HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991/05/15 - Agenda PacketCITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA R1TcuLnR l-~>sr~lcs let and 3rd Wednesdays - 7:00 p.m. :flay 15, 1991 Civic Center Council Chambers 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 rrw City Councilmembers Dennis L. Stout, Mayor William J. Alexander, Mayor Pro-Tem Charles J. Buquet, Councilmember Diane Williams, Couuilmember Pamela J. Wright, Councilmember a» Jack Lam, City Manager Jamey L. Markman, City Attorney Debra J. Adams, City Ckrk City Office: 989-1851 r City Council Agenda May 15, 1991 I All itue submitted for the Cltp Cnweil Agenda mwt be iD writing. xhe deadline for euhdtliaq thew itue le 5:00 p.m. on the WWaoday prior to the muting. The Citp Clerk's Offiee rwelvu all ouch Stun. A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Atli Call: Buquet _, Alexander _, Stout _, Nilliame _, and Wright N. ANNOONC~fTN/pREDENTATIOlfB 1. Preeantat ion of a Proclamation recognizing May 19 - 25, 1991, a• National Yublic Works Weeks. 2. Presentation of a Proclamation recognizing sob Peppier for his service to the residents of Rancho Cucamonga and congratulating him !or hie promotion to Captain. C. COMMUNICATIOMB 17tON TBE PVBLIC Thin ie the tine and pled for the general public to sddreu the city Cowcil. Buts lax prohibits the city Cowcil fzw •ddrusing •np Suue not peoiouely LnCluded oa the Agenda. The Citp Council up r•eeive tutimony and net the utter for a eubeequaat muting. Cooenb •n to W limited !o five minutes per iadividwl. O. CONSENT CALmIDM The falloring Conant Calendar Sias sze e:paeted to be routine and non-<onlrovsreial. Thep will M uteri upon by th• Coweil at one time ritbout disenseion. Aap itq up be rmved by • Cowcilmember or member of the aWience for diseuseioa. 1. Apptovel of Minutes: March 27, 1991 (euquet absent) Aptil 3, 1991 Apr11 17, 1991 (Wright absent) 2. Approval of Warrant e, Register Nos. 4/24/91 and 4/30/91 1 and Payroll ending 4/25/91 for the total amount of $1x479,100.07. ~n Clty Couneil Agenda May 15, 1991 2 3. Approval to receive end flla currant Invotmant 6chadula 10 as of Aprll 30, 1991. 4. Approval to designate the Nagic Lamp Rastnurant 14 (formerly Lucy and John'• Cafs), locnted at 0189 Foothill Boulevard, au an historic lanamark. RESOLUTION NO. 91-123 43 A R68OLUTIOA OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING HISTORIC LANDMAAN DBBIONATION NO. 91-01, THEREBY DESIGNATING THE NAGIC LAND RESTAORANT (FORMERLY LUCY AND JOHN'9 CAPE), LOCATED AT 8189 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, AS AN HISTORIC LANOMAPR 5. Approval to dsaignate the Noeanzo-Smiderls House, 45 located ac 8068 Archibald Avanw, as an hLtoric landmark. RESOLUTION NO. 91-124 ]3 A RESOLUTION OP TH8 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING HISTORIC LANDMARI(DESIGNATION 91- 02, THBRBBY DBSIGNATING THE NOSENZO- SNIDERLE HOU36, LOCATED AT BO68 ARCHIBALO AVENUE, AS A HISTORIC LANDHARR c. Approval co award and authorize the execution o£ the 75 contract (CO 91-027) for repairing the low voltage irrigation wiring for the arrest landscaping on Victoria Park Lane, to Landacapa Watt, Inc. of Mahaim, Californla, in the amount of $73,600.00 to be funded by Landaeapa luintenanca Aueumant District No. 2, account number 41-6130-7063. 7. Approval to execute Aaimburaemsnt Agreement (CO 91-028) 75 for undergrounding of overhand utilities for DR 87-09, located on the southwest corner of Arrow Route and Rochester Avenue submitted by Schloecer POrge Company, UR-12. u ~ City Couneil Agenda May 15, 1991 3 RESOLUTION NO. 91-125 78 A RHSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING RSIHBUASEMBNT AGAEHMBNT 8%ECUTED ON APRIL 17, 1991 POR UNDBRGAOVNDINO OF A PORTSON OP OVHRHHAD UTI LITSES I.OCATEO ON THE SOJTHWEST CORNBR OP ARROW ROUTE AND ROCHESTER AVHNUH a. wpprovei of Nap, execution of Improveaunt Agreement, 79 Improvement sacurlty and Ordering the Annexation to Landwapa Naintenanca Di/triet No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2 tot Tract 13114, located on the southeast corner of Vineyard Avenue and Calla Oel Prado, /ubmittad by Bayoun Corporation. ~1 RESOLUTION NO. 91-126 A RESOLUTION OF TNH CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, A PPAOVINO IMPROVSMHNT AGABENHNT, IMPROVEMENT SBCURITY AND FINAL MAP OP TPACT 13114 RESOLUTION NO. 91-127 ~~ A RBSOLUTION OF TNH CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRiTORy lb LANASCAPE MAINTENANCB DISTRICT NO. 1 AND STPEET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR TRACT 13114 9. Approval to accept improvement, release bonds and file 85 a Notice of Caopletion for Tract 13304 located on the northwest corner of Terra Vista Parkway and Mountain View Drive. Accept: Naintenanca Guarantee Bontl (Street) $10,538.00 Release: Psikhful Performance Bond (Street) $105,380.00 RESOLUTION NO. 91-125 86 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPAOVEN$NTS POR 13304 AND AUTHOAIEINC THB PILING CF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION POR TH8 WORK . 41 city council Agenda Nay 15, 1991 4 S0. Approval to releaaa Maintenance Bond for Tract 13476 $7 located on the northeast corner of Nauman Avenue end Tryon 6Lreet. Aeleaae: Naintennnce GuaraRtaa Hond (Street) $22,800.00 11. Approval to releaaa Maintenance Bond for Tract 12870 $$ located on the north aide of Highland Avenue between Beet Avenue aRd itiwanda Avenue. a.......,..ul.,uuur uuarancw aona (street) $77,400.00 12. Approval fo reUase !4lnbnanee Bond for Tract 12642, $9 12935-46 interceptor laves erd channel located at Lha eouiheaat cormr of Rochuter Avenue and Highland Avenue. Release: Naintennnce Guarantee Bond (Street) S 8,400.00 13. Approval Lo accept improvements, release Maintenance 90 Guarantee Honda for Trtcta 13542 and 13542-3 located On the northeast corner of Banyan Street and Caniatel Avenue. Tract 13542 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond $22,000.00 Tract 13542-3 Release: Maintennncs Guarantee Bond $48,000.00 9dnl'dn LIIrdaCaae Release: Neintenance Guarantee Bond $ 2x080.00 14. Approval to accept lmprovaawnte, release of Maintenance gj Guarantee Bond for Ttaet 13551 located on the southeast corner of Netherlands View Loop and Vintage Drive. Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (9t rest) $10,300.00 15. Approval to releaaa Maintenance Bond Lor Tract 12642, yZ 12935-64 major atreete, located on the coutheaet corner of Milliken Avenue end Banyan street. Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (major atreete) $207,600.00 16. Approval to releaaa Maintenance Bond for Parcel Map 8617 93 located on the aouthenat corner of NiLliken Avenue and Banyan street. I' "~ City Council Agendn May 15, 1991 5 Releeee: Meintenance Bond $28,800.00 17. Approval to execute Improve...ent Agreeaxant Extension for 94 Tract 12620 located on the northwet corner a[ Hellman Avenue and 6th StrNt submitted by Rancho Park Ventura. RESOLUTION NO. 91-129 95 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, .__.._...- -.:viwv.nanl' AOWLEMENT 6YTENSION AND aMPA0VB1dlNT SECURITY POR TRACT 12420 18. Approvnl to execute Improvement Agreement 8xtanelon Ear gg Tracts 12820 and 13727 located on the southwest corner of Carnelian strwt and Highland Avenue, euboitted 6y Southland Development. RESOLUTION NO. 91-130 100 A ABSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TINS CITY OP AANCNO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INPROVBlG:.T AUAESMBNT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOA TRACTS 12820 ANO 13727 19. Approval to execute Sniprovement Agreement Extension for l0i Tract 13270 located on the northwest corner of Milliken Avenue and Church 6treet, submitted by Lewis Homes. RESCLCT.ZON NO. 93-131 103 A RESOLUTION OF TH6 CZTY COVNCZL OF THS CITY OA RANCFIO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGR86MENT BXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13270 20. Approval to vacate a port Lan of an nlley located west of 104 Malachite Avenue and south of Foothill Boulavnrd and setting the date of public hearing for June 19, 3991. RESOLUTION NO. 91-132 1Q5 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COVNCIL OP TFD[ CYTY OP RANCHO CUCANONCA, COUNTY OF 9AN BERNARDINO, CALIPOANIA, DECLARING ITS INTBNTION TO VACATE AN ALLEY LOC11T60 NEST OP }ULACNITf AVENUB AND SOUTN OP FOOTHILL BOULEVARD r'n,~~~ City Council Agenda May 13, 1991 a, 6 6. COND®IT ORDINANC68 Th• following Ordinance. have had public haaringa at tbo tira of that rgdinq. !woad reading. are •sp•etad to b• routine and nm-coatroor•ial. Th•y rill D• wt•d upon by the Comcil at ow Lire rithout di•wa•lon. Tha City CUrk will read the tit U. Auy !tq cen b• raw•ad for di•cuuiea. No items submitted. ~, AsvalrrxssB PasLic ssASlNOs Tha folloriag ilea have been ad•art1•ed and/os pe•tw u public b•ariag• a/ required Dy lar. The Chair rill open the .awing to raaiva public Lartlaoay. 1. ENVIRO NTAL ASSESSMBNT AND INDUSTRIAL SPSCIPIC PLAN SOS AMENDMENT 41-02 - CITY OP AANCHO CUCAMONGA - To defino nntl aeta611•h development criteria for recycling u•e9 within the Industrial Azee Specific Plan. ORDINANCE NO. 447 (first reading) 120 AN OADINANCE OP TNS CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA~ CALIPORNIA~ APPROVING INDUSTRIAL SPSCIPIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-02, SSTABLISHING REGULATIONS POR RECYCLING COLLECTION AND PROCESSING, AND NAEING FINAINGS IN BUPPORT TfDIAEOP O. PUBLIC HEARIN68 Th• tolloring itq• have ao legal publication or po•tiag r•quirgaat•. The Chair rill open the waling to r•CH•a public te•Liaony. No items eubmitt•tl. N. CIT7 MANA66R'8 STAR REPORTe The folloriag itq• do not 1•gally r•quira nay public tntiroay, although the Chair wy open the waking for public input. 1. 125 TASR PORCE PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF ITS COMPUTER BOUIPNENT P ~ r7 t ~ Clty Council Agenda May 15, 1991 7 2. c 137 RESOLVTION No. 91-133 13£2 A RBSOLOTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF TFOS CITY Or RANCHO CUCAHONGAr CALIFORNIA, IN SUPPORT OF THB BPFORTS OF TH8 CITY OF LOS ANG$LHS IN ITS BNDBAVOAS TO AOORHSS THE POPULATION UNDSACOUNT BY THE UNITHD STAT85 CHNSUS BURHA.U Z. COi7NCIL BUSIR688 The following ittls nave Men requested by tae Citp Council for discussion. Tay are not public hearing itas, alibough the Cacir up cpsa tae eieeiing !or puDlie input. No items submitted. s. r e Thi• i• the tine for Citp Cauacll to idaatifp Las itaa they wish to discuss ai the ne:t aativg. Theta itat will not be discussed at thin acting, only identified for tae next asetisg. R. CONNUNICATIONB rRON T8E PVBLIC Thia i• the tin and place for tae general public to address the Citp Council. State lar prahlbiLS the Cit7 Council !rw addrusiag any inane net previomlp included on tae Agsnda. The Citp Council ap receive testieoap and act the utter for a subsequent acting. Coawats are to he licitad to five eiautc• per individual. L. ADJOURNMENT MEETING TO ADJOURN TO HAY 22, 1991, 7:00 P.M. IN THE RAINS ROOM FOR A JOINT MEETING WITH THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION. 1, Debra J. Ades, Citp Clerk of the Ciip of Rancho Cucwaonga, bercby wrtifp tact a true, accurate wpp o! the foregoing agenda ran posted ca Nap 30, 1991, orentp-two (7Z) hours prior to ahc acting par Ooverneant Code 56953 at 10500 Civic Crater Drive. April 3, 1991 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL HINUTES Regular Xeeting A regular meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga Clty Council met on Wednesday, April 3, 1991, Sn the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, locatetl at 10500 Civic Center Dtive, Aancho Ncampnga, California. The meeting was calletl to order at 7:21 p.m. by Hayor Dennle L. Stout. Present were CounCilmembeie: William J. AlexandBr, Charle9 J. Huquet II, Diane Williams, Pamela J. Wright, and Hayor Dennle L. Stout. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Jamea Harkman, City Attorney; Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager; Jerry B. Pulwgod, Deputy city Manager; Rick Gomez, Community Development Director; Olen Jones, Sr. ADA A.ialyet; Jan Reynolds, Aaeietant RDA Analyst; Hrad Buller, City Planner; Larry Henderson, Principal Planner; Jae O'Neil, Clty Engineer; Paul Rougeau, Traffic Engineer; Serry Grant, Building Official; Jim Martin, Plan Check Coordinator; Joe Schultz, Community Services Director; Tarry Smith, Park Planning(Development Superintendent; Jim Hart, Adminiatrative Services Director; Susan Neely, Finance officer; Ingrid Blair, CIS Supervisor; Duane Baker, Resistant t0 the City Manager; Diane O'Neal, Management Analyst II) Susan Mickey, Management Analyst I; Chief Dann ie Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Pmtartlon Dintrict; Capk. exuce Zeiner, Lt. Bab Peppier, and Lt. Mika Ingram, Rancho Cucamonga Police Department; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. . . ~ • + . H ANNOUNCEMENTS /PRES@PfATION3 B1. Preeentat ion of Pruclamat ion Recognizing the week of April 8 through April 12, 1991 ae Building Safety Week. Proclamation road and presented by Mayor Stout to Jerry Grant, Building Official, and Jim Marlin, Plan Check Coordinator. B2. Presentation of Proclamation Recognizing the Month of April ae California Earthquake Preparednase Month. Mayor Stout read the Proclamation and presented it to Jack Lam, City Maragez city Council Minutes April 3, 1991 Page 2 A3. Introduction of San Bernardino County 5herlff'e Department Executive Staff by Sheriff Dick Williams. Mayor Stout introduced sheriff nick Willleme, Ban Bernardino county sheriff'e Department, wh0 introduced his executive manv9ement staff. • • • s • a C. COMM/NIGTZONB FROM TEE PUBLIC No communication was made from the public. + . • w D1. Approval of Mlnutee: Hnrch 6, 1991 D2. Approval of Warrants, Register Noe. 3/13/91 and 3/20/91; and Payroll ending 3/34/91 for the total amount of $1,593,846.47. D3. Approval to authorize the advert ieinq of tha "Notice Inviting Blde" far the Sierra Hadze Avenue Street Improvement Project, located from Arrow Route to Ninth Street, to be funded from Community Slock Grant Pund, Account No. 28-4333-8951. RESOLUTION NO. 91-085 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL O£ THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPAOVZ NG PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONE FOR THE "SIERRA NADRE AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT", IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERE TO ADVERTISE TO AECE IVE BIDS O4. Approval of Aeeolution No. 91-012C to extend Comcast Cablevieion's Franchise. RESOLUTION NO. 91-012C A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNI A, EXTENDING COUNTY OF SAN HERNARDINO FRANCHISE LICENSE WITH COMCAST CABLE T.V. FOA 30 DAYS UPON EXPIRATION OF CURRENT LICENSE WITHIN THE Cl my OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA D5. Approval to Authorize Payment of $25,000.00 to Chaffey College for open Space Use, to ba funded from Account No. 70-276-403. ITEM REMOVED FOR DISCDSEION BY MAYOR STOUT. D6. Approval of Policy on Scholarships and Waiver of Program Peea ae recommended by the Park and Recreation Commission. City Council Minutes AprLl 3, 3993 Page 3 D7. approval to release Reel Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement (86-308003) releasing Assessor's Parcel No. 201-253-38 located at 9780 Lemon Avenue submitted by Ricky P. end Jeanne M. Miller, RESOLUTION NO. 91-086 A AHSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, RELEASING A REAL PROPERTY IHPROVSHENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT WITH AICRX P. AND JEANNA M. MILLER D8. Approval to execute an Agreement far Installation of Public ImproVementa between Charles John Hamilton Jr. and Catherine Jo Hamilton end the City of Ranche Cucamonga for street improvements located alone the carat ..~ __.-. [ ~„e Hamilton parcels fnr in.. C_cc:.,,,..yo acorm Dialn and Hellman Avenue/RISE Railway Project, RESOLUTION NO. 9L-087 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PVBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FROM CHAAL83 JOHN HAMILTON JR. AND CATHERINE. JO HAMILTON AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME D9. Approval to execute an Agreement for Installation of Public Improvements between Richard B. Todd, Mary B. Todd and Richard K. Todd and the City of Rancho Cucamonga £or Street Improvements Located along the southern end southeastern portion of the Tcdd parcel for the Nineteenth Street Project from Carnelian Street to Amethyst Street. RESOLUTION NO. 91-OE8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFOn^;IA, ACCE-rT1NC AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FROM RICHARD B. TODD, MARY H. TODD AND RICHARD K. TODD AND AVTHOAIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGO TAE SAME D10. Approval to execute an amendment (CO 91-017) to Owner Participation Agreement 8A-1. D11. Approval to execute a Joint Use Agreement (CO 91-016) by and between Alta Loma Riding Club and the City of Rancho Cucamonga as recommended by the Park and ReCreatiOn COmmieeion. ^~'z" --"-fta c:.r ___...,~.e ~..... ~~._... -..~ ~-~.~__ .ems nnn nn ~.......-..... ~,... ~....-.,_~ ~,.. ~~_ deve}epee~r ITEM ASMOVBD PROM AGENDA, TO CONE RACK AT A I,ATEA DATE. Clty Council Minutee April 3, 1991 Page 4 D13. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension fox Tract 13753, located on the northea et corner of Baee Line Road and Milliken Avenue, submitted by Victoria Cucamonga. ABSOLUTION NO. 91-089 A RESOLUTION OP TF~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREHHENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POR TRACT 13753 D14. Approval to accept Improvements, Release of Bonds antl Notice of Completion for Tract 13367 Storm Drain, located on the east Bide of Hellman Avenue between Nlghland Avenue and Alta Lama nrt vn. M.P.9.D. Aniethvat Release: Faithful Performance Bond $83,500.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond $ 8,350.00 Beet Side of Am th et Release: Faithful Performance Bond $19,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond $ 3x900.00 RESOLUTION NO. 91-090 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTYNC THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POA TRACT 13367 STORK DRAIN AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORE D15. Approval to Release Maintenance Hond For Tact 10414, located on Ridgeview Avenue between Hil lelde Road and Vista Grove S[ceet. Releaae: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $32,7.50.00 D16. Approval to Releaae Maintenance Bond for Tract 13203, located on the northwest corner of Arrow Route and Center Avenue. Releaae: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 5,800.00 MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Wright to approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of items DS and D12. Notion carried unanimously, 5-0. ....~i DI8CUSSION oP ITEM D5. Approval to Authorise Payment of b25,000.00 to Chsffey College for Open Spare Uae, to ba fuadad from Account Ne. 70-276-403. Haycr Staut asked if this was in the form of a Lease. Joe Schultz, Community Services ^irector, stated St was for the ongoing operations and maintenance of the land. city Council Minutes April 3, 1991 Pete 9 NOTION: Moved by Stout, seconded by Alexander to approve item D9. Hotlon carried unanimously, 5-0. h t h h h 4 E1. CONSIDBFATION TO ESTABLISH A SPHHD LIMIT OP 35 MPH ON 17ZANITA DRIVE P$QN HERMOSA AVHNUE TO HAVEN AVBNUH AND 40 HPH ON SPRVCB AVBNC FROM FOOTHI BOULEVAAII TO HLM AVENUH Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 444. ORDINANCE NO. 444 (second reading) AN ORDINANCH OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 10.20.020 OP THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY CODE A84ARDING PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ON CERTAIN CITY STREETS MOTION: Roved by Buquet, seconded by Alexander to waive full reading and approve Ordinance No. ddd. Motion carried unanimously, 9-O. h a • h x + E2. CONSIDERATION OF CORRECTION OF CONPL ICTS IN CITY O 9TNANCE NUMBER 417 BY ADOPTION OF CITY ORDINANCB NUMBER 417-A D8 TING TABLE III-J (TI LIMITS FOR COMPLIANCEI Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 417-A. OEDINANCE N0. 417-A (second rending) AN OAD INANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CAL IPORNIA, DELETING ERHIBIT "E^ TABLE III-J: TIRE LIMITS POR COMPLIANCE RHFEAAEO TO IN ORDINANCE NO. 417 ENTITLED "EARTHQUAKE HAZARD REDUCTION IN UNREINFORCED MASONRY BUILDINGS" MOTION: Moved by Huquet, eecondetl by Alexander to waive full reading and approve Ordinance No. 417-A. Mot Lon carried unanimou el y, 5-0. h f i• t h P. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HP•ARINOS F1. CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY D VELOPMENT HLOCR GRANT APPLICATION FISCAL YEA 1991 - The adoption of the Preliminary Statement of Community Development Objectives and Projected U9e of Punda for the Community Development H1ocY. Grant Application for the Fiscal Year 1991/92 based on a grant of $518,000.00. Staff report presented by Larry Henderson, Principal Planner. City Council Hinutee April 3, 1991 Page 6 Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Thera being no response, the public hearing was closed. Mayor Stout stated for the record that the City developed a policy many years before he was on the Council that has followed a long term goal of upgrading a number of neighborhoods. He added they had focueaed on the "old town" area, and that about !wo to three years ago changed the focus to "southwest Cucamonga" area, with this being about the third or fourth phase of this project. MOTION: Hoved by Wright, aeeonded by Alexander to approve the three items identified in the staff report. Notion carried unenimouely, 5-0. • • ~ • • r F2. EONS IDERATION TO APPADV% TF1E EXISTING PARR DSV%LOPN%NT FSS SCN%DUL% TO RRFLHCT CURRENT PARR DEVELOPMENT COSTS P%R ACRE AND LAND VALUATIONS Staff report presented by Tarry Smith, Park Planning/Developroen! Superintendent. Mayor Stout asked if there hatl been any written communications received regarding this matter. Tarry Smith, Park P/D Superintendent, et ated no. Hayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the City Council were: Frank Williams stated he was representing the Building Industry Association (DIA ). He adde3 they did not send any written cemrounication because they had just received the report today. He asked that the item come back at the next meeting so the eIA could Further study the material proposed. Joseph Oleson. representinc Lewis Homes, stated [hey are not try i.^.g t^ challenge the proposed adjustments, but added they did not get the staff report in time to analyze the information and requested the City Council cone ider continuing the matter. Gary Luque, William Lyon Company, stated they have not had the chance to read the material and requested the Stem be continued. Councilmembere Wright and Williams stated they had no problem with continuing this matter. Councilmember euquet stated he did not feel it was warranted to continue the matter. Mayor Stout stated he concurred with councilmemL-ar Buquet and that theso items are basically formula items as far ae figuring the fees. He added the coat Allocation Nexus needs disease ion by the City Council to determine the fees, and that was why a workshop was scheduled for April 11. City Council Minutes April 3, 3991 Page 7 Councilmmsber Wright stated she felt procedurally there was a problem with the way thin was handled antl felt it should be continued. Councilmember Alexander stated he agreed the item should b0 continued. Mayor Stout auggeeted first reading occur on ordinance 445, and then if there were any changes needsd, that could be done at the second reading of the Ord lnance. James Markman, City Attorney, stated that with reference tc Ttem P3, Resolution No. 91-092 would not go into effect until after Ordinance No. 445 was approved and gone Lnto effect. RESOLUTION NO. 91-091 A RESOLUTION OY TH6 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING AVERAG$ COST PEA ACRE TO DEVELOP PARR LAND IN RANCHO CUCANONOA AND BSTABLISHING AVERAGE WST PER ACRE 8Y LAND U56 DESIGNATION TO ACQVIRB PARR LAND IN RANCHO CVCAMONGA MOTIONS Moved by euquet, seconded by Will iame to continue the public hearing for item P2 until April 17, 1991. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. Jack Lam, City Manager, added that even though the information may not have been mailed Correctly, the BIA was contacted by telephone that the information was available for them. e . . n . F3. CONSIDERATION TO APPRO n; ESTABLISHING A TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FHE REP LING E CURRENT 3 STEM DEVE NT P E Staff report presented by Paul Rougeau, Traffic Engineer. Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 445. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. ORDINANCE NO. 445 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORN IA, MODIPYING CHAPTER 3.2E OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE, TO PROVIDE FOR CITY-WIDE FEES POA TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES BASED ON THE CITY NEXUS PROCEDURE RESOLUTION NO. 91-092 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHTNG CITY-WIDE TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FEES FOR ALL DBVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Clty Couneil Minutes April 3, 1991 Page e MOTION: Novel by Alexander, seconded by Wright to set second rsadinq of ordinance No. 445 foz April 17, but to continue the public hearing for any further input. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0 R • • • • R O. PUBLIC REARINOa G1. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ALLOWING BNPORCEHENT OP CERTAIN VBNI CLB CODB SECTIONS IN PRIVATE PARKING PACILITIES Staff report presented by Dunne Baker, Aeeiet ant to the City Nanagex. councilmember Wright asked if the City of Upland exnv.+°~~e^_ ^ _acya L.eavenv in ~^° ^-!!_ ~ ..iun co ins Pollee Department by property owners to enforce their multiple parking problem. Cu ane Bakarr Resistant to the City Hannger, stated Ln talking with the Clty of Upland when he researched this, he was told the Mountain Green Canter, where they had Dad a problem, did not have an increase in calla because the police Department hnd targeted that area already for patrol. He stated at this time they do not have the problem they did when this program was initiated by them. He stated they are happy with what has happened to Beta. Hayor Stout stated he remembers when Mountain Green wee a problem in Upland, end how that caused the Police Department to Lnitie to this program eo they Could enforce the problems that occurred Sn the parking late at that location. councilmember Buquet reportetl that Brunswick pays for two officers on Friday and Saturday nights to patrol their area. Councilmember Wright stated she felt good about that effort. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being ..^.o rospcrae, the public hesr i^g was closed. RESOLVTION NO. 91-093 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, FINDING AND DECLARING THAT TNERE ARE PRIVATELY OWNED AND MAINTAINED OPF-STREET PARKING FACILITIES DESCRIEED IN THIS RESOLVTION WITHIN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA WHICH ARE GENERALLY HELD OPEN POR USE OF THE PUBLIC FOR PURPOSES OP VEHICULAR PAAXING AND APPLYING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE TO SUCH FACILITIES MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Alexander to approve Resolution No. 91-093. Motion carried unanimously, 5-D. h R R f ! R CITY M]U7AOER'S BTAPP REPORTS Ctry council Hinutee April 3, 1991 Page S H1. S N TWO HOURS PSA NIGHT SSTNESN JVLy 7TH ANC JULY 26. 1991. COHlBNDBD BY THS PARR AND RReRRATION COMYYISSION Staff report presented by Joe Schultz, community Services Director. councilmember Wright asked Lf these weq anything !n the agreement ae to consequencae if something was violated which created a problem, she asked if there ass problems, would play continue night after night. Joe schultz, Community Services Director, stated there was nothing in writing in the agreement about this, but added that Dave sonam of District 21 has stated they want to be good neighbors end would abide by the rules. Crnier+~me~-,~~__ ;~;~ly;,;, neweo is permission was granted, could it be pulletl if there were problems. Joa Schultz, Community Services Director, stated he assumed eo. He added the City is the owner and the Little League is the tenant. councilmember Wright etnted she personalty witnessed a problem during the tournament in the past. Jne Schultz, Community Services Director, stated he felt the Park and Recreation Commission did an excellent jcb at conveying their concerns to the Little League organization. He else added some of the noise could be due to the enthusiasm of the crowds, which was difficult to control. councilmember Wright stated in the pa et the public address system was turned on Coo loud which created the problem. councilmember Buquet suggested staff communicate with District 21 to make it clear to them that the City does not want to experience the problems with the public address system that have occurred in the past, and that if :does occur, the system will cease tc be used at that time. He stated if they don't abide by that, they should know they might get shut down. councilmember Wright. asked when Che notice tc the homeowner e, ae shown in the agenda packet, was distributed to them. Joe schultz, Community Services Director, et ated it was deliveretl door-to-door. Mayor stcut opened the meeting for public comment e. Addressing the City Council were: Marva Johnson stated she lives across from Aed Hi11 Park and did not receive the notice previously mentioned. she stated these issues have been a problem !n the past, but that no one does anything about it. She asked who could the neighbors call if Chere was a problem. Laurie Stallings at ated she lives across the street from the park. She suggested there be a sound monitor on the public address system in order to monitor the noise. City Council Minutes Rpril 3, 1991 Page 10 Mayor Stout asked if she received the notice. Me. Stallings stated yes, but Lhat some of her other neighbors hatl not. Boyd xelly, President of Cltrue Little League, explained how the tournament woe set up and organized. He stated he felt there was a lack of parking for the games. He commented on the sound meter readings conducted lent year, and stated fie felt they did not go over the Bound limit. He mentioned that noise makers would not be allowed ai the tournament. He added Chey wanted to be a goad neighbor and would work with the neighborhood on keoping the noise down. Dave eonam, District 71. anal rt.. •..