HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991/08/07 - Agenda PacketCITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGALAR MEETINGS 1st and 3rd Wednesdays - 7:00 p.m. August 7, 1991 Civic Center Council Chambers 10500 Civic Conter Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 sn City CounciLmetmbers Dennir L. Stout, Mayar William J. Alexander, Coancilmember Charter J. Buquet, Cozmcllmem6er Diane Williams, Coancilmembrr Pamela J. Wright, Camcilmember ar Jack Lam, City bfomiger Jamey I.. Markman, City Attorney Debra J. Adams, City Clerk City OfSce: 989-1851 City Council Agenda August 7, 1991 1 ~ - All itus •ubNittM for the Citp Council Agaada uuat be is writing. The daadliaa for sub~ittiag these itus is Se00 p.at. oa the Wadaaaday prior do the uetiag. Tha City Clerk'• Otfica reedvo all such ilea. 1. Roll Call: euquet _, Alexander , Stout _, 8 ANNOIINC61®1'rB lP ATIOli8 This is the tir sad place for the gaaaral public to addraas the City Coaaeil. 6lata law prohibib the City Council from addsasaiag say iuua ant previously 1aCludad ea the Agenda. The City Council .ay reeaiw GstLDay and aa! the wetter fot subsaqueot watiag. CoaMats era to b• liwitad !o five wiautws pwr individual. D. CON86NT CALENDAR Tha following Coauat Ca loader tips era wxpected ¢o be rouiiaa and aoa-coalrovarsial. They rill be aclad upon by the Council at our do without diaeuaniaa. Any itaw say be rawovad by a Councilwawbar or wawbwr of the audiaan for discuaaioa. 1. Approval of Minutee; July 3, 1991 July 17, 1991 (Wright absent) July 2d, 1991 (Williams absent) Approval of Waziante, Reg Teter Noe. 7/17/91 (FY 90/91), 1 7/17/91 (PY 91/92), ?/24/91 (PY 90/91), and 7/24/91 (PY 93/92); and Payroll ending 7/3/91 and 7/1B/91 for the total amount of $4,590,940.10. 3. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On sale Beer for I 15 Haven Park Oell, Wwen Ho and Young Ae Aang, 10570 Acacia street. P ~-:.~ ~ - City Council Agenda _ Auquet 7, 3991 2 4. Approval of the Advertising the "Notice Inviting Bide" i 17 for the Land9caps and Irrigation Halntannnce Contract for LandeCepe Maintenance Assessment Districts 7 and S, to be fundetl respectively by Account Numbers 47-4130- 6028 and 48-4130-6025. RESOLUTION NO. 91-219 18 A RESOLUTION OP TH8 CITY COUNCIL OP THE __.. -. __--~- wV'+uwtn;R, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPBCIPICATIONS POR THB LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION N1IINTHNANC6 CONTPACT FOA LANDSCAPE lMINTENANCS ASSESS!ffiNT DISTRICTS 7 AND 5, IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING TNS CITY CLSRR TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS 5. Approval of Aeaolution No. 91-012E to extend Comceet 23 Cablevie Son's FrnncAiae. AHNOLUTION NO. 91-012E 24 A RESOLUTION OP TNS CITY COUNC ZL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, EXTENDS NC COUNTY OF SAN BBRNAADINO FRANCHISE LICENSE WITH COMCAST CABLE T.V. FOA 90 DAYS UPON EXPIRATION OP CURPENT LICENSE WITHIN THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 6. Approval of a EesCllticn amending Reaolut ion No. 91-023 ter. regarding the Leasing and Financing of 800 MHz Radio equipment. 26 RESOLUTION NO. 91-021A A RESOLUTION OP THS CITY' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMBNOING RESOLUTION NO. 91-021, ADOPTED JANUARY 16, 1991, AUTNORIZ ING THS LEASING OP CERTAIN CAPITAL EQUIPMENT PRCH THE NEST END COMNUNICATSONS FINANCING AUTHORITY, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING EXECUTION OP A LEASE AGREEMENT AND A SUBLEASE, APPROVING SALE OF BONDS AND AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT, AND AUTHORIZING OFFICIAL ACTIONS 7. Approval to expend an additionnl $474.00 to participate 28 in the "Booking Fees^ lawsuit against the County of snn Bernardino, to ba funded from Account No. 01-4255-6028. ..:r. p City Council Agenda August 7, 1991 3 8. Approval of Integrated Waste Coordinator posh ion i 29 claesif LCation and rangy. 9. Approval of SnvLronmental Aeeeeament and Tentative 33 Parcel Map 13693 - Luna - An appeal of the Planning Commiation'e decielon io raguLre that Parcel 2 take mcceee Ergs Noxihrldge Drlve for a reeidantial eubdivialon at one acre of land into two percale in the very Low Residential District located on the north aide ..a ~i,riuge urive, wet of Haven Avenue - APN 201-182- 29 (related f13e~ Variants 91-04). RESOLUTION NO. 91-182 37 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REQ085T POR A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP, NUMESR 13693, TO SOBDIVID& I.0 ACRE INTO 2 PARCELS IN THS VERY LON RBS IDENTIAL DISTRICT, LOCATED ON T13E NORTH SIDB Of NORTHAIDGB DRIVB, WEST OF HAVEN AVBNVE - APNi 201-182-29 30. Approval to execute contracts for Bond Counsel (CO 91- qq 046), Financial Advisor {CO 91-047), and Aeeeeement Engineer Servicee (CO 91-048) in connection with formation and issuance of bonds for Pxopoeed Comnunitiee Facil Sties District 91-1. qi -_. Approval to execute an agcaement (CO 91-049) between the County of San Bernardino, the Rancho Cucaagnga Pite Protection District, and the Ciiy of Rnncho CuoeaAnge for the collection and disposal of common household hazardous waste. 12. Approval to execute PLood Control District, Znne 1 peer q9 Cteek Common Uee Agreement No. FA 19103 (CO 91-050) for Bridge croeeinge at Bnnyan and CAurch Streets. 52 RESOLUTION NO. 91-220 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COONCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING COOPBPATIVB AGREEMENT WITH SAN BERNARD INO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTATCT FOR BRIDGB CROSSINGS AT BANYAN AND CHURCH STREETS i - . Clty Council Agenda August 7, 1991 PAGE i 6 "- 13. Approval to execute Plsy Plalde Facility Uee Agreement i 53 (co 91-051) betwwn the Clty of Rancho Cucavange and Chaffey College. 14. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering tM AMexstion of Lsndecape True to the work program of Landscape Maintenance Dlatriet 57 Noa. 3 and 4 [or CUP 88-22, located north of Foothill Boulevard, seat of Haven Avenue, euGoitted by Lewis 58 RESOLUTION NO. 91-221 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TfiE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IHPAOVBMBNT AGREBHBNT AND IMPROVBMENT SECURITY FOR CONDITIONAL VSB PERMIT NO. 88-12 59 RHSOLUT ION NO. 91-222 A RESOLUTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OP THH CITY OF AANCNO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNBXATION OF LANDSCAPE AREAS TO TH8 NORR PROGRAM OF LANDSCAPB MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 3 AND 4 POR CUP 80-12 15. Approval to execute improvement Agreement Extension for 62 Tract 12932 Day Creek Boulevard, lccated on prcpoaed Day Creek eoulevnrd between Highland Avenue and Victoeia Park Lane, submitted by the William Lyon Company. RESOLUTION NO. 91-223 6Q A R850LUTION OP TH8 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEI~NT AGAAElSENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SHCURITY FOR TRACT 12832 DAY CAEEX HOUL6VARD 16. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension fo[ 65 Parcel Map 11030, located on the northeaat corner of Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard, submitted by Lewis Development Company. - v ~ ~' a y~~.~y'~ City council Agmnaa . 'l~ Auguat 7, 1991 B RESOLUTION NO. 91-224 67 , A RESOLUTION O! THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCl1/ONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROV612NT AGREEMENT EYTENS ION AND IMPROVElHiNT SSCUAITY POR PARCEL MAP 13030 17. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement 8xteneion For 68 Parcel Nan ++e o. __~~~~ .uucneaec cornet of Milliken Avenue antl Arrow Highway, submitted by ACDC AeeOCiatH. RESOLUTION NO. 91-225 71 A AHBOLUT ION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP TF/E CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPAOVEMBHT AGREEMENT EXTENSION ANU IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POA PARCEL HAP 31&91 1S. Approval to accept Improvements, release of Bonds and 72 Notice cE Completion for Tract 13621, located on the northeast corner of Hillside Roatl and Hermosa Avenue. Relaeee: Patthful Performance Bond (Street) 5390,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee 3ond (Street) j 39,000.00 A650LUTION NO. 91-226 73 A RESOLUTION OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING TH8 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13621 AND AUTHORISING THE FILING OP A NOTICB OP COMPLETION FOR THE WORA 19. Approval to release Maintenance Bond for Tract 13722 74 located on the northwest corner of Victoria Perk Land and Milliken Avenue. Aeleaee: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 5136,700.00 , A ~ \ R 1 1 city council Agenda August 7, 1991 i 6 -- 20. Approval to release Nninisnance Bonds Eor the following ~5 ~ Improvement Projects: CO 88-OB9 - Traffic 91gna1• and Lighting, Highland end Milliken Avenues; m 88-095 - xed Mill Park Maintenance Pacillty; CO 88-152 - replacement of Nhite Aldei Tracts; and CO 88-173 - Ninth Street Aehabilitatien, Vineyard to Baker Avenues. Co 88-OB9 Faithful Performance Bond $ 81,332.00 ~.~:e:...,; e.:.:e:..l...e..,.e L....~~ CO 88^095 Maintenance Guarantee Bond $ 16,764.00 CO 88-15'e Haintennnee Guarantee Bond S 3,745.80 CO 88-173 Fait hful Performance Bond $109,388.65 (rataingd act Mai ntsnanca Bond) E. CONBRPf ORDINANCEB TDe folloaing Ordinances hl~e Dad public hearings at tDe tLe of Sirst reading. Becond rulings are ezgeted to De routine and non-controprsial. Thep will be acted upon Dp tDe couch aC one tine without diacm •ion. TDe Citp Clerk rill read LDe title. Asp itu can u rafo~ed for discussion. 1. ENV RO NTP SS W )6 AMENDMENT 91-03 - CITY OP PANCHO CVCAMONGA - A proposal to amend the Etiwanda Specific Plan Land Uee Hap from Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling unite per acre) to Low Medium Residentiai (4-9 dwelling unite per acre) for the following eubnreae within the Etiwanda Specific Plan: Approximately 87.52 scree bordered on the north by Miller Avenue; on the east by Eaet Avenue and a utility corridor; on the south by the Poothi ll Boulevard Spaci Eic Plan boundacy, which is approximately 530 feet north of Foothill Boulevard; and on the west by Etiwanda Avenue. The City Council will also coneidar Low Reeldentlal (2-6 dwelling units per acre) aB an alternative land uee deeignat ion for this entire area. The Planning coo.siegion recommends approval. - APN:~ 1100-137-01 and 02, 1100-141-01 and 02, 3100-151-01 and 02, 1100-181-01 and 02, and 1100-191-01. P 1muL'~ ~ , Z City COUncil Agenda _ ! August 7, 1991 7 OADINMCE NO. 451 (second reading) r ]6 AN ORDINANCE OF TliS CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO COCMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN ANBNDIOSNT 91-03, SUBAREA 2, AI@NDINC THB BTIWANOA SPECIFIC PLAN LAND U36 NAP FROM NBDIUM AESIDBNTIAL (8-14 DWELLING UNIT9 PER ACRE) TO LOW MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (6-8 DWELLING UNITS PER AOAEI near^as*___, _, ,,,-- - PLAN REQVIAEIRNT POA APPROXIMATELY 87.52 ACAE9 OP LAND BORDBAED ON TAE NOATN BY MILLER AVENUE) ON TFOS 611ST EY EAST AVENUE AND A UTILITY CORRIDOR] ON THE SOUTH SY TNB 800'lHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN BOUNDARY, WNICA TS APPRO%IMATELY 530 BEET NORTH OP POOTAILL eOULEVARDI AND ON THE WEST EY BTIWANDA AVENUE, AND LAMING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN, 3100-131-01 AND 02, 1100-141-01 ANO 02, 1100-151-01 AND 02, 1100-183-01 AND 02, 1100-191-01 F• ADVERTISW PUBLIG BEMINOS The following clue have Men advertieM sad/or posted ae public heeringe a required by law. The Cbeir will open !M eeeting to receive public testiaoay. 1. CONSIDERATION OF ORDBRIt7C THE VACAT70N OP A NATION OP ~~ ~ ALLEY LOGTBD SOUTH OP NINTH STREET AND VINMM TO SIERfU1 MADA6 AVENUES AESOLVTION NO. 9i-227 S1 A ABSOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TO E8 VACATED A PORTION OP M ALLEY LOCATED SOUTH OP NINTH STREET PAON VINMM TO SIERRA MADFtH AVENUE O. PUELIC BEMIN08 TAe folloriag itge here ao legal puDlieatloa or posting requireunta. The Chair rill open the acting to receive public Lestieoay. 7 ' f City Council Agendn Auguat 7, 1991 8 1. CONSIDSAATION OP VPDATIN6 BLECTAICAL REGULATIONS - Thia 8Q ' La a xequaat to hold preliminary filet reading of the ordinance and to set the date of September 6, 1991 for public hearing to consldar adoption of the 1990 National Elactxical Code with cattalo amendment e. ORDINANCE NO. 311-A (preliminary lending) 8~ AN ORDINANCE Ot TN8 CITY COUNCIL OP TF~ CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONGA. CAr.rawoura AMENDING CHAPTER 15.26 6LBCTRICAL CODE, OP THE RANCHO CUCAMOtHiA MUNICIPAL CODE/ AND ADOPTINO BY REFERENCE TH6 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 1990 BDITION~ KITH CERTAIN AMENDMENTS, ADDITIONS, DELETIONS ANO 6%CEPTIONS TO SAZO CODB 2. CONSIDERATION OP AN APPEAL OP ORI/8A I'O MITIGATE 9S STRUCTUfUL HAZARDS OP UNRBINPORCBD MASONRY STRUCTURE - 8847 NINTH STREET - SCHBU MANUFAC'fUAING COMPANY - Th1a ie an appeal of an order of the Building official to mitigate structural hazaide of an unreinfoicsd masonry building, sent under the authority of Ozdinance No. 417. 8. CITY MAMA66E'S STAFF REPORTe sue following itaea do not legally require any public leatiawnY, although [be chair say open tae eweting for public input. 1. CONSIDERATION OP A RSCYCLEC PRODUCTS POLICY AND SO3 ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ORDINANCE No, 328-A (first rending) 105 AN ORDINANCB OF TNS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO WCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AffiNDING CIDIPTEA 3.08 OP THS RANCHO CUCAHONGA CITY CODE BY ADDING SECTION 3.08.240 RELATING TO PROCUREHBNT OP RECYCLED PRODUCTS 2. CONSIDERATION OP RESOLUTION AHEND ING SPECIAL TA% POR 10~ A.D. 88-2 DRAINAGE INFAASTRUCTVRB ma i ~~~[,``[ City Council Agentla i ti-`(" Auquet 7r 1991 9 ABSOLUTION NO. 91-228 1~7-W ~ A RESOLUTION OP TNH CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTAHLISNING AND AMENDING ANNUAL SPECIAL TA% FOR A CONMVNITY PACILITIBS DISTRICT I. COUNCIL NVSINEEB The follorinq itua have banes requeatad by the Cilp Comcil for diteuuioa. Thay are not public hearing itga, although tha Chair uy opera the areliag for public input. los 1, v POA TN8 LBAGUE OF CALIPOANZA CITIES ANNWIL MEETING 2. CONSIOHRATION OP RBCOMMHNDATION ON SELECTION OP lil CONSULTANT TO PABPARE REPORT AND RBCO14@NDATIONS ON DSLIVBA OP DEYSLOPMENT REVIEW SERVICES eY THB CITY AND THB PIRG DISTRICT. TO BS PONDBD PROM CITY ACCOVNT NO 01- 4285-6028 (6011 AND PLRH DISTRICT ACCOUNT NO. 6980 (40\,1 J. I CATION O Tbia is tha Lice for City Council to identify the itaa thap wish to diwuN at the next aweEiag. Theses itue rill not M diacuuad at this aaatiag, wlp identified for the next aeetiag. R• COIdNNICATIONB PROM THH PUBLIC Thies i. the tiw and pLq for the gaaeral public to addros the city Council. Htat. law prohihite the City Council frw addnsaing nap iaaw not pravioualy included on the Agenda. Tha Citp Council sup receive tutiawap and NC the utter for a aubaequeat eeetiag. Cowata are to b. liaJted to five duutea per individual. L. ADJO[RUNOIMT I, Dehra J. Adams, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accureta ropy of the foregoing agenda was posted on August 2, 1991, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54953 at 30500 Civic center Drive. I July 3, 1991 CITY OF RAHCHO CUCAMONOA CITY COUNCIL NINVTES Regular Meetinc A. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of thR Rancho Cucamonga Clty Council wag held on Wednesday, July 3, 1991, in the Council Chambers of the civic center, locnied at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Tne meeting was culled to order at 7:05 p.m. by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councilaiembere: William J. Alexantler, Cher lee J. Buquet II, Duane Williams, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Managet; James Markman, Clty Attorney; Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager; Jerry e. Fulwood, Deputy City HanagerJ Rick Gomez, Community Development Director; Olen Jones, Sr. ADA Analyst; Tarry Bmith, Park Planning/Developaent Superintendent; Laura Bonaccorei, Landscape Designer; Brad Buller, City Planner; Jassy GuarracLno, Aeei stant Planner; Joe O'Neil, City Engineer; Shintu Boee, Deputy City Engineer; Sigmund Dellhime, Management Analyst II; Mika of iviez, Sr. Civil Engineer; Betty Miller, Associate Engineer; Walt Stickney, Associate Engineer; Bob Zetterberg, Public Worker Maintenance Manager; Jeff Barnes, Parke/Landscape Maintenance Superintendent; Joe Schultz, community Services Director; Ingrid Blair, GIS Supesvieor; Jim Hartr Administrative Services Director; Sue an Neely, Finance officer; Duane Baker, Aee ratan[. to the Cicy Manager; Diane O'Neal, Management Malyet II, Susan Hickey, Management Analyst I; Jan Sutton, Deputy City Clerk; Lt. Mike Ingram, Rancho Cucamonga Police Department; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. x • x B. ANNOUMCBNENTS/PRESSNTATIONS el. Presentation of Proclamation Aecognizinq July as Park and Recreation Month. Mayor Stout presented the proclamation to the Park and Recreation Commiaslon. Marsha Banker, Chair of the Park and Recreation Commieeior., thanked the Council for the proclamation and the Commission proceeded to distribute shirts to the City Council. 82. Presentation of Proclamation to the Villa Del Rey Retirement Home for their eupport of the D.A.R.E. Program and pflrtlcLpation in "Adopt-A-Grandparent Day." City Council Minutes July 3, 1991 Paae 2 Mayor Stout preeented the proclamation to Lt. Hike Ingram, Police Department. r • • x ~ C. COMNUNICATIONB PRRON TBE PUBLIC C1. Phil Deatherage, 6564 Etiwanda asked if there woultl be a Public Safety Commission/city Council meeting to diecuee law enforcement on July 25. Hayor Stcut et ated that meeting would occur on July 25, 1991. • • . • ~ Q. <•ANBIDIT CALENDAR Dl. Approval of Warrants, Register Noe. b/i2/91 and 6{19J791 and Payroll ending 6/fi/91 for the total amount of $2,346,179.23. D2. Approval of Mille Act Agreement 91-01 - Lord HOUSe, a proposal to implement the use of the Mille Aci to reduce the property ter on the historic property located ai 6791 Hellman Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga. D3. Approval of Hills Act Agreement 91-02 - Htppard Ranch, a proposal to implement the use of the Mille Act to reduce the property tax on the historic property located a[ 13181 Victoria Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga. D4. Approval to release a Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement for 5751 Cabroea Place, located south of Wilson Avenue and west of Haven Avenue, submitted by Randolph and Sandy Davie. RESOLUTION NO. 91-177 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCNO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RELP.ASING A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT FROM AANOOLPH AND SANDY DAMS D5. Approval of Agreement fot Installation of Public Improvement and Dedication between Falipa Reese and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Sidewalk and Wheelchair Ramp improvement a, located along the western and northwestern portion of the Reese parcel for the sierra Radre Avenue-Ninth Street t0 310 test south of Chaffey Street alley project. RESOLVTION NO. 91-178 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPAOVEHSNT AND DEDICATION FROM FELIPA REBSE AND AUTHORI'G ING THE HAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE SANE D6. Approval to authorise the Mayor to execute an Owner Participation Agreement (CO 91-039) with Foothill Associates. City Council Minutes July 3, 1991 Aar 3 07. Approval to award and nuthorization for execution of a Professional Services Agreement (CO 91-040) Eor Bridge Inspection for Arrow ROUte ezidge ~ ?mprovercrente, located at Cucamonga Creak, for the amount of $15,000.00, to be funded from systems Development Account No. 22-4637-8738. D8. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement ExteneiOn for Tract 13318 Landscape, located on the south east corner of H@YOla6a Avenue and Nanzanita Drive, submitted by Bayoun Development. PESOLUTION NO. 91-179 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY oP AANrNn CUCANONGA, CALIPORN IA, APPROVING IHPROVBNENT AGREBNENT BXTBNSION ANO IMPROVEMBNT 88CURITY FOR TRACT 13310 LANDSCAPE D9. Approval to release bonds for Tract 9400, located on the north aide Of Banyan Street between Beryl Street and Carnelian Street. Release: Faithful Performance Bond $ 28,000.00 Labor and Material Bcnd $ 14,000.00 D10. Approval to release Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Tract 13443, located On the southwest corner cf Victoria Park Lane and Fairmont way. Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 48,751.00 MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Williams to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimou0ly, 5-0. x ~ x + 6. CONSBN'r 0ADINANC63 E1. CONSIDERATION OF ENVIRO NTAL SSESSMEN D INDUSTRIAL SPE IFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-03 - CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the Tnduatrial Area Specific Plan to modify the 6xteneive Impact Commercial Uae and to add the Indoor Wholesale/Retail Commercial Uea and its related Development criteria within the Specific Plan area. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declarati0 n. ITEM PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILNEMBER WRIOBT. ORDINANCE NO. 948 (6eCOnd reading( AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CSTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-03, ESTABLISHING REGULATZ ONS FOR THE INDOOR WHOLESALE/RETAIL COMMERCIAL USE, MODIFYING THE DEFINITION OF EXTENSIVE IMPACT COMMERCIAL USE, AND MART NG PINDINGS IN EUPPORT THEREOF E2. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING FUNDING AVAILABLE FROM SOUTH COAST AIA QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT fSCAOM01 City Council Minutes ,IU ly 3, 1991 o. _ n Debts S. Adamer City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 469. ORDINANCE NO. 449 (second reading) AN ORD INANC6 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, BSTABLISHING A MOBILE SOURCE AIR POLLUTION REDUCTION PROGRAM KOTION: Moved by euquet, seconded by Alexander to waive full reading and approve Ordinance No. 449. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. aaaraa DIBCUBBIOM O} ITAN 61. CI} 9 - A ragaaaC to aNnd the Iaduatrid Arq Bpscific Plan to axxllfp iha 6:Lwaiva Iapact Coa'Nreial Vw sad is add the Indoor Whaluala(Ratail Coaareial uu sad its related daolopuat eribria within the Specific Plaa area. Staff racaraada Lauaaea of a Negative Declaration. Councilmember Wright stated at the previous meeting there were two clauses she thought were going to be included with the approval of this Ordinance. One was a consumer protection clause which would assist the consumer to trace where the goods came from, and the second clause was a wny to trace cash register receipts in order to sestet with City tax dollars. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated at the last meeting the portion that was deleted from this Ordinance was the aspect of outdoor swap meet e. The other elements were to be included in any Cond it tonal Use Permit application that ie forthcoming. He et ated this Ordinance is to define the use, not setting those additional regulations for the use. He continued to state an application for this use was coneitlered by the Planning Commission at their last meeting, and these conditions were part of that. Councilmember Wriyht asked if there was a way to be sure that these conditions were always applied, antl not just at the discretion of staff. Brad Bullet, City Planner, stated he believed a specific condition would be beet handled at the time of the Conditional Use Permit. In addition, he did not expect rheas types of urea to occur on a frequent basis. Councilmember Wright stated she did not want to leave it at the discretion of staff or the Planning Commission, and did not want it to be dl ecretionary or negotiable. She Eelt it should always be included with any Conditional Uae Permit. She asked if there was anything the Council needed to do to be sure this would happen. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated they could prepare an amendment to the Industrial Specific Plan after diecueeions with the Attorney to be sure this ie appropriate to place in this ordinance or Lo use another mechanism in which it could be put in the code to highlight the criteria. Councilmember Wright asketl if this could come back in August or September City Coune it MSnut68 July 3, 1991 Pngn 5 Brad Buller, City Planner, stated yee. i Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 448. ORDINANCB NO. 446 feecond rending) AN ORDINANCE OF TH6 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INDUSTRIAL ARRA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDNBNT 91-03, BSTABL ISNING RBGULATIONS POA THE INDOOR WHOLBSALB/RETAIL COHMBRCIAL USB, MODIFYING THS DEFINITION OP 6XTBNSIVS IMPACT COMMERCIAL USE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THHREOP MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Buquet to waive Full reading and approve Ordinance No. 44E with staff to bring back the additions] language in August as requested. Hotion carried unanimously, 5-D. } # R 1 • f P• ADVERTI BED PUBLIC 6611RINOE ITEN6 !1 AND P4 WBA6 BEARD AND CONBIOSRW AT T66 BANS TIME. F1. CONSIDBAATION TO APPROVB ANNUAL BNGINEBA 5 REPORT RESO UTION POR THE ANNUAL LEVY OP ASSBSBMENTS WITHIN S APB AINT N RICTS NOS 1 2 3A ~ 4 5 6 ] A.ND B S 9 Staff report presented by Joe O'Neil, City Bngineer. Mr. O'Neil introduced Warren Divan, of Brown R Divan, wha was available for any technical questions. COUnrilmember Buquet asked if the City hee already started to replace old irrigation lines with new systems. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer, stated yee. Councilmember Auquet asked if the amount proposed includes any surplus funding or reserves, and asked if this waa actual operating costs. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer, stated this did not include any surplus and the figures shown were the actual. operating costs. Councilmember august asked if there were other options available for exnloratior. in lieu of raie ing the aeeeeement. Rick Gomez, fommunity Development Director, stated there are no options at this time. Councilmembar Alexander clarified no options or it would mean lase service if the aeeeeement was not increased. Rick Gamer, Community Development Director, concurred with this statement. city Council Minutes July 3, 1993 Page B Councilmember Buquet asked for staff to explain the varloua levels of maintenance, which Mr. O•Nell continued to do. ~ Councilmerober Wright inquired ae to what level the parka are being recommended at. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer, stated the A level. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the Clty Council were: Tom spaneer, 11199 Delaware, Vletoria, felt landscaping should be may^~~+^°a _ _ c_..c.... ...n.e w°u an angineex'e Repozt he could look ei. Mayor Stout referred him to Rick Gomez, Convounity Development Director, for this information. Rober^_ Belotti, 11143 Brentwood, stated he was upset when he first henrd of the increase. Ne did not know why the homeowners had to pay for the increased coat e, and questioned the amount of the increase. He also felt when there were multiple residents in one building, it should be divided among all the zeeidente. He also felt all commercial owners should have to pay for landecapinq maintenance. He added ha is willing to pay hie fair share of the increase, but not more than that. Hike Handell a, 13998 San Dimas, Brentwood Development, stated hie assessment would go from $75.00 to $400.00. He did not feel there was enough publ lc notice to the resident e. He felt he was already paying hie fair eh are for services. He also reported about the poor condition of the landscaping at the present time. He felt there should be a park in hie area also. He et ated there hoe not been a et rest sweeper in hie area either, end felt the streets were in poor condition. He felt the City Council shoo ld wait to do eceathing unlit more people move into District 7 before the assessment increases. Roberta Coffer, 12574 Nasturtium, £elt this should not be heard on the evening before a hot iday because there were people going out of town. She wanted to know what they would get for the increase in assessment. she felt possibly larger trees should 6e planted when replacement ie needed because she felt the emal ler ones break in the wind. Jae O'Neil, City Engineer, pointed out that the money collected for a particular District would have to be spent in that District. He also stated forty more acres have been added to the Victoria District. Mayor stout explained tc Me. Coffer that her water rate hoe gone up over 2001 far her District. He al eo pointed out that any frost-damaged landecapinq would be replaced. Greg Corob, 13926 San Dimas, complained about the date of the meeting being July 3, the night before a holiday. He did not want to have to pay for someone aloes landecapinq. City Council Ninutea July 3, 1991 Aoyv i Mayor stout inquired if when Mr. Corob bought hie house wee he aware what hla assessment would go up to ana did he see the diecloeure for this. ~ Mr. Corob stated he did, but thought it applied to when hie area was fully landscaped, ana that it to now only landscaped about St. He stated he would like to see the Brentwood arse only have to pay for their particular area. Aichartl Hind, 14034 San Dimas, questioned the tree replacement co ate, and the Aeeeaement Administration end Overhead Charge e, antl questioned the breakdown for this. He etetetl he cgoputed the increase to go up 535a. Ha mentioned the diecloeure he enw when he bought hie h,vno e~..e! ~ - -- increase was the Community yacil idea District For the Pits District and did not think the diecloeure wee Correct. He stated hn did not agree with the increase in nseeeement, and did not feel there were enough unite to pny for this aeaeasment. He felt the people should decide what type of landscaptng they want in their Diattict. Jeff Rummage, 13997 San Dimas, stated he supported what hie neighbors previously said. He did not feel they should have to pay for landscaping that was not there yet. Cynthia Holl ie, 13948 Creecenta Way, asked what it Se that the District would be maintaining and at what coat. She stated currently Lhe maintenance of that area costa $27,200.00, according Co the information she received from the builder of her steer whtch does not include paying for water and utilities. She added there were 365 lots there, but did not think that all of those would be taxed - only those that were built on, leaving 131 that were built, being built, or permitted to be built. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer, stated the property goes on the Assessor's role when it ie subdivided, not when it ie built or lived on. He stated there are currently 767 aaaeenmenr parcels in that District that will be assessed. Mike Simon, 12833 Carieea Court, eteted he felt the City was watering too much creating too much run-off water. He felt this hearing shoo ltl be reachedu led for another time when people are not out of town due to the holiday. Sheryl Crawford, 11537 Colorno Drtve, scared she appreciated the lantlecaping she sees in rho Victoria area. She stated the residents want to know that the City Ccuncii i,ears chem. she asked if the increase was necessary if more people were moving in. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer, stated there has not been a subetant ial increase in total Unit a. Mayor Stout stated when there were more people, the ae eeeament would go down. Mr. Crawford asked if there was any excess after the aeeesement was collected, what would happen to that money. City Council Mlnuees July 3, 1991 Pala a Joe G•Neil, City Engineer, stated one suggestion was that the excess could help defray future coats by placing it in an account. ~ Mayor Stout asked why this was being heard tonight. Jack Lam, City Hanager, stated the reason this was being heard tonight was because of the financial impacts being placed on the City, and that the City cannot wait any longer to do this. He stated the City stands to l.oee more money because of what the State might do tc balance Ste budget. He also added the City has given more public notice to the residents than ie requited eo that they would be aware of the meeting tonight. Greg Corob, 13926 San Dimas, asked why this could not be heard next weak. Jack Lam, City Manager, commented this process was usually done in June, and that the city has postponed this to this week to see what the State was going to do that might have an effect on the City. Ae added the city Council needs to adopt these aeeeeemente. Hr. Carob asked why Phillips Aanch did not have n Landscape Maintenance Assessment District and aekad why Rancho Cucamonga does. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated it was because Pomona has a utility users tax eo they do not need Landscape Maintenance aeeeeemente. He also commented on the breakdown of the monies collected in aeeeeemente and how much each pu611c agency receives from property taxes, which was due to Proposition 13. Robert Belotti, 1.1143 Brentwood, felt the City should look at other ways of landscaping so that they don't lose trees, and suggested they use Larger trees so they won't blow down. Jeff Hollis, 13948 Crescents way, etatetl he did not think there waa ¢nough landscaping to make sense for the increased aeaeeement. He asked wh_v the aeaeeement went from $75.00 to $400.00. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer, told about the formula for the increase. A gentleman (ditl not identify himself) came to the podium and stated he did not agree with the prof acted aeaeeement, and asked that they pay according to what ie actually in place now ineteatl of the total projection for the year. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer, stated he could not come back to the Council asking for an increase in the aeaeeement, and that was why they were asking for approval of the projected aeaeeement for the year. Jack Lam, City Manager, added staff could not come back to the Council at mid- year, and that was why they have to go with the projection now. Chris and Brandon Marston, 6794 Culorno Court, Victoria, aekad if Central Park had anything to do with the increased aeaeeement. City Council Minutes July 3, 1991 cage v Mayor Stout stated no. The Maraton'e also expressed therr concerns for the usage of the parka. I Phil Dentheraga, 6564 Etiwandar asked that ae the tree that ie dying behind him starts to ba removed and replaced with another one, can he have it to put in hie yard to plant. Councilmember 9uquet pointed out to the reaidente that they need to contact the Clty whey they see something that Se not right. Jim mhie.vl. vnei we.-... n.....« _ _ water rates for hie area. He felt the Clty water~~too much.•Y Ne euggeeied there be a five year water plan and for the City to consider desert landscaping. He felt It was not a good idea to increase the aeaesamant. Mike Uoveseya, 6869 Rovoto, District 2 area, asked various quest Lone about the engineer•e report. Richard Schmidt, 7747 Belvedere, stated he did not see any frost damage to the treas. Mayor Stout elated an example was on the south aide of Base Line. Mr. Schmidt stated there were brown spots and trees not in good conditLOn at the park on Church and Spruce. He stated there were lights that were not working properly either. He also commented on the people that loiter around Arrow Highway and how they were being used by the City's contractor to work on the landscape maintenance. James Markman, City Engineer, stated they cannot do this because it was against their contract. Mr. Schmidt also complained about the meeting being held on 4th of July eve. Cou nc ilmember Baguet cosmented on how you coultl not please everyone ae far ae a meeting date, and also reiterated Jack Lame previous comments about this. Mayor Stout commented on the water rates increasing and how the Cucamonga County water District went about doing this, and asked if the ree Ldente knew about the increase. Mr. Schmid[ asked how the City Council would vote on the assessment increase. Counci lmember euquet stated he knew how he would vote, but did not want to prejudice the other Councilmember'e at this point. He also commented he felt it might b¢ necessary to raise the assessment in ortler to save hie lnvesiment and not let the City get run down. He stated some of the euggeationa that people are hringing up, i.e., water eeneor deviceer are already being used by the City. City enuncll Mlnutsa July 3, 1991 Page 10 Bob Cordon, 5582 San Sevalne, District 7, stated they were concerned about the large increase Ln assessment. He asked if District, 7 could ba. postponed until the next meeting so that those present could hove a chance to review the Engineer's Report and have it explained to them. H¢ asked it those who ident if Sea themselves tonight could have a copy mailed to them. Mayot Stout felt each year the residents in each Assessment District shoo ld get a report as to what La happanLng with their Assessment District. He al eo felt the reeitlente should have a say ae to what level of service they want for their Dist Yict. •ecw~• Mayor St cut called a recess at 9:35 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 10:06 p. m. with all members of Council present. •f~ihi Nancy Erskine, 5799 San SevaSne, 8tiwanda North area, eeked that District 7 be continued until the residents could understand the Engineer's Report better. She stated in her area specifically, she did not think the City maintained any of the landscaping. She suggested the City wait to increase the aesese:oant until there were more people in the District 7 area. She aLea egaplained about the meeting being held the night before a holiday, and felt more notice should have been given. She mentioned the disclosure that the homebuyete got was not specific enough ae to what their assessment would be for the future. Ed Hedney, 9122 Aealea, felt the City was circumventing Proposition 13 by assessing people through the Landscape Maintenance Districts. He stated ha was not proud to live In this community because of what was going on here. James Hackman, City Attorney, stated the Landscape District aaseeemente do not circumvent Propoa it ion 13. He added that this ie the first time that he knew when the assessment charged would actually pay for the entire maintenance cast for the Districts. Council member Buquet asked if once a rate ie set, could it bs decreased later on during the year. lames Markman, City Attorney, stated no, but that you could rebate part of the money if the City wanted to. Ne added he did not think the rates being proposed were abnormal compared to the other cities he repreeente. Alexa Rodriguez, 13962 San Dimas, Brentwood area, etatad he felt he did nct get adequate information when he called the City about this matter. He eeked if 520,000.00 would come off hie bill for replacement of treas. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer, etatad it depends on whether these were trees that needed to be replaced or not. Ciiy Council Minutes July 3; 1g?1 Pages 11 Hr. Rodriguez contlnuad to ask varloua questions about the Hnginear'a Report, and suggested the landecapinq plan needed to be looked at again. Mayor BCOUt pointed out that erentwootl was built under the County, not the City. Ray Stuehrmenn, 12440 Lily Court, thought possibly the City was getting "ripped off" by the landscaping contractor because they did not do a good job. He did not think the Clty Council should poespone this and felt they ahoultl make the decie ion tonight. Phil Deatherage, 6564 Htiwanda Avenue, et ated he did not think the increase should have been such a loxes imm~ ~ ___ , c.:.. ...