HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991/06/13 - Agenda Packet - Adj G~d;AA}~ e QTY OF j ~ /R~AyI~d1C~}I/O ~Qy1GyIM~OyN~GyA c 1 r l.ll 1 U.~lJlwli-~ O A ~/~~~~p~~ U 1977 Adi ned H tine June 13, 1991 - 7:00 p. m. Tri-Communities Conference Room 10500 Civic Center Drive ne....,.. ,.,.car: ~ .n <o....,t. A. Call to order 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call city Council: Buquet `r Alexander _, Stout _, Williams _ , Wright __ B. Ites of Discusaioq 1. Diaeuaeion of proposed fiscal year 1991/92 budgets. C Co t' v fma the Public This ie the tine and place for the general public to address the Citp Couaeil. State laa prohibits the Council fros addressing nap issue not previously included 0o the Agenda. The Council nay raeeiva Lestiaoap and net the natter for a suhaequent nesting. Couavt• are to 6a 1Litad to five siautes par individual. D. Adiouraaeat I, Debrq J. Adana, Citp Clerk of the City of Rageho Cuaaawnga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agsgdq ens posted oa June 7, 1941, aeveatp-teo (7 Z) hours prior to the nesting per Ooverngeat Code 54953 at 10500 Civic Center Orive, Rnacho Cucsaoggs, California. L:.le~,z 0. 'rr.~ .:~ l+laI yr !4lfavlinV VuVNrav1`1vM MEMORANDUM DATE: May 31, 1991 TO: D:edartment Heads FRCMk v~im~Flart, Administrative Services Director Attached is a copy of the fiscal year 1991/92 summary and detail budgets. In an effort to save copying costs, since this is the preliminary budget, we have forwarded one copy to each department. If you need further copies, you should make those copies for the individuals who need them. When the final budgets are completed, we will provide the total copies necessary for each department. As a reminder, the workshop is set for 7:00 p.m., on June 13, 1991, in the Tri-Communities Room. If you have any questions, please contact me. JH/dah attachment C1~2rs~.p:+ , _~ 1 6F AAiVr'Hr~ tliC:4?v!G*il:A MEMORANDUM - ~ "'~~F= DATE: June 7, 1991 TO: M~y~f, City Council and City Manager rr%evi. ~XJ~rn ~~iatt, gommistrahve Services Director Attached is the preliminary Special Funds Capital budget for fiscal year 1991/92. The binder you previously received that has the General Fund, Fire District and Redevelopment Agency budgets, has a tab for the Capital Funds/Special Funds budget. These pages should be placed in that binder. Staff is finalizing the information regarding the Assessment District budgets and that will be delivered to you early next week. Thank you for your patience during this preliminary budget development process. If you have any questions, please contact me. J H/dah attachments cc: Department Heads (. dcz ... ~.. DATE: June 12, 1991 _IT~ QF R.4*iCAu Ci?LA!YIO*?G.". MEMORANDUM 70: ayor Ciry Council and City Manager FiaOAk Hart, Administrative Services Director SUBJECT. v Attached is the final portion of the Capital Funds/Special Funds budget. Please place it within the Capital Funds area of the budget, behind the portion you have already received. In addition, please replace both the Table of Contents and the Revenue/Expenditures section within the Capital Funds area of the budget you already have. Both items have had additions made to them. I apologize for getting these to you so late, however, it took longer than we had anticipated to complete. JAH/dah attachments cc: Department Heads