HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990/08/01 - Agenda PacketCITY _ COUNCIL .., A G E N D A CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETINGS 1st and 3rd Wednesds3s - 7~0 pm August 1, 1790 CIVIC [.'CHIC[ COUncil Chambers 10511(1 civic (`enter Drive Rancho Glceamonga, California 91730 •~• City Coundlmemben DtM13 L. Stnat, Mayer PamelA J. Wfight, Counri(mamMr Deborah N. Brown, Meyo.rn,rt~a Charlea J. Buquet, cnan<um.ms.. William J. Alexander, coeu~nmr,ne.. Jack Lam, c,;; u.;;.;., James L. Markman, c./y Arrornrr Debra J. Adams, cirr cr..k City Office; 989-1831 Dona Pad; 980-7145 City Council Agantla August 1, 1990 PAGE All itwa aubeltted far the City Comeil Agenda aunt M is writing. Tae deadline few auhaittiag than iLaea is Se00 p.a. on tae Nedaeeday prior to the nesting. Tae City Clert'e office receioe all enca iteu. i A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Rall Call: august _, Merander _, Stout , i i~ i ~~ Brown _, and WrLght _. i j D. AIOIWRICA09R6/PRERRIITATIOM/ 1. Praaentat ion Of Proclamation Commanding Lihaaving i i Bfforte of Bruce Ann Nahn, BL11 Jagger, and Den Noralez. C. COMMONICAT10N8 PRgI TB/ PU/LIC Thin Se tea tine and place for tam general public to addnaa the City Comcil. /LG law prohLDiia fLe City Coaacil tree i addreaaioq aoy iaaue not pa•imely inciodW m tae Agenda. i The City Comcil say racalVe teatiaoay and net tae .after for a auDapueat Daati/g. CoaM/U ass Lo W ifaited to fi•a aiantaa per indi•idml. D. CO//ID11 CALOIDAR The following Consent Gleadar itra are eapactad Lo ba rouliaa and aoa-coatroseraial. They rill be anted upon by tae Comeil at one line ritaont diawnioa. My itaa uy W j i reao•ad Dy • Comeilauaer or whew of tae audience for diacuaaioa. 1. Approval of Minutes: Msy 29, 1990 June 6, 1990 June 7, 1990 June 10, 1990 Juno 29, 1990 i i i July 4, 1990 July 5, 1990 2. Approval o! Narranta, Reglater Noe. 6/29/90, 6/29/90, 1 7/13/90 and 7/19/90 and Payroll ending 7/5/90 and 7/19/90 for tae total aawunt of 52,631,268.39. 7y~ $ city Council Agenda ?1' Pe~P ,~3F August 1, 1990 PAGE 2 3. Approval to sward and execute a Professional Services 12 Agre9meni (CO 90-125) between Lhe CLLy of Rancho Cucamonga and Norris-Repke, Incorporated, to prepare j j design plane, epeclEicatione and estimates for the Naven I Avenue rehabilitation, widening and storm tlrain ~ i lmprovaments from north of Foothill Boulevazd to i i approxioately 250 teal north of Church Siraet. Tha per t I diem not to exceed fee of $44,500.00 plus 101 I j contingencies to 6e funded by Neaeure I, Account No. 32- j 6637-8801-4606-4110. ~ 4. Approval to execute a Aelmbureement Agreeeient (CO 90- 1C ~ I 1 126) for Vnder9rounding of Overhead Vtilitio for i ', ~I Development Asview 87-26, located at the southeast i corner of Arroa Routs end Rochester Avenm, subsitted by Neteon Land Company - URA 007. RESOLUTION N0. 90-312 17 A ABSOLUTION 01 THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY I OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIlOANIA, APPROVING i AEINBOASEl06NT AGREEMENT E%ECUTEp ON JOLY 30, 1990, BY NATSON LAND CO!@ANY, POA I ~ U ~L~~~ T P ~ ' 7T ON TID: EAST SIDE OP ROCAESTER i I ~ AVENUE. BETN66N ARROX ROUTE AND STN STREET, , nnw eanM1 aVw1a oa!'waaa eVUeaa'1'ae even w6 Mw ' i I-15 FREEWAY I; ~~ 5. Approval to execute en Agreement for Planning Services 19 ~ i, ~; (CO 90-127) in the amount of 53,902.00 monthly to be j funded from P1anning Oivislon Acccunt No. 01-6333-1100 ~~ ~ (FY 90/91). I I 6. Approval to ezscuU Agrsament for Inetallatlon of Pu61ic 2D I Improvement (CO 90-128) between J.C.R. Dawlopmsnt and i Invatmsnt and the Clty of Amcho Cucamonga for street Improvements located along the north portion of the I J.C.R. paicsl fo[ tRe NSnstNnth Street Project tram I Archibald Avenue to Haven Avenue. I~ II I 21 ' ' ' RESOLDTION NO. 9C-313 A RESOLUTION O! TNB CITY COUNCIL O- TH6 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIYORNiA, ACCEPTING AN AIiREEMENT -OR INSTALLATION O- PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IRON J.C.R. DEVELOPMENT AND INV68TIDfNT AND AOTNORIEIN6 THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK To axon SAM[ ~` C1ty Council A9wnda D ~ Pf~3a August 1, 1990 6 Z' PAGE 3 ~ 7. Approval end wxwution of iha Coat and Maintenance 22 Agreement (CO 90-129) between tha City of Rancbo Cucamonga and the AtchLon, Topwka and Santa Fw Railway I Company (A. T. 6 S. F.) fot the proposed widening of Haven ~ Avenue et [he A.T. 6 S.P. Railway Czouing deeignetsd ae PUC Crossing No. 2-96.7. I I 23 I RESOLUTION NO. 90-314 I II I ~ A R850LUTION OP TH8 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY ~, I i ! OF RMCRO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING MU aYiVY'11a1r IPie ..iiei iu~u ~n~iu rieu~w ACAEBMYNT 88TNHEN THE CITY OP AMCNO CUCAMONGA AND THE ATCHISON, TOYBEA AND SANTA PB MILNAY COMPANY FOR THE PROPOSED NIDHNING OP HAVHN AVENUE AT TN8 A.T. S S.P. RAILNAY CA039IN0 DBSSGNATSD M PUC CA089ING NO. 2- i 96.7 24 e. Approval of Map, partLel termination of Agrwwmant foe POOipOnement Of AwCOrdatl0n Of CCGR'a, BxwCUi LOn Of i Improvement Agrwaeunt, Improvement SecurLty and Ordering ~ the Mnwxation to strNt Lightinq Maintwnance DLtriet Noa. 1 and 3 for Parcel Map 12263 located On the i southeast corner of Highland Avenue and Milliken Avenue i ~ aubmiitwd by TM Nilliam Lyon Company. I ~ 26 i RESOLOTION AO. 90-315 i A ASSOLUT ION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY I OP RMCNO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ' li PARCBL MAP NVMBHA 32263 (TBNTATIVH PMCSL I i i MAP NO. 12263), IMPAOVEMSNT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY 27 ~ RESOLUTION NO. 90-316 A A880LUTION OF TN8 CITY COUNCIL OP THH CITY O! RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALI MRNIA, OADERSNG ' TH8 ANNH%ATION OF CERTAIN TH(1AITOAY TO STRHHT LIGRTINO MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. i i 1 A.7D 3 FCR PARCEL MAY 12251 i 30 9. Approval to exwcutw Improvement Agraamwnt end Improvement security foc Millilun Park 91G and Master Plea Storm Drain S-1, loeatwd on tM uwL aidw of Millikwn Avwnuw and north of Tract 14358, aubmittwd by Lwwi• Dwwlopaunt Company and iM Y. N. C.A. 91tw. City Council Agenda Auqust 3, 3990 PAGE ABSOLUTION NO. 90-317 31 A ABSOLUTION OP THL CITY COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OY RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INPROVElDU:T AORSBNSNT AND IMPROVEMENT I SRCVRITY FOR MILLIREN PARR SITE I I ~ I i ~ 10. Approval of Improvement Security far Tract No. 13851, 33 located north of Nilson Avenues Nest of Dover Creek chnnnel and Mleass of the Improvement Security previously accepted for said Tract by Ciiy Council on January 3, 1990, submitted by Pacific Intarnntional Daveiopea t, L^.C^rM+~~tM. I 35 ~ RESOLUTION NO. 90-318 A RESOLUTION OP TN6 CITY COUNCIL OP TH8 CITY I ~ OP RANCHO CUCANONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPAOVIN6 TH6 IMPROVLlDeNT SECURITY TOR TRACT 13851 AND AELBASIM6 THE IMPROVEMENT SECORITY PRNIOUSLT 908MITTED. ~ 11. Approval to execute Improvement Agrsswnt Extension for 37 ' i Parcel Map 31893, located on the southeast corner of ( Milliken Avenue and Arrow Highway, submitted Dy RCDC I Associabs. vu ~ ABSOLUTION NO. 90-319 ~ ' A A630LUTION OP THB CSTY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING • ~ ~ IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ERTBNSION AND IMPROVEMENT 96C0RITY TOR PARCEL MAY 11891 12. Approval to accept the Heryl Perk and Lions Park 41 Improvement Project as complete and authoriaatlon !o tlls a notice o! coerylstion for the projects. I 43 MSOLUTION No. 90-320 A M80LUTION Ot TN6 CITY COVNCIL Ot THE CITY i i OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAe CALI7ilRNIAe ACCRPTINO i TN6 POSLIC IIBROVBlRNTS lOA T8L eERTL PARR I AND LIONB PAM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND AUTHORILINO THE tILIN6 OP A NOTICR O1 COMPLETION POR THE NOM PAGE City Council Agenda ~,~~ ~~~~ August 1, 1990 5 13. Approval to accept Improvementer Release of Sonde and Notice of Completion for: I Tract 10349. located on the west slde of Savvhire Street 44 at Th0[OYOaa[ed St[Nt I I l l Releaae: ~ i Palthful Performance Bond (StrNt) $32&,000.00 I I Accept: i C Maintonance OusrantN Bond (Street) $ 34,600.00 I I ~ RESOLUTION w. 90-341 46 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC INPAOVElRNTS FOR TRACE 10349 AND AUTHOAIEING THE PILING OT A NOTICE OP COMPLETION POR THE HOAR Tract 13715, located on the northeast corner of .7ennet 8traet and EreteY Court 46 i ~ ~ ~ Relsner. Feiihful Performance Bond (Sir9et) $ 44,000.00 Faithful Mrfomm~ce Bond (Street) S 19,000.00 ' Accept[ ~ I Maintenance GusrantN Bond (Street) $ 4,400.00 Maintenance OuaienCN Bond (9C[Nt) $ 1,900.00 ~, I RESOLUTION NO. 90-322 4~ li A REBOLVTION OP TH8 CITY COONCIL OP THE CITY ', OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THB PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTe POR TRACT 13715 AND AUTHORIEIN6 THE PILING OP A NOTICE O! ~ COMPLETION POR TILE NORR ~~ COP SS-19 located on tM wuthwaat corner of Poothlh 48 BouLverd and Ramona Avenue II ~ M1NNt I I Felthful Performance Band (Street) $214,000.00 city Council Agenda August 1, 1990 PAGE RESOLUTION NO. 90-323 49 i A RESOLUTION OF TFIE CITY COUNCIL OF TBS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING ' THB PCBLIC I!4'AOVBMENTS POR CUP SS-19 AND ~ I AUTHORS SING THB FILING OF A NOTICE OP ~ , V I I I I COMPLETION PCR TBE WORK j I 16. Approval to relaaae Maintenance Guarantee Bond far 50 Tracts 12590, 12590-2 and 12590-3 and -6 located on the i northeast Corner of Baae Line ROed and Valencia Avenue. I I ~ Tract 12590 Malntanance Guarantee Hond (Street) $ 13,300.00 Trnet 12590-2 Naintsnance 6uarsnlN Bond (StrNt) $ 2,550.00 ' Tract 12590-3 and -4 Naintennnce Cuarantw Bond (Street) $ 1,800.00 i 15. Approval to please Maintenance GuaranUa Bond for Tract 51 12552 Storm nrain located an the south •ida of 19th I ~ Street Wtween Haven Avenw and Dwr Creek Channel. Maintenance Guaranty Bond (8lrNt) $ 20,900.00 ' 52 16. Approval to reLeae Malntanance Guarantee Hond for Tract 13057 located on the aouth aide of Highland Avenue between Fairmont Way and Dear Creek. '" Maintenance 6uarsntee Bond (Street) $ 46,000.00 i i 17. Approval to release Maintenance Guarantee Bond Eor Tract 53 13060 located on the souihwst corner of Milliken Avenue '~, and Pairagnt Wey. Maintenance Guarantee Bond (St net) $ 48,000.00 ~ t. COWE~IT ORDINAKC66 The fallowing OMlneows hate had public hesrinys aL tae Lir o! first nadieq. Ncood readings an expected !o M rontGea sad am-eoetrweniel. TLeT will W acted npm bF the Cornell at oae !!ae rilhou! discenim. The CLlF Clerk will and the tills. AoF heel Can he rMDFed t0[ dieeueeGOa. No Items submitted. PAGE City Council agenda j, august 1, 1990 rr ~ r 7 p 3l ~dvcl P. ADVmrfls® PDw2c ~a[INGs The fellewing ilea ba~a been ad~ertiaad and/or posted u public bearings a ragoirad by law. TDa chair will open the i acting to receive pnblie bsLLOnY. i i. OP ~ 64 ~ t ~ DHVELOPMENT REVIEfI 89-12 - OAVZEB - an appeal of the i ~ Planning Co®Suion•• daoision denying tM development of an industrial camplu containing six indurtrial Duiltlinga totaling 22,940 square fwt on 2.2 ecru of ~ ~ land in Cha General Industrial OSatriM, SuDazu 3 of ~ i ~ the intluatrlal Spec if lc Ylan, lou<w un • Boulevard, scat of Halms avenue - APN 209-031-87 and BB. (COatinued !rw JulY 1[, 1990) R[SOLOTION HO. 40-238 )3 a RESOLUTION OP TIH6 CITY COlR7CIL OP THE CITY ~ ~ O/ RANCBO COCAMONOa, CALIPOAHIA, APPROVING i i DEVELOPM[NT HEVSEN NO. 89-32, THE DEV[LOPI~NT O- aN INDUSTRIAL COI@L[Y I CONTAINING BIY IRDOSTR2AL BOSLDINGS TOTALING 22,940 BQOAA[ PE[T Ole 2.2 aCR[8 OP LAND IN TN[ 0[NEAaL INDO[TRIaL DISTRICT, 80EAREA 3 ~ OP TN[ INDUSTRIAL 9P[CIFIC PLAN, LOCATED ON I PERON SOVLN11ADr EAST OP NELM8 AVHNVE t 2. 86 i I i - a requut to emend the land use regulations [or SuDerea 5 to conditionally permit Automotive Fleet ~ i Storage. ORDINANCE NO. 423 (first rudinq) 96 AN OADINANCE OP TH[ CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP R11NCH0 CUCAIIONOA, CALIFORNIA, ANENDINO T~ INOUSTRIat 9P[CIFIC PLAN TO AN[ND THE LAND US[ REOVLATIONS TOR 9VBAPYA 5 TO I CONDITIONALLY P[RNIT aUTOMdfIVE FLEET STOAAGB PAGE City Cauneil Agenda ~ August 1, 1990 '•r {, ~e B 0 ' 3 v F ~ i i O. PUBLIC REI1RIIt08 i The follorfag liwa have no legal publication or poatiag requireaaata. Tes Chair rill open the seating to receive puhlie tYtieoa]. I i I i No Itette SeMitted. i ~ I I 0. CITI MINIAOER'8 BTAFP REPORTS xae fOlloria iteY do not 1 9 egell] regain Y] public testi,aoa], altAough the Chaie YT apw !ee YetiOg for public t input. 1. DISCUSSION O! STAlF'3 APPLICATION AND IMPLBMSNTATION OF 99 V OOUNCIL ACTION. ETC.. AEOAMINO TMCT 808. 10210. 12902. 13644. 12462. 11997. 13728. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 13976 7 ~ ~ LOCATIONS CITY-KIDS I. COUNCIL BUSINER The follorinq ilws have beY requYLed a] tae Ci!] COUncil I ~ .. ... .... ..~.w..wu. rr.f .a. w. yuru~ r.erary acw., ucaorya the Chair Y] opeO the RMtlnq for public /neat. 1. REPORT ON VISTNAM NAR l~NORIAL lOA ~ 1 2. DISCUSSION OP BUS STOPS ON xAVRN AVENUE iQ5 3. UPDATE ON TRS SOLID HASTE ADVISORY TASK FORCE FOAMED TO ASHIST IN COOAOINATINO TIUL DEVELOPIOINT O/ CITY SOURCE I REDUCTION AND AECYCLINO ELElRNTB PVASUANT TO STATE MANDATED LEGISLATION ~AB9391 (Oral Report b] Delegate) 4. DISCUSSION Ol WAIVING PERMIT FRE9 FOR NORDIC R.dINR a I NIi08E RESIDENCES N[RE -OUND TO >VB 9TRU m>c CODE VIOLATIONS ANO MIST eE HEED PER CITY R60ULATIONB (Oral ', Report by Nordic SabcomnlLLY) ~. IDENTIFICATION OF ITRME FOR MEET MEETING This !a the C1Y foF Cit] CoYOil to LdYlLf] Lha 1tMa Lae] rlah to dlacaY at the nest Yatfaq. Taeu lLYa rill no! M diaauaeM a! tAU Neetinq, oRl] SdYtifLW for the Yst Yetioq. City Council Aq•nda Auquat 1, 1990 PAGE R. COMAMIGTIORR Rpl TBE POCLIC I Thin 1a the tier and pl•w for eb• gn•ral public to addr•u ~ Lh• Citp Ccuacil. alab lar prohiDita Lba Cltp Council frame addn•siag anp lasu• noL pra~ionalp Saelndad on !a• Rq•ada. The Citp Conneil aap rac•iza taati~oap aad sat Lh• matter fez • suba•qu•n! r••t:ai. Co•rwais aav !o iw liaitd to fi~• I 'i /lamas par iadi~idnal. L. ADJODRIBmIT IQQTIID To aapouut Ib ti6CUTIVR RRRRIdI !b DIRCOSS POEOIORI. ID11RA18 6ZRCPfIVL 66aRIp1 TO ADJOURN TO aWURT 9, 1990, 7100 P.M. IC T86 COUNCIL CCANDNRR, 10500 CIVIC CeIfCR DRIVE, -OR A MDIlfI- lAMILI COD/2110 NORRICOP. I, 0•bra J. Adams, City Clark of tR• City of Rancho Cucamonga, har•by certify Chat a true, acwrate copy of tM foregoing ~ egenda wan poatsd on July 27, 1990, eenanty-Lwo (7Z) house I ~ prior Lo the meeting pac Oowrnmant Coda 54953 et 10500 Clvlc I 'I V I Gnta[ OziV•. July 5, 1990 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA CITY COUNCIL NINUTSS Oue to lack of quorum, the meeting oP the City Council scheduled for July 5, 1990, vas adjourned. Debra J. Adams, CMC City Clerk Approved: July 4, 1990 CITY OP RANCHO CDCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MIHCTRS A. CAYJ. TO ORDER A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga met on °^'-^-~?ay. .T,lv 4. 1990 in the Council Chambers at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Tae meeting was enuea to oraer a,. ;.5~ ~.a. -- Mayor Dennis L. Scout. Present were Councilmembere: William J. Alexander, Deborah M. Brown, Charles J, Buquei (arrived at 9:50 a.m, for the dedication ceremony), Paswla J, Wright, and Mayor Denn18 L. Stout. Also present wares Jeck Lam, City Manager and Debra J, Aflame, City Clerk. • • • . ..,,_..... .._.^' ~~ 0_,~4,., __-^.,'~w n,. v.n..., •n adimn•n •hv nwoYinn M thw Civic Center dedication ceremony^to take place in the courtyard nrea. Motion carried unanimously 4-0-1 (BUqust). Tae meeting adiournad at 9:40 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra J. Adams, CHC City Clerk Approveds t f pi} ~~n, ~# :. June 29, 1990 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Adiourned Neetina A. CALL TO ORDeft An adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Aancho Cucamonga met on Friday, June 29, 1990, in the Council Chambers at 10500 Civic Centec Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meet inq was called to order at 5:35 n. m. Dy Mayor Oennle L. Stout. Preeertt were Councilmembere: William J. Alexander, Deborah N. Brown, Char lee J. Buquet, Pamela J. Wright, end Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Also present were: Jack Lem, City Henager; Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager; Rick Gomez, Community Development Director; Duane A. Baker, Sr. Administrativ0 ABaistant; J1m Hart, Administrative Services Director] Suaan Neely, Finance Manager; Jerry Grant, Building Official] Jim Martin, Plan Check Coord lnator; tatty Aif fe 1, Sxecutive Assistant; and Debra J. Adams, City C:erk. • • • • : 1. Approval to adopt salary resolution implementing salary and benefits changes for fiscal year 1990/91. RESOLVTION NO. 90-273 A RESOLVTION OF TH6 CITY COUNCIL OF TN6 CZTY OP AANCRO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 89-295 AND ADJVSTING SALARY RANGES AND SSNEFITS FOR EMPLOYEES OP THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA. MOTION: Moved by euquet, seconded by Alexander to approve the Conesnt Calendnr. Motion cdrrled unanimously 5-0. w • • w • . 1. Approval to set annusl epeclsl tax for Community Pacilitles Dietrlet No. 88- 2 (Etiwanda Highlsnds). Condoned irw Jms ]O, 1990 awetlag. staff [epori presenGd by Jerry Fulwood, Deputy city Menagar. City Council Ninutee June 29, 1990 Page 2 Coancilmemher Buquet et ated he had asked for the disclosure io be poeied in a conspicuous place. Jerry Fulwood stated that the City Attorney had stated that a developer does not have to do this, but staff can iry to work witn roam and get them to do this. Councllmember Wright asked if the City has leverage to even require that this be included ae a ceztein level of awareness in the information that ie given to a buyer. _' ........... d.....e r. . councilmember Srown expressed concerns regazding page 10, item 34, stating that she felt the people needed to know that there ie no cap, and chat they ere eubj act to a yearly increase. Jerry Fulwood stated this particular district dose have a cap and that annually the City cannot qo above that cap. Councl lmember Brown etnted at the lest Council meeting she was told there was not a cep on the police assessment district. Jerry Fulwood stated thnt there wee. nnnnnllmomMn xamm} Poi} }ha Mtv whonlA di sru an fu r}her w{}h }hn City A}}orns.v_ the matter of having a developer place the disclosures out 1n the open. Mayor Stout concurred. Councilmember Brown asked if the City could tell them they moat dlecloee the information on aeaeeement districts. Jerry Pulwood stated no. Councilmember Buquet suggested this be made a condition of approval thnt they moat dlecloee this information. Jnek Lem eteted staff would pursue this suggestion with the City Attorney RESOLUTION HO. 90-'<S8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP TFB CITY OF RANCNO CUCAMONGA, CALIPOANIA, BSTABLISNING ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX POR COtBAUNITY PACILITI68 DISTRICT NO. BR-2 NOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Alexander to approve Aeaolution No. 90- 268. Motion carried 3-2 (Broom end Wright voted no). w • e w . City Council Minutes June 29, 1990 Page 3 p. COUNCIL BUBIN688 1. Consideration of support of Aeaembly concurrence Resolution 158 regarding local school funding. Jack Lam stated staff has been asked Lo place this on the agenda by Councilmember Nright. Councilmember Alexander naked if there was a need for the city council to get involved in school district business. Councilmember Wright eteted this ie a state issue ae well ae a metre[ for the quality of life for Rancho Cucamo.-.ya. Councilmember Alexander stated he waen'L ears chat the City should take a stand. Jack Lam stated if the Council concurred, a letter could De sent under Lhe Mayor's signature. MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Brown to draft a letter for the Mayor•e signature. Motion carried unanimously 5-O. • • • ~ ~ R. 1'AYYIaITfNITTnRB eNOR TR6 PCBLIC No comm~inicntion was made fray the public. Councilmember Buquet wanted to commend Jim Nart for all of the work he did in preparing the Memorendum'e of Understanding. R • • R R The City Ccuncil recessed at 5:50 p. m. to executive eeaeion end reconvened at 6:15 p.m. It was announced thst the Council approved an amendment to the Ciiy Menager'e conirect and extended the term of it for en additional yaer. Respectfully aubmittsd, Uebra J. Adana, CMC City Clark ,~ Approved: ~•.. June 14, 1990 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Social Meeting A. CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the City Council met on Thursday, June 14, 3990, at tae Civic Center, Council Chambers, 10500 Civic Conter Or ive, RancAO Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p. m. Ay Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councilmembere: William J. Alexander, Deborah N. Brown, Charles J. august II, Pamela J. Wiighir and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Linda D. Dan isle, Deputy City Manager; Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager? Aick Gomez, Community Development D irector7 Susan Neely, Pinance Mnnagez; Patty Riffel, Executive Aeeietant; Russell Maguire, City Engineer; Sig Dellhlme, Administrative Aaeietent7 Brad Buller, City Planner? Jerry Grant, Building Official? Chief Dennis Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District? and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. • R • f At. Annroval of memorandums of underetendiro with employee 9roupe for fiscal year 1990/91. 82. Approval of annual loan transaction between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency. MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Alexander to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. R R • • R R C1. Adoption of fiscal year 1990/91 budget, Article XIIIB, end fiscal year 1991/92 budget. Staff report wag presented by Jack Lam, City Manager. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public input. There being no raaponee, the public hearing was closed. RESOLUTION NO. 90-242 A A880LUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THH CITY OP MNCF10 CUCAMONOAr CALIIORNIA, ADOPTING THE CITY'S BUDGET (GA8 TAX, ANO OTHER SPECIAL PURPOSE PONDS, AND ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS) POR PIBCAL YEAR 1990/91 AND 1991/92 EUDOST SpecLel CLty Council Minutes June 14, 1990 Pegs 2 ABSOLOTION NO. 90-243 A RESOLUTION OP TBB CITY COUNCIL OF TFBS CITY OP BANCNO CUCAMONGA, CALIFOARIA, BSTABLISHING AN APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT PURSOANT TO ARTI CLB BIIIB OP TFDS CAL IPOANIA STATE CONSTITUTION POR FISCAL YBAR 1990/91 NOTION: Moved by Brown, seconded 6y Alexander to approve Resolution Noa. 90- 242 and 90-243. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. • • • • R t V• Uaa~Vmll:lrl'1Vea heVA ~ No comlounicat ions were made. Joe Schultz, Community Services Director, had a spacial presentation for the City Council and presented them with one of the premiums that was given to each participant of the Grnpa Race that was held last Sunday, June 30, 1990, ni Heritage Park. ~ • ~ ~ : MOTION: Moved Dy Hrl9ht, seconded Dy Alexander to adjourn. Notion carried unanimously 5-0. The meeting adjourned et y:20 p.m. Respectfully eubmleted, Debra J. Adams C tty Clerk Approved: { June 7, 1990 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COVNC IL MINUTES Adiourned M6etin0 A. CALL TO ORDER An adjourned meeting of the City Connell met on Thursday, June 7, 1990, at the Civic Center, Haven Conference Room, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meet Lng wne called to order at 6:15 p.m- by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councilmembere: William J. Alexander, Deborah N. Brown, Chnrlee J. Duquet II, Pamele J. Wtight, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Also present were: Jack Lem, City Manager; Rick Gomez, Community Development Director; Jim Frost, City Treasurer; Jim Mazt, Adminiettative Services Director; Sueen Neely, Pinance Managez; Patty Rlffal, Executive Ae9letani; Rueeell Maguire, City Engineer; Shintu Boea, Deputy City Engineer; Walt St ickney, Aaeociate Civil Engineer; Sig Oellhime, Adminietrativs Aeeiatant; Bred Buller, City Planner; Jerry Grant, Building Officinl; Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. • x • x x x B. CONBRPP CALENDAR el. Approval of eppl ication for State Grant Funds for the design and development of park land for the future North Etiwanda Community Park. RESOLUTION NO. 90-240 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIAr APPROVING THB APPLICATION POR GRANT PUNDS POR TH6 PUBLIC RESOURCES ACCOUNT POR NORTH ETIWANDA COMMUNITY PARR B2. Approvnl of eppllcaticn for Grent Punda under the Roberti-E'Derq-Harris Urban Open Space Program for neighborhood perk lend acquisition in the southwest area of Rancho Cucamonga. RESOLUTION NO. 90-241 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TNH CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION POA GIUNT PUNDS UNDER THE ROEBRT I-E'BERG-HARRIS URBAN OPBN SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM POR NBIOHEORHOOD PARR LAND ACQU29ITSOH IN 80UTNN68T IUINCXO CUCAMONGA MOTION: Maved by Alexander, seconded by Brown to epprova the consent Cslendar. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Adjourned City Council Minutes June 7, 1990 Page 2 C. CODNCIL BDSIN%3$ C1. Explore avenues to enhance cooperefive efforts among local agencies and groups involved in youth gangs and drug interdiction and diversion programs. Staff report was presented by Jerry Pulwood, Deputy City Meneger. Counc i]member Wright continued to give further information stating that the City should approach this program in a proactive manner and felt it could De developed through the Public Safety Commission to tackle the gang and drug problem. she stated there Le grant money available for this through the Y%S group and that Jon Mikela ie also supportive of this type of program. She added she would like to see two (2) Public Safety Commission representatives get involved with some of the other agencies inwlvad ir. this an3 get informatior. about it, and then come back to City Council with suggest LOne. Mayor Stout stated Clyde Boyd, public Safety Commission Chairman, has also written a memorandum listing nine (9) euDCOmoittee tasks that he felt was appropriate, they are listed in hie memo dated June 5, 1990. Mayor Stout suggested that periotlic reports come back to the City Council before the final report is written. HOTIDN: Moved by Wtlght, seconded by Brown to refer lhie to the Public Safety Commies ion. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. x + + + + x a nw nrarv,aamw Dl. Diecueeion and coneiderat ion of fiscal year 1990/91 and 1991/92 propoaod budgets including capital improvements. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated staff can answer any queetione the City Council has regarding the previous budget meet inge, and that tonight a presentation will be given 6y Russell Maguire, Clty %ngineer, on capital improvement prof act e, end by Joe Schultz, Comounity Services Manager, on pork improvements. Rueeell Maguirer City %ngineer, presented an overview of the capitsl improvement budget for 1990/91. He outlined how the Dudget package was put together and presented information on the various atreete within the City. He crated Che City should benaf it Prom the paeeage of Proposition 108 end 111 with some possible funds coming to the City. He Further explained how the pzograme are funde3 and rcnr imted rn prwasnt an nvarviaw of the budeet for £Leeel year 1991/92. He stated there ace minimal fee increases end that there will be n pu611c hearing for the fee increases etarting in November, 1990. Re crated the budget ie laid out the acme ae the budget foz 1990/91. He atatad the council can go beck in a year from now and make nny nwdificntions to LM 1991/92 budget ae Le needed. He repo[ted on the varicue projacte in beautification, drainage, master plnne, rnilroada, etreete, and traffic. Mayor Stout inquired about the projects Chet xeaaura I would cover regarding the storm drain end bus stops. Adjourned City Council Minutes June 7, 1990 Page 3 ACTION: The City Council asked for copies of the maps tAat were displayed in the meeting rows for both fiscal year's 1990/91 and 1991/92. Joe Schultz, Conmunity services Manager, presented the park improvement budget. He presented an overview of the parka to be completed in 1990 which were Renyon, La Hieeion, We6t and Beet Beryl, Lions Patk and Don Tapia. Me stated the 1990/91 to be completed were Bllena, Milliken, Central Pnrk, Northeeet Btiwandn Conmunity Park, and stated the sports park enould nave a team pleylnq there by April oP 1992. Re gave an overview of the school improvements that they are working on this eumser, and also the various amenities within the parka they are working on. w..,.. R+m:.e. 6lexander aaxec if the community eervics programs that are offered are evaluated. Joe schultz, Community 9ervicee Manager, stated yes. Councilmeniber Wright asked if the people tnat are eLgning up ere filling out surveys for community Services. Joe Schulte, Community services Manager, stated yes and gave furihsr information on the evaluation process, stating that it Se done through etnf f. CouncilmemDer Wright felt it Wes a good idea for the Park 6 Recreation Commission to be a part of policy making decisions in the recreation programs. She asked about the trails program. ..6.A a.. _ ..l a.. .. L.nn nY KnA aFn~e ...111 l.u a l..a .~i money for the trelle. • __- -~-- ~~'~ _~ Russell Maguire, city Engineer, felt the study being done on the treile should be completed within weeks. Joe schultz, Conmunity Services Manager, Continued to give en overview of the 1991/92 budget and what was included Ln it. Jack Lam, CSty Manager, added that nothing has been budgeted for the maintenance and operation of the sports perk. Councilnwmiber Wright felt something should be developed through staff to educate the residents on how the City finances are as Lt relates to the City being capital rich, end meintenence end operation poor eo that they know the reel situation. Councilmember Brown felt the city should look et how they will bs able to meintein the new parka since the City le concerned with awintaininq the existing parka. Jack Lam, City Mensger, stated the Clty should possibly look at whet year Lt can altord to maintain new parka end plan Sn that way. Adjcurnad City Council Minutes June 7, 1990 Page 4 Councilmember Wright felt the revenue generated from the new shopping center should be lookeB nt to see what it can do for the City. She added she would like to sea the issue brought back ao that the City Council could decide how they wanted the revenue free the shopping center spent. Councilmember Buquet felt the City ahou ld explore options and establish a good financier pian so Ehat the projects enn be maintained. Mayor Stout stated that just because a project 18 in the budget does not mean the City will go ahead witR it if that' don't think that it can be maintained. He stated he felt it was a good plan ae established in the budget. Councilmesmer Wright stated ens Pelt the plan was a goon one. ane aai.. aeeeeement districts ware one way to gat revenue to maintain them but felt the City should look at other methods to get the money to maintain the parka. Councilmem6er Buquet stated he could like to sea the City using the school facilities end programs because it wu1Q save the City money. Jack Lam, City Manager, concluded by stating the City is planning to adopt the budget•a on June 14, 1990 and et that time can select another aeaiing lets if needed. Couneilmember Brown stated she would like to sea an item on the next regular Clty Council agenda whereby the Historic ?reaervnt ion Comaieaion would ewro up with Historic names for the conference roaoa within City Hnll. Shs would like this discussed et the nax! meeting. • • • • • x 6 COMMVNIGTIONB lROM TH6 PBBLIC No communlcat ions were made. Y } • } • R P. ADJOURIOBSNT MOTION: Moved by Brown, seconded by Alexander to sdjourn to an Sxacutiva session to discuss pezecnnel mettaca and Nordic oavelopmant. The 6xacutiva session Se to adjourn to June 14, 1990 for a budget workshop. Motion carried unentn~ouely 5-U. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Raepactfully submitted, Debra J. Adams City Clark Approved: !i June 6, 1990 CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA CITY COUNCIL MSNU'fE5 Re¢ular Meeting a. qMr. srf noD~o A regular meeting of the City Council of the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga met on Medneeday, June 6, 1990 in the Council Chambers at 10500 Civic Center Driver Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:20 p.m. by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councilmembere: William J. Alexander, Deborah N. Brown, Charles J. august, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor DennU L. Stout. Also present w¢r¢: Tack Lem, City Manager] James Markman, City Attorneyi Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Nanagers Jerry B. Pulwood, Deputy City Managez; Aick Games r, Community Development Director; Ruea Naqulra, City Rnginaars Shintu spas, Deputy City Engineer; Den James, Sr. Civil Snginaers Joe St0£a, Associate Civil 6ngiraer; Laura Honacorrai, Landscape Designer; Bred Buller, City Planner; Larry tiendereon. Principal Rlanner: Jerry Grant. build inn OffirinL Jnw Rnhuit v.. Community services Manager; Diane O'Naal, Administrative Analyst; Susan Mickey, Administrative Aide; Patty Riffel, Executive Ae9ietent; Jan Sutton, Deputy City Clerk; Chief Dennis Michael and Alex Ahumada, Administrative services officer, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection DietYict; Lt. Bwce gainer, Rancho Cucamonga Police Departments and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. { R R R • R B1. Mayor Stout read a letter from the International Institute of Municipal Clarke recognizing Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, for achieving the statue, through continued education, of certified Municipal Clerk (CMC). ..... Haycr stcut and Couacilmenber DuQuat presented a proclamaticD to Tom Ha2ner of the Make-A-Wish Foundation foz their work in granting wtahee Lo terminally ill children. • R R • R R No communication was mnde from the public. City Council Minutes June 6, 1990 Page 2 R • • • • R D. CORBENT CALENDAR D1. Approval of Minutes: May 2r 1990 Hay 8, 1990 D2. Approval of Warrant e, Register Noe. 5/16/90 and 5/23 /90, and Payroll ending 5/9/90 for the total amount of $2,073,421.48. D3. Approval of 1989/90 Budgetary Adjustment a. D4. Approval to execute a new agreement (CO 90-OB1) for sharing the costa of the maintenance of traffic aignale at city boundarlea between the City of Ontario and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. O5. Approval to execute annual contract (CO 90-OB2) with the San Bernardino County Sherif f'e Department for an Automated Fingerprint ID 9yetem (CAL-ID) in the amount of $06,080.00. D6. Approval to execute Agreement (CO 90-083) with the San Bernardino County Flood Control Diet rict for Day Creek Phase 3A improvements from Airport Drive in the City of Ontario to I-15, just south of Arrow Route in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, in an amount not to exceed $10.5 million to be funded by Saa Bernardino County Plood Control District with Bureau of Reclamot ion Loan Funds. ey an agreement approved previously with the Flood Control Dietrlet, the said o,.w....nt t..~., n.,,...~..~ ...ttt wo . •:n ti.. two r+f..•o wono..m .....~oef a~eo..., s....e w..en 21.. D7. Approval to execute Reimbursement Agreement (CO 90-084) for Undargrou nd Sng of Oveche ad Utilit iee for Parcel Map No. 9416, located east of Haven Avenue, between Highland Avenue and Lemon Avenue, submitted by Divers ified Propert iee Company III - UR 004. RESOLUTION NO. 90-231 A RESOLUTION OF TH8 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING RBIHBURSENENT AGREEMENT E%ECUTED ON JUNE 6r 1990 FOR UNOERGROUNDING OF A PORTION OF OVHRHHAD UTILITIHS LOCATHD EASTERLY OF HAVEN AVENUE, BETWEEN HIGHLAND AVBNUE AND LHMON AVENUE D8. Approval to execute Program Supplement No. 14 (CO 90-085) to Local Agency - State Agreement No. 08-5420 between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the State of cal Lfornla far the modif Lcation of existing Railroad Crowing protection devices et the Rochester Avenue at Atchison, Topekn and genie Pa Railroad Croeainq No. 2-95.0. The supplement sate the Pedarnl portion of the project at $119,700.00 and the City's portion at $13,300.00 with provision to increnaa the City portion should the need prise. 8lnding for the Supplement Agrwenwnt shell be from 9yatems Development Funds. City Council Minutes June 6, 1990 Page 3 RESOLVTION NO. 90-232 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF TH6 CITY OF IIANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTFIORIEING THS EXECUTION AND SIGNING OF PROGPAM SUPPLE!ffiNT NO. 14 TO LOCAL AGENCY - STATE AGR88!ffiNT NO. OR-5420 FOR CROSSING PROTECTION MODIFICATIONS AT THE ROCHESTER AVENUE AT THS ATCHISONr TOPERA AND SANTA FE RAILROAD CROSSING NO. 2-95.0 D9. Approval to execute annual conirect (CO 90-Oefi) with San Bernardino County for Animal Control Services to account for personnel and supply costa. Contract amount of 562,700.00 to be funded from General Overhead Account No. 01-4286- 6028. D10. Approval to accept Improvement e, Releaee of sonde and Notice of Complei ion for Tract 13722 located on the northwest corner of Victoria Park Lane and Milliken Avenue. Releaee: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $1,367,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (9treei) $ 136,700.00 RESOLUTION NO. 90-233 A ABSOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THB PUBLIC INPROVBMENTS POR mnnrm ii'r99 non A~TTNORT2TNC. TNB PILING OB A NOTICE OF CONPLHTION POR THE NOAH MO'LION: Moved by Brown, seconded Ey Baguet to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanLmouely, 5-0. A • • • • t E1. CONSIDERATION OP STREET ADDRSSSINO AND POSTING ABOUIREMSNTS - an Ordinance amending the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal code Dy reviaing street address see ignment and poet Lng raquiremente. ORDINANCE NO. 41B (eeCOnd Yeed lag) AN ORDINANCE OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP TN8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TN8 RANCHO CUCAHONGA MUNICIPAL CODE BY DELETING PORTIONS OP SAN BBRNARDINO COUNTY PR0VISIONB ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 17, BNTITLED "POSTING O! STREET NUMBERS" AND BY ADOINC CHAPTER 8.26 BNTITLBD "BTREST ADDRESS P08TING", TO TITLH R OF BAID RANCHO CUCANONGA MUNICIPAL CODE Dabre J. Adema, City Clark, seed the title of Ordinance No. 410. City Council Hinutae June 6, 1990 Page 4 MOTION: Moved by Alexanderr seconded by Nright to approve Ordinance No. 418. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. • • • • e • E2. CONSIDERATION OP AN ORDINANCE OF THB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAS[ONGA AREND I:IC SBCTZOi: 12.OS. CSD OF ~~B$iv~~ ^ CI/rfMONCA _MUNICI PAL CODE PERTAINING TO E%EMPTIONS FROM REOVIREMSNTS TO CONSTRUCT PUBLIC IMPROVSMBNTS ORDINANCE NO. 420 (second reading) AN OAD INANCS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO - ,.,,.-- -....___.,.. _,. •..ovnren .CxOTiON 12.OS.050 OF THE RANCHO CUCANONGA^MUN ICIPAL CODS PERTAINING TO 8%SMPTIONS PROM REQUIRSMBNTS TO CONSTRUCT PUBLIC IMPROVEID;NTS Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 420. MOTION: Moved 6y Alexander, seconded by Nright to approve Ordinance No. 420. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. f • f f • R E3. CONSIDERATION TO CHl1NOE THE REGULAR MEET IN6 PLACE ORDINANCE NO. 421 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OP TNS CITY CC!RiCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 2.12.010 OF CHAPTER 2.12 OF TITLB II OP THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE LOCATION OF CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Debra •7. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of ordinance No. 421. HOT ION= Moved by Alexander, seconded by Nright to approve Ordinance No. 421. Notion carried unanimouslyr 5-0. • x • • • • P. ADV6RTISW PUELIC ESARINGB Fi. CONS IDEAATION TO AMEND CHAPTER 5.23 OF TH5 RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNiC2PAL CODS 0Y ADDING NSN 36CTIONB 8.24.040. 8.24.050. 8.24.060 AND 8.26.070. PBRTAININO TO P V Staff report prsaented by Jack Lam, City Meneger. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no r~eponae, the public heerinq was closed. city council Minutes June 6, 1990 Page 5 ORDINANCE NO. 419 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THfi CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY OP PANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AI~NDING CHAPTER 8.24 OF TFIB RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODB BY ADDING NEW SECTIONS 6.24.040, 6.24.05 D, 8.24.060 AND 8.24.070, PERTAINING TO GRAFFITI REMOVAL AND TFD3 SALE OF AEROSOL PAINT Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 419. MOTION: Moved by august, seconded by Alexander to approve Ordinance No. 419. Motion carried unan imouely, 5-O. RESOLUTION NO. 90-234 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COVNCIL OF THH CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTNOAI ZING ABWAADS AS 7EPINED IN ORDINANCE NO. 419. AMENDING CHAPTER 8.24 OF THH RANCHO CVCAHONGA NUN ICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO INFORMATION LEADING TO THE CONVICTION OF ANY PHRSON PLACING GRAFFITI ON ANY PV BL IC OR PRIVATE PROPHRTY MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Baguet to approve Resolution No. 40- 234. Motion carried unanimously, 5-D. R R R• R R P2. CONSIDBRAT ION TO APPROVE ANNUAL BNGINEEA'S R&PORT AND RESOLUTION POR THE ANNUA_. LEVY OP ASSBSSMENT9 WI^HIN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS NO9 1 2 3 4. 5. 6. 7 AND 8 FOA FISCAL YEAR 1990/91 SLaff report p[eeented by Jerry Fulwood, Deputy Clty Manager. Councilmember brown questioned the difference in amounts for Assessment DietrLet No. 3, Zone B. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated he felt the correct amount waa presently $165.00 and would ba increased to $175.00, but would double check thLe and let Councilmember Brown know which was correct. Councilmember Wright asked Mr. Pulwood to explain the formula for figuring taxes, which he proceeded to explain. Councllmember Wright asked if any spacial notice had been sent out to the property owners. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy CLty Manager, stated only whet was required to be published in the newepnper. Covncilmombor Wright felt another attempt should be made to let [ha public know about ehle, end that this item ba brought beck at another mooting for the Council to approve. Cf.ty Council Minutes June 6, 1990 Page 6 James Hackman, City Attorney, pointed out that the public was made aware of this which was handled ae legally required. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, eiated Warren Divan was also present to answer any questions. Mayor Stout asked about the carry over in the amount of $33$,349.00 as mentioned in thw st nff report on pnge 115. Jerry Pulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated this is money that was not expended so it would be carried over to the next year to assist in helping fund the district maintenance COei e. Mayor Stout asked what would happen next year when there Se no carry over funds to neeiet with maintenance costa. Jerry Pulwood, Deputy City Nnneger, stated that Se why the City le using the CPI, and that the city many have to go 5a over the CPI. Councilmember Buquet stated he agreed wlth Mayor Stoui•e ooncezns regarding the $338,349.00. Cauncilmember Alexander asked if there would be a problem with continuing this until the next meeting in order to gat some of the queaticne answered. James Marlwnn, City Attorney, added you could not colas the rate, only lower it, and did not feel the continuance would be beneficial. He stated you cannot make up the $338,000.00 by adding more to a pnrticular dietrlet. Mayor Stout eiated he did not want to have to give a big increase next year to make up for the $33$,000.00 which ie being carried over thle year. He added he would still like more information on how ihls will impact that area in future years. Councilmember Brown comosnted that Dletrict 2 will now have retail alozes to qet involved with this. ABSOLUTION NO. 90-235 A RESOLUTION OP TNB CITY COUNCIL OP TNS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, TO LEVY ANO COLLRCT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN LANDSCAPE MAINTENA.9CE DISTRICTS N09. 1, 3, 3, 4, 9, 6, ? AND S POR FISCAL YBAA 1990(91 PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ACT OP 1972 IN CONNECTION WITH LANDSCAPE IMINTBNANCB DISTAI CTS NOS. 1, 2, 3r 4, 5, 6, 7 AND S MGTIGNI Moved by Alexander, seconded Dy Suquet to approve Reaoluilon No. 90- 235. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. f • R • • t City Council Hinutea June 6, 1990 Page 7 F3. CONSIDHRATION TO APPROVE ANNUAL BNGINEEA•S REPORT AND RHSOLVTION FOR THB ANNUAL LBVY OF ASSBSSlDiNTB WITHIN STAHHT LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS NOS 1 2. 3. 4. 5. AND 6 POR PISCAL YEAR 1990/91 Staff report presented by Jerry Fu lwootl, Deputy City Manager. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the Council were: Victor Falcon 11492 Copper Pave (Caryn tract), stated he has a refund dve him and has requested it in writing, but has net yet received it. He asked that this be done because he has not received the services this money was to cover. .lack Lam, City Manager, stated the money can De rebated or reserved. Councilmember Wright asked for Hr. Pulwood to explain the process for tracking those individuals who have not paid, which he explained to her. .Tames Frost, City Treasurer, Pelt the Council should be very clear tonight in what they are approving as it related to the Ceryn community in the amount of $167,000.00. Ron Herman, 11577 Mammoth Peak (Caryn tract), felt the reserves should go to the homeowner. There being no further response, the public hearing was closed. Mavor Stout stated ii was not lone ego that the Caryn Community brought forth pet it tore asking for a perk, and felt it should go to a vote oP these people if they want to pick up the maintenance on the park. Councilmember Brown felt the residents of the Ceryn community should be made aware of how much this woultl increase their aseesamenta. Councilmember Baguet added he felt the City should make sure they have a way to maintain new projects they develop. Councilmember Brown concurred With Mayor Stout that the people should be able to vote on it. councilmember Wright stated she agreed with the rebeie approach, and felt the people should be able to vote on it. RESOLUTION NO. 90-236 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, TO LEVY AND COLLBCT ABBBBSHBNTS WITHIN STR&BT LIONTINO MAINTBNANCB DISTRICTS NOS. 1. 