HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985/05/17 - Agenda Packet~icn.Hp 't° ~+ Cf7'1' OF • ~ ., 7 ~ RANQiO ClYAM01VGA CITY COUNCIL o l- o ,t/~~`~ J ~ j L]lll+l~~l~ 1977 Alta Lama Righ School Auditor ium 8880 Ra ee Line Road Rancho Cucamonga, California May 17 . 1985 - 7 •00 All ite~a su6~itted for the Cit7 Coaanil Agenda ~uat be is Sri ting. The deadline for aub~ittiag thane i[eo is 5:00 p.~. w the YedneadaT prior to the netting. The Cit7 Clerk's Office receires all wch iteu. 1. cetL ro oRnge A. Pledge of Allegiance to Flag. • 8. Roll Cell: Mrigh[ , Suquet Mikele , Dahl , and Ring _. 2. ADVEETISED POELIC BEAEIEGS A. FORMATION OF AN ASSHSSMENT DISTRICT AND LEVY OF ASSESSMENTS POR COST OF IMPROVEMENTS AND MAINTENANCE POR THE PARR AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARRS) 1. Report regarding District Formed oa 2. Opening of Public Hearing a. Those in opposition b. Those in favor 3. Council Oi stus6ion 4. Council Action If Council viehee to proceed, appropriate Re soluti one will be presented by Legal Counsel. 3. ADIOOEI0®'f --------- CITY OF RANCHO CtiCAMONGA ~~~~to MEMORANDUM ~ %~ j ' x ~~\ x _ ~ z -_ __ DATE: May 17, 1985 T0: City Council I FROM: Lauren M. Wasserman `,{/n.~~-~~~ City Manager SUBJECT: Suggested Modification [o Perk De dice[ion Ordinance ~ Hill Grigsby, on behalf of fiimeelf and we assume other developers, has suggested [hat [hose undeveloped parcels which are within the proposed Perk aad Recreation Improvement District receive some type of credit at the time of de- velopmeat for the amount of ae eeeeme¢t paid for park and recreation services. What Hill is suggesting more ape cif ically ie Chet a[ the time he page park de- velopment fees, he feels [hat he should receive credit for the amount of assessments he has paid up to that time. The Community Services Director and L have reviewed that proposal, and it seems very equitable and will sot coat ei- ther [he City or the Dietr ict anq lose of fu¢de. RECOMMENDATION; IC is recommended that [be City Council instruct the et aff and city attorney to draft the appropriate amendments co [he park development ordi- nance to provide credit aga inet future park dew eLopment fees for park and rec- reation diacrici aeeeeemente which have been paid up Co that time of develop- ment. cc: Micfiael Vairin 8f11 Rol ley May 1, 1985 Mr. William Holley Director of Cowwni[y Services City of Rancho Cucamonga Post Office Box 807 Rancho Cucamouga, California 91730 Oear Mr. Holley: We are in receipt of your coam~unica[ion regarding the proposed Improvement District No. 85-PD. We are the owners of Assessor's No. 208-241-31-000, commonly known as Pepperwood Apartments. In January, 1984 we purchased building permits for Pepperwood. At that time we paid, in addition to other fees, 533,728.00 as a Beauti Eicacion • Fee and $41,400.00 as a Park Fee. In addition, we instal iea extensive recreation facilities for the use of our residents. This proposed Assessment will cost us another $4,853.00 plus maintenance at the end of the 20 }•ear bond period. We believe [hat we have already paid our share and request [hoc we he removed from the Assessment District. We are not opposed to sharing in the cast of public park improvements; we simply feel that we have already paid our Fair share. Consideration by the City is respectfully requested. Sincerely, .-/ Sack E. Butler for BLT Partnership No. L JEe/pm cc: Mayor .Jon D. Mikcls ~J May 16, 1985 Rancho Cucamonga City Council 9320 Baseline Road, Suite "C" Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Re: lark and Recreation Improvement District For Heritage and Red Hill Coa¢munity Parks Dear City Council The Deer Creek Company has been a local residential builder within the Camnunity prior to and since the incorporation of the City. Over the last eight years, we have developed four tracts within the City of Rancho Cucamonga and have cYQpoctM] the developaent of the City park system through the payment of park development fees. • We believe that in today's economy and environment, the development of a comununi ty must be a public/private partnership. Theoretically, this partnership should provide the meatts by a+hich a camnunity can be developed in a balanced manner and provide a quality living en- vironment as well as opportunities for employment and recreation. We see our responsibility in this partnership to provide quality housing and developments which will create a positive environment that will maintain its value and beauty over a long period of time. We look to cities as part of that partnership in order far them to develop policies and ordinenees which take into consideration the overall impact on the price of housing and the ability to sell what we bui13. We are pleased to see that two major conununity parks are planned to be constructed. Rowever, we have been order the impression that the fees that we've been paying aver the lase eight years have been put towards the purchase and development of these parks. The Assessment District, based on it's current proposal, plans to tax our vacant undeveloped land as well as existing inventory, on units which we will or already have paid a substantial park develognent fee. our Canpany received assessment notices for inventory land amounting to over $2,500.00. we feel that the payment of the yearly assessments on our inventory land as well as the full park development fee is double taxation. We have been building in Rancho Cucamonga and paying fees with the faith that these fees will meet the park development goals of the council. THE DEER CREEK COMPANY POST OFFICE BOX488 ALTA LUMA,CALIFORNIA 91701 (714) 989-i)2 ) May 16, 1995 Page 2 Apparently the program is either excelled or there were major changes • in the plan for which the develolment fees are not capable of handling. We aze curious to know where these funds have been spent and where future park development fees will be spent. If the development of these parks meet the major need for parks west of Haven, then there must be a plan for reduction oz elimination of the park fee for land within [he Assessment District. As builders we understand that parks were a neglected area during "County Rule" and that we have same catching up to do. Our only request, in the event that the District is approved, is that the Council amend [he park development ordinance to provide full credit towazds the pazk development fee for assessments paid. We could support the proposed Assessment District if the Council would in- dicate a vote of confidence for such ordinance changes upon adoption of the District. we plan to continue providing high quality housing opportunities for the City of Rancho Cucamonga. For every house we construct, the amount of assessment for that land increases, thus decreasing assess- ments for others in the District. We look forward to continue to lend our support for the orderly and quality development of Rancho Cucamonga. • Sincerely ~~([(~~// 1/^! ~~Y' YRJ/'~~~ Michael D. Vairin Director of Administration and Planning MDV/d1 • ~.. ~ _ F. M.ACKEN2IE BROWN ...coaro e.*m - we •aow~ c a o •o. eozs w oicco ~ iaio~ >se-sae. aewn o c ~~c. n c rn~aa. Hns an.. Pux. o .ecc i>~+~ es>-o.e. w.aw cn • oiv<r ~~us~oe v.., aR-s.ea MNCMO SAN1A iE. CALIipRN1A 920aT dos nwccws ix o~ se>, s>ss May 7, 1985 Nilliam Holley Director of Community Services City of Rancho Cucamonga P. 0. Box 801 Rancho Luc among a, CR 91)50 RE: PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARK) Dear Bill Enclosed herein please find the following documents in connection wi [h the public hearing scheduled for May l7, 1985: 1. ORDER OF PROCEDURE: This sets forth the procedure for the Conduct of the public hearing. • 2. RESOLUTION OVERRULING AND DENYING PROTESTS: To De adopted if any protests, oral or written, have been received. 3. RE SOLUTIDN CRDERI NG IMPROVEMENTS, FORMING 015TRICT AND CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT: orma action orming ssessmen stn c an con Irming assessmen s. . x . 4. INSTRUCTION SHEET: Sets forth general information, as well as notice requirements to be met and accomplished immediately following the conclusion of the public hearing. 5. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT; To be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder. 6. CERTIF]CATE OF COMPLIANCE: To be executed upon completion of all notice requ remen s, copy sou d be lmmetli ately returned to this office. k R # # The ORDER OF PROCEDURE generally sets for the procedure for the conduct of the public hearing, and should be hei pful in the preparation of the mf nutes of this meeting. if any specific changes and modifications are to be ordered, a separate RESOL UiION ORDERING CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS may be necessary and would be presented, as appropriate, to the City Council. ~ ~ F. MACKENZIE BROWN in CO A1.O I,~~LO Nil li am Holley Director of Community Services May 7, 1985 Page Two If the City Council wishes to proceed with the project, it will be necessary to adopt the two Resolutions enclosed. Through the adoption of these Resolutions, the Council would generally be accomplishf ng the following: - Denies oral and/or written protests. - Formal action forming Assessment District, ordering the improvements to 6e made and confirming assessment liens. Immediately upon the conclusion of the public hearing, certain notice requirements are necessary to be met and accomplished in order to ensure and guarantee the validity of the if en. Upon completion of all notice requirements, as set forth in the INSTRUCTION SHEET, a copy of said INSTRUCTION SHEET should be returned to this office with initials and dates indicating compliance with the requirements, as well as a return of the CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE as soon as it is av alt able. Note that attached to the NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT should 6e an ownership list. I wnu l~ recommend that only names be included on that attachment. If you have any questions upon your review, please call. Very truly yours, F. MACKENZIE BRONN FMR:bd encl. cc; Beverly Authelet, City Clerk Milli an Stookey, Nilldan Associates u ORDER OF PR OCEDME CITY DF RANCHO CUCAMONGA • PRRK ANO RECREATION ]MPAOVEMENT OISTR ICT (HERITAGE µD REO HILL COM11RtITY PARK) OgTE ^ PUBLIC NEARING: NAY 17, 1985 MAYOR: Mnounce that this is the time orb place fixed for the oublic hearing relating to MC formation o/ [he AS Ses S.M nt Dis[r i<t aM Levy of assessments for costs of maintenance and improvements for the PARN AND RECREATION INPRDYENENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND REO MILL COMMUNITY PARK). CLERK: Mnounce that hat ice has been given in the manner orb form as reQ~ired by law, and a Certitic ate of Compliance is on Hle and open for publ 7c inspection. STAFF: - Explain purpose, scope and order of procedure for Pu61ic Hearing - Explain general nature, location aM wtent of the proposed works pf improvement - Provide descrf ptipn of boundaries of Assessment District - Explain extent of maintenance work - Present aM summarize ^Report" pursuant to the Rov is Ions of the "L endsc aping aM Ligh ling Act of 1972" - Explain method and formula of aszessment spread - Make recomneMaH on ai to any modifications nece5 nary in the assessments or proceedings • STAFF: Report on rmmber (Y) of protests recN ved and announce that copies have been delivered to each memo er of [he legislative body. ENO OF STAFF REPORT - OPEN FOR PUBLIC DISCUSSI^4 N0.YOA; First, ask to near from Those persons who wish to speak in oppo- siT~n to the following: A. Bound arl e5 of Me Assessment Dis[r ict B. Eatent of works of improvement L. Me[nod of assessment sprea0 Next, ask to hear from anyone who wishes to speak in favor o1 the proceedings. STAFF; AepOr[ on (loos percentage (f) of protests received. STAFF: presentation of proposed changes or mp di ficatlOns to the Engineer's "Report^ aM the Assessmene bistrict, if any. nTr LDUnca: O; scuss ton. CITY COUNCIL: By Motion, declare Pub11c Nearing CLOSED. ORDER OE PROCEDURE CITY OF RANCIq CUCARONGA PARK AND RECREATION [MPROVEMENI DISTRICT • (HERITAGE AND RED HILL CpIMVNItt PARK) PAGE 7N0 DATE OF PUBLIC NEARING: MAY 17, 1985 IF 1NE LEGI SLATIYE 80DY NISMES TD PROCEED: CITY COUNCIL: Adopt RESOLUTION DVERRUIING AND OE NY[NG PROTESTS: To Ce adopted if any protests, oral or written, have Eeen received. p TY COUNCIL: PdoD[ RESOL VT ION GV DEAING IMP0.0VEME NTS, FORMING ASSES4IE NT DISTRICT AND CONFIRMING DIAGR PN 4N0 ASSES4IE NT: This is the /o rural ration to form the district, order the improvements made and confirm the dt agram aM assessments. i • I NST0.UCTION SHEET . P'JBL IC NEARING CITY OF RPNCND NCAlIONGA PA0.K ANO 0.ECREA1fON IMPROVEMENT OIST0.ICT (HERITAGE PNO 0.E0 HILL COMMUNITY PARK) I, GENERAL INFOfIMATION A. MtITTEN PROTEST Any interested person may, prior to the conclusion of the public hearing, file a written protest with th< City Clerk. A bitt@n Prot eSt by a probe rty owner in ail coot din a description soffits ent to ident lfy the property owned by him, fddition ally the written protest Shalt state ail grounds of abjection. Any interested person who has previously filed a written protest may with- draw that pr pte5[ by tiling wiM the City C1 erk a written withdrawal of that protest. C@Di e3 of all protests received sAOU1d be delivered to earn menAer of the legislative body. N. CONDUCT OF THE HEARING Th! City shall held the Dublic hearing at th@ time and place specified in the Resolution of Intention. All interested persons shall be afforded the opportunity to b@ heard, Toe City shell consider all oral statements and all written pr ousts made pr filed oy any interested person prior to the close of the puolic M1earing. For part it u. ors as to the procedure Por Me puolic nearing, see the OPOER W PROCEDURE. C. CONTINUING THE PUBLIC NEP0.ING Tne Vity Council may continue Me puolic hearing from time to time; however, uu c e may be made to a date following July ist without the prior consent ~ol the County Auditor. 0. CHANGES iN niE IMPROVEMENTS, ZONES PND DIAG0. aM Either during the course o1 pr upon the conclusion of the public nearing, the Lity Council may order changes in any of the matters set fortn in the Engineer's "Report", including changes fn the imOrovemenfs, any zones within the Oistr ict wh@re appl icaole, and the proposed diagram or the proposed assessment, E. RESOLUTION LONFiRMI11G DIAGAPM PND RSSESSMENT Upon the conclusion of Me Dubli< he arson, the City Council may adopt a RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE OIAGP PM ANO ASSESSMENT, eftner as on ginaily proposed in the Engineer's "Report" or aY subSegcently motlifl ed by the City Council. The adoDtlan of this Resal ution shall cOnstilute the levy of the assessment far the fist dl ye er referred to in Me ds sesSment, F. FISCAL YEA0. The assessment, as levied for the malnten once eh the works of improvement for these proceedings, will relate to the fiscal year. The assessments r el dting to LAe payment of pr lnclpol aM interest on the debt ierv ice must be Iev led until alt bonds have been di sch erged. ExA year it will be necessary to present the Enginere's "Deport" and update the assessment Information and caM lrm the as SlS Sments Por tAe nest Hit al ye dr. (mould strongly recommeM that caleMari noN De marked tp indicate the timing for the suosequent proceedings for Me neat /1 SC al year. II, NOTICE RFQVIREME NTS IMMEDIATELY FOL LOMING 1HE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBIC NEARING, THE FOLLDNING NOjlE REpUIRENENTS SIULL BE iEi: • A. ASSESSMENT ROLL AND OGGRNt (RECORDATION) 1. IDe original assessment roll aM di agran (Engineer's ^Report^) aiM ail supplemental Exhiblis shall be plated of record in the Of fete of the SuperinteMent of Streets. For rttordetion, the original assessment roll, di agr an aM support data 5no uld be kept in a bauntl hardcover volume, as said document is a permanent public rttord of the Lity following recordation. z. A certified copy or cne assesinrnt arp at agran mall be riles with the County Auditor, said filing to be cwpl eted na later than th¢ 3rd Monday in August. B. ASSESSMENT DIAGRPM (RECORDATION) 1. A coDY pf the ASSESSMEN7 DIAGRAM sh all be filed in the Office of the County Recorder. A fee is applicable for said recordation. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT (RECORDATION) 1. The NOTICE 6 ASSESSMENT shall be rttarded in the Office of the County Recorder. The asses smm~t parcels in to is Notice will Be tlescribed by rderenci ng the document number, etc. of Me filed ASSESSMENT DIAGRMI. It will be nttessary to fill in CMs Information titer Me f111ng pf the Assessment Diagr bn. Again, a fee is Cpl liable. 2. At so att ac Ned co Me NOTICE OF AS SESSMENI shell be list ind lc sting the n aa< df M! as seized comer in tN! boundaries df Me Assessment Oi rict, ibis rep ulrenwnt is pursuant to Section 27288.1 of the Gave Cade o/ tn! 5t ate of Cel lforni a. I ,quid suggest to at only the none the owners oe 7ncludetl on this Its t. •~. • AMEN RECORDED, RETURN TO • CITY CIEAX clrr a aAxcNO cucAMOnsA P. 0. BOX 807 AANCNO CUCAMONGA, G 91730 NOTICE 6 ASSESSMENT Pursuant to the requirements of Section 3114 a1 the Streets arM Highways Code o/ tAe State of Call/orni a, the undersigned, CITY CLEAN of the legisl at the body of the CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, NEflEBY GIVES NOTICE that a diagram aM assessment were recorded in the O/(ice Of the Superintenent o/ Streets of said Cify, as provided for in said Section 3114, aM relating to the follows ng described real property: P.II that property lying within the boundaries of the Assessment Oistr ict, of which tAe ea terior boundaries and real property pi said District are az delineatee upon a map of said District entitled PARK ANO RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED MILL COMMUNITY PARK) filed in the Off ice of the Loun[y Recorder Of SAN BE ANA0.DIN0 COUNTY pn Me tlay of 1985, in Book Pa e(s) DacumenE-1 per.-~~~ , M4P3 OF ASSE599Epf~TS'R(C73, Off c a ec1TT-1r~ 07 sd-pT"sZA County, antl n sawn on en az ses sment dt agr an .r orded in the Df lice of the Superintendent of Streets of sold City, a'k reference is hereby mode to seitl Map for Ghe description of tae real property w1 [h in setd Az sesSment District. NOTICE IS FUR TME0. GIVEN to at umn rb....~•d t.^.g o t`{s Fkace In the Office of the County Recorder, the several as seiiments assessed on tAe lots, pt eves and parcels • shown on Said filed Assessment Dl agr am sA all become alien upon the lots or po rt inns of lots assessed, respectively. Reference Is made to Me Assessment Of a9r an aM Assessment Roll recordeC in Ne Office of Me Superintendent of Streets. Attached hereto is a 1152 Intl scats nq the naves o/ Me assessed owners, all as re- quired pursuant to Sectfon 27288.1 of the Gpvernment Cooe of Lhe State of Cal lfarni a. OA7E0: 1985. E(ir a RANCao CUCAMONGa STATE Df LAL IF ORNIA t r-1 L J CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NITM NOTICE REDU I0. EMENTS PARKS ANO RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT • (HERITAGE ANO 0.E0 NI LL CQMUNI TY PApK) STATE a CALIFORNIA COUNTY a SAN BEANARDINO CITY OF RANCHO LULAMONGA BEVERLY A, AUTNELET, under pen airy of perjury, CERTIFIES AS FOLLOw2 The undersigned is now, aM at all times mentioned herein was, the duly appointed, Qualified aM rating CITY CLERK of Me CITY a RANCHO LLCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, and as such, ac tamplished the notice requirements in connection with the reference0 ASSeS Zment District, a5 noted: RECOROATI ON The on ql nel of the RSSESSMENT ROLL ANO DIAGRAM was recorded in the Office of the Superintendent of Streets on the day o 1985. A certified copy of the ASSESSMENT ROLL AND DIAGRAM was recorded In the Office of the L ounty Auditor on Me ay o , 1985. A copy of the ASSESSMENT DIAGRPM was filed fn the Office of Me LDUnty Recorder, in Assessment Oistr c~Z 1~s~0~-- Pa9e(5) ~ on the da~ 1985, as Docume lent lent o. A copy of the NOTICE OF A$$E$$MENT was retarded in the Office of the County Recorder on the aye 1985. ExE[UTEO this day of 1985, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. K CRY 6 RANCHO CUCAMONGA STATE 6 CALIFORNIA ~~ L • RESOLUTION N0. ~ 5 - I S,l. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OVERRULING AND DENYING PROTESTS AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS IN A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY ff RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, has set a time and place for a public hearing relating to proceedings for the formation of a special assessment district pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1982", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of~ the State of California, in a sDeci al assessment district known and designated as PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT OISTR iCT (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARK) (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"); and, WHEREAS, certain owners of property liable to be assessed for improvements have filed written protests or objections and delivered the same to the City Clerk not later than the hour set for hearing such ohjections; and • WHEREAS, at the time set for said Public Nearing, all protests and objections were duly heard and considered, and all matters as to the method aril formula o£ the assessment spread and the determination as to whether or not the property did receive a benefit and whether the assessments were apportioned in accordance to benefit were heard and considered. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. That the pu611c hearing on the Assessment District is hereby closed. SECTION 3. That all protests and objections of every kind and nature be, and the sane hereby are, overruled and dented, and it is further detenni ned that said protests and objections are made by the owners of less than one-half (1/2) of the area of property to be assessed for said improvements within said Assessment District. SECTION 4. That is hereby further determined that all properties assessed within the boundaries of the Assessment District receive a local and direct benefit from the improvement as proposed for said Assessment District, aM it is hereby further determined and declared that all assessable costs expenses have been apportioned aver the properties in direct proportion to the benefits received, and the method of spread and apportionment of the costs is hereby approved as be ing a correct and proper import forme nt and distribution of all assessable costs for these proceedings. APPROVED and ADOPTED this _ day of _ _ _ _ _ 1985. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STATE OF CALIFORNIA A"(TEST: Y L K CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STATE OF CALIFORNIA l I • RESOLUTION N0. 5 -IS 3 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL DF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCMIONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING IMPROVEMENTS, FORMING ASSESS- MENT DISTRICT AND CONFIRMING DIAGRPM AND ASSESSMENT WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, has initiated proceedings for the formation of a special assessment district pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Landscaping and lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, aM the issuance of bonds pursuant to the provisions of the "ImDrov ement Rond Act of 1915, being Division 10 ~bf said Code, said sDeci al assessment district known and designated as PARK MID RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARK) (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"); and, MHEREAS, at this time a public hearing has been held in the manner and form as required by law, antl this City Council is now satisfied with the assessment and diagram and all other matters as contained in the Engineer's "Report" as now sudni tted for final consideration and approvai. NON, THEREFORE, IT 15 HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: • SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. FORMATION AND CONF IRMATiON SECTION 2. That the final Engineer's "Report", consisting of the final submitted assessment and diagram for the proceedings, is hereby approved and confirmed. SECTION 3. That the public interest and convenience requires, and this legislative h ody does hereby order the improvements to be made as said improvements are set forth in the Engineer's "Report" and as previously declared and set forth in the Resolution of Intention. SECTION 4. That the assessments contained in said "Report" are hereby ordered to he levied and confirmed upon the respective subdivision of land in the Assessment District in the anounts as set forth in said final "Report". aCCFC4AFNTC SECTION 5. That it is hereby ordered as follows: A, That the annual levy of assessments for the maintenance and/or ssrvic- ing of the improvements are hereby Confirmed and levied for the next fiscal year. CJ B. It is further determined that the costs and installation of the pa~ and recreational improvements is greater than can be convenient raised from a single annual assessment, and it is hereby determined, authorized and ordered that the costs of these improvements be financed through the issuance of bonds, which shall be paid by assessments levied and collected in installments over a period not to exceed TNENTY (20) YEARS, or until all bonds have been discharged. BONDS SECTION 6. That it is hereby determined that serial bonds to represent the unpaid assessments, and bear interest at the rate of not to exceed the current° legal maximum rate of 12X per annum, will be issued hereunder in the manner provided in the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915", being Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, the last installment of which bonds shall mature a maximum of and not to exceed NINETEEN (19) YEARS from the second day of July next succeeding ten (10) months from their date. The provisions of Part 11.1 of said Act, provid- ding an alternative procedure for the advance payment of assessments and the calling of bonds shall apply. The principal airount of the bonds maturing each year shall be other than an anount equal to an even annual proportion of the aggregate principal of the bonds, and the anount of principal maturing in each year, plus the anount of interest payable in that year, will be generally an aggregate anount that is equal each year, e %f.PpL fnr iha find ~m ar'S a<ij UStment. That said annual assessment to pay the principal and interest on t~ bonds shall be levied each year in the anount sufficient to pay said principal and interest on the bonds, and shall be levied until all bonds have been discharged. FILING AND RECORDING SECTION 1. The City Clerk shall immediately accomplish the following: A. Deliver to the Superintendent of Streets the assessment, together with the diagram attached thereto and made a part thereof, as confirmed with a Certificate of Confirmation attached and the date thereof. Said Superintendent of Streets shall then immediately place for record said diagram and assessment in his office in a suitable book as a permanent record and attach a Certificate of Recordation. Cause to be filed a certified copy of the diagram and assessment with the County Auditor, said filing to be completed no later than the 3rd Monday in August. • • D. Cause to be ffled a certified copy of the assessment diagram with the County Recorder. E. Cause to be recorded a Notice of Assessment in the Office of the County Recorder, and attached to said Notice shall be a list indicat- ing the names of all assessed owners. COLLECTION PND PAYMENT SECTION 10. That the above confirmed assessment shall be collected at the sane time and in the same manner as County property taxes are collected, and al l laws providing for the collection and enforcement of County Lazes shall be applicable to the collection and enforcement of these assessments, except that assessments levied for which bands are to be issued may 6e discharged within thirty (30) days after the date the County Auditor has entered the assessments on the County assessment roll. IMPROVEMENT FUND SECTION 11. ih at the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to establish a special IMPROVEMENT FUND to be designated by the name of this Assessment District, and into said Fund shall be placed all payments received upon any assessment paid and the proceeds received from the sale of bonds. PUBLIC AND UTILITY PROPERTY • SECTION 12. That it is hereby determined that public property owned by any public agency and in the use and performance of a public functfon and which are included within the boundaries of this Assessment Oi str ict shall be omitted and exempt from any assessment made under these proceedings. If any railroad, gas, water or electric utility right-of-way shall be included within the boundaries of the Assessment District and subject to assessment, in determining the extent of benefit it shall 6e presumed that its use as a utility shall 6e permanent. APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of 1985. CITY OF RANCHO CUCP.MONGA STATE OF CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STATE OF CALIFORNIA r' Ley (~ V.I.P. Club Members: We have an opportunity to provide valuable input to the City of Rancho fucaiaonga concerning the developement of two ma for oa rks within our city limits. On Thursday, May 9, 1985, Mr, Bill Holley, Director of Community Services will be stopping by to share with us information and answer any questions these projects and the Parks and Recreation Assessment Program. In order to make this an informative meeting, your input would he of great help. Please take a moment to f{71 out this questionatrre. Thank you. 1. Would ,you like to see two major parks developed in our community? yes r/ No _ Undecided _ 2. I am in favor of the proposed Park and P.ecreati on Assessment Program. Yes No Undecided 3. Are you a resident of P,ancho Cucamonga? Yes No 4. Do you own your own home? ves vo 5. I would like to have the following nuestions and or concerns addressed. Your Name (Opts onai) _ __ ~ __- _ ~~ ~ ~~ ' Address (Optional) ,, Drrps~ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmem bets 9uauet, i(ing and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmem bets, I would like to express my written support FCR the Heritage and Red Hill Community parks Assess- ment District. Cur city needs to build these parks Pt OW. This district will insure that these parks can 6e enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. citherwise, the usual slo:a gradual development ~. ,._ ua r;cs will only be of benefit to future resi.d ants, years :tom now, long after many of us may be gone, or our childrer. ar.d grandchildren gr owr.. P'_aase vote to establish t2 park district cn ;' ~ i7. Thank You, ~i name: ~. ~.~~' r-l._~~..,-C.,t~/~1-~_ / address: (1-~~,:~ ..CL~/ f„J~"~C. ~~GF -r• t.~~w ~tG7Y~~~ V.I.P. Club Members: ~-~~.( We have an opportunity to provide valuable input ±o the City of Rancho Cucaeronga concerning the developement of two major Darks within our city limits. On Thursday, May 9, 1985, Mr. Bill Holley, Director of Community Services will be stopping by to share with us information and answer any questions these projects and the Parks and Recreation Assessment Program. In order to make this an informative meeting, your input would be of great help. Please take a moment to fill out this ques ti onairre. Thank you. 1. Would you like to see two major Darks developed in our community? yes ~ No _ Undecided 2. I am in favor of the proposed Park and Recreation Assessment Program. Yes _ ! Yo __ Undecided 3. Are you a resident of Rancho Cucamonga? Yes ~ No 4. Do you own your own home? Ves Yo 5. I would like to have the following ouestions and or concerns addressed. Your Name (Optionai) in _,`_c.~rr _ Address (Optional) _~µ~i y=a. y,,, ~. r; .. ~ ; f' kr iC~So,~ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tea Eichard -ahl Cccncilmeaber^, °uquet, King and iiright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California -ear Mayor Mike is snd Cou*oi lmembers, I would like to express ay written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hi11 Ccmmunity Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these par:a S104J. This d'strict will insure that these narks csr. be erjcyad by those of us who currently reside in this area. Oth.ruis ~~, the usual .a lu;r, di adua:. C~~va=o_~~an'; i. ;; _., par}'s will cn.ly be oi' benefit to fucare _es~,d er t. years from now, long ~f ter many of ''is may be gcne, or our children and grandchildren grcwn. Please vote to establish the •rark district on ;day 17. Thank Ynu, name: ~ ,.•.~, ,v ~ ~ . address: i'• ;, .'r ~.. ~~~r it - i` ran s, dal ~~ ~ ~,' 1 ~ VN~ I ySl ~~`I ~`p 7~~1 ,.~ ,~ ~~i ~ .~ g ~: ~~.~ ,. ~, ~,~ ~~ ~~. ~; ~ ~ ~, ~ ~~,., ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~.t ~ `~.~a~ ,.~,~~ . ~o~ ~U0.K 5 G + ~~ -a -S r, F~ e,e~a~ Maycr Ton Mikels Nay or Pro-iea ?ichard rahl iou.^.ci i.^.lem Viers RUC L'e', i(:^~ 3n.1 Nri~± ~i ty of iancho ::ucam onga, Calif ernia wear Mayor 'd iXels an3 ~cur.ciim e..^.,bers, I would lire to excress my written suppcrt ?CF. toe 4eri±age and Med 9i1: Commur.i ty Parks Assess- ment `ui strict, C~.:r city needs to build *.hese parks i1 Ci7, ?his district ui~l insure that these carks ea.^. be en,~,'oyed by tr,ese of us ahc Currently reside ir, this area. _.h er~.•i :>, ...,, ,., ..al stow, graavai de^eloom ant of ,,..,, carks will only 'oe o: benefit to .future residents, years frcn r.ow, lcng after .any of u. -ay be gore, or our cni'_dren an3 grandchil3rer. grcwn, ?~_ase ~~ote to establish ,,ne cark ,...~~. .,, ,, cr. ' ).3! , name: ,~~,~ . I C Z ~-`'--' r address: ~ ~..' L• C` ~ ii IS ~ i ~<<. ,~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ Mayor Ton Mikels Mayor Pro-Tam Richard Dahl C ouncilmem bars Buquet, Ring and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can 6e enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. P _'-erwise, ti~.e usual slow, gradual development of the parks will on]y be of benefit to futura residents, years from now, long after many of us :,ay be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on htay 17. Thank You, name: ~ - address: 1 '.. I r ~: ~- rte. mot. - Fo X Mayor Tcr. Mike is Mayor ?ro-Tea Richard Dahl Councilmen hers BuGuet, n_ g and 5iright City of 3ancho Cucamonga, Cali: ornia Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmember s, ? would like to excress my written suppcrt ?OR the Heritage and Red Hili Commur.i ty Parks ,lssess- ment District. Cur city needs to build these parks ti0ld. This 3:strint. +~i ll in stir? +::^.at «:^.__ rks nor. be -- _ _ „~oyeo by those of us who currently reside '_a this area. Otherwise, the usual slaw, gradual 3evelopment of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from r.ow, long after many of us may be gcr:e. or our childr<_n a..^.d grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish tF,e park district on May 17. Thank You, name: /~-~~/ /~~ address; y/O7 /'i /i si•fE' ~~ Fri; n Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, Ring ar.d Mright City of Ranchc Cucamonga, Calf ornia Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like tc express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red E?ill Comm ur.i ty Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these par Y.s NOYI. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who cur:•entiy reside i:: this area. Otherwise, the ~.~sual slow, gradual de•ielopment of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandc:^.ildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 1'/. Thank You, name: address: S?~ S Lz- ~ r .,,~ n-~. ~-~ ,~ ~/L ' r %r Z~ ~ti~r~ V.I.P. Club Members: We have an opportunity to provide valuable input to *.he f.i ty of Rancho Cucaaonga concerning the developement of two major Darks within our city limits. On Thursday, May 9, 1985, Mr. Bill Holley, Director of Community Services will be stoDPing by to share with us information and answer any questions these projects and the Parks and Recreation Assessment Program. In order to make this an informative meeting, your input would he of great help. Please take a moment to fill out this questianairre. Thank you. 1. Would yo like to see two ma.{or parks developed in our community? yes No _ Undecided 2. I am in fevor of the proposed Park and Recreation Assessment Program. Yes ~ Yo Undecided 3. Are you esldent of P,ancho CucamongaT Yes ~ No 4. Do you own your own one? Yes 40 5. I would like to have the following ouestions and or concerns addressed. T i Your Name (Optional) ~~/~ ~ `_:-~~ :?~J",t~~+ ~~ - Address (Optional) ~~ ~! '. '+ . ~ 4.~. ~ ~" ~ _ . ~~ ~,..-..mow-..,--~'~' 'i ~r ---'f G~~w.( D~r~~ GENERAL DYNAMICS Pomona Division P 0 Box 2507. Pomona. Ca0/omra 9/769 • 714610 J617 Marenal Cenrer • 714~620~64I i. East Valley Plant • 714~98T0075 17 May 1985 251-RWR-85-12 City of Rancho Cucamonga PO Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attention: Mr. Lauren Wasserman Dear Lauren: In regards to the proposed formation of a Park and Recreation Improvement District, per your telecon 15 May, you informed us that any property owner awning more than 25 acres would be assessed at the rate of E866 per parcel annually over a twenty year period. General Dynamics is in support of your planned Park and Retreati on Improvement District covering our East Valley site. These parks will be a benefit to the community which consists of many of our present employees and surely a major number of our future employees. As [ have stated in the past, we look to these parks to provide the after hour athletic team and recreation facilities for our employees. Your planned improvement of the proposed present and future park areas will surely be a step towards obtaining the planned community. Sincerely, GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION Pomona Division ,~ r, 'c ~i.