HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991/08/21 - Agenda PacketCITY COUNCII. AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGUI.ATi MEETINGS 1st and 3rd Wednesdays - 7:00 p.m. August 21, 1991 Civic Center Council Chambers 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 rp City Coanollmembere Dennis L. Stout, Efayor William J. Alezander, Coancilmemlxr Charles J. Buquet, Councilmrmber Diaee Williams, Councilmember Pamela J. Wright, Councilmem6er rrr Jack Lem, City Mansgsr James T< Madman. City Attorney Debra J. Adams, City Ckrk City Office: 989.1861 - city Council Agenda August 21, 1991 1 All itus aubrilted for the Cily coYeil Agsnda rue! b is writing. The dudline for snbrittiag !beta itra Sa St00 p.r. oa the Wednsadal prior !o the rsatiag. The Cily Cisrk'• Ottica raceivY all sash ltrs. A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Roll Call: Bugust _, Alexmdex _, Stout _, .. - _. .....::y... E. ANN001C~frE/PaEEENTATIONf C. COMMONIGTZONa ROM T86 POELIC Thi• is the tiro and plane for Lhe general pnblie to addnu the Citl Conaetl. slab lar prohibit the Ciq Conseil frar addsssslag ant iaare no! provions3l iaeludad on we Agsada. The Citf Council Yy weeio teatiroa7 sad set Lha Ytbr for a eubesquan! resting. Coreab are to be lirited b five rinutY per individual. D. CONEEMT CALENDAR The following Coaunt Glander itse are expeclad to be roulins and non-cootrovsrsial. Thsl will be actW upoa by the Couneil a! oae !SY ritheut diecuaaiso. AnI iter ray be rerovM bI • Councilraaber or rerbet of the audiYCS for diseuuioa. 1. Approval of Warrants, Register Noa. 7/31/91 (PY 90/91), 1 7/37./91 (YY 91/92), 8/7/91 (pY 90/91), and 8/7/91 (PY 91/92)7 and Payroll ending 8/1/91 for the total amount of $1,287,682.36. 2. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule 13 ae of July 31, 1991. 3. Alcoholic eeverage Application for Off Sale Central for j] Lucky store 1679, Lucky Stores, Incorporated (A Delaware Corporation), 6351 Neven Avenue. 4. Alcoholic Bevernge Application for On Sale BYS 6 Wine j9 Eating Place for The Deli, Jerry M. and Rosemary Owen, 9671 Poothill Boulevard. - city council Agenda August 21, 1991 2 5. Approval to suYhorlxe the adverttsing of the "Not ice 21 Inviting Bids" for the Sierra Madre Avenue SYrwt improvement eroiect, located tram Arrow Route to Ninth 3trwt, to he funded tram Community Block Grant rand, Account No. 28-4333-0953. 22 RESOLUTION NO. 91-229 A RESOLUTION Or TIR CITY COUNCIL O! TAE ___, n~ easran ('n(!aMmNna. P.1ILIPORNIA. APPROVING PLANB AND SPBCIRCATIONE rOR 1'IR "SIEAM MADRE AVENUE STAEES IMPRDVEIRNT PAOJECf", IN RAID CITY AND AUTRORIEING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERE TO ADVERTISE TO RBG'SIVS BIDS 6. Approval of disposition of rLecel Yeat 1987/88 Caryn 26 Landscape Maintenance District Punds. 7. Approval to adopt Fiscal Year 1991/92 Landscape, 27 Lighi inq and Special Assss sPUnt District Budgets. 29 RESOLUTION NO. 91-230 A ABSOLUTION Or TNS CITY COONCIL OF THE C1TY OP AANCRO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING TXB CITY'S LANDSCAPE, LIGHTING ANO SPBCSAL ASSBSSMSNT DISTRICTS BUDGET FOA FISCAL YBAA 1991-92 8. Approval of request to authorize City Attotnsy to 30 initiate a reformation action to provide an accurate legal description of the Youell Property (APN: 202-D61- 26). 39 9. Approval of Base Line Road 4nd Milliken Avenue eieycle Trail Improveeleni Pro]ert, Approve a Notice of Exsmpiion under CBpA, and authorization of an eppl ication for Proposition 116 Grant Funding. Q2 ABSOLUTION NO. 91-231 A RSSOLVTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TIDE CITY OP RANCHO COCANONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT PONDS TOA THB BASE LINE ROAD AND MILLINEN AVENUE BICYCLB TMIL IMPAOVElOSNT PROJECT UNDER THE CLEAN AIR AND TTUNSPORTATION IMPROVEIRNT ACT OP 1990 (PAOPOS ITION 116) c City Council Agenda August 21, 1991 3 10. Approval of Aeeolut Lane for intent ion to annex to CFD 44 88-2 and adopting the boundary map of area to be annexed. 45 RESOLUTION NO. 93-232 A RESOLUTION OP TN6 CITY COUNCIL OF TflB CITY OF RANCHO CUC7INONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING BOUNDARY NAP SNOWING TERRITORY TO B$ ANNEXED TO AN RFT RTTNn muv....~,.y PACILITIES DISTRICT RBSOLUTION N0. 91-233 46 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COVNCIL OF THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ANNEX TERRITORY TO AN EXISTING COMMUNITY PACILITIES DISTRICT 51 11. Approval to execute a Profeeeional Services Agreement (CO 91-053) with NBS/Cowry, Incorporated to prepare the tax toll and provide Consult inq Servleee in relation to CFD BB-2. Agreement not to exceed $10,000.00, to be funded from Recount No. 75-4130-6028. 12. Approval to execute a Profeeeional Services Agreement 52 (CO 91-054) with Brown, Harper, Burns S Hentechke Eor Legal Couneel related to an annexation to CPD ES-2. Agreement not to exceed 51,000.00, to be fundod by the Developer (Watt Homes). 53 13. Approval to execute a Profeeeional Servicee Agreement (CO 91-055) with empire Economics to perform a market abeorpt Lan study for CFD BB-2. Agreement not to exceed $5,500.00, to be funded frao Account No. 75-4130-6028. 19. Approval io execute a Profeeeional Services Agreement $4 (CO 91-056) with Brown, xarper, Burns & Hentechke for Le9a1 Couneel related to Lhe formation of a Benefit Aeeeeemsnt District to maintain a drainage basin. Agreement not to exceed $3,500.00, to twr funded by the Developer (WatC Homes). 15. Approval to execute a Profeeeional Services Agreement 55 (CO 91-057) wlih Willdan Aeeociatee to perform Aeee6ement Engineer eervicee related to the formation of a eeneEit Aeeeaement Dieirict to maintain a drainage basin. Agreement not to exceed 59,000.00, to be Eunded by the Developer (Watt Homes). , _ City Cnuncil Agenda August 23, 1991 { 16. Approval to award and exeeub a Profeulonnl eetvioes i 56 Agreement (CO 91-058) between the Clty of Rancho cueamonga end Norris-ASpb, Incorporated to prepare design plane, epeclflcatlom and aetf mates for the Haven Avenue Rahabll Station, Nideninq and Storm Drain improvements from north of Church Stzwt to approximately 300 feet north of Baee Llna Roed. The Per Diem not to exceed fee of $84,340.00 plus 101 contingenoiea to bs funded by Meuure I, Account No. 32- 6637-9023-4FOF-n +n. ...a ...~.w . : :: J , L...:wd to include appropriation of $2 ,500, 000.00 for Haven Avenue Improvements from Foothill Boulevartl to Baee Lina Roed. 17. Approval to exaeuta the Plpe Lina Liesnse Agreement (CO 68 91-059) between the Ctty of Rancho cucaawnga and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company for the Proposed Seventh Strsat 6torm Drain construction across Atchison, Topeka and Banta Fs Railway company R19ht-of- Way, Track No. 10 chaining, Rancho Cucamonga, California. AESOLVTION NO. 91-234 69 A RBSOLUTION OF THg CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND EXECUTING THE PIPB LINE LICENSE AGREEl~NT BETWEEN TtHS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND TH8 ATCHISON, TOPEEA ANO SANTA PE AAILNAY COMPANY Fpq THg PROPOSED SEVENTH STREET STORM DRAIN CONSTAGCTION ACROSS ATCXISON, TOPEIU AND SANTA PE RAILWAY COHPANY RIGHT-0F-WAY, TRACE NO. 10 CHAINING, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 13. Approval to award and authorization for execution of a 60 revised agreement (CO 90-096) with Cucamonga County water Oietrlet for the permanent repairs of water service cub made by Cucamonga County Water District. 19. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement, Improvement 61 Security and MonumentatiOn Caeh Deposit for Tract 13753, located at the northeast Corner of Bass Llne Road and Milliken Avenue submitted by perpetual Asset Management Company, Incorporated, and rsleaw of previously submitted Improvement Agreemsnt, Improvement Security and Monumeniatlon Depoolt accepted by the City Council on March 21, 1990, from Victoria Cucamonga Partners, L.P. ,L'~ (b City Council Agenda ~~ Auquet 21, 3991 5 RESOLUTION NO. 91-235 64 , A ABSOLUTION OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OP RANCNO CUCAMONOA, CALIPOP37IA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTr IMPROVEMENT SECURITY AND MONUItBNTATION CASH DEPOSIT lOR TIU\CT NO. 13753 AND RELEASING THE INPROVEfOTNT 11GRSEIOIHTr IMPROVEMENT SECURITY AND MOMU1teNTATION DEPOSIT PAEVIOVSLY ACCEPTED BY CITY COUNCIL ON NARCFI 21r 1990 20. Approval to execute Improvement AgreeaunE, Improvement 65 Security and ordering the annexation to Wndecape Maintenance District Mo. 4 for Eaet Creenway Corridor located east o[ Millllun Avenue and north of Church Street submitted by Lewis Dwelopment Company. 66 RESOLUTION NO. 91-236 A RESOLUTION OP TNB CITY COUNCIL O- THB CITY OP RANCNO WCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IHPROVENBNT AGREEMEMl AND IHPAOVSMBNT RECURITY POR EAST GASENWAY CORAIOOR 67 RESOLUTION NO. 91-237 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP PANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI POANIA, ORDERING THS ANNEXATION OP CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 4 POA HAST GREBNMAY WARIDOA 21. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for 70 Tract 12332-2, loeatad on the eouthaast corner of Haven Avenue and Tacketem Street, submitted by M.J. Brock. R830LUTION NO. 91-238 7z A RSSOLI/TTON OP TFlB CITY COUNCIL OP TID! CITY O- RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPAOVINO SMPROVBMBNT AOABSIdlNT BXTSNS ION AND IMPROVSMSNT SECURITY POR TMCf 12332-2 22. Approval of Improvement Agreement Bxtenelon for Tract 73 13280 Runyon Way Rail rued Croeainq, located on Runyon Way between Milliken Avenue and Rocheatei Avenue, submitted by The William Lyon Company. Y - city council Agenda Auquet 21, 1991 6 i RESOLUTION NO. 91-239 75 A ABSOLUTION O! THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPAOVEI~NT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND INPAOVFJHtNT SECORITY TOR TRACT 13280 RSNYON WAY IUILROAD CR088IN0 23. Approval to execute Improvement Agreeemrnt Extendon for 76 Tract 13733, locatM en !ha eeuthwat ^~^..~^ ^~ a•^~'ro Street and Almond Street, euhmitted by Rodina Company. 78 RESOLUTION NO. 91-2{0 A RESOLUTION O! THE CITY CODNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA. CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INPROVWENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVElDiNT SECURITY !OR TRACT 13738 2a. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for 79 Pargl Map 12263, located On the southeart cornet Of Highland Avenue and Millilun Awnue, suhmittM by The William Lyon Company. B1 RESOLUTION NO. 91-241 A AESOLVTION OF TH8 CITY COUNCIL OP TNB CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT ACAEE1fENT EETENSION AND INPROVSlRNT SBCURITY TOR PARCEL NAP 12263 25. Approval to accept Improvements, Release of Bonda and 82 Notice of CemplaLion for Treat 13279 Detention eaain located on the southeast cornea of Aoeheetsr Avenue and Victoria Park Lane. Releaee: Faithful Performance Bond )Street) $513,575.00 RESOLUTION NO. 93242 83 A RESOLUTION O! THS CITY COVNCIL OF THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POR TRACT 13279 DETENTION A115IN AND AUTNORTSENG THE FILING OP A NOTICE O! COMPLETION POR THE WOAX - City Council Agendn August 21, 1991 7 26. Approval to aegpt Improvweants, reUase of Bonds end gQ Notln of CompUtion for Teaet 13318 Landaeape, located on the soutMSSt corner of Nsrmoaa Avenue and Nanamita Drive. Releese: Faithful Performance Bond $ 95,000.00 Accept: Maintsnsnee OUarnntN Bond $ 9,500.00 RESOLUTION pO. 91-243 "~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TiR CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTINO THE PUBLIC II@RDV6IRNTS POR TRACT 13318 LANDSCAPE AND AUTBORIfING TID1 YILIN6 O! A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WOPoC 27. Approval to accept improvemsnta, Mleaae o! Bonds and 86 Notice of Completion for Tract 13565 24th Street Landscape, Located on 26th 6lreet between Nardmart Bullock Rond and San ssvaine Avenue. Release: Faithful Pertocmnnce Bond (street) $S5d,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 85,600.00 8~ ASSOL•JTION HO. 91-244 A RESOLUTION OP TSSE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IlIPAOVBNBNT3 FOR TRACT 13565 24TH STREET LANDSCAPE AND AUTIIORIBING THB FILING OP A NOTICS OP COMPLETION POA THE NORR 2S. Release of Bands and Notice of Completion for Banyan 88 street Bridge (Trnct 1376&), located on Banyan street nt the Daer Creek Channel. Releaser Faithful Performance Bond 5229,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond $ 22,900.00 - Clty Council AgNda Auquat 21, 1991 8 89 ~ RESOLUTION NO. 93-245 A RESOLUTION O! TIR CITY COUNCIL O! TBE CITY O! AANCBO COCANONOA, CALIFORNIA, ACCBPYINC TfOI lDBLIC IHlRDVElRNTS !OR BANYAN STREET BRIDGE ANO AUTHORISING 1716 FILINO O! A NOTICE O! COMPLETION YOR TA6 HOAR 29. APPCOVIl t0 lrrept ImprOVementa, M1eaN of MainUnanu 9U GuarantN Rood for Traot 12365 1xatN at the eoutneaec corner of Spruce Aowue and Terra Viata Parkway. AeleaN: Maintenance cuaraniN Bond $ 42,184.00 91 30. Approval !o relaue Maintenance Ronda tot Trscte 12525 end 12741, located on the wet •Lds of linter Avenue between Arrow Roue and 26th Street. Tract 12525 Re leata: Maintenance GuarnntN Bond (strNt) $ 9,050.00 Tract 12741 Re leaeas Maintenance Gunzantea Bond (Street) $ 10,700.00 92 31. Apptoval t0 accept ImptOVement• and Re leaea Of Maintenance GuarantN Bond for Tract 12673, locniad on the east Bids OL Milliken Avenue north OE Chutch Stxeei. Aeleaees Maintenance GuarentN Bond (Street) $ 27,800.00 93 32. Approval to aceapt Improvemante and Aeleaea of Maintenance GuarentN Bond for Tract 12739, located on the eouthwat carne[ of Artow AoUte and Centez Avenue. Aeleaea: Maintenance auarentN Bond (St rest) S 20,900.00 33. Approval to accept improvements and AeLNe of 94 Maintenance GuarantN BOrtd for Tracts 12802 and 12802-1 thru -S, located on the aoutheaet corner of Mountain View Drive and Spruce Avenue. f City Council Agfnda August 21, 1991 9 ReLUet ~ Naintenance GualantN Bond Tzact 12802 $ 20,100.00 met 12802-1 $ 60,510.00 Traet 12802-2 $ 25,300.00 Tract 12802-3 5 7,700.00 Tract 12802-/ $ 12,300.00 Tract 12802-5 g 18,{00.00 Tract 12802-6 S 27,600.00 nz !e. Approval to aeefpt Improvesnt• antl Mlflfe OL "' tulnefnanef Guaxanta Bond for TralC 13191, located On the norihweet cainfr of Church SLlNt and Terre Vista Parkway. Rfleeeet Maintenance Guarantaf Bond (Strwt) 8 23,800.00 96 35. Approval to Rflfeef tAr Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Tract 13318, locetsd on tM eouthaet corner of Herttqu Avenue and Manssnita Drive. Releefet NaLntennnce Guarantee Bond (8traet) 5 13,600.00 36. Approval to Vacate a Portion of 25th street, located 97 west of %tiwanda Avenue and setting the date of Public Hearing for September 1B, 1991. R%SOLUTION NO. 91-266 98 A A%SOLUTION OP TF7S CITY COUNCIL OF TN8 CITY OF FUNCNO COCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, D%CLARINC ITS 1NT%NTION TO VACAT% A POATZON OF 25TH STRB%T LOGT%D W%ST OP %TINANOA AVENO&, APPRO%IMATHLY 30 F%ST NID% AND 1092 PBBT LONG - APNt 225-082-01 B. CONeBMT OROINANC88 The folloring Ordiaanue Aare had public hfaringe at the tLe of fist reading. efeo~ readiaga arf ettpfekW to M routine and nen-eontro~freial. They rill M asked npoe b! the Comeil at oef tir rithout diecuuion. Thf CitF Clfrk will nad the title. Any ita can M rmfed for diecuuion. 1• 102 ORDINANC% AN%NDMANT ' city Connell Agenda Auquat 21, 1991 30 dADINANC6 NO. 328-A (ucontl reading) 102 AN ORDINANCE Ol T!R CITY COONCIL OP THE c1TY Dr RAxcao cucAMOMaA, cALIroRNIA, AMEND INC CHI4PTLR 3.08 OP TH6 RANCHO CuCAMONGA CITY CODE BY ADDING SECTION 3.08.240 AELATIN6 TO PROCURISlBNT OP RECYCLBD PRODUCTS - ~:.:eararAO }uEi.IC EEAEIEOa The tailoring !Leta 6avs been advsrtiasd and/or poatsd ss pnblio hnrings a raqulesd b7 lw. TLs Chair rill opw Lhs resting Lo ra<sivs public bstLeay. 1. CONSIDERATION O! RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARRIN6 'iHD 1~4 $'[Q$agE - Review of current City rsqulationa affecting storage and parking of Rscrsatlonal VshiclH on privets raaldsnt lal properties. (COOtinnsd troy Jugs 19, 1991) (aTAPr REgBEETe TEIE ZTEM E6 COETIM06D TO OCTOEEE 16, 1991) 2. v 105 AN *~.EY nraxED ~ or NINTH EEm vI as To SIBRRA MADRS AVBNVBS (COatiseed fiat Aegu si 7, 1991) (BTAP- REQDEBTB TEID ITEM E6 COETIMOED TO B~1'IDOmt {, 1991) 3. CONSIDERATION O! ENVIRONMENTAL A83EB6)gMT AND FOOTHILL SO6 BOU[,EVP3lD BPBCSFIC PLAN AMSMUMBNl 90-04 - roOTRILL MARABTPLAC6 PARTNBAS - A request to modify the median break location on Foothill Boulevard, to add a median 6rank location on Foothill Boulevard, and to change the lend use deaignatlon ftam Light Industrial to Regional Related Commercial for an area of epprorlmately 26 scree within the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plen (Bubarma 4), located on the seat side of Intsratate 15, south of Foothill Boulevard. These requasta aYe in conjunction with the development o! a plus or minus 60 acre retail/commercial center located on the south side of Foothill eouleverd between Intsietats 15 end 6tiwande Avenue - APN: 229-033-03 through 13, 35, 16, 20, and e portion of 59. Related Pllei Conditicnal Ose Permit 90-37. r - City Council Agenda August 23, 1991 it RESOLUTION NO. 91-247 154 ' A RESOLUTION OT THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMNENOZNG APPROVw OT FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPBCStIC PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 90-04, REQU86TIMG TO AMEND TIR tOOTHILL BOULeVARD SPECIFIC PLAN lb MODIFY TH6 MEDIAN BREAE LOCATION ON /OOTBILL EOUI.BVARD, TO ADD A MEDIAN BREAK LOCATION ~ TnrvrRtt+ BOULNAPD, AND TO CHANGE TNi LAND use DESIGNATION TRON LIGHT INDUSTRIw TO AEGIONw RELATED CONMERCIw TOR AN AREA of APPRO%IMATSLY 26 ACA68 NITHIN TB6 IOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECITIC PLAN (6UEAREA 6) LOGTEO ON THE EAST SIDE Ot INTERSTATE 35, SOUTH OF TOOTHILL 8OULEVARU, IN CONJUNCTION KITH THB DBVELOPNENT O- A PLUS OA MINUS 60 ACRE RETAIL/COIDOLRCIw CBNTBR LOCNTED ON TH6 SOUTH SIDB OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD BETWEEN INTERSTATE 15 AND ETINANDA AVENUE, AND HARING FYNDINGS IN 9UPPOAT THBAHOT - APN: 229-031-03 THROUGH 13, 15, 16, 20, ANO A PORTION OP 59 a. 159 PBRHIT 90-37 -FOOTHILL NARIOSTPLACB PARTNERS - Appeal of the Planning Commlaaion'• dsciaion peKeininq to certain Hietorie Preeezvetion condleions in conjunction with the request for a mseier plan Approval for a plus or minu• 60 acre retail/commercial canter contatning approximately 550,000 aquae feet of leasable space and n request for Approval of conceptual •ita plan and building elevntione for a Price Club facility in the Regional Aelaiad Commercial deeignaticn of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan (5ubar4e 4), located on the south Bide of Foothill Boulevard between Inieretate 15 and 8tiwanda Avenue - APN: 229-031-03 thtough 13, 15, 16, 20 and a portion of 59. Related Pile: Foothill Boulevard Specifle Plan Amendment 90-04. Associated with the project i• Tree Removal Permit 91-24. 198 RESOLUTION NO. 91-248 A RESOLUTION Ol THB CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONOITIONw USB PERMIT 90-37, A RBQUBST POR MASTER PLAN APPROVw FOA A PLUS OR MINUS 60 ACRE RETAIL/COlH~RCIw CHNTSA CONTAINING APPRO%IMATELY 550,000 SQUARE e -, City Council Agentla Auqurt 21, 1991 ~ 12 766T OP LEASABLE SPACE AND A FEQUEET TOR ~ APPROVAL OP CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN AND BUILDING ELEVATIONe POA TN6 PRICE CLUB -ACILITY IN TAE AEOSONAL RELATED COl00RCSAL DESIGNATION OP T!R IOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIIIC PLAN (90BAAEA {~, LOCATED ON TBE SOOTR SIDE Ol POOTBILL BOULEVARD B611iEEN INTERSTATE 15 AND ETIWANDA AV6NUE, AND MARINO PINDIN68 IN 80PPORT TREAEO7 - APNt 229-031-03 TIBNIUON 13. 15. lR. ~n arw _._ PORTION OP 59 U. PUBLIC RAEItaea The tollori¢g itwa baps tw lgal pNhlLealLOn or portiq rquirewla. The Cbair rill opea the wiiq Lo reeeiPe public LeatiNOal. No Items Submitted. B• CITY MANA6ts•A ATA1P aesnw.. The folloriag Ltga do not lgalll require and public tutiaonl, although the chair Sal open Lhe petiag for public i¢put. No ItamB Submitted. I. COUNCIL EUHINeAa The folloring itpa hate been requeatetl bl the Ci!! Comcil for diacuaaioa. TDeI are twt public hearing lira, although the Chair rl open the wliag for public i¢put. No Items Submitted. J. IDd)ITI PICATION O! ITEMS POE NETT MtsTINO Tbi• Le Lhe ties for Citl Council to idrtifl the itrs thel wish to dlacuaa at the ¢ert wlLag. TAre lira rill not be dLSOUrad at tbia retinq, Doll idrlifiM for the Wert wtlq. City Connell Agenda Auquet 21, 1991 13 ~. C~ MIYf• ewfW TY! M1~,.f,. Tbie Se the tLe e~ place toe the gwetel public to addreee the Clty Cowell. s4ie lew peobibile the City Connell true addreesioq eny teew mt pmioeely ixludW on tee Agende. The City Cowell ..y eecei~e Ieetl.oAy ana eet Lhe eattes for • enbeequent wtinq. CaMete an to M linlted W tiro LLoutu per iodiddwl. ~:.:+ mu I, Debra J. Adana, City CUrk of the City of Aencho Cucaewnga, herehy cettity Ihet s true, accurate cropy of tM foregoing agenda wee posted on Auquet 16, 1991, Nwnty-two (12) house prior to the nretinq per 6owrnment Code 5a953 at 10500 Cioic linter Drive. V V i P 4NP ui~ UR11 Nn L30 SLLO Op OMO J V LL .. ..; u• s~ e . •i t \! 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I I v c u o o i CARL'S c LIgUOR z x n r 0 m o BofA THE DELI 9671 Foothill Blvd. APN;, 208-261-51 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 ?ro perty Currently Zoned: Special Convnercial-Foothill Specific Plan Area 3 Zoning of .Adjacent Property: North: Special Conine rcial-Foothill Specific Plan Area 3 South: :'tedium Residential East: Community Commercial-Foothill Specific Plan Area 3 West: Commercial/Office-Foothili Specific Plan Area 3 ~~ S. Ramire> 8-14-91 nn n , wrn vn rn rn ~ „nr.tr n STAFF REPORT "' DATE: August 21, 1991 ~ , T0: Meyor and Meebers of the Ctty Councli Jack Lae, AiCD, City Manager FROM: Vim. Jce O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Linda Beek, Junior C1vi1 Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE THE ADVERTISING OF THE "NOTICE INYITIN6 BIDS" FOR THE SIERRA MAptE AVENUE STREET IMDROVEMENT PROJECT. LOCarm Ficui+ ANnuM HUUIt TO NINTH STREET, TO BE FUNDED FROM COMIUNITY BLOCK GRANT FUND, ACCWNT N0. 28-4333-8951. It 1s recowaended that City Council approve plans and specifications for the Sierra Madre Avenue Street Ieproveeent Protect and approve the attached resolution authorizing the City Clerk to advertise the "Notice Inviting Bids". BACK9IOINO/ANALYSIS The subject project plans and specifications have been completed by staff, reviewed by staff and approved by the City Engineer. The Engineer's estimate for construction is 5146,000.00. Legal advertising 1s scheduled for August 27, 1991 and Septeeber 3, 1991, with the bid opening at 2:00 on Thursdaly. October 3, 1991. Respectfully subeitte~ L~ /~~ HJO:LRB:Iy Attachment cc: Purchasing ~I RESOLUTION N0. 9~'a'a'9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "SIERRA MAORE AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT", IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE C[TY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIOS WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to construct certain improvements Tn the City of Rancho Cucamonga. WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonoa has oreoared plans and specifications for the construction of certain improvements. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the plans and specifications presented by the Lity of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for "Sierra Madre Avenue Street Improvement Proiett". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of seated bids or proposals for doing the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially 1n the following words and figures, to wit: "NOTICE iNYiTING SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS" Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the said City of Rancho Cucamonga w111 receive at the Office of the City Clerk in the offices of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on or before the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 3rd day of October 1991, sealed bids or proposals for the "Sierra Madre Avenue Street improvement Protect" 1n said City. A prebid meeting is scheduled for 10:30 A.M., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1991, at 10500 Civic Center Drive. This meeting is to inform DBEs of subcontracting and material supply opportunities. Bidder's attendance at this meeting is a prerequisite for demonstrating reasonable effort to obtain DBE participation. This pro,~ect is federally funded via HUD's CDBG program. Federal Labor Standard Provisions (form HUD 4010 attached) will be enforced. Bids w111 be opened and publicly read immediately 1n the office of the City Clerk, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. Bids must be made on a form provided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, marked, "81d for Construction of the Sierra Madre Avenue Street Improvement Pro,{ect". PREVAILING WAGE: Notice is hereby given that to accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor is required to pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in ~" which the public work 1s performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. In that regard, the Dt rector of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California 1s required to and has determined such general prevailing rates of per diem wages. Copies of such prevailing rates of per diem wages are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 10500 Civic Center Drive, upper level, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and are available to any interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a ropy of such determinations to be posted at the job site. The Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (525.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day or portion thereof, if such laborer, vgrkman, or mechanic 1s paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages herelnbefore stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. In accordance with the provlslons of Section 1777.5 of the labor Code as amended by Chapter 971, Statutes of 1939, and in accordance with the regulations of the California Apprenticeship Council, properly indentured apprentices may be employed in the prosecution of the work. Attention is directed Lo the provlslons in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Cade concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contras for or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprenticeable occupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public works project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade fora certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to journeymen that will be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen in such cases shall not be less than one to flue except: A. When unemployment in the area of coverage by the joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent 1n the 90 days prior to the request for certificate, or 0. When the number of apprentices in training in the area exceeds a ratio of one to five, or C. When Lhe trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or D. When the Contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts an an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight journeymen. The Contractor is required to make contrlbuttons to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if he employs registered apprentices or journeymen to any apprenticeable trade an such contracts and if other Contractors on Lhe public works site are making such contrlbuttons. ~3 Tne Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1771.6 in the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industriai Relations, ex-officio the AAmintstrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and Its branch offices. Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor ana any subcontractor under him shall comply with and be governed by the laws of Lhe State of California having to do with working hours as set forth in Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California as amended. The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (f25.00) for each laborer, workmen, or mechanic employed in the execution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon any of the work hereinbefore mentioned, for each calendar day during which said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required ar permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours 1n violation of said Labor Code. Contractor agrees to pay travel and subsistence pay to each workman needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreements filed in accordance with Labor Code Section 1773.8. The bidder must submit with his proposal cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, payable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least ten percent (lOS) of the amount of said bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract 1f the same 15 awarded to him, and in event of failure to enter into such contract Bald cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bond shall become the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. If the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the lowest bidder's security shall be applied by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the iow bid and the second lowest bid, and the surplus, 1f any, shad be returned to the lowest bidder. The amount of the bond to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contrac*. for said work shall be one hundred percent (1000 of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond in an amount equal to fifty percent (50~) of the contract price for said work shall be given to secure the payment of claims for any materials er supplies furnished for the performance of the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, or any work or labor of any kind done thereon, and the Contractor will also be required to furnish a certificate that he carries compensation insurance covering his employees upon work to be done under contract which may be entered into between Dim and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work. No proposal will be considered from a Contractor whom a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. ~~ Contractor shall possess a Class "A" License (General Engineering Contractor) in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 7000 et. seq.) and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto at the time this contract is awarded., The work 15 to be done 1n accordance with the profiles, plans, and specifications of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on file in the Office of the City Clerk at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Copies of the plans and specifications, available at the office of the City Engineer, will 6e furnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and payment of 525.00, said 525.00 is nonrefundable. Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and specifications will be walled when said request is accomaanied by oavment stipulated above, together with an additional nonrelmbursable payment of 515.00 to cover the cost of mailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the requirements of Section 902 of the General Provisions, as set forth 1n the Plans and Speclficatlons regarding the work contracted to De done Dy the Contractor, the Contractor may, upon the Contractor's request and at the Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute authorized securities in lieu of monies withheld (performance retention). The City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, reserves the right to re,{ect any and all bids. By order of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. Dated this day of _ 1991. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, this 21st day of August, 1991. ayor ATTEST: y er ADVERTISE ON August 27, 1991 and September 3, 1491 .~5 ~-------- --- -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA ,.~M1W STAFF REPORT DATE: August 21, 1991 ~Yj TO: Mayor, Members of the City Council, and .~-~- Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF DISPOSITION OF FISCAL YEAR 1987/88 LANDSCAPE MAIN1'ENANICE DISTRICT FUNDS RECOMA~NDATION The City Councll authorize refunding the fiscal year 1987/88 Landscape District funds. During fiscal yeazs 1986/87 and 1987/88, Landscape Maintenance funds were collected from residents within the Caryn community. The funds were not used for the designated purpose due to the landscaping not yet being accepted for maintenance. In fiscal year 1988/89, the City Council authorized a refund to the residents for the fiscal yeaz 1986/87 assessment. In fiscal yeaz 1989/90, residents asked about developing a park 1n or neaz the Caryn community. In an effort to determine the wishes of Uze entire Caryn community, staff was directed to prepaze a questionnaire and forwazd that to the residents asking them to respond Indicating whether they wished the money remaining from fiscal yeaz 1987/88 be contributed toward the acquisition and development of a park in the azea or receive a refund. A questionnaire was developed and mailed to the Caryn community residents in mid-June 1991 asking them to respond by July 8, 1991. Due to possible vacations, and in an effort to ensure a maximum number of responses were received, the response date was extended to July 15, 1991. Overwhelmingly, residents have voted to receive a refund (a total of 474 quesUOnnaires were mailed with 172 responses received. One hundred forty- three respondents indicated a preference for a refund and the balance indicated a preference to have the funds contributed towazd a pazk). Residents would be enUUed to a refund of $195.00 which 1s the amount of the assessment for fiscal yeaz 1987/88. Respecttu sub , Jim Hart Administrative Services Director JH/dah - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF AE~UKT DATE: AUGUST 21, 1993 TC: MAYCR, CITY COUNCIL, AND CITY MANAGER FRCM: SUSAN M. NEELY, FINANCE OFFICER SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF FISCAL YEAR 1991-92 LANDSCAPE, LIGHTING, AND SPECIAL DISTRICTS BUDGETS :SLuw1iIDAS2M1: Council approve the attached Reaolutlon adopting the 1991-92 Piacal Year Landscape, Lighting, and Spacial Districts Budgata. 8-CLGROOIID On July 1, 3993 the Council adopted the 1993-92 P1aca1 Year Budget excludino the aaeeaement dlatriet funds !or which public hearings were held on July 3rd and 1Zth. SSnce theca hearings have been completed and fundlnq decisions made, the budget may now be completed. The attached reaplution adopts the one year budges for district funds: Landscape Straat Spaelal Maintanaoca Lightitp Mmasanaut Distrleb Districts Districts TOraL Fiscal Year 1993-42: $ 6,233,580 $1,166,200 S 2,683,510 S 8,081,270 sass Respectfully sub~mijtted, Susan M. Neely Finance officer smn:wp:budreso2 RESOLUTIOK NO. I' dJ O RESOLUTION CF TttA. CITY COL`NCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMCNGA, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING THE CITY'S LANDSCAPE, LIGHTING, AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS BUDGETS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1991-92 WHEREAS, the Rancho Cucamonga City council held a workshop to review the appropriation requests for the fiscal year lYy1-y[, a„u, WHEREAS, the Rancho Cucamonga City Council held public hearings on the Landscape, Lighting, and Special Assessment Districts, and; WHEREAS, these pu611c hearings were published in a newspaper of general circulation and held on July 8 & 17, 1991. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Ceuneil of Lhe City of Rancho Cucamonga, California does hereby resolve: SECTION 1: ADOPTION OF FISCAL YEAR 1991-92 BUDGET. The City of Rancho Cucamonga Landscape, Lighting, and Special Assessment Districts budget for the fiscal year 1991-92, on file in the office of the Finance Officer, is hereby adopted Sn the amount of $8,081,270. SECTION 2: TRANSFERS OF FUNDS BETWEEN ANDiOR WITHIN APPROPRIATIONS. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga may transfer funds uetween funds or activities set Porth in the budget. The City Manager may transfer funds between appropriations within an appropriation as set forth in She budget and may transfer appropriations between activities within any fund. SECTION 3: TRANSPERS OP PUNOS BETWEEN FUNDS. Transfers of Punds between funds as shown on the 8und Analysis shall 6e made as expenditures warrant such transfers, SECTION 4: DISBURSEMENTS. The City Manager and the Finance Officer, or the duly designated representative, are hereby empowered and authorized to disburse funds pursuant Lo appropriations provided for in the 1991-92 budget, and have the responsibility to establish procedures and to administratively implement and control budget on all matters, except direct expenditures by Council members which require Council approval. SECTION 5: ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS. The City Council may amend this budget to add or delete appropriations. -O ResolutSon No. Page 2 of 2 PAOSiD, APPROViD, god ADOP'!tD this 21st day o! AuQu1t, 1991. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Dennis L. Stout, Mayor ATTEST: Debra J. Adams, City Clerk smn:wp:budreso2(2&3) ~9 - (:TTY nF RANC H(1 CllCA Mi1NGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 21, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Nm. Jce O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Henry Murakoshi, Associate Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO AUTHORIZE CITY ATTORNEY TO INITIATE e UrcflOwRtnu ~PTTnY m aDlIVTRC N eMllo eTF I [C"1 DESCRIPTION OF THE 'f011ELL PROPERTY (APN 2D2-061-26) RELOI~EIDATIOM It is hereby recommended Lhat the City Council authorize the City Attorney to initiate a reformation action intended to correct a typographical error in the legal description of the Youell Property. This property is 5/tuated within the limits of Lhe 19th Street - Carnelian to Amethyst Protect. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On November 20, 1989, Mr. and Mrs. Youell signed an Agreement and Easement Deed dedicating right-of-wAy to the City 1n exchange for improvements (copy enclosed). The Agreement and Easement Deed were approved by the City Council on July 18, 1990, to Resolution No. 90-280. The Easement Deed was recorded on July 26, 1990. However the San Bernardino County Assessor's Office noticed errors on the easement deed and notified the City to a Februar,~ R, 1991 letter. Incorrect directions "Northwest" and "Southeasterly were typed in Lhe Easement Deed Instead of "Northeast" and "Southwesterly" respectively. Likewise "also" was misspelled. These errors have been highlighted. On February 8, 1991, Mr. Youell was notified of the error during a telephone conversation. Mr. and Mrs. Youell have divorced since the Agreement was signed with Mr. Youell retaining sole Interest in the property. During later telephone conversations on February t2, 1991, and .March 11, 1991, Mr. Youell indicated that he will not sign a corrected easement deed without additional consideration, notably a block wall along the 19th Street side of this property. Since the proposed improvements to the subject property (not Including block wall) alreagy exceeds the appraised value of the right-of-way, the addition of a block wall to the proposed improvements cannot be ~ustlfied. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF YOUELL PROPERTY August 5, 1441 Page 2 A reformation action 1s the equitable remedy to this situation. As stated by the City Attorney, "the parties to the execution of the deed, by apparent mutual error, failed to recognize that an incorrect geographical coordinate was used in the legal description. All parties understood what land was involved 1n the acquisition The reformation action "would sack only that the legal description of the property be corrected; tt would not seek recovery of any monetary damages front the property owner". M1C)pCG Lf YIIy SUmnl LLee, n Nm. Jce O'Neil ~t,l ! >~ City Engineer NJO:MM:Iy Attachment 3( GO cro-l/d Rc'COR"ulNu" REQUESTED 8'f AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL T0: `'~, ~' ~r~--19.30t~.3 CITY CLERK CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 7'-1a~io li~rGarn P. O. BOX 801 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91130 AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUDLIC IMPROVEMENT AND DEDICATION This Agreement is made and entered into this /_Rfp day of ~k~V __ 194a by and between the City of Rancho Cucamonga, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "CITY") and Cary L. Youell and Annette K. Youell (hereinafter referred to as "OWNER") for the installation of certain public improvements including, but not limited to Streets, Highways and Related Appurtenances along a portion of Nineteenth Street in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. A. Recitals (i) CITY has prepared plans and specifications for, and presently contemplates the installation of, public improvements along Nineteenth Street. (ii) OWNER owns that certain real property, identified as San Bernardino County Assessors Parcel No. 202-061-26, fronting along Nineteenth Street which property is within the limits of the Nineteenth Street Protect. (iii) OWNER desires to participate in the Nineteenth Street Protect so as to dedicate necessary Rights-of-Way related to street frontage improvements along owners Droperty at (see attached Legal Description and Map) ("the Youell Portion" hereinafter). CITY is willing to include the Youell Portion within the Nineteenth Street Protect upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. -1- -1~ n G ~-Ep %0- c)p D EiVGIN ""'~ RING ~'~ ~Pl NOW THEREFORE, is is agreed by and between C[TY and OWNER as follows: 1. OWNER shall execute a Deed of Easement in favor of CITY for street right-of-way and related purposes in form and content identical to that' attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 2. CITY is authorized to cause OWNER's Deed of Easement to be recorded forthwith upon execution of this Agreement and City shall furnish copy of the recorded Easement Oeed to the OWNER upon recordation. J. L'1TY shall include the Youell Portion as a part of the construction of the Nineteenth Street Protect and shall cause all necessary public improvements Lo 6e installed {n accordance with C[TY's plans and specifications therefore. 4. OWNER agrees to grant to CITY, its elected officials, officers, agents, employees and contractors such rights of entry and/or temporary construction easements as are deemed necessary by CITY's City Engineer to cause the completion of the Youell Portion. 5. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 6. In the event any legal proceeding is instituted to enforce any terms or provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party in said legal proceeding shall be entitled to recover attorneys' fees and costs from the other party in an amount determined by the Court to be reasonable. 1. This Agreement is binding upon and shall inure to the benefits of the parties hereto and to their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, wherever the context requires or admits. -2- il. This Agreement supercedes any and all other agreements, whether oral or in writing, between the parties with respect to the sutiJect matter hereof. Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representation by any party which is not embodied herein nor any other agreement, statement or promise not contained• in this Agreement shall be valid ar binding. Any modification of this Agreement shall be effective only if it is in a writing signed by all of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WNEREOF~, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. CITY CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CALIFORNIA, a municipal corporation ey: ~ -~ -~io ennts ou ayor RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: ~. i'/ usse e Oity-Engineer ATTEST: Lla Debra Adami. City Clerk PROPERLY 0411ER wry oue ,i 'Annette K. Ydue 8S BING WITNESS: essel APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~~ tty ~ orne 'a- 3~ ~INIC ur bnu runNiH ~ $S. COUNTY OF Orange ) yU-~J y~rJ'7 Un this p7th day of November _ in the year ~g9~. before me, Jean M M Fh r a iloEary Public in and for said State, persona y appeare t personally known to me (or proved to ale an a oat o a credible witness who 1s personally known to me all w a personas knows said party,) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within or annexed tpstrument as a witness thereto, who, being by me duly sworn, deposes and says that,~h was present and saw Annett K. Y I1 personally known to ~I~ ~ to be a same person escr e n an w ose name is subscribed to the within or annexed instrument as a party thereto, Subscribe hts name thereto and that said party acknowledged to said affiant t at ,~ executed the within or annexed instrument, and that said affiant subscribed his name thereto as a N1Lne55 at the request of _AI1nBCte K. Ynuell N NE my an an o is is sea . Signature [il_ea,,., yi1 »s •~~ ot~6Tic cr.-~.n~u!c+c %+ ~a7,.,,, 1FA.~1..i. d!c'rHEETr.CS 'r.1',~;: ~._: NO TARV .^uCLIG-caLEOaNId '~~; ;yJ CNURCE COUNTY ~~IV fna,m E.p:rn .M9 ::+ 10,1093 _- Ai (above space for official notary seal) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) SS. COUNTY OF Orange ) 9a-29927 On this ?7t hday of November in the year _~~, before me, Jean M. McPh t r~ a No tiary Public in and for said State, persona y appear-fie ~P personally known to me (or proved to me on t e oat of a credible witness who is personally known to me an w o persona y knows said party,) to 6e the person whose name is subscribed to the within or annexed instrument as a witness thereto, who, being by me duly sworn, deposes and says that was present and saw Car L Y persona y known to him to 6e t e same person escr a in an w ose name fs subscribe'-d-~-to the within or annexed instrument as a party thereto, subscribe his name thereto and that said party acknowledged to safd affiant tt-~i executed the Nithln or annexed instrument, and that said affian subscribed his name thereto as a witness at the reQuest of Cary L. Youell N my an an o icia sea . +~I. AO fA:.r FUE .r,.: y r~;-;"y~./,~ ownyctcorm~ ''~~n B ,~ MrCnmm qp,., ; ~~ ,~;. Signature~~~.r~. ~~1c/L~ ",~,:'v.,' ~~`23 s:J,~7 N/NETEENTH jI ~' v W Z +;:} :: r;.; r.r, i'-5 STREET ,~7PN020~G~/-O? ~~" ~t~~~y CITY OF RANCHO CUCA1101~'GA ~ j~'~ V~ ~ YOUEL L PROPERTY S \\ EXHIBIT N 17FN020/-06/-76 `0'°2943,? E XHlB1T "B" / ~ ';"/ ~ ~/I ~~~~ Together with the right to construct and maintain a ~% ~ AIEO,tIf[IROUr slope over that portion ~~ ' of the remaining property adjacent to the aforesaid road easement. 37 r eccoaawa atouawrio ar City of Rancho Cttumdn[a wed a[twaao taut to City of Rutcho Cucunon[a P.O. Box [07 Rancho Cucunon[a, CA 91730 90-;d9492~ RECORDED IN ~FFICIAi. flECORDC N90 J0. 26 AM tiQ 2S ~ 9AN BERNAROINO CO.. CAIdF. ~ aac[ aaov[ twu une roe altcoanetra tta ' EASEMENT A.P.N.202-061-26 FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which u hereby acknowkd~ed, Carv L. Youell and Ann ** v "-~~~" iiusoand and Wife as Joint Tenants GRANT(S) to the City at Rancho Cucunonaa, a Municipal Corporation, an EASEMENT for Streets, Highways and related purposes in, ova and upon that certain real property in the City of Rancho Curatnonp, County of San Bernardino, State of Califotnla, Described ae FoOows: That portion of the East 74 feet of the Nest 107 feet of the Horth one-half of Lot 7, Block 12 of Cucamonga Homestead Association Lands, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 6 of Maps, Page 46, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the said parcel; thence East along the North line of said Lot 7 to the Northwest corner of said parcel; thence South along the East line of said parcel; 11 feet; thence Nest along a tine 11 feet Southerly of and parallel with the North line of said parcel to the beginning of a curve concave to the Southeast and having a radius of 24.00 feet; thence SttutNeaaterTy along said curve to its intersection with the Nest line of said parcel wMch 1s alos the East line of Wellman Avenue (A 66-Foot Right-of-Way}; thence North along the Nesk line of said parcel to the Point of Beginning. Exhibit •A` attached and made a part hereof. Exhibit "B" attached and made a part hereof, /, ING WITNESS: i~ ~~~ Gary L`Y uel ~ an esse 7 /~ Dated l f GO ~! s ~1f_1(~~~ L~t~'~ '.NERAL ACKNOWLEOOMENT Annette K. YOUeI~ y `-~ Slala of ~ On ihb the _. daY of 19_, before me, CITY OF RANCHU CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ' GATE: August 21, 1991 ^ ' T0: Nayor and Members of the City Council ('(.~~ Jack Lam, City Manager FRDM: Brad Bul}er, City Planner gy; Dnn Coleman, Principal Planner SUBJHCT: APPROVAL OF BA36 LINE ROAD AND MILLIE@1 AVENUe BICYCLE TMIL IMPROVBMBNT PROJECT APPROVe NOTICE OP BEENPPION - ww. n~avi:uaniiGn v: na tirrawx'rwn sun PROPOSITION 116 GMNT PUNDING IBA4IOM: It Se hereby recomaended that the City Council approve a Capital Improvemen! Project to construct bicycle trails along Baee Line Road and Milliken Avenue, approve a Notice of Exemption to be filed under CEQA, and authorize staff to file an application for grant funding under Proposition 116. II@BDVmI®t PmOb1aM: In accordance with the City's General Plan, the project would construct a Close II Hike Lene (striped lane) on both aides of Baee Line Aoad, frm the weeterly City limit to Day Creek Channel. Also, a Claaa III Hike Route (signs only) would be constructed on both sides of Milliken Avenue far its entire length except Eor that portion which is not fully improved (i .e., between Arrow Route and Foothill Boulevard). This project would provide 9 mi lee of bicycle trails to encourage bicycle cmmuting. PDLIIHG: The project rill be constructed using grant funds from Proposition 116, the Clean Air and Transportation Improvement Act of 1990. The Act will provide 820 million statewide on a cmpatitlve basis over the next ESve years for capital outlay bicycle commuter projects. ®VIAI)•~PAL amaLYSIB: The project bicycle trail improvements are categorically exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c )t therefore, a Notice of exemption vi 11 be filed. Reap lly a tted, J Hr lle~ Cit Planner BB:DC/jfe Attachments: Exhibit "A" - General Bikeways Ylan Ezhiblt "B" - Notice of Exemption Resoluticn of Approval J ~ n ~ Q ~ w ~ Z ~ rn W ~ Y g ~ ~ c~ m ~ a } ~~~~~;~~'~~e~'~ ti~i4~g ~ f~~~~r~Bf ~tli~i~ g$3~~~~ ~ C: Notice of Exemption TO: .c-, Ofnc: of P:azR;ng :nd Rcscarch 1x00 Tenth Strmt, Room I21 Sacramanta, CA 93816 ;~ County Clerk County of San Bernardino APD•ndlxl From: (Public Agency) r+r ~ ,v na~ohn n oanv,an., 10500 Civic Cent r Drive ama..n+ R ho C a Ca 9173D PfOJad TIII•: Phase I Bike Trail Pzoazam ProJ•nLoeatl00•$p•Clfk' + t,..._-_~ r~~,.amn.,oa rrrnk .,,,a n~r.rek rl+annet~• M''t'b - - py A• PfdJeCt Loeatbn • CRy: Rancho Cuca~nnga ProJ•el L.OCMIOII • COOMY: San Parnazaino O•aCllptbO elProjtxel' 0 rnq qra t fu ds fro th Cl A' d Transne t t' n Imnrg~ II R'k i P i n a a } C1 s SIT R'k Rout M'll'k r Ave Nattq Ol pUblfC Ayttney ApP1•W11Q Prci~: r+r.. n• Rancho (t~ramnnna Nam• Of P•ra0(1 W AyIKy Grrylttp Oltl ProJttd: City of Rancho Cucamonga Exempt SfatW: (chrck one) ' ^ Ministerial (Sm.21080(bXl); 13268): ^ DeclatM Emergency (Sag 2I080(b)(3); 132690)): ^ Emergency ProjtxX (Sea 2I080(bXa): 13269(bxc)): y]Giegorlal F;emptipn, SfLD rypead xCtjpp ryptbG; Class 1 Existing Facilities 15301 ic) ^ Statutory Ectanpeard. Sate code tutmber. R•aaon• Wfly JNpJ•Ly I• ax•mpf: Minor alteration to existing streets to install bicycle trails L••d Aq•rtty Comltct Pnr80t1: Sig Dellhime Atn Code/felephenNE.aWtaiort: 1714) 98 -1862 X2302 If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified docunent of exemption filling. 2. Ifas a mice of exemption heat filed by the D~~ aiencY /9Po~i ~ ptyjat7 ^ Yea Q No Sigmtute: Due: Tide: ^ Signed by Lead Agtnry Date tecdved far filing u OPR: p Signed by Applkatlt ~ I 6 x t•~~t b~t~'„ 6 „ Rewfee Ouobrr /989 ABSOLUTION NO. GII^ ~J~ A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPL ICATSON FOR ~ GRANT FUNDS FOR THH BASE LINE ROAD AND MI LLIKEN AVENUH BICYCLE TRAIL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT UNDHR TNH CLEAN AIA AND TRAM SPOATATION IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1990 (PROPOSITION 116). A. Recital9. (i) The State of California has enacted the clean Air and Transportation Improvement Act of 1990 (Proposition 116), which provides $20 million in grant funds. for a period of five years, to local agencies for capital ouilev f^~ h+ry•^'e ~~~ -cn:::: y. vju~Ln whacn Improve safety and convenience for bicycle commuterer and (ii) The California Transportation Commission has established the procedures and criteria for reviewing grunt proposals and ie authorized to allocate grant fonder and (111) Said procedures and criteria require that the epplicant'e policy board body approve the project and the project fund applicetionr and (iv) Said procedures and criteria require that the applicant provide documentation that the project is consistent with en adopted bicycle plan or circulation element of a General Plan, congestion manegament plan, regional transportation plan, transportation control measure plan, or other regional plan; and (v) The application contains aeauranees that the applicant must comply with. a. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it ie found, determined, and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Council desires to cone tract a Cla se II Bike Lane on Ha9e Line Road and a Class ZII Bike Route on Milliken Avenue using Proposition 116 grant funds. 2. This Council hereby finds and certifies that the project has been reviered and ccnaidered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (cBQA) and finds the project to be Claea 1 Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15301(c) of the CHQA Guidelines. 3. Based upon aubatantial evidence presented to this Council, including written and oral staff reports, this Council hereby specifically finds as follows: ~~ CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. TRAIL INPROVEMENTS - CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA August 21, 1991 Pa ae 2 a. The project ie consistent with the City of Rancho Cucamonga's General Plan Mae ter Plan of Trails and Circulation Element. ~ b. That Bees LSne Aoad ie designated ae n primary regional trail corridor by the San Bernardino County General Plan. c• That the proposed bicycle trai le along Base Line Road and Milliken Avenue will proawte bicycle commuting, such ae travel to work, school, shopping, or other activity centers as defined by PUC Section 99650. d. That the applicant can obligate/encumber/expend the funds _- _..- r: oi.J1G1 r.,.]...L wi i:.ia. ii mantas arcer aZ ZOCatlon o! grant rands. e. The said Sa~provemente will be designed in conformity with Chapter 1000 of The Aighwsy Ueelgn Manual, "Bikeray Planning and Design." a. This council hereby eppolnte the City ffi~gineer as agent for the City of Rancho Cucamonga to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit all documents, including bu[ not limited to, appllcaUona, agreements, mendments, payment requests, and eo on, which may be necessary foz the completion o! tFu aforementioned project. 5• The City Clerk is hereby directed to file a Notice of Exemption pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. ~3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Auquet 23, 1991 Tot Mayor and Memhara of the City Council FROHS Duane A. Baker, Aoeiatant to the City Manager soarecT: oossm~ArzD~ os ~asoLOrzois a~ zwl~rzaM m Amz r~ltimmY ao ClD 88-2 AsD aDOPTIMS Tes HDgImAAy MAP Or rme AnsA zo BL Anl® It is recanoended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions declaring its intention to annex territory to the existing Community heilitio District ee-2 (law eniorcament) aM adopting tM boundary map showing tM territory to be annexed. These properties have been required se a condition of their maps to annex and to become part of the Lew 6nforcamant Community ?acilitiea District 88-2. This condition was placed on the project at the Planing Cammleeion meeting of September 26, 1990. The territory to bs annexed includes approximately 105 acres of undeveloped property which io zoned for single family residential uea. Currently, the property in undeveloped as the finnl mnps for development have not yet processed pending completion of all items thet were conditioned, including ennexntion into this district. ey adopting the attached reeolut ion, the City Council will be declaring its intent to annex the territory into the existing community facilities district and will be setting a public hearing date for October 2, 1991 at which time the Council will consider a resolution declaring annexation and oleo a resolution submitting a levy of special tax to the voters and establishing the conditions for conducting the election Eor the annexation. A!/V ctfully submitted, ~~- ~C~ Duane A. Baker Assistant to the Clty Manager DAB~tlr DA0s812 Attachments ~,{r ~1 RE9DI1JPi(N ND. 91~ A RESDIUIRON OF THE CTM CO[liCII, QF '1fII' CFi7! OF R71NC7U QX7flLNCA, CAISPCId71A, ADOPTING 8UtII1ffii1! MAP SGWII7G TFRRTDI2Y 10 BE AHIiH® 10 AN F7Q3F1NC, ~lINT1Y FACQS7'ffi DI9IRICP Wt~EI+AS, the City Caatcil of the City of Ran~o Qx~ga (herein- after referred to as the "legislative body of the local AgetK.y") , desires to annex territory to an existing Comity Facilities District pursuant to the teems and pxwisims of the "Mello-Iiooe amity Facilities Act of 1982", being Q~apter 2.5, Part 1, Divisirn 2, Title 5 of the Government Cads of the scare of uiiiarnia, neri epecicicaiiy ariicie ~.s rirrzwi. ~u~n ~ecisi:ug Co®~+"~ty Facilities District has been desicyated as Cf~lIH17Y FACIISTIffi DISTRICT tA. 88-2 (hereitafter referred to as the "District"); aM 4N[7iFA.S, there has been ailmitted a map showing the territaxy pxvposed to be annewed to the eri al~i^m Oo®mity Facilities District, said area to be d~icyated as OD?MI7T1Y FACIIS!'ffi DISII2ICf ND. 88-2, ANNP.iWTiQi NO. 1 (hereiraftes referred to as the "atne~osd territory"). NOW, THHa~EE, the City m~mcil of the City of Ratxho does hereby resolve as follows: SFI4TION is That the above recitals are all true and correct. SFILTION 2• 7Tmt the map showug the propetty, parcels and teaitory pcgnsed to 6e atxwxed tm an existing (]~m.+~;ty Facilities District and to he subject to a spacial tax to be levied is herebf approved arcs adopted. Said map is desigreted by the rams of the existing District and the n~ber of the prupaeed alvromtion. SFIC,TIDN 3: A certificate shall be e~;dozsed rn the original ani rn at least one (i) Dopy of the map of the District, evidencing the date arcl adoption of this Re;.;olution, and within fifteen (15) days after the adoption oP the Resolution fixiig the time ecd place of the hearing m the intentirn to annex or extent of the anar~mtion to said District, a Dopy of said map shall be filed with the ocsre~.t arcl proper endors®ents theses; with the ICY Recorder, all in the warner aid form provided Par in Sectirn 3111 of the Streets aId liighwaya Code oP the Stets of California. ~~ Q33 RF6DIUFiON NO. 91-wt A Rf.SDIUi'ION OF THE CTTY CORiCII. OF THE CITY OP RAHCEi~ CiXAFLYJ('.A, (TISfTHRlIA, DECLARING T15 WfIIr1TON SD ANNEX TFSd2TIC&iY TO AN FaQ9FING CClIRNITY FACSISTIES DI9IRICF ShcERFAS, the City CUaicil of the City of Panda Cucamorcp (herein- after referred to as the "legislative body of the local Agahcy"), at this time is ollessirous to annex territory to an existing Commmity Facilities District pursuanrt to the terms std provisions of the "Mello-Idooe O~mmity Facilities Act of 1982", being 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the Govenmerrt CUde of the State of Califosnia, and specifically Article 3.5 thereof. 'ttie exini.i~y wwu,uty rm:iiii.irs iiinu i.:~ im ior~. .~iy,~u FACIISTTES DISTRICT ND. 88-2 (hereinafter refen-ed to as the "District"); ardf WHEREAS, the area proposed to be annexed shall be krown cool designated as OaR~lLNP1Y FAL.:IIITZFS DISTRICT 1A. 68-2, ANNE)WTSON NO. 1 (hereiraftes refetTed to as the "anurena3d territory"); and! WFQ~I2FAS, this legislative body is saw aesirws to proceed to adopt its Resolution of Intention to annex territary to the existing District, to describe the territory included within the existing District aId the territary proposed for annexation, to specify the services to he prcwided, to set and specify the special taxes that would be levied within the territory proposed to be annexed, and to set a time and place for a public hearing relating to the annexation of territory to said District; and WHEREAS, a map shwirK7 the territory to be annexed has been sulmitted, whidn said maps hereby approved and a Dopy of said sap shall be kept orr file with the transcript of tt~se pnxv~i*x?=. NDW, THEREFORE, the City Conmcil of the City of Rancho Cuter does hereby resolve as follonvs: SFX,'ITON 1: That the above recitals are all true aryl . SECffON 2: That these proceedr7igs far anrw~mtion are initiated by this legislative body pursuant to the authorization of Section 53339.2 of the Governvn:nt Cale of the State of California. SEX.TION 3: That this legislative body herelry ~brurmiros that the public ooxrvenrietae acd rrece:,sity r'equir+e5s that certain territory be added to the existing District and this legislative body declares its interrtim to aN1EX Said teR'lt(my t0 the eXlSting i~mity FdC111t1eS District, arrd d description of the bcoaxlaries aryl territory proposed to be annexed is as follows: All that property and territary p¢cposed to be annexed to the exist- ing Cl>mamity Facilities District, as said pnvpeity is strvan on a ~p as previously approval by this legislative body, Baia map designated try the number of the annexition and the nee of the existing Cmmnity Facilities District, a Dopy of whidr is an file in the Office of the City Clerk and shall ruin open for public inspection. ~~ Pesolution rb. 91-*** Page 2 A gemeral description of the territory imluded in the existing District is hereitaftar described as follows: All that prnpmty atd territory as previously included within the' original Ctmmmity Facilities District, as said plnperty was et~awn on t aras~apFlmvved by this legislative body denigrated by the name of rg existing amity Facilities District, a Dopy of tfiidt is n1 file in the Office of the City Clerk, as well as a ®PY being m file in the Office of the County Reocnder. SDCPI(!I 4: 4iae name of the purposed annexatim shall be krown atd desigreted as Oa1~E2717Y FACTIITLFS DI3IRICP !A. 88-2, AM~W7'LIN ND. 1. icva~iun ~: •aiac Tile LYPe oI pabrlc 9@V10BB provided lII t37e existing District are generally described as set froth below, atd m additional facili- ties ar servicea are to be provided in the antrraed territory and the services as authorized for the existing District will serve the pmpetties within the anrewed territory. A gerwral dea¢iptian of the services autharized in the existing District atd applicable far the atrrwxed territory is sat forth as follows: lblioe pxotectim services wtai~ are in addition to the extent to whidt said services are caa-x+ently provided to the territory within the District. No special tax will be authorized or levied far any other facilities as autharized in the anginal District. SF7CPICN 6: It is the intention of this legislative body that, except where funds are otherwise available, a spacial tax sufficient to pay for said services to be provided in the annexed territory, seaa-ed bi' rmorilation of a omtitaaitg lien ayairet all l~exeipt real property in the annexed territory, will be levied antatally within the botadaries of the atnexed territory. Far partiwlars as to the rate atd meUnd oP apportiormwnt of the proixtsed special tax, reference is made to the attadted atd inooxporated F~hibit "A", which sets forth in sufficient detail the method of apporticxment to allow each latrbwner ar resident within the a*"+o+~ territory to clearly estimate the maximum amamt that said Henson will gave to pay on said spacial tax. 'D~e proposed special taxes shall be oollecterl in the same mermen as ad valorem property taxes and shall lie subject to the same penalties, prooedtue, sale aryl lien priority in any case of delt*+~">~i~ as applicable far ad valorem taxes; haever, as applicable, this legislative body may establiw, ctrl adopt an alternate ar supplemental prvoe~h¢e as necessary. "DC1RGit 7: '11tis legislative 6orly her+elry aeto..~;roe flat p~e~ owned by regulated public utilities arcl in use in the providing of telephore service, water, electricity, gas ar other means of heat, illumitation, power ar aty other public service, shall he exegrt fxrm the special tax. ~7 1ltgeolution No. 91-i+i page 3 ~ 8: NOITCB IS GIVPN TtAT ON T11E 2ND DAY OF OC10BH2, 1991r AT 9fiB 1W[IIi ~ OF 7:00 OrC[ACi( P.N., IN '6~3 R8;T1111R }ffi'ItX; PIAC6 OP 9116 IF7.a1SCATiV6 BODY, BBIIiG '!~ O71t1C.II CHAMBEPS, 10500 CMC C@IPH2 Q2IyS, RAN17D C[ICATII~XAr CALIPCIiN7A, A PDffiSC HEARFIG WIII, BS FBSD WE¢926 ZtIIS LffiSIA9TVE ~ BODY WIII. OONSIDER TH6 ANNB7IXCICN OF CBIQAIN TEIa2I9OE0! TD '!HE IDCISlL1Ii Qlf4I729'Y FACILTl'ffi DI3IRICP, -~: PAOECSSt lB;lfTO AND APPRa4QM97P OF TBB SpBCCAL TAX 70 BS IBViFIt WTIf@1 SAID PAOPC73ID ANNEf® TBIItTICi0f, AND AIL OItffit lA9TFItS AS 361' FIT~I IN THIS RJ50IlAlCN OF IN!'H71TON. ANY IITiF]tE91Z+D PFR601S NAY APPFAIt AND ~ Fes, AND ANY FaiP19Hi PA0~1'~1S SAIL ~ FII.FD fN CR >#E~ THE TI?II: FI7® FYYt TflE PUBLIC FiEARItt. S~iIICN 9: That Mtioe of the time arcl p]ACe of the public hearitg Mall ba given by the City Clerk in tM followitg tmrrier: 1. A Notice of Public Nearitg shell be published in the legally designated netiajmper ad' general cixcallatim, baug the IDld0d vat tev ~lv >~af=~, said pOblicatim p:u-auat:t to Sation 6061 of tfie GorRttIDer:t Code, with said publiratim to be ampleted at least seven (7) days lsior to the date set f~ the public hearing. A Notioe of Public Flearitg shall be mined, postage ptttpaid, to sad: prapertty enter within the humdaries of the area prrpoeed for arvta>mtim; said mailitg to the gmperty onms shall be to the address as shotm m the last Ey„at i ~~t assessment mll. Said tmilirg shall to ocapleted at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date set for the public heariry. SDC190N 10: All grvizarmental evaluation pxoceeditgs relating to the atatexition of territacy to the eus~r;,q District shall be oonpleted prior to the date and time set for the public hearing. rV Resolutim No. 91-*** Page 5 C1TY OF RANC}p COCglt76E:A ~MA7ITY FACILITIES DI3IRICP NO. 88-2 ARNEXATION N0. 1 EiO~rf "A" 7tie Resolution of Intention refers to this Erdlibit far an expla~xition of the rate arcs method of apportiotmpnt of the Special Taxes so as to allow each 3.atdowrwr or resident within the pxnposed Cam.,n;ty Facilities District to intimate the ~,<;m~ amoum that would be required far payment for sudl larclamer~s ar residents property. ...._,_......... ., ~....ui., eeuiui...: SPFX•IAL TAX "Br' - ADDITIONAL POLICE SERVICEB AL1 Developed Property shall be subject to the levy of Special Tax nBn ,~ maximum autharized Special Tax "B" rates far fiscal year 1989-1990 are as follows: lAXII~EM YM^ AC TFj TT~l ~ ~,~~-- 1. DEVEfDPID PR3PFRIY A. Residential Class I $ 432 per year (More than 3,590 square feet of dwelling unit living area) s. Residential Class ii $ 320 per year (3,077-3,589 ry urn feet of dwelling unit living area} C. Residential Class III S 240 per year (2,564-3,076 square feet of dwelling unit living area) D. Residential Class IV $ 192 per year (2,308-2,563 square feet of dwelling unit living area) E. Residential Class V $ 160 per year (2,051-2,307 e9rraro feet of dwelling emit living area) * F. Residemial Class VI $ 112 ~. yam' (Lass than 2,051 square feet of dwelling unit livircl area) * ~9 Raeolutim No. 91-+~ Yege 6 G. Ca®arcial ar' 77r)uslSial pRbpBxty $1,000 per acre per y,~r :r 7f~e madmmm arras]. ~ecial Tax ^B" rates shall be subject to eewlatim eadr July lst n9 Suly i, 1990, at a rate not to exaaed four perarrt (4t) Per Year• ~~ Tax "B" shall bs levied amra]Sy eo lag as special 7Hx "B" Reveares are neoessaty to pay fa: additimal police eerviae neoeeeaiy to serve the propazties located within the District. Fbr partiwlaxs as to i~lemeirtaticn, intetp¢etaticn and general metlnds regardug the pmoedtse and appmtSamrnt, reference is made to the ^R~a~t" wi ua ~~+±:i~_ ~iax iiaeaiiani. na proviamiy n~cvvtsi nn¢ m iiie in vile vccias of tl'1e City Clerk. *arrrtaara .V rrmv nt~oAAS~on rsrn waanrrn_~ acne. _ ~_ STAFF RE~'uRT DATRs August 21, 1991 TOS Mayor and Members of the City Council PROMS Duane A. Baker, Aaaisiant to tAe City Menages BUBJBCT: APIPRDVAi. O- OONSRACT lOR !AI COaIBDI.TAIIT I11 CCNRCTION 1II79 COIp01ISI I1ICILISIEB DIRSRIC! Ip. 88-2 at ie recommended that tM City Council authorize the Mayor to execute a contract with NRS Lowry, Ins. !or wrvicea rendmre0 in determining epeciel tax rates for different land use clseaea and facilltatiag levy of special taxes in CPD 8R-2. OSS tiny 1, 1991, the Clty Council approved the allocation o! 560,000 from saeeeeasente that have already been eollecisd from this community facilltlea district. Any amount expended on this contract will aubewquently W subtracted from the total bond sale aeaociated with tbL community facilltisa dUtrlet, thus reducing the overall debt urvics to the dlatriM. The services provided by MBB Lowry were to calculate the verioua tax rates for the different undeveloped parcels Ln the dlatziM eo as to insure adequate aseeaements to cover the debt service fos the proposed bond issue. Additionally, NBB Lowry will be assisting the Clry in prapering the nsceeeary tapes antl reviewing all the tax roles to insure accuracy prior to submitting to the County to be included on the annual tax role. NRB Lowry will ciao W assisting the City during the course of the year to mW[e the neceeanry edjuetment• that may be required once the final coats of the district era fully diacloeed. The agreement with NBB Lowey will not exceed $10,000 and le to tw funded from Account /75-4130-6028. Respectfully sub/miffed, ~~ `~ Duane A. Baker Aeeietani to the City Manager DAR/tlr DA6:R33 S( CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August Z1, 1993 T0: Nayor and Members of the City council PROM: Duane A. Baker, Aeeistent tc the Clty Manager SUB.IRCT: App%/9AI. OP ODRpa(}r lCR I.[fW. CDDIISat. IN R=WSIOl1 TD A7 AIM®1TI0~ TO CAD 8B-T iLLeB It le recoanwnded that tM City Council authorize the Mayor to •:ecute a contract with the law firm of Brawn, Harper, Borne end Hentachke Eoz legal counsel related to annexation to CiD Be-2 (law enforcement). .......M n 1 aie This agreement will provide the city With the netesaary legal expertise needed to complete an annexation to the law enforcement portion of the Ca®urtiiy yacii itiee Oieirict 88-2. The developers (Nett Bamec and Ahmanson Development) have been required to annex to this district ae a condition of their projects. Before they will be allowed to record their final mope, they are boring required to annex info this district. In order to expedite thle process, ataft bee contracted with the law firm of Brown, Harper, euxne and Hentachke to adv±ae ue and assist in the preperet ion of the necessary legal documents. The total amount of the egreemeni will not exceed $1,000 and will paid for by the developer.. Reepecttully submitted, ~-~~~ Duane A. Baker Aeeieient to the City Manager DAB/tlr OA8:814 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF` FCF:YORT DATA: August 21, 3991 TO: Mayor and Members of the Clty council PROM: Duene A. Balwr, Assistant to the City Manegar SUBJECT: APPROVA7. as' A COmSRACT 10R A ID1DxlT ABE06pTId1 BTOD! It OO~CL'Idl MITE OOfD1UNI3'! PACILISItB DIBA'itICT 88-2 It ie recommended that the City Council euthozite the Mayor to execute • contract with Empire Economics to perform a market absorption study for Community Pacllities District 88-2. Hsckaround Ansyyeis When this community facilities district was tormed, it was the intention to have the Ciiy acquire drainage and other capitol improvements in the district through the sale of bonds. The City ie now at the point where it needs to finalize ell the necessary information Sn order to sell bonds. The Narkot Absorption Study ie one of the studies required by the undarwr tiers to be included ae part of the eppreieal which ie needed to cell bonds for this typm of a district. This Narkot Absorption Study will be funded out of tho aasasemente already collected for this facilities dietrint, and the coat will then be deducted from the total amount of bonds required to be solq. This agreement will not exceed $5,500 and will allow the City to proceed with the process of selling Donda for this community facilities district. Rbe tfully submitted, ~ ~~~ Duane A. Haker Aaei et ant to the City Hannge= DAB/tlr DAB:817 53 --CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA SfiAFF RRPOftT HATE: August 21, 1991 a-~--1e T0: Hayar and Members of the Clty Council ~`-'~~r--- PAOH: Duane A. Baler, Auistant to the Clty Naneger SUBJACT: APPRdPAL W A COi1TNACT PfM LEG11I. COUNSEL Ilf RBL71TId1 TO T~ IURINSICp W EtBEPIT A886681Qt1! DISTRICT 91-2 It Se recomawndsd twat the City Council suthorise the Mayor to sxeCUts a contract with the law firm of Srown, Harper, Burns and Hentschlu for legal services provided in the formation of the proposed Bensfit Asssesmant District 91-2. eaCkuround Analysis Ae a condition of the developers' (Matt Bossrs and Ahmanson Devslopswnt) project, n drainage retention paein was required. This basin will help provide flood protection to the proposed residential tracts, Ae part of the condition, Che developers were required to put in place a mechanism to fund the maintenance of this drainage basin. Since it will soon became the Ctty•• ~aein to maintain, St was felt that the beet mechanism to use would be a bonefil nuesaeient district in which each of the homeowners of the properties benefiting from rho drainage protection will be paying a fee into sn account which will he used to maintain thin basin end ineura its usefulness fox flood protection. Ae the developer ie conditioned to put this mechanism in place prior to recording hie maps, the City ie proceeding with the formation of the district and ie putting in place the neceneary coneultnnte and experts to look after the City'a interest and ineura the dieCrict ie formed in accordance with law. This agreement shall not exceed $3,500 and le to be funded 6y the developer. Reepeetfully submitted, Ouane A. Bakst Assistant to the City Hannger BAB/tlr OAB:815 ~~ ---- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA .r~lle STAFF REPORT DATE: August 21, 1991 TD: lfnyor and xsmbere of the City council PROM: Duane A. Baker, Aoietant to the City teenager svesxcT: AppawAl. ~r A aonrnA~• PDae Assissl®'P tDWSn~ Bsevlcas rw COWIECLIOe MITH Tffi R1RID1TIOe OP lglDp'OBED ~6PIT ABtDf881Rt•T DIaTRICT 91-2 It is recommended that the City Council authorise tM xayor to exeeuie ^ contract with willdan Aswciatee to perform sewssmsnt enginarlnq wrviees in connection with the formation of the proposed Benefit Assessment District 91-2. BAC4n.w_nd nil A willdan Associates has eubetmtisT expertise !rt the eras of aeeaeaasent engineering and will be reviewing all coats and documents euhmitted by tAe ,developer and aeeietinq in the development of the tax role end tRe benefit spread. This agreement will not exceed 59,000 end is to be funded by the developer. Ae a condition of the dsvslopers• (Hatt Romae and Ahmanson Development) project, a drainage retention basin was required. This basin will help provide flood protection to the proposed residentisl tracts. Ae part of the condition, the deveiopere were required to put in place a mechanism to fund the amintenance of this drainage basin. Since it will soon become the City•• basin to maintain, it was felt that the beat mechanism to uea would be a benefit aeeassmant district in which each of the homeowners of the properties Benefiting from the drainage protection will be paying n fee into an account which will be aced to maintain this basin and insure ire ueefulneea far flood protection. Ae the developer ie conditioned to put this mechanism in place prior to recording hie maps, the City Se proceeding with the formation of the district and ie putting in place the necaeeary coneultante and experts to look after the City •• interests and ineuze the dietriM ie formed in accordance with law. Re etfully submitted, Duane A. Baker Aealatnnt to the City Manager DAB/tlr OAB:B16 h - ------ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAiliONCA STAFF REPORT ' DATE: August 21, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: John L. Martin, Associate Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO ANARD AND EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETNEEN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND NORRIS-REPKE, INC., TO DRFDpRi DFitnN DI pMf CDFr.IFif.ATTnNC 1Nn PCTTMATFf FnR TNF HAVEN AVENUE REHABILITATION, NIDENING ANO STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS FROM CHURCH STREET TO BASE LINE ROAD, THE PER DIEM NOT TO EXCEED FEE Of E84,840.00 PLUS 10% CONTINGENCIES TO 8E FUNDED BY MEASURE I, ACCOUNF N0. 32-4637-9027-4606-4110; IIND AMEND FISCAL YEAR 91/92 BUDGET TO INCLUDE APPROPRIATION OF E2, 500,000.00 FOR HAVEN AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS FROM FOOTHILL BOULEVARD TO BASE LINE ROAD. RECOMMEIDATION It is hereby recommended that the City Council approve, award and execute the above subject Professional Services Agreement with Norris-Repke, Inc., and amend fiscal year 91192 budget to Include appropriation of E2, 500,000.00 for Haven Avenue Improvements. BACKORDUiD/ANALYSIS At the August 6, 1991 SANBAG meeting, the Board approved E2,500,000.00 for design and construction of improvements on Haven Avenue from Foothill Boulevard to Base Line Road. The flscel year 91/92 budget as originally adopted did not anticipate funding of this protect in the current year. On June 8, 1990, four engineer consulting firms responded to a Request for Proposal for the Haven Avenue rehabilitation, widening and storm drain improvements north of Foothill Boulevard and submitted a detailed scope of work, background, reference and protect team credentials to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Frain this process, Norr15-Repke was chosen to perform an area wide staem drain analysis for all phases of Haven Avenue north of Foothill Boulevard and to prepare construction plans for the first phase which extends from Foothill Boulevard to north of Church Street. As a continuing associated phase of th15 overall pro,iect, Norris-Repke was contacted to provide scope and schedule for the second phase of the overall project. The second phase is from north of Church Street to north of Base Line Road and portions of Base Line Road east and west of Haven Avenue. Also, included is additional design for modlficatlons to the existing Church Street Basin to satisfy San Bernardino Lounty Flood Control. 