HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985/08/21 - Agenda Packet ~ c~cn.H~ ~~ CITY OF 7 RA!VChp CIJG~MONC,A J ^`~ ~ ~f~r~~~ 1977 Liona Park Community Center 9161 Baee Line Road Rancho Cucamonga, Calctornia August 21. 1985 - 7:30 o.m. \J All i[eu submitted for [he City Comcil Agenda moat be im vri ting. I'he deadline for submitting these items i• 5:00 p a. w the Wedaaday prior to the meeting, the City Clerk'• Office recei~ea all aach iteo. 1. C1LL 10 OgDEg A. Pledge of Allegiance [o Pleg. B. Roll Call: Wright Buque[ _, Mike le _, Dahl _, end Ring C. Approval of Minutes: June 27, 19tlb 3uly 17, 19tl~ 2. AOOOSC~lB/lISSASASI013 A. Thursday, August 22, 1935, 7:3U p.m. - ADVISORY COMN ISSION, Lions Park Community Center. B. Wednesday, Augue[ 28, 1935, 7:OU p.m. - PLANn ING COl01IS SION, Liona Park Community Center. C. Vacancy on the Nie[or tc Preserved on Comm iaeion. Appl ica bone are being accepted through September 11, 1935. Conte ct the City C1 ark's of[ue for more information. CJ City Council Agenda -2- AugueC 2t, 190) • 3. C0ISEIIT CALgNDAH The follwing Conaen[ Calendar iteu are expected to be routine and non-contrwereial. They rill be acted upon bF the Cow[il et one time rithoat diacnuion. A. Approval of Warrants, Register No's. 8)-08-21 ana 1 Payroll ending 8/3/85 for the total amount of $1,107,006.55. B. Forvard Ciatm (CL 85-22) against [he City by Samuel 7 Vi gr use, auto accident, July IZ, 19tl5 at Hellman Avenue, 179 feet south of Oevon Street. C. Forvard Clatm (CL 85-23) against [ne City by Anthony J. 8 Solano, Jz., death, June h, 19tl5 on Comet Street, he [Teen N=nth Street and Arrow Hi ghray. D. Approval of Parcel Hap 7944, located on [he nor [ores[ 10 Corner of Nsse Line and Eaet Avenue, eubmitxed by I-1) Propeztie e. RE80LUT10N N0. 81-244 12 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THN C1'1R OP RANCHO COCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP 7944 (TEN TATIPE PARCEL NAP 7944 E. Approval of Parcel Nap 9302, located on the nor [eves[ 13 cornet of 6th Street and Center Avenue, submitted by Wee tern Syeteme Financial Cozporati on. RE90LUT10N N0. 8>-245 15 A RESOLUTION OP TEE CITY COUNCIL OP THE C1'lY OF RANCFIO CUCANONCA, CALIFORNIA, AYPRUVING PARCEL NAP NUNBER 93 U2 (TENTATIVE PARCEL NAP 93U2) F. Approval to release Cuaran[ee of Payment Agreements 16 (Dick Scot[, Inc., 83-292716; Joseph Nicoei a, 82-000000; Robe rte Group, 83-107.162) and release of Guarantee of Payment and Lien Agreements (Dom tnic Selvati, 83-011891; Anden Group, 82-2)UOSU; Alta Loma Nor eh. 82-250049) City Council Agenda -3- August 21, 1987 G. Approval to release Real Property Improvement Co ntrac[ 39 and Lien Agr eementa no longer required for the conetructi on of median islands. (Cr eaten[ Business Center, 83-029525; Leeney Development Company, 81-237644; Owen Loftus, 81-200164; Sycamore Inveexments, 84-067114; Barclays/Terra, 84-084121; Charles R. Rof gaarden, 82-09U )O 8; A.H. Reiter, 81-266249.) RESOLUTION N0. 87-246 38 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY CODNCIL OF THE CLIP OF RAN CRO C-CANONGA, CALIFORNIA, RELEASING AEAL PRUPEKTY INPRUYEl~:NT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGAEENEN TS H. Approval of Change Order No. 1 for Engineering Deei gn 39 Servrcea an Az cha ba ld Avenue Reconatzuctlon, Lemon Avenue to Banyan S[r set, Nester Plan of Storm Dr aln Line 4-B. (CO 85-002) L Appr oval to adver ties for bide far toe Utica Street 41 Storm Drain from Pour th Street [o Sixth Street. The project ie a change order to As aesemen[ Dietrtc[ No. 82-1. RESOLUTION N0. 86-247 42 A RESOLUTION OF THE C1TI COUNCIL OP THE C1'1T OP RANCRO CDCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ArPRUVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOH THE AS5ESENENT DTSIBICT 82-1, UTICA STREET 91UBM DHABI, IN SAID CITP AND AOTROKI2ING AN- DIRECT INC TAE CITY CLERK TO ADYEHTISE TO RECE IPE BIDS Approval of Temporary Eniry Permrt from Southern 46 Calitornis Edison Company for Baee Line Road Reconstruction Project. R. Approval of addi tioml funding, $26 ,OOU, to allow for 49 peynent of conetructi on contingence ee and reparre in eaeociation with the Cooperative Agreement wttn Citation Euildere (CO 94-089) Eor Tracts 12530 ana 12238. L. Approval to declare the two NBI System B ICU's, 8/N 62 881198 and S/N 881 Y6U as sur plue equipment, N, Approval of a ReeoLutien [o eetablieh cne Spenaing 6} Lime [a [ions for Fiscal Yeflr 1985-86. ~I City Council Agenda -4- Au goat 2A, 19e) • RESOLUTION N0. 8)-248 h+ A RESOLUTION OF THE CtTY COVNCLL OF THE CITY OP RANCRO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ES 1'ABLISHING AN APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT PURSUANT TO AR'IICLE RIIIB OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE COn ST1NTION N. Approval of Reimbur eement Agreement with Levis Homes 65 fnr construction of bridges over Deer Creek a[ Bees Line Road and Church S[r set and for a portion of traffic signal installation et Haven Avenue and Baee Line Road for an amount not to eaceed $272,111.05 to he funded from Systems Development Fund. 0. Approval of Pr of eesional Services Agreement vltn DKS 7'- Aseotiacee (CO 85-84) for a tref klc stony and preliminary deeign services for several major intersections throughout the City and for median islands on Footh 111 Boul evazd from Neei Ci [y Limit to Ee et City Limit and on Maven Avenue from Arrw Route co 19th Street. Th ie work ie to be flnanced from 19n>-86 funds for Citywide [raf Yic studies and from Syetema Development and Beaueif ica [ion fords. P. Approval to support the need for development of a full 91 sera tce acute peychlatr is hospital and other auppor ting Ee cilities. RESOLUTION N0. 8)-249 92 A RESOLUTION OP TILE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCRO CDCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING THE NEED POR DBVELOYMENT OP A FOLL SERVICE ACUTE PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL AND OTHER SUPPORTING PACILITIES Q. Approval of Hf ator rc Preaervattoo CommLSei on 93 recommendation for Ci [y Hi et ozlc Landmark deeignaci on [o be placed on [he China Tova Bouee, loco cad et 9)91 San Bernardino Road. RESOLUTION N0. 8)-250 94 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C1'1'Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, RECOGNIZING THE CHINA TUNn HUUSF. AS A 5IGNIFI CANT N IS TURK FEATURE OF THE CITY OP RAN CHU CUCANONGA AND THENEFORE DES IGNAT INC IT A5 A CITY NIS TORIC LAN DHARK City Council Agenda -5- Augu et 21, 19tlJ • R. Set public hearing for September 4, 1985, for appeal of Planning Commission Der.i eion on Conditional Use Permit 78-03, Hoare Read. Bet public hearing for September 4, 1985, for appeal of Planning Commie eion Decision on Co¢di Clonal L'ee Pe rmrt 83-11, De to Design. 4. ADVRITSED POm.IC BEAlL6S A. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT '.ND TERRA VISTA DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT 85-03 - LENIS - M amendment [o the Development Pl en for the Terra Vie [a Planned Communi [y [o change [he land use designs [i one in the eou[neast quadrant to include a haepital and mtaed commercial, of rice and residential use e. Item continued from August 7, 1985 meeting. ORDINANCE N0. 270 (second reading) 95 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP TEE CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ADOP1 LiC TERRA VISTA DEVELOPMENT PLAN AI~RDMeNT Bb-03, BEQOESTING A CHANGE 1Y) 1H8 LANO USE PLAN AND TERT FOR TEE S001A8A8T QOADeAN'1' OP TERRA VISTA, I17CLODING A HOBPITAL AND MIRED COMMERCIAL, OPFI CE AND RESIDENTIAL USES, LOCATED OM 1HE NORTH SIDE OP POOTHILL BOULEVARD, NEST OP ROCHESTEfl AVERUE, RASt SIDE OP NILLIRER AVENUE B. UPDATE ON APPEAL OP TM6 ADJACHIIT PROPERTY OUNERS ON 106 THOROOGRBHHD STREET OF THE PLANNING COlOIISSION'S DEC ISIOP APPROVING TENTASIVB TRACT 10349 - PLAZA BUI LDEHS - A total reeidenti sl development on 3J .2 nei acres of lend in the Very Lor Reeidentiel Die[rrct (1-2 du /ac), lots [ed veer of Sapphire Street, eoutn of Jennet Street - APN 1U42-121-3, 1062-161-1 end 1061-001-3. Item continued Erom August 7, 19tl~ meeting. C. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 117 85-02 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - Amending Section 17.04.0 SOD concerning oft-si to parking lute to include additional language to clarify public safety issues. Ci [y Council Agenda -6- Augue[ 21, 19N) • ORDINANCE NU, 271 (ftret reading) t58 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TAE C1'IY OP RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT BS-OZ, AMENDING TITLE 17, SECTION 1/.04.050D OP THE MUNI~I PAL CODE, IN RELATION TV OFP-SITE PARKING D. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSES SNENT AND INDUBTRIAL SPECIPIC PLAN li9 AMENDMENT 85-02 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA - Amending Secti o¢ E., Parking and Loading Requi rementa (page III-26) to include def toed interior building areas that ce¢ be deducted from the overall parking requi remente; Section E.3, Parking 3pacee Required (page I11-29) [o include a perking ratio for reaeerc6 e¢d development ones; and Table III-2, Land Use Def ini [i one for research a¢d development uses and iden[ittca ti on of [he applicable subareas (Sable III-1). ORDINANCE NO. 272 (ftre[ reading) 205 AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THN Ci T'Y OP RANCHO CUCANOAGA, CALIFORNIA, APPRVVING INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIU PLAN AMEN DMEN I' 85-02, AMENDING THE IN DUSTHIAL AREA SPECtFIu PLAN REGARDING PARRIHC STANDARDS POe RES BARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, AND DELIe EATING IP TERIOR BUILDING AREAS 18A'1' CAN BE DEDOCTED PROM PARKING REQOIRRMEN TS E. 1984/85 COMMUNITY DEVeLOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM 207 GRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPORT - Rev tev of the 1984/81 Grantee Pe zformence Repor[ Eor submiitel to the U.S. Department of Rousing and Urban Development. RESOLUTION N0. 8)-251 219 A RESOLUTION OP TBE CITY COUM CIL OP THE C1'1'Y OP RANCAO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING T86 19E4-85 COI4fONI'IY DEVBLOPNENT BLOCe GRANT PROGRAM GRANTEE PERPORNAN CE REPORTS AND A-TRORIZ ING 18E MAYOR TO SIGN SAMB F. OR-ERINC THE NORR IN CONNECTION NITN ANNERATION NO 25 220 FOR TRACTS 12532, 12077 AND 12077-2 TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 Ci [y Council Agenda -7- • RESOLUTION N0. 85-252 A RESOLUTION OP Tf1E CITY COUNCIL OF TAE C1'lY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERItiC THE WORR IN CONNECTION WITR ANNEXATION N0. 2S TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DI S'1'xICT Nu, 1 AND ACCEPTING THE FINAL ENG IN EEA'S REPORT FOR TRACT NOS. 12532, 12077 AND 1207/-2 G. ORDERING THE WORK IN CONNECTION WITH ANNEXATION N0. 12 POfl TRACTS 12572. 12077 AND 1207)-2 TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 RESOL UT10N N0. 85-253 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE C1 TY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING 1711 NORR IN CONNECTION WITH ANN ERATION N0. 12 TU STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DIS'1'AICT Nu. 1 AND ACCEPTING 1HE FINAL ENG IN CER'9 REPORT FOR TRACT NOS. 12532, 1207/ AND 1Y07/-2 A. ORDERING THE WORX IN CONNECTION WITH ANNEXATION N0. 10 FOR TRACTS 12532 TO STREET LIGHTING NAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 2 RESOLUTION NU. H>-254 A RESOLUTION OF 171E CITY COUNCIL OP THE CI'1R OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE WONR IN CONNECTION WITH AHN ERATION N0. 30 TU STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NU. 2 AND ACCEPTING THE PINAL ENG INEER'5 REPORT FOR TRACT NOS. 12532 s. ros-ervuna® ~sHwca NO ITEM9 SUBMITTED 6. CITT MMACeI'S SSdPP BEPOrS9 A. CONSIDERATION OF POSSI HLE CONTROLS ON MULTIPLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT - ftev Tev of van oue al [erne Lives avatlehle to control [he pace, volume and queltty of multiple f amtly developments in the City. August 21, 19d~ 226 227 235 236 243 245 City Council Agenda -8- Augue[ 21, 19tl~ • 7. COOSCIL SSSIIf633 A. DESIGNATION OF VOTING DELEGATE POS LEAGUE ANNUAL 267 CONFEEENCE 8. AD]00~~19t • 1 1 1 (r ) fi V'VC)I.t •1 (vY ~)~ !)DWI ,. (l~[)m~`I ilk F• 1 .• 5 f J ,f r .. N f1 J W Y ..r u) ~ ` y J .+ Y` d •. C d ()rvy\•-r INr nC••~ v rJ ~nT~. mrM1d.l , •+ d - I d d (, a. i l( ,. v J` W dr ;rdrl L 1 O 1 1 l) 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 Z I U I M I w 1 [~ I 2 I • W I F` I ~+ ~ I I I 1 1 1 1 Q 1 C I 1 3 1 < I I 1 1 1 n ~ J 1 (\ I '+ `T a I LL i I ++ G f' i i - r` ~Il r V d Y, w .p 'n Y ..1 G` r I S Y\ W r ) J` J •+ • J M1 „) 1 n (: n, •y . l .f Y l w. F: I U` •rr~ mlj•,J•.'_. 'J ~/IIL )•-+ ..IJ I.. NfJN (~fJ f.NM1 " r r J w ,q O J. J. V..n C` / J. l~ L".:, T J` u' In ', fT .: ^ J J. •'r ~' T'm~o ,'~ r..r •rmm,•r r. mmmrl r~.~mmm m'' ,i ~')(n .. ) .I .I •) C)J.)(..r CJ .)V 11,. .. fJJ(/1i,1 ~1. J1)G^./\/V a ( e C' Y r 1 [. U1 Y J IJ J l/ < r• 1~ S t 4 1 I m n 1 a a .r YL •- W J LL J S M < L U U K -. Ir J Q a r. W 2 W £ 0 .) U ~ 'J sic ~ w b W' u r' u W < •L ([ I /1 N w.u ~.)~ .-•m m.. rl J ~ C. f) _ Y m .L f. ~ _ _ ~ `, r I[ 1 r J R r < 1 1 [~ JJ - ~ H 7 1) t r L I)y 11LL OCJ 1y~L W • ~ 4 _i 4 2 ~„• NYY. LIw nn» W W,J •„I J 7 !Y I vl ~ Q W 4 Z P) « ,1 4 ~ J I K I' J H J! 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S J '.1 J I~ I~ M1 N '• ' V F Y :1 ~ ~ r Y' ' 1 f V ff t• n{ /~ F (V J I^'• Y '.1 fl - ....r...~e.-I„11~ -J~^v,,, r-;v:~ v~r ` • ~ + ..+=YN+v Y++rr.r •4 rn r~r-.~-aw % - i I 10 n (r \ n q J n n .. + a n . + n n .l .. +. ~ .. n O l n nr . W rv r+ u u Y w r I ~' - I "' . 1 ~ $ I, Y: - 1 W 1 •~I. N' ~ i I ti~ N I 4 ~+ q ~` l) Q 1 ' Q 6 I 1"1 W I M . T 1 T q I ' I ~ 4 I r w U Y I Ir i• Q 4 1 Y Y 3 1 V v U I 1 O CI I Y L I J .~ I C I ^ u ~ I Ic I x ~ 1 W I LL i 1 ~ r 1 ~ 1 ~ I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 2 I 1 i i 1 1 ~~ ~ i ~ 1 4 d i i 1 i . I 1 I I 1 p i ~^ I I i ~ I 1 1.n 1 i ! 1 LL i 1 14 I ~ ~~ ~ I i i 1 i ~ I ' ~ ~ I ~ ,~ ",^ 1 .. 1 , 1 i^ ,Z ~ j I '~ 1 ~< ,Z 1 1 I r I I "~ 1 VLL ~ ' I ,f ; ~~ ~ I ~ I I i i i ~~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ w 1 '~ , 1 ~ I ~' ~ ~ ' ~. r I 1 y. • ~ 1 II Ii i I I 5 6 rr i l i= !dt a .. CIdIM POR DYIIGE OE IE7ORy ' ~ i 1. Claims for death, injury to pe re on, or to peze onal pro ert ~mue[ F RA(VCHO CUGA P Y ~.pjMlPfIb1~F1~TI0N later • than 100 days after Che occurrence (Gw. Code, Sec. 911.1), 2. Claims for dams ea to real AUG , ~~ g property moat be filed ^o .la ter than i year p~he occutreoce (Gw. Code, Sec. 911.2). NA 4181911111ll1~11121s141S18~ m: cl~n oP RegceD wceuasce ! 27070 E. Baseline ~m vrraacc San Bemardino,CA Name of Cleiman[ Address Zip Phone Age _cLo_Atrv Robext Wheeland 444 ~ Arrowhead Ave. Ste 102 San Bernardino CA 92401 Addreu [o arhrcb Clatmant vrshea notrce• Bent. Y® did damage ar injury occur? .1uly 12 1985 W~6 did damage or injury occur? He1Lman Avenue, 179 feet south of Devon Street 80Y sod under vhat circunecancee did damage or injury occur? Claimant was proceeding rhhound on Hellnan Avenue where there was cater inundating the roadway • iIE~S particular action by the City, or iu employees, caused Che alleged damage or injury? (Inelude names of empl oyeea, if knorn). 'ihe Cirv and its mnloyees sere under contract to stop water from flowing onto roadway. ~1ev did not take any action to alleviate dangerous condition. fibs[ sum do you claim? Include [he estimated amount of any prospective loo, insof •r a• it may be known •t the time of the presentation of this cis im, togs they with the basis of compuu ti on of the amount claimed. (Attach estimates or bil la, if you i6le). ~77aiown ar pressor. Medical bills and Dertnanc~t g di ~,h it itv is otutoin¢ and uncertain as to exact amont g .and nature at the present time. S Total Amount Claimed: S ^IIR9 and addresses of vicneesee, doctors, and hospitals: San Antonio Cornsity Hoso ital L'nland G4 U'. Potts 999 San Bernardino Avenue Upland CA ~~ Date i ~~~ K ERT 'IiEEI.eL'~'D, Attu^ev :... '~ CIa L^lant a .. -rte ~~.,_, Y ~ .. ~ August 2, 1985 City Clerk Rancho Cucamonga Post Office Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Re: Government Claim NAME AND ADDRESS OF CLAIMANT: • , DATE OP INCIDENT: PLACE OF INCIDENT: DESCRIPTION OP INCIDENT: L s N~ CITY OF RAii~HO CUCAP.IGirw: ADMINI~T RrTiUiJ AUG 719A5 z s,s,n,uirt~ilz,a,~~s s Anthony Jim Sol ano, Jr., and Andrew Thomas Solano, Jr., by and through their Guardian Ad litem, Theresa Barrasa 17225 Valley Boulevard, tl26 Fontana, CA 92335 Grace Abril 10340 25th Street Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 June 6, 1985 On Comet Street, between Ninth Street and Arrow Highway, Rancho Cucamonga, Califor- nia On or about June 6, 1985, at 1:45 a.m., Defendant, Deputy Sheriff BLETCHER, an employee of Defendant, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, did approach claimants' dece- dent for unknown purposes. A one-half mile foot chase ensued. When Defendant caught up to the decedent, he negligently and recklessly, in conscious disregard of the life of the decedent, utilized a gun. Said gun went off, shooting decedent in the face and killing the decedent. At the time that the decedent was shot, he was unarmed. Defendant, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, thereafter, in attempt to protect their sheriff, caused to be writ- ten inaccurate, defamatory and untrue s[atements regarding the decedent and Q said comments and defamatory remarks have further injured, damaged and humiliated claimants. BASIS POR CLAIM: The claim is Founded on the wronyful death of Anthony Sim Solano wherein De- fendants utilized a dangerous weapon, utilized unwarranted, unsubstantiated, unjustified and excessive force without probable cause, in violation of civil rights, and as a result of the Defen- dants' reckless, wanton and negligent conduct, the decedent was shot in the face and was killed. Defendant, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, contracts with COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO and employs members of the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department, such employee being Defendant, San Bernardino County Deputy Sheriff BLETCHER. MITNRSSES: San Bernardino County Deputy Sheriff BLETCHER, Jim Garcia, San Bernardino County Sheriff Sgt. Bill Ar[hur NATURE AND BXTRNT OF INJURIES: Loss of aid, comfort and society 6y all claimants. The decedent was contribut in the support of all claimants and fur- nished all claimants with the necessities of life, including clothing and monetary support. All claimants have been further injured, damaged and humiliated by the comments and defamatory remarks made by Defendants. Claimant, GRACE ABRI L, has incurred funeral and burial expenses in the approximate amount of 53,500.00. AMOUNT OF CLAIM: $10,000,000.00 MAILING ADDRESS: c/o MONICA M. JIMENEZ 2119 North Main Street Santa Ana, CA 92706 Telephone: (714) 542-7395 tr~L~youz ~"~ //~~J V ~ V MONICA M. JIMEN • Attorney for Claimant • STAFF REPORT ~ cv.....~,o~ (, Y Z i r x~ J i ~ n n U GATE: August 21, 1985 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Linda Beek, Engineering Technician 1971 SUBJECT: Approval of Parcel Map 7944 located on the Northwest corner of Base Line and East Avenue submitted by I-15 Properties Parcel Map 7944 was approved by Planning Caimniss ion on June 22, 1983 for the division of 5.07 acres of land into 3 parcels in the Office Professional Development District located on the Northwest corner of Base Line and East Avenue. Improvements are to be constructed at the time of building permit issuance. RECQMEIRIATION IL is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution approving Parcel Map '7944, and authorizing the City Clerk to cause same to record. Respectfully s fitted, LB m Attachments /0 • PARCEL MAP NO. 79 4 4 IN THE CITV OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA •o-:i:a n m. ...e. r.c:`in "=rnnu Iacima. Quart. u. uv. M/~OOLE pN0 p550C1~TE5. INC. 5.06 NET .9<pE5 .ppIL. 19.5 (Inntlt t, f nno InnCEt ]J 4as ui 6wv.. i~~ • • u,.,e. .l P.~m . fi.rvulr. Cu.nnv~ Siv. [vpVE WlA ~.~ v..sve ~e a~ ~p a.s~te e.. C 1' r [~+~n a c i/ ]~5'Nti .ex ~u~ ......., . N ,,.. vlt'Ery~_ry~~ rw~ RESOLUTION NO. ~AB=2k~3R 1JS -d'/~/ • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 7944 (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 7944) WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map Number 7944 submitted by I-15 Properties and consisting of 3 parcels, located on the Northwest corner of Base line and East Avenue being a division of lot 16, Block K of Preliminiary Map of the Etiwanda Colony Lands was approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and WHEREAS, Parcel Map Number 7944 is the final map of the division of land approved as shown on said Tentative Parcel Map; and WHEREAS, all of the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the final map by the City Council of said City have now been met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that said Parcel Map Number 7944 be and the same is hereby approved and the City Engineer is authorized to present same to the County Recorder to be filed for record. • PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 211st day of August, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: on i e s, ayor ATTEST: Bever y A. Aut e et, ity er / J- nimv nc n n w•n vn rn?n e ~rn~.n w STAFF REPORT Gam..... ,V. 2~~ xl~ . L DATE: August 21, 1985 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Huhbs, City Engineer 8y: Linda Beek, Engineering Technician 1917 SOBJECT Approval of Parcel Map 9302 located on the Northwest corner of 6th Street and Center Avenue, submitted 6y Western Systems Financial Corporation Parcel Map 9302 was approved by Planning Commission on June 12, 1985 for the division of 1.16 acres of land into 1 parcel in the General Industrial/Rail Served Development District located on the Northwest corner of 6th Street and Center Avenue. Improvements are to be constructed at the time of butldfng permit issuance. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution approving Parcel Map 9302 and authorizing the City Clerk to cause same to record. Res ectfully s i L m Attachments /3 • • :: ; "r ' + .,,...,,. a -: iI :. e=Y~~o a 8 rc ~ - R _ ~.~~~ I r - __ ~ r .. a. '~~:. ~. ~ 7 n ~~ ~ { V ~ h 1~. a ~ ~_..~ ~ ~.._-- r-- - k = ~ ; 'R it i o p n o ' ~: I R ...... ~ .I _ _ 1I 9 y Y{p ~ ~li~. ~a ~ 0 3 1 P~ c~ =a~-e RI z e4- 5 r Fg~Aa ~ D ~+a ~ w 0 N E CEN tEF 4vENUf er Y{try=n fX=f{Yf FIn IXCIII <OA -- ' -~ nucxo {{nrzn Ixoanm nnn ~,.u .,,....: ,. ~~ .. - ........ . .... .. ..~. __ RESOLUTION N0. EBB~tk=OCR 8S 'dY.i A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHD CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 9302 (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP N0. 9302) WHEREAS, Tentative parcel Map Numher 9302 submitted by Western Systems Financial Corporation and consisting of 1 parcel, located on the Northwest corner of 6th Street and Center Avenue, being a division of parcels 1 through 6 Parcel Map 8800 was approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and WHEREAS, Parcel Map Numher 9302 is the final map of the division of land approved as shown on said Tentative Parcel Map; and WHEREAS, all of the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the final map by the City Council of said City have now been met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that said Parcel Map Number 9302 be and the same is hereby approved and the City Engineer is authorized to present same to the County Recorder to De filed for record. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 21st day of August, 1985. • AYES: NOES; ABSENT: on Mi a s, Mayor ATTEST: Bever y A. Put a et, ity er /S~ CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA G~~'Hpy STAFF REPORT ~~' ` s~ off' , DLC F' DATE: August 21, 1985 1917 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer 8Y: Linda Beek, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: Release of Guarantee of Payment Agreements and Re lease of Guarantee of Payment and Lein Agreements The following landowners have requested release of the Guarantee of Payment Agreement or Guarantee of Payment and Lein Rgreement for Alta Loma Channel Assessment District (RD82-2): GUARANTEE OF PAYMENT TRACT ACCEPTED BY COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT • 11933 August 8, 1983 Dick Scott Inc. 10068 August 17, 1982 Joseph Nicosia 11625 May 5, 1983 Roberts Group GUARANTEE OF PAYMENT RND LEIN AGREEMENT 11928 December 2, 1982 Dominic Salvati 10041 September 28, 1982 The Anden Group 9649 September 16, 1982 Alta Loma North RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Ctty Council authorize the Mayo r and City Clerk to sign the aforementioned Release of Guarantee of Payment Agreement or Release of Guarantee of Payment and Lein Agreement. Respectfully subm'tted, • :% H:LB: m /~ • RECORDING REOOESTEO 0Y ANO WHEN REC OR OED MAIL T0: CITY CLERK CITY OF RRN[NO CUCRMON6~ P. 0. B01 B07 RRNCNO CUCRNOX611, CRLIFORNI/1 91730 NOTICE OF RELEASE OF LIEN Let notice be given that the City of Aanchp Cucamonga hereby release its lien which it had caused to be recorded o~ the land hereinafter more fully described, said lien having been placed thereon by the recording of a contract between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Dick Scott Inc dated August 8, 1993,and recorded December 13, 1983, as Document No. R3-292116 Recorded i~ Official Records, San Bernardino Launty, Slate of California. The descrtpt7on at the land is as follows: SEE ERNIBIT A . CITY OF RRNLNO CUCRION611, LRL IFORNiIt, a municipal corporation BY: on a s, ay or STATE OF CAL IFORN 711 ) ss COURTY OF 911N BERNRROIRO ) On ,19 ,before me, the un ers gne a Nosy Public in and for said State, perTanal ty appeared Jon 0. Mlkels, known to me to be Me Mayor o/ the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, a municipal corporation that executed the within Instrument, known to me to be the person who executed the within Instrument, an behalf of said municipal corporation, therein names, and acknowledged to me that such manic iPal corn oration executed the same. M A $ 'ny hdn do 0 1t1d Ted notary u sc n an or say rate /7 E%N I9R A ~~ Pe-:n n. l: Tn= '"-. 660 fcet of the $qU[h 330 feet Of the Nbrtnwes[ one-quarter of Sec [ion Z7, "Snip 1 North, 0.ange 7 Nest, San 9e rnardino Heri than, in the Lounty of 9a-, rsrdinp, Stale of California, accord mg to tree official plat [hereof. Pa-:= tn. 2: Tr'? xh 825 feet of tree Southeast one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Se::~. 23, township 1 North, Range 7 Nest, San Bernardino Hen di an, in tree L<^"~ :f San Bern arCino, Slate of Calif ornia, according [o the of fi cf ai plat tr¢•._ Ex:e.~ y therefrom the East 660 fee[ Of the South J70 /eet. Th='. ;ri on of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 27, township t North, Aange 7 " San 3ernardfno Neridi an, in the County of San Bern ardinq, State of Ce7 ~ -'i a, according (o the of ii ci al of at [hereof, described as follows: Be=""~ at a D°in[ i0 tn! Eait line Of slid NOrtnwe st OOQ-qu ar(er [ndt i$ Ne-:' ' degrees East 825.00 lee[ thereon from tree center of :aid section, said po i•~. eing tree true point of begs nning; thence South 09 degrees 10 mina tes 00 sec.-• pest, 751.11 feet; thence North l0 degrees 2l mi rv tes 00 seconds east 2`--'-` 'eet; thence North 13 degrees 07 minutes 00 seccnds East 244.00 fe?t; tn?•o forth 34 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds East 22fi,00 feet; [Terse Vqr [n B des"~ 37 minutes 00 seconds east 200.00 feet; thence North 21 degrees J7 min.~~ 00 seconds East 191.00 feet; thence North 9 degrees 10 mina res 00 Sec.^~ 'west 205.7 feet mare or less, [° the SouM line of Ilse North 495.00 feet of : ;Section 23; L~~~ ce East along saitl South line to the East tlne of safd Nor:~~t pne-quarter; thence South 0 degrees Neft along said East line 1298 fe_: •dre or less, to Ne true point of Deg inning. Par:. Va. 4; The A ! 220.W feet of the Northeast one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter °f :'••VOrthe ast one-quarter of Section 23, in Town ih tp I North, 0.ange i Mest, - • San •..nardi no Meridian, in tl,e County of San Bernardino, State of Calif or ia, a«~ ' ng t° the official plat thereof. Exce'r nq therefrom Lhat ports an conveyed to the San Bernardino Lounty Flood Con :•; Oi Ttrict by deed recorded /wgust 19, 1980 as Initructment ha. BO-189742 °f c'" clal records, Part' No. 5: The q.Lhwq SL one-qudRlr q( the Northwest one-quarter o1 the NprUeast One• 9°er ~+" of Section 23, Township 1 Nar[h, Range 7 Nest, San Bern and ina Meridian, in U. County of San Bernardino, State of Galif ornia, according to the off icial p tat yerepi. Paris Mo. 6: The ";nth one-halt of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter, Sect •~ 23, Township 1 Nor N, Range 7 Nest, San Bern ardine Mer itlian, In the Cou my of San Bernar ding, State of Cali/grnf a, according to tree of lici al pia[ [he rar,•, Parce Yo. 7; The is;terly 165 feet of the Nesterly 305 feet of Ne Northeast one-quarter qi the rv,"thwest one-quarter of tree Northeast one-quarter of Section 2J, Township 1 Nor4., gange 7 Nest, San Bernardino Mer id (an, fn [he Lounty of San Bernardino, State M California, according to the official plat thereof, Exce; Inq therefrom ina[ portion cgnvgyetl to tree San Bernardino County Flood Conte,; pistr ict by aced recorded August l9, 1980 as lnstrNment No, 80-104742 a Hi.. yl retards. Parr e, No. B: The apt one-half of the SOUt1west one-qq arter pf the Northeast one-quarter of Bect•..n 27, Township 1 North, Range ]nest, San Bernardino Merief an, in the Loam r of San Bernardinp, Stat? of California, ac<ortling to tree °ffical plat [her e.,f, P a rr,.l Yo. 9: rh"- asst 120.00 feet of tree of lh. ryp rt ne oat one-n uarter vgrtheast o"e-quarter of tree Southwest pf Section 23, Township 1 North, Range one-quarter 7 Nest, San Bernnrdi na Meridian, In the Lounty of San Bernardino, State o/ Lal lfornia, accgnling to plat thereq(. /8 0.ECDRD[rvG 0.EOUESTED BV AND WHEN REC ORDEO MAIL T0: CITY CLERK CITY OF RNRCNO CU CAMOM611 P. 0. BO% B07 R11RCH0 COCIIMOR611, CALIFORNIA 91730 ROT ICE OF RELEASE OF LIEN Let notice be given that the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby release its lien which it had caused to be recorded on the land hereinafter more fully described, said Lien having been placed thereon by the recording o9 a contract between the City of Rancho [ucamon ga dnd Joseph Nicosia dated anE recorded August 17, 1982 as Document No. 82-000000 0.ec orded it Officl al Records, San Bernardino [ounly, State at California. The description of the land is as follows: n L_~ SEE EXHIBIT A CITT OF RAXLRO CUCAMOII6A, CAL IiORRIA, • a mu nice pal corDOr atlon BY: on a s, Mayor 57117E OF LALIfORMiA ) ss COU RTT OF SAR OERMAR DIMO ) 19 ,before me, On the un ers gne a Notary Publi< in and for said State, personally appeared Jan D. Mike is, known to me to be the Mayor of Me City of Aancho Cucamonga, Calitorni a, a municlDat cor poratlon that eaecuted the within Instrument, known [0 me to be the person who eeecuted Me within Instrument, on behalf of safd municipal corporation, Merein named, and acknowledged to me that such mun icf pal corDOratiDn eeecuted the s dm e. N rvE55 my hand and o icia seal Notary u ~c +n an ar sa to e ~9 i%H i 9iT A PARCEL NO•. 1: - The Na rthwest 1/d of Section 23, Township 1 North, Range ] West, SAN BERNA P-INO BASE AND MERIDIAN, in the County of Een Be rra zaino, State of California, according Co the official Plat thereof. e%C¢PT the South B29 feet of the Southeast 3/4 Of said Northwest 1/d. ALEO E%CEPT the North d95 Eeet of the Ea et 1320 feet of said Northve st 1/d'. ALSO ExC EPT Lhe EOUthwe s2 1/d of said Northve at 1/dV A L50 EXCEPT the No ith 1/2 of the NOifhweat 1/d of the NOrth- NesC 1/d of said No [thweaC 7/d~ • ALEO EXCEPT that portion deacilbed as follove: BEGINNING a! a Sioint in the Eaet line of eeid p0tthwes! lA that is North 0 Ee et q15'. 00 feet thereon f[om the center of •eid Se ctian, void point tieing the true point of beginning; thence South 89. 10' 00• Neat, 751.11 Eeet; Lhence North 30• 23' 00• East 256.61 feet) thence North 1]• 0]' 00• Eaet 2d 1'. 00 feet; thence North Jd• 0]' 00" Eaet 226.00 feet; thence North 8. 37' 00' East 280.00 feel; !hence North 21• ' ]7' 00• East 191.00 feet; thence North 9. 10' 00• Neei 205.7 feet. more or less, t0 tha South line of tA¢ North 495.00 feet of eaid Section 27; thence East alonq said North line LO the East line of Bald Noz[hwe et 1/1; thence Sa u[h 0• Weet along aald Eest line 1298 feet, more or le s8. to the tru¢ point o[ beginning. PARCEL NO, 2: The No r<h 1/1 Of the Southwest I/1 of Ghe Northwest 1/1 Of Section 23, Town sh iP 1 North, Fa na¢ ] Nest, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, rn the County of San Be ina rdino, State of California, according co the Official Piat the rep E. PARCEL N0. J: The Notth 1/2 0[ the Northwest I/4 of the Northwest 1/d of the Northwest i/1 of Section 23, Township 1 North, Range 7 West, SAN BE RNA RD INO BASE AND MERIDIAN, in the Couniy of San Bernardino, Slate of California, according to the Official Plat thereof. i E %C EPT TNEPEFROM Chat po R on de ec [ibed ea follows; BEGINNING at the Northwest corns[ OE eaid Section 27; thence East along the North line of said Se ctionr 121 feet; thence Bouth parallel with the West ]ins of aaid E¢ction 151 feet; thence Nest parallel with the North line of said Section; 122 feet to the Nest line of eaid Section; thence Notth !~ elong the West lin a~ said Sc ce io n, 252 feec co the point •-- RECOq GING REpU ESTEO 9Y qND WHEN AEC OgOED Mq[L T0: C ITT CLERK CITY OF RANCHO CU CAMONGA _, p, 0. 80% 807 R AMCNO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 91730 Yy 'AC NOTICE OF RELEASE OF LIEN Let notice be given that the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby release fts lien which 1t had caused to be recorded on the land hereinafter more fully described, said lien having been placed thereon by the recprdfn9 of a contract between the Li ty o~ Rancho Cucamonga and Roberts Grauo dated May 5, 1903 and recorded May 17, 1983 as Document No. 83-197362 Recorded in Of°ici at Records, San Bernardino County, St dte of CaliPornia. _, The descN pt inn of the land is as Iollows: ..~ SEE E%NI BIT A LITT OF AANCXO LUCAMONeA, GAL IFORMIA, • ~- a municipal co rvora Lion BY: on a s, ~ayor d~~ STATE Oi EALtFORRIA ) j jl ss ~i . COUNTY OF SAN RERNAROINO ) On ,19 ,before me, y~ the un era notary Public in ~~~ and far said State, personally M l ~k appeared Jon 0. s, known to me ike to be the Mayor of the City of Rancho ¢ NP . Cucamonga, Lalifor nia, a mun icipat ~ r corporation that executed the within ~' Sns[rumen t, k00wn t0 mp fo he the person wh9 executed the wl thin +•, Instrument, on behalf of said • municipal corporation, therein names, and acknowledged t0 me to at such municipal corporation executed the Same. M Y my do do 0 ICId SCd flOtdr y i~i< In an Or Sd~ Ld[e _ • ;;: {~~ a / -, ~ ~~- ~, _~,.. ;~ ezNlatr a Ihi Lvd tetened [i 10 ~[hL ~rnpor[ L ~sltueted Sn the iute of u11- ~ foxnL, Couvry vt S,v Demardlnv, ,nd L described e! [vl lovu ' ' . .•. ,. 7Lwe poztiov of zh, oit I/2 of Lot 1• Dlvxk {avd :hr wa[ 1/2 of Lve 6, Dlvck IL D!P of eh[ ]i,c[ of Lvd of [h[ Ceceenga DvsaateM Aaaedatfvv, ~ : as yar yLi nevNed Sv ibw. 6 of raps. yye 46, record, o[ saW awry, ' aed of Cooarmevt Let It Drct3ov 73c eowshlp 1 worth, rsvp 7 ves[. D,v Darvardiw Dua and tle[Ld1,v, secvxdlvD to thr 0f [1efa1 pl[t if ufd Lvd apgq[d b] eba 8vrvgar Gwrs1, daeN Juw 1y, 11N .N [( routed . (v:1w) 19[h S[dap [[ a,fa resat ~. ,bavdoeN DJ Rr,olvtiw of Dwrtl of Dup[rvimn a1 the Couvq o[ iav Dernsrdivo, • esr[SfiN cep? of Nid D l l h 1 [w ut ov n n6 raeordad 11q 16. 1967 in Doot 3911, pqr 9A, ncvrA o[ ufd Cwvry 1]SnE vonhitll n[ (Oliva) 19eh 6trea[• as the ,o! vow uis[r ,vd 1]ivi reutbatlF avd [nrtarl)' of thr [vllovint dascrlted llnei •; i'~• Deyinvlry•, at ,polo[ 1o the cen[ar lino v1 Denaoev Avenue (i6 (eet vide) . -~+ [web 0• JD' 3]^ wsi [ dirt,nee o[ 94 J.71 [aa[ trm eha lratroaatiun o3 r~ ' tha emus lien of aafd Datmou Avrnue avd tba eevevr live o[ ESCF.land ~ .. ~ Aanw ofd Sv[enee[lov WSVD Nu[h 89' A' OM wrt , dl,gnce of . ~' ]9.87 feet fror a 2-tech iron pipe [[ [ha north 1/{ tvm[r of snid y Fue[f onsl aac[1en 73, three[ ravih d9• f6• lE^ veaq • mstcvcc e T 7].00 feet tea I-loch itw pipe, tq Ced F.C.C. 7]46, at the veaterl] l r lh[ of uy 11ua of w1E kr cow Avemt; thlvca ecullvul~ de•;n d9' ^~ d6' 1D^ w,i a diauvca of ]]4.00 tae[ to [ 1-ivN Srw plp[ tq;Fod _ ' 0..0.C. 7J44; theca neith C' JO. 31^ vert parallel with the cevtct line '_ vt w1d Y,cc:u~ Avcuue, , tlL[ence of 33L.G0 feet [o c 1-SnG: c:~ pYc • g$ i i!~.iC eq¢ed R.6 E. ]]«; xhencc avvth G9' 46' 1B^ vert a dii4ae< ot ]71.1] r fee[, rpre e- Lm<, 20 < 1-SnB. Sren pSpt L<LFtC R.C.E. )7{S v!c< n ;.,e t live of ti.e acct 1/1 0[ um Loe 6. Fnt the putp,ae Of [he above de Krlpt iov, the cen[er lfoe v. aalc P entvee H ' I . enuc Sc ,as.md [o beat north 0 )0• sJ" vac[. F - ircq Cq L':u aaFm [ha[ port loo 1)'!ry, vi [i.in Xtnne: Avrnua. «.. rt RECORDING REpUE STED BY • RND NHEN 0.ECD0.0E0 MAIL T0; CITY CLERK CITY OF RRNLNO CU[RNONGII P. 0. BO% B07 R11NCN0 [UCIINON6 R, CRLIF ORNIR 91730 NOTICE OF RELEASE OF LIEN Let notice be given that the City of Rancho [uc amonga herehy release its 11en which it had caused to be recorded on the land hereinafter more fully described, said lien having been placed thereon by the retarding of a contract between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Oom inic Salvati dates December 2, 1982, and recorded dams ary 18, 1983 as Document No. 83-01109] recorded in Official Records, San Bernardino County, State pf California. The description of the land is as fDl ions: SEE E%H INIT A CITY OF RBNCNO CUCANON6R, CAL [PORN IA, • a municipal corps ration BY: on a s, ayor STATE OF [~LIFORNI~ ) ss COUNTT OF SBN BERNRROI NO ) On ,19 ,before me, the un ers gne , a No~f.a~y Public in and for said State, Der son ally appeared Jon D. Mikels, known [o me to be the Mdypr of the City of 0.ancho Cucamonga, Calif ornt a, a mvniclpal corDDratton that executed [he within Ir.s trument, knorn to me tp be the person rho ez¢cuted the within InsLrumen t, an behalf of said mun lcipal corporation, thereto named, and ac knprledged to me that Such municipal corporation e[ecu ted the same. N my an an p ic,a sea ' of ary a is ,n an or ;s~ fate u ~~~ as ~: EXHIBIT A ISCAL OESCP SPTION: The Eaat 63l (eet o[ Let IL, 1'gJTlli Li, FNOSt'LE55 YNP I'r E(epanY'] SU Al11VI510N Nn. 3, In thu County of Sou W.•vm nl iim, %~ah ,.I (illfornia, a pe[ plat recorded In book 20 of Hop., yam J4, rocurda of ea ld County. E%CEiR IN4 THEREFROM the 33 feat rl{H[ of vay (or At<L(van, Topeka and sm t. Pa 0.m:lroad. A1.50 EXCEPT [be lute rea[ fn tpe South J Fee[ [berm(, ar conveyor re [n. em,.nry of son eernera lno ey aeed reroraea Sep tamest 30, 1961, In Boak 5540, page 418, OE[lc lal Aeco ra.. ~.I ©!~~ a y RELORDIYG REOD ES?EO 9V • AND 4 HEN RECORDED MAIL TD: LI TY CLERK CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON6A P. 0. BOK N07 RAMCHO LU CANON6A, CAL IFORMIA 91730 NOTICE OG RELEASE OF EIEN Let notice be given th a[ the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby release its lien which i[ had caused to be recorded pn the land hereinafter more fully described, said lien hav in9 been placed trier eon by the recording oP a contract hetween the Lity of Rancho Cucamonga and The gnden Troup dated September 29, 1992 and recor tleL Decem'oer 1E, 1982, as Oocament Na. 92-250050 recorded in Official Records, San Bernardino County, State of LaliPornia. The description pf the lane is as follows: SEE EXHIBIT q CITY OF RANCHO CUCANON6A, CAL IFOpNIA, • a municipal corporation By: ,_ on a s, agar STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss COUNTY OF SAN BE0.NA0.01N0 ) 0n ,19 ,before me, the un er5~ Notary Public in and for said State, Der son ally appeared Jon O. Mikels, known to me tp be the Mayor of the Cify of Ran cbo Cucamonga, Cel ifprnid, a municipal corporation Mac executed the wi Min Instrument, known to me tp be the per sOn who axe cut¢d Me within Instrument, on behal/ of said municipal corporation, Herein named, and acknowledged to me trial such municipal torpor atlpn executed the sam¢. N my an an nt ic~- No [`dry ?u 6T-'c ~n an or said fa tg ,~ S i E%XIBIT A 11111 LA:JI i'Li ERRED P' la 11115 I:L:'U'.iT I'i 'il iUAiI:U 14 111[ S}gTC OF CAI.:i'L. Y.I n, [OVNrY I:r 5:•N W,R::A~O I::U, nNU I$ Uc \[RIOEO h$ FOLLC'dS: _. I:n. I: in;: +:FST UNE-nALF UI' TNE IIDR I:V:\5T OIIC-rjUARiI:R lIF TIIE SOVTIIHESi OhC- punRiCF. uF SUCTION :'J, TUHI19111' 1 I+USTII RdY.r:E 7 I/E5i SAII OERI4\ROINO I'I GIII I:.N, III llll COII:ItY fb $AI: ^EF.NARU 11:0, SLliE OF CALIFOkNIA AC:.O^6011.:: TU TNE IIFP ICIAL PVri TNCREOF. p;[',;pT Tra'R CFRON Tlb\T FORT 1n+l JUSCRION A$ FOLLOHS: • CunIn4:C 11:4 ,\i THE BOUTNeEST [D'iNEII OI' iNE S•\ID )u)R TNEASi O:IE-q'Jr\RiER uP TIIC SOU TUdEST Ou[-QufiR TCX; T!If NCE EAST ALOi1f. 111E SOU T'd LINE OF r Cnll: nh Rf U., 115 fU: f; nurtae IWRiu 155 FCET; iuf NCE uEST 115 FEEL; s TOE::'.E Slfu Tll 155 ff ET, ,F •\L:U E!!C LI•i TNUR CFi:ult TnC IY.1l: i;EST R+ TW.i PORTIOB AS COINET CU TO , 1NC CI'W:TY Or 5AN U[IUOi n'D InO UY DEED I:ECORUEp NAY 10, 19118 IN COOK 1211 ;'dG'C 11 01'I'IC InI RLCOk'J 5. P.l fa'PL :10, 1t • - 111E 'A'i51 O::U-IELLF Of Tlli YdUhl-AST DfIE -OVARi11R OF TIIE SOV TICli:ST ONQ- _ nllA'IEI: OF SFCTIOn :i, tOHNS!II:' 1 NORIn RAAGE 7 'AESt SAN REF::A0.01 NC nLR In L\:p 111 TNF: CVIIIIIT 01' y\r. OCRNAIin IRD, SiATB OF CAL IFOR111A '~ ::.: AC[bRUiNt fU TIIE 01'r IC IAL PLAt TrIERCUf. ~~r ~ I:ACI:Pf iul:^.CFR011 Tllli 8URi11 IR I, 00 FELT Of TIIE EAST 011E-IWLF 01' TN`_ ++j~, Y, - \:CST CuE-n,\Lf OF TNE 50VinLASf UNE-QUARTE0. OF SAID SOU7TmE51 DNE- ' ALBr` E1.:CnT TNC EASE 11.00 fE[i 01' TNf. NORiII iR0•RO FEET OF TIIE I:CSL Um:-nALr uP illU NEST ONL-uAL!' OF T11[ SOU111CA9t OuE-(jUAR TER OF SA 10 :Ubil•HESi ODE-OVAR fCNr ~~ NSO bICLPi TITER EFRrVI TIIE 1:11 V([ST 111 hNT PORTION A5 COrv ET CD f0 II'li CUIII;TY Uf 5hb II•'RDARUI DC i.'! IIECO RHCOIIU GU NAY 10, 191'0 11: 0001; 2'IJ IOdI! Il UFF IC I:.L IiCIOf.D S. Pnllrf:. 1:0, {: 11':: SLL IIIf.n Oi DH[-f`.'AR iLR lli TIIE SDU iIIUCSi ONE-f1UMRCR 01° 111E SOUTII- " GIII:-lNhR iCR 01' Sf.C11Ui; Ip, TOHII51111' I IIURTII RADyE 7 NEST SAII i1'I^::d IJ':J IIL'R IDIA:I, In ini; f.000iY CI' 5A:1 i1ER.IlARU IIIU, STAiC'UF . 1Jd 11':A,nlh ACCU0.U I::: TO 11 H: oPi'1[IRL 19.hi LuERLf.f. . 1-.: . - rC~ • ~= - ~. RECORDING REpUE STEO BY • ,~ AXD WHEN RECORDED NAIL T0: '' CITT LLENK CITT OF 0.~NCM0 CUCIIMONGII ' R. 0. NOX 807 .t~-.. pISNCHO LUC11M0 N6 ~, C~LIF00.N IA 91730 r~. . ii~' NOTICE OF RELEASE OF LIEN ~1~ ' !rir'~ ~' Let notice be given that the City of Rancho Lucamon ga T'.3 -~t-. hereby release its lien which it had caused to be recorded on the land hereinafter more fully described, Said lien having been t x placed thereon by the recording of a contract between the Lity of Rancho Cucamonga and Alta Loma North, a California Ltd. partnership tla tee September I6, 1982 one recorded December 15, { ~ 1982 as Ooc um ent No. 82-250049 recorded in Official Records, • 1 ,_n J San Bernardino County, State of California. t ' { The descri pt ton of the land is as follows: ' SEE EXHIBIT A n7,. e,{ • • `hr . CITT OF R11NCH0 WCIIMON6N, CNLIFORNEN, '..}SL$a} a municipal corporation •X.~ BY: r3, on a s, ayor ~ 9. .yT STATE OF CAL IFOpNill as •., LOUNTI OF SIIN BEANIIR OINO) On ,19 ,before me, the un ers~gne a Notary public in and for safe State, personally appeared don 0, Mike15, known to me to be the Mayor of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Lal ifarnla, a municipal ~ corporation that executed the within ' Instrument, known to me to be the person who execuf ed the with in instrument, on behalf of said municipal corporation, therein named, ' and acknowledged to me that loch municipal corporation exe toted the - same. ATTFESr my an an o ~c a sea Notary u +c in an or sai t-S ate • py,.ti i a' ~~ a? E%HIBIT A I THE FOLLONING OESCAIBEO REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF gANCHO CUCANONG4 COUNTY OF SAN DE0.NARDI NO. STATE OF CALIFORNIA: ' PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL IMP N0, 6fi27 AS PER PLAT RECOR DEO IN BOOK 63 OF PARCEL MAPS, PAGES 64 ANO 45, OFFILIAI RECORDS .~',: OF SAID COUNTY. ~v ., ++ ... ;.~ sl r~ u n CITY OF RANCHO CtiCAbIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 21, 1985 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Barbara Kroll, Assistant Civil Engineer G~CA,I/Q r ~' y =~i> `~~ '~x - z a In.. ~ SUBJECT: Release of Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreements On June 19, 1985, City Council adopted Resolution No. 85-201 and Resolution No. 85-200 amending the Circulation Elements of The Industrial Specific Plan and the General Plan to delete the median island designations on Archibald Avenue, Arrow Route, Rochester Avenue south of Foothill Blvd, New Rochester and Base Line Road from Haven Avenue to the West City limits. Attached for City Council approval are release of Liens recorded for the future construction of median islands on the above mentioned streets. The following Lien Agreements are being released Property Omer location Crescent Business Center Archibald Avenue Lesney Development Co. Base Line Road Owen Loftus Archibald Rvenue Sycamore Investments Archibald Avenue Barclays/Terra Archibald Rvenue Charles H. Hofgaarden Archibald Avenue A. H. Reither Archibald Rvenue In addition, U.S.A. Properties deposited an in lieu fee of 54,375.00 for the median is sand on Archi6a ld Rvenue in connection with their project, Tract 12090. This fee is to 6e refunded. a9 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Release of Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreements August 21, 1985 Paqe 2 RECpMENOATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution approving the release of liens, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign same and causing said release of liens to record. It is also recommended that City Council approve the release of said in lieu fees. Resp~tfully suhmit d, ~'G~~ ~~ _~ LBH: BK m Attachment 3° Rr. COR DI NG AEAUESTED BY RND MHEN 0.ECORDED MAIL iC: • cm LLERN cm a RRXLNO cucRlgNGR P. o. BBZ BB7 RRNLNO L11L/IgMd, GLIFgiN1A 91770 NOTICE a pELERSE OF LIEN let notice be given that Lhe City of Rancho Luc amonga hereby release its lien which it had caused to be recorded on the land herei nailer mare fully described, said lien having keen placed [hereon by the recortling of a contract between [he City of 9anchp Cucamonga and Crescent Business Len ter, 1980, a General Partnership dated February I8, 1983 and recorded Fehru wry 10, 1983 as Document No, 83-029525 recorded in Official Records, San Bernardino County, State of California, The description of the land is as follows; P arce7 Map 7012 as recorded in Parcei Nap Book 72, Page 91, records ai San Bernardino County, State of California. LITT OF RRNLHO WLRNON6R, LRLIFORN III, a municipal carporat ton 8Y: on a s, Mayor STRTE OF LRL IiORNiR ) ss COUNTY OF SRN BERNRROINO ) On ,19 ,before me, the un ers gne a Notary Public in and for said State, per spnally appeared Jon D. Nikels, known to me to be the Mayor of [he Cfty of Ran cha Cucamonga, California, a manic ipal corporation that eaecuted the within Instrument, known to me to be the person who ezecu [e0 the within instrument, on heh alf of saitl municipal corporation, therein named, and acknowledged to me [hat such municipal corppr atian ececuted the S dT P.. v my an an a Ana sea u M o[arv Puh~ ~n an or said [ate 3/ RELORCI VG REQUESTED BY • ANO fMEN RELOR OEO MAIL T0: CITY CLERK CITY OF RANCHO LUCNN1116A v. o. Box eo7 RANCHO CUf,NUNBA, CALIFQINIA 91730 ROT ICE OF RELEASE a LTEX let notice be given that the Ci [y <f gancho Cucamonga hereby release its lien which it had caused [o be recorded on the Land hereinafter more fully described, said lien having been placed thereon by the recording of a contract between the City of gancho Cucamonga and Lemey Development Cmoany dated Octobe- 22, 1981 and recorded October 27, 1981 as Document No. 31-231EUa Recorded in Official 9ecords, San Bern ardf no County, Slate of California. The description of the land is as Pollows: The following described property situated In the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California: chat portion O/ Lot 6, Block 4, Cucamonga Homestead Ass oclati0n Lands, as per plat recorded in BO Ok 6 of Maps, page 16 Records of said County, (4150 known as Tract 11750). ApN 202.102.13 LITY OF RML1b LIILIVINNtl1. LAL IFdINIA, a municipal cOrparati on BY: n e s, ay0r SPATE aF CAL(FO0.NU ) ss calNrY aF sAN amRAaBINO ) On ,19 ,before me, the antlers gne a Notary ubh[ mm and for said State, personally appeared don 0. Mikels, known to me to be Me Mayor o/ the City of Rancho CLCamOnga, California, a municipal corporation Mat executed th< within Instrument, known t0 me to be the person who executetl the ei[hin Instrument, on behalf of salA municipal corporation, therein named, and acknowledged to me that such municipal corporation executed the same. N my an an o uia sea Notary ub Ic in an or saiA State • 32 RE CO90:Nu REpUES?EO BY An0 NH EN RECORDED MAR T0: CITY CLERR LITY a RANLTIO CUCANON011 P. o. eoz Rol RANCIMI aClMN16R. CALIFORNIA 91770 NOTICE OF RELEASE OF LIEN Let noti c'e be given that the Ciiy of qan cho Cucamonga hereby release its lien which it had caused to be recorded on the land ner¢inafter more fully described, said Lien having be¢n of aced thereon by the recording of a contract between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Owen Loftis dated .4ugu st 20, 1991 and recorded September 9, 1981 as Document No. 91-200166 Recorded in Of rr c~~al gecprds, San 9ern ar di no County, Sf ate Df California. Toe description of the lane is as lDl lows; The following described property situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernard{no, State of LaL iforni a: That portlan a! the East 1/2 of the North I/2 of the Northeast • 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section I5, Township 1 South, Range 7 Nest, San Bernardino Oase and eer ed tan, acc ordtng to Cucamonga Lands, as per Plat recorded in Book 4 of Mapi, Page 9, Records of said County. APN 209-171-IS CITT OF 0.ANC N0 CUCANON6A, CALIFORNIA, a mun/c1pa1 corporation RY: on a z, ayor STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss COUNTY OF SAN BERMA0.0IN0 ) On ,19 ,b¢f ore me, the m ers gne a Notary puElic in and for said State, personally appeared Jon D. Mikel s, known tD me tD be the Mayor of the Lity of Rancho Cucamonga, Cal ii Drnia, a municipal [DrDOrdtinp thdt exeCD ttd the within Instrument, known [o me to D¢ Me person bhD executed the within Instrument, on behalf of said municipal coroor anon, thereto named, and acknowledged [o me [hat such municipal corpora[ipn execu led the sane. N v my ban and o +cia seal o ary u c n an or say tote ,`„~~ 31 RECOROSVG REcjBES?EO Sy ENO NHEN RECOROEO HB IL T0: [ITT CLERK CI1r OF RANCHO NCkIUNNA v. o. Not NN7 RAlltlq L1ICNIONGA, LAL IFORNIA 91730 NUT ICE OF RELEA9E OF UEN Let notice be given that the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby release its lien which it had caused to be recorded pr, the land hereinafter mo•e fu'ly desvibed, said '.ien having been of ac ed thereon by the recording pf a contract between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Sycamore Investments, a !Dint venture, dated March N, 1993 and recorded March 28, 19Na as Oo cumen[ Np. 2G- 06111n Recorded in Ufficial Records, San Nern ardino County, State of California. The description 01 the land is as follows: Tract No. 11]91 fried in Map Book lll, cages 55, 56, and 57 records of the Loun ty Recorder San Bernardino, California, [ITT R NAIN.TIO C11CNp16A, CALIFORNIA, • a munid pal corporation BY: on ~ e s, Mayor STATE W CALIiOI1NIA 55 CWIITY OF Spl NEAMMNIIIO ) On ,19 ,before me, the un Aersigne4- a3 Xotary ~ubll"c Tn and Por saiA State, personally appeared Jon 0. Mfkels, known to me to be the Mayor of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, CaNf ornl a, a mun is ipai corporation that exe<u red [he within Instrument, known to me to be the person who executed th¢ within Instrument, on behalf of said municioat corporation, therein named, and acknowleA9ed to me that such mun kiodl corporaH On executed Me same. N my an an o iaa sea NOt dry ~ tC In an 'Jr Sdf Late • (~~ 'y • RECO40ING AEpUESTED 8Y AND NHEh RECOROEO Mgil T0; Lln CLERK ctn of wRnro rlluvaRBA v, o. OOK 807 RANL1p CUCAMORBA, GR.IFORMIA 91770 NOTICE Of RELEASE OE LIEN Let notice 6e given th ac the City pf Rancno Cuc amonga Hereby rel¢ase its lien wh i<h it had caused to be recorded on the 1a,^,C ^~_r=loaf ter more fully described, said lien having been placed thereon by the retarding pf a tontr ac[ between the City of Rancno Cucamonga and Barclays/Terra, a General Partne•s hio dated Marco 22, 1986 end recorded April 11, 19Ba as Document Yo. 36-OBa:21 Recorded in Official Records, San Bernardino County, State of Calibrn+e, 1ha deSCr lpt i00 pf the land i5 a5 /Ol1ow5: The following described property situated in the City of 0.ancho Lucam onga, County of San 6¢rnar din 0, State of CaLifarnia: A subdiv islon pf the Neit 1/2 of lot 9, Block 8, Cucamonga HpmeSte ad Association as recorded in Map Book 6, Page 4fi, Records of San Bernardino County Recorder, • ctn a arena acAIaRBA, culcoRRU, a municipal corporation eY: on ~ e s, ayor SPATE 6 CAIFQIRU ) ss aulln a sAR REaafaolRO ) pn ,19 ,before me, the unders gne a Rotary ub lit--in and far Bald State, personally apPe ared Jon 0. Mik¢Is, known tp me to be the Mayor o/ the C1ty Pf Aancho Luc amonga, Catlforni a, a municipal cprpor at ion that executed the witMn Instrument, known to me to h¢ the person who executed Me wf th in Instrument, on behdll Pf satd municipal corporation, therein named, and acknowledged to ne that such mu nictoat cprpor at loo executed ue same. N N my hand and n icia sea Fotary u rt m an pr sa, rate ~ !' AECOROI YS REOL'E iT tD OY • AND NHEV AE CORD ED MAiI T0: CITY CLERK C7TY OF AANCHO L1ILAMONGA P. 0. 