~ `--'G~ t.r Ci `-` R. W. fledinger, Director Facilities Management and Plant Engineering jaf CsPw7 e. Mayor Son Mikals Mayor Pro-Tem P.i chard Dahl Councilmen hers Euquet, Ring and Flr fight City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels snd Cow ui lmembers, I could like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these park; ,I fi!i. This district will insure that these parks csr. be er.jcyad by those of us who currently reside in this area. Oth:rwise, the uses: glow, axadun:. deve=r~aac'; a. ,, ... par}~s will only be of bener'it to i'u :ure .ecx.d er is years from now, long after many of ~~a may be gmxe, or cur children and grandchildren grcun. P tense vote to establish tiro park district on .day 17. Thank Yru, name: address: - ~ ' s G~b~ 14ayor Jcn Mil:els Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl C ouncilmembers Buque t, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside i.n this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development oP khe parka will only be of benefit to future residents years from sow, long after many cf us may be gnaw, or our ch'_ldren ar.d grandchildren gr cwn. Please vote to establish t..*,e par:C distric r, on hl aiy 'I 7. Thank You, name: 1C'V•.~~ ~.. _L .'. address: ~~~±1~=~~<..> Q\-~`~"(.~ `.....c_ c~•.~ L~._Cl' ~~ b~- V.I.P. Club Members: We have an opportunity to provide valuable input to the City of Rancho fucauonga concerning the developement of two maior Darks within our city limits. On Thursday, May 9, 1985, Mr. Bill Nolley, Director of Community Services will be stopping by to share with us information and answer any questions these projects and the Parks and Recreation Assessment Program. In order to make this an informative meeting, your input would he of great help. Please take a moment to fill out this questionairre. Thank you. 1. Would you like to see two major parks developed in our communitv7 yes No Ondecided 2. I am in favor of the proposed Park and Recreation Assessment Program. Yes No Undecided 3. Are you a resident of Rancho Cucemonga7 Yes No 4. Do you own your own hame7 Yes No 5. I would 11ke to have the following questions and or concerns addressed. i Your Name (Optional) _< :,_,L!y,. Address (Optional) / _ i ~-. •, ~ , Goc~o c~ Mayor Jon Mikals Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmen hers °l:quet, iiin~ and Fright City of Rancho Cucamonga, Ca'_if ornia Cear Mayor IAikels and Cou*cilmembers, T would like to express my ~.+ritten supoort FOR the Elerita~e and Red :?ill Ccmmuni ty Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these par%a [I ri'r7. This d'strict will insure that Chose narks ca^. l~.e et:j syo; by those of us who currently reside in thin area. Othorvise, the ususl slug, oradun:. a+~va_^,.:ar't ~.. ... par}'s will only be of oenec'it to t'u .are _as~der Lc ,year; fron now, long after many oL'~~~s may be acne, or our children and grar.dchi ldren gr cwn. Plane vote to esta'olish tho rark distrier, cn Vlay 17. Thank Yru, name: ~~~y, ~r/E U• ,.. ;~, v .c--f., , address: :~~'f X,:>" ,5'.~ ,'. `. "' -lf ~WgW.4 Y1 Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, ,. I wou13 like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Aeaeas- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enf oyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establi<h the park district on Nay 17. Thank You, name: ~//Cn.~,~ n address: d ,[J ~6 7s Gaw;.~! Ge,loleh IRWIN B. GOLDEN, D.D.S. GflEGORY S. GOLDEN, D. D. S, TELEPHONE p141 9821549 77 EAST SEVENTH STREET ~ UPLAND. CALIFORNIA 91786 1985, April 28 Mr. William Ho]'~•~~ Director of Comnrnity Services City of Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA, 91730 Dear htr. ;iolley: Phis is regarding the improvement district No. 85-PD and the proposed assessment. Public parks and recreational facilities are a great asset to a community only to the extent that they are maintained properly and kept well groomed. My wife ard I are in support of these efforts as long as they are shazed equitably by the members of the community. 81nce our property corners with the Heritage Pazk at the NW corner,we have a little more than the usual interest and would like to make two comrents for your consideration. While you are working to create a beautiful park environ- ment, our neighbor to the north has created a junk yazd and equipment dump that is an eyesore and blight nn the community. I have written a letter on this subject to Nr.Gary Richards, (4/22/85. In a follow-up phone call he reported that the matter is being considered, but I have had no official reply. The bazranca which comprises more than half of our ten acres cannot be used for homesites without major engineering and construction to comply with current flood control cvles. At the time we bought it we were told it was not in the flood con*sol plan. The same neighbor has been dumping into the barranca for some yeazs now in an effort to reclaim land for homesites. He has converted an azea with natural groundcover that matches the terrain and retards runoff to an unsightly rock pile. This is not consistent with a park environment. While both of these matters may be of minor consideration in the park planniny, they are important to us because they are directly related to the beautiful evironment we have enjoyed and which you are working to preserve. Sincerelyl,~~~,~~p^~.~.~ Irw~and Mary Anne Golden C ra~Q.S Mayor Ton Mikals Mayor Pro-Tea F.i chard Dahl C ocncilmem hers °uquet, King and ~h•ight City of Rancho Cucamonga, Cx lif ornia Gear Mayor Mikels and Cour oilmembers, I would like to express my ~.~ritter. support FOR the Heritage an8 Red Hi11 Ccmmunity Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build thesz par:;; [I ri:a. This d's triot will insure that these parks car. t-.e er.j cyzd by those of us who currently reside in this area. 0th cruise, the usual sluu, bt adua:. dFva_o_~.:en': o. ;, ... pxrYs vili only be of benefit to future _as~.d er L. years from now, long after many of ~~~s may be gene, or cur children and grandchildren grcan. Please vote to establish the park 3istrict on hfay 17. :hank Yru, name: ~.%~A'ta. 1~.~-eaxC~ address: /S"/l Yl. •d,:,.,,„,,;,, ~# G-r~eQh Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tea P.i chard Gahl Cocncilmea~ers 2uquet. King and is right City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Gear Mayor Mikels snd Cou*cilmembers, S xould like to express ay written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build thew parhu HG!J. This d strict will insure that these parks car. to erjcyad by those of us who currently reside in this area. Othorvisa. the uses: slow, biadus:. dr~va=o.:an': z .... par}~s wili cn.ly be of benefit to future _au~~d e. Lc year; from now, long after many of ~vs may be gene, or our ch i.ldren and grandchildren gr cwtr. Please vote to establish thn park district w: Flay 17. Thank Ynu, naaei-~ I :,a~ .. ~ , i~,- address: ~~~ ~y~~~ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tam Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Neritage and Red Rill Community Parks Assesa- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district x111 Snsure that these parka can be enSoyed by those of ua who currently reside in this eras. Otharuise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parka will only be of benefit to future residents, years from nou, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren groin. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Th'nn~ky/-Y/ou, ~ /l name: ~~~- ~~~4/!!~ address//~ ~~e/?S' ,S~hT ~~~ ~Aatlo ~C4G~+Uc.~C Gi~i~~ n Mayor Son Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Huquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikals and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support iOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks ,lssess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. ,This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: ~-L`u~ "I~~~ address: / 1~ L I ~ ^'~"~ - ~ r~ . Mayor Jon Nikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmen bets Buquet, King and i:'r fight City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Cou*cilmembers, I would like to express my :rritten support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build thew pa rl;d .!0'l.. Thid d: stri rt will insure that these pants can L-e er.j cyad by those of us who ru rrently reside in this area. Othoruise, tha usual ulow, brsdun:. d:'Ya_^._:;ao.: J_ ;;. par}'s will only be oi' benefit to 1'ut m•e .au r,der ~; ,years from now, long after msny u£'vs may be gw;e, or our children and grandchildren grewu. Plense vota to establish tL•e park district ai Vlay 17. Thank Yru, i / .~ address: ~f~~// f ^C ', iE~ // ~. .i Nn~-N. Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem 'n.i chard Dahl Councilmeabers Euquet, King and ({right City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Courai lmeabers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build Lhese pa rla E1 C;J. This d°.strirt will Insure that these parks can to er:jcy.:d by those of us uho currently reside in this area. v tri irLiiu unv ua4a~ i1 Vr11 bf aLl Ui4 .. 4:'Ve_V _'.:O llr Jl v... parks will only be oi' benefit to fr are _ea~~d er l: years from now, long after many of 'ris may be gcue, or our children and grandchildren grcwu. Please vote to establish the park district un May 17. Thank Yru, address: ~`'~ ~' .~ ~~i V.I.P. Club Member: Me have an opportunity to provide valuable input to the City of Rancho Cucamonga concerning the developeaknt of two major parks within our city limits. On Thursday, May 9, 1965, Pry.. gill Holley, Director of Community Services will 6e stopping Dy to share with us information and answer any questions these projects and the Parks and Recreation Assessment Program. In order to make this an informative meeting, your Input would be of great help. Please take a manent to fill out this questionairre. Thank you. I, pould you like to see two major parks developed in our comnunttv7 yes No Undecided 2. I am in favor of the proposed Park and Recreation Assessment Program. Yes No Undecided 3. Are you a resident of Rancho Cucamonga? Y!s No 4. Oo you awn your own homer Yes No 5. I would itke to have the following questions and or concerns addressed. Your Name (Optional) __ ~ / ;,, ,`~_y; ~ Address (Optional) ; ~ ~_ ,.. , a•~t t}IE CSTY COLMCIL 9220 Dash 1n! Raad wanchc OACawonga, CA 9130 Dear L1ly Counclll !hank yac far fnf orwing as of !hs cpco•!n9 rasaiution perla/nfn9 !o Ped N/11 and 9ar1laga P•rN s. ua•~ lik• You !o Lno» !h a! .:r fuFAar; !hs PraJ scb and ~.reuld eccrp! the ass•ssmant :• s~4.00. The cfly Ass ==n`rib•_,!ea to man; ways to the high q'_:iil~ :lost, le we en~ay. 'da'd liks !a da our share /n Fa`lfn? f_r ene of Rha Den sf iLS we plan !a enJ•Y ar:d uu for • . :rg !f*a !c =ewe. ~" T==' h'N ~. ~e ~1; e. a. ~, ~..~ -7r ~-eC Davy anG /alhY Na!: ~a20 Dearltrook °ar cho Lv.c amcr?a ^4 e;-r+0 ~, e.r: °u ~ ;N.;~ R i /yt~.!~Qgccti/ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl C ouncilmem bets Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, _T would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in t'nis area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will cnly be of benefit to future residents, years frog now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: ~~ 'ha~~ys,sz-,, address: Sb3375ip«' ~h-T9ma4 <•,y,,,,~ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmem tiers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Reritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to bui l.d these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: j'[rs~---c?~~""- address: SY31 ~.,~~,«~ p~~~..w •.no~ Nei-Gam V.I.P. Club Members: Me have an opportunity to provide valuable input to the City of Rancho Cucaaonga concerning the developement of two major Darks within our city limits. On Thursday, May 9, 1985, Mr. Bill Holley, Director of Community Services will be stopping by to share with us information and answer any questions these projects and the Parks and Retreadion Assessment Program. In order to make this an informative meeting, your input would be of great help. Please take a moment to fill out this questionairre. Thznk you. 1. Would you like to see two major parks developed in our communitv7 yes~_ No Undecided 2. I am in favor of the proposed Park and Recreation Assessment Program. Yes 1~ No Undecided 3. Are you a resident of Rancho Cucamonga? Yes {~ No 4. Go you own your rnm home? Yes ~_ 40 5. I would like to have the following questions and or concerns addressed. Your Name (Optional) ~_;~~~~ `.~gdaei Address (Optional) 0''=- 1y~en r~ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, King and Wright City of Reucho Cucamonga, Calif ornis Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, „ I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks 9ssess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district, will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in thin Wren Ctherwi se, t'r.e usual slow, gradual development. of the parks will only be of benefit to Fusura residents, years from now, long at'ter many of us may be gong, or our children ar;d grandchildren grown. Please vote to establisf: the park district on May 17. Thank You,// name: ~~ address: ~~. i V.I.P. Club Members: We have an opportunity to provide valuable Input to the City of Rancho Cucamonga concerning the developement of two maJor Darks within our city 1lmits. On Thursday, May 9, 1985, Mr. Bill Holley, Director of Community Services will be stopping by to share with us infannation and answer any questions these projects and the Parks and Recreation Assessment Program. In order to make this an informative meeting, your input would be of great help. Please take a moment to fill out this questionairre. Thank you. 1. Nauld you like to see two ma.for parks developed in our community? yes ~ No Undecided ~ 2. I am in favor of the proposed Park and Recreation Assessment Program. Yes No Undecided , 3. Are you a resident of Rancho Cucamonga) Yes No 4. Oo you own your own home? Yes 40 5. I would like to have the following questions and or concerns addressed. Your Name (Optional) "! ~~'_~• Address (Optional) ~`_ __~•~ ~ l~olro~o~ Hot roye 7935 Layton Street Rancho Cucatmnga, G 91730 May 1. 1985 Vt. Ian D. Mi kels Mayor City of Rancho Cuc anonga P .O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Dear Mr. Mi kels: I attended an informal rreettng last night at the Lions Park Community Center regarding the proposed Red Hill a Heritage Park pzo7 ec [. A(cer lisient ng to the proposal, I feel the project is a fantastic tdea, well thought oui. with consideration to all snorts. f was under the mis-understanding that a Public Hearing was only for those parties opposed to the plan, and now understand without the community support ac the hearing the entire project will be scraped that night. As a resident of Pane ho Cucamonga, and also as a parent of children in organ ix ed so(tbail, the canminity parks are very irtportant, and I intend on contacting my soft- ball league to rally their support and participation at the Publ tc Hearing. In an age where most let iers to public officials are usually cor~la ints, [ wanted you and ;he city council to know hox much I appre irate your efforts to enhance the quality o[ lt(e in Rancho Cucamonga. Sincerely, ` r, ,~~ l L ((~( Patricia Holroyd cu William Holley V.I.P. Club Members: ~~4~ Me have an opportunity to provide valuable input to the City of Rancho Cucaiaonga concerning the developement of two major Darks within our city limits. On Thursday, May 9, 1985, Mr. Bill Holley, Director of Community Services will be stopping by to share with us information and answer any questions these projects and the Parks and Recreation Assessment Drogram. In order to make this an informative meeting, your input would he of great help, Please take a moment to fill out this questionairre. Thank you. 1. Mould ,you ke to see two major parks developed in our community? yes No Undecided 2. I am in favor of the proposed Park and Recreation Assessment Program. Yes i ' No Undecided 3. Are you a resident of Rancho Cucemenga7 Yes ~ No 4. Oo you ow your own home? Yes v~ No 5. I would like to have the fallowing questions and or concerns addressed. ~. i Your Name (Optional),. Address (Ootfonal) _ ~~~~. Y.LP. Club Members: Me have an opportunity to provide valuable input to the City of Rancho Cucamonga concerning the developement of two major Darks within our city limits. On Thursday, May 9, 1965, Mr. Bill Holley, Director of Community Services will be stopping by to share with us information and answer any questions these projects and the Parks and Recreation Assessment Program. In order to make this an informative meeting, your input would he of great help. Please take a moment to fill out this questionairre. Thank you. 1. Would you like to see two major parks developed in our community? yes~__ No Undecided 2. I am in favor of the proposed Park and Aecreation Assessment Program. Yes ' Vo Undecided 3. Are you a resident of P,ancho Cucamonga? Yes T No _ __ 4. Do you own your awn home? Yes x No 5. I would like to have the following questions and or concerns addressed. Your Name (Optional) tia•_o-~^~_`r r,•a ~•ct (.u-- Address (Optional) ,~^`• '_~^_'~', ~ , h'~_SF=~-2~--~~ j }E~- Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buque t, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hi11 Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: ~ '~'~ address: ~C ?E L,'~71A 1- ~kh~ May 3, 1985 City Council of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 801 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Dear Council Members: t am writing in response to a proposed program initiated by you and the staff of the City of Rancho Cucamonga that would provide two major parks in our fair city. IL is my feeling that any program that would help benefit our community is a must and I congratulate you on your concern for parks. Asa member of the V.I.P. seniors Liub in Rancho Cucamonga we have uti llzeG Vineyard Park in numerous occasions for club functions. It is refreshing to see the thought put into the development of quiet picnic areas that we may utilize in the future. to addition the planned senior area at Red Hill Park will provide an excellant area for seniors to get out and enjoy some sort of physical exercise as well as a means of social interaction. Thank you for caring. Sincerely, ~' y ;~; ~. James W. Hunt 8617 Hamilton Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 ~i;~ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tom Richard Dahl Councilmembers Euquet, King and i~:right City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hi11 Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build thesa par1;~ ^r{!. This di strirt will insure that Chose parks can be enj cyod by those of us who currently resido in t}:is area. Othorvise, the usual s1o;i, sradun:. Grvos•_ :; n'; i_ .. ... par}~s wili only be of benefit to 1'u cure _ea~.dor Lc ,years from now, long after many of'~~s may be gene, or our children and grandchildren grcxu. Plense vote to establish tine park district cn htay i7. Thank Ynu, name: , . ", ~' ' .i ~ . , _ , , :: _. 'li r. ~ `., I~*tS Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tam Richard Dahl Councilmen bars Buquet, Kirg and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, Calif ornis Dear Mayor Mikels and Coun cilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks wilt. only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, lcng after many of us may be gone, or our c};i ldren and grandchildren grown, Please vote to establish the park district on t-0ay 17. Thank You, name: --._.i."aQ„a,.Q_ <, ~.oo ~,~..~ address: `j5 1 cc ~{o~.a O.A7i.Ca- V~~~r• C~ (~.c~ Q 11U~ /11 V~~j Mayor Jon Mi'rels Hayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl C ounci lmem'oers 3ugaet, Sing and ;Ir ig:a .,i ty of ..°.an c:-c Cucamonga, Ca L'fornia ]ear }tayor Mite is and Counci:memhers, ;rcu;.3 like to express my written support BCR +.:ze Heritage ar.d 3ed h:i 11 Cnmaunity Parks d.ssess- aent District. Cur city needs to 6uiid these parks NO{~7. This district wi":': insure that t ese parks can be enjoyed by those e: us wF.o currently reside is this area. Otherwise, t::e usual slow, gradua'_ de-ie lonment o: the Darks will only be of benefit to future residents, years :rom now, long aster many of us nay be gone, ... our children and gra.^.dc i'_dren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 1'7. Thank You, nacre: addre ~3is3 Cc.P.~. „~°~~. ~ ~ 39: i C.~1 Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Huquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: ~~~ I`'~ `" address: G~ ~~ OQ+ ~/ J,L~u K /~~ ~ ' C~.L `)/ 7c/ (.l C ~R f~ F»ti q ~ ~- ~SSc~ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development o° the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name : ~/ / - -- . ~~ i7tL ~ Jt.i,i ate/ address: ~74~~ ~U~`/rr//o"/~~eP,~t- ~(ew;s LEWIS DEVELOPMENT CO. 115fi Nwlh MammnAwnw/PO.Boa 670/UB1a11a.CJ8om1~91785! 710 985-0971 Nay 9, 1985 City Council City of Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Re: Park and Recreation Improvement District for Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Gentlemen: As the owner of several commercial properties that will be affected by the proposed park assessment district foz Red Hill and Heritage Parks, we are writing to express our support for the assessment program. Our properties within the assessment district include the Alta Loma Square (Non's), Rancho Towne Center (Gemco), the Sunscape Apartments, Lewis Industrial Pa rkr and various other holdings. Our estimated assess- ments exceed $10,000 aer year. We consider this a bargain Price to Pay for the long-term betterment of the community at large. The people of Rancho Cucamonga have long desired an expanded park system. The proposed assessment district is the only realistic way for the City to achieve this goal. We will gladly pay our share, and we hope the residents and businessmen of Rancho Cucamonga will support this district as the way to finally meet a long-felt need. Sincerely, ~' la.~ nC~c '/ Kay Matlock Project Manager /km ~eu~~o~n Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor °ro-Tam P.i chard Dahl ~ouncilmem Bers Buquet, {ing ar.d 'Aright City of Rancho Cucamonga, Calif oraia Dear Mayor Mikels and Cocncilmembers, I would like to express my written support 50R the ;: er itage an3 Red ci 11 Community Parks Assess- mer.t District. Cur city needs to bui'~d these parks :IOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. otherwise, the usual stow, gradual de•;elcnment of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our ehi'_dren and grandchildren grown. ?.ease vote to establish the Bark district on `aay .7. Thank You, .~ name: ,,~~iu mac.«,__.~Y. ,.,~ J address: .Y~f ~, i ,~ r•. ~~ .l. „ rl-~. L- ~b4~ V.I.P. Club Members: Ne have an opportunity to provide valuable Tnput to *_he City of Rancho Cucaaanga concerning the developement of two major Darks within our city limits. On Thursday, May 9, 1985, Mr. Rill Holley, Director of Community Services will be stopping by to share with us information and answer any questions these projects and the Parks and Recreation Assessment Program. In order to make this an informative meeting, your Tnput would he of great help. Please take a nroment to ff 11 out thls questionairre. Thank you. 1. Nould you like to see two major parks deveioped in our community? yes ! No _ Undecided 2. I am in favor of the proposed Park and Recreation Assessment Program. Yes No Undecided 3. Are you a resident of P,ancha Cucangngal Yes ,~ No 4. Do .you own your own home? Yes ---- No _ __ .. ._. 5. I would like to have the following questions and or concerns addressed. i Your Name (Optional) `_'r`___ ~ % -~~~_ 1 ~- Address (Optional) _/~__.,_..:~.~. Jr" "' Mayor Jan Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmem bers Huquet, King end Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. F'_ease vote to establish the park district on Msy 17. Thank You, name: - address: 3'S'~'7 ~<.c.t C~t tt.~ ~ :r ,u: ~4C i q~Q~~ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, Ring and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be en,j oyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, ' years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: _~/,• ,,,~ i~ _ _1 address: / OI~ C~~ A~ ~,1~-~i„u~ Ni. QN1v 1 ~``~~ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmem6ers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmem tiers, I would like to express my written support FOr^^. the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks :IOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by th nse of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual devel.onmer.t o° t.~e parks will only be of benefit to future residents +ears from now, long after many of us may be Bend or uur children and grandchildren grown. °lease vote to establish tha par:: distri^t. o^. Na+~ ';+, Thank You, name: , address: ,~~~~ h,.n.,;~ ~~~ ~ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tea Richard Dahl Counciimem hers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California y1~~. ~'~ ~%~-5~ Dear Mayor Mikels and Counci l:nembers, I would like to express my written support rr^OR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess~~ ment District. Our city needs to build these parks N041. This district Trill insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Othe*W;.FP the u_=ua~ _'o;:, gradaa~ da:elopwen'„ 02 ,,..r parks will only be of benefit to future residen±:;, years From now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Plesse vote to establish the park district on Play 17. Thank YAU, C 1 ~~ «.. name: `~/-eo„ti „/~1i1 ~"lav iti~~// address: 77~ 7 i'}~ / fic. Ccr °5 7~~ ~~r~"f' CLCGGCIM c'NClI, ~~ ~/73u V.I.P. Club Members: ~~~ We have an opportunity to provide valuable input to the City of Rancho Cucaaonga concerning the developement of Mo major Darks within our city limits. On Thursday, May 9, 1985, Mr. Bill Holley, Director of Community Services will be stopping by to share with us information and answer any questions these projects and the Parks and Recreation Assessment Program. In order to make this an informative meeting, your input would be of great help. Please take a moment to fill out this questionairre. Thank you. 1. Would you like to see two major parks developed in our communitv2 yes No ^ Ondecided 2. I am in favor of the proposed Park and Recreation Assessment Program. Yes ,~^ No Undecided 3. Are you a resident of Rancho Cucamonga? Yes ~ No 4. Do you own your own home? Yes No 5. I would like to have the following questions and or concerns addressed. Your Name (Optional) ' nti~,~~_ 1~ Address (Optional) ~j'! 5 ~~tiuz~,,~G47 ,~i C, .,oZ~ ,„un~ ~~'~' Mayor Jor. Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Deer Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW, This dis*.rict will insure that these parks can be enf Dyed by those of us who currently reside in this area, 0!herwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may he gone, or our children and grandchildren groin. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, man e: ~ y,_~- w ~~ address: S 6R)' ~^-'~--s i-~-~ Gi/t- ~,. L .rs~-...,- CG. R c 7 0 ~ h Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Ten Richard Dshl Councilmen bers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hi11 Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, cr our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: ~~~ ~~ /' address: ~~y ~C~/ n .i 3~ 0 c r„~ i'i\~t } Rancho Cucamonga Chartered June 198y May 7, 1985 The Honorable Jon D. Mikels Mayor of Rancho Cucamonga P. 0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Dear Mayor Mikels: 1'1'bZlua ~ v~ Lions Club On behalf of the Rancho Cucamonga Breakfast Lions Club, I would like to convey to the City Council that our organization supports the concept of a fully developed park system in our community. Developed parks and the recreational activities which take place there are a positive factor for all of our lives. It is our hope the City Council will do whatever is appropriate in bringing a fully developed park system to our community. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, >,~` t` ~:~ Ray Mc Ilvain, r. President Y14 ~ c,1~tl~k'~ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, Icing and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assessment District. Our city needs to 6ui ld these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grand- children grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: /Ol~'7V/C ~~/iri1-.M'/:.~ is I address: ~JC '~.O ~~~i/_)-:G~/*"'' i ~. 7 -, ,~ h~: ~i~ Mayor Son Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Caunci lmem bers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of 6enEfit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please •a ote to establish the park district on Msy 17. Thank You, name:/ ' / `/ y/Lt~`~- -~~- addre s sCP~ 7 / G~n~%~~t~yl~:I.l~C~. . ~~eeC"~~, C~ ~~bN~i CJ~.. Mayor Jan Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga. California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be o£ benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district an May 17. Thank You, name: ,6/~ ~ /~UZniG+~ address: ~O/~~/ ~/~J~y -l'S`i2 (X Frr~GC ~ 970/ Molfe,r~, Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Counci lmembers buC112t, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Cou r.cilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks YOW. This district will insure Lhat these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks iaill only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on tfay .7. Thank You, , 1 ~' ~~~v name: ~ 1 (~ ~ address: i4,}~I ~ l-~~~~~ ~'~or e.. Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, Ring and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assessment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grand- children grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: lf~~ /Y%!~''L.~. address: /~Y-~~7 // ~/P-~y ~,,.-p ,~~ l/7 3 ~~ Wlorah Mayor Jon Micels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Coup cil.am oars Hue^et, ;{ing and 'ti r.g:a City of 3ancho Cucamonga, Ca'_if cr pia Dear Mayor Mikels anal :oun cilmeabers, I wculd like to express my written support sCB the Heritage and Red riill Commur.i ty Far:cs Assess- ment District. Our city needs to bcild these parks Cl CP1. .This district will insure t'rat these parks can 3e anj oyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Cthe r^aise, the ttsuai slow, gradual de^elepm ant of the ;arks will cnly oe cf benefit to future res id2 r. *. s, years from r.ow, long after aany of us may be gone, or our children and grand c::nildr en grown. Please vote to establish the park 3istrict on May .7. Thank You, address: , J .3 ~ C nM Ci.e.~ ~Of f ~S t4ayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like tc express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment, District. Our city reeds to build these parks Di OiJ. Thia district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be cf benefit to future residents, years from r.ow, long after many of us may be Bona, or our chil3ren and grandchildren gr ou:n. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, ~~ 1~~~~` >~ ~~Z~~-~ name: ~/ ~/ j G' / cj~1 L/~Q ~/~y~ /s address: /`,,~~CL /~ - ~ ~(~~-/ 1'ltorvo ~ Mayor Jon Mikela Hayor Pro-Tem Richsrd Dahl Councilaem bers Ruquet, ging and lr'right City oP Raneho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikela and Courcilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build thasa pa ri:s tiOW. This d.strict will insure that these parks can be enjcyad by those of us who currently reside in thin area. Oth:wise, the usual alo;r, sradua:. Lr,va=c_~~an': o. ,, ... pr. r1~s wili only be of benefit Lo future _au~.dor l: yearn from now, long after msny ot'•~;s may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vota to establish tho park dlstriet on May 17. Thank Yru, name: ;i address: '~ 7r. ',_~_ t:.~~ x- . ~; F: t~ ~~ i. hl~~ar Mayor Jon Nikels Mayor Pro-Tem ftichsrd Dahl Councilmembers Euque t, King and }Jr fight City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Gear Mayor Nikels snd Courcilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs Lo build these earl;s Pl64f. This district will insure that these parks can he er.j cyad by those of ua who currently reside in this area. Othxrvise, the usual slow, gradua:. Gr+vo_^~.:art': ~_ ,, ... parts will only be of benefit to 1'u tore _as~.d er L: yeur^> from now, long after many ui''~is may he gone, or our ch i.ldren and grandchildren grown, Please vote to establish the park district cn May 17. Thank You, ~. ~}' a "'a. . ~., .., ; ~/ ./ /~~ name: ..AIL..,,,, ~ _„ <~ y ,.,~ address: (' y~ ~ '~ /~//a L" n r S~ ~{N /CG kc~ ~~~ 'j; 70 / I VO ~,` 1c~ ``2.. Mayor Jan Mikels Mayor Pro-Tam Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, Bing and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit Lo future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: JiLL„r,~..._~, ~~'~r~ addres(s//:'f'~/Oj/ /~_ ~/Jo (''4~ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tam Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, y., I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and fled Hill Community Parke Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parka can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual al ow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: t~~"~n~C/ ~/7/ address: S/ ~~ ~` "~~`'0 ~~ 5ii7~ ~~+,.`~ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem P.i chard Dahl Councilmembers Euquet, Aing and ;fright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels snd Cou^cilmembers, I would like to express ay written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build thesz pa rl:u II Oil. This d'stri rt will insure that these parks car. Le er:j cyzd by those of us who currently reside in this area. Othoruise, the usual uluw, eradua:. d~,vz_o_sar.; ~_ ,.. parts will only be of benefit to fu', ~.:re _es i.d zr Lc ,years from now, long sf ter many of'ns may he gcne, or cur eh i.ldr en an3 grandchildren grown. Plea;e vote to establish the park distriot cn ;tay 17. Thank Yru, J/ ~ ~_ ~. ~~t~~ , name: .~ ~~ . ~ t address: ~~ Mayor Jon Hikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This di strict will insure that these parks can ba enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only 6e of benefit to future residen*.s, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May '17. Thank You, .\ name:~~~~ ~~~ ~~. t 1 J address: ~.3 ~` ''1~~,1'^'•'•.,F?1~•.~ Pad-ric.1~ May 15, 1985 The City Council 93?0 "C" Base Line Road Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Dear Council Members: The Citizens for a Better Community believe that recreation and parks facilities are a mast important part of a community and that they should be among our top priorities. For these reasons we have chosen to support the parks proposal even though we disagree with the method of financing. Although we support this project, the C.B.C. would find it difficult to support any future project which used an assessment district to add fees to existing property taxes. , Sincerely yours ~ ' Samuel E. Patrick Spokesman for Citizens for a Better Community Pa Y ~vr Mayo: Jan Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmem bers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Cou acilmem bers, I would like to express my written support r^OR the P.eritage an3 Red Eill Ccmmunity Par:cs Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks YT•1. ,This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside is this area. Otherwise, the ;isval slow, gradual development of the narks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many oP us mey be gone, or our children ar.d grar.dchi ldren grown. Please vote to establish the park district or. May 17. Thank You;,,~f~ name: ~(k~~~YZy~~i 6~"~_ address: ~~aa t~~"_ //4`i[2 p~Bm'~ ~ ~1/JD/ P~:II~r' Mayor Ton Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmen bers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This dis tr i.ct will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Jtherc/ise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May '17. Thank You, ,/ .~~/~ name: ~`J.~ l / ~lc<~ ~"~ ~ ~"c ~`~~ address: / (n.?~~~Yt«rfr- ~J/tom ~Grl'Cc : ~<;, ~),, 7~/ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, 2 would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren gr awn. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank Ycu, name: ~~j W C~~- ~J ` (-~~,++~ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tea Richard Dahl Councilmem bars Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, i would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years From now, long after many of us may be gone, ar our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: ~ ~ ~`^'-~~ address: ~iC ~,~,~QK~~ ~~~~ Mayor Ton Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Riehard Dahl Councilmem bers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and CouncilmemDers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can 6e enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: ~la~t,~ fi `1 address: / c~ (•J' ~~/7~•~~3. Ctn.,co~ Pw~ Mayor Jon Mikela Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmem bers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, T would like to express my writ.t eri support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only 6e of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of ua may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: ~/(,((/L(!ni ~. f addresa:,'S.3Jr.I Qd7ta. ~ ~ 9/'/0 ~ ~~o+~~ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Ten Richard Dahl Councilmen bets Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, i xould like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parka can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, ,7 , name: address: V.I.P. Club Members: Me have an oDportuni ty to provide valuable input to the City of Rancho Cucamonga concerning the developement of two major parks within our city limits. On Thursday, May 9, 1985, Mr. Bill Holley, Director of Community Services will be stopping by to share with us information and answer any questions these projects and the Parks and Recreation Assessment Program. In order to make this an informative meeting, your input would be of great help. Please take a moment to fill out this questionairre. Thank you. 1. Mould you like to see two ma,lor parks developed in our community? yeses No Undecided :r 2. I am in favor of the proposed Park and Recreation Assessment Program. Yes ~ No Undecided 3. Are you a resident of Rancho Cucamonga? Yes No 4. Do you own your own home? Yes No 5. 