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6 FOR PISCAL YEAR 1990/91 PURSUANT TO TNB LANDSC11P8 AND LICHTINO ACT OP 3972 IN OONNBCTION WITH STRBBT LIONTINO MAINTBNANCB DISTRICTB NOS. lr 2, 3r 4, 5 AND 6 City Council Mlnutee June 6, 1990 Pag¢ 8 MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Buquet to approve Resolution No. 90- 236. Motion carried unanimously, 5-O. x • • ~ + F4. CONSID IO O. 1 S CO R 0 S D Staff report presented Dy Rv66 Maguire, City Engineer. RESOLUTION NO. 90-237 A RESOLUTION OF TNS CITY COUNCIL OP TH8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMBNDINC MAP, TRACT NO. 14121 MOTION: Moved by Baguet, seconded by Alexander to approve Resolution No. 90- 237. Hot ion oarried unanimously, 5-0. P5. CO O 9- pAVIes - An appeal of the Plenning Commission's decision denying the development of an industrial complex containing six industrial buildings total ing 22,940 square feet on 2.2 acres of land in the General Industrial District, Subarea 3 of the Industrial Specif ie Pian, located on Feran Boulevard, east of Nalma Avenue - APN 209-031-&7 and B8. John Mannerino, legal counsel renreeent ins Mr. Dav tee. asked Sf tDie could be continued to June 20, as submitted Ln their letter. Mayoz Stout asked Mr. Mannerino to please let the City know ae soon ae possible if they are not ready by that dais. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public heating. There was no response at this time. ABSOLOTION NO. 90-238 A RBSOLUTION OF TN8 CITY COUNCIL OF TNB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALI PORNIA, DBNYINO AN APPEAL OP THE PLANNING COMMI33ION'S DENIAL OF OBVELOPMENT REVIBW NO. A9-12, TFIE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDUSTRIAL COMPLBX CONTAINING SIX INDUSTRIAL 9UILDIN03 TOTAI.INO 22,940 SQUABS FEET ON 2.2 ACRES OP LAND IN TH8 OSNBRAL INDVBTAIAL DISTRICT, SUBAREA 3 OP THS INDUSTRIAL SPBCIFIC PLAN, LOCATED ON PBRON BOULEVARD, BAST OP HELMS AVENUE MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded Dy Buquet to continue the public hearing to June 20, 1990. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. • • f • f R City Council MSnutee June 6, 1990 Page 9 6. PUBLIC HEARIMOB No Items Submitted. H. CITY MAMAOER'8 8TAlt• AEPDRTS H1. NS D RA ON 0 ON NO 1 AND H RN 8A A I (COUtinued fraM May 16, 1990) James Markman, City Attorney, stated this was continued from May 16, 1990. He stated the issues have Deen resolved and staff recommends approval of the extension. NOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Baguet to approve the extension. Notion carried unanimously, 5-0. ~ ~ • ~ • : H2. T A O BY HILLSZ-E/SAPPHZR.°. VENTURE 9taft repot presented by Ruee Mag~ira, City Bnglneer. Cou nc ilmember Buqust felt none of the unite should be released until the work was done, and felt the information should be disclosed to the homeowner. Mayor Stout brought up the idea of the Department of Real Estate disclosing the information. Councilmember Buquet felt it should net be left up to the developer to notify the buyers, but that there should be written verification that the buyer Se aware of the eituat ion. Councilmember Alexander suggested that eigne be placed in the tract with this information. Councilmembar Wright stated she would be vary leery if she saw eigne in a tract where she was thinking of purchasing. James Markman, City Attorney, felt this could be done if it wee the Council's direction. Councilmembar Wright asked how the developers are disclosing the information ea requested by the City. Brad Huller, city Planner, stated the City hee found it difficult to monitor developments. city Council Minutes Sane 6, 1990 Page 30 Councilmember Nright stated she liked Councilmember Alexander's idea. RESOLUTION NO. 90-239 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP Tiffi CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALLFOAiviA, PRCVRiC I.'TRGVE"~NT £,GREENEh: EXTENSION ANU IMPROVEt~NT SECVRITY POR TRACT 13728 MOTION: Moved by Bvqvet, seconded by Alexander to approve Resolution No. 90- 239 ae amended. Mot icn carried unan Lnouely, 5-0. R • R • e Hayor Stout called a race es at E:40 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:00 p.m. with all members of Council present. • • R R R I. COUNCIL DD8IN688 Il. CONSIDERATION OP RECOMMENDATION POR TNIRD ALTERNATE POR A8 939 TASK FORCB (Oral Aaport 6y Taak Porce Ma~bCr) Councilmember Brown stated she had put this item on the agenda because at the last AB 939 Teek Porce meeting she attended, it was brought up to designate another alternate. Councllmember Buquet stated he was interested in being named the additional alternate. ACTION: council concurred that Mayor Stout should send correspondence designating Counci lmember Baguet ae the third alternate for this task force with the approval of the 8card of Supervisors. R • R R R I2. S V - Discussion of items, length of time, and size for Time Capsule at Civic Center. Staff report presented by Dlnne O'Neal, AdmSnietratlve Analyst. Diane O~Neal, AdmEnistrat lvs A.:alyst, added the Environmental Maragsment Commission was also suggesting current environmental newspaper articles end erticlae on the Latest Ben Prnnciaco eerthgueke be Included in the time capsule. She also presented Information on who can sestet the City in putting the time capaula together. The Council concurred that Councilmembere Brown and Buquet assist with Chia project. City Council Ninutee June 6, 1990 Page 31 Councilmember Brown stated she would also like to add into the time cnpeu la the book that was signed by vericue individuals from the bicentennial celebration. The Council also concurred that the nrticles to go into the time capsule ba available for public viewing ai the July 4th Dedication Ceremony. • : • x • I3. T O S GS S S Staff report presented by 0red Buller, City Planner. Councilmember Wright stated she did not feel the City has gone far enough to accomplish what they wnnied to in the first place. She added she felt No. 2 on page 378 was mlalead Lng. She stated her intent wee to have the parking structure connected to each unit, which would be similar to parking for townhomee. She also felt the leek of visitor parking should be nddreeeed. Mayor Stout felt everyone should be able to lock up their car in an enclosed area. Brad Buller, City Planner, felt the Council's concerns should go to the Planning Commies ion. MCTZCN: Moved by Wright, seconded by Brown to refer this matter to the Planning Commission. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. • e • e • J. PO N J3. Councilmember Brown asked for a report on multi-family zoning that had previously gone back to the Planning Commission for review. J2. Councilmember Baguet asked for an item to come back on a policy for disc loeure atetemente For new housing. J3. Councilmembar Alexander asked for a report on consideration of day Caro for Clty employees. J4. Councilmember Buquet asked for an item to be on the next sgends to establish a Code Snforcemant subcommittee, and that ha was Sntereeted in serving on it. • • • • • • 6, COMRMIGTSOKe 171OM T86 PVBLSC Rl. Neil Rnts, 7686 Oainey, from the Noodrldge tract, was queetioninq bow the fifteen houses were approved !or sUaee. Rau uquire, City Snginwr, explsinsd how the policy worked for thew relwew. a city Council xinutae June 6, 1990 Page 12 Mayor Stout stated the City has no authority ae to which houses are completed first for release. Rues Maguire, City Rngineer, stated if there are houeea ready to be released, that the developer needs to inform the City of Lhie. Hr. Ratz stated he felt hiB house was ready to ba released end wanted that t0 happen. • x x • x HOTZONn Hoyed by Brown, seconded by Aiuaanuur i aujuwu lu sawuulive Suwaim, to disease personnel matters. Brecutive 6easion to adjourn to the June 7, 1990 budget wockehop. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. The meeting adjourned ai 9s 40 p.m. Respectfully auhmitLed, Debra J. Adams City Clerk Approved: May 29, 1990 CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Adi~~rned Meet inc An adjourned meeting of the City Council of the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga met on Tuenday, May 29, 1990, in the Lions Park Community Censer, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was col led to order at 6:OB p. m. Dy Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present wets Councilmembera: Nilliem J. Alexander, Detrorah N. Brown, Charles J. Buquet II, Pame18 J. WYight (arYlved 6:25 p.m.), and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Also present ware: Jack Lam, City Manager; Linda D. Daniel e, Deputy City Manager; Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager? Aick Gomez, Community Development Director{ Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director; Susan Neely, Pinance Manager? Patty Riffel, Executive Aeeiaianti Diane O'Neal, Administrative Analyett Susan Hickey, Administrative Aide; Joan Rruee, Adalnietrative Aeeiatant; Rueeell Require, Clty Engineer; Shintu Boner Deputy City Engineer; Joe Stofe, Associate Civil Engineer; Sig Dellhime, Administrative Aeeiatant; Bob Zetterberg, Maintenance Supsrinteodent; Jeff Barnes, Perks 6upervlsor; Brad Buller, Clty Planner; Gail Sanchez, Planning Commission Secretary; Jerry Grant, Building Official; Jim Martin, Plan Check Coordinator; Chief Dennis Michael, Rancho Cu ramnnna Wirw Prntwntinn M wt ri nt, T.t. Ara nw Ewinwr. Aanahn h,camnnna Dnlinw Department; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. 8• ITENB OT DISCDSSION B1. Approval of Mep, execution of improvement Agreement, Improvement Security, acceptance of offer of dedication and ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance Oiatrict No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance Oietrict Noe. 1 and 2 for Tract 13316, located at the northeast corner of Archibald and Caira[i Avenue e, submitted by Friedman Haoee. Coatiaved from May 16, 1990. Staff report presented Dy Jack Lam, City Manager. Mayor Stout stated he has gone to the Bite to look et this, he has reviewed the plane and had discuss LOne with staff, and dose recoil when this came before the Planning Cammission. Councilmember Buquet stated he also hee looked at thin. Mayor Stout asked if any of the Councilmembere felt this wan lnconeistent with the tantat ive tract conditions end stated this wan the only issue before the Council tonight that they had legal suehoriLy on. There wee no response by any of the Covncllvwmbare. Adjourn¢d City Council Minutes Hay 29, 1990 Page 2 RHSOLUTION NO. 90-204 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVE!ffiNT AGREE!ffiNT IMPROVEMENT SECURITY, AND FINAL MAP OP TMCT NO. 13316 RESOLUTION NO. 90-205 A RESOLUTION OF TNB CITY COUNCIL OF TNS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CAL IPORNIA, ORDERING THE ANN6%ATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPB MAiNTHNANCB DISTRICT NO. 1 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 PoR TRACT 13316 MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Brown to approve Re¢olution Noe. 90- 204 and 90-205. Motion carried unanimously 4-0-1 (wright ebeent~. • • • • R 82. Discussion and considerat Lon of fiscal year 1990/91 and 1991/92 propcsed budget e. Jack Lam, City Manegar, etetad the Council has a tletaLled budget for fiscal years 1990/93 and 1991/92, and also a summary budget. Ha stated he ha¢ given the city Council a lengthy budget message fvr their review. He continued to qv through the information provided in the Dudget message and further explained the information. He stated the next budget eeeeion will be June 7, 1990 to qo •F~rnwF rFn ..HN immnn.rrn~nl An Anne nA • ~Ln Alenno ..Vbi n.. 4_A_.4 n_nA_n_ ~ ^~. .. ~., .^. ... _.. .... t.^,~_.. _..a ..^. _. to be further dlecussed from tonlght•e budget eeeeion. He stated the next eeeeion after June 7th would be on June 14, 1990 to adopt the budgets for fiscal yearn 1990/91 and 1991/92. Mayor Stout stated he felt the budget was put together very well and was very explanatory. Jack Lam, City Nenager, stated Susan Neely and her staff has put in a lot of evenLnge and weekends putting together thle budget end commended them. Mayor Stout pointed out that just DecAUee the City Council might have questions, dose not mean that they do not feel the budget wan put together wall. Counc ilmember Buquet felt each year the Dudgei continues to be of bettor yualLty. JLn Hart, Adminletrative Services Director, etetad each year the stet! has taken previous year's comments end incorporated the information to make a batter budget. Adjourned City Council Minutes Nay Z9, 1990 Page 3 Councilmember Wright stated she tloee have questions but felt ahe could meet with staff to clarify them instead of taking everyone's time, and Chat if there was anything that the rent of the Clty Council needed to disease, it eau ld be brought up et the next meeting. Nayor Stout asked for an explanation on the fee nexus eiudy. mFO :nfnTmalinn w+e_ e~nl ai ned b~ .T+r~ 7.a T; ^?ty !!=nd j9Y, and RU89911 Maqu1 YB, City snglneer. - Mayor stout felt the City of Rancho Cucamonga needs to work with the City of Ontario to recoup fees and be more aggressive. He asked if the drug asset forfeiture ie included. Jack Lam, City Hanager, stated it ie a non-allocated revenue source. Mayor Stout felt the money collected from the drug aaeet forfeitures should 6e planned for future projects and net left in the bank. Jack Lam, City Nanager, gave overview of the 9heriff'a budget end the poeiiione that were added into the budget. After a brief discussion on the Sher if £'9 budget to clarify questions, Jack Lam, City Nnnager, presented information on the fire aervicas budget end how it is set up. He also gave information on the additional personnel added to tole budget. the 'budaat`t- .•-r-+~ ~~- __..:_ ..__ _.._ ____.__ __ ..________ _________ ____ _ ___ Jerry Pulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated it ie in the Disaster Preparedness budget. Councilmember Wright asked how the hazardous mxterinl program worked. Chief Dennis Nlchael, Rnncho Cucamonga Pire Protection District, presented information to Councilmember Wright on how the program functions. Councllnsmdwar Alexander stated he would like to sae the information shared with the reeitlence Deceuee he fell there would be more end more illegal Qumping if Ghe reeidenie ware not ewers of the program. Tack L+l:, O1Cy MAnngerr sr ared this Se done through the Grapevine: Councilmember Wright Baked for information on the life span of a fire engine. Chid Dennis Nichaal, Rancho Cucamonga Piro Protection District, proented the information. Adjourned city Council Minutse May 29, 1990 Page 4 Councilmember Brown asked various queatione on Community Facilities District SS-1. The information wee presented the Chief Dennis Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and Jerry Pulwaodr Deputy City Manager. Councilaxember BuqueL felt someone needed to get with the County Fire Chief and exp4a in to him how Rancho Cucemonge'e community faciiit lee di artiste work. Jack Lam, City Hanagec, stated the Public Safety Cammiecion has also reviewed the fire services budget. He also commanded Chief Dennis Michael for doing this kind of a Dudget for Lhe first time. Na also commanded all Lhe Department Heads for chair work on the budget's. Mayor Stout felt it would be helpful to have a summary sheet that included all departments information listed on one sheet of paper. Councilmember Wright asked for aoaie Lype of a plc-chart to include information such ae maintenance, etc., all on one sheet. Jack Lam, Clty Manager, presented an overview of the Redevelopment Agency Dudget. He informed the Council eDOUt the 8me11 Bueinssa counselling Center Program which Chaffey College is in the procene of establishing which they hope to have in Aancho Cucamonga. Ha fel! thin would Do n good opportunity foz the Clty and stated that Chaffey College ie asking for $50,000.00, but that staff is recommending 530,000.00 be given to th® from the City. Ha stated the City could also give them soma of its eurplu• Eurnilure to help them out which weuld -,.: _ , _ .., «„_,,....., .,r .he stn nnn nn wo added that chaffav Colleaa also has commitments from the cities of Ontario end Pontnna. He also cosniented that the CLOUT group hoe been talking about strengthening the organization by hiring an Executive Director, and stated they would De structured similar to how SCAG le structured. He added that each member particlpeting in CLOUT would be cha[ged a certain amount for the Bxecutive Director and etnted Aancho Cucamonge's amount would be approximately 55,000.00. He added this would be coming before the Ciiy Council for approval of Lhia amount. Mayor stout etnted LnaC the Gardiner Spring Society is looking for money Pram the Clty to help with staff Lng, end staled that the Rancho Cueeawnge CommunLLy Foundation hoe danetad $2,500.00, He euggastsd ihnt the PoundeLion coma up with more money io help fund this program. Covncilmend>er Brown asked now the iexpayars would benefit by the City paying for CLOUT staffing. she stated she would like to ass CLOUT'• obj ectivea, end felt eomethtng should go back into the eemmunLty if the City was to aaeLt CLOUT wish the mwnsy requirod. Adjourned City Council Minut9e May 29, 1990 Page 5 Jack Lam, City Nenager, brought up the I-10 corridor beautification project. He stated that Pontann ie asking for approximately $2,000.00 to eeeiet witA Lhia program. Ha stated thnt thin corridor coaaittee is asking for the City to set up an aeeeaement district to help pay for this. He stated he had toltl than that the City was not in favor of the aeseaement district. He informed the Council they would be getting acre information about tale. Cauncilmember Wright felt the City should eeeiet with this program but did not feel it should be through en aeeeeament disttlct. Councilmember Buquet felt some of the other corridors should also be looked at and included in this concept. Jack Lam, city Manager, concluded 6y saying Ghat on June 16, 1990 a public hearing will be taking place to ndopt the Pire District, Redevelopment Agency, the City Loan Transaction, the City Budget, the Capital Improvement Budget, and all labor agreements. R w • • R C Co~uaiwtio s f tb Public ~ No conmunication wne made. • • • • NOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded Dy Blown to adjourn to an Executive Sees ion to disease personnel matters. Notion caizied unanimously 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8;09 p.m. Neepectfully submitted, Debra J. Aflame Clty Clerk Approved: V hl Qi ¢J Jo nOn ~a °o Mim Oro mP0 NNE ^fa SfM n „ NwrvNNrrNN mPNN I- NMm NaNN a fhbrni ~. nhjNNnNONN nrNOnmPO..Nmanal-m nrN i`a°o°a°c°a°oa°u°a°a°a°a a •'"o ~aaaan~oo~~~a~~~ma~~~~'m .'o 'u'caa 'odd oraaara aaaaaaaaaiririaara+ rr r as ar++aiaa > • • .>Fa > . .. . mJ _ 2 a iZP p•. • iiFP> V .> N V Np• w h waLL p w 00.. >SOa S NJ \wUr} Zw tryi j0~ i.y. i e>.. a J rN ¢ a` j m V p u V~7V whZm31N +w JOlp V ww2 JuON[1 pLL~ wpw SoV NV i m2z.1>un ' N V NO Z pF NGF S hio ¢2 YLN•V. •.uHwN>2 >e WV TVNSfONMZ wn•iNiw J7 __ ILLLmVOV FuFLOLL wJJl~n OCr. F_pV Z~=o~wiJR V\JF LL wO2Nm w~ VVWV¢i m2LLJw >SV •i VI ¢¢w ~Jrem NRw p.[winwrWFJ wFm VO KV J•nr>iw•w2.V.OJS~V ~7'J KLLIJ 02SMr•r.rt> u¢..meVO r2iOVJNm/IV Zin>omJVaVJUCO¢u w.¢-U )i¢rNtU6¢ » hpVLa¢¢ ~+ i O Z LL l .. a U U 2 w .. a t ry.r. N ~ x we .o N 2 o>.'. wi ~p'a•wu u N wzea o•~ .'. 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IJ J.... ffJ li •OO .NWUO N)iry LLf •N i O•Yi• ~ I•• J ~ rwWWW~F VYf O iJ i S QfW fMj~fN~ ¢• IW •i• I OVVV. .M Jf f_!__i V i •• O !>)) »J¢IiN9ilIWeOJJJ~: WWrYf tJYNVYYt •i• YY` ltlill~lO~WWf~ZOIfNNNNNNNNNNMMNNNI...>IiZZZI •01 N..NNOPr00 POePw Mr.O>NONINPPPnPPaANITOJaOAaNrP • O• NPOOa101erNOrONN..rOraN000Pa01NTrNN n.. r.•M MOO p • a O e hN e T T nN T a N P P N . •! N Ili ir1 N N T AT AN nIN N^ NrNNT rTI P Vr .1 I II e 'Iry ;>• ~ / r,mv nc n n w?rvn rr rr n aanw?~ n STAFF REPORT 'E DATE: August 1, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, Clty Engineer BY: Jerry A. Oyer, Associate Engineer SUBJECT: Approval Lo award and execute a Professional Services Agreement between the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga and Norris- Repke, inc., to prepare design plans, specifications and estimates for the Haven Avenue rehabilitation, widening and storm drain improvements from north of Foothill Boulevard to approximately 250' north of Church Street. The per diem not to exceed fee of (44,500.00 plus 10% contingencies to be funded by Measure I, Account No. 32-4637-8801-4606-4110 It is hereby recommended that the City Council approve, award, and execute the above sub,~ect Professtanai Services Agreement with Norr15- Repke, inc. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On June 8, 1990, four engineer consulting firms responded to a Request for Proposal for the Haven Avenue rehabilitation, widening and storm drain Tmprovements from north of Foothill Boulevard to north of Church Street, and submitted a detailed scope of work, background, reference and protect team credentials to the City of Rancho Cucamonga.. All four engineering consultants met Lhe Professional and Scope of Service requirements established by staff. A ranking by the strength of the proposal is as follows: RANKING BY PROPOSAL CONTEXT ASSOCIATED FEE L.D. King Norris-Repke A.S.I. B.S.I. f91,200 X4,500 f59,500 f96,000 ~1 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT AUGUST 1, 1990 PAGE 2 The firm of L.D. King, Inc., actually rated the best based on proposal alone, but staff feels they did not rate that much higher than Norris- Repke to ,{ustify the more than double associated fee. Staff feels that Norris-Repke's lower fee is contributable to their familiarity and recent engineering work in this area and that they are currently the design consultants for Lhe Naven/Church intersection improvement project, which wiii be incorporated wi ih this oroJ ect. The flnn of Norris-Repke, Inc., is recommended as the design ftnn based on the strength of their proposal and the associated fee. R esoectfuLld buhmi tteA l~ _ ~ RHM Attachment 13 DA?E: T0: FROM: BY SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT 1Wgust 1, 1990 City Council and City Manager Rrssell H. Maguire, City Engineer uan Jenzs, Senior C,al Eo^•.^^^ y ~ ~... e~3 . Approval of Reimbursement Agreement, for undergrounding of overhead utilities for Development Review 87-26, located at the southeast corner of Arrow Route and Rochester Avenue, Submitted by Watson Land Compagy -URA 007 RECp/IENDATION It is recommended that the Cfty Council adopt the attached resolution approving the Reinbursement Agreement for undergroundtng of a portion of the overhead utility lines on the east side of Rochester Avenue and on the south side of Arrow Route, and authorize the MAyor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause same to record. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND As a condition of epprovat of the wb,lect development, Matson Land CongaRy, the developer, was required to underground certain overhead utility lines fronting Its pro3ect on Nocnes[er avenue and ivruw nmLe. Toe 1 fu,iL, ors nature of the required undergrounding were as follows: Rochester Avenue: Undergrounding of the overhead electrical lines on the east side of Rochester Avenue from the first pole northerly of Arrow Route to the first pole off-site south of the pro,{ect's south boundary. Arrow Route: Undergrounding of the overhead electrical and camwnicatlon lines, excepting the 66KV electrical lines, on the south side of Arrow Route from the first pole off-site east of the pro,iect's east boundary to the first pole west of Rochester Avenue. The developer has completed the above required undergrounding and has requested to enter into a relnbursewent agreement with the City to be reimbursed for a portion of the undergrouMing costs from the adjacent properties directly benefited fray said undergrounding. The request 1s in compliance with Planning Coaaatssion ksolution No. 87-96, relating to undergraundirg of utility rei~bursements. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT DR 87-26 - MATSON LANG C0; URA-007 AUGUST 1, 1990 PAGE 2 Assessor's Parcel Nos. 229-121-36, 229-121-41 and 229-121-42, located on the south side of Arrow Route, easterly of Rochester Avenue; and Assessor's Parcel Nos. 229-121-43, 229-121 -44, 229-121-45, and 229-121-48 located on Lhe east side of Rochester Avenue, are all part of the subject development, and are all excluded from this reimbursement agreement. The following is a listing of the Darcets directly benefitted from the subject u ndergrou nd ing which are subject to underground ing refmbursement. Assessor's Parcel No. 229-021-36 This parcel located on the north side of Arrow Route is a vacant lot in an industrial zone, and is subject for reimbursements of the undergrounding costs of the overhead utilities on the south side of Arrow Route at the time of its future development. Assessor's Parcel No. 229-021-24 This parcel located at the northeast corner of Arrow Route and Rochester Avenue is a vacant lot, which has berrefitted from undergrounding of overhead utilities on both Rochester Avenue and Arrow Route. The reimbursment contributions of said parcel may become possible at the Lime of its future development. Assessor's Parcel No. 229-011-23 ims parcel located at the north west corner of Arrow Route and Rochester Avenue is a vacant lot and has benefltted from undergrounding of utilities on Rochester Avenue only. The reimbursement contribution of said parcel may become possible at the time of its future development. Assessor's Parcel No. 229-121-50 Thfs parcel located on the east side of Rochester Avenue, southerly of the subject development, is currently developed. Undergrounding in-lieu fees were not paid to Lhe City at the time of development of said parcel, therefore, contributions toward the subject undergrounding may become possible at the time of City's conditioning of future redevelopment of said parcel. Assessor's Parcel No. 229-111-25 This parcel located on the west side of Rochester Avenue is currently developed as an industrtal complex. Undergrounding in-lieu fees were contributed to the City at the time of development of said parcel . Therefore, the reimbursement contribution for said parcel 1n the amount of f2 ,440.96, corresponding to the undergrounding performed on Rochester Avenue fronting said property, will be paid from City's Utility Undergrounding Fund. ~S CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT OR 87-26 - NATSON LAND C0; URA-007 AUGUST 1, 1990 PAGE 3 Assessor's Parcel No. 229-111-06 This parcel located on the west side of Rochester Avenue is currently on a vacant lot. Undergranding in-lieu fees have not been paid to the City for this parcel in Lhe past. Therefore, the reimbursement contribution of said parcel may become possible at the time of its future development. Assessor's Parcel No. 229-111-06 This parcel located on the west side of Rochester Avenue is currently on a vacant lot. Undergrounding in-11ew fees have not been paid to the City for this parcel in the past. Therefore, the reimbursement contribution of said parcel may necume ywaiu~e nL Li,e iip,e of its fuwre development. Assessor's Parcel No. 229-111-18 This parcel located at the southwest corner of Mrow Route and Rochester Avenue is currently developed as an industrial complex. The payment of undergrounding in-lieu fee of portions of the electrical lines on the east side of Rochester Avenue fronting this parcel, is guaranteed by a Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement executed at the time of development of Bald parcel under Development Review No. 87-09. The reimbursement obligations of Assessor's Parcel Nos. 229-021-36, and 229- 021-24, as indicated on Exhibit D-1 of this agreement, may be reduced at the time of future undergrounding of overhead camauntcatlon lines fronting said parcels on Arrow Noute. rurtnermore, the undergrounding ooligatlon or Assessor's Parcel No. 229-111-18, as Indicated on Exhibit 0-2 of this Agreement, can also be reduced upon submittal of the undergrounding costs of the utilities on the west side of Rochester Avenue u~ergrounded by developer of said parcel. Said future reductions will be in the amounts of Matson Land Co~any's share of undergrounding of the overhead utilities on the north side of Arrow Route and on the west side of Rochester Avenue. The Engineering staff has reviewed and approved the total cost of undergrounding and the distribution of the costs. The City has provided 30 days notice prior to the date of Council meting to those parcels affected by this agreement. Re spec Cited, i / ~Jh Attachments // RESOLUTION N0. q0 " .~~ ~" A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAiIONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT EXECUTED ON JULY 10, 1990, FOR UNOERGRWNDIN6 OF A PORTION OF THE OVERHEAD UTILITIES ON THE EAST SIDE OF ROCHESTER AVENUE, BETNEEN ARROH ROUTE AND BTH STREET, AND ARRDN ROUTE BETIIEEN ROCHESTER AVENUE AND I-15 FREENAY NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration a Reimbursement Agreement submitted by Matson Land Compagy, as developer of DR 87-26, for the undergrounding of the overhead utilities on the east side of Rochester Avenue, between Arrow Route ono nth street, one on the sou to sloe of Arrow Nnute between Rochester Avenge and I-15 Freeway; and NHEREAS, the developer, at the developer's expense, Has cagleted said undergrounding operation; and NHEREAS, the owners of the adsolning properties will share in the expense of the undergrounding operation costs as sttpulate4 in said Reimbursement Agreement. MOH, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES that said Reimbursement Agreement he and the same is approved and the Mayor is authorized W sign said Reimbursement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest hereto and cause said ayreement to record. '~ 22901123 I I tif0i»f ~ i1f0212/ ARROW ROUTE +_ _- UNDERGROUNDED 22911118 ( UTZLITZES DR 87-09 11!111/1 229121{1 ~~ 22911105 !2912!1) 22f 111/1 229111/0 21112 Uf !2!1111! i291219i I2f 12171 22!121!1 iI9021 U 11f 11177 I-15 F`WY 22911106 32f 121/5 1!/1!111 22911107 PM 12781 of 12111 22911125 ( 22912150 MDR 06-26 DR 87-55 RANCHO CUCAMONGA i~avan~rEEenlra nlvrslox ~g ~ V SCALE: 1" 200' N ]~; UZILITY REIMBUlLSEMFNT:UR-007 r DR 87-26; UR-007 EXHIBIT; "A'. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAAlONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 1, 1990 T0: Mayor and iiembers of City Council FROM: Brad Buiier, Ci iy Planner SUBJECT: Approval to execute an Agreement for Planning Services in the amount of 53,902 monthly to be funded from Planning Division Account No. 01-4333-1100 (FY 90-91) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the execu ion o an agreement for Planning Services. BACKGROUND: Recently contact was made wtth Scott Murphy, past employee of }fie -Ci'iy of Rancho Cucamonga, regarding employment opportunities with the City. The opportunity now exists to rehire Scott back into his old position as Associate Planner. The funds are currently available in the budget within the 1990-91 calendar year. These funds are available as a result of the recent departure of Jeff Gravel (Assistant Planner) and because we were able tc under-hire a Planning Technician for a budgeted Assistant Planner position. Ycott will Dring three previous years of experience with the City of Rancho Cucamonga. This experience, along with his skills and abilities as an Associate Planner, will be an asset to the Planning Division team. It is our goal to eventuaily hire Scott as a full time City employee and terminate this contract. However, because an Associate position is not currently open at this time and because Scott has been away from the City for more than one year, it is necessary Lo hire him under contract in the interim. CONCLUSION: Therefore, because of the experience, quality of work, and an c pa ed efficfency that would result from hiring Scott Murphy, staff recommends that the Ctty Council approve the execution of an agreement with Scott Murphy for planning services. Rasp ~ i iy ~b~tted, i era e'I rri~ City anner BB:gs CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 1, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Nenry Mvrakoshi, Associate Civil Engineer e`~3 , SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between J.C.R. Development and Investment and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Street Improvements located along the north portion of the J.C.R. parcel for the Nineteenth Street Protect from Archibald Avenue to Haven Avenue RECDNEMDATIDN: It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the Agreement for Installation of Public Improvement between J.C.R. Development and Investment and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. eACUaouro/Awv_rsts: The attached sub,{ect Agreement between the City and J.C.R. Development and Investment for street improvements which ind ude curb and gutter ii>tSildti O,i, Sti cct yo'iowcnt mrv vt`ci ciutcu ::Ji ~, oily ~~c - portion of the J.C.R. parcel. J.C.R. Development and~~Investment Vhas agreed to grant to the City a Right-of-May Easement to allow for the installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related work in return for the construction of said improvements. Said street improvements will 6e constructed to conjunction with Lhe City's Nineteenth Street Pro,~ect. Respectf`u -y submitted, RHM:KF:pam Attachment RESOLUTION N0. 7 ~~313 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC [MPROYEMENT FROM J.C.R. DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has esta611shed requirements for installation of public improvements along Nineteenth Street; and VIHEREAS, installation of curb and gutter, street pavement and other related rrork, located along the north portion of the J.C.R. parcel shall ue maae a part or the Nineteenth Street Prof ect; and NHEREAS, J.C.R. Development and Investment has agreed to dedicate the necessary Right-of-May easement to the City for satd improvements. NON, THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the CTty of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does accept said Improvement Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign same, and directs the City Clerk to record same in the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. ~I CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 1, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H, Maguire, City Engineer BY. Jerry A. Dyer, Assocfate Engineer e"~3 . SUBJECT: Approval and execution of the Cost and Maintenance Agreement between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Atchison. Tooeka anA Santa Fa Ra ll rav rnnin~~.. t• r e c r for the proposed widening of Haven Avenue~at the A.T. 8 S.F. Railway Crossing designated as PUC Crossing No. 2-96.7. REC4~EI~ATIOM: It is hereby recommended that the City Council approve the attached Resolution that authorizes execution of the Cost and Maintenance d reemen obetween s gningi of sald~Agreement and four ilthe re rnawof na certified copy of said Resolution to the A.T. 8 S.F. Railway Campaay along with the original copies of the Agreement. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Attached herewith are the duplicate original copies of the above subJect Cost and Maintenance Agreement. Execution of this Agreement is needed in order to facilitate coordinated improvements on Haven Avenue and the A.T. 8 S,F. Railway Company Crossing. The proposed improvements will include, but not be limited to, rehabilitation of existing railway track, placing of rubberized crossing material, installation and/or relocation of railway signals and the installation of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter; all to widen Haven Avenue to its ultimate width of three traffic lanes 1n each direction at the A.T. 8 S.F. Railway Crossing. Respect u mltted, RHM:J Attachment RESOLUTION N0. gQ~ ,3~7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROYING AND EXECUTING THE COST AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BEINEEN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND THE AiCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILNAY COMPANY FOR THE PROPOSED WIDENING OF HAVEN AVENUE AT THE A.T, & S.F. RAILWAY CROSSING DESIGNATED AS PUC CPtOSSIHG NO 2-96.7. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga (nernina fiat referred to as "CITY"), has for its consideration and execution. the Cost and Maintenance Agreement with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Compagy (hereinafter referred to as "Santa Fe"), for the proposed widening of Naven Avenue at the A.T. b S.F. Rallwgy Crossing designated as PUC Crossing No. 2-96.7. NHEREAS, Santa Fe and the City are in mutual accord with the conditions specified in the attached Cost and 141ntenance Agreement. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ODES HEREBY RESOLVE that said Cost arM Maintenaroe Agreement be approved and accepted, and authorize the Mayor to execute the same, and direct the City Clerk to attach a certified copy of this Resolution to both original copies of said Agreement and mall said copy to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Compagy. a3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 1, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: M~ssell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Lucinda E. Hackett, Contract Empl gyee e~3 . SUBJECT: Approval of Map, Partial termination of Agreement for postponement of Recordation of CC d R's, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Street Lighting Maintenance district Nos. 1 for 3 for Parcel Map id6b, located on the southeast corner of Highland Avenue and Milliken Avenue, submitted by the Militam Lyon Company. REC0~EIDATIOM It is recamnended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Parcel Map 12263, acceptlrg the sub,lect agreement and security, ordering the annexation to Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 3, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. In addition, it 1s recommended that City Council authorize the Mayor and the Ciq~ Clerk to sign said partial termination of agreement for postponement of recordation of CC d R's. Parcel Map 12263, located on the southeast corner of Highland Avenue and Milliken Avenue, was approved by the Planning Commission on November 29, 1989, for the division of 13.41 acres into 11 parcels. The Developer, the Nilliam lyon Company, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements to the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: 5336,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: 5168,000.00 The Developer is also submitting a partial termination of agreement for postponement of reccrdation of Covenants, CorAtttons and Restriciicns for Tract No. 13279. This agreement will enable the developer to record the CC d R's. It has been reviewed and approved by the City attorney. CITY COURCIL STAFF REPORT PARCEL MAP 12263 AUGUST 1, 1990 PAGE 2 Copies of the agreements, security, and the Consent and Waiver to Annexation form signed by the Developer are on file in the City Clerk's Office. Respectf b fitted, /~~ `Ridi: ~ :Jh Attachments a5 s:; RESOLUTION N0. 9D-,3 ~ 6J A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 12263, (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP N0. 12263), IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY' NHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map No. 12263, submitted by The Ni111am Lyon CompaW, and consisting of 11 parcels, located on the southeast corner of Highland Avenue b Milliken Avenue, being a division of 13.41, was approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonea. on November 29. 1989; a~ WHEREAS, Parcel Map Np. 12263 is the final map of Lhe division of land approved as shown on said Tentative Parcel Map; and MNEREAS, alt of the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the final map by the City Council of said City have now Deen met by entry into an Improvement Agreement guaranteed by acceptable Improvement Security by The N111tam Lyon Company as developer. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES, that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security submitted by sa/d developer be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Ranchn furamnnne anA ihs rHv M.,Ir ~.. .~~e.~• ..,A !.hGt ..+_ Pa-_cl wY No. 12263 be and the same is hereby approved and the City Engineer is authorized to present same to the County Recorder to be filed for record. d RESOLUTION N0. 9p- ~~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AMD 3 FOR PARCEL HAP 12263 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poncho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a sDectal maintenance district pursuant W the terms of the "Landscaping aM Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 3 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance 015trict: and WHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent Lo the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report'. NUi. THEREFORE. TNF r.iTy fi111Nr. i1 nF TNF rinY nF oaurun ri~r~wnure HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOaS: SECTION !: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative bogy hereby orders the annexation of the property as shown 1n Exhl6it "A" amt the work program areas as described in Exhibit "g" attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: fiat all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including ~e Tevy of all assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. a~ EXHIBIT •A• ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 3 ;:~ "~-,.r era ,n% .FC ~ '~ ~senrc ~+. owe ~. _ -,~:1~ 's~VaZ E-HKMANO i nr' .,~a~~_msr-c+HV£rvt.E ~^ S:'iM FZ 1 ~ ~~w "gl noarc ~ go~EC ~ e a'~~,1~~ 6 ~ ~ ~ '8 i _ ~ ,w~rEt ~~ ~ ~ i 1~ /~ ~ ~~ ~~( ~ ~ ~2 L ~ ~ _ ~ 6 o N~ ,, ~ ~2 ~ Flsrtz rro~ c i yvRrc ~ r~~`_ .. - I / Ro~ar~ ~• ~~ „~ I:ia ~. - -°:~9' ter: .~. .. }`` ~~* ('~ 4 ,4.\l 3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO STATE OF CALIFORNIA EXHIBIT 'B' PROJECT NAME: PARCEL MAP 12263 N0. Of O.U. OR ACREAGE: 13.41 ac N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 26.82 units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of Lam s to be Annexed District No. ,_~ ~_ 1 2 --- --- --- ~ --- 3 10 ___ ___ ___ _-- LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Comaunity Turf Ground Cover District No. Street Name Eauest.Traif SG• ft. Sa. ft. LEH:8-1-90 Trees Ea . .a 9 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 1, 1990 n / v T0: City Council and Cfty Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Lucinda E. iiackett, Contract Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security for Milliken Park Site Master Plan Storm Drain 5-1, located on the east side of Milliken Avenue and north of Tract 14368 submitted by Lewis Development Comparry and the Y.M.C.A. Site. RECCMEIDATIOM It fs recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions accepting the subject agreement ara! security, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Milliken Park Stte is located on the east side of Mj111ken Avenue and north of Tract 14368 and the Y.M.C.A. Site 1n the Terra Yista Planned Community. The subject agreement and security is for the rough grading of the park site, portions of the Greenwav Corridor and the construction of a portion of Nester Plan Storm Drain 5-1 that is located in the rmrth portion of the park and continues easterly in the Greenwgy corridor. The park site and portion of the Greenway Corridor contain approximately 13.6 acres. The Developer, Lewis Development Company, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee rough grading and the construction of the storm drain inprovements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: 5386,722.00 Labor and Material Bond: 5193,361.00 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respec ~ s ed, ~ L H:,jh Attachments ___ 30 RESOLUTION N0. 9Q'.~~ 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR MILLIKEN PARK SITE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Calffornia, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement executed on July 16, 1990, by Lewis Development Coagagy as developer, for the improvement of public real property specifically described therein, and generaliy located on the east side of Milliken Avenue, north of Tract 14368 and north of the Y.M.C.A. STte. WHEREAS, the tn5taiidtlLn of such ^t' "_^ -'.b-r i- --'~ I rovement m,.rot~ R,. mp Agreement and subtect Lo the terms thereof, is~to be done in conjunction with the development of said real property as referred to the Milliken Park Site. WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement is secured and accompanied by goad and sufficient Improvement Securiq~, which 1s identified in said mprovement Agreement. NO~i, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security be and the save are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamo~ya, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~~ ~;; i~ ~:. ' ' ~~ Y~ `,•, a~9 , r~3LlL ~~TECttD~~~ }~ ~uNi s,-; ` lb'AC r,.~.~. GREENW,gY V ~ +'r.'~ • , ,1'Sv'~' ' CORK/DOl2 l~ A~.~S3 • ~? ~ . :r ` WEST .}.,1~. ` , ,. L ..,,~• GREENWAY + {~ '~ PAR ~ ' " d - r ~•' c~ f~p~~arMAR'; CONDO./APTS. ~~AP.TSr.~ - . ~" s9e uN~rs L-~,f~%t`Cj;:J~9B$ ~1.s ACRES :III ~~::. .. 18.98 D.b.%AC, M/LL//fEN PARK S/TE H -•-~ SS= ~ 32- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 1, 1990 (Z T0: City Council and City Mtnager T~ FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Phillip Yerbera, Assistant Engineer ~ SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Security for Tract No. 13851, located north of Nilson Avenue, west of Deer Creek Channel, and Release of the Improvement Security previously accepted for said tract ,,., ray., rte. X51 _lan_~Y..~. a loon ei~ATttt~ by Darifif I lnternational~Development, Inc. RECOIMEIDATIOM: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached eosoiution accepting the sub,iect security and release of the improvement security for Traci No. 13851 previously accepted by City Council on January 3, 1990, and authorizing the Mayor to accept the subject security bonds and authorizing the City Clerk to release the previously accepted security. BACKGRWND/ANALYSIS Tract 13851, located north of Milsan Avenue: wect of Derv frawY rh>,n„at t,t the Yery Low Density Residential District, was approved by the Planning Commission on October 12, 1988, for the division of 38.90 acres into 61 lots. The Developer, Pacific International Development, Incorporated, previously submitte4 an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off- site ioryrovements in the following amounts: i Irrevocable Letter of Credit ~'. Faithful Performance: 51,042,000.00 Labor and Material: S 521,OW.00 This Agreement and Security was accepted by the City Council on January 3, 1990 (Resolution N0. 90-007.) Previously, the developer also submitted an Improvement Agreement Supplement which was accepted by City Council on April 4, 1990 (Resolution No. 90-148.) The same developer is submitting security to replace the aforementioned security with a Faithful Perfornmnce Bond and a Labor and Material Bond in amounts equal Lo those previously approved and accepted. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT AUGUST 1, 1990 PAGE 2 Copies of these bonds, previous Agreement a~M Security and Agreement Supplement are available in the City Clerk's office. Pespec d, ftff+1:PY:d w ~ Attachment 3~ RESOLUTION N0. qp -31~' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13651 AND RELEASING THE IMPROVEMENT SECURITY PREVIDUSLY SUBMITTED +iHEREAS, the City Ceuncil of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, accepted an Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security on ,}anuary 3, 1990, and an Improvement Agreement Supplement on April 5, 1990, by Pacific International Development, Incorporated, as developer, for the improvements required specifically described therein for Tract 13851, and generally located north of Nfison Avenue and w<t ~f ^^er Creek Cha;n,n;; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which 1s identified in said Improvement Agreement; and NHEREAS, the Developer is requesting that the City Ceuncll release the Improvement Security previously submitted and replace it with Faithful Performance Bond and Labor and Meterlalmen Bond. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: That Bald Improvement Cernrfty a„eg: ti_ •-~ .Gc s,;,„-,~ d, a ilelYOy approved and the Mayor 1s Hereby authorized to accept Improvement Security Bonds on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto; and That the Improvement Security as previously accepted be and the same is hereby approved to be released and the City Clerk is authorized to replace same with said improvement security bonds; and That said Improvement Security Bonds are accepted as good and sufficient, subiett to approval as to form and content thereof by the City Attorney. ...~=.7 .~. A "'"~""'"'"°° TRACT N0. 13851 In M OIR OF MIrG10 GIfJaYful. mNTr aF 9.w KIYWOInO. ITEfE ff CiLL IFOIwu. YI ~ ~iQ ~ yutlar°ii1°ioirir Ei'~~o°«S. n i ~r~aw~r RIYMIIOIi 4s .w ~Ymlr..®pIK ro rY rrrlnr Mr nq[o. J.T. nIOdE. R.C.E. NOI• MOOLE ~ .BLOC 11lES. IIC: _ A~~~l__, zrr .. uwl ` 1 ~ l e' ~ i I-~~~ ~ NlIL. I!!9 .. ~rium ti ter. r.-«. ~r w~O r i. r. r• r. a. r..r. v v r « .."''mow T~ ~~k.«9:w w ;~ «....~un. ,... ~r.... m. _~i_~ _ ...__. ~ _rYS.cY~__-_ 1 ~-.'r'.ee 2«rf. .r. ~.~. ..n.w ..,,' so. Z0 ~ i.r M l P-- 2e s, l y Z ~ ~ ~ ' n w7_ ~~I 2. 21 u i~ -- 22 ., .6 i ~~.~ i ~7. 1 I' 41127«!1 i } ~ v.a i '! _ ~ E .9 . ~ ! ~ ~i i ~ t ~ ~ t ~ ~ ]! • ~ T ~3 Iq W ~ io 1] ~ N ~ ! ~ !I 71 N :' ::::w ft c i 10 . ~ r 2~ ._ 20 ra.~ia1 wn I W/LEON AViNtK CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT 'k DATE: August 1, 1990 v T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer 9Y: Steve M. Gtiltland, Public Norks Inspectr~~~'~-.Y ~ SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Eztensi on for Parcel Map 11891, located on on the southeast corner of Milliken Avenue and Arrov. Highway, submitted by 0.CDC Associates RECONEMDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACKGROUND Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public Improvements for Parcel Map 11891 were approved by the City Council on July 6, 1990, to the following amounts: Faithful Perfonaance Bond: (2,250,000 Labor and Material Bond: f1,125,000 The developer, RCDC Associates, is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extenston are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfyj~l~/u~Nn1 tted, M:SMG:sd i ~ ~ Attachments Donnell Armstrong Partners J:.~!y 3, 199D Mr. Steve M. GMAaM VIA MESSENGER PnNir W.vLe I!•?..urtnr Englneertng Departrtrem CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucartroriga, CA 91729 Re: Expiretbn d Improvement Agreemem for Parcel Map 1189! Dear Mr. GAIAand: I am in receipt d Your letter dated June 21, 1990, received by ax d9ce June 28, 1990, regarding the pdentlel expiratbn d Me Imprwemem Agreement for Parcel Map 11881. In accordance whh the Chy d Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Cade 1838.450 we are hereby retryreMing en eMenabn d the Improvemera Agreement for Parcel Map 11981. Atttwugh the buhdirga and the street hnprwemrmta were nxanpleted m eerty May !990, we did not receive the loner wOh the corteclbns from the Cky d Rancho Cucamonnge EngNleedrg Department umA after June 7, 1990 when the letter was odginelty dated and those cortectbrrd are curtedly beAg uMertaken. The oNy construdbn Aem left to be done Ia the MlpNten Avenue nledien IeMscaping and Irrigation whk:h stlotYd commence shortly fohow!ng a IengMy plan check and review end correction process between the Ctly eM our landscape archhect. The ma~orhy d the other hems on the J1me T, 1990 punch Ilst letter from the City are being taken care d ore qulcldy as poealde and we would amkipate that the balance d dre hems would be canpleted whhin 45 days. We are mdNated to gat the eorrectbrle taken care d so that the work can be accepted by the Chy d Rancho Cucamonga eo we maY i>D forward whh out AasesameM Dletrict 89.1 end agile d the tx>tds wh~h wAl reimburse ua for the daAere aperh to date. We are in the process d oWaknhg approval tram the State d CalBomia Pudb UtAhks Camrdsnbn for the on•grede reA cravsing et Jersoy Baulevard. The odgblel applkatlon was Poed in October !969, end the 2201 Dupont Dnve. Suite 100 • Irvne. CA 92715 • (7?4105h0171 • FAX (71418510109 P O Boa 7958.3 • Wine CA 9271&9583 Irvine • Mann County • San Jose 3 V Steve M. GWAaM Jury 3, 1l19u Page two approval aFiolAd 6e forthcoming shortly. However, representetWea d Atchison, Topeka R Santa Fe Raihvay nave IndMated that R could take uP M twelve (12) mentfq fdiowing PUC approval betas their craws could tlesign and instae the requked slpnellratlon and rubbedzed crossing. For foie reason. we are requesting a twehre ([2) momlr mdenaion d me sub(ect Development Agreemeru. Akhggh we are confident that an d the cortectNe work required by dre Cky d Rancho Gxamorrga wp be done wahM for0'-Me (a5) days, we feel that the requested extension skald cover the Jersey Ba/evard an•grade crossing issue. 39 ~;~. ~. RESOLUTION N0. 9O'.3~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TMPRCYEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND II~ROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 11891 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreenw: nt Extension executed on August 1, 1990, 6y RCOC Associates as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way ad3acent to the real property specifically described thereto, and generally located on the southeast corner of M1111ken Avenue and Arrow Highway; and VMEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and sub,{ect to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Parcel Map 11691; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified 1n said Improvement Agreement Extension. WOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the somas are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. 1~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Date: August 1, 1990 To: Mayor, Members of the City Council and City ~ Manager From: Joe Schultz, Community Services Director By: Karen McGuire-Emery, Associate Park Planner ~uo7ect: Acceptance of the Beryl Park and Lions Park Improvement Project C089-142, and Assessment of Liquidated Damages. RECOMMENDATION- That the City Council oP the City of Rancho Cucamonga: 1. Accept the Beryl Park and Lions Park improvement Project as complete; 2. Approve the attached resolution authorizing the Community Services Director to file a Notice of Completion for the work; and -'' -~ ecao~ua~~~ ~i iiyU l(laLen namdge6 in the total 6amount of $23,000.00; and 4. Direct the Administrative Services Director to withhold the recommended liquidatefl damages from payments and/or retention due the Contractor. BACKGROUND- On Avqust 16 of 1989, a contract was awarded by Council to Nubba Equipment and Construction of San Bernardino, California for the Improvement of Beryl and Lions Parke. The improvement of these facilities has been substantially completed to the satisfaction of the Community Services Director and it is requested that Council accept this project as complete and authorize the Community Sen.~icee Director to file a Notice of Completion. According to the contract agreement the entire project was to be completed in 120 working days. Due to change order delays and days granted for weather delays, an ndditional 56 days have been allowed, adjusting the completion date to the let oL May, 1990. To dote en ndditional 92 days have been required to complete the project. It le therefore Acceptance Heryl/Lions Parks and Assessment Liquidated Damages August 1, 1990 Page 2 recommended that the contractor be assessed liquidated damages at a rate of $250.00 per day as stated in the contract documents, for a total Of $23,000.00. 3]'. tc`a In addition the City~s Legal Counsel ie evaluating the legality of two Stop Notices filed on the project, totaling approximately $24,190.00. Once a determination has bean made rayaidinq nii claims, ecaff wili notiYy Council and request the release oP the appropriate bonds. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 90-~~ O A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE BERYL PARR AND T.TfINC DADY I!!PiCv vTi~~i£ir^: PFCC£CT A`'.D AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for the Beryl Park and Liona Park Improvement Project have been completed to the satisfaction of the Director of community Services; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, rertifyinq the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the work is hereby accepted and the Director of Community Sarvicea is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of Eau uu uuiuinu r:uw~by. PASSED, APPROVED and ACCEPTED the let day oP Avquet, 1990. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Dennis L. Stout, Mayor ATTEST: Debra Adama, City Clark ~3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: August 1, 1990 ("~ T0: City Council and City Manager LJ FROM: Bissell H. Maguire, City Engineer 8Y: Steve M. Gill ii and, Public Norks lnspecfor ~ SUBJECT: Acceptance of Improvements, Bel ease of Bonds and Notice of Completion for Tract 10349, located on the west side of Sapphire Street at Thoroughbred Street REC01lEIDATION: The required street improvements for Tract 10349 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of 532,600.00 authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of (32,600.00 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 10349 -located an the west side of Sapphire Street at Thoroughbred Street DEVELOPER: Halton Development 2011 E. Financial May Glendora, CA 91740 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 532,600.00 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 5326,000.00 Respectfully submitted, ~r'i ~~pam~% Attachment RESOLUTION N0. RQ- ~~' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGR, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC INPROYENEHTS FOR TRACT 10349 ANO AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE MORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 10349 nave been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion 1s required Lo be filed, certifying the work complete. NDW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. ~~ :y~ ti; . CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 1, 1990 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russeil N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. G11111and, Pu61!c Norks Inspecto~~.T SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion RECOMlE1MTI0N: The required street improvements for Tract 13715 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and 1t is recommended that City Council accept Bald improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds in the amounts of f4400.00 and f1900.00 authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the C1ty Llerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 544,000.00 and 519,000.00. BACKGROUND/AIULYS IS Tract 13715 - located on the northeast corner of Jennett Street and Exeter Court DEVELOPER: Halton Development 2011 E. Financial Nay Glendora, CA 91740 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 54400.00 and (1900.00 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) (44,000.00 and 519,000.00 RespectJ,y}1 s11DT1tted, p Attachment RESOLUTION N0. 9~ -J~y A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMDROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13715 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NDRK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 13715 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and VRiEREAS, a Notice of Completion Ts required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. ~~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 1, 1990 T0; City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell N. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works inspetton~ SUBJECT: Acceptance of Improvements, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for CUP 85-19 located on the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Ramona Avenue RECOMMENDATION: The required street improvements for CUP 85-19 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and tt 1s recomaended that City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Cierk to release the Faithful Perfomwnce Bond to the amount of f214,000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS CUP 85-19 - located on the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Ramona Avenue. DEVELOPER: Ken Ruby Construction Company 11845 West Olympic Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90064 Release: faithful Performance Bond (Street) 5214,000 Respectf ~ubmltted, i _ ~ %' ~J ~ RNM:9MG:d}~ Attachment --- ---- ---- -- - 1 V. RESOLUTION N0. ~ J° A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR CUP 85-19 ANO AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE VgRK NfiEREAS, the construction of public improvements for CUP 85-19 have been completed Lo the satlsfactton of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Canpleti on is required to be flied, certifyt ng the work complete. NOW, TuEpErraoc the City rounctt ^f t!x City ^f "ancho Caa.^o^ga hereby resolves, that the werk 1s hereby accepted and Lhe City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. ¢9 ern r,n n, ~n ~ w,rnwrn STAFF REPORT DATE: August 1, 1990 T0: City Counci"1 and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector SUBJECT: Release of Maintenance Bond for Tracts 12590, 12590-2 and 12590-3 and 4 lotted on the northeast corner of Base Line ~ Road and Valencia Avenue ~ I RECOMEIDATIOM: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds BAtKGNgIID/AWALVSIS: The required one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects 1n matertais and workmanship. DEVELOPER: Lewis Homes D.O. Rnx fi70 Upland, CA 91786 Release: Tr. 12590 12590-2 Maintenance Guarantee Bond ;13,300.00 52,550.00 {Street) Respectfully submitted, /{ RHM:SMG~paaF .~~~ 5v 12590-3 and 4 ;1,800,00 ntmv nc n A urvn ni ~n n eenwir_n STAFF REPORT DATE: August 1, 1990 / T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Steve M. 611111 and, Publ tc Morks inspector SUBJECT: Release of Maintenance Bond for Tract 12952 Storm Drain located on the south side of 19th Street between Haven Avenue and Deer Creek Lhannel RECDMMEIDATIDN: It is recamnended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenarce Guarantee Bond Background/Malysis The required one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship. DEVELOPER: 6lenfed Development I`w`.C. :'26LI1r8 l cl~rd Enclna, CA 91436 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond f20,900 Respee, ~ fitted, RHM: :,~h A.' S/ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: August 1, 1990 City Council and City Manager Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Public Yorks inspector ~~~_ I Release of Maintenance Bond for Tract 13057 located on the south side of Highland Avenue between Fairmont May and Oeer Creek RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The required one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects to materials and workmanshiD• DEVELOPER: The Fieldstone Cowpony 14 Corporate Plaza Newport Beach, CA 92660 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 546,000.00 Respec y~~bmitted, ~ J -'~" `, RNM:SMG:pam --- C[TY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: August 1, 1990 I City Council and City Manager Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer I Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspect ~ Release of Maintenance Bond for Tract 13060 located on the southwest career of Milliken Avenue and Fairmont Way RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bands BALI(6Rg11~/ANALYSIS: The required one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements rea>a1n free frog defects in materials and workmanship. Release: DEVELOPER: The Nilliam Lyon Co. 8540 Archibald Avenue, Suite B Rancho Cucamonga. CA 91730 Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 548,000.00 ii, y~+: Respec~ul'ly~ submitted, i ~~-~~~ 4 ( / ~ R)iM: SMG :p3m CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: August 1, 1990 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FRuM: Rick Gumez, Commwri ty Development Cirec for BY: Bruce Abbott, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVI Ew 69-12 - DAVIES - An appeal of the Planning Commission's decision denying the development of an industrial complex containing six industrial buildings to ta'•ing 22,940 square feet on 2.2 acres of land in the General Industrial District, Subarea 3 of the Industrial Specific Plan, located on Feron Boulevard, east of Helms Avenue - APN: 209-031-81 and 88 (Continued from July 18, 1990). RECOMMENDATION: City staff and the applicant have reviewed the project and reached a conceptual agreement on the outstanding design, site planning, and landscape issues. Therefore, staff recommends that the City Council approve Development Review 89-12 through the adoption of the attached Resolution of Approval, BACKGROUND: On June 1, 1990, Li ty staff received a written request from the applicant's attorney to continue the public hearing scheduled for the above referenced appeal on June 6, 1990. The public hearing was then rescheduled far the meeting of June 20, 1990. At the June 20, 1990 City Council meeting, staff requested, with the agreement of the applicant's attorney, to continue the public hearing to July 18, 1990 in order to allow time to meet with the applicant and work out a solution to the outstanding architectural, site planning, and landscaping issues. At the July 18, 1990, City Council meeting, staff requested, with the agreement of the applicant, to continue the public hearing to August 1, 1990, to provide time for revised plans and a Resolution of ADDroval to be completed. ANALYSIS: On July 5, 1990, City staff met with the applicant and his representatives to discuss the outstanding issu e5. The issues that were discussed were those items that were recommended by the Design Review Committee at their February 22, 1990 meeting. The primary issue, as in previous meetings, was the proposed architectural design and buf ld ing materials for the DroDOSed the buildings. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT EA 6 DR 89-12 - A.N. pAVi ES August 1, 1990 Page 2 At the July 5 meeting, the applicant proposed that the two buildings in Phase 2, proposed to adjoin existing buildings within Phase 1, could be constructed with the same design and slumps tone material as the buildings in Phase 1. The remaining two buildings in Phase 1 could essentially be close to the same design as the buildings in Phase 1 and ha hunt of el!!mpstone block w++.h come uaarad ed details. Staff agreed, and in addition, strongly recommended that the buildings in Phase 3 on the north side of Feron Boulevard be substantially different in design, utilizing an upgraded building design. 1n response, the applicant's new proposal addresses all but one of the eri;i.^.al design review concerns, that heing the use of stumpstone block. However, the applicant's proposal does include a new building design for a portion of Phase 2 and all of Phase 3 which is different in appearance and improved in comparison with the existing buildings in Phase 1. The applicant's new proposal is using slumpstone block for all of the buildings in Phases 2 and 3 however, this keeps the design of all the buildings consistent. The applicant has agreed to the architectural, site plan, aM landscape uD9rad es consistent with Design Review Committee recommendations. These upgrades are reflected in the attached Resolution of Approval and exhi bf is showing the revised development drawfngs. submitted, Oevelopment Oirec for RG:BA;jfs Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Meeting Minutes of July 5, 1990 Exhi bft "B" - Master Site Plan Exhibit "C" - Site Plans Exhibit "D" - Building Elevations Exhibit "E" - Grading Plans Exhibit "F" - Landscape Plans Resolution of Approval 55 ~. ~,,~ EH"' MEETING MINUTES July 5, 1990 SUBJECT: DESIGN REV fEW COMMENTS REGARDING DR 89-12 - DAV IES ATTENDEES: Jorge Garcia, Garcia b Associates; John Mannerino, Mannerino 8 Brigu glio; Bill Davies, A.N. Davies; Les Davies, A.W. Davies; Curtis Da hle, Garcia 8 Associates; Rick Gomez, Community Dcrci 4jnTr<i,t .. a: Bred °ull eY, !'i r.. of ann nr Bni~o Ahh nfl~ Assoti ate Planner; Kelly Orta, Senior Office Assistant .... . Rick Gomez, Community Development Director, stated that the purpose of the meenng was Co discuss each of the thirteen Design Review Comments (DRC) and any solutions that may mitigate these outstanding issues. John Mannerino, Mannerino 8 Bri gu gllo, stated that Jorge Garcia, Garcia d Associates, has Dre pared a response to each of the thirteen staff comments. Design Review Comments and discussions were as follows: Alternative building materials not strictly limited to tilt-up concrete panels, should be uii li zed for the buildings. Mr. Gomez stated that slumps tone may be used on buildings attached to Lhe existing structures. He ~~ sea ced cimc en upy,aueJ Jeai yui nia ta~lo„ ~ ~. .%~= on the remaining new buildings. Bill Davies, A.W. Davies, concurred. 2. Additional glass should De utilized to emphasize bull ding entrances. Mr. Garcia stated that additional windows were added, and referenced the drawings for its placement. Mr. Davies stated that he did not want to add additional windows due to the fact Chat the tenants would stack materials in front of them. Brad Buller, City Planner, staled that the Planning Commissfon was looking for more detail to indicate building entry. 54 JAY iEi MEETING RE: ORC COMMENTS - OR 88-12 July 5, 1990 Page 2 Mr, Gomez stated that the adjacent buildings should be made to look similar to the existi nq slumps tone 6u it dings and that Che new buildings should reflect more glass or windows at the entry, 3. An additional texture; ~~~aterial ct her than glass and painted concrete sno u}d oe used un the boil dinq facades, per Planning Comm ssi on Resolution No. 89- :58. Mr. Gomez stated that the two new adjacent boil di ngs oon nM he effac ted. New structures will need to meet this requirement. 4. Trees proposed to be planted within any easements or sewer lines which may thereby be restricted shall be identified. Mr. Garcia stated there is a CLNO easement along the east and south side of the property and that trees are allowed within 10 feet. Me added that groundco ver and shrubs are permitted with no restrictions. This Item has been completed. i. Naas tionai iandsca piny siiuuiu ue p~~.