HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985/05/01 - Agenda PacketG~CA14p f,~ ~~ CITY OF ~ RANC}p CUG1titONC',A `~ CITY COLJ;VCIL o o J ~ ~ lf1~T1.1 V 1.!] 1977 Li one Park Community Center 9161 Baee Line Road Raocho Cucamonga, Calikornia May 1, 1985 - 7.30 0 All iteaa ambaitted for the CitT Comcil Agenda aunt be in writing. The deadline for auhwittimg these ite~a ie 5:00 p.a. on the Wednesday prior Co [he aeetiug. The CitT Cletk'a Offiee receives all each iteaa. 1. CALL TO OiI18Q A. Pledge of Allegiance to Flag. B. Roli Call: Wright _, Buquet , Mikels _ Dahl _, and Ring C. Approval of Minuf es: April 10, 1985 Apr tl 17, 1985 2. ASIIOUIICBM®FTS/PY63BATATIOl13 A. Thursday, May 2, 1985, 7:00 p,m. - HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMIS SIGN, Lions Park Community Center. B. Wednesday, May 8, 1985, 7:00 p,m, - PLANNING COMHIS SION, Lions Park Community Center. C. Friday, Mey 17, 1985, 7:00 p.m. - PUBLIC REARING FOR PARR b RECREATION DISTRICT, Alta Lome Sigh School Auditor tam. D. Preeen[a[ion of Service Awards: Judy Acosta Pem Renry Berbera Rr ell Chris Benoit E, Presentation of awards [o Winne ra of the 1985 Sprtng Clean Sweep Poster Contest. F. Proc lema[i on of May 4-14, 1985 ae Spring Clean Sweep Week in Rancho Cucamonga. City Council Agenda -2- May !, 1985 3. COIf9®T CAIJgDAR The follwing Caosen[ Calendu item arc ezpec[ed to be rout ine and noo-controveraiel, They mill be acted upon by the Council st one tiaa! ~ithou[ disennion. A, Approval of Warrants, Register No's. 85-OS-01 and 1 Payroll ending 4/14/85 for she total amount of S590 ,362.87. B, Alcoholic Beverage Application No. AB 85-07 for as Sele > Beer S Wine Eating Place License, Char lea C, Cisneros, 9608 Base Line Road, C, Approval of Parcel Map 8617, Bonds and Agreement, 7 located on the east side of Milliken Avenue, nor [h of Highland Avenue, submitted by Marlborough Development. RESOLllTION N0. 85-125 1~ A RESOLUTION OP TUE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONCA, CALIPORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL NAY 8617, IMPROVEMENT AGREPlD:NT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY D, Approval of Tr ac[ No. 12588, Sonde and Agreement, t6 . located on the southwest corner of Nermoea Avenue and Rillside Road, submitted by Pacific Omn ive et. RESOLUTION N0, 85-126 29 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, INPAOVEMENT SECURITY AND FINAL NAP OF TRACT N0. 12588 E. Release of Bonds: J0 8799 Hidden Farm Road - Owner, John F. Crane. Release: Faithful Performance Bond $2,600.00 RESOLUTION N0. 85-1 Z7 3-' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POR 8799 HIDDEN FARM ROAD AND AUTlIORIZ lNG THE PILING OP A NOTICE OP COMPLETION POR TFIE WORK City Couoeil Agenda -3- May 1, 1985 • P. Approval of a Cooperative Agreemenc between the Cify of Rancho Cucamonga, [he City of Ontario and [he Atchie an, Topeka 6 Santa Pe Bailway Company for the Proportionate Share of Costa For the Design of Roadway Impr wementa, Railroad Crossing Improvements end Traffic Signals at Crwe Avenue and Eighth Street. RESOLUTION N0. 85-128 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY CODNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A COOPEMTIVE AGREEMENT HETWE@1 THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, THE CITY OF ONTARIO AND THE ATCRISON, TOPEKA A SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY POR DESIGN OF R0.IDWAY IMPROVEMENTS, RAILROAD CROSSING IMPROVEMENTS AND TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT CROVE AVENUE AND EICHTII STREET Approval of Professional Services Agreement with L. A. Wainscot t, Inc. For [he Design of Signals end Street Impr wemente at 8ih Street end Grove Avenue for [he amount of $12,000.00. RESOL'JT ION N0. 85-129 • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCftO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT NITft L.A. WA IN SCOTT, INC. POR T[iE DESIGN OF SIGNALS AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS AT 8TN STREET AND GROVE AVENUE ft, Approval of additional advan to deposit for City's share of Che expense of [he prepara[i on of Plane and Specifications, Constraction Engineering and Construction Coefa in accordance with Cooperative Agreement with Caltrana for traffic ei goals at 19th and Archibald Avenue for $28,000.00. I, Approval of design contract with Ae eoci ated Engineers Co prepare plane, ape citicatione and eettma[es for the Reconstruction of Arrw Route end Ninth Street from Archibald Avenue to Vineyard Avenue. Amount not to exceed $22,810.00 plus lOT can[ingency. 33 39 40 55 56 60 ii` ~ -/4" r ,ly City Council Agenda -4- May 1, 1985 • J. Approval of a joint agreement be [wean the City of 81 Banc Cucamonga and [he Cucamonga County Water Dietri for the combined co traction of Archibald Avenue T k Sewer and the Ar ibald Avenue Overlay (PAU). joint project ie ea[ aced [o result in a ~ , aev inge of a ut $200,000.00 for sac agency by sharing the coat of pa ant remora] and repla menc in those areas where the pipeline will be constructed. &. Approval of plena and epecif ica ti one for the 9O redevelopment of the Beryl and Li one Park play areas and authorize the Community Services Department co advertise [he projec to for construction bide. L. Approval to close Trust account(s) in [he amount of 91 593,303.25 and transfer balance [o the Capi cal Reserve Fund for use in future prof act (e) ae needed. M. Approval of partici pe [ion in [he Local Agency 92 Investment Fund, RESOLUTION N0. 85-130 93 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TAE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIEINC • INVESTMENT OP IDLE MONIES IN LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND N. Approval to establish eta cute of limitations applicable 96 to judicial rev caw of quasi-judicial de ciei ons concerning personnel appeals and zone changes. RESOLUTION N0, 85-131 96 A RESOLUTION OF TBE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, MAKING THE PROVISIONS OP CALIFORNIA CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE SECTION 1094.6 APPLICABLE TO THE JUDICIAL REVIBN OP CERTAIN DECISIONS OP THIS COUNCIL AND C014fISSI0N3 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 0. Approval of revisi oa of annual General Plan Amendment 99 heating dates. RESOLUTION N0, 85-132 101 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIPORNIA, REVISING THE ANNOAL GENERAL PLAN Al~NDMENT HEAR INIG DATES City Council Agenda -5- Hay 1, 1985 • P. Set public hearing for Nay 15, 1985, far Env ironmentel Assessment and Development Districts Amendment 85-04, Ovens Q. Set public hearing foz June 5, 1985, for intent to 103 Mnex Tract Nos. 11893, 12801-1 and 10035 as Mnexa tion No. 23 to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1. RESOLUTION N0. 85-133 109 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COONCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CDCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR ANNERATION N0. 23 TO LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 85-134 ll0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITT COONCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, -ECLARING ITR IN TENTLON TO ORDER THE ANNERATION TO LANDSCAPE MAINTPliANCE DISTRICT N0. 1, AN ABSES SMENT DISTRICT: DESIGNATING 9AID ANNERATION AS ANNE7tATI0N N0. 23 TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1: PORSOANT TO THE • LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 AND OFFERING A TIME AND PLACE POR REARING OBJECTIONS TRERETO R. Ret public hearing far June 5, 1985, far in[e¢[ [0 115 Mnex Tract Nos. 11893, 12801-1, 10035 and 12590 [h rough 6 ae Mnexa [i o¢ No. 10 to Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 end Tract Noe. 11893, 12801-1 and 10075 ae M¢eaa tion No. 8 [o Street Lighting Maintenance Di etrice No. 2. RESOLUTION N0. 85-135 124 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO COCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, OP PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OP CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR ANNERATION N0. 10 TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 Ci[y Council Agenda -6- Hay 1, 1985 • RESOLUTION N0. 85-136 125 A EESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY Op RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE ANNEXATION TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTEIANCE DISTRICT NO. 1, AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: DESIGNATING SAID ANNEXATION AS ANNEXATION N0. 10 TO STREET LIGATINC MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1; PURSOANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 AND OFFERING A TIME AND PLACE POR HEARING OBJECTIONS TRERSTO RESOLUTION N0. 85-137 lJi A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP TAE CITY OP RANCRO COCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OP CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR ANNEXATION N0, 8 TO STREET L IGBTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 2 RESOLUTION N0. 85-138 136 A RESOLUTION OF TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING • ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE ANNERATION TO STREET LIGATINC MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 2, AN AE SESSMENT DISTRICT: DESIGNATING SAID ANNEXATION AS ANNEXATION N0, 8 TO STREET LIGATINC PAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 2; PURSOANT TO TIIE iANDSCAPING AND LIGATINC ACT OF 1972 AND OFFERING A TIME AND PLACE POR REARING OEJECTIONS THERETO 4. ADYRRTIS® PO61IC AEARIIGS A, ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 14l 85=01 - An amendment to Che Rantho Cucamonga Oev elopment Code, Title 17 of the Munici pel Code, regarding Mae[er Plane. ORDINANCE N0. 259 (eecond reading) 14l AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ANRNDINC TITLE 17, SECTION 17.20.030 OP TIIE MONICIPAL CODE, REGARDING MASTER PLAN REQUIREMENTS City Council Agenda -7- Nay 1, 1985 B. APPEAL OP PLANNING COt41I SSION DECISION - ENVIRONMENTAL 144 ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 10349 - ANACAL - A total residential development of 53 eivgle family lots on 33.2 net acres of land in the Very Lw Residential District (1-2 du /ac), located vest of Sapphire Street, south of Jenne[ Street - APN 1043-121-3, 1062-161-1 and 1062-011-3. C. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TERRA VISTA DEYELOPHENT 218 PLAN AMENDMENT ES-03 - A request to change the land use de aignati on from Mixed Ose -Office, Commercial, end Reaidenti al - to floapi tal and aseoeieted uses for approximately 31 acres of land located on [he east aide of Milliken Avenue, be tveen Foo[hrll Boulevard and Church Street - APN - A portion of 227-151-13 and 14. ORDINANCE N0. 261 (first reeding) 320 AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIYY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REDES IGNATING ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 227-151-13 AND 14 WITHIN TBE TERRA VISTA PLANNED COMMUNITY LOCATHD ON THE EAST SIDE OP HILLIREN AVENUE, BETNEEN POOTRILL BOULEVAR- AND CHURCH STREET FROM HIRED USE - OFFICE, • CO[4~RCIAL, AND RESIDENTIAL TO HOSPITAL AND RELATED PACILITIES 5. NOFADPEliIB® BEAQINGS A. ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO THE FINANCING OF INTERIM SCHOOL J21 FACILITIES - Purpose of amendment is to exclude Senior Citizen hour ing from the school requi remen[s. ORDINANCE NO. 30-A (fire[ reading) 323 AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITX COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONCA, CALIPORN IA, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 30 OF THIS COUNCIL REGARDING FINANCING OP INTERIM SCHOOL FACILITIES 6. CITE lWAGSR'S STAPP REPORSS A. CONSIDERATION OP TASK FORCE PINDING ON AMBULANCE 324 SERVICES City Council Agenda -8- Hay 1, 1985 B. REC014fENDATION TO CONTRACT WITH TBE SAN eERNARDINO 349 CODNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY FOR PROSECOTION OF MDNICIPAL CODE VIOLATIONS C, CONSIDERATION OF ALTERNATIVES FOH THE ADMINISTRATION OF 350 THE MULTI-PAMILY RENTAL ROOSINC MORTGAGE FINANCE PROGRAM 7. COWCIL EDSIlfE33 NO ITEMS S08MITTED S. A0.TODRNMHIT • fL II{I{ 1 1 1 Prla J1"1(vO NO~YOm('Ip^OOPOI[\KNrf-OJ NrvJbNNU 001YPlO W,t\ .1 Y'.+`I'NP.DO~-~'9HHn11c\JOPPPgr UN^1lff OmNrO WAl0000 NP•O G'~D t\: F 1 f.rN mNNI(\I+.rN:JWU•IT iJ'-NUI~I I~s,~NrV W.JJ h•Or m.']O PP•0 •-IHr a I ,p N~[\vNPf-InS LmN•O I[\U I[I.~O`w u\r •+(nNWr Yn JJ•~•N M1P m•Oh Pmi .4 1- .Y 1- P 1- 1- ~V •. 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At•l E I L E Wnn o "YEf" en<m p iNm< v w la an nn aexbwm .lueb droll W d«mW qrr W rbn egfmnan. :vr 1I. Avplrtmr ovr.n Ivl rMl eq managr .nplapd ro an.wM I:waxd: .^~ vi1 d ~~ an 6 y n ~ rol A o1 rM AI<Wdl< M.on Cv !bl raa M ..11 nor .:ebb w eaur. or e«mr ro M mlaM a~. r pe.:oonr ye • Il. 314[ Of CAIIfOfNIA County el.__~s~~c.L'3__.......__._.Oex..__.._...1.::56L_._... rr _ _ - ~ e ^ _ I T~tiM ..M~ ti Id AeetlUM p SIGN nftf .__........._.....tuc.._......_..__ _._.._ ..........................___..........._........ r< ............ .................................. ...... .......................................... ................... AfRIICATION ~~ TIIANfLEL04 IS St1tf Of UIIIORNIA County d ........ .. ......Oeb .. ..._. .. .. u.r ..~+:. w . . _ w.r . Wa r •J. ~<.rlw • nr«. M ^~rrw . .r .Y rv..~n 4rn....r. r .~..r.... n nor . ^ Uixwl: lee d .Jrd M. ._... .. .ORkv w .... Ile<«p N. .............. s n: u.m r~ a~ m u m s J fb Nw Wrfle Leta Tires Lire; For ENaRnnr.ru Ur OdE ~ .._......_ ......................................._ cones Aullfo .____.._.._...._....._._...._.._.._.... ALIa ~i.ern ;tlKiFry nAR¢~cr oeu~ ~ Sroec I I ~ ~le Qt~ vLOeBnxLue ~ 4 I v ~1 ` ~ nn otbcCG ,I ~wr~sr -~nf[L~ NG I~ 2 I oCLe's '1¢Rlih ~cec5 ~ i cA- A c' ~I Q. 2:'10000 V ~ Ci uPLnun PaMauA r' ~ Squiu..S Fl¢sT FodIQAL Sau. uLi - - - - - - - - - ~r_<Gue fFue- -- - - - - - - ~ , - Cl~ ~ La ~~ 4S Lcc~rrt n o,v -tl e ,t~o¢rh tratsT~ r- ~ - C1~QAltIZ of Rf[hIrBALD r4N~ r3ifStL~ Nt ~u ~~ti ~ a flt a F}LAi R LcSt7f} S~ao~.LK C~,urc~2. ~~oG~Qi~ G./1/ItNTL~ ~o~vro: AlC- nIPl6'NFailkc~n CD~A9ir~C//3L Geao~/~l 'l~lanl ~ 5Am2 ~aN~uE of {iZYJ'Si}f~.uT I~ioOI~ES Cu ePeasr ~ GE,~,e~C 9L~r~u r~/Ie SAi'hL~ s ,l/aLT1J - DQ~dF<icE I~Ic~tSS/cwAL EAST - bO/D<FicE %~v~~5S/nw4G SoL~ - ,vc ! Lm Ne~6ff6Gt'l,(ooa ~iJY~nP[GAC Lnw- lNaDiUM PrS/71~~(lTiAf w ~T ov /~ ~Q ~~~ : ~aua~ • STAFF REPORT DATE: Play 1, 1985 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Barbara Kroll, Assistant Civil Engineer ~o i ivr; i SUBJECT: Approval of Parcel Map 8617, Bonds and Agreement located on the east side of Milliken Avenue, north of Highland Avenue submitted by Marlborough Development Parcet Map 8611 was approved by Planning Conrtniss ion on February 13, 1985 for the division of 107.79 acres into 4 parcels, a portion of a Caryn Cornnunity, located between the extension of Banyan Avenue and Highland Avenue on the north and south, and east of Milliken Avenue. Marlborough Development Corporation has submitted bonds and an agreement to guarantee completion of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: • Faithful Performance Bond 5288,000.00 Labor and Material Dond $144,000.00 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting Parcel Map 8617, the bonds and agreement and authorizing the City Clerk to cause said map to record. R es pg ctf ully submitted, ~-V,' }~~11,^, B ~BK~ /~ vJ Attachments 7 • _I .Y..~~'Y L~ V~~ f~Y~el ~ ~ I b _~ t / I '~ _~ _ h~hn~v/m _ -. _ ~~ -~ ~ 1 a ~.• v - owhcJ, _4/ - -. - u a.. - !~~ iFrtN-~' - ~~ ~ i f. r.it~ xnonn w : n.onv r O^.,.WAFCP iu .u- 3~ i .~. ne u. .~ ,. rt u ~i.e ut h ¢'oi ax,nv .r~,x r.uF ~'ro rrmu;u vno`»w ~`.. 1, 6 ~ •~or ru • a~.n ` _ • n- . ~ .n fiua . on V, • ~ rr r~. w, +n( I ~ '1n11I' i •r 1 (I~v it J ~ n ua ar .m m O r~i~nnu .owu on.<mwn~,u u um o,... /CIni1 NIe Y P_ __ ,~ .. . n _.___ •. ,,.,..~..~,~..... ,,,.,. ~ ~ W IJ~ ~~ ~ V ~~'~I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ll W W V.`A.~l ~ ~ \Y ~ L~7 ~'I -_ -, i 8 CITT hF RANCND CDCRM ONGA IMPROVEMENT AGREEMEN' F00. PARCEL NAP 8617 KND'd ALE MEN BY THESE PRESEYTS: shat [his agreement is made and en[eretl into, in conformance w~Ih the orpv isi ons of fhe Mvn,cioal CoEe and Regulations of the L,ty of Rancho Cucamonga, State of California, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referr- ed fo as the Lity, Dy and between said City dnE_ Ma[lbp [pt:ah 0?Ve lcpmenY Co[po[atioMproj ndf t2r fQf eYred tp a5 [he Developer. THAT, NHEkEAS, said Developer ees~res to tle velop certain real property in saitl City 7o toted on east side of Nillaken Ave. ~crth of Haahland Ave- and NHEREAS, said Lity has est ab l,shed certain re ppirements to be me[ by sa.d Geve Taper as Drerequ,site to granting of final approval; one 'NNEREAS, the exe cation of this agr_ement and posting of ln!p rnVemCnt SP.CVrf ty as IlefEln of ter CitQd, aM dpproV2d by Lhe City gttorney, are deemed io be equivalent tp prior completion of said re qpl rements for the purpose of securing said approval. NON, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed by and between the [i [y and the Developer as Io llows: 1. The Developer hereby ogreez [o construct at • deveinper•s em ense all impr ovemenis described on page d hereof within 12 months from the date hereof. 2, This agreement shall be effective on the date of [he resolut~cn of the Council o` said Csty approving this agreement, this agreement shall be in default on the day follow- ing the rs[ anniversary tlate of said approval unless an a rten- sfpn of time has been grbn[etl by said City as h_reinaff er provid- ed. 3. The Developer may request additional time in which fo complete the provisions of this agreement, in wn ling not less than 30 days prior to the default date, and including a slat emen[ of circumstances o/ necessity far additional time. In considera- tion of such request, the City reserves the right to review the provisions hereof, including co nstr action standards, Cost estimate, and sufficiency of the improvement security, and to require adjustments thereto when warranted by su DStann al changes therein, a. If the Developer fails or neglects to comply with the provisions of this agreement, the Lily shall have the right at any time to cause said provisions tp be completed by any law- ful means, and thereupon to recover from said Developer and/or his Surety the full cost and e[0 ense incurred in so doing. 5. Consira cticn permits shall be ebt dined by fhe Devel- oper from the office of the Lily Engineer prior to star' of any work within the public right-of-way, and the deueloDer shall conduct such work in full compliance with the regulations Contained [her2ln, Non-COmplldncP may rPSUIt in Stopping of th2 work by the City, and assessment of the penalties provided. 6. Pu Dlic right-of-way improvement work required shall be cons[ruc 4ed in con FOrmance with approved improvement plans, standard Specifications, and Standard Drawings and any special -l- S.F., D.0.., Res., P.M. ,CUP ~l.r• 9 amendments thereto. Lon struction shall ,nc!ude any *,r ansi ti ohs and/or other fnc~den[al work tleeaed necessary for drainage or ppbliC sd/eCy. EY rors Of Omm ~5S10n5 di5C0 Vered dartn9 [OnS(rpc- L10n shall be COYYeC[Ed upa0 (be difeL210p Of (he LIIy Engineer. Revi SeC work Eue [o said plan mpdifications shall be cDV er eC by the provisions of (his agreement ant 5e caret by the surety ca verinq the original planned wo r'a s. 7. Mork done within existing streets shalt be Ciligent- lY Pursued to completion; [he h[y shall have the right to cpmplete any and all wore in the event pf unjusci fi ed Eelay in cOmple lion, ant to recover all cost and e.oense incu rreE from the Deve7aDer antl/ar his contractor by any lawful Weans. 9. The Developer shall be resoDnsiEle for rep iacemen t, rela cations, or removal of any component of any irrigation water sys teR in co of iict with She required aprk Lo [he satisfaction of the hty Engineer and the owner of the water system. 9. The Developer shall be responsible far remov a' of all Loose ro ci antl other dehr is from Lhe pualic right-pf-nay. 10. The De vel op¢r shall plan[ and maintain parkway trees as directed Ey the Lommu of ty Development 'uirector. I1. The improvement security [o be furnished by the Developer to guarantee comOte[ion of the terms of this aqr Bement shall be su Eject to the approval of the Lity 9ttorney, the prin- c~pal ampu nt of said imp ravement security shall not Oe less [h an the ampun[ shpvn: -2- • ~~ FAITHFUL PERF 00.MANCE TYpe: Surety Pr,vcipol Amppnt:52 BB,000 Na°.e antl atldress pf surety: MATERIAL RXU LA80R Type: Surety Pricrpal 4mou nt :514a,000 Ndre dnd ddtlre55 Of Sur=2y: CASH DEPOSIT XONUNENTATIOM Type: cash Pr,ncrpal Amount :5 1,ROo Name antl adtlress of surety: 70 BE POSTED PRIOR TO RLLEPTp XCE BY THE CITY IN uRNE SS HER ECF, the parti¢s hCretp h+ve caused these presents to be Euly ekecuted and acknowledge with all for^~ali[,es required by law an le_dster eYtII Pt opppst[e their sign of ure s. Oa4e A/IP/85 NY ~~ Developer agga~ ure Pael N. 0 [nes Vice President r Fn tea • Oate a/18/95 hY ~ ~ ~._<a \ +t~-__. Oeve!oJer ,gr.a:are oo lures v o'Br:e y5e c;etarv Pr n[eC Arep:ed: C,ty pf Rancho Cucamonga, California ~~ A Mun lclpa LOrppr aCtOn gy; Mayor Attest: ICy [ ¢rk Approved: City Rtcprney DEVELOPER'S SIGNATURES MUST eF. NUT R0.12E0 _0_ !_~ /~ CITY OF RANCHO LUCAHONGA ENGiNEFRING OIV7SION ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE uul'( Sp:ne Street 6 Mv111 ken Ave. (f COP Highland A~ Fpr Improvement: P.}'. y6'FS ro N'el C'.I[b d~ $ov of `u St reed Date: Aoi11 2. LIES donut ed hall 6 Foreman Inc. Elie Re er ¢n<e: City Drawing no. ROTE: Goes not Include current fee for am icing permit or pavavent deposits OUANT iTY UNIT ITEM P0.ICE AMOUNT - L.F. P,[.C, curb - 12" C.F. 24^ gui:er 7.25 5,5Nn L.F. P. C.f,, curb - 8" C.F. 24" gutter 6.00 33 4a ~~ ]32 L.F. P.C.C. curb only 5.50 4,C25 -T~ L.F. A.C. berm 4.50 5^.4 Z;~y; ,n S.F. 4^ P,L C. sf dewalk 1. ]5 , ` S.F. Ori ve approach 2.50 I.IrC S.F. 0" P.L.C. cross vuq Cr (inc. curb) 3.40 r e 15•pp; C.Y. Scree[ excavation 1.50 Z~.gr~ C.Y. Imported embankment 1.50 1.55iQi S.F. Preparation o/ subgr ale 0.15 13,499 156.000 S.F. Cruz hed agg. base (per inch thtckl O.OI 1R.-1 ., TON A.L. (over 1300 tons) 27. C0 TON A.C. (900 to 1700 tans) 35.00 TON A.C. (500 to 900 tons) 45.00 TON p. C. (antler 500 tans) 60.00 156,000 S.F. A. L, (3• thick) 0.55 BS.SCo S.f. Patch p.G. (trench) 1.75 S.F. 1" thick A.C. overlay 0.30 EA. Adjust sewer manhole to grade 250.W EA. Adjust sewer clean au[ to grade 150.00 d EA. Adjust water valves to grade ]5.00 I=,a ~ EA. Street lights 1000.00 1 _ - L.F. Barricades (in ttrsec. 5500 min) 1,00 LF. 2 x 4" redwood header i.]5 S.P. Removal of A. [. pavement 0.35 L.F. Removal of 7.C.C. curb 3.30 L.F. Removal of p, L. berg 1.00 EA. Street signs 200.00 EA. 0.e(lectors and pass 35.00 _ L.F. Loncrete black wall 25.00 S.F. Retaining wall 20.00 TON Agg re9ate base 7.00 C.Y. Concrete ztruc mrCS 425,00 L.F. 18^ RCP (2000 O) 29.00 L.F. 24" RCP (1500 D1 35.00 L.F. 36" RCP (2000 0) 49.00 _ L.F. 48^ RCP (1200 0) 76.00 EA. [atcn basfn p 4' 2000.00 EA. Catch basin R 8' 2900.00 EA. Catch basin R 22' 4500.00 EA. Local depression 4' - 500,00 EA. Local depression l2' 1000.00 EA. Junction Structure 5000.00 EA. Outlet structure, Std A506 1500.00 EA. Outlet structure, Std 1507 500.00 - EA. Guard pasts 40.00 - L.F. Guard panel (wood) 25.00 L.F. Sawcut 2.fN1 - - EA. Ne adwall (4B" wing) 4000,00 L.F. Redwood neader 1.75 S. F, Landscapf ng b irri9at ion 2.75 - L.F. gull curb (P.C.C,) 7.50 _ ENGINEERING IN SPECiION FEE sua roTU 261 Bln w0.E STORAilO!UOELINEATIO!1 GASH _ CONTINGENCY COSTS 25 1 DEPOSIT (REFUNOPBLE) LA ITHFUL PE0.F00.MANCE BOND (100%) ]Bq MOnUMENTATIOn $UREiY (CASH) 51.400 LA000. ANO MATERIAL BOND (50%) 144,n a.=A •pursuan[ to City of Rancho Cucamonga Munlcl pal Code, Title I, CAapter I,OB, adopting San Bernardino County [ode Tft le s, Chapters 1-5, a cash rtstarat ion/delineation deposit sMll „ M ude prior to issuance df an Engineering ConttrucLion Perwit. a/~ ~ ~~,~Err=Ya y. Rev hed 3/84 ~ /~- ~~s,''.'•k _l :a"ait~T}i.d-.a;'u'~: Mr. [; 1nrtL 90VD ::o. IA-1015? 2 REffi CH: i :+0.1^, FAITHFUL PER FDRMAMLE BOND N NE REPS, the City Council pf the City of RdnchJ Cucamonga, $t ate D1 La11f 9rni a, antl YAR6BCftoVGH JR'ELOo.4,ENT CORPORATION ,herefnaf ter de sign atetl as "pn nCipa nave entered into an agreement whereby pri nCiDal agrees to install antl compl efe certain dl signaled public improv¢ments, which said agreement, dated Aorvl :B. 1985 dnd identified a5 project Parcel nap - is berg by reF erred to antl made a par[ hereof and, NHE4EP5, said principal is repui red under the terms of said agreement to furnish a band for the faithful Derf nrm an ce of said agreement. NON, THEREFORE, we the principal antl -4=+'ov? +vaE+•v:;y r.0 °~dN\~ dz surety, ar@ herld and firmly pound unto the hty ofTii ancno Cucamonga (herEina~t¢r Called "City"), in the penal sum pf 'PRO HUNDRED EIGHTY-EIGHT THOC SAND AND NO y100 DO t-y ors 238.000.00 awful money of [Te United ales, far tn@ payment of wn uh sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, jai nt ly anp zev er ally, firmly by Lfle tC pri spnls. The condi tfon of this ohlig d[ian i; such [hat if the above bounded principal, his or Its heirs, ex¢cu[Ors, administrators, successors or assigns, snail in all things st antl to and abide by, and welt antl truly ko¢p and perform the [Oven anti, cpndi LlOn$ antl • prOVt SIOO; in Lh! ;d1d agr°?m¢nC dnd any alter dTiOn th2 Ylnf mad! as therein provided, on htz x their Dart, to he kept and performed at the time and in tho ^ann¢r Cher Cin specified, and all resD eels according to tholr true Intent and meaning, and Snail rode ^.n lfy and save harmless City, its officers, aCenis and C mplayee s, as Lherefn step ula:ed, th@n LMS obligation shall beta^.e null and void; ocher wise, it shall be and remain in full far Ce do C, effect. Az a Dar[ of the abllgation secured Hereby and in addl tf on to tno face mount specif led therefor, th@re zh all be inCludCd cpzt2 dnd fpaS pn dE12 expln sPS dnd fal;, inClUd ing r4d;On 4111¢ a[tJrnly'S fees, incurred by City in sue Cessf ul ly enfor clnq such obtigalion, all to ne tdx¢d as Costs and includetl In any judge ent rendered. The surely hereby sii puldtes and agrees [hat no change, extensi Cn Jf time, alter anon or addition to the Ce^ms of the agreement or to the work to be perf a•metl the^e under or the specs. f,c a[ians accompanying the same snail in anywise affect its nhliga[lon5 On ~[hi5 bona, and i[ does M1preSy wdiv¢ noire cf any sucn change, extension of time, alter at,on or adds ;'pn ca the terms of [he agreement Cr La the work or to the zaecif wac roe s. IN N:T"IE S; NHEREOf, this lest elm ent has been duly executed by Che 0^rC lp al Lnd surety above Honed, Dn April 13 . 93 MANL6CROOGN OE9ELCPMENt CORP r.'AT .Ol1 Hey eloper ~..~ 0 0 p ~ ~. - ~'~~ .vM /o ..a dYl ynya wee "..~~ Pa~a'1 N. Bytnes, Vtce P[esadent Att acne -dn, act Narry f,ntrtn PLEASE ATT ACN PONER OF 4TT DRNET TO All RDNDS SIGNATURES MUST 8E NOT PRICED FRF°n\? P,: IEYVI f'! Cp"MS't -` s~!u~r eft'-f~'~~~-`-L- i3 r' t 'Yn C. 30%p N0. LA-101 hio . ..S Mt :'Mo liv c!vdedl • LA 80R AMD MATERIAL MEN BOMD NHEREA S, [he City Council pf the City of gaucho Cuc amOCga, State of Calt/orn ia, apd :ARLBOROUGN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (herein a(te• d¢stgnateC as "prtr.c tpa have entered rota an agreement whereby pn ncipal agrees to install and cam Dl ete~ certain tlest9n at etl public improvements, which satd agreement, Oa [ed 195 and ide nttf tetl as prD3ect p r~~~ is here by referred to anC made a Dart here0 fa; and NHEREAS, under the terms of said agreement, principal is repuiretl before entering upon [he Derf armance of the work, [o file a 9pOtl and sufftci ent payment hontl wfth the Ctty Df gaucho Lvc eaonga to zecu re the claims [o which reference is made to title 15 (commencing wf th Section 3082) of Dart 6 of piv iston 3 of the Civil Cade pf the State of Lal if urni a. NON, TNEAEf ORE, said principal and the untlerzigned as a c0•pOr ate surety, are held firmly bound unto the C(ty of ganch0 Cucamonga and alt contractors, sv bcontr actors, laborers, ma[er~a7men and other persons employed in the performance of the of ore;aid agreement and referred to in the of oresaitl CD de of hull pro ttdure in the Sum Of ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FOUR THOC£ANO 6 NO/lOp Dollars (f 1dd,000.Op, for materia s furl shed or labor thereon of any ki nC, or tar amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Act wi [h respect to such work or labor, that Said surety will pay the same in an amount no[ exceeding the amount he reinabove set forth, and also in case suit iz brought upon [his Done will pay in addition [o the face amount thereof, costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including re azonahle attorney's fees, incurred by City in succe zsf idly enfcrciny such obligation, [o he aw artletl an] ft eeC by the court, and t0 be taxed es costs and to U~ inclutl etl in the judg mer[ ihere'r rendered. It is hereby expressly 50'DUl ated and agreed that [M1is bane shall inure :D [he henef ~t of any antl all persons, companies antl Corp or atiDns ent i[1 ed to file cl at ms unde• Title IS (commen r,i ng with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Di vison 3 of the Civil Code, so as f0 give a rigs[ of action :a them pr the+r assigns in any suit bra ught upon this bond. Should the condition of tots Sond he fully Derr armed, then this oblfgation shall Deco me null and void, otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. the surety hereby stipolates and agrees [hat no change, eetensi on of time, alteration or aCtlition to the terms pf said egreem eni or the species Cations accomp an Ying the same shall in any manner affect its obligations on this band, and i[ does he•e- by waive notice of any sucn change, extension, al tera [ion or - atlai ti on. - IN N,TNESS NM EA EOF, this ins[rvm ent has been tluty execu [etl by [he principal and surety above named, on Apr tt ta;~. 19Hj_. MA B:.BCROL'GN pEVELOPMENT CORPORATION cRF.YnNT tN pF."NTTS' Cn;l^AN :' ' peVe l9 Pef SUf etY~- ' PnUl N. Rvrn%S ~~ x Kl~ i .~'{~ ~~/. - vice,-resa tigx,a tt~rej j At[or ne yy tp- ac __.,~.-, -~xCN~1`-~ ..__. _ Narrv .l. /id trio • Dolores M./0'Nraen. Se crcta:y PLEASE ATTACH PONER OF AT70RNET TO ALL HONOS SIGNATURES MUST BE NOT AAI2ED ~~ RESOLUTION N0. ~E05-93-93R Bs'/~^~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP N0. 8617, (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP N0. 8617), IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY WHEREAS, tentative Parcel Map No. 8617, submitted by ~4arlborough Development Company, Subdivider, and consisting of 4 parcels, located on the east side of Milliken Avenue north of Nighl and Avenue, being a division of a portion southwest quarter of Section 30, Township 1 North, Range 6 West, San Bernardino Meridian was approved by the Planning Commission as provided in the State Subdivision Map Act and is in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and 'WHEREAS, Parcel Map No. 6611 is the Final Map of the division of land approved as shown on said Tentative Parcel Map; and 'WHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the Final Map, said subdivider submits for approval said Final Map offering for dedication for public use the streets delineated thereon. NOW, TP,E BEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, as follows: • 1. That the offers for dedication and the Final Map delineating same be approved and the City Clerk is authorized to execute the certificate thereon behalf of said City; and 2. That said Parcel Map No. 8617 be and the same is hereby approved and the City Engineer is authorized to present same to the County Recorder to he filed for record. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 1st day of May, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Jon D. ~dikel s, tAayor ATTEST: ~~ rrmv nc n e vr~vn rr-r e unar ~ DATE: May 1, 1985 STAFF REPORT T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: !lcyd 8. Nubbs, City Engineer BY: Barbara Kroll, Assistant Civil Engineer 2 ~~~ '. ~~x ~. s ~~-- ~ SUBJ"e CT: Approval of Tract No. 12588, Bonds and Agreement located on the southwest corner of Hermosa Ave~~~e and Hillside Road submitted by Pacific Omni vest Tract NO. 12588 was tentatively approved by the Planning Commission on March 14, 1984 for the division of 12 acres into 11 lots in the Very Low (VL less than 2 du/ac) located on the southwest corner of Hermosa Avenue and Hillside Road. • Pn agreement ar,d bonds have been submitted in the following amounts to guarantee the installation of off-site improvements: Faithful Performance Bond: 5207,000.00 Labor & Material Bend: 5103,500.00 Letters of approval have been received from Ch affey Union High School and Alta Loma School Districts. The C.C. & Rs have been approved 6y the City Attorney. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adapt the attached resolution approving the bonds and agreement and authorizing the City Clerk and City Engineer to cause said map to record. Res ec tfull subm~ted `" ~~~'i? ~:~K~ Attachments /(o • ~` I [: '°' TENTATIVE TRACT N0.12513II ![/IN A Y/ATY4/GVM /AKLL / %AQCL .NIP.W Lv) R[[ORO /N /HLCG HY [ryR /K~f /N ryE COUMY O/ SW A'µ1T0/Nf, SrAR Of GAL//pFNI%, ^~~LI~ILLE-SANOERSON B ASSOCIATES ~irc~ers d a~a S~neyors _- ill°~ • u,..+re r~r~l•dt ' - - - ~;~ _ _ _ _ ~~P• ~ RRr~we s Sorer _ _ _ ~'_ t 4 V _ ` _v A _ ~ ~ ._ i I : " ~ ~ - ~~cGtl Rw.rt t. i,'~ ~ .wex s. '~ ~ I _- -_ _. _ sanav e~s• - - • ..._ .,. ~_ sr~nsr ~ Z i t 5~~9: ...:.r.. ea. :.m..eae ..wr :+.r eeev nuvr • ~) V eia .e nv 4~"~~~~ wwre mvrs ~s~ •ti. •m V~ ~v fAyra M µ ! ~, M/!f tioGm Mawr ~ ~Y Rnws.4•wsm m J' i d~Mn uYW .,. a~li. ~w Otrm •FN~ ~"O"•faYSy t+.?u T/nµr ~brro•m Iwr >+w~n miesm) ~s.mrna v avr , w.. . L._. i7 C~IdFFLY JO~~li U~JI0~1 ~ilG~~1 ~~~©AL ~ISi~1C? ~ °~r"~ . D D D D D;;,1p~, , .., - - April 22, 1985 Letter of Certification c;rv CF ; ~, rc" ~ .., of School District Capacity ~.,^.'•~'~~~; ,,, ~ , , ;'; Within the Chaffey Joint Union High School Cistrict attendance boundaries for the following descrfbed project: Location/Description: Tract No. 12588 Hillside 8 Hermosa Rancho Cucamonga • Number of Dwellings: 22 March 1986 Anticipated Completion Date: The school district hereby certifies that the capacity for 4 students will be provided within 24 months of the completion of the above project. This certification is given on the condition that the State of California continues to fund the provisions of the Leroy G. Greene Lease/Purchase Act of 1976, or any successor Act, in such manner that the State Allocation Board may fund all school building projects under its current rules and regulations without priority points. The commitment of this capacity shalt expire 90 days from the date of this letter. Approval of the final map or the issuance of building permits by the City of Rancho Cucamonga within that 90-day period shall validate such commitment. ~$uperintendentfAssE:-rwpe'r in'tendenE Administrative Assistant cc: Planning Dfvision City of Rancho Cucamonga Omni Builders 9581 Bus. Center Dr. pE Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 /fl Established 1805 a0Aa0 OF TKUSTEFS ROBERT 5. FROST ROBERT W TANGEMAN MRS. LIZ GALLARI NI MRS. SAYUM A. OE0.LY JOIIN C. BODE ~~~~ ~-~ Alta Loma School District 9350~F Baseline Road Post Ollice Dow 370 • Alta Loma. Califotnla 91701 • 71/9/7 JOHN E McMY Supaentmdmt FLOYD M. STORK hnonneVSUppaM SalYla \~rii :2, l9?$ STAGY NELSON Date awlnu+S•Mno MILLY S7AAIN [urrlculaMSprcM1 pmlra LETTER OF CERTIFICATION FOR SCHOOL DISTRICT CAPACITY For Residential Construction within the Alta Loma School District. DEVELOPER Omni Builders, inc. TRACT NUMBER !2585 LOCATION Hillside 6 Ha rmosa !.ots 1-22 NUMRER OF UWE LLING UNITS 22 Single Family Units ANTICIPATED COMPLETION DATE Junuary 1956 • Gentlemen: The Alta Loma School District hereby certifies that the capacity for I;_, students will be provided within 24 months of the completion of the above project. This certification is given on the condition that the State of California continues to fund the provisions of the Leroy P. Greene Lease/Purchase Act of 1976, or any suc- cessor Act, in such manner that the State Allocations board may fund all school building projects under its current rules and regulations without priority points. The conuni tment of this capacity shall expire 90 day3 from the date of this letter. Approval of the final map or the issuance of building permits by the City of Rancho Cucamonga within that 90 day period shall validate such commitment. Very truly yours, tit acy~lV, Nclsan M lr~iui sl ral uF r,f Onsinu s:: SD fv ices jh • cc: Planning Division, City of Rancho Cuc amonga Reference: Develooment Code Section 17.08.050-C.1 i9 ~~ . v,a.v...~a.no ROBERT NEUFELD SeneM.v. Grnml .Nmu xr •CUCAMONGA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT LLOYD W. MICHAEL _ Onvm.. a~ ~ ~~ ._no ~' ~- ~ '~ EA RLE R. ANDERSON BEVERLY E, BRAOEN VICTOR A. CHERBA K. lR.. P.uWnt CHARLES A WEST April 25, 1985 City of Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Department P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Attention: Mzs. Barbara Rrall Gentlemen Pacific Omnivest, Developer of Tract No. 12588, situated in • Rancho Cucamonga, has deposited with this District a Material and Labor Bond, a Faithful Performance Bond, and a Utilities Improvement Agreement for waterline construction for said tract. These bonds and agreements are being accepted by this District as an assurance that said improvements will be provided, as stated, within the boundaries of the Cucamonga County Water District. At this time, the waterline improvement plans for this tract have not been approved. if you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact the undersigned. Yours truly, • CUCAMONGA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT ~" ' Betty Fieu Secretary b .t0 [ITT OF RANCHO CU LAMONGA IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TY T MA NO 12588 _ KN ON Atl MEN By THESE PRESETS: Taal this agreement is made and entered into, in conformance with the provisions of Fhe Subdivision `sap Act of the State of Lali(orn ia, antl of the applicable Ordinan cea of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Cal if Orn, a, a municipal <grppr anon, Dy and be Meen Said City, herein after referred [o ds the City, and PACIFIC OMNIVSST hereinafter rgf erretl to as the NITNESSET H: TNAi, HHERE AG, said bev¢lpper d¢sires tg develop ger[afn real property in said Lity as shown an [he conditionally approved subdivision Rngwn ds TPACT MAP 13500 and wHER EAS, said Lity has established certain repui rem en is to be met by said Developer as prere gain to [o apprbv al Of said Subdivision generally loc atetl at Southwest comer of Ne rmosa Ave Vie--. NON, THEREFORE, i[ is hereby agreed by said CItY and by said Developer as fallow s: 1. The Oeveloper hereby agrees [o cgnstr act at Developer~z expense ail improvements described on Page 6 here- . of within teelve mans hs from the of (ecti ve date hereof. 2. ibis agreement shall De eff e<tive on the date of th¢ r¢s0lution of the Council of said Lity apPrpvigg [his ogre e.m¢n[. Tnis agreement shall De in default on the day follow- ing the first anniversary date of said apprgvat unless an eaten- ifon of time has been granted by said City as hereinafter provid- ed. 3. The Developer may request an extension of time to complete the terms hereof. Such request shall be submitted [o the city in writing not less than 30 days before the expiration date hereof, and Shall ca main a Statement of circumstances nece ssi[ating the extension of time. The City shall have the right to revi¢e the provisions of this agreement, including the cons traction standards, cast estimate, and improvement security, and to require adf ustm ants [herein if any substantial change has occurred during the term hereof. /, I( the Developer tails or neglects to cpmplY with the provisions of this agreement, the LI [y Yha11 have the right at any time to cause said provisions to be met by any lawful means, and thereupon recgv er from [he Developer and/qr Ais surety the full cos[ and expense incurr¢d, 5. The Oevelqper shall provide metered water service to each tot of said development in accordance with the re gulatigns, schedules, and tees Of the [uc amonga C¢un ty Mater D15trfct, 6. The Oevetoper shall De respOns ib le for replacement, relocation, or removal of any component of any irrigation water system in conflict with construe [ion o/ required improvements to the satisfaction of the Lity Engineer and the owner of such water system, -1- {~! Tracts and Comm/Ind. P.M. a~ 7. Improvements required to De con struc tea shall w nform to Me Standard Drawings and $tandare Sp ecif lcations o/ fhe City, and to the Improvement Plan approved by and on file in the office of Cho City Engineer, Said improvements are [ahul aced on the Construction and Bontl Estimate, hereby incorporated on Doge 6 hereof, as taken from the improvement plans listed ChereOn DY number. ine Developer shdl ~I d150 be fe5ppn5iDle f0Y CnpSLrOC- tipn of any transitions or other incidental work beyond the tract Ooundaries as neetled far safety and proper surface drainage. Errors or oamissiDns discovered during co r.str actin shall De correc tee upon the direction of the Lity Engineer. 0.evi sea work due to said plan motlif is ations shall De covered by [he prov151ond of this agreement and senu ed Dy the surety cover in9 the original planned works. 8. Cpnstrpc lion permits shall be obtained by the Developer from Che office of the rity Engineer prior to start of work; all regulations listen thereon shall De observed, with attention given to safety proredures, control of dust, noise, or Other nuisance [0 the area, and t0 proper notification of public utilities antl City Oepartmen(s. Failure [D comply with this section shall De subject to the penalties provided therefor. 9. The Oevelpp er shall be responsible /or removal oI all loose rocks and other debris from Dublic rights-of .way within or atljoining said dev elopmen[ resulting from work relative to said development. 10. Nnrk Bone within esisting streets shall be di tigent)y pursued to completion; the City shall have [he right to complete any and all work in the event of unJustif letl delay 1n • completion, and to recover all cost end ezp ense incurred from MC Oe velpper and/or his contr acf or by any idw/ul means. ll. Said Oevelp0 er shall at ail times following dedica- tion of the stye ecs and easements in said subidivision, up tp the cp mpietipn and acceptance of said work or ImDrovemen[ by said [ify Council, give good and adequate warn tng to the traveling public o/ each and every dangerous condition exf ite n[ in said street or easamen t, and will protect the traveling Dublic from such defective or dangerous conditions. Ilnt11 the completion of ail improvements, herein incorporated on Page fi to be performed, each of said streets not accepted as improvements Shall be under the charge of said Be velpper, Safd Developer may close all or a portion of any street Subject [a the cpndi [1005 Cgntdlned {n d [<mpprdfy [fleet C)OSQr< pCrmlt, iSSpCd by the City Engineer, whenever it is neceif ary to protect the public during the canstruc lion of the impr ovemen [s herein agree0 to be made. 12. Parkway trees re qulretl to be planted shall be planted by the Developer alter ocher Improvement work, grading and cleanup has been completed. Planting Shall be done ds provided by Ordinance in accordance with the planting diagram approved by the Lily Community Oev elopmen[ Director, The Developer shall be reippnsible (or maintaining all trees planted fn good health until the end of the guaranteed maintenance perf ad, pr for one year alter Dlanting, whichever is later. 3J. The Developer is responsible for meeting all condi- tions estaDlishetl by the C1ty pursuant to the Subdivision 2 • ~. .l1 Map pct, Ci[y Drtliances, and Chis ag ree,ent for the development, and for the maintenance of all imprpvemen[s constructed (hereunder until the imor oven ent is accepted far main[en ante by the City, and no improv e~a en0 security provided h<reinwifh ih all be released befro re such acceptance a es; otherwise prpv ided and authorized by the Ci[y Cpuncii pf :he City, 14. This agreement shall not terminate until the mainten anc_ guarantee se can ty hereinafter described has been released by the City, or until a new ag re em eni together with [he requires improvement security has been submi t[ed to the City by a successor to the herein naaetl, and Dy resolution of Me Ci[y Cpuncil same has been accepted, and this agreement and the improvement security therefor has Seen released. 16, the improvement security [o Ce furnished by the Developer with this agreement shalt consist pi the following and shalt be in a form acceptable Dy [h< City Attorney; A. To Secure faithful pert pr manes of [his agreement, 1. A Dontl Dr ponds Dy one or more duly authorize0 cprporate sureties in Che form and content specified Oy Government Code Section 66499.1. 2. An Improvement Security [m[rumen[ in the form ana content spec ti ted by the City Aftgrney. g. A deposit with the City of money or negotiable Oonds of the kind approv ea for securing deposits of puDl is monies. B. To secure laborers and ma[eri almen: 1. A hand or bonds by one or more duly authorized corporate sureties in [ne Iprm one content specifies by Government Lade Section 66499.1. • 2. An Improvement Se curl [y Instrument in the form and content sFecif fed by [he Ci[y p[[orne y. 7. A deposit with Lity pf mpney or ne9ntiable bonds of the kind approved far securing C. A cash deposit with the City to guarantee Da ym ent by the Developer tg [he engineer or surveyor whos< certificate appears upon the Final Map ipr the setting of alt bpun dory, lot corner, and street centerline mpnuments and /or furnishing centerline tie notes to the Lity. the amount pf the deposit may be any amount cert died by the engf ne er or furve ypr ai act eatable pay meet in full; or, i( no value is su bmi [[ed, the cash hone shall De az shown on the Construction and 3ontl Estimate cpntained herein. Sold cash de gait[ may De refunded as soon as proce- dure permits after receipt Oy the City Ot the centerline tte notes and wri 4t en assurance of payment In full from Che engineer pr surveyor, D. The repaired bands and the pN ncipal amounts thereat are set forth an page 6 of this agreement. l6. The Deve toper warrants that the Improvements described In this agreement Shall be free (rpm de(ec ti in materials and werkm anship. Any and all port lens of the improve- ments found to be defective within one (1) year following the data on which [he improvements are accepted by the Lity shall be repaired or replaced Sy Developer free of all charges to the City, The Developer shall furnish a maintenance guarantee security in a sum equal to ten percent (10.) of [he cons true Clan -3- ~3 estimate or 5200.00, .niche vet ,s greater, to secure the faithful performance 01 OevelOper~s obl igaM ons as described in [his para- graph, the maintenance guaranty? secun[y shall also secure the /aithfui performance by the Dev eleoer of any abl igation of the Developer [o do specified work with respect [a any parkway maintenance assessment aistric[. Once the improvements have been act eptetl and a maintenance gu aran teo security has E'en accepted by the City, the other improvement security described in this agreement may be released provide: ;hat such release is otherwise author led by the Subdivision .Map act ono any applicable City Ordinance. l1, That the Developer shall take out and maintain such public Habili ty and properly don age insurance as shall protect him and any can trot for or subcontractor per/orm ng work covered by this agr eem er.t from claims /pr property daa ages which may arise because of the nature of [he work or it om operations under this aq re_men t, wM1e[her such pp?rate ons be by himself ar by any cpntr attar ar subcontractor, or anyone directly pr intli redly employed by said persons, even though such damages be not caused by the negligence of the Developer Or any contractor or subcon[rac [pr or anyone employed by said persons. The pubt is liability and pr Op¢r ty dam age insurance shall tilt the City as adtliton al insured and directly protect the City, Its officers, agents and employees, as well as the Deve taper, his con[ractD ri and his SUOcontrac tors, and all Insurance policies 555U <d iler¢YOd¢r Silall SO SC dL2. Th2 mi0lmpm dmnOpCS Of sp[11 tOSprdp Ce Shrill be at follow S: A. Con[rac tot's liability insurance providing Oodily injury or death liabili [y limits of not le ii tha 5100,000 far each person and 51,000,000 far each accident or occurrence, and property damage Iiabii- ity Ilmf is of not less than fI00,00p for each acci- dent ar occurrence wiM an aggregate limit pf f250, 000 for claims which may arise from the cpera- tions of the peveloper in the pert arm ante pf the work herein provided. 0. Automp Ei7e liabl7ity insurance covering all vehicles used in the performance of this agreement provtd ing bodily injury liability limits o{ not less than 5200,000 /or each person and 5300,000 for edCh accident br occurrence, and property damage liability limits pf no[ less to an 550,000 for each accident or occurrence, with an aggregate of rat less than 5100,000 which may arise from the apera- tians bf the Developer pr his Contractor fn perf Orming th¢ work prpvid¢d for herein, l8. That before the execution of [his agreement, the Developer shall Zile with fhe Li ty a cer[i /lc ate or certificates of insuranc¢ covering the spec ifs eJ insurance. Each such certlH Cate shall bear an end briement precluding the cancellations, or redaction in coverage pi any policy evidences by such certificate, before the eepi ration pf thirty (l0) days after the City shall have received notffica Lion by register <d mail from the insurance carrier. As evidence of understanding the prows dons cpnLained her¢In, and Of intent to comply with same, the Subdivider has submitted the fpl lowing described Improvement tecurity, and has offs eed his signature hereto: .Q. • r~~r^ ~ Y FpIT11F UL PERFORMANCE Type: Pr :nclp al Amount: 10],000.00 Name and address of sure [y: MATE0.7AL ANO LABOR PhYNE NT TYOe: princfpat amount: 10],500.00 Ndme dnd dd.rC55 Of SUfELy: CASN OEPOS[T NONUME NTATIOY TYpe: CA511 irincipal AmO Vn[: 2.]00.00 Name and address of surety: 9581 Oosiness Ce ntot Or1ve, Suite E Pan<ho Cucamo naa, CA 91]JO 11AINTENAMCE GUARANTEE Type: N/A Principal Amp unt: N/A Ndme dnd dddfe 55 Of Surety: N/A 10 BE POSTED PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY (N NIT NESS HEP,E OF, the parties hereto nave caused these presents to he duly eaecp ted and acknowledged rich all formalities required by law on the tla[es se Porth opposite their • si9natvres. ""by%~ ~1;=;i'~C_- ,Oeve'opzr Date w' w"~`- ^ 7 i - 5lrgn a[ure THO'G\5 d. DAV[S rented Bate APr7~4 148 by ,Oeve roper I Ign a[ure GdRY T. SANDERSON Accepted: City o/ gaucho Cucamonga, California A Municipal Corporaclon By: Mayor A[[est: Clty C erk SrAi F. OF f,A1;U0RYlAq ~ t , CUU NTY UF_xt,T \]r"-~r ll!_l lO.l rYy` 5> 1 e m IFe nn.ln, an d.. Nel J~1'.rlAr, .nd letyd CµnIF mA .lne, p . I/n^n.lll .l'IT.,M_ IIIL YICI_~ \ L(tdr_"L ]~, rOR NOiA er ftAL 011 RTA MI Lro•n In m<~Ryn I~~! _.I'rniHnl, rnd _ 1--~ _.Srn ^ ,r nl 1A np.n and e ^ Inl ll r n Im m I• IM1 • •M1n r1rA IFr .. .. m 1n i ~M :• nn ' OFFICIAL SEAL F . L,. n IvR. .nrmlr m ld.,., men. r~.l n 1 Ldm iA x m d Pi Q ' u n.. .. ~ l l 111 ei n... 1 , nm • • et I •1 x . ex611m11d n1 Mnd el ~p; JJi dAKO:uC~ '), ~ C irvi 1 Svn nre.~~r ~"[~ 1^ ~ ~~ a CITY OF RANCHO CUCNIONFJI • ' ENGINEERING OIVI SIOM ENCROACINENI PERMIT FEE $CNEdILE for Improvem<n4 TRACT N0. 12508 (So p[hv<sc Cornet OE He rmose 6 bills ide) Oa[e: January u, _ ompu[e y: Janes R. Lan ao ne File 0.Tence: Ci!y Orawi ng No. ROTE: Goes Irot include current fee for mr i[i n9 Permit or pavement deposits 1~ Jle L.F. P.C.C. curb - B• C.f. 24' gutter 6.00 B.e~e.00 L.F. P.C.[. curb only 5,50 ~~+ L.F. A.C. berm 4.50 ]42.50 S.F. 4' P.C.C. sl dewa ik 1.75 x"'777- S.F. Drive ap praacM1 2.50 ).541.10 T37$~ $.F. 9' P.L.G. cross 9U tter (Inc. curb) 3Ap 6.555.00 10'b L.Y. Street excavation 1.50 600.00 ~8S [.Y. Imported embankment 7.50 2.610.00 :',63 $.F. Prepdr a[ion 0/ sobgr dde O. l$ 2.645.00 10;a0u S.f, Lrus hed agg, base (per Inch thick) 0.03 032.00 TOx A.[. (over 1J00 tans) 27.00 FON A.C. (900 to 1100 tons) 35.00 ~65R TON A.C. (500 to 900 tans) 45.00 29.610.00 ~ TON A.[. (under 500 tans) 60.00 _ $.F. A.L. (7" thick) 0,51 S.f. Patch q.C, (trench) 1J1 tt ] ~10 S. F, I" thick A.C. overlay 0.30 s.lO t.nO _ EA. Adjust serer manhole tp grade 250.00 EA. Adjust sewer clean au[ to grade 150.00 -- EA. gdjust Hater valves to grade 75,00 i5 Eq. Street lights MOB bO'L500 L.F. Barricades (inf ersec. 1500 min) 1.00 L.F. 2 a 4^ reewooa header I, IS S. F. Removal o/ q,C. pavement O. JS L.F. Removal o/ P.C.C. <urU 3,30 L.f, Removal a/ q, C. berm L00 5 EA. S[r eel signs 200.00 1.000.00 EA. Rellec[c rs and pests 75.00 LF. La ncrete black Ball 25.00 S. F. Retaining wall 20.00 TON A9gre9 ate base ). Lb C.Y. Concrete structures 425.00 i..9 L.f. 21" [B" RCP (2000 D) 89:00 ]J. 00 20.%24.00 J2a ~ L.F. 3J" 74= qCP (1500 p) .J5.00 d4. 00 ld 256 00 L.F. 36" RCP (2000 DI 49.00 _ -- L.f. 4tl^ RCP 1200 0) 76.UU 1 EA, Catch basin N • 4' 2008..-00 1500 1,500.00 1 ` EA. Catch basin N 8' 6' 2900:00 2000 z 000.00 EA. Cdt[h basin N 22' 4500,00 1 EA. Local depression 4' 500.00 Spa,pp 1 EA. Lo<aI depression 42• b' tp0o-00 500 00.00 EA. Junction structuro 5000.00 _` Eq. Outlet structure, Std 1106 1500.00 FA. Outlet structure, S[d 1107 500.00 EA, Guard posts 10.00 L.F, Guard panel (woad) 25.00 l~l]A L.F. SdwCVt 2. DD J.GS[_Oe EA. Ne adwall (40" wingl 4000.00 L.F. Redwood ne aEer 1.15 S. F. landscaping 6 irrigation 2.75 l.F, ftoll curb (P. [.[.) ],10 _ 1 F.. A. Storm Orain MnnM le 2000.00 2yJ0 U.UO _ L.S. Cgicstr snn Facita4es JD,aD0.00 - ]O.ni~~0 - treec e74 es •~T'"~Ti7L ueb-INit~PTl DLYT•'•:- ~T ENGINEERING INSPECTION FEE SUR TOTAL ]J 13U. •AE SiOft gTlpv,rn FL lnEn t rnv rn _..g,ad CONiIHGE NCY COSii IlUal la n15 DEPpSIi (p EFUNOgRLE) FAI i11F Ul PEAf OANANCE BOND (loos) Ol On0 HONUMENTA7 fON SURETY (CASH) IJ3a~•ma LAAOR ANO MAi EPIN. BONG (SOS) I. •PUrsuant [o Ctty of Rancho Cucuwn9a Munlclpai Cade, Title 1, CAapter LOB, adaptirq San Bernardtm County Code lit les, CAapters I-1, • casA restoration/dellnmd ion deposit Mall Oe qde prior to issuance of N Engineering Canstructian permit. Revised 7/Bq ~(m 9ofln No.: F9ooszaz PREMIUM: 5J72fi .00 u FAIiHFUI PE0.FO0.NANCE 90X0 NNEREA$, the Lily [Dun C;l of Llie CI[y pf Rdn Chp CUC dm ongd, S[dte of [dlifornid, and pACI pIC CMN R'EET (hereinafter designated as "princ,pai"1 cave enc¢red ,ntp an agr dement whe roby pr tncipal agrees to install and Complete cer[afn designated public improvements, which said agreement, dated 193 and ideal Vied as Orojec[ TRACT MAp 12588 is hereby referred GO dnd made a parC nereof;and, NMEREAS, said principal is repaired und¢r the terms of sold agreement [o furnish a bond for [he fdi[hrul performance of said agreement. NON, TNER EF ORE, we the princf pal and Fairmpr.t Insurance rompany as surety, are held and firmly bound unto [he Ci [y pf 9ancno Cucamonga (hereina([er called "[i ty^), in the penal sum pf Two IIU ND RED GE'lEN THOUSAND AND On/100_____ _________________ OUt1dr5 20'!.000.00 aw ul money o th¢ Uns [e0 $dtes, for the payment Of wn ~Ch sUm McII dnd [rUly LO be mdd e, Ne bfnd OUrSeIVIS, OUr heirs, successors, executors and adm inistratprs, Jointly and S<ver al ly, firmly by CheSe pfeSEn[5. the condi Lion of this obligation ii such Mat i/ fh< above bounded principal, his or its heirs, exec u[on, administrators. successors or assigns, shall in alt things stand to and abide by, • and well and truly kee0 and De rform [he cOV en ants, condi lions and p rovi5ions in [he said agreement and day al[eratf on the reof made as [herein provided, On his or their Dart, to be kept and performed at [he time and In the canner ther¢in 50 eci/fed, and in all respects according to their [rue intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless City, Its ofllcer 5, agents and employees, as therein stiDutated, then this obligation shall 4 becom¢ nail and void; otherNise, i[ shall Ce and remain in full force and elect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount ipeciff ed therefor, there shall be included casts and yeas on able exp¢nses and fees, including reasonable attorney's tees, Incurred by Ci [y in successfully enforcing such obligation, all :o be [axe0 as costs and incl utled fn any judgment rendered. The surety hereby s[ipul •tes and agrees that no c^, ange, eaten sipn of time, alteration or adds [ton t0 the terms p/ [be agree meat or to the work t0 be performed [Hereunder or the speci- fications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligations on this band, end i[ does hereby Naive notice o/ any such change, extension Of time, al [eratl oo pr addition tp the terms of the agreement pr to [h¢ work or Co the specifications. IN NITNESS 'NHEPEOF, this Instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, on .1 1,~C ~. 4 , 193 ~ . PACIFIC OMN i5T Fai niront InS Urdnc¢ Comodny Oeve peer re ty Q % ~.ficy~'9 ~ u°t , ~ ( gnat upel =. ~ 4S' ~{ ~I ,t ALtarneY-in-r t V 1r1~atM-,~`3 pN pT4AC11 PONEq OF ATTON HET TO ALL BON OS SIGNATUNES NUST BE NOtAgI1E0 ~7 eoM1O ND. Feooszaz PREMIUM: INCLUDED LpXO& p90 HA?E.°. IpLMEN 8090 • WHEREAS, the Ciiy Cppncil of [he City pf Fan chp Cucamonga, $td[e pf Calif oral d, and PACIFIC OM N:'JE ST (hereinafter designated as "pn nc +pal^ nave entered into an agreement whereby principal agrees to install and complete Certain designated pool it improve men CS, which said agreement, da [ea 198 and identified d5 pro]<t[ TRACT YdP 12 idB +s n2 reDy r9f2rred t0 dnd made a part hereo ;; an~'a vXEAEA3, under the terms of said agreement, principal is repui red before entering upon thw pert orm once Of [he work, LO file a good and sufficient payment bond wi lA the City of Rancho Cucamonga to secure the cleims IO wnicA reference is made in Title IS (commencing with Section ]092) of Part 4 pf Division 7 of the Civil Cotle of [ne State of California. NOU, THEREFORE, said pr inciPal and tA¢ and ersigned as a corporate surety, are held /firmly bound unto the City of .9 anch0 Cuc ampnga and all con trot tars, su DCp ntrar, tors, laDo rers, m ateriaimen and other persons employed in [he per/ormance of the aforesaid agreement and referred tp n [ne of dresaitl Code of ' Civil ?roc edvre fn the Svm Of Qa9 liHImDlfE 9lY.p`D FTIE ftNSaD ffO W/1W. Dollars (i ), for mater als fu rn+sned Or labor thereon of any kind, pr Or amOVn tS due Vn d¢r ChP Unemp l0 ym ¢O[ In5vre0Ce ACT with respect to such work or leoor, [ha[ said surety will pay [he same in an amou n[ not excee dfnq the amount herei nabove set forth, and also in case suit is brought upon this bond will Day in addi Clan [o the face amount thereof, casts and reasonable expenses and lees, inc lvdinq re aspnaole attprney~s fees, incurred Oy City in successfully enforcing such oDliga ti on, to be awarde~ and fixed by the court, and to be [aced as costs and to 0 _-__ _ included in Ire judgment therein rendered. I[ is heropy expre SSly s[+pulated and ogre etl that this bond shall inure to the Den ell[ of any and all persons, companies and c prpar ations entitled to file clams under 7;tle IS (commencing witA Sec[fpn 7082) of Part a of Div ison l of tDe Civil Code, sp as to give a right of action tc them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Should the cnnditi on of this hOnd be fully perfprmetl, then this oDligatf on shall became null and void, otherwise it shall be and remain in fait Porte and effect. The surety Aereby stipulates antl aqr ees that no change, exf ensign of time, alter anon pr addition fo the terms pf sold agreement or the spec iffm UOns accompa r.yinq the same shall in any manner of lets its obligations on this bond, and it does here- Oy waive notice of any sucA change, extension, alteration pr ado ition. 1N VITNESS HNER EOF, this instrvm ens has been duly executed by the principal and surefY above named, on _a.>i ! l_~_,~ ~ , 198 ~ Fp 1RMONT INSURANCE COWptp ~~ Oeve o er / Surety ' a ore ptt-o rn ey-in-i~act 4 "r,s:gndg ore PlEatE p TALH POMER OF pTT OA ryEY TO QL XOXD$ SIGX/iTUAES XUST BE XOTAAIZEO ~B • RESOLUTION N0. E95.9f-06(Z• Pt-/~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RPPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY, ANO FINAL h1AP OF TRACT N0. 12588 WHEREAS, the Tentative Map of Tract No. 12588 consisting of 22 lots, submitted by Pacific Omnivest, Subdivider, located on the southwest corner of Hermosa Avenue and Hillside Road has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by said Subdivider and approved by said City as provided in the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, and in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and WHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the Final Map of said Tract said Subdivider has offered the Improvement Agreement submitted herewith for approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient Improvement Security, and submits for approval said Final Map offering for dedication for public use the streets delineated thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, as follows: 1. That said Improvement Agreement be and the same is • approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute same on behalf of said City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and 2. That said Improvement Security is accepted as good and sufficient, subject to approval as to form and content thereof by the City Attorney; and 3. That the offers for dedication and the Final Map delineating same be approved and the City Clerk is authorized to execute the certificate thereon on behalf of said City. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 1st day of May, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: on D. Mikels, 1layor a9 ,,.m., ,,., „ • STAFF REPORT DATE: May 1, 1985 T0: City Council and City Manager , j FROM: L1oyA 8. Hubbs, City Enpineer l•~/LC SUBJECT: Bond Release and Notice of Co leVVtYio~ V' Single Family Residence - 8799 Hidden farm Road DEVELOPEP,: John F. Crane 8805 Hidden Farm Road Alta Loma, CA 91701 • Release: Faithful Performance Bond E2, 600.00 ~G~ ~,v...:nO,,~C` 3 2 z~ ii F1 t. ~,: 19i; The street improvements for the single family residence at 8799 Hidden Farm Road have been constructed in accordance with the approved olans and it is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of E2,600.00. 30 RECOgOING REOUE STED RY: CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA P, 0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 41NEN 0.ECOROEO NAIL T0: CITY CLERK CITY OF RANCHO LUCAMONGA P. 0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, Caltiprnta 91730 NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE 25 HEREBY GSVEN THAT: 1, the under si gned is an owner of an interest ar estate in the hereinafter desc rfbed real proDert y, the nature o1 wM Ch interest or ea[at! is: 8799 Hidden Farm Road 2. the full name and address of the unders igned owner is: CITY OF RRNLNO CULAMONGA, 9320-C 9af! Line Raad, P, 0. Box 807, Rancho Cucamonaa, [aliPornia 91730. 3. On the tst Oav of May, 1985, them was comoi et ed oe the • her¢i natter described real prooerty the work of improvement set forth in the contract documents for: 8799 Hidden Farm Road a, The name of the original coniractpr Por the work of ;mornvement as a whol¢ was; Jahn F. Crane 5. Rhe real property referred to herefn is situated in the Citv of Aanchp Cucamonga, County pf $an Bernardino, [al ifornia, anA is desert bed as follows: 8799 Hidden Farm AoeA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, d muntN pal corporatlan, Owner at~___ oy u s, .v nomeer • RESOLUTION N0. ~e3-^vi-v7n 8r-~~'7 • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR 8799 HIDDEN FARM ROAD ANO AUTHORIZING THE F[L ING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for 8799 Hidden Farm Road have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to he filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolveA, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Como let ion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 1st day of May, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: J on i e s, ~ayor ATTEST: Bever y A. Authe et, ity er I, BEVERLY A. AUTHELET, C,I TY CLERK of the City of Rancho C,ucamnnga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Ranchn rucamonga, at a regular (special, ad,{ourned) meeting of said City Council held nn the 1st day of May, 1985. Executed this lst ay day of May, 1985 at Rancho Cucamonga, California. ever y q, uthe et, City C erk 31' • CITY OF RANCHO CliCAiVIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 1, 1985 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: John L. Martin, Assistant Civil Engineer ~~cn.ao~ ?° a ~ ;~ ~~~ ~ iiZ ~~;; SUBJECT: Approval of a Cooperative Agreement for the Proportionate Share of Costs for the Design of Roadway Improvements, Railroad Crossing Improvements and Traffic Signals at Grove Avenue and Eighth Street with the City of Ontario The attached resolution is for the approval of the subject agreement. This document, upon approval, will 6e forwarded to the City of Ontario for action by its Council. The Engineering Staff from both Cities have met and discussed the scope of work and responsibilities. The Rancho Cucamonga Engineerf ng Staff has agreed to take the lead for the design of the project. The majority of the construction and responsibility of maintenance lies with Ontario. Oet ails for construction will be engaged in after design approval. This project is a most desirable activity for both Cities to engage in, due to increased traffic imposing development north of Eighth Street, the proposed Federally funded street improvements south of Eighth Street and the existing substandard condition of Grove Avenue at the railroad tracks. Funding for the construction of these improvments is proposed in the budget for Fiscal Year 1985-86 by both Cities. However, since a railroad is involved, approvals by the Public Utillti es Commission is required prior to construction. Therefore, the improvement could take place in late Spring of 1986. RECDM~ENDATION It is recommended that Council adopt the attached resolution approving the Agreement for Design of Roadway Improvements, Railroad Crossing Improvements and Traffic Signals at Grove Avenue and Eighth Street and the Atchison, Topeka Santa Fe Railway Company Respect u11y su 'tt d~ Attachmen s 93 i G ITy OC I ~ UPLANp n Q s~AniTq I F~ ~ i R R ~ p/~ ~~ :~ - - _ _ 30 .~ ~~ E4TU/(E a _ ____._, ~t ' ~. -EK/STiNb t I ~ _____. _ _ _ - ~ a~ - RAPIGHO _+ ~~ GC.IGA_M_ONG/~- 8 f~ Sf, GF Cu'rAR10 Saa' of • CONS ZQUL 7/O.V ~f~ti6q~ EAiST/NG - \ , 1 / __ °^` ~/ V ill 111n1 ~~'" `~ CITY OF RANCHO C[,'G1iV10[VGA ~ title; ~,~ y ~~ _ '~` '~ E;YGINEERING DIVISION . °~ y N im ~" Page sy COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR THE DESIGN OF ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, RAILROAD CROSSING IbIP ROVE:dENTS AND TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT GROVE AVENUE AND EIGHTH STREET AND THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA b SANTA FE RAILROAD CROSSING THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 1985, between the CITY OF RANCF.O CUCAMONGA, a municipai corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Rancho Cucamonga"), and the CITY OF ONTARIO, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Ontario"), for the design of Roadway Improvements, Railroad Crossing Improvements and Traffic Signals at Grove Avenue and Eighth Street and The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Crossing (hereinafter referred to as "the Project"). A. Recitals. (i) Rancho Cucamonga and Ontario proportionally share responsibility for the intersection of Grove Avenue and Eighth Street and The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Crossing. • (ii) Said intersection meets the recognized warrants of both Cities for the installation of the Project. (iii) It is to the mutual 6enef it of the parties here- to for one agency to act as the lead agency for processing the design of said Project. (iv) Rancho Cucamonga is willing to perform the role of lead agency hereunder. B. Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between Ranchc Cucamonga and Ontario, as follows: 1. Rancho Cucamonga agrees to act as the lead agency with respect to the preparation of plans, specifications and cost estimates for the Project, including prenarati on of all documents necessary to obtain qualified professional engineering services with regard thereto. 2. Ranc!~,o Cucamonga shall prepare environmental docu- mentation in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act and the regulations promulgated thereunder. In the event it is -1- 3~ deemed necessary or convenient by the parties hereto, Rancho • Cucamonga shall cause all required documents to be prepared in accordance with the Federal rational Environmental Policy Act. 3. Rancho Cucamonga shall, subject to the terms and conditions hereof, enter into an agreement for professional engineering services for the Project. 4. Preliminary design drawings shall be prepared in coordination with Ontario for its review and approval prior to completion of final plans. Preliminary design shall consider current traffic volumes and turn movements and analysis of future traffic design parameters to determine required traffic control equipment and devices. 5. After approval by Ontario of preliminary design drawings, Rancho Cucamonga shall cause final plans, soecif ieations and cost estimates to be prepared in "ready to bid" form. Said final plans, specifications and cost estimates shall be submitted to Ontario for review and approval. 6. The parties hereto agree that each agency shall pay ere-•.`,alf of the total Project costs as finaiiy detezmined by the agreement for professional engineering services to be entered into by Rancho Cucamonga in furtherance of this Cooperai_~e Agree- ment. The parties understand and agree that, while total Project • costs are not yet fixed and ascertainable, the present best esti r,.a to for such total Project costs is 512,000.00. 7. Ontario shall de~,osit wits Rancho Cucamonga its proportionate share within 20 days of notification by Rancho Cucamonga of the Cost of the Project as determined by the agree- ment for services to be entered into by Rancho Cucamonga and the consultant. 8. Upon completion of the Project, and payment by Rancho Cucamonga of the total Project costs (including Ontario's proportionate share on deposit with Rancho Cucamonga), Rancho Cucamonga shall cause a final accounting of the total Project costs to be prepared and presented to Ontario. In the event that the amount theretofore deposited 6y Ontario with Rancho Cucamonga exceeds one-half of the total Project costs as shown by said final accounting, Rancho Cucamonga shall include with the final accounting presented to Ontazio its warrant in such amount as will cause Ontario to have borne one-half of the total Project costs. In the event that the amount theretofore deposited with Rancho Cucamonga by Ontario is less than one-half of the total Project costs shown in said final accountina, said presentation of the final accounting to Ontario shall include a statement or invoice to Ontario indicating the amount necessary to be paid by Ontario as will cause Ontario to have borne one-half of the total project costs. Said amount shall be due and payable to • Rancho Cucamonga 6y Ontario within thirty (30) days of Rancho Cucamonga so mailing said final accounting and statement or invoice. _2_ 3G n u 9, Ontario and Rancho Cucamonga agree to insure timely review of all plans, documents and reports and take action toward approval without undue delay. 10. Rancho Cucamonga shall defend, indemnify and save harmless Ontario, its elected officials, officers, agents and employees, from all liability from loss, damage or injury to persons or property, including all legal costs and attorneys' fees, in any manner arising out of the performance by Rancho Cucamonga, its elected officials, officers, agents and employees, of this agreement to the extent permitted by law. 11. Ontario shall defend, indemnify and save harmless Rancho Cucamonga, its elected officials, officers, agents and employees, from all liability from loss, damage or injury to persons or prooerty, including all legal costs and attorneys' fees, in any manner arising out of the performance, by Ontario, its elected officials, officers, agents and employees of this agreement to the extent permitted by law. 12. Rancho Cucamonga shall cause the consultant selected to perform the work required under the Project to defend, indemnify and save harmless Ontario, its elected officials, officers, agents • and employees, to the extent permitted by law, from all liabili `_y from loss, damage or injury to persons or property, including all legal costs and attorney's fees, in any manner arising out of or incidental to the performance by any such consultant of the work contemplated by the Project. Further, Rancho Cucamonga agrees to cause Ontario, its elected officials, officers, agents and employees to be named as additional insureds on all insurance policies (excluding errors and omissions) required of any such consultant. 13. This agreement may be terminated by either party hereto upon the giving of a written "Notice of Termination" to the other party, at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of termination specified in said Notice. In the event this agreement is so terminated, the parties shall hear all termination costs including costs of termination of consultant contracts, in pro- portionate shares as specified in Paragraph 6, above. -3- 37 f • 14. Any and all notices, demands, invoices and written communications between the parties hereto shall 6e addressed as set forth in this paragraph 13. The below named individuals, furthermore, shall be those persons primarily responsible for the performance by the parties under this agreement: Lloyd Hu66s City Engineer City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline, Suite C Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 IN L9ZTNESS P]HEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the day and year first auove written. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA A Municipal Corporation JON D. MIXELS, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney CITY OF ONTARIO A Municipal Corporation R. E. ELLINGWOOD, Mayor • City Clerk City Attorney • -4- 39 RESOLUTION N0. ~EB5-9i-=i~R fi's'/~P A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ONTARIO FOR DESIGN OF ROAD IMPROVEMENTS, RAILROAD CROSSIN MPR FFIL SIGNALS AT GROVE AVENUE qND EIGHTH STREET/ AND THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY WHEREAS, the Ciky of Rancho Cucamonga and the City of Ontario share a common boundary at the intersection of Grove Avenue and Eighth; and WHEREAS, Said Cities Droportionately share the responsibility for said intersection improvements and maintenance; and WHEREAS, Said intersection currently meets commonly recognized Warrants for the inst aliation of the subject improvements; and WHEREAS, Said Cities have expressed a willingness to enter into an agreement of mutual benefit and proportionate participation far the subject design of said intersection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE CT RESOLVED, By the City Councii of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California that: • 1. The agreement for Design of Raodway Improvements, Railroad Crossing Improvements and Traffic Signals at Grove Avenue and Eighth Street and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rai away Company be and the same is herewith approved. 2. The Mayor is authorized to sign same on 6eh alf of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the City Clerk to attest thereto. 3. The City Engineer of the City of Rancho Cucamonga is authorized to forward same to the City of Ontario for execution by its City Council. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 1st day of May, 1985. AYES: NOfS: ABSENT: Jon Mikels, Mayor ~9 nimv nc n ~ wrn vn rn+n ~ •.rn.rn . • STAFF REPORT DATE: May 1, 1985 T0: City Councii and City Manager FROM: Lloyd 8. Mubbs, City Engineer BY: John Martin, Assistant Civil Engineer ``O GuwnO, ~ ~ r y~' ,! 19]7 SUBJECT: Approval of Professional Services Agreement with L. A. Wainscott, Inc. for the Design of Signals and Street Improvements at 8th Street and C,rove Avenue The attached resolution is for the aoprgval of the sub,iect agreement. The City of Rancho Cucamonga and City of Ontario Engineering Staffs have met and prepared a Cooperative Agreement (also on tonight's agenda). The proportionate share in responsibility has heen agreed to for design on an equal basis. The attached Agreement is the result of the mutually accepted proposal that the Rancho Cucamonga Engineer inq Staff take the lead in hav inq the design drawings, specifications, environmental clearances made and obtain aoornv als from the railroad company for construction. The construction responsibilities and details conclusion of the design approvals. Both citie< their respective proposed budgets, funding for Eighth Street and Grove Avenue and the railroad hr ing the intersection up to current standards, provide adequate safety for the motoring public. RECDNMENDATION will he assessed at the are presently includ inq in the needed improvements of tracks. This pro iect will eliminate a bottleneck and It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution aoprov inq the Professional Services Agreement for Signals and Street Improvements at Eighth Street and Grove Avenue su b~ect to aoprov al of the part icioat inn agreement with the Citv of Ontario and authorizing the Ma vor and City Clerk to sign same on behalf of the City, ResDec tfully sub fitted, r lBlJ~aa Attachments yo i G liy oF. ~ ~ ` ~ I , UPLAND ~ ~' a [ ~---- 30 ' _ ~ _ _ ~uru2e ~ I i >° ~ ', ti -E.fiSTNb 4 ~ •_ n ~ 8!65f - of aN-rAR~o Soo' of • co,vsreucTra.~ (rnoEe) c'.f~37/N4 \ ~ I I~ I 1\Q 1 V I 1 `~i« ~~i / title; ~'t' CITY OF RANCHO CI;CA,~tONGA ' ~ >~ ~ § : ~ ...2.4'n'.~ ' r ~ ~ E!YGItiEERING DIVISION b~ y imp.,. F~Be ~// PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and entered into this day of 19 _, between the City of Rancho Cucamonga, a Municipal Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "CITY") and L. A. Wainscott, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT"). A. Recitals (i) CITY desires to retain CONSULTANT to Deform professional services necessary to render advice and assistance to CITY, CITY's Planning Commission, City Council and Staff in the oreparat ion of olans, specifications and estimates for signals and street improvements at Eiqhth Street and Grove Avenue as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and 6,y reference made a • part hereof. (ii) CONSULTANT represents that it is qualified to perform such services and is willing to perform such professional services as hereinafter defined and shall perform said professional services within the times described in Exhibit "B" for the amount stated herein based on Exhibit "C", both attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between CITY and CONSULTANT as follows: B. Agreement 1. Definitions: The following definitions shall apply to the following terms, except where the context of this Agreement otherwise requires: [x Vz (a) Project: The preparation of plans, specifications and • estimates for signals and street improvements at Eighth Street and Grove Avenue described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto including, but not limited to, the preparation of maps, surveys, reports, and documents, the presentation, both oral and in writing, of such plans, maps, surveys, reports and documents to CITY as required and attendance at any and all work sessions, public hearings and other meetings conducted by CITY with respect to the pro.j ect. (b) Services: Such professional services as are necessary to be performed by CONSULTANT in order to complete the project. (c) Completion of Project: The date of completion of all phases of the project, including any and all procedures, development plans, maps, surveys, plan documents, technical reports, meetings, oral presentations, and attendance by CONSULTANT at public hearings regarding the adoption of plans, specifications and estimates for signals and street • improvements at Eighth Street and Grove Avenue as set forth in Exhibit "B" hereto. 2. CONSULTANT agrees as follows: (a) CONSULTANT shall forthwith undertake and complete the project in accordance with Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and all in accordance with Federal, State and CITY statutes, regulations, ordinances and guidelines, all to the reasonable satisfaction of CITY. (b) CONSULTANT shall Supply copies of all maps, surveys, reports, plans and documents (hereinafter collectfvely referred to as "documents") including all supplemental technical documents, as described in Exhibit "A" to CITY within the time specified in Exhibit "B". fop tes of the u _p_ y3 documents shall be in such numbers as are required. CITY may thereafter • review and forward to CONSULTANT conrtnents regarding said documents and CONSULTANT shall thereafter make such revisions to said documents as are deemed necessary. CITY shall receive revised documents in such form and in the Gu antities determined necessary by CITY. The time Limits set forth pursuant to this Section 62, (b) may be extended upon written approval of CITY. (c) CONSULTANT shall, at CONSUL TANT's sole cost and expense, secure and hire such other persons as mav, in the opinion of CONSULTANT, be necessary to comply with the terms of this Agreement. in the event any such other persons are retained by CONSULTANT, CONSULTANT hereby warrants that such persons shall be fully qualified to perform services required hereunder. CONSULTANT further agrees that no subcontractor shall be retained by CONSULTANT except upon the orior written approval of r,ITY. • 3. C[TY agrees as follows: (a) To pay CONSULTANT a maximum sum of 512,000.00 for the performance of the services required hereunder. This sum shall cover the cost of all staff time and all other direct and indirect costs or fees, including the work of employees, consultants and subcontractors to CONSULTANT. Payment to CONSULTANT, by CITY, shall be made in accordance with the schedule set forth below. (b) Payments to CONSULTANT shall be made by fi TY in accordance with the invoices submitted 6y CONSULTANT, on a monthly basis, and such invoices shall be paid, within a reasonable time after said invoices are received by C[TY, All charges shall 6e in accordance with CONSIILTANT's proposal either with respect to hour l,y rates or lump sum amounts for u -3- YV individual tasks. In no event, however, will said invoices exceed 95X of • individual task totals described in Exhibit "A". (c) CONSULTANT agrees that, in no event, shall CITY be required to pay to CONSULTANT any sum in excess of 95X of the maximum ^a yah ie hereunder prior to receipt by CITY of all final documents, together with all supplemental technical documents, as described herein acceptable in form and content to CITY. Final payment shall be made not later than 60 days after presentation of final documents and acceptance thereof by r,ITY. (d) Additional services: Payments far additional services requested, in writing, by CITY, and not included in CONSULTANT'S proposal as set forth in Exhibit "A" hereof, shall he paid on a reimbursement basis in accordance with the fee schedule set forth in said Exhibit "C". Charges for additional services shall be invoiced on a monthly Aasis and shall be paiA by CITY within a reasonable time after said invoices are received by CITY. • 4, CITY agrees to provide to CONSULTANT: (a) Information and assistance as set forth in Exhibit "A" hereto. (b) Photographically reproducible copies of mans and other information, if available, which CONSULTANT considers necessary in order to complete the project. (t) Such information as is generally available from CITY files applicable to the project. (d) Assistance, if necessary, in obtaining information from other governmental agencies and/or private parties. However, it shall he CONSULTANT'S responsibility to make all initial contact with respect to the • -4- y gathering of such information. • 5. Ownership of Oocuments: All documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs and reports prepared by CONSULTANT pursuant to this Agreement shall 6e considered the property of CITY anA, upon payment for services performed by CONSULTANT, such documents and other identified materials shall be delivered to CITY by CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT may, however, make and retain such copies of said documents and materials as CONSULTANT may desire. 6. Termination: This Agreement may be terminated by C[TY upon the giving of a written "Notice of Termination" to CONSULTANT at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of termination specified in said Notice. in the event this Agreement is so terminated, CONSULTANT shall 6e compensated at CONSULTANT'S applicable hourly rates as set forth in Exhibit "C", on a oro- • rata basis with respect to the percentage of the proiect completed as of the date of termination. In no event, however, shall CONSULTANT receive mare than the maximum specified in paragraph 3(a), above. CONSULTANT shall provide to CITY any and all documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs and reports, whether in draft or final form, prepared by CONSULTANT as of the date of termination. CONSULTANT may not terminate this Agreement except for cause, 7. Notices and Oes ignated Representatives: Any and all notices, demands, invoices and written communications between the parties hereto shall 6e addressed as set forth in this paragraph 7. The below named individuals, furthermore, shall be those persons primarily responsible for the performance -5- y~ by the parties under this Agreement; City of Ontario, Mr. Bruce Smith, 303 E. "0" Street, Ontario, CA 91763 and City of Rancho Cucamonga, Mr. Paul Rougeau, • 9320 Baseline Road, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730. Any such notices, demands, invoices and written communications, by mail, shall be deemed to have been received by the Addressee forty-eight (48) hours after deposit thereof in the United States mail, postage prepaid and properly addressed as set forth above. 8. Insurance: CONSULTANT shall neither commence work under this Agreement until it has obtained all insurance required hereunder in a company or companies acceptable to CITY nor shall CONSULTANT allow any subcontractor to commence work on a subcontract until all insurance required of the subcontractor has been obtained. CONSULTANT shall take out and maintain at all times during the term of this Agreement the following policies of insurance. (a) Workers' Compensation Insurance: Before beginning work, • CONSULTANT shall furnish to CITY a certificate of insurance as proof that full workers' compensation insurance has been taken out for all persons whom it may employ directly or through subcontractors in carrying out the work specified herein, in accordance with the taws of the State of California. In accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code Section 3700, employer shall secure the payment of compensation to his employees. CONSULTANT prior to commencing work, shall sign and file with CITY a certification as follows: "I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code whirh require every employer to be insured against liability for worker's compensation or to undertake self insurance in accordance with the provisions • -6- y7 of that Code, and 1 will comply with such provisions before comnen cing the • performance of the work of this Agreement." (b) Public Liability and Property Damage: Throughout the term of this Agreement, at CONSULTANT'S sole cost and expense, CONSULTANT shall keep, or cause to be keot, in full force and effect, for the mutual benefit of CITY and CONSULTANT, comprehensive, broad form, general public liability and automobile insurance against claims and liabilities and automobile insurance against claims and liabilities for personal injury, death, or property damage arising from CONSULTANT'S activities, providing protection of at least Three Hundred Thousand ($300,000.00) for bodily injury or death to any one person or for any one accident or occurrence and at least Three Hundred Thousand ($300,000.00) for property damage. (c) General Insurance Requirements: All insurance required by express provision of this Agreement shall be carried only in responsible • insurance companies licensed to do business in the State of California and shall name as additional insureds CITY & City of Ontario, its elected officials, officers, employees and representatives. All such policies shall contain language, to the extent obtainable, to the effect that: (1) the insurer waives the right of subrogation against CITY & City of Ontario and their respective elected officials, officers, employees and representatives thereof; (2) the policies are primary and noncontributing with any insurance that may be carried by CITY; and (3) they cannot be cancelled or materially changed except after thirty (30) days notice 6y the Ensurer to CITY by certified mail. CONSULTANT shall furnish CITY with copies of all such policies promptly upon receipt of them, or certificate evidencing the insurance. CONSULTANT may effect for its own account insurance not required under this Agreement. _7. Y~ 9. Indemnification: CONSULTANT, shall indemnify and save harmless CITY 6 City of Ontario and their respective elected and appointed officials, • officers and employees, from all liability from loss, damage or injury to persons or property, including the payment by CONSULTANT of any and all legal costs and reasonable attorneys' fees, in any manner arising out of or incidental to the negligent performance by CONSULTANT of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, all consequential damages, to the maximum extent permitted by law. 10. Assignment: No assignment of this Agreement or of any part or obligation of performance her=under shall be made, either in whole or in part, by CONSULTANT without the prior written consent of CITY. 11. Independent Contr attar: The parties hereto agree that CONSULTANT and its employers, officers and agents are independent contractors under this Agreement and shall not be construed for any purpose to be • employees of CITY. 12. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 13. Attorney's Fees: In the event any legal proceeding is instituted to enforce any term or provision of the Agreement, the prevailing party in said legal proceeding shall be entitled to recover attorneys' fees and costs from the opposing party in an amount determined by the Court to be reasonable. 14. Entire Agreement: This Agreement supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein. Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representation by any party which is not embodied herein nor any other agreement, statement, or promise nut contafned in this Agreement shall be • -8- y9 • valid and binding, any modification of this agreement sh ail be effective only if it is in writing signed by all parties IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first set forth above: gTTEST: • CONSULTANT '~ A VVA~ti S!'rTT ~ ASSCC iA'fCS~/A:G. ;i'_r"c..~r_1~,3..~~~,~i ~~-cesraar CITY Jon 0. Mikels, Mayor every ut a et, City er -g- S'~ ERRIBIT "A" • SCOPE OF ~:lORK The ob,7 ective of the professional services are to provide Plans, Specifications and Estimates for signals and street improvements at Eighth Street and Grove Avenue. The scope of the professional services are as follows: TASK A. Orientation "fleeting with City 1) Review of pro,7 ect scope with staffs' at the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the City of Ontario. 2) Obtain from Lity: a) Pertinent design criteria for traffic signal and street improvement design; h) Available street improvement plans, topography, utility information and plan sheets. TASK B. Traffic Signal Plans 1) Prepare a traffic signal plan utilizing the City supplied title and . detail sheet and technical specifications utilizing the 1984 edition of the Caltrans Standard Specification. The traffic signal plan shall include intersection striping, if required. 2) Prepare alternative phasing plans including, ICU analysis to determine levels of services. 3) Prepare detailed estimate of quantities and construction costs prior. 4) Plans and technical specifications shall be approved by City of Rancho Cucamonga and the City of Ontario. 5) Furnish original plans and specifications to City. TASK C. Street Improvements 1) Determine the available rights of way along Grove Avenue and Eighth Street. 2) Obtain existing topography if available. Obtain additional topography if required by field means. 3) Prepare the necessary maps, sketches and/or drawings for an P. U, C. application for railroad grade crossing improvements. The City will coordinate the railroad crossing with the governing agencies and direct engineer as required. S/ 4) Prepare street improvement plans (from Grove Avenue Station 8+80 to • 11+90). 5) Prepare specification special provisions and bid sheets. 6) Prepare detailed estimate of quantities and construction costs. 1) Plans shall be approved 6y the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the City of Ontario. 