80% 807 IUNCHO QICAMONOA, CAI,IFORNG 91770 OR el-3a NOTICE OF 0.ELEA6E Of LIEX Let noH Ce be given that the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby re to ase its Lien which it had caused t0 be recorded on the land hereinafter moro fa •ly tlescri bed, said lien having been placed [hereon by the recording of a contr ac[ between the City Of Rancho Cucamonga and Charles H. 4of ga Arden dates a0^i. ?2, 1982 and recorded May 7, 1982 as Document N0. 82-090508 Aecorded in Off i;ia~ Records, San Bernardino County, State of California. Tha de5cr1 pL i0n of LAP land 15 ds fOl lows: The following described real pr ODe rty situated in the City of Aan<ho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California: the 60Uth 101.32 feet of Par cet 2 of Parcel Map 1528 as recOr ded In Baok 14, Page 56 of Parcel Maps, records Of said County, APN 209-031-49 L ITY OF RANCNO CU CANONBA, CALIFO0.N2A, • a municipal corporation 8Y: on a s, ayor 57117E BF CALIFORNIA ) ss LOU NTY OF SAN BER NARO3N0 ) On ,19 ,before me, [Ae un erg Notary Public in and fnr Laid State, perS Onally appeared Jon 0. Mikets, known to me [o be the Mayor of [he Clty of Rancho Cucamonga, Lailfornia, a municipal torpor ati on that esecut ed the within Instrument, known to me [0 be the person who executed the wiThfn Instrument, on behalf of said municipal corporation, therein named, and ac knowled9ed to me to a[ such municipal corporation executed the sane. N TT-N~ my an an o icia seal rT try u c ,n an. or sa, Cate C~ r~~ 3L • REEOPDING REOOESTED 9Y AND NHEN RECORDED MAIL TD: CIN CLERK ctn aF RANLJNI Nf.A1RIN1.p P. a. RDZ eo7 RANCHO NCNUNf+A, CAL IfOANIA 91710 NOTICE OF RELEASE OF LIEN Let notice be given that the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby release its lien vM Ch it had caused to be recoNed on the land hereinafter more Pally described, Said lien having been placed [hereon by the recording of a cpntrac! between the City of 9ancho Cucamonga and A. H. Reiter dated November 5, :99: and recorded December 3, 1981 as Document No. B1-2fi6249 Rec prded in Off +ci al Records, San Bernardino County, State of Cali Porni a. ine description of the land is as follows: The following des:ribed property situated in the Cify of Rancho Cuc amanga, Lou my pf San Bernardino, State pf California: Parcel 4, Parcei Map 5684, being a division of a pgrtion of the north one-half of the northeast one-quarter of the southeast pne- • quarter of Sec iron 10, T. 1 5., R. 7 X., San Bernardino Meredi an in said County, pPX 209-021-3R C ITT OF RANCHO CUCANO N6A, CAL IFORXIA, a municipal corporation BY: on ~~ a s, aygr STRTE OF CALIFORNIA ) SS COUNT'/ OF SAN RERNAAOINO ) On ,19 ,before me, the un ers gne a Notary Public In and for said State, personally appeared Jon 0. Mlkels, known to me to De (Xe Mayor of the Lity of Rancho Cucamonga, California, a municipal corn ar anon that executed the within Instrument, known [a me to be the person who execu tee the within Instrument, on behall 01 said munic+o al corpora[io n, therein hamtd, and ac knowled9ed to mt that such municipal corporation executed the same. 7TTtiETS myTia~ an. D ~c~Tf T~ ~ptary a ~c ,n an or sai rate ~7 • RESOLUTION N0. EB8=t 1-928 8 S - a.y(o A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGR, CAL IIEORN IA, RELEASING A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENTS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga adopted the following Resolutions accepting Real Property Improvements Contract and Lien Agreements: Resolution No Property Owner 82-29 Crescent Business Center 81-147 Lesney Development Company 81-125 Owen Loftus 84-46 Sycamore investments 84-66 Barclays/Terra 82-70 Charles H. Hofgaarden • 81-119 A. H. Reither WHEREAS, said Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreements were recorded in Official Records of San Bernardino, State of California; and WHEREAS, said Real Property Contract and Lien Agreements are no longer requf red. NOW, THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby release said Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement and that the Cfty Clerk shall cause Release of Lien to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. ~~ 38 r.mvnn•nevrunrrremnvca STAFF REPORT DATE August 21, 1985 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Lucinda Hackett, Assistant Civil Engineer ~Q% lj, .,; :v ~'~ ~~ z'' .~-~= \J i9 SUBJECT: Contract Change Order No. 1 for Engineering Design Services on Archibald Avenue Reconstruction, Lemon Rvenue to Banyan Street, Master P1 an Storm Drain Line 4-B Additional engineering design services for Archibald Avenue Reconstruction from Lemon Avenue to Banyan Street are required and shall consist of: 1) Prepare contract specifications for the project. 2) Prepare striping plan for project site. 3) Revise design drawings to exclude that portion shown on City of Rancho Cucamonga Drawing No. 888-D, Sheet 1 of 1. 4) Provide topographical survey and overlay for Jadeitte Street north of Banyan St. 5) Provide construction survey services for the project. These design services are in addition to the original design agreement awarded to Derbish, Guerra 6 Associates, Inc. of Ontario, California on January 2, 1985. This contract change order increases the original contract price 6y E10, 400.00, The contract fee, therefore will increase from E15, 000.00 to $25,400.00 and will be paid by Systems Development Funds. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached Contract Change Order No. 1 for the additional engineering design services by Derbish, Guerra & Associates for the additional fee of $10,400.00. R ectfully s mitted, LBH: :lm Attachments ,~ 9 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA "'°"yc"`°` ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER ONTRACT FOR Or er No.: 02998 ?faster Plan Scorm Drain Lire 4-Br Archibald Ave. Reconstruction Lemon Ave. co Banyan Sc. Au u s[ 1, 1985 Date: T0: DERBIS'r., Gl ERR.4 S ABSOC IAT ES You are hereby requested to comply with the fallowing changes from the agreement for engineering services. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES INCREASE 1. Prepare concracC specifications for [he project. In Dontr dCt Price 2. Prepare srr iping plan for proj ecc site. 3. Revise design drawings co exclude Chat portion shown on Cicy of Rancho Cucamonga drawing 80. 888-D, sheec 1 of 1. 4. Provide mpog raph ical survey and overlay for Jadeite SC. N/0 Banyan Sc. 5. Provide construction survey services for [he project. TOTAL 810,400.00 • U IFI ATI N Change in Scope of Wock. The amount of the Contract will be Increased 6y the sum of: Ten Thousand Four Nund red -------------------- --------- Dolldrs (E 10.40~- The Contract Total inc iud ing this and previous Change Orders will be: Tuenc -five Thousand Four Hundred --------------------- --------- p011 dry ($ 25 400.OQ . __ The Contract period provided for completion will be Unchanged Days Approved: Mayor, City of Rancho Cucamonga Date is to orma tan wt a use as recor o any c anges o e an gtna engineer ng agreement dated: January 2, 1985 This document will hec ome a supplement to the Contract and all provisions will apply hereto. ~ / / Requested: Cv5 G, ~~/,/~~/ ", L otv U. bu bbs, Cit Engineer ~ / ate Accepted: y~ y $~ ngtna ~ Date yo CITY OF RANCHO CL'CA~IONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 21, 1985 • TD: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer SUBJECT: Utica Street Storm Drain LICAb(p .~~ 1C9 ~i~.. "'{ F 7 19i; Staff recommends approval of Resolution approving Plans and Specifications and authorizing the bidding of the Utica Street Storm Drain from fourth to Sixth Streets. The project is contemplated to be funded as a change order from Assessment District No. 82-1. Respectfully s mitted, ~~ LBH: as Attachment '// • RESOLUTION N0. 8 s - ~ 4? A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING PLANS AND SPECiFICA7IONS FOR THE "ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 82-1, UTICA STREET STORM GRAIN", IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS. WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to construct certain improvements in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. WHERE.45, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of certain improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the plans and spc ifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for "Assessment District 82-1, Utica Street Storm Grain". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required 6y law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for doing the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall 6e substantially in the following words and figures, to wit: . "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS" Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE [S HEREBY GIVEN that the said City of Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the Office of the City Clerk in the offices of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on or before the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 10th day of September, 1985, sealed bids or proposals for the "Assessment District 82-1, Utica Street Storm Drain" in said City. Bids will be opened and publicly read immediately in the office of the City Clerk, 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, California 9173D. Bids must be made on a form provided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, marked, "bid for Construction of Assessment District 82-1, Utica Street Storm Drain". PREVAILING WAGE: Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor is required to pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the public work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. In that regard, the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California is required to and has determined such general prevailing rates of per diem wages. Copies of such prevailing rates of per diem wages are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 9320 Base Line Road, Suite C, Ranchn Cucamonga, California, and are available to any interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy of such t/ 2 determinations to be posted at the job site. The Contractor shall forfeit, as pensalty to the City of Rancho • Cucamonga, twenty-five doll are ($25.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day or portion thereof, if such lahorer, workman, or mechanic is paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages hereinbefore stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1177.5 of the Labor Code as amended by Chapter 971, Statutes of 1939, and in accordance with the regulations of the California apprenticeship Council, properly indentured apprentices may be employed in the prosecution of the work. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprenticeable occupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site or the public works project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade for a certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to journeymen that will be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen in such cases shall not be less than one to five except: • A. When unemployment in the area of coverage by the joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request for certificate, or B. When the number of apprentices in training in the area exceeds a ratio of one to five, or C. When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or D. When the Contractor provides evf dente that he employs registered appentfces on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight journeymen. The Contractor is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if he employs registered apprentices or journeymen in any apprenticeable trade on such contracts and if other Contractors on the public works site are making such contributions. The Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and • other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship,~San Francisco, California, or y3 • from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with and 6e governed by the laws of the State of California having to do with working hours as set forth in Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California as amended. The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (325.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the execution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon any of the work hereinbefore mentioned, for each calendar day during which said laborer, workman, dr mechanic is required or perm itteJ Lo labor more than eight (8) hours in violation of said Labor Code. Contractor agrees td pay travel and subsistence pay to each workman needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreements filed in accordance with Labor Code Section 1173.8. The bidder must submit with his proposal cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, payable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least ten percent (10X) of the amount of said bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract if the same is awarded • to him, and in event of failure to enter into such contract said cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bond shall become the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. If the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the lowest bidder's security shall be applied 6y the City of Rancho Cucamonga td the difference between the low bid and the second lowest bid, and the surplus, if any, shall be returned to the lowest bidder. The amount of the bond to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shall be one hundred percent (100X) df the contract price thereof, and an additional bond in an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the contract price for said work shall be given to secure the payment of claims for any materials or supplies furnished for the performance of the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, or any work or labor of any kind done thereon, and the Contrctor will also be required to furnish a certificate that he carries compensation insurance covering his employees upon work to be done under contract which may be entered into between him and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work. No proposal will be considered from a Contractor who is not licensed in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 7000 et. seq.) and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto or to wham a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The work is to be done in accordance with the profiles, plans, and specifications of Che City of Rancho Cucamonga on file in the Office of the City Clerk at 9320 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Copies of 5~ the plans and specifications will be furnished upon application to the City of t Rancho Cucamonga and payment of 58.00, said 58.00 is nonrefundable. Upon written request 6y the bidder, copies of the plans and specifications will be mailed when said request is accompanied by payment stipulated above, together with an additional nonreimburs able payment of 82_00 to cover the cast of mailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the requirements of Section 902 of the General Provisions, as set forth in the Plans and Specifications regarding the work con trot Led to 6e done by the Contractor, the Contractor may, upon the Contractor's request and at the Contractor's sole cast and expense, substitute authorized securities in lieu of monies withheld (performance retention). The City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. Dated this ^ day of 19_ PASSED AND gDOPTED by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, this _ day of 19 • Mayor ATTEST: ity erk • Y~ ~ nn n ~ w•n rrn nnn ~ n.rnvn ~ • STAFF REPORT DATE: August 21, 1985 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Lucinda Hackett, Assistant Civil Engineer ~o ~,,.,..,.,~~ ?/~ ~ /~ ' ~ C ~!'e TJ ',~ 19;7 ~ • SUBJECT: Temporary Entry Permit from Southern California Edison Company for Base Line Road Reconstruction Project This "Temporary Entry Permit" gives the City of Rancho Cucamonga's employees and/or contractors permission to enter upon the Southern California Edison Company's property located at Archline Substation, 10127 Base Line Raad, for the purpose of scheduled Base line Road street improvements fronting said property. RECOUlIENDATIBN It is reconmended that the City Council approve the attached "Temporary Entry Permit" from Southern California Edison Company. Respectfully s fitted, LBH:CM am Attachment Y~ ' TEAPOIiMY ENTRY PfliMIi RP N0. 850326/678FK Permission is given to Ne City of Ranch Llcamnga to enter upon the Southern California EdiSOn Crnpany's property locatetl at Archline Substation, 10121 Baseline Road for the puryoze of street _ inprovanents fora period of five (51 months cmmenc in9 August 1, 155, arW ending Oe<mber 31, 7985. Subject [e all licenses covenants, contliti0nS, restrictions, reservations, rights and easements whether of record or not. Pennittee agrees, for itself, arW for its and their agents and ~ryloyees and any person or cerzonz claim- ing under the Penniftee, to save hannl eSS and indemify the Southern California Edison Crnpany, its successors and assigns, aiM its aM their officers, agents, arytoyees, tenants, licensees and permittees fron and against alt claims, darands, loss, damage, actions, causes of action, expense and/or liability arising or growing out of loss of or damage to property including the property of the Southern California Edison Crnpany, its successors and assigns, arM its and their officers, agents, aryloyees, tenants, licensees, aitd cermittees or injury to or death of cersons resulting in any manrer, directly or in- directly, from the maintenance, use, aceration, repair and presence of said use. Penmi ttee agrees to faro isA evidence of insurance in the amWnts of: two ni11'on Dollars conbined sinole limits namino Southern California Edison Carpanv as additional insured. N R~ ry i,~ It is expressly uMerstaod by all parties to this agreenent that cerwittee takes tM praxises as is, and that Southern California Edison Caryany makes ro representation, cwerwnt, wrranty, or Drvinise that the said prenises are fit for any party CUlar usa, including the use for which this agreement ws entered into. • This permit is for the sole use and privilege of alwwe-naffed perwittee aM cannot be assigned or transferred. This permit is issued subject to General Order No. 69-8 of the PtLlic Oti lilies Callleission of the State of California dated and effective Septetber 10, 19W, which Ceneral Order Np. 69~, by this reference, is hereby incoryorated herein and made a part hereof. Upon termination of this a9reenent the pennittee agrees to restore the Dronises to a coMition as close as possible to that when they entered upon said premises and further to accept a road easemnt to be nutually agreed upon. I agree to cgoply with all of the above cond Stlons. CITY OP RANCHO NCAMOFICA SWTHeRN CALIFORNIA HDISON COMPANY ~~~~~~ Slyna lure of Permittee Manayer o~ Re81 Rr ties Department Address Telephone SC8 22-20 New 1/85 ladmin/7771 /lmj APP~RtO'VED :I _~~c ., C.JCL,.....-. R. C. Warren 6aste[0 Tans/Sub DiV, r' ] P.O. Boz 41C, Lony death, AA y08U1 JUL ? ~ 1~3~ ]EMNILVIT ENTRY PEANI7 RP W. 8503M/67BfK Permission is given to the City of Rancho Qr<anonga to enter upon [he Southern Glifornia Edison • Caryany's prcgerty hated at Archlire Substation, 10127 Baseline Road for [he purpou of street i~rovertnts for a period of five (5) ,ninths camnenci ng August 1, 1905, aM ending December 31, 1985. guhje<t to all licenses covenants, condi lions, restrictions, rezervations, rights and easeienes whether of record or not. Penns tree agrees, for itsel/, aM for its and their agents and erryloyees and any person or persons clain~ ing urMer the Penns tree, to save harmless aM indemify the Southern Glifornia Edison Cmpany, its wccessors aiM assigns, arrd its aM tMir officers, agents, eiployees, tenants, licensees and permittees fman dmd dgdlmst dll ClalmS, dmuMS, loss, daN9e, dCt 1011s, Cdu2¢S of acts W, expense dlld/Ot lldbll lty arising or growing out of loss of or damage to property including the property of the Southern Glifornia Edison Catpany, its successors and assigns, aM its aM their officers, agents, eryloyees, tenants, licensees, and perrni trees or injury to or death of persons rew)ting in any manner, d; redly or in- directly, free the nwintenance, use, operation, repair aM presence of said use. Penns [tee agrees to furnish evider¢e of inwrance in the anwnts of: Two Ni ll ion Dollars conbirw:d sinole limits honing Southern California Edison Carpany as additional inwred. ty ,~A _ ~~r4 tt is expressly understood by all parties to Mss ayreenent Lhat permittee takes the prvai ses as is, aM that 5outhem Glifornia Edison Capany makes no representation, covenant, wrranty, or praniu that the • said praxises are fit for any particular vu, inclWing the uu for whicA this a9r'eeient ws entered into. This permit is for the sole uu and Drivile9e of above-maned permittee and cannot be assigned or transferred. This pemit is jssued subject to General Order No. 69A of the Public Utilities Coimission of the State of Glifornia dated and efftttive Septerber 10, 1963, which Gereral Order No. 69-8, by this reference, is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof. Upon tenninati~n of this agreeient the permittee agrees to restore the premises to a cwwfi lion as close as pozsible to that when they entered upon said pram us aM further to accept a road easement to be xutwllY agreed upon. I agree to cpaply with all of the above condlt ions. CITY OP RANCRO CI1CAlIOffCA SIX1THeRN CALZ>PORNIA HDIBON C'Ot1pANY Signature of Permit[ee Manager o~` 1"PropeG~'es Department P.O. Box 410, Lon Beach. CA 90001 JUL 2 5 i9b~ Address Telephone Date SC8 22-20 New 1/85 ladmin/7771/lmj APPROVED: ` R\CR\C. V y~A, r' T ~~" t SPY CITI't1F RaVCHO CL'C?.3IO~GA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 2i, 1985 • ~ T0: City Council and City >ianager • FROM: Lloyd B. Hu6bs, City Engineer BY: Dave 3lev in s, Senior Public 'a'or'<s In soector ~~c'.n.trp ,~ _~:~ _ __ ~~ SUBJECT: Request for Additional Funds for Reimbursement Agreement with Citation Builders Off-site improvements constructed by Citation Builders on the 'Rest side of Hellman Avenue, North of Church Street, have been completed in an a¢eptab le manner with the exception of minor repairs. Per previously approved Council action, the City entered into an agreement with the above developer to construct certain off -site improvements outside the limits of their work but necessary for the safety of the traveling public. Construction costs of those improvements incurred 5y the Developer exceeded the original estimate due to some items being overlooked on the original estimate and conditions in the field which necessitated changes. Examples are wall heights extended to provide a reasonable grade for existing properties and removal and reconstruction of driveways to match ,new drive approaches. Attached are a copy of the contract change order memorandum which details the legitimate additional costs incurred by the developer, a copy of the contract change, the original estimate, and the contract unit cost. The original estimate for the work to be done is 536,569.37, The contract amount completed based on in field measured quantities is 537,329.57. The change order amount is 519,756.64. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Counciil approve additional funding in the amount of 526,000.00 to allow for payment of construction contingencies and repairs in association with the coupe rative reimbursement agreement with Citation Builders, Tracts 12530 and 12238. Respectfully sub; fitted, ~~ LBH:DB:bc y9 . C I T Y O F R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER N0. 1 CONTRACT. N0. C C' ~`f'~'^~f PROJECT: Citation Butlers Trs. 12238/12530 Cooperative Agreement SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS TO• Contractor You are hereby directed to make the herein described charges from the pans and specifications or do the folloxirg described vurk rot ir¢luded in the plans and specifications on this contract. NOTE: THIS CHANGE ORDER IS NOT EFFECTIVE UNTIL APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. Descriptim of work to be done, estimate of quantities, and prices in be paid. Segregate between additional work at contract price, agreed price and farce account. Uil ess otherwise stated, rates far rental of equiprent cover only such time and equipreM is actually used and no allavarice will be made for idle titre. Chan a re nested b In accordance with Section 3 the tandard Specifications, make the fo owing revisiar~s: 1. Increase at Agreed Price: A. Perform earthwork for grading of City drive approaches and drive transitions on West side Hellman at: 7608/7588/7570/V ac ant Lot 7608 (STA 7+86.7 Centerline D/A) 1588 (STA 8+71 Centerline D/A) 1570 (STA 10+02 Centerline D/A) Vacant Lot (STA 11+13.3 Centerline D/A) • B. Provide 7 sack high early strength Portland Cement Concrete on drive approaches and drive transitions at above referenced (1-lA) locations. C. Relocate 3 Each existing mail boxes per City Standard on the West side of Hellman at 7608, 7588, 7570. C.C.O. 1-lA Earth Work at Agreed Price = E4029.04 C.C.O. 1-16 7 Sack P.C.C. at Agreed Price = E 350.00 C.C.O. 1-1C Relocate Mail Boxes = E 450.00 Estimate of Increase at Agreed Price 54829.04 2. Increase in Contract Quantity at Contract Unit Price: A. Provide additional 4" P.C.C. driveway transitions at above referenced (1-lA) locations. B. Contract Item No. 6 - 2' retaining wall; 1) Increase height of 2' retaining wall to match on-site grades at following locations on West side Hellman . STA 8*74 to STA 9+89, Increase height 1.2' STA 10+06 to STA 11+00.3, Increase height 1.0' STA 11+26.3 to STA 12+12.3, Increase height 1.2' 1.2' 115' + 1' 94.2 + 1.2 86 = 111.8 L.F. 2' Wall + 1' noting = 3' continued... So • MEM RAN M ~_ O DU . ~ Date: 07/ 12/85 =_ /{Jy '_ ~ Project: Citation Homes Tr. 12538/12530 `}' ~i~~~ ~h z - ~' Contract No. Cooperative Rgreement '> 19]7 T0: Residen t Engineer, Ma nte Prescher FROM: Asst. Res. Engr., D ave 8levins CCO No. 1 Rev. No. Sup. No. Acct. No. 22-4637-8125 f DECR. f 19,756.64 INCR. f-16,308.64 Cant. Bal. TH[S CHANGE PROVIDES FOR: Earth work to grade four drive approaches on Hellman within City portion reimburse able to developer. Earth work not originally included in estimate. 7 sack concrete mix for high early strength of drive approaches and transitions to allow for minimum inconvenience to residents. , Addition of 4" P.C.C. driveway transition for payment of transitions shown on approved plan but not included in original estimate. Addition of Contract Item d8 "Relocate mail box" for payment of mail box relocations required on approved plan but not included in original estimate. Increase in on-site grades and payment for retaining wall returns shown on approved plan but not included in original estimate. On-site grades and payment for retaining wall returns shown on approved plan but not included in original agreement. CCO DISCUSSED HITH: 1) City Engr. 2) Other 3) Other Prior Appr. By: Date: ESTIMATE OF COST This CCO Total to date Items: (16,786.86 815,7II6.II6 Force Acct: E 5 Adjustments: 8 f Rgreed Price 8 4,829.04 8 4,829.04 TOTAL: $21,615.90 821,615.90 .S/ Contract Change Order No. 1 • Citation Homes, Tr. 12538/12530 Cooperative Agreement Page 2 2) Construct 90° Returns 2' High at: 7608 Hellman 26 L.F. 7588 Hellman 54 L,F. 3) Construct 90° Returns 3' High at: 7570 Hellman Vacant Lot 1' 63' + 1'(30) = 31 L.F. 2' Walt +1' Ftn g.) = 3 C.C.O. 1-2A, Contract Item No. 4, 4" P.C.C. Sidewalk 1475.60 6.F. @ E1.25 per B.F, _ $1859.26 C.C.O. 1-28, Contract Item No. 6 - 2' Retaining Wall Additonal 222.8 L.F. @ 67.00 L.F. _ $14,927.60 E stimat of Increase in Contract Quantities E16,786.86 Estimated Cost: Decrease E or Increase E21,615.90 8Y reason of this order the tim? of caryletiun will be adjusted as follows: Submitted: Asst. Res. Engr, hy: Approved: Resident Engineer by: w ~,K uiaige Proposes ara her~Sy agree. If this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equi{nent, famish all materials, except as may otherwise be noted above, aM perform all services necessary for tM work above specified, and will accept as full payment therefor the prices shown above. Accepted, Oate Contractor Titl directed to the requirenents of the specifications as to proceeding with the ordered Work and filing a written protest within the time Herein spatif ied. sa ., ~ ~ ,,. F.,. ..~,T FCA L"PACIEPEId G .,. .c nT SCE O: NEL'J.,., r, _.l.E OE;uE EI: .r.u.p ,,.?]8 ..:.D ,u 2G CO::S nL CT IO:. AGF HF'E4T TA IS ,IGR EE"E9i, rv de ana ence red mto [his ~ day of Gta.,.~ lg3a by and De taeen :he CR'1 CF RFBCHO CNCi,MDI1GA, CAL:PO RNIA, a muniCi Jal ca rpe ran an, herein- after re rerree [o xs "CITY", and CITAi :Oa HGfES, a Far tnership hereinafter referred to as "OE'. EL OPER", provides: ui ":ES ETH uNEA EAS, CEV ELOPE°. is developing Tracts 122:0 and 1'<S 30 ,n the CITY, locateE on the west sine of Hellman Avenue Cetween Chv rcn Street anE hazel ine Road; and uH ER EAS, OE`lE LCPEA as a corditi on ai sold Tract L2530 is required [o rpro ve porn ons of P.ellman Avenue vest Df the centerline; antl XN EA EAS, it is the wish of the CITY to join with the OE:ELCPER ir. the cencu rre n[ improvement of a porn on of the west side of Hellman Rv enoe from 165.]0 feet Sp 1105.20 feet n¢rt he rly of [he cen to rl ine of Churth Stree n, and HIIEREAS, the said improvements are designed by the Civil Engineers, Ronald u. Martin and Assocfation, Inc. of E1 Toro, and shown in the CI7Y approved drawing No, 052, • SAee is l through 9, herdfnaf ter referred to as "E%N[BIT A": and uHEREAS, CITY's and OEVELOPEA's respective respanst bility for casts as regards the . improvements shown in Exhibit A shall be as follows: DEVELOPER'S AESPCNGIBILI TY FOA COST: Improvements of Tracts 12230 and 12530 as shown on Sheets I through 9, E%M bit A, except for the west Side of Hellman Avenue from station tl . 65.30 [a station l2 . 05.30 as SIIONn on Sheet 3, Exhibie A. LITY'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR COST: Imp rOVements of the west side of N¢Ilman Avenue as SHOHN ON Sheet J, Ea hfbit A from s[a ti on e . 05.78 to station l2 . 06.10 and as further desert Ded in Exhibit B attached. NON, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGAEEO AS FOLLOUS: I. OEY ELOPER SHALL L AcL as the Lead agency in the <on st rvcti on of the Nel lean Avenue imDrovemen [i as shown in Exhf Dit A. 2. Pravfdc all la Dp r, equipment and materials and supervision required io complete eons true ti on pf said imp re vements in accordance with apprav ed plans, specifications and estimates prepared jointly by CITY and OEVELOPE3 and as approved by U,e Lity Engineer. ]. Advertise, award, and admtnis ter all const rue [i on contracts and rake all prcg re ss paycen ts. A. Conte DU to fur.AS suf ft cien[ to comple to Ihn street imcrav r.-ent wart as • de 11 ned to Ex h,Oit 0 and as stipulated herein. S. Provide CITY a[ completion of const ru<[ton a de W t7 audit of all cast and df vt sign Uf funding responsibility. '6. Provide CITY upon acceptance of all [ne rmp rovement work for the CITY wt [h a maintenance bond of the amount of ten percent X10':) o! the total cons[ructfon (~ S3 EhJGI~ RIB ^ .y ~ ~ CJS: o` sate tn~p rp v<ro~ts for a pe rt od of one year. iI. CiTY Si~ALL .. Ucon <anplet mn of Cliti's parti on of Che tmprovements, f.i ii shall pay to OE'J `c LGPER an amount which zhxll ccns ti to [e a to cal ayg rega [e of ninety percent (90.) of the aGual construction <eiN of CI i'f's pornm of :he improvements. Sa10 payrent shall be Wade by C1iY wtthtn ten (10) days of ler s ubmissi cn of the d?tail Cotal actual cost of cons[ruc ti on Dy tae OEVEECPER. 2. Upon acceptance of CITY's Gortf on of the improvemen [s Dy CITY, CITY shall pay to CE'i ELOPER an amount vhich, teye Cher with [he prevt duz payment az stated in Pa ray raph 1 above, sha 11 constitute a focal aggregate of one hundreE percent (100:) of the actual cons [ructtnn cast of CITY's pp rt ton of the improvements. 6dld payment shall be maEe by LITY wt [h to Chi rty (30) Days after CiiY'z a<wp~ance of me said improvements. 3. UDen accep to rce of all construction work and receipt or (en pr,ce~rt (. math tenance bontl mentioned earlier. CITY shall release OEV ELOn E?, from all bond obligation caveri ng completion of most rvction. III. IT IS HUTUALLY AGREED: 1. That the [ITV's cost of cons tru¢ion and the OEV ELOPER's cast of construction hereunEer will be equal. Attached hereto as Exhibit B is a schedule whi c~ sets forth a breakdown of the estimated quantity of cpnsirvct ion mato rial expected to be used for th• <•reet improvements of Hellman Avenue. Said Exhibit D is the schedule of CITY's portion of [h estimated quantity and the estimated cast. 2. In the event any legal aces pn 1s cpi:menced by either pa riy to enforce tMs Agreement or to recover any sums due her<under, the prevail log party ihail be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs. This Agreement shall inure [o the benefit of all assignees and successors in inter- es4 IN VITAE SS NNEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement at Rancho Cucamonga, Cal iforn ta, on the day and year first above written. LITY OF RPNCxO CULAMOIIGA/~ ~~]] CITATION' HOMES, a partnership 6Y: ed915~- 6v: rIAY OR F. G. Lin Jr. Ocvel <pment Na~ager AiTE57: ~ Ct to tton Butiders, a par nership t ~ ~- i Ci 1Y C.E K L/,A/~ • APF of CEO'AS i0 FOP,I//',7 ~, /~,/c~~- T'?7T~A`, ~ ~ I r SY . . C:Cv ^r Z,K CNO r.°Lt vO\~d [Y P:CVEV EV- ALR E29,\' FO3 TRACT 12SJ^ ;nrr_SI T6 RE:Y9C9SA3LE) YaC: AL'_ v°\ J. °ESr. e4SSEVTS: 1n a! CYii agreeme+: is meCe and entered •^:o, Vn con!or a"ce wt!n :ne Drovl stunt of [ne S+^-f'rtsion Mao dct o' :nC S;a:< o' Ca!i!ornta, and of Ine aoo't ca]'e Orci ^ances a` [nn CiCy or Rancho Lucamongn, Cdlt!drn'a, a n.r'Cipa' carnC nrt ~pn, OY and BCtNVrn tatE h!y, nercinartcr re!e-roC :o ds !ne C'.ty, anE Cii ATI Ca "OYES, a oar the rsn ip heretna~ter rererrec to es tfe eve viler, ::7tES5 E'H: "d A', RYEPEAS, sa'd Oe ve'a>e- de si•es tv Cevel op ce. ;a'~ tea' Drcoe":r it sd•c [t :y at tnpwn an tnc con Et C'. on a;:y eDprar P: fa]C iviflpn Chown dS dnG MNERE AS, teed City has <s!a]Iished certain reRUtrem entt to ]e met ]y sa'C JeveloD!r as DrereRUist :e to apprq al 9/ Card auddivitipn generally Imcated at Pepper Street do Hellman venue nq'A, TXER r--FORE, st is nereey agreed ny raid City and ]y said Oev clop er at fol lpr s: ` 1. The Oev<lader hereoy agrees to construct +t • Oevelooer's axoense ail Improvements desc riDed on Paqe 6 here- o/ witntn Melve months Irpm me el/ective aaee nereo/, 2. This agreement snail ]e e/f ec tl ve an the date o/ the resolution of the Council 01 sold 01 ty aporov inq this agreement. This agreement shall ]e in default on the day lollor- tnq Me !i Ht anniversary Cate of raid aDOroval unless an extln- ston o/ time Ms ]een granted vy said City as her cinaf ter prartC- ea. J, Tne Oevelover may revues[ an eat ensf on or time to cOm71He [he terms nereor. qudn reRu <st malt De Su Dmf tt ld So the City in rn [inq nut less [n an JO days velure the expiration C ate nerl of, aril snarl coot atn a Statement of Elf tumt tad ttt necnsst Cating the extension o! [1me. the City thali have the rtgnt to review the prov it ions of this aq teem en t, fncludtng the c on uruct5on scant are[, Cott est:mrte, end improvement security, +nd to reRuf re ad]ustmen's therttn if any su ottant ul change has occ urree dun nq [ne term hereof, t. If the Oev eloper fails or neglects to comoty with tnC DrpYltfnn5 pf post dgrn C°Pnt, tnP City tna11 naY[ Inc rlpn4 at any time to cause sa:d DrEn TlOns to Dt met oy any Iawf ul meant, ano thereupon reccver Iron the Developer ano/or h15 surety the !ui! cos: add exvense tncu rred. 5. The Oevelover shall vrovtde metered refer service to each lot o! said develppnent to accare ante wttn the renniattons, acne du :et, and feet o/ [re C~c anvnga Cou~iy Nater Outs ct. 6. The Dev e'DCer sha" ]e resDens:]1C for rep:acement, re'dta;lpn, or re ro va'. of er/ CpA;C~r+; o! eny :rr•,gat:on water f yt CCn to CO ".`11C: ntr eErVl•.e L'0.r a` reC~irnd tmprdvem Pn Cf Ld CNn 5dt15!dC::d" of !1'P ~:'i ty :'Ij lnpCr dnd Lne aNnPr d! flCn MdtQf • fYS :em. .l- SS ENGINEERING COPY rnees one ewmlino. P, n. 1~ 1 • ), :^IprOVP^Ma re rn •¢d :p ]! cpnt;ruc red tnlll co •rprr :o :ne S:a ncnrf 7rawin qz enc Ttencard Suer f+ut~dnt o/ ere 7':Y, enc :p ;ne :^prpvemen: Plen av •o vC. ]% ano on !:1e in [~e o`/:ce o` tie f,+ty Snc'r new, San :mp•dvr*rn•.i are uDulateG on [ne Cant :r uc :ion arc ~7onC iyt;v te, nr r,vy incprporatea on Daq! a n?re of, as ;aa!^ `wen ;ne +mprpve*.e^: ]: ans '. need tnerepn by nurti]!f. -n[ ~lv C~lo]l`• fna1 a't0 ]? •d!.pp^5~]'.n rpr Cprt tf u[• :+On O• Any :r dnt'[lont or of ~lr +nC•CCn:a' ~Ork DnyO nd tn! LrlCt ]p~ndaiet at nelCeC Iar sa!!!y aad pr pDe• ter/ate drdinagl. Er ran nr pmmist:ons d+s<ov<•ea d~r•pq cans :r uc :+n tna:l De cprr?ct ed u0on the di-ec:~.on of [ne h ty E^.c~nt<r, qer +seC work due to ta~C p:an moc H'.c a['prt in n11 be cav¢•dc ]y [ne Drpr~t~Ont o! emt egr.emen: ane sxcurec Dy tn! revery cover, ng the do glnal vlanred warns. 8. Co-s:racti on per^ia mall be oD:ained Dy [ne 7!vsloo er from the of h ce Y :ne C'~ty cnq+me!r or ~,or to tart o/ wo•k; a:i re ;ulattent ~+ttec ;h.repn fna'l D¢ Dose rv ec, w+tn a ::ene'. on q!ven :o rate ty proceC Vet, cortrp+ n! Cust, nnisl, pr Otner nuisance to tnP Brea, and to dr Wlr no[+ftca[~op of pvpl~c utllltllS inC C::y .'1!'J artmin :f. 'al'uf¢ LO Comply w+[n Inlt s ec :+on fna :. De sup; ec; to the plnli :ilt orov +olp the rl Pow. 9. Tne 7evelope• tnatl be respans+bl! for removal of ali lapse racks and otner Oebns Iron pools! rigors-of-way within or a0jaini nq tl+a develo7ment rttu;tinq from rar3 rela[Ire to sl1C d!rllopmen[. 10. Nork done rithln tait:inq streets snap Dt • diiigen!lY pursued :p cpmple!:on; the City in al; nave the H9ht t0 comp:ett any and all work in tn! event o/ unjust i!i!d Oel ay fn cpmote::on, ano td recarlr al. cost lnd Capenu fncurrep Irom the OeretoDer ano/or pis <pn tractor Dy any lawful neaps. 11. Taid Ont!Op tr mall dt art time[ following alolca- tion of Lne tercets !ne en em ens In uid suD+divit+on, up to enc eomDllt+pn and l<te ptan ct of sod work or iaprovement Dy use CI tY Covnct:, Sire paoC and a0eouate earning to the traveling puDl is or Mcn and every oln5 erovt conCitton eaf stl nt to said street or eatemen t, ano will Orated the trirelf nq pu Dllc from sucn defective ar flange woos condltlons. Until tn! CDmplltton 01 all impr OVlmentf, hlr Nn /pCOf pOratlO op Page 6 to D! pert ormed, ciao Of sa+d t[r el tf opt a<ceptld at improvem cots malt De unCer the <narge o/ said Oeveloplr. Taid plvClpplr may Clow! ail pr a pp rtl0n o! any t[rnlt SY DjICt t0 tn! Ldnolti0nf Wn:a+ned ro a temporary street closure plrm+t, Itsued Dy the C+q Engf peer, wnenever It 1s nt<lis cry to protect the pu011< during the cont[ructlon or [ne improvements ntrtln agrleo to De mad t. 12, perk way tress required to De planted spiel od p1 an: <d er [ne Oev slop er after diner fmprov ement work, qr ading APd cleanup oat DeCn comDlttlC. Piantinq ina 11 be done S provided Dy Ordinen ce In uwrean ce w+tn the D Lntinq diagram approved Dy the C+ty Community Jevel opm ene Director, the Developer sn all De reiponslDle for mainea+ning alt tr let Dl anteC In good ne a'~tn untf'. the ena df the guar an teetl m aintenan<e Derloo, or for one year after plant~nq, wnlcner er is later, :q. sne 7evelaper is respD^s'Dle for mee[1 nq all condl- tlans estaolisned Dy ;ne C•~[y pursvan; :o cne Su]dir islOn '• -_. 56 t RaD is ;, C :Y Crc•n^ces, arc :~,it aSree^.^^: `or rte Ceve bdm en t, a^E far :^e md'+:2'a",ac o` a" 'r,.o roventr tt Cont: rJt t¢U ^-r CUrCC' VC ::I tnC 'rJrOV<'P9: 'f dCCC ]:CE `Or m+tn[lndnC! Dy ! C'. :Y, dcC r0 •rY OVe^C ]: seCLr~:Y )rnV C!C nern nw~[n 5nd11 pe nr'eesec Serore sa<^ acceJ:apa cn'est ot':erw ae Drov iEed •n0 avtnar xed DY the C`~:Y CO+^c i''. Or t.:e C::y. C4. TnSt agrnem en: sea:! no; :erm•,nate until the mn n:enance guarantee recur: ;y ^.!^c:nn•;tr C<tcn bed Was Deen re'. caret py the C ay, or Jn;:' a ne. eqr remrnt :ogetner eitn the rlqu:rlE :m0ror<m ect t<cun iy oat 7<Cr •yu"~'!I!d L] tnC C:ty Dy a w cce sa or to the Were :n nor ea, ant Dy reso'.u;~on of !ne G:y Count:: tame bat Oee• +[[e];LC, anE :nit of rCtm[nt and tnC 190rOr M<n: tlCJrl ;y [nV lrOf Cat ]!t^ rlltdtfC. i6. ?ne im]•ov er a+: recur :!y to pc to mitnec Dy the Deve'poer wttn Lois +5rtener; s':+:: c0^s+st of !ne rotlov:ng and to+:: se in a !c r... a[ce)ta]a DY tn! :: LY At Wrne y; p. 'p tecJ re ta~tnf-,1 0<rr orm ante o1 tha ogre<mer.. .. n Do nC or oends py ore or more duly autnor•xed cer]orn;< tvret`es in !ne !orm and content so ec:`iec oy Government Ceee Section fi6a 99.:. T. An Im]rOV Went Security fnttrument fn the form an0 content sD[tilleE Dy the City A[LOrney. 7. A de]os it vi[D the City o/ money or neyotixpte Domes o! th! Lind WDrdved /or tecun ng deoosi tf o! Du071C mom et. B. !o secv re LDOre-s and mater almen; +. A Dond pr ponGS py one pr more duty autheri xed • corporate suret7et In tn¢ !orm •nd toot en[ sped r'.to Dy 6overnment CoOe Section fifi499. :. 1. An :mprpr lacer 6etYrlty lOttl'+ml nt in tn! form and content sDlc if tld Dy the City Attorney. 7. A deposit mrtn City of money or n<9ot able Od ndt of the Aind aDOroved /er securl nq [. A earn depot?t rith tn! hty to guarantee Daym ens py :ne per etoDer to the engineer or surveyor wrote ter[i!lcate aDDlart pDan the ylnal Mao far ter Olt ring Of all Doundar y, iot garner, and ttr eet c en terrine monuments and Por turn xDing cancerline ' tie notes to the City. Tne amount of the depoNt nay pe any amount ter: tf :<C Dy the engineer or surveyor at acceptable Daym ens In full; or, if n0 vetue a tubm:aed, the tarn pond shalt D< n shown on the Co nstruc elan and Bond Ettimate cone Inca ne rein. AIC case depOSft may be relun0ed ai soon a proce- dure Dl rmits d[er rece:Ot Oy the Cify D( [ne ten:erline tie notes sod wn tten assurance o! pa ymen[ in tul: /r om the engineer Or surveypr. 0. The regv+.re0 Dc not and the princlo+l amounts thereof rte set Porte on page 6 of tnls agreement. I6. Tne pevetOper wsrr ants roar the imorpv<r cots described In tots +greemen: sn elt De Tree /rom defects in mater alt and wpr'am nntn~D. Any ono art Dort :ors o/ the improve- ments IdunE to De oef¢e:ive ni[nln ane (ll year /ollon nq tn< ' data on wn:cn ;n¢ :mOrovvmena are nccedted by the h[y snarl De re9aired dr rl D: dC CE Dy JdYeIdD¢f trP1 pl dl. (ndrgSf tp lop (~, ty, Tne O¢VC'ppPr tnd:' lur~isn d md:nt¢ndnCC qudr nnt¢¢ security fn a sum ecva: :o ten percent (:9A) Of ;ne construe[lon -]. e., S 7 ;7. Tn a! t"e 0eve'oo e- s`a!: take pY! a^c mint a;n sucn pu]!i[ 1 HOl:tty dn0 prope•:y Car nS! 'ntardn ce et trial' pea ttt: nlm aria any centrac :nr ar npcp ~: •.¢!pr per•arr.Ing roe's covered SY tnl: dgre<m ant !ear c:almt lpr prppn^y edmaget n•cn nny nr xe ]eGaute o` :re nntY-C c! aria vpr} pr !re- aprratlpny unErr :r.% agrcenr^:, wnC:^!r sacs ope r.ttlona ]a br n•ina el! or ]y any toner ac'or or tY]cpntree ;cr, or anyone r.I rec :'r or InEIr¢c:!y empipytc by self pCrspns, nv en :no.gs sae E>aaq!•t bn no: caatnd oy trio negligence o' 0¢ve'pyer pr anY cpntrnc[or or suotpn :raRpr pr al yp ~! a^.a:oyes by sold part pna. 'ne puOllc l uoi!Ity and prOper!y Danagt Insurance snarl 1•tt [ne hly ds adCt ;Onnl 1nT arCC ano d:r¢C::Y Orp;O[: ins City. tti o!li C¢r4, scent[ anC lnplprees, ai Yrll as the Der eloD¢r, nts con[r acto yt and n+s supw n:r ac ;ors, and a!: Inturanc¢ ootici<t issues Atr lYnOlf toss: SO tt a:<. TX! T1n :mYm .1m OCn;f pf tYGn IntYranCC trial[ OC as !o!tpVt: es:I rare or 5200.00. ever .a gr.a•pr, :n sec nr :ne 'ai ;ahl Jer!crm.pncC ar it VC'COr is C'II'q.ll ~pna at ~.•i [r ~;nq 1n to ;t Ydra- grep^. *,n ntrner.rv Laaran'^C s•'rVr " y .Ya" I!to retort the /a rtn!Y!-per!orm once ]y • 7ev e:ooCr o' any pu:igatlon n1 [ne pCVCi00Cr [p Cp 59C['.r tnE wOr4 w't'1 rCtO L'C: :0 any paf4VaY maiptln anC! attCStmCn; E'SI^1C ;. Qr CC :^l` ~mCrpVnm nn [t naVr DCtn accCptec aria d ~a:Rt C, dncC ql dean[^r sCCUr,tY "at ]ten IcceDte¢ or !ne Cler, t,e p;nnr ~mpro+nmen: tec..r•ty Er •.cn bed In eon aq R!^en; may be r ltasrE Drpv'me :bst s=cn re:ene It ofnl rwlce Ia!nOrt[r¢ OY !"C• SYJ01 V1 }ton vdy pi; Anf a,y aDD:ICd]:! CItY OrCtn once. A. e. Contras ¢r's 14oi :f :Y insurance Drpvldlnq ¢polly i n;urr or Ee+[n INOI!ity !imttt o/ nee !e ss trio 5700,700 !or ¢¢n pert on and 51,000,000 (dr eetn ac<IOe'Ie or occu ^rence, an¢ prooerty eats?e !iaoit- t[y Un: ;i o! no; test ;n nn 5100,000 for eacn accl- Eent or ocu r-cote tltn an aggregate hmtt o! 5250,000 /pr <`atms .oleo may ante from the ppera- [tons o1 :n0 Oeretoper to tot per/armanc! ¢/ the wart nlr0in provtdtd. Au tpmoptlt tiap111tY Insurance cOr¢n n9 all ren{EleS Ys ed In the Der(ormence o! [nIt age !omen[ provldtnq podtty tn.YrY IlapilitY 11mltt oI not Less tnan 1200,000 roe eacn pe n¢n and [)00,000 Iar encn acctden! or occurrerc e, and pr 0p<r ty pamage I ubltl:y :Imi is of no[ fete tnan 510,000 for eacn aiclGent o• occurrence. veto an aggr [gate o/•not 'etc coon $100,000 wnlcn mq arise hpm th.e p0era. flans of the Oeve :poer or net Contractor to DH/ormtng tn¢ vOrM prOVtdld /pr n!rlln. I8. Tnat oe Pore the eneeut won pf tnls agreement, the Oeve:pper [nail IIl< vitn the City a cerTfficate or Cl rtell Gtlt o/ Insurance cpvtring tnr t0ec:f1 ed Insurance. Encn sucn Cerif /IUte sn rill pear an arias Hemint preCluding the <ance '. Ntlons, o. reduction fn rover eqe o/ any policy evident es Dy sucn tort t/f use, De(ore the eaptratl0n 01 tnlrty (70) Ea yt n!ter aria City tna11 nave received notlflcatlon py rag itterCE mn; hom aria Insurance carrier. ns evle<n<e a! unders[nne•rg :ne prowl s, one contained ne•ein, and o! In:ev to cono'y .~en sort, t^e Scoe:n otr riot tuoml tree ;ne Ia!loLing Eesrl]ec Imp rave^en: stc a•I ;y, ant nes offload nit• slgne:vre ne•e:o: •4- u s8 • • '~ t. ~ -ype: r~rc: )a'. amc:rn;: f7c ,fi00.C0 t a~-e are adore is pf s.re ;Y: nn-;:n. AT7 La7ev a,;vr_tT 'Ype: i•~.nc:oal t Door: f11, 700.C0 genie anc adc re ss ae s:re :Y: C;.$ti 7E?CS ;T y,C S': vE C.N:C\ ~Yat: )r',rt :pal dmphn;: tare and aec-ess o• r. •e:Y: T YDe; r'rc')a' t.m Opnt: sam! anc aCdrets a` scr!:y: TO 0E ?OSTEC P8:0¢ TJ M1CCE)Tnq C4 :T TYE C:1T :x ti:'vESf vE¢iJi, ;ne D+rt~es ^.c reto nare uusee tnese preaen!s to ae eu:y eaecuteo anc acano+Itegee r.tn ali PoraG i;i et re¢u~rec Dy L+ on Sat eater se: rortn oppor ae cne+r stgn+:u res. CITATtOA MO71ES.j Da rtnt/slifp Oa:e 1y ~~/.~C ~ Oereloper 3 .a.ere F. G. tinecn, Jr. - Wvelc nt Nanager Cl taticn Builders, a p+rtnenMo r.n:ec O+te ny ,Cev elooer :gnd:J rt -:n;ec A<CeD:ed: City or paneno Cuumong+, Ca~ifornta A Municipal Corporation gy: Mayor Atte Y: / J - ' ~~i r, ADDr over: ~~~~~, -• ~ C EYEL 07,3'5 S:CS A';7E N.,. .: VC'n't;(C7 .j. S9 ~' .. r FA:TNFE'L DER 6Jd9AYCE .0'10 1 nn)A so. na ' ~~er„ ^p 3q.M YNEREAS, the Crty Cdu ncil d! the City of 9>ncnp Cucamonga, Scat[ pf CAIi!arn+e, ana CITAT IOA HOllE9, a pa rtnersnl0 (her[in of:fr Cei'Sna:eC is '7 r'nc:]a'.' nave entered +ntd an dgrlCmEn[ xnpr!]y Dr'nEI D>1 agf![t CO In Y:AII anY CO.a01<t2 [er:a]n dlSl9 N ttC Du p:rG ImDrovlmCnt4, wntCn 4t+d t9rlem [nt, Ga:eo '9d 1n¢ iCen:if r<O as protect .r t- ~ 1[)rs he rlay referred tp tine mate a DAf; nnrepi ;anc, Y45Q2A5, fa'E principal is rtRYi r[d YnE er LM1e terms or s<:C agretmenY to Porn ifn a opnd IOr :ne fa al:!ul D<r!Orm tne< o/ tetd tgrcemtnt- Nd7, Ty.EiEFC4E, v< en! pr•nGi OA! and F 'f "the •fsC^KP ~- "^UY ai tur et y, a^e nde anc f+rr ly pDVVC un;a tXe ~+ty pt Rancnp [uCJ mOn~a ~nlrrl0 al[<r Ca~lep "(:[y";, In Cn! ntn>i l6n pf TThirr~tTy-f~tour ?hpusa rd na n;n_re^, and no/!CO - - - - 9d~a~t , a"~,a....... Ia••~I ^pf.l`Y D Cn! L tt<-'tCDY, Dr [n! paYmint pf rn,ca svm wNl and tru:y [p p¢ m>ae, re D+nd ou rtel•es. our nelrs. tutu stors, uecu:art ana tam misty rtort, jdtntiy and serer Illy, fern ;y py :nes< presto is. ine condition of M't DS'igt:fdn it such that 11 Me a0are Deana td Dr:ncrpair Ms o• r[s ne+rt, talCUt Ort. tOw{nlStr rtOrt. . successors er aes •c^t, tort: :n ail things stand to tnd toile Dr. dnd MH1 .. :r :ru'Y t¢tp and tie rf orn tot cdv en ants, eo nai lions anti prom siont in <nt taro aareemen[ m0 nor aiteram do tnertof wad< as therein prdvr deo, on nis or their part, to pe tlpt ana pert prme0 at tot :rv tnd in tot wanner tn¢r<in sp<tiH td, tnd in all respects acc tiro rng tp the v true Intent and wttninq, and tntll ine emnhfy ant faV< non!<ft CS ty, Its of ylcl rf. d9<0[t tnd ¢mpl0yen, as tneretn tti putat<0, torn this ooligaLfon in all oecdme null and rpm: dtnerrist, st sn>11 De and rewtfn in lull force >nd Ufect. E As • o•r[ df :ne po:igation secured he reoy and in addltipn to , th! faL! tmOY nt SDfC Ntlt Ln¢rlfpf, tnlrf Shall of ipcluC ld Cpfti and re>tOn>D:< ¢U!".let and !ee<, inctuCiag re>sdnaole attdrn<Y's feet. +ncu rreL ay City rn tucd¢tsful lY tnfdre in0 such ooli9a[ivn, all so pe to a¢d as cdtn dna includtC in >nY luagm tot rendered. Tne surety her epy it:p¢lates tnd agrees roll no cDtnge, e rten Sion o1 tine, as<rr ion dr Iddition to the t<rwt of the agr¢Cm tot or tD the rdrR to D< pf rf ormed the rtu n0tr pr the tpe<f- irca[fOn4 aecompanyinq the ume fn>it in anYrite a(i tct its aollga[ionf On [nes Odn a, tnd it Goes nereoy w wf npti<p of any such change, ea:entl0n of time, atterattdn dr add lttpn t0 [ne i[fmS p} LM a9Teem<nt or to tn! work ar t¢ tn! tpeEiflCatf dot. IN Y1T YE59 xM EgEOr, [nis instrument nes oleo duly ere cu red oy tht principal ana surety adave named, on n , )9A a rITATI .a HO''FFS, a Dartnlrsntp Tx[ a+'e4 rca•: r'<r rmrnevv `T:¢v e'~pp er_~9E~ .rely r F, C. Linton. r. - Oe vel dement tan tiger ~a3ET NoNr. Ci tad on Builders, A partnership PLEASE nT'dCN DOPER OF ATTORV CY :0 AlL flONO$ S: FY ATLRES MUST BE NOTARILEO 60 For I^f rov re^: Cr~ C"-9i :e ?e•^5c rs a a'.e (''aU 12570) 7a le: - ''-:ec ~Y: P: ie e.ercnce: :,a J:y ^..c. Iro. <o< Y^'E: Ices no! :nc'eCe urren! /ee °or wri :l nS versa cr Oxvenen; Gecosas. - ~=- Remve Exis!. 2C' 7.C.^. 6:rS c 7.70 1,U9 Ca nz :. 7" A.C./4" A.3, 2,925 6.F. C. 77. 2,!^_5 Cons:. 7" R.C./CCmOac:ed Y.S. S.P. O.fi2 -0- Cons:. 12" C.F. CurO 5 Gr!ar 7CC 7.25 2,:94 Cons!. 9" 0.F. Curo 8 G ^.~r fi.CC -0- Consc. 4" 7,[.C. 9idewa'k 1,97) S.F. 1.75 7,215 Cons t. 5" D.C.C, Or.ve Asproach 7'~.2 S.F. 250 1,730 Conzl. B" P.C.C, Gu t:er d 9panerel - S.f. 7.00 •0- Cons:. a^ P.C.C. SiGewa!'x Lanclre/?av0 S.F. 1.75 -0- Conit. 2•-0' Dec. Conc. 97 k. 4e!. xa:7 771 L.F. 55.00 20,409 Conit. Jndv Sidewala Train - EA 2,500.00 -0- furrnsn 6 lns tall Street Lights - E1 1,000.77 ~ -0- ' Cons:. e" CurO Only - L.F. 5.50 -0- Const. Trans[ tl on e'-12" CurOS Cnly - L.f. 5.50 -0- Aemore Extst. 4^ P.C.O. 9i oerra^x !anding - S. F. 7.70 -0- Ensa11 Type "N" Refted:ve Yarxers - EA 19.07 -0- • Cons t. 6' Oecorati vs 91o<k Va11 L.F: 75.00 -0- 7004C. 6' Std. Canc. Block Nal! L.F. 22.00 -0- Const. 2' Std. 70nC. 910ck Re t. pall F 40.00 •0- AwcuL A.C. 8 Remove 4"66" A.C, germ 1<C !,F. 1.00 744 Aemve Exist. A.C. 9ecti on - S.F. 0.75 -0- Ppce 15 Gall an 7arkway 'reef - EA 70.00 -0- 77ace Slap 51gns - EA 100.00 -0- Const. 