5(0 STAFF REPORT NORRIS-REPKE, INC. AUGUST 21, 1991 PAGE 2 As a result of the selection process, the detentnation of adequacy of skill „ familiarity with the overall design constraints including knowledge of stores analysts trl6utary to the protect, and ability to provide a protect to en accelerated time schedule, the flrw of Norris-Repke 1s recoauended to provide professional engineering design services for this second phase of the overall protect. Respectfully submit /~/~~ u- / / (• 'K~i' City Engineer v NJO:JLM:sd Attachment 7 ----- CITY OF RANCHO CGCAMONGA „ STAFF REPORT ~"' DATE: August 21, 1991 '~< T0: Mayor and Members of the Ctty Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Jerry A. Dyer, Associate Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL AND EXECUTION OF THE PIPE LINE LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY FOR THE PROPOSED SEVENTH STREET STORM GRAIN CONSTRUCTION ACROSS ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RATLWIIY LOlPANY RIGHT-OF-NAY, TRACK N0. 10 CHAINING, RANCHO CUCAMONGp, CALIFORNIA RECOMEIDATION It is hereby recommended that the City Council approve the attached resolution that authorizes execution of the Pipe Line License Agreement between the City and the A.T. 6 S.F. Railway Company and directs for the signing of said Agreement and for the return of a certified copy of said Resolution along with the duplicate original copy of the Agreement stamped "Santa Fe Original" to the A.T. b S.F. Railway Company. BACKBROUINI/ANAL YSI S Attached herewith are the duplicate original copies of the above sub,{ect Pipe Line Lteense Agreement. Execution of this Agreement is essential in order to construct the sWrm drain across Santa Fe right-of-way and under their tracks. The proposed Seventh Street storm drain improvements will include, but not be limited to, Lhe construction of the storm drain and improvements to the railroad grade crossing on Seventh Street, consisting of; street widening, track rehabilitation (timber planking) and tnsta11at1on of modern railroad warning devises (signals and gates). Respectfully submitted, Me. Joe O'Neil City Engineer NJO:JAD:Iy Attachments .~..) RESOLUTION N0. nJ~' c~3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAlKINGA CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND EXECUTING THE PIPE LINE LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGII ANO THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY FOR THE PROPOSED SEVENTH STREET STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION ACROSS ATCHISON, TOPEKA ANO SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY, TAACK N0. 10 CHAINING, RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucasonga (hereinafter referred to as "C/ty'), has for Its consideration and execution the ripe dine License Agreeaent with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe 0.aflwgy Coapany (hereinafter referred to as "Santa Fe"), for the proposed Seventh Street store drain construction across A.T. b S.F. Railway Coxparly right-of-way, track no. 10 chaining, Rancho Cucas+onga, California. WHEREAS, Santa Fe and the City aro 1n autuai accord with the Conditions specified in the attached Pipe Line License Agreeaient. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE that said Pipe Llne License Agreeax!nt be approved and accepted, and authorize the Mayor to execute the sale, and direct the City Clerk to attach a certified copy of this Resolution to duplicate original copy of said Agreeiaent marke4 "Santa Fe Original' and mail to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Coxryany. .59 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 21, 1991 T0: Malyor and Members of the City Councll Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Gary Varney, Maintenance Superintendent Streets and Drains SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO AWARD AND AUTHORIZATION FOR EXECUTION OF A i~iiioi':u nGncciiriT Iliill Lu6MnUn1Y1 I.VIIIIII IV 11 C1( UWIN161 It is recommended that the City Councll approve the award and authorize the execution of the Cucamonga Caunt;y Mater District Agreement for permanent repairs of water service cuts made by CCWD. The agreement will 1n context remain Intact except for the price per-square foot reimbursement which will increase from 53.00 a square foot to 54.25 a square foot. In the period of nine years since the terms of the agreement were adopted, cost for materials, equipment and labor have not Increased. In balancing the cost of current utility trench repair to meet current material and labor costs, staff has prepared a revised agreement Lo refl ect these costs differences. Respectfully subm}~ Wm. Joe O'Neil C G?~~ City Engineer NJO:GV:Ia U1'1'Y Ub' RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REP©RT DATE: August 21, 1991 T0: Nayor and Mmabers of the City Council ~ ' Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: W111fe Valbuena, Assistant Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY AND MONUMENTATION CASH DEPOSIT FOR TRACT 13753. IncArcn it m :.'~~ :~..~,;, i.uniicn ur nASE LINE ROAD AND MTLLIKEN AYENUE, SUBMITTED BY PERPETUAL ASSET MINAGEMENT COlVAMY, INCORPORATED, AND RELEASE OF PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED IMPROYEMENT AGREEMENT, IIwDROVEIENT SECURITY AND MONUMENTATION DEPOSIT ACCEPTED BY CITY COUNCIL ON INRCH 21, 1990, FROM YICTORIA CUCAMONGA PARTNERS, L. P. It fs recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the subJect Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security, releasing Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security accepted by City Council on March 21, 1990, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign and release said agreements and authorizing the finance Department to refund the Monumentation cash deposit. Map, improvement Agreement and Security for Tract 13753, located at the northeast corner of Base Line Road and Milliken Avenue, was approved by City Council on January 18, 1989. The new Developer, Perpetual Asset Management Company, Incorporated, is submlttlmJ an agreement and securlly to guarantee the construction of the pubitc improvements 1n the following amounts. Faithful Perfomwnce Bond: 5504,100.00 Labor and Material Bond: f252,050.00 Monumentation: i 9,000.00 ~~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TMCT 13753 August 21, 1941 Page 7 Copies of the agreeau!nt and security are available in the City Clerk's ' Office. Respectfully subaT,tted, ~~/ ,~1~ Nm. Joe O'Neil V City Engineer MJO:MV: dl w Attachment "Original F'ocr ~~~';;y ~~ I~ 1 I I ~, I~ _~ IM ~=1 ~' ~ -~'~~a~----- ' ~~ I_ I - ~r_~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BNGII~d DNI$ION NV rraw; TiP ~~7~~ ~3 RESOLUTION N0. ~/1'a3 `-' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCNU CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROYf.MENT AGREEMENT, IMPROYEMENT SECURITY, AND MONIIMENTATION CASH DEPOSIT FOR TRACT N0. 13753 AND RELEASING THE IWROVEINT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY AND MDNUMENTATION DEPOSIT PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED eY CITY COUNCIL ON lMRCH 21, 1990 NHEREAS, the City Coundl of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California has for Its consideration an Iaprovewlent Agreement executed on August 21, 1991, by Peroetual Asset Manaaeeant Caeoany. IneoroorataA, as Arvl nn.r: fnr the leproveaent of public right-of-ray adJacent to the real property specifically dlscrl6ad therein, and generally located at the northeast corner of Base Line Road and Milliken Avenue: and relase of 1prevlously submitted Councll~ontMarch 2~1,n1990, fra~e Victor[ an~amongaPart~ners, ~ceptad by City NHEAEAS, said Improvement Agreement 1s secured and accampantad by good and wfftcient Improvement SecurltY. rhlch is identified 1n sold Improvdment Agreement. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONf,l1, HEREBY RESOLVES that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security by and the same are hereby approved, release of previously submitted Improvement Agreement Security and lbnumentatlon Deposit accepted by the City Council on March 21, 1990, fray Victoria Cucamonga Partners, L. D, and the Mayor 1s herehy authorized to sign said Yaprovement Agreement on behalf of he City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. lill x Vl' 1LH1Vl:t1V li VIiAMVN VA STAFF REPORT l DATE: August 21, 1991 ~ T0: MAyor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Joe Stofa, Jr., Associate Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVA4 OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROYEMENT SECURITY AND ORDERING THE ANNEXATION TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 4 F°.". E.".ST ~~4EE:~.l° :O"o.".:°.C°. L"ve"nT'~~ ui:ai Vr FIl41.il~Ctl n'rCriUe Mnu NORTH OF CHURCH STREET SUBMITTED BY LE11I5 DEYELOPlENi COMPANY RECONENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions accepting the subJect agreement, security and ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 4 and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign sold agreement. ANALYSIS/BALKGROUND The East Greenway Corridor, located east of Milliken Avenue and north of Church Street was a condition of approval added to the Time Extension for Tract No. 13303 by the City Council on February 7, 1990. The Developer, Lewis Development Company, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: 2421,000 Labor and Material Bond: 5210,500 Copies of the agreement, security and Consent and Nalver to Annexation Form signed by the Developer is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submltt"e~l, ~~~~ Wm. Joe O'Neil City Engineer WJO:JS:mw Attachments ~.tJ IU:SOLDTIDN N0. 9l'~~p A RESOLUTION OF THE CItt COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR EAST GAEENNAY CORRIDOR NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for Its consideration an Improvement AgreeswmL executed on July 29, 1991, by Lewis Development CampaRy as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-w;y adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located east of Milliken Avenue, north of Church Street; and NHEREAS, the lnstelletlon of such improvements, described 1n said Improvement Agreesent and sub~act to the tens LMreof, 1s to M done 1n conlunctlon with the development of sold real property; a~ NHEREAS, said Isprovement Agreement is secured and aeeapanled by good and sufficient Improvement Security, . which is identified to said Improvemxnt Agreement. NOYI, THEREFORE, THE CItt COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMOIIGII, HEREeY RESOLVES as follows: 1. That said Improvesent Agreement be snd the seise 1s approved and the Ngyor is authorized to execute sense on behalf of said City and the City Clerk 1s authorized to attest thereto; and 2 That said Improvement Security 15 accepted as good and sufficient, subject to approval as to form and content thereof Dy the Cfty Attorney. ~~ RESOLUTION N0. 9/~~3' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO , CUCAMONfiA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNE%ATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE IMiNTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 4 FOR EAST 6REENNAY CORRIDOR NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscapingg and Lighting Act of 1972", hetn9y Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said spacial maintenance district known and designated as Landscaoe Maintenance D;a Lri~L Ku. ~, (imroinarur ro»rraa to as the 'Maintenance District`); and NNEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Ligghung Act of 1972' authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhlblt 'A` attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, all of the owners of property wltAln the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the"propo fed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineers ReDOrt . NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLONS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative Dogy hereby orders the annexation of the proper as shown 1n Exhibit 'A" and the work program. areas as described 1n Exhibit 'B` attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, 1ncluding~TieTvy of all assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. 7 .A. ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO R STATE OF CALIFORNIA SST ~E~AY ~~~~ ElINIBIT '8° PROJECT NA1E: EAST GREENNAY CORRIDOR N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE:.1.88 ac N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 3.16 units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of l s to be Annexed D1strltt No. ~ 1_, y LANDSCAPE MNINTENANCE DISTRICT Cawunity Turf Ground Cover Trees District No. Street Nave Eauest.Trail sa. ft. Sa. ft. Ea. 4 East Greenway --- Corridor 49,100 4,900 86 JS:8-21-91 / 7 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA STAFF REPORT SATE: August 21, 1991 T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Ma. Jce O'Neil, City Engineer '/ BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector II ~ SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROYEI~NT AGREEMENT EXTENSION//FOR TRACT 12332-2, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST rnRNm nc uevru ~Yrui,~ ; ANU IAGKSTEM PLACE, SUBMITTED BY M.J. BROCK f RECp/EIOATIdI It 15 recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subJett agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk Lo sign said agreement. improvement Agreement and improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the pubitc improvements Por Tract 12332-2 were approved by the City Council on January 19, 1989, in the following amounts: Faithful Perfonaance Bond: 51,381,000 labor and Material Bond: S 690,500 The developer, M.J. Brock, is requesting approval of a 6-month extension an said improvement agreement in order to complete the construction of drive approaches and sidewalk, and the installation of street trees. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are avallabie in the Ctty Clerk's Office. Respectfully submitted, ? Wm. Jce O'Neil ~C/r~ City Engineer NJO:SMG:sd Attachments 70 M J &xk 8 Sona, Inc. iC Sr»~ov in¢¢-_-- - --~-- _~ s~•e rw on•ono, U o • +m +v ;udt':9 -... r, ca5.~'ce 1 '~ ~. July 30, 1991 ~ ' ..... CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 10500 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 607 A a....F.. rw... ~........~ _ -~ ..~~ Attention: Steve~Giililand Re: Tract 12332-2 Dear Mr. Gilliland: This letter is to request that the Improvement Agreement for Tract 12332-2 be extended for an additional period of six (6) months. This extension is necessary in order for us to complete installation of street trees, and the remaining driveway approaches and sidewalk. We are attempting to get the improvements installed to facilitate exoneration of our bonds. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience. sincere -• Trent D. Pulliam Operations Manager 7/ RESOLUTION N0. 9~'~-3g A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT El(TENSION ANO IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12332-2 WHEREAS, tha Ctty Council of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for Its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on August 21, 1991, by M.J. Brock as developer, for the improvement of pu611c right-of-way adJacent to the real property speciflcaliy described therein, and generally located on the southeast corner of Naven Avenue and Tackstem Street; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and suDJect to the terns theroof, is to be done in conJunction with the development of said Tract 12332-2; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension 1s secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which 1s identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extertsfon and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest Lhereto. 7.~ nrmv nc o w nin crn n, rn n a,rn~~n w ____ __ ___.____ __ _..___.. __. n.. ~Z'A~P REPORT DATE: August 21, 1991 ~~, T0: Mayor, and Meabers of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector I~ SU&IECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR TRACT 13280 KENYON NAY RAILROAD CROSSING. LOr.ATFn DN KFNrnN Nav Acruccu MILLIKEN AVENUE AND ROCHESTERAVENUE, SUBMITTED BY THE NILLIAM LYON COMPANY RECOMMEIDATION It is recomaended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,~ect agreement extension aiW security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BA(:IfGROUID/ANILLYSI S Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13280 Kenyon Ndy Railroad Crossing were approved by the City Council_ on August 16, 1990, 1n the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: (240,000 Labor and Material Bond: f120,000 the developer, The Nliltam Lyon Company, 1s requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Although City Council 1s only approving 6-month extensions at this time, it is recomended that a 12-month extension be approved because the developer has been denied construction permission by the Public Utilities Coamisston. The developer is appealing the dental at this time. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk s Office. Respectfully submi d, Nm. Jce O'Neil City Engineer NJO:SMG:sd Attachment 7.3 LYON •7ffeWiLLIAM LYON ~o-~ar ya 4490 VON KARMAN. P,O, BOX 7520, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 02658.7520 • (714) BJ&36pp .FAX (714) 4768604 July 26, 1991 Steve Gilliland cui,iiu wuai~a inepeowr City of Rancho Cucaeonga 10500 civic center Drive Rancho Cucaaonge, California 91729 Ree Tract 13280 Kenyon Railroad Lproveeent Agreeeent Extension Dear Steve, ~ t;;~ ~~ _!, Traneeitted herewith 1s the application for extenion !or subject tract provided in triplicetG es required, along With a check Sn the scowl of 5251.00 for the tee. We are requesting a one year extension due to the fact that the Public Utilities Corlesion has denied conatavetion of this crossing and Wa are in the eidat of appealing This denial. We are currently waiting Lor a hearing date to he scheduled. If you have any question requdinq this rtter, please don't heeiuu Lo contact ee at (714) 476-5220. Re~spe~ctful ly, v ' _ Lori Brorm Inland Expire Division 7~ REAL ES7A7E DEVELOPMENT RESOLUTION N0. 9~-a~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPRDYING IMPROYEIffNT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13280 KENYDN WAY RAILROAD CROSSING iAiEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, bas for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on August 21, 1991, by The Wiiliam Lyon Company as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adJacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on Kenyon Way between Nnlfir.w e,;_;;;;c and Rochester Avonun• •a"_ NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said ]mprovement Agreement and suD,~eet to the terms thereoi, is to be done in con3unction with the development of said Tract 13280 Kenyon Way Railroad Crossing; and MIEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which 1s identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor 15 hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension an behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. 75 -- CiTY OF RANCHU CL'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT -~ DATE: August 21, 1991 ~ ~ ' T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer i BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector II~~o SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR TRACT 13738, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHNEST CORNER OF SAPDHIRE STRCrT awn e.'..W....':.~..°.Toi~ ,.,, >Joriiiitil tl! NW1NE CD. It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subJect agreeemnt extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACKGROUNp/AIW.VSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13738 were approved by the City Council on March 22, 1990, in the following amounts: Streets Stone Drain Faithful Performance Bond: 5474,000. 5588,000. Labor and Materiai Bond: 5237,000. 5294,OOD. The deveioper, Rodine Co., is requesting approval of a 6-month extension on said improvement agreement in order to complete the improvements for the intersection of Sapphire Street and Almond Street. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfuliy submit~Q„ ~~ Nm. Jae O'Neil L/1 City Engineer NJO:SMG:Iy Attachments odine ~'' July 17, 1991 ~ ~~ I ,, ,~ I , jll~ I ' ,,, , . Mr. Steve Gilliland ~~ Public works Inspector City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Post Office Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91729 Re: Expiration of Improvement Agreement for Tract (13738 Dear Mr. Gilliland: Enclosed pplease find the Improvement Agreement Extension executed 1n triplicate and notarized. Rodine Companies, Inc. hereby request an extension of the µ, i~ +~ Improvement Agreement. A time extension of .one-~~ear--from ~+"'°~1 d~l~~ the March 21, 1991 expiration date seems appropriate. This ~.~•' additional time should accomadate the necessary time needed to complete the plans and construct the street improvements at the southeast corner of Almond and Sapphire. Should you have any questions or requi r,e any further information, please do not hesitate to call. Please rest assured of our cooperation in this and all matters of mutual concern. Sincerely, GG_ Donald A. James Project Manager ~7 IJ7 eusl olive avenue +nuulruviu, eu 911110 . NI N~iII}7771 + liiv NIN-I5H-K1?N RESOLUTION N0. 9/-a`~U A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING II4ROYEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION ANO IMPROVEI£NT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13739 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extensian executed on August, 21 1991, by Rodlne Co., as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way ad,~acent to the real property specifically described therein, and generaily located on the southwest corner of Sapphire Street and Nimand Screec; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and sub3ect to tare ttrms thereof, is to De done in confunctton with the devtlopment of said tract 13738; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension 1s secured and accompanied by gaol and sufficient Improvement Security, which 1s identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resoives, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby aDProved and the Mayor Ts hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. 78 --- CITY OF RANCHO CIICAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: August 21, 1991 T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Mm. Jce O'Ne71, City Engl veer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector II~ SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION F00. PARCEL M11P 12263. I nfaTin nN TNi cm_rtur~cr rnouce ne u~wu, ~uw ~` ANO MILLIKEN AVENUE, SUBMITTED BY THE NILLIAM LYON ~~ m, RECOMENDATIDN It is recommended that the Ctty Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,~ect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign sold agreement. improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Parcel Map 12263 pare approved by the City Council on August 2, 1990, in the fallowing amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: 5336,000. Labor and Material Bond: 5166,000. The developer, The M1111am Lyon Co., is requesting approval of a 6-month extension on said improvement agreement in order to complete minor street improvements and the landscaping along Highland Avenue. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submittap, L~;~ Nm. Joe O'Ne11U~1~__!. City Engineer NJO:SMG:1y Attachments ~9 HUGHEB INVE62MEN2B OCV[LOPHCNT 6 ACQUISITION Oi COHHC"CIAL P"OPEgTICS July 30, 1991 Mr. Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works inspector City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Development Department, Engineering Division 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91729 RE: Improvement Agreement Extension -Parcel Map 12263 VINEYARDS MARKETPLACE Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mr. Gilliland: We received your July 18, 1991 letter regarding expiration of that certain Improvement Agreement executed for parcel map 12263. Pursuant to your letter, we are requesting that the City of Rancho Cucamonga grant an extension to that Improvement Agreement in order that we may complete the work described therein. Construction is currently underway and is nearly complete except for the following: * The relocation by GTE of a cross-connect pedestal out of Milliken Avenue which has delayed construction at that location. * Site revisions necessitated by city C.U. P, conditions on the Mobil Service Station and which have just been finished and released for construction. " Landscaping improvements along Highland Avenue which can not be completed pending Issuance of an encroachment permit by Caltrana (in process). We therefore request an additional six months (180 days) to complete the improvements, have them inspected, and accepted finally by the City. Enclosed herewith is an executeq copy of the "Improvement Agreement Extension" which you forwarded with your letter. The form has been completed, executed and properly notarized, in triplicate, as requested. Also enclosed Is our check no. 1137, dated July 30, 1991, in the amount of two hundred flftyrone dollars ($291.00) payable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga as required to process the extension. I trust the above is acceptable and request that you return a wmpleted copy of the agreement onu: the City has signed and recorded It. Please call with any questions you may have or if you require any additional information. I may be reached at (774) 799-9931. Thank you for your assistance i Sirx r NUi: E / t~VMILLIKEN ASSOCIATES l / ¢.0 J"'n e ~ M Corutructian pager 1 JHplmf enclosure o V cc: John Potter; Brian McConnell; Dave Tilton, SGPA TWO LOHPORATL VLALA~SUITC 250~NCWPOgT eEALM, GA aaeeo-9aza H. o. cox e90p-NCWPOHT eGCM, a aa63e-0900 19141 "leg-fleJl FA%+19141 TSG-06e RESOLUTION N0. 9i~aT/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALiFORNU, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 12263 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on August 21, 1991, by The William Lyon Co., as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adlacent to the real property specifically described thnraln_ anA n.n.re11_v 1nra.A si tq. enMhst.~ ._ _ ~s u~..w+..a Avenue and M1111ken Avenue; and ~ - - WHEREAS, the tnstaltatlan of such Improvements, described in sold Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done 1n conlunctlon with the development of said PM 12263; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOM, THEREFg1E, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security De and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Cle^k to attest thereto. 8/ - --- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA „ . STA~~' itEPORT DATE: August 21, 1991 ~+' T0: Mayor and Mecbers of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, Ctty Manager FROM: Wn. Jce O'Neii, City Engineer BY: Steve M. O111Tiand, Public Norks Inspector III SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE OF BONDS ANO NOTICE OF COMPLETION fOR TRACT 13279 DETENTION BASIN LOCATED ON TNi SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ROCHESTER AVENUE AND VICTORIA PARK LANE RECONEIDATION: The required iprovements for Tract 13279 Detention Basin have been completed in an acceptaDte canner, and 1L is recoaase~ed that City Council accept said lcprovecents, authorize the Ctty Engineer to file a Notice of Cocpletion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond 1n the acount of (518,575.00. BACK9IOUID/AMALTSIs Tract 13279 Detention Basin - located on the southeast corner of Rochester Avenue and Victoria Park Lane. DEVELOPER: The N1111ac Lyon Coapany 4490 Von Karwan NeNpart Beach, CA 92658 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Streetl 5518,575.00 Respectfully submit v~ ,,~ ~?~~!~/~ Ma. Joe O'Ne11 City Engineer N10:SMG:Iy Attachment 8~- RESOLUTION N0. ~~- a~,2- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGII, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13279 DETENTION BASIN AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK MHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 13279 Detention Basin have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and efItNU1J, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. HON, THEREFORE, the City Councti of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby eccepted and the City Engineer 1s authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. 83 --- CITY OF RANCH(1 CUC_AMONGA STAFF REPORT DgTE: August 21, 1991 ~ T0: Mayor and Mecbers of the City Council Jack Lac, AICP, C11y Manager FROM: Nc. Joe O'Neil, Gity Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Pubilc Warks Inspector I~ SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE OF BONDS AND NOTICE OF COMPLETItlN Fdt TRArt Nita iauner~or inr~Trn nu n~~ SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HERMOSA AVENUE AND MANYANITA DRIVE RELOMIEIMTION: The required ingrovetxnts for Tract 13318 Landscape have bean corpleted to an acceptable canner, and 1t is recamwended that City Council accept said icprovemknts, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond 1n the amqunt of 59,500 authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Cocpletion and authorize the Ctty Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the anaunt of 595,000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 13318 Landscape - located on the southeast corner of Hermosa Avenue and Manzanlta Drive DEVELOPER: Baayoun Developmtent 15342 Hawthorne Boulevard, Suite 405 Latmdale, CA 90250 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond S 9,500 Release: Faithful Perforawnce Bond 595,000 , Respectfully suMmltted, ~~ %~ Nc. Joe O'Neil ~\UTIT~~-' City Engineer NJO:SMG:sd Attachment RESOLUTION H0. 91'~~3 A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC INPROVENENiS FOR TRACT 13318 LANDSCAPE ANO AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION Fqt THE 1N1RN NHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 13318 Landscape have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and IMEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be flied, certifying the work complete. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work 1s hereby accepted snd the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. S~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 21, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector II ~' SUH,IECT: ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE OF BONDS AND NOTICE OF COI~LETION FOR TRACT 13565 24TH STREET LANDSCAPE, LOCATED ON L41N DINCLI tlLINCLN NWIUI'NN tlULWLR NURU /WU JRN DGYNINC PYLNUG The required improvements for Tract 13565 24th Street Landscape have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it 1s recommended that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of 585,400, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 5854,000. BACKtltOUND/ANALYSIS Tract 13565 24th Street Landscape - located on 24th Street between Wardman Bullock Road and San Sevalne Avenue DEVELOPER: Standard PacSfic 1565 W. MacArthur Boulevard Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Accept: Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond E 85,400 Faithful Performance Bond ;854,000 Respectfully subm d, Wm. Joe O'Neil ~~~ City Engineer WJO:SMG:sd AttacMnent RESOLUTION N0. g~-~~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13565 24TH STREET LANDSCAPE AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 13565 24th Street Landscape have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying .~_ , .,....,., ~ ,:.,:r: .... NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer 15 authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. 8 DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: --- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT August 21, 1991 ~~ Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack lam, AICP, City Manager Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector I `~ ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE OF BONOS AND NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE BANYAN STREET BRIDGE, LOCATED ON BANYAN Jiatel AI IHt uttK GNtEK CHANNEL RECDNEIDATION: The required 1laprovements for the Banyan Street Bridge have been completed Tn an acceptable manner, and 1t 1s recommended that City Council accept sold improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of 522,900. authorize the City Engineer to f1Te a Notice of Completion and authorize the Ctty Clerk t0 release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of S229,000. BACKGROUID/ANALYSIS Banyan Street Bridge - located on Banyan Street at the Deer Creek Channel DEVELOPER: M.J. Brock 3380 Shelby Street, Suite 100 Ontario, CA 91764 Accept: Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) S 22,900. Faithful Performance Bqnd (Street) 5229,000. ,Respectfully submitte / Ir, _ ~ Ma. Joe O'Ne15 lJ ~L/~n/~~`V City Engineer WJO:SMG:Iy Attachment RESOLUTION N0. 9I -a~,J A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGl1, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR BANYAN STREET DRIOGE AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK MiEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Banyan Street Bridge have been completed t0 the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be f11ed, certifying the work complete. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, thet the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and f11e a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. ~r -CITY OF R9NCH0 CUCAMOA'G.4 STAFF REPORT ~ ~` ' DATE: August 21, 1991 '~ ~,~ T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Ile. Jce O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Stere M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspecto~, SUBJECT: RELEASE OF WliN7ENANCE GUARANTEE BOND FOR TRACT 12365 ~nrarcn •r rue c,umx•er rrouee ~r ensure •uru,ro •„n rren• YISTA PARKWAY- ---..._._. __....... _. _..._......,._~ ..... ...,..... It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Cierk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond. BACK9l0UD/ANALYSIS The required one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship. DEVELOPER: Western Properties P.O. Box 670 Upland, CA 91786 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 542,184.00 Respectfully suMsiLlr Nm. Joe O'Neil ~~LC,/„~(/ City Engineer WJO:SMG:Iy 90 CITY OF $ANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REFUR'i DATE: August 21, 1991 ~~ T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Ms. Jce O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Giililand, Public Norks inspector SUBJECT: RELEASE OF MAINTENANCE BONDS FOR TRACTS 12525 AND 12741, LOCATED ON THE NEST SIDE OF CENTER AVENUE BETNEEN AKRON ROUTE AND 26TH STRttI It 1s recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds. BACKGROIIID/IIMIILTSIS The required one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship. DEVELOPER: Spirit Development 4 Upper Newport Ptaza, Suite 101 Newport Beach, CA 42660 Release: TR 12525 TR 12741 Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 59,050 f10,700 Respectfully submit ~~7 Ma. Jce O'Ne11 City Engineer NJO:SMG:sd --- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA .;,~;, ^ STAFF REPORT A "' DATE: ': August 21, 1991 .~ T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Nm. Jce O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. 611111and, Public Norks Inspector SUBJECT: RELEASE OF MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE GOND FOR TRACT 12673, LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF MILLIKEN AVENUE NORTN OF CHURCH STREET I It is reco~maended that the City Council authorize the Ctty Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond. The required one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects 1n materials and vrorkmanship. DEVELOPER: Nestern Properties 1156 N. Mountain Avenue Upland, CA 91786 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) f27,800 Respectfully submljkpd, `~ ~~. Nm. Jce 0'Ne/1 l/(./~/1""~-_ C~ ~ lN`-" City Engineer NJO:SMG:sd 9~- - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMdNGA STAFF RFYORT , DATE: August 21, 1991 ~~ T0: Mayor, and Meabers of the City Council Jack Las, AICP, City Manager FROM: Na. Jce O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector~e- SUBJECT: RELEASE OF MAINTENANCE BOND FOR TRACT 12739, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER Oi ARROW ROUTE AND CENTER AVCNIN' It 1s recossended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond. BACKGROIND/AMALTSIS The required one year satntenance perfod has ended and the street isprovesents resain free fros defects in mterials and worksanship. DEVELOPER: Spirit Developsent 4 Upper Newport Plaza, Suite 101 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) f20,400 Respectfully subs ~/r/ !~'~ Wm. Joe O'Neil City Engineer WJO:SMG:sd 93 CITY OF RANCHO CUGAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~ 'J DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: August 21, 1491 i, Mayor, and Mexbers of the City Council Jack Laa~, AICP, City Manager Nm. Joe O'Ne11, City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector~~ RELEASE OF MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE BOND FOR TRACTS 12802 AND 12802-1 THRU -5, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF i+iiie7~in rieii inmivt nnu arxu~.t Artxut i R£CO!lENOATION It 1s reconwended that the C1ty Councll authorize the C1ty Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds. BACKBROIIND/ANALYSIS The required one year aaintenance period has ended and the street lxproveaa!nts rexain free fray defects 1n xaterlals and work~anshlp. DEYELOPER: Lewis HaxKs 1156 N. Mountain Avenue Upland, CA 91786 Release: TRACT N0. IMINTENANCE BOND 12802 520.150 12802-1 60,540 lzao2-2 zs,3oo 12802-3 7,700 12802-4 12,300 12802-5 18,400 12802-6 27,600 Respectfully subeltted, L/7~ N" - Nwt. Joe O'Ne11 C1ty Engineer NJO:SMG:sd 9~ ----CITY OF RANCHO C[iCAMONGA STAFF REPORT `~ DATE: August 21, 1991 ~~ T0: Mayor, and Maabers of the City Council Jack Lai, AICP, City Manager FROM: War. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve N. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector SUBJECT: RELEASE OF MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE BOINI FOR TRACT 13191, LOCATED ON THE NDRINNEST CORNER nF r.NUicu croccr dun xoo., VISTA PARKNAY RECOMIEIDATIOM It is recosiended that the City Counctt authorize the Ctty Clerk t0 release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond. BACKGROUND/AMN.VSIS The required ore year saintenance period has ended and the street latproveaents reawin free fray defects in nuteMals and vrorkawnship. DEVELOPER: Lewis Hoaxes 1156 N. Mountain Avenue Upland, CA 91786 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 523,800 Respectfully suMattted~ C~%' _ , n Ika. Jce O'Neil `UTl]'G~ /!~/~v. /' City Engineer NJO:SMG:sd 95 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~ STAFF REPORT "" ' GATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: August 21, 1991 .~;~ Myyor, and Mepbers of the City Council Jack Lap, AICP, C1ty Manager Mai. Joe O'Neil, Ctty Engineer Steve M. G11111and, Pub11c Norks Inspector~~ RELEASE OF THE 141INTENANCE GUARANTEE BOND FOR TRACT 13318, LOC/.TED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HERMDSA AVENUE AND MncAntiA uairc i It is recappended that the C1ty Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond. The required one year palntenance period has ended and the street ipprovesents repaln free fray defects 1n peterlals and rarkpanshlp. DEVELOPER: Baayoun Developpent 15342 Hawthorne Boulevard, Suite 405 Lawndale, CA 90260 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 513,680 Respectfully suMoitted, Np. Joe O'Neil ~C?~ .City Engineer NJO:SMG:sd ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~TA~'F I;,~P(7RT DATE: August 21, 1991 T0: Mayar and Members of the City Council Q. ' Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager l.J FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Lucinda E. Hackett, P.E. SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO VACATE A PORTION OF 25TH STREET, LOCATED NEST OF ETINANDA AVENUE AND SETTING THE DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR SEPTEMBER 18, 1991 It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution and setting the date of public hearing for Sepptuber 18, 1991, for the vacation of a portion of 25th Street, located west of Etlwanda Avenue, approximately 30 feet wide and 1092 feet long. In addttlon, said resolution authorizes the City Clerk to cause sane resolution to be published 10 days prior to public hearing. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On July 12, 1989, Planning Comisslon approved 7entatlve Traet 14139 which Ts a residential subdivision of 119 single family lots on 54 acres of land located at the southwest corner of Etiwanda Avenue and 25th Street. One of the conditions of Tentative Tract 14139 is to vacate the south half of 25th Street which is adJacent to the northerly property line of the protect site. 25th Street is owned 1n fee title by the City and upon vacation appropriate proceedings will occur for the disposition of excess property. Through these proceedings Ahmanson Developments, Incorporated, will obtain the southerly 10 feet of the vacated street and use the land as pert of the lots for Tract 14139, the northerly 20 feet will be used for a stone drain facility. The application for vacation has been submitted and the Developer 1s now requesting that the vacation occur. Based on the above declarations, the street vacation is 1n conforwtty with the adopted City General Plan and the draft Etiwanda North Specific Plan. Respectfully sudnl~~ n Mm. Joe O'Neil G~~„'~U- City Engineer NJO:LEH:dIw Attachment 97 RESOLUTION N0. ~/ ~ ~7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE A PORTION OF 25TH STREET LOCATED HEST OF ETINANDA AVENUE, APPROXIMATELY 30 FEET NI DE AND 1092 FEET LONG - APN: 225-082-01 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucaeonga as follows: SECTION 1: That the City Council hereby el acts to proceed under Section sin ~! •pc °i: co L; asp ;;;y;nroys boae, a~so Known as the Street Vacation Act of 1941. SECTION 2: Tha! the City Council hereby deelarcs its tntention to vacate a por on of 25th Street located west of Etiwanda Avenue, a City street approxfeately 30 feet wide and 1092 feet ion9, as shown on Map No. V-115 on file in the Office of the City Clerk, a legal description of which 1s attached hereto narked Exhlblt 'A" and by reference made a Dart hereof. SECTION 3: That the City Council hereby fixes NednesdAy, the 18th dqy of Sep~1991, at 7:00 p.n., 1n the City Camrcil CAanbers, iocated at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucaagnga, California, as the time and place for hearing all persons oblecting to the DroPosed vacatton for the purpose of its detemining whether said City street Ts necessary for present or prospective street purposes. SECTION 4: That the City Street Superintendent shall cause notices to be posed conspicuously along the line of the street or part thereof proposed to be vacated at least 10 days before the hearing, not Wore than 30 feet apart and not less than three signs shall be posted, each of which shall have a copy of this resolutton on then and shall have the following title 1n lettering not less than one Inch 1n height: 'NOTICE OF HEARING TO VAGTE STREET". SECTION 5: The subiect vacatton shall be subject to the reservations and excep obi ns, ii any, for existing utilities on record. SECTION 6: The Mayor shall sign this Resoiutlon and the City Clerk shall attes~.o"i`Fe sane, and the City Clerk shall cause sale to be published 10 days before the date set for the hearing, at least once 1n Island Yall Dail Bulletin, a newspaper of general ctrculation published n e o ntar>T Ta, 1;aTffornia, and circulated in the Ctty of Rancho Cucaaanga, California. ~~ LECAL DESCRIPTION PREPARED FOR AHMA7lSON DEVELOPMENT. VACATION OF THE SOUTH 30' OF 25TH STREET. EXHIBIT "A" ~ BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, RANGE fi WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT OF SAID LAND APPROVED BY THE SURVEYOR GENERAL DATED NOVEMBER 17, 1985, IN TH£ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SAZD PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEG I!lNING AT THE EAST 1/4 CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20, SAID POINT ALSO RF.TNO TN TNV rcumno•~l~e - --~„ .,T:.~F.T~ THENCE, ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 20, SOUTH 00.00.22" WEST, 30.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF A 3o-FOOT STAIP OF LAND GRANTED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS RECORDED IN BOOK 2143, PAGE 586 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY: THENCE, ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, NORTH 89'26'51^ WEST, 1165.33 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY LIRE OF A TRACT 'OF LAND GRANTED TO SOUTHERN SURPLUS REALTY CO. AS RECORDED IN BOOK 8163, PAGE 17 OF SAID OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE, ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE, NORTH 44'44'04" EAST, 41.83 FEET TO SAID CENTERLINE OF 25TH STREET AND THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST 1/4, SECTION 20; THENCE, ALONG SAID CENTERLINE, SOUTH 89.26'51" EAST, 1175.88 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.79 ACRES, HORS OR LESS. ALL AS MORE PARTICULARLY SHOWN ON EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND HEREBY MADE A PART HEREOF. H ~_ ' MAUI L-~N~QR , L.S. 58]1 e. ssa APRIL 28, 1989 10472.00 (A231-003 -06) 5957-CMV-10472.00-8 EXHIBIT "B BEINC A POgtION OF IHE SOU!HE A51 ~!< :]F ,EC11011 ?0. YONN SHIP I NORIN. FAN GE 6 4F.S t. SAN NF H N ARUIHO HERIOIAN, IN EHE GI]Y OF gAMtMO CUGAMONGO. .". i1UNIY OF SAN ,BERN Ag0IN0. Si AfE GF ': ALi EUHNU YACAiI ON tlF THE SOUTH 30' OF 251h STflEET I; I ~ 'd~iginat~PoorQual;;; psf. I ~ '?, xI J ~oVBIICN UIILIIIEB PEP e ~ I I OEFICI AL PL AI Of L.L.O. J ,}~ I I W I LI ~~// I 20' BCAL E~ I' ]OO' I I r .u .u i.. ; y. N I ]B' N/v to cauxrc OF 4AM BENNANpINO P[N O.N. tl E]/BBB. ~A ~ ~b I ~~ \ _ 2~ I 5~ . 0 ~ ^ SF-G 2 _ S~~ 0.79 AC. ~ uA 3`~,1~'Y•~~ r r~ + ~~~01 EM~ E vA cow. ••c. ]o N N ~ r. /// 20 / ~ ~ I , n~~ V i C 1) _- ~' 2S/h - -- - - ' - ..,, .. - ~r .rcc ;' i. I . ..... ~ i ,'I ' i -- / ~,:~ ~ ~rT 1~6.z7 !Anginal oor Quality ~ ~ ~f i i I I ~ ~~ l.. I' i ~".L ! i / •`t - t_~.~ I I II~ ( I ~ ~ I -r i i ~ t~l" I I r .:. - -_ __ ~__-.- ~ 3 ~ ..._. .~,.- ~ .. j ~ ~~ I l i !hh -- 1 ~ ~ _1 ~ ~1-/ -1 `edp -I- __- _r .._... r... - ~ I I -~ __i \~' -__ ...1..__ _~_ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ENGINEERING DIVL4ION ~T~~~4 -- -- illl_ LL~~~ _ - --- --- ~~J ~T ~ Rmnrrnrrrr I-~-~1N -~ r ~; v-ii5 (ne iai39J TTI'LE: yIGN,IY ~P EICHIBI'P: ° ~.1 ORDIINNCE N0. 328A AN OPDIIUfNNCE OF 77~ CPPY OgA]CII. OF '1HE CP15C OF RANCID QIC7+TLINGA, CALLF(HdJSA, AMI3DING (SFfPI'II2 3.08 OP 2f0; RANCfD (SfiAlDNGA C1'PY 0.'UE BY BODING SNCPION 3.08.240 REIATING 70 PRO(IIItF?1FITP OF RF7LYCi.ID PRDDUCP~' 4~[~RFAS, the wltnfle of material disposed of at the musty landfill has been increasing annually; and 4d~.S, sanitary landfill space is at a prmium aril it is beo®ing imreasiigly difficult to site new landfills; and Fh~RFAS, IDrch of the material that enters the waste stream can be recycled, reused ar inmrparatsi in the manrfactta+e of new pm~cts; aryl tdiB2II~S, city participation in and prrmotion of recycling pxxgrams can significantly rectum the wlume of material entering the waste strewn thereby extending minty larclfill life expectarry and reducing expenses; and 4d1ERFA.S, for recycling programs to be effective, markets mist 6e developed for products that inoarporats p~toor~anoer materials in their mvnnfacture, are reusable, ar are designed to be recycled; and {dtatEAS, California State Iaw +~+~+~+~ that local agencies luy recycled products if fitness, quality and price are equal to nance~ycled products aryl allows local agencies to adopt piu~dnasimg pr+eferenoes for recycled products. NOW, 1F¢REF0RE, the City Nuncil of the City of Randro Cucamonga does hereby ordain as follows: 71st Ordinance No. 328 is hernby amended by adding Section 3.08.240 Recycled Product Pcnau~amsrt Policy to read as follows: SfX,T10N 1: Within twelve months ~++~a*+>*+* to the effective date of this section, all city departrents, offiws, and c~GSiore must mrduct a review of existing product and service specifications to determine whether existing specifications either. ra7uire the use of products mannnfac~u+erl fxYm virgin materials ar exclude the use of recycled product's, reusable [sodurts, or products designed to be recycled. SECPICN4 2: In the event that such specifications do exclude the use of recycled products ar require the use of virgin materials, then such exclusions or requir®encts m+ct to eliminated unless the pertinent department ar entity can demorrstrate to the satisfaction of the city manager that these recycled pralucts would mt achieve a necessary perf *+~ standard. SRCPZON 3: Within the save 12 a~th period, all city d~s'r~~++fs and agencies must reornmieend danger to the city manager to ensnrre that perf~+~ standards for particular products can be met and flat specificatims are not overly stringent, and td recmmerd c3nangegs to ensure that specifications will ~++~++m+ate a raluir~snt far the use of relyclerl materials, reusable ~~a" Ordinance Mo. 928A Page 2 products, and prodtxts designed to be recycled to the m•Y;*•*• extent practio- able, subject to an alternative showing that either the perPoc~me of the pr~orhtct will be jeoparaizea ~ that the pxnrh~ct will,regatively it~act health, safety er operational efficiawy. SFYR'ION 4: Outside cotrtractes bidding to provide P~~ or services to the city itrludirg pritRitg services, must demvtstrate that they will wiply with the specifications described in paragraph 3 to the greatest extent feasible. SFX,TSQi 5: City staff will wmic to enoasage the wilier itdustry to develop high-speed copiers that will swept recycled paper. In additim, mycled paper shall be pmcliased and used in all acpy madtines that will awepr 1L. SBCl'ION 6: When recycled Fuvducts are used, reaevable efforts shall be utderta]cent to label the products to indicate that they certain rec.:ycled materials. City departroeitts std agencies shall use far their mast-head stationery and ernelopes recycled paper that itx:ludea postoot>eumri recycled coretettt aryl indicate an the paper std emelopm that they curtain recycled material. Other recycled pmchtcts used by the City shall also indicate that they wtttain recycled material to the el(tPlIC practicable. SECIICN 7: A five pemant (58) Price preferane may ba given to recycled p¢oducts, nrr+eahla P¢orhncts offered as alternatives to disposable products, and products designed to be recycled where they are offered as alternatives to nctrxecyclable products. SDCPION 8: Rhe city will ooopexate to the greatest extent feasible with neigttborixg city std wiarly govermierrts in an effort to davelcp a ormQre- hensive, wnsistent std effective Prz'oauemettt effort intended to stimrlate the market far recycled P¢oaix:ts, zeusable Pa~oducts, std p2nducts aeaicyted to be recycled. SFX•fiOti 9: All relater] city departmeutts arc] ;aa shall work woperatively to further the PurP~es of the ordirnarce. ~'It~e city eoot~ic development ~ ~ shall inmate the goal of stimulating the market fw recycled material. SF]CPION 30: the City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Oxdirerce and shall cause the same to be published as rerptixed by law. SPX,TIIXi 11: the Mayor shall sign this Ordinarne std the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its tea at least cone in the Inland Valley Oaily Bulletin, a r~paper of genwxal ciratlation Published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Pandw aramutga, California. /O 2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: August 21, 1991 T0: Mayor and Mambere of the City Council Jack Lm, AICP, City Manager FROM: Brad sailer, City Planner SUBJBCT: RBCREATIONAL VENICL6 STORAGE EEVZEN OF CDRR@7T CITY RBGUWTIONS AFFECTING STORAGE AND PARySNG OF R[CRSATIONAL VBEICLEB ON PRIVATE A88IDBMTIAL PAOPERTI68 NICOIE®A;ZOII: This matter hoe been continued Erw the Jme 19, 1991 City Council meeting. Since that mentinq and the formation of the City Council eubcro®ittee, Council Members Pamela J. Wright and Diane willimm~, the aubcommittea has met three times. The last tro maetingm hove been with residents invited by the City Council subm~ittee. There are currently three residents wrking with the aubcoemittee who support changes to the existing ordinmce and three residents who believe the existing ordinance should be retained. The last subcommittee meeting was August 12, 1991. Following that meeting, staff has been dlrecied to proeeee and compile the euggaeted alternatives discueaed during those meetings Snto ordinance form to be presented to the City Council subcomittee rithin two to three weeks. Following that review, it is anticipated one more meeting with the residents will be held and then the matter viii be brought back to the City Cosnci 1. Therefore, it ie recommended that Chia matter be continued to October i6, 1991. Aeepe, ly subml~tted, ` / <. Brad r G City P amer BB/jfs CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA S~AI+'F REPORT DAZE: August 21, 1941 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Couucil FI20M Duaue A. Bolter, Assistant to the City Manag SUBTECI`. Vacation of an Alley from Sierra Madre to Vinmar South of Ninth Street Due to the complexity of the issues involved and the number of property owners affected, staff respectfully requests that this item be continued to the City Council meeting of September 4, 1991. OS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~' ~' r" DATE: August 21, 1991 TOx Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FFAM: Brad Buller, Clty Planner aY: Scrott Murphy, Associate Planner Anthea iiartlg, A9aOCiate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND POOTEILL BOULEVARD SPECIPIC PLAN ANENDMHNT 90-06 - PO(YfHILL MAREEfPWCE PARTNERS - A request to modify the median break location oa Foothill Boulevard, to add a median break location on Foothill Boulevard, and to change the land use designation from Light Industrial to Regional Related Comarcinl for an area of approximately 26 scree within the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan (Subarea <), located on the east side of Interstate 16, south of Foothill Boulevard. These requests are in conjunction with the development oP a t 60 acre retell/rnmercial center located on the south aide of Foothill Boulevard betreen lnteretete 16 and Rtiranda Avenue - ApN: 229-031-03 through 13, 15, 16, 20, and a portion of 59. Related File: Conditional Uae Permit 90- 37. ' RECDMI0WTI011: The Planninq Commission recommends eppzoval of Foothill Houlevard Specific Plan Amendment 90-00 and issuance of a Negative Declaration. Gmaeral: on June 26, 1991, the Planning Commission revieaed the proposed Specific Plan Amendment to relocate the median break location on Poothill Houlevard, add a median break on Foothill Houlevard, and change the land use deei gnation from Light industrial to Regioml Related Comercial for the southwest portion of the project site. After conaiderl ng all public input on the proposal, the Planninq Commission rernmmended approval of the >'~endwent for the following reaeoro: A. Median Break Relocation - The median break 1a proposed to be relocated S 220 feet to the rest of the location shown 1n the Foothill Boulevard Specific. Tha ner location will provide adequate circulation for the project and !a consistent with Caltran'• desire to line the median break up with the existing driveway for the Catholic Church. Aaditionelly, the applicant provided a traffic study, which included a meter plan Eor the north side of Foothill Boulevard, demonetzating that the median break relocation rill not adversely impact future development. CITY COUNCIL STAPF PBpOAT FHSPA NO. 90-06 August 21, 1991 Fags 2 B. New Median Hreak - A new median break ie proposed approximately 300 feet east of the future freeway off-ramp location. The median break rill be designed to alloy only Left turns into the project. Because of the unusual contiguretion and depth of the Bite along the freeway, the additional median Dresk is necessary to provide adequate circulation for the project. C. Land Uae Changes - The land use deslgnatlon will be ehmged for the southwest i26 scree from Light Industrial to Regional Related Commercial. During the approval of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, it rse anticipated tent the land use plan~for the entire area. Nith the eutmlttsl-sad approval of Condieionel Dee Permit 90-37, the land use ehenge is coneietent rich the intent of the Specific Plan. tmrlrammmtal Aeeee~enh In computing the Zniilal 6tudy, etaft hm identified that Chere are several potential envlroemantal impacts se a result of the project. Thane issues are discussed in detail in the attached Planning Ca~iseion sent! report (Exhibit °A°). Therefore, although the project could have a aignlticant effect in these areas, staff found that there rill not be a significant effect in this case because of the mitigation measures rhieh have been incorporated into the project design or included as Conditions of Approval. Staff recommends issuance of a mitigated Negative Declaration. PAClS POY F1>NIIICE: The Pcothill Boulevard Specific Plnn Amendment will provide for the development of n comprehensively planned urban community that Ss superior to the development otherwise allowable under alternative regulations. The amendment rill provide fox development of the Specific Plan ifl a manner which in connietent with the General Plan and with the related development and growth management policies of the City. The amendment rill provide for the cronetruction, improvement, and extension of tzanaportation facilities, public utilities, and public aervicea requited within the Specific Plan. Additionally, the amendment will not be detrimental to the public health or safety or cause nuisances of significant adverse environmental impacts. CORIRHP~: Thane items hove been advertised ae public hearings in the inland Valley Daily Hulletln nerspaper, notices rare sent to all property owners within the subarea of the Specific Plan, and the site was posted. ~©7 CITY COUNCIL STAPP REPORT PBSPA NO. 90-Od August 21, 1991 ^aga 3 Reaps lly s tt , ,/ Brad 1 / City lanner RR:sM:}a Attachments: Hxhiblt •A" - Planning Co®ieaion Staff Rnport (June 26, Sao ~: Rxhlblt •B" - Planning Co~isslon Minutss (JUns 26, 1991) Hxhlblt •C" - Planning Commission Resolution No. 91-85 Rssolution of Approval for PBBP 90-Od /~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMUNGA sTa~~ ~~~Q~T ~~!'_ DATE: June 26, 1991 T0: Chairman and Membete of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Scott Nurphy, Associate Planner SUBJECT ENVIRONMENTAL A89H99NSNT AND POOTNILL BOULEVAAO SPECIFIC PWN ANSNDMSRT 90-06 - T1~ WATTSON CONPANY - A request to modify the median break location on Foothill Boulevard, to add a median break location on Foothill eoulevud, end to change the land uee designation from Light Industrial to Regional Related Com.ercial for an use of approximately 26 acres within the Foothill Boulevard Specific Ylan (SUbuea d), located on the east aide of Interstate 15, south o[ Foothill Boulevud. These requests are in conjunction with the devalopnent of a t60 acre retail/commercial center located on the south Bide of Foothill Boulevard between I-15 and Etiwandn Avenue - APN: 229-031-03 through 13, 15, 16, and 20. 6iaff rscowends issuance of a Negative Declaration. Related Yiles: Conditional Uee Permit 90-37 and Tentative Parcel Nap t172d. ENVIRONMENTAL ASS ESSNENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PHPN IT 90-37 -THE WATTSON COMPANY - A iaqueet for master plan approval of a 160 acre retail/commercial center containing approximately 550,000 aqua re feet of leasable apace and a request for approval of conceptual site plan and building elevatlone for the Price Club Facility in the Regional Related Commercial end Light Industrial designations of the Foothill Boulevud Specific Plan (SUbnrea 4), located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard between Interstate 15 and Btiwanda Avenue - ApN: 229-031-03 through 13, 15, 16, and 20. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. Pelated Piles: Foothill Boulevud Specific Plan Amendment 90-00 and Tentative Farrel Map 13724. Associated with the project ie Tree Removal Permit 91-24. PROJECT ANO SITS DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Approval of a conceptual Neater Plan, and a specific Site Plan and Building Slevatiom for the Price Club facility, issuance of a nitigatad Negative Declaration for Conditional Use Permit 90-37, and recommendation oL approval to the City Council far Environmental Iusesament and Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment 90-0d. EXHIBIT A PLANNING CONMISSZON STAFF REPORT CW 90-77 - TNS WATTSON COMPANY JLLRe 26r 7497 Page 2 e. Surrounding Land Uee and Zonin North - Mixed asst Foothill Boulevard Specif io Plan (subarea d - Regionnl Related Commercial and Community Commercial) south - Water tranamlaeion facility, industrial plant and vncantt Industrial specific Plan (SUberea 6 - General Industrial) East - Vacant and Single Pamily Aeaidentie l: Foothill Boulevar3 Speci£Le Plan (Subarea 4 - Community Commercial) and Low Residential (2-d dwelling unite per acre) We at - Interstate 16 end vacant, Victoria Planned Community (Regional Related Commercial) Project Site -NCO®arclal and Industrial Park North - Commercial South - General Industrial Beet - Co®erclal, 1qv Residential (2-d dwelling unite per acre) West - Comeercial D. Site Chnrecteristiee: The site contains several unique elements Lndicative o[ the Btlwanda area and the Mute 66 Cgrrldor during the 1920e through the 1%OS. The sits vas the hoot of the Cucamonga Top Winery and contains the remine of the winery complex, with its grape crusher, cistern, loading dock, accessory buildings, Craftsman home occupied Dy the winery omers (the Guideras ), and a small store used for selling wine. A second Craftsman-style residence La located to the east of the C1:camonga Top Winery complex and was owned by another vine-making family (the Oicarlos) o£ the area. Te eastern-most structure on the site is an old gee station which contained restaurant apace ae part of the service operation. The gas station has since been converted to a Dadyshop. Also characteristic of the Muts 66 Corridor, approximately two-thirds of the atreec frontage along Foothill Boulevard contains a double row of eucalyptus trees. The balance of the site contains grape vineyards and is undeveloped. E. parking Calculations: Number of Number of TYPe square parking Spaces Spaces of Uee Footage Ratio fired Provided Price Club 111,325 1/220 506 R21 Wal-Mart 155,534 1/220 707 ROR (ultimate) Gas Station 3 5 Restaurant 6,000 1/100 60 60 6,000 1/55 109 109 Feet Pood 10, 17d 1/75 136 167 Retail 282,890 1/220 1~ 1,291 2, R07 3,241 /( O PLANNING COMMISSION dTAFF REPORT CUP 90-77 - THE WATTSON COMPANY Tu.^.e °` :977 Page 7V II. ANALYSIS: A. Master Plan: The applicant is proposing to develop a k60 acre retail/commercial center consisting of approximately 520,000 aqua re feet of retail space, 22,000 Square Eeet of reataurant/fast Eood use, and a service station• The center is proposed to be anchored by a Price Club and a Wal-Mart. At this preliminary stage, the Par western portion of the si[e ie planned for four major tenants ranging in site Erom 17,500 square feet to 22,000 square feet, 20x000 square £eeG of shop apace Eor smaller uaeY9, a 6,150 square foot retail pad, and a 12,000 square foot reataurant pad. The Ear eastern onrtln~ ~r •'~t c__c c....,.o. dt,uuu square toot supermarket and three major tanenta, ranginga In size from 22,000 to 26,000 square Peet, and }37,350 square feet of shop apace. In addition, three retail pads, four drive-thru pads, end a service station are proposed along the Foothill Boulevard street frontage. The Master Plan depicts basic building, parking, and circulation aisle locations vlthin the project. Bpecific design for each building, or series of buildings (except Price Club), will be subject to separate nevelopment Review or Con8ltional 'Use Permit applications (ae required by the Foothill Boulevard Specific plan). Based on a recent conversation with the applicant, substantial ehangea may occur to the site plan, especialiy the western portion, based on the needs of particular tanenta. These changes will be reviewed with the future epplicationa, but within the context of this Master Plan. B. Price Club: The applicant has aubmi tted a site plan and building elevaticns Eot a 111,325 square Poot Price Club facility. The building is proposed ae a free-standing atrucCUre on a 12.2 acre parcel, generally located in the central portion of the project. Tha northeast corner of the building will be devoted to the sale and installation of tires. The parking provided Eor the Price Club is just under one and one-half times the Code requirement. Additional parking is based on the Price Club's experience and needs of existing loci lines in order to accommodate the influx of customers especially at peak times (Christmas). G Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment: Median break location: With the development of the center, the applicant will be constructing a signalized intersection midway between Etiwanda Avenue and tha Interstate 15 Freeway. The location proposed, however, has been shifted approximately 220 feet to the east of the location shove within the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan. This proposed location was selected, not only to provide access to the subject site, but also to line up with the existing driveway for the church on the north side of Foothill Boulevard. Additionally, the applicant has grepared a eonceptunl master plan/and CrafEic analysis to evaluate the F l PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 90-37 - THE WATTSON COMPANY Tune 2e, WYt Page 4 circulation of the Future Regional Related Commercial use on the north side of Foothill Boulevard. Bas6d upon review of the information, the new location will be able to serve the future development. Letters have also been sent to the existing property owners notifying them of the proposed change in location. Comments have beer. received from the church expressing their agreement with the new location. 2. New Median Hreak: Aa part of the development of the site, the applicant le proposing a Seft-turn only median break between the freeway off-ramp and the main signalized Sntereection for the _oocc .. ~ mi wni ¢gureuon and depth o! the southwest portion of the site, the applicant feels that the left-turn median break ie neceaeery to provide adequate circulation [or the project. This ievue was addressed in the traffic study prepared for the site and hoe met concurrence alth the City's Traffic Engineer. Additionally, favorable comments heva been received from Coltrane for the additional median break. Changes in Zoning Designation: Under the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, the southern and southwestern portions of the site were designated Light industrial with the ecuihwest portion of the site being considered for a Regional Re leted Commercial use through the submittal and approval of a maet¢r plan. With the submittal of the meeter plan for the retail/commrrcial center, the applicant is now requesting that the zoning designation be changed consistent witR their proposal. There is, however, a small area within the project Bite that was not urlgi pally considered as a potential Regicnal Related Commercial use. The area in the approximate locution of the Wal~•Mart building is designated as Llyht Industrial. With the Big Three Industries located to the south and the Metropolitan Water District facility located immediately to the east, this area would remain an isolated Light Industrial pocket. In that the applicant has submitted a master plan shoving a commercial use of the entire area, staff feels it is appropriate to consider a change in the zoning from Light Industrial to Regional Related Commercial egneletant with the balance of the project. D. Design Review Committee: This project has bean the subject of five Planning Commiaeion workahope. The format of these workahope was set up to review apecif is aspects oP the project. The first workshop focused on major site planning iasuee. The second workshop provided direction for the architecture of the center and the Price Club Facility. The third workshop considered revisions to the site plan for the entire site and the architectural concept for the !a- line Shope for the eastern and western ends of the projects (exc ludl ng the free-atandi ng boil di nga). The fourth workshop centered on the conceptual site plan and building elevations Por the Price Club and finally, the f1Pth Planning commission workshop considered the overell master plan Eor the site. 1~ PWNNING COMMISSION aTAFP REPORT r11P 90-37 - THE WATTSON COMPANY June 26, 1991 Page 5 Price Club: On May 16, 1991, the Planning Commission considered the conceptual Bite plan and building elevations for the Price Club facility. At that time, the Cammieaion recommended approval of the plane eubj act to the elimination of the file roof elements over the main entry and providing a Llat root design consistent with that shown for the Lire center entry. The plane for the Price Club have since been revised consistent with the Flaming Coamiesion's direction. Ma star Plan: On June 6, 1991, the Planning Com:ission zevieved the overall master plan for tM proj set. The Commission recommended approval of the project subject to the following conditions: a. The design of Pad 8 was not acceptable in that euf Eic lent stacking distance wam nqt provided for the fast food restaurant. The plan should be rev Led to provide a design that is feasible for development. b. The design o[ Majors 5-e and Shop G Sa not acceptable. Variation should be provided Sn the building footprints, elevation fenestration, and bul lding heights with future submittals. c. The Commission noted that provisions, other than the twa fast food restaurants, were not made for restaurant users within the eastern portion of the site. If the applicant is proposing additional restaurant users, adjustments will have to be made in the square footage of the buildings to ensure adequate Dorking L provided, ac required by the Development Code. d. site amenities should be provided across the alto to link the various elements oL the project. A hierarchy of site amenities should be provided to physically and visually link elements across the site. The prLary emphasis of this hierarchy should be along the north/south drive aisles. The exact elements and extent of the amens Lien should be reviewed by the Planning Cosm:iasion. The hierarchy adght include such elements as bur lding focal points, kiosks, trelllaea, seating areas/benches, colored/textured walkways, signage, street furniture, and landscaping. The applicant should submit architectural details and elements to be reviewed and approved Dy the Planning Commission to establish an architectural vocabulary to be used as the basis for design of future buildings within she center. I l3 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 90-77 -THE WATTEON COMPANY June 26, 1991 Page 6 The compact parking spaces provided by the applicant were acceptable for the Fallowing reasons: 1) The compact parking within the Wal-Mart area was in addition to those apacee required under the Development Code. Standard spaces have been provided to meet the Code requitement for parking stalls. 2} Compact apacee provided for the eastern portion of the Bite exceed current Code atandarde, they are the same width as standard etalla (9 feet) and are 1 foot longer than compact etalla (17 Ceet versus 16 Feet). Under the Development Code, a 1 Coot overhang Se permitted for standard stalls and the proposal would only result in a 1 Foot reduction of a standard eta ll. If, however, the applicant proposes to alter or modify the deli qn of the pazkSng area in the eastern portion of the site, the atandarde in place at the time o[ the proposed revision moat be complied with. g. Pads along the I-15 Corridor should be designed to be sensitive to the visibility from the freeway. Bui ldinga should not be oriented with their hacks to the freeway and sufficient, architecturally deai gned, roof-mounted screening should 6e provided. Historic Preservation Commission: AS noted under the Site Chazacteristlca section of the staff report, the project location contains the remains of a family owned and operated winery and a filling station characteristic of the 1920a through the 1960x. The complex represents a historic period, style, and way of life which Se becoming more and more rare Sn the City. Because of ire hiataric significance, the Historic Preservation Commission reviewed the site for possible Loeal Landsazk Designation. In considering the site, the Hiatorle Preservation Coemieeion felt that a Loeal Landmark Deaignatlen would not be appropriate. This decision vas based on the fact that the Bite hoe been significantly altered and destroyed to a point where recommending Landmazk Designation over owner objection roe not merited. The Historic Preservation Com:iaeion did, however, feel that the history of the area sMuld be in same ray co®emozeted. M a result, the Historic Preservation Commission recommended approval of the site ae a point of interest to the City Council subject to a series of mitigation meaeure9. The City Council aubsequnntly approved the Resolution with the following mitigations: The project owner shall sponsor a City approved oral Niatory Program of the pioneering/wine-making families of the subject area. ~/~ PLANNING COMMISSION ~iAFF REPO ET CUP 90-37 - THE WATTSON COMPANY .'une .. X597 Page 7v, 2. The existing structures shall be documented fatly according to HASS/NAER stands rde by an archttect approved by the Ctty• 3. Project owners shall offer to donate the Gui dera and Di Carlo homes over n period of 130 days to persons demonstrating ownership of land within the City of Rancho Cucamonga suitable for such reloeaiion. The project owners will pey For such relocntion. 4. The applicant shall incorporate the familial and architectural past of the area into commissioned public art integral to the a"^h~`°^""" -'-- ~. •° y. ~jecc. ~rnre art shall portrny southern Etiwanda's wine-making past in a realistic style and the applicant will submit no leas than three alternatives, in no leas than three different artistic mediums, for the Historic Preservation Comma se ion's review. The final apeci [icetione for this architecturally integrated artwork shall be approved by the Planning Commission. 5. The applicant eF.all use personal names and those o[ associative qualities, such as vinery names or wine labels, on the project site wherever possible. 5. No demcli lion permits shall be issued for existing structures within the project site until the issuance of building permits for ary new structure. The applicant shall contribute up to 3100,000 to establish a fund for the reconstruction oP a 2,000 square foot barn at the site of the City owned ChafEey-Garcia house, wherein Local wine industry artifecta will be documented and displayed. Said funds 9ha11 1J8 3onated prior to the issuance of demolition permits. The design of said structure shall follow the design of the original Chaffey-Garcia barn and its execution 9ha11 be subject to review and approval of the Historic Preservation Commission in the form of a Landmark Alteration Permit. F. Environmental Assessment: 1n completing the Initial Study, staff has identified that there are several potential environmental impaota as a result of the project. These items include: Traffic: 9acauae of the unusual configuration of the site and the type of users being considered, including two 100,000+ square Eoot users, a traffic study was prepared to address potential impede from the site on surrounding properties. This report addressed the trip generation Erom the site at the various driveway access points to public streets. In addition, the report addressed the impecta of the project at intersections and provided deli gna for the ultimate design of the intersections. Aa a result, the applicant will be providing the following mitigations: 11.E PLANNING COMMISSION ,.fAFF R£POAT CUP 90-37 - THE NATTSON COMPANY ,n_ne oa .oq. Page S a. Foothill Boulevard will be improved with three through lanes on the south aide of the street, a fully developed median, and two through lanes on the north side of the street. b. Dual left-turn lance will 6e provided at the main entry to the project to accommodate turning movements into the site and to provide for turning movements into the future project on the north side of Foothill Boulevard. c. Dual IeEt-turn lanes will be provided for eastbound traffic on Foothill Boulevard turning north onto Etiwande Avenue. d. Dual laf*-tn.~ ~+^•• ___ _o rrc't11e.. «ai uc neaainq north on Etiwanda Avenue end turning veetbound on Foothill Boulevard. e. R1 qht-turn lanes will be provided for each driveway along Foothill eoulevard and the northerly driveaay on Etiwanda Avenue. f. A left-turn only median break will be prowl dad at the wee tern-moat driveaay along Foothill Boulevard in order to access the far eouthweat corner of the project. 