•.., ______ - c ,. ,,, ,,. ye ~i scheduling the games and explained thin process to .the~City Council. Councilmember euguet asked him what assurance there would be to make sure the noise was not too loud. Hr. Bonam stated if the noise did not stay within the limit e, he would personally pull the plug on the public address system. Councilmember Wright felt if the Little League could learn from their mistakes in the past, the situation could be mitigated. Mayor Stout euggaeted that Joe Schultz, Coomunity Services Director, meat with representatives of the League, and also the residents in the neighborhood, and develop a Nertiorandum of Understanding to outline what will happen under various aituat ions, and with everyone's concurrence it will be enforced. Councilmember Wright stated there were three things she would like the agreement to include: 1. A constant on-site City monitor of the public address system 2. A plan for extra parking patrol and enforcement during the times of play. 3. After the play is over, some written plan by the District ae tc what they plan to do to encourage the participants to leave the area as soon ae possible and in an orderly manner. Mr. Bonam stated there ie a pre-tournament meeting with all the managers and coaches and 'added he would raise these issues with them at that time. He felt a Sheriff Aeeerve being present at the games would assist with any problems al eo. Councilmember Alexander asked what could be done about the blocked mailboxes during the games. Courcilmember august euggaeted the City contact the Postmaster asking for their cooperation during this tournament. City Council Minutes April 3, 1991 Pegs 11 councilmember Wright asked if this could come back in two weeks with an update addressing the Clty Council's concerns. Joe Schultz, Community Services Director, stated he would meet with the Little Longue and Oietrlct repreeantativee, including any homeowners who would like to be present, to resolve any problems. Councilmembex WS111amB stated she would like to see a Memorandum of Understanding ec that everyone underetande what ie hnppening. Mayor Stout read the following letter into the record: I hove reed your notice that says the park lights will be one until 11s10 at night. I live on a hill overlooking the park. When I go to bed eo 1 can get up early the next day, the lights shine in my roan keeping me awake. Now, at 11:30 at night that Se a problem. My bed Lima ie around 8:00. Feople scream and yell down in the park so that it ie impossible to sleep at night. If you do keep them on, you will be doing [hinge that shouldn't be tlone. Here are three things: 3) Wasting electricity on account of a few people having fun, 2) Keeping people awake, and 3) The noise ie irritating. Please take this letter into coneiderat ion. A concerned 11 year old." ACTION: Item continued to April 17, 1991 meeting. + x • • • ~ H2. CONSIDERATSON TO EXECUTE A JOINT USE AGREEMENT (CO 91 0201 86 EN TH CI~$ OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND CENTRAL SCHOO DISTRICT' rGARDING COYOTE CANYON PARR AND COYOTE CANYON SCHOOL MULTI-PUnp0E6 ROOM AND CLASSROOM Staff report presented 6y Jce Schultz, Community Services Director. Councilmember Wil items asked how the hours would be monitored. Jce Schultz, Community Services Director, stated there would be specific individuals to monitor this. Councilmember Will tame asked if there had been complaints about this. Joe Schultz, Community Services Director, stated there had been one, but it was now worked out. Hayor Stout suggested the hours be adjusted eo they would coincide with school letting out. City council Nlnu[ea April 3, 1991 Page 12 Councilmember Nright stated from an administrative point of view, she felt !ha time gap would be a good idea. Pat Hatcher, principal, Coyote Canyon School, and Sngrid Vogel, Central School District, added they felt 3:30 p.m. would be an appropriate tine to start. Councilmember Wright stated she agreed with the ecncept of the program. Mayor Stout added he felt this would be a very eucceaeful joins use venture. HOT ION: Mavetl by Stout, seconded by Alexander to npprove Joint Uea Agreement Co 91-020 with Central School Di wtri rr. urt~,... ,. ~~:...a .. M1+ f R f t I1. CON$IDBAATIDN TO AU':'Pna rnR TwP pURC 6 OP 1 WINBROOR IN TM8 AMOUNT OF 5141.000.00 FOR THB RRrAr+m 0 FA ION OP THB .Pnrr_ Rnr~ AUTHOAIS6 THE PREPARATION OF CONTR CT R ZIOVI7I pp REHABILITATION OF TH6 MOU E (Coat Lnued froN March 20,•1991) Mayor Stout announced it has been requested to continue this item to the April 17, 3991 meeting. MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Williams to continue the item to April 17, 1991. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 (BUquet out of room for this vote). • • : x • x JIDENTI FIGTION OF I 8 POR NBZT MEBTINO J1. Councilmember Wright stated she would like for the City Council to be informed ae to what the Lakes Project would look like. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated a memorandum could be provided to the City Council, and if they wished to disease the matter further, they could do eo. Councilmember Wright concurred. J2. Hayor Stout announced Tiina Aoea had resigned from the Environmental Manage:oent Commission. The Council concurred not to fill the position until the summer at which time the Co:mnieslon'e member compoeit ion would be reviewed. . « ~ . + . R. COMMUNZ GTIONS PROM T86 PUBLIC No communication was made from the public. City council Minutes April 3, 1991 ?s9e 1J ~ • ~ . . . Mayor Stout announced the City Council would recess io Hxecutive Session to discuss personnel matters, and would adyourn at the conclusion of the executive Seen ion. The City Council recessed at 9:14 p, m., not to reconvene. Respectfully submitted, Debra T. Adams, CMC City Clark Approved: April 17, 1991 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ABnlllAr Meetinc A regular meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City counoll met an Nednaeday, April 17, 1991, in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:11 p. m. by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councilmembere: William J. Alexander, Charles J. Buquet II, Diane Williams, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; James Markman, City Attorney; Linda D. Dan ie le, Deputy city Hanager; Aick Gome :, Community Development Director; Olen Jo ne e, Sr. RDA Analyst; Brad Buller, City Planner; Larry Henderson, Principal Planner; Ant hea Hartig, Aeeoc fate Planner; Joe o•Nei 1, city Engineer; Monte Preacher, Puhlic Works Engineers Joe Stefa, Associate Engineer; Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director; Joe Schultz, Community Services Director; Tarry Smith, Park Planning/Development Superintendent; Duane Baker, Resistant to the City Manager; Susan Mickey, Management Analyst I; Lt. sob Peppier, Rancho Cucamonga Police Department; and Debra J. Adams, City Clark. Absent was Councilmember: Pamela J. Wright F R t A R B. ANNOVNCBMBNTS/PRASENTATION9 B1. Presentation of Proclamation Recognizing the Week of April 22 through April 26, 1991 ae "Blue Aihbon Week" in Honor of Volunteers. Mayor Stout presented the proclamation to Ron Alexander of the Volunteer Center. B2. Presentation of Proclamation Recognizing the Week of May 12 through May 18, 1991 as National Historic Preeervat ion Week. Mayor Stout presented the proclamation to Bab Schmidt, Chairman of tho Historic Preeervat ion Commission. B3. Counc ilmember @uquet announced that Thu reday, April 18, 1991 would be the second gang awareness eeniinar to be held at Alta Loma High School. CLty council MLnutee April 17, 1991 Page 2 councilmember William$ added ehle would be video taped Ln toss easeone could not make it end wanted to view the tepa. • . • • . x C. COMMONICATION$ IRON TM$ PUBLIC No communication was made from the public. • . ~ ~ • . D. CONSQIT CAL$NDAR ^1. Approval of Hinutee: vc_`r::~.r ;-. u, 1Y91. D2. Approval of Wnrrante, Register Noe. 3/27/91 erd 4/3/931 end Payroll ending 3(28/41 for the total amount of 5996,604.12. D3. Approval to receive and file current xnveetment Schedule ae of Harch 31, 1991, D4. P.lcoholic Beverage Application for "21" Off Sale General, Sav-On Drugs, American Drug Stores, Incorporated, Southeast Corner Milliken and Highland. D6. Alcoholic Beverage Application for Off Sale Beer 6 Wine, Alta Loma Mini Mart, Joseph G. and Nozma Romero, 6630 Carnelian. D6. Approval of seCtlement of claim: charley Little vs. city of Rancho Cucamonga. D7. Approval to assign an Adult Croea inq Guard at the Intersection of Carnelian Street antl La Vine Street for Carnelian Elementary School. D8. Approval to authorize Anorapxi ativna from Account 01-4451-3455 in the _.._-„t ut j1,600.00 foz False Alarm Ordinance Expenses. D9. Approval of the Environmental Initial Study Porte I and II for the proposed 7th Street Stunt. Drain and ATSF Spur Crossing Improvements between Haven Avenue and Centex Avenue, and issuance of a Categorical Exemption therefor. RESOLUTION NO. 91-094 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE HNVIRONMENTAL INITIAL STUDY AND ISSVANCE OF A CATEGORICAL BXEMPTION FOR THE PAOPOSBD 7TH STREET STORM DRAIN AND ATSF SPUR CROSSING IMPROVEMENTS BETWEEN CENTER AVENUE AND HAVEN AVENVE, A PART OF 2HE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 82-1 City Council Minutes April 17, 1991 Pn;e 3 D 10. Approval of Resolution authorizing the City Engineer to cease the completion of the Sewer and Storm Drsln Improvements required by the Conditions of Approval of Subdivleion, Tract 13986 end Parcel Nap 11394, located on the northwest corner of 9aae Lina Aoad and Stlwande Avenue, n development by the eacmakian company. ABSOLUTION NO. 91-095 A RESOI~VTION OF TXS CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OB RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI PORNIA, AUTHORIZIRG THE CITY BNGI NEER TO CAVSE TXE CONPLBTION OP THE STORK DRAIN AND SEWER PIPELINES LOCATED NORTH OP AND PARALLEL TO TN8 CENTER LINE OP BASE LINE ROAD D11. Approvel to terminate n Professional Services Agreement (CO SS-070) with Paomae and Associates for Hngineer, Planning, and Design Services relating to the updating of the City'a Mneter Plan of Drainage for the Cucamonga, Deez and Day creek areas. The project's contract emount of $258,300.00 waa funded from the General City Drainage Pund (Account No. 23-4637-8766) with partial reimbursement of $75,000.00 from RDA (Account No. 11-50300). D12. Approvel to execute Reimbursement Agreement (CO 91-023) for Inetnlletion of a portion of Master Planned Storm Drain Facilities in connection with development of Tract 13367 located in Amethyst Avenue at Highland Avenue submitted by Homecoming Partners Limited - DRA-15. RESOLUTION NO. 91-096 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RARCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT E%ECUTED ON HAIICH 11, 1991 FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A PORTION OF MASTER PLANNED STORM DRAIN FACILITIES LOCATED IN AMETHYST AVP,NDE Am HIC-HLAND 9W_NOE D13. Approval to execute Reimbursement Agreement for Ontlergrcundinq of a portion of the Overhead Utility lines located along Seryl Street at Traveler Drive in connection with development of Tract 13642 submitted by Hix development corporation - UR-011. RESOLUTION NO. 91-097 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING REIMBVRSSMENT AGREEMENT E%ECUTED ON HAiICX 18, 1991 FOR THE VNDERGROVND ING OF A PORTION OF THE OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES LOCATED ALONG HERYL BTREET AT TRAVELER DRIVE D14. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13440, located on the northeast corner of Kenyon Nay and Lark Drive, submitted by S.Y. Rhoades Development. city Council Ninutea April 17, 1993 Page 4 RESOLUTION ND. 91-098 A RBSOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TINS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVINO IMPROVBHENT ACA88HENT EXTENSION ANU INPAOVEMANT SRCURITY POR TRACT 13440 015. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement 8xtene ion for Tract 13898, located on the northwest corner of Lemon Avenue and London Avenue, euMaitted by Hizrehi 8 Say. RESOLUTION NO. 91-099 A RESOLUTION OF THA CITY COJNCTi. nr mvv ~!^_'° C. - .::3 CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVENSNT 11GREBMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POA TMCf 13898 D16. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement 8xtenalon for DR 87-34, located on the west elde of Archibald Avenue south of Baee Line Road, submitted Dy ARCM, Lid. RESOLUTION NO. 91-100 A RESOLUTION OF TF7E CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT S%TENSION ANO IMPROVSIIBNT SECURITY FOR DR 87-34 017. Approval to accept Improvements, Release of sonde and Notice of Completion for Tract 11734 located on the northwest corner of Vineyard Avenue and Arrow Highway. Release: Faithful Performance Bond $182,400,00 Faithful Performance Caeh Bond $ 6,000,00 Accept: Haincenance Guarantee Bond p 18,240.00 Maintenance Guarantee Caeh Bond $ 600.00 RESOLUTION NO. 91-101 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 11734 ANU AUTHORIEING THE PILING OP A NOTICE OP COMPLETION FOR THE WORX D19. Approval to accept Improvement e, Release of Bonds end Notice of Completion for Tract 12671 Traffic Signal, located at the intersection of Hill ikon Avenue and Bas¢ Line Rcad. Release: Paithful Performance Bond (Street) 5100,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 10,000.00 City Council Minutes April 17, 1991 Paaa B RBSOLUTION NO. 91-102 A RESOLUTION OF TNB CITY COUNCIL OP TNH CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCBPTINC THE PUBLIC IHPAOVHHENTS POR TRACT 12671 TRAFFIC SIGNAL ANO AUTHORISING THE PILING 01 A NOTICE OP COMPLBTION POR THB WORK D 19. Approval to accept Improvements, Relesee of Bonds and Notice of Completicr. for DR E7-d4 located on the eouthenet Corrter of Haven Avenue and Civic Center Drive. Release: Paithful Performnnce Hond (Street) $148,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 91-103 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING TIUs• PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DA 87-46 AND RVTHOAIEING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OP COMPLETION FOR THE WORA D20. Approval to accept Improvement e, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for DR SS-13 located on the north aide of TrartemnrP. Pnrkwny between Maven Avenve and Winston Avense. Release: Paithful Performance Bond (Street) $396,767.00 RESOLUTION NO. 91-104 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIF07U7IA, ACCEPTING TH£ PUDLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DR SS-13 ANU AUTHORIZING THE PILING OP A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOA THE WORK D21. Approval to accept Improvementsr Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for DR BB-14 located on the northwest corner of Archibald Avenue and Sth Street. Relesee: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $ 18, BD0.00 RESOLUTION NO. 91-105 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCYL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING TN8 PUHLIC IMPROVEMENTS POR DR 88-14 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NGTI CE OP COMPLETION FOR THE WORN D22. Approval to accept Improvement e, Relesee of Sonde and Notice of Completion Eor DR H9-30 located on the southeast corner of Milliken Avenue and fith Street. Release: Paithful Performance Bond (Street) $164,000.00 city Council Minutes April 17, 1991 Page 6 RESOLUTION NO. 91-306 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP TH8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THB PUBLIC IHPROVSN6NTS POR DR 89-30 AND AUTHORIZING THE PILING OP A NOTICE OP COMPLETION FOR THE WOPK 023. Approval to accept Smprovemen[e, Release of Ronde and Not lee of Completion for Parcel Hap 5996, located on Cabroea Place south of WSleon Avenue. Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $ 74,000.00 Letter of Credit $ 9,400.60 ABSOLUTION NO. 9}-107 A RESOLUTION OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING TPJi PVBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 5996 AND AUTHORIZING THE PILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION POR THS WORK 024. Approval to release Maintenance Bond foz Tract 13825 located on the south e ids of Pinch Avenue between Hermosa Avenue and Kinlock Avenue. Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 1,500.00 025. Approval to file a Notice of Completion for the Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center and Publ lc Safety Facility Project, Contract No. N7-371, with Berry Conet ruction. RESOLUTION N0. 91-108 A RESOLUTION OP TH6 CITY COVNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE IMPROVEMENTS POR TY.E RANCHO CUCAMONCA CIVIC CENTER AND PUBLIC HAFETY FACILITY AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OP A NOTICE OP COMPLETION POR THE WORE 026. Approval to accept the Haee Line Road and Rochester Avenue Traffic Signal and Safety Lighting Improvement Project, Contract No. 90-074r ae complete, extend the Faithful Performance Bond For one year in lieu of Maintenance Bond, release the Lahor and Material Bond and author>ze the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion". RESOLUTION NO. 91-109 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPAOVSMBHTS POA BASE LINE ROA[1 AND ROCHESTER AVENUE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND SAFETY LIGHTING CONTRACT NO. 90-074 AND AOTHOAIZING TH6 PILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WOAR MOTION: Moved b;• Will iame, seconded by Alexander to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Wright absent). City council Minutaa April 17, 1991 Pegs 7 • • • • • + 6. CON86M ORDINAMCRH No Items Submitted. • • • • • x F. ADVERTISED PVBLIC H6ARIKQ¢ F1. N (COntinead troa April 3, 1991) Mayor stout re-opened the mwting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing wns closed. RESOLUTION NO. 91-091 A RBSOLUTION OF TH$ CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, BSTABL ISHING AVSAAG& COST PSR ACRE TO DEVELOP PARR LANG IN RANCHO CUCAMONOA AND ESTABLISHING AVERAGE COST PBR ACAS BY LAND US8 DESIGNATION TO ACQUTAB PARR LAND IN RANCHO CUCAMONGA MOTION: Novel by Buguet, seconded by Alexander to approve Resolution No. 91-091. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Wright absent). . • • • • . F2. C DERAT ON TO OVE ES A H G T TIO D HE R CING THE CURRENT S M D VE PMEN (COatinusd froN April 3, 1991) Mayor Stout re-opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the City Council were: Frank Will isms, Building Industry Association, stated they oppose the high fee. He stated they would watch very closely the affects of the formula used to arrive at the foe amount e. Mayor Stout suggested if the BIA sees anything thaC needs to be brought to the attention of the city Council, he would like them to do eo. Joe Oleaon, Lewis Homes, complimented staff for working with them regarding this matter. He stated the Ordinance, to hie knowledge, le set up with an effective date that ie bifurcated. He added ae it relates to reeidential projocte, the ordinance would go into effect in 60 days and other projects the effective date would be 30 days. He stated it was hie opinion, according to the law, that all projects should have an effective Gate of 60 days. City Council Mlnutee April 17, 1993 Pnge B James Markman, City Attorney, stated normally an ordinance goes Lnto effect 30 days nfter the second zending. He eteted he did not know why staff put Ln the effective dntee ae they did for thle Ordinance. Joe Oleeon, Lewis Momee, stated there ie a specific section in the Government Coda that states an adjustment or revision of a Eee would need 60 days prior to Lt going into effect. James Markman, city Attorney, stated he would check into this Government Coda section and advise staff with the corrsck effective date, with the information to be passed on to Hr. Oleevn. There being no further response, the public hearino was cinvnA Debra J. Adams, City clerk, reed the title of Ordinance No. 445. ORDZNA.YCB NO. 445 (second reading AN ORDINANCE DF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY OF AANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, HODIPYINC CNAPTEA 3.28 OP THB RANCHO CUCAMONGA HUNICIPAL CODE, TO PROVIDB POR CITY-WIDE FE85 FOA TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES BASED ON THB CITY NBXUS PAOCHDUAE MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Williams to waive full reading and approve ordinance No. 445. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Wright absent). ARSOLVTION NO. 91-092 A RESOLUTION OF THS CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFOANIA, ESTABLISHING CITY-WIPE TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT PEES FOA ALL DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Y.oTZ C.:: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Huquet to approve Re eolut ion No. 91-092 which would be effective upon the effective date of Ordinance No. 445. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Wright absent). . . . • r P3. CONSIDERATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN HOUSING ELENEI~ REVISION 90-03A - CITY OF RANCHO CVCANONGA - In accordance with Article 10.6, Section 65588 of the California Government Code, n revision and update to the City Heueing Element hoe bean prepared. The changes to the document include: An update of the Technical Appendix consisting of documentation and analysis of current demographic trends, statist ical infocmat ion and housing aeeletance needeZ update and revisions to the City's housing objectives and policiecf and developsent of a five-year action program designed to implement the City's overall housing goal. In addition, staff racoamende iesunnce of a Negative Declaration. Staff report presented by Larry Henderson, Principal Planner. Hayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. city Couneil Hinutae April 17, 1991 Page 9 RESOLUTION NO. 91-110 A RESOLUTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OP TNB CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALZPOANIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN ANHNDNENT 90- 03A, TO AEVISB AND UPDATE TIHS HOUSING SLHlHSNT IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 10.6 OP THS CALIFORNIA GOVERNIIBNT CODH, ANO INSUANCH OP A NEGATIVE DHCLARATION, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Nilliame to approve Resolution No. 91- 110. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Wright absent). C1. OONSIDHRATION TO ESTABLISH A SPHBD LIMIT OF 40 MPH ON HI N • AV°NnA FRON A I N T HT TO F PNI fitaff report presented by Paul Rougenu, Traffic Engineer. Mayor stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public henring was closed. Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the tit is of Ordinance No. 946. ORDINANCE NO. 446 (first reading) AN ORDINANCH OF THH CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 10.20.020 OF THE RANCHO CUCAHONGA CITY CODE REGARDING PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIHITS ON CERTAIN CITY STREETS NOTION: Moved by Huquwk, seconded by H1111aaa tc x-ice full raadiny and eat second reading of Ordinar. ce No. 446 for Hay 1, 1991. Hot ion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Wright absent). ~ • • R 1 f H CITY MANAGSR'8 STA_ REPORT H1. CONSIDERATION OF EXTENSION OF BALL PIELD LIGHTING HOURS AT BY TWO HOURS PER NSGHT BETWEEN nny 7TH AD JDLY 26 1991 A rotDtSNDBD BY T PARR AND RECREATION COMMISSION (Continued from April 3, 1991) Staff report presented by Joe Schultz, Community Services D1reCior. Hayot Stout stated there was numerous correspondence to be made a part of the record as follows: 1. Letter from Marva Johnson dated April 10, 1993. City Council Ninutee April 17, 1991 Page 30 2. A copy of the neighborhood petition entitled "We, the neighbors of Red Rill Community Park, damned that the city of Rancho Cucamonga cuneletently, and without fliacriminetlon or exception, enforce all ordinances and policies concerning curfews and amplification uee in Red Nill Community Park." (6 pages) 3. Letter from Lindsey Wilson, age 11. 4. Latter dated Herch 14, 1991, received April 16, 1991 from a proud and concerned parent in Reecho Cucamonga. (6 pagea) 5. Letter dated April 15, 1991 fray Robin Hall and family. (3 pagea) o. a.ecter cared April 15, 1991 by concerned 11 year old Shannon N. Pigg. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the Clty Council were: Marva Johnson, presented the original pat it ion to the City Clerk and stated they era asking for the City to reinforce what is already law end not change what ie already in place. She felt the City Council should exert control over City requlatione. She suggested if the residents ere to be provided with phone numbers in case there are problems at the park for this tournament, it should be the City Council's, City Managet•e and Joe Schultze home numbers to ba given to them. She suggested constant monitoring should take place £or these games. She reiterated her request for the City to enforce all current ordinances regarding amplification and regulations. Laurie Stallings stated she likes the Little League, but felt the residents should not have to police the park either. She stated she Felt the entire neighborhood did not receive the flier from the City about The meetiny. She asked that the City Council enforce the regulations already in effect. George Guiders reported on the problems he felt there were with the park. He felt there was a double standard of rules for the park. He complained about the high school children that uee the parking lot at the park. He et ated he did not feel the park was cons[ructed properly. He complained about the noise at the park also. He also mentioned he never received notification of the meetings that took place regarding this matter. Boyd Rally, President, Citrus Little League, stated he did not feel any of the policies were violated last year. He stated this request ie for five Little Leagues to play in the tournament. He added they did not Want to burden the neighbors. He pointed out that Cltrue Little League Se not the sole user of the park. He added he felt they were blamed fox ovary City Council Minutes April 1), 1991 Page 11 problem that came up. He stated they era Baking for a variance in policy for a certain period of time. He informed the Council that if the variance was not epprovad they would hold the tournament outside the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Councilmember Alexander Baked Mr. Belly what time the games would start. Mr. Belly, Citrus Little Longue, reported Ss30 p.m., and that a game usually lasts approximately three hours. Councilmember Alexander auggaeted something be arranged eo that no new inning start eftsr 10:00 p. m. ~.,uuc iiuasmoar w>,i llama asked if the games could start ai 5:00 p.m. Mr. Rally, Citrus Little League, stated because of the traffic to get to the games it would not ba practical for the pleyere to qat there any earlier. Atlam Johnaon asked Mr. Belly why they continually abuse the amplification policy. Mayor Stout informed Hr. Johnaon to direct hie gueetions to the City Council only. Dave Bonam reported an the game scheduling, and stated they try not to qo beyond 11:00 p.m. He added they are only asking for a variance for seven nights. Councilmember Alexander asked if there was a way to consider a game complete attar five innings. Mr. Bonem stated they are not allowed to do that because a regulation game is seven innings. George Guiders stated he ie not picking on the Little League, that there are problems with all of the events that go on et the park. He suggested that the play-off games take place et the collage oz the high school instead of burdening the residents near the park. There being no further response, the public comments were closed. Councilmember Buquet stated the reason he hears what goes on at Red Hill Park ie because of the noise bouncing, not because of the amplification level being too high. He stated he appreciated the people that took the time to go to the meetings to try to resolve this problem. He stated that for seven nights, he tlid not see a need for a "show down" and petitions. Ha felt the Little League should be sensitive to the neighbors and felt they ehculd be given the opportunity to follow City regulations and hold the tournament. City Council Ninutes April 17, 1991 Page 12 Councilmamber Williams stated what oho hears ie not a problem with the tournament, but problems overall with events that go on et the park. She felt some kind of patrol at the park would help. Mayor stout ached if there would be accammodat ions et the Sports Park for adult softball. Joe Schultz, Community Services Director, etnted yes. Mayor stout felt hopefully after this year, the tournament could be held at the Sports Park. m...._ ~.