2" A.G. Cap - S.F. 0.77 -0-- PLCe Street Name Stgns EA 200.00 -0- 9Lreet Excavadan - CY 1.90 -0- C^LS'RL'C?:C9 COS' 971,479 ' CCXT:YGEYCY C^.S?S 7.140 TO'aL CCA9?ROC?:CN 71,627 FAITXF!'L PERF00.vAYCE 500.ETY (1003) 74,600 tA80R AVO YATER!A'. SECCRI!Y (9737 17,300 ENCINEEAISC :N57EC?:CY FEE •RES?OPATIC9/OE!:MEA*2CN CASV 7E7CSI? NC%L'YEYTDr:CV SI AETY (C,SP.) •Dursuan! to C'.:Y o' 3ancno Cvcandnea r:^4'. oa' CCee, ?i t!e I, CnaO!er !,09, aCOp!t ng San =ernard:no Cou^!Y Ccbe ? "es, :'aao :a•s !-5, a cash res:pra- tion./Eel ~nea!i on Cecosi: sna'.', ~e rvace ?r•.er :~ •.; s~-ante of an En9lneen ng Constrcc;!on Denni :. s -6- 4/ - CITY OF RANCHO CliCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 21, 1985 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Joan A. Kruse, Office Supervisor SUBJECT: DECLARATION OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT ,.~' ~~"v"o'~ -r ~ ~ '~ x' c II ~~, U 1 ~~~~~> 1971 I Due to staffing increases which have occurred over the past several years the two tJBI System 8 ICU's (Integrated Control Units similar to Central Processing Units on data processing equipment) no longer meet the City's word processing needs. Because of this an upgrade to an t~l System 64 has been made to meet both the City's current and future word processing requirements In making this upgrade all peripheral equipment formerly used on the System 8's can be utilized. Additionally, all software residing on the System 64 can be accessed by the workstations without the purchase of additional software. As part of the word processing upgrade arrangement has been made with IJBI to credit the City for return of the System 6's by either trading them in, or by selling them to a third party. hbl has arranged for the sale and transfer of the oldest System 8 to Office Systems, Inc., of Minneapolis, Minnesota. To implement this process the City Council needs to declare the System 8 ICU's as surplus. Only the ICU's are involved in this sole/credit as all other equipment, (i.e., printers, sheet feeders, workstations) remain here and are linked to the new System 64. RECOMMENDATION: The City Council declare the two NBI System 8 ICU's S/N 19 a~ nd~$126() as surplus equipment. Respectfully submitted, oan A. Kruse Office Supervisor /jk (, i ,,..MEMOftANDUM.y~• ~~ \'D p I ~ si L ~ 19]' DATE. As 7-1-85 T0: City Council ~ / FROM: 7 FiRdnce Di rectot ~( ~ ~^ SUBJECT: Spending Limitation for Fiscal Year 1985-66 Article %II IB of the California Constitution specifies that appropriations made by a Governmental Entity may not increase by more than the ratio between the change in population and the change in the U.B. Consumer Price Index or the California per capita personnel income change, whichever is less. Fox Fiscal Year 1985-86, the CPI will be used at a rate of 3.~s. Rancho Cucaonga's population change over last year is 6.200, A ratio of change has keen determined for the City of Rancho Cucamonga between the U.S. C.P.I. and the 8 change in population for the City and has peen appropriately applied to determinq the spending limitation for the City for Fiscal Year 1985-86, Reconmrendation: Attached is a resolution for Council's approval which will set the spending limitation for the current fiscal year. • G~ RESOLUTION N0. 8o-24tl • A RESOLUTION OF' THE CITY COUnC1L OP TEE CITY OF ftANCHu WCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISRING AN AYPRUPR1nTI0n5 LIN1T PDRSDART TO ARTICLB AIIIH OP THE CALIFORNIA S'1'ATE CONSTITUTION IJHBREAS, Article 8I1I8 of Che State of Cal uornia pr wsdea toot the total anauel epproprlati one eubj act to limitation of the S[a to ana of each local government eh ell not exceed [he approotta[i one limit of each entity of goverment for the prior year adjusted for changes in the coat of lsv sng ana population except ae othervsae prw ided in Bald Article XI 1lB; ana NHEREAS, pursuant Co Bald Article 8I11B OF Ghe Coneti[un on of the Sta ce of Calitorni a, the City Couacil o£ the City of Rancho Cucamonga deems it to be in the beet interee[e of the City of Rancho Cu<amonga to esteb lieh an appropnatione limit for the Fi ecal Year IY85-19716; sad WRENSAS, the Finance Director of the Ci [y of Rancho Cucamonga hse determined that said approprsati one limit for the Fiscal Yeer lYBS-19afi be eetabliahed is the amomt o£ $10,91!,70[. NOp, 1AERRPORR, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Couacil of toe City of • Rancho Cu<~aoaga [hat as approprsation limit for tee Fi seal Yeer lY8>-197b pursuant to Article BI tID of [he Coneti [utioa of [he Slate of Calstornia be eetabliahed in [he smoun[ of $10, 917 ,70L, sad the same is hereby eacabl iahed. BH IT FL/R1EEN RESOLVED that easd appropr setione limit hereto eetabliahed may be changed ee deemed ne<e eaery by reeolutsoa aE Gee City Couacil. YA95ED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED thse 21st day of August, 1985. G4 CITY OF RA~'CHO CtiCa~IO~GA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 21, 1985 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM; Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer ~<c~ .+ t~~l i y ~% _ ' . 2-r _ i z - ~ z - 19i- ~ SUBJECT: Reimbursement Rgreement with Lewis Homes for Street improvements - Terra Vista Planned Community Attached for Council execution is a Reimbursement Agreement for Street Improvements with Lewis Homes for costs incurred in the construction of the bridges over Deer Creek at Church Street and Base Line Road and, in addition, approximately one-half of the costs of upgrading traffic signals at Base Line Road and Haven Avenue. All costs were based on competitive bids reviewed by the City Engineer and will be fully audited prior to final payment. Works are nearly complete for each item and payments indicated in the agreement are appropriate at the current time. Since work remains on each project but can be covered by retention of a minimum of 10 percent pending final acceptance. Funds will be drawn from the Systems Development Fund as summarized below: DEER CREEK BRIDGE E 82,252.05 Base Line Road DEER CREEK BRIDGE 5142,496,49 Church Street TRAFFIC S[GNAL E 44,362.51 Base Line Road & Haven Rvenue TOTAL 5272,111.05 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council approve the Reimbursement Agreement far Street Improvements with Lewis Homes for construction of bridges over Deer Creek at Base Line Road and Church Street and traffic signal costs at Haven Avenue and Base Line Road. Funds in the amount of 8272,111,05 to be drawn from the Systems Development Fund, Respe ctfull su fitted, ~LBH.jaa G~ REIMEURSEM EST AGREEMEST FOR STREET IMPAOV EMESTS THIS AGPEEMENT, made and ente ced into eh is day of , 1985, by and between CITY OF RANCHO CL'C.IMONGA, Cali ernia, a municipal ec [po[atlonr herein- afte[ reEe [red to as "City", and LEWIS HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, a general pa rtnershio, hereinafter referred to as "Developer", prav ide s: WHEREAS, the Deve loner, under Separate ag zeemene with the Ci[y, has constructed or will be. cons [rutting street impcwe- menis, consisting of bridges over Deer Creek Channel at Base Live Road ar.d Church street and traffic signals aG the ante rse<t ion of case Line Road and Haven Avenue, hereinafter referred to as "the Imprevemen is", in connection with Oevelope is development of certain portions of the Terra Vista Planned Community, as described Sn the Terra Vista Community Plar, adopted by Ord icance Yo. 190 of the City, hereinafter referred ce as G".e Development": and WHEREAS, the City desires to reimburse the DeveloFez for the cost of construction of the Improvements, NOW, THEREFORE, the pa[ties here to agree aC fOllowa 1. The Developer shall furnish all labor, equipment, and material, and pay all costs incident to the completion of • desi<n and construction of Ue Improvements in accordance with plan. and speci[ic ation• app[oved by the City engineer of the trey. 2. Construction oi~ the improvements shall be completed not lacer than July 1, 1986. 3. The City shall re imburae the Developer Eor the cost of design and construction of the Improvements, as specified herein or as documented in accordance with Section 1 hereof, as follows: a. pith regard to the bridge over Deer Creek Channel et Church Street, the City shall promptly upon execution of Gh is Agreement [e Smburse the Deve loner in the amount of Seventy-two Thousand Seven Hundred Forty-eight and 25/100 Dollars (5q2, ~qH .35), [epresenting one-half (1/2) of said costs, with the be lance of said cost to be reimbursed promptly upon completion of said conatraet ion and the acceptance thereof by the City in accordance with Section 5 hereof. b. Witty regard to tae brid qe over Deer Creek Channel at Base Line Road, the City shall, promptly upon e xecu Lien of this Agreement, reimburse the De va to per in the amount of Sixty Thousand Five Hundretl Sixty-two and 461 i^.0 Dollars 1560,553.461. repoesentinq all eE said costs incurred as of the date of said execu Ginn, with the balance of said costs to be reimbursed oromptly open comp le Gion of the work and the acceptance th?reof by the C. ei in ac m rd ante with Section 5 hereo'.. c. With eegard !.o the [cif Eic sin na is at the Intersect ion of Base Lrn? Pnad and i!av an filenue, [he City shalt rairtbu we ``-he Dsv'lop er Ecr one-ha lE It/.'.1 the costs of • per E^r:nlnq tFC design and cons tract ion work. pvrsuav^ the ceto, the City shn ll, promptly open oxenition nE this Agreeme r.t, reimburse the Developer in the amount of Thirb/-seven Thousand Nrn' Nu nd red Twenty-night and 5l/100 Dollars (5]],948.5]1, cep resenting all of said costs incurred paor to exe<utien of this Agreemen t, with the balance of said costs t< be reimbursed promptly span comple r.ion of the sock and the ar, r'ptanc r. thereof by the City in ac cnrdanco wuh Section 5 he roof. (o G 4. to order to establish <he amount of the costs to be reimbursed by the City to the Developer pursuant to Section l hereof, the Deve to Per shall submit to the City conies of billings and, where available, contracts for work performed in connection with construction of the Improvements performed prior to !Ae date hereof, and, with respect io sucA work to be performed after the date heteof, approved plans accompanied by cost estimates for said work or, where available, contracts Eor the perforn;a nee GhereoE. The amounts chus established shall be increased by a five percent 1E\1 administrative charge, in determining the total amount subject to reimbursement. Summaries of sucA documentation as has been provided to the Cicy prior to execution hereof are attached hereto as Exhibits "A'r "B", and 'C'. Reimbursement br any costs in excess of those provided for therein shall be sub}e ct to prior approval by the City Engineer. 5. The Ci[y Engineer shall inspect the Improvements at the expense of the Developer and, after any deficiency dis- covered by the Cify Engineer ^as been corrected by the Developer, the City gha 11 promptly accept tAe Improvements for public use. 6. The Clty shall not be responsible Eor any loss or damage to tAe Improvements prior co the acceptance thereof by the Cicy. The Developer hereby guazan tees and warrants the Improve- ments foi a period of one I1j year following the complet ten end acceptance thereof age ins! any defective work or labor done or defective materials tarnished. ]. This Agreement shall De interpreted according to the lewd OE the Eta to 01 California. TA 18 dOCUment COlltaina the • entire agreement between the parties with teepee[ to [he cub}act wetter hereof, and thin Agreement shall not be modified except by an agreement in writing signed by both parties. Sub}act to any provlaiona herein to the eon tra ry, this Agreement shall in all reapecte bind, and inure to the benefit o[, the he/n, executors, ado inistramre, succeaeara, and assigns of each of the pa rti u. 2N WITNESS {PHE REOF, tAe parti ea Ae re [o Aave executed this Agreement on the day and year flrat above written. "CITY' "DEVELOPER" CITY OF MNCHO CDCAMONCA, LENIS HOMEE OF CALIF011N IA, California, a municipal a general patine rghlp co rprr ation By: Dy: Jon M e s Au tho rrre Agent Mayor ATTEST: fever y 4. Auc a et City Clerk ~~ J ~1 ` 7 "Z STATE OE CALIFORNIA 1 1 55. COUNTY OF $AN SE RNARDINO 1 On , 19 before me Ne un ezsvgne Rotary Pub vc, pe[sona y appeare JON D. MI%EL$ and BEVERLY A. AUTN£LET pe [a ovally known [o me to the the Mayo[ and City Clerk, respectively, of the CITY OF RANCNO CUCAMONGA, CALI FOftNIA, a municipal corporation, and known to me to be :he persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of sand mu nicioal corporation, and acknowledged to me that such municipal corporation execu eed it. NITNESS MY NAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. No[ary Svgnaty re STATE OF CALIFORNIA I • 1 SS. COUNTY OF SAN eERNARDINO 1 On 19 , before me, Me under- signed, a Notary Pv vc n antl tox acid State, personally appeared pe racnally known eo me for proved to me on the esvs o satiafacto[y evidencel to be the perwn who executed the within instrument as the agent of LENIS HOMES OP CALIFORNIA, [he partnership that executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same £or and on behalf of said partnership and Mat said partnership executed she same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOtd[y $ tlhd[n [e CD L:drh/918RA O SOEBS I 68 J E%HI9IT P COST SUMMARY - BRf 00E CAOSSf YG OF OEEg CREEK CNpNNEL AT [NV9CN STgEET Total Paia to Da to Not Yet Paid Estimated Cast ' Oes ivn costs: Civil engineering design 4 2,740.00 S -- f 2,740,80 Civil eng ineeN n9 - field -- 2,360.00 2,3fi0.00 Structural evg+vee ri ng 3,900.00 1,300.00 5,200.00 fees and Permits: San qe rna rd inP County 600.00 -- 600.00 City of Rancho Cucamonga -- 7,667.79 7,667.29 Construction costs: Construction contract -- 116,000.00 116,000.00 Change order -- 4,000.00 4,000.00 • Subtotal 7,244 B0 131,327.29 138,568.09 Administra five costs (SS) 362.09 6,566.76 6,928.40 TOTAL EST IMATEO COSTS f 7,602.01 5131.093.65 5146,496.49 !~ 6s E%MIAIT A LOS? SOMMARV 9q IDGE CA051In. OF DEEP LgEEC CNAhnEL A? ..°.ASE LIVE ROAD Total Paid to 0a to not ret Paid Es t~ma ted rost Oesi gn casts: Civil cogs neerinq design S 2,659.53 5 -- 5 2,659.53 Civil cogs ore ri ng - !seta 649.00 -- Ea9.p0 Structural engineering !,020.00 -. .,0?C.00 Fees and Permits: San Be rna ~d ino Coun [v 1,160. C0 -- 7,160. C0 City o! Aa ncho Ncamonga 2,690.00 -- 7,690.OC Construction costs: Lonstruction coctract 69,500.00 20,65fi .75 ]O,15fi.75 Subtotal 57,678.53 70,656.75 78,3]5.28 Admtnistrattve costs (SS) 2,883.93 I,032.6A 3,916.77 • iOTgL ES?IMATEO COSTS E fi0.662.a6 S 21.669.59 S 82.25?,05 • ~ ,o E%N~B:' C COST SUMNAAY - TPAFF IC S?GNALS AT BASE LINE R04OJ HAVEN AV ENUF ?NTEPS ELTION Total Aa id to Date Not Yet DaiU Est+mateE Cost Design ros[s: Si gnat Eesi gn (SOSI S l,a OC.00 S -- S 1,aC0.C0 COnS VUCL10n COSLS: Construction can tra<t (BO".) 34,]22.50 6,12].50 40,8 SC.00 Subtotal 36,122.50 6,12]. 50 ap,250. OC AEministra ti ve casts (BS1 I,BDfi.13 30fi. 38 2,!I?. 5; TOTAL EST IMATEO COSTS S 37.928.63 S 6.433. 88 5 66,362. 51 r LJ A 7/ CITY OF RANCHO CLCA~IONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: August 21, 1985 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Paul A. Rougeau, Traffic Engineer ~~~~ GVCnMp~~ 2;~ ` ~ '.'~ i'~,? 19i i SUBJECT: Agreement for Traffic Analysis and Preliminary Engineering Services at Various Intersections on Foothill Blvd, and on Haven Ave. The City-Wide Traffic Study which served as a basic reference for completion of the General and Industrial Specific Plans was done severzl years ago. Since that time, changes in land use and travel patterns in the City and surrounding areas, as well as development of land plans in those areas, have dictated that an updating of the traffic projects contained in that Study 6e made. The work program presented in the attached proposal from DKS Associates would accomplish the updating of the City traffic data and then use the new data to establish the required geometries at up to 20 major intersections in the City which will need special treatment. In most cases, the special treatment will be obtained with development of the adjacent property. In addition to the intersection analyses, the work will include evaluation of the operational feasibility of median islands on all of Foothill Blvd, and on Haven Ave. hetweeen Arrow Rte. and 19th St. The results of these analyses will be used to prepare preliminary designs and cost estimates for these median islands. Much of the work in this project wfil be of immediate benefit in the final design and constructfon of the islands on Haven Ave. The Foothill Blvd. work will provide valuable input to the Foothill Blvd. Corridor Study now in progress. RECOMAERDATION [t is recommended that the attached agreement with DKS Associates for the engineering services described above be approved as submitted. Res ectfully su LB AR:jaa Rttachments 1 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and entered into this 22nd day of AUGUST lg 85 between the City of Rancho Cucamonga, a Municipal Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "CITY") and OKS Associates (,hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT"), A. Recitals. (i) CITY has heretofore issued its Request for Proposal pertaining to the performance of professional services with respect to the preparation of a traffic analysis and preliminary engineering for various intersections an6 for median islands on Foothill Blvd. and ortions of ("Project" hereafter). • Ifi) CONSULTANT has now submitted its proposal for the performance of such services. (iii) CITY desires to retain CONSULTANT to perform professional services necessary to render advice and assistance to CITY, CITY's Planning Commission, City Council and staff in the preparation of Project. (iv) CONSULTANT represents that it is qualified to perform such services and is willing to perform such professional services as hereinafter defined. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between CITY and CONSULTANT as follows: B. Agreement, 1. Oef initfons: The following definitions shall apply to the • following terms, except where the context of this Agreement otherwise requires: 7/31/85 _1_ 73 (a) Project: The preparation of a traffic analysis and preliminary engineering for various intersections and for median islands on Foothill Blvd, and Haven Ave. described in Exhibit "A" Scope of Services hereto including, but not limited to, the preparation of maps, surveys, reports, and documents, the presentation, both oral and in writing, of such plans, maps, surveys, reports and documents to CITY as required and attendance at any and all work sessions, public hearings and other meetings conducted by CITY with respect to the project as outlined in the Scope of Services. (b) Services: Such Drofessional services as are necessary to be performed by CONSULTANT in order to complete the project. (c) ComPletign of Project: The date of completion of all • phases of 1<he project, including any and all procedures, development plans, maps, surveys, plan documents, technical reports, meetings, oral presentations and attendance by CONSULTANT at public hearings regarding the project acceptance for construction is set forth in Exhibit "B" Project Schedule attached hereto. 2. CONSULTANT agrees as follows: (a) CONSULTANT shall forthwith undertake and complete the project Tn accordance with Exhibit "A and applicable with Federal, State and CITY statues, regulations, ordinances and guidelines, all to the reasonable satisfaction of C[TY. (b) CONSULTANT shall supply copies of all maps, surveys, reports, plans and documents (hereinafter collectively referred to as "documents") including all supplemental technical documents, as described in i.~ Exhibit "A" to CITY within the time specified in Project Scheduled, Exhibit _p_ 7y • "B". Copies of the documents shall be in such numbers as are required by Exhibit "A". CITY may thereafter review and forward to CONSULTANT comments regarding said documents and CONSULTANT shall thereafter make such revisions to said documents as are deemed necessary. CITY shall receive revised documents in such form and in the quantities determined necessary by CITY. The time limits set forth pursuant to this Section 82.(b) may he extended upon a written approval of CITY. (c) CONSULTANT shall, at CONSULTANT'S sole cost and expense, secure and hire such other persons as may, in the opinion of CONSULTANT, be necessary to comply with the terms of this Agreement. [n the event any such other persons are retained by CONSULTANT, CONSULTANT hereby warrants that such persons shall be fully qualified to perform services required hereunder. CONSULTANT further agrees that no subcontractor shall be • retained by CONSULTANT except upon the prior written approval of CITY. 3. CITY agrees as follows: (a) To pay CONSULTANT a maximum sum of 856.500.00 for the performance of the services required hereunder. This sum shall cover the cost of ail staff time and all other direct and indirect costs or fees, including the work of employees, consultants and subcontractors to CONSULTANT. Payment to CONSULTANT, by C[TY, shall be made in accordance with the schedule set forth in Exhibit "C". (h) Payments to CONSULTANT shall be made by CITY in accordance with the invoices submitted by CONSULTANT, on a monthly basis, and such invoices shail be paid within a reasonable time after said invoices are received by CITY. All charges shalt be detailed in Exhibit "C" either with respect to hourly rates or lump sum amounts for individual tasks. In no • -3- ~s • event, however, will said invoices exceed 95% of individual task totals described in Exhibits "R" and "C". (c) CONSULTANT agrees that, in no event, shall CITY be required to pay to CONSULTANT any sum in excess of 95% of the maximum payable hereunder prior to receipt by CITY of all final documents, together with all supplemental technical documents, as described herein acceptable in form and content to CITY. Final payment shall be made not later than 60 days after presentation of final documents and acceptance thereof by CITY. (d) Additional services: Payments for additional services requested, in writing, by CITY, and not included in the Scope of Services as set forth in Exhibit "A" hereof, shall be paid on a reimbursement basis .n accordance with the fee schedule set forth in Exhibit "C". Lharaes for • additional services shall be invoiced an a monthly basis and shall be paid by CITY within a reasonable time after said invoices are received by CITY. 4. CITY agrees to provide to CONSULTANT: (a) Information and assistance as set forth in Exhibit "A^ hereto. (b) Photographically reproducibie copies of maps and other information, if available, which CONSULTANT considers necessary in order to complete the protect. (c) Such information as is generally available from CITY files applicable to the project. (d) Rssistance, if necessary, in oht ai ning information from other governmental agencies and/or private parties. However, it shall be CONSULTANT'S responsibility to make all initial contact with respect to the gathering of such information. _q_ 7~ 5. Ownership of Documents: A17 documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs and reports prepared by CONSULTANT pursuant to this Agreement shall be considered the property of CITY and, upon payment for services performed by CONSULTANT, such documents and other identified materials shall be delivered to CITY by CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT may, however, make and retain such copies of said documents and materials as CONSULTANT may desire. Any use or reuse of the plans and specifications except at the site intended or any alteration or revision of the plans or specifications by the CITY, its staff or authorized agents without the specific written consent of the CONSULTANT shall be at the sole risk of the CITY. The CITY agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the CONSULTANT against all damages, • claims and losses including defense costs arising out of any such alteration or revision, or use or reuse at another site by the CITY its staff or authorized agents. 6. Termination: This agreement may be terminated by CITY upon the giving of a written "Notice of Termination" to CONSULTANT at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of termination specified in said Notice. In the event this Agreement is so terminated, CONSULTANT shall 6e compensated at CONSULTANT'z applicable hourly rates as set forth in Exhibit "B", an a Dro- rata basis with respect to the percentage of the project completed as of the date of termination, In no event, however, shall CONSULTANT receive more than the maximum specified in paragraph 3 (a), above. CONSULTANT shall provide to CITY any and all documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, • photographs and reports, whether in draft or final form, prepared by -5- CONSULTANT as of date of termination. CONSULTANT may not terminate this Agreement except for cause. 7. Notices and Designated Representatives: Any and all notices, demands, invoices and written communications between the parties hereto shall be addressed as set forth in this paragraph 1. The below named individuals, furthermore, shall be those persons primarily responsible for the performance by the parties under this Agreement; City, paul A. Ro ugeau, Traffic Engineer and Consultant: Any such notices, demands, invoices and written communications, by mail, shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee forty-eight (48) hours after • deposit thereof in the United States mail, postage prepaid and properly addressed as set forth above. 8. Insurance: CONSULTANT shall neither commence work under this Agreement until it has obtained all insurance required hereunder in a company or companies acceptable to CITY nor shall CONSULTANT allow any subcontractor to commence work on a subcontract until all insurance required of the subcontractor has been obtained. CONSULTANT shall take out and maintain at all times during the term of this Agreement the following policies of insurance: (a) Worker's Compensaton Insurance: Before beginning work, CONSULTANT shall furnish to CITY a certificate of insurance as proof that it has taken out full workers' Compensaton insurance for all persons whom it may employ directly or through subcontractors in carrying out the work specified herein, in accordance with the laws of the State of California. -6- 7B In accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code Section 3700, every employer shall secure the payment of compensation to his employees. CONSULTANT prior to commencing work, shall sign and file with CITY a certification as follows: "I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Lahor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for workers' compensation or to undertake self insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and I will comply with such provisions before comnencing the performance of the work of this Agreement". (b) Public liability and Property Damage: Throughout the term of this Agreement, at CONSULTANT'S sole cost and expense, CONSULTANT shall keep, or cause to he kept, in full force and effect, for the mutual • benefit of, CITY and CONSULTANT, comprehensive, broad form, general public liability and automobile insurance against claims and liabilities for personal fnj ury, death, or property damage arising from CONSULTANT'S activities, providing protection of at least One Million Dollars (51,000,000.00) for bodily injury or death to any one person or for any one accident ar occurrence and at least One Million Dollars (51,000,000.00) for property damage. (c) Errors and Omfssions: CONSULTANT shall take out and maintain at all times during the life of this Agreement, a policy or policies of insurance concerning errors and omissions ("malpractice") providing protection of at least for errors and omissions ("malpractice") with respect to lass arising from actions of CONSULTANT performing engineering services hereunder on behalf of CITY. (d) General Insurance Requirements: All Insurance • _7_ 7~ required by express provision of this Agreement shall he carried only in responsible insurance companies licensed to do business in the State of California and policies required under paragraphs 8.(a) and (b) shall name as additional insureds CITY, its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents. All policies shall contain language, to the extent obtainable, to the effect that (1) the insurer waives the right of subrogation against C[TY and CITY's elected officials, officers, employees, and agents; (2) the policies are primary and noncontributing with any insurance that may he carried by CITY; and (3) they cannot he cancelled or materially changed except after thirty (30) days' notice by the insurer to CITY by certified mail. CONSULTANT shall furnish CITY with copies of all such poiic ies promptly upon receipt of them, or certificate evidencing the insurance. CONSULTANT may effect for its own account insurance not required under this Agreement. • 9. Indemnification: CONSULTANT shall defend, indemnify and save harmless CITY, its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents and employees, from all liability from lass, damage or injury to persons or property, including the payment by CONSULTANT of any and all legal costs and attorneys' fees, in any manner arising out of any negligent or intentional or willful acts or omissions of the CONSULTANT in the performance of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, all consequential damages, to the maximum extent permitted by law. 10. Assignment): No assignment of this Agreement or of any part or ohligation of performance hereunder shalt 6e made, either in whole or in part, by CONSULTANT without the prior written consent of C[TY. 11. Independent Contractor: The parties hereto agree that CONSULTANT and its employers, officers and agents are independent contractors under thfs Agreement and shall not be construed for any purpose to be -8- do emp',oyees of CiiY. 12. Gov erninq Law; Tnis AnreemenL shall be goverred by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 13. Attorney's Fees: In the event any legal proceeding is instituted to enforce any term or provision of the Agreement, the prevailing party in said legal proceeding shall be entitled to recover atte rreys' fees and costs from the opposing party in an amount determined by the Ceurt to he reasonable. 14, Entire Agreement: This Agreement supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, betxeen the parties with respect to the subject matter herein. Ezch party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representation 6y any party which is not embodied herein nor any other agreement, statement, or promise not contained in this Agreement shall be • valid antl binding. Any modification of this Agreement shall be effective only if it is in writing signed by all parties. IN WITNESS 'dHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first set forth above: CONSULTANT- DKS ASSOCIATES Date: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Date Jon O. ixe s, '4ayor ATTEST: Bever y R. Authe et, City CTerk- Approved as to form: • ~ru .~ ~ ' ~ ° v'7 City Attorney X H I 9 T "A" CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA TRAFFIC MODEL UPDATE, TRAFFIC ANgLYSIS AND PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING WORK PROGRAM This project would be completed in four phases. The original travel demand model would be updated in the first phase of the project. The model would be used to forecast future travel demand in the second project phase. The intersections to be studied will be selected based an the results of this travel demand forecasting eif ort. Analysis of the traffic impacts of a raised median on Foothill Boulevard will ha conducted during Phase 3. A channelizati on plan for Foothill Boulevard will also be recommended in Phase 3, as will the • dimensi•onin9 of the turn lanes for the specified intersections on Haven Avenue. The final project plan (Phase 4) will include preliminary engineering of the individual intersection improvements recommended in Phase 2 and the median improvements recommended in Phase 3. PHABE L MODEL UP-DATE Reaii siic travel forecasts reflecting future land use development patterns for the City are fundamental to [he determination of intersection lane and aignalization requirements. The Rancho Cucamonga City-Wide Trsff is Madelr developed in 1979 and updated in 1980 and 1981. provides a sound foundation for the preparation of these forecast n. However, the model will need to be updated to reflect current end anticipated future land use for purposes of this Intersection Improvement Study. The model will provide projections of daily and peak period traffic volumes at ail project intersections. However, at each study intersection, the forecasts will have to be carefully examined and, if necessary, manually adjusted to accommodate existing turning patternsr specific development site access locations and other local factors that are not adequately reflected in the City-Wide Model. • g ~. . At the time of development of the City-Wide Traffic Model, the canputer software being used (TRANPLAN) was installed on a mainframe computer system (CDC). Tranplan is no longer available at the local COC center nor is it maintained by CDC as a fully supported package. Howver, it is now available for use on various types of microcomputers, including the DKS in-house "Hawk" and ISM PC microcomputers. OKS proposes to install the various existing data files (land use, cotled network, etc.) an our in-house computer fcr this study. This not only enables DKS to effectively modify and apply the model at the least possible cost to the City, but, should the City wish to conduct ;urther applications of the model in the future, (With its own staff antl computer facilities) the files would already 6e in micro-computer format. The original City-Wide Tr affac Model incorporates real onal travel projections from the LARTS/5CAG model whtch is available from work tlone in 1979. The LARTS regional travel model was based on then current 5CAG 1995 population and employment projections for the Los Angeles region. This information was used to estimate through tr afftc not gener atetl within the City study area es well as to determine the extent and orientation of external traffic (i. e., traffic generated within the City but tlestined for areas outstde the Ci ty>. Since that time, extensive changes have been made to • the regi onal model and the demographic projections. In fact, 5CAG is under contract to SANBAG and is developing • subregional model to further update and refine year 2000 regional projections in the West Valley area. according io SCAG and SANBAG staf i, this work is complete. We propose to use their updated regional travel esiimates for the City-Wide Taffic Model by using the new West Valley projections, provided this can 6e done for a nominal cost to the project. Task IAA Data Calleclion Both 24-hour and intersection turning movements counts would be required at several locations for this study. DK6 woultl collect up to 20 intersection turning movement counts. These would include both AM and PM counts, as needed, St is assumed that the Ci[y would assist in the collection of any necessary 24-hour machine counts, and, that ext cting data would be supplemented with new data where appropriate. Task 1Br Re4 armul ate Tr effic Model far Microcomputer The most recent ver stun of the City-Wide Tra4f tc Model data 4iles (from the Hahn/Victoria study to 1981) would be tnstalled on the DKS in-house Hawk computer. This would .~ involve same rewri ling of software routines (such as trip 83 generation) for compatibility with this microcomputer • software version of TRANPLAN. New plots pf the computerized network and traffic assignments would then be generated for comparison with previous runs to verify the downloading procedure. DKS would toll eci and review all available traffic and environmental documents prepared For specific developments which are to be constructed in the near future. In addition, tr of 4ic impact analyses for developments under construction or recently completed will also be collectetl and reviewed. Teak iC~ Praparatian pf Oeeign Volumes for Study In this task, DK5 would meet with the Planning staff of the City tp obtain updated land use pro~e[tions, in appropriate format For use in the City-Wide Traffic Model. These data would reflect current Gity policaes and proposals for development. PHA6E 2~ INTERSECTION RNALV8I8 The updated motlel developed in Phase 1 of the study will be applied in Phase 2. The putput from the model will provide tr a4fic volumes at critical intersectipns in the City. These • estimated future traffic volumes will be used to identify these intersections where local witlening and other improvements may be requared. Tasks 2R~ Model application DKS would run the City-wine model using the updated regional travel projections (if available) and build-put land use projections. Daily and peak hpur (capacity-restrained) traffic volumes would be projected and plottetl using the procedures established in the original City-Wide Traffic Model Study. The resulting traffic projections wpuld be inspected for reasonableness and reviewed with City traffic engineering staff. Rny appropriate adjustments would be made to the model and a new set of plots would be generated. If necessary. subsequent manuai adjustments to the computer-assigned vplumes would be undertaken and summarized on the plats. Task 28( Pr eparatian of Design Volume far 6tudy For each intersection under study, computer-assigned turning . volumes wpuld be analyzed in detail to produce AM and PM gy • design volumes. This would vnvol ve cpmparing turning volumes from the computer assignments to existing turning volumes from traffic counts, invest~gati on o4 sate access locations and patterns in the immediate v,cinity of each intersection, freeway access patterns that may affect the turning movements and other site specific anomalies. Task 2Cn Capacity Analysis The design volumes prepared in Task 2b will be used to estimate future levels of service at all signalized intersections under existing geometric and signaliz anon conditions. While LDS "D" may be acceptable in the peak yeriods, far long-range planing it is recommended that LOS "C" be used as the threshold value. Thus, those intersections estimated to operate at level of service "D" or worse during peak periods will be analyzed to determine what geometric improvert~cnts would be required to improve traffic operations to level of service "C" ar better. Those intersections that are at LOS "E" or "F" can then 6e addressed in the short-r snge improvement plan, while those intersects ens with LOS "C" and "D" can be included in a longer range planning process. This will allow the City to anticipate suture bottlenecks in time to permit • identification of future funding sources for necessary improvements. Emphasis will he placed on the critical movements at each intersection. This will permit the identification of improvements that are focused on the biggest problem. Cost effective improvements can then be developed to mitigate capacity deficiencies. It is anticipated that no more than twenty intersections require evaluation. PHASE 3~ FOOTHILL BOULEVARD ANAI.VBIB The pbjective of this phase of the study will 6e to perf arm preliminary engineering far installation of raised medians or. Foothill Boulevard. The traffic demand estimates developed in Phase 2 and existing geometric data will both 6e required imput for this phase of the study. Task 3A~ Dat• Collection This task will include the development of a data base for the project. The data to be collectetl wilt include exisu ng tr afflc signal timing, existing street geometries, existing limits of the right of way, and planned development in the City. gS Task 3Br Operational Analysis DKS will Consider adjacent land uses, driveway locataans and geometriCS, cross-street traffic demantl and other factors to identify operational need and constraints of a rai 5ed median on Foothill boulevard. The location of potential median breaks will he identified and signal timing requirements will he reviewed to determine required modifications (e. g. increased green time for left turns, phase overlap, etc.1. Task 3C: Median Feasibility Analysis DKS will review existing traffic operations and access conditions along Foothill Boulevard to determine the feasibility of a raised median. The analysis will consider access, auk of direction travel, inte-seciipn capacity, traffic signal phasing, available right-of-way and other existing conditions. The product of this task will De a recommendation [o the City regarding the feasibility of a raised median on Foothill Boulevard, where it has not already been planned and accepted. Task 3D: Di mensian Haven Avenue Intersections Traffic projections and some preliminary analysis has been • completed for intersections along Haven Avenue. In this task, the turn lanes will be dimensioned for four intersections and the information will he provided to the City ar their design consultant. The four intersection9 on Haven Avenue to be dimensioned are: 19th, Foothill Boulevard, Civic Center and Arrow Route. PHASE 4: PRELIMINARY ENBINEERINB In Phase 4 DKS will utilize the results of the intersection anat ysis in Phase 2 and the median analysis in Phase 3 to undertake the preliminary engineering far selected proiect s. Additional data may be required to be collected to facilitate preliminary engineering of the recommended improvements. DY,5 will collect existing traffic signal timing at all signalised intersections to 6e studied. These data will also 6e collected at all intersections along Foothill Boulevard. Intersection geometries wrlt be inventoried using available engineering plans and field reconnaisanc e. Df particular interest will be those inter sects ens identified in the Master Plan (Figure IV-3) as intersections for possible local widening. It is recommended th ak 1"= 50' base maps 6e • R6 • developed for each intersection to be studied. This will require aerial photography of Foothill Boulevard from the westerly City limits to the easterly City limits. The City has existing right-o4-way mapping available. This task will include the consolidation of these maps and plotting of the right-of-way limits on the 1"= 50' scale project base maps. Task 4As Intersection Improvements This phase of the work will focus ... but not be limited to, the intersections identified in the1Master Plan as locations for possible local widening. Speclflc recommendations will be provided for each intersection evaluated regar'tling number of lanes, the type and dimensions of turn pockets, cure radii and other features needetl as input 4or the ultimate design of these improvements. Available right-of-way will 6e considered in making the geometric improvement recommendations. Field checking will 6e done to identify possible right-of-way acquisition opportunities where additional right-of-way is needed. The geometric improvements will be developed to the level of detail appropriate far preliminary engineering. This will • include th• defining of all dimensions and th• limits of each improvement. Preliminary cost estimates will also be developed for the proposed improvements at each intersection. At th• completion of this task, all information necessary for the final design of the improvements will have been developed. Task 4B~ Fhdien Improvements The results of Task 3C will be used in developing the preliminary engineering design far median imprpvements. The design will 6e developed to a level of detail sufficient to provide location and geometrics for ail median breaks, length and geometrics far all le;t-turn pockets, and geometrics for all required right-turn lanes. Preliminary cost estimates will also be developed as part of this task. ~7 EXHIBIT B PROGRAM WORK SCHEDULE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY-WIDE TRRFFIC MODEL UPDATE AND PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING WORK PROGRAM Start antl Finish Dates, Mo-Vr. 9-1 1U-1 11-1 12-1 1-1 2-1 -1 4-3 v-1 a-1 7-I x x x x x x x x x x x Phase 1 MODEL UPDATE Task IA. I I Task lb. I I Task iC. I-.-I PHASE .'_ INTERSECTION ANALYSIS Task 2A. I I • Task 26. I-I Task 2C. I -I PHASE 3 FOOTHILL 60ULEVRRD/HAVEN AVENUE ANRLV5I5 Task 3R. I I Task :>6. I -I Task 3C. I I Task 3D. I -I PHASE 4 F'RELIMINARV ENGINEERING Task 4A. I I Tasl: 46. I -I c R H i B I T "C" TABLE 1 ESTIMATED C08T9 Task No. Description Phew 1--Madat Update lA Data Collection IB Re4 brmulate Traffic Model 1C Update City Land Use Phase 2-Interaacii on Analysis 2R Model Applicaksbn 2B Preparation of Design Volumes 2C Capacity Analysis Eati mated Cast 32.000 7,000 1,000 2.500 5,000 4,000 Phase 3-Foothill Boulevard/ Haven Avmua Anal Yaaa. . 3A, Data Collection 1,500 3B Operational {1nal ysis 3,000 3C Passibility Analysis 2.000 3D Di mansioh Haven Avenue [ntersectipns 5,000 Phaa 4-Praliainary Enpinaarinp 4A Interaacti on Improvements $,000 4B Median Improvement9 15,000 TOTAL LABOR .................. sgo,0oo Computer Costs, Aersal Photon end Other Expenses 6,500 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST........... (56,500 t~ 7 a9 ~r~- associates 7reH¢ • Trgnsponapen • Engmeeong . FEE SCFE.DULE Engineers and Planners Hourly Rate z 30 40 3 $45 4 555 S 60 6 65 ~ 70 g BO 4 95 Technicians • A 25 B ~ 38 D g Project exDenxs will be billed of oast plus 10% for xrvice and handling. Project expenses include project-related costs such as transportation, subsistence, reproduction, postage, telephone, computer charges and subcontractor xrvices. All invoices are due and payable within 30 dogs of dote of invoice. Invoices outstanding over 30 Boys will be assesxd o 2-I/2% xrvice charge for each 30 days outstanding beyond the initial payment period. Late charges are not included in any agreement for maximum charges. These rates are effective June 3, 1985 ord will be revised no later than June I, 1986, Expert witness charges available on request. ~I 90 CONTINENTAL CARE, INC. 4000 MacArthur Boulevard, West Tower, Suite 3000 Newport Beach, California 92660 (714) 851-6243 T0: City Cnu ncil of Rancho Cucamonga FROM: Continental Care, Inc. ~~'~ ~tA'r RE: qes olution Support: Orange Grove Med icai Regional Center Rancho Cucamonga, Caiifcrnia Continental Care, Inc. requests the City Council approval and adept ion of the following reslution: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING THE NEED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A FULL SERVICE ACUTE PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL AND OTHER SUPPORTING FACILITIES. WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has experienced exceptional growth over • the last several years and is projected to be one of the fastest growing communities to the United States; and WHEREAS, the residents of the City of Rancho Cucamonga do not presently have access to a hospf cal within their own cammu nity; and WHEREAS, the construction and operation of a new hospital and support facilities w'li provide hundreds of jobs for residents of Ra ncha Cucamonga and surrounding communities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of Rancho Cucamonga hereby supports the application fora Certificate of Need to be filed by Contine^.ta! Care, Inc. for the development of a full service acute psychiatric hospital and other supporting facilities. Certificate of Need application has been submitted to the State for approval, as well as, to Inland Counties Health System Agencies for review. Pier<! materials have been subm i?ted to the Planning Commission and are presently being reviewed for design and technical review. • 9i RESOLUTION N0. 8J-24Y • A RRSOL VTIOD OF TtIE CITY COIINCtL OF THE Ci•lY OP RAR CRO CDCANONGA, CALIFORNIn, SOPPOxTING THE NERD FOR DEVELOYnHR'1 OF A FULL SERVICE iR187E PSYCRIATRIC ROSYITAL AND OTHEx .~,, ,.~ •' SOPYOxTIRC FACILITIES 17RExEAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga hes erpertenced e:cepctonel grwth aver the last eeveral yearn end ie projected [o be one of tee fee rest graving communities in the Dni ted S[atea; and NREREAS, [he reei dents of the City of Rancho Cucamonga da oat presently Gave acceee to a hospital vithrn their own commuaicy; ana NEEEEAS, the conetruc [ion and operation of a nev hospi[el and euppor[ facilities will prw ids hundreds of jobs for ree ides to of Rancho Cucamonga ana surrounding communities. ROD, 1EEREPORE, HE IT R690LVED, chef the City Council of tae Ci [y of Rancbo Cucamonga hereby euppor [s Qhe application for a Cezer tiemta of Reed to be filed by Continental Cara. Fat..fos the development of ^ Eutl aerv tce mcuae, peychia tric bospi cal and other euppor ting fuih tt es. ,. ~.,, • P/39ED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED thta 21st day of Augua t, 19a). • 9 ~- CITY OF RAI~'CHO CCCAMOtiGA STAFF REPORT Date: au qust 13, 19F5 To: City Council and City Ma naeer From: Pra Smid erle, Cmmuni ty Services nerartmrnt $ubie ct: CP INA Try.'?i HppFF p~CA.Np^,C, ~~i~-~' _~~ i 4- 1 .~ F - ~+`~ Z Iv" ~ Cn Au eu=t 1, 14P5, the Historic >'reser va Lion ^ommisaion held an advertised Public Nearing to consider a recommendation to Council for Historic Landmark designati on for the China Town Hot ;e, located on the south/west corner of San Pe rnard iro Road and Klusman Ave. Mrs. Carmen ?]avarrette, current owner of the home was present at the meeting and exFres sed her willingness regarding the landmark designs iicn for her prooezty. The Historic Preservation Commission finds that the China Town House, constructed in 1920 and used as housi na for Chinese agricn lturel wrkers, and a store by Chinese merchants, has met the criteria established in ordinance 70 and, therefore, recommends it he designated as a City Hie tonic Landmark. R F,COM MENOA TION: That the City Council des ignate the China Town House as a Historic Landmark as reoues ted by the Nis tonic Preservation Commission. 93 RESOLUTION N0. Bo-25U • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COOnC IL OF THE C1'lY OF RAH CHu CUCMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOGNIZING 1HE CRIRA TOWn BOD sE AS A SIGNIFICANT HISTORIC pEATOaE OF THE CITY OP RMCHU COCMONGA AND THEREFORP. DES IGPA'flliG IT AS A CITY HIS'mBIC LANDNABIC 1iHEREAS, the Ci [y Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Calu orni a, hae adopted Chapter 2.24 of the Rancho Cucamonga Nunici pal Code relanag to his[oru preservation; and pHEREAS, the Rancho Cucamonga Historic Preeervan on Co®issi on hae inves ti ge [ed the brat oru eigniiicwce of tee China Torn Heuee and hae held public hearings concerning [hie residence in accordance vuh Chapter 2.24 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code relating [o historic preservation; ana pHEHEAS, the Historic Preservation Co®iseion has found [ne China Town Nouee to 6e a eignif resat hie fora feature of the Ci [y, end tnerehy rata®maa it for de signs Cion ae a City Hietorrc Landmark. HON THEHEPORe, HE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Honcho Cucamonga, California, as fol loan: The City Council finds and de tetmine• that the China Tow House, • located a[ 9591 Ssn Bernardino Road, hu met the criteria eatabliahed for deeignatiaa ae a Ciey Historic Landurk, and therefore, an4 rite the r ecomendation of the Historic Prnetvation Coaisei on, designates tme Bite as a City Historic Landmark. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 2Lt day of August, 19E~. C~ 9Y • ORDINANCE +'BR-9i~939 a,7 O AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AD07TING TERRA VISTA DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT 85-03, REQUESTING A CHANGE TO THE LAND USE PLAN AND TEXT FOR THE SOUTHEAST QUADRANT OF TERRA VISTA, INCLUDING A HOSPITAL AND MIXED COMMERCIAL, OFFICE AND R'cSIDENTIAL USES, LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, WEST OF ROCHESTER AVENUE, EAST SI OE OF MILL [KEN AVENUE The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council hereby finds and determines the following: A. That the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, following a public hearing held in the time and manner prescribed by law, recommends the district change of the property hereinafter described, and this City Council has held a public hearing in the time and manner prescribed by law and duly heard and considered • said reconmendation. e. That this District Change is consistent with the General Plan of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. C. That this District Change is consistent with the objectives of the Terra Vista Planned Community Text. D. This District Change will have no significant environmental impact as provided in the Negative Declaration filed herein. SECTION 2: the southeast quadrant of Terra Vista is hereby redesignate amend the Terra Vista Plan text for land use is hereby amended as shown in the attached Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B". PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 7th day of August, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 9~ City Council Ordinance Page d2 don D. Mikels, Mayor • ATTEST: Beverly A. Authelet, City Glerk I, BEVERLY A. AUTHELET, CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular (special, adjourned) meeting of said City Council held on the 7th day of August, 1965. Executed this 7th day of August, 1985, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. every Authe et, City C er • • 9G r .