1 would like to have the following questions and or concerns addressed. Your Name (Optional) ~ ~_ __ ~ - - Address (Optional) -/ -.-,-- Q~a ao~~ Mayor Jon Mikelc Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmem~ers Huquet, iSing and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Oouncilmeabers, I would like tc express my written support , FOR the Heritage and Red Hiil Community Par:cs dssess- aent District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. .This dlstrict will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area, Otherwise, the usual slow, grsdual development of the parks will only be of benefit to fut•.are residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gorse, or our children and grandchildren grown. P lease vote to establish the park district on May 1'7. Thank You, name: ~r2G~t(t.Z.E~,C~,~yD~~2..~~~v.. address:.S~~~ N "'• i _e ~i~ex A.H. REITER DEVELOPMENT May 16, 1965 Mayor Jon Mikels Members of the City Council CZTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Honorable Mayor Mikels Members of the City Council: We recognize the need for the City to provide a balance of activities and recreational services for the Brewing population of the City of Rancho Cuca- monga. The implementation of a park improvement and maintenance district is another necessary step in the achievement of this goal. As an active parti- cipant in meeting the community needs we recognize that the residents of Rancho Cucamonga will greatly benefit from the completion of a community parks system. Tise proposal funding program is a most equitable system available at this time for developing local parks in the existing residential areas. For this reason we support the approval of this district. Sincere , A.N IT~~lC~ CO. ugv Rei , IIi~ cc: Mr. Lauren Wasserman, City Manager Mr. Bill Holley, Community Services Division Mailing Address; P.O, Bow 1750 Newport &xh, Calibmia 9765EJ250 . (71q 751-x591 Pullman at Redhill Rdb~~s Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, Ring and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assessment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grand- children grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: ~¢-/c~ ~ 4 1~ <.~ .~ address: a o 7-~ f d7 ~ ~s dQ, ~~~ y ~ ~'~7~/ ~l Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tea Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I could like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks YOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long of±er many of us may be gone, or our chil3ren and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, _; J ~ , r ~' . , ., .-. ,.., name: address: _7 ' / t«/:. c., - _~~~"~ (~1itM b I~ Ct;G.NO, ~`~~~ t CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~ ' J 0 N ~ ~ ~ •y.. on . ikeln p ~ c r Z ~ rwll~n•m / ~ Charks J, Buquel 11 Jefhcy Ring _ 19: Rirhard M. Ilahl Pamela J. t\'ri6h! nay 2, 1985 Dr and Mrs Edmund Rumble P.O, Box 37 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 Dear Dr and Mrs Rumble, We have been re ce ivi no a lot of ones Lions from meorie lice vnnranlf whn a.o i cvoi ved in community activities, be it P.A.P.C., sof thal 1, o[ soccer, abort tie pr epos ed Park Improvement District fcr Red Pia and Heri tape Community Ra zk s. with the common interest shared by P.A.P.C., and this project, tba[ is, making o~~:r commur.i ty a better place to live and grow, it would seem appropriate to mee! for the purpose of answering cuestions which you may have about [he parks or the prograr.. in general. Fo that we may accompli sh this, we have reserved a coop at Lions Community Center, 9161 Bese line, at 7:30 p.lc. on Thursday, the 9th of May, and have sent letters of invitation to all p.A.R.C. memlxrs in the proposed Dis <rict. we very much hope to see yov at this meeting ... the future of these park impsvemenu, that is whether or not they will even be hvilt, can only he d~termJned by an Jnvelved community. Cordially, !.'. •-t. 9i 11 Holley, ni rector Community Servlces Department PH: bs A """'~ .. ~.. • iL t ~ .r ~ey,:z-12 -., e7.~~t y.~ ~3 ,.. o' ~••~~=C~Gu; co.~ -~ rr~z ~~2•.r,,(J.n F-'/.i',.a~ ~?.~" =,7 rut fr^-1.fJ CUV:d . LW -6 Or'lW ~~~[rr'7F-e+-~ C'r c~. n .3 ~ ~ .l r _ ~jr,•..~..Lrri+=!.1^f ""r: ~'?,c. .... ..1 ~rT^^~v,^". ;o- 15lzwaa~ , ly M -330 BABBLINB ROAD, 9UIT6 C • POBT OFPICB ROE 807 • RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA 91730 • 1710 960-1661 <•~ru ~ T ~ '. H 2 9040 Co'rin••^~uuo wA`• 1 C,6~,S5 c~ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, 2 would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents. years from now, long after many of us may be gone, er our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, /., . . name: ~ ~ ~ II r ~I. ~ •v ,~, „~~~ ,~2LV+lL address: ~..: Ls Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmem bars Ruquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmem bars, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, /- name: ~ ~ _~~.~,~, Qtcce _ - address: / // ;, /~ ~. ~ a~- Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, Sing and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, ,, ., I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enJoyed by those of us who currently reai de in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to Future residents, years from now, long after many of ua may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish tha park district on May 17. Thank You, name ; ~ j V~ .- address: ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ Mayor Jon Mikels :deyor ?ro-Tom Sion and Dahl Counciimem hers Bucue+., Sing and Srign± City of Rancho Cucamonga, Calif crnia Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, ? would like to express my written support ?CR the Heritage and Red Eiil Commur.i ty Parks Assess- meat District. Cur city re eds to build these parks ;I C'N. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us wha currently reside in this area. otherwise, the usual slaw, gradual deveiopmer.t of the parks will only be of benefit to future reside r.ts, years from now, long after many of us may be gore, cr our a:¢ildren and grandchildren groin. Please vote to establish the park district on ?tay 17. Thank ?cu, n /~ name: ~ ~ ~~ address: f7~~a ~ o m A ~A ~l / 7~ / ~~ ~ n '4ayor Sor. '".ikels Mayor ?ro-.em Richard Da:^.1 C ou r.ciimem hers ?uque :, iSing and i+right City of 3anchc Cucamonga, Cai L°oraia Dear Mayo '?ikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support ?GF. the °eritage and Red F:i ii Community ?arks Assess- ment Di strict. Our city needs to build these parks iJ Civ. T'.:is district wi11 insure that these parks can be enj oye3 by those of us •d.".o currently reside in this ares. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual de~re iopment of to parks ;rill or.'_y be of benefit to f~~rt ure residence, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our c'_ldren and grandchildren gr c~dn. ?lease vote to establish the park district on 7!ay .7. Thank You, .~ name: C ~ G,y, a„-,~, address: ~ --~ JI/:J -cfi(ijZL L./-.Q Yl~ .2J Mayor Son Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl C auncilmam bers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parka Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be en,j oyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: address: '~q^ s cl,~.~, Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, ,. I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enJ Dyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: address: ., ~..~_ ~') ~ / .. Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl C ouncilmem bers Duquet, icing and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayar Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written ,support i~OR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks N047. This di.s trict will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years From now, long after many of us may be gone, cr our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on Mny 17. Thank You, H name: /f_- __ p M~hyn„ O~~i~L~.(~/ address: www - _-_"'V~ ,/ //// 7 P p 4~tdcG.K.~a/rw~ /rc~ . SC,~c~,{Qx" Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Ten Richard Dahl Councilmen bers Huquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmen bers, ,.. I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, / i f / r / name `7~.;. /t, ~':/~l ^.,CCc.2 ,~;c%1~~. ~~ address: .' i ,C ~~~r_C'c._t~t~ ~ .-~ ~c'~ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks i70W. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only 6e of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: i address: ~ i _~ ~c~+lass ~+•- Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, Xing and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels an3 Cour,cilmembers, I would like to express my written support r^OR the Heritage and Red Hill Commu r.ity Par:cs Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOYl. .This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after aany of us may 6e gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. P lesse vote to establish the park district an Nay 1'7. Thank nYgou/~,~/1'/~/.(/~G~~ q„ , //~/~~,p name: ~ e~ 5 O /I~~t~'-"- address: J Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, Kirg and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Ccuncilmem bets, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage ar,d Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Ott erwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the pa r'rs will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: 4""" ~c~,"^.'^~~"i ~-- address: ~ 6 S J ~._J~^-"-w`^"' 9L~©~ Sbw.hMO•~- Ptayor Jon Mikels Maycr Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: "Y; ,~ ~ ~ \\C~w.,"u~.~ address: _~,~T., ~~U,~,cw ~ w ~~ . ~~ I ~ C, l St ~„Pso-ti. Members of the City Council This community has a great need for additional parks. Years ago when we first moved into this area we thought it a nice place to live. Our children were involved in Soccer and Little League. .dt that time there were no parks and school fields had to be used. Now nice it would have been to have a park. Now is the time and this is the way to do it. Please use this letter in a favorable support for the district funding for these parks. Sincerely, .. i..i._.A_ /. n~1c}v Michael Simpson Joimarie Simpson 6045 Trotters Lane Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 s~,~~, i -- ., ~__ _T[ ' I 1 \ .. ~J ~~ L ~ _ _ . . _ ~~ _ ~ ~ ~ J ~i i~ C ~ ~ ~ ,~ '~ a ~II Sw~ ~~ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assessment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these pazks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of 6eneEit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our ch'_ldren and grand- children grown, Please vote to es ta6li:;; the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: _d~/~^~• "~ /~ ` address: O O ~"CJ ~}~ 11-1~.~~ ~ `~ ~J70/ 'SrFan+~,.~ G-G7 A~tETHI;r Rd\Ci{O CCU![OSGA~ CALIFOR\'IA 91701 ;day 12, 198$ City of Rancho Cucamonga Council blembers 9320 Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Dear Members of the Council) It is an unfortunate paradox that we, who moved to Rancho Cucamonga for its citrus groves, chaparrel, and barrancas by our presence are destroying the rural atmosphere that we sought. Good parents seeking a substitute and to shield their children from the temptations of today need the playing fields, the open off-street freedom that only large parks can supply. For ten ears before incorporation County Service Area X50, a park and recreation board of local citizens, recognized the escalating need for a park system. Now, the State legislature has seen that need with a special assessment district to complete the present plans before our youth in idleness and boredom threaten our present quality of life. I see this bond issue as a contribution to our city's future. It is a small price to nay for a continuing orderly growth, plus the knowl- edge that I have helped our youth retain some of the rural style of living we all sought. Sincerely, r. ~- Tati~ewQ,K/ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, , I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Rill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. O tl:e rwise, the usual slow, greduel development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many aF us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 77. Thank You, name: rr qp~' /~~ ,; n~~~~t,i `, address: SBiS ~1~a~G,~_ ~ , J ~~~~ Mayor Jon Hikels Heyor Pro-Tem kichard Dshl Councilmembers Euquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Cear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express ay uritt¢n support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build theca parks FLOW. This d,.a triot Will insure that these parks can be enj cyad by those of us who currently reside in this area. Oth:ruise, the ususl slo;r, eradua:. deva_o;~aan:~ o. .. ... pa rl•s will only be oY benefit to future _asider L: years from nos, long after msny o£~~s may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grc;rn. Please vote to establish Lho park district cn Hay 17. Thank Yru, .gar Y :,t fi e, `, S'; ~ ~ name: _ ~~.~~~% ~.~ , a,:/ address: ~ -•~i ;• , ~:~ Mayor Son Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Rumuet, King and Wright City of Aar.cho Cucamonga, Ca Lfornia Dear Mayor Mikels and Cou ncilmembers, I would like to express my written support FCR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Par:cs Assess- ment District. Cur city needs to build these parks NOW. .This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the ttsual slow, gradual development o£ the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: ~..~r~C,rCP~~;~~~ address: ~j 3~ / Y-C GLl~ ~ti, ~ - 1~i 70~ To}w is Mayor Jon Mikela :dayar ?ro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmem tiers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Counci lmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Eeritage and Red Hi11 Community Parks Assess- ment District. Cur city needs to build these parks YOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long e£ter many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. ?lease vote to establish the park district on May 77. Thank You, '~ .1. address: ~?//~ ~yc.: ~-~ ~.~ ' '~ ., - '..i r'.. . ~'-'~a`( Mayor Son Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmen bers, I would like to express my written suppcrt FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Comaunity Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherxise, the usual slaw, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us nay be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank Ycu, '~ ~Gr, name: address: y~-z3 ~~~,gL,ocS9 Urbu"L~ Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor 2ro-Tem Richard Cahl Counci lm em hers Buquet, Eing and Yiright City of Rancho Cucamonga, Calif crnia wear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, i would like to express my written support °OR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment Cistrict. Our city needs to build these parks :70W, This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed 6y those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, gears from now, long after many of us may be gone. or our children and grandchildren gr aan. Please vote to establish t?:e park district or. May 17. Thank You, name• addr ~ws~: ~`. 9~e..a-~w ieµc-CCi die .f~C~/ /_ _ ~ G'.o,n~ ~eLZei .~ U Mayor Ton Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, King and Wright City of Aan cho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks ,lssess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NOW. .This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: t!"'_'pn+/,~,~,~.~,,,~ i ~ address: q~'~ ~ I`~"" - ~,(~- I.~t+e~s Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buque±, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, Ca_if ornia Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks NGW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of ;,he parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the nark district on May 17. Thank You. ~j//-_ ~ 11 ~ GC ~~ name: ~ J•~~.~b '- (n ~. ~.~ry~rfn address: y3~.~? f~i~e ~.nE ~n.c- At r.r L~.,,, rH 5~70~ l.l~a•+n~e,. Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, Bing and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red [:ill Community Parka Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parka NOW. This district will insure that these parka can be enf oyed by thcae of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the usual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us mny ba gone, or our children and grandchildren grown. Please vote to establish the park district on May 17. Thank You, name: address: ~ ~ ~~ lUassa ~~ Honorable Mayor and City Council S~~ic~ls 9320 Baseline Roatl Rancho Cucamonga, California 9l 701 Honoraole i ;~•,r and Members of Fhe Ci Sy Council: This letter is written not in my capaci l; s a City emCloyee, but as a citizen, taxpayer, and ,~rcasi onal user of parK facilities in Rancho Cur.•~ ~iija. Tne pr op r,=.e,i „.. _.. ,,,,..,~ ,_, +ppr rximately 11.86 per month is a Lair ..nd rya ^, vr,aDle price to in order to have an impr cued park system which will pr oxide more recrrational facilities .:rid will improve the quality of lift in our city. I urge your support of the proposed parK and recreation District when it is considered •~n Flay 17, 1985. Sincpr ly, ~GG..~.~...-~ Lauren M. Wasserman 6321 Campo Street Rancho Cuc amonga, California 91701 w~1ee lo~~.. Mayor Jon Mikals Mayor Pra-Tem Richard Dahl Councilm embers Euquet, King and ldright City of Raneho Cucamonga, California Czar Mayor f4 ikels snd Cour ci lmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and fled Rill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our ci L'y needs Lo build these parka II O:i. This d'striot will insure that these parks ear. b.e enj eyed by those of us who currently reside in tk:is area. Othzruise, the usual alo;i, atadun:. ..^vo. ^._~ an': ~.. .. ... Fart's will only be of be net it to fv:ure .za~der Lc ,years from now, long of Ler many of ~vs may be gcne, or nur chi.l dren and grandchildren grown. Please votz to establish tiro park district wr htay 17. Thank Ynu, //~ ~- f / name: address: ~ / `~ ~.~ G a ~L E_- ~ /fi ~ / ' .> ;, I,~;~t:~>~3 Y.t.P, Ciub Members; Ne have an opportunity to provide valuable input to the City of Rancho Cucaaanga concerning the deveiopement of two motor Darks within our city limits. On Thursday, May 9, 1985, Mr. Bitl Holley, Director of Community Services wi1T be stopping 6y to share with us inforniation and answer any questions these protects and the Parks and Recreation Assessment Program. In order to make this an informative meeting, your input would be of great help. Please take a manent to fill out this questionairre. Thank you. I. Nou1d you like to see two major parks developed in our commmitvY wes~_ Na Undecided i Z. [ am in favor of the proposed Park and Recreation Assessment Program. Yes ~~ 4o Undecided 3. Are you a -resident of Rancho Cucemonga7 Yes ~ No 4. Oo you o~wn/ your own home? Yes ~ 40 5. t would like to have the following questions and or concerns addressed. Your Name (Optional ) ~.;~ri.~ `' i'~ ``~ ! ~ c~ L Address (Optional) ~~ i ~~~~es~~7e~.- ~~" L~i.~cSd~~ltt""~C+. ~ouh-E- Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmembers Buquet, K.i ng and Nright City of Rancho Cucamonga, Ca Lfornia Dear Mayor Mikels and Councilmembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks HC41. .This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, the ttsual slow, gradual development of the parks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long of *.er many of us may be gone, or cur children and grandchildren grown. Please vcte to establish the park district on May 1'7. Thank You, name: _. ~ ~ ._. .:1 .~~.1. U address: ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~. I~u., ` `.L ~.~ c•l ''.... -.n. ~0(,~,NT Mayor Jon Mikels Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Dahl Councilmem be rs Buquet, King and Wright City of Rancho Cucamonga, Ca.tif ornia Daar Mayor Mikels and Councilaembers, I would like to express my written support FOR the Heritage and Hed Hill Community Parks Assess- ment District. Our city needs to build these parks AOW. This district will insure that these parks can be enjoyed by those of us who currently reside in this area. Otherwise, tF,e usual slow, gradual development of the narks will only be of benefit to future residents, years from now, long after many of us may be gone, or our children and grandchildren gr o~an. ?lease vote to establish the park district on htay 17. Thank You, name: i~~ ~/ - ' •~ •.... ~J'. r. -_~i .j address: - ~/i/<f ~-- 9e e.,~e.~,...:.a -. a~ ~ ~. P~ d.,fl t2.~...,.,.~,,,~,w„~,,,,,,,,,,,,~. ~;,,~,i Sri r ~ ~~~ ~~~~ 9~7~0 May 14, 1985 City Clerk Cf ty of Rancho Cucamonga Rancho Cucamonga, Ca,. 91730 w~~~~d°~ CIT( ADMINI$TN:~TCONO~ ~t( }.li 4A8191r1~+1! SN~S-B Pursuant to Resolution No. 85-101, Section 7, I wish to protest and/or object to the formation of the proposed district to the extent of the works of improvement and maintenance, and to the method and formula of the assessment. Please consfder this a formal written protest so that I will 6e allowed time to speak at the public hearing scheduled for Friday May 17th at 7:OOP.M. Thank you for this opportunity. 7 ~~ ~. ~~~ PAGE I of /~ Pagt PETZTICri AGAIpST h7siw TAY LEVIsS, ASSPHSCEti:S Ott PdES ILITSr April 25, t9tl5 TOs City Clara asldJor City Councll and all otbva rtn W' ba co¢earaad by antbority at Tba City of 8aucbo Cuca~odga, P.O. Boz 807, 9320 Baaalina goad, Raocbo Cucaaonga, C1. yt 730 Lt. it be tmolw Lbat w. tha ardaraigned propvty omva vltbin tW City of 8aucbo Lycaswnga. baraby deb it regletvad and noted accordine],y that w protest aad ob,jact to Lba Snitlation of auy tax 1a~'ias, aasaaaants or otbv Seea, aucb u currently propoaad by City RFSOLUTION NU. g5-t01, or that r1y be ao proposal to iba tutuie. ~; ble ~Perrty /i lfed ~.t /lp 1` in dl.ct~:et _'~e! l: c'6ed ~..~- JC~r, ,~~C'S ~ FAOfi~.of /_3 pa, PnTITION AGATNST NEli TAI L5J'Ik=S, /~.SSS551~25 Oh F'r,FS -1'ibt April 25. 19tl5 .. TOs City Clark ardor City Council and all othara rho any be concerned 6y authority of Tha City of Snacho Cncmaga, P.O. Hoz d07, 9320 &nsalina Noad, Aencho CucmnQa, CA. 91730 :,at iL be kfsolm tluL n, Lha astdarti~ed praparty otnara rithin the City of haaeao CucaaonQa, hereby rich St regleLerad and acted accordiay].,y LhaL ve protaeL and object to the initiation of any taz la~iae> a»eeaante or other fare, ouch u currently propoaad hY City ItFSCLOTiGN NG. 45-101, or that nay ba eo proposed 1o ton future. ,~~ /1 1Y'/ U.s./ ~~/': ((..': /~. ~/...,•L ~~ /i. ± i l~l~dtt.a__ L~!- ~y/GY :l/yam /NI t ~ ~ ~ "11, r_r ~llii~ C,.~ ~[41C1 [! (~~u{/~' ~ ~ ~'~ ~` *' ~ ~` i~.^ ~f '+~C ~ --- dod-Jr7-/v /o77 'GO/-a ~_ : / - r~~ c ~~ ~~ ak -~- dF ~ f Y Qfc o,ew/y /. cL'~d.... ~„p ,.. PbTITION AG,'.itiST Nr~i T1Y LEYIsS, ASSTsSSlSF17:S Ok FsFS DATBs April 25, ~9tl5 TGs City Glaris and/or City Couacll and all others vno aqy be concerned by authority of The City of Reecho Cucamonga, P.O. Boz 807, 9320 Iuwline Road, Rascho Cucamonga, GA. 9730 Let it be Imomo that Ra, the mderaigoed property omens rithis Lhe City of kancho CueaaKwga, hereby Rich it regiatarad and noted accordingly that w protest and oD~ect to the SnitlaLion of aqy taz leries, aasessaente or other fare, such w currently proposed by City Rr.SOLUTiON Nu. d5-~Ot, or that Bey be ad proposed in the future. irANn ADORFSS ' ~ 9 -/9 /'oG / :. / ,,'~- --- - i 7 C.~ ~L ~~-d -ti )i iAY~ ~LLC K~C~ x.9,-/9/-a 7 / ~~ ~~ ,~ P ~. ~^ D' I ~~ ~F +Yf // / 2~9-/S/'O~ Yni:LI(,n AGAINST ~i•:r TAX LEYIiS, ASStS51fr1i'.S Un FicS LAili: April 25, 19d5 TU: City Clark and/or City Council and all others vho may oe concerned by authority of The City of iuncM Cucamonga, F.U. Box tiU7, 9320 baseline Boad, Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 97730 Let it be Imovn that w, the uudersignad property omere rithin the City of iuncho Cucamonga, haraby vlah it regiaterad and noted accordingly that w protest and object to the initiation of aqy taz levies, usassments or other fees, sun as currently proposed by Gity I(l~iJLdffUN a0. of-107, or that may oe so proposea in tha future. nAn. Auu "^ ~ ~ ~ i, x~ ~ it ~~ ~'a"" ,A, .7y. an9-/d/-/o ~~ ~~77~~/(f .~~{ ;1-. ii^L•c 'S ~ Ali ~ c c .c .. / ~ ~9 -/si - A 4 . ,. v9'/aJ'/o ~ 1 ~. ., 2~9-y:i-°~L:~t C'taµ ~.'!- t 6 i ~ * Nd6 /irt ea P1Gc 15 _.~, PSfITION I0!<IIiST Ahli TIZ I$YIIiq, IRCT~co:y uTS 08 F4S L/•Tfi: 1yri1 25, 198$ ':0: CITY OF 8~UC80 CUCIMONGI. City Clark and/or City Conncil and all oth^ra rho ty~ ba concarn^d Df authority of the City of 8^ncho Cuca^o^Qy P.O. boi 80T, 9320 Ba^alina Goad, kancho CucuonQy C1. 91730 ii7' IT it& YDIOYII TfLLT iI6, TBB UNDEttSIOHfiU PBOPB(iTY Oi0007S YITHIII TiUi CITY OP $AlIC80 LUCAlIONG~, ii&88BY Yigp IT BA!iI5TfiH6D ~YD Y(YfSD ICCCiYULiOIS TFLT it6 PBOT5ET AIfD OBJaCT TO Tim IYITLTIOY OF IYY TII ITiVI&S, ASg634~iTg OB OTHYfl FYPg, SUCH L4 CUBRBDITLY PYOPOgID gY CITY BSSOLUTIOY Y0. 85.101, OA TfLT Mt<Y B>< 30 PBOPG4&D IJI TFIP FUTUBTi. fi~ ~~ i ~~ ~~~_ y" `-f iC dt' ~lt _ ~ ~'~` .~ iE ~_ ~/ :r-~ ~ri~ _ 1n~l,~'9 %i~r ;f - t 2 ~~~rr .~, ao9-ohs -~'~ ~ , ~i ~~ ~- +~ '~' * '~ ~f ~ #~C ~ '~ --- ~yF NoE I;,t-~ C vv..._ ~; ~,i ~eoo ,; , . PELITIOR 1Ga11ST IiE4 TlI LEYiTS. 1SSGS3.h1+~5 0[t FEFS 1LTEs 1pri1 25, 1985 T0: CI~Pi OP RANCHO CUCIMOROA. City C1srlc and/or City Council and all othara vao ayy oa coacarnad by authority of toe City of Raacm CucaaoaQa, P.O. boz 807, 9320 Haaellna Joao. Ha¢cho GtizcaaoaQa, C1. 9t 730 IfT IT hE i(N0401 TH1T NE, THE I1ND~SIG1(ED PROPERTY GWFdS YITHiII THE CITY OP RARCHO CUCAMDIIGA, H'aREBY iiISH IT BD'YISTEfiED AMD IiOTfiD 1000RDIIIGLY THAT ifE PROT~T AYD OBJECT T'0 THY INITIATION OF 1YY TAI 7BYIlii, ASSBS9IEIITS OE OTHEE FEES, SUCH AS CUBHEEITLY PROPOSED BY CITI B5SOLUTION N0. 85.101, OR THAT iIAT BE 50 PROPOSED Iy THE FUTUBE. ' lDI1R8SS /l u 6 S ti~ ~,.r-.f~~ ~-~ p qeq-OY/rof n aef-ev.+,'p .r ~ aei_pYi-~i.- 3of-oYi -J] ~ 9~yG 2t'L-a~~vr ~.C' C ~c~- `` /''30f -ion 3e -/a/-o] ~e9-/oi -o a. l ~ ~ ~fIC~.!/ zev-rni/ /~~,`/-.~~ .P" LLB, L~o •~~ f.~'}w~{ - Rf11 ~ ~ r^/4 / iy _ ~ .~,~, a ti S ,Fa ~~ ->r >>r i ~* ~y ~ iY- r~ 1'F +k` ~ ~ ~, ~ / ....L4 ~~ ~ ~ ~/ ~~ ~~ .~ -~ .. ~ ~ ]~-o~ nor-]]/--IY aOf- ]i-~~ai-i = ~ .7b's Hof- ~~~ ~ ~i-,-~ 1 ~ ~ Ft~~.' +~ '~pj -rN-]Y ~ ~ / mss- ~;cw-mow; ,Do..eJ-Yr RMO~ ~Y1 P..... ' %' ._ ... c' PETITION AGAINS2 NEVI TAY LEYI&S. 1SSFSShStiNTS OR FEES llATE: April 25, 1985 T0: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONvA. Cit) Clerk and/or City Council aaa all others wEo w Da conearnad h7 authority 01 the Clt) of RaacDo Cuca~ouga, P.O. bo: 607, 9320 Baaelina Rosa, Rancho Cuca~ouEy C1. 91730 LET IT bE ILNOi,71 THAT YiB, THE UNL6tu^IGNEL PROPIItTY Ogii'uiS YLTHIN TiUi CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONu1, iQiBEBY NISN IT RH!iISTERED ANU NGTED 1000IUII.NGLY THAT NE PRpfi~T AIID OBJECT TO TiRi IIiITIATION OF ANY T1I LEYIYS, ASSF9SlOMITS OR GTNER FEES, SUCH AS CUR6ENTLY PROFQSfiD RY CITY RESOLUTION Iq. 85.101, OR THAT MAY BE SO PROPOSRD IN Tiffs PUTUZE. NAME 1D-RF.wS ~ r 0 /.2x9-%9':~oa~ /J /. /X ~G /7 n. / ~~ ~ ~ * il• ~~ Iti.n..c. ~/f 7y~.-wct~ ~ ,', 7/(r //L !~/n, _ 't ~- !~r'n i dig q' C~/ N,: ~ z~s-/s/-/3 ~7~,(~ 71ClLn, ;CL~t. .~1 ~.T-r..{t',rr. C-c_ ~~~.~ ~ i L aa9 t.-,. ~<.. ~,c.~... , -~~.. ~ ~F -lE %N' ' al` ~ ~ C -' - a ~" ~ ~ *~ X IF Not PETITION AG~II'ST REiI TlI I.EYIB3, ,ccuccsouT3 C8 PEES sLTEs 1pri1 25, 1985 :Os CITY UP RwWNCRO CUCINONsiI. City Clark and/or City Covncll and all others van syy ba coacaraad h7 authority of tW City of Beacon ChcasaooEa, P.O. Bos 807, 9320 Baaelisu Goad, Rancho Cucaaoaga. (:W. 91730 iST IT b& i;Di0iR7 T31T 4r8~ THE UNL6ttSIGNEU PROPERTZ OMOiE+IS itITHIR TRL CITY OP RWC4iO COCANOI{u~~ HERHRY YI38 IT REOISTEREO 111D NOTED 1CCORDIMGLY TROT' YE PROTRST ~IID OBJECT TO TRY IIiiTI4TI0N OF INY T1I I.YYIBS, ASSB3S!®ITS OE OTNER PEBS, 9UC9 L4 CUR85EITLY PROPOSED SY CITI BESOLUTIOR Y0. 85.lOlr OR TB~T !US BE SO PROPOSED Ill THE PVTUBE. N _ AD11R&SS ao!-/ol-03 s i ~ i ~?~ ~~ i, _ #' ~ J7 7 ~- !Ci~// ~ ~ //;., Hof-/a~-o j - ~ _ '/. T - _ Ib dl' _ ~_r .~~._ 'Q ~. * 3K v ..i .. .s~ -~ -- L..,: ..~iv ~'C jy --_ ~ ~ ~e9~ei-or. ae9- ~7~V <Q 7~L I .rtaL"~ I CSI ~ / .C ~ -ems /5 S T /J ~ : /~ fl //C' ~' ~~ I ii M~ C _ _ . ~ ' ~, /ao5-iei-o ~ ~~ : °I ~.. ~ ~ : i ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~_~~ 1 ~~ _ - 309-/a7 -H /d /_i./-iu. ~/"~.'.. ~://~ r/-/7y/ /i i 1 J~' / /LC// ~/ ~ . . - _ - _ ~_ ~ ,/ ~ c ~ ,~~ E~~ ~ s~~-T~~~ / ~ _ _ . - ,. 20f-~., -04 r ~l "' t(/,'n1.lu eA-.tJ/~ Q p S ~ JI' I r e//~ _ ~ l G ~.( t` ,~cu~' 14~~~ s`~ l.'h i~~A iris- Notir.(-.~a PETITIO- 1GAIIiST MB4 TAI LTYITSi AS3TSS!oiMT'S Oit FTT.S DATTs ,1yri1 25r 1985 TOs CITY OF AAtiCHO CUCATIOY~A. pt7 Clark arW/or CitF Co~cll ead all otbere v¢o V7 ba eo¢car¢W bT anthorit~ of the City of Nacho Cuceoo¢gy P.o. Noz 807, 9320 Saaelina Noel, +~~ 4titcatifo¢Ta, CA. 91730 IiT IT fiT iY0irl7 THAT air TNT UtiLFLSI61iTL PiOPEaTY OIiNFd3 1QTNLf TNT CITY OF R1NCN0 CUCAMDYGI~ NTitTBY SRSN IT YY6ISTTNBD 1YD YOTTD ACCOYDIYOLY ^t NAT 11T PTOTTST AMD 08JTCT TO T'~ IYITLTIOY OF AYI TAY IitifIBS~ ASSSS.4SIIT3 08 OTfPiY FTiS~ SUCH IS CUTBTYTLY PYOFOSTD NY CITY YTSOLUfIOY Yo. 85.101, OY THAT NAT BT SO PHOPOSTD IY TNT FUTUBT. f ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ /K ~ .~ ~1t *~ AF y` PSTITI08 Au1IAST NfiYi PAY I,BYIisS, ASSTLSSNBA'PS oB FaTLS DATBi April 25, 1945 ;Os CITY OF HAtiCHO CUGINOh,iA. City Clark and/or City Council ano ail othera xm aye oa coacaraed by auttwrity of the City of Bancho Cucaaoaga, P.O. box ?~7, 9320 iuaelina Hnad, 2aacho C7scaaouQa, GA. 91730 :iT IT BB BnuMN TH1T W8, TH8 UNi;6ttgIG:"..'J PBOPSstTY O1Ri8d5 YITBIDI TtS CITY OF HAYGHO CUCAMOliG1, HEitEBY iil3ii IT HBGISTEiiID 11ID YOTBD ACfARDLiOLY TH1T 118 PBOT~T 1YD ObJBCT '10 THY I8iTL1TI0N OP AYY T1Z ISJIYS, ASSSSS7~IITg OH OTHa"'6 FIBS, SUCH AS CUHH88TiY P80PQSID BY CITY HBSOLUTIOY N0. B5~101, 08 THAT NAY B8 50 P80POS8D IY ThB PUTIJd8. 8AM8 ADDHFSS i q .!Y f- °r -- ~ ----- - - - --r-- - ~ -ma=r '~- 1. i~/'1, ~`:?f-_-____ __ gym, wii - --- _ :,o~-,o,-x. <c n-. ,,;o~-;~,-,rlcz~ ~ ,~.,'.-mac .,L7`' C-C.. «~~ T • r ln~1~ J L - _ ~ `-`~~_ `t ~ ao.-~cv•cJ T -- ~ ~ / ion-Ji~-oY / , -~ ~ . - ,,4,~~ . . ~~ ~~ ~~ .~ Yc ~ ~i et et ,_j , ~vl,o "~.,,.~-, (~~ /pG~-Ga -~Y -- ._ - . ~ •_ jIt lc Not 1; .: ~ ih ~ ~ '/' 3r '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~.'~.' PSTITIOY AfJIYST li&YI T/S LYVIES. ASSF.SSFI:NTS OH Fa'CsS iLTY: ,lprll 25, 1985 POs CITY OF B~NChO CUCINOtii,~. City Clarlc and/or City Gonncll aad all othara rho aq ba conearwd bl authority o2 the City oY tlancho Cucuonga, P.O. Boz 807, 9320 Haaeli n. Yoad, dancho Cuca~onYa, G~. 91730 ii"i IT bb YliOh]i TH1T SiY, PHb UYDTtiiSIGNYU PHOPBZtTY OUhBdS YITi3IY THY CITY OP bAYCHO GJCI!lOYG~, 85uYbY 5iI3H ZT BYGZSTYRYiI 1YD YOTYD 1000YDINOI3 T}LT YY PBOTYST UID ObJYGT TO THY IYITIATIOY OF ~IIY TAI IYYi&5, 1.S.5ES:1lbIPTS OY OTHYY FYY.S, SUCE AS CUHH®ITDY PiWPOSbD S7( CITY YESOI.i1T'IOY Y0. 85101, OH Tki~1' NAY BY SO PflOPOSYD IY THY FUTUHY. 5i~ ~ ~) /~ _ - . ~ Jo77-1s/-AY ~ ~ ~)lreai: ,,.,c~. I ~~tr~: ^,1~~ ioe5 `i )vryr.~.<~{!~ rC ~c~~~~a~~a+;T - _ t ~k qc Not 1; at.J PA~c ~ .~. PTTT'1ION AG1IiiST NTM' T1Y I.TYLLS, ASgTSShet7LS Og FTTLS DATT: April 25, 1985 TO: CITY OF 3ANCd0 CUCAHONOA. City Clerk and/or City Connell and all others woo w ba concaruad by authority of the City of iuncho Cucamonga, F.O. Sox 807, 9320 Easeline Hoad~ Rancho Cuca~ongy CA. 91730 ;.TT IT LB iiNJ'et: THAT' iI3~ Th'T UNi1TaSIGYTiD Pfl[iPTftTY Otilii: ac eiTylN '.::ib vii~I OF rtANCNii COGAMONGI, u£R;ny 5i':'=" :T a3iigTTHTD 1ND NOTTD ACCOTDINGLY THAT idT PBpTTBT AND ObJTCT i0 TnTc INZ'IIIuiON OF ANY T1Z TTiYIB,S~ .15SE9.4ls11T$ OY 01'HTH FTTT.S~ gUCil AS CUBRTNTLY FNOPOSnD 3Y CITY HFSOLUTIOY l10. 85-101, OT THAT !!AY BT SO PNOP0.STD IN TNT PIPfUHfi. i~AlHs APTP£SC "~ i ~ •n; ~: ~,v r~ r J//~ibk ~., / 1i .Y X11 -5~b/. X~ eR'~ '~ ~ ~~tiK= k'~ ~/t l ~/b`7 n 1-~.l~,l„l.~/{' ' C~uC{-/ l~ ~ ~1~ - ,~., s . ~~. ~Jt~1 1, i .` ao 9-7v C-'IrY Y~G/ ~j Y~( ~ ~ ~ ~ G. ._ '~~V1 ~ ~~. L1~r ~ _lI I~ ~ ~ iii 4 ~4~ b _ poi- i.- i 7 ,Ze>-4tI-Y7 !i't~cR! h e<72 °~ f ~~ c> F I . _ v RIPV r .:A~FI ,~t/~ ' zed 'd//-r4 7 Y. 7k Nof //,fwl Y'sTZTiOY AGAIIST Eatil TAY LEYIR3. ASSESShhNT3 OR FE65 ILTS: April 25, 1985 TO: CITY OP RIYCHO CUCIMUI:G1. City Clark and/or City Council tea all others imo W o• concerned B7 autmrity of the City of Reecho Cucasnnga, P.0. nox 807. 9320 Baseline Hord, Rancho Cueaaonga~ C~. 91730 I3T IT BE ~Y0117 T:"i~T WEB THE JYLEt~SIGuBL PROPERTY OYR+T1dS YiTHIH TiQi CITY OP RAYCYO CUCA3fOYGl. Hfiii®Y Yi3ii IT BCGI3T&dsD 11m YOTID ICCOYDIYGLY TFLT YG P@OTSYT IlU) OnJSCT TO TiS IIiITLTIOY OP AYY TAI IYPiFS~ 13SSS9~i11T3 OR OTfQsR FsSS. SUCK IS CUH86YTLY PYOP0.SS0 BY CITY HESOLUTIOY Y0. 85.101, OH TRAT M~7C BE SO PROPOSED IY TYE FVfUHE. ~ ~ ~ William Holley Director of Community Services City of Rancho Cucamonga Protest of park and recreation isprovement for Heritage and Red Hill community parks in the city of Rancho Cucamonga. I object to any additional taxes levied against our property far the following reasons: 1. Voters passed Prop. 13 to held property taxes down. 2. If property taxes are allowed to go up, it will make it very difficult far young families to own homes in our city. 3. Also, senior citizens will find it impossible to meet the tax increase on fixed incomes. a. Park development and maintenance is just one step in expand irg our city. This could and would lead to other needed as- sessments as the years go on. 5. we would end up defeating Prop. 13. This would be wrong. b. Our city is growing and the tax revenues are increasing. We could finance the parks from present revenues if we really wanted this program to work. 7. You are denying the voters their right to vote on a community issue. Print Name Signature Address 1'fA»,~o.~.> !n. -:~~~.v. ,f~~~~7 X35.? Tib+P~u(~l1~PF~j I~iCN°E1+ ~, f'46Cngc,i.v ~ '~:4~Q ~d'~~Z,~~L~rc 6~36~2 ~.~h~p'~t.reii;'t r ~` q, ,~~ 1 William Holley Director of Community Services ' City of Rancho Cucamonga Protest of park and recreation improvement for Heritage and Red Hi11 community parks in the city of Rancho Cucamonga. " I abject to any additional taxes levied against our property for the following reasons: 1. Voters passed Prop. 13 to hold property taxes down. 2. If property taxes are allowed to go vp, it will make it very difficult for young families to own homes in our city. 3. Also, senior citizens will find it impossible to meet the tax increase on fixed incomes. 4. Perk development and maintenance is just one step in expanding our city. This could and would lead to other needed as- sessments as the years go on. 5. We would end up defeating Prop. 13. This would be wrong. 6. Our city is growing and the tax revenues are increasing. We could finance the parks from present revenues if we really wanted this program to work. 7. You are denying the voters their right to vote on a community issue. Print Name Signature Address /J/o6]-!W/ -R6 ~IY.IIES N/Cf~C£~ ~g-i?/-4G-wee % /M Sof~i~3 ` ~~77-4/I-S]-oooo M°r jf] !dQ?- oQ -MR !,Q 0 ~' /04/- ?o/-3fr ~/~/~~a ~,~i~co .?ofr- SGD-o/- eeeo ~3 S :.e ~~2C ~~ ,~ William Holley Director of Community Services City of Rancho Cucamonga Protest of park and recreation ivprovement for Heritage and Red Hill community parks in the city of Rancho Cucamonga. I object to any additional taxes levied against our property for the following reasons: 1. Voters passed Prop. 13 to hold property taxes down. 2. If property taxes ere allowed to go up, it will make it very difficult for young families to own homes in our city. 3. Also, senior citizens will find it impossible to meet the tax increase on fixed incomes. 4. Park development and maintenance is just one step in expanding our city. This could and would lead to other needed as- sessments as the years go on. 5. We would end up defeating Prop. 13. This would be wrong. 6. Our city is growing and the tax revenues are increasing. Ke could finance the parks from present revenues if we really wanted this program to work. 7. You are denying the voters their right to vote on a community issue, Print Name Signature Address M/ s6~~~~F,Lwea~ cf )~ C ~, 1P.G. ~C ~.l'J 1 `~frl~_~id C~ i~ ~ ~3'i?~t7,~r+la~u.~G'~,~C William Holley Director of Community Services City of Rancho Cucamonga Protest of park and recreation improvement for Heritage and Red Nill community parks in the city of Aancho Cucamonga. I ob,7ect to any additional taxes levied against our property for the following reasons: 1. Voters passed Prop. 1~ to hold property taxes down. 2. If property taxes are allowed to go up, it will make it very difficult for young families to own homes in our city. 3. Also, senior citizens will find it impossible to meet the tax increase on fixed incomes. 