{J~d at tka s~~th edge of Phase II. Mr. Garcia questioned the type of additional plant materials. Mr. Abbott gave an example of certain trees and s hrubS. Mr. 8111 Davies stated that a channel will be built in this location and that he did not want to plant trees. Mr. Garcia stated that trees are not permitted, but s hru b5 would solve the problem. Mr. Buller stated that the shrubs cannot impact the drainage. He added that the landscaping needs to be high enough to screen the outdoor storage and aesthetically soften the building and to provide for same type of buffer. Mr. Gomez stated that staff will work with Mr. Garcia to locate a shrub that is tall enough to work. Attendees concurred. S7 OR'/: ES MEETi~G RE: DRC COMMENTS - OR 88-12 July 5, 1990 Page 3 6. Rddi tional landscaping should be provided at the drainage easement to the south of Building "F". Same mitigation as Comment 5. ,. There should be an 3-font .i nimum width p?toter area along the east side of Building "H" for screen planting. Mr, Garcia stated this was impossible to comply with. Mr, Gomez suggested planting vines. Mr. Buller stated that the Commission's view was turf block with groundcover with shrubs up against the building. Mr. Bill Davies stated he would rather pave. He added he really wants circ ulatf on through the project. Mr. Buller stated clarification from the Fire District is needed as to their requirement for access. Mr. Bill Davies stated that if the Fire Ofstrict does not need for access he will go with a 3-foot Dlanter pucxec. Item left for further input from the Fire District re ga rdf ng the emergency ingress and egress. 8. Potential impacts on the Oak tree, due to the proximity of the tree to proposed Building "J". Comment already complied with. 9. The plaza to the north of Building "E" should be relocated to a more central location at the northeast corner of Building "F" for example. Mr, Garcia ;toted he will try to centralize. Mr. Gomez stated that the plaza should be centralized if possible. Items 10, 11, and t2 were discussed at one time. 10. Interlocking pavers shall be used for the "enriched paving areas" at the parking lot driveways. 5$ OA'JIES MEET iNG RE: ORC COMMENTS - DR 88-12 July 5, 1990 Page 4 11. Enriched paving should be used to delineate pedestrian areas across the parking lot, connecting building entrances with plaza areas or with each other for example. L. 9vii ding entrances and walks she uid uttli.e "onriched paving." Mr. Bill Davies stated he did not want to use interlocking pavers as the trucks would continually break them up. Mr. Garcia stated he had completed a study to bring the pavement through to the handicapped spaces. He did not believe this was the proper solution. Mr. Gomez concurred. 13. An alternative surface, such as a turf block should be used for the emergency access road, Mr. Bitl Davies stated he would like to keep it paved. Mr, Garcia presented a revised site plan which he felt addressed the City's overall concerns. Buildings were all of slumps tone with enhancements throughout. He stated the buildings could be of sl umpstone with a greater ~~~~c,.at o ..~..._....:a"_ !^, f^'.1 ^',"i n; ~1rH rho city's ideas of site olanninq and landscaping. Mr, Gomez stated they waui: review the new site plan and take into consideration their proposal. S~' lr~;. OESIGN REV IEN COMMENTS 7:00 - 8:00 Bruce A. February 22, 1990 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REV [EN 09-12 - DAMES The deve opment of Phase and inc uding four 4 industria buildings totaling 18,395 square feet on 2.46 ac re5 of land in the General Industrial District (Subarea 3), located on feron Boulevard, east of Nelms Avenue - APN: 209-031-87 and 88. Bac korou nd The Design Review Committee reviewed the site plans and elevations for the proposed Phase II and III of the industrial development on October 19, 1989. The Committee was concerned regarding proposed plans for the oro leer as the design of the buildings and materials of construction did not meet current City guidelines for an industrial building, therefore, the Committee recommended that revised plans be resubmitted for review addressing the following recommendations: Arc hitectu re• 1. The proposed materials, colors and design should not match existing buildings. 2. Alternative materials, Such as, t11 t-uD concrete construction, should be considered. 3. The Dropdsed accent stripe should not be used. 4. Per Commission Resolution No. 89-158, an additional texture other y. r~ ....~........-- ... ~.-.. . ... need to De used on the buitding~facades. 5. Additional glass should be utilized to strengh ten the building entrances. Site Plan: 1. The Dlaza area at Phase II needs to be in a centralized location. 2. Building 6 should be located no closer than 15 feet from the oak tree to De preserved in Phase III. 3. The Dlanter areas at the front of buildings, F, E and G should 6e increased in width to 8 feet for tree planting. 4. Additional planter areas for screening should be used at the south boundary of Dhase t[ and at the east boundary of Phase III. 5. The lawn area should be developed as a small park which could accommodate the plaza area or a master plan for development of that port ton of the site will need to be provided. ~~ DESIGN REVIEH COMMu~(5 OR 89-12 - DAYI ES FEBRUARY 22, 1990 Page 2 6. Provide enriched paving at parking lot entrances, plaza and building entrances. Enriched paving consists of concrete interlocking pavers enclosed by minimum 12 inch width concrete banding. Staff Camaknts: The applicant has not addressed mast of Lhe recommendations as requested by the Design Review Committee at their October 19, 1989 meeting. The design of the buildings still does not meet the current City guidelines and axpe~la lions fur an industrial bull ding. The plans have peen revised as follows: 1. Two additional proposed buildings, G and H, which were not shown on the previous Dlans, are now proposed to be located in a lawn area recommended by the Committee to be developed as a small park with a plaza or master planned far developeent. 2. The planter areas at the trout of building E, F and J have been increased in width, but not to the full 8 feet in the narrow areas for tree planting a5 requested. D. Additional planter areas and plants have keen Dropose" at the south boundary of Phase II and the east 6ounda ry of Phase II1. However, additional trees should be Drovided Por screening. 4. Enriched paving at the parking lot entrances has been shown. However, the plazas and building entrances are not shown wish enriched paving as requested. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Suzanne Chi tiea, Deter Tolstoy, Otto Kroutil Staff Planner: Bruce Abbott The Design Review Committee (Chittea, tolstoy, and Kroutil) revtewed the revised plans and as a result o/ that meeting, the following revisions and additional information were determined to be necessary. Alternative building materials not st~rictt 1Lmited to Litt-up concrete panels, should be uti zed11 for the bindings. The buildings on Phase [I could use sole type of block material other than slumps tone block as the primary building material. slumps tone block could be used as an accent material. The buildings in Phase I1I could use the same material as the buildings in Phase It, or they could De constructed of some other acceptable material such as tilt-up concrete. DE S[GN REVIEN COMMcn fS DR 89-12 - DAYI ES FE9RUARY 22, 1990 Page 3 2. Additional glass should be utilized to emphasize building entrances. 3. An additional texture/material other than glass and pa toted concrete should be used on the building facades, per Planning Commission Resolution No. 89-158. S. Trees proposed to be planted within any easements or sewer tines which may thereby be restricted shall be identified. Additional la nd sca Dino should be provided at the south edge of Phase I. 8utl ding "G" should be located further to the north in order to provide a planter area at the south end of building "G" if the proposed landsca Ding is in conflict with the drainage easement. 6. Additional landsca pf ng should be provided at the drainage easement to the south of building "F." 7. There should be an G foot minimum width planter area along the east side of building "H" for screen planting. R. Potential impacts on the the Oak tree, due to the proximity of the tree to proposed building "J", should be further investigated. 9. The plaza to the north of building "E" should be relocated to a more central location at the northeast corner of building "F" for "i" t0. Interlockiny pavers shall be used for the "enriched paving areas" at the parking lot driveways. The extent of the pavers should be expanded to include the full length of the driveway and include the handicap stalls. Handf eap stalls should be located adjacent to driveways to accommodate this concept. 11. Enriched paving should be used to delineate pedestrian areas across the parking lot, conneciing buildfng entrances with plaza areas or witA each other for example. 12. Build/ng entrances and walks should ut111ze "enriched paving." l3. An alternative surface such as turf block should be used for the emergency access road. ~ a ~a.n~~ cil~niza~-cow t~hc,~ /UG C / '~ ~~ ~ ~I~y C ~ ~'~,~ ! G ~I b ~ ~ ~. ~~~~ rv~.c~ ~l~on~lru ~''Y/iLjr/~,d ~ //Da <<r ~vi s ft. W. 1~,4~~~ss 989-37i Gvert~ t~,a+~tce G~a..-r,a ~~k~• °~a~- 7~ Ce3 E., ~_ r .a ~~ 3 ~~~^ ~^ V'1 elBF`~ 99 I -~-, aI ~~fi~~ I } € I ~ ~! ~~ ,~SS ___ ~ -- _ __ ---- •. ..______ _ ie . __________. .____ z ~ ~~ _ ____. _______- S ~~~ I I \. ,.,..... ,.,................... ... .,f...,;---' tl 1~ I l l ~ i ~ i ~ ~, 4 - __i ~ .I ~ ' ~ pp %,~~ i~ t~ i' I '~' ~~ is ~; i ~ , ~ ---' _ _~ ~~ ter. ~/ ..~ ~ ~~ 1 I Z ~~_--1 /! ~ ii ''/~i o- ~i ,- u _i% '~~+ .v ~~~~ /' ~~ r"--l' I I' ~~ !0 f L____~ ~~ - ~ t ~ I 1 ~ ~ I _ I I I ~s I I, OZJ (4 I ~ ~ _ _, - N ~~t a ~ -- -~ I Y i ~ t~ ~ I i I I a - ~~r~ir '~s•, _ ~ j,~- r .° ~'~fE~ 71 ~ ,~~y ! . I °~ - ~1 ~ ` . _:, ~ :~ i, ,! e- ~~. ~ ! li: .r ~'C ~~ f +'. ~~ .., a i 1~... 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I ,~x~fr~-l- "~ ~ -, ~? i 3 8 7 i l i 1 3 23i ;i E i2 i ~~ ~, .... ...~ 1 to :''i r ! : i' a'i :313 ~i1 ~:5 ~i J;C : rep e~ ~~ ~F~i~~ ~yyqL', "4 iii ~~ s~ [ ~j6, ' It: iSi p;y ~~l p.s S~ i9 33 °1 df 3°.4~t slpi ~i ?33 i3 i} g ~i~3 //~~d~~ i!3 :?p 3!6 11 i! pP 3y 3t S£tl1RL ie~. :c Sac a, _. .,~- rv.rs!i„ ' ..wi -' r~_, „ i.q ~7 l` y i~ iF =- ~.. ~ 1 ^a ~GpT,/~+uIG ,~~~_~ RESOLUTION N0. 90-238 R RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW N0. 89-12, THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX CONTAIN- ING SIX INOUSTRI AL BUILDINGS TOTALING 22,940 SQUARE FEET ON 2.2 ACRES OF LAND IN THE GENERAL INDUSTRI AI. DISTRICT, SUBAREA 3 OF THE INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN, LOCATED ON FE RON BOULEVRRD, EAST OF HELMS AVENUE A. Recitals. (1) Albert N. Davies has filed an application for the approval of Development Review No. 89-12 as destri bed in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Development Review request is referred to as "the appli tali on." (it) On the 11th day of April, 1990, and continued to the 25th day of April, 1990, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted meetings on the application. (iii) On April 25, 1990, the Planning Commission adopted its Resolution No. 90-52, thereby denying Development Review No. 89-12 proof ding fcr the development of an industrial complex continuing six Indus tri al buildings on 2.2 acres of land in the General Industrial District (Subarea 3). (iv) The Planninq Commission's denial of the application was appealed by the applicant within the established time limit. (v) On June 6, 1990, and continued to June 20, 1990, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted duly noticed public hearings to hear an appeal on the appllcation. (vi) On June 20, 1990, the City Council conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and continued that hearing to July 18, 1990, in order to allow time for the applicant and staff to resolve the outstanding project issues. (vii) On July 18, 1990, the City Council conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the applf ca Lion and continued that hearing to August 1, 1990, in order to allow time for revised plans and a Resolution of Approval to be completed. (viii) On August 1, 1990, the Ctty Council conducted a duly noticed public hearing and concluded said hearing on that date. (ix) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. Resolution No. 90-238 Page 2 B. Resolution. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby find, determine, and resolve as follows: 1. This Council hereby specifically finds that ail of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon subs tantlal evidence presented to this Councfl during the above-referenced public hearing on August 1, 1990, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Council hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The app) ica tf on applies to property located on Feron Avenue, east of Nelms Avenue with street frontages of 151.67 feet for Phase II and 154.88 feet for Phase III and lot depth of 393.48 feet and 222.56 feet respectively, and is presently unimproved; and (b) The property to the north of the subject site is an orchard, zoned Industrial Specific Plan, Subarea 3; the property to the south of the site consists of A.T. 8 S.F. Railroad, zoned Industrial Specific Plan, Subarea 3; the property to the east is vacant, zoned Industrial Specific Plan, Subarea 3; and the property to the west is a manufaciuri ng and construct) on service yard and office, zoned Industrial Spetiftc Pian, Subarea 3. (c) The architecture, materials, and site plan meet the design criteria established for that district within the Industrial Specific Plan and Planning Commi sst on Resolution No. 89-158. (dj The proposed architectural designs are compatible with overall design goals of the General Plan. (e) The revisions to the proposed plans are appropriate for meeting the goals and design criteria of the General Plan and Industrial Specific Plan. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to the Commission and this Council during the above-referenced meetings and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the proposed project is consistent with the objectives of the General Plan; and (b) That the proposed project is in accord with the objectives of the Development Code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; and Resolution No. 90-238 Page 3 (c) That the proposed project is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code; and (d) That the proposed project with the conditions applicable thereto, will not 6e detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 4. This Council finis and certifies that the project nos been reviewed and considered in compll ante with the California Environmental quality Rct of 1910, and further, this Council hereby issues a Negative Declaration. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in oaragraDh 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Council approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth Gel ow and in the attached Standard Conditions attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Planning Division. 1. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved site plan, which includes architectural elevations, exterior material and colors, landscaping and grading on file with the Planning Di vi sfon, the conditions contained herein, and the Industrial Specific Plan. 2. p Uniform Sign Program shalt be submitted for review and aDDroval by the City Planner. The design of the Uniform Si pn Program shall comoiiment the architectu rel nrngram. The sign program shall include all on-site signage including monument signs, wall signs, and directional signs. 3. R11 site amenities including furniture, benches, trash receptacles, light fixtures, ett., shall be of a tradi- tional design to blend with the architecture. Sample designs and specifications shall be reviewed and approved by the Cfty Planner prior to the issuance of building permits. 4. Extensive landsca pf ng, including densely planted evergreen trees, shall be provided along the south boundary of Phase Two. The species, size, and spacing of the trees shall be reviewed and approved by the City Planner prior to issuance of building permits. 5. Landscape planters shall be incorporated on the sides of buildings, where possible, for plants to soften the base of walls and silhouette the sides of the buildings. Resolution No. 90-238 Page 4 6. Large, minimum 36 inch box, trees shall be provided, flanking the project entries. 7. The final landscape plans shall be revf awed and approved by the City Planner prior to the issuance of building permits. 8. A final precise grading plan shall be submitted to the Planning Df vi Sion for review and approval prior to issuance of any permits. 9. A final certified photometric lighting diagram showing luminary throw patterns and cut sheets of luminaries, including details of all lighting fixtures shall be submitted to the Planning Di vi ston for review and appra val prior to issuance of building permits. 10. That a smooth plaster band shall be provided continuous around the buildings with the exception of door and glass locations and that a textured beam with two by trellis and painted smooth plaster ff nish shall be provided at the building entrances. 11. That the roof drain pipes shall be architecturally treated. 12. That "enriched paving" shall be provided at driveway ~ entrances and pedestrian crossings within the parking tat. ,Delei+d ~~o~ A ~i3. 13. That final samples of the budding materials and colors, i nci uoing concrete interlocking paver, be submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. 14. That the trash enclosures and alt site walls shall be architecturally treated to emulate the buildings and that the trash enclosures be constructed per City standards to include rollup doors and overhead trellis. 15. That the proposed industrial development shall conform to all applicable standard conditions. 16. Approval shall expire, unless extended by the City Planner, if building permits are not issued or approved use has not commenced within twenty-four (24) months from the date of appra val. Resolution No. 90-238 Page 5 11, Prior to issuance of building permits for a neM commercial or industrial development, the apDl scant shall pay develop- ment fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited to: Systems Development Fee, Drainage Fee, Permit and Plan Checking Fees. 15. The apps scant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, and ail other applicable codes, proposed ordinances and regulations in effect at the time of issuance of relative permits. B. Engineering Division. 1. Feron Boulevard shall be constructed full curb to curb width with either phase. 2. landscaping within the "Limited Use Areas" for the drive- ways shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 3. The reciprocal emergency access easement on the adJacent property shall be provided prior to the issuance of build- ing permits for Phase II and Phase iii. 4. Existing Overhead Utilities. a. Communication lines within the A.T. 6 S.F, Railroad right-of-way - An in-lieu fee as rnnr.~A~~t?o- •- iulure undergrounds ng of existing overhead utilities shall be paid to the City prior to the issuance of building permits for Phase fI, The fee shall be one- half the City adopted unit a~ao unt times the length from the westerly property line to the easterly pro Derty line. 6. Communication lines on the south side of Eighth Street - An in-lieu fee as contribution to the future under- grounding of existing overhead utilities shall 6e paid to the City prior to the issuance of building permits for Phase II. The fee shall be one-half the City adopted unit amount times the length from the westerly property line to the easterly property line. ~'vd •. c. T,^,e amount of the fees shall not exceed as follows: .;..-~. 1. RxR Communication Lines f2 ,505.00 2. 8th Street Communication Lines 7 097:5 TOTAL , Resolution No. 90-238 Page 6 5. Trees shall not be planted within the Cucamonga County Water District sewer easements nor shall they be planted within the northerly 14 feet of the 20-foot wide City storm drain easement along the south property line, because they will have to be removed in the future upon installations of the storm drain line. PASSED, APPROY'cD, and ADCPTEO this 15L day of August, 149D. AYES: Alexander, Brown, Buquet, Stout, Nright NOES: None ABSENT: None Denn s L. tout, Mayor ATTEST: e ra J. dams, ty erk I, DEBRA J. ADAMS, CITY CLERK of the CT ty of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that Lhe foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 1st day of August, 1990. Executed this 2nd day of Rugust, 1990 at Rancho Cucamonga, California. ebra J. ams, ty er RESOLUTION ND. 9Ei- ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING OEV ELOPMENT REVIEW N0. 89-12, THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDUSTRIAL COMPL Ex CONTAINING SIX INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS TOTALING 22,940 SQUARE FEET ON 2.2 ACRES OF LAND IN THE GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, SUBAREA 3 OF THE INDUSTRIAL SPECI FiC PLAN, LOCATED ON FERON BOULEVARD, EAST OF HELMS AVENUE. A. P,ec ita ls. (i) Albert W. Davies has filed an application for the approval of Development Review No. 89-12 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter it this Resolution, the subject Development Review request is referred Lo as "the application." (ii) On the 11th day of April, 1990, and continued to the 25th day of April, 1990, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted meetings on the application. (iii) On April 25, 1990, the Planning Commission adopted its Resolution No. 90-52, thereby denying Development Review No. 69-12 providing for the development of an industrial complex continuing six industrial buildings on 2.2 acres of land in the General Industrial District (Subarea 3). (iv) The Planning Commission's denial of the application was appealed 6y the applicant wf th in the established time limit. -.. _..... .., ...... ...... ....~~..~~..... t.. ..J i~.. o Council oaf the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted duly noticed public hearings to hear an appeal an the application. (vi) On June 20, 1990, the City Council conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and continued that hearing to July 19, 1990, in order to allow time for the applicant and staff to resolve the outstanding project issues. (vii) On July 18, 1990, the City Council conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and continued that hearing to August 1, 1990, in order to allow time for revised plans and a Resolution of Approval to be completed. (viii) On August 1, 1990, the City Council conducted a duty noticed nilhi it hearing and rnnr 7pA oA gg iA hna ri rg an chat date. (ix) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolutton. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby find, determine, and resolve as follows: 73 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. OR B9-12 - A.W. DAMES August 1, 1990 Page 2 i. This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence pres enxed to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing on August 1, 1990, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Council hereby sp cc ifical ly `i rds as follows: (a) The applica tf on applies to property located on Feron Avenue, east of Helms Avenue wi*.h street frontages of 151.67 feet for Phase II and 154.88 feet for Phase III and lot depth of 393.48 feet and 222.5fi feet respectively, and is presently un improves; and (b) The property to the nor*_h of the subject site is an orchard, zoned Industrial Specific Plan, Subarea 3; the property to the south of the site consists of A.T. 6 S. F. Railroad, zoned Industrial Specific Plan, Subarea 3; the property to the east is vacant, zoned Industrial Specific Plan, Subarea 3; and the property to the west is a manufacturing and construction service yard and office, zoned Industrial Specific Plan, Subarea 3. (c) The architecture, materials, and sf to plan meet the design criteria established for that district within the Industrial Specific Plan and Planning Commission Resolution No. 89-158. (d] The proposed architectural designs are compatible with overall design goals of Lhe General Plan. (e) The revisions to the proposed plans are appropriate for meeting the goals and design criteria of the General Plan and Industrial Specific Plan. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented Lo the Commission and this Cou ncit during the above-referenced meetings and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the proposed project is consistent with the objectives of the General Plan; and (b) That the proposed project is in accord with the objectives of the Development Code and the purposes of the district in which the site is lccat-a; ar~d (c) That the proposed project is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code; and (d) That the proposed project with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinfty. 7~ CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. OR 89-12 - A.W, DAVfES August 1, 1990 Page 3 4. This Council finds and certifies that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1910, and further, this Council hereby issues a Negative Oecla ra tion. 5. Based upon the find irgs and conclusions set forth in paragraph 1, 3, 3, and 4 above, ih~s Council approves the application sub.i ect to each and every condition set forth below and in the attached Standard Conditions attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Planning Div is ian ,. The site shall be dcy eloped a.^.d mainta'..^.e^_ '.n accordance with the approved site plan, which includes architectural elevations, exterior material and colors, landscaping and grading on file with the Planning Division, the conditions contained herein, and the Industrial Specific Plan. 2. A Uniform Sign Program shall be submitted for revfeM and approval by the City Planner. The design of the Uniform Sign Program shall complfinent the architectural program. The sign program shall include ali on-site signage including monument signs, wall signs, and directional signs. 3. All site amenities including furniture, benches, trash roc eptacles, light fixtures, etc., shall be of a traditional design to blend with the architecture. Sample designs and specifications shall be reviewed and approved by the City Planner prior to the issuance of building permits. 4. Extensive landscaping, including densely planted evergreen trees, shall be provided along the south boundary of Phase Two. The species, size, and spacing of the trees shall be reviewed and approved by the City Planner prior to issuance of building permits. 5. Landscape planters shall be incorporated on the sides of buildings, where possible, for plants to soften the base of walls and silhouette the sides of the buildings. 6. Large, minimum 36 inch box, trees shall be provided, flanking the project entries. 7. The final landscape plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City Planner prior to the Issuance of building permits. ~~ r ~~ CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0, OR 89-12 - A.W. DAM ES August 1, 1990 Page 4 8. A final precise grading plan shall be submitted to the Plann in9 Division for review and approval prior to issuance of any permits. 9. A final certified photometric lightf ng diagram showing luminary throw patterns and cut sheets of luminaries, i,^.c ludmy details of all lighting fixtures shah be submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. 10. That a smooth plaster band hall be ^rov id ed continuous around the buildings with the exception of door and glass locations and that a textured beam with two by trellis and painted smooth plaster finish shall be provided at the building entrances. 11. That the roof drain pipes shall be architecturally concealed. 12. That "enriched paving" shall be provided at driveway entrances and pedestrian crossings within the parking lot. 13. That final building elevation drawings be revised as directed by the Design Review committee comments and sta tf/applicant meeting commente of July 5, 1990, and to reflect appl icabie conditions herein prior to the issuance of building permits. 14. That final samples of the building materials and colors, including concrete interlocking paver, be submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. 15. That trash enclosures and all site walls shall be architecturally treated to emulate the buildings and that the trash enclosures be constructed oer City standards to include roll- up doors and overhead trellis. 16. That the proposed industrial development shall conform to all applicable standard conditions. 17, Approval shall expire, unless extended by the City Planner, if building permits are not issued or approved use has not commenced within twenty- four (24) months from the date of approval. 7~P CITY COUNCIL RESOLUT iON N0. DR 89-12 - A.W. DAY IES August 1, 1990 Page 5 18. Prior to issuance of building permits for a new commercial or industrial development, the applicant shall pay development fees at the estahl fished rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited Lo: Systems Development Fee, Drainage Fee, Permit and Plan Checking Fees. 19. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, and all other applicable codes, proposed ordinances and regulations in effect at the time of issuance of relative permits. Engineering Division. 1. Feron Boulevard shall be constructed full curb to curb width with either phase. 2. Landscaping within the "Limited Use Areas" for the driveways shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 3. The reciprocal emergency access easement on the adjacent property shall he provided prior to the issuance of building permits for Phase I1 and Phase III. 4. Existing Overhead Utilities. Communication lines within the A.T. & S.F. Railroad right-of-way - An in-lieu fee as contribution to the future and erground ing of existing overhead utilities shalt be paid to the City prior to the issuance of building permits for Phase II. The fee shall be one-half the City adopted unit amount times the length from the westerly property line to the easterly property line. 6. Communication lines on the south side of Eighth Street - An Tn-lieu fee as contribution to the future undergrounding of existing overhead utilities shalt be paid to Che City Drior to the issuance of building permits for Phase II. The fee shall be one-half the Cfty adopted unit amount times the length from the westerly property line to the easterly property tine. ~~ a',. C [TY GOUN CIL RESOLUTION N0. UR 89-12 - A.W. OAVIES August I, 1990 Page 6 5. Trees shall not be planted within the Cucamonga County Water District sewer easements nor shall they be planted within the northerly 14 feet of the 20-foot wide City storm drain easement along the south property line, because they Mill have to be removed in the future uDOn installations of the storm drain line. ';. _n e98°__ - se es <a __ _ Asa°~ysa-da ~4~_ ;o, e~~~~ _.~ y-a fi5a eel- SSE- °33 ~:y-`° i`p_ ~'~a..~E Fat -: d _ .g FSe .F^~ -~~S _aa9~LO' F'~rx _ 6l'e!p Y~_ _ -Oe Q8~__d a _°b _ F~'E.~ ~~~! 9` =xo 33'~'v°~a%SE~ ~.I _y_ _ d _C~ 5 ~E_o F_a4ao...".:` iESdoS "g5 ::_~{£4\@e,°°d E~8Y6 ~$ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ i a ~`- a I ~ S5 Ll.e B~, S_n ,.~ e '~R;° $~c` `o °E s ~~ kFy ;~_~- ~ CCZ I ~e i~`gs^ESg~ ~ ~q3 E ~r irk YEe ~ Via' a s t:-x~-?; €Y ~. ~ ~~ i~EEy~~~3 ge F ~~ ! 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BACKGROUND: On May 23, 1990, the Planning Commission directed staff to prepare an amendment to the Industrial Specific Plan {ISP) to conditionally permit Automotive Fleet Storage Sn Subarea 5. Currently, it is conditionally permitted in Subareas 1, 3, 8, 9, 11 and is prohibited in all other subareas. The Commission determined that Automotive Fleet Storage d Distribution is similar in intensity to Heavy Hholesa le, Storage b Distribution which is conditionally permitted in Subarea 5. Thus, on June 27, 1990, the Conmissi on recommended approval of a tort amonAmont to the lanA use remilati not for Soho raa B. ANALYSIS; Automotive Fleet Storage is defined in the Industrial Specific Plan as "Activities typically include, but are not limited to: the storage of vehicles used regularly in business operations and not available for sate on site. Such uses typically include, but not limited to: overnight storage of service vehicles, mobile catering trucks, and taxi tabs." The outdoor storage of these vehicles is required to be screened from public view in all subareas except Subarea 9. The intent of the land use categories is to group together uses which are compatible because of similar intensities in order to reduce poten tiai conflicts. Therefore, in a Subarea where more intense uses are permitted (such as Heavy Manufacturing), lighter uses (such as Administrative and Office) are not permitted. In the case of Subarea 5 (General Industrial) the intention of the plan was oat only to group together uses of similar intensity, but to also include uses which would benefit most from the potential rail access. Therefore, land uses such as Heavy Hholesa le, Storage & Distribution were conditionally permitted. The Commission previously noted that Subarea 5 conditionally permits Heavy Hholesale, Storage E Distribution which includes trucking firms a~ automotive storage yards. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT EA 8 ISPA 90-02 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGR August I, 1990 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Staff has found no significant impacts on the environment as a result of this proposed text amendment. The Planning Conmliss ion recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The project Specific Plan and the General Plan. "jac e.^.t p: opertles or cause impacts. is consistent with the Industrial The project will not be detrimental significant ad•rorse enviror.^en tal CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised in The Inland Vallev Da ilv Bulletin newspaper as a oubl is hea ri nn R~ tf y 1 ed, Bra B er V~ Ci t~9anner--_ - BB:VB/jfs Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Staff Report of June 21, 1990 Exhibit "B" - Planning Comnissi on Minutes of June 27, 1990 Planning Commission Resolution 9U-79 "r ar. aru nra rr~c nyjri yr ny Inc ~ vyuScJ rv"orJinarL V 1 - CITY OF R.4 tiCH0 CUCA\IUNGA STAFF REPORT DATE: June 27, 1990 TD; chairman anA wemher F !hn D\~~~.ny Lommi55 :O r. ..._ ......e C. FROM: Brad Buller, Lity Planner BY: Vince Bertoni, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ANO INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 90-02 - CITY OF RANCHO CUC MONG - request to amend the land use regulations for Subarea 5 to conditionally permit Automotive Fleet Storage. BACKGROUND: At its May 23, 1990 meeting, the Planning Commission directed staff to prepare an amendment to the Industrial Specific Plan Co conditionally permit Automotive Fleet Storage in Subarea 5. This amendment would add Automotive Fleet Storage to the conditionally permitted uses in Subarea 5. Currently, it is conditionally permitted in Subareas 1, 3, 8, 9, and 11. ... uiJ . ~wlu a Vu ul. n«~ any w consider <Canditional~<Use <Pe rmit a90 ~13 (Med i-Ride Incorporated, applicant) and upheld staff's determination that the proposed use should be classified as Automotive Fleet Storage and not as Heavy Wholesale, Storage d Distribution. During their deliberations, the Commission indicated the proposed use could be compatible with surrounding land uses under certain circumstances. I1. ANALYSIS: The intent of the land use categories is to group together uses which are compatible because of similar intensities in order to reduce potential conflicts. Therefore, in a Subarea where more intense uses are permitted (such as Heavy Manufacturing), lighter uses (such as Administrative and Office) are not permitted. In the case of Subarea 5 !General Industrial), the intention of the plan was not only to group 'ogether uses of similar intensity, but to also include uses which would benefit most from the potential rail access. Therefore, land uses such as Heavy Wholesale, Storage b Distribution were conditionally permitted. The Commission previously noted that Subarea 5 conditionally permits Heavy Wholesale, Storage 6 Distribution which includes trucking firms and automotive storage yards. PLANNING COMMISSI D~' 'TAPE REPORT EA b ISPA 90-02 - Y OF RANCHO LULAMONGA June 27, 1990 Page 2 I[I. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Staff has found no significant impacts on the environment as a result of this proposed text amendment and recommends issuance of a Negative Oec lara Lion. IV. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The project is consistent with the Industrial Specific Plan and the General Plan. The project will not be detrimental to adjacent properties or cause significant adverse ewiro"mental lmpac is V. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised as a public hearing in him h-mod Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property posted, and notices sent to all property owners within Subarea 5 or cne Indus tr iai oPe..l ff~,"~.. ~~. VI. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of this amendment and issuance of a Negative Dec Tara Lion by the City Council through adoption of the attached Resolution. Res y ed, 7~ Bra Bu City ann er oo.vv :: e. ,r-.. -. J Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Map of Subarea 5 Ezh ibit "B" - ISP Subarea Map Exhibit "C" - Summary of Land Use Defin ilia ns Resolution of Approval 8q _~ "I'fY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANMNG DIVISION ~~ ITEM; ISPA 90-02 TIRE Subarea 5 Mao N EXHIBIT: A SGLE: None 4 ~~ ~ ~~ _~ ~~ ~ ® O ® ~~ X y F 0 Z rv ;y o m ~ i F o ~' N N W Q 4 W N N A m r ~ y ~'.. r fi7 ~ fA U TABLE III-1 SUMMARY OF LAND USE TYPE BY SUBAREA • PERMITTED USE • CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED USE NOTE: Non-marked Uae• Not P•rmhted USE TYPES Lend U••• ' IP GI GI GI GI GI ~ IP IP I GI GI GI IP GI GI I MI IPI IP I Suoareas INO 1 3 J d~ 5 8 7 8 9 101 11 13 1J'~ 10 15 16'1 ]' MANUFACTURING I I I I I I ' I I Cu•tam • • • • • Light • • • • • Y•dlum + } N•arY YNIYrI•m •Ct Nn `r OFFICE PROFESSIONAL DESIGN b R ES EARC N I I ' I AdINN•G•tln • • • + • + Profe••IOnaLUmgn 3rvlc•• • y ' •' }' • •' + ' +I • } • • I M••rcR {rrk•• • { • • • • ~ WHOLESALE STORAGE b DIS7RIB IO N -utltlo {tw•{• + + • + ~ + Light • • • • • • • MrM • + A • i NeavY + • • ' COMMERCIAL I A•rler•11rW1A•••ry D1gp11•• { E•nk•• } • • • ~,• Animal Car• + + • + + + ANOrstlr• FN•t {tw•{• ~ + Aulomotly R•n41/U•ling • • • } + + • + + + + ANwwtlq /l!{N/ TNek RpY-1l+ol + 4 • • Automaliv / Truek R•p•Ir-Malor • + • • • + ANanolh• {•I•• + + ~ Automotly S•rvlu Station + + + • ; + + + + + + tlwldkl{ C11t1tr11ctr'• O1Re• • Yrd• 4 + • • Bulking Contraetw: Stor•p• Yard •IMA tANltl•nrlc• {•rrko • -; • • • • • ~ 8uildirp iLlgMing EgWpm•nl SupPIN•A S•lo • i • + + • • + • + + e11••rr {wWr R•t•{ a {•rrk.• • ~ • • • i • 6u•k1u• Sw•ort 8•rvlu• • • 4 • • + • • • + + • • • • • C••r•N<tlbn {•rrlcM • • • • Y • i • • • • • Conr•m•nu Salo 8 Svrlco 4 _ + + + + + + + + + + + + + • + Gt•p \ Or•'IkNq [•ta•{•1•n•rll• • • • • • • o Ent•rtalnm•nt • • 4 + + • + 4 + E:trWr• Mq•et C•t1•t1•rel•1 Fast F•od Sal•• • ; + • + 4 + + 4 + 4 FlnrWl, kvr1<• { RW GtN• t•rrtco • # • ~ • 4 Fgad s 8•r•rag• S•I•• + + t + t + + t + + + + + + + + i PunrN ~ CY•r11•tory tlrrk•• + ~ + + Muvy EqulDm•nl SaN• i R•ntal• + + + + • + + + NNN/YNN } v Laundry 4•rvlco • • • • ~ MNCN/Ik•Itl1 Cr• {•rrk• • f + . + + + ~ 4 + • • P•r•on•1 S•rvko • 4 + • . • + ? + + 4 + • + Wb•kr•• 1•adlln• {iw•{• + + 4 RoaallenN F•c•tN• 4 4 + + + + • + • { + + R11pNr tlwk•• • ~ • • Sn• OPU•UOn + CIVIC AMtlklbtr•tlr• Grk Mcu • • • ; • ;. • • • Cultw•1 • • + + + 4 + 4 + ut•tlw• tmy<t tnwey r.<w1k. + ~ Flood ContrN/WMIy Cortldw • • • • • • • • • i 1we[p A..•ntsn + a + + ~ + • + ~ I t + • Pursue sar•ty { uumv {•rvro•• + + + + + + ! + 4 + + + • + + + + A•NmW + IP-Indu•irltl Park GI-G•Mr•1 IntluNNN MIi NI-Mlnitllwn (rllpot Nory IMu•hIN NO•N•vn Art. OWn•y Di•Ifi<t NI-N••r In • rl•I 1'[EM: ISPA 90-02 9a- III-5 'RILE: gummary of Land Use EXHIBI~efinitiQpg E: N/A ..... PUBLIC HEARINGS E. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL Subarea 5 to conditionally permit Automotive Fleet Storage. Beverly Nissen, Associate Planner, presented the 5ta ff report. Chair^,an N N°i cpene' the public hearing. Michael Biane, 413 West H Street, Ontario, stated he wholeheartedly concurred with staff's position. Nearing no further testimony. Chairman McNiel closed the public hea ri nq. Motion: Moved by Lhitiea, seconded by Melchor, to adopt the Resolution recommending approval of Environmental Assessment and Industrial Specific Plan Amendment 90-02. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: LHITIEA, MCNI EL MELCHER NOES: COtQ1i SSION ERS: NONE ABS EYT: COMMISSIONERS: TOLSTO Y, WEINBERGER -carried • t ~ F. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 90-13 - MEDI-R1DG, int. - w request co escabiiaii a maini,enmite anu vei~i~ie aLv,aye ia~~liLy in as leased space of 5,780 square feet within the existing Biane Minery complex on 6.7 arses of land in the General Industrial District, Subarea 5 of the Industrial Specific Plan, located at 10013 8th Street - APN: 209-201-19 and 20. (Continued from May 23, 1990.) Chairman McNiel stated that staff recommended the item be continued to July il, 1990. He opened the public hearing; but hearing no testimony, he closed it. Motion: Moved by Chitiea, seconded by Melchor, to continue Environmental Assessment and Conditional Use Permit 90-13. Motion carried by the fallowing vote: AYES: rpMM1SS14N ERS: CHITIEA, MCNIEL MELCHER, TOLSTOY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: TOLSTOY, WEINBERGER -carried Planning Commission Minutes -4- June 27, 1990 J ~ C ~i ~t+ `\~' ' RES OL'J TION NC. 9U-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORN Iq, RELOMM END ING APPROVRL OF iN0U5 TRIRL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 90-02 TO AMEND THE LAND USE REGULATIONS FOR SUBAREA 5 TO CONDITIONALLY P ERRIT AUTOMOTIVE FLEET STORAGE, AND MRKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. Rer, itals. ii, The City of Rancho Cucamonga has initiated an application for [ndu st rial Specific Plan Amendment 90-02 as described in the title pf this Resolution. Mereina fter '~ this Resolution, the subject Specific Plan Amendmnnt re n~iecr - ore.....a ... - -- ,ii~ On June 27, 1990, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed pu Dl is hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. viii) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of Lhis Resolution have occurred. B. 0.e solution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in Che Recitals. Part A, of this Recn hitinn aro rrne eon rn rrnrr 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on June 27, 1990, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: 'al The proposed amendments will not have a significant impact on the environment as evidenced by the conclusions and findings of the Initial Study, Part [[; and fib) The proposed amendment is necessary to allow for appropriate land uses Within Subarea 5. 3. Based upon the substantial evlAence presented to this Commission du r'ny the dbOVe-refPrAnrPA pi~hiir hearing anA i n rhn Sped sic s<ndi ^,'~5 Os facts set forth in paragraphs ~ and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: lei That the proposed amendment is consistent With the objectives of the Industrial Specific Plan, anA the purposes of the District in Which the slte is lOCeted. 9~ 'LA?iN:VG COMM: iGION DE.iO L'J':%N V(;, yJ _,'j I SPA 90-02 - CITY OI ',NC HO CUCAMONGA Junp 2?, 1990 Page 2 (b) ih at the proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the puy17~ heaith, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. ~e) That the proposed amendment is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Industrial Specific Plan. id) That the orooosed amendment will not be detrimental to the objectives of the General Plan or the Industrial Specific Plan. 4. This Commission hereby finds Lh at the project has been reviewed and ,;on sidered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of .. r .... ,.... a.... ,_..._..~ _ ,Oin ..A a.~rti,r a~,:. r:....;iC a^. ~. >_..~1 .c~vT_'"i .>va..__ of 3 NegdLiv- Oeclara Lion. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby resolves as follows: (a) that the Planning rommis Sion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approval of Industrial Specific Plan Amendment 90-02, amending Table III-1 and page IV-37 as attached. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. ODDDnVFn 4Nn 4nnDTFn TN iC 9rTw n4V nF .IIINF loan, PLANNING COMMISSIOR OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 8Y ATTEST: I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly lrtrod aced, passed, and adopted ty the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 27th day of June, 1990, by the following vote-to-wit: RYES: COMMISSIONERS: CHITIEA. MfNIEL, MELCHER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: TDLSTOY, NEINBERGER 9s ORDINANCE N0. ~~"~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON GA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN TO AMEND THE LAND USE REGULATIONS FOR SUBAREA 5 TO CONDITIONALLY PERMIT AUTOMOTIVE FLEET STORAGE. ... Recitals. (i) On June 27, 1990, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing with respect to the above- referenced Industrial Specific Plan Amendment. Following the conclusion of sa iu puDiic Wean ng the Ylann ing Lemm15510n adopted 1t5 Ne501uttOn no. vn-/Y thereby reconanend ing that the City Council adopt Industrial Specific Plan Amendment No. 90-02. (ii) On August 1, 1990, the City Council df the City of Ra ncha Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing pursuant to Section 65864 of the California Government Code and concluded said hearing prfor to its adoption of this Ordinance. (iii) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred. 9. Ordinance. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: This Coi!ncil hereby specifies and finds that alt of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of the Ordinance are true and correct. SECTION 2: This Council hereby finds and certifies that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental puality Act of 1970 and, further, this Council hereby issues a Negative Declaration. SECTION 3: The Industrial Area Specific Plan, Part [II, Table III-1 on Page III-5, is hereby amended to add Automotive Fleet Storage as a conditionally permitted use in Subarea 5, as shown in the attached Exhibit ..A ~~ SECTION 4: The Indostrial Area Specific Plan, Part IV, Subarea 5 O evelopment Regulations, commencing on page IV-37, is hereby amended to add Automotive Fleet Storage as a conditionally permitted use, as shown in the attached Exhibit "B." 9~ ~!XM I~cT "A" TABLE III-1 SUMMARY OF LAND USE TYPE BY SUBAREA • PERMITTED USE + CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED USE NOTE. Non-marweC Uses Nm Peri•.~~~4o USE TYPES •I••I I• .I •I •i •I I•I•I M••lum '. I+I+IlI I•I,•I I+I,•j.'•I•'I•I•;•I•I•I Navy • YlnlmYrtl Imq•ef XNVy " I I i I l e i I I• )FFICE PROFESSIONAL DESIGN 8 RESEARCH AAMM•iullr• a Otllu i • I I I+ i + I I • '• I +i ~ I+I • 141 41 ~ • ; ~• ProtNNOn•I/D••i9n suvw•• • i '~+ i • ~ • } + • + + • • R•N•reB S•rvteN I I•I •;•I•I•I•I•i•I I•~•I. •. •I .I ~,•I•', r •nc evm•9. ' • • .: i 4'I j i : T . 