\ I:. i ~ n ~. ~G ~ ~~~~':~,, .F.~o ~..,., ZI,~ um.x.,oum~ -~ _. ~ '~. ~ ux.w.u..xr-, IF G~~ L G~ . .:. ~K~'" ela'" ~ ~~ ~' ~~4x', y ~ ~~ ~.. ,..... ~ !'~„~. ~u ur•r. oTCVYmxJL~VfO/Wr~Y w H CC'arw.m~o. N ~ A W ~~ E ~ w. P 0 roorxuu i~ ~ xouuruo LAND US! / DlNSITY D13TlIDUTIDN i AMlNDMlNf NO. ~ rYF~ L, r~0 ' wvrv~~r rar l r~~ V )).y ~l ~~~~V 1 f CITI' C)I~ n~r.~i: TV ~C'A S5-o3 +~ RA\CHO CL`C~1~I0\GA TiT~.r: PM~~ ~ ~~ ~'~"p PI_~~tiNt~C, DI~'tSlO~' t.xnu~ir~_'__sc.,t.r 99 ~~ c p;{~ July 2, 1981 Planning Department Cit) of Rancho Cucamonga 9320-C Rase Line Road Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 ATTP.41T I0)!: Curt Johnston Dear Curt Re: Mendnent No. 1 tc the Terra Vista Comr.,unity Plan While we assuae that correction of the amendment text is to he comole ted after Planning Commission action, we have gone ahead and made the necessary corrections to conform the text to the amendment which is now before you. Using as the base document the original amendment text as submitted to the Planning Commission in March, very few changes are necessary. Enclosed are the newly revised pages for the Land use Plan, Statistical Summary (with footnotes), use regulations, and the explanatory graphics at the beginning of the text. The rest of the text is sti 11 useable as submitted. Cordially, LEWIS DEVELJPPfE:IT CO. Kay Matlock Project Manager ~ enc. f155N PMunin u~. 4.e PO 9a. 670 Upland CA Oi 735 (714) 386~0g 71 ~E ~~ 1t31T8 ~ ~y - TAT A1+1ENQ ~o ~~ ~~_ E~ ° _ n W Z ~`~ u .n q C ~ E ° ; J O W C O l ~ U .= ~ _ 'n 7 ~i C n N C ~ ~ L W U Qi ~a C m. ~ ~ u f~U ~ ; ° _ I nv~r~ _ b b N n nt C II m m m ~ vin n.- n`~oNn a in ~n v~ nn.-^ rrv ,o O 1~ N G1 '.O NONE-10 ~- n N ^;~q bc,aN '"'^ n ao o~U •~I^ y a n ^ O S;n N m ^ U a U ? ¢ -- ^ 7V OarV m ~ ~ a o C -~ v~~ C ?~ Y~'.r o ,~ ' u` c l c~ u n~ G O° TO " v ~I J ~ T5 ~ ¢ E u.~'.J ~ H~02 C ~ m " ~ WI~>>~~ Qi ~ > ~ j L J K;J { L 2 ~coomomoon m.-.a coi moo .. nn ^ N N S VI V L _V m w ~ •v L U - N i E ~' °~ . ~ a n V ` E x W m p ~ ~ u m=O:J~ ~ - j 'V ~n C ~ E u ~~° ~ W ° E E ~~ u~ u X_ E ° E __ j E ~~ c V ° W °~ E J V o U i i U Ui ~ =' m o ° n$~ ~-o ~. c ~ o`a~~~~~ j w ° ~ ~ v -.~ L - y1.J 'J CI Cl _. O I O C J W v '~ %% N ViUUZpCtil Exw\aS1T F~- Z 99 m Ip O O I O W ONN 0C'~ qN ~- O O b L1 !~ S N O - c a ^ ^~ ;c 'v n C N a _ ~ ° a u m ~ a ~n U - .0 u U T _ J d z ~ m aCu D O ° ~ ~ N J ~ O c ~ ~ I ~ ~,nc. a l Y F ~ ° C' Ji ~ ~ ~ C W L^ A _. ~ ~ . ~ _ U to ~ ~ c J o > Wn~^~'_~~ ~ w O ~ :n '? ~ ~ ~ ~ J C V1 N U ~ Y J Q a a ° u ~ ~ ~ •• ~ C F - n ~ f- C ~ ~~~': 3J^~ -., ~ _° ~ ~ c 3.= o ~ C r CI Q O N Y i U .. n , a 4 _ L = ] ~ L U _ V ~ C y ~ n ` J O ^ a C m = v 3 -' ~ ° s ~ v c _ _ u C - A ~ ` Ci ~~ = v ~ o a ~ U L LJ .' G~} v o. .~ J C L ~ = J C Y ` N J y O L U U S n _ L m C. ~ n ~'~©J `< o n c iar~a_ ,~ ooaeon'= _~'- ma~C x'^.E~ oruNa L u c , d ~ c o n i u ~ v ~o ,] ._ c ._ L ~ c E o ~ u o v v.~ c .E ~ c ^.v. ? '^ ~ v u m N c m~ u N f0 u Vf Y N N ._ •N ~ U r~ 0 l U O U ~ .. a i9 L :O N 1] C V O f~ - N~ C N v N`roo avo N°e m`V`oE NN~m'j._ NCN U ~_ ] CY ? yu-_G~ ~'v u ~a ~S .T. N ]r v v m `~ N C .9 C O< a TAO v _ ~C.9 amp "]'O ~cv~ u1p ~~a:, cu v E,~?N m>v Nm4 E~n.E--va Win o. v~^a> ].~`_ .~?' ~U^u E > =m ~ G- L C C b N JO O .~. V a] m O C_ N~= r p N q ~i C1 q F ~ O N U U 41 ` a C N T m U O_ Y _ H~ ]C~?uN ~~ua Eoc ~'r uG3,~r 3.v. 0 p ~ m v V ~n .~~'r v 0 ~ '~j G ~ U -~ G] c `~ ~ N a .. U U Z 2 U -~ `r C Nom:` -u ac.J.G oJ~; _.~... .N_ o'03u,~v N u-; N] L N U i U '[ P= U U D C u'^ u u i n ] U N .T. L a l~ _ I_ -= E u m i p; o c n '~ v '' u O~ l C. n N u-, v ,=~ '•_ = LI ~ U1 p- Q U U V~ 1 L V) 7 9 J C ~'. E N ~ S EX-1~a~To R- 3 J ~ , L ~ •~ 0 ~~2 a a ..~ N c ~ e u c '° d c ~ E ac< ~,o~ ] C U v ~ E n _ u E U G C7 E"^ _ u T E ~_ V Y n R L y - G C ~ J rJ = N ~ >.7 LV N r ~ J Y O rv m ~ Gmo ~ C .. 'J J = ~ u c E J C ~ r T • ~ y o C Uc n n u _ U ~ ' - c C o ~ N U . . L .9 N _ .. _ n J n C- O _ N ~ N Y .n v N - C ~~ J N ~ u C V C C: ~ L ~ O L~ u O p u s ~ u `0 a . ° ~ A v c ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ E ~ J v .N C v C L N u ~ .D C ~` ~ ~ 1 ~ .. 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'° N o m c ;` N .~ n L y a Y ~ I'J U y J •_ J_ L C U C V m .n a N ~ .. 6 L N 'r 'nJ V C U V J •_ O1 0 C N C U N u V '9 V O L e y L N 41 n N N ~ 1 L = U U 'J Cl N 3 ^J J C1 ~ ~ ti ~ ~ L '. C J ~ ~ ? .C n ~ ~ ~ _. ; r~ J O N C ~ ' J ~ N ~ ~^ C ~. S E J C -J - A 7 u d Cl .9 y ' N VI n_ C ,n O u C D N y L U L V N C ~ ~ Y L . L O .~ u Y? = i V .J- U C' ] N C J C lL' .- - Q~ OEO i ~-p ~ ~ ~ ~ Q O C J a C u'T Ln'" ~ n N - < U U Q n O E ~ j E~nl-gR g,-oq' ~~ .-. ~ `- 5.~7 ~~~ i. ei~ ~ S j J ~ _ ~ \ ~ J ^I ~ / ~~ ~ ~ \ I ~ t I ~~ ~ ~ a = t ~ ~ W ~~I ~ J zz /4 n\ 3 i I w _ ~ 7 3 a ~I Z i ~ 1 N_ u .~ i ~~ ~~ F s ~'~ W ~ li ~ LL (JW O OQ+W i. ~V ~ Q f.1 m a m m I ~I i o _ ~ ~~ ~ 7 i ~ a' ~_ W ~i 6 'I' = W ~' ~ 3 ~ 1 J ~ `~ ~ ~ _ ' ~ ~ S U i ~~ _ i ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ i_ Z ~~'':iA 3 $ ~ ~ 3 ~ U E~FIIFI~T/oi~5 ' JL ~ q Q O N `~ < ~ ~T~~ m~ /j- ~'-.~.-~ U C ~ a m ~ m m m O a 9 0 m c i m ._ 7 3 aj e ¢ ~~ q ~Qm O .J G ~ ~ _~_ ~ UV ~U e tt < m C1mry ~ E mra n a o r. m J ~ -- ~t J ~ A ~ ~ m h a ~ ... r ~ a 7 ~ C ~ gas° 4~-~ ..¢ A U U Cat V < I O h Q K m H ~ W~ ~ .......... ... _~ n ~ h ~ ... f ~ O Y LL o a t U O 7 R a o 2mm m Z 4 Y a 7 w ; ~y )1 -~2 - ~. .. ~.. . .d ~;,~;~,w ~ ~ ~I ~ 8 W vv +nawne J O ~ --O a d' z YY Y3 '~~-~ .~ :r /•; p s 1 q ~ •1 !t w 3 ~11 1 I E~c~1~a~T P~-,G W ~ ~ ,.d ~~ L N 3 0-: .~ Q .~. ,4 ' < u <_ ~1'~i W 3 Q.• ~ _ .. ~ ~ ... ~.1.... ,~'~~+ ~ ~~ .... ••.•• Uu ~E _"~ os a~ - m G yy paW+O ~a am u~ m ~Q E~ Em 9 m ~E Ha J i ,.,, .~"~b , ~~ l J _t t W r t ~ u pj ~ ~ ~ O A W J ~~' j•.......•..`... S ~~~d ~. 6 i~i Z~ ~ a f O A ~+ ~ E c ~ `- ¢$ c ` =_ . =-~.. um > m os ~a i0 a E ~ ~_ . ~ ~ O O C O u~'!!11' ~nd ' r / ~ Of y C ' GwU Ex~~tiK ,off ' 7 w a d v c 0 v J i `ry<[ u J Yo W N V. L_ .fi I ~ g j LL u d ww!I IIW 1 Y W 1 i J ~Y O< ~I' =r J ~Y CWy~< i~ s <~ t ~( •~ m W LL ~~ W V C U \, 4 m U b N U ~ N m E u F O o, ~ 4 U T 4 F / j. N ~y _ ~, C O M O' 'EJ VI N 2 E K 2 ~ U W C N N N .] V N Z F C F E > O z 4 U o w F M N N F ~ i~' ~m ~ ~ ~; ~, o ~ I ~I ., _ ~ i' ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ c ~ o 0 E _ G~ C . . ~~ L I C K V ~ r ~ a c ui s I r~ ~I o m m a ~ ~ c rv ~ c i e c~ a u i - N C C .y Q O I ~~ ~ u N fj ~ N n N N G ~ Q C N ~ 1~ N 4 P9 u hl V Y ~ ~ -. y N n H 4 ~ N C C ,y d O \ u ^~ w v w a m < ,~ ~ '^ d ~ n ~. , Q n CT.u W C N E n 4.l O - T~ ~ ~ ci C K ? ~ y S 2 £ ~ H c .] E ., C C, ~es E~c~1tg~T R - b nrmv nr• n - • GATE: August 21, 1985 STAFF REPORT T0: Mayor and Memhers of the City Council FROM: Dan Coleman, Senior Planner BV: Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: STATUS OF THE APPEAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT 10349 ~ ~v.,.,.,rotip 2`i,~q ~~q~A "! 5~ a 19i I. BACKGROUND: On August 7, 1985, the City Council, being unable to act on the approval of this Tentative Tract since the developer has indicated he will withdraw from the project, continued the item to this meeting. • At the scheduled August 12, 1985, Ad Hoc Committee meeting, members of the Committee met with the developer and Mr. Bob Sherwood, a representative of the legal property owner, to discuss the status of this project. Nhile Plaza Builders had withdrawn from this project, the property owner indicated he still wanted to proceed with it as a custom lot subdivision with a variance. The Ad Hoc Committee stated clearly that the subdivision, the design review, and the variance, are being reviewed as a package based on the coordinated efforts of the developers and Ad Hoc Committee. Although the property owner could proceed with this Droject as a custom lot subdivision, the Ad Hot Committee stated that those Design Review criteria as agreed upon would be a lost effort since the City could not attach them to the tentative tract as Conditions of Approval. Further, the Planning Commission would not 6e able to make the necessary findings and justifications for the Variance. The property owner has withdrawn from the Variance as of August 13, 1985. A copy of the letter from the property owner has been attached for your review. II. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a public hearing and to consider all material regarding this project. Re tfully /sd~mi ed, (~~ ~ ~. an Coleman Senior Planner Attachments: Letter from the property owner Letter from Plaza Builders Table I /fiG ~ C • - crAZA a r .+vvS '_ ~ nCORPQAAlFD \ C J'S' + a.^Hav avenue ~Yq^~~` Costa Mesa Ca i~'crrva 92626 ~ A C~' nat. ]-m N,f'~YC/. }8 qG ~a2 C ~O 1 ~y +a2,~ August 8, 1985 '~bGC ~~~~~~ p1 s~. Dan Coleman ~i!u7 Senior Planner ~ ~y/s6~ Rancho Cucamonga Planning Dept. 9320 Baseline Road, Suite C Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 SUBJECT: Tentative Tract 10349 Dear Dan: Current investigations regarding the above-mentioned project have proven to be negative. The Ad Hoc Com- mittee's requests have escalated costs to build beyond what we believe as being a marketable home for this area. Therefore, Plaza Builders, Inc. shall withdraw as current participants in processing this • tract. In a conversation with Mayor Michaels on August 6, 1985, I explained that Mr. Kelber will become involved in completing the processing of this subdivision. Should there be any questions, or if I can be of any assistance, please feel free to call. S' c y, Tim C. Marqu Vice Preside t of Operations Plaza Bailders, Inc. TCM/cb cc: G. Meeker M. Kelber Anacal Engineering Dave Szaney, A.I.A. A $u'C 5'^•.9r~ a' ~d'.,i. `.1 Cn„nr-..i ~ ~. i'In: LL'ln AS.iCCpI100 ~G 7, RJEERT SH ERWpOD J SAVINGS AND LOAN :SCeON •JEoP PT4 CNT• Home ~~CC ne._996 ]800 nee +ESr cOp n~,u as'+o gyENNE ONTq R!O CA'_fFOg h'iA 31 i6! V vL1y0 pn.°RE~E~V PuNN NQ 0 ~ oO~~ T0. CITYROFNRANCHOECUCAHONGATHE PLANNING COMMISSION ~ 8 AUG 1 3 i9~S dtcenN on: Nancy tong, Ass is tan[ Planner i9+~0EUl~lIIZ/~fQlsis 1 SLCJEGT: VAR I,4NCE 65-06 - PLAZA :BUILDERS - A request [o reduce Che requl red 22,500 square foot minimum lot size to a 2G,000 fora proposed 57 lot single family sub-divi s:on in the very low Res iden Cial District (1-2 du/ac), located a[ the west side of Sapphire, sou Ch of Jennet 5Ereet, APN 1043- 121-3, 1062-161-1, 1062-011-3 (RElea ted File: T.T. 10349) 21aza Builders, the developer for Tentative Trace 10349, has withdrawn Erom the above project because oC the requirements imposed by [he City of 3ancho Cucamonga, and I have serious doub t5 Chat Chepmper ty uill develop under sa Sd requiremen cs. • The refo ce, request is hereby made that said Variance be withdrawn. ~', y~~j %/ ~~'L,%i' ~l ~~l ~ ~l L., . Mike Kelber, Trustee U .v. n I'll 1. ', ~,. ~, ".: ne.n P° cro ai,. ~pnnn no.o .m T .u ..r : o. ,....~ u.,e~ aBe ~~o vac n.>. cn~ rangy. ~, /L .Q a a `_ ~ m- o~` • Env n ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~U 6 < ¢ G V ~ T u V u NY Y U P ~ ~ YVVV ~ V qm E i O Y C OVO Y)9 Gy O ` ~ALY YYN Odw O UY Va ~ q ZW - W A u L 0 iuV ~CGY _ G9 0 Su ~ Y v ~~e 'J a x Y~ ~G ^ CA N V VN ~ n C OC I y V 9r ~ C Vp Q w ~ y ~V Y i Yu y CIOC NC +9 i yy Y~ S~P Y ~ Z ZS ~ u VN „ Y ~e ~~d= ~: ~&~=a ~a~e ~ ~~ a .. Y c ~ g ` v - 4 ` E S c 8E T] ri o) O ~ ,Wy v€Et c pT e ¢ C$N ~ g Tu g~ ii ~ ` u y~c aY r ~ n c m a ~~H~ ma ~-~ Fi ra L c O Et- - :~ `j .. ~ v T O w _ r N y 7ac_ ~ 4U _ y OY ou ~ a t~ ~W F ~K o 'a' " _ _ ~ o o ~ ~ Tv ' x "` = s ma uo a~ Y ~ " e, ~ ~i~SO - ooy m ~ o ` _ __ _ z • < < G - < :.7a Kvr ..~~~. ~~V ~ , . ~.s6 E Ta=N O CEV O O y ~ ~ ~ E oY ~ ~ E n a ~ i y V Y ~ u 5 c i w _ H m ~«w a ~M C L ~ _ y r ` LOYq d _ 6 v EH c ~Wy ~a~m$ y[y[~~ E~Aa v dc aN ~ ui.a~ v8 s e1-~ ~ N _ ~ ~ m m ~ c ~ E ' r ~ u _ o ~o~e~Ku u v ~ n w._ ~~a a " d _ o P U r a m O v ~ ~ L E u N yy C " O E~ Y O n V V ~ p k ~ N ~f m T' ~ w ~ £ pp T~cpE E vE V ao` COL E y G ~ CC GG o O m 4 r~ N p p ]C GG ~ V F~Fa '7 u r in Y 7 H L I- 3 0.^r F l r r u ~ .+ u ~ C 6 r v ~~ n .. ~. V V O L G~ ~i Ou l'S V yrm~l ~ Y a r{4 Lu~i ~Crr ~E uai ~ ~ / p OOm Y7 N YY Q o O q • ~ I ~ V= /p waG = _ y O p O q e r` wNN ~ O d i o K 0 0 V Y T W 4 O L T 8 9 bt 4~N l T 4 _ p S e 4Y GSd O~'O ak G~92V b SN Nw J EE ~ Y u ~p ~{ C~c O bOC ~- G j YF N Yy~ FPrin 6u nO ru F.mpn N M < ~+ E r^ E Y oEW i L 00 ' _ ~ ~- E Y C L ~ it ' ] CL> y c m, 6 G _ e S N a eup v o o6 _W O. l' ~ ; '~ m ~ N • F ~Ya vT ~ Ov y S 'CEO m ~vL ,- a~ .. N m a p rv ~O ~i ~o _~= _ ,~~ _ ~- ~V1c N a~ O Py L«_V O'' V N T ~ u cGU Om ~d -~E~cO~i c~ E OV 4t • Ni O O d ~~ dr~~ a~ V rFO~ R nO~in 6 L=bO~ V V q r{ m«~v ~9Ut~OP rEO~~cO Y k g Y V O y p y F Y L F 1 d iw '^ = y Qu ~ u gy ea ~2 °.. y~ O a ., N u~F~ V / Tr V 4c1 C`~ >O-YONN +~ ~ N C O L~V~O~O G Tw G~Q00 'w'6 cc"V u 3 'c rGU'.U~ O ~V O C p - ~ ~ . E P _ c2y n~ m x ~N~ - ~b~~ ~1-r 4~rt~i60 -~ -_ ''~--~ _- !__ -d 3.,: ....:... I , ,.i~i;~~~ ~; .._.~ __ L\ 1 ~`~ j " 3 i v t ~~y~~ . v~.Y+ TiY •, \ llIyIy i _. ~ ~ ~~ ~= -> ~'~~~ ~~ /' ~ 11,'_x- r~,~ a= - • ~, _~ a ~ "- ;I it ~D1)1.1 __ ~_}{V __ ~ ~ c1~ 1 j y ' ',O, ~I~ 11. i I ~ ~~ ~~• ~ -nl I \a'~I~~~ ,o to io; ~~,~ .~n_~+,i ~;, ,.I ~~~ 9 ~.j ~!j a y _ ii, CITY OF RA\CHO CtiC:1\IO~G~ c~cj«oh STAFF REPORT ~~~~;_. <, ,~> _ ~-Cl ' Z DATE: Rugust 21, 1985 ,- iaC-L ~ T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Dan Coleman, Senior Planner BY: Howard fields, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 85-02 - Amending Section .0 .OSOD concerning off-site parking lots to include additional language to clarify public safety issues I. Summary: Rt their regu lar ty scheduled meeting on May 22, 1985, the Planning Commission directed Staff to Drepare a parking amendment to the Development Code to clarify language concerning off-site Dark ing lots. The objective was to provide clear guidelines for off-site parking lots in order to avoid people and car conflicts. The Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing on duly 24, 1985 to consider the • amendment and recommended approval of the amendment and issuance of a Negative Declaration. Attached is a copy of the Planning Commf ss ion Staff Report and minutes which describe the proposed amendment. II. CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised as a public hearing in The Daily ReDOrt newspaper. To date, no correspondence has been received either for or against this amendment. I[I. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve Development Code Nnendment 85-02 through adoption of the attached Ordinance and issuance of a Negative Declaration. Respectfully submitted, Dan Coleman Senior Planner DC:HF:ko Attachments: Planning Commission Staff Report & Resolution Minutes of July 24, 1985 Planning Commission Meeting Initial Study, Part II City Council Ordinance / /~3 • AiitDAV1T C" PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA CDUN'1'YOFSANBERNARD[NO ~ i5 I, Grnoe Trasvina , do hereby certify that I am the Legal Advertising clerk of THE DAILY REPORT, a daily newspaper of general circulation, published in the City of Ontario, County and State aforesaid and that the attached a~lrer!ireirent ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARIt7G ~e~~rtt _ Coda AmendleSlL QS-n2 1/nt one time only was published in said newspaper ______.__. M n• MOINpM yyr~n IiE W II111. 6f~MTfE Elf E011MrM[E Wwlt. August 10, 1985 I~~~. M/'. /.ffMIM ~OEIfMI cedi[y under penalty'of penury that the Foregoing is true and correct. !Signature) Dated at Ontario, California this _ tenth _____ ~y of Ig85 i; • STAFF REPORT ~.~~°'~``~ ~ ~,; f ~ ~ DATE: July 24, 1985 - - 19Ti T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Jack Lam, Community Development Director BY: Howard Fields, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL SPECIF IC PLAN AMENDMENT 85-02 - Amending Section E., Parking & Loading equiremen is page Ii2-26) to include defined interior building areas that can be deducted from the overall parking requirements; Section E.3, Parking Spaces Required (page III-29) to include a parking ratio for rese arch and development uses; and Table III-2, Land Use Def initions for research and development uses and identific ation of the applicable subareas (Table II(-1). ! ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT ~ - - Amending ect ion .0 D concerning of -site ! park ing lots to include additional language to clarify public safety issues. BACKGROUND: At their regularly scheduled meeting on May 22, 1985, the ~i ai nning Conmissi on directed staff to prepare parking amendments to the Industrial Area Specific Plan and the Development Code. The proposed parking amendments will deduct non-occupancy areas from parking calculations, provide a ratio for research and development uses, and policy clarification Concerning off-site parking lots. On July 10, 1985, the Comm ssion reviewed the draft amendments and directed staff to define Research and Development uses in general, and bring the draft amendments back hefore the Commission for consideration. II. ANALYSIS: The initial survey results of selected California cities having a large concentration of research and development uses revealed the average median ratio for parking is 1/350. This figure coincides with ratios used by other cities, such as Palo Alto (1/300), Riverside (1/350), and Menlo Park (1/300). In or•d er to adopt a Research and Development parking ratio, it is necessary to first define research and development uses for the land use type definitions in Table III-2, and then identify the applicable subareas within the Industrial Specific Plan (Exhihit "C"). Staff is proposing to define RRD as a separate category of industrial use with two subcategories. The Commission directed staff to present a precise definition for Research and Development //r PLAYA PIG C0:'•1.MISS IO:I STAFF REPDR7 EA $ ISP Amendment 35-02 •~ ~ EA & Development Code Amendment 86-02 duly 24, 1981 Page 2 • uses as a general category. The staff is proposing the following definition to address the Commission's concern for clarity: "Research and Development: Uses engaged in the research, design, analysis, development, and/or testing of a product." The two subcategories of Research and Development would he defined as fol laws: Research & Development/Office: Activities typically include, but not limited [o; building/use types resembling office mare than industrial space, but includes in addition to office space, research and development facilities, such as labs, acoustical chambers, microwave testing chamber, wind tunnels, circuit board assembly rooms, "clean rooms", and computer facilities. Such uses are typically less intense than pure office, but more intense than traditional industrial space. The uses do not produce odors, noise, vibration, or particulates which would adversely affect uses in the same structure or on the same site. Where 24 hours on-site • surveillance is necessary, a caretaker's residence may be permitted when approved by a Conditional Use Permit. Research 6 Deveiopment/L iq ht Manufacturinq: Activities typically include, but not limited to; "high-tech" production and assembly operations which include some R&D and office space, "product assembly rooms", prototype testing, and other facilities associated with high technology manufacturing. The uses do not produce odors, noise, vibration, or particulate which would adversely affect uses in the same structure or on the same site. Where 24 hours on-site surveillance is necessary, a caretaker's residence may be permitted when approved by a Conditional Use Permit. Staff recommends that research and development uses would be appropriate in the Industrial Park and General Industrial categories as shown in Exhibit "C". B. R&D/Office ermF fitted Subarea - 6 and 7, 12, 16 Conditional Use Subareas - 1, 3, 4, 8, 11, 13, 14 C. R&D/L fight Manufacturinq Permitted Subarea - 1-8, 10 -14, and 16 • /(6 PLA:I;II NO CO~NNISSi0t1 STAFF REPORT EA & ISP Amendment 85-02 EA & Oeve lopment Code Amendment 35-02 July 24, 1935 • Page 3 III. RECOMM&YDRTION: If the Planning Commission language and the extent of the proposed revisions Specific Plan and Development Code, approval Resolution and recommendation of approval far ordinances would be appropriate. Re pec tfud ll(~su bmitted, Jack am' ~i~~___ Community Development Director concurs with the to the Industrial of the attached the accompanying JL:RF:jr Attachments: Exhibit "A" -Parking Spaces Required (Section E.3) - Indusirial Specific Plan, Paqe [II-29 Exhibit "8" -Off-Site Parking (Section 17.04.0500) - Development Code, Page 48 Exhibit "C" - Proposed Changes to Summary Land Use Type by Subarea, Industrial Specific Plan, Table • III-1, page I[I~•5 Exhibit "D" - Current Summary land Use Type by Subarea, Table II[-1 Exhibit "E" - Subareas of the Industrial Specific Plan Initial Study, Part [i Resolutions of Approval Proposed Ordinances // ~ t ' RESOLUT I9N .JO. 85-111 • A RESOLUT?0'1 OE THE PLANN?NG COMM?SS I,^,'I OF THE CITY OF RA'lCHO CUCAMO NGA; CALIFORNIA, RECOMMEIlO i.'IG A7P RuVAL OF DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 85-02 REGAROiYG SECTION 11.04 .DSO D, OFF-SITE PARKING LOTS WHEREAS, on the 22nd day of May 1985, the Planning Commission directed staff to prepare an amendment to the City's Development Code related to Section 11.04.0500, Off-site Parking lots; and, WHEREAS, on the 24th day of July, 1985 the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing. SECTION 1: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Conrtnission has made the following findings: 1. That the amendment is warranted in order to avoid traffic conflicts and enhance pedestrian safety. 2. That the proposed amendment would not have a significant impact on the environment; and • 3. That the proposed amendment is consistent with the policies of the General Plan. SECTION 2: That the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has found that this amendment will not create a significant adverse impact on the environment and recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration on July 24, 1985. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 1. The Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council approve and adopt Development Code Amendment 85-02, regarding off-site parking lots. 2. That a certified copy of this Resolution and related material hereby adapted by the Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the City Council. /i 8 Resolution No. Development Code „-ena~ent 45-02 ' Page 2 • .APPROVED AND AOCPTEO THIS 24th DAY OF JULY, 1985. PLAN` NG COt4MISSiOtI OF THE CITY OF RAfJCHO CUCAt+ANGA 87 ATTES I, Jack Lam, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Corwiss ion held on the 24th day of July, 1985, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES; COMMISSIONERS: CHiTIEA, t4CNIEL, BARKER, STOUT NOES: COM'41SSIONERS: NOt1E • ABSENT; ~ COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL u yes { C Pi".. is - I:i. :,,L 5' ... DA:E: JU.[~f 2 ~/. / anP:.:c.;:-: CiTy off' Qi7NG~d Cc! .q~o./Gq FILi:~C Dn:E:_~ 2 Z~ l Sd.f LCC \vu3EE: ~7E1~` O/~7EbrT~B~ f~l - GNIEiY`T ~-a ?~ raorc:: D><f'-,S~7~B t~ir~ivy ~Trs~c. i>.us~eson~. PROJ_,,. LOCA:iC. I. E:S:RC:.'>~':::dL I??dCTS (Exp lara ciao of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on atxached sheets), YES :4i1"E NO ~ 1. Soils and Ceoloev. Gill the proposal have • 5igni: icanc resulcs in: a. UnS tab le ground co nd ir!ons or in changes in / geologic relationships? V b, Dis rupcions, di5plac eaents, coapaction or burial of the soil? / c. Change in topography or ground surface contour intervals? __ (/ d. 1'he destruction, covering or modiflcation of any unique geo log!c or phys ital features? __ (i e. My po [ential increase in wind or eater erosion of sails, affec r'ng either on or off site condi :o ns" Li f. Chang^_s in eras icn si'. tat!o a, or depcsiticn' `. g. Eap osuce of people or p; operty to gee lc Sic hazards such as earr F,qu akas, lands:ides, mud- slides, ground tai lu re, or sit Siar hacards? / h. M increase !n the race of extz action and/or use of any mSneral Tesouzce? ~- (/' T. Hvd ralo ev. Nill the pra po sal have significant resulcs Ln: /eZ t:, ~ t ~ ~- -- ~~,:: a. Changes in ccrra^rs, o: ...e coo-se of - - • o[ flo~: iag s[r eats, :Lets, o: ep`.ec,e r'1 scr„- than,^._? s? b. Changes in absorp;ion rates. dzaina ge pa;eetr.a, _ oz :he rate ant a_oua: ut surface .a:ar ru^.ofE'. / c. Alterations co the course or f' ov of :f d _ oo vacers'. d. Change in Che a.:.cunt o: su:fa ce Bracer !n an': body OL VdCer? e. Discharge into surface vacezs, oz ary ~ dlterd [lOn Of su tf dCe vd [eT quali;;:? / f. Alce tea or, of groundva;er cha racier is tics? g. Change in the quan ci e+ of groundvacets, either through di: ect add.cio ns or vi[h- dravals, or through interference vlch an aquifer? Quality? h. the reduction in the anount of vacer ocher- ~ c+ise available for public water supplies? __ / 1. Exposure of people or property co vacer related hazards such as flooding of seic hes? __ 3. Air Oualf:v. Will the proposal have significant res in cs in: a. Cons cane or periodic air eoiss Ions fron oob i' e _ or indirect sources? Stationary sources? - / .-•/ b. Decerloracien of anb ienc air quality and/oz interference vich the accaimenc of appli ca 6le air quality standards? V ~_ / _S/ C. Al Cerd[1Cn Of 10 Cal or Cegional C11-,a ac condi:ians, aft ec clog nit nov em en ;, co is tore ~ or ceope ra tore? ~ -- / 4, 9fo ea Flo ra. Wi11 [he proposal have significant resula Sn: a. Change in the characce rls acs of species, in eluding dive rsi cy, discribuclan, or nucber of any species of plan cs? / `- D. Reduce ion of ehe nuobers of any unique, rare / or eod ange red species of plants? / /y~ ~ ~~ Pa^? 7 _ ~~i ~i () • ~ e. Intredur. icn of nev or d!s: uptlve species ei ~ plants in;a an a: ea'. / / d. Reduction in the potential Eo: agricultur_1 / praduc:ion.' (/ ?a+r.a. Wi:l the proposal have sihni:'_;anc resu':s ia: a. Chang_ in the charao:eris tics of species, inc L_diag diversity, dis t: tsar ion, oz numhea i ' f i l / e any spec _es o an ca s? / b. Reduce San of the nursers of any unicue, rare or endangered species of an iWa'_s? / c. In croduc cicn of nev or dis: up rive species of anicals into an area, or result in a ha zrier [o the aigracion or aovenenc at anicals'. / d. Deterioration or removal of existing fish or wildlife habiiati 5. Population. Will Che proposal have significant results in: ~ a. Will the proposal alter the location, distri- • bution, density, diversity, or grow ch race of the hucan population of an area? / b. Will [he proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? _~ fi. Socfo-Etocoaic Factors. Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Change in local or regional sot io-economic characce cis tics, inc lading economic or co©ercial diversity, Cax rate, and property / values? b. Will pro}etc costs be equfcab ly di siribuced among project beneficiaries, S.e., buyers, tax payers or project users? ,/ 7. _L~^.d Cse and Plam i^,¢ Co nsid e:ac lc r.s. Hill :he p:opo sal have sign_i :cant zesuls in? a. A substantial alce:o aon of the present or planned land use of an area? / ~ b. A conflict a1[h any designations, objectives, ~ policies, or ado peed plans of any govern:.encal e ci i ? / n es t / c. M Sepact upon [he qulaiey or quantity of exls LSng cansuepelve or non-con sump[ive rec reaclonal opportunities? 1/ /d .L - -. ~ t ~.:e . .._~ ,1,~..::~o B T i u • . ran seor. et o^.. fll the proposal ha•:e sigaif!c an' resuia in: a. Generation of substan:ial addit!o^a1 veh!caar j cove=eat? / b. Effects on exiscln3 streets, ar decand for neu street construction? c. Effects on existing parking faci'_i ties, or decand for new parking? d. Sub scantial Sepact upon ezistinq cransporca- tion sysceas? ~/ e. Alterations Co present pa aerns of cizcula- [icn or eovecent of people and/or goods? f f. Alterations to or effects on present and poten cial aster-borne, za il, Hass transit or air traffic? ! _/ g. increases Sn traffic hazards to eo cor vehicles, b icytlises or pedestrians? 9. Cultural Resources. Nill the proposal have _ -_ significant resoles in: a. Adis curhance tv cho integrity of archaeologfcal, pal eon cological, and/or his ca rical resources? __ t~ 10. Health, Safecv, and Nu isante Factors. Nill the proposal have significant results in: a. Creaclon of any heal [h hazard or poeential heal ch / hazard? b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? __ ,/ c. A risk of explosion or release of hazardous substances in the even[ of an act idenc? __ d. M increase 1n the ouch er of ind ivlduals or spec ias of vector or patheno genic orgar.!sns or the exposure of people co such j otganiss? _~ _/ e. Increase in existin3 noise levels? __ f. Exposure of people [o poten [:ally dangerous noise levels? ~~ ` g. The creation of objecclonab le odors? h. M Sncrease Sn 116h[ or glare? ,/ /~ 3 ~ Page ; ~ x-- J r_ati== ~e V ~ 11. AeS th etf<s. will the prcp<sal nave s13^. is icaa: • resu:a Sa: a. The obstruction oz deSrada;Sen o: any sc er.!c vista or view? b. the creation of an acs checlcal:y of Ee^s ive site? c. A conflict with the ohj ec [ive of desl graced / or pocenclal scenic cazrido a? / 12. llc11it1es and Public Se races. Will the proposal have a significant need for new systems, or alterations to the following: a. Elect zi< power? / b. Ya [oral or packaged gas? c. Ctlcunications systems? ~ d. Water supply? / __ ,/ e. Wastewater facilSti es? •~ f. Flood control structures? __ __ ~/ g. Solid waste facilities? ~/ h. Fire pro tecr Son? __ i. Police protection? __ J/ d. Schools? _ __ ~/ k. Parks or other recreational facili ci es? __ 1. Main[ enanre of public facilities, including roads and flood con t:ol fat SlSCles? -- m. Other governmental services? 13. Ene r¢v and Scarce Resources, N111 the prcposal have sago is icattc results in: a. Use of subscancial or eecessice Euel or enern~? b. Substantial Sncrea se in demand upon existing sources of energy? ~~ c. M Snct¢ase in [he demand for development of new sources of energy? _ -- d. M incr¢ase or perpec uz rfo^ of the consuoption of non-renewable Eors of energy, when feas lb le / renewable sources of energy ate avallah le? _/ /d Y ?a 3e 5 e. Subs:antial dep let SOn o: wry r.on:en evahiz o- scarce natural :esou:cz? 14. Mandatory Find roes of SS--':'-+--e a. Does Che ptojec: have the ooceacial :o degrade the quality of the env!reament, su65;anrialiy reduce the habitat of fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population co d:op below self suscaiaing levels, threw ten fo el!m!na ce a plant or ar.ical cosun!;y, reduce the number or rescr ict [he range of a rase or endangered plan[ or animal or elimi-ace lmportanc examples of the eajor periods of Calif ornla history or prehis co ry' 1._. ..pYnc VO _ _~ b. Does :he proj etc have the potential co achieve short to ro, [a :he disadvantage of long-ter, enviro:v~en cal goals? (A short-tern lepacc on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, def inicive period of time while long- tem impacts will endure well into the future). / _~ V c. Does [he proj etc have impacts which are individually limited, but cumvlac lvely cons Sdeza6le? (Cunulacively considerable • means that the increoencal eff eccs of an lnd ividual proj etc are considerable when viewed !n connection wi ch the effects of past projects, and probable fu cure proj eccs). ,/ d. Does the proj etc have environmental of fee cs which will cause 5ubscan[ial adverse effects / on human beings, etcher directly or indirec cly? ,_ _/ II. DISLL'SSZON OF E\'IZBOVITtITAy EVALL'dTIOH (i.e., of affix acive answers to the above ques tons plus a discussion of proposed ei tiga[ion aeasures). • ! ~~~ i ~ ~ , _ , II_. DE"' -- • ~ Cn the basis of th!s Snic!al evaiuac!or.: I find tF.e pro?used projer /JOtiJ ::Oi have a si,^..L lcanc e:: ect on the envirc,^=eat, and a ;7 Z DEC';.;.{-,LO~;; Ji:1 5e p:e7a;ed. •~ ~~ _ I find that although Che proposed praj ecc maid have a s1,c L`!canc 1 I ef:ecc on the enviro:~enc, there vil'_ not be a si:ni=!caac eiiecc L_J in Chis case because the ~S Ci~aclon ©easures de sc: lS ed on an attached sheet have been added co the project. d SEG;: L'•7 DEC'...'+BAiiO:: RILL BE uyE?.1.ZD. I find the proposed proj ecc .4Y have a sign ifiwac of £ecc on the e~n7nvlr:aenc, and an E`. 'IB0:7,C Si i?m,~CT ~L4?C27 is required. Dace V 2 19YS ~ , ~~ JB ig.:a c' e L/_~is~~ ii:le /~ G nrmv nn n r vrvn n ,rn vn . • STAFF REPORT ° _ ~ .~ ` 4~ _ ly`o' ' ~ ~I~C s DATE: Juiy 10, 1985 iy;; TO: Chairman and Memb ers of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Howard Fields, As sistant Planner SUBJECT: PROPOSED PARKING AMENDMENTS TO THE DEVELOPMENT CODE AND INDU TRIAL AREA PECIF C PLAN I. BACKGROUND: At their regularly scheduled meeting on May 22, 1985, the M ann ing Commission directed staff to prepare parking amendments to the Industrial Area Specific Plan and the Development Code. The proposed parking amendments will deduct non-occupancy areas from parking calculations, provide a ratio for research and development uses, and policy clarification concerning off-site parking lots. If deemed acceptable, these draft amendments would be brought back to Commission during a public hearing for approval by Resolution and forwarded to City Council for final adoption. II. ANALYSIS: A. Deductible Rreas from Parking Calculations Based upon analysis and review of commercial/industrial building design and construction techniques, the following interior building areas would not be subJect to change based on future tenant improvements and are recommended as deductible building areas from parking consideration: o electrical/mechanical rooms o elevator shafts o stairwells o multi-story lobbies If the Commission concurs with the above-defined interior building areas, then the following modified language should 6e added to Section E. Parkin & Load in Re uiremen is (page III-29) of the Industrial Speci is Pian Exhibit "A" f. Following interior building areas can be deducted from the overall parking requirements: Electrical/mechanical rooms, elevator shafts, stairwells, and multi-story lobbies. ITEM R /t~ PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Parking Amendments July 10, 1985 Page 2 • 6. Off-Site Parking The Development Code specifies requirements for the consideration of off-site parking lots through the minor exception process (Section 17.04.OSOD) as shown in Ezh ib it "B". The Commission expressed concern over the pedestrian safety aspect of off-site parking lots and directed staff to modify the Development Code text to mitigate potential traffic conflicts of pedestrians crossing at mid-block, lack of pedestrian orientation, and sidewalks. In response to the Planning Commission's direction, staff is proposing to amend Section 17 ,04.OSOD to read as follows: Off-Site Park ir. The City Planner may authorize a maximum twenty- ive percent of the required parking for a use to be located on a contiguous site, not more than 300 feet from the buiid ing entrance on the site of the use far which such parking is required, where in his judgment such off-site parking will serve the use equally as effectively and conveniently as providing such parking on the same site as the use for which it is required. The City Planner may require tonditians as deemed necessary to ensure utility, availability, and maintenance of such joint use of off- site parking facilities. • C. Research and Deve looment Park ing Ratio to order to adopt a Research and Development parking ratio, it is necessary to first define research and development uses for the land use type definitions in Ta61e III-2, and then identify the applicable subareas within the industrial Specific Plan (Exhibit "C"). Staff is proposing to define R6D as a separate category of industrial use wfth two subcategories. Office/Research S Development/Office: Rctivities typically inc ude, but not imited to; bui d ng/use types resembling office more than industrial space, but includes in addition to office space, research and development facilities, such as tircutt board assembly rooms, "clean rooms", and computer facilities. Such uses are typically less intense than pure office, but more intense than traditional industrial space. The uses do not produce odors, noise, vibration, or particulates which would adversely affect uses in the same structure or on the same site. Where 24 hours on-site surveillance is necessary, a caretaker's residence may be permitted when approved by a Conditional Use Permit. Research & Oevelopment/Light Man of acturin Activities typically include, but not imited to; "high-tech" production and assembly • operations which include some R&D and office spate, "product assembly rooms" and other facilities associated with high /a 8 PL ANNIAG COM'dI$$i0N STAFF REPORT Parking Amendments July 10, 1985 Page 3 • technology manufacturing. The uses do not produce odors, noise, vibration, or particulate which would adversely affect uses in the same structure or on the same site. Nhere 24 hours on-site surveillance is necessary, a caretaker's residence may be permitted when approved by a Conditional Use Permit. Staff recommends that research and development uses would be appropriate in the Industrial Park and General Industrial categories as shown in Exhibit "C". B. R&D/Office Permitted Subarea - 6 and 7, 12, 16 Conditional Use Subareas - 1, 3, 4, 8, 11, 13, 14 C. R&D/Light Manuf ac turin9 erml~i tt~ubarea - 1-B, 10-14, and 16 • In addition to the above revisions, staff is proposing to amend Section E.3. Parkina Spaces Required (Exhibit "A") to include: e. Research 6 Development: 1 space per 350 Square Feet III. RECOMMENDATION: If the Planning Commission concurs with the anguage an the extent of the proposed revisions to the Industrial Specific Plan and Development Code, then staff will schedule a public hearing and prepare a Resolution of approval and accompany ing Ordinance for the Commf ss ion's consideration. spect fitly/submitted, Ri z City Planner RG:HF:jr Attachments: Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" Exhibit "C" Exhibit "D" Exhibit "E" -Parking Spaces Required (Section E.3) - [ndustrial Specific Plan, Page [II-29 -Off-Site Parking (Section 17.04.050D) - Development Code, Page 46 Proposed Changes to Summary Land Use Type by Subarea, Industrial Specific Plan, Table iI[-1, page III-5 Current Summary Land Use Type by Subarea, Table III-1 Subareas of the Industrial Specific Plan /~9 Parking Spaces Aequi red E. 3. Required parking spaces shall 6e determined • at The following rates: a. ua re housing or building for storage: 1 space for 1,000 square feet b. Industrial/Manufacturing: 1 space per 500 square feet c. Office and Administration: I space per 250 square feet d. Mu I[i-use tenant where office use does no[ exceed 35', of building area or "Space" Buildings: 1 space per 400 square feet. E.4. 20$ of all required parking stalls shall Se devoted to compact car use. Minimum stall dimension shall he 8' in width and 16' in length and marked for compact cars, E, S. All Parking areas shall 6e screened from public view through the use of berms, land- scaping material and low walls. E.6. All loading facilities and maneuvering areas • ~e~ewp Apex must be on site with the use.' E.7. All loading facilities shall be permitted only in the rear and interior side yard •~o n.~ areas except within the Meavy Industrial Nou ~ category and rail served buildings. E.B. Aisle width to loading docks shall be a minimum of 50' width exclusive of truck parking area. E.9. Loading docks shall be 5e [hack a minimum of I 70' from street pro petty line. E.10. Loading facilities shall 6e adequately screened from the public view except within the Meavy Industrial category and Aail Served building 5. E.11. Minimum aisle width adjacent to loading areas shall be 16' one way and 25' for two way. /I / / ~~„8i7 fi' l3a Section 17.04.050 • characteristics of operation; requirements for maintenance of landscaping end other improvements; establishment of development schedules or time limits for performance or completion; requirements for periodical review by the City Planner; end such other conditions as the City Planner may deem necessary to ensure compatibility with surrounding uses, to preserve the public health, safety, and welfare, and to enable the City Planner [o make the findings required by Section 17,04.050-E. {a) Fence Height. In any district the maximum height of any Cence; well, hedge or equivalent screening may be increased by a maximum two (2) feet, where the topography of sloping sites or a difference in grade between adjoining sites warrants such increase in height to maintain a level of privacy, or to maintain effectiveness of screening, as generally provided by such fence, wall, hedge or screening in similar circumstances. (b) Setbacks. In any Residential district, the City Planner may decrease the minimum setDeck by not more than ten (10%) percent where the proposed setback area or yard is in character with the surrounding neighborhood and is not required as en essential open space or recreational amenity to the use of the site, and where such decrease will not unreasonably effect abutting sites. (c) Lot Coverage. N any Residential district, the City Planner may increase the maximum lot coverage by not more then ten (10%) • percent of the lot area, where such increases ere necessary Cor significantly improved site planning or architectural design, creation or maintenance o[ views, or otherwise facilitate highly desirable features or amenities, and where such increase will not unreasonably eP[ect abutting sites. (d) Oft-Site Parkin The City Planner may authorize a maximum twenty-five 25%) percent of the required parking for a use to be located on a site not more than 300 feet from the site of the use for which such perking is required, where in his judgement such off-site perking will serve the use equally as effectively and conveniently as providing such perking on the same site es the use for which it is required, The City Planner may require rnnditions as deemed necessary to ensure utility, availabi4ty, end maintenance of such joint use o[ oft-site parking Ceciliti es. (e) On-Site Parkin The City Planner may authorize a maximum twenty-five 25%) percent reduction in the required on-site parking requirements when it is proven that it will not result in a traffic hazard or impact the necessary parking Cor the use. (f) Hei ht. In any district the City Planner may authorize a ten (10'6) percent increase in the maximum height limitation. Such increases may be approved where necessary to significantly improve the site plan or architectural design, and where scenic views or solar access on surrounding properties are not effected. C. Application. An application [or n Minor Exception shall be tiled with the Planning /3/ • ,"'• . '-TABLE III.1 SUMMARY LAND USE TYPE BY SUBAREA ~ pcvlp,~p UcE O CCNOfTIONALLY PERMfTTEO USE . ~ETYps SU SA'= 'S I t 1 213 .a ~. 5 51]I d19,tO r.^•~ ?'S r~ MANUFACNRING ~I I I I I I I I I! I I l I I I Qistcm ~ • •I• •I •: •I •I •I 1•!•1 .1101 I• [4~pnt.,:a:.::.r.Cee-"r.T'ye~°'• -SC !:~! - - '.[°L •._7 _•. L•:L .- ~ ~~;~L.r ~.L.r~ -F•,~f i f Mee:um - . I •1 I I •I•I•I I•I O i •I 1'Td4lurnan7r.^P•tt e•vi ---- - _.1 +-^~s r=r s+ ?c ~ t ~~ w^'Lif .~x'~~T • _G'~ Her+v l • 9ESEARCI}_&_P_EYELQPIN I I of SEAfl CN 8 DEVELOPMENT/OFFICE o ^ ^ • • ^ o •o ^ •__ RESEARCH 8 DEVELOPMENT/ _ LIGHT MANUFACTURING -_ ~ • • • . - • - ~ • - • . • • ...I ., • . • WHOLESALE STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION I C I I il'k~:.:::sax'sZ~~ ~ •' • '• •. L! L 4S.C .!L S~ .!. L°IS Lt !JtL~i-9 Meaw I I I -I 1 I •~ = I I_I _I •I coMMERCwL 1 1 1 1 1 1 I - I ~I I I -1 -(- 3;IYniwstratie.uC.Olrton ' - ~. CR ~ "^ T' @S -'- =' =Sf:3~l 'Agrrcultu2l Sucol;es aM Servlgea ' ~ I .1 • 1 1 I . 1 I I • I I • I • I I • 1 ANanatne Flee) Slaroge ~ G I I ~- I ( ~ I I I ~ I ~ I I ( 1 ~ ~ ANOmotMNgm Tmrk ReoLn Minor ~ .I • I I• I G l I ^ I c I • I 1 l l c l l o l I e a Autanotlw Salm I I c G r I I I - I I ` I BaMiny Cprtractoh Office a:ae Yanb • C • I c I O l • I i l I• I • 1 ,I J~ 1 ~,'"'~ e•wq:AlglBia3'1 • • • •I •I • • • 1 11 of I• &gi11® Re(•11 $•le! yq $fy1C•• • • • • • • • • 1 • COrtlrtenlca Servkes • • • '• • • O • I • I • • I G I (~Irve"iiema Sdm or FAlirg arq Orlrlkeq 6tadisMbnb '~ I 1 i l 11i T^^ • • • • ` • • • • • • • • I • I • •~~ 1 4 i f t 1 Eaeroiw Impe<t CarRR•rdy $ - ~'I Finarcaal, Imuranro enE Reel Ertate Services 0 ^ O • • a C I • I I .. ib .. ""•-SS4s. sm.-~•n_rpv SeK?i0e :d - ... 'A 'Sf Ua~ FmerL arq Crematory Serer t7 I „ - e ~ E~~~ ~~~ ~ ' w • [ ~~ N Mote -' i ~ • t• ' MOJlcall Healln Care Serncd ER••onal servtW ;'~- ~ P tr l R ~ ~ ~ o 9.' ~ [-z e i 4. • 4. ~ - 9, ^ I r C 4 • i v Ef2F. ~ rt 'T~9: :7 e o eum oEUCIS Stcrage _ ~ RecreaLOnal Faz~IlOes C w ^ 'c I - ~ e I ] I c • I • I i I iPeWir Stt~f'~•,y. '~.p1 :'~" • -• c - O . • ... _ '.~ _ ~ • (• • I. .. • _. • ...I. • ..- CI °Tr~ 'v Sua O anon •i CHIC I I I I . Adlnl asealNe CMC Sertitp !1.i.~LJ a:..= , f , • • • I_ `~ • I• I ~ • •I~ I~! I~'~!.r:1 C ~ I ~ 1 ~ c JEtentive lrripie'U;Iliry Faccities".,".'.-"".i~~.'..~r '.~ : :~ °' 'In. r~" ,+ t ~ p rI~ 5 ..' III-'_-m7 ;PUeI:c Salery arW LYd:;Y SCisices'~ w, ~.i4 'O et c `c tO, (~ I 4C IO IC, re ^ ~~~ ~ IO P- n~M1rv~s Assnrr~^q _ _ II II ~.,n ~ ncvnaMM uses not permrtL^a ' ... Illy • C _ ~~' I/ ~I cITY or ITL~I ~ARi~~N~Am~~~ RAl\CHO CL'C.-110\GA TITLr ~AcsE~ Su~~ PL~WNIT\'G DIVISIO\' exHInIT ~~ SG>.Le~ ~~ /3a • TABLE III.1 SUMMARY LAND USE TYPE BY SUBAREA ~ • PERMR7ED USE ~` .~_-_. ^ CONDRIONALLY PERMfiTED USE USE TYPES SU 6AREAS 1 2 3 4 5 i 6 7 8 1 9 110 11 12 13 14 l5 16 MANUFACTURING ~ Custom • • • • • I • • • • • I • • • • ~L'ght..;pr~a„ - • : '•. !• of o• •; o • _ '• n ' ,r • o+ "- a e• ' , , Medium - c ~ d ~ c o ~ Y i o' i ,~Nlnimryirlt~pactF'_'R eavy„~ ~ - _ ;o= ~.. ~ a~ , • Hea ~ ~ WHOLESALE, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION ~ 'Y ~ ~ Hea ^ C ~ O v ~ G • COMMERCIAL $Aflmioiistraztre:aridE)46oIS ~ , .:^ •. - '•: ~-~ ~ .,• , o; ~ Agricultural Supplies and Services • • • • ~ • • e Automotive Fleet Storage ^ ^ ^ ^ dASdririioEf~ekiaiit®R- •; . f; . AutomotrvelLigM Truck Repair • Mina • • ^ ^ ^ • i ^ • o ^ Automotive Sales G G ^ ~S'eiw4s'~tatlb . r4 Building Cantractal's Office and Yards • ^ • ^ ^ • ~ • • Buildiru2 Maintenance Services o1'3 7 ~a ~ ~: • • • • • • • • ~ • • n 0 er. ~ , ~ ~; •Busirresa S U pp ty Reta il Sales and Slavlces • • i • • i • • • • • t S , ~ ,.~ ~ l y,BUSlna9.4[`^,YM^.~99r1! ._ ~~ . •' •' ' .•~~ '~ ~ >pp~ ~.•+YCII Communication Services • i i v • i ^ • • • ^ • 1''C~x~ileiice'Seki4 eiii.- ~ ~ Eating and Drinking Establishmems l~ttertaltlriiliirt'~- • • • o • • • • i • • ~ ~• • • • Fxtensive Impact Commerrtial ^ §Fast"Food' ~ Financial. Insurance and Real Fstate Services ^ C ^ • • o' ^~ o~ • a.Food~ard BrNlirage,Saleri [2 ~ ~. q' s ~.+~ Funeral and Gematory Services ^ ~ ~ ~.ieevy'EGulpment Sales'ari~ ._ ~ ~ °~'' - "i ' ,::. 17 'D` ~ !a' ''• ~ .,. Hotel/Motel ~ ~ ~ ~ • T2undry Servlbes~'""~'c•"~..~" .~'. '~ ~ ~' • ~ ~E ' • ,¢ ~.% ~ ",_, ~ . ~. ~ o' ~ ~ .~ •', ~ ;±;' ~•. .•: • -:^ rg._a wa MedicallHealth Care Services d C o ~ ~ C G ~ G C' ~~~ ~~ y Personal SlaNSes '-•~~•~"F'-"~'~+rria ~ rO :"~' ea ,Q ._x ci ^ ~~ ~ a, .,.,~ .s. R q. P: P: ~~ : ,. o: 07 Petroleum Roducts Storage G _ e .Professional SeMces ::i~."t.a•`~r".ri~~ ~ ~; . .._c ",o :O' ^^. ~ '• • . " `;.-i s~:i ~ ~ ~•, y r, _., •, ,.,,~ Recreational Facilities ~ - ~ ~ ~ ^ ~ • • ri~ ~'" • rsR-nW "!•!i[' w•. rim ;flepairServices ~ ~ ,~~,~~r,,;;,.~1i,~,,,. ~W~.~. ~ e ^ ^ •~ • • • • • • q ';'r.7 Scra O ration ~ • CIVIC :'Administrative Civic Services,ra.:,~r5ac:>.'~'; i:;: :! ;: ! • _ • • • ., ;~;, • • • o . ;. • „ y Cultural ^ - , c ^ G • , • '^ "AtWYa~~Y~'R> c Ewtensive Impact'Utlllty Facilities ...,,~;;;;;•„,;;,~ s„;, a .~; ~ "•• =" ~u: "_ .. ~~ ~ ~ ' p~ p: 'p ~~., . -.. ' Q. . ~-+~u~ Public Assembly ~_ ~ G ^ ~ C . ." PubIIC J~at@ty afd Utility .Sef`ACe9 •~..:i:id~~.: s .1'~, ^ Q 4 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l] ^ ^ Re!iclcus Assembl - - - - Ivy I c noninanced uses not permitted r• iI /~'.~il•n....~ T r33 J a j ~ s Z Y a ~ a W ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ Q Q J W~ ~W ~ R S ~ 1,1 ~ W ~_ G J J2ZR Z W N ~ ~y iy/ d ~ ~ a "~ : r `~ ~ s Y L Q D Z J QJ ~ O W ~ ¢ q 4~Y .S I~ ~ _ ~ Z C7 C 7¢ _¢ S a ~ V 9 ~ L!. ~ U \~ D O ~. / .. ...,,_ .,,.,.,, V S \~ WI ~I ~, • i3v r 1 )•J - CITY OF RA\CHO CCC.Al10\GA STAFF REPORT GATE: Igay 22, 1931 T0: Choirman and Members of the Planning Commission FROI4: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Howard Fields, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: PARKING ANALYSIS ~~ca 1~~ ,., ~~. ~- _ m~ vc r C19-JJ i BACKGR OUBD: At their regularly scheduled meeting of April 10, 1995, the Planning Commission directed staff to prepare a detailed analysis of our parking requirements and those of other California communities to ascertain whether or not the City needs to change the parking ratios presently utilized within the Development Code and Industrial Area Specific Plan. Specifically, the survey will review gross floor area versus net floor area calculations for the required number of parking stalls, research and development use, and request policy direction on off site parking lots. Staff is seeking the Commission's direction to prepare, any desired Code changes. ANALYSIS: Section I. Gross Floor Area Vs. Net Floor Area A. All City parking requirements ar¢ based upon "gross floor area" of the proposed building. Occasionally, developers request consideration of "net floor area" data in calculating parking requirements which deducts non-occupancy areas (eg - elevator shafts, stairwells, mechanical rooms). The exclusion of certain interior building areas from parking calculations would allow a greater degree of flexibility in the conceptual building and site design. The review of current parking literature and similar parking studies resulted in the survey findings tabulated in Tables 1 and 2. In the overall survey findings from 170 Northern and Southern California cities, only 6% of the cities polled in the survey use net floor area as a viable means of determining the parking requirements for various land uses, the remainder of Lhe sample cities used the "gross floor area" method. In discussing the issue with various planning departments, many agencies felt that if project review was based on net floor area, more Lime would be used for staff review and verification. In terms of employees, speculative buildings might induce over-utilization (interior modifications) thereby intensifying street parking and presenting traffic hazards Co /3>- PLA ;V CIG CJ"?1I SS ICN STIFF PEPGPT Parking Study rnalys is May 22, 1935 Pag= 2 • the public. Lastly, some building areas deleted from parking consideration, for instance lobbies, could easily be converted to office space. The net floor area method would literally 6e determined on a case-by-case basis further hindering the review and plan check process. California cities currently using the "net floor area" method cite the following positive aspects: o This method would decrease fine tuning of the building concept and slim inate any additional design review. o Allow far a greater degree of flez i6ility from a rigid municipal code. o Would allow those uses that have incorporated innovative building and site design techniques due consideration. It should 6e noted that although some cities have gross floor area ratios in the municipal code, they still allow some uses to 6e calculated on net floor area due to exceptional or • innovative site design. Staff feels the aforementioned aspects have merit and recommend that deductible areas in the interior building element that will not change be considered for ezclusion (i.e., elevator shafts, electrical and mechanical equipment rooms, and stairwells). In addition, the use of a flat rate (ey - 1%) for deductible area would achieve some flexibility with greater ease of calculation. B. Summar of Find in s - Of the total number of cities contacted and parking terature reviewed only a small percentage (less than 7%) use net floor area as a viable means of determining the required number of parking spaces. However, some cities have not officially adopted this approach, but still utilize net floor area as a means of negotiation on the exceptional attributes of a pro,j ect. This fact could raise the percentage of cities actually using the net floor area method to at least 20% unofficially. C. Opt inns: The Commission should choose from the following options: 1. Give policy di roction to the City Planner for discreCionary use of the net floor area method for innovative site and building design. 