4. Park development and maintenance is just one step in expanding our city. This could and would lead to other needed as- sessments as the years go on. 5. lie would end up defeating Prop. 17. 'This would be wrong. 6. Our city is growing and the tax revenues are increasing. we could finance the parks from present revenues if we really wanted this program to work. 7. You are denying the voters their right to vote on a community issue. ~e~-< e z C ~.1.~ S ~', r~ ., (C'~~17 FCGLGCEcT- '~' 6/~7 Ceyxea ~ gs s ~s 6 .~ Goa ~~ (c l,~j SRn/n S./t~ 'A`~r<xh~Co/~)wtc !G~~~. ~~ zz .L GGG/a ~L/1N~ :. i~ William Holley Director of Community Services City of Rancho Cucamonga Protest of park end recreation improvement for Heritage and Red Hill community parks in the city of Rancho Cucamonga. I object to any additional taxes levied against our property for the following reasons: 1. Voters passed Prop. 13 to hold property taxes down. 2. If property taxes are allowed to go up, it will make it very difficult for young families to own homes in our city. 3. Also, senior citizens will find it impossible to meet the tax increase on fixed incomes. 4. Park development and maintenance is just one step in expanding our city. This could and would lead to other needed as- sessments as the years go on. 5. We would end up defeating Prop. 13. This would be wrong. 6. Our city is growing and the tax revenues are increasing. N'e could finance the parks from present revenues if we really wanted this program to work. 7. You are denying the voters their right to vote on a commur.i ty issue. Print Name Sig^atu re Address ~ C' ~~ ,~c CA _ 9n3o 9/ Y; ~i ~3 5'i ~~ gSIS~ 9th St~ ~~.,/73c William Holley Director of Community Services City of Rancho Cucamonga Protest of park and recreation improvement for Heritage and Red Hill community parks in the city of Rancho Cucamonga. I object to any additional taxes levied against our property For the following reasons: 1. Yoters passed Prop. 13 to hold property Saxes down. 2. If property taxes are allowed to go up, it will make it very difficult For young families to own homes in our city. 3. Also, senior citizens will find it impossible to meet the tax increase on fixed incomes. 4. Park development and maintenance is just one step in expanding our city. This could end would lead to other needed as- sessments as the years go on. 5. We would end up defeating Prop. 13. This would be wrong. 6. Our city is growing and the tax revenues are increasing. We could finance the parks from present revenues if we realty wanted this program to work. 7. You are denying the voters their right to vote on a community issue. __. r ,~Sr~Et~-~~ . s~ 8C ~Z Signature Address Print Name tl'1'r iJaQ I7 1 William Holley Director of Community Services City of Rancho Cucamonga Protest of park and recreation improvement for Heritage and Red Hill community parks in the city of Rancho Cucamonga. I object to any additional taxes levied against our property for the following reasons: 1. Voters passed Prop. 13 to hold property taxes down. 2. If property taxes are allowed to go up, it will make it very difficult for young families to own homes in our city. 3• Also, senior citizens will find it impassible to meet the tax increase on fixed incomes. 4. Park development end maintenance is just one step in expanding our city. This could and would lead to other needed as- sessments as the years go on. 5. We would end up defeating Prop. 73. This would be wrong. 6. Our city is growing and the tax revenues are increasing. Ke could finance the parks from present revenues if we really wanted this program to work. 7. You are denying the voters their right to vote on a community issue. ~' Print Name Signature Address William Holley Director of Community Services City of Rancho Cucamonga Protest o£ park and recreation improvement for Heritage and Red Hill community parks in the city of Rancho G~camonga. I object to any additional taxes 1-vied against our property for the folloxing reasons: 1. Voters passed Prop. 13 to hold property taxes down. 2. If property taxes are allowed to go up, it will make it very difficult for young families to own homes in our city. 3. Also, senior citizens rill find it impossible to meet the tax increase on fixed incomes. 4. Park development and maintenance is just one step in expanding our city. This could and would lead to other needed as- sessments as the years go on. 5. We would end up defeating Prop. 13. This would 6e wrong. 6. Our city is growing and the tax revenues are increasing. We could finance the perks from present revenues if we really wanted this program to work. 7. You ere denying the voters their right to vote on a community issue. Print Name Address 0.,(?J- ~Qi `~ William Holley Director of Community Services City of Rancho Cucamonga Protest of park and recreation ivprovement for Heritage and Red Hill community parks in the city of Rancho Cucamonga. I abject to any additional taxes 11.v ed against our property for the following reasons: 1. Voters passed Prop. 17 to hold property taxes down. 2. If property taxes are allowed to go up, it will make it very difficult for young families to own homes in our city. 3. Also, senior citizens will find it impossible to meet the tax increase on fixed incomes. 4. Park development and maintenance is just one step in expanding our city. This could end would lead to other needed as- sessments as the years go on. 5. we would end up defeating Prop. 13. This would be wrong. 6. Our city is growing and the tax revenues are increasing. We could finance the parks from present revenues if wa really wanted this program to work. 7• You are denying the voters their right to vote on a community issue. ~ Address . ~-~1 li,._ ~_.,.,. (~Q~~ /'1/rQ ~' /~ 6~a///e.iti rr ti - ~ l r~ _ ~ ~ _ ~ ~uG t r-~ iz ~<~ ~, ,~, .`, ..~h~,~2-~ 'J~a~Yl06 7647 %2a/c 4/a,~ ('u.q~~3 William Holley Director of Community Services City of Rancho Cucamonga Protest of park and recreation improvement for Heritage and Red Hill community parks in the city of Rancho Cucamonga. I object to any additional taxes levied against our property for the following reasons: 1. Voters passed Prop. 13 to hold property taxes down. 2. If property taxes are allowed to go up, it will make it very difficult for young families to own homes in our city. 3. Also, senior citizens will find it impossible to meet the tax increase on fixed incomes. 4. Park development and maintenance is just one stcp in expanding our city. This could and would lead to other needed as- sessments as the years go on. 5. We would end up defeating Prop. 13. This would be wrong. 6. Our city is growing and the tax revenues are increasing. k'e could finance the parks from present revenues if we really wanted this program to work. 7. You are denying the voters their right to vote on a community issue. i nature Address ~-~~ i~ ___.., 7s~y ~q William Holley Director of Community Services City of Rancho Cucamonga Protest of park and recreation improvement for Heritage xnd Red Hill community parks in the city of Rancho Cucamonga. I object to any additional taxes levied against our property for the following reasons: 1. Voters passed Prop. 13 to hold property taxes down. 2. If property taxes are allowed to go up, it will make it very difficult for young families to own homes in our city. 3. Also, senior citizens will Find it impossible to meet the tax increase on fixed incomes. 4. Park development and maintenance is just one step in expanding our city. This could and would lead to other needed as- sessments as the years go on. 5. We would end up defeating Prop. 13. This would be wrong. 6. Our city is growing and the tax revenues are increasing. we could finance the parks from present revenues if we really wanted this program to work. 7. You are denying the voters their right to vote on a community issue. Print Name Signature Address ~ ~ /? C!'(a ni• ~ in ~3 `~j~ '' ~ r'ti.? Ti,L~FiuC~Kt~F/) /~/ ~~lC !!°LL' i. f:°.1 Lb~,~.l .'/',cicf~R ~1 `YQ ~LK ~>L J 3<:2 i%Cr:r ~G~. .~.':~L ~~-- 9i Jc MAi-( i-7'h L3E ~o~~'TO G~Cy CI,C-RK (~f~TA C.cr1R X11 (, 1-t SCHOU I.. 'x"~~ FF~-° W~ ~~17T~. ST ~ ~ ~ r~~~ ~"N A T W E w ~~. 4~ ~ ~ t. T ~'1' ~ ~ ~- ~ S~ \~E ~~ ~" ~ CAE. ~ ru O ~ v~ L~ \`-n ~'~ iJ lJ~ p N~ ~U~ v 5 ~6'~C~ . I• MR5• ~A4MON0 °181vS SER S~y ~IVD CtX-I}. 3, ~G fnl/~ ~ Gcs csf..w-moo ~6'O T~-tc~ry ~cvl1 ~. MR, 5 N1Rs `QAN K C , UuQ/3t~ 9x,S aANCNO 3t1258Y fbCUO, cocgr~w~ s/yN g'7/~ L~e~v ~~ ~~~-7~--/ ~Qir~rr + fiu_ ~- ~ $~~ 2 S }}vc. rn.~,--.' ..~'t j~. ~~--js--~--u ~`~.~2 ~i~~~ 87/ of ~~ u.~e~,c~ +i +- ~~J. -~ _ _ ~~~` - ~'ueiJ/1 v ~'~+~ ;: ~~ : =~ z~ . Lam. a~ ~ r ~ 9~9dQ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ . Y7 a'r rs~..,.1n~ ~~,-"n~~~-~n,~~ Ord-+-2 aptn.e~a. ~sl,~" ~,~.+nenn~ ~`6, ~ c,~a. ,~ b'7 a a ~uK~~ ~_..__ ~- '_~~ t w ~ `~~Sd-~ .~ mAd ~rS Y » s~I~F ~ ~ h~ ~ " ~icn+~:.. ~ae ~~~(~iy ~fG..y 1rc: .i:~y -r Li gh ~Ep J ~, ~~di~'~ic~'-. .~ , ~ )n A. l~ q(ZAS P ~ Z ' y r C •.,. tNn~ 3~a1 T~ imvf cC~ On.;~ . lV 7 'SIRS . ~i m~ti-G~ fJ `T ~. 1~~ - ~i~ / ~FL~~ S-/S s'ue` 9~~ ~.[, 964 r~.h ~ti.•-He,.. ,pew.-~- _.gGa2c~ .-y,c~k,c~L~.iy i(,,L ~~26~')~,~ ~,(4t. z~L~-~/:~~ .J7/va/ ~ r / _ / J T~~ ~~ L I, , y, 1 i ~, o S ~~ ~ ~ s ~(,~1r,~~(.(, ~Gq~ ~ar roCL srYm~ 15~~5,-7~~irFF-E/~I , C"ur,inni>+. '~/ YCc' So-' /Gt~L l /~'~ c\C~r. ;MA •~vt ~ "~ca ~i r6 Lcc~ • _ -_-L~~3 u-.le~~Iw~.yi.~l .~ L .~,...-- ~~ ~~~tiw~ cis ~ It - ~ t /~l~e~dt-iJ.i-ie-ate ~7 i S~G/~1 /673 J~firy ~n '"~"~~Zi/`-~'~/(~ . ~ i/+~ ~ .?e0-~/SJ ~~ s { d v.~ °jE-,iL - 1~ //.I.~GL~w+~v n~~;,~/ ~ ~~J,~~- ~~~ /n~~tti z`a ~ytauce ~C ~a ~ s ;3y, ~.~ P1Irt .e~~Guf,~//~~t.- .~eL ~o ~ea,~ s ="6 %j =" /( ~u ~~5 ? `-~ ~~'~~ ~~~~ tip ,.2~_Q ~ F~= ~. ~3y0 ~-t~~~rc d S ~a ~~c~ ~/~~d~ ~~~ J 74N-~ ' / KJl! :lam h:~ ' 4 ~/~~/ L~'~~'~ ~ ~ c ~ ~,.,%, C, . r v. ~.,ni L~e.E.K.; `~ev2/zcy.. fluTtl~ ~ ~ (',,-~ .:~ /~/~,vc/c~ <%/l/~d))c,~'rT ~ we ~e u,vD~~ ~ ., !, , `. S , C/+,yc7~ r7 r e I~~ c 7 t .S-n n, l- < r ~~..Jc ~C .-i r. .y ~~JJ sH /F/vim L n:rF~N<~ THc 11c.5e/vr CX,sri.vC~ I'y,C,{} N/jMr.D .fir Tr~r /\~.~~ r. ,v rLS ~r13Ly ~/t= T,N ~' _ / AIL--`•,. (/`cn~Fn1S~ .r cUCULD .~/~f'LA/~ cc'L- ~iP~ST !t/L~~ A ~ / ID C./CE DE'_~I AIC'TMt`:(ti ~. LL/c qL~. :~E,CC, /C, i IS, S ~f'~!/c,~;~ ! C!Y S!>~4.4> FFi}p~~ ~~~T, c~ •T 7z q V/r)z- t3 7; e ~-'_ ~( i.vv ~V~3rr~Ly i7i45~ CC.%i p r?/~e y ``' r c</r,T~ ~A~'7.) 7N,r5 / ,+Y .5 - / ~' ~i~~/NCT %79XL-~ %~ ,Qo4~i Vf? ~),.. ~ -. ~~ `/ • !' ~~~-~~ /ate ~ / ~ <. } ci., ~, 7 6 `~ S-L~ Cti4 -~`a ~,,,:St.e~-v°..,c-wee . •~ .., u. ~.,....~~ ~- ~Y A) 4' e L'c C~r...:.1.} ~~<..u.t.i (.t-w! K.., `.~ /7 S <` D ~ / :~~ ~~ ~i:-i.Lt~t.--e^ 75•i~/` ~/~»...-~.s'It~,~t/lf..._<~.=b:•c.o~..,~n ~117j6 .G'LzC°l~'({KL yS75' TJLCC//c:. / /~ ~ 4 l ~ '4 LS/G= • CctC4'. ~tG;'~4.i (/7 3G ~ ~ \/ 'r(,U~.- /lc-(,~~ ~ ~S?3 ~i.zv~„ t'~_l.i~E~~j.~..-:~~t ll~30 ~' i ~~ ~~ ;'%~~' ,Z!jUa.N/.' ~~/,,-r ,:~': ,/;moo )• ~c ~ ~ fl h ,'Sli-os~.~.. ro' ,i~.u ~ ~ s 1 I~{- /~!r c i. s-c~ (.'~ca,., o YC ~ ~' ~7~ 'j /L 2 ~ a~u~rr~-cam, ?y~/~/ !~ i /~~hfAisO <?c./~a. ~/7J>C, 1(J ~, ~~ n ~~ ~ ~"~c~~c~~.>-r~ 7UU3 ~~'/-~ !'2,-~<L..;o ~C~ c/730 `i"'///G~~f/~%IoGLC- '/f 9a SAM/~a /~Idk76 -C~e1Lo "~.e-ti.d-+-"._ 7j .3 j ~'o ~.,, .r a /~/e -'~F L~c.c 9 ~7 3 a s \~0.~-~S.L~'.$.~~/ 7s-71 L:rv....• ~/aen" Li,.i.rr..,m yi7io ~'Y1Qxa.i /mil, loci'' ~G~iS C.'illf' ~rv~'~7A _ G'c'cj:..~G.a,[,;" 1 ~ ~ "~d ~/vI ' l~u~cs.L ~ ~ %'G93 cC~"Cicr~~ diu'a-,~w~a' ~ Cn H/ J 3a ~~ " ~-, f~~, n r i ~ ~y ~ ct~._ i~ / ~ ~ ~;1~~ 'i 4~ j:.. ti` J~bc ctlno.,~t^ say lo. l9n5 flanaho CnoLLOW~a Clty CoaLCilt AB 6 teeter End • peLident of Lhe oily oY Haneno Luc+monga. L xould Like to eipreee to you~our elected oTYi dale our thoughts on the nex plan oY yours to circumvent YroPOeition 13. You may call it en Ls»eLLent to pay for parkb. To ue it ie n enealSy xay around prop. 1;. It you pave tnia naaeesaent xithouL a puhl io vote of 6ha people In our oity you rill have loot a lot of votee and credltihil ity. xit^ the roe ldente of this city. ee fNl thiL means oY trying to get around proB. 13, is xrong. Csll n tnz A '1'A (. Your Blanneo aaeeseeenL is quits einply another LLena oY razing tr.• punlio xithout hnving LO gm to Ln• YoterB f'mr 9p?rmYal. YUU LU NUT !SAVE aY AYYNU VAL. YLEA:c iW nvC vvi'a rvH ~51~ Aa:;;;,iS;nnMY LA~~NL CP. 1 eould ?oeeicly vote Tor n park oond issue out 1 xtll nos oacK your PLen to get around prop. 13. ['L :A:: L' UU NVl' YA.9 '1'N 1~ ySM Y1311. tlh~ hUdh"i'P. CALL lY' A 'S'BA. Nr. and kre. e. Anxaham y9e7 A16any eve. Alta Loma, Cn_ii. y17 ~1 ^~ ~r~: `~ ~ ~ ~ r' ytiK~ As~aht[1~ Yay 16, lqd; c I7'Y cLSRE CITY OF RAlICHO CIICAtl0ivGp Rc: H~dI 1.4vd 6c R6D HILL COi:ulAUiv I'i'Y PpRr:S Dear sir, I wish to protest the assessments necessary for 11u~d1ng the above parks. I feel it Ss unfair to taz only property owners whenever something is needed that everybody suposedly benefits from. If these parks are truly for everyone, t'nen everyone should be taxed, Or why not have a use taz such as „uasti Regionnl Park so that the people that use it, pay for 1t. '!testy years Ss a IonF liras to pay for somethinZ and a lot of money Ss involved. Let ~s put this up for a vote so that everyone can decide. Yours truly, ~~. ~ .~._ is iK ...-~li --. cC. ireorQe T. gssane 111 9510 Archibald Av. Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 CITV OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 9320 PASELINE ROAD ~ RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CA 91'/36 (714) 989-1851 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-FO ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT: HERITAGE AND REDHILI PARKS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1985-1986 ASSESSMENT NC. 8932 ASSANELLI, GEORGE T ASSESSOR'S NO. 9810 ARCHIBALG AVE 208-361-16-0000 CUCAMONGA. CA 91730 91730 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGq 9320 BASELINE FORD FANCHO CUCAMONGA. CA 91730 <714> 989-1851 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-FG ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT: HERITAGE AND REDHILL PARKS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1985-1986 =SSESSMEN7 ND. =931 ASSANELLI. fdEOF'GE T ~SSESSOF'S NO. 9510 ARCHIPALD _`08-361-15-0000 CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 91730 CITV OF FAN("'-1^ CuCAMONGA 9320 BASELINE FOAO RANCHO CUCgMONGA. CA 91730 (714) 989-18.°+1 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. B5-F'D ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT: HERITAGE AND REL~H ILL PARKS FOR THE FISCAL VEAF' :96-1966 ASSESSMENT NO. 1^^<967 ASSANELLI. MAFIA ASSESSOR'S NO. 9530 ARGHIBALD AVE 210-Ob^<-10-0000 CUCAMONGA. GA 91730 91730 a 434.67 434.67 4121.33 CITY OF RANCRC CUCAMONGA 9320 EASELINE FOAO RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 (714) 989-181 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N0. 85-PO ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT: HERITAGE ANU F'EOHILL FRRKS FOR THE FISCAL 1'ERR 1985-1986 ASSESSMENT N0. 12224 ASSANELLI. GEORGE T ASSESSOR+S NO. 9510 ARCHIBALO AVE 209-191-13-0000 CUCAMONGA. CA 91730 91730 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 9320 BRSELINE ROAD RANCHO CUCAMONSA. CA 9!730 (714) 989-1851 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N0. 85-FD ESTIMATES ASSESSMENT: HERITAGE AND REDHILL PRRKS FOF THE FISCAL YEAR 1985-1986 ASSESSMENT NO. 8978 ASSANELLI, GEORGE ASSESSOR+S N0. 9510 gRCHIEALD qVE 208-363-2B-gOnO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 91730 134.67 134. 67 c3~. t l 2E31 Holiy St. alta LoRa, Ca. 91'71 May lE, 1995 ililiis^..iclley :.ir~atcr of Com;~rity Services Cit-: of iL'~nc ao Cucamanga P.O. doz Bf.7 Race ao C'lcanlOnga, Ca. 91790 ik=r Sir: I re5:rd the crocosed assessment for ya rks ir.crovere^.t and recreakion =s excessive, unf+ir and ^Sscri~+inator!,~ and xish to register my cro test Sn^.e„o` e111tiessl rd courtseetc.fcould besbe`,.tsrvfinanced ands e~vastri%... dFV=loved 'oy Friv~te erterorise •:+ith user fees char¢ed and not wFpor by t:ae tax dollar of '..he retired and low income peo, le of thla comrunity I consider the Frorosal to tax hnmearmers ~d. of xaven, for tl;e develop- -en*. o." t"e gar<s d. of Haven, for tre use of ALL Ra^.cho Cucamonga residenU •haso :., „~i,.irtnv cities *.o be a ^.ost •ir.Sust lev,~. =_a weii as .. ... -- - In -v o-irion, t.as .^.'•tter s..".ould ~oe cl;.cea ~. :-'-let to >? vo'~='. on -, ~_ -he C-xce yrrs ir..'• *.c:.o G.,a:ron'a. Yours inav, ,i/J~.' v'7 ~~01~7' i T iu CU,~tc~ C ,~~ ~y w Gam' / ~ / 'r I ~ {) J J c~-LU. ~_.ri.-~ ~~~ •% flu ~aME i`i~~u~._,: ~~Vn.4 L~ I fL'LM/• ~ 2 ' ,u c, ..tz.,~~ ~(-'^J yy (i.~~ aLw. ~n. G. V, bar /o w f~YS3 ~~~ ne Yo.~ Are a ~m~ . 4~~ May 3, 1985 City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Re: Improvement District No. 85-PD Gentlemen: The undersigned owners of real property in the proposed Improvement District No. 85-P D, Heritage and Redhill Parks do hereby arotest the formation of the district and object t~ the assessment. This protest shall be considered as a pr~;test under the terms of [he Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, Division 15, part 2 of the Street and Highway Code of the State of California. The property foc which th i.s protest shall be considered is Assessor's Parcel No. 2U9-261-09-0000 being assessment No. 12303 and Assessor's Parcel No. 209-261-30- 0000, assessment No. 12312, owned by Hazel DeBerard and Ronald DeBerard, respectively. Very truly yours, i' 1 -i ~ ,~~r ~:) .._-__ __.,_._..... ..,.. ...r, .. ~yF., ., ~..... Law Corp. Retirement Trust Owner of Parcel No. 209-261-09-0000 zc ~1~7%y15..e,a,,.~ l krr~,~.yt.`~ Yrwtcr.~ l'~ Ronal A. DeBerard S Maroney,Demchuk,Bran t & Kr_ er, A Prod. Law Corp. Retirement Trust Owner of Parcel No. 209-261-30-0000 ~l~ ~~, ,~'~~ /dlo 23~ "'~ 6 ~ S;ti o .~--- a P}~as '~ ~v/ ~'S ~SSo5S7'ho.~1, µ Q .-~ Y) o ~„r,'rS C~ ~' ~~ i a~ ~ 1 l~~j' P ~ecv. ;~y ~~~ ~---,, ~, ~ ~~,~ ~ ~y C~,yi oSS--PSS,~ e..~}, Ci.// / y i /1 ~c.1v ~ r D? ~~h . ~~~ ~~~~ y, ~~--. CITY OF ^nANCHD CUCAMONGA 9320 BASELINE ROAD RANCHO CUCRMONGA• CA 91730 f714) 989-1651 IMPROVEMENT GI TF :CT ~~0. R5~-PD HERITAGE ANG RELH[LL F0.RK5 FDR THE FISCAL YEAR 19£15-1956 ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT: 334.67 ASSESSMENT ND. 3'329 EICKLEY, WILL i;,M R IU623 LA V WE RANCHD CUCAMONGA. CA 93301 91701 . ~=ESSOR'S NO. '2-661-27-0000 ,, ~, ~Y '& }~ ' Y ~y,,\: ~e4ah May 3, 1985 The Hornra ble Jon G. Mikels Mayor City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Dear Mr. Mayor: I am oppoa ed to the formation oC an assessment District Cor the sole purpose of spending 47,000,000. for the completion of two parks in our city. l have lived in Rancho Cucamonga for almost 30 years and am certainly not opposed to parks, but there are just too many other problems that have a higher spending priority in my Doak. Z am also opposed to the method of financing as it is another way to circumv ait the true ^__.. of prnoosition 13 that passed with over- welming support of th e'voters. This year Darks, next year flood con troi, Lh en Fire Department, then roads, then water, then more parks? There will be no end. At the time ue became a city, I opposed a development across the street From my house. One of the basic reasons was f10od control problems. As you will recall, we became a city and the County Board of Supervisors de- layed their decision and passed the buck to the new council. They in turn apprc,v ed the project •dith some reservations as to zoning, etc. Each year since, I have been flooded at least orce a year. As growth ronttnu qs un Lhe hill, with each rain, 7 receive more run off eater. Time after time, I have discussed this problem with our City Manager, Lauren Wasserman. Each time he referred me to either Lloyd Hubbs or Paul Rogeau. IC always ended up that it was a State problem as the cu ly ert is too small to carry the water under the road. I have contacted the State Highway Department numerous times and they state they do not have the funds to replace the culvert and that it is a city problem as the city has caused the increase in water runoff. The culvert is too small so Lhe water runs over Lhe top of the road. Instead of going Dack into the ditch, due to the lay of the road, it comes into my driveway. I have constructed berms on both of my drive- ways as high as I can and still drive across them. My care scrape each eime Z cross and the eater still goes over the berms. The State aeintains that it's the City's problem as they created it by allowing development above the problem. ,lust last fall, you approved a project of apartments on 19th street about 200 yeards west and actually routed the water in storm drains Gown to the North side of this ditch which is not a flood control tlitch. I now have a larger problem than before. City staff was well aware of my problem. I called Lloyd Hutbs and hia only comment was that "you can't stop development just because there is no olace to run the water". We can spend $7.000,000. to complete two parks, can purchase a new fire truck for the Fire District in order not to stop growth, our roads are almost a disaster, very little flood control and now the water district states they are out of water and must purchase water and raise everyone's rates so ue can continue to grow. It certainly seems unreasonable that we can't come up with the funds to replace one o~lv e[•L. 19th Str eeL aL this location is Clouded with each rain and it seems that there could be some liability on Lhe City's part iF someone hits this water antl goes out of control. I have many dates and notes to your city officials. Nubbs assured me he would see what he could do to get Lhis straightened out. That was on April 24, 1984. Rogeau assured me he would contact the State and send me a copy of hia letter. That was on December 27, 1983 and I still don't have a copy of his letter. I realize that there are only two homes that have this problem at this location and I don't mean to sound sarcastic but I ¢uesf I'm ¢ettin¢ nui t,e i,na eT. with Lhis "pass the buck" back and forth situation. I probably should have brought this to the attention of you and the council much sooner than try to go through the normal city char.n els. I am enelos ing a snapshot oC my problem on December 25, 1983• We are fortunate to have had little rainfall since then in 1984 and so far this year. As far as the assessment district protest hearing on Friday evening, May 17, 1985. I will be on vacation and I would certainly like the rest of the council to review my comments. A.-.yLt;irg you oar do tc help alleviate this protl em would certainly be aFPr eciat ed. Wishing you only Lhe teat! Sincerely, .~~~-=~ Clarke H. 9o es en 9529 19th Street Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 (714) 987-2902 Pea. (8181 914-1811 Bus. ~1~, May 14, 1985 City Clerk City of Rancho Cucamonga Rancho Cucamonga, Ca,. 91130 Pursuant to Resolution No. 85-101, Section 7, I wish to protest and/or oD~ect to the formation of the proposed district to the extent of the works of improvement and maintenance, and to the method and formula of the assessment. Please consider this a formal written protest so that I will be allowed time to speak at the public hearing scheduled for Friday May 17th at 7:OOP.M. Thank you for this opportunity. I~' C. ~~ W'1'W-MI~ 2 t'ay 1985 City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Eas el ine Road Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91130 To o~homever is responsible for the enclosed-- Pt ease be advised that even with a master's degree I am unable to determine exactly what the purpose fs of the estimated assessment. .M1m I to pay it or is that what you intend to bill in the future or is that simply a proposal? Cbv iously II am dealing here with a typical bureaucracy which makes a paint of being unclear. I know I want to object to the 534.67 assessment if that is what is it or proposed to become however it is difficult to object when your own intents are unclear. Suffice to say that you should get the money from somewhere else. tSy husband and I as well as all the neighbors on our block feel that we pay enough taxes without additional monies being tacked on. If you were worth your salt you would look into other methods of gaining revenue rather than taking the easiest way out--taxing the middle income taxpayer. Why don't you try a program that would pick up all the loose dogs and cats roamf ng around and charge for their being picked up and held, for instance. I'm not sayf ng DO iT. What I'm saying is that if that is one example of.. way to generate revenue then there must be literally OOZENS of other methods. LEAVE THE TAXPAYER ALONE '!ery truly yours, ,~ f~~6L2.C ~tr-t~ ~ie~~~ ROSE MARIE GARC[A-BRAILO PO BOX 1262 Alto Loma, Calif. 97701 i ~~ ,~, i aj' .. CITV OF FANC40 CuC.±`I'uNGA 9320 BASELINE EGAD RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CA 91730 PROVEMENT U13~It I'.T NG. 35'FU HERITAGE ANU REDFI LL FARM^a FUR `HE FISCAL VEAR 1°9~-I'7SF. BRAILD• F7^F. M F 0 B('~' '...._ ALT:, L0~^Ll. :.. ~+1 ".~: 9: ', t ESTIMATED .ASSESSMENT: 434.67 AaSESE~' iNT NG. s61:' ASSESS ~' ^a N0. 202-6":-B1-6000 ~roe.12.. ~~ ~.~ ~ / .., ~I~~" /YJ,t:/ ~M/N/1'L/Lrlt~ ~la/i-cr1.r/ {~•'n ~j~CinW' VU t-Li-~%sL ~Y7~~RY~ ~ . , ~ /' 't`Cii'~ -.-ru.~ •"~'--=°'~ 'b ,a~rs% ;r rar..s'c°~i" ~-vi:ew-a-.nt~r7~ -:~ ../ L/ , _ ~~L[i//kc.~;4~ii/<-~..G ,c='~ I~ ~.L~ a^caC ~uC. rr<•ek.;~»c-s: a~ll¢6 Jf /~rwrryj A,,~ . ~'Q'LC./: ~`(t. ~Z~~~R.'.`L . •/~isL..r :c'?1/DLO 1JLair'~lK~/L "'^eC i~t-+! ~.1CLa.~'1V :J ~~lY/ ~iL~.:Y-J~A~ ~...~ i/ld.f'j( ~~li .1LC+yi L' ~ .. -~';,y :~HiL _ ti~L ~1LeC- ,J'~'/Ii.EL °C L~ , ,_:~~~, cz. het',2rrv zLU1.LS ~Cc-Gc~lsfi" ~"~G ~J//1~I1~~~~~~([.e~t -Z •,,: ~v~ 1.:•. ~:i. ~~ "~~,~ 7 U'..':ctG,~,,..7fL!- :~+wC~~p~iC-<LL iZ 12"zc'.~7~~L i/rL. 7_'i~.G. -~.:.GC.»~Z. -`z. ~z~ ~ii/~.KJ ~!C'f~li .'iiN4v~YQ4 ~31L/"Z(L(L 2'i~K~C.L• `i. oa:L~ .ii.:r.I .h_ -~y4~J~'~ A ~r.:a.~~_ /?',Ec~ ,? .s/,S{;a.+%~2z~`.~~.,~,~ .;;~slr.Zh~~~%~.C/u e-~~~`~yr~C ., if LQc ~"~ •~L iL.A/vc:c•w' ~r~i/.L7N ::ct.~n/'I-iC . ~(6 .Y~~"/~2~-~~"~'~ "~'~*T/~~+~~~~C//ti~ 6i.YI..v[(C .C-H .GRL-c!/~i~Ltr~°ilc~uc/ ~-n . */ ~1Crv l~~Q fL2 Q ~«-J~J/L ~itG c:~t ct,~Q J ~f.G i v ~' Cak.i ~Lta~ i ~;.k: .av; a.r,~~.Zr` ~c~,~. laO`-~~"`-~ ~,; ,, ,. ~:, ~~`;. :. ~;. ~Y: ~~. 'j/1l\L Vu~vY WY: ~GJ ~i~~L KL%Y i•~l(LJ~J J'.~°Sr.~G/j/ .. r.. -C.i-'K "U"~/p/~ ,,~ 7 n - ~"'" j .(~~ Juvrl't- ~.%.ziu,~. ~ iG,.~ - ~1~v~..tic.,f;-.~>ru•^~r~,1 L,.,,~,,u. 1~n,,+~L ~~~,,,~~.~ -v,. a~~,~.r.~...G e~ ~-9n~:t~'u. .~.~.. /tln~ , r`C~r..C 2v~LLG(/ WG- Irv. J ~' ~1l~LG•/ ~YIV~,~ ~mLL QL7LaC ~-r~,-~(4~..,,[ ca. ~[i"y~;~ ~LCO-.:Y/f-~>~id' ~•~.s~YrV ~~'i ~j¢ ~~4G,t~ sJ`^~ ~`~ _ ~u~,~2swu•C'J Cs i _s~.G~~.cu'y -c ,~~1p r~¢ r~ Y •~ i / ~~~ .K, ~-R.w..:.~i+.,~~c~ ~Gt~IA.' J o>.vr . ~+C'w{. c~,t,Z`~ _o-s.iG ~.rv '~~'+~W /LL~L ,.,...rX~ -«[ U~iN4 •"uoNN•~+'JU ~uut~ -.. b~•y.e,,,. _,v/ :~q~ ,, ~ T ,~e >:G:L.-[ f1ar.~~-~~•occ+•t .-t ~~.e -e~sa~:io~:~~.:s7~_~ ~~,~,/ • y~.~~ i~ ,~~( -:t Yr•:-~G~cL.~r q.,...re '~rr~ne i <~r-?ki we e:~G~,c. !i~+.kC/e[.' ~~-rrt 4+ffi -~~2. ;c~c~c-~a~..~ic.•u,aJ --~G%,~,~.L~l~ty -~=zlE'• i~.;~~ .~>rtaCc~a~a~ yy ~ ,.{ ~ /1 r 7 i .'~Q~",Gcr~d rNF6,!GiIC ~ .~.d~.,6 / ~.7~/~['~~ "~.!~.~ -~vzUC~<~•~ '>~D /NJ ~ ~' yiYl.E~/ y~/K+ avul• i+?'w~C.JC~irsl4~rr~n`~,di ~~~G~ uC ~'+-§ti ,~^ ~ J l ~ • ~v ~~ .t .~~ <<y :~., , , 4:.i~i4, r': ~i SL/'ICG~/c~"/J ~ ~t` llI 4~~L~~ :T.C CcY C'~1l re?t1'L~ .~'ll__s:~ i _ ~CG~ 1'`~G . ~'.! r/fir''[ ~'r ~/~~/ ~~7- ~. r G ~~ ~~ -R ry- R} Ci 2yY::. rd. . . • ~4 >" (, .r- i r'.' L.r~~s ,. ~I'. ,.,C4 ~. J~ V ,h:y y~ it ' ~~ St. Alta Loma, Ca. 91701 May 1, 1985 Mayor Jon D. Mikels City of Rancho Cucamonga Hox 807 Rancho Cucamonga, Ca, 91730 Dear Mayor Mikels; Vie are in receipt of your brochure describing the proposed Park aid Recreation Improvement District and would like to register an obfeetion. He will be out of the state during the tine for the public hearing and as such have submitted this letter. If it is the intent to fund the development of parks we would suggest t`at you consider the following: 1. Park fording should be born by all reaidenLlal and commercial property alike. 2. It is doubtful that parks are used only by those in the assessment district; athletic groups, families, etc. use facilities all over the community. 3. Increased cost to construct speciality facilities ma.y not be expected to be funded by non-veers. 4. Other funding methods may be more appropriate, Ne ask your special consideration in this matter in a time of Sncreasing governmental costs. -~-~~~`~ ~. ~~ Llrnda S. Rrya - Peter M. Bryan r ti~ ~, 5• :; :' ,r 7"95 Ca•nbridPr eve. 2ancho Cuca'ionga, re.51770 ~nril 30, 1585 Beverly A. Authelet, City Clerk pity of Rancho Ouca':onga ~; 9?20 Baselinr Road r , ?iancho ~uca~nonga, Ca.917?0 ~r Dra2• "/S Authelets ^~~• '7r received the notice reFardin~~ the estimated .~sa- ~ rsaaent for the park and recreation iaprovrarnt Por Fer- ~ SL~Fr and Red °ill Comaunity Farka. '!'hie notice givee ~ u9 no idra. of what the total cosE world br, pow 'ashy . ~~. ~ '.:omra and buslneaare world be involvrd and how 3ileh f. might be addr3 to thr estime.Led post. e ~.. '!'hart are ~sny of as in thin area w^.o art retired, 3; are on fixed incomes and seldom if ever fo to a park. the t additional tar. would be a burder. to nary prople, ',Ie '~ t!:aui-ht Proposition 13 would put an end to all three ex- ~~~, tra aeseasnrnts. _. :~-. _ 9t•rn ay bo;;a were £t•o«inr• uE ant !n Little League, pony League and vario•~ oth^r activitir;t thr parents Would get to~-etler, find so•leone :ri:o wo•.tld ^ myte the use of ~~" their land and then we would Hake it i•~Lv a baseball park ~; auitablr ?or pla,•ing and for apecteto?•s+. In •iFht years wr had to move three tires but a^ch tine we, t.*,e parents, ' 91d the ~.rork. Baseball, softball, soccer end taskrtball },, ran be playrd on the school f~rourds. ,s far r~pla;.•tro~:mda are conc.rar•d the achoolFromda esn also be nerd. 's ter ~~ ae roues*.ri~n trails and :w ^vrrr are c^rc-rre~' `o'ro nary ~. peop'.r in this ergs oxn bursts or can ;.°forP to rm th-m? I'~~ sat- ~aost sf us wcu1P ?tr- to scr a:-r :~r'~s tut I f^in'.t wten a blank^t c?:rc'c is E1vrn to a E-rou°~ of p~litlciena the coats can co 3ueh hip*.rr than thr •st- lastea. .llso th- :oats oP Y.r-ping a thr ;arks can keep going Up y^"?' o°+,er )~•rrr. ? t*SnY tbie rallr+ for a volt of th- iro 'e r ;o live in thr Pi4tricte that arr h,rinF asaee~rd. Let'r, rr~np'trr Proposition 17~ 8 ur~ ~: , '~o• as 6. Carlson ;.:: ,° .. _ i r x C'`''~'r°e~'sgR. CITV OF RANG-C ~' ~AMC:.GA 9321 BA=EL 7I.EJFCAC RANCHO CUCA'?CtiGA. C ;73C (7141 969-1651 IMPROVEMENT O:~TF:i C' ?: ~5~-PO ESTi MATED ASSESSMENT: ;3q, 67 HERITAGE ANC RECHILLvPARKS FISCAL 'ORR THE-_ -..,. ~~ T C~,9'~l } )1`~^'~. /YNL Ifl,~"~. ASSESSMENT NO. 14^084 CHAFS'`i5A-~ ".,«iiGr`_c ASSESSOR'S NO. 9411 :ENNET 1n.S.^^-q21-'.S-0900 AI TA . l1MA. ' _ x.. 91 '~)I . .-. `a ~h-q~r~e~-'- • i ~~~i YO ~A1:06 IL ¢fiy Concern: Ny' wi"e Ord I are both in our siat;s. 'de Y.ave 11vEd ir. our Alta Loma ho¢e`or 3c yefira.0ur children are ~rowen, and have le`t Lhe neat. So that lEbVEe tY.e w1'E and ¢; self Sn cur single family hc¢E. End now because I Y.a p;e r. is Y.a ve over c acere of lane f s ,=cint is be aeEad r5~•SS ~ ;Ear for 2J ,Ea re. fY.at Sea teal cr1,p,9.b0~for the c0 ;Ears. 1.111 you rlEase tell ae wY. IsY.ould _a, thEt k1 r.~ o_ acne; fcr some thin: I do:. t ueE, Con't, want, ~rd~dor.'t nEEU. I knew that LherE crE lo: o` poor le tY.at want ti.E gsrks and w1'_1 p rcbab ly use tY.E parks. 11:at Ss all well ;.nd gcod for them. the, Y.a ve s¢ali lots singlE f~¢Sly to¢e, the sa¢e ae I have, and i1.e, onl; pay r~~5 a year. I have s single ~a¢ily, and the guy next doer has a single fc¢11;; heaE, V.111 ,cu pleasE tell ¢e wi:_ I sF.culd pa, more than he dose? tY.e ba ra land dC6E rot use Lhe parks. Feople use the parks. 11:=_ra is sc¢e:hlrp else .hat ecncerns ¢e at 'F.e ;resent tide. loot ,Ear at this ti¢e, the poop le in m; area were able to defeat a prepcsed aESe¢ent, fcr 51ccd control. how a year latter, here you are again, with ycur hand out,aeking for another fissece nt. :hen end 1:' tY.is park asce¢ent Ss ap rcveC, what ::111 be 7cur next assEmEnt LY.at ycu will code uF xiLh7 Sh=rE is nc ens tc the SE _~cse¢En!a as long ss~eo¢E pscplE rEq'eSn~ in contrcl.-,;e reed some changes. Put the park asse¢ar.: to a vote of the :ECp1E. {: ~. ~. {~6f~ 9:'.N .~y{z,i _ /~q' ~IA.f/~^'t ~~ l L' ~1. ~~ 3.f T' ~~, ~~; ,- c. .. ~i. t: - ~-___ •:s ~~ f 'eG .A 1~ ~ 1~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ -- - ~11~ ~ ~~~ LIr~LQLf ~((1U,11. c,~c~~ C-Es ~ /ff- l ~S 2 ~L~p~7.2fE'N ~ ~ ~S C~'t C I i,~~ll CJG'Gf,(,~N~C(et,~ ~~.~ 7 ~4- // / l •~ ~~ ~ ~/~~~ ~Q~omC ~~~ ~Y~~~~u~ ,~ - 1~E /~7/!-,~, ~d ~-1-~-} ~ c. t ~ ~~- D i a.s n `^ .h ~, r ~ ~ c c C ~ ~ o ~ ~ o C S J c = ~ 5 42 ~ ~ > ~c Y ~' `l h C 1 ~ Y ^ ~ e .~ ~ J ~ 0 G J +~ ~ o L 5 ~ S ,k Y~ ~ v .. ~ ~ a ° ~ < ~ o t 1 J y Q k ~ ` ~ ~. ~ :~;, ,b < t 7' ~ 1 .. Y ~'!6 ~ `C ~ ~+ y .2 ~r 1 ~ ~ ~, ~n 1 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ :, ~ ~ ~ ~ w < C ~ - b ~ .d, 1 ~ ~ ~, V v' y~ f ~ ~, v ~1 ~ ~~ ~ 4 9~ 4 a o ~. '~ (Mailing Address] tlby4 hickory Avenue Fontana, CA. y2335 April 25, 1905 Office of City Clark City of tiancho Cucaaanga P.u. box tlo7 kancho Cucaabnga, CA. 91730 -aar City Glerk: ii&: 6eaolution No. b5-101 Zn reapoma to the proposal of the City Councils intent to establish, order and collect • nev property Lax eaaaasaent par the captioned neaolution No. o5-1G1, be it hereby know ead ao registered and noted accordingly that w, the undersigned residents sad property owera rithin the City of Aancho Cucaoonga, do object to and protest She initiation of aqy tax levies or other Fore of aaseeanents or fees. Assessors Parcel No. 22'j-idl-Ob-0000 Aaseaanent No. 13203 Yours truly, //r / ;~L"L~ ~ /~f~X1L JosegM A. Locson n Joan M. lbbson ~~t - - - - . i~r / S, / g~5 ~ ~~~~ ~~~ 5,~ ~ ~ .~~ ~~~~.~9~~~~ cs~~.,~ ..~~~aze.ao~e ~~ 2e.~~ ~,w~ ~~~ ~~o /Leaa.o~-zs-~CCt/~i~nG ~`~: ~7:u~zr~~~a- 9~~.~a39_ ~z .~o.¢f-~ ~~~~~~~~ ti ~ ~~ _''D~ 'ten-cF~''(~ ~owu; ~4,I~ t ws City of Ranchero Cucamonga 9320 Easeline Rd. Rancho Cucamonga, Ca 91730 Improvement District fio. 85-PD eritage and Redhi 11 Parks for the r'iscal fear 1985-86 Dear City Council Members: 'h'e received your planned (Rape) assesment #13601 & asessors #1061-101-C8-0000 in the amount of $3q.67 for a period of 20 yrs. V.'e ran undcrst.and the naed fnr recce ati On narks i.n the Slum areaa~ the people living in Rancho Cucamonga do not use the facilities available now. It wuld behove you to dri v~ throughout tt:e area and assess what is in the area (usuable) 'oafore planning this enormous expense of $ 2.5 million. To helc you locate unused areas, drive by the school yards, visit iio rth Rancho Cucamonga above and below fiill si de. School grounds are vacant, Eoree trails a:^e unused, '~~hy ? If areas are wanted by the minority let them supply the Funds for their use. 80% of all areas residents would not visit the planned sections. May I ask you why burden us vri th this ridiculous cost, then ask yourself why did people vote and pass Pron. #13. If yov still cannot understand, we ask that you let the ceo ole vote. Do not seduce us for 20 yrs. because o: your lack of vision, put yourself in our shoes and add $ 3(:.67 to your budget for 20 yrs. ;Io, we do not want this expense added to ours. Thank-yoq ~ S,/G /~s _ Kenneth Eakins 8166 La Senda, Rancho Cucamonga °"'"""~ 1~'-~~~ lyf~ w%~.~~.e~~ N i~~u ~~~ N ~;- ~~~ ~~ w~ fit..` 1 ~t.t.t.Gwr~ 9 ~ ~c,,.L:~.~..ti IV d 7- I c 1 y `16-c,~-~..-L .~ '. ~~r~~ Ci r: aerk .-.~..._. .aca-. F.~. ;:~x 3G- Aancl:o Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 Attention: Honorable Mayor Jon D. Mikels and the City Council Gentlemen: I hearby nroteat the formation of an Assessment District to Levy and .,oiieot Assessments pursuant to tre terms of tae iandscanirg ar:d ~c~hti r.E Act of 1?72 being Division 15 Fzrt 2 of the Streets and Eighways Code of the State of California in v:,at is knovm and designated as Park and Recreation Improvement District (Heritage and Red Hill Community Park). I fee] that the Federal Government is nnrt/og Hack o.. _ost all support for both people and local governments and that the City of Rancho Cucamonga should postpone major projects and assess- ments on pecrie as lost persons cost of licine has increased. Most people are struggling to make their mor. thly payments and take care of their £amiiies and their taxes are high enough no v. I also feel that ti.e amount o£ money asked is out of line and tY,e Method of assessment I protest. Yours truly, Taxpayer ~ ~/ ; ,~f ~ 'taxpayer Address ~ 'Fakv~.~ ernest over 8795 Orang Alta Loma, Ca. 91701 Office of t:e CSty Clerk Post Cffice Box BD7 P.ancho Cucamor. ea, Ca. 917j0 Gentl even: I em strongly aepoa ed to being taxed for pnrke and recreational facilitl es which have in no way been spp roved by the votara (taxasyer e) of this comrsunity. Some years ado, the voters of Califo rnis paeeed a propoeit ion which they thought prohibited any oroperty tax ins rase es Sn excess of two percent par year without two-thirds voter approval. The author of that propoel- tion hoe been xa rning ue that, unless we pees n save 1j propo- ti~n, such things as your park propo asl xould become co®an- place. Well, it appes re Mr. Jarvia xae correct. Personally, I am not opoosed to the idea of the park.e, and xould ptobnEly vote For them if given the opportunity. Hax- ever, i t'eai test ii~ the city su cceeda xith the parka program without voter approval, other ouch programs will su roly fol- lox. Let me remind you that oroeosition lj ~: id not pass the first time it wee on the ballot. It xae this type of action (a handfull of city officiele telling 6D,DDD people they ere going to have and pay for pn rka whether ar not they xent them that prompted people to npprova Ij. You have a chance to gain eeme voter confidence by slloxing them to decide the parka Se- sue. Or you and other goverrroent agencl ee can decide such is- sues xithout voter approval, snd expedite the paeeage of n save lj type proposition. YCOUrs truly,/~ 1 GM.vf~ n • J pM,Mp.