional approval of the time extension request may include but not be limited to the following conditions: 1.) Prohibition of any further time extensions, 2.) Expanded energy, fuel or power connection restrictions, 3.) Prohibition of additional or any energy, fuel or power connections. 4.) Advanced legal notification of potential developer contractual default, and 5.) On site signing er posting of special legal notices. BACKGROUND: in early 1988, the City Council voiced concerns Tn regards to the repair, completion and acceptance of public improvements wt thin developments, particularly where those developments were occupied. As a result of this concern; a compilation of Engineering Developments Policies was developed. Those policies were concurred with by minute action of the City Council 1n March, 1988. 19~ CITY CWNCIL STAFF REPURT JULY 18, 1990 PAGE 3 After this City Council action, these policies were more vigorously enforced. Compliance with these policies was generally good except for a continual resistance to the Lying of release of occupancies to the completion of public improvements within a development. This resistance expanded to verbal and written challenges in the summer of 1988. In addition, at this same time and generally related to the same developments involved in the challenges, numerous complaints were being received from citizens, development residents, school districts and City commissioners regard por,-c;,„-,platiar~ of public improvements in occupied developments. Based on these challenges and complaints, the City Council Tn September 1988, adopted Resolution No. 88- 557. This resolution further tied occupancies to completion of public improvements but further limited occupancies to a maximum of 958 of a nev?lnrnwnt i~nti7 the public improvements were complete and accepted by the City Council. Mhile this policy resolution is working reasonably well, it is not without strong challenges from developers and with many situations where the developer has attempted to pTt the future homeowner against the City to only the developer's benefit. Therefore it is recommended that the current policy be further clarified and expanded to further define the occupancy/completion relationship, to include a Dublic notice provision and to include restriction on time extensions. [n addition, the clarification and expansion should be in the fore of an ordinance modification to the Municipal Code, to provide the maximum force and effect. Respectfu Dmttted, ?~/ ~" ~ ~ RHMf`dl~ Attachment ~ 9s