2. Direct staff to prepare preliminary amendments to the • Development Code and Industrial Specific Plan regarding net floor area and definition of deductible areas. /3` PLANII I'1G CO"MISSI OPI STAFF REPORT Parking Study Analysis May 22, 1985 Page 3 • Take no action on th_ existing parking ratios. Section II. Research and Oeveloomet Uses: Parking Ratios A. This section of the survey was limited in scone to areas in Northern and Southern California that have concentrations of R&D uses or have adooted parking ratios far R&D uses. Current parking ratios were collected from these cities and tabulated in Exhibit "A". The results of the sample survey found the average parking ratio is approximately 1 space per 393 square feet fn gross floor area. This average is similar to current parking ratios used in Menlo Park (1/300), Riverside (1/350), and Palo Alto (1/300). Conversely, other sample cities show wide variations in ratios and in calculation methods. In further review of the existing literature and survey data, staff found the Gruen, Gruen, and Associates parking study (1984) had defined two categories of R&D uses under "Building/Use Type". • Office/Research 6 Oeve lopment This building/use type resembles office more than industrial space, but includes, in addition to office space, research and development facilities, such as rooms where circuit boards are put together, "clean roams" and computer facilities. Such uses are typically less dense than pure office, but more dense than traditional industrial space. Research & Development/Light Manufacturing This category includes traditional light manufacturing facilities as well as "high-tech" production and assembly operations which often include some R&D and office space, "clean rooms" and other facilities associated with high technology manufacturing. These two definitions help to explain some of the variations exhibited by cities in the R&D sample survey. The Gru on, Gruen and Associates' parking study based parking ratios on square footage per employee. This study integrates six similar parking St'Jd iPS and compiled the data into a comparative format with the corresponding averages (Exhibit "B"). The survey of literature figures of 349 sq, ft. for office/R&D and 537 sq. ft. R&D/Light Manufacturing the overall averages under the "building/use type" method. r^ /.17 PlAt111i'tS CC?"4ISS ION STAFF RE70R7 Parking St~. Ty Analysis May ??, 1935 Page 4 B. Oot ions - The Planning Commission may choose from the list of options delineated below: o Use existing manufacturing parking ratio of 1 per 500 square feet as defined in the Industrial Specific Plan (no separate ratio for R&0 uses). o Direct staff to prepare an amendment to the Industrial Specific Plan parking requirements, to include a suitable ratio for R&D uses. Section III. Off-Site Pa r:t inq Lots A. Analysis: The Development Code presently addresses the issue of off-site parking lots through the minor exception permit process (Section 17.04.050 0). This allows a maximum 25X of the required parking for a use to be located on a site not more than 300 feet from the protect site. Herein lies the amhiquity of distance: is it from the property line, proposed building, or main entrance? Further, off-site parking lots across a • • street create pedestrian traffic conflicts that are undes it ab te. Staff recommends that off-site parking be limited to contiguous parcels within 300 feet of the building entrance and on the same side of the street. B. 0 tai ons~: The Planning Commission should choose from the following options: 1. Direct staff to amend the Development Code Section 17.14.050 D for further refinement and clarif itat ion. 2. Permit off-site parking areas only as an interim use subject to CUP review on an individual basis. 3. Take no action on this request. RECOMMEt70ATI0N: [t is recommended that the Commission review the information provided and give policy direction to staff on each of Che • /P.B PLAII'1 a.G Cu;!;41SSIJN STAFF REPD.4T Parking Stuby Analysis May 22, 1995 Page 5 • Attachments: Table 1 -Parking Standards for 115 California International Parking Design (1994) Table 2 -City of Novato - Parking Study (1982) Exhibit "A" - City Survey of R&D Uses (1985) Exhibit "B" Gruen, Gruen, Associates Parking Building/Use Type (1984) • Cities - Study by ^_c i35 .. ExHtatr ^A^ PARKING SURVEY: R & D USES • R/D USES: Any uses engaging in the research, analysis, design, deve Tpment and/or Lesting of a product. i. SAN ,)OS~ 1 1/2 employee + 1 parking space for corporate cars. 2. CITY OF $RNTA CLARA 1/750 gross floor area or 1 space per 3 employees on the largest shift, whichever is greater, if 10: = office then 1/300 for office use and remainder 1/750. 3. CITY OF IRVINE 4 parking spaces per 1,000 grass square feet. 4. CITY OF HAYWARD 40 - BO employees per acre. 5. CITY OF ROSEVILLE 1 space for each employee, plus 1 space for each company car • and 7 spaces for 3 employees on any other shift. 6. PALO ALTO 1/300 sq. ft. gross floor area. 7. MENLO PARK 1/300 sq. ft. gross floor area. 8. CITY OF SONNYVALE Minimum 1/500 gross floor area to maximum 1/250. 9. CITY OF RIVERS IDE 1/350 sq. ft. gross floor area. 10. CITY OF WALNUT CREEK 1 space per 191 sq. ft. net floor area. (J~' ~yo T~~3~.E 1 • • [....,r,.LL,~~ i ~9a ~ a~ mrd:cal C;-~ L _ 'V ,n ua [<ncu tts eu ild::,ns ALi~EOd I 1": +F' ~ 1 1)1 1/] 1/150 SF • Pyer [I=o r' employee employee 3/0 empl r/ I A;,p~~y=pp ~50 EF :/`.CG FF :/500 SF 1/250 SF 1 I AWHE:M /~:00 SF , i I 1/SCC Sf ~ iI5/ICCC Eq fi/IOCO £F p cr 1/1 'i I enp:oyees ~ ~ I A PCADIA ~ -- SP ~ . .~ 3,IL01 SF 3/1001 SF ~~ 6/lOC: SF I 9ANEPSFIELO ~OG SF 1/500 SF 1/1000 SF 3/300 SF u((ice area r((1ce a ea flALDWIP PA FI( I QR50 SF ! I/500 SF 1A 000 SF IR 00 SP I/10e of o. r sans r PEEL GANDENS '/LG SF 1/S00 e[ 1/7 1/i50 SF 1/]00 Sl empleyee en 5 large[[ na[c: I/company .envcle 1 DELLFLONER ~CO SF I• 1/500 SF I/$00 SF 1/300 SF 1 BEP Y.ELEV ILO Ef Ue[ermined C<ceem med 3/lC0 SF ', ~ CY CitY Ly City ' I B E'JF.PLY I!I LLS ~, 1!50 SF 1/SOC SF 1/1500 St' I 1/l50 SF ~~~ SnuRI~F :r_,~/TF_,4,1/.4T~nn/Or 74~Z!i.,,F~ 1e_c.~,,i -+•,,/••, .tat ~ rea mat [STY o(ttro (acevr: r9 r<XOU ~~ Pu:: dieos PV F.^A PdPX {/1000 SF 1z[ 10,000 SF. ]/1000; 0.5/LOGO SF r aa,ooo se. 1/mec; va[ '.U,000 SL 1/1000 g11P 9A\N 0-SOnUO sF. 3/500 SF I/1040 SF 0-50000 SF, E/500 SF; 1/500 SF: 50000• SF, SGU OOr 5:, 1/1000 51' ]/1000 SF 9UP L: SG0.{ J/]CO SP 1/FCO SF l/19CU EF 3/]50 SF GF59': 1/]EO SF 0-)1,000 SF, 1/)50 SF; 1A 00 SF a1.000t SP, 3/1000 SF r 1/1 employers on le r9est shaft CEpq ~ITOS 1/150 FF 1/500 SF 0-10,000 SF JJJ 5/tlOC[or s 1/1UUV SF; I I/compA ny ma 1o, oco, ..n,<te Vlooo sF: ao,ooo., t/Aaoo . VCOn ;en ven w le CIIIGO 1/]OC SI 1/1000 SF I/1000 SF ]/100 SE' Q/1 empl. i •iR enpt. CEIU CA VISTA 1/aUU SE' greeter g[eatrr 1/200 $F It mtamum of 1/11 a( 1/11 IS minlmuml empl ayee n[ empl oye< u r 1/tl00 SF 1/1000 SP CLAPSYOIIT 1/150 51' 1/<CO SF 1/1000 SF 1/150 SF [OMt°PCE I/1C0 SF J/1000 SF 1/lUUO SF 1/]CO FF •l/conpany •1/mops n'i I ~•eEtcle n:P ¢le '~ ~ I ~\ r) • • /N > n u • • COR C[[l,l ~ N,I:v- Xld lC,l CICY Uffl<CS ! pe!avi (actarvnq Warehouses tlw ld mos r4Y.Pl'UN 1 LF/1 S:' ymvnd [l,~nr 1 s!'/1 SY grovvd [l oar •1 SF/l si' etLer tlomi • 1 SF/l SF other floors comna[ei•3 CC::COpp 1/)50 sF; 1/x00 sF 1,/? ev.pl oyeC 1, x employee 1/:40 sF 1/SOC vas t 1/1000 EF i/tl00 sF eA:[1 a I lasso mien el.it COSTA MESA L/ICLL SF Ifi min~mcmJ 1-$5,0LO sF, ]/1000 sF 6/1000 SF Ii.o01-50,000 EF, 16 mnvmunl x/1000 Si: SO.OOI• SF, ]vlooo sr OCVINA t/]4C EF 1/$W sr I/500 sF )/emplgyce 1/l50 sF CULVEX CITY li i4 SF 1/250 sF ~ ]j 500 sF 1/500 sr 1/350 SP I venfle vesicle 1 CVp~E55 1/]00 sY Ii LLU SF 2/] employ $/] bpluy: S/dacto[ ~ or not leas 0-$0,000 SF, tn•n x/laoo x/loan se; ! Io,4oo-LO,oo a, 1/xooo; 1/L OOa t of ubole , UALV CITY 0-x],000, 0-$I,C40, 1/1500 sr 1/1500 SP IHUO SF 1/]OC; I/]00; 2L O00~, :1,000•, 1i 300 1/140 OONNEY 1/H4 SF 1/2$4 OY 1/500 sl' 1/1000 SP 1/]]0 Sr EL MONTE t/i44 SF 0-]000 SF, :/]40; 1/150 SF 1/$50 sF ~ ],001-5,000 sF, 1/500; 5,003-10,000 sF, 1/)50; k ,0,401-50.444. 1/1404: jl S4,U01•, 1/1$50 Q- 1 /YS Cammercaal Nanu- Med acal CITY OL Uez (a cturvny as rchaus 9 3E es ui Vngs !L EECIR100 I/3L0 5F 1/500 SF 1/bOJ SF 1/]00 SF E9<CNOIW grace[ of ]/SDG SF l/BOe SF 1/200 SF spaces ~1/eOmPany i r 1/l00 Sr vehl[Le FdI RF:E[A ii tl00 5I' 1/} 1/B00 SP l/150 EF i employae FCSTEp CtPT :/300 bF i }/3 l/3000 SF 1/a `v<dg i 1/IOCC SF employee FPEMONF 0-.+.0,000, 11/}00 SF o[ u((ice a[eq i/}00 SP 1/10J • G 1/000 SF e[ andocr 1/bn0 over atoraga area }0,000 FPE9bp 1 s!' u( 3/B00 SF 1/800 SF a/dw:w[ pa [kl n9 (o[ ] SP e( Otthe d a ` Fp LL[bTON 1/IUUO SF ~ 3/900 SF' I/3000 SF 5.5/1000 5 f.A 9DENa 1/35C Or 0 sF ar }/] 5 ]/150 9F ~ „ ~ enploysaa vhicpever ceservctive enporx epoeF ~/mD :e ~ 1/'i;0 se. 1/]ooJ sv, 1/}oD br o[f me use; I mange vse: 1 I/company 1/company _ veh ¢le vehicle r, f.FOAL F. 131i 5~ , VIC~'~C E!' i 3/1000 SP i 1/)00 SF _J~: • • G, _ ~ :, iV'1 n u • -- .a pang- ~ rce ma: ~ :'Y v! ~ faC t'.::t~ ~ NdrPIIO UiPS PV11C:-q5 li I .CEtiPA ~}!L iF 1/:^00 SF 0-5000 SF, 1/.50 SF le mn.-am :/:oep se IB m\e:mum ' 1/zooc e,t n aaaea zpce s F I a/company vchacle XPb'TI!CF%E /,y0 Si 1/1000 SF 1/1000 SF 1/460 SF [ ]C} t 1/0 employee molcyee I HAT_:APJ Q/;;g 5 :-49 empl., .OiemPloYCe; S/a octo[ u+C CSt nal buald\nSS, r t/150 ! :G^J Y.EF:•.^SA BEACN I/)CO SF 1/LCO SF 1/500 SY I/]:: bF i HL'ti ::!:f.TCN BEACH W-]50,000 1/SCO SF ./5006 SF 1/195 SP 1/]OD: O(fite o(ElC< 156,000. mqw remen[s re qutremen[a I/lsc NVNTINGTON PARY. 1/C00 SP I/B00 SF a I/B00 SF a[ l/SCO SF 1/} emPloYee 1/Z <mPloYee INGLExOCp 1/]00 SF 1/500 SF 1/1500 SF 1/100 SF IPVINE I/'S0 Sf. I/]SO 0-}0,000 SF, 1/1B0 SF wept 1/1000; }ptl Go~'c ose, m,ero. Inoee; l;:oo sF eo,oco., 1/aooo LA :UEFA 1/150, e e 1/500 SP l/500 SF See leas [hoe l conmerc ial tnen 1/rs ~ Id FlF,BA I/]OO St' 1/800 SF 1/1000 SF 1/}00 SF /y~' Loc,eraal Ma nu- R<d\cal i CI iY L(l~ce5 uric Fa[ehouses ~ t:div"s e L\ Y:¢AL^.> 1/350 SF 1/3 employee 1R employee 1/350 SF n la rgeat on largest :n vtc o scum o 1/500 SF 1/500 SF Id PUEKSE i/250 SF 3/employee 1/emp layee I/150 SF r 3/)00 SF 1 r 1/1000 SF IAGOI:A B[dCll 1/lG0 SF 1/500 SF 1/500 SF :/lC0 SF tAl(4'd^,LO 1/]Zn SP 1/500 SF 1/500 SF 1/145 SF GNLAETER 1/335 SF I I/$OO SF 1/500 SF 1/150 SF LAMIOA LE 1/100 SF q[eatl[ Or 1/) 1/a00 SF emNore. oo largmt :n;rc or 1/sno . t/com a venute LIVEPY.OPE I 1/45 empl. 5/doc[o[ IANC BEACN -30000 5F, 1/1000 SF I/1000 SF 5/I000 SF anooa: 30000. BF, 3/1000 LOS BNOELEE I/SUO Sf' ~ 1/500 SF I I, 500 SF )/3C0 SF 1.05 :N^F.LES 1/a00 SF q[ca:c[ o l/1000 SF 1/p00 5F arr sr:v V.'.OC ~ 1 - • ~,. ivy • ~ Cortee rc id• I Necu- FCtl:cul LY'IMCCO /Q 00 SF 1/500 EF I/1000 5[' 5/E000Of 1 /emplcyee 1/<n?icyee [ aen U at o fmas, xh:.;I Inds. snsttl IMYNAT. AN 9EdCH S/J00 SF _ t/a00 SF 1/800 SF 1/: f.0 5!' 1 NOOELTO ~I/50C SF -- 1/4 CmpleyeCl ~ t/a cnpl oyeel i 1/SCO SP MO:REHEL'.0 ~, 1/400 SP 1/SOU Sf or l/IOCO SF ar l/200 SF '. 1/3 employee) t/1 employed on luaezt n Idrgc xc i sytlu zh; R; • I ]nen,me 1/stn, ue MOMEREY :/J00 HF 1/3.5 pl. 1/1.5 empl. 1/l ntas MONTLPEY PARR 1/350 EF 1H00 SP 1/}500 Sf l/300 HF IIJ mlmmwnl Il minimum) • r MOUNTAIN V[A[ h/]00 Il/350 SF I `/SO~O1peFY I]/150 SF NCIIMRT BEACN 1/335 SF or 1/1000 BF 0-30, OOOEF, 13/335 0[ 1/350 EF 1/3000; 3/350 Sr lo,ooo-ao,ooo, t/1000; aa,aoa. 1/4000 5r NORXALk nornal l/500 SF • 0-30,000, q[es[e[ o[ e, 1/250; 1/3 enpl. 1/1000; 5/aec[or h<svy ute, •I/vehicle 10000-40000, o[ 6/1000 0-30,000 SF, •3/3000; 1/] Leds 1/]5, .1/350 40.000. HF, ! aaa ciooal n/aooo; s a .1/vehicle OAKUNO eN[mined 1/1000 SP 1/J employee 1/dada[ Y C¢Y .1/: empt. Q- 13 /N7 i Con+eru al NanH- nedical CITY 0!ll ees pe[v[tng Here Muses 9w Ld[ngs OCETf:P IOE 1/ie4 SF co[ less ny Ylann mq 1/300 SP clan 1/B00 Eomm[asten aasass[wnt OtrtAPIO 1/VL til' q[eu of a 0-30,000, 1/1'5 SP 16 m~namuml SF 3/SOO ]/500 SF er 1/nnp:. 30.000. max. s4if[ t/1000 SE IL masammnl LFT::LE ~- 1-l senrles 1/500 SF • 1/800 SP i/]00 SF sPaoa n r 1/cenpany 1/: 50 SF; VeAlcle atcrics, 1/i4L SF OPdNOE CCVNT' 1N 50 5F 1/500 SF ~ l/1000 51' 1/I50 SF O%NdPI) /:54 51' 1/S00 SF 1/]90G ,!' I 1/i5J 5' PAIN SpPINGi /POU SF I/500 SE li BeO SF of I/I50 SP 1/mnpany veN ¢lm PA[A ALM ,']00 Ii ryl t/100 (WI Ip44 (IH) 1/150 5F :50 1/500 l/1000 PA!ANOINR ,'d n0 Ef 1/540 SF 1/]e40 SF 1/]Cn St to 9000 SF, tAer. 1/CSU PASrUENA 1/dU0 91' 3/504 9!' u[ :/?S00 SP )/:50 SF 1/Z em 1. PI CO PIVEPA /.'.:e LI' 1/f;OL SF 1/I<0 SP • C~-ly /NP on,..ccial I M+nu- PPdacal UTT E(ir (ecru nr UurMw: Pva ldm s PCYCNI+ r;,q ,p 1/500 SF 1/1000 SP • PEDGNbO PEACN )/]O4 SY 1/500 SF or 0-10,000, 1/150 51' 1/1 amp loye< 1/1004: largest 10,000•. snit 1/swo PECn000 CflT l,gCC CI' 1/3000 EF 1/]040 EF: 5/doctor 4 1/1 employvn 1:N50 SF P:O,~gND 1 5000- :00 SI 1 space ~ I space • O-Sn005F. • 1/1000 SF ' 1,) emplvyte 1/l employco %•1/1000; ':UO-IOOW t0. 1: :f0 P]VEPE]DE + I/C50 EF an 1/]SO EF 1/3000 sF ~ 1/180 EF { L[acPi d l~wr. ~l/500 on rexu tndur pOEF~;IEAO ij15C SY 1/104 sf ~ IH00 EF i 1/!30 SP I SACMIIENTD i/•100 Pt 1/10.0 SF 1/1400 sf 11/100 SF 1 f.ALIHAS l; ]OL sf - 1/: euployc :/TODD or 5/GOCtOr ~ cr 1/FOD ~ 1R empl. I; 100 tpr ou la n)o st ~ af[icP x1t1R + I EsN ULFNr,P0IN0 '0•]000 SF, 1!500 SF 11: ]OUO 8F 3U spaces -I/N G sr; •1/li5 sr •.00U-$DD, •,s~D-an,out. In^D sr: ~D,oi D., tilsD (~,-1ST /NY ---~ <omme mr,t nano- Y.ealul [ITY O[f ices f,ccun uq xa[eeoures eutlGlA s SAN BVENAVCNTVM 1/}$0 SF greater of 1/1000 SF 1/350 sF ]/500 SF • mn- or 1/I q[ekouse employ<ea uses SAN CAR LOS ] }50 51' / D-<00tl BF, /300 1 1/250 sF R aFace a imuml ! gooo.. In4o D .vxoo sF BMI D[EGO 1/lC0 SP 1/J00 SF i i ! 3/}50 SF $AD FMNC'IS[O 500+ Si ).500. BF, ~ 10.000. SP 1/]00 Si' 1/500 1/1500 i 1/3000 5AN JOSEOSE 3/}50 eF 1/.S employ 5000-35.040, 5/Eater r 1/campanY S ap¢ea: veL wlc }5,004. SF, ~IOS cea SAN L[ANUFA li ]44 SF //I00 SF • ' 3/600 SF-. I I/]Otl rF: 1/IDO sF ~ }/] a.pl. }/] amyl. n n a ca ' 5AN WIS OPIS PO l/100 51' 1/504 SF + '' 1/1000 • 1,'300 SF 1/1500 ror ~ 1/]00 [or oucaoor . o[t[c• vmo o[rfe• 5AN iNTEO ']50 St' ]/3 <•plmy 1 1/} aRploy ]/employ Por 90Y u[ ~.3/company y nan ! veNicla SANTA ANA ]/IOtT~ SF 1/]/employ i Ip 000 Sf 1/}00 SF n[ 1/SOC Ei' I SAHI'A mARBARA 1/:5!~:.! 1/506 SF 1/SOOC SI 1/350 SY I . blcyclo ~ . or[i ca pa rk mq apE [e bil • vicyclc -_~ Pu [Ianq l -~~o ~f~ • • i <orvnrru al Xm.u- Y.te [cal c1TY nnrces ract~n ne Na renouaes 9u:lein s SANTA cuPA lnao sr 1/lsoo zF 1/300o sF s/eo«or: r 1/1 e l/] OmPIOY not leas rp loyc<s than 1/]CO SANTA MONICA I1Y40 5) l/154 SF 1/)000 SF 1/]00 SF SANTA NOSH 0_iG(p SF, I ]/T00 5: 1/245; 5000-IS, rLP. 1/1n0 1/'.40p • ILOa a/ is ta4lixLr9 ~ ~ 1300+ EF, 1/10C r cement ' 53X2 VALLEY 3/356 LI', t/500 EF 1/rmpl cl'<c 1/354 :<, uclce[nq r r 1/I enl lrp res O ~clue[nq est m4r:a, Lrgesc sA[ft . 1/5 na. r< Eal3s, u.v rvA s gvessz . 1/vOA;elr n~lls at~:r.a a sou'rN cnTE 1/`Ln s. lpao sF c Vlooo s' 1, Iso sF 1/1 er61 e~/cc SOVTH PASADENA ,Sf sl 3/} Omplovee 1/1(100 51 1/i50 5.' or 1/aW .I' SOVFII SAN 1/]ON ]/1500 Or 0-10,004 SF 1:]00 SY FMNCI SCO 1/} nmN. t/3oon; l0,OW. SF, vsno4 STOCEt'ON Ff r l; 500 1/} emPl .; 1/3 cmpl.; i/}00 5!' n/ 51' li <omMny 1,'rompany mror 34,py:. vehl cle vM icle ~, SUNNVVALC liCri 51' 1/190 SF 1/000 YP 6/tlnrco[ TCnpLE CITY Ii1ar~ [1' greater u( qrw ttf O[ 1/300 SF li: employ 1!I OCf. St' or 1/000 FI' r 1/1 emPl +1/vepte le l..t_ I / Svv.R~. ~ t SivrrR,vAT••.vq,~ t~.vaeafe~NQ .~6rir! f,/, ~~vc, /r/ ~ TAB,r.E z OFFICE • Spaces/so. ft. 1/150 - Campbell, Fairfield, Millb roe 1/150 or 1/1.3 employees, t+lti chever greater - Cupertino 1/200 - Contra Cos ca County, Ha 1f Noon Bay, Hercules, Marcirez, Pleasant Hill, Solano County, Suisun, Vacaville 1/200 ground, 1/250 other - Naywa rd 1/200 ground, 1/300 other - Union Cicy 1/200 nee ¢round, 1/400 uoner - Hiloitas 1(200 ground, 1/500 otF.er - Vallejo 1/200 or 1/occupant plus 1/company car, whichever greater - San Rafael 1/225 - hill Valley, Sunnyvale 1/235 - Los Gacos 1/250 - Alameda Coun [y, Concord, Corte Madera, Co[aci, Larkspur, Morin County, . Morgan Hi11, Palo Alto, Sonoma County ' 1/250 net - Balnut Creek 1/275 net - Santa Rosa 1/300 - Brisbane, Du rlingame, Healdsburg, llillb roe, Haun[ain Viev, Petaluma, Pleasanton, Santa Clara, Sausalito 1/300 net - Novato, Tiburon 1/700 not devoted to storage - Gilroy I/300 up to 21,000 then 1/200 - Oaly City 1/350 net - San Leaud ro 1/000 - Oc rl:e ley (may 6c adju;tcd), ;Ia rCincz (a~lmwia ra [i vo office), S.rtato ga -_ 1/500 - Albany, HL Cerrito, San Francisco (,;here Llonc are.t us reed:: $ODU) I/500 up [o ~O,OGO Uu:n I/300 - Frr.:wnt 1(SGO - Oi.ron SouRCE: CIrY of Nvvaro • Cam- I ~ /S 1 I\'OUSTRTAL/2CAAUFACTUR i`IC Spaces/emn lavee 1/i - Hea Ldsburg, Santa Rosa 1/1 or 1/250 sq. fc., uh ichever greater - Campbell 1/1 or 1/300 sq. ft. - Pleasan[on 1/1.2 or 1/400 sq. £[. - Sunnwale 1/1.3 or 1/450 sq. f[., whichever gcea[er - Cupertino , 1/1.S - Livermo ce, Petaluma, Pleasant Hill, St. Helena 1/1.5 plus 1/company car - Las Gatos 2/J employees but nat less than 1/1000 sq. ft. - Sri sbane 1/2 - Alameda (C-redriscrict), Fairfax, Solano County, Suisun 1/2 or 113000 sq. ft., whichever greater - Alameda County, Concord I/2 but not less than 1/2090 sq. ft. - Harin County 1/2 Dut not less than 1/2000 sq. ft. plus t/company cat - Union City 1/2 plus lJcompany car - EI Ce crfto, Fairfield 1/2 plus 1/company car plus 2 customer - Pacifica 1/J plus 1/400 sq. fc. except truck loading - Dixon 1/3 plus 1/750 sq, fto - Vacaville (light) 3/4 plus 1/company car - San Ra faet 1/J Alameda (CI-L b H-2), Alhany, Hill Valley 1/3 but not less than 1/1000 sq. ft. - Hil ih tae 1/7 oc t/000 sq. ft., o•hi d~ever grc acer - Va cavillc (heavy) u a-~~ ,s~ Industrial/llanuafac[u rin¢ (Continued) • Spaces/sq. f[. 1/250 - Mountain View 1/250 or I/employee, whichever greater - Campbell 1/300 or 1/1 employee - Pleasanton 1/400 except truck loading plus 1/3 employees - Dixon 1/400 or 1/1.2 employees - Sunnwale 1/450 or 1/1.3 employees, whichever greater - Cupertino 1/500 - Palo Alto 1/600 excluding storage and loading - Saratoga and Martinez 1/600 but not less Chan 1/3 employees - Corte Madera 1/600 but not less than 2/3 employees plus 1/200 sq. f[. retail - Coati 1/750 plus 1/3 employees - Vacaville (light) • 1/)50 plus i/service vehicle plus 1/1500 sq. ft. exterior storage - Larkspur 1/900 - Fremont 1/1000 - 8u rli ngame, Martinez (except storage and loading) 1/1000 or 1/2 employees, whichever greater - Alameda County, Concord 1/1000 or 1/3 employees, whichever greater - Vacaville (heavy) 1/1500 llilpi[a s, Morgan Ilill, San Francisco (where e:<ceeds 7500 sq, ft.) 1/1500 gross site or building area, wl~i chewer greater - Daly City 1/1500 or 1/lea sable area, whichever greater - Novaco 1/emp loycc for 1-20 employees; 1/1.3 empla yce for 21-100 employees; l/115 employees for 101* - Ila l[ Moon Uay, Menlo Pa rlc u (~ -a.o ~ /~ Y • f(EDIC,iL OFFICES 4/dentist - Suisun L/doctor or 1/200 sq. fL , whichever i5 greater - Sonoma County 4/da ctor plus I/emp layee - Cupertino S/doctor - Con[za Costa County, Fair£ie ld, Livermore, Los Ga [os, Ha rt inez, Pleasant Hill, Po reo la Valley, San Rafael, Suisun (no[ dencis GS ), Vallejo S/doctor or 1/1S0 sq, ft. whichever greater - Hayward 5/doctor or 1/200 sq. ft. whichever greater - Healdsburg 5/doctor but no[ less than 1/200 sq. ft. - Vacaville 5/doctor but not less than 1/300 sq. ft, - Santa Clara 5/doctor or 2/exam room, whichever greatec - Pacifica SJdoctor plus 1)300 sq. E[. laD, X-ray and similar specialty areas - Novato 6/doctor - Campbell, Sunnyvale 6/doctor or 1/1S0 sq, fc., whichever greater - Pleasanton •' Spa <es/so, ft. 1/150 - Mountain View, Solano County 1/ISO net where less than 6000 - Santa Rosa 1/150 plus IIp employees - Alameda 1/180 -Sausalito I/200 - Albany, Concord, E1 Cerrito, Fremont, Na if Ploon Ray, Pe [al wna, San Ma ceo County, Saratoga, Union City 1/200 or 1/4 Joc[ors, whichever greater - Sonoma County 11200 net for 6000.12,000 - Santa Rosa 1/200 plus 1/office - La rks pnr 1/225 - Co r[c HaJcra, Co Utt, Mill Va llcy, Nilp etas, Santa Rosa (over 12,000) 1/:50 -Ourlin game, Palo :11[0, Santa Rosa (over 12,000), Tibu ran 1(290 - Diaon r1 LJ G.- a v /SS tledical (Continued) 1/300 -Berkeley, San FHancisco (where exceeds 5000) 1/300 excluding storage plus 1/doctor plus 1/employee plus 1/treatment room - tlorgan Hill 1/350 net -San Leandro $V4RCE CITY Off' IVONATO • • ~4aa /sG • • a 4 7 O m T n m U M n C C d 0 n r~ 0 T 4 7 N u 4 L O ] / p ~ ~ N b N p A Q ~O < p 01 m < M O d t~ N M V1 [~ Y1 r- OI > U H V r J .~ N .] L O ti O Y A+ m < N 'O R~ N p V\ O '.~ ] N p N p O 1 1 O ~N Y K1 v In p O\ ~O N VI [/I d C ~ G N C H m U d C " ~ o r n ~ n <] to N a\ < p I 1 1 1 n N N1 ~O < p T U F. W U) Y s tl ~O p M d L c ti n n o I I 1 1 C a] N V < N N O u} U U r O U ~ N N qq 1 1 1 1 1 N C N ~ ~ n Gy T Y n a U< O N c e I 1 1 1 I ~ N ~ A O T f j N Gi C M m T Y 4 d O N ~'J n N m P N q !~ S ~ V ' ~ ..4 b N 1n N Y'\ < N N w ~ . ~ ~ ~ N o m q of F .1 FI N C m d C E •H C t, N a a o~ m u v a, t ~ u .H F u > O > d O ~JJ ~ J M a C P n fi O U V C W 0 B n 7 O E ~J ~[ \ -.~ O C Cl ~ U V J Y O L q Y a p C \ n C P 'J a d Y d V U N L O J U r~ J \ ~~ u u m i ; n ~ n ft// G tl y O C d G O ! 'j , yl C L ~ /T~ q0 Y m ti O O m C C J U n '~ N d N A F d L N \4 V • ORDINANCE N0. PB@-2i"7S7 a7/ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT R5-02, RMEND ING TITLE 17, SECTION 17.04.050D Of THE MUNICIPAL CODE, IN RELATION TD OFF-SITE PARKING. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The following Section is hereby added to Section 17.04.050D, 0~~-site Parking Lots, to read as follows: Off-Site Parking: The City Planner may authorize a maximum twenty-five (25) percent of the required parking for a use to 6e located on a contiguous site, not more than 300 feet from the building entrance on the site for the use for which such parking will serve the use equally as effectively and Conveniently as providing such parking on the same site as the use for which it is required. The City Planners eemed to ensure utility, availability, and maintenance of ,point dse of off-site parking facilities. i ,. ~,,.~,, dJf` i. .. ,i • The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its Dassage at least once in The Dail Re ort, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of ntarfo, a ifornia, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this * day of *, AYES: NDES: ABSENT: ATTEST: Beverly A. Au the let, City erk on D. Mike s, Mayor ~rl; rnmv nn n . vnrrn rr.n . ~rrn.n • STAFF REPORT 2~~,~~~., z ~,,. ~ ~;' 19-- DATE: August 21, 1985 T0: Mayor and Memhers of the City Council FROM: Dan Coleman, Senior Planner BY: Howard Fields, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND ?NDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN ENDM NT - -Amen ing ection E., Parking & Loading equirements page III-26) to include defined interior building areas that can be deducted from the overall parking requirements; Section E.3, Parking Spaces Required (page III-29) to include a parking ratio for research and development uses; and Table III-2, Land Use Definitions for research and development uses and identification of the applicable subareas (Table III-1). • SUMMARY: On May 22, 1985, during its regularly scheduled meeting, the a~ng,~ Commission directed Staff to prepare parking amendments to the Industrial Area Specific Plan. The proposed parking amendments would deduct non-occupancy areas from parking calculations, and provide a ratio for reseach and development uses. On July 10, 1985, the Commission reviewed the draft amendments and directed staff to define Research and Development uses in general, and bring the draft amendments back before the Commission for consideration. On July 24, 1985, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing to consider the amendments and recommended approval of the amendments and negative declaration. The attached copy of the Planning Commission Staff Report and minutes fully describe the amendments. CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised as a public hearing in The a e art newspaper. To date, no correspondence has been received e t er or or against this amendment. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 85-02 through adoption of the attached ordinance and issuance of a negative declaration. /S9 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Industrial Specific Pian Amendment RS-02 August 21, 1985 Page X2 • Respe lly submitt /,,~ K~"_ Dan Coleman Senior Planner OC:HF:cv Attachment: Planning Commission Staff Report and Resolution Minutes of duly 24, 1985 Planning Commissfon Meeting Initial Study, Part [I City Council Ordinance • • /G o r AFFIOA VIT C' PUBLICATION STATE OF C,UMi°ORMA COUNTY OF SANBERNARDINO I, _ Grnoe Traevine _ , rla hereby certify that I am the Legal Advertising clerk of THE GAILY REPORT, a daily newspaper of general circulation, published s rtir City of Ontario, County and State aforesaid and thar the attachad aA~ereselnent ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC EEARI:7G _ r a.,+. ,..i s^•eaaawntr~nd-Dev~lepment _ Code amendaent a5_nJ Ifd t__,_,___ one time only was published m said newspaper ____ ____ wit: August 10, 1995 I ceri[y under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and eolrect. (Signature) tent.R ~ Dated at Ontario, California this __ __~.,~ day of 1985 . I1 a.urn 6NlnflE !f lEOEM~NCE EEMI, ~.. w !lr,~e~ a,e .~ iiiir~o. wEMmw ^"'^'^. ^ IA Clq CM,6 ! O. M p. 11wNM Mw,+A4 CMNRM~ EIF~ NAMm~,1en M Nw ,M/IM~MTE~~w~~~1!I E~ p•gNA,IAM MVI. Ewy wMi>Ew ~~jRltll wM,ro WMMnw. MwN A. t~N cNn roEUm. ~uM IE ,oc,rwl - CITY OF R.A\CHO CtiCAyIO\GA r:[c~.tirpt, ' STAFF REPORT ?/ '. ~. , ¢~ , ~'~ ~ rZ ~~, DATE: July 24, 1985 ~~ 19~' T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Jack Lam, Community Development Director BY: Howard Fields, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL SPEC iF IC PLAN AMENDMENT 85-02 - Amending Section E., Parking & Loading Requirements page III-26) to include defined interior building areas that can be deducted from the overall parking requirements; Section E.B, Parking Spaces Required (page III-29) to include a parking ratio for research and development uses; and Table III-2, Land Use Definitions for research and development uses and identification of the applicable subareas (Table III-1). ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT ending ection D concerning of -site parking tots to include additional language to clarify • public safety issues. I. BACKGROUND: At their regularly scheduled meeting on May 22, 1985, the ann ing Commission directed staff to prepare parking amendments to the Industrial Area Specific Plan and the Development Code. The proposed parking amendments will deduct non-occupancy areas from parking calculations, provide a ratio for research and development uses, and policy clarification concerning off-site parking lots. On July 10, 1985, the Commission reviewed the draft amendments and directed staff to define Research and Development uses in general, and 6r ing the draft amendments back before the Commission for consideration. II. ANRLYSIS: the initial survey results of selected California cities aving a large concentration of research and development uses revealed the average median ratio far parking is 1/350. This figure coincides with ratios used by other cities, such as Palo Alto (1/300), Riverside (1/350), and Menlo Park (1/300). In order to adopt a Research and Development parking ratio, it is necessary to first define research and development uses for the land use type definitions in Table III-2, and then identify the applicable subareas within the Industrial Specific Plan (Exhibit "C"). Staff is proposing to define RRD as a separate category of industrial use with two subcategories. The Commission directed staff to present a precise definition for Research and Development /L ~ PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT EA & ISP Amendment 85-02 EA & Development Code Amendment 85-02 July 24, 1985 Page 2 • uses as a general category. The staff is proposing the following definition to address the Commission's concern for clarity: "Research and Development: Uses engaged in the research, design, analysis, development, and/or testing of a product." The two subcategories of Research and Development would he defined as follows: Research 6 Development/Office: Activities typically include, but not limited to; building/use types resembling office more than industrial space, but includes in addition to office space, research and development facilities, such as labs, acoustical chambers, microwave testing chamber, wind tunnels, circuit board assembly rooms, "clean rooms", and computer facilities. Such uses are typically less intense than pure office, but more intense than traditional industrial spate. The uses do not produce odors, noise, vibration, or particulates which would adversely affect uses in the same structure or on the same site. Mhere 24 hours on-site • surveillance is necessary, a caretaker's residence may be permitted when approved by a Conditional Use Permit. Research 6 Develo ment/li ht Manufacturin Activities typically nc u e, ut not invited to; "high-tec production and assembly operations which include some R&D and office space, "product assembly rooms", prototype testing, and other facilities associated with high technology manufacturing. The uses do not produce odors, noise, vibration, or particulate which would adversely affect uses in the same structure or on the same site. Mhere 24 hours on-site surveillance is necessary, a caretaker's residence may be permitted when approved by a Conditional Use Permit. Staff recommends that research and development uses would be appropriate in the Industrial Park and General Industrial categories as shown in Exhibit "C". 8. R&D/Office erm~itted Subarea - 6 and 1, 12, 16 Conditional Use Subareas - 1, 3, 4, 8, 11, 13, 14 C. R&D/Li ht Manufacturin ermitted Subarea - 1-8, 10-14, and 16 • /~ 3 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT EA & ISP Amendment 85-02 EA & Development Code Amendment 85-02 July 24, 1985 Page 3 lJ III. RECOMMENDATION: If the Planning Commission concurs with the language and the extent of the proposed revisions to the Industrial Specific Plan and OeveloDment Code, approval of the attached Resolution and recomnendat ion of approval for the accompanying ordinances would be appropriate. Re pectfutll~submitted, Jac am Comnun ity Deve lopmen rector JL:Hf:jr Rttachments: Exhibit "A" -Parking Spaces Required (Section E.3) - Industrial Specific Plan, Page I[[-29 Exhibit "B" -Off-Site Parking (Section 17.04.0500) - Development Code, Page 48 Exhibit "C" - Proposed Changes to Summary Land Use Type by Subarea, Industrial Specific Plan, Table IiI-1, page iII-5 • Exhibit "0" - Current Summary Land Use Type by Subarea, Ta61e III-1 Exhibit "E" - Subareas of the Industrial Specific Plan Initial Study, Part II Resolutions of Approval Proposed Ordinances /c Y C ~ ' RESOLUTION N0. SS-110 • A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION' OF THE CITY OF • RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL IFORN[A, RECOI+MEND i~NG APPROVAL OF INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 85-02, SECTION E., PARKING AND LOADING REQUIREMENTS (pg. III-26) TO INCLUDE DEFINED INTERIOR BUILDING AREAS THAT CAN 8E OEDUC TED FROM THE OVERALL PARKING REQUIREMENTS; SECTION E.3, PARKING SPRCES REQUIRED (pg. III-29) TD INCLUDE A PARKING RATIO FOR RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT USES; AND TABLE III-2, LAND USE OEF INITIONS FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT USES AND IDENTIFICATION OF THE APPLICABLE SUBAREAS (TABLE II[-1). WHEREAS, on the 22nd day of May, 1985, the Planning Comniss ion directed staff to prepare an amendment to the Industrial Area Specific Plan; and, WHEREAS, on the 24th day of July, 1985, the Planning Commi ss in held a duly advertised public hearing. SECTION 1: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has made the following i~tngs: i. That the amendment is warranted in order to provide • a parking ratio for Research and Oeve lopment uses and define fnter for building areas that can be deducted from the overall parking requirements. 2. That the proposed amendment would not have significant impacts on the environment; and, 3. That the proposed amendment is consistent with the policies of the General Plan. SECTION 2: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has found that this amendment will not create a Significant adverse impact on the environment and recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration on July 24, 1985. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council approve and adopt Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 85-02 regarding a parking ratio for research and development uses and define interior building areas that can be deducted from the general parking requirements. 2. That a certified copy of this resolution and related material hereby adopted by the Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the City Council. /6 r ,_ C ~ BY: APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 24th DAY OF JULY, 1985. COMNISS ION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA s ATTEST: _'~`^~`^~'~~~~-- Jack Lam, Secretary [, Jack Lam, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution Nas duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 24th day of July, 1985, by the following vote-to-Nit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CNITIEA, 14CNIEL, BARKER, STOUT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL • • '' /bG ~ C • C'-~: OF Qp;:C 0 CL•C: ti A`:Cn P.1.q: II - ISlT IAL 5~.~ "c\dIRO ;~=ST3L CE cC ~:.I ST A.nPLI CA:1': v~f~. OY~ l~CecC/~~ d Q0.. FILI::C DATE: ~~~tYi 2 2 /f'~ r LOG NL?iBER: ASP ~~D~~~ pry O Z P.;OJEC::.DEDUGTj/~(~, ~K/Gd.V S ,~D~ ~~~ /IAT/u U/'r PROSE CT LO ~IG:G/:V~ .fly, ~s~~~ EdE1p~~~/7-yl~~ -Zy~S7iP-/9G i ~~ ~ I. E~TI3G:^=>;T;L Ira ~-~ (Explanation of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on atcathed sheets). y 1. Soils and Gevlr<•r, ;;:11 the proposal have si i YES riAYRE NO • gn : Scene results in: a, Unstable ground Condit Sons cr in changes in geologic relationships? b. Dis rapt ions, displacements, compa<cion or burial f o the soil? c. Change in topography or ground surface contour lnterva ls? /" d. The destruction, covering or modification of a ny unique geolcgic oz pF.ys Seal fee tu: es? _ e. My pot en[ial increase 1n wind or eater erosion of soils, affecting either on or of: lice condi cons? / f. Changes in erosion sil WCion, or deposition" _ / B• Exposure of people or property to geologic ha d ~ zar s such as earthquakes, landslides, mud- slides, ground failu re, or similar hazards? / L h. M increase Sn the race of extraction and/or use of any mineral resource? _ _ 2. Hyd ro to ev. dill the proposal have signif Scan[ -- results Sn: /c 7 ( page 2 lrg v_ayge \0 a• Changes is curents, or the course of di:ec cion • of (loving screams, risers, or ephene ral stream channels? , / V b. Changes in ab so:p cion rases, drainz;e patterns , oz the rate and amount of surface eater / runoff? , v c. Alterations co [he course or floe of flood va ters? d. Change ir. the amount of surface vacer in any body of va ter? e. Discharge into surface eaters, or any alteration of surface vacer quality? / / f. Alceraclon of groundvacer characceris tics? _ g. Change in [he quantity of groundva ters, either through direct additions or vi[h- dravals, or through in Ceri erence with an aquifer? Quality? Quantity? / h. The reduction Sn the amount of eater other- vise available for public vacer supplies? - - • /J~ 1. Exposure of people or property to vacer - .~ Telaced hazards such as flooding or seiches? _ 3. Air Quality. H111 the proposal have significant _ res ults in: a. Constant or periodic nit emissions from mobile oz Sndlrect sources? Sta[Sonary sources? - / / b. Deteria ration of amb Sent air quality and/or • Snter Eerence vith the attainment of appll cable air qua licy standards? e. Alceraclon of local or regional climatic condi [ions, aEEecclrg air movement, mo is cure or [empe ra to te? 4. Blata J/ Flora. tli 11 [he proposal have significant results Sn: a. Change in the cha rade rf scSCS of species, Sncluding divers icy, dis crl6ucion; or number of any spec Ses of planes? __ / b. Red uc[fon of the nvmbe rs of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? /G 8 -_ -' f 'a ee 3 Y~5 `141'°° `;0 c. Inc:oduG !en of nev or d!s: uptive sped es of / • planes into zn area? _/ d. Redut cion la the pocent!al Eor agricultural / producticn? ~/ eau-a. Wia the proposal have signia cane zesul is in: a. Change in the charac ter'_s t!cs of species, includiag divers'_:y, disc: SSution, ar nuab ers / of any species of anlrals? b. Reduc:!on of the nu=hers of any unique, rare or endangered species of ant =ais? c. Incraduc tion of neu or disruptive species of ani~als in co an area, or result in a barrier to the aig ration or covenenc of anioals? d. Deterioration or reaoval of exis cing fish or vlldlife ha6 itat? 5. Pooul anon. Wi11 the proposal have significant resin cs in: ~ a. Will the ptooesal.al ter the to<acion, distri- • bution, dens icy, diversity, or grow ch race of the hu~a o ti l f ? i pu n p a on o an area / b. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a deaand for additional housing? 6. Socio-Eeono~ie Factors. Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Change in Ioca1 or.regional so cio-econoaic eharacceris tics, including econoalc or cooaercial diversity, tax race, and property values? -- 1~/ b. W111 project costs be equ LLaSly dis cr Sbu[ed aciong project benef iclar ies, i.e., buyers, tax payers or proj etc users? -_ 7. Land L'se and Planni^: Co ns id eraclons. Wi11 the proposal have siga[f!can[ resui cs in? a. A substantial alteration of [he present or planned land use of an area? / ` b. A conflict vlch any designations, objectives, ~ pond es, or adopted plans of any governaental entities? c. M Sapac[ upon [he qulaSCy of quantl[y of exl5 clog consunp[SVe of non-consuapcive / eecreacfonal appor;unities? ~/ '. /69 - - i ?age 4 4_5 NnY3- NO • R. Transnorcztlcn. Rill the proposal ha•:e signlfiwnt res ui is Sr.: a. Generation of sub scanc'_a1 add:ticnal vehirslaz movement? b. Effects on ex!scin3 scr eecs, or demand foz nev street construe: ion? / c. Effects on esisclag parking facilities, or de^.and far nev pa rking? / d. Sub stanilal Sapatt upon ex is cing czanspozta- / [Son systems'. / e. Alterations to present pa[:etns of circula- tlcn of movement of people and/or goods? f. Altezat loos co or effects on present and po:en cial va ter-borne, rail, sass transit or / air traffic? / g. Increases Sn traffic haxazds co motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? 9. Cultural Resources. Will the proposal have • sYgnificanc results Sn: a. A disturbance to the ince grity of archaeological, paleoncola glcal, and/or historical resources? ~ __ ~/ 10. Health. Safety, and Nufs ante Factors. Nill the proposal have slgniflcant resul cs in: a. Creation of any health hazard or p0 tenc1al health hazard? b. Exposure of people [o pocencial health hazards? _ __ e. A risk o£ explosion or release Of hazardous aub stances in [he even[ of an accident? -_ d. M inc cease Sn the nuoS ez of Snd ivlduals or specias of vector at pa thenogen is organisms or the exposure of people to such otganl5rs' ~_ e. Increase Sn existing nalse levels? __ f. ExpoSU re of people to potentially dangerous / noise levels? __ (/~ g. The creation of ob lee tionable odors? _ _ j h. M increase Sn llghc or glare? £~ /70 J ( ` Pa se 5 •. __ v4YSE NO ~ . 11. Aesthe tics, hill the proposal have siga!Eicanc resu: is Sn: a. The obstrur icn or deg:ada cion of any scenic j vista or view? / b. The creacicn of an aesthetically oEf ens lve site? / c. A conflicr vi ch [he objective of desigaaced / or potential sc er.ic cola de rs' J 1?. Uc!lities and Public Services. will the proposal have a 5lgnif icanr need far nev systems, or alterations [o [he follovln3: a. El eceric pove r? ~ ` b. Natural or packaged gas? / _ J c. Co©unications systems? _ / ~/ d. Hater supply? / _y e. Nastevater facilities? rr •l f. Flood control structures? g. So11d waste facilities? Y h. Fire protecclon? _ ~ v 1. Police protection? ~. Schools? __ k. Parks or other recreational facia itl es? __ 1. Na incenance of public facilities, including roads and flood control facilities? -- / / m. Ocher governiaencal services? i/ 17. Ener¢v and Scarce BeS OUrces. 11111 the prapo sal have sign ifiwnc results in: a. Use of subswn ral or excessive Eue1 or enec;y? b. $ub5[an[fal Sncre ase in demand upon exisiing 6ou rtes of energy? ~~ ~ c. M increase in [he demand for development of nev sources of energy? d. M Increase or perpetuation of the consuepcion of non-renevabie fours of energy, when feas161e renavable sources of energy are aval lable? ~/ /7/ ~ -~ t ?age b e. Substantial depletion of any non: enevable or scarce na[llrdl LeaOnrCe? Y=5 ~:1Y3r ~0 -,• 14. tlandacorv Flndincs of SSc aif?car ce. a. Does the project have the po rem teal to degrade [he quail ty of the e.^.v ironment, subscancially reduce the habitat of fish or vildl ife species, cause a fish or wildlife population co drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant oz animal cocunity, reduce the number or zesczic: the range of a tare or endangered plane or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b. Does the project have [he potential to achieve short-tern, to the disadvantage of long-tern, environmental goals? (A shot c-term impact an the environment is one which a<curs in a relatively brief, define Give period of time vh13e long- / term impacts will endure veil Sn[o the future). / c. Does the prof etc have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? (Cumulatively considerable • means chat the incremental effects of an • individual project are considerable when viewed in connection vi [h the effects of past projec cs, and probable Future proj eccs). d. Does the proj etc have environmental effects which will cause svbscantial adverse effects -_ / on human beings, either direcCly or indirectly". ...K/ II. DISCl155IDN OF E!A'IRO\'>LrVTAL EVp1I1.4TI0N (i.e., of affirms Give answers to the above ques [ions plus a discussion of proposed eicigacion measures). L J7a ?axe 7 r-c~., r.. I iI. D_. _._._: d.IO): { On the basis of this Salcial evaluation: • r--{/~I find the proposed proj ecc COCi, SO' have a sisiieicant ei: ecc U on the envi:o:ven[, and a XEGq::'. c. DECD ~iTI0:7 will be p:epa:ed. _ I find than although the proposed proj ecc could have a sign!ficanc ' effect an [he envirouent, che:e will not be a slgniflcanr ei: ecc 1J in this case Se<ause the nltlgaclon oeasures described on an atCached 5hee[ have been added co the proj ecc. A YEG.4TI:T DECLAHATIO:: DILL HE ?HE?ARED. I find the proposed proj ecc Y4`.' have a signlf SCan~ effect on the envir:~ent~y,/ andp'aGn E/LR'I30\^~\T A'3dC'./~/RE?OHT is requireJd./. /~'y~/' Dace / ~/ O J ~l ~jw,,,a„~'~~' {/ T f Higna ~,o:e Title •~ ~~ i~3 CITY OF R?tiCHO CtiC:1Ai0\GA STAFF REPORT • DATE: July 10, 1985 j. T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Howard Fields, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: PROPOSED PARKING AMENDMENTS TO THE DEVELOPMENT CODE AND INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN BACKGROUND: At their regularly scheduled meeting on May 22, 1985, th~ann ing Commission directed staff to prepare parking amendments to the Industrial Area Specific Plan and the Development Code. The proposed parking amendments will deduct non-occupancy areas from parking calculations, provide a ratio for research and development uses, and policy clarification concerning off-site parking lots. If deemed acceptable, these draft amendments would be brought back to Commission during a public hearing for approval by Resolution and forwarded to City Council for final adoption. II. ANALYSIS: A. Deductible Rreas from Parkins Calculations Based upon analysis and review of conmerctai/industrial building design and construction techniques, the following interior building areas would not be sub,{ect to change based on future tenant improvements and are recommended as deductible building areas from parking consideration: o electrical/mechanical rooms o elevator shafts o stairwells o multi-story lobbies If the Commission concurs with the above-defined interior building areas, then the following modified language should be added to Section E, Parkin & Load in Re uiremen is (page III-29) of the Industrial Specific Plan Exhibit "A" f. Following interior building areas can be deducted from the overall parking requirements: Electrical/mechanical rooms, elevator shafts, stairwells, and multi-story lobbies. n ~~J ~~ y ITEM R PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Parking Amendments July 10, 1985 Page 2 n B. Off-Site Park inq The Development Code specifies requirements for the consideration of off-site parking lots through the minor exception process (Section 11.04.0500) as shown in Exhibit "R". The Commission expressed concern over the pedestrian safety aspect of off-site parking lots and directed staff to modify the Development Code text to mitigate potential traffic conflicts of pedestrians crossing at mid-block, lack of pedestrian orientation, and sidewalks. In response to the Planning Commission's direction, staff is proposing to amend Section 11.04.050D to read as follows: Off-Site Parkin The City Planner may authorize a maximum twenty- ive 5 percent of the required parking for a use to be located on a contiguous site, not more than 300 feet from the building entrance on the site of the use for which such parking is required, where in his judgment such off-site parking will serve the use equally as effectively and conveniently as providing such parking on the same site as the use for which it is required. The City Planner may require conditions as deemed necessary to ensure utility, availability, and maintenance of such joint use of qff- site parking facilities. • C. Research and Development Park inq Ratig In order to adopt a Research and Development parking ratio, it is necessary to first define research and dove lopment uses for the land use type definitions in Table I[I-2, and then identify the applicable subareas within the Industrial Specific Plan (Exhibit "C"). Staff is proposing to define R&D as a Separate category of industrial use with two subcategories. Office/Research 6 Develo ment/Office: Activities typically include, but not invited to; bui ding/use types resembling office more than industrial space, but includes in addition to office space, research and deveiopment facilities, such as circuit board assembly rooms, "clean rooms", and computer facilities. Such uses are typically less intense than pure gffice, but more intense than traditional industrial space. The uses do not produce odors, noise, vibration, or particulates which would adversely affect uses in the same structure or on the same site. Where 24 hqurs on-site surveillance is necessary, a caretaker's residence may 6e permitted when approved by a Conditional Use Permit. Research b Develnpmen t/Light Manufacturing: Activities typically include, but not limited to; "high-tech" production and assembly • operations which include some R&D and office space, "product assembly rooms" and other facilities associated wfth high /7i PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Parking Amendments July 10, 1985 Page 3 • technology manufacturing. The uses do not produce odors, noise, vibration, or particulate which would adversely affect uses in the same structure or on the same site. Where 24 hours on-site surveillance is necessary, a caretaker's residence may be permitted when approved by a Conditional Use Permit. Staff recommends that research and development uses would be appropriate in the Industrial Park and General Industrial categories as shown in Exhibit "C". O. R&0/Office Permitted Subarea - 6 and 1, 12, 16 Conditional Use Subareas - 1, 3, 4, 8, 11, 13, 14 C. R&D/Light Manufacturing erm~te~ubare- a 1-R, 10-14, and 16 • In addition to the shove revisions, staff is proposing to amend Section E.3. Parking Spaces Required (Exhibit "A") to include: e. Research & Development: 1 space per 350 Square Feet tII. RECOMMENDATION: If the Planning Conmission concurs with the anguage and the extent of the proposed revisions to the Industrial Specific Plan and Development Code, then staff will schedule a public hearing and prepare a Resolution of approval and accompanying Ordinance for the Commission's consideration. spect dlly/submitted, a Rf z Ci y Planner RG:HF:,ir Attachments: Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" Exhibit "C" Exhibit "D" Exhibit "E" -Parking Spaces Required (Section E.3) - Industrial Specific Plan, Page III-29 -Off-Site Parking (Section 17.04.OSOD) - Development Code, Page 48 Proposed Changes to Summary Land Use Type by Subarea, Industrial Specific Plan, Table III-1, page IIt-5 Current Summary Land Use Type by Subarea, Table III-1 Subareas of the Industrial Specific Plan /7~ E.10. All loading facilities shall be permitted only in the rear and interior side yard areas except within the Meavy Industrial category and rail served buildings. Aisle width to loading docks shall be a minimum of 50' width exclusive of truck parking area. Loading docks shall be setback a minimum of 10' from street property line. loading facilities shall be adequately 5t reeved from the public view except within the Meavy Industrial category and flail Served huildings. E.11. Minimum aisle width adjacent to loading areas shall he 16' one way and 28' for two way. /I • / ~,~.~. Parking Spaces Required uo~oew wee •aaK 11eLL I{UU{llll ..~.••~~JJJf E.3. Required parking spaces shall be determined • a[ the following rates: a. Warehousing or building for s[ora qe: 1 space for 1,000 square fee[ b. InduS[ri al/Manufacturing: 1 space per 500 square feet c. Office and Administration: 1 space per 250 square fee[ d. Mul [i-use tenant where office use does not exceed 35$ of building area or "Space" Buildings: 1 space per 400 square feet. E.4. 20$ of all required parking stalls shall be devoted [o compact car use. Minimum stall dimension shall be 8' in width and 16' in leng [h and marked far compact cars. E.S. All Parking areas shall be screened from public view through [he use of he rms, land- scaping material and low walls. E.6. All loading facilities and maneuvering areas • must be on site with the use.' E. 7. E, B, I E. 9. ,>> Section 17.04.050 • characteristics of operation; requirements for maintenance of landscaping and other improvements; establishment oC development schedules or time limits for performance or completion; requirements for periodical review by the City Planner; end such other conditions as the City Planner may deem necessary to ensure crompetibility with surrounding uses, to preserve the public health, safety, and welfare, end to enable the City Planner to make the findings required Dy Section 17.04.050-E. (e) Fence Height. In any district the maximum height of any fence, wall, hedge or equivalent screening may be increased by a maximum iwo (2) feet, vrhere the topography o[ sloping sites ar a difference in grade between adjoining sites warrants such increase in height to maintain e level o[ privacy, or to maintain effectiveness of screening, as generally provided by such fence, wall, hedge or screening in similar circumstances. (b) Setbacks. In any Residential district, the City Planner may decrease the minimum setback by not more than ten (10%) percent where the proposed setback area or yard is in character With the surrounding neighborhood and is not required as an essential open space or recreational amenity to the use of the site, end where such decrease will not unreasonably aCtec[ abutting sites. (c) Lot Coverage. In any Residential district, the City Planner may increase the maximum lot coverage by no[ more then ten (10%) • percent of the lot area, where such increases are necessary Cor significantly improved site planning ar architectural design, creation or maintenance o[ views, or otherwise facilitate highly desirable features or amenities, and where such increase will not unreasonably affect abutting sites. (d) O[C~ite Parkin The City Planner may authorize a maximum twenty-five 25%) percent of the required perking fora use to be located on a site not more than 300 fee[ from the site o[ the use for which such perking is required, where in his judgement such of[-site parking will serve the use equally es effectively and conveniently as providing such perking on the same site as the use for which it is required. The City Planner may require conditions as deemed necessary to ensure utility, availability, and maintenance of such join[ use o[ oft-site oarkin¢ facilities. (e) On-Site Parkin The City Planner may authorize a maximum twenty-five 25%) percent reduction in the required on-site parking requirements when it is proven that it will not result in a traffic hazard or impact the necessary parking Cor the use. (f) Hei ht. In nny district the City Planner may authorize a ten (10%) percent increase in the maximum height limitation. Such increases may be approved where necessary to significantly improve the site plan or architectural design, end where scenic views or solar access on surrounding properties ere not affected. C. Application. An application Cor s Minor Exception shall 6e filed with the Planning f/ /f i7P TABLE 111.1 .. ' • SUMMARY LAND USE TYPE BY SUBAREA . , . •PE?Mfl'iED USE ^WNOR7aNALLY PEPMRTEG USE USE TYPES I SU^AaE.