` Ernest D. I'buver l'e ~?1 i ~rc,.,t April 26, 1985 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Ferdinand 10069 Yew Street Cucamonga, CA 91730 William Holley Director of Community Services City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attention, Mr. Holley Estimated Assessment Dear Mr. Holley, Per my phone conversation with your secretary I am advising you of my displeasure with the Estimated Assessment information I received this week. As I will be unable to attend the Public Hearing scheduled for May 17, 1985, I would like to make stY dlsappravai for this aaaessment kn~«-. to ycu. I have many reasoner the park at Church 3c Turner streets is the closest to me and ~ already paid for. We have no children that will use your facilities. Taxes are already T00 HIGH. Utilities are going up all the time raising the cost of our daily living. Get your financing from the building contractors who are responsible for the need for parks and recreational facilities. Sincerely, ~~ ~ - ~/'' "~ /~i ~.'=cam'' Mr. and Mra. JameaJ A. Ferdinand _ ~ -. CCU J.D. Mikels, MAYOR Flo e~. ert,, 6226 Topaz Alta Loma, CA 91701 May 16, 1985 Rancho Cucamonga City Council Jon D. Mikels, Mayor 9320 Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 Dear Mr. Mikels: There are a number of issues concerning the Droposed Park and Recreation Assessment District which 1 believe need further exploration. 1. Why should owners of vacant land be assessed before the land is developed? There are na users of park facilities from such land which should not be assessed until development takes place. 2. Since parks are used by all residents of the city, assessments should be levied on all property owners. 3. Other ways of financing parks should be explored. For example, horse owners should pay a yearly license fee to finance their activities, trails and special equipment. Why must dog owners pay license fees, ..h ile horse, cat and ether pet c.:ners pay nothing? 4. Another method of raising park funds is a user fee which has proved workable in our State Parks and many county and local parks. This also is auvan tageous in keeping parks clean and eliminating dangerous and undesirable elements. Organizations would pay a group fee for use of facilities. 5. Why is this proposed assessment not put up to a vote by the city's residents? Our City Council certainly latched onto this recently approved assessment plan immediately after State approval without citizen input. The Advisory Commission is not representative of all the cfty. Thfs assessment is directly in opposition to Proposition 13 which was overwhelmingly approved by the people of our state. The City Council is overlooking the message sent by a majority of fts citizens that we do not want any tax increases. 6. A large area of our city is being railroaded into a long-time financial obligation without adequate study and exploration of the many issues involved. This is only the first of the City Council's proposals to raise additional funds by assessments - there will be others for other needs and other parts of our city. By approving this, we are giving approval to our City Council to raising funds in this manner. I am not against park development, but feel this is not the method to be used in such development. Sincere/~ly~, ~,/ Alice G. Flocker ~~Q~ <</tR ~~-~--~- ~'~ ~;~~ - ~r~r~ 1G.2 G~ 1~ sz^-- ~ au-a~ ~Z°lz~-EtiCJ.e-.~ ..Ct~2.~~'.~stc=v-t'.L-~ , I ~; rah ~, May 14, 1985 City Clerk City of Rancho Cucamonga Rancho Cucamonga, Ca,. 91130 Pursuant to Resolution No. 85-101, Section 1, I wish to protest and/or object to the formation of the proposed district to the extent of the works of improvement and maintenance, and to the method and formula of the assessment. Please consider this a formal written protest so that I will be allowed time to speak at Lhe public hearing scheduled for Frfday May 11th at 7:OOP.M. Thank you for this opportunity. J~~~IG~ TiLA~ /032 fi,~es-aWSf. ~1/~a Lea ~A pt~ol ~~~/ May 3, 1985 Beverly A. Authelet City Clerk City of Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 Dear City Council: NO on the assessment plans for Heritage and Red Ni11 Community Park. I will gladly support an assessment in the event of an emergency. Please reserve your "assessment" financing option for mandatory situations. The parks improvements must be financed and maintained by the users F, N. Gagnon 5625 Cazol Avenue Alta Loma. Ca. 91701 ~~,~~- May 14, 1985 City Clerk City of Rancho Cucamonga Rancho Cucamonga, Ca,. 91130 Pursuant to Resolution No. 85-101, Section 7, I wish to protest and/or object to the formation of the proposed district to the extent of the works of improvement and maintenance, and to the method and formula of the assessment. Please consider this a formal written protest so that I wilt be allowed time to speak at the public nearing scheduled for Friday May 17th at 7:OOP.M, Thank you for this opportunity. r ~ 'e • , , ~~ ,,.. .r, ~ ~i ,~ 1 ~ C.~-~~ ~ ~. Y^ / .. ~ ~ ~~ ^ ~.1 „u ~-y`,~r~.R-u~-~ ~ ,1~~~~"C'L~// ~t 1` lam. ,,~ ~ %~ _ 1~i 1 ~ G ~y .° ~~ ., ~s i ~_ --_; .~ ^~-~ .,iLEY, -. ,Pl - .~A LO^!A. r: q.. Yt:~t 91 7r~ 1 ~- ~ .,r-- . , ~/~~ "_" ~ "~ ~ ' l ~ '~' ~~~ G - ,) ~~_ ~~ . .~-f .. ~ ' J.- ~ , . _ r. . , 1 ~ I / ~ ~-C/ . ~F v r~ ^ ~ ,~/ _...: >. . 1 , / '_ y ~ ~ U, ~ ~~ ~e'~h /jr i <. ~~c F ~ ~ N.ay lE. 19P.c CS ty Co uncll ~ Xlllism Holley DS rector of Community Services Rancho Cuc~monas, Callt. Dear SS r: RePa rd Sna resolutl on 9~-lrl, CS ty of Rancho Cucamona~ os rk snd recrestl ~n improvement ssseesment. Ye t"e underslaned wish to ao on .^ecord as opposed to this sssessment 'or the fo11ow1na reasons: !'1. Heritace Psrk The amount of money to be spent on this fse111ty for the ourncse of the horsey set Ss not ws rrsnted se a Reneral sss essge*.t, paid by tF.e ms ?nrl ty for 'he benefit of s select mino rlty group. ;4~~,r~~ dollars has slreadv Deen anent an this nark tires and the :ply v1si61e Smn rovement are curbs, cutters, srd streets. ~"~. 4ssessment of spa rtmenta, c,-.^ee, mobile homes and Snd ust rlal Guild Snas. The general non ulstlon Bf the cr rani ty has not Ceen properly advised ae to •. `:e oercentsRes of sssessment compares to the Finale family dwe111nir, N',. 9cnendltures antlcirated by tr.Ss resolution w111 no doubt Srv plus coneld ersble monies. Therefore, th!s reeo'. ution shculd be rut on a ballot for vote on the next city electicn. Ycu rs truly, ~-~- „ yC ~q ~~~ ~ rem q~7oi TTC~~ ~=l~s May 10, 1985 City Cletk C![y o£ Rancho GUCemonge 9320 Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Deaz SSr: This is our written protest against Resolution No. 85-101 to Eocm an assessment district and to levy and collect asaeesmenta to improve and maintain Heritage and Red gill Community Parke. Ver~yy Cg~rLy yours, ~~~-- ~. 7~ , c'c1 "' Fobert 8. Rooks end Narriet S. Hooka 1532 Neat Harvard Place Ontario, CA 91752 (Assessment Nc. 3539, Assessor's No. 202-331-03-0000) 1 •. _ 7` i3 ~~Rt~ ~; ~, ~_ ~~_ r . ~ ~> ~7 ,_ 't ' ~h'Ms ;. ;~, _ ~ % !rw._ ~ ~, e ;; Lt. { / _.f_ /'/ _ /j ~ i, ,i ~~' , ..~ ~ /~ ;/ 1,., /. t -- '` ~~~' .',~.. `" at ,~ ..., ' i a . ~,:~.,, ~_ iii ~~~ ~~Q ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ tl ~~~~' L ~; °r' / 7 .3 C~ J S ~c/% Lc ~c*k,Z ~ ~.a.- t2 7'~' : Z U~re /%s~ «.~:-~' C'e' / 7' ~, /J~ P .~' ., vr~ J'*T K n fit. ;;:. ~~h ff3 3~ ~wisw ~~. '~~ ~,~... C ~ , ~ 9i 7,30 I 9~a - G 63 9 ~t~.,. $.s 6 - ~ ..-~..~ .z~.,~~ a~ ~-k,~..~ ~~ ~~~~. ~cc J~i~l"' ~~-l~h- -~i~,- cum -~.~n- ~.~y.~ P. k. r Y ~• o~~ ~~ 6 90.E ao, z ~ 1-o S-oona ~~~~ .a~<L~W~Jf~~ aa.~.o.~,,,i.~[,. ~,•r-~,'~C. ~YU.,.2lL~.t:~-LC.a.L ~7 u ~~•~Z~///~~~ G^Q-rv/t ;" /Lt-,.,_.-~ J+.~~ ~. r ..µ'..~'.t~~~-'~-l._t~_•-/a~*~r~_..fit a~ ..~p.V11j, ~/w GGSl/~Lr'~/~/i+'/'S''7.~-C<~~(/L'J d. /(r"L^'~`^"~~ JJ~~, /~ ~0+^-~L ~ A~f+~~ ~I CLn- .L~K.Q (sw ~~rsL ~G~rt. .2w.,L iWY+~iCi/~/~ ~`c f('I~f~- ~ :9.t'L oo'~^-L~ '~i~r~ . I c- ter,-r~c ~ ~ .~c ~ . t<,. i~.~..c~„ .t~c ,~ Gn~.. ~ / ~-e.~t.~s-~ C~2 3rd ~~; l~tfc~-n tee.. C ~~ d Ir ~(~u0 ~t~,'CLL7nlrl y'4.. //~~ ~ ~ ~.ii~-,.i/ce-~ ~ ~, ~~% /~ ri a F~~/~~." ( ~.cr'_% ua~,.: ~~ ~G'~/~///'%~~JM/K~C ~' L~~C•~'• `~-L ~~ix JG~~s`!G~41:~. ~~~~~CJZ_/~~/.~js ~C'C'7iG-~,Jya./~k~O/n~C/zll!L° /~-~G,'~/./c~2,«~[C~, C•u.2~ !.Q2-Y.GJ /~~ll1GL.l1L 4Ys 7 K ~L2 c~'•c~f. ~ `JZ> ;lrZ t•• ./~~ ~ ' J T T n ~(%'/'C/c ~l"~i~/~!.!X[~i!%~;~iyliC~l<c-~ .ll~~C!-JfSC~i~ILC- ~-,~ , Crh~4~lu_ c llCr~~ru.u<:~ !/. ~`r[' ' r~t~.i~.. C c ~ c , , ~s:,E,!!p,~~i .l~J c.'+C.C h~~'L:r~/1///~rJc[/~~,~~t.G././~i i~J ,~t•~~.1/~~.2~/!~!~-z ~ (~'~> Y~;Y% •J~t~:. 2 ^-I"~ii' ~~? ~~!?•'.3.,>: ' JCS! .l~t'~y l: ems: ;f~ , flft'~.1..~lcc'a~i_.iJ~ic ?C.'/.(l'.^c'z) tyL ,s•~ 7.(lf,~ ~/r- .X ~ ~ n'~~1~/~s7XC~, '_)G'%! L+'/ ,("_) •- L i~~ ~(lL~ t~Hlt^~ ~'t~ ~~ j '-ia~~ /mil lp~/S ~ ~~^~ i., -rte ~{ Chu' ~ ,<c c ~l~i~x ~ F ~/7~c., Y I III ~~ 1 Hay 19es Gilliam Holley Director of Community Services C icy of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Dear Gilliam Holley Consistent with Prea ident Reagen's tax reduction policy and the tax relief policy of Prapoa it ion 13, I appose Resolution 85-101 in terms of the method of financing the support of park improvement. Again, the bu:der. is en the homertme[. I coaatder [h7a as an added tax on those who prefer alternate form of recreation. Consistent with Che policy of many other parW, those vho use the facility should pay a user's fee as their need arises. I as not convinced that all alterna to sources of financing have been fully explored such as re-allocation of external incasing funds [o Rancho Cucamonga. For example, as a user I do not mind buying a fishing license or pay for a park perms[ to use, preserve and maintain re- sources. Added fees should be at [he user's option and only assessed when the specific benefit is sought. Since I will be out of [own, a complete sta cus report is requeaced including the namfla of those objecting. Finally, when carefully reviewed and debugged the resolution should be placed on a ballot for citizen re~e etion or approval. Sincerely yours, L(/~. /°- Gtr-•-~_ G. P. Koch CC: Jon P. Hikels, Mayor City of Aancho Cucamonga Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 'z ~ILu _. ...a r!n May 3, 1985 City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline Road flancho Cucamonga, California 91730 PE: Improvement District No. 85-PD Heritage and Redh ill Parks I am not in favor of the increase in assessment in the approximate amount of E39.67 for this project. I feel an assessment like this should be brought to the people for a vote antl not left to the City Council to decide, especially when not all of the funds will be used for the improvement oC the parks and for new parka. It would cost a lot less to improve the existing Darks then the amount being considered for assessment. Sincerely, ~e i /:, Mrs. James E. Kolentus Mr. James E. Kolentus 7868 Montaro Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONSA 9320 BASELINE ROAD RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 (7141 989-18.°.1 IMr^ROVEMENT DISTFICT NO. 85-FD HERITAGE AND REDHILL FARKS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1985-1986 KOLENTUS. JAMES E 7868 MONTARS AVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA. 91730 AND DOROTHY CA 91730 ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT: ASSESSMENT NO. 10285 ASSESSOR'S NO. 208-691-14-0000 t34. 67 ,, KlYl4'NeO1 ic~ ~ ~/7./ ,L t.~~~ sue ~G / /'-c~ /~C-/' h~ /` / f(GGi///b/// P/ f [_ Ilse v1j. ~~.. ~ '7(.j~~+~--' ~!" ~7rt'~L~ y ~l~c~ ' , c°..~ 7 ~-, /1~c sue: ! ,.-.....~F~.P_ZAz ~' cam./E ~ ~ ~ a ~~c.. ~ /... .. ~'~,/ate-../1. cI/ (/ / ~y~~ //jj / /`~/ ~~7'jtG It l ~-`~ ~.K `C. ~.y C~ /lf ~Y<-a ~ CnG E~~J ~~ ~ t ItQ1Nt}/lor i C.. r _ It <"-~ .~~,~ ~ /-l ct <,/.e_ !C/1-1---•-• ~1~E-.--~~ z ~~ 'fit ~.__.._ ~ ~~ /~.~ ~ ~~ { / .., ~ '' /~ _ _ ~! . ~I ~~~ k Can-..~~ !( / ~m ! iiJ / i J . i2: a-~ ~_ (- ~,_._F ~~ ~'w-- ~-ter t `e~ .~~~ . l ~..,..,~., - , I / ~ /~ 80 /,~ 7 Cam' ~i c"'K i ' ' ~ f- ' F , •, ~ a$ % +k: ~Xr ~~e ?Yr~ia~hsiliti ~~~~~ vuvie us IOW Gwu AVL ~~ ALTA LOMA, uL F 91iO1 axs a.~..,.a~ ~. /r~P ~~. w ~,. ~ ~'~- ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~>~ ...~~. .~,y ~ ~~ - ~ ~- l'~~ '~ °~~ ~,~ ~~. fir.. ..-E' ~~~ ry _ ~ /~i /.~, q,0~22oFi,.,2,JF- cYcc,Gu c.+C C-- ~''Z'~"' ~-ao/~~.~i~~' -am-»,~L~•~ %~~.~i .rte . ~ ci~,~lri,]~_..~,,~_~~ cam- „C~ s ~ ~~~d f.~~ . ..ems-a ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~J ~.~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ Crct'~.~ ~ ~ ~f / ~ ~L~ L'JC~o, yJL«-cy~ ~'JL./'>~ ~jL ,~cukiL . ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~L ~.,~., . ~- ~o-o ~'~/ /mar? ~~-~'~^~' `~ G~ -~.~ ~,~~ ~~ ~~ L /~)3 ,:,: ~~~~ City Clerk City of Rancho Cucamonga P.C. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 Attention: Honorable Mayor Jon D. Mikels and the City Council Gentlemen: I hearby protest the formation of an Assessment District to Levy and Collect Assessments pursuant to the terms of the Landscapin@ and Lighting Act of 1972 being Division t5 Part 2 of the Streets and Righways Code of the State of California in what is known and designated as Park and Recreation Improvement District (Heritage and Red Hill Community Park). I feel that the Federal Government is cutting back on moat ali support Sor both people and local governments and that the City of Rancho Cucamonga should postpone major projects and asses~- ments on people as moat peraon~e coat of living has increased. Most people are struggling to make their monthly payments and take care of their femili es end their taxes are high enough now. I also feel that the amount of money asked is ovt of line and the method of ass esament I protest. Yours truly !~- axpaye Taxpayer ~ T- Address 9170 / TAMCO ~ ~~°-~ pET OFFIQ !OE ]13, ETIWµW, L1lliOgll,E \1TM ITNI r1'TJit April 29, 1985 Jon D. Mikels, Mayor Beverly A. Authelet, City Clerk William Rolley, Director of Community Services City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Object to Resolution No. 85-101 Park and Recreation Improvement District Tamco (Assessment No. 13119) (Assessor's No. 229-121-33-0000) strenuous ly objects to the proposal that an assessment district be formed to levy and collect asaesamenta to develop and maintain Heritage and Red Hill community parks. Not by the wildest stretch of imagination con these proposed improvements be construed to be a "direct (or indirect) benefit to the properties" of this Company. Tamco is a manufncturer of alas 1, employing sane three hundred people in a remote corner of Rancho Cucamonga, miles from the proposed parka. For ten years Tamco has struggled to survive in a difficult industry (witness Raiser Steel); and to develop a viable business which would ensure the employment end well-being of these three hundred and their families. Our company does not produce or sell a consumer product to City residents, is basically not known within the cannnunity, and ie most certainly in no position to provide cash for the recreation of a citizenry which, in the main, voluntarily chose to relocate to an area apparently locking in such facilities. By actual count, leas than 6a of our employees live in Rancho Cucamonga (Cucamonga, Alta Loma and Btiwanda). Please advise ua of any additional action on our part which may reenforce our opposition to this proposal. Very truly yours, N. L. Linnall , Vice President Finsnca and Administration NLL~b ~: ~:. 6., af' y'. dbl.'. ~fD f~'-~m-,v.~~~ ~J'(1~/ly1C'1r-mac, .- fix-.--:~ , L~rL ~~•/sEC~y ~/_`~zn t ~:rcNe~ May 9, 1985 City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Re: Improvement District No. 85-PD Gentlemen: The undersigned owner of real property in the proposed Improvement District No. 85-P D, Heritage and Re d~iill Parks does hereby protest the formation of the district and objects to said assessment. This protest shall be considered as a protest under the ter me of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, Division 15, part 2 of the Street and Highway Code of the Stace of California. The property £or which this protest shall be considered is Assessor's Parcel No. 209-123-04-0000 being assessment No. 6379. Very truly yours, Donald E. Maroney P. O. BOX 402 UPLAND, CA 91785 DEM/rr i• 3,- 'lit. r`~-~ ~°^=~ ~~ a,~Qd ham- ~•~ H2O u: Tm ~ s ~' ~ e ~ ~`~w EGG ~~ ~i CITY OF RgNCHO CUCgMONGg 9320 SgSELINE ROgD RRNCHO CUCAMONGq. Cq 91730 (714) 989-1831 IMPROVEMENT OISTRI CT ND. 85-PO HERITgGE RND REOHIIL PgRK5 FOR THE FISCgL VERR 3985-1986 MC COWN, CECIL K AND 70RN 7847 SRUTERNE OR CUCAMONGq, Cq 91730 91730 ESTIMATED gSSESSMENT: f34. 67 gSSESSMENT N0. 10817 gSSESSOR'S N0. 208-831-14-0000 i~ Mc C (cu~ 8 9 5 1 O rang c 5't r c c t A l t a L o m a, C a l i f o r n i a 92349 Mayor Jon D. Mikels Caty of Rancho Cucaaon ga P.0. Box 807 Rancho Cucaaonga, CA 91730 Dear Mayor, I wish to file an objection to the proposed 'Park and Recreation Iaproveaent District for Heritage and Red Mill Co n unity Parks." My reasons are (1) I Was never given an opportunity to vote on this ievv. (2) The proposal does not state the boundaries for the pro- posed district. (3) The proposal does not state clearly the aaount of coney anticipated by the .'evy. and (4) A co aunity needs assessaent ranking parks as a high priority has never been conducted to ay knowledge. I strongly obJect to a 20 year levy to provide, aaong other tnangs, lighted fields for sports organlzati on^, when at present there are no provisions for adequate funtltng of school facilities. Sincerely, John A. McClary ' JAM/~a• City Clerk City o£ Rancho Cucamonga F.O. Sox 807 Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 Attention: Honorable Mayor Jon D. Mikels and the Jity Council Gentlemen: I hearby protest the Formation o£ an Assessment District to Levy and Collect Assessments pursuant to the terms of the Landscaping and lighting Act of 1972 being Division 15 Fart 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California in what is known and designated as Park and Recreation Improvement District (Heritage a '. Bed Hill Community Park). I feel that the Federal Government is cutting back on most all support for both people and local governments and that the City of Rancho Cucamonga should postpone major pr^jecis and assess- ments on people as most person's cost of lic `_ng has increased. host people are struggling to make their mop^hly payments and take care of their families and their taxes are high enough now. I also feel that the amount of money asked is out of line and the method of assessment I protest. Yours truly, <, ~'~ ~c'-,... axpayer ~fiaxpayer L Addres s~ cl ~y__ /i I~~Q/ ~~IGG~ ~' April 29. 1985 City Of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Base Llne Road Rancho Cucamonga Ca. 91730 Dear City conch members, I Hecieved your assessment estimate and I don't remember you bringing th~a to vote of the people, I thought thla~xas the xay our goverment xorka. I can see where this eatima to x111 akirocket befor St Ss over, and if I missed your vote on the Issue, then I have no complaint. but Sf you set behin[ your desk and ae hox 1(yoh you can get from my pocket befor St tuna out. I thltilt you are very unfair and should think Chia out very carefully, Ien't there any Llmlt on xhat you can do Sn office, MithouL the publio peralssion, I will try-and make it to your meeting Sf at .311 possible. Millard L. Moore 11412 Alburtis Norxalk, cA. 90650 ~~. y, ~';.' $; ;~, ~~, q...~ 'sy 1;, 1337 amity 71erk 7ity of t~~ncho 7ucamonga dote of California De :.r dirs: I as xritin„• to ~rotast the speei _1 assesau.;nt ciatri~~t fir Heritc~e s.nd .ted :Iill Parks. Z 3on't think it i~ ri.~ht to tsz or nsseas ay norm .o tie ,:ts Loma .iiditae3 Club can a::ve -:a egaestri~.z arena and trails. I ds not h•~ve ~ horse, nor do I Matt on ~>ettino one. If tnz wall nu:aber of horse ,~.rnsrs in tai.: cit./ ;rat tae ~~.rena, then as ;ass each horse eno•aE;xa until the cost of t-•te •:renn is eo:ered. .. i,sr fee t~ over aaintenance .ad serri.;ing is .aso needed. In regards t~ tae ;nsred 113hted bsll r.Litics 'zt Harit~,e Park a.:d the de1L ted •~.nd li~ntad ball fields at .ted HiL' Psr.c, who •rill ~: e the facilities? I no o-a the nablic will .De .allowed to u;e the •f~cilities. not just s littl~, lsa;ues. I feel if the little leagues wa~.tt lights '.L tnese. f:xilitiea, let teem toot tale costs. I fell to ask 07,0)0 pe~: ale of .:u,: a;aonga to nay fir cmytnin~ Wore th :n Lnd for 1207 n~rsea t., have ~n rena would be ~: toa.;te of trx n~yer: coney, for so Pew to u.e. I :oa't own :dirt bi:ce, but I think y.; coulu :?end the "horse" coney batter iY yea bailt dirt o:aa tr~..c: witn t:et a,;nsy in~tesd. '.t lec.-t .:ore ;oe~nle '.nu1G oe sar~ed. You woul: 1:;0 ;et .cius ofY tea atree~~ riding .~;t.r.JCles ilis;;ally. I prat: t::ia ..:~sesssast d.i~ t: ::e £. ct i~ i~ for ~~ aw (1 ')J). Z ~:~nl:. li.ce to h..vs ~. c:~ace to sees ~t t„~ ..ay 17 t.i .::actin,;. 1h a.: y:u, s ry Ael~on ~:-aa3sment No. 180d4 :.cseasor's Vo. 1777-2;1-ib-oJ00 `~rY4 ~.Ci~c~c. ~.~ t 7';r` ''~5 flOUSIflG fl0ifl0~liy OF iflfl COOfl1y Ofl Sflfl flfl~Uflfl01N0 CENTRgL OFGICE 1GSl NORTH O SiREEi TELEPHONE P1U ~<-1811 COMMISSION SAN BERNAROINO rgLIiORNIq 9Pa 10 HELEN L. JAMES April 29 1995 CRarrman , An Bernartlmo WESLEY B. JEf PERSON VICeCNnrman Ritlm RICHARD PADILLA Banmw FRANK A. HOOVER Vxmrvnle P. J. MADDOX Monxlur CATHERINE F.. TABERq [.~, Beverly Ant}IElet taro" City Clerk PEDRO S. FERNANOE2 City of Ranctq Cucamnga Rmlam' 9320 Baseline Road Ranetn Cucaronga, California 91730 Dear Pls. Authelet: .~BER' +~M~vS Please mte the attached rotice of special assessment on ovr property at 9405 La Gratde Street, Rancho Cucamonga, (APN-202-081-46). We appreciate your attention in reroving this assessment being that we are atax-exmpt entity. Sincerely, Clauiio Padres Director of [busing DeveloEamnt CP/tq Attactment CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 9320 BASELINE ROAD RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CA 91730 ola~ 989-1851 C ~ TRq EH ~ aF~ IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-PO ~ .,,E$TIMATE7t ASSESSMENT: 1103.99 HERITAGE AND REDNILL PARKS ~If L•? AM s FOR THE ~~ FISCAL YEAR 1985-1986 ASSESSMENT NO. 2606 HOUSING AUTHORITY COUNTY OF SA ASSESSORS NO. 1053 N D ST 202-OBI-46-0000 SRN BERNARDINO. CA 92410 92410 9yos sgG,r../c sf• IPo..oGi G.cs ni..yc ~~QN~ Nay 16, 1985 William Hoiley Director of Comm~ani a• Se n~l ces City of Rancho Cucamonga Attest He ve r_y .a. Authe:et City Clerk I protest the construction of fled Nill and Heritage .COmmur~ity Parks for the reasons lasted on the protest submitted with this letter. Also, I am against the city officials who pushed for SB2137. We want to kelp Prop. 1J in effect. Any assessment should be put on the ballot for the ~~ote rs to decide. I showed the attached protest to 125 citizens, 116 signed Lo let you know *. hey feel this way also. S: r. ~e rely U ,~ ~ iarrro 4 ~~N y. €. awl ,~N:1 eC` !'.r 9R. 30pERT [%hRAM POW ELL, Ph.U 4900 "4nranira Iki~e A.TA IIIM, CAI.IfOWlU 9170! Tel: 71w9p9-8((A 71w9B9-1911 I SUBJECT REFERENCES Pcritage Y Red Hiil ~~a:crt¢•,rc•: Park P,e: Resolution `b. a}int Qpy ~• pAr~}p Q.G`QYA ATfENTON y~ Base Line Road Pres/I)ireccor City Coucril of R.C. California 91701 a Rancho Curamn g , DATE S April 1985 I ~vr Su ar 'e: The purpose of [his camwucacion is to convey our position aM opmi[ion [o the proposed Park ve~eiomnt. priefly, we aze not interested in supporting any (Z[LII,'IL\"LSC/50CI,1LLS1' shales to dues[ us of cur savings to support [he hobbies or activities of others. he believe [hat [hose who wart to build and use such ' facilities should 6y all ~ be en[i[lal to do so 6y putting up whatever of their finds trey •,anc [o invest Eor such pur(uaee, atwl L`erEafter payir~ for Lhe nainterence of said facilities. Sirulazly we do rat believe tluc a htaxh of crinrirel ndnded collectivist ~rindlers should be able [o "use [he tT7UR GF Uh" to force those of us not interested in sorb srhm~ t.. ay a[ [he point of a go~errranc 4~ ! P}ilceoplhically it is very interesting hw twisted ndnds find ways to :~~^, others through the "color of faw", Pazks, shook, g}masiurts, swimmng pools and related faciliti=s "do not grow on Crew". They ^wt he paid for [o care into exis[etrx. 4a+ I ~.,wld li:.e a ?8 :0 300 acre lake with a dock a[ my front door, and a :rdle long ]finding strip for my airplane along Lhe canal to our Vorth, but you will rot see ~ at public rtetings trying to get the local collectivist inra:.peten[s co fund it Dy steeling frrni the population a[ large, and particuiazly fran those wfq own property. If I decide that i[ is my interest to build such facilities, I will form a private company with investors to do so utrder the free enterprise sysce.•t~(what is left of it ), and when /if funded, bring i[ into rwality. 99.99& of the folks who use such perks, in addition to the local Erns, narcotics peddlerv, proscicutes, and unaryloyed, are folks wfro live in [he rental facilities of our neighborhoods- w}p pay ro tats an: generally own nothing and are fndauured in perpetuity [o their bill collscors. }~reover with L'r praltc[(s) of our public schools Eor the past 35 years (a new breed of collectivist inca~,^re[arcs! fur the :ms[ pa[, crirre tar not only prospered, but [he socialise *udges [::rn the cr:ndnals ~aacl: un `ire streets as a rewer'd for [heir transgressions on [heir fellow nsnkirxl, and it is no lcnuer safe co he 1n a public park even when armed and wearing body amor. Take a lade at the rate of public use of pails within a 10 nine radius o. v area, as you will find [hat [heir "use rate" is incrediEly low. :?age '. I realize chat public bweaucrats cannot gran in salary or position until cnev build their ?t ~i"JD larger. It is an avian of public gra+rh. Always in the rere of Lhe RELIC Q1~D. But rmanher, tirere an Se ro public good without L`7DNIA!N. Q7DD, and wfiar you increase the (1-Tv1f. ROBBFi2Y of ctie productive ^e.^.bers of society coo far, the syscen coffipses. `lavbe the City Cancil should tbdnk about pxouraging businesses to invest in auG^. focii i..es '.'.;ere±n the dCCllitw' i5 ~mder busioess ~:r_nage:ent (private) under a lase arangeaen~. w1Lh '.:-e ":Cv. r:: ~':., ':'e city rent lease Eees t'•iracecer) and a percentage of cx profits to :ace such a fau'ii;e bci'.', lns ~:'i~.! and operated.. 5"es, crere •..euld re a c'arge for admission, and for food 3 bewrerages and :or rides, and out of the adnission a secwity guard could he hired co police Lhe grarrids, and possibly- it mould be such a success with senior citizens, children, fandlies knowing that they could go safe!! to sun an activity- the City waild have co build orYers wraith mould also he frequented.. I realize Lhat the h,ras, pushers and rapisrs (and others of t.'r criminal elan=nt) have been .cEt out of my projection, lwwewer "[;acs cle way C CifNc -ns[ of us ~,wuld like ro scc it dcne'! See her easy it is folks! You door have to rob ctie blind, the sick, out of work, retired arnl elderle- you ran do it the A`RR[GLV 'n:AY and :~elte a profit for tfe Ci[y to squander on some oLwer eaerc:;c ::. futility. lCr;i foil distrust of ow alleged leaders and protectorq, xi. ,v'fJPEFI I,1~'iLIM EIl. i ~ w ~ = rgg Eylie ~ dF~ u g'se ~ 8 3 , ac,g $•5~; „Y~r<u~ „a.s a r. a~~^8 ~ O7 w s. f~~Z $w a, yY O w w ~~~~~~ ~ Z :+ _ y ~ / r. z so ~ ~s',, z ~ ~ - - z ' _ s..' - 'Z E ^> < ~;' LO r ~a u J '' z a S = _ P~~ x'013 E!2 r ~ f Y'Au~ ~ /i~• F'/bs~ s-p/~ Teat: in ri6r ALTw coNN CA 9'~u/ clTy ~~~ K GT9 Of RANCH:: COCamCrv,;H 9320 13Asf s//u ~ K4 . f1gNGl+o ~.u=Ar.~on:;<~ ~ •: i~ X11730 ~Uc- A1~E' OVY~S~~ io k~ES~Ct~T/O,~ ~1/q b5-/„~ 1110 ~~h1tc.+ CF q-r ~SESSr11ENr D/SIRfCj~ FvR TNt /M~Qot~EM@rol of ~c-Ri7AVE ~AvVD iQEO i~~« SI N Gci, t LY/ ,KrNe,,x- ~ P~ ". /, l ~i l ~Av cA A'. y vcN v ,L M~ YF , k ~~ , .?~ V h - `. a¢~q~, eYP.: N IF 5 .~ r x; fit,, ~,,., ~„ =K T -~ e,~, . ~ ~ ~~~s fI u~ ~~~ ~rex~ --~In~ c ~'1 1 ~~~ ~' ~'~ d, ;~~ ~ 0. .. I~6~f ~~~ i i ~t U l G, I YES ~~~ /~~ 6~al~ti a~ iyJ,~~S ~~ o ~ S` avi k5 nsi~i 1 "f~ ~ ~uS~Ott~f'S SN~l) S IIeLt N¢ u~ 7 ~rI / 1 ~f~'it~ ~ G ~~ ~ 5 -rte ~ ~ ~~~~a ~ _ ~ a, , 1 - YI:1 ~s1r areas a/ti mo' ~, ~U~~J ,~; ~ ~~~ M, ~~~(1 P ~ (a1CCaH5L /le'I(1.l'~ 1 Donald C. Richardson 12t~,.er~i 5y00 Turquoise Avenue Alta Loma, California 9101 Assessment No. 14ye4 Assessor's No. 1061-y51-05-0000 May ~, 1985 City Clark City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 BMeline Road Rancho Cucamonga, California 9130 Dear Sir, I wish to go on record as opposed to the plan to create the Rancho Cucamonga Park and Recreation Improvement District as outlined in the official notice mailed out recently. A copy of my assessment number insert which was included in that mailing is enclosed for your ready reference. Z £eel that the level oY spending call for in this plan is entirely too high. My estimated assessment is aproximately $35 per year. Hased on the anticipated 20 year length of this assessment, this would be a total cost to me of about $~00. Some other method must be Pound (and i believe can be found) to finance this project without fLrther burdening the already overburdened taxpayers. N~1S~n/io~nc er~,el~y, I~/^/~^-Q~~ ''~^~`~~ Donald C. Richardson CI .~;~ .. .. ;f:rA RANCHO ^7'30 IMF'RU'JEMENT G: ~':=.:Ci IvU. 95-FD HERi TA,E ~.Nf:~ ~:EDH'1.1_ FgF'K8 FUF 7HE , FI UCAI. %E~'~F -_, 1986 E3Tif1ATEC ..'n.9'r.S5i1ENT7 i34. b7 ]E~SMEPIT ND. '~~'94 RICHAF.L..C';. ::HALLi C 570,1 TUPo?U ;'_~_ AVE 91%,1 1 ~ ~h 1- 7°, i -0¢-0000 i i ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ \ j ~~ ~ ` ~ 1 r~ d ~ d ~ d `' 4 ~ Q: i S ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~° ~~~' v i h 0~ J ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~\~ ~~ ,~~ ~~~'v ~~~ ~p~ ~ ~ ~ wZ V Y ~~ ~ :I ~~ YYY =~ C ~ L ~ 7 1 1 1R `p!, ,;~ ~ °~ ,~.\ ~ ~ ~~ ~~% ~ ~ (yam ~ M ~ ~ ~' `.~~ ~ ~ v ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~,~ ~ ~ ~ 3J3 ^ ~ §~ ~ ~ y ' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~`'~ ~ s i ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 3 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~~ ~ c~~~~~~~ tom' ~i.;, 8320 JennetCpt9170i Alta Lama, ppxil 29, 1985 William Holley Director of Community p, 0. Box B07 Rancho Cucamonga, Cp Services 91730 Dear Six: Regarding your proposed assessment of m34Husband antl future parks (Hex iota9o sedntlo your1Plan. y I are definitely PP The reason for the above opposition is that you already have several Par aiksn theytshould befplanned to be assessed for any P Thexeuar eMnonel9nbthiso areaexe a park is badly neede . Sinc exely, ,, t f ~.,e~ ~~ir.,uc ~gye~2~ . ,~e~ / O ~~ ~~, ~~~ ~f~v d9%S~:G~av ~r:~, ~1 Zl1~} 17 May 1985 Mr. William Holley M rector of Commvnity Services Ms. Beverly A. Authle t,/ City Clerk Council Members City of Rancho Cucamonga On the 10th day of April 1985, the City Council of Rancho , Cucamonga adopted resolution # 85-101, iptention to order the fo rmaticn o£ an assessment district and to levy and collect assess- ments ( taxes ), for the ^ parks and Recreation improvement -is- trict ", (Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks ). The undersigned is the owner of the following described teal property, located within the boundaries of the proposed assessment district and is shown as the owner of such property en the equalized county assessment roll, assessors # 1061-101-28-6000. The following is my ob~eotions to your proposed method and formula's of assessment. 1. In regards to the Merit age Community Park, why should we the taxpayer pay for taxes and supply the minority groups with such facilities as Equestrian arena and trails. If they want such facilities , let them pay for it or charge them a user fee. 2. If these (2) two parks, Red Hill and Heritage Community, are paid for by an assessment district then those parks are.to be used by the people within the district only. If the parks are opened to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and neighboring Cities, then everyone should pay the assessment. My main objection is that approx. 4 Years ago, I moved into this City of Rancho Cucamonga. I went through the process of obtaining a building permit, of which you very well know the cost, if not, it was in the thousands of dollars of which Parktaxes were included. Now again I must pay for what was already pai d~. for, can you tell me where the money went to! Also I ask, is this not DOUBLE TAXATION ! l -1 Concetto R. Sanzaro 8181 La Senda Alta Loma, Ca 91701 h. Sec~,r IBS RICHARD B. SEABEES 7630 GLEE GSINO CUCAMONGA, GLIF. 91730 April 30, 1985 City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline Road P. 0. !ox B07 Rancho Cucamonga, Calif. 91730 Re:Reaolu tion g5-101 Ea Lima to Assessment $J4.67 201-051-03-0000 Attentions Mr. wil liam Holley Director of Community Service Dear Sir: Parks are ell vary nice and the bonds to build such will no doubt have great accep tench especially with 12i interest tax exempt. First -with interest ra tea apparently going down - 127. seems too high. Second - I do not in [end to pay tha interest Eor [he proposed eaaesament. Could this be in con[ravan[ion of Proposition 131 Hhy not put the Park on a paying or fee basis - rental areaa7 The interest could be pe id from tha revenue - also the maintenance and Police service. There are improvements much more needed, sewers Ear Red Hill and other areas, Cord fall//y, (~-71kf~ / ScMk:ks 9217 Lomita Dr. P lea Lo.a, Ca. 91701 liar 1F, 1995 rii111n^! Holley D+.re^tnr o` Co^~•:n1ty Services . ^f H-ncLo 6~.canonez F.C. Box ?07 H~~nc:^.o 6tca^~on», Ca. 91730 Da+r Sir: I ter*rd the proposed assessnert fer parks imrrove-!er.t sn•' recreation =s exe•ssive, ~mfa it and discriminatory and wish *.o roeister ry rrotest• acrnrdln.-~1v. Sonn of the rroposed Smproverects for elitist activities such as s^.ue stri+n facilities, hard coot"s ate. eo;:]d he bet'.er financed and 9ev~lerM b-: criv-te ertertrise wi`.n user fees char,,^.ed and not sunrer•e3 by the tax de'_lar of t'^.e re tirod and low Sncc^e people of ±his car^.ur.ltp. I c~nsiier. '.he -ropwal to Lax ho.:eoS,T.ers ii, of Haver., for tie develop- -ant o" *.he parks w. of He ven, _`or thr, use of A~,~ Mncho CucemonR+ rostdenta as -+e11 as :`,ose Sr• ad~'oinSnv. cities Co be + most unjust levy. In ^rl opinion, this m+t*ar shunSd '.:e placed nn a ballot to be vo*.ed on by all the L~xrayers in Aaneho Cucamon¢a. Yours :rtt~y, ~` ~; ~; E. J. Scehrei c.r., 60:: 3?1 Altt ! =mz. .tl if. Txi: 619 -4~i 'ST' i9us.> 714 '97_7-o rFeE.i ~~N~ f Acr. _-. _=5Q Suc ,ect: =~oppsed Ftr4. ?: ns_~sat!ort L!st. k~!!__tm iipiisy Diractor af =ommuni tv Services . C . 60:: 907 City of F.aneho =uc s.men^_t. •a =1?.O S, _, _rencs __ mad: tc vour tESessment Na 44" d: .ob. w'hi ch spea!r!ct.l lv6~xi ales to AE^:e4S^r°E aa~cei ne. _41 =_~ __ ~~.'.; ~,~ I wi EC: to fermeliv Protast the !nclu^:: on of Tv arocrti es _.. vour ^~opoEad atr4: tnd recrett!an di=_:ri ct. I tlc this hec zuE• _ <e:1 you aE ci t•. offic!t._ ~rE truing '_ +_t: _roosrty owners who havs _,_^x•-... - -_.. -mom «~esE precoESa aar'r.E thtt one :rouid •gst ne Benefit ?rom :hem. 3,. _: v!ra a.^. riermost. car rot evE• .,._-- m° - --- '-n! wav oust to Hervi E: N111eid• ar to 4inevard '~ 9teelire to ::Ee i> t oarY.. If you ware to huild t otrk in my tree. i r:cuid euppar*_ vcu g~ ?a:< tha people who uss tha otr l~.: mtks is Ea.!- and eo!~.i tt~le. _„ Varv truly yp' "~'i 1:•. ~' ~f ~ ~. C. f3~'1C 34' ( ~3f, 4 l7~ _,, ~r,: .~,,;, (: fi. r~?. - ~, ~f1~S (Mailing Adoresa) 13128 Whittra:o hve. Fontana, cA. 92335 April 25, 79tl5 Office of the Gity Clerk Gity of dmcao Cucaponga P.G. iwx dL7 dancno Cucaoonga, CA. 91730 Lear City Clerk: nE: hesolution Vo. 85-101 la response to the proposal of the City Comcil~a intent Lo establish, oraar and collect • nev property Lax aaaaaeaant per the captioned 8esolution Fo. b5-701, oe it hereby koom and ao registered and noted accordingly that we, the underaignea resident/property omer rithin the Gity of rtancno Gucawonga, do ob~aet to ana protest the initiation ~f aqy tax levies or omer fom of asaeas:aenta or fees. Assessors Parcel No. Yours truly, 229-191-u5-11000 13213 osapb~A. uobaon, Executor Fbtate of deLty 1. Sparks Pacific Scene, Inc. April 24, 1985 ~( Rancho Cucamonga City Council c/o Mr. William Holley Community Services Director P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 RE: Proposed Park 5 Recrea[ion Improvement District Assessment Dear Council Members: As a property owner within the above referenced proposed assess- ment district I wish to express opposition to its adoption. As a developer of industrial projects I see no benefit to me or tenants in my projects as most of them reside outside the area. The cost of these amenities should be borne by the resi- dential dwellers within the assessment district area as they derive the most benefit from them. Thank you for the opportunity to be heard in opposition [o yet another tax. Sincerely, e -~ ) ,r _~ . Kenneth 5. Spear Vice President KSS:mb 937 VIA LATA, M100, COLTON, CALIFORNIA 92324 1774) 370-1550 T~ n~~ ~~, ,-yfs ~,,Z~ '~22f~ L~t~-~:~ rn.~r-6 `/~c.~~-~...c_.~ ~ jit~rc. ~ ~nf,'G.~~ ~~: ~:~1[ t ~h-o .ate-.c~.(C_. l/Cc'G C4,Z :.~".2'v:..'r- --f.CLL^~i .//-CC4ci 1G'~tvn.Z`CCXJ ~C7c/ ~~ ~ i/' 1 L~ ~~ i:u.~~.ri~:,i' -rte,-e2~ : r,~c~~~~w.~, -r~xi ~.c G ~'~ ~~'~~'~ _-~ ~,:-~- ~~,te'x~ea~s~/ ~ .3'{. (~ 6 .ice ~E~C<--' ~~-C:~~ /~r~~i Lli,~ ~r/ ~G~~-• ~c~~-tom ~~.~~ G .1 J ~ / / ~i u~/W c"'~/~Gi,C~ .~CX~t-c~~nZn~c% /2~'~T fCZU. ''-t, ~2.L~iv ,=L ~>~ fit ~cii ~i'llt~ir_rL (~.~ t~~i~c~~ A~~ `~r~ , ~ tir~G ~ .~c,~..E-- .tam u/ Ckp~.eaa~nt.,c,Z~ !~2J.Z~r+-rX ~~,i e~~CG'aeG a[~' ~~..v/, DEAR SIR5, AS OWNERS OF THE FOLLOWING FROPERTICiIN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~ 7651 BUENA VITR 5654 VALLE VISTA 8196 RANCHERIR DRIVE 8198 RRNCHERIA DRIVE WE WISH TO P~R~~T THE PRRK AND RECREATION IMPROVMENT TO THE HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARK. SIGN/ED, `' R. C. THOMPSON ELAINE M. THOMRSON 7L S/ Qc.a..s~ ~.aa,T~` 9 8.t - 549 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ? ~ ~ 1 Y ~'-, ~_ n , ~, C ~ ~ ~ .. \ ~ .. ~. '~ ~ r ? c7 ~ '~{ m, pp:.,a > ~. ,.. ~ -}i ii ~ ' ~ ~i ^ . ~ ~ nI '\ ~ 7 3 ~ ~ ~ 7 J a. a > a ~' L : ' , ,~ ~ 1 n ~'~.'