8) Furnish original plans to the City for final processing. Lawrence Eisenhart, P.E., shall be retained by L A ;Jainscott & Associates to perform Traffic Engineering tasks for this pro~ec t. • C S~ Exllla[r "a" ENGINEERING SCHEDULE for 8th STREET AND GROVE AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS • WEEKS TASK 1 2 3 4 5 I I 1. Obtain City Crit ria I I 2. Prepare Siganl Plans I I I I 3. Field Surve To o I I I I I I I 4 Desi n I t ti . ersec n on I I I I I 5. Pre Sec. Sections 1 I 1 I I 6, En ineers Cost Est. I I I I I I I I I I I I / I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I 53 EXHIBIT "C" S CHE OULE OF RATES Engineer ......................... ... ......5 60,00 per hour Traffic Engineer . .. .............. ... .... ..5 60.00 per hour Surveyor ......................... ... .. ....5 54,00 per hour Associate Engineer & Geolog is t...... ......$ 54,00 per hour Engineering Technician/Plan Checker. ......5 4A, 00 per hour Laboratory & Field Technic ian ....... ......4 35.00 per hour Engineering Aide .................... ......5 33.00 per hour Three-IAan Survey Crew . .............. ......5 120.00 per hour Two-Man Survey Crew . ...... ........ .. ... ...5 101.00 per hour EDM - Total Station ................. ......4 10.00 per hour Computer .... .. ............ ........ .. ... ...5 .02 per CPU page-second Subsists nce ......................... ......5 40.00 per day Clerical .... ........ .. .... ........ .. ... ...5 22.00 per hour Field iechn is ion Vehicl e .. ... ....... ... ...5 0.25 per mile • 1) Fees and other charges will be billed monthly as the work progresses, and shall be due at the time of billing. 2) Client hereby agrees that the balance as stated on the billing from • Engineer to Client is correct, conclusive and binding on the Client unless Client within ten (10) days from the date of the making of the billing notifies Engineer in writing of the particular item that is alleged to be incorrect. 3) Any amounts not paid within thirty (30) days of the billing date shall be considered delinquent, and shall bear a service charge of one and one-half (1 1/2) percent per month on the unpaid balance not to exceed the maximum annual interest allowed by law. 4) Jobs with estimates of less than 53,000.00 normally require a retainer of E1, 000.00 or fifty (50) percent of the estimate, whichever is less, prior to work beginning. The balance will be due upon completion of the work/report. 5) A 510.00 per hour pcr employee premium shall be paid for all overtime requested by the client, May 1984 C sy • RESOLUTION N0. X85-9i+3AR Sa-/~9 R RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF RANf,HO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNA, APPROVING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH L. A. NAINSCOTT, iNr_, FOR THE PREPARATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES FOR SiGNRLS ANO STREET IMPROVEMENTS AT EIGHTH STREET RND GROVE AVENUE WHEREAS, the City of Rancho fucamonga shares the responsibility for maintenance and improvement of this subject location with the City of Ontario; and WHEREAS, the subject intersec±ion meets the recognized warrants of hoth cities for the improvement of signals and roadway and railway crossings; and WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has taken lead in retain inq professional services for the design of the needed improvements of the subject location. NOW, THERFORE, DE IT RESOLVED, by the City of Rancho rucamonpa that: 1. The Profess ion'1 Services Agreement between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and L. A. Wain SCOtt, Inc. he and the same is herewith approved upon • execution of the Cooperative Agreement with the City of Ontario; 2. The Mayor is authorized to sign same on behalf of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the City Clerk to attest thereto. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 1st day of May, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: on i e s, Mayor ATTEST: every u e e i y er S~ CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 1, 1985 T0: City founcil and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer 8Y: John Martin, Assistant Civil Engineer Gic.~~NO.yr, 9 ~~ ~ ~~~'~= Q jh 19Ti ~~ SUBJECT: Approve additional advance denos it for rity's share of the expense of the Preparation of Plans and Soecif ications, Construction Engineering and Construction Costs in accordance with Cooperative Agreement with CalTrans for traffic signals at 19th and Archibald Avenue The California Department of Transportation (CalTrans) and the City of Rancho Cucamonga entered into a cooperative agreement for the instailation of 19th Street (State Route 30} and Rrchibald Avenue on ryovember 2), 1983 per Resolution No, 83-189. The bids received for construction were recently opened and the low 61d was larger than the Engineer's Estimate. The State has informed the Citv that the overage is valid and within tolerable limits. Therefore, the Clty's porti nn has been increased by E28,000.00. RECOMMENDATTON It is recommended that City Council authorize the issuance of additional funds to CalTrans for 528,000,00. Respectfully submitt>!d, LBH: ~1: jaa Attachments S~ _ ~ I ~, SIL TF Oi GIIEORNU-IVSINESS AND iRevSVORtAiION AGENCY GFp1GF fIFU[Mt11AN. Ge~.nw D--cPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~R~a e. ro. eoR Dv eFRNARDINO, UO,ORNIA 4]AOe .4) 383-4638 April 11, 1985 Mz. Paul Rougeau City Engineer City of Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Dear Mr. Rouoeau: 08-SBd-30-6.5 08352 - 261201 19th St at Archibald Attached for your information is a copy of the revised "Exhibit A" for the Signal project at Archibald Avenue. As we discussed previously this revision is based on the actual bid prices from the Contractors. Also attached is a billing for $28,000,which is the differ- ence between the $94,000 estimate and the $66,000 received Apzil L0, 1985. , • If you have any questions, please don't .hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, R. A. HAIGHT, Chief Traffic Design Att Att RAH/ND S'~ ' DESCRIPTION ExHIaIT °a^ EST It•LATE OF COST TOTAL COST CITY'S SHARE • STATE'S SHARE Construction Signal-Related i S 94,627 547,313 $ 47,314 Nonsignal-Related 57,188 20,234 36,954 Subtotal $151,815 $67,547 $ 84,268 Preliminary Engineering 30,363 13,510 16,853 (208 of Const.) Overhead Assess, on P.E, (578 of P.E.) Construction Engineering 25,808 11,483 14,325 (178 of Const.} Overhead Assess, on C.E. (549 of C.E.) 2 000 000 1 000 1 • Utilities , , , Totals $209,986 $93,540 $116,446 Use $94,000 for Agreement -66,000 $28,000 F1ORE r ~ LJ S8 131LL ~~~sE ~/AKE CHECK rAT~ oe <euFOnNu A virABte TO DBARiMENt OF iRANSPORTAiION DEPr W TPA\SPONTATIO\ DISTRICT 8 Sfail Check to r o. Bo% 291 2~i West Third Street SHOW BILL \C\IBER San Bernardino, CA 92iQ3 Oti RE\fITTA1'CE ~ ~ - City c; ?.a;.c::o olcaaor.~a P. O, 'oz Rq7 ^.ancno ':acn~anga, C.\ ^173n L J u 31n^I BILL Ne o8- IJ01973 iDArE) 4/11 1995 pro~eet 7e<_eri~t ion DS-'':d-SQ - At :rc~ibnld .>.ran~~ - Traf°_ic ~lgttals, +igt:xay Lighting aad ;,oad '~:ork. :additional advancr. deposit for Cityea s4are of _4e exprsnse of tL•a preparation of Plans and Speci£icatioc-., Coastruetian ?ngineeriag aad Con;tr~etion Coots ±n accordance xitS District Al;rot:aeri ?70, R-44^ dated 11-17-RS. Cji. °1? ~/A ?Gl?71 F/Y 19Ri Contr, B,tn559 A.^_otlnt S?3,000. ~0 ;23,00^_,00 $UF1 T C °O; SOUACE CNGI EXPENDINRE FI% ;f'~D15t~ UNIT iD15t ~AULNCAIUDONI ~ $U9JOB SPECIAL ~I AGENCY DESIGNATION dI01IFR AMOUNt FFYI $VESIDIANY ACCOUNT I I, J.I IU•^I~,~. `q I. "I '1' I I VIIII: I, I I I I V ` _ ~I I-1_I~ _I '~ ' I I I I I I I I I l ~ I I i I, l ~ I I I II II lli I II II I ~ ~ I I lil I I lii ~ i i IA a Iola" CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT • GATE: May 1, 1985 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Nubbs, City Engineer SUBJECT: Arrow Route - Ninth Street Reconstruction - Phase 1 Design Attached for Council execution is a contract with Rssoctated Engineers to design the pavement reconstruction of Rrrow Route and Ninth Streets hetween Vineyard Avenue and Archibald Avenue. This project is a portion of a project included in this year's budget. Phase II will widen and reconstruct the portions between Vineyard and Grove Avenues. Phase I would be programmed for construction this summer with Phase ii to follow next year. RECgMEM0AT10N It is recommended that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the design contract with Rssoc fated Engineers for the Reconstruction of Rrrow Route and Ninth Street ir. an amount not-to-exceed E22,810.00 plus a 10X contingency. Respectfully submitted, _ ~~ LBN: a Attachments GO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and entered into this day of , 1985, between the Ci[y of Rancho Cucamonga, a Municipal Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "CITY") and Mills and Lilt Associated Engineers, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT"). A. Recitals. (i) CITY has heretofore issued its Request for Proposal pe rte fining [o the performance of professional services with res pact co the preparation of Plans and Specifications for the Pavement Overlay Project ("Project" hereof ter), the scope of which is attached hereto as EXNI RIT "A" and by eh is • reference made a part hereof. (ii) CONSULTANT has now submitted its fee proposal For [he performance of such services, a fully, [rue and correct copy of which proposal is attached hereto as Exhibit "8" and by this reference made a par[ hereof. (iii) CITY desires to retain CONSULTANT to perform professional services necessary to render advice and assistance to CITY, CITY's Planning Comsission, City Council and staff in the preparation of Project. (iv) CONSULTANT represents [he[ i[ is qualified to perEo rm such aervic es and is wilting co perform such pro Ee as Tonal services as hereinafter defined. follows: I~ 1 NON, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between CITY and CONSULTANT as -1- G~ H. Agreement. 1. Def ini [ions: The following definitions shall apply [o the Eolloxing to rma, excepc where the context of [his Agreement ocherwise requires: (a) Project: The preparation of Plane and Spec ific ationa described in Exh ibi[ "A" hereto including, but no[ limi [ed to, the preparation of maps, surveys, reports, and documents, the pre sencacion, both oral and in writing, of such plans, mope, surveys, reports and documents [o CITY es required end e[tendanee at any and all work sessions, public hearings and other meetings conducced 6y CITY with re spec[ to the project. (D) Services: Such professional services as ere necessary [o be performed by CONSULTANT in order to complete the projec e. (c) Completion of Pro jec[: The date aE completion o£ all pha sea of the project, including any and all procedures, development plena, maps, awrveya, plan doeumen[e, technical reports, meeting, oral preaentetiona end attendance by CONSULTANT ac public hearings regarding Che adoption of Plana end Specifications as set forch in Schedule 1 of Exhibit "A" hereto. 2. CONSULTANT agrees as Eollowe: (e) CONSULTANT shell for[hxith undertake and complete the project in accordance xi[h Hxhibi[a accordance with 'Pedetal, State ordinances end gu idelinea, alt to CITY. "A" and "B" hereto end ali in and CITY statues, regulations, the reaaonab le satiafacl ion of _~_ • • 6> (b) CONSULTANT shall supply copies of all maps, surveys, reports, plans and documents (hereinafter collectively referred to as "dotuments'") including all supplemental [ethnical documents, as described in exhibits "Aa and "8" to CITY within [he time epeciEied in Schedule 1 of Exhib i[ "A". Copies of the documents shell be in such numbers a9 are required by Exhibit "A". CITY shell receive revised documents in such Eorm and in the quantities determined necessary by CITY. The time limits set Forth pursuant co this section B2. (b) may be extended upon written approval of CITY. (c) CONSULTANT shall, a[ CONSULTANT'S sole cost and expense, secure and hire such other persons as may, in the opinion of CONSULTANT, be necessary to comply vi [h [he terms of this Agreement. In [he even[ any such other persons are retained by CONSULTANT, except upon [he prior written approval of CITY. • 3. CITY agrees ae follows: (a) To pay CONSULTANT a maximum sum of 522,810.00 for performance of the services required hereunder. This sum shall cover the coat of all staff time and all other direct and ind ire[[ costs or fees, including the work of employees, consultart[s and subcon[rac tors to CONSULTANT. Printing of plans and specifications in excess of 3 tomple [e ae is per plan check submittal as required by the CITY will be billed as en extra [o the CITY by the CONSULTANT at his coat plus 155. payment to CONSULTANT, by CITY, ehall be made in accordance with the schedule eee for [h below. -3- 63 (b) Payments to CONSULTANT shall be made by CITY in • accordance uich [he invoices submitted by CONSULTANT, on a monthly basin, and such invoices shall 6e paid vi[hin 30 days after said invoices are received by CITY. All charges shall be in accordance with CONSULTANT'a proposal either with respect to hourly races or lump sum amounts for individual tasks. In no even[, however, will said invoices exceed 952 of individual task totals described in Ezh ibis "B". (c) CONSULTANT agrees [het, in no event, shall CITY be required [o pay [o CONSULTANT any sum in excess of 95S of [he contract maximum payable hereunder prior to receipt by CITY of all final documents, together vi[h ell supplemental technical documents, as described herein acceptable in Eorm and content to CITY. Final payment of the remaining contract fee (52 of concrete maximum payable), shall be made not lacer than 60 days of ter presentation of final documents and acceptance [hereof by CITY. • (d) Additional services: Payments for additional se rvicea requested, in writing, by CITY, end no[ included in CONSULTANT'S proposal as see Eor[h in Exhibit "B" hereof, shall be paid on a reimbursement basis in accordance with the fee achedu!e set forth in said Exhibit "B". Charges for additional services shall be invoiced on a monthly basis and shell be pe id by CITY within a reasonable time of ter said invoices ere received by CITY. 4. CITY a¢reea [o prov id t CONSULTANT• (a) Information end assistance as net forth in Exhibit "A" hereto. (b) Photographically reproducible copies of maps end other • _q_ uY • information, if available, which CONSULTANT considers necessary in order to complete [he project. (c) Such information as is generally available from CITY files applicable to-the project. (d) Assistant e, if necessary, in ob coining information Erom ocher governmental agencies end/or private parties, However, it shall be CONSULTANT'S responsibility to make all initial contact with respect co [he gathering of such information. 5. Ownership of Documents: All documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, pho[og[aphe and reports prepared by CONSULTANT pursuant co this Agreement shall be considered the property of CITY end, upon payment for services be cone idered [he property of CITY and, upon payment for services performed by CONSULTANT, such documents and other identified materials • shall be delivered to CITY by CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT may, however, make and retain such copies of said documents end ma[erie is as CONSULTANT may desire. Any use or reuse of [he plans and specifics[ ions except for [he project intended or any alternation or revil ion of the plans or specifitationa without the specific uric [en consent of the CONSULTANT shell be at the sole risk of the CITY. The CITY agrees co hold harmless and indemnify the CONSULTANT against all damages, claims end tosses including defense costa arising out of any ouch use, reuse or alteration or revision. If the CITY requests written consent from the CONSULTANT, [he CITY shall further compenaate~the CONSULTANT at his then current hourly rates for the time CONSULTANT finds neceeea ry to review the proposed action in order [c grant each conaen [. - S- fa t 6. Termination: This Agreement may be terminated by CITY upon [he given of a written "Notice of Terming [ion" to CONSULTANT a[ least fifteen (15) days prior to [he date of termination spec iEied in said Notice. In the event this Agreement is so terminated, CONSULTANT shell be compenaa [ed a[ CONSULTANT'S applicable hourly rates to set forth in Exhibit "B", on a pro-rate bsa is with respect Go the percentage of the project <omple red as of the date of termination. In no event, however, shall CONSULTANT receive more then the maximum specified in paragraph 3 (a ), above. CONSULTANT shall provide to CITY any and all documents, data, Studies, surveys, drawings, me pa, models, photographs and reports, whether in draft or final form, prepared by CONSULTANT as of [he date of termination. CONSULTANT may no[ terminate [his Agreement except for cause. 7. Nocices and Designated Represen[acivea: Any and all notices, demands, invoices and written wmtaunicationa between [he parties hereto shell be addressed as set forth in this paragraph 7. The below named individuals, furthermore, shall be those persons primarily rea ponsible for the performance • by [he parties under [his Agreement: City of Rancho Cucamonga: Lloyd Nubbs, City Engineer City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91770 Mills end Lill Asaocia [ed Engineers Inc.: Philip M. Douglas, Project Manager Mills end Lill Assoc ie[ed Engineers P.O. Box 9419 Ontario, CA 91761 Any such notices, demands, invoices and written communications, by mail, shall be deemed to have been received by the eddrea see forty-eight (4B) hours after • -6- LG • deposit [hereof in the United Sta Ces mail, postage prepaid end properly addre eyed as set forch above. 8. Ineuranc e: CONSULTANT shall neither commence cork under [hie Agreement until it has obtained all insurance required hereunder in a company or companies accepceble to CITY nor shall CONSULTANT alloy any aubcontrector co cos®ence work on a subcontract until ell insurance required of the subs oneraccor has been ob Gained. CONSULTANT shall take out end maintain e[ all times during the term of this Agreement the Eolloaing policies of insurance. (a) Workers' Comoensacion Insurance: Before beginning work, CONSULTANT shall furnish to CITY a certificate of insurance as proof [ha[ it has taken out Eull workers' compensation insurance for all persons whom it may employ directly or Ch rough subconcrac coca in carrying out the work specified herein, in accordance with [he laws of the State of California. • In accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code Sec [ion 3700, every employer shall secure the paymenc of compensation to his employees. CONSULTANT prior [o commencing work, shall sign and file with CITY a certification as follows: "I am aware of [he provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for workers' compensation or [o undertake self insurance in accordance with the prov iaione of [hat Code, and I will comply with such prov iaione before comeenc ing the performance of the work of this Agreement." (b) Public Lia6ili [v end Prooer[y Damage: Throughout the term of this Agreement, •t CONSULTANT'S Bole coat end expense, CONSULTANT shall keep, or ceuee [o be kept, in full force end I 1 U '~- G7 effect, for the mutual benefit of CITY end CONSULTANT, • comprehensive, broad form, general public liability and automobile insurance against claims and liabilities for personal injury, death, or property damage arising from CONSULTANT'S activi[ie a, providing protection ..of at leas[ One Million Dolleza (51,000,000.00) far bodily injury or death to~any one person or for any one accident or occurrence end et least One Nill ion Dollars (51,000,000.00) for property damage. (c) Errors and Omissions: CONSULTANT shall take out and maintain a[ all times during [he life of [his Agreement, a policy or policies of insurance concerning errors and omissions ("malpractice") providing protection of at least E1 million for errors and omissions ("aa lprac[ice") with respect [o loss arising from actions of CONSULTANT performing _Engi nee rlno services hereunder on behalf of CITY. • (d) General Insurance Neeuirements: All insurance required by express provision of this Agreement shall be carried only in responsible insurance companies licensed to do business in the State of California and policies required under paragraphs 9. (a) and (b) shall named as additional insureds CITY, its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents. ALL poli<ies shall contain language, [o [he extent ub to inab le, to the effect that: (1) the insurer waives the right of subrogation against CITY and CITY's elected officials, of firers, employees, end agentai (2) the policies ere primary end noncontributing pith any insurance ehae may be Carr ied• by CITY, and (3) they cannot be cancelled or materially changed except after thirty (30) days' notice by [he insurer to Ctil' 6y certified mail. CONSULTANT shall furnish CITY with copies of all such pol is ies promptly upon receipt of Chem, ar r 'g" (o Y cart ifica[e evidencing [he insurance. CONSULTANT may effect for iea own account insurance not required under this Agreement, 9. Indemnification: CONSULTANT shall defend, indemnify end rive harmless CITY, its elected and appointed offi<isle, officers, agents and employees, from all liability from ~loea, damage ~or injury [o persons or property, including the payment by CONSULTANT of any and all legal costa end attorneys' fees, arising out of the performance by CONSIII,TANT of Chia Agreement, including, but not limited to, all consequential damages, [o the maximum extent pe rmiGted by lav. 10. Asa ignmen[: No assignment of this Agreement oc of any per[ or obligation of performance hereunder shall be made, either in whole or in part, by CONSULTANT wi [hoot the prior written consent of CITY. 1t. Inds pendent Contractor: The part iea hereto agree [het • CONSULTANT and its employers, officers and agents are independent contra<tore under this Agreement end shall no[ be construed for any purpose to be employees aE CITY. 12. Governin¢ Law: This Agreement shall be governed by end construed in accordance with the lave of the Slate of California. 13. Attorney's Fees: In she even[ any legal proceeding is instituted to enforce any [e rm or provision of the Agreement, the prevailing pe rty in ea id legal proceeding shall be entitled [o recover attorney's fees and roe is from the oppoe ing party in an amount determined by [he Court [o be rasa Doable. 14. Entire ARreemen t: This Agreement sups rsedes any and ell other ag reementa, either oral or in writing, between the parties with respect to [he subject matter herein. Each party to Chia Agreement ecknowledgee that no • '9' ~9 repreeentat ion by any party vh ich is not embodies herein nor any other agreement, statement, or promise not contained in Chia Agreement shall be valid end binding. Any modification of Chia Agreement shall be effective only if it is in writing signed by all parties. IN NITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year fire[ set forth above: CONSULTANT CITY Nayor • ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVES AS TO FORM: City Attorney • -lo- 90 ERHIEIT "A" SCOPE OF PROJECT I. GENERAL The work will cone ist of preparing cone truc Lion plann~ spec ificat ions and coat estimate for [he overlay of the existing asphalt concrete pavement in 9th Street and Arrow Route between Vineyard Avenue and Archibald Avenue. The projec t'a objective is to repair exiating failed areas of pavemenc and curbing, [hereby increaaing the life of [he exia [ing road and improving the comfort and driveability. Two erase of roadway widening are included. The Consultant will perform ell necessary field surveys required to consider and ea tabliah all current end ultimate scree[ croaa sections grades and traffic constraints. The Consultant will obtain or calculate any required pavemenc etrutcural sections in erase of new eons[ruttion or reeonatruc[ion and provide any necessary soils invest iga[ions Co establish [hose structural sections. Plans for Che cone traction will consist of one total project. A • title ehee[ vi 11 cones in she projec[ title with limits of conatruction~ general no[es~ project indez~ vicinity map, utility alert telephone numbers. project legend and benchmark. Typical sections for [he various roadway widths will he shown with [he limits of each typical section he ing defined by stationing beginning at [he westerly limica of [he project and increaaing seater ly. Ylan/profile sheets at a scale of 1"•40' will show the full roadway widths in plan views end ell pertinent information within those limits. Included will be existing underground u[ili ties, areas of removal and reconstruc tion~ valves end manholes to be reined [o grade end overlay limica. The limits of overlay will be generally from [he eaacerly ECR of Vineyard Avenue Co [he westerly ECR of Hellman Avenue end from [he easterly ECR of Hellman Avenue to the westerly ECR of Archibald Avenue. Areea of widening will be shown on Che north side of Arrow Route east of Vineyard (increase shoulder width by 5 fee[) and on the south aide of 9th Street between Hellman Avenue and Archibald Avenue (eonatruct full-width improvements [o match existing curb end gue[er). Profile portions of the plan/profile ehee is will show the exiating north end south [op of curb, exiating centerline and proposed centerline elevations and gradelinee. Hhere street widening and new curb and gutter occura~ proposed top of curb profile will be shown. -11- 7/ Final construction quantities will be de[emined and the Consultant will prepare en estimate of construction <oets for the project. Specifications will <ons iet of Special Provisions applicable to the entire project. The Cicy will incorporate those Special Provisions with general provisions and any other contract documents to provide the job apecif icatione Eor the Project. No acquisition of additional rights of way or easements is anticipated. Any work asaoc fated with such items found to be required will be by the City or will be negotiated as an addendum to the design contract at that time. II. SPECIFIC TASKS Tasks will be performed in approximately Che same sequence in which [hey ate listed below: A. Preliminary Phase (IJ Preliminary Surveys a. Consultant will walk project and identify areas of special cons ideracion such as areas of removal and [econatruction, areas of special repair, areas co be cold planed, ace. b. Establish centerline controls. . c. Section Street of 50' minimum intervals with additional sections where required to accurately shown existing conditions. d. Record location of existing valves, manholes end ocher pertinent topographical features within the area co be overlayed. e. Take topo in areas to be widened. E. Research existing utility locations. g. Test soil in areas of videning for calculation of strut coral sett ions. g. Plan Preoaration (1.) Prepare Title Sheet in accordance with Section I above; (2.) Prepare plan views showing street rights of way, survey controls and existing utility information in atwrd ante with Section I above; (7.) Plot profiles of existing curbs end <enterl foes. (4 J Plot cross eectiane of existing conditions. (5.) Determine design 'centerline profile. (6.) Determine typical sections to be used; plot typical over existing section. (7J Show proposed areas of removal, reconatruc cion and repair on sepia of background sheets. (g.) Submit 3 se to of preliminary de ei gn and arses of repair sod if necessary modify Che design ae are cult of these discussions. • -12- /~ L n .~ (9.) Comple [e conatruc[ion plane in accordance with final design. (10.) Submit J se Ca of final plans [o City Engineer for review and co®ent. Make corrections if neeeseary. (il.) Determine grid dimeee ions for final pavement elevations end prepare cut sheets listing station, elevations left end elevations right based on final design. C. Speci Eics[ions, Quantity Estimates and Cost Estimate (1.) Spe cifita[ions Unless directed otherwise, Consul ten[ will use the Standard Specifications for Public Works Constructions (Green Book) for this project. Special Provisions will be prepared for inc luaion by the City into the Pinal Project SpecificaCiona. Spec iel Provia ions will include applicable standard drawings. (2.) Quantity Estimate An es[ima ce of quent iC ies will be prepared for each scree[ individually and also as one total project. (3.) Cos[ Ea[ima to An Engineer a' Coet Estimate will be prepared far the [oral • project based on the Engineer's quantity estimate and estimated unit coats of the various items of work. Unit cones will be based nn the beat information available at the time of pl en completion. -13- 73 Exxlglr "E" FEE PROPOSAL The following proposed fee schedule relates to tasks lis cad in Seccion II of EXIIIEIT "A". TASE GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEE A. Preliminary Phase (la-If) Preliminary Surveys 4,700 (lg) Richard Hills Assoc iatea-Soils 6 Pvmc. Teasing (Aaeume8 8hrs. coring, 6 S.E. Tests, 2-A-Value Teaca, 5-Sieve Analysis Teaes) 2,360 Sub-Total 7,060 S• Plan Preparation and Design (1-E) Preliminary Design 8,580 (9-11) Final Design 4,620 Sub-Total IJ,200 0. Specifications and Estimates (1.) Special Provisions 1,750 (2 J Quantity Eacimete 500 (3.) Cost Eatimece 300 Sub-Total 2~ ,550 TOTAL FEE S 22,810 Reproduction Coate We propose co furnish, at no roes to the City, [he pr iota, check sees, end duplic e[e Gras inga which ve use in designing [he Project. It is assumed that if [he Cicy vents additional copies of plena end specif is ationa for bidding or ocher purposes, the City will pay she printer directly or will make Che copies in-house. However, if we are directed by the City to provide each additional copies we will be glad to do ao et our direct coat plus lSi. • -14- ~y ~ Associated Engineers CONSUITINOCIVILENOINEEIW 519 EAST 'E' STIIEET • ONTARIO. 4LIFORNIA f17M • plat fff~6flf MAILING ADDRESS: P.D. BOX W79, ONTARIO, CA. 917a1 HOURLY RATES (Effective 8/1/89) Principal Registered Civil Engineer 578,00 per hour Principal Licensed Land Surveyor 563.00 per hour Associate Land Planner 555.00 per hour Civil Engineer 1. Senior $63.00 per hour 2. Associate 555.00 per hour 3. Assistant 547, 00 per hour 4. Junior 539.00 per hour Senior Designer lDraEtsman 545.00 per hour . Designer/Draftsman 541.00 per hour Draftsman -1 Sag. 00 per hour Draftsman -2 533.00 per hour Engineering Aide SZe. 00 per how Key Punch Operator 524.00 per hour Secretarial 523,00 per hour 3-Man Survey Party 5145.00 per hour 2-Man Survey Party Elli. 00 per hour Above schedule is for straight time only and in case of overtime, the rate charged (or will 6e 1-1/2 times the hourly rates shown and Sundays and holidays at 3 times the hourly rates shown. These hourly rates do not include printing costs which are billed at cost or fees paid to Governmental agencies or others. ~s PLANNING i - ° R ` '. RICHARD MILLS ASSOCIATES 9Ar~ TumN AvMw • RuncFw Cucamapq CdROmb 917x1 • (71q 900.1751 April 23,1985 Associated Engineers 316 Bast "E" Street Ontario, Ca. 91761 Attention: Phil Douglas Subject: Proposal for a Pavement Investigation Arrow Highway end Ninth Street Between Archibald Ave. and Vineyard Ave. Aancho Cucamonga, Ca. Gentlemen: In response to your request of April 22, 1985, we propose to perform a pavement investigation for the subject project. We propose that charges for these services be on an hourly or test rate basis in accordance to the rates shown on the attached Fee Schedule. We have estimated that the total chergea for performing these services will be $2362.00. This • estimate of charges is based on the scope of work indicated on the attached Estimate Nork Sheet. Our services rill consist of a field inspection of the existing pavement conditions, laboratory testing, a review of the data obtained in the inspection and testing phases, end preparation of a written report containing recommendations in accordance to generally accepted engineering principals and practices. A visual field survey of the existing pavement will be conducted. Core samples will be obtained to provide information on the underlying materials and existing pavements. In addition, several subgrade materiels will. be sampled for lebozatory testing to provide a new pevemeni etrvetural section design. The number and types of laboratory teats ere indicated on the attached Eatimete Work Sheet. All testa will be performed in accordance to either the epecif icationa of The American Society for Testing end Materials (ASTM). The report will present the results of the field inspection and laboratory testing? and pavement structural • 7~ OFOIeeT 70UryWT1Ory FFWRIFFRMG nmla section guidelines for the proposed improvement. Our recommendations will be consistent with sound engineering • practices and shall incorporate federal, state and local lave, codes, ordinances and regulations which, in our professional opinion, are applicable at the time that our professional services are rendered. During the course of the investigation it mey be necessary to change the scope of our work dne to unforeseen subsurface conditions. If such a change in the scope of work becomes necessary, which will increase the charges, we will obtain your written authorization before proceeding. Invoices for our services will be rendered upon completion of the work and are due and payable upon presentation. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal. We look forward to working with you on this project and can begin our work upon receipt of your notice to proceed and receipt of a signed copy of this proposal authorizing us to perform these professional services. If you have any questions regarding this proposal please contact the undersigned Project Manager. . Authorized Ry: Respectfully Submitted, Associated Engineers RICRA~D MILLS ASSOCIATES A / ~.., ~- ~.~ Manager By: Title: E. Duane Lyon President Date: Attachments: Estimate Worksheet Pee Schedule ~'~ RICHARD MILLS ASSOCIATES RICHARD MILLS ASSOCIATES • ESTIMATE-WORK SEEET Proposal To: Aa sociated Engineers Job Description: Arrow eWy.and Ninth Street, Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. Type of Service: Pavement Investigation ITEM t ITEM QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL I PAVEMENT STRUCTURAL SECTIONS A. PIELD INVESTIGATION 1. STAFP ENGINEER FIELD 8 RR 55.00 440.00 2. DIAMOND TIP CORING 8 ER 55.00 440.00 SUBTOTAL $880.00 • B. LABORATORY TESTING 1. SAND EQUIVALENT 6 EA 30.00 180.00 2. R-VALUE 2 EA 175.00 350.00 3. SIEVE ANALYSIS 5 EA 52.00 260.00 SUBTOTAL $790.00 C. ENGINEERING REVIEW AND REPORT PREPARATION 1. PRINCIPAL ENGINEER 2 NR 65.00 130.00 2. STAFP ENGINEER OPFICE B HR 55.00 440.00 3. DRAFTSMAN 2 HR 39.00 78.00 4. SECRETARIAL 2 HR 22.00 22.00 SUBTOTAL $692.00 TOTAL $2362.00 7P RICFJARD MILLS ASSOCIATES • RICHARD MILLS ASSOCIATES SCHEDULE OF PEES Asphalt Pavement Inspection and Testing January 1,1985 Equipment Rate Mobile Lab 6 Testing Equipment ................. 5200.00 week Diamond Tip Coring (includes 1 operatozl ....... 55.00 hour Diamond Tip Bit Wear ........................... 1.00 inch Laboratory Tests • Unit Cost Bituminous Paving Mixtures Marshall Method Mix Design (5 points)........... $1,800.00 •• Marshall Method Mix Design (3 points)........... 1,600,00 *• • Hveem Method Mix Design .... .......:::::::::: Marshall Stability - Flow (lab mix) 1,200.00 210.00 •* Marshall Stability - Flow (pre mixed) .......... 140.00 Hveem Stability (lab mix) ...................... 195.00 Hveem Stability (pre mixed) .................... 125.00 Cohesion of compacted Mix (pre mixed)............ 350,00 Cohesion of Compacted Mix flab mix) ............. 450.00 Extraction - Percent Asphalt ................... 70.00 Extraction - Percent Asphalt and Gradation...... 100.00 Water Content by Distillation .................. 130.00 0ulk Sp. Gr. Compacted Mix (Saturated).......... 35.00 Bulk Sp. Gr. Compacted Mix (Paraffin Coated).... 70.00 Coating and Stripping .......................... 75.00 Abson Recovery of Extracted Asphalt ............ 175.00 Specific Gravity of Bitumen .................... 75.00 Penetration .................................... 55.00 Aggregates Atterburg Limits ............................... Si.00 Flat a Elongated Pieces (Per Size Practionl..... 20.00 Resistance to Abrasion (LA Rattler) ............ 60.00 Sand Equivalent ................................ 30.00 Sieve Analysis ................................. 52.00 Soundness in Sodium Sulfate ......... ..... .... 125.00 Specific Gravity 6 Absorption ....... ..... .... : : 40.00 99 R'CNA!<D MIL'S %,SSCC'ATES Personnel Hourly Rate • PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER ....................... SENIOR STAFF ENGINEER .......................... Staff Engineer ............................... Resident Inspector ... ....................... pavement Laydown Inspector ..................... Asphalt Plant Inspector ........................ Field Laboratory Technican ..................... Soils Technican ................................ Draftsman .................................... Secretarial ................................... Travel Time ..................................... Subsistence .................................... Overtime ....................................... 65.00 60.00 55.00 48.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 22.00 39.00 35.00 day 8.00 * Overtime rates are to be added to the standard hourly rate for the appopriate personnel charges. •• These charges are for tests performed at our main laboratory. All tests performed in the field laboratory will be charged at the hourly rates indicated. *~ Onit costs for mix designs include sieve analysis and specific gravity testa on four aggregate sizes, laboratory preparation and testing of test specimens, engineering analysis of test results and report preparation. Costa for sampling of materials and compliance testing of aggregates are not included in the unit costs for mix designs. Time charged to the job includes travel time to and from the project site, which is charged at an hourly rate corresponding to the service performed. • go RICHARD MILLS ASSOCIATE rrmv nc n ~ nlr vn rr-r ~ arnw~r . STAFF REPORT DAi E: May 1, 1985 TD: City Council and City Manager FROM: L1oyA B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Blane W. Frandsen, Senior Civil Engineer ~.._....w,yr•. yy,,\.~ 9 <.i~\ r x~~ ~~'; _ ~~~ - t9;- Ili • SUBJECT: Approval of Joint Construction Agreement for Streets and Sewerline Construction on Archibald Avenue between Cucamonga County Water District and the City of Rancho Cucamonga The proposed agreement effectively joins the City's street reconstruction project with the Water District's pro ject to install a 15" diameter "trunk" sewer along the same reach of Archibald Avenue. It is to be noted that the joining of the two projects allows far a cost sharing of an estimated $400,000.00 overlap inq expenditures in pavement removal and replacement. The cost savings to he shared, somewhat equally, by both agencies. The City will, by the agreement, assume the responsibility to administer the joint construction contract for a fixed fee of 510,000.00. It ;s also to be noted that by joining the two contracts, the disruption to traffic due to the can struct ion of the two projects upon this major arterial street can he held to its minimum, RECOMI'IENOATION It is recommen Aed that the agreement be approved 6y City Councit and the Cstv of Rancho Cucamonga and forwarded to the District for an oroval anA 'final execution. Resp ctfully submi)ted, ~~ ~ i b,////,J/~ L 8M : B/WA': t:Ta Attachments 8i AGREE MEN7 FOR JOINT CONSTRUCTION OF • STREET AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ON ARCHIBALD AVENUE THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the day of 1985, by and between CUCAMONGA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, a public agency ("District"), and CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, a municipal corporation ("City"). R E C I T A L S City intends to make street improvements within the right-of-way of Archibald Avenue from Fourth Street to Baseline Road, and District intends to construct a sewer main referred to as the Archibald Trunk within the right-of- way of Archibald Avenue from south of Fourth Street to Baseline Road. Both • construction projects will require significant disruption of the normal flow of vehicular traffic along Archibald Avenue, a major arterial street. Combining and coordinating the two projects as a single project will allow for minimizing such traffic disruption. Also, certain cost benefits can be derived by sharing certain overlapping costs, such as traffic control, reconstruction of street pavements which would be removed by both projects and the adjustment to grade of manholes and water valve covers belonging to the Water District which would be covered 6y the new pavements. C O V E N A N T S NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 1. City shall act az lead agency in the administration of a joint -1- 8~ construction project consisting of: • (A) The Archibald Avenue Overlay between Fourth Street and Baseline Road (F .A.U. No. OS-SBd-O-RC ucN-R078) (Primary Bid Schedule) and (3) The Archibald Trunk Sewer from 660 feet south of Fourth Street to 3aseline Road (CC'WD Work Order No. 2844) (Alternate "A"). 2. The contract bid schedule sh ail contain separate schedules for each of the projects referenced in paragraph 1 of this agreement. Award of the contract for both schedules shall be made by City to the lowest qualified bidder far the joint project; except in the event that the Alternate "A" Bid Schedule is 10 percent higher than the engineer's estimate in total, such bid may be rej ert ed at the option of District. In such event, City may award a contract to the lowest qualified bidder on the primary schedule only. 3. If upon reviewing the lowest bid for the joint project it is determined that the amount of the bid for either schedule exceeds the • engineer's estimate by more than 10 percent, the bid schedules may be further reviewed to determine whether an attempt has been made to imbalance the bids. If City and District jointly determine that the bidder has so imbal an ced his hid, they may further consider and agree upon a sharing of the cost of the bid items which have been determined to be imbal an ced. 4a. Within thirty (30) days of the date of the award of the contract for construction of the project, District shall deposit with City funds in an amount equal to the contract price for the Alternate "A" Bidding Schedule, and 1/2 of the shared items ,frem the Primary Bidding Schedule as shown on Exhibit "R" attached hereto and the additional amount to be paid by the District pursuant to paragraph 3 hereof. • _p_ 83 • Sb. City shall use the amount so deposited 6y the District solely for payment of the Contractor for completion of the work for the Alternate "A" Bidding Schedule, the shared items from the Primary Bidtling Schedule and such additional amounts to be paid by the District pursuant to paragraph 3 hereof. If pursuant to paragraph 3 hereof City and District determine and agree on an amount to be paid by City toward the cost of the Alternate "A" Bidding Schedule that amount shall he deducted from the said contract price for purposes of District's deposit, and shall 6e paid by City on the final progress payment or payments to the contractor for Alternate "A" Bidding Schedule. 4c. City shall invest the amount so deposited by District in an interest-bearing account, and the interest which accrues thereon shall be used by City as provided in this paragraph. District shall review City's monthly • progress payments as pertains to the Alternate "A" Bidding Schedule and provide an approval to City within two (2) working days of the date of their submittal to District. City shall withhold from each progress payment to the contractor an amount equal to not less than five percent of the amount of the contractor's progress payment request to which the payment relates. Said retained amounts shall not be paid 6y City to the contractor until the expiration of the period for the filing of stop notices after the recordation of the notice of completicn of the project. Sa. City shall coordinate traffic control, inspection and construction surveying., District shall pay to City District's soil inspection and testing and construction survey costs as contracted for outside of this agreement for the Alternate "A" construction and the proportionate share of •3- 8 `1 soils and survey for the snared items front the Primary Bidding Schedule and such adjustments as may be appropriate pursuant to paragraph 3 hereof. • 5b. District shall provide pipeline inspection and pipeline television inspection for Alternate "A" pipeline installations, testing of the sewer pipeline shall be providzd by the contractor. Results of all inspections (construction, television, air test, soil test, etc.) shall be rzported 6y District to City as nearly as possible on a daily basis. 6. District shall reimburse City for contract administration expenditures for the joint project as a lump sum reimbursement of 510,000.00 to be a final deduction from the interest accrued in the interest-bearing account established by the City under paragraph 4 hereof or through separate payment by the District in the event of insufficient funds therein. Payment shall be made with the final project accountings and payments. 7. City shall submit to District for approval any change order t i h A i h l D h l " " dealing w t the lternate Bidd ng Sc is rict s review and A edu e. al approve or disapprove any change order submitted by City to District within two (2) working days after its submittal to District, and shall make payment to City within thirty (30) days upon approval of any change order for the amount thereof. Payments to contractor to he made from the interest-bearing account established pursuant to paragraph 4 hereof upon approval of change order by Lhe District. 8a. City shall bid and conduct the construction of the project as a public works project. City shall require the contractor to furnish a performance bond in a principal amount equal to at least 100% of the total amount for Alternate "A" Bidding Schedule and a labor and material payment bond in ~ principal amount equal to at least BO% of the amount for Alternate • _q_ ar "A" Bidding Schedule. City and District shall he named as co-obligees on both such bonds. City and District shall be named as additional insureds on all insurance policies to be furnished by the contractor. The bonds shall be separate from that bonding provided for the Primary Bidding Schedule. 9. Upon completion of construction of both schedules of the project, District and City shall review the final construction accounting, and together shall pay such outstanding amounts as are appropriate to complete final payments. All unspent funds in the account established by City from the amount of District's deposit pursuant to paragraph 4 hereof, including remaining interest thereon, shall be returned to Distri^_t. 10. City and District shall share on an equal basis the costs of: a) removing base and surfacing, h) aggregate base, c) pavements and cap, d) traffic signal loops, (for that reach where planned removals are coincident • with the pipeline installation), and e) to adjust to grade the existing manholes and water valve frames and covers. A quantity of such items as found in the Primary Bidding Schedule to be shared 6y both parties is attached as Exhibit "A". For reference purposes, the construction plans and specifications shall 6e included therefore as part of this agreement. 11. Upon completion of the Joint project and upon acceptance of the Alternate "A" work item by the District, the Archibald Avenue Trunk Sewer shall be become the property of the District with full responsibility for the operation and maintenance thereof. 12. Each party shall indemnify the other party and its officers, its elected officials, agents and employees against and hold theirs free and harmless of and from all claims and liabilities of any kind arising out of, in connection with, or resulting from, acts or omissions on its part or on the n~ part of its officers, its elected officials, agents, contractors and employees in connection with the construction of the project. -5- $6 13. This agreement may only be amended by a subsequent written • agreement signed on behalf of both parties. 14. This agreement and the terms and conditions contained herein are all subject to the successfull award of a contract for the construction of both bidding schedules. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement as of the date set forth in the first paragraph hereof. • • -6- a7 \J CUCAMONGA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT by: ?resident of the Board of Directors Date ATTEST: Secretary of the Board of Directors R ppro ved as to form: Council for District • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA by: Jon D. Mikel, 'gayor Date ATTEST: CJ Beverly A. Authe et, C~Cy C erk Approve as to form: City Attorney 1- 88 r CITE' OF R.~NCHO CL'CA~tONGA ~~`~~°: Est. By ~ RWF Date ~ 4 19 95 ~' ' ~i; Check Bye Dates QUantlty Estimate ~~ ~^ ` a Project Shared Expenditures for Archibald Avenue ~~ ('j Limits ~ Overlay and Trunk Sewer Hn Item ~ Project No.~ SHT. NO. SIDE OF STREET LOCATION OOAN TITY 1 Pavement 8 Base Removals (1/2) '24,820 C.Y. 12,410 C.Y. 2 Trench Repaving Aggregate Base (1/2) 3157.35 C.Y. 1,578.69 C.Y. Asphalt Concrete (1/2) 4,213.24 Tons 2,106.62 Tons Asphalt Concrete Cap (1/2) 1.791.47 Tons 895.73 Tons 3 Traffic Loops oop (1/2) 25 ea. 12.5 ea. 4 ter Valve & Man 1 Cover Adjust ter Valves ~.2) 111 each 55} ea. an hole Cove (i ) 54 ea. 27 ea. t~ 5 Traffic ~S r' tng (1 /4) Lump Sum 1/8 Lump Sum I Tctal Page Total Item 8 5 Page _ of .n n ~rnw.n ~ • ,~ STAFF REPORT ~ ~~ _. z; ~ v ~i _ ~ Date: April 25, 1955 - C `z L 2 To: City Council and City Ma pager --- _~_-~ ioT e'rom: Dick Mayer„ Project Coordinator Subject: AP Proval of Plans and Specifications and Au th orizaticn to Advertise far BLds for the Beryl and Lions nark Play Areas - Consent ra lendar Item Back ar ound~ On March 6, 1985, the City Council approved conceptual plans and the submission of grant applications Eor S[a to Roberti-Z'Becq urba r. Open Space Program funding for the redevelopment of the rhi ldre n's play equipment areas at 9e ryl and Lions Parks. The grant applications were successful and the State will provide up to 75g of tF.e project vats to a maximum of 530,318 towards [he redevelopment of these two facilities. Plans and specifications have been completed for the projects and the City Council's au thoriza [i on !o advertise for competitive bids is necessary to prose ed with the work. The es [i ma red cost for the Beryl Park proj r, rt is 522,575, of which 515,318 will be derived from Roberti-Z'6e rq funds and 57,257 from Park Development Funds. The Lions Park project is estimated to rost 522,819 with Roberti-Z'Berg funds providing 515,000 and the Park Development Fund oroviding the remaining 57,8`9. The proposed improvements for each rroje ct includes the expansicn of the play area, prcvisi on of additional play egui pment and park furniture and revisions to the existing it riga Lion svs rems as needed by exnsnding the play areas. taff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council: t. Approve the final plans and specifications for the redevelopment of the ee ryl and Lions Park play areas; and 2. Authorize the Community Services nepa rtment to advertise the prpj errs for const cacti on hid s. qo • CITY OF RAtiCHO CCCA310tiGA MEMORANDUM DATE: Aorrl 25, 1585 Tv: City Council FRO+t: Finance Directo SCBJECT: Trust Account Closure and Tzan sfer Cic.~.tt~ti:. .~ ; ~9 l r. 3 \ ~~ ~ _ J'j~C LCD \ z I~1-- - ~ .qs time required to keen money in trust accounts runs out, we will he brin gina to council those closures and requests to transfer to other funds. At this time we are requesting from trust account 70-2 i6-411 (Tract DepositsY an amount of $93,303.25 be transferred to the Capital Reserve Fund to be used on projects as needed and approved by the City Council. Beco rune ndation: authorize the inter fund transfer from trust (Y01 to the Capital keserve Fund of 593,303.25 and debit account 70-276-411. F(E%to 9/ nr ~ ns n e wrn vn nrn w ~,rnwrn w • STAFF REPORT ~ /~~~ y ~~~: --~~;- i DATE: Hay 1, 1985 T0: Mayor and Members of Ci[y Council FROH: James C. Frost, City Treasurer BY: Harry J. Empey, Finance Director/Deputy Tzeas urer "~~ SDBJECT: LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FDND To expand investment portfolio options For [he City's idle funds, it is recommended that [he City Council adopt Resolution No. 85-I30, providing for par[itipa ti on in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF). LAIF monies are pooled vi[h State funds, and are inveaced to achieve [he objective of realizing the maximum re corn coosiscen[ vi[h safe and prudent Treasury Management. The LAIF ie expected [o be another valuable tool in maintaining a healchy level of interest income. RJE/kep 91 • RESOLDTION N0. 4 s ~~ j G A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO-NCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCRO WCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTRORIZ INC INVESTMENT OP IDLE NON IES IN LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FOND NNEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 730 of [he Statutes of 1976 Section 16429.1 vas added [o the California Goverumecf Code to create a Local Agency Investment Fund in the State Treasury Eor [he deposit of money of a local age ncy for purposes of investment by the Stale Treasurer; and NNEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby find [hat [he deposit and withdr aval of money is the Local Agency Investment Fund in accordance vi[h the prow ieioos of Section 16429.1 of the Government Code for the purpose of inv eetment as stated [herein as in the bee[ interests of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. NON, TREReFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Chat [he City of Rancho Cu cemonga does hereby authorize the deposit and withdrawal of Idle monies in [he Local Agency Investment Fund in the State Tr eaeury in accordance with the prav ieione of Section 16429.1 of the Gover®ent Code for the purpose of invee tment ae eta tad therein. • BE IT PURTRER RESOLVED Chat the foliw ing two (2) of rice re or their eucce ssora in office shall be authorized to order [he deposit or withdrawal of moni ea in the Local Ageacy Investment Pund: James C, Frest, City Treasurer Harry J. Empey, Finance Di reU or/Deputy Ci [y Treasurer PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 1st day of May, 19B5. .~ 93 1,~,. ,~~u., f ~l l f.,.,,,,,i~,.y,,.m~.., ~- -_~ _.- _. -_-__~_-_ _ -_-_ s. ..n .. ~ a 33.' :3^. r ~ ` 23 5_']3 Memorandum to: Lauren Wasserman, City Manager ~j~,~~ From: Andrew V. Arczynski, Assistant Cit7 Attorney Dated: April 10, 1985 Re: Resolution Establishing Statute of Limitations applicable to Judicial Review of Quasi-Judicial Decisions Attached herewith please find a resolution prepared by this office which we recommend the City Council adopt as • soon as possible. as you may know, California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1099.6 permits a City to adopt a 90-day statute of limitations for the filing of mandate actions following quasi-judicial decisions such as decisions concern- ing personnel appeals and zone changes. Nc note that some cities have decided not to adopt such a resolution on the theory that a short statute of limitations would, in effect, force a quick decision for people to litigate in the Superior Court thereby theoretically resulting in a greater number c° such actions rather thar. less. Our experience, however, has been contrary to such conclusions. In each case during the past five years wherein a decision was rendered by one of our cities, particularly those adverse to an employee or former employee, the matter was taF;en to the Superior Court. For example, the most recent case worthy of note rs a matter in wnicii the action was filed more than one year after the Commission rendered its decision. Our experience leads us to believe that employees who are represented by attorneys as well as other individuals who may be requesting certain permiis and other decisions of various corunissions and the Council which may result in a mandate action being filed, will file such actions if the decision is adverse to them. Accordingly, we believe that the short statute of limitations is the best approach to cutting off at least some of that type of litigation. 9'/ Memorandum to: Lavren Wasserman April 10, 1985 Page Two The short statute of limitations afforded under 1094. of the California Code of Civil Procedure can be an extremely useful tool in defending a mandate action. For example, the City of Anaheim recently was able to quickly obtain summary judgment in its favor upon a petition for writ of mandate filed by its former chief of police. The chief of police had argued that he had been inappropriately denied a retirement benefit and fried his mandate action on the 93rd day after the decision of the hearing officer. The Court of Appeals indicated that the date upon which the action was filed was three days past the statute of limitations and, accordingly, the matter was dismissed and the former police chief afforded no relief. Finally, an item which we believe to be even more important is the ability of the City to adequately defend itself in a mandate action. As you are well aware, after a passage of significant amount of time (9 months to 1 year), pertinent facts and details concerning a personnel hearing or other quasi-judi- • cial decision will no longer be fresh in the minds of the oeople who participated therein. Potential witnesses and other City personnel may have significant lapses of memory based upon the passage of time which would make the defeat of a mandate action that much more difficult. Accordingly, it would appear that, ,`.rpm all perspectives, the adoption of the attached resolution would be an appropriate policy decision by the Council. We would appreciate your thoughts on this topic and, if you concur in our evaluation, we would appreciate your presenting the resolution to the City Council for adoption at the earliest convenient time. AVA: 1j1 Encl. • 9~ • RESOLUTION N0. S S ~~~ ~3 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, MAKING THfi PROVISIONS OP CALIFORNIA COOE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE SECTION 1094.6 APPLICABLE TO THE JUDICIAL REPIEN OF CERTAIN DECISIONS OF THIS COUNCIL AND COMHISSIOHS OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CllCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA A. Recitals. (i) California Code of Civil Froce dare Section 1094.6 prw idea in fu1.1 ae follwe: "Judi 'al review d i ne f local axenciee, Det iti n filinx' t' e• re o d' dec iaion and party def ined• ordinance or resolution "(a) Judicial review of any de cieion of a local agency, other than ech ool district, as the term local agency is defined in Section 54951 of the Goverment Code, or of any co®ieei on, board, officer or agent thereof, may be had pursuant to Section 1094.5 of this code only if the pe [i Lion For vrit of mends to pursuant • Ca such aec[i on ie filed with is [he time limtts e pe cif led in Chia section. "(b) My such petition shall be filed not later Chan the 90 [h day follw ing the date on which [he derision becomes final. If [here ie no prw iaion for reconeide ration of [he decision in any applicable prw ie ion of any statute, charter, or rule, for the purposes of ch is section, the decision is final oa the date it ie made. If there ie such prw iaion for reconeide ration, the decision is final for the purposes of [hie secei on upon the expiration of the pert od during which such ratans ideretioo can be sought; prw ided, tb et if reconsideration is sought par euant to any such prw ision [he decision ie final Eor the purposes of [hie ee <tion on [he dace that reconeide re ci on ie rejected, 9~ "(c) The complete record of the pr oceedinge shall . be prepared by the local agency or its commission, board, officer, or agent which made the decision and shall be delivered to the petitioner withi^ 90 days after he has filed a wri t[en request therefor. The local agency may recover from the petitioner its actual coats for traoecribing or o[herw iee preparing Che record. Such record shall include [he [ranacr ipt of the proce edinge, all pleadings, all notices and orders, any proposed de cieion by a hearing officer, [he Final decision, all admitted exhibits, all rejected eahibi [a in the possession of [he local agency or its commie eion, board, officer, or agent, all written evidence, and any other papers in the case. "(d) If [he petitioner files a reque e[ fot the record as specified in eubdiv ieion (c) within 10 days after the date the decision becomes final ae prw ided in subdivision (b), the time within which a pe ti [i on pursuant to Section 1094.5 may be filed shell be extended to not later [h an [he 30th day follw ing the de to on which the record is either personally delivered or mailed Co the petitioner or hie attorney of record, it he has ans. "(e) Ae used in Chia aec[i on, deciei on means a • de cieion subject to rev iev pursuant [o Section 1094.5, soaps nding, demoting, or di smiseing an officer or employee, revoking, or denying an application for e permit, license, or other entitlement, or denying an application for any retirement benefit or allowance. "(f) In making a final decision ae defined in subdiv ieion (e), the local agency eh all provide notice [o the party [hat the time within which judicial review must be sough[ is governed by [hie section. "Ae used in th ie eubd iv ieion, 'party' means an officer or employee who hee 6e en suspended, demoted or diem is sad; a person whose permit, license, oz other entitlement hee been revoked or suspended, or whose epplica ti un for a permit, license, or other entitlement hee been denied; are pare on whose ap pl ice ti on for a re ei zement benefit or allwance has been denied. • 97 • "(g) Thie section shall be applicable [o a local agency only if the governing board Chereof adopts an ordinance or resolution making this eecti on applicable. If such ordinance or ree olu[ion is adopted, the prov isiooa of this section shall prevail over any conflicting prow ieion in any oth exw ise applicable law relating to Ghe subject matter, unless the conf lic[ing pr ov ieion ie a state or federal law which provides a ahor ter eta CUte of limitations, in which case the shorter eta CUte of limits ti ona shell apply." (ii) It ie the desire of th ie Comcil co make the above-stated prov ie ions of California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6 applicable to the judicial rev ier of its de cieiona and chose of City of Rancho Cucamonga commissions specified in California Code of Civil Procedure Se c[ion 1094.6(e) in order to avoid the prejudice to the City of Rancho Cucamonga end its staff inherent in delaying judicial review of such deciai one. (iii) A11 legal prerequisites to the adopti o¢ of th ie Resolution have occurred. NON, TNEREPORE, be i[ found, determined and resolved as fallowa: SECTION 1: In all ree pecte ae set forth in the Reci tale, Part A, of this Resolution, • SECTION 2: The prov iei ona of California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6 shall be applicable to the judicial review of any and all decisions of this Council and commie eioas of [he Ci[y of Rancho Cucamonga specified in California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6 (e). SECTION 3: In making any final deciaicn specified i¢ California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6 (e), this Council or the commtsaion making the de ciaion shall provide notice to all pa rtiee concerned Chat the time within which judicial review of the de ciei o¢ moat be sought ie governed by California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6. SECTION 4: The Ci[y Clerk shall certify to [he adoption of [hie Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, end ADOPTED th ie le[ day of May, 1985. 9p • • e~ CITI" f)P RA\CHO CCCA110SG~1 STAFF REPORT DATE: May 1, 19B5 T0: '^ayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY; Lisa A. Win roger, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: REVISION OF A"in UAL GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT WEARING DATES 19'; BACKGROUND: In 1979, the City Council approved a Resolution based on the recommendation of the Planning Conrtni ssion to establish two hearing dates (January and September) per calendar year for General Plan amendment hearings. At that time, State law allowed a maximum of three hearings per year on any element of the General Plan. State law has since been amended to allow for a maximum of four hearings per year. Concurrently, the frequency of applications for General Plan amendments in the City has ircreas ed significantly since 1919. Therefore, staff has prepared a revised schedule which allows fer three scheduled hearing dates and one floating date which may be utilized as nec essay. The proposed hearing dates and submittal deadlines are as follows: First Hearing Date: Second Planning Commission meeting in January. Submittal deadline - November 15. Second Nearing Date: Second Planning Commission in May. Submittal deaJline - March. 15. Third Hearing Date: Second Planning Commission meeting in September. S~Ibmittal deadline - Juiy 15. Fourth Hearing Date: Scheduled on an as-needed basis by the Planning Commission if a proposed General Plan amendment requires an EIR, the application and EIR would be reviewed at the next scheduled hearing date after completion of the EIR. pic~s.tirpH ~o~ ~~ 9 _t' ~ n _ 4n 'I Z. .. j 99 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Revision of Annual General Plan Hearing Dates • April 14, 1985 Page 2 II. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the attached Resolution adopting the revised General Plan amendment hearing dates. These dates would be effective immediately for alI new applications for General Plan amendments, excluding those which are currently being processed. Re ectfu ubmitted, r is ~ mez it P1a ner RG:LW:jr Attachments: Resolution of Approval • • Apo • RESOLUTION NO.-p-5~~93+~it p~ '/T'- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL [FORNIA, REVISiYG THE ANNUAL GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT HEARING GATES WHEREAS, State law allows cities to amend any element of the General Plan a maximum of four Limes per year; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed and recommended approval of the proposed revisions; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the need for a revised General Plan Amendment hearing schedule for land use element amendments; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to provide the public an opportunity to request a General Plan Amendment public hearing on a timely basis. NO'W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Rancho Cucamonga City Council does hereby est a6lish revised General Plan Amendment hearing dates for land use amendments and deadlines for submittal as follows: • SECTION L• Beginning in the calendar year 1g85: A. The 2nd meeting of the Planning Commission in the month of January shall be established as a General Plan Amendment hearing date. The deadline for submittal shall be no later than 5:00 p.m. on November I5. B. The 2nd meeting of the Dlanning Commission in May shall be established as a General Plan Amendment hearing date. The deadline for submittal shall be no later than 5:00 p.m. on March I5. C. The 2nd meeting of the ?tanning Commission in September shall be established as a General Plan Amendment hearing date. The deadline for submittal shall be no later than July I5. D. One additional meeting of the Planning Conmti ss ion per calendar year may be scheduled when deemed necessary on a date acceptable to the Planning Commission. C J /o/ Resolution No. P-5-O1-1-R Page 2 u SECTION 2: In the event an environmental impact report is reguired prior to Planning Commission review of a General Plan Amendment application, said hearing shall be held at the next scheduled General Plan Amendment date after completion of the EIR. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 1st day of May, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: don D. Nike s, Mayor ATTEST: • Beverly A. Authelet, ity Clerk I, BEVERLY A. AOTNELET, CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular (special, adjourned) meeting of said City Council held on the * day of *, 19**. Executed this * day of *, 19** at Rancho Cucamonga, California. Beverly A. Authelet, City Clerk • o ~- STAFF REPORT G~...~.~p,i ~~~ ~9. ~, , x ~~~~ I, DATE: May 1, 1985 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hu665, City Engineer BY: Barbara Kralt, Assistant Civil Engineer In;; SUBJECT: Intent to Annex Tracts 11893, 12801-1 and 10035 as Annexation No. 23 to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and setting the public hearing for June 5, 1985 • Attached, for City Council approval, is a resolution declaring the City's intent to annex the above des cri6ed tracts to Landscaped Maintenance District No. 1 and setting the public hearing date for June 5, 1985. Also attached for preliminary approval is the Engineer's Report for the annexation. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution approving the Engineer's Report and setting the date of public hearing for June 5, 1985. Res per*.fu11y su bmi ed, L_. /~ ~, ~ ~ '~ LBH:B Attar ments /O 3 s/~~~s~ March 6, :585 >fr. Llcyd Rubbs Ciey Eng ir.e er 9320 C Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 A::'::: BdRdAR.\ KR.\LL This letcar is ro reGu es[ that Tr ac: Ao. 10035 be annexed into ehe ticy-aide Street Lighting and Ma in[enance Oiserices. Very [ru ly yours, • Rancho Assoe is i e s , Led, / ~ // ~~L/~~- Russell G. Van Clev e. Partner ioV -'/~/. r~ ~'~,',~ ;~ ;I~, ~~~ ~\I~ (1\/\ / j 1/~ March 6, 1995 \/ /// 11/ 1 City of Rancho Cucamonga 9340 Base Line Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Subject: Request to join Landscape/Lighting DistricC fcr Trace 12801-01. Gentlemen: The Deer Creek Company hereby requests thaC [he 33 lots within Tract 12801-01 be anne;ted into the Landscape/Lighting Maintenance District. J It is our understanding [hat there is no fee or charge for such an- . necation and Chat we will be responsible for one year maintenance on perimeter landscaping. Please notify our office of any action with rc gard to this requesc. Sincerely, ~` ~1lC~i9~'~ ~~ V~~i/ Michael 0. Vair in Director of ,ldministration and Planning CIDV: p as • THE DEEP CREEK COMP,~INY PhST ~~FF1CE B~i\ d88 ALTO Lt~i~~1,G\LIF~~R\IA 91701 (714) 989-3323 dot • • :~ ..~ -~ _._ -, ~' ~ PlA2A S . •.;;J YVCO/iPORATEp J13'-A AnW dV AvPnue Cella v!esa Ca e'o rm.a 9262E rta 562~]'W 12 March 1985 Ms. Barbra Rroll Engineering Technician Ci[y of Rancho Cucamonga Rancho Cucamonga, CA Dear Barbra, -_ - Plaza Builders, Inc., the owners of Tract No. 11893 are in full agreement to the annexation of Landscape Maintenance Distric*, No. I, and we are also in agreement to the Street Lighting Districts Nos. I and II. We will await your calendar date. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincere Tim Marquard (/ Vice President of Operations Plaza Builders, inc. TM/cb /O`, o.cc~d~ar, nt f,.. d~a, ~ . ~-.i. ^ ...~. . Lc,m Assn :~ahon CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON GA • Engineer's Report for ANNEXATION N0. 23 to the Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 Tract Nos. 11893, 12801-1 and 10035 SECTION 1. Authority far Repori This report is in compliance with the requirements of Article 4, Chapter 1, C`vision 15 of the Streets and Highways Cade, State of California (Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972). SECTION 2. General Description This City Council has elected to annex all new tracts into Landscape Maintenance District No. 1. The City Council has determined that the areas to 6e maintained will have an effect upon all lots within Tract Nos. 11893, 12801-1 and 10035 as well as on the lots directly abutting the landscaped areas. All landscaped areas to be maintained in the annexed tracts are shown on the Tract Map as roadway right-of-way or easements to 6e granted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. SECTION 3. Plans and Specifications • The plans and specifications for the landscaping have been prepared by the developer and have been approved as part of the improvement plans for Tract Nos. 11693, 12801-1 and 10035. The plans and specifications for the landscaping are in conformance with the planning Convnission. Reference is hereby made to the subject Tract Map and the assessment diagrams for the exact location of the landscaped areas. The plans and specifications by reference are herehy made a part of this report to the same extent as if said plans and specifications were attached hereto. SECTION 4. Estimated Costs No costs will be incurred for parkway improvement construction. All improvements will be constructed by developers. Based on historical data, contract analysis and developed work standards, it is estimated that maintenance costs for assessment purposes will equal thirty ($.30) per square foot per year. These costs are estimated only, actual assessment will be based on ac `u al cost data. /07 The estimated total cast for Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 • (including Annexation No. 23 comprised of 3683 square feet of landscaped area) is shown below: Total Annual Maintenance Cost $.30 X 568,186 square feet 170,455.80 Per Lot Annual Assessment 170,455.80 divided by 5211 = 32.67 Per Lot Monthly Assessment 32.67 divided by 12 2.72 Assessment shall aoply to each lot as enumerated in Section 6 and the attached Assessment Diagram. Where the development covered by this annexation involves frontage along arterial or collector streets, which are designated for inclusion in the mainten ante district but will 5e maintained by an active homeowners association, these assessments shall be reduced. SECTION 5. Assessment Diagr am A copy of the proposed assessment diagram is attached to this report and labeled "Exhibit A", by Chis reference the diagram is hereby incorporated within the text of this report. SECTION 6. Assessment • Improvement for Annexation No. 23 is found to be of general benefit to all lots within the District and that assessment shall 5e equal for each parcel. The City Council will hold a public hearing in June, 1985, to determine the actual assessments based upon the actual costs incurred by the City during the 1982/83 fiscal year which are to be recovered through assessments as required by the Landscape and lighting Act of 1972. SECTION 7. Order of Events 1. City Council adopts resolution instituting proceedings. 2. City Council adopts Resolution of Preliminary Approval of City Engineer's Report. 3. City Council adopts Resolution of Intention to Annex to District and sets public hearing date. 4. City Council conducts public hearing, considers all testimony and determines to Annex to the District or abandon the proceedings. 5. Every year in May, the City Engineer files a report with the City Council. 6. Every year in June, the City Council conducts a public hearing and • approves, or modifies and approves the individual assessments. X08 RESOLUTION N0. f96-Bl-BBR 85-/33 • A RESOLUTION OF THE C[TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of RANCHO CUCAMON GA, CALIFORNIA, OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL Of CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR ANNEXATION N0. 23 TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 'WHEREAS, on May 1, 1985, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga directed the City Engineer to matte and file with the City Clark of said City a report in writino as required by the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has made and filed with the City Clerk of said City a report in writing as called for pursuant to said Act, which report has been presented to this Council for consideration; and 'WHEREAS, said City Council has duly considered said report and each and every part thereof, and finds that each and every part of said report is sufficient, and that said report, nor any part thereof, requires or should be modified in any respect. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED 6y the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: • SECTION 1: That the Engineer's Estimate of the itemized costs and expenses of said work and of the incidental expenses in connection therewith, contained in said report 6e, and each of them are hereby, preliminarily approved and roof irme d. S'c CTION 2: That the diagram showing the Assessment District referred to and described in said report, the boundaries of the subdivisions of land within said Assessment District are hereby preliminarily approved and to of firmed. SECTION 3: That the proposed assessment upon the subdivisions of land in said Assessment District in proportion to the estimated benefit to be received by said subdivision, respectively, from said work and of the incidental expenses thereof, as contained in said report is hereby preliminarily approved and confirmed. SECTION 4: That said report shall stand as the City Engineer's Report far the purposes of all subsequent proceedings, and pursuant to the pro pc sed district. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 1st day of May, 1985. AYES: NOES: A85ENT: yo9 RESOLUTION N0. E94-81-8YR g s-ray A RESOL UTIDN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE ANNE RATI ON TO LANDSCAPE M+AiNTE NANCE DISTRICT N0. 1, AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: OESI GNATING SAID AIJNE RATION AS ANNE RATION N0. 23 TO LAt1D5CAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. l; PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAP INO AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 AND OFFERING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS THERETO NOW, THEREFORE BE IT AE50LVE0 6y the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, pursuant to the provisions of the ! an dscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, being Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, as follows: SECTION 1. 6escription of Work: That the public interest and convenience require and it is the intention of this City Council to form a maintenance district in the City of Rancho Cucamonga for the maintenance and operation of those parkways and facil iites thereon dedicated for common greenbelt purposes 6y deed or recorded subdivision tract map within the boundaries of the proposed maintenance district described in Section 2 hereof. Said maintenance and operation includes the cost and supervision of any sprinkler system, trees, grass, plantings, landscaping, ornamental lighting, structures, and walls in connection with said parkways. SECTION 2. Location of Wor's: The foregoing des crihed work is Lo be located within roadway right-of-way and landscaping easements of Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 enumerated in the report of the City Engineer and mare particularly described on maps which are on file in the office of the City Clerk, entitled "Annexation No. 23 to Landscape taintenance District No. 1". SECTION 3. Description of Assessment District: That the contemplated work, in the opinion of said Ci[y Council, is of mare than local or ordinary public benefit, and the said City Council hereby makes the expense of the said work chargeable upon a district, which said district is assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, and which district is described as follows: All that certain ±erritory of the City of Rancho Cucamonga included within the exterior boundary lines shown upon that certain "Map or annexation No. 23 to Landscape Mar nten ante District No, 1" heretofore approved by the City Council of said City by Resolution No. *, indicating by said boundary lines the extent of the territory included within the proposed assessment district and which map is on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City. • SECTION 4. Report of Engineer: The City Council of said City by Resolution No. * has approved the report of the engineer of work which report //p • indicates the amount of the proposed assessment, the district boundary, assessment zones, titled "Engineer's Report, Annexation No. 23, Landscape Maintenance District No. 1" is on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City. Reference to said report is hereby made far all particulars for Lhe amount and extent of the assessments and for the extent of the work. SECTION 5. Collection of Assessments: The assessment shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as County taxes are collected. The City Engineer shall file a reoort annually with the City Council of said City and said Council will annually conduct a hearing upon said report at their first regular meeting in June, at which time assessments for the next fiscal year will be determined. SECTION 6. Time and Place of Hearin Notice is hereby given that on June 5, 1985, at the hour of 7:3 in the City Council Chambers at 9161 Base Line, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, any and all persons having any objections to the work or extent of the assessment district, may appear and show cause why said work should not be done or carried out or why said district should not he formed in accordance with this Resolution of Intention. Protests must be in writing and must contain a description of the property in which each signer thereof is interested, sufficient to identify the same, and must be delivered to the City Clerk of said City prior to the time set for the hearing, and no other protests or objections will be considered. If the signer of any protest is not shown upon the last equalized assessment roll of San Bernardino County as the owner of the property described in the protests, then such protest must contain or be accompanied by • written evidence that such signer is the owner of the property so described. SECTION 1. Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972: All the work herein proposed shall be done and carried through in pursuance of an act of the legislature of the State of California designated the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, being Oivis ion 15 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. SECTION 8. Puhlication of Resolution of Intention: °ublished notice shall be made pursuant to Section 6 9 of the Government Code. The Mayor shall sign this Resolution and the City Clerk shall attest to the same, and the City Clerk shall cause the same to he published 10 days before the date set for the hearing, at least once in The Daily Report, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. PASSED, APPROVED, and AOOP7ED this 1st day of May, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Jon D. Mikels, Mayor ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM • I LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 ANNEXATION N0. 23 ' I ; tt~``~ ~ i~ i' ' ' r y! i ~~ ~ ~.y i i\., (' " e k ~. ~ ~ , , ~ ~ ~1~ ~ tit i 1 `te ` a . ;.i' Lti':, , , -..~ ~_,. r~ ~.. ^~ -_ ~ ' ° na l~ /\ , ` ~ ~ \~~ vi 11 ~ ^ I . ~ CITY OF RA\Cf 10 CI:CA\10\GA w Tract yo. ~ , ' ' / \ 1!893 y, "~'.~( p .~ ENGIVEERI\G DI~'ISIOV w T \ I i ~~ 6 ~'ICfVITY Jt:\P 1 `I page ron //} ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 ANNEXATION NO. 23 -- .__ ~-- ~', _ ,~ . '~r - : ~ ~ ~ ~ ./ ~:. ~ .. ~~ _ ~ . ' c ~ ~ ~ ..- ~ _-" +0~~ ,~J-_/, " ~~~ .,, j,i' ' /~. ~ !' •I ~CtA1~~ ,~.~r`" '•~; CITY OF RA\CHO Cl'CA~tO~GA ~~, > d'.,_ Tract Rio. F; ~Yi'-~;w ~ E`GItiE[RI\'G DIVISION 10035 "~- ~`~" ~' VICINITY \I:\P N wn paFe //3 ;ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 ANNEXATION NO. 23 ~i.. • t~ ```~~~0 CITI' OF RA\CI10 CI;CA.\10\GA ~~O~F 1. `c *,-r = EVGItiEGRI\G DI\'ISIOV i;~' 6 ~> vIC1~ITv' nlnP 19P ~~~ ?ract No. 12801-1 N ~,gz - - CITA' OF R.A~CHO CL'CA~40SGA TAFF REPORT c~ca.Hp /~ ~ S ~ ~. , ~~ z _ ~ DATE: May 1, 1985 _ ia" T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Barbara Kr all, Assistant Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Intent to Annex Tracts 11893, 12801-1, 10035 and 12590 thru 6 as Annexation No. 10 to Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Tracts 11893, 12601-1 and 10035 as Annexation No. 8 to Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 and setting the public hearing for June 5, 1985 The attached resolutions set the public hearing to annex the above described tracts to the City's Street Light Maintenance Districts. The Engineer's Report for both Districts is also attached for preliminary approva l. The following are projects to be annexed: • District No. 1 District No. 2 Annexation No. 10 Annexation No. 8 (Arterial) (Local Lights) Tract No. 11893 Tract No. 11893 12901-1 12801-1 10035 10035 12590-1 thru 6 RECOMI~NDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolutions setting the date of public hearing far June 5, 1995, and giving preliminary approval of the Engineer's Reports. R es~pectf ully, subm ifted ~_= / Sl-~ ~~ ` : ~ H: :ko Attachments /~ ;< j; ~_- danuari '~. 1985 City oP ?ar.cFto C.:canonga 9320-C ease Line ?.cad P.3R.RC l:'.1c3^On :d, CA Jl'30 r..~.,..-,,. Llovd D. Y:ubbs City @nc+neer Ae: Tracts 1530-1, -2, -3, -q, -5, -6 Aairtenance District Annexation Oentlec.en: 4.e ?iereby re ~sest that our Tracts 12590-1, 12590-2, 12550-3, 12590-4, 12590-i, and 12590-5 be annexed into Landscape :Aaintenance District ;lo. 4 and Street Lichting Maintenance District 90. 4, E:IIS 4Ct:E5 O? CALIFC?.1TA ~~~~<<~ Kay :da dock Authorised yer.G ~RT .. ' ` r . .. . ,!t j . ...~ 11 {r (~ U'1, f UPiarv; ';.. ~~ ]55 1 i Ltf qr-E, ii^'~ Devn an^9 !i; LCH'. F'On'c5 //(p - s~°~-~_ D(arch 6, 1y~ss Hr. Llovd Hu bbs City Eng ineet 9320 C Basel ine Road Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91770 ATT;:: 6AR8ARA KRaLL ih is letter is to re quese that Trace No. L0035 be annexed into the city-wide Scree[ Lighting and >la incenance Districts. Very tr~Ly yours, Ra nc ;•.o dssocia tes, Ltd. ,~/l~ Russell G. l'an Cleve. Partner • //') J/1 /~~ ~ ~ ~ ) L ~~i~ ~~ ~~~~. ~ \1 ~~ I~ ~~~ Aarch 6, 1985 \\( C1[y of Rancho Cucamonga 9]40 Ease Line Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Subject: Request to join Landscape/Lighting District Eor Tract 1?801-01, ~ Gentlemen: The beer Creek Company hereby requests that the 33 lots within Tract 12801-01 be annexed into the Landscape/Lighting Maintenance District. I[ is our underscand ing that [here is no fee or charge Eor such an- • nexa [ion and [haC we will be responsible for one year maintenance on per ime[er landscaping. Please notify our office of any action with regard to this request. Sincerely, !. c ~1i~fwe/ ~- ~~ Michael D. Vairin DSreccor of Administration and Planning FmV :pas T11E DEER CREEK COMP\NY POST OFFICE BO\ X88 ALTS, LOMA,C.AL(FORNIA 91701 (714) 989-332) ~~ e -..-, '^ J _--'l ~~ ~ PLAZA BLNLOERS ' ~-~J nICORPORATFO 912i~a gavav Arenue Costa Elea Cabbmia?2625 ~'< 6fi2-3i 00 12 March 1985 Ms. Barbra Aroll Engineering Technician City of Rancho Cucamonga Rancho Cucamonga, CA Dear Barbra, ~ "a ~ . _ • Plaza Builders, Inc., the owners of Tract No. 11893 are in full agreement to the annexation of Landscape Maintenance District No, Z, and we are also in agreement to the Street Lighting Districts Nos. I and II. We will await your calendar date. Should you have any questions, please feel free to • call. Sincere Tim Marquard U Vice President of Operations Plaza Builders, Inc. TM/cb • .• ....,,. ~~;~ar~.;I C,i~~irm,, Fey lrm ~',,: ryo anJ loan assn cia lion ii9 • CITY OF RANC40 CJCAb10^. GA Engineer's Report for Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 Annexation No. 10 Tracts 11893, 12801-1, 10035 and 12590-1 thru 6 SECTION 1. Authority for Report This report is in compliance with the requirements of Article 4, Chapter 1, Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of California (Landscaping and Lighting Act of 197?). SECTION ?. General Description This City Council has elected to annex the tracts enumerated in Exhibit "A" into Street Lighting Maintenance District No. I. The City Council has determined that the street lights to 6e maintained will have an effect upon all lots within said tracts as well as on the lots directly abutting the street lights. Work to be provided for with the assessments established by the district are: The furnishing of services and materials for the ordinary and usual • maintenance, operating and servicing of street light improvements on arterial and certain collector streets. Improvement maintenance is considered of general benefit to all areas in the District and cost shall 6e divided on a per lot basis. in the case of condominiums with airspace ownership only, and apartments, a dwelling unit shall 6e considered to benefit the same as a lot. SECTION 3. Plans and Spec ifica±ions The plans and specifications for street lighting have been prepared by the developers. The plans and street lights are as stipulated in the conditions of approval for the development and as approved by the City Engineering Division. Reference is hereby made to the subject tract map or development plan and the assessment diayr am for the exact location of the street lighting areas. The plans and specifications for street lighting improvement on the individual development is hereby made a Dart of this report to the same extent as if said plans and specifics were attached hereto. Detailed maintenance activities on the street lighting district include: the repair, removal or replacement of all or any part of any improvement, pr pvi ding for the illumination of the subject area. SECTION 4. Estimated fos is No costs will 6e incurred for street lighting improvement cons~ructian. All improvements will be constructed by developers. Based on available data, it is estimated that maintenance costs for assessment purposes will be as indicated below. These costs are estimated only, actual assessments will be based on actual cost data. /.t o The estimated total cost for Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 • (including Annexation No. 10 comprised of 296 lots and 4 9500E street lights and/or 7 5800E lights) is shown below: 1. S.C.E. Maintenance znd Energy: Lamp Size* Quantity Rate** 9500E 192 9.90 SBOOL 122 3.75 *H igh Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamps Rate Mo's Total 192 X 9.90 % 12 = 822,909.60 122 X 8.75 X 12 = $12,810.00 2. Costs per dwelling Unit: Total Annual Maintenance Cost = 35,619.60 = 5.73/year/unit No. of Units in District 6,160 5.78 divided by 12 = 0.48/mo./unit • Assessment shall apply to each lot as explained in Section 6. SECTION S. Assessment Diagram Copies of the proposed Assessment Oiagr ams are attached to this report and labeled "Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1", Annexation No. 10. These diagrams are hereby incorporated within the text of this report. SECTION 6. Assessment Improvement for the District are found to be of general benefit to ali dwelling units within the District and that assessment shall be equal for each unit. Where there is more than one dwelling unit per lot or parcel of assessable land, the assessment for each lot or parcel shall be proportional to the number of dwelling units per lot or parcel. It is proposed that all future development shall be annexed to the District. SECTION 1. Order of Events 1. City Council adopts resolution instituting proceedings. 2. City Councii adopts Resolution of Preliminary Approval of City Engineer's • Report. 3. City Council adopts Resolution of Intention to annex to District and sets public hearing date. /y/ • 4. City Council conducts public hearing, considers all testimony and determines to form a District or abandon the proceedings. 5. Every year in Nay, the City Engineer files a report with the City Council. 6. Every year in June, the City Council conducts a public hearing and approves, or modifies and approves the individual assessments. • ~i>_ EXHI3IT "A" P • roperties and improvements to he included within Annexation No. 10 of Street Lighting htainten ante District 1 : Lots Ligh Cs Tract No. 11893 35 5 (5800) Tract No. 12801-1 33 2 (5800) Tract No. 10035 38 0 Tract No. 12590-1 Thru 6 180 4 9500 286 \J • /A3 RESOLUTION N0. E9Y-~}~99R 85 -l~S • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR ANNEXATION N0. 10 TO STREET LIGH TI'1G MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 'WHEREAS, on May 1, 1985, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga directed the City Engineer to make and file with the City Clerk of said City a report in writing as required by the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has made and filed with the City Clerk of said City a report in writing as called for pursuant to said Act, which report has been presented to this Council for consideration; and WHEREAS, said City Council has duly considered said report and each and every part thereof, and finds that each and every part of said report is sufficient, and that said report, nor any part thereof, requires or should be modified in any re:,pec t. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION 1: That the Engineer's Estimate of the itemized casts and • expenses of said work and of the incidental expenses in connection therewith, contained in said report be, and each of them are hereby, preliminarily approved and confirmed. SECTI07i 2: That the diagram showing the ,l ssessment District referred to and described in said report, the boundaries of the subdivisions of land within said Rssessment District are hereby preliminarily approved and confirmed. SECTION 3: That the proposed assessment upon the subdivisions of land in said Assessment District in proportion to the estimated benefit to be received by said subdivision, respectively, from said work and of the incidental expenses thereof, as contained in said report is hereby preliminarily approved and confirmed. SECTION 4; That said report sh all stand as the City Engineer s Report for the purposes of all subsequent proceedings, and pursuant to the proposed district. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 1st day of May, 1935. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: /av u A RESOLUT IDN Of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCRMONGA, CALIFORNIA DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE ANNEXATION TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1, AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: DESIGNATING SAID ANNEXATION AS ANNEXATION N0. 10 TO STREET LIGHT I"!G MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1; PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1912 AND OFFERING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS THERETO RESOLUTION N0. E95-&1-92it Ss -~3G NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, pursuant to the provisions of Lhe Landscaping and Lighting Rct of 1972, being Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, as follows: SECTION 1. Description of Work: That the public interest and convenience require and it is the intention of this City Council to form a maintenance district in the City of Rancho Cucamonga for the maintenance and operation of those street lights the boundaries of the proposed maintenance district described in Section 2 hereof. Said maintenance and operation includes the cost and supervision of any lighting and related facilities in connection with said district. • SECTION 2. Location of Work: The foregoing described work is to be located within roadway right-of-way enumerated iri the report of Che City Engineer and more particularly described on maps which are on file in the office of the City Clerk, entitled "Annexation No. 10 to Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1" SECTION 3. Description of Assessment District: That the contemplated work, in the opinion of said City Council, is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, and the said City Council hereby makes the expense of the said work chargeable upon a district, which said district is assessed to pay the casts and expenses thereof, and which district is described as follows: All that certain territory of the City of .Rancho Cucamonga included within the exterior boundary lines shown upon that certain "Map of Rnne nation No. 10 to Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1" maps is on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City., SECTI Ot! 4. Report of Engineer: The City Council of said City by Resolution No. * has approved the report of the engineer of work which report indicates the amount of the proposed assessment, the district boundary, assessment zones, titled "Engineer's Report, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1" is on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City. Reference to said report is hereby made for all particulars for the amount and extent of the assessments and for the extent of the work. Ya s SECTION 5. Collection of Assessments: The assessment shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as Cour~ty taxes are • collected. The City Engineer shail file a report annually with the City Council of said City and said Council will annually conduct a hearing upon said report at their first regular meeting in June, at which time assessments far the next fiscal year will be determined. SECTION 6. Time and Place of Hearing: Notice is hereby given that on June 5, 1985, at the hour of :30 pie City Council Chambers at 9161 Base Line, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, any and all persons having any objections to the work or extent of the assessment district, may appear and show cause why said work should not be done or carried out or why said district should not be formed in accordance with this Resolution of Intention. Protests must be in writing and must contain a description of the property in which each signer thereof is interested, sufficient to identify the same, and must be delivered to the City Clerk of said City prior to the time set for the hearing, and no other protests ar objections will be considered. If the signer of any protest is not shown upon the last equalized assessment roll of San Bernardino County as the owner of the property described ~n the protests, then such protest must contain or be accompanied by written evidence that such signer is the owner of the property so described. SECTION 7. Landscaping and Liahting Rct of 1972: All the work herein proposed shall he done and carried through in pursuance of an act of the legislature of the State of California designated the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, Deing Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. • SECTION 8. Publication of Resolution of Intention: Published notice shall be made pursuant to Section 6 96 of the Government Code. The Mayor shall sign this Resolution and the City Clerk shall attest to the same, and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published 10 days before the date set for the hearing, at least once in The Dail Re o~rt, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ont ar9 o, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 1st day of May, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: don 0. Mikels, tlayor • /.l G ASSESSMEPIT DIAGRAM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 ACJNEXATION N0. 1 0 • -- - .. ,., - 1 - -- .; ' ;_ f _~ M ~ I ~ ~I - I _ ~I F .w ~ _ _ _{- - ' I _ ~._ _ - _ ._- _ _ i .~i'~`'t':~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ucle; s~ ,,, _.~:,~~ = COUNTY OF 3AN BERNARDINO , \ Tr; ., . , ~c<~, `' c; ~~~'` ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA N y icn ~ LLDVO HU9B5, dTV ENGi~~IE- ` , a e ~R RCE23889 DATE D 8 __ ~~ - ASSESSMEPIT DIAGRAM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 APJNEXATION NO. 1 0 ~_• -• :~ ~~~, . u ,.,= : _. ~ :. _ __~~ rte=.-i i ... i ~ _~t.i, 'ter(.,' . ` Yr' • F'•.~ Y~ ty _ Yt ~ ~` ^"~~ r_~„~.A',~ A: `"`rr .;,mot, ly ~~~ ~~.~ <.'~ ate. `i .r..., ` ---- - -- A.. ~ s` l~~ .i ~~~~ title; = o~~' ':, _ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~ - ~.,.: a: ~ COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO T _ r.,n ~- ~; ~~` STATE OF CALIFORNIA - r N - wn LLOVO HOBBS CITY ENGINEER RCE 23989 DnTE Page • ASSESSMENT DIAGr~AM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AClNEXATION NO. 1 0 1 ~t~ ~) .,y' .1i .J ~...~I: ', -. ~•- • ' ~ > - ,:. -- ~o~~'--"'':~ ~ ~\.' CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA A title; f COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO , Tract '°: ~i i STATE OF CALIFORNIA \ 10035 _ y ~ irn LL0YD MU90 S. CITY ENGINE=R R^E 23889 GATE - ~ Page J ASSESSMEPIT DIAGRAM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 ANNEXATIOIJ NO. 10 c°~ ~~'~"~''^ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA //A~~ _,,,,_ E~ ,_ COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO y ~ ~; `~' 3TATE OF CALIFORNIA N 19T! 1111V(l uimec rit~c.~rn~. ~.. ., ..~.....__ _._. 1 page vos. -r_ a; • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Engineer's Report for Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 Annexation No. 8 Tracts No. 11893, 12801-1 and 10035 SECTION 1. Authority for Report This report is in compliance with the requirements of Article 4, Chapter 1, Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of California (Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972). SECTION 2. General Description This City Council has elected to annex the tracts enumerated in Exhibit "A" into Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2. The City Council has determined that the street lights to be maintained will have an effect upon all lots within said tracts as well as on the lots directly abutting the street lights. Work to 6e provided for with Lhe assessments established by the district are: The furnishing of services and materials for the ordinary and usual • maintenance, operating and servicing of street light improvements on local residential streets. Improvement maintenance is considered of general benefit to ali areas in the District and cost shall be divided on a per lot basis. In the case of condominiums with airspace ownership only, and apartments, a dwelling unit shall be considered to 6enef it the same as a lot. SECTION 3. Plans and Specifications The plans and specifications for street lighting have been prepared by Lhe developers. The plans and street lights are as stipulated in the conditions of approval for the development and as approved by the City Engineering Division. Reference is hereby made to the suhject tract map or development plan and the assessment diagram for the exact location of the street lighting areas. The plans and specifications for street lighting improvement on the individual development is hereby made a part of this report Lo the same extent as if said plans and specifics were attached hereto. Detailed maintenance activities on the street lighting district include: the repair, removal or replacement of all or any part of any improvement, providing for the 'llumination of the subject area. SECTION 4. Estimated C,os is No costs will be incurred for street lighting improvement construction. All improvements will be constructed by developers. Based on available data, it is estimated that maintenance costs for assessment purposes will be as indicated below. These costs are estimated only, actual assessments will be based on actual cost data. /3/ The estimated total cast for Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 (including Annexation No. 8 comprised of 106 lots and 44 street lights) is . shown below: 1. S.C.E. Maintenance and Energy: Lamp Size* Quantity Rate** 5800E 477 8.75 *High Pressure Sodium Vapor **SCE Schedule LS-1. All night service per map per month, effective January 1, 1983. Lamps Rate 477 X 8.75 X 2. Costs per dwelling Unit: Total Annual Maintenance Cost No. of Units in District Mo's Total 12 = 50,085.00 = 50,085.00 = lOS/year/unit 477 105 divided by 12 = 8.75/mo./unit Rssessment shall apply to each lot as explained in Section 6. SECTION 5. Assessment Diaor am Copies of the proposed Assessment Diagrams are attached to this report and labeled "Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2", Annexation No. 6. These diagrams are hereby incorporated within the text of this report. SECTION 6. Assessment Improvement for the District are found to be of general benefit to all dwelling units within the District and that assessment shall be equal far each unit. Where there is more than one dwelling unit per lot or parcel of assessable land, the assessment for each lot or parcel shall be proportional to the number of dwelling units per lot or parcel. it is proposed that all future development shall be annexed to the District. SECTION 1. Order of Events 1. City Council adopts resolution instituting proceedings. • 2. City Council adopts Resolution of Preliminary Approval of City Engineer's • Report. /3 i • 3. City Council adopts Resolution of Intention to annex a District and sets public hearing date. 4. City Council conducts public hearing, considers all testimony and determines to form a District or abandon the proceedings. 5. Every year in .A ay, the City Engineer files a report with the City Council. 6. Every year in June, the City Council conducts a public hearing and approves, or modifies and approves the individual assessments. • :~ /33 EXHIBIT "A" • Properties and improvements to be included within Annexation ilo. 8 of Street Lighting Maintenance District 2: lots Lights Tract No. 11893 35 17 (8800L) Tract No. 12801-1 33 11 (SSOOL) Tract No. 10035 Total ~6 44 (8800L) • /3 y • RESOLUTION N0. €65~-9A-94R• Xs-'/37 R RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR ANNEXATION N0. 8 TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. ? WHEREAS, on May 1, 1985, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga directed the City Engineer to make and file with the City Cterk of said City a report in writing as required by the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has made and filed with the City Llerk of said City a report in writing as called for pursuant to said Act, which report has been presented to this Council for consideration; and WHEREAS, said City Council has duly considered said report and each and every part thereof, and finds that each and every part of said report is sufficient, and that said report, nor any part thereof, requires or Should be modified in any respect. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED 6y the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: • SECTION 1: That the Engineer's Estimate of the itemized costs and expenses of said work and of the incidental expenses in connection therewith, contained in said report be, and each of them are hereby, preliminarily approved and confirmed. SECTION 2: That the diagram showing the Assessment District referred to and described in said report, the boundaries of the subdivisions of land within said Assessment District are hereby preliminarily approved and confirmed. SECTION 3: That the proposed assessment upon the subdivisions of land in said Assessment District in proportion to the estimated benefit to 6e received by said subdivision, respectively, from said work and of the incidental expenses thereof, as contained in said report is hereby preliminarily approved and confirmed. SECTION 4; That said report shall stand as the City Engineer's Report for the purposes of all subsequent proceedings, and pursuant to the proposed district. PASSED, RPPROVED, and ADOPTED this 1st day of May, 1985. AYES: NOES: RBSENT: /3~ RESOLUTION No. ^^t~ "ter 45 -Xp~ • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA OE CLARIIJG ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE ANNEXATION TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 2, AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: DESIGNATING SAID ANNEXATION AS ANNEXATION N0. 8 TO STREET LIGHTING h1R INTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 2; PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 ANO OFFERING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBdECTIOfIS THERETO NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, pursuant to the provisions of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, being Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, as follows: SECTION 1. Description of Work: That the public interest and convenience require and it is the intention of this City Council to form a maintenance district in the City of Rancho Cucamonga for the maintenance and operation of those street lights the boundaries of the proposed maintenance district des cri6ed in Section 2 hereof. Said maintenance and operation includes the cost and supervision of any lighting and related facilities in connection with said district. • SECTION 2. Location of Work: The foregoing described work is to be located within roadway right-of-way enumerated in the report of the City Engineer and more par ticuiarty described on maps which are on file in the office of the City Clerk, entitled "Annexation No. 8 to Street lighting Maintenance District No. 2". SECTION 3. Descri tion of Assessment District: That the contemplated work, in the opinion of said ity ounci is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, and the said City Council hereby makes the expense of the said work charge abie upon a district, which said district is assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, and which district is described as follows: All that certain territory of the City of Rancho Cucamonga included within the exterior boundary lines shown upon that certain "Map of Annexation No. 8 to Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2" maps is on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City. SEC.T[ON 4. Report of Engineer: The City Council of said City by Resolution iJ O. * has approved the report of the engineer of work which report indicates the amount of the proposed assessment, the district 6o undary, assessment zones, titled "Engineer's Report, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2" is on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City. Reference to said report is hereby made for all particulars for the amount and extent of the assessments and for the extent of the work. NG SECTION 5. Collection of Assessments: The assessment shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as County taxes are collected. The City Engineer shall file a report annually with the City • Council of said City and said Council will annually conduct a hearing upon said report at their first regular meeting in June, at which time assessments for the next fiscal year will be determined. SECTION 6. Time and Place of Nearing: Notice is hereby given that on June 5, 1985, at the hour of 7:30 pm in the City Council Chambers at 9161 Base Line, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, any and all persons having any objections to the work or extent of the assessment district, may appear and show cause why said work should not be done or carried out or why said district should not be formed in accordance with this Resolution of Intention. Protests must be in writing and must contain a description of Lhe property in which each signer thereof is interested, sufficient to identify the same, and must be delivered to the City Clerk of said City prior to the time set for the hearing, and no other protests or objections will 6e considered. If the signer of any protest is not shown upon the last equalized assessment roll of San Bernardino County as the owner of the property described in the protests, then such protest must contain or be accompanied by written evidence that such signer is the owner of the property so described. SECTION 7. Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972: All the work herein proposed shall be done and carried through in pursuance of an act of the legislature of the State of California designated the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, being Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. SECTION 8. Publication of Resolution of Intention: Published notice . sh ali be made pursuant to ec Lion 6 96 o the Government Code. The Mayor shall sign this Resolution and the City Clerk shall attest to the same, and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published 10 days before the date set for the hearing, at least cnce in The Daily Report, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 1st day of Nay, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Jon D. Mikels, Mayor \J !3 ~ ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO.2 ANNEXATION N0. 8 ~ ~~ .... .. ~ ._... ~I _ ,... a: ,.. ~. _ II v 7 -,o~``~-`!0~~;~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~ ~~~le: ~r '+. '= COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO Tra : v~ p~ C•i~ .. ~ - ~~ a STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ T _, v~ ~ lv _ V~ nn ~ LLOYU HUBBS CITY ENG WEER R CE 23889 04TE Dage _ ~3a ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 2 ACJNEXATION NO. 8 ~~ i ~ ~ ~:•:, I _ _ ~, _~" ~r' _ ,; ~ _. ~, \ ~ /- 1' ~ r ~, ~; ~. , '~~,i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ` `,/ ' ~.. ?i `~ ` ,; .. ~ ',/~ ~r ..~ . l,' .. '~ i .' ~ r;- ~_ 7 :.3i "`~~~0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ^ cicle; _" .,., •~ = COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO Tract _i: . '`~', ,` t"'•~ ~~ n STATE OF CALIFORNIA -~ ~, ~ N wn LLOYD NUBBS, CITY ENGME'eR RCE 23P.89 DnTE Dage_ - i39 • ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 2 ACJNEXATION NO.B ...~' ..- ~'.b .... ~ .:: y _ ~~_~ ~-~ -. 1y \ ~ _ __ __ __ Ill ~. .,.. z` 44 ~Yi it ~ - yr ~ G y~ ,0"-""0t~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 'I _,.,,~j;_ ~ COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO , \ _ ~} STATE OF CALIFORNIA A N Vim- y 1917 I , nvn w iooc rirv carol, ~.. .. .... ,. ~..._-~ title; Tract No. 11893 page , ORDINANCE N0. 259 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 1T, SECTION 17.20.030 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, flEGARDING MASTER PLAN REQUIREMENTS Th<_ City Council of the City of Raneho Cucamonga, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Section 17.20.030, Master Plan Overlay Distrlet, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 17.20.030 Master Plan Overlay Distrlet A. Purpose The intent of the Master Plan process Ss to "plan ahead" and look beyond the limits of a particular property to solve circulation, drainage and neighborhood compatibility problems. The purpose of the Master Plan Overlay District is to establish procedures to address the special or unique needs or characterist Ses of esr'ain areas designated by the General Plan or Specific Plans and to assure a harmonious relationship between the existing . and proposed use, and to coordinate and promote the community improvement efforts of both private and public regournes. B. Applicability 1. All arras specially designated as Master Plans on the Land Use Plan of the General Plan shall be considered areas where preparation of a conceptual Master Plan shall be considered mandatory. 2. Any other areas may be considered areas where preparation of a conceptual Master Plan if in the opinion of the City Planner the application or project site Involves unusual site development nonstra lots or unique characteristics, or ra lees questions o£ development policy substantially more significant than generally pertain to applications. 3• All development within a Master Plan Overlay District shall comply with the intent oC Master Plan as approved by the Planning Commission. However, it is not the intention of the master planning process to limit the flexibility to develop alternative solutions consistent with the Intent of the Master Plan. Y. There shall be no minimum or maximum area requirement for a Master Plan Overlay District. /Y/ C. Administration Establishment of Overlay District. The Master Planned District may b: applied in comDlnation with any development district pursuant to Section 17.02.060, Amendments. A Master Plan Overlay District shall be d?signaled upon the Development District Map, by an asterisk "~" after the reference number identifying each base district, for all areas de signsted by the General Plan as required by the City Planner. Master Plan Acquirements. Where required, by Section 17.20.0308, a conceptual Master Plan shall be submitted for approval Log?Cher with any development application, and considered as a part of, unless specifically exempted as provided for by Section 17.06.030A. Applications for a Master Plan shall bs filed with the Planning Division Sn a manner prescribed by the City Planner. At minimum, Master Plans shall indicate through graphics and text, conceptual building locations, conceptual subdivision layout in residential areas, overall circulation, points o£ ingress and egress ",o both public and • private streets, parking lot layouts, conceptual grading and drainag<, areas to be used for landscaping and plazas, and pedestrian clrcu lation. Areas intended for commor. use, such as shared access, rec Lprocal parking or pedestrian plazas shall also be Sdent Lfied. In add itlon, a statement of architectural intent and/or conceptual elevations shall be submitted to indicate how the architectural concepts including style, various product types, form, bulk, height, orientation, and materials relate to other buildings or pro,]ects within the planning area. Further, the Master Plan shall indicate implementation, responsibility for and phasing of necessary improvements. The conceptual Master Plan shall be r_viewed for consistency with the purpose of this section, Absolute Po 11c1es contained Sn Section 17.08.050, design guidelines of the bas? district, and the criteria contained Sn Section 17.06.010. Authority 1. The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on each application fora Master Plan. The hearing shall be held simultaneously with the development application Cor which the Master Plan was prepared, • and shall be set and notice given as prescribed in Section 17.02.110 Public Hearings. Upon completion of the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall / 5~ 3- approve, conditionally approve, or deny the Master Plan. Zf the Planning Commission denies the Master Plan, their dec SSion shall be final unless appealed to the City Council within ten (10) calendar days (see Section 17.02.080). 2. The Planning Commission may alter the Master plan and impose such restrictions and conditions as it may deem necessary to ensure that the Master Plan will be Sn harmony with the intent and purposes of this section and with the adopted plans and policies of the City and/or guidelines as approved by the planning Commission. E. Findings The Planning Commission shall make tho same findings roquired for approval of the related development application as set forth by this Code. SECTION 2: The City Council finds that Development Code Amendment RS-O1 is an implementation of the General Plan goals and policies and that the General Plan Environmental Impact Report adequately covers any potential • significant adverse Smpacts. Further, the Clry Council finds that no subsequent or supplemental environmental impact report is required pursuant to DSvision 13, Chapter 6, Section 21166 of the Public Resources Code. Specifically, the City Council finds that: A. No suhstant ial changes are proposed in any goals or policies which would require maJor revisions to the EIR. B. No substantial changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the protect Ss being undertaken, ~. No new information on the pro,Jset has become available. SECTION 3: A Negative Declaration is hereby adopted for this Development Code Amendment, based upon the completion and findings of the Initial Study. SECTION 4: The Mayor shall sign this Ord Snanee and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be pu611shed within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The Daily Report, a newspaper of general circulation published Sn the City of Ontario, fz liforn la, and circulated Sn the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Ca llfornla. /~/J - CITY OF RAtiCHO CUCAMONGA ~ccnMo STAFF REPORT ~~ ~~~. ,^ x,. ~ ~r ~ F ~ i~ ~i Z GATE: May 1, 1985 i9 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: APPEAL BY THE ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS ON THOROUGHBRED STREET OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT 0349 HISTORY: The project site had a previously approved subdivision for 58 singfe family custom lots, which expired January 14, 1985. This previous tract had four floor plans proposed that range from 2,800 square feet to 3,400 square feet with traditional etevat ions (see Exhibit "C"). The present developer had resubmitted a new subdivision of 53 lots where 5 lots were eliminated in order to comply with the current Code in areas of setbacks, density, and minimum net lot average • of 22,500 square feet. BACKGROUND: The residents on '000 to 8000 block of Thoroughbred Street have requested an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision approving Tentative Tract 10349 (see attached letters). The Planning Commission, in order to address and mitigate the concerns of the residents regarding neighborhood and architectural incompatibility, imposed an additional condition to ensure neighborhood compatibility by requiring architectural revisions in a transitional area of 10 lots immediately adjacent to the existing single eamily homes. Attached for your review and consideration is the Planning Commission Staff Report, Conditions, and minutes of the meeting of March 27, 1985. One of the concerns of the adjacent property owners was the increase in traffic with the extension of Thoroughbred Street. To mitigate such impact, the residents proposed that the City considers the closing of Thoroughbred Street into a cul-de-sac. According to the City traffic engineer, the travel mode for this area is toward the south and east direction. The extension of Thoroughbred Street to connect to Sapphire Street is necessary fdr traffic efficiency and for dispersal of traffic which is presently concentrated on existing parallel routes such as Gardenia Avenue and Rosebud Street. Attached for your review is the City Engineer's memo of April 12, 1985 to the City Council regarding this subject. In addition, the Foothill Fire District standards do not allow cul-de-sacs which ezc eed 600 feet in length, because of delay in their response time and the availability of water supply, per the attached letter. :": CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Appeal by Adjacent Property Owners/TT 10349 May 1, 1985 Page 2 u The residents proposed to purchase and donate two lots of TT 10349 for the development of a "Pocket Park" at the end of Thoroughbred Street cul-de-sac. According to the Community Service Director, the City's standards for a neighborhood park is a minimum of 5 acres. Attached for your review and consideration is the April 15, 1985 Staff Report from the Community Service Department to the Parks Development Commission. SUMMARY OF NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING: On April 11, 1985, a neighborhood meeting was held for the developer to receive input and address those concerns raised by the residents. Outlined below are the issued raised by the property owners and responses by the developer: In response to Lhe residents' concern regarding the front elevations of the 5 lots on both sides of Thoroughbred Street, the developer agreed to redesign the front elevations in terms of color palette and facade materials to provide compatibility with existing residences. However, regarding the front yard block walls and front yard landscaping as requested by the property owners, the developer did not promise that these requests would be fulfilled due to the added cost it would place on the entire project and the sales prices of the homes. The residents also requested that they be provided with Lhe cost of the • 2 lots on Thoroughbred which they would like to purchase for a development of a park. The developer responded that he could not provide a cost figure until more detailed plans are developed. The developer agreed with the request that construction traffic would not be routed through the existing residential streets. However, in response 4o the request that Thoroughbred Street be redesigned into a cul-de-sac, the developer advised that the City would have to decide on this issue. NDATION: The Planning Commission recommends approval of the with conditions based upon the findings contained within the ion. _, submitted, RG:NF:ns iys CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Appeal by Adjacent Property Owners/TT 10349 May 1, 1985 Page 3 Attachments: Planning Commission Staff Report -March 27, 1985 Planning Commission Minutes - March 27, 1985 Planning Commission Resolution of Approval with Conditions City Engineer Memo to City Council - April 12, 1985 Letter from Foothill Fire District - April 23, 1985 Park Development Commission Staff Report - April 15, 1985 Exhibit "A" - Examples of Existing Homes on Thoroughhred Street Exhibit "B" - Examples of Front Block Walls Exhibit "C" - Previous Tract Map and Elevations Exhibit "D" - Tentative Tract Map Exh i6 it "E" - Equestrian Trails Plan Exhibit "F" - Detailed Site Plan and Conceptual Grading Exhibit "G" - Elevations and floor Plans E zhib it "H" - Previous Tract and Elevations Appeal Letter w/Addendum from Residents on Thoroughbred Street Letters from Residents on Thoroughbred Street • rvc ~ 3-~1-Ss F~ANNI~I~ COMMi~SIoN ~~PORT . COM~ITIDNs ~ MINUTES ~v7 ~ c rrTC- nc n w vrvn rrr n ~~n~-r_ n STAFF REPORT 2?°~ `9 x , -. ~; `jz '~~y~ "< 19" DATE: March 21, 1985 T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 10349 - ANACRL - A total residential development of 53 single family lots on 33.2 acres of land in the Very Low Residential District (1-2 du/ac), located west of Sapphire Street, south of Jennet Street - APN 1043-121-3, 1062-161- 01, and 1062-011-3. • I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Approval of subdivision map, site plan, elevations and issuance of a Negative Declaration. B. Purpose: Construction of 53 single family homes. C. Location: West of Sapphire Street, south of Jennet Street. D. Parcel Size: 33.2 acres. E. Existinq Zon ing: Very Low Residential District (1-2 du/ac). F. Existinq Land Use: Vacant, dead citrus groves. G. Proposed Density: 2 du/ac. H. Surround in Land Use and Zon in North - ing a fami y gmes; Very Low Residential District South - Single family homes; Very Low Residential District East - Single family homes; Very Low Residential District West - Single family homes; Very Low Residential District I. General Plan Desi nations: Project ite -Very Low Residential, 1-2 du/ac North - Very Low Residential, 1-2 du/ac South - Very Low Residential, 1-2 du/ar, East - Very Low Residential, 1-P_ du/ac West - Very Law Residential, 1-2 du/ac ITEM I /v9 PLANNING COMMISSIOty~'AFF REPORT r Tentative Tract 103 - Anacal \ March 27, 1985 Page 2 J. Site Characteristics: The subject site is vacant and slopes to the southeast at approximately 5X. Vegetation consists of shrubs and citrus orchards, with most of the citrus trees in a decayed state. The south property boundary has a row of Eucalyptus windrow which should be preserved. iI. ANALYSIS: A. General: The project site had a previously approved subdivision for 56 single family custom lots, which expired January 14, 1985. The developer has resubmitted a subdivision of 53 lots with basically the same design as the previously approved tentative tract. The new site plan complies with the current Code in areas of setbacks, density, minimum net lot average, and lot sizes. The net density for this project is 2 du/ac. The developer has proposed three floor plans ranging from 2,000 sq. ft. to 3,000 sq. ft. with three variations to the front elevations. B. Design Review Committee: The Design Review Committee has recommended approval of the project provided the following improvements be made, which the developer has agreed to: • 1. Provide two level decorative wall, such as stucco, and slumpstone, and landscaping on Lots 53 and 1 for streetscape compatibility along Sapphire Street. 2. Provide community equestrian trail on Sapphire Street. C. Technical Review Committee: The Technical Review Committee has reviewed the project and determined that with the recommended Conditions of Approval the project is consistent with the applicable standards and ordinances. D. Trails Committee: The Trails Committee has reviewed the project and made the following recommendations: (See Exhibit .. F ~~~. 1. Provide a 20 foot dedicated community trail along the northerly property boundary. 2. Provide a north-south local feeder trail between Lots 40 and 43, Lots 34 and 37, and a north-south trail westerly of lots 31 and 32. 3. Provide a combined local feeder trail width of 15 feet between Lots 19 and 23 and Lot 41 and 18. • /y9 PLANNING COMMISSION AFF REPORT Tentative Tract 10349 - Anacal March 21, 1985 Page 3 • 4. Provide trail crossing with non-slip texturized pavement between Lots 18 and 47, with the trail on the west side of Lot 47. 5. Provide a community trail on Sapphire Street within the established right-of-sway and the requ led street trees shall be placed on private property. F. Environmental Assessment: Part I of the Initial Study has been completed by the applicant. Staff has completed Part II of the Environmental Checklist and determined that no significant environmental impacts will occur as a result of this project. A copy of the Part II Environmental Checklist is attached for your review and consideration. I[I. FACTS FOR FINDINGS; The project is consistent with the General P an ands Development Code. The project will not be detrimental to adjacent properties or cause significant adverse environmental impacts. In addition, proposed use, building design, and site plan together with the recommended Conditions of Approval are in compliance with applicable provisions of the Development Code and • City Standards. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised in The Daily Report as a pub is hearing item and notices have been sent to property owners within 300 feet of the project site. To date, no correspondence has been received either for or against the subdivision map. V. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission issue a Negative Oec laration and approve Tentative Tract Map 10349 through adoption of the attached Resolution and Conditions of 1 -n-__...... i..i'1 jiG:NF:ns IAtt achments: Exhibit "A" -Location Map and Land Use Exhibit "8" - Site Utilization Map Exhibit "C" -Natural Features Exhibit "D" - Tentative Tract Map Exhibit "E" - Equestrian Trails Plan Exhibit "F" - Detailed Site Plan and Conceptual Grading Exhibit "G" - Elevatfons (16) Initial Study, Part II Resolution with Conditions of Approval ~; o E%CERPT - PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - MARCH 27, 7995 I. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 10349 - ANACAL - A total residential development of 53 single family lots on 33.2 net acres of land • in the Very Low Residential District (1-2 du/ac), located west of Sapphire Street, south of Jennet Street - APN 1043-121-3, 1062-161-1, and 1062-011- 3. Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner, reviewed the staff report. Chairman Stout referred to the Condition requiring the provision of a two level decorative wall such as stucco and slumpstone and advised he could not recall discussion of slumpstone at the Design Review Conmitt ee meeting. He suggested that the requirement for slumpstone be stricken from the condition. Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. Tim Marquard, 3187 Airway, Costa Mesa, stated concurrence with the staff report, Resolution and conditions of approval. Commissioner Barker asked what the square footage and proposed price range would be for the project. Mr. Marquard replied that the square footage would range from 2000 to 2500 square feet and would estimate the price range to be in the neighborhood of 5175,000. Commissioner Chitiea expressed concern with the side and rear elevations and stated that that they looked very blank in the drawings. Mr. Marquard replied that the elevations would look different when built. Rick Gomez, City Planner, advised that corner elevations or 2-story elevations with public exposure would be conditioned in the Standard Conditions attached to the Resolution. The following individuals spoke in opposition to the project based on concerns with decreasing property values as a result of the project, traffic on Thoroughbred if a through street and therefore recommended that Thoroughbred be designed as a cul-de-sac, increased crime, lack of provisions for front yard landscaping, and compatibility with surrounding neighborhood. Jim Anderson - 8093 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Al Moracek - 8020 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Cindy Busey - 8049 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Cindy Davis - 8037 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga John Bose - 1954 Thoroughbred -Rancho Cucamonga John Ball - 1966 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Harry Overlock - 1994 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Skip Davis - 8037 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Jahn Hazelrigg - 8079 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Kathleen Sager - 8025 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission Minutes -7- • March 27, 1985 • 7s/ Wayne Sager - 8025 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga • Larry Bliss, 6634 Carnelian, Rancho Cucamonga, addressed the Commission in support of the project. Mr. Bliss advised that Thoroughbred is a water carrying street and was intended to eventually go through. He also stated that the residents of Bennet and Rosebud would probably like to see some of the traffic removed from their streets and not have more traffic placed on them as a result of making Thoroughbred a cul-de-sac. Cal Quaral, Anacal Engineering, advised that the street pattern of this project is the same one which was originally approved by the City for the previous application. He pointed out that if the tract had recorded in December, it would be going in with this same street pattern. There were no further comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Chitiea stated that the people on Gardenia and Rosebud probably have the same concerns as those expressed during the public hearing. She further stated that it was not fair to the residents who live on Rosebud and Gardenia to have all of the traffic routed through their streets to Turquoise. She stated that she could appreciate the concerns expressed, but would have to consider the other residents who would also be affected. Commissioner Barker stated that the street patterns are the same as when the existing houses were first built and are part of an overall design program. He further stated that the existing neighborhood has a specific design personality, and it was his opinion that the proposed project is • incompatible. Additionally, he was not comfortable with a shift in design styles mid-block and was concerned with the house square footages as proposed. Commissioner Rempel agreed that Thoroughbred Street has to be a through street and advised that the street would be over the 600-foot minimum limit of for a cul-de-sac. Additionally, drainage would be a problem if Thoroughbred didn't go through. He further stated that staff and the Design Review Committee could work with the applicant to come up with designs compatible with the surrounding area and address the transition issue and suggested Lhat the first five or six lots on the north and south sides would make a reasonable transition. Mr. Marqu and replied that the color palette could be changed to be more compatible with the area, but he would have a problem with a redesign. He advised the project had been before the various review committees and had met all of the standards set. Commissioner Rempel stated that he did not intend that a major fast ode change needed to be accomplishAd, only that the Design Review Committee and staff could work with him on ways to make the homes on those lots more compatible with the existing neighborhood, Planning Commission Minutes -8- March 27, 1965 /SZ Mr. Marquard stated that to the west of this project is one which has Cape Code architectural styling, which he considered a major change. Further, that he would not be opposed to blending the color palette to achieve a more • Country Traditional look, but did not feel ;hat new developers should be penalized for a small group of homes which already exist in one specific area and be required to redesign their projects. Commissioner Chitiea stated that she would prefer to see 30 lots on the north and south sides transition with the existing homes. Rick Gomez, City Planner, advised that the Commission might want to include the lots on Jennet in the transitional issue. Chairman Stout advised that he had lived in that area for ten years and that before the Miller and Mayfair tracts were built Gardenia didn't have as much traffic on it either. He advised that the extra traffic on Gardenia is a problem because this area was designed to circulate so that each one of the east/west streets drains to Sapphire. Further, that he understood and was sympathetic to the situation; however, it would be unfair to place all of the traffic on Gardenia and Rosebud and was time Lhat the other streets carry their fair share of traffic to Sapphire. On the compatibility issue, Chairman Stout stated that an attempt could be made to transition this project compatibly with the existing homes so that it has the least impact. He further stated that he would be in favor of sending the color palette back to the Design Review Committee and if and approval could not be made at that level, it should come back to the Planning Commission. Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by McNie1, to issue a Negative Declaration • and adopt the Resolution approving Environmental Assessment and Tentative Tract 10349 with revisions to Planning Division condition one to omit s lumpstone from the material to be used an the wall, and an added condition requiring the first ten lots north and south on Thoroughbred and ten lots on Jennet to provide architectural transition. These designs are to be approved by the Design Review Committee prior to issuance of building permits. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL, MCNIEL, CHITIEA, STOUT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: BARKER ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE -carried Commissioner Barker stated that he was in agreement that Thoroughbred should be a through street, however, voted against the project because of the intransigent attitude of the developer to make architectural changes necessary to make the tract compatible with the existing homes. Planning Commission Minutes -9- March 27, 1985 • /~ 3 (~ C RESOLUTION NO. 85-45 • A RESOLUTION Of THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORN L4, COND[TiONALLY APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP N0. 10349 'WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Map No. 10349, hereinafter "Map" submitted by Plaza Builders, applicant, far the purpose of subdividing the real property situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, described as a residential subdivision on 33.2 acres of land located at west side of Sapphire Street, south of Jennet Street into 53 lots, regularly came before the Planning Commission for pu67ic hearing and action on March 21, 1985; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has recommended approval of the Map subject to all conditions set forth in the Engineering and Planning Division's reports; and 'WHEREAS, the Planning Conrtnission has read and considered the Engineering and Planning Division's reports and has considered other evidence presented at the public hearing. NO'W, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does resolve as follows: • SECTION 1: The Planning Commission makes the following findings in regard to Tentative Tract No. 10349 and the Map thereof: ;a; The tentative tract is consistent with the General ?ian, Oevelonment Cade, and specific plans; (b! The design or improvements of the tentative tract is consistent with the General ?lan, Development Code, and specific plans; (c` T'ne site is physically suitable for the type of Development proposed; (d) The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial emrironmer.tal damage and avoidable injury Lo humans and wildlife or their habitat; (e) The tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems; (f) the design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. ysy C { (g) That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and a Negative Declaration is issued. SECTION 2: Tentative Tract Map No. 10349, a copy of which is attached hereto, is hereby approved subject to all of the following conditions and the attached Standard Conditions: PLANNING DIVISION: 1. Use two-level stucco decorative walls, with landscaping on Lots 53 and 1, for streetscape compatibility along Sapphire Street. Detailed plans shall be submitted to the Planning~Div ision for review and approval prior to issuance of building permit. 2. Provide a 20 foot dedicated community equestrian trail along the northerly property line. Final tract map shall be revised to provide 20,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size on Lot 44 after dedication of trail. 3. Provide a community trail within the established right-of- • way along Sapphire Street and the required street trees shall be placed on private property. 4. Provide a north/south local trail between Lots 40 and 43, between Lots 34 and 37, and a north/south local trail westerly of Lots 31 and 32. 5. Provide a combined trail width of ~15 feet between Lots 19 through 23 and Lots 14 through 18. Provide trail crossing with non-slip texturized pavement between lots 18 and 47 with the trails on the west side of Lot 41. 6. All cut and fill slopes fronting on public streets shall be landscaped per City's slope planting standards. Hydroseeding will not be acceptable. 7. The existing Eucalyptus windrow along the southern property boundary shalt be preserved. Any removal of trees shall require an approved tree removal permit prior to the approval of a rough grading plan and prior to issuance of any permits. 8. Provide architectural transition from the existing single- family lots to the west, for Lots 26 through 35 and Lats 9 through 18. Revised plans shall 6e submitted for Design • Review Conmittee review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. ,, /SS C C ENGINEERING DIVISION: 1. Private drainage easement with concrete drains for cross lot drainage shall he required along all affected lots, including those along the southerly tract boundary. The easement shall be delineated on the map. APPROVED ANO ADOPTED THIS 27TH DAY OF MARCH, 1985. PLANNING MMIGGION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 8Y: ~t.W;-a Denm's L. hut, Chairman .~ .. ATTEST: Rick Gomez, Deputy Secretary • [, Rick Gomez, Deputy Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do herehy certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted 6y the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 27th day of March, 1985, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: REMP EL, MCNIEL, CHI T[EA, STOUT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: BARKER ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE 1~6 1~ _- ~Q=-c __ og~= - _ __ ~a _-' E€V= - eEM 4 V~ _ EO_ cy _-_ °~,.ae~;..4.- x''`58 '~ ___ ~~~`gi <e,m ..~°~°L .o°`o ~I ~i - ~I~IY ~~ 1` ~I~ ~l, ° - ~ ~ .-_- °- aE- ~g ~ h» _$ 5d ~ - g~e§ S oe ~ - E`-~'` _ _ _ ~ _ _ ~i =~E F ~ __ E'~-.fig =-_ _ -'a= _ _ _ - E . ~ ~ ry ~ e.` ... is9 \/V~ 0 z V n 6 c c _,°, - x~o- __ Sa -_ - _-_ _ _ __ - _ _ Q6„_ _ _ ?~ Ty _- - cx _ _ =- ; _ _ .. ~~ e~ o - _ _ _~y - y = - _ _ _ _ " ,~Y ,'_ _ ' $~s ~ Eo e~` ~€ ~ - a W o .,ems . ~, <;~m -_ _ a.. 8 ev see°Y' °~~z _ __ -°'3 o _ - _ __ _ <-- ~.3 goo `~q_ aE~e o5 _' ...,a o.^~aca ~.....~. ~-e<+o :...>8 is 8 • • N C ~ < < - - o~ _ . -_ _ ~ - _ - it - _ -- - _ y _ ~ _ n _ ' O ~ - ~ _ _ _ ~ _ - - - __- - - - - - o° ___ __-ga _ <_ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _, aff 4~ - ~ - ___-` __- _ __ _ _ -_ _ °sa - c _ - - - =`x~ _ - - _ ` Qa~ _-C, %s ~„ ~fi;o. ..a ~.. 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Hubbs, City Engineer SUBJECT: Appeal of Tentative Tract 10349 - Extension of Thoroughbred Street Attached for your information is the Planning Commission staff report dealing with the subject Tentative Tract. As you may be aware, residents along existing Thoroughbred Street are appealing the Commission approval and would like to preclude the extension of Thoroughbred Street to Sapphire. You will be hearina_ this item in the near future but may be contacted prior to the hearing. For your background, there are a few facts you may wish to consider. There are really three issues that need addressing relative to street closure: 1. A cul-de-sac on existing Thoroughbred exceeds Fire oepartment standards for length. 2. The City is currently in litigation on a drainage problem resulting from drainage off of Thoroughbred flooding homes to the south. 3. The elimination of thru traffic movements on Thoroughbred will increase the cancentratfon of traffic on parallel routes. The first two items can be addressed through alternatfve design solutions but will likely involve added costs to development. Construction of drainage facilities would result in increased City maintenance. The third item is a pure policy issue which involves traffic efficiency and localization of impact. Traffic generated by development will remain the same under any design. The question becomes where do you wish to route the traffic? In general, it is desirable to disperse traffic as much as possible, provide direct access and limit travel distances. Where traffic is concentrated, it should be on collector and arterial streets which are designed to buffer adjacent dwellings. , Limiting circuitous travel reduces air pollution, energy consumption, vehicle wear and driver irritation. continued...... /6 S Mayor and City Council Memo: Appeal of Tentative Tract 10349 - Extension of Thoroughbred Street 0.pri1 12, 1955 Page 2 The impact of closing Thoroughbred will increase traffic on Gardenia and Rosebud and to a lesser extent Jennet. Traffic on existing Thoroughbred will be forced to continue a circuitous routing. There is very little travel demand to or from the west due to the Cucamonga Creek debris basin. MOSt of the traffic involved will be generated in the existing Thoroughbred neighborhood and properties immediately surrounding it, in any case, it would not be expected to be large numbers. The current situation is not an isolated incident. The Commission and Council have come under increasing pressure to close streets at numerous locations. Avalon east of Carnelian and Opal Stree*. north of lemon being the most recent examples. Any particular situation of this type does not have monumental consequences. But the cummulative impact of these actions can create significant loss of efficiency, increased poilution and energy consumption to simply move the problem to the path of least political resistance. The issue on the policy level resolves to one of efficiency of travel vs. the limited protection of vocal special interests. if your overall goal is to limit the impacts of traffic it would be staff's recommendation that you opt • for the most efficient overall system that you can develop. This will invotve design of a system that limits travel and disperses traffic as quickly and eff;cien tly as possible. LBH:jaa Attachments • /L C • • F~'f~l~ I.~ ~~~~ pi~1R ACT'S ~GMM~ ,~~ FOOTHILL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT P. O. Box 35 6623 Amethyst Street • Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 91701 (S14) 987-2535 APril 13, 1985 ~~- - "~ ; ^ n _ rr .; ,~ .Nr. Rick Gomez, City Planner City of Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Boz 807 R oncho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Dear ~Llr. Gomez: We have taken under consideration a proposal [o block continuation of Thoroughbred Street to Sapphire. /t is our conclusion such a proposal is at adds with our public safety responsibilities. The present Street conjiqurgtion imposes addi [tonal response time delays upon us due to the fact we do not hove direct access from the closest major north/south street, Sapphire. • We expect [o see this si tuotion improve with the Continuation of Thorough- bred east to Sapphire. If such on improvement does not materialize, we have, in effect, o cul-de-sac which extends more than 300°o bevond our maximum standard of 600 feet. Another item of concern to us is the water system. With the extension of Thoroughbred, the water line will be looped into Sapphire Street. This is ideal in case there is o disruption of [he water supply from Turquoise. /f, however, the thoroughbred wafer line does not connect to Sapphire, we will be forced to accept a 6" water line which extends 1000 feet and depdends. This it well beyond the maximum distance of 500 feet per- mitted by our Ordinance ?I for such a line. With the above facts in mind, qnd in the interest of fire and life sat°-tv, we request your continuetl support regarding the extension of Thoroughbred Street. If you hove any questions, please co!! me. Sincerely, , i ,, ~ Suson D. 4VOl(e i Fire Prevention Inspector Fire Safety Division SOW/ss Enclosure /L t T ,QGC JI^,= S',5'12 5753 n c.. ~~vv",aa((" n. r z' m. ~ ,i • i'fi 5715 m a ~- c m „ g, y ~ <+ Y S x i Y m ~ ~ V N N • N N m SAPP HIRE 5T ---~-y--.... _..:..._ - _._.. _ .. ..___~_ Tu- ~ ~-~5-P~ PkK1C CGMIM~~i10~! 51~~ ~~~l~f J ,~~ CITY OF Re1NCH0 CLC,~.~IONG:1 STAFF REPORT Da <e: April 15, 1985 To: park Development Commission FY Om: Pill Holley, Director, Con munity Services Deoar Nent ~ ~~ci.tlolc .t, ~> 2`, ~ z' J 7 1. Y ~~p _ ~ Ij2 a 19" I Subject; Tentative TYa ct 10]49-AMACAL R ecuest to be heard by the Parr. Development Comnd ssion by Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Davis, et al. • This matter is not about a park. This matter is about a street. ..a street which was recently aroroved as a part o£ Tra c! 10349 by the Planning Commission. That Planning commission appto vai has been appealed by F.C. Davis, et al, and is scheduled to be heard by the City Council May tst, If the matter is not about a perk, and is rather, abouC a street, why is it on the Park Development Commission Agenda? Simply, because anyone who wishes to be heard can 4e. They wish to he heard, therefore... I have attached a copy of correspondence addressed to Pam Henry in which the ^avi s' 'position' is laid out in their terms. In the tract Map attached the project under appeal m Council ie out''-in ed in 'heavy solid line'. The Davis' neighborhood in '6z cken double line'. The issue is really that the Davis', et al, want ?horoughhzed "dead ended" or "cu l-de-sated" so as not to connect their portion of Thoroughhzed to the new portion of Thor ouahbred. To achieve this we have been told by Davis that the 22 or so neighbors on the west section of Thoroughbred will buy the two io is on the westerly section of Anaoal's Thoroughbred holdings and develop a park and donate it to the City.,.i4 the street connection wou id be abandoned. .. if the abandonment separation is not possible, then the park is no longer offered. This issue Ls just that simple. STAFF CCM MENT First, 'Thoroughbred Pack' is a Trojan Horse... the park is not the is sue...the tonne ctot Street is the issue. Second, the matter of tnis is now in the jurisdiction of the City Council to be hoard on May 1. Third, the bavi s', et a1, are hoping simply to get a recomme nda ii on from the Park Development Commis ioR to use with Council in hopes of ove rturni na the Planning Commission decision. /7~ page 2 • Tract 10349-Anacal April 75, 1985 Fourth, while roads are not ui th my previews. T wi 11 say that the Planning Commission decision to put Thocoughbred through, was not capricious nor arbitra ry ...it was based on, and consistent with, both City and Foothill Fire o is trict standards for stzee cs of that length. Fifth, the attached letter quotes the Grapevine regarding the need for "smaller neighborhood pa rk5". The Davis' are choosing to interpret "neighborhood park" into the concept of "mini-park" or "vest-pocket-park". It has clearly been the adopted policy of our City, to date, that smaller parks will be in the neighborhood of five acres minimum. If I can answer any cues tions, please advise. ex:ba cc: City Council Planning Commission City Manager City Planner lJ ~~2 April 5, 19E5 Pam Henry -. Chair, Park Development Ccros:ission City Hall, 932E 5aseliae Rcad • P.O. Eox EC7 Raachc Cucamonga, Califcrnia 917;C °e: Tentative Tract iC; 49 .;,:.:Cdl `J The above reference tract is tentatively approved fcr subdivis ion in the very near future. T:ne new develop meat is drastically differ e.^.t tFan the exi5tirg one ea Thoroueh'ored Street. Za as e`fcrt tc reduce the aesthetic impact c£ ore stile home right next to aro Cher style home a park was 5uegested. Over 2/9 0£ the homeowners are will''-ng to sucoo rt the cast cf buyine the la rd from the builder. This land wcuid then to dedicated tc the City fcr a small neighbor':cod park. Presently, the losest pare tc as neighborhood is Beryi Park which is 2~ miles away. The raw park planned at Hillside and 5ery1 is still almost 2 miles away. Parks which were planned at the erd c: Panyan and a Stark School have been abandoned by t::e city. This park site is directly in the center of our neighborhood and wo;11d be accessible by Lhe following: 51 homes in th.e proposed new development 22 hcmes on Thoroughbred 21 .^.ew hcmes just built at the east erd of Thoroughbred 55 b".ark ZIZ homes just sout.". o£ us. The children in our neighborhood are primarily eleme^.Lary age. These children do not have access to a park. By the Lime d7 i'_dren are old eno+.;gh tc use a park 2 miles away they are 14 or 15 and develcn other interests. Young children between 5 and 12 would have t.`.e ability to walk tc t!:e park in the ne ighbenc~cd. /73 Zn Lhe spring 19E5 issue o£ "The Grapevine", Lhe front page article indicates that "smaller neig~ibcrhood tai^.<s Pam Henry April 5, 1985 . Page Two The article continues by stating, these new reiahbornooes.^ 'mere nave Deer. three new tracts bui'_t in our neighborhood in the past year. Our tract is only 3 years old. T~,is amounts to 113 new hcmes and I do n'L se e•any fees paid by the developer benefitti^.g this "new neighberhec d". In con^. ersaticn with t're new tract owner, Nr. George h:eeker, fie indicates that $X,000 was give.^, to the park fund. Z'm sure Gary Miller also donated tc the park fund. 'tihere is all the money gcing tc be used? F:opefully for the "new neighbcrhood". In ccrversatiors wit:: bir. S4illiam Holly, ovr park is not the ontimua. utilizaticn due to the small size. I would like the City to ccasider purchasing anoth=_r acre and making it a nice size park for our new neighborhood. In closing, I £ind it extremely difficult to believe that the city is denying the new reigY.berhood a park t'nat has been purchased by the homeowners and developers by fees collected from t::e developer. • ?cur assistance in helping the city rectify the si*uation wculd be greatly appreciated. I am enclosing a copy of the man of tentative tract No. 1C349 and the article in tF.e "grapevine". A cocy cf this letter is gcing to all Council members as well~as the city manager and Community Services Adviser. I do expect a reply to my letter. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, ^ Mr. and !%ms. E. 0. Davis SC37 Thoroughbred Street Alta Loma, CA. 917C1 • /7y • ~~~$~~5 -~ ~~ To ° G i7s • _ __~ - - _Ii I, ~~ V v NORTH CITY OF RA~cI-x~ c~c~,vla`c~ PLANNING DNISION ITEM ~-~~ TITLF. 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F • Liz J F- c r~ C U ~ ~~ U ~~ ~~ ~ U~ ~ C ~( a ~__ LL ~ ~ h • n ~J V st 1 U OC .~ O s ~.; F F '~ ~ I1-l u ~ J I i L ~ ~ n 1 ~ _ I C ~ ~ w ~ .:.r u / I y V ~ ~ ~ ~..~ ~ ~ d {- z F ~~~ ~ ,~ I ~ ~F~ ~ ~ a U W 0 J m N J a ~;_; ~ d~ . ~ ~ ^ ~ • ~' ~ 6 , t,_J;~ ~ t~ ~ ! ! ~II i ~' q ~~'' - ~, ~; ~ :, ~ • i --~.-!- ~~ ': I I il_~` ~, ,~~ - ~ aJ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ', ~ ~ j /93 ~ ~~~ i ~ ~T H- ~~V ~ o~ ~RA~1 ~ ~I~UATI ~ /9Y • • 3 :~ Z~ :. J ~+5 >> p 9: 1 ^. ': :7 O _ '.1 z z : ,1, =-. ~ ~1• ~ ~ t ~ ` {i' 6:3:1 z~ ~ :: Q W r 1.~ \ 1 i i'~ •' i . .flll!LI111!LI111!I~iCiillG~ Y.~ ~,~~ i~ 11, ~ ~~„'~ I .~ 1 ' leifi•iilllliiliillil!IIIIIII ~-' ' -- N ' y 1' ` ' ~ M 1 L ' ` I~ ti ~4 1 !J. t : 1 ~ > .~ ~ ; y. ~ r ! ~~'~' `:Y: ~1~ ?.1aJ.~1 ": ., t>. -~ -~_. - _ .._ ~ `I i `.~ 1 ^Y 1 I t ` L 1 ... . _ ~ ~Y } ~ Y ~~. r~?iT13t.7 . t. I' ' ~ ~ • ~l•l \ ~ ~= I 1 ~: r1 1 ~Ji Y~~~u`~, ~~... I ~ ~1,1~ i AI, ,'~~' .~Ti' l..` 1 . ~ ' i~ 1 1 if ~ i ' " --- 1 ° ~ -~-, ~ ~ ~ a. I ; a. 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I !' ;~ ~r~~l,~ ~~ 3 _ `~ ~ . ~ i 1. ~ .~ [~'-~ ~l '~ I!i T ~ ' u i r~ i~! ,~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~~l III _ ~lp Q r__._ ~ III' Ili ~ ~ ~I o 1 ~ ~ +., i I~t ' ' fi ,~ 1 ~ ~l " ~ 1' ~ ; I I t i ~, ~ ice: _ _ •°~J ~ t: , 3 X03 AI~'~AL ~~T~S C aoy -S~-Cam`"c-- ~,~~ \+ • • T.,. flANC HO CUCAMONOA CITE COUNCIL flE: April 5, 1985 Appeal/Tract ,170349 .ADDENOL'A TO APPEAL Ne fur~ner ra,uest an appeal in the matter oC Tentative Trace I703~9 for the to llowing reasons: i J Tne planned homes are in wmpacible with all surrounding neighborhoods in regards to size, architec tur311y, fades, and comparable value. 2.1 He feel an Sndepth Env'_ronmental Impact Deport may De necessary to study the Soc1o-Economic impact because cf Ch>.s IncomFatlDility and to study the safety Cor the community of 3 straight, through street as opposed to col-de-sacs or curved streets. ftespec tf idly submitted, Pesiden LS of 7000 to 8090 block Tho roughored Str<et Rlca Lum a, California i- n„ ~~ ..~.Ci is t~ ,~ . CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ADMIN!STRr.T10N APR 1719BS 7 191Dill11Y~112~314~318 • ao~ i t~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA C '! .. ADMIN!STFi,.T1ON APR 519BS ..prl1 ', 1'~ag • 7 8~91DIll18111~3N11$ 6 ?ear ...r.ci hembers: ! .,, _.,. =ertai^ you are aware, we, the homeowners on :horoue:hC ed :tree t, ~.ave some very gave concerns re Qariina the ieve lopmeat of ^. tact ~F103~ by ?laza 3uilders. '•7e are hereby appealing the decision of the ?lanrinQ :ommissiort concerni.^.{ this property. •!e would li:te to see the followine items: 1) '!e, the residents of the 9300 ar.i 8000 Clock of P:norou:*hCred ~t.l wouli like to purchase the two (2) end lots near us at a reasonable cost from the Guilder. :!e then would like to seed it to the city for deval ~pmer.t ac a pocket park. _? "he Sun der include six foot block walls between the residences ~v i::^, o.._ access gate to rear no more t..".an nine feet in •.vidth. ~; ^h2 co ar of the roofs be compatible with the existing homes on the - "^.e ..c ies Ce ^ade compatible ~.vi th the e::' ^-iae homes o.^. ^.._ sate <~ .._ .. r..es Y.ave eoacrote it jveways. ~' ^.hree foot wine walls be erected alon the east :roper:;; :iae cf .,..,_-. ...,-9.^.r~ ?. 32 and 80?3 on ~^'~oro u,chSred. ~? °:^.-~ ._rat f..e houses on bot:^, si9es of the c_reeta Se L'ne ~levs- ._~.,~ ... ... _.. r.os*. compatible to the hr..es on :heaz are=..;,!_. ",hor- o~:~..,.ei ant ~.er.net. 7efinitely not the :wo s:t^; -:c'.el. °; .e request that any meetinac between the builder Sad tF.e c. ty r,i:n regard to these Romes include a repreenta*.ive of the hc~eavners. .__a;e notify us through 3:*.ip or ;ynd! ')avis at °=?7 orouahbred, ~?~- lE~'~. ,Ve woulA appreciate a~ early a notification as po^,.:ib1e. .. ^:n~ .,.ze of the hones .lhould r.ot i..^.clude a :•.odel of leas than .'~:. _r? f~.. .. ':e e~c ..ld .:u?.rest 240, 269 ar.3 280] scare feet. 1~1 'e ^requ_.e that no co..^s traction •; ehic:es pans west o° the develop- .ect of tract 1^J~/9. All in~recs anA egress o° vehicles ased for con- ' ^*.r•.iction be from Sapphire 3t. 11) There ba only reasonable warYir.q hours allsved-=4onday-rriday, 9-. 12; That security be planned to disecurare vanialism. '~ ~tOG ~~-~ z. ;?) .. ,-. ...>1 tse'- t'te re should be front yard landscaping re- _ re!o ,.. t^e :'17 uoas. Shis .^.t:o~:i1 1.^.C11P.,~ t9e toll ,wins: ya) _i:c 1$ ga'_ion trees b) twenty-two $ ?allon plants c) automatic sprinklers d) sea for ei g'sty percent of the front yard ::e feel certain that upon refle.^.tion these 3emar.35 will be recd r.:ised as ..^.ece^,sary to the oreservatio^ of this commanity. Sap^azard buil7in? is not an asset to 3areCo ;ucamonga: we must aain- tan so-e cradibi'-ity as an attractive Brea to invest in a home and rzis= our children. • ~~ ~{ ~o~ I.~'fT~RS ~OIM R~u~tTS ~, aol `?353 I h ~ A C~ ~.~: ~_'" ~ y' n r•. r, d...n. ~ ~-~ 33.'1 ~~..~ c~-~.n. ~~~ a~_ C'~t~.., .. 11.E I (~(1 l t..~ c1.X-~.tr( o ~ ..w`-e_ .a..t.*c~`tL_ ~~ 1~.7'Y~-~.~ ' l Q /w~~ W _c_ _~` nor nit a ~- ~ -tom c~.~;L \ 11 n s-~ ~.~~.k.S~AaQ."lc{ Ct 9~~c~ ,..~ .to9 r .~~~ .~ Cam.. .,y`^' '1 • -j~~ • ~.~~ ~ ~ ' ~ \ ~_ j{~ ei 1 ~~ -~~ ~,o C ~ • Mr. and Mrs. John Busey 8048 Thoroughbred Street Alta Loma, California 91701 April 11, 1985 O~ The Honorable Jon Mi kels Oc~Cn Mayor, Rancho Cucamonga 'Rf ~N~'~', ~b ~ NN~ City Hall .+y r~ Q, NC g 9320 Baseline Road p,Ql oiR9o ~' ~ ~ ~ P.O.Box 807 i~ 2. N o,. Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 ~V~y ~9d ' re: Tentative Tract 10349 Ana cal ~ j'?3~i6 Oear Sir: This letter is in response to tract 10349 which is tentatively approv etl for development. The proposed subdi vision is not tampatiDle with those homes now existing on the 7900 and 8 000 block of Thoroughbred. Aestheti- cally the houses are drastically dif ferent. Not only do the exteriors significantly differ, but the builder has not fncluded Dlock walls, front landscaping, etc. which would deter the placi ny of unsightly chain link fences and lantls capi nq not up to the standards of the yards presently on • Thoroughbred. The value of the homes do not coincide. As a homeowner, I am appalled that homes of Such sig of fi[ant ly lower value would even be considered being built next to the houses nav existing on Thoroughbred. Where is the city planning? 1 would strongly recommend that you get out in your community and see firsthand the facts far themselves. May I suggest that you go up Saphi re to Jennet Drive, drive down chat street and look at that development. Then, after you have seen the quality of what the developer is going to build, come to Thoroughbred and make your own evalu- ation. When we bought in Rancho Cucamonga, we were aware that at some later date Thoroughbred would extend through; however, we had trust in our City Plan- ning Commission that they would protect our investment and the beauty of our street with houses of equal value. Such haphazard planning on the city's part has outraged many home avners and we will do everything in our power to see that the tentatively approved subdivision be reconsidered. Tne homeowners in our neighborhood have spent many hours in the short period of time that we have been aware of our dilemma and we have come up with different solutions. Since the builder is not interested in upgrading his hares to our standards and is only concerned with putti ny in as if the amount of money as Dossi ble so his hones will "sell like pancakes", as quoted by the builtle r, then we see it necessary to have a "green belt" area between the developments so as not to detract from our neignb orhood and its value. This would be a solution we could live with. 3 // C Another solution is a park between the two developments, something which is in great need anA would De an asset to all surrounding neighborhoods. Over two-thirds of the homeavners in our neigh DOrhood have agreed to sup- port, out of their own pocket, the cost of the two lots at the end of our street. We would be willing to deed them to the city for development. After reading the Spring 1985 issue of "The Grapevine", it seems that any funding would be of great help with the "severe financial limitation" we are now experiencing. Vour assistance in reviewing our situation and solutions is appreciated. We only hope that we can count on your support as city officials in rep- resenting our concerns and interests in hopes of preserving our community with high standards. i, ~ ~/i~l/~ Cynthia Busey As my wife mentioned, we will fight this agg ress iv ely ...that will include the following: lawsuits, an extensive campaign with the media, both the local newspapers antl radio stations. Such example of community interest should be of significant interest to such individuals as Mary Ann Dolan, executive editor of the L,A, Herald Examiner; the comrtu oily interest editor of the L. A, Times and you can believe that the funds we would have donated to a Dark will 6e used for an aggressive recall canpaign against all exist- ing city officials. He feel that there is factual evidence that wiTi warrant law suits based on: 1) Lack of notification, as required Dy law. 2) An incomplete and inadequate environmental assessment checklist. 3) La tk of due process. 4) Individual lawsuits against all members of the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, City Council and the Mayor. 5) Mr. Stout, Chairman of the Planning Commission, has a direct conflict of interest. He did not step down during the vote of the Planning Commission, which has been observed in the past. He was [he one com- missioner directly involved with the builder and the City staff during the desiyn review process. My wife and I are personally prepared to commit any amount of time that is necessary to disrupt any future building development within the city limits of Rancho Cucamonga without the clear and coirylete understanding of the citizens of this comnu nity as to what happened to the investments made by the individuals on Thoroughbred. I do ezp ect an answer to Chis letter. cc: R. Dahl C. Buquet P, Wright J. King JIn F. Bu se~ i Mr. Wasserman R, Gordon Young R, Gomez • • u 3/1 ~ Air~re~ 21!(IFmlli &A. •. SuU to V ~Mn~,GNaw YI ]60 bin N.lWM~pO LffIbIW $YW 1W~. 71/ SYlOSY Mr. Son Mikels Mayor, City of Rancho Cucamonga P. 0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Re: Proposed tract 10349-RNACAL Dear Mr. Mikels, My family and i reside at 8079 Thoroughbred and we just received notice that the above referenced tract has been tentatively approved. In fact, it wasn't until just a few days prior to the Planning Commissions March 27th meeting that we were even aware that any plans were under- way to develop this acreage which is within 50 feet of our • home. Had we been properly notified I can assure you we would have expressed ovr objections earlier. We find it reprehensible that the city of Rancho Cucamonga would approve the construction of dwellings of the size and type proposed on the very same street as our homes which reflect pride of ownership and represent sizeable investments by the owners. The only possible outcome of this tract will be a hodge-podge appearance to our city and sizeable reductions in property value to the existing homes. I thought the purpose of planning commissions, building codes and restrictions were to maintain standards in the community and to prevent the very thing we see happening here. It appears that .the out-of-town builders have much more voice in the direction of Rancho Cucamonga then the tax paying citizens of the city. The builder seems to have tricked the city also. He sells his ideas on the basis of 2000-3000 square foot homes and once he's in he reduces the size considerably. He does not provide front lawns as has been the case with all recently built homes in the area, no block walla, cheap looking elevations and I submit to you that if allowed the entire area will be an eyesore within a year. ~/3 It appears to us, from a tax-base standpoint that in- fusing low-priced housing would hava a two-edged effect on the city's revenue, We have an opportunity to up- grade our beautiful city and attract residents which would increase city revenue but our city has tentatively approved a tract that will lower the value of existino propertyl The residents of our street have proposed a mini-park to separate the two areas in a desparate attempt to preserve value. So far this idea has met with very little support in spite of the fact we stand willing to donate the land. Mr. Mikels, I am requesting that you consider one of three proposals: Insist that the builder build homes of compar- able size, value and appearance in this tract and include front lawns and block walls or 2, Require the builder to donate the 2 lots where Thoroughbred currently ends and leave in orange trees (This grove is not dead as pinpointed in the Planning Conunissions staff report) or 3. Allow the residents of Thoroughbred Street to purchase these 2 lots, donate to the city for a park and let our portion of the street end at the park. Mr, Mikels, we are appealing to you and members of the City Council to re-assess this situation and make decis- ions that would be beneficial to the residents of Rancho Cucamonga. Regards, /J~ /~~J~f J and Myr Haze~g 9 Thoroughbred reet cc: R, Dahl P. Wright J. Ring C. Buquet L. Wasserman u dl'! ~,, r •~~'' April 6,1965 _t _ c ~ . Kr. 6 Krs .ack D. floe 806E Tho roughbre: Street Alta Loma, Ca. 91701 wonorable ton ;?. Ffikela }!a yor, F.anchc Cuca r..ongn Cit; 'r.all, 9:20 3eseline F.d. -eECE~vco- ~'1MMMp a11s1~NN P.O. box E07 APR 101985 iFncho Cucamor. ga, Califo rr,ia 91730 ~ ~ near Sir: i*.E dacisicn of t:^.e p: ar. r.i ng ccar.isai cn to permit Flaza Builders, 3iE7-A Airncr! Avenue, Ceste 'l.eae, Ca. to build hca ea er. Ientn Live `. tact 10<' .na cal, viii have a serf eua negative i¢pecL on the l.oc.eownerr _.. ~.. .= it a. Ti.E bui'_dEr is planning to build hoaea priced fro,', .S i°2,990 to 51L;,99C ir_udiately ad; scent to hoaea va]ued froc. $2LC,GCC to ' iiC0,000'. 'he rrcr::aed hoaea ere Alarmed without bloc]: wails and gates sad wit'rcu: frcnt 'sndacapi ng. iurtY,er¢cre ":e exteriors `~ cf the hoaea art not cecce table with the cormurd ty. d ' .:hen the resides Ls of L'ne eor. r..unity asksd t.".e plc r.r.ing coc r.i si on sc require *.':E builder to ¢s}:e the necessary ad; ceLr..eats (Mock wails, gates er.C front landscaring) to AnkE tk.e hcces c.,npetable, e ecu r.issicn r_e^ber sta Led that the builder wns vet;: difficult to vor}: with. i^ the builder frog Costa !;esa wa.^.ts to build it oar cc r.. s~.ur.i t, I believe that it is the responsibility of our elected officials to reouire him to build to our atardards, not dictate tere:s to t'.~e Planning Gerniasicn. An Apprn!sor has estimated that the value of t'ce homes in this neighborhood will decrease from 201 to 401 if the new homes ~, are permitted to be bust na planned. >. The following ection is planned before the next city councii meeting whic'r, is ache0uled on April 17, 1985. ~. 1. A copy of this letter will be sent to the editors of the ~~ ]oral and surroundi::g newspapers urging them to publish Lhe -, dates of the meeting end concerns of Lhe community. Y. ~~ 2. A telephora campaign Le all homeowners of the city urging ;,',~ them to attend the meeting and listen to the concerns wa have over the decisions of the planning commission. -A,;. If •n agreement cannot be reeehed at the city council meeting, ;rr'i.; we will hold an immediate homeowners sooting to: 1. Petition tM County Tax CollscLors office for en immediate ,.; .,:, , a1~r ~~a ~~ ",;y '. a~~^' C develueticn of 5r.e hoes and decreases creper?.y taxes. 2. Esta blisY. a homeowners legal fund tc ..^S le a lawsuit against the City. Mayer. City Manager snd re r..be re of the Planning Co.^.:missior in order to recover the loss that the homeowners of Alta Loza wi'_1 sustsin because of Lne deci sior,s permitted by the e bcve me r.tior.ec officizis of the c+ty. 7- 3e~i r. .... -fiat= "RECALL" acti or. on ;, he .{ayor, City Manager end P1anr,i ~:gTC o: mission rter bars and es.: fora special electier. to elect officials that sill be rasps r.s eve to the needs of the co rc w:i tv. I;any her. ec~.::;ers %.ave rode a lifetime :eves tment in LF.is ecmmurity and ve do r.ct i1a E^d to permit the '_rre spcnsi ble actions of tY.e rlannir.g Co r..rissicr to destroy their drEeas. Y:e es;: fcr year .._ ... resclcir.g .P.._ .....aer as aui ekiy as tcssic:E. =_ ,EC t.^ul~y. ~'~. .. _ , Jac;: ^. er.d ShElba J: Ivee • ... LElire eerrar t\' ..a gar La v~Q` - 11 +1. Herron Ee_nei - " $u ^.ancE Ci:i tea - .. .. Richard Bahl - Mayer Prc :ec. Charles ?uGUet II- Councilme rber Pe a.ela i4right " , Jeffreg Ring " s . ~ ~; ~y .~/L AliShdlE' • ~I pn FCOlle Bha AW~11~ V ~Yet•,CMh)nY Y11aa April 24, 1985 Jan N.lYexgp 1r,llwle 6/w YeepFr , T~~ saemx Nr. 7on Nike le Mayor, City of Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Box ROT gaucho Cucamonga, CA 91770 Rey Proposed Tract 10719 - ANACAL Dear Mr, Mike la, r Several days have elapsed since w¢ wrote regarding proposed ANACAL tract 20749. Since writing, we've discussed cue park idea with several people, including members of the council, and now realize this say pot be tie best solution [o our problem. We're writing th is letter [o restate our strong feelings against this tract and propose an alternate course. • Tna mein objection to this tract is the incompa tebi li ty of those~~homea with the existing 22 homes on our portion of Thoroughbred Street. The dif Eerence in size, appearance and quality of these houses are of such dramatic diEf ezence that it will have a serious adverse effect on the value of our homes. TDe builder Se extremely reluctant to do even the basic upgrading, wh SCh we deem absolutely oars ssacy, such as front lawns, shrubbery and rear block walls, convincing us lost he would never do the required improvement Sn building design and size to meet the standard of our homes. Because of [his incompa tability, we strongly urge you and the City Council to make the decision to require this builder to dedicate a green Del t, which would separate the two tracts and cul-de-sac Thoroughbred where it currently ends. This, !n add pion to the of orementioned Smprovemente of front lawns end rear we lle. Thank you Eor your et tent ion end eotlon !n thSS me ttar. Regards, Bohn nd Myre tle zelr igg i ~ B07~Thocoughbred Street D cc~ R. Dahl P. Wright ~. King C. Buquet t. Neeeermen ,217 CITY OF RASCHO CL'CAJIO\GA ~CG1,11p1 STAFF REPORT >~J~~' - ~ z _ ~ Z _- ~~-- DA'E: May 1, 1985 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Rick Gomez, City ?tanner dV: Curt Johnston, Associate Planner SUddECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT IN TERRA VISTA DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT 85-03 - LEWIS - An amendment to Lhe Development Plan for the Terra Vista Planned Community to change the Land Use Designation from Mixed Use - Office, Commercial, and Residential to Hospital and related facilities for approximately 31 acres of land located on the east side of Milliken Avenue, between Foothill Boulevard and Church Street - AP N: a portion of 221-151-13 and 14. • ?- BACKGROUND: ?h= Plarming Commission held a puhlit hearing on Rpril 10, 1985, to consider amending the Terra Vista Planned Community text and the land uses in the southeast quadrant of the Terra Vista for the purposes of relocating the existing hospital location. As outlined in the attached April 10, 1985, Planning Commission Staff Report and on Exhibit "A", the original amendment included three (3) basic land use revisions: 1. Altering the hospital location from Rochester Avenue to Milliken Avenue; 2. Redistributing residential density to accommodate a larger hospital site off of Milliken Avenue (from 10 acres to 31 acres), and; 3. Re-designating the current Auto Plaza to Executive Park. The Commission reconrcnended approval of only the proposed hospital site With the stipulation that only the hospital, and related facilities be permitted. The intent of this action was to allow future review of the land uses on the property in the event the hospital will not 6e constructed. Regarding the residential and auto center land use revisions, the Commission felt further analysis and review is necessary and a special Planning Commission workshop has been scheduled for May 20, 1985. 218 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT DPA 85-03 - Lewis May 1, 1985 Page A2 • The original amendment is part of the April 10, 1985, Staff Report. Since the Planning Comniss ion meet inq, Lewis Homes has revised the amendment in accordance with the Planning Commission recommedations (Exhi6 it "B"). II. RECOMMENDATIONS: The Planning romnission recommends that the City Council approve Terra Vista Development Land Amendment 85-03, approving the change in hospital sites through adoption of Lhe attached ordinance and issuance of a Negative Declaration. • Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Diagrams of land uses Exhibit "8" - Revised Amendments (May 1, 198$) Ordinance Planning Commission Staff Report - April 10, 1985 aye • CURRENT PROPOSED BY LEWIS • D4Wanmafk AnalYfb of Eubf4p Dawtoprnant CaKpt .~ G ~'`~G ~~ L uuamr.l"%~- i ~+e . i : I ~(niorun.7 ~\~ ~ a ~°' `/ i o..» ~ua'\_ -.rua,n,c c. ~. .._....... a.o .., a,.ee~., ;..%.~,..i rlV.~~ I.ee ~ Db9rammatic AnalYfb oM, AmenEaA Davalapmant Concept ~ S~ j< .~ euian:q- _'-' ~ ~:~ .. i i ~~ nu~nuv . ~ ~ j `~, ~f. ~ ~ %i' ~'~~ j _~~ / `..ernaxriu- ~~ wwr.e C,lwnuP :w r HIt " :a~ . i~l ,; oo %(Mr C" O((Kr ~, eC4r ~~ ~J rau.-- `- nmarnr rune-~ u COMMISSION ACTION AREA UNDER CONSIDERATION AT P.C. WORKSHOP V MEDICAL PARK APPROVED \~ORTH CITY C)I~ Ire~l: ~~k~ yr---a aL~E,v~~u nr,- R.-1\CHO Ci:C-1~I0\GA TITLe ~~.nA~~s .r- ~a~~~ „ses It~:~~~l~c ~n~l~lo~~ exHUiIT: °.a° SCALE 2~0 Z J ~ L _ ~} .9 V ~ O 1- I- Z m I- .- ~ Qi a ~ Z ,z 00 O ~ y ~ a Z ~ U j _ Z U E W f :; F- o j w '^ t u vl ~] Z > ~ `n W f 'y -~_ `t . u. J f . o J F .T+ U W F ? L ¢_ U N m w O ~ G Q ¢J ` w a < K U • r 1 I ~ / ~ ~ ~ ° ~^ 9 2 ~ ; ~ ~ 2 ~ I/ O ~ F X ~ Ul ~1 ~ 1J ~ ~ W 4- U }, F Z m q 7 I o ~ {~. 2 a z 3 p 6i w ~ ~ ~ g S~ c i ~ ~ (_ \ ~- ~ ~.., v / ~/ .1 1 / ~Xrris~r „g„ ~ ~VY-rEd RM6V.C3N61r/' S- ~-8~ U C- ..,.~ L U-~ d ~ ~ O d C^ - ~ C O ~. ~ C u q~ L L n .~ ~ an d "r, ~'«~ U Ua «~ m ~ C ~ vi O X G .~ J •- d i p « 0 d t0 C r. ~ L °° G` Jf U ~ u ~ L a N~ U U O 'L" Y 3 N U S 2 d ~ A n -.m «u N _.-pL p mm ~ ~ . 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W /\ $ I f s 1~ _ C ~~ ~ a - 2 x col = U _~.,. '' N s ~ _ 6 ii 1'1,~~ ~ \ ~ G 4 n ~ V~ ~ v ~ d ~ _ ~ 3 ~ 1~ y \ i~ ~ ~ u y 3 ~ m ~ ~ R p + ~ ~ ~~ ~ S ia ~e~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 3?~g ~'88~ ,pYyy ~ ~~ I ~ ~io '~¢ ; ` i l +~~'p~I ~ ff ~'x~'~ uN ~ ~ e e:W c~i,~'z~¢:o°~~i p gg yy3i~a71 m gi ~, a ~ ~ e~ 4 H ' r of ~. ~l • C C C OP MF C MHO MAC ff c • a • Ccmme.• ial • Restaur nt ~ • Medical • Office • Banks • Offices • Entertainment • Savings & • Automotive Loans • Residential • Office • Offices • Hospital id • R • Related es ential .Medico! Office Commercial • Medical Related Fac. • Commercial as an •Accessory Use FIGURE III-21 Centers Concept Along Foo thill Boulevartl • Trnvn Center Financial) Auto ITn aE REVI%EDI Community Restaur ant Plaza Medical Commercial Plaza I Park r" Home Center Medical ,e^°ti•%r• Park ~ Corporate i ~~ Park ~ ~' a_ ..y 61 A • -! C tv1F C }}C C=. OP MHO O a_ y { 1 ~ Fmm~llevJ._~~_ _._1 - • Commercial • Restaurant -. .' Medical • Office • Banks • Offices • Entertainment • Savings & • Automotive • Office Loans • Hospital • Related • Offices .Medical Office Commercial ' Residential .Medical Related Fac. • Commercial as an FIGURE IV63 Al:ce$sor> US@ Foothill Boulevard Center Identify and Predominant Uses • ~y~ s i~ ~r Town Center Financial/ Auto ITOeEREVISEOI Community P azaurant Plaza Pa kical Commercial cnvm si Medical ~-- Home Center park ~ i'~ Q '' `~ Corporate ~t ~'. - / ~ ~ .Park t~ ~4 \. - • ., Evemai ei.a. -Pedestrian Walkways .~ Buildings ~ Parking FIGURE IV~E Site Planning Concept for Foothill Boulevard • Town Center Financial/ Auto 170 eE REV UtED Community Restaurant Plaza Pedical Commercial Plaza ,clw.•ns I. Medical - r-- ,~, HomeCerrier park j -"s ~ 6 i~ Corporate I I / 18 ~::. - a .Park . J.. ~`,~ ; -Moderate Berms I Windows ••••Tree Rows tit Filter Views FIGURE IV66 landuape Concept along Foothill Boulevard Finandal/ Auto 170 sE asvn[ol Restaurant Plaza Medical Plaza Park . Center Medical ~., ~~a4 Park ~i'~ .~e f s =-0= O,=Q__t Q Q Major Gateway Q Secondary Gateway f Primary Access FIGURE IV$4 Primary Acem and GRewryt Concept for Foothf118oulavxd IV-49 • ~4~ S- /-BJ-' CITY OF RA:vCH() CUC?.aOtiGA STAFF REPORT DRTE: April 10, 1985 T0: Chairman and Members of The Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Pian ner BY; Curt Johnston, Associate Planner ~~caaiol. ~~Oi y S~ .li^ fC iliz 197) ~ SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TERRA VISTA DEVELOPMENT PLRN AMENDMENT 5-0 - LEWIS - An amendment to the Development Plan for the Terra Vista Planned Community to change the land use designations in the southeast quadrant to include a hospital and mixed commercial, office and residential uses. • 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The specific purpose of this Amendment is to relocate the hospital designation in Terra Vista from Rochester, north of Foothill to Milliken, north of Foothill. To accomplish this the land uses in the southeast quadrant of Terra Yista would be rearranged in the following manner: 1. The area specifically designated for a hospital and asociated uses would be increased from 10 acres to 31 acres; 2. 14.3 acres of high residential representing 386 dwelling units at the new hospital site would he redistributed by: A. The current 28.7 acres of High Residential (175 du's) would be decreased to 18.8 acres (570 du's); B. Revising 17.6 acres at the northwest corner of Terra Yista Parkway and Church Street designated Low Medium Residential (106 du's) to Medium Residential (158 du's) C. Bevis in9~13.6 acres at the northeast corner of Church Street and Orchard Avenue designated Medium Residential (122 du's), to Medium High Residential (258 du's) D. Redesign sting the current hospital site Medium Residential (80 du's) ~y4 ITEM K Chairman and Member of The Planning Commission f April 10, 1985 \ l Terra Vista DPA 85-03-Lewis Page 2 3. Elimination of the auto plaza as a primary land use designation (currently MAC). Ru tomobile sales, however, would still remain as a permitted use. 4. Reversing the land uses between Orchard Avenue and Rochester Rvenue to locate Commercial versus Office at the intersection of Foothill Blvd. and Rochester. 5. Revising the Community Plan Text, land Use Map, Density Distribution Plan,and other graphics and charts for consistency with the proposed Amendment. II. ANALYSIS: A. Hospital Location: Lewis Homes has indicated that the proposed Milliken site is a more appropriate hospital location than Rochester Avenue hec ause of significantly improved access. Also, the health care campus will be in a mare central and prominent location befitting its importance in the community. In addition, Milliken Rvenue in the future will become a major North/South link through Lhe community, with direct access to the future Foothill Freeway and Interstate 10, • Land uses surrounding the site would include Medium High Residential and a park to the north, Industrial Park (SubArea 7), to the south, and mixed use designations to the east and west which permit a wide range of uses including high density, residential, financial, restaurants, office, and commercial. Residential Land Use Revisions: As indicated in the project description rearrangement o residential land use designations is proposed to accommodate an expanded hospital site. Although the total number of dwelling units is unchanged, the acreage for High Residential (24-30 du/ac) has been reduced 6y approximately ten acres. As a result, Medium Residential (4-14 du/ac) is proposed at the north end of Poplar Drive in a predominately Low-Medium Residential (4-8 du/ac) area. If this is a concern the Land Use Amendment could he adjusted at the southwest corner of Rochester and Poplar (current hospital site) from Medium Residential to High Residential. The acreage figures for' the various residential category would then be consistent with the current Land Use Plan; thereby eliminating the need for increased density north of PoD lar. On the other hand the Medium Density on Rochester was proposed to provide a transition for the homes to the east, and to maintain the original concept of the Terra Vista Land Use Plan of maintaining Low to Medium Residential projects around the perimeter of the Planned Community. • ~yi Chairman and Mem6e~ of The Planning Ccimni ss ion April 10, 1995 Terra Vista OPA 95-03-Lewis Page 3 J C. Environmental Assessment: The applicant prepared Part I of the Initial Study including an analysis of traffic generation, circulation and other impacts. Staff has completed Part II of the Initial Study and found no significant impacts as result of the proposed Amendment. In essence the rearrangement of land uses has no significant impact on traffic or circulation and the total number of dwelling units permitted remains the same. If the Commission concurs with these findings, issuance of a Negative Declaration would be appropriate. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: This project will not be detrimental to adjacent properties or cause significant adverse environmental impacts. The revised hospital location provides far improved emergency access and will provide easy access for future public transit systems. The Amendment is consistent with the intent of the General Plan and the Terra Vista Plan. Since the Planned Community Text encourages flexibility to modify elements of the plan over time without altering the basic concept of community and to allow flex i6ility of responding to housing needs. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised as a public hearing in The Daily Report newspaper the property posted, and notices were • sentt toffy owners within 300 feet of the property site. To date no correspondence has been received either for against this project. V. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission review a elements and input regarding this Amendment. If the Commission determines that the proposed Land Use Plan Amendment is consistent with the facts or findings, adoption of the attached Resolution and an issuance of a Negative Declaration would be in tted, ick Gomez ity Planner RG:CJ:das Attachments: Working Copy Of Amendment Final Type Of Amendment Initial Study, Part I Resolution Of Approval CJ aye C ~ RESOLUTION N0. 85-50 • A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF TERRA VISTA DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT HS-03 REQUESTING TO CHANG'e THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM MIXED USE - OFFICE, COMMERCIAL, ANO RESI OENTIAL TO HOSPITAL AND ASSOCIATED USES FOR APPROXIMT'cLY 31 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF MILL IKEN AVENUE, BETWEEN FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND CHURCH STREET - APN A PORTION OF 227-151-13 AND 14. WHEREAS, on the 18th day of March, 1985 an apPlic at ion was filed and accepted on the above-described project; and WHEREAS, on the 10th day of April, 1985 the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing pursuant to Section 65854 of the California Government Code. SECTION 1: The Rancho Cucamonga Piann ing Commission has made the following findings: 1. That the subject property is suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed district fn terms of access, size, and compatibility with existing land use in the surrounding area; and • 2. That the proposed district change would not have significant impact on the environment nor the surrounding properties; and 3. That Lhe proposed district change is in intent of the General Plan and the Terra Vista Planned Community Text. SECTION 2: The Ran chn Cucamonga Planning Commission has found that this project will not create a significant adverse impact on the environment and recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration on April 10, 1985 . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to Section 65850 to 65855 of the California Government Code, that the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approval on the 10th day of April, 1985, Terra Vista Development Plan Amendment 95-03. 2. The Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council approve and adopt Terra Vista Development Plan Amendment 85-03. 3. That a Certified Copy of this Resolution and related material hereby adopted by the Planning Conmf ss ion shall be forwarded to the City Council. 7N~ t c APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 10th DAY OF Rpril, 1985. PLANNIN COMM SSSON OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA • BY: I, Ri~ Gomez, Deputy Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Ranch Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regul rly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City f Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Comniss ion held on the 10th day of April, 1985, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMM ISSIDNERS: CH ITIEA, BARKER, MCNI EL, REMPEL, STOUT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE • LJ iy8 C ~_. ~ . ~ a ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ A ~ ` ~, ~ V1 ~ m m C t o 2 ~ U a U c H L N ~ E o Z ~ ~ 7 m W ~ ~ ~ F ~ U H v g ; C .J n K' m C O E m U U y4m m m '~ a^ a TL UL v ~ ~~ T a d 0 9 Q C .:r N u !9 C U b ~ N d ~ ~¢ u jy W ~ ~ ~~ d L N o. a~E 6 d ~ "' 3 U uJ ~ E E W ~~ . ~ ~O O f ay9 C C ©' ~? G~,~ 999y i Baaa m i:a L ~ $ ~ Q ~'~~ s ~~~~ np ~~~ y " y ~$ ¢ g ~91 ~' 6 3 47 ~ ~\ ~, z `! 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'vl N ~in tan ~ A la ~ A ~~ . ~ ~ v i ~ E ~ o ~ N ~ c n a - m ~ m c c m c ,~ to E E In rr o ._ o ry c N ° • ~ ¢ ~ x ¢ ¢ U < A O E o in E a7 E m m a 3 3 // y-/O -85~ • u C ~~~ ,( ~ " ° ~ w / a ~~ --' its '= ~-~,~ ~ ~ ,,; ., g c 1 p ~ .jN ~ ^N/ O N~ N / - / ~ ~~ ~~ ~m~ y eaaa I z A I, ~ ~ tl ~ a~ ~ ~ ~~~! ~ ~~~~BI ~il4tl i~~~ C ~~ ~~ F _e ~__ _____ _1~__ __. ~' T~ 7 m 1~1 N ~ -_~ ~ N ~ Q ~ ~\ ~N~1~ l~ir ~~~a ~hI' /( n /n I' 2 1 ~ ~ ,' f w \ ~ ~ ~-- a '~f _ l.~J l ~i SJ \I ¢ i r _..~ _ -- - ~_~ 1 g ~ ~ / - - --e~ ~' ~'I ~~y ~~ N /~ ~~ N ~p I V ~ N ~[%~ W IQ ~ ~ {i_ ' ~ Sa Yi3 g~ g s o i N.1iiR~ 1L ~ 9 3i ~- U- ~ o -fir ~ ~`~c'V~ ~' f ENVIRONI~~~NTAL REVIEW <;~ .,--r ~.~ =~~,y~~4~, ~ APPLICATION oj~ ~•,~~`~' Cc z ~,' ~'` .~"~ INITIAL STUDY -PART I GENERAL For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and submitted to the Oevelop~nent Review Committee through the department where the project application is made. Upon rece iot of this application, the Planning Division ;toff will prepare Part lI o` the initial Study and make recommendations to Planning Commission. The ?tannin; Cor..mission will rake one of three determinations: (1) The project will have no sigr•if icant environmental impact and a Negative Dec tar anon will be filed, (2) The project mill have a sianif icant enviro n-:ental imoact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or (3) An additional information report should he supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed prnj ec t. [late Filed: !1a r"°r, 13, 1995 Proj eCt Title: ^a•mdnont Jo. 1 to :e rra ': is to Corv-.um ty Plan • Applicant's :lame, Addre55, Telephone: ~=''wis De velepmenc Co., 1i35 :' :!o v; `.a :r. •..: er.ua, e. J. ucx ~;"?, 7pla od, CA 9i7e5, 714/985 -;971 Name, Add rer , ?elephone of Person `o iie Contacted Concerning this Project: Ya~.• eaelc-~ ;a-s a..a re=s and ::hone Location Of Proj e"t; southeast quaLrarx ~~.. Te ra :'i sta 'l annei Co: u-.uni[? - north o` 'oo t`•i :1 9o ule~: ar;:etwe^_n +a 1_.ie r. and Ro c:;es :er Ace noes A;SeS;e is Par Cel a0.: -~- -lit-1?, -LI List other permits necessary frem local, regional, state and federal agencies and the agency issuing such pe rmits:Y Son.. ~J J3 r_t C C PROJLCT 7ESCRIPTION Prepased US2 qr prpp05'_d projeC i• ,e LO Cation of ho:;n iea! land ~se ^_o • :4ill iYen ,.csnue, and .:o rresoondinu adjustments in ad;oia.i ny land uses. Acreage of project area and square footage of existing and propgsed buildings, if any: dpproximate b/ lJ3 acres rezoned. Describe th_ environmental setting of the project si t_= including information on tgpography, soil stability, plants (trees 1, land animals, any cultural, historical or scenic aspects, land use of surrounding properties, and the description of any existing structures and their use (attach necessary sheets): The environmental setting has been evaluated in Che master EIR for Te rza Vista. The site has no envizonmentally significant features. Surrounding land uses are: East: Single family residential, vacant. . South: Industrial, convre rc is 1, vacant. Wesc: Vacant. "lorth: 'Jarant. Is the project part of a larger project, one of a series of cumulative actions, which although ind ividuaily small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact This of oject amends the Terra Vista Community Plan, for which a master LIR has alre adv been certi Eied. • 1/H I-2 ~; C C ,. WILL THIS PROJECT: YES t!0 • 1. Create a substantial change in ground con:ours? _ ;< 2. Create a substantial ch an re in existing noise of produce vibration or glare? ;t 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, Sewage, etc.)? x 4. Create changes in the existing Zoning or General Plan designations? x 5. Remove any existing trees? Now many? ' 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, f lammab les or explosives? x Explanation of any YES answers above (attach additional she_ts if necessary): The attached analysis indicates that there are no significant changes io environmental impacts as a zesult of this project, as compared `o the impacts already evaluated in the master EIA for Terra Vista Phase see attached • 1. Estimate the amount of sewage and solid waste materials this project will generate dally: No change from master EI R. 8. Estimate the number of auto and truck trips generated daily 6y this p roj eCL: Slight reduction from master EIA. 9. Estimate the amount of grading (cutting and filling) required for this prOj eGi, In CUb1C yards: No change from master EIR. 10. If the project involves the construction of residential unit;, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFICATION: t hereby certify that the statements furnfshed above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaluation can be made by the Planning D1V1510n. LELPIS DEVELeO'PMENT CO. Date: March 1J, 1985 $tgn dLUre_ AY /y ~(u~ ~r~'~.r.~ Title Authorized Agent 3/S r_~ t ~ Environmental check - Terra Vista Community Plan amendment km:3/1/85 This Community Plan amendment is very limited in scope. It is essentially just a rearrangement of uses in the extreme southeast part of the community. Total dwellings remain the same, total population remains approximately the same (marginally lower), and the overall balance of uses Eo[ this area is approximately the same as in the adopted Community Plan. There are no significant changes in environmental impacts as a result of this plan amendment. The areas whe[e the potential for environmental changes was identified have been reviewed and the results are discussed below. Traffic The attached chart compares average daily traffic (AOT) and afternoon peak hour traffic (PM) for each of the Footni 11 parcels under the existing plan and the amended plan. The ADT and PM trip generation rates are these used in the master EIR. This analysis shows that: o Total AUT is slightly lower (down 7a). o Traf Eic generated at the Milliken parcel is the same. Traffic generated at Rochester is substantially reduced. Increased traffic is generated in the middle (east of Orchard Avenue). o The PM peak hour traffic generated at the Milliken parcel is Ba lower. • This would indicate some distribution of traf Eic away from the critical Milliken/Foothill intersection, which i5 beneficial. o PM peak hour traffic generated at Rochester is 101 lower. 0 overall PM peak hour traffic generated is 3t lower. On the whole, traffic conditions should be the same or better than under the current plan. other transportation The relocation of the hospital will improve the community's transportation impacts and planning in the following ways: o The location on the loop Parkway will substantially impcove access for occupan cs of Terra Vista since it is directly on the main interior road, the main interior bus route, and the greenway/trail ne Cwo rk. This should result in shorter trips for Terra Vista occupants, and less traffic impact on Rochester and on FOO rh ill, than the original location. o Regional bus access should be improved since Milliken is more likely eo be recognized 6y OmniTrans as a major bus route. o Emergency access, and other regional traffic access, will be improved • because :Ai Lliken will have direct Eceeway access to the north and south. 3/~ ' Environmental - page C km:3/1/ES • o The location is more central to commercial services such as restaurants and banks, which should reduce midday traffic by doctors and other workers at the medical complex. air quality Air quality should be slightly better as a result of the traffic decreases. Public safety The amendment places the hospital outside the present floodp lain limits which affect the Rochester frontage. This is a more sensible location far a critical facility. It can also be assumed that necessary storm drains will be constructed more or less simultaneously with the construction of ',Hill iken Avenue, so that the main route to the hospital will be passable regardless of the weather. Public facilities The amendment provides for a complete health campus providing much more comprehensive health care than under the original plan. Fiscal impact Prone rty tax revenue under the amended plan should be dramatically higher • because of [he high valuation of hospital construction (approximately 5250 per square toot). Note, the original fiscal impact analysis made no special allowance for sales tax revenue frcm the auto center, so the amend- ment does not reduce projected sales tax revenue. The medical complex will also stimulate surrounding businesses and attract high-end retail and service businesses to cater to the medical employees. Other impacts All other environ^en tal irtpacts rest on population or the general scope of development, which have not changed, and therefore would not be affected. Conclusion This Community Plan amendment will not have any significant impact on the environment and, therefore, a negative declaration should be issued. 3/~ C C: ,J1 N W ..1 SNi yNile 0e~I0 OOO P~IC h Y N P N C N o r O n f1 Q O C 2 F N Q~ r-V N C 4 N A 6 6'I Jl £ 9 P C O P rv O ~'+ N C L T N ~'f .~ N P . 'y N n ~ ma ° ~^r 00 0 .~I I~IC P ~ c. . N`I m W N q F C v n N N Nif• rvv C V1 (.^ OC N N 6 V m~C . N f^ l F N I(~ t!1 f y C ~ N ~ 0 O m b ~ £ 4 N i p v 1 N K 5 ~p N ~O .y N dpi 2 S a o » i O O „ n ^ N .D F .N. .C+ = II II £ h £ Y ~'1 P1 E'O P NI~O O O O ~p O U , U P m Tm C AGO O O O rr 4 S . r ry nl N r1 n N O F VI S W C £.] i u ~ u A u o ~~ c M~ o a m w ~.. F ~ C C U K 4 S 1 £ C K w ZZ ~ U C L j Li M F W Y N 'J z 4 • K v~ zi L A u U c ~ 6 _ I C n G N N W 5 M .. O C y .~ y U O U `~^ I q £ ~ ~ 9 ~ T Y 4.1' C 3!P C t • ^ NI 0 ~ r 0 o n v mo m o. c r o I c - r m .^ .n h m n ~ f I < f m N f'1 l N C /i N A F E Y L Gl u n n n n ti n v Y r N r N r r a . i Y. O O m C N O N N O N f v7I C N V :~ C 10 `D O r r O 1.1 r O f `(1 V ~O W L CQ nr N n Nn N S mIm 1I1 N N .+ n S n :v ' "1 ,r i N • L F V O m O m O m N Ic V^ O Y i ti N N `D N `D N `O `.^i 'J 7 ~ O C (] C r o `c N o m ^ v+ In II II r 0 n m N ~ U C r r m ^I m O T I 1" N < N rn N r rv Vl n ~ O .w 61 .• U M £ £ £ N N N Y• H 4 V O 1 U 1 u 1 1 'C d 0 ~~+ N Y w d C ~ m O U O C l ' ~ a I a =£ s e a m z z a t w r a o~ U G G CI 4 G, p c U 4 u1 Y N YI W ry\ W n d L C ~ W \ u .• .~ O L .1 K • GG S Uc 'O Y ~~.. f Y ~~ .i 6 £ Q 2 E 3 /9 • ORDINANCE N0. T-•;-6;-~ ~.b / AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REDESIGNATING A 31 ACRE PORTION OF ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 227-151-13 AND •14, WITHIN THE TERRA VISTA PLANNED COfR~IUNITY LOCATED ON THE EAST SI OE OF MILLI KEN AVENUE, BETWEEN FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND CHURCH STREET FROM MIXED USE-OFFICE, COh1MERCIAL, AND RESIDENTIAL TO HOSPITAL ANO RELATED FACILITIES The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Caiifornia, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council hereby finds and determines the following: A. That the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, following a public hearing held in the time and manner prescribed by law, recommends the • rezoning of the property hereinafter described, and this City Council has held a public hearing in the time and manner prescribed by law and duly heard and Considered said recommendation. 6. That this rezoning is consistent with the General Plan of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. C. That this rezoning is consistent with the ob3ectives of the Development Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. D. This rezoning will have no significant environmental impact as provided in the Negative Declaration filed hereto. SECTION 2: The following described real property is hereby rezoned in the manner stated, and the development district map is hereby amended accordingly. ~/ ~i • ~ ~_~ ~0 n U CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT c~~MO,y c ~ ~ ~'r, i o o F~ 8 Z UII > 1977 i GATE: May 1, 1985 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Dan Coleman, Senior Planner SUBJECT: E%CEMPTION FOR SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING - INTERIM SCHOOL -~ FA ILITIES ORDINANCE BACKGROUND: The Calmark Development Corporation has requested a waiver of school impaction fees for their Heritage Park Senior Citizen Project. The City's Ordinance No. 30, does not provide an exemption for senior citizen types of residential protects, retirement hotels and convalescent facilities. It is understood by bath the school districts and the City that school impaction fees would not be levied against these types of projects, a legal mechanism to exclude them did not exist. Therefore, the City attorney has drafted the attached Ordinance which would amend Ordinance 30 to exempt those types of dwelling units which would not generate impacts upon the school system in terms of student generation. Copies of the proposed school impact fee ordinance amendment were sent to each of the affected school districts for their review and comment. During the negotiations with Calmark, the superintendents for each school district were contacted and each agreed with the idea for the exemption. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Council approve the proposed amendment and conduct first reading of the attached ordinance. C i ty?1-a RG:DC:cv Attachment 3 ~-/ ~ q ryo FC ~."~. ~l..ud....l ~.~.~-pGa.L f p(,~q~NC /{r F 'y ~ NuwBER ONE CIVIC CENTER CIpCLE ~ ~Np C Jew ES L w1lpnn~N ww P ~ O'YE Q rovRrw FLOOp P O BO% i059 aI •N OREW V .iRCIVMSnI (i8/~ " ~ J NO O 1 LL . RREA CA I ~~ RA N O.NANSON ~9'p q/1 P U ~ . I FO RNIA 92621 O C nAro Fo. I//f~j p S Iv1~l 9no-oaa~ rz LE PNONEt d i?~~iQ/h s 11x ~n1 e9P neu i April 12, 1985 Dan Coleman Senior Planner City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline, Suite C Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Re: Amendment to school impact fee ordinance Dear Dan: • Enclosed for processing, please find the above ordinance which you requested by memorandum dated March 29, 1985. As I previously explained to you, I have amended the definition of dwelling unit contained in the school impact fee ordinance to eliminate all those forms of dwell- ing units which seem to me not to generate impacts on the school system. In doing so, I have used the definitions contained in the definition section of the development code and the senior overlay zone. Please advise if further work on this item will be required. Very truly yours, stir James L. Markman - City Attorney City of Rancho Cucamonga JT.M: s j k Encl. u 3~.z • ORDINANCE N0. ~=~-":-i-~ -3~-~" AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 30 OF THIS COUNCIL REGARDING FINANCING OF INTERIM SCHOOL FACILITIES The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Subsection 3(b) of Ordinance No. 30 of this Council hereby is amended to read as follows: "(b) The term "dwelling unit" as utilized in this Ordinance No. 30 includes each single family dwelling and each unit of a multiple unit dwelling structure designed as a separate habitation for one (1) or more occupants except those excluded below in this subsection 3(b). The term "dwelling unit" also includes new factory-built housing installed in accordance with Section 19950, et seq., of the • Health and Safety Code of the State of California. The term "dwelling unit" as utilized in this Ordinance No. 30 shall not include a caretaker's residence, a convalescent facility, an elder cottage, a hotel, a lodging unit or a residential care facility as those facilities are defined in Section 11.02.140 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. Further, the term "dwelling unit" as utilized in this Ordinance No. 30 does not include a senior housing facility constructed pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.20.040 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code." SECTION 2: The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The Daily Report, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cueamenga, California. s ~f__..____ a~~ nrmv nc n n ~rnvn rtir n nrtnntr_ n L • . ___ _ _ _ STAFF REPORT ~~~~ ~ ` > ~;~ ` ~t F ~z ~> is~s DATE: May 1, 1985 To: Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Lauren M. Waeaermen, City Manager SUBJECT: AMBULANCE SERVICES IN RANCNO CUCAMONGA AND TAE NEED FOR REGULATION As directed by [he City Council, a three-member teak Force was created to rev inw and determine the need for regulating embulaoce aerv ices within fhe City, Af ier review of all pertinenC information and issues aurroundi ng ambulance ee rv ices, [he teak force has prepared Ch is report which identif tee the following: • The responsibilities of those public agencies directing ambulance services • Those emergency and nos-emergency tranef er services provided during the 1984 calendar year * Iasuea relating to ambulance service regulation It will be helpful to note initially Che designation of emergency call and transfer cell ae recommended by the task Force: Emereencv Call means a non-scheduled request For the die patch of en embu lance made th rough the San Be rnerdino County Sheriff's Department, a f'.e protection district or a private ambulance company to provide immediate aseie fence for a pets on who apparently hoe e sudden or unf oreaeen need for immediate medicsl attention, Transfer Call, means ell other eel le which are not at an emergency nature, i,~ These def ini [ions will play a critical role in the Council's setting policy relating to level of service. The task force contends that all cells can be defined ae either of [he above. 3~y City Council Agenda May 1, 1985 AMBULANCE SERVICES IH RANCHO COCAMOHCA Yage 2 • Additionally in considering the regulation of ambulance services, it may be helpful to understand the criteria used by [he County of San Bernardino in determining "need" For certifying paramedic services. The following is extracted directly from the County of San Bernardino: "Any organization proposing to prw ids Advanced or Limited Advanced Life Support services must submit a formal letter of application, accompanied by a proposed service plan, for rw iev and approval by the tlealth Officer. The applicant must demonstrate [he need for each class of service and its economic Eeasibil ity, and that the proposed service will be provided competently and efticiently at a level of quality meeting or exceeding current standards. IC ie [he general intention of the county to ensure that 24-hour Advanced Life Support services are available and cos[-effective io all densely populated areas of the county, the[ 24-hour Limited Advanced Life Suppozt services are developed to serve suburban and semi-rural areas where Advanced Life Support services are not justified by service volume and economic fees ibility, and that 24-hour 8aeic Life Support services are available throughout [he remainder of the county. The Health Officer shall rev iev and approve or disapprove appl icetions based on th ie general intent, and when indicated, will recommend • modification of aezv ice plane to conform. The Health OFf icer may consult the Mobile Intensive Care Advisory Committee, the Emergency Medical Care Committee, and other irate rested community end professional organizations in making de[ermina[i one of service class pursuant to this plan." Por [he Council's reference, a copy of Ordiname No. 230 is attached. The task force recommends that after cone iderati on of these findings, [he city council di recC staff to prepare an ambulance ordi Dante which ref Lecte the pol ici ee of [he council. Based on recent testimony, the County is currently considering revision for de term ioing "need" to certify paramedic ae rvicee. It also should be noted that i[ ie the City Attorney"e opinion Chet the County Aae ao legal authority to restrict addi [ioml ambulance providers from operating within [he City base upon "need" of service. Nhile the County ie le3ally responsible for apprw ing and certify ing paramedic personnel, the Ci[y should maintain the authority to reatr ict or not rte trio [he number of prw ides operating within its 6oundari ea. F 1 U 3~e' City Council Ageada May 1, 1985 AMBDLANCE SERVICES IN RANCHO CUCAMONGA Page 3 • 0lBRGBIICY AND TBNISFBR 8ESP011SE PHOCEDORHB Emergencv Resoone Proced re Last year, [he Foothill Fire District responded to approximately 1300 medical emergencies. As policy, the Fire District dispatches e[ least one fire engine with personnel certified ae Emergency Hedical Technician I (EMT) for each emergency call. These personnel usually arrive oo the scene prior to the private ambulance, since they seldom leave District boundaries and are closer to [he scene than the private ambulance company. The large majority of emergency calls are dispatched to the Pmothill Fire District via the fire district directly or the West End Sheriff Station in Ontario. From [here, Foothill Fite dispa tceee its own persoonel [o the scene as yell ae a paramedic unit provided by the private ambulance company. Upon arrival to a medical emergency, the Emergency Medical Technician I takes appropriate action to [he extent hie/her [raining allwe. Private ambulance pa ramedi ca, upon arrival, will take charge of the medical emergency with the Foothill Pi re Dis[ric[ personnel assisting where necessary. Nhen paramedics arrive on the scene of a medical emergency, a communication link is eetabl fished between a physician in an emergency roam • a[ a nearby hospital and the paramedic on the scene. As par[ of [he procedure, a description of the patient's vital signs, the nature of Che rnj ury, the mechanism of injury, and medical history is conveyed [o the physician. The paramedic, under supervision of a hoe pi [al physician, ea[ab liahea an IV (intravenous) to ensure a way to quickly administer drugs directly into the circulatory system should it become necessary, Adjunctive equipment, heart monieor ing equipment, and other medical devices may be utilized by the paramedic ae necessary. It should be noted that if private ambulance personnel were EMT I certified rather than paramedic qualified, there would be no appreciable increase in patient care other then [he vehicle to phya ically transport the patient to the appropriate medical facility. In addition, the absence of a paramedic in emergency si tuatione would preclude the edm finis trati on of various procedures and equipment ae mentioned above. Nhile emergency room service fie 10-15 minutes from the City of Rancho Cucamonga, the benefice of paramedic administered pr ocedurea and medication could significantly reduce injury and ultimately save lives. Traaafer Call Procedures Both the Foothill Fi ze and the independent ambulance compani ea receive requests for non-emergency tranaf ec service. In such cases, the Fire Bietrict does not dispatch [heir unite, but ref ere [he request to the private company. 3~~ City Coumil Agenda May 1 , 1985 AMBULANCE SERVICES IN RANCRO COCAMONCA Page 4 I ~ U Summary of Emeraencv and Transfer Calls Aa reported by the Foothill Fire District, the following is a summary of those emergency services performed during the calendar year 1984. Aa noted, approximately 60X of [hose 1300 calla dispatched vets emergencies requiring paramedic service. An additional lOX were attributed to son-emergency traoafer whereby patients needing no paramedic service were transferred from one location eo another (i.e. home, office, hospital). I[ is significant to note that the number of non-emergency transfer calls will increase significantly when the nev hospital ie completed. The Following data also indicates a percentage breakdown of chose different types of medical probl ems requiring paramedic service. Summary of Emeraencv Calls Durine 1984 (Based on a Partial Survey of 1300 Calls) Percentage of Total cal le responding with paramedic service 1005 Percentage of total calla defined as emergency 70X Percentage of total calla requiring paramedic service 60X Percentage of total calla for non-emergency traoafer lOX • Tvo of Medica l Hmeraenciea Reenonded to (Based on a Partial Survey of Cal le) Trauma 20S Traffic Colliei one 18X Heart Problems 12X Difficulty Hrea Cb ing ~ Seizures 6S Over Doee 4S Stroke 1S Other 1X CUl<iHiT SBQVICg PiOVIDEBS Presently, the Ci[y is serviced by three ambulance companies -- Trena Nedical which provides both emergency medical sad non-emergency traoafer services and Canyon Medical Service which pray ides only non-emergency transfer aerv ice, and Schaefer Ambulance vhi ch prov idea only uon-emergency tranef er aerv ice. • ~3~ City Council Agenda Hay I, 1985 AMBULANCE SERVICES IN RANCRO CUCAMONGA Page 5 • Trans-Medical As a County apprw ed paramedic provider agency, Trans-Medical, maintains two 24-hour paramedic ambulances at two base loco ti ors (FOO[n ill at Grwe and 9400 Base Line Road) within [he City. Trans Medical also maintains eight additional 24-hour paramedic ambulances, and five additional EMT-1 ambulances within the surrounding communities which could be available to residents of Rancho Cucamonga. Note that upon a request for either an emergency or transfer call, a pa ram edit is dispatched. Emergency service rates are charged only if the call is determined to be of emergency status, o [h erw ise the base ra [e of $75.00 is charged. Schedule of rates charged by Trans-Medical are as follwa according [o emergency (paramedic) or non-emergency transfer (EMT-1) services: Base Rate Nileage (cast per mile) Night Service (additional) Waiting Time (per 15 min) Oxygen Administered Paramedic Response Emergency Response Non-Emereencv Transfer Emereencv $ 75.00 $ 130.00 5.00 6.00 32.00 32.00 22,00 22.00 15.00 15.00 N/A 65.00 N/A Canvon Medical Services Canyon Medical maintains three 24-hour EMT-1 ambulances in Upland for use within Rancho Cucamonga as non-emergency transfer service vehicles. Presently, the County of San Bernardino is considering Canyon Nedica l's application for paramedic certification. Canyon Medical proposed locating one paramedic ambulance within the City, staffed by one paramedic and one EMT-1 if the certification is granted by [he County. Transfer Calls Base Rate $ 75.00 Mileage (cos[ per mile) 5.00 Nigh[ Service (additional) 20.00 Waiting Time (per 15 min) 15.00 Cxygen Adm inis[ered 12.00 Paramedic Response N/A Emergency Response N/A Emereencv Calls (oroooe edJ $ 100.00 S .oO zo.oo 15.00 20.00 50.00 N/C Throughout the 1984 calendar year, Trans Medical responded [0 2,184 emergency calla and 46 non-emergency calls. Of those emergency calla, 804 (36X) were classified as "dry rune" where no transport was necesea ry. Canyon Medical Services, for a six month period in 1984 responded to 14 non-emergency calla within the City. Canyon Medical did not begin operating until 7uly 1, 1984. ~~8 City Council Agenda Hay 1, 1985 A1IB ULANCE SERVICES IN RANCHO CUCAMONGA Page 6 • Cole-Schaefer Ambulance Cole-Sthaef er maintains 1 24-hour EMT-1 ambulance at 10722 Arrow Route, Suite 206 in Rantho Cucamonga. Presently, the County of San Bernardino is considering Cole-Schaefer'e application for paramedic certification. Ra [es charged by Cole-Schaefer are in accordance with [he min iumum rates allowed by the County. POLICY ISSDES WHICH RHQOIBB CITY COi11iCIL DIBECTIOB To determine the appropriate regulation of ambulance services which the City should implement and to establish guidelines for an ambulance service ordinance, i[ is recommended that [he Ci Gy Council address the following policy issues. Level of Service What ~iniaru standards should be established for peraomel responding to emergency and son-eaa:rgency calleY Option 1: Adopt minimum paramedic universal standards for ambulance personnel and equipment for both emergency and tranef er seryices. • Re su1G: Would require paramedics on all ambulance runs (emergency and transfer calls). Paramedics may no[ be necessary for non-emergency transfer calls, and such policy could prohibit some prov ids ze From operating transfer services in the event they do not obtain a Coun [y required permit. Option 2: Require paramedics to be dispatched foc all emergency calls while requiring only EMT statue for non-emergency transfer services. Result; Would provide an appropriate service level necessary for emergency and transfer calls. Would also allow [ranaf er service providers to continue operating within the City. Recommendation: For [he overall benefit of the community, it is recommended that Option 2 6e implemented. Should all asbu lance service prov idere be required to obtaio a County perttit before operating rithin [he City? Option 1: Require a County permit from all amhu lance providers operating emergency and/or transfer call services within Rancho Cucamonga. Perm i[ to be de [ermined according to pa zamedic [reining and "need" of service within community (ae established by County ordinance). • 3xS City Council Agenda Hay 1, 1985 AMBULANCE SERVICES IN RANCHO CUCAMONGA Page 7 l J Result: Would require a County permit [o operate in the City limits and in [he unincorpora [ed areas within Rancho Cu tamonga's sphere of influence. In approving or denying a perm[[, the City would alloy the County to define "need" of add[ [i onal services as part of [he permit Criteria. To date, [he County has denied a permit for Canyon Medical based on "need" of additional services within Rancho Cucamonga. In [he even[ [he Ci [y allws [he current County policy, and in the even[ the County denies future providers from operating paramedic services, only one company would continue servicing all of Rancho Cucamonga. Such could rests c[ necessary sere ices in a rapidly growing community and in [he event of a major disaster. In [he event Ci [y policy requires a paramedic on all runs (in r.l uding tranaf er calls), those companies currently providing non-emergency iranafer service Only would also be required [o obi aio a County permit. motion 2: Require a County perm[[ from all ambulance providers operating emergency and/or tranaf er call services. Pe rmtt to be determined according [o minimum paramedic guidelines only. Result: Would require a County permit to operate emergency and [ran of er se rvicea in the City. In approving or denying a perm[[, the City could de term ins the "need" for additional services, chile the County would gran[ or deny a perm tt based on [he minimum cri[ena for paramedic personnel and equipment required for advanced life support service. The County, [hen, could not deny a permit i£ it determined [hat [he community had no "need" for additional paramedic services. I[ is [he Ci [y Attorney's opinion that the County has no legal authority to restrict additional ambulance provides From operating withtn the City based upon "need" of service. Rather, it is the County's rea possibility to approve and certify an ambulance prw [der for paramedic service, chile the City maintains the authority to restrict or not restrict [he number of prw [dare operating within its boundaries. In the event City policy requires a paramedic on all runs (including tranaf er calls), those companies currently providing non-emergency transfer service only would also be required to obtain a County permit. Oo ti on 3: Require a County permit t0 operate emergency call serv ices (excludes tranaf er calla) in both the City lima is and in [he unincorpora [ed areas of Rancho Cucamonga. Permit [o be de term toed according Co minimum paramedic gu idelinee and "need" of service within [he community (ee established by County Ordinance). Result: Would require a County permit to operate emergency (paramedic) ae rv ice within [he Ci [y limits and unincorporated areas, while not requiring a permit for tranaf er (non-emergency) service. Option 3 would allow the County to determine "need", but would acill allow those companies prw [ding only non-emergency tranaf er ae rv ice to contt sue opera[[ ng within [he City. 3~~ City Council Agenda May 1, 1985 AMBULANCE BERVICEB IN RANCHO CUCAMONCA Page 8 • Option 4: Require a Couo ty permit [o operate emergency call services iexcludes transfer calls) in both the Ci [y and in the unincorporated areas. Pe rmiC [o be determined according to minimum paramedic guidelines only. Result: tiould require a County permit to operate emergency calls, but not transfer calls. In apptw ing or denying a permit, the City could de [ermine the "need" for additional services, while the County would grant or deny a permit based on the minimum criteria for paramedic personnel and equipment required for advanced life support service. Option 5: Do not require a County permit from ambulance prw iders operating emergency and/or transfer call services within Rancho Cucamonga. Result: Prw iders without a County permit may not maintain the appropriate paramedic equipment and personnel on emergency runs, and therefore endanger the community. Addi [i ovally, prw ide rs without permits could no[ operate within unincorporated arses and would be rea [ri teed to City limits. Option S, then, could limit services provided to residents. Re commendation: Option 'L • Yhat ~inimu. etaadards should be established for emergeucy vehicle equipment/supplies and non-emergency transfer equipment/suppliesT Oo[ion 1: Adopt paramedic equipment and vehicle standards for vehicles responding to emergency calls in order to allow for the availability of emergency medical equipment and supplies. For vehicles responding on lv to non-emergency transfer calls, require the minimum of ENT-1 equipment and vehicle standards, Ambulance prow ide ra may utilize paramedic equipment and vehicles for von-emergency transfer calla, however. Result: Nhile emergency medical supplies may not be ne ceesary for transfer service, main Gaining only emergency paramedic unite would allow more flexibility in responding to calls during a major emergency. Requiring epeci al ly marked vehicles For transfer services could restrict service levels since other local jur is dic[iona requite provider [o maintain only paramedic units. Requiring a minimum of EMT-1 level equipment and vehicle standards would still allow ambulance companies to provide only non-emergency transfer service. Option 2: De signa[e varying equipment and vehicle etendarda for emergeucy and ^ov-emergency [ranaf er calls according to emergency supplies necessary for the ae rvice s. ~ ~/ Ci [y Council Agenda May 1, 1985 AMBULANCE SERVICES IN RANCRO COCAMOWGA Page 7 Result: Would require a County permit to operate in the Ci [y limits and in [he unincorporated areas witfiin Rancho Cu camonga'e eph ere of iaf luence. In approving or denying a permit, the City would al lov [he County to define "need" of additional services as part of the permit criteria. To date, [fie County has denied a permit for Canyon Medical based on 'Sneed" of additional sere ices within Rancho Cucamonga. In the event the City allows the current County policy, and in the event the County denies future prw idera from op- erating per®edic services, only one company would continue servicing all of Rancho Cucamonga. Such could restrict ne ceesary services in a rapidly grow iag community and in the even[ of a major disaster. In the event City policy requires a paramedic on all rune (including transfer calla), those companies current ly prw iding non-emergency transfer service only would al- so be zequi red Co obtain a County pewit. Op[ioa 2: Require s Comty permit from all ambulance prw idera operating emergency and/or eranefer cell services. Permit to be determined according to prw ieions of County Ordinance (ezc lading section 31.086 (b) relating to financial feasibility and public need) and according to minimum personnel and equi pmen[ guidelines only. Result: Would require a County permit [o operate emergency and trenefer services in [he City. In approving or denying a permit, the Ci [y could de- termine the "need" for additional services, while tfie County would grant or • deny a permit based on the minimum criteria for paramedic personnel and equipment required for advanced life support service, and criteria for emergency medical technician personnel and equipment required for other em- bulavice service. The County, then, could not deny a permit if it deter- mined that the community had no "need" for additional paramedic services. I[ fie the City Attorney's opinion that the County hoe no legal authority [o restrict eddi Ci onal ambulance prw idera from operating within the City based upon "need" of eery ice. Rnther, it fie the County's reeponeibility to approve and certify an ambulance prw ider For par®edic eerv ice, while the City mein[aias [he each ority to restrict or not res[r ic[ the number of prw idera operating within ice boundaries. In the event City policy re- quires a paramedic on all rune (including trenefer cal le), those companies currently providing non-emergency trenefer eerv ice only would also be re- quired to obtain a County permit. Oy[ion 3: Require a County permit to operate emergency call services (exc lodes [ranef er calla) in both the City limits and in the unincorporated areas of Rancho Cucamonga. Pe rmi[ [o be de term fined according [o minimum personnel and equipment gu idelinee and "need" of service within [he commu- nity (ae establ fished by County Ordinance). Result: Would require a County permit to operate emergency (paramedic) service within the City limits and unincorporated areas, vhile not requir- ing a permit for transfer (non-emergency) eerv ice. Option 3 would allow [he County to de [enfine "need", but would still allow those companies pro- v iding only non-emergency transfer eerv ice to continue operating within the City. City Council Agenda May 1, 1985 AMBULANCE RERVICES IN RANCHO COCAMONGA Page 8 l J Option 4: Require a County permit fo operate emergency call services (excludes transfer calls) in both [he City and in the unincorporated areas. Permit to be determined according to minimum paramedic guidelines only. Result: Would require a County permit to operate emergency calla, but not transfer calls. In approving or denying a permit, the City could de [ermine [he "need" for additional aervicea, while [he County would grant or deny a permit based on the prw iaione of County Ordinance (excluding section 31 .086 (b)) and the minimum criteria for personnel and equipment required for advanced life support service, end criteria for EMT personnel and equipment required for other ambulance aervicea. Since the County requires a permit [o operate any ambulance service within Che unincorporated areas, prw ideta operating transfer service without a permit could no[ service [hose areas. Option 5: Do not require a County permit from ambulance prw idere opera- ting emergency and/or tremafer call aervicea within Bancho Cucamonga. Result: Prw idere without a County permit may not maintain the appropriate paramedic equipment and personnel on emergency rums, and therefore, endan- ger the community. Addi [i ovally, prw idere without permits could not oper- ate with is unincorporated areas end would be reetri clad to City limits. • Option 5, then, could limit eerv ices pr wided to rea idente. Recommendation: Option 2 What miaimw standards ahowld be established for e~ergenc~ vthicle egaip- ment/supplies and non-emergency transfer egmip~en[/smppliesT Option 1: Adopt paramedic equipment and vehicle standards for veh idea re- sponding to emergency calls in order to ellw for Che availability of emer- gency medical equipment and supplies. Por vehicles responding on lv to nos-emergency tranef er calla, require the minimum of EMT-1 equipment and vehicle etandarda. Ambulance prw idere may utilize paramedic equipment and vehicles for son-emergency transfer calla, however. Result: While emergency medical euppliee may not be necessary for transfer ae rvice, maintaining only emergency paramedic unite would allw more flexi- bility in responding to calla during a major emergency. Requiring e pe ci ally marked vehicles for tranef er aervicea could rea trio service l evele since other local jur iedictiona require prw ider to maintain only paramedic unite. Requiring a minimum of EMT-1 level equipment end vehicle etandarda would still el low ambulance compani ee [o prw ids only non-emergency transfer eerv ice. Oo[ion 2: Designate varying equi Amen[ and vehicle etandarda for emergency end non-emergency tranef er calla according to emergency euppliee vacs every for the eerv ices. City Council Agenda May 1, 1985 AMBNLANCE SERVICES IN RANCHO CllCAMONGA Page 9 • Result: In remote cases, [his option may no[ be 6enef icial [o the public health in the event an emergency eitua lion occurs during non-emergency transfer service. Such a situation is not Foreseeable and may be unav of ded. This option would require any existing company providing a strictly non-emergency transfer service within [he City to utilize paramedic equipment and veh iclee when it may not be necessary. Recommendation: Option 1 {that miuimiu standard should be established ac reaponce time for emergency medical aerviceY option 1: Establish arbitrary "teas onable" response time as determined by past record of ambulance responses. (Statistical average 8 minutes) Result: Averaging allows for a wide variance in response times, including [he pos sibil icy for 20-30 minutes responses. Oo ti on 2; Establish reasonable response time according [o the California Highway Patrol standards (30 minutes for not less than 95S of all emergency calls). . Result: U[i liaing State stands rda should be teas onable criteria and warrant compliance. City could efficiently monitor euc ce ss of standard response time and use it in de [ermining the appr opt iateneae of renewing prw ider's permit. Recommendation: Option 2 Rate Structure Should City regulate rate etructnre of ambslance servicea2 Option 1: City establishes reasonable race structure based on provider requests due to increasing costs. Re salt: May lead to high rate increases if ba aed On increasing prw ider costs. Could create conflict among prw iders. Option 2: Allow service providers to set rates. City may monitor ra tea set by providers based on those rates charged by prow iders i^ other local juris dic[iona. r\ ~_J 3 3 ~- Ci [y Council Agenda Hay 1, 1985 AMSULAN CE SERVICES IN RANCHO COCAMONGA Page 10 • Result: should create a fair and equitable rate structure which can be warranted by rate structures of other jurisdictions. City Council will not become iwol ved in anpual discussion of rate increases, but public will be assured that rates are generally comparable to other communities in [he West End. If we encounter problems with this proposed policy, the City Council has the option of impl emen[ing a formal fee structure at a later date. Recommendation: Option 2 ADDITIORAL PROFISIORS FOH AMBDLAMCH SRHVICE BHGOLATIDII From a review of the proposed Ordinance No. 230, [he [ask force recommends that [he following prw isi ons, as written in th a[ ordinance, be included in a new draft ordinance. A copy of Ordinance no. 230 has been attached for your reference. Permits - Section 4.1.02 through Section 4.1.12. Note: It is recommended that all ambulances 6e certified by the California Highway Patrol. A provision requiring [he pr wider [o submit [he most recenc Ambulance Inspection Report issued by [he California Highway Patrol should be included in renewal of permit. Ad di [i ovally, [he task force • recommends the pr w ision of 8 minute response time (951 of calls) be altered to reflect a 10 minute response time for 951 of calls, as ea [abliahed by the CHP, Investigation Rv Ci[v Manaeer - Section 4.1.05 Emer2ency Service Reeuirement - Section 4.1.13 Conformance with Petmit Ordinance - Section 4.1.14 Standards for Dispatch - Section 4.1.15 Ambulance Safety and Emereencv - Section 4.1.16 Equipment Requirements Note: At Council direction, this section should be updated to include designation of emergency response equipment/vehicle and transfer response equipment/vehicle as recommended in this report. Ambulance Personnel - Se ctian 4.1.17 Note: At Council direction, thrs section should be updated to include designation of pa zamedic personnel for all emergency tells and at minimum a EMT-I pe rennnel for all transfer calls as zec ommended in this report. Continuation of Call - Se c[ion 4.1.18 3~~ Ci [y Council Agenda May 1, 1985 ANBULAN CE SERVICES IN RANCHO C-CAMONGA Page 11 • Emereencv and Oisas ter Ooera [ions - Section 4.1.19 User Comola in[ Procedures - Section 4.1.20 Enforcement Responsibilities - Section 4.1.21 Excused Performance - Se c[ion 4.1.22 In addition to [he above, the task force recommends [he tollw ing 6e included in preparation of the ambulance ordinance: Communications - requiring each prw ider to main[atn [he capability of making radio contact between the company dispatch and each ambulance unit. Automatic Response Pr ohibi[ed - making it unlawful to dispatch an ambulance as a result of monitoring or hearing police or fire radio communi tali on s. 06ed fence to Traffic Laws. Ordinances and Re= la[ions Medical Control a[ Scene of Act ident - requirements for coordination of medical service be tveen ambulance personnel and fire personnel. • Records and Reports - requiting vari one types of records be available for inspe c[i on, including dispatch logs, inspection records, matntena nee records and financial records. Relative to Rates - establish chat any request for [he dispatch of an ambulance made with io a period of one (1) hour shell be classified a5 a^ emergency call, and is subject to [he rate schedule as determtned for emergency calls. S-MlIABY Once the City Council has prw ided the staff with 9pe cif rc direction regarding Ghe major policy issues, staff will work vith the City Attorney to prepare a comprehensive ordinance aim it ar to that which was previously considered several months ago. With [he exception of [he polici ea outlined in this report, major prw isi ons of the previous ordinances were acceptable to a majority of [he City Council. T6RM3 RHLATIAC TO AMBOLANC6 SBRVICB Advance Life Support means ewe ci al services designed [o prw ids definitive pr eh ospi [al emergency medical care including, but not limned to, cardiopulmonary reaus ci to ti on, cardiac monitoring, cardiac defibrillation, advanced airway management, intravenous therapy, adm inietrati on of ape cif tad drugs and other medici nab pr eparatione, and other spa cif red techniques end procedures adm iniatered 6y authorized personnel under the direct supervision of a base station hoepi[a 1. 33N Ci [y Council Agenda May 1, 1985 AMBULANCE SERVICES IN RANCHO CUCAMONGA Page 12 Basic Life Suooort means emergency first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedures which, a9 a minimum, include recognizing respiratory and cardiac arre s[ and starting the proper application of Cardiopulmonary resuscitation to maintain life without invasive techniques until the victim may be transported or until advanced life support is available. Ambulance means any privately or publicly caned motor vehicle (aircraft, or wa tercraf c) that is specially designed or constructed, and equipped, and is intended [o be used for and is maintained or operated for the transportation of. persons who are sick, injured, wounded, or otherwise incapacitated or helpless. Ambulance Driver means a person with a valid emergency vehicle operators certificate and with a minimum certification ae an Emergency medical Te thnician-Ambulance. Certificate means a spe ciF is document issued to an individual denoting competence in the named area of prehospital service. Eme t¢ency means a Condition or situation in which an individual has a need for immediate medical attention, or where [he potential for such need is perceived by emergency medical personnel oz a public safety agency. • Emereencv Call means a non-scheduled request for the dispatch of an ambulance made through the San Bernardino County Sheriff"s Department, a fire protection district or a private ambu lance company [o provide immediate assistance for a person who apparently has a sudden or unf press en need for immediate medical attention. Emereencv Medical S v' means the services utilized in responding to a medtcal emergency. Emereencv Medical T hnician-I (EMT-I) means an individual trained in all facets o£ basic life support according to standards prescribed by Chia part and who has a valid cer[if ice [e issued pursuant to [hie part. This def in{tion shall include, but no[ be limited to, EMT-1-A. Emereencv Medical T chn'c' -II (EMT ID means an EDIT-1 with additional trotm ng to ltm iced advanced life support according to standards prescribed by this par[ and who has a valid certificate issued pursuant to [his part. Emereencv Med icaL Techn ici -Paramedic (EMT-P or oa ramedi ) means an individual who is a mobile intensive care paramedic whose scope of practice to prov i.de advanced life support ie according to stands rda prescribed by this part and who has a valid certificate issued pursuant to this par[. Limited Advanced Life Su o r[ means special service designed to provide prehos pi cal emergency medical care limited to [echni quea and procedures [not • ezce ed basic life support but are less than advanced life support and are [hose procedures specified pursuant to Section 1797.171. 33s City Council Agenda May 1, 1985 AMBULANCE SERVICES IN RANCBO CUCAMUNGA Page 13 ~1 \_J Local EMS Aeencv means the agency, department, or office having primary responsibility £or administration of emerge acy medical services in a County. Provider means a person or a spouse of a person who, as an individual or member of a corporation or organiza[i on, whether profit making or nonprofit, on a regular ba sia gives or offers for sale any supplies, equipment, professional or nonprofessional. Res oonse Time means [he time be tveen the notification of an ambulance service that an emergency has occurred and [he arrival of the[ service at the scene of the emergency. Transfer Ambulance means any motor vehicle constructed, equipped and used toz transferring the injured or sick under circumstances which do not conscicuce an emergency and which have not been represented ae an emergency. Transfer Call means all other calls which are not of an emergency nature. LMW/kep 33(. DR,4f-? MDT APPg01FD ~OR DISCUSSION AURPOSES ONLY OflOINANCE N0. 230 • AN OPDINA.YCE OF TAE CITY OF PANCHC CUCANOYGA, CALIFOflN1A, A`tEWING THE PANCHO CUCANONGA HUNiGIPAL CODE PEPTAiNINC TO T!!E PECULATION OF AMBULANCES. TTe City Cowell of the Cay of Poncho Cucamonga. Califcrnix, does ordain es follows: SECTION 1: The P.ansno Cucamonga vunfnSpal Code 1s hereby amentled to read as follows: "Chapter 1. Ambu:ances "Sec. Y.1.01. Det:nitlons, Unless othervlse stated, words and terms are defined as Colicvs; (a1 AMBULA1iCE. The term 'ambulance' meaoa any vehl cle specially Cow trueted, mmd leled or equl peed, and used for the porpoae oC Lrav porting sick, Ln~ured, convalescent, SnP lrm or othervlse Incapacitated persons and whicn is equl peed with emergency slgaalSng devices (such as red light and siren) or which Ss aubJect to licensing by the Ca1lCOrnia Highway Patrol as an ambulance. (b) AMBULANCE SEPVICE OPEPATOA. The term 'ambulance service operator' means any person who oms or operates one or more ambuianaea. (C) C0IINCIL. The term 'Cowell' mean the City Cowcil oC Lhe City of Poncho Cucamonga. (d) CLASS OP SEflYICE. The term 'C:asa of Service' means the • Seve1 or levels of complexity of field emergency medical services and w111 be spec lfSed as basic life support provided by Emergency Medl cal Technician (EMT-1A) persoeurel conforming to California Health and Safety Code, Seetlon 1760 (f ), full advanced life support provided by California licevad physicf an or ty paramedics and mobl3e LnEem Sve care nurses certified by the Cowty Health Officer wder Ca11lornie Nealth actl Safety Code, Seetlon 1a81. (e) CITY. The term 'City' means the LSty of Poncho Cucamonga, California. (f) CIiY MANAGED. Tne term 'City Manager' mean the City Naoager of the Clty of Aancho Cucamonga, or his designee. (g) COUNTY. The term 'COwty' means the County of San Bernardino, California. (h) COUNTY HEALTH OFFICEfl• The term •COwty Health Officer' means that person designated as ouch by the Lowty oP San Bernardino. (1) FMEflOENCY CALL. The term 'Emergency Call' Ss a request Car the dispatch oC an ambulxnce to transport or prowl tle other asslatance for a person who apparently has a sudden or unforeseen need of medical attention, (J7 E1IEAGENCT HEAPIGE. The Gera 'Ebtergeney Sarvlce' means the f ~ctlons performed 1n response to an emergency cell. (k) PATIENT. The term 'Patient' means a sick, Sn,J aced, woundedr invalid, expectant mother, convalescent, or otherwise incapacitated parson, (1) PEPSON. TTe term 'Person' lnclodes any indivlduel partnership, ftrm, corporation, association, governmental agency or t. other ~'ouD or combinaClon ecting as a wit. 7~7.. Ordinance No. 230 Page 2 (m) 9ASIC LIFE SUPPOPT (9L51 A110ULANCE. the term 'BlS • pmbulance• means an ambulance vhleh has equipment anC suDpli es as specltl etl by Title 13, Cal lfornia Administrat five Code. (n) ADVANCED LIFE SUPPOAt (ALS7 ON LIMLLEp ADVANCED LZFE EDPPOPT (LALS) A13U!ANCE. Th¢ [era 'A taLS Ambulance' means an ambulance uhicp has additional equipment and supplies as specifl ed by the County H¢alth ottlder. (o) MOBILE INTENSIVE CAPE (NIC7 PAApfBOTC. The Serm 'MZC Paramedic' aearo a person specially trained Sn the yrovl slon o[ emergency cardiac and noncardlac care appropriately ceR 1[Sed py the Lomty Nealth 0[`. leer. (p) MOBILE :NS`c.NSIYE CAFlE (MIG) NUASE. The term 'M.IC norae~ means a n'uroe vho has peen certified by cha County yealth Officer as 9ual if Sed in the provision of emergency cardiac antl noncardiae care :n the lsauance of emergansY Snatractlom to MIC parameelca. (q) pEAMIIREE. The term 'Permit[ ee' aeana anY person vpc posse sses a current City permit to act as an ambulance service oyerat ar. (r) CODE 3. The term 'Code 3' means the period vhen an ambul once is traveling to or from a patf<nt pie k-up polo[ using red llghcs and/or alrem and is trace ling Sr. such a maMer ae to reach its destination. Sn the ahorvteet ppasSple tame. "Sec, V.1.02. Permits: gesu fired It shall be unlav[ml for any person, altper es owner, employee or otherwlae, to operate an ambulance, or to engage Sn business as an empulance service operator, upon the streets or any public way or place Sn the CSty except Sn conformance with a valid CSty permit to operate an ambulance service. (a) E)[CEPTTONS. the equipment and p<raonnel standards syeclfted Sn Chls chapter apply to all ambulance agenclea; however, the Ilcenaing bnd permlc raqulrementa stall not app1Y te: (i) PublLCly owned ambulances; or, (2) Vehicles operated as ambulances at the request o[ local avthoritl ea during any 'state oS van emergency,' duly proclaimed 'state of emergency' mr 'local emergency,' as defined In the California Emergency $ervieea Act (Chapter 7 sf Division i oC Title 2 of the Government Cotle7, as amended. "Sec. a, 1.03• Permit Fe<a. Permit fees shall be those uhloh are, from time to time, sat py the Council. All permits shall be Issued to expire on Sune 30 of each year. "Sec. V.1.CV. Appllcat Smh Cor a Peralt or fleneval of a Permit, (a) PpOCF.DUPZ AND INFOgMAIION gEOUTAED. Prerequisites to the Sssubnce of s permit or reneval of a permit for an applicant sh811 include the PSiang vitb the CSty Manager an applieatton Sn wrSting on a Corm to be furnished by the Clty Manager, vhl en shall provide the fol:ov tog minimum information: (1) Name and desprLption of applicant. S _ _~-^ ?? 9 DRAFT Nor APPHOr® ~OR DISCUSSION PURPOSES QNLY OpDINANCP No. 230 • AN OpCINA.YCE OF SNE CITY Of PANCHO CULAHONGA. CALIFOflN:A, AHEYOIAG THE ARNCHO C'JCAHONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PEAtA ININC t0 THE AEGULATIGN OF At1BULANCES. She City Council of the Cay of Aancho Cucaaonga, California, does ordain as follova: SECTION 1: The Pancao Cucamonga Municipal Code Ss he: coy amendetl to read as follows: "Chapter 1. Ambulances ^Sen. a.l.G1. Def!nlCiona. DnlE99 OCharyl9e 9taEBd, Vprd9 Nld LBrml are deffned as folloNS: (a) A.N9ULANCE. The term 'ambulance' means any vehicle speelal:y constructed, modified or equipped, and med for the purpose transporting sick, InJ urea, convalesoent, Infirm or otherv3se SncaDacltated persons and vhich is equl Aped with emergency signaling devlce9 (such as ree light and siren) or vhich Is sutJect to licen9ing by the California Highway Patrol as an ambulance. (b) pl4ULANCE SEAYICE OPEflAtOg. The term 'ambulance service operator' means any person vhe Duns or operates ow or more ambulances. (c) COUNCIL. She term 'Council' scans the City Council of the city of Aancho Cucamonga. (d) CLAGg OF gEPYICE. me term 'Class of Service' means Che • level or levels of comDlexlty of field emergency med Seal services and will be speckled as basic life Support provided by Emergency Medical Technician (FHt-1AJ personnel conCOrml ng to California Health and Safety Cade, Section 1760 (f ), Cull advanced Slfe support pro vlded by California llcens ee physlolan mr by paramedlc9 and mobile intemlva care nwees certitf ee ty Ene Comfy Health OtClcer untler Cal lfornia Health and Safety Code, Section 1V81. (e) CITT. The Cerm 'City' mean the Clty of Aancho Cucamonga, CallCOrnla. (f) CITY MANAGER. The term 'City Manager' means the Clty Manager of the Clty of Aancho Cucamonga, of his designee. (g) COUNTY, The teem 'County' means the County of San Hernardlnm, California. (h) COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER. rna term 'County Healtb OffSCer' means that parson designated as such by the County of San Bernardino. (i) EMERGENCY CALL The term 'Emergency Call' is a request Por Che dispatch of an ambulance to transport or provide other aaaistance for a person who apparently bas a sudden or wforeseen need of medical attention. (C) EMERGENCY gEAVICE. The term 'Emergency Service' means the Cunctiom performed in response to an emergency call. (k) PATIENT, The term 'Patient' means a sick, InJuretl, wounded, Snvalld, expectant mother, convalescent, or of herv3se SncapaclLated parson. (1) PEAgON. Tha term 'Person' includes any individual partnership, firm, corporation, assoelaEfon, gove r'r:mental agency or other group or combination acting as a unit. ~a~ Ortlinanse Mo. 230 Pads 3 • (27 Bustness addr_v aaC residence address of any Snd3 vl dual aDillcaal. .37 The ours wrier which t.".e amhul ance service viii do bur ineaa. (4) if a corporat!or., a Cotn[ venture a part nets hip o , limited part nets hip, :he names of all partners, or the names of corporate officers, :he!r res Sdence addresses and their percentage of partlclpatien in the business, (5) A verificatton that the appll cant Ss equipped to and viii provide p[S parmedic service at ail 0.mea Sn the City. (67 p ata[e¢eat to r wal applications that the applfcant owns o has order .. contrcle required equipment to adequately conductr an ortolan e s service In tF.e City, which meets the requirement mta Olis hetl by the California Vehicle Coda, and that the applicant ours or has access to suitable and safe Caciilties for malntainl ng his ambulance service Sn a clean and sanitary condition. Mhen m Snltial application Sa submitted, a statement that the applicant viii own or will have under his control required equipment to adequately conduct an ambulance service In the Cfty, which meat the requirements establUhed by the California Vehicle Coee and that the applicant wail ovn or H11 have aeceaa to suitable and safe tacillties tar malntalning his mbulmce aervl ce 1n a Clem and aanltary condition. Both initial and renewal appllcatlona oust contain a statement that the applicant viii malnt aln (station) at least one A[S equip Ped mbulmce within the geographical boundarlm oC the City. ACEitionally, the applicant mmt establish to the reasonable satlsfact ion of the Cfty Manager that the applicant has adequate cape billty to ~baek ups or augment such AIS equipped ambulance St It is not Smmedlately available to respond to a call therefor. • (7) A lief f or renewal apPllcatfona mended as required riving the year Car any changed, substitu[eE, loaned or leased vehicles, giving a rnmplete description oC each mbulance vehicle operated by the applicant, covering a list of the internal equipment carried by each ambulance, Sncl uding the patient capacity thereof, mtl a copy of the moat recent Ambulance Inspection peport Saaued by the California Highway Patrol for each vehicle. Vhen an initial aDpllcatlon Sa submitted, a 31St, mended as requl red awing the year for any changedr su bath uteri, loured or leased vehicles, gluing a complete deacrlptSgn of each mbulmce vehicle to be operated by the applicant, covering a list of the internal equipment carried by each ambulance, including the patient capeCillty thereof, and a mpy of the most recent Ambulance InaDeetion peport Saaued by the California Highway Patrol for each vehicle shall Ee provided to the City Manager prior to the start oC mbulmce operelion. (B) M affirmation Por renewal appllcatloru that each permitted mbulance and Sta aDpwtenances mnfnm to all appl Stable provlaions oP this Ordl nonce, the California Yehl cle Code, the California Adminlstretlve Code and any other State, County or City appllca tie dlrecti ve. Xhen m Snltial apPllcatlon t submitted, and affirmation that each petal ties mbulmce and lta appwtenancm conform to all applicable prcvls ions of this cheptety the Cal ifmrnia Vehicle Code, the California Administratlve Code, and any other State, County or City apPllcabla dSreetlva shall be provided to the City Manager prior to the start of mbulmce operations. (q) A statement Por renewal eDDllcatiov that the applicant employs soft icfent peraomal adequately trained and available to deliver emergency A[S parmedic mbulmce services of good quality at all florae Sn the City. Xhen en Initial applicetiom fa submitted, a statement that the applicant will employ sufficient personnel adquately [reined ..nd available to deliver emergency AL9 mbulance services of good quality at all florae. 'D 't S Ordinance Na. 230 Page u (10) A list for renewal applications giving a tlescrlption . of the level of tralning far each ambulance employee and a copy o[ each certificate 1lceme Issued by the State wd Cowty eatabilahtng qualiClca[SOm of ouch perwnnel In ambulance Operat Sons. vnen an initial appllcatlon Ss suDmltted, a '.Sat, amevded as required during the year for any p<nowel changes, gluing des crSptlon of the level of tralning Car each ambulance employee and a copy of each certificate or license Saa ued by the State and County establlahivg qua1L•Scatiev of such penomel Sn ambUlance operations shall be prowl tletl to the City !tanager prior to start of ambulance operation. (11) p statement, in an Sn!t1a1 appal ca CSOn, that shows to the sattafaction Of the City Manager that Che Issuance of a permit Sa Sn the public int erect and there Sa a need Cora permit to De Ssaued, Sn that there Sa a requirement for wbulmce seral ce mien can a legally servl cad by the applicant. (12) A statement signed Dy the aDDllcant that as a condition of the City issuing a permit, app ll cant agrees to appear and defend all actions agalvat the City wising out of the exereiae of said permit, aM shall Indemnify antl nave the City, Sts oftlcen and employees and agents harmless of and from all claims, demands, actions, o oases of sell oru of every kind and description resulting directly or Indirectly, arising out of, or 1n any way connected with the exercise of this permit. ^Sec. 4.1.05. Investigation by City Manager. Opon receipt of a completed initial (non-receval) application, the City Manager shall conduct w Investigation to d<t <tmine 1.e the appl Scant meets all requirements of this Ordinance. Upon completion • of his SnvestSgation, the City Manager shall recommend Lo Lhe Cowell that a permit De granted or eeniee. The tleterminatlon of the Council shall be made after a public hearing upon the quallfSCatlov of the applicant, ^Sec. 4.1.06. Imwnce or Ow1a1 of Permit (a) The Ctty Cowell may order the Issuance of a new Dermlt to contluct an ambulance service Sn the Clty upon finding that the apDl Scant meets all requiramenta of this Ordinance. (D) The Cowell may order the denial of a permit Sf St flndm ([7 That the application is not In the Corm and does not eqn win Lne SnCOtaatlen required Dy the provlaiom of Eh1a chapterp (2) Thal the vehicles deacrlhetl Sn the application are inadequate or wsefe for the pwposas for which they are to De uaedl (37 Shat the color aeheme, name, monogram, or insignia to Oe used upon such vehicles Sa Sn conflic! with or lmlt ales any color aeheme, name, monogram, or Insignia used by any parson so a to De misleading or tend to deceive or defraud [he public. (e) The Cowell may order the denial of a permit Sf the eppl leant or any pert ner, officer Or director thereof: (1) Yaa pre vioualy the holder of a City Dermit, which permit vas revoked or suspended and the terms or condltiona of the awpenatan have not Daen fulfilled or corrected. (2) Ia committing any set, Mich, Sf commltt ed Dy any • permlltee, would Ce growda for the ama perolon or revocation of a pormlt Ssaued Dwauant to this ordimnce. Ordinance No. 230 Page 5 . (3) iaa committed any act Snvolving dishonesty, fraud, or deceit whereby pother Ss Sn,Jwed or where the applicant has benefited. (4) 4as acted as an ambulance service operator in the City without poasev Sng a va11E permit therefor. (51 Nas aided abetted any person to violate any provSSion oC tD!s chapter crrany prior amDUlance ordinance. (6) Makes any Ca lee or misreading statement upon any apPlicat ion, or eur!ng the course of any Snvestigatlon, requl red or permitted Dy Chls chapter. (c) BONGING OF APPLICANT. BeCOre any permit Is Issued wder the Drov1>IOru of this Ordinance, the Council shall require Che applicant as a cond Stton to the Saauance of the permit Co post with the City Clerk a cash Oond Sn the >um of Twenty Five Too>and Dollars (325.000.00) or a surety Dphd In the same amount furnished Dy a cerporat:on out horized to do Du>Inev :n the State of CallCOrnla, payable to the City, The bond shall be conditioned upon the foil and faithful performance Dy t.`.c ~ Cce c. - L:SgatSOna order the applSCable provisions of Ch is ~Ordiranee and, shall be kept in full force and effect by tDa permlttoe throughout the life of the permit antl all renevala thcr anf. (d) LIABILITY INBUPANCE. The DerxSttee shall obtain and keep Sn force during the tea of said permit public liability and bodily in>wance Saaved by a company authorized to do Wa1ne>a :n the State of California Spouting [he owner, and also namlpg Lhe City as an additional inured of such ambulance against loco by reason of SnJury or damages [hat may rmult to persona or property from negligent operation or defective rnrotructton oC ouch ambulance, or Crom • violation o[ thin Ordinance or of any other law of the State of CaliCorn:a er of the Un it ea Btat ea. Sa ld pellcy shall De Sn the sum oC not le>n than Fow Mllllon Dollars 04,000,000.007 Par personal Indury Co or death of any one person In any single accidents and the lSmita of each ouch vehSCle stall not be leas then Fow MSllion bailers (14,000,000.00) for damages to or dest ruct!or. of property 1n any one accident. Workers' Comperoetimn Smurance shall to carried coverSng all employees mf the permSttee. Copim of the policies or certiCCatea evidencing such policies shall De filed with the CS[y Clerk. All policies shall contain a provision requl ring a thirty (30) day notice to De given to the City Clerk prior to cancellation, modification or reduction of lSml!>. ^gac. 4.1,07. Content of Permit. The permit shall epee ify the dates of Saauanca and of expiration, the number of amulanca units to De weed Dy the permlttee and any specSal cenditiona regarding co®unicattomr equipment and personnel deemed appropriate Dy the City Council. "Sec. 4.1.08. Amendment of Perml b. Upon request Dy the permittae, the CSty Manager may amend the condlt ions spec Sfled Sn a permit Sf ha Clnds such requested changes to De Sn substantial compliance vSth the provlaiona of this Chapter. Suers amendment shall not affect the expiration date mf the existing Dermlt, nor shall It authorize a change to ownership from that spec if led in the original permit. Ztl / Ordinance he. 230 Page 6 "Sec. V.1.09. flenewal of Permits. . (a) Permits snail De rene4etl mnually Dy the City Mmager upon appllcatlon of the perm ttee~ If the permit balder proposes nv aubatantlal chmge Sn the covtevt of the permit, and Sf the Clty Manager determines [hat the permit holder has, during the Deriod oC the aaplring penult, operated Sn subatantlal conformity with the provlaio'u of this Ordinance and the rules and regulation of the City, and that he Ss capable of contivuLg operation Sn confonmity with the rules and regulations of [he City. (b) Vnless flood cause can be shown by the permltt ee, St shall be a va1!d basin for non-renewal of a permit Sf the permlttee has not, during the preceding permit perlod~ had a Code 3 respone time Lo at least 95f of fta emergency cells of eight (g) minutes or less. Sa!d respome time De ing measured Cram the time the permit[ e< recelvM the request until the permltt se's ambulance actually arrived at the location Par which the service 4aa requested. (e) II the renewal appllcatlon proposm a mbatantial chmge Sn the conten! of the Dermlt, the appllcatlon ahali De procesaee as a new appllcatlon pursuant to sections V.1.05 and V. 1.06 of [hie chapter. "Sec. 9.1.10. Suapenalon and flevocatlon of Permits. ffie City Manager shall De empowered to suspend or revoke the permit issued under the provlalona of thla Chapter to operate m avbulmce service, when tt has been found after Snveatl gallon that the perms [tee or any partner. oftlcer, or dlrecton (a) Violataa my aectlon of thla chapter o my rules or regulations that are promulgated Dy the Clty wh1eS relate to his permit activltles. • (D7 Is convicted of any of[enae relating to the use, sale, posseaslon, or transport anon of narcoCln or habit forming drugs. (e7 Commits any act SvvolvSng dlahonesty, fraud, or deceit whereby another Ss Sn,iured~ or whereby the permlttee has benefited, or any act Snvmlving morel turpitude. (d) gas mlarepreaent ed a material Cact Sn obtaining a permit, Sa no longer adhering Eo the condition specified in hfa appllcatlon. (e) V1ds or abets my peracn who vtolatea the prmvlsions oP this enapter. (f) Fa13a to make and keep records ahewivg hie tranaectfon as a permittee, er tells to nave such records avelleDle for SnsDectien by the Clty Manager or hfa duly authorized representative for e period of not leas thm [brae years after completion of my LransdCtlon [O 4nlen the reCerda reCer~ Or refuaas LO Comply with a written request of the City Mmager or make such record ova SlaDle for inspeclSOn. (g7 cepts m emergevoy call when either unable or n41111ng to provide the requested service ar fella to Inform the person requesting such service of my Belay one fans to obtain the consent of such person before cauaing m ambulance to respond from a lace[ Sen more Blatant than the one to vnioh the request vas directed. 4m1 hil4pav vitbv4t adoqumN 3umttFLamtiomv to oomtim4o4miy pavvidm MiC pavumdia nbguoy gmvioe Lov o eemtla4ovm peNOC of wyo [lion ]V Pvwma. r1 U -3v v Ordinance No. 230 Page 7 • (h) Falls !o notify [he Flre Department of a regvmt for emergency amDUi once service. (17 Operates an ambu:ance demoted as a paramedic unit b]' warding or Sett ering on the unit without qualified MIC persgemel and equipment In the vehicle. (7) Dwing anY validation period of not less than thirty (30) Cat's, fai/we of permltt ee to res Pend to 95F of Coae 3 calls within eight (g) alnctes or 1em w1:1 ba sufficient grounds far revocation of permit. ^Sec. a. i. if, Suapenaion. Cpndltlonal operation and Iemperary riance. In the event of a change in ownership of any kind or not we, any lnt erruptimn of service, et wme thaw xwaty-tmwe qu> Mwaam Cweabtmm. or any suhstant ial change Sn st effing or equipment of the ambulance service, which causes the ambulance aervlce to be carried out differently than specified in the current operating permit, the peesltte< shall notify the Clty Manager Immediately in writing, stating the facts of such change. (a) Upon request Dy the permittee, the City Manager may grant a temporary variance to writing from tF.e condition epeo L^Sed Sn the original permit If he finds that such change Ss in suDSt antlal compliance wilh the provision of thla Chapter. If the City Manager CSnns that such change Ss not 1n aubatantlal compliance with this ordinance, he may suspend, revoke, or amend the permit Dy written notice. In all cacao when a change oC ownership occuro Sn an ambulance aervi ce, an appllcatlon for a new permit shall to filed with the Clty Hanager wit hln thirty (30) days. In nm case shall any • temporary variance be valid for more than sl xty (607 days without written approval of the Coanefl. "gec. Y.1.12. Appeal Procedure. If the renewal of a permit Is denied by the City Manager or Sf the City Manager am panda or revokes a permit, the permltee shall be given wr1lten notice specifying not only the action taken, but Sn the event of a suspen ion or revocation, Che effective Bate thereof, which shall be not leas than fifteen (15) days after the date oC said notice, Such not Sflcatlon shell be by reglaleretl or certified mail. (a) YSthin ten (10) days after the date of such not SPSCatlon, the permlttee may request a hearing before the City Manager. Such request must be Ss writing to the City Clerk. if such request Ss timely made, the effective date of any denial, suspen ion or revocation shall be extended well fifteen (15) Jaya following the City Manager's action upon said request. The Clty Manager may, after suchd hearing, affirm, modify, or set aside the on Sinai declalen. (D7 If, after the hearing provided far above, the Clty Manger denies the renewal of or smpends or revokes a Oermit, the permit tee shall have the right to demand a heed ng by Che Council. A request far a hearing spell Da made in writing Co the Ctty Clerk within fifteen (157 calendar days fmlloging the denial, auapenalon, revocatlgm or non-renewal of [he permit, upon receipt of a mitten request, the City Clerk obeli set the matter for hearing on a data not more than atxty (60) days following receipt of the written request and glue notice to the appellant, the Clty Meneger, and arty other interested persons who may present evtdence, relevant to the declalan of the City Manager, XSGh1n thl rty (307 Jaya follpwing the CraSnance No. z3o Page d cone luaion of the hearing, the Cvwe11 shall make findings and Issue • Its are er, vhet her or not the permit should be Sss ued or the sm pem Ion or revocation sm taiv. (c) During the time available to regent w appeal, and at any floe beCOC the apDeai to the Council shall have became final, the effect of such non-r<neval, sus pension or revocation shall be stayed. (d1 Notvlthstanding any other provisiotu herein contained [o th< contrary, the City Manager shall be empowered effect an immediate suspemion of a permit without delaying the effec five date thereof Sf he first CSnaa the continued conduct of such permlttee Sa so far removed from compliance with this Chapter or the general welfare of the citizens of the Clty as to Jm tlty such Immediate action. (e7 My permltt ee rho has such /mmediate sus pemion action taken against it shall have a hearing mheaulee before the City Manager within seven (7) vork3 ng says of such suspension. "Sec. Y.1.13. Emergency Service Nequlrements. Each permlttee shall provide emergency MIC paramedic ambulance service on a continuous twenty-fmw (zY) heun per day basis. "Sec. 4.1.tY. Conformance with Permit DM lnanca, No ambulance operator shell provide ambulance service for ambulance coils origSnating vithSn the City unless he shall flrot have a valid CSty permit. Amy vlolatlm of this Saotlom aEmll be a misdsemmor. "See. 4.1.15. gtandards for Dispatch. • Each ambulanoe aervl ca receivtng an emergency ambulance requa st shall dispatch an ambulance !n omplSance vSth the Drocedurea identified in TStla 13, California AdmSnSStrattve Code. It an ambulance 1s not available far immediate dSSpatch, the procedurm identified In Title 13, California Administrative Cade, shall De compiled with. (a) 'the Fire Department shell be Smmediatoly notified o[ any emergency ambulance request. "Sac, V.1.16. Ambulance Safety and Emergency Equipment Pequirament s. Ambulances shall be maintained at all times iv good mechanical repo it and Sn a clean end sanitary condition. (a) MINIMUM EpVIPNENT. All ambulances shall be aqulpped with all safety and emergency equipment required for ambulances by the Calirornia Pehlcle Code and Che California Adminiatratlve Code and admini at ratlve rv les of the County Uealth Officer as the same are now vrittan, or haroaCter amended. (h) AIS AMBULANCE EOVI PMENI. in additton to the regular ambulance equipment and supplies, any ALg ambulance shell also be equipped as regv iced by the valid edminlstretlve rules eL the County Health Officer. (c) MAINTENANCE OF FINEBGENCY EGVIPMENT AND SUPPLIES. Dressings, bandaging, inatrmenta aM other medical auDDllea used for • care and treatment of patients rill De protected ao they are aterllo roan ready Cor use. ~'~ -~ 44V Ordinance No. 230 Page 9 • "Sam Y.t.t7. Ambu/acce Persowel. Every person who dr!vea w ambulan<e nit hln Che City, vhiie rea pending to emergency calla, shall comply xlth the requirements In the California pdminist ratlw Code Car ambulance drivers. The driver of an ambulance aha:: De trained and competent in the proper me of all emergency equipment required Dy t.".SS Ordinance. The driver shall also hold a cart Sf icate of at least an EMT-1A wless the ambulance eervlc< operator has been apeclfica lly exempted from this requirement Dy the Cowell. (a) 0.`1BUCANC£ ATTENOpNt. M ambVlance attendant shall be trained and competent In the prober use of all emergency equipment regal red by LhSS Ordinance, and obeli hold the required certiticetion of at least an EMT-tA. If Che vehicle Sa being used as an AIS ambulance, at Ieast one attendant shall hold a <ertlCicate as an MiC paramedic issued Dy the Sea lth Officer for PIS ambulance. (b) 0.ITENDAM flEOUIflED. Each ambulance De1ng operated v1tC3n the Clty, in response to w emergency call, shall De staffed by both a driver and 14C Peruedic. 1Te IffC Permmedle of an ambulance responding to an emergency <ali sna it occupy the pats ant compartment xhlle transDOrting any person Sn apparent need of medical attention. M ambulance driver or ambulance attendant vho Ss a Cal Sfornla licensed phyai<:an pr an MZC novae certified Oy the Cowty Health Officer, shall he ezempt from the emergency metltnal training requirement nC this aectlon. This section shall not apply during any `state of emergency' or 'local emergency' as def Sned in the Goner'want Code oC the State of Californta. • "Sec. q.t.ig. conttnuacion of can. M ambulance based and properly licemed outside the City Dut not licensed Cy the City shall De authorized to transport a patient Co or [Hough the Clty, Cut shall not be authorized to transport patients originating In the City. "Sec. u.t.t9. Emergency and DSSaster Operations. Dwing any 'state of xar emergency,' 'state of emergency,' or 'local emergency as def Sned Sn the California Emergency Servlcea let (Chapter 7 of Division 1 of Title 2 of the Government Code), as amended, each ambulance aervSCe operator shall provide nquipmant, facilities, and persomal as required Dy the C1[y Manager. "Sec, 4,1.20, User Complaint Procedwea. My user or subscriber to an ambulance service contending that he has been required to pay an ezcessl ve charge [or aervlce er that he has received unsatisfactory services say file a written complaint with the City Manager setting forth such allegatlom. The Clty Manager shall notify the affected permlt[ee of such complaint, end shall tnveatlgate the matter to determine the validity of the complaint. 1C the complat nt 1a determl nod to be valid, the City Manager shall Lake a reeaeraDle end proper action to secwe compliance xith the nonditiom of this Ordinance. mNwd "Attendant" changed to °MIG Paramedic" on 10-17-gY. . .. __ __. ~"41,Y Ordinance No. 230 Page 10 "gec. Y,1.21. Enforcement flea pansibil Sties. • (a) the City !tanager shall make all necessary and reaaonaCle rules antl regulat!ons sub,7 act to the approval of the Cowctl covering ambulance service operation, ambulance equipment, ambulance vehicles, ambulance personnel, and for the effective and reasonable adminlatrat SOn of this Ordinance. (b) the Clty Manager she 11 :m pact the records, fac silt es, vehleL S, equipment and methods of operation xhenever ouch I m pections are ceased necessary. "Sec. a.1.22. „xewed Perfmaanoe No operator shall be deemed to be Sn violation of Its permit Sf SC shail fail to provide, either Sn vho le or Sn part, the services otherxise requiree of St Sf such perfotaance :a prevented by any of the folloxSng: (a) Aets of God; (b) Taber strikes or dls putesp (c) :ntervent ion oC any gover:went bony; or (tl) pny force reasonably beyond the cant roi of the operator. SECTION 2: The Clty Cowcll hereby declares that St xould love sea pled this Ordinance and each section, subaec lion, sentence, clause, phrase or portion thereat Srrespect lve of the tact Chef any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases ar portions thereof be declared invalid or wcom Elt utuional. If for any r sons any portion of this Ord lnance shall be declared lnvalitl or wconstlt utSOna 1, [hen all other provisions thereat shall remain In full Corce and effect. SECTION 3: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk s1a 11 • attest to the same, and the GSty Clerk shall cause the Ordinance to be publishetl v1[hSn fifteen (15) days after Sta passe ge, at least once Sn The Oa11y fleport, a nexspaper of general clrbuletton, puClished In the Clty of Ontario, and circular ed in [he City of flencho Cucamonga, Ca llfornla. NOt APPpOYED, thin 2nd day oC January, 1985• AYES: Dahl, Buquet NOES: Nright, Ml ke la, Ring ABSENT: None Jon D. Mikels, Mayor ATTE$T: Beverly p. Authelet, Clty Clerk 144 FOOTHILL FIRE DISTRICT MEMORANDGM • T0: Chief Michael FROM: Acting Division Chief Corcoran SUBJECT: Ambulance Response DATE: April 24, 1985 Or, April 24, 1985, at one roximately 003-0 hours, a Cole Schaffer ambulant= was observed running code 3 in the City of P.ancho Cucamorga by one of our Rancho Sheriff's units. H= co..^.tacted his dispatch inquiring the location of t.`,is ambulances destination. The Sheriff Dispatch contacted Fire Dispatch, who was not aware of such a response. A call from Fire Dispatch to Schaffer Dispatch revealed a response to a difficulty breathing call at 6040 Peridot, Rancho Cucamonga. Engine I responded and arrived on scene with the Schaffer rig. Captain Shore inquired as to the status of the personnel, who were E.M.T. 1, and the condition of the victim, and • determi red that a paramedic shoul3 look at the patient prior to transport. At this point, a Mercy paramedic unit resoo r,ded, looked at the victim, and indicated the victim could 6e transported by an E.M.T. unit, but the victims condition warranted the unit respond to San Antonio Community Hospital, rather than their intended destination of Kaiser at Fontana. This information was relayed to me by Captain Shore on 4-24-85. A subsequent telephone call to Mr. Pat McAlmond, the regional manager, revealed that Cole Schaffer Company policy is to notify the local fire agency of an emergency request. The nature of the emergency and the equipment being dispatched to the emergency. At that point the Schaffer Dispatcher is suppossed to ask whether the Fize Department wishes the Schaffer to continue its response. It is evident to all parties concerned this procedure was not followed. As has keen our concern in the past, this is a case where the public requests emergency medical care and receives an E.M.T. I rig. The Schaffer unit is currently based at 10722 Arrow Street, Rancho Cucamonga. Mr. McAlmond has assured me in the future, his dispatch personnel will adhere to their company policy. EIe also indicated the company has a business license to operate in our City, and that they currently are awaiting on a response from the County in regards to a paramedic license. s 34~ -z- This situation again emphasis the current need we have in • this city for a regulator~ambu lance ordinance. cc: Mr. Lauren Wasserman Mr. McAlmond • lJ sY8 DATE: May 1, 1985 MEMORANDUM T0: City Council //n FROM: Lauren M. Vas Berman ice! Ci [y Manager /V/yr/~•'_11ei~'~ SUBJECT: Broker of Record eealth Insurance `J ~.. _....~~~ i ~~y s 1 _ U L ~ 19'7 I In July, 1980, the City of Rancho Cucamonga issued a Broker of Record letter designating Hobert Claacock and Donald Hardy as Brokers of Record for the City's health insurance. Since that time, hwever, [he Ci[q has been mandated to provide a Health Maintenance Organization P1 as which present ly ie Re iset. Rainer does not pay commiasi on to brokers of record and does not intend to. The City is considering prw iding a different type of Eealth Maintenance Orga- nization ee an alternative [o Raiser. StafF has been working with Che insur- ance company to daterm ins whether the coverage ie a feasible alternative. RBCOMdENDATION: It ie taco®ended that the City Council rev iae the ezie[ing Broker of Record letter to be more apecif is in its intent by naming Robe r[ Glae<ock ae the Bro::z of Record for heslth and dental insurance sac ludi og Health Maiotenaoce Organizations or qualified HNO plane. LNV:bea ~~a. aav a.~vniravavvea ~CCi,nry/0~ MEMORANDUM ~ ~~. x ~ ~,` ~~~ -- 197 May 1, 1985 nl: City Council FROM: Lauren M. Wasserman, City Manager aJ' SUBJECT: Hzokez of Record - Health Insuz e The City of Rancho Cucamonga designates Robert Glascock as Hroker of Record for the City's health plan(s) with the exception of HMO or NMO qualified plans, and Hroker of Record Foz the City's dental plan(s), The Hroker of Record as designated, shall be required to keep the City current on potential rate changes, and potential insurance plans that may be determined to be in the best interest of the City. nr .. nn n w e,r vn nnr~ n xan~ic ~ • STAFF REPORT o`i~~ ~9. z,; ~; x, , ~' p A F C' I Z - _ n,> 19T~ GATE: May 1, 1985 T0: Hayor and Members of City Council FROM: Lauren M. 17asserman, City Manager SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION TO CONTRACT NI COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY POR PROSECUTION OF MUNICIPAL CODE VIOLATIONS The City Council has indicated a desire to change attorneys to handle prosecution of Municipal Code violacioae. Council may recall that a number of years ago [he County District Attorney's office contacted ue to determine vheth er or no[ we were interested in having the County Dist n ct Attorney handle prosecution Municipal Code violations for our Ci [y. A[ that Cime we were satisfied with the legal services being provided and elected not to change. IC is recommended [hat Che City Council consider contracting with [he San Bernardino County District Attorney's office to handle prosecution of Municipal Code violati ona. The coats will be less Chan $50.00 per hour with billing being based upon actual court Cime. The County ie in the pr ocesa of revising the rate e[zucture and it may increase slightly within [he next few moneha. However, i[ is the view of the staff that the coats will still be quite teas onable. The primary advantage of switching to the District Attorney's office is a better coordination between the City, its pr oaecutor and [he actual court system. Other cities using the aerv ices of the Dis [r ic[ Attorney have indicated ea[isfacti on with the level of services provided. RECOMMENDATION I[ is recommended that [he Ci[y Council authorize [he Hayor and City Manager [o execute the appropriate agreements to use the Die tr ict Attorney's office [o handle pr oeecu[ion of Municipal Code violations. At this time the staff has not yet received the sample contract. However, we would suggest that [he Mayor be authorized to execute the agreement following review by [he City Attorney. LMW/kep 3'! 9 • ..__ ..... C~....vq STAFF REPORT ~"~ '" ? IJ 19`~ DATE: May 1, 1985 T0: Mayor and .Members of the City Council FROM: Jack lam, AICP, Community Development Director BY: Linda 0. Daniels, Senior Redevelopment Analyst SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ALTERNATIVES FOR ADMINISTRATION OF THE M'F~TI-FAMILY RENTAL HOUS R7G MORTGAGE FINANCE PROGRAM BACKGROU;JO: As indicated at the April 17, 1985 City Council meeting staff has prepared information relating to the Multi-Family Rental Housing Mortgage Finance Program. Staff has also prepared possible alternatives, for Council consideration, for the future implementation and administration of the Multi-Family bond program. J HISTORY: The County of San Bernardino, through its Office of Community Oev~opmen t, has administered the Multi-Family bond program on behalf of the City through cooprative agreements since 1982. A total of four (4) projects have participated in this bond program to date: Calmark N/o Baseline, W/o Archibald Pepperwood S/s of Foothill Blvd., E/o Vineyard Avenue Lewis Homes Terra Vista Lewis Homes Terra Vista As can be seen from the list, three of the four projects have already been constructed (Calmark has not) and have been or are being occupied. The Multiple Family Bond Program is separate from the Section 8 - New Construction Set Aside Program in that there are no federal subsidies to families. Further, the Multiple Family Program does not require any units be reserved for Section 8 certificate occupants; it merely requires that 20% of the units he made available to low and moderate income families. CURRENT STATUS OF PROGRAId: The County of San Bernardino has already begun accepting 1985 applications for projects located in Rancho Cucamonga. As identified at the April 17th meeting a total of 11 projects have received inducement resolutions from the County. The following list identifies the applicants and the general location of the projects. The firsttwo applicants have submitted one request each, Lewis Homes has submitted nine (9) separate applications (see location map). 3>" ° CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Multi-Family Rental Housing Mortgage Finance Program May 1, 1985 Page 2 Applicant Lee Jay Development Ca bwi 11 Corporation Lewis Homes/Western Properties Location NEC of 8th Street & Grove Avenue SWC of Arrow Highway & Turner Avenue Terra Vista Furthermore, the City has received requests for the following projects: TAC Development The William Lyon Company Lan 3entsen Cris Gerald (project not submitted) Dan Palmer (project not submitted) While not required by the program, the County of San Bernardino currently imposes rent restriction requirements for 20% of the units in a project that participates in the program. Currently, the County uses the following maximum rent per unit type: Studio/1 Bedroom 8416 2 Bedroom 5520 3 Bedroom 5585 In addition, the County uses specific income limitations based on family size, to which a minimum of 20% of the occupants of the units must conform. These income restrictions are outlined as follows. 