~ uuc agree ....., +ww cna city Council was doing this. Aobert Helotti, 11143 Hrentwootl, stated they would like to get an extension on this matter to work with staff and coma to an agreement on the amount eo that everyone was happy. He Eelt everyone should ba as9eeeed an equal amount, or it should go to the voters to decide. there being no further response, the public hearing was close. Councilmember Wright stated she felt the people were proud of the look, but that the people were saying they do not agree with the aeaeeement end that the City should take it easy on them. She stated she felt Assessment Diatricte were developed eo that they would pay for the infrastructure. She stated she felt the developer should have paid For th ie. She stated where she lives, the homeowners take care of the landecapinq. She Stated she felt there should have been workshops on each Maintenance District, She felt further investigation was needed on this matter and that it ehouid be questioned. She wanted to know why the mall was left out of District 2 and felt it should be In all of the Diatricte except l and 3. She felt possibly the City should require a lesser level of service other than level A. She felt possibly eeitaore should be piianod in instead of doing them all at once. She questioned Sf the administrative costa should be added into thia, and that possibly more thought should qo into it. She questioned the 550,000.00 of design work, and felt St could be held up for now. She fe1C the Cucamonga County Water District should be present to hear the residents concerns regarding the water. She felt the City Council should consider the residents' financial situations also. She felt it was not too late to do something to include the residents input. Councilmember Buquet stated tY.e infrastructure was put in by the developers. He did not think landecapinq and other items should be turned over to the developer. He stated the City Council costa were not included in the administrative overhead coat e. He stated he felt it was up to the City council to make the tough decisions. He stated the City Council has talked to the Cucamonga County Water District about the gray water situation for a couple of years now, and that they feel alternative measures are needed. He stated he liked the Mayor's suggestion to mail out an annual report to all residents in each Assessment District. He felt the City does try to des everything pose ible far notification on these matters. Clty Council Mtnut ea July 3, 1991 Page 12 Councilmember Williams stated she al eo wne glad to hear the reeidenia were happy to see the lush landscaping, but understood that the res ideate just want to get ~ their money's worth. She felt it was a good Idea to get the reeltlente' Input ae to what landscaping level thsy want and What level of service they would like. She felt District 7 needs to be taken a look at. She asked if thore wee something that could be done for amid-year alert eo it dose not get out of hand again. Councilmember Alexander atated many people at. the City have talked to the water District and etree9etl the point that the City needs lots of notice for increased water rates. He eiated he felt the workshop idea was good and eo were many others that were brought up. He atated he did not think the .e „~„ der..oaeve -__, :cr 'e even cnuugh the aseeasment wee going up. 'Ns atated hs dtd not want-the City to digress. Hayor Stout et ated he would like to see every resident in each Assessment District get a copy of the Hngineer•e Report For their Aeeeeement District eo they would know about the rates and everything else that Le included in this report. He suggested a tear-off card be part of this which could be returned to the City ae to what the residents want for their particular District, He atated he felt this was a fair way to manage the Aeeeeement Districts. Ne atated he agreed with Councilmember Alexander that the conusunity has a certain quality of life and would want to maintain that. He felt the residents ehcu ld decide what level of service they want. Ne felt a decision should be made tonight. Councilmember Williams asked if Dietrfet 7 could be pulled out from the vote tonight. toe o~Neil, City Engineer, commented there were 76 homes in that District. Counc ilmember Buquet suggested that they look at District 7 in two weeks and work with the Public works Subcommittee to try to Work something out. Mayor Stout Celt the Council should go forward with this tonight, put the item on the agenda for the next meeting for an adjustment to go downward, if the Subcommittee wants to review it and give a recommendation to rife Council. RESOLUTION NO. 91-180 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, TO LEVY AND COLLECT A35ESSMENTS WITHIN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS NOS. 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 4, 5, 6, 7 AND 8 FOR FISCAL YEAR 1991/92 PVABVANT TO THE LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 IN CONNECTION WITH LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS NOS. 1, 2, 3A, 38, 4, 5, 6, 7 AND 8 MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Buquet to approve Reso lu Cion No. 91-180. Motion carried 4-1 (Wright no). Councilmember Wright atated she was voting no in keeping with her longstanding position that she did not believe Aeeeeement Districts should be increased without the vote of the people. City Council Minutes July 3, 1991 Page 13 F2. CONSIDERATION TO aopR0V6 AuNOffi ENGINEER'S REPORT AuD_ABSOLUTION POR THB ANNU T EVY OF A cg MENT NITHIN T ~T LI HTIN •INTENAuCE DISTAICT3 NOS• 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 AND S FOR FISCAL YEAR 1991/92 Staff report presented by Joe O'Neil, City 8ngineer. See Item P1 above for discussion. AESOLVTION NO. 91-1&1 A AESOLUT ION OP THS CITY COUNC IT. OP THR CITY nP naxCMn CUCAMONGA, fJ1LIF0ANIA, TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSHBNTS NITHIN STABET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS NOS. 1, 2, 3, d, 5, 6, 7 AND S POR FISCAL YEAR 1991/92 PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ACT OP 1972 IN CONNECTION WITH STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS NOS. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 AND 8 MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Alexander to approve Resolution No. 91- 1&1. Motion carried 4-3 (Wright no). Councilmember Wright stated she was voting no for the same reason she voted no for the prey ioua Resolution. • w • R F3. CONSIDERATION OF ENVIRONMENT ASSESSMENT 0 T V L P 3fi 9~ LUNA - An appeal of the Planning Commieaion'6 decis±on to require that Parcel 2 take access from Northridge Drive for a residential subdivision of one acre of lard into two pazc¢le in the Very Low Residential District located on the north aide of Northridge Orive, waei of Haven Avenue - APN 201-132-29 (related file: variance 91-Od). (APPELLANT AEQU68T8 THIS ITEM BE CONTINUED) Mayor Stcut stated there has been a request on behalt of the appellant that this item be continued and asked the feeling of the Council on this before they proceed. James Matkman, City Attorney, stated there were map act tlmelinee involved with this because this waa the 30th day, and stated it was necessary to commence the hearing even if they wanted to continue it. The City Council dec tded to hear the staff report and partially discuss the item. Staff report by Betty Hiller, Associate Engineer. Various questions were asked ae to the layout of this area. Councilmember Wright felt there should be no split or option I or J Mayor stoat opened the meeting for public hearing. city Council Hlnutes July 3, 1991 Page 14 RESOLUTION NO. 91-182 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TH8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REQUEST POR A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP, NUHBEA 13693, TO SUBDIVIDE 1.0 ACRE INTO TWO BARGEES IN TNS VERY LOW RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF NORTHRIDGB DRIVE, WEST OF HAVEN AVENUE - APN: 201-182-29 NOTION: Moved by Buquet: seconded by Alexander to continue the public Deering to July 17, 1991. Motion Garr led unanimously, 5-0. : • • • • a P4. CONSIDERATION OF THE BNVIRANIgNTAL INITIAL STUDY, PARTS I AND II. POR THE PROPOSED HAVBN AVENUE REHABILITATION AND WIDENING PROJECT - 4TH STREET TO NORTH Staff report presented by Mika Olivier, Sr. Civil Mayon stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. RBSOLUT ION NO. 91-183 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL INITIAL STUDY AND ISSUANCE OP A NEGATIVB DECLARATION FOR THE PROPOSED HAVEN AVENUE REHABILITATION AND WIDENING - 4TH STREET TO NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Williams to approve Resolution Nn, 91-193. Y.oticn carried w:nnimoualy, 5-0. t • . • . . D. PUBLIC HSAAINGS G1. CONSIDERATION OF DEVELOPHENT REVIEW &9-18 BOOTH An appeal of certain conditions of approval for the tlevelopment of a building contractor's office and storage yard tota:inq approximately 8,500 square feet on 1.35 acres of land in the General Industrial District (Subarea 13) of the Industrial Area Spec if lc Plan, located aL 9037 Charles Smith Avenue, eat of Rochester, north of 6th Street - APN 229-271-41. Staff report presented by Jeriy Guarracino, Resistant Planner. Hayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Atldrseeing the City council wee: John Dalrymple, owner of the property, felt this was an unreasonable request, and felt it was the state's property, not the City•e. There being no further response, the public hearing was closed. City council Mlnutea July 3, 1991 Fags i5 RESOLUTION NO. 91-184 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO ~ CUCAMONGAr CAL IPOANIA, VPNOLD ING THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEN 89-18, SVBJECT TO THB CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 91-49, AND DENYING TN6 APPEAL FOA TH6 PAOJSCT LOCATED AT 9037 CHARLSB SMITN AVBNU6, IN THE GENEIUL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (SUBAREA 13) OF TNB INDUSTRIAL AREA 9PSCIP IC PLAN, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded 6v Stout to aoorove Resolution No. 91-186. Notion carried unanlmou sly 5-0. G2. CONSIDERATION OP R80 3 V - - Located on the south aide of Vlctoris Street and east of 8tiwanda Avenue. (COalSaued frw Jma 5, 1991) Staff report presented 6y Jack Lam, City Manager. Hayor Stout asked if Lt could be required that the fees be deposited at the time of the appeal. James Harkman, City Attorney, stated yea, and that staff was looking for approval of Hr. eanke' appeal tonight and direction to draft an ordinance which would take care of similar eituat ions on a policy baste only when considering a Minor Development R¢view matter. xe stated staff could have the applicant deposit the then exieti ng fee level to preserve it. Hayor Stou[ opened the meeting for public input. There being no response, the public comments were closed. Hayor Stout stated he felt the Council shoo ld follow staff's recommendation with respect to this appeal and the ordinance change far Minor Development Reviews, but would like a provision included that tha applicant poet the current fee at the time of the appeal to preserve the fee Sn ortler to do it. MOTION: Moved by Huquet, seconded by Wright to grant the appeal. Notion carried unanimously, 5-0. NOTION: Moved by august, seconded by Alexander to instruct staff to prepare the proper ordinance tc codify the policy as directed. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. • + • • e H. CITY MANAOER'8 BTAFP REPORTS H1. CONS IDEAATION AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION FOA TATE LIBRARY GR NT APPLICATION Staff report presented by Linda Daniels, Deputy City Manager, who added staff hoe had a conversation with Barbara Anderson to confirm that the City Council Mlnutea July 3, 1991 Page 16 Aeeolut ion to be adopted by the Board of Supervisors was on their agenda and ehs also indicated she saw no reason why this would not be approved eo it could bar ino laded with the application. Councilmember Wi ll rams asked for a copy of the Resolution to be approved by the Eoard of Supervisors. RESOLUTION NO. 91-135 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, HARING APPLICATION TO THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY POA CALIFORNIA LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION ANn ..'.D:' --- n awnu Acl' PUN05 AND MAEINC FINDINGS IN SUPPORT TNEREOP~w NOTION: Roved by Wi ll iema, seconded Ay Stout to approve Re solution No. 91-135. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. f R f i! f H2 LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OP ALMOND AVENUE WEST OF EAPPHIAB T S TEO AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES POR UNDERGAOUNDINC UTILITI63 ACCBPTED AY TXE CITY COUNCIL ON OCTOESR 18 1989 SUBMITTED BY NORDIC DEVE OPHENT C17MPANY A GENERAL PARTNER OF SKYLINE I LTD Staff report presented by Jack Lam, City Manager. The Caurcil wanted to make sure that this new company had nothing to do wish the Nordic group. RESOLUTION NO. 91-186 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI POANIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREBMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES FOA AMENDING TRACT NO. 10210 AND RELEASING THE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS AND SECURITIES PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED RESOLUTION NO. 91-157 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITOMY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR TRACT 10210 MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Huquet to approve Aeeolut ion Nas. 91-136 and 91-18'1. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. City Council Minutes July 3, 1991 M1~ i • • • • • No Items Submitted. • • • • • • J1. Councilmember Baguet asked that the Librery Subcommittee follow-up on JoB Schultze memo regarding the County library tax. J2. Councilmember Nuquat naked that staff prepare a citisan contact form or follow-up procedure. Jack Lam, city Manager, stated every complaint that comae in to the City Hanager'a office ie logged Ln and tracketl which 10 a new eyelem. He added if staff finds this system works it will be expanded to the other departments. Councilmember Buquet stated he would like to sae an evaluat ton of what we are doing to be sure it Le getting routed to the appropriate departments. councilmember Baguet ateted this dose not have to came back at the next meeting, but at the earl ieet possible meeting. • • • • • e ZCA IONS No cortuounicat ion was made from the public. L. AOJOUR)0~1T MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Williams to recess to Executive Sees ion to discuss personnel matters. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. Tha meeting recessed at 12:15 a.m., not to reconvene. Respectfully submitted, Debra J. Adams, CMC city Clerk Approved: July 17, 1991 CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA CITY COUNCIL HINUTHB Aeaular Meeting A. CALL TO ORD6A A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho cvcamongs was Aeld on Wedneeday, July 17, 1991, in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drives, Aancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting wne called to order at 7:35 p.m. 6y Mayor Dennis L. 6tout. Present were Councilmembere: William J. Alexander, Cha[les J. euquet II, Dlene W Llliams, and Hayor Dennis L. Stout. Alao present were: Jack Lam, City Mangez; James Harkman, City Attorney, Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager; Jerry B. Pulwood, Deputy Cily Nnnagar; Rick Gomez, Community Development Director; Tarry Smith, Park Planning/Development Superintendent; Olen Jones, Sr. RDA Analyst; Brad Bulls[, City Planner; Anthea Hart ig, Aaeocia[e Planner; Alan Warrenr A6eoc late Planner; Joe O'Neil, City Engineer; shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer; Barrye Hanson, Sr. Civil Engineer; Betty Miller, Aaeoci ate Engineer; Robert Zetterberg, Public Woke Maintenance Manager; Toe Schultz, Community Services Director; Jvo Nart, Administrative Services Director; Susan Neely, Finance Officer; Ingrid Blair, GIB Supervisor; Duane Baker, Ae aietant to the City Hanager; Diane O'Neal, Management Analyst II; Jan Sutton, Deputy City Clerk; Chief Dennis Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Fize Protection District; Capt. Bruce Zeiner, Aaneno Cucamonga Polics Departmsut; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. AbBeht WBB COUnCi lmembeY: Pam¢la J. Wright k • f • t B. ANNOVNCBMBN'Pe/PRHSENTATIONS B1. James Markman, City Attorney, stated he was reporting on what occurred at the Executive session from the last meeting, that the C.ourtcil unanimously directed hie office to file Bu it challenging the adequacy of the Environmental Impact Report on the county`s approval of the University crest project and challenging the validity of the project in view of the fact that the County's housing element hoe not been approved by HCD, and eny other grounds the City can find to validly contest that action. He stated a suit would be filed by July 24. + + • ~ . . City Council Nlnutee July 17, 1991 Paoe 2 i C1. Jackie 8olde, 11849 Nt. Gunnison Court, thanked the city for the recent 4th of July celebration at Red Hill Perk stating how much hsr family enjoyed the activities that were planned. Councilmember Buguat added the City staff puE a lot of work into this successful event. C2. Marcus Bolpnon, 914 Placer, Ontario, naked that item 03 be moved forward on the agenda. Rayor Scout stated ne could not do that because of all of the other items placed on the agenda. Ii • ! R t 1 D• CONBmFf CALENDAR Jack Lam, City Manager, pointed out that itmo D14 hoe a modified Roeolution because of the Snclueion of en additional eaeeaient. D1. Approval of Minutes: June 5, 1991 June 13, 1991 June 19, 1991 (Alexander absent) July 1, 1991 D2. Approval of Warrants, Register Noa. 6/26/91, 7/3(91 and 7/10(91: and Payroll ending 6/20/91 for the total amount of $927,895.12. D3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule ae of June 30, iSSi. D4. Alcoholic eeverage Application for Off-Sale Beer & Wine for Smatt a Final, Smart 6 Pinal Stores Corporations 8675 Beae Line Aoad. D6. Alcoholic Beverage Application for OfE Sale Beer 6 Wine for Ron Shelley's Chevron, Ronald L. Shelley, 8687 Baee Line Roatl. D6. Approval to authorize the Advert lsement of the ^NOtice Inviting Bida" for the Heritage Park Ballf field Lighting Improvement Project ae budgeted in the 1991- 92 Fiscal Year Budget. D7. Approval of Public Safety Commi ee ion recommendation of a resolution supporting legislative of forte to empower peace officers to remove unsafe commerc lal vehicles from streets and highways. Clty Council Minutes July 17, 3991 Page a RBSOLUTION NO. 91-188 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING LBGISLATIVE EFFORTS TO EMPOWER PROPERLY TRAINED PEACE OPPIC8R5 TO REMOVE UNSAFE COMt~@RC IAL VEHICLES PROM STREETS AND HIGNWAY9 DS. Approval of Map Parcel Hap 12779, located on the north aide of Ranyan Street, east of Deer crook Channel, submitted by Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency. ABSOLUTION NO. 91-189 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PAACBL MAP NO. 12779 D9. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement and Improvement Seeurit Lee Yor Tract 13565-1 thru Tract 13565-d, located north of 24th Street and Baat of Wardman Bullock Road and release of previously submitted Improvement Agreement and Improvement Securltiee accepted by the County of Ben Bernardino on October 3, 1988, and traneferrefl to the city of Rancho Cucamonga on November 1, 1989, both submitted by standard Pacific, L.P. RHSOLUTION NO. 91-190 A RENOLUTIDN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CZTY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES FOR TMCT 13565-1 THRU TRACT 13565-9 AND RELEASING THE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVBMHNT SECURITIES PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED BY THE COUNTY OP SAN BHRNARDI NO ON OCTOBER 3r 1988, AND TRANSFHRRED TO THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ON NOVEMBER 1, 19 H9 D70. Approval to execute Flood Control District, Zone 1, Almond Intercept Common Uee Agreement No. PA 18405 (CO 91-041) fnr Box Culverts at Skyline Road and Almond Street. RESOLUTION NO. 91-191 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITN SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT POR IMPROVEMENTS AT SKYLINE ROAD AND ALMOND STR&HT D11. Approval to execute contracts for computer hardware and software maintenance with NBI Inc. (CO 91-042) in the amount of $14,292.00, Frime Computer (CO 91-043) in the amount of $32,747.00, and Weetek Computer (CO 91-044) in the amount of $34,200.00, to be funded from Contract Services Account Number 33.4130- 6028 for Fiscal Year 1991/92. City Council Hinutee July 17, 1991 oay G D12. Approval to execute Renewal Agreement for the Citywide Emergency and Routine Equipment Pavement Repair, Shoulder Grading, and Debris Removnl Annuel~ Naint enance Contract (CO 69-132) with Laird Construction of Rancho Cucamonga, California, for the amount of $85,000.00 to be funded by Account Number 01-4647- 6028. 013. Approval to accept Improvement e, Release of Bonds and Notlce of Completion for Tract 13662, located on the southeast corner of Baee Line Roed and Haven Avenue. RESOLUTION NO. 91-192 A RSSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPOAN IA, ACCSPTINO THE PUBLIC IMPAOVEIffiNTS FOA TRACT 13662 AND AUTHORIZING THB FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORE D14. Approval to Vacate a Portion of an Alley located south of Ninth Etreet from Vinmaz to Sierra Madre Avenues, setting the date of Public Hearing for August 7, 1991, and waiving administration fee far vacation request. RESOLUTION NO. 91-193 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONCA, CALIFOAN IA, DECLARING ZTB INTENTION TO VACATE A PORTION OF AN ALLHY LOCATED SOUTH OP NINTH STREET PROM VINMAR TO SIERRA MADRE AVENUES HOT ION: Roved by Buquet, seconded by Williams to approve the Consent Calendar including the modified Resolution. Hot ion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Wright absent). • x • • • • E. CONSENT ORDINANCES No Items Submitted. • • : • • • F. ADVRRTISRD PUBLIC NEARINOB P1. CONSIDERATI'ON OF ENVi RONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MRP 13693 LUNA - An appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to zequ ire that Parcol 2 take access from Northridge Drive for a ree idential subdivision of one acre of land into two parcels in the Very Low Residential Dletrict located on the north side of Northridge Drive, west of Haven Avenue - APN 201-1&2-29 (related file: Variance 91-04). (ITIDI CONTINUED FROM JULY 3, 1991) Staff report presented by Betty Miller, Associate Sng inset. Mayor 5t out re-opened the public hearing. Address ing the City council were: City Council Minutaa July 37, 3991 Page 5 Charles Doekow, Attorney in Upland, and representing the homeowner's association, stated he felt the neighbwrs were a close neighborhood. Ha thanked the Council for continuing this matter to this meeting eo he could he present. He outlined for the Council what has taken place at the Planning Commission meetings. He pointed out that the neighbors hays nn ambiance they want. Ne felt the roads shoo ld be matle to comply with Northwood e' CCSR'e. He felt the original application that staff bed accepted was the beet one. He asked that the City Council grant the appeal and reverse the Planning Commission's decision. Oliver Day, Architect in Walnut and representing Hr. Pan - owner of Lot 30, wanted to confirm hie position and stated he did not think the Planning Commieelon•e decision was made on sound principal. He added he felt all of the propertlee should be facing north. Steve Luna, 8990 19th Street, stated he was in agreement with Nr. Fan and the homeowners' recommendation. He stated, however, that they would propose an alternative plan to accept Plan I or J with an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication on Parcel 2 for future development in the event thoes two lots would tlevelop ae specified on the plane. Linda Frost, Prae ident of the Northwooda Homeowners A69ociat ion, stated their concerns deal with the CC6R'B. She felt there was a sense of community in the neighborhood of Northwootle Development. Bhe etatad she would like to see the Homeowners Aseociatlon continue. Bhe expressed she was concerned how the rest of the area would develop because she did not want this same situation to occur again. Peter Fan, owner of Lot 30, et ated he agreed with what the owners of Nort hwood6 were trying to do. He etatad he die agreed with Option I or J and felt Parcel 2 should acceea ac roes Parcel 1. There being no Curtner response, the public hearing was closed. Ceuncilmember Buquet et ated he had met with Mr. Luna yesterday and had gone through the options included with this decision. He did not think there should be ingress /agrees on Northridge Drive. He stated he would like the City Council to consider adopting options I or J, which were consistent with the City's street circulation plan. He also felt to preclude further encroachment to the south, that by doing this, there would not be a need for something to have to go down to Northridge. He felt access should be allowed from Parcel 2 through Parcel 1 ae a flag lot on a temporary basis until exhibit I or J comes to pass ae far ne an approval of a project, at which time Mr. Luna would be required to have Parcel 2 tie into the extension of the col-de-sac, or the extension of Cartilla. He added in the meantime, to protect the City, they could seek an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication, which would be the property necessary to tie in. He felt this would allow both propert tee to orient to the north and would solve the problem short term for both lot e, and in the long run would provide fox better plnnning of that whole area. He felt this would need to come back, but should only come back to the City Council and not the Planning Commission. City council Minutes July 17, 1991 oaf < Couneilmember Alexander stated he felt what Councllmember Buquet stated was a viable eolutionr and added he did not think the two lots should have to Comply with the CCGR'S of the Northwoode Development. Councilmembet williems felt Counci lmember euquet'e suggest ion was a workable solution, especially on a temporary basis the flag lot idea. She suggested something be drawn up eo that the land was dedicated to insure that in the future the access would go over to the other street. She felt it should come back directly to the council. Mayor Stout stated he felt there was not ever going io be en access to the south. Xe stated ha did not have a problem with the flag lot originally proposed, and dose not have a problem with Ceuneilmember euquet'• or Mr. Luna's suggestions. He was adamant that these two neighborhoods should ba kept separate. He stated he knew Eras the last meeting that councilmember Wright aLo felt that the two ne ighborhoode should be kept separate. Councilmember Buquet stated he felt the City Attorney should prepare the necessary variance, and waive the coat of the original variance because of this action. Hayor Stout stated what he was hearing Councilmember Buquet say was that he would like to see a master plan set, whtch ie exhibit I, prepare the proper documentation to do the split, and conditions be placed so that Patcel 2 would be oriented towards the potential cul-de-sac ae far ae deeign goes; however, it would take temporary access across the northern portion of parcel 1. Councilmember Buquet stated it would be a temporary access until such time ae a development of an extension of the street for the cul-de-sac, and also the development on Parcel 2 would be subject to regular deeign review process and preceduree for a single lot development, but oriented toward a future cul-de-sac Ghat lined up with Cartilla. Councilmember Alexander stated he did not want to see a lot of pavement ge down if possible. RESOLUTION N0. 91-182 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF AANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REQVE ST POR A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP, NUMBER 13693, TO SUBDIVIDE 1.0 ACAS INTO 2 PARCELS IN THE VERY LOW RE 5IDENTIAL DISTRICT, LOCATED ON TNS NORTH SIDE OF NORTHAI DOE DRIVE, WEST OF NAVE AVENUE - APN: 201-182- 29 MGTIGN: Moved by Buquet, eeccnded by ALexandst to adopt the suggestion previously made by Councilmember Huquet and Hayor Stout with the understanding Councilmember Alexander may submit any other euggeetione he may have, to be brought back at the next meeting. city council Ninutaa July 37, 1991 'rage 7 Brad Buller, City Planner, stated the alternatives for Lot 30 were done for the purpose of study to determine what were the opt lone and potential poseibil Ltlae of the land. He stated when the applicant does decide tc divide it, if they can ~ come in with another alternet ive, they would be free to do this. Ne etnted the council's action tonight dose not necesearlly lock in that divieicn of land ae shown. He stated this wne done to show potential division. Mayor stout stated he felt they were setting a master plan for the street pattern which mny have some effect on this. He stated the owner may not divide the late ae specified in the suggestion, but felt the street pattern should be eat ae a master plan and adopt a Resolution or whatever to do this. James Hackman, City Attorney, stated he felt they could work towards the Council's goal, and stated if a variance wee necessary it would haw to go beck to the Planning Commission because they nct in finality on variancaa and they hays not done that yet. He stated they would try to work on something that does not require a variance, but that it iE does, the Commission would have to haw a shot at it, and if they approved it, it would not have to come back to the Council. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated the Planning Commission did approve a variance that would not require an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication ae shown in the exhibitet there tore, a new variance would have to ba applied for because that reduction in land in Pareel 2 would require a redeecrlbed variance. James Markman, City Attorney, et at ed there may be a way to work around that, Counci lmember Buquet stated h¢ would like to streamline this and not tak¢ up a lot of time. James Hackman, City Attorney, stated there would be a Resolution to come back in two weeks approving the new configuration on whatever conditions staff thinks will create the least further requiretl action. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Wright absent) % % f Y Y R F2. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE PEE AE SOLUTION FOR PERMITS AND USER FEES POA PROVIDED SERVICES Staff report presented by Jim Nart, Administrative Services Director. :.syor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the City Council were: Frank Will lame, 8400 Hermosa, representing the Building Industry Association, dietribuied a handout to the City Council and continued to explain what was in the news article. He stated the informer ion submitted to the City Council in June, 1991 was not made available to him and was City Council Minutes July 17, 1993 Pays E lnterestad in what was in that report. Na etnted he would like the Council to finish their work with the Planning Commission on the review proceeeae before they go forward with thin. He felt the Council has not ~ heard anything the residents mentioned et the previous meet Loge. Councilmember Alexander asked what the coat would be per unit according to Mr. Williams information he distributed. Mr. Williams, BIA, stated hie figures were per unit. councilmember Williams naked him to explain Gha formula he was referring to. Councilmember Buquet commented on some of Mr. Williams previous comments and added this type of increase has not been done aloes 1986-85. Ms inquired as Lo why Hr. Will isms wee just now coming to the council with this infornation at the final hour. Mr. Williams, 9IA, stated he did not wait until the last minute, that he did not have all of the information until the end of la et week. Mayor Stout ndtled that Mr. Williams' comments were listened to at the previous workshop, but that the Council did not agree with all of the comments made. He stated Hr. Williams woe previously told to put all of hie concerns in writing, and that just because the City Council did not agree with him does not mean they were not listening. He stated staff had made the changes that the Council suggested from the previous workshop. Mr. Will Lame, BIA, asked about the Planning and Engineering fees, which Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director, explained to him. Mt. Williaroe, BIA, eteied should the fees remain ae ie proposed, they ~.vould challenge *_hie in court. Joe Oleson, Lewis Homes, stated they are a member of the BIA and have participated in this process. Me stated hie concerns were the Planning tees for Dee ign Review and the RPP process. He stated staff has bean very cooperative. He felt there was a connection between Planning fees and the work being done by the subcommittees of the City Council and planning Commission on the Design Review process. Mayor Stout stated they were trying to make this revenue neutral. Mr. oleeon, Lewis Homes, stated because of the Planning Commission fees being so high, they were paying more for this aspect than the design of the project. Councilmember Buquet stated efficiency was used within the RFP being developed, and that ae Mayor Stout mentioned, they were trying to make this be revenue neutral. City Council Nlnuhs July 17. 1991 Pegs 9 There being no further response, the public hearing was closed. i Councilmemher Wi111ame stated she felt what came out of the workshops Le what was Doing proposed. She felt there should have been a continual audit of the toes In the past, and that it should continue in the future. She suggested to Mr. Williams that he bring hie handouts to the City Council sooner rather then the night of the meeting. She felt the City's goal was only to recover 1008 and no more. Councilmembsc Alexander stated tf there were overeharges made because of Lhe proposed lncreaees, there would ba a roll book. RESOLUTION N0. 91-194 A RESOLUTION OP TEIB CITY CODNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONCA, CALIPOANIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NOS. 79-1, 79-1- A, 79-1-B, 79-7, 79-31, 81-66, 51-66-A, 81-111, 8L-168, AND ESTABLISHING A NHW COHPREF6NSIVE PBB SCHEDULE POR PERMITS AND SERVICES PROVIDBD BY ALL CITY DBPART!ffiNTS, TH$ RANCNO CUCANONGA PIRG PROTECTION DISTRICT AND THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA POL ZCE DBPARTI~NT MOTION: Roved by Alexander, seconded by Buquet to approve Reaolut ion No. 91-194. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Wright absent). x . . Mayor Stout called a recess at 9:00 p.m. The meeting was called back to order at 9:30 p.m. with all members of Council present (Wright absent). • . • • • . Items P3, F4 and FS were cone idered at one time. F3. CONSIDERATION OF BNVIRCNMENTA_ ASSESSM.NT AND GENERAL P M A NDMENT 90 0 - GROUP 66 PARTNHRSH IP - A request to amend the General Plan Land Uee Nap from Medium Resident ial (e-14 dwelling unite per acre) to Commercial for 10.89 acres of land located on the north aide of Poothill Boulevard east of Etiwanda Avenue. The airy Council will also consider Low Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling unite per acre) and Office as alternative land use designations - APN: 1100-161-04. The Planning Commission recammende approval of the Commercial designation and i66Uance of a Negative Declaration. C011SIDERATION OP ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND POOTNILL BOULEVA_D S PLAN AMENDMENT 90-03 - GROUP G6 PARTNERSHIP - A request to amend the Poothill Boulevard Specific Plan Land Uee Nap in Subarea 4 from medium Residential (8-14 dwe111ng unite per acre) to Community Commercial for 10.89 acres of land located ant he north aide of Poothlll Boulevard east of Etiwanda Avenue. The City City Council Nlnutaa duly 17, 1991 Pays .~ Council will also conaidsr Low Medium Aeeidential (4-e dwelling units par acre), Commercial Office, sad spaeialty Commercial as eltsrnstivs land use duignations - APN: 1100-161-06. The planning Commies ion recommends approval of tM Community commercial dseignatiort and issuance of a Na9at ive Declaration. ~ Stetf report presented by Alan Narran, Associate Planner. Mayor stout opened the meeting for public hearing £or General Plan Amendment 90- 028 and Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment 90-03 - Group 66 Partnership. Addressing Che City Council were: Ven Stevens, Porma, Civic Canter Drive, stated they supported the atnff report and the Plannlnq Cammaaemn n ue....,,... Andy Gurney, 12926 Chestnut, asked what would ba built there. Mayor Stout stated there were no epecif is buildings proposed at ibis time, 4hat this was only a coning designation. There being no further response, the public hearing was closed for OpA 90-020 and PBSPA 50-03. RESOLUTION NO. 91-395 A RRSOLUTION OF TH8 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY CF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIAr APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 90-02B AMENDING THB GENERAL PLRN LAND USE HAP PROM MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (B-14 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) TO COMMERCIAL (NITH A RASTER PLAN REQUIREMENT DESIGNATION) POR 10.89 ACRES OP LAND LOCATED ON THE NOATN SIDE OF FOOTHILL BOULEVAA6, EAST OF HTIWANDA AVENUEr AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THHAEOP - APN: 1100-161-04 RESOLVTION NO. 91-196 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMCNGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIPIC PLAN AMENDMENT 90-03 AMENDING THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIPIC PLAN LAND VSE MAP FAON MEDI UN RESIDENTIAL (8-16 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) TO COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (WITH A HASTHR PLAN REQUIREMENT DESIGNATION) POR 30.89 ACRES OP LAND LOCATED ON THE NORTH STDE Op FOOTHILL BOULEVARDr MAST OF ETINANDA AVENUE, AND MAKING PINDINGS IN SVPPORT TtBREOP - APN: 1100-161-04 MOTION: Hovel by euquet, seconded by Alexander to approve ReeOlut ion Noe. 91-195 and 91-196. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Wright absent). • • • • a City Council MSnutaa July 37. 1993 Pegs 11 P4. ~7S ID8AATI0N OP eNVIR0NH8NTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 91-OlA - PLANNING NBTWORK - A request to emend the Genetsl Ylan Land Use trop from Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling unite per acre) to Commercial for 2.0 ecru of lane located on the northeast corner of Poolhill Boulevard and Etiwanda Avanua. Tha City Council will also consider Low MedLws Residential (4-e dwelling unite per acre) and Office ae alternative land use deeignatlona - APN: 1100-161-02. The Planning Conmieeion recommends approval of the Commercial designation and issuance of a Negative Declaration. PLAN AMENDMENT 91-03 - PLANNING NETNO$$ - A taquset to amend the looihill dwelling unite par acre) io'COmmunity Ca®ercial for 2.Oyacrea ofulnndelotsiad on the northeset corner of Foothill Boulevard and Htiwanda Avanua. Tha City Council will also consider Low Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling unite psr acrsf, Commercial Office, and specialty Commercial ae alternative land use designations - APNt 1100-161-02. The Planning Commission recommends approval of the Community Commercial designation and issuance of a Negative Declaration. Staff report presented by Alfln Warren, Aseocieta Planner. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for publ tc hearing far General Plan Amendment 91- O1A and Foothill Boulevard spec if lc Plan Amendment 91-03 - Planning Network. Addressing the City Council wee: Charles Cummings, owner of property to be rezoned, stated the Planning staff was very cooperative and helpful. He stated they aze in support of what ie being proposed. There being no further response, the public hearing was closed for GPA 91-01A and FHSPA 91-03. RESOLUTION NO. 91-197 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AIfl;NDHENT 91-OlA AMENDING THH GENERAL PLAN LAND USE HAP PROM MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (8-14 DWELLING UNITE PER ACRE) TO A COMMERCIAL DESIGNATION WITN A HAETSA PLAN REQUIREMENT POA 2.0 ACRES OP LAND LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OP FOOTHILL BOULEVARU ANO ETIWANDA AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 1300-161-02 RESOLUTION NO. 91-198 A RESOLUTION OP T_HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-03 AMENDING TNS FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE MAP PROM MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (5-14 DWBLLING UNITS City Council Minutes July 17, 1991 Pays i2 PEA ACAS) TO A COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DESIGNATION WITH A MASTBR PLAN REQU IIIEMENT FOR 2.0 ACAE5 OP LAND LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OP FOOTHILL BOVLBVARD AND ETIWAHDA AyENDE, ANO HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THBREOF - APN: 1100-161-02 MOTION: Hoved by Baguet, seconded by Alexander to approve Resolution Noe. S3-}97 and 91-198. Notion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Wright absent). a w « t • x F5. T 91-OYB - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A oromael hn amend ~Fe n. ..._ . __o -ar.. -- ...y nwuium Resident Lal (8-ld tlwelling unite psr acra)'to, Low Medium Resident lal (h8 dwelling unite per acre) for the following subareas within the Etiwanda end Foothill Boulevard Specific Plnn arena: 1. Approximately 14.20 ncree bordered an the north by Foothill Boulevard, on the seat by the eastern City limit e, on the south by exist Lng Low Mediwo Residential designated land, and on the west by e utility corridor. The Planning commission racomnende denial. - APNS 229-041-10. 2. Approximately 18.46 ncree bordered on the rorGh by the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan boundary, which ie approximately 530 feet north of Foothill Boulevard; on the east by a utility corridor; on the south by Foothill Boulevard] and on the west Dy Etiwanda Avenue. The City Council will also consider Commercial and Office ae alternative land use deaignat ions for Ghie entire area. The Planning commission recommends approval of the Commercial deei9nat Lon for the properties from Btiwande Avenue to appcox imately 1,277 feet east of Etiwanda Avenue and the Office des i9nat ion for the rest of the properties in this subarea. - APN: 1100-161-C1 through 04 and a mrt tOn of 1100-2^1-01. 