> ~ ~ r T i . ~ ~ < ~ ^l i +, 6 ~ ~• 1 1 p` ~ ~1 ~ '~ 'y . ~ I"~ V ~ C V n . ` ad ~ CITY OF FgNCHO CUCAMONGA 9320 BASELINE ROAD RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CA 91730 (714) 989-1831 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-PD HERITRGE AND REDHI LL PARKS . FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1983-1986 C V V m w 3 ° o ~~_ a a 3 () C7 m n ~ ~ o ,,, d J ~ ~ w ~ o m ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT: t34. 67 ASSESSMENT N0. 7463 TRICTANV. PFIEftP AND FL~.I`~<e C.' ASSESSORS NO. 7730 SACRRMENTO AVE 207-424-13-0000 v CUCAMONGA. CA 91730 91730 ~~, y~o.,,~, la ~ tic Cs S ~,.A,c.n,AA~.o~1 c.~ ~LC~~.,,2~ ~~ ; CQ,~ w P'U~-~'v,~ d/-~.~~-~-n~.z~~(/~~,~~,~.~~~y~ r~~ ~l~y~l.n~r//j~..^c- C'L~.C4/~AM1O~1~~+ / ~ l(/~"`.'v _..{ ,~,',',~NQY_A ~~~~IyWJ1C'AM.AM ~'1 ~1e,1 a.~~cp~-%w~,~-~-r-~''-~ s-{~X:~t-~i.e.,'1 ~ c~ nA.cc ~+..,cl ~~ ti. ~~~~ `5 3 1 ~ (fie.(-~i V,~.a.~. G~,~ C~ ~(~ ~ ~ AAMGN GGMEZ ~~ ~ 4C~,j wrroww cr wr ~ww ~ . .MO.cseloMx. ~o e.os..IOM owcz Ioea wcs. slx.M smcv. swm Iw IMO .oowcss iMZwzsC M. zAwiM wrv OrvTw N10, CPLIf OR rvlw 91)62 eOx IaoO O Mi~e10, C<Ii~OMM~.t 91163 Ivi ~I 9e]~]Ii9 April 3U, 19b5 City of Rancho Cucamonga 93LU Baseline Road dancho Cucamonga,CA yi73U k'c: Pla ry C. Valadez erupercy lax Arse ss,::e ras iattac :edl (;enr lemen: Un behalf of our cilent Mary C. Valuez, we are wrttLng you [nls letter to verifu that she is not approving of the assessments eiade on her property in rile :<ane no Cuc a:iwnga area. Shc strongly feels that Cne proposed parxs to be built to your areas listed would not be neftt the residents whici~ are in her properties. ine most used pant in the area of her properties is Guasti ana therefore, she rejects the proposals set forth by your Comm asron. therefore please note on your tiles to regards to this proposer that our cL:er.t uas expressed a negative response towards it. is you have further questions in regards to this matter, please erect toum to Pls. Valadez. Sincerely, LAW J,F'/~i/1C~ Or"['tt,/A:N~UiJ GUi4Fll if Y: I~NLtn ~'4~74.s~r~a ~~JOCOr ro e'lbarca ~~ta ry (L. Valadez r a, CITY DF kAhCHO CUCgMLi.dti 9}20 bgSELINE k'ORG RRNCHO CUCRMONGq. CR 9173i~ V 141 969-1831 IMPFCNEMENT q3 STRICT N0. 65-F'G HERSTR6E RND FEUHI LL FRRN6 FOR THE F[SCRL VERR 1583-1486 VRLRDE k. MRFV C 919 ER6T OLIVE UPLRN0. CR 91766 91766 CITY DF RgNCMO CUCRMOWiR 9]20 bRS'EL SNE FUgO kRNCIq CUCRMDN~iR. [:. vl%3o c]la~ vev-.em IMPROVEMENT DI STRICT ND. B3-PG NERITRGE RND kEGMILL fgRNS FOR THE Fi6CRL YEHF 1983-1966 VRLRDE 2. MFkV C 919 ERST DLtVE UPLRND, CR 9l>86 91766 CITY OF FHNCHO CUCRMONtiq 9}20 FHeCLINE kUHG RRNCMD CUCRMONGR. CR 9 V}0 (]l4) 969-1831 IMPROVEMENT UISTkICT N0. BS -F'U MERITRGE RNU kEOHiLI FRRNS FOk THE Ft6CRL YERR 1963-1986 VRLRDEZ. MRRV L 9l9 Eg6T OLIVE UPLAND, CR 91786 91766 ESTIMR TED F65ES6MENT: fi7.}} gS6E66MENT ND. 31836 RSSESSOR'S N0. 209-061-22-0000 EST :,IRTED gSSES6MENT: f}4. 6] gSSESSMENT ND. ItS39 I~ PS6E650R'6 N0. 209-063-22-0000 ESTIMRTEq g66ES6MENT: f}4.6 gESE65MENT ND. If 820 R6SE6SOR15 ND. 209-061-01-0000 CITY OF FRNCHC CUCRnONBR 93]O ERSEL2NE FORD FRNCNG CUCRMONGR. CR 9 V3fi (]14) 989-1651 IMPFUVEMENT UI6T F't CT ND. 65 -F'0 E6TIMRTED g65E66MENT: fl].33 HERITRGE RNO FEDN[LL PRFN6 FOF THE FI 6CRL YERF 1963-1966 g66E65MENT N0. 11621 VRLgUE Z. MRFV C g86E86UR'6 NO. W 9 Eg6T OLIVE 209-463-~i2-0400 UPLRNU, CR vi]B6 91]66 0000-LI-L90-6UL 'ON 9.9099396tl £L81[ 'CM! 1N3N99399tl L9'9£f ~1N 3N99399tl 631tlNI193 CITY OF RRNCHD L"UCRMONIiq 9320 6RSELtNE kOgU RRNCHO CUCRMONGq. Cq 9VJG 1]19l 969-1091 IMPFOVEMENT UISTFICT ND. 85-FD HERITRGE RND FEOHILL F'RRNB FOH THE FISCRL YERF iS6°.-1966 VRLRO'c a . a„P.'. 9l9 ER9T OU VET UPLRND. CR 91]86 91]86 96Lt6 96Lt6 tl] 'fiNtllM 3n[l0 16b3 6[6 J Antlu '237b1tln 9861-W 6I Bb3A lb]6Id 3M1 yUd 6 nand llIH03.y GNtl 36tl1 Ul3H ad-66 'ON 1]]tl192^ 1N3N3n01JdNI 1681-686 l>i<1 oCLi6 tl3 'bDNOWtlCMJ OMJNbtl CtlOH 3NI l39tlB U. C6 tl9NOWb9fiJ OHJNtlN d0 l,llJ E6TIMRTEO g66E66MENT: g66E66MENT N0. 11654 g66E66OR16 ND. 209-063-13-0000 f34. 6T va r F1~ e~- vCE.~ ~ I1 I E' ~T ~~~ a~ i ya ~~< Tom- .~~ ~-L~-r ~ -~i2uc~~ a-z. J~ iCC~ r~-~.-~ ~~` /////)~jp/ J i ~'~' ~ 'T ~'liY ~~~ /L ¢ L I<r ~ ,~ ~ ~-x. 'Yr'1 mTa-a°y f ~ ~/,/s9f ~'C <CIGG~ ~(J/ / /f•LQt~-01~ .~L~S"L~~fc"; ~~ ~/Q Op hdlg' ,~,(,e L~ ~ vim/ d-G~ 1~~41 ~s'+~f`~ ,.~LvoK ~i~az` _~~ ~~~ ~l~'.QP-tom - ~~ ,~ T~ 9~0- 9~3s ~~ n~ "itv lca^ci1 =.zTbe^s .:~~ ls, l::r_, ;;/ wifo az3 .T •ri~n tc voice rur o^rnsition to t're rre~erty asesmen*. for the -ied i'il'. "~r:sin :"rsk and t'ne i'eritr,.~e Parke, 'Ye feel i*. is a cit^r project to obtain p~sk :mea, en3 Nnintain L~,em, not s neic+h`~orhoed prodect. 'q;' ci'? r?si3erta shou'•.d vote on city Pro,j ects arch sa ~ .is. "ours tr•~iv, Ch slew ': (.T:ac~- '!erne .~n=t- .+ancho Cuc•.u7otu~s, Ca.Q193^ V.I.P. Club Members: We have an opportunity to provide valuable input to the City of Rancho fucaaanga concerning the developement of two major Darks within our city limits. On Thursday, May 9, 1985, Mr, Bill Motley, Director of Community Services will be stopping by to share with us information and answer any questions these projects and the Parks and Recreation Assessment Program. In order to make this an informative meeting, your input would be of great help. Please take a manent to fill out this questionairre. Thank you. 1. Would you like to sere. t~ ma.Sor Darks developed in our comnunitvl yes ~ ~ i Hndecided 2. I am in favor off' the pmt oposed Park and Recreation Assessment Program. Yes N6 ~`- ~~ Undecided •~i 3. Are you a resident of P,ancho Cucamon9al Yes No 4. Do you own your own home? Yes 40 5. I would like to have the following Questions and or concerns addressed. Your Name (Optional) _~`_~~=~_ ~~~; j~1 - Address (Optional) '_'-___ ~,: ~~ ~6 dilliam ~ '~.:ait:^. i~. ;e he G,C^1 ~•:alachite .:venu=_ :.Ira 2c., _. , ;ity )1=_rk :.ity of Yanczc .;uca~enba 3320 3aseline E;ead :iarcho L'ucamonga, ;A 91730 his lettar constitutes ou: objection (assessment :.o. 15529 ani .+ssessors i3o. 1062-251-29-G000) to the formation of the .assessment district £or the Improvement District ::o. 35-r~, 3eritaee and :tiedhill ;arks pursuant to iiesolution :;o, 85-101 of the Bandno Ouc amonga Oity Council. ',re oppose formation of the nssessment District and the proposed attendant assessment on .+ssessors No. 1062-251-29-000C nssessment :.o. 15529. ,,"sincerely, ,Jilliam d, .ie bb ~.. Judith L. ile bb E. n. i -. i j„ ~i~; 4`.fY .y, ~,c?~sf- CITY COUNCIL City of Rancho Cucamonga May 14, 1985 City Council: I wish to express my concerns relating to the proposed assessments for parks construction of the Heritage and Red Hill Parks. 1. Quimby Act I understand we are presently being taxed for parks under the act, if so, we should have an accounting of these funds. 2. Maintenance Costs This on-going and increasing item has not been addressed to my satisfaction. Before the council acts on this assessment, some long range budgeting and where these funds will come from must be determined. Hav many employees do we have at present? And what are our present monthly salaries? 3. Are the proposed rates fair? My neighbors (4 houses/acre) pay twice the amount that persons living one half mile north of us pay, (above Banyan). They have horses, which a good portion of Heritage Park is planned around. They have trails set aside for their use now, which are normally in a deplorable state, with trash and presently weeds. Why should the people south of Foothill be assessed the same rate? They will not be using the above parks located in the "NW" sector of the city. Is it right that a $20,000.00 income household should be charged the same rate that a $lOD,00D.00 plus income household is charged? Shouldn't they be excluded, as the people of Etiwanda were excluded? There are more horses in Etiwanda than in the south portion of the city which stands to reason that there will be more Etiwanda users of Heritage Park. I am not referring to those persons in developments such as Terra Vista or Victoria. 4. industrial Area Assessing or taxing this area is also unfair. All costs have to be passed on, either to the consumer or to overhead. Many companies do not have the luxury of being able to pass along the increase to their customers due to a competitive market. They then have to review their internal functions, and wages is the area easiest to control by not granting increases or reducing employees. Face the facts, it will be passed on, the city's reputation is bad enough now in the industrial community, why aggravate it more? 5. Why is the Public Meeting scheduled for Friday night? (realize the answer, as it was the only date open. Bill Wolly has explained it to me already. It still appears the logical answer would be that it would be easier to get supporters out on Friday and good old human nature, the non-supporters will be heading for the river. The public will not respond to a Friday night meeting. I am sure the $70,000 consultants recommended the Friday date. 6. In conclusion, the voters of this state and city have said that they want to decide where they spend their money. This assessment procedure takes these rights away from the resident and puts it directly in the hands of five council persons under the direction of staff. This issue affecting the entire city should he placed before the public at the ballot box. Sincerely, ~'~.~ GcJ,~^' Charles A. West 6311 Emerald St. Alta Loma, CA 91701 Sa. r .y //aw.c. iti cct,~._o .I~ ./,Lu...c. ~Q..,.. ~,o,,t ~„ ,..~ ~~e- .~ tic ~~ ~~ mow....,.-•1 G.,..~ f~r.O.Eo e~ 3 0 40a.y~ ~,nc pin c c~.~ ~ a ca°t(~ ~ ../ 3 o cP~ ~~ °- - i~'~ ice' /yf5 ~t 4 ~ r ~ .~. u,7 ~ ~ i .L -, C~ ~ i~ ~~ rec~4c~ ce..v ai~(~~~y~v~ .~~ ~~. ~ ~ _,~.::~: ~7.~-F ~~u~.~ G~.-tub ~. ~c~• '~~/ ~~ ~ Vt ~,e~.'. ic.G -VII ~iL.~/ ~ z./ tLJ ~/~L~ ~t CL.4r~!!•'~~'.c?.i G Ci.C ~s'/t/..a. /7 y ~ /. ~..:.. may: c/ ~ n~. ~. ,~ .. ~4. ~. ~: ~~• ~~ b; r ~~~R~ nay t5, 1985 City of Rancho Cucamonga P. 0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Attention: City Clerk Re: Assessment Protest Dear Sirs We, Richard A. and Juliette C. Weigh[, being legal residents of, voters in and tax payers in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby formally submit to you, for forwarding to the Ci[y Council, objections [o [he passage of the proposed assessment to develop the so-called Red Mill and Heritage Park sites. While reasons for objections are not required, it would be of benefit to both the elected and appointed officials if the following are considered to avoid future problems with similar assessments: 1. While the letter of the law may (or may not) 6e being observed, the intent of Proposition 13 is being flaunted before the tax payers by tax assess- ments such as this. If this assessment fails, it will be due to the ineptness our City government has demonstrated in presenting the assessment and the apparent ex[ravagence of the proposed parks. The need for city parks and recreation areas are not the issue, they are needed. 2. If the assessment passes, Rancho Cucamonga will find itself embroiled in litigation and I object to the City entering into a venture that is known to be controversial, and wasting the City's resnu rtes in a court case [ha[ will either 6e lost or dropped after the replacement of the City Council in the next election! As tax oaye rs and supporters of litigation to stop this assessment, if it does pass, we object to being a party tc suing ourselves due to the insensivity of the City Council. 3. We propose [hat a Scaled down parks plan be prepared and it be self- supporting by the use of user fees and general fund revenues, not assessments. Hfs[orically, public parks and recreation areas are used 6y a minority of [he people and, quite often, to the profit of a few. We propose that these users become the source of the revenues on a pay as you go basis, otherwise Rancho Cucamonga tax payers will be paying for improvements that will be used by a majority of people other than themselves. 4. I[ is doubtful that the assessment, as proposed, would in intself create financial difficulty on anyone. The problem lies in the fact that the City Council, if they pass [his assessment, is starting a trend [hat could, if con- tinued, create financial hardships on all citizens. L ity of Rancho Cucamonga Attention: City Clerk nay 15, 1985 Page 2. Me object [o the assessment, as proposed, and are dedicated to seeing it rejected, either now by the City Council, or Chrough Iltigation, or by a new City Council that will be seated after the next election. ncerely, i Nr. E Mrs. Richard A. ght 6115 Cameo Street Alta Loma, Ca 91701 eg ~~Ij`In~A- y i 7, ~'S <~ ~.es ~ m~~~ Ass ~~ ~~ e/S ~- , ~ r' ~ /~''° yon gyp/ s ~' Wcv~C /~'~S° ~/~Xe Lo ~ro r~ ~~~ ~~T --r~-_, p~ /,~~/~'s' fys-G- ~,,,~ ,-~~,~~ ,~.~/r ~8~/'~~'~'` d 3 /~Gy /f~'~° ~G'n8'e/N% /1~J-ty1~-^- Lro J.- GCO G' .D// d5 ~VO~~~r-S ~! L.i i/703 /;+~G/ /rp ~.~~a {')7 ~ L2~ ~'`~ ~~~f ~~~ 'S-> ,ZG /-///~ /,~- LCCG r. ~. t~r, ,tz :. F r ,5,. ~'f~ts. '.rrEl 25,'19?5 ,.:ity of 'ar.•c~o ~ucamo-+a=_ '.C. oz EC7 Cuca~ao^ga, Ca c~TC SL: erita3e ~: 3ed'cill _artas `:e rece" red your r.ot:cs of t'~:e ?ossi'^le _ssessmer.t of 3;4.57 for the 'a^.r^venerta of t'ne auove .arks. Please emote ti:et ve xis: tc do our sh>re, out v.e are leaV~C? far four •>ears acroed. .11 cf cur ma'1 '.s tc '•:e se~± to .~ustria to the foilca ir.g a3dress: :onn tsts ejo aritz .::rtler ast_°ac:: 2~ '!~:4~ .ra.: .curs slresrel~•, tetz ~. `..~~ ;. a cc~s~ 1, ~~ ~.~ D ~, LLC CLnKw.. oJ„ .~ !/ ~J ./ ~.2C i ~ ~~p ;, -:. ~ ~~ ~' /~-.l 3.2 ) - ~`~~-`-~,: ,.mot" a~ ~w - ,~•C'2 E-ca t. ifi'r7? n.L,; 1', t ~L ~ ..C ~! ;. _ , q _ 1~ '"vim' CZ.~ui ~'rcG ~~_~Z~~.t~: tT; t•n.:/: J. .J~'l ~.lc 4° ~ ~ .t ~~ l/ ~c .~ I -C j .. .~(, _. /.~1.L0 i. L.L art ..____.._ ~4 ,E LJ.L -~QtceE. ~2Ff4Lr;o,cc~i.L ~; n ,~~.:. , i ~ ~ =LC I!cj~'. ~S2Z. ~.t.) tai %' f e: ~MiE~te-~ ~ ~ ri %T fits. ~a+~./f~ ~, (,( /may'" y~, GGerti,w gaol-/ul-uy-6udo ,rctL_~ •~~ J l ~.,~' 1 .,,.o,, ~. ~ s x ., ~~~. ,fie-..~~.., ~~ 9~~,~ :. May 17, 1985 City o£ Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 Improvement District No. 85-PD Reritage and Redhill Parks for the Fiscal Year 1985-1986 Dear Sirs, Pleased be advised we are against the assessment for the two parks in Rancho Cucamonga. This is a matter that should be brought to the vote of the people and not slipped through the council hurriedly. William G. t Phyllis Pulver _ 78U Valle Vista Cucamonga, Cal. 91730 Assessment No. 6250 Assessor's No. 207-081-30-0000 May 17, 1985 City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, Cal. 91730 Improvement District No. 85-PD Reritage and Redhill Parka for the Fiscal year 1985-1986 Please ba advised I am highly opposed to the formation o£ an asaeaement district to levy and collect asaeaementa for the Park and Recreation improvement Oietrict for Neritage and Aed Bill Community Parka. ~ J ~9.to ~ ~ .On'L Mary Bess Atkinson 7855 Valle Vista Llicamonga, Ca. 91730 i 1 Assessment No. 6278 Aasea9or'b No. 207-082-41-0000 i2 Assessment No..-6192 Asseeaor'a No. 207-062-15-0000 '~ ~ .. ~. :.~ G,: lliK l .. .~~ ?Q Q~ ~._ n~a~ i;. yeas AGENCY: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PROJECT: PARK ANO RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-PD (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARKS) TO: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STATE OF CALIFORNIA REPORT PURSUANT TO LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 _ Pursuant to direction from the City Council, submitted herewith is the report, consisting of the following documents, pursuant to the provisions - of Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, being the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, commencing with Section 22500. This report is applicable for the ensuing 12-month _ period, being the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1985 to June 30, 1986. 1. THE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION. 2. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS of the improvements to be maintained _ and/or improved for the fiscal year are filed herewith and made a part hereof by reference. Said plans and specifications are oh file in the office of the City Clerk. 3. AN ESTIMATE OF THE COSTS of the improvements to be main- tained and/or constructed for the 1985/86 fiscal year. 4. A D14GRAAI o4 the improvement district. Said diagram shows the exterior boundaries of the district, the boU ndaries of cones within the district, the lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel Within said district, and each parcel is identified by a distinctive num- ber. The lines and dimensions of each lot conform to those shown on the County Assessor's map for the 1985/86 fiscal year. A copy of said County Assessor's map is bound and on file with the City Clerk and is hereby made an exhibit to this report by reference. 5. AN ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE showing the proportionate amount of the assessment to be charged in proportion to the benefits to be received by each lot or parcel as shown on the above-referenced diagram. - All lots and parcels of land known as public property, as defined under Section 22663 of said Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, have been omitted and are exempt from any assessment under _ these proceedings, Executed this ___ day of __ 1985, at California. WILLDAN ASSOCIATES ENGINEER OF WORK CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-PD (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARKS) IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY - The boundaries of the improvement district encompass those properties and parcels where assessments may be made to pay far the financing of capital facilities and annual maintenance costs. A general description of the boundaries of the district is as follows: - - The extreme northerly City boundary. -- - The westerly City bou rdary. - The southerly City boundary. - The easterly City boundary from Fourth Street and Efiwanda Ave- -- nue to Hickory Avenue and Arrow Highway. - Thence, westerly on Arrow Highway to Etiwanda Avenue. - Thence, northerly to Foothill Boulevard. - Thence, westeriy to interstate 15. _ - Thence, southwesterly along the west right-of-way of Interstate 15 to the Day Creek Channel. - Thence, northerly to Foothill Boulevard. - Thence, westerly to Haven Avenue. _ - Thence, northerly to the Southern Pacific Transportation Compa- ny~s railroad right-of-way. - Thence, easterly 22,100 feet. - - Thence, northeasterly !4,200 feet to a point on Highland Avenue 3,500 feet easterly of Haven Avenue. - Thence, easterly to the southeast corner of Section 25, T1N, R7W, S.B.B.L M. - Thence, northerly along the easterly City boundary to the north- erly City boundary. - The improvement district includes all of the City of Rancho Cucamonga _ with the general exception of the Etiwanda area in the northeasterly sec- tion of the City. The Etiwanda area is not included in the improvement _. dist rici because community park design and construction in that area is, in general, being financed by development fees pursuant to the Quimby Act. 2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-PD (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARKS) ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE WHEREAS, this City Council has previously, pursuant fo the landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, commencing with Section 22500, adopted the resolution ordering the preparing and filing of a report, all in accordance with the provisions of said Act; and WHEREAS, said report consisting of certain documents as required by law, including the assessment roll of the estimated cost of all maintenance andior imp rovement work, if necessary, to be assessed under these pro- ceedings has now been prepared; and WHEREAS, at this time there has been filed as a part of the report, cer- tain plans and specifications for the improvements to be constructed, if applicable, and to be maintained, an estimate of the costs, a diagram of the improvement district, and a spread of the assessments and cost esti- mate, all as required by law and as previously ordered by this City Council. n;Ow THE.°.EFO P.° I, JOHN A. ERIE D.°.;CH, - ointed CNGIiJcER OF app WORK, by virtue~of the power Vested pursuant to said Act and by order of the legislative body, hereby make the following assessment to cover the costs and expenses of She estimated works of improvement and/or any maintenance as applicable within said improvement district for the fiscal year commencing on the 1st day of July, 1985 and ending on the 30th day of June, 1986 (hereinafter referred to as the fiscal year). Said costs and expenses are generally as follows: Cost Esti_mate_ P reHminary~ Confirmed Cost of Improvements $6,000,000 $ Incidental Expenses 1,334,637 y Total Costs $7,334,637 $ Annual Debt Service on Capital Improvement Bonds $ 891,124 $ Cost of Maintenance p $" Contribution/Surplus (Interest Earned during Construction) 61,184 $ Balance to Assessment (Fixr al Year 1985/86) $ 829,940 $ As required by said Act, a diagram is attached hereto showing the im- provement district and the boundaries and dimensions of the respective parcels of land within said district as the same existed at the time of the adoption of the Resolution of Intention and the initiation of these proceed- ings, and each parcel has been given a separate number upon said dia- gram. 1 do hereby assess and apportl~n the total amount of the costs and ex- penses upon the several parcels of land within said improvement district liable therefor and benefited thereby, in proportion to the estimated ben- efits that each parcel receives, respectively, from said works of improve- ment and appurtenances, and said parcels are hereinafter numbered and set forth to correspond with the numbers as they appear on the attached assessment diagram. The assessment parcels herein refer to the County assessment roll for a description of the lots or parcels, and said roll shall govern for all de- tails concerning the description of the lots or parcels. The net amount to be assessed upon the lands has been spread and ap- portioned by formula in accordance with the benefits received from each parcel, and in my opinion, said costs and expenses have been apportioned in direct relationship to the benefits received from the construction and maintenance of the works of improvement. For a general description of the works of improvement to be maintained and improvements to be installed, reference is made to the attached, ref- erenced and incorporated Exhibit A. Fora more specific statement as to the method and formula for the spread of the assessments, reference is made to the attached, referenced and in- corporated Exhibit B. Thin assessment has beer prepared pursuant :o the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972. The public interest and convenience requires, and it is the intention of this City Council to order, the annual levy of assessments for the main- tenance and/or servicing of the above improvements as set forth and de- scribed in the engineer's report; and it is further determined that the estimated cost and installation of the park and recreational improvements are greater than can be conveniently raised from a single annual assess- ment; and it is hereby determined that the estimated cost of those im- provements, other than the cost of mamtena nce and servicing, shall be raised by assessments levied and collected in installments over a period not to exceed twenty (20) years. Bonds will be issued in accordance with Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California (the Improvement Bond Act of 1915) to represent all unpaid assessments, and the last installment of said bonds shall mature a maximum of nineteen (19) years from the 2nd day of July next succeeding ten (10) months from their date. Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed the current legal maximum rate of twelve percent (12A) per annum. Dated: WILLDAN ASSOCIATES ENGINEER OF WORK CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STATE OF CALIFORNIA Preliminary approval for formation of the district and preliminary approval of the engineer's report were made on the day of 19 CITV CLERK CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STATE OF CALIFORNIA Final approval, confirmation and levy of the annual assessment and all matters in the engineer's report were made on the __ day of 19 by adoption of Resolution No. by the City Council. CITY CLERK CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STATE OF CALIFORNIA A copy of said assessment roll and engineer's report was filed in the of- fices of the City Engineer and the City Clerk on the day of 19 CITY CLERK TY OF RANCHC CL Ah10N..„ STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY ENGINEER CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STATE OF CALIFORNIA 5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-PD (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARKS) EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT A. The proposed works of improvement are generally described as follows: The construction of Heritage Community Park including, but not limited to, grading, planting, irrigation, onsite roads, sidewalks, parking lots, lighting, restrooms, equestrian facilities, playground equipment, picnic facilities, athletic facilities, and walking, jogging and equestrian trails. 2. The construction of Red Hill Community Park including, but not limited to, grading, planting, irrigation, onsite roads, sidewalks, parking lots, lighting, waterscape, restrooms, senior citizens facilities, playground equipment, picnic facilities, major lighted athletic facilities, jogging trail, underground storm drain system, and adjacent public street improvements. 8. The proposed maintenance of the works of improvement is described as follows: The maintenance of Heritage Community Park including, but not limited to, lawn mowing and fertilizing; tree and shrub trimming; irrigation system maintenance; road, sidewalk, and parking lot maintenance; maintenance and operation of lighting system; restroom cleaning; refuse pickup; and maintenance of equestrian facilities, playground equipment, picnic facilities, and athletic facilities. 2. The maintenance of Red Hill Community Park including, but not limited to, lawn mowing and fertilizing; tree and shrub trimming; irrigation system maintenance; road, sidewalk, and parking lot maintenance; maintenance and operation of lighting system; restroom cleaning; refuse pickup; and maintenance of senior citizens' facilities, playground equipment, picnic facilities, athletic facilities, and water features. 6 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON GA PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-PD (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COM1IMUNITY PARKS) EXHIBIT B METHOD AND FORMULATION OF ASSESSMENT SPREAD The Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972 is a benefit assessment act, meaning that assessments are assigned to properties in proportion to the benefit that such properties receive. Since this assessment program will be dealing with a large number of parcels, the benefit formula is based upon information readily available from the San Bernardino County Asses- sors computer files. Assessments will be distributed in amounts suffi- cient to meet the debt service requirements of the bonds to be sold to construct the park facilities. Such assessments should also be sufficient to provide such park maintenance funds as determined by the City Coun- cil to be raised by this method. The projects proposed to be financed by this method are the construction of Heritage and Red Hill Parks. Developed residential units Within the assessment district will receive direct benefit from this construction pro- gram due to the availability of the proposed park facilities to the resi- dents therein. All land, however, Will also receive direct benefit through amore attractive community once the park improvements are com- pleted. Such benefit will not only support land values, but make a more attractive environment for conducting manufacturing and commercial busi- nesses. The benefit formulas, therefore, incorporate properties with non-residential land use designations, residential properties and all other properties not specifically excluded. The assessment formula is based on actual land use information contained in the current County Assessors computer files. All residential units are proposed to receive the same assessment. Where the existing density of residential development is less than one unit per acre, or where the land is vacant or used for other than residential (as defined by the Assessor's records), the assessment will be levied upon the parcel acreage Pub- licly-owned lands are exempt from assessments per Section 22663 of the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972. Certain other parcels owned by churches or other nonprofit organizations that perform a public service are also exempt from this assessment. To set forth the above criteria within the structure contained in the County Assessor's computer files, three categories have been established as shown on the following page. Category A: Includes parcels based on the number of existing residential units within certain ranges of parcel size. Category B: Includes vacant or low density parcels of generally less than one existing residential dwelling unit per acre with the exception of all non-exempt vacant parcels of less than 1.5 acres, Also included are commercial end industrial parcels. In general, Category B includes all parcels not defined in Category A or Category C. Category C: Includes exempt parcels. Exempt parcels were discovered _ by searching the County Assessor's computer tapes for those parcels that are listed as exempt by the Assessor or which have an assessed value of less than 8500. In conducting this search, several parcels were included as exempt that show parcel sizes in excess of 1.5 acres and type codes of, for example, residential or agriculture. These parcels were added back into the rolls and assessed. - The benefit assessment district is divided into three categories for the purpose of determm mg the assessments as follows: Category A All parcels containing existing residential dwelling units and meeting the following conditions: Assessor's Number of Existing Res. Size Range Parcel Size Range Dwelling Units per Parcel 0-4 Less than 1.5 acre and 1 or more dwelling units 5 1.51 acres to 3.5 acres and 2 or more dwelling units 6 3.51 acres <0 7.0 acres and 4 or more dwelling units - 7 7.01 acres to 14.0 acres and B or more dwelling Units 8 14.01 acres io 25.0 acres and 15 or more dwelling units 9 25.01 acres and larger and 26 or more dwelling units Category A is based on the number of existing residential units, The actual assessment for Bond Debt Service per existing residential dwelling unit may decrease each year as more residential units are built within the improvement district. Maintenance costs,- however, are expected to in- crease annually and will somewhat offset the anticipated decrease in as- sessments due to new development. Category B All parcels not defined in Category A or Category C. Category _C All exempt parcels as defined below: 1. all properties currently tax exempt; 2. all public ownerships; 3. railroad mainline rights-of-Way; 4. major utility transmission rights-oF-Way; 8 5. mineral rights; 6. parcels so small they currently cannot be built upon. Dated: WILLDAN ASSOCIATES ENGINEER OF WORK CITV OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-PD (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARKS) COST ESTIMATE The following cost estimate is made up of two basic components which comprise the necessary amount of money to be spread among the prop- erties within the district. The two cost components are the following: 1. The money necessary to pay back the annual debt on the bonds used to finance the capital improvements and incidental costs. 2. The annual maintenance costs, if any, required to maintain both parks. 10 COST ESTIMATE (Continued) I. Public Works of Improvement Costs Bid Items Prelimin ar Confirmed A. Red Hill Park 1. Demolition $ 18,018 2 Clearing and Grubbing 36,000 3. Grading 369,750 4. Drainage 450,000 - 5. Sewers 40,000 6. Buildings and Structures 285,050 - 7. Bridges 8,000 8. Waterscape 207,000 9. Concrete 109,740 10. Masonry 3,070 11. Miscellaneous Surfacing 210,040 12. Fencing 15,385 13. Site Furnishings 61,845 14. Irrigation 352,745 15, planting 302,600 76. Electrical 279,000 77. Street Improvements 70,000 Subtotal 82,818,193 Mobilization (5 Percent) 140,910 Landscape Maintenance 22,760 Subtotal 82,981,863 Contractor Costs and Expenses (10 Percent) 298,166 Annexation Fee 32,000 Total - Red Hill Park $3,312,049 COST ESTIMATE (Continued) Costs -- Bid Items Preliminar Confirmed -- B. Herita eg Park 1. Clearing and Grubbing g 68,400 2 Grading 356,750 3. Drainage 64,850 4. Sewers 12,000 _ 5. Buildings and Structures 428,950 6. Bridges 49,200 -- 7. Concrete Surfan ng 158,815 8. Miscellaneous Surfacing 703,510 9. Masonry 10,900 _- 10. Fencing, Gates, Barriers 121,420 11. Site Amenities 85,270 -. 12. Irrigation 266,000 13. Planting 256,570 14. Electrical 265,075 Subtotal $2,249,710 - Mobilization (5 Percent) 112,485 Landscape Maintenance 23,250 _ Subtotal $2,385,445 Contractor Gosts and Expenses (10 Percent) 238,544 Annexation Fee 32,000 Total - Heritage Park $2,655,989 Total Construction Cost - Red Hill and Heritage Parks $5,966,038 Use $6,000,000 as the total construction cost. 12 COST ESTIMATE (Continued) Costs II. Incidental Expenses Preliminary Confirmed Design Engineering S 306,530 Assessment Engineering 55,011 Bond Counsel 32,004 Financial Consultant 41,668 City Administration 10,000 Printing, Advertising, Notices 6,500 _ Bond Printing/Issuing 10,000 Bond Registration 5,000 Incidental Contingency(5 PercenU 24,564 Subtotal -Incidental Costs $ 491,277 Reserve Fund (i.5 Percent) 550,108 Dond Discount (4 Percent) 293,391 -- Total Incidentals and Financing Costs 51,334,776 Total Construction and Incidentals to be Financed by Improvement Donds Ei,334, 776 III. Improvement Bond Debt Service for 19851 86 fiscal year E 891,124 IV. Annual Maintenance Expenses* ____ 0 Total Improvement Bond Debf Service and Annual Maintenance Costs S 891,124 _ V. Less Interest Earned During Construction (Contribution )** E 67,707 Balance to Assessment - Fiscal Year 1985/86 b 823,417 Notes: - * No maintenance is required during 1985/86 fiscal year. ' ** Earned interest has been calculated and shown as s contribution for those projects scheduled to be under construction after the date of delivery of the bonds. 13 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-PD (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARKS) SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS Category A The preliminary estimated assessment which will be levied annually is $3-1.65 per residential dwelling unit for those parcels in Category A. Category A parcels containing more than one residential dwelling unit will be assessed for an amount equal to $34.65 times the number of dwelling units. Category B The assessment which may be le vied annually for parcels within Category B shall be according to the foll owing schedule: - Assessor's Assess ment Size Range Definition per Pa rcel* 0 - 4 iess 'than i.5 acres $ 17 .32 5 1. 51 acres to 3.5 acres 51 .99 6 3. 51 acres to 7.0 acres 121 .29 7 7. 01 acres to 14.0 acres 242 .59 8 14. 01 acres to 25.0 acres 485 .16 9 25. 01 acres and lar ger 866 .42 Category C The assessment shall be $0.00 for Category C parcels. * Some assessments may vary from the values given above by $.Ol or $.02 either way. The computer spreads the actual Balance to - Assessment, carries the extra pennies left over from an even spread, and adds them one at a time to the assessment roll from the first parcel downward to make the total assessment spread exactly equal the Balance to Assessment. 14 ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM SXEET t OF 6 PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 85 - PD (NERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARKS) CITY OF RAMCNO CUCAMOMM COUNTY OF SAN SERMMDIMO STATE OF CALIFORNIA 0 6CAlfi IN FEI INDE% MAP_ (':~ .;:.ins __ _ _...... SHEET 2 OF 3 PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 85 - PD IBOOK 200 ~ : cm of riciro .,~.. x CUCAMGi GA ~~~ 1 ' ., ~.~. ~., r . - j - y - - ~ 1 - .,.: . i:.' ~ eooK i ~ `..,~~~ loel ~..: .. ~~.~ ~ ~ ;Pr~i .-NERITAOE ~ i V'" eOOK' 1 tp;: ~ Ei' i eobR Toex a '=' 104] '"-L•~ji :. .. Y }~'j` f j'~'.y pp ++ ~: :s. - :. ..~ t...........__ e00K 201.E . . •. _--- ,-- - "~~'~~*?. eooK ~ ~, " ~ ~ Ip' lox y..i ,,.l~4r - - ~ ~1 r.. ~/~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ SEEI SNEET 3 eCALE IN FEET N f W W S N W W N SHEET B OF 5 PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 85 - PD SEE SHEET 2 I- ~ o-« i o ' BOOK j -.. a µ ZQ] f~ t -_~.~~ Y ~ k'~ ' _~~~:. ~~~.ii N i - r. ~.. ~ ~. Y,;~; a ;.. _,., H W n 1:.~. ~ ` ~ w ~,rs :' : 3 ? jV~ ~,'. ~ ~ « r N - ` .- ~...; ~~, ~k~ _ - ~ f°~ ~ ~~i r ~ _ ..~~aa q i l l ~ ~'+ n ~.9 ~ L BOOK 10]]~~ ~ a yy y ~ __ -_' t E~ll s' T ~•~I~~ ', ~ ~ raw` ;~ .. ~A ~ , ~ m ~ ' W S . cm of nnNl~ ° V ~ ~ _ W ~~ ~ g CUCAMONC~::.., _ ,~_ H ~\\ .~ ti~ _ ,_~~~ .. .. ~ .. SOLE IN FEET BOOK YIO ~ ,.~ ~ .! `~~ SHEET ~ OF 5 S PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 85 - PD SEE SHEET 3 ~' - BOOK 1077 _ ~~ -' - =-=. __ HAVEN _E_ _ A- -- .~ ~~ -I ~ ! ~~' 1 _ _d BOOK 7~0_ „Borax=zou - ~ BoOK ' r -- _' 708 r ;~~..__., ~_ ~ m ,. - - ~ ., --- -~ ~ :, rl. ~--~ - - ---- BOOK. __.. 11274. ..._-~ ... _ S I~ _.._; _ ..._ .~`_ ~: _= ,_ \` X~ .. _ ~. ~ 'c y .,,~ ~< I ~ \ 4'` ~O /^I 9 . t sa ~. I t5~ Z-37`~ moo BC~LEnIN FEET ' m m w x m m H ut SNEET 6 OF 6 SN EETSI PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 85 - PD ~~_._._ ~~_-~_ v. ', z a - t~ _ -' - z - - -_.