2. Tree Preservation: This Bite contains many mature trees located in basically three areas. A number of mature trees era located around the exieti ng single-family residences and winery complex. Also, a_c luster of trees Ss located in the southwest portion of the site around shat was once the E19 Bear Winery. Finally, a double row of Eucalyptus trees occupies approximately two-thirds of the Poothill Boulevard frontage. Many of these trees are classified ae heritage trees and ae such, are subject to the Tree Preservation OYdinance. A Condition of Approval hoe been included requiring the approval of a Tree Removal Permit prior to the issuance of grading permits. An azboriat's report shall be prepared in conjunction with the Tree Removal Permit to address the possibility oP preservation and/or relocation of existing trees on Bite. 3. Cultural Reaourcea: A9 noted in the Historic Preservation Commission portion of the staff report, there are a number of cultural resources on th6 site. The Historic Preservation Commission took these isauea into consideration in eatabliahing the mitigation measures contained in their Resolution 91-01 (See Exhibit "F"1. These mitigation measures have been included in the Reso lotion of Approval for the master plan. Therefore, although the proje of could have a significant effect in these areas, staff found that there will not be a significant effect in this case because of the mitigation meeeures which have been incorporated into the project design or included as Conditions of Approval. Staff recommends issuance of a mitigated Negative Declaration. /I W PLANNING CDMMIBSION ofAFF REPORT CUF 90-37 - THE WATTSON COMPANY Curie 26, 1991 Faqev III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The Con di [Soria] Uae Permit appl4cat ion is consistent with the General Plan, the Development Code, and the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan. The project will not be detrimental to adjacent properties or cause significant environmental impacts. The proposed uses and Site plan, together with the Conditions of Approval, are in compliance with the applicable Provisions of the Foothill Boole va r3 5peeific Plan, Development Code, and City at ands rda• The Foothill Boulevard 5pecitic Plan Amendment will provide for the development of a comprehena ively planned urban community that is superior to the development otherwise allowable under alternative regulations. The amendment will provide for development of the Specific Plan in a manner which Se consistent wl«:. «n. n. _-:_ ,- i«, cne related development and growth management policies of "the~City. The amendment will provide for the canatruction, improvement, and exienaion of transportation tacilitiea, public utilities, and public services required within the Specific Plan. Additionally, Lha amendment will not be detrimental to the public health or safety or cause nui aancee or significant adverse environmental impacts. IV. coRRESPONDENCE: These items have been advertised ae public hearings in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, notices were Bent to all property owners within the subarea of the 5peeific Plan, and the Bite was posted. V. RECDNMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Comma eaioD approve Conditional Use Permit 90-37, issue a mitigated Nggntive Declaration for the Conditional use Permit, and recommend approval of Environmental Assessment and Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment 90-D4 to the City Council. Respec ly submitted, Brad ler City lartner BB:SM:sp Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Site Utillzntion Plan exhibit "B" - Conceptual Bite Plan Exhibit "C" - Conceptual Landscape Plan Exhibit "D" - Conceptual Grading Plan Exhibit "E^ - Building Elevations Exhibit "F^ - Clty Council Reed lotion No. 91-059 Resolution recommending approval of Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment 90-04 Resolution of Approval Eor Conditional Uae Permit 90-37 ~~~ ~' ~~ '~ .~ ---~-- '~ 'Qrigina{ Poor ~ual;ty ~~~ z \ U ~I ~~ U ~~~ 'Original Poor ~ual;ty a- a~ ~. _ : ~ -.'-- e ~ n z ~~ w ua . ~~ C U 'Original Poor ~~,~ai;ty /~ ~~~ , / !/ °~ /, ~<: ~ s 'j/`YV' ~I ~P :/ i,~ /'1~!r ~t ,, ~, !,, iil /,' .aoa .ao. /.' i ~ ~ ~ .. ~, C11Y OF ~~ UCAMONGA ITEM. ciu~ ~ ~ ~~ PLAN1Vt , ,, ION ~'E' ~~ '~ N ... 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I ~ w_ !sue ~ ~ ~ ~~ N ^T .r \ .11.E=y:a ~ W ., ' r ! ~ p ~3 y z t a V U ~~ ~ e _._,1~ ~~i r ~ ., ~1°~ '' ~' F ~~ 7- z i r 1 f ,' - ;Snat.Po~r ~uaL:y ~.. $S~ 3«~ ,r,-» - .~:. ~_ - e F VC ,N I V C~C X~X F W 0 ~o ~~ U~ xQ ~~ a U (~.~ Bpad Bui lit, City Fiannar, eracad that Tom crann, Aaaietant Plennar, moss available to snewar quutlone regarding the written craft rapart. chairman McNial opened tM public hearing. David Buxbaum, Vineyard National Bank. 9590 Foothill Boulevard, Rancho Cucamonga, accepted the eondltione. Motion: Moved by Toletoy, seconded by Melehar, to adopt the reeolut ion approving Conditional Uee Permit 91-22. Notion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMIS EIONERS: MCNIEL, MELCNER, TOLSTOY, VALLETT6 NOES: COIMIEEIONERS: NONE :.L.:~:::. wiirii.ieiJnbna: wauan -NCtlem • • • f P. MNCNO CUClWONCw - A requaaC to add Emotion 17.08.0!0-P and Ssct ion 17.08.070-8 to the Development Coda atablishlnq property maintaanes atandarde and ongoing maintenance raqulreemntm for multiple lamily dwellings. Chairman McNial opened the public haring. Motion: Moved by Toletoy, seconded by Melchor, to continua 8nvironmental Aeaeaament and Development Coda pandment 91-03 Co July 30, 1991. Mot ion carried by the folla+inq vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: MCN IEL, MELCNBR, TOLSTOY, VALLBTTE NOES: COMNISEIONSRE: NONE ABESNT: COMMISSIONERS: CNITIEA -carried J 90-Od - Tffi NATTEON COMPANY - A request to modify the median break location on Foothill Boulavaxd, to add a median Dreak location on Foothill BouLvard, and io Chang: tae land ua dalgnation from Light Industrial to Regional Related Commercial [or an arse of approximately 26 acres within the lootaill Boulevard Specific Plan (8ubara e), located oh tM ust aide of InGrstab 15, south o! Foothill Boulevard. Tama rsquata, are in conjunction with tM development o[ a x60 acts retail/caammrcial cenbr locaud on tam south •ide of Foothill Boulevard betwan I-19 and 8tlwanda Avenue - APN: 229-031-03 through 13, 15, 16, and 20. SCatf rscomarnde Lauanw o! a Negative Declaration. Aelaud FiLa: Conditional Uso Permit 90-37 and Tatar Lva ParNl Nap 13724. Planning CaamUSion MSnuUa -21- June 26, 1991 13 ~ EXH1617 B ENVI RONNENTAL_A936S9N6NT ANO. COpSjfj,ONAL USE PEAMIT 90-3] - TNB NATTEON COMPANY - A request Lor maatee plan approval of a i60 sera stall/commercial center containing approximately 550,000 aquas twt of leasable space and • requut !or approval of conceptual ^Lte plan and building elevatlona for the Prices Club far pity in the Mglonal Mlated commercial and Light Industrial deLLgnations of the foothill Boulevard specific PLn (Subarea 4), locsiad on the south side of -oothill Boulevrd between Interetata 35 and Etiwanda Avenue - APN: 229-031-03 through 13, 15, 16, and 20. 9tnf! ssammende luuanee of a mitigated Negative Oeclarat ion. Related lilsn Foothill BouLVard Sgcif LC Plan AmendmenC 90-04 and Tentative Parcel Map 13724. L. 7 COMPANY - A aubdividon of 56.91 aero of Land into 15 parcels Ln the Remional Related CmnereLl and Liaht Industrial dulmnatLona of the Pooth111 Boulward apeeifie Plan (aubaru •~, loeatW on the south aide of foothill Boulevard hetwNn InterntaG 35 and Etlwanda Avenue - APN: 229-031-03 through 13, 15, 16, and 20. 9taft recomende Suuance o! Negative Oeclar•Cion. Mlated -iles: loothlli EouLVard Epeclflc Plan Amendment 90-04 and Conditional Dee Permit 90-37. Scott Nutphy, Auoelab Planner, prorated the staff report and sugquted the addition of • condition requiring bicycle stoxsge apacee. commioioner Meleher ukad 1f the elwatlonn shown on the wall included tM changes and were what the applicant proposed for approval. Mr. Murphy repponded attlrmatlvely. Chairman McNlsl opened the public hearing. Phillip Ramming, The Wattaon Company, 840 Newport linter Drive, /655, Newport A•ash, voiced concern about wnatructlnq the complete intenectlon improvemanta et 6tiwanda one foothill and the potential impacts on an ezlating, unownsd etrueture on tM northeast corner. Ha reguo!•d Nut Engineering Condition 6 be clarl[led that the wLdeninq of 6tiwanda Avenue be only in the area contiquoun to their property. He oked thst language 6s added to Engineering Conditions 16 and 17 to provide for nimbunearnt to TM west Gaon Company 1t the temporary drainage Lac111tio are uud by someone else. He asked it Engineering Condition 14 duplicated any o! the drainage fso. Chairman McNiel asked Barrye Hannon, Senior Civ11 Engineer, to comment on Mr. Ramminq'a quutiona. Mr. xannon responded that Condition 14 did not duplicate any of the .drairage faun. Ha Bald the intent of Condition 6 in to widen Etiwanda Avenue adjacent to the project plus any necuury trandtion lance at tM boundariu. Mr. Renm•inq stated YM other side of the stmt L et ill undefined. Planning CoraoLeion Mlnubs -22- June 26, 1491 13.s Mr. Nanson stabd a reimbursement clauu was not inc Lulled whh condttione 16 and 17 because stet[ hit it highly unlikely thst other dove lcpment will uw the two syeiems Wcauu Ghey ace inbrlm. Ne LndicaGd that ae the major project Ln the aru, !t wu felt TM Wat teen Company should bwr the coat. Xe said nothing would preclude the appl lcsnt frwa approaching the City Engineer at a later time for reimbureesmnt if au eh use would occur. ~ Mz. Ramming uid the axletlnq facility on the northuet corner at Bt Lwanda and Foothill is eloee to the setback and the property does not belong to them. Ne did not foal they should make changes to axiatinq alructure• Choy did not awn. Mr. Xanson ruponded the city does not have epeclflc plane at this time ana modifications would be made in the plan chock proeees. Mr. Rasmllnq agreed that was utlsLCtory. He requuted that the scords be cnangea to LnO irate LM appllcant'• name L "[oothlll Maibtplace PaxtnKe." Brad Buller, Clty PLnnex, eked that the requested change be conveyed In writing. Mr. Ramming agreed to that. Xe appreciated the work that had been done by the commiutonero, Brad Buller, and eeott Murphy. He eked if a eiG plan mould ee attached a an exhibit to the Conaitlonal qw Pexmi! tuolution o! approval. CommUeloner Melchor felt that was an excellent suggestion. commluloner Valletb aelud 1[ a •ite plan were included as an exhibit Lf 1G would mean the Commiulon was voting on more than the Parcel Map and concept. Nr. Nurphy replied Lhat the• Resolution referarcu a Nutec Plan, conceptual vita plan, and Price Club •lovations. Mr. Buller stabd thou are several t1U plans including one which rKlecu only the landscaping. Be said typically the resolutions reference an entice atafE report and the exhibits uhieh were included In the staff report. Mr. Murphy sggqoted using the •iG plan depicted on 6xhi61t B-1 of the staff report. Comaiuianor Tolstoy etatetl that a developments occur with new haws •Lgned antl new tenants introduced, changes an made. He wondered if a ^Lb plan were included Ln the early otagee it that mould mesa the applicant would have to return every time they wanted to change the db plan. Chairman McNiel suggested a ^SU plan be included u t point of reference. Commissioner Tolstoy agreed that a •lto plan could W included as a point of reference, but wanted it noted that the cite plan may change quite a bil. Commissloner Meleher felt inclusion o! • •ite plan mould clarify which •ite plan the eondii lone more written against. planning Commission Minutes -23- June Z6, 1991 / 3 CP Hr. Hurphy stabd that any dgnlf icant changes to tM master plan would requite an amendaunt to the master plan, at which time new exhlblb could M provided. Mr. Buller stabd Lhat mubr plans have taken various [oxme dependln9 upon ~ the project involved. H• uid tM term ester plan has ban interpreted to moan a variety of things, not merely a sib plan. H+ indicated a mutt plan may include architectural concepts, sign programs, etc. Ne uid tM exhibit could be attached a+ a conceptual site plan. It was the conwneu• of the CommLsion that Exhibit a-1 from tM staff report would repruent tM conreptual sib plan. Hr. Ramming agrud that wind M helplul. Ne uid tMit main objection to tM ruclution wu tM historic Dreservailon conditions. He lelt there should M a logical nexus MtwNn eondlt ions and what Ls on tM sits. He also felt there should M • relatlonehip Mtwen tM sul+ of tM sitigations aM what i• on LM sib. He felt tM Historic Pruervatlon conditions did not Mve relevance to what is on sib and repruented an inappropslaie wonmio burden of $350,000 to $a00,000. He sold the historiesl designation did cwt occur until after they had out with staff several times. Hs thought the sponsorship of the Oral History Program wish regard to wine making [amilies was not truly relevant to their sib ae tM lsmilles had moved away from Lhe site many years ago. He agreed to Che docuarntaClon requirement in Condition 2 Lf [M houwe ors demolished, but requeeied that the condition M modified to wales tM documsntatlon requirement if the houses are moved. He askW that the time frame for advertising CM Guldsra and DiCarlo homes M cut to 60 days with a 30 day waiting period [ollowlnq LM advertl+lnq. Hs thought the advsrii+ement mould get eut[ieient uposan during a 60-day period. He Lndicaied LM spplieant fully supports Conditions a and 5. He asked that demolition petmit^ be issued ai the time of grading permits imbed of at tM building permit iuuancs stage. Mr. Ramming felt there is no logical connection Mtwen tM applicant's property and tM construction of a barn ai the Cha!!ey-Garcia houu. He Bald they had been told !M tool budget for reconstruction of the barn L only 5120,000, and they felt it wu improgr that they M required to fund $100,000 of Chat budget. Commie Loner Helcher eked why the advertising period of 1B0 days ws considered a problem. Hr. Ramming replied tMt they anticiptb Minq under construction within 180 days and they did not want to have to welt Cor the expiration of the advertising period. He uid eMy mould not objwi Yo continuing the advertising 1f they more not rudy Co pull a grading permit within the rims trams. CommLsicner Melchor did not feel CM plans mould M teviewd within tMt length o[ time. Hr. Ramming seplLed they anticipate proceeding a quickly as possible ud N agreed to advert Linq a long a pouibU. planning Commluion Hlnubs -24- Juns 26, 1991 137 Chairmen McN isi asked it wculd net ba auaaibla .- xe lerata the houu¢ elsewher on CM alto if neceaaary. Nr. Ramming atatad they hat tonaldered grading around tW houws, but !t would atld anormoua Costa Co the grading. H. ea id City afsff had triad to gat the Natropolitan Wahr District to accept the houwe a caretaker hoaua, but ha did not fail the houua ors o[ part Seulac ly hl9h goal Lty and tW NetcopolL[an Water District hoe not Lndicsted an interest in them. CommieaLonar Valletta commented that even if [ha Guiders and DLCarlo houaae do not fit the concept of what 1a a lino house, that would not naceaaatily mean tW houua do not haw hietorie•1 mar it. Chairman McNLQ uid the chaftsy-Caxeia houu waa in wry bad shape before 6•inq rutored and La nwr an oust to the community. Hr uid tNre is a poulbllrty tns i .._ _ .._.. ~ hw moved and ha did not teal suth a move could W compleGd with a 60-d•y period. Nr. Ramming uid Cho houua ors in elan proximity to Foothill Boulevard ud could delay construction. Ne asked that if an lntereated party le found to take the houaa, that the recipient pay the coat o[ moving CM houu. Hs indicated they had today received a letter from tW Plies Cupaniu. Hs felt the letter was in conflict with tM uttlement agresarnt which they signed. Hs uid page 5 of the wttlement agreement stated Plies would coopertr with Foothill Marketplace Partners in obtaining final up and would not oppou the final map. Hs uid the Utur gave • strong implication that Foothill Marketplace Parenars heA not Wen working with them and they had not bun informed about the plans for the property they an ae111nq Co Foothill Narkatplsee Partners and the antics master plan. Ha reported [hat thry first met with Plise in September, one month otter purchasing the property, and showed the pl•n^ and explained a road would not W avaiLble. Hs ^aid additional uetinga wets held on January 24 and Mazch 14, 1991, and the plan waa not vagw. Ha eommentad that the Plies contud that Foothill Marketplace Partner did not comply with tW traffic nquicemengi but Ln Lace tM traf tie sport had been updated and was felt to be eompLtely valid. Hs said !n addition the Hnvizonmental Impact Report prpaced for tW Foothill 8oulward Speeif Le Plsn had eontamplaNd the propoud nee. Hs thought the project ae deigned La in LW Wat interut of the coamunity. Daniel Plies, Pliu Compeniee, 22706 Aspen Stret, SuiW 701, 81 Toco, rtaGd they owned tM adjoining 38+ acre. Hs referenced a latter dated June 25, 1991, regarding tN project. Ns thought tW proposed e1U plan La short sighted and damayinq to other property owners in the block. Hs cequeated a continuance of the public hearing to allow • meeting utwun tW City, The Watt wn Company, and Pllae. Ns objected to the traffic plan Weauu the aiW plan don not provide for ettut accue tram Foothill to tW Plies property. Hs thought the traffic study was Coo conf lned in its scope and tW environmental review was inadequau. Hs contended that the proposed traffic circulation pattern duo not coordinate with tM atret pattern eetabliehed by neighboring Tentative Tract 9326. Hs enumerated tW exhlbita attached to his letWr. Ha uid tW propoud nwlutions did not incluu their parul. Hs reported that on Nay 10, 1991, they gave limited consist conditional open tW Planning Commiaaion Minutes -25- June 26, 1991 /3g clueing of aacrow of the northerly 9.7 acres of their property and they aia not canaent to any other portion of Chair property. Ne uu surprised they had not bean noti[iad of lava Planning COmmiaaiOn workshops. Ne sold they had provided the watteon group with • copy of the Auattn-PaWt tra[fie study which had previously bean pnpatsd for the Pliaa Companio. Ha /aid they also ~ provided various trot Eic elceulation plena which woultl be acceptable to the Plies companies. N• aald they Nava owned the property since the 1970'• and have been working on plena for devalopmsnt [or the peat six ygza. Xe felt the plena thou ld be coordlnabd. Chairman McNlal stabd he felt it was unthinkable that the Pliu Companio would be Sn aacrow to ull ptoperiy to augont additional property and not be aware of what was proposed for the land. Mr. P1lee stated they did not know of the appl icationa until February 1991 when they fuse mr an oten uon of tnau map which wu axplrlnq in MazCh 1991. Ne oid at that Clme he met with staff regarding the appl Lcatioo. Mark Nit ikman, Latham 6 watkine, 650 Town canter Drive, Costa Moa, stated they entered into an agreement with Wanq, the prwlous owners o[ the property, who transferred the agreement to the Xattson Company. chairman McNiel stated the city could not gat Involved Sn Dusineae disagreements betueo prlvau cltirens. Hz. Plio stated he would like to knp to the Suue of the Cra[!ic studio and what is good for iha eammunity. He oid they haw been left out of the loop. Xr. Nitikman raUrrsd to Piqura F in • January Z9, 1989, Plsnninq CommLSion staff report. He old the riattopolitan water District needed more property and a• a reau lt, a strut which had ban planned Sn tM Industrial Aro specific Plan and the Foothill Boulward apaciLic Plan had to be eliminaisd. Ne said the reviud street contlqurat ion was shown on Fiqura P Sndieatinq a atraeG would connect the propartlu with Eiiwanda Avenue and with Foothill Eoulavard. He stated the new proposal plane to dead-end all other properties juai north oC the read the P1 its Companies had Deen told they would have io build. He oid the Nattwn project will ltmlt the aega• and would not provide aeeu• for the Pliaa property to foothill ar 6tiwanda. He oid the trnffie study done by the Beith companies looked at the fret [ie implications of the project only to the boundaries of the project. He acid there was no comment on the affects on Arrow Roub, Etiwanda north or south, or on Toothill wut of I-15. Ne felt CBQA requires an expanded trat[ic study and moat addru• air quality impae[s. He felt the project will cruG conqution on Foothill and 6liwuda and would increase [he conqution on I-15. Ha [elf the plann!nq wu contrary to the city's specific plan for eM area. Ne oid mitigation cannot ba deferred under CEgA and mitigation has bean deferred to future studio. Hs oid thet abdicated the naponaibtlity o[ the Plsnninq CommLeion to tM City 6nginur. He wld environmental iuuo must W dolt with Ln the baginnlnq of the proses. Ha felt ihara care carious quutlons about the most appropriate traffic paturn, whether traffic impacts will be properly mitigated, trn pruervation, and air goal lay necositated an Environmental Impact Report. planning Caamluion Minute -26- June Z6, 1991 x,39 Mr. Ramalnq mated ha was not aura how the roxd plan propoad by the Plies Campania would improve the [raffle •Ltuat ion. Ne wa confident that the eoncera brought up by clef! and the concerns ngardinq the [rattle on •Lther •lde of the project axe Covered admirably by the Environmental Impact Report that waa done for tAe Foothill eculevard 5peclflc plan. He thought that many of the tlocumenta pnon4d by tM Plies Companiu actually support tN direct ien taken by Foothill Marketplace. No said they purehaed an option to purchase the property in 1990 and had to file lit lgation to torte that right. Ne thought the Pllo Companies should have reserved aright acrou the property that they were oiling fot the road Choy wished to have. N¢arlnq no fureher testimony, chairman Mc Niel closed the public hoer Lnq. Paul Rougau, Traffic snginor, etabd the traf[ie study re[erenced by the plies Colapats analyad thres or four wniona of • ewellLe orn_mwa e.....~ r+ao praperrau prusnted to tM traffic enginar for analyst. The analyst produced a report that under the condltloa shown, that type o! development would b• beet orvad by specific attest pattern. He said Lt analyzed a project which waa a continuous Ottice/Commercial project stretching between Foothill Boutvard and arrow Aoute. He indicated the report did not result t a recommendation that the era required any particular attest pattern !or ulttat overall planning. He rtated • 1989 Industrial spsci[ic Plan amendment and tM -oothlll Specific plan aeoption wparatad the Commercial sad Industrial propaeties Ln tM block. He esid the proposed project conforms to tM Industrial 9peeifle Plan amendment, which did not dteuo conneeilnq tM two uses or connecting arrow Rout and Foothill aoulevard. He reported that the Figure ! of ExAibit 6 rehreneed by Mr. plies shows potential acqu polnb to the Regional Related Cosexfzcial development, no! CM entire block. He reported tAat Che project Wtore the Commiuion tht evening was revlevsd with respect to tAe exist inq. Foothill Boulevard Spec LfLc Plan and the existing Industrial area Spec if lc Plan. Mt. Murphy reteraeed Flqure B of the Plies Companies Exhlblt 6 and aid tM tLqure indicate access should W taken from a cal-des-ac stmt off arrow Route if the area Ss developed as LigAt Industrial. Ha ea id the text a! Cho staff report indicated the Kreet layout wu dependant upon whether the property is to W dweloped Regional Related Coamerctl or LigAt Irttlustrtl. Mr. Hannon stated that 6xhtblt 9 ahowa a latter to the Ciiy from Mr. plisa' engineer indicating • road alignment going from arrow to Foothill, Dut does not include Lhe cupoese io that latter. Mr. Hannon stated the City'• response eUted the pia would be coaidered during the Speeit Lc Plan anulndment proceo. Ha aid there wes no indieat ion of the City'• support for each a stmt and during eM Speclft Plan amartdment procoa it was decided the rtrat would not go through. Hr. Rougesu commented that Clty start felt Lhat t connecting street wes undesirable if the pargt along Foothill are developed es Commercial and LAe remainder developed ae aaparate Industrial parcels. He indicated staff feel that Co plan • Commercial project [tom Pooihlll to arrow is not in complianw with any of tM adopted plans. Planning Comotslon MinuGS -27- June Z6, 1991 (~D Cortmiu loner Na lchar asked Hr. Rougaau'• opinion of the Auatin-Faux anglneering firm. Hr. Rouganu responded the edopany Lw a vary eoml»snt teat! ie anginssring firm which compiled thw City'• overall traffic modal. Ha thought sons oL the reports and letUrs wcitCen to the Plies Compania• have parhapa bean mi•Lnterprntad by CM P1lee Campanian. Ha did not fwl the eonelusions reached Dy the Auatin-least studios for the Pliae Companies era in disagreement with any of the rtudles the City hen approved or reviewed. Commiuioner MQeher aekwd about the comment from Auwt in-Fauwi'• Junw 16, 1991, latter that the limits of tM study ware evenly eon! inwd. Ha aakm if that would make the study inval Sd. Mr. Rouquu agreed that the Kudy wan limited to the projecE bateau wta[t felt the overall regional imps uauona nw wean audi.aad Lr -cc.... Baulward Specific Plan and its aasociabd tralfLe and anvironrnCel atudiea. Ha acid the traffic study prepared for foothill Markatplas wan intended to be epeeific to the project to addroa more detailed eonewrns. He reported that staff had eked for reviaionw of the study, which lianas-Taus! had not nviawW. Hr. Buller stated CNra had Wan an intaraaL in looking at altsrnaU land uuw for the Pliu property other than the straight Industrial land uu currently permitted. He aid the street wu <onaidarad as • pouibility of extuding the potent Sal Lor Commercial dwelopmwnt furtMr south. He Lndieatwd the opportunity was made available to the phew Campanian to dwslop a master plan which would prove ouch an opt ton would be feasible. Ha uld that opportunity genwrstad the master plan and the traffic study prepared for tM Plisw Compnnlew. Hn stated the 8ooihill Boulevard Specific Plan and the Industrial Area BpeeiEie plan both till for a neparat ion batwun the Industrial and Commercial areas. Ha raitaratad Chat no etrwt is duignated in the Industrial Plan. Chairmen McNLl awkwd it Nr. Aouguu if he felt traffic study prepared by TM Reath Companies wu adsquaG for tM Foothill Marlwtplaca proj nat. Mr. Rouquu agreed the overcall study wu accsptahU as corrected by wtaff. He •aid atatt wow waiting for Linal clarlf SCat ion on one atm. Mr. Bullet gave background on <hw Hlatoric Pzuervation Conditlone. He u1d they resulted from a conwidarat ion Eor designation of Landmark status of the etrueturn on the property. Hs reported the strueturu ware domed not to M worthy of Landmark status, but worthy of a Point o[ Interest designation. He said the rsegmendations were forwarded to the Planning Commission and nfsrenead in a city Council action. He stated City Council had aeon the conditions and did no[ object to any of the conditions. He acid the Planing Ccwmalsrion had tN right to modi!y any o! the conditions, Dut ccmmanb had been madw by Council Hmensn that the applicant wan getting off lightly. Hs nuggectad the oral History condition cou14 bs capped not to sxcwad a certain amount. He sported the Hiwtoric Pnucvatlon Commission felt the homes should bs tlocumwntad whntMr they wen daeglLhed or moved. Ne commented there Planplnq CammLsion Hinutew -28- Juns Z6, 1991 1~~ Netropolltan water Di KY1CC ^N ]ndlss!ed to eratf n daairs co maeC on-sib tP inspect the !ntarier of the homes? howswr, the watteon Companies nave not bean sole to schedule each a moat ing. Ha suggutsd the advertising could begin Lmmediably antl an eggrsuive marketing effort would intlleate whether the Condition should be changetl end the applicant could return to tpe Commission if they hit the Lima frame needs to be changed. Ne said staff would not obj wt to tying demolition permits to the luuance of gradtnq permits Lnsbad of Dutldlnq psrmLte. He nporisd the NLtoric Proervat ion CommLelon felt the maximum 9100, ODD contribution for reeonstructlon of a barn at the Chaffey-Carela house was sppropriaCe end tN City Council had not objected to that condition. commLrioner Nalcher ukad the city Attorney !o roma,eni n9artlinq relevancy of requtring the nconetruct!on of the barn to the proposed project. Aa1ph Hen eon, Deputy Clty Atiornsy, stated the ~_-_ :;wn ae particularly unusual. He said tn. ~ .._-t..r..e ace apeeltle mltlgatlon meuures to support .....: jusu[y a mitLgaLd Negative Declaration so tar as LC reLees to cultural ruourws on Che project sin. conmLetonu Nalcher die not fNl tMre le • cultural rewurce ai presort on the project site. He felt that !t the two old houps npreunt something of the City's pact which le worthy of uvlnq, Historic Preservation conditions 1 through 6 adequately addnee the hLtoric upect. Ne did not think Condition 7 wa• relevant. Cwmiieslomr Vsllstta asked if the canopy an the esrvln station on Etlwanda and Pmothill could b. preesrvetl or at least doeumeneed Lf it must M removed to complete the intersection. earrye Hanson responded that the final p]ana for the inbnect ion have not been drawn and Lt Ls not known for sure that they canopy will have to ba removed. Commiuionar Vallebb eked It the Planning Commiuion would ravlew the proposed removal. 8arrys Hannon ap14d that perhaps the Hlstorlc Pnesrvstion epmmleslon would ravlew the plane. He aid they would obtain as complete an 3ntsresction ae ponible, but 8nginsetinq would respect any historic stsuctures. Nr. Bul Ur eked /! the intersection would require any dedication of additional property tram the northwest corner. Barrye Nsnwn rupontled that it may possibly regain additional property. Comoluioner Vsllstte expresesd concern that the Comminion ravlew any changes to the •tructun. Nr. Buller wggested Che resolution be nvlsed to provide that if slNCatlons to the existing Duildtnge an raquind, chat the structure 6e nvlswed for its Planning commission Nlnutes -19^- June Za, 1991 J ~d` historical signif icancs by tM Hiocoric pie:er': at_ n COCM19aian and Planni :g Coemiuion and appropriab mitigat icn meaeuru be aeta6l iohed. Chairman McNiel uksd 1f the buildSng hatl bean cone Lderod. Nr. eul Lr replied thaE the projett proponents liked the hLGOric nnture that ~ the oorvico station hoe and they haw indicated nn interest in carrying out the esaenee in the project but the actual distance of the canopy from CM right of way has rot been determined. He said the HLtoeic Pruervation Cortaaietion has noc cone iderad the eignitleaneo a yet. Hr. Murphy ataGd that the applieant'• engineer ptewntod a dgign depleting the canopy in the middle of the right turn lane. commiedonsr Melchor felt thaC it a burden fall on the applicant 6ecsues of the structure, the developer anouiu :.. -l:glk]o __ ~..,..,.r cows from Luture development of the other three corners of the LnGaoct ion. Cwamiu ionoc Valletta felt thnE was aatisfaetory. Chairman McNiol aekod if the City war had an agreement witR the P1 La Companion based on anything other than the pouiDU creation of a potentially proposed •ite plan. Barrye Hanson 6atsd there wu no agreement. Chairman McNiel aekod if s conceptual dG plan was pruentod by the Plin companin. Mr. Murphy rupondod a formal application wu never sabmitbd and thorn was only a preliminary review. Barrye Henson stated there wan a not placed in the City'• file [hat the applicant had withdrawn the preliminary review. Chairman McNiel reopened the public hearing to ask it the applicant was In concurrence with what was diecugsd Dy the City planner. Mr. Ramming indicated they would like ^ reaaoneble cap on the oral History Program condition. He said they would be willing to leave the advoriislnq time frame eo long as they could return to the Commiuion to request the time frame 6e shortened Lf necusary. Ho requested that anyone accepting the houwe G required to pay for the tranaportac ion of the houue. Chairman McN1U felt that no ono would accept the houeu if they had to pay the mewing coats. He Lelt tM requirea»nta wore unbellevabU light. Mr. Ramming asked that HLtoric Pnprvation Condition 7 r.gardinq the tonsGructlon of the barn !» removed. Comalesioner Tolotoy asked if the Oral History Program condition Teter only to families who had lived on the property. Planning Commiuion Nlnutes -3Q- June 16, 1991 / ,Y/I-3 Mr. eul lar rap lied it wouid not n:e:::arily be L'm!tetl to •emecne whu ha3 lived on the property. Ha said the condition was to ask [or part lc ipation !n the Oral HLtory Progsam and would Lncluda any lamilUa who had developed and farmed in the era known a the Italian wine making aese. Ha wid other property developers may also be eked to part icipau. Commie inner Tolatoy rtagd they applicant wa heinq aakad to part lcipate in the Oral History Program, not to fund the ant ire program. Mr. Murphy replied that the Orel History program will b. n compilation of the different arse oC the community. Hr. Reaming stated he had been told CM City has a program and they wre being aakad to pay [or the City to implement ik. Commis sinner Nelenei aazeo ii u.. J.......-_ , ___~_ ~ ~~ al .eadv in niece. Mr. Huller np1Ud that the format o! the oral History Program has been agreed tm wtth a consultant under concrete to the City. x. aid it La seamed it will take approximately 51,000 per interview. Commigioner Tolatoy coemented that it is unknown how euny people will W available. Hr. Nurphy stead stet[ ha an indication of who Le avallabU. Mr. RaRming suggested • 55,000 cap. Chairman McNlel felt the coat may exceed $5,000 and $1,000 per interview may not be euffieien6. Commiuioner MeleMr euggated the wording he rwiaed to provide that the applicant urtdarwrib the coat of not moss than six interviews. Mr. Murphy acid he lelt there are probably three to four people who will be available and know the history and background of ihs area. Chairman McNlel end Commiaianer Tolatoy agreW up to dx tnterviewe would b. fair. Chairman McNlel again tines the public haring. Commissioner Tolatoy felt there was no connection Wtwem the project and the reconaeruction of tM CMtfey-cereia barn. Chairman McNlel eked how much ground the Chaffey~arcla Houq aiG on. Mr. Murphy thought it to W approximaUly lJ2 acre. Chairman McNiel eked if Lk would W pouibls to move the house from khs applicant•a property. Planning Caimiseion Minutes -31- June Z6, 1991 I ~~ Mr. Murphy thought Si would be a very Ciqht fit Mr. Buller commantN that the maser plan approved far the Chaney-Garcia property calla [or • replica of the barn that was related to the hou w. Cammiuioner Valletta stated sM had to 1Nw the meeting because of a prior commitment. She agreed that Condition 7 appeared Nceasive. she said ^M felt confident tM concerns of the remainder of eM commiN Sonars were the came as her concerne. Chairman McHiel exeuNd COmmiN Sonar Va1Ltb at 1:30 a.m. Chairman McNSQ asked if there is a park cite wNro ohs City could ut illze the hcusaa. Mr. Buller staled that one of the work programs cor cne eiew~i~ ,,:. CommlNion was to look at land banking for tM purposes of relooet inq hamee that are of historical signi[ieanoe that must be movN. Be said when the City f lest approached the Metropolitan Maier District regerdinq this uw of !M homN, the Dietric! was ggptiw to the auggeetion. He said the DLSeriet hN •inee felt Crustrated and tNL the developer does not seem to be ingroted or eooperatiw in helping ehN analyre the homes in order to mob a decision. Coomioioner MeleMr asked if the houus could be moved .and used for aftordable housing. He sug9Nted the applicant conGat Bill Ruh to eN it N would be interested. He hit !Mt the NaES/HAEA surveys need to W made whether the hougs ere demolLhed or moved Wuup if the houus are moved, the opportunity to obtain the Nrvsy no longer exiRS until tM new owner want to develop the property the hOYNe •it on. Ha uid if the houeN are burned, dNtrayed, or vandallaN Sn the meantime, the opportunity mould haw been missed. He thought the applicant'• cNponsibility for moving the houeN should end at tM point the houeN are moved to a new siG. He did not feel The Watt eon Company ohould be charged with the responeibil ity of putting in the foundation. Ha thought the person receiving the house ohould have a vented interest in the house. Ne suggNted Chat Historic BrNervation Condition 7 W deleted. He lelt that if tM ultlmau dNign for the Lnteruction of Poo[hill and Etiwanda requires modification of the structure at tho northeast corner, that the Mvelaper should W eneiiled to relmhursements from the other thrN corners of the interwction. commlesiomr Tolstoy etated that it the upgrading of the intsrpction requirN removal of the canopy or alterations, he fall the structure ohould be documented. He did nos feel that Nch person at the intersection should pay for it. He sai4 Lt it needs to be moved DecauN the inUnectl0n hu to W upgraded, it is causal Dy The Waleson company and they should do the documentation. He thought the peopU who own the building mould normally Paw the first obligation to do whatever needs to W QOMJ however, N they veers not proposing any chNgN and the interNCtion improvements Ny cease the removal, he talc The WstLon Company should War tM Cost. commissioner MeleMr agreed that wN rNwnabL. Planning Co®iN1on MSnutN -32- JuM Y6, 1991 ~ ~-5 Nt. Buller etabd the Historic Fraca:v:'ion Commive ion mny want ^!tiga??on msawrn beyond documentation. CommLeloner Helchsr wid he would like to oe the appllcant'• rinser ial expo aura with rupset to that structure be de[insd because he thought Lf the Planning Comsiuion sliminaGd Historic Pceurvat ion Condition 7 and Cho applicant had to go before the Historic Pruarvation Commiuion with rupect ~ to tM wrvies at at ion, Condition l may suddenly reappear. Chairman NeN Sal asked if it was pouibla to define the potential costs. Cortmiasioner Melchor agrNd that certain etrNt improvements may be needed by a developer in order to deal with the affects crested by their project. He felt i• was fair far a developer to pay for each improvements even though future development will enjoy the improvements. He was not comfortable about extudlnq that concept c -_or'_c `_ "^.ure because M did not feel that atfseb the daily comings and goings of the pwple. Nr. Buller avid that it the dweloper dderminee in hie drawings that tM strutters ie in the ultimate right of way squired to do the atrset Smprovemente, the burden is on the applicant to acquire the right of way or the City must acquits the tight of way through eminent domain. He aid if it Lnrludee the atructuro, tMn it meet be deGCmined if the entire structure or only parts need to bs lakan. Ho eugquted perhaps the matter could be coot inusd. Mr. Rouquu felt the canopy will b• involved in the interuetion improvement a. He said eM improvements and any puzchao of the right of way are roused by !ha city's tN structure w fat as nimbunsmanb. He acid the value of the tight of way will be strictly determined on the value of the property exclusive of any fiiatorical duignation. Hs acid therefore ohs physical improvemsnt• and right of way will be autamat1ca11y token care of by the fw structure. He aid only the cost of the historical survey or relocation would W separate. Coesaiesionsr Tolstoy commented Ghat the Historic Preorvation coamiuion may not sure designee the 6uildinq. Commie toner Melehsr stated than is already an application in process for the northeast corner. Hs acid that property would enjoy the benef its of the intanectLon Mvinq bean built. M[. Rouquu stated that applleant would bear the cost of improvemers 6y viztw of his Ewe. He aid it pays back for the physical strut iLeme and the right of way. commiuioner Malcher sGbd that i! the seat for the historic mitigations ie ae simple as documentation, it should be borne by foothill Marketplace Psrtners. However, he thought that if relocation or rsconacruction of a replica aC etas other sits wen to be squired, that coat should be shared by the dwelopes of the other thrN corners. pinning Casmlaalon Mlnuus ~f-33- June 26, 1991 I T ~-F~ Nr. Nurphy eugqubd rwLlnq the condlt LOn to provide chat if al brat ions are required, they be reviewed by the Histor Lc Pnurvat ion Commie •ion and Plannlnq Commie ion. H. said the recommendations would then be forwarded to the city Council [or action with the Landmark des ignatlon. i Mr. eu Ller stated the Commission would be making a courtesy advisory rsviu to be forwarded either to the Historic PrsurvaG ion Caomluion or the city Council. CawnL•LOner MelaMr stated he would prefer to include a condition that the coat be shared by the other eorrota of the lnbruction. ConmiuLoner Tolatoy did not [ul it was fair to require the southeast corms or the northwot earner to participate. He uid the condLtion 1• such only beeauu there L • Dime. of orowrtv that wants to duslao and another property ahich has a building and only those ewo progrtiea should have to participate. Commiuianer Meleher agreed It would W aadptable to haw any Qteratione return to tM Historic pwurvation Commiulon .ne ens Plannlnq Commiuion. CommLsioner ToLtoy eked if there shoe ld be sow diseuulon o[ the Pllsa aiiuat ion. chairman McNiel acted he had asked questions that ere generated by the latter to establLh relevance and wu told that she tra[fic study which applies to the foothill Boulevard Specl[ic Plan and this property Sa Butt Lcient in the eyes o[ ehs City's Traffic Engineer. Hs eammenbd that the proposed developaunt tram The Pllea Cmmpaniu did not proceed and the duignations ere Light Industrial imtud of Commercial. He thought there Se no conflict with the f'oothlll Boulward Specific Plan. H. rsiteraGd that in the eye of the City, na agaement had ever bun reached with The Plies Companies. He stated the traffic plan based on Light Industrial was always connected to Arrow, with the uception of a request by The Pliu companiu [or scree to loot hill eoulward. He said there appeased to be a bee Lnue disagreement and Ue parties are sukinq to uw the City as leverage. He did not feel the Clty should gat involved. Commissioner Tolatoy commented the property was owned by The Pliu Companies for many years and LM land uu dnignation wu Industrial and they never applied to have the designation changed to Commerc Lal. He uid the land wu always thought to be Industrial even when the Yoothlll Boulevard Spec i[ic Plan was dlacuued. Chairman McNie1 felt tM quutions had bun addrused. Motion: Moved by lulcher, uconded by ToLtoy, to recommend iuuanee of a Negaslve Declaration and adopt the roolutlon recommending approval of Environmental Assessment and foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment 90-0a with madiflcatlon to change the name of tAe applicant io foothill Marketplace Partners. Motion carried by the following vote: planning Commie•Lon MSnuUe L-74- Juns Ze, 1991 I I AYES: COMNISSIONBRSs HCNIEL, MELCHER, TOLSTOY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ASSENT: CONMISSIONERSx CNZTIEA, VALLETTE -car[Sed ~ Not Lon: Moved by Me1cMr, seconded by Tolstoy, to Lae a Negative Declaration and adopt the resolution approvlnq Bnviro:uwntal Aaeeaament and Conditional Uee Permit 90-37 with modifleatione to change the nave of the applicant to PoothilL NarkstpLoe Partnerq to sequice the appll<ant to underwriN the ooet of not more than dx oral hirtory interviews, tM applicant to pay for relocation costa of the Guiders and DiCarlo hears to the poin[ of delivery only, rwiew by the PLnninq Commlaion and Historic Prearvaclon commialan if any alteratlane are required to existing buildings at the Lnteraetlon of Toothill Boulevard and Etlwanda Avenue, and the addition o[ bicycle storage spacer to permit demolition permiN to be Suued at the time of Lauancs of grading permitq to deLU Historic Preorvation condition 7 regarding the reeonetruetion o! tM Chaftey-Gaxeia 6arnl and to include Szhlbit B-1 ae an Exhibit to tM Resolution depleting the sits plan upon which tM Conditional Ues Permit wu approved. In addition, the architectural condition at the northwest corner of the Price Club shell be a represented by the drawing captioned 'Plan ! Entry° in Exhibit E of the stalt report. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONER9: HCNIEL, MELCHER, TOLSTOY NOBSS COlpISSIONER3: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONBA9: CHITIBA, VALLBTTE -carded Notion: Moved by alehee, seconded Dy Toletoy, to iaue a Negative Oeelaration and adopt the reeoluL ion epproninq Environmental Assessment and Tentative Parcel Map 13774 with modil icakioa to change the namr of the applicant to Foothill NarketpLee Partners and to provide review by CM Planning Coamiasion and Rietoric Prseervatlon Commission !f any alterations are required to ez Ltinq buildinge at the interaction of Foothill BouUVard and 6tiwnda Avenue. Motion carried by the following vote: AY65: COMMISSIONERS: MCNIBL, MELCHER, TOLSTOY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ASSENT: COlpI88IONERSr CNITIBA, VALLETTE -carried Q• Scott Murphy, AaoclaU Planner, presented the staff npoK. Planning caaatlsalon Minutes -3Q5- June 76, 1991 /~V RE SOLOTION NO. 91-85 A RESOLUTION OP THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF TXE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONOA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENOIN6 APPROVAL OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 90-Od, REQUBSTING TO AMBND THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN TO MODIFY THE MEDIAN BREAK LOCATION ON POOTH ILL BOULEVARD, TO ADD A MEDIAN BREAK LOCATION ON FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, AND TO CHANGE THE LAND USS OESIONATION PROM LIGHT INDUSTRIAL TO REGIONAL AELATBD COMMERCIAL POA AN AREA OF APPROEIMATELY 26 ACRES WITHIN THE POOTH ILL BOULEVAPD SPHC IFIC PLAN (SUBAREA 4) LOCATED ON TIUS EAST SIDE OP INTERSTATE 15, SOUTH OP FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THR DRVRiAPMRNT 0- a SRO anRR RETAIL/COMMERCIAL CENTER LOCATED ON THE SOUTH BIDI OP POOTH ILL BOULEVARD BETWEEN INTERSTATE 15 AND ETIMANDA AVENVE, AND MAKING PLNDINOB IN 6VPPORT TNE11E0- - APNs 329-031-03 THROUGH 73, 15, 16, AND 20. A. Rec it ale. (i) Foothill Xarkstplacs Partners has initiated an application for Foothill eoulevard Specific Plan Amendaent No. 90-06 ae docribsd Sn the title of this Resolution. Herelnalter In Chia Msolution, tM subject Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment i^ reletrsd to as "the application.• (ii) On June 26, 1991, the Planning Commlasion of tM Clty of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application end concluded said hearing on that date. (iii) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of Chic Rsaolut ion have occurred. R. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it ie hereby found, debsmined, and revived by the Planning Commieeion o! the City of Rancho Cucamonga as [ollows: 1. This Cwamiseien hereby speciflcal ly finds that all o! the facto eat forth in the Reeitale, Pert A, o! this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Besed upon eubatantial evidence proenGd to this Caecaiseion during the above-referenced public heerinq on June 26, 1993, including written and oral staff reports, iogsthst with public testimony, this Coamiesion hereby Bpecif is ally finde as fa lbws: (a) The aRrndmvt pertains to • 460 acre parcel of land located on the south side of Poathill Boulevard Between IntentaG 15 and ¢e Lwanda Avenue, with a street frontage of 42,175 test along Foothill Boulward and 460G fast along 6tiwanda Avanw. The cite ie preuntly designaGd for Regional Related Coamecclal and Light Indurtrlal uus and 1^ dwaloped with e Ingle-family rasidencss, a vinery complex, and a converted gas station; and ~~9 EXHIBIT C PLANNING COMMISSION RESOGOTION NO. 91-BS FS PA 90-04 - FOOTHILL MARKETPLACE PARTNERS June 26, 1991 Payc (b) TM property to the north ie des ign•ted for Commercial uses and ie improved with • miz of uew including a church, •ingla-family roe idencee, ntaLl stores, and a converted winery. Tha property to the mouth ie deslgnatad for Industrial un• and is tlweloped with an industrial business, is being developed with a water trestment facility, antl i• vaeent. The property to the east is designated Lor Commercial and Residential uses antl ie vacant and tleveloped with •SngL-family resideneu. The prspecty to the west, opposite the Interstate 15 Praeway, !s designated Lor Cammerc ial uses and ie vacant; antl provide sdequab meireulat ion-to carve .then cite while maintalnlnq adequab circulation tot the yet underdeveloped parcels on the north side of Foothill Boulevard; and (d) This amendment will provide Eor a masbr planned commercial development as was provitled for with the adoption of the original Foothill Boulevard Spee if is Plan; antl (e) Thls •mendment wLll change the coning detlgn•t ion o[ an Industrial parcel not originally considered pert e! • future, master planned, commatcLal development. This pared would, however, become a landlocked property due to the existing dwslopaunt and dwelopment• under wnstructlon to the south and east. The Lnclusion o! this parcel in the muNr plan ie in keeping with the Sntent of the Poothill Boulevard specific Plan and the General Plan to provide a compahenslvely planned szu. 3. Based upon the eubstant ial evidence preunted to thi^ Commission during the above-referenced public hearing and upon tM speoiHe Eind ings of facts eat forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and ccnc lodes as follows: (a) That the amendment will provide for development of a comprehensively planned urban community within the district that La superloc to the development othecwiw allowable under alternate regulations; and (b) That Che amendment will provide foi dwelopment within the d iatriet in a manner consistent with tM General Plan and with related development and growth management policies of the CLty; and (e) That the amendment will provide for the conetruntion, improvement, or extension of trsnsportat ion faeilit Les, public utilities, and public e¢tviees required by development within the district. 4. This Commluion hereby Linde that the project has bwn reviewed and considered in compliance with the California EnvicolwsnGl Quality Act of 1970 and, Eurther, this CommLdon herby ueommends Lnuanee o[ a Negative Declaration. /~ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 91-85 FSPA 90-OS - FOOTHILL MAAIfETPLACE PARTNERS June 26, 1991 Page i 5. Saod upon the tlndinga end conclusions set forth !n paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and < above, thin Caemlasion hereby reeolvu as follows: ~ (a~ Ths Planning Coeomissicn Mrehy recommends that the Clty council approve and adopt Poothlll Boulevard Specific Plen Aawndment No. 90-04, as attached in E:h ibit •A.• (b) That a Cartltiad Copy of thin Rawlution and related material herby adopbd by the Planning Commiuion shall be forwarded to the Clty Council. e ...~ ~ ..~..-.. w. we... n...~l~ _ n .. •n w thla Reaolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED TNIB 26TH DAY OP JUNG 1991. PLJINNLNG COl///~~DfISSION O! T{H/'6/,I,CI~TY~O;/F/~ RANCHO COCAMONGA 8Y: ~,t,~L ~ / //~'/4Ga~I ATTEST: I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Coemiseion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby Certify that the foregoing Aewlution was duly and regalar:y introduced, passed, and adopted 6y the Planning Commiaaian it tho City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of tM P1aMing Commission held on the 26th day of June 1991, by the following vole-CO-vit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: MCNIEL, MELCNER, TOLSTOY NOES: COlDIISSIONERB: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: CHITI611, VALLETTE 15/ EXHIBIT A-1 Original Poor C~uaGty \ 'Original Poor Quat~ty ~ Z , ~ a ~ s a J • ~ W H a~Q~~. :. >.., 7 ~ C, ~ a~~o 2 V 5., d ~ ~~ ~ J ^~ rsi` ~' (,1 ~m (~. ~ 5J}}J13 ~ 1 ~ ~Tm v ~ ~'/~ o ~• 1 1 t- .k '•• n•upa ~ i O e e ~ ~ - f V ] _ p u e' _ J V- a ~.-- J o r ~' M ~ ~ i - s ~ Z. ~ ~ _ ~ . f ~ r ~ . _-. :~~ V o f O f ° V f r ° ~ 7~ ~^ ~ _> >: -~- _ :ILI L; J - ' ~ S ^ ~ I ~ t u W . ~ f O ~j J ~ O J J t { t W J f 1 ~ W < f a U C < C O t t Y p Y p M p i W e f W < p . t ~ O ~ = ~_ p o o e a: o s s j t e f f s J ~ i -. I i C F ~ J ~ W 10 J ~ U yUj f O Y ~~ W W f W p s ~. W J ` W ~ J J f > ; O r Y~ - • /,5 3 EXHIBIT A-2 RESOLUTION NO. ~I ~ /[~7 e A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ~L~~O~ITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORN IAr FOOTHILL BWLEVAAD SPSCIP IC PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 90-Odr REQUESTING TO AMEND TNB FOOTHILL BOULHVARD SPECIFIC PLAN TO NODI PY TNR MEDIAN BREAK LOCATION ON FOOTHILL 80ULSVAAD, TO ADD A HEDIAN BREAK I/JCATION ON FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, AND TO CHANGE THE LAND U86 DB6IGIUTION PRDN LIGHT INDUSTRIAL TV voer...+_ .___. ._. _.- ......... ......... ~ ____ ___ 26 ACRES NITBIN Tl~• FOOTHILL eOULEVAFD~ BPHCIPIC PLAN (SUBAREA d) LOCAT® ON TIBS BAST 62 D6 OP INTER81'ATE 15, SOU1R OF FOOTHILL HOOLEVARDr IN CONJUNCTIW WITH THB DSYELOPMSNT OP A ~0 ACRE RETAIL/COMIEPCIAL CENTBA LOCATED ON THE SOUTtl SIDE OP FOOTHILL BOULEVARD BSTNEBN INTERSTATB 15 AND ETTWANDA AVENUE, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APNt 229-031-03 THROUGR 13, 15, 16, 20, AND A PORTION OF 59. A. Recitaln. (i) Foothill Mnsketplace Partners has Snitiated an application £or Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment Na. 40-04 ae described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subJect Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment !e referred to ae "the application." (iii On June 2b, 1991, the Planning Commission of the City oP Rancho Cucamonga conducted n duly noticed public hearing on the application. After considering all puDiic testimony, the Planning Commtsslon recommended approval of the application. (111) On August 21, 1991, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the app licatlon and concluded said hearing on that dote. (iv) All legal prerequiSitea prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it Se hereby found, determined, and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga ae follows, 1. This Council hereby specifically finds thet all of the facts set forth In the Recitals, Pnrt A, of this Resolution are true end correct. 15~ CITY COUNCIL R680LUTION NO. FBSPA NO. 90-04 August 21, 1991 Pa 3a 2 2. Based upon eubatantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing on August 21, 1997, Including written and ofal staff reports, together with public testimony, this Council hereby specifically finds ae follows: (a) The amendment pertains to a 160 acre parcel of land located on the south side of Foothill Hou leverd between Intaretate 15 and Btiwanda Avenue, with a street frontage of t2,175 fast along Foothill Boulevard and 1600 Feet along Btiwanda Avenue. The site is presently designated Yor Regional Related Commercial and Light Induetrlal ueee and Se developed with single-family residences, a winery coop lax, and a converted gee etationj and (b) The property to the north is designated Lor Co®ercial uses and Ss improved with a mix of ueee including a church, single-family residences, retail stores, and a converted winery. The property to the south is designated for Industrial uses end is developed with an industrial business, is being developed with a water treatment facility, and la vacant. The property to the east is designated for Commercial and Reaideatial ueee and ie vacant end developed with single-family residences. The property to the west, opposite the Intaretate 15 Freeway, ie designated foi Commercial ueee and Se vecantl and (c) This amendment will provide median locations necessary to provide adequate circa lotion to serve the site while melntaining adequate circulation for the yet underdeveloped parcels on the north aide of Foothill eoulevardt and (d) This amendment will provide for a master planned commercial development as was provided for with the adoption of the original Foothill Boulevard Speclt lc Plant and (e) Thio amendmenE will change the zoning designation of an Induetrlal parcel not originally considered part of a future, master planned, commercial development. This parcel would, however, became a landlocked property because of the existing development and developments under construction to the south and east. The inclusion of this parcel in the master plan Sa in keeping with the intent of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan and the General Plan to provide a comprehensively planned area. 3. Based upon the eubatantial evidence presented to this Council during the alwve-referenced public hearings and upon the specific findings of facia set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Couscii hereby finds and concludes as follows: (al That the amendment will provide for development of e camprehenaively planned urban rnmmunity within the dieirict that Se superior Co the development otherwise allowable under alternate regulationsr and /55 CITY COUNCIL flBSOLUTION NO• PBSpA NO. 90-Od August 27, 1997 Page 3 (b) That the amendwent will provide for development within the district in a manner consistent with the General Plan and rith relaLUd development and growth menagem¢nt policies of the Cityi and ic) Thet the amendment will provide for the canatruction, improvement, or extension o[ transportation facilities, public utilities, and public services required by development rithin the district. d. This Council hereby finds that the project has been reviered and considered in compliance rich the California Environmental duality Aet of 1970 and, further, this Council hereby issues of a Negative Declaration. °~ _.. ... ':.o, ro it xSSOLV®, based upon the findings and conclueionev set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, end d shove, Ghat this Council hereby approves and adopts Paothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment 90-06 as attached in exhibit 'A". '~ lD EXHIBIT A•t 'Original .Poor_~uality ` 0-'Ig~nai Poor Qual;ty , U . ~Z . - ~ a ~ J a ~i~r ~ _ U ~ `~~ Z ~= a , ~ 3 C 2 'S.;~ ~~ ~,,~ r M 1'.] ~ ~ ~~~~3 ~ ~~ ~ W J W ] ~ F M a _ ~ ~ t Z W f ~ ~ j f _ .. ~ f~ a J F t i J ~ 21 I I ~ v ~7a a O V = ~ ~ i __.. O L. L ~' V ~~ ~ .~i .. i _. ~ V s W ~° a a J c V u s r+ - == = W Ja d ~,•~ F Y W i z < a J u y ~ ~\ °\ , • r Y! t a W i~ i f i t W( ; Q< \\ = Q ~ Z Y h J \\` W~ 7 a <°. 3 3 J l~ s < Q a o ~ JT ~ j O p W W ~ G O W ~_ .J ~j W W J J a a s I ° W M V i ['u''I V a '~ W w j a a ~ I O : E J J LJ s . u L. EXHIBIT A-2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF IfEPORT - ~- DATE: August 21, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Brad culler, Clty Planner BY: Scott Murphy, Associate Planner Anthea Harti9, Associate P1ann«. SUBJECT: APPEAL OF BNVIROfIl~NTAL ASSESSNeNT AND CONDITIONAL USR PeRNIT 90-37 - POOTHILL MARKETPLACE PARTNERS - Appeal of the Planning co~isaioa'9 decision pertaining to certain Historic Preservation nondltions is conjunction with the request for a master plan approval far a 160 acre retail/commercial center containing approximately 550,000 square feet of leasable apace and a request for approval of conceptual site plan and building elevations For a Price Club facility in the Regional Related Commercial designation of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan (Subarea 4), located on the south aide of Foothill Boulevard between Interstate 15 and Etiwanda Avenue - APN: 229-031-03 through 13, 15, 16, 20 and a portion of 59. Related File: Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment 90-0 a. Associated with the project is Tree Removal Permit 91-2d. NECOM®ATID)•: The Planning Co®iasion zecommends approval of Conditional Use Permit 90-37 and issuance of a Negative Declaration. BAC .Q7100ND: On June 26, 1991, the Planning Co®issi on reviewed and approved conditional Ose Permit (CUP) 90-37. The Planning Commiseioa'9 review of CUP 40-37 included the mitigation measures proposed by the Hie toric Preservation Comm19s1.on and forwarded by the Council on February 20, 1991. At the June meeting, the Planning Co®iasion felt that the eiatoric Preservation conditi one 1 through fi, as adopted in their Resolution, adecpiately mitigated the cultural resources being loot with development of the 160 acre site. The Commission could not establish the telationehip between the cultural resource being lost on the site and the reconstruction of the Chaffey/Garcia barn. Additionally, the Coamieaion decided that parameters should be placed on the Oral History Program condition. AB a result, the Commission modified the Oral History condition to limit the number of interviews to eSx and the Commission deleted the condition requiring the $100,000 contribution by the applicant towards reconstruction of the barn. 5 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT CONDITIONAL USE PEPMIT 90-37 Au ge9t 2!, }oo} Paye 2 On July 1, 1991, the Hayoz appealed the Planning Commission's modifications to the cultural resources mitigations the Council had forwarded, stet inq that Bince the Council had reviewed these mitigations it should be they who remove or alter them Sp lease sae Exhibit `A`). At their August }, 1991 meeting, the Historic Preservation Commission approved the sending of a letter to the Mayor Sn support of his actions (refer to Exhibit "B`7. Hiekorie Pzesery~ttom Ca~iimlw Aevimv: The Historic Preservation Commission feels their tern®andarione were carefully conceived and analyzed. The legacy of the Itallnn facilities who set tied and begun to produce wine during the 1910a and 1920e in this eastern Cucamonga/southern Etlwande region represent an important segment of the Wide range of Wine-making activities which characterized our area's past economl< and cultural life. After an extended Historic Preservation Commission public hearing - December 6, }990 and January 3, 1991 - the Commission determined that a decision to recommend landmark designation For the remaining homm and strvetuzee on the proposed Foothill Narketplace site would have laced objection from the site's owner/developer. Thue, rather than recommending site p[eeervatian, the Co®SSaion determined development-related mitigations for the 60 arxe azea which would capture and maintain its historic diversity and integrity. These conditions became part of the mitigations for the Environmental Assessment on the project. Through research, documentation, and incorporation of the site's history, the Historic Preservation Commission determined lhet the seven recommended mitigations would preserve as much of the past as possible while realizing the economic imperatives of growth. In particular, the Commission found a relationship - a nexus - was eetabliahed betwcen the reconstruction of the Chaffey-Garcia House barn and the demolition of the Guiders Winery Complex and home and the DLCarlo home. The house and barn Will serve ae a Local history interpretive site and museum: the opportunity would therefore be created to exhibit and interpret artifacts from the vini<ultuze and ci true agricultural industries. Citp Coaacil Aeviev: On February 20, 1991, the City Council conducted a public hearing to consider the si to for a possible Historic Point o£ interest designation. A9 part of their deliberatlona, the Council also considered the seven mitigation measures recommended by file Niatoric Preservation Commission to offset the lose of the cultural resources found on the Bite. After receiving all public testimony on the application, the Council approved the Niatoric Point of Interest designation and the forwarding of measures for Ne project. The mitigation measures were referred to the Planning Co®ieaion With a recommendetlan for inclusion with the Environmental Assessment for the /~ CITY COUNCIL BTAPP RBPORT CONDITIGNAL UBB PSRNIT 90-37 Angnnt. 21,. 1991 Page 3 Conditional Uee Permit application. ~virosmmtal Apesmsmmt: In completing the Initial Bludy, staff has identified that there are several potential environmental impacts as a result of the project. These issues are discussed in detail in the Planning Commission staff report dated June 26, 1991, lncluded ae Bxhibit "A" of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment 90-04 staff report. The re tore, although the pr¢jeci could have a eigniEicant effect in these areas, the Planning Co®isaian found tkat there will not be a ei9nificant effect in this case because of the mitigation measures which have been incorporated into the projeM design or Inciuaeo m ~¢n¢iciv:w of Approval. Planning Comwiesion recommends issuenee of a mitigated Negative Deelaretion. i1LR8 IOR lINDIN66: Tfie project Le consistent with the General Plan, the Development Code, and the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plnn. The project will not he detrimental to adjacent properties or cause significant adverse environmental impacts. In nddliion, the proposed use and Bite plan, together with the reco®eaded Coaditlons of Approval, era in compliance with all applicable provisions of the Poothi 11 Boulevard BpeclEie Ylan, the Development Code and City Btaaderds. ODRRCSPONDffiICB: Theca items have been advertised ns public hnaringa in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin nerepaper" notices were Bent to all property owners within the subarea of the Specific Plan, and the site was posted. Reaps ally submitted, Brad ler City leaner B8:9M: je Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Letter of Appeal Exhibit 'B^ - Letter from Historic Preservation Commiselon Bxhibit "C" - Planning Como:lseion Resolution No. 91-e6 Exhibit "D^ - Nistoxlc Preservation Commleaion Resolution No. 91-01 Bxhibit "B" - City Council Aeeolution 91-059 Resolution of Approval for CUP 90-37 /CD/ R n N C K Q C_' L' ~' ". M C~ L ~ ~~ R~ ~~~ED ,..,:. ~, oo. SU8•TECT: ENVIRONMENTAL AS963SMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PEANIT 90-37 - THE WATTSON COMPANY I appeal the deci aion of the Planning Commission on this matter in that modifications were made to the recommended Historic Preservation Conditions of Approval. I feel that since the Council apeclfically heard and recommended the Historic Conditions, that the Covntil should decide if Yhey should now be removed. Sinc~er~el'y~," ~~•_ _~` Donnie L• Stout Mayor DLS/jfa EXHIBIT A ~~ _ _ August 13, 1991 Dennis Stcut, MnyoY City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 SUBSECT: MAYOR'S APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMSSSION'S lpDIPICATION3 TO TNB HISTORIC PRESERVATION CONDITIONS FOR Ttl6 FOOTHILL MARIRTPLACE PAOJECF, ENVIRONMENTAL ASSBSSlRNT AND rnNnrm.,w•_ __~ .~~.,:. ~~, 7V~.1/• Deer Mayor stout: On behalf of the Eletorie Preservation Comisslon, I Lorward my support of your appeal of the Planning commiaaion'e altarailone of Lhe cultural rasoureee nu tigationa for the Foothill Marketplace pYOject. we G11eva that [he measures the Council previously reviewed adaqustaly mitigate the loos oL sixty acres oP southern Etiwande/eastern Cucamonga viniculture history. The Aiaioric Preservation Cos®Saelon recomrndatione were carefully conceived and analyzed. 1n particular, a relationship was estsbliahed between the reconetrvetion of the Cheffay-Garcia Rouse earn end the demolition of the Guiders Winery comp:ax and Eoaka and the DSCarlc Rome. The Eou9e and Barn, ae you are aware, will serve as a local history interpretive Bite and museums the opportunity would therefore be created to exhiDlt and interpret artifacts Erom the viniculture and citrus agricultural indusiriee. Pleaee do not hesitate to approach any of the CommiaaloneYS or our Planning Department atefP with any questions or concerns you may have. shank you for your continued interest and actions on behal[ of prasexving Rancho Cucamonge'e rich heritage. S\/inc/e~/rJe~~ly~, ~ ~ {/!/,~,, ~ '~!/!,~lnL v~yV v- ~CAI/a'~~// eob Schmidt Chaitman, Historic Preservation commission Ss/jfa Mayor Dennis L Sloui~ Councilmember Desna Williams PAmror Ro-7em William J Ale>tonuer „ , Councilmember PomeW J Wnghf ,lack wm, AICP, CiN Monager Counulmember Charles J 8uquel II ~~ EXHIBIT B .`.GC Ca~c Carver Gave . PO SC. 901 • aoncno~ycOmyn9u, CA Vt1p . (7ta)e99~1951 . .ar ~_ ,. .... RESOLUTION NO. 91-86 A RESOLUT LON OP TH6 PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 90-37, ~'A AEQUBST FOR RASTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR A i60 ACRE RBTAIL/CONMBACIAL CENTER CONTAINING APPRO%IMATELY 550,000 SQUARE F88T OP LEASABLB SPACB AND A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF CONCEPTVAL SITB PLAN AND BUILDING ELEVATIONS FOR TNB PA TCE CLVB PACIL ITY IN THE REGIONAL RELATED COlIMERC IAL DESIGNATION OP THS lOOTMILL BOVLEVARD SPECIPIC PLAN (SVBAREA 4), LOCATED ON TH8 SOUTH SIDE OF FOOTHILL BOUL$VAAD BETWEEN INTERSTATE 15 AND BTIWANDA AVENUE, AND RAKING lIND INGS IN SVPPORT THEASOP - APN: 229-031-03 THROUGH 13, 19, 16, AND 20. A. Recitals. (i) Foothill Marketplace Pertnen has filed an application for the issuance of Conditional Uu Permit 90-37 a described in the title of thi^ Resolution. Hereinafter 1n this Resolution, the subject conditional vea Permit ie referred to as 'the epplleation.' (ii) on the 26th day of June 1991, the Planning Colmisslon of the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga conducted • duly noticed public hearing on the epplicatlon and concluded •ald hearing on that date. (iii) A11 legal pterequ isites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Aeaolution. NOW, THEREFOA£, Lt is hereby found, determlred, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as tollowa: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facto set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. eased upon substentlal evidence presented to Chia CpesLsion during the above-referenced Dubllc hearing on June 26, 1991, inc lading wrleten and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this commioion hereby specifically fintls a follows: (a) The applieakion applies to a 260 acre parcel of Iand located on the south ^ids of foothill eoulsvard bstwsn Interstate 15 and Etiwanda Avenue, with a street frontage of 12,175 feat along foothill Boulwerd and !600 Eeet along Etlwanda Avenue. The ^its i• pruent ly dulgnatsd for Regional Related Commercial and LighC Industrial usq and i^ developed with a ing le-E amily residences, a winery complex, and a convsYted gu statlon7 and ~ ~ ~ EXHIBIT C PLANNING COMMISSION AE60LVTICN NO, 91-96 CUP 90-37 - FODTHI LL MARI(ET PLACE June Z6, 1991 aye . (b) Ths property to the north L du ignated for Commere ial uo^ and is improved with a mix of ease ins LUdlnq a church, single-family residences, retail stores, and a converted winery. The property to the south ie des ignated roc Industrial uaaa and i• dweloped with an industrial bueinua, is being developed with a water transmie•ion facility, and is vacant. Tha property to the east is designated for Commere Sal and Aesidmtial ees and i• vacant and developed with single-Eamily residences. The property tc the want, opposite the Interstate 15 Freeway, is de Lgnatad far commercial uses and i• vacant; and (c) The project will comply with all minimum standards of the City of .-...LJ..o ___-.. ~ nd (d) In conjunction with Chia application, the applicant he subeltNd a request to amend the land uo de ignatlon within the Foothill eoulevsrd 6pacif ie Plan Lzom Light Industrial to Regional Relnted comnrreLl. Provie ions were previously incorporated into the Foothill Boulevard 9pecif ie Plan to allow far aurh a change through review and approval of a Master Plant antl (e) Ths development of a 1550,000 aquas foot refill/commercial center ie coneiebnt with the Mgional Related Commercial deignation o[ the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan and the Commercial dse ignation of the Oeeral Plan. 3. Based upon the eubetnnt ial rvidence preented to thi^ Comalu ton during the above-rs tereneed puDl ie heaeing and upon the epeeif is findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and coot JUdea ae follower la) That the proposed uaa i^ in aocord with the Csneral Plan, the objectives of the On..ntnpnant coda, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 4b) That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, esfety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvemmnts in the vic Laity. (e) That the proposed use caaplies with eseh of tM applicable provisions of tea Dewlopmsnt Cods and Foothill Boulevard 5peeiflc plan. a. ThL Commission hereby finds and eertif Les that the project has bean reviewed and cone idered in compliance with the csliforni• Enviromeental Quality Act of 1970 and, fur[her, thL Commission hereby Leue a mitigabd Nagar ive Declaration. 5, eased upon the tindinga and Conclus Iona et forte in paragraphs 1, Z, 3, and 3 shove, this Coamiuion haraby approve the appliutlon eubjeot Eo each and ovary condition est forth below and in the attached Standard Conditions attached hereto and incorporated henln by Chia retsrenee. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 91-66 CUP 90-J] - FOOTHILL MARI(ET PLACE dune 26, 1991 gaga 3 Pl annin< Dim 1) Approval o[ the Conditional Uw Parmlt is Lor the conuptual master plan tar the antis ahoppinq untar and the detailed •ita plan and •levstions for Price Club. All other buildings and/or peda wLll require the approval of a separab Development Review or Conditional Uaa Psrmit application, as raquirtd by the Foothill Boulsverd Spaclfie Plan. 2j Approval oL Conditional UN Permit 90-37 1• SpacilLC Plan Amendment 90-0a and Tantatlve Par<sl Map No. 1372{. 3) Prior to the Lseuanea of any grading or building permit a, • TrM Removal Permit application shall be reviewed and approval by the City Planner. An erboriet'• sport shall W prepared to address Ghe possible prewrvation and/or raloeaC ion of heribga trees on-sib. The arhariet shall be aalsctsd by the City and paid for by the davelapsr. d) No occupancy shall bs petmi[tad for any user until all street improvamenta have bean installed to the eat ietaction of the City. 5) If phasing i• 'proposed, the pheaing plan shall 6e reviewed and approved by the Planning Co®ieaion prior to the Luuancs of any building petmib tot the center. 6) No permanent outdoo[ storage of ahoppinq urt^ shall be permlttal, unless othen+isa approved by the Planning Commission. 7) Parking Lot• along Yoothill and Et iwanda shall be fully ^craanW from the atraat through the use of t3 toot berms, low screen walla, and/or shrub plant inq. Tha Einal dataile shall be rsvieweC and approved by the City Plannat prior to the issuance of any bulldinq parmib [or the center. e) A uniform sign Program shall W prepared for the canter and shall br revlevW and approved by the Planning Caamioion pcior to tM isewnca o[ any building pszmit^ for the csntas. Tha program shall wnsist oL all on-sib eignagc including, bui not limibd for monument ^17De, 4'.rxt!nnai signs, and wall signs. W PLANNING COMN I55 LON RESOLUTION NO. 91-86 CUP 90-37 - FOOTHILL MAERET PLACE June 76, 1991 .a9a v 9) AL1 luture pads shall be seeded and irrigabd for eYOeion control prior to occupancy of any building. Dstail• shall W included with the landscape and irzigat LOn plane. Tae plans shall be submitted for review and approval by the Ctty Planner prLor to the issuance of any building grmits !or the center. 10) All street Furniture, including benches, bike racks, potted plsnta, 1Lght bollards and sttndarda, tlrinkinq fountains, trash raesptaelu, etc., shall be reviewed antl ann.n...w w ~ ~ _ --,-„~;,y ,;,,,,,,, ..Lan prior to CM Luuanes of any bulldlnq permit !or the Center. 11) Graff ltl shall be removed within 77 hours. 12) The entire •its eNll W kept tree from trash and debris at all times and, in no event, shall trash and debris remain for more than 71 hours. 13) There shall W provision for security patrol of the ahoppLnq center at Uaet three tiara per evening, seven days per week, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. by a licensed private patrol. 14) Bue ehelteu on Etiwanda Avenw and on foothill Boulevard shall be inetelled with street impravemsnt• and shall be nrehitsetural ly eampatible to the center. Final lacatlon and design of the bu• shelters shall be submitted for City Planner rwlsw and approval prior to iseuanu of any builainq perm Lte fat the Center. 15) Any trsndormere, service area, or trash enClosuru located neat the attacks of Etiwanda Avenw and foothill Boulevard shall only be considered when they are screened Dy using a combination of wa1L, berms, and landecapinq. 16) The freeway right-of-way adjacent to the protect shall De landscaped, or an Ln-l ieu fee paid, in accordance with Planning CommLalon Resolution No. e7-1E5. The landscape plrn• shall W approved by tM City Planner or the in-lieu tae shall be pall prLor to the issuance of any building permits for the center. 17) 5pecimen-sla trees (36-loch boz or larger) shall ba provided et key loc-tions including, but not limited [c, entries, plazas, on-sits Lntaructlone, etc. The ~~ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLOTION NO. 91-86 CUP 90-37 - FOOTHILL MAA%ET PLACE .IUne 26, 1991 Pamw 5 Cype and location of the trees shall b• shown on the final lantlseape plan^ which ahtll be reviewed and ~ approvetl by the Clty Planner prior to the iuuanca of any building permit. for the center. 38) Any mutdoor vending machine shall be architecturally inugrabd into the deign of the building.. Tne vending machine shall not exUnd out into the pedestrian walkway.. A recycling permi! appl leatlon shall be submitted for any recycling center and .hall 6s reviewd and approved by the City Planner prior Co the Luuance of env buu T. n.... _..._.,_ .oc -..~ ,....~.c. 19) Trash enc losuras shall be duignetl to incorporate the following deign feature to the utisfaetion of the City Planners a. Architecturally integrated into Ghe deign of the shopping center. b. separate pedutrian wceu, including a wlf- clo•inq door, that tloe not require openlnq Of the main door.. c. Roll-up Goors. d. Trash bins with countet-weighted lids. e. Architecturally integrated overhead talli•. f. Chain link screen on top of the enclosure to prevent treh from blovinq out of the enc losers. The chain link .hall G hidden free view. 20) The applicant shall make a good-faith effort to obtsln permluion to gratle onto adjacent propert L• in order to elLninate tM need tot retainlnq walls along tM .oath property line. Such evitlence shall be preunted to the Clty Planner prior to tM Suuanee of grading permlta. 21) If permiu ion to gads off-sib cannot W ob[alned, landscape plans for Metropolitan Water pietrict shall be rwiew•d to dsGrmine tM practicality of Lnstall inq wrought iron fencing on top of the retainlnq wall in order to minimize the tmpect of the solid wall. The plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Clty Planner prior to the Luuance o! grading permits. /~8 PLANNING CONNIeSION RESOLVTION NO. 91-86 CUP 90-37 - FOOTHILL MAREET PLACE June 26, 1991 o.