__... _..____. _. ,_ ..._ .. _ - um elauuiuy, ci:n cnnro paragrapn from the bottom ahould be changed to ready"A continued violation x111 cause all amplification to cease." Councilmember Williams asked that there be eomw type of enforcement personnel present. Joe Schultz, Community services Director, stated the last paragraph of the MOU would ba changed to read ^C itixene Patrol and/or Sheriff Reserves will be in attendance at all gamee.^ Councilmember Alexander stated he felt a member of Council ahould be in attendance at all gameer and felt it ahould be shared. Mayor Stout stated he did not have a problem with that and felt it was a good idea. Ceuncilmember Baguet stated he wanted to make sure that Sheriff Reserves were contacted so they would be in attendance at the games. Joe srhnlt z, Community Sez:•icez Director, stated per tY.a nnyuent of the homeowners, hie name and home phone number would be available on the flier. Councilmember Alexander stated he ie not anti-aporte, but concurred with Councilmembar Will iama ae far as whece does the City draw the one on granting exceptions. MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded Dy Williams to approve the request For the variance and adopt the Memorandum of Understanding as amended. Notion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Wright absent). • • • + H2. CONSIDERATION OF SEATEBOARD RECOMMENDATIONS S PRHSENTED,B~THE PARR AND RECREATION COMM•SSION - In Hay 1990, the Park and Recreation Commission wee directed to study the skateboard issue and bring back recommendations to the City Council. Staff report presented by Tarry Smith, Pazk Planning/Development superintendent. City Council Minutes April 17, 1991 Page 13 Mayor Stout opened the meeting Ear publ lc comment. There being no response, the public comments were closed. Mayor Stout stated he did net have a problem with items B, C, end D in the ateff report that were recommended by the Pnrk and Recreation Commission, but felt this project would have to follow in line with the projects already cammittsd to, and did not want anyone to get the Ldea that this would be built right away. Councilmamber Baguet felt there were a lot of questions that the City needed to check out regarding this project before they go forward. He agreed this project needed to fit Into the scheme of things with other projects already scheduled. He added ha would like to sae more information before ha makes s dseision. Councilmamber Williams stated she agreed with Councilmsmber Buquet and felt the City needed to take a look at this more closely and get more information. Mayor Stout mentioned he did not feel the real skateboard enthusiast would use a facility each ae this because it would probably be under their skill lave 1. Tarry Smith, Park P/D Superinkendent, stated he felt this would fit 80t of the skateboarders in the Ciiy, and the other YOt would not use it. Councilmember Alexander suggested the City consider a Commercial venture coming in and building a skateboard facility. Mayor Stout reiterated he felt items B, C, and D were good, but felt the city should think abou! operating costa and maintenance of such a facility so they would know how much revenue ie needed to make this happen. He stated he had a problem with item A, and that St should be understood that this project will be put in context with all other park and retreat tonal needs that have been considered in the past and put in priority order. Councilmember Williams suggested with school ending in June, that the ch'_ldre: should be made aware of skateboard raise and aware of the safety aspects of skateboarding. • R • f R R I. COVNCIL HVSIN658 I3. CONSIDERATION TO AUTHORISE TH PUAC ASB OP LM' 11 TA C^ 13930 FAfN WINBROOK IN THE AMOUNT OF 5141 000 00 POR TH8 ^'G HO SB TID AUTHORI_ZE THE PREPARATION OF GONTAACT DOCUMENT AND P NS FOA TH8 MOVIN AEHABILI TATION OF THE HOUSE (Continued from April 3, 1991) Staff report presented by Joe O'Neil, City Engineer. Councilmember Alexander stated ha had a problem with the lot value in that area being eo high and was surprised that the value had gone up so much. City Council Minutes April 17, 1991 Page 14 Joe O'Neil, city Englnser, stated this was Che caking price. Councllmember Buquet stated he hatl a problem with allocating the money just to move the house to another loeation end then hewing to rehabilitate !t just to sell it. James Nerkman, City Attorney, stated the City does not have the option to buy property 6y borrowing money an a deed of trust. He added the Redevelopment Agency can do that, but the City Could not. Councilmember Alexander asked if the City could sell the property to the Redevelopment Agency. James Markman, City Attorney, responded if it can be proven that therm is a purpose for it by the Redevelopment Agency. Councilmember Buquet asked what can ba done to facilitate the Redevelopment Agnncy buying this. James Markman, City Attorney, stated they would have to check to see if it fire into the project area and investigate this further. Councilmember august asked how soon dose the contractor need the City to move the house. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer, stated very soon. Councllmamber Alexander suggested this be continued to the May 1, 1991 meeting to explore the poesib ility and legality for the Redevelopment Agency to purchase the Land. Councilmember Ruquet stated he ie looking foz a mechanism for the City to get the property without having to out up the cash. Sack Lam, City Manager, stated he understood the Redevelopment Agency was paying for this. Hayor Stout stated it was hie understanding this was a loan from the Redevelopment Agency to purchase the house, and would then 6e reimbursed to them if the house was sold. Linda Daniels, Deputy City Hanager, stated that was correct, and that two years ago the Agency set aeicle $100,000.00 epecifieally for historic preservation which was the initial catalyst to put this project in place. She added at this point it would require an additional amount to be loaned to the City which would be reimbursed ante the house was sold. Hayor Stout indicated he did not have any problem with the way this hoe been structured. Councilmamber Baguet elated he felt more comfortable knowing the Redevelopment Agency was doing this. City Council Ninutee April 17, 1991 Pwgw 15 Councllmember will iame stated from a bu4lneu alendpolnt she wee wondering if the City could get this project done for the amount of dollsre that have been estimated. Bha felt it would coat more than what hoe been figured. She added eha did not know !f thin was the beet use of the City~a money. She wnderad if [he City has done everything to have another agency be in charge o! thin project. She etatad she did not sae this house ee an historic gem becnuse she felt the house wne abused. MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Suquet to accept etaff'e recommendailon. Motion serried 3-1-1 (Wil Name no: Wright absent ). • • • No name were identified fox the next meeting. a R. COMMSMIGTIOMB PROaI T~ PVBLIC No communication was made from the public. • • • • • MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded Dy Alexander to zeceee to Executive Seeeion to diecuee personnel matters and Sports Complex land nequieition, which would adjourn at the conclusion of the Executive Session. Motion curried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Wright abeant). The meeiing recessed at 5:54 p.m., not to reconvene. Respectfully eubmltted, Oebra T. Adams, CMC City Clerk Approved: March 27, 1991 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA CITY COUNCIL MIWUTES Joint Meetinc of the Clty Council and the Public Safety Commission A joint meeting of the City Council end the Public Safety Commission of the Cliy of Rancho Cucamonga was Held on Wetlneeday, March 27, 1991, in the Tri-Communities Conference Rowe of the Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Centez Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. 6y Mayor Dennis L. SCOUt. Present were Councilmembere: William J. Alexander, Diana Will isms, Pamela J. Wright, and Hayor Dennis L. Stout. Absent was Councilmember: Charles .7. Buquet II. Present were Commissioners: Pete Amodt, James Curatalo, Wayne EetaiLy, Elvira We et, George Yankovich, and Chait Daniel Glaee. Absent was Commie6ioOer: Patricia Quintana. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager; Marti Higgins, Disaster Preparedne se Manager; Chief Dannia Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Pire Protection Diattici; Capt. Bruce Zeiner, Rancho Cucamonga Police Department; and Jan Sutton, Deputy City Clerk. • • • • ~ R. ITBNS OT DISCUSSION B1. Discussion of D 1 1 Relat' t La Enfo t St d Mayor Stout requested to meet in Executive Seeeion with the Council regarding this item before they started the joint discussion. The Council recessed to Executive Seeeion at 7:06 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:20 p.m. with all members of the Council present (euquet absent). Mayor Stout stated that Councilmember Alexander asked to have this item on the agenda because the Council felt this might be the opportunity to begin asking the Commission about their analysis that led to their decision on this study. City Council/Public 9afaty Commission Ninutee YarnF 7'~~ 1001 Page 2 Councilmember Alexnnder stated he wanted to get the Commission's feelings and thoughts behind how they arrived at their motion. Ae sn exempla hr referred to their statement ^Citieena of thin community daaerve a level of service cona.t.stent with other services provided within the city^. Ha asked if they eoneidered the service level to be unequal at the present time. Chair Glass et ated the general thought was the issue of local control, since the City has under ire jurisdiction presently faze service and emergency preparedness, along with the other facets of the Clty, and the Commission felt that the City havtng its own police department would facilitate services. Councilmember Alexander asked what they meant by local control becauar Ae felt they had that already through their contract with the County, or if they meant complete control over the agency by a body of people, baeeuee there wee a tlifferencs. Commissioner Curatalo die agreed that the City had local control because he fell that policies set by the County Sheriff's Department far County-wide operations were not eeneit ive to local needs at all times, and were sometimes in conflict, such as with the booking tees. Councilmembere Alexander and Wright felt the booking fee issue could not be used as a valid example, ae that was County policy, and not Sheriff's Department policy, and it affected cities Ghat also had their own police agencies. Chair Glees stated maybe that was not a good example, but in the case of booking fees, the state are provided out of the sober at ion of errs ate made, and in many cities with police departments they can set the criteria under which a person would actually be booked or released in the field on citation, or processed in another way, rather than being booked at the stet ion. He felt the Sheriff's Department had a set policy about conducting those inveetigatione, and if the City had their own pollee department, they might have more control aver that. CounciLmember Wright aeketl if the City of Upland had to pay booking fees if they book someone into the County facilities, and didn't they use those facilities. Commissioner Curatalo et ated ye e, Gut the Clty of Upland ie considering issuing citations rather than incur bookings. Councilmember Wright felt that if Rancho Cucamonga wanted to go in that direction, they could also. Jack Lam, City Manager, clarified the booking fee issue, that it came about due to state budget problems, and felt this Se sue could only be settled through the court process. He stated every city ie looking for ways to decrease the cosy of these fees, and the main idea was to reduce the number of bookings. He stated the Sheri Ef'e Department ie working on a list of offenses that could possibly be handled by cite/release rather than booking to give io their contract cities. Y.a stated the system the CAO of the County hoe set up Se such that they claim if City Cpuneil/Public eetsty Caaoi aloe Ninutee Haech 2i. 1997 Page 3 the number of bookings Le reduced, the amount far the per booking coat will qo up, eo in essence the amount owed will never change, 0o that Le Why hs felt this matter would have to be settled In court. He felt that issue was tndependent of whether the City was contracted with the Sheriff's or not. Commissioner Curatalo etatwd another concern was the excessive rotation of personnel. CouncilmembeY Alexander Stated the Hughes, Heies G Aeeociatee report states "by moat queer Ltative measures employed to evaluate law en£oreament adequacy, current service levels are high. Response times per calla for service of all prloriiv levels are equ lvalent to or better than eezvlce level standards for urban and suburban communities of comparable ai:a ana make up ae Rancho Ncamonga...we round no compelling evidence that there are quality problems aeeoeiated with the existing law enforcement servlcas...taa currant contract service costing ayetem provides a financial advantage to the City by charging the City only for the direct coat of aet•vicee delivered..." He felt tae study indicated one thing and the motion made by the C.ommieaion indicated another and inquired why. Commissioner Yankovich stated the comparative cities were Oceanside and Palmdale or Lancaster. The Commission felt Rancho Cucamonga might have been compared *~+ a city With the same population, but not with the same atructuxe. They did not agree with the cities they were tanpared with. Commissioner Curatalo felt that generall}~ there Were a lot of assumptions in the report that the Commission disagreed with. Re stated an example was a figure in the study that the department currently, at 104 personnel, has 499 proactive time. when questioned about this, the consultant euggeated they only needed 30- 359 to be et£icient, and When asked how he arrived at 69a, the consultant was very vague and did not give a clear answer. The Commies ion asked if this Figure included time from the reserves since there were over 13,000 hours contributed by chat group, and tae consultant atated they did not include that in the study, eo he wondered how they could negate that figure and not consider it in the study. He felt this indicated the study was inaccurate. Chair Glass atated the consultant indicated the proactive Figure was probably a few percentage pol.nte high, that it was showing about 418, but should have been about 38-39a, because the statist ice wars gathered from the CAD ayetem, and that ayetem did not split out reserves, it just lists atatistice about the calla, eo some reserve time was probably in there because they handle a certain amount of calla, etc., and that would be in the CAD ayetem. Councilmember Alexander thought the Subcommittee from the Council and Commission tried to keep up all these aspects with the study during ire development, and did a good job of it, but maybe it would have been beneficial to catch same of these things beforehand. Commissioner Amodt felt they were doing a critique of the study iteal£. Re felt it was originally planned that the consultant would conduct the study, and then afterwards it would be up to the City to decide if they would accept all or some of the points covered in it. City Councll/Public Safety Commission Minutes Marrh 22, 1991 Page 4 Hayor Stout stated whether the City has a police department or a contract, there are issues that need to be eddreeaed. An example would be the Leaue of a severe deficiency of higher level management positions in the eubetn[ion, where the consultant recommends there be a lieu :anent on each shift just like every other police department. Ha stated the study waa also indicating there wore too many patrol people based upon the proactive formula, when he did not believe that to be correct. He eteted to accept this document at face value without a review, which ie why they asked the Commission to do eo, would have bean folly. He orated whether everyone agreed or not, the final decision will be made by th¢ Council. Ne eteted he would like the opportunity to have a workshop on this, gluing the Commission the opportunity to be prepared to di¢cues what their evaluation prnceea wee. Ha stated this was a long process, and even if the Councll makes a decision, it will bo two to thre¢ y¢aze before they could make any changes, eo he did not see any pressure to do something immediately. He asked atatf to set up a workshop to diacuea this subject in-depth. He statetl ha did not know how this Seaue would be resolved, but that it would need to bo resolved one way or the other. Commissioner went felt that part of the Commission's recommendation wee that if the funds were available, they should have their own police department, otharwle¢ they should fix what they have. She stated they based their decision not only on the report and information provided, but also on public input at their meetings. Hayor Stout felt it was important to have the public address the City Counc ii on this issue. Commissioner Amodt stated the two questions asked of him by citizens were first, where would the City get the money to et art and maintain a polies department, then secondly, what about the liability insurance. He stated he was pleased with the work the Sheriff •e Department was doing in the City. Commissioner Curakalo stated another problem he had with the report waa because when the ceneultant mentioned coats, the current contract ie $6.5 million, and he felt it was not very clear because it was based on 104 personnel. Then when the ceneultant says it would be 57.2 to $8.6 million if they were to have their own police department, the report refers to 120 personnel. He felt this was net comparative because of the difference in personnel counts. Hayor Stcut stated the point the consultant was trying to make there was that by ut it iz ing the Sheriff's contract personnel there are certain services that ere providetl through the larger organization which would have to be duplicated for a smaller organization, i.e., homicide, forensics, etc. On the other hand, the consultant ie saying there are come deficiencies in his mind regarding upper management level e. It was felt by Councilmember Buquet and others that they need to address having higher ranking intllviduale making supervisory decisions on midnight shifts and eo forth. City council/Public Safety CammLaion Minuto Match [7, 1941 Pages 5 ACTION: Workshop to be held on April Y1, 1991 at 7:00 p. m. to diacuaa the law enforcement study, with Chair Glaae to prepare an overview of the points the Comaieeion had concerns about end informaticn on how they arrived at their motion, to be provided to the Council prior to the meeting. r s ~ a B2. Dlecu ae ion of Items of Hutu al Concern Commissioner Wright asked about Dieaeter Preparedness. Marti Higgina, Dieaeter Preparednaa^ Nanager, felt they did well during the recent rsinetorme, with the major problama occuring during rush hour traffic. She stated they had conaidarsd opening the 6oC during one of the rush hours to help coordinate response wiLA some of the care getting stuck. She felt that was a poe itive sign because it meant the system was working. xayor Stout asked Chief Michael if they kept etnt tetics on drowning dcethe due to flooding, because he felt many people who were new to the City were not aware of the flood history of the city, end do not always understand the problem and why there hoe been such an emphasis on flood control, that it was not done to just keep the atreete dryer. Chiet Michael, Pire District, stated they do not have those figures readily available, nut that it hoe been a long time since they hnd a depth tlue to drowning during a flood. He stated they could go back and msnually check some of the older records for that information. Councilmember Wright asked what was the next step in Dieaeter Preparedness. Marti Higgina, Dieaeter Preparedness Manager, stated they have finalized their die aster plan and it is being sent to the printer. She stated the next phase they are entering ie a program that was approved last budget cycle for the Community Emergency Response Training (CEHT), which takes them a step further than the initial preparedness. This program trains groups in industry, or echoole, or neiyhborhoode, whereby they have a team using the incident cosmand system and teaches them how to deal with the organizational aspects of surviving a die aster. Hayor Stout asked if there was some method to check the annexes provided by the echoole to make sure that they are updated. Matti Higgina, Dieaeter Preparedness Manager, stated they are not provided any informatior, from the echoole in the sense of an annex. She stated the annexes are the reeponeibil it iee the City hoe in general. Councilmembet Williams asked if they followed-up with the echoole to make aura they were still prepared, or is it left up to them. She stated she was contacted by a teacher who was concerned that her school was negligent in that prep. City Council/Public Safety Comroieeion Minutse Nereh 27. 1991 Page 6 Marti Higgins, Dieaeter Preparedness Manager, stated they have no legal suthority over the schools, but they have dedicated their public education person to work with the schools end try to keep them working on their plane. Mayor Stout eeked if the dieaeter system was regularly reviewed by the Public Snfaty Commission. Marti Higgins, Dieaeter Preparedness Manager, stated it was reviewed at their request. Commiaeioner Meet stated they usually request information after a epeeifie rnclaent io ostarn all the details. Comaieeioner Amodt asked if Dieaeter Preparedness has ever considered asking to be on the agenda for the various school Boards to present their concern Lo the Board about keeping up on the dieaeter plan, that it was a concern of the Council and Public Safety Commission. Marti Higgins, Dieaeter Preparedness Manager, stated they have only worked with the superintendents in the past, they have not approached the School enarde at this point. Councilmember Alexander eeked if the Covmieeion had any goals or objectives for the upcoming year. Chair Glaea stated they had recently had a goals workshop. He stated they spoke about having Commissioners attend more community events to Let citizens know the Commission was concerned and to present another forum for people to address them instead of just coming down to City Hall during a meeting. He stated they also wanted to look at having a mobile emergency command unit to supplement the 80C, and it could be used on every day situations by the Fire or Police Departaiente. Anuther thing they discussed was a desire to look at the paramedle program again and re-evaluate it to see if there would be more community support. They also felt if the Council decided to go with a police department, or to enter into a long-term contract with the Sheriff's, that public safety be looked at ae more of a total package, i. e., paramedics, dieaeter preparedness, police and fire could be instituted under one assessment for funding purposes. Conuniesioner Yankovich stated they have asked the Fire District to approach the Council about the paramedic issue in the near future. Mayor Stout asked what was the ratio of calla far medical assistance versus fire suppression. Chief Michael, Fire District, stated that 800 of their calla are med'_cal call e. He also felt the eubj act was timely since they anticipated opening Fire Stetson No. 4 at the and of 1991, end discussed why they felt the ballot measure had failed and what they would do differently this time. City Council/Public Safety Caa<aioion Minute !!arch ?7, 1991 Page 7 Councilmember Wright stated she thought the Commission might want to focus on taking a proactive stand, or educational approach, or something In that direction, in the scene of pedestrian safety end plannLng proeseeea, but would oleo specifically like io sae them fotue on gangs and drugs in the Clty. She would like to see them involved in the creation of ideas of 'now the City can deal with those problems. Shs stated they had Boma programs but that :hey were not focused, like in a maeteY plan on hoe to ettnck the problem. When the subcommittee was created to deal with that issue, that was whet she wee crying to accomplish. She thought maybe the Coamiealon could take it on ae one of their regulnr issues, just like they do with trnff is anfety, law enforcement, fire issues, etc.r and treat it ae a major arse of concern. Counc ilmamber Williams asked if they could keep track of comparative stet isi lam, are they improving or getting worse in related arer.e. She stated that gangs are getting more sophisticated, eo it ie not always easy to zecogrize what ie gang activity now. Councilmember Wright stated she would like to see that just ae they routlnsly sek for reports on traffic, they would sek for reports regarding gangs and drugs. Conmieeioner Yankovich stated that over the last two years they have had the Sheriff's Department Gang Bureau in to keep them updated on that Sesue, end oleo on 9raffit i, and they review that Leeue about every other month ox eo. He stated that Commissioner ¢utntana hoe requested n brochure from the Sheriff's Department dealing with gangs and drugs. Councilmember Williams stated shs knew the Commies ion was keeping up on it, and spoke about two upcoming veminare they might he interested in attending to keep up to speed on new developments. Commissioner Yankovich spoke about their efforts in working with residents in the Cucamonga area. Commissioner Smodt stated that drugs and gang activity ie an area they are trying to find what their parameters are and what they can do as a Conenia eion. Commissioner %etaily asked when Counciimember Wright spoke about proactive involvement, was she auggeeting the Commission ae a group go with the Sheriff's Department and intermingle more with them, as far ae being out in the field with them on certain public information activities. Counc llmember Wright stated what she was referring to wee, using pedestrian proobleme ae an example, if they find there are pedestrian problems, then they would have a brochure created for educational purposes, or direct eomaons to find a film to be made available ns an educational resource, etc. She stated in the area of planning, she ihoughi they were doing Boma proactive work now, each as keeping track of where aafety problems are and making au re those voids are filled. Bhe stated ae far ae gangs and drugs, maybe there could be more ideas on how to deal with the situation. City council/Public safety Cosmleeion Minutes March 27, 1993 Fags s Commission Aetaily atatsd perhaps the Commission should work with the Sheriff's Department to clearly identify what they are doing in order to reduce duplication of efforts. Councilnwmber Wright stated that connection waa whet she waa looking far, that if the Sheriff's ware doing it, then the Commission should be considered part of what was being done, and that the gang and drug programs are not only !wing done through the 5heriff'a, but it should also be considered the Ciiy is to that partnership. She felt the Commission should be more Snvolved and have Lnput in how th togs era being set up, to ass if currant programs are meeting the clty'• needs, or do they need to ba adjusted, but to solidify that link. She would like cu see me commission tied into that loop. Commissioner Curatalo stated the Commission is tnklnq steps in that direction, thet they recently had a report from the Garg officer on the resources of hie department, and of what the surrounding communit tee are doing on this issue, and how Rancho Cucamonga compareu. Commissioner Retaily stated Rs mtdesetootl the concept but was unclear on the type of involvement wanted. Councilmember Wright stated she would like to see the same types of effort in gangs and drugs, and educational types of issues, ae they have seen in the past on the fire study, and in their efforts in ge[ting traffic enfety issues taken care of, and in the law enforcement study. Sha felt the Commission has made dramatic changes in the City since ire inception, and she would like to see their efforts expanded to cover these new iesuea. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated the Chair and Vice Chair have recently met with the Planning Commission Choir and Vice Chair to disease how to coordinate on safety issues, and they have also met with the Chair and Vice Chair r.f tine iinviroeunental Manngement commiaeion. He stated the Commission will also be meeting on Hay 16 to have their second warkehop on speed reduction in residential areas. ~ • • • a C. COIaIUNICATIONB IRON TR6 PUBLIC C1. Mark Gutglueck, resident, was concerned that the conclusions made regarding the law enforcement study be drawn fairly, and also with the concept of local control. He referred to an investigation in Fontana regarding alleged corruption, entl how that case was being investigated by the local police department, and felt they would be unable to treat it fairly. + x city council/Public safety commission NSnuGs Nareh e7. 1991 Pages 9 jl,_ A[/JOLMNIBIIT NOTION: Moved by Alexander, seeontlad by Milliame to atljourn. Notion carried unanimously, 0-0-3 (suquet absent). The City Couneil and Fublic safety Cosmiseion meeting sdjournad et 8:45 p. m. Respectfully submitted, Jan Sutton Deputy City Clsr!c Approved by Public safety Commission: Nay 7, 1991 Approved by City Council: OMYO~ME Oe~eEeE EEVM~IOIV MMeY•EENWM O-MIWMI•OVEVO •uVM..VOMeVMM~~~•WY~uOVNYYVVMN\•WNVeVWVe0Y000VOWWe1.. 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S ~ $ $~§$~ ' e s s s 8 Ysk88 ^ 2 ~ ~ ~ a s "~' ~. ~ 9 m ~ ~ - y -^ slS yfi E $~ §A !V 9 o y L v K5 -.- __ ~ m ~~ S $& Y i i . ~ '3~ 5~ _. _ ~_ 83 8? __ __ .. .. /3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ST?~FF R.~P~RT DATE: Hny 15, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Couneil PROM: Erad Huller, City Planner HY: An thea M. tlarti g, Associate. Planner SUBJBCT: A PROPOSAL TO DFS ICNATH THE MAGIC LAMP RBSTAURIINT (FORMHALY LUCY AND JOHN'S CAFB),_ LOCATSD_ AT 8189 FOOTHILL BOGLBVAAD, AS A HISTORIC LANDMARK. RECOMMENDATION: The Historic preservation Co®i9aien recommends the designation of the Xagic Lamp Restaurant as a Landmark with the adoption o£ the attached reaol utlon. BACKGROUND: The Bite recommended foI landmark statue ie located in the Bear Gulch area which represents one of the richest continuums of history 1n our area. First ae Lucy and John's Cafe and now ae the Mnqic Lamp Restaurant, this building symbolizes the importance of Mute 6E-related activities such ns dining and entertainmm:t. The site's history illustrates well the variety of architectural styles employed in the pant, and in particular for roadside buildings. as the first design in the early 1940a was the sleek Streamline Modern. The second design of the 1950e ventured into a commerefnlly- attractive design centered aro:vid a catchy theme. The Magic Lamp, from its flaming sign outlined in neon to the stained-glass windows depicting again the lamp as well ae the encrusted roofing, exists ae a rare example of such exaggerated entrepreneurial architecture of the 1950x. HISTORIC PRSSRRVATION COlF4ISSION ACTION: At the applicant's request the Commission held a public hearing on March 7, 1991, and continued the hearing to the April d, 1991, to expand the site's definition by incorporating the circa-1955 decorative paving and brick walla along Foothill Boulevard. The Commission recommended landmark designation for the Magic Lamp. Ha:AH:sp Attachments: 8xhibit "A" - HPC 6taff Report of April 4, 1991 Exhibit "H• - F/PC Resolution 91-02 exhibit "C" - HPC Minutes of March 7 and April 4, 1991 Meolution of Approval /~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REF+DI~.T ,:sS. DATE: April 4, 1991 T0: Chairman and Memhers cf the P.i stork Preservation Commission PROM• "Larry Henderson, AICP, Principal Planner bY: Anthea M u=rtiy, :,~sociate Planner SUBJECT: Landmark. Jlesianation 41-01.- The Magic Lamn Bestanrar.• - Consideration of an application to designate the Magic Lamp Restaurant iformerly Lucy and John's), located at 8189 Foothill Boulevard, as an Historic Landmark - APN: 207- 113-12 through 18. Per the first public hearing on Landmark Designation 91-01 for the Magic Lamp, the proposed site has been expanded to include the decorative perimeter walls and sidewalk paving dating from the extensive, mid-1950s remodelling. Thank you for your assistance and input. Respectfully submitted, Larry entlerson, AICP, Principal Planner Attachments: Exhibit "HPC-1:" Revised Site Plan Exhibit "HPC-c":" Staff Report, March 1991 Addendum Exhibit "HPC-3:" Staff Report, March 1991 Exhibit "HPC-4:" Resolution of Approval EXHIBIT "A" /~ •nNO grt10 Rttuno~ IIIH Pptl I ~ " i ! ® © o o e o o ~ ~ i L :, ~ ~ x ~ ~ ~ s-~ 0 0 0 0 © © ~ c // © ~ Y / ~~.~\ O \~~ ~ / n ~ 0 / / \~. _ is°. a' / /~ ~ 0° S~ O ~/ 1 v • O c 0 r C fa C A N _~ C H . ;. _.. r L; O ~ X •c o m o C e° ~~ U o d t~ v w ~" U anulnp •nat~ /~ E IBIT HPC-I - CITY OF RANCHO CCCANIONCA STAFF REPt7TtT ! ,-,-5 DATE: March 7, 1991 TO: Chairman and Members of the Historic Preserva[ion Commission :~.:vivi: Tarry 1. Henderson, AICP, Principal Planner BY: Anthea M. Haztig, Associate Planner SUBJECT: Addendum to 1 andmark Designation 91-01 Staff Raport Please supplement the Staff Report's findings of significance with the following data. Staff is grateful to Melicent Amer and Jim Cavender for providing this well-research material. II. ANALYSIS: B. $j~ificance: In 1930, Lucy and John Nosenzo moved from northern California to the Guasti area where Mr. Nosenzo probably had acquaintances from his native town, Asti, Italy. The couple first opened a grocery store at 109 West Foothill Boulevard (the southwest corner with Archibald Avenue) around 1933 or 1934. A faw yeazs later in 1937, the Nosenzo family opened the Asti Cafe, as it was formally known, in the same building and began serving Italian food to the community. It was in 1941 that "Lucy and John's," as the cafe came to be called locally, moved to the present site of the Magic Lamp. The Noscnzo's hired a Los Angeies Architect, Arman Monaco, to design a large restaurant building in a Streamline Moderne style which according to information gathered by Mr, Cavender, was modelled in-part after the then new NBC Headquarters located on the corner of Sunset and Vine in Hollywood. l7 ~x~e,~r-t- t+E~-~2 The Nosenzo family eetired to their small fishing cottage on Balboa Island around 1946-47. Between their departure and the purchase of the site by Edith and Frank Penn, the Ruffner family ran the restaurant. V. RECOMMENDA ION: StafF recommends that the Commission designate the structures, signs, and contributing brick walls and walkways of the Magic Lamp site as Landmark 91-O1, It is also recommended that the original parcel informalion be changed to include AP numbers 207-113-12 through 18 rather than through 14 and that if the Commission concurs with these recommendations, to re-adverr;cr rF. ~_-!;~ ~;,~;;,,~ wnu these changes added and continue the hearing to the April meeting. Respecft//f~ully~ su~b~m~i~[[e~d~, Lardy J. Henderson, AICP, Principal Planner LJH:AMH/amh Attachments: Updated Exhibit "HPC"-2: Lahdmaak Application Updated Resolution of Approval f boo of Gelgrma - Tb grbu.cM wgmor 5~r. No. pfiIARTMfNT Op MRKa ANp RbCRfAT10N HABS_HAER~~Loc__SHL NO._NR Stltu1~ UTM: q HISTCR!C RESCURCES R.iVEN7CRY a n IDENTIFICATION 1. Common name: The Magic Lamp Res ~aurant ]. Hi,torie name:- Lurv a .lnhn'e Gfg 3. Strut or ruwl addrps: A1RR Foothill Rm,l avarA CigL_Rdn ChO CIICompnRa Zip 91730 County Can Ra rna rAinn b. Ptrtyl numaar: 5. Prawnt Owmr: Pat 6 Marv Vernnla Addrm: cane u Iw„wi e.,e"„- City UDland ZiP R77AE Owrlarahip is: P"Wie hiwu v 6. PraYnt lha: Restaurant/Lounge OrgirW tpa: Restaurant DESCRIP710N 7a. Ard,itncturw ,ryla: 76. erianY dauritN tM prMant phY+Kaf aPPaaranc'a of tlw wp a ftrtw.TUn and dabcrilM anV rMipr altartlitvn trom in wpinN condllion: The existing Magfc Leap contains a number of additions, pWSSings, and entrances eating from the 1956 extensive renovation whfch here obscured the original wooden cafe structure. The site consists of a long rectangular, single-storied wooden-framed portion backed by athree-storied dwelling/office unit. The restaurant portion's gable roofs vary in pitch and the three-story unit is topped by a flat roof. During the renovation, the original patio dining area became a large circular fireplace and lounge encased by three large, wooden- framed picture windows facing north. Two additional entrances along the north- eas*_ corner ware constructed and the entire single-story pnrti~n "a=_ encased with intricate bricAwork of used brfck, slate and other stones, glazed brick, and burnt brick laid in coamon bond. Unadorned, 6"x6" posts suDPorted by brick pedestals hold un a wood framed porch which covers the north entrance, stained glass laid in an abstract pattern with a centered "genie's" lamp fili a large circular and a tripartite rectangular window. 04her detailing includes extended wooden eave memebers and intricate brick entranceways and walls. the file roof covering the single-story portion is laid from 4 to 8 tale thick, and particular Attatri Photo EnvNoM Mxa 8. Corotructfon d,tu: 1941 Ebtimaraa Factor-J p: Audliuct 1941: Arran Monaco 10. BuadarJ nknnu`~_ 11. Approq. PupattV du lir' faatl Frontapb 1R~n Dwth175 • tx bpprpx. auaaaa 0.56 1Z Daub) of anclolld Iriotograpn~ Fee r,a r, ; OPR 5231Ra", 11/851 1 ~ • E.xyllbi~ '~~- Id. Condroon: Excellent -Goad X Fnr~ papncrate0 , No longer .n exnterce _~ t~. Ahnatiorp; tlaior rehabilitation and addii; err in 195 ~. _ -_~ iy $urrour,6rpr: (Cheek more than ana it nwnfaryl Oun IarM 1f Scatprad twiltlingf ~, DanS11Y built•uP RpiMntid `IrMUprial -Commercial X Othrr: ta. Thnap to dta Nom known~Priwte dweloynent~_ Zonin9_Vmoaliun ~_ Puolic World oroiact ~ OtNr. 17, U me ftrunurr. On in original fitN~~ Movd7 ~. Unkrowni i& R.4nd teaturaa: "Mani lamp" ciao of metal and neon: brick wall and navina. SIGNIFICANCE 19. BridlY lion hirtoriul and/ar arMiartunl imPOrtanu IinUUtlo don, wmu, and panom aeapcia[w with the up.l The Bear Gulch area represents one of the richest continuums of hi stof•y in the Upland/ Rancho Cucamonga region. First Lucy and John's Cafe, then the Magic lame oq..~;;-;,-; is symbolizes the imanrrxnre s .-•;c CL iela Leo acitvlties such as dining, During the early 1930s, Lucy and John °owned and rar. their cafe further east on Foothill Boulevard, west of the southwest corner of its intersecti Lchibald Avenue. After the o0ening of the Red Chief Motel and Cafe in 1936, the ~Rioca ted to a lot across from the new mo LOrcourt. No less an important decade for Route 66 traveling and for 5outhrrn California's growth, the 1950s were tharacteri zed by adventurous architectural expression often centered around a catch theme. The Magic Lamp, from its flame-producing sign accen!uated in neon to the stained-glass wi ndow5 depicting again the lamp, exists as a rare example of such thematically-inspired building and use. Frank Penn's investment in what was [hen an extensive and unique remodelling concept represented an intensification of the Bear Gulch area's economic interest in dining establishments. Not yet forty years old, the Magic Lamp Restaurant exists in this area as a testament to the often exaggerated, entrepreneurial architectural expression of the 19`Os. The roof detailing, lamp sign, and the stained-glass windows, to name a few, set the Magic Lamp Restaurant apart from its time. Zg. Main memo or tna nifroric nwurca: III more tMn ono ie Mwk,M, numoer in order of immrtanu,l Ard,iteetun Arpa Uiaun Emtamic/Induftral ,~ Explwapon/Sattlamana Gawrnmm[ Miliury RNigion Sodal/Eduation Zf. Soureu (Lift twokf, ooeumeng. Narreya, Parlorfal interviawa a"ddfa"daTefl• Interviews: Melicent Arner 2/91; Anthony Vernola 1/91; and •tim Lavender 3191. n. Dm foam wapared .February 26, 1991 ey lrnmal ,gBthea Hartig Orgr,ixation City Phone: Lop[mnal ekexeh msp (draw and IaWI [,p and eurn,abing flrNp, rpada, and promirnnt IaMmarkal: /NORTH ~~ Red i4i ~ { {Q~ .~ U E i r /~\J ~C ~ ~ ~r r I t,(~a~ t l~~ 'O~ f /. .fi gtJ~ V `-' cI'rY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPQRT •~ DATE: March 7, 1992 T0: Chairman E Members of the Historic Preservation Commission FROM: Larry J. Henderson, AICP, Principal Planner BY: Anthea M. Hartig, Associate Planner SUBJECT: LANDMARK DESIGNATION 92-01 - THE MAGlC LAMP RESTAURANT - ons era on o an app ca on n c.;ac.a "ne magrc ~+~^^ .:_ctca,o,~L irormeriy Lucy and John's Gafel, located at 8199 Foothill Boulevard, as an Historic Landmark - APN: 207-113-12 through 14. SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Location: The Magic Lamp stands on the south side of Foothill oli~uTevard, east of Red Hill Country Club Drive, and north of San Bernardino Road in the historic Bear Gulch area. The site slopes south slightly and is approximately 0.56 acres in size. The restaurants' parking lot - APN's 207-113-15 through 16 covers another half an acre and is not included in this landmark application. B. Site_Land Use, Zoning, and the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan: Site - Mature cactf, complementary vegetation of a desert landscape, and a rose garden mark the Magic Lamp's Foothill Boulevard entrance. Hedges line the eastern entrance while the remaining portions of the site are less adorned. Zoning - The Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan pays special attention to this area, the western entrance to the City. The Magic Lamp site, along with most of the triangular mass formed by Foothill Boulevard and San Bernardino Road, and the area north of the site received a Specialty Commercial designation. Further to the northwest and southwest, smaller areas zoned Office exist; and to the extreme south (below San Bernardino Road) a Medium Residential area is denoted (see attached Exhibit HPC-1 for Land Use Plan for Subarea 1). Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan - Noting the natural land formations, the range of land uses, and various architectural styles, the Plan calls for a "village" atmosphere for this portion of Subarea 1. Future development, in line with this village-like tone, should pay attention to the design ~ / EXHIBIT HPC-3 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COkNISSIOM STAFF REPORT LD 91-01 - MAGIC LAMP RESTAUP.ANT March 7, 1991 Page 2 vocabulary of the Sycamore Inn and the Magic Lamb Restaurant - the area's most "architecturally distinctive' buildings - according to the Foothill Boulevard Specific Pian. "The scale of these restaurant structures," the Plan continues, "will keynote future architectural harmony for the Bear Gulch Village" (Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, IV-9.5). C. Architectural Descri icon: The existing Magic Lamp contains a mum er o a ons, esign vocabularies, massings, and entrances. According to both oral and written records, a modest, wooden-framed cafe structure (Lucy and John's) was extenci vale »nA elaAnra._1 ~ ----~-.1-~ ~~~~ enyanueu uy ~ranK Penn and Fred Clearmmn in 1956-57. Most, tf not all of the structures characteristics noted as exceptional in the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan resulted from this renovation. A single-story restaurant is barked by a three-story addition. A patio dining area became a large circular fireplace/lounge space (which converts to a fountain) encased by three large, wooden-framed picture windows fronting onto Foothill Boulevard. Additional dining roans and kitchen space were also added as part of the mid-1950s remodelling and the new restaurant was encased with intricate brickwork of used brick, slate and other stones, glazed brick, and burnt Drick laid primarily in common bond. Similar treatment was applied to the circular fireplace whose chimney exhibits sane of the more detailed masonry work. Unadorned wooden piers on brick pedestals support a porch-like extension which covers the main (north) entrance. The wooden door is detailed with large iron hinge brackets and a small stained glass window is centered in the top third of the door. Penn and Clearman carried this attention to detail throughout the entire addition. Entrance walkways on both the north and east entrances are marked by brick pavers and curving, low, brick walls capped by a header atop a stretcher course. To the east of the northern doorway, a large, round, stained- glass window depicts in its center a lamp. Similarly, two rectangular windows of the same distinctive stained glass light the roan west of the circular fireplace and picture windows. These tripartite stained glass windows flank asymmetrically an unadorned door which also faces foothill Boulevard. The law-pitched, intersecting gable roof lines of the 1956 remodelling define not only the structure's massing but, in the roofs detailing, one of the building's more special characteristics. Upon wood-framed roofs with exposed eave brackets are red clay tiles stacked in a decorative pattern. The roof takes on an encrusted appearance unlike any known regional example, as it 1s from three to six tiles thick. ~d' HISTORIC PRESERVATIgI COMMSSSION STAFF REPORT LD 91-01 - MA61C LAMP RESTWRANT March T, 1991 Page 3 Also, a part of the 1956 remodelling, a three-story structure exists as the southern portion of the structure. A combination living/office space, the Mo top floors of this wooden-framed/stucco addition are characterized by multi-paned (4, 9, 12) metal-framed windows as well as diamond-paned glazes on the thtrd floors' east side. The first floor of this structure served as an extension of the kitchen facilities. Under this addition lies a basement lounge, accessed by an unadorned stairway and door. A large exterior fireplace of standard bricks in an asymmetrical. buttressed shape also characterizes the rear, three-story addition. Seemin9lY also from i•we.aa.lnrrn- -~ pernays sngntlY later, is a bwo-car garage of the same construction materials (wood/stucco) and accessed by two wooden garage doors. A later (late 1960s-early 1970s) addition was constructed at the southwest corner of the Magic Lamp site. Dating from before the Cleannan/Penn remodelling is a wooden- framed/corrugated metal shed or garage which stands approximately 20 feet south of the restaurant/office/apartment structure. An intricate freestanding sign announces the restaurant in the shape of a "genie's" lamp, The sign proudly dates to the 1956 remodelling. II. ANALYSIS: A. Ba~ckground_: AS a member of the family who has arced the Magic aml-mince 1975, and as it's manager, Mr. Anthony Vernola pursued the landmark designation process after initial contact with the City regarding the development of property surrounding the restaurant. Mr. Vernola is aiso considering minor alterations to the Magic Lamp structure itself. Living upstairs and working along with his staff, Mr. Vernola holds a strong interest in the retention and preservation of the Magic Larop, B. Siynificante: Historical - The Bear Gulch area represents one of the richest continuums of history in the Upland/Rancho Cutamonga region. First Lucy and John's Cafe, then the Magic Lamp Restaurant, it symbolizes the importance of Route 66 related activities such as dining. During the early 1930s, Lucy and John Caferro owned and ran their cafe further east an Foothill Boulevard, west of the southwest corner of its intersection with Archibald Avenue (from data compiled by Chester Frost). Prior to the opening of the Red Chief Motel and Cafe 1n 1936, the Caferros had relocated to a lot across from the now motorcourt. ~3 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION 57AFF REPORT LO 91-01 -MAGIC LAMP RESTAURANT March 7, 1991 Page 4 No less an important decade for Rate 66 travelling and for Southern Californie's growth, the ]9505 were characterized by adventurous architectural expression often centered around a catch theme. fie Magic Lamp, from its flame-producing sign accentuated in neon to the stained-glass windats depicting again the lamp, exists as a rare example of such thematically- inspired building and use. Frank Penn's investment in what was then an extensive and unique remodelling concept represented a intensification of the Bear Gulch area's econanic interest in dining establishments. Architectural - Nnt ~~! f_r;y ;cc;; old, Lbe magic Lamp Restaurant exists in this area as a testament to the often exaggerated, entrepreneuriai architectural expression of the 19505. The roof detailing, camp sign, and the stained-glass windows, to name a few, set the Magic Lamp Restaurant apart frgn its time. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: In accordance with the Rancho Cucamonga n cipa o e ction 2.24.090, the following points of significance pertain to the Magic Lamp Restaurant: A. Historical and Cultural Significance: FINDING: The proposed landmark fs particularly representative of a historical period, type, style, region, or way of life. FACT: For close to sixty years, a restaurant has operated on this site, representing the importance of Route 66 related business. The I956 remodelling, turning a vernacular cafe into a thematic showpiece, represents a unique commercial zeal. B. Historic Architectural and Engineering Significance: FINDING: The construction materials or engineering methods used in the proposed landmark are unusual, significant, or uniquely effective. FACT: The range of the carefully-crafted detailing on the Magic Lamp's exterior represents unique and creative efforts. C. Neighborhood and Geographic Setting: FINDING: The proposed landmark materially benefits the historic character of the neighborhood. FACT: Singled out for special attention in the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, the Magic Lamp plays a decisive role in establishing the outstanding design attributes of the Bear Gulch area. HISTORIC PRESERYATION COIMISSION STAFF REPORT LD 91-01 - MAGIC LAMP RESTAURANT March 7, 1991 Page 5 FINDING: The proposed iandmark 1n 1ts location represents an established and familiar visual feature of the neighborhood, community, or city, FACT: The Magic Lamp sits pranlnentiy on Foothill Boulevard and serves as an important architectural and business element to the City. SV. CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised a5 a public hearing in e~tF-Tni_end"Ya11ey Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property was poste3; and not ces wl ere sen£'~ all property owners within 300 feet of the protect site. V. RECOMIENDATIQ9: Staff recommends that the Comission designate a re a ve y young but arch/tecturally unique Magic Lamp Restaurant as Landmark 91-01. Res ct ull ~bmitted, Larry J. Henderson, AICP Principal Planner LJH:AMH/ifs Attachnents: Exhibit "HPC-1" -Land Use Plan for Subarea 1, Foothill Boulevard eclfic Plan Exhibit "HPC-2" -Lan r p cam Exhibit "HPC-3" -Photographs Exhibit "HPC-4" -Site Plan Resolution of Approval d )/ ..~ z aZ a J a d W e y A R r y OI .1 ^ .r.. {~ .~.1 F F W Y Y r t W O t ~ J « ! t ~ ~ f ~ ° O ~ W W « t w Y i< i _ ~~ !~y~ I~ • Y `ol~ o ~ =~:ILlc~a ~~ J s hD 7 < ~ O ~ ~ u tt s s ~ «~ : .~ 7 a ~ U d e o i o 1 W o ~g ,C W i s W Y Y S! W 7 ~ W ~ C ` t~ Y Q « z a ; ° a o w ~pp t a ~ , Y ~ g W o o- c i ~,,,, = W c = . i i o.~ « S o o W W ° W a° U I W W ~ ~ 7 7 W r Y^ J ~ s ~ ~ a Y ~ Y ! u Q Z vi .~ U •n V I _m S X L1] AESOLUTION NO. 91-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF HI^uTORIC LANDMARK 91-01 TO DESIGNATE THE MAGIC LAMP RESTAURANT (FORME ALY LUCY AND JOHN'S CAFE), LOCATED AT 8189 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, AS AN HISTORIC LANDMARK - APN: 207-113-12 THROUGH 1H. A. Recitals. (i) Anthony vexnole and the City of Raneho Cucamonga have filed an .. _.. --- - --------- _......__.. - .. -.,. .. w uua Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject BSetoric~Landmark Se referred to as "the application." (ii) On Harsh 7, 1991, end continued to April 4, 1991, the Hl etoric Preservation Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted duly noticed pub Lie hearings on the appliention. (iii) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Reeo lotion have occurred. e. Resolution. NOW, THEREPORE, it Se hereby found, detezmined, and resolved by the Historic Pzeservation Commission of the City of Anncho Cucamonga ae follows: 1. This Commission hereby epeclfieal ly Linda that all of the facie set forth in the Recitals, Part "A", of thitl Resolution are true and correct. 2. The application applies to approximately 0.56 nerea of land, in a rectanguiat cunfiguratien, located ai 8199 FOOthlll Boulevard, and all sttuctu: es including signs, brick walla, and brick peeing. 3. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearings on March 7 and April 4, 1991, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, and pursuant to Section 2.24.090 of the i+ancho Ncamonga Municipnl Cede, this Commission hereby mekea the following findings and facto: A. Ri atc kcal and Nltuxnl Significance: Finding: 1. The propeeed lendmerk is particularly repreeentat ive of an historic period, type, style, region, or way of life. Fact: For close to fifty ysere, a reeteurant has operated on this site, representing the importance of Rrn~te 66 related business. Since its beglnninge ae a Streamline Mode rne-styled cafe in the early 1940x, and its conversion to a thematic showpiece in 1956, a unique sense of commercl al enterpri ee has characterized this site. a ~ EXHIBIT •sm HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 91-02 LD 91-01 - MAGIC LAMP REST,:CR:u7'a Aprii ti, 1991 Page 2 B. Historic Architectural and Engineering Significance. FSndinq: 1. The construction materials or engineering methods used in the proposed landmark are unusual or signiEiceni or uniquely effective. Fect: The range of the carefully-crafted detailing on the Magic Lemp's exterior represents unique and creative efforts. C. Neighborhood and Geographic Setting. Finding: 1. The prcposad landmark materially benefits the hietorie character of the neighborhood. Faci: singled out for special attention in the Poothill Boulevard Specific Plan, the Magic Lamp plays a decisive role in eatabliehinq the outstanding design attributes of the Bear Gulch area. Pindin9: 2. The proposed landmark, in its locetion, represents an eatabliahed and familiar visual feature of the neighborhood, community, or city. Fact: The Magic Lamp sits prominently on Foothll: Boulevard and serves ae an important architectural and business element io the City. 4• Thie Commission hereby finds that the project hoe been reviewed and considered in compliance with the californie Environmental Quelity Act of 1970. 5. saved upon the findings and concluaione set forth in paragraphs 7, 2, 3, and d above, this Commission hereby resolves that pursuant to Chapter 2.2G of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, that the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approval on the 4th day of April 1991, of Landmark Designation 91-01. 6. The Chairmen of this commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPRO ~.,'~~1_L~/~A/~NJ].Df/./nA.D~PTED THISy/~/4/jTH DAY OF APRIL 1991. Bob Schmidt, Chelrmnn AYES: COMMISSIONERS: AANER, BANS, COOPER, HASKVITZ, PRESTON, SCNMIDT NOES: COMMISSTONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BILLINGS (~/ O ~`omsL'isl3aer BankB riarificd Lhat tits item entitled "Etiwanda S Foothil SP Ravi ew/Update" on the Work Program Summary wes aciuel ly intended for re ew ae a tentinl historic district atetua fox Etiwanda. Mr. Re eracn etaied that would also be added to the lint. Commi eaiontr Preston caked start to ensure that publ' contact would be included in the Outreach Project and that this would be done on a regular basis. ~~. / Commiaeloner Banks staked that she would like ~to sea the Cos®iesion Saeue a press release each time the Commiaeion does soxthing positive for the community. Me. Martlq asked if the Coaaaission would be interested ~e •^-~-'^; a euhcrwmnlrt.. F-r t..c ya~pvae vi pugazc outreach. Commiaeioner Beaks Chought t t wM a good idea end slut the program could eventually run without tak g any of•,ateff'S tlee in ouch the eaa~e way that the Saaqulcentennial "Rn your Riatory~~program was organized. Chairmen Schmidt eq.IOented thet he regularly presents a slide show end orni history program ~/lnterested gsoupe in the community. /// \ Coamdrsione /hanks commented Chet wluntaera would come tozward to participa[a in the 'N each Program if they were eMaze of our program and activitlee. The 'anion concurred that they wanted to form a auDco\im~lttee. • • • . • \1 PUBLIC HEARLNGS B. LANCMARR DESIGNATION 91-01 - TBE MAGIC LA!@ RSSTAUIUINT - Consideration of an application Lo designate the Ma91e Lap Aeeteurent (formerly Luey and aohn's Cate), located at 8189 Loothill Boulevard, a an Nietorie Landmrk - APN: 20~-113-12 through 1a. Mthee Bartig, Associate PLnnsr, presented the craft report and recommended ertendinq the landmark designation to include the decoraiioe Dzick rolls and paving along the property K the loothlll eoulewrd bounmry and therefore, enlarging the legal description to cornlata to this ertemion. Commiaeioner Amer naked if the living quarters era currently upstairs. Ms. Hartig responded yon. Coeuineioner Arner stated that the Wck looks like the front used to look. commissioner Cooper added that the building vas originally green stutto . Conmusaionez Billings recalled the original restaucant being on the east end of the Duil ding located at the aouthrest corner of Archibald Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. /~ MFC MINUTEB '-~ - 6 EXHIBIT "Am M71RCN 7, 1991 Cemmieei onez Ccopar agr sad with Ehrc ecatement. Commissioner Schmidt opened the public hearing. Tony Vernola stated it would please him and hie family to have the Magic Lamp deai grated ae n Landmark. MOTION: Moved by Cooper, seconded by Banks, unanimeuely approved 7-0-0, to continue Landmark Deeignat ion 91-01 to the April d, 1991 meeting to re- advertise tht extended property features identified by Assessor's parcel numbers 207-113-12 through 1B. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ARNEA, BILLINGS, 8AN1CS, COOPER, HASINIT2, PRESTON, SCHMIOT ......... CO...+ioua.:r rxa: NV NE ABSENT: C1~t41ISFIONEAS: NONE --CIIYLled f f • Y f N BBSZNE55. / C. ' LEBRATE YOBR HERITAGE" PROGRAM /~ Anthem Har 'g, Assoei ate Planner, pzeaenteC the staff report. Commissioner A2~er asked if an advertlaement would be done to publicize the large scale photd\portunity and if interested people from local communities could come. Me. Hartig responded yes. to both questions. ` Commissioner Banks said she ~envieioned this photo seas ion taking place at the Thomas winery 1n appreciation 'of the foot that the developer hoe gone through e tremendous amount of expense and effort to preserve i[ ea an historical 6i te. She felt we hea asked a great deal from this developer and this would be an excellent opportunity to give something in return. Ms. xareig stated she had some preliminary diecuaeiane with the owners of the 1(nowlwood Reeteurant and they are very receptive to the ides of the historic photo opportunity. The Commission pr iea the following potential heritage sites !or possible publication: / 1-!/T/he chrietmee House 2. Garrett end Company ` 3. Chef fay-Garcia House d. Sycamore Inn HPC MINOTES ~ MARCH 7, 1991 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA HISTORIC PRBBEAVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting April 4, 1991 Chairman Bob Schvddt celled tha Regular Meeting of the City of Aanrho Cucamonga Historic Preservation Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. The a?eeti.nq was held et Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center, 10500 Civic center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Chairman Schmidt then led the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL COMMIS SI ONERB: PRESENT: Melicent Arner, Marsha Ranks, Ada Cooper, Alan Haekvi tz, Steven Pree ton, Bob Schmidt COMMISSIONERS; ABSENTS STAFF PRESENT: a • ~ • a APPROVAL OF MINUTES Gene Bi llinge Anthea Nertig, Aa eoclats Planners Larry Henderson, Principal Planner; Shelley Petrel li, Secretary MOTION: Moved by Cooper, seconded by eanke, carried unanimously, to approve the March 7, 1991 Historic Preservation Meeting minutes as amended. . • ~ • . PUBLIC HEARINGS A. LANDMARK DESIGNATTnN at-0? - THE MAGIC LAMP RE's'+'AUW+NT - Consideration of an nppli cation to des i.gnate the Magic Lamp Restaurant (formerly Lucy and John's), located at 8189 Poothill Boulevard, as an Historic Lnndmerk - APN: 207-113-12 through 78. AnChea Haxtig, Associate Planner, presented the updated staff report which expanded the legal description to include the additional Assessor's Parcel Numbers needed to incorporate the decorative perimeter walls and sidewalk paving at the Magic Lamp property as part of the landmark designation. Chairman Schmidt asked for public comment. Since there were no public comments, he closed the public hearing. MOTION: Moved by Prea ton, seconded by Haekvi tz, carried 6-0-1, approving the Resolution of Approval for Historic Landmark Designation 91-01, the Magic Lamp Restaurant, located at 8189 Poothill Boulevard. HPC MINUTES - ~/ APRIL 4r 1991 A i'E 6: COMMISSIONERS: AANER, BANKS, COOPER, NASRVITZ, PRESTON, SCIOII DT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: CDMMZSSI ONERS: BILLINGS --carried • R • i 9 H. LANDMARK DESIGNATION 91-02 - THE LUCAS HWSE - Coneide ration to designate the Lucas Nouee, located at 8068 Archibald Avenue, as an Historic Landmark APN: 208-153-01 Anb).lea Hartig, ABSOri ate Planner, presented the staff report. ~~ / Chaff n Schmidt opened the public hearing. ~ reinforce Mr. Taylor ail Mr. Hahn, representing the owners, responded .that they did not know if the foundation had been reinforced, but that the,Mouee appears to be structurally 6oupd. Coamd.sei er Hnnke asked if the atone foundation of the houes~hed been Commissioner Hanka•, inquired if the building wo)Yld qualify for sei amic retrofit. , Larry Henderson, Principal Planner, replied that he did not believe it would qualify, but he commented he would check witli~the Building and Safety Official regerdi ng an inspect ion• A di scuesion ensued xegardlnq the naming of the house. Early ownership patterns (1806-1915) are unc leaf and 'the two families that tie historically to the house for the longest per{od of time are the Nosenzo and Smiderle families. The Coelanion cancurrad. that ti:e structure should be landmarked as the Nosenzo-9ni Berle house. Chairman Schmidt closed th! public hearing. MOTION: Moved by Bauks, seconded by Preston, carried 6-0-1, approving the Resolution of Approval for Histozic Landmark Designation 91-02, the Noaenzo- Smiderle house at.8068 Archibald Avenue, and recommending it to the City Council for fins}~artion. i AYES: COM~SSI ONERS: ARNER, HANKS, COOPER, HASKVITZ, PRESTON, SCNMIOT NOES: ~OMMISSI ONERS: NONE ` ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BILLINGS \ --carried HPC MINUTES APRIL 4, 1991 IiISTORIC PAESERVATtf~N rnMrllccrnH r.ANOHAR!( SURVEY Addxee6: 8189 FOBthlii BIVd App 207.113-12,13,14 I~ Yrc_. .. -..:w:. r ~~. _p lO ?y:', L a Illf ~' o ~ c o _ _ ~~ _ _ ~ ,r ~ , VSer Looklnq NOfthBeSt Date of Photo 21 Feb. 1991 View Looking ~ EeSt~~ Date of Phnto_21 Feb. 1991 ?~ Exhibit HPC-3 J Page 1 0[ Fage10 LJHS lIISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMYSSION LANONARR SURVE: Address: 6189 Foothill Blvd AP1207-1 t3.1Y,13,U I~ 7 ~., IL, 1 OQ ~ 'C> ~•--~ iii a. ~`~-~ I ~_ ~ -- a ~' __ ~~•'S,• Ih~'~. ~ /may . ~._ . ;;, ~ • • Imo. _, .r ~~ r.~ Viev Looking SOUth Date of Photo 21 Feb. x,991 ''~ i " ~ «, -~:~:aw ~' ~^° - i ya. - k }~ viev Lookinq Nofth Date of Photo 21 Feb. 1991 Exhibit HPC-3 Page 2~ .,: Fage~ LJNJ STSTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDMARK SURVEY Aaar•^s: 8189 Foothill Blvd API 207-113-12,13,14 ~ °.~' ~7 CJ' IL IO ~` IC IVy iti Wew Looking WBSt Date of Photo 21 Feb. 1991 Exhibit HPC-3 Page ~ of Paga10 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDMARK SURVEY Addra6s: $t$9 FOOthill BtVd API 207-113.72,13,14 'Origlnal_Poor r,~ual~tY. 0ate of PMto 21 Feb. 1991 v!o Exhibit HPC-3 Paqe 4 of Page1~ LJH] View Looking South HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDMARK SURVEY Addeeefi: 8t$$ F084hi1i FitVfS APt 207-113-12.1314 'p~iginat:Poor_~uality Date of Photo 21 Feb. 1991 ~7 Exhibit HPC-3 Paged of Page1G L.INI View Looking North XISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDMARK SURVEY Ac_iaress. $189 Foothlii 8ivtl A>si 207-775-12,19,1• 'Originai.Fc~r ~u~1,tY Date of Photo 21 Feb. 1991 3 g Exhibit HPC-3 of PagolU LJH3 View Looking WESt HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDNARx SURVEY Adares~t: 8189 Foothill ~ivtl APa 207.119-12,13,14 Original Poor 4~-,1,;y View Looking EeSt Date of Photo 21 Feb. 1391 35 Exhibit HPC-3 of Pagelu LJHJ HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDMARK SURVEY Ras:e..: 8189 Foothili 8ivd AP1207-113-12.13,ta 'Original Poor Coa'~`Y Date of Photo 21 Feb. 1991 r ~ ExAibit HPC-3 Page 8 of Page1Q LJN3 View Looking Southwest . HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDMAAR SURVEY Addrsse: 6i89 FoothUi Blvtl APf 207-113-12,13,1! ,y poor ~.L'="" rj~*111~~ .va'M_ f&,~ \ -= ~~ ,i View Looking Northwest Date of Photo 21 Feb. 1991 ~/ Exhibit NPC•3 Paqe 9 of Page1~ LJH3 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDMARK SURVEY Addrus: 8188 Foothill Blvd APB zoo-+a-+z,+s,u 'Orig~m~ i'ocr ~~~'~`-Y Date of Photo 27 Feb. 1991 [~~ Exhibit HPC-3 Page of Page10 LJHJ View Looking SOUth RESOLUTION NO.. ~ j 'f p1,3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AANCIID CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING HIBTOAIC LANDMARK DESIGNATION 91-01, THEREBY DHSIGNAT ING THE HAG IC LAMP RESTAURANT (FORMHRLY LUCY AND JOHN'6 CAFE), LOCATED AT 8189 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, AS A HISTORIC LANDMARK WHEREAS, Anthony Vernola hoe filed nn application for Landmark Designation 91-01, ae described in the title of this Resolution. flezeinafter in this Resolution, the subject Landmark Designation Se referred to as the "application". WflEREA6, on March 7 and continued tc April 4, 1991, the fliatozic Preservation Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted duly noticed public hearings on the application and, following the corelusion of aald public hearings, adopted Resolution No. 91-02, thereby recommending to this City Council that said application be approved. WHEREAS, on May 15, 1991, the City Council of the City of Fencho Cucamonga conducted a meeting on the application anfl concluded said meeting on that date. WHERBAS, all legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this resolution have occurred. NOW THEREFORE, it ie hereby Pound, datexmined, and resolved by the City council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION 1: The application applies to property located at Assessor Parcel Numbers 207-113-12 through 18. SECTION 2: For close to 50 yearn, a restaurant hoe operated on this ei to representing the Importance of Route 66 related business. Since its beginnings as a Streamline lbderne-styled cafe in the early 1940s, and its conversion to a thematic showpiece in 1956, a unique sense of commercial enterprise hoe characterized this site. The proposed landmark meets the following criteria estebli shed in Chapter 2.24.090 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code: A. Historical and Cultural significance: 1. The proposed Landmark is particularly representative of an historical period and way of life. B. Historic Architectural and Engineering Significance: 1. The construction materials or engineering methods used in the proposed Landmark are unusual end uniquely effective. 4~3 CITY COUNCIL REHOLOTION NO. LD 91-01 - MAGIC LAMP RESTAURANT May 15, 1991 pages 2 C. Neighborhood and Geographic Setting: 1. The proposed Landmrk materially benefits the historic character of the neighborhood. 2. The proposed landmark, in its location, represents an established and familiar visual feature of the neighhonc~od, community and City (Ord. 70 S9, 1979). SECTION 3: Designation of a Landmark ie exempt from CEQA (Article 19, Section 1530&). SECTION d: eased on the eubstantinl evidence received and reviewed by this Council and based on the findings set forth above, BE IT FURTHER R68OLVED that the City Council of the City of Aancho Cucamonga approves the designation of the Negic Leap Restaurant (formerly Lucy end John's Cnfe) es a Historic Landmark. f~ ~/ ~IIx yr neuvt:nv a.I~~nmvnvn ~T~i~'F R'EI3{'s~1' DATE: Nay 15, 1991 To; Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Anthea M. Hartig, Associate Planner SUBJECT: A PR0P08AL TO DESIGNATB THE N058NZ0-SNIDERLE NOUSS, IlJCATED AT 8068 ARCNZHALD AVENUE. Aw a wrem....-... - RECOMMENDATION: The N1Bt0ric Preservation Caamie eion recommends the designation of the NoBenzo-Smiderle Mouse ae a Landmark with the adoption of the attached resolution. BAC%GROVND: The house, cos®only but incorrectly known ae the "Lucas House," stands as one of the few architectural reminders of Cucamonga's turn-of-the-century downtown centered around the intersection of Archibald Avenue and San Bernardino Roed. Built perhaps se early ae 1886, the home was definitely constructed by 1913 ae detailed maps from that year show the home and surrounding citrus grouse located close to the "dovntown" bakery, paint and hardware stores, wagon and repair shops, post office, bnnk, and coas:unity hall. Early occupancy of the structure i8 difficult to determine, but the two families who owned and lived Sn the home for long periods of time during this century were the Nosen roe and the Smiderlea. NZSTORIC PRESERVATION COMNI3EION ACTION: At the property owner's request the Commission held a public heariaq or, April a, 1991, and passed a resolution recoawending the designation of the home ae a Landmark. Res lly~ul Witted, Bra idle City Planner BB:AH: sp Attachments: Exhibit "A" - BPC Staff Report of April 4, 1991 Exhibit "B" - BPC Resolution No. 91-03 Exhibit "C" - HPC Minutes of April 9, 1991 Resolution of Approval I v CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPd)~i.T = ,~ .~ DATE: April 6, 1991 T0: Chairman and Members of the Historic Preservation Co®ie sion FROM: Lazry denderaon, Pil ncipal planner BY: Anthea Narti q, Associate Planner SUBJECT: LANDMARK DESIGNATION 91-02 - THB "LUGS" NDUSE - a propoenl to deaignnte the "Lucas douse", located at 8068 Archibald Avenue, as an historic landmark - APN: 208-153-01. I SITE OESCRIPT IONx A. Location: The structure known as the Lucas Nouso site on Lot 21 of the Lucas and Ward Subdivision, on the southwest corner of Eetacia Court and Archibald Avenue. The site is level and measures 59 Eeet (Frontage) by 150 feet (depth) (see Exhibit "NPC-1^ for a site plan). H. Siie Land Uae, Zoning, and the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan: The site fronts onto Archibald Avenue and Se not fenced or gated. Mature trees, cement walkways, and turf characterize the structures north, went, and east landscaping. A modern, cinder-block retail/co®ercial building lies just 5 feet south of the home. A detnched airucture converted into a two-car gnrage lies west of the dwelling unit and faces Eetacia Court. Zoning: The property falls within the Specinlty Commercial zone designated for the "activity center" of Foothill Boulevard's intersection with Archibald Avenue. As well, land to the north and west property Sa zoned Specialty Commerciale further to the west a utility land use is occupied by the Cucamonga County Wnter District. A Community Commercial area lies to the east of the site. Foothill Boulevazd Specific Plan: As one of the these "Specialty Commercial Activity Centers" called out for by the Foothill Boulevard 6pecif is Plan, the future development of the Archibald AvenLe intersection receives detailed attention. Under this zoning, the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan stresses ones "which promote a special landmark quality or creates a special ambience, which is unique to a particular Y~ NIB14 HPC STAFF FBPORT LD 91-02 - WCAS HWSB April 4, 1991 na..3e 2 subarea" (FBSP, 11-6.21• Named "Cucamonga Towne Center" by the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, the irttezeectione will Serve ae the "primary focus for Foothill eoulevard" and take on an urban design vocabulary - namely, one which emphasizes a continuous row or cluster of but ldinget pedestrian circulation with parking lots set avay from such activity; and multiple atoned atructuree accented with courtyards, towers, and trellis work (FBSP IV-9.36-37 ). The goal of the "Cucamonga Towne Center'6" archltecturnl Smagery "will be to create an ..1 aim"~-i._ °'- -- - _ ____ _ -__~~-.,- _.. .. -.. myim wa quality of - the pafleatrian- shopping experience""44(FBSp, IV-9.37). The Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan lists the structure located at the southwest corner of Sstacia Court and Archibald Avenue as one which "can be incorporated into future development proposals^ (FBSP, 11.5.6). C. Architectural Description: The house consists of one square structure with three additions, and Eagan as a wood frame structure on a field atone foundation with what appears to to be a pyrams.d roof with front-facing gable dormers on the northeast and the southwest corners. claeaieal treatment waa applied with large one-over-one double hung paned windows and classical molding on the overhanging eaves. By 1913, however, a back bay was added to the pyramid roof structure creating a hip-roof structure with a nortR facing gable; the addition was uompieted around she turn of the century, not very long after the original house vas finished (per Smdborne map 2, 1913). Much later tvo shed portions were added. The first was on the north aide which filled in the apace Taft by the added gable wing on the back (per Snndbotne map 12, 1929). This addition ie characterized 6y series of double-paned eliding windows with wooden surrounds and acme decorative moldings which compliment the existing vindora. The second shed roof portion was added on the vest aide (back) of the house, and is characterized by a series of fixed-pane windows creating a "sun room" extension. A central door and exposed roof rafters also mark the rear addition. The 1913 and 1929 Sandborne maps depict an outbuilding to the west of the dwelling, today it Age been converted to a tvo-[ar garage. Pelatively unadorned rood aiding and simple single paned windows and two doors charncteriza this structure. This also ha& been perhaps the guest or work room. I / HPC STAFF REPORT LD 91-OZ - LUCAS HWSE April 0, 1991 Page 3 The front (east) of the house exhibits the moat architectural detailing. A partial, arched, two-bay front porch creates the entrance from which the front door, being a aide door is access ad. The front porch rests on battered square wooden columns with simple molding detailing. A large 6ix-paned aindow with a decorative diamond pattern on the upper thirfl of the window and then a fixed solid pane on the lower two-thirds dominates the east elevation. The two front steps loading up to the porch and then to the entrance are of recent poured concrete. No chimp. v. ,_: ,~,; L'.y uwc>ceaDle. The classification of architectural style aould be "Folk Victorian". II. ANALYSIS A. Background: Misters Sim Hawn and Hill Taylor are wrking on behalf of the Gonzales family to preserve and reuse the ei te• The Gonzales hope to operate nn antiques store in the structure, a permitted use under the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan's Specialty Commercial zoning, and have made improvements to the site and the structure since purchasing it in 1988. Si gnificanCe - Historical: When E•^a• Wright surveyed the Cucamonga Town site in 1886, he used the Southern Pacific Railroad as hi9 base line. At the Southeast corner of Section 3, Wright noted a residence at the corner of two newly created atre ets known today ns Archibald Avenue and Eatacia Court (see IDchibit WPC-2). It is unclear from the 1386 survey who owned this corner parcel/ d. Smith and members of the Moots family along with the Novena, Millikens, Turners, Harti noviahea and the Marsicanoe Dad claimed land in Section6 3, 2, 10, and 11. These farm lies and others pioneered the lands owned by the Cucamonga Prui Gland Company. Ownership of the site and structure can be determined by C. 1910 records. C.T. Brown and L.A. Oowni nga sold to the Lucas and Wazd families, the parcels west of Archibald Avenue, north of the new State Highway (Foothill Boulevard), east. of what would became Rosman Avenue, south of (Eetecia) Court including two parcels on the north aide (ass Exhibit tlPC-3). Trie 1913 Sandborne maps depict the aubj act structure and carefully denote the orange groves, bakery, paint and hardware store, wagon and repair shops, poet office, ben k, lodge and public hall which were clustered around Ban Bernardino Avenue's intersection with Archibald Avenue (see Exhibit HPC-a ). Houaea which stood on smaller, more urban lots were often lived in by local merchants and their 1 " NPC STAFF REPORT LD 91-02 - LUCAS HOUSE April 4, 1991 Page 0 families. Comaiasionet Billings recalls, for instance, that the Pred Owings family rented the "LUCda" house for yearn - Mr. Owinga was the town barber. The prapazty changed hands rapidly after Lucas and Ward subdivided the area. In 1921, N•J. and Christina Kliever sold to Walter Hirst of Cucamonga a 104-foci by 693-foot strip along Archibald Avenue between San aernardlno and the State Highway which included the subject structure. Walter Hi re t, a year later in 1922, nu ran"...+ t„_ ~ .~.oinunr oc the Lucas and ward eubdivis ion from H. Thomas and his rife Ida. Seemingly, Mr. Hirst over-extended himself, for in 1926 Security Title Insurance and Guarantee Company took the property sold to Hirst by the Tnamae family ae collateral for "payment of the indebtedness evidenced by four 14) promieory notes (and any renewal ar extension thereof)." Mr. Hi rat held onto Aia property and in 1930 Bold it to Henry and Olga Klusmen, thus helping to consolidate the then extensive Klusman Pamlly holdings. The house on Lot 21 of the subdivision van sold by the Klueman's to John and Lucia Nosenzo (Owners of Lucy s John's) in 1941. Rose Noaenzo Burns recalls that her family First rented the house from approximately 1936-1941 and then moving to their newly-constructed home and restaurant (Lucy and John`s) on Foothill Boulevard. Aftor her husband's death, Lucy and her daughter Rase Burns and husband Donald Burns Bold the lot and house to Antonio and Matilda Smiderle in 1952. The present owners Louis and Yonq Cha Gonzales lpurchased the property from the ridowed Mrs. Sa:derle in 198a. The site's history thus stretches back to include the beginning of the Cucamonga township ae a small citrus growing center. Although ire earliest ovnerah ip has not been conclusively determined, the site remains an important link to the area's peat. Architectural: The home represents a vehicular expression of Victorian-era attitudes toward design. This so-called "Folk Victorian" style is eharacteri zed "by the presence of victorian decora[ive detailing on simple folk house forma.n2 The house was built as a simply square stsucture rith a partial length porch decorated by columned arches and topped with a pyramidal roof. Hy 1913, per 5andborne map no. 2, the 1 Staff is grateful to Bill Taylor for his extensive research at the San Bernardino County Recorder`s Office. 2 Virginia and Lee McAlister, A Field Cu1de to American Houses, New York, 1988, pp. 3D9-310. (////~/^ HFC STAFF RBFORT LD 97-02 - LUCAS HOU66 April d, 1991 ?n9e 5 back wing had. been added, carefully built to match the existing portion. Later, the house grew to accommodate the needs of other families who gave the structure its current configuration, adding the west end north shed portions and probably remodeling the amble/garage (see IDchibit HFC-5 for a sketch of Che structure'9 evolution). III• FACTS FOR FINDINg3: A. wf "M -~ -- Finding: The proposed landmark is particularly representative of an historic period, typer style, region, or Nay of life. Fact: Ae one of a few remaining structures composing the early Cucamonga Town Canter, tee Hirst/Klueman/NOSenzo house remai ne a critical link to understanding the historic composition of the area. Finding: The proposed landmark in an exempla of a type of building which vas once common but is now rare. The proposed landmark is of greeter age than most of rte kind. Fact: Early building in the Cucamonga tovnsite was spurred by the availability of pre-cut lumber vin railroad and influenced by the prevailing agricultural imagery of the Victorian era. Although many residential and commercial structures existed in the town center c. 1900 only a few remain. D. Neiyhboxhood and geographic getting: Finding: The proposed landmark materially benefits the historic character of the neighborhood. The proposed landmark in its location represents an eatabl ished and familiar visual feature of the neighborhood, community, or city. Feet: The Hirst/1Cluaman/Noaenzo house is one of the few remnants of the citrus downtown in Cucaeonga and it has retained many of its dietinguiehinq architectural features. IV• RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends dear gnatlnq the "Luca e" Nou9e, perhaps more appropriately referred to ae the Hirst/Rluaman/Noaenzo house, ae a local landmark by the adoption of the attached Resolution. Staff does not include the stable/garage structure lying west of the house as part of the landmark designation as it has undergone a series of alterations which have obscured its integrity. V v HPC STAPF REPORT ID 91-02 - LUCAS HOUSE April 6, 1991 937" R Respectfully submitted, ~~ i Larry Henderson Principal Planner LH:AH:mlg Attachments: Schibit ^HPC-1" - Siie Plan Exhibit "HPC-2^ - 1886 Survey Nap Exhibit "H0.`-3" - LYCCa/Hard 6uDdiviaion Nap Exhibit "HPC-0" - Eandborne Map, 1913 exhibit "HpC-5" - Sketch o: Evolution of Hovae Exhibit "HPC-6^ - Landmark Application Exhibit "HPC-7" - Photographs Resolution ~l San eernardlno Road v 0 tL e ro E w Y Estacia Court 1 A j _ _ ~~_ m e m 4 n m a t v 4 DESIGNATION SITH ~ F®othill Boulevard City of Rancho Cucamonga Historic Preservation ~~ ITEM: `~; ^ (.. D. 9I-o2 TRLE: ~i,{.e~~~ N EXHIBlT:E(~[rt SCALE: __ ~~ ~ • 5 >: `~. ~ ~ I ~ . , .~.~ : Wi ~ y ~tt~ ~ c , , ~ ~ }A , ~ . . , tl r ~. . ~FI w.. ~ <, . d ~ ~ k i F . m i '~ :r Q . _ y ~ u} 4 ~ t.~° vl`~ T ' ~i _ O `W .Ti, ~ ~ _ _ ~ e` a " !c ~ •g~t ~ ~ i O :~ ~ ....~ ~ , et4e .. ~.t ~ ~ :~ ..~ ~ :n ~ 2 ~ i y,~ A yi Z: k ~ oS " o V',wF. ~i z ~ ~ma~; #a'~ e...k~ ~` ~ C ~ O ~ ` v e~~n,,eb01 n e « ~ ~ V `~~ ~~~`:yin I , 3 J E;. •;~ .1 hy~yEE; yy ~:2 '~ ~ ~ ~ 0 £1~ b ` ~ C*~~n o~WV ' I F ti e ,.t;1=t; I ~ l7 e~>iaF~~ . t ~ ~ t Q i k n ~ I ... j ~ O e! ~ ~ ~ cc, ` .,jr ~ Its on~n ~:+p,," G, p.91~o2 n Tftie: l.t~ttEts4dw P1~ S IL lilt. llcde: 2 I ', ~~-i~~~ ,~~~~ ,_, .. ~ ~.s=_ .. ~~~~r ' ~ ~~ ~ ~'~~ .~ ~ ~~ ~ SAN EERNAROINO ~ AV. 0 ~ ~ ~. ~~ . ____.. _ i ___ _ _ ...~.e_.. ....... ... ... .... ..»__.._.____._.._~s_y' 1 .t ~~~. ~ J~ ~ i , ~~ . '~ . ,~' ~ ~ ! ~' ~~~ ~ ^ ~ "~ i } ^ ,r; ~, ~ ~ `O o • ~~ c a _ ,_ acs ~ ~' ------- ~ .. ii C'~ 9 ~ £! t .~h' ' n ~ntte: MaTD, t9C3 SJ-' ~: n ~M $Q~SMG~I.I ~ /I~/4YfMil G LTOP V I EW~ - 4. 10)6 s• l Ali 4aaw.+d NipP.d aoef ~'Ipp~ ~F wt1(n c~dcl<sl G rocs 4tble irckti~ion aonA dovn+Er kJl entbseq' ymr+lvd ~1WWdA~ INg Shown as Porn c.~929~ (,q~ry.~lvlclosu! _~ c. 1950 Item~~: „ L.D. 91-02 xltle: 2Ya4.c~i o n_~_iku.ee_ ~/ »t: scale: MuIF Cuy of Rucho Cueamopga Application for NISTORIC LANDMAh. DESIGNATION pISTOREC POENT OF INTEREST DESIGNATION _~H letor is Landmark Nisi..^r is Poins of Interest IDENTIFICATION 1. Cocoon Name; Archibald House - Lucas Nome 2. NLtorle Name, 11 known: L..eaa Hnme 3. Street or Rural Addreee: 8068 Archibald Avenue City:jal:cho Cucamor.¢a Ziv~ 91710 County: Sar. Bernardino Assessor's Parcel No. 208-1sg-O1 Zooe: SC Legal Descriptiov :t.ucas and Nard Suh Lot 21 Exa STS 9. Precept Owaer, +i :uw.ua: - __^•a'r~t~• 0]A0. pain Alto City: R. Cucamonga 21p: V91730• -Ownership !a: pzivate,~~ 5, Present 0as: Vacant ~ Original L'sa: Home Other put uses: Note t o DESCRIPTION 6. Briefly ileacrlbe the presevt h s1ca1 a stance o1 tae site or structure ud doerlbs my a or • Urat oaa tom its original Condit iov: Victoriar.-Era woo sided blue house with white .•d hi hli ht r r..on ~ r h ildir¢ d r h dded a[ d rmirate time ]. LOCatlen sketch map (draw k label a Ste and aurroumding streets, roads, utl promisor lavdmatk0: I 3 V `~ci ZaYrr vrt.: w ~ .~ 4~~ ii Ysiac:? Ct• ~I I 8. ADProximate Droperty size: Lot SSZe (1n feet) Prmotage 59 Depth or approx. ccreage~4 8. Condition: (check one) a. Excellent_ b. Good_~_ c. Fair d. Detertotated_ e. No longer So ex lsteocev 30. Is tae !salute: a. Altered?_ D. Unal tared7~_ 11. Surroundings: (check more than oaa 11 necessary) a. ODsv land b. Residential X c. Scattered bu1161nga_ d. Dense:y 6v ilt-up`_ e. Comnerc Sal X f. Industrial g. Other 5~ 12. Threats to Site: a. None a0awn~, o. Pf hate developme nt__ c. Zvr.ing_ d. Pub11c ^orka Prodect e. Van daliam t. Other_ 13. Dates of eoeloaed photograph(s) NOTE: The fo11ow1aR (items 14-19) •re for structures only. 14. Primary exterior bu11d1og eat erial: n. Stooe_ b. Brick_ c. Stucco_ d. Adobe e. Hood % 1. Other 15. 19 the Structure: •. On its original site? yes b. Yoved7 c. Onknown? 16. Year of In itlal Covetructlon: 1890 This Date Sa: a. Pactual b. Ent ima<ed X 19. Builder (if known): Unknovr. 19. Related Features: a. Bvn b. Carrlate bouae c. Outhouw d. Shed(s) s. losul Gardaa(a) f. •Sadmill g. htertower/tavkhouaa 6. Other Gara¢e 1. Nwe SIGNIFICANCE 20. Briefly state 6latorical sad/or architectural importance (Svc lode dates, event e, avd paraova aooclate0 with the alto vhea kmwv): Ore of the last stardirg reminders of Cucamorga's original d t N p ar ]d ith Cictoriar ra overto'e ch a [e ized b t eo hi d bl of ar he , fable detail. porch arches and laree multi-lieht windows. 21. Yaiv theme of xhe historic raaurce: (eheea oaly ooe): a. Arch it et ture~_ b. Arta A Leiaure__ t. Ecoaomlc /ISduatrlal d. Government e. Explore lap/Settlement f. Military g. Rsligioa h. Social/Education 22. Sources: Lint hooka, documents, euiveya, Dersonal interviews, and their drtes :. Foochill Bo 1 rd Soe iti P1a ummrv Commurit Develoomert D artmert Plar ire Di islor 23. Date form prepared By (name):Jim Hawn. - Hill Taylor Atldreo:H074 Arrhihx7d C1ty:Rar. ho Cn amen ¢a Z1p: 9173D Phone: (714) 980-8320 Organization: private v U ~xGubi} l-~"(~ -~ HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDMARK SURVEY Address:_ ki)ti8 AKCHIBALD AVE.__ App 208-153-01_ Imo: U?, ~~ ~~ \ 1 G (1 S ~e I~ ~ L' _ -tea .. ,.a... , ~as._ :.?•n:r.T." -"" 7 ° _' c. r View Looking SOUTH .Dare of Photo 21 MARCH 1991 ~:~ ~'M '.v ak '.;'~, 1 I A View Lookin~OUTHWE$'$ateofPhoto2l MARCH 1991 j~ ~Xt-NAT ~-~- HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDMARK SURVEY Address: fiGoS ARCtII$ALD A'yE _Ap~_208-153-01 O 1^: ua; ~t ~ ~ i' "'7 0 c~ ~~ ~ _~ ~ 1 r i ~ ~ `~ _ ~1 . ^^ View Looking WEST .Date of Photo 2l MARCH 19 1 .t L" ~~~. ~~~~ ViewLooking,~AST ,Date of Photo 21 MARCH 1991 d HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMhIISSION LANDMARK SURVEY Address: $06$ ARCHIBALD AVE. AP8 208-153-01 O '7- 01 ~~ U -~ C~ C _Y C L`7 ViewLooling SOUTH . DaaofPhoto2l MARCH 1991 ~/ HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMhIISSION LANDMARK SURVEY waamss: 8068 ARCHIHAI.I7 AVE. APN 208-153-01 View Looking WEST . DaxofPhoto2l MARCH 1991 ~~rinS....t i~ IIIS'1'ORIC PRESERVATTON COMMISSION LANDMARK SURVEY Addztss: 8068 ARa^_.HIBALI3 AVE. APM 208_ 1~_ ,y ViewLaoivng NOSH pa~ofP6ao 27 MARCH 1991 -~_• z HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDMARK SURVEY Aaatess: SObS ARCHIBALD AV c. App 208-153-01 Q!'