3. Approximately 27.89 scree bordered on the narthwaet by the Ontario (I-15) Freeway, on the eeet by Etiwanda Avenue and existing Low Medium Residential designated }and, and on the south by commercially designated land bordering Foothill Boulevard. The City Council will also consider Low Residential (2-4 dwelling unite per acre) as an alternative land use deaignat ion for this entire area. The Planning commteeion has no recommendation. - APN: 227-211-02, 04, O5, 09, 10, 15, 20 and 29. 4. Approximately 87.52 acres bordered on the north by Miller Avenue; on the eaeC by Eaet Avenue and a utility corridor; on the south by the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan boundary, which ie approximately 530 feet north of Foothill Boulevard; and on the west by Etiwanda Avenue. The City Council will also consider Low Residential (2-4 duelling unite per acre) ae an alternative land use designation for this entire area. The Planning Commission recommends approval. - APN: 11D0-131-01 and 02, 1100-141-01 and 02r 1100-151-01 and 02, 1100-181-01 and 02, and 1100-191-01. City Counoil Minutes July 17, 1991 Pa9: .., 5. ApproxLnataly 30.72 acres bordered on the northwest by the Ontario (I-15) Freeway, on the east by Baet Avenue ana exietinq Low Nedium~ Resident Lal designated land, and on the south by Hiller Avenue. The City Council will also consider Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units par acre) ae an alternative land use designation for this entire area. The Plannlnq Commission has no recommendation. - APN: 1100-031-OB, 1100-041-04 through 10, 1100-053-03, and 1100-061-02 through 04 and portions of 1100-071-01 and 02. 6. Approximately 11.09 acres bordered on the north by Base Line Road, on the southeast by the Ontaxlo (I-15) Freeway, and on the west by exietinq Low Medium Residential deaf nnatnA :...,, m:.e n:«- ,.___c- :.--- also consider Office and Neighborhood Commercial ae alternative land use deeignatlona for this entire arse. The Plannlnq Commission recommends denial. - APN: 1100-053-01 and 02 end 1100-061-01. 7. Approximately 30.09 scree bordered on the north and west by exietinq Low Medium Reeldential deeignated land, on the east by exietinq office deeignated land, and on the south 6y Base Line Road. Tha Clty Council will also consider Office ae an alternative land use designation for this entire area. The Planning Commission recommends approval. - APN: 227-131-34 through 36, 52 through 54, and 61. 8. Approximately 20.34 acres bordered on the north by the Southern Pacific railway, on the east by the Ontario (I-15) Freeway, on the south by exietinq Office deeignated land, and on the west by exietinq Low Nedium deeignated lantl end divided in a north-south direction by Haat Avenue. The City Council will also consider Low Residential (2-4 dwelling unite per acre) ae an alternative land uea designation for this entire area. The Planning Commission recommends approval for the prooert iea west of East Avertue and denial for the propert iee east of Eaet Avenue. - APN: 227-131-OS antl 227-141-36 and 66. Th¢ Planning Comnd ee ion recorrerda issuance of a Negative Declaration. IRONMRNT L ASSESSMENT O FOOTHILL BOULEV SPECIFIC P AMEN 91-02 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A p[oposal to amend the Foothill Boulevartl Specific Plan Land Uee Hap from Medium Resident ial (e-14 dwelling unite per acre) to Low Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling unite per acre) for the following subareas within the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan: 1. Approximately 14.20 acres bordered on the north by Yoothill Boulevard, on the east by the eastern City limit e, on the south by exietinq Low Medium Resident ial deeignated land, and on the west by a utility corridor. The Planning Commission recommends denial. - APN: 229-041-10. 2. Approximately 18.46 acres bordered on Che north by the Foothill sou leverd Specific Plan Boundary, which ie approximately 530 feet north of Foothill Boulevard; on the east by a utility corridor; Cn the south by Foothill Bou levardr and on the west by Etiwanda Avenue. The City Council will also cone ider Community Commercial, Commercial Office, and Specialty Commercial ae alternative land use deeignat ions for this entire area. The City Council Nirtutea July 17, 1991 Payv^o 1. Planning Commies ion recommends approval of the community Comercial deelgnntion for the properties from Btlwanda Avenue to approximately 1,27 feet east of Btlwanda Avenue and the Commercial Office designation for the rest of the properties In this subarea. - APNi 1100-1G3^O1 through 04 and a portion of 1100-201-01. The Planning commission recommends iaeuence of a Negative Declaration. BNVIRONIffiNTAL ASSBSSMBNT AND BTIWANDA SPBCIFIO PLAN ANENPlBNT 91-03 - CITY O RANCHO CVCAMONOA - A proposal to amend the 8tiwanda Sp¢cif is Plen Land Uae Nap from Helium Residential (8-id dwelling unite par acre} to Low Medium Residential (4-0 dwelling unite per acre) for the following subareas within the Btlwanda Specific Plan: 1. Approximately 27.89 acres bordered on the northwest by the Ontario (I-15) Freeway, on the east by Btlwanda Avenue antl axistiny Low Nediuw Residential deeig~ated land, and on the south by commercially designated land bordering Paothill Boulevard. TAe City Council will also consider Low Residential (2-4 dwelling unite par acre) ne an alternative land use dealgnatlon for this entire area. TRe Planning Comaiesion has no recommendation. - APN: 227-211-02, 04, O5, 09, 30, 15, 20, and 29. 2. Approximately 87.52 acres bordered on the north by Nilier Avenue; an the east by Baet Avenue and a utility corridor; on Lhe south by the Foothill Boulevard Specitic Plan boundary, which Le approximately 530 feet north of Foothill Boulevard; and on the west by Et iwnnda Avenue. The City Council will also cone idnr Low Residential (2-4 dwelling unite psr acre) ae an alternative land use deeignat ion for thin entire area. The Planning Commission recommends approval. - APN: 1100-131-01 and 02, 1100-141-O1 and 02, 1100-151-01 and 02r 1100-181-01 and 02, and 1100-191-01. 3. Approximately 30.72 acres bordered on thw nort hweat by the Ontario (I-15) Freeway, on the giant by Baet Avenue and existing Low Medium Residential 3esignated land, and on the south by Miller Avenue. The Clty Council will also consider Low Residential (2-4 dwelling unite per cote) ae an alternative land use designation for this entire area. The Planning Commission has no reconmmendation. - APN: 1100-031-08, 2100-041-04 through 10, 1100-O63-03, and 1100-061-02 through 04 and portions of 1300-071-01 and 02. 4. Approximately 11.09 acres bordezetl on the north by Base Line Road, on the southeast by the Ontario (I-15) Freeway, and on the west by existing Low Medium Residential deeigneted land. The City Council will also consider Office Profeeeional and Convenience Commercial ae alternative land use designations for this entire area. The Planning Commieeinn recommends denial. - APN: 1100-051-01 and 02 and 1100-Ob1-O1. City Council Minutaa July 17, 1991 Page 15 5. Approximately 10.09 acres bordered on the north and v»et by existing Low Medium Residential designated land, on Che east by exietln9 Otflce de6ignated land, and on the south by Haee Line Road. The City Council will also consider Offlce Profecelonal ae an alternative land use assignation for this antlre gran. Tha Planning commission reeamarends approval. - APN: 227-131-36 through 36, 52 through 54, and 61. b. Approximately 20.34 acres bordered on the north by the Southern Pacific railway, on the east by the ontarlo (I-15) Freeway, on the south by exleting office designated land, and on the week by existing Low Nadlum designated lend and divided in n north-south direction Dy Bast Avenue. The City council will also consider Low Reeidentlal (2-4 dwellSe~ ~~^.___ per acre) ae an alteznatf ve +•^^_ :~~ ..rriynazton for this antlre area. e raannt ng Cammleelon recammende approval for the properties aea! of Beet Avenue and denial for the properties east of Baat Avenue. - APN: T27-131-05 and 227-142-14 and 66. The Planning Commission recommends issuance of a NegaCive Declaration. StafF report presented by Alan Warren, Associate Planner. MayoY stout opened the meeting for public nearing for General Plan Amendment 91- OSB, Htiwanda specific Plan Amendment 91-03, and Foothill Boulevard specif is Plan Amendment 91-02. Subarea 1 of Item F5 There being no response, the public hearing was closed. Subarea 2 of Item FS Brad Huller stated the City Council hetl a letter of support regarding this matter. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. Subarea 3 of Item F5 There being no response, the public hearing was closed. Subarea 4 of Item F5 Pets Pltaeei, architect at 9267 Haven, representing Gramercy Properties (owner of Subarea 4), stated ha felt if this was approved, it would De an unfa!r burden on the City towards its goals. Be felt the mall also would impact this area. He felt the I-15 noise and traftic would affect this area. He felt an "M" designation weuld be much more flexible for the private sector, and that Che "LN" deelgnation would decrease the number of unite for a :-esident lal project which woultl raise the coat to purchase a unit. City Council Ninutea July 17, 3991 Paae 16 John Peterson, attorney, 351 S. Lnks Ave., Pasadena, representing Gramercy Properties, stated he has sent two letters to the City Council etatinq~ their position on this matter. He pointed out to the extent thin proposal was carried through, the resulting displacement of development that would occur on the balance of the city was an item ha felt needed to ba addreeced ae far es 6nvironmantal Quality Act (CBQA). He mentioned that by atat inq there was no impact was an Lncorrect analysis with regards to traffic and drainage. He at ated he felt the Council should review what was being done before approving thin. He Eelt the Council should discuss this with the City Attorney, and because of the ramlflcat lone to the City, the potent inl for inverse condemnation before proceeding. xicnard warner, owner of property in Subarea 4 (20 scree), felt there would be a great coat because of drainage needed for thi• area which would be passed onto the home buyer, from $500.00 to $1,500.00 per unit because of the down-zoning. He felt there might be trouble getting undarwrlting for the drainage. He also felt there would be affects from the mall and the I-35 Preeway. He felt the rezoning of Subarea 2 to commercial would have a negati :~e impact to hie property if Lt was approved. Jeff Burum, 6057 Ostia, stated their concern was how the dawn-zoning would affect the housing element and the affordability issue. He stated they i,aJ discussed a plan with stacZ, wi„~.?~ he felt they were in agreement, and the Planning Commission felt it ahoultl be looked into. Their plan was the development of an overlay district that allowed the development of lots that are single family detached (4-e unite per acre) which the Etiwnnda Specific Plan dose not allow. There being no further response, the public hearing was closed. Subarea 5 of Item FS xichare Werner, owner of 18 acres in Subarea 5 et ated he did not think there shoo ld be single-family housing unite near the I-15 Freeway. He noted that the Planning Commission split their decision on this item. He felt there should be multi-family unite along thin corridor. There being no further reepanser the public hearing was closed. 5_~ea fi of Item F5 Berney Svalstad, owner of property in this subarea, felt the City Council should reconsider the Planning Commission's decision and felt it should be designated freeway related commercial far commercial ease. He felt it wcu ld benefit the City greatly. He st atetl ae an option he would suggest the City Council leave it as ie and allow for recreational uses as he previously mentioned. He stated they would like to have a golf course/driving range situation for hie property. Hayor Stout stated he felt a traffic study was needed. He stated he fell it would be better to find out if there were going to be any problems new. City Council xinutea July 17, 3991 Pag9 17 Mr. SvalBted etntatl he did not agree. Jeff Scerenka, 30068 Copper Hountain Court, stated ha did not think it whould W loft at a-14 unite par acre, but should be made Neighborhood/ Commercial and tleaignated ae such eo that Rancho CueamOnge residents do not go tc Fontana to shop. There being no further response, the public nearing was closed. Subarea 7 of Item PB There being no response, the public hearing was closed. Subarea 8 of Item P,5 John Fowler, 7198 Eaat Avenue, did not think hie property should ba changed to Low-Medium, and that it should be left at Medium pecauae of the locution. He felt the City would lose revenue if it were down-graded. There being no further response, the public hearing was closed. RESOLVTION No. 91-199 A RESOLVTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING 6BNEAAL PLAN AMENDMENT 91-020, BUBAAEA 1, A AEQVEST TO AHEND THE GENERAL PLAN LAND VSB HAP FROM MBDIUH RESIDENTIAL (8^14 DWBLLI NG UNITE PER ACAe) TO IAW HEDIVM RESIDENTIAL (4-8 DWELLING UNITS PBA ACRE) FOR APPROXIMATELY 14.20 ACRES OF LAND BORDERED ON TFIE NORTH BY FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, ON THE EAST BY THE EASTERN CITY LIMITS, ON THE SOUTH BY EXISTING L7N HEDIUH RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATSD LAMP, AND ON THE W65T BY A UTILITY CORRIDOR, AND MAXINC FIND INOS IN SUPPORT TY.EOgOo _ APN: 229_047-i0 RESOLUTION NO. 91-200 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN AHEADMENT 91-02, SUBAREA 1, A REQU&ST TO AHEND THS FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SP&CIFIC PLAN LAND VSE HAP PROM HBDIUM RES IOBNTIAL (8-14 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE( TO LOW NEDIUH RESIDENTIAL (4-U DWELLING VNITS PER ACRE) POA APPRO%IHATeLY 14.20 ACRES OF LAND BORDERED ON THE NORTH BY FOOTHILL BOULEVARb, ON THS EAST BY THS EASTERN CITY LIMITS, ON THE SOUTH BY EXISTING LOW MEDIUH AESIORNTIAL DESIGNATED LAND, AND ON THE WEST EY A UTILITX CORRIDOR, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 229^041-10 City Couneil xinutra July 17, 1991 Pean 18 RESOLUTION NO. 91-201 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF MNCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 91-028, SUBAREA 2, AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN LANG USB MAP PROM MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (8-14 ONSLLING UNIT9 PER ACAS) TO A COMMERCIAL DESIGNATION NITN A MASTBR PLAN RBQUTA6101NT POA APPAOX IMATSLY 4.25 ACRES OP LAND 430 FBBT NORTH AND 200 PEST EAST OP TNB NORTREAST CORNER OF FOOTHILL BOUP.BVAPD AND ETIWANDA AVENVB (APNs 1100-161-01 AND 03), AND TO AN OPlICE DESIGNATION WITH A MASTBR PLAN RBQUI PEIDSNT POR APPROXIMATELY 1.5 ACRES BORDBAED ON TFIE NORTIi AND WEBT BY EXrRTTNn Menntu RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATED LAND, ON THB EAST BY A UTILITY COARSOOA, AND ON THE SOUTH BY FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, (NSSTEIIN PORTION OF APNs 1100-201-03), AND HARING PINDINGfi IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 3100-161-01 ANO 03 AND A PORTION OF 1100-201-01 AESOLOTION NO. 91-202 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING FOOTHILL BOVLBVARD SPECIFIC PLAN Al~NDNENT 91-02, SUEAREA 2, AMENDING THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN LAND U3E HAP FROM MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (8-14 DWELLING UNITS PER ACPS) TO A COMMUNITY COt4IERCIAL DESIGNATION WITH A MASTER PLAN REQUIREMENT FOR 9PPROXIMATBLY 4.25 ACRES OP LAND 430 PEST NORTH AND 200 FEE2 BAST OF THE NORTHEAST COANHR OP FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND ETIWANDA AVENUE (APN: 1300-161-01 AND 03), AND TO A COlMERC IAL OFFICE DESIGNATION WITH A NAETER PLAN REQUIREMENT FOA APPAOXIMATEI,Y 1.5 ACRES BORDERED ON THE NORTH AND WEST HY EXISTING MEDIUM AESLDENT IAL DESIGNATED LAND, ON THE EAST BY A VT 2LTTy CORRIDOR, AND ON THE SOVTH BY FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, (WESTERN PORTION OF APN: 1100-201-01), AND MAEING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 3100-161-01 AND 03 AND A PORTION OP 1100-201-01 REEOLUTION NO. 91-203 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COVNC IL OF TH8 CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AI4,NDHENT 91-028, SUBAREA 3, AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USB MAP PROM MED IOM RESIDENTIAL (B-14 DWELLING UNITS PEA ACRE) TO LOW MHDIVH RESIDENT ZAL (4-B DWELLING UNSTB PER ACAS) FOR APPROXSMATEI.Y 27.89 ACRES OF LANG BORDERED ON THE NORTHWEST BY TH8 ONTARIO (I-15) FREEWAY, ON THE BAST BY ETIWANDA AVENUE AND EXISTING LOW MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATED LAND, AND ON TH8 SOUTH BY EXISTING COMMERCIAL DBS IGNATED LAND HOADHRING FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, AND MARSNC FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 227-211-02, 04, 05, 09, 10, 15, 20r AND 29 city Couneli Minute. July 17, 199I Page Io ORDZNANCE NO. 450 (fires reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP SIZE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING BTIWANDA SPSCIPIC PLAN Al~NDl~NT 93-03, SUBAREA 1, AHBNDING THE STSWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE MAP PROM MEDIUM AES IDSNTIAL (8-14 DWELLING UNITS PSR ACRE) TO LOH MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (4-8 DWELLING UNITS PER ACAS) POR APPROXIMATELY 27.89 ACRES OP LAND BORDERED ON TNS NORTHWEST BY THB ONTARIO (5-19) PREBWAY, ON THE EAST NY ETIWANDA AVBNUB AND BXIBTING LOW MBDIUM R85IDSNTIAL DBS IGNATSD LAND, AND ON THE SOUTH BY EXISTING COMIDSRCIAL DESIGNATED LAND BORDERING FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, ANO NAXSNG FINDINGS IN SUPPORT :..oro.,e - ,.rn: «i-<11-UT, 04, 05, 09, 10, 15, 20, AND 29. ABSOLUTION NO. 91-204 A RESOLUTION OF TELE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 91-028, SVSAREA 3, A REQUEST TO AMBND THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP FROM MEDIUM RBSSDENTTAL (8-14 DWELLING UNITS PSR ACRE) TO LOW MEDIUM RHSIDENTIAL (4-B DWELLING UNITE PER ACRE) POR APPROXIMATELY 27.89 ACRBS OP LAND BORDERED ON THS NOATNWBST BY THE ONTARIO (I-15) PRHEWAY, ON TH6 BAST EY ETIWANDA AVENUB AND BKIST INC LOW MEDIUM RESZDEIPTIAL DESIGNATED LAND, AND ON TEIE SOUTH SY BXISTING CONl~ACIAL DESIGNATED LAND BORDERING FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, AND HAX INC FINOSNGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 227-211-02, O4, O5, 09, 10, 15, 20, AND 29. RESOLUTION NO. 91-205 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING ETIWANOA SPECIFIC PLAN :.Aw^LT:H-aNT 's1-03, SUHARBA 1, A REQUEST TO AMEND THE BTIWANDA SPSCIPIC PLAN LAND VS8 MAP FROM MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (8-14 DWELLING UNITS PEA ACRE) TO LOW MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (4-B DWELLING UNITS PER ACAS) POA APPAOXINATELY 27. R9 ACR85 OF LAND BORDERED ON THE NORTHWEST HY THB ONTARIO (I-1H) FREEWAY, ON THE EAST SY ETIWANDA AVENUE AND EXISTING LOW IffiDIUM RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATED LAND, AND ON THE SOUTH EY EXISI'I NC COMMERCIAL DESIGNATED LAND BORDERING FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 227-211-02, 04, O5, 09, 10, 15, 20, AND 29 RESOLUTION NO. 91-206 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AHBNOMSNT 91-028, SUBAREA 4, AMENDING THS GENERAL PLAN LAND USE HAP PROM HED TUM RESIDENTIAL (8-14 DWELLING UNITS PSR ACAS) TO A LOW MEDIVY. RESIDENTIAL (4-B DWELLING UNITS PHA ACRE) DESIGNATION KITH A MASTER PLAN REQUIREMENT POR APPROXIMATELY 87.52 ACRES OF LAND BOADEREC ON THE NORTH BY MILLER AVENUES ON THS BAST BY City Couneil Minutes July 17, 1991 -rave 2v EAST AVENUE AND A UTILITY CORRIDOR) ON THB SOVTN BY THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN BOUNDARY, WHICH IS APPRO%IHATBLY 530 FBET NORTH OP FOOTHILL BOULEVARD) AND ON TIfE WEST BY ETIWANDA AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APNt 1100-331-01 AND 02, 1100-041-01 AND 02, 1100-151-01 AND 02, 1100-181-01 AND 02, AND 1100-191-01 ORDINANCE NO. 451 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO WCAHONGA, CALIFOANIAr APPROVING ETIWAHDA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-03. SUDAREA 2. AMENDING THE ETIWANOA SPRCiPTC PLAN LAND UBB NAP PROM NED IUM RBSIDBNTIAL (8-14 DWELLING UNITS PER ACAS) TO LOW NEDIUN RESIDENTIAL (4-B DWELLING UNITS PBR ACAS) DESIGNATION WITH A RASTER PLAN REQUTAENENT 10R APPROXIMATBLY 87.52 ACRES OP L?17D BOROHRED ON THE NORTH BY HILLER AVENUE: ON THE EAST BY BAST AVENUE AND A UTILITY CORRIDOR{ ON THE SOUTH SY TNS POOTR ILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN BOUNDARY, WHICH IS APPROXIMATELY 530 FEET NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD: AND ON THE WEST BY STTWANDA AVENUB, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT TNRREOF - APN: 1100-131-O1 AND 02, 1100-141-01 ANO 02, 1100-151-01 AND 02, 1100-181-01 AND 02, 1190-191-01 RESOLL•TION NO. 91-207 A RESOLVT ION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AlfENDIO'sNT 91-028, SUBAREA 5, AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE HAP FROM MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (8-14 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE] TO LOW MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (4-B DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) FOR APPROX INATBLY 30.72 ACRES OF LAND BORDERED ON THE NORTHWEST BY THE ONTARIO (I^15) FREEWAY, ON TNS EAST BY EAST AVENW AND E%ISTING LOW MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATED LAND, AND ON THE SOUTH BY MILLER AVENUE, ANU MAN ING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 1100-031-08, 1100-041-04 THROUGH 10, 1100-051-03, AND 1100-061-02 THROUGH O4. AND PORTIONS OF 1100-071-01 AND 02 ORDINANCE NO. 452 (first reading; AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CllCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENCMENT 91-03, SUEAAEA 3, AMENDING THE ETIWAAT)A SPECIFIC PLAN LANG USE MAP FROM MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (B-14 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) TO LOW MEDI UY. RESIDENTIAL (4-8 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) FOA APPAO%IHATELY 30.72 ACRES OF LAND HOADEAED ON THE NORTHWEST BY THE ONTARIO (I-15) FREEWAY, ON THE EAST EY EAST AVENUE AND EXISTING LOW MEDIVM RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATED LAND, AND ON THE SOUTH BY HILLER AVBNVE, AND MAEING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 1100-031-OB, 1100-041-04 THROUGH 10, 1300-051-03, 1300-061-02 THROUGH 04, AND PORTIONS OF 1100-071-01 AND 02 Clky Council Minuk~~ July 17, 1991 Fag... ABSOLUTION NO. 91-203 A ABSOLUTION 6T THB CITY COUNCIL OF TNS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DBNYING OENEAAL PLAN TMBNDMBNT 91-028, SUBAREA 5, A REQUEST TO AMSNU THE GENERAL PLAN LANG USS NAP FROM MHDIUN RESIDBNTIAL (3-14 DWELLING OMITS PBR ACAS) 7'O LOW HEDIOH RESIDBNTIAL (4-H DWELLING UNITS PER ACRB) POR APPRO%IAIITSLY 30.72 ACRES OF LAND BORDERED ON THB NOR'fI1NEST BY TH6 ONTARIO (I-16) FRHBWAY, ON THH $AST BY EAST AVENUE AND EXISTING LOW MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DBSIONATSO LAND, AND ON THE SOUTH BY HILLBA AVHNUB, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THBAEOF - APNS 1100-031-08, 3100-041-Da mRRruu:u +n. ++nn_nc+_na _,_ 1100-061-OZ THROUGH 04, AND PORTION6 OP 1100-071-01 AND 02~ RHSOLUTION NO. 91-209 A ABSOLUTION OF THS CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, DBNYING STIWANDA SPBCTFIC PLAN AMENDMHNT 91-03, 6VBARBA 3, A RHQUHST TO AMEND THH STIWANDA 9PECIFIC PLAN LAND VHE MAP PROM MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (8-14 DWELLING UNITS PHA ACAH) TO LOW MEDIUM RBSIDHNTIAL (0-B DWELLING UNITS PSR ACAS) FOR APPROXIMATHLY 30.72 ACRES OF LAND HORDBAED ON THB NOATHWHST NY THB ONTARIO (Z-15) PREHWAY, ON THE EAST SY BAST AVENUE AND 8%ISTING LOW MEDIUM RHSIDENTIAL DESIGNATBD LAND, AND ON THE BOOTH BY MILLER AVENUE, AND HARING PINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 1100-031-OB, 1100-041-04 THROUGH 30, 1100'051-03, 1100-061-02 THRDDGH 04, AND PORTIONS OF 1100-071-01 AND 02 RESOLUTION NO. 91-210 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANC!!O CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DBNYING GENERAL PLAN AlUiNDMBNT 91-02B, SUBAREA 6, A REQUEST TO AMEND THE GSNEPAL PLAN LANG ^SB NAP PROM !i6-IUN RESI-ENTIAL (H-14 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) TO LON MEDIDH RESIDENTIAL (4-3 -WBLLING UNITS PER ACAS) POA APPROY.IMATBLY 11.09 ACRES OF LAND BOADHRHD ON THS NORTH HY HASE LINE ROAD, ON THB SOUTHEAST EY THE ONTARIO (I-15) FREEWAY, AND ON THE WEST 9Y E%ISTING LOW MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATED LAND, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT TNER8OF - APNs 1100-051-01 ANO 02 AND 1100-V61-O1 NESOLUTION NO. 91-211 A RESOLUTLON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THH CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORN IA, DBNYING ET INANDA SPHCIPIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-03, SUBAREA 4, A REQUEST TO AMEND THB BTIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN LAND UEE MAP PROM MEDIUM RESIDHNTIAL (8-14 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) TO LOW MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (4-3 City Council Mlnutsa July 17, 1991 Pete 22 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) YOA APPROXIMATELY 11.09 ACRES OF LAND BORDEPFD ON THE NORTH BY BASE LING ROAD, ON TNB SOUTHEAST EY THE ONTARIO (I-15) FABBWAY, AND ON THE NEST BY EXISTING LON !ffiDTUM RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATED LAND, AND NABING BINDINGS IN SUPPORT TNEABOF - APN: 1100-051-01 AND 02 AND 1100-061-01 ABSOLUTION NO. 91-212 A ABSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITX OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GSNBRAL PLAN AMENDMENT 91-028, 3UBAREA 7, AMENDING THB GENERAL PLAN LAND USR }U1P PROM MEDIUM ABSIDSNTIAL (8-1a nwr++v^ _..-.C T- ^~^a) 'IV LOW MEDIUM ABSIDHNTIAL (4-B DWELLING •^UNITB PEA ACRB) FOR APPROXIMATELY 10.09 ACRES OF LAND BOADeRED ON TME NORTH AND WBST BY 8%ISTING LOW MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DBS IGNATBD LAND, ON TME EAST BY BXISTING OPFICB DSSICNATBO LAND, 11NP ON TME SOUTH BY BASE LIMB ROAD, AND HARING PINDINGS IN SVPPORT THBRBOP - APN: 227-131-3b THROUGH 36, 52 THROUGH 54, AND 61 OROINANCE NO. 453 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OP TME CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ETIWANOA 9P8CIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-03, BUBARBA 5, AMENDING TN8 ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USB NAP FROM MEDIUM RESIDBNTIAL (844 DWELLING UNITS PEA ACRE) TO LOW MED IIIH RESIDENTIAL (4-B DWELLING VNITS PER ACAS) FOA APPROXIMATELY 10.09 ACRES OP LAND BORDERED ON THE NOATN AND WEST BY BXISTING LOW MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATED LAND, ON THS BAST BY EXISTING OFPICE/PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATED LAND, AND ON THE BOOTH BY BASE LINE RDAI1, AND MARINE FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 227-131-36 THAGDGR 36, 52 THROUGH 54, AND 61 RESOLUTION N0. 91-213 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THH CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CBNERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 91-020, WEST PORTION OF SVBAREA H, AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN LAND VSE MAP PROM MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (8-14 DWBLLING UNITS P8R ACRE) TO LOW MEDIUM RBSIDENTIAL (4-B DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) FOA APPAOX TMATELY 30 ACRES OF LAND BORDERED ON THE NORTH BY THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY, ON TME EAST BY EAST AVBNUE, ON THE SOVTH HY EXISTING OFPICE DESIGNATED LAND, AND ON THE WEST BY EXISTING LOW MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATED LAND - APN: 227-141-14 AND 661 AND DENIAI. OF THE EAST PORTION OF SUBAREA E, RSQUBBTING TO AMEND THE GENERAL PLAN LANG USE HAP IN THE SAME MANNER AS THE WEST PORTION POR APPROXIMATELY 10.34 ACRES OF LAND BORDERED ON THE NORTH BY THE SODTNSAN PACIPIC RAILWAY, ON THE EAST AND SOUTH BY THS ONTARIO (I-35) FREEWAY, AND ON THE FAST BY EAST AVENVE - APN: 227^131-05, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOP city Council Minute July 17, 1991 Pegs z3 ORDINANCE NO. 654 (first reading) AN ORDINANCB OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OP RANCHO CIICAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ETSWANDA SPHCIPIC PLAti AlBNDMSNT 93-03, WEST PORTION OP SUBAREA 6, AlBND IMO TIDI BTIWANOA SPECIFIC PLAN LANG UBS NAP FROM M80IUN RESIDENTIAL (8-14 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) TO I.OW NEDIUH RHSIDENTIAL (4-B DWELLING UNITS PER ACAS) POR APPROXIMATELY 30.00 ACRB3 OP LAND BORDSABD ON TNB NORTH BY THS SOUTlIeRN PACIFIC RAILWAY, ON TF~ BAST BY BAST AVBNVE, ON THB SOUTH BY EXISTING OPFICB DESIGNATED LAND, AND ON TNB WEST 8Y E%ISTSNG LOW N80IUN RHSIDENTIAL DES IGNATBD i.ANn - sou. +2+_.!,_3. ~,,, -~ :y.~ MARINO FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF RHSOLUT ION NO. 91-216 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THH CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING BTIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-03, EAST PORTION OP SUBAREA 6, A RSQVEST TO AMHNO THE ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN LAND V3E NAP PROM MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (8A4 DWELLING UNITS PEA ACRE) TO LOW MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL i4-B DWELLING UNITS PEA ACRE) FOR APPROXIMATELY 10. 3d ACRES OF LAND BORDERED ON THB NORTH BY TFIe SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY, ON THE SABT AND SOUTH BY THE ONTARIO (I-15) FREEWAY, AND ON THE WEST eY EA6T AVENUE - APN: 227-331-05, AND MAAING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF Subarea 1 of Item F5 Courtcilmember Buquet asked James Markman, City Attorney, to comment on some of the statements previously made, S.e., imeree condemnation, which he continued to explain to the Council. MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Alexander to approve Resolution Noe. 91- 199 and 91-200. Motion carried anon imouely, 4-0-1 (Wright absent). Subarea 2 of Item FS MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Alexander to approve Aeselut ion Noe. 91-201 and 91-202. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Wright absent). Subareas 3 and 5 of Stem FS NOTION: Moved by Stout, seconded by Buquet to refer this back to the Planning Commission for a recommendation to come back to the City Council when there could be five Councilmembere present. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Wright absent ). COUncllmember 8uquet clarified this woultl not come back before the next General Plan cycle which would be in about four months. City Council Minutes July 17, 1991 age ^^-4 Subarea 4 of Item F5 Councilmember Williams stated she felt it should ba left alone end not take the ~ recommondntion because she did not think it wne an appropriate place for •ingle- family dwelling unite and that ft should be multi-family unite. CouncilmembeY Alexander stated he did not have any great opposition to the Planning Commission's decision. Mayor Stout atated he dose not agree with the Etiwenda Specific Plen because it was supposed to be rural, end it wee not. He felt there was too much density in about this area. He addetl he agreed with the Planning Commieeion'^ decision on this matter. Debra J. Ademe, City Clerk, read the title of ordlnanee No. 451. MCTIDN: Moved 6y Alexander, seconded by Buquet to waive full reading of Ordinance No. 451. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Wright(. MOTION: Roved by Alexander, seconded by Stout to approve Resolution No. 93-Y06 and set second reading of Ordinance No. 451 for August 7, 1991. Motion carried 3-i-1 (Williams no; Wright absent(. Brad Buller, City Planner, added even with the vote made, it was still stnff'e and the commies ion's intention to work with the property owners to develop standards that would allow them to reasonably build within the 4-8 dwelling unite per acre, and to maintain the quality of development ae mentioned by the Mayor. Subarea 6 of item FS Munci lmember 9u diet =fated he was net sure the 3m igaatloa should be charged tonight and felt it shoo ld be deferred to the next cycle. Hayor Stout and Councilmember Williams felt they would like to get ndditional information on this mattes before voting. Brad Buller, City Planner, atated that the Planning Commission's understanding was that the applicant wished to pursue commercial designation or the temporary use because they did not indicate they would 6e opposed to that. The Planning Commission asked that the applicant prepare the necessary application analyeie that would support that recosmendat ion as opposed to sending staff off to do the analyeie to support commercial designation for the property, or look at the Etiwenda Specific Plan to come up with language that would come up with that use. The applicant indicated he would 6e consulting with a planning firm to develop the proposed language for that, and then the Planning Commission would coneltlar that. Mayor Stout. atated he did not feel that was unreasonable. city Council Ninutee -T'~y ~' 1991 Page 25 Brad Buller, City Planner, stated with that in mind the Council could issue it at Nedlum designation until the applicnnt submits en npplicatlon to change it to ~ something else. MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded 6y Williams to approve Resolution Nos. 91- 4l0 and 91-211. Notion carried unnnimouely, 4-C-1 (Wright absent). Sub r - and S bar a 8 f It PS Councilmemher Buquet stated he wee not comfortable with this at this time snd would like a more firm recommendation before he makes a decision. Councilmembere Alexander and Williams agreed that Subarea 7 should qo back to the Planning Commission. Mayor stout etnted he mould also like a better recommendation on Subarea 8. He also suggested that proponents submit their comments 1n writing for the Council to review ahead of the meeting. NOTION: Moved by Baguet, seconded by Alexander to defer Sabarese 7 and 8 to the Planning Comslseion. Motion carried un¢nlmously, 4-0-1 (Wright absent). . . + . 6. PUBLIC HEARINOB O1. CONSIDEAATION TO SET ANNUAL Sp CIAL TAX FOR COWxUNITY PACILITI6 DI TAICT NO 88-2 (^ AINACE AND LAW SNFORC6 NTI Staff report preeenkad by Jim Hart, Adminiet.rative Services Director. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addreening the City Council was: Jeff Rollie, 13948 Crescents, thanked the City Council for sending out the notification and information for this matter. He stated his concern was that once the new Districts were through forming, he would like to become part of the City and atop paying for their own services. He stated the comment he got today when ha asked that question of staff moss that it moss an indefinite assessment. Mayor Stoui commented on the Law Enforcement Tax stating the intent originally moss thnt nil of the Et iwanda North area would be included in th ie to include possibly even a substation. He stated in the event the City dose not go further with the annexation process, this tax would be deleted. There being no further response, the public hearing moss closed City Council Minutse July 17, 1991 'rage id RESOLUTION NO. 91-215 A RESOLUTION OP TNS CITY COUNCIL OP TNB CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, %STABLISNING ANNUAL SPBCIAL TA% POR COMMUNITY PAC ILI TIRS DISTRICT NO. 88-2 (DRAINAGE AND LAW BNPORCBMENT) MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Williams to approve Resolution No. 41- 215. Notion carried unanlvwuely, 4-0-1 (Wright absent). G2. CONSIDERATION TO SET ANNUAL SPHCIAr• TAR POR COMMnNITY PAGILITIE3 DISTRICT NO. 84-1 (DAY CRBHR DRAINAGE SY<Txu: ru m:re aNtu1NT OR <acn nn a Staff report presented by Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director. . Mayor Stout opened the sx~eting for puDl is hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. RB$GLDTIGN NO. 91-216 A RESOLUTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX POA COMMUNITY PAC ILITIES DISTRICT NO. 84-1 (DAY CABER DRAINAGE SYSTEM) MOTION: Roved by Will isms, seconded by Alexander to approve Resolution No. 91- 216. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Wright absent). a a r ~ G3. CONS-'-RATION OF AN OROINA.YC' FROH BITING BRATEBO D R P F PIP 5 OTNER SIHILAR PHYSICAL STRUCTURES ON POST D PUBLIC PROPERTY Staff report presented by Jce Schultz, Community Services Director. Mayor Stout opened the meet ing for public hearing. Addressing the City Council were: Harcue Solomon, 914 Placer, Ontario, stated he did not agree that the City should be able Co take away the ramps. He did not think the City should prohibit them from ekatebcarding in the parka. He stated he wished the Council would use some equilibrium that as they take something away they would give something back. councilmember Buquet stated he did not think the City Council was taking something away. Mayor Stout asked if Mr. Soloman gives skateboarding claeeoe. Mr. Solomon responded yes. C lty Council Misutla Jaty 17 loll Page 27 Mayor Stout talked shout the uneafs skateboard ritlare that he ease on the streets. ~ Councilawfmber Williams asked Mr. Soloswn if ha thought the skateboarders would uee what the insurance carrier has approved foY equipment to Da placed in City parka. Hr. Solomon stated ha felt something wee better than nothing. Helinda Oliver, 10147 Stratton, wished there wee a eknteboard park and stated she woultl uee it if there wee one. Rachel Whitman, 5665 Meeada, statetl Lf there was a park, everyone would uee it antl follow the rules. Robert McRinlay, 8244 Sunflower, stated he loves the sport end did not want to quit the sport, Tom Gudow, 8233 Janie, stated he wished there were parka where the kids could skate. There being no further response, tae public hearing was cloned. Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 455. ORDINANCE NO. 455 (Urgency Ordinance) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, AHBNDING CHAPTER 10.6E OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA NUNICIPAL NDE BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 10.68.055 PROHIBITING THB PLACEMENT OF "SRATBBOARD RAMPS," "HALP PIPES" AND STM TT.AP PHYSICAL. STRVCTCRES FOR GSE IH SFA'PE3OANOING AND SKATING, ON POSTED PVBLIC PROPBRTY, AND pECLARING THE VRGENCY THEREOF MOTION: Koved by stout, seconded by Buquet io waive full reading end approve Ordinance No. 455 as an Vrgency ordinance. Motion carried unanLocualy, 4-0-1 (Wright absent). I f f f k t H. CITY NANAOBR'8 BTArr RBPORTR H1. CONSID TION TO AMEN NU N E 'S R AND RESOLUTION POR THR ANNUAL L VY OF AN ASSESS NT WI HI S P N N 8 I 7 FIBCAL YEAR 1991/92 Staff report presented by Jae O'Neil, city Bngireer. x~~u+ Comments on this item were made under the Communications from the Public section. ~,x... City COUne 11 Ninubs July 17, 1991 Tay= 28 RESOLUTION NO. 91-217 A RESOLUTION OP TN6 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIPORNIAr TO LEVY AND COLLECT AN ASSESSMENT WITHIN LANDSCAPS NAINTBNANCB DISTRICT NO. 7 POA FISCAL YEAR 1993/92 PURSDANT TO THE LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 IN CONNBCTION WITH LANDSCAPE NAZNTENANCB DISTRICT NO. 7 MOTION: Roved by Williams, seconded by Alexander tc approve Resolution No. 91- 217. Notion carried unnnimoualy, 6-0-1 (Wright absent). H2. CONSIDERATION OP AN INDUCEMENT RESOLUTION POR A PROPOSED 520 MILLION NULTI- Staff reporC presented by Olen Jones, St. RDA Analyst. RESOLUTION NO. 91-218 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF NANCHO CVCAHONGA, CALI KIRNIA, INDICATING ITS INTENT TO PROVIDE POR THS ISSUANCE OP OEL IGATIONS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $20,000,000 FOR THE VICTORIA WOOD6 APARTMENTS PROJECT MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by W1111ame to approve Resolution No. 92- 218. Motion carried unanimously, 6-0-1 (Wright absent). . • ~ . . i. COUNCIIZ EVBIN638 Nc Stama S...s~itted. . : . • . . J. I r1cATIDx or I s zT I G Nc items were identified for the next meeting. E. COMMUNICATIONS lROx TaE PUBLIC xl. Greg Corub, 13926 San Dimas, Brentwood tract, stated he did not egree with the ae aessment being charged. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer, presented B1ideB of Landscape Maintenance District No. 7. Councilmembet Euquet pointed out that some other tracts are picking up some of the same cosre ae the Brentwood residents. City Council Ninutea July 1~ 1441 page 29 Mayor Stout pointed out that 80 scree of landscaping Le larger than nny perk in Victoria. ~ Mr. Corub stated ha would like to see the trees down from the parkways to give more area for the residents to play sports. • • t MOTION: Moved by elerender, seconded by Nillieme to adjourn to a joint meeting _~~..... ... .:...~.~~,..e ,,., duiy sr, Svc, ~: vu p. m. in the Na1N COnfKMCe AoaB of~the Civic Center. Motion carried unenlawuely, 6-0-1 (Nright absent). The meeting ndjourned at 12:05 a. m. Respectfully eubmitied, Debra J. AdamB, CMC City Clerk Approved: July 26r .1991 CITY OF RANCHO CDCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL XINIITHS J t H ti o f the Cit Co ncil and the Chamber of Commerce An adjourned 7olrt meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Comasrce was held on Wednesday, July 24, 1991r in the Rains Conference Room of the Civic Center, located et 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Hayor Dennis L. Stout. Preeent were Counci Lmembere: William J. Alexander, Charles J. Buquet II, Pamela J. Wright, and Hayor Dennis L. Stout. Absent was Councilmembez: Diane Williams. Preeent from the Chamber of Commerce were: Danielle Wat eon, Executive Director; Jackie Ama ler, Prea ident; Hob Dutton; Rance Clouse; will ism Stevenson; Gary Christian; Duane Huennekena; and Vince Elef ante. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Linda D. Daniel e, Deputy City Xanager; Aick Gomez, Comm pity Developoent Director; Su can Mickey, Management Ens lyet I, =nd Jan gotten, Deputy City Cterk. • • • • • B. IT611S OT DISCUSSION 81. DISCUggZON OF JOINT CITY /CFLnwggR ACTIVITIES FOA VISITING DSLP.GA'TION FROM CHINA Danielle Watson, Chamber, stated they were contacted by a gentleman who was in contact with some businessmen from China, and was interested in bringing them to the Rancho Cucamonga area because he sees some potential for some mutual business transactions. She stated they were interested in finding out the City's feelings on how far they wanted to get involved with it, because they were not sure at this time if he was using this opportunity to just promote hie business. She stated the gentleman also raised the question of a sister city, which they also wanted to discuss with the City, and it did not necessarily have to be a city in china. City Council/Chamber of commerce Joint Meeting Minutes __~y 9d IVVI Page 2 Councilmembere Baguet and Wright stated they would be intereatad Ln having a eietar city in Australia. ~ Jack Lam, City Managerr stated in 1981 the Council discussed having a eieter city in either Australia or New Eealand, but it was never followed through with et the time. He presented information on the sister City International organization, which is a non-profit organization, and how a eietar city was usually set up. Bob Dutton, Chamber, stated they could nek the Rancho Cucamonga Community FountlatLon if they would be intereetetl in participating ae a basis for a cultural n....AO m Councilmembex Wright stated she would like to have a joint project with the chamber, whLch would help the overall connection between the City and the Chamber. Bob Dutton, Chamber, stated usually the City providae credibility by their involvement with the program, and the Chamber would provitle the financial support. Councilmember Buquet stated he would be in favor of having a eieter city. He asked what type of business were the Chinese delegates in. Danielle wet eon, Chamber, stated they were only given a brief synopsis of the city the Ch ineee were from, that there was approximately a population of 124,000, znd it was mostly industrial. She stated they were supposed to be receiving further information, but at thin time they were not sure if there ware any hidden agendas involved. Councilmember Alexander stated he was also interested in the sister city idea, but would like to approach it more from the standpoint of helping a community that was not ae well off ae Rancho Cucamonga, such ae one in Nezico, flntl have the whole community involved in helping out their eieter city. He felt this would increase that country's awareness of Rancho Cucamonga by their humanitarian efforts. Jackie Ameler, Chamber, felt this idea hoe been around for a long time, and that various groups are intereatad in this, and felt the Chamber needed to decide what would be the purpose and parameters under which they would want to operate a eieter city program. Or if the City wanted to be involved, what would be their criteria. Councilmember Buquet stated he saw a eieter city program ae being more of a cultural exchange, ae well ae an economic exchange, that he envisioned it being with a city that was almost comparable to Rancho Cucamonga. Gary Christian, Chamber, stated they would need to look ier ways to make it a two way exchange. city Counci lJChamber of ComaNrce Joint Meeting Hinutes PeDruary 2A, .Sii Page 3 Councilmember Alexander felt that hie approach did involve a [wo way exchange,. in the good will and name recognition they would be receiving for their efforts, ae opposed to the flnanclnl exchanges. Gary Christian, Chamber, felt Chey needed to be careful about considering having a sister city in China due to the current situation. Mayor Stout stated if the City was interested in economic Lenefit, they might want to consider a city in Japan, Korea of Taiwan. He stated he understood the charitable eitle ae expressed by Councilmember Alexander, but fvit that would be more of a community effort instead of a focus by the City, ue a __ _, immAa: n•~ ;_v__e. ..tee r~mc co 0o in September when the Chinese delegation arrived. Daniell¢ Watson, Chamber, stated they were looking for some direction from the CSty on how far they would like the Chamber to be involved in this, or if they not want to be involved at all. Mayor Stout stated from the way it was described, he felt they needed mole informal ion before taking a position. Jackie Ameler, Chamber, stated they would keep the Council apprised of eny further information they received on the Chi neae delegation. Mayor Stout et ated they cou id give that information to Jack Lam, City Hanager, and he could dietri,bute it to the Council. % k • f } t H1. DISCUSSION OF JOINT CITY/CHA1fBER PV BL ICATION ON DEMOGAAPHZCS ND STATISTICS Danielle Watenn, Cham^cr, stated nhe and Rance Clouse had met with Jack Lam, and apparently several City departments were thinking of doing an informational booklet cn Aancho Cucamonga, and since they were also thinking of producing a statistical booklet on the City, it seemed the next step would be to have one publicat i.on that was produced joLntly Co be used 6y both groups. They spoke about a variety of ways to fund printing the booklet, such ae having low key ado in it. Mayer Stout felt the problem with doing a printed booklet was that the information changes eo fast it was outdated before it could be printed and distributed. He would like to see a computer with desktop publishing capabilities utilized with the demographic information so that the booklet could be updated monthly and woultl always be current. Aance Clouse, Chamber, stated they have been trying to get an economic database off the ground in the Chamber, along wtth the general type of information the City hoe available, and combine that with specific information that the bueineee community needs to know in making a decision on whether to locate to Rancho Cucamonga or not. This would include average wage ecal¢e, building permits lee ued, bueineee licensee by categorie e, the labor pool etatietice, and City Council/Chamber of Commerce Joint Meeting Minutes .Tn ly $a_ 14ot gage 4 educational etatlet ice Chat are not the typical community profile type of . information. He felt they would want to update that on a regular baaia ao the use of a caoputar would probably bs the moat appropriate way to do that. Ha stated they might know where to identify the data they need, and could work with the City on bringing it together in a comprahenaive manner. xe etatea the ISCC hoe something eimllar, and they have talked about coordinating with that. Mayor Stout felt they could do several things to put out a quality package, but felt the thing that would Lmpreae bue!.:eaee people the moat would be hnving current information. William Stevenson, Chamber, stated that the majority of information they need wee produced 6y the soutcaa monthly, oz at the moat quarterly. Jackie Ameler, Chamber, stated Chaffey College hoe also bean discussing the nsed for an economic databaes for the arse in conjunction with their Center for Sconaoic Development. She felt there were several groups that were interacted in putt ing out information like this, and the Chamber should be coordinating it eo that it could be used by everyone. William Stevenson, Chamber, felt some other city has probably already developed the type of publication they were talking about, and that they should try to get samples eo that they did not have to start from acrat ch. Mayor Stout eteted what they could do was have certain canned parts of the presentation, such as an introduction, a good cover, etc., and then the demographic information would be int¢repereed inbetween. With a des loop publishing system you could print out the updated demographic information at any time, and then collate the booklate ae needed. Jackie Ameler, Chamber, stated they wanted to let the Council know that they have a committee Lo[metl twat was looking into this, and were finding out who elae was trying to create a similar document, ae wail as work on funding mechanieme for it. Councilmember Wright asked if when they go to ChartlTer of Commerce conventions, was there information available from other cities that could be shared. Danielle Watson, Chamber, stated they could always contact the U.S. Chamber and tell them what they needed, then they will contact cit tee that have that information and have it sent out. Mayor Stout stated he would like to see the City take a more aggreeaive approach with this in conjunction with the Ci.amber. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated the Chamber committee could meet with Rick Gomez, Community Development Directory and hie staff and decide who should work with what resources and decide how to put the information together. 1• n 1 Y k city Council/Chamber of Commerce Joint Meeting Minutia e'ebruary 24, li3i Page 5 83. ~C~SSIQN. OP STEMS OF NUTUAL CONCERN Jackie Ameler, Chamber, stated they were interested in speaking about the Crime stoppers program. Mayor Stout et ated this was touched upon at their retreat, and felt it would be a way for the Chamber of Commerce to gain some credibility in the community in the area of law enforcement/public eafaty. He stated local communities have this program so it would be easy to copy. He elated it did not require a lot of work, that it involved having the local radio station read public service announcements pzspered by the police department on crimes they were investigating, and having th¢ newspaper print up small ode with the same information. sob Dutton, Chamber, felt the Chamber would be interested in pnrticipnting, end that they could assist in initiating the program, because they have found in other comnunlt iee that once this program was begun it became an entity of itself. Mar or Stout stated the Chamber cuuld take a poll of their membership to see who would be in{erected in servicing on the board and working on fund raising. ecb Dutton, Chan bar, felt it was important to the eucceae of a ptogram like this to have the sunoort of t.`.n elected officials. Councilmember Baguet stated he would like to know more about the program, and how it differed from the programs they have in place already, Like We-Tip. Mayor Stout et atad We-Tip was set up for citizen generated information, whereas Crime stoppers was a request for information by the police department on a specific crime. Danielle Watson, Chamber, etatad they could get an informal Tonal package from the City of Ontario on the program. Councilmember Wright stated she would like suggestions on how to improve economic development in the City, and how they could do that from an RDA point of view. Bob Dutton, Chamber, et aced one of the problems now ie since the fetletal government was keeping a tight rein on th¢ banks, it was going to remain difficult for people to get financing, plus companies were looking for incentives to relocate their businesses, which usually involved financial incentives for development and moving. Mayor Stout felt it was important to have members from the financial inetitut ions involved so that they could understand the community and how it would affect them, and that there would be poeiiive results for the risk that they take. William Stevenson, Chamber, stated moat banks are comfortable with Lnveeting when they can be put 1n a primary position, eo the RDA could be a very useful tool in receiving financing for project e. City council/Chamber of Commerce Joint Nesting Minutes ., ly .,,~ Page 6• Bob Dutton, Chamber, felt another problem was that moat banks in the local area were not large enough to finance large loan amounts for any major project that might be developed Ln the community. Rance Clouee, Chamber, stated that economic development w8e buaineee driven, that the government or pereonnl desire could not force it to happen, it hoe to coma from the business aide. So it comae down to how to entice buaineeeee to the community, and right now that usually Lnvolvee economic advantages. Bob Dutton, Chamber, presented information on how the City of Albuquerque, New Nexlcor ePProached Lockheed about rwlnrtaH ,.,. •n ~tisi........... _ _ _ maybe the city and Chamber could wcrk together on a joint project like thai.~~ Mayor Stout stated they have taken a similar approach with the bonding ngenciee in New York, and felt they could do the soma thing for a major user if necessary. Bob Duttonr Chamber, stated they were dependent on the brokerage community and felt the City and Chamber have done a good job Ln heading off tumors that might cause problems. Councilmember Buquet felt there was a real problem with the type of coverage the City was gettir`g from the local newspaper, that they do not provide positive coverage. He etetetl the paper dose not have a large enough circulation, and with the recent reorganization, local coverage suffers. He felt the Chamber could have a large impact on the newspaper, eo poeei6ly they could work together to gat mare objective coverage. Mayor Stout stated that since the newspaper hoe compressed its format down, it was hard for the reporters to get their stories in the way they were written, that the editors revise them to fit a certain apace alloration, eo ottent imiea that causes the distortion. Councilmember Wright felt the goal was to lure large corporations to Rancho Cucamonca, eo if they all stayed aware of opportunities, and if the Chamber could let the City know when there was such an opportunity, they could work together on that. Bcb Dutton, Chamber, stated it might be worthwhile for the City to host a function for the brokers from Loe Angeles and orange County, since they would ba the contacts for the large corporations. Rance Clouee, Chamber, agreed Chat the major deals would be handled by brokers from outside the local area. Counci lmember Alexander stated that Rancho Cucamonga was in the process of changing its image of being a hard City Lo deal with which would help with future development. •~~•~• Councilman Buquet left the meeting at 8:40 p.m. •~xt~~ City Council/Chamber o£ Caa®erea Joint Meeting Ninutaa ...xusry oq 1441 Page 7 Linda Dan1e1B, Deputy City Haneger, stated the Redevelopment Agency does an annual presentation Eor the Chamber to go over what has occurred in rho pact year ~ and what they are baking at fox the future, sad to go over what the Agency can do and haw the Chamber can assist them. She then discussed the criteria the Connell approved for incept ivae for incaoing buelneesee. Jack Lam, City Manager, presented examples of projects they have offered incept ivae to, each ae the regional mall, the Price Club, and the Sears credit center. Ne stated they do not offer incentives to companies that would be coming to the area anyway, and since sash project ie looked at on a case 6y case basis, you could not really comwre their program with that of another city. Rob Dutton, Chamber, felt [hers wee a problem with doing business in California overall, and thought the Chamber needed to frequent the legislature in Sacramento to let them know how things were afEectinq the Inland Valley. He felt the local area would help to lead California out of the receeelon, but they need to decide what they want to happen, and then go out and get it. Mayor Stout felt one of the problems American 6ueineea had in competing with foreign business was that they do not plan far enough in advance. He felt Rancho Cucamonga waa in en evolution process, and wne in a better position when the region matured to a more economically sophist icated area because they et ill have large parcels of land available for development, and they needed to let people know what the community needs. Jack Lam, City Managerr stated the two things the City has looked at coneietently in the pact ie salsa tax revenue and large employers that match the City's labor pool. Rance Clouse, Chamber, explained the three cycles of a city's growth, the fir at being affordable housing and creating the labor base, that were typically distribution types of facilities and construction industry, which creates your basic shopping nestle and local centers. The second cycle was executive housing, higher end housing, a more educated labor pool, which should lead to the next level of manufacturing bees, the advanced technology industry, electronics and medical industries, which then leads to a higher level of shopping interest. Then you advance to the cultural aide of the community. He stated the City needs to decided publicly what it ie they are after and give some epecif ice to the brokerage community to work with. councilmeniber Wright stated they are going to be getting a report back Boon on the City's economic development, and felt that would be Lhe perfect opportunity to target their philosophy and state what their intentions are. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated a general rule of thumb is that no matter how much money waa available for incentives, they had to look at how could they beet invest that money to receive the groateet return. City Council/Chamber of Commerce Joint Meeting Ninutee .rs~y sa lool Page 8 Counci lmember Wright stated the Chamber used to hove an education committee, and ~ asked if they would consider ref.netating thnt Committee. At the National League of cif iee convention the main topic wee schools, and how cif iee and businesses fit in with schools, and if they look et whet makes n quality community, schools play a key part in that. She stated the school community was saying the Chamber was not involved in Chat any more, and they feel that void. She stated they should keep in mind there are three new euperintendenta in the City. Bob Dutton, Chamber, stated that when Floyd Stork was put in charge of the education committee, it ttaneit Loned into a school faciliiiee focus, and [hare was no one at that time who raa llv knew what to do W:a :. Jackie Ameler, Chamber, stated they have dlecuaeetl it and she felt that every committee in the Chamber had a r0eponeib111ty for monitoring education, Lnatead of just having one committee on educntion. Sae stated they have not had any specific requests from the eehoole for aeeietanee. Danielle Watson, Chamber, stated the requests they have received from the schools lately have Deen only for funding. Cary Christian, Chamber, stated that the schools have asked the Chamber for support in leyielative matters on several occasions, but have not been willing to give that support back to the Chamber. councilmember Wright stated Che Pree ident'a mandate un bueinesees was filtering down, and schools were starting to turn around and reach out to the business community. She stated she has received a packet of information on business partnerships which tells what schools are supposed to be doing for the businesses, where the business yete io promote itself by it association with the school. She felt the Chamber needed to invite the euperintendenta to participate wnt irthe Chamber, and to start up a program again and cet both parties working Jackie Ameler, chamber, felt a separate etlucat ion committee gets too narrow in its accpe and the other committees do not get involved, so this way each committee stays aware and helps to monitor the education process in the community. She agreed that they needed to send an invitation to the auperintentlente along with an outline of the separate committees they could work with. Councilmember Wright felt the euperintendente were interested but felt the Chamber was not, eo if they heard the Chamber was interested that could be the door they were looking for. Sho felt if the euperintendente were interested in doing something, then they ehoultl pursue that. Vince Elefante, Chamber, stated the interest for the business community would be that the students now will 6e the labor force of the future. Duane Buernekene, Chamber, stated there was also the Junior Achievement program but did not know if that program was offered '_n this community. City Council/Chamber of Coameres Joint Mwting MinuGs Pebruazy 26, 1991 Page 9 Gary ChrLetian, Chamber, stated theca was a regional 9overnmsnt eubcommitisa meeting tomorrow morning, ana they would like the City's opinion about the direction CE a regional government. He stated there were four bills going through the legislature, and iltllie Brown's bill, AS 1, just went through the Assembly and waa on its way to the senate. He stated the Governor hoe aslud the authors of nil the bills to hold off until the inter-agency council conducts hearings through the end of the year and psesente something to <he Governor January 1, 1992, but Millie Brown wee pushing hie through anyway. Ne stated it was likely the Governor would veto that 6i13 if it passed the Senate, but tt waa a hot topic they ware trying to stay on top of. sob Dutton, .. -. _"•~•ti the Executive Committee approved a position paper opposing AB 3~anay supporting Nerian Bargeeon~e vi:: '.:,.°c~ ^•,la for voluntary cooperation between local governments. Gary Christ ianr Chamber, etnted he jest wanted to make aura the City stayed involved with it because they felt local government was the moat effective swthod and wanted to make aura that legislation did not get passed that tied the hands of the local elected officials. • ~ : • • . C CONIIRII CATIONS PRGM TN6 PVBLIC No communications were made by Lhe public. . ~ • . . . MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Wright to adjourn to July 25, 1991 at 7:00 p.m. For a joint meeting with the Public Safety Commission, in the Tzi•~ Communit iea Conference Room of the Civio canter, tc d•~cusa the Law Enforcement study. Motion carriefl unanimously, 3-0-2 (Ruquet, Williams absent}. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Reepeut£u11y submitted, Jan Sutton Deputy City Clerk Approved: JSn ~<ti C}O <OV 1j> :; :~ E .. w. E `si ih \~ \• z; h1 f O~ . J~ •2. •6• •i• •f~ ~ I 1S• •M• .V• •O• •.-• i . •i •2 •O •p •2 M NOOONbNpOOTmOOMOmp0000<ONp0000gO 00 poNOrnO pboohTVTm VhPOONpa.l000vNOOpOtlNOeONOONOnON0.~0 NONONhNNOONNOPM1 h T..TVOPPwT<OnNN.iNNOVtlnTOOPONOTNmOOMINMOO~.NNMOTVpN •~ N nJTNNNNpV<NNNNNMwV+OtlNMNNNmN~NNM„NAN«~TONNtlNN^^N N e N ~. N r. 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D m w _'-` ~ ACAgA BjpFE7 -- ~' _r- HAVEN PARK DELI 10574 Acacia St. k3 Rancho Cucamonga, Califarnia91730 APN# 209 401 C1 Property Currently Zoned.; Industrial Park/Haven Overlay District, within Sub-area (6) Six of ±he Industrial Area Specific Plan. onin of ad.iacent .Prooerties: North; ]ndustriat Park/Haven Overlay District Sub-area (6) Six of the Industrial Area Specific Plan. South; Industrial Park/Haven Overlay District Sub-area (6) Six of the Industrial Area Specific Plan. East General Industrial /Sub-area (10) Ten of the Industrial Area Specific Plan West Industrial Park/Haven Overlay District Sub-area (6) Six of the Industrial Area Specific Plar.. / T 12ju1y1991 jce torrez ------ CITY OF RANCHO CI;CA~IONGA DATE: August 7, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council lack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O`Neil, City Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF ADVBRTISINC THE "NOTICE INVITING BIDS^ FOR TH15 LANUM:AY6 nriu :tit:w+::v:: •-•,-~••me~rm ono S MAINTENANCE ASS MDISTRICTS 7 AND 8, B8 RD RSSPECTIVSLY BY ACCOONT S 7-41 - 0 AMD 98-~1 0- S It is recommended that the City Council approve the specifications Eor the Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Contzact for Landscape Maintenance Asaeasmeut Districts 7 and 8, and approve the attached resolution authorizing the City Clerk to advertise the "Notice Inviting Bids." HACRGAOUND/ANALYSIS The subject specifications have been prepared and completed by staff and approved by the City Engineer and the City Attorney. Legal advertising is scheduled for August 13, 1991 and August 20, 1991, with the bid opening on Thursday, August 29, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. Respectfully submitte , ~~t~v` WO:JB:jb Attachment r7 RESOLUTION N0. 9/-~~y A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NUMBERB 7 AND 8, IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERR TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to maintain certain improvements in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared plans and specifications for the maintenance of certain imnrnvomnntc NOW, THEREFORE, [he City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve that the plans and specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for "Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Contract for Landscape Maintenance Assessment Districts Numbers 7 and 8". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for doing the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to wit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS" Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the said City of Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the Office of the City Clerk In the offices oC the City of kancho Cucamonga, on or before the hour of 2:00 O'CLOCK P.M. on the 29th day of Auqust, 1991, sealed bids er proposals for the "Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Contract for Landscape Maintenance Assessment Districts Numbers 7 and 8" in said City. Bids will be opened and publicly read immediately in the office of the City Clerk, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Bids must be made on a form provided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, marked, "Bid for Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Contract for Landscape Maintenance Assessment Districts Numbers 7 and 8". PREVAILING WAGE: Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor is required to pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of ~~ Resolution Na, Page 2 a similar character in the locality in which the public work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work holiday and overtime work. In [hat regard, the Director of the Department o£ Industrial Relations of the State of California is required to and has determined such general prevailing rates of per diem wages. Copies of such prevailing rates of per diem wages are on file in the office of the City Clerk o£ the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and are available to any interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy of such determinations to be posted at t.hc inn <;~_ The Contractor shall Forfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-£ive dollars ($25.00) foc each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day or portico thereof, if such laborer, workman, or mechanic is paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages hereinbeEOre stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. In accordance with Che provisions of Section 1777.5 of the Labor Code as amended by Chapter 971, Statutes of 1939, and in accordance with the regulations of the California apprenticeship Council, properly indentured apprentices may be employed in the prosecution of the work. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code con cerninq the employment o£ apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subco ntraotox empioyinq tradesmen in any apprenticea ble occupation to apply to the joint apprert iceship committee nearest the site of the public works project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade for a certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to journeymen that will be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen in such cases shall not be less than one to five except: A. When unemployment in the area of coverage by the joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request for certificate, or B. When the number of apprentices in training in the area exceeds a ratio of one to five, or C. When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or 1 Resolution No. Page 3 D. Wher. the Contractor provides evidence chat he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts or. an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight journeymen. The Contractor is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if he employs registered apprentices or journeymen in any apprenticeable trade on such contracts and iE other Contractors on the pu 6lic works site are making such contributions. The Con trdnrnr and suhrnntrarf nr unAur him c6~11 ri.. .,:~r «_~... requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the ^employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall ccmply with and 6e governed by the laws of the State of California having to do with working hours as set forth in Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California as amended. The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the execution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon any of the work hereinbef ore mentioned, for each calendar day during which said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours in violation of said Labor Code. Contractor agrees to pay travel and subsistence pay to each workman needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreements filed in accordance with Labor Code Section 1773.0. The bidder must submit with his proposal cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, payable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least ten percent (10~) of the amount of said bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract if the same is awarded to him, and in event of failure to enter into such contract said cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bond shall be come the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Resolution No. Page 4 IE the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the lowest bidder's security shall be applied by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the low bid and the second lowest bid, and khe surplus, if any, shall be returned to the lowest bidder. The amount of the bond to be given to secure a Eaithf ul performance of the contract for said work shall be one hundred percent (1008) of the contract price thereof, and an additional band in an amount equal to fifty percent (50$ of the contract price for said work shall ho nivan rn ~e~, •w.. - auy .ua Le[iais u[ supplies furnished for the performance of+[he~work contracted to 6e done by the Contractor, cr any work or labor of any kind done thereon, and the Contractor will also be required to furnish a certificate that he carries compensation insurance covering his employees upon work to be done under contract which may be entered into between him and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work. No proposal will be considered from a Contractor wham a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Contractor 5ha11 a Class "A" License (General Engineering Contractor) or Class "C-27 LICENSE" in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 7000 et. seq.) and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto at the time this contract is awarded. The work is to be done in accordance with the profiles, plans, and specifications of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on file in the Office of the City Clerk at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Copies of the plans and specifications, available at the office of the City Engineer, will be furnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and payment of $35.00, said $35.00 is nonrefundable. Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and specifications will be mailed when said request is accompanied by payment stipulated above, together with an additional nonreimbursable payment of $15.00 to cover the cost of mailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be requited to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the requirements of Section 402 of the Gere ral Provisions, as set forth in the Plans and Specifications regarding the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, the Contractor d Resolution No. Page 5 may, upon the contractor's request and at the Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute authorized securities in lieu of monies withheld (performance retention(. The City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 7th day of August, 1991. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: - rrTyngggH~ynr~r~eMpn,~e STAFF REPORT DATE: August 7, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Susan Mickey, Management Analyst i ~~~ SUBSECT: EETEEEI011 Or COYICAET C71EL6 T.V. 7R71MCHI8E ~OCOmmOI106L10n Adoption of Resolution 91-012E extending Comcast's Franchise License for 90 days. @ackgrouad The City staff would appreciate the opportunity to continue the negotiations with Comcast to insure that every opportunity has been made available to Comcast to obtain a Franchise License. DO/tlr SM:761 Attachment a.~ RESOLUTION NO. 91-0126 A RESOLUTION OF TTIS CITY COUNCIL OF TH6 CITY OF RANCHO CUC)1HONGA, CALIFORNIA 6XTBND ING COUNTY OF SAN BBRNAADIN0 FRANCHISE LICHNSH WITH CONCAST CABLH T.V. POR 90 DAYS L`PON EXPIRATION OP CURABNT LICENSE WTTHIN TNB CITY Op RANCHO CUCAMONGA WHHRRAS. thw Frannhi aw r.i ..e..e by County of Sen Bernardino and grandfathored into the City mf Rancho Cucamonga will expire on August 30, 3991; and WHERHA6, negotiations are ongoing between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Comenet Cable T.V.; and WH8RBA5, all terms and conditions of the currant License will continue the same. NOW, THERHPORB, BH IT RSSOLVBD, that the City Council does hereby extend the Franchise Llcenee for 90 days after the expiration of the current County of San Bernardino License. ~~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 7, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Duane A. Baker, Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: COH8ID8HATIOH OF A HH80LOTIOH AH8HDIH0 RSBOLIITIOH HO. 91-021 HEpARDIHO THE L8118IH6 lltiD FIHAHCZHO OF 800 MHe ianiav eyuirwnei~i~ Reoommendation It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution which would amend a resolution previously adopted authorizing the leasing of certain capital equipment from the West End Communications Financing Authority and authorizing the City to execute a lease with the Authority and executing a sublease with the Fire District. The resolution would also authorize the sale of bonds and the issuance of an official statement to finance this equipment. The attached resolution is identical to the one adopted in January by the City Council. There is one difference, however, and that is on the limits placed upon the interest rate on the bonds. Interest rates have changed substantially since the original resolution was adopted and current interest rates on the market now exceed the original limitation placed by the resolution of January. This new resolution keeps the dollar amount limits for the bonds the same but just increases the ceiling on the interest rates to 7 1/2~ instead oP the 7$ originally adopted. Respectfully submitted, Duane A. Baker Assistant to the City Manager DAB/tlr DAB:758 Attachment RFSOI.UPION N0. 91-027A A RE9DLIlTION OF 'IIYF CP1Y 00[$JCII, OF 'R~ CITS( OF RANQD G[1CAM1L'id(~A, CAL1F0Rd1A, AMEPIDING RES0IIl1gCY7 N0. 91-021, ADOPl'ID JANOAI2SC 16, 1991, AU14KY2IZING '1415 LEASING OF CER'PAIN CAPITAL DZ[JIRAENf FRQ4 'i}lE WEST FND COMMUNICA- TIONS FINANCING AU14K7RPFY, AU14i0RIZING AND DIRECFING F~`0Y3TPI0N OF A LFASE A~2EFTiQS1' AfID A SUBI,FASE, APP%7v1NG SALE OF BOlIDS APD AN OFFICIAL SfATQ~4NP, AND Al71fHY2IZING OFFICIAL ACPIONS RFSOLUFD, bi' the City Council of the City of Rarcdro CucamorxJa, California, (the "Clty~~), as roiiws: WHE1iFAS, the Cibj, the City of Chug, California, the City of Ontiirio, California, and the Rar~lro QtcamoMla Fire Pivtection District (collectively, the "Me1L}+e*a^) have heretofore ^*eT~ into a Joint Exorcise of Powers Agreement dated Fetmxiry 21, 1990, as amended and rastated on Fekavary 7, 1991, establishing the West End Camwticatiats Financing Autharity (the „Authority") far the purpose, amsig others, of '~,;*+g its bonds to be used to provide financial assistance to the Meobers; and WHEREAS, the Airtlnrity proposes at this time to issue its west End Comsmicatiors Financing Authority 1941 Revera~e BorrLs, Series A (800 MHz B~lrijllPlrt Fi~ncing Projects) in an agcgegate principal amount of not to exceed $10,710,000.00 (the "Bonds") for the paZxace of providing furr3s to acquire eertain amnunications equipment far lease to the City and to the other ManMns; and WHEREAS, the City has heretofore add Resolution No. 91-021 on January 16, 1991, (the "Original Resolution") approving the Bads and authorizir!g the execution of various lease fitaroinq doo.mwnts prepared in canr_ction therewith: aryl WHEREAS, market mnlitions rwT,;Tw that the City atmrd the Original Resolution to in~ease the parameters within which the Bo~.s may be delivered; aryl WHEREAS, the City has duly cavsidered sum matters and wishes at ttris time to amend the Origi~l Resolution in the public inter,e,ts of the City. NCW, Tr~R4WiE, the City Council of the City of Farx3;o Cucamaga does hereby order, determine and resolve as follaas: SDLTION 1: Amerrrl,rent of Oriai~l Resolution. Secti.a; 3 of the Original Resolution is hereby amended in Hill as follows: SECFION 3. ~e of Boris. Rhe City hereby approvers the sale of the Bonds by the Authority by negotiation with the UtderWriter, so long as the aggregate principal amount of Bads attributable to the City does mt exceed $2,300,000.00, so lag as the average interest rate on the Bonds day not exceed seven and one-tali percent (7-1/2$) per annum and so long as the Utderwriter's discanit does rot exceed one ant one-half percent (1-1/2$). FOesolutim No. sl-oalr~ sage z SF7C1'iCN 2: official Acorns. The Mayor, the City Aanager, any Assistant City Manaryrs, the Fir~anee Director, the City Clerk and any and all other officers of the City ate hereby authorized and directed, far aed in the reme and rn behalf oP the City, to do cry and all thirr3s and take arty and all actions, including ewawtirn and delivery of any and all assigr>Dents, certificates, tequisitims, agre®pnts, rotices, consents, ir~etnaaents of axrveyarrce, warrants and other doam~ts which they, or cry of than, may de® necessary or advisable in order to cam~ate the lawful isarame and sale of the seas. SEC7I:CN 3: Effective Date: This Resolutirn shall take effect fYam and after the date of its passage and adoptirn. d - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF ItRpORT DATE: August 7, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members o£ the City~o~ncil FROM: Jack LdID, AICP, City Manager 11 SUBJECT: 8001CIa~ tEE L1111~pi~^'~'"'~~`- Raooaaeadation It is recommended that the City Council authorize the expenditure of $474 from account no. 01-4285-6028 to continue our participation in the City~s lawsuit against the County regarding booking fees. Background The City Council originally authorized the City to initially contribute $500 to join with other cities in a lawsuit against the County over the implementation of SH 2557 and booking fees. The lawsuit has been filed and a financial analysis completed. Another progress payment is requested to cover the cost of the financial analysis. The City is being asked to contribute its fair share along with the other cities in the County towards completing this effort. This fair share amount is calculated at $474 hased on Rancho Cucamonga~s population. JL/tlr DAB:757 O~ -CITY OF RANCHO CIICAM(1NGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 7, 1991 T0: Mayor, Members of the City Council and Jack Lam, A[CP, City Manager FROM: Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director S[JBJECI': APPROVAL OF INTEGRATED WASTE COORDINATOR CLASSII7CATION AND RANGE RECOMMF.NDAT[ON The City Council approve the Integrated Waste Coordinator classification and range. BA .K =RO IND AB 939 which was passed by the state legislature requires all cities and counties to adopt an Integrated Waste Management Plan and submit it to the state for approval by January 1, 1992. The plan must show how [he City will implement a 25R'o reduction of all solid waste from landfills or transformation facilities by the yeaz 1995. The plan must further show how the City will achieve the 50% waste reduction requirement by the year 2000. AB 939 established a funding source for cities to pay the costs of preparing, adopting and implementing an integrated Waste Management Plan. The fee structure, approved by [he City Council on July 18, 1990, is now in place. The Council has already approved the budget for the AB 939 program. Staff postponed [he hiring of [his position until other work on the plan began with the county. Now is the time to finalize the position as other cities have already hired or are in the process of recruiting for a similar position. Attached for your review is the job description. Staff surveyed the labor market to determine ttte appropriate range for the Integrated Waste Coordinator. Since such positions are new, staff analyzed other positions, as well as the educational requirements, skill level necessary to accomplish the job, job knowledge and years of AFFRv'rAL ~Ji' LN':tiLiIL;'1L'D WASTE CuOfu7uVATOR August 7, 1991 Page 2 experience being required to perform the job and compared those requirements to currently existing positions within the City's classification plan. The analysis indicated that the Integrated Waste Coordinator position's requiremen[s most favorably compared with the current positions of Pubiic Works Engineer, Data Processing Manager, and Principal Planner. Based on this comparison, and in an effort to attract individuals that are skilled in the performance of the Integrated Waste Coordinator functinnc a .