~S ' 1 ~2 'J < '6 16 11 16 1910Ht I'~ ~~ " c'S NUINUFACNRING ` I I I V I CLStan • • I• • I• I• • I• I I• • • I• I I• McCmm 1= ~ I^ I • I I- •~•I• I I• I Of n He : •1 HF S E AB~Gtt&-p EYELQ.P1d RESEpRCN 8 DEVELOPMENT/OFFICE ^ 0 0 • • O O I O C] • RESEARCH 8 DEVELOPMENT/ _ _ _ __ LIGNT MANUFACTURING ~ • •_ • ~_ •_ • •_ • • _•_ •_ ~ _ • WHOLESALE STORAGE OISfRIBUTION ~ Hea ~ ^ : I F ~ ~- f: _ CAMMERCIAL lI C11'Coudee3fNe.aiq Otfi4 ~ • ,« - ' Agncvltural Suoolas arA Servxc ~ • • I • • • ~ • • I • I " ~ANpnolrvC Fleet Slorape ^ C ~ . T 10 I IYn..~u.~•wRRa11v7..1 ' AulamoeveN9M ' • • ^ ^ C I 1 r • 1 ^ I • 1 o I I ~ .~$tirminMAT~.Ttirli lkPnS`',~.(•~*r.'~J • . . Aulomotrve Sale ~Oe~"~aM~<~Se[VKd~algR~ ^ ^ C I 1 I ElAlair~ Cantraaora OIfMe Arid raw • ^ • ^ ^ • • I • I dnkirg Mamlenance Servaxa ~~'~~ • • • • • • • • • e Rvallae65ePPr/ RMM Sala mq Servga (Blwfa•i•?,AppiC a • • • • • • • • • Gartaranicmgn Sarvkea &A'ma"imcs'41m • • • ~• i • ^ • • • • c Ealirp aM Gnr,lo Esl•MlaMletka ~Ibp•Knant ~ r • • . •' • • • • • • • • • • • . Ezlemne ImPaci COIMfIlielM •L ^' ~"~ Fmoncial, emurarre aM Real Estate Servltta ~ ~ ^ o e • • ^ ^ ' F urmral ardG~at $dviMf 07 I C t}"~ c ~i~a PD,T~esSOle~.~F - m • _Y~ N • : M¢ClcallHealtN Care Seevicea ' o • i • d o • 'j u ~ fl'lraaw servre. ~ra'~' PMroleum Protlucis Storage ~ . g+ .. ^ : v d A.. 4 $ . R ':~ R::~ „LlofessbrW Servic•a :^• . e ^ ^ ^ P4Creatmr~al Faplille ~ o 'O • • ~ . . • • [ ~ ~.• .r. •:.~ "~54~ /'r °r'!~G~ iA eP.Vr Semcm='Ju ^ • ^ "• ^ ^ ^ ' C u ' • ^ j O • I • • • ~ ~ ~ . . • ~ • •. • i I • • ^ :A4nioal Vative CMC Services _7~..~.^:L1.`:,:.:-v', ~~. ~~ • C • • i ~. /• :i •. c I • .• L .. I • .~,! IEalentite lmpaci UIIIiry Fadlitles'~ ^`•~""'1?' : C ~'I :' ~~b _ ~ ~~ r ~ ~ r = l Rlollc ASSemoly •: ~:~.:'~ `•'I . . _ r I ti ? ~ b 7 L( Q _-~I ;FLAre Salery and Dairy Servtces',,^' w~~,L P~e~cus nss~mcl ~^ ^ c c O - o 04 'I o c e qI o o c Nnrc - _ 'me ^~:,~.I ,,". ,, FORTH • • CITY OF ITE,~,: ~ARIUA~/ A~'lE.y~ mcJv RA1~CH0 CL'G~MO\GA TITLe:-~Rooosed~AaP~ PLANNI\G DIVISION EXHIISIT C $CpLE ~~ i79 - - TABLE III.1 SUMMARY LAND USE TYPE BY SUBAREA r. • PERMfTiED USE . \ r.--_ .~ NOTE Nonmarked uses not permitted ,,, . lw~ ~~ ~ ,' f ~.. ~rT ~~ ~Yo ^ t:ONDRIONALLY PERMITTED USE USE TYPES S UBA REAS 1 2 3 4 5 16 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 MANUFACTURING Custom • • • • • • • • • • • • e • G19ht.>'"''~'•~`.e„t, - _: .-_my t~ ~, ~ • s s s • " '• a, ;r. ~ ~ .~ a a ' ~_. ~;. Medium ^ rj C i c • ~ i i o ~ ~Inim mTrii ack ' m. ~ p u -- _ - . .~•: _ ; , . .• ._ Hea ~ ~ WHOLESALE, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Hea O O ~ o C 0 v • COMMERCIAL t7A'dmiciistrStiva:aiirSOf6ae= ~~ . 6g; • ^ ~; ;t ~- ! ~ ~^ . •, ~ ~ ~ ' y~ 'Agricultural Suppl;es and Services • • • • • • • • " gA1~i8~nalECaie:°. Automotive Fleet Stora e o ^ c ^ .h:ALdbriiiSf"~vaFiert®li7 •• ~; . i~ ;'CZ ." Automotive) Light Truck Repair • Minor • • ^ ^ ^ • i ~^ • o ^ ~E.?~tloffv9ee~..i1~ • s. ,, ; . Automotive Sales ^ ^ p ~ora i86e'S i ` i x e . ¢e v Buildir~ ContracKOr9 office and Yards • ^ • ^ ^ • ~ i~ ~ ~ • • ~ ~ Building Mairrtenance Services ~~`•, • • ~ • • • • ' •' • • • • Business Supp7 Retail Sales and Servkxs • • • • • i • • • • • COmmunication Services • i • 'i ~ i ^ • • • • ^ • t iCG'Sab• aud` ~ ~ _ ~ ~ Eating and Odnki Establishments • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • Extensive Impact Carnmercial ^ ~aor ,.. . ~ ~ . . : ~ • • Fnancial, Insurance and Real Estate Services ^ ^ ^ • • ^ o • • ~Jr~'aiiif Be~eiape'Saleer . '. Q ~. ~ ' ~' . ; ~~ Funeral and Crematory 5ervicea o ^ ~'Iedvq'~ulpmept 5a1e3 ar18 ' , . " 17 17' II: , . .~ !aw ;~ -. tom Hotel/Motel i ~ ~ . - ~s~p~ u,`~IltldryCUEfV~CBB._ ~.-"~... .L: ':4Y 'a~' ..-.. W' F N'+ '_s~ .•' _ r ~ T •: ~ 'Y:. • •: ' :~ "" '-'~4 Medical/Health Cara SeMCes a ^ • • • ~ c ~ p ~ • Pera41n211 SeMi.'BS e^ ~ y .iZ' ::^' 6T '^" ~~ ;'•" Q' ~~ ~ ^ •~ Q -^;- e., ~ Q; Q_ ~ ~^' :6~ T,•.. ~ Q '~ Petroleum Products Sto raga G - """ _ _'PrOfeSal(N1819afViCe.4 y;; ;;`.~.urY .~a.)N~ ~ °hr ..w :n '©~ ~ '• • • .•~ ..n~ •• ~ ~~ ~•. Recreational Facilities - u G ^ ~ • .' • • • Repair Services _..;.. '; •.. vf.~.iti..n_~.a„.,,;..::L1 . !. • ~ ^ . ~ , • • • • • • q ,•»7 . Scra 0 ration . _ .. , .. • w.,:., CIVIC :Administrative Civic Services ty:;;:~~J,w:~_,~;~ ~ • • ~'., ~ • • • ~ ,',„ • • • • ,.,.. • Cultural ' ~ ' ^ J ^ ^ ^ , 'ffxtensive I '""~~" °~ „ r mpact UtllityFacilR(e s,..m- °.3~::~ .:. .^ ._ . ':•~ ~~. ; :: ~ .. ~ ~ ..~ + ,- .^. p ^ ~` ~~~ .- ~ ~ p. ."....i~ ~ :- PuClic Assembly ~~ ~ ~ , ~ ,; = - . Public Safety and Utility Services'..iai:kM1'i.,.~:.;2!'1.. _ Relicious Assembl c ~_ ~ ~ - ~ . ~, . - J J 6 ¢ J Q W ~ 2 Q < r ~ q ~ .~ ; ¢ LL VS¢ W ~ Q Z W >W ~ LL y j N ~ - J JK: 2 ~ 2 V i0 N Q ~ m ~ v ~ ? w~i~ u ~c~=a ~ $ ~ ~ Y g x ` ~ ~C 3 ~ a 7 ~ LL (n ; ~ %i :• WI ~~ • n U ~d~ ..r m. nc n , w-vn rr•r , rrnrr i • STAFF REPORT OAT:; May 22, 1435 T0: Lha irman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner 8Y: Howard fields, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: PARK I.."1G ANALYSIS ~J~ v~ 9 <,~ ~ v C, Y'~ ,I ~~> si ~~ ~~c[~ \\ln LF I'> 19T. DAC'!GROUNO: At their regularly scheduled meetfng of April 10, 1985, the Planning Commission directed staff to prepare a detailed analysis of our parking requirements and those of other California communities to ascertain whether or not the City needs to change the parking ratios presently utilized within the Development Code and Industrial Area Specific Plan. Specifically, the survey wilt review gross floor area versus net floor area Calculations for the required number of parking stalls, research and development use, and request policy direction an off site parking lots. Staff is seeking the Commission's direction to prepare; any desired Cade changes. ANALYSIS: Section I. Gross Floor Area Vs. Net Floor Area A. All City parking requirements are based upon "gross floor area" of the proposed building. Occasionally, developers request consfderation of "net floor area" data in calculating parking requirements which deducts non-occupancy areas (eg -elevator shafts, stairwells, mechan :cal rooms). The exclusion of certain interior building areas from parking calculations would allow a greater degree of flexibility in the conceptual building and site design. The review of current parking literature and similar parking studies resulted in the survey findings tabulated fn Tables 1 and 2. [n the overall Survey findings from 170 Northern and Southern Cal ifnrnia cities, only 6% of the cities polled in the survey use net floor area as a viable means of determining the parking requirements for var ious~land uses, the remainder of the sample cities used the "gross floor area" method. [n discussing the issue with various planning departments, many agencies felt that if project review was hosed on net floor area, more time would be used for staff review and verification. in terms of employees, speculative buildings might induce over-uti'.ization (interior modifications} thereby intensifying street parking and presenting traffic hazards to /9> r- n PLA~I~I CIG CC'~~,t1ISSI0N STAFF REPCRi Parking Study Analysis May 22, 1995 Page 2 • the public. Lastly, some building areas deleted from parking consideration, for instance lobbies, could easily be converted to office space. The net floor area method would literally be determined on a case-by-case basis further hindering the review and plan check process. California cities currently using the "net floor area" method cite the following positive aspects: o This method would decrease fine tuning of the building concept and eliminate any additional design review. o Allow for a greater degree of flexibility from a rigid municipal code. o Nou ld allow those uses that have incorporated innovative building and site design techniques due consideration. It should be noted that although some cities have gross floor area ratios in the municipal code, they still allow some uses to be calculated on net floor area due to exceptional or innovative site design. Staff feels the aforementioned aspects • have merit and recommend that deductible areas in the interior building element that will not change be Considered for exclusion (i.e., elevator shafts, electrical and mechanical equipment roams, and stairwells). In addition, the use of a flat rate (eg - 1%) for deductible area would achieve some flexibility with greater ease of calcu lot ion. B. Sumnar of Findin s - Of the total number of cities contacted and parking iterature reviewed only a small percentage (less than 7X) use net floor area as a vfable means of determining the required number of parking spaces. However, some cities have not offfcially adopted this approach, but still utilize net floor area as a means of negotiation on the exceptional attributes of a protect. This fact could raise the percentage of cities actually using the net floor area method to at least 20X unofficially. C. Options: The Commission should choose from the following options: 1. Give policy direction to the City Planner for discretionary use of the net fldor area method for innovative site and building design. 2. Oirec[ staff to prepare preliminary amendments to the . Development Code and Industrial Specific Plan regarding net floor area and definition of deductible areas. lX ` oZ /R3 PLAi7NING CO'dMISS [ON STAF'r REPORT Parking Study Analysis May 22, 1985 Page 3 LJ 3. Take no action on the existing parking ratios. Section II. Research and Oeveloomet Uses: Park inq Ratios A. This section of the survey was limited in scope to areas in Northern and Southern California that have concentrations of R&D uses or have adapted parking ratios for R&D uses. Current parking ratios were collected from these cities and tabulated in Exhibit "A". The results of the sample survey found the average Dark ing ratio is approximately 1 space per 398 square feet in gross floor area. This average is similar to current parking ratios used in Men to Park (1/300), Riverside (1/350), and Palo Alto (1/300). Conversely, other sample cities show wide variations in ratios and in calculation methods. In further review of the existing literature and survey data, staff found the Gruen, Gruen, and Associates parking study (1984) had defined two categories of R60 uses under "Building/Use Type". • Office/Research 6 Oevelopment This building/use type resembles office more than industrial space, but includes, in addition to office space, research and development facilities, such as rooms where circuit boards are put together, "clean rooms" and computer facilities. Such uses are typically less dense than pure office, but more dense than traditional industrial space. Research 6 Oevelopmert/Light Manufacturing This category includes traditional light manufacturing facilities as well as "high-tech" production and assembly operations which often include some R&D and office space, "clean rooms" and other facilities associated with high technology manufacturing. These two definitions help to explain some of the variations exhibited by cities in the R&D sample survey. The Gruen, Gruen and Associates' parking study based parking ratios on square footage per employee. This study integrates six similar parking studies and compiled the data into a comparative format r~ Ex y f u h e e S d g o fo 581 sg and ce/R&D off ft 349 sq e f igu Pes of 1 iterature under the ft. R&D/Light Manufacturing the overall averages "building/use type" method. /av PLAfIN ClG COMMISS[Of! STAFF REPORT Parking Study Analysis May 22, 1905 Page 4 • 8. 0 ticns - The Planning Commission may choose from the list of options delineated below: o Use existing manufacturing parking ratio of 1 per 500 square feet as defineA in the Industrial Specific Plan (no separate ratio for R&D uses). o Direct staff to prepare an amendment to the Industrial Specific Pian parking requirements, to include a suitable ratio for R&D uses. Section III. Off-Site Park ina lots A. Analysis: The Development Code presently addresses the issue of off-site parking lots through the minor exception permit process (Section 17.04.050 D). This allows a maximum 25X of the required parking for a use to be located on a site not more than 300 feet from the project site. Herein lies the ambiguity of distance: is it from the property lfne, Droposed Duild ing, • or main entrance? Further, off-site parking lots across a street create pedestrian trafffc conflicts that are undesirable. Staff recommends that off-site parking be limited to contiguous parcels within 300 feet of the building entrance and on the same side of the street. B. 0 Lions: The Planning Commission should choose from the 0 owing options: 1. Direct staff to amend the Development Code Section 17.14.050 D for further refinement and clarification. 2. Permit off-site parking areas only as an interim use sub,)ect to CUP review on an individual basis. 3. Take no action on this request. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Commission review the n ormat ion provided and give policy direction to staff on each of the thr a issues. Res` lubmitted, __ ~.---+' ~;/ Rick, Gomez„~ ]g i tyiv!_lanrter • J'RG:HF:,jr 1 het PLAa"l CJG CDI4~~IISS IDN STAFF REPDRT Parking Study Analysis May 22, 1985 Page S Attachments: Table ? -Parking Standards for 115 California Cities - International Parking Design (1934) Table ? - City of Novato -Parking Study (1982) Exhibit "A" - City Survey of R&D Uses (1985) Exhibit "B" -Gruen, Gruen, Associates Parking Study by Building/Use Type (1984) • Q_S /d~ E:(HIBIT "A" PARKING SURVEY: R & D USES • R/D USES: Any uses engaging in the research, analysis, design, eve~ment and/or testing of a product. 1. SAN JOSE 1 1/2 employee + 1 parking space for corporate cars. 2. CITY OF SAVTA CLARA 1/750 gross floor area or 1 space per 3 employees on the largest shift, whichever is greater, if 10% = office then 1/300 for office use and remainder 1/750. 3. CITY OF IRVINE 4 parking spaces per 1,000 gross square feet. 4. CITY OF HAYWARD 40 - 80 employees per acre. 5. CITY OF ROSEVILLE ~1 space for each employee, plus 1 space s for each company tar • and 2 spaces for 3 employees on any other shift. 6. PALO ALTO 1/300 sq. ft. gross floor area. 7. MENLO PARK 1/300 sq. ft. gross floor area. 8. CITY OF SUNNYVALE Minimum 1/500 gross floor area to maximum 1/250. 9. C[TY OF RIVERSIDE 1/350 sq. ft, gross floor area. 10. CITY OF WALNUT CREEK 1 spate per 191 sq. ft, net floor area. • a-~ ,~~ T~B~.E 1 J • • CS/a d f~+m'~ /.r1 FlG- llanu- Y.eEacal 41-y ~ [aa mq Ma rehouses Buililnas ALAXEDA S SF ~ I 1; 1 1/] 1/150 SF ~- pper [laor employee employee 1/4 employ 1 AtXFHBPA S54 SF I 1/500 SF 1/500 SF 1/350 SF AxdxFiN A~400 SF /500 Sf' l 3.35/1000 5 6/1000 EF 0 r 1/3 emPl o%eea AflCAOiA 1~ x1001 SF 3,1001 SF 3/3001 SF 6/3093 SF 1 PAREp3FIELD O4 EF i/300 SP 1/1DDD EF 1/100 SF ~ FI/100 [or q/100 [or u [[ice a rma of ['ce area OALOM[N PAPk el/350 SF 1/S00 Si 1/1000 SF 1/300 SF 1/IDO a[ o a[ SOOtl II FELL GARDENS ]44 3F I/500 a[ 1/] 1/.50 SF 1/300 SF employees on I Lrgac N[ y l/company venl<L OELLPLONEP I '00 SF 1/500 'SF 1/500 SF 1/300 SF f OEPKELEY ~~00 3t • Oetc KmineC Ee ee rmineJ 1/100 EF Cy CL[Y LY CItY I I BEVERLY NILLS ~~J SO SF 3/SOD SF I 1/t SOU EY 1/150 SF Q`?J~ 8 SAKRtF Z,t/TERNA7i~~/.A!.. 7ARK/NG ~.~,t.•aAt/, ,T,~/~!. ~i mrmarcial nan,:- nm real ~ err 4u.re.. em idl=n[ f,rruanq x,renou [ eUEY.A PA PI( </1000 SF tsc 10.000 se, J/1000; G.s/1040 sF Feac ao,ooo sr, z/I4oo: uve[ OO,OOtl sE. 1/10x0 eupa;.Ne o-scnun Sf, 1/SCO sF 1/3000 SP 0-50000 SF, l/500 sF; I/500 SF; saoatl. se, 1 sco0a. sF, 1/1000 S!' 1i 1000 SF BOPL:!:GW.E ~ 1/J 00 SP 1/FOO SF i/1000 OF 1/3$0 SF CdPSOP 1/100 SF 0-]3.000 sL 1/)50 SF; 3/J00 SF ]3.000• SF, 3/1000 SF ~ r 1/I enpioYems on 1. rQem< alu E[ C[RRITOS 3/33C FF 1/500 SF 0-34,000 SF 5/docrmr I; IOW SF: 1/company ]nd 10,000, venrcle i/xoda sr; ~o,ooo., 1/aoao •1/cmm n ven mle CIII CO I/10C SF 1/:000 sP I/3000 Sr 1/]00 SF .1/1 emPl. •1/1 empl. i CBUL\ yiSTA ~/>UO St' mace[ 9a ur~r 1/]00 SF N mmrmml eE 1/ly of 1/iS IS mrmmoml employee nr employee ur 1/tl00 sF 1/1000 sF CL\tiYOK 1/?`.G sl' I/<00 :F 1/]OOU ^.F 11;150 SF COMHEpCE ~/)CO SF I/1000 SF 3/1400 SF t/JCO sF •1/company •1/company v en rcic venrcle • • C' ~- /Y9 • • ~, Ccanm trial I nacv- Med vial CITT utfiCes I Pntoti (acev[tnq Marehqusez bu vldvngz (OMf tVN I !F/: F)' ymwd tl nnr F 5!'A SY grouaE !loot ~- •1 SF/l SF' ctlrcr tloeu • 1 YF/3 SF otner (loots conwarcval CO:¢GPU 1/]SC CF: 1/[00 SF 13!] <cpley<c 1,F employe 1/:40 SF 3/SUC .n I I/1000 SF i/tl00 SF bAPT qv ]/]50 vu cn I •mu CGETA MESA </1C CG sF 16 mvm ncm] 1-15,000 OF, ]/1000 Sf; 6/1000 SF 33,001-SO,000 SF, 16 mvnmw.l 3/1000 SF; 5(1.001. qF, 14/1404 sr CCt_F xa t/]LC SF 1/3L0 it 11/500 SF 1/employee t/150 SF CULVEP CITY F/ ~4 SF 1/]54 FF I IiS00 SF I/500 SF t/F50 SP .Irtow+4v a/comra 4y I vM tc:e veni<Iq CVPPE55 ]/300 SF 1, :4V SF ]/] employ :/] emp Wy; 5/doctor o[ not ]eaa a-]0,000 SF, Nan Z/IOUO 3/100(1 SF; ; :4,4ao-a4,o oo, 1/I44o: 3/a 444 ut mole ar ea VACT CITY 041,000, 0-11,040, 1/1500 SF 1/1500 SF 3/AUO SF F/IOC; 1/1(10; Il,V00•. :1,040., 1/]00 1/COm DONKEY 1/]S4 SI' 1/:FS CF' I/500 SI' 1/1C OU SF 1/350 SF FL WNTE :/dt SF 1/]50 SF 1 0-1000 SF, 3/350; I/150 SF I.OUI-5,000 SF, 3/500: I I S,COF-10,000 EF, 1/]50; f m,om-sa, 44o, t/1400; y sL,4ot., to xs4 Cx' -i /9° com+.e rcval nnnu- nealcal citt D([mes raccurvnv ua rehouses tvilairgz LL SF.O:.'N00 1/]00 SF 1/500 SF 1/b0U SF 1/)00 SF ESC090ID0 9r^urfr et 1/500 SF I/B00 SF I/]00 SF 1 .paces a/<ompnny r LpOa sr vehzcle FAIPFSELO ]/b00 bF 1/] I/B00 SF 1/150 SF employef FOSTEP CITT I/]00 SP I ]/] 1/]000 SF 1/a beas emPlyve; •1/] 1/I Of.E SF fmplOycc FPEMONT 0-.+0,000, 1/]00 SP oL e[[i ce .rea 1/]00 SF 1/]Da . s vaoD sF o L uwoor v 1/500 e v arouga area ]O,OOn FPESNO 1 b!' u[ 1/t00 bF I/B00 SF a/auczot p. rkinn [oz 1 SF o[ otevice wren ~ FVLLCPTON +/1000 SF ~ 1/B00 EF 1/1000 SF 5.5/1000 S L.APOENA 1/]SO br 1/500 SP or ]/] 1/150 SP ~ employ<o vhlchevez if mute rfatrictlva GAPDM GPOt'E 1/]n0 FF ~ 1/9:0 SF, 1/100J SF', 1800 tiF orL ce u ei[n:e ute: I i 1/compunY 1Rompnny _ vehicle vahicle U LfiL S_~UdLr 1/]]i E: i l/1 DIiC E!' I I/I000 bl' ~~ 1/>00 SF • • G~~~ (9/ • .. .cs,1 Nanu- „ca.c,l arr orerra roc=urrn9 ~' ua ttboures Butidlnvs GLE\OOpA p ; 15C SF 1/:000 SF 0-SOOOSF, 1/350 SF IB man muml i/1000 SF ~B mtm mum • ]/200e eac b aaaea :ooo s e .1/rempaPy vcA Ule NANrylOW1E /J00 sF 1/1000 SF 1/1000 SF 1/000 5F e[ 1/1 r l/1 employee employee HAY9APD /100 '.F I-19 empl., .0/employee: 5/aactor ruauserr,l build ings, e[ 1/150 1 1/3000 MEP.y05A aEACH i/100 SF 1/500 SF 1/SCO SF 1/J00 SF NL'NTINGrON OEACX -150,OOa 1/SGa SF 3/1000 $P 1/1]S $F lnoo: o[u<v . attics 150,000 requirement requl teens 1/]50 HONtiNGTON pAPY, l/100 SE I 1/800 SP or 1/800 SF or 1/100 SP 1/1 employee 1/I eeployee INGLEFtVD 1/100 SF I/500 SF 1/1500 SF 1/100 SF IRVINE 1/15U $F, ]/]50 0-10,000 SP, 1/lB0 EF wept ]/1000; 1M wv~c uae, lo, ono, 1Reoe; I/100 SF 10,000, 1/1000 U HABPA 1/150r eN Ce 3/500 SF 1/500 SF aee lest [flan 1 commercial rnen Ll]5 Id FlESA 1/100 St' 1/B00 SF I/]o00 SF 1/100 SF I U'~ /9 I- _ ~ , Coenercial Many- nod sal CITY 0(tices (dcrU[in MarehoUSef Bm ldings Ln q: EAOA L/$50 SF 1/$ enplOy<e 1/$ employee i/$50 SF n largest n largest sh ifL o shit O 1/500 SF 1/400 SF LA FDE!:TE 1/350 SF l/employee 1/employee 1/150 SF O[ 3/)CD EF 1 or 1/1000 SF LALUY.F BEACH I/100 SF ]/sLD SF 3/500 SF 1/100 SF LAI'£fiCOD 3/]50 SP 1/500 SF 1/400 SF 1/1)5 SF LANCASTEq 1/115 SF 1/500 EF 1/SO0 SF 1/ISO EF U.NNOALE 1/a00 SF greats[ of 1/) 1/a 00 SF employee On largest ani[t or 1/sD0 . i/cem + veM1 ixle LtvEPHOgE I i/1.5 <mpl. 5/doctor LONG BEACN -$0000 SF, 3/1000 EF 1/1000 EF 5/1000 SF a/toOD; $0000. SF, vloao I IAE ANOELEE 1/500 SY i 1/500 EF 1/E0O SF 1/$00 SF i LOS ANGELES 1/C00 SF gmatcr of 1/fOCO SF 1/a 00 SF COU 'r 1/$ employee ' n Id rgeGG Bran o 1/500 ;F • C / .~ i93 • cor c a na nu- rea ual e rx o: emcee [acwnna varone~ses ev,ta,;,gz LYHNOCO 1/400 SF 1/500 SF 1/3000 SF + 5/doecef t/employee 1/employee er dent st Imas. sM1,[cl Iman. zn, al IUNNAT.AN BEAEH t /]UO SF t/400 SF 1/000 SF 1/3p0 BY i MOOESTO ~1/`.OC SF I/O employee 1/0 employee 1/:00 SF MOMEBELLO :1/400 SF 1/BOV SF o[ 3/1000 SF er 3/300 SF 1R employee 1/2 empleyec ep lafprsc on I, rgest 1/venue 1/von;t to MOHTF.RET :/300 SF 1/1.5 empl. 1/LB empl. t/l Eeds XIXFFEREY FARE 1/350 EF 1/400 BF 1/3500 SF 1/200 SF IJ mtn,muml II mmawwl MWN'FA[H VIlM 1/100 3/350 SF 1/500 BF: 1/150 SP 3/cemp,ny veH mle NENPORT BEACH 1/335 BF ar l/1000 SF 040,OpO5F, 3/225 or 1/250 EF t/1000; 1/350 SF 20,000-40,00 0, l/3000; 40,0 00• 3/IOCO SF N011NALE rmel 1/500 EF • 0-20,000, greeter of rb 1/350; 1/3 empl. 1/1000; 5/doctor M1eevy Yte. +1/vM rc le 20000-40000, o[ 6/]000 0-30,000 04', .3/2000: 1/J 4eds 1/95, .1/350 40,000+ EF, c aaa,c,ona N/OOOO, •1/veM1i<le GAENHG ecr m,ned .r c,tr 3/1000 SP 1/l employee ]/dodo[ .1/2 emp2. (~ - 13 /9y c it e~r"rr~:a: ~ eaeo- nm tea] CITY C !:aces (acCU[irO MaSeAnuzeS Bullding5 CCE'a!: [iLE 1 /40J SF G,ec less ny Planntnq 1/300 SF tdur 1/800 Connvsstep zse zsment Ot.^APIU 1/irG SI' grea of e 040,000, l/]"/5 SF I6 ntnamuml SF 1/SOO 1/S00 EF maX. sAi([ 1/1000 SF 14 muumuml OF.iPGE 1-] itnt'1<5. 1/504 SP • 1/600 SY i/]00 SF spat er 1/company 1/:SG SF: veAacle a. scenes. I HOC SF OM'IGC COVNT\' ]/:50 EF 1/500 SF I 1/1000 E{' 1/130 SF 0%NAFD /334 31' 1/300 Fi 1/]OOL 6!' 1/330 SP PdIM SPPINGS /COV SF 1/SOL 6F 1i 800 SF o[ 1/I30 5F 1/company vem ele raw ALTO ; ]44 u.al ]noo unl 1; ]m Iuu V354 sr /]s4 t/sn4 1/I444 PA^AMWPT ,'al'nl SF 1/500 SF 1/1000 SF 1/lM 31 tr d000 EF, tAe ~. 1/`00 PXSAVENA 1/410 of 1/SOG SF VF !/1:00 if 1/130 SF V' en L PICO PIVEPA ]/.':e 51' I/F,n4 SF - ]/$50 LF • a-~y /9~ '~ 1 1 • ref nano- t'eds ul C:'rY ((1ff~ tdCtU rl np Hd (InOV.'.US 9utld rn n5 Fu=emn ',".c 'vl' 1/500 se 3/30DO sf PFIX:NCO bEAEH 1/,CG St' 3/500 SF or 0-ID,000, 1/150 51' 1/3 employee 1/IOOG: la r9csr 10,000., am r- vsuuD PECNCgp Q?T 1,']CC $f (/1000 SF 1/1040 SP; 1 5/doct 0[ A t/1 emvloYc,~ I; NSO SP i q[c!~::a:p 5onu--:co si t sw rf l space . o-5~nosF, • i/]OOC sri 1/) emplpree ]/] employ. ,•1/:000; r Do-tppuD I n. v no RIVEFS!OE 1 /:SC St' p: I, JSO sr i/1006 sr ~ 1/IPO <r , ta rie s: a O ucr. 1!500 an cr.,a urdcr POSF.:4AD IRSC $!' I/aDD Sr I 1/100 SP 1 1/J i0 5F I I SACP.4IENTO 1/400 FF 1/3040 SF 1/IULO SP I 11/300 5F 1 sA iHAS l; mp 5r ]/= employe :/1009 or :/dneepr cr ]/100 . 3/1 <mVl. I ], J00 tpr ou la rgcae m N roe , snue SAN UCPNdPDtNO '0-:COV .SC, 1!500 SF I i/1000 sr IV spaces ooL-+snn, ~ ;1/sr rr: ~ 'r,snr,-4n,cc 1/ym ;r; H4 or0•, !NSC a-~ S' /9~ I Con^,q real Yanu- YeCical OL~Y __~ OLLi CCS La[[U[l':q Ma[[11OU [[s BYlltligg3 SAN OL'V'!:AVE YTL'PA 1/]$C SF g[e a[ci q! 11/1000 SF I/350 SF 1/`.OC SF eeM [ 1/1 repaust y emnloye<s ses SAn pi.PLCE 1/350 sl' 0-4000 sF, !/100: 3/2$0 SF IZ sFac< mi01mVn1 I aOCC•. 1/1000 ~V300 SF SAtI O:EGJ IgCC SF 1/]00 SF 1/:50 SF SFN PPA FC'ISC] 500. SF ].500. sF. ~' 10.000. SF 1/]OC SF i/SCC t/15C0 ~ I/:OCO SAA J!'SE I/'S0 sF I 1/.5 emPtCy z000-`S,OLO, 5/C9e[gr • 3/company I~ 5 spaces; vcl~.:clc 31.004• sF, ~ ]0 z aces sAH CEANUf.O 1/:44 SF 1/300 SF • ' 1/600 SF. I/:OG EY: 1/100 EF ~ 3/) empl. 3/) cmPl. q n s act ' • SN1 LV[s CPISPo 1/JOC 51 1/504 EP • 1/I000 . 1; 300 sF I/1500 (c[ i 3/l00 (o[ ~ oYCaeer . ef[ice _ lnn4 orr,ee sAN BATED :l'S0 sY I/: employ 1/3 employ l/employ (nc 903 of I .l/comp+n veA3cl[ SAIITd AN+ l/]0/'0 SF I/]/emplgy 1/1000 sf 3/300 sF I [ 1/SpC sF 5AN1V. PAFEA FA 1/: SU •.. I li sLL cF 1/SOCC st l/350 sl' . bic/c le o(:ice ', part!nti and cow it ' • ULCYCI[ -- ~ pu rla nq C~ -~~ 197 • i-~ I <o[v,[rczal 4m - r.<tlical CITY Of (I<e3 (acu vo-chavses av+ltlm s SANTA CLAM 1/)OC 5!' I/1500 tiF I/3000 SP 1 5/AO<CO[; o[ 1/] 1/) Cmpley not less rr(leycez than ]/)p0 SANTA .`roNICA Ij )44 5. 1/]54 :f 1/1000 SF 1/100 SF SANTA NOSH I U-1000 SF. 1/]00 5• tRGS; !.OCO-15~O4d, ]nno 1/5000 • I mnt of uteULaWd r<nm rement~ IPLO. 5F, 1/)oe 5141 vA LLEY 1/356 41', 1/$CG iF t/Cmpl n'ec 1/354 'd, Cs<Icdin9 r 1/P enq lo)•CZ o 3<IVdlnq C:.t mea, lugert am fv • 3/> restrocm3. Ealls, Ocrsts r 1/vMICIC Nlls, rttai[~'n ys SOUTH GATL 1/]0^ 9_ li )00 SF O 1/1000 )1' 1,150 SF 1/l erploy[c SOUTH PACAOCNA ,C51 SI 1/0 OnplO)'ee 1/]1100 5Y 1/"t 50 SY O[ I/dVl il' SCJTN SAN ]/)1!11 1/1500 or 040,004 Sf 1/100 SY FMNC:SCO (/; en(.1. 1/30011: t0,O40d SF 1/5000 STOCKMN Pf : 1; SUO 1/3 enpl.: I/3 empl.: 1/]00 S!' of 51' licort,puly t; rompnny [r :L.nuc vehl cle renicle SUNNYVALC 1/t]: Si' 1/100 SF I/OOU SF 6/dn<[o[ TEMPLE CITY I/mu. EI grcocc[ aE greztrr of 1/300 SF l,- employ 1!I ner. sF r ]/100 SI' nr 1/} empl •I: vehicle ~~ I / SpuRr4i; TNff.2NHTd~NN.C~ ~AR~C~ Q D5s/~~/, ?NC, T~ a~.E z OFFICE Spaces/sa. ft. 1/150 - Campbell, Fairfield, Mi Ll6 rae 1/150 or 1/1.3 employees, whichever greater - Cupe rcino 1/200 - Contra Costa County, Half ;loon Bay, Hercules, Hartinez, Pleasant I{i11, So lano Councy, Suisun, Vacaville 1/200 ground, 1/250 oche: - Hayward 1/2C0 ground, 1/300 other - Union City 1/200 ret eround, 1/400 unnec - Mi loitas 1/2C0 ground, 1/500 other - Vallejo 1/200 or 1/otcupan[ plus 1/company <a r, ':hichever greater - San Rafael 1/225 - Nill Valley, Sunnyvale • 1/235 - Los Ca tos 1/250 - Alameda Councy, Concord, Corce Plade ra, Cota ti, Larkspur, Maria Couacc, • Morgan Hill, Palo Alto, Sonoma County • 1/250 net - Walnut Creek 1/275 nee - Santa Rosa 1/300 - Bn shone, Burlingame, Healdsburg, !Ii llb rae, Mountain Vier:, Pe wluma, Pleasanton, Sanw Clara, Sausalito 1/300 net - Novato, Tiburon 1/300 noL devoced [o storage - Gilroy 1/300 up ce 21,000 then 1/200 - Oaly City i/750 net - San Leandro t/~00 - Be rl:e ley (may Ire mljnsccd), `i.r rLinez (a~I~,nini:Lra rive n(','ia•), S,r ratov 1/S 00 - AILa m:, I:I lerr an, San Pnueiseo (r: Lc rc floor area esceoJs SOOU) 1/500 up to CC ,:; ;C than I/]7J - Frm~w:nt 1/5 LO - Oi.enn SONRGE C ITY ~ f N p/aTO • (x - I `d /99 I\'DUSTRSAL/tLAHIIFACTUR I`.IG Snares/emvlovice ]/1 - Healdsburg, Sarca ,Rosa 1/1 oc 7/250 sq. ft., whichevez Br'e ater - Camv6 ell 1/1 ax 1/300 sq. ft. - Pieasanccn 1/1.2 or 1/400 sq. ft. SunnwaLe ]/1.3 or 1/4j0 sq. Ft., whichever gzeatec - Cupertino 1/t.5 -Livermore, Petaluma, Pleasant Hill, St. Helena 1/1.j plus 1/company car - Los Gatos 2/3 employees but not less tt:an I/I000 sq, ft. - Brisbane 1/2 - Alameda (C-cedris trier), Fairfax, Solana County, Suisun 1/2 or 1/1000 sq, fc., whichever greater - Alameda County, Conrord I/2 but not less Chan 1/2000 sq. ft. - Cta rin County 1/2 but not less than I/2000 sq, ft. plus 1/company cat - Union City 1/2 plus 1/company tax - E1 Ce aito, Fairfield 1/2 plus 1/company car plus 2 customer - Pacifica 1/3 plus 1/40D sq, ft. excepC truck loading - Dixon 1/3 plus t/750 sq. fro - Vacaville (light) 3/4 plus 1/company car - San Rafael t/1 Alameda (fl•i & M-2), Albany, Mill Valley 1/3 but not lest than 1/1000 sq. fc. -Millbrae L/1 nr 1/060 sq. ft., whidtcvcr gca~ter - Vacaville (ltcavy) a-~~ ao° In dusCrial /Pla nuafactu ri n3 (Continued) Soaces/sq. ft. 1/250 - Mountain View 1/250 or 1/employee, whichever greater - Campbell 1/300 or 1/I employee - Pleasanton 1/400 except truck loading plus 1/3 employees - Dixon 7/400 or 1/1.2 employees - Sunnwale 3/450 or 1/3.3 employees, whichever greater - Cupertino 1/500 - Palo Alto 1/600 excluding storage and loading - Saratoga and Martinez IJ600 but noe less than 1/3 employees - Corte Madera ])600 bur not less than 2/3 employees plus 1/200 sq. FC. retail - Co Gati 1J750 plus 1J3 employees - Vacaville (light) 1/750 plus 1/service vehicle plus 1j1500 sq. ft. ezte rior storage - Larkspur 1/S00 - Fremonc 1/1000 - Burlingame, Pla rtinez (ezcepc storage and loading) 1/1000 or I/2 employees, whichever greater - Alameda County, Concord 1/1000 or 1/3 employees, whichever greater - Vacaville (Heavy) 1/1500 Milpitas, Morgan Flill, San Francisco (uhe re e:<ceeds 7500 sq. ft.) ' I/1500 gross site or building area, whichever greater - Oa ly City ' 1/1500 or I/leasable area, whichever ;rca ler - Mova co ' 1/emp layer Ear 1-20 employees; 1/1.3 emp Joyce for 21-100 e:np ioyees; I/115 employees for 101 - i[a It Moon Oay, `Icnlo I'a rlc • (~ _ ao y ~ aaf MEDICAL OFFICES • 4/dentist - Suisun 4/doctor or 1/200 sq. ft., whichever is greater - Sonoma County 4/doctor plus 1/employee - Cupertino 5/doctor - Cant ra Cos [a County, Fairfield, Livermore, Los Gatos, Martinez, Pleasant Hill, Porto la Valley, San Rafael, Suisun (not dentin cs), Vallejo 5/doctor or 1/150 sq. ft. whichever greater - Hayward 5/doe for or 1/200 sq. ft. whichever greater - Healdsbu zg 5/doctor but not less than I/200 sq. ft. - Vacaville S/doctor but not less than 1/300 sq. ft. - Santa Clara 5/doctor or 2/exam room, whichever greater - Pacifica 5/doctor plus 1/300 sq. ft. lab, x-ray and similar specialty areas - Novato b/doctor - Campbell, Sunnyvale 6/doctor or 1/150 sq. ft., whichever greater - Pleasanton • • Spates/sq. ft. 1J 150 -Mountain View, Solano County 1/150 net whe ce less than 6000 - Santa Rosa 1/150 plus 1/4 employees -Alameda 1/180 - Sausalito 1/200 -Albany, Concord, E1 Cerrito, Fremont, Nalf aom~ Day, Pe cal wna, San Ma cep County, Sa ra[oga, Union City ]/200 or 1/4 doctors, whichever greater - Sonoma County 1/200 nee far 6000-12,Ofi0 - Sant^ Rosa 1/200 plus I/office - Ia rksp r.r C, J I/22S - Cu rcc t:ader~, Co U [[, Mill Va llcy, tlilp teas, $a n[a Rosa (over 12,000) I/150 -Ourlin game, polo .llto, Santa Rosa (over 12,000), Tiburon 1/2SO - Dixon U' °' i ~~Y Medical (Continued) 1/300 - Berkeley, San FRanc is co (where exceeds 5000) 1/300 excluding s[o ra ge Plus t/doctor plus 1/employee plus 1/t wa[re r.[ room - Mocgan Hill 1/350 net - San Leandro SnuRe6: Gary or NoVaTO ,~c ~ d ~r 4 O ~ Y at O\ l~ N ~' b t` 0 4 N d n p c r ~ ~ M V l v l G ~ H Y ~ ] n p J • C O .i O Y Y m N T C b ~ N p In O 4 y N p N p O 1 1 O .N M C' 1n p O~ ~O .. n y ~~ r d U m C L O q ml L` 0 M G J UI N tT a al I 1 I I 1-1 N 11 ~U Q p d T x ( j (r ~ F W J p O >. N d !~~ L T P U 7 s m Y ~ p M p m N J N V < O 1 1 1 1 m G m v 1 N ~U U y ~ ~- E m W ~ a O n { o. m C n m\ ~ V d 0 C N 1 0 1 1 1 1 C Y H f/1 ~ ~ Y < tl • w Cy O~ a r-I d 4 {~ E (J m9 y 4 p n 1 O N U< O N e e I I 1 I T 1 M h c O\ M O >. N C M m T Y 4 p1 O ti -0 T N N I~ O\ U' at O\ l7 O1 .~ d .y > 1 N M N 1(l c N N d U •H m J ~ r N O W r M W Y S1 U C E -1 C L .y U -0 O J d 0 6 u . r t a ~ u ~~ d O C ~ ~ 6 7 A E ~ C, m 8 N -0 x 0 Y o i o o y V ) c u ~.y u o t e: p_ l a o~ a .r a ~ o C ..~ 4 ~ f] fl .J L FY 1+. Y tt O O K C ~ N ~ L 's acv m0 Y d m m G 7 t4l C 7 H [} C` t O Y m• N P H N U Y O N ~~ w~ l u ORDINANCE N0. 1i98=Yk=940 ,'173- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT R5-02, AMENDING THE INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN REGARDING PARKING STANDARDS FOR RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT AND DELINEATING INTERIOR BUILDING AREAS THAT CAN BE DEOUCTEO FROM PARKING REQUIREMENTS. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing on Ju 1y 24, 1985, in order to consider amending the industrial Area Specific Plan; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did recommend amending the Industrial Area Specific Plan to provide for a parking ratio for research and development uses and deductible areas from parking requirements; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly advertised public hearing in order to consider amending the Industrial Area Specific Plan. NON, THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby amend the lndustr ial Area Specific Plan as • follows: SECTION 1: That Park III, Table III-2 (Page IlI-6), Land Use Types Definitions, be amended to define Research and Development and two subcategories: 1. Research and Develo ment: Uses engaged in the research, esign, ana ys s, deve opment, and/or testing of a Droduct. 2. Research b Develo ment/Office: Activities typically me ude, ut not imit to; wilding/use types resembling off ite more than research and development facilities, such _ as labs, acoustical chambers, microwave testing~thamber, '- - wind tunnels, circuit board assembly rooms, "clean rooms", -~ and computer facilities. Such uses are typically less intense than pure office, but more intense than traditional industrial space. The uses do not produce odors, noise, vibration, or particulates which would adversely affect uses in the same structure or on the same site. Where 24 hours on-site surveillance is necessary, a caretaker's residence may be permitted when approved 6y a Conditional use Permit. CJ aa~ City Council Crdinance Page d2 3. Reseach & Development/L iq ht Man of actur inq: Activities typically include, but not limited to: "high-tech" production and assembly operations which include some R & D and office spate, "product assembly rooms" and other faci lit ie5 associated with high tech noingy manufacturing. The uses do not produce odors, noise, vibration, or particulate which would adversely affect uses in the same structure or on the same site. Where 24 hours on-site surveillance is necessary, a caretaker's residence may be permitted when approved by a Conditional Use Permit. SECTI DiI ?: That Part III, Table Iii-1 (page III-5), summary of land use type byby-ub~, be amended to include research and development uses in the Industrial Park and General Indu Str ial categories as follows: R & D/Office erm i~tted gubareas Conditional Use Subareas R & D/Li ht Manufactur in Permitted ubareas 6 and 1, 12, 16 1, 3, 4, 8, 11, 13, 14 - 1-6, 10-14, and 16 SECTION 3: That Section E.3 Park inq Spaces Required (page III-29) be amended to- ad~bsect ion e, as follows: e. Research & Development: 1 space per 350 Square Feet SECTION 4: That Section E.3, Parking Spaces Required (page III-29) be amended toto add~bsect ion f as follows: f. Following interior building areas can be deducted from the overall parking requirements: electrical/mechanical rooms, elevator shafts, stairwells, and multi-story lobbies. DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council finds that this amendment will not cause sfgniftcant adverse impacts upon the environment and issues a Negative Declaration for this amendment. The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after fts passage at least once in The Daily Report, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this * day of *, 19*. AYES: NOES: RESENT: aG6 • • • I~imC nc n 1\'!`Un f'T'(`a\in\G.1 J STAFF REPORT GATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT August 21, 1985 Mayor and Members of the City Council Otto Kroutil, Senior Planner %'' ~`~. .., ~~^ ~; , ';'> - ~ _ _= 2t ^ 19-- ~ Lisa Win finger, Assistant Planner 1984-BS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM GRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPOR [. ABSTRACT; In accordance with the requirements of the United totes Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), far Community Development Block Grant recipients, staff and the consultant, Cotton /Beland Associates, have prepared a Grantee Performance Report (GPR) for the 1984-85 Community Development Block Grant Program. Staff recommends approval of the report as required by federal regulation. II. BACKGROUND: The purpose of the annual GPR is for HUO to evaluate the use of Block Grant funds and the status of programs for which funds were allocated. During fiscal year 1984-85, the status of Block Grant programs showed significant progress. The Rancho Cucamonga Neighborhood Center expansion project was completed in December 1984. Housing rehabilitation loans and grants were issued to an increasing number of homeowners during the fiscal year. Engineering work was completed on the North Town Street improvement project with construction on Turner Avenue to begin shortly. The Grantee Performance Report indicates that the required henefit to low and moderate income level residents has been attained and the goal of fair housing furthered. III. PUBLIC REVIEW: The required public review period expired on August 2f, T9~. No comments were received. IV. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the 1984-85 Community Development Block Grant Performance Report be approved and the wort and Resolution of Approval submitted to the United States Haus if{~' and Urban Development Department prior to August 31, 1985. /rJ Respec ~ )'~ y submitted, i~~ r I Otto Kp'o util Seniop Planner OK:cv Attachments a~~ -. y ~~ AFFIDAVIT O' PUBLICATION STATE OF CAyIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ~ ~s I, Gracs Traavlna , do hereby certify that I am the Legal Advertising clerk of T}IE DAILY REPORT, a daily newspaper of gerteral circulatlon, published in the City of Ontario, Cowty and State aforeseld and that the attached ad:erise~nent ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING __ ___~ t Coda Avundaant a5-nz ~t~~______ __ was published in said newspaper one tlm~ only •to wit: Auquat 10, 1983 I verify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. ~~oq...2. ,.~...--- -. (Signature) Dated at Ontario, California this tenth __ ~ _ day of 19,93 i ,~ ~ P .... ,.ate (/IIw. IMI ~r W MN. IlMtln C YMM~ 411. 11~~4 M 1 A O ENO n. Iw le rowan 1ne aw.~ L d O • ~ C C m O E O Q O C C O E A^ L O m d O O T G E O ~ ~ O ~ T O ti N O L vv c d w w w w w w J L C' W o r- a L I d I I O * P d w d M L C 6 I N •• T •- d d d% d% N C m a ~a m O N Y V d Y d ~O C O o, d; C O OI d d l(1 d W d.r 'y C L O O C n ¢oT o n a u rnd O+In Y•~ 6 l ^ ~ w E E~~~ E~rm N.- .n c L a ~ O OV OVOt ul"10 J O•• d0 V V U .+ W E a Y In OI J r J Y VI U q E V d U J L C C i N C L a r a A I [f a i N a d Y d OiV LL OfY d vl .~ d L L O1 d L d £ 2 •n q N O .~ N .r In a+ N a+ N OI . Of Of L QC) OY C O~ NC'O NCV OCV CO ~aON N LV1 d C dOd dOd 3rd OL JLL ~ • y 6 V O O V M [} V 2 1- M• O. U C w a 2 V1 O K ~ 6 na £ do 2 U Q d' W O K ~ n U i 00 a O O l0 ID J 2 y d O O m N m W C a lp b ^I rl d O u O O O O M n ZW ax m ~ • W d W w• w N w Q oz J U' W O > 2 W 1 ° a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r c d ° ° ° ~ + + w I c o o o o rn I- 6 J y 2H O O m O ti O Uf OI ~ W 6 a a m In In £ ('J 7 ¢ m £° m w w M w M w w O ~ U m I N C a+ O C ~ E c d A > o e o % o c L W a O + M C d J y N N N L V 7 C p~ ~ d d O d vl d d d S H d Y O A a a V q In Y d d N T L a ~ ; y c O C t i C O O A 04 O~ N d ~ F- F' H m l~ c ^ L ~ L L m L d L O L O • r L L C C L d d O O S 0 0 'G F- 2m 2 N U O ~ L .~ ~ r. n 6 ry N M M O Vf M ~e9 e ^m O ~ In n .p T m N T m ww w w 0 M M A 0 y d d OI OIY Y a C C d d a A O 0 O. O. o+rnEE c C O O N O O V U d 0 c a dv a L O~DOC N J O aOJ OIn m u-m NOI OIL O Q r m M m r I . . -I i c e ai NNwN w ~.+ A _l .r a v t N dv Ih Itf O O O ro I~noo In a.l. o m N d .- O m m w O O ~ M1wMM w a u C C d N d L pi •+ C 41 N m ~ d o u vs ae •r c > d > v d t W O L ~ C N N nA ~ L q Of d q N OI Y C C •~ 0 ~'N O L C d O u J D. ~ C N ~ E o q c Y IOS d L d L N C L L O ~ pIN O c E o y v L U d a L N 'J• c O ~ QO.LLLL X04. T ~ N .fL O E V.a yy A d J ~~ J O L ~ J V ~ k k V k m ..N, nd eve x~ ]ueam] U S pFINRENENi OS x0 VSIN4 W 0 URBNN OEVE LpINENi G]SIYUNIiV OEVE~OINENi fLOGN GgNNi IPOOgNN GRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPORT NwNE OI4NNH[FE i} NppRE320i GPNNEEE 14gNN HU B I City of sancSo Cucamonga P. 0. Box 30) ~I 8-34-!!C-05 Oi55 dapceo Cucamonga. CA 91))0 I IENSON NNO GNn fF{L NNSNFR OU[STIOM~REIONT ~0. EIEIMmfNWet~ F Utto Rrou[:1, Senior P:anner ~I (>341 969-L641 E LNIf NFIOPi COM313i30iixl EOtLNVIN4 EORNS SMgY1N41NO4RESS RCnI V M V N lone )0, 1965 Y Mlrlry Summw/NUOJ919 ]I. e, SnnsW FunM-fY[1FEn EErl lI INUD-EWA]l. e 6[mF b fumE3 - PY[ 111 NIUDJAIAII. O, dIq BMEn MmY lNUOJAIASl. E. d[IIOM la NMmm~rnlY Fy1M hir NwYM INV0I91A5J~ E. dIIMEOIPNPI INVD-IWA>l. ISEE NUO NYtlpfy 6510.] ^EntilNmnr Gmly MmnYp gym NIIIIIyipm^IW w•HYIw m LvRYYE.If HY coal r 1niE RywI ENeLEPEUMm~ENINIn er lti Wnw MdY rMEIiPIN11iPM HNlral fawlNnlry GELe1uRPIERL Yro! CYnI ItoERI EVNI IOIM NNMYIIry dEnlyNy110Ejglm d~wWEd in HIE CNERpE11NfI3ERY1Nq[ LT mwlN•Mn 4nbwnwt oejMMi nld aOjEwed w of hl] W. f. TM aEM.ir MtlwriSN OEIiuEI EEpwnwlM arlilin HNl: (EI TNiEEpSrl0anS3i10. Yl lwm{IdEMllW inrWryf MW)dwE, lel Tp lb mt ofnv].r NnaNkdw rM blM HN daurlNE nyrl NlEU Elld rmEw YM HN dEn ndEm 6. kl itlErH eok[Yw mb nNlEdE UEYn RY CommElMry 0.vNlOwnwPL RIW Grw11C06G1 Rgrm NY nP14En u3illEEd b ndw EVLLW RNIY HN YPamE M bol linvwL wOpm Iw orrlmunry 6nbabM SstiNlin bION 11Y NFI of LWI Pypw[ a'w w [M SWI of IM MOE[ IEwI111Y mPIONM COBG a0am yEY, WI,RNIN4. (EaNion 1W1o1 TiM 16 of lb Elnntl51m1CtlE ICmRmI Cedlwe bxnmF/RrwEwnl MYLpp1I l0 NE IOrMOInp wr011u11on. TiEU [f pwndx, YnoM O3br gNEa,tluENMEry,3roNrn}Y uN nrlllully mpn w yNU dwumMl a ENr1iM rMIEYniM EPY IHn, IkinwE, O• M1 WuNM NEYmnI wiry, in rtI mENn wlNlq [M pnldklbn 01 pV dEPY3mEgt w EEVILy el ME VOIEN [Inp.3NY1 b IInEd 001 TaE IeYI {IOOW w imwNOMd POI Tm SIIM IIVE YIYI. a b0111, f iYIEp NNMf FNp llilf J3 sJiMJnIZE00f iICI1L gEVPF3fNiN}lyF 10 314NN1 UN[ - 11, OAiE N 3[n x VOa3b I rMU IO.,wan xr mynr V01M] I Il~wl a/ O IfE LER M SA a Me0310 ]I I ~_ 8~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ , ig ` 7 ~ E~ ~ y S I ~~ f J ~ ~~ ~' F I _ J I o i E~' V ~ , ~ .. _ ~ _. -- - N OO I _ W pa I C ~ tl C' Y V I I w W I II n f B~ ~ `a 5 a c rt ~ ?4 -I y ~ a a o - o 9 l ? ° C id ~ ~ ~ oc - o c i o o i ~ ~ ; I o0 i ~ i o ~ `~~ I o o ~ ^. o o -. e s ~ ~ I °. p' - o 8 3 ~ ~ o ~ c t a r ~ ~ • '~[ I o ~ r ~ a.o :.-~==""131 i ~ . ` x k - r z ~~ ~otaoe a x m 3 ~ ~~" i n ~ m ~_ v9 ~~ `~~ ya I ~ e< p I~ a ,t n d „: nom a ~ f~ y _ F F ~ gg ~ _ 5~r '; '~' iY -w F ; ~ 6 - Ip - ~ ~ u E a ~C i ) v V ~= 6 w ~ ~ ~ _ _ - O ~ ~ - n ~ ° ¢ LL I 4ad~ r= =~ Y r ~ ~. ` moo i z ~_ ; ~ ` ai< s c ° s tee " $m ~ ~~ ~ y ~ d n ~ z a a u ~ ' pp a _ ~d m ~j ~' an ' Grantee Performance Repor c: Assessme nc of Use of Community Development • Block Grant Funds in Relactonshtp co Gtty Community Development Ooj actives The Q984-b5 Community Development Block Grant Program committed the Ct[y of Rancho Cucamonga to completion mf one (l) pro)ett, into iation of three (3) nev projects, and one (1) ongoing program. In order [o support these projects and programs, [he majority of funds received were budgeted [o [hem. Rancho Cucamonga Netghborhood Center Expansion The Rancho Cucamonga Neighborhood Center Ezpans ion Proj ecc is a multi-year Proj ecc begun by the City in 1982-tl3 and tnicially scheduled for completion in tro phases with the final phase being funded in 1983-tl4. The tits[ work phase (1982-8!) included acquis tt ion of a parcel of land adjacent co the ezis ring Neighborhood Center and design of the new building and sate. The second phase (1983-84) involved comple Cron o£ [he des tgn and <onstr uc [ion of the Neighborhood Center add Croon. Design of [he Neighborhood Cancer add uton vas comple [ed in lace 19 tl3, and bids were eoliciced for actual conecr uc cioo. Due to refinement of the design co be [ter accommodate dieaDled people and changes in cons tr uc cioo materia la costa, the project coat more co comple ce than orlgi na lly antic ipe red. Therefore, comple cioo of construc cioo ec tivity acre tched into 1984-tl5, and Funds had to De reprogrammed from previous years to cover the additional coat. • The Neighborhood Cancer expana ion ie now comple ce. The Center ie intended co meet [he need for an ecceeei Dle facility for programs for senior ci[izene available Five days per reek. The City's senior ci ttzen population ie gcowt ng and has special needs for as sta [ante and Eor opporcuniciee for aoc iel iota raccimn. The expanded NetghDOrhood Cancer ie serving chta need, Nor [h town Scree[ 1mDrovemen[a Nor [h Torn is a CDBG target area because over half of ire households are low and modere to income, By re pairing and upgrading puD ltc improvements in the area, and offering low interest Loans and grants, [he Cicy hopes to encourage prive re inveatmenc in the area and ensure all reaiden ca a safe end pleasant living environment. This project involves the reconstruction of the west side of Turner Avenue north of the re ilroed [racks to add cur Da, gu tcera, and sidewalks. Design and engineering of the proj ecf cook longer then expected, so the project will not 6e completed until 1985-86. Nor [h Tovn Street improvemen ca - Design Another area of North Town that needs scree[ improvements is Chet of Co [[age, Belmont, Acacia, and Eighth Scree[. Funds were programmed end spent for the design and engineer ng of the work, lmp rovements will De made to 1985-86. • J 56D a ii • North Town Park Residents of the North Tovn area have asked the Cicy co provide Chem with a neighborhood park. Since the developaenc of ouch a park will cake more Chan a year, Chia project is a mul ci-year project. Funds were allocated for site acquisition in 1984-85. Two sites were identified in the center of the neighborhood - one adjacent [o the junior high school. To dace, neither proposal has been accepted by the property owners or [he community. Therefore, site acquisition is expected in 1985-86. Housing Rehabilitation In 1982-83 the Ci[y established an ongoing, multi-year Xou sing Rehabilitation Loan program and a Senior Citizen/Disabled Persons Repair Crane Program. The Housing Rehabil ica[ion Loans Program offers below market race loans (with interest written down by [he Cicy) [o homeowners for a maximum Calm of fifteen (15) years. The Senior Citizen/Disabled Persons Repair Gtant Program offers a non-re pa yahle grant of $1,500 to individuals or families that meet eligibility and income ceq uirem¢n[s. During the past program year the rehahili sac ion loan program has been more auc teas Eul Chan the 1982-83 program year and the 1987-84 program year. The City hoe, through its program subconcraccor (COYn cq of San Bernardino Of Eite of Community Development) processed ^ number of applicac TOne, and seven home • rehabilitation loans were funded. The Repair Grant progum hn also improved its pectic ipation rate. In 1984-85, th ircy-nine (39) emergency repair grants were funded as opposed to twenty (20) in 1982-83, and thirty-cvo (32) in 1983-84. This improved ach ievemen[ is largely due to increased outreach and publicity on the pert of Cicy staff. Senior Shared Nouain The Inland Hed iacion Board, vh ich operates fair housing se rvicea and landlord/tenant counseling se rvicea for the City, has established a new program of assisting senior cititena who vane to continue [o live independently but cannot live along to find roomma tea among other active seniors. The Cicy reprogrammed $5,000 in contingency funds to Contribute [o the start of ch is program. IC vi 11 be operational in the suamer of 1985. Administrative Coe ca In 1984-85, the Ci[y budgeteA approximately eighteen percent (18S) of ice entitlement award for various all oweble edminis cretive costa, including Peir Housing Services, and a contingency Fund. Again [his year, edminis traclve costa were held a[ or below budget. a/~ iME O~ JAaxYfE f.0E1µiMFNi OF MDU$rNC Ary0 VABAN OE VEIO•MFHi D10 i Ra cho Cuc m : cOMMVnrtr oevetaNfv. e~oc%cnarvnnOCmM ; q n a onga GRANT YUMBEP GRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPORT 9-9;-4C-0E-0515 - STATUS Bf PUxos+ARTS1Axon •ferao cwEFEO - -- _m _ _ PAflT I: SUMMggY OF flE$OURCff ANO E%PENDITURES CDBG FUND$ lTlrouyna[o/tl 1. UNE%PENDED CDBG FUNDS qT ENOOf PPEVIOUS DEPORTING PERIOD $=14,0___ ]. ADDITIONAL CDBG FUHDB gECEIVEfI e. ENTITLEMENT GRANT SJr.52-O.-_-_. (NVO-fiMl. /rM pl b. SUPPLU$FROM URBgN RENEWgCTiDP $EITLEMENi f_))___ IHVO-MB), lira lOdl PPOCEEOS FRDM LOANS GVAggHTEEO UNDER SECTION ICB S 0 E, PflOGflgM INCOME flcCEIVED DURING THE PROGRAM YEAH, E%CEPT REVOLVING FUND INCIXAE f 0 fOVRCF gMDUI1T II(yDLVINFr N110 PFOM1gnM INCDME PECE WEO DUPING THE PHfIf.PnM IEnPlnrlrr llrr 4rrn rrl.rrl rrnnrrnll ttnnrferl nn lal lldfu[ $ G rrr FrmrN P,m nl, rrdmmx ml I Imnl nuDlnarlnL CUUC rurvnS nrfuv[o rnr., numr: l!<1 s c61.p .l illlnl 1.11116111NI1C.nVMLAIILE F01116I DVIIING iNIS DEPORTING ofnym m„rr rrnrr.[LYrrllq 5 901.9 < f,DBG iI1ND5 E%PENDED OURIHG iN15 PEPOP hNG PEfl100 IrllhmrrrrnErnvrlVSnrnmarYFwm[. coNnrn f911 - 5 4Q].5 5, pNF6PCN0EU 11ALANC.E OF f,DOG FUNOi AT END OF iH15 NFPIJ (I TIIIG PE RIOO IIrA] rmrxrs Irrre 01 $ 49:, y PART IP OVERALL BENEf IT TO LOW ANO MOOEPgTE INCOME PEPSONf 6 E%PENOITUgE56UBJECT TO PflOGflnM BENEFIT RULE$iH15 REPORTING PERIOD TOTAL CDBG FUNDS E%PENDED DURNG TIUS DEPORTING PE0100 flrnnr AnH lLOrel f?$J _5-,---_ b LESS, PLANNING g11D GENEgALgDMINISTPATIVE COSTS P[NOwn rn AlpnfY Srfmmary lurmt [nNmn (pp S _'fi,0 _____ ( TOTAL E'%PENOITVPE$$UBJECT iO PROGRAM 6ENEFrt RULES (Lnra mrnuEOronl f 441.5__ 1. EXPENDITURES PRINCIPALLY BENEfITTING LCW AND MOGERaTE INCOME fi;l,S PEP$DN$DURING THIS REPORTING PEg100 fa Yrown rn AUnrtytummay lPrmL mNmm lGl) S_ __ _ 0. PERCENT BENFFlT Tp LCW AND MOOERATE INCOME PERSONS (Ln!]u FPwfml of onPb(Fll 100.0 -- -- o-aW9STN1 any uwfD ro~voe Ne esmm • • ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ .. _ s ~ ~ ~ _, ~o• ` I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3_ ~ ~ ~ ~8 _ , ~ :Ie r : I ~ ~ ~ , i } ~~ ~ a ;_ - - ~ i S~''` qa i 22 t J< '~ 3 l :~ a __ ~i° :: m i, ~ ,8 A a i I o ~ l = _ ~ _ Y ~ e§ ; ~B 0 8 ~ s~~~~ -~ ~~ s Y i sB ~ VW o y~y '~ Y: Q: . _ 's w~ ~~ ~_ '~~~ :; c ~~ ~ _ p a I' ~~ ~ mm dir ~~ ~~ i =o F~ _ ~ ~a._ ~ ~ Y ~ Y ~ _ ~ F:= g _ ' ~$ ' ' a• 3 ~3a : ~ Y a _Y_ ~ i:~ _~_.-_- -_-__..-____-_. -_ ~ ~o : [: ' ' _ ~ a~' aI ~~ ` I ~ ~ ?Ea'~ 3,7 3 3 s •~ ~• a g$i ~ ~ • ~~~ 3 I ~- ?os 3 a s:3 i ~~ o _ s ~'i >, ~ : y; >j s$ s x ;3;Y 3 - L~ a.i :e ' _~~ ` f3 a~ ,. $~ 8 j sf ~ ~e ~' g !i °a LL: ` o s ~d ~ 3 S~ W r- G iC • ~~ u ~4 ~~ .1/b l • ~~ ml g .~ _ , ' _ i _ _; ~ s 4~ ~ I ~. ___ ~; _ ~! =; ___ :I ~ _ - < o r~ I • ~~~ ~ ~ ~ s a ~. x_8i =" W ~ ~a .~ a~n as a8 Sax a s' w ~ - W ~ ~ : Z O ~ Y y i ~5]i_ 2 ~ c = . O i ~ e ~ E ` J, -15~1r l ~ 3~ l s ~ - - c ~ a - t : ~W ~ ,a ~,a ' . s a l Y - 4 V _ i ! S, =e 6 Gv'- u Ali Q jl=a ~. i O ~ j ~'. ~ ~ ~ - Y i ~ V ~ ~ t t _ p Zn 1i ;~I d ° •: ' of ~ ,e l "~ ~ c ~ ~y" Yg~` l ' a o ~ .g a~a 4' i e ~ ~ '' 3 : a $ i '~, ~I _ yo < ag ~ o ' ~ ag i " ~~¢ ' ~ ~ I ~~, v I ~ u ° i. Su ~:, . . i ~ ~ ' SeQV li~o~:~ <'i 'I 3 CJ }~ 60 uz-~_ ~= I~ a f - j i~ ~ :u z ` - co iV f ~ 9~ '~~i °r • RESOLUTION N0. ~9fr=2Y-B61t• 8 S ' ~ ~ 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OE THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL IFORNIR, APPROVING THE 1984-85 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM GRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPORT AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN SAME WHEREAS, in 1984-85 the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, conducted a Community Development Block Grant Program and WHEREAS, the 1984-85 Community Development Block Grant Program has been discharged according to Federal requirements; and WHEREAS, the preparation of a Grantee Performance Report evaluating the programs is required by federal reguiat ions; and WHEREAS, the Grantee Performance Report has been advertised as av aila6le for public review for the required period; and WHEREAS, Lhe Grantee Performance Report is required to be approved by the City Council prior to submittal to the United States Housing and Urban Development Department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE [T RESOLVED, that the report is hereby accepted • and the Mayor is authorized to sign and submit the 1984-85 Grantee Performance Report to the United States Housing and Urban Development Department. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 21st day of August, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: on D. Mike ls, Mayor ATTEST: Beverly A. Authe let, ity Clerk c ~ ~ i9 • CITY OF RANCHO CtiCAMOtiGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Rugust 21, 985 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd 8. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Linda Beek, Engineering Technician .0p CVGSrpyc9 ~~ ~`' r ~ '_ - ~ ''> 19.. I SUBJECT: ORDERING THE WORK iN CONNECTION WITH ANNEXATION N0. 25 FOR TRRCTS 12532, 12077 AND 12D77-2 TO LANOSCRPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 Attached for City Council approval is a resolution ordering the work in connection with Annexation No. 25 to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 for Tract 12532 located between Ramona and Archibald, north of Base Line and Tracts 12077 and 12077-2 located on the northeast corner of Carnelian and Rlmond. The developers of Tracts 12532, 12017 and 12077-2 have been notified of the public hearing by mail. The attached resolution also approves the Engineer's Report which was tentatively approved by Resolution No. 85-231 on July 31, 1985. RECOMIffNDATION [t is reconmended that City Council approve the attached resolution ordering the work in connection with Annexation No. 25 to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and approving the Engineer's Report. Respectfully sub fitted, L BH: :jaa Attachments d~~ PFSOCJnOx NO N LI iE50LV^Ux CF ME CI-v COVNC. OF'VE C "' Oe • QFF!