~„.r;~.~ n_ View LooldneSOUTHEAt'DaaofPhao21 MARCH 1991 S~ HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDMARK SURVEY „emu; L'08'3 ARCHIEALD AVG. App 1025-153-O1 ViowLooldng NORTH , ~QIpb~21 MARCH 1991 ~~ 4r~b~n.. .,., HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDMARK SURVEY Address; 8068 ARCHI$w1,D AVE. APA 20A-153-01 View looking . N.W. .Date oC Photo 21 MARCH 1,991 4° ~° CGr~g~rEa~_r uGr Quafty HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDidARK SURVE'1 pddross: 8068 ARCHIBALD AVE. ppg 208-153~•O1 C~ ('yi. f?~ `7 C) C+ f7 f ~/1 !I Y ; ; r ~~ ^~ ~ v it - , „ .,;o~ ~- View Looking WEST .Dam of Photo 2l MARCH 1991 67 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDMARK SURVEY Addzess: 8058 ARCHI$RLB AV2 pPM 208-153-01 ~r~,;'rat Focr ~a~'~'y View LooldnBSOiJTHWESDareofPhoro 21 IVIARCH 1991 D HISTORIC PRESERVATION COh4f[SSION LANDh1ARK SURVEY A~css: 8F368 4RCHTSALD AVE. pPA' 2a8-153-O1 ,~ ~, vtowcooking ORTHWES'TpaaofPhow 21 MARCH 1991 RESOLUTION ND. 91-OI A AE60LOTION OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMHISSZON OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CDCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMfti;NOING APPROVAL OF HISTORIC LANDMARK 91-02 TO DESIGNATE THE NOSEN2O/6MIOERLE HOUSE, LOCATED AT 9068 ARCHIHALD AVENUE, A5 A LANDMARK - APN: 208- 753-01. A. Recitals. (i) Miatere Jim Hawn and Hill Taylor have filed nn application for a Landmark ae described in the title of ~h+" ^._,:~ ;,:un. Hereinafter in thle Resolution; «4_ =.::.J~,~ Landmark is referred to ae "the application." lii) On April 0, 1997, the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application. (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. E. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it Se hereby found, determined and resolved by the Historic preservation of the City of Rancho Cucamonga ae follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds thak all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part "A", of this Aeaulution are true and correct. 2. The epplicatlon applies to the main habitable structure en the approximately 0.2d acres of land, bnelcar-lg a rectangular configuration, located at 8053 Archibald Avenue. 3. eased upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on April 4, 1947, including written and oral eiaPf reports, together with public testimony, and pursuant to Sectlon 2.2x.090 of the Rancho Cucamonge Munl.cipal Code, this Commission hereby makes the fol lowlnq findings and facto: A. Historical and Cultuzel Significance Finding: 1. The proposed landmark is particularly representative of an historic period, type, style, region, oz wny of life. Fact: Ae one of a few remaining structures composing the early Cucamonga town Curter, the Nosenro/emiderle house remains a critical link tg understanding the historic compoeitlon of the area. Finding: 2. The proposed landmark is an example of n type of building which was once coasnon but is now tare. The proposed landmark Se of greater age than mast of Lta kind. 7(~ EXHIBIT "B' NPC RE90LUTION NO. 91-03 LD 91-02 - NOSENEO,/RNIDEP.LE AODSE P.p~'1 1991 Page 2 , Fact: Early building Sn the Cucamonga townsite was spurred by the availability of pre-cut lumber via railroad and influenced by the prevailing agricultural imagery of the Victorian era. Although many residential and cammarcial structures existed in the town center at 1900 only a few ream in. B. Neighborhood end Geographic Setting: Finding: 3. The n _-_ - ...m.e maceraal ly benefits the historic character of the neighborhood. The proposed landmark in Ste location represents an eetebliehed and familiar visual feature of the neighborhood, community, or city. Fa ctl The Nosenzo/Smi dezle house ie one of the faw rem<:enta of the eStrue downtown in Cueaannga end SL hoe retained many of its di atinguiahing architectural features. d. This Comnieaion hereby finds that the project hsa been reviewee and considered for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970. 5. eased upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Coamiaeion hereby resolves that pursuant to Chapter 2.24 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, that the Eietoric Preservation Coamti.esion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approval on the 4th day of April 1997, of Landmark Application. 6. The Chairman of this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS OTR DAY OP APRIL 1991. BY: cob Scbmi t, heitman AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ARNEA, BANKS, COOPER, EASICVITE, PRESTON, SCIMIDT NOBS: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BILLINGS 7l i:iES: C01BR-aSI.,^.NEAS: ARNERy9ANF COOPER, NASRVIT2, PRESTON. SCfMIDT .. - -__ ....x ~.. NOES: COMMISSIONEILS>r' '~ NONE ~ -" -~- ., ABSENT: CQMHISSI ONEIiS: ' BILLINGS r ~~ --carried • ~ ~ e. LANDMARK DESIGNATION 47-02 - THE LUCAS HW5E - Consideration to designate the Lucas House, located at S06A Archibald Avenuer as an Historic Landmark - APN: 20B-753-01 Anthea Hartiq, Associate Planner, presented the staff xepart. Cnaiiu.,:. Cc~^+at oxned the public hearing. Coawi saicner Henke asked if the etona faundetion or xna ~.:._ had been reinforced. Mr. Taylor and Mz. Hahn, representing the owners. responded that they did not know if the foundation had been reinforced, but that the house appearm to be struMUrally sound. Commissioner Hanks inquired if the building rind qualify fox eei amie retrofit. Larry Henderson, Pr ineipal Plenner, replied thst he did eat believe it mould qualify, Cut he commented he would check rith the Building and Safety Official regarding an inspection. A discussion ensued regarding the naming of the houee. Eazly ownership patterns (1986-19151 are unclear and the two fami7iee that tie historically to the houee for the longest period of time era the Nesenro end Smiderle families. The Commission concurred that the structure should ba landmarkad as the Noaerzo-A~iderle house. Chairmar. Schmidt closed the public hoaxing. MOTION: Moved by Banks, aecor,ded by Preston, Barr ied 6-8-7, approving the Aeao lotion of Approval for Historic Landmark Designation 91-02, the Noeenzo- Sh,iderle houee nt 8068 Archibald Avenue, end recommending it to the City Council for final action. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ARNER, BANAS, COOPER, MASIMTZ, PRESTON, SCHMIDT NONE BILLINGS --carried NPC MINUTES 7- 2 - EXlIIBIT ~rr~ APRIL 0, 1991 ABeOLPfION N0. CJ/ ~ / 1[.L A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO[INCIL OF THE CITY OF RAHC8O CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVLNG HISTORIC LANDMARK DESIGNATION 91-02, THEREBY DESIGNATING THE NOSENEO- SMIDERL6 eWSE, LOCATED AT 8068 ARCHIBALD AVENUB, AS A HISTORIC LANDMARK WHEREAS, Misters .Tim pawn and Hill Taylor have filed an applicntion for Landmark Gesignntion 91-02, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Landmark Deeigration is referred to as the "application". WlIEREAS, on April 4, 7991, the Historic Preservation Comma eeior. of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted n duly noticed public henring on the application nnd, Following khe conclusion of ea id public hearing, adopted Resolution No. 91-03, thereby recommending to this City Cowcil that said application be approved. WHEREAS, on May 15, 1991, the City Cowcil of the city of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a meeting on the application and concluded said meeting on that date. WHEREAS, all legal prereaui epee prior to the adoption of this resolution have occurred. NOW THEREFORE, it ie hereby found, detexmired and resolved by the City Cowcil of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION 1: The application applies to pzopex~ty located et Ae see aor Parcel Number 208-153-07. SECTION 2: As one of a fee remaining atructure6 composing the early Cucamonga Town Center, the Noeenzo-Smiderle house remains a critical link to understanding the historic composition of the area. The proposed landmark meets the following criteria eatabliehed in Chapter 2.24.090 of Ghe Rancho Ncamonga Municipal Code: A. Historical and Cultural significance: 1. The proposed landmark ie particularly representative of e historical period and way of life. 2. The proposed Landmark ie an example of a type of building which was once common but now rare. 3. The proposed Landmark ie of greater age than moat of its kind. 73 City Cowcll %eolutlon No. I.D 91-02 - Noeenzo-emiderle NeY 15, 1991 Page 2 B. Neighborhood end Geogrpphic Setting: 1. The proposed Landmark materially baneFite the historic chnrecter of the neighborhood. 2. The proposed Landmark, in its location, represents an established end fam111nr visual feature of the neighborhood, commwlty and City (Ord. 70 59, 1979). SECTSON 3: Designation cE a landmark ie exempt from CEQA (Article 19, Section 15308). on:.a sun a: eased on the substantial evidence received and reviewed by this Cowcil and based on the findings set forth above, SE IT FVRTNER RESOLVED that the City Cowc11 of the City of %ncho Cucamonga epprevea the designation of the Noeenzo-Smiderle Nouee ae a Eistoric Landmark. _~, a 7~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DATE: May 15, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Jeff Barnes, Parks b Landscape Maintenance SDDerintendent SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO ANARD AND AOTBORI Bl1TION TO 6YEI.'VPE TH6 CONTRACT POR REPAIRI TBB VOLTAGB IRRIGASION HIRING FOR T~ STREET LANDECAPIIIG ON VICTORIA PAR[ LANE TO LANDSCAPE NEST INC. OP ANIIHBIN IN TH6 ANOONT OP 7 • TO H6 POIID® BY 6 N11I E DISTRICT NO. , ACCOONT NOMBER 1T3~7S63 RECONNP.NDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the award and authorize the execution of the Contract for Repairing the Low Voltage Irrigation Wiring foc the Street Landscaping on Victoria Park Lane to the Curren[ landscape maintenance contractor, Landscape West, Inc. of Anaheim, CA, for the street landscaping in Landscape Maintenance Assessment District 2, for the amount of $73,600 to be funded by account number 41-4130-7043. It is further recommended that the City Council approve the issuance of a Purchase order in the amounE of $73re00 to fund Ehe repair work. BACRGROOND/ANALYSIS By previous City Council action an appropriation for Fiscal year 90/91 was made to budget line item number 41-4130-7043 for this project. Respectfully auhmit ea, WJO:JB:la 7~ nrmv nc o ~ Arnvn nr rn a Mnu!_ e - --- STAFF REPORT ~ti ~,y { DATE: May 15, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Killian J. O'Ne11, C1tY Engineer BY: Jce Stofa, Jr., Associate Engineer SUBJECT: pYEPo~iEM ~IL~ITtAES~ORDR 87-09,~LOCATEDUON THE~SNOUTWIE~ CORNER OF ARRON ROUTE AND ROCHESTER AYENUE SUBMITTED BY enui ~eero rnpca rn1OaW lIIR -121 -~ RECd1E1MTI0M It is recoawended that the C1ty Council adopt the attached resolution the ove head utilibtysl~es oo thenso thwestecornerdof ArrowpRoutenand Rochester Avenue, and authorize the Mayor and the Ctty Clerk to sign said agreeexnt and to cause sane to record. BACK61tlUM0/ANALYSis Bevel operai wasn requtared oto lunderground the overheadrut111 ty 111~resn on i Ls protect side of Arrow Route and Rochester Avenue. Pursuant to Planning Connlsston Resolution No. 87-96, and the conditions of approval of sold development, the developer has requested to enter into a Reimbursement Agreement piih the City to be reimbursed for a portion of the undergrounding costs from the adtacent properties directly benefiting from the undergrounding of Overhead Utilities on the southwest corner of Arrow Route and Rochester Avenue. Assessor's Parcel No. 2^9-121-42, 1s currently developed as a 11ght industrial building 1n the Minimum Impact Heavy Industrial Development District, Subarea 9. Therefore, contributions toward the subtect undergrounding does rwt appear likely 7n the very near future, however, nay be possible at the tine of City s conditioning of future subdivision or redevelopment of said parcel. ~~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT OR 87-09 (UA-112! Nqy 15, 1991 Page 2 ' Assessor's Parcel No's. 229-011-22; 229-011-23; 229-021-24; 229-111-05; 229-121-43 and 229-121-44 are currently undeveloped. Therefore, contributions toward the subject undergrowMing is possible at the time of City's Cond'tloning of future develogaent of said parcels. The Engineering staff has reviewed the total costs oP the undergrounding, and the distribution of the costs as 111ustrated 1n "Exh161t C" of the subject Reimbursement Agreement. ine C1ty has provided a minimum of 30 days notice Drtor to the date of the Council's meeting to those Darcels affected by this agreamertt. Respectfully submlttgd,~ C~~ .~ Attachment 77 RESOLUTION N0. ~(~ raJ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MNCHO CUCAlN)NGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING REII6URSEMENT AGREEMENT E%ECUTED ON APRIL 17, 1991 FOR UNDERGROUNDIN6 OF A PORTION OF OVERHEAD UTILITIES LOCATED ON THE SWTNNEST CORNER OF ARRpi ROUTE AND ROCHESTER AVENUE NNEREAS, the City Council of the C1ty of Rancho fucamonga has for its consideration a Reimbursement Agreement submitted by Schlosser Forge Company, as developer of DR 97-09 for the undergrounding of a portion of the overhead ut111ties on the southwest Corner of Arrow Route and Rochester Avenue of (UR-12); ar~d NHEREAS, the developer, at the developer's expense, has completed Bald undergrounding operation; and NHEREAS, the owners of the ad,~ointng properties w111 share to the expense of the undergrounding operation costs as stipulated 1n sold Reimbursement Agreement. NQi, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE that said Reimbursement Agreement be and the same 15 hereby approved aM the Mayor 1s hereby authorized to sign said Reimbursement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest hereto and cause said Agreement to record. ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPtD~T DATE: May 15, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Counctl City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer eY: Lucinda E. Hackett, Contract Civ11 Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF MAP, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IIPROYEMENT SECURITY dun nenc orur_ ruc auucvaTTnY Tn IANDSr.ADE ININTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 AND STREET LIGHTING M1IINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR TRACT 13114, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF VINEYARD AVENUE AND CALLE DEL DRA00, SUBMITTED BY BAYOUN CORPORATION RECOMMENDATION It 1s recamsended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Tract No. 13114, accepting the subject agreement and security, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance Dl strict No. 1 and Street Ltghting Maintenance Distr!ct Nos. 1 and 2, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk t0 sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. BACKGROUND/AMAlYS15 Tract 13114 located on the southeast corner of Vineyard Avenue and Calle del Prado, in the RESidenttal Development District, was approved by the Planning Coamission on Nay 14, 1986, for the division of 5.5 acres into 21 lots. Time extensions for Tract No. 13114 were approved by the Planning Coisnisslon on Apr11 27, 198A, May 10, 1989 and June 27, 1990. The Developer, Bayoun Corporation, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements 1n the following amounts: Faithful Perfonaance Bond: 5347,000 Labor and Material Bond: E173,500 Copies of the agreement, security and Consent and Natver to Mnexation Form signed by the Developer is on file to the City Clerk's Office. 7i CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TRACT 13114 Na,y 15, 1941 Paga 2 A letter of approval has been received from Cucamonga County Nater District. C.C. d R.'s have also been approval by the City Attorney. Respectfully submi /_' ~ ~LY~(.. Nm. Joe O'Neil ~--J City Engineer NJO: LEN: dl w Attachments vV RESOLUTION N0. ~7 f ~ 1 ~(_ A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IUPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IAPROYEMENT SECURITY, ANO FINAL IMP Cf TRACT N0. 13114 NHEREAS, the Tentative Map of Tract No. 13114, consisting of 21 lots, submitted by Bayoun Corporation, Subdivider, located on the southeast corner of Vineyard Avenue and Calla del Prado has been submitted to the City of thecSubdtvlslon Map Act ofsthe State of California band Tn ca pllance withthe requlreaM•nts of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; aM wwtNtAS, to sleet the roqulraments established as prerequisite to aDDroval of the Final Map of sold Tract said Subdivider has offered the Improvement Agreement submitted herewith for approval and execution by said City, together with goad and sufficient IsArovwent Security, and submits for approval said F1na1 Map offering for dedication for public use the streets delineated thereon. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Cauncll of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Caltforota, as follows: That said Improvessent Agreement be and the same is approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute same on behalf of said City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest theroto; and That said Improvement Security 1s accepted as good and sufficient, subJect to approval as to fora and content thereof by the City Attorney; and That the offers for dedication aM the Final Map delineating same be approved and the City Clerk is authorized to execute the certificate thereon on behalf of Bald City. ~~._.1-i~-. ~/ RESOLUTION N0. -/,/ - la A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR TRACT 13114 WHEREAS, the Ctty Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has prwvlously forced a special maintenance district pursuant to 4he terns of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of Lhe Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance 0l ctrirf. Wn 1 fiw.r I IMMIww w~".LC^~-:: ~, _.N .~..._ .. • nv. a an,i ,.raCi Li1JpLl ag Maintenance District No ~ 2hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, at this tlak the CT1{y Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A' attached hereto and incorporated hereto by this referenced t0 the Maintenance Oistrlct; and WHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an En9lneer's "Report". NGW, THEREFORE, THE CITY f.DUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative bogy hereby orders the annexation of the grope- ~f as shown 1n Exhtblt "A" and the wrk program areas as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, lncluding~ffieTevy of all assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. ~_~~. Oa- 'A' ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 ~ GITY MAINCAW EO AREA ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COUNTY OF SA!~ SERNARDINO ~R t3t14 STATE OF CALIFORNIA E7D!IBIT 'D' PROJECT NAME N0. OF O.U. OR ACREAGE: 5.5 ac TRACT 13114 N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 21 units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of Lamps to be Annexed District No. S~DC--95 C~1'~~'-`-2T,3Q0- 1 '-- -" _-- '-' '-- i. 11 -__ ___ __. ___ LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE OISTRIC7 Community Turf Ground Cover Trees District No. Street Name Eguest.Trail Sq• ft. S~ ft. Ea. 1 Vineyard Avenue 5170 5 1 Calle Del Prado 626 22 ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAAIONGA DATE: May 15, 1991 i0: City Council arN] Ctty Manager FROM: kin. Jce O'Neil, City Englneer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector II SUBJECT: Acceptance of Improvements, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for Tract 13304 located en the northwest corner of Terra Vista Parkway and Mountain View Drive RECOMMENDATION: The required street improvements for Tract 13304 have been compieted to an acceptable manner, and 1t is recommended that City Counttl accept said Improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond 1n the amount of (10,538.00, authorize the City Englneer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Falthfui Performance Bond 1n the amount of f105,380.00. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 13304 - located ort the northwest corner of Terra Vista Parkway and Mountain View Drive DEVELOPER: Lew15 Homes 1156 N. Mountain Avenue Upland, CA 9178b Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) f10,538.00 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) (105,380.00 Respectfully subml~n, o T ~`~ WJO:SMG:Iy Attachmant ~~ RESOLUTION N0. y/ ~ f ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Oi THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCA1gNGR, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC 148ROYElENTS FOR 13304 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the con5tructfon of public improvements for 13304 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; end WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be flied, certifying fFe wn..L nnw,~ln~~ .._. ~~yr.~~~. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City oP Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer 15 authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. (- 1~ !~ ~o - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA _ ~ DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: Mqy 15, 1991 Mayor, Members of the City Council and City Manager Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector~T RELEASE OF M4INTENANCE DOND FOR TMC7 13476 LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HELLMAN AVENUE AND TRYON STREET It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds BACKGROUND/AMKYSIS The required one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects 1n materials and ~arkmenshtp. DEVELOPER: West Venture Development 6345 Balboa Boulevard 1225 Encino, CA 91316 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 522,800 Respectfully submit ~~r ~ Mn. Joe O'Neil City Engineer WJO:SMG:Iy O~ ----- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAEN' REPORT ~. ~; DATE: May 15, 1991 T0: Mayor, and Mesbers of the City Council C1Ly Manager FROM: Ma. Joe O'Neil, Ctty Engineer BY: Steve M. G11111and, Public Norks Inspecto~ SUBJECT: RELEASE OF MAINTENANCE BOND FOR TRACT 12870 STORM DRAIN LOCATED ON iME NORTH SIDE OF HIGHLAND AVENUE BEriFFx ran we°O:.~.iv ~TinnriU~ ~YG XUL RECONIENDA7ION It 1s reco~wended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond. BACKGROUID/ANALYSIS The requtrcd one year aaintenance period has ended and the improveaM•nts reawin free fray defects in aaterlals and workabnship. DEVELOPER: Daly Hores 41661 Enterprise Circle North 8227 Teaiecuta, CA 92390 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond 677,400. Respectfully suda~d, Me. Jce O'Ne11 ~ ~ ~~ C1ty Engineer MJO:SMG:Iy ST~~`~' REPORT DATE: May 15, 1991 T0: Mayor, and Meabers of the City Couneil City Manager FROM: Na. Joe O'Neti, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Oililland, Public Works Inspect~~ SUBJECT: RELEASE OF IMINTENANCE BOND FOR TRACT 12642, 12935-44 i INTERCEPTOR LEVEE AND CHANNEL LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER DF ROrNirrro ~u~mr ~~~ i(ip"iiLnno nYtNUL ~ RELOMNEMBATIOM It is recoaaended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond. BACK6NOUND/ANALYSIS The required one year aatntenance period has ended and the iaproveaents reaain free fray defects in aaterlals and workaanship. DEVELOPER: Kaufaan A Broad 180 N. R/verview Drive 6300 Anahela H111s, CA 92808 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 58,400.00 Respectfully subrlt~nV~ -~ Ika. Joe O'Neil 'llq{~/~'l Ctty Engineer MJO:SMG:Iy O~ ---- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF KEPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: May 15, 1991 ,:, r. i Mayor, Members of the City Council and City Manager Mn. Joe O'Ne11, City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Pub11c Norks Inspector RELEASE OF M4INTENANCE 80ND FOR TRACTS 13542 AND 13542-3, LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BANYAN STREET AND CANISTEL AVENUE RECOMENOfiT1011 It 1s recommended that the City Council authorize the C1ty Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds BACKBROUMD/ANALYSIS The required one year maintenance period has ended and the street lmprevements remain free from defects in materlais and workmansMp. DEVELOPER: Grigsby Development 8480 Utica Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Release: BANYAN TR 13542 TR 13542-3 LANDSCAPE Maintenance Guarantee Bond 522,000 548.000 52,880 Respectfully submlC Nm. Joe O'Ne11 /iC'~J~LX.Nt~~ City Engineer NJO:SMG:sd ~~ /iiTV Ain A ..~~~. ....v .~v...a as ~/1 STAFF ItEY(DRT DATE: Mqy 15, 1991 T0: Mayor, Members of the Ctty Cauncll and Ctty Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Ne11, City Engineer BY: Steve M. G11111and, Public Works Inspec r SUBJECT: RELEASE OF 1111INTENANCE BOND FOR TRACT 13561, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF NETHERLANDS VIEW LOOP AND YINTAGE DRIVE RECONIEiDA7ION It 1s recoawended that the City Council authorize the C1fy Clerk t0 release the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds BACKGROUINI/AWILYSiS The required one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free frem defects in mater1a15 and Workmanship. DEVELOPER: Mari borough Development 2029 Century Park East, Sutte 1550 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 510,300 Respectfully submit , Wm. Joe O'Neii City Engineer WJO:SMG:sd ~/ --- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ,;,:~ ~ ~~AFF REI~t~~tfi '=^'•° r. DATE: May 15, 1991 T0: Mayor, MeeAters of the City Council and City Manager FROM: Mn. Jce O'Ne11, C1ty Engineer BY: Steve M. Gi1111and, Public Narks Inspecto~~t-~, SUBJECT: RELEASE OF tMINTENANCE BOND FOR TRACT 12642, 12935-44 MAJOR STREETS, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MiLLIKEN AVENUE AND BANYAN STREET RECONENDATION It is recaaaended that the City Cpunctl authorize the C1ty Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds BACKGROIMD/ANALYSES The required one year anintenance period has ended and the street intprovesents reawln free frp~ defects in ewttertals and workaxnship. DEVELOPER: Kaufawn d Broad 180 N. Riverview Drive, Suite 300 Anaheln H111s, CA 92808 Release: Naintenance Guarantee Band {Street) f207,60D Respectfully subalt~ted~ CJ~ _ - q Nnt. Joe O'Ne11 /L\J/~/~~+ i%(~~Cp/L~~` City Engineer NJO:SMG:sd 9a- - CITY OF RANCHO CIJCAMONGA STAFF REPdRT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: May 15, 1991 r,,;;~' ~r; Mayor, Menbers of the City Council and C1ty Maneger Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer Steve M. G11111and, Public Works Inspector RELEASE OF MAINTENANCE BOND FOR PARCEL MAP 8617, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MILLTKEN AVENUE AND BANYAN STREET RECOMMENDATION It is recoawended that the C1ty Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The required one year Naintenance period has ended and the street ieprovea~ents reeuin free fray defects to a~eterials and workabnshtp. DEYELOPER: Marlborough Developaunt 2029 Century Park East, Su1te 1550 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) f28,800 Respectfully subeit ~~ Hs. Joe O'Neil U City Engineer MJO:SMG:sd 2 ----- CITY OF RANCHO CIiCAMONGA ~s STAFF ftEPtiftT DATE: May 15, 1991 T0: Mayor, Members of the City CountTi and City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, Ctty Engineer 81': Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works inspector II SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF [MpROYEMENT AGREEMENT EKTENSION FOR TRACT 12420, LOCATED ON THF. NORTHWEST CORNER OF HELLMAN AVENUE AND 6TH STREET, SUBMITTED BY RANCHO PARK VENTURE RECOMIEMDATIOM It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subltct agreement extension and security and authorizln9 the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. AMALrsls/eAClcsROUlo Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 12420 were approved by the City Council on May 4, 1989, Tn the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: 5300,000 Labor and Material Bond: 5150,000 The developer, Rancho Park Venture, is requesting aDDroval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement in order to complete all improvements in their last of three phases. Copies of the Lprovement Agreement Extension are available to Lhe City Clerk's Office. Respectfully sUhmi~>n1~ Wm. Jce O'Neil /H~~/j~',~' City Engineer NJO:SMG:sd Attachments 9~ RESOLUTION N0. ~~ ~ ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CSTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION ANO iMPROYEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12420 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on May 15, 1991, by Rancho Park Venture as developer, for the Tmprovement of public right-of-way adtacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the northwest corner of Hellman Arenue and 6th Street; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described to said lmprove+oent Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Tract 12420; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension 7s secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said improvement Agreement Extension and Bald Improvement Securlfy be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor 1s~ hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. /~ kancho Park Venture ieJE 5. Vineyard Av. On Cario, CA. 91761 • 714-947-~4J0 .ipril 19, 1991 ~ s ~- .