~..ee .,.:;~ ;~~ c~Gy airy of Svui per month and a control point salary of $5019 per month is appropriate and consistent with other positions. Res~pec~tfullys/u/bJ/m~~'i/tted, Jtm Hart Administrative Services Director JH/dah attachment 30 Date Adopted Code: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA iNTE6RATEO HASTE COORDINATOR DEFINITION Under general supervision, plans, implements and administers the City's solid waste programs which include collection and disposal, recycling, waste minimization, public education, long range planning, and financial planning. CLASS CHARACTERISTICS The employee works under the general supervision of the City Engineer and is responsible for managing the City's solid waste programs. The employee deals with elected officials, public boards and commissions, other City employees, and the general public regarding solid waste issues. Interpersonal skills are an important aspect of this position. E%AMPLE OF DUTIES: Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Prepares plans, reports, and other documents pertaining to the City's waste management activities. ?. Conducts detailed studies and analyses of waste composition, disposal practices and financial implications of programs. 3. Advocates City's position before other government agencies or boards; prepares and implements ouhlir edi.ir at;on p ~ ,,,,, 4. Supervises and directs activities of support personnel. 5. Develops program policies and procedures; monitors and evaluates ongoing projects; coordinates and revi ews data collection; researches and develops current recycling markets; develops and monitors a program budget; develops effective outreach programs. QUALIFICATIONS GUID Ei_INES Educ atien and/or Experience Five years program management experience including experience in the field of recycling, waste collection, or disposal and the legal environment for these activities. frad uat ion from an accredited four-year college or university with a major in public or business administration or one of the physical sciences. Previous public agency and computer experience desirable. 31 INTEGRATED WASTE COORDINATOR - 2- Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Considerable knowledge of the techniques of solid waste handling; the structure and operation of local government; applicable state and federal regulations; and the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other personnel, the business community, governmental agencies, and the general public• ability to cnnrd;nare arr:v;r:oe ,.:tti ucner aepartments; ability to direct the activities of support staff; ability to prepare a variety of written correspondence and reports; ability to conceptualize, develop and implement a program with minimal supew~ision; knowledge of personal computers and related software. Special Requirement possession of, or ability to obtain a Class 3 California driver's license and a satisfactory driving record. 3~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA $Ta~~` FtEF'C3RT DATE: August 7, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Betty A. Miller, Assoc late Engineer SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 13693 ~: nc TiwT rnn~EL ~ ~%1R[ nbbtaa rINM NUNIHRIDGE DRIVE FOR A RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OF ONE ACRE OF LAND INTO TNO PARCELS IN THE VERY LON RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF NORTHRI D~,~E DRIVE, NEST OF HAVEN AVENUE - APN: 201-182-29 (RELATED FILE: YARTANCE 91-04) RECOMIENOATION Staff racommends that the Ctty Council adopt the attached Resolution to uphold the appeal. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On July 17, 1991, the City Council heard the appeal by adfacent property owners of the condition of approval requiring Parcel 2 to take access from Northridge Urive. The attached Resolution reflects the Council's decision to grant the appeal and approve the tentative parcel map with a temporary access to Cabrosa P1 ace for Parcel 2 across Parcel 1, to he removed once alternate access to Parcel 2 becomes available Fran the north. The applicant shall provide an offer of dedication fora portion of a future culdesac at the northeast corner of Parcel 2, process a modification to Variance 91-04, and submit a Design Review for Parcel 2. Respectfully submitted, Wm. Joe O'Neil~~/~ City Engineer HJO: BAM:,i h Attachments: Exhibit "A", Vicinity Map Exh161t "B", Tentative Map Exhibit I, Master Plan Alternate 2 Resolution J 1~~ I / ~~~ L~_i1J W'! ~`' ~ ~ I I . ~ r ~ '~L~_ ~ ~~T,T~~~_~~ ~o~~E ~~= rono~ CITY OF ;PARCEL MAP 13693, RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE: V I CI N I TY MA P ENGINEERIIVG DIVL9ION EXHHISIT: ~~ R ~~ 3~ _ _ _ : ;, , ', M~.« ~ ' u sal aI ~~ ~~ \~ ~~ ~ °I d ,. _ 4y'/E/ ~ ~. ! / ~! ~ . . GF J• I 1.1 v \ ~'W ~~ U _____ i Q1 I,,,'~.w~ ml' ~ ~ ~ 4~ ~ i~ ~I ~~~`~ n .~ _~ rt ~ ~ v "~" 'p,G L Y E \V } ~ ,. i ~ ~ ` LL 'p~ c I ` b Y ~ I i _ r ~~g ~ ~~ ~ o F'~ ,.I, I ', I o ' / ~' V'ud'. I~b / ~ u o~~ ~ I~ I \g ~ 0 Z J ~ ~ •Vl I~ ~ ' •~ s, ~ ~ ~~~r . J ~ ~ :-=~,-- ~ , tr ~; , ~ ~ ~ ~. -+ ~-- ~•k, - ~ I U ~1 y~ y .o ,f, _ ~ ~ ! I r r ~-- - .. C7 -. W 0 'l~.rigina) Poor Quality '--' - Dnepn y -. . ~QZ~i MI a Q -- Lonny E ~ F-. i ~ I ® c ~ -~~ .~ ~ ~ _- i i I _ ________ ~~ __ _________ t ~ q~e~ ~ N " _ -~ i ~ ~~ O _ O___._____ _ fi ~ . _ _ ~^ Z .$' r=-. , C __ ~ ~ ., V> V P C ~_ .S ~ ~ - - O - Z i; ~ ~ .~________ - _~_ . a~n~d osaign> F- _ i `y ~ ,_~ - -~ e j=. is s 3 O f ' 77 `"~~IC i ~ ~ ~ _. ~_ ~ - _ .C.,3veiy - - ~ - 3~ 0 ~ V ~ x ~z U ~ RESOLUTION N0. q'~Ig~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REQUEST FOR A TENTATIVE PARCEL IMP, NUlBER 13693, TO SUBDIVIDE 1.0 ACRE INTO 2 PARCELS IN THE VERY LOM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF NORTHRIDGE DRIVE, WEST OF HAVEN AVENUE - APN: 201-182-29 A. Recitals. (i) Mr. and Mrs. Steven Luna have filed an application for the approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 13693 described above 1n the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subiect Tentative Parcel Map request is referred to as "the Tentative Parcel Nap." (11) On March 27 and continued to Apr11 24 and May 22, 1991, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duty noticed public hearing on the Tentative Parcel Map and following the corM:l usion of said hearing, adopted their Resolution No. 91-41 thereby approving the Tentative Parcel Map. (111) Mr. Peter Fan, an ad,)acent property owner, and the Northwood Properties Community Association have filed a timely appeal of the approval represented in said Resolution No. 91-41 on the basis of the requirement that Parcel 2 take access from Northridge Drive. (iv) On July 3 and continued to July 17, 1991, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the subject matter of the appeal of the Tentative Parcel Map and on said date certcl uded the pubs is hearing. (v) A71 legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve as follows: I. The founcll hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. This Council hereby finds and certifies that the pro,~ect has been reviewed and considered to compliance with the California Environmental ~~ CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. TENT PM 13693 - TUNA A.;.'gust v ,ool Page 2 Quality Act of 1970 and concurs with the issuance of the Negative Declaration issued on May 22, 1991. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced July 3 and July 17, 1991, hearings, Including written staff reports, the minutes of the above-referenced March 27, April 24, and May 22, 1991, Planning Commission meetings, public testimony, and the contents of Planning Commission Resolution No. 91-41, this Council specifically finds as follows: fa) Twe Tenl.H ue o~_....ol Y.. ...a ~_- a- ______... .__.... .. the north side of Northridge Drive west of•Haven Avenue i+lthln the Very~tow Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre); (b) The Development District and development status of the surrounding property 1s as follows: North - Very Low Residential -Partially Developed South - Low-Medium Residential -Developed East -Very Low Residential -Vacant West -Very Low Residential - Horse Corral (c) The Tentative Parcel Map contemplates the development of a 2-lot subdivision on 1.0 acre of land; (d) Va rlance No. 91-04, which was approved in conf unt tl on with the Tentative Parcel Map to ail ow reductions in the minimum average lot size and minimum lot depth, shall be modified Lc allow a further reduction of 300 square feet to the minimum average lot size; (e) ?hose requirements of Planning Coaraission Resolution No. 91-41 which relate to Parcel 2 taking access from Northridge Drive are unnecessary to the subdivision of Lhe property; (f) Parcel 2 shall Instead be designed to ultimately Lake access from a future street at the northeast corner of the site, with a temporary access easearent across Parcel 1 to Cabrosa Place; (g) The development as modified will not contradict the goals or objectives of the General Plan or Development Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and would not promote a detrimental condition to the persons or properties to the immediate vicinity of the subject site. 4. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth 1n paragraphs I, 2, and 3 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: .-~V CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. TENT PM 13693 - LUNA AifGUSt ~, ~99i Page 3 (a) The Tentative Parcel Map, upon approval of the revised variance, wilt be consistent with the General Plan and Development Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; (b) The design or improvements of the Tentative Parcel Map 1s consistent with the General Plan and Development Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; (c) The subfect site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; (d) The design of the proposed development is not likely to cause substantial enviromental damage or avoidable tnfury to hua>ens or wildlife or their habitat; problems; (e) The development is not likely to cause serious health (f) The design of the development w111 not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed development; and 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth 1n paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, th15 Council hereby approves the Tentative Parcel Map subfect to the attached Standard Conditions and the following Special Conditions: 1. An irrevocable offer of dedication shall be provided at the northeast corner of Parcel 2 sufficient to provide 50 feet of frontage consistent with master planning alternate "I°, which involves the future extension of Cart111a Avenue due south of Wilson Avenue. 2. A 11en shall be placed on Parcel 2 for the future construction of street improvements within the offer of dedication. 3. A modification to Variance 91-04 shall be processed which further reduces the mintmwe average lot area by the amount of the offer of dedication. 4. The access easement across Parcel 1 in favor of Parcel 2 shall be temporary, to be removed once alternate access to Parcel 2 is available from the north. The local feeder troll between Parcels 1 and 2 shall be completed once the driveway is removed. 5. ACCe55 to Parcel 2 shall be designed to the satisfaction of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Pro*.ertion District, Including adequate turnaround for fire .3g CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. TENT PM 13693 - LUNA August 7, 1991 Pegg u vehicles or acceptable alternate. Any gated access shat] require a knox lock. A Oeslgn Review application for the development of Parcel 2 shall be submitted for review by the Oeslgn Revtea Committee and approval by the City Planner to insure that the home is properly oriented toward the future cul-de-sac at the northeast corner of the site. Bull ding setback lines shall ho olptte.! - •~~';nn, iarcei map, to the satisfaction of the City Planner. The following shall be constructed prior to release of occupancy for either parcel: (a) The driveway across Parcel 1 to serve Parcel 2; (b) A decorat/ve screen wail along the south property 11ne of both parcels, the design of which shall be reviewed and approved by the City Planner. Prior to Construction of the screen wall, the developer shall work with the Northwood Properties Community Association to allow replacement of the existing wrought iron fence with the screen wall , (c) A 15-foot wide local feeder troll along the entire southerly boundary of Parcels 1 and 2, and a 15-foot wide local feeder trail between Parcels 1 and 2 from the scutherly 4rai1 to the north property 11ne. The portion of the trail which crosses the temporary access easement shall be constructed when the driveway is removed. (d) Private drainage devices to convey flows from the site and from the property north of the site to the existing public facilities along the west andlor south boundaries, Installed to the satisfaction of the Building Official. Private drainage easements shall be shown on the F1na1 Parcel Map as required by the Bull ding and Safety Division. 9. A Grading plan shall be approved by the City for both parcels which incorporates the driveway, screen wall, equestr/an trails, and private drainage fac111tie5. 1~ CITY CWNCIL RESOLUTION N0. TENT PM 13693 - LUNA August 7, 1941 Page 5 6, The Council hereby provides notice to Mr. and Mrs, Luna, Peter Fan, and the Northwood Properties Community Association that the ' time wt thin which ,iudicial review of the decision represented by the Resolution must be sought is governed by the provisions of California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6. 7. The City Clerk 1s hereby directed to: (a) certify to the adoption of this Resolution, and (b) forthwith transmit a certified copy of this Resolution, by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, to Mr. and Mrs. Luna, Deter Fan, and the Northwood Properties Camaunity Association at their addresses as per City records. ~/ Pnginal Poor Qual;ty i. __ 8 =; ~„ =^ 8c a S.: g` g- off. S~ c€ ~V P Y~c Yx ' _Yg %; E az gFn ~Y„ Yy ~~ ~ rvl ~I i ~4i I ~ t _ o8 ` 3 ~;$ . rs s$ sPs a~ -g ~ ks! tYF ~ s ~% t _ wF _ .8 E s~fl E3 V_ ;fro E ~ ~ ~ ~-E [?; ~ 8~ . y t _ _ _Y _'to }fe ~ Y Y 2Y t fi se ~x E EpE gE~ ,B. dE{ ~~ :~E frg c_ 82 "L ~ Eeg YL.4 ^Y~ ~ffa 8g ? !K yE? tl &f t 2g 'F ~3 x _ i.x es E.~ b x ~ P ~ ~ ~gF $~f fY ~tl~ ;Ft' -7 ~~ Y$e E e b .,iYx ~~QL ~SS ~L: ?~~ ~~~. Fa~ tl~ S~ -E° . N e ., e w B ~~~ ~I ~I ~ I i ~ i 5 §. ~ 3 .3 ~E E €,-J. a!n of g9 Y~ 5g8 R~ F ~~ ha° § € ## ag fr 8 fr S i s ~~ ~ g x i E V3~ ~ fi~ frg~ g ° " s ~. _ a: _ aa &g ~~ i " I M Y a ~ .~ 9 F f 8 ~g ~ 3 e3 3 ~^ " ~ 3 2 ~ E ~, E e , } frfr fr•$ 37 ~? ! t Sf' eEu ' 3 E E.- ij°~ E E Sfr "g 8 S g 3 c° ~~ ~8 c a a ~~~~ ~ as yi 3 to ~ i a ~ ^ ~ ~E g ' .t ^ ~~ ~~€^ ~Qz !8~• f=e~ E 'Original Foor Q~al~ty rs I ~ ~'~ _ 3r5 ~' R ia, ?am sfi= ;~ ~xg a,x; ~~ s c' eai a ~s ~ ~ _ c@ c" . ;i a ~~ ~~ s i ~ ' z : y y~ y _ . 3- !" ;s 's °~ ~~ gx ! o^ g,~ ~~ e ~ ~ ti ~ ~ii i e , :i , - " i; ~ ?a! a r€a f ~ = ' a S' a '%^ °C is J C ~ d ~ ~a: 3~ ig ~$ ` Y~ L~' sPI' CY ~~' A~ ~ $x~ ~ ~y x ~c~ ~; _ a F~ r£ _ ~` ~ ~" ^$ ~=s s s ° 'e s £~§ 3aa ~ s a_ } !x fifi a 83= i~ -t as , gg asi- -3:&'3:33?~x~lo ~•93~' =3:53"i7tCx `. 3S~E~ .'$a a='~;cos"-g~5~^cs a~~= i~o~is~s~~a'~ ; s•^s s~°F$'4-~gjcsiR s $g3 iSRA'sgi~5e~a Rx°~ ?i zs~"'~ga-."ago "'~~'^$ x;mi $:a _~,~ "~ __.~ R.a=ss;"°~~~~£ ~~Rg: ~~~¢3_gu~os_e aYa a~~a ~`~'$~ ^3g --- has' ~~Na.'-'x'-~ _~ ' 3 '~30 ;= '_ ~~°el ,33=lie-li; ;4 ga. ~.,, ,~. .. -t. .~ ~.~~s .. o....'3~.i.'oo•", ,> ~~ ~ ~ ~: ,e y,i is - as l = q a~ € ~„ ,F 3 3 ~ ^~ _ - '_ °1 . R! a' I a ~e ;a x a 3'e $ s ^;t s s i ~g ~: _ zm^ e; ~3S' 3°9 ~' ~' ~^s 'fie a• r•~ ~a_ ;~ x` ~'x -~ ~~s x :ia p _ - q - N+3o •+ n~~ -- CITY OF RANCHO CLCAMONGA ~~aF~A~ REPGRT DATE: August 7, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager BY: Jan Reynolds, Assistant Redevelopment Analyst SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF CONTRACTS FOR BOND COUNSEL, FINANCIAL ADVISOR AND ASSESSMENT ENOINEER IN CONNECTION WITH THE FORMATION AND ISSUANCE OF BONDS FOR PROPOSED COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT 91-1 RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor to execute contracts with bond counsel, financial advisor and assessment engineer for services rendered in [he formation and issuance of bonds for proposed Community Facilities District 91-1. BACKGROUND: On 7uly I7, 1991 the Agency approved an amendment to Owner Participation Agreement 84-1 (Victoria Gardens), which among other things, included a timeframe for the formation of a Community Facilities District (CFD). This CFD will provide the majority of the funding [o construct the public improvements required for the regional center as well as the surrounding properties. These improvements are shown on the attached map. The Agency concurzed [hat this approach would result in a more efficient circulation system and less future disruption than if the improvements wen[ in piecemeal as property develops. ANALYSIS: In order [o prxeed in a timely manner with the CFD formation and subsequent bond sale, it is necessary to select bond counsel, financial advisor, and assessment engineer. Staff has put together the financing team of Stradling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth and Albert A. Webb Associates (assessment engineer). These firms are highly qualified to provide the services required by the City, and have an excellent knowledge of the City and its projects. The proponents of the CFD have placed on deposit with the City funds sufficient to cover consultant and administrative fees, which are fully reimbursable ai the time of bond sale. Therefore, execution of these contracts will not require expenditure of general funds. Resnectfully submitted- -, ~. t~ Linda D. Daniels Depu[y City Manager Attachment: Map of proposed street improvements ~5 ~-t~';!y __ ;: _ ~~I ~ ~ :i-i ~ r 1 ~ / , L ' 11 _'~ / ICI I . I / . i ~ In I~ ~ 1 ,~ .`` ~ .~ q~. ~ 1 ' ~i ' ~ L - VJw ~ i'. II. I -- _ u~ ~i ~:r=~-i r - i s _ _ ~ .- _ _ /' 1 _ I ~ -. i~ j.__ -ii , I ~ - ..~ j o -- i it - = ~.t_ ~ r ~ j ji I i _ / 1 1 ~ ;~/ 1 ~ !I ~.I .. ~ I _~ -,~ ~-r-.,-C1 I~~.' ~ _ 'I~~ ' ~ I,' ~ A ~ ua~~w~ Goal-......u i, ~., .. ~ (~~ VICTORIgV..,,,.~ m.v n.. I ~.~, ` ~~ .l~s~;~ ' __v I ~ I®;pH~''aViLLIAM 1~y0,,~;. COMPe1NY ~ =""=- °~ - --- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF ~tEFORT DATE: August 7, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: L. Dennis Michael, Fire Chief SUBJECT: AGREEMENT FOR CONTINUING OPERATION OF A HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION SITE FOR THE DISPOSAL OF COMMON HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS W A5TE 1tFr(1M-wcw~n ......+Iv Consideration of approval of an agreement between the County of San Bernardino, the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for the collection and disposal of common household hazardous waste. On March 12, ]987, the hire District Board of Directors entered into an agreement with the County of San Bernardino to establish operation of a household hazardous waste collection site for the disposal of common household hazardous waste. Prior to approving the 1987 agreement, the District presented the proposal to the City Council and received their support to establish the program within our mmmuniry. The Department of Environmental Health Services (DEHS) is the County department responsible for the safe management of hazardous waste including household hazardous waste. i'hrough this agreement they are responsible for providing proper training, operational procedures, required permits, storage shed and equipment and the proper disposal of accumulated household wastes at an approved Class I disposal site. The District and City are responsible for site operations in accordance with DEHS procedures. Our household hazardous waste collection site is currently located at Fire Station No. 3 at 12158 Base Line Road. The hours established for receipt of household waste are Saturdays kom ]0:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The site has been in continuous operation sinrn August 1987. CITY COUNCIL HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE AGREEMENT August 7, 1991 Page Two The original agreement between the County and District requires renewal. !n discussions with DEHS, City and District staff, it was determined that revised language to incorporate the City of Rancho Cucamonga was appropriate. It is anticipated that in the future, City personnel may be utilized to augment current staffing responsible for site operation and waste collection should the rnrranf nrnoram ram,irn uvnan Ginn A,iA ifinmll.. fl.o I~..m.~no ~fi..rAe ..o. _. expanded liability protection to the City and District. Therefore, it is recommended the City and District be incorporated into the renewed agreement. Legal counsel has reviewed the proposed agreement and recommended minor changes to the Hold Harmless provisions. The County accepted the revised language to the satisfaction of counsel. ANALYSIS The household hazardous waste colleMion site has proven to be an effective method for community residents to dispose their common household hazardous waste. T'he site also provides our community the ability of properly disposing such material throughout the year. 7'he program benefits t}le general public, fire suppression personnel and our local environment by reducing the amount of undesirable household hazardous waste which mold potentially endanger citizens, firefighters and the environment through improper storage and/or disposal. Continuation of the program assists with our compliance of State mandated requirements for household hazardous waste management in accordance with AB 939. Non-compliance with household hazardous waste mandates could subject the City to fines up to $10,000 per day. Respectfully submitted, L. Dennis Michael Fire Chief LDM/rb 1~ C1TY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~T.d-FF DEPORT DATE: August 7, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Jce Stofa, Jr., A55octate Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT, ZONE 1, DEER CREEK COMAON USE AGREEMENT N0. FA 19103 FOR BRIDGE CRDSS1NrC ar BANYAN AND CHURCH STREETS ~ It 1s recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution approving the su6~ect agreement and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreeement. BACK6NDUN0/ANALYSIS San Bernardino County Fl ood Control District (SBCFCD) is requesting approval by the Ctty for a "Common Use Agreement° for two recently constructed bridge crossings over Deer Creek Channel at Banyan and Church Streets as shown on attachment. Since SBCFCD owns the land 1n which the City desires to eperate and maintain the bridge crossings and appurtenances, an `Areas of Common Use" agreement is required. The agreement simply states that SBCFCD will preserve, maintain and operate the food control and xater conservaticn works and the City will operate and maintain the bridge crossings and appurtenances within the areas of Gammon Use. The Agreement has been reviewed by the City Attorney and is on file 1n the City Clerk's office. Respectfully submitt NJO:JS:diw / Attachment R CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA N NTS '/ICINITY MAP LPi0IId1EERIIQ(} AIVIBION .5 ~ 'Original ,Poor ~'aal;ty Oridiral_Pccr_~ual~ty - CITY OF N ;ors RANCHO CUCAMONGA ENGIIIEERINO DMBION VICINITY MAP 51 RESOLUTION N0. 9i ~ d~ A RESOLUTION OF~TNE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING COOPERATIYE AGREEMENT KITH SAN BERNAADINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT FOR BRIDGE CROSSINGS AT BANYAN AND CHURCH STREETS NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration a Cooperative Agreement from the San Bernardino County Flood Control 01str1Ct for the bridge crossings at Banyan and Church Streets over Deer Creek Channel which 1s generally located east of Haven Avenue; and NNEREAS, the construction of such T~rovements, described to said Cooperative Agreement and sub,~ect to the tenas thereof, have been completed. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONBA, HEREBY RESOLVES that said Cooperative Agreement be hereby approved aM the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Cooperative Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~' CITY (1F RANl1H0 QTiQAMQN(_A STAFF REPORT DATE: August 7, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Joe SChult2, CLP, Community Services DSxector SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO ACCEPT CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND CHAFFEY COLLEGE PLAY FIELDS FACILITY USE aravxnrFxm Rte' COMMffi7DATZON Staff recommends that the City Council enter into the joint play field facility use agreement as approved by the Board of Governors of Chaffey Callege on June 27, 1991. BACEGRODNp Staff has negotiated with Chaffey College staff for use of additional play area ae constructed by Grigsby Development Company. This play field area will be used for Pop Warner Football and little leagues. Staff has been negotiating since August 1988 for a long-term use agreement for the use of play fields. The approval of $25,000 payment for annual operation and maintenance on April 3, 1991, by Council was the first step towards ongoing use of college fields. DISCUSSION/ANALYSIS College staff is aware of the current financial constraints of the City and is agreeable to enter into a one-year agreement. Ultimately, when the economic climate improves, the following joint-use agreement and improvements are scheduled to be made to benefit our sport users: The College desires capital improvements, including but not limited to: installation of three baseball diamonds with sport field overlays, including fencing, backstops, goals and goal posts; installation of a 200-car paved parking lot and access road off of Banyan Avenue; installation of sidewalks and steps between the parking let and the ball field; construction of a restroom/ concession/storage facility for community use. 5 CITY OF RANCHO mCUCAMONGA AND CHAFFEY COLLEGE PLAY FIELDS FACILITY USE AGREEt~NT August 7, 1991 Page 2 In addition tc the items cited above, the City is willing to perform a number of other campus improvements that ultimately benefit the entire community. These improvements include: 1) Paving the extension of Amber Lane from the football stadium to the eastern border of the campus and the upgrading oP the emergency egress road from Amber Lane to Banyan Avenue. t) 'rne purchase and installaticn of a new baseball backstop for the College's baseball diamond. In consideration for these improvements, the Collage will agree to let the American Legion use these fields at no cost to the City or the American Legion. 3) Insta11at1on of new bleachers around the College's baseball field. 4) Payment of a $30,000 annual fee for the operations and maintenance of the ball fields/play fields. In recognition of the preceding, and without a user fee, the College shall grant to the City the use of Chaffey College baseball fields, gymnasium four times a year and use of the improved play field the City shall construct. SDlIIfARY The financial situation of the Park Development Fund necessitates a slowdown that may not turn around for at least three years. Thus, the City may not be able to do the permanent capital projects for at least that amount of time. The attached one-year agreement allows some youth sport organizations use of the play field open space. Currently this affects Pop Warner Football. They are scheduled to use Chaffey College play fields in the fall o£ 1991. Sta £f intends to continue working with college staff to make this program of joint use another "win-win" for the City, the College and our residents. Respectfuli.y submitted, ~ ~ Joe chultz, CLP co nity Servi a Director SS/kls 5~ AGREEMENT Between The City of Rancho Cucamonga and Chaffey College District For Use of Chaffey College Playfields. THIS AGREEMENT entered into on the 1st day of July 1991, between the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, hereinafter referred to as "City', and the Chaffey College District, hereinafter referred to as "College": WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the use of these facilities for community use would be primarily evenings and on weekends. There are no plans for lighting any of the playing fields at this time. The above playing fields would be available for College use during weekdays, although the City may also use them if the College does not have them programmed. WHEREAS, the City and the College deem it desirable to cooperate in the establishment of such an agreement under the conditions hereinafter set forth, now therefore, it is agreed as follows: t. The City shall provide the architectural services and capital improvements cited above at no cost to the College. 2. The College shall grant to the City, in recognition of the preceding, and without fee, the use of Chaffey College baseball fields for American Legicn use, gymnasium four times a year, and use of the improved playfislds the City shall construct. The use of these facilities is conditional upon after school hours and for public recreation programs. 3. The College and the City agree to hold harmless, indemnity, and defend each other, its elected officials, officers, agents, successors and assigns, tram and against all claims, liens, encumbrances, actions, loss, damages, causes of action, expense and/or liability, including court cost and attorney's fees arising from or resulting from loss or damage to property or injury to or death of person(s) resuhing in any manner whatsoever directly or indirectly by reason of the City or College operation of the said portion for their sole use. The College and the City shall provide each other whh insurance coverage with respect to said indemnity in amounts, tone and content approved by the Agency. Said coverage shall be maintained by the City and College, and the City shall supply to each other certificates indicating the existence of said coverage prior to each school year. 55 Agreement City and College Page 2 4. This agreement may be amended at any time by mutual agreement of both parties. This agreement may not be terminated for a period of one (1) year unless agreed by District and City. Maintenance and operetion fee may be renegotiated after one (1) year. 5. Communications and notices shall be addressed as follows: CiW r..ue,.e City Manager President City of Rancho Cucamonga Chattey College Disirtct Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 5685 Haven Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701-3002 WITNESS THE EXECUTION HEREOF the day and year first above written. City of Rancho Cucamonga Authorized Signature Chaffey College District v Aµt rj d Si ~tyre~ Title Date rtie ~~~ ---~'~ Date ATTESTED: City Clerk Date 6/91 tJ GI'1'Y rU~N' HANUHU G'aU~CAMUN(iA DATE: August 7, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of Lhe City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager ~ FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Willie Yalbuena, Assistant Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY AND ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF LANDSCAPE AREAS TO THE WORK PROGRAM aF LANDSCAPE !MINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 3 AND 4 FOR CUP 88-12, LOCATED NORTH OF FOOTHILL 80ULEYARD, EAST OF NAVEN AYENUE, SUBMITTED BY LEWIS HOMES RECOMMEI®ATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions accepting the subiect agreement, security, and ordering Lhe annexation of Landscape areas to the work program of Landscape Maintenance District Nos. 3 and 4 for CUP 88-12 and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement. AMALYSIS/BACKGROUI~ CUP 88-12, located north of Foothill Boulevard, east of Haven Avenue in the Commercial District of the Terra Yista Planned Community, was approved by the Planning Commission on April 27, 1988. The Developer, Lewis Homes, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the installation of median island landscaping and irrigation improvements located on Foothill Boulevard between Haven and Orchard Avenues in the following amounts. Faithful Perfo,mwnce Bond: 5362,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: E181,000.00 Parcel Map 11030, which included the parcel being developed as CUP 88-12, was approved by the Ctty Council on March 1, 1989. At that time, only the assessment units were annexed into the Landscape Maintenance District with the understanding that the landscape areas would be annexed Into the work program at a taker date. Copies of the agreement aM security are available in the Ctty Clerk's Office. Respectfully submitt ' ~~v\ Wm. Joe O'Neil City Engineer WJO:WV:diw Attachments 57 RESOLUTION N0, y~ ~-~j A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 88-12 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its conslderatton an Improvement Agreement executed on August 7, 1991, by Lewis Homes as developer, for the installation of median Island landscape and Irrigation improvements located on Foothill Boulevard between Haven and Orchard Avenues; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, aescrroea in ~u iu Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conJunctlon with the development of Bald real property as referred to Planning Commission, Conditional Use Permit No. 68-12; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement 1s secured and accompanied 6y good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is Identified in said Improvement Agreement. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, HEREBY RESOLVES that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. .J Ll RESOLUTION N0. -/r/ ~~~a A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNE%ATION OF LANDSCAPE AREAS TO THE WORK PR06RAM OF LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 3 AND 4 FOR CUP 88-12 NHE REAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has Drevtously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", belny Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special malntenarrce district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance Dtstrlct Nos. 3 and 6 (hn.e~es..r !-gfd^..~~'~, ,;~ ~,id "ndiu i.euancC Ui5Lf1G L"1: and WHEREAS, at this tiaK the City Council is desirous to order the annexation of landscape areas to the work program of the Maintenance Dtstrlct as shown on Exhibit "A' and described in Exhibit 'B' attached Hereto and Incorporated herein. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section I: That the above recitals are all true and correct. Section 2: That this legislative bogy hereby orders the annexation of the Ian s~cape areas to the work program of said Maintenance D15trict as shown on Exhibit "A" and described to Exhlblt "B" attached hereto. 5~f E%HIBIT 'A' QSS~!S ,ow~!d3 ^.~IA^~RA4~ LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE QISTRICT NO. 4 On~;n;.i i ~i,r ~~a;ay ~~~3~3v'a ~~~^r~ ~L~aaa ~~a~~~s~ ~ ~.r..... _ M[ C/M/T5 OF L/M/TS OF lyOR'f( CONT/NUEO G!L LV/Y~ caav o~ RA~ICaao c~cA~woat;A ,.. ' ~ , COlltdTV O~ SAPI BERRIARDIP~® 5~~2-3~ Off' C,Pea.l~'i3RBd1A c~~ ~6-/2 'L ~-' . fuGL MED/,1N LAND SC!,P/NG' (gM MM4'nk• JD o/u~(niy AUe.) /°/V VE/i5 - 24, 6S7 5,f jh.5 - 7// G. ' EXIIISIT 'B' PROJECT NAME: CUP 88-12 N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: 71 ac N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 142 units ' STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of Lam s to be Annexed District No. 1 ~_ LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Comwunlty Turf Ground Cover Trees District No. Street Name Epuest.Trail Sp• ft• Sp. ft. Ea. 3 Foothill Blvd. --- --- 12,510 106 4 Foothill Blvd. --- --- 12,510 105 NV:B-7-91 ~~ - CITY OF RANCHU l'CCA~IONGA ~fiAr F R~PG~~i~ DATE: TO FROM: BY: SUBJECT: August 7, 1991 Mayor, and Members of the CTty Council Jack Lam, gICP, City Manager . ~_ -,,,r„ > ~? . i Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector II~~~ ADPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR TRACT 12832 DAY CREEK BOULEVARD, LOCATED ON PROPOSED DAY CREEK BOULEVARD BETWEEN HIGHLAND AVENUE AND VICTORIA PARK LANE, SUBMITTED BY THE WILLIAM I YON f.OAVANV RECOMIENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,~ect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Sign said agreement. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 12832 Day Creek Boulevard, were originally approved by the City Countll on May 22, 1986, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: 51,600.00.00 Labor and Material Bond: S 800,000.00 The developer, The William Lyon Company, is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Offiee. Although City Council is authorizing and approving 6 month extensions at this time, it is being recommended that Council approve a 12 month eztension due to the fact that Oay Creek Boulevard construction is not proposed to start until 1992. Respectfully submitted Wm. Joe O'Neil /~ City Engineer ` WJO:SMG:Iy Attachments a rA' r ~~TYlLLI:iSi L4~~1 ~%l37~fbi 4490 VON KARMAN. P.O BO% 75]0, NEWPORT BEACH, Cq 9yp5a-7570 ~ (71d1 877'%00 ' Fqg 171d1 d76-6E04 July 1, 1991 Steve Gilliland city of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91729 Rey Tract 12832 Day Creek Boulevazd Zap~rovement Agmment Extension Dear Steve, Transmitted herewith is a check in the amount o! 5251.00 and the enclosed form executed in tripllcau and notarized for u;o extension of above project. We realize City Council is granting 6 months !or extensions, however we are requesting a twelve )12) month extension for this project. The construction of Day Creek Boulevard Improvements aze associated with the infrastructure for Tentative Tract Map 150fi0. The anticipated submittal of impmvexnt pl?na will o~:u~,.r ui rid i9o%. Should there be any change to the extension, please contact ae a; to the reason why. Any help you can glue would be appreciated. Thank you for your rise and effort in this matter. Respectfully, Lori Brorm - ~ Purchasing ~ .l~l (1 G 1Q9' Inland Expire Division CII\ ,~ Ce3 REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT RESOLUTION N0. 9~-a~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEpffNT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12832 DAY CREEK BOULEVARD NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its conslderatton an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on August 7, 1991 by The Nilliam Lyon Company as developer, for the Improvement of public right-of-wav adiacent to the rnal ~.~^a^t; ~^°_^!f'.c.:'.`; uea~ri ueu cnerern, and generally located on proposed ~Da,y Creek Boulevard between Highland Avenue and Victoria Park Lane; and NHEREAS, the Installation of such Improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subJect to the terms thereof, is to be done in coniunction with the development of saki Tract 12832 Day Creek Boulevard; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by yood and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Ymprovement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~P cxrx ur nnivcnu uuur~munua STAFF REPORT GATE: August 7, 1991 T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer DY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector II SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF iMP ROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR PARCEL l4AP 11030, LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HAVEN AVENUE ARD FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, SUBMITTED BY LEN IS DEVELOPMENT COIPANY It is recamiended that the City Council adopt Lhe attached resolution, accepting the subJect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACKGRgNOJAi111LYSI5 Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Parcel Map 11030 were approved by the City Council on March 2, 1989, in the following amounts: Fairhf„1 verfornance Bond: f2,597,759 Labor and Material Bond: >1,298,880 The developer, Lewis Develogoent Company, 1s requesting approval of a 6-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available 1n the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully subml / ~~v` Wm. Joe O'Neil City Engineer WJO:SMG:sd Attachments (_Q s Lewis Homes Management Corp. 1156 Nuth Mam~in Avenue / P.D. Box 670 / UpIW. CdJamie 91783-0670 7IdN85-0971 PAX: 716yd9.6700 July 1, 1991 City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive P. O. Bax 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Attn: Stave Gilliland Engineering Division Dear Steve: o is ?