1 person family 514,550 2 person family 516,650 3 person family 818,700 4 person family 820,800 The County administers the Multi-Family Bond Program in very much the same way the City/Agency might issue a Certificate of Participation prog rain. The County requires the developer to provide a credit enhancement as an assurance for the bond issu =. The County is under no monetary obligation to pay the bond interest or premium payments. The County also reviews the project, on an annual basis, to insure compliance with the 20% low and moderate rental unit requir_ment and the various income and rental rate restrictions. MINIMUM REQU[REMEITS OF A MULTI-FAMILY PROGRAM: The County of San ernardino, in its administration of this particular form of financing, does require more than the minimum legal standards. According to Francis Baum, of Best, Best and Krieger, a multi-family bond issue is not required to have rent restrictions nor specific income limitations based on various family sizes. The minimum requirements of a bond issue are a general income test and that at 12ast 20% of the units must be made available to persons of low and moderate incomes. • • • 3r/ CITY COUNCIL STRFF REPORT Multi-Family Rental Housing Mortgage Finance Program May 1, 1985 Page 3 • The income test, according to the legislation, is that to qualify as a low and moderate income person, or family, one cannot earn mare than B0". of the median family income as established by the Department of Housing and Urh an Development (HUD). In establishing the median family income for an area, HUD uses as its base a four person family. Presently the median family income for this area is 526,000. In terms of the maximum income which would qualify a family under the Multi-Family Bond Program one cannot earn more than 80e of this, or 520,800. Therefore, a family which earns at or below 520,800 would qualify as part of 20% low and moderate income occupant requirement. What this is also saying is that the family can he as small as a one person size or a four person size and still meet the income test. OTHER AREAS OF CONSIDERATION: In assessing the overall subject of the Mult ~-Fam ly Bond Program the City Council may also wish to tons ider establishing specific criteria for the loct ion and unit concentration of participating projects regardless of who is ultimately responsible for the program. Presently the adopted 1984 Housing Element states that; "Overconcentration of very low and low income household units in any single project shall be • avoided. For this policy, the number of very low and low income subsidized housing units shall not exceed 25 percent in any one project. This particular policy, however, refers to "subsidized" units, which the Multi-Family bond program does not require. Further, this policy refers only to individual projects and does not address the question of proximity to other similar projects. The Council may wish to develop criteria for this form of bond program which might include such things as specifying distance from one project site to another, density of the project and population per acre, characteristics and proximity of adjacent Land use patterns and districts and special consideration if the project is targeted for senior citize.s. ALTERNATIVES: Based on this information, staff would tike to present two 2 a ternatiws which are available to the City Council as to how the Mu it i-Family Rental Housing Mortgage Finance Program could continue. ALTERNATIVE 1: Continue to have the County of San Bernardino, Office of Community Development, coordinate and administer the pro grain through Cooperative Agreements on a project/site specific basis. ALTERNATIVE 2: The City begin coordinating and administering the Program. Under local control it is suggested that only the minimum requirements be established (no rent restriction, general income test oniy) for the participants in the Program. ~S1 CITY COUNCIL STAFF RE P9RT Multi-Family Rental Housing Mortgage Finance Program May 1, 1985 Page 4 RECDMMENDATIDN: 1, City Council determine which agency should administer the Multi-Family 3ond Program. 2. To dir=_ct and provide guidance to staff as to the types of criteria and guidelines that would enable decisions to 6e made regarding which multi-family bond applications can be serviced. Staff will prepare any needed criteria, resolutions, agreements, etc. as directed by Council. Res' c/tfully s~bmitted, JACK LAM, AICP " '~ Community Development Director JL•LD:ns Attachments: Location Maps of projects submitted to the County Location Map of projects submitted to the City • u 3s~ V ~. T II y: ;~. rr a~i I;+ e~jr ;~_, .~. _ ,; 3 " V . !. ~~'wa0. L~2'._al'! _~ ~ S, 3 d 3 ]; 'ii 1 1 s ~ e~f !~ i~ z'z a~ zl ~~~~~~~!~ w ~ •"wii.'• e e ., :,:. ~, - nu~ ~ s~io~uaua Q,_ UO. .-50 - .~ _^. _i ii O I z 0 o i h rg , a i ~, Bloc ,~ z L a, N ~ON ~,~ :II ` i \--.._I . ._ __lI i_ - i~ J = ~ '\\ ~ ~ S ~ ii ~ .J _ ~ ~ ~\~ I 0 r~ ~ ` ) i 3n~Nlxrq J ~ ~ I^ ~ G ^ ~~ iiiilC~:1\ U~ ~ ,I~,~ -, a . ~~ ~ ~ I ._,~ ,~: ~::.. ri a::::.;,... iaj I ~ ~ I .. i °~ >i~``t~i`itll o ,....: ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~: :: _, 1 ~ )/ ,\. U I \~ ~ \\I p, U Itl 3sy • Idtnti fi[s Pro~ecis submlN[d ~ia Ccunly in 12f5 which are outside o~ -the ~erra Vishc Planned Communi~ ~~~~9~~~~ ~~~ o.,..o ,,,,w,.,.~.., ..,o., ~• CRY OF Rf~1ICk{O Cl)C11MOtk:q ~ ~ _. .~ 3sr (,cca~fonal Map ~Hcwm9 Prvjut' l~rat'rons of QeY~ yubnuFhrrt~ mul+r"-f~--+"(y (merest' ~o UF'/, (2 ~o~ects have note, ebeggen subm~ ~heci {or Yeviuu ~ G~ ags~yet - C~raAd ~ Rxlme+'~ 1/ 1~~9~l~ 9 ~ ~~/Yf-~f~ I ~.,.w,a ,.,,w..,.,....,,o~., C ITV OF ftN/CH0 CUCAMOf-M.4 ~ . _. ... ~sb ~xi x ur tsntiunu vut;emurvt;n ~~cn.x7 ~` MEMORANDUM `J~ ~ . =~,~. ''. ~ ~~i ~r , i9i= GATE: May 1, 1985 T0: Mayor and Members of the y ouncil FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Nancy Fong, Assistant P ann SUBJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT 10349 PEAL Attached please find copies of correspondence from residents of the Mark III tract, which is also adjacent to Tentative Tract 10349, This correspondence was received by staff after preparation of the City Council agenda. RG:NF:jr Attachments 1 e. r. ~F M1\~ ~a~ ~. rv T ~ ~~.~ ~ N ^ ~ ^ c x ~ ~~ a ~~ ~ ~ °- rj f 1, i ~y f ~ ~ ~, ~ n '~ t.u ~, ~, „', ~~~ ~ \ 1, a~ ~ ~ 1 ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ (~ (' N ~ ~ ` ~ a r n ~ r ~ n d rrll r ~., fi U,, ~ ~~ ~~ .: ~ ,, ,., , ., ~ v C ~~ ~ .~ \. m` ~ ~ ~ ~~ KLAN ft. TIEFETTS _, ?57 Gardenia Avc-nue Al {:a Loma. Ga 91'JI ;~i :~ Apra( 2'~, 1985 ~,~.~ ,~ .., L Mr. Ric{: Gcmez. Cit;• Planner, Mr- don D. Mi Y.el s, Mayor. and Members of the City Council City of Rancho Cucamonga 9'20 Faseline P.cad, Suite C Rancho Cucamonq a, CR 9170 Sublec t: Appeal of Tentative Tract L?.49 by the adjacent residents of Th arcuyhbred Street Dear t9r. Gomez, Mayor Mi kels and Ccuncilmembers: I am writing on behalf of the residents of [he "Mary III" homes (Tract Mos. 9002 and 900-) who reside on those portions of Turquoise Rvenue, Gardenia Rvenue and Rosebud Street which lie directly to the south of both the proposed tract antl the residents of Thorcuyhbred Street who are protesting the proposed tract (see enclosed map). This latter is specifically written in opposi tien to any suggestion that Thoroughbred Street (and/or .lennet Street) should not 6e Completed as a continuous street between Sapphire Street and Turquoise gvenue. 1. Petitions: Enclosed pleas= find cooi a=_ of our petition requesting that both Thoroughbred and Bennet Streets 6e developed as Conti rueus streets between sapphare Street and Turquoise Rvenue. This petition has been signed 6y 49 of the 53 affected residents of the Mar!' III tracts (occupants bf two residences have been unavailable for contactg one resident is unable to sign 4or reasons of conflict-of -interest; and one resident has "fraends" nn Thoroughbred Street whom they "don't want tc off er.d"). Flees= read the petition. The I'ey point is: The ra_i <fent_ of the north fort v_on bf the MRRF_' III tr?ct are essentially unanimous in their concern far the gresent level of npn-resident traffic through their streets. We believe the City Cguncil should take stags to reduce this "through" traF(icc not gtrgs which would male matters worsef_ Messrs. Gemec, Mvkel=_, et a'_ Cv t} of Fancho Cuc amvnga March 15. 1985 F'a ye Two Dasaasv vn: We are dismayed that, as a part of their apoes.i of the Anac al tract, the re=_idents of Thoroughhred Street are aski ny the City Councvl to prevent the completion of Thoroughbred thrvuoh to Sapphire Street. Although we are certainly sympathetic to they desire that compatible h vusing shculd 6e boil*_ sdlacent to their homes, we do not beL eve t1:at it's at all fair 4vr them to seek improvement of their environment at the ee:pen=_e of ours' In add:tivn to the basvc vssue o4 fairness [v all in resole viy thus problem, the members of the Cab/ Councvl shculd con sa der the fallowing facts: In hvs Letter of Rpril 12, 19G5, to the City Co~incil, the City Engineer, Mr. Huhbs, made the follvwiny statements relative to our concerns: "The elimination of thru traffic movements on Thorough- bred will increase the concentration of traffic on parallel routes." "In general, it is desirable to di =_p erse traffic as much as pos si6l e, provide direct ar=vess and limit travel distances. Where traffic is concentrated, it should 6e on collector and arterial streets whvch are designed to buf 4er adjacent dwellvngs." "The impact of closing Thoroughbred will increase traffic on Gardenia and Fose6ud and to a lesser e>:tent vn Jenn et." These statements show clearly that the preferred solution is that all three east/west streets (i.e., J ennet, Thoreugtr6red, and Gardenia/R.esebud) should share eq~_ially in the tr affvc flaw. Neither Gardenia Avenue nor Rosebud Street is designed a=_ a collet *_or' or arterial street, yet they already have a problem with e::cessive traf Fic! Please note that Heath er o4 these streets have sidewal l: s, and thus there are almost always children playing in the street. Ela setl on an vnf or mal traffic survey, we are of the 6 elief that 75 tv G~~ percent of the traffic entering and leavino Rosebud at Sapphire vs non-resident, "through" traffic. Contrary to a statement made in Mr. Hobbs' letter, about 50 percent or more of this throuyh tr effic __ due tv the _=_idenc a=_ tv fhe nvrthw_st of our areas whose streets cemmunicatz directly with the northern portion of Tur'quoase Avenue. Messrs. Gemec, Mi l;els. et al City of Rancho Cucamonga March I5, 19G5 F age Three _. Piscussa on !Continued): __________ ____________ This through traffic shows little inclination to observe the 25 mph residential speed limit, let al on= the 15 mph implied limit for the blind corner at the inter =_ectien of Turquoise and Gardenia Avenues. 5o far this year, two out-of -control vehicles have failed to mate the turn from 'furquei se onto Gardena a: each has ended uo Iwith substantial damage) on my ne>a-door neigh^or's lawn, halfway along a trajectory which ends up an my living rocm! I am currently working with Mr. John Martin, of the City Engineer's office on measures to reduce the danger of this corner. Clearly the City Council should not maV;e any decision which aggravates thic prn6lem. Failure by the City to have Thoroughbred Street com- pleted through to Sapphire Street wotrltl increase the response time of emergency vehicles responding to crises an the west end of Thoroughbred and surrounding areas. In particular, iC shoul^ be noted that any serious accident on Gardenia/ROSe6ud, which involves ai ther non-local traffic or emergency vehicles responding to non-local requests for aid, would almost certainly result in the City being held liable for faulty street design. Please no[e that many of the residents of our tract have signed a petition previously circulated by the Thoroughbred group. This was dune becausr„: (If we are all basically in support of their attempts to ensure that the Anacal tract is developed With the appropriate size and quality of homes, and ID the circulators of the Thoroughbred group's petition failed to mention the negative effect that closing of Thor o;.;gh6red would have on traffic on Gardenia/Rosebud. I have included this paragraph at the specific request of many of those who signed the enr.losed petition, as they voiced a common concern that The City Council might misunderstand their endorsement of the earlier petition. Messrs. Gomez, Mikel s, et al City of Fancho Cucamonga March I5, 1985 Page Four ._. Sgecafic F.eguests_ In view of the above censiderati on s, we ma{;e the following specific requests: The City Council should concentrate on the real issue 04 the Thoroughbred group's appeal, namely: The developer of the Rnacal tract should 6e made to ensure that new homes are designed, and executed, with a size and level of quality which is compatible with the exi sling homes in the surrounding area. The new Hunterfaeld Estates should be specifically e>:cluded from the compatibility criteria, as they are already substandard for the area. The City Council should avoid any solution to the problems of the Thoroughbred group which fails to relieve the er.i sting traffic problems on Gardenia Avenue and Rosebud Street. Clearly the only fair solution with regard to traffic is that Jenn et, Thoroughbred, and Gardenia/ftosebud should all share equally in the flow of east/west traffic. Flease note that the signatures on the enclosed petition represent appro;:imately 2 1/2 times the number of voters as reside an the western pmrticn of Thoroughbred Str eet~ as such our concerns certainly have as much right to fair and thorough con =_ider alien as those of the original protest group. Than4; you for your time and attention in this matter. Sin/c/~e/~rely:/J Alan R. Tibbetts :,, ;.~ - - -:- ?. - ---- ~ . ti<, - -- m ~ ~ 4 .__. --- `~- a _ 'a 4 \Y W - V o _._ ___" > ~ }2 ~ V~~ ~ -' I az= 2 F- ~ . 8~ o-/ ~ ~^ Q Y _.-_-__~ ---- ~-___ .~~'--_'_l `~i ~, N __ ___ LAWS _ r ~i ~ I 5 ------ --- ~ °~~ ' - -- -- I -- -iu ~ :. f 1... - __ ~..x.;. - -I x -_ _ ._ ;~i~ n _ iu - F a /~ 1 is i ^ _ J it ~ -- / - - ~ ~ 1 . -....- - ~-~----~ ~~ - - ~ , ~ ---- ~ ~ ---- • _ Q i ~---~, ~, _ r^ _ -- ------ --_ -J ------ z :., __, _ _ ~~ _-- --_ ..~.-,a-. - _ ~,- , J ~ ~ _- -_~ -- _._ ~ -- ...-- ~ o - --- _ § - - - c ~ ~ ,; ~ - --- - - ~ ,~ 'z -- ; • ,~ r„ J - - _ ' '. : +3~ a ;It~:l; Patition to t!-~e C:i ty Counci 1 of the City of Fear-~~!-~o Cttc amor~ga April 2u.1455 We, the re=_.dsnts o? 3arden>e. gvenue and kosebuci Street, have ~-:at[hed wl th alarm the =_teadi2y crow: rq amou r.t pf throuph tr of?xc which daily passe=_ through our streets as a result of the cempletivn a.r.d vper.i nu of the lever port. on of Tur qu-~x se Avenue at the We=_t. end of Gardenia gvsnue. This "non-l ~c..1" traffic is not limited tv the new e=_idents locatsd vn 'lh vrcughbred Street and Jen r.et. St..-eat to the North, but also inc l~_id e=_ a maker perticn of the traffic which ?eeCS into Tur^uv:se (,venue from the Plorthmest area of our City. This "non-l ecal" traffic is a clear and present danger to the l:~ies and eaf et•/ of cur chaldren, who are forced enty the =_trset by the l,i[!, of sidewalfa. We have waited patx ently for the streets immed: at ely to the north (Therouphbred and Jennet) to 6e completed through to Sapphire Street. :n actor dan[e wi kh the Ci b; 's long _kand: r.g master plan, so that they [puld carry their fair share of *_he ea=_t-west traff:[ :~:hi ch currently invades our street. We th er of ors petition the City Council to mandate that the "Anac al" tract STent ati ve Tract L?v~49~immed:at ely to our ner th be Bevel co ed ir. a manner so as to ensure that both Tharou ~6red g.. Street and Bennet Street carry their fair share of east-we=_t tr off:[ het•ween Turquoise Avenue and Sapphire Street. _ k/ ~ n Address ____<__ 79~7_~ ' ~~~~ ' - ------------- ~Crr - - --- ~~ -------------------- _~ 14S ~~e~nic. A~?~---- -------- _7_4~5_ GdR~EN.IA._AvE ~_____ 7.9.?S~C.cv c~lz..•.~o, _C?Ps.Q,-- ~.;~~ ~~:; .~T ~, il -- --- - - - -----=----------- d sb-- - ------- ----- - - - - --------------- _ ~i~3 kok~~L_ P eati ti on to tt-~e Ci tv Cour~ei 1 of the City of Rar-;cho Cucamonga April ~6. 1?85 W=, the re=_idents of Gardenia Avenue ar.d kose6 ud Street, have watched rn th. alarm the steadily gr cvn ng amount of through traffic whach daily pas =_es through our street=_ as a result of the c omnletien and epenina of the lower portion of Turquoise Avenue at the bleY. end of Gard envy Avenue. Th+s "r. er:-local" traffic is not limited to the new residents located en Th crcughbred Street and Cenr. s•t Street to the North, but also :^.cluda=_ a major per tion of the tra{{ic :rh+ch feeds into Turquoise avenue frmm the Northwest area of our City. This "r.en -local" traffic is a clear antl present danger to the lives and safety of our chv idren, who are forced into the street 6y the lac6 of sidewalks. 41e have o-+ai±ed patiently for the streets immediately to the north (Thoreuyhbrsd and .lennet) to 6e completed through to Sapphire Street. an accord ante with the City's longstanding master plan. so that they could carr'/ their fair share of the east-west traffic which currently im•ade=_ our street. lJe they of ere petition the City Council to mandate that the "Anac al" tract fTentati ve Tract IJ3 M9~immediat ely to our north be developed in a manner so as to ensure that both Thoroughbred Street ar.d Jennet Street carry their fair share of east-west traf{ic between ~urquoi se Avenue and Sapphire Street. ~Ia me Address ~7- 77- __~____' ~~7'=cv. ' ~ ~ ~L_//r~ - ~ 1l c'•i:. X ~; icy ..-t/ nvy__ /~/Tu Lr,-+±~ a~ ~:= - --- `-- --- -~~ t----~------ manPa--- --- -- X87_?--- ~~~2mw,lh. - ---- `- _ ~~1 fills=- ~~~.~b~_sr_A«~~-o~~ ~~4tlLL'kcl. - ------ 8/.~$ _~asl6U_G~ ~7t. ~~~.4r_l:A, yUr,,., t ~(.~-NLK. --~_lvtw~c>~a-%._. _. _~ir~d.x- ~@?~- -Q.c-~`a_:_~2rla. _. .~• _ r___ _____ _ ~FI "r'„'i4'_ rr` I Petition to the City Cou.incil of the City of Rancho Cucamonga April 26,1?BS We> the residents of Gardenia gvenue and P.osebud Street, have watched wi[h alarm the steadily growing amount of through traffic which daily passes through our streets as a result of the camel etivn and opening of the lower portion of Turquoise Avenue at the West end of Gardenia Avenue. This "nen-local" traffic is not limited to the new residents located on Thoroughbred Street and Jennet Street to the North. but also inclutles a major portion of the traffic which feeds into Turquoise Avenue from the Northwes! area of our City. This "non-local" traffic is a clear and present danger io the lives and safety of our children, why are forced into the street by the lac Y, of sidewal l: s. We have waited patiently for the streets immediately to the north (Thoroughbred and Jennet) to be completed through to Sapphire Street, in accordance with the City's longstanding master plan, so that they could carry their fair share of the east-west traffic which currently invades our street. We iheref ore petition the City Council to mandate that the "Anac al" tract (Tentative Tract 103 Y1)immediately to our north be developed in a manner so as to ensure that both Thoroughbred Scree[ and Jennet Street carry their fair share of east-west traffic between Turquoise Avenue and Sapphire Street. Name Address 1 //~~--- nca /n_ / Ild - °~L`__ --------------- ___ ____________y_____ _ _ Petition to the City CO~ancil of the City o~f Ran cF'io Cucamonga April 26,1985 we, the residents of Gardenia Rvenue antl posebud Streets have watched with alarm the steadily growing amount of through traffic which daily passes through our streets as a result of the completion and opening of the lower portion of Turquoise Avenue at the West end of Gardenia Avenue. Thts "n en-lvc al" tr affac is not limitetl to the new residents located en Thvrvuyhhretl Street and Jennet Street to the North, but also includes a major portico of the tr aff:c which feeds into Turquvi=e A•. en•-~e from the Northwest area of our City. This "nom-local" traffic :s a clear and present danger to the lives and safety of our children, who are forced iota the street by the iacVt of sidewal fps. Je have warted patiently for the streets immediately to the north iTh or ouyhbr ed and Jennet) to 6e cvmpl eted through to Sapphire Street, in accordance with the City's longstanding master plan so that they could carry their fair share of the east-west traffic which currently invades our street. We therefore petition the City Council to mandate that the "Anac al" tract tTentative Tract ltl3 H9~immediately to our north 6e developed in a manner so as to ensure that both Thoroughbred Street and Jennet Street carry their fair share of east-west traffic between Turquoise Avenue and Sapphire Street. RCdress _~~. ~~~ • ~ ..----...------ 581,-1G~yo~~¢-~~''--~~---- ~~~~?.~~~~ rte' - -fLL~ as~_~cza-~~r•--- Petition to the City Gour-~cil of the C3. ty of Raa r-~cho Cucamor~ga Aprii 6,1985 fie, the residents of Gardenia Avern~e antl ^:os ebud Street, have watched with alar n. the stead.ly growine ameu~~t of through traffic wM ch daily passes through our streets as a re=_ult of the completion antl opening o{ the lower ports en of Turquoise Avenue at the West end of Gardenia Avenue. This "non-local" traffic zs not limited to the new re=_adents l e~ated on Thoroughbred Street and Jennet Street to the North. but also include=_ a major portiere of the tra?'ic which seed=_ into ?urauoi=_e F.venue from the Northwest area of our Caty_ This "nnn -local" traffic is a clear and present tlanger to the lives and saf etv of our children. who are fenced into the street by the lacl; of =_i dewa3 {;s. We have waited patiently for the streets immetliately iv the north (Thoroughbretl and Jennet> to 6e completed through to Sapphire Street, in accordance with the City's longstanding master plan. so that they could carry their fair share of the east-west traffic which currently invades our street. We therefore petition the City Council to mandate that the "Anacal" tract (Tentative Tract 1U3491i mmed~ately to our north 6e developed ~n a manner so as to ensure that both Thoroughbred Street and Jennet Street carry their fair =_hare of east-west traffic between Turquoise Avenue. and Sapphire Street. Address -- ~-~,9 -- -~- ----- -$d7! -L--- ---- ------ -_~~--- --- --- -~~~~- - - -.~_qG. Z C tt; ¢ w F V Y O 1- V N w ~Z ~ ~ ~ -~ O c' nT W ~` ~ p~ a u ~ ~ ~ ~ O J 7 J ~ N W F- o j W c`. Z ~N U N O d ZJ n N K ,~ ¢ ~ ~ U ac ~- U N a y Q ;;~ va 'n~'nm O0a~0^la G) vp TL"v L -•-V _ `~~ .~. L Of Ll N ... "_ q U « N ~ J U L A C L ~ C J -a := =r viva row EccN a v ya n'. ... Cl ~_Jy J'"9-LL ~1pLn ';W Ja LO yLULNyO v l 1. C C v n N C C c u a m~ ^ N p u L r _ u v i y- v y .J N >. J U j= O L u C L J7 a y`. J~ ~ L J~~; n~ N U ~ ~~ ~ r ~ V J J r 1 N F L L- .n y i N L am? C J O L r L N Y n L] L ~ ~^^>^ ~ L r, C C j- v 'VU ~0~.-O fJ ~'_a NU OGUJp Un-`~L_ a V J C CNrf_ N a> ,n .qm ~_ur ~ n.. ..y La~o~n~_ w~rY Lr c~,~ 3E' 'n ~ vim C N ~ L U j Q u U rLn h ~ o W N .n E ~ p y 7 .. >, E~ .Lj E m n E p s? .% O~ ^' o -' N y ~` C _ '~ r. o- E Lv. ~' - E .` T J '3 ~ N V ~~ J ~ i~ ~~ ~ '3 uyi C r ~' u - U ~ a> a Y q. A N C n O r] J ~_ v !d ~ _ ~ vE ~u myL,., ~._ ~m10 m u Jm na u C m"-c u>L _ 9 J y J :J U ~_ e r r Y. :J :O i j r J~ .n = C f -~ J ~'nr ynr'.7 ~yJ yC)C9NC «p-iv Un` _ U A ~ C]- U rl L ~_ .- C i Y C ^ b r U r A C J r LCD .n'j r'la Ju L'`.y ~UL~J CL ^~ybJ 7~ O C-~`LJ CL O - a _^ _ ~ me _ u a o._>mu ~ V ~ ... • J U`. r O ~ p W Y p r L Gl L y O O ^- ._ L L n-u~ouu_LL_a «a a0 C u_I f> f-a ~G L~ ~ C a a~ .7 W N_ 'J U L N N .-' p L O F >a >~ vL.uc n'u' rGE mu ~^'^- u N ~ ~ ~ ~ -° v E v N u y ~ ~ L~ i~ f .' 0. O O ~~ ] U F p ] C y L ~N, L ] >U y L O L C p 610 N ._ O ~ rn ] y L L L a fl) ~' U y N U J C ^] v q _~ ~:: __ o YvQv d~ aci oNUt YU p C c a ac ~NLr a cL an m'«. ]n m ] N n fJ 0 0~ L Gl GL U~ O ~. r d_ a ~ V ~ L up. N ° ~o s c E v v a u pl > ._ y u ~~ N a n ] p F v m L y C C ; ~~ «p n m ~ ].a~ L N~ T« U C ~~ L ] >.~ O C m O EN]~yW r?L ~' «O up G LL'N ~ U L N ~ N v C J V N 10 y 9~ ~ u N n C Gal C~ N y. J L Z a N r L L e y A •'r f0 '- (i L n L a Z ;n~L~a>~ yC 60 ~~ LCD -NLj aO VAN ?,~_ > ~- > pcur m y Ca uC m ~v «EO ~~~ Ly E>.aa c ~.~ ~ U mac'- c y yy •>N rsou v> L aa>jo po vaa.C~m ¢.~u~d aG`+ .N aL ~~m'r~. d.p¢3N ~~ w ~ c m u. EC NE c F. I'o n° F E.o~ NcY ~^ u~ ii .~ ... L ' .D N L C v. J ' ~ r .+ Y .+ C J= J ~ l L p a I a ~ C C ~ O _ U C Y p T n °¢ J - ~ J U Q CJ J Jf ° j ,j 'n 3 ~ n _ ~ j _ U _ T ° G W ,a OJ ~~ N,~ jLL' ~ U C ~ ~L >« J L.._ ~ 3 'Y O E o C L._ ' ` ' c _ ~ F ~ ~ o CJ r~ G ~ N ? J ~' J ~ L G ~ - ~ T N ~ N_ C o 3 f N L a ~ a J O~ T N y T vi U C U i J L ~ ~ .. ~ J. L J C 1 U ] .~... a ' ~ 7 J 1 L l ~ . L . = ' .^_ m ?- F- z G v ~n ~ Wit- Uuv. inv ~.. a= l ~ Gu N C L I i - J~ U J_ T n _ _ - ~ .'.. r a I ~ ~ I I ~ r n~ 3J J U n l c~ J ,. ~ n U .~. _ _ ~ _ - ~ o J L ~ .- , N U L ` J J J '~ :l 'J ` > N I J T U '~ l L L ~~ C : J Y ' ~ v T ~ P 1 ^J j ~~ ~ O -. '] I ° `. ? > iL {i_ li. LL lLL C i1 .~ tL L _ 'A C ~ J L «- - ',/I a a U .~ N . C 9 C^ ~ .-.- U C U ClO C ~ x _~ ^ y ~j eau= ~aG y~~ ~~90 n :~ y :1 C _ o c 0 _ O L ~ ._ C nJ._ ~'~ .._ GJ CJ Na o L u m J •i `' L l C L~ a> y U •• N N C T 1 x ~ L rJ = C_ U _. J L ~9 L -« L N _T G. O u L _ V GU C C% G1W L'; ] ~ N N C _Y fJ Ol P °" U_%~ fJ tQ ti . U L V , ° ^NJ V L ~ c N~ w u A Y t0 N E ~ :_^ v E a G C N ° L ~ p rv" L E~ C G~ m u o>« E o O m L m ~ ° Y° IO L Uy n~ u vv _ .-.~ o»~ c gE Y cL y a « m O a ~. ' ~X9'.- A LU=y vui 109 C yAin rv_mLw ~ G m u ' L ^ ~' v . o~ ~ S z i: E c u u v0~= n x a L vry ~ ~~ ° O o:_ c u v Y> N W ~ E T N _ i o S~ q U C OL ? ' .' O p ~ U J L U r N~ '[ l a a q q_ Ol ` ; _ L • a E - a C L n ~ N l '~ N °'_: o J W i ~ J N ~ TL N N .- oiva~ U S d NQII a E E ? arn c~ n « t`i c O F-i3U °u°, 6 ~ '-.5 a~~i ` O;fl~ a U aV a a i ~ ° 1 ~ . __ ~ coo N- - rub ~^~~> ~ mL= .U? ~ TOy n~ ~•~ Lam- r .. J J`nCi Lpn 1 .~' ] J `~ _"~ 7 J J; v im ~ J O.J.. ;~ 7 J ~ C 1. L ~ N '~ a L -~ L U N; y .~ L J i] 9 V a ~ - 'J i J '-' J J J] 7 L~~ T.= f it .] .n .. L ti n Gy J 9'L U P L C n_ .] _ ~ ~ _~~ j `~ O 4 A 9 _ 'J '~ _ - _~ J L .J O_ J C l 'J U J r ~ U _' = -> T J_ ?. - y_ O J J ~ U - .n r> U L _ 1 n _ _] Gl `L n ] L YI a~~V D1~n 1 U._ J J C '1" C J n 'J I ^ 1.~ , " lL ~ J D n _ _ _ ~ _ ~ J _ ~ n - u L>~o'Jn ~'a-~ L ~ .] ? = a » 1L..L .. ~j 1~~9 J ~ J - .J.. J ..,0„ .9 9 - O L 9 ~n n 'n Lao ~U? u O a _ J U a i l VI y l L L _ _ c m L L O LL 9« O ~ ~~ L V~ F- c y .~ ac m ~~~ C N L y 7 L'n [ a •, C ~ O N.^ L d L n y L « U N ~.~¢~ ~~;~ntiU O U ~J ~_ ~ n n v l C19 J; y u n L 9.` n _ ~ O L 'n j L~ ; l ~'. r ~ u "J .J .n J 7 '7 'A .n U O StLL y 'J ~ J] y `_ A ~+U U.L L= J J J U q C a ~` a~ =~ _ O '^' ^' E ~ ~; =rL LJ A ~ :l ? J O v'1 ~ ^ > J O'er J 7 'J y ]~ ~` ~ = j U i 7 1 r 'J~~~ _]. ~ r... L ~ ~ O .n _ YI J 3i. u .9 ~ ~ •J> n VI ; s] J 9. .n G A L `O ^J ~ ~°- ~ O J 9 J u_ m ~, L• 'm N C u U •9 l L O L N :~ l"~ 7 U ~, F l a J~'1 C,_, C O~ ~ a J ~ J J.= ~ ~ •J 1 - n _ O y_.9`J~r ~ `~O U J a'. ~ U U r ~ ~ e J^ .J 7 .n l~ J j J _ ~ r J O .n. .~. .n ~ ,_- J.~ 9 ~J ~ J ~ T - ~ ~.iJ i~C jL: o - ] ~ ~ u O a F- a ~ .~ ; c 0= C 3 _ J i 7 .' L ~ ] 'n ~ _Jr J _~ _ J ~ L' i% a r L'_; J n -y F- U J ~ _1 ~ U ' .J. 9 y y' a - b O ~ J~ C 1 `~ C C p N' a N L j J L j O C n~ O J H C j O y r . L •j r 'S C ~' V . N ~• 'A ~ .N. O U J OO •_ L fUp U am Y'O ~ ~ .nd?. Z' V- J~ n Y N~ >- y C C N a r o °a E y.0 a a a a L ~L L La .La c.o `oL yN~:? oaLiE C O C U F N U a V N C ~ O y N >. > N l 'J >. C a - t u ~ _] ~ v ~'N D~ T` N y vl O U a 9 v C N- L 2H ~ o g y a o i~~ c~ F~ c L.u .~ Q > G j L ~ C y ~ O ~ ,n O v y ~ >, L L ^- _ L C_ - j 1 ~_ 1 .J. u L ." a 0 0 ._ .. 9 J L 9: J y >. .~ 7 J_ J j 'n . J .. - J i _ _- J r ~ L - `_' L 7 J u = J U O ~ 3 !j - ? L L _ i . 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Y a i ~ Q ~ c L L U ~.- Q ~ ~a c n `= "ov X~ ~^o`-^JJX.: ° n _. u _c. 3 y=cam :Ia, __T3 ~.n ~ =`ra 0.--_mn,.-7 u'a Y ~--~ .L ~ Ij ~''i _~ :J 'J n 3 I C C U ... ,n a Y `n - U C 4 ° L N f ~ 7 O L ~+ N a O~ 'n~-`~-~I~' ;= y.J37- Wa?-'J~=_ ~J~Ur YVa O > L, 71 ~ CJ 0> a c n - O l .~ a C r C n O a e .C p U_ .9 ~ n ._ A I aE n;n a~rn.'. o~ lil 3m n?6w> a~u ~S~G LL-c ~ L aw- `2`Kw- I'JV L O a N I° W I N~ I - L XnO> Jn >UaN.° ~C"-n nUC OL ~Omoi ^J J ODJT~p.n~ °.,,V-.C„ %'-=VCU1 -LLU7W~J L i~ ^ -J ~~- T U L W a •_ C ~ a L r? r r• ~ L > p a . D a - n yl ~ O 'O C rJ .•,>j O. 'J ~. n C 7 ~ 1. .n. '; r X, .~J. ° n ~ 'ul ~ U~ X_ /J t y ~ d N 7 7. O ++ ~ m ~+~_ ~ u cl c ~~o - ~ ~n ,E nc~c ~, - H' J L O p ~ N ~_ O J C J 3 O J a a p U O .. '~ r m `r " Y TY u .'u ~ ._ W a n v L T L ~ GI vmr o°~E'~ r. ~~c~ v ~Ey~•-o av 1-~.~j: 0e j mt N am c m . E .= :o'r x a v c o m ni a n,."~ •°Ein o=va ~° %E uE o~ U aE.o oaf ~ maN OLD ao ~ ~o>u~.a->oL'c ~Narrw orc> `ate yUL col i0 ~c9 u- a °'o >~.°. aa'° E ° a~ u u Erac o f ° c a ;o~~r u'a°o au~~o ~acu-9~c t p~'o v>, -yLU~c u .pa o ~ ~-c~::p ~~c 3~aa ~, f0 ar u~`-Em~yo9 o m~ :°.~ 'o a o o a v oN~3 a c'~ u B.L i U Ca LC Ear u'4 CL m.. m O 3 am Q1ma L a u a a o L c- _w > m> ~ 3 i 'S - E-« L m v o ~ o L? ear l a U L L Y 7 > r« ~ fJ > U D L C~ T j N° L T a 10 p r E m v a L m o L c c m ~ H` W L~ `~ L a v n c v c E- U L E~vai~ ~ WTr m: aN`o vE ip Ly n'CCaQ«~~ vl .L.r EC_= ~ EE a+ m-E c ca a~u«y ~ o a d loon °N E~ p ~ L L N D C n G O d C'n n ~ a„ m p N ° m° u a ~ rn a O LL ~ a~aWJ%a-p LUO`OT pUaylaCLC ylU aLCG10.~ a E E L~ E uc vv~ n s.. L`. rn~ ° a','n 'oNy c x LLOa "vEo~v.` c=c'vrn unLmd 'vc° a>.X aA9-~m'u ~ 3 au num L'm 'o .. -..a N'OL ~ ~E ES ~u la- F-aE« yma ~«+~ Q W C n J L '_ U _ U ~ ~ 3 :~ m wL. 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N s _ N y . _ - « I _ L I ~ J ~' .y 'i -Eu c ~ ~ ~ _ Z ~ « N` G L J O d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J C _ '~ I ~'~ 'v J 2' 6 Ul - U~ U OU ~ O L NUJ N ~ + F- 6 = ~ ~ _ V F- a • O = • • • • • • E ! " .. a a ~ o ~ i ~ ') J f y N V[ J O ~'-J N N ~`~ L ~_ O C m i C n U v C ~ ~ ~ .~ - LL N C y ~ C L ~ y ~ ~ J rn a a v d ~ c ~ ~~ u N v a m w N _ n n c y L J " a N [ ~ J ~ ~ >« N Tr C ~ IO .ar w N .O ' n vL o d ~ ,. n a t« n N L« m:^_ n Q m N~ ~ N 01 a ~~ d ~ o t: u - C m m a u u ~ J ~ d L v N D N C N N ~ 3 '~ J ; 01 ~ > ` ~ [ N u ~ 9 _ [ 01 [ m n J C a n r > a U O~ ` C ~ iJ L ~ n l ~ ° a ~ c O ~ o >, N J C d o v E ~ N ~ ' u J E a ~ C C N N ._ L o c ,n « ~ L E L N d z C n r ¢ v ~~ Q V U Q ,LC O E o ° O `c o j r G K L ~ C] V1 J Z fV DeBOnis JAMES J. G MAflGAPET E. DEBONIS 8078 Thoroughbred St. Enterprises Alta Luma, CA. 91707 Incorporated 1420 S. 5lgnal Drive. Pomona, CA 91766. (714) 623.8640 May 2, 1985 MAYOfl JON MIKE LS CITY OF flANCHO CUCAMONGA P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 91730 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Thoroughb retl Street, I wish Lo thank you Anil the City CouneilmemDers Cor your careful consitlera Lion of our Appeal Lo Trace 810349 last night and for your positive response to Chet Appeal. We feel the communication be tw eon the Council and their constltuen is fs open and LhaL positive steps Nave now been Laken to move ell concerned parties in the ri ghL di recLiun. We would like to comment on a topic which has again and again surfaced in meetings with Mr. Marquard, but never direr Lly aJdressetl by our neighDorhootl. We feel Lhat very disparaging remarks have been made in the past and [hen again last night Dy Mr. Maryuard. Adtli tionally, the gentleman who represented the landowner for Lhe prn perty bring tlrvelupetl also re panted thnnr o;lmc rrmnri; ~~.! These 1'Gmarka Hl'rC: "Gary Miller overbuilt for Lhe area" "Ge ry Miller uverpricetl his homes" "The Miller homes were taken Dack by the bank because they were overpriced for the aria" "This city has no place fur higher income housing, 5o we can't profit Dy building better quali Ly" We Lake excepLi un Lo Chose remarks and find them, quite frankly, insul tf ng...not only to ourselves, as an owner of a Miller home, but also to the Clty oC Rancho Cucamonga! Firstly, Gary Miller's homes were taken back by the bank. BUT, the economfc climate oC that time was DEPRESSED. We were fn the mSdst (nationwide) of the worst repression since the Great Depression. Many, many Builders went out of business, including !. h.. Bu llders of !JU: Mark III homes, who prao tically single-handedly ::u;1L Uplbnd! I would be willing to Det Chat the Plara Builder people were associ- ated with tom panir.s whb were on the brink of ewnomic failure. It surprises me that Mr, Ma rquar'd can Dr. so insor,s i',i ve Lo a feiiow- builder. 2C the Miller homes had De~:n completed 18 months carlir,r, we would guess Lhat [he northwest arer, of Cucamonga would now be built up with thr.se home:;,,,;ind pr~n'i nC it.l ttl.lea;;!.1 'I'hornar!hhrod ,H,lNld be completed, as wail as the areas now developed by Mayfair and Page 2 May 2, 1985 T0: MAYOR JON MIKELS Hunte rfield. IL wasn't just Cary Miller who went broke, but even builders of low-income housing went under. It was NOT xn SntlicaLOr of the builder's workm anshlp, pricing of the homes, or LOCATION, but was an overwhelming sign of the times. How could Mr. Marquartl conveniently forget this? The Insinuations that "the area" end "this city" is not fit, not OeslraDle enough, for Miller homes, ur those in their price range was Insulting and intolerable, as far as we are concerned. Yet, T am certain that these proposed homes will be marketed with Lhe idea that they are in a "gootl area" anU specifically, that they are NE%T La the MILLER HOMES! We feel that as the Design fleview Committee looks at the proposed develu pm ent as they suggest upgrad irig, they should Keep in mind chat it is the CI7Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA who will set Che Lone for our area. They should question the motives of this Builder who, through his disparaging remarks and poor workmanship li.e. Hunter- field Estates) has sentenced this city to medioc rl ty! What makes an area desirable? When one thinks oC the desirable areas of Southern Calico rnia, the cl ties of Beverly Hills, Roiling Hills, Ananeim Hills, Villa Park, CSxremont and the like coma to mintl. Why? Because these areas were PLANNED and STANDARDS WERE $ET BY 1'HE CITY that attr•acLed quality builders to develop Lhe area. Why can't we want a desirable area for Cucamonga? Is this a shameful request? NO! What 1s shameful 15 a builder whn would ~„ome into our area, build poor-quality homes using the nei phbo ring quality homes to sell for a fat profit! Then the builder :;kip:: town, leaving angry residents in his wake. Shame on us if we allow this to happen! The homes now s1LUaLeO in norLhw est Cucamonga, includ;ng LYie Miller homes, Lhe Mark III homes and the Mayfair homes arc FINE add i~tions to this community and are an asset. 'f he Hunted field "Estates" were a sad mistake. Let's don't let Lhis builder get to us again. We have to set Lha standard and adhere to 1t. Thank you again for your continued steps towards a POSITIVE resolu- tion of Che situation. We desire a posi Cf ve growth for this wmmunity and will wntinur. our effur !.5 1n Lhe same direction! flespe<tfulLy, (-Jl~r'rl C1. n.. (, L~f!.L `/)i(!. 1'~~1'('(~4C. .:, .: ,{gym and Margaret "D eBonis cc: Councilmembers: R. DRHL, J. KING P. WAIGHT, C. BUGUE'f L. Wasserman, City t-0anager R. Gomez, City Planning J. Markman, City Attnrncy xh;b~t ,; ~~ TOE: flANCHO CUCAM ONGA CITY COUNCIL AE: TPAC7 X10349 I object to the apFroval by the Poncho Cucamonga Planning Commission of Tract Xi0349. The tract, as presented Dy Plaza Builtlers and approved by the Planning Commission, tloes not conform with the size, visual appeal and value of the Burro unding homes, and therefore, detracts from the value of the existing homes. As a homeowner Sn this area, I support an effort to file an indepth Environmental Impact Aeport concerning Tract 10349 and it's Socio- Economic effect upon my neighborhood. My signature below constitutes a personal request on my behalf for careful consideration Dy our City Council regarding Tract X10349 and it's effect upon our neighborhood. flespec tfully submitted, NAME: pDDAESS 7..~/~CK ~, A,~OTC- Pl~G Sf 1~C sd.K.C'Ea .ST l1L7Jl i,o//10 z . ! die "~`~ C i/r/~~~9 ~O ~Y Y/ioia;.,/,~xQ ..()! ~/fcComt ~, , .'l~ui~i . ) . ~~-deter ~O`,7~ ~~1~*ux-/l~t.EC~~~ CLC~n.l~Io_aJ ~~ l' ~~~l, ~ I,Gr~.IA it.` ~t,~-- v~ 18. ~mF 4~~ ~X~~ ~I239 ,~`'~~.~ ~ . S/ ~S! ylla- ~ T0: PANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL flE: TflACT X10349 I object to the approval by the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission of tract X10}49. The tract, as presented by Plaza Builtlers and apprevea 6y the Planning Commission, does not conform with the size, visual appeal ane value oC the surrounding homes, and therefore, detracts from the value of the ezSsting homes. As a homeowner in this area, I support an effort to file an indepth Environmental Impact Report concerning Tract 70349 and its Socio- E<onomic effect upon my neighborhood. My signature below constitutes a personal request on my behalf for careful consideration 6y our City Council regartling Tract N70349 and 1 is effect upon our neighborhood. ~ x 9'~ T% a ~- > '15 ~~a-~Ci ~~ i~~~i~ ~47r ,-,~-s~~,- 8 ~9 s ~u,„~.-Q,.. ADDRESS: ~(f ~`3S~ -1sy~~4`~ -~~/Zy T~N.~-><- s. ~. Ll<«c~i~1:~4- Noll a~rvty<T T O•: RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL RE: TAACT X10349 I object co the approval by the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission oC Tract X10349. The tract, as presented by Plaza Builtlers and approved by the Planning Commission, does not conform with the size, visual appeal and value of the surrounding homes, and therefore, detracts from the value of the existing homes. As a homeowner in Lhis area, I support an effort t.o Cile an indepth Environmental Impact Report concerning Tract 10349 and it's Sociu- Economic effect upon my neighDOrhood. ADDRESS: / o ~~ ~ T 8// S ~31y'~d~tl~-~1 I 4s~s'] ~,~a~ AlTio La~•~ .. ., q ,. . . • r~~~' "'dam w 4' 8/ 451 ~l~.d Sr '• ` My slgnatur_ below constitutes a personal request on my behalf for careful consideration Dy our City Council regarding Tract X10349 and it's of tect upon our neighDO rhood. Respectfully submitted, TO': flANC HO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL PE: TRACT I10349 I ob,}ect to the approval Dy the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission of Tract N10349. The tract, as presentetl by Plaza Builders and approved by the Planning Commission, does not conform with the size, visual appeal and value o[' the surrounding homes, and therefore, detracts Crom the value of the existing homes. As a homeowner in this area, I support an effort to file an ir.depth Environmental Impact Deport concerning Tract 10349 and it's Socio- Economlc effect upon my nelghDOrhood. My signature below constitutes a personal request on my behalf for careful consideration Dy our City Council regarding Tract 410349 and it's of t'ect upon our neighborhood. ADDRESS: ~3e6n 6~ .d~~t,.a ti ~G~_ ~y,Ys d'~ tI~ /~~P « ~ Q~'~~~ ( / SO'~~` ~G~' 1/ S~ GT ~ oar! 5`3 3 ~ ~ c. /. 9 v o , t9 / ""ems ~//~' ~ . { 5 ~.Z~ /n,c~ tn /'~V C~ ~~Ta LO HG s9d7% ~~0 ~>~ ,~~ ~`~ ~~ ~o. S 7a 7 ~~/ ~ ~ ~,~," ., . ~ld~~ ;n,A P~ 573`i / 1hd~ .`qu fl~~ ) A/+4 (.,unrVl.~q 2Y~ 3 'JennO"~ {'fin L-.~„"..,/ ~/,A / '19 83 5~,~,.pd ~ a~~a. (..M.r a 91-1-1 flespec tf idly suDmlttetl, T O': PANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL flE: TppCT X10349 I object to the approval Dy the poncho Cucamonga Planning Commission of Tract X10349. The tract, as presented by Plaza Buil tle rs and app rovetl by the Planning Commission, does not conform with thr size; ~~~~~. ap,eal and value of the surrounding homes, and therefore, detracts from the value of the existing homes. As a homeowner in this area, I support an effort Lo file an indcpth Environmental Impact peport concerning Tract 10349 and it's Socio- Economlc effect upon my neighborhood. My signature below constitutes a personal request on my behalf for careful consideration by our City Council regarding Tract X10349 and it's effect upon our nei ghborhootl. pespectCully submitted, c ~- ~ ~ i ~~ i go7~ Q, ~ ~ l~ ~ Gn tl ~.n u • t ~ ~ ~91ti' A Cep gfJB Y %u,,,(, ~g~o "7~,5-d o ~~/~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~$~~ ~LJtrjVo,`,c GIJa- ~ Cl ~{[. ~-1M'~i NAME: ADDpESS: T0: AANCUO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL RE: TAACT 410349 I abject to the approval by the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission of Tract x10349. the planning The tract, as presented by Plaza Builders and approvedeal and value of Commission, does not conform with the size, visual app the surrounding homes, and tae refore, der^,cts from Lhc value of the exis ti.ng Humes. Envi ronmcutalr Im pac t1fleporL~c.o ncePn~nB Trac Cf 10349oandl ita's Sooiotn Ecucom :.c effer,t upon my neighborhootl. My sidnature below constitutes a personal request on my behalf for careful considers Lion by our City Council regarding Tract x10349 and it's effeot uoun our neighborhood. Respectfully submitted, NAME: O,_ ~/.f li~s,~°i N A 3. ~ ADDRESS: / -S~Ob ~ g t?b `~ l.HoRCUpNRR&~ S. ACr14 (Jri~Y onoa iC ./~- llG~a ~e-w~a__------.- ~ i i /. ~~ ~ O ~D ~Ti~o f I . i Q'~rJ6 ,t~h(e ro,i h6re t~ S~. /, I'~l. ~-Omw ~~Q3 tF.e ~l.k're<n ll~~'b 1.~,~,,. A"YY7 C~,-rw, ~~~i~o~ Ci,el. Ce----- 3'XO7 (' it/! ~,:,•.~ ~'.~ x~S6 wt~s~ ~Y. ac'ir, ~ ~ TOi RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL RE: TRRCT (10349 I ohject to the approval Dy the flancho Cucamonga Planning Commission of Tract 110349. The tract, as presented by Plaza Builders and approved by the Planning Commission, does not conform with the size, visual appeal and value of the surrounding homes, and the refore ,.~d etracts from the value of the ezlsting homes. As a homeowner in Ch is area, I support an effort to f31e an indepth Envl ronmental Impact Aeport concerning Tract 10349 and it's Socio- Economlc effect upon my nelghDarhood. My signature below constitutes a personal request on my Dehalf for careful consideration Dy our City Council regarding Tract (10349 and it's effect upon our nelghDO rhood. Respectfully submitted, ADDPESS: r J L;7 R ~ Q h tL~~ L~ L(,~(ti J.~ maJ ft7P0 R~ule~ C~ ('lcF4. (/730 9H,~x c~,DrruXa a<.,t Cp~_ ~X.a,,,a~ l~ 814 /l yr,4~#~-, CL2Lc ~°A,•~,~ e. a~ 9: ~ S.~o7 /YlFSa>lu_ S!. ~cvp Lom C.. '1'0: PANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL AE: Tfl ACT 410349 I ubJect to the approval Dy the Rancho Cuc amunga Planning Commission of Tract A'10349. 'Ihe tract, as presented by Plaza Builders and approved 6y the Planning Commission, tloes not conform with the size, visual appeal antl value of the surrounding homes, and therefore, detracts from the value of Lhe exlsti ng homes. As a homeowner Sn this area, I support an effort to file an indepth Envirunmen tai Impact Report concerning Tract 10349 antl it's Soclo- Economlc effect upon my neighborhood. My slgnatu re below constitutes a personal request on my Dehalf for careful consldera lion Dy our City Council regartling Tract 10349 and it's effect upon our neighborhood. Respectfully submitted, ADDRESS: ~' Yrr/ ~'I/f~~l'i~ ~. 8387 [~rrso.~ C-~ . %~i~,2 ~~.,,, ~~ qq ~~ ~~ 7~3~ '~G~iiso C c $3 SO W t4Se.. C$- 6~Yz< ~ 15. B. ~ - ~C TO': AANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL AE: TAACT /10349 I obJect to the approval by the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission of TracC 110349. The tract, as presented Dy Plaza Builders and approved by the Planning Commission, does not conform with the size, visual appeal and value o[' the surrounding homes, and therefore, detracts from the value of the existing homes. As a homeowner in this area, I support an effort Lo file an intlepth Environmental Impact fleport concerning Tract 10349 and it's Socio- Economlc effect upon my neighborhood. My signature Delow constitutes a personal request on my behalf cor careful consideration Dy our City Council regarding Tract 110349 and it's effect upon our neighborhood. flespec tf idly submitted, NAME: ADDRESS: 2. ~ ~y,~ ~'lit.~-1~ d! 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. t0. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. TOi RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL AE: TRACT 110349 I object to the approval by the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission of Tract Y10349. The tract, as presented Dy Plaza Builders and approved by the Planning Commission, does not conform ri th the size, visual appeal and value of the surrounding homes, and therefore, detracts Crom the value of the existing homes. As a homeowner in this area, I support an effort to file an intlepth Environmental Impact Report concerning Tract 10349 and IC's Socio- EconomSt elf act upon my neighborhood. My signature Delor constltut¢s a personal request on my behalf for careful consideration by our City Council regarding Tract 110349 and it's effect upon our neighborhood. Respectfully submitted, NAtq t. ~~ l > ,G_ 3 . ~i ADDRESS: ~i = ~, :~ ~~G l~lr v 6 8 9. 10. 11. 12. 14 17. CITI' OF R~1YCH0 CtiCA~IOSGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 1, 1985 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: APPEAL BY THE ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS ON THOROUGHBRED TR OF THE PLANN I4G COMMI SION'S DELI ION APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT 0349 HISTORY: The project site had a previously approved subdivision for 58 sinTe famf ly custom lots, whfch expired January 14, 1985. This previous tract had four floor plans proposed that range from 2,800 square feet to 3,400 square feet with traditional elevations (see Exhibit "C"). The present developer had resubmitted a new subdivision of 53 lots where 5 iots were eliminated in order to comply with the current Code in areas of setbacks, density, and minimum net lot average of 22,500 square feet. BACKGROUND: The residents on 7000 to 8000 black of Thoroughbred Street have requested an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision approving Tentative Tract 10349 (see attached letters). The Planning Commission, in order to address and mitigate the concerns of the residents regarding neighborhood and architectural incompatibility, imposed an additional condition to ensure neighborhood compatibility by requiring architectural revisions in a transitional area of 10 lots immediately adjacent to the existing single 'amily homes. Attached for your review and consideration is the Planning Commission Staff Report, Conditions, and minutes of the meeting of March 27, 1985. One of the concerns of the adjacent property owners was the increase in traffic with the extension of Thoroughbred Street. To mitigate such impact, the residents proposed that the City considers the closing of Thoroughbred Street into a cul-de-sac. According to the City traffic engineer, the travel mode for this area is toward the south and east direction. The extension of Thoroughbred Street to connect to Sapphire Street is necessary fdr traffic efficiency and far dispersal of traffic which is presently concentrated on existing parallel routes such as Gardenia Avenue and Rosebud Street. Attached for your review is the City Engineer's memo of April 12, 1985 to the City Council regarding this subject. In addition, the Foothill Fire District standards do not allow cul-de-sacs which exceed 600 feet in length, because of delay in their response time and the availability of water supply, per the attached letter. 19C' ~~casr~~ y, G j -. _ ~ a,:~> ;r t > "x ~. /'/'+' CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Appeal by Adjacent Property Owners/TT 10349 May 1, 1985 Page 2 The residents proposed to purchase and donate two lots of TT 10349 for the development of a "POCxet Park" at the eno of Thoroughbred Street cul-de-sac. According to the Community Service Director, the City's standards for a neighborhood park is a minimum of 5 acres. Attached for your review and consideration is the Rpril 15, 1985 Staff Report from the Comnun ity Service Department to the Parks Development Commission. SUMMARY OF NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING: On April 11, 1985, a neighborhood meeting was held for the developer to receive input and address those concerns raised by the residents. Outlined below are the issued raised 6y the property owners and responses 6y the developer: In response to the residents' concern regarding the front elevations of the 5 lots on both sides of Thoroughbred Street, the developer agreed Co redesign the front elevations in terms of color palette and facade materials to Drov ide compatibility with existing residences. However, regarding the front yard black walls and front yard landscaping as requested 6y the property owners, the developer did not promise that these requests would be fulfilled due to the added cost it would place on the entire project and the sales prices of the homes. The residents also requested that they 6e provided with the cost of the 2 lots on Thoroughbred which they would like to purchase for a development of a park. The developer responded that he could not provide a cost figure until more detailed plans are developed. The developer agreed with the request that construction traffic would not he routed through the existing residential streets. However, in response to the request that Thoroughbred Street be redesigned into a cul-de-sac, the developer advised that the City would have to decide on this issue. NDATION: The Planning Commission recommends approval of the with conditions based upon the findings contained within the ion. suhmitted, RG:NF:ns /yr CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Appeal by Adjacent Property Owners/TT 10349 May 1, 1985 Page 3 A[tachmen is: Planning Commission Staff Report - March 27, 1985 Planning Commission Minutes - March 27, 1985 Planning Commission Resolution of Approval with Conditions City Engineer Memo to City Council - April 12, 1985 Letter from Foothill Fire District - April 23, 1985 Park Development Commission Staff Report - April 15, 1985 Exhibit "A" -Examples of Existing Homes on Thoroughbred Street Exhibit "B" - Examples of Front Block Nalls Exhibit "C" - Previous Tract Map and Elevations Exhibit "D" - Tentative Tract Map Exhibit "E" - Equestrian Trails Plan Exhibit "F" - Detailed Site Plan and Conceptual Grading Exhibit "G" -Elevations and Floor Plans Exhibit "H" - Previous Tract and Elevations Appeal Letter w/Addendum from Residents on Thoroughbred Street Letters from Residents on Thoroughbred Street ~v~ 3-z1-8s PLANNi~I~ CoMMi~S~oN K~PO~t , con~TioNs # M~Nut~s ~v7 r ~ STAFF REPORT ,s`~u,"~'`^ '~ 9 2, 1 C ;rJ1K~/`~~ 1 Y `Y~[GJ, `~.~ - ~ l 19' GATE: March 27, 1985 T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ANO TENTATIVE TRACT 10349 - ANACAL - A tgta residential deve opment of 3 single a~t milt' lots on 33.2 acres of sand in the Very Low Residential District (1-2 du/ac), located west of Sapphire Street, south of Jennet Street - APN 1043-121-3, 1062-161- 01, and 1062-011-3. I. PROJECT AHD SITE DESCRIPT [ON: A. Action Requested: Approval of subdivision map, site plan, elevations and issuance of a Negative Declaration. 8. Purpose: Construction of 53 single family homes. C. Location: West of Sapphire Street, south of Jennet Street. D. Parcel Size: 33.2 acres. E. Ex istinq Zoninq; Very Low Residential District (1-2 du/ac). F. Ex istinq Land Use: Vacant, dead citrus groves. G. Proposed Density; 2 du/ac. H. Surround in Land Use and Zon in North - ing a ami y omen; Very Law Residential District South - Single family homes; Very Low Residential District East - Single family homes; Very Low Residential District Nest - Single family homes; Very Law Residential District I. General Plan Desi nations: roj ect ite - Very Low Residential, 1-2 du/ac North - Very Low Residential, 1-2 du/ac South - Very Low Residential, I-2 du/ac East - Very Low Residential, 1-2 du/ac West - Very Low Residential, 1-2 du/ac ITEM [ iv9 PLANNING COMMISSiO' 'AFF REPORT Tentative Tract 10 - Anacal March 27, 1985 Page 2 J. Site Characteristics: The subject site is vacant and slopes to the southeast at approximately 5%. Vegetation consists of shrubs and citrus orchards, with most of the citrus trees in a decayed state. The south property boundary has a row of Eucalyptus windrow which should be preserved. II. ANALYSIS: A. General: The project site had a previously approved subdivision for 58 single family custom lots, which expired January 14, 1985. The developer has resubmitted a subdivision of 53 lots with basically the same design as the previously approved tentative tract. The new site plan complies with the current Code in areas of setbacks, density, minimum net lot average, and lot sizes. The net density for this project is 2 du/ac. The developer has proposed three floor plans ranging from 2,000 sq. ft. to 3,000 sq. ft. with three variations to the front elevations. B. Desi n Review Committee: The Design Review Committee has recommended approva o the project provided the following improvements be made, which the developer has agreed to: 1. Provide two level decorative wall, such as stucco, and slumpstone, and landscaping on Lots 53 and 1 for streetscape compatibility along Sapphire Street. 2. Provide community equestrian trail on Sapphire Street. C. Technical Review Committee: The Technical Review Committee has reviewed the project an determined that with the recommended Conditions of Approval the project 15 consistent with the applicable standards and ordinances. D. Trails Committee: The Trails Committee has reviewed the pro ect an made the following recommendations: (See Exhibit ..F~~ 1. Provide a 20 foot dedicated community trail along the northerly property boundary. 2. Provide a north-south local feeder trail hetween Lots 40 and 43, Lots 34 and 37, and a north-south trail westerly of Lots 31 and 32. 3. Provide a combined local feeder trait width of 15 feet between Lots 19 and 23 and Lot 47 and 18. /Y9 PLANNING COMMIS$[0~ AFF REPORT Tentative Tract 10349 - An acal March 21, 1985 Page 3 4. Provide trail crossing with non-slip texturized pavement between Lots 18 and 47, with the trail on the west side of Lot 47. 5. Provide a community trait on Sapphire Street within the established right-of-way and the requ led street trees shad he placed on private property. Environmental Assessment: Part I of the Initial Study has been completed by the applicant. Staff has completed Part II of the Environmental Checklist and determined that no significant environmental impacts will occur as a result of this project. A copy of the Part II Environmental Checklist is attached for your review and consideration. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS; The project is consistent with the General an and~i- --Development Code. The project will not be detrimental to adjacent properties Or cause significant adverse environmental impacts. In addition, proposed use, building design, and site plan together with the recommended Conditions of Approval are in compliance with applicable provisions of the Development Code and City Standards. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised in The Daily Report as a p~--~ ub fic hearing item and notices have been sent Co property owners within 300 feet of the project site. To date, no correspondence has been received either for or against the subdivision map, V. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission issue a Negative Declaration and approve Tentative Tract Map 10349 through ad Lion of the attached Resolution and Conditions of `ApprovaL:~ tted, :NF:ns Exhibit "A" -location Map and Land Use Exhibit "ll" -Site Utilization MaD Exhibit "C" -Natural Features Exhibit "D" -Tentative Tract Map Exhibit "E" -Equestrian Trails Plan Exhibit "F" - Detailed Site Plan and Conceptual Grading Exhibit "G" -Elevations (16) Initial Study, Part II Resolution with Conditions of Approval ~~ 0 EXCERPT - PLA~'JN[NO COMMISSION MINUTES - MARCH 27, 7985 I. ENV IRO'1MENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 10349 - ANACAL - A total residential development of 53 single family lots on 33.2 net acres of land in the Very Low Residential District (1-2 du/ac), iocated west of Sapphire Street, south of Jennet Street - APN 1043-121-3, 1062-161-1, and 1062-011- 3. Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner, reviewed the staff report. Chairman Stout referred to the Condition requiring the provision of a two level decorative wall such as stucco and slumpstone and advised he could not recall discussion of slumpstone at the Design Review Committee meeting. He suggested that the requirement for slumpstone be stricken from the condition. Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. Tim Marqu ard, 3187 Airway, Costa Mesa, stated concurrence with the staff report, Resolution and conditions of approval. Commiss inner Barker asked what the square footage and proposed price range would be for the project. Mr. Marqu ard replied that the square footage would range from 2000 to 2500 square feet and would estimate the price range to be in the neighborhood of 5175,000. Commissioner Ch it Tea expressed concern wf th the side and rear elevations and stated that that they looked very blank in the drawings. Mr. Marquard replied that the elevations would look different when buflt. - Rick Gomez, City Planner, advised that corner elevations or 2-story elevations with public exposure would be conditioned in the Standard Conditions attached to the Resolution. The following individuals spoke in opposition to the with decreasing ro e t l project based on concerns p p r y va ues as a result of Thoroughbred if a through street and therefore the project, traffic on reco be designed as a cul-de-sac, increased crime lack mmended that Thoroughbred of i i , yard landscaping, and compatibility with surrounding prov s ons for front neighborhood. Jim Anderson - 8093 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Al Moracek - 8020 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Cindy Busey - 8048 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Cindy Oavfs - 8031 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga John Bose - 1954 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga John Ball - 7966 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Harry Overlock - 1994 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Skip Davis - 8031 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga John Hazelrigg - 8019 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Kathleen Sager - 8025 Thoroughbred -Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission Minutes -7- March 21, 1985 /S/ Wayne Sager - 8025 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Larry 81155, 6634 Carnelian, Rancho Cucamonga, addressed the Commission in support of the project. Mr. Bliss advised that Thoroughbred is a water carrying street and was intended to eventually go through. He also stated that the residents of Jennet and Rosebud would probably like to see some of the traffic removed from their streets and not have more traffic placed on them as a result of making Thoroughbred a cul-de-sac. Cal Quaral, Anac al Engineering, advised that the street pattern of this project is the same one which was orfginally approved by the City for the previous application. He pointed out that if the tract had recorded in December, it would be going in with this same street pattern. There were ne further comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Chitiea stated that the people an Gardenia and Rosebud probably have the same concerns as those expressed during the public hearing. She further stated that it was not fair to the residents who live on Rosebud and Gardenia to have all of the traffic routed through their streets to Turquoise. She stated that she could appreciate the concerns expressed, but would have to consider the other residents who would also be affected. Commissioner Barker stated that the street patterns are the same as when the existing houses were first built and are part of an overall design Drogram. He further stated that the exf sting neighborhood has a specific design personality, and it was his opinion that the proposed project is income ati6le. Additionally, he was not comfortable with a shift in design styles mid-block and was concerned with the house square footages as proposed. Commissioner Rempel agreed that Thoroughbred Street has to be a through street and advised that the street would be over the 600-foot minimum limit of for a cul-de-sac. Additionally, drainage would be a problem if Thoroughbred didn't go through. He further stated that staff and the Design Review Committee could work with the applicant to come up with designs compatible with the surrounding area and address the transition issue and suggested that the first five or six lots on the north and south sides would make a reasonable transition. Mr. Marqu and replied that the color palette could he changed to be more compatible with the area, but he would have a problem with a redesign. He advised the project had been before the various review committees and had met all of the standards set. Commissioner Rempel stated that he did not Intend that a major fascode change needed to be accomplished, only that the Design Review Committee and staff could work with him nn ways to make the homes on those lots more compatible with the existing neighborhood. Planning Commission Minutes -8- March 27, 1985 /S1 Mr. Marqu and stated that to the west of this project is one which has Cape Code architectural styling, which he considered a major change. Further, that he would not be opposed to blending the color palette to achieve a more Country Traditional look, but did not feel that new developers should be penalized for a small group of homes which already exist in one specific area and De required to redesign their projects. Commissioner Chitiea stated that she would prefer to see 10 lots on the north and south sides transition with the existing homes. Rick Gomez, City Planner, advised that the Commission might want to include the lots on Jennet in the transitional issue. Chairman Stout advised that he had lived in that area for ten years and that before the Miller and Mayfair tracts were built Gardenia didn't have as much traffic on it either. He advised that the extra traffic on Gardenia is a problem because this area was designed to circulate so that each one of the east/west streets drains to Sapphire. Further, that he understood and was sympathetic to the situation; however, it would be unfair to place all of the traffic on Gardenia and Rosebud and was time that the other streets carry their fair share of traffic to Sapphire. On the compatibility issue, Chairman Stout stated that an attempt could be made to transition this Droject compatibly with the existing homes so that it has the least impact. He further stated that he would be in favor of sending the color palette back to the Design Review Committee and if and approval could not be made at that level, it should come back to the Planning Commission. Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by McNtel, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the Resolution approving Environmental Assessment and Tentative -- Tract 10349 with revisions to Planning Division condition one to omit slumpstone from the material to be used on the wall, and an added condition requiring the first ten lots north and south on Thoroughbred and ten lots on Jennet to provide architectural transition. These designs are to be approved by the Design Review Committee prior to issuance of building permits. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL, MCNIEL, CHITIEA, STOUT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: BARKER ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE -carried Commissioner Barker stated that he was in agreement that Thoroughbred should be a through srroPr, however, voted against the project because of the intransigent attitude of the developer to make architectural changes necessary to make the tract compatible with the existing homes. Planning Commission Minutes -9- March 21, 1985 /~'3 r' RESOLUTION N0. °5-45 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COFtMISS ION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORN L4, CONDITIONALLY APPROV[AG TENTATIVE TRACT MAP N0. 10349 WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Map No. 10349, hereinafter "Mao" submitted by Plaza Builders, applicant, for the purpose of subdividing the real property situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, described as a residential subdivision on 33.2 acres of land located at west side of Sapphire Street, south of ,lennet Street into 53 lots, regularly came before the Planning Conmiss ion for public hearing and action on March 27, 1985; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has recommended approval of the MaD subject to all conditions set forth in the Engineering and Planning Division's reports; and 'WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has read and considered the Engineering and Planning Division's reports and has considered other evidence presented at the Dublic hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The Planning Commission makes the following findings in regard to en tat ive Tract No. 10349 and the Map the^eof: (a? the tentative tract is consistent wi :h the General P1 an, Development Code, and specific plans; (b) The design or improvements of the tentative tr ac? is consistent with the General Plar., Oeve loDment Code, and specif it plans; (c `, The sit= is physically suitable for the type of deve iopment proposed; (d) The design of Che suhd ivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; (e) The tentative tract is not ifkely to cause serious public health problems; (f) The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. ysY C C (g) That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and a Negative Declaration is issued. SECTION 2: Tentative Tract Nap No. 10349, a copy of which is attached hereto, is hereby approved subject to all of the following conditions and the attached Standard Conditions: PLANNING DI'l1SION: 1. Ilse two-level stucco decorative walls, with landscaping on Lots 53 and 1, for streetscape compatibility along Sapphire Street. Detailed plans shall be submitted to the Pl anning. Divis ion for review and approval prior tc issuance of building permit. 2. Provide a 20 foot dedicated community equestrian trail along the northerly property line. Final tract map shall 6e revised to provide 20,000 sq. ft. minimum lot site on Lot 44 after dedication of trail. 3. Provide a community trail within the established right-of- way along Sapphire Street and the required street trees shall be placed on private property. 4. Provide a north/south local trail between Lots 40 and 43, hetween lots 34 and 37, and a north/south local trail westerly of Lots 31 and 32. 5. Provide a combined trail width of ~15 feet between Lots 19 through 23 and Lots 14 through 18. Provide trail crossing with non-slip texturized pavement between lots 18 and 41 with the trails on the west side of Lot 47. 6. A11 cut and fill slopes fronting on public streets shall be landscaped per City's slope planting standards. Hydroseeding will not be acceptable. 7. The existing Eucalyptus windrow along the southern property boundary shall be preserved. Any removal of trees shall require an approved tree removal permit prior to the approval of a rough grading plan and prior to issuance of any permits. 8. Provide architectural transition from the existing single- family lots to the west, for Lots 26 through 35 and Lots 9 through 18. Revised plans shall be submitted for Design Review Committee review and approval prior to issuance of building permf ts. !SS C C ENGINEERING 01VISION: 1. Private drainage easement with concrete drains for cross lot drainage shall be required along ail affected lots, including those along the southerly tract boundary. The easement shall be delineated on Lhe map. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 27TH DAY OF MARCH, 1985. PLANNIN~/G~:(/)MMISSION OF THE~C IJT Y,.O-,F RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: A~O..tww. ~_~J Oennis L. Stout, Chairman ~ .. ATTEST: ' ` ~~" Rick Gomez, Deputy Secretary I, Rick Gomez, Deputy Secretary of the Planning Comm ss ion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 27th day of March, 1985, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: CO.-0MISSI ONER S: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL, MCNIEL, CHITIEA, STOUT BARKER NONE SL C ~ - °__---- -_ -_ _~ _ _ - ~s__= ___ ~- _a~c E _.. _ - _ _ iii - 6~. _ _ ~- ~_ ~lV~lu y~ I ~I .. _ sE __o _ a - _- - _., ~' - - ~ _~as= '_= I~ ~ _ ~ 'I ~ =_ _= - _ I ~v ~ _- _: ~:S-'~ __- - _ fr~8~ C - ~_ ~~~ - s --- ~ = --':;r ~~ ry r o _ ~ -_ ,~~-''- _'T ~ _ - - i y u ~3i S a o ~~ u~....,~.- N < ~~ ~ 9 ~ -I~ NI ~~ ~Y a /s7 i N C C - =iE? ~~ ~- _~ -__ __~ _ ~~ c~c_-y a~-+~i =_ _ -_ _ - ~.~~ c _ _ _ __ _ __~''~ =~_ ~I _ ~\ i ~'. ___ _•C•5 _ ~c -~_ _ -- _ _~ 3 -_ - - ___ _., _~.~ a_~. spa \ry,ood9_a~~ ___.~, G'-a,o ~E_ax misY~~ ~~ ~ >I' ~~ _I; i ~s s N d O 4 t _ F~ _ ~ 4~ _ - _ ~ - -_-- _ -_ --~ ~~~_ ~ -_ ~ _q _ - -'~ - - - -_ -- ~ _ _ a __ -_ ~a.°. ~' ___ c __ _-- - = off` _ _' - d5 __ Pv ~__-_ ~ - _ _, _ _ Cg_ _ $` a - __ _ _ -__ \\l i _z _ -- 5~ _ __ -' -=93' ='-- 43 - $s_ P_; -_ _ e~ - - .-°E~ _ _ __ .~ tea: - - _ __ -~ - `S G ~ 5 ~£ - - - ~ - ___ c e s u a ~.oa .:. . _ ., ^ a ., N a ~ d l W is9 s v 0 a C e _. e~' ~Js `fi _ b a oaV g j - ~v~ ° _ $~„ _ _ _ _ ~ a 9 ~ ~ _ _ _-__ ~ _ f ~ e~ E L~ _ _'_- Pa _y~~ _ a. __ _ _ 8.; o c 8' _~~ ~ ~ _ rv ~ u ~ /N~ a ~ ~ 82- ~ ~* - g ~ ~ _ ~ o E _ _ Sa ' ~ S~~ _ ~ f. _ e ~ _ Y == i co u - 5-~~ % 5~5 : ~ vQ~ i$ § ; 8 ~ ~ a _ ~ ; ng, ~ ~~ey~ t e9 u~+ - °J ~~ - ~ .~~ b `a' Sri°`v u' ' off 80 _ ' `~ - ox ec 5 .. _ ~_ __ . _ r . . _ M:~ ~_ - ~~ 3 e~ .,o:tee ^y~:c $ __ e . 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Hubbs, City Engineer SUBJECT: Appeal of Tentative Tract 10349 - Extension of Thoroughbred Street Attached for your information is the Planning Commission staff reDOrt dealing with the subject tentative Tract. As you may be aware, residents along existing Thoroughbred Street are appealing the Comm ss ion approval and would like Co preclude the extensf on of Thoroughbred Street to Sapphire. You will be hearing this item in the near future Dut may be contacted prior to the hearing. For your background, there are a few facts you may wish to consider. There are really three issues that need addressing relative to street closure: 1. A cut-de-sac on existing Thoroughbred exceeds Fire Department standards for teng th. 2. The City is currontly in litigati o^. on a drainage prob le'n resulting fr ~m drainage off of Thoroughbred flooding homes to the south. 3. The elimination of thru traffic movements on Thoroughbred wilt increase the concentration of traffic on parallel routes. The first two items can be addressed through alternative design solutions but will likely involve added casts to development. Construction of drainage facilities would result in increased City maintenance. The third item is a pure policy issue which involves traffic efficiency and localization of impact. Traffic generated by development will remain the same under any design. The question becomes where do you wish to rate the traffic? In general, it is des iraAle to disperse traffic as much as possibie, provide direct access and limit travel distances. Where traffic is concentrated, it should be on collector and arterial streets which are designed to buffer adjacent dwellings. , Limiting circuitous travel reduces air pollution, energy consumption, vehicle wear and driver irritation. continued...... /4S Mayor and City Council Memo: Appeal of Tentative April 12, L88 Page 2 Tract 10349 - Extension of Thoroughbred Street The impact of closing Thoroughbred will increase traffic on Gardenia and Rosebud and to a lesser extent ,lennet. Traffic on existing Thoroughbred will be forced to continue a circuitous routing. There is very little travel demand to or from the west due to the Cucamonga Creek debris basin. Most of the traffic involved will be generated in the existing Thoroughbred neighborhood and properties immediately surrounding it. In any case, it would not be expected to be large numbers. The current situation is not an isolated incident. The Commission and Council have come under increasing pressure to close streets at numerous locations. Avalon east of Carnelian and Opal Street north of Lemon being Lhe most recent examples. Any particular situation of this type does not have monumental consequences. But the cummulative impact of these actions can create significant loss of efficiency, increased pollution and energy consumption to simply move the problem to the path of least political resistance. The issue on the policy level resolves to one of efficiency of travel vs. the limited protection of vocal sped al interests. If your overall goal is to limit the impacts of traffic it would be staff's recommendatf on that you opt for the most efficient overall system that you can develop. This will involve _ design of a system that limits travel and disperses traffic as quickly and efficiently as possible. LBH:jaa Attachments /~ C Farf~11~ ~i~~ p~~~~ic1~5 cGMM~( FOOTHILL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT P. O. Boa 35 6623 Amethyst Street Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91701 (5141 987-?535 April 13, 1985 "^, n _. .4}r. Rick Gomez, City Planner City of Rancho Cucamonga P. 0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 DeOr ~tlr. Gomez: We .hove taken under consideration a aropaspl to black continuation of Thoroughbred Street tp Sappnme. I[ is our conUusion such a proposal is at odds wi [h our public safety resppns~bili ties. The present street configuration imposes additional response time delays upon us due to the fact we do no[ have direct access from [he closest molar north/south street, Sapphire. We expect to see this situation improve with the continue^ion of ThOrough- bredeast [o Sapphire. If such on improvement does not ^o[eriplize, we hove, in effect, a cul-de-sac which extends mare than iG0 ;beyond our maximum standard of 600 feet. Another item of concern [o us is the water system. With the extension of Thoroughbred, the water line wi// be looped into Sapphire Street This is ideal in case there is a disruption of the water suppiv ,'ram Turcuoise. If, however. [he Thoroughbred water line does no[ connect to Sapphire, we will be (arced fo accept a 6" water line which extends 1000 feet and deodends, This is well beyond the maximum distance of 500 feet per- mitted by our Ordinance al for such o line. With the above facts in mind, and in the interest of fire dnd life safety, we request your continued support regarding [he extension of Thoroughbred Street. If you have any questions, please call me. Sincerely, rr ~, t c,..-.t?i ,L-. ..~ -..~.. ~.- Suson D. Wolfe - Fire Prevention Inspector Fire Safety Division SOW/ss Enclosure /~! "5'i2 53~ a~fOjd°c/ ,6 ,~ ,I 6066 ~ECaO ~ DI m 2~ y~ i~~ ~ ~C O O~ ^ ro ~~ I t ..D ~-15-~ PAK!( CGIMMI~ION STAB K~POKf ,~o n,mv n STAFF REPORT V~ ,,~~i;~''.ti,°` 2`~~~> s ~'. Date: April 15, t9B5 - To: Park Deve lc oment Commission 19;' Fz om: Pill Ho L'ey, D: rector, Commcni tv Services Department Subject: Tentative Tra c[ 10749-?NP CAL R truest to be heard by the park Development Ccm ni ssior. by Mr. and Mrs. °.C. Davis, et a'_. This matter is not about a park. This matter is about a stree t. ..a street which was recto elv arproved as a part of Tract 10349 by the planning Commission. That Planning commission aopro val has been apnea led by F.C. Davis, et al, and is scheduled to he heard by the City Council Nay tst. If Me matter is not about a pack, and is rather, ahout a street, why is it on the Park Development Commission Agenda? Simply, because anyone who wishes to 6e heard can be. They wish to he heard, therefore... I have attached a copy of correspondence addressed to Pam Henry in which the Dava' 'position' is laid out in their terms. In [:^.e tract Man attached the project under appeal :o Council is outlined in 'heavy sc 11d line'. The Davis' neighborhood in 'broken double line'. The issue is really that the Davis', et al, want Thoroughhred "dead ended" or "cu l-de-sated" so as not to connect theiz portion of Thor ouahbred to the new porLon of Thor ouahbred. To achieve tha we have he en told by Davis that the 22 ar so neighbors on the west section of Thoroughbred w:11 buy the Cwo io <s on the wester iy section of Anacal's Thoroughhred ho ldi nos and develop a park and donate it to the City ...if the street connection would 6e abandoned ...if the ahandonme nt separation is not possible, then the park is^.o to noer offered. This issue is just that simple. STAFF CC MMFAT: Fi rS t, 'Thoroughbred lark' is a Trojan Hors e...the park is not the issue...the connector scree^_ is the issue. Second, the matter of this is now Ln the jurisdiction of Ne City Council to be heard on May 1. Third, the Davis', et al, are hoping simply to get a recommendation Erom the Park Development Commisaion to use wi ih Council in hopes cf overturning the Planning Commisaion decision. /7/ Page 2 Tract 10349-Anacal April 15, 1995 Fourth, while roa d5 are not with my orevi ews. I will say tha[ the Planning Commission decision to put Thoroughbred through, was not capricious nor a rbitra[y...it was based on, and consistent with, bath City and Foothill Fire Ois trio standards Eor str ee29 of Ghat length. Fifth, the attached letter quotes the Grapevine regarding the need for "smaller neighborhood parks". The Davis' are choosing eo interpret "neighborhood park" into the concept of "mini-park" or "vest-pocket-park". It has clearly been the adopted polity of our City, to date, Ghat smaller parks will be in the neighborhood of five acres minimum. If I can answer any sues tions, please advise. ex: ba cc: city council Planning Commission City Manager Ci Ly Planne[ X71 April 5, 1985 Pam Eenry - Chair, Park Develop.^..e^.t Comm?ssicn City Tali, 932C Ea5eliae 3cad P.C. Ecx 809 3anc:^.o Cucar..crga, Cal ifor nCa 4Li;C Ee: Tentative Tract iC34; ~.+nC?-1 T.*.e abcve reference tr=_ct is tentati•Je i•~ aocrcved fcr sutdivisica in t e very near future. T.`:e new development is drasticaLy di£fereat than the existing ore ca Thorouehbred Street. Ia an effect tc reduce the ae r belie impact of are stile hcr..e right next Lo aro::ter style 'rcme a cark was suegested. Cvar 2/3 of ,,e ^omeowners are willing to sucnert the ecst e£ buyiae the lard frcm the bander. This lard would then be dedicated tc the City fcr a small neighb or?:c ed park. Presently, the iosest park to c+:r neighborhocd is 3eryi Park which is ^<# miles away. The new park planned at Ri115ide and Eeryl is still almost 2 miles away. Parks which were planned at tF.e end cf Eanyan and a Stark School have been abandcned by t::e city. This park site is directly in the center of our neighborhood and would 6e accessible by the following: A• 51 homes is the Proposed new de•relopment E. 22 hcmes on Thoroughbred C. 21 new he mes just built at the east end o£ T::cr oug!^b red D. 55 Mark III hcmes just south c£ us. The chiidr en in our neiehbcrhoed are primarily eleme..^.tary age. These children do not have access tc a park. Ey the time children are old enough to use a park 2 miles away they are lb cr 15 and deve'_cp other interests. °cuag children between 5 and 12 would have the ability tc walk to the par's :.. ,..._ ..^.eighbcr`:ccd. Za the spring i9F5 issue of ":..".e Grate•r_ne", t:-e £rcnt page article indicates Chet smaller neiehbcnc~cd car's were olanaed thrcuehout the ccmmunitv." 7lhere's curs nee: In addition, the article /7 ? Pam Henry Aoril 5, 1985 Page Two The article continues by stati.^.g, by emvaln~c.•a nn~r..+%.~~~e ,....,a.+.. w:cac ::=~~ ::eia::oc--roocs.- mere nave Deep ttree new tracts 6ui1t in our neighborhood in the past year. Our tract is only 9 years old. T~,is amounts to 113 new homes and I don't see any fees paid by the developer benefitting this "new neighbcrhecd". In conversation with the new tract owner, Nr. George b:eeker, He indicates that $X,000 was given to the park fund. I'm sure Gary Miller also donated tc the cark fund. 'Nhere is all the money gcirg tc to used? Hopefully for the "new reighbcrhood". In conversaticas with btr. iVilliam Holly, our park is not the cptimum utilization due to the sr.,all size. I would like the City to consider purchasing anot::_r acre and making it a nice size park £or our new neighborhood. In closing, I find it extremely difficult to believe that the city is denying the new neighborhood a park that has been purchased by the homeowners and developers by Fees collected frcm ti:e developer. Your assistance in helps..^.g t.`.e city rectify the situation would be greatly appreciated. I am enclosine a copy of tF,e man of tentative tract X70. 1C349 and the article is tF.e "grapevine". A cony of this letter is goi^g to all Council merbers as well~as t.*.e city mamager and Community Services Adviser. I do expect a reply to my letter. Thank you for your ccnsideration. Sincerely, ~~~ ~ Mr, and N~rs. E. C. Davis &C37 Thoroughbred Street Alta Loma, CA. 91701 i7y ~~~~~~~~ ~/~ " ~ a ~ ~ i~,r _,:-. _ _ ~, ;; XORTH CI~ C!F ITE,~1: '7T 0~3a 9 RAI~'CHO CL'G1~IOi\GA Tm.E: / PLANNING DIVISION EXHIBIT: ~~ SCALE i`JL C ~ 3 --~ ~ I. - .~ • ~ . i `n _ .. nYYn -- a ? ,. -- --- ~ ~ ~ -' - i ° ~ .~ W F ~ ~ U ~ w -. .-___ .__. __ ~ _-_- Q _ -__ ~ ~ _ „.~w___ ---~ _-_ ___ _~ . -.- S ~ N~ _____~ n \ \ .. __ -__. _. ~ .__ -_ ~ [ _ ~P - ~ -_-_ __ -~ _ -` -Yw1~ ~Fin_f ~~ - `~~1'~-.~ - - --_ - _ ~ -_. _-.__ __~ ~ .. ~. -- 1 ~ `:-~- ---n _ -- ---- ~. __ _ .-. _.N"~ ... _._ _ ~ ~ e^. 9i li C • J ~J~ Z F~, U .~.. ~~ 'I a , ~ ~ 1. "' ~ ~' o ~ ~ ~ ,i s ~ 3 I aZ= w ,~.,^ INi i z ~~ Uc ! 'i~ :Q Fes, e ~ i ~~ Q ~ < i~ i '. ~; ~,; ~~ e ,~ ...~. iii ,: ~.:~ ; ~~ ~-T - ° - ---~~- ; ; =- ;~ ; a r ~ t ~ } ~ ~ ~.. ~ F " -~ ~ i i ~ J~ i --~-t _ ~ ~ _ _ -. 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I s li, ,I :~ i' ~ ~, is- ,, :i ~'~~ ~, :~ ;I ,l' r~ ~/ : ~ tit ~f ~s.. ~S: ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ it ~`-IM ~f~ ~ 1~ ,~,, ~ , , ~~ li li'' ~I ~ ~ ..! ,, I'_ ,~ ~y it \\ l . 'I-. _r - a .~ AO1 i ~_~, ~!~ I i { ~~ i~1; ~il i f I ~!!h lip i i Y I ~ \~ ~ ~ ! r j -~ iy, i ,~ ~ __ ~' ' ! '`• ~'r~i. ~ ~ ,~ 3 :i. ~ ti w~N~ ! i '~ C~ $ ',::,~ a= a -.~. .k 9 t ao3 AP~~Ai, ~~T~s a ~Y `1 TJ: flpNCiO COCANCtiOd CITY CCGOCiL flE: april 5, 1981 Rppeal/".tact et03+9 .400 T_N^UM TO 8??EAL ile C~. r.ner re;uesc an appeal ir. ine matter oC Te r. to tiva -^=_c: •703~9 for cr.e Collcuing reas~r.s: t.) The plannee homes are incompatible etch all surrouneir.g ^e1ghDOfh000S in regarCS t] size, drC hlteCtUr311y, .`aCiesr ano comparable value. 2.1 Ne C-_e1 an ir,o<pth Environmental impact fleport may 7e necessary ce stuoy the Socio-Economic impact because cC Ch is :ncomoatibillcy ano to s[uoy the safety Cor the comnun: ty OC a straight, through street as opposed to cul-oe-sacs or curved streets. flespec [tally suhmitteo, Aesloencs of /~ 7000 tc 9090 olocK / Tnorcughbreo Street . i,;'-; .!!t ~~.~!!'`~ dLCa Loma, California ~/ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAAiONGA ADMIN!STR~.TH)N APR 171995 T 8i9itl~U~>l~1~3~4ib~8 a0l GIIY OF RANCHO CUCA~iONGA - t'~ ( • ~' AOMIN:STR~.TION ~ ! -~ APR 51985 ..pri1 s, ~?.35 8181~I~lir~'~IS' 16 ~esr .-.rcil~eabers: ~ . :.. _.,. __r:ai^ you are aware, we, the homeoanerc ~n °.".orouahh ed :tree t. ave soae very crave concerns re ~ardina Lhe ie ve~cona^; ~° ^. racL '~103~'by ?laza 3uilders. "'9e are hereby appealing the decision of the Planair.¢ :ommission concerninh this property. •le would li'se to see the followinP items: 1) 7e, the residents of *.he 7700 sr,d °000 block of Thorou r.".bre9 Wit.; wou19 Lice to port.".ase the two (2) enA lots near us at a re=_sona~:la cost fra^. the builder. ae then wou11 like to '-eed it to Lhe c ay far .level ~~aer.t a~ a docket park. "? 'he builder include six fool block walls between the residences '~t':^. O^^ 3COeSS sate t0 rear .^.o ^:7re t!:3n nine feet in ~.aidth. 7) "::^.e co:or of the rocfs be compatible with the existing homes or. the . I ~~• "'•^ "~cles he side compatible r~i th the e>:' :in? %oxes cr. ..._ sa-.e °' ._- ...,-xs Cwe co°_-ete d•jve:vs- ~' ^hr=.e foot •.vinr walls be erectedralonq the east :roper :y :-:e of ....._-. ...^. b., ra 9732 and 90?7 on ~^horo u,~:^.Srsd. ~: '!'r.~ -_rat ``-i•:c houses on bot!: alien of the t.. __.. :~ the ~lev1- ._ons t!:~t _., cos*. compatible to the ho^es or. :hen; .treat;,i9. ^.*,pr- o: ...ei a^". :'er.net. :,efinitel,% not tha two st:-, -:'el. °; .e requast iris: any meetings between the huilde^ 3.^-d t.".e city oit:a regard to these homes include a rs~reenta:ive of t9e homeoivrers. ?case notify us throuF-h -+k'-? or C7^d! 7avis at ':?7 ':.arou.;hbred, 987- l5~'~. de would appreciate as earl; a .^.oLifica:i;: a. po,.::c1e. :'ha .,.ze of the hones .; hould rot i..^.clude a :•a del of Le9a than .'+~: _ra f~... :e '.vo,.ld .,uP~est 247), 265= and 2?.7; ac':.are °eet. 1:1 ie•raG: re that no construction vai~icles pas:: '.yeti di to ievelap- nest of tract :^l110. All ingress and egress o° vehicles •;sed for con- ;;trac:ion be rrom :;apphirc st. I?) Thane he only reasonable wortirp, hours allowed--;;onday-r'riday, ?-: i2) That se:urity he planned to 9iscourare va.^.dalism. 1 D~ _-_ ~. 1',) .. ~:..:rl; --^'_ '.he-_ shou'_3 he °ront yzrd lan3scapin- --- -e'. :.. -~.e ....__~. this .".r:_! irc'_^ei :9e .oll:~~:ir.~~ -•a) __x 1, ya'_ioa :gees bJ t'Ne.^.Cj-t'n0 5 ;311on ~lanta c) autonatic spriR:t'_ers G) s:! ,."or ei:ht~ percent of the front hard ::e feel certain that •:non ref:e.^.tior. t^.ese :er..aa'_s wi11 ;e recor..ised as necessary to the preservation of this con^:a^.it :~. :'.ap.".azard huillir.~ is not as asuet to ?areF.o ;uca:.onga; •xe :c~.a: ra'_a- tain se^e oreiibility as an attractive area to invest in a ..*.or..e a^.i cai:e o::r _..i i3ren. ~~-~,~~ . ~. ao~ ;! I.~'f~s ~~ RCSI~N7s ~_ qo l ~-C`.Ir'b. ~.l~b~.f' ~'.... 1 `; ~ 5 ~ i h Cz~-~~ A L~ l.o-.,~.,~ , r., r (~ .CY~.~-•V-M ~~LIX. (rl I '1 S S ~.fv-v~.l~ C`~l..YWti/~ :.` .~5...^-LO... A.IA..`C ~ ~ J ~ ~ 1~ ~ `~~~ ~~ t~ ~- ~- pp pp I ~ n ;. ~ rte. ~;~ ~~~~' ~ „ ~-- -- - 1 ~\,, ,1 cam. _w~~, c~ ~l~•- .X.C- ~ cam. ~ R.l a~L~ , ~~ 9 Inc I -. .tog ~R-~~. ~1 ~~ ~ ~n~ 1 _~.... ~; ~° a.,,.-c 2r- .~ _ _ . ii~c..~ -~ :r , .~ io C Mr, and Mrs. John Busey 8048 Thoroughbred Street Alta Loma, California 91701 The Honorable Jon Mi kels Mayor, Rancho Cucamonga City Hall 9320 Baseline Roao P,O.Baz 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91130 re: Tentative Tract 10349 Ana cal Dear Sir: April 11, 1985 oryo,.'9F., N~ ,4 'YNxryO Gr~!r., lr / gi4jG 12~ oN `~,, yp ids ~ ~1~?+,y~ss This letter is in response to tract 10349 which is tentatively approved for development. The Dropos ed suDd iv ision i5 not compatible with those homes now existing on [he 7900 and 8000 black of Thoroughbred. Aestheti- cally the houses are drastically different. Not only do the ezte ri ors significantly differ, but the builder has not inclutl ed block walls, front land stapi ng, etc. which would deter the pl aci ny of unsightly chain link fences and landscaping not up to the standards of the yards presently on Thoroughbred. The value of the homes do not coincide. As a homeowner, I am appalled that homes of such significantly lower value would even be considered Dei ng built next to the hau yes now existing on Thoroughbred, Where is the city planning? I would strongly recommend that you get out in your community and see firsthand the fa ct5 far themselves. May I suggest that you go up Saphi re to Jennet Oriv e, drive down that street and look at that development. Then, after you have seen Che quality of what the developer is going to build, cane to Thoroughbred and make your own evalu- ation. When we bought in Rancho Cucamonga, we were aware that at some later date Thoroughbred would extend Ch rough; however, we had trust in our Ctty plan- ning Commission that they would prote tt a r investment antl the beauty of our street with houses of equal value. Such haphazard planning on the city's part has outraged many homeowners and we wi 11 do everything in ar power to see that the tentatively approved Bubo ivi5ion be recd n5 id ered. Tne home acne rs in our neighborhood have spent many hours in [he short period of time that we have been aware of our dilemma and we have came up with different solutions. Since the builder is hoc interested in upg ratli ng his banes to our standards and is only concerned with pu tti ny in as little amount of money as possi 6le so his Domes will "sell like pancakes", as quote0 by Che builder, then we see it necessary to Dave a "green Del t" area between Cne developments so as not to detract from our ne ignborhood and its value. This would be a solution we could live with. 1 // . ~ Another solution is a park between the two developments, something which is in great need and would be an asset to all surrounding neighborhood s. Over two-thirds of the home avne rs in our neighborhood nave agreed to sup- port, out of their own pocket, the cost of the two lots at the end of our street. We would be willing to deed them to the city for development. After reading the Spring 1985 issue of "Th_ Grapevine", it seems that any funding would be of great help with the "severe financial limitation" we are now experiencing. Your assistance in reviewing our situation and solutions is apP reciated. We only hope that we can count on your support as city officials in rep- resenting a r concerns and interests in hones of preserving our community with high standards. 1 i , i~%i~~/.i /i/'ib I Cynthia Bu sey As my wife mentioned, we will fight this agg ress iv ely .. .t hat will inclutle the following: lawsuits, an extensive campaign with the media, both the local newspapers and radio stations. Such example of canminity interest should be Of significant interest to Such individuals as Mary Ann Dalan, executive editor of the L.A. Nerald Examiner; the commi ni ty interest editor of the L. A. Times and you can believe that the funds we would nave donated to a park will be used for an aggressive recall cairyaign against all exist- ing city officials. He feel that there is factual evidence that wi fl warrant law suits based on: 1) Lack of notification, as required Dy law. 2) An incomplete and inadequate environmental assessment checklist. 3) Lack of due Drocess. 4) Individual lawsuits against all members of the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, City Council and the Mayor. 5) Mr. Stout, Chairman of the Planning Commission, has a direct conflict of interest. Me did not step down during the vote of the Planning Cammi ssion, which has been ohse rv ed in the past. He was the one cones missioner directly involved with the builder and the City staff during the desiyn review process. My wife and 1 are personally prepared to commit any amount of time that is necessary to disrupt any future building development within the city limits of Rancho Cucamonga without the clear and comp lete understanding of the citizens of this Commmity as to what happened to the investments made by the individuals on ThoroughD red. I do expect an answer to this letter. Jghn F. Buse cc: R, Dahl ``~-~ C. Buquet Mr, Wasserman P, Wrignt R. Gordon Young J. King R. Gomez ~/1 ~ A~~~ „~F~.a~ wn. xu V Nm~. hina.r G~~50 .mm~ wrrigy WmpW SW.urupw iii 5Yp<6M Mr. Jon Mikels Mayor, City o£ Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Box 807 Aancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Re: Proposed tract 10349-ANACAL Dear Mr. Mikels, My family and I reside at 8079 Thoroughbred and we just received notice that the above referenced tract has been tentatively approved. In fact, it wasn't until just a few days prior to the Planning Commissions March 27th meeting that we were even aware that any plans were under- way to develop this acreage which is within 50 feet of our home. Had we been properly notified Z can assure you we would have expressed our objections earlier. We find it reprehensible that the city of Rancho Cucamonga would approve the construction of dwellings of the size and type proposed on the very same street as our homes which reflect pride of ownership and represent sizeable investments by the owners. The only possible outcome of this tract will be a hodge-podge appearance to our city and sizeable reductions in property value to the existing homes. I thought the purpose of planning commissions, building codes and restrictions were to maintain standards in the community and to prevent the very thing we see happening here. It appears that the out-of-town builders have much more voice in the direction of Rancho Cucamonga than the tax paying citizens of the city. The builder seems to have tricked the city also. He sells his ideas on the basis o£ 2000-3000 square foot homes and once he's in he reduces the size considerably. He does not provide front lawns as has been the case with all recently built homes in the area, no block walla, cheap looking elevations and I submit to you that if allowed the entire area will be an eyesore within a year. .2/'7 It appears to us, from a tax-base standpoint that in- fusing low-priced housing would hava a two-edged effect on the city's revenue. We have an opportunity to up- grade our beautiful city and attract residents which would increase city revenue but our city has tentatively approved a tract that will lower the value of existin4 property! The residents of our street have proposed a mini-park to separate the two areas in a desparate attempt to preserve value. So far this idea has met with very little support in spite of the fact we stand willing to donate the land. Mr. Mikels, I am requesting that you consider one of three proposals: 1, Insist that the builder build homes of compar- able size, value and appearance in this tract and include front lawns and block walls or Require the builder to donate the 2 lots where Thoroughbred currently ends and leave in orange trees (This grove is not dead as pinpointed in the Planning Commissions staff report) or Allow the residents of Thoroughbred Street to purchase these 2 lots, donate to the city for a park and let our portion of the street end at the park. Mr. Mikels, we are appealing to you and members of the City Council to re-assess this situation and make decis- ions that would be beneficial to the residents of Rancho Cucamonga. Regards, J ~ ~~~~,~.~~I J and Myr Haze~g 9 Thoroughbred reet cc: R. Dahl P. Wright J. King C. Huquet L. Wasserman d/N 'r `: `~ April 8,19&5 t;onorable .inn ;~. i•;ikels '~ayor, fanch, C,caconge Cit= 5ali. 9920 ce seii r.e r.d. C "~~~ `~;~ ~.~. :..,f :~ Hr. @ !!rs :acY. D. i:oe BC64 Thcrouthbre~? Street Alta Toms, Ca. 957C5 ana t~aiYtO- wAm:rN taAt:~atama :.o. cox 8C7 ~ APR 101985 F.tncho Cucacortt, Celiforrie 95790 t~„~ bear Pir: , ~s~~wwll~~ "a.e decisicr. of :Fe f:ar.ni:a ce:.r.ission to perait P'_aza Builders, j187-:. Air:~o rt Avenue, Cesta :'sae, Ce. to build her. r_ or. T:.n tative 'ra ct 5::,4 ^acal, r•i it nave a Seri^uc ne~sLi ve icpset o:: L?:e Ti.e builder is planz.ir.~ to bvi ld hocee priced froc 5192,?90 Lo 514:,996 ir_csdia:ely e_~acert Lo hones valued Error: 524C,6CC to ~ :,or es era planned withevt blce}: walls i9C0,00_. "'re :-oc csed _, ar.d gates nrd w.:i:cu: front =a:,dace ping. Further.cre ....~ exteriors cf the hones are not cecpetable with the ecr.avnit .: en the residents of the c:+r.r.unity asked :he pitr.:.in~ ision ~ ibio ci: :c require *.::< guilder to ee::a the re caasrry ad; us t_.ents - waiis, gates erd froze isndscacins) to ca't.