~e 5 22) Prior to tJ,e issuance of any permits or aeeeptance of nny future application, the applicant shall submit architectural plena, colors, and details to Lori het define Lhe azchitactural voeabul acy expected for the center. Tha information (ircluainq the final eoloxe and verification of all roof-mounted equipment for Price Club) shall 6a revLwed and approved by the Planning Commission. 23) A plan of development for on-site amenities shall be :.y. ..~ .. ,.y:. pedwirian-waU •Llnkagea. 63eernte -to• consider Include, but are not limited io, hardaeape treatment and patterns, landscaping, trelllue, kiosks, strut furniture, seating area, pLaae, building faturee, eignage, etc. The final plant shall W reviewed and epptoved 6y the Planning ComaLssion prior to Lhe issuance of any building permltt Yor GM center. 26) The Einal design of the retaining well along tM freeway off-ramp shall he revleued artd approved by Lhe Design Rwiw Committee prior to issuance of any bu ildinq permits for the center. 25) Pursuant to pxovieiona of California Pu611c Ruourcu Coda Section 21089(b), foie appliettlon shell not bs operative, vested, or final, oar will building permits be issued or a map cocordedr until (1) the Nat ice of Determination (NOD) regarding the ae aacieted environmental nction is tiled and posted with the Clark of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San eernardinoi and (2) any and all requ Lred filing toes queued pursuant to California Pieh and came Code Section 711.4, together with any required handling charges, are paid to the County Clerk of the County of son Bernardino. The applicant shell provide the Planning Department with • stamped and conformed copy of the NOD together with • receipt showing that all Lacs have bwn paid. In the event this application i• determined exempt from such filing fees pursuant to the provLlone of the celifornia Fish end Game Code, or the quidellnea promulgated therwnder, except for payment of my required handling charge for filing a Certificate of Pee Exemption, this condieion shall be deemed null and void. /~9 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVTION NO. 91-86 CUP 90-J7 - FOOTHILL MAREET PLACE June 26, 1991 Pegs i 26j eicyela storage spaces shall bs provided at a rats equal to 5 percent of the required automobile parking stalls, up to a mazimws of 300 bicycle storage apacee. Security racks shall be provided for each storage apace and shall be located near main bulldlnq entrances in highly viai6le areas to minimize theft and vandalism. An aisle or other space shall be provided for bicycles to inter and Lave the storage spaces with a minimum width vt 4 fast to the front or rear vt a standard 6-loot bicycle parked Ln the space. 1) The applicant shall underwrlG the test o[ not mare than six Lnterviews a part of • City approved Oral History Progsem of the pLoneer wine-making families of the subject area. The program shall be coepletad prior to the Luuance of any bulldlnq permits for the center. 2) Tha exLting structures shall W documented tally according to NADS/NASA atandarde by an architect approved by the City and paid for by the applicant. The documents shall be submitted for rwiaw and approval by the City Planner prior to the iuuanee of permits for either demolLtion or relocation. 3) The applicant shall offer to donab the Guiders and DLCarlo Aomee to pareon^ demonstrating ownership of parcel within the City of Rancho Cucamonga suitable for such relocation. Theca homes shall be avaLlable for each tlonation over • period o[ 180 days and the applicant shall pay for relocation costa to the point of delivery of LM houue to the lots. with the foundeLione for the homes to be completM by others. Advertisements shall be placed in Ne xnlana Vtllev Dally Bulletin and The Sun newspapers. at ^ minimum, every weekend during the 180-day period. The via of the advertisement shall be one-eighth page and the content shall W reviewed and approved by the City planner prior to the submittal to the newapapsrs. Parcel located in the historic community of Etiwanda will ba given first preference. All documentation demonstrating compliance with this condition shall W submitted to the City Planner prior eo the iuuance of demolition permits. ~~ PLANNING COMMEggION RE30LUTION N0. 91-86 CUP 90-37 - FOOTHILL MABEET PLACE June 36, 1991 age g 4) The applicant shall incorporate the tamiliQ and architectural pest of the area into commie toned public art integral to the architectural design of the project. Thi• artwork shell portray southern et iwanda'e wlnrmakinq past in a rulistic style and the applicant will submit no lean than three alternatives, Sn no lees than three different a [t ietic mediums, for the Xlataric Pruervstion commiuion's review. Ths final epetifieations for this architecturally integrated artwork shall be approved by the Planning Commission prior to the iaeuanne of env hui:A:.... ......:~. .... . 6) The applicant shall use personal names and those of auoeiative qualitiu, snch a vinery names or wine laWls, on the project •ite vhereves possible and appropriab ulth the approval of the untsr'• uniform Sign P[Ogram. 6) No demolition permit shall be issued for existing structures within the project site until the luuanee of building permlt^ for my new structure. anninearins OivLLOn 1) Existing Overhead Utilities a. Foothill Boulevard - An in-lieu fee as contribution to the future undergroundinq of the ex ieting overhead ut Slit lea (telscoemunieation and electrical) on the opposite Bide of Poathill Boulevard ahnll be paid to the city prior to the issuance of bu tiding permits. The !w shall be one-hat! of the City adopted unit amount times rho length from the center of Stiwanda Avenw to the wssNrly terminus. b. Btiwanda Avenue - An in-lieu fu ax eontrlbut ton to the future undergroundinq o[ the existing overhead ut111t Les (electrical except for !M 66 kv electrical) on the opposiG •ide o! Et Lwanda Avenw shell bs paid to the Clty prior to tM issuance of building permits. The [w shall be one-half the City adopted unit amount i imes the length from the center of laothill eculevard to the south project boundary. e. Overhead utility service linos which crow Foothill Boulevard and Btiuanda Avenue shall W removed coneurrmely with the removal of the existing house on the south side of Poothill Boulevard. l~l PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 91-BB CUP 94-3] - FOOTHILL MARKET PLACE June 26, 1991 Pages 9 2) Foothill Boulevard shall be eonstzueted from 6tiwanda Avenue to the westerly project boundary as follows: a. Full width on the south Bide including the median curb. b. Ths ultimate backbone system on the north •ida <onsistinq of two travel lance (27-toot wide pavsment) and the msdian curb or a othsrwLs approved by the City Bnglnsar. r.. tea... .~. ragout a rsLSburssment ,agreement to recover the coat of one-half width of Landscaping fronting hi• project from future development of aerou- the-street properties. d. Construct a complete inbzwetion of 6tiwanda Avenue and Foothill Boulevard with transitions to meat uistinq pavement coat on -oothill boulevard and north on Stiwanda Avanu. Also the traffic •ignaL shall be modified at the interaction of 6tiwanda Avenue and loothill Boulevard. both items ^hall be a approved by the City bnginar. If improvement of the Interaction csquiro alterations to the exist lag building(s) at the Foothill Boualvard and 6tiwanda Avanua intersaetion, the structure(s) shall G reviewed for their historical significance by the Historic Prawrvation ConmLseian and Planning Commission and appropriate mitigation measures eetabliehed. The dovslopsr may request a reimbursement agreement to recover the cost of the mitigation measure ueoeated with the interaction improvements from future development a Lt oceuz• on the af[ected propertlae. •. TM dsveloyer shall ba eligible for tes crsdlt• against end niedaurssment free the Transportation Dwalopaunt !es for the portion of improvemenN determined by the City Bnginar to be of supplemental ^iza, length, or capacity over that ceded or Ghe impact of thi• development in conformance with Ordinance No. 455. 3) The traffic signal shall be installed ai the main entrance on Poothill Boulevard at the dsveloper'• expense. <) The median island within Poothill Boulevard shall W moved sou[herly eo that it L sym:wtrlcal about the ~d PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 91-E6 CVP 90-]7 - FOOTHILL MAARET PLACE June 2fi, 1991 Wage In conterllns or as otherwieo approved by the City Engineer. 5) The Foothill BouLvsrd buabay shall ba moved westerly to be as close a possible to the median opening to reduce potential jaywalking across Foothill eoulevard. 6) Etlwanda Avanuo shall be widenwd on both •idu a• neeuury to accoaaaodaG thw strut Lopzovement• neceoary to mitigab the traffic impacts of tM ~__'_ _ -- :cy,.:.~1 Lr ... C~.y 6nyinwr. 7) Provide double (opposiG direction) Lft turn lanes within Etlwanda Awnoe to urvw khe project entrances, Chestnut Avenue, and • future driveway on the east side of 6tiwtnda Avenue, or a otMrwise approved by the City engineer e) Provide a curb-adjacent sidewalk for the buabay on Foothill Boulevard. Also, the curb-adjacent •Ldewalk for the buabay on Btiwanda Avenue shall be minimized. 9) Provide a meandering sidewalk Ln accordance with City Etnndazd No. 304 on Etiwanda Avenw. The sidewalk on Foothill Boulevard and Etiwanda Avenue shall meet all driveways at Ghs zero face o! the curb return ezeept for the main entrance on Foothill Boulevard and as otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 10) A final Graf fic study showing calculations for the determination of the length o£ all left turn lance on Foothill Boulevard end Btiwanda Avenues hssed on post 2010 traffic conditions shall be suhmleted to and approved by the City Bnginasr prior Lo final map approval or issuances of buildlnq permits, whichever occurs first. All strut facilitiu shall be installed a requirwd by the City Enginur. 11) A lot linty adjustment shall be rwcorded to incorporate the northerly portion o[ APN 229-021-69 and the westerly portion of APN 229-031-1fi into this project prior to the ieeuence of buildlnq permits. 12) All of the prof set driveways and the inGrnal drive aisles to W uud by trucks shall be designed to scconmodate the Caltram standard 50-foot radius turn template unless justification is provided for a Luer do ign radius as approved by the City Engineer. 173 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 91-e6 CUP 90-37 - FOOTHILL MAREET PLACE June 26r 1991 Page .. 13) Tha property neeuaary for the proposed frowsy off- ramp at the nocthwat corner of tM site shall be ~ reserved. It appears that calirana will not allow the retaining well shown on the plansl theretora, additional lend to what is shown on the plena will naea to be reserved ae approved by calirana and the City Engineer. Also, the project plena will nod to ba madifted accordingly. 14) Drainage Ease for the davslopmant shall ba paid a^ Eollowas a. Etiwanda/San Savaina area tNa for the portion of the •ita within that area boundary (aaNrly 6t arzea) . b. General Clty area fwa for Che portion of thi• Bite Dote ids of the Etlwsnda/San Sevsine area. c. A payment aquivalant to the Day Cruk Hello Roos Auosmant of $4,675 par sera for the portion of the •Lte wrrantly outside the Day Creak Channel Nsllo Roos Dist slat boundary. 36) Approval shall be obtained from the Nunlelpal Water District and San Bernardino County Plood Control District to accept the axiai inq flown from north of Foothill Boulevard to the tscility along Arrow Highway and Day Creek Channel. If such approvals cannot be obtnlnetl, alternate faeilltiaa ouch ea those required by the Etiwanda/San Savaina Drainage ?ol icy (Area 5) shall ba provided as approved by iM City Engineer. 16) Intersection drains shall ba provided acrou yoothlll Sou Lvartl at Etiwantla Avenw aizW to convoy ea much flow as Laaibls a approved 6y the City Hnginwr. 17) Drainage facilities shall be extended to the north side of Foothill Boulevard along the project frontage to collect as much floe as feasible ae approved by the City Engineer. 18) Adequau provisions shall W made for aecsptanca for disposal of the drainage enuring the property Pram the adjacent calirana area to the wet. 19) Ths smell portion of tM aouthurt eornar of the property shall be regraded to drain to the Munieipel Water District facility. I ~~ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 91-e6 CUP 90-37 - FOOTHILL MAAXET PLACE June 26, 1991 Pave 1'L 20) Construct storm drain facil it lea to eerw the sib yenerally as shown on the plena and as dfsartbsd in ~ the prof ect'• greliminary drainage report subject io final plan check and a final tlrainaye report as approved by the City Engineer. 21) Eaaemente for and petmiwlon to eonrtruct norm drain EactLttiea on and convey flown to off-site properties shall ba obtained and provided as approved by the City Engineer. any v...~~....~. f,.. ouh:in storm Arnim wi[h in the •iG shall be provided. 23) The developer and the City shall enter Into an agreement that transfers maintenance roponsibilit Ue Erom the City io the developer Lor the drainage facilities serving Foothill Eoulevard at such tiaw that alternate taciltties for disposing o! the Foothill Boulevard drainage is provided and approved by the Clty Attorney and City Engineer. 6. Tha secretary to this Coaaoisslon shall certify to she adoption of this Aeeolueion. APPROVED AND A[IOPTED TRIS 26TH DAY O! JUNE 1991. PLANNING COMtyI55ION OP TXE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ATTEST: I, Brad Eullsr, Secretary of the Plannirq Coamifelon a! the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby eertl[y that the foregoing Resolution. was duly and regularly introduced, gassed, and adopted Dy the Planning Cosmluion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Comaieaion held on the 26th day of Juna 1991, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: MCNIEL, NELCHER, TOLSTOY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COIOfISSIONEAS: CNITIEA, VALLETTE / / ^-' say as DEPARTMENT OF ~~~=}I~ ~~~~~®~~~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STANDARD CONDITIONS PRQ1ECT e: ~r uyj~GN•4L ~~cS~/~l'M.~~ `~G-37 SUBJECT: ~i2~17Nr[G /Y/A,¢r,~;cv.t~E APPLICANT: //sL IYAT.SCW /LYNtaWY LOCATION: ~T~S ~YlL~ll 6/ylr /~ GS Afro ~liWilrk~4 TIx75e items checked ors CorWNbrm of Approval. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DNISION , (714) N9F1fl61, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONORN7N8: A. Time Llmha 1. Approval Shan expire, unksa extended by IM PWnning Commesbn, N buildkq uemtila are not issued or approved use has nol commenced within 24 rtgnlhalromlM datedapproval. i 2. DevebpmeM/Despn Review Shah be approved prior m / / 3. Approval of TerNative Trail No. b gamed subject t0 tM approval of / 4. The devebparsMNCOrtvrrnp.paRidpate in,andcoMUmrrtata oreause toWconmenced, participated in, or conwmmatsd, a Mello•Rcoa ConztauNly FadWlea District (CFD) for the Rancho Cucartlonga Fin PMeAbn Dbtrfct to flntulrx Oortlilnkpbrt enNOr maaaenarrce of afire station to sere tM devebprMnl. TM station sMll W orated, designed, arM buiN to ap specebatione d iM Rartclto Cucartartga Fin ProlWbn DiMrld, and 6haN becorna tM Districts WepeM upon mrlgNbn. TM eQuipmen atlall M asbdep by me Dlsirkt in accordance wish Ns need4. In any building d a slWbn, IM dwebpar shall wrtply with all applicabN laws and regulatbna. TM CFD 6haN be loured by tM DWrk.Y and the devebper by iM tuna recordatbn d lM flM! map atxun. SC Y/91 S.®gmm.Qsts JJ_ J_/- JJ_ _J-; 5. Prbr to recordalbn d tM fln4 map or tM iawartce d WpdNq permila, wMChwsr CorMs first, the applir:am snap Cohen to, or particgge in, iM eetabl'elarlerM d a MNb-ROOs Community FacilNies DMrip for ae ooretnrcflon and nentlenartoe d Mceeaary stttool lacilaies. However, p any sdtool dlRrict has previously eatabNShed ouch a Community FadlNias District, tM appNcan aMN, in lM aperMliw, Ooreem b tM arcezatbn d tM project site Imo iM tenpory d Ludt exieling DieMd prior to lM remrdetbn d iM final map or tM awartce d OupWrtq perrrlNS, whiclevar Conts611r4t. FurlMr, N lM afleUed sCt1001 district has not lomred a Melb•ROOS Community FacpNisa District wthin twelve momM Irom tM date of approval of iM poHa and prior to iM recordatbn d tte linal map or iswance 'i d w110irtq permits for said popq. Itiia cond'Abn ahaN be deemed nup and void. 17o(P J-J- -. -=r'- r..~ c:~~_ n _ ThIS 44r1di114n Shall I7g WdlVed rt the piny re4®IVeS n4!1{g !oat !nQ app114anS and ail alieGied ' School distrips have entered into an agreement to pnvatety accommodate any and all school I, impaps as a rewo of this project. / 6. Prbr to recordation of the tnal map or prbr to issuance of W ibing permAS when ro map is ~I involved, wrsten cenNicatbn from tM aneded water dietrwt that adequate sewer and water faciloies are or will DB availabb to serve tM proposed propel sMll M submiNed to the DepanmeM of Communiy DevebpmeM. Such Boer must have been issued Oy the water district within 90day5 prior to lnal map approval in tMCaseol subdivisbn orprbrlo issuance of permits in the case of all other residential projects. e. slu t»vebpmem / - t. The site snail M devebped and maintained in aaordance wNh the approved plans whbh include site plans, archNedural elevations, extsdornWterials and cobra, IarMSCapirp, sign program, and gradkq on file b tM PWrvNrq DWlebn, the condabns coMakad Mrein, DeveblomeM Coda requlatbns, and ~nr/[c flvi/c/stro Speeib Plan and Planned Community. / 2. Prior to any use of tM propel sos or huainese arxhrily bsinp commenced IMrepn, all Condhions of Approval snaN M completed to tM tretblxdlon of iM CNy Planner. / 3. OaupartcyoltM ladMyaMNratcotllmsnce uMNSI1ChiNiteae allUniloml BulWNq Code and State Fire MarenaN's requlaliorle Mw been oomplNd weh. Prbr to acapancy, ptaru shah ba submMed to tM RancM Cucamonga Fn ProteClbn Dieuitt and the 8uN0Irq and Satery Divisbn ro show compliance. TM buildkq anent W inepectad for tompllance prior to occupancy. / 4, Revised site plans and IwilOinp elevalbrts incgporrtirq aN Conditbra of Approval shall M sul„nioed for Ciy Planner review and approval Prbr ro isauar!ce of building permits. / S. Allsrte, gratling,landscape, irtigatbn,and slreetinprovemeM plans ahaY becoordinated for cAnslstency pdorto issuance d arty psmlits (such as grading, bee removal, erlcroacnmeM, twibirq , etc.l, or prior to lnal map approval in IM case of a custom bt subdivision, o~ approved use Ms commerrcad, whichever axnes Ikel. / 6. Approval of this request shall not waive mrtpNartn with all secoone of tM Devabpmen Code. aN other appecabN CNy OrrlNlarnea, ant appNCabb Communty Plane or Sper9fk PWns in efled al tM time o19uNOlnq Perrrtil ieawrea. / 7. A detased on-alts Nght4tp p4n ahaN W rwiswed and approved by iM CNy PWnner ant SMrifl's DeparlrneM (98}6611 j pdor b tM issuance of builtMrq pemlNs, Such plan anti indicate style. NWm'vwtion, brawn, heigh6 and melted d shielding ao as rml to adverseP, atlect arllaceM properties. 8. It rq caMraNzed trash ronpfadee aro providW, aN trash pick-up ehall be for individual uns wsh dll reteptaobs sobbed Irom pudic view. / 9, Trash rtlceptacb(s) are requwad and snaN meM CNy starldarde. TM final daspn, batioM ant Me number d bash receptacles snail Be strops to Ciry PlaraMr revew ant approv: prbr to issuance of buibirq pemtite. SC R/91 10. All ground-mounted uhtdy appurtenances such as tranetormers, AC condensers, etc.. shall M bated out of pudic view artd adequatey suearted thrarph iM use of a combination of concrete or masonry walls, bsrminq, arW/or IanOStapirq to the satgfad'lon of tM City Planner. !77 2 of 17 J~- J~_- JJ- ~~- _J-J- J~- J-J- ~~_ ~~- ~_J_ JJ- -~,.>„~ !1 Street..^.arressnap~s r; .adt;•C3°plan , ' ` r per rdv,ew di,Ci appiovai 'i 1 aiaidrdafx;e wdYi r the adopted Street Naming Polby prgr to approval of the linal map. J -- / 72. All Wibinq numbers and Indlvitlual unss shall be identified in a clear all wncise manner including proper illummatbn. 13. A detailed plan indbatirg tree widths, maximum sbpes, physical condaions, fendrg, and weed comrol, in aewroarlee wdh Ciry Master Trail drawings, mall ba submitted for City Plannerrewew and al7Provalprbrlo approval and rocordatbn of the FinalTrect Map and prior to approval of street improvement and gradlrp pons. Devebper shall upgrade and construct all trails, inCMlding lencirq and drainage devices, in Conjurlctbn with street improvements. 14. The Covenants, Condsbna arq Restrictions (CC8Ra) ahall:gt prohlDillM keepirxt of equine animalswhere zoning requiremems brtM keepirlgol said animals have been met. Individual bt owners in subdivbbrls sna8 have tM optbn a kespkp eakf anlmabwiMoultM neceassy of aooealino to boards of direeorx or homenwnrrrt' aRwiMinrx rte. amrrMmr.r,ra r.. me CCdRa. 15. Toe Covenants, CorMSbrla, and Rsslrktions (CC6Re) and Arlldes of Inmrporatbn of tM Homeowners' Association are wbpct ro tM approval of tM Plarllfirq and Erglnearirlq Divisions and the Cay Adomay. TMy shall De recorttad tanarmaraly wah the Flr1al Map or prior to IM isauaroe of W ildirq parmss, whichever ocare IksL A recortled copy shall be provided to the Ciry Engineer. / tB. Allparkways, open areas,anObndacapirpshaY be permarlerery rnaiMaKlsd bytMpropeM owner, Mmeownere' aasoebtion, or other nlew aoeeplaDN to IM City. Drool of Mia landscape maintenance shad be subrridetl for Cay Planner and Csy Engineer review and approval prior to issuance of Willing permits. t 7. Solar access easemems sMa be dedicated for tM purpose of aseumirq that each bt or dwelling unit shall nave Me rignt to receNa eunBgM adro56 adjacent b1s or unds for use of a soWr energy system. Tha easements may be coraained a1 a Decbralbn of Reatrklbns for IM suUdivisbn which anal) be recorded conctlnerely with tM ramNatbn of tM Igtal map or issuance of perrtfas, whichever comas Bret. Ths sasernsras shaA tXOhrba tM casting of shadows by vel7etatbn, l1NG111ree. Ihturos Of erry OIMr OD~aCI, IxCept br Niaty cakes and similar objects, pursuant b Devebprtlent Cods Seclbn 17.o9.lMO~Cr2. f 8. The project contairla a deaignaled Hislorkal Landrnadc. TM silo shall be developed and maimained in accordance with tM Historic Lirldrrudt AMeretion Pearls No. . Any ludher nIDONiC8liorM to the wile including, but not arrated to, sxterbr alteratbro ardor imerior aserationswhich aflW tM ezlerbrd IM Wikfingsor atnkdurss, removal of landmark trees, demolsion, rabcatbn, reoorginrGbn of Wildkgs or structures, M c11ar1ges to the site. shall require a nwd'Aicatbn b the Hialoric Undmark Aheratbn PsmN subject to Historic Preservation Commission review and approval. C. Building Deelgn 1. An aaemative energy system b required to provide domsatb Mt water br all dwslkrg units and for Mating any swknnfirg pool 1x spa, anises dher alertugvs energy systems are demorlstraled b be of equivabnt capaoMY arW aRiCbrtuy. All swererlirq pooh iruta8sd al tM time of initial dsvabpnMrs ahaN a suppbmsntW will EObr Mtdinq. Detaib shaX be ineluded m tM W ibimg plain and shall be stibrtkltad for City flarkter reiiew and approval prior to ill bauance of W Tiding permsa. J~- J~- J-/- JJ_ JJ- JJ_ J_J_ JJ- 2. All dwahirp5 shall nave tM Iront, side and rear ebvatbns upgraded wdh arcMlaclural ~ J~- treatment, detailirlq and inCreaSed delineation OI wriaca irealnMnt subjeq to City Planner review all approval poor to issuarlu of/W~ji~kjlirq permis. SC .2,91 ]n117 //~.l a7 3 Standard patio ccvor plans to use by the ktomeG'.vnar5 Assa;iaibr, snail oe subniAiCKt 16r ~, J-i- City Planner and euibfrg Ohbial review ant approval priorto issuance of buibirq permits. ' / 4. Alt root appuAenances, indWirq airmMXbnero and otMrrool mounted equipment and/or J-1- projadbns, shall ba ahieMed from view alltl the souM buvered from adjacent propeAies and sveets as required by the Pbnnirg Dtvbgn. Such xreeninq shall 6e arohhaturaily ' irnegrated wXh iM huibirq design and Wr161rUtIBd to IM sati8laclbn of the CXy Planner. Details shall M included in lxlibep Wang. D. Parking and VMkubr Aeuaa (Indkrie dNalb On Wlldlnq plena) / t . All paAcirq bllendacape isbnda shall MVeaminimumoutakb dimenabnol8feet arq Shall J-J- comain a 72•inch wak adNaM to iM IaaAcirq ataX (Xrexrdrp arb). / 2 . Textured pedeatAan pmtroaYa and texlurod pavement across droulatbn abbe shall tx J-/- orovidedlhreuohoultMdwabwneMbrorvrdAwelNmnlimila/hrAAkrawiM rw•n u~ar•er . Wazas/recrealbnal uses. / 3 . All parking spaces shad a dddb aVtpO per Cily standards and aX dAvaway ablea, J-J_ entrances, arld exits sMX a striped per City xandarde. 4. All unite shall M provided wXh garage door apensro M driveways an bas than 181eet in J~_ Oegh Irom bads of sidewalk 5. ThsCOVSnaMS, COndsorroand RSStriclioa ahaX resirbtthe atorapadrsaaatbnal vahicba J-~- on this sire unless they are tM princgal eaura d tranponation for dN owxter erid prohibX parkirq on imerior cirwbtbn stabs shat than in dHiyWad vbaor parkirtp areas. 6. Plans for arty searity gates shaX be submitted lw iM CMy Planner, CXy ErtpXteer, and J___/- Rancho Cuwmorga Fire Protadion Dbtrlcl rovlew ant approval pAOrb issuance a W ildirp permits. E. Landsaping (tor pu6lkly malMalneO brWSeape Aran, rotor to Seaton N.) ~t. Adetailed brxiscape arM krpmion plan. irtcXgktp abpe plarelrtg and ntodellgrrb lardscap- J~- ing in tM cue a reeideMbl wvebpmerX, ehaX M prepared by a Xcensed landxape arohaect and submitledbr CXy Plarabr reviswartlapproval pMrb tM issuanceabuiltling permits or prior final map approval in tM case d a autom bt subdivision. / 2. Existing tress rsquirodtoapressrved Mplaceahas be prgeaed wXh aconMrtrabn barrier JJ_ in accordaneewiM tM MurtbipalCab Sedbn 79.DE.1 to, ant aonaedontMgrading darn. ThabatipnatMSS aenbWpnservad in plea and new localiorn loruamplaMed uses shall be shownontM detatbdlandscape pbm. The appNCarasnaX7oNOwaXdlM aAwrbt's recommsrNations regarding proservatx7n, VansplaMmg and IAmmirtp mNMds. 3. Aminimuma_tresspergroasacro,comprtseddtMtdlbwirpabaa,shaMbeprovided J~- wshin iM projea: __ X - e8- inch hox or larger, X - Jb inch box ar larger, 9'e - 24 inch box or larger. _ X - 15yalbn, and _ X - 5 gatbn. / 4. A minxnum a ZS X of trees Waroed within lM projad ahaX ba spedmsn a¢e uses - J-l- 2{-irx3r box a larger. / 5. VYdhin parking bta, trsn shall M planted at a rata a orN 15-galbn Irn br aWry thrall J~- parkinq stalb, wflicbM to shads 50 % of tM parkirq aroa at solar roon on August 21. 17~l SC ~ 2/91 { of IS 6. Trees shall be plaMBdin areas olpublk view adjacent to and alongsWCtures eta rateWone tree per 3^ linear !eet of x,:iAiog. - . - - / 7. All private sbpe harYcsSfeelorless in vertbal heghl and 015:1 orgreater sbpe, but less than I _/J_ 2:1 slope, sMN be, at minimum, irrgated and landscaped with appropnate grountl rover for erosion control. Slope plaMirq rewired by Ihia section shall include a pertnaneM irrgation system to be iristalletl by the devebper prior to occupancy. / 9. All privatesbpesinezcessofSfeet,bNbssthan8leetinverticalMpMando12:1orgreater J_J- sbp0 shall be lardacapetl and irrigated lorerosbn control ant to sottan rhea appearance as lolbvrs: one 15-galbn or larger size tree per earn 150 sq. h. of slope aroa, t ~galbn or Wrger size shrub per each 100 sq. tt. or sbpe area. and appropnategrourd cover. In addabn, sbpa banks k1 axoeas of 8 feet in vertidal MipM and of 2:1 a greater sblx mall also include one 5-galbn or larger size tree per eats 250 sQ. tt. of sbpe area. Trees and shrubs sMll be planted in stoppered clusters to soften and vary abpe plane. Sbpe plaraNg rewired by this sedan shah include a permanent irtipatbn system b Da betaNed W tM dsvabfwr prior b oxuparwy. . 9. For sirgk family rasidenNal dsvabpnrenl. ant abps plarskg and irRpatbn shay be COMinu• .-/_ J_ Quay maiMakretl b a MaNhy and MrWkg wrdNbn by Ore dewbper until each Ytrlivklual unN is sold ardabcupied bylM buyer. PrbrtorokasNgocalpanrylortMwuMts, an inapectbn shall be condrtletl by tM Planning DlWabn to dslemtlM that they an Y7 aa0alauYOry condhbn. 10. For muhFlamNy residential and mn•rsakleMial dsvebprrreM, ploperry owMro ors respon• JJ- sida for tM continual maiMeMrbs of aY 4ndecaPed azaas on•sae, as weq as CoMipuala pWMed areas wsnin the Pubab ripMOl-way. AN IardxapBd aroab shah W krlq Irae Irom weeds and deGis ant maintained in a MaYhy and dkhrkg rwMNbn, and shall receive requlaz pruning, feRNizirg, mowkg, and trkrNrwg. Arty damaged, dead, diseased, or decaying plats material shah be replaced wNhin 30 days from tM dale d darna0e. 11. Front yard landscaping sMN G rewired per tM OevebpmeM Cods and /or _/_J_ . TMa rawiromeM shay bo in addition to tM required sheet trees and sbpe pWMirg. / t 2. The liisal design of tM peRmeter parkways, waNs, larldecapirg, and sidewalks sMll be _/,/- included in its rewired lardebape giant ant shah W >uMMM ro City Plarxtsr roview ant approval and ooordinaled brmrtslstertry with any parkway larltlacapirg planwhicn rtmy be required by tM ErgiMerkg Divbbn. / 13. Special WrWSCap! IeaWrae such is mourrdkg, aYtrwl rode. spscirrlen size trees, mearder• J-J- irg sidewaW (wNh hoRZOrtMI charge), and MerlailNd U^dscaP+g, k rawkad akxg ~mnv//L ,3~rv. / tq. Landscaping and ingatbneyaterro rowiredtoWinatalNd wNhinlM pudb rgMol-way on _/J_ tM perimMN M tnis proNCl area slraY M corsiraausty makhaintsd by its developer. / 15. AllwalbsMNbeprevilleOwYhdsmratiwtroatrMM.NbWWinpubNCrruiMenaneaareas. J~J- IM desgn shay be tXlOrdklaled wtttl lM Enpinaebnp Divkion. / 76. Tree miiManance eMeria aMN M dswbpsd ird sWrtwlted fen City P4nner review and ~/-J- approval prior ro iesuarlce d buNtlkg psmlYs. Those raNeRa shall Itrloouraps Ma maurel growth dtazaClsdslie5 0l its sebcted tree species. / 17. Landscaping and krgatbn SnaN be despised b conserve water through the Drhrcples of _J___J_ Xenscape as delined b Chapter 19.16 d tM Rancho CucamonW Munbpal Cade. j ~~ sc ~ 2/91 5 of 11 F. Slgna / 1 The epos Inobatedon lM submmed plans aredorkepual onlyand not a part of this approval. Any spne proposed for Chia devebpment shall comply with Iha Sgn Oroinance and shall . require separate application and approval by the Planning Division prbrto installatbn of any ! Signs. i 2. AUnNOrm Sign Programforthis rNeve ~~~~' ~M/'u'O~ bpmem shall M submined for I.~.lerrrrpr review and approval poor to issuance of 6uildirp permits. 3. Directory monumern sign(s) atoll W provided for apanment Condominium, or townhomas prior to Ccwpanoy all snail requiro separate apptbatbn and approval 6y the Planning DiviSbn poor to issuance of buikling peones. G, Envlronmenfal 1. The devebper shall provide earn prospective buyer wdttan Mtbeof tM Founh Strewr gnrL Cruairor protect In a stargero romW as detsrmilxd by the CMy Pbnrgr, prbrto acce I a cash depose on any property, p ~ 2. The devebper shell provide each prospective boyar wrNten raliee d Sts City Adoped Special Sallies Zone for the Red HNI Fault, kt a atarklard format a6 detemlinad by ttte City Planner, prior to aaepirp a teen rNepoek on all property. 3. The developer aMN provkl0 each prospective buyer written notbe d tM FooUip Freeway propel in a standard lortnat as detertninad by tM CNy Plinnsr, prbr to arxepinq a cash deposit on arty progeny. . a. A final acoustical report snail M wbmslsd for Cky Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permss. TM linal report sMN deoUSe tM level Ot interior noise attenuatbnlo bebw aS CNEL,tM buildklg matenab and donatructbnter;lmiquesprovided, ands appropriate, verify tM adequacy of tM mNpation measures. TM buidirp pans will M cnerdred for cornormance wNh tM mitpatbn measures r:omauted b tM final report. H. Omer Agencies / t. Emergency setordary accaseshallbeprovidedbarxxfrdartcewAh Rancho Crxamorga Fire Proteabn Distrld Slardarda. / 2. Emergency accesssMllbe provided, mainleMrCllree and cber,a mkNmumof 281eet wide at all times during conaWgion in aocoroance wAn RarrJq Cucamorpa Fire Protectbn District requirements. / 3. Prior to i6MlartCe d Duildrq WmNts fa MrrthUatible oorlSlnlCtion, evidence shall be submetsd to tM Rancho Cuomapa Firo Proteabn Dietrkt that temporary water soppy for fire protegbn ra avasabN, MndMp compstbn d required lire protegion system. / a. The aPpkant stop oomatt 81s U. S. Postal Sarvia b dNemYns tM appropriate type and bcatbn of mail bozos. MuMFlamily rsaidenlyl devebprMnla Snag provide a solid ovemead stnrcture for mail Dozes will adequate 8yllkq, TM final beatbn of fife rttaa boxes and tM despn of IM overhead stnuens ahaN be subject to CMy P4raMr review and appoval prior to tM issuance of builduq pemtill. 5. For projects using septic tank latilities, written certpiCalion of atcaplabilNy, including all supportive rMOnnatbn, shah a odained Irom tM San BemardiM County Depanmem of EnvironrMreal Heaph and sta<xnated to the Buildup Ollicial prior to IM issuance of Sepic Tank Permits, all pbr to issuance 01/bQuildup pemNls, SC ~ 2/91 ~/ f 14 ~:.,..~-~~s J~__ ~~~ -r-- JJ_ JJ_. JJ_ J_J_ _JJ_ JJ_ JJ_ J~_ :~ 4PPLICANTS 9NALL CONTACT THE @UtLDiNG ANC SAFETY DIVISION, ptd) 569.1863, FOR COMPLIANCE WITN THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: '~ I I. She t)ewbpmaM CI t. The applicantsMll comply wxhttw latest adopted Unsorm BUiWing Code, Uniform Mechani- cal Code, Unporm Plumping Coca, Natbnal Electrb Coda, and all other applicable codes, ' -~-~= Ord InenCee, and fegulatbrlb in a6ea at tM dIM OI 16e6aflLe a relative pennpe. PIBBSB comact the 8uildlrp and Salary Divlabn for copies of tM Cade Adoplbn Onsinarce aM applicable handouts. 2. Prior to issuance of Duibirp psmxts for a new resldenMl ttweping una(sl or major addpbn J___/,- lo existirp unp(a), tM applicar6shall paydsvelopmentless altM eatablishadrate. Such lees may include, but aro not limped to: City Beaudficatbn Fea, Park Fee, Drainage Fee, Systems Devebpmem Fee, Permit aM Plen Chedtup Fsaa, and School Fees. i ~ 3. Prbr ro issuance a bupdurp pamia for a new corrrrlaraW a induatdal dwebpnbm ar ___/J- adtluiorl to an existing devebpnero, tM apppcaM aheN pay dawbpmmt lava at tM estabuaned role. Such INa may iroMxie, but ors na IutINW b: Sypema Oewbpmem Fee, Drainage Fee, School Faes, Panne and Plan Chselirp FseB. <. Streal addresses shas be provided by the Buildup O8ldW, adartraeUpereel map recoMatbn J___/_ and prbr to issuance a building permps. J. Eileling Slrudura t. Provide compliarx;e wph tM Unponn BulYlup Code for the property Iule cbarances J-J- considednquse, area, and tiro-resistiveMSS a existing huildplps. 2. Existing buildings shah Ds made to Wmply wph correct building and zoning requWtbns for i JJ tM imeredetl use or IM buildup shah be dsmaiellad. _ / 3. Existirp sewage disposal IadNtbs shay bB romoved, Pied andlor capped to comply with the JJ- Unporm Plumbup Code and Unform Buildup Coda. 4. I1rldBlgldUnd OIF311e Illjlplee are to bs IOCalad arW ehoW11 bfl bUlnmry plane S6bnNtlad lof ~~~!_ buildup permit applbatbn. K. Grading ~ t . Grading of tM aubjsp property shall be in acooroana wph dte Urtibml Bupdirp Code, Cpy --~~- Gradvp Surdarde, artl acGplsO gradplg proclicas. Tits linel gradkp pWn snail De in sutplarWal coreorlnena wph tM approved grading plan, / 2. A soils repgt shat a prepared by a Vuaptied snquteer aceltse0 by IM State a Calpomia to -~-~- pedortn such wok. _~ 3. The devebpmenl 6 boated wphb tM soil erosion Ixlrllyd boundaries, a Sop Disturbance J.-/- Pemkl A replilad.Please caaaaSan SamardYa County Deparbttereal Agrbupuro at (711) 387-2111 IorpemYt applirahon. DoctlltlerMatbn of such pertnil ahaN be subrtited to iM Cpy prior ro IM issuance a rough grading pamlA. a. A geobgical report shah M pepaed by a rJuaMlied engineer or geobglet and sliWnpted at -J---~- tMtime a application for gradirp ppn cneck. 5, Thelinalgradinp plansshaebe compbtedand approvedpriortoiaeuartce of biiltlirq permas. '~~ --1~- l8~- sc~s;al Tals \ (^~_. 1] O. A5 d fL$IOT-Y}I wix~nlsan, !hR !O~VJW:.y IBy,ii(vi, Fint$ $,iaii .~' mOI. a. Surety snail be posted ant an agreement exaculed quaraMeeirlq rAmplBtbn of all on-see ~ ~J- tlralnage lacilitiae necessary for dewatenrq all panels to the satisfaction of IM Buibinq and Safety DlVisbn Ixbrto noel map approval and prbrto the issuance of gradirq permits. b. Appropriate easements for safe disposal a drainage water toot are coMlw7ed onto ~J- or over adjacent pamels, are to be delineated ant recorded b tM satialaclbn of the Buibirg and Salary Divisbn prior to issuance a WadUq and W edirp permits. c.On-site drainage improvertNMS, necessary for dawatedrtq and protecting tM subtlivided -~J~ properties, are to be inatatlsd pdor to issuance a Wilding parmila for conshuclbn upon arty parcel that may W subject b dreinape Ibw6 eroerep, leaving, or wshin a parcel relative to which a W ibirp permit ro rsquaatad. d. Final grading plans la each cereal aro to 6e mrhniitl.A M xr. wifirarv. n...r cM.w. / / Division for approval piorto iseuancs o1 W IkWq arq graNrp Demltls. (TMe may be on an inbremeMal or mrrlposite Oasis.) 9. An sbpe W rats b excess a 5 Nat'vt vertbal Mehl shall W sssded wtlh native gressaa J-/- orplaMedwilhgroundcovmbrarosbncoMrol upon oampMtbnagrodirp oraome Omer aeemativsmetnodaerosionmrarol shahwtbrtpktadbtltslwlWadbnaths BuiMirq Official. In atltlebn a pemtaneM irrgatbn system shah W provided. TTNa requirement done not rebase tM appficaM/devebper Irom tbmptlarlp wtlh Ilte sbps paMirq requiremems of Secdon 17.os.plp I a tM Dwebprrrre Cods. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEERING WVISION, (/Ta) aBF1a64, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONORIONS: L OWbatbn atld VMIwNr ACCW __ 1. RigMSOI-way and easemeMe shatl I>e dsdbatad b tM City for ant kdorbr puab streets, JJ_ mmrrunity trails, public paaeos, pubic Nralscaps arose. atreN trees, en0 public drainage laciltlbs as shown on tM pNm anrva teMNNS rtrp. Prwata weemertte for rbn•public laciltlbs (aoss•bt drainage, IOOaI feeder toils, Nc.) sMtl Oe reserved as shown on Me plans anNor teMalNe map. 2. Oedicatbn shall be mods d iM latloahrq flgMSOf-way on the padrrtMef streets ~-J- (RIeaSUfed from Street CMfeA1M): {- 'iN~APLE letaldeet Orl /'~t1.7-~1G /IL/O /M'.ur9i£ tetaFlaet M FJiivLi/!f1 sJvE __ teal Net on torsi test on 3. An irrovgcaON lNlara dedication la •loot wWS roadway easement altaq be made J-J- for all private stroen a drives. 1. Non-veMaw access slwtl bs dedicated touts Ctly for the IOAOwirtg uraeu: ~J_ / 5. Recproral atxess easements ante bs providedeMUdrtg atxsas to ail parceN by CCERS JJ_ or OY Med6 arW ahaY be remrdsd mrtnrmraly wen tIN map lx prior to tM issuance of Wilding psmNla, where ro map ro involved. / ~ ~3 $~ . z/at eorSa .~.:~~>` Y~e7 6. Pmate tlramage easements lorcross-bt tlrainageshatlbe provgeo arq ShaUCe oebneated 01 rutaC M tn9 final map. -" ). The final map ahaa Dearly tlelineate a 10-foot minimum buiitling rest^~ bn area on ;ha ~', _~. J- neipbbodng bt ad'pining the Yero bl line waN and comam IM tolbwing Ianguage~. j ^uWe hereby dedicate to the City al Ranch Cucamonga the right to pronibit tM consfNabn or (resideriaaU buibings (or oMer stNCNres) wdhin those areas desigrtated an the map a9 dtiMirg reatrictbn areas. ^ A maintenande agreement shall also ba grontedtrom each bt to me adjeceM lot tnrough the CC6R's. / e. All existingeasemeMStyingwhMntutureripMSwLweySMllheWSclaimetlordelineatedon I JJJ_ IM final map. _ 9, EasemeMS tot WoAd sidewaka ansYOr sUaN Iraas p1aGd outside 1M public tgmat-way i J-1- snas oe ue:w.:.~ ."