~ 7 /, 4i i7 gry of / ~ '© Hq,~ ~ 19~r Enclosed please £ind our Improvement Agreement Extension for Parcel Map 11030 (Terra Vista Town Center). We request an extension oP one year. This extension is required to camplete the final "R&R" for curb and gutter and to complete arrangements for the final "capping" of the attests. We would appreciate your consideration of this extension request. Sincerely yours, LEWISj HOMES CORP. i Jo ph H. Oleson vivre President Senior Project Manager JMO:ksk Enclosures RESOLUTION ND. G~~ ~aa~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROYEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 11030 NHEdEAS, the Ctty Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an improvement Agreement Extension executed on August 7, 1991, by Lewis Oevelapment Company as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adJacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done 1n con.function with the development of said Parcel Map 11030; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which 1s identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City oP Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA DATE: August 7, 1991 T0: MAyor, and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Mm. Joe O'Neil, Ctty Engineer r BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Puhlie Works Inspector II~~ SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROYEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR PARCEL MAP 11891, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MILLIKEN AVENUE ANU ANNUM N1g1111A/, JUtlml IICU tl/ Ia.UU /1JJU41%11W RECONENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resotutlon, accepting the subject agreement extension and securfty and authorfzing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BALIC6ROUND/ANALYSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Parcel Map 11891 were approved by the City Council on July 6, 1989, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: 52,250,000 Labor and Material Bond: S'-,125,000 The developer, RCDC Associates, 1s requesting approval of a 12-mOn*_h extension on said improvement agreement. The 12-month extension 1s necessary 1n order to construct an on-grade railroad crossing which has not yet started at this time. Copies of Lhe Improvement Agreement Eztenslon are available in the City Cterk's Office. Respectfully submitted, Mm. Joe O'Neil ~ City Engineer WJO: SMG ad Attachments 112 O'Donnell :''~ p '1JI Group t ~1 I ~2 ~n ~T, i eea~st 1{)I asimenp0avnlopmenl~ I'LIE°t,L{I' ~lµr nagemem JUL C 1 1991 CI!Y Ut RaNCHU CUC~MONGA E::G!affRINC DIY15:0.': June 28, 1991 Publio~WOrka Inspector F.ngi.reering Division CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 RE: improvuent l:greeaent for paroel Nap 11891 Dear Steve: In response try your letter of June 19, 1991, please find the requested check in the amount of $251.00, and the Improvement Agreement Extension form for processing. As owners and developers of the subject property, we are requesting this extension so as to allow for modifications to the documentation of Assessment District 89-1, and the funding of the District. We are unable to complete the scope of work included in the Improvement Agreement until the details are finalized between the City and the Atcheson, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad for the installation of the on-grade crossing at Jersey Blvd.; and the subsequent completion of the street improvements of Jersey Blvd. which cannot be completed until the rail crossing is completed. We met last week with Jerry Fulwood, Ingrid Blair, Dan James, and Duane Baker regarding the outstanding issues and have had our attorney review the agreements for installing the rail crossing and a modified improvement agreement which should supersede the existing Improvement Agreement. The other outstanding issue regarding the Improvement Agreement is the balance of the maintenance period for the replanting of the Milliken Avenue median. That period expires on September 4, 1991 pex~ your letter of May 8, 1991. 2201 Dupont Dnve Su,te 100 • Irvine, CA 92715 • (714) 8510111 • PAX (714) 8570109 PO Box 19583 • Irvine, CA 927139583 Irvine • Santa Rosa • San .bse • Ontario • Santa Fe Sormgs ~9 Mx. Sta.a viiiiiand June 28, 1991 Page two once the agreement is finalized with the railroad, it is anticipated that the on-grade crossing will be constructed within twelve months. At the time that the crossing is completed, we will have approximately one month's work to complete the street improvements for Jersey Blvd. our completion of Jersey Blvd. is contingent upon the completion of the railroad's crossing, which is funded by us, not by the Assessment District. We are most anxious for the completion of the crossing and Che funding of Assessment District H9-1, both of which will mark the completion of Phase I of Rancho Cucamonga Distribution Center II. 6hould you have anp questions regarding this request, please feel free to contact me. 7~ RESOLUTION N0. ~~~ ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROYEfENT AGP.EEMENT EXTENSION ANUIMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 11891 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on August 7, 1941, by RCOC Associates as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the southeast corner of Milliken Avenue and Arrow Nlahwav: and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and sub,~ect to the terms thereof, 15 to be done 1n conjunction with the development of said Parcel Map 11891; and MHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient improvement Security, which is identified Tn said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, Lhe City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authortzed to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. 7/ - ------ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STnF~` T{E~'URT %' GATE: August 7, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the Ctty Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector II ~ ~I , SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE OF BONDS AND NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR TRACT 13621, LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CQRNER OF HILLSIDE ROAD AND HERMOSA AVENUE RECOMEMBATIOM: The required street improvements for Tract 13621 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and 1L 15 recommended that City Council accept said Improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of 539,000 authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of f390,000. BALKGRUUIp/ANALYSIS Tract 13621 - located on the northeast corner of Hillside Road and Hermosa Avenue DEVELOPER: Sahama Development 10722 Arrow Hfghway, Suite 010 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Accept: Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) S 39,000 Faithful Performance Bond (Street) f390,000 Respectfully submit ems, ~~C~ (~~ Wm. Joe O'Neil City Engineer WJO:SMG:sd Attachmont 7 RESOLUTION N0. 9~~~ ~o A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13621 ANO AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NDTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of publ9c Improvements for Tract 13621 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Nottce of Completion with the County 0.ecorder of San Bernardino County. 73 -- CITY OF RANCHO Cl.`CAMONGA STf1FF REFt3RT %~ DgTE: To: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: August 7, 1991 Mayor, and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, ATOP, City Manager Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector RELEASE OF MAINTENANCE BOND FOR TRACT 13722 LOCATED ON THE NORTHMEST CORNER OF VICTORIA PARK LANE AND MILLIKEN AVENUE RECOMIENDATIOY It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Th= required one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects 1n materials and workmanship. DEVELOPER: The N1111am Lyon Co. 4490 Yon Karman Newport Beach, CA 92658 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 5136,700.00 Respectfully submfttfd, /J <~Y Nm. Joe O'Neil (~~ City Engineer NJO:SMG:Iy T CITY OF RANCHO GL'CAMONGA STAFF REEORTi' %' DATE: August 7. 1991 R T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: VAn. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Linda R. Beek, Junior Engineer SUBJECT: RELEASE OF MAINTENANCE BOND FOR THE FOLLOWING IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: CO 88-089 - TRAFFIC SIGNALS ANO LIGHTING, ~ Brrwl aYn eon wrl 1 ruc4 ~VCYgrr Pn oo nnr ern un i n~nr MAINTENANCE FACILITY, CO 88-152 - REPLACEMENT OF-WHITE ALDER TREES, CO 88-173 - NINTH STREET REHABILITATION, VINEYARD TO BAKER AVENUES It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Ctty Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds for the following Improvement Protects: CO 88-089 - Traffic Signals and Lighting, Highland and Milliken Avenues, CO 88-095 - Red H111 Park Maintenance Facility, CO 88- 152 - replacement of White Alder Trees, CO 86-173 - Ninth Street Rehabilitation, Vineyard to Baker Avenues. The required one year maintenance period has ended and the street Improvements rwlutin free from defects in materials an6 workmanship. Respectfully submittCd, ~~ c~,,~~ Wm. Joe O'Neil City Engineer WJO:LRBay 5 ORDINANCE N0. 451 AN ORDIINEICE OF 1tIE CPPY COUNCIL OF 'Ifs CI'T'Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAISFOREIIA, APPROVING EE'IF-it~A SPEXIFIC PIAN AMENLi4Slf 91-03, SU9AREA 2, AMENDING 7HE ElIYIF1NDA4 SPECIFIC P1AN IAEID USE EY~F' FRCM MIDIIAf RESIDENITAL (6-14 DWELLING SA4I'15 PER ACRE) 1U LOW MIDILM RESIDE7d1'IAL (4-8 C1WECdSNG UNITS PER ACRE) DFSZGNATLON WP1H A MASPFR PLAN R8~[II1R<II~I4P FT%2 APAd3XII~II+TE[X 87.52 ACRES OF IAPID BORDERID 014 1E{E NOR1H BY MITS.IIt AVENUE) ON ~ EASP BY EASE AVENUE AEID A UPII.ITY OORRIOOR) ON 'I}<E SOU1H 8Y 1HE FOU12iIIS, BOULE47+RD SPECIFIC PLAN BWEmP12Y, WfLIQi IS APPROXIEII~TE[,Y 530 FEET NDIIIH OF FOOffiIIS. BOUL~EJARD~ AND SUPPORP r1t@tDOF - AR4:~ 1100-131-01 Atm 02, 1100-141-01 AND 02, 1100-151-O1 AND 02, 1100-181-O1 AND 02, 1100-191- 01 A. Recitals. (i) On July 6, 1983, the City Council of the City of Rands Cucanrxga approved the ermcGnent of the Regulatory Provisions of the Etiwatda Specific Plan thrmx~r the adoption of Ordinance No. 203. (ii) On March 16, 1991, the City of Rancho Cucairolxla films an application for Etiwahda Specific Plan a„w*rfi++o.,t No. 91-03 as described in the title of this Ordinance, Hereinafter in this Ordinance, the subject Etiwanda Specific Plan Amerxh~wnt is referred to as "the application". (iii) Oti May 22, and continuer] to May 29, 1991, the PlanniTg Cor¢nission of the City of Rancho an"amo~ga co~duc-ted duly notioed pil~lic hearings on the application and following the conclusion of said public hearings, adapted Resolution No. 9i-60 x~¢nettivig to the City council that said application le appruvral afri a Negative Declaration be certified. (iv) On July 17, 1991, the City Coumil of the City of Falx3~o ancamonga held a duly noticed public hearing arxi concluded said hearittg prior to its adoption of this Ordinance. (v) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Ordinzvre have occuLZed. B. ordinarroe. ']fie City Ccxmcil of the City of Rancho cucamorga does hereby ortLain as follods: 1. 4fiis Council hereby specifically finis that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this ordinance are true atd correct, 2. Haled upon sulstantial evidence presented to this Council during the ahwe-referenced public hearing on July 17, 1991, including written atd oral staff reports, together with lxiblic testimony, this ~uncil hereby specifically finds as follaas: 7l~ Ocdiriarioe No. 451 Page 2 (a) '1S~e InoperY.iee to tlr. north of the subject site ace designated Medium and Law Medium Residenrtial and are vacant. ge prop~tiea to the west are desigreted Medium and Law Merliaa Residential arcl are developed with sityle family homes. 4he properties to the east ace desicyiated Law Medium Residential, Flood mntml/Utility Corridar, and Office (City of Fontana) and are ruder developed with single family homes. 'the properties to the south are designated Medium Residential and are developed with a vacurt service station, an exist.inq, non-oonformug market, and a single family hc~e. (b) this an,orwim„+- does mt amflict with the Iend Use Policies of the General Plan and of the Etiwarda Specific Plan att3 will provide far development, within the districk, in a manner oav5istent with the General Plan and with related develgment; and (c) 7tnis amendment does pramte the goals and objectives of the Land Use Element; and (d) 'Rat the properness located in Shared 2 of the application are suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed district attl are an¢x~tible with existing and surrauding lard use desigreticos as eviaer~cad by the site's being bordered on the rorth and west by the same lard use designation; and (e) 7t~at the proposed anpld<oent would not have signiflrar~t impacts on the errvirorunent nor on the surraudug properties as evidenced by the fi„,;;,~,~ and conclusions listed in Parts Z atrl II of the Initial Shay aryl that the pcopceed designation wwld re9uee the intensity of future resiao..~;al development on the subject px~opesties; and (f) That the prq~osed a„w..~h~t is in m~fornanoe with the General Plan and the Etiwarda Specific Plan by prorating the retentice of Etiwarda's rural atmosphere thraxpr rerhtced residential unit densities. 3. 7fiis Council heresy finds that the project has been reviewed and considered in conq~liance with the California Fhviroamntal 4uality 14ct of 1970 and, further, this CZxmcil hereby issues a Negative Declaration. 9. Based upon the firtlings and conclusions set forth in pares,-ar 1, 2, and 3 al»ve, this Council h°-r~i' approves Etiwarda Specific Plan Amerrhmnt No. 91-03, Slbarea 2, amending the Etiwanda Specific Plan Iaml Ilse Map fray Mediwn Residential (B-14 dwelling units per acre) to IcA Meditua Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) designation with a Master Plan ra~nirement for approximately 87.52 acres of lard bordered on the nxu•th by Miller Avernre; on the east by Fast Avenue and a utility corridor; an the south $' the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Baudary, which is appmximatrly 530 feet north of Foothill Boulevard; and on the west iTY Enwanda Averare, as shaur. on FNhibit "Al". 77 OrdlflazlCe Nb. 451 Page 3 5. 9S~e Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall muse the same to he published within 15 days after its passage at lease once in the Ia7,arx7 valley Oaily Bulletin, a ne~rspaper of general cinvlatian published in the City of Ontario, California, arcl circulated in the City of ' Rancho California. 7~ Oxdi7larre No. 651 Rage d Ylfl(I~IL ~q I. YL ~' V L yl I '. ~~ ~~ L Ir-~-~-..*.-rt_ M LM LM OP ~t,' !~ h~ ~~+~~, I~ ~ LM Eliw.nd. Speedic Plm Am.ndm.nt• 91.03 Fee1Ni11 Blvd. Sp.ci/ic Plcn Amendment 9/-02 LM - Disbiel DoiOn.lion ® PADPEATYS CURRENTLY OFSIDNATFD YEDIUY RESNHNTUI D-II DYElLNl6 UNITS PEA A FI UMDER TONLO~A~DNY RSWEMTSAWLMATIDN (hd DYELIIND UNIT} PEA ACRE) 1 ~ ESPA su0nea No.. a ~ •FSPA suss.. No. u .~ c RC9i0nal Welattsd Suberoe 9mended parceb [TEST: ESPA 91-03, FSPA 91-02 CI"I~' OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA TmEa~..;re Pl.n Am.ne. ~pe,u.. u.p ;ti' PLA.~~ING DMSIOti 7~ E~HIBR 'At• SCALE. - CITY OF RANCHO CliCAMONGA 3T.~.FF TC~P'vftT DATE: August 7, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: 4hn. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Henry Murakoshi, Associate Engineer . ~.~. i SUBJECT: ORDERING THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF AN ALLEY LOCATED SOUTH OF NINTH STREET FROM VINMAR TO SIERRA MADRE AVENUES RECOMENJATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resoiution ordering to be vacated a portion of an alley located south of Ninth Street from Vinmar to Sierra Madre Avenues and that the City Clerk shall cause same to record. BACK910UND/ANALYSIS City Council established a task force to eliminate gang activities in the neighborhood. By the residents' request, the task force has recommended closing the alley from pedestrian traffic to prevent loitering and graffiti. Nhen vacated, the residents intend to relocate fences, closing the Vinmar end of the alley. The City will install a chain link gate at the Sierra Madre end of the alley as part of local street improvements. The gate will restrict public access but is necessary to provide entry for property owners, the Fire District, and utility companies with easements. The Planning Commission has determined the said vacation would conform to the General Plan and recommended that the vacation occur. Notices have been posted at the site and the public hearing date was Dublished in the newspaper. Respectfully submi ted. Nm. Joe O'Neil ~f ~~~ City Engineer NJO:HM:sd Attachment: Resolution - Exhlblt "A" Exhlblt "B" RESOLUTION N0. 9~-aa A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGq, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TO BE VACATED A PORTION OF AN ALLEY LOCATED SOUTH OF NINTN STREET FROM VINMAR TO SIERRA MAORE AYENUES NHEREAS, by Resolution No. 91-193, passed on July 17, 1991, the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga declared its intention to vacate a portion of a City alley hereinafter more particularly described, and set the hour of 7:00 PM on August 7, 1991, in the City Council Chambers, located at '_^__°^C C':'c "-- ~i.~, nan~nu Cucamonga, i.aiirorma, as the time and place for hearing all persons obJecting to the proposed vacation; and WHEREAS, such public hearing has been held at said time and place, and there were no protests, arai or written. to such vacation. NOW, THEREFORE 8E IT RESOLYEO by the Council of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION 1: The Council hereby finds all the evidence suMnltted that portion o ai n al a located south of Ninth Street from Vlnmar to Sierra Madre Avenues is unnecessary for present or DrosDectlve public street purposes, and the City Council hereby makes its order vacating that portion of said City street as shown on Map No. V-117 on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, which has been further described in a legal description which is attached hereto, marked Exhlblt "A", and by reference made a part thereof. SECTION 2: The subfect vacation shall be subJect to the reservations a~eptlons, 1f any, for existing utilities on record. The subfect alley shall be retained as easements for ingress and egress established 1n the names of Cucamonga County Water District, Southern California Edison, General Telephone Company, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the resDectlve owners/tenants of lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 40 and 47 of Tract Map 1829, and shall also be retained as an easement for drainage and related purposed. SECTION 3: The Clerk shall cause a certified copy of this resolution~e -recorded Tn the office of the County Retarder of San Bernardino County, California. SECTION 4: The Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolu o'er and it shall thereupon take effect and be in force. U~ EXHIBIT "A' THAT PORTION OF AN ALLEY AS SHOWN ON TRACT MAP 1029 OF THE TOWN OF WEST CUCAMONGA AS PER PLA7 RECORDED IN BOOK 28, PAGE 20, RECORDS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: AI 1 FV ALL THAT PORTION OF AN ALLEY 20.00 FEET WIDE BOUNDED AS FOLLOWS: ON THE NORTH BV THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOTS 10 THRU 151NClUSWE, MAP OF THE TOWN OF WEST CUCAMONGA AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN BOOK 20, PAGE 20, RECORDS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY; ON THE SOUTH BV THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOTS 10 AND 47, MAP OF THE TOWN OF WEST CUCAMONGA AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN BOOK 28. PAGE 20, RECORDS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY: ON THE WEST BY THE EASTERLY LINE OF VINMAR AVENUE; ON THE EAST BV THE WESTERLY UNE OF SIERRA MADRE AVENUE. CITY QF ITEM: V-117 RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION ENGINEERING DIVISION EXHIBIT: " " Gaon "z'~ BOO ~n <n zp t7 D ~m m~ 'ka+e -~-L--~ VItJMAR AVENUE RNV 0 S Z 2D' WIDE J = 1 rn ~ "' I ~ ~ m < ~ iv Y ~ a m s o I m _ `" I ~ ww ~ SIERRA MADRE AVENUE o ~ - G (7 Z ~ ~ Z~" n CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA August 7, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Jerry Grant, Building Official SUDJECT: ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 1990 NATIONAL EL ECTRICAI. CODE AND LOCAL MODIFICATIONS THERETO RECOlMENDAT[ON It is recommended that the City Council give preliminary first reading of the accompanying ordinance and set the date of September 4, 1991 for public hearing precedent to adoption of the 1990 edition of the National Electrical Code with local modifications. DACKGROUNO On November 16, 1990 the State Building Standards Commission approved State adoption of the 1990 Edition of the National Electrical Code and set an effective date of July 1, 1991 for its application on a local level. State Senafe gall 2871 rho pte red 1088. also altered the adopticn processes for cities in that certain mandated model codes (including Lhe Nati oval Electrical Code) now are to be adopted for all occupancies throughout the state rather than certain limited applications previously included. gNALYSIS The ar.tion of the Building Standards Commission adopting the 1990 Edition of the National Eiec trical code, and the enactment of Senate Bili 2871, now requires local jurisdictions to apFly the regulations set forth therein as of July 1, 1S91. In order for the local modifications adopted by Rancho Cucamonga to be coordinated with the new edition, it is now necessary to adopt the proposed ordinance. There are approximately 1000 changes in the new edition most of which are minor and technical in nature and have little effect on construction. There are several items that have some impact on construction; most notably, on residential work. They are; STAFF REPORT ORDINANCE gDOPTI NG THE 1990 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND LOCAL MODIFICATIONS THERETO AVVYit %, IYy~ Page 2 a. Receptacles (plugs) for kitchen counter areas are now requi reds to De spaced no more than 4 feet apart. b, Hallways 10 feet long or longer now must be provided with a receptacle outlet. c. Single-family dwellings without direct exterior access to rear yard areas (townhouses) now require an outdoor receptacle in the rear yard area. d. .ilmn~na :ed interior stairways of six steps or more are required to have tight switc hey at top and bottom levels. SIMAART Holdfng preliminary first reading and setting a hearing date for the accompanying ordinance will set the stage for toordinati on of Rancho Cucamonga local modifications with the latest edition of the National Electrical Code and bring the City Electrical Regulations into accord with State electrical regulations. Respectfully/su%bmitted, Jerry Grant~~ Building Official JG:71 g5 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY REJGLU11 G11 hD. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Ci TY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, MAKING E%PRE55 FINDINGS OF NEED FOR LOCRL MODIFICATIONS TO THE STATE BUILDING STANDARDS CODE NHEREAS, Health and Safety Code Sections 17958.5 and 17958.1 allow a city to make such modifications to the requirements of the regulations adopted pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 17922 as it determines to be reasonably necessary because of local conditions; and WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga is loco ted in a piedmont area at the base of the San Gabriel mountains, said location characterized by a warm and dry climate that contributes to a much more extensive and more prolonged outdoor living environment than is common to other parts of the a i.a ie, anu WHEREAS, the National Electrical Code as adopted by the State Building Standards Commission has no requirements for expansion of electrical wiring systems to serve outdoor living areas and accessory buildings; and WHEREAS, the National Electrical Code as adopted by the State Building Standards Commission has no requirements for wiring of detached accessory buildings; and WHEREAS, significant climatic temperature differentials coupled with induced heat from load result in increased corrosion and resultant arcing of improper connections in aluminum wiring; and WHEREAS, the National Electrical Lode makes no provision for the utilization and protection from damage of electrical wiring in accesory structures and areas that result from use of such areas because of the favorable climatic conditions; and WHEREAS, the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the State Oe Dartment of Housing and Community Development is adopted on a statewide basis without specific consideration for the above stated and climatic conditions. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby determine and make the following express findings: 1. That modifications of Sections 210-52(gj, 210-54, 210-10(a ), 210-70(d), 210-70(e), 220-10(a ), 230-212, 300-15(d), 31D-14, 336-3(b) and 336-4 of the National Electrical Cade, 1990 Edition are necessary due to local climatic conditions existent in the City of Rancho Cucamonga which provide an ideal environment for the utilization of accesory areas and structures and outdoor areas for hobby and recreational purposes. lD DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSQS ONLY vCcvilruiicC fVO ,ill' h AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 15.24 ELECTRICAL LODE, OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUN1C[PAL CODE; AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CDDE, 1990 EDITION; WITH' CERTAIN AMENDMENTS, ADDITIONS, DELETIONS AND EXCEPTIONS TO SAID CODE A. Recita'. s. (i) Article 2 of Chapter 1 of Part 1 of Division 1 of Title 5 of the California Governmant Lode authorizes the adoption, by reference of the Na*`^"'~ c'^c tr!ca'. Lc :. ..... ~ai.{on ua pu ulisnea oy the National Fire Protection Association. (ii) At least one copy of said Code certified as full, true and correct copy thereof by the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has been filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga in accordance with the provisions of Government Code Section 50022.6. (iii) A duly noticed public hearing, as required by California Government Code Section 50022.3, has been conducted and concluded prior to the adoption of this Ordinance. (iv) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this ordinance have occurred, B. Ordinance. NON, THEREFORE, the Lity Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby find, determine and ordain as follows: SECTION 1 In all re spec is as set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Ordinance. SECTION 2: Chapter 15.24 of Title 15 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code; entitled "Electrical Code", of the City of Rancho Cucamonga is hereby amended, provided that said amendment shall not apply to or excuse any violation thereof occurring prior to the effective date of this Ordinance and provide further that the National Electrical Lode, as adopted by reference and amended by Ordinance No. 311 of this City shall continue to 6e applicable Lo construction for which permits have been issued prior to the effective date of this ordinance. Chapter 15.24 CODES ADOPTION Q 7 Sections: SECTION 3: Chapter 15.24 of Lhe Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is amended hereby to read, in words and figures as follows: Chanter 15,24 ELECTRICAL CODE SECTIONS: 15.24.010 Code Adn pt ion U.Z4.ULU JCC Lipa Lau-52 ~yj wum weu-ua aeu,cuv ~ ~c pZucl~ ~ - 15.24.030 Section 210-54 Added-Buildings Accessory to Multiple Owelling Units 15.24.040 Section 210-10(a) Amended-Lighting Outlets Required 15.24.050 Section 210-10(d) and (e) Added-Buildings Accessory to Dwelling Units 15.24.060 Section 220-10(a) Amended-Ampac ity and Computed Loads 15,24.070 Section 230-43 Amended-Wiring Methods for 600 Volts or Less 15.24.080 Section 230-212 Added-Service Equipment Capacity 15.24.090 Section 300-15(d) Added-Spare Raceways. 15.24.100 Section 310-14 P.mended-Aluminum Conductor 15.24.110 Section 336-3(b) Amended-Type NMC Cable 15.24.120 Section 336-4 Amended-Uses Not Permitted 15.24.130 Section 336-12 Deleted 15.24.140 Articles 550 and 551 Deleted. !5.24.010 Code Adoption 15.24.010 Code Adoption. The "National Electrical Code", 1990 Edition is hereby adopted in its entirety as the Eiec Cricai Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, together with the amendments, additions, deletions and exceptions set forth in Chapter 15,24 below. 15.24.020 Section 210-52 Amended-Basement Receptacle Outlets. Section 210-52 g of the National Electrical Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 210-52(g) Basements. For a one-family dwelling at iea st one receptacle outlet, in addition to any provided for laundry equipment, shall be installed in each basement, See Sections 210- 8(a)(4). 15.24.030 Section 210-54 Added-Buildings Accessory to Dwelli~ Units. The Na *_ional Electrical Code is amended by the addition of a new Section 210-54 to read as failows: 8~ 'nnfinn 91n_CAfa1 RW lAinn• 1n m..l rinln Aun111 Garages and carports accessory nto emul ti pie dwelling uses shall~be provided with at least one receptacle. Garages or carports designed for use by more than one dwelling unit shall be provided with at least one receptacle for each four (4) parking spaces or fraction thereof. Where such garages or carports are separated by walls or partitions , so as to form individual areas serving individual dwelling units, at least one receptacle shall be provided in each individual area. Separated areas shall be wired either on individual dwelling unit meters or on a house meter or meters. Receptacles provided in common-use garages or carports shall be energized from a house meter or meters. When energized from a house meter or meters. the number of receptacles oer circuit shall not exceed six and na such circuit shall supply any other outlets. (b) Buildings accessory to single family dwelling uses. Carports and garages, accessory to single family dwellings or duplexes, shall be wired with a minimum of one grounding type convenience receptacle on a separate 20 amD circuit. Additional receptacle outlets, not exceeding 3, may be installed on the same circuit. See Section 210- 8(a)(2). (c) Detached gara yes or carports. Wiring to all new or reconstructed detached garages or carports accessory to residential uses shall be installed underground in minimum 3/4" raceway from the distribution panel. Laundry receptacles as required by Section 210-52 (f) shall not be construed as meeting the minimum garage or carport receptacles required 6y this section. 15.24.04C Section 210-70(a) Amended-Lighting Outlets Required. Section ?10-7~ of the Na tion~ lect~ode is hereby amended to read as follows: 210-10 Lighting Outlets Required. Lighting outlets shall be installed where specified in (a) and (h) below. (a) Dwelling Units). At least one wall switch-controlled lighting outlet shall be installed in every habitable room, bathroom, hallway, stairway, garage, car DOrt, basement, utility room, and at outdoor entrances to or exits from dwelling units. Where lighting outlets are installed according to (a) above in interior stairways, there shall 6e a wall switch provided 'at each floor level to control the lighting outlet where the difference between floor levels is six steps or more. Where attic or underfloor spaces contain equipment requfrlrtg servicing, a switched light outlet shall be provided locat^d at or near the equipment requiring servicing. The switch controlling an equipment lighting outlet shall be located at the point of entry to the attic or underfloor space. ~9 the attic or underfloor space. 15,24.050 Sec Lions 210-10(d) and (e) Added-Build ino' Accesso rv to Mul tiole Dwellin Units. he National Electrical Code is hereby amended by adding Section 210-70 d to read as follows: Section 210-70(d) Buildings Accessory to Multiple Dwelling Un'ts. Garages or carports designed for use by more than one dwelling unit shall have at least one light outlet for each Four (4) parking spaces or fraction thereof. Nhere garages or carports are separated by walls or partitions so as to form individual areas serving lndivi dual dwelling units, at least one switched lighting outlet shall be provided in each individual area. Seoa ra Led as ra na nr ra,-o~.• ..ti,n w- dwellinq unit meters or on a house meter or meters. Lighting outlets provided in common-use garage or carport areas shall be energized from a house meter or meters. (e) See Section 210-54 (c) for underground wiring requirements to detached garages or carports. 15.24,060 Section 22tl-10 (a) Amended-Amoacity and Camou Led Leads. Section 220-10(a) of the National Elec tr icai Code is hereby amended to re~as follows: 220-10(a) Ampacity and Cempu ted Loads. Feeder conductors shall have sufficient ampacity to supply the load served. In no case shall the computed load of a. feeder be less than the sum of the loads on the branch circuits supplied as determined by Part A of this Article after any applicable demand factors permitted by Parts B, C or 0 have been applied nor less than 50 amperes ampacity, whichever is greater. 15.24.010, Section 230-43 Amended-Wi rine Methods for 600 Volts Nominal or Less. Section 230-43 of the National Electrical Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 230-43. Ni ring methods for 600 volts nominal or less. Service entrance conductors shall be installed in accordance with the applicable requirements of this code covering the type of wiring method used and limited to following methods for the occupancies as outlined in (a) or (b) below: (a) Nonresidential Occupancies 1. Rigid Metal Conduit Exception No. I: Aluminum conduit shall not be used for overhead service entrance raceway. Exception No. 2: Aluminum conduit shall not be used for underground service raceway, / CJ 2. Intermediate Metal Conduit 3. Electrical Metallic Tubing Exception No. 1: Electrical Metallic tubing shall not be used where supDOrting or intended to support service drop attachments. Exception No. 2; Electrical metallic tubing shall not be used as underground service entrance raceway, 4, Wi reways. 5, 6u sways. 6, Auxiliary Gutters. 7, Rigid Non-Metallic Conduit. Exception: Rigid non-metallic conduit shall not be used for overhead service entrance raceway. 6, Ca blebu s. 9. Metal-Clad Cable 10. Mineral Insulated Metal-Sheathed Cable. 11. Flexible Metal Conduit not over 6 feet (1.83m) long between raceway, or between raceway and service equipment, with equipment bonding jumper installed around the flexible metal conduit accordingg to provisions of Section 250- 79(a), (c), (d) and (f). Also, see Section 350-2. 1?. Approved ca 61e tray systems shall be permitted to support cables approved for use as service entrante conductors. (b) Residential Otcupa nc ies. In addition to the methods outlined in subsection (a), buildings regulated by Section 17921 of the California Health and Safety code may utilize the fallowing methods for service cotta nce conductors when installed in accordance with applicable requirements of this code: 1. Open Wiring on Insulators 2. Service Entrance Gable 3. Liqu idtight flexible nonmetallic conduit 15.24.080 Section 230-212 Added-Service Equipment Capacity, The National Electrical Code is hereby amende by adding Sec Lion 230-212 to read as follows: Section 230-212 Service equipment capacity. Service equipment 9/ capacity shall be as follows: Service equipment installed to serve single family dwellings shall have a capacity of not less than 20 single pole overcurrent DrotecLive devices in addition to• a main switch or circuit breaker. Service conduit serving single family detached dwelling units shall 6e not less than one and one-quarter inches (1-1/4") trade size conduit. 2. Service equipment installed to serve commercial or industrial buildings shall have an ampacity rating to serve the intended load but not less than 60 amperes. Service conduit or feeder raceways shall not 6e less than cri ~ raceway is~conceal ed,~the minimum sizeu raceway shall be one and one-half inches (1-1/2") trade size. 3. Feeders serving individual units of multi-family dwellings shall be installed fn not less than one-inch trade (1") size conduit and run from the meter location to a distribution panel within each unit. 15,24,090 Section 300-15(d) Added-SDd re Raceways. The National Electrical Code is hereby amended by adding Section 300-15(d) to read as follows: Section 300-15(d) Spare raceways. For attached or detached single family dwellings, two (2) three-quarter inch (3/4") spare raceways for future use shall be provided for each dwelling unit, ore running from the panel board to an accessible location in the attic and one to an accessible location under the floor. Where either space is not available because of method of construction, such terinina tion of spare raceways shall be as approved by the Building Official. 15.24.100 Section 310-14 Amended-Aluminum Conductors. The National Electrical Cade is hereby amended Lo read as follows: Section 310-14 Aluminum Conductors. (a) Material. Solid aluminum conductors, No. 8, 10 and 12 AWG, shall be made of an AA-8000 series electrical grade aluminum alloy conductor material. Stranded aluminum conductors, No. 8 AWG through 1000 MCM, marked as type XHHW, THW, THNN, THHN, service entrance type SE, Style U and SE, Style R, shall be made of an AA-8000 series electrical grade aluminum alloy conducting material. Exception: Aluminum conducted smaller than No. 6 shall not be used for circuit conductors, feeders or subfeeders, unless installed under full-time inspection by a Special Inspector as a "special case" outlined in Section 306(a)14 of the Uniform Rdministration Code as adopted in Chapter 15.08 of this Title. 15.24.110 Section 336-3(b) Amended-TVpe NML Cable. Section 336- 3(6) is hereby amended to read as follows: 9a- Section 336-3(b). Type NMC. Type NMC to 61e shall be permitted: (1) for concealed work in dry, moist, damp or corrosive locations; (2) in outside and inside walls of masonry block or tile; (3) in a shallow chase in masonry, concrete or adobe and covered with plaster, adobe or similar finish. Where embedded in plaster or run in a shallow chase in masonry walls and covered, NMC cable shall be protected against damage from nails by a cover of corrosion resistant steel at least 1/I6" in thickness. 15.24.120 Section 336-4 Amended-Uses Not Permitted. Section 336- 4 of the National Electrical Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 336-4. Uses not permitted. (a) Type NM or NMC. Types NM and NMC cables shall not be used: (1) in any dwelling structure (3 )min any~commerc ial~or industrial building; ~(4)~in any hazardous location; (5) in ho is tways; (6) in unenclos ed locations of private garages or carports; (7) embedded in poured cement, concrete or aggregate; (6) in unenclosed underfloor areas. (b) Type NM. Type NM cable shall not 6e installed: (I) where exposed to corrosive fumes or vapors; (2) where embedded in masonry, concrete. adobe, fill, or plaster; (3) in a shallow chase in masonry, concrete, or adobe and covered in plaster, adobe, or similar finish. 15.24.130 Section 336-12 Deleted. Section 336-12 of said National Electrical Code is hereby deleted. 15.24.140 Articles 550 and 551 Deleted. Articles 550 and 551 of the National Electrical Code are hereby deleted. SECTION 4: Chapter 15.44 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby readopted to read, in words and figures, as follows: CHAPTER 15.44 PENALTI[S AND REMEDIES Sections: 15.44.010 Added--Penalty for Violations 15.44.020 Added--Civil Remedies Available 15.44.030 Added Serve ra bility 15.44.010 Amended Penalty for Violations of Title. Section 15.44.010 of tP~e Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby readopted to read as follows: Section 15.44.010 Penalty for Violation of Title. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, partnership, or corporation to violate any provision or to fail to comply with any of the requirements of this Title or the Codes adopted hereby. Rny person, firm, partnership, or corporation violating any provision of this 93 Title or the Codes adopted hereby or failing to comply with any of its requirements shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished 6y a fine not exceeding One thousand Dollars (T1,000. 00) or by imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each such , person, firm, partnership, ar corporation shall be deemed guilty of separate offense for each and every day or any portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this Title or the Codes adopted hereby is comni tted, continued or permitted by such person, firm, partnership or corporation, and shall be deemed punishable therefor as provided in this Title. 