=_ the he c.?s ar.. cats bie, a ecaeisaicr. cecber staled that Lhe builder was ver; d_"f;cuit - to aorV: with. , " the builder froc Cesta l;ese warts La build in our ccr.cu.*.:', i believe that it is Lhe respenaibility of our elected o""-:cials ~~ to reovire his to build to our at-ndards, not dictate teres to t}:e Planning Gccsisaion. An Appra!sor has eati_ated that the value of the :odes is thLS i'° neighborhood will decrease froc 20w to l,0~ if the new hones -. are permitted to b• Dui1L as planned. The following action Ss planned before th• next city council meeting vhicn Sa ache»uled on April 17, 19P5. - 1. A copy cf ties latter •..•ill be sent to the editors of the y locsl and surrovndicg reuspapers urging them to publish the dates of Lhe resting •nfi concerns of the community. 7 a, a f.;. 2. A Lalephor.• campaign to •11 homeovnera of the city urging to - ~ Chas to attend the seating tnd listen to the concerns wa have `'_ "~~ over th• decisions of the planning commission. ~' ' If an agreement cannot be raaahed at th• city council meeting, -;` 1 ;; w¢ will hold an immediate homeounara testing to: , ,;~ ~'.'-.•: ' i. -otitioa Ltn County Tax Colleoiore offie• for an Immediate '}-~ £`~3' air d ecalua lien of :.._ homes snd decreased crc per t;• taxes. 2. Establish a heceovners legal fund tc file a lsvsuit agairst t'ne City. Mayer. City Me ra gar and cer..bers of the Planning Cor missSon in order to recover the less that t'ne hameo veers of Alta Loss vi'_1 eustain because of tits deci sior.s mermitted by the e be ve mer,tiar.ed officiais of the city. ~. 3e~in ice e.diate "3ECA LL" action on the h:ayor, City N.a Wager and Plannin.- Co~mSSSion mac bars snd ask fora special electior. to elect officials that :•i 11 be respcr.si~e to the needs of the cosr..v Wily. h'eny hoeeowners have cads a lifetime investment in this eemmur.S ty and ve do net inland to permit t::e ..^resocnsi ble actions of L.*.s -r lsn^.ing Cor..nissicn to destroy their dreams. ke as.; fcr year i.e'_~ ,., re sol ring 'C'_s .-,-aer es eui ckly es pc~si;~: _. .ce .ectfully, ~~.. ., de cS: .^-. and Shelbe r.' flee ,;~. -`'> k.. ~t _~. -. Lecre:. ';:~s:ercen t}• h _nsger :•enn~s c`ou~ - ,lsnni~.~ v.-.r s_. :.. is rry F. c:: eii - n " Hereon F.e: eel - " n ~ Fiche rd ~2h1 - I;a yer Pre '.e=. Charles cuouet ii- Councilmer..ber Pamela i•:rigl;t " S effr ~}' King " r.= ~/fir AIISi'ete' April 21, 1985 Mr. Jon Mlkel• Mayor, CSty of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 007 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Re. Proposed Tract 10749 - ANACAL Geer Mr. Mlkele, Several days hove elapsed since re wrote regarding proposed ANACAL trac! !0349. Since rriting, we've diacunsed the perk idea with several people, Sne lading nembera of the count il, and nor realize this nmp pot be the beat aolut ion to our problem. Ne're writing tole letter to rests to our airon9 Feelings age ins[ this tract end propose en elternete course. The mein objection to this Craci is the incompetability of [hoes ~~homes with the ex is Ling 22 homes on our portion of Thoroughbred Street. 1Te difference in size, appearance and quality of these houses are of auto drenie tic difference that it will nave a aer ious adverse effect on the value of our homes. The builder Ss extremely reluceent to do even the 6eeic upgrading, which we deem ebsclutely neeeaaery, such as front lawns, shrubbary and rear block ra lls, convincing ua that he wind never do the required improvement in Du it di ng des i9n and aiae to meet the standard of our homes. Because of th ie incompatebil Sty, we aGrongly urge you and the City Council to make the decia ion to require this builder to dedicate a green Del t•, whleh mould saps rote the tw tracts and cal-de-sac 1Toroughbred rhere St currently ends. This, Sn addition eo the eforement lonad improvements oC Crone !erns sod rear wells. Thank you for your attention end action Sn this matter. Regards, John nd Myra Nezelr lgg / OO~Thoroughbred Seraet cc~ R. Dahl P. Nri9ht J. Rlnq C, Buquet L. Nsuermsn it a]feeee eld eMw i11 ' V Vw,r, fieenY al l'll •• ArirM NOYbp , 1,aOY1 BeU Yellp, , 11~ le4aN1 2/7 ALAN F.. TIEHETTS AI±e Lorna. CA~-. .. April 29, 1955 Mr. F.i c( Gomez, City F'l anner, Mr. Jon D. Mi4els, Mayor, and Memhers of the City Council City of Rancho Cucamonga 920 Haselane Road, Suite C Rancho Cucamonga, CA 917.0 5uh~ect: Appeal 04 Tentat: ve Tract 10349 by the adjacent resident= of Th or aughbred Street Dear Mr. Gomez, Mayor Mi 1!els and Councilmembers: I am writing an behalf of the residents of the "Mar Y. III" home=_ (Tract Nos. 9002 and 9003Y who reside on those portions of Turquoise Avenue, Gardenia Avenue and Rosebud Street which lie directly to the south of bath the prop ^setl tract and the residents o4 Thoroughbred Street who are prc-esting the propo=_ed tract (see enclosed map). This letter is specifically written in opposition to any suggestion that Thoroughbred Street (and/or Jennet Street) should not 6e completed as a continuous street between Sapphire Street and Turquoise Avenue. I. Petitions• Enclosed please fintl copies of our petitior requesting that both Thoroughbred and Jennet Street= be developetl as continuous streets between Sapphire Street and Turquoise Avenue. This petition has been signetl by 49 of the 5- affected residents of the Marl III tracts ~occup ants of twe residences have been unavailable far contact; one resident is unable to sign for reasons of conflict-oi-interestg and one resident has "friends" on Thoroughbred Street whom they "don't want to offend">. Flease read the petition. The key point is: The residents of the north portion of the MARE; III tract are essentially unanimous in their concern for the present level of non-resident traffic through their streets. We heliev_e the City Council should take steps to reduce this "through" traffics nqt steps which would make matters worse!! _______ _______ Messrs. Gomez, Mi kel s, et al City of Rancho Cucamonga March 15, 1985 Page Two ~. Dv scussion- We are desmayed tnat~ as a part of their appeal of the Anac al tract, the resedents of Thor oughbr etl Street are aske ng the City Council to prevent the completion of Thoroughbred through to Sapphire Street. Although we are certainly symp athetee to their desire that compatible housing should be built adjacent to their homes, we do not believe that it's at all fair for them to Seel; improvement of their environment at the expense of ours' In addition to the basee essue of faerness to all in r_solvvng this problem, the members of the City Council sh culd consvder the fo3loweng facts: a. In hvs letter of Aprel 12, 1985, to the City Couneei~ the Cety Engeneer, Mr. Hubbs, made the followeng statements rel ateve to our concerns: "The eliminate on of thru traffic movements on Thorough- bred well encrease the concentration of traffic on parallel routes." "In general, ~t is desirable to disperse traffic as much as posse6le, provide direct :.~s ess and lemet travel destances. Where tr affee is =ono entrated~ et should 6e on collector and artere al streets wheeh are dese gned to buffer adjacent dwellings.' "The impact of closing Thoroughbred will increase traffee cn Gardenia and Rosebud and to a lesser extent on Jennet." These statements shoes clearly that the preferred soluteon es that all three east/west streets (i.e., Jennet, ih oroughbrsd, and Gardene a.'~esebud) should share equally en the traffic flaw. Neither Gardenia Avenue nor Rosebud Street is designed as a collector or arterial street, yet they already have a problem weth excessive tr affee! Please note that nee ther of these streets have sidewalks, and thus there are gimps! always chiltlren playing vn the street. Eased on an tnf ormal traffic survey, we are of the oeleef that "5 to ei~ percent of the tr of fee entering and leaving 'r.asebud at Sapphire e5 non-resvden t, "through" traffic. Contrary to a statement made in Mr. Hubbs' letter, about 50 percent or more of this through traffic es due to the resvdences to the northwest of our area, wrese streets communicate tlirectly with the northern pa~ki ^~ o£ iur q~.:oi se Avenue. Messrs. Gomez, Mi kel s, et al City of Rancho Cucamonga March 15, 1965 Page Three _. Distussi on (Continued): __________ ____________ This through traffic shows little tnclinatt en to observe the 25 mph residential speed limit, let alone the IS mph implied limit for the 61intl corner at the intersection of Turquoise and Gardenia Avenues. So far this year, two out-of -control vehicles have fat led to make the turn from Turquoise onto Gardens a; each has ended up Swt th suhstanti al damage) on my next-door neighbor's lawn, halfway along a trajectory which ends up in my living roam' t am currently working wt th Mr. John Mar tan, of ±he City Engineer's office on measures to reduce the danger of this corner. Clearly the Ctty Council should not make any decision which aggravates this problem. Failure by the City to have Thoroughbred Street com- pleted through to Sapphire Street would increase the response time of emergency vehicles responding fo crises on the west end of Thoroughbred and surrounding areas. In particular, it should :e noted that any serious accident on Gardenia/Rosebud, which involves either non-local traffic or emergency vehicles responding to non-local requests for aid, would almost certainly result in the City being held liable for faulty street ~!esign. Please note that many of the residents of cur tract have signed a petition previously circulated by the Thoroughbred group. This was done because: ( U we are all basically to support of their attempts to ensure that the An ac al tract is developed with the appropriate sire and quality of homes, and t2> the circulators of the Thoroughbred group's petition failed to mention the negative effect that closing of Thoroughbred would have on traffic on 6artleni alRose6ud. I have included this paragraph at the specific request of many of those who signed the enclosed petition. as they voaced a common concern [hat The City !:ouncil might misunderstand their entlorsemer.t of the earlier pelt tton. hessr s. Gamez~ Mikel s~ et al City of Rancho Cucamonga I`larch I5~ 1985 Page Four 3. 9pecif=c Reguests_ In view of the above considerations, we make the following specific requests: a. The Ciiy Council should concentrate on the r_e__al issue of the Thor ough6r ed group's appeals namely: The developer of the Anacal tract should be made to ensure that new homes are designed, and executed, with a size and level of quality which is coepatible with the exi sling homes in the surrounding area. The new Hunierfield Estates should be specifically excluded from the compata bility criteria as they are already substandard for the area. b. The City Council should avoid any solution to the problees of the Thoroughbred group which fails to relieve the existing traffic pra6l ems an Gardeni^ Avenue and Rosebud Street. Clearly the only fair solution with regaM to traffic is that dennet~ Thoroughbreds and Sardenia!Rosebud should all share equally in the flow of east/west traffic. Please note that the signatures an the enclosed petition represent approximately 1/2 times the number of voters as resade on the western portion of Thoroughbred Streetq as such our concerns certainly have as much right to fair and thorough consideration as those of the original protest group. Thank you for your tsme and attention in this matter. Sincerely: Alan R. Ti 66etts -~~ ~~' . ~~y 4 .~ .~- .. 9 ~ ~ - `.'~ ~ l - o F, .y /~~ ~ \ .. ~ W ~ 1 ~~~ i i --___-~.r_i __- -..__.- ~~ _-J ~~ F i _____~ __ ~= -._ _ _- \ _y u.b .-_ O ~ -,_- ___._ {{,,,,,, ~T ~ I ~~ ~~ ~ ~ I _ * _ _ _ - ... I ~ i _ - _ ~ - ._ -.-. ~ ._...._ _.__ 'i _- --. ,. ---- ~ .-__ - - -- ~ z , - - - - -~ ~ --- ~ q _ _ __.~ _ -- Up s YADi :: aw - - s. __ --~ i_-~.. .. _.. Ro~_Ti~TT r'~ e ~ - ti~~ ~ ` ~ e ~~~'~ J yy~~e ~eal t F°etition to the City Cour~cil of the C~ ty of Rar-lcho Cucamonga April 26,1985 We, the residents of Gardenia Avenue and Rosebud Street, have watched with alarm the steadily growing amount of through traffic which daily posse= through our streets as a result of khe completion and opening of the lower portion of Turquoise Avenue at the West end of Gardenia Avenue. This "non-l ecal" traffic is rtot limited to the new residents located on Tharoughbr ed Street and Jennet Street to the North, but also includes a major portion of the tr off ac which feeds into Turquoise Avenue from the Northwest area of our City. This "non-Iecal" traffic is a clear and pre=_ent danger to the lives and safety of our children, who are forced into the street 6y the lac F; of sidewal N. s. We have waited pats ently for the streets immedaat ely to the north (Thoroughbred and Jennet) to he completed through to Sapphire Street. in accordance with the City's longstanding master plan. so that they could carry their fair share of the east-west traffic which currently invades our street. We therefore petition the City Council to mandate that the "An acal" tract (Tentative Tract 10~49~immetlaat=ly to our north 6e developed in a manner so as to ensure that both Thoroughbred Street antl Jennet Street carry their fair s!-.are of east-west traffic between Turquoise Avenue antl Sapphire .street. Addre=s _______ 7957_~~.o~.s~a~~„G. „~ - - _ 7S ,~_ ~ ~ ,.,~, r.,~,,,' _~5~s_~de~i~.A,~~__________-- _?_4~f_ GAR2~'N_L1_At%~~_____ CGk~-s.._--- - -- ~~~6__ _ _ _Q/?3 _~~~--/------------- _~/79__ _I2K,~~coL_ Petition to the City Coa_a r~cil of the City o{ Rar-~c ho Cocamornga April :6.1985 We, the residents of Gardenia Avenue and Rosebud Street, have watched with alarm the steadily growing amount of through traffic which daily passes through our streets as a result of the completion and opening of the lower portion of Turquoise Avenue at the West end of Gardenia Avenue. This "non-ioc al" traffic is not limitetl to the new residents ioc at etl en Thoroughbretl Street antl Jennet Street to the North, but also includes a major portion of the traffic whi rh Feeds into Turquoise Avenue from the Northwest area of our City. This "non-local" traffic is a clear and present danger to the lives and safety of our children. who are forced into the street by the lac{: of sidewal l:s. We have waited patiently far the streets immediately to the north (Thoroughbred and Jennet) to be completed through to Sapphire Street, in accordance with the City's longstanding master plan, so that they could carry their fair share of the east-west traffic which currently invades our street. We therefore petition the City Council to mantlate that the "Anac al" tract f7entaiive Tract 1)J3 M9~immedi at ely to our north be Bevel ap ed in a manner so as to ensure that both Thoroughbred Street and Jennet Street carry their fair =_h are of east-west traffic between Turquoise Avenue and Sapphire Street. dame ~- Address ____ _______ ~iy' /G / ^.c1 L.. .`` C__!~`?~. 1-- (( _~,'t_v} _C_~. /(_:--'x.11:_ ,r4'•~Y.7"-c. ,/~~"flux_, -'~ ----~- -- ----/ z~1=~1-G----=- /qtr, ----~`---- ~f I ~ ~ ~ J' ~ - -------- w _~a aB--~P~-u ~ Idc1~._~ma. _ ~~.~ ~ t_f ..~_r ~C~-~. I~ v~ BozT.2 ______.____,_,_____~_J-~c-~ F etition to the City Coc.ar-icil of the City of Rar. cl~o Ca.ac amor+ga gpril 25,1905 Wer the residents of Gardenia Avenue and F.osebud Street, have watched with alarm the steadily growing amount of through tr of 4ic which daily passes through our streets as a result of the completion and opening o4 khe lower portion of Turquoise Avenue at the West end of Gardenia Avenue. This "non-1 oc aI" traffic is not limited to the new residents located on Thoroughbred Street and Jennet Street to the North. but also includes a major portion of the traffic which feeds into Turquoise Avenue from the Northwest area of our City. This "non-local" traffic is a clear and present danger to the lives and safety of our children. who are forced into the street by the lac Y, of sidewal4;s. We have waited patiently for the streets immediately to the north (Thoroughbred and Jenneti to be completed through to Sapphire Street, in accordance with the City's longstanding master plan. so [hat they could carry their fair share of the east-west traffic which currenCly invades our street. We therefore petition Che City Council to mandate that the "An ac al" tract (Tentative Tract l03M9~immeda ately !o our north 6e developed in a manner so as to ensure that bath Thoroughbred Str eeL and Jennet Street carry their fair =_nare of east-west traffic between Turquoise Avenue and Sapphire Street. Name Address i t k'C / ~ ~ / _.~Jl _-l J~`+~'rL~la~vt__LLl C~Sj. ~-'~ --~~-- y~--- ~----------------------- ----------- ,. ~. Petition to the City Cour-icil of the City of Rar'ac too Cucamonga April 26,1985 We, the residents of bar denia Avenue and Rosebud Street, have watched wa th alarm the st eadtly growtng amount of through traffic which daily passes through our streets as a result of the completion and opening of the lower ports on of Turquoise Avenue at the 'nest end of Gardenia Avenue. Thos "non-local" trafftc as not limited to the new residents located an Thoroughbred Street and Jennet Street to the North, but also includes a major portion of the trafftc which feeds onto Turquoise Avenue from the Northwest area of mur Caty. This "nen-local" traffic is a clear and pr=sent danger to the laves and safety of our children, who are forced onto the street by the iac Y, of sadewal ks. We have waited patiently far the streets immediately to the north !Thoroughbred and Jennet) to 6e completed through to Sapphire Street, in accordance with the City's longstanding master plan, so that they could carry their fair share of the east-west traffic which current3y invades our street. We therefore petition the City r_ouncil to mandate that the "An acal" tract !Tentative Tract 103'f 9~ammedi ately to our north be developed an a manner so as to ensure that Soth Thoroughbred Street and Jennet Street carry their fair share of east-west traf 4ic between Turquoise Avenue and Sapphire ,7treet. ACdress -~~tr- --- ---------------- ---------- ---------- -- - --- - - ----- Petition to the City Cou nc iil of the City of Raricho C~tc ~amor-tg~ Aprti 26,1985 We, the residents of Gardena Avenue antl Fc=_ebud Stree[, have watched with alarm the =_teadily grcwi rig amount of through traffic whtch daily passes through our street=_ a=_ a result of the completion and opening of the lower portion of Turquoise Avenue at the West end of Gardenia Avenue. This "non-local" traffic is not limited to the new residents located on Thoroughbred Street and Jennet Street to the North, but also includes a mayor portion of the traffic which Feeds into Turquoise Avenue from the Northwest area of our Cat v. Thi=_ "non-local" tr affac is a clear antl present danger to the lives and safety of our children, who are forced tnto the street by the lack of side«al V:s. We have «aited patiently far the streets immedtately to the north (Thoroughbred and Jennet) to be completed through to Sapphire Street, in accordance with the City's longstanding master pi an. so that they coultl carry their fair share of the east-west traffic which currently invades our street. We therefore petition the City Council to mandate that the "Anacal" tract (Tentative Tract lOZ Y9)i mmedi a!ely to our north 6e developed in a manner so as to ensure that bath Thoroughbred Street and Jennet Street carry their fair =_hare of east-west traffic between Turquoa se Avenue and Sapphire Street. Adtlress pp~182 _~d=L7_~-_~i_i ------------ -- -~- ~-- -- -8o27J_ ~/_- - -- --- -- --- -41~~- - - ~_q~- CITY OF RA\CHO CtiCA\fOtiGA MEMORANDUM GATE: May 1, 1985 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B, Rubbs, City Engineer j \\? a~ ~\"= "~ ''? SUBJECT: Arrow Route - Ninth Street Reconstruction Design Agreement Design Contract, Consent Calendar Item I The Oes iqn Contract presented in your packet has been revised as shown in the attached highlighted area. Basically, a schedule for completion has been added, minor language revisions have been inserted to the indemnification clause and the fee has been adjusted to reflect an error made in survevinq cost estimates. The fee adjustment is from E22,810 to E27, 510. The entire adjustment is in the peliminary survey costs. The change reflects the fact that the consultant neglected to include the surveys for Ninth Stret in the contract. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Design Contract with Associated Engineers for the reconstruction of Arrow Route and Ninth Street and authorize funding from gas Tax and Systems Development for an amount to exceed $27,510.00. Respectfully sub 'tted, ~. // ~ un:j attachment ., certificate evidencing the insurance. CONSULTANT may effect for its ovn account insurance cot required under Ch is Agreement. 9. Indemnification: CONSULTANT shall defend, indemnify and save harmless CITY, its elected and appointed officials, oFf ices, agents and employees, from all liabil icy from loss, damage or injury to persons or property, including [he payment by CONSULTANT of any and all legal costa and a [torneys' Feea, in any manner arising out of negligent acts, errors or omissions of the CONSULTANT, ar incidental [o the performance by CONSULTANT of [his Agreeme n[, including, but no[ limited [o, all consequential damages, to the maximum extent permitted by law. 10. Assignment: No assignment of this Agreement or of any part or obligation of pe rEormance hereunder shall be made, either in whole or in pare, by CONSULTANT without the prior written consent of CITY. 11. Independent Contractor. The part iea hereto agree [hoe CONSULTANT end i[a employers, off i<era and agents are independent contractors under [his Agreement and sha1L not be construed for any purpose to be empl oyeea of CITY. 12. CoverninR Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with [he laws of [he State of California. 13. At[orne y's Pees: In the even[ any legal proceeding ie inetitueed to enforce any term or provision of [he Agreement, the prevailing party in ea id legal proceeding shell be entitled to recover attorney's fees and coats from [he opposing party in an amount determined by the Court to be reaeonab le. -9- V (9.) Complete construction plans in accordance with final design. (10.) Subm i[ 3 sets of final plans to City Engineer for review and comment. Hake corrections if necessary. (11.) Determine grid dimensions for final pavement elevations and prepare <ut sheets listing s[a ti on, elevations left and elevations right based on final design. C. Specifications, Quantity Estimates and Cos[ Estima [ea (1.) Specifications Unless directed otherwise, Consultant will use [he Standard Spec ificationa for public Works Constructions (Green Book) for this project. Special Provision9 will be prepared for inclusion by the Ci[y into [he Final Project Specifications. Special Provisions will include applicable standard drawings. (2.) uanticy Estimate An estimate of quant it iea will be prepared for each street individually and also as one total project. (3.) Cost Estimate An Engineers' Cost Estimate will be prepared for the total project based an [he Engineer's quantity estimate and estimated unit costs of [he various items of work. Unit coats will be based on [he best information available at [he time of plan completion. D. Schedule of Performance 5-L-85 Cicy Council Approval of Contract 5-2-85 City Authorization to Proceed with Engineering 5-6-85 Consultant Identified Limits of Repairs S Removal 5-7-85 to 5-10-85 Surveyors Set[ion d Topo 5-13-85 Soils Testing 5-24-85 Preliminary Design [o Ci[y Eor Aev iew wi [h Spe<ial Prnv is ions 5-27-85 to 5-2g-85 Cicy Review-Re corn to Consultant 6-4-85 Final Design to City For Review with Special Provisions, Quantity Es[ima[e end Cost Estimate 6-11-85 Contract to Hid -13- RESIDENTS OF .2AIiCHO CUCA'!00GA _ DATE: May 1, 1985 - To: City Council HOf1EONP+EHS REPORT From: HameowneCS, Tt1UC O4ghbred $tCeeC ©y: Homeowners Su63ect: Appeal oC Planning Coraraissron decision of I4arcn 27, 1945, Environmental assessment and tentative tract 10349 - Anacol - A total residential develop~aent of 53 sinyie tomily lot on 33.2 areas of land in the very low residential district (1/2 dw/ac), located - west of Sayyn ire Street, South of Jennant Streta , AY!! 1043-12/-3, 1062-161-01, and 1062-011-3. OBJ 6CTIVE ~- To inEuc e. the City Council of the hone wners concerns regarding the new development. To solicit the Ci[y's assistance in resolving thrs p[obler,i to the satisfaction of all parties involved in this matter. TA6LE OF CONTEt1T5 A, ryACKGROU t1D 1. Sequence of events to appeal 2. Staff report to slamming Commission, March 27 3. Planning Commission minutes of t4arch 27 4. Staff report to City Council May 1 A. Enaiu eeu ng letter fcom kli ck Gomez 7. Planning letter f[om Nancy Fony ... Cocuiisslon Resolution No. fi5-46 - llennis Stout D, an yineering letter fcom Lloyd Hubbs, April 12 'r., F"ire letter from Susan bolt, April 23 r". ParY,s letter Eeom Bill Holley, Ap[il 15 B. COM:IU fii':: SUNPO RT 1. LettNCS from 'Chotouyhu[ed nurse owners 2. Letters from community C. COh1P ATI3I LI'iY ~ ~ 1. Hunteetie lV es Cates Dcochuce 2, Mdyfalr k3COChUCe ,. , D. TRAFFIC, DRA It7AGE, Et1E P.GE[JCY ACCESS 1. Dxscussiun of suD]ect 2. Ma Ps 3. Tc at i'1c questionnaire 4. Fice safety - lettec from Lloyd Alnand 5. Master Ylan 6. Drainage E. PARY,S 1. biscusscun of parKs - 2. Asse s'sment 3. Map 4. Tne Grapevine 5. City dolicy, Parks and Recxeatxun __ 6, [lewspapeC articles - 7. Park Curam issiuu Puulic Heaciuy F. LEGAL 1. II]PxON'-C I1VC1Ct? UY [iUUl1C h@aC 1116 2. Zip Cedes missiny 3. Appeal Q, ;,eyaClVl' dUC1dC3L1V^ ' S. Notice of Determinatlon _ 6. Desryu [eV1eH - 7. Initial study 8. Douglas C. tJilson, PhD D Z P a U' x U 4 OO eACxcaoutro At the tle dnesday, March 27, 19ts5, ?lamming Cocvarssion meetrng, it was officially learned that 'PZact No. 10349 was being reviewed by the ?ianniny Commrssion for approval. In the Staff Report under Section III, FACTS FOR FINDINGS it stales that "the project will not be detrimental to adjacent proper ties". The homeowners that live in the adjacent properties believe that [here are two drastically di£f Brent developments that are not compatible on the satae clock and will definitely be a detriment, At this meeting, approxima rely 25 hotae owners vuzced the cr concerns for the safety of the children on this stz aigh[ thoroughfare, the detrimental impact of the new development wi tii file existiny uevelopment and not being properly motif led. The Planning Commission recommended approval of Tract t7o. 10349 witu a vet =: of 4 to 1 with Cornai5sioner earkee, only, votiny against the project. The only stipulation made by the Commission was to neve the uesiyn Review Cot.uu tree review t'ne Yirst five hones for paint, brick and stone compatibility. On Thursuay, 1laccu 26, 19tl5, in a conversation with file oriyinal develope[ of out homes, it was suggested that the homeowners not go "empty-handee" to the City to Plead our case. Rather to sugyest to the City Chat the adjacent two lots be purchased by the homeowners, developed into a park auu deuica[ed to tiie City. In this appr uacu, the City could receive aotne much needed aceaye for packs without the entire burden o[ £inauce. On the same date, the Operations Manager, Mr. Tim tlarkuct, was contacted to discuss the feasrbility of selliny the two lots. He infoc med us that he would investigate the possibility of selling the two lots to us and that he cidn't see any problems. He agreed to have Engineering review to determine cost of the pcoperty. On 4/i/b5, Mr. I1arkuct informed us that he discussed tine mattes with the owner, Mr. George Meeker and that he had no negative comments con cecniuy selling the two lots to us. He indicated that he didn't want to commit to a final price until Engineering Review was c oraplete, iioperully next week. On fire same date, we spoke to the City Manayec, Mr. ~7a se nnan, who - informed us that a park would be a good idea and a tax benefit to the buildec. He indicated the cost to be approximately 65 x above 19th. He suggested that we contact Mr. Bill Holly, Ci[y Community Services DiCector. On r^riuay, Maren 29, 19e5, we contacted [1c, Bill Holly. Ue info craed ' him of our situation in that a developer was about to clear lemon groves at the end of out street and build hones, which we felt could be detrimental. He was informed that these were two lots of _, appruxiida [ely 1/2 acre each and that they were North and Soutir [u each other. Total land area would be one acre and that the street -' would be closed. Mr. Holly indicated to us that [he iuea soundeu good to him. He was willing to assist us in designing the park and contra uuta trees, etc. Fucthec, he said we should consider what activities we would like in the pa[k, based on out neighho[hood needs. He sta tea that at present, the closest pack was Alta Loma Park and that Heritage Park was proposed. We concluded our cunvecsation by agreeing to have a Heeling the full owiny week to review the site and discusss how we wanted to end the street, stcaiyht or cul-de-sac. So within two days of the Planning CoHiaissron decrsion, we had a solution that the builder and the City had indicated to be a viah le one. ~ On Satur uay, March 20, 1985, a homeowner's meetiny was held. The overwhelniny Ha7o[ity of the homeownefs agreed to a ne ighbochood pocket park at the end of oux street anti were williny to finance t~ne cost of of purchasing the property, if reasonable. Of the 22 hor,.eu wners on file st. eel, 3 are ~aoviny. Of the ceraa lniny 19, 15 have agreed to incur the cos[ toward the development of the park. On Tuesday, Ap[rl 2, 19b5, we talked to IIC. Stout, the Chax Haan of the Planning Commission, who Hay have a conflict of interest in the - matter, due to rile tact that he lives at the turner of Rosebud ano Gacdenia. 47e, in good faith, showed him our petition. He said that -- he [iiou yiit file park was a y[eat iuea, especrally since it Hight _, include a jogginy track (he was 7oggin on our street when we met hint. In addltiun, he card we nay nave a problem wrth file road not going through due to traffic, emergency access and drainage. Ile i nfonaed hita that the Tratcie 3nyineec stateu that the traffic was minor, that He we[e planning to work With the Fire Department on crash gates, etc. and that drainaye [Dula ue resolved with a swell through ehe park. At that meeting, my general imp[ession was that he was not oppoaetl to the pocket park concept if ae could solve his concerns. However, things changed the next day. On Ideunesday, Aptil 3, 19N5, we went to the City Council meet uty to observe how the meeting was conducted. At that meeting, we met Mr. Holly, Community Services Directo[. Ile atl7ourned from toe Councrl - meeting and discussed the pack which we talked about earlier in the ' week. Mr. Holly took a 1&0° turn-arounu from our discussion earlier in the week. The park was now to small. (Size didn't chanye). The street must go the uuyh. In prevz.ous conversations, • they discussed ho•,r to end the street. The geometry of the one acre was nut optiiama, [he waintenance of the one-acre was too costly, we were told it would cost 48 K to develop one acre, that the pack didn't fit in wire city Pol>,cy, etc., etc. t1r. Holly said he talked with the Planning Commission and now unde[stood that the tract was • approved and that there were pr unlems w>.th trat [ic, emerge;n cy access and drainage. On the morning of Thursday, April 4, 1985, Mr. Holly __- presented h>.s concerns to the homeowners and >.ndicated that now he -' would [ender his opinion to Che City Council on the pro's and con's - ane teat ho felt the con's outwelyited the pro's. On Thursday, April 4, 1985, at the homeowners meeting, it was - decrded ti~at our only approach vas [o file an appeal to the City Council, that would either suppoct the concept of a mini-park which _, woulu spatially separate two drastically different developments or upgrade the new development which would make there compatible with the existrng homes. - On Thursday, April 4, 1985, we received a call fror.~t4r. Dahl, City Councilmember. Af tec discussing the park concept, Mc. Dahl pledged 100 support for our cause. -, On Friday, April 5, 1985, an appeal was filed. CITF OF P.A.tiCHO CliCAMOtiGA STAFF REPORT DATE: March 27, 1985 TD: Chairman and Memhers of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner dY: Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 10349 - ANACAL - A total residential tlevelopment of 53 single family lots on 33.2 acres of land in the Very Low Residential District (1-2 du/ac), located west of Sapphire Street, south of Jennet Street - APN 1043-121-3, 1062-161- 01, and 1062-011-3. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Revu ested: Approval of suhd iv is ion map, site plan, elevations ar~d issuance of a Negative Declaration. B. Purpose: Construction of 53 single family homes. C. Location: West of Sapphire Street, south of Jennet Street. D. Parcel Size: 33.2 acres. E. Ex istine Zon ine: Very low Residential District (1-2 du/ac ). F. Exist ine Land Use: Vacant, dead citrus groves. G. Proposed Dens it v: 2 du/ac. H. Surrounding Land Use and Zonino: North - ing ie family homes; Very Low Residential District South - Single family homes; Very Low Residential District East - Single family homes; Very Low Residential District West - Single family homes; Very Low Residential District I: General Plan Des ianation s: Pro,7 ect Site - Very Low Residential, 1-2 du/ac North - Very Low Residential, 1-Z du/ac South - Very Low Residential, 1-2 du/ac East _ very Low Residential, 1-2 du/ac West - Very Low Residential, 1-2 du/ac ~ G ITEM I - P'~-ANN; NG COMMISSION STAfF REPORT Tentative Tract 10349 - Anacal ' March 27, 1985 Page 2 J. Site Characteristics: The subject site is vacant and slopes to the southeast at approximately 5X. Vegetation consists of shrubs and citrus orchards, with most of the citrus trees in a decayed state. The south property boundary has a row of Eucalyptus windrow which should be preserved. ri, A11A_LYS?S: A, General: The project site had a previously approved subdivision for 58 single family custom lots, which expired ,lanuary 14, 1985. The developer has resuhmitted a subdivision of 53 lots with basically the same design as the previously approved tentative tract. The new site plan complies with the current Code in areas of setbacks, density, minimum net lot aver ade, and lot sizes. The net density far this project is 2 du/ac. The developer has proposed three floor plans ranging from 2,000 sq. ft. to 3,000 sq. ft. with three variations to the front elevations. 8. Design Review Committee: The Design Review Committee has recommended approval of the pruj ect provided the following improvements be made, which the deve toper has agreed to: 1. Provide two level decorative wall, such as stucco, and slumpstone, and landscaping on Lots 53 and 1 for streetscape compatibility along Sapphire Street. 2. Provide cortmun ity equestrian trail on Sapphire Street. - I- ,, 'e ~nnical Review Committee: The Technical Review Cdnmitt ee has _ reviewed the project and determined that with the recorrtnenaed I Conditions of Approval the project is consistent with the applicable standards and ordinances. - ~ D. hails Committee: The Trails Lomnittee has reviewed the project and made the following recommendations: (See Exhibit ..F ~~~. L 1. Provide a 20 foot dedicated cdrtrnunity trail along the northerly property boundary. 2. Provide a north-south local feeder trail between Lots 40 and 43, Lots 34 and 37, and a north-south trail westerly of Lots 31 and 32. 3. Provide a combined local feeder trail width of 15 - feet between Lots 19 and 23 and Lot 47 and 18. ~. -~ PLANN LIG COMMISSION 57AFF REPORT Tentative Tract 10349 - Anacal March 27, 1905 Page 3 4, Provide trail crossing with non-slip texturized pavement between Lots 10 and 47, with the trail on the west side of lot 47. S. Provide a community trail on Sapphire Street within the established right-of-way and the requied street trees shall be placed on private property. F- Environmental Assessment: Part T of the Initial Study has been completed by the app ica0t. Staff has completed Part II Of the Environmental Checklist and determined that no Significant environmental impacts will occur as a result of this project. A copy of the Part II Environmental Checklist is attachetl for your review and consideration, I12. FAC?S FOR FINDINGS; The project is consistent with the General Pion ono Oeve lopment Code. The project will not he detrimental to adjacent properties or cause significant adverse environmental impacts. In addition, proposed use, building design, and site plan together with the recommended Conditions o£ Approval are in compliance with applicable provisions of the Development Lode and City Standards. N. CDRRESPDNDENCE; This item has been advertised in~The Daily Revort as a pup is nearing item and notices have been sent to property owners within 30D feet of the project site, To date, no correspondence has been received either for or against the subdivision map. 1- V. RECDMME issue a -J through f Appro f ~~.~ l ~+ gick(~omez CityjA7anner i RG:NF:ns i (Attachments: Y Staff recommends that the Ptann ing Commission Declaration and aoDrove tentative tract Map 10349 of the attached Resolution and Conditions of Exhibit "A" - Location Mao and Land Use Exhibit "B" - Site Utilization Map Exhibit "C" -Natural Features Exhibit "D" - tentative Tract tdap Exhibit "E" - Equestrian Trails Plan Ezhihit "F" - Detailed Site Ptan and Conceptual Grading Exhibit "G" - Elevations (16j Initial Study, Part ti Resolution with Conditions of Approval -3 I ~~~~- ; (rr: -- ~ ul~~' i I ~ Q ~ ~ r~ ~ r_'_ ~~~ c•_ a Z o ~ o ~ i I. ~~_.-r i. - ~- v~ j i, ~ ST Z G I I ~ I 'y `ti: ~ 1. ~. ~ " ~ 3'~ ;.. %' f.. ~ a, .~ _, 5 _ _ I - 1 + ~~ it I =1 ~/ 'ti ~'' ~ I I ~^ ' r ~~ ~-, /I r--+ :, _. ' ~ ~~ '~M ,_.:., F "mil l••• j n\ r 3.. Tom. ,;, i ,v h .............. I • ~. ~, z-R ~~~~~~ ~ ~,~ ii~~l~i ~ _ ~.: '.`' tt~ ~_ ~ ~ i i r i :o: r~ ~~ ~, FC !~'-:!;: ~; i~ ;a.'t' ' I~~'i i is ~ } Y - i ~ i ~ ` `- 1 I~ ~ , ~ I,r~!~ ~~i :i, I` ~.; r_ . u I^~ I Q4 ~~+~ ~' ~ r 1 i .. i. ~~ v~ ~ ~~' ~' F"~ -~-~ ; c V FORTH CITY OF ITEM: ~'a" fd4lf 9 , RA?~'CHO CL'CA:~~10~'G'. Tom: /dlA1/Ofl 4 L.~irD,lS~ ~~ ., PL4NN[1G DNISIO:~I E~HI[?IT:~SC.4LE ~. - ~/ `~ 1 m ~ ~I ~ _ - o's --. -..__. ~~ - ,~ - \~-- _ . w __ ~ a - „ ----~- --- ' '~---- ~-- ;; - -- -- ~ ----- 5--__~ __ . -- ~~ ~'~I -- -- _~_ ~ ~t~ r-- ~~ _-_ _ i,, I~ ii i- _ . : - - r n `~ - \l~ ~Y -_.- __ mxG~Fl ~_ \ I _.- ___ I /~~ i~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~I i _ - ~ _- ( f~ ~~ "~~ _--I ~__ -- ~ O~ /! - ~ ~ ~° ~ ~ -- -- -- __ U ..i _ .. --- _ -- ~,~sa- - - _ --- - _~_ .~ ..- 1 ~ ~ e ~ !•. p ~ -s / ~ ~ m. s ~~g _ i M~ ~i ~ G x ~ ," , W O o z :i j: .1 s ~ ~ 4 ei ! ~ ~ i ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ ` Ir: 'i ii~>' jai:.{. j F _ ' u. •._.__. r. 8 . ~ ~q Y I ii ~ , 1 ': ' ~ r ~ i _ .f i -li - ~~\~ / ~ its y' ~ f~ ~!' . ~ J ~_~. ~. _ is ~ NI, ~~ ~ ~~I.^_a I § :~ FI I/~~ }nines' M~ I _ \r I ~~ % ~ ? ' ~ '~. ,~ ~_ i~ , j~ ~~ ~ ~ w ~;.~f :~ i. x i - _ ', ~~ , _ i i ~.. . ~ '! ~~ ell } ~t:,~~' ~ I~j 5 R ~ i ~ ,~ ~- - 7 r; CITY OF RANCHO CDCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINDTES. ( Regular Meeting 1 March 27, 1985 Chairman Dennis Stout called the regular meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Conaniss ion to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was.he ld at Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Chairman Stout then led in the pledge to the flag. ROLL CALL COMMISSf OfIERS PRESENT: David Barker, Suzanne Ch itiea, Larry McKie 1, Herman Rempe 1, Dennis Stout COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESEiIT: Dan Coleman, Senior Planner; Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner; Rick Gomez, City Planner; Barrye Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer; Curt Johnston, Assot late Planner; James Markman, City Attorney; John Meyer, Assistant Planner; Janice Reynolds, Secretary # # 4 * R ARNOONCEMEiJTS Dan Coleman, Senior Planner, announced that Environmental Assessment and Development Review 84-12, which had been continued from the Planning Commission's meeting of March 13, 1985, had load :•ertently been omitted from the agenda; therefore recommended that ft be added to tonight's agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR A, ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 84-56 - MESSENGER - industrial use on 2.49 acres located on the northeast corner of Elm and Eucaiyp tus Avenue in the Industrial Specific Plan area (Subarea 7, Industrial Park) - APN 208-351-37. L Tim Marqu ard, 3187 Airway, Costa Mesa, stated concurrence with the staff report, Resolution and conditions of approval. Commissioner Barker asked what the square footage and proposed price range would he for the project. Mr. Marqu ard replied that the square foot aae would range from 2000 to 2500 square feet and would estimate the price range to be in the neighborhood of $175,000. Commissioner Ch it tea expressed concern with the side and rear elevations and stated that that they looked very blank in the drawings. Mr. Marquard replied that the elevations would look different when huilt. Rick Gomez, City Planner, advised that corner elevations or 2-story elevations - ( with public exposure would be conditioned in the Standard Conditions attached I to the Resolution. The following individuals spoke in opposition to the with decreasi project based on concerns ng property values as a result of Thoroughbred if a through street and therefo the project, traffic on re reco be designed as a cul-de-sac, increased crime, lack mmended that thoroughbred of provisions for front I yard landscaping, and compatibility with surrounding neighborhood. Jim Anderson - 8093 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga I Al Moracek - 8020 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cuc amanga Cindy Busey - 8048 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Cindy Oavis - 8037 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga John Bose - 7954 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga I John Ball - 7966 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Harry Overlock - 7994 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Skip Davis - 8037 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga I John Hazelrigg - 8079 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Kathleen Sager - 8025 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Wayne Sager - 8025 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Larry Bliss, 6634 Carnelian, Rancho Cucamonga, addressed the Commission in support of the project. Mr. Bliss advised that Thoroughbred is a water carrying street and was intended to eventually go through. He also stated that the residents of Jennet and Rosebud would probably like to see some of the traffic removed from their streets and not have more traffic placed on them as a result of making Thoroughbred a cul-de-sat. Cal Qu oral, Anacal Engineering, advised that the street pattern of this project is the same one which was originally approved by the City for the previous application. He pointed out that if the tract had recorded in December, it would be going in with this same street pattern. There were no further comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Planning Commission Minutes -7- March 27, 1985 problem because this area was designed to circulate so that each one of the east/west streets drains to Sapphire. Further, that he understood and was' sympathetic to the situation; however, it would 6e unfair to place all of the traffic on Gardenia and Rosebud and was time that the other streets carry their fair share of traff it to Sapphire. On the compatibility issue, Chairman Stout stated that an attempt could 6e made to transition this project compatibly with the existing homes so that it has the least impact. He further stated that he would be in favor of sending the color palette back to the Design Review Committee and if and approval could not be made at that level, it should come back to the Planning Commission. Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by McNiel, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the Resolution approving Environmental Assessment and Tentative Tract 10349 with revisions to Planning Division condition one to omit s lumpstone from the material to be used on the wall, and an added condition requiring the first ten lots north and south on Thoroughbred and ten lots on Jennet to provide architectural transition. These designs are to be approved by the Design Review Committee prior to issuance of building permits. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL, MCNIEL, CHITIEA, STOUT - NOES: COMMISSIONERS: BARKER - ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE -carried - Commissioner Barker stated that he was in agreement that Thoroughbred should _ 6e a through street, however, voted against the project because of the intransigent attitude of the developer to make architectural changes necessary to make the tract compatible with the existf ng homes. • x * + + OLD BUSINESS J. POLICY DETERMINATION FOLLOW-UP - DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA FOR OFFSiTE LOADING AC CITIES - John Meyer, Assistant Planner, reviewed the staff report. Kevin Flynn, 1320 San Bernardino Road, UDland, addressed the Commission on behalf of Royal Creations. Mr. Flynn advised that the facility as it _ current ty exists is not useful for off-site loading facilities as required by Royal Creations. The Commission directed ~st off to work with the railroad companies to see what options could be developed into a policy direction for use throughout special locations in the City. __. x ~ + • ~ Planning Commission Minutes -9- March 27, 1985 CITT OF RANCHO CL'CA.~IONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 1, 1985 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Nancy Fong, Assis tant Planner SUBJECT: APPEAL BY TNE' ADJACENT PRDPERTY OWNERS ON THOROUGHBRED STRE 7 OF HE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT 0349 HISTORY: The project site had a previously approved subdivision for 58 single family custom lots, which expired January 14, 1985. This previous tract had four floor plans proposed that range from 2,800 square feet to 3,400 square feet with traditional elevations (see Exhibit "C"). The present developer had resuhmitted a new subdivision of 53 lots where 5 lots were eliminated in order to comply with the current Code in areas of setbacks, density, and minimum net lot average of 22,500 square feet. BACKGROUND: The residents on 7000 to 8000 block of Thoroughbred Street have requested an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision approving Tentative Tract 10349 (see attached letters). The Planning Commission, in order to address and mitigate the concerns of the residents regard in9~ neighborhood and architectural incompatibility, imposed an additional condition to ensure neighborhood compatibility by requiring architectural revisions in a transitional area of 10 lots immediately adjacent to the existing single family homes. Attached for your review and consideration is the Planning Commission Staff Report, Conditions, and minutes of the meeting of March 27, 1985. One of the concerns of the adjacent property owners was the increase in traffic with the extension of Thoroughbred Street. To mitigate such impact, the residents proposed that the City considers the closing of Thoroughbred Street into a cul-de-sac. According to the City traffic engineer, the travel mode for this area is toward the south and east direction. The extension of Thoroughbred Street to connect to Sapphire Street is necessary far traffic efficiency and for dispersal of traffic which is presently concentrated on existing parallel routes such as Gardenia Avenue and Rosebud Street. Attached for your review is the City Engineer's memo of April 12, 1985 to the City Council regarding this subject. In addition, the Foothill Fire District standards do not allow cul-de-sacs which ezc eed 600 feet in length, because of de 1aY in their response time and the availability of water supply, per the attached letter. . COG'IQL S?Ar== R"cpriRT ;ippea~ uy Ad,;acent Prcper±, OwnF~s!'" .C3'i' !day i, 19G; ?~.,_ 2 TF.=.. rasider.ts p^cpcsed t^ purchase and ~nnau. twe lo'~.s ~;f 1T '.0?An far the d~:v21 ;;:^ent of a `"rocket 'ark" at the eni of Theroanh~ured itr^e'` cul-de-sac. ~r:cer?~:~,g to the Communi`.~, ;ervtt:e Cirettor, the °.ivf standards fora m^~ghhorhood park is a minimum ~f 5 acres. r`tt=^hed f~~r ycur review and cons id erat ron is the April i5, 1985 Staff Pepnrt from the Co:mnunity iervice Department to the Parks Oevelupment Commiss inn. SUMMARY 'ir" NEIGH90RIIOOD MEETING: On April ll, r9fi5, r. neig!:Sarhood meet in; was heid for the developer to receive input and addross those cnr; erns ran>ed by the residents. Outlined 6elc~w are the issund raised roue>>qn uie rront elevan ons in term<_ of color pa~~ :.ad ...,ie materials t~ pravide compatibility with existing r^~"~ a_~~:,. Howe': ~•r, regardin5 the front yard block w alls and r••~r' landac>ping as r^qn<.s*_ed by the property owners, the developer di, t pr;;mrse that these req~:ests would be fulei r'eJ due to the ad; ed ro~,. `t wculd n~.ace en .hr entire pro ;pct and the sales nr+ces of *h7 .. ~r_; '(ham ^csi(~_~ts a'.se requested that they be Vrc~ "' 'uL_ o^, 'hcrL~aghbred which they would li' feve'opment. of a park. The developer respc^.r o rovi~!e a cast fipwe until more do t,.i led plans ::'•? r. fr~c; _':. the ~erelnoer aqr^~d with th.e request that ccr•_truc[ion .rzr`ir . r_t be rcu'ed th roug'i the existir:g residential atree ts. ibac~•er, r^suore ~o the request that Thoroughbred Streei be rcdrti'9ne~. ~r L~ ~< aJi-,c-sec, the deve l,pnr advised that the ^,i ty would have 'x d~cid~ ,.~, this :clue. RECOMMFtlDATiGh_ The Planning Cummi scion recommends aporova~ of th project with condition; based open° the Find inns Contained ~~ith it the Resglutrun. y sobmitt ed, f:it~;';.mner. (f 1 r DnrE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUC~~iONGA STAFF REPORT March 27, 1985 Chairman and Members of the Planning Commissign Rick Gomez, City Planner Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ANO TENTATIVE TRACT 10349 ANACAL - A total residential development of 53 single fad lots on 33.2 acres of land in the Very Low Residential District (1-2 du/ac), located west of Sapphire Street, south of Jennet Street - APN 1043-121-3, 1062-161- 01, and 1062-011-3. i9]; I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Approval of subdivision map, site plan, elevations and issuance of a Negative Declaration. B. Purpose: Construction of 53 single family homes. C. Location: West of Sapphire Street, south of Jennet Street. D. Parcel Size: 33.2 acres. E. Ex isting Zon ing: Very Low Residential District (1-2 du/ac). F. Exist ing Land Use: Vacant, dead citrus groves. G. Proposed Dens it v: 2 du/ac. H. Surround in Land Use and Zonin North - my a fami y homes; Very Low Residential District South - Single family homes; Very Low Residential District East - Single family homes; Very Low Residential District West - Single family homes; Very Low Residential District I. General Plan Desi nations: roject ite - Very Low Residential, 1-2 du/ac North - Very Low Residential, 1-2 du/ac . South - Very Low Residential, 1-2 du/ac East - Very Law Residential, 1-2 du/ac West - Very Low Residential, 1-2 du/ac ' ITEM I ?~ ~~~G~,HptC' <~; , ,~ iii ~ ~ ~~ .. I> PLANNIIIG COMMISSIO!( ~AFF REPORT Tentative Tract 10349 - Anac al March 27, 1985 Page 3 4. Provide trail crossing with non-slip texturized pavement between Lots 18 and 47, with the trail on the west side of Lat 47. 5. Provide a communfty trail on Sapphire Street within the established right-of-way and the requied street trees shall be placed on private property. F. Environmental Assessment: Part I of the Initial Study has been completed by the app icant. Staff has completed Part II of the Environmental Checklist and determined that no significant environmental impacts will occur as a result of this project. A copy of the Part II Environmental Checklist is attached for your review and consideration. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The project is consistent with the General Plan and Development Code. The project will not be detrimental to adjacent properties or cause significant adverse environmental impacts. In addition, proposed use, building design, and site plan together with the recommended Conditions of Approval are in compliance with applicable provisions of the Development Code and City Standards. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised in The Daily Report as a public Baring item and notices have been sent to property owners within 300 feet of the project site. To date, no correspondence has been received either for or against the subdivision map. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Cornniss ion issue a tleg ative Oeclarat ion and approve Tentative Tract Map 10349 through adoption of the attached Resolution and Conditions of 'Approva L:'"1 fitted, :NF:ns Exhibit "A" - Location Map and Land Use Exhibit "R" - Site Utilization Map Exhibit "C" - Natural Features Exhibit "D" - Tentative Tract Map Exhibit "E" -Equestrian Trails Plan Exhibit "F" -Detailed Site Plan and Conceptual Grading Exhibit "G" -Elevations (16) Initial Study, Part fI Resolution wfth Conditions of Approval i { (g) That this prole: will rot create adverse impacts on the environ:~.nt and a Neoatrve Declaratior, is issued. SECTION 2: Tentative Tract Map No. 10349, a copy of which is attached hereto, is hereby approved subject to all of the followine conditf ons and the attached Standard Conditions; PL AtiNING DIVISION: .. n;n '..,^-1 n~nl ~t~:Cn .fin^^p.. .,.. ~. ~ "d5 C2 .. _~. -~ 2. Provide a 20 foot dedicated conmruiity r-.~uastrian trail _ along tho not .r•?r iy property line. Final tract map 1 6e revise' to provide F0,000 sq. +': minimum fat sip Lot 4c -tt er :ed;catian of trail. 3. Pr :v ide a ununt ty trailwithir, the way alnn•~ `apphire Street and the r' shall he 'b r. ~+d an private property. 4. Provide a uurth/south total trail between Lots 40 ~~•d 43, _ between Lots 34 and 31, and a north/s uuth toc a' bail westerly of Lots 3:. and 32. 5. Provide a corm,.:~9 trail width of .15 feet between fats 1s through 23 and Lcs ;4 through 18. Provide trail c•.ss icg with nun-slip tea'~m•ued pavement between lots 7: gin' 1S with the trails on the wen side of lot 47. 6. f.ll cvt and fill slopes fronting nn public str z~~s ;;ra~l ' be landscaped per Ci"y's slope pl ant inn stanr zr^s. _ Nydroseeding will not be acceptable. 7. The existing Euoalyptus windrow along the southern property boundary shall be preserved, Any removal cf trees shall require an approved tree reaov al pernit prior __ to the approval of a rough grading plan and prior to issuance of any permits. 8. Provide orchitectural trans'tiw frcm ih,• ~~i-ti~•~~ - -~ fa-i)y lots tc th~• wept, :or Lots 20 ..hrough o5 mia Lots~9 through 18. Revised plans shalt be submitted for Desigr' _/ Review Comrtlttee reWew and approval prior to issuance ^f building permits. „ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES. Regular Meeting March 27, 1985 Chairman Dennis Stout called the regular meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was.held at lions Park Community Center, 9161 ease Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Chairman Stout then led in the pledge to the flag. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: David Barker, Suzanne Chitiea, Larry McKie 1, Herman Rempel, Dennis Stout COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Dan Coleman, Senior Planner; Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner; Rick Gomez, City Planner; Barrye Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer; Curt Johnston, Associate Planner; James Markman, City Attorney; John Meyer, Assistant Planner; Janice Reynolds, Secretary . + .. x ANNOUiICEMENTS Dan Coleman, Senior Planner, announced that Environmental Assessment and Development Review 84-12, which had been continued from the Planning Commission's meeting of March 13, 1985, had inadvertently been omitted from the agenda; therefore recommended that it be added to tonight's agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR A. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 84-56 - MESSENGER - Construction of a 42,820 square foot concrete tilt-up building for industrial use on 2.49 acres located on the northeast corner of Elm and Eucalyptus Avenue in the Industrial Specific Plan area (Subarea 7, Industrial Park) - APN 208-351-37. ..~,. . H. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 85-01 - KANTER - The development of a 45, 00 square foot retail shopping center on acres of land in the General Commercial District located at the northeast corner of - Foothill Boulevard and Ramona Avenue - APN 1077-621-29, 30, 33. Nancy Fong, .Assistant Planner, reviewed the staff report. _ Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. Gary Kanter, 689 Rosewood, San Dimas, stated concurrence with the staff report - and Resolution. There were no further comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Rempel stated that this was one of the nicest projects to come before the Design Review Committee. Chairman Stout agreed and further stated that very little was needed at the Design Review level to bring the project into conformance with the goals and policies of the City. Motion: Moved by Barker, seconded by Rempel, unanimously carried, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the Resolution approving Environmental Assessment and Conditional Use Permit 85-01. e • ~ ~ * - 8:15 - Planning Commission Recessed 8:30 - Planning Commission Reconvened - • x x + I. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 10349 - ANACAL - q total residential development of 53 single family lots on 33. net acres of land in the Very Low Residential District (1-2 du/ac), located west of Sapphire _ Street, south of Jennet Street - APY 1043-121-3, 1062-161-1, and 1062-011- 3. Nancy Fony, Assistant Planner, reviewed the staff report. - Chairman Stout referred to the Condition requiring the provision of a two level decorative wall such as stucco and slumpstone and advised he could not recall discussion of slumpstone at the Design Review Committee meeting. He suggested that the requirement for slumpstone be stricken from the condition. Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. - Planning Commission Minutes -6- March 27, 1985 Tim Marqu ard, 3187 Airway, Costa Mesa, stated concurrence with the staff report, Resolution and conditions of approval. Commissioner Barker asked what the square footage and proposed price range would be for the project. Mr. Marqu ard replied that the square footage would range from 2000 to 2500 square feet and would estimate the price range to be in the neighborhood of 5175,D00. Commissioner Chit iea expressed concern with the side and rear elevations and stated that that they looked very blank in the drawings. Mr. Marqu ard replied that the elevations would look different when built. Rick Gomez, City Planner, advised that corner elevations or 2-story elevations with public exposure would be conditioned in the Standard Conditions attached to the Resolution. The following individuals spoke in opposition to the project based on concerns with decreasing property values as a result of the project, traffic on Thoroughbred if a through street and therefore reconenended that Thoroughbred be designed as a cul-de-sac, increased crime, lack of provisions for front yard landscaping, and compatibility with surrounding neighborhood. Jim Anderson - 8093 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Al Mor acek - 8020 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Cindy Busey - 8048 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Cindy Oavis - 8037 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga John Bose - 7954 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga John Ball - 7966 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Harry Overlock - 1994 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Skip Davis - 8037 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga John Hazelrigg - 8079 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Kathleen Sager - 8025 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Wayne Sager - 8025 Thoroughbred - Rancho Cucamonga Larry Bliss, 6634 Carnelian, Rancho Cucamonga, addressed the Commission in support of the project. Mr. Bliss advised that Thoroughbred is a water carrying street and was intended to eventually go through. He also stated that the residents of Jennet and Rosebud would probably like to see some of the traffic removed from their streets and not have more traffic placed on them as a result of making Thoroughbred a cul-de-sac. Cal Quaral, Anacal Engineering, advised that the street pattern of this project is the same one which was originally approved by the City for the previous application. He pointed out that if the tract had recorded in December, it would be going in with this same street pattern. There were no further comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Planning Commission Minutes -7- March 27, 1985 Commissioner Chitiea s*_ated that the people on Gardenia and Rosebud probably have the same concerns as those expressed during the public hearing. She further stated that it was not fair to the residents who live on Rosebud and Gardenia to have all of the traffic routed through their streets to ' Turquoise. She stated that she could appreciate the concerns expressed, but would have to consider the other residents who would also be affected. Commissioner Barker stated that the street patterns are the same as when the existing houses were first built and are part of an overall design program. He further stated that the existing neighborhood has a specific design personality, and it was his opinion that the proposed project is incompatible. Additionally, he was not comfortable with a shift in design styles mid-block and was concerned with the house square footages as proposed. Commissioner Rempel agreed that Thoroughbred Street has to be a through street and advised that the street would be over the 600-foot minimum limit of for a cul-de-sac. Additionally, drainage would be a problem if Thoroughbred didn't go through. He further stated that staff and the Design Review Committee could work with the applicant to come up with designs compatihle with the surrounding area and address the transition issue and suggested that the first . five or six lots on the north and south sides would make a reasonable transition. - Mr. Marqu and replied that the color palette could be changed to be more compatible with the area, but he would have a problem with a redesign. Ne advised the project had been before the various review committees and had met all of the standards set. Commissioner Rempel stated that he did not intend that a major fascade change needed to be accomplished, only that the Design Review Cortcnittee and staff could work with him on ways to make the homes on those lots more compatible with the existing neighborhood. - Mr. Marquard stated that to the west of this project is one which has Cape Code architectural styling, which he considered a major change. further, that he would not be opposed to blending the color palette to achieve a more Country Traditional look, but did not feel that new developers should be penalized for a small group of homes which already exist in one specific area and be required to redesign their projects. Commissioner Chitiea stated that she would prefer to see 10 tots on the north and south sides transition with the existing homes. Nick Gomez, City Planned, advised that the Commission might want to fnclude - the lots on Jennet in the transitional issue. Chairman Stout advised that he had lived in that area for ten years and that __ before the Miller and Mayfair tracts were built Gardenia didn't have as much traffic on it either. He advised that the extra traffic on Gardenia is a - Planning Commission Minutes -8- March 27, 1985 problem because this area was designed to circulate so that each one of the east/west streets drains to Sapphire. further, that he understood and was' -- sympathetic to the situation; however, ft would be unfair to place ali of the traffic on Gardenia and Rosebud and was time that the other streets carry - their fair share of traffic to Sapphire. On the compatibility issue, Chairman _ Stout stated that an attempt could be made to transition this project compat ihly with the existing homes so that it has the least impact. He further stated that he would be ir, favor of sending the color palette back to the Design Review Committee and if and approval could not be made at that level, it should come back to the Planning Commission. Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by McNie1, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the Resolution approving Environmental Assessment and Tentative Tract 10349 with revisions to Planning Division condition one to omit s lumpstone from the material to he used on the wall, and an added condition requiring the first ten lots north and south on Thoroughbred and ten lots on Jennet to provide architectural transition. These designs are to be approved by the Design Review Committee prior to issuance of building permits. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL, MCNiEL, CHITIEA, STOUT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: BARKER ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE -carried Commissioner Barker stated that he was in agreement that Thoroughbred should be a through street, however, voted against the project because of the intransigent attitude of the developer to make architectural changes necessary to make the tract compatible with the existing homes. + x * x x OLO BUSINESS J. POLICY DETERMINATION FOLLOW-UP - DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA FOR OFFSITE LOADING AC1LI IES John Meyer, Assistant Planner, reviewed the staff report. Kevin Flynn, 1320 San Bernardino Road, Upland, addressed the Conmission on - 6eha if of Royal Creations. Mr. Flynn advised that the facility as it _ currently exists is not useful for off-site loading facilities as required by Royal Creations. The Commission directed staff to work with the railroad companies to see what options could be developed into a policy direction far use throughout special locations in the City. .«.*. Planning Commission Minutes -9- March 27, 1985 CITF OF RANCHO CtiCAIDIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 1, 1985 T0: Mayor and Memhers of the City Council FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: APPEAL DY THE ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS ON THOROUGHBRED STR ET OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT 0 49 HISTORY: The project site had a previously approved subdivision for 58 single family custom lots, which expired January 14, 1985. This previous tract had four floor plans proposed that range from 2,800 square feet to 3,400 square feet with traditional elevations (see Exhibit "C"). The present developer had resubmitted a new subdivision of 53 lots where 5 lots were eliminated in order to comply with the current Code in areas of setbacks, density, and minimum net lot average of'22,SOOsquare feet. BACKGR00;;0: The residents on 7000 to 8000 block of Thoroughbred Street have requested an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision approving Tentative Tract 10349 (see attached letters). The Planning Commission, in order to address and mitigate the concerns of the residents regarding neighborhood and architectural incompatihility, imposed an additional condition to ensure neighborhood compatibility by requirfng architectural revisions in a transitional area of 10 lots immediately adjacent to the existing single family homes. Attached for your review and consideration is the Planning Commission Staff Report, Conditions, and minutes of the meeting of March 27, 1985. One of the concerns of the adjacent property owners was the increase in traff fc with the extension of Thoroughbred Street. To mitigate such impact, the residents proposed that the City considers the closing of Thoroughbred Street into a cul-de-sac. According to the City traffic engineer, the travel mode for this area is toward the south and east direction. The extension of Thoroughbred Street to connect to Sapphire Street is necessary fir traffic efficiency and for dispersal of traffic which is presently concentrated on existing parallel routes such as Gardenia Avenue and Rosebud Street. Attached for your review is the City Engineer's memo of April 12, 1985 to the City Council regardfng this subject. In addition, the Foothill Fire District standards do not allow cul-de-sacs which exceed 600 feet in length, because of deidy in their response time and the availability of water supply, per the attached letter. ` CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT _ Appeal by Adjacent Property Owners/TT 10349 May 1, 1985 Page 2 The residents proposed to purchase and donate two lots of TT 10349 for the development of a "Pocket Park" at the end of Thoroughbred Street cul-de-sac. According to the Community Service Director, the City's standards for a neighborhood park is a minimum of 5 acres. Attached for your review and consideration is the April 15, 1985 Staff Report from the Community Service Department to the Parks Development Commission. SUMMARY OF NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING: On April 11, 1985, a neighborhood meeting was held for the developer to receive input and address those concerns raised by the residents. Outlined below are the issued raised by the property owners and responses by the developer: In response to the residents' concern regarding the front elevations of the 5 lots on both sides of Thoroughbred Street, the developer agreed to redesign the front elevations in terms of color palette and facade materials to provide compatibility with existing res iderces. However, regarding the front yard block walls and front yard landscaping as requested 6y the property owners, the developer did not promise that these requests would 6e fulfilled due to the added cost it would place on the entire project and the sales prices of the homes. The residents also requested that they be provided with the cost of the 2 lots on Thoroughbred which they would like to purchase for a development of a park. The developer responded that he could not provide a cost figure until more detailed plans are developed. The developer agreed with the request that Construction traffic would -- not be routed through the existing residential streets. However, in response to the request that Thoroughbred Street be redesigned into a cul-de-sac, the developer advised that the City would have to decide on - this issue. - RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends approval of the project with conditions based upon the findings contained within the Res lution. Rg,~gct~ ly submitted, RG:NF:ns CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Appeal by Adjacent Property Owners/TT 10349 May 1, 1985 Page 3 Attachments: Planning Commission Staff Report - March 27, 1985 Planning Commission Minutes - March 27, 1985 Planning Commission Resolution of Approval with Conditions City Engineer Menro to City Council - April 12, 1985 -- Letter from Foothill Fire District - April 23, 1985 Park Development Commission Staff Report - April 15, 1985 Exhibit "A" - Examples of Existing Homes on Thoroughbred Street -_ Exhibit "B" - Examples of Front Block Wal )s Exhibit "C" - Previous Tract Map and Elevations -- Exhibit "D" - Tentative Tract Map Exhibit "E" - Equestrian Trails Plan - Exhibit "F" - Detailed Site Plan and Conceptual Grading Exhibit "G" - Elevations and Floor Plans Exhibit "H" - Previous Tract and Elevations --- Appeal Letter w/Addendum from Residents on Thoroughbred Street Letters from Residents on Thoroughbred Street r ~ STAFF REPORT GATE: March 27, 1985 70: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission ~/ 'r ~~ , .,~ , _: _'~!I 19i7 ~ FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ANO TENTATIVE TRACT 10349 - ANACAL - A iota residential development of 53 single family lots on 33.2 acres of land in the Very Low Residential District (1-2 du/ac), located west of Sapphire Street, south of Jennet Street - APN 1043-121-3, 1062-161- 01, and 1062-011-3. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Approval of subd ivis iqn map, site plan, elevations and issuance of a Negative Declaration. B. Purpose: Con struct iqn of 53 single family homes. C. Location: West of Sapphire Street, south of Jennet Street. O. Parcel Size: 33.2 acres. E. Existing Zon inq: Very Low Residential Oistrict (1-2 du/ac). F. Exist inq Land Use: Vacant, dead citrus groves. G. Proposed Density: 2 du/ac. H. Surround in Land Use and Zon in North - Ing a fami y omes; ery Low Residential District South - Single family homes; Very Low Residential District East - Single family homes; Very Law Residential District West - Single family homes; Very Low Residential District I. General Plan Desi nations: roj ect ite -Very Low Residential, 1-2 du/ac North - Very Low Residential, 1-2 du/ac South - Very Low Residential, 1-2 du/ac _ ~ East - Very Low Residential, 1-2 du/ac West - Very Low Residential, 1-2 du/ac ' ITEM I PLANNING COMMISSIOt~Y"AFF REPORT i Tentative Tract 10 - Anacal ~ March 27, 1985 ' Page 2 J. Site Characteristics: The subject site is vacant and slopes to the southeast at aDProx imately 5X. Vegetation consists of shrubs and citrus orchards, with most of the citrus trees in a decayed state. The south property boundary has a row of Eucalyptus windrow which should be preserved. II. ANALYSIS: -• A. General: The project site had a previously approved subdivision for 58 single family custom lots, which expired . January 14, 1985. The developer has resubmitted a subdivision of 53 lots with basically the same design as the previously approved tentative tract. The new site plan complies with the current Code in areas of setbacks, density, minimum net lot -• average, and lot sizes. The net density for this project is 2 du/ac. The developer has proposed three floor plans ranging from 2,000 sq. ft. to 3,000 sq. ft. with three variations to - the front elevations. B. Design Review Committee: The Design Review Committee has _, recommended approval of the project provided the following improvements 6e made, which the developer has agreed to: 1. Provide two level decorative wall, such as stucco, -' and slumpstone, and landscaping on Lots 53 and 1 for streetscape conryatibility along Sapphire Street. 2. Provide community equestrian trail on Sapphire Street. C. Technical Review Committee: The Technical Review Committee has reviewed the project and etermined that with the recommended Conditions of Approval the project is consistent with the applicable standards and ordinances. - D. Trails Committee: The Trails Committee has reviewed the project and made the following recommendations: (See Exhibit _ ..F ~~~. 1. Provide a 20 foot dedicated community trail along the norther lyproperty boundary. - 2. Provide a north-south local feeder trail between Lots 40 and 43, Lots 34 and 37, and a north-south trail westerly of Lots 31 and 32. _ 3. Provide a combined local feeder trail width of 15 _ feet between Lots 19 and 23 and Lot 47 and 18. PLANNfNG COMMISSION AFF REPORT Tentative Tract 10349 - An acal March 27, 1985 Page 3 4. Provide trail crossing with non-slip tezturized pavement between Lots 18 and 47, with the trail on th<_ west side of Lot 47. 5. Provide a community trail on Sapphire Street within the established right-of-way and the requied street trees shall be placed on private property. Environmental Assessment: Part I of the Initial Study has been completed by the applicant. Staff has completed Part II of the Environmental Checklist and determined that no significant environmental impacts will occur as a result of this project. A copy of the Part II Environmental Checklist is attached for your review and consideration. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The project is consistent with the General Plan and Development Code. The project will not be detrimental to adjacent properties or cause significant adverse environmental impacts. In addition, proposed use, building design, and site Dlan together with the recommended Conditions of Approval are in compliance with applicable provisions of the Oeve lopment Code and City Standards. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised in The Daily Report as a plc hearing item and notices have been sent to property owners within 300 feet of the project site. To date, no correspondence has been received either for or against the subdivision map. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission issue a Negative Declaration and approve Tentative Tract Map 10349 through adoption of the attached Resolution and Conditions of tted, NF:ns Exhibit "A" - Location Map and Land Use Exhibit "8" - Site Utilization Map Exhibit "C" - Natural Features Exhibit "D" - Tentative Tract Map Exhibit "E" - Equestrian Trails Plan Exhibit "F" - Detailed Site Plan and Conceptual Grading Exhibit "G" - Elevations (16) Initial Study, Part II Resolution with Conditions of Approval I~ RESawnoN No. ss-45 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMOiIGA, CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP N0. 10349 WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Map No. 10349, hereinafter "Map" submitted by Plaza Builders, applicant, for the purpose of subdividing the real property situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, described as a residential subdivision on 33.2 acres of land located at west side of Sapphire Street, south of Jennet Street into 53 lots, regularly came before the Planning Conmiss ion for public hearing and action on March 27, 1985; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has recommended approval of the Map subject to all conditions set forth in the Engineering and Planning Division's reports; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has read and considered the Engineering and Planning Division's reports and has Considered other evidence presented at the public hearing. _ NO'W, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The Planning Commission makes the following findings in regard to Tentative Tract No. 10349 and the Map thereof: (a) The tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and specific plans; (b) The design or improvements of the tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, , and specific plans; (c) The site is physically suitable far the type of development proposed; " (d) The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; (e) The tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems; " (f) The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed 5ubd ivi5ion. _ f~ 1 - (g) That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and a Negative Declaration is issued. SECTION 2: Tentative Tract Map No. 10349, a copy of which is attached hereto, is hereby approved subject to all of the following conditions and the attached Standard Conditions: PLANNING DIVISION: 1. Use two-level stucco decorative walls, with.landscaping on Lets 53 and 1, for streetscape comps ti btl ity along Sapphire Street. _ Detailed plans .shall be submitted to~the Planning•Divlsion for review.and•approval prior to issuance of•building.permit. - 2. Provide a 20 foot dedicated community equestrian trail -- along the northerly property line. Final tract map shall be revised to provide 20,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size on --- Lot 44 after dedication of trail. 3. Provide a community trail within the established right-of- way along Sapphire Street and the required street trees shall be placed on private property. 4. Provide a north/south local trail between Lots 40 and 43, --- hetween lots 34 and 37, and a north/south local trail westerly of Lats 31 and 32. 5. Provide a combined trail width of .15 feet between Lots 19 through 23 and Lots 14 through 18. Provide trail crossing with non-slip texturized pavement between tots 18 and 47 with the trails on the west side of Lot 47. 6. All cut and fill slopes fronting on public streets shall be landscaped per City's slope planting standards. - - Nydroseeding will not he acceptable. 7. The existing Eucalyptus windrow along the southern property boundary shall be preserved. Any removal of trees shall require an approved tree removal permit prior to the approval of a rough grading plan and prior to issuance of any permits. _ 8. Provide architectural transition from the existing single-, family lots to the west, for lots 26 through 35 and Lots 9 - through 18. Revised plans shall be submitted far Desfgn ~ Review Committee review and approval prior to issuance of 4uildinq permits. C ENGINEERING DIVISION C 1. Private drainage easement with concrete drains for cross lot drainage shall be required along all affected lots, including those along the southerly tract boundary. The easement shall be delineated on the map. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 27TH DAY OF MARCN, 1985. PLANNINj/GHQ/JMMISSIOfN~OF THE~C~ITY O7F RANCHO CUCAMONGA Dennis L Stout, Chaf rman i ~:.; ATTEST: ~'~ ~ Rick Gomez, Deputy Secretary I, Rick Gomez, Deputy Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Cortmiss ion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meetf ng of the Planning Commission held on the 27th day of March, 1985, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL, MCNIEL, CHITI EA, STOUT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: BARKER ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE _, W 'O d C ~ ~_ .. ~6e~ _ " .. __ _ _ _ y o _ -- s _ __ - q 4 =- c€Y _ _ ~ _ __ -_ - ~ ~~ ~ a€V a ~~ _c~ =_-_ _ c _ _ rd n ~ ~ xt ~ _ ~ - = f ~ _ _ onu ~~j~:.u` m S o n?~u P ~ra ~.. ~ .n ~i~ 'IPG~ n i ~ ~In s ' l I l f"1 _ so _ e _- --_ _ _ -_ - - be cg c9 ~ _ ~ a5 o_ _ o.. ~_ '~ _ _ +b _ ~ <uo~1 - ~ - od n~„ ~ ~ _ ~o - =b __ _ ~~ - - - - ~ yl° N 1 ~ - ~I ~. ~ ~- ~ _ _ ~ .. n 6c~1 _ I 'v n ~o rn.n au ¢e row-e a wuhou~ w-an e1 n n 6w~ ino rwc . NI ^I al nl \ \\ it /1 ( ~ el NI +~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCaIViONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: April 12, 1985 T0: flayor and City Council FROi4: Lloyd 9. Hubbs, City Engineer ~UCr,NO C~``c ~c7 r ~,~ cif o Pn ~ A 19]7 SUBJECT: Appeal of Tentative Tract 10349 - Extension of Thoroughbred Street Attached for your information is the Planning Commission staff report dealing with the subject Tentative Tract. As you may be aware, residents along existing Thoroughbred Street are appealing the Commission approval and would like to preclude the extension of Thoroughbred Street to Sapphire. You will be hearing this item in the near future but may be contacted prior to the hearing. For your background, there are a few facts you may wish to consider. There are realty three issues that need addressing relative to street closure: 1. A cul-de-sac on existing Thoroughbred exceeds Fire Department standards for length. 2. The City is currently in litigation on a drainage problem resulting from drainage off of Thoroughbred flooding homes to the south. 3. The elimination of thru traffic movements on Thoroughbred will increase the concentration of traffic on parallel routes. The first two items can be addressed through alternative design solutions but will likely involve added costs to development. Construction of drainage facilities would result in increased City maintenance. The third item is a pure policy issue which involves traffic efficiency and localization of impact. Traffic generated by development will remain the same under any design. The question becomes where do you wish to route the traffic? In general, it is desirable to disperse traffic as much as possible, proof de direct access and limit travel distances. Nhere traffic is concentrated, it should be an collector and arterial streets which are designed to buffer adjacent dwellings. , Limiting circuitous travel reduces air pollution, energy consumption, vehicle wear and driver irritation. continued...... -I Mayor and City Council' Memo: Appeal of Tentative Tract 10349 - Extension of Thoroughbred Street April 12, 1965 Page 2 The impact of closing Thoroughbred will increase traffic on Gardenia and Rosebud and to a lesser extent Jennet. Traffic on existing Thoroughbred will be forced to continue a circuitous routing. There is very little travel demand to or from the west due to the Cucamonga Lreek debris basin. Most of the traffic involved will be generated in the existing Thoroughbred neighborhood and properties immediately surrounding it. In any case, it would not be expected to be large numbers. The current situation is not an isolated incident. The Commission and Council have come under increasing pressure to close streets at numerous locations. Avalon east of Carnelian and Opal Street north of Lemon being the most recent examples. Any particular situation of this type does not have monumental consequences. But the cumnulative impact of these actions can create significant loss of efficiency, increased pollution and energy consumption to simply move the problem to the path of least political resistance. The issue on the policy level resolves to one of efficiency of travel vs. the limited protection of vocal special interests. If your overall goal is to limit the impacts of traffic it would be staff's recommendation that you opt for the most efficient overall system that you can develop. This will involve design of a system that limits travel and disperses traffic as quickly and efficiently as pass i6le. LBH:jaa Attachments FOOTHILL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT , P. O. Box 35 6823 Amethyst Stmet Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 91701 ' (714) 987-2535 -- April 13, 1981 (; - __ ' APR n~ ,~-- '-, . fr' cl Mr. Rrck Comez, Cily P/onner ~ ' ~ ~ Crty of Rancho Cucamonga _ P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 ` Oear ,Nr. Gomez: We hove token under consideration o proposal to b/ock Continuation of Thoroughbred Street to Sapphire. It is our coot/usion such o proposal is at odds with our pub/ic safety responsibilities. The present street conjiguro[ion imposes oddi bona/ response trine delays upon us due to the fact we do not have direct access from [he closest major north/south street, Sapphire. ` We expect to see this situation improve with the continuation of Tharaugh- bred east to Sapphire. If such on improvement does not materialize we ` , have, in effect, a cul-de-sac which extends more than 300 a beyond our maximum standard of 600 feet. Another item of concern to us is the water sysfem. With the extension a( Thoroughbred, the water fine wi/f be looped into Sapphire Street. This is idea! in case there is o disruption of the water supply from Turquoise. If, however, the Thoroughbred water line does no[ connect to Sapphire, ` we wi/I be forced to accept a 6" water line which extends /000 feet and deodends. This is well beyond the maximum distance of 500 feet per- mitted by our Ordinance ,il for such aline. -~ With the above facts in mind, and in the interest of (ire and life safety, we request your continued support regarding the extension of Thoroughbred Str t 1 ` ee . ( you have any questions, please call me. ~ ~ ~_~ Sint ~ ely, ` ~- ' / r ~y w~l', ~, ~(,,u ~,~ Susan O. Wolfe / Fire Prevention Inspector . Fire Safety Division SD W/ss i Enclosure % ! '_/ . CITY OF R~1NCH0 CtiC~HOtiG~ STAFF REPORT Date: April 15, 1985 ~ji p V To: park Deve lopmeni Commi gsion 1977 eFrom: Pill Nolley, Director, Community Send cos DeoarLme nt Subject: Te r.ta Give Ttaci 10349-AMA.CAL R eauest to be heard by the park Development Comvu scion by Mz. and Mrs. E.C. Davi sr et al. This matter is nOt about a park. This matter is about a stree t...a street which was recently approved as a part of Tract 10349 by LSe Planning Commission. That Planning commission appro vel has been appealed by F.C. Davis, et al, and is scheduled to be heard by the City Council May 1st. If the matter is not about a park, and is rather, about a street, why is it on the park Development Commission Agenda? Simply, because anyone who wishes to be heard can be. They wish to be heard, therefore... I have attached a copy of correspondence addressed to Pam Henry in which the Davis' 'position' is laid out in their terms. Ir. Ue tract Map attached the project under appeal to Council is outlined in 'heavy solid line`. The Davis' neighborhood in 'broken dcurle line'. The issue is really that the Davis', et a1, want Thoroughbred "dead ended" or "cu i-de-saced" so as not to connect their portion of Thoroughbred to the new portico of Thoroughbred. To achieve this we have 6e en told by Davis that the 22 or so neighbors on the west section of Thoroughbred will buy Lhe Lwa 1o t9 on the westerly section of Anacal's Thoroughbred holdings end develop a park and donate i[ to the City ...if the street connection would be abandoned...if the abandonment separation is not possible, then the park is no longer offered. This issue is just that simple, STAFF COMMENT: First, 'Thoroughbred Park' is a Trojan Horse... the park is not the issue.. .the connector street is the issue. Second, the matter of this is now in the jurisdiction of the City Council to be heard on May 1. Third, the Davis', et al, are hoping simply to get a recommendation from the Park Dave lopment Commission to use with Council in hopes of overturning the Planning Commission decision. Page 2 Tract 10349-Anacal April 15, 1985 Fourth, while roads are not vi th my previews. I will say thaC the Planning Commission decision to put Thoroughbred through, vas not capricious nor arbitrary...it was based on, and consistent with, both City and Foothill Fire District standards for streets of that length. a Fifth, the attached letter quotes the Grapevine regarding the need for "smaller neighDOrhood parks". The Davis' are choosing to interpret "neighborhood park" into the concept of "mini-park" or "ves C-pocket-park`. It has clearly been the adopted polity of our City, to date, that smaller parks will be in the neighborhood of five acres minimum. If I can answer any muestions, please advise. HH: bs cc: City Council Planning Commission City Manager City Planner i DeBonis - ~ Enterprises Incorporated 1420 S. Signal Drive. Pomona, CA 91766 . (714) 623-8640 Apr11 2, 1985 MR. 6 MPS. JAMES DEBONIS 8078 Thoroughbred St. Alta Loma, CA. 91701 Honorable John Michaels Mayor, Rancho Cucamonga City Hall, 9320 Baseline Rd. P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 917]0 RE: TENTATIVE TRACT 10]49 ANACAL Dear Sir: The above referenced tract is tentatively approved for subtl1v1s1on Sn the very near future. Tn1s trace lies approximately within 200 feet of my property, locateO at 8076 Thoroughbred St. After having reviewed a "Staff Report" prepared Dy Mr. Pick (;omez and Ms. Nancy Fong in regards to the above tract, I take exception to several Stems. They are: 1.1 the report states that all residents within 300 feet of the protect were notified and there have Dean no oDOectlons or correspondence Lo date. I was not notified until 2 days before the last City Council meeting, and then is was no of Station by mail that there was Co be a hearing. 2.) The "vacant, dead citrus groves" don't appear to De anything Dut fruit-bearing trees and are not unsightly. 3.1 The tract was to De comprised of 2000 sq Ct to 30G0 sq. ft. homes, but the plot plans shown with the report indicate some are 1700 sq. ft. I am incensed, to say the least, that homes valued from b125,0~p to X155,000. have Deen approved to De erected up against homes valued from 5300,000. and up! Is this city planning????? I thoughe [hat the Mayor and City Council were to prevent such "bodge-podge" Ouilding Crom oecurring. I also thought that you were [here to preserve and protect the incumbent homeoune rs of flancho Cucamonga. Af terall, we have quite an investment in your community (E300,000 rl and have definitely addetl to the value of the community with taz monies, generous support oC community businesses antl organizations. When we bought here St was with the understanding that more oC the same value homes were Co De continued down Che street. We unoarstand that the economy prevented immediate continuailon of our homes. Now Gnat the economy has become conducive to resi- i~ i./1\ i DeBonis Enterprises Incorporated S. Signal Drive. Pomona, CA 91766. (714) 623-8640 Page z April 2, 1995 den t.al builtling, we woultl exc><` that the sane standards De Snsisted upon by our city's Planning Commission. 'Je you realize tha*. Lhe Duiltling of lower cost housing will substantially lower the value oC our homes? Can you honestly say you can justify approving $125,000. hemes next to $300,000. homes? These aren't "across the street"....they are NE%T to 15. I demand that ycu reconsider your decis!or, to approve these homes. Wculen't there be other properties more suitable for tha project in a Wore comparable reighberhood? Buggest three el ternativ es Lo the sltuati on: .v s'r, the builder to Clod more sui taoie land to his project. 2.i Require that the builder dedicate a "green belt" area he tween the homes to ouCfer Che properties. 7horoughDretl strut woultl then enC at the green Delt area, but crash gates could be erected for emergency v=hid es to ga:n access to t'ne west e:.d of .horoughbred, 3.1 Our prcpsrty tax bills b^ red.~ced by a aeast 00'„ si r.ce our properties will be neva!•aed by atleast that much! IC seems that when we added our walls, our spas and pools, etc., we ue re reassessed, so we mad better be reassessed for the city devaluing our property. I cannot stress the tlepth of our anger that Lhe ?lamming Commission did not take a closer study of our area and contact the homeowners! We are not talking about a "alight" Difference in homes. This Ss a DflAS7IC d.fCerenc_....more than twice as much in value. i again ask L r review of the situation. i; is unfair to the homeowners who have already invest^_tl in t„_ city to have been deserted in such a decision. 