- f ....,, .; ..: "'.._ -'' 886N_ . _. - ~ 367 'R`:,~....._: _' - .._ __ C - _ 2 I U 2 Q _ S LL N Q w ~! 'y' y'e 6'6' o' ~ .... ~~- 3. W z 1~ W ~.,,..wld ,M.A a ..,~ tel: I Imo' ~'i.sR '~'~"• 1 •~ Y~°' ~...... _.. '.LLI. ~" ` ~ ~" I _ „BASELINE RD m i '-Y', a* .~ y ql jai=`. w .i '_ . _. w .`'~ N SEE SHEET 4 BOLE IN FEET A.H. REITER DEVELOPMENT May 16, 1965 Mayor Jon Mikels Members of the City Council CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Honorable Mayor Mikeis Members of the City Council: We recognize the need for the City to provide a balance of activities and recreational services for the growing population cf the city of Rancho Cuca- monga. The implementation of a park improvement and maintenance district is another necessar}- step in the achievement of this goal. As a^ active parti- cipant in meeting the community needs we recoar.i ze that the residents of Rancho Cucamonga will greatl}- benefit from the completion o_` a communi t}- narks system. The proposal funding program is a most equitable system available at this time for developing local parks in the existing residential areas. For this reason we support the approval o` this district. Sincere A,H IT~~~[~~~~ CO. ugu H. Reg , III cc:a.ikr. Lauren Wasserman, City Manager Mr. Bill Holley, Community Services Division Mailing Address: P.O. Boa 7250 Newport Beach. Caldornu 92656.7250. p111 751-1591 Pullman at Red hill vY? o.~, .~ n..,...~ - F .Y. T . t~4 ,....., . ,~ ~ rte ., ..,, ~ .. . LEWIS DEVELOPMENT CO. '"~ ~~^•~~ ' -~ na... . ~, ~ -A { 1156 Na~hMwnbinAwnw /P.O.Bw 6]0/Uplmmd,C~Itlom~91785/]14985-09]1 P "` ~ a raM.~. ~9n.~_ ~ ~~~ q /~ G' n . i~ Lain 5Y-.i JIkQ~ Nay 9, 1985 . ~J 'l"'~> ,6,,µ, City Council t~ City of Rancho Cucamonga / ~t 1 P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Re: Park an d Recreation Zmpcovement ^istric t for Heritage and Red Hill communi ty Parks Gentlemen: As the owner of several commercial properties that will be affected by the proposed park assessment district for Red Hill and Heritage Parks, we aze writing to express our support for the assessment program. Our properties within the assessment district include the Alta Loma oyuara vr. ^i P3nchC m~__e Center !t`_m nt. n the Ri~n_raoe Apartments: Lewis Industrial Park, and vazious other hold inga. Our estimated assess- • ments exceed $10,000 per year. We consider this a bargain Price to pay £or the long-term betterment of the community at lar^y e. The people of Rancho Cucamonga have long desired an expanded park system. The proposed assessment district is the only realistic way for the City to achieve this goal. We will gladly pay our share, anfl we hope the residents and businessmen of Rancho Cucamonga will support this district as the Way to finally meet a long-felt need. S i ncere l y, nn ,,~~ //'' - / ~ lcay Matlock Project Manager /km ~ e~ F. MAC KENZIE BROWN iNCOwPO 9n.co P o 90. woz: 2~ C WnwwEN B OuvCN Iw' •vK5 wiv r. e~ Sw RANCHO SANTA FE. CALIFORNIA 929G> May 1, 1985 William Holley Director of Community Services City of Rancho Cucamonga P. 0. Dox 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 RE: PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARK) Dear Bill: le mi . cc c ono ee~-o.e. I.I .1 ] S.BG 1.05 <vG E~CS 121JI 599-.135 This letter is written in response to our telephone conversation of April 26, 1985, pertaining to the referenced Oistr ict. During our conversation you asked for our thoughts on three issues which may potentially arise in this Oistr ict. 1. Providing relief to senior citizens who may be unable to afford the annual assessment. 2. Providing credit against park fees for developers. 3. Providing relief to a property owner who owns a subdividab le Iot but has no intention Lo further subdivide or develop his property. Each of these issues will be addressed in sequence. 1. Relief to Senior Citizens: In providing financial relief to senior citizens, the recommen a met o wou be to inform senior citizens of their eligibility for relief under the "Senior Citizens Property Tax Assistance and Pos tponene nt Law" (Revenue and Taxation Code §20503 and following), Under this particular program, senior citizens age 62 or older or any individual blind or di sa6led may be eligible to postpone payment of all or part of their property taxes, including special assessments. The property owner must have at least a 20X equity interest in the home, based upon the full value of the home as shown on the Lax bill, and must have a household income of less than 54,000. Under this program, the State will issue a "Certificate of Eligibility" to qualifying households. The Certificate is presented to the Tax Collector, and the Tax Collector credits the property owner far the full anount of the taxes due for each installment. The State then provides a subvention to the City in the amount of the deferred property taxes. Repayment of the property taxes may be made at any Lime, but is required only under the following circumstances: ~ B/~.. MAC KENZIE BROWN William Holley Director of Community Services City of Rancho Cucamonga May 1, 1985 Page Two A. The homeowner dies, sells, conveys or disposes of the property; ceases to occupy Lhe premises as his residential dwelling: D. The homeowner allows foreclosure of liens senior to that of the State; C. The postponement is subsequently determined to have been erroneously allowed. This methodology is deemed to be the most desirable, inasmuch as the mechanism has already been established by the State to allow for this property tax and assessment relief, and it avoids the necessity of the City setting up a separate administrative procedure for a relief program of its own. A second method of providing relief for senior citizens would be to set up a loan agreement between the property owner and the City, similar to that established for the Alta Loma Assessment Di drict, Under s~~h en agreement, the City would loan the amount necessary to make the annual assessment payments aM the property owner would agree to repay the loan on terms to be agreed on with the City. Any such program should be based upon true hardship, etc., so as to avoid a program where assessments can be deferred for any class of property owner within the bound ari e5 of the Assessment District. Park Fee Credit: As to the passibility of providing credits for developers against par ee obligations, we would recommend a general amendment to the City's subdivision ordinance or other ordinance establishing park fees to provide for such credits, rather than individualized agreements with specific developers. It would appears that if one developer is eligible for the credit, most other deve- lopers will also be eligible, and provision for such a credit under the City~s subdivision ordinance would seem to 6e the most expedient way to accomplish this task. Before providing such credit, however, ynu would want to ensure that the parks to be constructed under the Assessment District proceedings are also included in the park fee capital improvement program. Additionally, you should consult with your City Attorney to ensure that he is comfortable with the provision of such a credit. 3. Special Use Credit: The assessment statutes all contemplate that the assessments are a rem upon a land, and we do not necessarily t~ce into consideration the special use to which the property owner places the property. Otherwise, a great majority of all parcels within any assessment district could 6e deferred, which would mean Chat the City would generally Ge advancing the major portion of all ~. a,~.. MACKENZIE BROWN William Holley Director of Community Services May 1, 1985 Page Three funds necessary to complete the construction. The assessment formula can take into consideration zoning, etc., and I would recommend that before any final resolvement can be determined as to special relief, a meeting should be arranged between your office, the appropriate representative of Willdan Associates, and this office. Again, the test normally is the availability of the improvement constituting the 6enef it to the land. I will 't to hear from you. Ver tr ~y/ours, (/" F. KENZIE DROWN FMD:bd ~ t ~ 1 i i -•-•-•-•-•-•-•-1 1'-•-•-•-•-~-~_._.-..-. Sp=ere of lnfluenc~. _.-.~._.-._._ i L-. 1 ~-, ~ r i 1 1 i i ~ ' 1- '-; - Hillside Hillside -_GNAFPEY MGroMM1i P~jIF ' r~ '„ E W ils on -- TT ~~ LLLi 11 - - L -~_~ 1 1 1 1 9anYan 6 o ,~ !h r._. Foothill Freeway ~ ~ ~~~ 19th ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i : i ^ e ~ 0i l e ~ i ~ ~ y~p a - c _ E E;~ ( l.' 1! ' victoria /// 1 p~ \~/~ h'.' 'x 0 ~_ ~ ~ 1 Figure III-fi PARKS AND RECREATION PLAN PARKS PROPOSED PARKS p~ ' EXISTOdG PARKS SCHOOLS' e~;H EXISTMGSCHOOLS e'iin PROPOSED SCHOOLS CNK:/COMMUNITY CENTER ~_~ PROPOSED RECREATION AREA wnaoam ~cxow wn un noun-s un mv~mc uuo wn ~saw.mw rwvm n uu aeuoi miwcr. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA GENERAL PLAN o'er ~. Wti~ i.gii^yn 'q.~s ~; nrm~3n, ^iTy Mano~ei. City n! Ranchq 'd<a m:>nga Post OPF ice 9oz 807 3nnrh~ Ci~ramnnga, CA 91730 ~ ~. DID YOU KNOW... ono cr~rtrortga'tA ~ parAra A1888St3rtr8r1~ • Does rot itcl]de Eliwarda terdowrers? • Figs no feasble rtenlererce pn'xJanyt • Fias Qcarnonga hrtdowrxis fooArg the greatest portion of gle biA based on dereityt • fs assessitg existing land and derebprnents which are akeady subsid¢ig parks under tte Dt+rr!bY Act? • Fps the City CautcA telFrg us oriy teA the story .when then endorse greater carmvicaAort beNieen CancA and residenls9 It you feel that Y~ese points ara war t9 your consideration, please attend a Wine an7 Cn ezss Ga tneri nq on Tuns]a j, May 11, 1935, ar 5:15 ?,M, at Thomas 'W insry (Ninth-aa ;' cannon of Tim: yard an,! F~r, rti i!I, Rancho Gica~mingq`. Everyone supports iavalopment pf par as in the City of Rancho Cuc»mnnga, but iha mathod of achieving ih esa gnats ma b' bA •in file 'oast intur~st of al!. r Sporsaed by CITIZENS FOR RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT A CIT 17FN$ INfORM.gf10N N'ciWryd4 DEDICATED TU THE ~dF. riERMEVt OF RANCHO C!ICAMONGA'S LEADEIi$HIp list of assessment checks received and returned: Shapiro M.D. Laverne Cit rvs Corp. Dr. 6 Mrs. R. Schlessel Gilbertos Jimmy 6 Judith Rozar John C. Wilbanks Floyd I. Grimes Karim Lakkees Stanley F. Hanover Beverly J. Gibson Ronald J. Aoa tright Dorothy Daughters Chang T. Lin Colleen Looney (Oetken) David A. Ericson Louis Bartok Wilmi ng[on Fed. Savings 6 Lo Frank Sapienza Ruth A. Aylot Hasan T. Has som J.P. 6 Diane DeForest Sizzler (Forbes Mgt. Corp.) Stanley R. Ans tine William Schwartz Richard paye tte James Fobes Paul J. Moore Cos La-Fernandes Plop. Angelo Giambra (C Once sei on) Margaret Graham Ma ril lyn Scholl Russell Anderson Russell G. Da lby Rocco A. Perry Jersey Business Centre Assoc. C lifion L. Johnson Mervin 6 De brie Messer Haven Business Centre Assoc. Mary J. Erwin Ken Muaee Lorraine M. Ganda ra John F. Portillo Jull us C. Dease Haven I George E. Pierce Charles J. Lewis Mina Pourkhani Edward Gverra Clarence Lushy FGA Investors Ltd. N.S. Dhaliwal John P. Cuccia Betty L. Tomkins (Moira) Lucile M. Bennett (Morrison) an Ozancewood Townhouse Vincent P. DiSalvo Loren Hilton Irene Dultz Clyde E. Mullins Richard D. Clark Acha A. Ali Sack C. Duncan Frank F. Delia Nicholas Raymond James A. Di lks Agha Anwar-Ali Sam A. Angone Patsy K. Brookhart Norman M. Lopez Arthur T. Copeland Donald B. Halstead Elsie V. 2endejae David Narasky I2 Hawker Construction Lawrence C. Vasquez Costa View Farms Sohn 5. Wallace The Stand Companies Chae O.K. Kim Lee Wise Garage Inc. Robert L. Williams Howatd 0. Prady Alicia H. Nisly Wayne W. Adams Albeit E. Perez LTD• Ernest D. Gebhatdt Robert Henry Daytz Earl C. Williams LTD• Soosan Robinette Charles A. Morrie O avid D. Sherertz Apt. (Richard Wise) Jetfray 6 Sue Ann Frantz James H. Stone Terry A. Christenson William B. Noland John E. Es tel John D. Brewart K inq Ranch Estates Jeffry R. Larsen Qvirino C. Benches ROdo lfo F. Puii to Edwa zt R. Holman GVCAMO r ~~ ~~'n S ~ r O - 2 F U ~ > 1977 Mav 17, 1985 - 7:00 D•m• All iteu sabiitted for the City Cwncil Agenda eat 6e in writing. the deadline for submitting these iteo i• 5:00 pa. w the Wednesday prior to the meeting. The City Clerk's Office receirea sll aneh items. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance [o Flag. B. Roll Cell: Wright Buquet , Mike le , Dahl and Ring 2. ADVBRTISED PO6LIC EEARIEGS A. PORMATION OF AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND LEVY OP ASSESSMENTS FOR COST OF IMPflOVEMENTS AND MAINTENANCE POR TAE PARR AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED RILL COMMUBITY PARRS) 1. neport regarding District formation 2. Opening of Aublic Hearing a. Th oae in oppoei ti on b. Those in favor G7'Y C1F /R~AINC7~10 /(,'yU(~AM~OyN~GAT LYrI'.1 V 1L1 Alta Loma Righ School Auditorium 8880 ease Line Road Rancho Cucamonga, California 3. Council Dia cueaion 4. Council Action If Council riches to proceed, appropriate Re eo luti one rill be presented by Legal Counsel. 3. ADJOORIEOIn ~R. vu i yr a~niw aav v~v~~rrviw~ MEMORANDUM DATE: May 17, 1985 T0: City Council FROM: Lauren M. Naeeerman ~Jn..J-/- City Manager BOBJECT: Suggested Modification to Perk Dedication Ordinance G~~....~nV '4` 9 x ,~~ '' ~ '' ~9-- i Bill Grigsby, on behalf of himself and we assume other developers, has suggested that [hose undeveloped pares le rhic6 are within the proposed Yark and Rectea [i on Improvement District receive some. type of credit at the time of de- velopment for the amount of assessment paid for park end recreation services. Hhat Bill ie suggesting more specifically ie the[ at [he time he pays park de- velopment fees, 6e fee le that he should receive credit for [he amount of sees aements he has paid up to that time. The Community Services Director and I have reviewed Chet pr oposel, and it seems very equitable and will ao[ coat ei- ther the City or the District any lose of funds. RECONNEMDATIOM: I[ is recamvended that the City Council instruct the staff and city attorney to draft the appropriate amendments to the park development ordi- nance to prw ids credit age iast future park development fees for park aad rec- reation district ae se semente which have been paid up to that time of develop- ment. cc: Michael Veirin Bill Bol ley i~ _1 r 1. E. RUT~ER & A.SSOC~ATES May 1, 1985 Mr. William Holley Director of Coamnanity Services City of Rancho Cucamonga Post Office Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Dear Mr. Holley: We are in receipt of your coammnication regarding [he proposed Improvement District No. 85-PD. We are the owners of Assessor's No. 208-241-31-000, conononly known as Pepperwood Apartments. In January, 1984 we purchased building permits For Pepperwood. Ac that time we paid, in addition to ocher fees, $33,728.00 as a eeautificatfon Fee and $41,400.00 as a Park Fee. In addition, we installed extensive recreation facilities for the use of our residents. This proposed Assessment will cos[ us another $4,853.00 plus maintenance at the end of the 20 year bond period. We believe that we have already paid our share and request that we be removed from the .assessment DIs[rict. We are not opposed [o sharing in the cost of public park improvements; we simply feel that we have already paid our fair share. Consideration by the Clty Ss respectfully requested Sincerely, ~~ Jack E. Butler for BLT Partnership No. 1 JEB/pm cc: Mayor Jon D. Mikels May 16, 1985 Rancho Cucamonga City Council 9320 baseline Road, Suite "C" Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Re: Park and Recreation Improvement District Por Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks Dear City Council: The Deer Creek Company has been a local residential builder within the Community prior to and since the incorporation of the City. Over the last eight years, we have developed four tracts within the City of Rancho Cucamonga and have supported the development of the C i,ty park system through the payment of park development fees. we believe that in today's economy and environment, the development of a community must be a public/private partnership. Theoretically, this partnership should provide the means by which a community can he developed in a balanced manner and provide a quality living en- vironment as well as opportunities for employment and recreation. We see our. responsibility in this partnership to provide quality housing and developments which will create a positive environment that will maintain its value and beauty over a long period of time. lue look to cities as pact of that partnership in order for them to develop policies and ordinances which take into consideration the overall impact on the price of housing and the ability to sell what we build. We are pleased to see that two major community parks are planned to be constructed. However, we have been under the impression that the fees that we've been paying over the last eight years have been put towards the purchase and development of these parks. The Assessment District, based on it's current proposal, plans to tax our vacant. undeveloped land as well as existing inventory, on units which we will or already have paid a substantial park development fee. Our Company received assessment notices for inventory land amounting to over $2,500.00. we feel that the payment of the yearly assessments on our inventory land as well as the full park development fee is double taxation. We have been building in Aancho Cucamonga and paying fees with the faith that these fees will meet the park development goals of the Council. THEIlE1~;liC1~1-1:Kl~~Mf'A~Y PtyV'l'i~l~Fl(I`.R~i\~1~`~R 11:I;U.~~M~A.('~11.1f~liKVl~A')Ch' G1.119,`i9-~~)3 May 16, 1985 Page 2 Apparently the program is either excelled or there were major changes in the plan for which the development fees are not capable of handling. We are curious to know where these funds have been spent and where future park development fees will be spent. If the development of these Parks meet the major need for parks west of Haven, then there must be a plan for reduction or elimination of the park fee for land within the Assessment District. As builders we understand that parks were a neglected area during "County Rule" and that we have some catching up to do. Our only request, in the event that the District is approved, is that the Council amend the park development ordinance to provide full credit towards the park development fee for assessments paid. We could support the proposed Assessment District iE the Council would in- dicate a vote of confidence for such ordinance changes upon adoption o£ the Dis tz ict. We plan to continue providing high quality housing opportunities for the city of Rancho Cucamonga. For every house we constrvct, the amount of assessment for that land increases, thus decreasing assess- ments for others in the District. We look forward to continue to lend our support for the orderly and quality development of Rancho Cucamonga. Mr/~(JIYz YR/~~LV'~ Michael D. Vairin Director of Administration and Planning MDV/dl ~ ~ F. MACKENZIE BROWN roco nno n,.)m cneenc e o n o eoz ooze noNw~o c N~~p . c rnlnenN ns n ouz w.wncN s Drvw MNCHO SANTA fE. CALIFORNIA 82081 MAy 7, 1985 N it li am Holley Director of Community Services City of Rancho Cucamonga P. 0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91750 RE: PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARK) Dear Bill: s.N olcco le rel > N N4C I)111 e6)-0.6. 105 .ND [ACS Ii~]I 6e)~•>ee Enclosed herein please find the fallowing documents in connection with the public hearing scheduled for May 17, 1985: 1. ORDER OF PROCEDURE: This sets forth the procedure for the conduct of the public hearing. 2. RESOLUTION OVERRULING AND DENYING PROTESTS: To be adopted if any protests, oral or wrf Lien, have been received. 3. RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENTS, FORMING DISTRICT AND CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT: orma action orming ssessmen s r c an con firming as sessmen s. • + : 4. INSTRUCTION SHEET: Sets forth general information, as well as notice requirements to met an accomplished immediately following the conclusion of the public hearing. 5. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT: To be recorded fn the Office of the County Recorder. 6. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIRNCE: To be executed upon completion of all notice requ remen s. coDY sou d be immedt ately returned to this office. • • • x The ORDER OF PROCE OURE generally sets for the procedure for the conduct of the public hearing, and should be helpful in the preparation of the minutes of this meeting. If any specific changes and modifications are to be ordered, a separate RESOLUTION ORDERING CHANGES AND MDD IF ICATIONS may be necessary and would he presented, as appropriate, to the City Council. . ~,. ~ F. MACKENZIE BROWN meo.~os~+co Mil li am Holley Director of Community Services May 7, 1985 Page iwo If the City Council wishes to proceed with the project, it will be necessary to adopt the two Resoiutions enclosed. Through the aloption of these Resolutions, the Council would generally be accomplishing the following: - Genies oral and/or written protests. - Formal action forming Assessment Oistrfct, ordering the improvements to he made and confirming assessment liens. Immediately upon the conclusion of the public hearing, certain notice requirements are necessary to be met and accomplished in order to ensure and guarantee the validity of the lien. Upon completion of all notice requirements, as set forth in the INSTRUCTION SNEET, a copy of said INSTRUCTION SNEET should be returned to this office with initials and dotes indicating compliance with the requirements, as well as a return of the CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE as soon as it is available. Note that attached to the NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT should be an ownership list. I would recommend that only names be included on that attachment. If you have any questions upon your review, please call. Very truly yours, F. MACKENZSE BRONN FMB:bd encl. cc: Beverly Authelet, City Clerk Milli an Stookey, Nilldan Associates ORDER 6 Mt0[EDUAE CITY OF RWICMO CULNIONGR PRRK RND RECAERTION INPAOVENENT DISTRICT (NEAITRGE RNO REO Hlll COIMUNITY PRRK) DRTE ff PUBLIC HERRING: MRY 17, 1985 MAYOR: Mnounce that this is the time and place fired for the Dub11c hearing relating to the formation of the Assessment District and levy of assessments for costs of maintenance and improvements for the PRRK AND RECRER7[ON INPROVEMEN7 DISTRICT (HERITRGE N10 REO HILL COMMUNITY PRRK). [LEAK: Mnounce that notice has been given in the manner and form as required by law, aM a Certi/ic ate of ComDti ante is on file and open for public inspection. GTAfF: - Explain purpose, scope aM order of procedure for Pu611c Hearing - Explain general nature, location and ateni M the proposed works o/ improvement - Provide des crS pt ion of boundaries of Assessment District - Explain extent of maintenance work - Present aM summarize 'Report" pursuant to the provisions of the "Landscaping aM Lighting Act o1 1972' - En Dl ain method aM formula of assessment spread - Make recommeM atlon as to any modll is at ions neces nary in the assessments or proceedings STRFF: Report an number (%) of protests received aM announce that copies have Deen delivered to each immber of the legislet ive bpdy. END 6 STRFF REpOR7 - OPEN FOR PURL iC DISCUSSION MAYOR: First, ask to hear from those persons who wish to speak fn oppo- siEion to the following: A. Boundaries of the Assessment District B. ENtent o/ works of improvement L. Method of assessmm~t spread Next, esk to hear tram anyone Mo wishes to speak in favor of the proceedings. STRFF: Report on final percentage (%) of protests received. STRFF: Presentation of pr oDosed ch ang e5 or mmdlfic at ions to the Englneer~s "ReDOrY aM the Assessment -075trict, 11 any. clrY count u: O; scuseion. CITY COUNCIL: By Motion, declare Public Hearing CLOSED. ORDER DF PRDDEDDRE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA PARK ANp RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED MILL COIVaUN11Y PARK) DAGE 1X0 GATE OF PUBLIC NEARING: MAY 17, 1985 IF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY NISHES i0 PROCEED: CITY [DUNG IL: Adopt RFSOWTION OVERRULING ANO DENYING PROTESTS: To be adopted if any protests, oral or eritLen, Nave Eeen received. CITY COUNCIL: Adopt RESOLUTION DADEAI NG INPAOVENENTS, FORMING ASSESSMENT O (STRICT PND CONFIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSE SSME N7: 7X15 ii the formal action to form the district, order the improv orients made aM confirm the diagram aM assessments. INSTRUCTION SMEEi - PURL I[ NEARING CITY a RANCHO LUCAMONGq PAAK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (NERITA6E MD AED MILL COMMUNITY PARK) I. GENERAL INFgIMATf011 A. kA ITTEN PROTEST Any interested person may, prior to the cond us eon of the public hearing, file a vritfen protest wi to the City Clerk. A written protest by a property owner snail coot aln a dlscri pt ion sufficient to Identi/y the property ovne0 Dy him. Additionally the written Ratest shall state ail grounds of ab3ectlo~. Any interested person who nas previously filed a written protest may with- draw that protest by fiiing vl to the City Clerk a written wl Mdrawal of that protest. Copies o/ del protests received mould be del ivere0 LO lath member o7 the l egl it ative body. B. CONDUCT Oi THE NEARING TAe City shall Mid the puDHC heart ng at the Liam and place spedited in the Resat ut ion of Intention. All interested persons shall be aHOrded the opportunity to De heard. The City snap cons lder all oral statements and all written protests made or filed Dy any interested person prior to the close of the public Maring. For particulars as to the procedure for tot public hearing, ue the OROEA W PROCEDURE. C. CONTI MUIN6 ME PUBLIC HEMING The City Council may toot roue the pubNc nearing fran time Lo Time; however, no continuance may De made to a date foe lows ng duly 1st without the prior consent of Me County Audl tor. D. CHANGES IN THE IMPROYEIIENTS, ZONES MD OGGRM Either during the course o/ or upon the con<l us eon of the public heats ng. the City Council may order ch argez In any of the matters ut /orth in the Engineer's `Report", ind uding changes in the improvements, any zones vitnin the District where apDl stable, aM Ne proposed d7 agree or the proposed d55t55111enL. E. AESOLUT ION CONFIgMING DIAGRM MD ASSES4IENT Upon the concluseon of the publ lc hearing, the Ctty Coundl may adopt a RESOLUTION CONFtRNtN6 iNE DIAGIIM MD ASSES4IENT, either es arigi natty proposed In the Englneer~s 'AeporY or es subsequently modtfled by the City Coundt, The tloption o/ this ResaluNOn shall constitute Me levy of the assessment for the fiscal year re/erred to 1n the assessmene. F. FISCAL YEAA The xsessment, as levied for the maintenance of-;he works of improvement tar these proceedings, will relate to the fiscal year. The nsesinents relating to the Deyment of prlncipel eM interest on the debt service must De tevled until ail Mnds have Deen di s<harged. Each year it well be neceszerg to present the Enginere's `AeporY aM update the assessment i nformaifon aM canf lrm the assessments for LAe next 11 is e1 year. I would strongly recammeM that uiendars now be marked to IMtcete the time ng for tM subsequent proceedings for the next ilsc al year. It. NOTICE REpU1REMENTS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOMI NG THE CONCLUSION aF THE RUR [L HEA0.ING. THE FOLL ONTNG NCT ICE REpUiflEMEATS SHALL BE MET: A. PSSESSNEMT ROLL PNO OIAGR/M (RECOROAT(ON) I. The on gi nai assessment roll and d(agram (Engineer's "Report") and all sup Dl ement al Enhibltz shall De placed of recortl in the Office of the Superintendent of Streets. Par recordation, the original assessment roll, dl agr an and SuDDOrt data sMuld be kept in a Dound hardcover volume, as said document is a permanent public record of the City fallowing recordation. 2. A certified ropy of the assessment aM diagram shall he ffl ed w5 th the LoontY Auditor, said filing to De comD~eted na lot xr than the 3rd Monday in Auguzi. B. ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM (RECOROAt ION) 1. A copy of the ASSESSMENT OIAGR PM shall De filed fn the Office of the County Recortler. A fee is applicable far said recortlat ion. NOTICE OE ASSESSMENT yREfpppATiON 1. The NOTICE OF PSSESSMENT shall be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder. TAe assessment parcels fn this Notice rill De described Dy referencing the document number, etc. of the filed ASSE55MENT D(RGR M1. R will De nttessary to fill in this information after the filing of the Assessment Oi agr an. Again, a fee 1s appiicabla. 2. Also attached to the NOTICE Of ASSESSMENT shall be list fndic at ing the napes of the assessed timers in Lhe boundari e5 of <he Assessment Ofst- rict, This requirement is pursuant to Section 27208.1 of the Govermnent Lode of the State Ot Cal lfornia. I could suggest Thai only the nmies of the timers be included o0 th15 list, •~+ WHEN RECORDED, RETURN TO CITY CLERK CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGq P. 0. RO% B07 R ANCNO CUCANONGp, CA 91730 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Pursuant to the reguirenw:nts of Section 3110 of the Stree[z and Highways Lode of the State of California, Me undersigned, 4(TY QERK of the legi 5l at ive body of the LI TY OF RANCHO LUCAMONGA, STATE OF CAL [F00.NIR, HEREBY GIVES NOTICE that a diagram and assessment were recorded in the Office of the Superintendent of Streets of said Lity, as provided for in saio Section 311 a, arM relating to the follpwin9 tlescribed real property; All that property lying within the boundaries of the Assessment D/ztr;ct, of xh ich the exterior bound Arles and real pr oDerty of said District are as delineated upon a map of seto Distr i<t entt fled PARK PND RECREATION INP0.0VEMENT OISTAI CT (HERITAGE PND RED NLLL COMMUNITY PARK) filed fn the Office of the County 0.ecorder of SPN GERNAROINO COUNTY on the day of 1985, in Gook Pa e,s) DacumenE-"Ro.-'-'-~ , NgpS OF ASSESSNENT~~SSTRICTS, Off c a ecor s o sa G County, and asas s~n`an aazessment di agr an rec DrdeO in the Of lice of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, aM reference is hereby made to said nap for the oescription of the real property wiLMn said Assessment District. NOTICE IS FU0.TMER GIVEN that upon the recording of this Notice in Ne Office oT the County glcor der, the sever al assessments assessed on the lots, pi e<es and parcels shown on said filetl Assessment Diagram shall cecame a lie;, upon the lots or port Ions of lots assessed, respectively. 0.e1lrence is made to the PsseSZment Di agr an alW 0.5sessment Ro11 recorded in the Office of the SuperinTendent of Streets. Attached hereto /s a list intlicaH ng the nmies of the assessed owners, ail as re- Rulred Dursu ant to Secf ion Z72GB.1 of the Govermrent Code of the State o1 California. . DATED: 1985. CITY 6 0.lWLNO CUCAMONGA STATE dF CPL iFORNIA CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH NOTICE REQUIREMENTS PARKS AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DIS TR ILT (HERITAGE ANO REO NILL LOMI1UNItt Pg0.K) STATE Q< CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNPAOINO CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BEVERLY A. AUTNELET, untler penalty of perjury, CERTIFIES AS FOLL AIS The undersigned is now, and ai all times mentioned herein was, the duly apppf nted, R ualif ied and ttting CITY CLERK of [he CITY OF 0.PNCH0 LIILPMONGA, CALIFORNIA, and a5 such, accompl ishetl the npt ice re9 uirements in connection with the referenced Assessment District, as noted: REC OA DATION The original pf the ASSF SSMENT ROLL ANO DIAGR OlI was rec arded in the Office of the Superintendent of Streets on t e _ day o 1985. A certified copy of the ASSESSMENT ROLL PNO DIAGRAM was recordetl in the ONice of the County Auditor on the ay o , 1985. A copy of the RSSE SSMENT 01AGRAN was filed in the Office pf the County Retarder, in Assessment Distn ct- ap'-R~~ Page(s) on the day of 1985, as Document o. A copy of the NOTICE Oi ASSESSMENT was recorded in the Of Rte of the County Recorder on the tlay~ 1985. EXECUTED this day of 1985, at Rancho Cuc anonga, California CITY OF ftANLNO N[PNONGR STATE 6 CALIFORNIA INSTRUCTION SHEET - PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF RANCHO CUCPMDNGA PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARK) GENERAL INFORMATION R. NRITTEN PROTEST Any interested person may, prior to the conclusion of the public hearing, file a written protest with the City Clerk. A written protest by a property owner shall contain a description sufficient to identify the property owned by him. Additionally the written protest shall state all grounds of objection. Any interested person who has previously filed a written protest may with- draw that protest by filing with the City Clerk a written withdrawal of that protest. Copies of all protests received should be delivered to each member of the legislative body. 6. CONDUCT OF THE HEARING The City shall hold the public hearing at the time and place specified in the Resolution of Intention. All interested persons shall be afforded the opportunity to be heard. The City shall consider all oral statements and all written protests made or filed by any interested person prior to the close of the public hearing. For particulars as to the procedure for the public hearing, see the ORDER OF PROCEDURE. C. CONTINUING THE PUBLIC HEARING The City Council may continue the public hearing from time to time; however, no continuance may 6e made to a date following July 1st without the prior consent of the County Auditor. 0. CHANGES IN THE IMPROVEMENTS, ZONES AND DIAGRAM Either during the course of or upon the conclusion of the pu611c hearing, the City Council may order changes in any of the matters set forth in the Engineer's "Report", including changes in the improvements, any zones within the District where apDlicab le, and the proposed diagram or the proposed assessment. E. RESOLUTION CONFIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT Upon the conclusion of the public he arf ng, the City Council may adopt a RESDLUTION CONF[RMING THE OIAGRPM AND ASSESSMENT, either as originally proposed in the Engineer's "Report" or as subsequently modified by the City Council. The adoption of this Resolution shall constf lute the levy of the assessment for the fiscal year referred to in the assessment. F. FISCAL YEAR The assessment, as levied for the maintenance of--the works of improvement for these proceedings, will relate to the fiscal year. The assessments relating to the payment of principal and interest on the debt service must be levied until all bonds have been discharged. Each year it will be necessary to present 'the Enginere's "Report" and update the assessment information and confirm the assessments for the next fiscal year. I would strongly recommend that calendars now be marked to indicate the timing for the subsequent proceedings for the nett fiscal year. [I. NOTICE REQUIREMENTS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBIC HEARING, THE FOLLOWING NOTICE REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE MET: A. ASSESSMENT ROLL AND DIAGRPM (RECORDATION 1. The original assessment roll and di agr mn (Engineer's "Report") and all supplemental Exhibits shall be placed of record in the Office of the Superintendent of Streets. For recordation, the on gi not assessment roll, diagram and support data should 6e kept in a bound hardcover volume, as said document is a permanent public record of the City " following recordation. 2. A certified copy of the assessment and diagram shall be filed with the County Auditor, said filing to be completed no later than the 3rd Monday in August. B. ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM (RECORDATION) 1. A copy of the ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM shall be filed in the Office of the County Recorder. A fee is applicable for said recordation. C. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT (RECORDATION 1. The NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT shall 6e recorded in the Office of the County Retarder, The assessment parcels in this Notice will be described by referencing the document number, etc. of the filed ASSESSMENT DIAGRMI. It will be necessary to fill in this information after the filing of the Assessment Diagram. Ag of n, a fee is applicable. 2. Also attached to the NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT shall be list indicating the n ones of the assessed owners in the boundaries of the Assessment Dist- rict. This requirement 1s pursuant to Section 27288.1 of the Govermment Code of the State of California. I would suggest that only the names of the owners be Included on this list. ORDER OF PRDCEDURE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARK) DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: MAY 17, 1985 MAYOR: Announce that this is the time and place fixed for the public hearing relating to the formation of the Assessment District and levy of assessments for costs of maintenance and improvements for the PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARK). CLERK: Announce that notice has been given in the manner and form as required by law, and a Certificate of Compliance is on file and open for public inspection. STAFF: - Explain purpose, scope and order of procedure for Public Hearing - Explain general nature, location and extent of the proposed works of improvement - Provide description of boundaries of Assessment District - Explain extent of maintenance work - Present and sumnari ze "Report" pursuant to the provisions of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1912" - Explain method and formula of assessment spread - Make recommendation as to any modiflcat ions necessary in the assessments or proceedings STAFF: L ;.; Report on number (X) of protests received and announce that .