^AV!r OF ?Un~IC 411CM __ _ 91 N,CM0 C.~•.aMG VGA, C1.:[Oq Ni1N0ECJ4?N4 APF V cq °,„`° ~~ ST9TEOF'CAi.IFOftNi.4 \ - w~ x- - ~c ~;i[~:aNO-`-xE::o=,,,c=_sa+-"e'na~c`oere:r.~~: ^Eac•D ^M. W, fVn L4EGp9E EE IT 4ESOL.EO P. m C~M1 Gam[~I v " ` ~ CGIT'`iT1'OFS.~::EER::AHih`:v ~ a:, ::..' :,;: ,~ .: ,~: V ~ , I CildCe Trasvina do hereby certify that I _ SEC 'ON ~ Oe•[riP.~> '+' C r• ~. ol rn, [ [[gone [n n bm.m.aNar.. p:m~n ~. ~nwc .~w +rfnc cx.-a~a•y .M In«,Mn.xP .. M..rbl a ~ Pp.n+.. , , atn the Izgal Advertising clerk of TIII; DAt:. IiF:F`GL2; a daily nepa{wuper of general c'ir'culation, Published in 4he Gty of Ontario, County and State Nfnresa+d a::d that the a'txl:rcd arceri!sement RE9~LL]_Lati .iD. J:'-21: V{ _ _ _ _ .,___ _ _ _ _ .. __ __. __Sa:.DAt10A-+:O-0Z.:uL . t1:C- 1nMXdL~0r1 t0 ___ Landscape :^.aintenance District t:o. 1 _____ _ _ _ __ _ _ .: --'._.. •. ^. 75 nhlL nen !^. aald nC",4P ant[ ... _ _ P P ~i1S:. rx1e Only.-.. as ~ I~,..I::•[°:"°M< ^^ -^ N palM PGG[[ Yp n G[~~an 1 MM p1~ ws.ran::xl,a[G.nn_n•^^^1•p:'^'"aN^[' apr~naM s1[NT. Nai, ir[n. aaM~npv. x:p¢[G .4. PM:M1nr[ ' $EiC"Ei~IOM ],L¢E11~ pINWa•[TM be4N a ex.~Y. w>[ ro r Irww .xn:n lEwn <ranN.ar a .napf+P~•. .pppnvnlpr fa[pr~ aNNwrN[ Dnr[~a ne nn NNtamCiq EM~MG[aM mN<q[<f..Jrrs[[ mq .n:[n [n IIM In m cN:[[ p: C r, C . r.<!y ••1:wGE1Nn Nw if M1I:Y[/q PY:M[NrNe D.fM1~<'NP 1' SECTION 1. MRrn]i4n a 1wnvM O•e1nN TM m ~~~ fenVrnplxN~ VvN..n m ppMyl a +.,p crryP~ -'. M.n I:.I R~nrr wN:< sMnl.+.w :p cwM M.wP mxw m ppwn+. a m I[ fru'r+ [ n w +IMM.:[MT Yr RiN:a [IYwF Iw [a:o:.o~[ ',"MI"~n.°''~n«'~ N:~lis:°1> Im 'tc~• a q.M^n c•[N^a~. IVPGJ ~ITmm [tlA~s Mn4.n nreG tMn^umn iM,!Tp. ••/MaMmuINn IM ]f R[aaG[w[NO^•.:'q V0~ n[ N< 1" Mlq[N/q KM.•< p• m Cary Cwn<I ~PtCIM1 o 9[fYINTM H1J.:nPrt['^M p[>pw Vw'^P[[. mM[[M a m N.n.vr ~ up[P .~ .::..mm~ls'1^.:::e"~n.".::~.>'"°P"c[,c~:r:l.."c,,. rm on cwMnru,n uM1p IIM .n m aleu r m [.h CI.rV cr Y i C • .-•_ • - ... W ]~1 N NMM' m.b M NI ppnrtulMt ro[ IIN .mwnl m Tp qit; August 12[ 1385 ps~ECnormisalM1ia 1aiwMN.nFn~"rn"`,y'T.M,[.,n- caNan r m +.nl[ r:m [np n rn..r .. cwM ;nifg is tree and t!' ~t the foro enalt of erjur .I rtif nd r lun [re <NN[M TM C~h EM:n~tnn: • " y:M m <iry Cwn[il a YiE C:M1 ;^ ~ ~^; '^~ ~ ^^•^^[+P^ ^~ ^„?~ e ~:~V:,~:•ll v~ ' s y p y : ce y u e p , N , , [, ,,, ,,. ,,; c EnrrnNnn r l r COrreCt. ~rnal p. nnlp w rlo a N..IM NNNp •t w4p. p..4 MN N: 1ppp4 ]I. nY, a1 m M1I a ] A p.ln n M C'. Cairn( 1 cnaMpwt r npl w uM..n m. cn. N 4aN 4 cx.m"no, [II9 Pb an prsM IIP.IM.:N M]P[I:an. ro m wP n ,.ren. ,~PP ~~ [~ f./.n~. ~ J [ ]~. n m wwNMm a1mIN. mn Ew.w w +ww u _ _ . [ nu __._.._..____ - - nPr4aw:e ^plxeEroa<N.xp wlw Nn.-n n'. Si nai c: e i + OI a N[MM .n N[NGPK. M .n. P.,NN„n ^I m o ~~ B P .ann mw>,n ..nM rr M.,. P4tf•PM• qn [ NnvmT ~n wn21: ep[n owNr MR.wr ~P a m. c' c± ~"% tae 1: th day o[ CaliforNa this t O t i D t d '~MnINT m frw. w Mua M apl..R..e . » Ip MP nP..l n. m:~.,~np M M. ..»:..[' ~~• --- '- - . a ar o, e a n w ~ r:wr. .:ll M [Nma.ea n rnR 4Mf a 1 fM.n wm m Nr 4Ew1iM nwMPm .pn a =. n eo~an~o CwM• [a IM OP14. a m p[<p![[. pfY.[ip.p n M ~m`~s ' ~.~•-u3t 19 9i J P.a.w Mpn cwnPm Nn. nff.Mpan.-J a. .. x ,. p.pwn4wN... p•n a 11f i°"; ~i'•a i a , _ .__ __. _.__.._ .. ... - L n n l[ 6 ro + < ~~r lyrpn p<gpN.J M11: % Ppp Ny ,nnin 4+ •a•[M't aa• n "on f " ^ nnp . M i o .. .. - i s`i ^'-`~ia +:unwart cmP al •n[ t, I:>.'c n~:^.• ', EC•~ON 1 PuplifalM rl 9nNUriq. TMN wIW[nl Ip 5[f. m 1 ] of Op 4PPVr <!r M . Cu nbq t5_0 E )O N a wv CV' Vag ' V [n~. MIGP P. ~ ' YPP. ni! E ~.P . 5 NNf>Cxrnv9. C .• '~ .• . ~ n n C ,, •in~:[r :n C+• .~.!. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Engineer's Report for ANNEXATION NO. 25 to the Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 for Tract Nos. 12532, 10277 and 10277-2 SECTION 1. Authority for Report This report is in compliance with the requirements of article 4, Chapter 1, bivis ion 15 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of Cal ifnr nia (Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972). SECTION 2. General Description This City Council has elected to annex all new tracts into Landscape Maintenance District No. i. The City Council has determined that the areas to 6e maintained will have an effect upon all lots within Tract Nos. 12532, 10277 and 10271-2 as well as on the lots directly abutting the landscaped areas. All landscaped areas to be maintained in the annexed tracts are shown on the Tract Map as roadway right-of-way or easements to be granted to the City of • Rancho Cucamonga. SECTION 3. Plans and Specifications The plans and specifications for the landscaping have Deen prepared by the developer and have been approved as part of the improvement plans for Tract Nos. 12532, 10277 and 10277-2. The plans and specifications for the landscaping are in conformance with the Planning Commission. Reference is hereby made to the subject Tract Map and the assessment diagrams for the exact location of the landscaped areas. The plans and specifications by reference are hereby made a part of this report to the same extent as if said plans and specifications were attached hereto. SECTION 4. Estimated Costs No costs will be incurred for parkway improvement construction. Ali improvements will be constructed by developers. Based on historical data, contract analysis and developed work standards, it is estimated that maintenance costs for assessment purposes will equal thirty (E.30) per square foot per year. These costs are estimated only, actual assessment will be based on actual cost data. a» The estimated total cost for landscape Maintenance District No. 1 • (including Annexation No. 25 comprised of 612,4flfi square feet of landscaped area) is shown below: Total Annual Maintenance Cost $,30 k 612,486 square feet 783,745.80 Per Lot Annual Rssessmeni 183,745 - 33.71 -T~43I-- Per lot Monthly Assessment 33,71 = 2.9I '~_ Assessment shall apply to each lot as enumerated in Section 6 and the attached Assessment Diagram. Where the development covered by this annexation involves frontage along arter iat or collector streets, which are designated for inclusion in the maintenance district but will be maintained by an active homeowners association, these assessments shall be reduced. SECTION 5. Assessment Diagram A copy of the proposed assessment diagram is attached to this report and labeled "Exhibit A", by this reference the diagram is hereby incorporated within the text of this report. SECTION 6. Assessment Improvement far Annexation No. 25 is found to be of general benefit to alt lots within the District and that assessment shalt he equal for each parcel. The City Council will hold a public hearing in June 88, to determine the actual assessments based upon the actual costs incurred by the City during Lhe 1982/83 fiscal year which are to be recovered through assessments as required by the Landscape and lighting Act of 1972, SECTION 7. Order of Events 1, City Council adopts resolution instituting proceedings. 2. City Council adopts Resolution of Drel iminary Approval of City Engineer's Report. 3. City Council adapts Resolution of Intention to Annex to District and sets public hearing date. 4, City Council conducts public hearing, considers all testimony and determines to Annex to the District or abandon the proceedings. • 5. Every year in May, the City Engineer files a report with Lhe City Council. 6. Every year in June, Lhe City Council conducts a public hearing and approves, or modiffes and approves the individual assessments. a~3 _~ ~' f ~~ ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NC. I ANNEXATION N0. Q 5 °`~~'°~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA °a . ^ '. i °, ..\ . COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ..,~r;,~, '~ y V~, `b-F' ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA '> >aN Hn r r nvn urrooe ~rrv cnrar%acro rc aaoen .-~ ~T ~I page ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM • LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0.1 ANNEXATION N0. 'j $ 3 i!~ '~~: -i _ ~ 5~d~C W~~~ III ~ vyl~ .,,~.,~~~~;~ I~~ ~~,~'II ~. .-- - ~ I ~I •.. r-- ~ i i i I ;, ,TRACT 12532 y.y. ~ ~~ot~ ,c~%~w,^ CITY OF RA\Cf 10 Cl'CA~10\GA A `"IP' /H~ `: ~ ENGINEERING DIVISION ~~-J' VICINITY MAP ~~r ~ page • RESOLUTION N0. rnn ~t m~ QFp 8> "AS1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ORDERING THE WORK IN CONNECTION WITH ANNEXATION N0. 25 TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 RND RCCEPTING THE FINAL ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR TRACT NOS. 12532, 12077 ANO 12077-2 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga did on the 31st day of July, 1985 adopt its Resolution of Intention No. 85-231 to order the therein described work in connection with Annexation No. 25 to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1, which Resolution of Intention No. 85-231 was duty and legally published in the time, form and manner as required by law, shown 6y the Affidavit of Publication of said Resolution of Intention on file in the office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, after the adoption thereof, notice of the passage of said Resolution of Intention, headed "Notice of Improvement", was duly and legally posted in the time, form, manner, location, and number as required 6y law, as appears from the Affidavit of Posting said notices, on file in the office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, after the adoption thereof, notices of the adoption of the Resolution of Intention were duly mailed to all persons owning real property • proposed to 6e assessed for the improvements described in said Resolution of Intention No. 85-231 according to the names and addresses of such owners as the same appears on the last mailing or as known to the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, which said copies were duly mailed in the time, form, and manner as required by law, as appears from the Affidavit of Mailing on file in the office of the Cfty Clerk; and WHEREAS, said City Council having duly received considered evidence, oral and documentary, concerning the jurisdiction facts in this proceeding and concerning the necessity for the contemplated work and the benefits to be derf ved therefrom and said City Council having now acquired jurisdiction to order the proposed work. SECTION 1: It is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga that the public interest and convenience requires the annexation to the District and the ordering of the work, and said City Council hereby orders that the work, as set forth and described in said Resolution of Intention No. 85-231, be done and made; and SECTION 2: Be it further resolved that the report filed by the Engineer is ere y finally approved; and SECTION 3: Be it further resolved that the assessments and method of assessment in the Engineer's Report are hereby approved. SECTION 4: Be it finally resolved that said assessments shall not begin untt~tf er 60 percent of said tracts have been occupied. ` /7 a.2L nrmv nc o n vnvn nr^n w ~,rnw~r~ ~ • • v STAFF REPORT ..zp ~`' 2`G e' ~~ jib m~ 'i 19iS DATE: August 21, 1985 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Linda Beek, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: ORDERING THE WORK IN CONNECTION WITH ANNEXATION N0. 12 FOR TRACTS 12532, 12077 AND 12077-2 TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 Attached far City Council approval is a resolution ordering the work in connection with Annexation No. 12 to Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 for Tract 12532 located between Ramona and Archibald, north of Base line and Tracts 12017 and 12077-2 located on the northeast corner of Carnelian and Almond. The developers of Tract 12532, 12077 and 12077-2 have been notified of the public hearing by mail. The attached resolution also approves the Engineer's Report which was tentatively approved by Resolution No. 85-226 on July 31, 1985. RECOlMENDATION It is reconmended that City Council approve the attached resolution ordering the work in connection with Annexation No. 12 to Street Lighting Maintenance Distrfct No. 1 and approving the Engineer's Report. Re~ fully submi ed, LBH:L :jaa Attachments aa~ • AF!!L?.!^T'7f h'.19~:C.11K:N STATcOFt'R1R[FO$:v1A r~~ f JS COL'11\r.l~C+v~'JI~~I~~:~P,.l:~s~' ~ I _ Grace Trasvina _ , do hereby e+erlify that I am the :xgal Advertising clerk of 't11C 'uAILY REPOIi~, a doily newalWper a general circulation, Fubljshed i;. the L.it~- of Ontario, Ccunty aad Stale aforea~id and that [P ~ attached v:lvar[tsement of ,__.__'_ ,~<_ _r._' `- ._ _- _._. _. ___- _...- . __ __ r~ra~~in~ ~ nr aar .4° A,.yryeyg•{nn-.~gtreat ._.__-L3.y.-~~.ng-.-az~`~ rce_D__Ydct_No. 1.-. _. one tine on1/ was nn`iliar_d !n ~'. id aeanp:;p~r __ _... .- _ -- .- to Wlt, Auyuat 12, 1981 ~~ • I c>.rtify lender penalty of perjury that !:r. icr?pc.::r ~: Irie and entre_t. ----- ---` AI. ~_.. - _. ISi;natu^c t~ aelfth_ Dated at Lirtario, t.alUbn~.ia this..__.=~ _ __ day of ' •RSOLvriOM NO HA. e PE 50'_u •~ON Of E C.iY COUHC!l Oi .YE C'v - _5 Gi Jfi YJ'InF ~OhEi1fV..VJE(~.eiV4 ` C R.'C•'JLV~ ~w EREnOv M1OVI `ngOE no~r<E ~•\paplvk4< Yn7Nn~W~r -, .~i .. .i.m o:M. <.~r.n:nx.nn'<~. r R .mMmca MR mwarlm a n~o.. sns.~ ^~ _ T.M<MttoW na'n.M.~e p.3.r.. .x III 5a.['n In40pernxpn a « a'lian~nv'ae .Yn.q ~.<.Ie.1... -,.. . M , vieciloN <. L:n.~ • wYR~ *M NMPeM^-.<. n.e .<,. ro n IPEnc.M.n •alpN . omr a ... M.~... _ a me c'N EnnMw Ine wYa aar ~~~:.nlM w.~~ire iwnw upninv waT.M~e.;~J.T~" _ sen~oN , wYna~an a u.•-~~ '^pu1N iNr1. ,n IM W.n.m'tl v.P ~ •, <MN II a e.IrMr1 rla EwNxr. Irle ^N :.~a cn c:.+ Ma1r m~Yp u .pYM } IM Yip wn `.rs mw.a, w.nl<n a1mNr i ee.<.~n.p n •. a. <LII 'M1 MRin IM.bY a M CM1 M Pv:`^ ' MIUhl Ellin TI.MIV RWIOA I'+, .M+. os ~ MK N anMa»-m NO.'] r0 Shwa NO YIN'n 11401N<e w SECTION <<gaRIn YEM~MM + - . RRfoIN~On nP u-m ..<row~.~~ n r.aM ~nFcahO ~.. c . .w Pio.•r muMr.. a Rmpl. SFT L~pnliM Mg1nM~5~ O ~•'- ' mma a m ce. <N.I a r~q c I. tr•-•.-~: ~' rx<w< Iola rY nl wr•.<YUn ro• •+ ....,...~ ... f<ATMIh M] b IM eNMI OI Yr r+• SEC'IONf CYIRtildxYynrtrr•, tM nvv^. <MIM.e n IM <.1ne r,rN MIR r M. WI«Ap, i1S CAN EM.Mer ual~ nIM M CIN 4M(~I OI yi0 Gh .•O ~~a :mna^-n"•' cYRIY<t q INr.M,lRan YN MRI tl TY<. r.l ravul.~ . .1 xn~cn ailM aSYYT/1ry b rM h.. • wai .~ .r w . eRl'IITIM. SECTION S. Ti11M aM /IKIY YM~na Y - Mil T .YSe<I II. Xtl. .1 rile nIV. a • :E p ~ ^ :n~R"w'x r aul Ear LM..n Nr c<. a .. - _ rh I<nR~~ q~ ~ W~rim~ n r.... cur ... .. :~au<n ii~.:'i itti •m~amiwme ^_EC.rox : LxMYy.M a.e L om,.,~ ~; IYrI.n gpplile Nall d wne aM :n<r.ry .. ax.~~ ~' .a Y lM IM:wIY.a a me Yax a I~MYaMM aM L.911tiM 1<r OI I+Y ~ ml f•r ^ . '• S..M~anOx ll' O]ea rlvr ilaN T ~~~~ .ECL'7H < e Y qN.n ' ' _ e vwwdlr m . y...~c e,:~• :a ~i n.'. ani. it lee ~~e '' .:~o<.`e:~~N.n~`ro~am. "`:.' sseo`a:wwno. .oonen .. .. ... ,. . ti nat• N RWr+• .1 ~' CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Engineer's Report for Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 Annexation No. 12 SECTION 1. Authority for Report This report is in compliance with the requirements of Article 4, Chapter 1, Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of California (Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1912). SECTION 2. General Description This City Council has elected to "A" into Street Lighting Maintenance determined that the street lights to all lots within said tracts as well street lights. annex the tracts enumerated in Exhibit Oistrict No. 1. The City Council has 6e maintained will have an effect upon as on the lots directly abutting the Work to he provided for with the assessments established by the district are: The furnishing of services and materials fnr the ordinary and usual maintenance, operating and servicing of street light improvements on arterial and certain collector streets, Improvement maintenance is . considered of general benefit to all areas in the District and cost shall be' divided on a per lot basis. In the case of condominiums with airspa[e ownership only, and apartments, a dwelling unit shall 6e considered to 6enef it the same as a lot. SECTION 3. Plans and Specifications The plans and specifications for street lighting have been prepared by the developers. The plans and street lights are as stipulated in the conditions of approval for the development and as aDDroved by the City Engineering Division. Reference is hereby made to the subject tract map or development plan and the assessment diagram for the exact location of the street lighting areas. The plans and specifications for street lighting improvement on the individual development is hereby made apart of this report to the same extent as if said plans and specifics were attached hereto. Detailed maintenance activities on the street lighting district include: the repair, removal or replacement of all or any part of any improvement, providing for the illumination of the subject area. SECTION 4. Estimated Costs No costs will be incurred for street lighting improvement construction. All improvements will be constructed by developers, Based on available data, it is estimated that maintenance costs for assessment purposes will be as indicated below. These costs are estimated only, actual assessments will 6e based on actual cost data. aa9 The estimated total cost for Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 • (including Annexation No. 12 comprised of 6394 lots and 201 9500E street lights and/or 154 SSOOL lights) is shown helow: 1. S.C.E. Maintenance and Energy: Lamp Size* Quantity Rate* 9 L 9.9 5800E 516 g, 75 *Uigh Pressur_ Sodium Vapor Lamps Rate Mo's Total 201 % 9.90 X 12 = 23,878.80 154 % 8.75 X 12 = 16,170.00 2. Costs per dwelling Unit: 40,048.80 Total Annual Maintenance Cost 40 ' 048.80 112,81/year/unit No. o Units in istrict - " 355- 112.81 divided by 12 = 9.40/mo./unit • Assessment shall apply to each lot as explained in Section 6, SECTION 5. Assessment Di aor am Copies of the proposed Assessment Diagrams are attached to this report and labeled "Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1", Annexation No. 12. These diagrams are hereby incorporated within the text of this report. (Assesstment Diagrams are on file in the City Clerk's office). SECTION 6. Assessment Improvement for the District are found to be of general benefit to all dwelling units within the District and that assessment shall be equal for each unit. Where there is more than one dwelling unit per lot or parcel of assessable land, the assessment for each lot or parcel shall be proportional to the number of dwelling units per lot or parcel. It is proposed that all future development shall be annexed to the District. SECTION 1, Order of Events 1. City Council adopts resolution instituting proceedings. 2, City Council adapts Resolution of Preliminary Approval of City Engineer's • Report. .~30 • 3. City Council adopts Resolution of Intention to annex to District and sets public hearing date. 4. City Council conducts public hearing, considers all testimony and determines to form a District or abandon the proceedings. 5. Every year in May, the City Engineer files a report with the City Council. 6. Every year in June, the City Council conducts a public hearing and approves, or modifies and approves the individual assessments. • -.~J .2 ?/ EXHIBIT "A" • Properties and improvements to be included within Annexation No. 12 of Street Lighting Maintenance District 1; 5800E 9500E Tract No. 12532 3p 2 10277 2 • • a7Z LI ~~ ASSESSMEfUT DIAt,RAM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 ACJNEXATION NO. 12 ~~an --~~ .; .~"`~•""~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA `"I"% ~; ~~.~^~,= COUNTY OF 3AN BTaRNARDIN0 "` ' :~ ~" Y STATE OF CALIFORNIA Vi ivn~° d33 LLOYD MU895 CITY ENGNEER RrE.238B9 DATE page .a"`-`~°h CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA "`~`°% ;~, _;,~~ ;~ COUNTY OF 3AN BERNARDINO c.' `~4u'" ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA v. y a7y ~~ 9~ I LUOYO MU895 CITY ENGWEER R^E.238eg nnrc page RESOLUTION N0. {B8-2i-851 BS- ~S ~ • A RESOLUTION OF 7HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of RANCHO CUCAMONGA ORDERING THE WORK IN CONNECTION 'WITH ANNE%ATION N0. 12 TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 AND ACCEPTING THE FINAL ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR TRACT N0. 12532, 12077 AND 12077-2 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga did on the 31st day of Ouly 1985, adopt its Resolution of Intention No. 85-227 to order the therein described work in connection with Rnnexat ion No. 12 to Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1, which Resolution of Intention No. 85-227 was duly and legally published in the time, form and manner as required by law, shown by the Affidavit of Publication of said Resolution of Intention on file in the office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, after the adoption thereof, notice of the passage of said Resolution of Intention, headed "Notice of Improvement", was duly and legally pasted in the time, form, manner, location, and number as required 6y law, as appears from the Affidavit of Posting said notices, on file in the office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, after the adoption thereof, notices of the adoption of the Resolution of Intention were duly mailed to all persons owning real property • proposed to be assessed for the improvements described in said Resolution of Intention No. 85-227 according to the names and addresses of such owners as the same appbars on the last mailing or as known to the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, which said copies were duly mailed in the time, farm, and manner as required 6y law, as appears from the Affidavit of Mailing on file in the office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, said City Council having duly received considered evidence, oral and documentary, concerning the Jurisdiction facts in this proceeding and concerning the necessity for the contemplated work and the benefits to be derived therefrom and said City Council having now acquired Jurisdiction to order the proposed work. SECTION 1: It is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga that the public interest and convenience requires the annexation to the Distr lct and the ordering of the work, and said City Council hereby orders that the work, as set forth and described in said Resolution of Intention No. 85-221 be done and made; and SECTION 2: The Report filed by Lhe Engineer is hereby finally approved; a~ SECTION 3: The assessments and method of assessment in the Engineer's Report are hereby approved. l~ ~ 3> rrmv nc n ,~ ~+r vn ri •r w ~rn~•r n • ____ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ ~„~...~~~t. STAFF REPORT <~~91,> __ _ ~, GATE: August 21, 1985 ivy T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hu66s, Cfty Engineer BY: Linda Beek, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: ORDERING THE WORK IN CONNECTION WITH ANNEKATION N0. 10 FOR TRACT 12532 TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 2 Attached for City Council approval is a resolution ordering the work in connection with Annexation No. 10 to Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 for Tract 12532 located between Ramona and Archibald. The developer of Tract 12532 has been notified of the public hearing by mail. The attached resolution also approves the Engineer's Report which was tentatively approved 6y Resolution No. 85-229 on July 31, 1985. RECOMIENUATION It is recommended that City Council approve the attached resolution ordering the work in connection with Annexation No. 10 to Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 and approving the Engineer's Report. /Re~s'pectfully submi ed, LBH:LB: as Attachments .2 3t AFFIDAVIT pF PUO~ICA (!6N STATE GF C.4I,IFOR\'L4 /{ i5 • MUtiT','OF 5.1ti BERtiARDIIr0 5 t Grace Trasvina _ , do hereby xltity t:;at 1 am the Legal Advertising clerk of I7iE DAlLSi ~SEFORT, a da'.iy newspaper of I;eaasal eirculation, pubti.hed [r. ule C;t'; oI Unta~:o, County and Dote aforesaid and [hat the attached a~^-°rtse-t.an1 of ,~. R£SOLU: Lpa V0. 85-229 _ _ __ ___. ,._ __ T n..]n sili~-?RAB3El'$30F1-t-0-$LS'8et Lighting Maintenance Dis!rict ;to. 2 a~as puLlished in said newspaper _.nna _ti.ae--onl9 _.. ._. to Wit. Auqust 12, 1991 I certify under penalty :f perjury that h? tnr~~g'~'nc 's rrce and corteM. I ~ __ -_~~EM.. ~..,_~ --- --- rSignzsu~el Dated at OnlarSo, l;alifornia this tNelf th __.__ day o[ _.__.-- . -- Auqust , 1985 . F a0 OROER aMf .M1M1ERT `CM1 'NTEIMNCi GnfNlci NG i qN FSSE vrv EL' ~~ '~ I14N.gIIN4 YIG .SNNEFgi'ON f5 iNNE%an GM VO M1• fTgEET L14 Nillb MfINTEVfrvN<E D~]igiEi 4C nuNNr ro TN/ uNOac~r,rw No ucrvr~NC .ci o. NND OrNdIN4 N TIME NND ILw<E FOq EnRA4 NTIGNf TNENETO JW. iNERF[OgE fE IT RESOW i0 Ev iNE <:n Cwa.l w un r w cq.awwwr. wr le rn erw~ws w ~h Narw aN I~ Nn aivi, d.na O •rvm Is a .N rv,C igl,F ~}M5, a1f WCu. ~.; r.rn OY 4u ~~lwM r. M.G Y PgO~O ~ nJn,NIrFYi MO w[r [~.rSl~ti 1rf~u ~~ ,><, r w..r, I IgRNM NN n'.MMIR5Fi1~.5 .n .Mn<~w ni,n aO tcil~E'IMILwwln..rr ww •n a.wNnR ax• Ma 41 i. ~MN En'•w. N"a ~rori~~~:mo~. ` ~. • Ilpvr• N rn ~ NN a NN alNNnu .- MV• NO ,] R<'+'......~ l M~n~ .M .. M .~ ~` .... _ „n NaKe .. ~- I ,..t ~I, Ne rs. s/<noN ]: rgNNwm a R[fa'u, m a '• Nnl er as q~,SyyN m NN,.w Uwi >r ,F. ,~.• - - :00! 11N N[W NNI 5'pl i.'i5 gN'N'Y .M,n! .r [ •~^ a fN-5, O rn Mi'N. fn M1 C 1p CNIp'l~a~i t. WpIifIN 1O N]]ANn pN Y[If YIM M[4.1.'M^R l[ n -9anr R¢Ow'.p Ca .lsee[Unlw..a: +~„ n m. Gn el bM • L.• ~•: •~••• •. RNCM1 C,FM,Mn[. 4pMn~p giSfD. Mrg4v/D. YN ADORIED mn IHr an a iuln 1!]. 5]IIEM. EYM1. MIMIF OMI. R~nE • f .ViNIIE• Cli. man W. C.IiMn~R. w IerFr .n w.. qmn. wq.ar5.: . ~clnw/aNn <1Np^Mq. ,rn{'wey^-:- ' n:.l nw m,n i~N ar a ~a . n~5 IN Oav T .aqutl '.55 e a .v. +wa <ry CNn .~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA • Engineer's Report for Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 Annexation No. 10 SECTION 1. Authority far Report This report is in compliance with the requirements of Article 4, Chanter 1, Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of California (Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972). SECTION 2. General Description This City Council has elected to "A" into Street Liyht ing Maintenance determined that the street lights to all lots within said tracts as well street lights. annex the tracts enumerated in Exhibit ui~~rict Nc. 2. The City Council has be maintained will have an effect upon as on the lots directly abutting the Work to be provided for with the assessments established 6y the district are: The furnishing of services and materials for the ordinary and usual maintenance, operating and servicing of street light improvements on local residential streets. Improvement maintenance is considered of • general benefit to all areas in the District and tort shall be divided 'on a per lot basis. In the case of condominiums with airspace ownershfp only, and apartments, a dwelling unit shall be considered to benefit the same as a lot. SECTION 3. Plans and Specifications The plans and specifications for street lighting have been prepared by the developers. The plans and street lights are as stipulated in the conditions of approval fur the development and as approved 6y the City Engineering Division. Reference is hereby made to the subject tract map or development plan and the assessment diagram for the exact location of the street lighting areas. The plans and Specifications far street lighting improvement on the individual development is hereby made a part of this report to the same extent as if said plans and specifics were attached hereto. Detailed maintenance activities on the street lighting district include: the repair, removal or replacement of all or any part of any improvement, providing for the illumination of the subject area. SECTION 4. Estimated Costs No costs will be incurred for street lighting improvement construction. All improvements will 6e constructed by developers. Based on available data, it is estimated that maintenance costs for assessment purposes will be as indicated below. These costs are estimated only, actual assessments will be Cased on actual cost data. a38 The estimated total cost for lighting Maintenance District No. 2 • (including Annexation No. 10 comprised of 1862 lots and 516 street lights is shown below: 1. S.C.E. Maintenance and Energy: Lamp ize* Quantity Rate** 5800E 516 8.75 *Hig ressure o ium Vapor Lamps Rate Mo's Total 516 X 8.75 X 12 = 54,180.00 2. Costs per dwelling Unit; Total Annuai Maintenance Cost = 54,180.00 =29.09/year/unit No. o Um is in istrict 1862 29.16 divided by 12 = 2.43/mo./unit Assessment shall apply to each lot as explained in Section 6. SECTION 5. Assessment Diagram • Copies of the proposed Assessment Diagrams are attached to this report and labeled "Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2", Annexation No. 10. These diagrams are hereby incorporated within the text of this report. SECTION 6. Assessment Improvement for the Oistrict are found to be of general benefit to all dwelling units within the District and that assessment shall be equal for each unit. Where there is mare than one dwelling unit per lot or parcel of assessable sand, the assessment for each lot or parcel shall be proportional to the number of dwelling units per lot or parcel. It is proposed that all future deve iopment shall be annexed to the District. SECTION 7. Order of Events 1. City Council adopts resolution instituting Droceedings. 2. City Council adopts Rescluticn of Preliminary Approval of City Engineer's Report. 3. City Council adopts Resolution of Intention to annex a District and sets . public hearing date. ~~4 • 4. City Council conducts public hearing, considers all testimony and determines to form a District or abandon the proceedings. 5. Every year in May, the City Engineer files a report with the City Council. 6. Every year in June, the City Council conducts a public hearing and approves, or modifies and approves the individual assessments. r LJ av~ EXHIBIT "A" Properties and improvements to be included within Annexation No. 10 of Street Lighting Maintenance District 2: 5800E Tract No. 12532 30 • • 14/ • ,~ ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 2 APJNEXATION NO. 10 !_ _ ~ ~_ ,i, ~ I .,x r~=_~ ~ 1~~1 it ~~ ~n; -•,- - ~ Ni --~ _,~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ a ;I,~~ „~ al i.i ~=n,~, .. '', .ll ~. TRACT 12532 RESOLUTION N0. fBB=21r=06R 8s-.2 S'/ • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCRMONGA ORDERING THE WORK IN CONNECTION WITH ANNEXATION N0. 10 TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 2 ANO ACCEPTING THE FINAL ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR TRACT N0. 12532 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga did on the 31st day of July 1985 adopt its Resolution of Intention No. 85-229 to order the therein described work in connection with Annexation No. 10 to Street Lighting Maintenance Oistr ict No. 2, which Resolution of Intention No. 85-229 was duly and legally published in the time, form and manner as required by law, shown by the Affidavit of Publication of said Resolution of Intention on file in the office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, after the adoption thereof, notice of the passage of said Resolution of Intention, headed "Notice of Improvement", was duly and legally posted in the time, farm, manner, location, and number as required by law, as appears from the Affidavit of Posting said notices, on file in the office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, after the adoption thereof, notices of the adoption of the Resolution of Intention were duly mailed to all persons owning real property proposed to be assessed for the improvements described in said Resolution of • Intention No. 85-229 according to the names and addresses of such owners as the same appears on the last mailing or as known to the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, which said copies were duly mailed in the time, form, and manner as required by law, as appears from the Rffidavit of Mailing on file in the office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, said City Council having duly received considered evidence, oral and documentary, concerning the ,jurisdiction facts in this proceeding and concerning the necessity for the contemplated work and the benefits to be derived therefrom and said City Council having now acquired jurisdiction to order the proposed work. SECTION L; It 1s hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga that the public interest and convenience requires the annexation to the District and the ordering of the work, and said City Council hereby orders that the work, as set forth and described in said Resolution of intention No. 85-229 be done and made; and SECTION 2: The Report filed by the Engineer is hereby finally approved; a~ SECTION 3: The assessments and method of assessment in the Engineer's Report are hereby approved. SECTION 4; The assessments shall not begin until after 60 percent of said tract~e been occupied. ^ //f a43 • • CITY OF RAtiCHO CCCASSONGA c~c~py STAFF REPORT ~`~, ~'. i -~ w ~,> - ~ ~r z DATE: August 21, 1985 -iqr- T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Otto Kroutil, Senior Planner SUBJECT: CONSIDERRTiON OF POSSIBLE CONTROLS ON MULTIPLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT I. ABSTRACT: This report contains information requested by the City Council on po ss i6le ways to improve the City's controls on multiple-family development. Alternatives presented include financing incentives, growth management, and possible revision to the General Plan or Development Standards. Staff is requesting direction as to the alternatives to be explored further. [[. BACKGROUND: Over the course of the past several months, concerns over the rapid growth of multiple family housing, and apartments in par•,ticular, have been noted by the City Council. On different occasions, members of the Council requested that staff provide information dealing with the number of apartment units built and planned in the City, data on the implication of multi-family bond financing, and consideration of minimum dwelling sizes in the City. !n addition, on May 15, 1985, the City Council reviewed recommendattons 6y the Planning Commission relative to reconsideration of overall General Plan densities, as recommended by the Citizens Advisory Commission. The Planning Commission discussed the General Plan issue at length, and recommended against wholesale revisions to the General Plan and the Oevelopment Code. However, if the City's General Plan is to be modified and densities lowered, the Commission felt such modifications should be based on a site-by-site review and analysis of upper density designations in various areas of the City. To date, no final action has been taken by the City Council on any of these items. Rather, staff was requested to combine these various items into a more comprehensive report, outlining the possible alternatives the City has available to deal with the question of multi-family housing in a comprehensive fashion. The purpose of this report is to present all these alternatives. ~yY CITY CGU'1C IL STAFF REPORT Multiple Family Oeve lopment August 21, 1985 Page 2 • III. ALTERNATIVES: There are numerous alternatives available to deal with the rate, volume, and quality of multi-family housing in the City. Based on the Council's request, the fallowing are presented in this report: 1. Financing incentives/mu lti -family bonds; 2. Controls on rate of growth/growth management; 3. Controls on development through upgraded development standards (including minimum dwelling sizes); and, 4. Reduction of density through reconsideration of the General Plan in specified areas. Each one of these alternatives is addressed in the following sections of the report. In the interest of clarity, and to allow comparisons among the various alternatives, each option is • presented in a separate section of the report. Additional supporting information is attached in the form of an appendix. • a vd- CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPGRT Multiple Family Development August 21, 1985 Page 3 lJ ALTERNATIVE A. FI NANCING_INCENTiVES/MULTI-FAMILY BONDS Subsides of some sort, i. e. local, federal and/or state, have played an important part in the development of multi-family housing in Rancho Cucamonga since 1978. For the purposes of this discussion, these subsidies can be classified as follows: 1. Multi-Family Construction Bonds This technique is used to provide lower interest construction loans for the builders of various multi-family projects. The reduced interest rate is possible through the issuance of tax free bonds. The City's involvement in this process is through the issuance of an inducement resolution which is necessary for the bonds to obtain tax free status. To date, the City has passed such inducement resolutions only for senior housing; however, the County of San Bernardino has passed inducement resolutions for construction of other multi-family projects in Rancho Cucamonga under a cooperative agreement with the City. The advantage of construction bond financing lies in the • builder's ability to build a product for less. In turn, under state and federal requirements, 20X of the units so financed must 6e made available to people of low and moderate income (in 1985 dollars, this translates to an annual household income l tmit of about 520,800 for a family of 4). Though it cannot be stated that the availability of construction bond financing makes possible construction of projects which could not otherwise be built, it is clear that multi-family hoods have had a substantial inducement effect on the construction of such housing. It can only be assumed that the elimination of multi-family bond construction financing would have a substantial moderating effect on apartment growth. 2. Mortaaae Revenue Bonds Unlike the construction bonds described above, Mortgage Revenue Bands are used to lower mortgage rates for individual home buyers. in Rancho Cucamonga, Mortgage Revenue Bands have been used successfully, predominantly with single family projects. However, several mu It ip 7e family projects, 6ui It and sold as condominiums, are also a part of the program. The advantage of this program is in the reduced mortgage rates, and consequently the reduced monthly mortgage payments for the individual home buyers. The builder also benefits in that projects with av ai la6le 6e low market rate financing are easier to sell and are consequently less risky to develop. 1yL CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Multiple Family Development August 21, 1985 Page 4 This program applies predominantly to single outside the scope of the this program would also single-family housing. to for-purchase units one and family rest ences, and is probably Council's request. Modification of have a substantial effect on future 3. Senior Housing Subsidies Senior Housing has not been an issue of concern in the past. This discussion is only included to complete the picture. The City uses its Senior Housing Overlay District in conjunction with Development Agreements as a tool to provide adequate affordable housing for senior citizens. Senior Overlay provisions allow the City to provide various incentives to builders of senior Droj ects, from financial participation in the project improvements, availability of bond financing, to density incentives. The developer, in return, provides guarantees to keep the rental rates at below market levels for a specified period of time. 4. Other Subsidies • Other subsides include Section 8 financing and other state and • federal programs for lower income housing. Most of these are outside the City's jurisdiction and scope of direct control. An existing City policy limits the concentration of lower income housing to 20X in any one project. In the future, the City will have an opportunity to Comment on location and development of such projects. SUMMARY: Since 1918, 2110 muti-family units have been built or are approaching completion as rental housing. Of these 2110 units, 1132 (i.e. about 54%) have received some sort of special financing incentives. Though a cause and effect relationship cannot be firmly established, it is apparent that a substantial number of units would not have been built without some sort of subsidy. If a particular concern with the Council is the av ai lablity of multi- family rental housing, a confirmation of Council polity on multi- family construction bonds would be appropriate. The life of this program has recently been extended 6y state legislation to January 1988 and funding increased to 51.5 Billion statewide. The available options include: A. Elimination of future multiple-family bonds for use in the City; or 8. Issuance of Inducement Resolutions for multi-family bonds on a verv limited basis, i.e. for projects designed under specified criteria or in Darticu lar locations. Staff could prepare such criteria for Council's review if appropriate. I X47 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Multiple Family Development August ?1, 1985 ?age 5 ALTERNATIVE B. CONTROLS ON RATE Of GROYTH/GRONTH MANAGEMENT Cons ider at ron and ultimate adoption of a Grnwth Management Ordinance would affect the pace at which development is permitted to occur. However, growth management controls would probably have a very limited effect on the total ultimate buildout of the community. Controls on the rate of growth are limited by tha Government Code to rather specific conditions, and must be tied directly into the City's inability to meet required public services or facilities through the normal development process. The attached memo by the City Attorney (ADPendix 8) explores the issue in greater detail; however, the major points are summarized below: 1. An ordinance limiting the number of dwelling units to he constructed in a 4iven period must be based on findings that the promotion of public health, safety and welfare necessitates such growth controls; 2. Such controls are necessary to meet specified public service or Facility needs (such as sewers, schools, etc.); 3.. There is no authority for a Growth Management Ordinance which does nothing more than Create a balance between multi-family and single family dwellings; and 4. There must be an overall public infrastructure or public service need that ,7us- Yit•tes growth management controls for all housing, not just any one type in any given area. According to the City Attorney's analysis, it is apparent that the City would first need to demonstrate a significant Problem with the provision of services to all residential development including single family. Only after est ahlishing the City's inability to provide adequate public services through the normal review process could a formula be established in effect creating an allotment among the various residential types (i.e. single family, apartments, condominiums, etc.). 0.gain, such an allotment would need to reflect a tangible relationship between unit type and its demand on specified public services. In summary, controls on the rate of growth are only possible under a growth management ordinance affecting in some way all residential development in the City, Given the effect on single family housing, this alternative does not appear to be the most appropriate tool to deal with the issue of multi-family housing. ;7 ~. v e CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Multiple Family Development August 21, 1985 Page 6 • ALTERNATIVE C. CONTROLS ON DEVELOPMENT THROUGH UPGRADED DESIGN TANDARO Upgrading of current Development Standards for multiple family projects could affect the pace, quality, and the ultimate bui ldout levels, depending on the extent of modifications considered. This section provides an outline of revisions to the Development Standards which could be considered. Topics covered include: minimum dwelling unit sizes, open space requirements, building separation, recreation amenities, architecture, parking requirements, and building rode provisions. With exception of the building code, all of the sections pertain to the Development Cade. Similar amendments could be specified for the Et iwanda Specific Plan and the Terra Vista and Victoria Planned Communities, within the limitation set forth by previous agreements. Dwell ing Unit Sizes/Multiple Familv: A sample survey of nearly 2,000 multi-family units recently constructed and available for rent was conducted recently to determine the range of dwelling unit sizes, average size, and unit mix as indicated on the following table: NEW MULTI-FAMILY UNITS FOR RENT • UNIT SIZE AND MIX Studio 1-Bdrm 2-Bdrm 3-Bdrm No. of DU's 82 660 1093 112 (1947 Total) % of Total Units 4% 34X 56X 6% (i.e. unit mix) Size Range 475-504 580-790 731-1133 1030-1225 sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. Average Size 493 670 883 1116 sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. The Development Code does not establish a minimum size for multi- family units. Therefore, considering the information above, minimum unit sizes could be established, possibly based on the • number of bedrooms, if appropriate. X44 CITY CO UACIL STAFF REPORT Multiple Family Development August 21, 1985 Page 7 Dwelling Unit Sizes/Single Family A related item requested for Council consideration is minimum sizes for single family homes. Though this item does not directly relate to the issue of multiple family housing, it could be considered in conjunction with size limitations on multiple family units should the Council so desire. The Development Code currently has a 900 square foot minimum standard, unless a CUP is approved far smaller units. A survey of unit sizes approved by Lhe City ir. the three single family districts (VL, L, LM) indicated the following typical ranges: LM District ± 900-1600 sq. ft. L District a 1200-1900 sq. ft. VL Oistr ict ! 1900 sq. ft. & up An exception to this is the smallest phase of Victoria, with some 760 square foot homes built prior to the adoption of the 900 square foot minimum standard. The results of a phone survey of the cities of Chino, Irvine, Fontana, Montclair, Ontario and Upland are attached in Appendix C. Controls on minimum dwelling unit sizes vary based on local • conditions and policy; they vary from rather restrictive (Upland), to no standards at all (Irvine, Chino). Though it has no minimum standards currently in effect, Chino is now considering minimum dwelling unit standards. New standards for minimum unit size could be established with Council's direction, either for all residential types, or for multiple family units only. Open Space Requirements The Development Code Currently requires 30% common open space for multi-family projects under the Basic Development Standards, and 35% common open space for multi-family Droj ects approved under the Optional Development Standards. In addition, private open space requirements (patios or balconies) range from 150 to 225 feet for ground floor units and 100 to 150 square feet far upper story units, depending on the district. Increasing the open space requirements could be considered. Additional area for open space amenities would also be provided. The result would be a proportional reduction of parking and building areas, theoretically resulting in reduced density. In practice, increased open space requirements would also encourage larger, higher and more massive buildings such as "stacked flats" versus townhouse style development or for more efficient use of land. asv CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Multiple Family Development August 21, 1985 Page B Regarding private open space, patio and balcony sizes could be • adjusted. It should be noted that current standards are generous, particularly for upstairs units. Building Separation/Setbacks The Optional Development Standards of the Development Code establishes no minimum building separation for multi-family projects. The Basic Standards require IS feet separation for side to side huild ings and 30 feet separation for buildings facing front to front. A minimum standard for building separation based on the height of the structure could be established for the Optional Development Standards. The Development Code allows only one-story multi-family units within 100 feet of the LM, L, and VL Districts. This provision only affects the interior boundaries of a project. A standard could be set, however, which would also require one- story units along street frontages facing one-story single family development. Though not currently required by code, this approach has been used for several multiple family projects approved by the City. • Recreational Amenities Under the Optional Development Standards, a tot lot and open yard area, plus amenities such as a Dool or tennis court are required. No specific requirements exist far the number of recreation facilities. A ratio could be established requiring a certain number of amenities based on the number of units within a project. Recreation facilities may include a pool, spa, tennis, volleyball, and handball courts, exercise room, recreation room, tot lot, and open yard area with minimum dimensions. This would assure adequate recreation facilities within all multi-family projects and reduce the burden on City facilities and also affect the quality and types of projects built. Des ign Guidelines The Development Code includes guidelines for architec Lure of multi- family units. The design expectations for apartment structures, however, are generally less than for condominium or townhomes. The ;t common type of apartment architecture is stacked flats (i.e. ~ e-levei units placed over identical ground floor units). These are generally less appealing architecturally than townhouse-style . units (i.e. two-story units built side-to-side) Townhomes are normally asso r.iated with ownership units, though this is not always the case. ,? S / CITY COUNCIL STAFF ~REPORi Multiple Family Development August 21, 1985 Page 9 • Design requirements could be established which discourage stacked flats unless designed to high quality standards with significant variation of roof height, form, and architectural planes. ~Pa~ r~k i_n~ g~ hT a Oeve lopment Code separates apartments and townhouse/condo parking requirements. The number of parking spaces for apartment units is marginally lower as shown on the chart below: CURRENT PARKING REQUIREMENTS SPACES PER UNIT Apartments Townhouses/Condo's Studio 1.3 1.3 1 Bedroom 1.3 1.5 2 Bedroom 1.6 1.8 . 3 Bedroom 1.7 2.0 4 Bedroom 1.9 2.0 Visitor 1.0 per 4 DU's 1.0 per 4 DU's The parking requirements for apartments could be adjusted. [f apartment standards were identical to that of townhouses and condos, this would eliminate a site planning benefit for apartments, depending on the unit mix. Currently, one covered space in a garage or car ort is required for all multi-family projects. This st an and cou be changed to require garages for townhouses/condos and/or apartments. Build inq Code Provisions The Uniform guild ing Code has separate requirements for attached dwellings only if units are separated by actual rq ert lines. Attached units may be placed side by side (tgwn homes or one above the other (stacked). To create individual ownership of units (versus apartments) attached units may be separated by property lines or "air space". Given the side by side configuration of town homes, property lines can be located between units. Units separated by property lines have stringent building code requirements for fire walls, and separate services, such as sewer, water, gas and upgraded electrical capacity. dS~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Multiple family Development August 21, 1985 Page 10 • In the case of stacked units, property lines cannot separate different floors, so air space is used to divide ownership. The Uniform Building Code does not recognize air space in its requirements, therefore, the standards are identical whether or not units are sold individually as condos or rented as apartments. State legislation limits local amendments to the 8ui ld ing Code based on locat ion al criteria such as climate, geology, and topography. Prior to adoption of amendments to the Uniform Building Code, upgrading any Building Code requirements, additional research would be necessary to determine if it can be legally accomplished. SUMMARY: Of all the Development Standard revisions noted, the following appear to be the most feasible: 1. Consideration of minimal dwelling unit size, by number of bedrooms. 