4 '~ 4 '~ : '~ a M•Plum i+ •~4•'I I. I•j•i•I•~I •i•I!' i HNVY Iii •'i •I •nuucorral ASN•YHUrN/NUn•ry Supplln i S•rvlcN • I ~~r ~~• I '~ •r I j~j 'T ' ~ Anima Ur• ~i ~ 'il ~ i + +;+ ~; AtltY•toUY• flnt Stor•5• '~ ; + I+ V~Y + i 4 ' + l I I 'I AutomotlN RmbL LN•in9 • ' • • + ~ + ~ i • +' + + AtR•Inebw nibm true. Rw•Ir-e51tN ~ I . + I~ l + I t I I • I I '' • ! I • I • I I ~ I ~ Aulom•tiv ,Truck R•P•Ir-Malor • . I + I • i I + • _. • + +' AYS•moUw 5•b• I I I + 14 I + I 'I +I automotlv s•rvit• station 4 +I + + + ~ + +~ + + 4 ! + Brtlbinb concha«: aem. a r.ra. I I.1 +I • I + it I • I~ I I • I i • I • I • I I I Butl•In9 Contuctoi • sloup• nra I BrIWYq WMbnmc• S•rvlC•• 'I I • ~ I • • • • • ' I • I • I • I • i i • I euibin9 i49nlm9 EOwpmMl suPPlb•ASalb'. • bu•tn•N bu l bull A S• l • 4~• +,+• • • i • I + • ++ pp r rY c• • • I • • I • • • • I • • • • ( BNmN• SYPPOrI S•rvrc•s • • ' + • I • +~ • ' • • + +'~ • • i • • + C.9rr•rM•Pp•t1011 SNYIri•• • • • I • • I • • + ~ • • • I • I +! • • Convmwnc• salsa 6 Soviu• E•Rnb • DrMkinb E•b•9•Nn•nb + + I • • + + + + + +' + ; ~ • I ~ I • ! ~ • I •• • • I + { + + + + } 4 • I • • I • • • I • (• I Ea1Nav Imp¢t Comm•rcbl I I I I I II I I+ Fast Food sab• + + + I + + + 4 + + + + Fln•nUa, ID•Yr•nC• L RNI E•t•b 5•rVICN • I+ ' I+ • • I • + ~ I ; +I • I I • '~ • 'I Fooo i Bw•u9• Saba } + + i + + + 4 I + } + } + ~ + + 4 + + + FutNa a Cr•m•tory SNrICN I ~ + I + I ' ~ ', '' + I I I NNVy EYwpmmt Salo 5 R•ntab '~ + ~ + I + 4 + I + , 4 + Nobl/MONI I+I I I I•I• • ~I I, I•'I•i LauDPry 5•rrlC•• M•Mea/INatq CN•SNrle• • ~ I•+ I • Iii+I +++ 41*I++I •I+I P•uobun ho•ueb SINN• ~ ~ tl I I++ i+ I+ I j l l~ l i R•aNUOnN Fwauw• ItpW Urr1eN + + i I•I + + + • + +' • + •+(•~• I •I • +' + •I•I I•I slit I sc: a9 Dp•:aa9.: ~ ~ '.. a AAmhJanUN Clrlc LrrleN I • ~~ • • r~ • • • • • • • ~ i cabs . +~+ + + + + + + 5•t•nNY• Mp•9t UtII1tY F••NUI•• } ~ 4 ! !++I+I L1 ~ I *I I I FIOOO ConirN'Uemy Cornoor • ~ • ' • ' • . ', • • • • ' neSe MNmBIY I•• lii~ I+++ I++ ~+I +I+ Pu•hc S•btyimuny SNV¢•• + 4' +~+ +'+~+'+ + + + •'+ 4'~+ •~+ + M•51•w AN•m•tr I+t ++l I+41+1 I•I+ lil+I I+.+, • IP-In•uarul Par• GI-ftnual InAwtnal MI/NI-Minimum Impact NuvY Inouanel MO-Navin Av. Or•rby DI•inct HI-Heavy In•u•tnal I:i-i ~X~~~i r,i~l SUDAREA 5 Land Use Oesignati on General Indus Vial primary FJnC [i on ~ Tne aree has railroad access and is substantially .leveldped with ;na ray users having rail access. wne re pos si of e, future users should be functionally served by rail uses and primarily for manufacturing and warehousing activities. Tn;s subarea is located south of A? 8 SF Railroad to the southern City limit east of Archi Data, west of Maven. ^.3~i ..~r~.~ ~unu ti.i.: - ~' :~~ pct `.y CJ ur aye U¢ developmen[ of Rail-Service faciVlittes on parcels wi ter strong rail development potential. Standards have been established as a part of this Specific Plan (Part fIl, Sec[ion fY.G.) which require Rail Service developalent Of all pdrtels which adjoin existing or proposed lead/spur rail lines. Pe rani tied Js es Cus tam Manufacturing Light Manufacturing Medium Manufacturing Research Services Light Mholesale, SWrage, and Distribution Medium Mholesale, SWrage and Oistribution Agricultural/Nursery Supplies and Services Faliuy m,u ur in~iuy iia Laui iaiuwenLe 0.epair Services Conditional Uses Puul is SWrage Heavy Wholesale, Storage, and Otstributton Automobile/Light Truck Repair - Minor Aucoerobile/Truck Repair _ Major Building Contractor's Offices and Yards Building and Light Equfpment Supplies and Sales Business Support Services Convenience Sales and Services Food and Beverage Sales Heavy Equipalent Sales and Rentals Petralewn Products SWrage Recreation Facilities Extensive Impact Utility Facilities Publfc Safety and Utility Services A_tcw,utive Flees' GjiDrxAP. Iv-37 CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY SUBJECT: August 1, 1990 City Council and City Manager Bissell H. Maguire, City Engineer Monte Prescher, Public Norks Engineer e~3 . Discussion of staff's application and implementation of various codes, engineering standards, previous City Council ~c*.ien, etc.. regarding Tract Nos. 10210, 12902, 13644, 12462, 11997, 13728, Terttatlve Tract No. 13976 and Parcel Map 11738, Nordic Development at various locations City-wide RECOIMEIDATION: It is recommended that City Council approve staff's continued enforcement of the following: A. Continue withholding of utility connections (occupancy release) on Tract 13728 {northwest corner of Hillside Road and Sapphire Street) until certain offslte improvements are completed, e.g. stotai drain at Hillside Road and Pearl Street and at Banyan Street and Sapphire Street and street improvements on Hillside Road and Sapphire Street and an advt50ry sign is piacea on-lice per prev loos Ciiy wmwii action. B. Continue withholding the issuance of construction penaits for Tract 3021C (northeast corner of Sapphire Street and Almond Street) until existing developments that are in default are resolved pursuant to City Cade Section 12.03.100. C. Continue withholding of any further utility connections (occupancy release) on Tract 13544 (southeast corner of Hermosa Avenue and Vista Grove) until all improvements are completed, e.g. Vista Grove parkway improvements, curb repair, final paving, aqy outside permit fees are paid and the existing condition of default is resolved pursuant to City Cade Section 12.03,100 and Resolution No. 88-557. D. Continue withholding of any further utility connections (occupancy release) on Tract 12902 and Parcel Map 11738 (southwest corner of Hermosa Avenue and Almond Street) until all remaining improvements are completed or resolved, e.g. cross gutter at Almond Street and final paving of Henaose Avenue pursuant Lo Resolution No. 88-567. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPDRT NORDIC DEVELOPMENT AUGUST 1, 1990 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 13728 - northwest corner of Hill sT de Road and Saoohire Street As a condition of the last Improvement Agreement extension, the developer is required to complete all oifsite improvements in existing right-of-way (Hillside Road and Sapphire Streetl and place a sign and notice in the sales office advising potential buyers of utility release requirements that may delay occupancy releases. At this time, the developer has not complied. Therefore, no occupancy rni naenc are I~ei no nrante A. In response to written correspondence from a resident and during a field review, tt was determined that the proposed master planned storm drain at Hillside Road and Pearl Street as deigned by the developer's engineer may not meet engineering standards. Although the inlet structures are of the proper size, their location may not be optimum. The developer was advised of this and that he may continue to install ali other improvements up to the affected area. Also, that if all other work that could be completed was completed, completion of Lhe area in question would not affect initial occupancies. The developer was told in writing that to do nothing would not be acceptable. Staff has recently received a request for Labor and Material Bond information from an attorney representing the contractor who ins tolled a oorti on of the storm drain. Annarently tha rnntrartnr has not been paid and, therefore, is not continuing with the storm drain installation. The point here 1s that the developer continues to assert that the City is causing them delays when actually the City is being quite cooperative while attempting to achieve the desired goal, Tract 10210 - northeast corner of Saoohire Street and Almond Street The developer has two tracts in default at this t1 me. Therefore, no additional permits are being 15sued. The storm channel, a County facility on this tract, has been started and is near completion. The permit for th15 work was issued by the Count;. Tract 13544 - southeast corner of Hermosa Avenue and Vista Grove At a previous City Council meeting, the developer requested an Improvement Agreement extension. The extension was granted conditioned upon Lhe completion of certain improvements prior to any initial occupancies. Also, no further extensions would be considered. The developer completed the required improvements to receive the initial occupancy but has failed to continue to '~~ CITY CWNCiL STAFF REPORT NORDIC DEVELOPMENT AUGUST 1, 1990 PAGE 3 completing the remainder of improvements. The tract is now in default. The City Attorney has been in contact with the bonding company and is attempting to resolve this issue. The bonding company has been reluctant to take action and there appears to De a relationship between the developer and the bonding company that prav2nts the bonding Gniyar~y from pursuing - lion, that t„2 City would prefer to be taken. Until this issue~is~resolved no further occupancies are being granted. In addition Lo completing the improvements, additional permit fees may be required and the default issue must be resolved prior to any further occupancies. Staff has been providing courtesy inspections based upon the postulate that it is in the public's best interest to have these improvements completed in a timely manner. Again, the developer continues to assert that the City has and is causing them delays. They base this on the fact that staff did not and will not allow them to final pave Yista Grove. Th@y are not allcwed to final pave Vista Grove due to work that is a prerequisite to final paving not being caayleted. City Council and the City Engineer have the authority to dictate the sequence of work. Sequence of work is based upon accepted standards and methods of construction in the industry. It is accepted that final paving will not occur until all utilities are ftnaled, hard parkxyy improvements are completed (improvements other than landscaping) and repairs to adlacent concrete items have been completM. In this case the parkways require heavy gradlna operations which could result in damage to the concrete curb and gutters and damage to the base paving. Therefore, until the parkways are rough graded and any necessary repairs are made, Vista Grove cannot be final paved. Tract 12902 and Parcel i~p 11738 -southwest corner of Hermosa Avenue and Almond Street The last 5% of occupancies are being held until such time that the improvements are acceptad. At this time, staff has required that Hermosa Avenue be completely overlaid due to the extensive damage that has occurred as a result of the ad,-acent construction. It is possible that a slurry seal mqy De adequate. However, the developer's soils and materials engineer needs to provide the C1b with a recamaendation based upon field tests. Also, it appears that the cross gutter at the tntersectfon of Almond Street artd Hermosa Avenue was improperly designed and/or improperly lnstailed. The developer's engineer needs to provide the City with documentation verifying correctness or a proposed corrective solution. Unt11 these items are resolved, the improvement cannot be accepted. ~nr CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT NORDIC DEVELOPMENT AUGDST 1, 1990 PAGE 4 Tract 11997 -souMeast corner of Hillside Road and Beryl Street The developer failed to cause the utility pole located in the community Lrail on Hillside Road to be removed. This tract is in default. Until such time that the pole is removed, no further construction permits will be issued. Tract 12462 -located in the Etiwanda area This tract is unaffected at this time. However, the same codes, standards and resolutions w111 be applied to that tract. Tentative Tract 13976 -west of Hermosa Avenue south of Almond Street This tract mqy be affected if arty permit violations or defaults exist at the time a construction permit application is made. The above is a general overview of the status of the more significant areas in need of resolution. Based upon this status and the contirwed effort required in atteaiptln9 to achieve a resolution, it is recommended that City Council approve staff's interpretation and application of the various codes, standards and actions Tmplemented towards achieving resolution of these outstanding problems Respect 1 mltted, ~ ~ ~~ ~.~V. RHM:MP: Attachment / ~~ 'r. VICINITY MAP ~/ TR /02/CJ ~ PM //738 ® TR /372@ © TR /2902 arrr oR nuicea curawaw Q TR //997 Q TR /3644 Q4 TR /3976 a TR /2462 ~~'~'- = ~~~ --- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE August 1, 1990 JCT. Mayor and Members of the City Comcil ~~~ttt ~~ FROM: Duane A. Baker, Assistant to the City b~age SUBJECT Vietnam Memorial At the City Council meeting of July 18, 1990, the Council directed staff to examine ways in which the City could assts[ and contribute towards the Vietnam Memorial. The memorial is Io be located in front of Alta Loma Nigh School and is being built by the Alta Loma High School Alumni Association. The Alumni Association is made up of past students of Alte Loma High School who were residents of the communities of Alte Loma, Cucamonga, and Etiwanda. The estimated cost o[ the memorial is approximately f9,OW and the association has raised to date 53,000 in cash and approximately 52,000 of in kind donations o£ material or labor. Because of the nature of this mcmoriil, the City Attorney has determined that direct contributions from the City towards this project would be allowed and would not constitute a gift of public toads. Because of Chia finding, there an: a number of ways in which the City could directly contribute to this project; however, because of the location of this project predominantly on school monrrty fh.o- w~ not mhirh ,hn r`:w n:_C.new,l.. coniribua indimctly. The only fees^~that the City would requiro ^of .this project is s f25 public works conawction permit tee. Thus, some of the options for contribution that are open to the City are as follows. 1. Direct contribution of cash. 2. Contribution of labor or materials (landscaping, sprinklers, concrete). 3. Use of City's contract contracting firms (landscaping, concrete work). Finally, it should be Hated that the Atumnl Asssx:iation currently hag a grant application pending before the Community Foundation is the amount of 53,500. CiTY OF RANCHO CUCAMOA`GA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: B Y: SUBJECT August 1, 1990 City Council and City Manager Russell H. Maguire, CT ty Engineer L,g-o. ~ KHN Mike Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer ri~ Bus stops on Haven Avenue RECOMEN011TI011: a~3 . Since considerable street improvements on Haven Avenue are planned to be constructed in the next 4 or 5 years, any temporary solutions Lo existing bus stops are not recommended. BACKGROUND: Reference 15 made to City Council/Cammissl on Service contact form, dated April 23, 1990, letter to City from Omnltrans, dated May 1, 1990, and memorandum from Russell Maguire, City Engineer to RTCk Gomez, Community Development Director, dated May 21, 1990, salt attached), the memorandum of May 21, 1990, suggests an interim solution to existing problems encountered by bus riders due to an existing drainage ditch along the .. t7t ;<a~ a u...:.. nye,,,_e s.~.n rhu.~h Groot fn NlnhianA Avnnur. ANALYSIS: Our uittmate goal for bus bays on Haven Avenue beginning at the City's south City limits (4th Street) and proceeding northward to future Highland Avenue is as shown on the attached map and as follows: HAVEN AVENUE - 4TH STREET TO NORTH OF BASE LINE ROAD -FIRM SCHEDULE FroJect Construction Oates Naven Avenue Rehabilitation and Nidening-4th Street to south of Foothill Blvd. Haven Avenue at A.T. 6 S.F. Railroad Crossing Improvement Naven Avenue; Street signal and Storm Ora1n Improveaents Phase 1 - south of Foothtlt Boulevard to north of Church Street May 1991 to October 1991 (dates are subject to change since this is a Federal Aid Froject and depends on Cal trans review). December 1991 to March 1992 May 1991 to October 1991 (Staged construction) (Measure I funding) ~ os CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT BUS STOPS ON HAVEN AVENUE AUGUST 1, 1990 PAGE 2 Haven Avenue; Street, Signal and August 1990 to July 1992 Storm Drain Improvements (Staged construction) Phase 2 - north of Church Street (Measure I funding) to north of Base Line Road See attached map showing what is to be constructed (temporary asphaltic concrete bus bay or permanent concrete bus bay 1. NAVEN AVENUE -NORTH OF BASE LINE ROAD TO BANYAN STREET - Protect Haven Avenue; Street and Storm Drain Improvements Phase 3 - N/0 Base Line Road to future Highland Avenue Construction Dates 93/94 F.Y. (Funding on this phase would be contingent upon awarding Phases 1 and 2, and applying to SANBAG for an advance allocation of funds fray Measure 1, for design and construction. Haven Avenue; Street Improvements Phase 4 - Future Highland Avenue to Banyan Street 94/95 F.Y. (Funding on this phase would be contingent upon awarding Phases 1 and 2, and applying to eewsr. fnr an aAvanra allocation of funds from Measure I, for design and construction. During design of the reach between Base Line Road and future HTghland Avenue locations of permanent bus bays w111 be determined. (See attached map for tentative permane~ bus bays.) For the reach north of future Highland Avenue the third lane can be utilized for bus stops str..;e traffic is not heavy in this area. Respectfully sudaitted, RHM:MO:Iy Attachments /~~ an. r ,'I'°:~-~4.:~=~Lf:~"°~. 'ii`i? :~~I~~• ,::. • I=. ;; ;; I '~. ,~' r'~I ~ Feu ~ J ~~ 1' I ;,. .. _ ~ ". ,~ A ef a A ' v ~ ~~ ~~ 5 T o Y f v L ... ll n a 66 ~ ~ ~' • 11 ~ ~`~ 4 _Lr GCNO w ~ '' Y 0 W ~ ~ ? a. b`S S t* (LLf_1~M4' 'O !.v PERM, a YJyt p ue tC ~ + te ~ • ~ •Y• ' .~ s= ~ `~ ~ ~ , • c •w cw~"u"f 1 i0 if0i rl~-[0.v.T ~1'iJa Nc d.Ny : F t r si I ~, ~~"~-F' .z. ~ • .:~~~1 - `y ~ / _Y +1I[J'(nN5>i Is1.). Y H. [L% ~ i~O-c. ,nw/a.,r na .vcr.... . I a x v-EW a..; smM ~.,. a ~ 6 .E i. 1~• , ~ MROW ROYM s s ,. ~Oy~ J a M('ti oo i C~ ` .. ~ ~ ~ L%~r'~l ~~~ ~ A ° t ~' [ ~,~ 11 ' n II RANCHO COCAMONLA R CNAMIfR Of COMM[RCf WY j ~ ~ " ~ ( • _ _ l~t~ r u !]t0111kn. Suite 140 ~ a' ^ Y ~V l ~ 3`nn. s .~I3 ^ I ~ ~ i . -1 ~ 11 Pan[4e N[~men9n. U ]b 94).101} CITY OF RANCHO CUCAb10NGA 1VIEMORANDUI~I BATE: May 21, 1990 T0: Rick Gomez, Conmunity Development ,py pgC tar FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer 'J N' BY: Paul A. Aougeau, Traffic Engineer SUBJECT: Temporary bus stops on Haven Avenue - request for investigation by Councilmembers The existing bus stops on the west side of Haven Avenue between the Brunswick shopping center and Highland Avenue were examined for improvement recently by Omni trans. The request initiating the examination and the reply by Omni trans are attached. The Engineering Division also invesiigated the locations which are between a large drainage ditch and the west shoulder of Haven Avenue. The letter from Omnitrans explains the situation confronting pedestrians who are walking to the bus stops and waiting for busses. Also adequately explained in the letter are the reasons why covering the ditch at the stops is infeasible and relocating the stops closer to the intersections is not advisable. Our field check showed that at two locations some asphalt concrete could be ntar ad hehind tha harm alnna the ditch to provide a 24" + flat area to extend existing similar flat walking areas between the bus stops and the nearest intersecting street. This is not recommended however, because Lhe installation of a substandard Improvement could increase our liability. At four of the stops the chafn link fence could be extended along the ditch to the bus stops, protecting pedestrians from falling down the ditch slope. A total of about 500 feet of fence would be needed for this. in view of the pending removal of the ditch during the 1991/92 through 1993/94 fiscal years, the fence work is the maximum effort which 1s recommended. It is urged thak the bus stop south of Highland Avenue not be relocated to north of Highland Avenue because of the significantly greater traffic conflicts that would result (see page 2 of Omnttrans' letter). PAR:sd Attachment cc: Paul A. Rougeau t74 CITY COUNCIL/COMMISSION SERVICE CONTACT FORM Date: m~/~ ~-.~ /9a/~ D Fie9uest Dy:<~.~:7.'~.t/(, ~-7r~G~.t`K~ ~Qa~s ~!.'i~.lFf(,~// '~J /~ - StafiContart.?iH^: \'~'~4 ~~" ~~P~~'~ ~~"i'"~ Y'N1KE:ti~r Fonvartlwl lw ACtlan b: `"~ ""'~' Alvan T2N9n: ~~'! / I ~ ~ ~s~ ~u 0' ~~S,e / ~lr~ ~ _5` NlLI arl5 u Su S S r- ~7`~i IrCGD c Tra ~ ~ ~ / r r Cc~~'~/~ -s i Ff 1 /~ f e ! ~ Y~l /u _ ~a r Dab gaquASt R..avee: t>.pvvn.nt Nw apn.wl.: K7 r S C ~ I !! E91'~ a: cm Mra,~ / O /1/ OM NIIRAN$ May 1, 19"">0 Ms. Diane O'Neal, Administrative Analyst Citv of Rancho Grra mnro_a 9320 Baseline Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91130 Dear Ms. O'Neal: We have conducted a detailed investigation in response to your concerns about the location of our bus stops along the west side of Haven Avenue. I have enclosed some photographs for your reference. A large, uncovered storm ditch runs along the west side of the street south from Highland Avenue to approximately 500 feet south of Lhurch Street. Bus passengers as well as a number of other pedestrians and joggers must either walk in the street next Lo the asphalt "curbing" or balance on that curbing, or walk between the curbing and ditch which is steeply inclined. OMNITRANS currently has 6 bus stops, serving two routes along this approximately 1-1/2 to 1-3/4 mile stretch of roadway. Our fall ridership survey revealed approximately 25 to 30 passengers utilize these stops daily, a significant number for the distance. Four of the steps are located 150 to 200 feet south of intersections so that they will not either impede traffic attempting to make right hand turns or block traffic behind the bus into the intersections. (Photo M4 south of 19th Street and Photo MS south of Vittoria). Two of the stops (Photo 8 midblock Baseline and Church and Photo 12 536 feet south of Church) are located in areas where the ditch is covered, however passengers still need to traverse lengths of roadway where it is unprotected to get to the steps. W. Paul Rougeau of your Traffic Engfneering Department told me that the city has plans to cover the ditch between Church and Baseline in FY 91- 92, between Baseline an Victoria in FY 92-93, and finally between Victoria and Highland in FY 93-94. Ne discussed alternatives to mitigate the safety issue in the meantime for pedestrians. Covering small portions of the ditch near stops would be cost prohibitive if it had to be removed for the above mentioned construction. Moving the bus stops closer to intersections would impede traffic and possibly create greater hazards for passengers and the general public. (~ f7 pIvIWI;GFNS • PuouC Banat $yrylp • ti i,0 War nhn srroor .Son dernordrno. CA 42at1 • (7ta1 BaR::9+t Ms. Diane O'Neal May 1, 1990 Page 2 Lhain link fencing runs across the end and a few feet along the ditch near some of the intersections (19th Street, Baseline and south of Victoria, Photos 4 and 12j. Extending this fencing might be a realistic short term solution to protect all of the pedestrians from the hazard until the ditch is covered. Fencing along the length of the bus zones (Fn to on fe„«~ ..o:ad add .~~~~ --, ' e protection fog waitiny passengers. We can relocate one bus stop approximately 100 feet north of Highland Avenue to an area where the ditch is either covered or does not exist if your engineers feel that there is not a significant amount of right turn traffic. I do not have safer relocation solutions for the r'amaining, ite aviiy ui.ii ileu ~iuyo. Please let me know if I may provfde further information regarding this situ:~ion. The safety and reasonable convenience of our passengers and the general public is of great concern to all of us at OMNITRANS. Very truly yours, Cindy L~Peterson Director of Operations CLP:dk Enclosures cc: Robert E. Chaffin :t•; :ei +L-