^ . ,~ APR ~`~ '=~' ~ I~ Steve Gilliland. Public Works Inspector ~ City of h'ancha Cu camonga CI*v OF , ~ P.U. Eu>, Bi+' n. ., Honcho Cucamonga, CA. 91729 --~ F:E: 7ract 12a2~i E:a erasion of Impr^ovment Agreement nom. ~. w.... .......W„ ~, Flease consider this letter our formal request for an exten- sion of the Improvement Agreement far ?ract 1 420. This protect is a llu unit Planned Community with private streets, and ame- nities located between 6th and 7th Streets on Hellman Avenue. Let me take this opportunity to describe the current status of our tract: Currently F'h ase I of ~6 units is complete in both on-sites and off-sites with only 4 sold units left to close within days. All street, sewer, water, storm drain, lights, and amenities are complete. F'h ase II consists of 33 units currently in the final days of construction of both the on-sites antl off-sites. Ali =~ units are sold and we anticipate to begin closings about May 15,~ 1991. At the time of completion of the off-site improvements in this Phase, we will have all the items completed as required of Eond No. l1° 4? ?'. :c wi:: then request the final inspection of the bonded itans antl request r^eduction to the maintenance amount antl time period. Fhase III currently has complete grading with certified pads, the sewer, water and storm drain complete and partial curb/gutter installed. Within approximately 60 days, we will tie requesting a reduction of bond No.113 S1 vv by the amount of the work pre- viously completed. We anticipate this to be about an Bd% - BS% reduction of the bonded items. I have previously spoken with Mr. Lloyd Goulsby in your department and he assured me that the City woultl assist us by either reducing the current bond or substitut- ing a new bond for the work remaining. ~~ We are tac ed wrth severe financial and trme restrarr,is placetl ` ~ `uy ~ - cilu vi u~i 1.I~ib vrti•mci and are as annrn~i5 a_ the Cnty of kancho L"uc amonya to complete this prc~ec t. We respect- rully request'a one year e;aens3on of our Development Agreement so that we may complete this pro,7 ect as requared by this agree- ment. F'l ease let me know if you need any {urther in{ormation +or our request. Thank you for your continuing cooperation. Very Truly Vnllrsr ~ ~ Q,~' -- Sa rs Ea>.ter 'J rce President of Operations CC: Stubblefield Companies Gr^anger-Hanna Insurance Company - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA S'I'Al~'F REFORT DATE: May 15, 1991 .:~. T0: Mayor, Members of the City Council and City Manager FROM: Mn. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector ii~~'f~' SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF 3MPROVEMENi AGREEMENT EI(TENSION FOR TRAC-TS 12820 AND 13727, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF CARNELIAN STREET _AND HIGHLAND AVENUE, SUBMITTED BY VVVI„LnnV VL,LLVI1'K III RECOMIENBATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub3ect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACK6ROUIDIAMALYSIS improvement Aggreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tracts 12820 and 13727 were approved by the City Council on October 5, 1989, in the fo11oM ng amounts: Faithful Perfonaance Bond: Labor and Material Bond: Tract 13727 f146,000 Tract 12820 ;412,000 f 73,000 f206,000 The developer, Southland Development, is requesting approval of a 4-month extension on said improvement agreement in order to complete the required landscape and establlshsent period. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available 1n the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully subml ' Ma. Joe O'Neil ~~ City Engineer WJO:SMG:sd Attachments _~ Southland Development Corporation 9807 Sierra Highway "'$9, Suite 810 Acton, CA 98610 TeL (80b) 389-1696 ~ ,,i } FAX (80S) 369.3316 ~ 1~, ~ `~ ~ f - UU Apo 2 3 1991 April 19, 7991 AN~tIW Wi,~HfJYG^. ~{Ti Gi :i _., `;f „ City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Development Department I ~uyi,~ee~iny /iviaiun j P.O. Box 807 I Rancho Cucamonga, GA 91729 Attention: Mr. Steve M. Gilliland Public Works Inspector Reference: Tracts 12820 8 13727 Subject: Extension of Improvement Agreement Gentlemen: S U We are requesting an extension of four months time for the completion of improvements on the two atwvrreferenced tracts. k B All the improvements have been completed at this time. Some plants A N were damaged during the deep freeze in December and have been replaced but are not yet established. A ~ 'Q i9e anticipate the plantings to be acceptable to the City by mid June D at which time we will request the City to accept the Improvementa C 0 Should you need additional information, please contact the undersigned. U N Sincerely, T R Y ~SQUTH D D LOPMENT CORPORATION \ \ 5 1 \ 1 U V ( E D. ordon Dreisbach D President E Y DCDljs 6 enclosu rea L O P M E N T ~ ~~ S SUBD[yIDERS AND BDiLDERS RESOLUTION N0. ~4 ` ~Q A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACTS 12820 AND 13721 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for Its consideratlort an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on May 15, 1491, by Southland Development as developer, for the improvement of public right-af-way ad,Iacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the southwest corner of Carnet Ian C+roa+ arA OM61 .-~ ' m.uc~ a,lu WHEREAS, the tnstallatfon of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and SubJect to the terms thereof, is to be done 1n conlunction with the development of said Tracts 12820 and 13727; and WHEREAS, sold Improvement Agreement Extension 1s secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which 15 Identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. MOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resoives, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~~~ ,..m., ,,., ., STAFF REPORT DATE: May 15, 1991 T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Morks Inspector II'~ SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROYEMENi AGREEMENT EXTENStON FOR TRACT 13270, LOCATED ON THE NORTHNEST CORNER OF MILLIKEN AVENUE wiU MN1lA1 jIKCLI, jU111~11I~I LU al LLwIJ nUIRJ RECOMMENDi1TI0N It 15 recoalended that the Ctty Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,{eCt agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Cterk to sign said agreement. AMALTSIS/BIICK6ROUMD Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee Lhe construction of the public improvements for Tract 13270 were approved by the City Council on September 22, 1988, in the following amounts: Faithful Perfonaance Bond: (500,000 Labor and Material Bond: ;250,000 The developer, Lewis Names, is reQuesting approval of a 6-month extension on said improvement agreement 1n order to compiete the Milliken Medians and the final street paving on Elm Avenue. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available 1n the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submit,i~~,~/~ ~ ,9 Nm. Joe O'Neil ` ~7,1~.e '{' City Engineer HJO:SMG:Iy Attachments ~~ Lewis Homes Management Corp. 7136 NaM Mam~am Avmue / P.O. Boa 670 / Oplud, CYi(omia 91785-0670 71dy83-0471 FAX: 716y49-6700 May 1, 1991 City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Attn: Steve Gilliland Public Works Inspector Ref.: Tract 13270 - Improvement Agreement Extension Dear Stave: Enclosed please find an Improvement Agreement Extension and our cheek in the amount of $251.00 !or the above-referenced tract. We would like to request an extension of 6 months from the date of this extension request. This extension is required in order to finalize the street capping agreement currently being processed by the City E(Iglneer and to complete the landscaping construction in the Milliken medians. ' Thank you for your assistance and your consideration of our request. Sincerely, LEWIS N S MANAGEMENT CORP. 1 Jo~a~ eph M. oleson ~,/ice President Senior Project Manager JMO:ksk Enclosures (~ RESOLUTION N0. ~` ~ ~ ~/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROYEMENi AGREEMENT EXTENSION ANO lNPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13270 Cal lfornlaHERhas~ for~itsi COnS deratTanpfan tImprove~aentf Agreement CExtenston executed on May 15, 1991, by Lewis komes as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way ad,~acent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located at the northwest corner of Milliken Avenue and rhnn{h c.r..... „sC NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described 1n said Improvement Agreement and sub,~ect to the tenors thereof, is to be done in conJunction with the development of sold Traet 13270; and 1MEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension 1s secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which 1s identified to said Improvement Agreement Extension. Californla0herebyRresoivesthihat sa d Improvement Agret~ent Extension and Bald Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. l --- - CITY OF RANCHO C[JCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 15, 1991 T0: Mayor and Mea~bers of Lhe City Council City Manager FROM: Ma. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Lucinda E. Hackett, Contract Civil Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO VACATE A PORTION OF AN ALLCY LOCATED NEST OF MALACHITE AVENUE AND SOUTH OF FOOTHILL 80ULEVARD AND 52ii'nu Tric nn7~ in YutlL1L ntANl wli tUB JUat 19, 1991 ~ RECOMEIOAT/OM It is recoawended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution setting the public hearing for June 19, 1991, for the vacation of a portion of an alley located west of Malachite Avenue and south of Foothill Boulevard approxixtaly 10 feet wide and 115 feet long, In addition, said resolution authorizes the City Clerk W cause sax resolution to be published 10 days prior to publ7c hearing. the Conditions of Approvai for the Conditional Use Penait 88-28, which 1s a retail building within an existing shopping center at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Malachite Avenue, requires that the existing alley south of the before xntloned protect be vacated and replaced with landscaping. Planning Conatssion approved this Conditional Use Pereit on January 10, 1991. The subject alley right-of-way vacation 1s 10 feet wide and 114.82 feet long and 1s located along the south property line of the said project. when the alley is vacated, the existing drive approach onto Malachite Avenue will be reroved and replaced with City Standard curb, gutter and sidewalk. ResD~tfulTy subs ' Nwt. Jce O'Neil ~~ City Engineer NJO:LEHay Attachxnt ( D~ RESOLUTION N0. CJ / , t ~ `~- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE AN ALLEY LOCATED NEST OF MALACHITE AVENUE AND SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION 1: That the City Council hereby elects to proceed under Section 8300, ef. seq., of the Streets and HigMvays Code, also known as the street vacation qCL Or 1Y91. SECTION 2: That the City Council hereby declares Its intention to vacate a por[ion T an alley located west of Malachite Avenue and south of Foothill Boulevard approximately 10 feet wide and 115 feet long, as shown on Map No. V-105 on file 1n the Office of the Ctty Cierk, a legal description of which is attached hereto marked ExAtblt "A: and by reference made a part hereof. SECTION 3: That the City Council hereby fixes Nednesday, the 19th day of dune, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Ha11 Council Chamber, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California, as the time and place for hearing all persons objecting to the proposed vacation for the purpose of its determining whether said City Street is necessary for present or prospective street purposes. SECTION 4: That the City Street Superintendent shall cause notices to be pos>-ed-con~cuously along the line of the street or part thereof proposed to be vacated at least 15 days before the hearing, not more than 30 feet apart and not less than three signs shah be posted, each of which shall have a copy of this resolution an them and shall have the following title in lettering not less than one loch Tn height: "NOTICE OF HEARING TO VACATE STREET". SECTION 5: The subject vacation shall be subject to the reservations and excep on~T sit-any, for existing utilities on record. SECTION 6: The MAyor shall Sign this Resolution and the City C]erk shall attes o same, and the City Clerk shall cause same to be published 10 days before the date set for the hearing, at least once 1n Inland Va~l_le~ _D~~a~~11~yy~~B~~ulietln, a newspaper of general dreulatlon published ink e~Gft-y o£ nl a7-2~; L'TTfornia, and circulated in the City of 0.ancho Cucamonga, California. 4-F- l~ Exhibit "A" "ALLEY VACATION" The south 10.00 feet of the following described Parcel of Land: That portion of the northeast 1/4 of the northeast 1/4 of section 10, townshio 1 annrh ra..,.e ~ ems. ~~.. _ __ __ _ Meridian, being a portion of said northeaste 1/4y of ~ Section 10,° marked "Martinovich" as shown on map of Cucamonga Lands, as per plat recorded in book 4 of Maps, page 9, records of said County, described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said northeast 1/4 of the northeast 1/4 of said Section 10; thence south 00° 03' 12" east, 331.04 feet to the northwest corner of Tract No. 5121, as per plat recorded in book 64 of Maps, page 1B, records of said County; thence north 89° 59' 07" east, 149.82 feet to the center line of Malachite Avenue, as shown on said map of Tract No. 51?,1; thence north 00° 03' 52" west, 331.02 feet to the north line of Section 10; thence south 89° 59' 30" west, 144.78 feet to the point of beginning. Excepting therefrom that portion conveyed to the County of San Bernardino, a body corporate and politic, by deed recorded December 30, 196p in book 5317, page 1, Official Records. ~~ ~+ L ce ~: , Na 24~G3 ) ~ Elr~ /Z-,3/-9:3i ,, si Cib'1~/,' `9T. ~•.n~ f,?1,~.. . ~~ NW COO NE IH NE IH 3[c 10 _._ _ _`_l_£-._ _ I FOOTHILL ses^s9'~o-w _ BOULEVApUI I _ ~-_ ._ - IAA=.- .__.__ . ii S.ie' Giro i I•• ~ ` v t/ i z W 7 4 f O ~0 ~~ W H z ~~• 4 `E J , _ ,n c pa v° ~~ d~ ~rrr;~ 5~ IJi/ /J MfA iO BE VnC41E0 0 ~i °8j SO wl ~ CG-~ No. 24263 b 7-r T' ~~?-~~-.-J 9jF p'•~ ~~ e es• ez m"E le+.u ~} CIV1~ ~T r[amWEZr EOIING I rfp, reECr ea ela C>< C~. 2 4 rrlT/~~Y~OF 1~RAVy~~n~zvVr~~~vy~C{~~~UCAMnOI~I~A ITE~Ik CUP 88-28 ~w~\i L/IV1~7M\ A~[~ TIT~.E: VACATION ~V~ EXi#IT. ^e~~ ~~ lal T Vf 1(A1VUriV UUUA!V1UNIiA ~T4.FF REPORT ~a DATE: Nay 15, 1991 TD: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Erad Buller, City Planner BY: Jerry Guarracino, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: 6NVIRONMHNTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDlD:NT 91-02 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - To deP lne and establish development criteria for recycling uses within the lnduatriel Area Specific Plan. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declarati W. RECOMMENDATION: The Plann inq Commission remaaaenda approval of Industrial Specific Plan Amendment 91-02 and the issuance of a Negative Declaration through adoption of the attached Ordinance. BACRGAOUND: On January 9, 1991, the Planning Comaie si on reviewed a Uae ` Determination Application by George Pox for California Copper Recycling. At that meeting, the Commission upheld staff's determination that the proposed use vas more like a Scrap Operation than a Manufacturing use. However, the Commission acknowledged the need to add Recycling Operations ae a separate use within the Industrial Area Specific Ylan and requested this project be added to the work program. On April i0, 1991, the Planning Commission reviewed the staff report (attached) which recon®enda the creation of two new land use categories. The fire[ category Sa Collection Pacilitiee, and the second is Proce swing Faciliti ee ea defined below: Appropriate development standards are necessary to ensure the public health, safety, and welfare and to protect ndj scent uses from adverse impneta. Tfieae standards are explained in full in the attached Planning Commission staff report and include the following concerns: outdoor storage, litter and vermin control, parking, circulation, noise standards, and permit requiramente. ENVIRONMENTAL AESESSMSNT: Staff hoe found no ai grificant impacts on the environment ae a result of this proposed text amendment and recommends issuance of a Negative Declaraticn. FACTS FOR PINDING: The project Se consistent with the Industrial Axea Specific Plan end the General Plan. The project Gill not be detrimental to adjacent properties or cause aignlflcant adverse environmental impacts. ld~ CITY COUNCIL STAPF REPORT ISPA 91-OZ - CITY OF RANCtlO CUCANONGA uey ~5, 1no1 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE: Thie item has been advertised ae a public hearing in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin nevepeper, by an eighth page advertisement. Rea ly tted, ~ ... ,...~$~..m City Planner BB:JG:mlg Attachmen te: ID:hibit "A" - Staff Aeport of April 10,1991 Exhibit "B" - Planning Co®lssian Minutes of April 10, 1991 Exhibit •C' - Planning Coamieeion Resoluiian 91-36 Ordinance Approving the Proposed Amendment ( ~ ! CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT - (Y.~, : DATE: April 10, 1991 v T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Coamdse ion FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Jerry Guarracino, ASS19tant Planner SUBJECT: ENV2 RONl~NTAL ASSEaSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-OZ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - To def lne and estab lleh save •opmw.u uiLe.i6 Lc. ___ rl'^9 •.•av within the Industzlal Area Specific plan. , Staff recommends Seeuance o! a Negative DeC location. EACEGROVND: On January 9, 1991, the Planning Coma11ee1on reviewed a Use Deter:alnation Application by George Fox for California Copper Recycling. At that meeting, the Commission upheld staff's determination that the proposed use was more like a Scrap operation than a Manufacturing use. Hawsver, the Commleeion acknowledged the need to add Ascycling Operations ne a separate use within the industrial Area Epeci[Sc Plnn ana requested this project be added to the work program. The applicant was Informed at thin meeting that a Formal request, from him, for such an amendment would require that priority be given to this Issue. However, to date, no formal request hee been made. The following information and Bropoeed Specitic plan amendments have been prepared for consideration as requested by the Planning Commission. II. ANALYSIS: Recycling, A Bzief eletozy: Recycling Se on the rise across the nation, but the trend hee really csught on in California, 1n part because of the suttees of the 3-year old California beverage/container recye ling program. The Loe Angeles Times newspaper recently reported an announcameni by [he State Divielon of Recycling that the return rate for Davera9a containers of all kinds (aluminum, glees, plastle, and steel) vent from 56 percent Sn 1989 to 70 percent in 1990. Ca li Lornia now leads the nation in the amount of aluminum contalnere recycled. Today, advances in recycling technology make it possible to recycle a wide range of materials. The benefits to the environment are only pert of the reason for the remarkable growth in thin industry. An acute shortage of landf 111 apace XNIt~IT-A ~~d PLANNSNG COMMISSSON STAFF REPORT ISPA 91-02 - CITY OF RANCNO CUCAMONGA Aptil 10, 1991 Page 2 in urban centers and the increasing cost of disposal and transport of vests materials are making recycling a profite6le industry. Additionally, government mandates such ae AB 939 - "The California Integrated wnnte Management Act of 1909", call for recycling and sects reduction goals of 50 percent by the year 2000 Eor the 9t at e. e. Purpose: The purpose of establishing appxoprinte development standards and zoning classifications toi this emerging industry are threefold: 1. To reduce the amount of solid waste end orosots t1,e conservation of recyclable materiels: 2. To establish specific development criteria Eor Materiels Recovery Facilities (MIiFe) rithin the Industrial Ares Specific Plan. 3. To Further distinguinh between Collection Facilities, Processing Facilities, and Bcrep Operations. c. Proposed Land Use Designations: Currently, the Industrial Area SpecLflc plan describes Scrap Operations, but does not reterenoe Recycling Operations. 1b distinguish between Scrap Operations and other recycling processes, two new land use deslgnationa are proposed. These land use dealgnetione ate generally defined ae Lollows: 1. CO1Letim pacilitf - Actlvitlee typically include the acceptance by donation, redemption, or purchase oP recyclable materiels Lram ihs public for sorting. Such a faei ll ty my have the capacity for aggregating and storing large amounts of mtarial on-cite end compacting or bailing material for shipment. 2. prooYaLmg hcilitw - Activities typically include eollactlon end processing of reryclable materials. Pzocssalnq means the preparation of materials for ettlcisnt shipment by such mem es briquetting, grinding, crvshing, wchwical wrtinq, shredding, claaning, and remanulaMUring. D. Location Rqulrements: The intent of the land use categories established Sn the Industrial Aron Spacltlc plan 1e to group together uses which era of similar Sntensitlu and therefore compatible. A specific obiectlve of the plan is to organize land uses to avoid creating nuisances among adjacent activities. At thin Lima, two new was era being considered: Collection Facilities (canters for the collection and wrtinq of retyelable materials), and Processing Facilities (for the collection and processing of reryclable materials). L ` PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPOftT ISpA 91-03 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA April 10, 1991 .agc 3 Collection facilitltl - A collection facility typically has outdoor storage of [he collected recyclable metariale. Th18 use would be similar in intensity to Heavy Manutactuzing which permits outdoor storage areas. Sowever, it is also conceivable that a collection facility may be operated completely within an enclosed building, Sn which case, the use would be of no granter intensity than Light/NSdiw/Renvy Manufacturing Or Light/Medium/Reavy Nholetlle, Storage and Distribution uses because it doss not inwlve any mannfecfurinn nrnn.u ~.., ,.r .. -____ _~~~_ c ~ ~W the viewpoint o! lend we intensity and effect •on surrounding properties, Collection pacilities could be a permitted wa in east Ganaral Industrial and Meavy Lndwtrlal auDarau, except rhsra outdoor storage is inwlved. 2. Pr'o(.wsing fac111titl: A processing facility inwlvee performing some ttaatment to the recyclable material. These prxeases typically mould Sncluds cleaning the majority of dirt and debris, crushing or melting the matexiel, treatment to eliminate impurities, and preparation [or shipment. !or example, plastic bottles may ba recycled by being crushed and made into small pellets Yor shlpant to the end uses. In this Bence, the recycled material la in a semi-finished or raw state that moat be processed further far manufacturing or assembly. Therefore, Procsseing Paci11t1es would ba most ciailar to Medium or Maavy Manuferturinq which deal with sanutacturing, compounding or eateriel, processing, end treatment of semi-linished and raw mateeiale, respectively. Meaty Manufacturing la permitted only within Subarea 15. Medium Manufseturing uses ass permitted by right in Subareas 5, 9, 10, it, 13, 1{, end 15 of the Indwtzlal Area 8pacific plan. eowver, the Cammiuion should consl4r requiring a Condltlonal vas Permit for Pzocusing Fac111t1as becauw of the following: a. Recycling technlqutl vary gristly in their cathode of operation and effect on Lhs local environment. b. The intsndty of processing P~ci 11t1N may vary quite substantially and should be reviewed on an individual bastl. L PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPO HT IS PA 91-02 - CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA April 10. 1991 Pace d c. Special site conaideretion should be given to the placement and orientation of loading areas: giving thought to the circulation need of both automobile and commercial truck traffic. III. Development Standards: Collection Facilities should be permitted in 6ubareae 1-5, 8-ii, end 13-15 and should meet the following standards: A. All business operations shall be conducted within an enclosed building unless specifically permitted within the General Induetr lal and Heavy Industrial categories and adequately ecreenea Lrom puD11c view pursuant to the Section 1, General provisions, tar the Industrial Area. B. All facilities shall be maintained tree of litter and zermin and any other undesirable material and shall be cleaned of loose debris on a daily bssie. c. The Facility shell meet the parking zequlremente for warehouse uses. In addition, stacking apace shall be provided for six vehicles or the anticipated peak customer load, whichever i• higher. If no dr1Va-up teci lilies are ' available, than a minimum o! six additional spaces for cuatcmer drop-off shall be provided. D. The facility shall meet adopted City noise standards. E. Power-driven equipmnt, including aluminum foil and can compacting or bailing, necessary for efficient temporary storage and shipment of material shall be be permitted. proeeeeing Paeilities should be permitted in Sabarese 5, e, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, and 15 subjsM to a Conditional qse Permit and shall meet all of the development standards for Collection Pacilities. IV. ENVIRDIDffiiTAL ASEE88!ffilT: Stetf hoe found no •Sgnlficant impacts on tM envlroamsnt as a result of this proposed text amendment and recamarnda issuance of a Negative Declaretlon. V. FACTB TOR TINDING: The project 1s consistent with the Induetriel Area Specific Plan and the General Plan. Ths project will not be detrimental to adjacent propertiu or cause significant adverse environmental impacts. VI. COARESPONDCNCE: This !tm has been advertised as a public hearing in tM Inland Valley Daily nu11K1n nswspapes, Dy an eighth page advertisement. /l3 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT ISPA 91-OZ - CITY OF RAN[HO CUCAMONGA April 10, 1991 page 5 VII. RBCOM!lBNMTION: Stott racommende that the planning Commiaeion recommend approval of this amendment and iesuanee of a Negative oeclnration by the City Council through adoption of the attached Raeoluticn. Respect y e~d: Bra ez City Plannsr HB :JG:mlg Attachments: Resolution Ot Approval ordinance l~~ C Sonar Melehar ukad haw much additional landwaplnq you dad. N/ uid t tM /treat tree/ had bean kil lad. Dan Coleman, ipal Planner, rtated that tMre w • final Undaeapinq inspection prix luu o[ the final buildin • projwt and any dud landecapinq would replaced. Commiuionar Valletta Uli • angl ldings add to the variety of the •LN and she upportad the Var Chairun McNiel agreed. Motions Moved by Chiiraf /aconded by Mal adopt the ruolut ion approvlnq Vuiance ~~ Motion curied by tM foPt~Qtu aY68~ ~gB IONEEBt CHITIEE, MCNIEL, MELCNER, NOE6~ COMMI8820MNdt NONE . • • • . 8. ENVIRONIRNTIL a88E88MENT ES!0 INOO9TRIa~~ $PECIPIC PL/w 1WENDMENT 91-OZ - CITY O/ AENCMO COCaMONGA - To deflrte and utablish developmertC Criteria for raeycl inq uwe within the Industrial Eru Specific Plan. staff recommend/ iuuanw of a Negative Declaration. tarry cuarracino, ]luietant P1aMU, proofed the staff sport. Chaitun McBiQ eked !t the uo of /cale/ had bean con/idued. Mr. Guuracino replied that pcocusinq facilities vrould require a Conditional vu Permit which would allow considuuion of equipeNnt recede and circulation issues. Chairman NeNial opened the public Muinq. Thera was no [atimony, and ha eloead the Muinq. CommiuloMS Vallatta thanked staff for the thorough report. Commiuloner Chitin felt it Co 6e appropriate for the City to utaDli/h regulation/ for recycling fac111ties. Cammiuloner ToLtoy vu concerned with /creeninq. Ne fe16 CM ordinance properly addreued potutial bulk etoraga, wrein, and noiu soon. Ne thought any outdoor /forage could M /creened lsos the /treat with appropriate landaeapinq, Dut he wu concerned if any of the pocwtial ^Lte/ could W viewed Eros the freeway. planning Co®i//ion Mlnuta/ -4- Epril 10, 1991 Brad Buller, CLty Planner, stated that tM Industrial Ara Specific Plan cuuent ly hay laquaga adtlnulnq outdoor storage near the lreeway. He aid Che Clty mould not be precluded from applying thou atsndards with thew changes. Commissioner ToLtoy felt that Lnquage mould be added to the atandatdr becauu people may W abL to view potential dtw Lrom tM I-1S frowsy. Can Coleman, Principal Planer, sugqutsd including "weighing' in tha description for lad uw type and a cLUU that wruninq frao LM I-15 freeway would be required. comniuioner Toletoy felt comfortable with the additional language. Notlom Novad Dy Toletoy, uecnded by chltt.• c_c- - .•.