^ rn• CiN wherever iMY encroach oMO pHSta property. / 10. AddXionalsusetrgm-oi-way ahaNbe tledbMed abng dpMtumlanse, to provideamnmu~., f _; _.r_ a 7 feet measured from IM lap d curbs, X Curb edpcere s(dewer<m used abng tM dqM t rum lap, a paralbl street tree mairaerrance easement aMa ba prwideA. tt.Thedevelopsrshall malceagoodlaah eeefll0 aoqufrotM roWYed dtl•ske properryiMerests J___f_ necessary b corustNd Me required publb ImprowmeMa, and N hNEM stbuMUN to do so, iM developer snap, at (east 120 days prbr b au6rnatal of tM 8nW map for approval, enter into an agreement to oomplNe tM (mpovemeras purswM b CiovlrterMM Cade Sectbn 66182 al suchgme astMChy acquirosfMproperty itlNMlS raqutrodtatM kpprovameMS, Such agfeenlBM Shall provide bf PaY~ b1r ~ iNVebpet of ant opb MCUrred M tM City to aoquiratM oM-Site property iMeroats required Inpralectfonvriih dta aubdiviebn • Searity for a ponbn of these msbt snail M m tM tam W a cash depbes'n tM amount gNen in an appraisal report obtained by iM developer, >a tMvebpeB apt. The appraiser shall have been approved by tM City prior to wrrerlsrlcerrMtM d b+e appraisal. M. SiroN ImpfOVeIMMe 1. All pudic irtprovemeMS (uaerbr streets, drefnags IaeiWfes. WmnNMY trees, paseos, -J._..J- IarWscaped areas, Mc.J SlteWh al iM plans aralraf leMellw map SIWN W pnstNded t0 C'ay Statxlards. Interior street improverMnts shat inckade, but era rot Nmited b, curb and gutter, AC pawmeM, drive approaches, sidewaks, street lghte, and Street trees. ~ 2. Amnimum of 26-Irootwpe pevemeM. wNM1s10-tool wide Mdicmed rgl'nal-way ahaN be I _/_/_ CDflelMded fw aN haM-sedbtl 1Rfaate. '~ 9. Constnld iM ItlMowirtg pamlNU street imprcwmerda irlcbdirtg, tad not artated to: I ~~_ STREET MAME CU178Q CVTIFR AC. PvMy SmE WAIK DANE APIMi etnEEr WKIS st+sat tAEE3 Coeur. TRNL ISIAttD OTHER u. vc v0 / / ~' / / / / / 7iµiiWO~'f ArE / / C / / / / / SC .1/91 a of 11 /X Notes: (al Metlian island irw:Wdes IandseaWng aM imgatbn on melee (bl Pavement !e[o^S!Ndbn 3!>d OVe.^.ay5 Will be dB:er.^I;,ad d'uii.9 G'an CnB:,I:. (Ci ii af~ Ylefkvd~ S~tld- walk Shah ba curvilinear per STD. 904. (d) If 50 moored, an in-lieu of construction 100 Shall be povidetl Iw lhis aem. / 4. Improvement plans and constructbn: a. Street imgovemeM pans Including street trsen and street IigMa, prepared a/ a regis- tered Civil Engk»ar, shwa W 6raxnatW b and approved by tM CNy Engkwer. Sewmy atoll be posted and an aproemem exrlrxsed to iM aatglactbn d tM CMy Engineer and iM City AttomeY pwroroeeirq rxtmplMb1101 tM pudb andror pdvale slroet improve- meMa,prbrtofinalmap approval ortM iaeuandsdbuidkp permaa, vrhft:hevaroaxrro lirol. b. Prior ro arty work 6Nrq pedomrd M pubpc ogM41-vqy, lean shall W paid and a corotnrdion prrrmtl shoo t» opakrsd hom dta Cay ergiMars Onk:a In arfdabn ro any OIMr partNts rpuked. c. Paverrxfm strlpkg, mvrkatg, troab, attest rwns elprlMq, and aaarmrvrect coriduM stop M Installed b tM aatblaabn of tM City Ent)ir»ar. d. Signalmntkrawahpullboxee shaabaiMfalMdon arty Mwddf161NClbnerrrrpplginrdtipn d major. secorxlary a coaador arrears which iraaroact wah dMr major, aaotmdary or colbdW atreela for futon Iralfb sgrWa. PuY Doxse ahaa be placed on Odh sides of the Stroetat3lsetoutsidsdBCR, ECROrarryomarbcalbMappovadDylMCltyErpineer. Notes: (1) All pup boxes shad bB No. 8 unNs6 dMnvise apscNbd by iM Cay Engineer. (2) ConWa shall be 3-inch gaNanizad elect wtlh putlrope. e. Yyheel chair ramps shall W kMaaed 011 aA bur cortNro d kearsactbns per City Standards or as dkected DY tM City Ertpinaar. I. Existing CAy roads requhirtg consiruCtien shop rorlain open b troflb at aB times with adequate detours during COrrotnrclion. Astraal donna pemW mayW rsquirw. ACash dep0ail anaa ba provided to cover dla oust of prodktp and pavirq, wlwcft stroll M rolUMed upon wnpsuon OI dN wrrotnatlon to gra sa1161adion d dla City EngMesr, g. Concanvated Oroinpalbws shwa ndcrote sidawaW. Under sittewak dniro shay M iruttartsd ro Cay StardaNS, excpt br swtpb lamay bts. h. Ha11dICip access ramp design aftatl M aS spatllled Dy tM Ctly Engineer. i. SVSeI rtemas oboe W approved DY tlta Coy Plarrterprbrro submWal lalwst plan chedt. S. $tfeet NrtplWelrlefa plant par Cay Stifldild{lor aA prkrala ltraate fllftl Ds providW bP review and approval DY tM City Enpirtear. Prbr ro any work baYp pelbmlad on tM pri- vate sirsela, less ahY he paid and Oorlatrttdbn parmaa allay W ODWMd Irdrrt dla Ctly Engineefs Ollie b additbn to arty otMr gamete raqukM. / 6. Sheet trace, a minimum d tSyaaon size or WQar, shall W InstaNW per City Standards in accordance wah IM City's steer tree program. c ..P.~ _ JJ JJ_ JJ_ _/J_ J~__ J-/- _.J__/_ i J-~- ___/~_ J-J_ J_J_ _/_/_ sc - xra t to /Ig .a -=.. r 'i ~ 7, Intersedan line of she desgns shall be reviewetl by the Cny Engineer for conformance wnn -~ .~ adopted policy _i_ __ a. tJrt Collector or Wrger streets, lines of sgM shall he Blotted br all project intersections, incWding driveways. Walls, sgns, arW sbpes shall be bated outside the lines of sight. LaMSCaping an0 other obatruabns within the Ilnes of sigh shall be approvetl by the Chy Engineer. ~~- D. Local resbential street insrsectbns shall have their notbeabilay improved, usualty by navirg the 2+/-cbsest street trees oneach side away fromthe street arts placed in a street tree easement. e. A pemtk shall be obtained from CAL7RAN5 for any work wahln the lolbwinq rgMol-way: f~////GG i2V0 9. All pudb inprovements on the loeowing streets spas De operatbnally complete prior to the iswanCe 01 blllldlrlg DemYta: JJ- J~- J-/- N. Publk aMlMenanu Arerq / I. A separate set of lar[dscapa and Irrigatbn pWn par Engineering Pubeb Works Standards J-J- shall lte submated to 1M Ciry ErtgYtaer for rsvlew and approval prbr to final map approval Or IaauarlLe 01 dlllldatp pemllte, whILMWf OGdln fkat. Tyle roaowrtg IartrlscaDe paritways, medians, are required to be annezetl Into the Landscape Maintenanee Dlatriq: ETWFNd7 ~'l >< FvolHicc ~/O ' `~ 2. ASigned consem and walverlortn to join anNOrform the appropriate Landswpe and Lighting J~- Districts shall be riled with the City Ertpineer prbrro final map approval or iasuartceof buibirtg permits whkftavar oxurs first. ForJttatbn Costs shall be home a/ the devebper. ~ 3. All required puWklandscatNttq andirdyatbn systems shallbeconnftuw6ly maintained bytne J-J- devebper umil accepted by rite City. a. Parkway landuapirtg on the tdbwnrtg aoeet(a) ahaa coraorm ro the resuhs of the respegive J~- Beautification Master Poan: F~iHicc. B~/o O. Dralnege end Fbod Control t . The Drolect la pgdbns tftsreol) is baled within a Flood Hazard Zone; therefore, fbod J~- Drotection rroaattrea altae W providetl as carlalad by a regbtered ChM Ertginear and approved by Uts Cay Ertgirleer. 2. It shall be tIM devebpeYa resportsibiWy to have the wnent FIRM IArM J~_ desgrtatbn remeved Irom the project area. TM dsvebpaYS srtpirtaer shall prepare an necessary reports, plena, and nydrobgiunydrauuc cabuladons. A Corldkbnal Letter of Map Revisbn (CLOMR) shah be obtained hom FEMA prior ro linal map approval or issuartee of buildktp permits, wlkcMveraan Iksl. A LsbNd Map RWision (LDMR) shall bB iswed by FEMA prior ro oaupancy or irryrovsment aaetluncs, whkMver Down lint. / 9. A fine: drainage study shall be submitted to arW approved by the Cay Ertginaer prior to linal J-/- map approval ar the itsuanta 01 building permits, whbftsver oaure lint. All drainage ', facdilies shall be instalbd as required by tM City Ertpirteer. sC .1/91 /~ ~ 11 ~_:J 4. A pemat from the County Fbotl Control District is reQUiretl for work wihin ns righ4ol-way. I ~~-~ ~ _ __ ~ / ~ _ 5. Tracts are prohibited within 5 feel of Inc outsde tliamaler of any puMk storm drain pipe measured Irom Iha outer edge Of a mature tree flunk. I _1_J- ~_ e. PuWb storm drain easemerna shall os graded b cornet' oveAbws In the evem of a I J---/- bbtlcaae in a Sump wbh basin on iha pudk sheet. P. VUIIINa ~ 1, Provitle separate utility aarvkea to each parCN Ytckrdkq sankary sewerage system, water, J_J- gas, eNotrk power, tsbpMM, and nhia N (BaunderyWldj N accordance wsh the Utifiry Standards. Easemems aha4 tact provided act reWkad. '~ 2. me devebper snap Ce reaponsibb for the rebcatbn of eziMing utsabs ea necessary. I ~_J- _.. ~ 3. Water 8rd sewer pNtq Shalt be dsagnaO and conetmaed ro meN the npukllfleMe of tM ! -J--~- Cucamorfga County WtlH DNincl (GCW Vl, Hwtcho t.ucarraagr ~w ~,ww.i:ri, ^.::.+ and iM Envirorvrtanlal tlsaah Depanrrwm of iM Count' W San Barrtardro. A IMtar of compaarics Imm tM CCWD N requlrad prior ro Ikyl msp approval ar iaauartrw of pamtlN, whicfpv8/ OcWla iket. O. General RpulrtMNnq artd Approraat t.Thsaeparale panels COMaatM waNn MS pro(xtbourdgrMa tltaaWbgaly comdnxl kao I-tJ- one parcel prior to ISauanc0 d buidktp pemdte 2. An eaaemem for a pka use ddwway slWl W Pro'rded prbr b Ikol map approval or I -~-J issuance a Duadirg pemila, whichever oocun ik6t, for: 3. Prbr to approval of the final map a depose shah bs prated with iM City covering dte I JJ- estimated COat of apportioning the assassmam uMar Ameasmant Oleaicl artbrq the newt' created parcels. `~ 4. Eliwanda/San Sevains Aroa RegbMl Ma1nWN, Seoordary RtlgbtW, and Master PNn J-l- Drainaga Fees SitaN be pad prior to heal map approval or prior to buidirq perms aa,~anca a no map is ktwNed. 5. Permfis shag W obtained Iron tIN bfiowtrq agenoles br work withn dNk rigMol•way: J-/- __, 6. A speed consara and walwr loan t0 Ian artmor burnt Ms Law EraorCartwm Communey I _JJ- Faglabs DWka shah a fiNd wah the City Ettgirtaar prior to anal map approval or 1M issuance of WaWrtg pemata, whicMvsr oxura tkat. Fomutbn costa S1W M home by iha Devebpar. SC 1/91 7. Prior to linali2atbn of aM devebprtNnt phase, Su1llctefK anprovemsrtt p4M shah be xm• _/~/- pNledbeyond tMphase boundaries ro sawn setprdary axes and draktoge protectbn b the satiSlaAbn of the Cky ErtgkNer. Phase boutltlerbs shah oorrespord ro bt firNa stdwn on the approved 1tmWINs map. I87 11 of :1 - _ ~ L - ~-.._ ~., ~ _ ~-~___________i ;i `' i;~,; ~ ~, -_ - .d 'Original Poor . duality ,," ~ ~ ~I a. 5ss ;i"1 ~'a' ~~ ' i 6 ~ '1 ,', it - I~~` J ~~i,,li ,~.., ~! ! 1 l 'e! I.~ a_ I ~ SCI: :_t4^~ ~! `!~! _._ 3 6 -- ~- _ ~ Y 5 i 1 ( I 3 ~. ~y :ti ~~. ~ '-r s: O''~.'.-~'~~.~~iA'r' i ~i S~f ~~ 1 ~~ \ ~~ ~. iBS x U W I ~~,: f~l I^ R'c SGLUi iON NO. 4l-Ol A RESOL UTI IXI OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION OF THE CCTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING + ADPROVAL OF HISTORIC POINT OF INTEREST 91-01 TD DESIGNATE THE CAMPANELLA, GUIDERA, AND DICARLO HOMES ANO VINEYARDS, LOCATED AT 12573, 12601, 12617, 32675, 12705, 12743, 12777, 12801, 12807, 12811, 12821, AND 32881 FOOTHILL SOUL EVARO, AS AN HISTORIC POINT OF INTEREST - APN: 229-031-03 THROUGH 13. ' A. Recitals. (ij The City of Rancho Cucamonga has filed an aoot ira r+^^ s... _ P^'^' ^f C.",L Cr^.^.: ''it y~~a iiun ea descn oea 1n Lh! title Of this R2SOlution. Hereinafter in this "Resolution, tNe sub,lect Point of Interest is referred to as "the application." (ii) On December 6, 1990 and January 3, 1991, the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conduc led duly noticed public hearings on the application. (iii) R11 legal prereQUi sites to the adoption of thfs Resolution Nave occurred. , B. Resolution. NON, THEREFORE, ft is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Historic Preservation Commission of the Lity of Rant ho Cucamonga as follows: 1. ~ This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part "A", of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. The application applies to apprgxi mately 52 acres of Land, basically a rectangular tonfiguratton, located along the south side of Foothill Boulevard east of Interstate 15 and west of Etiwanda Avenue. 3. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-refertnted public hearings on December 6, 1990 and January 3, 1991 including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, and pursuant to Section 2.20.090 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, this Commission hereby makes the followfng findings and farts: A. Historical and Cultural Signfficance: Finding 1: The proposed Point of SnLerest is particularly representative of a historic period, type, style, region, or way of life. Fact: Tne DiLarlo, Schirg, Campanella, E11ena, Columbaro, and Guiders families forged a community based on shared cultural background, faith, and way of exf stence. These women, men, and children pioneered the growing of grapes and the making and selling ~g9 EXHIBIT D HPC RESOI'J:IGN A0. ~1 POI 91-01 - Campan el,a, Guiders, OiLarlo Homes January 3, 1991 o. ge 2 of wine in the eastern Cucamonga/southern Eti wanda region in the 19205 and 19305. The homes and winery buildings stand as reminders of the thriving family-based viniculture once so prevalent in this ~ area. The Orchard/Mei er filling station is linked historically with the small retail wineries and homes it lies nett to through the mast popular thoroughfare of the time, Aoute 66. The rise of automobile travel gave way to the parallel development of roadside diners, gas stations, and repair shops. At one time, this structure filled all of these needs for travellers as well as those of the growing community of Eti wanda. Fin~din~2: The Dro posed Point of Interest is an example of a type of building which was once common but is now rare. Fatt: The two houses remain as testaments to the Craftsman style as 3t wwas interpreted in the area during the 19205. Such examples are increasingly rare. Estimated cons trot tf on of the filling station dates to the late 19105. Finding 3: The proposed Point of Interest is connected with a business or use which was once common but is now rare. Fact: Ml neries, large and modest, composed a thriving ma~ori ty of the Lucamon ga/E ti wanda area's businesses and land uses in the era from 1915-1950. These once extensive agricultural enterprises are rapidly disappearing from the landscape. Furthermore, roadside filling stations/restaurants are now all but obsolete. B. Nei qh borhogd and Geogra Dhic Setting: Finding 1: The proposed Point of Interest materially benefits the historic character of the neighborhood. Facts: These buildings form a large part of the overall sense of place and past in the area. Fi~ndin~2: The proposed Point of Interest in its location reDres ents an established and familiar visual feature of the neighborhood, cgmmun! ty, or c1 ty. Fact: Owned by pioneer families whose descendants have stayed in the coa~unlty, the home, winery, and filling station have long been an established and viable element in the area. Finding 3: The properties are on the City's historical inventory. Fact s: The properties are listed thus. Findin ~4: The properties stand out as having gutstanding historical, architectural, cultural, or aesthetic significance. Fact s: The area's disruption as caused by the widening of Foothill ou evard, the construction of Interstate 15, and the rncreasing obsolescence of agricultural uses in the region has reduced /90 HPC RESOLUTION N0. 9 DOI 91-01 - Gampanel ~,., Guidera, DiCa rlo Homes January 3, 1991 Page 3 significantly the context of these structures. Since the proposed proiect calls out for the demolition of all of the remaining buildings and the developer expressed initial obJection to any ~ retentton or lendmarking of the structures, the matter of overriding signifTCante must be determined. Thus, this Point of Interest Res olutt on with mitigations recognized the great ht;torical value of the area as a unit and not specific structures. Finding 5; Designation could help protect it. Fact/s: Regardless of the review process called into play by o ec ion, the proposed Foothill Marketplace would impact greatly an historic site with strong cultural and ethnic significance. ~ Thus, pruj el. i. wuu la have same negative environmental effects.r~~These effects can be ameliorated by the acceptance of the mitigations outlined to Paragraph 4 of this Resolution, 4. This Coma1551on hereby finds that this designation for Historic Point of Interest has been reviewed and considered in cozpliance with the California Envirenmental Quality Act of 1970 and has been determined to be categorically exempt and further, this Coasslssian hereby recoawends that the foil owing mitigations be included with the environmental reviM and determinations for the overall Foothill Marketplace protect: ' 1) The protect owners shall sponsor a City-administered Oral History Program of the pioneer wine-making families of the subt ect area. 2) The existing• structures shall be documented fully according to HADS/HAER Standards by an architect approved by the City. 3) The protect owners shall donate the Guidera and DTCarlo homes and pay for their rclacation to persons demonstrating ownership of a parcel of land within the City of Rancho Cucamalga and suitable for such a relocattan. These homes shall be available for such donation over a period of 180 days. SucA parcels located in the historic community of Etiwanda will be given first preference. 4) The protect owners shall utilize personas names and those of associative qualities, such as winery names or wine labels, on the protect site whenever possible. 5) The developer shall incorporate the familial and agrlcultura! past of the area Tnto ccawlsstoned public art integral to the architectural design of the protect. This artwork shall portray southern Etiwanda's wine-making past in a realistic style and the protect owner will submit no less than three alternatives Tn no less than three different artistic mediums for the Historic Preservation Camalsslon's review. The final sDecifitatTons for this architecturally-integrated artwork shell be approved by the Planning CdmmTssion. / ~' HPO RESOLUTION N0. ! 1 POI 91-01 - Campanella, Guiders, Oita rlo Homes January 3, 1991 Page 4 6) No demob tf on permits shalt be issued for existf ng structures within the Dro,l ect site until the issuance of building permits for any new structures. 7) The pro,{ect owner shall contribute up to ;100,000 to , establish a fund for the recons trutti on of a 2,000 square foot barn at the site of the City-owned Chaffey/Garcia house wherein local wine industry artifacts will be documented and displayed. The said funds shall be donated prior to the issuance of demob d on permits. The design of the said structure shall follow the design of the original Chaffey/Garcia barn and fts ezecuti on shall Oe sub,l ect to the review and approval of the Hls toric Preservation Commission In tim romp Or a Lanumm'~ ni id. 6t.~u .o7Aa. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1. 2, 3 and 4 above, this Commission hereby resol vas Lhat pursuant to CAapter 2.24 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, that the Historic Preservation Canmissi on of the Cf ty of Rancho Cucamonga hereby racoappends approval on the 3rd day of January, 1991, of Point of Interest Designation 91-01. 6. The Chairman of this Cammission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. gPPROVED AND ROOPTED TH[5 3RD DAY OF JAN WRY, 1991. 0 BY: Hob chmidt, Chairmen AYES; COMMISSIONERS: ARNER, BANKS, BILLINGS, HAS KYIT2, PRESTON, SCHMIDT NOES; COMMISSIONERS: NONE A85ENT: COMMISSIONERS: COOPER I qa l3T:S0ILIl'ICN N0. 91-059 A RE9DI17CTON OF TiTE C1TY mf1E7CII. OF THE CITY OF RAHOip G[X'AEL'N:,A, CAl'.IFORNI'A, APPfdOVIHG HISTORIC POINT' OF 1M'FRFSI 91-01, TlffREBY DI5IG1A1'IN+ THE CAt~ANETSA, CNIDD9A, AEID DICARID VINEYAFD 1'AtdDS AtID S17dR1fIRE5 LOCATED AT 12573, 12601, 12617, 12675, 12705, 12743, 12777, 12801, 12807, 12811, 12821, and 12881 FOOIED2S. BO[8.1dARD AS AN HISTORIC pOINf' OF IIPI'IIikSi 4rtiF}~AS, m Deeem6er 6, 1990 ctrl Jatntary 3, 1991, the Historic Preservatim ~nisaim of The City o1 issrctw Cucamorgn onrduc!'ffi duly noticed public hearitgs m the applicatim. Ta~ItEAS, the City Owncil has received ar$ reviewed all input regarding mid Point of Interest deaigrudtim. FhQ1ttF11S, all legal prerequisitae to tty adoptim of this [desolation have oaxnred. NUJ, TTE, The City Cuunil of the City o! Randw COCar0or7ga does hereby find, determifre and resolve as tollars: SHCTTON 1; 121e appllmtim applies t0 apprexim~tely 62 acres of lard, basically a rectarrgtziar oonfigdsatim, rotated alarrj the south side of Foothill Fkuleverd anal of lirterstate 15 and west of Etiwanrla Avenue, APN: 229-031-03 thrLU~1 ]3. SI7CtI0N 2: The proposed Point of Interest meets the following criteria established in Q~apter 2.24.090 of the Rattd~o CaCalnonga Municipal Code. A. Historical and Calt~rral signitim'ioe: Firfdira 1: The proposed Point of Interest is PartiarlarlY represen- tative of a hiataric period, type, style, zegim, or way of life. ~: TtTe DiCerlo, Sd3riro, Caspanella, Ellenn, Columbaro, and cllidera lamilies forged a omm~mity ha-~ed m shared cultural back- gnmad, faith, and way of e:cistenee. These women, men, and children piarered the grawiJy at grapes and the mNcLg std sellirrq of wire in the enatern Cum/southern Etiwarda regim in the 1920's aryl 1970'a. The homm and virexy buildings stand as remildrss of the thriving family-hexed viniallttaa moo so prevalent in this azm. the Otrhard/Meier filling station is linked historically with the mall retail wineries and homes it lies next to through the most popular thorcughfare of the time, Rcute 66. The rise of automobile travel gave way to the parallel development of roadside diners, gas atelier, and zepnir shopr. At orr time, this structure filled all of these needs for travelers as well as those of the grwirg oammity of I:[iwarcla. 93 EXHIBIT E Resolution No. 91-059 Page 2 Firdina z; '1}m proposed Point of Interest is an e:mnple of a type of building whid7 was once orison but is row rare. Fact: Rite tSro hakes remain az testaments to the Craftsman style az it was interpreted in the area during the 19206. S1~r2t exavples are i.ncressingly rare. Estimated mrmtzuctim of the tillag statim dates to the late 1910s. Findim 3: The proposed Point of Irttsrast is cotvtec:ted with a business or use which was once o®m but as now rata. ~: Wateriea, lazye arc1 modest, oonf:asad a thriving mejarity of the CuCamOnga/Etiwarcla area's kaxirwa.. ...~ .N~ ..___ ./. u~a ura tray 1915-1950. These anoe exGrmiva agriwltutal arYtarpriaaa are rapidly daappenrlrg from ttm audecape. tLrthezmara, roadside Filling statism/resta~ania era na+ all but otsolata. B. Findim 1: Ttte proposed Pbaii of Interest metarfally benefits the hist~ic rltaractex of the rrightortnad. ~: T2teee buildirga farm a large part of the auarall aen9a of place ud pest in tit area. Fi~.3: 'dte prapoeed Point o! Interest in its lomtim represents an established and familiar visual ieatvre of the rtaighborhood, mtmunity, or city. Fact: Owned bf pioneer families whcee deeoacdartta hnv stayed in the crnmmity, the home, watery, and fillirg station have lag been an established and viabU el®ertt U the arse. Findim 3: The pcopmties era m the city~s hiatariral a:ventory. Jam: 7tte properties eta listed thus. Fadirtn 4: 'ate pzopaztias arard out as havitg outatarding historical, ardtitechual, sllttaal, or' aastitstic aigniticaroe. ~: eta araa~s disnrp[im as caused by tM widenirg at Foothill Ballavard, the cormtxuctist at Interstab 15, std the irKT6asag dmolesomns of agriollUUS1 uses U tit region has recaxmd significantly the context of fbaas atrucEsr. Sirtoa tit prcizsed protect calls auC tar the dasclitrm of all of the *'~;^a~ , tuildaga and the davalrpar etq:nssad initial objactim tv sty retentim or landaarlcirg of the sttuot~uas, tN matter of aNacridirg signiticanoe must ba dstatmirrd. Thm, this Aoitft o! TntBrest Resolution with nutigatrm raootmmrdatiorts z+awcmiu tt~z great histcrical valor of the ores as a unit aM rot spacitic structures. ~9¢ Page 7 F3~.3: Designation could Mlp protect it. arF.s>GGlB:arI ]tegardiees of the review process called into play try historic sits`wi~~~ Foothill Marketplace wind inpaet greatly an ' atrarq cult~ual and ethic significance. 'Ruiv, pot CFpA, the proj.et would haw soma ragatiw envitoreental effects. 1}MSe effects can be ameliorated by tarwaxdirrg to the Planning Cmmission the mitigation reoa®ardatiare outlined in section 7 of this I7eaolution. SFICIIDN 7: 'This drlgtation Lot Historie Point of Interest has been reviewed and aonidersd in c>npliamr with the Celiforrtia FTvirormmiental Quality Act of 1970 and hss 6aen determirrd to a categorically ezmpt anrt further, the axmcil tateby reoometds that ttr toll.wirq mitigation rarv.~.?~- datiarn bi irv.liv+e.+ '<~"=` t._ :ld..uy ws•rssran's etNirGflMntal tWieW and determiratiarr for the overall Foothill Marketplaos project: 1) 1}a project awa~ars stall sponsar a City-admini.stsnd Ofal History Prngraa of the picraer wiry-meki.:q families oL the subject area. 2) 'D:e exiatinq stxuc:fia-es stall fmt doamtanted Lally aooordirq to HAB.S/ifl1FR standards ty an architect approved bN the City. 3) '1Tle pmjece owners stall Borate tta c;ttidera and DiCarlo twmen and pay for their nlomtion to permons demanatrating ownership of a pez+oal of lard within tta City of Ran3fo CUramgtga and suitable for such a No®tim. these tams shall be available far sudT doretian over a pea•iad of 18o days. Such parcels located in tta historic eo~ity of Etiwarda will be given first pte[erence. 4) 12a project owmets stall utilize peraoral rassa and ttnee of associative qualities, such as wirraY tames ar wine labels, on the project site wfaravsr possible. 5) ~e developer Nall Laaspnrate Ua familiel and agriwlttsal pest oL ttr area into coamisaiansd public art integral to the arrhiY.ecCaal design of tla pr+ojsct. 1lTis arh+ark shall portray aauthan Stivanda~s vita-makirq past in a raslistic style arcl the project Qatar will arboiit to less flan three alterrativm in tea ].eM flan three diftcent artistic mediusa Lo rthe Historic Ptmsarvatim ctaission's rni~+. 'ms final speciticatiare tar this atodritectiaaly-ittecpcatd art7,ark stall d apptoued by the Plartfirq Coamissian. 6) tb demolitim permits Nall d lasued Lor existitg at[ucttuea within rile project s1b urrtill the iseuenoa of bidding permits Lar any new stnrrtiaas. / 9-~.- Ppsolution No. 91-059 Page 4 7) Ttr pmjeet wren shall cantribtrG ~ to 5100,000.00 to estaDliah a ford far the remnstrtx~tion of a z, 000 square Coot barn at the site of the Citybwned Gaffey/Wrsia horse wherein local wine industry attifacte Will ba d0arrtted and displayed. The said fords stall b• donated prior to t!r 1aaUanCe o[ demolition permits. 1Sfe dmign Of tlr said eQ110b1r6 shall follw the dmicyf of the arigirnl Qaftey/Garcia barn and its cracvtion shall ba srbject to the revive arcl approval o! the Historic Preservation p>reiseian in the form of a Lardmerk Alteration Permit. SECPIDN a: Ba.9ed upon tlr tirdirrA std oaclusiar set forth in Sectioia 1, z and ~ above, and rsosivtl std rsviarrsd by this Ootmcil. HE TT FfAaff~R RE9~.VID that tlfs City Cancil of ttr Ctty oL Pert3w Cucamonga ap~oves t!r farWatditg o! thsr adtigatim zro~utlatSar t4 ttr Planning Constissian and the deelgrotim of the Caapanella, Gltidera, and DiCarlo vineyard lards and strucGrres as an Histacio Point of Lrterest. PASSm, APPlWtD, and ADOPtFD thL 20th day at Felllary, 1991. AYES: A1Nmrdst, Bu[Trt, Stout. W111i.ast, Id'icjlt NDFS: Norr ABSFM': Nor Dennis L. Stout, Nayar ATPFSt: a J. ,City C1CIr I, DPHtA J. ADkS, C1TY CISRC of t1r City of RertCto Cucamoncle, calitornin, do crr.hy wRtry ttrt ttr toregoirq Arolutioa ue. duly passed, approved, and adopted by tlr City Oas+cil of thr City of ltstdro ~~, California, at a regular msetLg of said City ColrrltciL held m tlr 20th day of Febtvary, 1991. 19~ gage 5 Daaafiad thin 21st day of Fahrvaiy, 1991 at Aercin pramorga, mlifomia. Dehra J. ,City Clerk ' 197 RESOLUTION NO. ~/• J~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO ~ CUCAMONGA, CALIFOFINIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 90-37, A REQUEST FOR MASTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR A }60 ACRE RETAIL/COMMERCIAL CLRITER CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 550,000 SQUARE FEET OF LEASABLE SPACE AND A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF CONCEPTUAL SITS PLAN ANO BUILDING ELEVATIONS FOR TFIE PRICE CLUB FACILITY IN TXB REGIONAL RELATED COMMERCIAL DESIGNATION OF THE FOOTHILL BOVLEVARD 9PEC IF IC PLAN (SUBAREA 41, LOCATED ON TFIE SOL"fH SIDE OF FOOTHILL BWLEVAAD BBTWEEN INTERSTATE 15 AND ETIWANDA AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 229-031-03 THROUGH 13, 15, i6, 20, AND A PORTION OF 59. A. Reci tale. (1I Foothill Marketplace Partners hoe E1led an application for the issuance of Condltlnnal Use Permit 90-37 as described Sn the title of this Resolution. Hereinat ter in thin Resolution, the subject Conditional Vae Permit i& referred to act "the application." (ii) On the 26th day of June 1991, the Planning Comma action of the City of Macho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and after conaiderlnq all public testimony, the Planning Commission adopte8 its Reao lot ion No. 91-a6 approving the application. (iii) The deci eion represented by said Planning Commission Aeso lotion was timely appealed to this Council. (iv) On August 21, 1991, the City Council of the City oP Macho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing nn the application an3 concluded said hearing on that date. (v) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. H. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it Sa hereby found, determined, and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facto set forth Sn the Mci tals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearings on June 26 and August 21, 1991, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Council hereby specifically finds as follows: /9g CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 90-37 August 21, 1991 ny,.e ~ (a) The application applies to a }60 acre parcel of land located on the south aide of Foothill Boulevard between Interstate 15 and Etiwanda Avenue, with a street Eronlage Of }2,175 Peet along Foothill Boulevard and }600 feet along Etiwanda Avenue. The Bite Se presently designated for Regional Related Commercial and Light Induatr sal uses and is developed with single-family residences, a winery complex, and a converted gas stationt and (b) The property to the north is designated Eor Commercial uaea and is improved with a mix of uaea including a church, single-Eami ly residences, retail stores, and n converted winery. The property to tae south is designated for Industrial uaea and is developed with an industrial business, is beinc drove t,..w.a ~, .a _ - "=`- `"-----'~" ~ ~ .:i ii cy, ens >.e vacant. The property to the east ie designated-for Commercial and Residential uses end le vncant and developed wits single-family residences. The property to the west, opposite the Interstate 15 Freewny, Sa designated for Cos®ercial uaea and is vacantr and (c) The project will comply vita all minimum standards of the City of Rancho Cucamongat and (d) In conjunction with this application, the applicant hoe submitted a request to amend the land use deaSynatlon within the Poothill Boulevard Specs £ic Plan Erom Light Industrial to Reglonnl Related Commercial. Provisions were previously incorporated into the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan to allow for such a change through review and approval of a Master Plant and (e) The development of a }550,000 square foot retail/commercial center is consistent with the Regional Related Commercial designation of the eoothi ll Boulevard Specific Plan and the Commercial designation of the General Plan. (f) The property is developed with single-family residences, a winery complex, and a converted gee station which stand as retntndere of the thriving family-based viniculture once eo prevalent in this area. The two homes are constructed in the Craftsmen style ae St rose interpreted in the area during the /920x, and such examples are Sncreaeingly rare. The historic significance of these structures, and their fortser use, Se further documented in this Council's Resolution No. 91-059. (g) The legncy of the Italian Families who settled and began to produce vine during the 1910e and 1920s Sn this eastern Ncamonga/southern Etiwanda region represent an important segment of the wide range of wine making activities which characterized the City's past economic and cultural life. The Chaffey/Garcia house and the reconstruction of the Darn will serve ae a local history site and museum to exhibit and interpret artifacts from the viniculture and citrus ngzicultural industries. CITY COVNCIL RESOLUTION N0. CONDITIONAL USE pERNIT 90-37 August 21, 1991 'rage 3 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to thin council during the above-referenced public hearing end upon the epacif is findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes ~ ae fo llowa: (a) That the proposed use is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Development Code, and the purposes of the district in which the site is Located. (b) That the proposed use, together with the conditions eppllcable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or aelfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. (c) That the proposed use compiles with eeeh of the applicable provisions of the Development Code and Poothill Boulevard Specific Plen. 4. Thin Council hereby finds and certifies that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance wish the Celifornle Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Council hereby issues a mitigated Negative Declaration. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Council hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition net forth below: a. Approval of Conditional Uee Permit 90-37 Se granted subject to all conditions ae contained in Planning Commission Raeolution No. 91-HS, except where modified h¢rein. b~ Hi atoric Preservation Con ition No. 1 is modified to rend as follows: \ The applicant ahal.l ands its the coat of a City approved Oral History Progr of the pioneer w e-making families of the bject area. The pro am shall be completed pri to the iseuence of a building permits for the enter. c. Condition No. 7 shall be added under Historic Preservation to read as fo llowe: 7. The project applicant shall contribute up to $100,000.00 to establish a fund for the reconstruction of n 2,000 square Eoot barn at the site of the City-owned Chaffey/Garcia house wherein local wine industry artifacts sill be documented and displayed. Bald funds shall be donated prior to the issuance of demolition permits. v ~O CITY COVNCIL RESOLUTION NO. CONDITIONAL U9E PERMIT 90-37 August 21, 1991 Pnue 3 The design of the structure shall follow the design of the ortginel Cheffey/Garcia barn and its a%eoation shall he subject to review and approval of the Rietoric Freaervatlon Commission in the Corm of a Landmark Alteration Permit. 6. This Council hereby provides notice to Foothill Marketplace thnt the time within which judicial review of the aeclaion represented by this Recto lot ion moat be sought ie governed by the provisions of Cn lifornia code of Civil Procedure Section 109E. 6. 7. The City Clerk of the CLCy of Aancho Cucamonga le hereby directed ... _ ._____ ...J 1 Ji.t uu Cpl iur ci,wlW trammlt a-certiYied copy-of thisVReeolution,~by~certified mil, return- receipt requested to Foothill Mnrkaplace at the address identified in City records. HW 20 '91 16:14 TO 7149876499 AUgaat Zd, 1991 FROM TFE kgTTSON C011PPNY T-616 P, 02 Mr. Donnie stout, Mayor CSly Counoilrembars City o! Ranaho Cucamonga lOSOO Civio Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91710 Re: Foothill Marketplace Dear Mamberal This latter is written to update tIIe Council on the Foothill Marketplace Partnars• position in respect to the Cha!!oy-Garcia barn project and the mitigation aeaaures for the cultural resources on our project sit.. It is our hope that a decision will be mda font is consistent with the iapact our development has on Lhe existing atzvctures. Ws support the Planning commieslon findings and request the City Council uphold their decision. As background, our project anaoapaaeee over 60 acres of lend from the I-15 to fitivanda Boulevard. Cur two mjor tenants (Prise Club and Wai-Mart) surrounded by a cohesive pedestrian friendly center will provide a destination shopping environment unrivaled in the area. Thin center will not only benefit the citirens o! Rancho Cucamonga and surrounding cltiee, but also will provide an estlmtad $1,850,225 in Sales Tax Revenues to the City (Attachment ~1). Thie development 1s pursue3 on longer time trams !or return anfl smaller profit aargine. To entice the mjore to the site, the Foothill Partners had to agree to land sales prices below our land basis. Thie fact combined with the higher than normal infrastructure and architectural costs mks nny unplanned costs critical to the underlying economics oL our investment. Because of the netura of the Blstaric Preeervetion Commission's work, the costa associated with the aitigation remains to this day unbudgeted and craetes signitloant ixpact to the prof act viability. we are not contending that because of the untortunete timing of the "point of interest" designation by the BPC that all costs asaoclnted with the mitigation are wrong, but instead the casts should bs appropriate in scale to what is on ^ita, end what fairly mitigates the loss or trensferenca of these cultural resources to soother location. specifically, wa believe that the actions of the Planning Coamission should be upheld and the requiramant for a Sioo,0d0 donation to the chattay-Garcia barn should not bs once again added to our projaat•• conditions. This opinion is bawd upon gy„ VE\t'1YlF.? CEMF.fl IINIVIi • tii'7fl /sic NEWIl1R: BG\f'i I,IfAI,Ik )NNIA 9:h Mt ~,`.~~~ WJG 20 '91 16:14 TO 7:49876499 FROM TFE WHTTSON CIMPANY 7-616 P. 03 )z C /r Mr. Dennis etomt, Mayor City Counailmembers Auquet 20, 1991 Page Two our contention that there la no logical connection bctrean the houses on our site end the City~• Chaffay-Garcia barn project. During the Planningq eo®iseion public hearing, several strong statements by co>oiaaioners wflre made that supported our view that the eatabliahmwnf nI " ........ w.a........ ..~.. project was at best vary vary~~diffioult. _.. __. ,,.,,,, :r... ....a ..o:.. This was summed up by Aelph Hanson, Deputy City Attorney, who when asked hie opinion on the relevancy of the barn project to the Foothill development atatai the condition la particularly unusual. Ha explained the conditions era specific mitigation meaeurea to support and jwtify a mitigated Negative Dsalaration so far as it relates to cultural resources on the project site. He than stated "You may be able to find a Nexus but I can not". Several Commissioners strongly agreed that there was no logical link and one went as Ear as stating that he did not Peal there was a cultural resource on site, but 1P there wee, Conditions 1-6 adequately address the issue. The total cost for the HPC mitigation measures exceeds $250,000 without the S100,000 barn contribution. In the public hearing I will be availebin to answer questions on these coats and to update the Counailnembera on our progress toward tulfilling the aonditiona. The Partners of Poothill Marketplace look at thane first set of development conditions ae an initial stop on a long path. The relationship that Ss established between City rend Developer in a project of this scope must M one of mutunl benefit for the long term project success. Ne appreciate your consideration in this metier. Sincerely, R. Ph clip Hamming Senior 41ce President cc: Srad Buller Scott Nurphy Ralph Hanson, Deputy City Attorney Larry Henderson