= copies have been delivered to each member of the legislative body. -~=--- ~' %.,7 ., END OF STAFF REPORT - OPEN FOR PUDLIC DISCUSSION MAYOR: First, ask to hear from those persons who wish to speak in oppo- siTion to the following: A. Boundaries of the Assessment District B. Extent of works of improvement C. Method of assessment spread Next, ask to hear from anyone who wishes to speak in favor of the proceedings. STAFF: ~ ;~,% Report on final percentage (%) of protests received. STAFF: ~~„ Presentation of proposed Changes or modifications to the Engineer's "Report" and the Assessment-8 istr ict, if any. CITY COUNCIL Discussion. CITY COUNCIL: By Motion, declare Public Hearing CLOSED. ORDER OF PROCEDURE CITY OF RANCHO CUCMIONGA PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARK) PAGE TWO GATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: MAY 17, 1985 IF THE LEGISLATIVE BOGY WISHES TO PROCE EO: CITY COUNCIL: Rdopt RESOLUTION OVERRULING AND DENYING PROTESTS: To be adopted if any Drotes ts, oral or written, have been received. CITY COUNCIL: Adopt RE SOLl1T ION ORDERING IMPROVEMENTS, FORMING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND CONFIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT: This is the formal action to form the district, order the improvements made and confirm the diagram and assessments. a « . ,~ , MHEN RECORDED, RETURN TO CITY CLERK CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P. 0. BOJ( 807 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Pursuant to the requirements of Section 3114 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, the undersigned, CITY CLERK of the legislative body of the CITY OF RANCHO CUCRMONGA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, HEREBY GIVES NOTICE that a diagram aM assessment were recorded in the Office of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, as provided for in said Section 3114, and relating to the following described real property: All that property lying within the boundaries of the Assessment District, of which the exterior boundaries and real property of said District are as delineated upon a map of said District entitled PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARK) filed in the Office of the County Recorder of SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY on the day of 1985, in Book Page(s) Document~o. MAPS OF ASSESSRIENT-IITSTRICTS, Off n a ecT-'T-R-oT'~~ ot~iaid County, and as s` own on an assessment diagram recorded in the Office of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, and reference is hereby made to said Map for the description of the real property within said Assessment District. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that upon the recording of this Notice fn the Office of the County Recorder, the several assessments assessed on the lots, pieces and parcels shown on said filed Assessment Diagram shall become alien upon the lots or portions of lots assessed, respectively. Reference is made to the Assessment Diagram and Assessment Roll recorded to the Office of the Superintendent of Streets. Attached hereto is a list indicating the naves of the assessed owners, all as re- quired pursuant to Section 27288.1 of the Government Code of the State of California. OATEO: , 1985. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STATE aF CPL IFORNIA i /a:r ~RESE~UtATi77A1 - O FRVi W OF' Now ~iST. WodKS O ~f oR~NiTY FaR C/T i7.EA/ /IVPUr - Ca~S/~GtA'oA/ of l,~NET.VE~ To ~RxE[A ~~'-'ERNATidE ry_~ ~ uN ~v - GeN~cv~ ~yNa C'o,unP/Bvro~us '-" ~~X .~EtIfLA~i~tfNl' ~fE 5 --- ~Ri v~ eo.~ t~r/Burbvs - ~2~ M.~, I~uQCwis~D ryI oRE TaA~1 ,~,.8.c/~ - UAcuE' ~/3' ,GEAR Gu~.cF! - AloRtprow,/ CNN~tGN N. ~AiQr ... ~Gy~(J,UA I~ ABETS ~ pPPopG ~G~ ~k - 6R,~f~J '~iJf'R oo ~t Cf _'-"' MAcKE~/Z ~ ..d!QQw~! -E"xfca~~l CEGRc- _- QQ, .OF L4AIpSCA~ t ~l6MT/NG Dis?"AcT, - "- ~! u. St4AEY. MfrHoD OF ASSESSMENT - a! ~,. ~~~u - ~, sc.w ss t~~,D,~ ~oaESs i ~~.pav/vE ~AD ~fcfrlR~ 6F feebs~e,. E!N~O /T3 ~Et~47/oNSNfP 70 ~CRAL. I"6.iQ/V Of" CoM~.K~v/rY ©~ ~zo ~/1ssFSs~ uE~~~~ ~ ~~~~~ • _ ~i ~ ~ ~ r;, o 3~ ~~ ~c~. f~G-~ ~, ~o~~ .~ s'owvao ~, ~a ~ g'66. y Z.- O - ~ ~ ~~`~ ~ - s~~ ~ z~ ~, ~En1~EF ! ~' ~ SSESSM~~!'7" - ~nJh~i ~~ _ / _ _ ' 's w :•Q.~ ~„ ~-, /~ ~ ate' Q~'G-.~.o, Oa..Q ~ ~..~.o ~~ 9.. ~aN~iNG - ~sk c~srs, Erg. /O , i~ .~N © ~~ ~~ ~~ i3 ~ ~' ~~~ PARK AND RECREATION IMPRDVEHFNT DISTRICT F A C T S H E E T question (: How are the houndaries of the nistrict determined? why are some part of the City included and others no t7 Fact 1: The City's General Flan, adopted in 1981, includes a Section on park end recreation improvements... what those sites should include in the way of amenities, tentative locations, and, service radius for each type or classification of site. Heritage and Red Hill Pa [ks both fall within the classification of "Community Park", and as such, have a 3 mile residential service radius. The proposed District, with these two Community Parks Dien covers primarily the western residential region of the ei ty, which complies with the direction and standards of the General Plan. Question 2: Now does the District intent to maintain these parks once built? Fact 2: The existence of a District which covers both Heritage and Red Hill Community park is the Community's guarantee that the parks will have the resources to be properly maintained at all times. D acing the first year of district operation, should the District De formed, their will he no maintenance encountered as construction will he occurring. Likewi sec construction will continue on both sites into the second fiscal year, leaving a small period of maintenance in year two. During those first two years, building activity within the District is predicted to remain heavy, bringing into the O is tri ct more "participant" land holders to "spread" the cost am onq a broader has e., thereby reducing each individuals share of the "debt service retirement", which ie the annual repayment on the bonds. As debt service retirement cost lowers, the maintenance cost will begin, keeping the ceiling assessment of category "A"s $34.65 stable for the first several years. If the economy of our community continues to flourish, the actual total share of each District participant may begin to decline sometime in years five through seven. In this way the maintenance of Red Hill and He rltage Community parks will be guaranteed and protect our invea tment in the community. puestion 3: Hnw was it determined who pays? Is everyone assessed equally? Fact 3: All land within the proposed Distri eC trounda Ties falls wl thin one of three categories and are assessed accordingly. The first category, "A", deals with land parcels which have a certain residential dens? ty, i.e. ,: one dwelling unit or more on up to 1.5 acres; 1.51 to 3.5 acres with two or more dwelling units; etc. (this is explained fully in the accompanying hand out) The second category, "D", contains all property !n the District, regardless of. use (industrial, commercial, vacant, residential) that is not cla seed a9 category "A" (described in preceding paragraph) or category "C", which are parcels traditionally excluded from the assessment rolear such es , schools, utility rights-of-Mays, etc. Category "A" parcels or uses are assessed all the same - $34.65...whether it. he single family detached, apartments, c ondoml niume, duple xes, ...all the same. Each dwe 111 ng has the same opportunity of henefit £rom the park improvemen to and therefore is assessed on equal basis. Ca tegory "P" parcels pay varied assessments (also included Sn handout) which are geared to parcel size th rouyh the County Assessor's Size Range program. These asaessmP.n is [a nqe from a minimum of $17.32 fora non-residen dally used parcel of 1.5 acres or less, up to a maximum of $866.42 for parcels 25.01 acres. Question 4: What shout other pendi nq sources for parks, such as Grants, puimby fees, etc.? Should these fees help with the park dove lopmen[ program? Fact 4: I[ is only through Grants and puimby Development Fees that the City has gained that have allowed us to buy the la hd and develop what small parks we currently have. Without these two resources the Community would have not one square foot more of park land, developed or undeveloped, than we did as a community of 26,000 in 1975. A program of development requires the use of many different tools...grants when available...reasonable developer fees...user fees for special use...and community support. Without using all those tools to achieve the community expressed goal of having a proper park system in Aan rho Cucamonga...the qoa is attainability comes in serious question. question 5: Hasn't this come up rather suddenly? When was this "park system" idea started? Fact 5: The park movement in this community was one of three elements that lead our area to incorporate in 1977..."Fetter Planning, More Police, More Parke", The planning and the police issues have been addressed, leaving only the parks from the original agenda unresolved. The current Council's as well as past Councils desire to provide the community a well balanced park and recreation system has never been in question. In fact it has been a central campaign issue to each election issue since November 1977. This aggressive park development program has been the subject of countless news articles Sn the Da11y Report, the Highlands r, and the Rancho Cucamonga Grapevine over the last seven and one-half years. The City council and the Park Development Commi salon along with City staff, have availed themselves in the past of every opportunity to explore and discuss the park development issues with any group, anywhere, any time. In cloa inq, wa wish to thank you for taking the time to take part in this issue currently before our community. If we can provide further informs tionr please call 9A9-1851. Cordially, Ai 11 Holley, Director Community Services Department >' »- ORDER OF PROCEDURE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PARK ANO RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARK) GATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: MAY 17, 1985 MAYOR: Announce that this is the time and place fixed for the public hearing relating to the formation of the Assessment District and levy of assessments for costs of maintenance and improvements for the PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARK). CLERK: Announce that notice has been given in the manner aM form as required by law, and a Certificate of Compliance is on file and open for public inspection. STAFF: - Explain purpose, scope and order of procedure for Public Heari ng - Explain general nature, location and extent of the proposed works of improvement - Provide description of boundaries of Assessment District - Explain extent of maintenance work - Present and summarize "Report" pursuant to the provisions of the "Landscaping and lighting Act of 1972" - Explain method and formula of assessment spread - Make recommendation as to any modifications necessary in the assessments or proceedings STAFF: Report on number (X) of protests received and announce that copies have been delivered to each member of the legislative body. END OF STAFF REPORT - OPEN FOR PUBLIC DISCUSSION MAYOR: First, ask to hear from those persons who wish to speak in oppo- sition to the following: A. Boundaries of the Assessment District B. Extent of works of improvement , C. Method of assessment spread Nezt, ask to hear from anyone who wishes to speak in favor of the proceedings. STAFf; Report on final percentage (X) of protests received. STAFF: presentation of proposed changes or nodific at ions to the Engineer's "Report" and the Assessment 8istrict, if any. CITY COUNCIL: Discussion. CITY COUNCIL: 8y Motion, declare Public Hearing CLOSED. ORDER OF PROCEDURE C I1'Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARK) PAGE TWO DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: MAY 1), 1985 IF THE LEGISLATIVE 800Y WISHES TO PROCEED: CITY COUNCIL: Adopt RESOLUTION OVERRULING AND DENYi NG PROTESTS: To be adapted if any protests. oral or written, have been received. CITY COUNCIL: Adopt RESOLUTION 02DERING IMPROVEMENTS, FORMING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND CONFIRMING DIAGRPM fWD ASSESSMENT: This is the formal action to form the district, order the improvements made and confirm the diagram and assessments. . + INSTRUCTION SHEET - PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGR PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARK) GENERAL INFORMgTION A. MliTTEN PROTEST Any interested person may, prior to the conclusion of the public hearing, file a written protest with the City Clerk. R written protest by a property owner shall contain a description sufficient to identify the property owned by him. Additionally the written protest shall state all grounds of o6j ection. Any interested person who has previously filed a written protest may with- draw that protest by filing with the City Clerk a written withdrawal of that protest. Copies of all protests recefved should be delivered to each member of the legislative body. B. CONDUCT OF THE NEARING The City shall hold the public hearing at the time and place specified in the Resolution of Intention. All interested persons shall be afforded the opportunity to he heard. The City shall consider all oral statements and all written protests made or filed by any interested person prior to the close of the public hearing. For particulars as to the procedure for the public hearing, see the ORDER OF PROCEDURE, C. CONTINUING THE PUBLIC HEARING The City Council may continue the public hearing from time to time; however, no continuance may 6e made to a date following July 1st without the prior consent of the County Auditor. D. CHANGES IN THE IMPROVEMENTS, ZONES AND DIAGRAM Either during the Course of or upon the conclusion of the public hearing, the City Council may order changes in any of the matters set forth in the Engineer's "Report", including changes in the improvements, any zones within the District where applicable, and the proposed diagram or the proposed assessment. E. RESOLUTION CONFIRMING DIAGRPM AND ASSESSMENT Upon the conclusion of the pu611c hearing, the City Council may adopt a RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT, either as originally proposed in the Engineer's "Report" or as subsequently modified by the City Council. The adoption of this Resolution sh ali constitute the levy of the assessment for the fiscal year referred to in the assessment. F. FISCAL YEAR The assessment, as levied for the maintenance of-ihe works of improvement for these proceedings, will relate to the fiscal year. The assessments relating to the payment of principal and fnterest on the debt service must be levied until all bonds have been discharged. Each year it will be necessary to present 'the Enginere's "Report" and update the assessment information and confirm the assessments for the next fiscal year. I would strongly recommend that calendars now be marked to indicate the timing for the suhseq uent proceedings for the next fiscal year. II. NOTICE REQUIREMENTS IMMEDIATELY FOLLONING THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBIC HEARING, THE FOLLONI NG NOTICE REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE MET: A. ASSESSMENT ROLL AND DIAGRAM (RECORDATION) 1. The ort ginal assessment roll and diagram (Engineer's "Report") and all supplemental Exhibits shall be placed of record in the Office of the Superintendent of Streets. For recordation, the original assessment roll, diagram and support data should be kept in a bound hardcover volume, as said document is a permanent public record of the City' following recordation. 2. A certified copy of the assessment and diagram shall be filed with the County Auditor, said filing to be completed no later than the 3rd Monday in August. B. ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM (RECORDATION) 1. A copy of the ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM shall be filed in the Office of the County Recorder. A fee is applicable for said recordation. C. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT (RECORDATION) 1. The NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT shall be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder. The assessment parcels in this Notice will be described by referencing the document number, etc. of the filed ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. It will be necessary to fill in this information after the filing of the Assessment Oi agram. Again, a fee is applicable, 2. Also attached to the NOTICE of ASSESSMENT shall be list indicating the names of the assessed owners in the boundaries of the Assessment Dist- rict, This requirement is pursuant to Section 27288.1 of the Government Code of the State of California. t would suggest that only the mires of the owners be included on this list. «.. MHEN RECORDED, RETURN TO CITY CLERK CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGR P. 0. BOX 801 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CR 91730 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Pursuant to the requirements of Section 3114 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, the undersigned, CITY CLERK of the legislative body of the CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, STATE of CALIFORNIA, HEREBY GIVES NOTICE that a diagram and assessment were recorded in the Office of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, as provided for in said Section 3114, and relating to the following described real property: R11 that property lying within the boundaries of the Assessment District, of which the exterior boundaries and real property of said District are as delineated upon a map of said District entitled PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARK) filed in the Office of the County Recorder of SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY nn the day of 1985, in Book Pa e(s) Oocumenf~~ , MNPS OF ASSESSMEMT-DTSTRICTS, Offic a ecor s o said County, and asas soon an assessment diagram recorded in the Office of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, and reference is hereby made to said Map for the description of the real property within said Assessment District. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that upon the recording of this Notice in the Office of the County Recorder, the several assessments assessed on the lots, pieces and parcels shown on said filed Assessment Diagram shall became alien upon the lots or portions of lots assessed, respectively. Reference is made to the Assessment Oi agr an and Assessment Roll recorded in the Office of the Superintendent of Streets. Attached hereto is a list indicating the naves of the assessed owners, all as re- quired pursuant to Section 27288.1 of the Government Code of the State of California. DATED: 1985. i'TTY-~CC~1tR - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STATE OF CAL [FORNIA CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NITH NOTICE REQUIREMENTS PARKS AND RECREATION IMPRDVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE ANO RED HILL COMMUNITY PARK) STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BEVERLY A. AUTHELET, under penalty of perjury, CERTIFIES AS FOLLONS: The undersigned is now, and at all times mentioned herein was, the duly appointed, qualified and acting CITY CLERK of the CITY ff RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, and as such, accomplished the notice requirements in connection with the referenced Assessment District, as noted: RFf.OROATTON The original of the ASSESSMENT ROLL AND DIAGRAM was recorded fn the Office of the Superintendent of Streets on the ay o 1985. A certified copy of the ASSESSMENT ROLL AND DIAGRAM was recorded in the Office of the County Auditor on the ay o 1985. A copy of the ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM was filed in the Office of the County Recorder, in Assessment District aps o Page(s) on the day of 1985, as Document o. A copy of the NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT was recorded in the Office of the County Recorder on the ay~d~- lgg5, EXECUTED this day of 1985, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. K CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STATE OF CALIFORNIA ORDER OF PROCEDURE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED f{ILL COMMUNITY PARK) DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: MAY 11, 1985 MAYOR: Announce that this is the time and place fixed for the public hearing relating to the formation of the Assessment District and levy of assessments for costs of maintenance and improvements for the PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND REO HILL COMMUNITY PARK). CLERK: Announce that notice has been given in the manner and form as required by law, and a Certificate of Compliance is on file and open for public inspection. 'S~MF: - Explain purpose, scope and order of procedure for Public Hearing - Explain general nature, location and extent of the proposed works of improvement - Provide description of boundaries of Assessment District - Explain extent of maintenance work - Present and summarize "Report" pursuant to the provisions of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" - Explain method and formula of assessment spread - Make recommendation as to any modifications necessary in the •Si vKES' -~„~asse5sments or proceedings - STAFF: Report on number (X) of protests received and announce that copies have been delivered to each member of the legislative body. END OF~STAFF REPORT - OPEN FOR PUBLIC DISCUSSION MAYOR: first, ask to hear from those persons who wish to speak in oppo- si[ian to the following: A. Boundaries lSf the Assessment District 8. kxte'r~ of works of improvement F/ C. Method of assessment spread Nezt, ask to hear from anyone who wishes to speak in favor of the proceedings. STAFF: Report on final percentage (X) of protests received. STAFF: Presentation c` proposed changes or modifications to the Engineer's "Report" and the As zessme nt District, if any. CITY COUNCIL: Discussion. CITY COUNCIL: By Motion, declare Public Hearing CLOSED. OR OER OF PROCEDURE C [TY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED HiLI COMMUNITY PARK) PAGE TWO DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: MAY 17, 1985 IF THE LEGISL RT:VE BODY WISHES TO PROCEED: CITY COUNCIL: Adopt RE SO WTI ON OVERRULINf, AND DENYING PROTESTS: Ta be adopted if any protests, oral or written, have been received. CITY COUNCIL: Adopt RESOLUTION IXtOERiNG IMPROVEMENTS, FORMING ASSESSMENT D ISTR iCT AND CONFIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT: This is the formal action to form the district, order the improvements made and confirm the diagram and assessments. •.~ Nay 17, 1985 CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA CITY COONCIL MINUTES Ad iourned Meeting 1. CALL TO ORDER M adjourned meeting of the City Couvcil of the City of Rancho Cu camovga met on Priday, Hay 17, 1985 iv Alta Lwa Bigh School Auditorium, 8880 Baee Live Road. The meeting vas called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayer Jon D. Ni ke le, rho an- nounced that thin vas the time and placed fired for the public hearing relating to the formation of [he aeseeement district and levy of eases amerce for cos to of maivtemnce avd improvements for the Park S Re creation Improvement District, Heritage avd Red Hill Community Parke. Present were Councilmembers: Pamela 7. Wright, Charles J. Huque[ II, Richard N. Dahl, Jeffrey Ring, and Mayor Jon D. Nikels. Also present were: City Mawger, Lauren H. MaeseIDan; Ci [y Clerk, Beverly A. Autheleq CwmuniCy Services Director, Bill Rol ley; Legal Counsel, MacRevz ie Brwn; Consultants were Bill Stookey, Mi ldan A Assoc iatee, and Bill Fieldman, of Fieldman b Rolapp. x x x x x x 2. ADVERTISED POBLIC MEANINGS A. Lauren Maeeerman, City Manager, summarized the purpose, scope, avd order of the procedure for the public hearing. Nr. Naa Berman then introduced lla<Revz ie Brwn, legal counsel; Bill Stookey, as seaa.ent engineer; and Bill Pieldman, bond <ounse 1. He also stated Chat the Chairman and Vice Chaitman of [he Psrk Development Cwmieeiona you ld make a preeevtetion. MacRenz ie Brown ezpleived [he purpose, scope, end order of procedure for the public hearing; and meat war the general nature, loco ci on aad boundaries of the aeseeamev[ district, and the eztent and maintenance of the proposed works of imprwwent. 8e also presented avd summarized the Report punwnt to the provisions of the Landscape aad Lighting Act of 1972. The meeting vas [hen turned over Co Bill Stookey, [he project engi Weer from Mildan A Associates. Nr. Stookey explained [he method and formula of the aeseesmevt spread. Be stated [het they Cried to spread the costa according to [he beaef ice received. Ne oleo pointed out Chst this Distr ic[ did not include the eastern portion of the Ci[y because they had obligations for perks in tbat area which were greater than what wee being coveidered tonight. Mz. Stookey stated that ve rare deal ivg rich 18,328 parcels of land which rill benef i[ from the asseeement. He oleo pointed out that in developing the program for benefit of the asses amerce, Che records frw [he County Aeeeaeor'• office rare used. Parks provide beaef it [o both the ree identi el uses and fbe industrial/comercial uses within [he boundaries of the District; therefore, both industrial aad co®ercial uses hove been included in the District. They feel thn[ rhev the parka are developed, the Ci[y will be a better place to live; thus benef i[ivg the ivdue[r iel and commercial bueineeeee. (1) Mr. Stookey stated Chat properties benefit from what [hey can be used for, not necessarily what they are heing used for. Therefore, all vacant properties have been assessed within the District boundary. City Council Ninutee May 17, 1985 Page 2 Mr. Stookey vent on further Co state that every residential unit will receive an accual benefit and have been assessed an equal amount of 534.65 per year. The acreage of the City, which would include vacant land, indus[ri al, commer- cial, etc. would also be paying $34.65 per acre for those ye are. One and a half acres or aural ler with one house ie assessed ae a single family house. If it ie larger [hen one acre and only has one house, then i[ ie aeeeased on the acreage basis, rather than the house basis. Mr, Stookey also painted out that [here are a number of exempt properties which are Does [hat are already exempt by class [acing meth ode such ae schools, churches, utility and paver rights-of-way. Maintenance will not be <oveidered until after the parka have been completed. As time passes end further development occurs [o spread the coats among a broader base, thus reducing each individual's share. An the debt coat lovers, the maintenance costa will begin. Th ie difference could be used to maintain ~ the parka. Bill Fie ldman of Fieldman b Rolepp, financial consultant, reported [hat Financing will be by the ea le of bonds. He pointed out [he bond market is very strong right ow. IC ie stronger nw then it hoe been all year, The meeting was turned over to Pam Henry, Chairmen of the Perk Development Com- mission, who presented elides shaving the proposed areas for park development in the community. Pe [e Pi tasei, Vice Chairman of the Perk Development Commission, also presented slides of what the proposed parka would like. He then read into the record the Resolution ae adopted by the Park Development Co®ie aion. RESOLUTION OF THE PARR DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIPORNIA, ENDOBSING THE CREATION OF THE PARR AND RECRBATIOM IMPROVEMENT DIS- TRICT FOH THE DEVELOPMffiPT AND MAINTENANCE OF HHRITAGE AND RED FILL COMMUNIT4 PARRS AND URGING THE COUNCIL TO ADOPT RESOLUTIONS OP IMPLEMENTATION AT THEIR SPECIAL MEETING MAY 17, 1985 NHEREAS, [he City of Rancho Cucamonga hoe an adopted General Plan which contains a Park evd Recreation 8lemenq and WHEREAS, Heritage nod Red Hill Comovinity Parke are major elements of the[ plan designed Co prw ids key recreational oppor [unities for the citizenn of the western portion of Che Ci [y; end NREREAS, after extene ive research by the Perk Development Commission on financing elterna tines for park development, the formation of the Park and Rec- reation Impr wement District is the only assured method of reaching full devel- opment of Heritage and Red Hill Community Parke in [he Foreeeenble future. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as £ollwe: The Park Development Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga supports forma- tion of [he Park and Re<reati ov Improvement Die tr ict for Heritage and Red Hill Community Parke evd recommends end requests Council pnnnage of Resolutions of District implements [i on at the ape cial Ci [y Council meeting of May 17, 1985. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOP78D this lti [h day of May, 1985. AYES: Henry, Piteaei, Riggs, Mitchell NOES: None ABSENT: Puv[er The meeting was then turned over [o MacKenzie Brwv, legal counsel, who presen- ted the ae ee semen[ of the protests received. AB of 4:30 p. m. on May 17, 1985, the total pr oteeen received were .8x which was lean than 1S. Th ie represents approximately 180 perceln. City Council Ninutea May 17, 1985 Page 3 Mayor Mike le opened the mee[i ng for public a peak in opposition to the follwing three aesement district; (2) ea sot of vorke seeement spread. hearing [o Chose persona vho wish to areas: (1) boundaries of the ea- of impr wement; and (3) method of ae- Addressing Council were: John HcClery, 8951 Orange Scree[ Kenneth Eekine, 8166 LeSevda Gary Saazarn, 8181 LaBenda Gary Nelson, 7548 Perlite Ct. Dan McG laeson, 6840 Topes Rd. Donna Whiting, 9666 San Bernardino Rd. Henry fleidon, 9089 rinndarin Jnhn C. Book, 5830 Buckthorn Jen Weeks, 5407 Bexmoea Joseph Dobsen, 8694 Hickory, Pontane Jack Williams, 9800 Baee Line Rd. George Vatringt on, 7906 Non[ara Joyce Gentel, 8640 Quebrada Ernest Hughes, 8300 Belle Vista rira. Philip McNulty, 7564 Lion Barbara Gekle, 9630 Saa Bernardino Rd. David Plocker, 6674 Eaet Avenue Roy Ar [1 ey, 8567 Ravthorne Barbara Grimley, 5360 Hermosa Thomas Cario, 7052 Napa William Morse, 6420 Hellman el la McElroy, 7524 zircon L. Troy Bell, 7780 Rluemao Bob eibble, 8773 Ba lea Alice Flocker, 6226 Topaz Catherine Banker, SB51 Emerald W.B. Clay[ oa, 8488 Arrov ei ghvay William Reee, 4888 Arch ibeld James Laagdon, 9253 Golden Jahn DeMarie, 9160 Old Raneh Hoad L.N. Johnston, 8255 Burgundy Joseph Letson, 7055 Lion Peter Lockie, 7354 Via Serens Bruce Zvie aler, 7431 Marine J.N. Chrietmsen, 4948 Rlusmav Darlene Tete, 9245 Cerrari C[. There being no further ree goose, Meyoz Mike la closed the public hearing and celled a recess a[ 9:45 p.m. The meeting recowened st 10;15 vith sll members of the Council present. Mayor riikele opened the meeting For public hearing to anyone vho viehed to speak in fen or of the proceedings: Addressing Council vere: riajarie Stamm, 6767 Amethgat Jim Bevka, 8188 Red Rill Country Club Dr. Saudre Oerl ey, 5652 Emerald Dave Harker, 9003 Cite ti on Ct. Debbie Hrionea, 10466 Wilson Cyndi Davie, 8037 Thotwghbred lenni ter Roger, 4650 Beryl St. Nancy Re t[le, 9588 Wilson James Berton, 8409 Utica Suzanne Chili ee, 7943 Appaloosa Ct. 9harov Romero, 8242 Roae bud City Council Miw[e9 Nay 17, 1985 Page 4 Jim Proe[, 8609 Calla Pel iz Wendy Crerford, 9315 Aills ids Christine Benoit, 5353 Carnelian Jeff Sceranka, 6211 Phillips Way John Roee, 7072 Jae per Thomas Molinaro, 8428 Camellia Ct. Sandra Saul, 5041 pie Verde Guy Byeredorf, 9051 Appaloosa Ct. Debbie Eggleston, 7165 Teak Wey Paul Beaoi t, 5353 Carnelian Art Bertol inn, 5770 Arabian Dr. Bruce Cb i[iea, 7943 Appa looea Ct. Tim Beadle, 8425 Lemon John Holt, 5335 Carnelian Skip Davie, 8037 Thoroughbred Molly Mitchell, 9028 Carnelian Ray Matlock, 9479 Linden Don Perry, 9023 Apps loose Ct. George Battis[a, 6950 Cer[illa Lovell Gomel, 8772 Vivero Allen Ropperl id, 6068 Sard Toni Levyaoln, 8437 Caballero Gene Wiley, 9287 Perei®o¢ Linda Yount, 8921 Camellia Ct. Bill Ocampo, 9044 Hillside Kara Nenry, 9013 Caballero There being no further ree ponce, Mayor Nikele closed [he public hearing. Mr. Wasserman announced that 152 le here in opposition end 328 letters in favor vacs received. The protests totaled .9S from [hose xho either lived or had property is the Brea. Mr. Wasserman vent over some questions which hsd been rained by those in oppo- sition as fol lore: 1. Length of Aa eeeesmts and the maintenance period. Mr. Weaeernan stated the length of ae easement far the development of parlu could be 20 gears. Any main- [enance rou ld have [o be done by a public hearing proceaa. 2. Why doesn't [he entire City pay on Chia? Mr. Wasserman pointed out that Terra Vie is and Victoria rill be planning parka for their co0uniti ee and rill be paying eaaessaents in the amount of S150 [0 5250 per year for those parka. 3. Why are residents of mobilehome parka not eeaeeeed? Mr. Wasserman eta tad that ree ide¢t• of mobile home parka are not assessed since they usually do not can the land, but the caner of the park rill be assessed by the size of the parcel. 4. Why are re using the sale of bonds Eor financing methods? Mr. Wae Berman pointed out the 534.65 included interest. Rates on bonds are currently be Crean R-92 , 5. Why did the benefit aaseeament program not case before the citizens for a vote? Nr. Waeee rmsn pointed out Chet at the time Propoaiti o¢ 13 ran passed, benefit asee cements rare ecempt Pram Propoaiti on 13. The Legislature hoe re- ce¢tly de clered parka a part of the benefit aeaesemen[ proceaa. 6. What about future parka? Mr. Wasserman pointed that most of the parka are within the planned <omsuniti es, end those Chet ere ¢ot rill be paid for through development Feee in the future. City Council Minutes May 17, 1985 Page 5 7. Whet about <ompa tibili[y with the neighborhood? Nr. Wasserman pointed out that if there are each problems, staff would like to made aware of it because there rare th inga that could be done to ellev iete [hose problems. 8. What hoe been dove with the fees that have already been paid for parkel Hr. Waceennaa Pointed out Chet the park development fees have been used to pur- chase the park land that re already have. 9. Whet about vacant land. Why should it be aeaesaed7 Nr. Wae sermen pointed out that ae vacant land develops, its value increases. Council diecuesi on: Councilmen Ring elated he vee primarily in Favor of the aaeesement diet rict. Re thought it was reasonable aad made sense; we needed the parka nw in order to prw idea place for all the activ ites of the youth grwpe. Councilman Dahl elated he wan really ezci[ed about our Community being given [he opportunity to contribute [o not only the recreatioml needs of today, but to a legacy for future generetione. Since the toe[ is lees than attending a mw ie, he could not believe it rea not affordable to anyone who owns a home. 8e then read the £oliw ing into the record: "She eddi[i on of these reuea ti onnl improvements not only makes our community unique end a more 3eeirable place in wfiich to live, but will more than overshadow the coat with increases in every hamewner's grope rty value e. In our City we fiave war 15,000 perticipavta in various sporting aceiv iti es from soccer and baseball [o equeatriaa and jogging. The average family hee more than two ch ildrea rho need safe areas is rhich to play. This program will of- fer playing fields, playgrounds, band concert stage, aqua etrian ehor arena, avd a smell lake to zelez 6eeide to enjoy nature or just feed [he ducks. We vill all be part of a recreati onel program designed for everyone touching all age groups, from the mother rit6 a baby, to the Beni or citizen, from the participant, io the spectator, from the sports-minded, to the music lover. Developer fees are being utilized [o purchase these part sites before toad c oats becomes out of reach. Novever, there is not enough to build the parka, end due to State lac, this is the on lv ray re have of funding our park imprwe- meats. Only a Few cenu out of your property ter dol ler can go for parks, and Federal grevte are impoe Bible to obtain. I urge all citizens to look upon thin program es your iweatmenC, avd join me to en[husiaetically euppor[ this progam." Mayor Mikele stated that [he property tar rate is Rancho Cucamonga ie lees than SX of the property tax bill. He Fel[ bond financing vee the best way Co go for such type fimncing. 8e rea totally in euppor[ of the parks. Councilmen Buque[ eteted he grey up in sn arse without perks -- in Rancho Cucamonga. 8e eteted [hat although there vas a lot of oppoeiti on, no one could come up with a constructive elterna[ive. Be felt the Council shoo ld bite the bullet and proceed forrerd. Councilroman Wright stated that Ch is vas corked on by the citizens. Hvery per- eoo originally elected to the Council ras in euppor[ of parks. Although she could really prefer to allow the voter vote their support, she felt there sae a need. This ran a good alternative, aad she would be in euppor[ of i[. Ma cReaz ie Brwn, legal counsel, read the title of Resolution No. 85-152. RESOLUTION R0. 85-152 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCRO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, OVERRULING AND DRNYINC PROTBST9 AND HARING CERTAIN PINDINGS IN A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTEICT :itY Council Hinutes ;,ay 17 , 1985 • ra6e 6 85-152. to ePFr ave keaolntion No• b Rin6. seconded by 8u4net No. SS-1 g3. MOTION; Moved ~ naimounly 5-G' Resolution curried tend Cbe title of Motion counsel. RESOLOYION NO. 85-155 MncRenz ie EroMn, le8sl T0E CITY OF RANCDO p RESOLUTION OF ~EIA I OeDBa NG L IMFROY ~ N ~SESSMRNT ~- A<d'~ Reeoluiicn BS-155• D CONFIRMING DIAG No• CDCAMONGA. GdLIFD~ e SESSMENT DIS~IC'L Su4uet to s44{OV ded b9 ~ Moved by Dsbl, sec 5n0. NOTLON:carried unanimously w s ~ ~ f s Motion pDJOURNNENI Motion carried adjourn. Ring to Bu9uet, 8econded by 11;45 P•m' Moved bYTbe meetin6 ndj oorned et MO'CION: FeaFectfullY submitted, unanimously 5-0. ~ ~~ Beve•"' 1 A / dnCbeleC City Clerk 1