~euue oc a :gsuve ueclurtlon ad to adopt tM roolution-recamundinq approval of Environmental Auessamnt ud Industrial 9pecitlc Pla Amendment 93-02 with modifications to include 'weighing" Sn thr ducriyt ion and in require acraenlnq frgo the 5-35 freeway. Notion carried by tM tollowinq vote: AYES: COMNIBBIONEAEt CXITIEA, NCNIEL, NELCRER, TOLBTOY, VALLETTE NOES: CO181ISeIONEASt NONE ABBENTt COlNII88IONEASS NONE -carried • . o Cucasnnga Municipal Code to eliminate compact parking e. Sta omwnds Lsuace of • Negative Declaration. G. - A ragout to amenq pert the Industrial Area 9pacltle P1 lfminate caapact parking • Brat! recomsunde iuuace of a Nedatl oration. Bruce euekinghom, P1sMinq Te b the ruff report. He zeiGratsd that a lettrt Md bwn r ^ tM BIA. Chairman NcEiel statssl that r had en received from CM Chahar of Co®eree rrquuLinq • to Qiseuu t e. He oyened the public herring. Peak rlllieu 277 Maven Avenue, Racho cueawngo, ed the item W continu for roduhoys on tM Snue. He old M M ith the 6conam opwnt CoemlttN of LM Chamber of Cooeree ad tM the L rat^ more rtudy. Re cold they could also ilia to 1 Planing Co®iulon Mlnutu -5- Apsil 10, 1991 ~~b AssoLaTaN vo, o, _,c a RESOLOSION O- TN6 PLANNING C0101ISSION O- TIR CITY Ol RANCHO CUCANON{i11, C71Li/OANIA, AECON)QNDING APPROVAL O- INDUSTRIAL SPECIPIC PLaN AID<NDNENY 91-O1 TO DLPINE AND LSTABLIatl !1RVE4CPN2NT CRITLR/A YOR PECYCLIN6 tlSEB, AND 10 AIlaND THE LAND OBi AEGOLATIONS POA SOBAREA6 1-9, 5-11, and 13-15 TO CONDITIONALLY PERMIT COLLECTION AND PROCESSING PACILITIES, AND MARINE IINDINGE IM SUPPORT TiNSREOP. A. gec LLaU. (1) Tha City of lunebo Neaeolpa hu initUtad an appl LCation for •nuu.u:.: ,;rci]GC ^ _.: •r.,.4.ne 91-07 u described le tM litla of this Ruolutlon. tleralnatGt in this Eeeelution, tM eub~eet SpacLKe plan Amaadment requaat U starred to u •tM applicatioe.• (Li) On April 30, 1991, tM Plaminq Ccanlulon o! tM City of Rancho cucaeonga oondurtad a duly noticed public Haring on tM application and eoncludad acid haarinq on that data. (ill) All legal prerequisltn prior to the adoption at ehis Resolution haw occurred. B. Aaaolutien. NOM, TFUAipoN, It la Iunby found, detarfined, and nsoload by the Planning Comeiasion of the City of Aaneho Cueaannga as follow, 1. TAU Caa~laslon Mraby spacltieally finds that all of the faet^ sat forth Ln tM AscltaU, Part A, of this Maolutio0 an true andwrract. I. Baaad upon aubstantUl epldance preeantad to thin Co®laaion during [Aa show-ralazeaead public hearing on Apell 10, 1991, including vricten and oral craft reports, togathes rith public uetieony, this Coeeluion Mraby specifically fi1Ws u follow (a) The pre)pesed seeedanta viii cot haw • aigoitieant lupeet on the eMltoafent u ePldenced by the eonclwions and titWl~ps of the Initial study, Part II) and Ibl The applleatUn applUs to propsRiN lxated vithln Subareas 1-S, i-11, and 11-15 of tM Industrial Area tpaeific Plan. (c) TM propeeW arndrnt rwld W U CM Dent lnbnec o! eha health, salKy, and reltare of tM altlaena of the Clty o! Mneho Ncamnga for tM cersons as tollan~ (i) That the pseposed ssrtWrnt will dlstiaqulaA betrwn Collection Pacillties, Proeeulnq hcilltUa, and scrap Ogrationr. L~HV,crir • G ll~ PLANNING COMN IS SI( tI50LUTI0N NO. 9i-]b ISPA 91-OI - CITY Uf RANCHO CUCAMONGA ADrll 10, 1991 Pages 7 (il) That CM progaad amandmanC will gtaDliah ageltle davalopornt <rlhzia for NaNrial Racevary to<illtlw (MRPa) within tha induatcial Araa sgeitie Plw. (iii) That the proposed arndwnt rill raducs the amount of wlid raata, proawta eonaarvation of raeyelabla satvrlaL, and luaan the impact of solid waab on tM anvLronaani. (!v) That eM propoaad aaarndNnt rill eonurva valuables material ruoureaa and wargy, thereby creating gnatar afl leUncy in the regional economy, and promotes local amployrnt. (v) TM progaad arndaant will seduces the atoraga, eollaetlon, and transportation and dUpoaal eoata for wild waab. 3. Bsssd upon tM subaNntlal ovldwea prassntW to thL Commiaaion during the above-nfsewead public Marlnp aM upon tM ageltic !lndinga o[ faMa wt forth Sn paragraphs 1 and I abmvs, thin coriaslon Maby Linda wd eoneludu a lollow~ (a) That the proposed aalandrnt is eonaiatsnt rith tM objectives of tM Indweztal 8gelfic Plan and tM putpoNS of tM DUtrlet in which the •Eta !^ Located. (D) That the pzopoaa0 aMndMnt M111 not M Gtrimsntal to the publLe hulth, u[sty, or wlfata or sutsrially Snjurious to progrtios or Lmprovament• Ln the vicinity. (<) That !M progaad amsnd.ent is In conpllanes rlth each o! GM appl lcabU provLiona of CM Industrisl lysclfle Plan. (d) TMt tM pzogsed aMRdNnt x111 not W drtzimenEal to she objectives of tM Osnsnl P1w of tM Industrial apwltle Plan. {. This Ce~lssion Mrsby LENS tMt tM project Ms Dean rsviawd and considered in ceNpllaees r1tA tM California [nvirolrsotal quality Aot of 1910 and, tuztMr, LhL ~laalon Mrsby raee.mams issuance of a NsgaC Lvs Osolaratioa. S. Pasta upon CM tledLgs and conclusions set forth in puagrapM 1, 2, 3, sad { above, CAIa twslaslea hsrsDy rewires a tollan~ (al TMt CM Planning Co~EUlen e[ CM CLly of Mneho Cucamonga Mrsby reeesosnds approval e! SndusCrlal apeeitle Plan Amendesnt 91-02 per tM attached ordinaaos. 6. TM swrstary et this tarlaslon shall esrtl[y to the adoption of this Mwlution. ~f Q PLANNING COMNISbi~ H630LUTION NO. 3: -io ISPA 91-OI -CITY d MNCNO CVCANONGA April lOr 1991 Paga 3 APPROVED AND ADOPTaD NIS 30TH GAY OP APEIL 1991. PLANNING Cfr11Id3IOM 01 Tei CYTY Ol NANCNO COCANONOA I, Ernd Eu1Lz, Neratary of tM P1a3nln9 Co~LUlon e[ the Clty of Eaneho Cucnntpa, do Mtaby nrtlfy that tM longeleD ENOiutien vaa duly and raqulazlY introduead, paaaod, aad adoptW by tM Planning Caailddlop o! the City o[ Naneho Cuea~onya, at a tpular wtioq of CM PlanOlttq Co~laaion Aald on tM SOth day o! April 1991, by tha to1loNLnq votrto-vitt AYEbt COIWIEEIOIRNIt CNLTIG, MCNIHL, NB<.CEER, TOLHTDY, VALLETTE NOEIt COIEII/EIOMENt NONH AEEIIITe CCIEIIEEIONENEt NONE l~~ ORDINANCB NO. ~Lt, AN ORDINANCE O- THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP AANCHO CVCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INDUSTRIAL SPECIPIC PLAN ANENDIOiNT 91-OY, BSTASLISHIHG RBOlTL11T IONS POR RECYCLING COLLECTION AND PROC688ING, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN 6UPPORT THEREOF. A. Aecitsls. .. .:y ...~ .. Lr Rancho Cucamonga conducted • duly notLeed^puDlic Marinq withyrupect to the above-referenced Industrial Specific Plan AmendmenC. -ollawinq the conclusion of said public hearing, the Planning Co®iuion adopted Resolution No. 91-36, thereby racommsndinq that the City munell adopt Industrial 9pscifie Plan Amendment No. 91-OZ. (11) On May 15, 1991, the City Council of the City o[ Rancho me•monga conducted a duly noticed public hearing and concluded Bald henring prior to its adoption of this Ordinance. (iii) All legal prerequisite prior to the adoption of thi• Aeolution have otcusced. S. Ordinance. The CSty Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga ordains as follows: section 1: This council hereby specifies and finds chat ell of the facia eat forth in the Recitals, Part A, of the Ordinance era true and correct. Section 2: Thie Council hereby finds and certifies that the project has boon reviewd and considered Sn compliance wlih the Cal Lfornia Environmental quality Act of 1970, and further, this moot it hereby iuues a Negative Declaration. Section 3: Patt III, Table III-1 is hs[Wy amended to read, in words and figure, as shown on the attached Exhibit •A.• Section 4: Part III, Table III-2, Section N Se hereby added to reatl, in words and figure, as follows: N. MATERIALS RECOVERY PACTLITIES (MAPS) mlleetion lseili[v: Activitire typically include the accaptece by donation, redemption, or purchus of recyclable m•brial^ frao the public for wrtinq and storage. Such a facility may involve ~~~ CITY COVNCIL ORD INANCB NO. ISPA 91-02 - CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA May 15, 1991 Page 6 aggxeqatinq, we Lghinq, and eiozinq large emount• of material on-site, including bailing, compacting, or •imllar packaging operations for shipment. outdoor storage may be permitted when approved by a Conditional Use Permit. Proeeesina Paeillty: Aetivitiee typically Lnelude, but era not limited to: weighing, heating, melting, crushing, grinding, bzlquattinq, mechanical sorting, shredding, ettipplnq, cleaning, and finished or raw materials to b• shipped for further manufacture or assembly. Such a faelli[y may involve outdoor storage of lsrga amounts of recyclable or processed material. Scrao Owrations Activities typically include, bu! are not limited to: the stooge and sal from the premises and/or dismantling of used, recyclable, or waste material, except when each actlvitles are part of • manufacturing operation. Section 5: Part IIi, Table III-2, Subsection D, land use type tlef toff ion for "Scrap Operation" Se hereby deleted in its entirety. Section 6: Part III, section IV, Development Standards, Subsection J ie hereby added to read, i,n words and fiquree, a shown in the attached Exhibit "B." Section 7: Appendix F l hereby added to read, in words and fig~zae, as ahawn in rho attached Exhibit •c.• Section 8s Part 1V Se hereby amended to add 'Collection Facilitiae" as n permitted use within Subareas 1-5, 8-11, and 13-15. Section 9: Part IV is hereby amended to add "Processing Facil it Les" as n conditionally permitted use within Subarea 5, 8-13, and 13-15. Section 10: The City Council declares that, should any provision, section, paragraph, sentence, or word of Chic Ordinance be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the ramsining pzovliona, act ions, paragraphs, untmco, and words of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section Sle Ths City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause tM came to be published within 15 days after its pausgs at least once in the jBland Vallw Daily Bulletin, • newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, Glifornia, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. 1~/ ~ ~iXN 1~1'r bA" TABLE 111-1 3UMti1ARY OF LAND iiSF ryaE L+y ~USRAER " • PERMITTEp USE • CGNpITIGNALLY PERMITTEp USE NOTE. Non-muk•tl Uwa Not Pumntea USE TYPES Land Uu• IP 01 GI GI GI GI IP IP GI IAx 61 GI IP GI GI NI IP IP •I•I•~•, •I •I•'•I •'•~••i•r-•il Ughl • i • • • • • • • • e • • • ' M•dll•n I 1 ~ t 1• I li Nuvy t •I•I• • •I• I ! MlMmum ImpNt NNVy • ~.. I i I I I I I I. I I I I i- I ProtN•ioneb Design 9arvico '~~I;I I+I+I I•I•I•I I lil•It141 !•1• R•NUen S•rrko • 1 } ~ } ~ • i • t 4 • ~ }•!•1.1 i•1 •I •I•I •I .I. ~~ ~ :~~•I~ •!~•1 •I•I• •.• •~•i•~. Pacific ies •-•1 • • e •' al ~ Processing Paci.lltiea Scra o erat_on ' ~.} + t • ~F ~ t ~ ; ApkWlwYifW r • S • • Y e I•p e• •rvkN • • • • • • AmmN tare Awa••uw flNt Sta•p A ~ 4 ~• ~4 • 14 I* ~ i t t ~ I utomouv Rental: LN•irp Automouv /Llpnl Truek Mp•••tt•Ir•r ' • i t } t t I t } t Automoliw TrueL R•pUr-M•lor i • t • I + • • • I • (~, f t t Awamour• awe Automou S t • ( ~ i t i I t I v •rrlc• Sbllon •u11dNq Conb•etar'e OIIk• a YwA t ; • 4 I t 4, ;, } } } } I a ' t I t • 1 • I 1 l• I • I• f l I I ull0inq Cgnireetp • $tw•N YMd ~ EII•dNp NwIN•1e• S•vvk•• adi B ili h ~ f • • I ! • • ~ • • • I • • I s u nq g tllp Epulpment SlrppR••a S•N• I ! • } • I } 4 • • } ~ • au•bu Supply bteY a S•rvk•e Bwlm S • • f I • • a • • • I • • • • u upport S•rvieN • • 4 • • t • • • i t I } • • • • i } • I ComlWe•SOn SIR•I<N Con i • • • l • • • • i t • • • • 4 l l ~ vn •rtc• sew a 9•rvtu• t t t t t t t t +' i t t t' t i t t t} t E•tMq t DlYtkurp h4•a•It•I•R• Entert•in t • • • • •I • l • I • I • • I • I • m•n Eat•n4v ImpNt Car•mNI:W t t } t 4 I I t t I } t Fael Food S•I•• Fk•neW, IMUanp a R••1 Ht•1• aMel•N t t t t t t ; I t t t l t t Food ! Sevrap• Swe F • t i t } i • t t • t • t • t I I • t l t l i t t t l t! t t I•I•rel a Cr•Itt•1erY ti•r•ION N E l • t t NVy pu pMnt Sw• 1 IINd•I• t t t t t } i • Notuireta L•undrY 9NVkN }, • : : • • • I •.•k.Vtw•lul C•. Orrk. ~ • • • t t ~ it i' j PN•dnN S•rvkN P•bltl•u• Rro•Ildl• RN u ~ + 4 ~ + t 4 . t • t t t l t. I} t l • f m orW F•ci•u•• • 4 t t t ' t 4 • t } • Rw•• wa<« ~ • • • • ~ • • } • • I • • • • I • • ~ • ,IVIC I ~ ~ • 1 -T^ A•m•••b•IIN Clvk N • • • • • • Cultw•I t t t • • • • a Eatel•W y Lt••et WI.1 f•eWUN =Idol cmtra~trcgd c l •I • l l i t• 4 4 t l• I}; r ort tlar NI•IIC A•Nm•IY rope<S t l . ~ i l . • . tl . • • t4ltlt t'tl a etYa utiluv Suvm•a a t t I 4 t } ~ l t t • •ar ae•••tMY t il * t tl t t I •~I~~ai} a i' "'"""" .era CI-GN•nl InduetrlU MIr NI-Minimum Impact Nuvy mduatnal HO-Haven Art. Ovuley Dielrict NI-N•avv Indu•rrw aR~. EX~~~g~- ~~ J. M.a.TER2ATS RECOVERY IACIGITIEB 9Tli~!n~PJB Tlu purpose of .EaNt1aU Rscowry laeilltiss Standards is to ntaDlLh minimum standuds [or serwninq, puking, noio, and litter control whioh wet tM intent of tM plan. solos speeifleally modilisd lhtough the Conditional Uo Permit, all ether development standuds of tM City of Rancho Cucamonga shall apply, including but not limited to, grading, drainage, and strut improvewnts. J.1. All businus operations shall W conducted within an enclosed building unUU specitieally permitted rithin tW Oenersl Industrial rod Reavy Industrial catsaariss and adeauate2v rwnaA tram public view pursuant to the eeetlon A, dewrU Prwisioms, Lor tM Industsial Ateai in particular, screening tram eM Ontario I-15 lreway sMll W tegalted. J.2. All !aallities dull be maintained fray of litter and wsmin sad anp other undesirable oterial and shall W oUaned of loose debris on ^ dally basin. J. 3. The facility dull sect the parking requirewnL Lot warehouw uses. In addilSon, stacking apnea shall W provided tos •Sa whiclo or the otieiprtW peak eustasrr load, whlchevu 1• higher. If no dtivrup luilitiss are awilable, than a miniau• of sis additional apace for cuslawr dmproLf shall M provided. J. R, powr-driven equipment, Sncludinq aluminum foil and eaa compacting or bailing, necessary tar dtlclea! temporaey storage and shipment of maNrial shall W penitted. oR~, ~XN~a~r " ~'~ APPENDIX F RECYCLING DEFINITIONS The following definitions are offered to provide clarification to technical terms relative to recyclebin materials end recycling operations: Coastractiom Yriate - Conatructicn and demolition debris, dredginge, grubbing from land clearing, rubble resulting from construction, remolding, repair, and demolition operations on housing, commercial buildinye and other structures and pavements. OaWtip - A elan Cor disearde that oecure Doth Sn the home end in the cork place] i. e., Wverege containers and narapapera. 9saA IDdastrlal WmW -rests derived from industrial of eanufecturing operations ouch as ship building, construction, and demolition operations. Ltght IDdastrial Ilsst~ -Waste derived from research and development facilities end light manufacturing operations such as aemlccnductora and computer menufaciurars. msterlaL sroo.mrY sfoiliClem (IW~) - The point of extraction of valuable rer mteriala, which are then sold on the commodity and scrap markets or are used ae part of a manufacturing operation. Materials targeted ere paper, plastic, glass, metals, textiles, and other goods deemed similar by the City planner. Rsc~eLD14 - Recyclables are discards or seats materials, that are colleted, separated, or processed, and uaad as rer materiaU or pzoducks. Typically recyclables would include: domestics each as beverage containeze and nerspaper, cardboard, high grade paper, plastics, textiles, light Snduatrial rests, or other similar mterlaL. Recyela6lu ass not intended to include. chemicals, toxic rater, heavy industrial rate, petroleum, eonstructlon rests, unsorted aasbage, buoy srtaL, or other slsd.lar materials as dstarmtned by thm Clty planner. ssx•7~llaq - Tha Nrles oC acilvities by vhieh materials that mould otMzrisa ba disposed ot, era collected, separated, or p[ocnud and uaad in the ton of rer arterials. DATE: May 15, 1991 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~TA~'F REPORT To: Mayor and Members oP the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Serry B. Fulwood, Deputy Ciey Manager SUBJECT: HTATDB RBPORT OY HAE 88RNARDIEO COIINTY 6A80H A8D D&DOH TABIC 80RCE PAOP088D ACQOIHITIODI OH ITB COMPOTSR 80HIPYwNm over the last two months, thq County of San Bernardino county Gangs and Urugs Task Force hae been considering the acquisition of its computer system that will network with both the Los Angeles Police Department gang computer system and member cities oP the Task Force. The City of Rancho Cucamonga is a member city per City Council action on March 1, 1989. Additionally, $5,000 was contributed by the City to the Task Force which was to be used for: 1. Acquisition of computer equipment for member cities - S30O,OOD 2. Employment of Executive Director and staff person - $75,000 3. Educational material - 525,000 Based on the prior meeting of the task force, it was understood that the $5,000 that was contributed by mesbez cities vculd cover their cost for equipment. At the last Task Force meeting this position was reversed. According to the attached information, it appears that prior representation may have inferred that each city was going to get equipment. The City Council Delegates, Pamela J. Wright and Diane Williams, will continue to have discussion with the Task Force members and will keep the City Council apprlaed of the situation. Some options that the task force may consider are: 1. Pay additional amount required; 2. utilize City equipment to minimize cost; 3. consider utilizing system per benefit of contract agreement with the County for law enforcement service which may be minimal; ~a-.s' Gangs and Drugs Task Force Computer-. May 15, 1991 Faqe 2 4. refuse to pay; 5. explore other options as a Task Force. Please see attached information, especially Exhibit one. JBF/tlr JBF:50~ lad J G.R.E.A.T. SYSTEM PRESENTATION AGENDA FRIDAY, MARCR 22, 1991, 3.00-5.00 PM SREAIFPS' EEEC. STAFF REP. WBLCOMB, INTRODUCTIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Lt. Rucker: PURPOSE AND GOALS OF SAN BERNAADINO COUNTY-WIDE G.R.E.A.T. SYSTEM WITRIN S.M.A.S.R. PRAMBWORR - cost and review of proposal - potential for regional host with Riverside county law enforcement agencies SR. DEP.ROJO OVBRVIEN OF G.R.S.A.T. WITRIN SAN SSRNAADINO COUNTY - count and number of active gang sets - System capabilities, crime analysis applications, etc. Bob Foy: "LAW ENFORCEMENT COl1!lUNICATIONS NETWORK" Lt. Ruckec: SR. DEP. ROJO Sob Foy SRERIPF'S EREC. STAFP - Inception, purpose and goals of L.E.C.N. - Today's status - Demonstration of Advanced Aevelaticr. ar.3 Mug System QUBSTIDNS AND ANSWERS CLOSE ~G : d'~s Yr~zn a~i°5 ~'a95~~!C. n'z~ts ~. ~, etr, r er+ ' F ~ ' i ,~' ~`~ .~. S-did 1-0 ~ar_.k- fig, l~~ L~urizrit,C~ ~. $1(vrI (~ l~f-,L~C~(.1Lic..t.y SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY WIDE GANGS AND DRUGS TASK FORCE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY G.R.E.A.T. COMPUTER SYSTEM PROPOSAL: Implement a Gang Reporting Bvaluation And Tracking system in son Bernardino County for as many law enforcement agencies as possible. GREAT SYSTEM RIG6LIGRTS: • Over 92,600 names data base • 28 indexed query fields • 150 fields of information per person • 130 agency users • nessage capabilities • Gang resource agencies listing • Gana slang file/query screen page 1 ~~ ~j U ~ ~ O U San Bernardino Data Base High Grade Volce Llne Los Angeles Data Base /~~ ;aye x-i MEMBEP. AGENCY REQ:IIREMENTu QT DESCRIPTION COST A. 1 BINARY 386 PC/ 33MHZ / 14" SUPER VGA COLOR MONITOR / 4 RAM MEMORY / BO i1D HARD DRIVE / HIGH E::?ELUTION MOUSE INCLUDED ........................................$ 2,600.00 B. 1 HP LAZER JET 3 PAINTER ................................$ 1,540.00 (CABLES INCLUDED) C. 1 TELEBIT T-1000 MODEM ..................................$ 499.00 D. 1 ADVANCED REVELATION RUNTIME PROGRAM ...................$ 110.00 E. 1 DOS 4.0 PROGRAM .......................................$ 60.00 F. 1 POWER DIRECTOR (SURGE PROTECTOR) ......................$ 15.C0 G. 1 TWO-WIRE VOICE GRADE TELEPHONE LINE (COMMONLY CALLED A COLD LINE) THAT DOES NOT GO THROUGH A SWITCH BOARD OR CONTEL NETWORK. THIS PREVENTS SCREEN SCROLLING. CONDITIONED DATA CIRCUITS AND DIGITAL LINES ARE NOT RECOMMENDED, AS THEY CAUSE MODEMS TO CANCEL EACH OTHER OUT. AVERAGE INSTALLATION AND MONTHLY COST FOA THE DESERT AREA ARE $60.00 AND $43.70 PER MONTH, FOR THE VALLEY $140.00 AND $29.05 A MONTH. EACH MEMBER AGENCY PAYS THEIR OWN PHONE TOLLS TO CALL THE PRIME COMPUTER IN SAN BERNARDINO ..................$ N/A SUB TOTAL $ 4,824. C0 SALES TAX (6.758) 325.62 TOTAL $ 5,149.62 lid page 2 HOST AGENCY RSQUIRSMBNTH A. B. C. D. E. F. H. I. J. R. L. M. N. QT 1 1 1 3 2 1 . 1 2 1 12 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION COST PRIME MODEL 5320-01 COMPUTER ........... ...............$ 60,753.00 PRIME MODEL 4598 MDI rI MM TAPE DRIVE ...................$ 8,337.00 PRIME 1C53 CONTROLLER .................................$ 9x350.00 PKIME CLAC 304 LINE ADAPTER CARD @ $396.00 EA.........$ 1x188.00 PRIME CLAC 602 SYNC LINES ADAPTER CARD @ $1,100.00....$ 2,200.00 PRIMOS TELEPHONE SUPPORT PROGRAM ...................... N/A ......L :.:ivn:•inaluiv rnGuxnrt C'VR DV SERIEB COMPUTER......$ 5,150.00 PRIME SIMPLE PROGRAM FOR 50 SERIES COMPUTER...........$ 2,060.00 PRIMENET PROGRAM ......................................$ 4,120.00 TAPE: EXATAPE FOR TAPE DRIVE ..........................$ 215.00 TELEBIT T-2500 MODEMS @ $789.00 EA ....................$ 9,468.00 CHASSIS RACK FOR MODEMS ...............................$ 1,200.00 AMP. CAB 070 CABLE FOR CBASSIS RACA ...................$ 175.00 COMPAQ XLT- 20 LAP TOp CvM'rUTEP. / 286 / 12 MHZ /640 K RAM / 20 MB HARD DRIVE / INTERNAL BATTERY PACft........$ 3,880.00 o INTERNAL 2400 BAUD MODEM ............................$ 400.00 o CIGARETTE LIGHTER POKER ADAPTEA .....................$ 99.00 BINARY 3B6 PC / 33 MHZ / 14" SUPER VGA COLOR MONITOR / 4 AAH MEMORY / 00 MB HARD DRIVE / HIGH RESOLUTION MOUSE .................................................$ 2,600.00 HP LA2ER JET 3 PRINTER (CABLES INCLUDED) ..............$ 1,540.00 TELEPHONE LINES FOR PRIME COMPUTER ....................$ 1,240.00 o TEN FOR AGENCIES TO CALL IN ON o ONE TO LINK TO L.A.S.O.'S COMPUTER o INSTALLATION COST OF $14tl.00 FOR THE FIR5T LINE b $110.00 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL o MONTHLX SERVICE CHARGE FOR EACH LINE IS APPROXIMATELY $29.05 X 11- $319.55 MONTHLY ADVANCED REVELATION RUNTIME PROGRAHS @ 110.00 EA.....$ 330.00 $ 11~, .~a6 5$ PRIME HARDNARE DISCOUNT - 4,678.00 EST. TAX (6.75$) + 7,401.17 TOTAL ~Y~I9 /3/ page 3 0. 1 P. 1 Q. 11 A. 3 NEISBER AGENCY COSTS U ;AT :5,149 .62 EAC8 ,. E 13 - $66,945.06• E 35 - $100, 236.70 1. City of Barstow 14. City of Adelanto 2. City of Colton 15. City of Chino 3. City of Fontana 16. California Highway Patrol 4. City o£ Grand Terra ;e 17. California State University San Bernardino Police 5. City of Hesperia 10. San Bernardino Co. District Attornnv 6. City of Highland 19. San Bernardino Co. Marshal's Office 7. City of Loma Linda 20. City of Montclair B. City of Ontario 21. State Parole, Fontana Offiee 9. City of Rancho Cucamonga 22. San Bernardino Co. Probation Dept. 10. City of Redlands 23. City of Upland il. City of Rialto 24. United States Naval Investigative Se[Vicer Tw@nty Nine Palm6 12. City of San Bernardino 25. Fort Irwin Military Base 13. City of Victorville 26. San Beznardino Community College District Police * Cities tha t have donated 27. San Bernardino School District Police $5,000.00 or mace as of September 19 90 28. Fontana School District Police 29. San Bernardino Co. Sheriff's, Nest Valley Detention Center 30. San Bernardino Co. Sheriff's, Cent[al Detention Center 31. City of Apple Valley 32. City of Big Bear Lake 33. City of Needle6 34. City of Twentynine Palm6 35. City of Yueaipa p~.(7 MONTHLY/ANNUAL COSTS NOTE: ALL HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE FROM DIGITAL PATHWAYS COMPANY AND BINARY COMPUTERS COME WITH A ONE YEAR PARTS AND LAHOR GUARANTEE WITH NO ANNUAL SERVICE CHARGE. A. THE PRIME COMPUTER COMPANY HAS MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGES ON HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE. THE COMPANY WILL NOT CHARGE FOA HARDWARE SERVICE ($455.00 MONTHLY) FOR THE FIRST YEAR. THIS EQUALS A $5,460.00 ONE-TIME SAVINGS FOR THE FIRST YEAR. SOFTWARE SERVICE CHARGES TOTAL $534.00 A MONTH OR $6,408.00 PER YEAR. n77GO Ina eina't xnAlt Y'HF. 'PO'FAL MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGES WILL EQUAL $989.00 PEA MONTH OR $11,868.00 PER YEAR. THE HOST AGENCY'S ESTIMATED MONTHLY TELEFHONE SERVICE CHARGE IS $320.00 OR $3,840.00 PEA YEAR PLUS TOLLS TO L.A.S.D.~S COMPUTER. THE MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGES BY ITEM ARE: HARDWARE SOFTWARE PRIME COMPUTER $311.00 PRIME TAPE DRIVE 32.00 PRIME ICS3 CONTROLLER 75.00 PRIME CLAC 304 21.00 PRIME CLAC 602 16.00 ~~b PRIMOS $314.00 PRIME INFORMATION 110.00 SIMPLE PROGRAM 40.00 PRIMENET 70.00 ~~ $ 455.00 + 534.00 $ 989.00 TOTAL MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE 133 page 5 , BSTIMAT6D START-UP COST ~( Y i S X 13 USER ENCIES / X 35 USERS/A CI ES 5 66,945.06.......... ..MEMeER/USER AGENCY ......... ......$ 150,236.70 117,048.17.......... .. HOST AGENCY ................ ........117,095.17 6,408.OO.......... ..1ST YEAR SERVICE CHAAGE .... ..........6,408.00 1,OOO.OO.......... ..ESTIMATE6 SHIPPING ......... ...... 1,000.00 5 191,401.23 $ 304.692.57 1~~6 TRAINING THE PROPOSED TRAINING WILL REQUIRE A TWO DAY CLASS TO BE HELD IN THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENTS MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM. ALL USER AGENCY'S P.C.'S WILL BE USED IN THE TRAINING WITH TWO PERSONS PER P.C.. AT THE COMPLETION OF TRAINING EACH USER AGENCY WILL TREE ALL THEIR EQUIPMENT WITH TNEM~ INSTALL IT, AND GO ON LZNE ON THE SRNE DAY. TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVES FROM EACH VENDOR WILL BE PRESENT DURING THE TRAINING AND AVAILABLE FOR ON SITE RESPONSE DURING THE START UP PERIOD. TZME LINE ORDER/PURCHASE DATE TO DELIVERY .........................EST. MAX. d WEEKS DELIVERY TO INSTALLATION AT HOST AGENCY .................EST. MAX. I WEEE INSTALLATION TO TRAINING TO ON LINE .....................EST. MAX. 1 WEER TOTAL 6 WEERS 1a3~ OPERATIOH9 PROFILE MEMHER AGENCIES/USERS (P.C.'S) O QUERY AS REQUIRED o DOWN LOAD TO HOST PRIME COMPUTER DAILY/WEERLY o RUN PROGRAM REPORTS AS REQUIRED FOR LOCAL STATISTICAL REPORTING AND INVESTIGATIONS HOST AGENCY (PRIME COMPUTER) o INPUT AND UPDATE DAILY o RUN PROGRAM REPORTS AS REQUIRED FOR LOCAL AND COUNTY-WIDE STATISTICAL REPORTING AND INVESTIGATIONS. o TRACK AND PRODUCE MONTRLY USER REPORTS O UTILIZE THE LAP TOP COMPUTER TO PROVIDE ON-SITE USER TRAINING AND REPROGRAM P.C.'S AS REQUIRED o UTILIZE THE LAP COMPUTER AT S.M.A.S.H. FIELD OPERATIONS TO QUERY AND INPUT /3~E CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA u'Z`i~~`' g'_ ~~.`~'~~~1~ DATE: May 15, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: ;ferry s. Fulwood, Deputy city Manager SUBJECT: ADOPTIOB O? HE80LOTIOH OZ HIIPPOHT 70H T8E CITY 01 LOH ANOELEB E1lORT8 112TH THE 0.8. CEM8U8 80AE719 Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California supporting the efforts of the City of Loe Angeles in reversing the population miscount involving the U.S. Census Bureau. lieoommendat Adoption of Resolution of support for the City of Los Angeles in reversing the population miscount involving the U.S. Censvs Bureau. over the last 12 months Rancho Cucamonga's City Council has taken numerous action to have the U.S. Census Bureau revisit and correct any population miscounts. However, at this time, it appears that all efforts have proven unsuccessful- while staff Will continue to explore all available avenues that we may uncover in our quest to correct this error, City Council may want to consider supporting the City of Los Angeles' ongoing efforts to have the U.S. Census Bureau modify its current position and revisit areas of population miscounts. It is staff's understanding that if the City of Los Angeles is successful, it may provide an opportunity for Rancho Cucamonga to have its concerns revisited. Therefore, a proposed resolution of support for the City of Los Angeles is attached for your reconsideration. JBF/tlr JBF:504 Attachment l ~7 '2ES.71iIPIfSd !??. 91 .. • { A RFgOI1A'ION OF THC CLTY Od[IiCII. OF THE CITY OF RANQ~U CUCAMJN(.A, CAISFCIdIPA, IN S[)Pp(AiT OF THE EFELRTS OF TiiE CPPY OF IDS ANGECkS IN P15 F2IDFAVCHiS TD ADORFSS TflE POFUfATLON LTID~NP BY THE I41ITm SPATES CIlibUS &IliFAU WHIIiFAS, the City of Random Cucamsiga believes that the pepOlaticn count of 101,409 provided by the U. S. Oe7sus Biu+eau is inacasate affi has significantly undettniuited the population of ois ommmity; and the city of Random Oramarga believes that the polwlation w..:t ~_ .+w ord as eiF.hmmi,Y.N ~ the California State Department of Fi7~airie is a more aoasate reflection of our ~.LU.i:.: r .~~F;nne and WEIfliFA.S, oazisns enAreratim reflected hic~pi vacant' rates in areas of high populatim within the City of Rancho ; and WfiFRFAS, the City has eMiausted the appeal process available to us with the U.S. Cer~sus Bur~eaii witha=l satisfaction; acxl Wk¢RFAS, this undenoount of the city's populatiai will result in revenue lasses to the City in ~ of $700, 000.W annually. NOW, T}II~REEDRE, the City Council of the City of Random Qicaaacga does hereby resolve to sg7port the efforts of the City of IQs Aigales in it's endeavors to addrxs the population ividexeaart by the U. s. Census Bissau. RE TT FCIIi1t1FR RESOLVED that the City of Farr]om Cucamaiga is cognizant of and appreciate the efforts of the City of IQs Angeles, which oWld, if succe,sful, benefit other crnmmities that have suffered from this un3eroamt. 9 ~~