57hare were^wc represented? Are we to watch our investments be tt rown out the window Dy our own City? i am copying this loiter to ail Council members as well as Lhe County tax coilec tor. i do expect a Peply to my letter and to our neighborhood's dilemma. :hank you for your consideration. Slnterely,,, / ~~,( er.: R. i7 P.HL, C. BUGUET, /y(Ca y,,,.( l.,G~'7L7`~CLCF/Y,.r_~ P, 4iRIGHT, J. KING/CoUnCll James and Margaret DeBonis Mr. WASERMAN, City Manager R. GORDON YOUNG, County Assea: R n,n•,c~ nt r f r April 2, 1965 Ns. John Mikels Mayor, City of Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Hox 607 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 f Dear N.r. Mikels: -~ I've lived in the City of Rancho Cucamonga for 6 years and truly care for it. I've worked with the city and community projects in the past and found the City very _ supportive (the City, working with homeowners planted over 150 trees on Lemon Street last year). Therefore, I hope the City will again work with the - I community and that you and the City Counsel consider the following request. I 1. That the residents of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred be able to purchase Lot 13 and 14 0£ Tract No. 10349 from the builder, with the City's approval, and at a reasonable cost. 2. Develop said lots into a park for the utilization by the entire community. (Closest park is approximately I 3 miles away). 3. Dedicate the park to the City. I believe this propcsal could be beneficial to all parties concerned. Your assistance in this very important matter is appreciated. I_ Sincerely, 1 -c~..P ~~o...._ - Eugene C. Davis 6037 Thoroughbred Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 ECD: Iw IL I1. 1 -l. ~ __ .: I: -= 5 Y. ~ }} _ is / _ _~.! 1 I I _ i a~N{ _ //I\ \~ \\l r •~1 P_ lyi III T~ V IY-- I 1 „1 I'' ~' ~~~J I X11 ~ i i I I I ~ r ~ M'R :tikMllx I +c Al 1Y H" ~~' ~~ ~ )~ `~. _~ L III II r , _~~~ \~~ I ~ ~ a>I I I~~ /~~ ' I i i -_ a --_ rG ~ '~ I_ ~ ~ ~/i ~. r~-_. ___ ~ r r --- L j,J l ,~,. _ - ter- _ '~" I _. ___ ,,~- -= 1 _ ~ : ~___ r ` t1 4 ~ ~ 1 I I I ~ r I ~ ~ ,I ~i ~ I I C. I ~ i r R 1 _- ~3,f~z 17377 T_5 / r April 5, 1985 Pam henry Chair, Park Development Commission City Hall, 9320 Baseline Road P. O. IIox 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Re: Tentative Tract 10349 ANACAL Dear Ms. Henry: The above reference tract is tentatively approved for subdivision in the very near future, The new development is drastically different than the existing one on Thoroughbred Street. In an effort to reduce the aesthetic impact of one style home right next to another style home a park was suggested. Over 2/3 of the homeowners are willing to support the cost of buying the land from the builder. This land would then be dedicated to the City for a small neighborhood park. Presently, the closest park to our neighborhood is Beryl Park which is 2'~ miles away. The new park planned at Hillside and Deryl is still almost 2 miles away. Parks which were planned at the end of Banyan and a Stark I School has been abandoned by the City. This park site is directly in the center of ovr neighborhood and would be accessible by the following: t A. 51 homes in the proposed new development B. 22 homes on Thoroughbred _ C. 21 new homes just built at the East end of I Thoroughbred l D. 55 Mark III homes just South of us. _~ The children in our neighborhood are primarily elementary age. These children do not have access to a park. By the time children are old enough to use a park 2 miles away they are 14 or 15 and develop other interests. Young children between 5 and 12 would have the ahility to walk to the park in the neighborhood, In the spring 1985 issue of "The Grapevine", the fourth page article indicates that smaller neighborhood parks were planned throughout the community. where's ours being planned? It further indicates that the absence of financing creates the absence of park development. - We're willing to help finance! In addition, the article states in rancho Cucamonga there is not property tax _-~ available for park improvements, that revenue sources on the State and Federal levels are "drying up". L Pam Henry April 5, 1985 Page two i The article continues by stating, "The mark fees~a id by developers contribute greatly to the park program, hut.. firs t..and primarily, .the .parks_.directly..benef;tong, those new neighborhoods". There have been three new tracts built in our neighborhood in the past year. Our tract is only 3 years old. This amounts to 113 new homes and I don't see any fees paid by the developer benefitting this new neighborhood. In conversation with the new tract owner, Mr. George Meeker, he indicates that $20,000 was given to the park fund. I'm sure Gary Miller also donated to the park fund. Where is all the money going to be used? Hopefully for the "new neighborhood". In conversations with Mr. William Holly, our park is not the optimum utilization due to the sma ~.1 size. I would like the City to consider purchasing another acre and making it a nice size park for our new neighborhood. Sincerely, ! Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Davis 8037 Thoroughbred Street -~ Alta Loma, CA 91701 L L ( April p, 1985 ?fear :Gayer S'.ikels and ~ouncilmembers: ~ As a comparatively long term (8 years) resident of Alta Loma, I have been very active over the years. This campaign that we have un- dertaken is the first experience of a p8litical nature, however, I have been a soccer coach, a Cirl Scout leader, PTA President for Jasper School, team mother for soccer, AC° softball, Little League, Rancho Cu- - 1 camon~a co-ed basketball (my husband has coached), helped with elec~ tions, volunteer for classroom help both at Stork and at Jasper, etc. I mention this because I want you to realize that I have consistently I 'o een a concerned citizen. I strongly feet that serious consideration should be given to the residents of this community. If so many people object so strongly to I the plans as they exist: I believe that a new plan is in order. The fu..^.c tion o` our zovernment is, to plagiarize a bit, to serve the people. 1 ,1s no other .=soup o£ oar community is disserved by servinc this segment _ of the ci tvs' pop ulaiior: there should be no doubt where ones' duty lie. If it comes to a "master plan" vs. 'the interests of the local esidents the choice should be obvious. ds i have been carvassirg this neighborhood, from 3eechwood south to 3osebud, have found many people with similar concerns. I believe it would be tc the best advantage of all concerned to listen to these I vcicen. l Thank you for your time, I '.~.~:.: ~ -~~ ~ '? April F.,i:•:~ Sonora t.:e Jcr . _::eie Cit.. F~=- "2C :G__:ne 3d. fiancho Cacar..on;z, California 9173C Dear Sir: & rs Jack D. ;roe eC64 ': :nc roughbred Street tilts Iona, Ca. 91701 The decision of the planning commission to permit Plaza Builders, ~1F7-:, Air:or'..=.verme, Cestn Ffesa, Ca. to build hones on Tentative :ra c! 10%L~? •^l. wi it have a serious negative impact on the %.on eo~.::.ers _.. :.~.~ :.oc a. "'`° `" 's tiara nirag to build homes priced from S1?2,99G to 514 °,4~`~V~r..edistel adjacent. tc homes valued from q.240,r,00 tc `:'-~" "- ;i.s .reposed Y,omes are planned without bloc+: walls snc ,~ evd r:'_ti.cut front landses Wing. Furthermore the exteriors of tin ~~~, r..es are not computable with the community. k: i.en the residents of the community asked the planning commi Sion '^_ re c•iire t'r.e builder t.o make the necessary adjustments (b1oeY. walls, F,z tea sr,d front iandsca ping) to cake the homes comps to ble, a acr.rt is~si er. r. er. bar stated that the builder was very difficult ;r dGrr. wi .... " t~. F- i~::__der frer,~ Costa N.esa warts to build in our ecmmunity, l rbs'_ieve t _', is the respensihility of our elected offici e.ls to recuire c - ,,: build to cur standards, not dictate terms to the Pisr.ninrf Cor.eissi or.. An App raisor has estimated that the value of the ho gees in this neighborhood will decrease from 20A to 40F if the new homes are oarmi fled tc be built as planned. The Poll o~:r i:.r :. e t.i or. is planned tefore the next city council meetinE w'r,ie3 ie scheduled en April 17, 19A5. 1. A copy of this letter will be sent to the editors of the local and surroundinE newspapers urging them to publish the dates of the mee ling rand concerns of the community. 2. A telephone campaign to all homeowners of the city urging them to attend the meeting and listen to the concerns xe have over t..".e decisions of the planning commission. If an agreement cannot be reached at the city council meeting, we will hold an immediate homeowners meeting to: 1. Petition the County Tax Collectors office for an immediate `r,, F1r. and Nrs. John Bus ey 4048 Th or ouyhbred Street Alta Loma, fa lifornia 91701 P.p ril 11, 1985 The hono rabl a Jnn t1i kel s Itay or, Pa ncho Cu camonya City Hall 9320 Uaseli ne Road P .O.Box dU7 P.a ncho Cucamonga, California 9113D re: Tentative Tract 10349 Ana cal tear Sir: This letter is in response to tract 1D349 which is tentatively approved for development. The proposed subs ivisi on is not compatible with those homes now existi r:y on the 79 UU and hOl1U hl ocK of Thorouynbred. Aestheti- cally the houses are drastically different. Not only do the exteriors siy nifica nt ly differ, but the builder has not included block walls, front landsc api ny, etc. which would tleter the placi n9 of uns iyht ly chain link fences and landscaping not up to the standards of the yards presently nn Thprou yhb red. The value of the homes do not coincide. As a homeowner, I am appalled that homes of such siy nifica nt ly lower value would even oe considered bei ny built next to the houses now existi ny an Thorouyhnred. Nhere is the city planni ny? I would strongly recommend that you yet out in your community and see rirsthand the facts for ther¢elves. !!ay I suggest that ycu yo up SaDhi re to Jennet Drive, drive down that street and looK at that development. Then, after you have seen the yu ality of what the developer is yoi ng to build, come to Ther ouyhbred and make your own evalu- ation. Nn en we bought in Rancho Cu czmong a, me were aware that at some later date ThoroughbreP would extend through; homeve r, we had trust in our City Plan- ning Cumini ssinn thzt they would protect our investment and the beauty of our street with houses of equal value. Such haphazard planning on [he l city's parr, has ou trayeC ra ny home nw ne rs and we will do eva ry t hi ng in our power to see that Che tentatively app rov MM suhd ivision be reconsidered. The hcme none rs in our netynn nrhbod have sF:e nt na ny hours in the short Pe ri nd nt time Lhat we have Daen aware of our r!il aroma and we have come up with different solutions. Since the builder is not interested in upy radi ny his Homes to our stz nda eels and is only concerned with putti ny in a5 little amru nt of coney as possi hle so his homes will "sell like pa ncakn s", as yuot ed by r,he huilde r, then we see it necessary to have _ a "yraen hel t" area between the developments sn ds not to detract from uur neiyhh orb ood and its value, This would he a solution we could live with. Another solution is a park between the two developments, something which is in yreat need and would be an asset to all su rrou ndi ny neiy hbo rhoods. Over two-thirds of the homeowners in our reiyhborhood have ay reetl to sup- port, out of their own pocket, the cost of the taro lots at the end of our street. lle would be willing to deed them to the city for development. After rezAing the Spring 19E15 issue of "The frap evinp", it seems that any fu ndi ny would he of yreat help with the "severe financial limitation" we are ndw ex pe rienci ry. Your assistance in reviewing our situation and solutions is app reciateA. 41e only hope that ~.ve can count on your support as city officials in rep- resenting our concerns and interests in hopes of preserving a r comnu nity with high standards. I ~ Cynthia Bu sey ? ' As my wife mentioned, we will fight this ayg ress iv ely...that will include _ the foil owing: lawsuits, an extensive campaign with the media, both the local newspapers and radio stations. Such example of comru nity interest - ~ should be of significant interest to such individuals as Ila ry Ann Dolan, executive editor of the L.A. Herald Examiner; the community interest editor of the L. F. Times and you can helieve that the funds we would have donated to a park will be used for an aggressive recall camps iyn against all exist- ing city officials. IJe feel that there is factual evidence that will warrant - law suits based on: ~_ L L L 1) Lack of notification, as required by law. 2) An incomplete and inadequate environmental assessment checklist. 3) Lack df due process. u) Individual lawsuits against all members of the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, City Council and Lhe Mayor. 5) Mr. Stout, Chairman of the Planning Commission, has a direct conflict of interest. He did not step down nu ri n5 the vote of the Planning Connni ssi on, which has been observed in the past. He was the one com- missioner directly involved with the builder and the City staff during the design review process. Ity wife and I are personally prepared to conpuit any amount of time that is necessary to disrupt any future building development within the [ity limits of Rancho Cucamonga uri thout the clear and ronplete understa ndinq of the citizP ns of this comru nity as to what happened to the investments made by Lhe individuals on Thoroughbred. I Ao Pxp pct an answer to this letter. cc R. Dahl C. Hu quet V. Ilriyht J, King ~l, il' ~ ,. ',' . John F. Ru seyf~ P!r. Ila s3erman R. fo rd nn Young R. Gomez 1 ~'" ' ,- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA _ L~ C l __ . ~~ ~~ 1'hnrles J. Ituyuet II .lef(n•~~ hlnG i° k~rhanl )1. Ilahl Pamela .I. 11 rit•Nt April 11, 1985 Mr. b Mrs. Jack D. Noe 8064 Thoroughbred Street Rancho Cucamonga, California 91701 Dear Nr. b Mrs. Noe: Thank you for your letter concerning the appeal of the City Council Co pe rmi[ Plaza Builders Co construct homes on Tentative Tr ac[ 10349. The appeal will be scheduled for [he Play 1, 1985 Ci[y Council meeting, It is my suggestion that you have one or two spokesmen to represent you and your neighbors, since the Ci[y Council agendas ere rather lengthy. Th ie approach will ensure that you have adequate time in which to present your appeal points yhile leaving time for the City Council [o complete Che remaining items on its agenda. Since the Ci [y Coun cii has no[ yet heard [he appeal, I am somewhat concerned Ghat you have already concluded what actions will be taken in the event [he matter is not resolved to your sa ti sfac[ien. You certainly have all of the options you outlined. However, I would hope that the matter can be resolved sa ciatac[or ily in the public meeting or prior [o the hearing. If you have any questions concerning [he appeal procedure, please contact our City Manager, Lauren Wasae rman, of our City Planner, Rick Comez. Sincerely, ~ ' Jan D. Mikela Mayor JDM /kep cc: Rick Gomez 9840 RAS@LINF. ROA D, YCITN C. • 1•f19T IIFYII'B R11%N07 • ItAN'('I101'I'('.\NIIN(:A, (',\1.1FOR NIA 91780 • 17N 19N9~INJI April 23, 1985 City Council P. O. Hox 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Gent lamer: Ir. t'.~e _~a st few weeks I've learned more about my City Gov^rr-~=.nt than I had in the previous B years that I :~.ave i. Yt ed in the City. The experience of working with -~ t?~.o tui.; r,er, the City Staff, the City Manager, various CcRani ssions, the Mayor and the City Council has been extreme l~~ enlightening. However, as I write this letter, _~ I feel that this encounter is just the beginning to a longer relationship. On May i, 1385, the City Council will make their decision o^ the homeowner's appeal; therefore, I wish to bring *_o your attention my concerns. Hosed on negative imput with numerous staff personnel and the Parks Commission, the approach of purchasing the two adjacent lots and dedicating it to the City for utilizing as a park, has been discontinued at this time. However, I personally find it very difficult to understand why the City would refuse a donation for a park of any size, based on my knowledge of the City's financial resources for parks and no usable park proposed for the Northwest section of the City. The key Co resolving this problem is the compatibility of the new development with the existing development. In my opinion, the upgrading of the new development with landscaping, walls, larger floor plans, improved elevation, etc., etc., will still fall far short of being compatible with the existing development. Therefore, it is, in my opinion, absolutely essential that Thoroughbred be modified to either bend significantly or end in a cul-de-sac. Otherwise, we will end up in two drastically incompatible developments side-by-side. L City Council April 23, 198> Page b.,o Thorcughbred, as prosently designed, is the only street which does not have major bends to impede high traffic saeed. If this could 6e accomplished, such that traffic was slowed doom considerably, and at such a point that it would separate the two develo oments, I'm confident that it would be a viable solution. The concerns of drainage and emergency access can be resolved through crooer engineering. The concern of minor traffic will not be alleviated. However, it must be pointed out that a reduction in traffic will take place due to an alternative route to the North, which is presently not available. The traffic generated by our street is much lower than standards utilized by the City Staff. The r..ajority of homeowners on Thoroughbred spend many weeks each year traveling for business purposes. In addition, five of the homeowners work for Sears in Los Angeles and car pool daily. Two other families have husband and wife that work at the same facility and car pool together. Mr. Rougeau indicated to us that traffic in the hundereds was considered minor. Even utilizing the City number of 11 trips per unit per day, you only have 292. Our traffic survey is presently being perfo rmed but, based on our verbal input, each home is making 7 trips per day which is a mere 159 trips. A precedent was just recently established for cul-de-sacinq streets which have mitigating circumstances. Opal street was designed in the Master Plan to connect from Lemon to Banyan. However, homeowners voiced concerns and the Planning Commission approved the cul-de-sac at the end of Opal. I hope that after, nevi etuing the unique situation, residents on Thoroughbred have with compatibility, that you'll agree to direct the Planning Commission to upgrade as much as possible the new development and to modify Thoroughbred Street at the erd of the existing development. Your assistance in this mattr_r is very much appreciated and will certainly not co unnoticed. Sincerely, .~ 1~" Eugene C. Davis 8037 Thoroughbred Street Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 ECD:lw - ... - .._ -~. !n~_., .ail ~a _., ^.ot des; -1~~~ _ - . ~ ~' _ , •,rould not - ?ffec- ::1thr••- - •iea __ '. :'P enders 74nd `hat _- not'be the `ca 's ol'~;'io.^. .. .. .. " '^.ay oe ver;; posr_'- _. ^it i.-ate roblam of ,, ;tvo ~: - --,il;; different hon=s on~the same atret^'si Lh two actin ~. '-'h ]_' these would n=ed to be ~mo_ayed..in our opinion. .... - ... ~~ zrd Thoroughbred in e ^^t_ de sac and thr. second is *.c - .. :. -' .^._• ~ .';nd ;eani^. e•^ll- _nr r....ies v-7vrad i..-. -. ., _...^., od. 'Se~feei ;h•rt T.h:.. -seatiai as :e~'eel~ ., .. -ain _ ... .. ~„ not !and -+ro'JSP?.v ;oui i~natj ~~pt^-'ade ni:: '+.c^zs~ta .c .. ..-_~.._ The ,second e"=rt oc' 'Ne col de sac •..o!,id .. to ' _ ..- -~t ., _. let o!xt 70 . ,.ppLi^ ..11 the xhEr . -....., in .. ,. ...Crar..~ cl~rves whir,'-, oerv2 ':o ~.;lcro7 down the rtr iver,^ -- ... ~ ... •: Ire sesthetical'_;; atc^eall^•r. dlthour-n :; o:r,e o; -"c :c' .. ;:d ana Csrdeti', 'nixed onnosition tv this ... __ _... thci7 ~.:il: .- iosa :;c^!s of *.he affix __ .._. ._. ^her: ^nat .. cor:.~ieted. I7personnall':~ Ca ' - - - ^'outh. i:tere ..re nan/ tir:a3 •nnen i takce y cnil' ... _ -, .. ...._. i. ate :a ;9 :~on`i::u~a ;oath or: ;r_'rneliun t„ .o erranGa„ _ ., .... _ .. an cn our _-reet dor% ,xt T!ei', lon :J'~~_;(• lEL•.. _ . _ _. 111^ .... :']~.^+°i0° 0. JOm^ _ ^d G. ' '!e^ ,• `i T!lt^.rA0J1, n~,i.. `'.7 ',aVe a'1 lrt. ,7 ~'t,7,,,5 no`~ - • .. ,7 - "'aa .:;:1Ls -'sr-on nooses _:rt;,o^ ~ ^'- to .. .. .. ili .. th~ tpe ~.. ,::c ink will - 'oy ... !;^ srf':1'`...,.. .I,~r ':his buil'?=rcn,ail` .~at tE :• .. 1 •t, r1 ,: ~J'; hYn :l'^i 4:"V ..4 ~~ •• - :e ali - ~. .. ^~,rn ., r~11 - .';t bi^ .rri:a -'o,•::. _, Th.e . ~. .,. •e^ ~ey _ ~e` .. noae.; ?; thr i:!c r ,: .... .•,,,: .. _ i _.. _ l a.' AiISlale' tt fil FOplM SM. sung xu U N,A.CMImM1p1150 ' April 24, 1985 Jdm H.HUMgp ~ , ArdkdY SNM WwpFr , rn seaesie Mr. Jon Mike le Mayor, City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. BOK 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Re: Proposed Tract 10349 - ANACAL Dear Mr. Mike ls, Several days have elapsed since we wrote regarding proposed ANACAL tract 20349. Since writing, we've discussed the park idea with several people, including members of the council, and now realize Chia May not .' be the best solution to our problem. We're writing this letter to restate . our strong feelings against this tract and propose an alternate course. The main objection to this tract is the incompatabiliiy of those~~homes with the ex is ti n9 22 homes on our portion of Thoroughbred Street. The difference in size, appearance and quality of these nooses are of such dramatic difference that it will ha v¢ a serious adverse effect on the Value of oUr homes. The builder Ss extremely reluctant to do even the basic upgrading, which we deem absolutely necessary, such as front lawns, shrubbery and rasa block walls, convincing us [hat he would never do the required improvement in building design and size to meet [he standard of our homes. Because of this incompa lability, we strongly urge you antl the City Council to make the decision [o require this builder to dedicate a green belt, which would separate the two tracts and col-de-sac Thoroughbred where it currently ends. Th Se, in addition to the aforementioned improvements of front lawns end rear walla, Thank you for your attention and action Sn this matter. Regards, John and Myra Ra zelri99 8079 Thoroughbred Street co: R. Dahl P. Wri qht J. King C. Buquet L. We eeermen April 2, 1985 Mr. John Mikels M.ay or, City of Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Sox 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Dear Mr. Mikels: I reside at /)~~ ~ and hate been a res' nt o` the City o: Rancho Cucamon ya for t.*.e past years. It is my understanding that the homeowners in the 8000 block of Thoroughbred have expressed their desire to purchase lots 13 and 14 from the builder. Further, that a park would be developed on this prooerty which would be dedicated to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 2 endorse this action by the homeowners and urce you, the Mayor, and the City Counsel to assist the homeowners in this matter. - Sincerely, `Ci~ YA(//_n/Y_n/~ April 2, 1985 Mr. John Mikels Ma}ror, City of Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, Calif oraia 91730 Dear Mr. Mikels: I resida at 62,1'f ~S~i./s rear /f .:r .vr/c and have been a resident o= the City c= Rancho CllCaIIiOT1Ga for the past b years. It is my understanding that the homeowners in the 8000 block of Thorouchbred have expressed their desire to purchase lots 13 and 19 from the builder. Further, that a park would be developed on this property which would be dedicated to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. I endorse this action by the homeowners and urge you, the Mayor, and the City Counsel to assist the homeowners in this matter. Sir.cereiy, Q 4 April 2, 1985 Mr. John Mikels Mayor, City o£ Rancho Cucamonca p. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonca, California 91730 Dezr Mr. Mikels: (~ ( ' I r_side at ~i`ly'~ Nc•r \C~ ~ C`~\~\,•m~=~,a nd have been a resident of the City~of Rancho Cucamonga for the past years. It is my understanding that the homeowners in the 8000 black of Thoroughbred have expressed their desire to purchase lots 13 and 14 from the builder. Further, that a pz:k would be developed on this property which would be dedicated to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. I endorse this action by the homeowners and urge you, the Mayor, and the City Counsel to assist the homeowners in this matter. Sincerely, \_ ~;~y~~~ ..e.a-.-mss ~- Aaril 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mike ls: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a pazk for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, ~~ ~,~~ c~.~N_a~~,~. cc: DicY. Dahl Pamela taright Jeff Kinc Chuck BuGcet r r r April 4, 1985 ' Dear Mayor Mikels: ' As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 61ock of Thoroughbred. _~ I feel this wou13 greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where -I none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, I ~ cc: Dick Dahl Pame~La Wright Jeff Kinq Chuck Suquet L L _~ _ April 4, 1985 -~ Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the _ 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where -I none has been planned. Thank you for your~considerAa`t i1on,,, I '~Z~_GY~~ ~ rte'-cL-/ ~--~Cnn/S~ ~L~Z~_ ~~(/~ C ~,C o-C~~ Liu oL O`f u--C cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff King Chuck Buquet f April 4, 1985 I Dear Mayor Mikels: I As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise __ you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. ' I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where I none has been planned. Thank you for your~c/o'nsideration, gC~-f.~- ~r~,~Gl} ~o( cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff Icing Chucl: Buquet IL IL_ I1. _I April 4, 1985 I~ fl L ~_ l L -L Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, `1 `~ °t O ~ 2ZC~Rc~,~ c2re, Q~~r~ ~~~~ GcX 9i7o/ cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff i(i ng Chuck Buquet L April 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank ou for your consideration, ~~ ~~1~ ~~9 ~~i~,~%~ cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wriqht Jeff King Chuck Buquet Anril 4, 1985 Dear Mayor,Mike ls: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 black of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, cc: Dick Dahl Pamela SJright Jeff Icing Chuck Buquet April A, 1985 I Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8D00 61ock of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- ` borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. I~ Thank you for your considera't'~ij(/on~,~~ ~M1~S; i ~~~_~~ Ic~~i~ni~ ~ ~'G~ cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff Bing Chuck Buquet April 4, 1985 -ear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, ~~ ~~ gss~ ~lecG~,~c~.~ c. cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff King Chuck Buquet April 4, 1985 i~ _t (~ 1 _ f~ l L l Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga 2 would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 80tltl block of Thoroughbred. 2 feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, '~'S~~te~~, ~ ~~e~ 'C `~ !} 5 Cam.. ~:1'e,1c.~. Ql.-~n.u ~. tiiuC_ cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff King Chuck Buquet April 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, ~. ~~Z i ~~rr Tti,-~,t~;s< a'r't ~ir~ ~~,. cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff King Chuck Huquet April 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has keen planned. Thank you for your consideration, rj3'O y ~(p~oc i / jr C «~,d~. ~,/~' cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff Ring Chuck auquet April 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support o£ the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff Ring ~ ~~' Gl p~l~ Chuck Bucuet ~ ~ ~~ c,~.,~~d s~. A~; ,~. IoM A , C,~~, F April 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff King Chuck Buquet April 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga Z would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. ' I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park foz the community where __ none has been planned. I Thank you for your consideration, ~ ~~~. ~ 2S7 c,asvfa S7 A~T/j ~ o ~~ c~9. 7~v 9d'~~9y3 9i~ei cc: Dick Dahl 111 Pamela Wright Jeff King L Chuck 6uquet I~ l L -L L L April 4, 1985 1f~ 1 Dear Mayor Mikels: -I As a resident of Ranchc Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, Gas ~ cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff King Chuck Buquet ~. _' _~ L L _'_ April 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga i would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff King Chuck Buquet D~yj iil Lu~° \ r ~ April 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 black of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, '~. ~~t~"1'N ~EZsB r~~P~ ~1 ~rw Lo~a,Cq . cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff Ring Chuck Buquet April 4r 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for yyour consideration, .~2~u~ u- ~ ~ yiurn~-y ~i o/'~~, ~'.. 9i~~1 cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff King Chuck Buquet ~i April 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise yov of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, `~~U~ ~ cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff Ring Chuck Buquet April 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you fo ur consideration, ~-, l Sys ~ GFMO~J J-~v h= A~~ L~r~~+ 9~~a~ cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Seff King Chuck Buquet 1. L ~- L L April 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga i would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, if~~ ~~L.~ ~~ ,.~.~' ~ cc: Dick Dahl G Pamela Wright Jeff Ring Chuck Suquet April 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank yov for your consideration, cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff fling Chuck Buquet ~"~ir~u~ ~xa U ~,,~r~Lr ~~.J 7j~Oj/ ~a~c'//zftc/~~ ~ ry~ ~,3f7 April 4, 1985 I L L l L Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support o£ the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright JefF King Chuck Buquet ,~T<<AC ~GTti'Cc~r;;~7 ~j / 7a/ April 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, ,;~.~~7.~YCCJ /YL~7ILiYY~~JL~ cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff King Chuck Buquet _~_ 1 ~. April 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: I As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- boyhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. f Thank you for your consideration, cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff King Chuck Buquet ~r~, .. ~.:.l ~~;: - :~,. 5~.5~j ~ r~~~ C_ _~ L April 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wriqht Jeff Kinq Chuck Buquet L /~C ~,~ c~L~d~F~ ~7~ Sal Cast ~v~ ~ ~~~t ~~~ April 4, 1905 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 0000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, ~~, ~ ~ ~~~ cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff Ring Chuck Buquet April 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, ~, G.1 6 C•'~c~ L ~! ~?~ lofi~ c.t ~ f /70/ cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff Kinq Chuck Buquet April 4, 1905 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 0000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff Ring Chuck Huquet April 4, 1995 Dear Mayor Mikels: I As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of ouz neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. I Thank you for your consideration, cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff King Chuck Buquet Apzil 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. T\~ha\~n`~k~y~ou~ for your ic,~opns i~dlerat~i/on, C~-~.x~,L,~C77~ c... ec: Dick Dahl Pamela Wzight Jeff Rinq Chuck Buquet April 4, 1905 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, ~K-C~LCri (~ C-1-, cc: Dick Dahl ~/GAS / / B Pamela Wright L~C,.~ Jeff King ~ / / Chuck Buquet 5~.,...% G~e~c~.-~. April 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, _• 7997 ~• cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff King ~• Chuck Buquet ~'~`--- ---,~ i~ L L April 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of ouz neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff Ring Chuck Buquet // c-- r April 4, 1985 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park foz the community where none has been planned. i--~ Thank you for your eonsideration~i--~ \, r cc: Dick Dahl Pamela Wright Jeff Ring Chuck Buquet I April 4, 1985 1 Dear Mayor Mikels: As a resident of Rancho Cucamonga I would like to apprise i you of my support of the idea of a park at the end of the 8000 block of Thoroughbred. I feel this would greatly enhance the beauty of our neigh- borhood, as well as provide a park for the community where none has been planned. Thank you for your consideration, I /.~ /, j~ C ~ ~~ T// ec: Dick Dahl cr~~ /:~'~-~.-,~L ~,~% Pamela Wright I~GL O~~ /, Jeff King h C"~ - 7i7~~i Chuck Buquet 1. April 2, 1985 Mr. John Mikels Mayor, City of Rancho Cucamonga P. 0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Dear Mr. Mikels: ~` c~\` ( I reside at ~~y~ \~c~r~~c~ R`cF-c,,\ ~m~and have been a res gent of the City~of Rancho Cucamonga for the past I _~years. It is my understanding that the homeowners in the 8000 block of Thoroughbred have expressed their desire to purchase lots 13 and 14 from the builder. Further, that a park would be developed on this property which would be dedicated to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. ' I endorse this action by the homeowners and urge you, the Mayor, and the City Counsel to assist the homeowners in this matter. _ Sincerely, `~~ _~ l ~- _ _ I~ April 2, 1985 i Mr. John Mikels Mayor, City o£ Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Dear Mr. Mike los: 1 / Q -,¢- ~.~_ Z reside at /) ~.c la /~.L[A~LO~Gl99 i1.2. _ S~ and have been a res' nt of the City o£ Rancho Cucamonga for the past years. It is my understanding that the homeowners in the 8000 block of Thoroughbred have expressed their desire to purchase lots 13 and 14 from the builder. Further, that a park would be developed on this property which would be dedicated to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. I endorse this action by the homeowners and urge you, the Mayor, and the City Counsel to assist the homeowners in this matter. Sincere~ly~ ~C`L _f it~ l I I~_ aI_ _. l L L. April 2, 1985 Mr. John Mikels Mayor, City of Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Box 607 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Dear Mr. Mikels: I reside at 6R,/~ ,S/.~,rrevr .4/.r .vuc and have been a resident of the City of Rancho Cucamonga for the past b years. It is my understanding that the homeowners in the 8000 block of Thoroughbred have expressed their desire to purchase lots 13 and 14 from the builder. Further, that a park would be developed on this property which would be dedicated to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. I endorse this action by the homeowners and urge you, the Mayor, and the City Counsel to assist the homeowners in this matter. Sincerely, F N a N H F a 0 u - CITY OF RANCHO CUCA111ONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: May 1, 1985 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Nancy Fong, Rss istant Planner SUBJECT: APPEAL BY THE ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS ON THOROUGHBRED STREET OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT 0349 HISTORY: The project site had a previously approved subdivision for 58 single family custom lots, which expired January 14, 1985. This previous tract had four floor plans proposed that range from 2,800 square feet to 3,400 square feet with traditional elevations (see Exhibit "C"). The present developer had resubmitted a new subdivision of 53 lots where 5 lots were eliminated in order to comply with the current Code in areas of setbacks, density, and minimum net lot average of 22,500 square feet. BACKGROUND: The residents on 7000 to 8000 block of Thoroughbred Street have requested an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision approving Tentative Tract 10349 (see attached letters). The Planning Commission, in order to address and mitigate the concerns of the residents regarding ne ighhorhood and architectural incompatibility, imposed an additional condition to ensure neighborhood compatibility by requiring architectural revisions in a transitional area of 10 lots immediately adjacent to the existing single family homes. Attached for your review and consideration is the Planning Commission Staff Report, Conditions, and minutes of the meeting of March 27, 1985. One of the concerns of the adjacent property owners was the increase in traffic with the extension of Thoroughbred Street. To mitigate such impact, the residents proposed that the City considers the closing of Thoroughbred Street into a cul-de-sac. According to the City traffic engineer, the travel mode for this area is toward the south and east direction. The extension of Thoroughbred Street to connect to Sapphire Street is necessary for traffic efficiency and far dispersal of traffft which is presently concentrated on existing parallel routes such as Gardenia Avenue and Rosebud Street. Attached for your review is the City Engineer's memo of Rpril 12, 1985 to the City Council regarding this subject. In addition, the Foothill Fire District standards do not allow cul-de-sacs which exceed 600 feet in length, because of delay in their response time and the availability of water supply, per the attached letter. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Appeal by Adjacent Property Owners/TT 10349 May 1, 1985 Page 2 The residents proposed to purchase and donate two lots of TT 10349 for the development of a "Pocket Park" at the end of Thoroughbred Street cul-de-sac. According to the Community Service Director, the City's standards for a neighborhood park is a minimum of 5 acres. Attached for your review and censiderat ion is the April 15, 1985 Staff Report from the Community Service Department to the Parks Development Commission. SUh1MARY OF NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING: On April 11, 1985, a neighborhood meeting was held for the developer to receive input and address those concerns raised by the residents. Outlined below are the issued raised by the property owners and responses by the developer: In response to the residents' concern regarding the front elevations of the 5 lots on both sides of Thoroughbred Street, the developer agreed to redesign the front elevations in terms of color palette and facade materials to provide compatibility with existing residences. However, regarding the front yard block walls and front yard landscaping as requested by the property owners, the developer did not promise that these requests would be fulfilled due to the added cost ft would place nn the entire project and the sales prices of the homes. The residents also requested that they be provided with the cost of the 2 lots on Thoroughbred which they would like to purchase for a development of a park. The developer responded that he could not provide a cost figure until more detailed plans are developed. The developer agreed with the request that construction traffic would not be routed through the existing residential streets. However, in response to the request that Thoroughbred Street be redesigned into a cul-de-sac, the developer advised that the City would have to decide on this issue. NDATION: The Planning Commission recommends approval of the with conditions based upon the findings contained within the ion. r, submitted, RG:NF:ns --- l.'IT1' OF RASCfiO CCCAJIO~GA MEMORANDUM DATE: April 29, 1985 T0: Mayor 6 Members of City Council ~~~o ,. ~'YC. - .~~~ I`> ~- _-. v__ FROM: Lauren M. Wasserman, City Mana SUBJECT: PLAZA BUILDERS On Thursday, April 25, 1985, ve met with repreaentativea of Plaza Builders to discuss whether or not there are any workable alternatives regarding appeal of the tract by homeowners on Thoroughbred. Mr. Tim Marqua rd, Vice Pz evident of P1 axe Hui lders, indicated [hat in his view it would be impractical co reengine er the tract in order to bend Thoroughbred Street in a northeasterly di recCion. Mr. Marque rd eta tad [hat because this particular crac[ was allowed [o expire by the previous owners, it has been, in a sense, reengineered twice 6y his firm and once by the previous owners. He did not feel chat the 55,000.00 cos to was "in the cards". The builder has developed some new eleva[i one of his homes which show much more detail and make the uni Ca look much better than the prev rouely prepared elevations, which were submitted and approved by the Phoning Commrseion with conditions. Probably the slew scions vile not be setrafac[ory eo the existing homeowners, since [he homes still are not in she $300,000.00 price range which is desired by [he neighborhood. The only [once esi on chat Hr. Marqua rd is willing co make at [his time is co create through design some type of wall between the existing tract and the proposed tract in order to clearly delineate [he two neighborhoods. Ne is going co bring [o the meeting next Wednesday a detailed drawing indicating the cype o£ wal le and gates to be constructed and the trim which sill be included on thac portion of the project. He hoe indicated previously chat [he planting of front yards, if reasonable, is amme[hing he could live ws[h if imposed by the City Council. The homeowners are in his view and ours being somewhat unreaeona6le by requiring extensive lands capi og in addition to the plantiog of grass and trees, as well as the inseal latton of irrigation systems. In summary, we are definitely heeded for a collision course. Plaza Builders is no[ willing Co agree to the kinds of concessions being requested by the rev idents. The Thoroughbred reeidencs do not wen[ Thoroughbred to go through to Happh ire, and on the other hang ve have an irate group of Rceebud citizens who do no[ van[ the Thoroughbred end Mayfair homes traffic to continue going into [heir tract through Rosebud and Gardenia Streets. LMW/kep cc: Jack Lam Rick Comez Memo to Jon Mike' Subj: TT 10349 NHpeal April 15, 1985 Page 2 I have attached a map which shows the location of surrounding tracts for your information. Staff also researched the sales, dates, and assessed values for Tract 9540 and verified that from 1982 to 1984 the selling Drives ranged from $190,000 to $242,000; assessed values for 1984 ranged from 8200,000 to $256.724. In response to the residents' concerns regarding the front elevations of the 5 lots on bath sides of Throughbred Street, the developer agreed to redesign these front e!ev at ions to provide compatibility with existing residences. Additionally, the developer agreed to consider front yard block walls and front yard landscaping as requested by the existing property owners. The developer did not, however, promise that these requests would be fulfilled due to the added cost it would place on the entire project. The residents also requested that they he provided with the cost of the two lots which they would like to purchase for development of a pocket park. The developer responded that he could not provide a cost figure until more detailed plans are developed. The developer agreed with the request that no construction be routed through the existing residential street. However, in response to the request that Throughbred be redesigned into a cul-de-sac, the developer advised that the City would have to decide on this issue. Should you have any further questions, or if I can provide you with any more information, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time. RG/jr Attachment ~ 3S ~ ,:., ~ e ' to ~ -~ _ ~~~ ,' i, , ._ _ - ~ ~ ~ s~ ~ .. 9 ~ - - - IF - _ _ .. _ -- . ~ _-----~ 1 0 "~ o ---~ -~-- ~ ;- , -- ~ ~-a Y i, - t H y °w -• 8 - N ,~.., i i ~. vn ^~ 3~ - _ - -_ y __ _ 1 ~ _. ' ` ,. ~~ ~. i0 ._ _ _ N 1. ~. \ _ m '. 1 , ,._~ -- ~ ~ - - ---..... ---- m ,^ n ti -1 Z ~ ~ 2 :S > ~ Q O ~ m i Q v ~ i ~~ ~~7~'~.~L3:FT:E~a:D ~r.~~~~s ~ BEAUTIFUL SI1~IGLE FAMILY HOMES ON ~. 112 ACHE LOTS iN PIaESTIGIOUS BAPa1CH0 CUCAMONGA _. ~:, ~;;.~:, ;, ~~ _.., ~:: ,~, aFr .. ~ ....~-:i o~" '' a.~ ~'~ The unique new community o(Hunterfield Estates h already an exceptional value • ' , onedng spacious homes on 'hacre lots. Here's the freedom and freshness o! suburban ~ ~ :~ country living. in the Prestigious hillside wrong of Rancho Cucamonga. Aril each home u beautifully craned, comfortably aPDOinted -with subtle Cape Cad styling and a wraith • ~ of these most-wanted features;; . . _, _. , ~ ; • large 3~car garages . .~ .°", ; ~'~~ •Centsal airconditioning ~~~- I l ~ ~ `"°.~~"` •ElepAndy craned cabineLS ' I ' `•' • Custom designed ceramic ble 1 entries and counter tops ~.~ • Close to business and .. entertainment centers a(Ins Angeles. Orange. Riverside and San Ikmardina Counties 3 & 4 Bedrooms Single Family Homes on "' - _ • 112•an e lots cc 1 12Ya^/a Conventional Financing ,. ~,:. "shy,+!s,^dvh•vi~anpcmdaily .,~~,'.. 13.1^/^AnnualPercenta¢Rale luix~;,.m,msnupm. g 5722 SaPDhire, Rancho Cuamonxa. CA 91701 ' ' ' =+~ (71419fl9-0208 .. ~wwtnan B . -^ /~ .. ... waamw a. ua.e...~a..a....n / h!AO_ ° ~'~' ~~~m ~ at ~ s~e4 G/~ Y,a.. _; ~ _. ~i? C~ ~ l ~ ~i rW~ TOn?r; V Y D=i Li ~/`~/1 s/J~ ~ . -/ a __, I d~ 6y _-__-~- Q~~ ;~ ~ ~~ ~/~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ N~ Glll~r/i1~~~1~ ~~ ~~ //~~~ ~. ' 6 ~ ~ ~ ~! ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ G~t~ -tfiv ~ ra S `~~~ ~c'CV~UL:~ ~r~ ~/~ ~~~p s~~ ~~` ~~ ~ `~ ~ . ~c~s(r y/-cvtfy~l~~~ /rGup PROPOSED AGENDA - CITY COUNCIL TOPIC RESPONSIEILITY 1. Introduction Dave Shaffer 2. Ob7ectiv e/Backyround Skip Davis 3. Non-Compatibility ,lobo Ball A. ExteCio[S U. 1. :7alls 2. Lands capiny 3. Elevations 4. Roofs H. Interiors 1. Sy ua[e footage 4. Property Valuu Juhn Hazelriyy 5. Proposed Solutions Dob Coberly A. Conpatioility B. Cul-de-sac 1. Green pelt 2. 3ridle Tail 3. Palk 6. Solutions to prubl mas Jim Anderson A. D[ainage B. TC dff 1C C. Emergency Access 7. Sutai lacy Skip Ua vis 8. Leyal Dave Sh after A. Uue process - not perfumed 9. E.I.R. C. Cor.u'IUpity Support 9. Open All .l ~ ,1 ,, ,, ~~, 989.4203 ~`~~ 11~"~'~I~~~ ~ ~I~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~n Exceptional Value On M Exclusive Collection Of Fine Homes. Resenting Hunterfield Fstates...a unique collection of dstnctve I and 2 story homes set in the prestlgious hillside setting of Rancho Cucamonga. At Hunterfield Estates. you'll enjoy the freedom and freshness of suburban country living. Each home is set on spa- cious'z-acre lots... perfect for the active family Imagine.'zacre to build your own swimming pool, or landscape to ynur heart's content. And kids have olenty of space to play. right in their own backwrds. Each home has been designed with quality, beauty and convenience in mind. You re just minutes away from shopping. entertainment and the business centers of Los Angeles, Orange. Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Move up to the excep tional value and wholesome family envi~ ronmen[ of Hunterfield Estates! ~uality Features Convenient Kitchens • Custom~designed ceramic rile or formica countertops • Elegant. Europeao-sryled cabinets • Self~cleaning oven wiN microwave • Large panVies • Waterline for refrigerator icemaker • Greenhouse planter windows • Vaulted ceilings (some plans( Luxurious Baths • Custom shower enclosures • Elegant oval tub in Master Bath • Double sinks in Masler Bath (some plansl • Antique hronze fiMures Shish Interiors • Large family rooms (some plansl • Ceramic rile entries • Formal dining rooms • Custom~designed fireplaces • Luxurious wal4to~wall carpetlng • Central heating and airconditioning • Decorator light fuRures • Minored wardrobe doors • Convenient indoor laundry rooms • Decorator wood banisters Additional Amenitles • Large 3<ar garages • Concrete driveways and walkways • Distinctive front doors with quality locks • One~half~aae lots with equesVian access • SO~gallon water heaters • Pre~wired forty and telephone • Smoke detector system • Energy~saving insulation in ceilings and walls • Personalized professional decorators available through "The Design Center' of Upland 'I ~dover C Single Level G 3 Bedrooms • 2 Baths ^ Dining Room C Family Room C Breakfast Nook C Master Suite with Walk~In Closet ^ Interior Laundry Area C 3 Car Garage 140 Square Feet - ~ ~ Ad _~~ ~ooN.,.a 1 ~; ' DIMING •L... .ENTRr_ o.•au sewn ~.. .~ .gEAMOM ,t LIVING ~`ea--' MAWLFe gEDRODM GARIGE V ,% ,~ Brighton ^ Sinole Level C 4 Bedrooms • 2 Baths ^ Dining Room 'Family Room C Master Suite with Double Wardrobe ^ Interior Laundry Area G 3 Car Garage C 1780 Square Feet • MlSTFP BITN M1w5i oxc~~Ogl r.Nu~reo i'Exrc F`AMILi` r PFONOOM t --- ,oo.q r. °1ro ~ri~~ . ` PAix 1 PEOPOOM J FJriny ~ ~~oNG OEN r. ~uw. eEGN00M ~ ` aw - ~-~' . 1 .. I• WP1GE Lf ~hatham C Two Storv C 4 Bedrooms • 2'r Baths C Dining Room ^ Famlly Room Breakfast Took C Master Suite with Double Wardrobe C Interior Laundry Area ^ 1900 Square Feet ~,~ '1`; .1--- __ _ .~f NGGN DINING NITCMEN rvurto a~x \ FEMM1Y +uiioNG ~ ~~ POWDFP n ""m c r ENTRY v i1R5i fLOOP G~P~GE -- Y BTNrMNSTrtp BEDROOM Y t.. a BEg1pCM t BEOPOOM ~ BEOIN)OM BITN 1 ' SFCCNB FLOM Yar Builder Plaza Builders. Incorporated,cteveloper of Hunterfield Estates. is known for inno~ of America's leading financial institm Uons, Plaza Builders. Inc. has produced votive residential mmmuniJes that meet - the needs of todays homebuyers. award~winning homes throughout Southern Califomia and Arizona. They now bring Backed M' iLS parent company, Califomia Federal Savings and Loan, one this same commitment to excellence to Hunterfield Estates. -- Priced From //~~ 3 Bedrooms. 2 Baths L"1ndoVer Single Level -1740 Sq. FL S Brighton 4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths Single Level -1780 Sq. Ft. 5 Chatham 4 Bedrooms, 2'z Baths Two Story -1900 Sq. Ft. S Moc6LS i y7 /Sa99o /Go. 990 Uwider resents thr nght m make mMiA raUnns m pnce. Penns. product, features. nr Arvgn. and mfonna0on in fhs brochurr {wdninmq IhaelO. in iLS ponlinum4 Wbcv I~f retrdlfh ilnd dl'VCODmPnf KIItION no0re of nMigauon ~a ~~.s~DE No RANCH O • W CUCAMON GA iii0rarv 5! t xOF\n r ~a SPH BEflNFflDINO W Y FWY {rE i f 4cfval flnomlans and rlevaUOns may vary /~,J, Yj' Homes from the Builders of Deer Creek We often heard of the "Good Old Days" as if they were pertect. ))'hen we picture an old fashioned (lower gazden, we inrget having to carry the watering can. When we remember the apple pie. we forget [he wood-chopping. When we welcome a short early morning horseback ride, we can't imagine enjoying travel before the time of automobiles. let. even toda)t we long for a quiet time together. A time to enjoy [he views. the children playing. [he sunset. There was a sense of spaciousness from the "Good Old Days" that we have retained and made a wonderful patt of May/air. The homes echo the simple grace of wood siding- and. as in Ilte early California da}s. the siding is true redwood-to Last many li(etlmes! The hnmesltes are haltacres, including equestrian trails umchiny each Int. and plenty of room for roday's litesn9e- a pool. a spa. a play~yard- rven anold fashoned flnx•er yanlen. Inside each Naptair home you'll find the very essence of qualiry• at rvrrv turn- stairrails of hnr<Iwood: multi paned windotas and panelled doors and cabinets: appliances and amcentencr features on ly Areamed of in the "Good Old Dats" ?Iaytan, the pertect colledinn of L -'- N Y r-- J~ !, L7 ~ .q n nlu. i, .ir amim - M1!. ~~ .jt '!1~ ~~.' .. .~ ~' .. Ali ~~ ~. l _. ~ % ~1.T .Y , M ~, .~f ~" M i i ,.. .~i. .c7 ~.,~ .z. , :Y'h~Y =_ : '~r3 ~c ~___. N= i - ~. G ~' ~-~ . S+~C XT •~~, ~ !~ x~ . Pj`~9j'F. Stu ;r~' _^ .. :.:~; r =~ ~. ~i ~~~ I~ J ter-, J .'. Afi i .q it. plu. i~r dr 4amur' =G . ..f~~- ~ , Ni L ~ ~. ~'r t' ~ _~ . ''ear ~~a ^'fiht '~. .'":r~ ,. -°.--,~er, ~ -' --~- M. ..,..,. q •. J I +r. r~ Ate; ., e ~~~ wK k: !xY.nu - - ••~~: .M.N '. •. ~~11':•~',;;'~"-.~lr Nom'' pT4P{`° ~ ~ . fFS Zs .~. ~L .dl ~~ r, ~ n M1 -K ~ ~ ' :~a~.~`li ~ 1:41 'iY1 '!. ~~_~~~--~~`y • ~~,yy SST . ~.~..9r(jX, ~0 - '. 'K - i ~-n+'~ - -- -tea --~~' I,~ i ~:~tl~ ,.~4~``~~.° _ 'fir+;'j'~ •:~st. ~'~_*:~.~' I'Y: tG; ~:'q~~1~_ _.-_ _- "r',~!„"r.. '.~.` .. F 4 _. ~u h:.~!';.Y. ~''ii. Nom;.. ''. 5}.. ..,1' •~ ~~ J f~ ~ 'ilt' .,;~,1jj r /~ = 7~, _ ~\, 1~ .(\•!'~~~": Ill ~~,~i ,. ;arc i.:l y~lv~~' :~~YL#T I,:, ,dry r... art ~.~f+` .r. ^A At 4+• ~r .r ~ s.. 3 '~' ''.. y.~ 1! Vey.rrvlvnnin InnJ.•nPmn nin mcluACa ~~`r ...1117{ .q. II. plug i~l ar Cara ql~ .n,., , rrnnrrinn. i.~~a•o.r~n,~ n~~~ mamnvn ~~~ ~_ __ ._ ~ ~3~ !,~17S,-.q, IL Plu. t.~ar gara Cr 1 1 ~ c== _w ~__ _ r r~- sy~~ ,y„ ' .I ~ ~ w .11r,Y' ~,, r- ;~r ~_ , ,Y ~ . ~ =' . , ~.~. '. , , ,t v ; r` ` ~.. ,ti ~.. ~~ . . ~ ~~:.~~~~ ~:'y ~ ,.+s, : ~ . . .'~~~~2~ .. .,ter "s y ~iTj « ,,* • ~9M_ S' ~k ''•4'fi. mnn m~~e~rnei. i.nna.,•~~inu mn im mnrn '1 iI ~ 1I ~..N ~ ~ I__ ~~1 w ~-- ~ ~,..,., I ,~.,..,.,~ ~.,., ~~ i~ t -~ r ~- Ktc aim ~ ,-,-'~ r.%~ :~jry'. .~ 1~''„s ~'r.: ^ _,r~'y,-r ..1 .~.ti «~, i -~6 'tea ~. ^7•~v-: .r y'xyjA'?'ca ~ ~ '~'r~.' . ~: `; ~w ~ . rr~,~r.~a~A;w~P.Y~ ` . ~_ ~' 'y~~:+4R.\~ - .' fw.,~~A y,. . . f ~. ;,~ { ,~ _ y 4~ ]`4 Y4yt __ t ~, ~S 9~ ~~.r, "~ ~~YnrMl~yf { r Gtr. < f' ~ ~^n rvj~'" Ll r r .p Y ay / ' .Lq + l -r .,I. : T sen I mar---=~-J ~` __ .. ._i;+ ~~, ire xt 1~ _ _', '~ ..f. ~' k.,r .+. ' L '. `Ynl ..r~14b... ~ "V.'WYM ~~~'~ "ill r}. 't ~~ lam! _ '~ ~ '.8~`•~~t! .' ~\' "~/ ~ ~ ~ ! ... ^~+`.lr~,+,flp, ' - ~ My'~rJI.~P r ~; ~. s .r , r. ir~,~ ri r i, r ~ ri, r ~rl•inii n~•r i:r~ Irrrlr'rl Double~F.mrc Doors of tinlld AA'ood lour Chglce of I:uslnm Hardwood nr 1;eramu Tile f;mnes. wuh Nam' patterns and \ennd Y.nlnrs Hand~Laid ?faxonn'\Pnodburnm9 Fireplaces o'nh I:xlen5n'e Cxe n(Cmmmd)uaht}• Itnck Ilramallc Demrahm5elecled GUhnny Fixtures. Nre4vired fur T\' anA 7Clephone. Quahp' Carpeting or Solnnum Vinyl Tde In lira[ Chnlce of Areas. R'hvlpool Erelevel )hcnnrave ftnnne with 1'nur Choke of Gas Conhnunus~Clean 1lcons or F.leanc SrIFCleanmg I bens Ceramic file Counlerlgp+ N'hrrlpgnl Fnurl}ele Dishwasher I leaey-Dish' Insinkeravrt Disposer. whirlpool Trnsh~COmpacror Upuonally Available. PlumheA tnr Ice-}taker Refnyeratnr t'urmlure~l'inlshrd HardwaM Cabmeln', Generous Pantnes 1\valk~ms In plans 12D & I fioi, Double Dngrs. Dlosl plans. }tirrnnA Wanlmhe Dnurs or t;xlm L, me \K9k~In Closets. fc•ram~c Tilc• 5hmcer anA IDb Surnrunda. Rvmlure~l'in lnhrd C, bourn'. Ummahc ?tulu~l.evel Vlnns. CaL[nrnia Shakclde^ Rnnis LanA,acaped Runt 1\n1 xcrth Irnuangn Sy:gem. f:xrennr Details of Genumo Itnck ThrerCar Gnrapes, and :111 wTlh Concrete Onves and \\'alks. Central .\ i rCOnd i hom nu, 21111:\nqr I to;uul 12U \'nIr hlccl ncal tip5lem, Rmk•A Panty Ungrs nn .111 lnlenor ILwms. Thcrmoalatically~Cnnrnrllcd 1'nrn•d~:\ir Ilcatinq. Fully Insulatrd Celhnns ;mA I:xknor \\;91s fnpper wTn'r ~\'FICIn~ timnke Dencnus In our constant cndearnr to Impmec our plans. rt•aturrz ;md mmmunnics. rce mull rrservr Ih.• nuhr m rave e desmns. ~peo0ca I IIInN a nd pna•p wnhoul nnl rce nr nbhq.vum ~~ . - .. • ~. ~ ~ x'n .nv o'I. DF. F:12 CRCE6 . - „~mn .,,non - ~ m•~ 1° n;u,d ., n„ ~i .. ~~nn; __ L ivru ar \LY\ o n,.„, ,mron,. n tall n'r m a I : ; ~ a n ' ' ~ K ' rn,rtnll 1. nhru n ; i ~ , _ ,;, , !k . ,• s` , ; . . .. _ , - - 1$TI GC Q - ~ . r.m,w J I 1 a \\'i llrun l;nq*hc i ..] rIn rare occasion.. when all of the vnnouh lnlcnls. skills anJ fmc malcnals -w?~r :r re cnmhnnd in It vulr nulstanJmglncmnn. mV mmllim{I CnmmUnll)' becutrl Cr' ~ crn'trell knman. the n'mllalmn Is w;de..prea J. the c, nn mu mlv w imm~u~ and the hu dJerv arc chnlirnnrd to boon ebour nmm~er rlas>le a,iein an,l au,un In the I,t.l frw ecan I'w•r r'mrk he. ~ hev'mr a tmm~wnuv nll ether. Innk ;:n m \„ Ih~~ bwl,lcr. nl I hr: , rv„k ~ ~,, r.~, n.: ~ .... 0 r >Lq'i~~ir I Iu01CS • I!11. Rus FriR..AIta Lames. C:A 91701 • I i I P 9ri7~11400 ' (gill 1 ~/ 'IYadiliunnl P~mily.llumc~s-o-a-i-Larne 15i sae zoned) View Siles -- lli - ~~_ __ _ PLAN 120 L1-k6 sy. R. fran ~ isz,9so ~i ~_i -. ~I- --- I I ^^„ J ~. ~ PLAN 130 L~kGS sq. fl. from $ i6s,9so ~r~ ~~~i _ _I~I ~~~'? -~ _ _~~ PLAN k40 Z.''i0S s(j. fl. IfUlll $ 167,950 ! r l~ -- -~-; ~~i~a P1,AN 150 'L<kS7 sq. [l. [runt ~ 173,950 L~l_ I ~ _- . ^ ~I. ~~ Ib: l1.li \~ I1Y~110 I) r I PLAN 1G0 :,079 sq. R. ~ ~ frum $ iat,9so f~ ~ ~ ,... ~ _ , z 0 r U ~ Q U Z O ~ z O I ~, I ~ ~ w O ~- F ~ U ~ .1~~1.IH1X]I1, I i / LA` ~ w. i G~ , 9 J '~ ~ l l'M 10.U IJ - F. U w m u v) l G MILLER . DEVE LOPMENT CO. 714-946-1954 I,iILLSIDE ESTATES UPLAND ALTA. LOf^A PLAII '!0. PRICE PRICE CAMBRIDGE - 110 5179,990 "IOT AVAILABLE GA[NESBOROUGH - 120 =OLD OUT 1139,790 ~-2.1-~; l'/ -~ DEVOPISHIP.E - 130 Si99,990 S20?,990 ~~`J `~n`~ f'f'/~ HILLSBOROUGH - i50 - 5224,990 5237,990 NOT?INGHAM - 160 NOT AVAILABLE 1251,^90 BREtJTW00D - 170 - 5224,990 5234,99' I!PLAiID CLOSE-0U? PRICES UPLAND LOT PLAN `10. PRICE N0. ~~~C. -[~~ FLORE`1TE - 140-A ~-52-14;990-~ 39 ~? i / 140-C -52-141)98--- 56 140-C _5214,990 62 i~ See Sales dgent t'or Lnt Premiums nr,~ao. o,ne~i ~ me n,~, •~ wmrcr ro rno~V• -~rn,~„. ..oorr ,,. .~no,~,r~~n .~ ~~ i _ _ . ~ __ ___ _ = c _ _ ~_ ___ _ . ~~_ __ _ __ ~m_ 9d _ _ .__ - q~ ~~ _- -_ __ - "'~° t Zfq °z `s 'z° and ~d v'u~C Q W ~?~f~ ~ ~ 9a"° ~ ° v'`i~o = o moo'«yo°o~° fA W ~ .,~ ~~ - m~LL _ - nw ,~~H~, mw. ~ W LL maw < _ s~~w~ °~o~ a Q ~ Y F Z W ~ - _uE W Z - - - O ~ N y ~~ O F NF.. c... w y uY 5 Z J ~ _ _° W =0 - - _: _ i ~ s ~ - ~ - _ - - - ~ ,o ~ -__ _ - - ° Wo ~^q~s d ~ = - ~ - ~ v- 5 _ y __ _ °~c_v~~ i c E O L Y c3 v4 i¢ m E i .d a o°¢ O ~ ~L 046< doe - f OI - v ti E~~+u~ ~F ~dL udt pmU of Uq CO~+ fog" mg~~~ a cu'r cuuNClt n!1.;lNr, AGENDR ntroductt nn: r'ame °. Address .~ a concerned homeowner and resident of Fla r.c hn CUComgngd. 1 want to address h ree items that have been brought to our attentign by Planning Caroni ttee tember s, a5 important issues with respect to the proposed Bevel gpement of tract 10349. a. l Traffic ) - As you are all well aware, residents of Thououghbred and Turquoise Currently utilice figsebud and Gardenia streets to inoress and egress =rom their homes- This represents appro:a mately thirty households contributing :o travel on those streets. Fesident inf ormakign reveals that each home averages five trips per day throuyh these streets. during weeF: days. this issue was discussed with Mr. Paul Hougeau ( Chief Traffic Engenieer) on .7/28/85. Although, Mr. Rouq eau felt that each street should bare the burtlen of traffic. our numbers of traffic movements were insignificant and wquld nqt -idver sly impact ingress and egress travel through these areas. L1e have diswssed the traffic issue with some residents whq live north of rhororghhred on Turqugise. They have intlicat ed that when Bennet St- is :onnected to Sapphire they will travel that route rather than going south '~..o Rasehud. This will lessen the traffic floe to that neighborhood which is of concern to thgse residents. _ f Thoroughbred St. were to 6e tleveloped as planned. tt would be appr m:imately one-half mile in length, without necessary curves that reduce auto speed. We "eel the City Cquncil has a r'esponsibiltYy to the residents tp insure that very possible solution to khis prghl em be reviewed 6ef ore any ar.tions are '.Acted upgn. i. ( Drainage ) - Water run off has always been a problem in our cgmmunity. .ly own home receives all of the water that runs to a easterly direction qn ihnroughbred. City enyineers were notified of this prohl em and some attempt ias made to reduce water flow by diverting it Into the lemon grove. This i4ort hatl little affect 6ecausee of improper drag nage of the bridal path to south of the grove. There are many areas that need grad uv.7 that will allow ~~.= water to flow east toward Sapphire- These areas also allbw water to un'over the horse path tnto adjacent homes on Fosehud. If the water was nrop erly directed ko Sapphire flodding contlitimns could be eliminated. iur4 ace water coultl be rout etl thr oudh a proposed bridal path or culde-sac ree tq the new section of Riurouyhbr ed St., with lil.tle cost Co the city r builder. . ( Emergency Acc eSS ) - fimerywicy firm. melt r.al .and law en}or'c ument ehicles require access mutes for various reasons. A culde- sac street could meet city requirements for such act r_ss. In many arras in nor city a equirement far crash gates of approprtate size fnr fire tnic l: 'access exists. his requirement could be met very easy with these gates situated mJ~a~ent tq bridal trail pn the east and west borders of such. Sufficient median space :ould he provitled for easy accesz for emergency vehicles. e will wor l: with the city and Che builder to solve any problem that may wise with these issues. n conclustpn, these residents of Rancho Cucamonga stns ernly believe we have rovirlerl the City Cnlingtl su{ficienF inf nr mJti ^ri, fnr care Nil conslderAttnn ~RaPo~~,t~ ~MP~ov~EMGN?" ~ nb~rrH R;1\C'130 CI~C~1,110\G:1 iir1E: ~;~,~}TiCI/_7._~I,I7Lt~~_ Pt.:v1~t~'G Dt~'I~tOV exi{i~;ir..."/~ ~~sc:~t.e~-- ,~r~ ~z n'~ .~ O O .n ~z0 1~ :-- l ~! ~- ~: ~~ - _~ ~-:~ - - ---....---.---- ---=--~1 f ~ ~,~ _ - -- ~- - ---- ` ' r -- I I I I I , 1 `~•~ u I _ ~ .' __ F~ ~_ ~ 3 - I -I I L-= tea'. ,rt,vy_ 7 ~~ ~.:. _ _ -- ` I I ___ ._-~ 1 l~_-_ --__-_ ~q ~ i Y 1 ~ i -.-.. ----_ '- ~~ rr -~ ~ ~ .. l ; - ~ I ill I / i I ~I / r\ ~ Y ~.~ ~~Ij / i ~ q~-. c j b ~ „~ / \- I Ji ~G ~ - . _, , -- - -- ~ ~Ro~O~~.~ rUP~ov~~~I~~ir G~ \ORTH C1'1'~' OF -, iir..~r. ~.~7" .G~ify-~ ~--r -- R~i\CI i0 (~I~{_:~\ 10\(,:1 un r: /r~;:Si~Df/ _7 . ~~~~L~__ . _ PLC\I\'G DI\'hlc~~! r.~iti~;ir~ `~~`} ~~eC~1E .__ .~ _ S c. m,~~,^•r'y T?2AFFIC QUE STIONAIRE . i~!'~ 1. How many drivers are in your residence? -~ 2. How many vehicles are in your residence? 1•~' 3. Monday through Friday, how many trios per day does each driver make? 9. On the weekends, how many trips does each 7,~ driver make? 5. Do you belong to a car pool? ~ yL5 6. How often do you tr avel per year? ~i. $ k~6E.!'S 7. How many drivers in your household work? ~. 8. Taking into account vacations, car pools, ~.~ business trips, etc ., how many- trips does your residence make on the average each day? felaapanu.n.a In nnnf.lt m _ ~N ~ , AnY .~:Grl.a. ! STAG C/ Cll:!C1M11 C1/IC CI R,! SL:! Ni! MAiSMM FIRE IMCIDEN7 n'c=ORi 'Iz141s fu~liofv«inin ~~CT.-i_~ PIAE CEPAgTMENT rL'~ - I A•.rn Inlx.Gq My . r •, • I aG:f<)l [OGU ' .I t..G. Clty III tGLII.G.v[ .Y I)37 14lYlJ - ~„ Rancho Cucamoraa 19 1 J .0 ~1 IGSLt a.<[I •.u ....a anus ~ ur. .o a,wa L.[ft ,a. ~ ~ A. ~ Vi I .,..[G. ./.G .LGeG„ Sr. i iLL .+I I D - I ~ A. INIOR NATION I GE 1 I''S.O. •0 I' .Z.'~LSI al .,Z.Sr81 9. PROPERTY CLA591 fICATICN 1 PAOZ 191 t .I I ~1~~ - ~I~F ~•II I t i • ,t .•l LIKJrG.l a+tln. 1 G [ .` 3 i c ~ I , I Dw~~L,N O. EY SNT OF OAMAG2 1 PAG2 1l1 ! coo[ urar ar G. n.cf . ,nen Laval mar er o...a[ -.uu i un.•rm us, • I•[nar• un..nalwu ~ ca.rf' n I I ~ rOltil F. Aq EA. .N ATERIA LS b SMCKE SPREAD IPAGE E]I i _. a _ nt. ur G•KI. a[ .vr[ fI ..r t•r[. Ir[fi ~r. r![i ~5. 1 1 .a :C[ [+ . C/ v.1 tT.•[ II[!r IM1 'ta I Ac-h' _ [FS I .... Lv[.ulf 3..0[t fa,l•G ~[ 1 •I .ilif vtI< I I I 1 I J. N19CZLLANf.OU: IPfaS 1091 .o ..m• •I{•a. a. uI <luu.• l L I t.f i •n, 14'4 tC I a, a/ i{.InL u. r:a o•I wtnnu;r. u[, oun ^ x ~~_- ~e-,v. onf o .rn i•V Y. Y•G9'i. Ur 1 IJ ,H1c•u. rr.•u I I JYPE I PAGE ~i l F. LOCAJION b CAL56 IP.\rr 191 Lief Ki .+L G...Lf:a. [w Glna lalrlG• I 6. 9PR EAO Of flgE IPA aE JTI cvt I +•I. ,.nmr n,f r+rt.e Lfaf - I - r:n ..fin` ual.a l•,nG L]0[ IG••• n•rf •laf C..LIK 1••L•0 1. PROTEC tO.V IAC:LI 129 I PAOE 9J 1 C::{ I nivtr[ l•'S•ll. tilt ::l a.\...4 ...... a.JrL~ i0v .rt I ~Cf+ . I Ir.ta .F. i..t Iv itr tIi :11, i i•~-^-_~- nc.n.. ::oa a\I U,[tnrt•,Ui I I lr.af ..a.. •lu {Irf Rlvhuf N0. 4~ F.A. N0. N.A. 270. O.E. N0. F.P. FOLLOk"J?_ j STIGATZON 2E?ORT N0. ~ ~ ~I 'v ='- G-_ -yn= _- V?tq LiC k e^ _ ..'J _ ~~~ I <x 1%i' 1 aA..: I ltr _ 1 I I 1 ' .....~__...__ _.__.._.- ;µ~~ . ~~-._ ____ _,. ^_-n _ _ >.. I,n n,.; n. 'F~.n..n iJti]T ('.~JT.oG Dn_Y'nQ _ RRO I~4U tin 'Sal F.~:c'1:; R1 •_ ~H](1' .y,,A i:IV~ 3.'.?F.x, U(~, PInC.._,RU Pa;dn 'Tn F.~. Artrt. ~L~L ~ c_Jrynimn, 'A'~ _ f\NrlL .rr "- i~. T~. Ril r. A~TLt. ~.]~ . ~1 M w(~ . ~~ y •7 '~ Ca>:tain 1~ 1 --? ": i:i~3~ir:.R RAI„ Si:=aT=ai 5^6: IC:1 FOOTHILL PIKE DISTRICT MEMORANDtiM ~~ TO: Dan Coleman Q n FROM: Division Chief Lloyd Almond (//11//~ SL'HJECT: Fire Safety Development Criteria DATE: April 1, 1985 As a result of our meeting on Fr'_day, March 29, 1985 the following items are being submitted as the minimum criteria to mitigate fire safety considerations; A. Entry and road islands 1. At entry, minimum street width each side of island s:na.'_ be 20 feet clear. 2. Islands shall be ne larger than 50 feet lorc and 5 Eeet wide. 3. Distance between islands shall be no less than 25 feet. 4. If no island is proposed, than the minimum entry street width shall be 2fi feet clear. 5. The lower height of all trees along all the road- ways shall not be less than 15 feet (due to heigh- of tract companyl. 8. $ireet Wid t.^.5. 1. The fcilow lag st: eet widths will be accented by the Foothill Fire District secarately or together is any project. a. 26 foot clear width - no parking either side. b. 36 foot street width with parkipq on alternate sides o_° roadway for 60 feet with 60 Eoot inte r.'a ls. Curbs to be painted red within the 60 fcot clear curb spaces. EXAMPLE: Parking Pa rkinq c~ 60 '~ I-~-I Parking r Page Two r The parking areas will be determined by the i fire department dependent upon emezgency access needs. r c. 34 foot width with parking on one side only except where hydrants may be placed. (7y feet clear to be provided on either side of hydrant) C. Security Gates. -~ 1. Provide 24 hour gate security operator. - 2. Provide electrical mechanism to be installed in all ~ emergency vehicles which will open all secu;ity gates within our district. No delays in responses due to having to leave vehicles to open sates will be accented. The liability factor for the City and the District is too great. WHERE FIRE LANES ARE REQOI RED '!'0 PROVIDE ACCESS FOR E."?E RGEttCY VEHICLES, THEY SHALL BE DESIGNED FvND MAINTAINED P.S FOLLOWS: -~ 1. Width shall be not less than 26' for the length specified by this deoartme nt. 2. Fire lanes shall be paved to meet standards of the City of Rancho Cu camonca for public alleys, but shall not be less than 2" of asphaltic concre t= over 4" of decomposed Granite or equivalent. All ! improvements, including Having and maintenance cf restricted access- ways, shall be performed to the satisfaction of this department. Where this department deems it permissible, the use of natural grass ` surface may be allowed, provided the following conditions are met: a. A gravel subsurf°ace is provided olh ic!t trill withstand 50,000 _ pounds in all weather conditio.^s •,rithout sic_,^,i `_icant compaction. (En r.in ee:ina data to be provided). b. Otier supporting material or block may be used i_` they meet the same criteria and/or conditions as stated in Section "a". - c. Grass covered restricted access shall be marked so that the _.~ supported driving area is clearly discernable. Required access shall he continuously maintained during building cons is action to the satisfaction o` this department. Those are as of :ire iar.es or public alleys where fire hydrants are permitted to be installed shall be designed and constructed to accommodate full flow of fire hydrants under testing conditions without damace either to paving, structures, or Landscaping. 3. No dip, hump, or other surface irregularity shall: a. have an angle of approach of 90° (208i or steeper: b. have an angle of departure of 90° (208) or more; c. impede the movement of fire apparatus having a wheelbase of 244", with a minimum ground clearance of I1". 4. The minimum outside radius of the paved surface shall be S1'. An additional 6' of clear space shall be maintained beyond the out- side radi~_s :rpm a point 6' above the paved surface, to a point 12' above the raved surface. Hammerhead and "'!"' turning areas may be permitted as specified by this department. 5. Overhead clearance shall he no[ less than 14'6" from the paved . surface. _ 6. Required fire lanes shall be maintained in an unobstructed manner and subject to frequent inspection by this department. This • department shall cause the removal of obstructions at ocrner's ex sense. The entrance to all required fire lanes shall be posted - with a sign not less than 3 square feet in area as follows: ' FIRE LAKE KEEP CLEAR (6" high letters on contrasting background) _ VEHICLES WILL 8E CIiED (2" high letters) BY ORDER OF FOOTtiI LL FI PE PgOTFCT'O7 DISTRICT (I" high letters) UNItOP,.J ,IRE COCc FOOTHILL FIRE DISTRICT CITY OF RAtiCHO COCA\IO\GA STAFF REPORT DATE: F7 ril 10, 1985 T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Dan Coleman, Senior Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRO.lMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND D"cVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 85-01 - An amendment to the Rancho Cucamonga Development Cade, Title 17 of the Municipal Lode, regarding Master Plans. I. ABSTRACT: The City Councii has directed Staff to prepare an amendment to the Development Code to clarify the intent and application of the Master Plan process. The purpose of this report is to explain the attached Ordinance amending Section 17.20.30, Master Plan Overlay District. [I. BACKGROUND: The Oeve lopment Code requires preparation of a conceptua Master Plan for all areas specifically designated (with an asterisk) on the City's General Plan and Development Districts Nap. Although there is na minimum or maximum size for these Master Pion areas, typfcally the Master Plan designation occurs in large undeveloped areas such as those areas around Chaffey College. The Master Plan process is intended to address the unique characteristics of certain areas and to assure harmony between proposed and existing uses. The Master Plan process also facilitates a comprehensive circulation and drainage system for a neighborhood to avoid piecemeal development. _In essence, ~A aster On larger parcels, a variety of housing product types may be proposed by a Master Plan to deal with site constraints or opportunities and to promote neighborhood compatibility with surrounding uses. Pursuant to the Development Code Absolute Policies, proper transition of density or intensity is required from adjacent areas of lesser density or intensity. For example, in the Lynhaven apartment project by Lan Bentsen interests, the project site was located across the street from future Low Medium Residential densities, therefore, the project was designed with ITEM M ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDItIAtJCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CULAMOtJGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 17, SECTION 17.20.030 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, REGARDING MASTER PLAN REQUIREtdaJTS - The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does ordain as follows: _ SECTION 1: That Sett ion 11.20.030, Master Plan Overlay District, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 11.20.030 Master Plan Overlav District - A. Purpose. The purpose of the Master Plan Overlay District __ is to establish procedures to address the special or unique needs or characteristics of certain areas designated by the General Plan or Specific Plans and to assure a harmonious relationship between the existing and proposed use, and to coordinate and promote the community improvement efforts of both private and public resources. f B. Applicability 1. All areas specially designated as Master Plans on the _ Land Use Plan of the General Plan shall be considered areas where preparation of a conceptual Master Plan shall be considered mandatory. 2. Any other areas may be considered areas where preDaratian of a conceptual Master Plan if in the opinion of the City Planner the application or project . site involves unusual site development constraints or unique characteristics, or raises questions of -. development policy substantially more significant than generally pertain to apDifcations. All development within a Master Plan Overlay District shall compiy with the intent of Master Plan as approved 6y the Planning Commission. However, it is noL the intention of the master planning process to - limit the flexibility to develop alternative solutions consistent with the intent of the Master Plan. 4. There shall be no minimum or maximum area re uirement • for a Master Plan Overlay District. ~' ~-~~ II _ _ = I' _ __ N - I _ ~ ~ _ _ II - - _ ?in n v ~o s 3 ~»„ _ ova ~ o O u n• 4n n n v T _~ -~ ~.~~ _~ n ~\ =, _) ~ ~ ~ I I Ix$ -~ I n - `~ ~ n~ - - _~o I N §~ ' I - ~ I aq - '~ l I ., g o 0 I 8„ $ R ~ ~ I o n ' I _ _ 3 ~~~~ s _ ~ a a ~ u 1 ~~'~ ~. ~`b ~. ~c~ z _ ... ~. :'.O ,J ~, ; ~ ;_ 1`~F .^. ~~<: ti~. ~. ,~.a, ~~, ~ q (a "t \.~ 'O .` i J ~ ~~ 1' ~ D ~, ~.' ; ~~ ~ .V e; `' Q '.~ . C ~• ~' ;\ ~~ f~~~ ``\ `S s' u •, v ~ y r ~~ ? 8 O O ~° L O 0 K WHE:2E PI RE Ln:v ES ARE REQL'I RED TO PROVIDE ACCESS FOR E:!E RGEii C'! !'EHICLES, THEY SHALL BE DESL G:JED ;vv0 :-0AiVTA I:vED F.S FOLhOWS: r i. Width shall be not less than 26' for the lengt!t spe ci _"i=d by this - depart a~.e r.t. ~ 2. Fire lanes shall be paved to meet standards o` the Ci tv of Rancho Cucamonca fer pub lie alleys, but shall rot be less than 2" of - asphaltic ccnerete over 4" of decennosed Granite or equ i~.•a lent. All improve.^e.^,ts, ir.ci uding paving and maintenanca c` restricted access- r w a/s, s;:a 11 be ae rfor med to the satisfaction of this denartme nt. iJhere t!:is d=_pa:tment Seems it aermissib le, the usa of natural mass surface r;a^ 'os sL'oo:ed, arovided the follow inq co r.d itio ns are met: a. ;~ 'e1 subsnr `ace is p:oeided which cui 11 cui t:^.stand 50,000 _ no ands ail '::eather conditions •:it:^. rat significant co..^..p action. (Er.?lace^nc daca to be pro!'i ded). r b. Other saoportiac gate rial or block may be used i`_ they meet t sa-= criteria and/or conditions as stated in. Section "a". - c. Grass covered restricted access shall be mar'.<ed so that the _~. supported d.i•:inc area is clearly disce rnab le. _ .:squired access s:^.a 11 be Conti r.ueuslw maintained during building - coons tr~m-ion to c. sans: action o`. this departure nt. '°hose areas of fire lanes or nub Lic alleys where _°ir= hydrants are aernitted to be i stalled snail be designed and cons *_ructed to accommodate _- full flow o: `ire hydrants under testing conditions without damace • either to ?awing, structures, or landscaoinq. 3. ~o dip, huma, or oth_r surface irrequlari ty shall: a. hale an ar.a le of nap ro ach of 90° (2081 or steeaer: • b. have an ancle r." departure of 90° (208) or more; c. impede the novement of fire anon ra tus having a wheelbase of ''-44", wit:; a minimum ground clearance of 11". -• 4. The nisimu^ e~.:tside radius of the paved surface shall be 51'. P.n _ additio^a1 6' o` clear space shall 6e maintained beyond the out- - side ra:i i~s :rpm a polo[ 5' above the paved sur'_ace, to a point _,~ 12' above Cie paved surface. Hammerhead and"T" turning areas ma7 be perni`. `_ed as specified by this department. 5. Overhead clearance shall be not less than 14'6" from the paved _. surface. _ 6. Required `ire lanes shall be maintained in an unobstructed manner and sub'ect to frequanc inspection by this department. :his -• departrsnt shall cause the removal of obstructions at owner's expense. The entra r.ce to all required fire lanes stall he host^d -` with a sivn not less than 3 squa re feet in area as .follows: -• FIRE LA:lE KEEP CLEnR ;6" high letters on coot ras ring back ;round) _ - VEHICLES W[LL 9E CIiED (2" high letters) 6Y ORDER OP FOOTHILL F1RE ?ROTE CmIO`J DIST RT C'" (1" high letters) U,1 Ir0 P.1 FIRC COD:: FOOTHILL FIRE DISTRICT zr-err f i I ~ Lun ~J ~~~ rl r~rr I _ I ~ I \ ~ I I ~ D., /~ pn t 7u V'r fl ,~ - ry' ~ I » THESE DIr^~EPIS IONS TO r1ATCH EXISTIrJ~ OR ?RO?OS'cD Ir7 cnrlFnar!ArrcE rJITH c;rr sTaranaRns 302, 303 or, 304 sc^s :Qa iau.^.. L=.^.ct:: o: '_^s taliation shall Se ?6 test =JR Fi RE ACC=SS LArlES;- 2. Miniaum lent =^. oc t_ansition crow nor.tal cure to accesa curb~s;.ail be 5 - - 3. tae a6=ned ciar.e ;tiara shall 5e constractad not ^.or=-raan i0 tee*_ _ I acart. ~. .ail C.:r a s.;a== be V=,_str•uctafl in acao riar.ce :•ri= ce iaT=_s_ eci .ion 7I of the S^_.a:GJ;.?D S?= ^:C~1T:0`I$ FOR ?L'3i. :rCR:{3 CCSS.ZI:C.:O^rr Unl_55 oths ^.aiaa indicated. ]. ?idCe 3i 4" dC:ve! D ..a 3t 31. 4:t^dnS:On ]C:1t5 'n.14.^. °+OtJ l..^.E =_raG2 ~ is less than O. iO~*. 6. Curbs shall be painted red at both ends, and posted "NO PARKING - FIRE - i LANE", per Foothill Fire District standards. L Cit7 of Rancho Cuca.:.onga °ndine4r_na 7ecar _:aent spe CZ^ cations CURB _ FDR FIRE LANE ZN SUPPORT OF THE PARK 1. Li the spring issue of 'Tne Grapevine" the frmit paye article is titled "Pack Development Program Accelerates'. However, as you reaa tue article, you learn tnat the park development program is severely hampered by inadequate source of funds. The following excerpts are from [he article: A. The plan also includes smaller neighborhood parks. B. The City Cs faced wiw the enallenge of 1Cmi ted funding. They have severe financial limitations. C. FCnancing, which when acyuiced, determines the tC~aing of park development. D. Tire ausence of fCnanciny Greats the absence of park development. E. Li Ran chu Cucamonya, theref ure, property ta% uas no[ been available for park improvements. F. Grants from the State and Federal Governments, as revenue sources, are beginning to "dry up". G. The park fees, paid by the developers, contribute greatly to the park program, but first and primarily, the parks directly benefitting those new neighborhoods. N. As a community, the opportunity to provide long-term bond financing in order to construct and have into service both Herrtaye and Red Hill Community Parks by tl~e fall of 1986. After reading the article, it was felt that our proposal to help finance the pack at the end of Thoroughbred couldn't nave neon more timely. Here the City was in dire need of park land, couldn't afford to pay for them and we were willrny to help. Zn addition, the article indicated that the developer fees were first and pr iraarly to be directed towards parks oenefitting the new neighborhood. He are the new neighborhood: There were 117 homes build in our new neighborhood in the past 3 years. Developer fees paid to the City total $105,945.84 based on 905.52/SFR, The h otaeown ers have pledged funds towaca a park at the end of our street. 2. Parks and Recreation C1ty Policy - Excerpts. A. The provision of public packs and recreational facilities was ideutlfied as one of the most important agendas for the city by the citizen. _ il. The City has 60 acres of pack land, 20 acres of which has - been developetl. The City, based ou the present population of about 53,000 residents, indicates the City has a deficiency of 205 acres. The City is far from r.leeting file needs of its residents. - C. A pru3ected population of 144,000 represents a tripling of - the current population which will reyuire many more acres of park idnu. b. Tile need for eccessidili ty, whicn is favored by a dispe[sed - pattern. E. Ob7ec rives - provide park facilities at a level will cil reflects the high priority assigned to these facilities by Ci[y residents. F. Policy - Finallc my parr land improvmaents alruuyh rue City's general fund, State and Fede[al grants-in-aid, development fEle S, ylf tS dnU UUildt ions. G, tli lion residential areas developed prior to the date of tuffs plan, [he City shall provide new parks and the upgrade existiny parka Co achieve au overall ratio of community/neighbor in residential areas developed subseyuent to the Jate of this plan. Toe City auall reyuire developer dedication of park space or in-lieu fees to achieve the same overall ratio as applies in exiatiny residential areas. H. The teen mini-parks shall include a~ area improved for recreational use. I. tle ighbozhood parks should ue locates to serve a populatron of within a one-mile radius. J. Tue service area of a neiyiiborhood park should not be divided by natuzal or actiticial barrie[s such as thorouguf arcs. K. Lapwvements and facilities otuer roan muse of a specialized [eczeational nature shall be made and constructed oy the developer, oc wnen a fee rs paid rn lreu of dedication, the fee should be sufficient to meet and proviue rue specif ieu reyuic eiaents. L. Fri ni-Pack - The mini-park shall be employed by the City in instances it is determined the best iuterest of the immediate surrounding development will be served. After reviewing the City Policies, it appears obvious that the s uggestron of workiny with the City and the Developer to uuild a park is in the best interest of [he immediate surrounding develupi.ieut is a viable one. Further, the two proposed parks at Stork School and the West end of - Banyan have been aoandouee. The closest park is Heritage, which is a neighborhood park and has a radius of one mile. Our new neighUoriioud is allaost twice that far. This proposed site could be a substitute for those abandoned parks. The developer will benefit by usiny this park as a selling feature for the new tract. Attached is an artist's concept of the park proposal. It has included a balance of rec[eational opportunities foc our residents with the divecsrty of available activities includiny a logging tract, equestrian feeders on the South equestrian trail, picnic area, play area foc el e~aentary children and passive area open spaces. .•Y m o ~> n m o c ~~0 3n m= -~~ a9az Q,, ~ ~ o ' ~ Z 9 m F ~ O ~ a 2m ~ ^ ~ . .o3 r ~12~ i ~ .zU o ..r ! v -- p v.> 83~ w ~ ' C v O ! ~ v : ~ n 3 n rn L ~~;~ a `' ° S` y n i F'tlVr!{~~.•:;IJCi:'~i~Jf n,.. ~. %~t7:.i') t71.:, , ,. ~t ~, Ii'IFr'VL"i4F_i: .: r41„ ~...-rli -... TI-:.~' . ~~ : i , _ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGq 9320 EASELINE RORD RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CA 91730 (7147 989-181 _ IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N0. 85-FD HEFI TAGE AND REDHI LL PARRS _ FOF THE FISCAL YEAR 198-1906 DAMS. EUGENE C -- 6238 CRMEO ST gLTR LOMA. CA 91701 91701 C'S; IMA TED .~,.- _.,:,D7EtJT. .~t4.n7 A:i5ES5i iFid i i IC. ~. ?93 ._ I:J~U'. ~~... ~ i. t l b}..- l.a-fl ti.' f,I1J1.11~ ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT: 434.67 ASSESSMENT N0. 16401 ASSESSOR+S N0, 106^<-471-12-0000 4 ~' e 6 ~ • I ~ _~ __~__ ~ C v M i L ~~ • __ _ __ i ~ __~ ~ ~ ~\. - ~, ' N t1 I I '= SR- ~ - ~ ~ ~I I ~- -_- J C = N ' . _ o `i ~ Ir ti ~ --~1 - I ~ ~ III "y I III 'I ~ \~ _~ j= / `_=~- I I i - III ' - ----- .; J' \1\ y ~' ^/-' ~ii III i -- ,- m-- , ~>: 4. i '3i r---~ '~ 1~ --. ~_ ___ 1 I I i l I ~, I __ -~ ~.-~ , _ I i i ~ _. y ~ I -_ ~---- }- ~ ~ i I I ioxxx;Mxxx ~// \~ _ ~ ~ ~ I _ --- ~ ~~--, I ~-, --_ ---- -_ ' - a - J I \ I j I I: I j I _- --- x -- / I .YI ~ ~~I ~ / I ___ I ~ I _ --_ ~ I'I ' i ~ - /~ /~- ~ r ~_ ~. I - I I s ~ ___ - ~ ~~ I , ' \ ~, - I II ~ ._~__~ _;-=_) i ~TFFFa^_~ ~~- e ~~ I ~ ~ -_ --.c.-.t--_ --_ .e.~ T . -_ ~. ~ lI n77? Iii ti.) I ~ z 0 r_ ~Y r.V C ~~ f' G U ^' ~s r i ~~'1C (~7~~~eV1116 vol. v, Np. m City of Rancho Cucamonga. Californm Spring ]985 Park IDevelopme>nt Program Accelerates Program history, Goals and methodolow The Rancho Cucamonga park de- velopment program was conceptuab ized to provide a balance of recrea- tional opportunities for our residents with the diversity of available activities including evening picnic concerts, soft- ball. horseshoes, soccer. 4-fi eques- tnanclasses and activities, and passive area open spaces. The plan also 'nclud 6= ~t~n ornoo Estimated Residential Property Tax Revenue to City $ 827.000.00 Average Annual Property Taz per Residence to City $ 41.00 Residential Property Tax as Percentage of General Fund 8% Residential Property Tax as Percentage of Total Budget ...... ... ....... 4 Total Law Enforcement Service Cost 53.644.000.00 Total Residential Property Tax as Percentage of Law Enforcement Cost P26~; ' parks thro~hout• the comm_umty to Compnnsion of Cary Revenue Irom residenmi property fax and the ioial budget promding for law pr- o~w ¢ basic (aeries and severa[ eNor<ement wuhin the community. - Targer community parks developed to meet the greater recreational needs of Rancho Cucamonga. ty~ ,S~ Creating such a conceptualized park system, however, has met with the challenge o1Jjm tnd fv d' faced wnh severe Onancial lim taf'ons the City Council has developed a a sound. phased "businesslike" plan to achieve the expressed community de• sires for park improvements wittnn the City A(ler viewing the progress of the overall plan, the Councl has deter mined that we are now in the position to implement thr park rile devel~p- ment phase n( the prngmm At this point "timing" and _"hnanana" nr~ <runal as we procerd toward the yoal o grT eater park and recrvannn laalines Timing, of course. rrlates to when the Gly may rnnslnscl c¢rta:n (acdwes such as the roncert area of softball diamonds at Red Hill Park or the soccer fields, plargmund areas. and equestnan arena it Hrnloge Park. mincing. which ~.ohrn acepiir¢d defer mores t x' nmmgn(perk r3rvy~li~mrpi 7Ffers fo Ina resources available to develop the park TL•e abamc¢ of h.nan ina- r ,t the ahsence of par_ devehnm~nt blor¢ovec as ae watl (or appropriate (inannng, prices of devel- opment have continued to escalate through inf lotion. creating further Iimr cations on park funding. Financino Parks While we all pay a lo[ of property tax. such tax goes directly to the CouniV of San Bernardino and not to the Cify. From the County, Rancho Cucamonga receives only 3.6T, of your total property tax bill, which in turn provides only a portion of that general fund revenue expended (or public health and safety services pro• vided to the community. In fact, the City's total revenue collected from property taxes amounts to less than one quarter of those dollars expended for polite services alone, ho Cucamonga therefore monert~ax has tint been available (or o_ark im• piovements How about grants from the state and federal government for financing parks? . In the past. state and federal grants have been an excellent source for linuncing smaller park and recreation protects. The Cnv has used grants su«ess(uily (or the senior ocean's wing at the Neighborhood Center, for playground and park improvements at Bear Gulch Park, and. of course. the rchabditahon o(, and room additions lo. the Lions Park Community Center. While Rancho Cucamonya has taken full advantage of all such outside funding sources available, the federal government in an attempt to control the expanding deficient in its budget. is reducing grant funding available to bah state and local junsd¢tions. This could eliminate or reduce activities like the Community Development Block Grant Program. which was the pnnnple source of lunding for the Neighhorhood Center. As revenue sources on the state and fe era eve s_ egin lo" rv up:' rt becomes less an rmNnurd on va9e 9 Inside Grapevine • Spring Clean Sweep Program Ser 0%• 6 • Spring Recreation s» wnr rut Park Development ' ~oa,~~.a t,om ,,,. , less bkely they will play a major role in future park development within the community. Norv about developer fees to build a park system? ' The ark le aid by developers contribute resit t he ar ro ram. un an onmanl the arks dttectiy e rt~n Inos¢ new neighborhoods. n a adion, park developm¢- ntTes may be used appropriately for major citywide park improvements that wdl show benefit to residents within a I particular subdivision. In most in- stances, these fees will be committed to acquisition and development of five to ten acre schoo4adja<ent neighbor hood park sites as new residential subdivisions develop. With property tax not being the answer. rants fadin aw and ammnmem o eveloper lees to the ziq oornoo ar s, t eFi comriiunity' i ace wn t e question of "how do we hurdle the financial constraints in order to meet the goal of seeing Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks built and in service before the I turn of the century? In answer to that t question, the City Council recently suPPoned special legislation passed in _ ~ Sacramento which addresses the con• terns of park development financing Presently in effect. Senate Bill 2137 would give us as a community, the opportunit to provide long ter-mm~ond~ manang in or er [o construct an3 'h5~e Tinto szrnce of enrage and_ Red~Hlf omL' muniFy Par'Tcs by Ih¢ Fall -) oflzP~o. ! As ihz City Councl considers this program m the months ahead. you wdl b¢ recervi rig more mfortnabon on such i. alt¢rnativ¢ finananq. PARKS AND RECREATION The provision of public Darks and recre- aticnai~ i[i~was iden dried as one of [he most irnporta nt agendas for [he City by the citizen who participated in developing the General Plan. Guan tifying the need for such facilities is a difficult [ask because it depends on many factors. The recommend- ed park and recreation standards estab- lished by the National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA) are useful indicators by which [he recreational needs of a community can be determined based on national stan- dards, and by the same token measure deficiencies tuwards meeting those needs. Currently the City of Rancho Cucamonga has 60 acres of parkland, 20 acres of which have been developed. Application of the NRPA recommended standards of S acres per 1,000 population to the current popu- lation of about 53,000 residents, indicates the r;ry nos a dgflciency_.of_20_~acre s,. Put another way, to meet the recommended national park standards for the present population, the City must quadruple i[S current inventory of local recreational tacili ties. In addition, a central city park of approxi- mately 100 acres is required to serve the needs of Ci[y residents, but none presently exists. National standards indicate that the 53,000 residents of Rancho Cucamonga could support a regional park of 1,000 acres. lyhile this demand is in par[ sans (ied by [he three county regional parks located within an hours driving time of the City, an additional regional park located in close p roeimity to the City is needed. Regard- less of the appropriateness of the national sta ntl ards for Rancho Cucamonga, the C'ty is far from_mee [ing_[he needs of Its rest- dents.-~- - -' -- Another way of assessing recreational needs is to consider the number of active recrea- tional facilities that can be supported by the population. Such facilities include, far en ample, baseball/softball fields, tennis and basketball courts, and swimming pools. inn The Ci[y by itself is deficient in its pro- vision of Lhese facilities. A partially miti- gating factor in this present deficiency is I [he availability of school facilities for com- munity recreational use. These facilities, totaling approximately 100 combined acres are limited, however, in recreational oppor- tunities, and activity is primarily confined to open field snorts. r IAoLE 111-9 1 INVENTORY OF SELECTED OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ( Number of Facilities Avail- _ Facilit Standard Needed ahle* Deficient Baseball 1 per 12,000 4 2 2 Softball 1 per 3,000 17 39** -- ' Tennis 1 per 4,000 13 15 -- Basket- ball 1 per 2,000 26 S2 -- - I Swim- -- ming 1 per 25,000 2 2 Community Center 1 per 25,000 2 2 -- * Includes those facilities on school sites. The public accessibility to these facilities is contingent upon agreements between the City and [he school districts. Although it would appear that the City is not deficient when school facilities are included in the inventory, school use of [here facilities is given higher priority, and the actual _I amount of time available for general public _ use is limited. -1 *' These are improvisetl fields set of school ll playgrounds. These are no formal, deli- - _ Gated softball diamonds in [he City. While national standards are useful as gen- eral indicators of park and recreational needs, the citizens of Rancho Cucamonga must establish appropriate standards for meeting their own specific retreat tonal needs. The challenge of providing desirable 101 _~ levels of parkland is further compounded by [he population growth forecast for the Ci[y. A projected population of 135,000 represents a tripling of the current population, requir- ing the provision of many more acres of parkland beyond these discussed in the preceding paragraphs. In addressing the task of providing park and recreational facilities [o residents of Rancho Cucamonga, i[ is necessary [o recognize [hat two sepa- rate tasks exist for [he Ci[y. The first task, antl [he mare difficult one, is bringing the existing developed portions of [he City up to standard. The second task is making parkland provision for the area subject to future development. L l The spatial distribution o~arks_and recre- ational facilities must s[rrke a balance be- FCeert--the need for accessibility, which is _ favored by a dispersed pattern, and ever increasing T~s3i ntenance costs, which tentl to increase with the number of pa rtes. At [he same time, association of the Ci[y park facilities with school district facilities is another issue which must he addressed. Finally, the recrea [iopal. needs. of the various segments of the City's populaton must be recognized.. OBJECTIVES The objectives enumerated below and the subsequent policies shall guide the City's policies and decisions in providing parks and recreational facilities far its residents. o Provide pa r.k ,and recreational facilities at a level ~_ which.._reflec[s__ihe ~ high priority assigned. [o .,these facilities b}' City resi- dents, o Design park and recreational facilities to serve tl~e recreational and social in[er- ac[ion needs of Ci[y residents of all ages, economic situations, and ph}steal condi- tions. o Site parks and rec rea[ional facilities within [he City in a manner [hat fosters orderl}~ development. 