2. One-story building height limits on mu tt ip le family projects along street frontages facing single family/one story housing. 3. Upgraded des tgn requirements for "stacked flats". 4., Modification in apartment parking requirements. • • ~S3 C[TY C0114CIL STAFF REPORT Multiple Family Development August 21, 1985 Page 11 • ALTERNATIVE D. REDUCTION OF OENSI7Y THROUGH RECONSIDERATION OF THE GENERAL PLAN IN PECIFIED AREAS: Reductions of density in specified areas is an alternative which would limit the ultimate buildout level of multiple family development. Such reductions may also have an effect on the rate of construction, through limited availability of appropriately designated land in specific areas. This section provides a description of multi-family residential property in the Medium, Medium-High, and High Residential Districts. The information is broken down into five planning areas for Alta Loma, Cucamonga, Et iwanda, Terra Vista and Victoria. The Caryn Planned Community is not included as it contains no land designated for multi-family use. The fcllowing tables cutline the amount of vacant acreage by land use designation in each of the five areas. In addition, a second set of numbers is provided to account for previous Planning Conmiss ion approval of multi-family projects; the number of acres in parentheses and maps indicate vacant or developable multiple family land not subject to prior final City approvals (i.e. Tract Maps, Development Approvals). • The intent is to provide the Council with information on vacant land designated but not yet approved for multiple family development. n ~sY '1_~~ l ~ ~ ~ _ Alta Loma Planning Area APPRO%IMATE VACANT AREAS OF MULTI-FAMILY ZONED LAND Vacant (Without Final City Approvals) Medium (8-14 du/ac) 120 ( 78) Medium-High (14-24 du/ac) 60 ( 40) High (24-30 du/ac) 0 0) TOTAL ACRES It is important to note that a substantial portion of multi-family property in Alta Loma was considered for possible land use changes during the 19th Street Corridor Study. As a result of the study, • several sites along 19th Street were reduced in density. The table already reflects these reductions. asr CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Multiple Family Development August 21, 1985 Page 12 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Multiple Family Development August 21, 1985 Page 13 ~ ' r ~ o. LM ' _ _ ~ ~ ,arc L L ov'. .1~ ~~, r ~ GC cc cP .-GC - IOC 4+ aC ' ..\- GC ~- ov ~ '. GC MN 1 ~.~ ~r' ~ 1._"~,li~,~ 1' ~M .~ • ~. "-' J ~,~ ~ •o a it ur•r~~uu « •• 1. r ~ pa= '\I `.. i. i~ y ~cc ~' (~ j j a c~ M LMC y ! _~• .~ L- r • ~ -~ ... ~iT..~ of ' ...^. .r...n.run•~- '~. • _~.C Cucamonga Planning Rrea APPRO%IMATE VACANT ACRES OF MULTI-FAMILY ZONED LAND Vacant (Without Final City Approvals) Medium (8-14 du/ac) 117 (123) Medium-High (14-24 du/ac) 15 (58) High (24-30 du/ac) 0 0 TOTAL ACRES 252 8 ~sG CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Multiple Family Development August 21, 1965 u • APPROXIMATE VACANT ACRES OF MULTI-FAMILY ZONED LRND Vacant (Without Fin a1 City Approvals) Medium (8-14 du/ac) 743 (125) Medium-High (14-24 du/ac) 0 ( O) High (25-30 du/ac) 0 ( 0) 70TAL ACRES243 (i25) The highest density permitted in the Et iwan da Specific Plan is Medium Residential (8-14 du/ac). • ~S Et iManda Planning Area: • Terra Vista Planning Area APPROXIMATE VACANT ACRES OF MULTI-FAMILY ZONED LAND Vacant (Without Final City Rpp royals) Medium 4-14 du /ac) Medium-High (14-24 Nigh (24-30 du/ac) In Terra Vista, the 14 units per acre significant portion and/or constructed buildout within the at the higher end of 224 (116) du/aQ 65 ( 65) 11 ( 71) TOTAL ACR ES360 (252) Medium Residential category has a range of 4 to versus 8 to 14. With the lower range, a of Medium Residential property has keen approved as single family homes. However, the overall Planned Community remains the same by building the range within multi-family projects. .lsy CITY COU~'1C IL STAFF REPORT Multiple Family Development August 21, 1985 Page 15 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Multiple Family Development August 21, 1°,65 Page 16 Vacant (Without Final City Approvals) Medium (4-14 du/ac) 251 (251) Medium-High (14-24 du/ac) i25 (125) High (24-30 du/ac) 52 ( 52) TOTAL ACRE5428 (428) Development in the Victoria Planned Community has occurred in the Low Residential (2-4 du/ac) and Low-Medium Residential (4-8 du/ac) categories, As of this date, no multi-family projects have received approval. * Includes approximately 73 acres not within Planned Community • Boundaries ,Sy APPROXIMATE VACANT ACRES OF MULTI-FAMILY ZONED LAND CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Multiple Family Development August ?1, 1985 Page 11 • The preceding information focuses on multiple family designated land not yet Commited to development through tentative map or similar approvals. It should be noted that in the Planned Conrtnunity areas, i.e. Terra Vista and Victoria, the City has made previous commitments relative to ultimate level of development through binding agreements. The City's ability to modify previously approved land uses in the Planned Community areas is severely restricted. However, staff could re-examine existing M, MH, and H land use designations in the Alta Loma, Cucamonga, and Et iwanda areas if so directed by the City Council. IV. SUMMARY OF AVA ILAB ILE ALTERNATIVES: Each of the alternatives outlined in this report responds to a slightly different set of problems and may be used individually or in conjunction with other solutions. Though by no means complete, the summary below is intended to provide a format far discussion. Host of other options can of course be added if desired. The options for consideration include the following: A. Formalize City policy on multiple family financing through: 1. Elimination of future multiple family bonds; or • ~ 2. Limitation of such bonds to specified Circumstances; or B. Consider a new growth management policy which may affect in some way all residential development; or C. Consider modification to existing development standards, with possible focus on minimum dwelling sizes, parking and other provisions; or D. Consider modifications to the Land Use Element of the General Plan in specified planning areas or City-wide. V. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the Council review the in orma~ Lion presented in this report and provide staff with ap priate direction. Resp ctful s itt ed, Otto Krou ' Senior Pyan ner OK:jr Attachments ~Go Memorandum to Jack Lam July 25, 1985 Page 2 The rather crucial recital in question states a5 follows: "It is the intent of the people of the city to achieve a steady, rather than a fluctuating, overly rapid, rate of residential growth each year in order that the services provided by city, school, park, utility and/or service agencies operating in the city can be properly and effectively staged in a manner which will not overextend existing facilities, and in order that deficient services may be brought up to required and necessary standards while mini- mizing, by means of long-range planning, the avoid- able costs of short-sighted facility expansion." If you take into consideration the provisions of Government Code Section 65863.6 and the above-quoted recital in the Camarillo ordinance, it becomes clear that a growth management ordinance must be founded upon a need to make • housing. allocations so as not to overtax public services and public infrastructure facilities such as streets, water lines and sewer lines. Accordingly, it is my view that in consider- ing whether to apply such a mechanism in Rancho Cucamonga in order to balance apartment build-outs with single family dwelling build-outs, there must be a factual basis for doing so founded upon an inability to meet public service or facility needs through normal development processes. Inei- dently, in that regard, we have found no authority for a growth management ordinance which does nothing more than create a balance between apartment build-outs and single family dwelling build-outs. There must be an over-all public infrastructure and/or public service need justifying the growth manager„ent control ordinance as a whole. If a situation exists in Rancho Cucamonga justify- ing a growth management ordinance on the above-stated basis, the Camarillo case again becomes useful as a source estab- lishing the specific criteria by which one de±~e Toper's pro- posal is balanced against anothe is to receive housing allot- ments in a given year. Those criteria include the capacity of the water system to serve the particular development pro- posed, the capacity of the schools to absorb any increase in children generated by that development, the impact of the particular development on the sewer system, the fire department, ,1G2- Memorandum to Jack Usn July 25, ]985 Page 3 the street system an3 any arterial highway systems an9 storm drainage considerations. Of arurse, those criteria analyze potential negative impacts of a development. Other. criteria to he taken into ansider3tion in a trore positive vein include the harmany of the proposed architectural design of a proposed develoomen[ with neighboring development, the provision or extension of 'Dike trails, equestrian trails and green :plts an3 virtually all other aesthetic and oatgxtinility features. `~st importantly, for the purposes of this nenoran3um, ['ne Camarillo case also estaUlisnes tie Eact tllat the type of residential unit under consideration in each 3evelopment proposal may oe mnsiderei- I Selisve that if we reach riot point in implementing a gravtin matey ant or3inance, the City Council could take into crosideration in allotirtg buildable housing units tie type of units to be built; that is, whethsr those units constitute single family dwellings oc 3xrtments. 'Ihe analysis in questirn as to each development pror»ral could take into consideratim as one of numerous £actors :sceiving numerical allocations, the differes~t types of housing . meets existirxg in the m~mutity a+d those which ace being met to a greater degras Evan otters. 'thus, if them is a reel for single £ami ly dwellings for parsons working in aid about tM_ mnammity and the region to a greater degree than apartment units which may be ahead in the bui13-0ut phase, it is possible that the Council could decide to allow points to stogie family dwellings in iGS crnsi3eration of all relevant factors. Again, I must caution that in order W react that point in implementing a g: owth management or3inance, it is first necessary loaf the Camcil matte a broad policy decisim that suth an or3irance which in effect limits the number of bui13-outs during a year by governmental actian is n_cess3!-y to be sure that infrastructure and public service ' saris nay 'x' Im_C. it nmy well be Glat the Council will decide L1at throu3n ottm.:c Legal devices availaJUle, ]ianrno Cucaman9a already is able to meet puULic service an3 infrastructure needs generate3 try housing build-outs. I bona 'i vat tits memorandum an9 tie attachel author. L`i.e, r.n tsetsA t~ /~.~ '.^ ?r-~~i lis7 n~tians `.x eaten by r!~e ^ir~ Camcil ~•~ ;; C J 3L3 ~~fll~ ~ STAFF TELEPHONE SURVEY, August 15, 1585 CITY M1MIMlR1 DNELLIN6 IAIIT SIZES CH1N0 No Standards possible new standards now being considered. IRVINE No Standards - Just use U8C FONTANA Dwelling Unit Size Based on Zon in9 as Follows: 0.-1 Mfnimum lot Size 7,200 sq. ft. - all R1 Zanes -` Ail Single Family Units ft-1-C 1,100 sq. ft. R-1-D 1,200 sq. ft. R-1-E 1,300 sq. ft. R-I-f 1,400 sq. ft. R_2 850 sq. ft. if single family detached 650 sq. ft. if multi-family R~3 850 sq, ft, if single famfly detached . 500 sq. ft, if multi-family MONTCLAIR" Mini mum Sfze Based an Dwelling Unit Type as Follows: (a) Single Famiiy Detached Units: 52 bdrms - 1,300 sq. ft. 3 bdrms or mare - 1,400 sq. ft. (b) Multi-Family Units (Apt. & Londo) 1 bdrm 950 Sq. ft. 2 bdrms 1,200 sq. ft. 3 bdrms 1,400 sq. ft. 4 Ddrms 1,450 sq. ft. * Minimum Room Size of 110 sq. ft. * All dwelling units require 2-car garage, no carports ON7ARI0 No Standards aGY UPLAND Dwelling Unit Size Standards as Follows ZONE MIN. LOT AREA MIN. D/U SIZE _ sq. ft. sq. ft. Single Family Zones R-S-~S 20,000 2,000 R-5-15 15,000 1,800 R-5-10 10,000 1,500 R-S-7.5 7,500 1,400 R-5-6 6,000 900 Multi-Family Zones R-M-4,4 30,000 1,000/du R-M-3.6(c) 30,000 1,000/du R-M-3.6 15,000 1,000/du R-M-2.0 16,000 1,000/du R-M-1.5 7,500 500 - Bachelor 700 - 1 Bdrm 800 - 2 Bdrm 1,000 - 3 Bdrm S ecial DR 1 0 ,00 sq. ft. for a 1 Bedroom plus 200 sq. ft. for additional Bedroom • • BLS l.ll l V~ lY(11~V 11V V V VA~,l V 1Y lIA 0,41.1t~ ~ MEMORANDUM "`~ \~ .~ s A _ ~ x~1f .-. ti DATE: August 21, 1985 ~~~- T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Councilman Ditk Dahl SUBJECT: MINIMUM SQ UARE FOOTAGE VS. QUALITY (TELEPHONE SURVEY) The following questions were asked relative to controls on minimum dwelling sizes: 1. The Council's rationale for adopt inq the ordinance? 2, what has been the effect of the ordinance? 3. would you rate the ordinance positive or negative? The responses were as follows: • Mr. Mi lhiser Cit Administrator - Montclair at Iona a was to decrease num er o mu ti- amity protects and increase quality. Effect has been to increase the quality of the projects and decrease the number of multi-family rental projects. Ordinance has proven effective in slowing multi-family and increasing quality on developments. Mr. Lee Travis, City Manager - Upland Rat ono a was to enhance the quality of development. The ordinance has proven to 6e an effective tool and has definitely increased the quality. Had allowed the development of a couple of projects as exceptions to the ordinance, which in Mr. Travis's opinion, turned out to be a mistake. Jack Ratelle Cit Mana er -Fontana New y approved minimum square footage standards) Rationale was to upgrade the quality of housing development and to encourage single family detached development. Results are too soon to tell, but have great expectations. Feels affordable market is becoming saturated, want to encourage more higher line products. u Mr~Ra Meador, Interim City Manager - Chino hT a Council will be taking up this issue of increasing the minimum square footage of their present 900 and 500 within a home at their next meeting (continued from last night's meeting). Rationale is to increase the quality of development within a year and that the present minimums, although somewhat successful, has not gone far enough. aGc Lea ue of California Cities i 9 ;^- u00K STREET • SACRAMENTO, CA 95914 • ~gi6)dM-5790 - - -'e~ Sacramento, California ,.. -Ayer^e. July 15, 1985 1C): 1HE NONDRABLE MAYOR AND CITY CTx1NCIL RE: DESIGNATION OF Vcri'LNG DELEGATE EbR LEAGUE ANNUAL CONFERENCE Dear City Official: '~ `'f'~/~+r4 ~rp/~ The frost important aspect of the Annual Conference is Che General Business Session at which time the membership Cakes action on conference rnsolutions. It is especially important during these times of uncertainty fur California cities [o take the ini[iat ne in developing positive proyrams for [he future. Annual Conference resolutions will grade cities and the League in our effort to improve the quality, responsiveness and vt[al ity of local government within [his state. All cities should be represented at [he hustness Sassion on Tuesday afternoon, October 8 a[ 3:30 p.m. in [he San Francixo Hilton Hotel. • Tb expedite this important policy-making meeting, each City Council should designate a voting representative and an alternate who will be present a[ the [4siness Session. The [,vague Constitution provides Chat each city is entitled to ane vole in matters affecting municipal or League policy. A voting card will be given Co Che city official designated by the Ci[y Council on the enclosed "voting delegate form." If [he Mayor or a ~~member of the Ci[y Council is in attendance at the Conference, i[ is expected that one of these officials will be designated as the voting delegate. however, if [he City Council will not have a registered delegate at Che Conference but will be represented by other city officials, one of these officials should be designated the voting delegate or alternate. Please forward the enclosed "voting delegate form" Co the Sacramento office of [he League at the earl lest possible time, so [ha[ the proper records may be established for the Conference. 71te voting delegate may pick uP the city's voting card in [Iw League Regis[ration Area, San Francisco Nilton Hotel. If iC becomes necessary for the voting daleyate and the designated alternate to leave the Conference, the card may be transferred Co another official Erom Che same city, providing [he transfer has been cleared with [he Credentials Committee, which will he responsible fnr distributing voting cards. It is suggested that the Mayor and all Council Menbers from a yiven city try to sit together a[ the business Session so [ha[, if amendments are considered, there may be an exchange of points of view and a consensus arrived at before [he city's vote is cast. Your cooperation in returning Cite attached "voting delegate form" as soon as possible will be appreciated. Don Benninghoven Executive Director DH: sm Attachment . .over, , T (07 J xhparrArtr DATES POR llMalu aoHFeRrx~ce RFSOUrrLOeas • July 15-Sep[. 2U - Cities designaCe Voting Delegate and A1Cerna[e, rn[urn Eorm [o League August 23 - Deadline for su4nit[ing Resolutions to the Leay ue Office Sept. 4,5 or 6 - Policy Commit tees meet [o make preliminary recommendations on Resolutions (Los Angeles, HyatC Hotel at LAX) Sept. 16 - Annual Conference Resolutions distributed to all cities Sep[. 16-Oct. 6 - City officials consider Resolutions and, where needed, city councils take action on Resolutions October 6-H - Voting Delegates pick up voting card (San Francixo Hilton Hotel) October 6 - Policy Committees hold Hearings on Resolutions (1:W p.m. - San Francixo Hilton Hotel) October 7 - General Resolutions Committee Hearing (2:00 p.m. - San Francisco Hilton Hotel) October 8 - General Assembly (3:30 p.m. - San Etanciam Hilton Hotel) • " Policy Committee meetings on Resolutions will be held at the Hyatt Hotel near LAX on the following dates: Wednesday, September 4 lTiursday, September 5 Employee Relations Adninistrative Services Environnental Quality Transportation and Public flocks Friday, September 6 CannuniCy Services Housing, Commvti ty and Economic Development Public Safety Revenue and Yaxation DH 715m1 • 36Q • CITY: LEA(i1E OP GU,II'diNIA CITIES VOTING OH.IX'.ATE @ORM 1. VOTING DELEGATE: Z. VOTING ALTERNATE: ATTEST: (TITLE) C J Please Rewrn To: LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 13W K STREET SACRAMENIC, CA 35813 tint :.a Ler Than Seota~rber 20, 19e5 GI r. E 9 ~~~:. ~>~ew'ILLIAM I.YO1V~~~a~i~2aas ~ . ~~ Date _4ugusc 21, 19N5 r,. To Lauren Was se roan Cite of Rancho Cucamonga From 5[evrn Ford Project _Vi cccria Subject Survey clues Connai re Pu rsuanc [o our conversa[i.on chic date, Lransmi teed he rrwich is sub jecc per your rrquesc. Please coot act me for any additional inEormac ion SURVEY 6ZUESTIONNAIRE The City Council of Rancho Cucamonga has proposed a limit of 900 square feet of living area for all types of future housing within the city limits. This minimum criteria will severely limit the availability of affordable housing in the future. We would like your opinion concerning this proposed legislation. I approve this legislation. All new homes should be minimally 900 square feet or more. I believe this legislation is unfair to the future housing of young families and elderly couples who will be looking for affordable homes. Comments NAME ADDRESS DATE SIGNATURE xalcn~ )eel °Pmt.IP' RwllnpRpwu P.e vN.se ^ READ ^ NANDLE ^ APPROVE .ee ^ FORWARD ^ RETURN ^ NEED OR OISDARD ^ REVIEW WITH ME ROUTING - RERUEST r .., oa. G ~~~~ x as P O M DATE REPLY SIGNED DATE / / AS fMD lM]E R _ v r 1 ~< (~ r T t i 4 N .._.. T O ME88AOE RETURN TO ~~ ~51cNEo REPLY ~ i - SIGNED ~A1E / / ~a IS 174 ~ SHO MR71 a I ei0 o wlEe c~MON mieci . POtV PAK (50 tE7S1 ~-174 ROBERT SHERWOOD -REAL ESTATE August 22, i j25,(j CITY COUP7CIL CIPY of 3A;G CaO CJ CA;+iOtiGA 9320 Aaseline Road !rancho Cucamonga, CA. 9101 Ub WET FOOTHILL BLVD., SUITE A UPIAND, CALIFORNIA 9n86 •~' ~~eRECE1V€D CODE A{ ~. 511] HANK plylgrylg~~ ~F~ AUG 281985 7 ~9ipiWl~ili2i3iAi5iB .e.: Denial o° tentative Tract .`dan ;/10349/Plaza 3uild ers ^, entl emen, Vle are asicin;; for a clarification of your decision to deny ' entative Pract .rap ;/10349, Plaza Builders. 4Je feel it was not the intent of the Council to deny the filing o£ a new Pract ';an for one year. ~+le have entered into an Escrow with Glenfed Develooment Company to sell the property. They plan, as soon as possible, to file a ..rap to develop the property. ,/e respectfully ask that you allow a new Tract :~7ap to be filed on this property. Thanr/~//vou`/ V7~ c.c.: h.i kc lielber :'rustee CITY OF RANCHO CUCIIMONGA uuunyeurur ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER `~ ~~-~'<,~„` urger No.: 02998 etas Cer Plan Sturm Drain Line 4-Br Archibald Ave. Reconstruction Lemon Ave, to Danyan 5[. August 1, 1985 Date: DERBISR, GUERRA 6 ASSOCIATES You are hereby requested to comply with the following changes from the agreement for engineering services. DESCRIPTION F CNANGt)~S -- INCREASE 1. Prepare contract specifications for the project. ~ In Contract Price 2. Prepare striping plan for project site. 3. Revise design drawings to exclude that portion shown on City of Rancho Cucamonga drawing No. 888-D, Sheet 1 of 1. 4. Provide topographical survey and overlay for Sadeitte S[, N/0 banyan B[. 5. Provide cans cruc[ion survey services for the project. TOTAL 510,400.00 Change in Scope of Work. The amount of the Contract will be Increased b the sum of: Ten Y Thousand Four Hundred ------------------------------ Doll arS (5 10.40- O,pp The Contract Total including this and previous Change Orders will be:__ Twent five Thousand Four Hundred ------------------------------ Doll ar5 (b 25.40 The Contract period provided for completion will be Unchangetl Days This document will hecome a supplement to the Contract and all provisions will apply hereto. J Requested: (/ ~ ~ ~~/f ~~) L o B. bu bs, Cit Engineer ate Accepted: y/Z /$,~ ngtn ate-- Approved: _ Mayor, City of Rancho ucamonga Date YFis'in orma on wt a use as recor o any c anges o e or g na eng neertng agreement dated: January 2, 1985 yo Rancho Cucamonga City Hall 9320 "C^ Base Line Road Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730-0807 Dear Councilmembera, I wish to voice my opinion on the proposed "1200 square foot minimun rule." I believe St will greatly increase the quality o£ houslag Sn our city. I am in favor of the "1200 square foot minimun rule" because of what I have experienced and others are currently experiencing. I have spoke with many of the residents in the 'Park' section of the 'Yictoria'master-planned community. I have tried to inform the rea identa about the proposed rock-crushing plant and what they can do about it. I have received very negative feedback from moat of them. They would reply by Baying " Thia isn't our house or our property so why should we care and do anything to improve this area." Some of the residents would barricades behind the doors and speak only through the door. Others would reply " We don't plan on staying Sn these houses for very long because after we purchased it and moved in we found out it is too small to live comfortable in. A smaller siee house means more probability of renters instead of owner/occupied heuaes, and a greater influx of people moving in and out at a foe ter rate then normal. I am not agalnet senior citiaene, retired people or young £amillee, but I strongly believe people need to have a big enough apace to live comfortably and from a psychological standpoint they will feel better about themselves and take more pride in trying to maintain and improve their property. Sincerel , ,k~~ ~~. ryYJ,.-;,.. Aathle Van Mui~en 12426 Buttercup Way Rancho Cucamonga, California 91739 ~~ August 21, 1965 City Council Members Ranch Cucamonga City Hall 9320 'C' Base Line Road Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 91730 Dear Council Members: A resident of the Victoria Park homes, Chris Freusto, called me two days ago and said that ahe and her husband were very upset at a survey being conducted by the William Lyon Co. According to hr. r, a Lyon representative asked her whether they were in favor of 900 sq. ft. houses or were they against elderly couples, young couples and first time home buyers. In short, "when did you stop beating your wife"? Chris called our household because my wife De6oreh is President of the Victoria Advisory Committee. I em a board member and Parliamentarian in the group. I hope the Council will check into the perticu lace of any such survey if it is used es "evidence" for or against any issue coming before you. Sincerely, ~ ;') Wayne Curtis Brown p~y~~~-,.~ h\iM~4]e.^C ~'~~ We~.S - ~- e~w~ ~~ ~(°~~bo1 C'C ~\~_ ~Q~:~ ,,W,,s~,., ~,,:,o `vim - -~~~el\ ~~..~ e~,e~~a ~~5 ~~~ ~~ ~:,~vev '.s tip.-~ ~~ :vim ~e\v~ -'~~o~~e~ - Wes', ~ ~^s-~\a.\~ ~~ ~'cs~ ~\~ ~~o~h\oc c~,._~ o~ `'~ Q~ ~ \ e ~e \ ~\n¢.-\,( c ~~ ~ Y~G~ C,~ ~~v G'.K C~Cr~a'~ o'c ~ V \~ICE V\CV~~~~v+c~fS , (-11445°~`~-'a~ 3Co Q> ho\ti~rna Y~-ACS ,vim ~\~a Z` ~..~.~, p~cc\c~ o~`-~\1:. ~c.<'..~ wP ~~`CC`v~\y b~p\ c~ <o c._ \o_w c~\\ow•~`~e..-s-~ ~o `car- ~.i~h E hc;c v~`c,_\~ •\.v\ve d:'\oCS ~- v\oh o.,~..>..~ e<_C~~o-.cy `C-"~.~~\ Cl'.'\nM1~CS \R~E o,R~ ~y ~o \o,<~~ :.,_ Fpr'.<~< ci?'\Sf o.w~rs~~.(~. ~~:3 `i\o,`Nh4,a Cc `tr`lYW a~ ~ ~. \\S ~ ',C@r ~\o: `1~Y'(o \C ~ • ~"~ ~~ \ 'moo ~rc\w. ~ ~. ~o.f..< c...,_ a -~~ ~.cn\ , W e `\w.~ 'R, ~~a~ , r ~V.~.ti ~_v..,.rv...,..'.~..\~o.r .~'.~e o.~.:\...\a. , v.'x ~rc^.cSl~ o~J\~Q C~ '~ S.4>>\-o..~c~~J~ V~.~~~~ ...~ .'t ~ei~o.,_~S GCC.vp ~r\c~\~ovv~'-~ ~~ Lc. \V'cr~\-F~ U.:•.~~h (Y'~c~4l~Sl.~v~.S \C+~,c+~-.~` 'C?rc~~~> .\ ~~~ . \l 5,.~~VY~~ t~V~ _} \ ~~<+N VIII-Y~ O'/e `~~. L~`W ~C` V.x .~i. ~wG n~~:c,hS . August 21, 1985 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA G ITY CUUNC IL MINUTES BCZ.nla.[ Nee[iv¢ 1 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of [he City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Califor- nia, met in the Lione Perk Coammnify Center, 9161 Hase Line Road, on Nednesd ay, August 21, 1985. The meeting vas called to order at 7:30 p. m. by Mayor Jan 0. Hikel e. PreeenC were Counc it memb er s: Pamela J. Nr fight, Charles J. Suq uet II, Richard H. Dahl, JeFfxey Ring, and Hay or Jon D. Nikel e. Approval of Minute e: MOTION: Moved Sy Ring, seconded by Buq uet to approve [he minutes of June 27, 1985. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. t t f • + ~ 2A. Th ur ad ay, Augu et 22, 1985, 7:30 p. m. - ADVISORY CONMISH ION, Lions Park Com- munity Center. 2B. Nedneaday, August 28, 1985, 7:00 p. m. - PLANNING COMMTSS ION, Lione Park Community Center. 2C. Vacancy an the Hietor is Preservation Commisai on. Appl is atione are being accepted through September 11, 1985. Contact the Ci[y Clerk's office for more information. • ~ t t ~ w 3A. Approval of Narrenta, Register No'e. 85-08-21 and Payroll ending 8/3/85 Eor Che total amount of $1,107,006.55. 38. Forward Claim (CL BS-22) agaiaet [he City by Samuel Vigr ass, auto ecc id ant, (1) July 12, 1985 at Nell men Avenue, 179 feet south of Devon Street. (0704-06 GL AIM) 30. Forward Claim (CL 85-23) ag sins[ the City by M[hony J. Sol eno, Jr., death, (-) June 6, 1985 on Comet Street, between Ninth Scree[ and Arrow Highway. (0704-06 CLAIM) 3D. Approval of Parcel Mep 7944, located on the northveet corner of ease Line (3) and Ea et Avenue, submitted by I-15 Properties. (1002-09 PARCEL MAP) RESOLUTION N0. 85-244 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CAL IPORN IA, APPRGV INC PARCEL MAP 7944 (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 7944) 3E. Approval of Parcel Map 9302, located on [he northveet Corner of 6th Street (4) and Center Avenue, submitted by Neet era Sye tame Financial Corporation. (1002-09 PARCEL MAP) RESOLUTION N0. 85-245 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RAMC NO CUCAHONC A, CALIFORNIA, APPROV INC PARCEL MAP NUMBER 9302 (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 9302/ City Council Minutes August 21, 1985 Page 2 (>) 3F. Approval to release Guarantee of Pay meat Agreements (Dick Scott, Inc., 83-292716; Joee ph Nicosia, 82-000000; Roberts Group, 83-107362) and release of Guarantee of Payment and Lien Agreements (Dominic Selvati, 83-011897; Aaden Croup, 82-250050; Alta Loma North, 82-250049). (0602-01 AG REEIHlT GUAR PAY) (6) 7G. Approval to release Rs el Property Improvement Contract and Lie r, Agreements no longer required for [he conetruc Lion of median iel and e. (Crescent Business Center, 83-029525; Leeney Dev el oilmen[ Company, 81-237644; Owen Loftus, 81-200164; Sycamore Ivvest manta, 84-067114; Barcl ay a/Terra, 84-084121; Charles Ii. qof geard en, 82-090508; A. ft. Reiter, 81-266249.) (0602-01 PG REENNT INPROV/LIEN) RESOLUTION NO. 85-246 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONC A, CAL IPORN IA, REL EAS IRO REA1. PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND ~ LIEN AGREEMENTS (7) 3N. Approval of Change Order No. 1 for Engineering Deeigv Servic ea on Archibald Avenue Rec one[ roc ti on, Lemon Avenue to Banyan Street, Master Plan of Storm Drain Line 4-B. (CO 85-002). (0602-01 CONTRACT) (8) 3I. Approval [o adverb ae for bide fox the Utica Street Storm Drain from Fourth Street [o Sixth Street The project is a <h ange order to Assessment Dis tr i<[ No. 82-1. (0601-01 BID) RESOLUTION N0. 85-247 A RESOLUTION OF TAE CLTY COUNCIL OF TflE CITY OF RANCHO CDCAMONGA, CAL LFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE ASS ES SHENT DISTRICT 82-1, UTICA STREET STORM DRALN, IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CL ERR TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS (9) 3J. Approval of Temporary Entry Permit from Southern Cal if ornie Edison Company for Base Line Road Reconstruction Pr of ec [. (0602-01 AG REEMNT PERMIT) (10) 3X. Approval of additional food ing, $26,000, to allow for payment of construc- tion tooting enc ice and repairs in eseociativn with the Cooperative Agreement with Citation Builders (CO 84-089) for Tracts 12530 and 12238. (0602-01 CON- TRACT) (11) 3L. Ap pr wal [o declare the two NBI System 8 ICU's, S/N 881798 end S/N 881260, ae eurpl ue equipment. (0604-02 SURPLUS SALES) (12) 3N. Approval of a Re col ution to establish [he Spending Limitations for Fiscal Peer 1985-86. (0401-21 APPROPRIATIOH) RESOLUTION N0. 85-248 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONC A, CAL IFORNIA~ ESTABLISHING AN APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT PURSUANT TO AR- TICLE XIIIB OF THE CAL IFORM IA STATE CONSTITUTION (I3) JN. Approval of Rei mbur semen[ Agreement with Lewis Homes for construction of bridges over Deer Creek at Base Line Road and Church Street and for s portion of traffic signal installation at Haven Avenue and Base Line Road for en amount not to exceed $272,111.05 to be Eunded from Sy stems Development Fund. (0602-01 AG REENNT REIIIDURS E) (LG) 30. Approval of Professional Sexviees Agreement with Dg5 Meoc istee (CO 85-84) Eor a traffic stody and preliunary design eerviee• for several rjor int ersec[ione throughout the Cit7 and for ssd ion isl suds on Foothill 8oaleverd Erom Vest City Liut to wrt City Lisdt and o0 Seven Avenne from Arran Qoatt to 19th Street. This work is to be financed Eros 1985-8A foods for Cityvide traf- fic atndiee sod from Syster Development sod eeau[if fcstioo foods. Items rr coved for diecuaeioo. (0602-01 CONTRACT) Citv Council Minutes August 21, 1985 Page 3 3P, Approval to eappvrt the need for devel op~evt of s full service acute (15) psyehiatric hospital avd other supporting faeil itiee. Items reaoved Eor discvr lion. (0203-OS NOS PITAL) RER OLUTION N0. RS-249 A RESOLUTION 0£ THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIfE CITY OF RANCHO CO CAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING THE NEED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A FULL SERVICE YS YCRIATRIC HOSPITAL AND OTRER SUPPORTING FACILITIES 3Q. Apprw al of Hietoxic Preservation Commission recommendation for City His- (16) t or is Landmark designation to be plated on the China Tovn House, located at 9591 San Bernardino Roed. (1402-C6 HISTORY) RES OLOTION N0. 85-250 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNC LL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOGN IZ INC THE CHINA TONN HOUSE AS A SIC NIF ICANT HISTORIC FEATURE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CU CAMONGA AND THEREFORE DESIGNATING IT AS A CITY HISTORIC LANDNARR 3R. Se[ publ is hearivg £or September 4, 1985, Eor appeal of Planning Commi seion (17) Decision on Conditional Uee Permit 78-03, Hoare Head. (0701-06 APPEAL) 35. Set public hearicg £or September 4, 1985, for appeal of Planning Commission (18) Decision on Conditional Uee Permit 83-11, Date Design. (0701-06 APPEAL) MOTION: Moved 6y Wright, seconded 6y Buque[ to approve the balance of [he Con- sent Calendar, minus items 30 and 3P. Motion carried unanimously 3-0. +++~• Discussion of item 30: Approval of Pr oEessional Services Agreement with DK$ Associates (CO 85-84) fox a Craff is study and preliminary desigv services for several major intereet[ione throughout the City and for median iel ands on Foot- hill Boulev and Erom Wea[ Ci [y Limit tv Ea et City Limit and on Haven Avenue from Arrow Route to 19th Street. This work ie to be financed from 1985-86 funds for Citywide traffic studies end from Systems Development and Beautification fund e. Councilman Dahl asked if ae would be getting any funding or aid from Cal trans for Cfie study. Mr. Hubbe responded no; ve will have to cow iota Coltrane of the median iel and concept since Chey have a resistance to median iel and on State highways. MOTION: Muved 6y Dehl, seconded by Wright to epprwe item 30. Notion carried unanimously 5-0. is+~+ Discussion of item 3P. Ap prwel to support the need for development of a full service acute paychiatr is hosp i[el and other supporting facil i[ie e. Council may Ring et aced that he qua etioned the need end [he location Eor [his development. Mr. Weseer men stated th ie Nes a policy issue, end Bugg sated that Council may wish to qualify this ae a full-term acute care facility. John Cezta-Falee, Con[enintel Care Vice Pr eaiden[, of e[ed the Resolution only reflects that there is s need ai[h in the area. Jack Corrigan, Daon Corporation, stated [he fat it icy ie proposed in the Rancho Cucamonga Business Perk. Questions as to where [he building is go- ing eh ould be done when it ie bef ore the Plenn ing Commission. After much discusei on, the foll wing motion sae made City Council Minutes August 21, 1985 Page 4 MOTION: Moved by Wright, aec and ed by Buq uet to delete the ward, "acute", from the Resolution, and appr we the amended Resolution No. 85-249. Hotion carried by the foil ov ing vote: AYES: Wright, Buq ue[, Mikels NOES: Dahl, Ring * * * * * * (19) 4A. ENVIRONMENT i pc E cMENT T RRA VICTA DEV OPM NT P N pM NDM NT 85-0 Lflilfi - An amendment to the Development P1 en for the Terra Vista Planned Commu- nity [o change the land use designa[ione in the southeast quadrant to include a hospital and mixed commercial, office and residential uae s. Item continued f zom August 1, 1985 meeting. (0203-05 PLANNED COMRIN ITY) 1 Mayor Mikela opened the meeting for public hearivg. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. City Clerk Au[hele[ read the title of Ordinance 270. ORDINANCE N0. 270 (aetond reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CU CAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING TERRA VISTA DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT 85-03, READ ES TING A CHANCE TO THE LAND USE PLAN AND TIXT FOR THE SOUTHEAST QUADRANT OF TERRA VISTA, INCLUDING A HOSPITAL AND NIXED COPDIERCIAL, OFFICE AND RES IDENTLAL USES, LOCATED ON THE NORTR SIDE OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, NEST OF ROCHESTER AY ENU E, EAST SIDE OF MILL IREN AVENUE MOTION: Moved by Huq ue[, seconded by Dahl to waive full reading of Ordinance No. 270. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. MOTION: Moved by Buq ue[, seconded by Dahl to apptwe Ordinance No. 270. Mo- tion carried unanimously 5-0. * * * * * * (20) 4H. OPDAT~ ON PP Wit. OF T P SAC .NT PROP .RTY OWN .RS ON THOR0I.HB Fn cTR. T OF THE PLANNING COlQ7ISSION'S DECISION APPROV INC TENTATIVE TRACT 10349 - PLAZA BO ILDERS - A total res identiel development on 33.2 net acres of land iv the Very Lox Reaidentiel District (1-2 du/ec), located was[ of Sapphire Street, south of Jennet Street - APN 1042-121-3, 1062-1fi 1-1 and 1062-001-3. Item con- tinued from Auguat 7, 1985 meeting. Staff report by Dan Coleman, Senior Plan- ner. (0701-06 APPEAL) Mayor Mikela opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing Council were: Hob Sherwood. Ilpl and teal for and owner of the pr oper [y, eugge sled that the Thoroughbred people form a partnership and develop the property themselves. There being no further public response, Mey or Mikela cl Deed the pu6l is hearing. James Markman, City Attorney, elated [het because the caner hoe not withdrawn the application for approval of the tract map, sad bet eu ee we are now out of time, it is intumbe nt upon [he Council to deny the project. MOTION: Moved 6y Dahl, seconded by Nright to deny Te nt alive Tract 10349 with- out prejudice. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. * * * * * * (21) 4C. ENVIRONMENT t. Rc .c cM .NT ND D V .OPM ~NT .OD~ M NDM .NT AS-n9 - ITY OF RAMC NO CUCAMONCA - Amending Section 17.04.0 SOD concerning off-site parking lots City Council Minutes August 21, 1985 Page 5 to include additional language [o clarify public safety issue e. Staff report by Dan Coleman, Senior pt sonar. (0203-05 DEV EL OPNENT CODE) Nay ar Nikele opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing Council were: J ernes Barton expressed that Council should add chat the perking sites should be under joint ownership. Dan Coleman stated this was discussed by the Planning Commission. Staff did not have anything against Chia suggestion. Hr. King offered the following wording: (words in bold are added language) "Off-Site Parkins: The City Planner may authorize a maximum twenty-five (25) percent of the required perking for a use to be located on a contiguous site, not mare than 300 feet from the building entrance on [he eife for the use for which such parkiag will serve the use equally as effectively and conveniently ee prw id ing such parking on the se me site sa the use for which it is re- quired. The City Planner shall require an agreeacat to assure utility, availa- bility, and maintenance of joint use off-site parking facilities." Council concurred with the suggestion. City Clerk Auth slat read the title of Ordinance No. 271 as amended. ORDINANCE N0. 271 (first reeding) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CU CAMONG A, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 85-02, AMENDING TITLE 17, SECTION 17.04.0 SOD OF THE MONK IYAL CODE, IN RELATION TO OFF-SITE PARR ING Mayor Mikela set aetond re ad iag for September 4, 1985. ••x~x Mayor Mikela called a recess a[ 8:30 p. m. The meeting reconvened a[ 8:55 p. m. with all memo era of Council pre sent. fav.,r+ • ~ ~ + + 4D. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT RS-02 - (22) CITY OP RAMC HO WCAHONGA - Amending Section E., Parking end Loading Require- meate (page III-26) [o include deE fined interior building areas that can be deducted from the overall barking requirements; Section E.3, Pazk ing Specee Re- quired (page III-29) to include a perking ratio for research end development uses; end Ta61e III-2, Land Use Def initione for research and development uses end ide¢t if is at ion of the applicable subareas (Table III-1). Staff report by Uan Coleman, Senior Planner. (0203-05 INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN) Mayor Mikela opened the meeting for public hearing. Addr easing Council woe: J ernes Barton, Economic Development Director of the Chamber, elated [hey were in favor of the change. There being no further public re apnoea, Mayor Nikele cl need the public hearing. Ci [y Clerk Auth el et read the title of Ordinance No. 272. ORDINANCE N0. 272 (Eire[ reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONG A, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 85 -02, AMENDING THE INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN REGARDING PARK- ING STANDARDS FOR RES EARCR AND DEVELOPMENT, AND DELINEATING INTE- RIOR BUILDING AREAS THAT CAN BE DEDUCTED FROM PARR ING REQUIRE- MENTS City Council Minutes August 21, 1985 Page 6 MOTION: Moved by Oahl, seconded by Ring [o waive full reading of Ordinance No. 272. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Mayor Mik els set second reeding for September 4, 1985. x • w ~ (''?3) 4E. 1984/85 COMMIIN lTY DEVELOPMENT eL OCR ANT PR AM ANT P FO NC R - POAT - Review of [he 1984/85 Grantee Performance Report for aub mittal to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Staff report by Otto Kroutil, Senior Planner. (0203-04 -CDC B) Mayor Mikela opened [he meeting for public hearing. There being no reaponse, the public hearing was closed. MOTION: Moved by euquet, seconded by Dahl !o approve Resolution No. 85-251. 1 Motion carried unanimously 5-0. RESOLUTION N0. 85-251 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COD NC IL OF THE CLTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE 1984-85 COMHUN ITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROD RAH GRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPORTS AND AUTRORI2 INC THE MAYOR TO SIGN SAME ~ t t ~ ~ (Iter 4F, 4G, and 49 were handled together se ooe itev (24) 4F. ORDERING THE WOIO: IN CONNECTION WITH NNIXATION N0. 25 FOR TRACT 12 32 12077 AND 12077-2 TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DICTRIGT NO 1. (0401-03 LANDSCAPE MAINT DIS T) RES OLDTION N0. 65-252 A RES OLCTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CU CAMONC A, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE NORR IN CONNECTION WITR ANN ERATION N0. 25 TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 AND ACCEPTING THE FI- NAL ENGINEER"S REPORT FOR TRACT NOS. 12532, 12077 AND 12077-2 (25) 4G. ORDERINr THE NOR_R IN CONNECTION WITH .LNNIXATION NO 12 FOR TRACT 1 592 1jU77 Nn 12077- TO cTA T I•NTI HINT N N DI TRICT NO 1. (0401-03 ST LIGHT MAINT DIS T) RESOLDTION N0. 85-253 A RESOLUTION OF TAE CITY COUNf.IL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONG A, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE WORK IN CONNECTION KITH ANNIXAT ION N0. 12 TO STREET LIG NTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 AND ACCEPTING THE FINAL ENC IN EER'S REPORT POR TRACT NOB. 12532, 12077 AND 12077-2 (26) 4H. ORDERING THE NORR IN CONNECTION NITN ANNEKATION N0. 10 FOR T A Tc 1259 TO STREET LIGHTING HAL'iTENANGE DISTRICT N0. 2. (0401-03 ST LIC HT MAINT OIS T) RES OLDTION N0, 85-254 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONC A, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE WORR IN CONNECTION NITN ANN IXATION N0. 10 TO BTREET LIC HTINC MAINTENANCE DIS TRLCT N0. 2 AND ACCEPTING THE FINAL ENC IN EER"S REPORT FOR TMCT NOS. 12532 Staff report presented by Lauren Naeaerman, Ci[y Meneger. Mayor Mikels opened the meeting Eor public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. City Council Minutes August 21, 1985 Page 7 NOTION; Moved by Buq ue t, sec onded 6y King to approve Resolution Nos. °5-252, 85-253, and 85-254. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. • ~ + • • + No items submitted • c ~ s + 6A. ONC ID RATION OF PO B~- ONTAO~ ON ~TI ~~ FAMl .Y DEV .OPN ~NT - Review (27) of various alternatives available to control the pace, volume and quality of multiple family developments in the Ci[y. Staff report by Otto Ar outil, Senior Planner. (0203-05 DEVELOP CODE) Mayor Mikele opened the meeting for public ivput. Addressing Council were: Herb Go¢ez ex pr eased Chet he felt [he cost of homes in Terra Vista vas quite high considering [he amount of land the[ you would be getting. He would like to see more Land with the homes. Mayne Brown, Victoria resident, ax pressed support for increasing the total square footage of single family homes [0 1200 eq uare feet. He st aced chat they sere having pr otlema with CC4R viol atione aithin Victoria. He felt that by increasing the size of the house, and hopefully [he price of Che house, would help resolve some of the problems. Doug Heideman, Victoria resident, ex pr eased concern about pt obleme such as dealing of drugs, number of viol atione of City Codes and CC6 Re, Cract or trailers and semi trailers in dr iveway a, care which are not opereb le in the dr iv away e, life-threatening situations all in the Park development where the homes are small. None of these th inge have happened in the Country or the Gardena. Ne felt the[ if there are to be small homes, [hen he suggested [ha[ the CCg Re be enf or<ed. Norace Phy, Victoria resident, expressed that if [he square Eoo[age of the house were increased, it would go a long way in improving end maintaining property values end deterring the factors which are occur ing in the V ict otie eommuni Cy. Ray Matlock, Lewis Bo me e, expressed that apartments were needed in the com- ovnity. Cecelia %anders, Victoria resident, expressed concern eb out the conditions in Victoria. Debbie Brwn, Victoria reeid ant, stated they were hoping that the size would be increased, the price would go up, and the quality would increase. If the people have n higher stake iv the property, then they will take bet- ter care of i[. They were eak ing Council for higher stand ezde. Jack Corrigan, Daon Corporation, suggested that [he people contact the ti- tle company and find out who the lender is end nat ify them. Sometimes you can gee enforcement from the lender. Ralph Lew ie urged Council not to make standards so high the[ people can't live in the City. Mr. Heideman stated that the CC6 Re needed to be enforced, and felt that the 1200 aq uare foot eh ould be enforced for single family. City Council Minutes August 21, 1985 Page 8 James Frost, Et iwanda resident, expressed that when the General Plan was set up, it vas hoped that the system would float to its own level. Tb ey recognized chat multi-family would have an increase in the market over a short period of time, but also ecknw ledg ed that it would peak out. The Specific Plena would limit the number of dwell ing e. Lan Bentsen, Lan 8e n[een Interest, developers of [he Glen Naven Project at Lemon end Hev en, stated that lees [hen one out of Five new housing units aver the peat eev en years have been multi-family; the national average is cl Doer to 40 percent. He encouraged Council not to over react to a short-term fluxuation in numbers and restrict themselves in the ability to meet Che market demand e. Jack Sylvester eta tad Chet industrial developers vent [he labor support in the area before Chey will build in an area. He encouraged Council no[ [o stifle what took eo many years to develop. 1 8tevev Ford, William Lyon Co., eta tad that they were concerned about the long-term quality of life in Victoria. They do not feel that addressing minimum size dwelling units addressee the issue, but that the City"e Gener- al Plan pr ov idea for a cross section of affordable housing. The beat way far quality control is through the Ci[y'a ex lacing review and approval pro- <eea. Jim Barton expressed that you ere dealing with economic grow [h and how [o handle it. He felt that you cannot leg iel ate "class". What controls what happens in an area ie market [rend e. In Rancho Cucamonga we have actively pursued a higher quality of life pose ible in every proj e<t. Markets con- trol the number of apartments and the absorption. Right now apartments are the trend. Size of a home does not leg islets quality of life. John Manner ino felt Council should maintain the a[atue quo. Jeff Sceranka urged Council not to abandon the General Plan. There being no further public response, Mayor Mikele closed the public hearing. •~<++ Mey or Mikels celled a recess at 10:55 p. m. The meeting rec Duetted at 11:10 p. m. with all members of [he Council present. +a••~ Councilman Ring Eelt we were in a market stage in the multi-family development, and responded to the ie sue¢ es fol lore: e. Multi-family construction bonds: he had no problems in helping e developer get Eioancing in order that we might have quality developments in the affordable range. b. Controls o^ the rate of gr owtb/growth management: not sure we coo make the necessary findings to bring that type of alternative to fruition. c. Controls on development through upgraded design: he did not see there was a great flood o£ the smaller unite into the market and [he beet way of addressing the concerns expressed by the Vittoria residence ie through unit eiz e. d. Reduction o£ density: did not Eeel it vas appropriate. Councilman Dahl stated: a. Multi-Family construction bands: he would like to see Council take a look at proj seta and make sure on the multi-family bonding the[ we be very eel active in the future. He would like to see the multi-family complexes stopped fur awhile and not induce any more multi-family bond e. Now ever, City Council Minutes August 21, 1985 Page 9 when it comes to the mortgage revenue bonds and the senior bonds, he felt ~e should do everything pos Bible [o induce these. b. Controls on the rate of gr wth/grwth managemene: did noc feel [here was any way this could be done in a feasible way. c. Controls on development through upgraded design: minimum size should be addressed. He felt th ie should be referred to [he Planning Commie si on for a recommendation and bring back to the Council. lie would like to see all apart manta in Che City construe tad to condominium spec it ica[ions. d. Reduction in density. felt :hie should be done on a Bite-by-site ba- sis. There should no[ be a reduction unless ve see an impaction. Our Gen- eral Plan add reaees the higher density unite pretty vel 1. Re suggested [hat ve look at the standards of development, and raise the standards for apartments. Ne felt that min inwm sizes do equate to better quality. Counc ilvoman Nright stated ae follws: a. Nul [i-family cone [ruction bonds: she vas for the elimination of Che incentives for multi-family bonds, but euppot tad bond financing for senior citizens. b. Controls on the rate of gr wth/gr wth management: felt this vas clear sivice the City Attorney advised against [hie. c. Con [role ov Bevel opmant through upgraded design: single family minimum unit size -vas in favor of sett ivg a minimum at 1100 square fee[. Open space requirement - felt Chia vas stringent enough. Building set backs - one story units along street frontage should be a pare of our require- ments. Apart manta should conform to condominium standard s. Parking re- quirements - felt th et we should be requiring covered parking in all area e. d. Reduction in density: felt the planned communit iea could not change 6 eceuse of the developer agreements, but there are other areas of high den- sity vhi<h she felt should be reduced ate ordi¢g [o the recommendati one by [he Advisory Commission. Councilman Buq uet stated that he Eelt that Council should not become reactionary. Expectations should be real ie[ic, but Ne have to deal with the b ae ica with a logical, common sense to planning. Ne have developed the General Plan, end it is important th et ve follw through on a good, common sense plan with a log is el approach for a balanced community for future years. Recommenda- tions have been made, but he felt Council should move on. Ne Eelt that Council does have a handle on the situation. Mey or Mikels e[at ed that he did not feel re needed any mod if icatione to the land use element of [be General Plan at Chia po i¢t. Problems may trop up, but we can look at Chem at that time. Ne have the highest development standards of any city in the County of San Berverd ino and have a great Crwth Manage menC Plan. Hie position on multi-Eemily bond financing has been clear. NOTION: Nov ed by King, seconded by Buq uet that Counc it take no action and move f orvard on other basins ae. Notion carried es foil we: AYES: Buq uet, Mikela, King NOES: Wright, Dahl x x x x x x 7A. DEB IG NATION OF VOTING DELEGATE FOR LEAGUE A_NNDA!• CONF 6RENCE. (0100-00 AD- (28) M IN IB TRATION) City Council MinuC es Augue[ 21, 1985 Page 10 ACTION: Council appointed Council man Buq ue[ ae delegate and Coune it man Ring as alternate. • ~ ~ MOTION: Moved by Mikele, seconded by King Co adjourn the meeting tv a Closed Session to diet use pot e¢ti al litigatio¢. Notion carried una¢imouely 5-O. The meeting adjourned at 11:45 p. m. Res"]p~ec(t~f(~ul/yJl~,y submitted, Beverly A.~ Au~le t~ City Clerk Ap proved: Sep[eaiber 18, 1985