15,44.020 Readopted--Civil Remedies Available. Section 15,44,020 of the Rancho Cucamonga Mun ici Dal Code is hereby readopted to read as follows: Section 15.44.020 Civil Remedies of the provisions of this Title constitute a nuisance and may be process by means of restraining injunction or in any other manner of such nuisances. Ava ila6le. The violation of any or the Codes adopted hereby shall abated by the City through Civil order, preliminary or permanent provided by law far the abatement 15.44.030 Readopted--Severability. Section 15.44.030 ofthe Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is heeby readopted to read as follows: Section 15.44,03 Severa bility, The City Council hereby declares that should any provision, section, paragraph, sentence or word of this Title or the Codes hereby adopted be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences and words of this Title and the Lodes hereby adopted shall remain in full force SECTION 5: The Mayor shalt sign this ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same tc be published withi^. fifteen (151 days after its passage at least once in The Da ily Report, a newspaper of general circulation published 'in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. ~~ August 7, 1941 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA UT:tF~' RE',<'t~PT Tn~ Mayor and Members of the City Council Acting as Board of Appeals FRON: Jerry R. Grant, Building Official BY: Carlos H. Silva Sr., Hehabilita Lion Specialist SUBJECT: RPP EAL OF ORDER OF BUILDING OFFICIAL ON UNREINFORC ED MASONRY BUILDING AT 8847 9TH STREET "FUNCO BUILDING" APNM 201-271-49 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council, acting as the Board of Appeals, sustain the order of the Building Official and make a finding that the building located at 8847 9th St. remair. classified as an "Un rei nforced Masonry Building" subject to analysis and/or retrofit or demolition as set forth in Ordinance No. 417. BACKGROUND Ordina nr.e No. 417 was adopted by City Council on March 21, 1990, which established a procedure and time frame for the aba teiaent of unre i.^.forc ed masonry bu ildings built within the boundaries of Rancho Cucamonga Drior to 1946, The year 1546 was established as a cut off date since it was at this time the county began issuing building permits and also established criteria for reinforcement of masonry buildings. Llr~der Ordinance No. 411, following the service of notification, the building owner may appeal the 8u ilding Official's order or may follow one of three alternatives and thereby comply: 1. within 270 days, the owner may submit a structural analysis demonstrating the building meets minimum re4uirements, or, 2. within 270 days, may submit structural analysis and plans for the pr•opos ed retrofit, or, 3. within 270 days, may submit a letter of intention to demolish the building. There were twenty-one notifications sent; of the twenty-one, only this owner has filed an appeal. 9s STAFF REPORT APPEAL OF ORDER OF BI~IL DI NG OFFICIAL ON UNREINfORCEO MASONRY BUILDING AT 8847 9TH STREET "FUNCO BUILDING" an nucr 7 i44i The appeal was f11 ed based upon the opinion that the building has been constructed subsequent to 1946 and therefore Was not subject t0 the mfti ga Lion requirements. ANALYSIS The owner has submitted photographs depicting a "corner stone", which has been etched with what appears to be the year 1951, and whirh they believe was installed at the time of construction. In addition, Lhey have submitted further information regarding two (2) existing water closets installed in the Illy, pl Lll LIIC yCOI> 1JJJ pllU 1J:lV CIIIUU]]CU UII LIIC LGIIF]. IIIC UMIICr I] submitting this information as evidence Lhat the structure was constructed after 1946, and therefore requesting deletion of the structure from the list of those required to comply with Ordinance Ne. 417. Our basis for inclusion of this property in those subject to Ordinance No. 417 was the attached copy of the County Assessor's records, which indf cares the structure was estimated to have been constructed in 1940 or before. The Building Division has taken photos of elevations of Lhe structure to illustrate that the drawing of the building maintained on the Assessor's records is the same building that exists today. The "cornerstone" used as basis for Lhe appeal is actually a mortar patch Lhat appears to have been a repair for masonry units damaged in the installation of an additional door after the building was constructed. Our reasons for this conclusion are, 1) other doors in the walls of the building have adjacent stiffening concrete masonry columns that do not occur at the subject opening; and 2) there are other visual indications adjacent to the door frame that indicate the concrete block was broken out to install the door rather than having been laid to accomoda to the door frame. There are also other clues that the building should be strengthened including lack of ties from the roof s±ructure to walls, masonry cracks that reflect lack of wall reinforcing, etc, all indicating that the building was constructed without adequate earthquake resistance. In addition, the Historical Preservation Committee utilized the services of Lynn Merrill, MSAI, Historical Survey Services, in late 1989 to survey the buildings on the un reinforced masonry building list to determine historical significance. In their report, copy attached, they estimated the structure as being constructed in the i920's or 1930's because of the type of construction materials used and the external facade which was popular in that era. SUNUIRY With the adoption of Ordinance No. 417, all unreinforced masonry buildings that were constructed within the boundaries of Rancho Cucamonga prior to 1946 are subject to mitigation of inherent hazards. It is the opinion of the Building and Safety Division that the information submitted, by the building 9~ STAFF REPORT APPEAL OF ORDER OF BUILDING OFFICIAL ON UNREINFORCED MASONRY BUILDING AT 8841 9TH STREET "FUNCO BUILDING" A6yu , ~i9i Page~2 owner, does not adequately demonstrate that the structure was constructed after 1946, and that is therefore subject to Ordinance No. 417 as evidenced by the records of the Assessor's office and the historical survey report. Respectfully Submitted , rry Gr~/ Wuilding Ufllclal JG:CS:17 97 ^T. ~ ~~ Su[e of Cal ifomia - Lha AKalrcaa Agency ~ ~'-~~~r '-~ ~ DEpMTNEMT OE pMKK Aip REGEAT IOY 4fflL CF Pi ST^~!C PPEEERYAT i ^...f' ~~ NIBLORIC REgd1RCEg IYVENTgtY Ler. No. __ IDENTIpIGTiON AND lOGi1fY1 ~ Nati p;ul Register Butua: 1. Nistoric Ys: ~ Local Dad¢retiom ~ 2. Coatam or Currant Mr: PUN20 Yul ldire l. Mubr L Strnb 06BY 9th Btraat Dity: RarcAo Cmaaorna ~ Vic lnitY OnI Y: 21p: Canty <7-Le[tar Des ipretor): i. lard Nep No:. UTN 2 A: B; C< D: 5. Parcel No: 0201-2]1-A9 Other: DEBCR I pTIdI b. Property btagory: I1 Dlstrlet, Nuafxr of DoeDRentad Rasaurcn: 7. trld iy dercrlbe Me prnant pnri ical apgararce o/ the property, including cgrdidm, Dovdsri es, surrotrdima. std rip amraviud irrhl bcmr•1 •wt•~ Thla Ni ll W alrela story ractangulsr sbspad of eanersa Dlxk earrtruction in • Nerahane style. There la • pnpet dote the frmt op tM aructura Nith dmtlla and alyl• rmullatim. The antrarca Ia emtrd lY loeatad and comlrta of alre le tloor Nl th XI MON¢ a+ el tear dd. A snsd roof axtaMs wt over the door and is cypor tad M lent iron and uocd rapport s, Then is no ~eture IeMscapire ward crab structure. L. Aluntions L Dste: 9, Related fee turec m Property: Attach Photo Envelope Xen Pu[ Addraaa and Phom Date on Rear of Photo 10. Plamlre Apenry: City o} Rancho Ducamaga 11. Prmr L Address: Leland C. Bcheu Allyn B. Bc BBA7 9th Street Rancho Cucemrge, 12. Type o} Ostxrchip: Pri.ate 13. Present Usa:L fight ItdusVlal 1A. 2oni re: 15. IDrn u: Betel • copy of Ihb fora [D: Cff ice a} Nistark Preservatim, P.O. Box 9<2696, Bac remen[¢ CA 9@96-0001 DPR 521 (Acv 8/89) NISid11UL INigllUilgl ~ ., '~ 16. Cavtpctian DetefA): 192b1Y930 'c~ O. Ar<hl tlsct 10. NUtorlc Attr lbuw (Ykh'N[sear frp~ LIsU: SIGNIp ICARCE ANO EYAlW11LW^ ~'`' " ..riy irri iucetim: UneMbl ~ ~~ -~ ~ Oare Nm'ed: Rui laMr: Ur,knoNn 19. Context for Evalwtim: iheoe: Area: pars otl: property fYpe: Context formltY developed]: 20. Rrlef lY dlaewe [hs propr[Y'a laporterce ui thin the context. Ufe hitwrical end arch] tecmrel ervtysit es atprapri ate, Caere W[h fbiler properties. ihia etrwtun eppsera to hive then m early nrehava pt Me 1920a or 1930s. IAIa b Waetl oo Me we of Crick cavtrwti an eM the epperteae of wattl letlm srxN dmtila aroted the pnpet. Tha rtructure µpeen to hoe retairNd its inte9riiY, eed only yyean to Mvt btm nod]}ied through the placamt o} a eodsrn door aM Wrde• •••~~;• ]Ala property ws orl9lrvlly Wrt of Rbl9 Minth Street, end ie is rot padble m uevbin eenvl eomtructim dates. the structure It unigw since it represents m mrly wrehowe tyq structure W b bacewe of f is cmatrueti oo mnrial. Nost f[ructuret built during this tiev ut 11 l:ed poured 9r cm[ concn4 for eaverurtim mvtpr(als. 21. Swrcn: SM Serrurdiro County lot Ancestor Bwka R, Api+lfcsble Mrtl,.,al Re9ie Pr CrfNriu 23. ocher raco9nldon: Strte Lsrxberk N:wber: 2<. Ewl wtpr: lym Nerrf ll Tor of Evaiwtim: 1990' " 23. Survey type: 5 (C+COaprMenfive, p=project Rebtsd, S+SIMIe Property 26. Survey Rene: Rancho Gucamrga llpdata/URN Asaeasment 27. Tear Fon prepared: 1990 By (Rtm): Lym Nerrlll OrOmisatlon: NaruRaen[ Scleneo Appllu[lont, Irc. Addrns: 127 Feat Ninth Streeq Suite 204 d tY, Steu Sip: Uplmd, Cd lfprnle, 91 ]d6 PhMe: (71A) 9D1-OO1M 99 fketch rp. 6hou locrtim erd ta,nderies of property In relatlpn tp tvmby streets, reilwya, natural lstHearks, etc. Mr saoh feature. v urcmno ... .. .. ................. .. '~i ~~•~•~••.~!:-~.coui, n: iiri I.UMMi55IGN LA!II~IIARK SUR'/EY Address: \- l_I I`d ~ (~i `~1~yT APB ~Oribinal Poor ~ual~ty. I ~_ I ., T.,^_. .'~~'~ view Looking ____ Date of Pho [o _ I I - :, .t,.i.,, y.,., ~' ~ view Lock inq • Da [e of Plioto [Sp I Payr ~,( P.Iq~~_ r,Jli 1 I I I ~ I ~ r ~ y ~ I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ x ~ 8 ~ ~ I I~ ~ N I~ S = h ' m ~ ' T % ' a I ^ ~ r 2 , ; ~ _ _1 I ~ 3 _I~ I 1 1 1 1 I I 1' ~ 11 I IR~1 1~ 1{ M 1 11 1 1 1 1 ~. ICI x llp l I I ~ 1 1 1 I~Igl. l ~~ 11 r a 3 o N . ~ 0 ~ " o ;. ~~ m , e ~ ; o o j ~ . w ` ~ ~ ~ o w ~ c :. n O : E 3 •. o . . ~ P I ^ `^ h 18 -~ a^ ~~ : : • W \ A $ ~ ~ n ~ q C Y 'Q 9v-+ ~ ° O~ 1a o li: N ~v d a~. . :$ $ e s v ~ `_a a e M '' .e r a. , i ~ ; ^ ` e ~ a ~ , ~ N ~ N ~ n '~ o e a ~ . a * i I ~ S a s e i a ' o a 8 ' o N , a " K o C s ~ g ~ -> W II ~ U I x O a } 3 g ~ ~ ~ E y ~^ n ` 1I W ' I~ 1 i I$ ' O < F ~ ~ r : I ., of ~ ~ : - ' ; a > ~ v ~> ~ n I ; v 1 = i i t 3 Ia 'h ~. I i I o f ~ I I o p O vy ~ ~ N~ I I ~ I 1 v $I I m '3 ~ ` i 1 I n I ' II f 3 o i c i er 4~ = G i I I i `I z I y ~ ~ i ; ~ ' L ~ +- I rg ll ~ ~ 1 , ~ _ da l^r?^ o` F , , N Z ' N i I E ^ s ' I 2 M1 r ~ i O ' , v \ _N y 1 0 • N O I- ' ; _ °e ; i n ~ c • ' ~ " g o I ~ §. * w ~ 4 C ' - 7 ~ g ~ ~ i T ~ ` ~ co * "x : I o N e i ° ~~ 4 .< a x 0 O r t ~ .`l ~ ~~ ~M A o Ali x N ~~ w~ ~ ' ~ ~ ' ` I I I I ~ t 1 8 ti ~~ n r `n J r _~ N r y 0 ~ n z C ~ D O J I~ J;' ': I~ ~;:~:;; O 1 4 K Im ~ ~ Ile A ~ to N `. ~~ ~ I p. o ~` ~ c10 ~ I~ J lii~l ~ I I ~ ail' ~ i ~~;~~~~ Q m y q m H i~: ,,~., T __,____ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA r"a an<e"a em. s,Mho cuaawns•. C•ulwni+Vlri9, On1 sdy-+as+ APPEALS REQDEST Date: 1. RFAnnG ms+n nn^n^ „~ ,~~~,,,,..,,, ~a aiin ~.I It VC 1(/lfVlaiV cuCAMONGA Re: 8847 Ninth St., Rancho Cucamonga.Ca. APN ! 207-271-49' Address of the Property 2. Appeal of: Name Address Leland C Scheu n P. O. Box 250 A]lvn 8- Srh eu Upland. California 91785 3. Statement et legal interest in building(s) or the land involved. Leland C. Scheu and Allvn B. Scheu, each as to an undivided 4. Appellants do further protest the following specific order(s) and/or action(s): "Service of Order" Notice placing subiect orooerty vithin the scope of Ordinance No. 41'7 adopted by the city of Rancho Cucamonga. _ ~~~ ~~ ~,.,,,„1.,,,,,1..,. h6pi WiLam J. Alexander Charles ). 0ugne111 Gay am..p.. Dennis t. Sle"t Oelwrah N. Frown Pamala ~. Wrighl iack hm, AICP Appeals Request Page 2 5. In support of this protest appellant~s`~autiidlt the tollowing material facts: Thies nrn~ln rrv vwa arnnirrd in 10ft h'v_jup 11 re w r~ ' !wilding or assessors' records have been able to establish a building indicates construction completion on April 8, 1957. inside of the tank tope, one showing June 20, 1955 and one shnv;nn Mart r. toSA_ n, n r r• rn r rh t• r e installed in the final construction ph , complgt on being 4/8/57. 6. Appollants hereby request that the specific order(s) end/or mlinn(e1 ha mnAi It ed Inlln...n. The structure at 8847 Ninth St., Rancho Cucamonga ~ia esempt from Ordinance 417 of the Citv of Rancho Cucamonga. 7. Appellants request such mod lCicatlon for the tollowing reasons: Evidence stated in 35 above Droves structure was built in 1957. The recuirement under F8547 as appl4~r~ Rancho Cucamonga coolies to buildings constructed before 194E 6. I certify that I have read the statements contained in this application, that they are true and correct, and that 1 make this statement under penalty of law. /s_ (Sig lure ~ et least! one appellant) ~' ~~ 297 STOWELL ST. UPLAND, CA 87798 MAlL TO: P.u. BOx ia0 UPLAND, CA 91785 TELEPHONE: 7 7 419 8 28 93.9 TELEX 287703 WINDUR June 27~ 1991 ww ~w ~ ~_~>® ~~ ~~ SCFIEU MANUFACRIRING COMPANY t City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Development Department Building and Safety Division P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga Ca. 91729 Attention: Mr. Catlos H. Silva, Sr. Rehabilitation 8pecialiat Re: Building located at: 8847 Ninth St.. Rancho Cucamonga APN: 207-271-49 Service of Order - Ordinance 417/ 8.8. 547 Dear Mr. Silva: W.C. SCHEU (FOUNDER) 78fi8~1942 W.L. SCHEU )790D1987) LELAND C. SCHEU ALLVN 9. sCHEU Following our agent's (Paul Biallas) meeting with you Thursday. ,Tune 20th, and information from our engineering conaultant~ Robert Sullivan, they are of the opinion that this structure was built in 1957. We have examined a~cornerstone on the building and the wording on it, while somewhat aged. indicates a Conner Sales and Stone Engineers, and the date April 8~ 1957. On further inspection of the buildings the two toilets are dated...one on June 20, 1955 and the other Mar.15~ 1956. We acquired this property in 1961, and no fixtures have been changed. Pictures of these items are enclosed. Based on this evidence, it is our belief that this estabii sues the year of completed eonstructicn as 195? as etched in the stonework. The County of San Bernardino Building Departments, both in San Bernardino and Ontario as well as the Assessor's offices in those cities, have been unable to trace the records, even after con- siderable efforts as these records are either in storage or destroyed after a certain period of time has lapsed. Inasmuch as this structure was built after 1946 by quite a few years, we believe it is exempted from the necessity of any structural changes as stated on the enclosed appeals form. Please acknowledge your acceptance of this letter and appeal. and advise. 1//1yy VerV2Zr~L'~~...- 0 land Scheu ~ :dh Enclosures as noted. I~~' ~ •LO N fTEa HY•LO HEATERS SERVING INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE SINCE 7907 'Original Poor Quality loa~~ -------- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA .:?Y~x a'`1'aFF RESORT ~,~„`' ,,;; DATE: August 7, 1991 T0; Mayor, Members of the City Council and Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager ~ FROM: Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director BY: Joan A. Kruse, Purchasing Agent ~...~..~.. .~.~...~..~ .,w~~e;...w~~a w.v 0,1Di..nnCn niwiruiiniu ~ RECOIMIENDATION That the City Council adopt an amentlment to the City's Purchasing Ordinance, No. 328, relating to the purchase of recycled products, when feasible, by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. BACKGRODND/ANALYSIS The Env iron mentxi Management Commission, at their meeting of May '[3, 1991, recommended incorporation of recycling parameters within the City's Purchasing Ordinance. Over the past 18 months the City of Rancho Cucamonga has actively been invclved in recyo ling white paper, computer paper, newspaper and aluminum cans to assist in meeting State mandated reduction of solid waste. To carry this one step further, the City has also investigated and tried various recycled products that would enhance the ability of the City to meet these recycling mandates and provide leadership in the recycling process. Di sp osai of products ror recycling is but one step in the cycle. Hy setting an example through procurement of recycled products, the City will encourage private business to also consider the use of recycletl products. This combination of public/private cooperation can act to increase market power thereby lowering the cost and inc reasing the quality of recycled products. In the not Loo distant pasta stumbling block to the use of recycled products, especially ceoy paper, has been its inability to run well in high speed copiers. The quality of recycled copy paper, however, has greatly improved and it has is sted well in the City's machines. Additionally, some recycled computer paper works well with our printing and copying equipment. The cost of recycled paper has steadily become more comparable with that of virgin paper. The City's letterhead, envelopes, and business cards are reflective of our desire to use, when possible, recycled products. Currently, what we use meets both state and federal s~ecifiea tlons in secondary and post. ecnsumer craste content. All the paper we save and recycle in house ultimately becomes a part of what we purchase. ~3 August 7, t99t Recycled Products Policy/Ordinance Page Two To preserve our environment there should be more concentration on materia le other than paper in the recycling process. By specifying the use of Ply ash, for ezamp le, to concrete mixtures for public works pro,~ects, recaps rather than new tires for City vehicles, and the use of rerefined lubricating oil, the City can lead the uay in expressing preference for recycled products to meet government's needs. Attached for your con sides tlon is an ordinance which will amend the City's r urcnasing ~ruinsuue w iuuiuur. Luc p. i•~~. <W~..t ~. :GG~QcC r-=__o _., ...._._ feasible. Re spec fully su d, m Hart Administrative Services Director JH: JiC: ,j Attachment ~~~ ONDINANCE N0. 3ag AN OADZNANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AMENDING CHAPTER ' 3.08 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY CODE BY ADDING SECTION 3.08.240 RELATING TO PR000RE- MENT OF RECYCLED PRODUCTS WHEREAS, the volume of material disposed of at the county landfill has been increasing annually, and WHEREAS, sanitary landfill space is at a premium and it is becoming increasing ly difficult to site new landfills, and NHEAEAS, much of the material that enters the waste stream oan be reeyeletl, reused or incorporated in the manufacture of new products, and WHEREAS, city participation in and promotion of recycling programs can significantly reduce the volume of material entering the waste stream thereby extending county landfill life expectancy and reducing expenses, and WHEREAS, for recycling programs to be effective, markets must he developed for products that incorporate postconsumer materials in their manufacture, are re u aab le, or are designed to be recycletl, and WHEREAS, California State Law requires that local agencies buy recycled products if fitness, quality and price are equal to nonrecyc led o roducts and allows local agencies to adopt purchasing preferences for recycled products. NON THEREFORE HE IT RESOLVED by the City Ccunc it of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: That Ordinance No. 328 is hereby amended by adding Section 3.08.240 Recycled Product Procurement Policy to read as follows: 1. Nithin twelve months subsequent to the effective date of this section, all city departments, offices, and commissions must conduct a review of existing product and service specifications io determine whether existing specifications either require the use of products manufac tared from virgin materials or exclude the use of recycled produc*.s, reusable products, or products designed to be recycled. 2. In the event that such specifications do exclude the use of recycled products or require the use of virgin materials, then such exclusions or requirements must be eliminatetl unless the pertinent department or entity can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the city manager that these recycled produpts would not achieve a necessary performance standard. / 05 Amendment to Ordlnanee No. Aecyc ling August 8, 1991 ~a6a ~ 3. Nithin the same 12 month period, all city departments and agencies must recommend changes to the city manager to ensure that performance standards for particular products can be met and that specifications are not overly stringent, and to recommend changes to ensure that specifications will incorporate a requirement for the use of recycled materia la, reusable products, and products designed to be recycled to the maximum extent practicable, sub,lect to an alternative showing that either the performance of the product will De ,leopard i2ed or that the product will negatively impact health, safety or operational efficiency. 4. Outside contractors bidding to provide products or services to ~_b Y..-a~. rib u, u ~. n..c ~. Gy will complyV with the specifications described Vin paragraph 3~to the greatest extent feasible. 5. City staff will work to encourage the copier intlustry to develop high-speed copiers that will accept recycled paper. In addition, recycled paper shall be purchased and used in all copy machines that will accept it. 6. linen recycled products are usetl, reasorab le efforts shall be undertaken to label the products to indicate that they contain recycled materials. City departments and agencies shall use for their mast-head sta ticnery and envelopes recycled paper that includes postcon sumer recycled content and indicate on the paper and envelopes that they contain recycled material. Other recycled products used Dy the City shall also indicate that they contain recycled ma herial to the extent practicable. 7. A five percent (5 F) price preference may be given to recycled products, reusable products offered as alternatives to disposab ie products, and products designed to be recycled wnere they are offered as alternatives to non-recyclable products. 8. The city will cooperate to the greatest extent feasible with neighboring city and county governments in an effort to develop a comprehensive, consistent and effective procurement effort intended to stimulate the market for recycled products, reusable products, and products designed to be recycled. 9• All related city departments and agencies shall work cooperatively to further the purposes of the ordinance. The city economic development process shall incorporate the goal of stimulating the market for recycled material. The City Clerk shall certi flj to the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published as required by law. PASSED this 21st day of August, 1991. -- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF YtEPORT DATE: August 7, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICF, City Manager FROM: Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager SUBJECT: ADOPTION OP R880LDTZON SBTABL28HIN0 AND AMENDING EHHBAL SPECIAL TAI FOR CONNONITY PACILYTIEB DISTRICT NO. 88-2 InP1TVfA~ nTa„ro ~n,n• Adoption of a resolution establishing and amending annual special tax for Community Facilities District No. 88-2 (Drainage District). BACEOROUND On June 21, 1989, City Council approved the formation of Community Facilities District No. 88-2 for drainage capital facilities within the North Etiwanda area. Additionally, City Council authorized the levee of a special tax to finance the drainage infrastructure. The special district has been structured for acquisition of the drainage improvement through a reimbursement phasing plan entered into between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Caryn Company. The proposed improvements are as follows: Public FacilitylC s•~CatecoTy Regional Mainline Flood Control, Drainage and Related Roadway Improvement Costs Funded through the District: Ban Savaine Spreading Ground West Levee $191,983 Morse Canyon overflow Channel and Levee $ 20,436 Retention Grading in Ban Savaine Basin $148,339 24th Street Basin Crossing Direct Cost $129,088 Systems Fee In-lieu (tracts 13564/13565) 35 0 Subtotal, 24th Street Basin Crosainq $179,088 Lower Loop Basin Crossing Direct Cost $ 76,872 Systems Fee In-lieu (tracts 13564/13565) $150,000 Systems Nee In-lieu (tract 13566) $245,147 City Drainage Fee In-lieu (tract 13566) 5269.500 Subtotal, Lower Loop Baeia Crosainq $741,519 Total, Regional Naialine $1,581,367 /c9~ C8D NO. 88-2 DRAINAGE DIBTRZCT AD6O8T 7, 1991 PAGE 2 II. Secondary Regional Flood Control and Drainage Improvements Funded through the District: Wardman/Henderson Channel $1,491,840 Total, eeooadary aegional $1,a91,e4o III. Selected Incidentals Related to CF6 Formation Funded through the District along with Other Construction Costs: Selected Incidental Expenses $ 51,920 Total, Selected Incidentals $ 51,920 Graad Total, All Conetruotioa Costa $3,125,127 ANALYBIB The Caryn Company has processed their design plans through the San Bernardino Flood Control District. As these plans were approved by the County, the Caryn Company commenced construction of the improvements. As an added measure of protection for the community, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has required the Caryn Company to obtain a CLOMR from FEMA. The definition of a CLOMR is a proposed recommended amendment to the currently effective FEMA map. It is used to change flood designations, flood elevations and panametric features. A CLOMR is usually followed by a physical map revision at some later date. Currently, the Caryn Company has received a CLvMR, however, the CI.OMR does require the Bullock Road flood wall to be in place in order to insure that the map revision will occur as planned. The Caryn Company has been put on notice that they must complete the Bullock Road flood wall to insure protection of all facilities prior to reimbursement for the Wardman/Henderson Channel in the amount of $1,491,840. Additionally, they are required to provide the Morse Canyon Overflow Channel and Levee in the amount of $20,438. Currently, representatives of the Caryn Company have met with the City Manager's office and Engineering staff and it has been determined that the Caryn Company has sufficiently completed certain improvements that would justify a partial reimbursement for costs expended for infrastructure within certair. areas that would stand alone. The total projected costs for these infrastructures is $627,427. This would include the retention grading in the amount of $148,339, and the 24th Street Basin Crossing which includes direct costs in the amount of $129,088 and system fees of $350,000. ~e-7- A CYD EO. 8a-Z DEAINApE DIBTEICT ADdDBT 7, 1991 PAGE 3 Phase II reimbursement will occur only after the Bullock Road Flood + Wall has been constructed by the Caryn Company to the City~s, San Bernardino Flood Control District, and FEMA's satisfaction. At that point, the City will reimburse the Caryn Company to the maximum amount of $1,491,840. Additionally, before these monies can be forwarded to the Caryn Company, the Caryn Company will have to complete the Morse Canyon Overflow Channel and Levee. Since a significant portion of the drainage infrastructure is nearing comolatinn rwe no...... .. _ issue bonds so that the Caryn~COmpany scan be reimbursed for cite cnst for construction of the infrastructure to be acquired by the City and as accepted by the County Flood Control District and approved by the Board of Supervisors. Therefore, staff is recommending the issuance of $4,000,000, ae previously approved by City Council, in bonds to cover all applicable construction and issuance costs. In order to fund debt service for the coming year, staff is recommending that the undeveloped properties within the drainage district, which includes approximately 200 acres, be assessed $1,725 per acre. This will not impact the developed properties. This action will amend City Councils previous action on July 17, 1991 in which City Council established the special tax in the amount of $456 per acre for undeveloped property. If City council approves this amendment, the City will be able to issue bonds this year for the acquisition of the improvements as reflected earlier in this report. Also, staff Would requeation that a letter of credit be posted by the Caryn Company in the amount to be established by the City to be able to cover the possibility of flood insurance for the next five years. Within the first years gotential flood insurance costs should be placed in a separate account and cash funded. If City Council adopts the resolution establishing and amending the annual special tax for the drainage district 68-2, then staff would have to provide this information to the County no later than August 10, 1991 in order to have it placed on the tax roll. RespectfuJ.ly /)submitted/, J rr~ Fulwood ~K'~l '~ deputy City Manager JBF/tlr JBF:779 /D 7- ~ Srxc? CF PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT N0. 88-2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, T OUNTY OF SAN HERNARD[NO,w STATE OF CALIFORNIA [ 11154. - RYfJI~Jf[ ~~ N 9a.la _ e ~~~. I w ~S~ iH I r W _ _ •]]0 ~` 1 ^ U cY .yn cow s[c. ~ ~ _ T- ` ~ ~ -~ ,/~' . c[ ~/u cow s[<. f X~ a nx. pY 1vY ~(i ~rv ~ 5 ~ C~ S'^] ~ ']-~`°'~ ~ [ : /u caw s[c. ,]z/ ]] . x, Raw, sou. ins cow. s¢, ; -vrY~~.r.~ na.n ~ ~ a ~ SCALE I' .600' -LLGFND ~ ,~ eomman. _ _ _ ~. r.: `1°A $~. 1) J. ~~ ~ is .,.:... o.a o,~e.aRY n.. e..> .Y.,., «YYw. , [L.aE m RaaroY ar N!'u„4wfv .r( w~Nw] 1:.:[w ~.~P.-li:iv,. •: Y,I ro'~~~+F as...>-i.~.="`°:E':~ ,.no.--„ IY-u~tr -~ s9-]3vJb9 .~t~Y.,,~,-••Y• ~ nauma ~~_ n.. ., .,_n.._-_ ".`'- ` ~ ~ ,~ __ ox J.Y. tf nn .. na y ~x ca.. .! ~ •nw+~i ca..~~ ~w" u%::'_ :~~ •0, ~']„'^ • ---- ~i i~:SL w n ;zx~.r-ern a.v:ax •_ aoafy$_ ]] :, s... vx..Y:. ,]r 9vuvx.w. M. su auYYUYO cam ®m CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~T~FF REFE3Fti -. %_ DATE: July 17, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the Clty Councll Jack Lam, AICP, Clty Manager FROM: Jim Hart, Admtnistrallve Services Director BY Ingrid Blair, G.I.S./Special Districts Supervisor SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO SET ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX FOR COMMUNITY FA(:TLITTFC TIICTAInT un oo n ~~° :1 *~wv "" - •url'i a.n rr ENFORCEMENT) Staff recommends that City Council approve the attached Resolution establishing the annual special tax for Community Facilities District No. 88-2 (Drainage and Law Enforcement) in the following amounts, which represent no increase from the current tax rate for Fiscal Year 90/91. Special Tax A -Drainage Facilities Residential Class I (3590+ S.F.) $944 Residential Class Il (3077-3589 S.F.) $699 Residential Class III (2564-3076 S.F.) $524 Residential Class IV (2308-2563 S.FJ $420 Residential Class V (2051-2307 S.F.) $349 P,esldential Class VI (Less than 2051 S.F.j $245 Undeveloped Properly $456/acre Special Tax B -Law Enforcement Residential Class I (3590 + S.F) $113.28 Residential Class II (3077-3587 S. F.) $ 50.65 Residential Class III (2564-3076 S.F.) $ 50.40 Residential Class N (2308-2563 S.F.) $ 40.32 Residential Class V (2051-2307 S. F.) $ 33.60 Residential Class VI (Less than 2051 S.F.) $ 23.52 BACKGROUND/ANALYSI4 On June 21, 1989, Ctty Council approved the formation of Community Facilities District No. 88-2 for Drainage Capital Facilities and Law Enforcement services and authorized the annual levy of special taxes to finance only the drainage facilfUes and police operations and maintenance costs. ~~~- Cf1Y COUNCIL STAFF :PORT C.F.D. 88-2 (DRAINAGE AND LAW ENFORCEMENC) .July 17. 19?1 Page 2 The special tax being levied annually for the drainage fad0tles are !n special' Tax A -Drainage Facilities. these taxes when collected will be used to lower the bond indebtedness when bonds are issued. The levy of special [axes annually for the pollee protection services are listed to Special Tax B -law Enforcement. These taxes will be used to cover the services provided by the police in this area, Staffis not cernmmending any Increase to the tax rate for Fiscal Year 1991/92. bran nas aeterminetl that the spedal tax rate !n place for 1990/91 !s sufficient to meet the financial obligations for Fiscal Year 1991/92, therefore, is rocommending no increase. Respe 4fully s Itted, a~~ AdminlstraUve Services Director JH:I13:Jtnf Attachments: Resolution C.F.D. 88-2. Exh161t "A" Map ~~7-~ RE80LU740N NO. -/r'-a~S A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-2 (DRAINAGE AND LAW ENFORCEMENT') WHEREAS, the City CouncU of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Callfomia, (heretnafter referred to as the "legislative body of the Ineat -~,-•--, ,. ~ :~.:::n:cu proceedmgs, nelo a public hearing,' conducted an election and received a favorable vote from the qualified electors relating to the levy of a special tax In a Community FacUltles District, all a5 authorized pursuant to the terms and provlsfons of the "Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982", being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, T1Ue 5 of the Government Code for the State of California. This Community Facili[les District shall hereinafter be referred to as COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-2 (Drainage and law Enforcement) (hereinafter referred to as the "District"); and WHEREAS, at this time, bonds have been authorized for purposes of financing the protect faclltUes for said District; and WHEREAS. this IeglslaUve body, by Ordinance as authorized by Section 53340 of the Government Code of the State of California, has authorized the levy of a special tax to pay for costs and expenses related to said CommuNty FacUlUes District, and this legislative body is desirous to establish the specific rate of the spedal tax to be collected for the next fiscal year, NOW 1'ilEREFORE, rT IS I~REBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That the specific rate and amount of Ute spetlal tax to be collected to pay for the costs and expenses for Ure next Fiscal Yeaz 1990/91 for the referenced district !8 hereby determined and established as set forth in the attached, referenced and Incorporated Exhibit "A". SECTION 3: That the rate as set forth above does not exceed the not >n excess ofoUtat as prevlouslyrappro do by tk~e quea~li~fled electorys of the District. /~ 7- ~ CITY COUNCIL RESOL PION C.F.D. 88-2 (DRAINAGE AND LAW ENFORCEMENT) :rsly l~. issl Page 2 ECTION 4: That the proceeds of the spedal tax be used to pay. in whole ar >n part, the costs of the following, in the following order of priority: A Payment of principal of and interest on any outstanding authorized bonded Indebtedness. H Necessary replenishment of bond reserve funds or other reserve funds; C Payment of costs and expenses of authorized public facilities and public services. D. Repayment of advances and loans, tf appropriate. The proceeds of the special taxes shall be used as set forth above, and shall not be used for any other purpose. SECTIOiV S: The special tax shall be collected 1n the same manner as ordinary ad valorem property taxes are collected, and shall be subJect to the same penalties and same procedure and sale in cases of any delinquency for ad valorem taxes, and the Tax Collector is hereby authorized to deduct reasonable administrative costs incurred in collecting any said special tax SECTION 6: All monies above collected shall br. paid into the Community Facilities District funds, includlr_g any bond fund and reserve fund. SECTION 7: The Auditor of the County is hereby directed to enter 1n the next county assessment roll on which taxes will become due, opposite each lot or parcel of land effected In a space mazked "public improvements, special tax", or by any other suitable designation, the installment of the speGal tax, and for the exact rate and amount of said tax, reference is made to the attached Exhibit "A". SECTION 8: The County Auditor shall then, at the close of the tax collection period, promptly render to this Agency a detailed report showing the amount and/or amounts of such special tax installments, interest, penalties and percentages so collected and from what property collected, and also provide a statement of any percentages retained for the expense of making any such collection ~~~- G ~ aF 3kAI+C'Da cu~ArrfaNt:A COl®ION1T! FACIIlTgA DffiTRICT NO. 68.2 E>®IT "A" The Resolution eatabhahtng the annual special lax refers to this Exh3blt tar an explanation of the rate and method of apportionment of the Special hares for Flsrrl Yeaz 1991 /92. BPEC(AL TAY "A" . DvArnrArr PACIIdTTEB PROPElt1'Y GTEGOR>EB TI.... ".~ b... .nf.nn.fw of n.n.v.h. •.,MwN fn fh~ Iw.nr nr CnMlat Tat "A" whlrh are IAmf111M as Collows: -- -~ ~ ~ " 1. DEVELOPED PROPERTY All property IdentlUed as a single Tax Assesaors's parcel (or which property a bu0ding permU has been Issued as of May 33 0(eny yeaz. 2. UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY ALL other property, excluding property which, as of L`le date of the ekcuon to authorize the levy of Special Tax "A:. ls: (tl owtub by a pubBc entity; 191 owned by a regulated pubhe utll[ty and being utdlzed Cor trsnsmisslon or dlatnbutlon purpaea; or Iwl zoned as open space. TAZDIG CLLSSIF(GTI0N8 AND BPSC(Af. iAZ "A" 1tATE8 The taxing classifications for the above Property Categories and the authorlud Special Tax "A" rates for Fiscal Yeas 1991 /92 are Sa follows: Taxlna r7lasstOcatfon 'I~R {q 1. DEVELOPED PROP£I2T7' A, Residential Clara I $944 pa yrar (More than 3.590 square feet o[ dwelling uNt llv[ng anal B. Residential lI f699 per year (3.077-3.589 square feet oC dwelling unit living areal C. Rratdential III 6524 per year (2.564-3.078 square feet of dwelling and living area) D. Residential Class N 6420 peryear (2,306-2,583 square feet of dwelling unit living areal ' `t~l Tam n~ C:assWCeiian E, Aestdentlal Glaser V (2,051.2.907 square feet of dvvrlllng unit Irving areal F. Restdentlal Class N (less than 2,OS1 square feet of dweWng unit ]ivltlg area) • Q Commercial or industrial property 2. IJNDEVEIAPED PROPERLY All Undevelnn'A w..•,..ti• 1949 per year 3245 per yeaz 32.030 per arse per yeaz •• iioo per. acrt per year ••• • The square footage o! dwe0ing unit Ilving area shall moan the square footage of mtemal livlr>g space. asclustve o(garagee and other atnrcttuea not used as bvtng space, as shown on the budding permitlel Issued for the dwrLmg umt. 'the acreage of a commercial or mdustnal property shall mean the gross acreage exclusive of arry acreage dedicated or o0ered far dedlcatkn m a public agenry. "• The acreage of an Undeveloped Property shall be We gross acreage ezclusive of arry acreage dedicated or offered for ded)catlon to a pu611e agency. la~.'1'HOD OT APPOATfOl~fl OF BPP)t:iAi. TAZ "A" Special Tax "A" shall be levied annually on all taxable property wl[bm one of the above identf0ed Property Categories so Wng as Spetlal Ter: "A" revenues are necessary to pay authorized expenses of We Co~umty Facllltien Dlstrtct related to the fmaactag of authorized public tacwaee, which tiny include. wdhout hndtatloa, payment of debt saWce on arty bonded mdebtedneoa of We Cammumty Faryi0ea Dtatrict; repleniahmmt of arty required reserve food for arty such banded irxlebtedners; tundtrtg of arty required amidng fund nettssary to pay for future publk taeWtlea or debt service: or direst payment for publk fatlhtles (CFD Expenses'7. The annual levy of Specal Tax "A^ shall be apportbned as fo0owe: STEP 1: The Community Faclli0p Dtatrict shalt eatbnate the amount of CFD Eepensea which moat tx paid for from Special Tax "A" revermq m1leMed during W e Fiscal Yeaz for which the Special Taz "A" kvy b t0 be established Ithe "Required Special Tax "A" Revenue"I. STEP 2: Thai equal percentage of the Specal Ter: "A" rate, not to erred 91% of the tlurnmum authortred Special Ter: A" rate, applhabk to all Developed Property Taring Claasl(Irntlona necessary to generate Special Taz "A" revenue la the Flsral Year of the levy equal to Ute Required Spetlal Tax A Revenue for such Fiscal Year shalt be levied on all Devebped Property. STEP 3: Y adWtlonal Special Tax "A" reveauea are atlll necessary to generate the Required Spetlal Ter: "A" Revenue. that percentage dthe maximum authorlred Special Taz "A" talc apphcable to ell Undeveloped Property nxeaeary to generate such adWtlonal Special Tax "A' revenue shall be leveed on all Undeveloped Property. ~~7 S`!F'P 4: :f add;tfanat Special Taz "A" revenues ale atlll nettaeary to generate the Requln'd Special Tax "A" Revenue, that equal percentage of the maximum authorized Spec1W Tax "A" rate applicable to alt Developed Property Ta>dng Clasalficetlmia aettasary to generate such addltlonal Special Tax "A" revenue sball tx levied on all Developed Property. STEP 5: Y addltlonal Special Tax "A" revenues are at01 nettssary to generate the Required Special Tax "A" Revenue, the Commumry FacWtfes DistrlM shall: A, Compare (il the Special Tax "A" rate which would be levied on each Developed Ptnperty combvung 37EP 2 and STEP 4 above with IW the produM ~saulting from mWtlpiytng the square footage of the Developed Property times the Base Masfmum Special Taz A". The Base Maximum Special Tax "A" means an amouffi equal to 50.054 per square foot of the lot or parcel & U the product described 1n IW above exceeds the Special Tax "A" rate described W IU above for any Developed Property, the Community FecWtfea DlstrlM shall merease the Special Tax "A" rate levied on each such Deveoped Property m equal percentages up to the rate rent to eueed the produM described In (W above necessary to generate Ne addl0onal Special Taz "A" revenue to equal the Rtqulred Special Tax "A" Revenues. tiPEC7AL TAX "B" • LAW ffiW'ORC~J.YI' All Developed Property shall be eubJeM to tht levy of Spcclal Taz "B". The authorized Special Tax "B" rates for Fiscal Year 1991.1992 att m follows: TaYt+*n Ma•• n atlon TitXBaIC 1. Dfs'VEI.OP£D PROPEiYiY A. Itesldentlal CJam I 8113.28 per year IMore than 3,590 square felt d dwetluig unit ]tvaig arm) ' & Residential Class R 550.85 per year 13.077-3.589 square fee[ o[ dwclling unit Ilvmg anml ' c Restaentlal clam m 550.40 per yrar 12.5643.076 square feet of dwelling unit living area) D. Residential Class N 540.32 per year (2.308.2.563 square feet oC dweWng unit living arcs) E. 17esWentlal Class V 533.60 Per year (2,051-2.307 square feet oC dwelling unit living areal ' F, lieafdentlai Class VI 523,52 per year p.d than 2.051 square feet of dwellhig unit living areal • G Commercial or Industrial property 51,000 per arsepQyear" ~ ~o ~~ s ~I~CC ~F ' PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT N0. 