102 o Maximize opportunities for the joint use of public facilities such as schools, flood control, and areas under the jurisdiction or other public agencies. L POLICIES The City shall aggressively employ a multi- faceted approach in financing the acquisi- tion, development and maintenance of City parklands. That approach shall include, but not be limited [o, explera[ion and application when approriate, fin~a_ncina_ parkland im- provements through the City's._general_fund,, -__ .. state and frderal~~grah[s~'in aid, development fees, gifts and donations, benerit assessment districts and Fhe' creation and implementation of Parklands Joint Powers l.uthority. o The City shall actively support the devel- opment of the proposed Chaffey Regional Park. This proposed park, shown in Figure III-6, is being considered by the Regional Parks Advisory Commission antl the County Regional Parks Department. It would occupy several hundred acres of [he County Flood Control District's Deer and Day Creek spreading ground antl would be limited to riding and hiking trails and overnight campsites not accessible by automobile. o The City shall develop a City park within the area shown on Figure III-6. - The City park will primarily serve as a major facility for active recreation Dy City residents. The park may include facilities such as playfields, play- grounds, tennis courts, swimming pools, and outdoor assembly or performing arts area. It could provide the location of citywide community activities and athletic events. Given this function and its general location, the park will be a major focal point of the City. Its image a[ [he center of the City and its role in defin- ing an identity for the City may he strengthened by integrating the park 103 i / 5 ,(E Fpm ~•/ i; •<,::.rrr G S, S ,2 ~ ~a L ~Au~ b~' ~<o rlrF'2 '-~ 'y.rn r /"l .w /!ti Y ~C!/J ~ r'mt'> ,y~rw %l~.1 i•T ~ 'i 7 n ~~~5 9.,~ ~,~ ~~ s r.,.,; with the civic center, which could be located in [he general vicinity. The intersection of Haven and Foothill will be [he location of commercial, busi- ness, and offices uses serving Rancho Cucamonga. The park should be accessible from these surrounding uses and should also include passive recre- ational facilities such as picnic tables, benches, and landscaping for use by shoppers and persons working near [he park. o Within residential areas developed prior [o the date of this Plan, the City shall pM1ro- vide new parks and upcLrade_e istin parks to achieve an overall ratio of com- muni[y%neiahborhood parks of 5 acres per 1,000_~p~ulation. In resiaential areas_ developed_ subsequent to the date of this Plan, [he Gty shall require developer dedication of:park~space or in-lieu fees to achieve the same overall ratio as applies in existing 'r'esidential areas. o The City should develop a Chree-tier system of parks devoted to meeting the recreational needs of its residents. This three-tier system of park organization shall include community, neighborhood, and mini-Parks. The terms community and neighborhood mini parks shall inlcude a~~area of land dedicated [o the public and improved for recreational use. These terms shall include~tarks which provide improved recreational areas oriented along a linear axis-'provided by a trail, the edge of a natural ~featu re, or a roadway, provided that fhe park area is at least 80__feet.in_ width and_In_ [he_case ot: a park along.a. roadway, is se[ back a[ teas[ 10 fee[ from the edge of the paved surface. These <erms._jnclude_..improved~recre- ational areas of less than 30 feet in wid th~~which are oriented along a~petles- [rian, equestrian, or bicycle trail, except that credit for these areas in satisfying the above standard shall be awared according to the schedule shown below. 10-0 ~ ~ 4 ~ J ~ °' U Q ul Q a ~y„ $Q~ W ~; t ZO B 4 1111313311 C f O 1? QF Q NNp S~. ppz o 6 r N 6 o U y ~ VoI 11 6< 3i IV i Q6 NW ~. Ytz ~ CC %N % K g w w u ~ ~ Z u 2¢ `~ as ~i 1 J ue G2 ~U Y1n i~ -~ LL d~ 6 O ]i . ~.~~.: l ~:u ._. ._ VO C~ d m v a a T . A A; H ~ .r 0 u 'c„ m9 u and 1U In order for [railway acreage (average [rail width times trail length) to 6e credited towards park standards, the trail must provide a[ least one mope of travel, either pedestrian, bicycle, or equestrian. For trails 20 feet or more in width, the percent credit may be doubled or tripled by providing for two or three modes of travel, respectively. For example, a Lrail 40 feet wide pro- viding all three modes would receive 100 percent credit. - Park lands acquired by the City, either through acquisition or developer dedica- tion, shall be allocated between commu- nity, neighborhood and mini parks. Community Parks. The following general s tandartls should be used for the develop- ment of community parks. In areas of resid en ual development, community parks should be Iota [zd [o serve a population of within a 3 mile_ radius. 101 Average Trail Width in Feet Access should be provided by modes of transportation in addition to the auto- mobile. Community parks shall be 20-100 arres__n size. When possible, such parks should be considered for location adjacent fo ele- mentary school sites. Landscaping in multi-neighborhood parks should be drought resistant. Community parks may include competition size swimming pools, tennis courts, play fields for activities such as basehall, softball, football, and soccer, and rac- quetball and volleyball courts, picnic areas, and a community recreational center providing multi-purpose assembly rooms. The type and number o' facili- ties located in a community park shall be subject to the review and approval of [he Community Services Director. In community parks provided through developer dedication, all improvements and facilities with the exception of community recreational centers, shall be constructed by [he developer, or when a fee is paid in lieu of dedication, [he fee shall be adequate to cover the cost of these facilities and improvements. Neighborhood Parks. The following general C l,tr„= ~~,., ~.•. .., ,,' ,'ap r,~ stanaards shoultl be used for the develop- '1 +cc~caM ment of neighborhood parks. I ~ - Jeighborhood_,paCks should__be_locaied to• ~.-/'~•~~~~~ -• ~ ~ ^~~~' ~'^'^'~~ serve a_population of within a 1 mile radius. - Neighborhood parks shall be 5-20 acres in size. - Access to neighborhood parks should emphasize modes of transportation other than automobile. too f I I - I _~ _~ -I _~ L ~_ ~. L L w < a > W N r N s ~ w Q r t N ~ N J U Q rt Z J H Q = f f Y y ¢¢ O O ~ 2 U t~ F_ 2 ~ Y U j J a(n O U P I ~ G O 6 N t N W i I F W ¢<_ ~I W L7 W J ~ ~I ~¢ 3 VI 2 6 2 UI I ' V Vl F W ~4 f' ~2 ~ ~ N oy 1- 6 :~ U 6 '~t.n YI } ( Q W N Y W Q W 6 ~I U 4 W O)QLL a ~ a s ¢~ i~ i °7 - ti~0 rI i ~ a,_i:: mom'- :: _ J ' ~.o' Ae6.E ,y o ' , ~.,~ ,,..nan .. hh ' O*.' ' 'pI ~Il ` i „ : III \~~ II „ O Q U u~ a I; as a J O¢ CW ~ vu C: ,, ~ , ~ ~~~ ~.. ~ ~ ; . - _- "- _ , ~..: ,...r ---- ~_~ ~'Y v / `, - _. :, x ~ ~. .,' ~. `~ E ro • The service area_ of a neighborhood park should no[ 6e divided by~ natural or~ ar[ifical barriers such as thoroughfares, railroads, freeways, and water ccurses. - Imorovemen [s_ and facilities other than those_of a specialized recreational nature, i. e., rec rea [ional buildings, shall be made and constructed 6y the developer, or 'when a fee is paid in-lieu of dedica- tion, the fee should be sufficient to meet and_p rovide [he__5pecit'ied req uirements.~ - lands included within a neighborhood park shall not include slopes in excess of 10 percent; provided, however, that lands with slopes in excess of 10 percent may be included within a neighborhood park if prior to dedication, a tle[ermina- tion is made by the Community Services Direttor [ha[ such lands would serve a recreational purpose. - The entire area of a neighborhood park should be improved and landscaped for recreational use with drought tolerant landscaping to the maximum extent consistent with [his use. - When possible, neiahborhood parks should be considered for location adja- cent to elementary schools. - A neighborhood park may include such facilities as tot lots, tennis courts, playfield s, for activities such as base- ball/softball, football and soccer and ^as ke[ball and volleyball courts. \Vhen a neighborhood park serves primarily senior citizens, a community center may be substituted far these facilities. The type and number of facilities located in a neighborhood park shall be subject [o the review and approval of the Communi- ty Services Dire[[or. Mini-Park. The..fdini Park shall 6e em- ployed by [he City in instances where i[ i5 - determined the best interest of the immedi- ate su rraun ding development will he served. 109 • ~~ While many acros of land earmarked • ' for parka elarrd vacant es the city .' - tirobd100 toAleB Park devel0 menu<. funds tome Rancho ucamon9a hone • atl~tJOnadoe move contnbuted theirown IaDOrand money to upgrade Hantege parkmyaY++onen:: ! ..•aas.. :b ~~?: The Alta Loma RlCinp Club, which' fncltidea 85 as contnbuted '~'.-ia dstlmat Wince 7976 tome dsvelopmeel and malntenanee of Hedtape Park, acdording to Pam -1/enry, cmalNroman o e ----'-- ti~ nLCOmmiss on r, Located at'Beryl Strael and hillside _. Y Road In Ranch Cucamon9a•s : -, . ~:; ~rrorthwesi W WmlwMre mwt of ths•~ ~; uOCh),?oD hasu gawnoepvated;: . ('^;` ' HedtaoeYatkliused eJ,irrday M cNtr .`~~memben andother nelPh-~- ~...Aa•. arr.,Ninp to Ar~Bero Ina, ~ " proeklantof ihs ddMpduhrpra>pW_~'; •' _ Ths perk la ilso the glle of ddlnp lessons Mroupllout ihs week 8rtd ~.-~ snows presented by the ndlnp and 4H - ; ~ clubs Mrouphout the Year: ~ •i, ~ ~ •' yW } ToWRe egueatnan ventures, the r ~~ddlnpclDbhesrk an i e uestq nan~nrig,_an announcer's DOOtn, ~ j -ac-on~c Si on~stantl.asonn er • system, a practice area, pybuc toilets ' and 9rating,MemDers also provide -, I park ma ntenance, Bertolina sold. .~. .. And the Club,donatea money from Its ' annual lund-raising snow to the city for 'I additional development of the park, he added. i "The cost of building perks today is becnmin9 hl9her antl higher and ~ ~•~- - higher. gnYLglP we can eat Irom the pnvate sector is very imponant to~t9:',. veld City counci memo "„ „ w ;.. he ntlm9 ctuD s no one In . ~. _ coninbutinp to city park developmenj:, - r 'Dahl Bald that the American youth ^, ,' $pCDBf Dfaanlla9on denatwA tAa noel' ' ~ ~ of lighting the Beryl Street Park and "~ „ undenakln9J' ne said, atldln0 that It'e a- ~ "tor Dark LUnde Irom povemment~rx ~~ 'r_sourcee; devtbpara, and aeaeswneel ~~ tllatncta,Mere are plena toAtLleLLpark •. m•auna. fmm 1~ n Ind °td I for 'Dahl geld. Tnoae danallona can -~ ~ wNdbule to lndustdal sport leagues„ ' t welch would bdnp "pond publicity for' . ! ~ (the lnduatMlcomD2nlesl and !,: ..l lentaatlo wdlsolls as well;' Dahl said. .• I r• Ae to what kind of donatlona fns eltt+ i ~ will eollcit, Dahl Bald Industry could. plug "INd:111MIN. or born. W4tpaoj -~. ehooey: We'll take anything.";ci ,~., ~, `, Vl',- W. _, T•. , ~~r i I~ri". i ,. .vpril 5. 1985 Tear :arks So^L~nission Id embers: :le, the residents of the X900 and 8000 block oS Thoroughbred Street, wish to apprise you of our interest in possibly donatine land " to the city for use as a pocket park. Hs we have read so much lately of the need for parks and for the need for funding of these parks, we are sure that you will be interested to listen to our proposition " at your next meeting. -- °lease let us ;:nov; of the date and time that we may appear oa your " ~zends through Skip and/or Cyndi Oavis at 809 Thoroughbred, 989- 1FplL, ~, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Conmi55 ion will be holding public hearings at 7:00 D.m. on March 27, 1985 at the Lions Park Conmtunity Building located at 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California, 91730, to consider the following described project(s): ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ANO TENTATIVC TRACT 10349 - AYACAL - A total residential development of 53 single family lots on 33.2 net acres of land in the Very Law Residential District (1-2 du/ac), located west of Sapphire Street, south of ,7ennet Street - APN 1043-121-3, 1062-161-1, and 1062-011-3. Anyone having concerns or questions on any of the above items is welcome to contact the City Planning Division at (714) 989-1851, or visit the office located at 9340 Base Line Road, Unit B. Also, anyone obfecting to or in favor of the above, may appear in person at the above-described meeting or may submit their concerns in writing to the Planning Division, City of Rancho Cucamonga, Post Office Box 807, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730, prior to said meeting. Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission March 15, 1985 Date For Publication N i`~~!! ~! I~~ ~ N eC ~i3~ ~ T~K Y sd~^A WU, SENG U. EUGEPIE DAMS 6666 Tamarisk ' 8037 Thououghbred St. RCBERT CC3ERLY Laverne, CA Rancho Cucamonga, CA 8006*Thoroughbred St. 1062-021-19 1043-131-14 Ranc..o Cucamonga, CA 1043-131-30 ROY A. RUSSI JR. DP.NIEL A. AIEILS OSf 8320 Jennett 8051 Thoroughbred St. HAP.RY E. OVERLOOK Rancho Cucamonga, CP. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 7384 Thoroughbred St. 1062-021-20 1043-131-20 Rancho Cucamon a g ~ CA 1043-131-31 OTIS GADDIS RICHARD HAUSER 8311 Jennet St 8677 19th St. JULIUS DEASE Alta Loma, CA Rancho Cucamonga, CA 7980 Thoroughbred St. 1062-021-21 1043-131-21 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 1043-131-32 MICHAEL J. P1AY,IS JOHN HAZELRIGG 8321 Jennet St. 8079 Thoroughbred St. DEER CREEK CO. Alta Loma, CA Rancho Cucamonga, CA P• 0. Box 488 1062-021-22 1043-131-22 Alta Loma, CA 1043-121-D6 1043-121-OB RICHARD F. ALDP,L'P JAMES P. HENDERSON DEER CREEK CO. 8333 Jennet St. 8093 Thoroughbred St. P. 0. Box 488 Alfa Loma, CA Rancho Cucamonga, CA Alta Loma, CA-1043- 121-08 1062-021-23 1043-131-23 09-10-11-12-13-14-1 5-16-17 RALPH SIMMO:JS VICTOR CHING GEORGE JEI7KINS 8345 Jennet St, 8092 Thoroughbred St. 7913 Pearl St. Alta Loma, CA Rancho Cucamonga, CA Alta Loma, CA 1062-021-24 1043-131-24 1061-731-01 GEORGE MITCHELL JAMES DE BOPJIS WILBUR FIilKS 8380 Wilson Ct. 8078 Thoroughbred St. 7923 Pearl St. Rancho Cucanga, CA Rancho Cucamonga, CA Alta Loma, CA 1062-021-36 1043-131-26 lOfi 1-731-02 MICHAEL AIJDRADE JACK B. NOF, CHARLES TAYLOR 8376 Wilson Ct. 8064 Thoroughbred St. 7933 Pearl St. Rancho Cucamonga, CA Rancho Cucamo rga, CA Alta Loma, CA 1062-021-37 1043-131-26 1061-731-03 THE LMA CAMPOGPJO PlE JO::T7 BUSEY HAP.OLD iJO RRIS 8011 Thoroughbred St, 8048 Thoroughbred St. 7953 Eeechwood Dr. Rancho Cucamonga, CP. Rancho Cucamonga, CA Alta Loma, CA 1043-131-17 1043-131-27 1061-731-04 WAYNE B. SAGER JAt".ES CFdI h1I TfATTA GLENPJ BEAN 8026 Thoroughbred St. 8034 Thoroughbred St. 7963 Beechwood Dr, Rancho Cucamonga, CA Rancho Cucamonga, CA Alta Loma, CA 1043-i31-18 1043-131-28 1061-731-06 ALFRED MORACEK GEORGE 11ARS QiALK 8020 Thoroughbred St, 7973 Beechwood Dr, Rancho Cucamonga, CA Alta Loma, CA 1043-191-79 lnal ooi ~~ 1062-181-~e Swenson, Robert A 5903 N. Sapph(re Av Alta Loma, Ca 91701 1043-141-03 Johnson, Oavid C 8074 Gardenia Av Alta Loma, Ca 91701 1043-142-01 Peterson, Mark R 8089 Gardenia Av Alta Loma, Ca 91701 1043-141-01 Stout, Dennis L 8104 Gardenia Av Alta Loma, Ca 91701 1043-141-04 Kliewer, Richard T ETAL P.O. Box 917 MC MCLOUD, Ca 96057 1043-142-16 Harre, James G 8069 Gardenia Av Alta Loma, Ca 91701 1043-141-02 Payne, Ronald 8086 Gardenia, Alta Loma, Ca 91701 1043-141-OS Nardell, Birgit E ETAL 8046 Gardenia Ave Loma Linda, Ca 911001 - / ~ `EVIL ~i~1O ~ ~ ~"a ~: / Re co rtl of: ~ ~~/'~ D - ~~~' ~~,~ri~si~s- - Meeting Proj. Desc Conversation ,;,o,e , ',o. Time - Name: Rep rosenting: By //~~ I 3 7 „~' ~~ a~tr/ ~~/~ ~~ S'yit'~uy ~ ~/9G,~a~ ~14z GLa ~s~^ ven~fa~, a ~~~ ~ ~~~2 i/ ~ 3 J~~ C e•+ONG1 9 EN[x0 C U •sif si ENrE OvfF \ Cf^o rye . l AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION m °,°`e' 'I::'•'~` ~~~o: , . . a "a ALIFORNIA 1 STATE OF ~ C ,. A „ ~a>~e m. To °' ~° f ss o " "• ° "' RDINO B R ' '°"°^'"° ~" °"" °"`i. ` CO[JNTY OF SAN E NA Idaurine 9. Paean '"` °'e1O"' I, do hereby certify that I ',to~YMENf•L •S:E31 am the Le al Advertisin cleric of THE DAILY REPORT, a dail B B Y "E"' D GENEO•L °*g" _VEVDVENr 33 °lE c ~ newspaper of general circulation, published in the City of Ontario pE ^E,^ o e~, ~ Mro ~m , County and State aforesaid and that the attached advertisement l ;; ~,;;;a ;~Y~ °~a ` ~."sra .°.a o ~ ~`a ~~~ vironr3ental Assessment Notice E . ~ l =:w• " 7d n f e ~y„ o• N o o ~~: : ~ for the CStr of Rancho Cucamonea r~°n N.°+ :o ~4vi Du MENV•L •SSESs ' M[vl tvD OE VE~OeMEN ~- "'--'~"' CODE •MEYOMENr 3301 E. f qM(F° <u I( °s'Deve o°neM Cale. Ti ' M l Me le , ~' " e~ aIM3 ir il r ~ _~ .. lwMae M e xal ,{wnnvm+ 1! atIM11rM ' . ENV,aONMENLL •SS631 One fiI tlmE! MENf 1N0 OEVELOVMEN Has published in said newspaper ___,_ ~ i noxc,+wi,3rFe lF'fCIWr"f"E' o wit: Plarch 15. 1985 certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and :aRlCt. ~~~. ~ (Signature 'ated at Ontario, California this 15th day of March 19 85 i s~:«m I°"e NYI°E f MEVr a u3E °wu i ,a:.`.e ,N n 3, aeM... c `Eao ~ `i e s~s+ Naa.~::° MENYIO T9•Cf rMEI rfY fl ein°N fM Ee+lam aebe. 's°u,n N ,O+l ,l,' 011 ] s~ ri[eW I ' Ehvll kEVY NEV~F,, COM V• r; k NeE npril 9, 1985 Dear .^,ouncilmembe rs: „„ am c_rtai r. ycu are aware, we, the hom=owners or. Thorouehbred Street, '.'.^,ave some very grave concerns regarding the dev=_lopmert of Tract ~`103~ by Plaza nuilders. }Je are hereby appealing the decision of the Planning Commission concernine this property. '.9e would like to see the following items: 1) .4e, the residents o£ the X900 and 8000 block of Thorouehbred St.; would like to pcr chase the two (2) end lots near us at a reasonable cos: fro^. the builder. ,^Je then would like to deed it to the city for development as a aocket park. 2) The buil~er include six foot block walls between the residences vri th one access gate to rear no more than nine feet in width. )) T'ne color of the rocfs be compatible wit: the existing homes or. t.._ 3 a':e street. '+) -- facie:: oe Wade compatible with the eristine 'r.om es or, *.hc sa.~.e s tr__.. t! '.ll hcnes ,.ave co.^.c rete dr}vewaps. 61 .,,__. :v,t :rin- wails be erected along the east property line :* houses nu^bera 9J~?. an9 °093 on Thorouehbred. ~) T_he first :ive houses on both sides of the streets be the eleva- tions gnat are host compatible to the homes on these stresta, i=_. Thor- ou~hbred an: Jenne t. 7efinitely not the two story model. 8) .tie re^uest t,._t ary meetings between the builder and the city with re„ard to :here homes include a repreentative of the homeowners. Please notify us throu,;h Skip or Cyndi Davis at °03~ Thorough"Deed, 989- 1674• :Je ~.voald appreciate as early a notification ac poss i'o le. G) The size of the homes should not include a .model of less than 2400 sG aare feet. .,_ ~.vcuid su>,.est 2400, 2690 and 2900 sc uare feet. 10) 'Je ren wire that no ennstruction vehicles pats west o.` the develop- ment of tract ;^3~~. H11 in^ress and egress pf vehicles used for con- s*ruc ,ion be .ren ., apphire Sty 11) There be only reasonable word r.; hours allo~.ved--GOnday-criday, 7-6 IZ) That sea ur ity be planned to dis rc urare vandalism. na 2. 'ie feal certai.^. that uo on reflection these de^tands will be recocnised ac necessary to the preservation o` this community. • iiaph azard building is not an asset to rancho 7ucamonea; 'we must - maintain some credibility as an attractive area to invest ir. a home an3 raise our children. i~ ~ ~~li~ ~ ~~ ~ y' `~_ y T0: RANCHO CUCAMONCA CITY CCU IJCIL RE: April 5, 1985 Appeal/Tract 810349 ADDEND'v'M TO APPEAL We further request an appeal in the matter o[ Ten r,aCive Tract Nt0349 far the following reasons: 1.1 The plannetl homes are incompa [ible with all surrounding neighborhoutls in regartls to sSZe, architecturally, fad es, and comparable value. 2.) We feel an indepih Environmental Impact Neport may be necessary to scutly the Socio-Economic impact b=cause of this Sncompatib111ty antl to study the safety Cor Che community of a straight, through street as opposed to cul-de-sacs or curved streets. PespectCUlly suhmittetl, Hesiden is of 7000 to 8090 block ThorougitD r'ed Street Alta Loma, Gal ifornia CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: April 11, 1985 T0: Rick Gomez, City Planner /~ PROM: Lauren M. Maeaerman, City Mans SOB]ECT: APPEAL OP TRACT 10369 ~~ ~ ~ J The Chairman of tfie Planning Co®ieeion Aae euggeatad that Deceuee of the impact of the proposed appeal on neigpboring properties, we should expand the area of notification to include property owners on Rosebud, went of Sapphire and on Gardenia Street. If Thorougfibzed ie wot alloped to connect with Sapphire, it is clear that those rea idences will take the brunt of the impact from increased vehicular traffic. ' Please be certain [hat [he notification ie ezpanded to include those areas io accordance with peat City policy. Thanks for your cooperation. LMw/kep a NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL The Rancho Cucamonga City Council will be holding public hearings at 7:30 p.m. on May 1, 2985 at the Lions Park Community Building located at 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California, 91130, to consider the fallowing: ~ENTAT IVE TRACT 49 - NACAL - A tota resi entia deve opment of-53 single f ami y lots on 3. net acres of land in the very Lew Residential (1-2 du/ac), located west of Sapphire Street, south of rennet Street - APN 1043-121-3, 1062-161-1, and 1062-011-3. This appeal has been filed by adjacent property owners and is based on traffic concerns with the continuation of Thoroughbred Street, and architectural and economic incompatibit ity of proposed project with existing homes. Anyone having concerns or questions regarding this public hearing is encouraged to contact the City Planning Division at (714) 989-1851, or visit the office located at 9340 Base Line Road, Unit 8. Also, anyone abjectirg to or in favor of the above, may appear in person at the above-described meeting or may submit their concerns in writing to the Planning Division, City of Rancho Cucamonga, Post Office Box fl07, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91130, prior to said meeting. Rancho City Council ~A~r i 1~~19 19851985 Date For- Publication CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA NEGATIVE DECLARATION 1. Brief Description of Project: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 10349 - ANACAL - A total residen±ial development of 53 single family lots on 33.2 net acres of land in the Very Low Residential District (1-2 du/at), located west of Sapphire Street, south of Jennet Street - APN 1043-121-3, 1062-161-I, and 1062-011- 3. 2. Name and Address of Applicant: Ana cal Engineering Company 1900 E. La Palma Avenue, Ste. 202 P.U. Box 3668 -Anaheim, CA 92803 3. Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental puality P.ct of 1970, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has determined that the above project will not have a significant effect upon the environment. An Environmental Impact Report will not be required. 4. Minutes of such decision and the Initial Study prepared by the City of Rancho Cucamonga are on file in the Planning Division of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 5. This decision may be appealed to the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. A written appeal and filing fee must be received by the Planning Division no later than 5:00 p.m. ten (10) calendar days from the date of the P'ann ing Commission decision. 6. This Negative Declaration is subject to the implementation of mitigating measures (if any) as listed on the a a ents. DATED March 27. 1985 Denn s o _ Plann ina Commission Chairman Title cl:.• c: a;,;:ct:o ccc:_:mom;. nonce c= DerarahannoN TO: Sec: etarv fer Resources FRCA1: Cic o: ^nzr.ct:o Ccca-.oacz I:ie \;n;h S:reeq Room 1'1I Plann_c= OiviS icn Sac amen:c, Cali!om:a 9:3IL P. C. eoa 807 <: -v Cc_- CI^•i .,c:.c!-.o Cx a:~oncz, -.~ ?1770 Ca:n:v o: 5~.. eezaard:n° SGC]~C:: Fiiin^ :: Votice of Ce!^:mina;ian in mmoliance with Sec:ien 2:193 e: 2!li2 o: :.._ ?ub;ic Resources CoCe. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 10349 - ANACAL Prol ec: Title 5:=:, Lear:ntaou se ,VUmce: Coc:::c: 2erson Te!epr:ane 1,um.oer (! ;...mn;ed ;o C:earin¢oouse) West `of Sapohi re Street, south of Jennet Street - APN 1043-721-3, 1062-161-1, and Fr o;ec; Lca::cn 7 62- - . A total residential development of 53 single family lots on 33.2 net acres of Frlec: Desc n;wn land in the Very low Residential District {1-2 du/ac). Ths is :o aC:ise :`at the fj t;~(Lf Pa nLhO Lp Cam9npd lLCae ngoncy or Respensm:e .i;enr:: has aoT.oved :he above described project a.^.d has mace the fo;icving determ:na:icns re;arp,^.g ~,^ ahJVe described prc;ec.; 1. T`: pre;-c ~ wi!i, X ,will ro:, hate 2 s:;nif icant e!:ec: on the eM•iroametV. 2. _ n^ Ecvirenmental Impact Re:er: was oreCared for this p: ojec: pursuant to ;he provisions of CcQn. v ;\ _ .e Ceelara:ion •xas p :pared for this Freje<: pursuant ;o ;he prc•nvons o: CEQA. The E:R or ,Neva:ive Dec!ar;ian and record of Dro jest approval may ~ f"Y 4~tt' 02an Rage f ire Suite "8" Rancno Lucanonoa. J. f:. r,;co:; cn mca;u: es we e, X were no;, mace a mndinon o: ;he approval of the pro'^ct. 4 r. ;~.... ~. .. ,rr:; :u•.; Cons cc~Stionz w s//, X vats no:, a~_rcd :cr ..,.~._ u~r:~tL2.'--1°z, -----~-- ~_. - //f omen .itv Pl,:nner T,:;c Ap; rndi:: .° i f Ordinance `lo. Page 3 the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny the Master Plan. If the Planning Commission denies the Master Plan, their decision shall be final unless appealed to the City Council within ten (30) calendar days (see Section 17.02.080). 2. The Planning Co~mniss ion may alter the Master Plan and impose such restrictions and conditions aS it may deem necessary to ensure that the i4aster Plan will be in harmony with the intent and purposes of this section and with the adopted plans and policies of the City and/or guidelines as approved by the Planning Commission. E. Findings. The Planning Commission shall make the same findings required for approval of the related development application as set forth by this Code. SECTION 2: The City Council finds that Development Code Amendment 85-01 is an implementation of the General Plan goals and policies and that the General Plan Environmental Impact Report adequately covers any potential •~ significant adverse impacts. Further, the City Council finds that no subsequent or supplemental environmental impact report is required pursuant to Division 13, Chapter 6, Section 21166 of the Public Resources Code. Specifically, the City Council finds that: A. No substantial changes are proposed in any goals or policies which would require major revisions to the EI R. B. No substantial changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the project is being undertaken. C. No new information on the project has become available. SECTION 3: A Negative Declaration is hereby adopted for this Development Cdde Amendment, based upon the completion and findings of the Initial Study. SECTION 4: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (151 days after its passage at least once in The Daily Report, a newspaper of general circulation puhlish=_d in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. M-/~ { i a. Chan ^.es in cu-,c cots, oz ;he cou ae of Li: etc_oa of floviag st: eons, :.:ea , or epbe^ernl 5trea^ channels? b. Chan^yes in absoep [ion :aces, Lraioc ce ns[i e: ns, or the :ace and acou^.r cf su: lace vote: tuna::' c. Alterations to the cou: se or flee of flood vacer;? d. Ch an 3e Sn [he a=.oua: of sur; ace eater Sa anv bogy of eater.' e. Discharge In co surface voters, or an: alteration of surface vacer quality? f. Alteration of grounLva wr characterisclcs? g. Change in the quantity of grounLvacers, ei cher through direct addic ions or vith- dravais, or [h:ough interference vlch an aquifer? Quality? Quantity? h. The :eduction in the anount of vacer o[her- vise available for public va ter sup; lies? 1. Exposuru of people or pro perry cu vacer tela[ed hazards such as flooding of seic hes'. 3. Ai: Duality, pill [he proposal have sigaif icanc results in: a. Constant or periodic air enissio ns iron nobile or ind Szect sources? Stationary sources? b. Deterioration of anb ienc air qua llty and/or Snte rf erence vich the atta lnnenc of appllca ble air quality standarLs'. c. Alteration of local or regional cli. atic conditions, af.`eciing air noveaent, r;o istu:c or te-pe ra to re? 4. Hfc c,c Fl r,:a. Ni 11 [he prc7osal have significant resin es la: a, Charge Sn [he characteristics oC species, Sn c'l ud ing divers ley, dlstribuclon, or nunber of any specfes of planes? b. Reduction of the nu~bery o[ any unique, tare of coda ngered species o[ plants? /I'1- s page Z . -/ L _- .~/ -- +- ~// - L ~_ _~ / __ ..~ ~_ 1 _~ ~~ C r J • • ~`t2 __ `_.~ c. In::odu Clca of nev or dis: up; h'e species cf plants inm an area'. / d. Redurf on 1^ the poten:fal for agz'cul total \ // p: odcc:icn? -- -/ ia_lna. Will [he proposal have signif!c ant resin's i ;: a. Change in the characteristics of species , ice cd iag dlversi:;;, dlsirl6u tion, oz m:a'oets /~ 05 an;; spe des of anicals? ~/ b. Reduction of [he nu=bers of any unique, rare _- - / ar endangered species of anicals? ]C/ c. In aoduction of nev or diszun rive species of anicals into an area, or resole in a barrier co :F.e cigzation or n:ovenent of anicals? d. De ce: io:a[ion or recoval of existing fish or / vildlife habitat? 5. Po ci larien. Will the proposal have significant - resui is rn: a. Will [he proposal alter [he lotacion, distri- hu:icn, density, diversity, or grouch rate of the h:nan population of an area? b. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or f crea ce a decand for additional housing? _ 6. Soeie-Econcaic Factors, Will the proposal have sign:: icanc results in: a. Change in local or regional soeio-economic chat acceristlcs, including economic or co~erc ial diversity, tax race, and property ' Values? / \/ b. WSlI pro}etc costs be equf [ably distributed acong project benef is Saries, S.e., buyers, f tax payers oz proj ett users? 7. Land Csa and Plaani-.: ron sfdetar!ens, Will the pro pesai have sngn.i :~ -: resui is Sn .' a. A subscan tial alteration of the present or / pl ar.ned land use of an area? \/ b. A conflict vith any desf gnations, obj ec elves , palScies, or adop ced plans of any gove rnnental / entitles? / c. An icpact upon the qulalry or quantity of - existing consur:p clue or non-consumptive recreational opportun SCles? r 12. llt ilicles and Public Seraces. Will the proposal have a significant need for new syscexs, or alterations to the Following: ?. ge 5 11. Aes iS cites. Will [h e proposal nave slgnlfiw res ul cs in: nc a. Tne obstrucclon oz degzadaLSon o f v!sca or view? any scenic / ~/ b. The crest icn of an aesthetically offensive site? ~/ e. A con:?Set v1 [h [he objective of designated or po cen cial scenic corridors? -- 'C/ a. Elecc: is power? `/~ b. Natural oz packaged gas? / c. Co.^uri cations systeos? / d. Water supply? ` / e. Wascewatez facS11 [i es? / f. Flood control structures? g. Solid waste faciiities? / h. Fire pratecc ion? 1/ 1. Police pro [e<[ion? _- ~. Schools? -- k. Parks or ocher recreational fa<ili[i es? __ 1. ffa lot enance of public facilities, including f roads and flood control Faci11t1es? m, Other / governaental services? a/ 17, Ennrrv and Scarce Resou -ces. Will [he prep osal have sign if Scant resoles In: a. Use of subs wnciol or a<tessice fuel or energy? b. Substancial Sncrcase In desand upon esis[Sng sources of energy? / e. M increase Sn the deoand for development of / / new sources of energy? JJJ d, M increase or petpetua tfon of the consumption / of non-renewable forms of energy, vh en feas 161e / renewable sources of energy are avallab le? / ?s5e i III, DE:E?,>1T_•:ATI O`: C Or: the basis of [h'_s 1ni:!al evaluacian: I find the proposes project `CD':LJ tiCT have a si;n!11 ca n: effect j on [he erv i:o>=ea;, and a `; ~ DZC~;,gq?:C:: will be pre,^ared. ` ~ I find :.".a[ al cSougS the proposed pnjec: could have a slgn!f icacc II ei °ect on [he envi: o:.~enc, there will not 6e a slcniflcant e::ecc Sn this case because the miclgaclon measures described on an at:acied sheet have been added co the project, A tiEG+: i'•3 DEC',v;.7,:T1~:: :;ILL BE PR°_2??,_D, C I find the Droposed proj etc !1aY have a signlficanr efiec: on the -~ envl: ::ens, and an E`;l'T AO\?."-,\T I?T,1C/RE?ORT S+vtequ.-ed. i ;X~ y~ ~ /^yf Date ~ /3-!/J /~~ ~c:+a.~..~ 1 I sl6na cu.~~~ ~ Ti;Se i _ j ^ _( 1 ~ ~ CITY CS e:d:CiiC CJC?JO::GA NOT'.CE CF DETER;.tINnTiON TO: _ Ser. eta^: !er Resourco; FRO;d: City o2 ia;.cte C..,.a:~oa5a loo N''n:h $:: coq Room 1311 ~ ' Scram en:o, Cali:orn,a 95310 Plaar:_nc D19-s eon P. 0. Boa E07 cr Cc cn r: Cler< °oneb Cccanarca, C:. 41i7D Ccun :': o! San eerna. dico SU97 ECT: F:!ine c`. Voice of Ceterm ina;ion in compliance wi[h Serien 21173 er ?! 152 o: ;he Public Resources Code. EN`l IRONMEi7TAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 10349 - ANRCAL Pmlm: Tile S:atc Cleanngaou so Numoer Con:ac: 2erson Te!epnone Sum oer (Lr submit:e~ :o C:=Bring:^~ouse) 41est of Sapphire Street, south of Bennet Street - APN 1043-121-3, 1062-761-1, and Frol~: Lccagcn 10 2- - A total residential development of 53 single family lots on 33.2 net acres of Prclcc; pesc;o;: cn land in the Very Low Residential District (1-2 du/at). ibis is ro ad-: ise ;"..at ;~. ri`Y of P.+nchn CUCdrl0nttd ILaac agency or Resoons:Pie rigenc•n has ant aved ;he zcr:e deser bed project and has mace the :olle•.ving dot ermina:ions re,arc m, ae abavs desc:bed pro ieC: • 1. T:-q p ._ _ will, X •.vi;l not, have a si„nitican[ ef:ec: on ffie environment. 2. _ An ~^~vironm en tal ImP•%<t Reoort was prepared (or this project pursuen[ to :"c provisions o: CEQA, • v :1 Vcca;i•:c Dee!ara;icn was propareC 1cr this Pre jeer put ;uan: :o ;~,~ . prans,ons of CEQA. • TFe E!R or N'ega:ive DeUaration and record o! Project approval may 6e ex,_,:nr,' :, _ r'•v u~tl,: Pawn case lire. Suit "D" Rancho Cucamo naa. r nl?9n • J. .V i:i-o:,on mca; arcs _were, yy were noq mace a condition of [he approval of the ,,^.roi^ct. • 4. A sLa; Mr.rPt o: C:err:'';n; Ccnsic`1~; io~jns ~ w s X u:is not, adar.nd :cr ;hs pro sec:. ~~ •v • ::woo: ~accinll~L?i____._ '~!`~iiy/A,i/// ~. ,~,.~ck tIDamz ity Planner "lr~---- Ap(:cnd i:: F io - ti~ o ~` ~ `Sa __ _ ~ - ~8'_e a ~ - _ _ '~ ~ I I _ ~` IT _ ` _ _ _ ~ 6~_ L ~_ __ __ ~$ -° _ - _ - _ _ _ _ -`-L ° _ _- l - -- - _ C& ` poi ' - ~ _ - - - ;m -~ _ _ - go _ - - - - _ _ _ ~I ~ _ _ - - _ - - ~ _ _- _ _ _ _ ' ' _ _~ .,. ~i G ro..._ ~aa „owe G.J e~_ 70 0_ ., .. ~...~ ~o ..e °I a - _C„ .o.. ~n1 ^I ~ al of ~ ~`~ y7 Y ~ "y ryl ^I ___ _ - s _ ~€ _ - ~° _ €E _ _ -_~ _- _ `g __ a`^'d ~ 5d e ., i ~~ ~~ I rl el z asde~~ _ - _ oea~ - _ - as d ~ _ x u6E kr cT d _ u _= o~ ex tl g°ac ~~CVaE'L~ ' _ V_ff ~ - _ Ise _ _~~" ~(. ~` _ u~o _cb'+ c$ _ ~~° og _ Yea __ _ d-~. ems:..+x- `"~ `Fiat/ sE~ 6~ELr 34 om E~gc oL <ol a: ~ \\\/ll~ m . L j - ~ .~ -_ ~ ,~ ~~ - e_ q€qr a - _- _ aK``-' si .. 5 o ~ - °?- - o - - --_- „ c ~ ~ o c m rq~~nnnc.~` i 0 z •+ ~i a l: c C: C.. -u_ -_ - eF-» - ~-'~~ _ --_ - _ ^e~_o _- __ of _ - - -E~c- -=o~a iE - ---e~ -o~ _ --_ ~=n = - ~'_ ~_ _ __ _ 3` E`c8 _ iS _ p 'S=y - n --e ~',' _ '~'~ _- a %` -_ E~~S~° _€_- Sag kV E3 - ~§ - - of _- - - °g°- - - - - __ " ~ qEP -_- _ - - _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ 6C _ _ __ _ _ _ _g` - _ _ _ _ . ~ >~ . 1 N =-°--_ _ ox - - ___- - _- A = - - _ _ . ~ -- - ___ -- ____ =_a~w =~ _ _ d~~ odes ova ___ «§ aE - - oQ =f ~V a~~a~_e- .~a~_r..~~__.E_ ~._._ ~~ ~mi - ~i ~I ~i ~i ^~ ~~ i ~i oo _ -8~ _ _ _ - _- ~ _ _ _9i _- __ _ _ -- - al _ _ __ '- _ _-`~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- _ _ _ ~~~ __ a k _ _ ~_ a_ .. ~~ a ~~ _ .. _ _ _ A - - - 4 v d .. ~ - - _ _ _ _ - - 6 _ -- _ .. _ _ - - _ ° __ ~e~ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F, F E~ _ _ _ _ _ - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ``6 -~.. .~.. a~ 2~ .. oS.~ coq W.,.o ~._.. q., .. ~_ a..e r.~ N W o _ - - _ n f m _ _ _- _ ~Ew~ _ . _ r~ _ - -= _ _ _ _ _ -_ _ _ - - _ - ~ - _-_ ~~ _= _ ~ ~~ d -- .- -=- - v - - - 3 /~ p _ ~ ~ _ _ ~oy`~~ c~c~ _ ~~ - v Y~°a' _ - Eg - - - _ r - E€ - _ - ~ _ - - _ ; _ _ ~ _ =° ~ d ° o ~~. ~ t= ^ e N ^ ~ \~ ry yll m~ _ l w _ I l>^I a a ? ~ ~n~ k - _ _ - i - _ -__ ¢~v to - I C _. - ~ _ . n j __ 0 _ a v _ _ .. e ~ _ 6 - ` m e - e _ . _ c - -.- _ ~ . .. ... c € o - - .. ~ u ~ I _ - . Amu _ _ -_ _ _ _ _ ~ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ c i y '+ Y - _ c ~.. _ u „~ - .. ,~ :e _ ~ m y~ Qom ~, ~l -. E€= ed..,. .q ~c~., o i ! l. ;~W~o ~°e N mi ~~ ' I N ^~` ~ N el _I ~ i i` ~Q a ,n I ~a a _ _ A e AI o : X C~ -_ sa <. W `~ - - ~ ~ ~ ~/ H ~ _- ~ ogf~ ~g ~~ 5~e ~° °~"~ ° Sx o k € a..>~o nl ate., ~I a. ae~ ~! PI ~4 `6: ,.,. I ~ I a~ ~I ~; ~ ~S - - rE~ - - __ - _ ' _ :5 _ _ u~ ~€~ og wE - w m _ N _ - ~ _ ~~ ~ _ c q ruO~n .~ aeno once-i wd~~ aaa~~o nn v~ ~ .\ r.. .[ .e o ~ O 6 - n li e ~ N l / ` ` u ~ ' a ~~ `~ { ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ . ~ ~~ ,, ~~~~ `~ - o ;~~s ~ ' ~ ~~~ ~~ " L 6 g r ~ ~ `~`~ ~ 1 _ 1 ti ~ `~~ ~ ~~ q~ ` J ~ °. j . a -. x - ~ ~ ~ q~ '~ ~ q _ ~ n~ ~ ~1i ~ 1,\ V, + 0 __ €e _ _ _ __ __ ~ ~ g - _ .. - I ___ _ ~ .. _ _ c ~ xa -_ -- _- - _ x - ` - - _- _ _ _ - _ ? ; a _ _ _ v _ ' ~ € _ oI - __ _ QS - c = c n 6 ~ - S~ ~a o c w~r• y„ ~-r ' .. a ~~n ! r na 4~ ~a of L Ty f c ~ ~(-n p •u V~~ s ~~.a y ^ e p ^ rv d XI l I l ~ f ` , `J ~ ~ 1' l ~I I l ~ O ~ l I U l L - J 1 {' ` DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS - 6:00 - '0:30 Nancy March 7, 1985 _ ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 10349 - AtIACAL - A total residential development of 53 single family lots on 33.2 acres of land in the Very Low Residential District (1-2 du/ac), located west of Sapphire Street, south of Jennet Street - APN 1043-121-3, 1062-161-01, - and 1052-011-3. Design Parameters The proposed development had an initial approval on January 14, 1981 for a subdivision of 58 lots. However, the final expiration date was -' January 14, 1985. Therefore, the developer has resubmitted a _ _ subdivision which complies with the current Development Code. The net density for this project is 2 du/ac. The developer has proposed 3 floor - plans with 3 variations to the front elevations. - Staff Comments Site Plan: The design of the subdivision and circulation are basically the same as the previously approved tentative tract. The new site plan complies with the current Development Code in areas of setbacks, - density, minimum net lot average and lot sizes. However, the proposed development should provide for more front yard setback variations. The Code requires a 42' average and a variable of S5 feet. - Architecture: The propo see elevations are adequate in providing a variety of details and treatments. The following are recommended changes: 1. Provide all corner units side elevation facing the street with upgraded additional wood trim around windows and - wood siding or plant-ons, where appropriate. 2. Provide one additional front elevation for each house plans for creating variety and interest. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Dennis Stout, Herman Rempel, Rick Gomez Staff Planner: Nancy Fong The Design Review Committee recommended approval of the project subject to the following conditions: 1. Provide all corner units side elevation facing the street with upgraded add itionzl woad trim around windows and wood siding, or plant-ons, where appropriate. Des iqn Rev iew :~mments TT 10349 - An~~ I i r Page 2 _1 2. Provide decorative wall such as stucco and slumpstones, 2 levels of decorative wall and landscaping to lots 53 and 1 for streetscape compatibility along Sapphire Street. Detailed plans shall be submittd to Planning Division for review and approval prior to issuance of building permit. 3. Provide equestrian trail on Sapphire Street. 4. Driveway approaches tht cross over equestiran trails shall be of non-slip texturized pavement. .. ~ CITY OF RAivCHO CtiCAKONGA - INIT IP.L STUDY PART I - PROJECT IiiIVR.MATION SHEET - To be completed by applicant Enviro:vnental Assessment Review Fee: 587.00 For all projects recuiring environmental review, this form must be ecmpleted and submitted to the Development - Review Committee through the department where the project application is made. Vpon receipt of this application, the EnvircrLmental Analysis stmt will prepare Part II Of the Initial Study. The Development Review Committee will meet and take action no later than ten (10) days before the public meeting at which time the project is to he heard. The Committee will meke one oP three determinations: 1) Tye project will have no significant env ironmental impact and a Negative eaclaration will be - filed, 2) The project will have a significant envi ron:nen tai impact and an Environmental impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An addi tiona7 information report should be supplied by the applicant _ gi vino further information concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TZTLE• APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHO NE:Pla za Builders, Inc. - 3187-A Airway Ave„ Costa Nesa, CA 92626 !7741 662-2700 ~_ NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO BE C0,1'TACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: An~~nl Fnvinrc rin¢ Ca^~oanv nttn: oat tlueyrei LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS A\'D ASSESSOR PA=2CEL NO.) Q.~~FJ°% IyA-3'121-~i ~ IC CoZ-IC~f -1 ~: 1CG2 -c11-J _ LIST OT[iER PERb1I T5 NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND Tfffi AGENCY ISSUI,IG SUCH PERMITS: I- I a PROJECT DESCRZPTTON -E5CRI PT ION OF PROJECT: ds8 lot Sin¢le Family Subdivision ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AA'D SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDSiIGS, IF A'dY: The nro iect area i= zz.2Z_ The proposed buildin¢ sizes are from 1900 S.F. to 2500 5 .F, DESCRSIIE THF. ENVIRO~::=`7PAL SETT?"IG OF TlIE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING Ib'FU Ri~iATION ON TO FO GRA?HY, PLANTS (TREES), ANZN,ALS, P.NY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCEJIZC ASPECTS, USE OF SL'RROUA'DING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRZPT IO:d OF Al]Y EX ISTL:IG STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS): The site is currently a Citrus Orchard, open land and a dead Citrus Orchard which will be removed; the site slopes approximately 5°; to t e gout east. ntmal i !~ consists of Ro ents and Bt rds; there is no known cultural, Historical or scenic value to this property. _ Th s't is surrou ded by s'n¢lc-famil h es n 11 ides Is the project, past of a larger project, one of a ser ies~ of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant enviro n,~ne oral impact? I- 2 , ~ ~ WILL T'SIS PROJECT: YES I.b ~, 1. Create a substantial change in ground contours? _. _~ 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise or vibration? _ ~ 3. Create a substantial change in demand for manic final services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)? X 4. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations? X 5: Remove any existing trees? How man}'?-- 1 6. Create the need for use or disposal of pctcnt Tally hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flamma blcs or explosives? Explanation of any YES answers above: 51 Si has nrrha rd= 't +h' h 'll h h IMPJ RTAVI': If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the date and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the :acts, statements, and inforr,.ation presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand t2n t additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaulat ion can be made by the Development Review Committee. Date__~-~?-~S Signature ( ' /; Q / Title /,/qa.,;( / / z~ .. (, ~ Fi SI D~'IT Ir1L CC;:ST.^,r1 C3TON The following in'_o -iation shoo ld be provided to the City of Rancho Cucamonga - Planning Division in or3er to ai3 in assessing the aS ility of the school district to zccoanodate the pr eposed resider ti zi decelepment. /:ame o-° Developer zr.d Tea tative Tract No.: plaza Builders - Tract IC34-q~ Specific Location of Project:_ Sapphire St. at Throu¢hbred 5t. - ~ PY.:.SE I P?iP.Si 2 PHASE 3 Piih Sii 4 TC::+L 7. Number c_° Dingle -~ family units: cA _2. Number of multiple Family units: _N/A -). Uate proposed to beeir. constructicn: Feb. 1,1986 3. Garlie st dzte o° - occc~an cy: June 1,1986 Modal _ and of Tentative i. Dedroo^s Pric= ?zn^e ` C-I-A _ 3 BR 160,000 C-2- DEB - 3 BR.1 Ben 170,000 _ C-3 AE B 4 BR 180,000 T- C CUCA ~ONGA COUNTY WA(T(F_R DISTRICT DRC COMMENT SFitET Project: t F~, r `1T-• Location:.. •«r'~°tilt~~--S~r._ ~;-..c~.Ctib,~~ c ~ . ---------- Date: ~~~`::- By:_(-er~~.,g~,>• l= ~~ai.~2.~-----~~- Fire Flow Required _ GPM Fire Flow Available73~G.GPM Comments: WJ}..1..~3_=~~7j=Lh~Ef-_x.VNj1ZL161E=Y~R(~I rF.N RRF'l y .._ _.__t~tNtr ET /4Np ~_IFPPiilh'l .- .._ ----- ~Ck ELt~Pr.Tt~'LQ-LJ`t„=A L!`.~'_~~v14rER ~-~ n,t < .-_ IN 'TNC PR Gi.1 E. G'c' Sl7"E. .-_ _. ___. hl. .. _ .__. ..-..... __-... .. CGSw e.R=.~ ST1N6.vLlv~-Rl,1 Nt_J!"f_~.k}C___S(;L!Z.N EA.~:T ---------•~c~oin-E:R . ~a PRC~lE~,~._ ~IrE_~... _. _'_. .llcV cLC'he ~:_~'L`. IN`.+T~~L I~ it ___-___.._. _. .~_ S-L~G~1l Iv;;__ _11-5_ls .~cVEL[)Pf-MEN!--ls__~~''r3.:jCG~ 7~._Lv.~TEL? ~1.4~_ ~'.E>N~fC_._PA-ct LITY uc1'6LGa''_MENT_.~?ETS_~___..____ _ DEVELOPMENT REVD COid.*fENT SHEET FROM: R.iNCHO CI;C?.~fONGd SHERIFF' S ST.ITIUN PRO.:ECT: 10349 DATE: 3-5-85 Deputy John Schlabach 989-6611 Ram - Som DOORS: Entrance doors must be solid core construction. One-inch deadbolts installed. If glass is within 20" of deadbolt, a double cylinder keyed lock should be used. Sliding glass doors must slide on the inside rail and should have a secondary lock (PIN1. Garage doors must have a locking pin on both sides. Walk-through door into the garage from the outside must be solid core construction. A deadbolt should also be installed. WINDOWS: Slidi^^, ,.indoxs ,. removauie in a dosed and locked position. Sliding panels must slide on the inside rail. Windows should have secondary locking devices, i.e., pin. EXTERIOR• The address number should be on the house in bright numbers. Painting the address on one home is recommended, which is visible to the helicopter. ~ ~ f.d1~~J10 Tt~ ~~Li' P.ecc rtl o;; Reed ng Conversat;on Phon= '.c. -- Tine ~G )•m, - ~[an e: ^ate 3G' (''J Proj. Desc. ~ /03~ Rep res enti nc, -' --11C'L Jr~.~~NUII,CY - c~~ ~~1rYPF~~ Fo , ~ssu7 N -~ !CK GoMez ~ C/f1r j-L~NN~Q ~ roa[c: - l ~ lnamcrfn ce ~ n.~n f i~/o _.~ e t ~ ~~rer e ~ _ ~lof3 /~uf~ ~~~e d(ai i~ ' - ~ ~D~S ~ i S,~ ~4lirel~ a A~LZ~ R~ s BA,P.ff'~ .~gJsa,U , SEnbO.C aUiL ~tls rte ~Ji~lc ?+t y er_'//('lf;',~~li~~n v z .eG,la.lztno. ~,r7'nt `'~(.~'r,~ ~ ~ CUSTOM LOT SUBDIVIS IOiI FIL P;G CHECY,L IST SUBMITTAL CAiE ~ - ^G, PROJECT FILE NUh'.B ER Ti !C: ~-,~-1-~~ AP PLICAY,T J-.~rlGl ,'r-l !~ PRI'=Z. ACDR ESS COfITACT PEP,SON PHOIIE GUFI6 ER NOTE: ALL Ih1FORh1ATI0N BELOW REQUIRED PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE SUBMITTAL REQUIP,Eh1ENTS SUBDIVISION APPLICATION (~~),~Subdivision application ( ~) Subdivision Map to include the following: ( ~) location and identity of abutting tracts (~~) north arrow scale date ( ~) vicinity map, surrounding zoning and land use ( ') owner's or subdivider's name, address, and telephone ( • ) engineer's or sub di vi der's name, address, and telephone (~ ) individual lot dimensions, numbers, and square footage (~) 1 Sepia of Subdivision Flap ( -) 10 - 24" x 36" blue or black line prints of Subdivision Map ( ~), 10 - 8 1/2" x 11" reduced copies of Subdivision Map (~ Preliminary Title Report (not over 60 days old) ( ~ Soils report. DE VELD PiIEi;T PAC4;AGE ( ~) Uniform Planning Application ( /) Part 1, Initial Study - environmental assessment form ( i) Three (3) Development Packages - stapled in sets and rolled together to include: ( ~ ) Subdivision flap ( ~y Site utilization Flap (V) Ha to ral Features Map -{~-) Conceptual landscape plan ~yjf~' (~) Conceptual grading plan j{-' )~O ne (1) colored conceptual landscape plan mounted on an illustration board. ( ~~) Three (3) sets of typed gumrmed address labels for all persons connected with the project. ( ~I" Two (2) sets of City notification postcards self-addressed -- . and stao:ped for all persons connected with the projrc t. {{ ) One (1) P, 1/2" x 11" reduced transparency of each sheet in the Development Package (submit after completion of Committee ,(~ review process), ( •'1 Public Hearing requirements ~ (. ~~G,,,~ .i. J "~,~ 'c' r CITY OF RANCHO CUCA~I ONGA ~ ~" ^_ fi - - ~ _ u~.~'Yfy,~.+ Y v.,„,Jnn D. )Iikels I - c Z tJJ~~t}}} ('aun.~Im.mM. --- a Chore. J. liuquel 11 Jc((re:' hinq Iq" Richard \I. Il:dil 1'ameln.i. N'ri¢hl ~ ~ ~,L { January 28, 1985 -` Mr. Tim Marquard Plaza Builders 3107-A Airway Avenue Costa Mesa, California 92626 SUBJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT 10349 - 59 CUSTOM LOT SUBDIVISION Dear Mr, Marquard: Thank you for submitting the above referenced project to the City for -' review. Since this Tentative Tract 10349 had expired on January 14, 1985, your project has been reviewed as a new submittal for accuracy and - completeness. As a result of the review, your application has been _. found to be complete and accepted for processing, However, final acceptance of your project is not made until all environmental documents _ and findings are completed as required by the California Environmental Quality Act. Based on a preliminary staff review, the following inconsistencies with the City's current codes have been identified and need to be addressed • prior to scheduling for Design and Technical Review. 1. Your proposed subdivision has a minimum average lot size of 20,538 square feet. The Code requires an average of _ 22,500 square feet. • 2. qll corner lots should have a minimum lot width of 100 feet. 3. Two of the lots have less than the 150 foot minimum lot ~ - ~ depth. 4. Lots 1 and 56 require a 35 foot building setback on Sapphire Street. Eleven of the lots have less than the _ minimum sideyard setbacks. However, this could be mitigated with a smaller housing product type. , X070 RA9ELINE ROA D, 9UITEC • POST OFFICE. RO%607 • RANCIIO CUCA>IONfiA. CALIFORNIA 91770 • (71q 9a9w1a51 :~~~"~ ~-..'~'~~, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAAIONGA _ `~~r, c u=v.~, lnn D. NiAds __ ,,..•.,,..~M.. gam, Iz --_ -- - CLxrle..l. Rmpwl II JelGe. bin, I"-- ~ Rid~anl ,,. U:ad i'umela J. \\'ri~ln -' 15a rch 19, 1985 Tim hla rqua rd -' Plaza Builders 3187 - A Airway Ave. i Costa Mesa, California 92626 - SL'BdECT: E4UESTRI AL RDVISO RY COMMITTEE COMt1ENT5 FOR TT 10349 i Oear hlr. Marquardt The Trails Committee on March 13, 1985 had reviewed the trails plan for your proposed project. The following are a summary of the torments -- and reconmendations from the Committee (see attached Exhibit "f"): 1. Provide a 20 foot dedicated cononuni ty trail along the _ northerly property boundary. Final Tract Map shall be revised to provide for 20,000 square feet minimum lot - size on Lot 44 after dedication of trail. -" 2. Provide a conmuni ty trail within the established right-of-way along Sapphire Street and the required street trees shall be placed on private property. 3. Provide a north/south local trail between Lots 40 and - 43, Lots 34 and 37 and a north/south local trail westerly __ of Lots 31 and 32. 4. Provide a combined trail width of 15 feet he tween Lots 19 through 23 and Lots 14 through 18. Provide trail crossing - with non-slip tex turized pavement between Lots lII and 47 with the trails on the west side of Lot 47. All of the above comments will be incorporated as conditions of anoroval and as an attachment to the Planning Commission Staff report, which you will he receiving prior to the scheduled meeting. Should you have any _ questions, please do not hesitate to call this office. Sincerely, _ COMMU"JI TY DEVE LO P'fENT OEPARTi1E1T PLAN ING S10'! Nancy Assistant Planner IJF: das Y:IYO I611f;LINE 1111,\I1, .1'l'1'1?; l'. • I'1IV'I'lll'I'11'Ii IIIIS en; • If1SI'IIU 1'1'1'.11111 SIL\, l'A LI FIIIi\IA Y179U •17111 U89Jfl51 vovc N,.SC~ ~. ~OMat dPiau~ i -.O. BOX 29l ~"1~.Ev5c~na-Or~J CS YUWPA G933VY -( iio3`7 Tr.or•wr3b,Veras~' RL(7IY7fW-M 4/23/65 1 htt..~o~..~, cP. gt~o1 Dear Skip, Just several observations and recommendations that occurred to me after last ~ night's phone cell. They can help assure that the City Council will accede to ~ your demand Tor a full EZR On May 1. _ ~ 1. Secure many copies of the "Initial Ctudy" on which the NEGATIVE D&CLAAATION" was ~oased. Distribute LS. Lo all interested merters. All of you will note unsupported generalizations, if not blatantly false statements, in the prase z rc/or nr. the "ch=ckl ist" used in the study. •_ 2. nlloa your attorney to 'lead off" testimony. He will be undoubtedly able to cite reasons frort. the CE,r~F. Guidelines indicating that an EZR is absolutely needed here. Remind him to stress that "public perceptions of adverse envir- onnents.i consequences" are solid grounds for requirin5 xn ELi. Your lack of notice arC,inent is also atrorg. -~ j. Follow his testi.:wny with your own--ard the rest of your group's. The legal arg;:mer.i will pro~oably not be enough by itself. it must be followed by substan- tive ress ,ns why as EIp. is needed, end why project effects are rot consistent ' wish the ci t_ Flan. Hack this up with a show of political strength. 4. Divide tabor cr. substantive tdpics. About a cozen spokespeople should _. split up the 6-E topics on rhich Lhe Initial Study is particularly deficient. Clear, concise, non-redundant presentations rill to effective. ~. While hard to enforce, all hearing testimony must pertain to Lhe appeal: that an EIR is required and Shat plan provisions were not properly considered. Do not argue just that the project is bed. • 6. Even "friendly" local politicians can be surprisingly slippery. Don't De surprised if a supposed ally abandons you on some technicality or other bogus reason. • 7. Maintain the posture "no project at all:' There rill be plenty of time to compromise later. it necessary. I KNOW TYAT TIO3TtE IS QUITE A HIT OF CONTr37TI0N WITYIN YOUR CAMP OF PROJECT OPPONENTS. FORGET TiiAT FOA NOW: DEMAND AN EIRE STOP TitE PROJECT COLD. SUCCEED, AND YOU WILL NOT PAVE 1'0 FIGHT YOUF FPIENDS. SAVE INTRAMURAL ARGUMENTS FOA LATEP. AND UNFORTU::ATE COIv'TINGENCI3S. ' fi. Dor,'t expect the builder to pull the Project merely in the face of n hostile auAience. He'll probably want to see hoe• rt~uch power you are willing/ able to use. 9. Do expect local officials to try to short circuit some approval processes if they feel that they must give yop an EIR. Demand a comprehensive analysis and a full set of approvals. 10. Demand to be involved in EIA scoping discussions. V 2"•~\ os v.r~S 101 Mill Creek Highway Mountain Home Village Men tone, CA 92359 Home (714) 794-1946 Office (714) 798-4520 DOUGLAS C. NILSON, Ph.D OBJECTIVE Analyst, Researcher, and/or Strategy Planner in Political, Community, or Public Relations SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Over 20 years experience in policy/political analysis as applied and scholarly researcher, consultant, instructor, public speaker, organizer, and research analyst. EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS COM"tUNICATION/ Authored eight fully funded contract/grant WRIT I:dG/ research proposals, six government research PUBLIC SPEAKIN G reports, and numerous publications in pro- fessional, trade, and policy journals. Co- -~ edite3 issue of policy journal and book on disaster planning. Broadly experienced in public speaking and debate; six years of university teaching and over 200 civic, professional, and political lectures and speeches. Extensively interviewed for television, radio, and ne;ospapers on public policy, disaster preparedness, and environmental concerns. PLANNING/ Organized own consulting firm, The Social ORGANIZATION/ Research Advisory. McLVAGE:~NT Organized PRESERVE Mill Creek Canyon to pro- mote rational Canyon land use (320 members. . Executive Secre[ary) and Mill Creek Homeowners Assn., to negotiate land trade with U.S. Forest - Service (25 families. President). Co-organized and co-hosted national three-day workshop on urban earthquake preparedness. Supervised associates, assistants, and students ' on many varied research projects, y~.t~z-~n ~~' 3.~f.rk spux8 1 ~ ~g c~~bate f Br B:E.D aor.ERs .':Dc'~' reVrrt Gheuld tn•!r an 1 s:al S.is[uee rPrreeuora..^n¢ i' _ nark nmposwf he bt TL-car] anus !nc m.Y.ilL (leek CSV.nn. '~.'.,erc!sn: Damara Ru~^can. w'bc :Cpn:rrntF the crea. .. . •tat7 r••rnrr.mPnda w.-. ~"• r ;!:P .ti<ItP M:rM'.^.¢d rn LhP ! ar 1 J u;y ;b). R:araar. I„ter ss~b {-ran. - list :: a!?IC prn:•.r•;tLG err Orr . , .'(u she rwatves mat .. ~..... sots ;mer.:a~ r:atew. - (-e ur t _: ~, Doc r%;ae - cyan: .oars ^ o•'•riloa rr ,: • ~; ne3rr N10 ~-~ r:nsiiy rt::i •t'rr. .: Thov'~:md Tniii rluh memnen - - ;amr..'d;ho "verd char..:,er. lions ,f^ avr'~:::ai p.ik .nwd Lee :.ono'.., raz,.r t~• ~rc ::rn.r. IuraR t:.e Srzr.:'- t!.'.t a m'at! t'r:n tr:gp:ren m.:d anus . k ti•:}, btu, .•:g ma' r•;ad ro i t rm just e.•rve the r i? art r =ac cn south -ads ^f :1dt C: arc ^sar ::- Ehgh: it' .Ai terse(! !u H;a b Cnun:': cif ~c:als qld ::,cP 's tin: stain w't;elher •Se nrau t~;;:;,j Shrnft'S au:hrrare5 S+uJ is v Rr•,ilar.ds RPd C: rs. m`:^'ea n (p.d 0•. ernikni a(C,'ID nl"' •Ial fur ;h•' si r::n A••d rt'•r'. •~:.;t '. : m"=t r.f ;hem r'ptM r r;nt w fr:••ntls for the r.~zht, '~',~~ r'+.'.~ r~o-•rt. lap' ytr!ndav •!'.:v s. a:e ;... _ :a=nt were nak.bc t : PG::. 8denlnls to CmSb Qle•P`a!n(V "'.: rwtl. E.rrly m th•• neanne. Pw;; C; K'nrtlrn. attorney fur the proi,••r the group called Yresenr cban.•tl toot the Dark vuultl Haw "drs astatlnc egrets' nn rn• sparely settird canynv acd ' wznen that hoard aDDrm al n.' it 4is n'rnl an Pnti^pnmental n•nxt +aid rte rulm•nblr nn a ircal twau." Re.'(er•tink the Oe of .sine v canton reufenu who tes'din: s, ptnval would kmterate '7 :rmral, ~atrustfui attitude tows: ds, and perhaps politint actrou :gam:t:' the county Plannusg (bmmrslop and'ttnsy'mRSthetlC" aUDelvas"n Nearly sn equal numver n[ Thousaue Trails spokesmen ~~d crouety rP&devu woo ooid meta bershi DS m the firm's vrh;rfc pass countered teat the d: vr:. oilmen[ woold be an attraruve is set and. hecaux most memtvrs are m,tld!eaRed a older and 'te• spone:bie" etlult•, would not >+se the problems of crime, utvul!n and voice tent tzuvy canyuv rest dente?Par. 7aep6 Bonadimeo of San Ben turdino, engineer tin the prmrct, ugued is reapomse m many nh)ec• pods that Thotteane Trails ]ntl county soft "esneru" wouitl en- sive solutiobs to aroncerns ':vet !locdinq, water pollution and tare tazarns. 7o t1t15. political science P:of. Douglas Nilson replied ;••^.at "eaCerss" aso mate misukes. t4hile apDeanag to mos'•• :o- A'drd a rP {nlrS'men[ (er aR i_^.9uCl :sport. [ucrden evmmen:ed -hat Thousand Trat6 reprexntati, es "seem to he eery sivicere m tour P(!nn to dPVelap ^ pro)att that a sensince tv the envtronmeat.' .4mev¢ [nose deplonvk ae :ack of any regmremem rnr an enG•:ronmenul Impact report, Der Hard 3a:rha, represeat:ng the Sfern S'luns San Cbrgonn ••(:ap ter, : a!d [Caen of the c; nru„n and puhhc anger over the p: ,,trot "cauid *nue been avotd:.d d :tic cuuni>' Sad (aced up to the ,,fwd for an EIR '?t is shot 4sign [ed," Za:eha said, "co sh:,nrircwt CEQ.t '+h2 C]!i(orRl] Ep VISOnnmell'Al ~p84 icy :rr an.". m(:ame the anger avd ?rustravuu of the communsty, ~' Nilsen chailenginga traffic analysis by :he ttrm as being Caa Pntly 2rrbneous, cnllrized The county staff (or : elying on ] TSCm sane Crada impatt study that he. dirt:;nrd n_ "so s6rMdy rt i a!:dr luteq' con 61<u an an em':ron~ mental analysis." Terry O'Casry, prceldent of Presen•e, argued Ina[ the (vin should nut tro trusted In sieA' u( reDUtts cost at tss Id)'llwBd vehnie park it intpropcrly rnvfavcted a waatC water 1agJOp, (]B!d to !It} Plese a fourmonm leek and soon stately dumped rffluenl Spoknmen Ior the liS. Forest Sent"e and the Calitornu Deparv meet of Fnrnvy endorxd as ad~ equan the (km's j>mpowY for a Ntabreak of tlaivuadwt wgeu• a [Ueflgl r. A spill m Fmost ma commanny etD,w.u !p-po(t. ing the project. Aoweyer, Thomas Rohdlek. e Redlands tlrc vaputn who sold he C1d a nudy nt Rfordav's request. said reliance on voluntters for the prMeetloe would fro tesWfi~ moot. Ae saggeeted the troll for an arcuvd~theclxk fve ct.tion, Dunned 6Y profextonal themes Ov Me pDlmcal sWe of the tr cue, Stteav Rettig. who tiidl the epDeal for reversal o[ eouraty mtog CommLatov aPPteral of the prWect, old a sttrvey d cut Yon rPaMattts Ivdinted that near- IY BO Paten! oppose the project. S'he wM he: appeal was bw•ked by a pmts[ petition wRh 476 elgro. tines. ,.. .. ]Del DOMOa, pdavnfng anOrd4 vaWr tray Thousand Tntb, titan •ai6 sherd ace mort Wa0 1.000 !eml!ian tv San Bernardino Coun- ty welch am zustthcn of [heorga• nlr]tmn sad frequent lu par4. .c•. ~cPtV.rrtr~ r -~ I .'1 ~ Y't ~eloper~ -gives.. up , >J i ~ Thoisand~~~ra 'l~ l Zt~:~in_ ~ore~tEalls a ~ . By JOHN de LEON Y:~.j: Sw~iten worn ~~ ~; y: yy- ~'„„/A7~.7~~r FOREST FALIS-Dendinq toy ~iR ~ ~ , " velop two other Southern Cali. ~ ~ . Y~ e,. ~ Y n ,.rnia projects. Thousand Trails Fm ~~/~ ' Inc: has scrapped Its plans to coin 1ft ~i ~-`~ +^vet a 153acre recreational veh'i- !.park near here,'a company of-" r ~ro :ial confirmed Monda ;' • . 7 'rMMG W~• '+~ s':'`S -. ,wtt%' EaSj~~VifgB ~~FL!. ~,, ~.....,;.utuDlkv6yr~l#a; ~. ' . . y ' ' ~-"We ve go[ a~ cduple of other•~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ :« projects In California that are well . , . 8 rh"^"'s'~ of an b'r anization calle 'PHE~ yand the preliminary stages ' SERVE Still Creek Canyon. ] :.,°,°' d we ve decided Io eo ahead •- ' ,, , On Monday`RV park~opponenls with those; said George William- goo, regional land•use planner for were claiming a; victory despde ' ' ' ousand Trails ~ ~ W iltiamson s assertion that the op ' . Williamson said the derision position had nothing to, da with Thousand Trails decision..,, - -waa reached last week anU wtll be announced in a letter from Thow ~ - ^ia'illiamsom doesna want to Ae on record siying Thousand !d Trails DRecmr CII Riser to !county Plannme Department' Trails was chased away by a com~ " In the letter Riser saW the mhmty, said Douglas Nijson. who , company wtll abandon the projtta' r n " spearheaded PRFSERVE.~ 1 think our oppositbq m?de i( casbuneb ~ d asks the cou ty to withdraw . . frctive to proceed.". apphcauons, tvilliamson smd. .e company requested adelay in Nilson said a survey of canyon !h applicatwuprocess inJanuary rrsiden is cond acted by PHE- F , a' ile Thousand Trails officials re SEIieE showed that gp rcent pr Uuated its project plans. - xere opposed ro the project. 10 , Williamson said companyblti- percent were in favor and another oats determined it would be more 10 Parent were undreideA. PRE- ~steffective to proceed wRh the SERVE is an aeronym fur Protect ~ other projects and drop Plans and Reclaim an t:cologically Sensb the Forest Falls park. uvr Em~uonntental Resen'e from ' - The announcement comes tun t utual Exitncuon.., veeks after the expiration of Nilson sit id the 320~m em ber ousand Trails',option 'to pun group x~uuid continue as a watch tse the site, the former Nolt dog orgdnization. for the, canyon - oy Scout camp, between.Forest desP~te Thousand Trails decision. ~ !'a`Is~and Mbuntaia Home VillaQg unit 1 n ..__'a1':,IM4o •W °: Williamsor)~dectined to'ident'' "N'wAnm rFu nrFnw TAn.:'ee..A T.n The.company prajrtised a 5&3( its' projects will tie in Southern _ ice `private. membership' park California-.They will hot Ed in San , ust south' of Ftighway~3R.., Tile Bernardino County;,'.„~'+,'~°:, ;.~, >--k would have been similar to " tie downplayed the efforts by ;ens operated by Thousand Tra- PRESERVE and other opponents, _Ihroughoutthe SOUthwestp}..-:, saying that the project probably { Numerous Mlil Cteek Canyon, would Aave gone. through if the }sidenu oppmod the. camp be rompanY chose to proceed. The use of potdntlal atfecb It would opposition "was a consideration. ~e on. the mountain canyon: but f don't think we'd call it a -hat opposition took the Corm of , problem;' Williamsou said: ~.:. otters to county offldals; comma: ' ~ meetings and the lormannn "It was just a business drei- sion;' Williamson said. ~~ a _ c, <n L :J v u "_~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ V ~. ti l Ci v o LL .~ w~ W N s on•; to zr_ ~Ea :gEa da~P`Le c~3 =e;; g„= o-~`oe °Ce` ~.`Ek~~E Ed `ok^a__ _ C°= _--"a~"a _a$iy9:o ga Sk=J.:a ~;8 ~AA`` /W li N Q C 7 /O ^!~ C ~..~ /~ V ,~ -a.~anok_rcaae„- E Eoe-~ y >v ~~'iho~4G 89d SUs S_o 8E°e2 aS>~~= 2- ~oFy o ~ e~`~=` ~rx axe s.a3e+ -^4 Qea'x Eve ,a ~CEeE~~yv~E°uhin' ax°S~ ~^~_'`t^oi ~~.~az~~eZ r~G?2 L ~~ 8A~8 -`a k"e ~~x ye k'i rE n~ ~`g n~v~3v -i.ko G a ydcr8_ - _ Eo d ao~uoegvrcs°y °~an 3 p5:aa38< ~. o8n°a ;'~~~x ;^eea ~e se =E g8~-`~:~ w n~m~~~o:n&x~ =;u _~au2 MaaEk ~yol='~z o~Yj"_ ~Si ~..E iV VFfc~,',F ~. _ Thousand Trails Inc. RV park _~ , withdraws county application ' Thoumnd Treib Ire. will not be WBBamson, regional lardua: The project bad met strtmg } devdopitrg a ncreatiard vdticle planter fm Thousand Trvls, raid npp~sidm dm it wr appmsed hY -, (RYJ Park infbeMlll .~dcCarryan _'to marntrate on ~otleC ske yt~ he. San 9emardino ~•Caunty y, ~ vaa. Soutterri Ca~Cmrua.'. ~ PlarmkegCornmfooo in Mav 1981. An April 8 letter smt 1o San ~i'dliamson said the cvnpem~ s A eorrunsmlty group 7'r~ve J Hmurdino Cousay officals by looking at two other rtes N MsU Creek Grvcrt, wv farmed m - ~ ~ Thousand Trails reflected tie Southern California. fight the project a~ apryla3 the ~ cmnpany's delve to withdrew all 'This busirtess decidon k ... pWutingcurtmd.uns rsdmg. ~ application fm • RV park N th eRon our belie! that we could bdn¢ In July 1984, almmt BDpmomt of !: vee. • wupk d otter psajects an line N 358 r®dmts surveyed by The rsflats a 6usirtes de®on sltortc time and (or lower mats Cosnnetenity Ad Hoc Cmmutme . 6y Thousand Traih," Gmr~ (than the Mill Creek dte):' Plmr<etan to pogeA-2 Thousand Tiai/s Continued from page A-1 voiced oppnitlon to the project and the San Bv- nardino County Board of Superstiwrs voted late that month to require a (sell environmemal impact report' (EIR i. The Mill Creek group strongly protested the draft , EIR in January 1985 and one month later, Thousand Trails requested plans for the site to be put on hold. , The April 8 annouoement formally put an and to- the nsno-monthbattle. _ 'The reaction of residents up here is one of datioq" Dough Nilson, representing the Mill Crack group. said.'Were really. really pleased. - Tt represents a lot of hvd work agairot what many rimmed to be inurrttountable odds. We won' and we're very happy... .. Nilson said the group pLn m take an aetlve role In future development plero N the vea. 'We Gave in place an orgaNration that can ad- vanw the desires of the canyon r®desrts on a variety.: of other issues riot wW likely coma up within Ne: next 10 years m so." ~ ~ ~,~ ~'s.~la ~~ ~ r ~ ~~:.~ _ -,,-.~M ~attorne9~'R9ramtiag the ,_Qudtn...B-9-~.-:"'.These-have - r ~dtY d Rancm CLCamm¢rapger ~bem e®erem caaea~when ttrY ' m'~6'sm'W~d ~Y dficiala whm haveaY etarwn ~ (at haarin¢) i ,• der tasked a }Mgc to dimiae a ~-`Baaaet acid m V mhanp7 wrth _. smean8almt' a' deve}opsr: who t21e Prm~&.4hm xernni d the fim: removed i5 to 17U treea.frem a s>sd mM it~cmld be~, the rr9o;Y d GC7,hSo; t!~roL+. vmk dEy crd!!att~ea. - A.~.of.~__~.e~Tienc ~.A~~- "We e6Ma have a tLrtn !;a axFa unryx~.m-:vi sa¢ ~_ _ '~~(ette ~nar '9 t'evdam .~„~ {~~,~~~,,, A.„'',.~, ""!"^~~6 t....,.y.. m. A Cq;tIBCS ' ,QY . . . __ Guy etxyn the nty_aaa~tdavg!~ hams err we Rave a {vo6k~ vnth our ar~aanees and tfwy are x[ pnI'SI!lnJ VIC o!meClIIlm" d C.}la- Rear L?eve!aixrvnf ~.-Fair. rye _ ~ Lees vnLnaa oerwl® cit7 e reiaYtnq i)at} t0 W }Wert we Rave a trw~I~ with errs ordinances." d th ' tlt $ d' 9 . a e 7 o mwrd (or pty'gyYl:toi_itime atew~rt moved - dimussal d the tree ~, C7is- far dL~rus4v of (ne caara°~_": L4vsrrnr ApnTU . acmrmng to _ I $' _ _6ai ,.,. _~- mar mar Worney ~Te'rY•!L HlnnaY said. the ~Jgfel actlno ageimt bier I~ cllantrr ha e beeq 'dis- r RaF_tYaaq. T 4 S` ' ~ k , mused hefoee'ff' wu evert fried .The commasvoner~dlamimed 6erame d Irwdlldent tv':dence." 1 ~ _ ~ +.Ue cane. mth ~ejudia~ r~~ `ti ~ u. .,....t that the fimdn l~ - ~~ K' if1P CI'' ~'~ +Gv _iiS{71 °'akm$.(ui'tAer. ` LOmiPa_~amn4 i)¢pernnfyit ne ~ 3tt_c_lr. Li at R C.a m navel nL~o[! . ~.- , cams ra~,}_ ._ .., .,_ ,., ,.., g)evtad fo mBri< ewe tree Cemrt regmr~Lm a starx3aidlist of .~~. 5f~m~ar<-~':~s tloru About LS rvedUr trees flam the tuna. d WiLsm ~aM __ ~ ..Wassem!an,"said. iLe._Mty `bea~•"c~,.Tn _~~ nl ng m ~ had'pryblemv in the pasf wtth the '~iC~•~• 1 w.t.~ ~ . fi.^n or:d be exxcCS it ivm.aom „tooter Rmne9...''t"~"i, -'-'-c-. .. tertriiriate the contract w1tL Cuth-' Aovn~gq ~nmserman~afd, ~'!: . I ben..' . ~: ' <<' „ L'^.^4-real_^'~.^.a.'1- ~< ~: ~Y . ~ . Ltanctxi ~CCCCarmnga . pa! ~Irl- ~ : have n ~ fracted wiN the l1rn since LL-_-- * ~t " 1 Y^'a.'~ir . ttsrsm ((~r ~ce '. {wratlon to ycasecute'citatioaa d. Wd'~~ ~' issued CY'the city and.the Farkho t6ae hem.developing.in tha cnm ~ t}ICamonga avhstatlan d the San',Jnmdty tar.a knf{ t1me." " .. . ': Beiiardinn'Cou,-dy, Shnif3's He - "';•," .1~".r ,ad'.ed, "Crl.mwr~Aanca u . lice.;. e~... }. .,,'~i..,. , tat,cew~to this ama. I thirds i[ ~. - I}i~. beQn 'tryin8."(b ;ye~f ~ ,was }uat a ?RY to get otrt (d 4he . pr0.u`cuhn~ attorney fanged for ,. yerzait requarelrwnt;." . . ', a a~htla, ' ,said Counci:man .,~¢d tl fb hRd }J.,opn R¢~wa91 s4 . ~: .... _~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~~'. ~~7~~wa~~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~9 ~~ `~__ 9 :._~ }yes. y~~'~ ~ . Nf ~}~ a ~3 `~d' n~~ ~ ~ b O 0 6 B ~ p~~ 6 ``~{J ~ .;~ i C. ' ~ 8 ~R ~~__ . ~~ ~~ { S' ~ ~ N ;..~ •~ E~ ~~i 8~, ' ~ ~I IP :~~~g s a~I~~~'~ ~~~~ ~~~ He~~~,. iw -s ~~~g~g~ y~~8.~ Nay 1, 1985 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Reuular Mee[in¢ 1. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of [he City Council of Che City of Rancho Cucamonga me[ on Wednea day, May 1, 1985, i^ the Lione Park Communi [y Center, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga. The meeting vac called [o order at 7:40 p.m. by Mayor Jon ^. Nikels. Present were Counci lmembera: Pamela J. Wrigh [, Charles J. Buquet II, Richard N. Dahl, Jeffrey Ring, and Mayor Son D. Mi ke ls. Also present were: Ci [y Manager, Lauren M. Waee erman; City Clerk, Beverly A. Au[helet; Ci[y A[t orney, James Markman; Aaeie [ant to City Manager, Robert Riz xo; Community Development Director, Jack Lam; City Planner, Rick Gomez; RDA Analyst, Linda Daniels; City Rngi Weer, Lloyd Nubbs; Cummuni [y Servicee Direc- tor, Sill Holley. Apprw sl of Minutee: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Wright to approve the min- utes of April 10 and April 17, 1985. Mo[i on carried 4-0-0-1 (Ring abstained). + • w + * x 2. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS 2A. Thursday, May 2, 1985, 7:00 p.m. - HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION, Lions Park Community Center. 28. Wednesday, Nay 9, 1985, 7:00 p.m. - PLANNING COIMISSION, Lione Park Commu- nity Center. 2C. Friday, May I7, 1985, 7:00 p.m. - PUBLIC HEARIBG POR PARR d RECREATION DIBTRICT - Alto Loma High School Auditorimn. 2D. Preeentati on of Service Awards: Sudy Acosta Pam Benry Barbara Rtall Ch rie Beaoit 2E. Presents ti on of ewarda to Winne re of the 1985 Spring Clean Sweep Poster Contest. 2P. Proclamation of Nay 4-14, 1985 ae Spring Clean Sweep Week in Rancho Cucamonga. 2G. Mr. Wasserman requested the following additions to the Agenda: 6D. Cone ideration of Broker of Record. 7A. Cone ideration of Aovoistmeste on Perk Deve looment and Historic Preservation Co®is siooe. Councilman Dahl requested two additions to be considered under Council Buei- nese. * tt * * k City Council Minutes [lay 1, 1985 Page 2 3. CONSENT CALENDAR Mr. Wae Berman announced that follw i¢g changes [o the ronsen[ Calendar: Revision to item "I" (rev iced staff rep or[ before Council). Removal of item "J". Mayor Mikels asked what the fund in item 'M" doea2 James Fr oat, Ci [y Treasur- er, answered Mayor Mike le concerns. •+erxa 3A. Approval of Warrant e, Register No's. BS-O S-OI and Payroll ending 4/14/85 for the total amount of 5590.362.87. (i) 3B. Alcoholic Bevezage Application No. AB 85-07 for On Sale Beer S Wine Eating Place License, Charles C. Cisneros, 9608 Babe Line Road. (2) 3C. Apprwal of Parcel Map 8617, Bonds a¢d Agreement, located o¢ [he east aide of Milliken Avenue, north of Righ land Avenue, submitted by Marlborough Develop- me¢t. RESOLUTION N0. 85-125 A RESOLUTION OP TBE CITY COURCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP 8617, IMPROVE- MENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY (3) 3D. Apprwal of Tract No. 12588, Bonds and Agreement, located on [he soot hveac Corner of Hetmoea Avenue and Hillside Raad, aubm fitted by Pacific Omnives[. RESOLUTION N0. 85-126 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CIICAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IM- PROVEMENT SECURITY AND FINAL MAP OF TRACT N0. 125 RA (4) 3E. Release of Bonds: 8799 Ridde¢ Parm Road - Owner, John F. Crane. Faithful Performeoce Bond $2,600.00 RESOLUTION N0. SS-127 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POR 8799 HIDDEN FARM ROAD AND AUTNORIZ INC THE PILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK (5) 3P. Apprwal of a Cooperative Agreement between the Ci [y of Rancho Cucamonga, the Ci[y of Ontario and the Atchison, Topeka A Santa Pe Railway Campaoy for the Proportionate Share of Coate for the Design of Roadway Impr wementa, Railroad Crossing Imprwemen[a and Tref fic Signs le at Grwe Avenue end Eigh [h S[ree[. RESOLUTION N0. 85-128 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BE- TWEEN TAE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONCA, TIIE CITY OP ONTARIO AND TAE ATCHIS ON, TOPEKA A BARTA FE RAILNAY CONPARY FOR OES IGN OP ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, RAILROAD CROSSING IMPROVEMENTS AND TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT GROVE AVENUE AND EIGATN STREET City Council Minutes May 1, 1985 Page 3 3G. Apprwal of Pr ofeseional Services Agreement with L.A. Nai Waco[[, Inc. for (6) the Design of Sigoale and Street Impt wemente aC 8th Street and Grove Avevue for the amount of $12,000.00. RESOLUTION N0. BS-129 A RESOLUTION OF TIIE CITY COONCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO COCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT NITN L. A. NAINSCOTT, INC. FOR THE DESIGN OF SIGNALS AND STREET IMPROYElfENT$ AT 8TB STREET AND GROVE AYE- NIIE 3H. Apprwal of additional adV ante deposit for City"e share of the expense ¢f (7) the prepared on of Plana end Spetif ita[i one, Coatt ruction Engineering and Con- struction Coate in accordance with Cooperative Agreement with Coltrane for traf Fit signals at 19th and Archibe ld Avenue for $28,000.00. 3I. Apprwal of design contract with Aaeociated EWgi¢eere to prepare plane, (8) epecif ice tio¢e and estimates for the Reconstruction of Arzw Route and Ninth Street from Archibald Avenue to Vineyard Avenue. AmouWt not to eaceed $27,510.00 plus 102 toot ingency from Cos Tax d Systems Development Funds. 3J. Approval of a joint sgreexnt betseen the City of Rancho Cn<aonga and the (9) CWCaonga County Nater District for Che combined conatruetiom of Arthibald Ave- nge Tank Sever and the Archibald Avenne Overlay (PAD). The joint project is eat isuted to result in a aavinga of aboWt $200,000.00 for each agency by shar- ing the coat of pavement reroval and replacesent in thous areas where [he pipeline rill be constrneted. (item removed - to come back later). 3R. Apprwal of plena and ape cif ica[i one for the redevelopment of the Bezyl end (10) Lions Park play areas and authorize the Coaunity Services De partme¢t to adver- tise the proj ec[a foz cone[rut[ion bide. 3L. Appz oval to clone Trust account(s) in the amount of $93,303.25 and transfer (11) balance [o [he Capital He serve Pund foz use in future project(s) ae needed. 3M, Appr oval of parcicipeti oW in the Local Agency IWVeatment Fund. (12) RESOLUTION N0. 85-130 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COONCIL OF THE CITY OP HANCRO COCANONCA, CALIFORNIA, AOTHORIZ ING INVESTl~NT OP IDLE MONIES IN LOCAL AGENCY INVESTl~NT FUND 3N. Apprwal [o eete6lieh statute of limitations applicable to judicial review (13) of quasi-judicial deciaione concerning personnel appeals and zone change e. RESOLUTION N0. BS-131 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY CODNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCNO WCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, HARING TEE PROVISIONS OF CALIFORNIA CODE OP CIVIL PROCEDURE SECTION 1094.6 APPLICABLE TO TFIE JO- DICIAL REV IEp OP CERTAIN DECISIONS OP TNIS COONCIL AND CON- MI$$IONS OP THE CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 30. Apprwal of revision of a¢nusl General Plan Amendment hearing dates. (14j Clan, Nay, September S 4th date as needed) RESOLUTION N0. 85-132 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COONCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REVISING TEE ANNUAL GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NEAR IN IG DATES City Council Minutes May 1, 1985 Page 4 (IS) 3P. Se[ public hearing for May 13, 1985, for Env iroumental AB Seaement and De- velopmen[ Di s[ritts Amendment 85-04, Ovens (16) 3Q. See public hearing far June 5, 1985, for intent to Annex Tract Nos. 11893, 12801-1 and 10035 ae Mnexa tion No. 23 [o Landscape Maintenance Oietric[ No. 1. RESOLUTION N0. 85-133 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OP PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CITY ENGI- NEEA'S REPORT FOR ANNEXATION N0. 23 TO LANDSCAPING MAINTE- NANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 RESOLUTION N0. 85-134 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY CODNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCEIO COCAMONGA, CALIFOAN IA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE ANNEXATION TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1, AN AS- SESSMENT DISTRICT: DESIGNATING SAID ANNEXATION AS ANNEXA- TION N0. 23 TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0, 1: PDRSU- ANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OP 1972 AND OFFERING A TII~ AND PLACE POR HEARING CBJECTIONS THERETO (17) 3R. Set public hearing for June 5, 1985, for intent to Annex Tract Noe. 11693, 12801-1, 10035 and 12590 through 8 as Annexation No. 10 co Street Lighting Maintenance Di strict No. 1 and Tract Noe. 11893, 12801-1 and 10035 as Annexa- tion No. 8 [o Street Lighting Nain[enance Di strict No. 2. RESOLUTION N0. 85-135 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OP CITY ENGI- NEER'S REPORT FOA ANNEXATION N0. 10 TO STREET LIGRTING MAIN- TENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 RESOLUTION N0. BS-13a A RESOLUTION OP THE CZTY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE ANNERATION TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1, AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: DESIGNATING SAID ANNEXATION AS ANNERA- TION N0. 10 TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1; PURSUANT TO 1HE LANDS CAPTRC AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 AND OP- FERINC A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS THERETO RESOLUTION N0. 85-137 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OA PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OP CITY ENGI- NEER'S REPORT FOR ANNEXATION N0. 8 TO STREET LIC RTING MAIN- TENANCE DIBTRICT NO. 2 RESOLUTION N0. 85-138 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCRO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE ANNEXATION TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 2, AN ASHES SMENT DISTRICT: DES ICNATING SAID ANNEXATION AS ANNEXA- TION N0. 8 TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 2; PURSUANT TO TAE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OP 1972 AND OP- FERINC A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS THERETO NOTION: Moved by Dahl, seconded by Ring to approve the Consent Calendar minus item "J". Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Ci [y Council Minutes May 1, 1985 Page 5 • * * * * * 4. ADVERTISED PDBLIC BEARINGS 4A. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 85-01 - An emend- (L8) men[ to the Raneho Cucamonga Development Code, Title 17 of the Municipal Code, regarding Mae ter Plane. Staff report by Rick Gomez, Ci [y Planner. Nay or Mi ke le opened the meeting for public hearing. Theze being no respovse, the public heariag was closed. City C1 ezk Authelet read the title of ordinance No. 259. ORDINANCE N0. 259 (ee cond reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUACIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO COCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 17, SECTION 17.20.030 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, REGARDING MASTER PLAN REQUIREMENTS MOTION: Moved by Ring, seconded by Buque[ [o waive full reading of Ordinance :.u. 259. Mo[i on carried unanimous ly 5-0. MOTION: Moved by Buque t, seconded by Dahl to adopt Ordinance No. 259. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. x • + ** 40. APPEAL OF PLANNING COlDIISSION DECISION - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TEN- (19) TATIVE TNACT 10349 - ANACAL - A total residential development of 53 single fam- ily lots on 33.2 net acres of land in the Very Lw Residential District (1-2 du /ac), located west of Sapphire Street, south of Jenne[ Street - APN 1043-121-3, 1062-161-1 and 1062-OI1-3. Staff report by Rick Gomez, City Plan- ner. City Attorney, Sames Markman, announced the follwing: 1. The meeting was being recorded by a Court Reporter 2. There were two issues: appr wel of the tract map and design review appeal 3. There were five Exh ibi to which he presented to the City Clerk to be entered into the Record; Exhibit 1 - Staff Report dated Nay 1, 1985 entitled, Appeal by [he Ad- jacent Property Ovnere on Thoroughbred Street of [he Pl anniog Commis- sion's de cieion approving Tentative Tract 10349. Exhibit 2 - Le ttez from Alen R. Ti bbe te, dated April 29, 1985, sub- ject: Appeal of Tentative Tre<t 10349 by [he adjacent residents of Thoroughbred Btreet. Exhibit 3 - A Manual dated May 1, 1985 entitled, 'T1ome Ovner'a Re- port". Exhibit 4 - Sixteen colored ph o[ae of conei sting of homes on Thoroughbred Street, Mayfair Homes, Mark III Homes, and Hun [erf field Homes. Exhibit 5 - Ten pages of Pe [i ci one Mayor Nike is opened the meeting for public hearing. Appellants addressing Council were: *** Court Recorder Ili notes are filed separately in the City Clerk's OEf ice. City Council Minutes May 1, 1985 Page 6 David Shafer, Attorney representing the appellants, 414 N. Placentia Street, Placentia. Skip Davie, 8037 Thoroughbred Street John Bell, 7966 Thoroughbred Street John Haz el ri g8, 8079 Thoroughbred Scree[ Sharon Kobold, Realtor in Dpland Robert Coberly, 8006 Thoraughbr ed Street ]im Anderson, 8093 Thoroughbred Street Glenn Bandy, 8377 Ni lsov Scree[ There being no further response by the appellants, Mayor Mikele cl oeed the pub- lic hearing for a recess at 8:45 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:00 p. m. with all members of Council present. Mayor Mikele opened the public hearing [o those o ~ dressing Council vas: Ppoaed to the appeal. Ad- Tim Marquard, Plaza Builders Ron Payne, 8088 Rosebud Street Paul Marcin, 8118 Roae bud Street Marilyn eenef ie ld, 8229 Rosebud Street Sharon Romero, 8242 Rosebud Stze et Alan Tibbetts, 7957 Gardenia Street Mike Re lber, Ontario Sav ivge d Loan, Ontario Ray Carvell, 7935 Gardenia S[ree[ Bob Prov inee, 8173 Rosebud Street Nerb Younger, 5782 Turquoise 3tree[ George Meeker, Plaza Builders There being no further response from [hose in oppoei ti on to the appeal, Mayor Mikels cl oeed [he public hearing. Tim Mazq uard stated they would be willing to waive [he time limits under Gov- ernment Code Section 66452.5. HOTION: Moved by Buque[, seconded by Dahl to continue hearing to July 3, 1985 a[ 7:30 p. m. In the meantime, [he Hey or will ee lect three persona from the Thoroughbred homeowner's group, one person from the Rosebud homeowner's group, and one pe raon from [he Gardenia homeowner's group [o be included in the design review proce ee. No[i on carried unanimous lq S-0. xxxxx Mayor Mikele called a receee e[ 10:45 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 11:15 p.m. vich all members of [he Council present. xxxxx x x x x x x (20) 4C. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TERRA VISTA DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT 85-03 - A request to change [he land use deei gna ti on Erom Mixed Dee - Office, Commer- cial, and Residential - to Hospital and aseoci eted uses for approximately 31 ecr ee of land located on the east aide of Milliken Avenue, between Foothill Boulevard and Church Street - APN - A portion of 227-151-13 and 14. Staff re- porc by Rick Gomez, Ci [y Pl sower. Mayor Mikele opened the meeting for public hearing. Addreesi ng Couv cil vas: Ray Me flock, Lev ie Homes, requested Couo cil'e support. There being no further public input, Mayor Mikele tl oeed the public hearing. Discuss ion Evllwed regarding [he Terre Vista Devel opmen[ Agreement and the regu latione for the diapLaced housing unite. CiCy Council Minutes Nay 1, 1985 Page 7 City Clerk Au thelet read the ei tle of Ordi mace No. 261. ORDINANCE N0. 261 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY CODNCIL OF 173E CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, REDES IGNATING ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOM- BERS 227-151-13 AND 14 KITH IN TAE TERRA VISTA PLANNED COMMU- NITY LOCATED ON THE EANT SIDE OF MILLIREN AVENGE, BETWEEN F00171ILL BODLEVARD AND CRORCB STREET FROM MI AED USE - OF- FICE, COMMERCIAL, AND RESIDENTIAL TO ROS PITAL AND RELATED FACILITIES MOTION: Mw ¢d by Dahl, seconded by Ring to naive full reading of Ordinance No. 261. Notion carried unanimously 5-0. Mayor Mikele se[ second reading for Nay 15, 1985. • x . • . . 5. NOR-ADVEATI38D HEARINGS SA. ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO THE FINANCING OF INTERIM SCHOOL FACILITIES - Pur- (21) pose of amendment ie to exclude Senior Citize¢ 6oueing from the Bch ool require- ments. Staff report 6y Lauren Naseerman, CiCy Manager. Councilman Ring expressed that this could 9eC a precedent for other people to ask for some thing aim it ar; this type of regulation could spill war. Mayor Mi kale opened the meeting for public hearing. There being ^o response, the public hearicg was closed. City Clerk Au thelet reed the title of Ordinance No. 30-A. ORDINANCE N0. 30-A (fire[ reading) AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO COCANONGA, CALIFOANIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 30 OP THIS CODNCIL AEGABDINC FINANCING OP INTERIM SCHOOL FACILITIES Mayor Mikele set second reading of Ordinance No. 30-A for May I5, 1985. + • + s f x 6. CITY MANAGER'S STAPP REPORTS 6A. CONSIDERATION OF TASR FORCE FINDING ON AMBOLANCE SERVICES. Staff report by (22) Lauren Waa Berman, City Manager. Canyoo Medical Ambulance vas represented by Michael Ligh [, attorney. Tranemedical Ambulance vas represented by Dennis Raneberger Cole/Sch safer Ambulance was represented by Pa[ NcAlmond. Council vent war each policy issue which had been identified 6y staff ae fol- lowe: Vhat mimimas standards •hwld be eau6lished for penomel roponding to emer- geocT and non-emergenq ca1L t MOTION: Moved by Wright, Seconded by Dahl to adopt Option 2: require paramed- ics to be dispatched for all emergency calla while requiring only ENT eta cue far non-emergency transfer service e, city Council HinuCes Hay 1, 1985 Page 8 - Canyov Ne dical stated [hey would support the recommendation - Tranemedical stated [hat a par medic vas the highest level of service and that should be the standard for [he City. - Cole/Schaefer felt i[ wasn't coat effective for parmedica ov every Tun; i[ would drive the prices up. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Councilman Dehl asked if something could be put is [he ordinance [he[ if an am- bulance rolling onto Che eceae of an emergency without being dispatched, with or without a paramedic, they would be guilty of a misdemeanor and would be sub- ject to a revocation of their license? Mr. Markman, city attorney, responded that emergency call 6ae been defined as a dispatched call -- [here would be no problem adding each a prw isioa in the ordinance. Shwld all imbalance aertict proridera be required to obtain a Comty permit before operating within the Cityt MOTION: Moved by Dahl, ee conded by Buquet to adopt Option 2: require a County permit from all mbulavice pr w idere operating emergency and/or trana£er call services. Permit to be determined according to minimum Paramedic guidelines only. - Canyon Medical had no obj ecCi one, but supported [he technical certifica- tion. - Tranemedical felt they had no oppoeiti on with the intent, although the language did not adequately reflect the intent. - Cole/Schaefer stated [hey had no problem with this ae written. Mali on carried umanimoua ly 5-0. Vhat minimm standards should be established for emergency vehicle equip- meat/wpplies and non-dergency transfer egnipment/ampplieaT MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Dahl to adopt Option 1: adopt paramedic equipment and vehicle standards for veh atlas responding to emergency cal le in order to allow for the availability of emergency medical equipment and eup- pliee. For vehicles responding only to non-emergency transfer calla, require [he minimum of HNT-1 equipment and vehicle standards. Ambulance pr w idere may utilize parmedic equipment end vehicles for non-emergency tranef er calla, hw- ever. - Canyon Medical euppor tad Option 2. - Tranemedical supported Option 2, - Cole/S<h aef er euppor tad Option 2. Motion carried unanimously 5-O. Lihat minimm •taadard shomld he established a response time for emergency ued- icsl senieeT Notion: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Wright to adopt Option 2: establish rea- sonable ree povae time according to [he California Highway Patrol standards (30 minutes for no[ lees than 95S of all emergency calla). - Canyon - in euppor[ of this. - Cole/Schaefer - in support of this. - Tranemedical - felt should establish whet the validation period vee. Anything lees than 60 days would sot be eppr opz iota. If an emergency ve- hicle should loose [heir license, would they Loose Che entire right to perform in the City? He felt Council was heading in the right direction, but there vee more Go be added. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. City Council Minutes Nay I, 1985 Page 9 Shw ld City regolate rate •trmcture of ambulance aervieeat MOTION: Moved by Dahl, seconded by Ring to adopt Option 2: allw eery ice prw idere Co se[ rates. City may monitor rates set by pr widere based on those raise charged by prw idere in other local juriedi ctione. - Canyon Hedical in support. - Tranemedi cal in support. - Cole/Schaefer in support. Mo [i on carried unanimous ly 5-0. ACTION: Ci [y Attorney will take the guidelines given by Council and draft an ordinance for Council's consideration. + # # # # # 66. RECOMMENDATION TO CONTRACT WITS TBE SAN BERNAHDINO CODNT4 DISTRICT ATTORNEY (23) FOR PROSECDTION OF MDNICIPAL CODE VIOLATIONS. Staff report by Lauren Has eetman, C[[y Manager. MOTION: Moved by Ring, seconded by Dahl [o author ixe the Hay or and Ci [y Manag- er to execute [he appropriate agreements to use the District Attorney"a office for prosecution of Municipal Code violati one. Mo[i on carried unanimously 5-0. x # # # # # 6C t. report by Linde Daniels, RDA (24) MOTION: After some die cusei on, i[ vas moved by Ring, seconded by Buque[ [bat staff come back vith additional information. Motion carried manimoue ly 5-0. # # x # # # 6D. ADDED ITEM: BROREH OP RECORD POR BEALTB INSORANCE. S[eff repot[ by Lauren (25) M. Wasserman, City Manager. NOTION: Moved by Buque t, seconded by Ring to eliminate the deeignati on of Bro- ker of Record ae of June 30, 1985. Notion carried unanimously 5-0. # # # # # # 7. COONCIL BUSINESS 7A. APPOINTNENTS ON TEE PAARS DEVELOPMENT AND NISTORIC PRESERVATION COlDIIS- (26) S IONS. Mayor Mi ke le nominated Nolly Mitchell to fill Che vacancy on the Parke Develop- ment Commission. There being no other nomine bane, Council concurred vith the eppoi ntment of Molly Mitchell on the Parke Development Commieei on. Nay or Mike le nomina tad B. A. Schmidt [o fill the vacancy on [he Eietoric Pres- ervation Commission. There being no other nominetione, Council concurred vith the appointment of B. A. Schmid[ on the Niet or is Preeervaei on Commission. # x # # # # City Council Hinutea May I, 1985 Page 10 (27) 7H. CONSIDERATION OF THE STATUS OF ADVISORY COl41I SSION MEMBER PpILIP YENOYRIAN. MOTION: Moved by Mikele, seconded by Buq ue[ [o recommend removal of Mr. Yenovki an. Di scueaion followed whether ie vas an appropriate policy [o vote Eor removal at Chia late an hour without the press being present, or would it be better [o deal ri[h thin et another meeting. Concern was erpree aed about having this so close to the Parke and Recreation Di etzicc public hearing oa May 17. ACTION: Council concurred [o adjourn the meeting Co Friday, May 3, at 6:00 p.m, in toe Lioae Park Community Center with a letter drafted for [he Mayor's signs CUre notifying Mr. Yenovki an and Mr. Banks of the meeting. x x x x x x (28) 7C. REQUEST BY DARL. Moved by Dahl, seconded by Nright to have the Nee[er Pro- posel by Bent sea referred back to [he Planning Cammiseion for review for all areas not yet approved to nee if if is is conf ormaace with the intent of Ordi- nance No. 259. Motion cerri ed 4-0-1 (BUquet in oppoei [i on). x x x x x x 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Nov ed by Dahl, seconded by Euquet to adjourn. Mo ci on carried unanimously 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 1:20 a.m. Co Friday, May 3, 1985 at 6:00 p.m. in the Li one Park Community Center. Respectfully submitted, n /Juti,G7 ! ! .<< ~. C, r Beverly A. Au thele[ City Clerk 1