88-2 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, COUNTY OF SAN HERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ' ai P ~ 5 ._:-~ ,It • ~ n uwv'9e'[~~ sfz 6 , uvsa9 1 ufv'zr[ I o0 If.f6 I ~iQ9. ~x' b it ~ 1 „f ~ _ 2 1 ~ - - - R cw ~ y f cow stc ~ - ` r=- ~¢ r fs., mfu I ~ i [[ '/ff C09 I[C.. _ 1 ~.. }3 'w. fo- SYw Z ~ ~ ~; •~ ~'f i G ~ ~ ~ % I ~. S ^ , \ y f ~,y $ ^I ~ ~ I [ •C ~~ 'ns caw, s[c. -, - s~ee~ " '" - ~ i .. . ' yin row. sa. ~~ a/n ~ . 9f., suu ii::S: ~ ' • SCALE 1' 6f10' I ~ ^ ~ -LGGFND_ ~ ~I _ _ - of 1~ J S~ dj y ors .. 9[4..9. ~,~ M.,,.~ ,.: .;...~. •[s :.... ,: ._ ~.,.~ X9.9. . > .i u: d .y.~Mai ~:'~i dw.':"> :: ~ ..:.= :...v._..~ . / _. . h• u~i+_~ >.4 ...~. ,.>.. n ~--~ a u. .:.. ~. ~ -- u RESOLUTION NO. 59-262 RESOLUTION Ot TIDI CITY COUNCIL OF itlE CITY Ot RANCHO CDCANONCA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING NECESSITY TO INCUR A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, SUHNITTINC TO TAE $UALSPIED VOTERS Ot A CONHUIIITY tACILISISS DISTRICT TiLv pROP08ITION TO INCDA A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS SECURED BY A SPECIAL TAY LEVY TO PAY tOR CERTAIN CAPITAL tACZLISIES IN A COMMUNITY lACILITIES DISTAICS AN- GIVING NOTICE THEPEON, AND ESTABLISRLNG PROCEDURES AND CONDIT20N5 tOA CONDUCTING AN ELECTION WAEALAB, the CITY COUNCIL of tM CITY Ot RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, (hszeinaftsr referred to as the •Legislative Cody of the local Agency ), has previously dsaland its intention and held and conducted a pub lie hearing elating to the issuance of Conde to Ce secured by special taxes to pay for certain public capital facilities Ln a eoamunlty facilities district, as authorized pursuant to ehs eerms and provisions of the •NS11o-ROn^ Community Facilities Act of 1982^, being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2r Title 5 of the Government Cods of the State o! California, said Ca®unity Paeiliiiu Dietriee shall hereinafter be nfstzed to as COMNIR7ITY lACILZTIES DISTRICT NO. 88-2 (hereinafter rsferrW to as the 'D iaizict^y) and, NIiEREAS, at this time this legislative body is desirous eo proceed to make the necessary findings to incur the 6ondW indshtedneu, to declare the purpose for said debt, and to authorize the submiteal of a combined prapoaition to the votes oL uid District, being ehs landovnsrs of the proposed District, all as authorized and required by lain and, WAEAEAS, a epeeisl election is to be held in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Glifornia, (hereinafter referred to as -.e 'loss! Agency"), at which time then w111 M submitted to tte ;ualified eLr. •^ of uid District terrain prepositions relating to the au_ crization to _.ry a spacial tax and the incurring of n hondW Lndehtednee^ in order to pay for certain capital fat flit ice in said District, pursuant to the provisions of the "Hello-Roos Community Paciliiia Act of 1982^, a referenced above. ROM, TT~REFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga dcee hereby nsolw as lollowa~ SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. Thtt this legislative body Mnhy expressly declares and atsCU that it is neesuaey to Lneur a bonded lndebeednus as authorized under the terms and provisions of the 'Mello-Roos Community taeilitiee Act o! 1932", Ln order to finance the 6slou ducribed public capital facilities. ~ O7- L Resolution No. 89-Ze2 Pnge 2 SECTION 7. That the puzpoea for ehe propaud bonded indebtedness and facLlLtiaa prapoaad to b• ftnanerd through the irauanea of said bonds, i9 gererally dracribad as follows: To [inanca the construction, installation antl acquisition of certain drainage and !load control facilitiaa, together with appurtenancaa and appurtenant work, including acquisition wham naceaeary. Por further particulars, refezanee i• mach to the rile ant itled "CITY OF RANCHO CUCANCNGA, COMNUNZTY FACILITIES DYSTRIC NO. 88-2. DESCRIPTION OF FACILIT28s^„ _ - .uicn it on Lila Ln the Oflica az the City Clark. Tor all particulars, ntrrrncr Lr mach to said approved file. SECTION 4, That the whole of the District Gill pay for the above referenced bonded Lndabirdnus. A ganrral dneriptian of for District is as lollowa: All propesty within the baundarira of CONNUNLTY PACLLITILS DISTRLCT NO. 88-2, as shown on a map as perviously approvM by thin legialativr body, acid map deaignatad by the name o! tAia Community Fecilitie9 Oleeritt, a copy of which is on file in the orrice o! the Clty Clerk. SECTION 5. That the amount of the psopoasd bonded indabtedneee. including the coat of the facilities: togethor with ali incidental axpenars, is gencrai'_y as lollowa: SAID PROJECT FACILITIES, INCLUDING INCIDENTAL EYPLNSES, 98ALL NOT E%CEED 54,000,000.00. For further particulars, nfarancr 1e mach to the 'COMNUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT REPORT", as on file Ln the Olficr of the City Clerk. SECTION 6. That Lt i• hrsaby further dr4sminrd that bands •h all oe issued, and the maximum term of bonds and/or any arriN shall not axcsrd forty X40) years, and said bonds may W Lasurd in differing wrier, at differing times. Tha maximum rate of interut to ba paid on raid bontls shall not axcead ehe greaser of either tlNlvr percent (121) per annum or the maximum rate permitted 6y lea at Chr tlau of aaL of any o! said bonds. Thr bonds, except where ocher lundr err made availabU, shall br paid rxclurively from the annual levy of the epscial tax, and ors not areurad by any other iaxinq power or funds of the Community Fac flit Sea District oz the Clty. ~~2-~ Reealution No. 89-262 Pz~a $LCTION The proposition related to the incurring o! the bonded Lndsbtednea• shall be coneolidatad with the proposition relating to eM levy of the special 4ax, shall b• combined ineo one ballot proposition, and shall be submitted to the qualified voters at a special election to be held on the 27TH DAY OP NNE, 1989, and uld election shall be a special mailed balloe election to be conducted by the City Clark (hereinafter referred to a the 'Election official^). I! the combined proposition !or the levy o! Che special tax and the incurring o! the bonded SMebtednur receive the approval of more than two- lhirds (2/3) of the votes cart on the proposition, bonds may ba authorized, issued and cold for Che m,........ .... . _ _ _ levied as provided !or is the Resolution of lormationa cne special tax may he SECTION 8, That the ballot proposal to be submitted to the qualilLed voter at Che •Lction shall generally be a tollowr. PROPOSITION A Shall community Eaeilitiee District No. 88-2, City o! Rancho Cucamonga, b• authorized to 1) lncut • bonded indebtedness in an amount not to exceed Sa,000,000.00, to be paid by spacial texas as utablished by Cha oietrict, with interset rates not exceeding the maximum authorized by law at the time o! issuance, to Linance construction, acquie ition and installation a! certain drainage and flood control facilities, to4ether with appurtenances and appurtenant work, ins lading acquisition where neeoeary, 2) to levy special taxes to pay for said facilities and additional police protection wrvicu andJor nny authorized and issued bonded indebtedness, and 3) establish an Article XZI IB appropriat fans limit equal tc the mazimum authorized special taro which say be levied in any lineal year? YE9 NO EXISTING TAR AaTB A oPORT2ON' The exieeinq tax rate and apportionment for the tax eaesgories identified below, as previously approved for Cosssaalty tacilltles Olatrict No. 88-2 are as lollown SPECIAL TA% "A' - PUBLIC FACILITILa PROPERTY CATECOAI88 There are two categories of property subject to the levy o! Special Tax ^A", which are !dsntilied as followr. 07 . ~.~ Resolution No. 89 -tea Page 4 1. DEVELOPED PROPERTY All property identified as a single Tax Assessor's parcel Lor which property a building permit has been issued as of May 31 of any year. ~ Z. UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY All other property, excluding property which, as of the date of the election to authorize the levy of Special Tax •A^, ia: (i) owned by a public ant ity; (li) avnad by a regulated public utility and being utilized !or transmission ar distribution purposes; oz (iii) zoned as open apace. TAXING CLA55IPICATIONS AND MA%IHOM SPECI2S TAX "A• RATE5 The taxing claseif icationa for the above Property Catagarias and the maximum authorized Special Tax 'A• rates for liaoal year 1989-90 era as follows: TAXING CLASSIFICATION MAXIMUM TAr 0.aTE 1. DEVELOPED PROPERTY A. Residential Clas^ I 5 1,037 par year (Mora than, 3,590 scp:are face of dwelling unit living area)• 8. Aaaidantial Claaa II 5 765 par you (3,077-3,559 equnre feet of dwelling unit living area)• C. ReaidanClal CLU III 5 576 par year (2,564-3,076 square feet of dwelling unit l it inq area)• D. Resident Sal Clas• IV 5 461 par year (2,308-2,563 square feat of dweL'lnq unit living area)• E. Residential Clae^ V S 384 par year (2,051-2,307 square Leas of dwelling unit living srea)• F. Resident lal Claaa VI S 269 par year (Las^ than 2,051 square teat of dwelling unit living area)• G. Commercial or indu atrial 5 2,0]0 par acre par year •• 187- C] Raaolution No. 89-262 Page 5 2. UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY All Undeveloped Property $ 2,400 per acre per ear ••• Y • The square fooCage of dwelling unit living area shall moan the squaw footage of in[ernal Llvinq apace, exclue ive o! garages and other etzuetvrea not used ae living apace, a shown on she building permit(s) iuued for the duelling unit. "• Tha acreage of a commercial of industrial property shall mean the grow acreage axclutiw of any acreage dedicated or afferad for ue,iiuac iun w • pus llc agenry. ••• TM acreage of an Dndweloped Property Mall b• than grow acreage exciueiw of any acreage dedicated ar otleraM foc dadicaeion to a public agency. SPECIAL TAi •s• -ADDITIONAL POLICE 9ERVICE3 All Developed Property shall W subject to the levy of special Tax ^8^. Ths maximum authorised special Tax 'E• ratan to: fiscal year 1989-90 are ae follows: TAXING CT a. c2 FI ATION XAXIN[Df TA_r RATE 1. DEVELOPED PROPERTY A. Ruidentlal Class I 5 432 per year (HOte than, 3,590 aquaze feat of dwlling unit living asu)• B. Asaidential Clue IZ g 320 per Year (3,077-3,584 square feet o! dwlling unit living area)• c. Aeridential Clus III 5 240 per year (2,564-3,076 square feet of dwllinq unit living area)• D. Reaidutial Clau rv 5 192 per year (2,308-2,563 square feet of dwlllnq unit living area)• E. Msidential Cltu V $ 160 per year {2,051-2,307 square Sect of dwelllnq unit living area{• X07-~ Reeoluiton No. B9-262 Page 6 F. fteaidential Class vl )LYaa than 2,051 aquas feat of dwelling unit living araa)• 5 112 pat year 0. Commercial or induetritl 5 1,000 par acre par year •• Tna maximum annual Special Taz ^e^ rata shall ha subject to escalation each July 1 commencing July 1, 1990, at a rate no! eo exceed four `_ :~ :' percent (4a) per yeas. Spacial Tax "B' shall be lwied +~ ••.++~ __ _- - „ sneer+-: -_. ;e,~„wee are naeeuasy to pay for addliional polin cervices necessary to serve the properties located within the District. VO18' SECTION 9. That the appropriate mark plated in the voting square after the word 'YES" shall W Counted in favor at the adoption of the proposition, and the appropriate mark placed in the voting aquas after the word 'NO^ in the manner as authorised, shall be <ouaead against eh. adoption of aid proposition. $ECTZDN 10. The Election Official is hereby authorized to take any and all steps necessary for the holding of said election. Said Election Official shall perform and render all services and proceedings iaeidrntal eo and connected with the conduct of said election, and acid services shall include, but not be limited tC the following: 1. Prepare and furnish Ca the election officers necusary election supplies for the conduct of the elaceion. 2. Cauca to be printed tM cequieiL number of olfieial ballots, Lally sheets and other necgsary tozma. 3. FurnLh and atldrsu to mail official ballots to the qualified electors of Che Coimunity laeilitiae District. <. Cause the official ballots to be mailed, u required Dy law. 5. Receive the returns of the election and supplies. 6. Sort and auuobla eM election mttetial ahd wppliu is preparaticn for the canvaeainq mf Che returns. 7. Canvae^ Che returns Of the election. B. Furnish a tabulation o! the number of votes given la the election. 9. Mnke all arrangemenU and take the neceuary sops to pay all coats of the election incurred sa result of services performed by the District and pay costa and expenses of all election officlaL. /~7- Q Aeaolution No, 89-263 Pepe 7 10. Conduct and handle all other mattes relating to the proeeedinge and conduct of the eUCtion in the miMeY and tozm a required by Law. ~ PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED thin 31st day of June, 1989. AYESe AUxander, Brown, Buqust, Stadt, aright NOES, Non• ABSENT: Nona ~ ~/,~ ~~ M/x ~~ ((~~ ('~ \ 1~, 1 ~~/Y~V1W/ Vim. V WGf / Donnie L. Stout, Nayor ATTEST: ,wetly A. ttheU0. City 1 rk I, BEVERLY A. AUTNELBT, CITY CLLPIC of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregolnq Reeolutlon waa duly paeeed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, at • regular meeting of said City Council held on the 21st day of dune, 1989. Executed thin 22nd day of June, 14E4 at Rancho Cucamonga, Callfarnia. overly AX uthelet, City Clark !D7-~ RHSOLUPion n0. 39-263 A RESOLUTION OP ~TNE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY qP RANCHO - CUCANONGA,.CALIPOAEIIA, DBCLARINO AND ESTASLISNINO THE FORMATION' OP A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT, AND ~~ , AUTNOAIEINO 9USMITTAL O! LEVY OP SPECIAL TAPES TO TH8 QDALIPIED ELECTORS WMHAEAS, a public hearing has bean hold and concluded, and the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, (hsrsinattar referred to as the ^legislative body of the local Agency), le delroe at ehU time to proceed with the astabllsAmsnt of a coaam+nity Ltc131t1e district, pureutnt to thw h...^. __ _ _ _ being Chapter 2.5, Part lr Division •4, Titlc~otl the a0o livernrnt cCOde olethe State of California, Bald Coearvnity heilltiu Dletrlot /hall hereinafter fie referred to ae COMMUNITY FACZLZTi65 DISTRICT NO. 83-2 (heelna[GS ~retsrred Co ae the •Dlserlct•)t and, WHEREAS, this legislat ive body has further declared lte intent Lhat tAe authorized public tacil ilia Da financed thzough the iuuann of bonda, eid bonda secured by the levy of a apseial tax; and, WHEREAS, at any time before or after the formation o! the District, this lagislative body may accept advances o! Lunde and/or work Sn kind Irom any source; however, no relmbutsemsnt and/or repayment shall be made Cor aFld advance until ezpresly et forth by tgresment and/or resolution of ehls leg Salat ive body etting forth the amount, terms and conditions toz any reimbureamsnt and/or rspayent still bs made for eid advance until epnuly aat Eorth by agreemwnt and/or Raaolution of thin legislative body setting torch the amount, tams and conditions for any reimbursement and/or repayment; and, WHEREAS, inasmuch ae thete era lsaa than twelve (12) regiatexed voters residing within the territory o! the DLtrirt, and have ben !or at lest the preceding ninety (90) days, this legislative Doily is duteous to submit the levy of the required special tax to the landowners of the District, eid landowners being the qualified sledor^ as authorized by law; and, WHBRBAS, there hu bean submitted to this legLLtive 6ady !or its cone ideration, a purchase/Financing Agrsasrnt 6y and Detwen the District and The Caryn Company, which would authorize the District to aequ Srs the publir capital faeilltie decribed heroin pursuant tc tM terns and condltion^ set forth in said Agreemani. NON, THEREFORE, the Clty Council of the City a! Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve as lollowa: SECTION 1. That the above raCltal^ are all true and correct.. SECTION 2. That Lhis legislativs body doe hereby eetabliah and dec lace the fomation of the Community PacilitLa Dlrtrlct known and duignabd as "COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. SS-3 •, /'~~~ Reeolut ion No. 89-26J Page 3 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES • SECTION 5. .That lt. la the further intention of this leg islet ive.2 ~ __ body to provide certain scrv lees that ace in addlt ion to those provided in the territory o! the Oletrict end will not be replacing aerv icsa already available. A general deccrlpt ion of the eervicee to be provided La ae follows: Police protection eervicee which era in addition to the extent to which eeid eervicee are cucran[ly provided to the territory within the proposed District. maw coaq of said urvlecs obeli Sncluda the grformance by employeaa of all functions, including operation and maintenance. 96CTION 6. 6xcapt where funds ate othezwiee available, a epee Sal tax, assured by recordation of a continuing lien against all non-exempt real progrty in the psoposad District, Le hereby authozi zeds eubj act to voter approval, to De lwied annually within the 6oundariee of acid District. The progsed sgeisl tax to W levied within Bald Dietrlct has not been precluded by majority protect pursuant to Section 53324 cf the CovernmenG Code of the state o! California. For particulars ac to the rate and method of apportionment of the prapoeeQ spatial tax, reference lc made to the attached and incorporated 8xhibit "A", which cats forth in cuff Sciant detail the method of apportionment to allow each landowner or ruident within the proposed District to eat Smote the probable annual amount and the maximum annual amount that said greon will have to pay for said facilltlss. Se1d egcial tax shall be utilized to pay Eor the construction, expansion, reha6111tstlon or purchase of the public capital facil Sties and urvleee to be provided, and/or to secure s bonded indebtedness which shell ba utilised to Linanee each public capital fac£litiae. Tha egcinl taxes herein authorized shall be collected in the same manner an ed valorem property taxes and shell be subject to the same pens It lee, procedure, solo and lien priority in any case of dellnqucncy as applicable for as valorem taxes. - Upon recordation of n Noi ice of Special Tax Lien pursuant to Section 3114.5 01 the Streste and Highways Code of the State of California a continuing lien to accuse each lery o[ the egeisl tax shall attach to ell non-exempt real progrty in the DlNriet and thin lien shell continue in force and effect until the ageial tax obligation La prepaid end grmensntly eatlef led and the lien cancelled in accordance with law or ant 11 collection of the tax 6y the legislative hotly wanes. SECTION 7. Tha name, eddrece and telephone number of the office, department or bureau which will M cesponei6le Eor preparing annually a current roll of special tax Levy obligatlans by Mweaoz'e parcel number and which shall bi ruponeiDle for utlmating Ntun spec Sal tax levies pursuant to Seci ion 53340.1 0[ the cover~ent Code of the State of California, ere ae Eollowae D7- (' Raa0lutlon NO. 89-263 Page 4 A$SESSMBNT A6~BNU8v1?%PAR~'!lENT. 'OITY. di '.RANCHO;~CUCANQNOA ~~ :.. '~ p.0. EO% 80'!. IIANCNO CUCAMONCA, CA 91730 TELEPNONEt (714) 9B9-1853 SECTION B. It 1• hereby further determined by Chia leglalatlve body that all proceedings prior hereto ware vslid and taken in conformity with the requixemant• of the law, and apecltically the ptovielona of the "Mello-Roos Camnunity tacilltiww err rs iowo" _; ,,,,~„ . iinarnq And debrminetion ie made pursuant to the provlaione and ;uthoriratiop. of Sactiod .53325.1 of ;Cho' Government Code of Che State ol~GFifornia:~~' ~ `'D' ~' SDBSTITDTION FACILITIES SECTION 9. Thw asaeriptlon of the pu611e capitsl taeil ltioe, ae set Earth herein, !• general Ln it^ nature. The final nature and beat ion o[ improvements and tseillt La will bs determined upon the preparation of tinel plane end speClficetlons. Ths Llul platy may show eubatituto in lieu ot, ar moditlcaeion to, the propaswd work !n order to wceompllaA the works of improvement, end any ouch eubatituclon ahsll nee W a ohangw or moditication in the proceadinga ea long ea the taell itlea provide a service eubetantially similar tc thnt ae est forth In Chia Aeaolution. SECTLON 10. Any landowner or raa idant who fNla that the amount or formula of the special tax is In error mey file a notieo wiih the Agency •ppealing the levy of the apeciwl tea, An npposla panel of 3 members, ae eppolnted by the Agwney, will then moat and promptly review the appeal, and i{ naeebery, mat with the applicant. If raa [indinge of the AppeaU Board verify Chet the tax should be modltied or ohanged, a recommendation at thst time will be mode to the Aganey end, ae eppropriate, the apecial tax levy shall be corrected, end if applicable in eny cote, a refund shall !~ granted. SECTION 11. This legielalSve body herewith eubmita the levy of the special tax to the qualified alectora at the Dlatrict, wid eleerore being the landownar• at the proposed Dletriet, with each landowner having ono (1) vote for each acre oc portion thereof land which ho or she owns within rho Communi^,.y yacilltlws Dlatrict. This legitlat ive body hereby further directs Chet the ballot proposition relating to Ghe Uvy of the abora re[erenced spacial tax be combined end consolidated with the propoeltion relating to the incurring of a bonded indebtetlnesa. This Aaaolution shall no! eonatltub rho notieo of the •Letion end the Aaaolution declaring the necaulty to Sncur Che bonded indobLdnu• shall contt State the notice of the combined election relating to the banded Lndebtednets and authorization Cor tae apscial tax levy. ~~7~ u ' Resolution No. 89-263 Paga 5 D1SE/lIRARCIRG AOREERENT Tble legieLtiye body 6ereby~ approves eh3~ puicheea/pinanclnq Agsewent by and 1»twen the DUtriet and The Caryn Company, th• original of rhich Se on file !n the Oftiee of Che City Clesk, and euthorizas tM ax•cutlon tMreof by the Mayor and Clty Clerk, acting an behal! of the D Setriet. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED thin 21st day o! June, 1989. AYES: Alexand•c. Rrorn- w..,+.... ____~. ,.r1yL: R0E8: Rona ~ .~. ~ , A88ERT: Rone ~fLS OeMla L. Stout, Mayos ATTEST: B er y A. Au eUl, City C •r I, EEVERLY A. ADT176LBT, CITY CLERK of Ghe city of Aancho Cucamonya, Ca1!tornia, do hrnby urtify that the foregoing Ruolution war duly passed, approved, end edopted by the CSty Council of Che City of Aancho Cucamonga, CelltorniM, at • regular meeting of asid c1ly Council held on the 21st day of June, 1989. Executed this 22nd day of Tuns, 1989 at Rencho Cucamonga, Celitornia. vrly A. ueheUt, Ciiy CL : (~7- V _~ 1 \ Y d~v RESDIIIITON NO. 91~"~fr A Rf50Il1PION OF THE CP1Y OIX$7CII, OF THE CI4'SC OF RANCFID ,p, CAISFORRIA, xaraar.rg~ A!ID A!ffiiD1NG ANNfRL Sl?EX7AL TAX YTA2 A 671TYNPIY FACILITIES DISIRICI' Y82ERFA.S, the City ~tnnil of the City of Rarc1n Curaioviga, California, (hereinafter referred to as the "legislative body"), has initiated prooeediixgs, held a public hear=ty, cntdtlcted an election aid received a favorable vote from the qualified electors relating to the levy of a special tax in a n-~utity facilities district, all as authmrized puraiant to the tBfffi and 1]rW1S1IX16 Of the "Me1lo-RcxtR (Ynmmity Farilitiac a,rt nP TRR~a be=rg C7~apter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the Oaveirmerlt CUde of the State of California. 'Reis Ommviity Facilities District shall hereirefter be referred to as OCtR4I42'lY FACILT'i'T~ DIS1RICr ND. 88-2 (hereinafter referred to as the "District"); and Fh1ERFA5, this legislative body, bf Ordiiaixa? as authorized bi Section 53340 of the GovetTioerit Axle of the State of Califenia, has authorized the levy of a special tax to pay for oasts and expenses related to said C®.IIlity Facilities District, aid this legislative body is desirous to establish the specific rate of the special tax to be collected for the next fiscal year; aid i~RFA.S, at this time this legislative '.::;;:y ;., .ird;i~nlc i.o ameid ti\e previously established arv¢al sprxial tax for the nPXt ensuing fiscal year and this Resolutiai, upon its adoption, will repeal previously adopted Resolution No. 91-215. NOW, 7fi1~2EEbR6, the City Council of the City of Fardco dots hereby resolve as follows: SFX•Pi~i 1: 7Slit tit. d1XJJVC rCC1t.115 art ali tike aid COrre\"'t. SESSION 2: 'that the specific rate arcl amount of the special tax to to oollectsl to pay for the oasts aid expenses for the next fiscal year (1991- 1992) for the refererx:ed District is herelry detefmined and established as set forth in the attached, refer<^^~ and ;Trnm\ratfd F]diibit "Art, SDCPION 3: 'IY~at the rate as set forth above does not exceacl the amamt as previously authorized by Ordiranc~ of this legislative body, aTd is mt in ex--_^ of that as previously approved ty the qualified electors of the District. SDCEION 4: 'that the proceeds of the special tax shall be used to pay, in whole or in part, the ousts of the follwity, in the followiiy order of priority: A. Payarrit of principal of aid interest an arty wtstarrliig authorized bunted iirlrbtedriess; aid B. Necessary replenishment of herd reserve Rinds or other reserve fa=ds; aTd (07- W Pesolution t]o. 91-#+~ C. Payment of ousts and expenses of authwrized public facilities and public services; and D. Repayment of advances std loam, if appropriate. 'lhe proceeds of the special taxes shall be used as set forth shove, aid skull not he used for any other pispose. SDCl'ICY7 5: Ste special tax shall be collected in the same marv~er as ordinary ad valor® property taxes are collected, and shall be subject to the same penalties err] same pmced,ue and sale in cases of airy delixqu~cy for ad valar~ taxes, std the Tax Collectar is hereby authorized to deduct xeasanable administrative oob-ts inamxed in collecting aTy eai.d spacial tax. SE7(.TiON 6.: All monies share collected shall be paid into tl~e Oomnmity Facilities District fords, including airy bend fled aid rP8P3.Ve fiord. SDCPiON 7: A listitg of all panels subject to the special tax, togetk:er with the applicable tax to be levied far the tlPxt year, shall be filed with the Canty Auditor on ar before the 10th day of August of this year. It is hereby further directed that a certified Dopy of this Resolution also be filed with ttr. Caurty Auditar on ar before the 10th day of August of this year. SEX.'1SCt+ a: :,.~ Auui:.w. eP the Canny is inexrby directed to enter in the next Oavrty -^~__-_" roll ~ which taxes will became dos, apposite each lot or parcel of lard effected in space markeaf "public i>na+ovem~tts, special tax" or by azry other suitable desigrnation, the installment of the special tax. sksriok7 9: 7fie Caimty Auditar shall then, at the clew of the tax collection period, poxmQtly xerder to this Ayency a detailed ~t showing the amannt and/ar amonmts of suds special tax installments, interrst, penalties arcl percentages so collected and fz+om what property collected, and also provide. a statemernt of arty ;+en-'p~,r~oc retair>gl for the ezgxnse of making arty such collection. SFI.IZON S0: R}ItC Resolution, by its adoption, aRw~ std repeals Resolution No. 91-215 as previously adapted by this City Camcil, and the rate and *axirg allocation as set forth herein shall mntml and govern far the neat ensuing fiscal year. ~~7~X crrr of RANCao cucAesoNGA COICNUNI'fYFACQd17E8 DI878ICT NO. RB~S ~"A" The Resolutbn eatablLMring the annual special tax refers to this Exhibit for an txplanatlon of the rate and method of apportionment of the Special Taxes for Fiscal Year 1991 /92. SPECIAL TAx "A' -DRAINAGE FAC1LiTIER PROFERIY GTEGORIES Thn w /vm nafwdnelwa nr n ....wr ..M~..._ __ ^f.~ 1.. ..f or ~ ~ • .,wu ..~.. .uu~uuuu as follows: 1. DEVELOPED PROPERLY All property identified as a single Tax Asaessora's parcel for which properly a bullding permit has been Issued as oC May 31 of any year. 2. UNDEVELOPED PROPERLY All other property, excluding property which, as of the date of the election to authorize the levy of Special Taz "A:, Is; (1) owned by a pubhe entity; IW owned by a regulated pubtle utllity and being ut0lzed for trarlsmtsafon or dL9tflbutlon purposes; or (la) zoned as open space. TAEING CLASSIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL TALC "A" RATER The !axing classi8oations Cor the above Property Categories and the authorized Special Tax "A" rates for Fiscal Year 1991/92 are a9 follows: 1. DEVELOPED PROPERLY A. Residential Class I 7944 per yeaz (More than 3.590 square feet of dwelling unit bving area) B. Residential II $699 per year (3,077-3,569 square feet of dwelling unit hving azea) C. Residential 111 $524 per year (2,5643,076 square feet of dwelling unit llving area( " D. Itesldenttal Class IV $420 per year (2,308-2,563 square feet of dwelling umt llving area) E. Realdentlal Class V (2,051-2,307 square feet of dwelling anti living area) F. Residential Clc=' VI Q.ess than 2,051 squa:x feet of dwelling urdt livlrig area) Q Commercial or Indus[rtal property 2. UNDEVELOPED PROPERLY .... ,...,.crl~rad :"Vr:.J~ >6349 per year $245 per year $2,030 per acre per year •• ~... ~ r.: w~ w ~..~:. . ' 11re square [Dotage of dwelling unit hving area shall mean the square footage of mtemal hvmg spatt, eulusive of garages and other structures not used as Irving space, as shown on the buDding pennd(s) issued for the dwelling unit. '• The acreage of a commercial or industrial property shall mean the gross acreage exclusNe of arty acreage dedicated or offered for dedkatlon to a publk agency. "' The acreage of an Undeveloped Property shall be Wt gross acreage exelusNe of any acreage dedbaled or odered for dedication to a public agency. E4ETHOD OF "A' Special Tax "A" shall be levied annually on all taxable property within one of the above Identl0ed Property Categories so long as Special Tax "A" revenues aze necessary to pay authorized expenses of [he Community FacW[les Distrtct related to the financing of authorized public facWlles, which may Include, without llmitatlon, payment of debt service on any bonded indebtedness of the Community FacWiks Dlstrkt; replenishment of any required reserve fund for any such bonded indebtedness; funding of any required sinking fund necessary to pay for future public faeWUes or debt service; or direct payment for publle facditles II:FD Expenses"). The annual lery of ~peclal Tax "A" shall be apportioned as follows: STEP l: The Community FacWUes District shall estimate the amount of CFD Expenses whlctr must be paid for from Special Tax "A" revenues collected during the Fiscal Year for which the Special Tax "A" levy !s to be established (the "Requtrd Special Tax "A" Revenue"). STEP 2: That equal percentage of the Special 'fax "A" rate, not to exceed 91% of the maximum authorizd Special Tax "A" rate, applicable to all Developed Property Taxing ClasslRcatlons necessary to generate Special Tax "A" revenue W the Fiscal Year of the lery equal to the Required Special Tax "A" Revenue far such F'ISCaI Yeaz shall 6e levied on all Devebped Property. STEP 3: U addtUonal Special Tax "A" revenues an stW necessary to generate the Required Special Tax "A" Revenue, that percentage of We maximum authorized Special Tax "A" rate applfcablt to all Undeveloped Property necessary to generate such additional Special Tax "A" revenue shall be levied on all Undeveloped Property. STEP 4: If additional Special Tax "A" revenues are side necessary to generate the Required Special Taa "A" Revenue, that equal percentage of the marcimum authorlud Special Tax "A" rate aDPllcable to all Deveoped Properly Taxing Classi/icatlons necessary to generate such additional Special Tax "A" revenue shall be levied on all Developed Property. S1EP 5: U additbnal Special Tax "A" revenues are still necessary to generate the Required Special Tax "A" Revenue, the Community FacWties Dlatn'et shall: A. Compare (0 the Special Tax "A" rate which would be levied on each Developed Property mmbadng STEP 2 and STEP 4 above with IW the product resulting from mul0ptyfng the square footage of the Developed Property times the Base Maximum Special Tax "A". 11re Base Maximum Special Tax "A" means an amount equal to $0.054 per square Coot of the lot or parcel. B, If the product described in (W above exceeds the Special T`arz "A" rate described in (1) above for spy Developed Property, the CommuNty FacWtlw Dlslrlet shall increase the Speclal'lUx "A" rate leveed on each such Developed Pmperiy in equal percentages up to the rate not to eased the product described in (W above necessary to generate the addltlorral Spec1ffi Tax "A" revenues [o equal the Required Specal Tax "A" Revenues. SPECIAL TAl[ "B" -LAW ENP'ORC~'1' All Developed Properly shall bt subJert fo the ]ivy of Special Tax "B". The authorbed 3peclal Tax "B" rates for F1sca1 Year 1991-1992 are as fo9ows: T *in dace n atlon THS.8at4 1. DEVELOPED PROPERTY A. Residential Class 1 5113.26 per year (More than 3.590 square tee[ of dwelling unit living area) B. Resfdential Cl,^.ss A t>(i0.G5 per ycer (3,077-3.589 square feet of dwelling unit living area) C. Residential Class III 550.40 per year (2.564-3.076 square feet of dwelWig unit living area) ' D. Residen0al Class N $40.32 per year (2,308-2,563 square (set of dwelling unit bvfng area) ' E. Residential Class V $33.60 peryear (2,051-2,307 square feet of dwelang umt bvtng area) ' F. Resldenhal Class Vl 523.52 per year (Less than 2,051 square feel of dwelling unit hving area) G Commercial or hrdustria] property 51,000 per acre per year •• - --CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA ~"- ~TAFF` REPORT DATE: August 7, 1991 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager ~~:n;: uabra J. Adema, CNC, City Clerk SUBJBCT: D85IGNATION 0! A VOTING REPRESSNTATIVS AND AN ALTERNATE FOR THE LEAGUE OF CITI89 ANNVAL NESTING It le recommended that the City Council designate a voting representative end an alternate who can be present at the Business See6lon of the Annual League Heating on October 15, 1991. NACEOROUND/ANALY828 This year's League Annual Meeting is scheduled for October 13 - 16, 1991 in San Franciecor California. AG the Easiness Session, which ie to take place on Tuesday, October 15, 1:30 p.m., at the Hilton Hotel, the membership will be taking action on conference reeolut ions which will guide cities and the League in an effort to improve the quality, responeivenaea and vitality of local government within the State of California. The League ie requesting each City designate a voting representative and an alternate to be present at the Business Seealon to vote on matters affecting municipal or League policy. If you have any questions, please feel Eree to contact me. Re/~pectfully ~ubmitte~d, Debra J"_. Adams, CMC City Clerk /dja Attachment /D$ ., ~~ i.~~gue of ~aiif~mis ~itl~ 1C(10 K STREET .SACRAMENTO, CA 9561) . ~916~ C44~Sr90 ~"°'"'~ c"'v~ Sacramento, CA JI1( 22 1991 wax ro9ei"e, July 11, 1991 REC~ivt~ To: The Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Dun Benninghoven, Executive Director Re: Designation of Voting Delegate for League Annual Conference Dear City Official: municipal or League polity. A voting card will be given to [he city official designated by the City Council on the enclosed "voting delegate form." If the Mayor or a member of the City Council is in attendance at the Conference, it is expected that one of these officials will be designated as the voting delegate. However, if the City Council will not have a registered delegate at the Conference but will be represented by other city officials, one of these officials should be designated the voting delegate or alternate. Please forward the enclosed'boting delegate form" to the Sacramento office of the Leag,.e at the earliest possible time (not later than Friday,~ptember 20. 1991), so that proper records may be established for the Conference. The voting delegate map pick up the city's voting card at the League Registration Area in the Hilton Hotel. If neither the voting delegate nor alternate is able to attend [he Business Session, the voting delegate or alternate may pass the voting card to another official from the same city by appearing in person before a representative of the Credentials Committee to make the exchange. An outline of the voting procedures that will be followed at this conference is printed on the reverse side of this memo. I[ is suggested [hat the Mayor and all Council Members from a give, city try to sit together a[ the Business Session so that, if amendmenu are considered, there may be an opportunity to exchange points of view and arcive at a consensus before the city's vote is r:~st. Your cooperation in returning the attached "voting delegate form" as soon as pc~si~;o appreciated. /09 This year's League Annual Conference is scheduled for October 13-16 in San Francisco. One very important aspen of the Annual Conference is the General Business Session at which dme the membership takes action on conference resolutions. Annual Conference resoluUoas guide cities and the League in our efforts to improve the quality, responsiveness and vitality of local government in California All cities should be represented at the Business Session on Tuesday, October 15, at 1:30 p.m. at the Hilton Hotel. League of California Cities Annual C.~nference Voti~ Proced rtes 1. Each member city has a right to cast one vote on matters pertaining to League policy. 2. To cast the city's vote a city offiaal must have in his or her possession the atys voting card and he reoicenred with 1h~ r'r~A.nfinle !'n..~m:~~.. 3. Prior to the Annual Conference, each city should designate a voting delegate and an alternate and return the Voting Delegate Form to the League for use by the Credentials Committee. 4. The voting delegate or alternate may pick up We city's voting card at the voting delegates' desk in the conference registration azea. 5. Free exchange of the votng card between the voting delegate and the alternate is permitted. 6. If neither the voting delegate nor alternate is able to attend the Business Session, the voting delegate or alternate may pass the voting card to another official from the same city by appearing in person before a representative of the Credentials Committee to make the exchange. 7. Qualification of an initiative resolution is judged in part by the validity of sigoattues. Only the signatures of city officials, who, according to the records of the Credentials Committee, are authorized to use the city's voting card and who have left a sample of their signature on the Credentials Committee register will be approved 8. In case of depute, the Credentials Committee will determine the right of a city official to vote at the Business Session /~ o - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REP£'sFc~ DATE: August 7, 1991 ~~i '10; Mayor and Members of ehe City Council FROM: Councilmember William ]. Alexander and Councilmember Chazles J. Buquet By; Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager .....,. nrnnwr nF MT.rCI R TANT TCt SUtLINAa: KCI.VMIViClvuniavi~ v,. ...~~.......... --' --- "" PREPARE REPORT AND RECOMD4FNDATIONS ON DELIVERY OF DEVEI-OPMENT RII.ATED SERVICES BY TIIE CITY AND TILE FIRE DISTRICT' RECOMMENDATION: The Mayor execute a conVac[ with Arroyo Seco Associates, Inc. [~ prepare a report and recommendations on the delivery of developnre:.t related services for the City and the Fire Disvict. Project to be funded from the reserves through City Account 01-4285-6028 (60%) and Fire Account 6980 (4096). BACKGROUND: Per the direction of the City Council, a Request For Proposal (RFP) was prepared to solicit responses from consultants to prepaze a report which analyzes the City's and District's current system of service delivery which is development related. The consultant would also be responsible for [Waking recommendations which would better coordinate and improve the delivery of deveiopment related services. At the same time the City Council took action to prepare a RFP, Councilmembers Alexander and Buquet were appointed as the subcommittee to review the responses and make a recommendation on the project consultant. Included in that pra,ess would be the participation of a resident of the City. ANALYSIS: The Council subcommittee, and resident representative, Dr. J. Michael Lee, have interviewed the three more qualified firms responding to the RFP. From these interviews, their recommendation is that Arroyo Seco Associates, Inc. be selected to conduct the report. The subcommittee and resident felt that their experience, which included both City and Fire backgrounds, as well as prior project experience, made them uniquely qualified to prepare the report. 1'he cost of the report is $43,680 with 53,800 being needed for incidental costs, for a total of 547,480. This cos[ is proposed to be paid from reserves of the City (60% of the total) and the Fve District (40% of the total) since both areas will benefit from the report. Once the project is commenced, it is estimated to be complete in 16 weeks. Respectfully submitted, C~ ~. Q Linda D. Daniels Deputy City Manager ~' ~'